N VETERI THOMAS B.ROGERS. D WHE HO re \\ Oman \Sh (| Class_ SF 75F_ Rage ek Conridit Nese le COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: ee VETERINARY HANDBOOK AND VISITING LIST BY THOMAS B. ROGERS, D.V.S. LECTURER ON CONTAGIOUS DISEASES OF ANIMALS IN THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY mu ii Liat | ath Py, any a w) ; dei: 3 ok ” J iy ris os f =< as ‘2 Sees ba ) ne ; ae) COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PRINTED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY AT THE WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS APR 21 1916 ©claA428615 PREFACE No claims for originality can be made for the subject matter of this little book. My work as a practitioner of veterinary medicine, as a teacher, and as a member of a State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners demonstrated to me the neces- sity of a compilation on the lines followed in the book, and, with a belief in its usefulness and under the advice of veterinary, medical, and pharmaceutical friends, I submit ‘it to what I trust will be the favorable criticism of the veterinary and pharma- ceutical professions. I have great pleasure in acknowledging the help given to me by my colleagues, Dr. Chas. E. Vander- kleed, Professor of Analytical Chemistry in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, who furnished the résumé of the Harrison Anti-Narcotic Law, and Dr. F. E. Stewart, Professor of Materia Medica in the same institution. Tuomas B. Rocers, D.V.S. Woopsury, NEw Jersey, January, 1916. CONTENTS mcr 1eINES IN GACTERIAL THERAPY .....cccccccccress CLASSIFICATION OF BACTERIOLOGICAL Propucts USED IN VETERINARY MEDICINE ....... JARS LA ar NP a nb Raa Tue APPROXIMATE INCUBATIVE PERIOD OF THE MORE COMMON CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF PMIERCATS, cee ts oes 2M, ka yc anes aaeatae Some LATIN PHRASES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN (2 DE TED PLS ee ee STRENGTH oF U. S. P. TINcTURES COMMONLY USED IN Seema WVIEDIGINE 26. c2ecccle eds asada daccess ute Dose TABLE oF DruGS COMMONLY USED IN VETERINARY MUNIN ee ie ace vc ceca apuedeead'ee : PacOnmSGeAND EHEIR ANTIDOTES ..............- BR Goan DURATION OF PREGNANCY IN THE DOMESTICATED RIE ba oo coule didlos eee were RELATIVE VALUE OF APOTHECARIES’ AND METRIC 8 SLE 2 3 Ls Se ae aon Aaite RELATIVE VALUE OF METRIC AND APOTHECARIES’ i hb 2 a Sh Se ee Seep ye RELATIVE VALUE OF APOTHECARIES’ AND METRIC WEIGHT RELATIVE VALUE oF METRIC AND APOTHECARIES’ WEIGHT TABLE TO ASSIST THE BEGINNER IN PRESCRIBING LIQUIDS SEePMOATE IWEASURES 2.66... 000. cece sees scsccs shaie RULES FOR COMPARING CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT MIPAB ES. ounce soe Bes tN ah Rae eae AAT ORAS Ti adi zi ee Tue Harrison ANTI-NARcoTIc LAw ....... RAP ate. e PAGE I 108 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 115 116 A Veterinary Handbook and Visiting List FIRST LINES IN BACTERIAL THERAPY Introduction.—For centuries the practice of medicine has been conducted empirically, 1.e., drugs have been given in certain cases of disease because their use appeared to be beneficial in prior cases. ‘When, in the middle of the last century, the action of remedial agents on the animal body was made the subject of physiological experimentation, the hope arose that here was a path leading to exactitude in therapeutics. Unfortunately this hope has been but partly realized, and the administration of medicine is still in great measure empirical. The fact that recovery from an attack of an in- fectious or contagious disease resulted in a more or less perfect immunity to subsequent attacks of the same disorder has long been common knowledge, but it remained for Jenner to apply this knowledge in the protection of the community against smallpox by vaccination with cowpox. Pasteur, however, may well be termed the father of bacterial therapy, and the work done by him and his successors has placed in our hands diagnostic _methods of absolute accuracy, protective methods I 2 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK that have saved countless lives, and therapeutic procedures that give results absolutely unattainable by any other means whatever. The Modes of Action of Bacterial Remedies.— These, however they may differ otherwise, depend upon the utilization of the germ or its product im our conflict against 1t, and the fact that bacterio-therapy has thus succeeded in turning the toxic properties of the disease-causing bacteria against themselves must be considered one of the marvels of modern science. The conflict between the disease-producing germ and the invaded organism may end in the absolute triumph of the animal body and in such case not only are the invading germs destroyed, but the un- injured organism is always more or less immune to a subsequent invasion of like character. It may end in a drawn battle, neither side being able to win while yet too powerful to lose, a con- dition characterized in the individual by diminished - vital activity, in the germ by diminished virulence, or, lastly, the germ gaining the upper hand, may cause the death of the invaded organism. A discussion at length of the defensive mechanism which the living body uses in its conflict with con- tagious disease is not allowable here ; indeed, we can do no more than state that in the large it depends upon: , 1. The power of the phagocytes (fighting cells) to encompass and destroy the invading germs. 2. The degree of activity possessed by the opsonins BACTERIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS USED 3 (certain constituents of the blood-serum) whose function is to enfeeble the invaders and thus lead the way to their destruction by the phagocytes. CLASSIFICATION OF BACTERIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS USED IN VETERINARY MEDICINE A. Toxins. Used principally as diagnostic agents. Examples—tuberculin, mallein and abortin. B. Antitoxins. Neutralize toxins and give temporary passive immunity. Examples—tetanus antitoxin, diphtheria antitoxin. C. Bactericidal Sera. Cause death of invading bacteria. Examples—antistreptococcus serum, antipneumococ- cus serum. D. True Vaccines. Attenuated cultures of living bacteria. Bio Vaccines. Examples—anthrax vaccine, black-leg vaccine, give long-continued active immunity. E. Bacterial Vaccines—Bacterins, Necro Vaccines. Killed measured cultures of bacteria suspended in normal saline solution, give long-continued active im- munity. F. Products of certain ultra microscopic disease-produc- ing organisms. 1. Hog-cholera serum gives temporary passive im- munity. ‘ 2. Rabies vaccine gives immunity if used shortly after the introduction of the virus. Immunizing and curative sera consist of the blood- serum of animals (usually the horse) which have been highly immunized against the toxins of bacteria (example—tetanus antitoxin) or against the action 4 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK of living pathogenic bacteria (example—antistrep- tococcus serum). Some sera (example—antimenin- gococcic and antidysenteric) are produced by alter- nate injections of toxin and living germs, hence they are at once antitoxic and bactericidal. The true antitoxic sera (examples—tetanus anti- toxin, diphtheria antitoxin) have within themselves the necessary material for neutralizing toxins; they produce a passive immunity, 2.e., an immmunity arising without effort on the part of the organism: an immunity from without, and this immunity is fleeting. Bacterial vaccines (bacterins) increase the op- sonins (Greek Opsono, I prepare for food) ; these are constituents of the bloom-serum which enfeeble the invading bacteria, and thus render them a more ready prey to the phagocytes (fighting cells). By stimulating the defensive organization of the animal body they increase its resistance, and thus enable it to combat the disease more readily and successfully. The immunity they produce is active, 7.e., from within, and is much more prolonged than that pro- duced by the use of the immunizing sera. The diagnostic toxins usually produce three char- acteristic reactions : 1. A thermic reaction. Elevation of temperature. 2. A local reaction. More or less pronounced swelling at the point of injection. 3. A constitutional reaction. The patient is evi- dently unwell, chills or rigors may occur, the appetite BACTERIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS USED S) be diminished or lost, the hair stands the wrong way and the animal is listless and indifferent to his surroundings. These reactions differ for different toxins and in different animals; thus, when using old tuberculin in making the usual subcutaneous test, the thermic reaction is usually the only one in evidence, although individual cattle may show swelling at the point of injection, or exhibit symptoms of general malaise, while “ophthalmic tuberculin”? and “ intradermal tuberculin ” usually give rise to local reactions only. Mallein usually causes all three reactions, the de- gree of swelling and the constitutional condition being perhaps of greater diagnostic value than the rise in temperature. True Vaccines—Examples—anthrax vaccine and black-leg vaccine. These furnish active immunity by giving the animal the disease in a mild form, the enfeebled germs increase the opsonizing powers of the blood-serum, thus rendering themselves a ready prey to the defensive cells of the body. In many cases this immunity is life-long, and one of the interesting questions to be answered in the future is why this induced active immunity persists for years. As in naturally-acquired disease, the subjects of immunization by vaccines may present more or less evidences of sickness, although these are rarely well marked, and usually are not to be demonstrated by ordinary diagnostic methods. | The value of bacterial therapy will always be 6 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK augmented or diminished in proportion to the methods followed in its application. To ensure the greatest measure of success, we must, so far as pos- sible, conform to the following conditions: 1. Only preparations of ascertained activity may be employed. 2. They must be administered in proper dosage. 3. They must be used early in the attack of dis- ease, not as a last resort after other medication has failed. 4. Rigid antisepsis must be employed in their administration. 5. When protective agents such as anthrax or black-leg vaccines are given, the stock must be kept off infected pasture or premises until the process of immunization is completed. 6. Hog-cholera serum must be given in over- rather than under-dosage. No harm can accrue from an over-dose, while failure is invited if we attempt to limit the cost by cutting down the dose. 7. Unless conditions forbid, bacteriological rem- edies should be used by the only persons qualified to use them—physicians or veterinarians. To en- trust their use to unskilled hands is always unwise, and usually unprofitable. The veterinarian should superintend their use, or, better, use them himself, and the druggist will serve his own and his cus- tomer’s best interest by confining their use so far as may be to professional hands. BACTERIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS USED 7 8. The druggist can, by acquiring a little knowl- edge of bacterial therapy, help his community and incidentally increase his business. Wounds of men or animals may become infected with tetanus bacilli, immunization with tetanus arititoxin is safe and cer- tain. ends in failure. Treatment of established tetanus all too often It will therefore be evident that the druggist may do great service by suggesting the value of immunization against that disease whenever the opportunity arises THE APPROXIMATE INCUBATIVE PERIOD OF THE MORE COMMON CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF ANIMALS a I-14 days ee 3— 5 days Contagious Bovine Pleuro- reramOmia,............ 7-30 days. Distemper—Canine....... 2-15 days. 1. 6 15-30 days. Foot-and-Mouth Disease... 2-11 days. ewe nelcta............. 34— 2 days. Ge 3- 5 days. Hemorrhagic Septicemia...¥%4— 2 days. EMOMOICTA.,.......-.... 3-30 days. Influenza (Pink Eye) Equine 3- 7 days. N Malignant Gidema........ one Rabies: 0 eae 20-60 days. ee, J... .- «1s «+ 30-00 days. ee on ge pa nes 15-60 days. Swine Bee ee «2.2 25-30 days, See es... Lt... ..-15-21 days. Retest... ............ 3- 9 days. Strangles. Colt Distemper. 1- 8 days. Swine Erysipelas.......... I- 7 days MeeSIG.).,.--..-----+--- 5-20 days Tuberculosis—Bovine..... 7-50 days. Authority Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Law. Law. Hutyra and Marek. Lynch Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek. Hutyra and Marek, 8 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK It must always be kept in mind that while bac- teriological remedies are adapted to the control of a specific ailment (examples—diphtheria antitoxin to diphtheria, tetanus antitoxin to tetanus, antistrep- tococcus serum to disease caused by streptococci) they are not specific in the sense that they always cure the affections for which they are prescribed, and prescriber and dispenser should take pains to educate the lay public on this matter. They are the logical remedies to use, we can usually attain better results from them than by the use of any other therapeutic measures, but they will sometimes fail us when perhaps we have good reason to believe that success will follow their use. As they are, most of them, expensive, it 1s to themimteress: alike of druggist and veterinarian to make this point clear. PRESCRIPTION WRITING Medicines should always be formally prescribed and the ability to write a neat, intelligible and compatible prescription will be of considerable ser- vice to the young practitioner of veterinary medicine. It will allow the dispensing druggist to say that, whatever other qualifications the veterinarian pos- sesses, he has evidently been a diligent student of materia medica and therapeutics, and will impress the more intelligent portion of his clientele with the idea that their veterinarian is a person of some gen- eral culture, even though his “ little Latin and less PRESCRIPTION WRITING 9 Greek” find sole expression in the correct setting down of the ingredients of a prescription. It has often been suggested that the practice of writing prescriptions in a dead language (Latin) should be made unlawful, and the following are some of the reasons why, in the opinion of the sponsors of the suggestion, all orders on the drug- gist from the physician or veterinarian should be written in English: 1. That mistakes would be less likely to occur. 2. That the patient or the owner of an ailing animal should know what he or his was taking, ana, inferentially, sit in judgment thereon. 3. That an order in English could be communi- cated verbally to the druggist, who would then furnish the ingredients at retail prices, the owner adding the necessary diluent—thus decreasing the cost of the remedy. The first contention may be dismissed with a word: careless people will make errors alike in Latin and English, while errors on the part of the careful practitioner will be rare in whatever language he expresses his wants. The second position is hardly tenable ; indeed, it is usually better for an individual not to know what he is taking and it is unquestionably of no advantage to the owner of a sick animal to know even the names of the drugs prescribed by the attending veterinarian. To the layman they are but names, and he is not concerned in the methods employed; the only way 10 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK he can judge of the propriety of their administra- tion is by the results attained. He pays the doctor to do his thinking and it is the part of wisdom to let him do it without interference. That English should be employed for the sole purpose of allowing the purchaser to plumb the depths of the difference in price between an ounce of castor oil bought on a verbal order over the counter, and the same amount of the drug included in a formal prescription, is nonsense. Prescribing is a scientific function of the veter- inarian ; dispensing, of the druggist ; each is engaged in the practice of a branch of the healing art and he is entitled to a pecuniary reward proportionate to the service rendered. The advocates of prescription-writing in English should further remember that a prescription written in Latin can be dispensed in any part of the civilized world without the necessity of employing a linguist to interpret it. This alone should constitute a suffi- cient reason for the retention of the present method. When writing a prescription we must determine the most suitable drug or drugs for the case before us, consider whether or no any of them have “ side actions” of such character as to preclude their use, add to these principal ingredients other remedies that may increase their therapeutic activity or lessen undesirable effects, together with a suitable men- struum or diluent, consider their compatibility, and prescribe a proper dosage. PRESCRIPTION WRITING 11 The properly trained practitioner will be careful to do all this according to certain rules of art and will divide his prescription into the necessary number of parts to form a harmonious whole. These are: The superscription—the heading; the inscription—the names and quantities of the in- gredients; the subscription—the directions to the druggist; the signa—the directions to the patient; and lastly the name of the prescriber. To these necessities the careful prescriber will add the name of the patient and the date, and it is well to place the printed address of the practitioner on the prescription blank to facilitate reference to him if such be needed. A prescription may consist of one or several in- gredients, and while at the present day we discourage the writing of shotgun prescriptions, it is always well to ask ourselves whether a combination of drugs will give us better results than a single remedy. If nothing is to be gained by additions to the drug that most commends itself to our judgment, the employment of others constitutes a useless, if not detrimental, poly pharmacy. If, on the contrary, we prefer a combination of remedies, we must not be deterred from their use by any consideration of therapeutic fashion. If, for example, we desire to prescribe a purgative bolus for Mr. Smith’s horse, we proceed much as follows: 12 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK At the top of the prescription we write: For Mr. Smith’s Bay Horse; below that at the left we place the superscription—the familiar crossed R. This may be translated as recipe—take—but it is really the ancient invocation to Jupiter, “O Jupiter, aid us,” and its preservation to our day is an illustration of the conservatism of the practitioners of the heal- ing art. Below this comes the inscription, and if the prescription consists of several ingredients we must be careful to place them in an accustomed sequence. First the base or most active ingredient; second the adjunct or aid to action; third, the corrigent or cor- rective deemed necessary to correct or qualify cer- tain actions of the more active ingredients; and, lastly, the vehicle or diluent added to form them into a mass or liquid. Next in order are directions to the compounder then the directions for administration, and, lastly, the prescriber’s signature. Thus we write: For Mr. SmitH’s Bay Horse KR Aloe pulwis7 ar a sanwiee sedog ee eae Base Hydrargyri chloride Mite, gr.X. Adjuvant Zino weris! PUbViS, 3]. .s. aes bene. ce Corrective AT CORO EES ois et cho er eee ae Vehicle Aquz 4a q.s. ft. massa. M. ft. bolus No. j. Siena bn ere ck cas Cee ee Give immediately Jan. 1, 5Ors. J. Jones; Vise PRESCRIPTION WRITING 13 SOME LATIN PHRASES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS Word or Phrase. Abbreviation. Translation. ES ee To, up to. eeENIEITH. 52.5. 12.16 8 WS ee ae At pleasure. Siamese Oiveices...-2-|-........-.....| Lhe vial being shaken. 0 Sa Sa Every other hour. oo eee PASO Ake oe oun Of each. Aqua bulliens...... JaVo[s)ojcUheaee sees Boiling water. etia fervens....... PAG ROE 3 50.5 3,00 Hot water. nS Two days. os. je S88 SS Twice. fei G@icS. 5....... Bisma ds 3 oes. Twice daily. Beaeietmiatl..c..-..| Cap.......... ype let him (or her) take. IAC scicc disc o's « Cleans Ae ae aD A paper (medicated). Meru. ...-...... (Charts sspnMer.|) Go itile’ paper for a powder. Peeps se. fs MOURA asaya ee © Food. Cochleare amplum..| Coch. amp....| A tablespoonful. Cochleare magnum..| Coch. mag....| A tablespoonful. Cochleare modicum.} Coch. mod....| A dessertspoonful. Cochleare parvum...| Coch. parv....}| A teaspoonful. lho a Wolly arc s4 An eye wash. Sraemane sumendis|.............. To be taken to-morrow morning. SS i Lee soe Oa| LOamorrow might: ES ee ee To-morrow evening. eee eijusibet....| Cuj.........- Of which; of any. 8 Sa In a cup of tea. Cyathus; cyathus Wiggs. .s....s. Cyath. c.vinar.| A wineglass. eerecuue. ........ MAC cots ane ase’ Give; let be given. De die in diem...... BWeldin dio. From day to day. i Os Vos Bean eee ot One half. stare oc cess AO ns ee Divide (thou). Donec alvus soluta 5 eee Until the bowels shall be moved (opened). ere While the pain lasts. PeMSGe. o>. ..-.... BUS «2 eee utes The same. 14 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK SOME LATIN PHRASES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS—Continued Word or Phrase. Et “eee eee e eer eevee Gradatim Guttatim Hora somni oeeee eee ee ee ee oer eevee eee oe ec eee evee eeceee eee ee ee Injiciatur enema.... In pulmento aes eeeeee eee ee ee eo Mitte. mittatur..... Nox; noctis Nocte maneque Oleum lini sine igne. Omni hora eee eee eee Omniquadrantehore Onmnt mane... 18 Omni nocte....t.. Partes zequales eee ee eeceee ere es ee ee we ee Per fistulam vitretum. Phiala prius agitata. Poculum; pocillum. , Pondus civile Pondus medicinale Primo mane ele ee ee ee ee ewe ew Abbreviation. Translation. And. Let it be made accord- ing to art. Gradually, by degrees. Drop by drop. Just before retiring. The same. Daily. Let a clyster be given. In gruel. Between. Very early in the morning. Mix. Send, let it be sent. Night. At night and in the morning. Tite GER the ene Cold-drawn linseed oil. Every hour. Omi bihes. Every two hours. | Omn.quad.hor.| Every quarter of an hour. Every morning. Every night. ELS. a nae eaceee ce @ 0,6» 0 © 0 « 6 00 © Ce se eee eee eee eee oo ee eee ee ee eee eoceeeee ee ee eee eeee eee ee eee oe e eee eee ee eee eee ee we we we eee ew oc e ee eee eee eee scene vee Equal parts. bates Bate pa cnn Through, by. FE SUN CNN Mian aoa Through a glass tube. Pe. P Asal The bottle having first been shaken. A cup; a little cup. Civil. (Commercial or avoirdupois weight.) Medicinal (Apothe- caries’) weight. Very early in the morn- Pott) pocill; .. cece eer eee eee eee PRESCRIPTION WRITING 15 SOME LATIN PHRASES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS—Continued Word or Phrase. Abbreviation. Translation. Pmemerrione etatis... |... 2.2.0... According to age. Peneotade de... -| P.T......... According to circum- stances, occasionally. Quantum sufficiat or emai eee. CESS Se ee a a Asmuchasis sufficient. Quaqua hora....... COT aie is atetdiseet Every hour. 2 Ce OVO... 2s. 5.| wach or every. Memes GUaOr: . }... 2... ee es. The fourth; four. 8S ee From which. Mme GUINLUS... |... ........-. Five; the fifth. Shemini. 15. es. Duenr ss weiss Of which. ES ee Daily oe 8 EE Fresh BPSIGE eee Hg hash cache Crees Take Redigatur in pul- EAs cs Sas «> Redig. in pulv. | Let it be reduced tc powder. Repetatur; repetan- il PRGDG SS bisins Let it (them) be re- peated. SURREY a. eee ss ss Ga ber tes wiee A box. Sener ATUCIN. 22. bs meee. wes ds According to art. Sremtesis OF semis... .| OS............ A half. Semidrachma....... SISISATCOn omen are A half dram. Gra ees... | oemih........ A half hour. 5 OS ee Seven. 8) 8 6 ee A week. ES So. Is itso? oy i OF SIONS o aicta Sign or mark (thou). Signetur nomine pro- Seen Let it be labelled with its proper name. 0 ena Together. a ea Without. Singulorum......... SSM teat, task ads Of each. eee If necessary. Si vires permittant..| Si vir. perm...| If the strength will permit. 16 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK SOME LATIN PHRASES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS— Continued Word or Phrase. Sa Citation LCL. SUE My won eran Siimat taleme.. es = Ter die, or ter in die. Tere simatil yes. de Ultimo prescriptus. . Wt dicta tae re WAGeIIS Is st) eo pees Vitello ovi solutus.. . Vomitione urgente. . Abbreviation. ole eee ee es © © © © 8 ow 8 eo) sil eliet ‘ey ee) ah ial ay Tole, CO Oa OOo oe Oo OOo i Ciciaee star 2) (6) Je\a)| me} @) ©) 6) (8 (01 9) 6) Ve, Cr e) ‘ote! oy 0! (0) jefe le) 8: fe, 6) \ejt a. Translation. Immediately. Let it (them) stand. Let there be taken one like this. Above. .| A tablet or lozenge. Three times a day. Rub together. A troche. A cough. The last ordered. As directed. To be used. A glass vessel. A vehicle. Or. The yolk (of an egg). Dissolved in the yolk of an egg. The vomiting being troublesome. pT ag eB ON ene a ag ELE ne, Te coe te UE RL CS PRESCRIPTION WRITING STRENGTH OF U.S.P. TINCTURES COMMONLY USED IN VETERINARY MEDICINE IO per cent. Tinctura Aconiti Radicis Tinctura Belladonne foliorium Tinctura Benzoini com- posita Tinctura Cannabis Tinctura Cantharidis Tinctura Capsici Tinctura Cinchone Com- posita Tinctura Colchici Semi- nis Tinctura Digitalis Tinctura Gelsemii Tinctura Gentiane Com- posita Tinctura Hyoscyami Tinctura Kino Tinctura Lobelize Tinctura Nux Vomica Tinctura Opii Tinctura Physostigmatis Tinctura Sanguinarie Tinctura Scille Tinctura Stramonii Tinctura Strophanthi Tinctura Veratrum Viride 20 per cent. Tinctura Benzoine | Tinctura Opii Tinctura Calumbze Tinctura Cinchonze Other strengths. Cam phorata. vo of I per cent. pow- dered opium. TincturaCinnamomi| Limetura Ferri Chloridi. Tinctura Guaiaci Tinctura Guaiaci Ammoniata Tinctura Hydrastis Tinctura Myrrhe Tinctura Quassiz Tinctura Rhei Tinctura Rhei Aro- matica Tinctura Tolutanti Tinctura Valerianze Tinctura Valeriane Ammoniata Tinctura Zingiberis 4.58 per cent. to 4.48 per cent. Metallic iron. Tinctura Jodi. Not less than 6.75 gm. Not more than 7.25 gm.in I00 c.c. Tinctura Lavandule Composita. Contains 8 parts per 1000 essential oil of lavender. Tinctura Moschi, 5 Cents per Tinctura Aurantii, Dul- cis 5 per cent. Tinctura Cardamomi, 15 per cent. 18 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK DOSE TABLE OF DRUGS COMMONLY USED IN VET- ERINARY MEDICINE CALCULATED FOR THE HORSE, COW, SHEEP, FOAL, CALF, PIG AND DOG For the Cat the Smallest Dosage for the Dog will Usually be Appropriate The doses herein laid down are safe, but the prescriber and dispenser must understand that many, indeed most, of the drugs may be given in much larger quantity without injury, indeed with benefit. The dose of any therapeutic agent may be defined as the amount that will give us the desired result in a given case, and it will, therefore, be apparent that a posological table can only help us by suggestion— it cannot be authoritative. If, for example, we would lower blood-pressure and select aconite as our therapeutic weapon, the dose will be the amount necessary to gain our end; whether we use more or less than the amount advised in a text-book is of no moment. Similarly, when giving morphia for the relief of pain, our endeavor must be to so feel our way as to relieve the symptom (pain) with the minimum possible amount of the remedy (morphia). If we are timid we allow our patient to undergo unnecessary suffering; if over-bold, we may, while relieving his distress, leave him so deeply narcotized as to endanger his well-being. These illustrations might be indefinitely multiplied, but they will suffice to demonstrate that dosage is elastic. It must also be understood that the doses recommended pre-sup- pose drugs of standard quality, the official stand- PRESCRIPTION WRITING 19 ards being those adopted by the Pharmacopceia of the United States and The National Formulary. To these we may add non-official standards adopted by certain manufacturers, whose work is necessarily somewhat ahead of even the latest editions of the official standards. A single example will suffice: the Pharmacopceia of the United States requires Fluidextract of Bella- donna Root to be of such strength that: 1 c.c. of finished product represents 1 Gm. of root; 100 c.c. of finished product contains 4 Gm. mydriatic alkaloids. The first requirement ensures a determinate pro- portion between crude drug and finished product, but it will be seen that the therapeutic activity of the root is not passed upon; if the gramme of crude drug is weak the cubic centimetre of finished product is weak; if strong the fluidextract is strong, and as chemical analysis and physiological testing demon- strate that drugs vary in activity, the first require- ment gives no assurance of value of the remedy. The Pharmacopceia removes this uncertainty by requiring a definite proportion of mydriatic alkaloids (active constituents of the drug) and the manufacturer can concentrate a weak product or dilute one too strong and supply a preparation of standard strength, a standardized product. Much therapeutic nihilism has resulted from the inferior quality of the crude drugs and galenical preparations employed and it is the duty alike of prescriber and dispenser to assure them- selves of the quality of ingredients in prescriptions. A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 20 *eIsou -BeyN 2 WOIT Jo syesg ‘I9]8 MM SULIT :SsozOpIyUy “s[eUIIUe [Te 04 WIN}Iq!] pe UsAIsoq ABI SOJON wis 90°-£0° ‘uid 9'-£° "us O°-£° "us 7-1 ‘uid c-I HO“H—9O jousyd ploy oroqre) {—ss *13 X-A ‘13 x-A *13 XXX-—AX ‘13 XXX—AX ‘13 umnoljoqieg wnpoy ‘UIs c—-E'T eog'*H Ploy cog ss —xx ‘13 uinollog wnpnoy ‘uIs 1-€° "us V—z ‘us V-z wis SI-g us SI-g 70° H“OH ullmefueg JO SI9MO[\y ploy olozuag AX-A ‘13 (C-ss¢ fC-sse ATE -(1€ At¢ -[1€ umnorozueg UWINnplioy ux8900'-c00" “W3 Z1*-90" a uid €*-90 tO’ Y oIUSSIY 971 MA ploy snoussiy 01/08 /,°13 (1-[ "13 Af *13 umnsouesly ploy “WB 9 -£ a w 9-b ‘us ZI-g w3 ZI-g ZONfI HID uljooeusyq X ‘I3—A ‘13 yoeigmeecns -[¢ fire -[1¢ fre -(1¢ uIprjaueydyooy uw Sz ‘us ms bz ‘us 8-7 ‘us 98-7 O"°H20HNSH0 prrueyoy TA-[It *13 [¢-ssg fre—-l¢ fre-£¢ WInprIUeoV eee Sess o1qely uns eloeoy 30q stg moym | wey MOD aslo snip jo owen ‘ajeridoiddy oq Aljensp [IM Bod oy} JO} asvsod jsSe][VMg 94} }¥D 94} JO" "90d ANV Old ‘ATVO “IVOd ‘daaHS ‘MOO ‘AaSUOH AHL YOU CALVINIOTVO ANIIGAW AYVNIMALAA NI CaSO ATINOWWOO Sondd AO AIAVL ASOd _——— [eoj ‘jTeo els A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 22 *2°2 Z—9° ‘9'0 P=z "0'0 V-z *o°0 ST—§ *0'd 8-7 LSO'I "D'S PV. CaN sD uiny "197eM YUM payniqd | ss —xi fg-ssg [g-ssg age | me-f¢ | -nnq umom_ umproy : 35 [=e “9°90 bz ‘O° SI-g °0°H "OH PvE vase Axdi—Ai fC -ss¢ Arg -{1€ uinojoe77 Wnploy ‘2° Z°—-QO" *o°0 €> —ZI° SOO) StS ‘SO OS-E1 (010 O7S=E°E O2H UI NOH Uonnjos %z RISY Sissi ploy oueA001pA PY oanjig LEDGE *A[SNOTINVS 9Sf (1-1 A—fr i AXx—Aiil [x-xxi [X-xxil | winoiueADOIPAY wnpoy “2° 7-9" "2°O be "o°D Vz "a" SI-g ‘oo 8-1 OSOiies 5) 6 POY SOT YOoIpA Ff ONG Tana SEA Re EE ME Xxx—xi fg -ss¢ fg -ss¢ AIg -f1g fg —[e Woo] yIoIpAH unproy “uid €°1-€° "us c—9" 3 v-z ‘us SI-g ‘3 SI-g ploy o[ey XX—A °13 ss -x 13 fC -ss¢ ATE -[1¢ ATg -[1€ undoes) UNnpDoy *ui3 Z—9° ‘us V—-z “us V-z ‘us SI-g "ws SI-g 10° HO) *H Py Sha) ss¢ —-x 13 fg -ss¢ [g-ss¢ Arg —frg Arg -g Ee ay, = OF7H=% 01+ ooqregphoy SACRE eS) Ploy ooqred peyenbryT sul][eVJSAIO JO yey} uinjoejonbr'yT UeYy4 Jes1e] 9[141] e BSOq winoloqieg wnploy SOON 30q 31g Ee ae MOD OSIOFT Snip jo owen ——— ell ee | _——— ———— _——— em A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 24 ————— eee ‘ums 7-9" ‘us b-z ss€ -x ‘13 {€ -ss¢ a “uIs I-90° ‘us 7—-9° Ax-—f ‘13 ss€ -x ‘13 2°90 g-z ‘O° 8-7 “IoyeM YA peqnyiq fig —ssg rg -£¢ O70 I-€ "OD Z-I I9yeM YIM poeqn{ip [JOM Ax—Ail ss¢ —Axii 0°90 Z—-g" o°0 P-z *IoyeM YIM ponyiq ss —xi {€ —ss¢ "2°90 Z-9° "9°D. 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*O'D Of-SI sully jo ayeyd -soydojoe7y 243 Jo dnidg styzeydsoyd © Ate -[¢ fe —are -oyoeT siojeg sndnisg ‘ms SI-z ‘us of-P ‘us OZI-09 |'uWIs OzI-09 Inyd]ng jo sisMoypy Arg -ss€ fe-lg Arg —{1g ATE —f1¢ uinyeurlqng mmyding “WI S$1-z ‘us Of-V7 ‘wis OZI-09 |'uIs OzI-09 Inyd[ng poeyeqyidiosig AIg —ss¢ fe-[¢ ATE -[1¢ ATg —{1¢ unjzeydioerg myd[ng ‘us SI-z ‘us Of-V7 ‘us OZI-OQ |*WIs OZI-0g = ay >. inyd[ng poeyse A ATG -ss¢ re-l¢ Arg -[1¢ arg -[1¢ wnjoT myding "ud ‘ws€0°'-SIO* |*uIs60'-£0° |'uIs60°-£0" O*7HS $100°—S000° + FOS*E?2 (2O*N BED) “30p 94} eIuyoAIIS Jo ayeydins Ioy osesop 77Mf SI SIV L OF /;—021/;°13 3/;-* /,°13 SSI-SS ‘13 SSI-SS ‘13 seyd[ng x2urmyoAsys ‘oo SI-7 *d"9 OQ-OF “9"9 09-O0£ ‘2°90Z1I-09 *2°907I-09 joyooye %oS-o9bv ynoqy Apurig FEST EGE Arg -[¢ fre -£e me-(g ATE —[1 ATE —{1 TOHTED TIA snzrsidg oh) z-1 "o°d V-z ‘o°o Y-z *O°d O€-SI 9°0 SI-g ay yulutieddeg Jo souessq “PIAL XxXxX—AXxi fg -ss¢ fg -ss¢ fg-ssg AIg-M¢ = jeqriedig eye snyimidg SoJON 30q SIg Rares MOD esIOTT snip Jo owen — — —— a ‘daoqs A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 94 ‘us 3-7 fre-f¢ ‘us g-b frg—l¢ i ——_ —— jyooy uollepueqg me-£e umnoexele T njoy jo dnidsg Iueynjoy sndniAg — ff | TIInbg jo dniAsg ZING sndniAés a ef | dniAQ dsAIH{s S,xXOO [IiInbsjodniAgpunoduiog snq -Isodurog &][I0g sndniAg ovoed] Jo dnidss w#yuenovoady sndnisg Xxxx—Aill *.'d b-z [¢-ss¢ So10ON 30q BIg free *2°0 9-7 [eoy ‘jTeo ‘daeys OOD ‘9° Of-ST eprIpoy Snoiioy Jo yYys1Iem Aq %S uol] JO epIpoy jo dniAS fe-arg IPIPOT HWieyq sndnisg ewry jo dniAg stoyeg sndnids aslo snip jo sweN ee ——_—_—————— ——— ooo ——_____ ——_________—__ _ oo —— ——__ ____—_. Jeo} ‘TBO rdaseg A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 96 —— ee *I0JeM qyuM peinIp ysem eueg s,predosyT S82] Se A[[eute1x9 pesn evoluly jo ainqoury, ‘A][euIEyUI pesn Ajere ry : Soluly einjoury, *O°D B-Z *O°D O£—-ST ‘O°O O€-SI *0°90Z1I—-09 *2°907ZI—-09 stqejolidoig IIXI[W ‘o0T{OvVId ATeUurIEJaA YIIAW UI SUISSeID punoMm pue seojy jo sinyoury e se pesn Ajesiey fr¢ -ss¢ fE-ss€ iG-sse ATE -[1e ATE-M1E |xyIIAy] 39 soopy einqoury, [1919 —x- 20D S"1—e- 950) S51" "0° Q-1 ‘o°D V-E°1 eurg SJIOM ayiuooy jo sinjoury, x—[ri xx—Ail xx-Ai sst¢ -[€ fC —xxi IyIWoOoYy PvInjoULy, , "uI3s I-90" "ums g-z ‘us g-z OF ID Ax—[ ‘13 rg -ssg [1g -ssg jowAyL "ud €°1—-€" ‘us Y-I "us V-I "us g—z "US g-—z TO*H + *(HO)# HID djEIPAY surdiayz XX—A ‘13 fC —Ax ‘13 fC -Ax ‘13 {t¢ —ss¢ {t¢ —ss€ seIpAP tuidio yz, "WIS O°7-E°1 ‘uIs 06-0€£ euljUedIny, epeuedg [X-xx ‘13 fre -[¢ SISUSPEUCD VUIYIUIGele Ty *O°9 I-€° "O° V-Z *o°0 Vz ‘o'o VZ-g ‘2°O VZ-g SIFT “01g suIqelay, Ax—All fg -ss¢ £¢ -ssg TAG -[1¢ fag -1g umnusqeiay, [eoj ‘yyeo SOON 80q BIg ‘deoyg MOD aslo snip jo swey SOJON | snip jo owen A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 98 “2°D Q-z ‘a9 O£-SI ‘2° O£-8 fre —ss¢ fE-ss¢ fe-¢e “rayeM WIA oIn -JOUT} 94} ON] Ip 03 pue ‘oo F -& *o°d P-E ‘o°o be" 3 WIA [IO BFP] B OATS O} [JPM ST AI STeuTue 03 TOISdey “JOULT, SUTAIS UT ce —atu ce —at fC —Am ‘o°O I-cI° Ax—[Tti *9°9 7-9" ss¢ —xi *g0TqzOeId AreullajoaA Ur sur -ssolp PuNnOM ® se pas ‘O"'O P-z “O° SI-g ‘O° SI-g [g-ss¢ Arg -1¢ Arg -1¢ ‘o"o g-& xxx-All Boj ‘Teo S910N 30q 31g Bee BS a ‘o'd O£-SI fg-ssg *O"d O£-SI [g-ss¢ “9° OQ—-OF£ fe -£¢ nyoayeO jo omyoury nyoayeg vinqouly *a°D OG-O£F ‘o"o SI-g Jaddag suuaAeg uinoisdeg jo ainjoury, mele arg -f1g joisde emyoury, "O° SI-g A] ystueds saplieyyueg jo oinjoury sIpleyquedy eimjoury dwayy uerpuy jo omyoury BOIpuy Siqeuuey vinyjoury ulesjeg S, Jey ulozueg jo ommjoury punodurog snyisod -WOog lulozueg evinjoUTy ‘o°d O£F-ST uluefuseg jo simyoury ulozueg jo ainqoury, TUIOZUI eINjoOULy rg -ss¢ apeysiysIn A[pead SOAvdT euuopeljeag jo oinjoury WNJOTONy wuuopry[eg einjoury MOD aSIOPT Snip jo suey __ ee eee en. EL A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 100 *A|JeUIOUI pesn AjoIeYy SOJON "d°D 9-z "O°O O£-SI Arg —f1e ‘o"D OF-SI ‘2°D0z7I-09 *2°9 O9—-O£ fg-ss€ ATE -[1E fre-f¢ o°o SI-g *2I90zZI-Of£ ‘a°907TI-O£ Arg -{1¢ Arg —fE Arg —e = ‘o'9 Of-SI fE-sse 3°39 Of-8 fe —-fi¢" 2°9 OQ—-O£ rete [eOF ‘J[evo ‘days MOD dsIOY oury jo ainqoury ouTy einjoury QUIPOT JO ainjoury Ipoy einyjoury ouequeTy snuieAosoAPy Jo ainjouly TureAOSOAPy VINJOUTTL, uerques) jo oimjyoury, punodurog snjisod -WOD wueiyuer eimyoury ouTusef MOTTA X uintures[ex) JO aInzoUTy, Tutes]as) BINJOULT, uoIges MopEayy Peas winorysjod) JO aInqoury SIUTUIaS IOTYO[OD eingoury yieg jooinjourys weyxnpy euoyouly jo aimjourl, punodurog snqisod -Wl0*d BUOYOUTD vinjoury, snip Jo owen 4 101 DOSE TABLE OF DRUGS A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 102 ‘us Y-9" ‘ud g-P ‘ws 3g-V ‘m3 09-O0£F ‘wd 09-0F yOOY UvIIale A [¢ -x "13 fre -[¢ re -[¢ fe-¢ e-¢ eUuRLIOle A "Ot T—e* *0'O SI-V ‘o'o SI-g *O°0 O£-STI *O'O O£-SI e10qa|[a}] UssIn uInJ}eVI9 A JO dIN4oULy, Ax—Alt AIg-£ Arg -f1g fg -ssg [g-ss¢ 1yes0 A vINqoULy, "9°90 Q'-ZI" ‘o'o S1-P snyyueydo.sys jooinyoury, x—( rit AIg -[¢ TyyueYydo1g einqzoury y = *O"'0 Z-£° *0°O ZI-9 ‘0D 06-SP ‘o'o Sb-vz “ [IIMDg jo sinyoury xxx—Ai frg—-ssig | fig -ssrg xg -[ag BING enjoury < ae ‘o'D £°1-Z" ‘o'D g-L ‘o'd SI-g *9°9 06-09 "0° 09-O£ wnuepney (uinido peiopmod % or) winidg jo sinyoury, xx—f 1rd hg-f¢e Arg —ftg fire —f1g fre-f¢ ndQ vanqoury, ate} “g°0 S1-P IXIA W1Os91eg uinidg jo ainjouly, peyeroyduresg 2412 Ag -[¢ -1oydured dQ einyoury "2'O V-z "0'0 VZ-8 ‘0'O VZ-ZI *0"D 09-OF£ *0'0 O9-O£ YAIA JO 9inqoury Cg -ssg fag -[1g fag -(ug re-£¢ tree @yIIAW vanyoury, SOJON B0q BIg Cece MOD OSIOTT Snip jo oweyy —— el A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 104 “AO YSIYM 399 ‘yysueljs joy -Oo[e S41 04 94eU0TZIOd joyooje %oz-%L WOOL] SUIUTEJUOD S}InIj wioij Ajjysour sionbiy{ peyuemiey Aj[einjeNn OUI WHUTA -Oid esesOop UI UsATX [eUIIpe yl *0°D Z1°—9O° Ti—-1at oededyT JO SUI fe) ke) oda ‘O°d V-1 fC —axt eyuenoeoedy] wnul A "219 Z—9* *o°D O£-ZI *O°9 O£-ZI pees WNdTYOIOD Jo sul Xxx—xill fe —firg fe —-Mg SIULTISS 1oIgojoD Tar LEB Den ‘O° Z1°*—-9O" ri STS PEO cE, OIOU AL O° Ye" c¢ —atu MUOWIUY UINUT A "m13 90°-900° |"WId £°I-9° ‘m3 Z-£°1 ‘m3 V—Z ‘wus V—-z slOqe][aH{ UseeI4 {—01/,"13 XX—X ‘13 XXX-XxX ‘13 fC -ss¢ {¢ -ss¢ OplllA UINI4eII A ‘ws zI'-€o° |"uid Z1*-f0° SUIIZeIO A {I-ss “13 fI-ss ‘13 eUulIzeIO A SoJON 20q Bid Cee MOD aslo Snip Jo owen ee ‘daays A VETERINARY HANDBOOK 106 ‘uid I-€° AX-—A ‘13 TeUroipe yy Z°-ZI1° fi—1r *13 orjourg fu-fr +38 SOON 30q ‘us 3-7 fe -£¢ "UI £°1-9" XX—X ‘Id Bid ‘m3 3-LV frg—-f¢ ‘wis £€*1-9° XX—X “Id yeoj ‘jv9 ‘daays ‘ws g-V ‘3 O7I-O£ Arg —f¢ fre —f¢ ng —-¢ MOD ‘U3 Of-g fe-¢ "us g-V free fre Cg as1OF] JesuIy JOqIsUulZ O?H4+ FOSUZ [OMIA UTM ourZ jo ayeydinsg seydjng 10urz oUurZ JO epIxO IPIXQ TOUTZ O*H2+ *(0%H70) UZ QUIZ JO 9}e}00V SeyoY UIT snip jo owen ——— —— oo ——$—$——$_—— [eos ‘je dese Chlorine cautiously inhaled. Fresh air and artificial respiration; Artificial respiration; tongue drawn intermittent pressure over cardiac region if heart action 108 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES Poisonous Gases Sulphuretted Hydrogen Chlorine, Bromine..... Se eea ce Lea Todine* Vapor soe. viaien St ne ered Ammonia V apot... vss + Vinegar vapor. Carbon Monoxide...... : transfusion. NitrorsiOxidery, 0.9). forward; failing. CoaliiGag) wien tee) Action Charcoal) Fumes ce. oy ; Carpomic ACiC. wee vies Gals oes eens: Acids Sybilho}aubhatras AVesGI dings | aia ly drochioric ieidiiw, 2. INT ETc ZACAGIE Vela bate cute Oxalic Acidand Oxalates. artaric ACidh eins Acetic ACId She pk: Hydrocyanic Acid...... Potassium Cyanide..... Alkalies Potassium Oxide and @arbonater ca eae Sodium Oxide and Car- (0) ovale Wile earegg tytn i UnaN | Ammonium Solution... Calcium Oxide........ a aS SSS SSS = | respiration. ' Alternate warm and cold douches to the head and neck. Encourage cir- culation by friction. Mustard plasters over surface. Alkalies; sodium or potassium bi- carbonate. Magnesia: chalk, plaster. Soap, milk, eggs whisked. Olive or almond oils. The alkalinity of the blood im- paired by acids is restored by intravenous injection of sodium bicarbonate. Chalk, whiting or wall plaster, with water. Alternate cold and warm affusions. Artificial respiration. Atropine injection, repeated every half hour. Mixed proto and per salts of iron, magnesia. Vinegar; lemon juice. Other dilute acids. Milk; oil. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES 109 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES— Continued Vegetable Drugs, Alka- oids, Ete. Ny on co es et a ammonia. Digitalis; atropine; warmth. Acorns;OakShoots. Fern| Oil: salines: laxative dict. EIEN RG, ok os so es Anesthetics Chloroform, ether, etc. PATOL «ots. a's oe a Atropine: Belladonna.... Hyoscyamus........ Stramonium..... Prati palts...:...... Calabar Bean: Physostygmine MrmipuAtiges........... Carbolic Acid 0 an { Strong coffee and cold douches to the head. Artificial respiration. Cold douche to head and neck. In patients that do not vomit, wash out the stomach with tannic or gallic acids, followed by milk, white of egg, or other demulcents. Wash out the stomach with large amount of warm water, intro- duced by stomach syphon or | [ | | pump. Give dogs zinc sulphate or other emetic. Iron oxide, moist, made by precipitation of ferric chloride solution by sodium carbonate or ammonia. Stimulants and coffee. Caffeine, subcutaneously injected. -|| Sustain action of motor centres by 4 interrupted electric current, and occasionally moving the animal. Artificial respiration, if needful. Physostygmine given cautiously. { Epsom salt. Sulphuric acid diluted. | Stimulants: chloral. Atropine, strychnine. Artificial respiration, if necessary. Barley water, gruel, and other de- mulcents. Avoiding oils, and fats. } Saccharated lime; stimulants. | strychnine and caffeine subcutane- Tannic and gallic acids; demulcents. 110 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES— Continued Warmth. Chiorale sk eae Keep patient moving. (+ s0ushy. Calchicoum.4 3 Ui See Conium: coniine: Clestas Virosa, so oo Digitalis: Digitaling ey... sae rst ccs Woo Fungoid infested or mouldy fodder or Gelsemitim: 200s eee Insects’ Venomous Stings Laburnum oer eee eee ee we Robelia aia. a) ties eee Lead Salts (see also Metallic Salts) ‘) a) 2) a) (a) wes mete) cel ie Metallic Salts, as of Cop- per, Lead, Mercury. . Stimulants. Tannic acid. Strong coffee. Stimulants. Demulcents; stimulants. Artificial respiration. If there be a wound, ligature, if possible, above it, and incise and suck strongly. Loosen ligature from time to time, but avoid letting too much poison into the blood at a time. Tannin; stimulants. Aconite, subcutaneously. Perfect quiet. Tannin; stimulants. Substitute sound food: laxatives. Eucalyptol, menthol, other anti- septic volatile oils. Etherealstimulants;salineantiseptics, Atropine; stimulants. Artificial respiration. Apply ammonia and oil. ( ( Stimulants: coffee. Alternate hot and cold douches to chest. Tannin; stimulants. Strychnine, hypodermically. Epsom salt; dilute sulphuric acid. Potassium iodide; occasional dose of castor oil. ; White of egg in large amount. | Subsequently wash out stomach. Give demulcents. | Foment; poultice. | Morphine, if needful. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES 111 POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES—Continued Empty stomach by syphon or pump. Warm coffee; ammonia. Maintain activity of motor centres Morphine: by keeping patient moving, and Gdn ee). | by electric shocks. Strychnine Other narcotics...... hypodermically sustains action of heart. Atropine in small doses subcutane- ously. Artificial respiration, if needful. riro-Benzol | Stimusn hot and cold douche. le Si Stimulants. AUN oa Artificial respiration. 5 nas { Ergotin; atropine subcutaneously. Nitre-elycerine,....... VG te cad: ( Copper sulphate. Phosphorus........... Oil of turpentine, old and oxidized. : : Avoid fats and fatty oils. Picrotoxine: _ Cocculus Indicus..... \ Chloral; potassium bromide. Pilocarpine: (2/0 2220) ee \ Atropine. os ee Tannic or gallic acids; coffee. Stimulants, artificial respiration. law. . 0 (apo salt; demulcents; etherea! stimulants. Ligature limb; excise wound, and SEM EIECL es sear with hot iron. : Alcoholic stimulants; ammonia. oe Artificial respiration. tae a Chloroform; chloral. Nox ea '*"|{ Potassium bromide; tannin. Warm stimulants. iin { jisaviies See Eee Turpentine Oil......... Demulcents; Epsom salt. Veratrine: { Stimulants; warm coffee. White Hellebore..... | Perfect quiet. 2 J Stimulants, laxatives. | Demulcents. 112 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK DURATION OF PREGNANCY IN THE DOMESTICATED ANIMAL INGA Sve deta le: exes che Nip tetereeey steer, 330-340 days.. COW sa sig bins ents Sete e iene s 270-280 days... SOW. seis auetatiue cs isuetea pea oe one 115-120 days... TAUGHT IS aN Gos ola teeaet stares) sue ares 58-— 65 days.. PWS hare crt tetane Storeng Sonnet beanies 145-155 days... Authority .V. G. Kimball. G. Kimball. Kimball. Ve V.cG. .V. G. Kimball. V-G: Kimball. RELATIVE VALUE OF APOTHECARIES’ AND METRIC MEASURE Minims C.c. Minims C.c. IME Czy (CHE. IMA Gz, - (Ce I =0.06 2.54. I= 30.00" | 2h—s62neae 2=0.12 30= 1.90 2= 59.20 22= 650.00 3=0.18 35= 2.16 3= 89.00 24= 710.00 4=0.24 40= 2.50 4=118.40 25= 740.00 5 =0.30 45= 2.80 5 =148.00 26= 769.00 6 =0.36 — 50= 3.08 6 =178.00 27= 798.07 7 =0.42 55= 3.40 7 =207.00 28= 828.80 8 =0.50 Fluid- 8 =236.00 30= 887.25 9=0.55 |drachms 9 =266.00 31 = 917.00 10 =0.60 I = 3.75 10 =295.70 32= 946.00 II =0.68 I%= 4.65 12 = 355.00 48 =1419.00 12 =0.74 1%= 5.60 13 =385.00 56 = 1655.00 13 =0.80 13%4= 6.51 14 =414.00 64 =1892.00 14 =0.85 2 = 7.50 15 =444.00 72 =2128.00 15 =0.92 3 =11.25 16 =473.11 80 = 2365.00 16 =1.00 4. =15.00 17 =503.00 96 = 2839.00 17 =1.05 5 =18.50 18 =532.00 112 =3312.00 18=1.12 6 =22.50 20 =591.50 128 =3785.00 19 =1.17 7 =26.00 20=1.25 * The more accurate equivalent is 29.57 C.c. MOOR ECARIES’ AND METRIC WEIGHT 113 RELATIVE VALUE OF METRIC AND APOTHECARIES’ MEASURE Cc / El. 07. can hl, oz. C.c. noe C.c. Minims 1000 = 33.81 | 400=13.53 25 =6.76 4 =64.8 900 = 30.43 | 300=10.14 10=2.71 3 =48.6 800 =27.05 | 200= 6.76 9 =2.43 2 =32.4 700 =23.67 | 100= 3.38 8 =2.16 I =16.23 600 = 20.29 75= 2.53 7=1.89 05 = 8.11 500 = 16.90 50= 1.69 6 =1.62 0.25= 4.06 473 =16.00 30= I.01 5 =1.35 0.06= 1.00 RELATIVE VALUE OF APOTHECARIES’ AND METRIC WEIGHT Grains Gm. Grains © Gm. | Grains Gm. Drams Gm Vo =0.00065 | I =0.0625| 24=1.55 319 ¥4=O0.00101 | 2 =0.1300| 25=1.62 2 Ae Y% =0.00108 3 =0.195 26=1.70 3= 11.65 ¥%,=0.00130 | 4 =0.260 271.75 4= 15.50 Vg=0.00135 | 5 =0.324 28 =1.82 5= 19.40 Yn =0.00162 6 =0.400 30 =1.95 6= 23.30 Vg =0.00180 7 =0.460 32 =2.10 7= 27.20 VY%o=0.00202 | 8 =0.520 33 =2.16 Oz % =0.00216 9 =0.600 34 =2.20 I= 31.10 %5=0.00259 | 10 =0.650 35 =2.25> 2= 62.20 44=0.00270 | II =0.715 36 =2.30 3= 93.30 %y=0.00324 | I2 =0.780 38. =2.47 4= 124.40 443 =0.00360 | 14 =0.907 39 =2.55 5= 155.50 46=0.00405 | 15 =0.972 40 =2.73 6= 186.60 ¥5=0.00432 |*15.5 =1.000 44 =2.86 7= 217.70 Y¥2=0.00540 | 16 =I1.040 48 = 3.00 8= 248.80 Mo =0.00648 | 18 =1.160 50 = 3.25 9= 280.00 %=0.00810 | 20 =1.300 52 =3.40 I0= 311.00 %=0.01620 | 21 =1.360 56 =3.65 48 =1492.80 %—0.03240 | 22 =1.425 58 =3-75 100 = 3110.40 * Or, more exactly, 15,432 grains =I gramme. 8 114 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK RELATIVE VALUE OF METRIC AND APOTHECARIES’ WEIGHT Gm. Grains | Gm. Grains} Gm. Grains Gm. Grains 15-43 I100= 1543.23 30.86 125= 1929.04 46.30 I50= 2314.85 61.73 175= 2700.65 77-16 | 450= 6944.55 92.60 550= 8487.78 98.02 650 =10031.01 123.46 750 =11574.26 138.90 850 =13117.49 154.32 | I000=15432.35 0.0010 =%4 | 0.065= 1.003 0.0020 =% | 0.100= 1.543 0.0040 = | 0.130= 2.006 0.0065 =o | 0.150= 2.315 0.0081 =% |0.180= 2.778 0.0108 =% | 0.200= 3.086 0.0162=% |0.300= 4.630 0.0324=% |0.500= 7.716 0.0486=% | 0.700=10.813 0.0567 =% | 0.900 =13.890 ae aT ell OO ON DULPW YH i _ TABLE TO ASSIST THE BEGINNER IN PRESCRIBING LIQUIDS Having fixed upon the bulk of the liquid, remember that there are in 1 fluid ounce, 8 teaspoonfuls each I fluid dram. 2 fluid ounces, 16 teaspoonfuls each 1 fluid dram. 4 fluid ounces, 32 teaspoonfuls each 1 fluid dram. 4 fluid ounces, 16 dessertspoonfuls each 2 fluid drams. 6 fluid ounces, 24 dessertspoonfuls each 2 fluid drams. 6 fluid ounces, 12 tablespoonfuls each % fluid ounce. 8 fluid ounces, 16 tablespoonfuls each % fluid ounce. I pint, 32 tablespoonfuls each % fluid ounce. I pint, 8 wineglassfuls each 2 fluid ounces. CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT SCALES 115 APPROXIMATE MEASURES A drop=usually about 1 minim. A teaspoonful = 60 drops or 1 fluid dram. A dessertspoonful = 2 fluid drams. A tablespoonful = 4 fluid drams. A wineglassful = 2 fluid ounces. A teacupful = 4 fluid ounces. RULES FOR COMPARING THE CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT SCALES The Centigrade scale has 100° of temperature between the freezing and boiling points, while the Fahrenheit scale has (212 — 32) 180°. Hence, 1° C.=1.8° F. or 5° C.=9° F. Therefore, to convert Centigrade into Fahrenheit: Mul- tiply 1.8 and add 32. To convert Fahrenheit into Centi- grade: Subtract 32, divide the remainder by 9 and mul- tiply by 5 (or subtract 32 and divide directly by 1.8). THE HARRISON ANTI-NARCOTIC LAW Of great importance in the practice of the vet- erinarian and the druggist is Public Act No. 223, H. R. No. 6282, popularly known as the Harrison Law, which went into effect March 1, 1915. This Federal Narcotic Revenue Law describes the conditions under which veterinarians may pur- chase, use, dispense and prescribe, and druggists may purchase, dispense, and sell opium, coca leaves and all compounds, derivatives, alkaloids, salts, and preparations of these drugs. The principal requirements of the Act as it affects the veterinarian and the retail druggist are the fol- lowing: 1. He must make application to the Collector of Internal Revenue in the district in which he conducts his business or has his office, for registration under this Act and pay an annual special tax of $1.00. No one who is not thus registered may buy, sell, use, dispense, prescribe, or even have in his possession, any of the drugs or preparations -covered by the Act. 2. Having become registered and having been assigned a registration number he must purchase from the Col- lector of Internal Revenue official order forms bearing his name and number on which he must make out in dupli- cate all orders for the purchase of drugs under the Act. When purchasing such goods, the original order, which must state the quantity of narcotic drug present in each ounce or fluid ounce, or if in pill or tablet form the 116 HARRISON ANTI-NARCOTIC LAW 117 amount of narcotic drug in each pill or tablet, must be signed by the registered party in person and be sent to the seller. The duplicate must be kept on file subject to inspection for two years. These forms or order blanks are sold by Collectors of Internal Revenue to those registered under the Act at the rate of $1.00 per hundred. 3. The veterinarian must keep a record of the drugs and preparations under the Act which he dispenses or dis- tributes, showing: first, the date on which such drug is dispensed or distributed; second, the kind and quantity dispensed or distributed; and third, the name and resi- dence of the person to whom the drug or preparation was dispensed or distributed. This record must be kept two years subject to inspection. Veterinarians may, however, personally administer any such drug or preparation with- out keeping a record thereof. 4. Druggists may under no circumstances sell, exchange, dispense, or give away, any drug or preparation under the Act unless: (a) the order is received from a registered person, as for example, a veterinarian, on the official order blank described in paragraph 2, or (b) upon the prescrip- tion of a physician, dentist, or veterinarian registered under the Act. No official form is provided for such a prescription, but it must bear the date upon which it was written, must be signed with the full name of the registered practitioner issuing the prescription, must bear the office address and registry number of the prescriber, and the name and address of the person for whom such prescription is written. The prescription must be filed for two years subject to inspection. 5. Collectors of Internal Revenue may demand at aay time a sworn statement setting forth the quantity of drugs and preparations under the Act received during a period not to exceed three months immediately preceding the 118 A VETERINARY HANDBOOK demand, said statement to include sources of said drugs and preparations, quantities in each instance and dates when received. 6. Although the law covers opium, coca leaves, and all preparations, derivatives, etc., of these drugs, certain exemptions are made for preparations containing only minute quantities of these drugs or their derivatives. Any preparation which does not contain more than 2 grains of opium per ounce or fluid ounce, 4% grain of morphine per ounce or fluid ounce, % grain of heroin per ounce or fluid ounce, or 1 grain of codeine per ounce or fluid ounce, is exempt from the provisions of this Act. In like manner, liniments and ointments, for external use only, are exempt unless they contain cocaine alpha- or beta- eucaine or any derivative or synthetic substitute for them, and further provided that they contain other ingredients rendering them unfit for internal administration. There are many other provisions of the Act which are not of special interest to veterinarians and retail druggists, such, for example, as those exempting from its require- ments Government officials, institutions, etc. Of possible importance to them, however, is the provision that if a container becomes broken or destroyed through acciéent the registered owner must immediately make affidavit as to the kind and quantity of drug lost, and keep such affidavit on file with his order blanks. Again, if a veter- inarian or druggist desires to return a drug or preparation under this Act to the registered manufacturer or dealer from whom it was purchased, he may not do so until he has received from such manufacturer or dealer an official order blank therefor, and the serial number of the order under which the goods are returned must be noted by the purchaser on the retained duplicate of his original order for the goods. Again, if any quantity of a drug or preparation is used by the registered pharmacist or HARRISON ANTI-NARCOTIC LAW 119 veterinarian in the manufacture of another preparation, a complete record of the quantity of such drug or prepara- tion used must be kept on file subject to inspection. If a veterinarian maintains an office in more than one Internal Revenue district he must register separately in each dis- trict. If, however, he maintains only one office he may practice his profession in Internal Revenue districts other than the one in which he has registered without additional registration. On the other hand, pharmacists having more than one place of business must make application for registration in each such place whether or not they are in the same Internal Revenue district. Prescriptions may not be re-filled if they call for any proportions whatever of any of the drugs or preparatio1.s under this Act. In conclusion it is important to note that the Harrison Act is a Revenue Law and in no way whatever affects or annuls any other State or municipal laws regulating the sale or dispensing of drugs and preparations covered by this law. ! = —— 1 } | i * ' a i Year, I9r.. | 8 | Chgd.| Cash 7 6 Year, 1o1.. 23 | 24 | Ched. | Cash a7 tee I9 | 20 | 21 | 22 WMiGHtnIS9 Sc ok heed cardadiaccds 25| 26| 27| 28} 29] 30| 31 Se | | | = | |, | | | RB RRASR ERS C ARAMA REE Pek es ° Y ; SRRRRRERGERESSROSEREERS oe. C2 A SG GD we Ae OS Ha VE BDH BE SE HL EH cS Oe AE a NL OE A He WH 9S SC Re es Os ee EE a Re SS ae : a ee ee ae I) Monthiet ows 8 ss od eeec cee oy _ Year, ror. Cash I2|13| 14] 15 | 16|Ched. Year, Ior.. 4 | Cash 17 |18| 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ce | cee | cs | | | | | | | Oe ee | —— | —_— — —_—_——$—— |; —_-—__-_—— Year, 191. 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