10. O Ke,MK)c?( ':i ^ D H < < D U Q 2-5 ^ > THE VERTEBRATE EYE AND ITS ADAPTIVE RADIATION GORDON LYNN WALLS Research Associate in Ophthalmology, Wayne University College of Medicine HAFNER PUBLISHING COMPANY New York London 1963 reprinted by arrangement with The Cranbrook Institute of Science Printed and Published by Hafner Publishing Company 31 East 10th Street New York 3, New York Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 63-17545 (§) copyright 1942 The Cranbrook Institute of Science Bloomfield Hills, Michigan All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be published in any form without the written permission of the publishers. PREFACE The stmctural patterns of vertebrate eyes have been undergoing intelligent scrutiny for about a century and a half. In that time, and more and more rapidly toward the present, men have been learning much about the functional meanings of those patterns, and their roles in the lives of the animals which have produced them. It has seemed to me that it is time an attempt was made to interpret comparative ocular biology as a whole to those who want to know what the eye is all about, but are repelled by the pedantic terminology of anatomy texts, the mathematics of physiological optics, the scatteredness of the ecological literature, and the German language. In this book, I have made such an attempt. I have chosen the term 'adaptive radiation' for the subtitle of this work deliberately. It was coined by Henry Fairfield Osborn to describe the manner in which animal groups have become diversified in pouring themselves into a number of environmental molds which were made available to them more or less simultaneously. It is a little unusual to speak of the adaptive radiation of an organ; but I can think of no better way to express what the vertebrate eye has done in modifying its pattern to fit itself for the many different kinds of performance de- manded of it by its adaptively-radiated owners. The investigation of anatomy for its own sake is pretty well defunct. The study of structures in relation to their employment by the animal has hardly begun. When I started writing this book, I had never heard of the late Hans Boker; but, in discussing the eyes of vertebrates in terms of adaptation to environment, I believe I have followed the prin- ciples of his 'comparative biological anatomy', which have so revivified the study of anatomy in recent years. If the comparative ophthalmologists of the world should ever hold a convention, the first resolution they would pass would say: "Every- thing in the vertebrate eye means something." Except for the brain, there is no other organ in the body of which that can be said. It does not matter in the least whether a liver has three lobes or four, or whether the tip of the heart points north or south, or whether a hand has five fingers or six, or whether a kidney is long and narrow or short and wide. But if we should make comparable changes in the makeup of PREFACE a vertebrate eye, we should quite destroy its usefulness. Man can make optical instruments only from such materials as brass and glass. Nature has succeeded with only such things as leather and water and jelly; but the resulting instrument is so delicately balanced that it will tolerate no tampering. And yet, vertebrate eyes are not all alike — far from it. Each is a cluster of harmonious parts, and the changes which have converted one type of eye into another, through evolution, have necessarily involved most of its parts. When one feature has had to be altered for some primary ecological reason, this alteration has in turn called for con- current secondary alterations of other structures, with the whole complex remaining harmonious and workable at all times. Of course, many eyes contain little odds and ends of structures which have no function. But in every such case, one can be sure that the structure in question did not arise in its present form, but is a vestige of a once important part which is no longer needed, or whose task has come to be done better by some- thing else in the eye. When such remnants are in the way — and they usually are — the eye gets rid of them promptly, which may add greatly to the difficulty of determining how the ocular pattern of a given group was ever derived from that of a known ancestor. Fortunately, however, there are few such gaps; and it is now possible to tell a well-connected story of the evolution of almost any particular vertebrate eye. This book will be of particular benefit to zoologists and ecologists, medical and veterinary ophthalmologists, and comparative psychologists. But since none of these people speak the others' languages, I have been able to assume no more scientific knowledge on the reader's part than the contents of the usual elementary course in biology. The book should therefore be entirely clear to any college student or graduate, and to any amateur naturalist — 'trained' or not. As each unusual term has been introduced, I have either defined it there and then or else placed it in the glossary. The reader will find that the difficulty of the reading fluctuates, which is inevitable in view of the varying weightiness of the material. Some things about the eye and its workings are intricate, but I must disclaim all responsibility for that — there are some subjects, such as astrophysics and thermodynamics, which no writer could possibly 'pop- ularize'. The reader will also soon note that my mode of expression is strongly tainted with teleology. I do not expect this to mislead anyone — it is merely an economy device, for it saves many words to say simply that an animal has produced this feature or that to fill such-and-such a need. PREFACE The material of the book is progressive, though this may not seem to be indicated by the table of contents. I could not explain everything at once, but I have so arranged matters that a given discussion will be perfectly lucid if the reader has not skipped much before it. I hope, naively of course, that anyone who reads in the book at all will read the whole of it. It is not designed as a reference book, in which to 'look up' small points from time to time. Rather, it has been written in the style of a text-book, though for a course which has yet to be given in any American university. The book is not documented, i.e. loaded up with specific citations for every point of fact and reasoning which has originated outside of my own studies. The average reader will not miss them; and the earnest student who reads the book, and is led thereby to want to do research in its field, will have to devour all of the required reading listed in the bibliography anyway. He — and the established investigator in the field — will readily know which of my pronouncements to blame upon me alone. If not, he is free to write to me for specific bibliographic assistance, which I shall gladly furnish within the limitations of my time and ability. Part I has been called 'basic' because it incorporates the first bodies of information which the reader should have if he knows little or nothing about the eye to begin with — even if he intends to skip straight to Chapter 17 to find out what the pecten means. It is strongly urged that every reader, even the ophthalmologist, read all of Part I before attempt- ing to appreciate other chapters. In it, the human eye and human vision have been used to acquaint the reader thoroughly with one sample eye and its workings. The all-important retina is discussed in general terms. The origins of the eye, ontogenetic and phylogenetic, are explained; and the elementary facts of vertebrate inter-relationships are set forth so that the non-zoological reader will understand the necessary taxonomic allu- sions in Part II and the discussions of relationships and derivations in Part III. Part II is the ecological body of the work. Here are gathered to- gether, unoier the banners of various environmental factors, the evolu- tionary responses of the vertebrate eye to those factors. In these chapters, at some risk of cluttering, I have included many cross-references to ensure that the reader who insists on dabbling will not miss information pertinent to the satisfaction of his momentary curiosity. Some matters are expounded in more detail than others, somewhat in proportion to the interest I have found them to arouse — the subject of animal color PREFACE vision, for example, is treated at particular length because no questions are so often asked of the comparative ophthalmologist as those under this aegis. Part II is an exposition of fundamental ideas rather than a compendium of both explicable and at-present-useless facts. Because of its ecological viewpoint, whole great fields find no place in it (or else- where in this book) — ocular biochemistry, retinal photo-electrics, clinical veterinary ophthalmology, most of physiological optics, and so on. These chapters are intended to stimulate as well as to inform, and both here and in Part III there is emphasis upon the more conspicuous of the unsolved problems which await new students. Part III traces the history of the eye, group by group, from the lowest living vertebrates to the highest. Here, place has been made for those features which are of importance to the eye itself as a living thing, but are not discemibly concerned in its performance in relation to the special environment of its owner. The emphasis in these synoptic chapters is on the morphology of the eye, the evolution of that morphology, and the bearing of it upon the problems of vertebrate phylogeny. The animal as a whole explains much about its eye, and in turn the eye can often explain much about the animal. Thus, the structural plan of the snake eye, its possible mode of origin, and the significance of this for the evolutionary history of the snakes, are all interconnected matters. The reader will find numerous sub-indices in Part III which will enable him to round up quickly all the information about his favorite group which has been given earlier in the book, and is omitted here to avoid dupli- cation and waste of space. The illustrations have been kept as simple as possible, considering the intricacies of the subject. Many are original, several of them — quite be- yond my ability to make — beautifully drawn by the Misses Sylvia Hag- yard and Gladys Larsen. Many others have been borrowed photograph- ically from the journals, with or without changes (which are noted in the legends) , and relabelled in accordance with a uniform scheme. Here, much of the burden of work fell upon Albert Schlorff, without whose expert photographic assistance I should have been quite helpless. I must also acknowledge with gratitude the kindness of Viktor Franz in per- mitting the free use of illustrations from his work. Figures 4, 5, and 41d are by courtesy of William Bloom and the W. B. Saunders Company, publishers of his 'Maximow's Text-Book of Histology'. Figures 6a and 16 are modified from Adler's 'Clinical Physiology of the Eye', by per- mission of The MacMillan Company, publishers. PREFACE A great number of my friends have helped materially to make this book possible, by criticizing portions of the manuscript relating to their specialties, by furnishing specimens, information, or technical assistance; and in other ways. I could not omit to mention some of them by name : Ermine C. Case, Alfred Cowan, Elizabeth Crosby, Brian Curtis, Walter F. Grether, Parker Heath, Selig Hecht, Arlington C. Krause, George E. Lathrop, Wade H, Marshall, George A. Moore, Kevin J. O'Day, Erich Sachs, John F. Shepard, Alec Skolnick, Gabriel Steiner, Francis B. Sumner, Samuel A. Talbot, and Burton D, Thuma. During the writing, generous financial support was forthcoming from the Wayne University College of Medicine and from the Jennie Grogan Mendelson Memorial Fund for Ophthalmology. During the actual making of the book, the expert and sympathetic guidance of William L. Wood, director of the Cranbrook Press, has been invaluable. I am particularly obligated to the curators of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan and the Cranbrook Institute of Science who read the entire text and straightened my kinks in their especial realms: Carl L. Hubbs (fishes), Helen T, Gaige (amphibians and reptiles) , Josselyn Van Tyne (birds) , and Robert T, Hatt (mammals) . Finally, I am most deeply indebted of all to Director Hatt and the Trustees of the Institute for their invitation to write the book as one of their series of Bulletins, and for their generosity in the allowance of space and illustrations. As is so usual with such books, the problem has been to know how much to leave out. My trepidations in this connection have led, during the writing, to several upward revisions of the expected size of the work. I have felt as though I were behaving rather like the camel which at first asked only to warm his nose within the Arab's tent, and finished by crowding out the owner. My conscience will be easier if most of my readers are glad that the book was not smaller. G. L. W. Detroit, Michigan May, 1942 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I— Basic Chapter Page 1. LIGHT AND ITS PERCEPTION 1 2. A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN 6 A. Structures and their Functions 6 The Eye a 'Camera', 6 — The Fibrous Tunic, 7 — The Intra- Ocular Fluids, 12— The Uveal Tract, 13— The Pupil, 17 — The Lens and Zonule, 19. B. Optics and Accommodation 22 Refraction, 22 — Action of a Convex Lens, 2^ — Refractive Errors of the Eye, 26 — Dioptrics of the Normal Eye, 29 — Accommodation, 30. C. The Ocular Adnexa 36 The Oculomotor Muscles, 36— The Lids, 38 — The Lac- rimal System, 41. 3. THE VERTEBRATE RETINA 42 A. Histology and Physiology 42 The Pigment Epithelium, 42 — The Visual-Cell Layer, 45 — The Bipolar Layer, 46 — The Ganglion Layer, 47 — Miiller Fibers, 48 — Neuroglia, 48 — Horizontal and Ama- crine Cells, 49 — Nutrition of the Retina, 50 — The Optic Nerve, 51. B. Types of Visual Cells 52 General Types — Rods versus Cones, 52 — Single Cones, 53 — Rods, 57 — Homology of Rods and Cones, 57 — Green Rods, 58— Double Cones, 58 — Twin Cones, 60 — Ophidian Double Cones, 61 — Double Rods, 62. C. The Duplicity Theory 64 History, 64 — Sensitivity versus Acuity, 65 — Retinal Fac- tors in Acuity, 65 — Retinal Factors in Sensitivity, 68 — Evidence for Duplicity of Vision, 71. 4. THE VISUAL PROCESS 74 A. ScoTOPic Vision 74 Rhodopsin, 74 — Dark Adaptation, 76 — Rod Vision, 79. TABLE OF CONTENTS B. Photopic Vision 81 Cone Vision, 81 — Color, 81 — Saturation, 84 — Brightness and the Purkinje Phenomenon, 87 — Trichromatic Vision, 88 — Central Events in Trichromatic Vision, 91 — Color Blindness, 96 — Photochemistry of Color Vision, 100. 5. THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE . . .104 A. Embryological 104 Formation of the Optic Cup, 104 — Differentiation of the Retina, 108— The Lens, 109— The Hyaloid Circulation, 113 — The Vitreous, 113 — The Vascular and Fibrous Tunics, 114 — Lids and Glands, 117 — -Variations in Non- Mammals, 117. B. Evolutionary 119 The Eye a 'Part of the Brain', 119 — Early Theories, 120 — Balfour's Theory, 122 — The Placode Theory, 125 — Bo- veri's Theory, 125 — Studnicka's Theory, 126 — Origin of the Retina, 128— Origin of the Lens, 129. 6. ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY . . .134 Part II — Ecologic Chapter ^ Page 7. ADAPTATIONS TO ARHYTHMIC ACTIVITY . . 143 A. The Twenty-Four-Hour Habit and the Eye . . 143 B. Retinal Photomechanical Changes . . .145 Pigment Migration, 146 — ^Visual-Cell Movements, 147 — Significance and Distribution, 149 — Immediate Causation, 151. C. Pupil Mobility 153 Functions of the Pupil, 153 — Pupillary versus Retinal Adaptation, 154 — Comparative Survey of the Two Meth- ods, 158. D. DuPLiaTY and Transmutation 163 8. ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY .169 A. DiuRNALiTY AND THE Eye 169 Diumality and Sharp Vision, 169 — Diurnality, Acuity, and Food, 169— The Eye as a Whole, 171. B. The Diurnal Retina 175 Cone: Rod and Receptor: Conductor Ratios, 175 — Minimiz- ation of the Physiological Scotoma, 178. TABLE OF CONTENTS C. Are^ Centrales and Foveje 181 The Area Centralis, 181 — The Fovea, 182 — Distribution, 184. D. Intra-Ocular Color-Filters 191 Types and Distribution, 191 — The Color- Vision Theory, 192 — Yellow Filters and Chromatic Aberration, 193 — Other Values, 195— Red Filters and the Rayleigh Effect, 197— Value of Red Oil-Droplets in Birds, 197— Value of Red Oil-Droplets in Turtles, 197 — Phylogeny and Chem- istry of the Intra-Ocular Filters, 199. 9. ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY . . 206 A. Nocturnality and the Eye 206 Noctumality and Crude Vision, 206 — Advantages and Limitations, 208 — Lightless Habitats and their Conquest, 209— Tne Eye as a Whole, 210— Tubular' Eyes, 212— Spherical Lenses, 213 — Broad Comeae, 214. B. The Nocturnal Retina 215 Rod: Cone Ratios, 215 — Pure- Rod Animals, 216 — Sum- mation, 216. C. The Slit Pupil 217 Value of the Slit Form, 218 — -Distribution and Meanings of Pupil Shapes, 219. D. The Tapetum Lucidum 228 Value and Basis of Eyeshine, 229 — The Tapetum Fibro- sum, 231 — The Tapetum Cellulosum, 233 — Guanin and the Argentea, 235 — Guanin in Retinal Tapeta, 236 — Other Retinal Tapeta, 238 — Guanin in Chorioidal Tapeta, 238 — Phylogeny and Relative Efficiency of Tapeta, 243— The Tapetum and Visual Acuity, 245. 10. ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION . . .247 A. Accommodation and its Substitutes .... 247 Dependence of Apparent Distance upon Size, 247 — The Why of Accommodation, 249— Devices Which Make Accommodation Unnecessary, 253 — Vertebrate Methods of Accommodation, 257 — Lampreys, 258 — Elasmobranchs, 260— Teleosts, 260--Other Fishes, 263— Matthiessen's Ratio, 2&\ — Optical Elimination of the Cornea, 2M — Con- sequences of Lens Movement, 265 — Amphibians, 265 — Role of the Vitreous in Ichthyopsidan Accommodation, 268 — Sauropsidan Muscles of Accommodation, 269 — Scleral Ossicles in Sauropsida, 270 — Accommodation in Saurop- sida (Except Snakes), 275 — Special Features in Birds and Lizards, 279— Snakes, 282— Mammals, 283. TABLE OF CONTENTS B. Visual Angles and Fields 288 Visual Angles, 289 — Position of the Eyes in the Head, 290 — Extent of the Binocular Field, 291 — Devices for Enlarging the Binocular Field, 299. C. Eye Movements and the Fovea 300 Kinds of Eye Movements, 300 — Fishes, 303 — Amphibians, 305— Reptiles, 305— Birds, and the Visual Trident, 307— Mammals, 310. D. Depth- and Solidity-Perception 313 Clues to Depth and Distance, 313 — Stereopsis in Man, 315 — The Optic Chiasma in Man and Other Vertebrates, 319 — Supposed Value of Partial Decussation, 320 — The Case for Singleness in Animals, 323 — The Evolution of Binocular Vision, 326 — The Nature and Basis of Fusion, 331 — The Strange Fate of the Median Eyes, 338 — Sub- stitutes for Binocular Stereopsis, 341. E. Movement-Perception 342 Detection versus Saliency, 343 — Grades of Movement, 345 — The Relativity of Movement-Perception, 347 — Motor Factors in Movement-Detection, 348 — Sensory Factors in Movement-Detection, 349 — Adaptation, and Center versus Periphery, 352 — Stroboscopic Movement versus Real Move- ment, 356 — Stroboscopic Vision in Animals, 362 — Men- ner's Theory of the Pecten, 365 — Multiple Optic Pap- illa, 367. 11. ADAPTATIONS TO MEDIA AND SUBSTRATES . . 368 A. Aquatic Vision 368 Definition, 368 — Effect of Water upon the Plan of the Eye, 369 — Origin of Intra-Ocular Fluids, 371 — Effects of Water upon Light, 373 — Looking Through the Surface, 377 — Streamlining of the Eyeball, 379 — 'Adipose Lids', 381— Bottom Fishes, 384 — Cave Fishes, 387— Parasitic Fishes, 390 — Deep-Sea Fishes, 391 — Deep-Sea Larval Eyes, 403 — The Common Eel, 405 — Aquatic Amphibia, 407 — Sirenians^CC^Whales, 410— Adaptation to Water Pres- sure?, 415. B. Aerial Vision 417 Changes in Dioptrics, 417— New Extra-Ocular Structures, 418 — Adnexa in Amphibia, 418 — The Third Lid and the Fate of the Retractor, 419 — Adnexa in Sphenodon, 420 — Crocodilians, 421 — Turtles, 422 — Lizards, 423 — Snakes, 424 — Birds, 424 — Mammals, 425 — Inter-Relations of Globe and Adnexa, 427 — Peculiar Status of the Elasmo- branchs, 428. TABLE OF CONTENTS C. AiR-AND- Water Vision 429 The Main Problem, 429 — Amphibious Vision in Teleosts, 431 — Amphibians and Crocodilians, 436 — Turtles, 436 — Amphibious Squamates, 438 — Amphibious Birds, 438 — Amphibious Mammals, 442. D. The Spectacle 449 Injurious Substrates, 449 — Types of Spectacles, 449 — Pri- mary Spectacles and the History of the Cornea and Con- junctiva, 449 — Secondary Spectacles, 453 — Tertiary Spec- tacles in Reptiles, 454 — Tertiary Spectacles in Fishes, 459. 12. ADAPTATIONS TO PHOTIC QUALITY . . . .462 A. Color Vision in Animals 462 The Limits of the Spectrum, 462 — Value and Origin of Color Vision — 462 — Evidence for Color Vision, 465 — A Sample Ideal Procedure for Investigation, 467 — Fishes, 472— Amphibians, 490— Reptiles, 494— Birds, 497— Mam- mals, 504 — Phylogeny of Color Vision, 518 — Locus of Color Vision, 521. B. Dermal Color-Changes 523 Modes of Color Change, 524 — 'Physiological' and 'Morph- ological' Chromatophoral Changes, 526 — Control Through the Eye, 527^ — Physiological Color Changes in Teleosts, 528 — Mode of Control in Teleosts, 529 — Response to Albedo, 530 — Morphological Color Changes in Teleosts, 532 — Color Changes in Amphibians, 535 — Dermal Changes in Lower Fishes, and 'Diurnal Rhythms', 537 — Color Changes in Reptiles, 538. C. Coloration of the Eye 543 Basis of Iris Colors, 543— Possible Significance, 543 — Conspicuousness of the Eye, 544 — Concealment of the Eye?, 544 — Concealment of the Pupil?, 548— Sexual and Temporal Differences, 549. Part III — Synoptic Chapter ^ ^ Page 13. CYCLOSTOMES 555 A. Lampreys 555 The Eye as a Whole, 555— The Retina, 560. B. Hags 562 14. HIGHER FISHES 563 A. Elasmobranchs 563 The Eye as a Whole, 563— The Retina, 568. TABLE OF CONTENTS B. Chondrosteans 569 The Eye as a Whole, 569— The Retina, 572. C HOLOSTEANS AND TeLEOSTS 573 Holosteans, 573 — The Holostean Retina, 576 — Teleosts, 576— The Teleost Retina, 584. D. Cladistians and Dipnoans . . . . . . 588 Cladistians, 589 — Dipnoans, 589 — The Dipnoan Retina, 590. 15. AMPHIBIANS 592 A. Anurans 593 The Eye as a Whole, 593— The Retina, 598. B. Urodeles 600 The Eye as a Whole, 601 — The Retina, 603 — Comparison with Fishes, 604. C. C^CILIANS 605 16. REPTILES *..... 607 A. Chelonians 608 The Eye as a Whole, 609— The Retina, 611. B. Crocodilians 613 The Eye as a Whole, 613— The Retina, 615. C. Sphenodon 616 The Eye as a Whole, 617— The Retina, 620. D. Squamates 622 Lizards, 622 — The Lacertilian Retina, 625— Snakes, 627 — ■ The History of the Snake Eye, 632 — The Ophidian Ret- ina, 636. 17. BIRDS 641 The Eye as a Whole, 641 — The Pecten, and its Analogues in Other Vertebrates, 648— The Retina, 659. 18. MAMMALS 663 A. Monotremes and Marsupials 664 The Monotreme Eye, 664 — The Monotreme Retina, 669 — The Marsupial Eye, 671 — The Marsupial Retina, 674. B. Placentals 675 The Eye as a Whole, 676— The Retina, 684— The Early History of the Placentalian Eye, 686. BIBLIOGRAPHY 693 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 721 xiv Part I -Basic Chapter 1 LIGHT AND ITS PERCEPTION The principal means by which most animals are made aware of their surroundings, and changes in these surroundings, is the reflection or emission of light toward them by external objects and the reception of this light by special organs which we term photoreceptors. The more complicated of these photoreceptors are called eyes, though it is not complexity, as such, which governs the applicability of that special term. We say that the function of the eye is vision, but since all photoreception is not vision and not all photoreceptors are eyes, we must consider these broader and narrower terms before delving into our subject proper — the structure and variations of vertebrate eyes and their relation to the ways of life of their possessors. Light may best be defined, for our purposes here, as a rhythmic eman- ation of energy whose rhythm-frequency or pitch falls within definite limits, outside of which are the higher or lower frequencies of radio, cosmic, X-, and other rays. Visible light thus forms a circumscribed band of frequencies to which the eye happens to be sensitive and which, compared with all forms of radiant energy in general, is like a single octave toward the high-pitched end of the scale of a piano (see Table I) . It contains only a small fraction of the total amount of energy given off by the sun, and sunlight in turn forms only a portion of the 'grand spectrum' of radiant energy. Like other forms of radiant energy, light in its ultimate units can vary in but simple ways — in speed, in frequency, and in intensity. But natural lights and illuminations are complex mix- tures of these variations, and make possible the infinite variety of nature's pictures, varying in tone or shading (owing to combinations of inten- sities) and in color or hue (owing to combinations of frequencies) , We have been discussing light as an objective physical entity; but, just as there would be no sound if a tree were to fall with no one to hear it, so also there would be no light in the physiological sense if there were no photoreceptor upon which it impinged. In this other sense light is a sensation, an experience in consciousness. Like other such experiences, it may be evoked by a limited number of causes (other than actual 2 LIGHT AND ITS PERCEPTION physical light) . The qualities of a light-sensation bear only a close, not an absolute, relationship to the objective attributes of a physical light which produces it. Thus, different colors may be seen under special cir- cumstances when the corresponding different frequencies of light are not being steadily presented to the eye at all, or the same color may result from totally different mixtures of frequencies. Two lights with the same energy-content may appear different in brightness while two others, equally bright, may differ greatly in actual physical intensity. Color and brightness are thus subjective correlates of the objective frequency and intensity. The former can be perceived but not measured, while the latter can be measured with inanimate instruments but cannot be perceived with the eye. A sobering array of optical illusions may be seen by the reader in any good reference work on psychology, and will serve to teach, still more emphatically, the lesson that: "Our eyes do not see; but we see with our eyes." Photoreception is one thing — it may be conscious, the reception of the external stimulus of light upon the sill of the "window of the soul" — or it may lead reflexly to quite unconscious activities such as the change of the size of the pupil, the aiming of the eyes, the blinking of the lids when the eye is about to be struck by something, and so on. Vision is something more. It is the complex and sometimes deceptive product of the interaction of the simple information which travels along the optic nerve and the manipulations, as yet unfathomable, which this information undergoes in the brain before it is presented to the con- sciousness for action or other disposal. A photoreceptor may be constituted by a single part of a one-celled animal; by one of a number of similar, scattered, photosensory cells in an invertebrate's skin; by a patch of cells closely aggregated into a plate, or lining a pit; or by an ocellus or eye (Fig. 1). This last term is best reserved for those photoreceptors in which there is a light-sensitive layer of cells upon which accessory parts converge the light rays received from environmental objects. An eye, then, ordinarily contains at least a photo- sensory epithelium or retina, and a lens. An image may however be formed upon the retina by a pinhole (as in the chambered nautilus) instead of by a lens; or, the lens in a given type of eye may be employed to concentrate the light in order that the eye may work in dimmer illum- inations, instead of to form an image so that the mind may have a picture. Finally, a number of 'concentrator' units may be congregated so that a mosaic image can be built up in the consciousness itself, and it is upon OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE LIGHT 3 this plan that the 'compound' eyes of many arthropods are constructed. Vertebrate eyes are all built upon one fundamental plan. With the exception of those which have degenerated because their owners live underground, or in the perpetual night of caves or the depths of the ocean, they are provided with a retina and with a lens whose optical properties are such that it forms an image upon the retina. The lenses of the median eyes which some reptiles possess on the top of the head are probably often of the concentrator type; but those of the lateral, or ordinary, eyes are nearly always eikonogenic — that is, image-forming. c n^ Fig. 1 — Various photoreceptors. a, intracellular type in a one-celled animal, Pouchetia cornuta. b, scattered photosensory cells in the skin of an earthworm, c, pit-like visual organ of a limpet, Patella, d, pinhole- camera type of eye in the chambered nautilus, e, ocellus of a scorpion, Euscorpius, with concentrating lens, f, eye of a snail, Murex. g, image-forming eye of a squid, Loligo. h, eye of vertebrate. c- cuticle; e- epithelium; /- lens; n- nerve fibers; p- pupil; r- retina; s- secreted material. Before we pass to a consideration of the detailed structure and work- ings of a standard vertebrate eye, it needs to be further emphasized that vision, seeing, is a phenomenon of the mind plus the eye and not of the eye alone. It would probably not stagger any reader of this book to be asked to believe that a worm may react to a light-stimulus without having a sensation or consciousness of light. Vertebrate vision as we ourselves experience it, however, is more than just photoreception. Vertebrate visual mechanisms, from fish to mammal, are so nicely constructed that so far as the eyes themselves are concerned, they may in many cases send LIGHT AND ITS PERCEPTION in .. in CVl \- z Q < if) z < ir X o z II O o CO § ^ - c/5 O cue ^ _ 1/1 o c 9 o_ 1/5 O § 8 c3 3- E— 1 2 O 8 CD o CVI CO in m in in in o CVI O cn m 1 = O ro i 6 m CO o in CO O in o 6 o „ o O) g 32. X o o d CM O Q o o en 3 11 i 11 cu 1 CO CD o "^ - 11 8 ° 1 2 cr> o cu ecu cu— i _J o CL> LlJ o x CUq If lAinaiOBdS anaisiA jaioiA-Dj^in 1 H 9 1 1 VISION VERSUS PHOT ORECEPT ION 5 to the central nervous system all of the information that human brains receive from human eyes. That does not mean at all, however, that the same use and value is ever made and obtained from that information. Many vertebrates with perfectly good eyes, as complex as our own, may not see anything. In explanation of this perhaps surprising state- ment, it may be enough to point out that the portion of the brain in which human visual impulses terminate and are integrated — in which, in other words, vision seems to reside — is not present in the brains of fishes at all. A fish may have a knowing look in his eye as he passes up one kind of fly and avidly seizes another, but we have no right whatever to assume that he sees either fly, or indeed anything else. It is quite possible that he is acting, like the worm, only reflexly and without con- scious accompaniments to patterns of shade and hue which, given a brain capable of the analysis ours can perform, would be mental pictures to him as they are to us. When therefore, elsewhere in this book, such questions are raised as : "Do dogs see colors?" and "Can fishes tell a square from a triangle?" the reader must visualize 'see' and 'tell' in tell-tale quotation marks, and bear with the writer if he seems to lapse into anthropocentrism and to attribute conscious visual acts to animals whose dim minds we cannot read. It is easiest to compare the visual potentialities of one ocular mechanism with those of another as though behind each there lay a brain like that of man; but it is hoped that without further frequent reminder, the reader will forever remember this : Human vision, so valuable and so kaleidoscopic, is the product of a complex brain teamed with a relatively simple eye; and when we some- times encounter more complex eyes (which are always connected with simpler brains) we must not assume that they afford their owners any- thing so informative of the environment as does the vision we experience. "Nothing is in the mind which is not first in the senses" — but the sense- organs, and particularly the eye, may offer the mind much more than the latter can assimilate. Chapter 2 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN (A) Structures and their Functions The human eye will serve admirably as an introduction to vertebrate ocular morphology and physiology, for it is fairly well generalized and presents no bizarre features. In the ensuing discussion, fine structural and terminological details will be given only where they are important for an understanding of the workings of the eye. Any detailed descrip- y/////////////////////////A V///////////////////////77, Fig. 2 — Comparison of eye and camera. Parts which correspond in function bear similar numbers. /- retina = film, on curved track; 2a- cornea = front element of lens; 2h- crystalline lens = rear element of lens; j- iris :z dia- phragm between lens elements; 4- pigment of chorioid coat = flat black paint; 5- eyelids = roller-blind shutter. tion of the human retina will be omitted here, since a general treatment of the vertebrate retina is given in Chapter 3. The reader who wishes to learn the histology of the human eye for its own sake will of course study actual preparations and a textbook of microscopic anatomy. The Eye a 'Camera' — It is almost a cUche to say that the eye is built like a camera (Fig. 2) . In each there is a sensitive screen (retina = film or plate) on which an inverted image is formed by a lens (corneas- crystalline lens = lens). One device (lids = shutter) can exclude light, which when admitted by it is regulated in amount by a variable aperture (pupil = diaphragm aperture). The interior is darkened (chorioid pig- ment = dead black paint) so that internal reflections will not blur or THE EYE A 'CAMERA' multiply the image. Lastly, the whole apparatus can be set to take equally sharp pictures at different distances (accommodation = substi- tuting one lens for another in the camera, or varying distance between lens and film). posterior chamber limbal zone. conjunctiva canal of Sc hie mm ciliary muscle sclera chorioid' lamina cribrosa Fig. 3 — Horizontal section of right human eye. x 4. Modified from Salzmann. On the left, the section contains a cihary process behind which the zonule fibers are partly concealed; on the right, the section has passed between two ciliary processes and the full extent of the zonule fibers can be seen. The limbal zone (transition between cornea and sclera) is stippled to emphasize that it is broader internally than externally. The Fibrous Tunic — The outer case of the living camera is formed by the fibrous tunic, consisting of the sclera and the cornea, the latter seemingly a transparent anterior continuation of the sclerotic coat which 8 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN is more sharply curved than the latter (Fig. 3). A substantial portion of the thickness of the cornea represents the skin of the head, which during evolution became affixed to the eyeball, leaving loose places, to permit eye movements, up underneath the eyelids where it merges with their linings to join the ordinary outer skin at the lid margins. Only some of the inner layers of tissue in the cornea represent a clear window in the original, ancestral, fibrous capsule. As a matter of fact, the sclera itself Fig. -I — Fibrous and vascular tunics of the human eyeball, x 135. Modified from Maximow and Bloom, after Schaffer. a, sclera and chorioid. a- artery; c- choriocapillaris layer of chorioid; Iv- lamina vitrea; s- sclera; v- vein; vl- vascular, pigmented layers of chorioid. b, cornea. b- Bowman's membrane; d- Descemet's membrane; e- epithelium; m- mesothelium; p- sub- stantia propria. is almost as transparent as the cornea in many of the lower vertebrates. The 'white' of the human eye is differentiated from the clear cornea not because the latter has become transparent secondarily, but rather because the sclera has become clouded. What has happened in evolution also takes place in individual development, and the clear parts of the em- bryonic eye are clear from the start and remain so — they do not become THE FIBROUS TUNIC 9 SO. Despite this easily ascertained fact, many speculations have been made as to what factor is responsible for the transparency of the cornea and the lens. The really interesting question is, what makes the other tissues of the developing embryo become opaque. The sclera (Fig. 4a, s) is composed of tough, inelastic, tendinous tissue organized in ribbon-like bundles of microscopic fibers which are felted together in such a way that the whole tissue is about equally strong in all directions — to resist the intraocular pressure, equal of course in all direc- tions, without allowing the eyeball to change its shape. The flat fiber- bundles are of unknown length, for their ends cannot be found; but each seems to arise somewhere behind the rim of the cornea, runs parallel thereto for a space, then courses backward around the eye and forward again in a wide loop — not, however, following a great circle of the ocular sphere. The tissue of the sclera contains very few cells. It consists chiefly of the lifeless fibers, and its rate of living (metabolism) is so low that it requires no direct blood supply. Nearly all of the blood vessels to be seen in sections of the sclera are merely passing through it on their way into or out of the chorioid coat. The layers of fibers in the cornea (Fig. 4b) are not so much felted as in the sclera, but run more nearly parallel with less interchange of fibers between layers. The cells between them are consequently more definitely organized into layers also; but they are scattered very far apart in a given layer. The substance of the healthy cornea is quite devoid of blood vessels, which would interfere with transparency. At the same time, it is so firm that the diffusion of liquids through it is much im- peded. Its living cells, the corneal corpuscles, therefore join hands by means of long, delicate threads of living protoplasm along which nutri- ments and wastes may be transported to and from the blood vessels surrounding the margin of the cornea. The avascularity of the cornea, and evaporation from its surface, make it several degrees cooler than the body as a whole, and the metabolism of the corneal cells is adjusted to the lower temperature. The change in the character of the tissue, as one passes from the sclera into the cornea, is a gradual one and the wide region of transition noted marks the limbus (rim) of the cornea. A flange of scleral substance, the scleral roll, (Fig. 5, sr) overlaps the edge of the cornea on its inner sur- face so that the illusion of the cornea being set in the sclera, like a watch- crystal in its bezel, is created. The two portions of the fibrous tunic are not actually at all easily separable, but the limbus is the weakest region A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN S o .y o o tj a) ij '' A s bi C I— 1 4) -i 0) ^•'' 3 2i b^ 2 2 a, 3 c £ > :^^ a s p K " ™ ' n -h C I- « n O « u, 2 S.O c ii '-' O s—- vyheat : open ground ::::::::: dspkremeft Q^ '. ': : ^°° ; -'o :::::::: .\ o ° o ' \ 0 o ° a l::!::::: c ;:;;;;;;; \\°: Fig. 8 — An analogy for the refractive bending of light rays by a glass plate (see text). which is called the 'index of refraction' of that substance referred to air as a standard. The effect of the optical density of a substance is to produce a bend- ing of a beam of light which enters that substance at an angle, having previously traversed a substance of different optical density. The amount of the bend in the light-beam will depend upon the difference in optical density of the two substances and upon the angle at which the beam approaches their interface. The direction of bending will depend upon whether the second substance traversed has a higher or lower density, or index of refraction, than the first. This bending of light rays when they pass through boundary surfaces is called 'refraction'. Its basis may be best understood if we use an old REFRACTION 23 favorite analogy for our light-beam and our pair of optically different substances. Suppose a platoon of soldiers to be marching over bare ground toward the edge of a wheat-field, which is at an angle to their line of march (Fig. 8). The ranks of soldiers now represent successive wave-fronts in a light-beam, and their files represent the individual light rays in the beam. Obviously the soldiers cannot march as fast through the dense wheat as over open ground, so that the latter may represent air, and the wheat-field a piece of glass of high optical density. As the first soldiers in the front rank start into the wheat, they are slowed up, but those at the other end of the front rank are still able to A A -0- -^ f Fig. 9 — Step-by-step explanation of the focusing of parallel rays by a convex lens. a, displacement of ray by tilted plane-parallel plate (compare Fig. 8). b, bending of ray by prismatic plate, c, approximation of parallel rays without convergence, by pair of tilted plane-parallel plates, d, convergence of parallel rays by pair of prismatic plates, e, inde- pendent foci of pairs of parallel rays, through action of prisms placed base-to-base, ■f, coincidence of foci when slope of prism faces is decreased toward their bases, g, single focus of all parallel rays, resulting when process in f is fully carried out, yielding a smoothly-curved lens. march rapidly since they have not yet reached the wheat (Fig. 8a). Consequently the front rank is swung around as if hinged at one end, and by the time the whole of the rank is in the wheat, it has taken a new direction of march which is of course followed by each rank in the whole platoon (Fig, 8b). Upon emerging from the wheat-field on the other side (Fig. 8c), the process is reversed and the platoon's line of march becomes parallel to its original one, displaced laterally a dis- tance which depends upon the width of the wheat-field and the difficulty of marching through it. 24 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN If the soldiers had encountered the wheat head on instead of at an angle, their line of march would not have been tilted. But their ranks would have been closed up, and while moving through the wheat each soldier would have been treading on the heels of the man in front of him. Strictly speaking, this would be refraction also, for the same decrease in wavelength occurs when the angle of incidence is other than 90° — refraction is most accurately defined in terms not of any bending of the light rays, but of their change in speed and wavelength. Thus it actually takes place when light meets a surface at right angles; but since no visible change then occurs, the existence of the phenomenon is more or less ignored. Substituting now our beam of light and piece of glass for the soldiers and the wheat-field, we can understand why the angle at which the light meets the glass is so important in determining the direction the beam will take through the glass. If the angle be changed, the new direction will change. If a perpendicular be drawn to the surface of the glass, then the beam of light on entering the glass from air will be bent toward the perpendicular; and upon escaping from the glass into air again it will be bent away from a perpendicular at the point of escape, the two bends in the beam being equal if the two surfaces of the glass are parallel. Action of a Convex Lens — We are now ready to understand how a lens brings rays of light to a focus (study Fig. 9) . If a beam of parallel rays of light strikes a convex lens, each ray in the beam will make an angle with a tangent to the lens at the point where the ray strikes it, and the angle will vary with the distance of the ray from the central ray of the beam, which we will suppose to pass through the center of curvature of the lens surface. The farther a ray is from the axial (central) ray, the greater the angle it makes with a radius of the lens at its point of contact with the latter, and the greater the angle of bending, toward the radius, through which it will be refracted by the glass of the lens (Fig. 9g). Thus, the outermost rays of the beam are bent the most, rays lying closer and closer to the axial ray are bent less and less, and the axial ray is not bent at all. All the rays thus converge beyond the lens and if the shape of the lens surface is just right, they may be made to con- verge at a single point. This point, or 'focus', will be at a fixed distance from the lens, and that distance can be varied only in two possible ways — by making the lens variable in curvature or by exchanging it for a ACTION OF A CONVEX LENS 25 different one. About the only variable lenses in the world are those in living vertebrate eyes. A lens forms an 'image' of an object, the distance of the image from the lens being fixed as long as the distance of the object from the lens is constant. We can best grasp how the image is formed if we think of it as being made up of a large number of points, each corresponding to a point on the object (Fig. 10). The light reflected from each point on the object — its two end-points, say, as in Figure 10 — travels in straight lines away from that point in all possible directions unless the object happens to have a mirror-like surface. We can be sure of this, for we can walk around an object and see it, from any direction, by means of I ^ / 1 \ ^ vl/ Fig. 10 — Formation of an image by a lens. Of the rays emanating in all dirertions from each point on the objert, those intercepted by the lens are brought to a focus, thus generating a point in the image. Each image-point lies on the opposite side of the lens axis from the corresponding object point; hence the image is inverted. the light coming in that direction from the object to our eyes. All of the rays from an object-point which happen to be intercepted by a lens are brought to a point focus beyond the lens at a particular, fixed distance. If the object-point lies below the axis of the lens, however, the light from it will be focused at an image-point above the axis and vice versa. Hence, when we consider all the image-points formed by the focusing of all the light from each of the object-points, we understand how the image is built up. We also see why it hangs in space at a fixed distance from the lens, is smaller than the object, and is inverted. We can now see the image if we catch it on a screen at the image-distance from the 26 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN lens. If we move the screen toward or away from the lens the image will immediately become blurred because the object-points will be represented on the screen not by sharp image-points, but by patches of light of the same shape as the lens ('blur' or 'confusion' circles, where the lens is round) which overlap each other. If the screen now remains stationary at the proper distance, and the object moves toward or away from the lens, the image will focus behind or in front of the screen (Fig. 11), and the picture on the latter will again be composed of hazy blur circles. With the object in this new position, its image can now be made to fall on the screen only if the lens is shifted in position or altered in curvature. Both of these methods are used, in different kinds of vertebrate eyes, to keep the image sharp on Fig. 11 — Relation of objea-distance to image-distance. After Kahn. Only the B is sharply imaged on the screen, on which the A and C are represented by blurs. The sharp images of the A and C hang in space as shown, and can be placed on the station- ary screen only by moving the lens, or by substituting another lens of different strength. the retinal screen when the object varies in distance from the eye. These adjustments comprise what is called 'accommodation'. Refractive Errors of the Eye — In the human eye there are several curved surfaces at which refraction takes place, the end result being the production of an image on the retina. There is also an elaborate arrange- ment for changing the curvature of one of these surfaces so that the image can be moved slightly forward or backward in the eye. This mechanism of accommodation comes into play when we shift our gaze from a distant to a nearby object, or when we watch an object which is moving toward or away from us. As an object approaches, its image recedes behind the retina and must be pulled forward. As an object goes away from us, its image moves forward into the vitreous and must be pressed back onto the retina in order to be seen sharply. In many persons the eyeball is abnormally short (Fig. 12, top diagrams), so that the REFRACTIVE ERRORS OF THE EYE 27 accommodation process, unaided by convex spectacles, is inadequate to pull the image forward onto the retina and the sharp picture lies behind the eye (hypermetropia or far-sightedness). In others, the eyeball is ab- normally elongated (Fig, 12, bottom diagrams) and the image lies so far forward in the vitreous (except when the object is very close to the eye) that concave spectacles are required to move the focus of the lens backward and place the image on the retina (myopia or near-sightedness) . Object At Great Distance; Object At Walking Distance: Object At Reading Distance 15 o o^ tr H o tr — receptive (visual-cell) layer rays focus behind eye some accommodation much accommodation rays focus in receptive layer rays focus in receptive layer no accommodation some accommodation 2 — rays focus at inner surface of receptive layer rays focus at outer surface of receptive layer rays focus in receptive layer no accommodation little or no accommodation 9r rays focus in front receptive layer rays of t rays still focus in front of receptive layer rays focus in receptive layer Fig. 12 — Spherical refractive errors of the eye. Shows the extent of accommodation required, and the location of the images, in hyper- metropic or far-sighted eyes (top row), normal eyes (middle row), and myopic or near- sighted eyes (bottom row). A third refractive error to which the human eye is prone is 'astigmatism', a condition in which the retinal image of a point is not a point but a line, owing to one of the refracting surfaces (almost always the cornea) being partly cylindrical as well as spherical in its curvature (Fig. 13). This results in a blurring of objective lines running in certain directions. The error is easily corrected, when it is regular as indeed it usually is, by the appropriate counteracting cylindrical curvature formed on the 28 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN spectacle lens. As we shall see later, all three of these conditions which for the human eye are 'errors', are perfectly normal and desirable situ- ations in the eyes of various vertebrates whose visual requirements differ greatly from our own. Fig. 13 — Astigmatism. a, a square piece of normal cornea whose radius of curvature, r, is the same in all meridians, images a point p as a point on the screen s. In any other position the screen would intercept a blur-square. b, a piece of cornea whose radius of curvature in one direction, /, exceeds its radius of curvature in another direction, r, is said to be astigmatic. It images a point p as a line (horizontal in this instance) ih on a screen s placed in its first focal plane, and also as a line at right angles to the first (the linear vertical image iv) on a screen /' placed in its second focal plane. The most compact image of p is the 'figure of least confusion', flc, on the screen /; but this image is a blur-square — the point p is nowhere imaged as a point, as in a. c, the same piece of astigmatic cornea as in b sharply images the horizontal limbs of a cross on the screen s, places a blurred cross on the screen /, and sharply images the vertical limbs of the cross on the screen s". The whole of the objea cannot be sharply imaged at any one distance from the astigmatic refracting structure. DIOPTRICS OF THE NORMAL EYE 29 Dioptrics of the Normal Eye — As light enters the eyeball it first encounters the tissue of the cornea, then in succession the aqueous humor, the lens, the vitreous humor and the transparent retina on whose posterior, outer surface the sensory rod and cone cells lie. These trans- parent structures and substances, exclusive of the retina, are known col- lectively as the dioptric media. When a light ray comes through the air into the cornea at one side of the latter's center, it is bent sharply toward the antero-posterior axis of the eyeball. Upon leaving the cornea and entering the aqueous humor, the ray is bent again but only very slightly since the corneal tissue and the aqueous have nearly the same optical density. The refractive index of the cornea is 1.376, and that of the aqueous is 1.336, which is about the same as that of water. Now upon entering the lens, the ray is bent further, again toward the axis of the eye. The index of refraction of the lens can be taken as 1.42. Actually, the values for the lens are 1.406 at the center, 1.386 at the surface, but because of its zoned structure the lens behaves as would a homogenous body whose index was actually higher than that of any part of the lens. This figure, 1.42, for the effective index of the lens, does not exceed the index of the aqueous (1.336) by as much as the latter value exceeds the index of air (l.OO). This, together with the fact that the anterior surface of the lens is not as sharply curved as the cornea, is responsible for the fact — often overlooked — that the cornea does most of the job of placing the image on the retina. In the optically normal eye the lens acts like the fine adjustment of a microscope — it adjusts the position of the image only in a minor way. Some highly myopic persons, in fact, see clearly without spectacles after the lens has been removed because of cataract — with the lens in the eye, they have too much focus- ing power, the focal length of the cornea alone being equal to the length of their abnormally elongated eyeballs. Upon travelling through the posterior surface of the lens into the vitreous humor, our light ray for the first time passes from a medium of higher density into one of lower density — the vitreous having the same index as the aqueous. If it were passing through a convex surface, it would be bent away from the axis of the eye; but since it is here travelling through a concave surface it is still further converged toward the axis. In fact, since both surfaces of the lens are in contact with media whose refractive indices are the same, and the posterior surface of the lens is more sharply curved than the anterior, the posterior face is the more important of the two in the static refraction of the eye. 30 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN The ray now travels to the retina, having crossed the optic axis of the eye so that it strikes the retina on the opposite side of the axis to the one on which it entered the cornea. The retinal image of an object is consequently inverted and much smaller than the object, as is true of the image of any simple convex lens, as we have seen. The refractive index of the human retinal tissue, which in life is optically empty, is not known; but it may be of considerable importance in connection with the physiology of the fovea (Chapter 8, Section C) . There are indications that it is higher than that of the vitreous and may approach that of the lens. It should be borne in mind that it is the difference in refractive index on the two sides of a boundary surface which, together with the sharp- ness of curvature of that surface and the direction of curvature (whether convex or concave), determines the extent of convergence or divergence of light rays passing through it. The absolute values of the refractive indices are of no consequence. Hence since the anterior surface of the cornea is an interface between two very different media (air and tissue) it is the most important refractive surface in the dioptric media. The posterior surface of the lens is next in importance, the anterior surface of the lens least effective (when the eye is not accommodating), and the posterior surface of the cornea can be ignored entirely. It is the anterior surface of the lens, however, which in the human eye is alone modified in curvature in the act of accommodation — hence for this process, that surface is of paramount importance. We are now pre- pared to examine the mechanism by which human accommodation is accomplished. Accommodation — In the first place the reason for accommodation, and the extent of the process, need to be clearly understood. The curva- tures of the refractive surfaces of the ideal human eye and the refractive indices of ordinary air and of the dioptric media are such that when the eye is at rest — that is, exercising no muscular effort to accommodate for nearby objects — objects at the horizon are in focus upon the back surface of the transparent retina. The seeing-cells, the rods and cones, stand on this surface like the bristles of a brush. Their length is appreciable, and since a light ray which helps to form the image strikes the retina perpendicular to its surface and thus passes axially through a visual cell, it follows that the optical image may lie anywhere along the length of the visual elements and still form the same photochemical image, and be as sharply 'seen' in the form of a cerebral or mental image. ACCOMMODATION 31 There is thus a certain leeway which the focus of the optical image may have without its becoming blurred in the consciousness. This lee- way is in fact so great that without any change in the dioptric structures of the eye, an object can approach from the horizon to a distance of about twenty feet* without its image moving back far enough to get out of the visual-cell layer and into the insensitive chorioid. The image in the eye is so very small compared with the object that since the move- ment of the image, either laterally or forward and backward, is minified to a high degree, the movements of the image over the surface of the retina (especially through its thickness) are almost microscopic. Conse- Fig. 14 — The mechanism of human accommodation. The left half of the diagram shows the structures in relaxation. The thickness of the lens capsule has been exaggerated one hundred times to bring out its local variations. On the right, accommodation; by reference to the angular scales, the movements of the various parts can be discerned. Note that the contraction of both the radial and circumferential portions of the ciliary muscle has stretched forward the smooth orbicular region of the ciliary body (to which most of the zonule fibers attach) and has bunched up the coronal region (bearing the ciliary processes, whose profiles are indicated by the dotted lines). The relaxation of the zonule fibers has permitted the elastic lens capsule to mold a bulge of sharpened curvature on the anterior surface of the lens. Note also that the sphinrter muscle of the iris has contracted, closing down the pupil in its 'accommodation reflex'. quently, the object may recede from twenty feet to infinity without its image coming forward more than the length of the rods and cones — a small fraction of a millimeter (see Fig. 19, p. 43). Within twenty feet, however, the refracting power of the media must somehow be increased to keep the image in the visual-cell layer of the retina. In the human, the anterior surface of the lens is sharpened in *It is really a bit more, but so variable that for the didactic purposes of this book, twenty feet is arbitrarily taken as standard. 32 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN curvature to accomplish this (Fig. 14), and the structures most involved are the lens capsule, the zonule fibers, and the muscle cells in the ciliary body. The latter must contract to focus the eye for nearby objects, relax partially for more distant objects up to twenty feet away, and relax com- pletely for objects beyond twenty feet. This is why it is restful to the eyes to gaze out of a window at distant objects for a few moments occasionally, when doing close work of any kind. The ciliary muscle fibers are formed into two muscles which blend with each other and are really only one, since one mass of fibers is de- rived from the other in the embryo and the two masses have a common nerve supply and act together, having the same effect upon accommo- dation in spite of their great difference in orientation within the ciliary body. The 'radial' or 'meridional' fibers, as seen in a sagittal section of the eye, are arranged fanwise, the small end of the mass being fastened at the scleral roll and the other end being frayed out and distributed along the whole ciliary body, most of the fibers ending along its inner surface (Fig. 3; Fig. 5, mb). When this radial muscle (of Briicke) con- tracts, the effect is a stretching of the flat orbiculus region of the ciliary body so that its anterior border moves forward — the ora terminalis being fixed. The corona ciliaris, that portion of the ciliary body bearing the ciliary processes, is telescoped, its posterior border moving forward but its anterior attachment at the iris angle remaining fixed. The result of this forward movement of the region of junction between corona and orb- iculus is a relaxation of the taut guy-wires of the lens, the zonule fibers. These are normally in a state of considerable tension when the ciliary muscle is not contracted; for, as the eyeball grows, before and after birth, its diameter increases proportionately faster than that of the lens. Hence the suspensory-ligament fibers, once they have grown out from the ciliary epithelium and attained connection with the young lens cap- sule, are placed under constantly increasing lengthwise stress which is not entirely removed by any compensatory increase in length on their part. This brings about a slow broadening and flattening of the growing lens and a permanent state of tension in the suspensory ligament, which can be relieved only by the contraction of the ciliary muscle. A portion of the ciliary muscle fibers, the number being often greater in far-sighted eyes and less in near-sighted ones (where they may even be entirely lacking) are organized into a ring-like muscle (of Mixller), analogous to the sphincter pupillae. Although the fibers in Miiller's muscle ACCOMMODATION 33 (Fig. 5, mm) are thus at right angles to those of the radial (Briicke's) muscle, the two muscle masses are in no way antagonistic in their action as are the sphincter and dilatator pupillae. The contraction of Miiller's muscle heaves the ciliary processes inward toward the axis of the eyeball and thus substantially supplements the action of Briicke's muscle in letting up the tension in the zonule fibers. In fact, the muscle of Miiller is much the more efficient of the two, since no component of its direction of contraction is wasted in uselessly pulling any part of the ciliary body forward in the eye. It is only the inward component of the action of the diagonally-placed Briicke's muscle which is very useful. It is significant that in far-sighted (hypermetropic) eyes, which must constantly make extra accommodatory effort (Fig. 12), it is Miiller's muscle — not Brucke's — which becomes hypertrophied if spectacles are not worn. To understand what happens to the lens when the zonule is relaxed, we must recall the nature of the lens capsule and consider its structure in a little more detail. The capsule is a firm, elastic membrane. If a cut is made in it, the edges of the cut will tend to roll outward — thus it is clear that the capsule is normally exerting pressure on the lens fibers. If the capsule were equally thick throughout and the lens fibers were plastic enough, the elasticity of the capsule would tend to mold the lens into a ball if the flattening effect of the tensed zonule fibers were to be eliminated by cutting them. Actually, however, the capsule varies greatly in thickness in different parts and consequently varies locally in the force which its elasticity can exert upon the lens capsule (Fig. 14). Fincham, who has revised and modernized the F^elmholtz theory of human accommodation, has care- fully studied the properties of the capsule and of the decapsulated lens. Without its capsule, the body of the lens slowly takes on the flattened form characteristic of the intact lens in situ in the resting eye. Hence the bulged form of the lens in accommodation is brought about by the capsule's assertion, upon it, of a molding force more than strong enough to overcome the tendency of the lens body to flatten. Cutting the zonule fibers allows the capsule to mold the lens into the same shape it has in accommodation. The relaxation of the ciliary muscle allows the tensed zonule fibers to effect a 'physiological decapsulation' of the lens, by pulling so hard upon the equator of the capsule that the latter 's elasticity is ren- dered ineffectual, and the lens body assumes the same flattened form which it takes when removed from its capsule. The contraction of the ciliary muscle, on the other hand, eliminates the pull of the zonule fibers 34 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN just as if the latter had been severed and the lens entirely isolated. We may express these antagonisms and cooperations as a series of equations : Lens - capsule = lens in situ + relaxed ciliary muscles (no accom.) ; Lens + capsule - zonule = lens in situ + contracted ciliary muscles; Lens + capsule - accommodation = lens - capsule; Lens + capsule + zonule + accommodation = lens + capsule — zonule; and so on. The thinnest portion of the lens capsule is a large central area of its posterior part. This is surrounded by a greatly thickened band which lies fairly close to the equator. The equatorial region itself is again thin. On the anterior surface is another thickened zone which lies a little farther from the equator than the posterior thickening and leaves a smaller thin central area than occurs on the posterior capsule. This central thin area of the anterior capsule is also slightly thicker than the posterior central thin area (Fig. 14). Ordinarily all of the light used for vision passes only through the anterior and posterior central thinnings of the capsule — the pupil does not dilate widely enough to expose the periphery of the lens to incoming light. The posterior surface of the lens fits the vitreous body so closely, with incompressible fluid in the retrolental space between the two, that it cannot change its curvature materially during accommodation. The anterior leaf of the zonule is probably relaxed more completely than the weaker posterior leaf at a given stage of accommodation, and the net result is that only the anterior lens surface is free to deform when the zonule is relaxed by the contraction of the ciUary muscles. The anterior zone of thickening in the capsule then proceeds to reduce its diameter and is stiff enough to force the thin central area of the capsule to form a bulge, into which the body of the lens is molded. This sharpening of the curvature of the useful portion of the anterior lens surface increases the refracting power of the eye and holds the image forward on the retina in spite of the approach of the object within the 'commencement point' of accommodation — that is, within the critical twenty-foot distance. The amount of accommodation which is being exerted at any one time, and the total amount of which the individual is capable, can be conveniently expressed in the same units used for designating the focus- ing power of a lens. The unit in question — the diopter — is not really a unit at all, for it has a sliding value. The strength of a lens in diopters is the reciprocal of its focal length in meters. That is, a one-diopter lens focuses parallel rays at a point one meter away, and a two-diopter lens ACCOMMODATION 35 focuses at one-half meter, a five diopter lens at one-fifth of a meter, and so on. The emmetropic eye (Fig. 12, middle row of diagrams) focuses parallel rays on its receptive layer when it is not accommodating. If now a one-diopter lens is added, like a spectacle, in front of the relaxed eye, an object one meter away will be imaged on the retina. A four-diopter spectacle will enable the non-accommodating eye to image sharply an object only a quarter of a meter distant. So, we may say that the amount of accommodation being exerted by an emmetropic eye is four diopters when, without a spectacle, it images an object at one-fourth of a meter. -near point at 2 near point at reading distance ^near point at arnn's length ^^^^^^^j-near point at 13' 50 60 70 Age In Years Fig. 15- — Decrease of human accommodation with age, owing to the progressive hardening of the body of the lens. Plotted from data of Donders on emmetropic subjects. By accommodating to a certain extent — four diopters' worth — the focus- ing power of the crystalline lens has been increased by four diopters over its strength when at rest; for, this amount of accommodation can take the place of a four-diopter spectacle placed before the non-accommo- dating eye. The range of accommodation — that is, the greatest increase in the focusing power of the lens — which a person can produce is unfortunately not a fixed quantity (Fig. 15). Almost as inevitable as death and taxes is a decrease in that range, with age, to such an extent that the indi- vidual (unless substantially myopic to begin with) becomes unable to 36 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN image objects as close as one holds a book to read, and must adopt spectacles whether he has ever needed them before or not. This phenom- enon is called presbyopia (literally, old sight), and most of us enter its realm sometime in our forties. The decrease in accommodating power is not caused by any weakening of the ciliary muscle, but by a perfectly normal, progressive hardening of the lens. The ciliary muscle tries as hard as ever in the presbyopic years — but its force, be it remem- bered, is not the one which molds the lens. The actual molding force, the elasticity of the lens capsule, is really quite weak at best, and becomes wholly inadequate to its task when the body of the lens reaches a certain stage of firmness. The hardening of the lens is so gradual, however, that few of us live so long that our graph of the process (Fig. 15) reaches the line of zero accommodation. When this does happen, the once emme- tropic eye is still emmetropic — still focuses parallel rays upon its retina; but its 'near point' (the nearest point at which an object can be sharply imaged) has moved away from the eye until it is twenty feet away, at the point where the eye formerly commenced to accommodate for approach- ing objects. (C) The Ocular Adnexa The major anatomical structures which fall under the above heading are the oculomotor muscles, the lids, and the lacrimal apparatus. The eyeball lies, cushioned by fat, in a pyramidal cavity in the skull, the bony orbit. The angle at the apex of the orbit is about 45°, and the center-lines of the two orbits also make an angle of about 45 . This brings the mesial walls of the orbits approximately parallel; but for the axes of the eyeballs to be parallel it is necessary for them to make 22^/2 angles with the axes of the orbits. The Oculomotor Muscles — Back at the apex of the orbit is the small aperture by which the optic nerve enters the skull, and close to this point are the origins of four of the six muscles which rotate the eyeball (Fig. 16). These are the straight muscles or 'recti'^ — superior, inferior, medial (internal, nasal) and lateral (external, temporal). They form the 'muscle cone' around the nerve and diverge toward the equator of the eyeball. Here they pass through the connective-tissue capsule (of Tenon) which forms a jacket over the sclera, loosely connected to the episcleral tissue, and which is a portion of an elaborate system of con- nective-tissue membranes or fascia in the orbit, one of whose fortunate THE OCULOMOTOR MUSCLES 37 functions is to bar conjunctival infections from the orbit where they might do great damage to the eye and the brain. Becoming tendinous on passing through Tenon's capsule, the inser- tions of the muscles fuse with the tissue of the sclera. Since the fascial sheaths of the muscles are continuous with Tenon's capsule, it is possible to dissect a diseased eye out of the capsule, and by sewing a ball into the latter, provide a stump for an artificial eye which will move in har- mony with the good eye of the other side. Fig. 16 — Oculomotor muscles of man, as seen from above in a dissected head. On the left, a portion of the superior oblique has been cut away to reveal the inferior oblique; on the right, the superior rectus has been removed to permit a view of the inferior rectus. Modified from Adler. io- inferior oblique; ir- inferior rectus; /r- lateral (external) reaus; mr- medial (internal) rectus; n- optic nerve; p- pulley through which tendon of superior oblique passes; so- tendin- ous portion of superior oblique; sr- superior rectus. Two Other muscles (Figs. 16 and 17) meet the superior and inferior surfaces of the eyeball obliquely from the nasal side of the anterior part of the orbit, where one of them, the 'inferior oblique' muscle, is attached. The other, 'superior oblique', has however greatly lengthened phylogen- etically and its origin has moved back toward that of the recti. Its side- wise attack upon the eyeball was preserved throughout the backward migration of its origin by the development of a tough ring or pulley, through which it passes. The pulley formed at the old sub-mammalian site of attachment of the muscle on the anterior nasal orbital wall. As an anomaly, the muscle may atavistically end here, or a normal superior 38 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN oblique may be accompanied between the eyeball and the pulley by an extra muscular slip which has a common insertion with it upon the eye- ball. An additional and interesting atavism in an occasional human is a 'retractor bulbi' muscle, which in other mammals serves to hold the eye- ball tightly back in the orbit regardless of the relaxations and contrac- tions of the eye-rotating muscles. It ordinarily has four parts in mammals, alternating with the recti and originating with them at the apex of the orbit. The anomalous human retractor bulbi may exhibit this complete arrangement. The two oblique muscles, approaching the eyeball from the nasal side, might seem to give the muscular apparatus extra power for converging the two eyes — convergent movements being more frequent than any others — but since they do not pass in front of the center of rotation of the eye, their chief actions are to tilt the eyeball upward and downward. Their original purpose was, however, very different (p. 303). The six normal muscles are supplied by three different cranial nerves, one of which cares for four of them. Their bilaterally cooperative actions and the elaborate central-nervous control thereof are beyond the scope of this elementary description. The Lids — The eyelids are essentially folds of skin, which were devel- oped by land animals primarily for cleaning and moistening the cornea, and which incidentally protect the eye from small foreign objects such as insects, wind-blown sand, and the like. The cornea of an aquatic animal is kept clean and succulent by the water itself, through which no natural particle can travel with sufficient velocity to injure or embed in the cornea. It is a mistake to suppose that the chief purpose of the lids is to protect the eye — from blows, and so on; for they are no real protection against such insults. That function, in man, is taken care of by the supraorbital ridges of the skull which overhang the orbits and bear the eyebrows, whose purpose appears to be to divert sweat from the eyes. The opening between the lids, which reveals a portion of the eyeball, is the 'palpebral fissure'. Its temporal and nasal angles are respectively the (sharper) outer and (broader) inner 'canthi'. In the inner canthus can be seen the plica semilunaris, a crescentic fold of conjunctiva which is a vestige of a third, sidewise-sweeping eyelid present in many animals, the nictitating membrane. Neither the special muscles nor the special gland (Harder's) of the third eyelid are present, even as vestiges, in man. Overlying the base of the plica is a pink mass, the caruncle, which is really a bit of the margin of the lower lid which becomes isolated THE LIDS 39 • r C S " « S-2 -c 2 ^ v2i c c a, i2 0-5 i.£-§ a3 M-5- > 'C ' 40 A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE EYE: THE HUMAN therefrom in the embryo and sometimes bears eyelashes and their assoc- iated glands as evidence of its true nature. Near the inner canthus on each Ud margin is a pore raised on an eminence. These 'punctae lacrimaha' are exits for the tear fluid which accumulates in a pool, the lacus lacrimalis, at the inner canthus. The human upper lid (Fig. 18) does most of the work in closing the eye, though in most vertebrates it is the lower which moves the more. A continuous sphincter muscle surrounds the palpebral fissure and is much flattened and very broad where it courses through the two lids between their outer dermal and inner conjunctival surfaces. The oppo- nents of this 'orbicularis oculi' muscle are thin muscles running down into the upper lid and up into the lower. The more important of these is the levator muscle of the upper lid, which works with the superior rectus of which it is a derivative. Thus, when the eyeball is turned up- ward the lid automatically rises. When the levator is paralyzed, as sometimes occurs in diseases of the nervous system, the individual has a sleepy look owing to the unsightly drooping of the lid; but the oph- thalmic surgeon cleverly corrects this by fastening the inside of the lid to the superior rectus itself. Between the muscle-sheets of the lids and their conjunctival linings lie firm plates, one in each lid — the tarsi. Each tarsus is composed of dense connective tissue and is curved to fit the surface of the eyeball. Their presence insures a smooth sliding of the lids and obviates any tendency of the latter to roll up when in action. Embedded in each tarsus is a row of elongated (Meibomian) glands which open by a series of apertures behind the lid margin. They represent an additional row of eyelashes which have disappeared in evolution, leaving their glands behind them. The sebaceous secretion of these, together with that of smaller glands (of Zeis) associated with the lashes which are scattered along the edges of the lids, maintains a film of oily emulsion over the layer of tear fluid and holds the latter firmly and smoothly against the eyeball. The tears can spill over onto the cheeks only when they so accumulate that their weight breaks the retaining film. The periodic blinking of the lids is ordinarily involuntary and un- conscious. The rate of blinking varies, but each blink occupies %o of a second. Its chief values are in moistening and cleaning the cornea and in pumping the tear fluid out of the lacus lacrimalis — though this is an incidental function of the lid muscles rather than of the lids themselves. One might expect the drying of the cornea to initiate the blinking reflex, THE LACRIMAL SYSTEM 41 but numerous experiments have shown that this is not the case. Though many factors have been tested for their effect or lack of effect upon the acceleration or inhibition of the rhythmical blinking of the lids, the im- mediate cause of it remains quite unknown. The Lacrimal System — The tear fluid, which can be thought of as the land animal's substitute for an ocean, is produced continuously in small amounts (less than 1 cc. per day in the absence of irritation) by the lacrimal gland. This compound tubular gland lies against the su- perior temporal quadrant of the eyeball in the anterior part of the orbit, propped forward by the orbital fat (Fig. 17). Its dozen ducts open mostly far up under the upper lid. Like the lids themselves, the entire lacrimal apparatus is lacking in fishes, where it is not needed, and is much reduced in those aquatic forms which have had terrestrial ancestry. The tears are mixed with mucus secreted by scattered cells in the con- junctiva, and most of this fluid is disposed of by evaporation. Any excess, upon irritation of the eye or in mild emotional states, drains through the two punctae — chiefly the lower — into a pair of canaliculi which converge and enter the 'lacrimal sac'. This is a dilatation of the upper end of the lacrimal duct, a membranous canal which runs vertically downward, through the bony substance of the skull, to empty into the nasal cavity. This connection leads to our being able to taste the salty tears in the back of the mouth when we weep. There are a number of so-called valves in the tear-drainage system, and its action is rather com- plicated; but the essential factor in emptying the lacus is a pumping action by the orbicularis oculi upon the adjacent lacrimal sac. This makes it possible to conceal emotion and sometimes to forestall weeping (the spilling of excessive tear fluid onto the cheeks) by rapid blinking. The primary use of the tears is to clean and wet the cornea. Their overproduction upon irritation is often entirely effective in washing away the source of irritation. The fluid contains enough sugar and protein to be of value in the nutrition of the corneal epithelium, which is able to absorb proteins. There is some evidence that it is the sole source of that nutrition. Moreover, the tears are bactericidal to a not unimportant extent due to the presence in them of a special antiseptic ferment, 'lyso- zyme'. The most conspicuous thing about the lacrimal system, however, — psychical (emotional) weeping — is strictly peculiar to the human animal and to some species of bears, and serves no physiological pur- pose whatever. It§ value is wholly psychological and economic — as every woman knows! Chapter 3 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA (A) Histology and Physiology The sensory retina of any vertebrate consists essentially of four layers of cells. One of these, the pigment epithelium, is not immediately con- cerned with the process of photoreception. The other three layers com- prise the retina proper, which lies against the pigment epithelium but is rarely connected with the latter by any continuity of material. The Pigment Epithelium — The pigment epithelium of the retina (Fig. 19) is firmly joined to the inner surface of the chorioid coat. Each cell in the epithelium is like a six-sided tile and the cells are set in a regular mosaic with only a thin layer of cement between their contiguous sides. The base of the cell, toward the chorioid, is also covered by cement which the cell secretes, so that an unbroken layer of this cement lies between the pigment epithelium and the chorioid. The innermost layer of the chorioid is an extremely thin elastic sheet which, together with the cuticular cement layer between it and the bodies of the pigment cells, comprises the 'glass membrane' (lamina vitrea). The whole of the thickness of this really double membrane is often assigned to the chorioid — or, by some, even to the pigment epithelium, which clings much more tightly to the chorioid than to the retina proper when an attempt is made to peel the layers of the eyeball wall apart. The pigment epithelium belongs to the retina physiologically and embry- ologically, however, if not anatomically. It is nowhere continuous with the chorioid, whereas, as we have seen (see Fig. 7g, p. 15) it is contin- uous at the pupil margin with the anterior prolongation of the sensory retina. The free surface of the pigment cell usually bears a number of pro- cesses which may be few and heavy (even single) or numerous and filamentous, like a tuft of microscopic hairs (Fig. 20). The granules of pigment, which consist of a colorless matrix impregnated with a light brown form of melanin called 'fuscin', are of two sorts — round ones tending to occupy the cuboidal base of the cell around the nucleus, and spindle-shaped ones filling the processes and often migrating in and out 42 THE PIGMENT EPITHELIUM 43 of the latter in bright and dim Hght. Pigment may be entirely lacking over a large area of the epithelium where this lies against an especially modified area of chorioid (Chapter 9, section D). * lamina vllrea ** pigment epithelium receptor layei '" >c»>v^ "^^m." ^-extllmrmem^.^ ^ '^^J^ outernuclear •^^'i^- ^'\'^" X'-^-lJ' \ outer plexi- !*?V rr *^ ^1 form layer 'i^^c\^^'^li T ^r«4^ ^^^■^m.'nner nuclear inner plexi- form layer L^ ) ganglion layer ^ nerve fibers ■^'iRtrllmrmemb: Fig. 19 — The human retina. At the left, a vertical seaion through the retina in the nasal fundus, as it appears in ordin- ary histological preparations (fixation in Kolmer's fluid; nitrocellulose embedding; Mallory's triple stain, Heidenhain's hematoxylin and phloxine). x 500. (Note cross-section of capillary in inner nuclear layer). At the right, a 'wiring diagram' of the retina showing examples of its principal elements, as revealed in material impregnated with silver by the methods of Golgi. Based largely upon the work of Polyak. a- amacrine cell (diffuse type); b,b- bipolar cells (ordinary, 'midget' type); c,c- cones; cb- 'centrifugal' bipolar, believed by Polyak to conduct outward through the retina rather than inward; db- diffuse bipolar, connecting with many visual cells — chiefly rods; g, g- ganglion cells (ordinary, 'midget' type); h- horizontal cell — its dendrites connecting only with cones and its axon with both rods and cones at some distance from the cell-body; m- Miiller fiber — its ends forming the limiting membranes and its substance serving to insulate the nervous elements from each other except at synapses; pg- 'parasol' ganglion cell (one of several giant types, conneaing with many bipolars) ; r, r- rods. THE VERTEBRATE RETINA Anterior to the ora terminalis the pigment epithelium passes over the cihary body as the outermost of the two layers of the ciliary epithelium and is almost unchanged except for an increase in the height of its cells and the disappearance of all processes together with the spindle form of pigment granule. Its continuation on the back of the iris is Fig. 20 — Pigment-epithelial cells, x 500. The horizontal line beneath each drawing shows the position of the external limiting mem- brane. A portion of the lamina vitrea is shown as a heavy black line. Spaces occupied by cones are marked c; those filled by rods are marked r. a, group of cells from an unstained, flat mount of human pigment epithelium, as seen from the chorioid side. Through the clearings formed by the nuclei, some of the elongated pig- ment granules in the distal part of the cell can be seen. b, two human pigment cells from the nasal periphery, in vertical sertion. One cell is opposite a cone, and bears a delicate tubular process which ensheathes the cone outer segment {cf. Fig. 19). The other cell is opposite only rods, and is devoid of processes. c, pigment cell of a mouse opossum, Marmosa mexicana, showing the paucity of retinal pigment charaaeristic of many strongly nocturnal animals. d, pigment cell of an African lungfish, Protopterus eethiopicus, showing a mass of fila- mentous pigment-laden processes markedly differentiated from the body of the cell. e, pigment cell of goldfish, Carassius auratus, light-adapted. The two or three heavy proc- esses contain relatively little migratory pigment (in rod-like granules) in their tips {cf. Fig. 62, p. 146; Fig. 94, p. 237). almost devoid of pigment in those animals in which it has produced a dilatator pupillas (Fig. 7, p. 15). At the edge of the pupil the layer of cells doubles back upon itself and continues, now heavily pigmented, to the periphery of the iris as the latter's most posterior layer of tissue. There its pigmentation disappears and a clear epithelium proceeds over THE VISUAL CELL-LAYER 45 the ciliary body, as the innemiost of the two layers of the ciliary epi- thelium, to the ora terminalis. At this point the simple epithelium sud- denly becomes stratified and complex to form the sensory retina. Travelling thus forward to the pupil in the pigment epithelium and backward again into the sensory retina proper, we are easily able to see that the entire retinal coat of the eye reaches to the pupil margin and forms a two-layered cup. The two major layers — pigment epithelium and retina proper — develop directly from the two layers of the embry- onic optic cup, which arises as a bubble of tissue on the side of the brain, becoming constricted off therefrom and deeply indented on the side toward the skin. This indentation gives the vesicle an outer and an inner layer and an opening, aimed toward the surface of the head, into which the lens is received after its separation from the skin (see Fig. 38, p. 106). Thereafter the opening becomes (relatively) smaller, and per- sists as the pupil. The Visual-Cell Ltayer— Standing on the external surface of the retina proper, and constituting its receptive layer, are the rods and cones (Fig. 19). These elongated cells thus point away from the light, which must pass through the remainder of the retina to reach them (hence the complete transparency of this tissue as contrasted with the brain, which has a similar histological organization). Their tips are pressed against the pigment cells or are even buried in deep indentations in them, or between their processes when such are present. The processes in turn may reach nearly to the bases of the rods and cones so that they are deeply interdigitated with the latter. Though there is seldom a conti- nuity of substance, the dovetailing of the sets of processes and visual cells is so intimate and firm that one or the other is often torn in two if the retina and chorioid are forcibly separated. In other cases the absence of all pigment-cell processes may make a separation very easy, and only the optic nerve, the fusion of the two layers of the optic cup at the ora terminalis, and the pressure of the vitreous then hold the retina firmly and smoothly in place. At the level of the bases of the rods and cones the retina has its ex- ternal limiting membrane (briefly, the 'limitans') which may be likened to a piece of wire screening through each hole of which a rod or cone projects. The visual cells are a tight fit for the holes and are thus kept perpendicular to the membrane and prevented from getting out of line by any sliding lengthwise past each other. In some retinas, delicate hair- like processes from the outer surface of the membrane itself form so- 46 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA called fiber-baskets, fused with the surfaces of the bases of the visual ceils and anchoring them very firmly in place. On the inner side of the limitans lie the nuclei of the rods and cones. The diameters of these are ordinarily much greater than those of the cytoplasmic parts which protrude outward through the limitans. This results in the nuclei piling up into several rows (forming the 'outer nuclear layer') the number of which in a given retina will be roughly equal to the quotient of the square of the diameter of the nucleus divided by the square of the diameter of the predominant type of visual cell. Cones are usually so plump at their bases that there is room for their nuclei to lie up against the limitans or even above it; but a rod nucleus may lie far below its rod, being connected with the latter by a slender thread which winds its way up among the intervening rows of nuclei. The Bipolar Layer — From each visual-cell nucleus a short thread-like *foot-piece' travels inward (toward the vitreous) until it clears the other visual-cell nuclei, and then expands into a terminus which may be either smoothly rounded, or branched like a bird's foot (Figs. 19, 22, 23, 24). This is related, as in a handclasp, to a similar arborization at the outer end of a 'bipolar' neuron, whose cell body lies deeper in the retina toward the vitreous. A bipolar dendrite may embrace several or a great many visual-cell termini, so that the number of bipolar cells in a retina is always less than the number of visual cells. The branched process of the bipolar cell which joins to the visual cells, and the similar process from the bipolar cell-body which travels in the opposite direction (to- ward the vitreous) are however much more slender than the cell-body. The bipolar nuclei are consequently piled up in several layers like those of the visual cells, and this second band of nuclei forms the 'inner nu- clear layer' of the retina (Fig. 19). In this layer, along with the nuclei of bipolar cells, are a (usually) smaller number of nuclei belonging to several types of cells which will be mentioned later. Some of the bipolar cells each connect with but one cone. Such are the numerous 'midget bipolars' of the primate retina (Fig, 19, b). Other, 'diffuse' bipolars (Fig. 19, db) of several types may each embrace a great number of rods, and some cones as well. In many retinae there are diffuse bipolars which connect only with rods, or only with cones; but such elements appear to be lacking in man. The inner nuclear layer is separated from the outer nuclear layer by a feltwork of the delicate nerve fibers which make the connections BIPOLAR AND GANGLION LAYERS 47 between visual cells and bipolars. This is the 'outer plexiform layer'. An 'inner plexiform layer' also occurs on the vitread side of the inner nuclear layer, and has a similar significance. In it lie the synaptic junc- tions between bipolar cells and the innermost of the three masses of cells concerned with the projection of the image to the brain — the 'ganglion layer'. The Ganglion Layer — The cells of this layer (Fig. 19) have either small or large bodies and simple or elaborate dendrites which reach up into the inner plexiform layer to meet the termini of the bipolars. Each ganglion cell gives off a slender axon process which courses along the inner surface of the retina, next to the vitreous. All of these fibers, from Fig. 21 — The optic chiasma. a, of man, showing partial decussation of optic nerve fibers. b, of bird, showing total decussation; in some vertebrates (i.e., most fishes) the nerves are not thus plaited — but whether the fibers are interwoven or not, they all decussate in non- mammals. c- chiasma; n- optic nerve; retina; /- optic tract, which enters brain. all over the sensory retina, converge at one place in the 'fundus' (back) of the eye and there turn parallel to each other and pass outward through the retina, chorioid and sclera in a compact bundle as the optic nerve, which travels toward the brain (Fig. 21). A ganglion cell may gather in the axons of several bipolars (Fig. 19, pg) , just as one of the latter in turn often connects not with one visual cell but with several. This has been called the 'inward convergence' of the visual cells upon optic nerve fibers, or 'summation'. The impulses which travel down several visual-cell foot-pieces are summated in their efforts to stimulate a single bipolar cell, and numbers of bipolar nerve- impulses are in turn gathered into single ganglion cells and optic nerve 48 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA fibers. This phenomenon of summation is of the utmost importance in the physiology of the retina, and will be discussed again when certain other concepts have been introduced. The three kinds of retinal elements so far mentioned — visual, bipolar, and ganglion cells — are those concerned in the simple, straightforward, projective pathway of the visual impulse to the brain. There are four other types of cells which remain to be described: Miiller fibers, neu- roglial cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells. Miiller Fibers — Miiller fibers may be likened to rivets which run through the whole thickness of the retina proper and bind its layers together (Fig. 19, m). Their outer ends form the external limitans and their inner ends are expanded into trumpets or pyramids whose bases, against the vitreous, are six-sided and are fitted together as an unbroken mosaic, the internal limiting membrane of the retina. This is not a true, isolable membrane but simply the inner surface of the retina. The vitre- ous which touches the internal limitans may be a little tougher than the rest, like the skin on a cornstarch pudding; but it is still part of the vitreous — there is no distinct layer at the retino-vitreal interface which be- longs to neither structure. The retina and vitreous are simply in contact. The nucleus of a Miiller fiber lies about half-way through the thick- ness of the inner nuclear layer and is very easily identified by its elon- gated oval form. The boundary surface of a Miiller fiber, however, cannot be made out at all unless the cell is isolated by the procedure of macerating the retina; for the Miiller fibers have irregular expansions and cavities in them, and occupy a surprising amount of the total volume of the retina. If we imagine building a model of the retina by using wires for the nerve fibers in it, and large glass beads for their nuclei, we could then represent the whole population of Miiller fibers best by filling in all the empty space with wax or some such substance. All of the nuclei in the retina sit in pockets in the Miiller fibers, which at the levels of the nuclear layers form a sort of sponge-work. Every nerve-fiber is likewise insulated from every other by a film of intervening Miiller-fiber sub- stance; and only at the synaptic handclasps between nerve-fiber ends is there opportunity for separate nerve cells actually to come in direct con- tact. Neuroglia — The neuroglial cells of the retina are small and not num- erous. They are like one of the chief types of glial elements in the brain and spinal cord. While glial cells are abundant and im.portant in serving SUSTENTATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE CELLS 49 as the connective-tissue of the central nervous system, their place is taken in the retina by the Miiller fibers, which do the same job even better and other jobs in addition. We may fairly consider the glial cells of the retina to be meaningless, and present only because of their inheritance from the brain wall of which the retina is, after all, a part. Occasionally they seem to resent their idleness and become altogether too busy, gener- ating a 'glioma' — a particularly disastrous type of tumor whose presence calls for the immediate removal of the eye to prevent a fatal involve- ment of the brain by way of the optic nerve. Horizontal and Amacrine Cells — Although the Miiller fibers and neuroglial cells are certainly not impulse-conducting elements, the 'hori- zontal cells' are under suspicion of performing some sort of integration of the retina. If we think of the visual^bipolar->ganglion-cell chain as running vertically through the retina, then the amacrines and horizontal cells do their work in a horizontal direction. The horizontals have their cell-bodies among those at the outer surface of the inner nuclear layer (Fig. 19, h). In lower vertebrates the horizontal cells are chunky and epithelioid, or ropy and anucleate, and seem only to have a supporting function like the Miiller fibers. In higher vertebrates, however, they more often have many spider-leg processes running in the outer plexiform layer. Thus they may give the appearance of nerve cells and very prob- ably do conduct laterally, tying up one area of the retina with another just as regions of the cerebral cortex are interconnected by association fibers. Those of mammals (Fig. 19, h) are certainly conductive, and in man have their stubby dendrites connected with cones and their long axons connected with distant rods and cones. The 'amacrine' cells ordinarily have this same horizontally integrative function. Their exact action and its effects upon subjective visual phe- nomena are about the biggest remaining mystery in the physiology of the retina. Their nuclei tend to lie in the inner half of the inner nuclear layer and each gives off a single process which passes vitread and then branches more or less, the branches being short or very long (Fig. 19, a). The amacrines seem to associate the bipolar^ganglion-cell synapses, per- forming for the inner plexiform layer the same function that the con- ductive types of horizontal cells do for the outer. The action of these two types of cells would appear to be detrimental to the preservation of the pattern of the retinal image during its 'wire- photo' transmission to the brain in the form of nerve-impulses. If all the 50 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA amacrines were carrying impulses at once, the result would certainly be a hopeless garbling of the projective transmission and a blurring of the cerebral picture of the external visual field. One would, then, expect to find amacrines very few or even lacking in the retinae of those animals whose vision is keenest and whose ability to discriminate fine-detailed patterns is greatest. Yet it is in just such animals that the amacrines are most abundant. In the birds, for example, they may even outnumber the bipolar neurons. Obviously, only a few can be in action at any one time, and they make of the retina an elaborate switchboard in which now one, now another conduction may be enhanced or inhibited. In primates, some of the elements formerly believed to be 'amacrine' (hterally, 'lacking an axon') have recently been found to possess axons after all. If their axons and dendrites have indeed been correctly iden- tified (and the identifications are so far on a purely morphological basis) , then such elements are really bipolars of a peculiar sort — they conduct toward the receptor layer. Such a supposed 'centrifugal' bipolar is shown in Figure 19 (cb). Their discoverer, Polyak, thinks that they serve to alter the state of activity of the visual cells. What this may mean, trans- lated into terms of visual physiology and visual psychology, is not clear. It seems as likely that the centrifugal bipolars intensify (or prolong) the activity of ordinary bipolars in a given amount or pattern of illumin- ation, by (so to say) taking excitation from their lower ends and putting it back in at their tops. Anyone familiar with radio hook-ups (which the diagram in Fig. 19 rather resembles!) can see how the centrifugal bipolar may be compared with a tickler coil in a regenerative circuit. There are many true amacrines in primates, however; and these axon- less, horizontal integrators are abundant in other vertebrates — partic- ularly so, in birds (v. s.). A moment's thought about the mystery of the amacrines suffices to convince one that the retina is more than just a sense organ which re- tails to the brain, parrot-fashion, the physical changes in the environ- ment. The retina is an association center with every bit as complex a mode of action as the cerebral cortex itself. The elucidation of its switch- board activities is almost beyond the realm of physiology. Nutrition of the Retina — The nervous tissue of the retina probably does not have a high rate of metabolism, but the rods and cones are very sensitive to any interference with their supplies of materials and oxygen. These come from the chorioid, which aside from its light-absorbing func- NUTRITION OF THE RETINA 51 tion is wholly devoted to the nutrition of the visual cells. The turnover of substances must be very great, for the chorioid is very rich in blood vessels which indeed comprise most of its bulk in many animals. Just outside of the lamina vitrea lies a network composed of broad, flat capillaries. This 'choriocapillaris' reticulum (Fig. 6b, p. 14) is so fine- meshed that its capillaries total a greater portion of its area than do the spaces between them. It is with the blood in the choriocapillaris that the visual cells make their exchanges of supplies and wastes, liaison being effected by the pigment epithelium which is thus taking in and giving off materials at both of its surfaces continuously. The retina often has blood vessels clinging to or embedded in its inner surface, but these are usually concerned only with the nutrition of the inner layers of the retina. Even where (as in most mammals) capillary branches of these vessels invade the retina itself, they almost never reach outward beyond the inner nuclear layer and obviously belong only to the vitread portion of the retina. Such a capillary shows in Figure 19. The choriocapillaris is supplied with blood by a layer of arteries outside of it in the chorioid, and drains into a layer of large inter-con- necting veins which lie on the scleral side of these arteries (Figs. 4a, 6a; pp. 8, 14). The veins converge in the four quadrants of the eyeball to pour their contents into the four great 'vorticose veins' which conduct the blood away from the equator of the eye. Other vessels also penetrate the sclera anteriorly and supply or drain structures other than the retina. The vessels mentioned above, which supply the inner layers of the retina, are few and are branches of vessels which enter the eyeball in or along with the optic nerve. True retinal vessels are present only in the eels and the mammals — -and not even in all of the latter, some of whose retinas (e.g., in the rhinoceros) are as completely avascular as those of the lower vertebrates. All of the vessels concerned with the eye apart from the retina— and even including those last mentioned above — do not, taken together, com- pare in abundance with the rich chorioidal circulation. This latter exists solely for the benefit of those cells of the whole eye which are most important, if any are that: the rod and cone visual cells. The Optic Nerve — The human optic nerve takes a long, slightly undulant course to the apex of the orbit and there enters the cranium (Fig. 16, p. 37). It is flexible, and by its length allows enough slack to let the eye rotate freely. It contains more than a million nerve fibers, most of 52 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA which transmit visual impulses, though many are centrifugal. It is heavily ensheathed by tendinous and vascular coats continuous on the one hand with the sclera and on the other hand with the meningeal coverings of the brain, and is divided by internal septa, of connective tissue and neu- roglia, into many fiber-bundles. The central retinal artery and vein join the nerve at some distance from the eyeball and run through its center to emerge within the eye at the nerve head, where they branch over the inner surface of the retina. The optic 'nerve' is called such only for convenience. It is not a true nerve but, like the retina, an ectopic portion of the brain itself. Within the cranium the two optic nerves cross through each other and continue, as the 'optic tracts', into the brain. The crossing or 'chiasma' is especially complex in man and in all other mammals, for in them only some of the fibers from each eye cross into the opposite optic tract, the others going directly into the tract on the same side. In other vertebrates, the crossing or 'decussation' of the fibers is com- plete— that is, all of the fibers from each optic nerve enter the opposite side of the brain (Fig. 21). No special advantage is gained by such an arrangement — it arose mysteriously along with the numerous similar decussations in the tracts of the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord; but there is a special value of partial decussation which will be found ex- plained in Chapter 10, section D. Even where the decussation is total, the chiasma is seldom a simple anatomical crossing of one whole optic nerve over the other. This is indeed the situation in most fishes; but elsewhere the two nerves are interwoven to a greater or lesser extent (Fig. 21b). (B) Types of Visual Cells General Types— Rods versus Cones — The visual cells of vertebrates are of two general types which were long ago given the names 'rod' and 'cone' — though with our superior modern knowledge of their phylogen- etic ramifications and physiological characteristics we might wish that a more apt pair of names could be substituted for the traditional ones. In a given retina containing both highly sensitive visual cells (rods) and relatively insensitive ones (cones) , the high- and low-threshold cells can always be told apart; but the rod of one retina may resemble struc- turally the cone of another, or may give evidence of having been recently OPTIC NERVE; RODS VS. CONES 53 derived from a cone-type in an ancestor of different habits. In an at- tempt to resolve the confusion resulting from an overemphasis of shape- differences — which has even led some to deny any distinction between rods and cones! — the writer several years ago proposed the names 'photocyte' and 'scotocyte' for the two physiological types of visual cells contrasted in the Duplicity Theory (see next Section). But it is perhaps too late to bring about any such revolution in the terminology. Of the two types, there can be no doubt that the cone is the older and more primitive. This statement however — which is quite contradictory to any the reader will find in other books — is not to be taken to mean that cones entirely like those of man were the original vertebrate visual cells. It is certain, for instance, that the ancestral cell lacked any means of analyzing colors. It is equally certain that the common ancestor of present-day rods and cones lacked any such ingenious sensitizing sub- stance as rhodopsin (see Chapter 4) . With a slender, pointed, stimulable organelle, the outer segment, derived from a formerly vibratile flagellum (see Chapter 5, section B) and connecting directly to a simple afferent neuron, the pro-vertebrate visual cell could not but have been a high- threshold receptor, which limited the excursions of its owner to the brightly lighted surface waters. Rods came later, as a means of extending the period of activity over a greater portion of the twenty-four hours. They were derived quite simply from cones by the enlargement of the outer segment and by an increase in the number of visual cells connected to each nerve cell. It was not desirable for all of the visual cells to make these changes, for unless two types were preserved side by side in a nice balance, sensitivity to dim light could not be increased without too great a sacrifice of re- solving power. The needs of the animal — whether greater for sensitivity, or for visual acuity — then determined the proportion of small un-sum- mated and larger, summated visual cells which would give him optimal visual capacity. With the invention of the powerfully sensitizing rhod- opsin by the rod on the one hand, and the differentiation of a photo- chemical basis for hue-discrimination in the cones on the other hand, the widely useful duplex retina as we know it today came into being. Single Cones — Because of the antiquity and priority of the high-thres- hold cell, we will consider first the cytology of a typical single cone such as that of the frog (Fig. 22c). The elaborate cytoplasmic portion of this complex cell protrudes through a lacuna of the external limiting mem- 54 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA brane, which constricts its base firmly and keeps the nucleus of the cone on the vitread side. The tapered photosensitive tip of the cell is the outer segment, the remainder of the cell down to the nucleus being the inner segment and representing the columnar body of the ancestral epi- thelioid ependymal cell. In the distal end of the inner segment lies the ( cf Fig. 22 — Single cones. 1000. a, of sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens. b, of goldfish, Carassius auratus; light-adapted {i.e., with myoid contraaed — cj. Fig. 62, p. 146; in fishes, the cone nucleus often lies partly or wholly above the external limiting membrane, as here), c, of leopard frog, Rana pipiens: dark-adapted {i.e., with myoid elongated — c/. Fig. 64, p. 148). d, of snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina, e, of marsh hawk. Circus hitdsonius; from the circumfoveal eminence, f, of man; from the circumfoveal eminence. d- oil-droplet, embedded in: e- ellipsoid; /- foot-piece; /- external limiting membrane; m- myoid; n- nucleus; o- outer segment; p- paraboloid. ellipsoid, whose shape in the frog cone happens to justify this geomet- rical name, though this is seldom true. Embedded distally in the ellipsoid is the oil-droplet, which in some frog cones contains a dissolved yellow pigment. The stalk-like portion of the inner segment is highly contrac- tile (Chapter 7, section B) and hence is called the myoid (= muscle- like). The myoid joins the large, ovoid nucleus in which the chromatin SINGLE CONES 55 occurs in a reticulum of many small granules. From the region of the nucleus a short, thick, dendritic 'cone-foot' proceeds vitread to make a synapse-like junction with a bipolar dendrite. & y/ Fig. 23— Rods. X 1000. a, generalized rod, showing organelles as they might appear if visible in the living cell; note myeloidal spiral and centrosomic Fiirst fiber in outer segment, diplosome and Kolmer- Held fiber proceeding therefrom in inner segment, b, rod of Protopterus cethiopicus— unusual, in that it contains an oil-droplet, implying secondary origin from a cone (c/. Fig. 25). c, rod of goldfish, Carassius auratus; light-adapted (i.e., with myoid elongated — cf. Figs. 62 and 63). d, common or 'red' (rhodopsin-containing) rod of leopard frog, Rana pipiens; dark-adapted {i.e., with myoid contraaed — cj. Fig. 64). e, 'green' (Schwalbe's) rod of Rana pipiens. i, rod of flying squirrel, Glaucomys v. volans; exemplifies the fila- mentous type characteristic of many strongly nocturnal animals, g, human rod from near the temporal side of the macula lutea. d, oil-droplet; e- ellipsoid; /- foot-piece; /- external limiting membrane; m- myoid (the corresponding portion of the inner segment is non-contractile in e, f, and g); n- nucleus; o- outer segment; p- paraboloid. 56 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA Not all single cones are built like those of the frog. The oil-droplet is lacking in the cones of nearly all living forms lower than the frogs; but even so there are reasons for thinking the oil-droplet to be a very primitive visual-cell feature. Such droplets occur in pigment epithelial cells, which are homologous with the visual cells, and apparently also (in salamanders) in the type of brain-cell from which the rods and cones originated. The ellipsoid, which appears to be a light-concentrating device, is sometimes supplemented by a second dioptric organelle, the paraboloid, lying proximal to it in the myoid. The paraboloid may have some very important function other than its incidental optical one. While the ellipsoid always stains heavily with acid fuchsin, an out- standing peculiarity of the paraboloid is its usual refusal to take any stains at all. It is quite likely that some paraboloids are fluid vacuoles — perhaps sometimes artificial spaces (Figs. 22a, 23b, 24a and b) ; but many are solid or semisolid (Figs. 2 2d, 25) and keep their shape when expressed from the living cell. The cone outer segment may actually be cylindrical when it is so very slender that it could hardly be expected to taper, as in many lizards and birds, and even sometimes when there is plenty of room for a more bulky, conical structure (Fig. 22). The myoid may be quite non-con- tractile and thus undeserving of that name, as in man; and it may be permanently greatly elongated, marooning the body of the cone opposite or even beyond the tips of the rods (flying squirrels, some lampreys and snakes — see Fig. 69a, p. 167). The nucleus of the frog cone is typical structurally, but not as regards its position, for cone nuclei almost always lie in contact with the limitans or even (some fishes) beyond it, on its scleral surface (Fig. 22a and b). One of the most noteworthy peculiarities which cones may have is that presented by the cones of the greater portion of the human retina, and also by some other placental mammals, the dog and cat for exam- ple : the cone outer segment is a cylinder enclosed by a tubular process of the pigment epithelial cell opposite to it, and apparently (though this is not yet certain) fused at its tip with the pigment cell, actual proto- plasmic continuity existing between the two (Figs. 19, 20b; pp. 43, 44). No such arrangement is ever seen in rods, and its obvious advantages for the facilitation of the nutrition of the cone constitute important evidence for the cone's having a faster metabolism than the rod — something which has long been suspected on other grounds. RODS; HOMOLOGY WITH CONES 57 Rods — One rod would do about as well as another to illustrate rod structure, for rods do not differ from retina to retina nearly so much as do cones. The rod (Fig. 23) has the same principal parts as the cone — outer and inner segments, nucleus, and foot-piece. The outer segment is almost without exception a perfect cylinder and the inner segment is often more slender — sometimes, as in bony fishes, much more so. The rod in man and other mammals is not contractile; so, the term 'myoid' for the undifferentiated part of the inner segment would be a misnomer. A structure corresponding in microchemical behavior to the cone ellipsoid is present, though it is probably optically functionless. Rod nuclei tend to be smaller, more nearly spherical, and with much larger and fewer masses of chromatin than cone nuclei. The latter hav- ing preempted positions against the limitans (the cones being the first visual cells to differentiate in embryonic retinae), the rod nuclei per- force contact the limitans only between cone nuclei and for the most part are forced to pile up below it to form the thick outer nuclear layer. Cones ordinarily vary considerably in different retinal regions, being more slender and more numerous toward the fundus. Rods are uniform in concentration everywhere except as this is influenced by the cones — it is as though the cones had been distributed in the retina first, and then the spaces between them neatly filled in with as many rods as would conveniently fit. Rods are ordinarily uniform in diameter through- out a retina, but their length tends to increase slightly and slowly from ora to fundus. The center of concentration of cones, or of rods when they have such a center, does not necessarily lie anywhere near the optic axis of the eye. Seen 'on the flat', the rod and cone mosaic exhibits a pattern which in different animals may have the hexagon, the square, or some other geometrical figure as its unit. These patterns have not yet been sufficiently studied for them to yield up any ulterior meaning which they may have. Homology of Rods and Cones — Cone and rod are homologous part for part and have many points in common. The outer segments of both have thin sheaths filled up with a lipid ground-substance in which one or more closely wound spiral filaments of another lipid material, derived from mitochondria, are embedded (Fig. 23a). These show faintly or clearly in large rod outer segments (Figs. 25 and 26), rarely also in cones; but they are presumably always present. When too heavily stained, they commonly give an appearance of transverse discs (Figs. 58 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA 22f, 23g). A long filament runs axially or peripherally in the outer seg- ment of (again, presumably) every visual cell and, just within the inner segment, is connected with a pair of granules from which a second, much shorter, filament proceeds down the inner segment for a way (Fig. 23 a). This filament-and-granule apparatus, collectively, is the cen- trosome of the cell, whose function in visual physiology, if any, is not known. Rods may contain paraboloids, or even oil-droplets (Figs. 23b, 25b, c) , though only when the rods have had a peculiar history (Chapter 7, section D). The rod foot-piece may be just like a cone-foot; but in animals whose rods are very slender and numerous (teleosts, mammals, and nocturnal birds) it is a slender filament terminating in a highly specialized, unbranched 'rod end-knob' — apparently to make more com- pact the connections of many rods to single bipolars (Fig. 19, p. 43). It is also in such animals that the rod and cone nuclei are most sharply differentiated as to size, shape, and chromatin distribution. In forms with fewer, more bulky rods (lampreys, amphibians, many reptiles) the rod and cone nuclei are indistinguishable on any basis other than pos- ition, and the foot-pieces may be nearly or quite identical. In connection with the question whether the rod or the cone is the more primitive cell, it is significant that when the nuclei and foot-pieces are alike in a retina, they both resemble the cone structures of retinae in which they differ — and, cone-type nuclei are more like nuclei in general than are rod-type nuclei. The heavy, dendritic cone-foot would also appear to be a more primitive sort of connecting process than the peculiar rod-fiber and its end-knob. Where they are markedly differentiated, the differences be- tween rod and cone nuclei have no relationship to physiological differ- ences which we are able to discern at present. Green Rods — There is a type of so-called rod, restricted to the am- phibians, whose very long stalk is but slightly contractile (Fig. 23 e). It lacks rhodopsin and this, together with the shortness of its outer segment, would necessarily make it have a relatively high threshold. Functionally, this 'green rod' (of Schwalbe) is probably more cone-like than rod-like — its nucleus even lies in the inner part of the outer nuclear layer, alongside the cone nuclei; but its origin is quite unknown. Double Cones — Even more mysterious are the 'double cones' — and the puzzle they present is particularly irritating to the curious inves- tigator because they are so very widespread among vertebrates. If they occurred in only one or two animals, we might dismiss them as a curi- DOUBLE CONES 59 osity. Perhaps if they occurred in the human retina we would before now have gained some clue to their role in visual processes; but their functional significance, their exact mode of formation in the developing retina, and the probable time and manner of their evolutionary origin have yet to be determined. Next to the amacrine cells, the double cones Fig. 24 — Double and twin cones, x 1000. a, double cone of a holostean fish, the bowfin, Amia calva. b, double cone of leopard frog, Rana pipiens; dark-adapted {i.e., with myoid of chief cone elongated), c, double cone of western painted turtle, Chrysemys picta marginata. d, double cone of European grass snake, Matrix natrix. e, twin cone of a teleost fish, the bluegill, Lepomis m. macrochirus; light-adapted (i.e., with fused myoids contraaed). f, conjugate element (of Fundulus heteroditus; after Butcher) characteristic of some teleosts; perhaps intermediate between a and e, perhaps instead a derivative of e. c- 'clear mass'; d- oil-droplet; e- ellipsoid of chief cone; e'- ellipsoid of accessory cone; /- foot-piece; g- 'granular mass'; /- external limiting membrane; m- myoid; n- nucleus of chief; n- nucleus of accessory; o- outer segment of chief; o'- outer segment of accessory; p- paraboloid. are physiologically the most obscure elements in any and all retinae. They have unfortunately not greatly interested visual physiologists, since the latter have their attention focused upon the human retina, in which double cones are lacking. Double cones appear phylogenetically first in the holostean fishes (Fig. 24a). They occur in amphibians, reptiles, birds, one monotreme (Ornithorhynchus) and marsupials, but not in any known placental 60 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA mammals although some of the most primitive of these may prove to have them when examined. So, most vertebrate groups have double cones; yet we have no idea what they mean. The most that can be said is that the number of double cones, relative to the total number of cones, tends to be high in strongly diurnal animals and low in strongly noc- turnal ones. As a maximum, double cones may about equal in number the single cones of the same retina. The typical double cone (Fig. 24b, c ) consists of two very unlike cones fused together in the lower myoid region. One member — the chief cone — is always very much like the single cones in the same retina. The other, or accessory cone is decidedly different. The ellipsoid is usually unclear in outline proximally and its material blends with the ground substance of the inner segment. There is almost never an oil-droplet, but an enormous paraboloid is almost invariably present. This so dis- tends the accessory myoid that the myoid of the chief cone is thinned and curved around the paraboloid region so as to be almost indistin- guishable proximally. There are two nuclei, and some indications that the two foot-pieces connect with different bipolars. The two members of a double cone seem to supplement each other — an organelle which one lacks, the other possesses; but since everything that may be present in the two members together may also occur in one single cone, the segregation of parts in the double cone is without obvious meaning. Twin Cones — Quite another sort of element is the 'twin cone' (Fig. 24e) found in so many teleost fishes. In this receptor the two members are identical and are fused throughout the length of the inner segment. Thus the twinned myoid contracts and elongates as a unit during photo- mechanical changes, whereas in double cones only the chief member moves, the accessory having no myoid in the proper sense of the word. Twin cones are strictly a teleostean monopoly. These fishes being a terminal group in evolution, it is impossible to believe that ordinary double cones developed from twin cones; nor is there much reason to suppose that twin cones were ever double ones of the type described above. But there are elements in some teleosts which for want of a third possible name we shall have to call double cones (Fig. 24f ) . They seem to represent twin cones in which the two ellipsoids and outer segments have become unequal in size and different in staining properties and hence, chemico-physical makeup; but the zone of fusion still extends the whole length of the inner segment so that the two myoids contract and TWIN CONES; OPHIDIAN DOUBLE CONES 61 lengthen as one. These structures indicate that the makeup of the com- mon double cone is worth imitating for some reason; and we shall see shortly that the snakes have also discovered this for themselves. But, until the distribution of these peculiar elements is better known and has been related to teleostean taxonomy, there remains the possibility that some of them are derivatives of holostean double cones (Fig. 24a) which have never quite equalized their two members, rather than a secondary departure of twin cones in the direction of double ones. Like the double cones of other classes, the twin cones of the teleosts appear to be related to diurnal activity. Wunder has shown that they are most numerous in surface fishes, less and less common in fishes which habitually swim at greater and greater depths. Thus they seem somehow to be associated with vision in bright light, though apparently not with sharp vision since they are excluded from teleost foveae. More than that cannot be said about them in the light of present knowledge. Ophidian Double Cones — The double cones of snakes are quite unique. Though all lizards have double elements of the standard type (Fig. 25a), the primitive snakes of the boa family have only single cones of one kind, together with rods (Fig. 69b, p. 167). In the big central family of snakes, the Colubridae, the standard retina contains only cones of three types. One of these (Type A) is a large single cone and is abundant. Another (Type C) is a small single cone which occurs always in small numbers and is entirely lacking in the retinae whose resolving power is highest. The Type B, double, cone (Fig. 24d) bears no resemblance to double cones outside the snakes. Its chief member is bulky, and is identical with the Type A single cone. The accessory is extremely slender and is fused with the chief cone throughout the length of the inner segment. The accessory nucleus is often displaced laterally in the outer nuclear layer; and applied to it is an organelle, the paranuclear body, which occurs only in ophidian double visual cells. Snake cones have no oil- droplets or paraboloids, and the ellipsoid usually fails to stain with acid fuchsin. The inversion of size-relationship of chief and accessory, the paranuclear body, the absence of a paraboloid, and the extensive fusion of the inner segments set the ophidian double cone off so sharply from all others that even if it were present in the Boidae one could feel certain that it was originated de novo within the snake group, and represents the second — at least — separate invention of a double cone by vertebrates. 62 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA Double Rods — Still another kind of visual cell is the double rod. These were long known in geckoes (a family of nocturnal lizards) and have recently been found in snakes. The gecko double rod (Fig. 25) was Fig. 25^Double rods in lizards, and their derivation, x 1000. a, the two cell-types of the pure-cone retina of the (diurnal) collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris; parts as in Figs. 22 and 24. The outer segments are tiny and the oil-droplet is yellow in life. b, cell-types of Rivers' night lizard, Xantusia riversiana. The outer segments have become rod-like but contain no rhodopsin, and the oil-droplets are large and colorless. Morpholog- ically, these elements are intermediate between cones and rods; physiologically, they are low-threshold. c, the cell-types (single and double rods) of the banded gecko, Coleonyx variegatus. The massive outer segments contain rhodopsin, and the oil-droplets have disappeared. certainly not derived from a bifurcated single rod, but directly from a double cone. It is thus closely homologous with the ordinary type of double cone since it is the latter which occurs in diurnal lizards. The double rods in certain snakes (Fig. 26) were just as certainly derived from the peculiar ophidian type of double cone, for they have exactly DOUBLE RODS the same structure except for the size and shape of the outer segments. They contain no rhodopsin, and owe their sensitivity to the large vol- ume of their outer segments and to their multiple connections to single nerve cells. The gecko double rod does contain a rhodopsin, indicating that this substance, like other pigments such as hemoglobin and melanin, can be evolved repeatedly and was not invented once and for all. This whole matter of the conversion of one type of visual cell into another will be discussed at some length later (Chapter 7, section D). It has a considerable bearing upon the ability of animal species to change their characteristic behavior with respect to light, and upon the question of the capacity of animals for discriminating colors (see Chapter 12). Fig. 26 — Double rods in snakes, and their ancestry. a, the three cell-types of the pure-cone retina of a diurnal colubrid, the European gcass snake, Matrix natrix; parts as in Figs. 22b and 24d. Type A is the ordinary single cone; type B is the double cone, equal in numbers to A; type C is an uncommon single cone with dark-staining ellipsoid. b, the homologous rod types of the spotted night snake, Hypsiglena o. ochrorhynchus. In this genus and in some other colubrids, the ancestral cones have all been converted into rods, through intermediate conditions shown by such forms as Cemophora, Arizona, Rhinocheilus, and Trimorphodon. See Figure 68a, p. 166. Since cones can and do change into rods in evolution — and rods into cones, as well, though less often — it is not surprising that numerous halfway stages in such derivations occur in living forms. These are, of course, grist to the mill of those few who insist that any distinction be- tween rods and cones is wholly artificial. Naturally, such cells do defy classification, and will not be considered here as discrete types. 64 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA (C) The Duplicity Theory History — In 1866 the great retinologist Max Schultze unobtrusively announced a conclusion to which he had come after some fifteen years of investigations in comparative ocular histology. He had been struck by the correlation between the relative numbers of rods and cones in various retinae and the habits of their possessors with regard to light. Nocturnal vertebrates had many rods, and few cones or even none. Diurnal species had ipany cones, and might even lack rods entirely. Schultze suggested that the cone is the receptor for photopic (bright- light) vision and that the rod is the organ of scotopic (dim-light) vision. To this he added a corollary hypothesis that the cone alone is respon- sible for color vision; for in dim light colors are no longer discriminable and the world presents itself only in shades of gray. This theory passed unnoticed by the physiologists and early psychol- ogists until, toward the end of the century, the same idea was brought forward independently by two men who were led to conceive it by differ- ent lines of evidence, and neither of whom knew much of Schultze's work. Parinaud, studying human vision in certain pathological condi- tions, produced his 'theorie des deux retines'. Von Kries, repeating and extending Schultze's observations on twilight vision, with special refer- ence to the vision of the retinal center, formulated the 'Duplizitats- theorie' about as we have it at present. It is not at all uncommon for psychologists and medical men to say even today that the Duphcity Theory is ^^only a theory," and to express considerable doubt as to its vahdity. This ordinarily implies a con- finement of knowledge to the basis of the theory in human vision. Of course, if one considers only the known facts of human vision, one can- not expect to be able legitimately to use very many of them to prove the very theory which was evolved to explain them. But the comparative- ophthalmological findings of Schultze and of many zoologists since his time have built so unshakable a foundation for the theory that its major tenets may be regarded as proven facts. True, there are prominent French retinologists who do not believe in it, but their methods of study are so antiquated that it is hardly surprising that they are unsure of the distinctness of rods and cones. It is necessary however to bear in mind that the Duplicity Theory as we state it nowadays is really two theories in one. It states that the rods are responsible for the hazy, crude, achromatic (black-gray-white) per- THE DUPLICITY THEORY 65 cepts of dim light and that the cones yield the sharp, detailed images and the chromatic (colored) sensations characteristic of bright-light vision. Actually, the factors which make rod vision unsharp but sensi- tive, and make cone vision sharp but requiring higher intensities of illumination, are not the same as those which make rod vision achro- matic and cone vision chromatic. We may be quite sure that animals with rod-rich or pure-rod retinae have only diffuse mental pictures and can see in very weak light, but we have at present no proof that all cones are hue-discriminatory and that all rods are not. To date, no animal positively known to have only rods in its retina has been properly tested for color-vision capacity, and many animals which have plenty of cones have been shown not to have color vision (see Chapter 12, section A). Sensitivity versus Acuity — When we say that an animal sees well or sees poorly, that it can see in the dark or that it is blind in the daytime, we are loosely jumbling together two aspects of vision which should be carefully distinguished and thoroughly understood. They are indeed so very different that they are practically mutually exclusive. These two aspects are visual sensitivity and visual acuity. By the sensitivity of an eye we mean its ability to respond to weak stimuli, the capacity it has for continuing to respond to light as that light is slowly dimmed. By acuity we mean the ability to continue to see separately and unblurred the details of the visual object as those details are made smaller and closer together. Sensitivity involves what the psychologist and physiologist call 'threshold of stimulation'; acuity involves what the physicist and opti- cian call 'resolving power'. Both the sensitivity and the acuity of the vision of any vertebrate depend upon the structure and mode of operation of its entire visual apparatus, including the gross plan of the eyeball, the characteristics of the dioptric media, the retina, the cerebral structures involved in vision, and the mental capacity of the animal. But the structure of the retina sets ultimate, maximal limits upon both sensitivity and acuity which can- not be exceeded by any sort of manipulation of other parts of the whole system. We can therefore understand these two aspects of vision well enough for the time being, if we examine the retinal basis for each. Retinal Factors in Acuity—To consider acuity first: if the reader will carefully compare a newspaper picture with one printed on the glazed paper of a magazine, he will see that each is composed of dots, and that the two pictures differ greatly in amount of detail. The news- 66 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA paper picture is built up of large dots spaced widely, for on such rough paper any finer dots would make only an inky blur. The magazine photograph contains many more dots per unit area, and they are much smaller. We say that the magazine picture is the better resolved of the two. Similarly, we might take two photographs with the same camera but using two different kinds of film whose emulsions differed greatly in fineness of grain. The fine-grained picture could be enlarged much more than the coarse-grained one without becoming blurry and losing in detail. The fine-grained emulsion 'resolves' better what it 'sees'. Again, through a well-corrected microscope lens one can see and count fine dots, striations and the like which run together under less perfect lenses — and again, we speak of a difference in resolving power as exist- ing between the two. As we have seen, retinal images are very small; but mental images are 'big as life' and the retinal image must stand enormous enlargement without too much loss of detail, when it is trans- lated into a mental picture of the visual field of the eye. The dioptric apparatus of the eye may cast upon the retina an image which is relatively large or small, hazy or sharp; but the retina in turn may be crudely or finely built and upon this will depend the possible maximum perfection of the cerebral image. The resolving power of the retina is governed by three factors, all of which vary from retina to retina and the last of which may even vary physiologically from time to time within a single retina: (a) the slenderness of the visual cells; ib) their closeness of spacing; and (c) the number connected with one optic nerve fiber. The first two of these are almost self-evident; for if the images of two object-points fall upon two separate visual cells, be- tween which is an unstimulated visual cell, the two object-points may be resolved; but if the visual cells are so plump or so far apart that the two object-points are imaged upon two adjacent visual cells, they cannot be distinguished as two points and will seem the same as a single large object-point whose image covers the same two adjacent visual cells. In the one case, we have an analogy for the fine screen through which a picture is photographed for reproduction on coated paper as a half-tone electrotype; in the other case, a coarse screen like that used with news- print. Factor "c" brings in the concept of summation presented in a pre- ceding Section. Two object-points, whatever their size or separation, will be seen as a single blur if their images fall upon visual cells which connect with the same bipolar, or upon those whose separate bipolars SENSITIVITY VS. ACUITY 67 connect with the same ganglion cell. Other things being equal, the more bipolar and ganglion cells in a retina, the higher its resolving power. Two retinae may be about equal in this regard even when one has many slender, tightly packed visual cells and the other has fewer, plumper, more widely spaced ones; for in the first retina there might be many bipolars but few ganglion cells, or fewer bipolars and more ganglion cells, and the overall resolving power be no greater than that of the second retina whose visual cells were scanty and large — provided they had isolated bipolar and ganglion-cell connections. When sections of the retina are especially prepared so that its nerve fibers and their connections are brought out, the retinal foundation for the visual-acuity tenet of the Duplicity Theory is at once evident. Rods are always connected in large numbers to single bipolar cells while cones tend to have more isolated connections (Fig. 19, p. 43). Of the many forms of bipolars in the human retina, the smallest (midget bipolars of Polyak) each tend to be connected with a single cone and in turn to an individual ganglion cell and optic nerve fiber, so that each such cone has a 'private wire' to the brain; whereas, to extend the telephone anal- ogy, other cones and especially rods are on the old-fashioned multiple 'party line'. This great difference in the degree of summation of rods and cones is the most important single factor in making rod vision diffuse and cone vision sharp. It is much more than enough to compensate for the fact that in almost all retinae the rods are more slender than the cones, which would give the rod-population the higher resolving power if the degrees of rod- and cone-summation were made equal. Thus the chief reason for the crude character of rod vision is outside of the rod itself; and we should so state the Duplicity Theory that it attributes acuity differences not to the rods and cones themselves but to the entire rod- vision and cone-vision mechanisms, each including a set of visual cells and their particular bipolars, ganglion cells, and optic nerve fibers. Relatively few bipolars connect with both rods and cones and probably a minority of ganglion cells embrace both rod- and cone-bipolars. Parin- aud's 'theorie des deux retines' is thus really more expressive of the facts than is 'Duplicity Theory'. The most recent and accurate esti- mates of the number of rods and cones in one human retina are : rods, 110,000,000 to 125,000,000; cones, 6,300,000 to 6,800,000 (Osterberg). There are about 1,000,000 fibers in the human optic nerve, not all of which are sensory; and in a sizable group of these (the macular bundle) 68 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA each fiber represents a single, unsummated cone. Obviously, summation is very great even in the human retina — and the human eye is built, better than most, for 'sharp' vision! Another important cause of the haziness of rod vision is the dilatation of the pupil. To have only the rods in action, the illumination must be dim — below the threshold of stimulation of the relatively insensitive cones. The pupil opens to let in more light, which permits the rods to continue in action but, incidentally, has two unfortunate effects: the 'depth of focus' of the eye is reduced, and the periphery of the lens comes into play with its detrimental effect upon the quality of the optical image. There is nothing the retina can do about it, and twi- light vision here suffers another loss in resolution for which the in- dividual rods should not be blamed. In animals whose eyes are built for moonlight, this factor may be negligible or absent since the lens is then large, and the whole area of its surface exposed by the widened pupil is probably optically 'good'; but the retinal summation factor is still pres- ent in such animals, and indeed in far greater degree than in ourselves. Retinal Factors in Sensitivity — The differences between rod- and cone-vision with regard to sensitivity are, like the acuity-differences, caused by three factors. They are not unrelated to the acuity-differences, and in the case of sensitivity two of the factors reside in the visual cells themselves and only one is extrinsic. The sensitivity-promoting factors in the rod mechanism are: (a) the size of the outer segment; (b) the extent of summation; and (c) rhodopsin. The business end of a rod or cone is its outer segment. It is in this part of the cell, nearest the pigment epithelium and thus farthest from the source of light, that the light effects chemical changes which initiate the impulse that travels down the length of the cell and, if it is strong enough, evokes a nerve-impulse in the associated bipolar. By and large, rod outer segments tend to be long cylinders whereas cone outer seg- ments are shorter (Figs. 22-26) ; and while these may be as thick through at their bases as rod outer segments, they taper more or less and may even be quite pointed at their tips. Hence the names originally applied to the two types of cells, though the human cone outer segment is now known not to be at all conical when properlv preserved. If a geometrical cone and a cylinder have the same area of base and the same height, the cone then has only one-third of the volume of the cylinder. Here is an important intrinsic reason why, other things being SENSITIVITY VS. ACUITY 69 equal, a rod should be more sensitive to light than a cone — several times as much photosensitive material is traversed by a pencil of light, when it stimulates a rod, as when it stimulates a cone. Thus in dim light sufficient chemical change may take place in a rod for an effective im- pulse to reach the bipolar; but the same amount of light will not lead to activity in a cone-bipolar alongside. The rod, then, will have the lower threshold of stimulation — it will take less light to set off its transmission of an impulse. Rods can lower their thresholds in evolution (thus in- creasing their sensitivity) by lengthening their outer segments as long as this does not interfere with the nutrition of the rest of the retina from the choriocapillaris. Cones could of course also increase their sensitivity by elongating and by approaching a cylindrical form; but they have not often done so, except as a part of the process of transmuting into rods. The second factor influencing sensitivity is the extent of summation. If several visual cells are hammering at the door of a single bipolar, it is more likely to be aroused than if a single visual cell has to try to evoke a bipolar response without aid from others. Nerve cells carry impulses in obedience to the 'all-or-none law', which means that if a given fiber conducts an impulse at all, it transmits it at full strength. The visual cells, however, are not nerve cells (see Chapter 5, section B) and there is no evidence that their foot-pieces obey the all-or-none law. We are consequently free to suppose that when even a little light strikes a rod, something happens photochemically, and that several feeble im- pulses travelling down several rod foot-pieces and impinging upon one bipolar dendrite can start an impulse flowing in that bipolar. In the same weak illumination, a single cone or even a rod would not carry an im- pulse strong enough to awaken a private bipolar. Indeed, unless the function of the multiple connections of rods to bipolars is to promote the sensitivity of the whole rod-mechanism in this way, the inward convergence of the retina becomes quite meaningless. Summation tends to destroy visual acuity, and no animal needs or wants diffuse vision for its own sake — he only tolerates it if he must do so in order to gain the sensitivity which happens to be more important to him. Bulky visual cells and extensive summation promote sensitivity, but it is inevitably at the expense of visual acuity. Sensitivity and resolving power are thus on the two ends of a see-saw, and whatever sends one up, sends the other down. This relationship holds as well for extra-retinal structures as for the retina itself; for the big lenses and wide pupils of some vertebrates, which produce small bright images and lower the 70 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA overall ocular threshold, reduce acuity; and in others the flat lens which produces a broad image, spreading over enormous numbers of visual cells, thereby increases the resolution but at the same time lowers the brightness of the image and thus reduces the sensitivity of the eye as a whole. By far the most important factor in endowing the rods with their great sensitivity is the substance which is called Visual purple' or better, rhodopsin. This is a deep red pigment which is formed slowly but con- tinuously in the rod outer segment. The greater its concentration there, the more light is absorbed and the more effective is that light as a stim- ulus for vision. Since rhodopsin is destroyed by light, it builds up to higher concentration in dim light or darkness than in bright light. Thus rods alone (log) Intensity (log) Intensity Fig. 27 — Evidence for the Duplicity Theory (see text). the sensitivity of the rods automatically increases just when it will do the most good, due to the excess of rhodopsin-formation over destruc- tion, and decreases when that in turn is desirable, due to the excess of rhodopsin-destruction over formation, in bright light. Moreover, the em- ployment of rhodopsin for increasing sensitivity does not entail any sacrifice of resolving power by the rod-mechanism, and there are few vertebrates whose rods get along without it. It is rhodopsin which is largely, perhaps entirely responsible for 'dark adaptation', the familiar result of which is our ability to see quite well around us in a theater after a few minutes in our seat, although we may have had to feel to see whether the seat was empty, when we first came in. Rhodopsin is entirely absent from cones at all times; and there is per- haps so little of it in rods when they are brightly illuminated that they must then fall back upon the intrinsic outer-segment-volume factor and EVIDENCE FOR DUPLICITY OF VISION 71 the extrinsic summation-difference to retain any lead over the cones in the matter of sensitivity. But when the rods are working to best advan- tage, at intensities below the cone threshold, the intrinsic factor of their rhodopsin content far outweighs the combined effect of the other two. So important is rhodopsin in this regard, and so deeply involved in the fundamental chemical events of the visual process itself, that a large part of the first section of the next chapter will be devoted to this magic chemical whose effect is: "Now you don't see anything; now you do!" Evidence for Duplicity of Vision — Essentially, then, the Duplicity Theory states that the retina contains a sensitivity mechanism and an acuity mechanism, and identifies these with the rods and cones respec- tively. If both of these mechanisms are in operation only through a (log) Intensity Time In Darkness Fig. 28 — ^Further evidence for the Duplicity Theory (see text). certain transitional range of intensities, and only one or the other of them can operate effectively below and above this range, we might ex- pect that many phases of visual physiology would exhibit differences in accordance with whether one, both, or the other mechanism were in action. This is indeed the case. When graphs of various visual physi- ological processes are plotted, a characteristic 'kink' is always to be seen in the curve, marking the change-over from predominantly rod- to pre- dominantly cone-control of the process in question. Moreover, when such curves are plotted for stimuli restricted to the pure-cone (foveal) portion of the human retina, or are plotted for animals with cone-sim- plex retinas, there is no kink— the whole curve resembles the cone portion of the graph of a rod-and-cone, duplex, retina. And of course pure-rod retinae yield curves which lack kinks and simulate the below-the-kink portion, or rod portion, of a duplex retina's graph. 72 THE VERTEBRATE RETINA The kink is often sharper than we might expect it to be, if it repre- sents a transition. It is accentuated — that is, the overlap of rod-func- tioning into the physiological realm of the cones is reduced — by little- understood phenomena of mutual inhibition of rods and cones. Circum- stances which favor one of the mechanisms allow it somehow to sup- press, partially, the activity of the other mechanism. Thus the rods or cones of a 'pure' retina in some ways exceed in performance their counterparts in a duplex retina. When the rate of flashing of an intermittent light is speeded up, a point is reached at which the successive impressions fuse and the light appears to burn steadily. This 'critical frequency of fusion for flicker' has been much studied in man and animals — in the latter by indirect methods, of course, involving training or the recording of the electrical discharges from the retina. The critical frequency increases with inten- sity (strictly, with the logarithm of intensity — = Ferry-Porter law) . At an intensity of 0.25lux— the cone threshold — the critical-frequency curve of a duplex retina such as the human shows a kink (Fig. 27). When colored lights are used, the effect of color on the critical frequency begins to manifest itself only above the cone threshold, as would be expected. With red light, there is no kink— the rods being insensitive to deep red, however intense. Only the cone part of the flicker-fusion curve is obtained from foveal stimulation; and, the farther peripherally the area stimulated, the closer the whole curve simulates that part due to the rods alone. A pure-cone retina, such as that of a turtle, gives a kink- less curve. The pure-rod gecko has also been found to give a homogen- eous curve — though the curve is that characteristic of cones, which seems surprising until one takes into account the fact that the geckoes' rods were secondarily derived from cones (see Fig. 25) . Another visual phenomenon which plots a kinked curve is the thresh- old of intensity discrimination. By this is meant the proportion by which a light must be increased in intensity in order for it to be seen to have brightened. The initial intensity being designated "I", the increment is "dl". The curve of "I/dl" plotted against "I" (Fig. 27) shows a change of slope, or kink, at the cone-threshold intensity. With only foveal stimulation there is again no kink; nor is the rod part of the curve, or any kink, obtained with red light. Perfectly familiar to all is the increase of visual acuity with intensity — so very commonly do we speak of a light as being "not bright enough to read by." Less apparent is the existence of a kink in this relationship EVIDENCE FOR DUPLICITY OF VISION 73 as well, with acuity rising more rapidly above the cone threshold than below it in most animals (Fig. 28). If we knew very accurately this relationship for pure-rod and pure-cone animals, we would expect to find their curves of acuity-versus-intensity to be kinkless. As a final illustration of the difference in behavior of rods and cones, we shall consider the rate of dark adaptation, or increase in sensitivity in darkness following exposure to bright light. The graph of this in- crease (Fig. 28) again shows a fairly well-defined kink owing to the fact that the cones reach their maximum sensitivity at a rapid rate before the sensitivity of the rods begins, slowly, to increase at all. In pure-rod, duplex, and pure-cone eyes the expected differences in the slope of the curve, and in the presence or absence of a kink, are indeed found when such criteria of sensitivity as the behavior of the pupil or the electrical discharges from the retina are recorded. We have surely seen enough evidence now to convince ourselves of the duplicity of the visual process. The complexities of the above evidence may seem rather appalling to the innocent reader; so, let us try, in the next chapter, to make the process of vision seem fairly simple after all! Chapter 4 THE VISUAL PROCESS (A) ScoTOPic Vision Any attempt to depict the events which intervene between the impact of Ught upon the retina and the registration, in consciousness, of the quahtative and quantitative aspects of vision, must necessarily be largely guess-work, and can be lucid and connected only if it is dogmatic. The following treatment is such an attempt, made for the sake of the reader rather than for the sake of the subject. The literature of the field of visual physiology is vast and unorganized, and largely unreadable with- out a considerable background of mathematics. Paraphrased sans mathe- matics, it is bound to seem largely a series of unfounded generalizations to any astute physiologist who may read it; but, these latter gentry have yet to promulgate an inclusive theory of vision in which a sophomore cannot pick great holes. In the present state of knowledge, one descrip- tion of what goes on in vision is almost as good as another, and may be the best one for the beginning reader if, at least, he is able to follow it without miring down in equations. Rhodopsin — Perhaps the greatest advance which has ever been made in this field was the discovery of the photosensitivity of the rod pigment, rhodopsin, by Boll in 1876, and the elucidation of most of its properties by Kiihne in the years immediately following. But rhodopsin was at first used to explain too much, and during its history many of its original attributes have had to be taken away from it. Physiologists have relin- quished their beliefs about rhodopsin most reluctantly, since the less one can credit to it, the farther away seem the solutions of some of the fundamental problems of vision. However, in very recent years some progress has been made in the study of other photosensitive substances in the retina, which may be found to do some of the things formerly credited to rhodopsin itself. Rhodopsin was once supposed to be the sine qua non of all of verte- brate photoreception, and owing to the attention it commanded, photo- chemical theories of vision rapidly came to be the only ones seriously considered. But it was soon seen that if vision does have a strictly photo- RHODOPSIN 75 chemical basis, no one photosensitive substance could be entirely respon- sible for color vision — at least three such substances are required by the long-popular Young-Helmholtz theory, and even more were demanded by some other theories of color vision. Rhodopsin might be one of these — but where were the others? The resuscitation of Schultze's ideas in the form of the Duplicity Theory made it necessary to abandon rho- dopsin as a color-vision photochemical, for it was finally made certain that some vertebrates have none of it, and that it never occurs in cones. Still, there were those who believed that vision as such — brightness- vision both photopically and scotopically, apart from hue perception — necessitated rhodopsin. These workers argued that there must be in- visible traces of the substance in cones in order to account for their light-sense; and this idea has been very long a-dying. Rhodopsin is still widely regarded as the absolutely essential photo- chemical substance for rod activity. Even this is an unnecessary belief, since rhodopsin may be nothing more than a sensitizer, so powerful that its action masks that of another, essential, material so completely that the brightnesses of lights are directly related to their effects upon rhodopsin. The substance is a reddish pigment whose chemical nature is not yet completely known. It is released from the rod outer segment by sub- stances which lower surface tension, such as bile salts, saponin, digitonin, sodium oleate and salicylate, and snake venom. It forms a precipitate with platinic chloride — an insoluble yellow compound which can be seen in the rods in permanent microscopic preparations made of retinse which are kept in darkness for an hour or so before preservation. Rhodopsin is commonly described nowadays as a hydrocarbon con- jugated with a protein, through a belief that vitamin A — essentially a hydrocarbon — is an important constituent (r. /'.). The molecular weight of rhodopsin is about 270,000. This and other features make it clear that most of the molecule is proteinous; but of course to say that rho- dopsin is essentially a protein is like saying that dynamite is essentially fuller's earth. The business part of the molecule — its 'chromophoric' (color-bearing) group — is neither a hydrocarbon nor a protein, though it may be derived indirectly from a portion of the vitamin A molecule. The latest information* is that the rhodopsin molecule contains a pro- tein, 'provisual red', and probably a third substance. The chromophore, provisual red, can be split into a fatty acid and 'visual red'; the latter in '''Kindly supplied b>- Dr. Arlington C. Krause in advance of his own publication thereof. 76 THE VISUAL PROCESS turn can be made to yield Visual yellow' and 'indicator yellow'. Certain of these photosensitive substances have previously been identified as partial-breakdown products of rhodopsin when it is struck by light. The most important properties of rhodopsin are its intense colored- ness, its sensitivity to all visible wavelengths excepting those deep red ones which (by reflection from it) give it its own color, and the fact that its response to these wavelengths is to disrupt into colorless or pallid substances of little or no photosensitivity. It is most affected by the blue- green region of the spectrum, centering at about A500m|l. One might expect that this wavelength would appear brightest to the dark-adapted eye in which rhodopsin has built up to a high concentration. Owing how- ever to modifying factors (chief of which is believed to be the high absorption of short-wave light in the ocular media), the brightest point in the scotopic spectrum is shifted red- ward, to ?L510m[i. One of the two or more substances into which rhodopsin is broken down by light is presumed to irritate the protoplasm of the rod and cause a wave of electrochemical activity, much like the impulses which flow along nerve fibers, to pass down the rod foot-piece and stimulate the bipolar neuron. Dark Adaptation — Rhodopsin is not as all-important as it was once thought to be, but it is largely responsible for the ability of the rod to 'dark-adapt' or lower its threshold — until the amount of light needed to stimulate it is a tiny part of that required to arouse a cone. While we are in ordinary daylight there is believed to be but little rhodopsin in our rods, for the concurrent processes of its synthesis and breakdown are then in equilibrium at a sub-maximal concentration of the substance. When we enter a dark place the process of adaptation to dim light begins at once, since the breakdown all but ceases while the upbuilding of new rhodopsin continues at the usual rate. In the dim light, a new balance is struck at a high concentration of rhodopsin, so that a given amount of additional light will now appear brighter than before, since it destroys a greater absolute amount of the photosensitive pigment. Rhodopsin is not quite the whole story in dark-adaptation, however. The dilation of the pupil, upon going into a dim or dark place, admits more light to the retina, so that the overall sensitivity of the eye in- creases somewhat, apart from any change in the retina itself. In the latter, the first step in dark adaptation is taken by the cones rather than the rods, for the tiny amount of photosensitive material which they ever contain is very quickly built up to a maximum (see right half of Fig. 28) . DARK ADAPTATION 77 Then, too, a part of dark-adaptation — it is hard to say how much — is accompUshed by switchboard effects in the integrative layers of the retina, bringing about temporary hook-ups, to gangUon cells, of larger numbers of visual cells than usual. In dim light or darkness, the destruction of rhodopsin having largely or wholly ceased, the new formation of the substance (partly from the decomposition products still present in the rods, partly from new raw material absorbed from the pigment epithelium) quickly restores the concentration to a fairly high level. Within seven or eight minutes, in fact, the previously depleted rod becomes capable of function. The rods are now deeply colored and absorb much more of whatever light may strike them, so that a strong impulse impinges upon the bipolar. Should we now emerge into a bright place, the light would dazzle us uncomfort- ably until enough rhodopsin had been destroyed to raise the thresholds of the rods considerably. This process takes a much larger fraction of a second than is required for the pupil to constrict. So, the removal of some of the rhodopsin is the controlling factor in /zg/?/-adaptation — which we might loosely define as the destruction of excessive sensitivity. The pupil slowly reopens as the sensitivity of the retina is decreased, and attains a final 'physiological size' appropriate to the particular species of animal, and which for man is maintained in all intensities between 100 and lOOOlux — the range within which, presumably, an equilibrium can be maintained in the photochemical system of the visual cells. Rhodopsin accumulates to a considerable proportion of its maximum in half an hour and is almost at maximum in an hour; but it continues to form slowly for twenty-four hours or more. If anything essential for its manufacture is deficient in the individual or in his diet, the rate of formation will be greatly retarded, and the greatest amount ever formed will be much less than normal. This condition of deficiency leads to nyctalopia or night-blindness, in which dark-adaptation is incomplete and the individual feels the handicap when trying to make his way about in dim places and at night. He may become a menace to his fellows if he drives an automobile at night and meets many bright headlights which assault the little rhodopsin he is able to form. In the armies of years ago, night-blindness — common under conditions of malnutrition — automatically exempted a soldier from nocturnal guard duty. In modern warfare, the night-blind individual is particularly useless in defense against nocturnal bombing, and every effort is made to maintain a high concentration of rhodopsin in the retinae of night fighter aircraftsmen. 78 THE VISUAL PROCESS The substance whose lack is the usual cause of nyctalopia was shown in 1925 to be vitamin A, a colorless material manufactured in the liver from carotene, a reddish plant pigment. Although there are types of nyctalopia which are hereditary, and the condition also occurs as a symp- tom of degenerative retinal diseases, in its various degrees it is usually the first detectible sign of vitamin A deficiency. Nutritionists and pedia- tricians are consequently much interested in attempts to devise clinical tests— by which they mean quick and easy ones — for nyctalopia; but for various reasons a reliable test which is really simple seems hardly possible, and the literature of the subject reveals more and more pessi- mistic statements. Soon after 1925, the obvious conclusion was drawn that vitamin A is the precursor of rhodopsin, that it is actually converted into that substance, and may be formed again when rhodopsin is disrupted by light. Elaborate diagrams of this closed circuit, with the supposed intermediate compounds, are commonly seen in print. But the most recent and careful chemical studies of rhodopsin itself (r. s) have great- ly weakened our faith in a direct genetic relationship between it and vitamin A. All that can be safely said at the moment is that the vitamin is essential for the synthesis of rhodopsin, probably as a minor contrib- utor rather than as a principal raw material. Rhodopsin may be the essential, the one and only photochemical sub- stance that is ever present in rods, but there is no proof that this is so. There are rods which contain none, though perhaps in all of these {e.g., in Sphenodon, Xantusia, Phyllorhynchus) the lack of rhodopsin is owing to these rods' having had relatively recent origin from cones. They presumably get along perfectly well with the photochemical system inherited from their cone ancestors — for all anyone knows at present, the complete color-vision mechanism may still be functioning in them. The photochemical substance or substances in cones may indeed have chemical kinship with rhodopsin, for it has recently been reported that the dark-adaptibility of the cones (which in terms of intensity-limit ratios is actually about equal to that of the rods) is influenced by the dietary intake of vitamin A. Just a few years ago, it was being claimed by the Finnish retinal physiologists associated with Ragnar Granit that when a rat retina has been so brightly illuminated that all of the rhodopsin is bleached, the optic nerve no longer carries the electrical discharges which can normallv be detected in it during photic stimulation of the retina. This was hailed ROD VISION 79 as proving conclusively the complete dependence of rod vision upon rho- dopsin. But workers in the same laboratory have more lately obtained puzzling indications that very little rhodopsin is ever normally bleached in the intact animal. They found apparently normal amounts of it in eyes whose electrical responses had been reduced one-third to one-half by stimulation with light. Possibly the electrical responses would entirely disappear while there was still a great deal of rhodopsin in the rods. This might be new evidence that rhodopsin is a secondary sensitizer rather than a primary photosensitive material, or it might only mean that switchboard effects in the retina are more important in light-adapta- tion than we have been supposing. Whatever its whole meaning may be, rhodopsin was a clever invention; for its light-absorbing power makes it responsive to weak light, yet it conveniently bleaches when, in bright light, the full amount of it would greatly handicap the animal. Even the particular color it possesses is in itself adaptive, as will be elucidated later (Chapter 12, section A). So elaborate a substance could hardly have been present in the 'original' provertebrate visual cell, which must then have been high-threshold, more like the cones we know than like a modern rod. Some of the photosensi- tive ancestor-cells of the rods and cones were left behind in the brain lining when the eyes evolved, as will be brought out in the next chapter. These, though sensitive enough to respond to light through the entire wall of a bird's head (as shown by their reflex control of spermatogenic activity), contain no rhodopsin as far as we know. If the modern rod cell depends utterly upon rhodopsin for its photosensitivity as such, it has come to do so secondarily by discarding some more ancient photo- chemical for want of efficiency under scotopic conditions. Rod Vision — We may conceive of the peripheral (ocular) portion of the rod visual process as taking place somewhat as follows : At the start of adaptation to dim light there is little rhodopsin in the rods, and so little of this is broken down by the weak light that only feeble impulses pass down the foot-pieces. As the amount of rhodopsin increases, a greater absolute amount is broken down by a given light and the im- pulses become stronger. Those bipolars with which the largest numbers of rods connect now receive enough total stimulation to be set off into conductive activity, and they begin to carry nerve impulses at a certain low frequency of discharge — each bipolar acting somewhat like a reser- voir and, so to say, filling up with stimulation and discharging an im- 80 THE VISUAL PROCESS pulse, the frequency of discharge thus bearing a relation to the amount of stimulation. The attached ganglion cells now behave similarly and conduct in synchrony with the activity in the bipolars. The electrical aspect of their discharges can be picked up in the optic nerve as action currents with proper amplifying and recording devices. In the brain, a sensation of light is now aroused whose strength depends upon the resultant of the number of active nerve fibers and their frequency of discharge. As dark-adaptation proceeds further, the number of rods per unit area of the retina whose activity actually registers in consciousness steadily in- creases, due to the activation of more and more bipolars having smaller and smaller numbers of associated rods. As the mosaic of functional receptor units becomes more and more dense, visual acuity rises hand in hand with the rise in the strength of the brightness sensation. When dark-adaptation is complete, both visual acuity and brightness are max- imal for the intensity being supplied, and any further increase in either will depend upon an increase of illumination above the threshold of the cones, thus bringing the latter into play. The destruction of rhodopsin may then increase to such an extent that the brightness would decrease in the face of increasing objective intensity — in other words, light adap- tation would have commenced. Incidentally, rising intensities above the cone thresholds naturally bring into action more and more cone bipolars and associated ganglion cells, so that visual acuity continues to rise until all elements are functioning. Beyond this point, further increase of in- tensity brings no additional visual acuity — though of course brightness can increase until all involved optic nerve fibers are discharging into the central nervous system at their maximum rates. If, with the retina thoroughly dark-adapted, it is now subjected to bright light, rhodopsin is immediately broken down in large amounts in all of the rods which are receiving stimulation, and all of their associated nerve fibers begin to conduct at high frequency. As the rhodopsin fades, however, the rod thresholds rise and the frequency falls off. As the rod thresholds approach those of the cones, a comfortable brightness is attained with the pupil now reopened, and with the rods perhaps still all in action, contributing all that they ever can to the resolving power of the retina — considering that they are of course still summated. In comfortable illuminations above the cone threshold, however, the cones are contributing only a part of their potential resolving power, which becomes maximal only at intensities above 100 lux. CONE VISION; COLOR 81 (B) Photopic Vision Cone Vision — Turning now to the cones, we are confronted with the complex matter of color vision — assuming for the nonce that all cone- bearing vertebrates do discriminate hues. We can imagine subtracting color vision from the whole performance of the cone — but what we would have left, we could describe in terms of a rod mechanism that had little summation and very little rhodopsin. So, we cannot well avoid considering the elementary and purely qualitative aspects of color vision if we are to attempt to picture the mechanism involved and thus round out our survey of visual physiology. Color — Color, or better, 'hue', exists only in the mind. No light or object in nature has hue — rather, the quality of hue aroused as a sen-y sation is projected back to the object as one of its attributes, just as the patterns of brightness and darkness in consciousness are projected back into the visual field to endow objects with their size, shape, tone values, and movement. For, we perceive objects rather than lights. We can see objects falsely as to size, shape, and motion, and just as falsely as to color since color is purely subjective. The color of a surface depends not only upon its chemico-physical nature, but also upon the kind of light by which we see it, and upon our memory of the impression it may have given us under some more familiar illumination. Thus, a par- ticular dress may look red only in daylight, yet we still call it red under an artificial light when it may actually be reflecting more yellow light and should then be seen as orange. The hue sensation aroused by a light depends primarily upon the frequency of its vibration, usually expressed as the distance between successive waves in the vibration, the wavelength. The longest visible wavelengths, in the neighborhood of 760m|,i, arouse the sensation we call red; the shortest ones, around 390m[l, give us the sensation of violet, which must be seen in a spectroscope to be appreciated (since the violets of textiles and pigments in general are not true violets, but diluted pur- ples). In-between wavelengths give us the other hues of the spectrum. When all of the visible wavelengths are being received on the same area of the retina, either simultaneously or in such rapid succession that their physiological images persist long enough to overlap or fuse, we see what we call white light. The removal of some wavelengths from the full assortment makes the remainder of the light appear, collectively, as a color. Such a removal may be effected by selective reflection or by selec- 82 THE VISUAL PROCESS tive transmission. An opaque colored paper or cloth performs the former, a translucent colored glass or liquid performs both. A colored object is colored, instead of gray, because it absorbs some wavelengths and reflects or transmits others. The latter being the ones which reach the eye, they determine the color of the object. If the object is specially illuminated only by wavelengths which it can absorb, it can reflect none of them and will then appear black. An object which in sunlight appears black must, g yor Fig. 29 — The physical and psychological spectra. a, the visible spectrum as formed by a prism. V- violet; b- blue; g- green; y- yellow; o- orange; r- red. b, the psychological color circle. Red and violet intergrade through purple; diametrically opposite hues are complementaries, and make white when mixed in correa amounts. c, the linear spectrum formed by a lens. The distance from the focus of violet to that of red (greatly exaggerated in the diagram) is the 'linear chromatic aberration' of the lens. then, be one which absorbs all wavelengths, just as white objects, to ap- pear white, must reflect all. Of course no object absorbs or reflects all of the light striking it. Whether it reflects all wavelengths equally, or some more^han others, it reflects only a certain percentage of the light energy. This percentage is the object's reflection coefficient or 'albedo'. No object can reflect only a single wavelength, and hence no object Y" can have a pure color. To obtain pure colors, we must select them from a COLOR 83 band spectrum by means of a slotted diaphragm. Such a spectrum is formed automatically when a mixture of wavelengths, such as sunlight, is passed through a narrow slit and then through a prism. Since the refrac- tive index of the glass is different for each wavelength, being highest for violet and lowest for red, the colors are sorted out of the mixture and can be caught on a screen, all in order, as a spectrum (Fig. 29a). If the light reflected or transmitted by a colored object is concentrated and passed through a prism, the spectrum formed will naturally have lightless regions in it corresponding to the wavelengths whose removal from the sunlight, through absorption by the object, gave the latter its color. Such a spectrum is an 'absorption spectrum', and is the basis of spectral anal- ysis, that powerful weapon of chemistry and astronomy with which sub- stances are detected by means of their specific fingerprints on sunlight. With a little practise, a normal person can learn to distinguish about one hundred and sixty distinct hues in the sunlight spectrum.* If we now let any two of these hues escape through narrow slits and aim them with mirrors at the same piece of paper or ground glass, or look at one with each eye, or present them in rapid alternation to one or both eyes, we will obtain a sensation different from that given by either hue alone. In most cases, the sensation will be that afforded by some other pure hue, lying between the chosen two in the spectrum. If however the latter are far apart in the spectrum, and lie diametrically opposite each other on the 'color circle' (Fig. 29b), they are 'complementaries' and their mixture will produce white light. Thus any hue in the spectrum (and white) can be produced by mixtures, made by one means or other, of some two other hues. Some white light may need to be added to the spectral hue in order to make it an exact match for the mixture. We are not of course discussing here the subtractive mixtures which one obtains by stir- ring pigments together — the artist's complementary, primary, and second- ary colors have nothing to do directly with those of the physiologist. The physiologist often terms red, green, and violet 'primary' colors, because in none of them can any other hues be seen. Yellow is also con- sidered a primary by psychologists, as is blue for that matter. Yellow sensations can be produced by means of simple apparatus which presents red to one eye and green to the other, but yellow is not reddish green or greenish red. Yellow, in this instance, is obviously synthesized in the '''Actually, 160 complexes of hue-plus-whiteness. No one has ever yet determined the (much smaller) number of hues which would still be discriminable, were saturation eliminated as a variable. 84 THE VISUAL PROCESS brain — probably also, as we shall see, even when it is excited monocularly by monochromatic yellow spectral light. We can, if we like, make an artificial distinction among the psychological primaries, between those which can be easily produced by mixtures and those which cannot; but even red and violet, though at the ends of the spectrum, can be produced by mixtures. The spectrum really has no ends — it only seems to have, due to the way in which a prism forms it. Really, it is a closed entity, for red and violet are adjacent, psychologically — their mixture results in purple, which lies outside the spectrum but fills the gap between red and violet in a spectrum which we might imagine bent into a ring (Fig. 29b). Though the primaries can all be synthesized, they cannot be analyzed — which is what makes them primaries. In orange one can discern both the red and yellow components; in purple, the blue and red. But though blue can be made by mixing green and violet, it does not look as though it contained either. Yellow and violet, and red and green, are sometimes called 'disappearing color pairs', since when the members of such a pair are mixed, neither member can be seen in the mixture. The mixture of three properly chosen primaries (the most convenient are red, green, and violet — and these three do have, in a certain way, an edge on the other two chief primaries, yellow and blue) arouses the colorless sensation of white or gray, which is also afforded by mixed complementary pairs of colors such as orange and green-blue, green- yellow and violet, red and blue-green, etc. In each such pair it can always be noted that at least one member is not a simple color or primary; and the two members, between them, always contain red, green, and violet or can be matched by mixtures of them in pairs. The complement of any hue can also, obviously, consist of white light minus that hue. A mixture may be complemented by a pure hue, and the latter by one other pure hue, by simple or complex mixtures, or by white minus the first pure hue. Saturation — The whole of the sensation aroused by a colored light or object has aspects other than hue itself. It has brightness of course, the psychological counterpart of physical intensity as with achromatic stim- uli; and it has saturation. Saturation means coloredness as apart from color, and quite apart from brightness. In a darkroom we could aim, at the same ground-glass, a beam of pure colored light and a beam of white light. The ratio of color to white in the resulting spot of light would be the measure of its saturation. With more white added, the saturation would go down and the brightness would go up; but instead SATURATION 85 of simply adding more white light, we could add some white and sub- tract some colored light, and thus lower the saturation while keeping the total brightness constant. Again, we could reduce the amount of colored light without adding extra white, and thus reduce both satura- tion and brightness. Thus it can be seen that the saturation of a colored light has nothing to do with the particular hue involved, and is also quite independent of the brightness. There are two chief ways in which saturation and unsaturation may be manifested. Firstly, saturation can represent the extent to which a spectral color is free from objective adulteration with white light, or the extent to which a pigmentary color is devoid of admixture with white. Unsaturation of a colored light-beam by mixture with a white beam has been mentioned above. A paper- or cloth-color which reflects much light throughout the spectrum in addition to the strong band of wavelengths which gives it its hue, is a 'tint' of that hue — unsaturated by the white it reflects. An artist, mixing Chinese White with an oil color, is un- saturating that color. Likewise, pigmentary colors may be apparently unsaturated by mingling them with black, thus yielding 'shades' of their colors. Admixture with black is really, however, not true unsaturation but is more nearly tantamount to simply reducing intensity and therefore brightness — it is like mixing a light-beam with darkness, which would not unsaturate it even if it could be done! Psychologically, admixture with black is not quite equivalent to reducing intensity, for blackness and darkness are not psychologically identical. Brown, for example, is a black-adulterated color which can be seen as brown only when the conditions are right for seeing black. In a darkroom, a brown area which is not surrounded by lighter areas appears simply as weakly orange or reddish, for the blackness element of the brown becomes mere darkness. If blackness is 'induced' in an orange area by surrounding the latter with white in a darkroom, one can obtain the sensation of brown without resort to pigments, for the orange spot in question need not be pig- mentary— it can be formed by filtered or spectral light. It is important, in thinking about saturation, to keep one's attention upon the amount of color, the 'chroma', present — not upon the character of the unsaturating factor present, for this does not matter. It need not even be whiteness which unsaturates, for, if we wish, we may speak of unsaturating a hue with another hue, and thus think of orange as a red unsaturated with yellow; but this is more than a little dangerous since 86 THE VISUAL PROCESS SO many mixed pairs of colors produce sensations which are not analyz- able blends of their qualities, but entirely new qualities. Apart from the kind of unsaturation which may be produced syn- thetically so to speak, by mixing into a color some whiteness from a separate source entirely outside the color, there is a type of unsaturation which is inherent in the colored light itself, even in a spectral light of whatever purity. It is as though the monochromatic spectral beam con- tained some white light which we could not remove. This kind of un- saturation is due to the fact that the visual mechanism for the perception of white is set in operation to some extent by any one wavelength — to a greater extent by some than by others. If we look at a solar spectrum, the yellow region (about A,580m[i,) looks brightest to us, and also looks the least richly colored. We can separate this pallidity of yellow from its high brightness, by turning to a spectrum in which each wavelength represents the same amount of energy. In such a spectrum, the yellow- green region (around A<557m[x) is now the brightest; but the yellow still seems the least colored color, the richness of the chromas increasing from it toward both ends of the spectrum. This kind of unsaturation, or low chroma, is particularly important physiologically and psychologically. It greatly influences the results of color-mixtures, for the saturation of mixtures is always low. If for exam- ple we mix red and green to make yellow, the yellow we obtain is of low saturation as compared even with spectral yellow, and to spectral yellow we must add some white light to make a perfect match with the red-green mixture. The more complex a mixture, the lower the satura- tion, for we are approaching the result of mixing all wavelengths — which is, of course, white itself, with the chroma-content at zero. The degree of saturation of a spectral light can be ascertained by determining how much of it, added to white, will give that white a hint of chroma. By such means, red and particularly violet are revealed as highly-saturated wavelengths, yellow and green as being of low chroma. We therefore say that the 'white valence' of yellow is high, by which we mean that we can add yellow to another color without altering the hue much more than if we had added the same amount of white. Red or blue, added bit by bit to another color, have more prompt effects upon its appearance — they have a low white valence, cannot take the place of very much white in mixtures. Recalling that unsaturation is usually accomplished by actual objective admixture with white, we can now see that when the degrees of unsatura- BRIGHTNESS; THE PURKINJE PHENOMENON 87 tion of two 'pure' hues are compared, we are really comparing their intrinsic subjective white-sensation-arousing power, their white valences, or their nearness to whiteness. Yellow is not white, but it is more like white than red is, because yellow stimuli more effectively stimulate the whole white-seeing mechanism of the cones and their central connections. Brightness and the Purkinje Phenomenon — Brightness has the same meaning in cone-mediated sensations that it has in achromatic rod sensations, and is just as independent of actual physical intensity. But THE PURKINJE PHENOMENON Dark Adaptation Produces © fo shift in the position of ►»- -*] < the maximally-bright ] t_region of the spectrum T PHOTOPIC CURVE -V 1 y 1 VSCOTOPIC CURVE 1 1 A \ binocular- mix lure locus consciousness Fig. 3 1 — Perception of a compound color : purple. a, monocularly (or, a purple stimulus might be supplied to each eye), b, by binocular mixture of red and violet. The inactive components of the visual system are labelled in faint lettering — all components would of course be active in the perception of the all- inclusive compound white. Central Events in Trichromatic Vision — When the dark-adapted eye is presented with an equal-energy spectrum, that spectrum appears colorless (some say, faintly violet) but not homogeneous. At the locus of wavelength 510m[X the spectrum is maximally bright, the luminosity falling off toward the ends and becoming zero, at the long-wave end, at a point corresponding to the orange-red of the photopic spectrum. Konig and Trendelenburg, around the turn of the century, established 92 THE VISUAL PROCESS between them the practical identity of this 'scotopic brightness curve' with that of the photopic totally color-blind eye, the absorption spectrum of rhodopsin, and the curve of the rhodopsin-bleaching power of mono- chromatic lights (Fig. 33, c/. Fig. 35). The rods are completely insen- sitive to deep red because rhodopsin absorbs nothing beyond X650mp,, and they are most sensitive to green because this kind of light is more avidly absorbed by rhodopsin than any other. As the intensity of the spectrum is now increased, there is a range of intensity — called the photochromatic interval — within which the spec- trum remains colorless. This interval is not the same for all regions. For red, it is of course non-existent, for as soon as wavelengths longer than 650m|X are seen at all they are seen by cones, and are seen as red light. In succession toward the violet end, the other hues appear as the thresholds of the cones for them are crossed. The now fully colored spectrum has its brightest part moved (the Purkinje shift) to around A557m[X, and extends from A,390m^ to ^760m^l. Beyond A,650m|X lies the pure red. At A,600m[l is orange. The exact center of yellow is at A,582m^, of green at A,515m[X, of blue at A,476m[X. Beyond the indigo of X424-455m[i lies the true violet (see Table I, p. 4). In the neighborhood of yellow and blue the change in hue for a given change in wavelength is greatest. To be exact, the two maxima lie at A,580mp, and A,490m(l. Around these values, we can discriminate more different hues, closer together in the spectrum, than we can elsewhere. This is because these wavelengths are maxima in the graph of the in- trinsic pallidity or tinsaturation of the spectrum: as we pass from one side of such a maximum through it to the other side, the appearance of the stimulus changes rapidly with a change in wavelength because the ratio of chroma to whiteness in the sensation is changing so rapidly. The blue maximum, and the minor peak of brightness in this region, may be lowered somewhat by absorption in the yellow pigment of the macula lutea of the retina (see Chapter 8, section D) . As the intensity is raised however, yellow and blue stand out more and more. The hues on either side of each of these actually change, gravitating toward which- ever of the two is the nearer — that is, yellow and blue appear to spread more widely in the spectrum at the expense of their neighbors, until at very high intensities yellow and blue alone, greatly unsaturated, fill up the whole spectrum. At dazzling intensities even these lose all chroma and a sensation of whiteness is then evoked by any visible wavelength. TRICHROMATIC VISION 93 Yellow and blue thus appear unique in some respect. We shall see other aspects of their peculiarity shortly. It is important to note here only the fact that hue can be influenced by intensity. Apparently when the visual mechanism is being overworked, either its peripheral analytic or its central synthetic portion breaks down. We can change the hues that 'go with' particular wavelengths in still another way : by fatiguing the reception of a part of the spectrum we can make white light appear to consist only of the remainder of the spectrum, as in the production of 'complementary after-images'. More important, we can fatigue the syn- thetic mechanism itself, for if we stare for a time at a light which repre- sents white-minus-red, and then look into a spectroscope, we will see not only the red where it 'belongs', but will see nearly the whole spectrum as red; and where there is no red (at the short-wave end) there is only darkness.* In the same way, green or violet can be made to spread out and fill almost the entirety of the spectrum, but yellow and blue cannot be made to do so. No better confirmation of our choice of red, green and violet as primary stimuli could be desired. This phenomenon shows beyond question that whatever the three somethings may be which comprise the color-vision mechanism, each one of them has some responsiveness for practically all visible wavelengths. The results of fatiguing with colors show also that if each one of the somethings could be isolated and made to act all alone, its action would be to arouse a sensation of its appropriate primary hue, no matter what wavelength of light happened to activate it. Most of the 160-odd sep- arate qualities we can experience, then, must be due to the instigation, by single wavelengths, of combined actions of the three processes, no one of which alone could give us more than a single, primary, hue sensation. A rough idea of these combined actions is given by Figure 32. Each of the three colored curves represents the spectrum of responsiveness of one of the three central processes which synthesize our hue qualities, and the color of the line indicates the quality it arouses when allowed to act singly. When the redness and green-ness processes are equally active, the quality 'yellowness' results. When the green-ness and violet-ness *The Ericksons have recently reported experiments which suggest that all 'fatiguing" for color may be central, rather than upon a peripheral exhaustion-of-photochemicals basis. Their hypnotized subjects 'saw' the proper complementary after-image colors after having had hallucinatory initial color-stimuli suggested to them; and these were persons who, in the waking state, did not know that there is such a thing as an after-image — let alone, that it should be experted to be complementary to the stimulus! 94 THE VISUAL PROCESS N0liVSN3S dO 3anilN9V^ TRICHROMATIC VISION 95 processes are equal, the resulting sensation is 'blue'. When all three are equally activated (which of course cannot be brought about by any one wavelength) 'white' results. At any one wavelength the ordinate, or height of the curves, has a heavy portion where it lies below all three curves. This represents equal amounts of activity of all three processes, and so represents the white valence, or unsaturating whiteness-component, of the sensation aroused by that wavelength. It needs of course to be given triple weight in any estimation of the relative whiteness- and chroma-contents of the various color sensations — their degrees of saturation. Above the triple line, the remainder of the ordinate represents chroma. The part of it which lies under two curves, taken twice, represents equal joint action of the pro- cesses represented by the two uppermost curves. At ?.582m(X for example, the two uppermost curves cross and these processes are therefore equally aroused, yielding the compound sensation of yellow, diluted by a great deal of whiteness indicated by the heavy part of the ordinate lying below all three curves. Near the ends of the spectrum all of the ordinate represents chroma, which is another way of saying that these wave- lengths are seen with complete saturation. The unique character of yellow is now readily comprehensible from the graph. It results from the equal action of two processes which singly would yield respectively redness and green-ness, neither of which can be seen in yellow. Blue has a similar mode of origin — it is the unpre- dictable giraffe progeny of the horse of green and the zebra of violet. All of the sensation-qualities of mixed character except yellow and blue owe themselves to simpler blendings of sensation-components which, as with purple and orange, can still be discerned in the blend. The very names we use for mixed colors — bluish-red, reddish-yellow, and so forth — emphasize the simple character of their mixtures. On the other hand, no one would ever call yellow 'reddish-green', or blue 'greenish-violet' — and yet, in their genesis, that is what they are. Let us consider just one of these mixed colors whose whole is merely the sum of its parts: orange. It will serve to exemplify the manner in which all such mixed colors are registered. At wavelength 600m [i in Figure 32, it will be seen that the double portion of the ordinate below the curve of the green-process is only half as tall as the part between the green and the red curves. But this part which is under the green curve is under the red curve as well, and hence is to be 'taken twice'. More- over, it represents equal contributions of redness and green-ness to the 96 THE VISUAL PROCESS whole sensation aroused by X600m|i — that is, a certain amount of yellow- ness. An equal amount of uncancelled redness still remains — the chroma ordinate above the green curve, taken once as to weight in the equation. At X600m|l, then, the interaction of the three processes produces a large amount of whiteness and equal amounts of yellowness and redness. Such a blend, we see as orange. Before we leave Figure 32 its representation of relative brightness and saturation need brief consideration. Brightness is most easily disposed of — as the reader has already gathered, it is represented by the total height of the variously-weighted portions of the ordinate. If each ordin- ate were drawn upward like an unfolding telescope to its 'true' height, the overall profile of the graph would represent exactly the curve of brightness of the photopic spectrum. Saturation is maximal (100%!) at the ends of the spectrum — a fact which often goes unappreciated because of the low brightness of those regions and the confusion of brightness and saturation in the mind of the student. Saturation is always the degree of freedom from admixture with white, whether white external to the source of color is objectively added to the latter or not; for, the color itself, even if generated by a single wavelength, contains unsaturating whiteness as long as the wave- length in question sets off all three components of the central synthetic mechanism to any extents whatever. Under all ordinary circumstances we cannot have 'pure' colors, even in the spectroscope, without accepting an adulteration thereof by whiteness which arises from causes entirely within the central mechanism. In Figure 32, the intrinsic degree of satur- ation of any wavelength can be seen as the ratio of total chroma to white- ness, remembering to take singly the part of the ordinate from the top- most curve to the next one down, doubly the portion from that curve to the lowest, and triply the heavy line representing whiteness. It is obvious, however, that by fatiguing with the complement of a color we will so greatly reduce the height of the whiteness-ordinate that the satur- ation of the color will be correspondingly increased. Fatiguing with violet, for example, makes the yellow of the spectroscope — ordinarily the least saturated of all its hues — become amazingly rich in chroma; an experience never to be had otherwise, and never to be forgotten. Color Blindness — 'Color blindness' is an unfortunate term which in- cludes at least five, perhaps six, kinds of departure from the normal trichromatic system. Total color blindness is the only type in which no COLOR BLINDNESS 97 hues at all are seen, hence is the only type which should ever have been called color blindness at all. Vision is restricted to white, grays, and black, and the condition had best be called 'achromatic vision'. It seems nearly always to be due to the congenital absence, or a gross defective- ness, of the cones, for along with it there are usually to be seen : (a) low visual acuity both scotopically and photopically; (b) a central scotoma or blind spot where the bouquet of foveal cones should be ; (c) a nystagmus or uncontrollable fluttering of the eyeballs owing to the lack of this cen- tral fixating region; and (d) photophobia or light-shyness, owing perhaps to an excess of rods, occupying the spaces where cones should be. In 'anomalous trichromatic vision', some one spectral region appears less bright than it does to the normal person, and the individual requires more of such light, mixed with some other color, to match an inter- mediate color. An individual who, say, perceives green weakly must mix more green with less red than the normal individual, in order to match a standard yellow. This condition is not color blindness — it would much better be called color weakness. These color-weak individuals have poor hue-discrimination and an in- creased perception-time for colors. They fatigue rapidly for colors, which seem to them to fade upon continued observation; and to identify some colors they require them in larger areas, with greater intensity and satur- ation, than the normal. Anomalous trichromates probably outnumber all other kinds of so-called color-blinds, but since they less often get into difficulty through unfortunate selections at the neckwear counter, they usually live and die without ever knowing of their peculiarity. The conspicuous and familiar color-blind type is the dichromate or Daltonist, whose confusion of red and green is proverbial — and also hereditary, in a sex-linked fashion which keeps the defect a rare one in females. One white man in twenty-five is a dichromate, but only one white woman in twenty-five hundred. The dichromate is so called because he requires only two primaries, instead of three, to mix and match any and all hues and white. It so happens also that he can experience only two hues instead of the large number* of the normal trichromate; but the prefix (di = two) on his label does not refer, to this latter fact. The dichromate is not color-blind — he is color-poor. ^Usually taken as 160-180; but these are the discriminable hue-and-saturation complexes. Similarly, a dichromate can distinguish a large number (about 60) of spectral regions, tut chiefly through saturation-difrerences. 98 THE VISUAL PROCESS The dichromate, in distinguishing most natural colors, must fall back upon saturation- and brightness-differences. The former are much the more important to him. Longwave colors look alike in hue to him, but very different in saturation. It is widely supposed, even by some expert psychologists, that a dichromate motorist tells red traffic signals from green ones on a basis of brightness, and is helpless to do so when bad weather dims them both. This is not the case. The brightness of the red and green lights could be varied up or down, or the red light made much brighter than the green (the reverse is usually true) without inverting his identifications; for the two lights would still retain their very different saturations. For a long time, Daltonism was thought to be due to a literal absence of one of the three sets of receptors, or photochemical substances, or cerebral perceptual processes, of the Young-Helmholtz scheme of things. It was the physiologist Fick who showed, many years ago, that this could not be the explanation; but the lack-of-one-process theory is still taught far and wide. To adjust Figure 32 to represent dichromatic vision in ac- cordance with Fick's contributions, none of the colored curves should be removed. It is only necessary to suppose that the spectrum of respon- siveness of one of the three 'somethings' has shifted into coincidence with that of one of the other two. To be specific, let us suppose that the redness curve is altered so that it superimposes upon the green-ness curve, and see what should inevit- ably result in the vision of the individual. Firstly, the spectrum would be shortened at the red end even in bright light. Secondly, redness and green-ness would always be contributed equally to the sensation evoked by all wavelengths from 650m[i to 476m[X. So, in this whole great spec- tral region the individual could see only yellow with varying degrees of saturation and brightness. He would have to learn to call the highly- saturated wavelengths red, and to call the less saturated ones yellow or green. Thirdly, from 7.476m[A on to the ultra-violet, only violetness could be experienced, with saturation increasing as wavelength decreased. But his spectrum would contain something besides yellow and violet; for (fourthly) at X476m\i all three processes would be in action to the same degree : white would result at this 'neutral point' in his spectrum. Fifthly and lastly, purple would not exist for him, for since redness and green-ness were inextricably tied together as yellowness in the long- wave part of the spectrum, the mixture of any wavelengths there, even those seen by the normal as red, with any of the wavelengths seen by COLOR BLINDNESS 99 himself as 'violet', could yield only white since yellow and violet are complementary. For such an individual, proper amounts of any two wavelengths which were not on the same side of his neutral point could be mixed as complementaries to make white. Now, the above is actually a fair description of one kind of dichrom- atic vision, called 'protanopia' in the older terminology since it was sup- posed to result from the lack of the first (protos = first) of the three component processes of trichromatic vision. Another, much more com- mon, type is 'deuteranopia' (from deuteros = second) . This form we can represent by shifting the green curve in Figure 32 to lie on top of the red one. The deuteranope experiences no shortening of the spectrum at the red end, and his neutral point is nearer the red end than that of the protanope (though neither of the actual neutral points is quite where it ought to be as theoretically called for by the diagram.) Otherwise, his experiences are about the same : two hues only, with one at either side of the neutral point; the same white region at the neutral point; and the same white or gray sensations from stimuli which appear to the normal as purple. A condition much like dichromasy occurs, as a rarity, in one eye only. The individual is then able to tell us what he sees with that eye in terms of the trichromatic visual performance of his normal eye. Usually, he reports that the spectrum contains only yellow and blue, not violet as described above; but such pathological cases could not be expected to duplicate perfectly the situation in true Daltonism. Theoretically, two other kinds of dichromasy are possible, but only one of them has been found (or else the two have been confused) : 'tritanopia' is so extremely rare that it has not had proper study. We could represent its two possible versions by aligning the green curve of Figure 32 with the violet, or the violet curve with the green one. The tri- tanope's neutral point, depending, would then coincide with either the protanopic or deuteranopic one. In the latter case, the spectrum would be shortened at the violet end. In either case, the only possible hue- experiences, it would seem, would be red and blue. The shortened spec- trum of at least some tritanopes seems to have been noticed by the older investigators and recognized in the common name of the condition, *blue-blindness'. Tritanopia can be simulated in some individuals by ex- cessive absorption of short-wave light in an abnormally rich macular pigmentation (see Chapter 8, section D), or in an extremely yellow, pre-cataractous lens; and also by the yellowing of vision in jaundice 100 THE VISUAL PROCESS (usually ascribed to tinting of the vitreous by bilirubin — but E. Sachs finds no such yellowing in icteric dogs; perhaps the retina is colored). Photochemistry of Color Vision — So much as to suggestions re- garding what goes on in the higher reaches of the chromatic visual mechanism. Now, what objective realities can we point to, in the way of a physiological mechanism for analyzing and transmitting assort- ments of wavelengths in and from the eye? Sadly, only one dubious photochemical substance of ambiguous properties. In 1930, Gotthilft von Studnitz reported the first revelation of a retinal photochemical since the discovery of Boll and Kiihne. Studnitz has never given the material a real name — it is just the *Zapfensubstanz' {i.e., cone-substance) . Several years later Wald in this country, without reference to Studnitz's work, hypothesized a cone substance which he named iodopsin (iodos = violet) on the assumption that if one could iso- late and concentrate it, it would be found to be violet in color. 'Iodop- sin', however, was based upon technical methods which Studnitz has ever since insisted could not possibly have indicated his own zapfensubstanz, but rather involved a serious error on Wald's part, Studnitz has con- sequently refrained from applying Wald's appropriate name to the sub- stance which he has claimed to be able to extract and study. For any detailed discussion of the zapfensubstanz, the reader must go to the work of Studnitz cited in the bibliography. No one outside of his group has worked on the substance in all the years since its announcement. Remarks on it here will be brief, Studnitz first identified this photosensitive substance by comparing the capacity of a fresh retina for absorbing light, before and after being exposed to strong light. After such exposure, the retina was found to be more transparent than before, which could apparently only be the result of the destruction of some photosensitive substance. The first retinae employed were duplex; so, to eliminate rhodopsin from the pic- ture, Studnitz repeated his experiments on some pure-cone retinae. Here also he found the substance, which therefore must be in the cones. He learned how to study it by itself in rhodopsin-bearing retinae, though not how to isolate its effects very well from those of cone oil-droplet pigments, which come out in the same solvents and are slightly photosensitive. By comparing the change, before and after the bleaching with strong light, in the amount of various monochromatic lights absorbed, Studnitz was enabled to plot a curve of the absorption spectrum of the zapfen- PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF COLOR VISION 101 substanz; and this curve eventually received complete confirmation when he obtained the absorption spectrum of the compound isolated from the retina by extraction with ether and chloroform. Extracts of fish, frog, turtle, and mammalian material contained various, always tiny, amounts of the material whose maximum absorption of light was invariably at A,560m|X or thereabouts — the position of the peak of the photopic bright- ness curve, just as the peak of absorption of rhodopsin coincides with the bright spot in the scotopic spectrum (Fig. 34; cf. Fig. 33). In fact, the absorption spectrum of the zapfensubstanz proved to be superimposible over the photopic brightness curve, after some alter- ations which lay Studnitz open to the serious charge of 'wangling'. ^50 400 500 600 WAVELENGTH(mn) Fig. 33 — Similarity of the graph of the absorption spectrum of rhodopsin (frog) and that of the luminosity of the spec- trum to the scotopic human eye. Re- drawn from Grundfest. ^'90 §80 (Teo 4( 500 600 WAVELENGTH(my) Fig. 34 — Similarity of the graph of the sup- posed absorption spectrum of the photochem- ical material of the cones, and that of the electrical responsivity of the photopic retina through a portion of the photopic spearum (here taken as indicative of photopic lumin- osities). Redrawn from von Studnitz. Herein lies the chief claim of the zapfensubstanz to acceptance as the essential photochemical of cone vision — and, at the same time, its most puzzling quality when the Young-He Imholtz theory is kept in mind. It is very nice to hear at last that there really is an extractible photo- chemical substance in the vertebrate cone visual cell. It is not so con- venient to find that this one substance, single-handedly, appears capable of accounting for the whole of the photopic brightness curve. There ought to be three zapfensubstanzes, the overall profile of whose absorp- tion spectra would just neatly fill out all the corners under that curve! Studnitz, indeed, recognizes the possibility that what he has called one substance is really a group of three which his solvents cannot separate from each other. In fact his very latest curves, derived from snake 102 THE VISUAL PROCESS material, show three peaks instead of one. He thinks the precursor of the substance is the carotenoid pigment of the cones' oil-droplets (for this there is no evidence whatever) and points out that the multiplicity of such pigments in turtles and birds suggests that several different photochemicals, a la the multi-component color-vision theories, are formed from them. How this works out in the lizard, which sees all colors and yet has only yellow pigment in its oil-droplets — or in man, who has no oil-droplets at all (see Chapter 8, section D), Studnitz does not tell us. So far, then, we are told of but the one substance. Its very existence is most dubious, for leading authorities are very skeptical of Studnitz's / ,.' man, a ., /^-photopic \\ \ scotopic— \\ owl, scotopic- 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (mp) Fig. 35 — The Purkinje shift as shown by the relative brightnesses of mono- chromatic lights to the photopic and scotopic human eye. Also, the relative pupil -closing effectiveness of mono- chromatic lights upon the scotopic eye of an owl, Asia wilsonianus. Redrawn from Hecht and Pirenne. <08 I04 fish-.;' '6g t 12 m h Q 08-j- 600 550 500 450 Wavelength (mp) Fig. 36 — Formation of acid (phosphoric?) in retinje under monochromatic light — supposedly owing to breakdown of the cones' photosensitive material, and showing similarity to graphs of photopic brightnesses. Redrawn from von Stud- claims and critical of his methods. Granting that Studnitz has really found a cone-substance — it may really be three, but if so we know not how to separate them. Its precursor is quite unknown; but its end- product upon breakdown under light is supposed to be phosphoric acid (Fig. 36) . When we try to understand the retinal part of the physiology of color vision, a single zapfensubstanz seems more of a hindrance than a help. And if we choose rather to believe in the solitary 'iodopsin' of Wald and Qiase, we are no better off. Different wavelengths would break down different amounts of the whole concentration of the sub- stance, and we can easily imagine that corresponding kinds of optic nerve impulses — differing in modulation or whatnot — are produced and PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF COLOR VISION 103 then integrated centrally where they set off the respective three com- ponent processes of the synthetic mechanism. But, for any one wave- length there is another on the other side of the peak of the absorption spectrum of the zapfensubstanz, which at the same intensity would break down the same amount of the substance into, presumably, the same end products. How then could these two wavelengths possibly arouse differ- ent sensations? It is impossible to imagine how any one substance could serve as the analytical mechanism by which purple light is translated into 'redness modulated' and Violet-ness modulated' impulses in a single optic nerve fiber. For the cones to generate three qualitatively different impulses, it would appear that they must contain a triplex photochemical system. In truth, the working out of the photochemical system of the cone may long continue to seem the most difficult branch of the physiology of the eye. To absorb more light in one part of the visible spectrum than another, a substance must be colored. In the present state of our knowl- edge we must suppose that there are tiny amounts of three differently- colored photosensitive substances in the cone's outer segment. With the very sloppiest of technique, we can mount the fresh dark-adapted retina of a frog or a goldfish on the microscope and still see the rich wine of rhodopsin filling its rods. But with the most careful of methods, we can succeed in seeing living cones only as completely colorless structures, whose bland innocence conceals invisible traces of three important some- things— to our utter exasperation. Chapter 5 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE (A) Embryological There are many anatomical relationships in the eye which are ex- tremely puzzling when we look only at their adult condition, but which become perfectly clear if we follow their ontogeny. A little knowledge of the embryonic development of the eye is therefore highly desirable. The process is a fascinating one in its own right, but we shall examine it here as a means to two ends : the embryology of the eye can be expected to shed some light upon its evolutionary origin; and, the developmental scheme serves as a framework within which all possible adaptive evolu- tionary changes of ocular structure must fit. If we know how the eye develops we can guess where it came from, we can see how it has been able to take on the modifications which fit it for greater efficiency in this or that environment, and we can see why it has not been able to make some changes that might seem to us more logical than particular ones which it has happened to accomplish. The following account is a generalized one which applies in its en- tirety to no particular animal, but is based upon the mammals because their story is known in the greatest detail. Some important departures characteristic of other vertebrate classes will be pointed out specifically, but in general the reader who wishes to imagine the ocular embryology of a lower class needs only to make a mental subtraction, from the mam- malian process, of those features which the lower group lacks, in order to have a fairly accurate conception. The parts of the eye are recruited from three sources in the embryo: (a) the ectoderm of the neural tube, which is in turn derived by infold- ing from the surface ectoderm and which later differentiates into the brain and spinal cord; (b) the surface ectoderm remaining after the neural tube has been formed and separated from it; and (c) the meso- derm lying between the neural tube and the surface ectoderm. Formation of the Optic Cup — These three sources start to make their respective contributions in this same order. The brain being by far the most complex organ in the body, it begins to develop before any other; and the eye gets an equally precocious start since its most essen- FORMATION OF THE OPTIC CUP 105 tial part, the retina, is a derivative of the neural tube. Even while the tube is still an unclosed groove in the surface ectoderm, the beginnings of the two retinae can be seen as a pair of dimples in the anterior portion of its floor — the part destined to become the forebrain of the embryo. As the lips of the neural groove approximate and fuse to close the neural tube and push it beneath the surface ectoderm, these pits or 'foveolas opticas' (Fig. 37a) are each rotated through a right angle so that they form a pair of bumps on the sides of the closed-in forebrain (Fig. 37b). They rapidly expand as if blown up from the inside, and each becomes a bubble of tissue attached to the side wall of the fore- brain by a broad, very short, hollow stalk. Fig. 37 — Formation of the optic vesicles. a, cross section of anterior portion of frog neural groove, as yet unclosed, showing foveolie opticce. Redrawn from Eyclesheimer. b, cross section of head of 4mm. human embryo, after closure of the neural groove — the foveolae now form the optic vesicles. Redrawn from Mann. /- foveolae opticEc; fb- embryonic forebrain; m- mesoderm; tie- neural ectoderm; /- optic stalk; se- surface ectoderm; v- optic vesicle. At this stage the bubble of forebrain tissue is in contact with the sur- face ectoderm of the side of the head and is known as the optic vesicle, its connection with the forebrain proper being called the optic stalk. The stalk slowly shifts its root backward as the brain becomes serially con- stricted into five chambers, and is eventually connected with the second of these, the diencephalon or tween-brain. Two processes now set in, one in the optic vesicle and one in the surface ectoderm, which go on simultaneously and look superficially as though one of them must be causing the other : an indentation of the optic vesicle to form a two-layered optic cup; and an in-sinking of a portion of the surface ectoderm to form a closed hollow ball of tissue, the lens vesicle, which comes to lie in the cavity of the optic cup. The 106 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE formation of the lens vesicle is absolutely dependent upon the presence of the optic vesicle against the surface ectoderm — but not in any mechanical way: the lens-organizing influence of the optic vesicle is exerted chemically. If the optic vesicle is removed, no lens vesicle is Fig. 38 — Formation of the optic cup. a, b, c, diagrammatic models of optic vesicle, transitional stage, and completed cup as seen from the side of the embryonic head with the surface ectoderm removed. The curved arrows in b show the direction of growth of the lateral portions of the vesicle which, while the indentation of the face of the vesicle is taking place, grow below the level of the axis of the optic stalk (dotted line) to form the ventral half of the cup. The embryonic fissure is created by the temporary failure of the down-growing lobes to meet and fuse. a', b', c', optical sections through the stalk axis (dotted line), corresponding respectively to a, b, and c. A patch of surface eaoderm has been left in place to show the development of the lens vesicle. ef- embryonic fissure of optic cup; g- groove on underside of optic stalk (continuation of embryonic fissure); i- invagination of face of vesicle; il- inner layer of optic cup (future retina); Ip- lens placode; h- lens vesicle; ol- outer layer of optic cup (future pigment epithelium); s- stalk; se- surface ectoderm. formed; and if the optic vesicle is planted under any other surface ecto- derm, even on the belly of the embryo, a lens vesicle will proceed to form from that ectoderm. Similarly, if the developing lens vesicle is removed, the optic vesicle goes right ahead with its indentation — the latter is an active process, not caused mechanically by the inward pres- FORMATION OF THE OPTIC CUP 107 sure of the developing lens; nor is the surface ectoderm passively sucked inward, to form the lens vesicle, by the cupping of the optic vesicle. The conversion of the optic vesicle into the optic cup is more than a simple indentation or invagination (Fig. 38). At first, the dilated vesicle lies largely above the level of the optic stalk, but after the com- pletion of the optic cup the stalk is found to be attached to the center of its back. Figure 38b shows what really happens — a growth of the two sides of the base of the vesicle laterally and downward, closing in below the attachment of the stalk. The closure is not at first complete, so that a slit, the 'embryonic fissure of the optic cup' is left in the ventral Fig. 39 — Cell-lineage of the retina. Modified from Fiirst. At the extreme left is the initial coluninar-epithel- ioid condition of the inner layer of the optic cup. Germinative cells, occupy- ing a position comparable to that of the ependymal cells of the brain wall, proliferate a pseudo-stratified tissue, some of whose elements eventually retract one or both of the processes con- necting their cell-bodies with the limiting surfaces. The ••*" -^lJ^::^^ /7 oldest, most vitread of the elements (bottom-most in the drawings) are about the first to differentiate, and maturation proceeds outward toward the germinative cells, which at last become the rods and cones. r- portion of rod; c- cone; h- horizontal cell; m- Miiller fiber; b, b- bipolar neurons; a- amacrine cell; g- body of ganglion cell; n- nerve fiber (axon of ganglion cell). meridian of the cup, running from its rim to the cup end of the optic stalk. Along the under side of the stalk, nearly all the way to the brain wall, there is now a deep groove which has invaginated during the form- ation of the optic cup. This groove opens into the cavity of the optic cup and here forms the apex of the embryonic fissure. The old cavity of the optic vesicle has been nearly obliterated by the indentation of the vesicle. It, through its continuation in the optic stalk, still opens into the forebrain cavity but of course has no communication with the new cavity of the optic cup or with that cavity's continuation, the ventral groove of the optic stalk. 108 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE Differentiation of the Retina — The optic cup now has two layers of tissue in its wall whereas the optic vesicle had but one (Fig. 38c', il, ol) . The outermost of these layers remains forever one cell thick and its cells shortly develop pigment granules, the whole layer becoming even- tually the pigment epithelium of the retina. The cells of the inner layer of the optic cup rapidly proliferate, forming many layers from which will be derived the various layers of the adult sensory retina (Fig, 39). Since it is the outermost of these cells (toward the pigment epithelium) which are multiplying, their daughter cells are pushed ever inward toward the cavity of the optic cup. It follows that these innermost cells are the oldest at any one time and they are naturally the first to differ- entiate. They lie in the position of the ganglion cells of the adult retina; and it is into these that they develop, soon protruding their axon fibers which grow along the inner surface of the optic cup. These fibers all aim for the cup end of the optic stalk — the site of the future disc — and here turn outward and grow down through the tissue of the stalk {not through the groove on its under side) to make their connections in the wall of the diencephalon. They form the optic nerve fibers; and a few cells of the stalk tissue, which escape destruction by them, proliferate the neuroglial cells which help to form the system of interfascicular septa in the adult nerve. The further differentiation of the cells of the inner layer of the optic cup proceeds in a two-fold manner: from the inner surface toward the outer (next the pigment epithelium) and from the posterior pole of the cup forward along all meridians toward the rim. At the posterior pole, the future amacrine cells can be recognized soon after the ganglion cells and Miiller fibers have differentiated. The bipolars and horizontal cells next become distinguishable; and, when proliferation finally ceases, the cells nearest the pigment epithelium (which have been doing the pro- liferating) are finally free to differentiate into the rods and cones — the last elements in the retina to mature though they are the most ancient cells in the eye and are its whole reason for being. At any one time, these changes are further advanced at the posterior pole than they are out toward the rim of the cup, where cell-division may still be seen long after it has ceased in the fundus of the retina. The optic cup thus grows at its lip, and rapidly increases manyfold in diameter and in surface area as the embryo enlarges. A convenient con- sequence of this is that it is possible to study the whole process of retinal differentiation in a single favorable section of a single embryonic eye, DIFFERENTIATION OF RETINA; LENS 109 simply by examining regions which are successively farther from the posterior pole and nearer to the ora terminalis, or rim of the cup. An- other consequence is that the region of the ora is to some extent perma- nently juvenile. If the retina is destroyed and subsequently regenerates (as it will do in amphibians, though not in any other vertebrates) the new retina grows from the ora terminalis, creeping backward until the fundus is filled; and a new optic nerve develops pari passu with the regeneration. A perennial mystery, however, is the fact that the retina continues to increase greatly in extent after all cell-division has appar- ently ceased in it — as is the case, for instance, in an amphibian which is on the verge of metamorphosis, though the eye is then nowhere nearly adult in size. It is possible that sensory-retinal elements continue to differentiate from the ciliary epithelial cells (v.i.) at the ora, and the application of the colchicine technique may solve this problem. The Lens — All this time, the lens has been developing. Commencing as a local thickening in the surface ectoderm, the 'lens placode' evoked by some chemical emanation from the contiguous optic vesicle, it has invaginated and pinched free of the surface ectoderm, which heals over it without trace. Thus is formed the lens vesicle, lying in the mouth of the optic cup (Fig. 38c'). Its posterior or inner wall rapidly thickens, each of the cuboidal cells becoming columnar and continuing to elongate until it is a slender fiber. The growth in length of these cells being in a forward direction, they encroach upon the cavity of the lens vesicle and oblit- erate it, forming a solid mass whose anterior surface is still covered over by the unmodified cuboidal cells of the original anterior wall of the vesicle (Fig. 40). This cuboidal layer is the lens epithelium, and at the equator of the lens it forever remains continuous with the greatly thick- ened posterior wall. In this region of transition, epithelial cells now commence to elongate and to rotate their axes of polarity until they are no longer radially oriented with respect to the center of the lens, but circumferentially disposed (Fig. 41a). The two ends of these elongating equatorial cells disconnect from the ends of their neighbors in the epi- thelium and grow apace, one end sliding forward under the epithelium and the other end backward, guided by the confining capsule which has already been secreted by the lens vesicle over its whole outer surface. Thus a layer of circumferential lens fibers is laid down, like one of the skins of an onion, over the central mass of original, straight lens 110 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE fibers which were formed directly from the cells of the posterior wall of the lens vesicle. The further conversion of crop after crop of cuboidal epithelial cells, at the equator of the lens, results in layer after layer of fibers each of which is added outside of the previous one (Fig. 41b). Any one fiber being too short to stretch from pole to pole of the lens, its anterior and posterior ends meet, head-on, the corresponding ends Fig. 40 — Early stages of the lens. Redrawn from Mann. a, placode stage, comparable with Figure 38a'; p- lens placode formed in surface ectoderm; ov- optic vesicle, b, c, lens pit forming and closing off; cl- lips of optic cup. d, lens vesicle has detached and passed into mouth of optic cup; Iv- lens vesicle; m- mesenchyme which has now invaded space between optic cup and surface ertoderm. e, cavity of lens vesicle being obliterated by the elongation of the posterior wall cells to form the first of the lens fibers. f, lens is now solid, and its present fiber mass will constitute the 'embryonic nucleus' of later life (cf. Fig. 41b); ^ zone of transition of epithelium into fibers — the locus at which all future fibers will form; ac- anterior chamber forming as a cleft in the mesoderm, separ- ating the latter into the future cornea and the future iris stroma, g, new fibers have been added to the embryonic nucleus and are meeting end-to-end at anterior and posterior suture planes; s- posterior suture {cf. Fig. 41b, sp). of a diametrically opposite fiber. These meeting points are aligned in radial planes within the lens mass, called lens sutures (Figs. 40g, 41b and c) , which perforce branch more and more toward the surface of the growing lens as the number of epithelial cells ringing the equator in- creases and the number of fibers seeking place for their tips against the suture planes increases. At any one time, there are many superficial layers in which the fibers have not yet elongated enough to reach suture Fig. 41— Growth of the lens. a, diagram of the equatorial region of a growing lens, showing how the cells of the lens epithelium, e, elongate and reorient their axes of polarity to convert into lens fibers, /, whose ends slide forward under the epithelium and backward under the capsule, c, as they take on a circumferential course. b, diagram showing growth of lens fibers; the youngest, in the vicinity of /, are still in contact with the epithelium e and capsule c (c/. a). /'- cortical fibers which are still grow- ing as indicated by the arrows, and have not yet reached suture planes. Their nuclei, distributed along the nuclear bow nb, slowly fade as the fibers gradually sclerose upon being marooned in the heart of the lens by the addition of newer fibers peripheral to them. Oldest, hardest fibers of all are those of the 'embryonic nucleus' en, formed direaly from the posterior wall of the lens vesicle (c/. Fig. 40). /"- fibers which have reached the suture plane sp. (All fibers in the section are shown as if in one plane — aaually, they spiral so that the suture planes of the front and back halves of the lens are at right angles; c/. c). c, superficial fibers of the adolescent nucleus of the human lens, showing the 'lens stars' which represent the intersections of the branched suture planes with the surface. Redrawn from Mann. d, portion of equatorial section of human lens, showing radial lamellae of lens fibers and the hexagonal shape of the latter in cross seaion. x 500. From Maximow and Bloom, after Schaffer. b- branching of a radial lamella, which occurs repeatedly as the equatorial peri- meter of the lens enlarges during growth. (All the fibers shown in a lie in one radial lamella). Ill 112 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE planes, creating an unsutured cortex overlying a sutured core, the cortex becoming proportionately thinner as the lens ages and the rate of fiber- formation is slowed (see also pp. 20-1). Fig. 42 — The hyaloid circulation. a, model of invaginating mammalian optic vesicle, showing future hyaloid artery being taken up through the embryonic fissure. Based upon figures of Mann. bw- brain wall; ca- carotid artery; cv- first chonoidal vessels, which will anastamose around cup rim to form the annular vessel, and will branch over cup surface to lay down the choriocapillaris; ha- hyaloid artery. b, model of fetal mammalian eye in optical section, showing the hyaloid system at the peak of its development. Based upon figures of Versari. ac- anterior chamber; av- annular vessel; hp- Bergmeister's papilla (neuroglial support at base of hyaloid, which will later atrophy with the hyaloid vessels, leaving a cup in the nerve head); c- cornea; cc- choriocapillaris (first vessels of the chorioid to form); Ad- trunk of hyaloid artery, traversing vitreous cavity; im- ins mesoderm, containing capillary arcades thrown forward from annular vessel; /- lens; mc- mesenchymal (mesodermal) con- densation which will form chorioid and sclera; p- lids (temporarily fused over cornea); pe- pigment epithelium of retina; r- retina, with neuroblastic layer still single anteriorly but already divided into inner and outer layers in the precocious fundal region; tvl- vessels of tunica vasculosa lentis, encapsulating the growing lens; vhp- vasa hyaloidea propria, supplymg the vitreous and the retinal surface — the last vessels of the system to differ- entiate, and usually the first to atrophy. This growth process never completely stops until death, though it is greatly retarded after the eye has reached its adult size. The oldest fibers of the lens being the innermost ones, it is these which first feel the effects of being removed farther and farther from any possible source of food and oxygen, and they sclerose (harden) and die. The sclerosis involves HYALOID CIRCULATION; VITREOUS 113 more and more outlying layers of fibers until the dead, firm centrum of the lens has grown in size (by middle age) to the point where little accommodatory change of shape of the lens is any longer possible (see Fig. 15, p. 35). The lens is thus unique among the organs of the body in that its development never ceases, while its senescence commences even before birth. The Hyaloid Circulation — In mammals, though not in any other class, the developing lens is nourished by an elaborate temporary net- work of blood vessels. The first signs of their development are seen while the optic cup is just being formed. From a plexus of embryonic capil- laries lying beneath the vesicle, one especially plump vessel is taken up into the groove of the optic stalk (Fig. 42a) so that when the lips of this groove finally close, the little vessel lies along the axis of the future optic nerve and forms the 'hyaloid artery'. At the optic-cup end of the groove of the optic stalk, it emerges into the cup cavity. The healing of the embryonic fissure of the optic cup fixes the point of emergence of the hyaloid artery at the site of the apex of the fissure. As it traverses the vitreous cavity it branches around the lens to form a vascular tunic on the latter, and some of these branches make connections at the rim of the optic cup with other vessels clinging to the outer surface of the cup, the beginnings of the chorioidal circulation. A ring-shaped 'annular vessel' is formed at the cup margin, and from it capillary loops are thrown over the anterior face of the lens, budding through the mesodermal tissue which has squeezed in between the lens and the surface ectoderm, and thus laying down the circulation of the embryonic iris (Fig. 42b). The whole vascular net around the lens, the other branches of the hyaloid artery which run along the inner surface of the retina, and the hyaloid artery itself eventually (before birth) atrophy back to the head of the optic nerve. Here the hyaloid (now called the central retinal artery) gives off new branches into the retinal tissue, accom- panied by branches of the central retinal vein, to give the retina its definitive circulation. The Vitreous — In among these temporary vessels in the cavity of the young optic cup there is a gelatinous tissue, the 'primary vitreous', whose few fibers are of dual origin, some being produced by mesodermal cells which invaded the cup with the hyaloid vessel, others coming from the foot-plates of the Miiller fibers of the developing retina, and even from the cells of the lens until the formation of the capsule shuts off further 114 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE contributions. Most of the definitive or secondary vitreous is secreted by the retina during the growth of the eye, the primary vitreous coming to form a slender cone with its base on the back of the lens and its apex at the head of the optic nerve (Fig. 43). The final disappearance, from this primary vitreous, of the last remnants of the hyaloid circulation leaves it in the form of a conical tube (filled with vitreous thinner than Fig. 43 — Formation of the vitreous. a, diagrammatic section of young optic cup showing vessels of the hyaloid system embedded in the primary vitreous, consisting of mesodermal fibers and cells (which invaded the cup along with the hyaloid artery ha), together with fibrils secreted by the ectoderm of the cup, lens, and surface. b, diagrammatic section of fetal optic cup in which atrophy of the vasa hyaloidea propria (c/. Fig. 42b) has clarified the peripheral vitreous, to which has now been added much secondary vitreous (vertical hatching) secreted by the sensory retina. The persisting tunica vasculosa lentis and the trunk of the hyaloid artery ha are embedded in a cone of primary vitreous. c, the definitive situation (c/. Fig. 3, p, 7): the canal of Cloquet represents the remnants of the primary vitreous, stretched to a slender column by the growth of the eye (diagonal hatching). The secondary vitreous (vertical hatching) nearly fills the globe. The tertiary vitreous (horizontal hatching) is constituted by the fibers of the zonule, secreted lastly by the non-sensory retina. The optic-nerve portion of the hyaloid artery alone persists, as the central retinal artery era, and has given off new branches into the retinal tissue. the secondary kind) , the canal of Cloquet. This canal runs through the vitreous from disc to lens in the adult, with a considerable sag along its course caused by gravity and time (see Fig. 3, p. 7). The Vascular and Fibrous Tunics — As soon as pigment granules appear in the outer layer of the finished optic cup, a network of capil- laries— the future choriocapillaris — is formed in the mesoderm against the pigment epithelium. Larger vessels developing outside of these, and VASCULAR AND FIBROUS TUNICS Fig. 44 — Formation of the anterior segment (modeled in optical seaion, based upon the process in primates; scale decreases from a to d). a, young embryo (cf. Fig. 40f). Anterior chamber has formed; lids closing over cornea; scleral condensation has appeared. b, advanced embryo. Chamber is broader; lids are fused by epithelial plug; cornea has stratified epithelium, mesothelial lining; back wall of chamber still wholly mesodermal, but optic cup margin has put forth a thin outgrowth bearing meridional ridges (ciliary pro- cesses); major circle of iris can be made out. c, fetus. Chamber still broader, its margin nearer to major circle; lids still fused but with lash follicles. Meibomian and other glands budding in from ertoderm; Descemet's membrane and canal of Schlemm formed; ciliary muscle and large-vessel layer of chorioid taking shape; hyaloid system has degenerated; continued forward growth of optic cup margin (leaving corona ciliaris behind) has given the iris mesoderm its ectodermal backing (from which the sphinaer is differentiating) but leaves a thin film of mesoderm over the lens — the pupillary membrane, which will soon atrophy. d, fetus near term. Chamber will broaden yet more, well past Schlemm's canal; lids re- opened and well differentiated; cornea and anterior sclera fibrous; reaus muscles formed; ciliary muscle fully developed; iris complete — dilatator differentiated, pupillary membrane gone; formerly narrow zone between original optic cup margin and precociously-formed corona now greatly expanded, creating orbiculus ciliaris and leaving old cup margin far behind as the ora terminalis; zonule fibers, growing out from orbiculus, have attached to lens capsule. ir- inferior rectus; //- lower lid; ot- ora terminalis; sr- superior rectus; «/- upper lid; zf- zonule fibers. 116 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE connected with them, become the arteries and veins of the chorioid coat. The mesoderm around the optic cup condenses to form the connective- tissue substrate of the chorioid and sclera, at first one mass but later separated by the formation of the epichorioidal lymph-spaces. Other early mesodermal condensations develop into the extra-ocular muscles and other orbital contents. The anterior chamber is formed quite early as a cleft in the mesoderm between the lens and the surface ectoderm, separating this mesoderm into that of the iris and that of the cornea (Fig. 40, ac; Fig. 44). The two layers may become neat and regular even before their separation. The corneal mesoderm differentiates into the substantia propria, and the overlying surface ectoderm contributes the corneal epithelium. The lining cells of the embryonic anterior chamber become the latter's meso- thelium, secreting (on the inner side of the cornea) Descemet's mem- brane as their basement membrane. The iris is thus at first wholly mesodermal, and there is no aperture in it, the future pupil being filled in by a mesodermal 'pupillary mem- brane' which must later atrophy. The two ectodermal layers of epi- thelium on the posterior surface of the iris are laid down by the optic cup in the following way : The thick rim of the optic cup, the future ora terminalis of the sensory retina, suddenly resumes proliferation, and a bud-like prolongation of it creeps out under the mesoderm of the iris, between that mesoderm and the lens, forming a thin double epithelium whose two layers are respective continuations of the pigment epithelium and the retina proper. This is actually new growth, for the optic cup proper does not expand to accomplish it, as is evidenced by the fact that the original thick rim 'stays put'. The first structure laid down by this thin anterior continu- ation of the cup lip is the future corona ciliaris; but when this has been produced the growing lip does not stop, but cuts through the vitreous which is joined to the root of the iris and continues out under the iridic mesoderm as far as the site of the future pupil margin, leaving the pupillary membrane devoid of an ectodermal backing. The outer layer of this epithelial fold is pigmented like the retinal pigment epithelium of which it is a continuation, and during its growth the pigmentation begins also to involve the inner layer of cells, creeping backward from the growing lip as far as the root of the iris, where it stops. This leaves the innermost of the two layers of epithelium which cover the ciliary body forever free of pigment granules, forming the LIDS AND GLANDS; NON-MAMMALS 117 ciliary epithelium. In the iris, the outer or anteriormost of the two layers of epithelial cells eventually loses much of its pigment icf. Fig. 7g, p. 15) as it gives rise to the sphincter and dilatator of the pupil, which are thus the only ectodermal muscles in the body. In the ciliary body, mesodermal cells differentiate into the ciliary muscle fibers, and the anterior chamber widens and deepens greatly through the erosion of tissue at the iris angle. From the ciliary epithelium there develop the cuticular fibers of the suspensory ligament or zonule, which are regarded collectively as the tertiary vitreous and which grow axiad to gain secondary attachments to the lens capsule. The anterior surface of the secondary vitreous then drops back to its definitive posi- tion, its surface presented to the aqueous forming the anterior hyaloid membrane; and the aqueous of the anterior chamber is free to spread back into the posterior chamber and the canal of Hannover. With the formation of the zonule, the main features of the eyeball are established. Lids and Glands — The lids arise as a circular fold of skin around the front of the eye which closes in over the cornea, with its circular aper- ture rapidly becoming a horizontal slit, thereby creating upper and lower lids. The margins of these fuse together early in fetal life, opening again much later — from a few days to six weeks after birth in mammals which are born hairless and helpless. The time of reopening always coincides closely with that at which the rods and cones have finished their differentiation. That differentiation, it is interesting to note, can be speeded up a couple of hundred percent by surgically opening the lids of the newborn mammal and keeping it and its mother in a lighted place. The various glands of the lids, the lacrimal and Harderian glands, and the lacrimal drainage system are all ectodermal derivatives; but their mode of development is unimportant to us here. Variations in Non-Mammals — Some major departures from the above process, which occur in the different vertebrate groups, are men- tioned briefly below and will be dealt with at some length subsequently, in appropriate places. Others will be self-evident to the reader when, in later chapters, he encounters mention of the loss or gain of some feature by one group of animals or another. Lampreys : The epidermis and dermis of the skin are never fused to the cornea to contribute respectively a corneal epithelium and a part of the substantia propria. A patch of visual cells is already functional in the primary optic vesicle (see Fig. 54c, p. 126) and persists as 'Retina 118 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE A' in the growing eye until metamorphosis, when throughout the re- mainder of the much-expanded retina ('Retina B') the visual cells are suddenly differentiated and the borders of Retina A become indistin- guishable. Retina A goes out of function when the tiny larva first bur- rows into the mud, and the eye is blind until metamorphosis, when the skin covering it becomes transparent and Retina B matures. No intra- ocular muscles or suspensory-ligament fibers ever develop, for the pupil is motionless and there is no ciliary body interposed between chorioid and iris. The lens is propped in place only by the vitreous, which seems to have evolved its semi-solid nature for this original purpose. Fishes : Except in the elasmobranchs, the optic vesicle is at first solid as is the central nervous system, both eye and brain becoming hollow secondarily. In many of the bony fishes the embryonic fissure never quite closes, and the chorioid erupts through it to form the 'falciform process'. Others develop, instead, a network of vessels at the vitreo-retinal inter- face. Those species which have a pseudobranch develop a huge capillary mass in the chorioid, the 'chorioid gland'. True lids and associated glands are usually lacking, though vertical, so-called 'adipose' lids are common. Amphibians: The fusion of the skin with the purely mesodermal, inner layers of the cornea (those continuous with the sclera) is deferred until metamorphosis, as is the development of the lids. The growing suspensory-ligament fibers do not obliterate the anterior part of the secondary vitreous, but remain embedded in it so that no aqueous-filled cavities are ever formed behind the iris. Despite their entanglement, the tertiary vitreous fibers are derived only from the ciliary epithelium, the secondary vitreous solely from the sensory retina, just as in other verte- brates. Reptiles and Birds: The neuroglial supporting tissue of the head of the optic nerve usually proliferates a vascular, pigmented 'pecten' pro- jecting through the vitreous toward the lens. In birds the elongated base of the pecten follows the course of the embryonic fissure, developing from its lips. In some groups, an anterior portion of the embryonic fissure never closes, and a meridional slit is thus left in the ventral part of the ciliary body, through which the anterior and posterior chambers communicate. The third eyelid or nictitating membrane (present also, as the 'haw', in many mammals) arises as a vertical fold of conjunctiva at the nasal side of the eye, covered by the upper and lower lids. The equator of the lens and the ciliary body come into contact and remain EVOLUTION OF EYE FROM BRAIN 119 SO (whereas in mammals they later separate, owing to the eye's growing faster than the lens, so that the suspensory ligament is thereby put in a state of tension, forcing the lens to become flatter during its growth). In the snakes, the course of development of many parts has been pro- foundly modified, as is explained in detail in section D of Chapter 16. (B) Evolutionary In its simplest terms as seen in the lamprey, the vertebrate eye has only a very few essential living parts: retina, uvea, fibrous tunic, and lens. The problem of the origin of the eye is merely the problem of the status of each of these parts previous to their present association. Yet though when thus stated the matter appears simple, it has baffled a great many astute morphologists. The great German anatomist Froriep once likened the 'sudden' appearance of the vertebrate eye in evolution to the birth of Athena, full-grown and fully-armed, from the brow of Zeus. The Eye a 'Part of the Brain' — From the embryology of the eye it appears that there could have been no complex retina until the chordates had evolved an internal, tubular brain. The foveolae opticae have been interpreted as an ancestral stage in which the eyes were essentially a pair of photosensory epithelial pits in the skin, analogous to those of a modem Nautilus. Another possibility is that the foveolae are develop- mental precocities without phylogenetic meaning. Before we can decide how to interpret them, we shall have to try to determine how far back the rods and cones may have been photosensory. If the retina is thought of as a photosensory portion of the brain wall, outpocketed to keep it near the skin in an ancestor whose body was becoming larger and more opaque as evolution proceeded, then the scle- rotic and uveal coats are easily disposed of by homologizing them with the meningeal envelopes of the central nervous system, the dura mater and the pia-arachnoid. The sclera is actually continuous with the dura via the sheath of the optic nerve. The latter also possesses a continuation of the pia-arachnoid, though this ends outside the eyeball and does not merge with the chorioid even in the embryo. The vascularity and pig- mentation of the chorioid are however strongly pia-like characteristics, and in lampreys there are even striking histological similarities between chorioid and pia. 120 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE The big difficulties which an eye-origin theory must hurdle are: (a) the inversion of the retina — the fact that the vertebrate visual cells point away from the light; (b) the nature of the visual cells before they be- come photosensory, and the question of their location at the time they did so; and (c) the question of the status of the lens before it became associated with the retina as a dioptric structure. i^"^#il -*- inf Fig. 45 — Sagittal section of 'brain' of Amphioxus. (In the position it normally has in the living animal in its burrow). From Walls, after Franz. aps- anterior pigment spot; dc- two of the dorsal cells of Joseph; inf- infundibular organ, whose photosensory elements are flagellated ependymal cells. Early Theories — Between 1874 and 1929 a series of investigators saw the beginnings of the vertebrate eye in the anterior pigment ^ot of Amphioxus (Fig. 45, aps). Even by 1890, however, experiments had indicated that this 'eye' is not sensory at all, and at the present time this is considered certain. EARLY THEORIES 121 Lankester, in 1880, suggested that the eye of the vertebrate is com- parable with that of the 'tadpole' larva of certain of the lower chordates, the Ascidia. Others interpreted this suggestion as one of true homology, and a debate sprang up over whether the ascidian eye was a degenerate Fig. 46 — Illustrating the ascidian theory as originally conceived. (At a time when the ascidian lens was mistakenly believed to lie toward the brain cavity). From Walls, after Jelgersma. a, ascidian eye, consisting of a retinal evagination of the brain wall and an internal lens, //. b, hypothetical transitional stage in which two lenses were present, one on either side of the retina. c, vertebrate retina and definitive, 'outer' lens, derived from skin. Fig. 47 — Illustrating Balfour's theory. From Walls, after Parker. Patches of photosensory cells are shown in the successive positions which they are supposed to have occupied before and after the evolution of the neural tube and the retinal evagin- ations thereof. offshoot of the vertebrate organ or a primitive fore-runner thereof. Froriep later decided that neither of these views could be true, for the retina of the ascidian eye is not inverted; but he thought that both eyes might have had common ancestry in a pair of dermal eyes (Figs. 46 and 48). 122 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE Balfour's Theory — It was Balfour, in 1881, who first proposed that the vertebrate retina originated in the skin and was carried inside the animal by the evolution of the neural tube (Fig. 47). Several investi- gators, independently of each other, soon pointed out how well the fove- Fig. 48 — Illustrating Froriep's derivation of the ascidian and vertebrate eyes. (From common-ancestral superficial vesicular eyes). After Walls. a, b, c, d, stages in the evolution of the ascidian eyes, showing the degeneration of one member of the pair. a, b', c', d', stages in the evolution of the lateral eyes of vertebrates. o\x Opticas fit into this hypothesis (Figs. 49 and 50). Balfour's theory- was the first to account for the inversion of the retina, but it offered no explanation of the lens. It has however been suggested that inversion was no accident, but had to be brought about somehow if the highly meta- BALFOUR'S THEORY 123 bolic rods and cones were to have an adequate blood supply (the chori- oid) without this lying between them and the light and blurring the image. Moreover, it must be remembered that we have no certainty whatever that the chordate nervous system originated as a tube — the lowest vertebrates, which should show the most primitive situation, de- velop it as a solid cord and canalize it secondarily. Fig. 49 — The foveolce opticae in relation to Balfour's theory. From Walls. a, unclosed brain region of neural tube of frog embryo, showing the foveolce optica, /-/, as patches of pigmented columnar cells (after Franz). b, c, d, stages in the evolution of the eyes, based on the development of the foveolae into the retincB (after Lange). Fig. 50 — Illustrating Schimkewitsch's version o f Balfour's theory. (Deriving the lateral eyes from one of several pairs of photosensory pits in the surface ecto- derm, of which the foveolaa optica are the embryological counterparts). From Walls, after Schimkewitsch. 124 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE Fig. 51 — Illustrating the placode theory. From Walls, after Beraneck. A vesicular eye derived from a lateral-line organ loses its photosensitivity and becomes the definitive lens, while its ganglion becomes photosensory and is converted into the definitive retina. St fs /-^^/ Fig. 52 — Hesse's organs of the 'spinal cord' of Amphioxus. From Walls, after Hesse. a, a single organ, consisting of a pigment cell and a photosensory ganglion cell, whose 'stiftchensaum', st, was believed by Boveri to be a cuticular struaure comparable with the outer segment of a rod or cone. b, cross section of nerve cord, showing various orientation of the organs (enabling the animal to respond to the direction of light). THE PLACODE THEORY; BOVERl'S THEORY The Placode Theory — The origin of the lens was first explained by Sharp in 1885. He regarded the lens as a modified lateral-line organ which was, like those organs, a sensory ectodermal pit or bud. The 'placode theory', an extension of Sharp's original idea, proposes that the lens was once the whole eye and that the present retina served as its ganglion, eventually taking over the sensory function itself and releasing the vesicular 'skin' eye to become a lens (Fig. 51). Fatal objections to this interpretation of the retina arise from the utter absence of embry- Fig. 53 — Illustrating Boveri's theory. From Walls, after Boveri. The Hesse's organs become the visual and pigment-epithelial cells of the vertebrate retina. ©logical confirmation of any previous connection of retina and lens, and from the lack of any evidence that a self-determining lens placode exists at all as a morphological entity — it will be recalled that it is called into existence ontogenetically solely by the chemical influence of the optic cup. Nor does the placode theory account for inversion. Boveri's Theory — Inversion was explained anew by Boveri in 1904, in a theory that made use of the two-celled visual organs of Amphioxus, which had been discovered by Hesse in the 'spinal cord' of this so-called grandfather of the vertebrates (Figs. 52 and 53). While Boveri's theory 126 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE offers no account of the lens, it gives as good an explanation of the retina and its inversion as does Balfour's theory; and both hypotheses are widely taught at the present time. Acceptance of either is impossible, however, unless the mode of development of the rods and cones indicates either that they might have been already photosensory while still in the skin. Fig. 54 — Illustrating Studnicka's theory. From Walls, after Studnicka. The sensory cells of the median and lateral vertebrate eyes are derived from the flagellated ependymal cells which line the neural tube, c represents the larval lamprey, in which the eye is temporarily functional though the retina ('Retina A' — see p. 117) is still only an uninvaginated optic vesicle and the lens is flat and useless. or that they might have been derived from the photosensory ganglion cells of Hesse's organs or the similar 'Joseph's cells' in the head region of Amphioxus (Fig. 45, dc). Studnicka's Theory — Unfortunately the cytogenesis of the rods and cones supports neither Balfour nor Boveri, but confirms a radically dif- ferent hypothesis first offered in 1912 by Studnicka, and which has yet to be given consideration in any of the various text-books which afford a little space to the eye-origin problem (Fig. 54) . STUDNICKA'S THEORY 127 Studnicka noticed that if one traces the visual-cell side of the inner layer of the optic cup around the latter and through the optic stalk into the central nervous system, one emerges into the ependymal layer of the brain wall. The ependymal cells lining the cavities of the brain and cord are non-nervous supporting elements which often bear flagella (micro- scopic whiplashes) which circulate the cerebrospinal fluid. Studnicka also laid great stress upon the eye of the young larval lamprey (Fig. 54c) , which is precociously functional while still merely an optic vesicle, as indicating that the vertebrate eye was originally merely a 'directional' Fig. 55 — Comparability of young visual cells with ependymal and other flagellated cells: embryological support for Studnicka's theory. From Walls. a, fetal human foveal cone, showing filamentous, centrosomic anlage of outer segment rooted in diplosome (after Seefelder). b, immature human sperm cell showing anlage of flag- ellum, consisting of centrosomic filament and diplosome (after Gatenby and Beams), c, immature cone from retina of kitten (after Leboucq). d, ependymal cell from brain of carp (after Franz). one before it became capable of forming images. Since the lens is already present in the tiny lamprey, but in the form of a flat cushion incapable of dioptric function, Studnicka argued that it must have existed phylo- genetically — a vestigial remnant of something else, possibly a sense- organ — before the retina was devised at all. He also showed that there are many central-nervous sense-organs in vertebrates, including the median or pineal and parietal eyes (see Chapter 10, section D), whose receptors are certainly modified ependymal cells. He has received strik- ing confirmation in the recent demonstrations of the photosensitivity of the lining of the diencephalon of many forms, which (in birds) has been 128 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE shown by Benoit and others to act as a photic receptor organ, controlling reflexly the annual spermatogenetic cycle. But Studnicka never considered in detail the manner in which rods and cones differentiate, though this had already been most carefully worked out by several European investigators. If he had done so, his theory would surely have seemed much stronger to subsequent text- writers. For the outer segment, the receptive organelle, of a vertebrate visual cell develops exactly like any flagellum (Fig. 55a, b). It starts as a filament of centrosomic material rooted in a diplosome or dumb-bell shaped centriole embedded in the future inner segment, later becoming encrusted and thickened by mitochondria which form the conspicuous spiral filaments making up the bulk of the outer segment (Figs. 23a, 25c, pp. 55, 62; Fig. 26b, B, p. 63). A closer comparabiUty of visual cells and ependymal cells (Fig. 55c, d) could hardly exist. Origin of the Retina — If the photosensory parts of the rods and cones were once ependymal flagella, it is certain that Boveri's theory must be discarded; for ependyma, even photosensory ependyma, exists in Am- phioxus side by side with the Hesse's organs and Joseph's cells. It is equally certain that the vertebrate retina could not have gotten started, as a photosensitive region of the brain wall, until the latter had become tubular. Only then was there any need for the ependymal cells to evolve as elements distinct from nerve cells; and these were primarily supportive (they still run through the whole thickness of the brain wall in Am- phioxus and the lampreys), then secretory in function (producing the cerebrospinal fluid) before it became necessary for them to aid in circu- lation by means of flagella. No flagella, no sensitivity or photosensitivity; and it can be regarded as certain that the definitive visual cells were developed within the finished brain and not, a la Balfour, while the nerv- ous system was still a part of the skin. Indubitably there were photo- irritable cells in the provertebrate's skin, as there still are in many fishes and amphibians — even in cave forms which are never normally struck by light; but these lost importance as soon as photosensory ependyma had appeared (Fig. 56). The most primitive homologues of the rods and cones to which we can point today are the photosensory flagellated epen- dymal cells of the 'infundibular organ' of Amphioxus (Fig. 45, inf, p. 120), which is a crude visual apparatus seemingly for the detection of the direction of light by means of shadows cast upon it by the anterior pigment spot. ORIGIN OF THE RETINA 129 Fig. 56 — Origin of the retinae of the median and lateral eyes. After Walls. a, pro-vertebrate stage with photosensory ectoderm and with the nerve cord still a part of the skin, b, b', alternative stages in the evolution of the neural tube, depending upon whether one adheres to the 'solid' or 'hollow' doctrine, c, tubular nervous system formed, but with ependymal lining purely sustentative, secretory, and circulatory, d, ependyma has become photosensory locally, and photosensory cells have disappeared from the skin, e, f, g, stages in the evolution of patches of photosensory ependyma into retinae. Origin of the Lens — When everything else in the primitive eye is so plausibly explicable, it is really a shame that we cannot be at all sure how the lens came into existence. The lens placode fits neatly into the set of cephalic lateral-line organs, and for it to develop into a lens is no more remarkable than for one of them to generate the olfactory organ or for another of them, the otic placode, to differentiate into the elaborate 130 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. It would be nice to be able to insist that the lens placode has a real morphological existence and that the lens is therefore a captured lateral-line organ, as Sharp be- lieved; but we cannot do so with clear consciences. The best that can i/m Fig. 57 — Illustrating Tretjakoff's theory. From Walls, after TretjakofF. a, foveolcB opticas stage, b, stage of closed neural tube, showing hypothetical chorioid plexus, cp. c, hypothetical stage in which the expansion of the chorioid plexus has created the pigment epithelium and, by forcing the sensory retina to curve, is producing a two- layered cup. d, stage in which the attachment of the cup to the skin is evoking a muscle, m, and a lens, /; a remnant of the chorioid plexus forms the umbraculum, urn, corresponding to the pupillary nodule of an amphibian, e, final condition of fish eye with free lens, /, operated by retractor lentis muscle, Im; from the umbracular remnant um a lens may be regenerated, as in salamanders (cf. Fig 106a, pn, p. 266). be said is that perhaps a former self-determination of the lens has been replaced by a more convenient immediate chemical control by the optic vesicle — just as the development of a secondary sexual character may be under genetic control in one species of bird, while in another the ORIGIN OF THE LENS 131 same character is caused to develop by hormones, and fails to appear if the gland which secretes the chemical determinants is removed. No other current explanation of the lens is anything but lame. The co-existence of a functional retina and a functionless lens in the larval lamprey may mean, as Studnicka thought, that the lens existed in some other status before the rest of the present eye evolved. Possibly how- ever it means no more than does the precocious presence of function- less muscles in an embryo before their nerves have grown out to connect with them. No one would argue that this means that those muscles once functioned without nervous control. /-/-^ Fig. 58 — Illustrating Schimkewitsch's theory. From Walls, after Schimkewitsch. a, hypothetical ancestral skin-eye, with erect retina and intrinsic 'retinal' lens rl. b, phylo- genetic stage comparable with embryonic cup — the eye, originally dorsal, has swung laterally and ventrad, becoming passively indented (by resistant tissue) to create the embryonic fissure; the retinal lens is now uselessly located, c, final condition of the eye, with new lens derived from the skin; it is from the site of the supposed original retinal lens that new lenses may be regenerated if the skin-lens is removed in the young embryo or even (salamanders) in the adult. Tretjakoff thought that the primitive optic cup was attached to the skin and developed contractile elements there (which later became the piscine retractor lentis muscle) for producing to-and-fro accommoda- tory movements of the optic cup relative to the skin. The lens then arose as a sort of callus in response to the continual pull of the muscle cells (Fig. 57). But the lower fishes have no retractor lentis; and in any case there would have been no need whatever of accommodation until the lens had already appeared and become capable of forming a crisp image. Tretjakoff also attempted to account for the fact that in sala- manders whose lenses are removed, new lenses may regenerate from the dorsal pupil margins. This has been explained more cleverly, if no more properly, by Schimkewitsch (Fig. 58). Franz's theory is new and ingenious. He suggests that the lens evolved, when the neural tube was just closing, in such a position as 132 THE GENESIS OF THE VERTEBRATE EYE to concentrate light upon the photosensitive lining of the diencephalon. Its locus somehow escaped involution with the neural tube and later moved laterally to be taken over by the new retina (Fig. 59) . No onto- genetic conditions support this idea, and like the placode theory it stands or falls with the demonstrability of a self-differentiating lens anlage. Fig. 59 — Illustrating Franz's theory. From Walls, after Franz. a, ancestral surface eye corresponding to the infundibular organ of Amphioxus prior to the closure of the neural tube, b, later stage corresponding to the foveola; opticEe, with the future lens-forming area labelled la. c, stage of general photosensitivity of lining of dien- cephalon. The lens (shown in an earlier stage on the left, a later one on the right) is evolving just outside the region of involution, d, stage of appearance of dorsal diencephalic evagination — the future pineal eye; the lentogenic areas have shifted still farther laterally. e, final condition of the pineal (p) and lateral eyes (/e); the lens is now embryologically derived from the skin far distant from its original location. The experimental morphologists are very fond indeed of doing things to embryonic eyes to see what they will do in return. Someday, their juggleries may disclose that in some species of fish or amphibian a lens will start to develop without the presence of an optic vesicle. Until ORIGIN OF THE LENS 133 then at least, and perhaps forever, the evolutionary origin of the verte- brate lens must remain a tantalizing mystery. A very good question is: how is it that the lens, derived from the skin, lies inside the fibrous and uveal tunics— which, above, we homolo- gjzed with the meningeal coats of the brain? Did the retina acquire its optical partner before the central nervous system acquired its protective sheaths? Perhaps so — and, such theories as that of Tretjakoff make such an assumption necessary. But the lens could easily enough have gotten through the sclerotic coat after the latter had evolved. Such legerdemain is common enough in vertebrate history^as witness the presence of the pectoral girdle inside the rib basket, in the turtles. All that is needed is a nice timing of embryological events, occurring as an embryonic muta- tion— if the lens did pass through the dura mater to get inside the eye- ball, ii assuredly did so in one jump, in some ancient embryo in which the condensation of the dura happened to be delayed. And lenses have been getting inside of eyes ontogenetically in that same way ever since. Chapter 6 ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY If one knows something of the history of a group of animals and its position in the animal kingdom, one may more easily draw correct conclusions as to how it acquired its characteristic morphology. We may learn of some structure in the eye of one of the lower animals which looks intriguing as a possible forerunner of some detail of the human eye; but we need to know whether the group that exhibits the structure in question is anywhere near the main line of evolution, or represents a blind alley from which nothing higher than itself has ever emerged. A little about vertebrate group inter-relationships is therefore included here, that the reader may better understand why one animal has solved a given visual problem in one way while another, given other raw materials, has had to find a different — perhaps better, perhaps poorer — solution to the very same problem. In devising adaptive structures, each animal group has had to do what it could with the materials at hand — the assemblage of characteristics and structures with which the group happened to be endowed when it crystallized out of the stream of life. May we reasonably look to the teleost fish for the prototype of some amphibian ocular structure? Can we expect to see in the snakes a feature which the lizards discarded? Can we fairly compare the human eye more closely with the eye of a salamander, or with that of a bird? A brief review of the vertebrate pageant will help the reader to answer such questions as they arise during his study of subsequent chapters. At the bottom of the vertebrate scale stand the cyclostomes; and just above them, the many types of true fishes. From one of these types the first land animals, the ancient amphibians, were derived. They in turn gave rise on the one hand to the modern amphibians and on the other to the reptiles. The reptiles differentiated into a large number of orders, only four of which have persisted to the present day. From one group of extinct reptiles came the birds; and from another (much older) group, the mammals — warm-bloodedness and heat-retaining coverings (feathers, fur) thus having originated independently in the two highest classes of vertebrates. 134 ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY 135 The lowest of the vertebrates are the cyclostomes, so named for their round, suctorial, jawless mouths. The cyclostomes include the hags, whose eyes are microscopic and functionless, and the lampreys (Fig. 60). They are eel-shaped, blood-sucking parasites upon fishes. Some small [Higher Placentals| Insect I vores] [Marsupials^ [Monotremes t Therapsidans t[Stegocephalians|!T|Coecilians[ iHolosteans', ' ' ^ |Cladistians[ /^; ^rossopterygiansj >^ ^/" 'Dipnoansj [Modern Chondrosteons^ Primitive Chondrosteans L^ .Selachians Chinnaeras I Primitive Elasmobranchs Primitive Cyclostomesl ^Lampreys! ^Hagfishes] Fig. 60 — Inter-relations of the major groups of vertebrates. Only those extinct groups (marked f) are shown which actually link up living assemblages. freshwater lampreys have given up parasitism and do all of their feeding as larvae, breeding for the first and only time a few months after trans- forming to the adult condition. Parasitic lampreys also breed but once after years of vegetative activity, and then die. Cyclostomes have no scales or paired fins, and many other things about their anatomy are 136 ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY simple; but it is sometimes difficult to know whether to attribute the simplicities to primitiveness or to the secondary simplification (mistak- enly called degeneracy) which is a part of their adaptation to a parasitic mode of life. As regards the lamprey eye, however, there is unanimous agreement among modern students that its features are all primitive and show no indications of degeneracy. The oldest of the true fishes are the elasmobranchs, whose modern representatives, the Selachii (sharks and rays) and Holocephali (chim- aeras), are very different from their extinct progenitors. The elasmo- branchs were derived from ancient cyclostomes, but not from lamprey- like ones. Like the cyclostomes, they have cartilaginous skeletons; but they also have paired fins, jaws, and scales. From those jaws have come the little bones of the ossicular chain which traverses our middle-ear cavity; and from some of the rows of scales on the elasmobranchs' lips came their teeth, the ancestors of our own — and very different from the horny teeth of lampreys. The primitive elasmobranchs were a main-line group, for from them have come all of the higher, 'teleostome' fishes; and through these, the terrestrial vertebrates. From ancient elasmobranchs there arose an ad- vanced group of fishes, still with cartilaginous skeletons, called the Chondrostei. These fishes have had many descendant groups, among them several which might, any one of them, have given rise to land forms — for they all spread into fresh waters and swamps, and developed lungs of sorts, and limb-like fins with which to drag their bodies over the slime. These lunged fishes were the Cladistia, the Crossopterygii, and an offshoot of the latter called the Dipneusti — the lung-fishes proper. All three of these groups were once numerous as to species and individuals, but have dwindled to remnants which still cling precariously to life in competition with the more advanced modern fishes. The Dipneusti, or dipnoans, have but three living genera : Neoceratodus in Australia (Fig. 61a), the African Protopterus, and Lepidosiren in South America. There are but two living cladistian genera — Polypterus and Calamoich- thys, both in Africa. Until very recently it was supposed that the cros- sopterygians were extinct; but one species, named Latimeria chalumnce, was lately discovered in the sea off South Africa. This is the only archaic teleostome known from salt water. The chondrosteans have persisted to the present time, but are now represented only by the sturgeons (Acipenser, Huso, Scaphirbyncbus, ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY 137 etc.) and the spoonbills or paddlefishes, Polyodon and Psephurus. Very soon after their own origin, the chondrosteans gave rise to a group of fishes with bony skeletons, the Holostei — formerly lumped with the Chondrostei in an artificial group called the 'ganoids'. The Holostei had their heyday long ago, and have but two living genera, the bowfin (Amia) and the gars or gar-pikes, Lepisosteus spp. From primitive holosteans came the Teleostei, the most conspicuous group of modem fishes, including such familiar forms as the trout, perch, herring, and goldfish. Defeating the holosteans in competition for habitats and food, the teleosts have taken the place in the seas and fresh waters formerly occupied in succession by the chondrosteans and holosteans. But the teleosts are a blind-alley group from which no higher forms have been derived. Fig. 61 — The transition from water to land. a, an existing dipnoan, the Australian 'dyelleh', Neoceratodus forstert. After Ley. b, a giant stegocephalian, Mastodonsaurus giganteus (redrawn by E. C. Case, from a restoration by Fraas); in life, the animal was about fifteen feet long, p- site of pineal eye. It was probably from swamp-dwelling crossopterygians that the first land vertebrates came. These were the extinct amphibians which we call the Stegocephali, from their characteristic head-armor. Some adult stego- cephalians were but a couple of inches long, but most of them were gross, sluggish beasts of little brain (Fig. 61b) — very different from the pert little salamanders and agile frogs of the present time. It is possible that the Stegocephali are not a natural group, but comprise two groups with independent origins. It is also barely possible that some of the modern amphibians originated directly from air-breathing fishes and not from the Stegocephali. These questions have only recently been raised and are not yet settled. At any rate, it is certain that the Stegocephali were 138 ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY the immediate ancestors of the reptiles — which, with their dry, scaly skins and a number of internal improvements, were the first vertebrates to become quite divorced from the waters. The first land vertebrates must have had an easy time of it. Escaping the fierce competition of the waters, they found themselves exploring a new world in which they had no enemies. There was abundance of food, for the plants had taken to the land eons before. The very ease with which the land animals could spread and multiply encouraged the rapid pro- duction of new types. And then, the inevitable happened — some of these newer forms found the older ones good to eat. Competition on land eventually became so keen that many reptiles, mammals, and even birds returned to an aquatic existence. On land, their muscles had had to sustain their weight and had become far more powerful than those of fishes. Claws, beaks, and crushing teeth had also evolved, and with such superior weapons many species found it easy to get a living in the water. The reptilian group flourished amazingly and ruled the world for tens of millions of years through its aristocracy, the group we call the dino- saurs. But even while the twenty-foot tyrannosauri were mangling the ninety-foot diplodoci, the first of the mammals were furtively sneaking about looking for dinosaur eggs to suck, and the first birds — derived from tiny dinosaurs — were getting off the ground for short flights. The reptiles which we have around us are a mixture of old and new. The lizard-like Sphenodon (rapidly approaching extinction on a couple of New Zealand islands) is the sole survivor of the rhynchocephalians, the rest of which died with the dinosaurs. The turtles are of enormous antiquity — turtles are among the oldest reptilian fossils we know of, and they were already perfectly standard turtles "way back then'. The ancestors of the crocodile group can also be traced back into the begin- nings of the Age of Reptiles. The lizards, however, came into existence only recently as an offshoot of the extinct mosasaurs. The snakes originated as legless lizards, so very recently (as geological time intervals go) that the most primitive of them, the boas and pythons, still have vestiges of the hind legs. Leg- lessness has since arisen independently several times in different families of existing lizards, but these snake-like forms are still true lizards. The mammals fall into three great divisions: the egg-laying mono- tremes of which only the duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus) and the echidnas are left on earth; the marsupials, which originated in South America and left primitive types there, but reached their culmination ELEMENTS OF VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY 139 in Australia where they had no competition from the higher mammals; and the placentals, which are the familiar hairy, milk-secreting animals of the world and the group to which man himself belongs. As one would expect, the birds, the monotremes, and even the mar- supials have quite a bit in common anatomically with the reptiles. But the placental mammals are quite distinct — more different from the mono- tremes than the latter are from the reptiles. This is especially true as regards the eye; and from ocular and other considerations Franz has postulated that the placental mammals originated, not from lower mam- mals, or (Huxley's view) independently from reptiles, but from forms intermediate between the amphibians and the reptiles. There is however no palxontological justification for such a view. The reptiles and birds are so closely related that they are commonly lumped together as the 'Sauropsida'; and monotreme eyes — to some extent also marsupial eyes — are sauropsidan in plan except for a radical simplification of the mechanism of accommodation. The eye of the placental mammal is more like that of an amphibian than like that of a reptile, but this is no proof that the placental mammals originated more or less directly from am- phibians. A more likely view is that the placental mammals had an early history of strict nocturnality, during which they depended largely upon other senses and simplified the eye far below the level of complexity of the eye of the reptilian ancestor. The placental eye thus came to simulate the amphibian eye through what might be described as a reversal of evolution. For our purposes the placental mammals may be roughly divided into 'lower' and 'higher' orders — the former including the insectivores, pri- mates (including man), bats, sloths, armadillos, ant-eaters, and the 'fly- ing lemurs' (Galeopithecus and Galeopterus) ; and the latter comprising the carnivores, seals, whales, and hoofed animals (including the elephants, hippos, etc.). The rodents and lagomorphs may be assigned to the top of the lower series or to the bottom of the higher, depending on one's point of view. The tree-shrew and the aye-aye are thus at the bottom of the group and the elk and tiger are at the top — with man very close to the bottom biologically, ranking high only psychologically, as regards his brain and mind. Man's order, the Primates, split away from the Insectivora about 50,000,000 years ago. Most of the living groups of mammals have come into existence since that time. Man himself came along only yesterday, but his stock is older than most of the mammalian stocks around him. Part II-Ecologic Chapter 7 ADAPTATIONS TO ARHYTHMIC ACTIVITY (A) The Twenty-Four-Hour Habit and the Eye Of the ways in which natural light can vary, it is the variation of its intensity which is of most importance to animals, and to which they have responded by the most profound of ocular modifications. To adopt the bright hours of day, or the dim ones of night, or to appear indifferent to their alternations, all require adaptations of the eye. These adapta- tions for high sensitivity or for relative insensitivity in turn make pos- sible, or tend to forbid, concomitant adaptations for form-perception and visual recognition on a basis of pattern and color. Animals have had to balance the desirability of a given habit with their ability to use the advantages, and tolerate the disadvantages, which the modifiability of their eyes in the appropriate direction confers or limits. In this and the two succeeding chapters we shall examine the adaptations to illumin- ation-preferences which vertebrate eyes have produced. In surveying the visual habits of vertebrates one's attention is natur- ally caught by the extreme conditions of strict diurnality and strict nocturnality, and one tends to suppose that the intermediate condition or arhythmicity, of apparent indifference to night and day, represents a failure to specialize and a lack of adaptation. This is never actually the case — a truly unspecialized and intermediate type of eye would fit its possessor, not for twenty-four-hour vision, but for only the brief periods of morning and evening twilight. The arhythmic animal has to meet a more severe set of requirements than does the rhythmic one of either extreme type, and meets them by combining in one visual organ those adaptations to both bright and dim light which are not mutually exclu- sive. To anticipate the next two chapters, a strongly yellow lens (as in the prairie-dog) goes with diurnality but makes vision in dim light im- possible; and a tapetum lucidum facilitates nocturnality but if non- lusible and associated with a super-sensitive retina unprotected by a lit pupil (as in the opossum) , it demands that the animal scrupulously avoid strong light. Obviously, any attempt by an animal to secure twenty- four-hour vision by combining a yellow lens with a tapetum would result in his having wretched vision at any and all times. 143 occ s 144 ADAPTATIONS TO ARHYTHMIC ACTIVITY In either type of rhythmic animal we may have fancy adaptations, yet an ocular situation which is simple in that it is static. But, for an animal to become capable of arhythmic, twenty-four-hour activity, it is incum- bent upon him to evolve a more flexible set of ocular features, capable of physiological change to embrace a wide range of stimuli — in other words, a dynamic eye in which, when the animal passes from one ex- treme of illumination into the other, something or several things can be seen to happen, and can be seen to be adjustive. The photomechanical changes of the iris and the retina are the most conspicuous 'somethings' referred to. Adaptation to twenty-four-hour vision has its static end- products as well, in the evolutionary alteration of the cone: rod ratios of a rhythmic ancestor, or even in the production of a duplex retina from an ancestrally simplex one by the transmutation of cones into rods or vice versa. Before we take up these physiological and phylogenetic methods of adaptation toward all-round visual capacity, it will be well to have certain ecological definitions well in hand. We find that animals may be classified as: A. Diurnal; by which we shall take to mean that they are active chiefly in the daytime, occasionally also in bright moonlight. Such animals have eyes which are incapable of dim-light vision. B. Crepuscular ; that is, active only in either or both of the evening and morning twilight periods. Requires more sensitive eyes, which are truly neutral, with few or no adaptations for extremes of illumination. C. Twenty-jour-hour — more properly, 'arhythmic', the former term applying better to both eye and animal, and both terms signifying that the animal is about equally active by night and day. Such animals, if they sleep at all, do so by irregular cat-naps. D. Nocturnal; being active chiefly at night and confining daytime activities largely to passive basking. Eyes usually more sensitive than those of twenty-four-hour animals, and with much better devices for greatly reducing sensitivity in daylight, E. Strictly Nocturnal; with such sensitive eyes, so lacking in sensi- tivity-reducing devices, that the animal is secretive or quiescent by day. Each of these categories blends and intergrades with the next. Par- ticularly is this true between 'C and 'D\ in which groups fall nearly all of the mammals with the larger ones leaning toward 'C and the smaller species inclining strongly toward 'D' or 'E'. The chief assemblages of THE TWENTY-FOUR-HOUR HABIT 145 class 'C, twenty-four-hour vertebrates, and their principal bases for all- round visual capacity, are: The teleost fishes, relatively few of which are strictly diurnal, noc- turnal, or crepuscular. Their ability to regulate ocular sensitivity resides aknost wholly in their rod-rich retinae, in the form of efficient photo- mechanical changes. Very few have mobile pupils. The frogs, which again rely chiefly upon retinal adjustments and possess at least one diurnal adaptation (yellow oil-droplets) which the toads and the salamanders have had to eliminate, in order to become respectively nocturnal and secretive. Many slit-pupilled reptiles, which, being poikilothermous, tend to bask in the sunshine rather more than would a warm-blooded animal with the same general type of eye. The crocodiles and particularly the geckoes have such excellent pupillary control of sensitivity that they are practically arhythmic though tending to feed more at night. The larger terrestrial mammals — ungulates, elephants, and large car- nivores such as the wolves, bears, lion, etc. Here alone do we find twenty-four-hour eyes which physiologically are relatively static, with neither special retinal nor, as a rule, extensive pupillary regulation of sensitivity. These forms straddle the fence by having enough rods-per- cone to secure fair intrinsic retinal sensitivity, with large eyes and large retinal images to obtain good resolution of details despite the paucity of cones. They compensate for the lowered illumination of the larger image by placing behind the retina a sensitizing device, the tapetum, which is elsewhere found chiefly among the best-adapted of nocturnal vertebrates. The vision of these mammals both by night and by day is good enough so that they depend on it. Hearing and scent are important enough at long range, but the serious business of stalking involves vision, whatever the illumination. Day or night, a sightless carnivore would be helpless — and so would a blinded ungulate. (B) Retinal Photomechanical Changes The phenomena which are grouped under this heading were discovered one by one in the 1877-1887 decade. They consist of changes of position, in bright and dim light or darkness, of the retinal pigment and the visual cells, and of minor changes in shape and position of some of the retinal nuclei. The nuclear changes are largely passive and are of no known significance for vision; but the migrations of the rods, cones, and retinal pigment are of great importance in the lower vertebrates. 146 ADAPTATIONS TO A RHYTHMIC ACTIVITY Pigment Migration — It will be recalled that the cells of the retinal pigment epithelium often bear groups of long processes which interdigi- tate with the visual cells (Fig. 20d and e, p. 44) and that in the latter a portion of the inner segment between nucleus and ellipsoid is often contractile and then bears the name of myoid (Figs. 22, 23, 24; pp. 54, 55, 59). It is the retinal pigment (fuscin) in the pigment-cell processes, and the rod and cone myoids which are chiefly concerned in the photo- mechanical changes of the retina. These changes are most conspicuous in duplex retinae and are concerned with both light- and dark-adaptation of the retina. Fig. 62 — Photomechanical changes in the retina of a fish, Phoxinus lavis. From Kiihn, after von Frisch. a, visual-cell layer and pigment epithelium in light-adaptation, b, dark-adaptation. e- pigment epithelium; r- rods; c- cones; /- limitans; n- nuclei of visual cells. When an animal equipped with photomechanical changes emerges into bright light, a large portion of the retinal pigment — that which is in the form of rodlets or short needles rather than tiny spherules — starts to flow slowly down into the pigment-cell processes. These may be num- erous and so slender that the granules pass into them in single file, or they may be fewer and much more bulky. In as little time as half an hour (though usually more slowly) the pigment will be found to be largely scattered along the length of the processes and may reach nearly to the external limiting membrane, being piled up into a dense mass at this limit of its excursion. It thus forms a system of cylindrical sheaths sur- RETINAL PHOTOMECHANICAL CHANGES 147 rounding the visual cells and blocking off from them any light rays which approach them at angles to their axes. Where the myoids are very slender (as in most fish rods) the expanded pigment may close in densely enough between the rod ellipsoids and the limitans to shut off even the axial rays from the percipient outer segments of the rods (Fig. 62) . Fig. 63 — Visual-cell migrations in a catfish, Ameiurus nebulosus. x 500. After Welsh and Osborn. a, depigmented section of light-adapted retina, showing rods elongated toward pigment epithelium and cones retrarted toward external limiting membrane. b, depigmented section of dark-adapted retina; cones elongated, rods retrarted. Visual-Cell Movements — Cones always escape being thus shielded to any extent by the expanded, light-adapted pigment. They either sit, permanently, directly upon the limitans or, if migratory, contract into that position — away from the advancing pigment — in the light. Rods how- ever, if they migrate at all in bright light, do so in the direction toward the pigment (Figs. 62 and 63), The effective covering of the rods by pigment is thus the sum of the pigment expansion and the elongation of 148 ADAPTATIONS TO ARHYTHMIC ACTIVITY the rod myoid. The two movements are not perfectly synchronized, how- ever, for the visual cells usually complete their migrations much more rapidly than does the retinal pigment, though always consuming from several minutes to an hour or more in the process, in different species. There may be both indefinite and very definite differences within a single Fig. 64 — Photomechanical changes of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. x 500. a, ventral periphery of light-adapted retina. The expanded pigment obscures the visual cells, but a cone and a rod have been emphasized to show their positions. b, same region, dark-adapted. The outlines of the visual cells have been reinforced. Note that the cone myoids are greatly lengthened, the rod myoids somewhat shortened, as com- pared with a. Toward the right is a double cone, whose chief member has migrated but whose accessory member never leaves the limitans (c/. Figs. 22c, 23d, 24b, pp. 54-59). retina, for the cones may be either uniform or very ragged in their re- sponses, and both pigment and cones may respond less in particular retinal areas than in others. In fishes the single and twin cones migrate at different rates to different extents, and in other vertebrates the acces- sory members of double cones never migrate whether the chief cones do or not (see Fig. 24, p. 59, and Fig. 64b) . SIGNIFICANCE AND DISTRIBUTION 149 If the animal now enters darkness or even a dimly-lighted situation, the movements proceed, more slowly than in light-adaptation, to reverse themselves : the pigment granules glide back up out of the processes and concentrate as a dense band in the cuboidal cell-bodies of the epithelium, the rod myoids shorten and draw the sensitive outer segments away from the pigment and thus toward the light, and the cone myoids elongate to push the cone bodies toward the pigment — sometimes to no apparent purpose, but in some animals thereby making appreciably more room for the rods to gather in a smooth layer close to the limitans (Figs. 62, 63, and 64). Significance and Distribution — Where the photomechanical changes are as complete as described above, and carried out smoothly and within an hour's time or less, the whole machinery is clearly of great value in adjusting the retina to the external illumination. The workings of the Duplicity Theory are beautifully seen in these phenomena, for the cones are most advantageously placed for action in bright light, the rods being then shielded from excessive stimulation (or from any at all) ; and in dim light the rods are fully exposed while the cones get out of their way, whether this latter happening has any obvious value or not. As a device for equalizing the actual stimulation permitted to the visual cells in various illuminations, the photomechanical system at its best is excellent and has only the single drawback of slowness. Even this defect may be unimportant in the case of an animal with sedentary habits and deliber- ate movements, for temporal changes in natural illuminations are rarely rapid. But the low speed of the retinal migrations would seem to be detrimental to an agile species which flits from light to shade sporadic- ally and lacks any more rapid means of regulating the illumination of its visual cells. Among such forms would be fishes which move rapidly from the bright surface to the dim depths and vice versa, and those which inhabit coral reefs and the like, which may help to explain why the latter are commonly crepuscular. Table II summarizes the occurrence and relative effectiveness of the photomechanical changes in the various vertebrate groups. The reader will note a general tendency for them to dwindle in importance as one passes from lower to higher forms, the reason for which will be discussed in Section C. o QJ, Oct 2 o o< > a; ^^ x'x CD CD ClO) e ' O CU — 03 a> o F <-| > tu _ ^ > o ^ r> - CO O 7^ 5. C o w oil ; CD Q ?5 TD O) nb o5 05 d5 ^1 CD ^ (J Q. cr>ci IP CLC O 0) y (D o I" O) 5^ 05 J O) LO o E o i; > two- central (deep) & temporal (usually med- ium, but is the deep- er of the two in eaales) Kingfishers, bitterns, humming-birds, some wing -feeding passerine spp. two: central and ten> ■ poral, both round, not connected by a band two; central (deep) temporal (medium) Some gulls, shear -waters, flamingo horizontal bond linear (trough-like) fovea Owls, Apus apus, Sfrigops habroptilus temporal, round (a fain central one also in /I/^5 shallow; sometimes none MAMMALS Most Ungulates more or less temporal; us ually broad horEontal banc Carnivores (espec. felids) central, compact Sguirrels(espec marmots) horizontal bond, not well defined Primates Lower (and Aotus) Lemur cgtfa,L.macoco and Aofus only; centra Higher central , round deep but broad in man (more abrupt in some?) 187 188 ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY In lizards the area is central, and is circular or oval; but in birds it is often a long horizontal band, as in Figure 80a (minimizing the need for eye movements) and has in it a central circular or oval fovea. In a num- ber of birds a second fovea, seldom as well-developed as the central one, lies temporally from the latter (Fig. 80b). Such a temporal fovea is comparable with the single fovea of Dryopbis or a teleost, in that it and its mate in the other eye can both be brought to bear upon the same point in space ahead of the bird. The central or nasal fovea is useful only for monocular vision sidewise from the head; and in most birds, whose eyes aim much more sidewise than forward, it is the only fovea. In the owls, only a fovea temporalis is ever present, and it may be very Fig. 80 — Ophthalmoscopic appearance of bird eyes, showing pecten (ventrally), arecE, and fovea. After Wood. a, right eye of pigeon guillemot, Cepphus columba, showing horizontal linear area centralis and single central fovea, x 3. b, right eye of Anna's hummingbird, Calypte anna, showing central foveate area, and temporal fovea (in cutaway; cf. Figs. 114-5, pp. 308-9). x 10. shallow or even lacking. One swift, Apiis apus, approaches the owls in that its central fovea is barely visible though the temporal one is well developed. Only birds ever have two foveae per eye, but George Moore has recently found that some of the killifishes {Fundulus spp.) have two horizontal, ventro-temporal, ridge-like areae. In diurnal birds and in most lizards, excepting the monitors and the more chunky and sluggish of the skinks, the fovea is deep and its slope Cclivus') is convex. This convexiclivate type of fovea (Fig. 81) occurs only in the very best-constructed of areae centrales. The less perfect areae of fishes, Sphenodon, owls, domestic birds, and man all have shallow and concave Cconcaviclivate') foveae (Figs. 75b, 82). It is safe to say that most of these (the fishes excepted) are degenerate and formerly, ARE^ CENTRALES AND FOVEJE 189 in some ancestor, tended more toward the convexiclivate type of profile. The visual cells of Sphenodon show that this animal was once diurnal (see Chapter 16, section C) and at that time it no doubt had a fovea Fig. 81 — Central (nasal) fovea of the European bank swallow. Exemplifying the deep, convexiclivate type characteristic of birds and lizards. After Rochon- Duvigneaud. Fig. 82 — Fovea and surroundings in Sphenodon. x 90. Illustrating the shallow, concaviciivate type characteristic of fishes and of those vertebrates whose fovece have become degraded through domestication or the abandonment of strict diurnality. s, sclera; c, chorioid; r, retina. (The retinal and chorioidal pigment have been bleached from the section; note that only rods are present — this is the only rod fovea in a terrestrial vertebrate). 190 ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY as acutely deep as that of any lizard. Its pure-rod retina was once a pure- cone one, so that Sphenodon, having retained the fovea despite the trans- mutation of its cones into rods, now enjoys the only pure-rod fovea which is known to us, except for the very mysterious case of a reputed fovea in one deep-sea fish (Bathytroctes). Similarly, the foveae were cer- tainly much better developed in some of the owls' diurnal ancestors. The shallowness and variability of the pigeon's fovea has long been con- sidered the consequence of semi-domestication, for in the fully domesti- cated fowls the fovea is gone completely. On the other hand, the con- caviclivate foveae of the few foveate teleosts, and that of the only known foveate turtle (Amy da) have probably never been any deeper — they seem merely intended to counteract the convexity of the area centralis. And, by the way, some pure-cone animals with extremely good vision — the ground-squirrels, particularly — have never produced a fovea simply be- cause their entire retina is built as well for acuity as is the macula of man. If the variable, shallow, and gradually-curved human fovea has not degenerated from a deeper and much more abrupt depression, it is diffi- cult to see what could have called it into being. Its magnifying action on the image is probably negligible compared with that of a convexiclivate fovea. Nothing much seemis to be known as to the shape of the foveal depression in some of the monkeys and apes which are more strongly diurnal than man himself. In the marmoset (Hapale jacchus) however, the fovea has a very steep clivus and a small flat floor. The sooty manga- bey (Cercocebus torquatus) probably has the most cone-rich retina of any primate, and its foveal cones are the longest and slenderest in mam- mals; but the shape of its fovea is unfortunately in dispute. One or two divisions of mankind — the Hottentots, certain natives of India, and the Tierra del Fuegans — are known to have phenomenal visual acuity; but the profiles of their foveae are not accurately known. Their sharpness of sight has always been attributed to an unusual slenderness of the foveal cones. The distribution of areae and foveae, and particularly their topograph- ical locations in various retinae, are discussed further in section C of Chapter 10. As we have seen, the modifications themselves are devoted entirely to the raising of local visual acuity, but their locations are of such importance in connection with eye movements and space-perception that their full significance can be gathered only from a later consider- ation of these matters. INTRA-OCULAR COLOR-FILTERS 191 (D) Intra-Ocular Color-Filters Color vision itself is a potent aid to visual acuity in its broad sense, and was certainly evolved for this application rather than for the aesthetic ones which it has come to have in human vision. But color vision is such a large topic, with so many ramifications, that it needs a long section to itself (Chapter 12). In the present section, we shall con- sider a group of devices which occur only in the eyes of diurnal animals (some, not all, of which have color vision) and promote their visual acuity, and which look at first glance as though they must have some- thing to do with creating color vision — though actually they are just as effective whether their owners happen to be able to distinguish hues or not. Types and Distribution — The yellow pigmentation of the human area centralis — making it a macula lutea — was discovered by Soemmer- ing in 1818, In 1840, Hannover first described the oil-droplets which are characteristic of so many vertebrate cones (Fig. 22, p. 54). Some or all of these are always yellow, when any pigment is present in them at all. By 1867, Max Schultze had called attention to the fact that the rich network of capillaries in the inner layers of the mammalian retina con- stitutes an effective yellow screen through which the visual cells must look. In 1887 Schiefferdecker found that in certain fishes the cornea is yellow. (Soemmering, long years before, had seen the color in the pike, but thought it to be in the aqueous humor) . Other species have recently been added to Schiefferdecker's list, and in the past few years it has been found that diurnal squirrels, tree-shrews, snakes, geckoes, and lam- preys (except Geotrid) have yellow lenses. It has been known for many years that the adult human lens is yellow, but not until very recently has it transpired that this is actually of advantage to sharp vision in bright light. This imposing list of intra-ocular color-filters exhibits at first glance considerable variety; but (see Table IV, pp. 200-1) they are almost all yellow; and where they are not, they are still of long- wave colors — and they are confined to diurnal vertebrates. It thus appears logical that some inclusive interpretation may hold for all of them, and after a large num- ber of false starts such an interpretation has finally been given. But until a few years ago the macular pigment, retinal capillaries, and yellow comeae were neglected or forgotten, and the yellow lenses went undiscovered for a most surprisingly long time, while attention was fastened upon the 192 ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY colored oil-droplets. As long as these held the stage, the mental myopia of investigators prevented anyone's noticing the other types of filters and using them to help explain the baffling oil-droplets. The Color-Vision Theory — The oil-droplets were formerly believed to occur in a much greater variety of colors than is actually ever the case. Those of birds seemingly ran the gamut of the visible spectrum; but under modern apochromatic microscope lenses the violet, blue, and green droplets lose their colors and are seen to be actually devoid of pigment. They owe their chromatic appearance, under cruder lenses, to purely optical phenomena. Only red, orange, and yellow droplets occur in birds and turtles along with some colorless droplets. Most groups provided with colored droplets contain nocturnal species whose droplets are all colorless. The pigments involved are carotenoids, and those extractible from chicken retinas have recently been tentatively identified as astacin, sarcinene, and xanthophyll. When belief was current in a more complete spectral representation, the theory of oil-droplet function first advanced by Krause in 1863 (and based at first upon the supposition that lizards, as well as birds, had 'all' colors) was most popular, and still has adherents. According to this theory, each color of oil-droplet makes possible the independent sen- sation of the corresponding color in the spectrum. The supposition was that the bird has but one (not three) photochemical substances in its cone outer segments (see p. 91), and that this undifferentiated sub- stance would be affected equally by any and all visible wavelengths of light. Discrimination of wavelengths on a qualitative basis — color vision, in other words — would be possible only if certain cones were allowed to be stimulated only by certain wavelengths, others by other wave- lengths, and so on. The differently colored oil-droplets, standing in the pathway of the light on its course toward the percipient outer segments, were supposed to ensure this differential stimulation of different sets of cones, which in turn connected with different sets of brain cells in which the respective color sensations were registered. This mechanism of color vision has seemed so simple and plausible that some students of human visual physiology have fled to it as a refuge from the necessity of think- ing through the state of affairs where, as in man, color-vision occurs with all the cones alike, and have postulated that minute colored oil-droplets occur in human cones— the while being careful not to look to see if they are really there. COLOR-VISION THEORY OF OIL-DROPLETS 193 The ingenious color-vision theory of oil-droplet function falls to earth under several blows: the number of oil-droplet colors does not in fact correspond to the range of the bird's spectrum, which is now known to be co-extensive or even a little wider than our own. Lizards have a com- plete color-vision system, yet have only yellow oil-droplets. There are vertebrates far below the birds — the fishes — that have color vision with- out benefit of oil-droplets, which could then scarcely be considered a primitive device for hue-discrimination. Most important of all, it has been known (though almost forgotten) for decades that the cones of the bird fovea contain only yellow droplets, the red ones stopping at the margin of that all-important retinal pit. This demonstrates not only how wholly illogical it is to suppose that the bird would be able to per- ceive only yellow in the fovea, and all other colors only outside it, but also that the different colors of droplets are of unequal importance and have different uses, not one common function. The exclusively yellow droplets in the avian fovea line up with the yellow filters, whether com- posed of oil-droplets or not, of all other vertebrates. Yellow droplets appeared first in evolution, in lower vertebrates; and where the oil-drop- lets are decadent, as in nocturnal birds, some yellow ones may persist but no red ones ever occur. The red filters of birds and turtles can be temporarily ignored while we consider what the much more common yellow filter may do for photopic vision. Yellow Filters and Chromatic Aberration — The image formed by the natural dioptric system of the eye does not lie in a single plane or spherical surface, even when the object is a plane or a curved surface concentric with the eye. The image has thickness, owing to aberration which is of two kinds, spherical and chromatic. Spherical aberration results from the failure of the cornea and lens to bring parallel rays to a single point, and since it is chiefly caused by the improperly curved peripheral portions of the corneal and lens surfaces, it is effectively combatted by the pupil which acts as a 'stop'. When the refractive power of the lens is increased in accommodation, the pupillary aperture auto- matically contracts to afford the smaller stop which is then demanded. Chromatic aberration is due to the fact that the different wavelengths of white light are not all bent to the same extent when they are refracted at boundary surfaces. The refractive index of a substance is thus differ- ent for each wavelength — it is this phenomenon of 'dispersion' which makes it possible for a prism to form a spectrum by sorting the 'colors' 194 ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY out of 'white' light. The shorter waves are bent most, longer waves pro- gressively less. As Figure 29c (p. 82) shows, this results in a series of focal points beyond a lens, the violet focus being nearest and the red focus farthest away. The distance occupied by these foci is called the linear chromatic aberration, and in the human eye it is considerably more than the whole thickness of the retina. In the refractionist's lan- guage, the aberration amounts to about two diopters. The 'normal' or C / 550 Wavelength (mp) .401- m t < 0 Q Fig. 83 — Graph showing how yellow filters combat chromatic aberration. (Curve of transmission spertrum smoothed from data of Ludvigh and McCarthy on absorp- tion in the lens, cornea, and humors of the human eye, integrated with data of M. Sachs on absorption in the most completely studied macula among his nine examples; dispersion curve for the human dioptric media, showing the relative refrangibility of the various wave- lengths, plotted from data of Polack). The curves bring out the fact that the short waves, which are most strongly dispersed and which consequently contribute most to chromatic aberration (c/. Fig. 29c, p. 82), are the ones most strongly absorbed (i.e., least well transmitted) by the yellow filters interposed in their path within the eye. emmetropic human eye is actually emmetropic only for yellow light, and is, simultaneously, 0.75 diopters hypermetropic for red and 1.25 diopters myopic for violet. Since the dioptric apparatus ordinarily places the yellow focus in the visual-cell layer, we must actually accommodate when diverting our attention from a blue object to a red one at the same actual distance from the eye, and must relax accommodation upon look- ing back at the blue object. This fact is employed by astute artists to heighten the illusion of depth in their paintings. YELLOW FILTERS AND CHROMATIC ABERRATION 195 If a particular color-focus lies squarely in the visual-cell layer, the ho- monomous color-value of the external visual field will be crisply focused but all others will be represented, at the level of the visual cells, by sets of blur-circles. Fortunately the ends of the spectrum are much less bright than the yellow region; but even so, chromatic aberration results in a considerable blurring of the image. In the fovea, chromatic aberration is partly compensated for (except in birds) , by the greater length of the foveal cones (how many things we find we can do with that greater length!), for a greater number of color- foci can thus lie in the length of one cone. But foveal cones have their limits in length, and fall far short of dealing adequately with chromatic aberration by such means. Obviously, there would be no chromatic aber- ration if a single wavelength of light were passing through the eye to the receptor layer. To bring this about, however, would mean the elimination of color vision — and of nearly all the light. A compromise must, then, be made by which the spectrum is narrowed down enough to make a big dent in chromatic aberration, without sacrificing much of the physiologi- cally effective energy of whole sunlight, or many of the colors which occur most commonly in nature. A yellow filter serves this purpose admirably. It cuts out much of the violet light and some of the blue, which are the colors responsible for most of the chromatic aberration, as Figure 83 demonstrates. At the same time it lets through, unimpeded, most of nature's hues, and passes the spectral regions which look brightest to both light- and dark-adapted eyes. Other Values — This reduction of the effects of chromatic aberration is not the only performance of a yellow filter. Most scattered light is of short wavelengths, and under bright-light conditions this scattered light results in glare. Glare and dazzle are minimized by a yellow falter. Simi- larly, the unfocusable shortwave light scattered in the atmosphere, and responsible for the bluish cast of distant mountains and for the blue of the sky, is cut out by a yellow filter which, as every photographer knows^ creates a sharper image. Still another effect is the enhancement of contrast. It will be recalled that the same color-sensation can be aroused by different mixtures of wavelengths. One can easily find, say, two books on the shelf whose col- ors appear to be identical blues or greens. Yet a spectral analysis of the light reflected from them might show the like-seeming colors to be wholly different in wavelength composition. Almost any filter of colored glass or 196 ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY gelatine, placed before the eye, will make the two books look unlike; for certain wavelengths reflected by the pigment of one, and absorbed by the filter so as to change the color seen through the latter, are not necessarily emanating from the other pigment at all. By absorbing wavelengths com- mon to the two unlike mixtures, the filter brings out the fact that they are unlike, which is something the unaided eye cannot detect. A filter thus produces contrast between colored areas which otherwise would look alike and would therefore be without a discernible boundary between them. This fact was put to important use in World War I, when colored goggles worn by reconnaissance aviators enabled them to detect green camouflage produced by paints whose reflection-spectra were not at all like those of the chlorophylls of actual foliage. Modern 'foliage' camouflaging is more troublesome to both adversaries, for it has to con- sist of actual foliage, which must be replaced frequently as it fades. A filter naturally tends to abolish just as many contrasts as it pro- motes; but promotion is in advance of abolition when yellow filters and natural colors are under consideration. By cutting out the different amounts of blue in different but alike-looking green mixtures, the greens are made to look unlike; and almost any other contrasts can be sacrificed by the animal if only those between greens, so numerous in nature, can be enhanced. The oil-droplet type of filter has a special advantage, since the many colorless or other-colored droplets scattered among the yellow ones in the whole mosaic will permit the perception of any contrasts which the yellow droplets tend to iron out, and vice versa. By altering the propor- tions of the different colors of droplets in different parts of the retina, particular color-contrasts are enhanced in particular parts of the visual field. Thus in the pigeon the ventronasal three-quarters of the retina have the yellow droplets predominant, giving maximal contrast of objects seen against the sky by eliminating the latter's blue color; while the dorso- temporal quadrant, being especially rich in red droplets, affords maximal visibility to objects seen against the green of the fields and trees over which the bird is flying. In World War II, antiaircraft observers have stumbled onto such tricks, and have learned to use filters when scanning the sky for enemy planes. One thing which yellow filters might do— but don't— would be to absorb harmful ultra-violet rays before these could reach the delicate cone outer segments. Experiments have shown, however, that none of these rays sur- vive absorption in the cornea and lens of a pigeon's eye, whose oil-drop- lets consequently cannot possibly be purposed to protect against them. OTHER VALUES OF YELLOW AND RED FILTERS 197 Red Filters and the Rayleigh Effect — A very widespread supersti- tion, showing itself in such things as red airport beacons and amber fog- lights on automobiles, is the notion that some colors — notably red — pen- etrate fog better than do other colors or white light. The supposed phe- nomenon is attributed to the 'Rayleigh effect', which is the scattering of light inversely as the fourth power of the wavelength. The short waves are scattered the most, the red and infra-red ones scarcely at all, resulting in the blue coloration of the sky and in the remarkable clear pictures which can be taken through haze with infra-red-sensitive plates. But as far as the visible spectrum is concerned, there is no Rayleigh scattering at all when the particles which cause the scattering are larger in diameter than 0.75 [X. Natural mist and fog droplets, and solid particles suspended in natural waters, are invariably at least several times this size, and scatter light quite irrespective of wavelength. Red oil-droplets can- not, then, be designed to sharpen images by eliminating Rayleigh-scat- tered light in misty weather or in water, as some have thought. The tur- tles and birds have nothing in common, and if this inclusive explanation will not hold for the red oil-droplets of the two groups, room is left for independent explanations of the two cases. Value of Red Oil-Droplets in Birds — Most birds are such early ris- ers that they expose themselves to Rayleigh scattering — not by gross mist particles, but by molecules of water and gases in the atmosphere of even the clearest of sunrises. At this time of day the sun's rays slant through such a long atmospheric pathway that they appear reddened, the same being true of the sunset — which is more familiar to most of us. The bird, getting in most of his day's work at dawn and shortly after, is aided by his red droplets. As the day wears on and the sunlight whitens, the yellow (and on dull days, the colorless) droplets take over — the orange ones affording a smooth transition. If this explanation is true, one would ex- pect late-rising birds to have few red droplets. This is indeed the case, for whereas the song-birds average 20% red droplets, the hawks have but half of this number; and in the crepuscular swifts and swallows there are but 3% to 5% red droplets. Value of Red Oil-Droplets in Turtles — The significance of the red droplets of turtles is rather different. More than any other diurnal verte- brates, they have the problem of seeing over the glary surface of water. Since they have intensity to spare, they can afford red droplets for the even greater effect upon chromatic aberration which a red filter will have, 198 ADAPTATIONS TO DIURNAL ACTIVITY as compared with a compromise yellow one. On less bright days, the tur- tle's yellow, or even his colorless, droplets automatically replace the red ones as the most important constituents of the whole mosiac. Thus the birds and turtles, having sufficiently cone-rich retinae, have been able to differentiate the cones into several populations. Where most retinae are rod-and-cone, or duplex, the turtles and birds have produced what may fairly be called multiplex vision. The workings of the turtle's oil-droplet mosaic can best be gathered from an account of a clumsy, man-made imitation worked out empirically by the United States Navy, as described to the author by Mr. Laurence Radford of the Bureau of Ordnance : "The Navy uses both red and yellow color filters in optical instru- ments. Both are made of Corning Glass. The red cuts quite sharply at about ^6000-6200 [A.u.j and the yellow at about ?u5 100-5300 [A.u.]. These filters are used because much experience has shown that they are helpful, and the particular filters selected were chosen after considerable study, both experimental and theoretical. "In my opinion these filters are effective for our purposes because they reduce glare due to scattered light and minimize the eflFects of the chro- matic aberration of the eye, and for these reasons almost exclusively. These two effects are produced more intensively by red than by yellow filters, i. e., the amount of scattered light transmitted by the red is much less than by the yellow because the latter transmits the green; and with the red filter the effect of chromatic aberration is practically eliminated. But there are conditions when the red filter cannot be used effectively, perhaps because of insufficient intensity of illumination, or perhaps be- cause it would reduce the color contrast. Hence the two colors, giving us essentially the choice of two degrees of the same effect." The red and yellow oil-droplets of the domestic hen have been found to cut the spectrum off respectively at ^5800-5900 A.u. and ^5150-5250 A.U., the extracted red pigment (astacin) and yellow pigment (xantho- phyll) at A,5900A.u. and ^5200 A.u. respectively when dissolved in castor oil. Perhaps when the droplets of turtles are studied more carefully they will be found to come even closer to justifying the Navy's choices! In this connection it is significant that the kingfisher, whose visual problem, like that of the turtle, is complicated by glary water, has 60% red droplets — three times as many as the average bird. So much for the functions of the intra-ocular color-filters. Some remarks on their nature and evolution are now in order. PHYLOGENY, CHEMISTRY OF FILTERS 199 Phytogeny and Chemistry of the Intra-Ocular Filters — The old- est of all appears to be the yellow lens, which occurs in lampreys (but not in the nocturnal Geotria) . Here, as well as in snakes and squirrels, the pigment involved (lentiflavin) is soluble in weak alkalies. It is pres- ent in full amount in albino squirrels, hence cannot be scattered melanin, but is a chemically distinct substance (consult Table IV, next page). In at least one of the two or three diurnal geckoes (Lygodactylus) , and in the strongly diurnal, squirrel-like tree-shrews (Tupaia) the lens is also yellow though nothing is as yet known about the pigment itself. Presum- ably it is lentiflavin which, since it has been evolved repeatedly in such widely-scattered groups, probably has as its precursor some substance which is present in all vertebrate lenses. The most intense colorations of the lens are reached in the ground- squirrels and prairie-dogs, where the lens is almost orange. The lenses of all other American sciurids (excepting the pale ones of the gray squirrel and the colorless ones of the flying squirrels) are alike in color and are matched by a 2 mm. thickness of American Optical Company 'Noviol 0' glass. 'Noviol 0' is matched by the lens of Malpolon monspessulanis, regarded as the most sharp-sighted snake in Europe, and will probably be found to be exceeded in coloration by the lenses of Dryophis and its rela- tives. Other diurnal snakes have paler lenses, the coloration being deep- est in swift, bright-light species such as the racers and whipsnakes. Cre- puscular snakes have little lentiflavin, nocturnal species none at all. Lam- prey, Lygodactylus, and Tupaia lenses compare with those of a gray squirrel or a whipsnake. The yellow coloration of the human lens is the result of a precocious aging of the lens nucleus which commences actually before birth, and is thus not on the same footing as that of other yellow lenses. It grows steadily in depth throughout life — the lens of a child has been found to absorb 10% of the blue light entering the eye, that of a 78-year-old man 85%. In the normal adult human eye, absorption in the dioptric media increases gradually from the long-wave to the short-wave end of the spec- trum, attaining a value of over 90% in the violet. In old age the spec- trum is cut off in the blue-green region and aged artists find that their blue-containing pigment mixtures look wrong to younger persons, unless the painting is done under an illumination which is particularly rich in short-wave light, such as that from a mercury vapor lamp. The pigment is melanin formed by the interaction of protamine and cysteine liberated by protein-breakdown. The development of the coloration is thus due to \2i c o 1— — LxJ — t/1 -53 ^^ + o r- << g =JLiJ 1 2-^ 0 , , OLlI ■^ ll ^ UJO .c + ?a >o + + ^ ^ i^ + -ILL LJ_ > CO p y^ o o "S o C/1 > CO £ 11 1 1| = o 1 J >-> 1 II en CD 0 0 in ifi 0 0 §2 o u§ §. <1) 0 CJ o ^ o; "^ St o S| 1 D u ■5 9f"o o'o "0 "o ■5 0 1 c "O c II m i b c: ^"1 CD 0 1% 11 00 C 0 c c 1 -i B 1/5 3 c 3 8 :r (D ^ X 0 o <= ,0 -£ s to O Lt ■g 0 ^ OJ CD O 1 :5 ■5 CD c/5 JZ o 1 IT) c o CD 1 ^ s o "53 (/I O |0 ^:-i 1 CO c 0 0 0 0 6 1 CO 0 2 ■2S §1 IJ IS ll CD 0 i C < 1 C o 01 o o X o i 3 1- fs cr 1 -z. §" UJ o g _3 s < CD X Q- 0-2 1 C/5 0 ^0. < Zi s 3 H s 1 J s 3 3 1 i 200 • ' + in some (out to limitans in Didelphis) + in most (lacking in,e.g. Rhinoceros) + -f(out to limitans in G/oucomys, Glis, a Eliomy^ + , 4- 1 + O'oi (D_aj + 8 + + 1 T 1 (lost by fossorial ancestor) §8 CD '-' M CD '^ CO in ■— o o o CO c/) o o o to O CO CO o O o (discarded by original nocturnal placental mammals) ' o c T3 o c 8 ■1 o^ t^ o b o BO go |i II CO o Is oo CO O 8 1 §1 II tJ o 1 _3 8 ■1 O c 3 o c .3 "O 1 E 3 O Q- cu — r 1 3 i •o'o So o "o a. cu t/i 1 o o "§ ■-I is o o m Q.E 1/7 c 1 CO o >^ c o II "1 i o O) s 2 o 2 to CD O o 1 "D C o CO a> "5 & 5 t/5 o 2 1$ CO O i t/) o 2 t/5 OJ 3 u_ to 1 1 s Q_ '5 1 m 1 c/) c ' o a> Oi Q- ll 1 5 o c CO CO c/) TJ iT) CO i Q O cc + E + II f " + + i +1 i + o To c + o o o + ^E^g -h -t- Q. E o _l ~~^ cu E o lo o o o i 1 to o a CO s 1 CO c g ■"o o O -a c o Q in O 2 ll co"0 r CO c O 3 C < qj:— "So IS 1 1 CO c o "5 o o o o c/1 1 Geckoes, includ- ing eublepharids and Uroplofus CO O 3 D. 5^ 1 1 ■d CU o -D CD = CD i% 1 1 spjDzn S en x: o c o -§ E o UJ O O) 1— CO < QD X Q- 2 UJ -J 1- CL 1x1 ir S 3 H S 1 J ^ a 1 -1 o >^ X E 3 8 -"1 Is O Q > tr 1^ .1 O 01 if ll c/) Slit(a/s only) Broadly oval (Marmots, Zenkerelld) — [Poradoxurus) Oval [Cynlclls, Surlcolo, Herpesfes) if CLg oS 3i^ 3 CD ^1 |l £ o 'CD O Q > 1/5 03>i 1 m o c CO "5 > o en c7^ C/5 g 1 c7) 00 CO fl 11 Ellipse [Myopolamus, Cuniculus poca, Hydrochosrus) c o e CD to .9- "53 o c7) .-t= CO to o E CO + 1 li I/) Q 3^ o + 1 o CD c c + + o o £ + 6 g = c + CD E + a; T + o c o CD o Q- UJ 1 1 CD 1 o CO a QQ CD E CD O C o a Cl 3 i Si o-o n II cr _j '^ o Ul i5 o O CD to CD 2 _i a3 en X 2f o > o O 9opuqn|00 S9iDUJU(-| 9 >1 D U S S 1 D 1 U 9 3 D 1 d CO UJ _l 1- CL LJ q: CO _J < < 222 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY only of those forms which come frequently to the surface or into shallow water — Scylliorbinus, Lamna, Selache, etc. Most of the elasmobranchs whose eyes aim strongly upward are among the Batoidei — the skate-ray- torpedo group. With the exception of the mantas, the batoids have oper- cula (Fig. 65a, b; p. 158), which slope downward and slightly outward over the pupil, and expand in bright light to block the aperture. The oper- cular margin may be serrated, as in Raja, or smooth as in Dasyatis. It is not unusual for rays to bask at the surface in summer, and they are then exposed to especially strong light, considering the fact that their retinas are pure-rod. The monk-fish (Squatina, a sort of imitation ray which is really a shark) and the electric ray Torpedo have slits — horizontal in the latter as in Selache and Sphyrna, diagonal in Squatina as in Scylliorhinus, Lamna, Orectolobus, Gingylostoma, etc. At least one shark (Prionace glauca) and some rays (e. g., Dcemomanta aljredi, Cephaloptera giorna) have pupils which close to vertical slits. Deep-sea forms, like the less noc- turnal of the littoral and pelagic species, naturally have roundish pupils, which in Etmopterus and the chimaeras are extremely large and are prac- tically immobile. The slit form of pupil is well established in the elasmo- branchs, but in this group its orientation has never settled down to the vertical position which is almost universal in land animals for a reason which will appear later. No chondrostean, holostean, or teleostean fishes have slit pupils, though those of Acipenser and Piabuca are broad ellipses, with the long axis vertical and with more or less of a point at each end. In the Amer- ican shovel-nosed sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) the pupil is a canted square with rounded corners. Only a very few teleosts (e. g., Anguilla, Encheliophis) have contractile pupils. The retinae of teleosts, except in deep-sea species of course, are never pure-rod as are those of practically all elasmobranchs; and moreover they have the photo- mechanical changes to rely on. The pupillary opercula present in many flatfishes, and ir others {e. g., Plecostomus) which live on the bottom in shallow water, are in the same category as the umbraculum of the hyrax — these devices are parasols for diurnal eyes which are exposed directly to high intensities. Their mechanism of expansion has yet to be elucidated. In one of the batfishes, Halieutichthyes aculeatus, fixed superior and in- ferior opercula overlap as the pupil closes (taking three seconds or so to do so), and the end result is about as in Scylliorhinus (Fig. 91, p. 225). One lungfish, Protopterus, has a most peculiar pupil : the iris is quite devoid of muscle elements, and yet the pupil can become a narrow hori- PUPIL SHAPES AND THEIR MEANING 223 zontal slit. It has this form for a few hours, at least, after the animal is released from its mud-ball or aestivational cocoon. Eventually, however, it rounds up and thereafter remains circular in all illuminations. Another lungfish, Lepidosiren, has a small circular pupil which never changes; but this fish has been claimed to have photomechanical changes in the retina. Among the amphibians, the salamanders and caecilians all have round pupils suited to their secretive and fossorial habits. Most anurans have a b c d efqhijk Fig. 87 — Shape of the contracted pupil in different amphibians. (All are circular when dilated. From various sources; right eyes; not to same scale). a, urodeles and aquatic anurans (Pipidje et al). b, most anurans. c, Hyperlius horstockH. d, Polypedates reinwardti. e, Corythomcintis greeningi, Aparasphenodon hrunoi, and Trachycephalus nigromaculatus. i, several anurans (see text), g, Scaphiopus and Phryn- omerus. h, Hyla vasta. i, Bombina. ], Pelobates fuscus. k, Calyptocephalus quoyi. Fig. 88 — The gecko pupil. a, eye of a gecko in diffuse daylight, x 5. After Beer, b, c, d, stages in the contraction of the pupil of the right eye of Tarentola mauretanica. After Lasker. e, iris musculature of T. mauretanica (combined from two figures of Lasker). Sphincter fibers suggested by solid lines, dilatator fibers by broken lines. Note that some sphincter traas surround the pupil concentrically and others eccentrically, while still others have a closed circuit in either the nasal or the temporal half of the iris. horizontal, broadly oval pupils. The rigidly nocturnal spade-foot toads {Scaphiopus) , and the brevicipitid genus Phrynomerus also, have an approach to the vertical slit in their beautiful lozenge-shaped pupils. The vertical slit occurs in quite a number of nocturnal anurans — in Alytes obstetricans, several criine toads, Lymnomedusa, Phyllomedusa and sev- eral other bylines, some polypedatids, and Hypopachus. The Javanese flying-frog, Polypedates reinwardti, has a slender horizontal slit, while 224 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY Others in its family have vertical slits or broad, horizontal ovals. The pupil is heart-shaped in Bombina, rhomboidal in some hylids, and may take on still other peculiar forms (Fig. 87). The crocodiles, all notorious baskers, have the vertical slit. So does Sphenodon, in which it is tilted a bit out of plumb. The turtles are a diurnal group with insensitive retinae and immobile, circular pupils. Most lizards are diurnal and have round pupils; but several families of lizards are night-prowlers and have vertical slit pupils — among them perhaps the most remarkable of all pupils, that of the majority of the geckoes. This pupil customarily has several tiny notches paired off along its opposite margins. When brightly lit, the pupil closes completely, leaving a series \ \ 3^ k tl S'-K s"X Fig. 89 — Pinhole compared with a lens, as a means of forming an image. Note that the resolution of the pinhole image depends less upon a critical location of the screen; but the lens image is much brighter since the lens admits more light. /- lens; p- pinhole position of screen. of pinholes formed by the apposed notches (Fig. 88) . Each of these pin- holes is so small that it serves as a stenopaic aperture, forming a sharp image all by itself just as though the lens and cornea were not there, and moreover making accommodation quite unnecessary since it forms fairly sharp images, simultaneously, of objects at various distances (see p. 256 and Fig. 89) . Insufficient light gets through any one of the pinholes to stimulate the retina adequately. Since however the images formed by all of them are superimposed on the retina, their total illumination is sufficient. At the same time, the image is sharper than it would be if formed by a single aperture, equal in area to the sum of the pinholes; and no sacrifice of the width of the visual field is entailed (see Fig. 90, especially c). Something of the same effect is obtained by Scylliorhinus (Fig. 91) and PUPIL SHAPES AND THEIR MEANING 225 Raja (Fig. 65a, b; p. 158), and by a number of other animals (v. i.). Among the snakes, the vertical pupil is seen in all nocturnal forms excepting very secretive burrowers (e. g., coral snakes) and the cobras, whose nocturnality is far from perfect. All boas and pythons, all pit- vipers, and all vipers except such primitive and crepuscular forms as Causus and Atractaspis, have the slit. So also with a few elapids (e. g., Fig. 90 — Effect of variations in the pupil. Modified after Franz. a, standard of comparison, b, the pupil has been doubled in width, hence quadrupled in area; but the visual field is thereby only slightly enlarged, c, the multiple pupil, whose effect is to reduce the brightness of the image and improve its resolution, without sacrifice of field width, d, narrowing of field owing to separation of pupil and lens, e, narrowing of field owing to thickening of pupil margin. Acanthopbis, Bungarus) and a considerable number of colubrids, par- ticularly back-fanged species. In short, all strongly nocturnal snakes which ever voluntarily hunt or bask in bright light have vertical slit pupils. In some secretive and crepuscular forms, shapes intermediate between the round and the slit forms occur. Thus in the rainbow snakes "^ o ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ Fig. 91 — Eye of a shark, Scylliorhinus canicula; external view, and stages in the contraction of its pupil. Redrawn from Franz, n- nasal side; /- temporal side. the fully contracted pupil is a broad vertical ellipse, and in Arizona it contracts to the shape of an egg with the narrow end pointing downward. Diurnal snakes nearly all have round pupils, though three or four tree- snakes (e. g., Ahcetulla picta) have horizontally oval ones; and in three colubrid genera there is a horizontal keyhole of special significance which may divide into two ovals when it closes (see pp. 185-6 and Fig. 79). 226 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY Only one bird, the black skimmer {Rynchops nigra) is known to have slit pupils, despite vague mentions, in popular and even highly technical literature, of such pupils in owls. The pupil is most peculiar in Rynchops, in that the two halves of the iris seem to swing inward independently, like a pair of gates, to form the slit. One can understand the presence of a slit pupil in a sea-bird — the surprising thing is that there are not more such cases. Water of any depth is a dim-light environment, calling for extra retinal sensitivity; and it is observed that the pupils of diving birds are more responsive to light than those of others. The penguins have a great range of pupil size. Contracted penguin pupils are never quite round, and they can all become very small. That of the king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonica, contracts to a perfect square, dilating through a succession of polygonal shapes, like an iris diaphragm, to a huge circle. It opens widely at night or when the eye is shadowed in daytime (though the pupil of the other eye may then be a mere speck) , and it presumably dilates widely under water. Penguins dive deeply out of sight; and Brandt's cormorant has been trapped at forty meters, where the light is much reduced, and is believed to go even deeper. The skimmer does not have its sensitive eye and slit pupil for under- water vision, however. Simple nocturnality seems to be the whole expla- nation— the bird rests in coves by day and goes to sea in the evening to feed all night. If this one nocturnal bird species can have a slit pupil, it is perhaps strange that the owls, oil-birds, snipes and so on have failed to produce one. The skimmer is scarcely the 'logical' species to be an ex- ception in this regard, whether it be compared with nocturnal land birds or with other oceanic birds. One would rather expect the genus of the boobies, Sula, to have taken the lead here : The red-footed booby, S. sula, is called by Robert C. Murphy the most nocturnal of all sea birds. It has a notably larger eye than any other bird in its family, but it does not have a slit pupil. A close relative, Morus {=Sula, in part) bassana, the northern gannet, has been netted in twenty-seven meters of water. One peculiarity of booby pupils mentioned by one or two authors is the apparent sexual difference in size, the female seeming to have a much larger pupil than the male. If true, this would suggest a sexual difference in retinal sensitivity or eye-size; but Dr. Murphy explains it as an illusion caused by a ring of black blotches at the pupil margin of the otherwise yellow iris of the female. The male iris being entirely yellow, the pupil seems smaller and more regular. Sula nebouxii shows the feature strikingly; probably other boobies have it. PUPIL SHAPES AND THEIR MEANING 227 The monotreme mammals are secretive and nocturnal, and have round pupils. Among the marsupials, the kangaroos and wallabies are practi- cally arhythmic, and many have oval (horizontal) pupils. New- world marsupials, and many Australian ones, have round pupils. Other Austra- lian species have the vertical slit. O'Day finds that some marsupial pupils, usually described as round, do finally take on the slit form as the light becomes sufficiently intense. Dasyurus viverrinus shows this well; but the pupil of the more strongly nocturnal Trichosurus vulpecula becomes a small vertical slit even in diffuse daylight of ten to twenty foot-candles, at which intensity the Dasyurus pupil is still circular. The placental mammals as a whole are crepuscular and nocturnal, and shun bright light. The hoofed animals and the great cats are arhythmic, while many primates, most squirrels, and a small handful of other scat- tered genera (Ochotona, Zenkerella, Suricata, etc.) are diurnal. Though the squirrels include strongly nocturnal forms (the flying squirrels) as well as sun-worshippers, they all have round or slightly oval (horizontal) pupils. In some of the ungulates — the camel family especially — the cor- pora nigra of the upper and lower pupil margins (Fig. 86) can meet or interdigitate in very bright light, perhaps forming useful stenopaic aper- tures. In others the pupil never approaches a slit form, but can best be described as horizontally rectangular; and it may have only slight mobil- ity, as in the horse. The pupil of a young horse is round, but at five or six years of age it becomes elliptical and the corpora nigra become pro- nounced, three or four of them on the superior border and five or six smaller ones on the inferior border of the pupil. The sheep, with as many as twenty corpora nigra, has the maximum number of these bodies. Large carnivores have round pupils. The foxes, all Viverridae except Cynictis and Suricata, and one or two rodents have vertical ellipses. Out- side of the prosimians, a fully closable slit is seen in mammals only in the smaller cats, the strongly nocturnal and arboreal toddy cat or palm civet (Paradoxurus) , and the dormice {Glis spp.). Paradoxurus is excep- tional in having a horizontal slit, which has a single pair of central notches on its margins which form a single stenopaic aperture when the remainder of the pupil closes entirely. Two other viverrids, Cynictis and Suricata, have horizontally oval pupils on the order of those of un- gulates. Suricata, peculiarly vegetarian for a carnivore and rather mar- mot-like in its behavior, is said to be diurnal. In the cats and dormice the vertical pupil can also close entirely, leav- ing, in the domestic cat at least, a pair of terminal pinholes reminiscent 228 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY of those in Scylliorhinus. Seals have vertical slit pupils, excepting in one species (Phoca barbata) whose slit is diagonal — indeed, almost horizontal as is the slit in Paradoxums and in the hippopotamus. But the seal's pupil, as will be made clear later, needs its slit form for a reason quite different from the one which accounts for probably every other slit pupil in the vertebrates. The history of the primate group has been one of increasing diumality from strictly nocturnal beginnings, with 'successfulness' increasing along with the tendency toward diurnality. The range in size from the timid, nocturnal, three-inch mouse galago to the monstrous, diurnal gorilla is most striking. All but one of the lowest prosimians (the bush-babies, lorises, etc.) have vertical slit pupils. The true lemurs (genus Lemur) have vertical pupils which are not at all slit-like, but only slightly oval. They and their closest relatives {e.g., Indr'is) do all of their sleeping at night. All of the simians (monkeys, apes and man) except Actus are diurnal, with the great apes most strongly so. The eyes of some pro- simians are so sensitive that, despite the protection afforded by the slit pupil, they are prone to undergo retinal degeneration and to become blind when, in zoos, they are kept in too strong light. Similar changes are said to occur, by the way, in nocturnal birds, fruit-bats, and some bears. Tarsius is the one primitive lemuroid which does not have the slit; but the pupil in this genus has an enormous excursion from a large circle to a broadly horizontal oval only half-a-millimeter in diameter. In its range of sphincter-length, the tarsier's iris has a very few close rivals : those of the two-toed sloth, the African jumping hare (Pedetes) , the sea-snakes, and the pearl-fish (Encheliophis) . One suspects that in such animals the sphincter must have some special organization; but the details are as yet unknown. They have somehow found the secret of obtaining an ex- tremely small pupil-area without resorting to the slit form, or to the even more elaborate device of an expansible operculum. (D) The Tapetum Lucidum The standard condition of the chorioid coat is one of heavy pigmen- tation. The pigment epithelium may or may not contain much pigment also, depending chiefly upon whether this pigment is migratory or not. It is the pigment of the chorioid, alone, which has the real responsibility of preventing reflections within the eyeball which might blur or even multiply the image. TAPETA LUCIDA AND EYESHINE 229 The light rays which are focused by the dioptric apparatus and pass through the retina are never completely absorbed by the chorioidal pig- ment. If they were, the ophthalmoscope would never have been possible. With this instrument the observer looks along a beam of light which is directed through the pupil of the eye of the subject. Enough of the light is reflected from the subject's eyeground, directly back into the eye of the observer, to enable the latter to see something of the retina and the inner surface of the chorioid of the subject, magnified by the subject's own cornea and lens. So bright a light as that of the ophthalmoscope does not often enter the eye directly, and the fraction of more ordinary illumination which reflects from the chorioid is too weak to blur the principal image and detract from visual acuity. The photographer has to rely on essentially the same phenomenon. He has a right to expect that the dead-black lining of his camera will reflect practically no light through or upon the film. When such reflection does affect the film due to some defect in the camera, the picture is blurry with the unwanted light and the photo- grapher calls the result 'halation'. Value and Basis of Eyeshine — There is one circumstance in which one might conceivably strive to produce a very maximum of halation: when the light-intensity is extremely low and a correspondingly length- ened exposure is for some reason impossible. Cameras have occasionally been built, in which the emulsion of the plate is on the back surface and is in contact with a layer of bright mercury. This layer forms a mirror, reflecting the light back through the emulsion and thus increasing its effectiveness. When a biologist is asked to account for the phenomenon of 'eyeshine' in animals he may give the flip explanation : "they do it with mirrors" — and have every assurance that he is actually being perfectly matter-of-fact and scientifically accurate. When we consider how brightly the eyes of many animals reflect the light of our headlights as we drive past them at night, it is apparent that these species must be reflecting light back through their retinae instead of absorbing it in a typically pigmented chorioid. Ophthabnoscopic and histological investigation bears out this suspicion, and usually discloses a special mirroring device located some- where behind the rod-and-cone layer. Though it is very differently con- stituted in different cases, this mirror is generically called the tape turn lucidum. This apt term means, literally, 'bright carpet'. The tapetum is 230 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY required by some vertebrates because of an important difference between a camera and an eye: for the eye, exposure-time cannot take the place of intensity — the eye can only take 'snapshots'. Under nocturnal conditions, a visual object may be brighter than its surroundings, or it may form a shadowy silhouette against a background brighter than itself. There is a perennial argument as to whether a tape- turn enhances visibility by sometimes promoting the perception of the object, or by sometimes increasing the apparent brightness of the back- ground. The argument is quite pointless; for, no matter which has the greater brightness — object, or ground — the reflections from the tapetum will increase the absolute and relative differential between the two, and thus increase their discriminability. Not all animals which have eyeshine possess any definite tapetum, as an examination of the pertinent Table VII (pp. 240-1) will show. In the ostrich, at least, the light reflex has been attributed to the lamina vitrea between pigment epithelium and chorioid, as the lamina is extra- ordinarily thick in this bird. A number of other birds, both nocturnal and diurnal, also show eyeshine, but with no known structural basis for it. There are also many fishes, anurans, and snakes (but not lizards) in which there is eyeshine and in which the reflecting material has not been identified, though it is certainly nothing especially differentiated for the purpose. An anomalous eyeshine even occurs in a few humans. It is normally lacking in all diurnal monkeys and apes, and Ernest Walker found only a "faint suggestion of a shine" in the diurnal Lemur catta. Among the other mammals, the rodents and lagomorphs are conspicuous for having a dull eyeshine (whose basis is yet to be found) in nearly all species, including even the strongly diurnal squirrels. Only one rodent, Cunt- cuius paca, is known to have a tapetum; and even here the reflex is said to be of only moderate brilliance. The Hystricidae may prove to have a tapetum of some sort, for in these exotic porcupines the silvery eyeshine is described as being particularly brilliant, and visible through a wide angle. In snakes, the eyeshine varies from faint to brilliant in both diurnal and nocturnal groups. Klauber states that it can be seen through only a narrow angle, which suggests that it may come wholly from the myelin- ated optic-nerve head and means nothing to the scotopic vision of the animal. EYESHINE; THE TAPETUM FIBROSUM 231 Wherever special tapeta have been constructed for reflecting light back through the visual cells, they are most often located in the chorioid coat just behind the retina; but they may be retinal, placed in the pig- ment epithelium of the retina itself. The light reflected from a chorioidal tapetum, of either the 'fibrosum' or 'cellulosum' type (v, /".), is ordinarily seen only if the observer is stationed beyond the animal's near point. With large animals which have little or no accommodation, this means not closer than from eight to twenty feet. The light is always colored though unsaturated, some- times so greatly as to appear almost white; and the hue may be situated practically anywhere in the spectrum except in the violet. The color may vary within a species or even, from moment to moment or from day to day, in the same individual. Such variations are unquestionably due to fluctuations in the amount of blood in the choriocapillaris, in the amount of rhodopsin present, etc., through which the light reflected by the tape- tum must pass to escape again from the eye. The fundamental color thrown back from a chorioidal tapetum owes its hue to the interference of light, for it is a surface color like that of a beetle's wing-cover, a parrot's feather, or a film of oil floating on water. The hue depends upon the microscopic dimensions of the reflective elements and has no biolog- ical significance as far as one can tell. Retinal tapeta usually appear pure white ophthalmoscopically, though the eyeshine of crocodiUans is said to be pinkish-orange (and extremely brilliant in Caiman sclerops) . Didelphis virginiana is also described as having a tinted (orange) reflex. With retinal tapeta, the glow can still be seen when one is very close to the animal — less than a foot, in croco- diUans, if one cares to go that close. The whiteness of retinal tapeta makes it possible to see, ophthalmoscopically, the red shimmer of rho- dopsin against the background of the tapetum in a dark-adapted speci- men. Rhodopsin was first seen in this way, in the living eye, in crocodiles and in a freshwater fish, the European bream (Abramis bratna) . The Tapetum Fibrosum — The simplest kind of tapetum lucidum is the fibrosum type. Nearly all hoofed animals have this kind, most tapeta fibrosa are in such animals, and none of them has any other kind. A portion of the thickness of the chorioid, just outside of the chorio- capillaris layer, has simply been converted from an areolar type of connective tissue to a tendinous sort, and glistens just as does a piece of fresh tendon. The tapetum fibrosum is composed of dense, regular. 232 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY fibrous tissue, with the pigment cells and large blood vessels proper to the chorioid cut down locally to a minimum or eliminated. Of necessity, chorioidal tapeta are perforated at intervals by capillaries running ver- tically through their thickness to supply the choriocapillaris (Fig. 92b, c). The arborizations of these into the choriocapillaris are visible with the ophthalmoscope as stellate black dots on the bright background of the tapetum — the so-called stellulae Winslowi. The tapetalized area of the chorioid, in most ungulates and carnivores (which together include a great majority of all tapetum-bearing animals) is roughly a triangle with its base horizontal, and either including or avoiding the disc. The rounded apex, in the superior part of the fundus .>S:5--- s#=- Fig. 92 — Mammalian tapeta lucida, histological. From Franz, after Murr (ms a, bundle of fibers from tapetum fibrosum of the ox, Bos taurus. b, chorioid of vulpes, showing modification of inner layers to form a tapetum cellulosum. p- pigmented portion of chorioid; /- tapetum cellulosum; c- capillary supplying capillaris; cc- choriocapillaris. )• Vulpes chorio- of the retina, makes about a right angle and the other two corners are not much less broad — being a spherical triangle, the tapetum can of course have angles totalling much more than 180°. The fibers of the tapetum are arranged in close-set concentric rings so that the entire tapetum is a single many-layered whorl of spindle-shaped fibers. Over the region occupied by the tapetum, the retinal pigment epithelial cells are devoid of pigment granules, thus interfering minimally with the passage of light back and forth through them. A tapetum assignable to the fibrosum category, though of course independently evolved, is known in a few fishes and will no doubt eventually be found in many others. Our American fishes are most im- THE TAPETUM CELLULOSUM 233 perfectly known, ophthalmologically speaking. Such forms as the moon- eye (Hiodon) probably have tapeta of some sort, possibly tapeta fibrosa; but they have not yet been studied. At least two or three of the marsupials have produced tapeta fibrosa. Those of the elephants and whales, however, may be genetically related to the tapetum of the ungulates, of which both groups are sometimes considered to be remote kin. In the broadest sense of the term, the elephants are ungulates. The whale tapetum differs from that of a hoofed creature only in being thicker and more extensive in area, though it is usually restricted to the superior half of the retina. The excellent tapetum fibrosum of Aotus (= Nyctipithecus) , whose Fig. 93 — ^Tapeta lucida in surface view. a, fundus of carnivore (dog; right eye), showing characteristic shape of tapetum cellulosum (hatched) and usual location of disc (stippled); the tapetum fibrosum in ungulates has about the same extent, but is more rounded dorsally and tends toward a semicircle in shape. Redrawn from Preusse. b, single cell from tapetum cellulosum of domestic cat, showing rodlets of reflective material. Redrawn from Murr. c, shape and extent of tapetum of the common opossum; the drawing could serve fairly well to represent the whales and the one tapetalized rodent, Cuniculus paca; but the tapeta of seals are even more extensive. eyeshine is reported to be more brilliant than that of the cat, represents another independent concoction of the fibrosum type. These douroucoulis or night-monkeys are the only nocturnal Simiae — thus, the only nocturnal New World primates — and the tapeta of the Prosimiae belong to quite another category: The Tapetum Cellulosum — Besides the tapetum fibrosum, another equally widespread chorioidal type is the tapetum cellulosum. The noc- turnal prosimians (whose eyeshine is especially vivid) , all but two species of the great order Carnivora, and all of their close relatives the seals, have been found to possess this more complex type. The glorious eye- 234 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY shine of the domestic cat has been known literally for millennia : it was the basis of the reverence shown the cat by the ancient Egyptians, who believed that the cat's eyes magically reflected the sun even at night when it was hidden from mere man. Although the typical carnivore tapetum is the same large triangle as the tapetum fibrosum of an un- gulate (Fig. 93a), and resembles it ophthalmoscopically even to the presence of the 'little stars of Winslow', it is very different histologically and in evolutionary origin : Endothelial cells, such as lurk in the meshes of any chorioid, have proliferated just outside of the choriocapillaris to form several layers of thin, broad, tile-like cells (Fig. 92b) . Unlike the arrangement of cells in a true stratified epithelium, there is a tendency in the tapetum cellu- losum for the boundaries of each cell to coincide with those of cells in the layers immediately above and below — in other words the courses of brickwork are not staggered. The connecting capillaries, running to the choriocapillaris from vessels in the outlying, normally vascular, pig- mented layers of the chorioid, can consequently take quite straight paths and thus interfere but little with the action of the tapetum. The number of layers of cells may be only four or five, as in the wolverine, or as many as 15 as in the cat (the dog has 10, the lion 8 to 10). The numbers are higher in the seals, however, ranging from 16-18 to 30-35 (in Phoca barbata). In one seal (Halichoerus gryphus) the tapetal cells are so elongated as to simulate a tapetum fibrosum; but they are still cells, not inert connective-tissue fibers as in a true tapetum fibrosum. The seal tapetum covers a great area of the retina, usually extending at least to the equator of the eyeball in all meridians and often much farther than this on the temporal side, the retinal region which looks ahead of the animal. This record-breaking area of tapetum in the seals will appear significant when we consider its special purpose in these animals (pp. 446-8). Though the elements of a tapetum cellulosum (unlike those of the true fibrosum type) are Uving cells, there is not room in them for much protoplasm. They are packed with highly refractive threads or rodlets, in some cases long and with crossings and recrossings to form a felt- work, in other cases very short and set in serried rows so that a 'herring- bone' pattern is created (Fig. 93b). These inclusions are formed of some organic substance, perhaps different in different cases, whose chemical nature is unknown; but they appear to be crystalline and homo- geneous. In the cat they are yellowish, about 10[X by 0.5-1 [1, and GUANIN AND THE ARGENTEA 235 apparently compounded of still smaller elements. Those of the seals have been found to resist weak (but not strong) acetic acid, and are blackened by osmic acid, suggesting a lipoid nature which their double refraction confirms. Guanin and the Argentea — The best known of the retinal tapeta lucida — called pseudo-tapeta by Briicke, who published the first exten- sive description of tapeta lucida in 1845 — are those in which the pigment epithelial cells contain masses of particles, or crystals, of guanin. This substance is also employed in chorioidal tapeta, which otherwise resemble the mammalian tapetum fibrosum. Guanin plays the essential role in the amazing tapetum of the elasmobranchs, and it is employed in an alto- gether different kind of mirror located on the outside of the eyes (and bodies) of fishes. It deserves more than a few words on its own account : Guanin is chemically a purine, and is closely related to uric acid. In extracted form it is an uninteresting, pale yellow, chalky powder; but when deposited, either as simple guanin or as the calcium salt, in the right places and in the right way, it can endow living tissues with the metallic lustre of silver or gold. Guanin has long been employed, wher- ever a mirror was needed, by fishes and a few higher vertebrates. Before them, invertebrates had used salts of uric acid to form concentrating mirrors in light-producing organs, which are often built much like an eye. The silvery sides of a minnow are plated with guanin-laden scales. Indeed, the name of the substance comes from 'guano', the term for the excrement (of Peruvian cormorants) which is mined for fertilizer on the sea islands where the piscivorous guanay-birds of millennia once piled it a hundred feet deep. Before it has been through the alimentary canal of a bird, the guanin of fish scales is known commercially as argentine, and under the name of 'essence d'orient' it was formerly used in the man- ufacture of artificial pearls. The entire uveal tract of a fish eye becomes jacketed, in the larva, with a guanin-laden outer layer called the argentea. Just as the silver reflections from an adult fish's sides blend with the bright water surface when seen from below by a predator, so does the argentea of a larval fish eye render that eye inconspicuous within the glassy body, by con- cealing the black pigment of the uvea which has already developed so that the little eye can function. This interpretation of the argentea as an embryonic adaptation to light is confirmed by the fact that it is seldom found in fishes which live in the darkness below 400 meters. 236 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY As the fish grows up and the head tissues become opaque, the argentea covering the chorioid loses most of its meaning, though in the enucleated eye it can still be seen shining through the transparent sclera. Where it continues over the face of the iris, however, it has been claimed to serve as a mirror, reflecting light (enough?) toward crannies and crevices into which the fish happens to be trying to look. The head-mirror worn by a physician, which he pulls down so that the hole in it is opposite his eye when he wants to peer down our gullets, might have been copied by its inventor, Czermak, from the argentea layer of a fish's iris. Whether useful in this way or not, the iridic argentea naturally adds to the opacity of the iris (Fig. 67, a, p. 159). By reflecting much of the light, the guanin leaves less for the melanin of the rather thin fish iris to absorb. Guanin in Retinal Tapeta — One of the cleverest uses of guanin is in the retinal tapetum lucidum seen in a few European freshwater fishes and very recently found by George Moore in one of our native species, the pikeperch Stizostedion vitreum. Known in Abramis brama for about a century, and in Rutilus rutilus and Lucioperca sandra for decades, this type of tapetum has been described by its chief student, Wunder, also for Blicca bjorkna, Pelecus cultratus, Acerina cernua, Lucioperca yolgensis, and (provisionally) for Abramis ballerus and Acerina schratzer. Wunder found all of these fishes in Lake Balaton, in western Hungary. Some of them are the most abundant of the 37 species of fishes in that unusual body of water. The 'Balatonsee' is peculiar in that, while enormous in area, it is everywhere shallow — averaging 6 feet in depth; and its waters are turbid almost to the point of opacity for nearly the whole of the year. These tapetum-bearing fishes are quite definitely adapted to this environment, but were of course pre-adapted (see p. 388) before ever they got into it, for most or all of them occur elsewhere in Europe as well. Moreover, the above assemblage of fishes represents at least two separate productions of the same sort of tapetum, for some of the genera {Abramis, Rutilus, Blicca, Pelecus) are cyprinid, malacopter- ygian, fishes; while /4cenn£7 and Lwciopercc? (the latter a close relative of our Stizostedion) belong to the perch family among the Acanthopterygii. The retinal guanin tapetum may be small, or may form a huge hori- zontal oval area which practically fills the fundus. It will suffice to describe it for one of the best-known cases, and figure it for another : In the superior two-thirds of the fundus of Abramis brama, a normal amount of fuscin pigment is present in each retinal pigment epithelial GUANIN IN RETINAL TAPETA 237 cell. Along with it, partway down the length of the cell-processes, is a cloud of guanin crystals (Fig. 94) . The pigment migrates in the usual way, retracting into the body of the cell in the dark and moving far down into the processes in the light (pp. 146, 149). As the fuscin granules surge on their way in either direction, they infiltrate among the guanin crystals, leaving the latter relatively undisturbed in position — indeed, the guanin may migrate to some extent in the opposite direction. Contract- ing behind the guanin layer in dim light, the pigment exposes the crystals Fig. 94 — The occlusible retinal guanin tapetum of certain teleost fishes, as exemplified by the European pikeperch, Lucioperca sandra. x 500. Redrawn, modified, after Wunder. a, visual-cell layer of light-adapted retina, showing cones contrarted to limitans, rods elon- gated, and retinal pigment (black granules) expanded into the heavy pigment-cell processes to mingle with the guanin (silver), destroying its effectiveness as a mirror (c/. Figs. 62, 63, 64, pp. 146-8). b, dark-adapted situation, showing rods contracted toward limitans, cones elongated, and retinal pigment retracted into pigment-cell bodies to expose a guanin mirror distal to the mass of tiny rods. pecb- pigment epithelial cell bodies; r- rods; c- cones; onl- outer nuclear layer. to serve as a reflective backing for the mass of rod visual cells. Migrating past the guanin in bright light, into a position between it and the light, the fuscin covers up the guanin layer. No light is then returned through the visual cells, after having once traversed them. This type of tapetum may be said to be occlusible — that is, capable of being occluded or covered up in bright light when it is not wanted. It is thus fundamentally different (physiologically) from the tapeta of Evermannella and other dim-light fishes in which the pigment epithel- ium is crammed with guanin but contains no migratory dark pigment 238 ADAPTATIONS TO NOCTURNAL ACTIVITY with which to cover it up — all of the fuscin being concentrated in small masses in the tips of the pigment-cell processes, as in the sturgeons (v.i.). A retinal (guanin?) tapetum is common in bathypelagic teleosts; and it may be occlusible in the young, which characteristically live much less deeply than the adults, and have both reflective material and fuscin in their pigment cells. The fuscin disappears during growth, so that the adult tapetum is certainly fixed. Like the argentea, the tapetum is lacking in bathybic teleosts which never come near the surface. The guanin tapetum formed in the pigment epithelium of the croco- diles and their allies is non-occlusible, for the cells contain much guanin and only a little fuscin, which migrates but feebly and is inadequate to blanket the guanin from the light. If we assume that the guanin was put there early in the evolution of the group, before the photomechanical changes dwindled as they have in these reptiles (p. 162), we can imagine that the crocodiles once had an occlusible tapetum but found it unneces- sary to maintain it once they had developed an efficient vertical-slit pupil. Other Retinal Tapeta — Other non-occlusible retinal tapeta are those of the fruit-bats and that seen in the common opossum, Didelphis vir- giniana (but not in Marmosa, though all opossums have eyeshine). The opossum structure occupies the superior half of the eye-ground, and is a neat semi-circle with its straight margin running horizontally at the level of the disc (Fig. 93c) . The pigment epithelial cells below this level have their normal, dense content of fuscin granules; but in the modified area (Fig. 95) they are twice as tall, devoid of pigment, and packed full of microscopic particles which look like guanin but apparently are not. These granules dissolve readily in histological reagents which guanin resists, and are hence not seen in micrological sections of opossum eyes. The pale yellow particles with which the pigment cells of the fruit-bats are filled are likewise of unknown chemical composition. In the dog, the retinal pigment epithelial cells covering the tapetized part of the chorioid are themselves filled with reagent-resistant reflective particles, which have never yet been accurately studied or described. Guanin in Chorioidal Tapeta — Guanin also occurs in chorioidal tapeta. That of the sturgeon bears a superficial resemblance to a tapetum cellulosum, with up to twelve layers of cells; but the cells are filled with guanin or a closely related substance (Fig. 96) . The pigment epithelium has not been able to rid itself entirely of pigment in the portion which overlies the tapetum. Instead of there being a little pigment in each cell OTHER RETINAL TAPETA 239 however (as in a couple of poorly developed ungulate tapeta) there may be none at all in most of the cells. An occasional cell contains consider- able pigment in the cell-body (European sturgeons) or a great deal of pigment compactly massed in the tip of a very heavy process (Acipenser » ■*i,it Fig. 95 — Retina of the common opossum, Didelphis virginiana. x415. After Walls. a, from the upper part of the tapetalized region (compare Fig. 93c), showing modification of the pigment epithelium; a very few pigment granules are present, along with a mass of reflective material, in this part of the tapetum (note capillary against external limiting mem- brane, at right), b, from the inferior fundus, showing unmodified, heavily pigmented pig- ment epithelium, contrasted with the tapetum in a (t) by the alignment of the external lim- iting membrane in the two photos. fulvescens — Fig. 96). The effect is as though all the cells had pooled their pigment in a scattered minority of their number, in order to min- imize the obscuration of the tapetum. The elements of the tapetum fibrosum in some marine teleosts (most of them bathypelagic) contain large masses of guanin, which were formerly called 'ophthalmoliths'. o 5p 1 o CO II o i |8 CO E o X a; 1 is < f- UJ Q- -J < z 1— LJ cr o o +il, o J' 13 a OQ < 1— UJ a. < I— _j < Q g 'c o O o 3 1 + + + 1 E CO 1 E (/) O Ll_ + 1 UJ 1 + +1 s VQfd ^ CO + + + + 1 + 1 r^- + 1 1 + 1 + I/) £ o o o c o o E o UJ in o "co o -D c o -C O O -o c o c o g § o o o I c o 2 1 8. I 1 ft C_) O) 1 1 CO en o ti: f^ 1- CO c o "6 o o o o 1/5 O) -o o M _l -^ o c CO o 2 62 3 c < C/5 CO o u 8D [Lampetra fluviatilis) stenopoic pupis m rays a Scyliiorhinus +I0-I5D I5-20D slit at ins root allows transfer of aqueous lens-muscle present, function not known small ciliary muscle, function not known OS much OS -I5D (in water) in good- eyed 'i^^AAnabas, OP in air) probably ordinarily enough 1o overcome tne myopia [Anabass\o accomm.) ste nopaic pup. Encheliophi. c pupil in IS prob no ace (unless in Neoceratodus) strictly aquatic spp. OD in water-, amphib- ious a terrestrial spp. probably all OD in air never >5D (never e nough to abolish the hypermetropia of a land sp. under water) pupillary nodules al- low aqueous transfer probably have.no gccomrnodation sphincter of iris aids considerably OD,or nearly so, in air; strongly + in water nocturnal, but ossicles retained (has a fovea!) probably never >2D nocturnal — ossicles have been discarded stenopaic pupils in most geckoes marine spp.OD in wo ter. all others OD in air more than enough to give emmetropio in i-izO OD great less ace. in marine a strictly terrestrial spp. Crompton's muscle may 'sharpen' cornea pupil becomes stenopaic in sea-snakes, when out of water + 2-9D 0-17D muscle of accomm. in iris derived from Brucke's muscle >muscle cells in chorioid 'focus' 'fove'cE Pf'n\^°P|(^/0/e^/??s myopic) great Crompton's muscle increases focusing power of cornea sphincter of ins usually aids; often 'lens' in nictitans (penguins are — inairl very great ) (cormorants: 40-50 D) kingfishers: a unique occommodation-ob viotinq device (tex stenopaic pupils, romp retinae, in some (see text); fruit-bat retina as much as +1D (very small eyes, high +) usually little or none, but may be up to4D [Dugong)-^[) in air, ■ Strongly + in water Brucke's muscle may be present, but with no apparent function apparently none no ciliary muscle unknown toothed: presumably considerable; baleen: not more than 1/2-ID very powerful iris sphincier aids greatly OD more than enough to give emmetropio in HzG in air, pupil is a slit, a cancels astigmatism high myopia^. a c neal astigmatism in air, nullified by slit pupil enough to restore emmetropio in water astigmatism elimin- ated when under H20 true normal +'/2D(?) about 10 Dot age 21 highly variable (like domesticated spp.) stenopaic pupil Tarsius 'D,or OS high os+ID .boPoons ore myopic) not >IOD ^D=diopters; +=hypermetropia; — = myopia; 0 (zero)=emmet ropia 273 274 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION able links : an imaginative reconstruction of one extinct crossopterygian fish which postulates a polymeric ring, and the situation in the extinct amphibians (the Stegocephali) . Irregular bits of bone occur in the sclera of Triturus pyrrhogaster, and the Brazilian frog Stereocyclops (=Hypopachus) incrassatus has an ossified annulus around the cornea; but in no modern amphibian can any certain counterparts of the sauropsidan ring be found. The stegoce- phalians, however, had 'scleral ossicles'. These usually numbered 20-32 and were set in several rows. Moreover, they almost always formed only a dorsal half -moon — rarely a closed and single ring. These bones may have been homologues of the piscine circumorbitals, but it is much more likely that they formed a sort of mail on the upper lid and were thus a part of the head armor which was characteristic of the group and indeed gave it its very name. And even if they were indeed in the sclera, they could not have been involved in accommodation, for they formed only part of a circle. The whole mechanism of accommodation which we are here calling 'sauropsidan' — including the scleral ossicles — may really have been in- vented by the stegocephalians, which were certainly diurnal and may have had sufficiently acute vision to make an excellent accommodation worth while. But if so, the right stegocephalian for showing the origin of the ossicular ring has not yet been found fossil. It may be significant that of the cotylosaurs, the stem-group of the reptiles, no specimen has yet turned up showing scleral ossicles. The scleral bones number sixteen or seventeen in Sphenodon. They were lacking in Pleurosaurus, the largest aquatic rhynchocephalian rela- tive of Sphenodon, thus affording an interesting comparison with the modern crocodilians in which the ossicles probably disappeared upon the advent of nocturnality, with its crude images and consequent uselessness of accommodation. The Mesozoic marine crocodiles had them — at least in the sidewise-looking Metriorhynchidae and in Pelagosaurus, the one member of the Telosauridae whose eyes were not directed upward. Modern reptiles and birds have fourteen plates more often than other numbers. Fourteen are usual for lizards, though there may be as many as sixteen or as few (Chamaleo) as eleven. Turtles have still lower num- bers— Konig found from six to nine in Testudo grceca, ten in Emys orbicularis. Birds have up to eighteen, the passerines having fourteen. Phylogenetic schemes based upon ossicular numbers have been attempt- ed, but unsuccessfully. ACCOMMODATION IN SAUROPSIDA 275 The bones may be so dovetailed into each other that the ring is im- mobile (Fig. 107b, c), or they may so overlap that they can slide on one another; but there is no experimental evidence that they ever do so. 'Plus' and 'minus' plates are distinguished as to whether they overlap both of their neighbors or are overlapped by both, and these exceptional plates tend to occur in the vertical or the horizontal meridians, or both (Fig. 107a), There is always an unusual situation mid-ventrally (where either a '+' or '— ' plate or an edge-to-edge junction without overlap occurs) — attributed to the disturbance of the formation of the plates created by the embryonic fissure of the optic cup. THIS SIDE, RELAXATION THIS SIDE, ACCOMMODATION Fig. 109 — Diagram of generalized reptilian mechanism of accommodation. ap- annular pad of lens; bm- Briicke's muscle; bp- base plate of ciliary body; c- cornea; ch- chorioid; cp- ciliary process; i- iris; lb- lens body; ot- ora terminalis; pi- pertinate liga- ment; /, /- sclera; sc- scleral cartilage; scs- sclerocorneal sulcus; so- scleral ossicle; sr- sensory retina; tbm- tendon of Briicke's muscle (continuous with inner layers of corneal substantia propria); //- tenacular ligament; z- zonule. Accommodation in Sauropsida (Except Snakes) — The produc- tion of a sulcus is the whole meaning, physiologically, of the sauropsidan ossicular ring. It stiffens the concavity against the force of the intra- ocular pressure which, if unresisted, would evaginate it. This pressure rises slightly during accommodation, which it does not do in fishes, amphibians, or mammals. On examining a sagittal section of a saur- opsidan eye we see the internal result of the sclero-corneal sulcus: an approximation of the ciliary body to the lens. 276 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION This is further aided by two other devices, the ciUary processes and the 'Ringwulst', or 'annular pad' (Fig. 109). CiUary processes are to be sharply distinguished from ciliary folds. The latter may be radial or circular and are always low affairs whose significance is solely the increase of the secretory or absorptive surface of the thin layer of blind retinal tissue which covers them, the ciliary epithelium. The folds on the posterior surface of the amphibian iris (there being no room for them on the narrow ciliary body) are in the same category. Ciliary processes differ morphologically from ciliary folds only in a quantitative way, but they have a separate physiological significance. They are tall, fin-like structures (Fig. 110) and serve to bring the ciliary body into firm contact with the lens, with which (in Saurop- sida) their tips are actually fused. The ciliary body, if it lacked them, might still be made to reach to the lens equator and contact the annular pad smoothly all the way around. But, there would be two difficulties about such an arrangement. The more grave one would be that the retrolental space would be sealed off from the posterior chamber so that aqueous could not transfer back and forth between the two during accommodation, as it is free to do between ciliary processes. Also, the ciliary body would tend to be 'muscle-bound', with a great deal more internal friction during the action of its muscles, if its constrictive force were not transferred indirectly to the lens through the ciliary processes. If one imagines the spaces between the processes to be filled in with solid material, one can see that as the ciliary zone decreased in diameter, this material would have to be compressed; and the energy required for this useless compression would be lost from the effective action of the ciliary muscle upon the lens. Only the lizards have been able somehow to reduce the size of the processes almost to the vanishing point and still employ the standard sauropsidan method of accommodation. They may have some difference in the mechanics or hydraulics of the phenomenon which accounts for their heresy. While the scleral ossicles and the ciliary processes extend the ciliary body axiad to meet the lens, the latter comes half-way, so to say, by its production of the annular pad. In Sauropsida, after the ordinary circum- ferential lens fibers have been laid down, the lens epithelium in the equatorial region does not remain simply cuboidal or columnar. Its cells elongate enormously, without swinging their axes through 90 to become ordinary circumferential lens fibers (compare Fig. 109, ap, with Fig. 41a, p. 111). The result is an equatorial thickening on the lens, ACCOMMODATION IN SAUROPSIDA 277 whose elements are radially disposed and thus admirably oriented for their service as architectural columns, transmitting the radial stress of the ciliary processes directly to the spherical heart of the lens. Thd annular pad has no optical function whatever, for the iris shields it and the image-forming light beam is confined to the more onion-like nuclear portion of the lens. Like the softness of the lens in Sauropsida, the thickness of the annular pad, as might be expected, goes with activity Fig. 110 — Anterior segment of left eye of a turtle {Emys orbicularis'), seen from behind, showing junction of ciliary processes with lens capsule (characteristic of sauropsidans — con- trast Fig. 44, p. 115). X 13. After Konig. /- unclosed portion of embryonic fissure; /- lens; o- orbiculus ciliaris; p- ciliary processes; r- sensory retina. of the ciliary muscles, in its variation from species to species. It is thick- est of all in the chameleons. The ciliary muscles in birds and lizards have the same location as those of non-lacertilian reptiles, but are more complicated, as is explained below. The fibers of sauropsidan ciliary muscles are all meridional except in a very few species, and have their origin in the inner layers of the cornea at its margin. Their insertions are not into the chorioid, as in the Ichthyopsida, but are scattered along the orbiculus ciliaris much as in the 278 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION mammals. There is often a tenacular ligament (tl in Figs. 109, 112) running from the sclera to the orbiculus just in front of the ora termi- nalis, which prevents the chorioid's being drawn forward. Thus when the ciliary muscle contracts, it can have but two possible actions — and only the first of these unless the sclerocorneal sulcus happens to be quite well marked: (a) a stretching of the orbiculus and a heaving of the corona of ciliary processes forward and toward the axis of the eye, thus pressing them against the lens. Any actual forward movement of the lens is checked partly by the weak suspensory-ligament fibers, partly by the 'pectinate ligament' running from cornea to iris root across the angle of the anterior chamber (Fig. 109, pi). The force of contraction of die ciliary muscle is thus largely diverted to the accomplishment of an actual squeezing of the lens, (b) A traction backward and axiad upon Fig. Ill— Transversalis muscle of a lizard, Lacerta serpa, as seen in a frontal section through the region (mid-ventral) of the embryonic fissure. After Lasker. c- connective tissue of ciliary body; /- unclosed portion of embryonic fissure; m- transversalis muscle; r, r- pars ciliaris retina; t- tendon of muscle, which inserts on lens. the limbus corneas, deepening the sclero-corneal sulcus and sharpening the curvature of the cornea. How much of the latter action {b) ever occurs in reptiles is a question. It would be helpful in accommodating the eye for near objects; but most of the accommodation is certainly brought about by the sharpening of the anterior curvature of the lens. The posterior surface of the lens abuts upon the relatively unyielding vitreous, and the periphery of the anterior surface against the similarly firm iris root. Hence most of the defor- mation of the lens is confined to a central area on the anterior surface — just as it is, by an utterly different mechanism, in the human eye (see Fig. 109, p. 275; cj. pp. 32-4 and Fig. 14, p. 31). It used to be thought that a deformation of the sclero-corneal region, impressing the vitreous and causing the latter to push the lens forward, was the chief or only factor in sauropsidan accommodation. Ingenious experiments made a few years ago by Hess, however, have shown that the ACCOMMODATION IN BIRDS 279 general processes described above are what actually take place. Hess proved that there is no increased pressure on the vitreous, by showing that in an excised eye the process will occur quite normally under elec- trical stimulation, even though the posterior half of the eyeball be cut away. Even though the lens does not move forward very far, it bulges for- ward and encroaches upon the anterior chamber. The birds (except the nocturnal ones) have left patent that same meridional, ventral slit in the anterior uvea which we remarked in the elasmobranchs, to permit the equalization of anterior and posterior chamber pressures. Despite this provision, the aqueous pressure rises a little as noted above. In lizards and turtles, the transversalis muscle runs through an homologous aperture (Fig. Ill; see Fig. 110, /). The details of the accommodatory process in the crocodilians (which have no scleral ossicles) remain to be worked out. The group has had less attention than others, perhaps because material is hard to obtain in Europe. Our abundant alligator is going begging for want of a curious American physiologist. All that is known is that it does accommodate, though very slightly and slowly. The beast is emmetropic, or a diopter or so hypermetropic, in air. Under water, it must be 15-20 diopters of more hypermetropic. Special Features in Birds and Lizards — The accommodating equip- ment of birds differs from that of reptiles only in minor respects. The transversalis muscle (never, apparently, concerned with accommodation so much as with binocular vision) has been found only in the pigeon. It may not be an homologue of the reptilian one, but rather an aberrant slip of the ciliary muscle itself. The birds share with the lizards one muscle, Crampton's, which is unique but is clearly a derivative of the ordinary reptilian ciliary muscle. The reptilian ciliary, which is a husky descendant of the little ichthyop- sidan tensor chorioidese, runs from the corneal margin and the inner sur- face of the anterior sclera to the base-plate of the orbiculus ciliaris. The situation in the birds is as if this reptilian ciliary muscle had been cut in two all the way around the eye, half-way back along its course, the two halves then being stretched enough to let the cut ends overlap (Fig. 112). Crampton's muscle represents the corneal end of the reptile ciliary. Near its posterior, inner surface is seen the insertion of a second (Briicke's) muscle which continues backward toward the ora terminalis. Briicke's 280 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION muscle thus represents the posterior portion of the ancestral reptilian ciliary. Briicke's name is often applied to the whole of the ciliary in forms below the birds, as well as to the radial or meridional portion of the mammalian ciliary muscle where this has given rise (as in primates) to a /cm-. .pl/CP^ ~-bm op ^bp ch. -of Fig. 112 — The accommodatory apparatus of birds. Semi-diagrammatic; based upon the situation in the hawks. ap- annular pad of lens; bm- Briicke's muscle; bp- base plate of ciliary body; c- cornea; ch- chorioid; cm- Crampton's muscle (entirely intrascleral ) ; co- conjunctiva; cp- ciliary pro- cess; i- iris; lb- lens body; ot- ora terminalis; pi- pectinate ligament; s, s- sclera; sc- scleral cartilage; so- scleral ossicle; so'- overlapped portion of adjacent scleral ossicle; sr- sensory retina; tcm- tendon of Crampton's muscle (continuous with inner layers of corneal sub- stantia propria); tl- tenacular ligament; z- zonule. circular 'muscle of Miiller'. Quite another 'Miiller's muscle' occurs in some birds, where it is simply the posterior portion of a further-sub- divided Crampton's muscle, with its fibers still radial in orientation. In lizards, Crampton's muscle is even more distinct from Briicke's than it is ACCOMMODATION IN BIRDS 281 in birds, for it is completely embedded in the sclera. Brucke's muscle inserts, not upon Crampton's, but upon a partition of scleral material. The anatomical and physiological divorce of the anterior part of the ciliary muscle from the posterior, together with the especially deep sclero- corneal sulcus of birds, seems designed to promote the cornea-deforming action which we noted was possibly present, though not marked, in rep- tiles. At least, it is in the birds which have the heaviest Crampton's muscles (hawks and owls) that the cornea changes most in shape during accommodation. Again, in diving birds, whose corneae are extra-thick and stiff, and of no optical use under water anyway, Crampton's muscle is all but absent. Another, and little-understood, muscular apparatus of bird eyes which may have something to do with accommodation is found in the fundal portion of the chorioid. Here (particularly, it is claimed, in the neigh- borhood of the fovea) there are scattered short, thick muscle cells run- ning rivet-fashion through the thickness of the chorioid. It has been suggested that these, by varying the thickness of the chorioid, serve to adjust very precisely the position of the fovea in accommodation. Their action would be comparable to that of the fine adjustment of a micro- scope, the ciliary muscles being the coarse adjustment. It is as likely that they regulate the blood volume of the chorioid and thus affect vitreous- cavity volume and pressure during accommodatory changes or changes in altitude during flight. In some birds these chorioidal muscle elements are striated, in others smooth, in still others absent; and until these dif- ferences have been studied further and correlated with other avian fea- tures, intra-ocular or extra-ocular, we will have no certainty as to quite what they mean. If they are indeed a micrometer adjustment for accom- modation, they may explain why avian foveal cones are not elongated, as are those of other foveate animals in which such elongation relieves the accommodation of the necessity of being extremely precise (see p. 182). Most birds are emmetropic or a little hypermetropic, but the wingless kiwi (Apteryx) is somewhat myopic. This nocturnal bird is reputed to have poor vision at all distances, especially in the daytime; and it un- questionably has the poorest eye, all-round, of any bird. As would be expected, diurnal birds have somewhat more extensive accommodation than any reptiles, the extent of accommodation being related to their feeding habits (see p. 366). Even such ordinary-eyed birds as the domes- tic hen and pigeon have a range of eight to twelve diopters; but the owls have half of this or less. The homer, whose vision is probably better than 282 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION that of any other breed of pigeon, has been found experimentally to have a near-point at 40 centimeters. This implies that there is a consider- able hypermetropia in the resting eye. Snakes — Turning to the snakes, we find that all sauropsidan rules are off. As is explained fully in Chapter 16, the snakes seem to have origi- nated as animals whose way of life was such as to allow the eye to degen- erate extensively. Among the parts lost from the equipment handed on to them by their good-eyed lacertilian ancestors were such items as scleral cartilage, scleral ossicles, ciliary processes, annular pad, and (the eye being very badly off indeed for a time!) iris muscles. In modem snakes, the sclera is fibrous as in higher mammals, the eyeball consequently spherical. The snakes eventually had to make good all of these losses as best they could. The ciliary body being far out of contact with the lens, and with its proper musculature stolen by the iris to become a revamped pupillo- motor apparatus, it is quite out of the picture of accommodation. The only intra-ocular muscles are the mesodermal ones of the iris, which have been taken into the iris secondarily from the ciliary body. These muscles, along with their new job of operating the pupillary aperture, have had to retain the function of accommodation which they had when they were in the ciliary body, but perform that function in an entirely new way : The iris is pressed forward into a strongly conical shape by the spher- ical lens (Fig. 154, p. 456). At its root there is a powerful aggregation of sphinctral fibers — those which have moved least from their old position in the ciliary body. When these fibers contract, they draw in the sclero- corneal junction and put a pressure upon the vitreous which it in turn communicates to the back of the lens. The main body of the sphincter, near the pupil, and the more-or-less radially disposed iris fibers also contract simultaneously. The conical iris tries to flatten back into a plane, augmenting the backward pressure upon the vitreous. The end result is that the firm lens moves bodily forward, without appreciable change in shape, a third to a half of the distance from its resting position to the cornea. The cornea may also move forward a little, due to an elongation of the eyeball which compensates for a reduction in its equa- torial diameter by the pull of the iris. Accommodation in the snake eye is thus accomplished essentially as in the eye of the squid (in which, likewise, the intra-ocular pressure is raised in accommodation), and re- sembles that of only the elasmobranchs and amphibians among the vertebrates; and even there only to the extent that the lens is fixed in ACCOMMODATION IN SNAKES 283 shape (water snakes excepted) and moves forward, adjusting the eye for nearer objects. The physiological indentation of the anterior scleral re- gion is so pronounced that the sclera may even have a couple of perma- nent meridional furrows anteriorly, in readiness for their further deep- ening during accommodation. Beer found that in a snake eye in which the posterior sclera had been cut away, and in which the accommodatory action was evoked electri- cally, the lens moved backT^ard. This was due to the (unbalanced) rise of anterior-chamber pressure, which in the intact eye is far exceeded by the rise in vitreous pressure, so that the lens has to move forward. Ac- cording to Beer, various snakes are anywhere up to nine diopters hyper- metropic, but most have more than enough accommodation to overcome their refractive error. In some snakes, particularly those with a fovea {Dryophis and The- lotornis) , there is a nasad component of the forward motion of the lens. This is exactly equivalent, in its optical consequences, to the nasad move- ment of the lens of a teleost when the accommodation is relaxed to adjust for near objects. The same basis obtains in the two cases: a strongly temporal position of the area centralis in the retina (see Fig. 79, p. 186; cj. Fig. 77, p. 185, and Fig. 105d, p. 261). Mammals — As with peoples and their governments, vertebrate eyes get the kind of accommodation they deserve. The degree of 'eye-mindedness' in the subphylum sinks from the higher jfishes to the amphibians, rises sharply in the reptiles, still higher to a peak in the birds and falls off woefully again in the mammals — with some recovery in the highest forms and a very considerable one in the squirrels and simians, to be sure. The engineering efficiency of the accommodatory apparatus runs exactly par- allel with this variation in the value set upon vision. The mammals originated as small-bodied, small-eyed, forms which were almost certainly nocturnal. Within the marsupial and placental series, parallel evolution has culminated in the production of swift, large- bodied, large-eyed types (the kangaroos on the one hand, the ungulates on the other) , adapted to open country, where good vision is more valu- able than to a forest animal. Such animals have expanded their visual capacities to twenty-four-hour performance and some have gone on close to diurnality, with a steady increase in visual acuity. The more eye- minded forms, with much sharper vision than their primitive relatives, may also have much more extensive accommodation. But since their evolution passed through the bottle-neck of the monotremes, opossums. 284 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION and insectivores (see Fig. 60, p. 135), they have had to get along with whatever portions of the beautiful sauropsidan mechanism those antique nocturnal mammals happened to retain. That was not much, for aside from the ciliary muscle itself — and this has retrograded to the unstriated type — not one of the sauropsidan adjuncts to vigorous accommodation remains in any mammal. Though a slight circumcorneal sulcus (marked in apes and man) may be present, it is not an indentation of the sclera itself and is never supported by scleral ossicles; nor is there ever an annular pad on the lens. The mono- tremes have a vestige of the pad and have kept the scleral cartilage, thus presenting a tunica fibrosa which is matched in the sauropsida only in the crocodiles — likewise nocturnal and primitive within their class. In no mammal are the ciliary processes joined to the lens capsule, and in only a few are they ever even in light contact with it during accommodation. This simplification of the mammalian eye, giving it an essentially amphibioid make-up, has led one prominent phyleticist (Franz) to suggest that the placental mammals were derived from forms intermedi- ate between the amphibians and the reptiles, with only the monotremes and marsupials (the former having scleral cartilage, and both groups showing double cones and oil-droplets in their retinae) tracing back to fully differentiated reptiles. The comparative anatomy and palaeontology of the occipital condyles would seem to make such a diphyletic origin of the mammals quite im- possible. The placental mammals lack so many of the sauropsidan ocular structures, not because their ancestors never had them, but because the small-eyed sub-insectivores were so strictly nocturnal that they discarded these daytime features as so much excess baggage. The oldest known mammals averaged less than rat-sized and are indicated, by their den- tition, to have been insectivorous and granivorous. Wherever among the placental mammals very small size has reappeared, even the inferior mammalian mechanism has failed to evolve, or has been allowed to disappear. The most important result of the wholesale discardments of reptilian ocular structures in the mammals has been to take the ciliary body out of intimate contact with the lens — especially far out, in the simians and the echidnas, despite the breadth of their lenses. Those semi-diurnal and diurnal mammals which have rebuilt an effective accommodation have consequently (like the snakes) been under the necessity of developing a brand-new method. ACCOMMODATION IN MAMMALS 285 This method, seen at its best in man (see Chapter 2, section B) , makes use of the elasticity of the lens capsule to furnish the actual force of accommodation. The contraction of the ciliary muscle, by easing the tension in the fibers of the zonule which normally hold the lens flat- tened, merely releases this elastic force and lets it go to work. In some amphibious mammals, as in the turtles, water-snakes, and diving birds, the sphincter iridis comes into play also to aid in accommodation (Chap- ter 11, section C). Even in these mammals, the ciliary muscle still apparently does most of the work, for it is more massive than in strictly terrestrial species. Their employment of capsule elasticity is probably wholly original with the mammals. The elasticity is not a useful factor in sauropsidan accommodation which can be regarded as having been simply exagger- ated by the mammals. Reptilian lenses do take on something like their accommodated shape, when they are cut free from their attachments. But the zonule fibers are probably not under greater tension in the rest- ing eye than in the accommodating one, as they are in mammals. More likely their tension increases in accommodation, since they apparently serve as check-ligaments rather than as the real supports of the lens. Among the land mammals, the ciliary muscle is well developed only in ungulates, carnivores, and primates. It is seldom so compact as in man. More often there is much connective tissue between the fibers, so that although the muscle is bulky, it is not strong. In many small, large-lensed mammals (e.g., mice) it consists of but a few fibers, or is even entirely lacking. Even where it can be made out easily, as in domestic ungulates, it may accomplish nothing because of the great size of the lens and the relative weakness of the capsule. The horse, sheep, and pig have no accommodation, and such instances serve to emphasize that though the ciliary muscle may propose, it is the elasticity of the lens capsule which disposes — just as in a presbyopic human being. Circular ciliary muscle fibers, forming a 'muscle of Miiller' with an especially efficient orientation (see p. 33), are known to occur only in seals, primates (best in man) and in some toothed whales and some ungulates. This distribution is important to remember; for every so often someone comes along with experiments based upon pharmacological responses, which 'prove' that the radial and circular portions of the ciliary muscle in mammals are antagonists, the circular fibers adjusting the eye for near and the radial ones, just as actively, for distance. Such 286 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION work, it will be found, is always done upon cats or perhaps rabbits — neither of which has any circular fibers whatever. The whole ciliary body may be so oriented as to put the ciliary muscle at an advantage or at a decided disadvantage, because of great inter- specific variations in the shape of the mammalian eyeball which in turn are due to considerations which happen to be more important to the eyes concerned than accommodation. Thus in the prosimians the ciliary body may be tubular like the eye itself (Fig. 84b, p. 213), while in sirenians and whales it may lie in a plane continuing that of the iris (Fig. 140b, p. 409; Fig. 141a, p. 413). Like the vitreous humor, the ciliary processes in the terrestrial mammals and man are functionless vestiges so far as mechanical impor- tance is concerned. Any such importance disappeared as soon as the pro- cesses lost their former approximation to the lens, for the accomplishment of which the reptiles evolved the processes themselves, the scleral ossicles, and the annular pad. They do serve as convenient attachments for some of the zonule fibers, but would seem not to be indispensable in this con- nection. They have persisted presumably because, as with ciliary folds and iris folds, their great contribution to the aqueous-secretory surface is valuable for the regulation of the intra-ocular pressure. Franz sharply distinguishes between two types of processes in different species: a rugose, vascular kind (e.g., man — see Fig. 6c, p. 14) and a thin, rel- atively avascular kind (e.g., cat). The meaning of these differences is not surely known, but they imply a difference in secretory capacity. According to Lindsay Johnson, wild mammals normally show a slight hypermetropia (up to one diopter) , which is better for animals which do no close work with hands than myopia would be. Myopia is normal only for mandrills and other baboons, which is comprehensible considering that these are the only sub-human primates which have abandoned the trees for a life on open ground, where food objects are smaller. A little hypermetropia is even better than emmetropia for most mammals of any size, for two reasons : (a) because with increasing age the lens hardens and its index of refraction rises, making an emmetropic eye become somewhat myopic as time goes on. An initial hypermetropia will delay this change to a greater age of the animal, by allowing 'slack' for the rise in refractive power before that rise results in a myopia; and (b) because since a hypermetropic eye must accommodate a little even at long object- distances, the tonus of the accommodatory muscles is always fully devel- oped and the apparatus is alert for the performance of any needed ACCOMMODATION IN MAMMALS 287 change of setting. If an eye is one diopter hypermetropic, it needs only one diopter of accommodation in order to make itself emmetropic, and thus obtain sharp images all the way to the horizon. And with only two diopters of accommodation, it can give itself a near-point at one meter — ordinarily quite close enough, for any animal that cannot read! Among zoo animals and domesticated ones, just as with auto-domesti- cated— i.e., 'civilized' — man, anything may happen. In fact, it is wholly unsafe to draw ecological conclusions from any situation in domestic species. Less than fifty per cent of horses are emmetropic; and though myopia is most unusual for a wild mammal, it is extremely common in zoo animals and barnyard varieties. Along with their normal slight hypermetropia, ungulates usually show a slight horizontal astigmatism, probably a consequence of their efforts to widen the visual field horizontally by every possible means (see pp. 299- 300). The extent of accommodation is very low indeed in mammals — often zero — except in the primates. The cat, which is the nearest com- petitor of the simians in this regard, has but half the accommodation of a thirty-year-old man and loses even this in old age. Human accommo- dation being 'tops' for mammals (Beer found no more than ten diopters in any ape), it is desirable to turn back to the graph (Fig. 15, p. 35) showing its extent at various ages. The senescent diminution of the power of accommodation in mammals is bound up with the accommo- datory method itself. Certainly in the Ichthyopsida no such falling-off is to be expected, for the lens in these animals may become even harder with age than it is in the young, without this affecting the range of accommodation a particle. In the Sauropsida, the direct action of the ciliary muscle probably accomplishes an effective alteration of lens form at ages where, if the animal were a mammal of the same relative age, the lesser force of the elasticity of the lens capsule could no longer make headway against the sclerosis of the lens fibers. A special situation arises in small-eyed mammals. The squirrels are exceptional among the rodents, in having some accommodation, which we should expect from their diurnality and high visual acuity. The Eu- ropean squirrel may be emmetropic or as much as one-half diopter hyper- metropic, and can accommodate from one to one and one-half diopters. As the size of the eye diminishes from that of a cat to that of a mouse (Fig. 71, p. 173), the increasing (relative) size and firmness of the lens and its (relative) recession toward the retina results not only in the reduction of accommodation from a couple of diopters to nothing, but 288 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION also in an increase of the hypermetropia from a half-diopter or so to five, seven, even ten diopters. This situation has been branded as a dis- harmony, supposedly inevitable in small eyes simply because they are small. This notion ignores the optical perfection of even smaller fish eyes. The apparent disharmony simply reflects the indifference of mice and mouse-sized mammals in general to any refinements of vision relat- ing to resolving power. The cerebral images of mice and the like are so crude at best, that the eye is useful more for recording the intensity and direction of light, and the motion of large objects in the visual field, than for discrimination of pattern. In such animals, the 'nose knows' far more about the environment than does the eye. (B) Visual Angles and Fields In all vertebrates, vision predominates in any accurate localization of objects in space. Aside from vision, only audition and olfaction are telassthetic senses — that is, capable of giving information about objects and events at a distance. The distance and direction of an object which is beyond arm's reach can be only crudely judged by these other tel- aesthetic modalities, and can be accurately evaluated only through vision if at all. Audition is notoriously untrustworthy as a means of localization. The finding of an object by olfaction is a trial-and-error process, and is not localization at all in the sense of a pre-knowledge of location. The visual registration of space entails the embracement, by the retinae, of light rays coming from many directions. The animal may be thought of as having its head at the center of a sphere of space. The proportion of that sphere within which the animal can see is influenced by several factors : A. The visual angle, in various meridians, of each eye; B. The position of the eyes in the head and the ratio of binoc- ular field to total visual field; C. The orientation of the visual axes, where these do not coin- cide with the anatomical optic axes; D. The capacity for reflex and voluntary eye movements and the location of the area centralis or fovea, if one is present; E. The capacity for head movements in compensation for any severe reduction of visual angle or eye mobility. VISUAL ANGLES AND FIELDS 289 Visual Angles — The angle — or rather, cone — of space subtended by the retina is surprisingly uniform throughout the vertebrates. It is rarely much greater or much less than 170°. This angle is influenced by the angular extent of the retina. If the functional retina comes far forward in the eyeball, as in the horse, the eye may see through an angle much greater than 180°. If the tissue is restricted to the fundus of a tubular eye like that of the owl, the visual angle may be as little as 110°, and is still smaller in deep-sea fishes. The visual angle is affected also by the cornea, though not in a way which is self-evident. If the projected area of the cornea in the plane of the limbus be divided into the area of the retina, a quotient is obtained which one might suppose to represent the visual angle. This quotient has been found to be 13.5 for man, 11.5 for a falcon, 10.4 in the pigeon, 4.0 in an owl, only 2.5 in a bat. The visual angles of these eyes do not bear such numerical relationships to each other. The cornea-retina quo- tient expresses rather the concentration of light upon the retina and affects the sensitivity of the eye, not its visual angle. If, however, we consider the angular size of a cornea — the portion it includes on a sphere of its own curvature — we have a better indication of the angle of space which that cornea will place upon the retina behind it — provided the retina's own angular size is great enough to receive all of it, which is not always true as for instance in the owls. The human cornea subtends only 60 of a circle with its own radius, and is relatively small. That of the cat occupies 107°. A single human eye sees through 150°, a cat eye through 200 . The bending of the light rays as they pass through the cornea accounts for the apparent discrepancy of the visual angle (which is the effective angular extent of the retina) and the angular size of the cornea. Where the angular size of the retina exceeds that called for by the properties of the cornea, obviously the anteriormost part of the retina must be non-functional. This is true, for example, of the human retina in a zone which extends backward for three millimeters from the ora termi- nalis. This zone is blind, and is said to contain no rhodopsin. A very special case is that of the chameleon, whose thick circular lid, fused to the cornea, leaves a crater-like opening the size of the immobile pupil, through which the eye has only 'tube vision' with the whole periph- ery of the retina unable to receive light. One might wonder why the chameleons have not pared away this useless peripheral portion of their eyes as the owls have done. Perhaps it is because they have needed to retain the hemispherical shape of the back of the eyeball to enable it to 290 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION roll smoothly in the orbit during their extensive eye-movements. Ordin- arily, the eyelids impose no restriction upon the visual angle of the eye. We can look up and see our eyebrows, which means that they are con- cealing a part of space from us; but we cannot see our lid margins, even as unfocused shadows. Another special case is that of the fish. The cornea having the same refractive index as the water, it is optically eliminated. The lens then takes over the control of the visual angle; but, being spherical, it imposes no limitation at all and the visual angle is thus determined in the last analysis by the angular extent of the retina. The strongly refractive fish lens usually protrudes from the level of the surface of the head, and is oftentimes able to place much more than 180° of space upon much less than 180° of retina (Fig. 128, p. 376) — at least in the horizontal plane, where an aphakic space often helps out considerably. Position of the Eyes in the Head — Many a careless writer has stated that phylogenetically, 'from fish to man', there has been a gradual migra- tion of the eyes from a position back-to-back to one in which the two lines of sight are forward and parallel. Actually, a complete series of eye positions can be arranged wholly within the fish group, another such series within the birds, and a third within the mammals. Scattered species elsewhere have the lines of sight parallel, but directed upward rather than forward. The development of a frontal position of the eye from an initial lateral one has taken place several times independently. Some cases of 'frontality', as for example in deep-sea fishes (see Fig. 138, p. 403) have rather special interpretations. But by and large one finds a good correlation with predacity: the hunters tend toward frontality so as to have the best vision of the prey they are pursuing, while the hunted tend to retain laterality of eye position so as to be able to detect an enemy coming from any direction. The predaceous animal can afford not to have such 'eyes in the back of his head', because his offensive weapons, teeth and claws, give him immunity from stealthy attack. Carnivores rarely make a habit of feeding upon other carnivores, for the risks are too great and the meat is too tough. The most important effect of variations in the positions of the eyes is to vary the extent of the binocular field and the direction in which it lies — usually forward, but sometimes more or less upward. The binocular visual field is simply the spatial cone or zone within which the separate monocular fields overlap. Its value to the animal and the character of VISUAL ANGLES AND FIELDS 291 vision within it will be disaxssed in detail farther on. Suffice it to say at this point that two eyes are better than one, and that vertebrates in gen- eral have seemingly striven to enlarge their binocular fields at the ex- pense of their uniocular ones (uniocular being used here to denote the part of a monocular field which is not overlapped by that of the other eye). Animals which have clung to strong laterality have done so in obedience to powerful factors, such as defenselessness (e.g., rabbits) or total absence of cover in the environment (e.g., pelagic fishes), which make the retention of periscopy vitally important. The various degrees of partial frontality are compromises between the urge for binocularity and the need for periscopy. In most groups of vertebrates the predaceous habit is a very common specialization; so, the associated tendency toward frontality is likewise common. Remembering that the visual field of a single eye is roughly constant at 170 or so, we may consider the angular width of the binoc- ular field to be quite directly related to the angle between the two optic axes, which in itself will depend upon the position of the eyes in the head. Extent of the Binocular Field — There are very few vertebrates in- deed which are known for certain to have no binocular field whatever. The lampreys, the hammerhead sharks and a few large-headed teleosts, such chunky amphibians as Cryptobranchus, the penguins of the genus Spheniscus, and the larger whales constitute these exceptions. In some other animals, as the chameleons and probably some fishes, there is no binocularity when the eyes are at rest but it can be created by convergent eye movements. Wherever the eyes are mobile, there exists the theoretical possibihty of widening the binocular field by convergence of the optic axes; but as we shall see, this possibility has been realized only in forms which have developed an area centralis with or without a fovea, for only such forms have any ability to move the eyes at will. The extents of the static binocular and uniocular fields have been estimated for many animals by different means at various times. Over a century ago, the positions of the eyes of a great number of vertebrates were judged by Johannes Miiller from the angle between the planes of the two orbital rims. Miiller assumed the optic axes to be perpendicular to these planes. In 1877, Grossman and Mayerhausen also published a long list of figures, based upon the divergence of the axes of the two corneae. In modern times these patient researches have had to be dis- carded, for the optic axis is neither normal to the plane of the orbit 292 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION margin nor necessarily coincident with, or even close to, the visual axis — the actual physiological line of sight in fixation (cf. Figs. 3, 16; pp. 7, 37). Paradoxically, the optic axis can be considered to be the visual axis only when there really is no visual axis — that is, where there is no area of acute vision or fovea and hence no fixation or precise aiming of the eye at objects. In mammals there is usually an area, but it is central (except in ungulates) and here the orientation of the optic axis does become a fair criterion of the direction and extent of the binocular visual field. Lindsay Johnson's chart of mammalian inter-axial angles (Fig. 113, p. 297) is therefore acceptable; but a similar chart for fishes (whose foveae are strongly temporal) would be worthless as indicating the direc- tion of best vision with the eyes at rest. The best studies have been the recent ones of Rochon-Duvigneaud, Kahmann, and Pisa, who have made direct determinations of the visual fields by observing the trans-scleral images of a movable light, in dis- sected heads clamped in a perimeter. Most of our accurate knowledge of visual fields in animals has come from these investigations. In fishes, Kahmann found that the binocular field measured usually from 20 to 30 in the horizontal plane. There were wider variations among the marine forms, where the angle might be as small as 4 (Box, Trigla) or greater than 30 (Trachurus, Cepola, Serranus, certain labrids, and especially in flatfishes) . Among freshwater forms the widest binocular fields, and thus the greatest degree of frontality, were in such predators as the trout, perch, and pike, with values ranging from 30° to 40 or more. But on the marine side the predaceous Julis revealed a value of only 15° and the mackerel-like Lichia, 8°. A great surprise to Kahmann was the low value of 14 for the archer-fish, Toxotes jaculator — which, by analogy with the snakes which have the habit of striking and hence have similar visual requirements, might be expected to have as wide a field as Dryophis (v./.). One fish, Chlorophthalmus agassizH, probably does rival Dryophis, for it is reported to have a strikingly similar pupil (see Fig. 79, p. 186). In one type of chondrostean, the spoonbill or paddlefish Polyodon spathula, the eyes are aimed forward about as frankly as in some deep-sea fishes (see Fig. 138b, p. 403). But since they are set on the dorsal side of the 'paddle' near its base, their view downward is cut off. Because of their periscopy, nearly all fishes also have something of a dorsal binocular field. Bottom-dwelling fishes have truly specialized such VISUAL ANGLES AND FIELDS 293 a field, and it amounts to 25° in some star-gazers (genus Uranoscopus) , 30-40 in some of the blennies, and to still higher values in other star- gazers (Astroscopus*), in many batoids and flatfishes, and in such for- ward-and-upward-lookers as the toadfish, Opsanus tau. Purely accidental and of little value on the other hand, is the narrow posterior binocular field which many fishes possess. The nasal retina is too crude for them to make any real use of such a field. A ventral or downward binocular field is useful to pelagic fishes, and some surface forms (needlefishes, halfbeaks, flyingfishes, the look-down [Vomer setipinnis] etc.) have their eyes canted downward to produce one; but in most fishes the angle between the optic axes in the vertical plane is concave upward. Amphibians nearly all have a binocular field, wider in anurans than in urodeles and much reduced or absent in some of the latter; but no exact determinations appear to be on record. The horizontally oval pupil of most frogs and toads would tend to extend the binocular field a bit, but its primary meaning is probably in connection with periscopy. The reptiles show less variation than the fishes (see Table IX, next page). The crocodilians have about 25° of binocular field. In the turtles, one extreme is given by the herbivorous Testudo (18°), and the other by the snapping turtle, Chelydra (38 ). Two-thirds of the snap- per's food is animal, and half of this consists of game fishes. The snap- ping turtle strikes its prey like a snake, and thus has special need of the good distance-judgment which binocularity confers. The lizards have the strongest laterality of the eyes, with binocular fields of only 10 to 20 as a rule. Though most species are predaceous their prey is small; but the lizards themselves have much to fear from predaceous birds and mam- mals, and have therefore retained their periscopy. The monitors (Varan- idae) are big enough to fear nothing, however, and anticipate their sup- posed descendants, the snakes, with values of 30 or more. In snakes the binocular angle ranges mostly between 30 and 40 , with higher values in strongly eye-minded, striking snakes such as Dryophis, whose key-hole pupil is a clever device for widening the binocular field without this being (as it is in Zamenis flagelliformis) at the expense of periscopy. The river- snakes, Acrocbordus javanicus and Cerberus rbyncbops, have an exten- sive binocular field which is directed largely upward, but these forms seem not to be guided by vision at all. Kahmann states that they 'tongue' *The species of Astroscopus stare fixedly upward. In this genus the eye-muscles are much reduced, and portions of one or more of them have been converted into a huge electric organ, occupying the enlarged orbit in which the small eye has been crowded forward. Table IX VISUAL FIELDS IN REPTILES (After Kahmann, rearranged) Groups and species Turtles Chelodina longicollis Testudo ibera Geomyda trijuga Clemmys caspica Chelydra serpentina Crocodilians A Hi gat or mississippiensis. . . Caiman niger Caiman sclerops Lizards Trachysaurus rugosus A nguis fragilis Tiliqua nigrolutea Lacerta viridis Iguana tuber culata Physignathus lesueuri Ophisaurus apus Chalcides ocellatus Basiliscus plumifrons Z.onurus giganteus Varanus griseus Snakes Trimeresurus wagleri 141 Chrysopelea ornata 136 Leptophis liocercus 131 Python molurus 137 Coluber longissimus Coluber leopardinus 165 Tarbophis fallax Z.anienis dahli Diemenia textilis Z.amenis gemonensis Vipera berus Constrictor constrictor Natrix viperinus 136 Malpolon monspessulanis 1 60 Thamnophis sir talis Uromacer oxyrhynchus Denisonia super ba 110 Bitis gabonica Natrix natrix Z.aocys carinatus Dispholidus typus laments flagelliformis Dryophis prasinus Angle between optic Width of monocular Width of binocul axes, degrees field, degrees field, degrees 110 "is 30 34 38 152 24 144 160 26 158 14 158 16 160 18 172 156 18 169 158 18 154 20 144 20 20 172 154 22 160 22 146 32 158 20 20 146 24 28 158 30 158 32 150 32 160 34 168 34 160 38 160 40 40 152 40 40 156 42 42 164 42 46 166 46 VISUAL ANGLES AND FIELDS 295 abundantly under water; and in Cerberus he was unable to detect any power of accommodation. Among the birds we may distinguish straight-headed forms like the pigeon and the song-birds, whose eyes are laterally aimed (Fig. 70, p. 172), from round-headed predaceous species such as swallows, goat- suckers, hawks, and owls, with more or less frontality — the optic axes never diverging more than 90° (Fig. 115, p. 309). Some penguins (Spheniscus spp.) have no binocular field, and consequently weave and sway a good deal when they are scrutinizing an object. Others, like the Adelie penguin, look binocularly at far objects and when walking, also at near objects when they are angry; but they turn the head sidewise and look monocularly in any calm examination of a near object. Whether the shoe-bills, toucans, and such birds have had to sacrifice all binoc- ularity for the sake of their huge bills, is not known. The parrots have the smallest binocular fields of any so far measured in birds — 6° to 10° in most species. An exception, of course, is the flight- less, nocturnal owl parrot or kakapo of New Zealand (Strigops habrop- tilus) which has strong frontality and a considerable (but unmeasured) binocular field. Another New Zealand bird is quite unique: the rare blue or mountain duck, Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus. Whereas all other ducks fixate monocularly, this species has the eyes aimed forward, and fixates binocularly like a hawk. Granivorous birds never have over 25 of binocularity, and many have less than 10°. The homing pigeon, for instance, has been found to have a 24 binocular field upon full convergence, with a total field of 340°- 342°. In line with the generalization stated above concerning pre- dacity, the insectivorous birds and herons have higher values and in the hawk group the binocular field varies from 35° to 50° or more. Owls have 60°- 70° ; and considering their marked frontality the hawks and owls would have even wider binocular angles were it not for the fact that their monocular fields are so restricted by tubularity. The round-headed ostriches and their allies also have wide binocular fields but no exact figures are on record. The most exceptional birds are the snipes, as exemplified by the wood- cock. Every hunter knows that in the bizarre 'timber doodle' the eyes are set far back on the head — so far that the posterior binocular field is prob- ably much wider than the anterior. The bird's feeding habits afford an explanation: the long bill is thrust so deeply into the ground after worms and the like, that the bird would be most vulnerable to attack when feed- 296 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION ing, were its eyes not positioned as they are. Another interesting peculi- arity is seen in the various genera of bitterns. When alarmed, these birds freeze, with the bill canted up into the air at a steep angle, making them- selves as tall and slender as possible so as to blend with the rushes among which they stand. Any binocular field in an anatomically anteriad direc- tion— that is, along the direction of the bill — would then be aimed use- lessly at the sky; but the bitterns' eyes can be turned so far ventrally that they can see binocularly around and under their own chins, and thus truly forward and parallel to the ground (Fig. 116, p. 309). The mammals are mostly large enough so that the eyes are carried well above the ground. Few of them therefore have the optic axes tilted at all upward as they are in most other terrestrial vertebrates. The excep- tions are the platypus, some rodents (particularly the beaver), insecti- vores, bats, a few 'edentates', and the seals. In the platypus, the beaver, and the seals, the upward tilt is strong and constitutes a definite adap- tation to keep the eyes in the air while swimming awash. In the whales there is a marked downward tilt, for these forms have abandoned all hope of seeing into the air. The sea turtle Chelonia mydas also shows this ventrad slant of the optic axes, which diverge downward at 150 from each other, in line with the habit of floating at the surface and keeping watch below for possible food. A similar situation in synento- gnath fishes has already been mentioned (p. 293). The angles between the optic axes of various mammalian groups and species are shown in Figure 113, which brings out graphically the differ- ences, in this respect, between the pursuers and the pursued. Among the most defenseless of all mammals are the rabbits, whose optic axes are nearly in a straight line. The anterior binocular field in different kinds of rabbits has been found to vary from 10 to 34 . Lindsay Johnson estimates that a hare has monocular fields of 190°, overlapping both anteriorly and posteriorly*. The European squirrel, too, is claimed to see behind him with the eyes at rest. Toward the other extreme there range the carnivores, with the lords of brute creation, the cats, rivalling man in their degree of frontality — the axes diverging only from 4° to 9° in different species. The higher primates seem anomalous in their pos- session of completely parallel optic axes, for they are not predatory. A *Indeed, Arthur Thompson states that the brown hare {Lepus europaus) makes a habit of not looking direaly ahead when running. The animal is credited with keen sight — it is claimed to watch the eyes of an enemy, and to flee if looked at directly; but it may run almost into a man, particularly if the latter is standing in a furrow down which the hare is speeding. VISUAL ANGLES AND FIELDS 297 totally unrelated and unique habit, that of manipulation, accounts for the development of frontality by the primates as we shall see later. The total visual field of mammals varies with the attitude of the optic axes, from 360 in some rodents through 250 in the dog, to 180° in a man whose eyes are in the position of rest. The situation in the horse has been studied with particular care. Here, the temporal boundary of the visual field runs backward parallel to the axis of the body, so that the posterior blind area is not angular and constantly widening with increas- ing distance. Thus the horse — when he holds his head up — cannot be approached unawares from behind by any object bigger than his own head. Anteriorly, the limits of the two monocular fields each cross the Fig. 113 — The angle between the optic axis and the body axis in various mammals. Re- drawn, modified, from Lindsay Johnson. Families and sample species are shown on the right side of the chart, larger taxonomic categories on the left. body axis and make 35.5° angles therewith, thus giving the horse a 71 binocular field together with nearly complete periscopy. Each eye sees through an angle of 215°, which is probably a record unless it is exceed- ed in some of the fishes. Some of the special devices which make possible this wide monocular visual angle in the horse will be mentioned shortly. According to Kahmann, mammals in general possess binocular fields ranging in width from 20° (or less) to 40° in the rodents, to 120° or more in the cats and prosimians and a maximum of 140° in the simians and man. The ungulates are intermediate with values from 60° to 80°, 298 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION as are also the majority of frontolateral-eyed carnivores such as the mus- telids and viverrids. Among the carnivores, the domestic cat is preem- inent with (according to ThieuUn) a binocular field of 130° and a total visual field of 287° — thanks to the large, prominent, and strongly curved cornea. Of course, the binocular field of any animal is more narrow above and below than it is straight ahead, and it is ordinarily pear-shaped. Again, the cone of binocular space does not necessarily begin immediately at the eyes — there is often a blind region, in front of the snout (Fig. 128, p. 376), which may extend forward for a fraction of an inch, or for a foot or more as in Varanus and in large fishes. In chicks, it has been claimed that it is just this distance (a couple of inches) from which the bird regards each kernel before pecking at it. Pisa has studied the domesticated mammals and has mapped the form of their binocular fields. These tend to be tall, narrow pear-shaped areas unlike the roundish one of man. In man, the uniocular fields are reduced to a pair of crescents which are but 30° wide in the horizontal meridian and taper to points above and below the binocular field. Some of Pisa's values for the divergence of the optic axes and the maximal width of the binocular field are given in the accompanying table: Table X VISUAL FIELDS IN DOMESTIC MAMMALS (After Pisa, rearranged) Horse (Foal). Cow Goat Dogs Setter Greyhound. . Fox Terrier. Rattler Guinea-pig Rabbit At rest Aroused Posterior binocular field. Divergence of optic axes, post-mortem Greatest width of binocular field 127° 57° 118°10' 62°40' 113°5' 51°40' 103° 63°25' 44° 10' 78°40' 33°20' 82°40' 52°50' 90°20' 40°20' 116°20' 103°25' 76°30' 141 °24' 27° 32° 9° VISUAL ANGLES AND FIELDS 299 Devices for Enlarging the Binocular Field — Aside from eye move- ments (which we shall shortly consider) there have been evolved various devices, both static and dynamic, for enlarging the binocular field despite the handicap of ocular laterality imposed by the presence of an indis- pensable snout or beak. These devices are of very diverse nature, but are best described here under the only heading that unifies them. Two of them occur in fishes — the aphakic space, and the temporad movement of the lens in accommodation. The aphakic (i. e., lensless) space is widespread in teleosts, and often consists of an anterior exten- sion of the basic circle of the pupil into an egg-shape, with the narrow end of the egg pointing forward. One can see into the eye through the narrow end of the egg, past the lens whose center is opposite the big end of the egg (Fig. 105f, p. 261). It was long debated what the fish saw outward through the aphakic space; but we now know that he looks through it only with the temporal part of the retina, and thus through the lens after all. Were it not for the aphakic space, the line of sight could not be so nearly parallel to the body axis. Again, when the lens is drawn backward by the retractor lentis muscle, there is a considerable temporad component of the motion (Fig. 105). In those fishes which have a fovea, the fovea is always temporal in location (Fig. 77b, p. 185), and the lens in accommodation moves temporally more than it moves backward toward the fundus. This shifts the effective visual axis more nearly parallel to the axis of the body. The ungulates are conspicuous for their broad, horizontally oblong pupils (Fig. 85c, p. 218), which extend the visual field somewhat (see Fig. 90b, p. 225) in the horizontal meridian (v. re the horse, above) and hence help to enlarge the binocular field. The frogs, the marmots, and two carnivores (Cynictis and the Meerkat, Suricata) employ the same trick, though not nearly so effectively. The snakes Dryophis and Dry- ophiops, and the probably unrelated Thelotornis, not only have the key- hole pupil with its aphakic portion lined up with the center of the lens and the temporal fovea, but also have excavated a groove on the side of the head in front of the eyes, along which the eye looks ahead (Fig. 79, p. 186). In Dryophis at least, the lens during accommodation moves not only forward but also more strongly nasally than in other snakes — a device which accomplishes, in reverse, the same end as that attained by the foveate fishes. The transversalis muscle of turtles and lizards (see p. 279) likewise moves the accommodating lens nasally as well as slightly ventrally. This is probably of especial help to the lizards, for their eyes 300 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION are placed so far laterally, and have so little mobility, that they are in need of all possible means of converging their visual axes intra-ocularly. The most conspicuous and common of all of these arrangements is the static condition which may be termed 'nasad asymmetry', character- istic of some marine (but not freshwater) fishes, many lizards, all birds, ungulates and carnivores (e.g. cougar. Fig. 71, p. 173). It expresses itself in a permanent anatomical tilting of the cornea and lens toward the snout, so that a line through their centers (the true visual axis) strikes the retina far temporally from its center. To carry out the asymmetry, the ciliary body is usually shortened in the nasal quadrant, though some- times the forward extension of the temporal portion of the retina restores practical uniformity of width to the ciliary zone in all meridians. (C) Eye Movements and the Fovea Kinds of Eye Movements — Except where the eyeball is practically microscopic (blind fishes, cave salamanders, etc.), the standard set of six oculorotatory muscles is always present, even in animals whose eyes might turn but never do, and even in those whose orbits are so snug that the eyes cannot be turned even passively. Most eyes, of course, can turn in their orbits; and their movements fall into a classification as follows: {Always coordinated, so as to appear conjugated. (In ail vertebrates whose eyes are mobile at all). Eye movements Spontaneous (voluntary) Independent - With no coordination. (In most lizards and in birds) . With coordination in convergence. (In some fishes and in chameleons). Conjugate (In mammals exclusively). Involuntary eye movements, in the sense implied here, are not neces- sarily either unconscious or incapable of being inhibited, but they are not willed movements made for the purpose of changing the visual field. Rather, they are automatic, reflex movements which are intended to keep the visual field as nearly constant as possible during locomotion and during passive jogglings of the head and body. In this class fall the vari- ous 'compensatory' and 'nystagmic' movements. An example par excel- EYE MOVEMENTS AND THE FOVEA 301 lence is the converse eye movement we make with each movement of the head when we shake it vigorously in the gesture of 'no'. Whenever this gesture is made in the course of a face-to-face conversation, we should find it most disagreeable if the image of the other person, and the whole visual field, oscillated with our head movements. If the reader will try to obtain this unpleasant experience by shaking his head without letting the eyes turn in their orbits, he will find some difficulty. The very act of fix- ation itself seems to set off any and all eye-muscle reflexes which are needed to compensate for head and body movements and maintain the status quo of the visual field. Actually, the eye-movements of the 'no' gesture, and those made auto- matically when the head or body is turned actively or passively in any direction, have their origin in muscles of the neck and in the apparatus of dynamic equilibrium, in the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. Disturbance of this apparatus will disturb the involuntary eye move- ments, as occurs in vertigo, intoxication, and in artificial situations such as caloric nystagmus — the induction of convection currents in the laby- rinthine endolymph by the instillation of hot or cold water into the external auditory canal. These involuntary eye movements in man and other vertebrates are invariably coordinated; that is, the movements of the two eyes are always in the same sense. If a fish turns sharply to the right, the two eyes rotate leftward, the right eye turning toward the snout and the left eye away from the snout. Though the eyes may move independently for the explor- ation of the visual field, it would never do for them to move unharmon- iously if the field is to be kept as nearly constant as possible. Where this is actually impossible of accomplishment, the eyes will still try to hold on to the field, as in the 'optomotor reaction' so often elicited from lab- oratory animals for the study of their vision : The animal is placed on a turntable, in the center of a cylinder coaxial therewith. The inside of this cylinder or drum bears a pattern, say, of vertical stripes. If either the cylinder or the turntable is rotated, the visual field is swept past the animal's eyes. If it is the turntable which rotates, the animal's labyrinths are naturally being stimulated and we should expect him to make compensatory movements of the eyes, head, body, or perhaps all three, in the opposite direction. If only the drum rotates, there is then no stimulation of the labyrinths; but still the eyes turn, in the direction the field is moving. This is the optokinetic or optomotor reaction. When the eyes have swung over as far as they can, 302 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION they may periodically jerk to the position of rest and repeat the slow following-movement. If the animal is one which has little or no eye mobility, the optomotor reaction will be given by the head itself or, if this be restrained, by the whole body. This reaction has been much used in late years (quite improperly!) as a test of visual acuity and as a tool for the investigation of color vision and still other matters — the assump- tion being that if the stripes are made so narrow or so much like the intervening spaces that the reaction fails to occur, the width of the stripes and spaces look alike to him however different they may look to us, etc. We perform something essentially like the optomotor reaction, in our so-called railroad nystagmus. When watching out of the window of a swift train, we are comfortable enough if we look at distance objects, which seem hardly to move backward at all as we fly along. But if we try to watch the roadbed close beside the train we soon experience a discomfort — our eye muscles are in a turmoil, the eyes constantly jerking ahead and drifting back in a vain effort to stop the flight of the ties under the neighboring track. Voluntary eye movements are those made for exploratory purposes. In ourselves, they are conjugated, which means something more than simply coordinated: we are quite incapable of voluntarily moving one eye independently of the other. The two eyes move together in both involuntary and voluntary movements, just as though there were a tie- rod inside the head like that which conjugates the front wheels of an automobile. There has been exactly one case reported, of a human being who could move either eye at will. This was a 28-year-old Australian, described by Sir James Barrett, who could turn either eye outward 20 , or both eyes at once — an amazing feat which he had always been able to do and which "came as natural to him as moving his hand." Our eyes always move in the same sense, in obedience to certain laws which gov- ern the interactions of their muscles (Donders' and Listing's laws), for a change of fixation; but they move in opposite senses — toward or away from each other — for a change in accommodation. These contradictory tendencies are controlled from separate centers in the tegmentum, be- neath the aqueduct of Sylvius (the convergent movements being com- manded by a special center, the nucleus of Perlia) ; but they are smoothly blended without conflict whenever we turn our gaze to a new object which lies both in a new direction and at a new distance. The system of involuntary and voluntary eye movements is subject to enormous differences from the human scheme of things, as is hinted in EYE MOVEMENTS IN FISHES 303 the classification given above. These differences find their explanation in the presence and absence, and the location, of special retinal regions of particularly high resolving power. Table III (p. 187) lists these areae and foveas and should be constantly consulted while reading the ensuing discussion of eye movements in the various classes of vertebrates. Fishes — The fishes reveal plainly that the original, primitive function of the eye muscles was not to aim the eye at objects at all. Their original actions were all reflex and involuntary, and were designed to give the eyeball the attributes of a gyroscopically-stabilized ship, for the purpose of maintaining a constancy of the visual field despite chance buffetings and twistings of the animal's body by water currents and so on. We will see later, when we consider the subject of movement-perception, just how and why this constancy of field is important. The vast majority of fishes have only the reflex, involuntary, eye move- ments.* Except in such forms as the rays and flatfishes, these are chiefly in the horizontal plane. The bottom-hugging rays look mostly up and down rather than from side to side, and in them the superior and inferior rectus muscles are better developed than the lateral ones, whereas in their pelagic relatives the sharks, the lateral recti are the heavier. In fishes whose eyes sit laterally, every turn of the head is accompanied by a com- pensatory turning of the eyes. A moving object is never followed by an eye movement — instead, the fish (having, ordinarily, no neck) bends or turns the whole body so as to face the interesting object and keep it in the binocular field. In aquarium specimens, 'wheel' movements of the eyes can often be clearly observed : as the fish tilts his body in starting to swim upward or downward, the eyeball makes a compensatory ro- tation in the plane of its equator. This movement, obviously carried out by the two oblique muscles, suggests that this was the primitive function of those muscles. In a number of species, spontaneous movements are known to occur. All of these forms which have undergone histological examination (ex- cept Cory dor as! — see p. 387) have been found to be provided with a fovea, and there is an excellent correlation between the degree of per- fection of the construction of the fovea — (in regard to visual-cell con- centration, exclusion of rods, depth of depression, etc.) and the extent '••^Retraaive movements of the eyeball, which may perhaps be voluntary, are common enough in fishes and other vertebrates; but such movements have of course nothing to do with space-perception. 304 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION of the voluntary eye movements. A list of species known to have a fovea, compiled chiefly from the recent work of Kahmann, follows : With good fovea : Girella sp. Julis geofredi Hippocampus spp. Blennius basiliscus Siphonostoma typhle Blennius gattorugine Syngnathus acus Blennius sanguinolentis Syngnathus tenuirostris Blennius tentacularis Serranus cabrilla Blennius ocellaris Serranus hepatus Blennius pavo Serranus scriba Pholis gunellus With fovea, or at least the beginnings of one : Balistes capriscus Trachinus vipera Balistapus aculeatus Julis vulgaris Tetrodon fluviatilis Julis pavo Trachinus draco Agonus cataphractus (?) These foveate fishes are all marine and inhabit the littoral zone. Some are characteristically agile and lively in the pursuit of prey, though others are sluggish, and the pipe-fishes and sea-horses have very deliberate swim- ming habits. Several of the species inhabit rocky clefts, where their capacity for eye movements seems a definite advantage in their cramped quarters. Rather surprisingly, considering its behavior, the archer-fish {Toxotes jaculator) is not among those which have a fovea; and it will be recalled (p. 292) that this fish also has a rather narrow binocular field. In all of the above species except the sea-horses, the fovea is located strongly temporally, in the retinal region which can see binocularly (Fig. 77b, p. 185). But while these fishes can and do converge their eyes to aim both foveae at a prey object, the eyes are moved independently and are not conjugated, but only coordinated temporarily in each act of convergence. In fact, such fishes are the only vertebrates which can em- ploy a temporal fovea for monocular vision. In such genera as Blennius, Serranus, Julis, and Trachinus, either monocular or binocular fixation may be maintained on an object. The better the fovea, the greater the tendency to adhere to binocular fixation. The average teleostean fovea is a shallow pit, far inferior in construction to sauropsidan foveae; but in Girella, according to Mile. Verrier, it is the equal of the superb fovea of the chameleons. Some syngnathids have been claimed to have two foveas in each eye, but Kahmann was unable to confirm this. Many other species, among those kept in large American aquariums, can be seen to make spontaneous fixative movements. Most of these have AMPHIBIAN, REPTILIAN EYE MOVEMENTS 305 a prominent aphakic space (Fig. 105f, p. 261) — so commonly associated with a temporal fovea — and all of them should be studied histologically. Examples are: Promicrops itaira, Stenotomus versicolor, Monacanthus cili- atus, Centropristes striatus, Mycteroperca bonaci, Sphceroides maculatus. The fishes thus illustrate clearly the universal principle that: where there is no fovea, or at least a well-defined area of acute vision, there are no spontaneous eye movements. For, unless one spot of the retina is clearly superior to the rest in resolving power, there is no advantage in aiming any one part of the retina at the object of interest, whether the latter is still or in motion. Only when the object has moved close to the edge of the visual field will any action be taken to maintain visibility of it — and then it is by a turning movement of the whole body (or of the head if a neck is present) , and not by a movement of the eye unless the optomotor reaction is being evoked. The act of precise fixation, then, is performed only by areate and foveate animals. Amphibians — No amphibian is known to perform any eye movements other than retraction and elevation. ' Since retraction is usually, if not always, elicited by a contact with the eye or used (by the Anura) as an aid to swallowing, it is questionable whether it is ever spontaneous. In turntable experiments, amphibians exhibit the usual compensatory move- ments and also give an optomotor reaction to a rotating field; but in the absence of a neck (anurans) these movements are of the whole body. The eyes do not turn in the orbits at all. Frogs have an area centralis, but this is a large, vaguely defined, horizontal crescent (in Hyla, a large circle), whose superiority in resolving power, over the remainder of the retina, is extremely slight. There is therefore no more need of any fix- ative aiming of the eye than in the great majority of fishes. Reptiles — Reptiles may sit for hours without making spontaneous eye movements; but most species are capable of them, as well as of the full panoply of labyrinthine and optomotor reflexes involved in the gyro- scopic maintenance of the visual field. The crocodilians have not been much studied; but, being nocturnal, they are probably comparable to the amphibians in the matter of eye movements. The turtles however, despite the absence of a fovea in all but Amy da, have a good-enough area centralis to need the power of fixation. Their lateral eye movements, particularly in carnivorous forms, are coordinated for binocular observation; but vertical motions are made independently by the two eyes, which are thus not truly conjugated. 306 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION In Sphenodon, and in the lizards except the monitors, the binocular field is so small, and the fovea so nearly central, that any binocular em- ployment of the fovea (such as can occur in some fishes) is out of the question. Lizards on the whole rely entirely upon monocular fixation, with the two eyes wholly independent in their voluntary movements. Monocular fixative and exploratory movements are especially conspic- uous in alert and active lizards such as the agamids, iguanids, and Z.onurus. But independent spontaneous movements of the eyes reach their zenith in the chameleons (which are so frequently stated to be the only vertebrates whose eyes move independently). The extraordinary mobility of the chameleon eye is the resultant of several factors : the lid crater around the small cornea restricts the external visual field of the eye; the visual axis is long and the retinal image relatively large; and the retina, away from the fovea, falls off rapidly in quality of construction for high resolving power. The insectivorous feeding habit, in so slow- moving an animal, requires perfect judgment of distance, necessitating that the eyes be capable of enough convergence to give the foveae a common point of aim. The chameleon's eye bulges quite a bit from the head, enabling the animal to sweep the visual line through a wide angle, turret-fashion; and it can employ the eyes independently for its perpetual exploration of the surroundings or, at will, associate them for foveal bin- ocularity when a prey insect is spotted. The eye can be turned through 180° horizontally, 90° vertically, and one eye may be made to aim back- ward while the other looks straight forward. By way of comparison, Lacerta viridis (a typical lizard) has but 40 of eye movement. We have seen that only the teleosts can use a temporal fovea mon- ocular ly. The chameleon is also exceptional, in that it can use a central fovea binocularly. The movements of its body are slow in the extreme — reminding one of the sea-horses (which also have central foveae and prehensile tails, and better deserve to be called the 'chameleons of the sea' than other fishes which have been given that appellation) — but the sticky tongue is shot out with lightning speed at any insect that settles within range. As Rochon-Duvigneaud has so well put it : "S'il y a encore des cameleons, c'est que leur oeil est infaillible." Many of the more sluggish, less eye-minded lizards, such as the Gila monster, have fixed eyes; and in the snakes there is but little spontaneous mobility. It is because of this that the static binocular field of snakes is wider than that of the lizards whose eyes can move and converge. What movements the snake's eyes do make are either independent or, in con- EYE MOVEMENTS IN BIRDS 307 vergence, simultaneous. Like the turtles, the snakes prefer to scrutinize objects binocularly, and even those whose binocular fields are narrow will move the head from side to side in pendulum fashion, as if they were trying the impossible of seeing all of the object with both eyes at once. Dryophis and Thelotornis, probably Dryophiops as well, have temporal foveae and enjoy foveal binocularity without benefit of con- vergent eye movements (see pp. 185-6, 299). Birds, and the Visual Trident — For reasons which were pointed out in Chapter 8, the bird eye is even larger than that of a lizard. It is a very tight fit for its orbit, which could be called roomy only in the penguins and cormorants. Only these birds, some other divers such as the pelicans and gulls (and, strangely enough, the hornbills and ground hornbills) have much eye mobility. Most birds have little or no spontaneous mobil- ity, relying upon the flexibility of the neck; and even the reflex eye move- ments may be greatly restricted and replaced by reflex neck movements. In some cases, the eyes can turn reflexly in the vertical plane but not when the head is rotated in the horizontal plane. Moving objects are generally followed by movements of the whole head. Fixation may be monocular with the central fovea, or binocular for optimal judgment of distance — even in parrots, whose binocular field is very narrow. Such spontaneous mobility as there may be is mostly horizontal, and for the enlargement of the binocular field. Even the hen is capable of this slight convergence, despite a 144° divergence of the optic axes. The imperative need for accurate distance-judgement, coupled with the impossibility of any chameleon-like binocular use of the central foveae, has led to specializations of the temporal part of the retina. Some of these are slight, like the 'red field' of the hen; but in many different groups of birds, independently of each other, a second fovea has been differentiated in the temporal quadrant. It is present in the very birds which, one might say from their feeding habits, need it most : the various hawks and eagles, the humming-birds (Fig. 80b, p. 188), the swallows, many bitterns, and various passerine wing-feeders. Despite their close kinship with the hawks, the vultures apparently lack the temporal fovea. Since they are ground feeders, this is readily compre- hensible. The extra fovea of the kingfisher is believed to have a very special significance (see p. 442). The accipitrine birds, the swallows, etc., thus have what Rochon- Duvigneaud has called the Visual trident'. They look antero-laterally 308 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION with the two central foveae, and binocularly straight ahead with the two temporal foveae (Figs. 114, 115). A substantial part of the whole visual field of the bird is thus subtended by highly superior receptor areas. The sacrifice of lateral and posterior visual field entailed by the frontality of the eyes is easily made by the hawk (which fears no enemy whether he can see it approach or not) and by the swallow, which expects to outfly any challenger. Except in the eagles and in Apus apus, the temporal foveae are inferior in construction to the central ones. This seems to hint that in birds (unlike ourselves) binocular resolving power is higher than monocular Fig. 1 14 — Dissected head of a hawk, with eye bisected equatorially. After Rochon-Duvigneaud. cf- central (nasal) fovea; tf- temporal fovea; p- pecten. — being teamed with its mate in the other eye, the temporal fovea per- haps does not need the structure of the central one which works alone. A hawk prefers to turn the head to follow objects binocularly, and can rotate the head on the neck through a full half-circle. But if the head is held, the hawk will 'follow' monocularly within the narrow limits of its ability to swing the eye in the orbit. The owls have only the temporal fovea. It is an academic question whether this was once a second fovea and the original, central one has disappeared, or whether a one-and-only £ovea migrated temporally as the eyes became more and more frontally aimed, during the evolution of the THE 'VISUAL TRIDENT' 309 owls from swift-like forms through the goatsucker and frogmouth types. The situation in Apus (p. 188) suggests that the ancestors of the owls may have had both foveae. A central fovea would be of little value to a modem owl; for, owing to the great restriction of the visual angle in the tubular eye, the angle between its line of sight and that of the temporal fovea would be a narrow one. The owl eye cannot be turned in the orbit, even with a pair of pliers. It has been pointed out that these, the most frontal of all bird eyes, are the least mobile while the most frontal of all mammalian eyes (our own) are the most mobile. This makes sense how- Fig. 115 — Projections of the visual fields of a hawk, showing the visual trident of bifoveate birds. Relative resolving powers are suggested by the closeness of the hatching, b- binocular field; m, m- residual monocular (uniocular) fields; x, x- blind region; c, c- projections of the central fovea; /- common projeaion of the tempxjral foveae. Fig. 116 — A bittern, Ixobry- chus minutus, in 'freezing' posture, show- ing ability to see binocularly beneath the head. Redrawn from a photo in LIFE. ever when it is kept in mind that the owl's head can swivel through 270 or more; and this situation actually does have its parallel among the pri- mates— in Tarsius, whose tubular eyes are immobile and whose head can rotate on the neck through an angle of 180°. The owl is safe enough in the matter of distance-estimation, without having a visual trident — for it does have the all-important central tine of the trident; and its almost bat-like ability to dodge obstacles, through the use of auditory cues, enables it to avoid crashes as easily as does a hawk. But the necessity of the temporal foveae (with or without the rest of the 310 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION trident) for perfect judgment of the distances of objects has been brought out experimentally in the interesting experiments of Portier on the Northern gannet, Moms bassana. This bird has only central foveae and is one of the many fish-eaters which dive after their prey. Such birds, plunging into yielding water with the beak open or with talons spread, have only to continue in the right direction to seize their fish — they need not have good judgment of distance. A falcon, however, stooping for a rabbit, must know where and when to check its flight or else collide dis- astrously with the ground. To study the gannet's ability to do this, Portier fastened fish on top of floating bits of board and then rowed away to let the birds get a good look. He found that the gannets, diving upon the fish bait, could not tell where to stop and would even transfix the soft wood with their beaks, thus trapping themselves. This bird — often called 'booby' — may not be able to learn much; but the falcon is not given a chance to learn that the hard earth will kill him. He must have the equipment for distance-estimation ready-made, and use it instinctively. The gannet, not being similarly equipped with the complete foveal trident, could never have mastered the problem Portier set for him, even if he were far more intelligent than he is. Clearly, the central foveae are of no value in binocular distance-judg- ment, but are of use to the flying bird only for seeing and avoiding obsta- cles while the temporal foveae are kept aimed straight ahead. Birds in flight are commonly observed to tilt the head on one side to look down to the ground monocular ly; and this is as true of those provided with the visual trident as of those which have only central foveae. Mammals — In the matter of eye movements, the mammals are at once set off from all other vertebrates by the fact that whenever voluntary movements are possible at all, the two eyes are never independent but are always conjugated. This universal conjugation is associated with the fact that mammals (whales, rabbits, and some others excepted) examine things only binocu- larly — even the bats, small rodents, insectivores, and other nose- or ear- minded nocturnal forms whose eyes never move even reflexly. Where the eyes are placed laterally as in the rabbits, there is usually no area cen- tralis, let alone a fovea, and there are no spontaneous movements at all. But even the rabbits have the gyroscopic reflex eye movements, including the optomotor reaction. These compensatory movements in mammals are always most extensive in the plane of greatest biological usefulness, which EYE MOVEMENTS IN MAMMALS 311 usually means horizontal. The hippopotamus, lying with the eyes just out of water, is claimed by one author to be able to make even voluntary, monocular, vertical movements like a sauropsidan. The modern hippo- potamus has no aerial enemies, or indeed any known enemies at all; so the value of this 'ability,' if it exists, is doubtful. It may be a necessity, rather than an ability — imposed by the slender horizontal pupil. Where the angle of eye movement is small, the lid opening is also small. One can thus judge the extent of ocular mobility in a given mam- mal by noting how much of the white of the eye (the sclera) shows. Spontaneous eye mobility is greatest in the higher primates, which alone among mammals have a fovea; but even here it is supplemented to a sur- prising degree by head movements, as we soon find out when we spend a day with a stiff neck. It is next-best developed in the larger carnivores, particularly the cat and dog families; but it is not so conspicuous in the ungulates. It is probably only accidental that voluntary eye movement seems best developed in the 'most intelligent' mammals, as has been pointed out by some authors. The elephant, with high intelligence and little eye movement, seems to be the exception which destroys the rule. The voluntary eye movements of mammals are really best correlated with visual acuity, which, it so happens, does go pretty well with intelli- gence in this group of vertebrates. The mammals obey the rule that such movements occur only where there is a fovea or a circumscribed and dis- tinct area centralis. Binocular employment of the two areas (in primates, the two foveas) is so valuable and so constant that it has become fixed in the neuromuscular apparatus as an unlearned habit, the expression of which is the continuous conjugation of the two eyes — so different from the mere temporary coordination of a fish or a chameleon. Again, the urge toward binocular vision has operated in evolution to increase the degree of frontality in the most eye-minded of mammals — the primates and the larger carnivores and ungulates. In the individual mammal, even, the urge to see binocularly is extremely powerful. Even in animals for which it is a great labor, the head is turned to face squarely an object which has taken the attention. Thus the horse, for example, fixates objects binocularly until they approach within three or four feet, when he is forced to turn his head away and continue his observations monoc- ularly. In cats and dogs, if the insertions of the superior rectus and external rectus muscles are surgically interchanged, or even if the ex- ternal is removed and the superior brought down into its place, the eye movements become completely re-conjugated in a few days. Recent work 312 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION on monkeys has shown that all four recti can be shifted about, the eyes becoming re-conjugated in a few days.* The recovery takes place, though more slowly, even when the animal is kept in darkness. It is the predator which visually pursues its prey, and the inquisitive primate picking up this object and that for manipulation at close range, which have the greatest need for the accurate estimation of distance which sharp binocular vision alone confers. Such vision is obviously aided as much by frontality as by the improvement of the area and the final creation of a fovea. According to Lindsay Johnson and Elliott Smith, no non-simian mammal can converge its eyes, though it is perhaps significant that cats and dogs can be taught to do so — the cat being perhaps closer to the verge of producing a fovea than other arhythmic mammals. Nicolas, however, states that the dog converges naturally. Other authors have claimed that many mammals do converge when excited in the pursuit of prey or in fleeing from an enemy, thus widening the binocular field when it will do the most good. Such convergence is not necessarily voluntary, however. Even in the rabbit, which has no voluntary eye movements, the angle between the optic axes is less when the animal is excited than when it is undisturbed (see Table X, p. 298) . The squirrels, and especially the marmots with their 'universal macu- larity', constitute a rather special and interesting case. The marmot or prairie-dog's eyes are strongly lateral and are but slightly movable. But the retina has everywhere as high a resolving power as many another animal's fovea, so there is no need of fixative, aiming movements of the eyes. As Rochon-Duvigneaud has pointed out, the marmot can explore space without betraying itself by the slightest movement, even of its eyes. It is thus far from being in the same class with such forms as the rat or the frog. The latter keep their eyes still not because their retinal reso- lution is everywhere so excellent, but because it is everywhere so poor. The case of the marmot is the only one which prevents us from gener- alizing that the spontaneous eye motility of vertebrates is correlated with high visual acuity as such. We still must say that such movements occur only where there is high acuity of vision within a restricted area of the retina (p. 305), which must be directed toward an object if the latter is to be seen at all well. *The investigators (Leinfelder and Black) found however that if the superior oblique was disturbed there was no re-coordination even after months. The meaning of this is not yet clear. CLUES TO DEPTH AND DISTANCE 313 (D) Depth- and Solidity-Perception In the first section of this chapter we considered the methods by which vertebrate eyes adjust themselves for the distance of the object being viewed. It was pointed out that this adjustment, accommodation, has nothing to do with giving the animal an awareness and estimate of the distance. This awareness of the 'third dimension', or toward-and-away distances and movements, is a perceptual matter and not, like accommo- dation, an optical one. Moreover, it is unrelated to the perception of movements in the other two dimensions of space — horizontal and vertical displacements of visual objects. This latter kind of perception, which is movement-perception in the usual sense of the term, is considered in the next section. Here, we are concerned with the means by which man and animals judge visually the distances, depth, and thickness of objects; and with the question of whether, and how, vertebrates perceive solidity — whether, for any of them, stereopsis is possible as it is for man. Clues to Depth and Distance — The estimation of distance is an exclusive monopoly of the sense of sight in all vertebrates except the bats. It is quite impossible to be sure of distances when walking in the dark, and our judgment of the distance from which a sound has come is faulty in the extreme. In human vision, a number of clues exist which we inte- grate perceptually to arrive at an evaluation of distance and the relative distances of several objects. Most of these clues are as readily employed in monocular vision as in binocular — in fact, they are incorporated by any good artist into his two-dimensional painting in order to promote the illusion of depth (see also p. 194). But when the two eyes are in use in a three-dimensional visual field, a special and important factor is intro- duced which is of particular value when the object is close at hand; and, of course, it is the closest objects which are most important visually, as any blind man knows. There is no more vexed question in all of compar- ative ophthalmology than the one whether this binocular factor in depth- perception exists for vertebrates below the mammals. But certainly the same monocular clues that we humans employ are available to all verte- brates. Whether a given animal can use a particular one of them, how- ever, depends upon his powers of observation, his learning capacity, and his equipment of instincts. These monocular clues are : A. Retinal image size. Where the object is a familiar one, its apparent size, as determined by the size of its image on the retina, is a cue to its 314 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION distance. As an object approaches, it appears to grow. A closely related cue is: B. Perspective. All horizontal lines, if produced, appear to meet at the horizon. An object appears farther away if its horizontal contours are close to meeting. We know which end of an object is nearer to us, from the direction in which the object appears to taper. C. Overlap and Shadow. If one object hides part of a second object, it must be the nearer of the two. So also if it casts a shadow on the sec- ond object. The more overlaps there are in a visual field, the greater seems to be the distance to the farthest object. This is why distances over water, with no intervening objects, tend to be underestimated. D. Vertical Nearness to the Horizon. When we are looking at nearby objects, our line of sight tilts toward the ground. More distant objects are seen at apparently higher levels, for in looking at them the line of sight must be elevated. E. Aerial Perspective. Objects appear farther away if their outlines are hazy and their surfaces dim or bluish, for long atmospheric pathways create such appearances. Colors are affected by aerial perspective and become unsaturated at a distance. Distances through exceptionally clear air tend to be underestimated; distances through mist, overestimated. F. Parallax. This, the most important of all monocular factors, is the change in the apparent angle, at the eye, between a near and a far object, produced by a lateral movement of the observer's body or head. As we move our heads from side to side, near objects seem to move extensively in the opposite direction as compared with far objects, while the latter seem to move slightly, in the same sense as the head movements, in rela- tion to the nearer objects. It is chiefly this cue which enables a one-eyed man to move about in an unfamiliar roomful of furniture without bump- ing into things any more often than a two-eyed person. The one-eyed person, however, may have considerable difficulty with the common parlor trick in which one attempts to bring two pencil-points together with the arms outstretched. Binocular perception of distance — shcJrt distance, at any rate — is infinitely finer than monocular. What is its special basis? In binocular vision, whenever the eyes accommodate for a particular distance, they also converge to a degree that aims the two foveal lines of sight at a common point at that distance. In looking from one object to another which is at a different distance, the extent of convergence either STEREOPSIS IN MAN 315 increases or decreases. The amount of convergence, evaluated quite un- consciously via kinesthetic reception from the internal rectus muscles, is a potent cue to distance. It is effective up to the greatest distances for which we converge at all appreciably — up to a hundred feet or more, which is far beyond the distances for which we accommodate. The stimulus to converge seems to be the psychic impression of near- ness. Convergence is then guided to the point of precision by the urge to unify the two one-eyed images of the object being attended to, with accommodation tagging along as a dependent reflex. When the object is seen singly, convergence and accommodation freeze; and the parallactic angles of convergence of the two eyes, being simultaneously recorded in the nervous system, afford a precision of distance-judgment which succes- sive monocular parallaxes can never yield. The perception of singleness is inseparable from the perception of the distance of the object; and in fact both are attributed to the object — the latter's distance from us seem- ing as much a part of the object as its size and shape. In man, at least, singleness of a solid object is also inseparable from the perception of its solidity — the psychic process which we call stereopsis. Stereopsis in Man — Stereopsis means, literally, 'seeing solid'. As a word, it has been loosely used as a synonym for distance- or depth-per- ception (which is better known as bathopsis) ; but we can perceive depth without solidity, or solidity without depth. For the estimation of dis- tances in the visual field, convergence must be allowed; and it must be allowed to 'play' or vary back and forth until it finds its dead center on the object. But the perception of solidity is literally lightning fast, for it is obtained in a stereoscope even when the pictures are illuminated by a single electric spark lasting a ten-thousandth of a second. This, 'Dove's experiment', is conclusive evidence that solidity does not depend upon a play of convergence, for no time is allowed for that process. Nor is convergence as such even necessary, for prisms can take its place as they do in the ordinary stereoscope. As Javal pointed out years ago, the idea of relief is one thing, and its measurement is another. Estimation of dis- tance, depth, and thickness is closely associated with the recognition of solidness, for both involve the idea of tridimensionality; but the one pro- cess is dynamic and the other, static. For stereopsis, the prime essential is a particular blend of likeness and difference between the images on the two retinae, and a particular position of each image, this position being governed in ordinary experience by the degree of convergence. But it does not really matter what the positions 316 ADAPTATIONS TO SPACE AND MOTION of the eyes happen to be, if only the retinal images are of the right kind and in the right places, even if put there by an arrangement of prisms or mirrors in an experimental situation. The two retinal images must either be left- and right-eyed views of an actual object or, in the case of drawings which are to be observed in a stereoscope (Fig. 117) they must represent such views of some possible solid object — even if it be an imaginary geometrical figure or a gimmick the like of which the observer has never seen. The two single-eyed views of a solid object can never be identical even if the object is a smooth ball — unless it is so lighted that it has no shadow which can be seen more PieTUWE -P^-W-I , 1/ s