;^-:^t. - * •< ,. PLEASE RETURi Vertebrate Species of Special Interest or Concern rATE OOCUMEffTS GOLLECTIOII DEC 10 1984 MONTAhM STAT • . ,;Y 1515 E. 6r: . HELENA. MONTANA 59620 Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes W3fe;,:^w3^^^ / Prepared by Dennis L. Flat±i Nongame Biologist, Wildlife Division Com, (Common)? A species which is frequently encountered during the course of investigations utilizing techniques which could reasonably be expected to reveal the presence of the subject species. Also included is an assessment of expected frequency of occurrenoe compared to observed frequency of occurrence, Undet, (Dndetermined) ; A species for which available data and knowledge are insufficient to properly assess the status ^j of the subject species, &MM Concerns Definitions CITES: A species which appears on any of the appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, as amended. * Sens, (Sensitive): A species which is judged particularly vul- nerable to disturbance or habitat loss due to natural or man-caused factors, Hab, (Habitat): A species which is judged to be faced with imminent loss, destruction or adverse modification of primary essential habitat. Un. (Unique): A species which provides essential ecological values to other forms of wildlife, such values generally not being available in the absence of the species. Red. (Reduced): A species which exists at a population level less than one half the former population levelj or whose range is less than one half the former range. .xuii a*iu ouusscqutjiis, metiisigeiu«iiv eiiorts, xn some cases ic is mticipated that additional data accumulation will result in a clarification of their status. In other cases, it is hoped that field studies will point the way to necessary and appropriate research or management actions. *p MAMMALS Twenty-seven species of mammals are considered as being of special interst or concern. General distribution is based primarily on information provided by Burt and Grossenheid er (1964), Hoffman and Pattie (1968), Hoffman, Pattie and Bell (1969), Hoffman, Wright and Newby (1969), and Lampe, et al. (1974). IHSECTIIOIA: Four species are considered; Preble's shrew Sores preblei Dwarf shrew Sores namBS Merriam's shrew Sorex Herriami Pygmy shrew Mlcrosorex feoyi All species are quite rare, with only S. preblei enjoying a wide distribution within the state. Although never recorded in Montana, the Arctic shrew (Sores arcticus) and the short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) could possibly occur in the northeastern portion of the state (Hoffman and Pattie 1968). CHIROPTERA: Sis species are considered: Keen's bat Myotis keenii Fringed bat Myotis thysanodes California bat Myotis californicias Spotted bat Eudersa naculatuB Big-eared bat Plecotus to^nsendii Pallid bat Antrosons pallidns M. californicos has only been recorded from extreme western Montana (Hoffman, Pattie and Bell 1969). The Spotted bat (Euderma iBaculatuiB) , Keen»s bat (Myotis- keenii) , and the pallid bat (Introzous pallidas) are each known only from a single col- lection site (Nicholson 1950, Swenson and Shanks 1979, Shryer and Flath 1980), There is also a slight possibility that the Red bat (Lasiurus borealis) may be found in eastern Montana (Hoffman and Pattie 1968). AT BODEMTIl: Eight species are considered: Uinta chipmunk Eutaaias laabrimBS Hoary marmot Maraota ealigata Black-tailed prairie dog Cynosys Imido^ieianiiis White-tailed prairie dog Cjnoujs letteiiros Great Basin pocket mouse Perogaatlius parvus Hispid pocket mouse PerognatliES hispidHS Northern bog lemming , Synaptoiays borealis Meadow jumping mouse Zapas IswdsoEius CARBIVOSA: Eight species are considered i Wolf Caais liapus Swift Fox ¥ulp©s velox Grizzly bear Mrsns arctos Fisher Maries pennant! Black-footed ferret Mustela nigripes Wolverine Guio gislo Spotted skunk Spilogale gracilis Lynx Lyas Ijax Both the black-footed ferret and the wolf are listed as endangered species, while the grizzly bear is listed as threatened. Currently, there are two ongoing studies of grizzly bears, one each in the Bob Marshall and Yellowstone ecosystems. Ferret and wolf studies are currently underway. The fisher, wolverine, swift fox, and lynx are all classi- fied as furbearers under Montana law. However, the fisher and swift fox are protected by closed seasons. The swift fox has generally been regarded as extinct in Montana (Hoffman, Wright, and Newby 1969), but a single recent collection record suggests potential occurrence in "the state. (Moore and Martin 1980). : One species is considered: Caribou langifer taramdus Although currently classified as a game species, the caribou is not hunted and considered extinct in Montana for all practical purposes. The last reliable sighting of caribou in Montana occurred in 1982, It has been classified as endangered in Idaho and Mashington (Selkirk population). BIRDS Twenty-nine species of birds have been identified as being of special interest or concern. Additions or deletions of other bird species may occur as additional information on their status is compiled. Distribution and inventory data for birds are based primar- ily on Skaar (1980), although many individuals throughout the state have provided input. AHSEKIFOIHES: One species is considered: Harlequin duck Histrionlcus histrionicus FALCOHIPORMES: Nine species are considered: Osprey Pandion haliaetns Bald Eagle Haliaeetiis leucocephalMB Cooper's hawk ' Accipiter eooperii N. Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Ferruginous hawk Bnteo regalia Golden eagle Iqnila eiirysaetos Merlin Falco colunbarius Peregrine falcon Faleo peregrinus Prairie falcon Faleo saexicanus GEOIFOBMES: One species is considered: Whooping crane Grsss aBerioana CHARADRIIFOSMES: Three species are considered; Mountain plover Charadrius sontanus Upland sandpiper Bartraiaia longicaiida Long-billed curlew VuaanlaB phaeopus STSIGIFOIIES; Six species are considered: N. Pygmy owl Giaocidium gnoaia Burrowing owl Atlsene cunicularia Barred owl Strix varia Great gray owl Stris nebulosa Long-earned owl Asio otas N. Saw-whet owl Aegolias aeadicus PICIFOEMES; One species is considered: Plleated woodpecker Dryoeupiss plleattis FASSEIIFOBHES: Eight species are considered: Olive-sided flycatcher luitallorais borealis Eastern bluebird Sialia sialia Western bluebird Sialia laexicana Dickcissel Spisa afflericana Clay-colored sparrow Spiseila pallida Brewer's sparrow Spisella toreweri Field sparrow Shigella pwsilla Bobolink Dolicsisonyz ©rysslYornis REPTILES Five species of reptiles have been identified as being of special interest or concern. Distribution and inventory data are based on Carl (I960), Stebbins (1966)5 and Davis and Weeks (1963), TESTUDIS1T&: Two species are considered: Snapping turtle C&elydra serpentiua Spiny softshell Trionys spiniferias SQUAMATA (Serpentes) : Three species are considered: Smooth green snake Oplieodrys vernalis Milk snake Laapropeltis triangulua Plains hognose snake Heterodoo nasicus All three species of snakes are very rare in Montana. Black and Bragg (1968) indicated that the smooth green snake may occur in northeastern Montana, Distribution of the milk snake needs to be clarified since McEneaney and Jensen (1974) reported the species for the Charles M, Russell National Wildlife Range, This is far outside the range outlined by Davis and Weeks (1963). AMPHIBIANS Six species have been identified as being of special in- terest or concern. Their distributions are based primarily on Black (1970), Stebbins (1966), and Carl (1966), All but Ascaphus are of peripheral distribution. CAODITA: Three species are considered: Rough-skinned newt Tariefea granulosa Coeur d^Alene salamander Plethodon vandykei Pacific giant salamander Dicamptodon ensatus A neotenic form the the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinom) will be encountered on occassion. These are known as "axolotlsj" which retain external gills throughout the life cycle. Axolotls could be encountered in any body of permanent water which lies near the upper altitudinal limit of the tiger salamander. Axolotls should be considered of special interest or concern, even though the tiger salamander is not. Axolotl dis- tribution is unknown, and does not appear in the county inven- tories. SALIEIfll; Three species are considered: Tailed frog Ascaphas truei Dakota toad Bisf© leaioplirys Wood frog Hana sylvatiea FISHES Brown (1971) has summarized available knowledge on the dis- tribution and abundance of Montana fishes. More extensive dis- tributional data, particularly for peripheral species, is presen- ted by Lee, et al, (1980), and comments on the status of these species are presented by Holton (1980)e Altogether, twelve species are considered: White sturgeon Acipenser tramsmontaBiis Pallid sturgeon SeaphirhyncliMS albas • Paddlefish Folyodoa spathula Shortnose gar Lepisosteas platostoMus Cutthroat trout Salao elarki Rainbow trout SalKO gairdaeri Arctic grayling Tliymallas aretiecs Sturgeon chub Hylsopsis gelida Sicklefin chub Hybopsis aeeki Trout-perch Fercopsis ©ai^eoaayens Shorthead sculpin Cott^s coofusus Spoonhead sculpin Cotias ricei LITERATURE CITED Black, J. H„ 1970. Amphibians of Montana^ Montana Wildlife, January, 1970. 32 pp, J and A. N. Bragg. 1968. New additions to the herptofauna of Montana. Herpetologica 24(3):247. Brown, C. J. D. 1971« Fishes of Montana. Big Sky Books, Bozeman, Montana. 207 PP. Burt, W. H. and E. P. Grossenheider. 196^. A field guide to the mammals. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 284 pp. Carl, G. C. I960. The reptiles of British Columbia. British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. 65 pp. . 1966. The amphibians of British Columbia. British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. 63 pp, Davis, C, V. and S. E. Weeks. 1964. Montana snake. Montana Wildlife, August, 1963. 11 PP. ,% Hoffman, R. S, and D. L. Pattie. "'1968. A guide to Montana mammals: identification, habitat, distribution and abun- dance, Univ. Montana Print. Serv. I33 pp, , D. L, Pattie, and J. F. Bell. 1969. The distribution of some mammals in Montana. II. Bats. J. Mamm, 50:737-741. , P. L. Wright, and F. E, Newby. 1969. The distribution of some mammals in Montana. I« Mammals other than bats. J. Mamm. 50:579-604. Holton, G. 1980. The riddle of existence: fishes of "special concern." Mont, Outdoors 1 1 ( 1 ) : 2-6 , 26. Lampe, R, P., J. K, Jones, Jr., R. S. Hoffman, and E. C. Birney. 1974. The mammals of Carter county, southeastern Montana. Occas, Pap., Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kans. 25:1-39. Lee, D. S., C. R. Gilbert, C. H. Hocutt, R. E. Jenkens, D. E. Mcalllster and J. F„ Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. N. Car. Biol. Sur. Pub. #1980- 12, N. Car. State Mus„ Nat. Hist, x + 854 pp. McEneaney, T. and J. Jensen. 1974, The reptiles and amphibians of the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Range, 3 pp. Mimeo . Moore, R. E, and N. S, Martin, 1980. A recent record of the swift fox (Yulpes velos) in Montana. J. Mamm. 61:161. Nicholson, A, J. 1950. A record of the spotted bat (luderiaa HiaculatHm) for Montana. J. Mamm. 31:480-482. Shryer, J. and D. L. Flath. 198O. First record of the pallid bat (Aatroaoos pallidiss) from Montana. Great Basin Nat. 40(2) :115. Skaar, P. D. 198O. Montana bird distribution. Second edition. Privately printed. 66 pp, Stebbins, R. C. 1956. A field guide to western reptiles and amphibians. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 279 pp. Swenson, J. E. and G. F. Shanks, Jr. 1979. Noteworthy records of bats from northeastern Montana, J. Mamm. 60(3): 650-652. 10 FJGURE 1. lyiONTAMA DEPARTMENT OF FISK, WILDLIFE AND PARKS (FWP) . AD^SNISTRATEVE REGIONS. FIGURE 2. COUNTIES IN FWP REGION 1. 11 LINCOLN FLATHEAD MAMMALS: Pygmy shrew California bat Big-eared bat Grizzly bear Fisher Wolverine Wolf Lynx Hoary marmot N. bog lemming Caribou REPTILES: None Occur. Known Susp . Susp . Known Susp. Known Known Known Known Susp . Susp . Per. Rare Undet . Rare, Thr. Undet . Com. Rare, End. Undet. Com. Rare, Per. Rare, Per. End . Occur, Known Known Known Known Known Known Known Known Known Known Susp. Status Per. Rare Undet . Added Concerns Sens , Com., Thr. CITES, Hab. , Red, Com. Com. Rare, End. CITES, Red: Undet. CITES Com. '^ Rare Rare, Per. Sens., Hab. End. AMPHIBIANS: Coeur d'Alene Known salamander Tailed frog Known Wood frog Susp. FISHES: White sturgeon Known Cutthroat trout Known Rainbow trout Known Arctic grayling Shorthead sculpin Rare, Per, Undet , Per. Rare, Per, Com. Rare, Per, Known Susp . Susp . Known Known Known Rare, Per. Hab. Undet. Per. Com. Com. Rare, Per. Sens. , Hab, Red. Red. Red. "' Sens, Hab. , Red. - 12 JSANDSRS LAKE Added MAMMALS: Occur. Status . Occur. Pygmy shrew Known Rare, Per. Known California bat Susp. Big-eared bat Known Undet. Known Hoary marmot Susp. Undet. Known. Grizzly bear Known Rare, Thr. Known Fisher Susp. Undet. Known Wolverine Known Com. Known Lynx Known Undet. Susp. Caribou Susp. Fare, End. Per, _ REPTILES: None AMPHIBIANS: Pacific giant Susp. Rare, Per. salamander Rough-skinned Known Rare, Per. newt Coeur d'Alene Susp. Rare, Per. Known Rare., Per. Hab, salamander Status Concerns Per. Rare Undet. Sens. Com. Com, Thr. CITES, Red. Hab., Undet. Com. Undet. CITES Sens. , Hab. Tailed frog Known Com. Known Com. Hab. FISHES: Cutthroat trout Known Com. Known Com. Red Arctic grayling Known Com. Sens., Hab., Red. 13 FWP REG! MINERAL . MJ5S0ULA Added MAMMALS: Occur. Status ppcur. St;?Ltug CppQerni? Fringed bat Susp. Rare Known Rare ff California bat Susp. Rare Susp . Rare Big-eared bat Susp . Undet. Known Undet . Sens. Hoary marmot Known Com. Known Com. Grizzly bear Known Com, Thr. CITES, Hab-. , Red. Fisher Known Undet. Known Undet. i Wolverine Susp . Undet. Known Com. Lynx Known Undet . Known Undet. CITES REPTILES: None AMPHIBIANS: - Pacific giant Susp . Rare, Per. salamander Couer d'Alene Known Rare, Per. salamander Tailed frog Known Com, Known. Com. Hab. FISHES: - Cutthroat trout Known Com, Known Com. Red. Arctic grayling Known Com. Sens. , Hab. , Red. 14 POWELL MAMMALS: Preble shrew Occur, Susp . Status Undet. Fringed bat California bat Susp. Hare Big-eared bat Susp. Undet. Hoary marmot Known Com. Wolf Grizzly bear Susp. Known Rare, End. Com,, Thr. Fisher Wolverine Spotted skunk Known Known Com. Com. Lynx Susp. Undet. REPTILES: None OpPUTr Known Known Known Known Susp . Known Known Known Known Status Rare Rare Undet. Com. Rare, Thr, Undet. Com. Rare, Per. Undet. Added Concerns Sens. CITES, Red. CITES, Hab., Red. CITES AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog FISHES: Cutthroat trout Shorthead sculpin Known Known Known Undet . Com . Rare, Per. Known Known Com, Com, Hab, Red, GRANITE MAMMALS: Preble shrew .^ Fringed bat California bat Big-eared bat J Hoary marmot ■Occur, Susp. Susp . Susp . Known Status Rare Rare Undet Com, DEER LODGE Occur. Susp . ■Status Undet. Susp. Rare Susp. Undet. Known Com. Fisher Wolverine Lynx Susp. Known Susp. Undet. Com. Undet. Known Susp. Rare Undet REPTILES: None , AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog Known Com, Known Com. .- FISHES: Cutthroat trout -'Arctic grayling Known Known Com. Com, Known Known Com. r.r>m Added Concerns Sens. CITES Hab. Red. Sens., Hab., Red. FIGURE 4. COUNTIES IN FWP REGION 3. SJl^VPR BOW Preble shrew Fringed bat Big-eared bat Black-tailed prairie dog Black-footed ferret Wolverine Lynx Occur, Known Susp . Susp . Known Susp . Status Rare Rare Undet . Undet. Undet. JEFFERSOl ^ Occur, Susp . Status Undet, Added Concerns Known Known Rare Undet. Sens. Known Com. Un., Red.' Susp . Known Susp. Rare, End, Com. Undet. CITES, Hab., Sens, Red, CITES REPTILES: None AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog FISHES: Cutthroat trout Arctic grayling Susp Known Known Undet. Com. Com. Susp . Undet . Hab. Red. Sens. , Hab. , Red. 1 p. J BROADWAl ER MEAGHER Occur, Susp , Status Undet. MAMMALS: Preble shrew Occur , Susp . St?itus Undet. Added Concerns Dwarf shrew Susp . Undet. Susp. Undet. Fringed bat Susp . Rare Big-eared bat Susp . Undet. Susp. Undet. Sens. Black-tailed prairie dog Known Com. Susp . Undet. Un., Red. Black-footed ferret Wolverine Susp . Known Rare, End . Rare Known Com, CITES, Hab Sens. , Red Lynx Susp. Undet. Susp. Undet. CITES REPTILES: None AMPHIBIANS; Tailed fro| FISHES: None Susp . Undet . Hab. BEAVERHE AD . HAPJSON Added - MAMMALS: Occur. St?itU9 Occur, St?itus Copcerps Preble shrew Susp. Undet. Susp. Undet. Fringed bat Susp. Rare Susp, Rare Big-eared bat Known Undet. Known Undet. Sens. Hoary marmot Known Com, Great Basin Known Rare, Per. Susp . Rare, Per. pocket mouse I Wolf Known Rare, End. Susp. Rare, End. CITES, Red. Grizzly bear Known Rare, Thr. Known Rare, Thr, CITES, Hab., Red, • Wolverine Known Rare Known Com. Spotted skunk Known Rare, Per. Known Rare, Per. Lynx Known Undet. Susp . Undet. CITES REPTILES: None AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog Susp , Undet . Susp. Undet. Hab. Wood frog Known Rare, Per. FISHES: Arctic grayling Known Com, Known Com. Sens. , Hab . , Red. 17 SALLIIIN. PARK MAMMALS: Preble shrew Dwarf shrew Fringed bat Big-eared bat Uinta chipmunk Grizzly bear Wolverine Spotted skunk Lynx REPTILES: None Occur . Susp . Susp . Susp. Susp. Known Known Known Known Status Undet» Undet , Rare Undet . Com, Thr. Com. Rare, Per, Undet , Occur. Susp . Susp a Susp. Known Known Known Known Status Undet. Undet . Added Concerns Undet. Sens. Undet ., Per . ^"" Com., Thr. CITES, Hab., Red. Com. Undet . CITES AMPHIBIANS Tailed frog Susp . FISHES: Arctic grayling Known Undet. Com. Known Com, Hab. Sens. , Hab . , Red. FIGURE 5. COUNTIES IN FWP REGION 4. GLACIER TOOLS Added MAMMALS: Dwarf shrew Pccur . Status Opcvr. Known St^tup Rare Concerns Preble shrew Known Rare Susp. Undet. Big-eared bat Susp. Undet. Susp, Undet. Sens. Hoary marmot Known Com. Black-tailed Susp. Undet. Known Com. Un, Red, prairie dog N. bog lemming Wolf Susp. Known Undet. Rare, End, CITES, Red, Grizzly bear Known Com. , Thr. CITES, Hab., Red. Black-footed Susp . Rare, End. CITES, Hab., ferret Sens, Red. Wolverine Lynx Known Known Com, Undet. Known Undet, CITES REPTILES: Plains hognose Susp . Undet. AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog Dakota toad Wood frog Susp. Undet, Susp. Per. Susp . Rare, Per, Known Hab, Rare, Per. FISHES: Arctic grayling Known Trout-perch Spoonhead sculpin Known Known Com. Rare, Per. Rare, Per. 19 Sens. , Hab. , Red. MAMMALS: Preble shrew Dwarf shrew Big-eared bat Hoary marmot Black-tailed prairie dog Wolf Grizzly bear Black-footed ferret Wolverine Lynx REPTILES; Plains hognose I.JBERTY. . PONDERA Added i Occur, Status Occur. Status Concerns Susp. Undet. Susp. Undet. Susp. Undet. Susp. Undet . Susp. Known Undet. Undet. Sens. Known Com, Susp . Undet. Un. , Red. '- Known Rare, End, CITES, Red. Known Com, J Thr. CITES, Hab;-, Red. Susp. Rare, End. Susp. Undet. CITES, Hab., Sens, Red, Known Undet. Known Undet. CITES Susp, Undet. Susp. Undet. " AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog Dakota toad Known Per . Susp . Undet. Hab, FISHES: Paddlefish Arctic grayling. Known Com. Known Com. Sens. , Hab . , Red. TETON CHOTEAU Added MAMMALS: Occur,, Status Occur. Status Concerns "'" Preble shrew Susp . Undet. Susp. Undet. Dwarf shrew Known Rare Merriam shrew Susp. Undet. Big-eared bat Susp. Undet. Known Undet. Sens. Hoary marmot Known Com. Black-tailed Susp. Ondet. Known Com. Red. 1 prairie dog Wolf Known Rare, End. CITES, Red. Grizzly bear Known Com., Thr. CITES, Red. Hab'. , Black-footed Susp. Rare, End . CITES, Red, ferret Sens, Hab. Wolverine Known Com. Lynx Known Undet. Susp. Undet. CITES ~, REPTILES: Snapping turtle Susp . Undet. Sens. Spiny softshell Known Undet. Sens. Plains hognose Known Undet. Susp. Undet. -' AMPHIBIANS; .. Tailed frog Susp . Undet, Hab. FISHES: Pallid sturgeon Known Rare Sens. Paddlefish Known Com. J Arctic grayling Known Com. Sens, Red. Hab. „ 2 0 LEWIS & CLARK MAMMALS: Preble shrew Dwarf shrew Big-eared bat Hoary marmot Black-tailed prairie dog Wolf Grizzly bear Black-footed ferret Wolverine Lynx Occur. Susp . Susp. Known Known Known Known Susp. Known Known Status Undet. Undet. Com. Com. Rare, End. Com. , Thr. Rare, End. Com. Undet. CASCADE Added 0(?Qur, Status Concerns Susp. Undet, Susp, Undet. ■ Susp. Undet. Sens. Known Susp . Susp . Susp , Com. Rare, End, Undet. Undet. Un. , Red . CITES, Red. CITES, Hab., Red, CITES, Red, Sens, , Hab , CITES . REPTILES: Plains hognose Susp. Undet. AMPHIBIANS: Tailed frog FISHES: ■ Cutthroat trout Arctic grayling Susp. Undet. Known Com. Known Com. Hab, Red . Sens. , Hab. , Red , JUDITH BASIN FEPgys MAMMALS: Preble shrew Dwarf shrew Merriam shrew Big-eared bat Black-tailed prairie dog Black-footed ferret Wolverine Lynx Occur, Status Known Rare Susp. Undet . Susp . Undet , Susp. Undet. Known Com, Susp, Rare, Known Undet. End Occur. Known Known Susp , Known Known Susp , Susp . Status Rare Undet. Undet, Undet, Com, Rare, End. Undet . Added Copcerng Sens. Un, , Red . CITES, Red., Sens. , Hab . " CITES REPTILES: Snapping turtle Spiny softshell Milk snake Plains hognose Susp . Undet. Known Known Known Susp . Undet. Undet. Rare Undet . Sens, Sens, AMPHIBIANS: None FISHES: Pallid sturgeon Paddlefish Sicklefin chub Known Known Known Rare Com, Undet, , Per, Sens, 21 MAMMALS: Preble shrew Merriam shrew Big-eared bat Black-t. prairie dog Black-footed ferret Lynx REPTILES: Snapping turtle Spiny softshell Milk snake Plains hognose AMPHIBIANS: None PPTROLEPH Oqcur, Status Susp, Dndet . Known Rare Susp, Undet , Known Com. Susp, Rare, , Susp . Undet. Known Undet 0 Known Undet, Susp o Undet. Known Undet. End Added Concerns Sens . Un. , Red . CITES, Hab, Sens . 5 Red , CITES Sens, Sens, FISHES: Pallid sturgeon Paddlefish Known Known Rare Com. Sens . 2 2 WHEAT- LAND MUSSEL- SHELL sweettJ GRASS / ^ CAFSON FIGURE 6. COUNTIES IN FWP RE< 5. .* WPPATLANP . QOLppF VALLEY Added MAMMALS: 0 Undet, CITES, Hab. Com. CITES, Hab. Rare CITES, Hab.', Sens, , Red. Com. CITES Undet, CITES Rare, End, CITES, Sens. Red. , Com. CITES Rare, End. CITES, Hab.., Per. Sens. , Red. Rare Hab. , Red. Undet. Sens. , Undet. Hab. , Red. Undet. CITES, Sens. Undet. CITES, Red. Hab., Undet. CITES, Sens. Hab.", Undet . CITES, Sens, Hab._, Undet. CITES, Sens, Undet. CITES, Hab. Undet. Hab. -■ Rare Hab., Sens. Undet . Hab. Undet, Hab. Undet, Hab. .* 52 LATILONG ^Q LATILOMG UP Harlequin duck Osprey Bald eagle Cooper's hawk N. Goshawk Occur. Breed? Breed? Breed? Breed . Breed . Ferruginous hawk Trans. Golden eagle Breed. Merlin Breed? Peregrine falcon Breed? Prairie falcon Breed. Upland sandpiper Breed? Long-billed Breed? curlew N. Pygmy owl Breed. Burrowing owl Breed? Great gray owl Breed? Long-eared owl Trans. N. Saw-whet owl Breed? Olive-sided Breed. flycatcher Eastern bluebird Trans. Clay-colored Breed? sparrow Brewer's sparrow Breed. Field sparrow Bobolink Breed. Status Rare. Com. Rare, End Undet . Com. Hare Com. Undet . Rare, End Com. Undet . Ondet . Undet. Undet. Undet , Undet , Undet. Undet . Rare, Per, Undet. Undet . Undet. Occur. Breed . Trans. Breed? Breed? Breed? Breed . Trans . Trans . Breed? Breed? Breed? Breed . Trans . Trans. Breed? Trans, Breed? Trans. Breed? Added Status ppncerns Com. CITES Rare, End. CITES, Sens. Hab., Undet . CITES, Hab. Com. CITES, Hab. Rare CITES, Hab., Sens. , Red. Com. CITES Undet. CITES Rare, End. CITES, Sens, Red., Com. CITES Undet. Sens. Undet. Hab. , Red. CITES, Sens. Undet. CITES, Red, Hab., CITES, Hab., Sens, Undet. CITES, Sens. Undet. CITES, Hab. Undet. Hab. Sens. , Hab. Undet. Hab. Undet. Hab. Undet. Hab. Undet. Hab. 53 MIIiOM-JLL LATILONG 42 Osprey Bald eagle Occur. Trans. Breed? Cooper's hawk Breed? N. Goshawk Breed? Ferruginous hawk Breed. Golden eagle Breed, Merlin Breed? Peregrine falcon Breed, Prairie falcon Breed. Whooping crane Trans, Mountain plover Upland sandpiper Breed? Long-billed Breed, curlew Burrowing owl Breed. Long-eared owl Trans. N. Saw-whet owl Trans. Olive-sided Breed? flycatcher Dickcissel Clay-colored Breed? sparrow Brewer's sparrow Breed. Bobolink Breed? Status Com. Rare, End. Undet . Undet . Fare Com. Dndet . Rare, End. Com, Rare, End. Per. Undet . Undet, Undet „ Undet. Undet , Undet . Undet . Ondet . Undet. OCGur. Status Breed? Com. Breed, Rare, End. Breed? Undet. Breed? Undet. Trans. Rare Breed. Com. Breed? Undet. Breed. Rare, End Breed . Breed? Breed . Breed? Breed? Breed? Breed, Com, Trans, Rare Breed? Undet. Breed? Undet. Undet . Undet. Undet. Rare Undet . Undet. Added Concerns CITES CITES, Hab., Sens. CITES, Hab.e- CITES, Hab. CITES, Hab„, Sens . , Fed „ "' CITES CITES CITES, Sens , CITES CITES, Sens . , Hab, , Red. Sens. Hab,, Red,' CITES, Hab,, Red, CITES, Sens. CITES, Hab, Hab, Hab. Hab. Hab. Red. , Hab , , Red-,, 54 LATILONG H^ LATILONG 44* f Osprey Bald eagle Occur. Breed , Breed? Cooper's hawk Breed. N. Goshawk Breed. :^ Ferruginous hawk Breed? Golden eagle Breed. Merlin Trans. Peregrine falcon Trans. Prairie falcon Breed. Whooping crane Trans. Upland sandpiper Breed. Long-billed Trans. curlew Burrowing owl Breed. Long-eared owl Breed. N. Saw-whet owl Breed? Eastern bluebird Breed. Clay-colored Breed? sparrow Brewer's sparrow Breed. J- Field sparrow Breed? * Bobolink Breed? Status Com. Rare, End, Undet . Undet . Rare Com, Undet. Rare, End, Com. Rare, Per. Undet , Undet Undet, End Undet. Undet. Rare, Dndet. Undet. Undet . Dndet. Per, Occur. Trans. Breed. Breed . Breed . Breed , Trans . Breed? Trans. Breed . Breed . Trans. Breed? Breed? Breed? Breed? Breed? Added Status Copperh? CITES Rare, End. CITES, Sens. Hab. , CITES, Hab. Undet, CITES, Hab. Rare CITES, Hab., Sens, Red. Com. CITES Undet, CITES Rare, End. CITES, Sens. Red. , Com. CITES Rare, End . CITES, Hab, Per. Sens. , Red. Undet, Sens, Undet. Hab., Red. Undet, CITES, Red. Hab., Undet, CITES, Sens.^ CITES, Hab. Sens. , Hab. Undet, Hab. Undet, Hab. Undet. Hab. Undet. Hab. <. *The present nongame bird inventory in this latilong is considered substandard. 55 L1TXL0M-JL5- LMILfiUS-JiM., 0 s p r e y Bald eagle Occur . Trans Cooper's hawk Breed N. Goshawk Ferruginous hawk Breed Golden eagle Breed Merlin Breed Peregrine falcon Prairie falcon Breed Whooping crane Trans Upland sandpiper Breed Long-billed Breed curlew Burrowing owl Breed? Long-eared owl N. Saw-whet owl Olive-sided flycatcher Eastern bluebird Diekcissel Clay-colored sparrow Brewer's sparrow Field sparrow Bobolink Breed? Trans . Breed . Breed? Breed? Breed . Breed? Breed? Status Rare, End Undet . Kare Com, Undet, Com. Rare, End Per. Undet . Undet . Undet. Undet . Undet. Rare^ Per. Rare Undet. Undet. Undet . Undet . OcQur,, Trans. Trans . Breed? Breed? Breed. Breed . Breed? Trans . Breed , Breed . Trans . Breed? Breed . Added St?itus Concerns Com. CITES ' Rare, End. CITES, Sens. Hab., Undet. CITES, Hab.t Undet. CITES, Hab. Rare CITES, Hab., Sens. , Red,* Com. CITES Undet. CITES Rare, End. CITES, Sens. Red. , Com. CITES CITES, Hab. Sens. , Red-. Sens . Undet. Hab. , Red. Undet. CITES, Red. Hab.", CITES, Sens. CITES, Hab. Undet . Hab. Sens. , Hab. Hab. 1 Undet. Hab. Hab. > Hab. The present nongame bird inventory in this latilong is considered substandard. 56 LATILONG 47 Osprey Bald eagle Cooper's hawk N. Goshawk Ferruginous hawk Golden eagle Merlin Peregrine falcon Prairie falcon Whooping crane Long-billed curlew Burrowing owl Great gray owl Long-eared owl N. Saw-whet owl Olive-sided flycatcher Brewer's sparrow Bobolink ' Added Occur, Status Concerns Breed . Com. CITES Breed. Rare, End. CITES, Hab., Sens Breed? Dndet. CITES, Hab. Breed . Com. CITES, Hab. Breed? Rare CITES, Sens. Hab., Red. » Breed? Com. CITES Trans. Undet. CITES Breed. Rare, End. CITES, Sens. , Red Breed . Com. CITES Trans. Rare, End. CITES, Sens. t Per, Hab., Red. Breed . Undet. Hab. , Red. Breed? Undet, CITES, Hab., Red . Trans, Undet. CITES, Hab., Sens Breed? Undet. CITES, Sens. Breed? Undet. CITES, Hab. Breed? Undet. Hab. Breed? Undet. Hab. Trans. Undet . Hab. 57 APPENDIX 58 MONTANA MAMMALS (G) - Game animal (P) - Predatory animal (F) - Furbearer Cojnpion Name Scientific name Distribution and Occurrence Masked shrew Sorez cinereus Dry woods, throughout the state, common Preble shrew Sorex preblei Known from a few specimens in central and eastern Montana, rare. Vagrant shrew Sorex vagrans Moist woods and meadows in western portion, common. Montane shrew Sorex nontlcola Moist woods and meadows in western and central portions. Common. Dwarf shrew Sorex nanas Known from several high moun- tain ranges in the center of the state. Northern water Sot*ex palwstris Banks of fast streams and shrew shores of high altitude lakes in mountains. Merriam shrew Sorex merriami Sagebrush and grasslands in eastern counties, quite rare. Pygmy shrew Microsorex feoyi ■ Northwestern and northeastern Montana only, rare. Little brown bat Myotis iHcifsagas Throughout the state, common. Yuma bat Hyotis yananeasis Throughout the state, less common than above. Keen's bat Myotis keenii Known only from 1 site in extreme eastern Montana. Long-eared bat Myotis evotis Throughout the state, fairly common. Fringed bat Myotis tfefsasaodes Very rare; specimens from Lewis and Clark Caverns and Ravalli County. Long-legged bat Myotis ¥olaas Fairly common in most of the state. California bat Myotis californicus Known, from Ravalli and Flathead Counties Least bat Myotis leibii Most of the state. Big brown bat Eptesicus fusees Throughout the state, may hibernate in buildings during winter. Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus Deep woods in summer, probably occurs throughout the state in migration. Spotted bat Eudema aaeulatu® Known only from a single speci- men obtained at Billings. Townsend's big- Plecotus townsendil Known from several caves and eared bat mines in central and western Montana. Pallid bat Antrozous pallidus Known only from a single speci- men from south-central Mon- tana. Silver-haired bat Lasionycteris Wood areas, rather common. EoetivagaBS 59 Pika Pygmy rabbit Ochotona princeps areas in mountains, Sylvllagus idahoensis Eastern cottontail Sylvilagsjs floridaims Mountain cottontail Sylvilagus outtallii Desert cottontail Sylvilagiss atidmbonii Snowshoe hare Lepias anericaBOS White-tailed jack Lepus towiBseodii rabbit Black-tailed jack Lepus ealifornicMS rabbit Least chipmunk Eataiiias Binious Yellow pine chipmunk Rufous-tailed chipmunk Uinta chipmunk Yellow-bellied marmot Hoary marmot Eutaraias araoenus Eutamias nsficatidus Eutaiaias ^sibrious Marmota fla¥iveatris Maroota csaligata Richardson's ground Spermophilus squirrel Uinta ground squirrel Columbian ground squirrel Thirteen-lined ground squirrel Golden-manteled ground squirrel Black-tailed prairie dog White-tailed prairie dog Gray squirrel Fox squirrel Red or pine squirrel Northern flying squirrel richardsonii Sperraophilus arraatus Spermopliilias " coliifflljianus Spermopbilus ■ trideceBlieeatas Spermophilus lateralis CjBomys lu«io¥iciaBiis Cynoffiys leueurus Seittros carolinesisis Sciurus Eiger TaffliasciurBS hudsoeieus Glaucoojs sabria^is Slide rock common Known only in Beaverhead and Madison Counties, Found only along the extreme eastern border of the state. Lower elevations in Montana, common « **" Eastern countiesj common. Forested areas in western hal? of the state, common. Open areas throughout the state, common. Known only in Beaverhead and Madison counties. Primarily in sagebrush areas in eastern and central Montana^ ■ common » Lower elevations in western Montana, common. Higher elevations in north- western mountains, common. Higher elevations in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park, Rocky areas and mountains of most of the v^ ester n part of the state, common. Above timberline in Glacier National Park and neighboring. - high mountain ranges. Eastern two-third of the state, comjnon. Yellowstone Park and surrounding areas, common. Western one-third of the state, common. Grassland in eastern and central areas. Rocky areas in the mountains of central and western regions. Formerly abundant in eastern ". Montana, now much reduced by poisoning . Known only in Carbon County, Introduced to some towns in eastern and central Montana. In towns and river bottoms along the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. Coniferous forest in western -^ counties, common. Dense forest in western coun- ties common. 60 Northern pocket Thonaoiays talpoides Throughout the state, common. gopher Wyoming pocket Perogoatlsias fasciatus Dry areas in eastern counties, mouse ■ Great basin Perognathns parvus Known only from Beaverhead pocket mouse County. Hispid pocket PerogisatSsos Known only from extreme south- mouse hispidus eastern Carter County. Ord's kangaroo Dipodomys ordii Sandy soil and sagebrush in the rat eastern half of the state. (F) Beaver Castor canadensis Along streams and lakes throughout the state, common. Western harvest Reithrodontonys Grassland of eastern Montana. mouse megalotis Western deer FeroByscus Baaiiiculatiis Throughout the state in virtu- mouse ally mouse all habitats, common , White-footed Peromyscus leucopus Eastern Montana, rare. mouse Northern grass- OnychoDys leucogaster Grasslands of eastern Montana, hopper mouse Bushy-tailed Heotoma eiaerea Caves and deserted cabins in wood rat mountain areas, common. Red-backed Clethriononys gapperi Moist coniferous forests in vole western half of the state, common , Mountain Phenacoaiys internedlus Mostly near timberline in high phenacomys mountain ranges. Longtailed vole MicrotHS longlcaudus Wet v/oods of central and wes- tern Montana. Meadow vole Mlcrotus pennsylvanicus Wet meadows throughout the state, common. Mountain vole Microtias nontanus Dry grasslands of western and central Montana, Prairie vole Mlcrotus oclsrogaster Dry grasslands of eastern Mon- tana, common. Water vole Arvicola ricbarslsoBi Stream banks at high elevations in the mountains. Sagebrush vole Lagmrus curtatKS Sagebrush areas in eastern and central Montana. (F) Muskrat Omdatra aibethicus Ponds and streams throughout the state, common. Northern bog Syaaptomys borealis Only in wet meadows of v/est lemming side of Glacier National Park, rare . Norway rat Battus Eorvegicus Known only in some cities. House mouse Mus busomIms Around human habitations throughout the state, common. Meadow jumping Zapus biudsoiiius Known only in eastern Montana. mouse Rocky Mountain Zapus priuceps High mountain meadows and wet jumping mouse woods near water in the wes- tern half of the state. Porcupine Eretbizon dorsatum Throughout the state, common. 61 Nutria (P) Coyote Wolf . Red fox (F) Swift fox Myocaster cojpus Canls latrans Canis lupus Yulpes ¥iilpes Vulpes velox (G) Black bear Ursus americasiMS (G) Grizzly bear Ursus arctos Raccoon (F) Marten (F) Fisher Procyon lotor Hartes aaerieaaa Hartes peraaaiati (P) Short-tailed weasel (P) Least weasel (P) Long-tailed weasel Black-footed ferret (F) Mink (F) Wolverine Badger (P) Spotted skunk Mustela erainea Mustela nivalis Mustela frenata Mustela nigripes Mustela visou Gulo gulo Taxidea taxus Spilogal® putorius (P) Striped skunk Mephitis mephitis (F) River otter (G) Cougar (F) Canada lynx (F) Bobcat Lutra canadensis Felis concolor Lyns lynx Lynx rufus Introduced: once found in the Bitterroot Yalley and near Billings. Probably extinct. Throughout the statej common. Originally present throughout ' the state, now confined to a few scattered locations in western Montana,, Very rare, ■^ Formerly rare through the state but now fairly common. Originally common in eastern / counties, now probably ex- tinct. Only one recent spe- cimen. Forested areas, rather common. Remote wilderness areas espe- cially at high elevations. Common in large river valleys throughout the state. Most higher mountain regions, common . Successfully transplanted from British Columbia in 1958-59 near Holland Lake, Missoula County, and Pink Creek, Lin- coln County, Generally in forested areas, • common. Eastern half of the state, rare „ ._^ ^ Throughout the state, common. < May occur in the eastern part«, of the state in prairie dog' colonies, extremely rare. Marsh areas and stream banks throughout the state, common. Wilder portions of western mountains. Throughout the state, common, ■ Known only from southwestern and south central Montana. Throughout the state in farm land and open country, common. On large streams, mostly in western portion. Western central and southern counties. Seldom encoun- tered, yet fairly common. Heavily forested areas in wes- tern part of state, rare. In many areas in state, common. 6 2 (G) Elk Cervus elaplsas Certain suitable areas in cen- tral and western Montana, comnion. (G) Mule deer Odocoileas benionus Suitable habitats throughout the state, common. (G) White-tailed Odoeoilewis Forested areas in western Mon- deer -virginianus tana and brushy river bottoms in eastern Montana, common. (G) Moose Alces alccis Suitable areas in western half of the state, fairly common. (G) Woodland Rangifer tarandus Formerly occurred in Lincoln caribou County, now enter the state from British Columbia, but only rarely and in winter, (G) Prongborn Antilocapra amerieaBa Most of eastern and central Hon- antelope tana, common. (G) Bison BlsoB bison Formerly occurred throughout the state, now confined to Yellow stone National Park, the National Bison Range, and in scattered bands on pri- vate ranches. (G) Mountain goat Oreamnos aiaericanus High mountain ranges of north- western Montana, successfully transplanted in several moun- tain ranges in central Mon- tana. (G) Bighorn sheep Ovis canadensis In scattered bands in the wes- tern half the state, reintro- duced into several mountain ranges. 63 MONTANA BIRDS (G)-Game Bird ( I) -Introduced Red-throated Loon Arctic Loon Com. Loon Pled-bllled Grebe Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe Eared Grebe W . Grebe Am. White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Am. Bittern Least Bittern Great Blue Heron Great Egret Snowy Egret Little Blue Heron Cattle Egret Green-backed Heron Black-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron White-faced Ibis Wood Stork (G)Tundra Swan Trumpeter Swan (I)Mute Swan Bewick's Swan (G)Greater White-fronted Goose (G)Snow Goose (X) -Extirpated or Extinct (G)Ross' Goose (G)Brant (G)Canada Goose (G)Wood Duck (G) Green-winged Teal (G)Am. Black Duck (G)Mallard (G)W. Pintail (G)Garganey (G)Blue-winged Teal (G)Cinnamon Teal (G)N. Shoveler (G)Gadwall (G)Eur„ Wigeon (G)Am. Wigeon (G) Canvasback (G)Redhead (G) Hing-necked Duck (G)Greater Scaup (G)Lesser Scaup (G)HarleQuin Duck (G)Oldsquaw (G)Black Scoter (G)Surf Scoter (G)White-wlnged Scoter (G)Com, Goldeneye (G)Barrow's Goldeneye (G)Bufflehead 64 (G)Hooded Merganser (G)Com. Merganser (G) Red-breasted Merganser (G)Ruddy Duck Turkey Vulture psprey Bald Eagle N. Harrier Sharp-shinned hawk Cooper's Hawk N. Goshawk Red-shouldered Hawk Broad-winged Hawk Swainson's Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Ferruginous Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle Am. Kestrel Merlin Peregrine Falcon Gyrf alcon Prairie Falcon (I) (G)Gray Partridge (I)(G)Chukar (I) (G)Ring-necked Pheasant (G)Spruce Grouse (G)Blue Grouse Willow Ptarmigan White-tailed Ptarmigan (G)Ruffed Grouse (G)Sage Grouse (X)Greater Prairie-Chicken (G)Sharp-tailed Grouse (I)(G)Wild Turkey (I)(X)N. Bobwhite Yellow Rail Virginia Rail Sora Com. Moorhen (G)Am. Coot (G)Sandhill Crane Whooping Crane Black-bellied Plover Lesser Golden Plover Snowy Plover Semipalmated Plover Piping Plover Killdeer Mountain Plover Black-necked Stilt Am. Avocet Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Willet Spotted Sandpiper Upland Sandpiper Whimbrel Long-billed Curlew 65 Hundsonian Godwit Marbled Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Black Turnstone Red Knot Sanderling Semipalmated Sandpiper W. Sandpiper Least Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Dunlin Curlew Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper Short~billed Dowitcher Long-billed Dowitcher (G)Com. Snipe Am. Woodcock Wilson's Phalarope Red-necked Phalarope Red Phalarope Pomarine Jaeger Parasitic Jaeger Long-tailed Jaeger Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Mew Gull Ring-billed Gull . California Gull Herring Gull Thayer's Gull Iceland Gull Glaucous Gull Great Black-backed Gull Black-legged Kittiwake Sabine's Gull Ivory Gull Caspian Tern Com. Tern Forster's Tern Least Tern Black Tern Ancient Murrelet (I)Rock Dove Band-tailed Pigeon White-winged Dove (G)Mourning Dove (X)Passenger Pigeon Black-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo Com. Barn-Owl Flammulated Owl E. Screech-Owl W. Screech-Owl Great Horned Owl Snowy Owl N. Hawk-Owl 66 N„ Pygmy Owl Burrowing Owl Barred Owl Great Gray Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Boreal Owl N. Saw-whet Owl Com. Nighthawk Com. Poorwill Black Swift Chimney Swift Vaux's Swift White-throated Swift Ruby-throated Hummingbird Black-chinned Hummingbird Anna's Hummingbird Calliope Hummingbird Broad-tailed Hummingbird Rufous Hummingbird Belted Kingfisher Lewis' Woodpecker Red-headed Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Williamson's Sapsucker Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker White-headed Woodpecker Three-toed Woodpecker Black-backed Woodpecker N. Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Olive-sided Flycatcher W. Wood-Pewee E. Wood-Pewee Alder Flycatcher Willow Flycatcher Least Flycatcher Hammond's Flycatcher Dusky Flycatcher . W. Flycatcher E. Phoebe Say's Phoebe Ash-throated Flycatcher Great Crested Flycatcher Cassin's Kingbird W. Kingbird E. Kingbird Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Horned Lark Purple Martin Tree Swallow Violet-green Swallow N. Rough-winged Swallow Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow Barn Swallow Gray Jay Steller's Jay 67 Blue Jay Pinyon Jay Clark's Nutcracker Black-billed Magpie Am, Crow Com. Raven Black-capped Chickadee Mountain Chickadee Boreal Chickadee Chestnut-backed Chickadee Red-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch Pygmy Nuthatch Brown Creeper Rock Wren Canyon Wren House Wren Winter Wren Sedge Wren Marsh Wren Am„ Dipper Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Blue-gray Gnatcatcher E, Bluebird W. Bluebird Mountain Bluebird Townsend's Solitaire Veery Gray-cheeked Thrush Swainson's Thrush • Hermit Thrush Wood Thrush Am. Robin *■ Varied Thrush ; V Gray Catbird N. Mockingbird Sage Thrasher Brown Thrasher Water Pipit Sprague's Pipit Bohemian Waxwing Cedar Waxwing N. Shrike Loggerhead Shrike > . (I)Eur. Starling Solitary Vireo Warbling Vireo Philadelphia Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Tennessee Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler W. Parula Yellow Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Magnolia Warbler Cape May Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler 68 Black-throated Gray Warbler Townsend's Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Palm Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Black-and-white Warbler Am„ Redstart Ovenbird N. Waterthrush Kentucky Warbler Connecticut Warbler Mourning Warbler MacGillivray ' s Warbler Com. Yellowthroat Wilson's Warbler Canada Warbler Yellow-breasted Chat Summer Tanager Scarlet Tanager W. Tanager Rose-breasted Grosbeak Black-headed Grosbeak Blue grosbeak Lazuli Bunting Indigo Bunting Dickcissel Green-tailed Towhee Rufous-sided Towhee Am, Tree Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Clay-colored Sparrow Brewer's Sparrow Field Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Lark Sparrow Black-throated Sparrow Sage Sparrow Lark Bunting Savannah Sparrow Baird's Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow Le Conte's Sparrow Sharp-tailed Sparrow Fox Sparrow Song Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Swamp Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Golden-crowned Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Harris' Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco McCown's Longspur Lapland Longspur Smith's Longspur Chestnut-collared Longspur 69 Snow Bunting Bobolink Red-winged Blackbird W. Meadowlark Yellow-headed Blackbird Rusty Blackbird Brewer's Blackbird Com, Crackle Brown-headed Cowbird Orchard Oriole N. Oriole Brambling Rosy Finch Pine Grosbeak Purple Finch Cassin's Finch House Finch Red Crossbill White-winged Crossbill Com. Redpoll Hoary Redpoll Pine Siskin Am, Goldfinch Evening Grosbeak (I)House Sparrow 7 0 1 MONTANA REPTILES Common Name Scientific Name Distribution and Occurrence Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina Occupies slow or still waters in eastern Montana. Painted turtle Ghryserays picta Lakes and ponds, abundant ^ statewide. Spiny softshell Trionyz spiniferus Rivers of southeastern Montana, Sagebrush lizard Sceloporns graeiosus Sagebrush areas of southeastern I Montana. " Short-horned PhrynosoBia douglassi Drier habitat types east of the lizard divide. Western skink Euaieces skiltOBianus Dry rocky areas in extreme western Montana. Abundant. ^Northern alligator Gerrhonotas coeruleus Woodlands of western Montana, lizard .^Rubber boa Charina bottae Common in the western third of »_ Montana. Plains hognose Heterodon nasicus Rare. Sand and gravel areas of « eastern Montana. Smooth green snake Oplieodrys ¥ernalis Rare. May occur in north- eastern Montana. Nj Racer Coluber constrictor Occur statewide in open or semi-open habitats. Bullsnake Pituophis melanoleucus Common in grassland areas over most of the state. Milk snake Lampropeltis triangulum Rare. Occupies a variety of habitat types in southern Mon- tana . ' Common garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis Common statewide in or near water. , iWestern garter Thamnophis elegans Occupies a wide variety of ' snake habitat types. Common state- wide. Plains garter Thaaiiophls radix Common in prairie lands and snake near prairie ponds of eastern Montana. Prairie rattle- Crotalus vlridis Common in dry habitat types in « snake most of the stati 71 MONTANA AMPHIBIANS Common Name Scientific Name Distribution and Occurrence Tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum In or near water. Common throughout Montana east of the divide. Long-toed sala- iisbystOBa macrodactylim Moist Habitats, Common west of mander the divide. < Pacific giant Dicamptodon easatos Cool, wet habitats. Collected! salamander ' in N. Idaho, may occur in - Sanders and Mineral counties. Rough-skinned newt Tariclia graaulosa Known only from Sanders County. Coeur d'Alene sala- Plethodon ¥affidykei Moist habitats. Very rare, mander recorded only for northwestern Montana. "vTailed frog Ascaphus truei Mountain streams west of the divide. Plains spadefoot Scaphiopus bombifrons Sbortgrass prairie. Common * east of the divide. -* \Western toad Bmfo boreas Moist areas near water. Common in the western half of Montana, Rocky Mountain toad Bufo Hoodhousei Many habitat types. Common throughout southern Montana, Great Plains toad Bufo cognatus Occupies various habitat types in eastern half of Montana, Dakota toad Bufo bemiophrys Stable ponds. Occurs along the hi-line east of the divide. Boreal chorus frog Pseudacris tris©piata Near water areas east of the divide , NPacific treefrog Hyla regilla Near water areas. Quite commGjh west of the divide. '^ \Wood frog Bana sylvatica May occur in western Montana, '^ but collection records are ; lacking. NLeopard frog laaa pipiens Occupies many habitat types. Common statewide. ^Bullfrog Hama catesbiana Deep water. Introduced to some areas in western Montana, ^ Spotted frog lana pretiosa Depends on permanent water, > Common in western half of Montana. 72 A MONTANA FISHES (G) - Game fish ' Common Name Scientific Name Distribution apd Occurrence (G) White sturgeon Acipenser traEsmontanus Found only in the Kootenai River, below Kootenai Falls. May be extinct. ^ (G) Pallid sturgeon Scaphirhyncbus albus Large streams and reservoirs in the Missouri and Yellowstone * drainages. t (G) Shovelnose Sea:pll£3PhyECfeos Large streams and reservoirs in ' sturgeon platorymclias the Missouri and Yellowstone drainages. (G) Paddlefish Polyodon spathula Large streams and reservoirs in the Missouri and Yellowstone drainages. Shortnose gar Lepisosteus platostomus Missouri River below Ft. Peck. . Goldeye Hiodon alosoides Common in the Missouri, Yellow- stone and Little Missouri drainages. » (G) Lake whitefish Coregonns clupeaf oriBis Introduced. Occurs in Mis- souri, Clark's Fork, St. Mary and Belly drainages. (G) Mountain Prosopium williamsoni Abundant in areas near moun- whitefish tains. (G) Pygmy whitefish Prosopium coulter! Cold water lakes west of the Continental Divide. (G) Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch Introduced to the Clark's Fork and Missouri drainages. (G) Kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka Introduced in much of western '* > Montana. Famous for its / spawning runs. , (G) Golden trout Salmo aguabonita Introduced to high mountain lakes. (G) Cutthroat trout Salmo clarki Widely distributed, but hybri- dized with rainbow trout in many loca tions. (G) Rainbow trout Salao gairdneri Introduced. Occurs nearly statewide. • (G) Brown trout Salmo trutia Introduced. Occurs nearly - statewide. (G) Brook trout Salveliaus fontiaaiis Introduced, Occurs nearly / statewide. (G) Dolly Varden SalveliEus Balsiia Occurs primarily west of the Continental Divide. Also called "bull trout", (G) Lake trout Salveiinus naBayemsh Deep, cold lakes nearly state- wide. Relatively rare. (G) Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus Western and southwestern Mon- tana. Range has been reduced in this century, (G) Northern pike Escss luciua Introduced, widely distributed. < Carp Cyprinus carpio Introduced to all drainages east of the Continental Divide. * 7 3 Goldfish Carassiiis aisrat^s Introduced to a few scattered locations east of the Conti- nental Divide. * Golden shiner lotemigonws crysoleracais Introduced to several locationsj east of the continental divide „ Pearl dace Semotilus ffiargarita Small, cool streams of northern Montana^ Creek chub Semotiliss atromacalatos Rare, found only in east- central Montana, Northern red- Phosines eos Occurs throughout much of the ^ belly dace Missouri drainage, " Utah chub Gila atraria Introduced to the Madison River. Flathead chub Eybopsis gracilis Abundant throughout much of eastern Montana, Sturgeon chub Hybopsis gelida Rare. Found only in the lower Yellowstone., ^ Sicklefin chub Hybopsis aeeki Missouri River from Cow Islana ^ to Ft, Peck Reservoir, *'■ Lake Chub Couesiias plumbeBS Abundant throughout much of ^ ■- eastern Montana. Peamouth MylocheilMS eaurinus Common west of the Continental Divide , Emerald shiner lotropi® atheriEoides Common in the- Missouri and Yellowstone drainages. Sand shiner Motropis straaineus Common in the lower Yellow- stone. Brassy minnow Hybognatians haakinsotti Occurs primarily in the lower MissGuri and Yellowstone drainages. .^ Plains minnow Hybognathus piacitMS Occurs primarily in the lower ^v Missouri and Yellowstone drainage.?. i, ^ Silvery minnow Hybognatfeus nischalis Widely distributed in eastern^ Montana, Fathead minnow Pimepbales proaelas Widely distributed in eastern Montana. Northerc FtyehocheilBS Large streams and lakes west of squawfish oregoaensls the Continental^ Divide . ^ Lonpnose dace IhinichtSifs eataractae Abundant statewide. ..„^„- Redside shiner lichardsonlBS balteattts Abundant west oi the Contmen-r. tal Divide. River Carpiodes carpio Fairly common in eastern Mon- . 4". Q Y"^ <3 Blue^sucker Cycleptas elongatias Rare. ^Missouri River and lower Yellowstone. Smallmouth lotiobus bubalus Common in Ft, Peck reservoir. Bigmouth lotiobus efpriB®3.1as Common in Ft. Peck reservoir. . Shorthead Moxostoma BacrolepidotaB Common in eastern Montana. redhorse . x. j ^ Longnose sucker Catostoaiss caiostomns Common statewide. 74 r White sucker CatosioMus commersoni Common east of the Continental Divide. * Largescale Gatostosaus BaerocSieilus Common west of the Continental ; sucker Divide. Mountain sucker Catostomus platyrbynchus Occurs throughout the Missouri and Yellowstone drainages. Black bullhead letalursis laeias Introduced statewide. Yellow bullhead Ictaluras natalis Introduced to two widely ^ separated sites, •^ (G) Channel catfish Ictalurus puEctatus Common in most of eastern Mon- \ tana. w Stonecat MoturBS fla¥us Occurs throughout eastern Mon- tana. Trout-perch Percopsis offliseomayeus Rare. Found only in lower St. Mary Lake. (G) Burbot Lota iota Common in most drainages except the Clark's Fork. Plains killfish 'Fundulus kansae Introduced to the Big Horn River in Wyoming, from where # it moved downstream to Mon- ** J tana, , Mosquitofish Gambusia affinis Introduced in Granite and Cas- cade counties. Shortfin molly Poecilia laexicana Introduced in Madison County. Variable liphophoms variatus Introduced in Beaverhead, Madi- platyfish son, and Granite counties. Green swordtail XiphophorBS helleri Introduced in Madison County. Brook stickle- Culaea ifieonstaHS Tributaries of the Missouri and back lower Yellowstone. Rock bass Aabloplites rupestris Introduced to the Tongue River 'I in Wyoming from whence it i» moved downstream to Montana. Green sunfish Lepomis cyanellBS Invaded from the Dakotas to ', extreme eastern Montana. Pumkinseed Lepomis gibbosBs Introduced to many scattered locations statewide. Bluegill Lepomis isacrocbinas Introduced to many scattered locations statewide. (G) Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolonieui Introduced to a few lakes in » northwestern Montana. 1 (G) Largemouth bass Mieropterus salmoides Introduced to many scattered locations statewide, ,^ White crappie Pomozis annularis Introduced to the eastern third of the state. Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus Introduced throughout eastern Montana. Yellow perch Peroa flaYeseeos Introduced to many locations statewide. (G) Sauger Stizostedion cauadense Common in the lower reaches of * the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, (G) Walleye Stizostedion vitreum Introduced throughout most of i' t f t the Missouri and Yellowstone drainages. 7 5 Iowa darter Etlieostoina exile Limited to northeastern Mon- tana, Freshwater drum &pIodiBOius grunaiens Confined to the lower Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. ■ Mottled sculpin Cottus balrdi Occurs in mountain streams west? of the Continental Divide, Slimy sculpin Coitus cognatos Occurs in mountain streams west of the Continental Divide. j Torrent sculpin Cotius rhotheus Restricted to the Kootenai j» drainage. T Shorthead Cottus eonfusus Rare. Occurs in northwestern "* sculpin Montana. Spoonhead Cottas ricei Rare, Occurs in the St. Mary sculpin drainage. - k '0 \ t 76 r -I '■i )