INDEX THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Volume 13 (New Series), 1962 Editor Paul B. Siegel (Blacksburg) Managing Editor Carl W. Allen (Blacksburg) with Section Editors D. Rae Carpenter, Jr. (Lexington) . Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics P. Arne Hansen (College Park) . Bacteriology Jesse C. Thompson, Jr. (Hollins) . Biology M. A. Kise (Norfolk) . Chemistry N. F. Murphy (Blacksburg) . Engineering W. T. Parrott (Richmond) . Geology W. P. Anslow, Jr. (Charlottesville) . Medical Sciences Fredrick B. Rowe (Lynchburg) . Psychology Allen Mandell (Norfolk) . Science Teachers Clyde Y. Kramer (Blacksburg) . Statistics Published by The Virginia Academy of Science Blacksburg, Virginia CONTENTS No. 1, January, 1962 The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd. Robert H. Giles, Jr. and Jack V. Gwynn . 1 Detection and Radial Localization of Essentric Spots of Light. E. Rae Harcum . 17 News and Notes . 28 No. 2, April, 1962 Higher Eduction in Virginia. R. W. Engel . 37 New Ostracods of the Genus Entocy there from the Mountain Lake Region, Virginia (Ostracoda Entocytheridae) . Horton H. Hobbs and Margaret Walton . 42 Academic Prediction Using Scholastic Personality and Interest Factors. John M. Long . 49 News and Notes . 59 Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting . 67 No. 3, July, 1962 Coal. G. Thiessen . 97 Soils. A. G. Norman . 114 Forests. G. H. Hepting . 123 Water. J. G. Frye . 135 Marine Life J. L. McHugh . 144 Human Resources C. G. Little . 155 No. 4, September Officers of the Academy . 173 Constitution and By-laws . 177 Minutes of the Academy . 183 Committee Reports . 194 Minutes and Abstracts of Sections . 209 News and Notes . 314 List of Members . 318 Printed in Bassett, Virginia by the Bassett Printing Corporation THE VIRGINIA rOURNAL OF SCIENeE A JOURNAL ISSUED QUARTERLY BY THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Vol. 13, New Series January, 1962 No. 1 VoL. 13, New Series No. 1 January, 1962 THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published Four Times A Year In January, April, July, and September, by The Virginia Academy of Science Printed by The Bassett Printing Corporation, Bassett, Virginia CONTENTS Pages The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd. Robert H. Giles, Jr. and Jack V. Gwynn . . . 1 Detection and Radial Localization of Essentric Spots of Light. E. Rae Harcum . 17 Errata . 27 News and Notes . 28 EDITORIAL BOARD Paul B. Siegel, Editor Carl W. Allen, Managing Editor Section Editors D. R. Carpenter M. A. Kise W. P. Anslow, Jr. A. P. Hanson N. F. Murphy F. B. Rowe J. C. Thompson W. T. Parrott A. Mandell C. Y. Kramer Entered as second-class matter, at the post office at Bassett, Virginia, and Blacksburg, Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Subscription $3.00 annully. Published four times year: in January, April, July and September by the Virginia Academy of Science at Blacksburg, Virginia. February 23, 1962 THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE i I _ i VoL. 13, New Series January, 1962 Vol. 1 ' THE ALLEGHANY COUNTY, VIRGINIA I DEER HERD I Robert H. Giles, Jr2 and Jack V. Gwynn^ ' Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries The whitetail deer, Odocoileus virginianus spp., is Virginia’s leading big game animal. Anniiallv, deer provide hundreds of thousands of hours of recreation to hunters, make important contributions to the economy of manv localities and industries, and offer inmeasurable value to hundreds ; of nature lovers. Trophies, hides, and food are also their important contri- ! biitions. On the other hand, deer are capable of doing great damage to • forest reproduction, agricultural crops, and also present extreme highway hazards. Because of great economic as well as sentimental value, deer must [ be managed to insure survival, control damage, maintain populations, and ■ allow a harvestable surplus that will provide the greatest good to the most > people over the longest time. Such management requires comprehensive knowledge of the herd’s population dynamics. This paper reports on the 1 information now available on the county herd and its relation to its environ- I ment and to the people of that environment. ? The Alleghany Gounty deer herd is not unique among Virginia herds. The county boundary is not isolatory and many of the characteristics of the herd will be in common with deer of surrounding counties. ; HISTORY ■ During the sixteenth century, deer were numerous in Virginia, par¬ ticularly in the costal area. The heavily forested areas of the Appalachians ( undoubtedly had fewer deer per square mile than many areas today because the clear understory of the mature forests did not provide needed food. Nevertheless, deer were abundant and played a vital role in the lives of the Indians as well as settlers. Early writers frequently recorded the presence of deer and described deer hunts (Taylor, 1956). i- — — - j iQhio State Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Ohio University, Columbus. ^Research Biologist, Charlottesville, Virginia. SMITHSOM WSTITUTIOH -l-O 2 The Virginia Journal of Science [January Virginia first adopted laws concerning deer in 1699; in 1792 the state prohibited fire hunting; and in 1801 protected deer from January 1 to August 1. Fires, poaching, dogs, agricultural development, and urbanization all contributed to the virtual disappearance of deer in Alleghany County. County wardens in 1923 reported an estimated 15 deer killed; the reported kill of Virginia was only 793. Following that year, deer vanished from the county. The occasional sight of a track was newsworthy and gathered crowds. Hunting deer with dogs west of the Blue Ridge Mountains was prohibited on August 18, 1932. A U. S. Forest Service map dated 1936 indicated a deer herd in Alleghany County in the Smith Creek area. The herd ranged in the north- central portion of the county extending from Falling Spring Creek to ap¬ proximately two miles east of Wilson Creek. The U. S. Forest Service, Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, and local citizens began stocking deer in the county about 1932. Records of releases are meager and scattered. Stocking was done in the watersheds of Johns Run in 1938 and Pounding Mill Creek in 1948. Cost per deer delivered in loads from 15 to 20 from Michigan was $45 each. Stock¬ ing proved successful. Deer hunting was closed on August 18, 1932, in sixty-three counties. Alleghany was one of the three counties west of the Blue Ridge retaining an open season though other western counties adopted a November 15 through 30 season. CHARACTERISTICS OF ALLEGHANY COUNTY, VIRGINIA Alleghany County is located in west-central Virginia and borders W’est Virginia. It is within the Appalachian chain, and is primarily underlain with Bralier shale and various sandstones and shales of the Devonian and Silurian periods. Only few localized limestone formations occur. Elevations range from 950 feet to 4049 feet. Mean winter temperatures are 34 °F.; summer temperatures, 70 °F. The average annual precipitation is 38 inches. The 1960 census revealed a human population of 23,190. Forty-six percent (208 square miles) of the total 451 square miles of the county is managed by the U. S. Forest Service. A total of 566 faraas comprised 28.3 percent of the county area in 1950 with 47 square miles in cropland, pasture, and other use. Farm woodlands totaled 80 square miles. In 1957 the country contained 391 square miles of suitable deer range. The major forest cover is second growth hardwood with less than 10% in pines. Forests under private ownership are largely operated on a short- cutting rotation providing excellent deer food and cover. At present there 3 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd is not enough agricultural land nor a large enough herd to cause severe crop-damage complaints. Alfalfa and corn are readily eaten by deer and suffer the greatest damage. Pulp wood is in great demand by the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company mill in Covington. Pulpwood cutting practices contribute to a growing herd by providing oak sprouts {Quercus spp., laurel {Kalmia latifolia), deerberry {Vaccinium spp.), huckleberry (Gaylussacia spp.) greenbriar {Smilax spp.), many forms of the com- positae, sassafras {Sassafras albidtim), sumac {Rhus spp.), and on better sites, tulip poplar {Liriodendron tulipifera) , and white pine {Pinus strobus) . Cut-over dry shale ridges revert to Virginia {Pinus virginiana), table mountain {P.pungens), or pitch pine (P. rigida) wdth early ground cover of greenbriar {Smilax spp.), blue berries {Vaccinium spp.), sumac {Rhus spp.) sassafras {Sassafras albidum) and scrub oak {Quercus ilici- folia) if seed is available. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEER Multiple sources of stocking have resulted in the Alleghany County deer being an indistinguishable mixture of Odocoileus virginianus vir- giniaus, O.v. borealis, and perhaps O.v. macrourus. Deer came from Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Alabama, and coastal Virginia. There is need for physical measurements of the kill for several years to compare with subspecific measurement data presented by Reming¬ ton Kellog (Taylor, 1956). Antler development reflects the nutrients available to a deer. Annual replacement of antlers reflects changes in available food and nutrients. Range shortages of food, known as heavy or overbrowsing, are most promi¬ nently shown in antler development. Only one report of antlers on a female deer in 1958 has been received by the senior author. Figures on antler development without age data can only show trends. Age and antler data are needed for the county to appraise the effects of forage on herd condition. Generally, many points on one and one-half to two and one-half year old deer would indicate adequate food; few points or narrow beam diameters on a sample of older deer would indicate poor range. The later condition would usually indicate the need for immediate management steps. Table 1 shows that the percentage of deer with nine or more points decreased slowly with the exception of the 1958 data. This trend suggests a gradual range deterioration with need for increased harvest or improved, increased management practices. General biological information on Virginia deer will be beneficial in interpreting data on population dynamics and will assist in developing a management plan for the county. 4 The Virginia Journal of Science [January Table 1. Antler development in Alleghany County deer as indicated by total number of legal points on both antlers of male deer. Year Number of points Totaled antlered deer 1-3 4-8 9 and over 1955 56 120 44 220 Percent 25.5 54.5 20.0 100 1956 99 104 30 233 Percent 42.5 44.6 12.9 100 1957 111 127 34 272 Percent 40.8 46.7 12.5 100 1958 126 154 36 316 Percent 39.9 48.7 13.9 100 1959 183 188 42 413 Percent 44.3 45.5 10.2 100 1960 132 185 40 357 Percent 37.0 51.8 11.2 100 The “rut” or breeding season occurs in the fall with a peak occurring between November 15 and 20. Deer have an oestrus of 24 hours; if ferti¬ lization does not occur, oestrus occurs about 28 days later (Jenkins and Bartlett, 1959). A male deer can service as many as 17 does in one season (Taylor, 1956). Gestation requires approximately 196 days varying from 189 to 222 days. Young are born in May and June with the peak about the second week in June. The number of young produced is largely dependent on deer nutrition. On over-stocked range where deer are competing for sufficient nutritious foods, fawn production may be less than one per doe. On good range, production is 2.0 per doe. Twins and triplets are the rule on excellent range. Fawns weigh an average of seven and one-half pounds. Taylor (1956) reports that males comprise 51 to 52 percent of the fawns. Antler development varies with food availability and nutrition; year¬ ling males can develop antlers with six and eight points or more. Antlers are shed every year from late December to March. They are seldom seen because of being rapidlv eaten by squirrels (Sciuridae), mice (Cricetidae) , wild dogs and other woodland creatures. Antlers grow during spring and summer covered with skin and short hair called “velvet”. This covering is shed in late summer and early fall. Antlers are “polished” on small sap¬ lings, usually one that is aromatic such as red cedar, cherry, or sassafras. Deer may breed when six to eight months old; bucks attain sexual maturity in 18 months. Longevity of the whitetail is 15 years, though in the wild, 5 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd deer over eight years of age are rare. There is no evidence of migration within the county herd. Four pied-bald deer from the county have been reported. FOOD REQUIREMENTS Pennsylvania studies (French, et ah 1955) reveal that the daily food requirements of a 100 pound deer are 6300 calories or six to eight pounds of good deer browse. A 150 pound deer requires at least ten to 12 pounds of browes of which 13 to 16 percent must be protein for best growth. Six hundred fourteen species of plants have been listed as being eaten by the whitetail. Preferred foods in Alleghany county include grape {Vitis spp.), dogwood (Cornus florida), red maple {Acer rubrum), greenbriar {Smilax spp.), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Some plants are palatable only at certain times of the year. The seeming abundance of year-around browse is misleading. Pulpwood cutting, within limits, is beneficial to the deer herd. Presently the pulp mill in Covington uses approximately 1200 cords of pulpwood a day. Annually, 49,000 cords of hardwood and 9700 cords of pine are supplied by Alleghany County. If this volume were ob¬ tained from clear-cut operations, it would mean that each year approxi¬ mately five square miles of the county are treated beneficially for deer. Since much of the volume is obtained from selective-cutting practice, five square miles is the maximum area “treated.” Under the most ideal con¬ ditions ,ten acreas are required to support one deer (French et ah, 1955a). The deer herd can only increase to the hmits of its food supply, after which weight, productivity, and antler development are greatly reduced. S. P. Davey (1956) made a survey of seven pine plantations in the Dolly Ann - Smith Creek watersheds of the county. In a letter June 29, 1956 to the U. S. Forest Service District Ranger he reported deer browsing on 9% of the white pine in three Smith Creek plantations; 52% in a DoUy Ann plantation, and 78% on another Smith Creek plantation. Average browsing of seedhngs amounted to 63%. He concluded that browsing takes place in late winer and that “the deer had seriously effected the pine plant¬ ings in this section of the James River District.” He also concluded these were minimum damage figures since some completely dead seedlings were overlooked. Alleghany County deer do not “yard” or assemble for winter feeding as do deer in northern states. OTHER REQUIREMENTS The whitetail deer is very hardy and can survive under a wide variety of conditions. Food, cover, and protection against dogs and illegal hunting are their major needs. With big game, cover requirements do not appear 6 The Virginia Journal of Science [January to be as important as with small game species. Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) , rhododendron {Rhododendron spp.) scrub oak (Quercus illicifolia) , and the sprout growth and brush of the second-growth mixed hardwood-pine forest provides ample protection from wind, rain, snow and serve as refuge from hunters. Water is generally available throughout the county. Deer, except pregnant does, those exercising heavilv, or those eating much dry food apparently need little free water. Some is being provided by small water- holes bulldozed by the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries in areas of intermittent streams and on mountain and ridge slopes. Information on the needs for salt is inconclusive. We are inclined to agree with others that it is a mild attractant rather than a necessity. A natural lick is said to have been present in the 1930’s in Fudge Hollow. Greatest use of salt has been observed on Potts Mountain near the Craig County line. Climate in Alleghany County appears to have little effect on the deer. Winters are not severe; summers are not excessively hot. Potentially harmful insects and parasites found in the more southern states are not present in great numbers (Gwynn, 1960a). Extremely low temperatures, fog or heavy rain during the hunting season reduce hunting pressure and material¬ ly effect herd management. POPULATIONS Figure 1 shows the trend in deer kill. Aside from greatly increasing deer populations, the eruptive nature of the graph may be accounted for by increased numbers of hunters, more lenient seasons and abandonment of the forked-antler law for legal buck deer. Hunting pressure dropped slight¬ ly in 1958, though the kill continued to increase. Doe hunting was first allowed in 1956. The annual deer kill is considered by some biologists to be a repre¬ sentative sample of the existing herd. Sportsmen are required by law (since 1947) to check their deer at one of 12 official checking stations within Alleghany County. Data on deer kill are gathered from cards filled out on each checked deer and successful hunter. Compu¬ tations based on the above premise do not hold under critical scrutiny. The greatest difficulties encountered in data analysis are a highly mobile population, one of unknown size, and one of unknown susceptibility to hunting. The kill figures, however, do provide a workable index and one whose accuracy is within the limits of today’s management needs and objectives. 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd 7 YEAR Figure 1.— Reported Alleghany County total deer harvest, 1949-60. Data on antlered male deer legally taken since 1949 are available. The opening of the season to antlerless deer hunting has caused difficulties in comparison of annual kill figures. Trends in herd populations can be best studied on the basis of antlered deer per square mile of forest range. Figure 2 is based on forest acreage of 391 square miles. Forest survey area figures were revised from 394 square miles to 391 in 1957. The total forest area has increased 13 percent in Virginia’s mountain counties from 1940 to 1957. The tendency to a periodic four year decline in deer kill should be further investigated. It may be due to most crop extremes, seasonal changes, coincidences, or a combination of these and other factors. 8 The Virginia Journal of Science [January YEARS Figure 2.— Antlered deer killed per square mile of forest range in Alleghany County, 1949-60. In order to obtain comparable data on deer kill, it is desirable to attempt to eliminate differences in types of seasons. This can be done on the basis of antlered buck kill. Davey (1957) found that approximately 30 percent of the female kill was composed of fawns. “The assumption is made that an equal number of male fawns and female fawns are taken and thus ... (24 to 30 percent of the female kill) is subtracted from the total male kill . . This results in the antlered kill figure. Computations by Gwynn in 1958 (Unpub. Pittman-Robertson Quarterly) derived a factor of 11.8 which, if multiplied by the antlered harvest, gives an estimate of the total population. The antlered buck harvest in 1959 was 373, The total popula¬ tion estimate is 4400 deer. Davey (1957) also estimated that the antiered harvest is 10 percent of the total herd, thus a herd size esimate of 3730 deer results. Using the figure of 4400 deer, there are 9.7 deer per square mile in Alleghany County; one deer per 66 acres. Considering only forested deer range, there are 11.3 deer per square mile; one deer per 57 acres. 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd 9 By considering stable regulations and projecting deer populations in Alleghany County by deer kill figures it appears that 650 deer may be killed in 1961. If the antlered harvest is between 60 and 70 percent of the total kill as in 1959 and 1960 there will be a herd of one deer per 50 acres in 1961. Considering that range damage has become evident when browsed by populations of one deer per 30 to 40 acres, it appears that the Alleghany County deer herd is approaching the carrying capacity of its range. THE ILLEGAL KILL At present there is no way of accurately appraising the influence of illegal kill on the herd. Wisconsin hunters killed and left in the woods 181 deer for every 100 bucks legally taken (Dahlberg and Guettinger, 1956). A Florida estimate (Strode, 1954) was that one illegal deer was taken for everv legal deer bagged. In a telephone survey of six percent of the successful hunters in Alle¬ ghany County in 1958, forty-one percent had seen illegally shot deer left in the woods. Hunters’ most frequent answer to the question: “What would be your guess as to how many deer are not checked?” Was “Oh, a lot!” Twentv-four percent gave no opinion, though others ranged from 500 deer throughout the state to 50 percent of the total statewide kill. The average esimate of five hunters expressing opinions based on what they had observed afield and had heard was an illegal kill of 160 deer, or 30 percent of the total annual kill. Regardless of the many fallacies evident in obtaining this figure, it is our opinion that it is very realistc and can be used with considerable reliability. Four hunters (13.8 percent of those sampled) indicated that their deer had been killed in another county and had been brought into Alleghany and checked. Though this practice is not illegal, it evidences false state¬ ments to checking station operators or shortcomings on the part of the operators. It may be hypothesized that inter-county exchanges will bal¬ ance themselves. This should be checked and if found invalid, changes should be made in game reporting regulations or checking station proced¬ ure. There are six wardens and special wardens in Alleghany Countv that offer year-around checks on illegal kill. Of the hunters contacted, 13.8 percent gave evidence of having illegally taken deer on other hunters’ licenses. 10 The Virginia Journal of Science [January OTHER LOSSES Accidental losses occur when deer run into wire fences, becoming en¬ tangled when jumping fences, and being hit by automobiles and trains. Bobcats have made several observed kills of deer. A hunter in adjoin¬ ing Bath County, in 1959 observed a bear following a deer which had an injured leg. These observations are considered examples of sanitary predation. Dogs, though causing local damage, are controlled and do not present a serious problem. Constant control must be exercised to keep this threat to a stable herd in check. THE HUNT AND THE HUNTER Becoming more evident in conversations with deer hunters is the expres¬ sions of deceased recreational value of deer. Axiomatic is: ‘'the more you have of something; the less highly you regard it.” This may be true of a large whitetailed deer herd; its capability of providing recreational value is, to a point, inversely proportional to its size. As the chances for a county resident hunter killing a deer increase, the desire to kill one de¬ creases. However, if the resident hunter is losing interest at the present time his pressure on the deer herd is more than being replaced by new hunters from the cities and by shifts of hunters from poor hunting areas. Gwynn (1960), measuring hunter pressure by big game damage stamp sales in the adjoining counties of Bath, Botetourt, Craig and Rockbridge, found a nine percent increase in hunters in 1958, a 12 percent increase in 1959 and a 13 percent increase in 1960. This is an increase in dam¬ age stamp sales of 38 percent in the past three seasons. In those coun¬ ties which issue damage stamps, it is unlawful for any person to hunt bear or deer without obtaining this special one-dollar stamp. Over twice as many hunters in Alleghany County use a rifle as a shot¬ gun. Many hunters use bow and arrow but take less than five deer per year. Hunting during the one week season is done by man-drives toward stands, by still himting, and by waiting silently by deer trails. A telephone survey of 20 percent of the 1958 successful resident deer hunters in Alleghany County having telephones (six percent of the total number of successful deer hunters in the county) yielded information use¬ ful in law enforcement, management, and research. The survey was based on a 20 percent systematic random sample of successful Alleghany County hunters having telephones. Eighty-one percent of the hunters hunted on National Forest lands and killed 56 percent of their deer there. Forty- 11 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd two percent of the successful hunters scouted around before the season to select hunting sites and to find deer sign. The average shot distance was 63 yards. Hunters carried their deer about 0.6 mile to a car or jeep. The average distance walked on the day on which they shot the deer was 4.1 miles. Each successful hunter hunted an average of 30 hours during the week of deer season. This is not a true picture of the time required to kill a deer, for many hunters engaged in drives only, after they had killed their deer. Generally, hunters hunt an average of nine hours a day during the week of deer season until they get a deer. Man-hours of hunting required can be approximated from Table 2 in com¬ bination with data on total number of hunters afield. Hunters reported all healthy deer and observed no abnormalities. All of the deer were completely eaten or had been frozen for later use. Only 54 percent of the hides were used; the rest was thrown away. Hunters drove an aver¬ age of 20 miles on the day they killed a deer. Similar mileage can be expected prior to the date of kill during the season. Hunters had shot an average of 5,5 deer in their lifetimes, and had hunted an average of 17.7 years. Thus, an average of one deer every 3.2 years is obtained. It is expected that this kill figure will increase as the herd increases. Contrary to what might be expected, in 1958 non-residents of the county as a group took a greater percentage of large antlered deer than did residents. They also took a larger percent of deer in the one to three antler point category (see Table 3). A study of the antlered deer killed each day of the season by non-residents of the county revealed no signif¬ icant variation in trophy buck kill throughout the season. Table 2 shows the distribution of deer kill during the legal season. Since the objective of management is to insure an optimum amount of recrea¬ tion for the most people over the longest time, it appears that this has been largely accomplished with the 1959 season. This season obtained higher kills throughout the week, insured more hunters of success dur¬ ing the last three ‘Tiunters’ choice” days, and provided ample hunting for the *'buck only’ hunter. The season also brought the harvest closer to the desirable equal antlered and antlerless proportions. The 1960 season which was first three days "Tiunters’ choice”, the last three days ‘l)ucks only,” allowed a higher kill, equal recreation, brought the male to female kill ratio closer to 1:1, and eliminated much of the illegal-kill waste of many doe deer. This season most nearly approaches the objec¬ tives of an extended either-sex season. PROBLEMS There is much need for information on hunting pressure and its trends. Without this, kill figures cannot be properly evaluated since total kill 12 The Virginia Journal of iiciENCE [January Table 2.— Daily deer kill in Alleghany County, Virginia, 1955-1960 j Season Tvpe j 1 Kill Antlered Kill Antlerless 4-> C/3 DAYS '■a a (N OF ;h CO SEASON ^ io -5 CD Unknown 1955- 6 day . 221 0 76 44 25 27 17 32 0 bucks only Percent . 100 0 34 20 11 12 8 15 0 1956- 5 day bucks only, 1 day hunters choice 220 68 74 28 28 37 17 104 0 Percent . 76 24 25 10 10 13 6 36 0 1957- 4 day bucks only, 2 day hunters choice 251 109 71 49 43 19 113 62 1 Percent . 70 30 20 14 12 5 32 17 0 1958- 4 day bucks only, 2 day hunters choice 315 172 69 38 43 36 152 148 1 Percent . 65 35 14 8 9 8 31 30 0 1959- 3 day bucks only, 3 day hunters choice 374 221 98 67 22 130 129 149 0 Percent . . 63 37 16 11 4 22 22 25 0 1960- 3 day hunters choice. 3 day bucks only 318 289 180 162 118 1 48 35 54 0 Percent . 63 37 30 27 19 8 6 9 0 Table 3.— Comparison of antlered deer taken by Alleghany County residents and non-residents, 1958. ANTLER POINTS Total 1-3 4-8 9 up Deer Residents . . 101 134 27 262 Percent . . 39 51 10 100 Non-residents . . 24 21 9 54 Percent . . 45 39 16 100 13 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd is a function not only of the population of the herd but also of the vol¬ ume and vigor of the hunt. Population trend studies and censuses must be continued with further refinement of the relationship of antlered buck kill to total population. Additional browse studies are needed to determine the influence of deer on the range. The two exclosures presently established in the Potts Creek and Smith Creek drainages should be studied. Browse and range studies are necessary to insure a balance between forest, agricultural, and recreational interests. Physical measurements of adult deer should be made to more accurately determine sub-specific characteristics of the herd. More information is needed on the influence of diseases on the herd and its relationship to livestock diseases. Gwynn’s (1960a) report indi¬ cates diseases are not significant in nearby counties. An effort should be made to determine the extent of the illegal and accidental deer kill within the county. Experiments should be conducted on management techniques particu¬ larly to determine the importance and best use of salt, water impound¬ ments, and small forest openings. Studies are critically needed to deter¬ mine how to achieve compatibility between deer management and tim¬ ber management objectives. DEER MANAGEMENT Land is a significant factor in deer management. Conflicts arise in land use that necessitate deer management be an equitable balance be¬ tween farmers, foresters, industrialists, sporting goods dealers, suburban dwellers, hunters, nature enthusiasts, and — the deer. Deer, as other non-migratory wildlife, are the property of the public, the State. Alleghany County is not intensively cultivated so there is little conflict between deer and farmers. More intensive farming and forestry and consequently conflict are expected in the future. There is now a problem and it will become increasingly more evident between the farmer and forester who want less deer damage, the hunter who wants more deer, and the businessman and industrialist who want greater trade from deer hunters as well as a sustained between-the-season trade with land users. These problems must all be resolved in a plan of man¬ agement that will insure the objectives of conservation. Basically, the major questions of deer management are: (1) how many deer are needed for maximum human welfare? and (2) how can this number be produced or maintained? The answers to these must come through evaluations of 14 The Virginia Journal of Science [January present populations in relation to range capacities, maintaining an optimum breeding density, and harvesting the full annual surplus. . . It is pref¬ erable to support half the present number of adult does, each producing twin fawns, than to carry larger numbers of adults on restricted feed for the same production of young” (French et al. 1955a). The most important deer management tool is effective legislation. Laws must be passed that will allow maximum recreation, a harvest that re¬ moves the annual surplus, and maintains a breeding stock in balance with the ability of the range to support it. The health of Virginia's deer herd is presently largely controlled by county-by-county hunting laws. Reliable guide figures are needed for sound legislative action. The Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries encourages a season allowing both sexes to be killed when the antlered kill reaches .25 per square mile of forest range. West Virginia biologists (Schultz, 1957) have established the figure of .75 or more antlered deer killed per square mile (in an area similar to Alleghany County) as the guide for opening a six-day, either-sex season. If less than .33 antlered deer are killed per square mile of forest range, the season would revert to bucks only. This season should be retained until the kill exceeds .33 per square mile for two successive seasons. The goal in Virginia is to harvest an equal number of male and female deer. In 1959 in Alleghany county, the ratio of males to females killed was 2.5:1; in 1960, 1.7:1. A bucks- only season allows only one-third of the herd to be taken. It was an effec¬ tive tool when the herd was increasing but should be resorted to only under the condition just described. Other management practices and techniques are to provide year-around water in critical areas, to clear-cut small acreages on areas of high-priority deer management, to encom*age timber stand improvement practices such as slashing that will temporarily provide increased browse, to encourage better utilization of the meat and hides of deer taken, and to use salt in remote areas near where crop damage is occuring or road-kills are fre¬ quent. Forest fires encourage browse production and temporarily increas¬ ed nutrition but the detrimental long-term effects of the use of fire do not justify its use as a deer management tool within the county. Other suggested management techniques that should be carefully studied and experimentally tried are (1) compensatory payment to farmers who involuntarily feed deer, (2) wildhfe damage insurance, (3) withheld dam¬ age payments to farmers not allowing hunting on lands on which dam¬ age is recived, (4) zoning of the county on a watershed basis to estab¬ lish priorities for deer management, (5) variable land taxes based on deer damage, use and economic influence, (6) privately owned commer- 1962] The Alleghany County, Virginia Deer Herd 15 cial shooting grounds, and (7) organized farmer-sportsman cooperatives for deer management and hunting. Regulated out-of-season killing of. crop-damaging deer should be en¬ couraged and deer so killed given to the parties damaged and to public institutions. Publicity to encourage increased deer harvest and to stimulate recrea¬ tional use of this animal within the county should be considered. A continuing program of education must be waged to maintain a stable herd, encourage legal harvest, discourage illegal hunting, control free- running dogs, promote research, and insure optimum recreational use of this wildlife resource. SUMMARY The whitetail deer is Virginia’s leading big game animal. This paper reports the information now available on the Alleghany County herd and its relation to its environment and to the people of that environment. A brief history of the herd is presented from the sixteenth century to present including available stocking records. Characteristics of Alleghany County are discussed as they relate to the herd. A general summary of the life history of the deer is given as an aid in interpreting data on population dynamics. Food requirements and range conditions are de¬ scribed along with requirements for cover, water, salt, and the influence of climate. Population data is based primarily on deer kill figures reported an¬ nually by hunters. There is an average of one deer per 57 acres of forest range in Alleghany County. A telephone survey of successful hunters in 1958 disclosed the follow¬ ing: hunters carried their deer .6 mile to a car or jeep after the kill; the average shot distance was 63 yards; only 54 percent of the hides were used; hunters drove an average of 20 miles to hunt; and that they had killed an average of 5.5 deer in their lifetimes. Information is presented on the illegal kill. Present hunting season regulations are unsatisfactory in obtaining the desired deer kill and hunter recreation. Research needs are outlined as are suggestions for management practices. 16 The Virginia Journal of Science LITERATURE CITED [January Dahlberg, B. L. and R. C. Guettinger, 1956. The white-tailed deer in Wisconsin. Tech. Wildl. Bui. No. 14, Wise. Cons. Dept., Madison 1 Degarmo, W. R. and J. Gill, 1958. West Virginia whitetails. Bui. No. 4, Game Div., Cons. Comm, of West Va. Davey, S. P., 1957. Unpublished Pittman-Robertson quarterlies. French, C. W., L. C. McEwen, N. D. Magruder, R. H. Ingram, and R. W. Swift, 1955. Nutritional requirements of whitetail deer for growth and antler development. Bui. 600. Penn. State Univ., State College, Penn. French, C. W. and L. C. McEwen, 1955a. Nutritional requirements of whitetail deer for growth and antler development. Bui. 600-P Penn. State Univ., State College, Penn. Gwynn, J. V., 1960. Trends in hunting pressure on white-tailed deer west of the Blue Ridge as measured by county big game damage stamp sales. Virginia Wildlife 21(4): 12-13. Gwynn, J. V., 1960a. Cooperative deer disease study: Job completion report. Pittman-Robertson Project W-40-R-7, Va. Comm. Game and Inland Fisheries, Richmond 13. Jenkins, D. H. and I. H. Bartlett, 1959. Michigan whitetails. Game Div., Mich. Dept. Cons., Lansing. Schultz, A F., 1957. West Virginia’s 1957 deer harvest. West Va. Cons. Comm., Charleston, West Va. Strode, D. D., 1954. The Ocala deer herd. Game publication No. 1, Fla. Game and Freshwater Fish Comm. Taylor, W. P., 1956. The deer of North America. Stackpole Co., Har¬ risburg, Penn. 1962] Eccentric Spots of Light 17 DETECTION AND RADIAL LOCALIZATION OF ECCENTRIC SPOTS OF LIGHT' E. Rae Harcum, The College of William and Mary Visual sensitivity, according to the concensus of experiments employing different visual tasks, is greatest in retinal areas horizontally displaced from the fovea, and poorest in sectors above and below the fovea. The equal-sensitivitv contour, it has been proposed (Harcum & Rabe, 1958), can be generally described by the function in Fig. 1 which is labelled as the s factor. Greater distance from fixation implies superior sensitivity. Also shown in Fig. 1 is an error contour, labelled the I factor, which is produced by a hypothesized localization factor. The visual task produc¬ ing this function requires Os to estimate the radial position of a suprathres- hold eccentric target. The radial-localization accuracy is greater in hori¬ zontal and vertical directions from the fovea than it is in diagonal direc¬ tions (Leibowitz, et al., 1955a). Luminance and duration of the stimuli, which affect detection thresholds, do not influence localization errors (Lei¬ bowitz, et ah, 1955a, 1955b). The present study attempts to differentiate experimentally between sen¬ sitivity and radial-localization functions using the same basic apparatus and procedures. METHOD The target-field in a Dodge tachistoscope simulated a radar scope. It contained a central white fixation cross, white spots marking 5" radial intervals, and white numerals indicating degrees clockwise from above fixation at 10° intervals. The diameter of the scope face between mark¬ ers was 15.2°, viewed at 23.5 in. Field luminance was .069 ft-L. A circular target, 5' in diameter, could appear 5.8° eccentrically on one of the 72 radii of the visual field at 5° intervals from above fixation. The target luminance, provided by fluorescent flash tubes, was about .006 ft-L. In each of nine 2-hr. sessions the O observed binocularly one target on each of the 72 radii in haphazard order with exposures of about .05 ^The actual work on this project was done while the author was a member of the staff of the Vision Research Laboratories, and was supported by the Operations Research Department of the Willow Run Laboratories under a University of Michigan contract with the U. S. Army Signal Air Defense Engineering Agency, Contract No. DA-36-039-SC-64627. The author thanks Dr. S. B. Williams and Miss Dorothy W. Dyer for critical reading end suggestions for improving this report. 18 The Virginia Journal of Science [January sec. Another 72 such observations employed .15-sec. exposures. Also, one verierfehlen was given (i.e, no target presented) at some time dur¬ ing each group of 72 observations. The Os, both having normal vision, were the author and his experi¬ mental assistant. Before each experimental session with the shorter exposure, a number of preliminary observations provided a basis for adjusting the duration slightly, if necessary, to a value intended to produce detection of about 50% of the targets. The p reported after each exposure whether or not he had seen the target, and his best guess concerning its radial location to the nearest 5° marker. Fig. 1.— Predicted shapes of the equal-error contours produced by the I and the s factors, compared to a g factor which yields equal perform¬ ance for all radii. 1962] Eccentric Spots of Light 19 RESULTS The number of *‘Yes” (i.e., detection) responses per target-sector (com¬ posed of three adjacent radii) for both durations of exposure are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 for Obs. ERH and WHB, respectively. As predicted for the detection of stimuli, both Os exhibit elliptical contours for both dura¬ tions, with the long axes oriented approximately along the horizontal meri¬ dian. By making two reasonable assumptions, one can distinguish between spurious localization errors, which are due to failure of detection, and true localization errors. First, the guesses for a sub threshold target will O" 06S.£RH Fig. 2.— Number of ‘'Yes’ /60^ responses per 15° sectors for Obs. ERH at two exposure durations. 20 The Virginia Journal of Science [January be determined by chance. Therefore, they should be about equally dis¬ tributed from 0° to 180° in error. Second, there must be a critical distance from its true location within which a detected target will be locahzed. Thus, a “critical sector” is bounded on either side of the correct radius by a distance within which the target has a greater-than- chance frequency of being localized. Calculation of critical sectors are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, in which localization errors cumulated to 90° are illustrated for Obs. ERH and WHB, respectively. The data-points which fall above the extrapolation of the straight chance-error line indicate target detections. The critical sector for both exposure durations extends 10° and 20° from the true posi- (ms. WHB -20 S/5\ Fig. 3.— Number of “Yes” responses per 15° sectors for Obs. WHB at two exposure durations. CUMX geSPONStS Eccentric Spots of Light 21 1962] tion for Obs. ERH and WHB, respectively. Consequently, further data- analysis will not include estimation errors greater than 10° for Obs. ERH, or 20° for Obs. WHB.2 According to the present argument the localization accuracy with .05- sec. exposures should reflect primarily detection sensitivity, and the .15- sec. data should reflect primarily radial-localization accuracy. Figs. 6 and 7 show frequency of correct localization responses with each dura¬ tion for Obs. ERH and WHB, respectively. Each data-point represents three adjacent radii, e.g., the 0° sector represents the 355°, 0°, and 5° radii; etc. The .05-sec. data indicate all responses correct within a cri¬ tical sector, but the data for .15-sec. exposures indicate only exactly cor- DECftm ERROR Fig. 4.— Cumulative percentages of responses having increasing magnitudes of error for Obs. ERH. 2The localization errors by Obs. ERH with .05-sec. and .15-sec. exposures are given in Tables A and B, respectively. Corresponding data are given for Obs. WHB in Tables C and D. Lettered figures and tables in a 20-page appendix have been deposited with the American Documentation institute. Order Doccument No. 7034, remitting $1.75 for 35mm. microfilm or $2.50 for 6 by 8 in. photocopies. 22 The Virginia Journal of Science [January rect responses. The .05-sec. contours are, as predicated, oval with the longer axes approximately horizontal. On the other hand, the .15-sec. contours are more irregular with Tingers’ of greater sensitivity. That the two exposures give different results agrees with predictions, but there is some failure of the specific prediction that each of the N, E, S, and W sectors would exhibit greater accuracy than each of the NE, SW, NW, and SE sectors. Although the results of each O were consistent, there were large differences between Os for localization contours. For each O the data were combined into totals for N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW sectors, and then related in a 2 x 2-cell table to the frequencies of correct vs. incorrect responses. Chi-squares were com¬ puted for each O, and then combined for the two Os. For ‘detection’ (i.e.j .05-sec.) data, N + S vs, E -|- W yielded a^^ of 43.12 (P < .001), Fig. 5.— Cumulative percentages of responses having increasing magnitudes of error for Obs. WHB. 1962] Eccentric Spots of Light 23 and the Orthogonals {i.e., N-j-S + E + W) vs. Diagonals {i.e., NW + SE + NE + SW) produced a^^ of 2.62 (P > .20). With ‘local¬ ization’ {i.e., .15-sec.) data, however, for N + S vs. E + W the ^ was 6.48 (P < .05), and for Orthogonal vs. Diagonal sectors the ^ was 12.93 (P < .01). The superiority in localization of the N -j- S sectors over the E -}- W sectors was not predicted, but all other predictions were confirmed. 0BS.BIH Fig. 6.— Number of correct responses per 15° sectors for Obs. ERH at two exposure durations. 24 The Virginia Journal of Science [January Localization errors were averaged for each O per observation consider¬ ing the direction (i.e., with sign), and ignoring the direction of the error (i.e., without sign)^. Errors within a critical sector— perhaps most valid because of excluding ‘guessing’ errors — are very consistent for each dura¬ tion for each O, suggesting a constant radial-estimation accuracy for each O. The two Os do differ, however, especially where one or the other O OBSMm Fig. 7.— Number of correct responses per 15° sectors for Obs. WHB at two exposure durations. sQnly responses within a critical sector were used. Clockwise errors were assigned positive values, and counterclockwise errors were considered as negative. Figs. A and B, showing the means of radial-estimation errors computed without regard to sign, and Figs. C and D, showing the means of estimation-errors with regard to sign for Obs. ERH and WHB, re¬ spectively, are given in the material deposited with A. D. I. I 1962] Eccentric Spots of Light 25 departs most from prediction. In spite of the fact that localization is assumed to be related to subjective axes or other subjective reference posi¬ tions of the visual field, such large individual differences in performance among meridians, while expected, still suggest that more than the two Os are needed in radial-localization experiments. Mean radial-estimation errors indicate that the Os tended to mis-localize the targets toward the N sector. DISCUSSION Because the frequencies of perfect accuracy for radii ^with .15-sec. ex¬ posures produce irregular radial contours, which are somewhat different for the two Os, one can only say that the data approximated the ‘localiza¬ tion' function.^ Localization accuracy may be related to subjective horizontal and ver¬ tical reference meridians in the visual field. Some support for this comes from Gibson (1934), who reported a negative after-effect upon the per¬ ceived orientation of a test figure due to previous looking at a tilted line. Also, Attneave (1955) concluded that Os tended to employ subjective axes of a circular visual field when localizing dots. Something more than the retina is at work here. What it is, makes for interesting speculation. At least we can conclude from the foregoing evidence that the Os' accu¬ racy in reporting the radial position of an eccentric target is dependent upon a minimum of two factors — detection sensitivity and localization accuracy — and these two factors do not produce the same relative accuracy for targets at the various radial positions. Therefore, if one wishes to predict perceptual behavior, one must know the contribution of each fac¬ tor specifically to the task in question. SUMMARY This experiment distinguishes experimentally between two sources of errors which occur when an observer estimates the radial position of an eccentric target on a simulated radar scope. Failures to perceive the target, as predicted, were most frequent for stimuli above and below fixation, and least frequent for those to the right and left of fixation. Although localization errors tended to be smaller for horizontal and ver¬ tical radii, and greater for diagonal radii, these error-contours were irregu¬ lar, and somewhat specific to the individual O. ^Corroborating evidence has been found in a more reecnt study employing more Os (Harcum, 1960, Exp. II). Exp. I in this reference is the same experiment as the one described in the present article. 26 The Virginia Journal of Science LITERATURE CITED [January Attneave, F., 1955. Perception of place in a circular field. Amer. J. Psychol. 68:69-82. Gibson, J. J., 1934. Vertical and horizontal orientation in visual percep¬ tion. Psychol. Bull. 31:739-740. Harcum, E. R., 1960. Detection vs. localization errors on various radii of the visual field, in Morris, A. and E. P. Horne (Ed.) Visual search techniques. NAS-NRC Pub. 712. Harcum, E. R, and A. Rabe, 1958. Visual recognition along various meri¬ dians of the visual field: III. Patterns of blackened circles in an eight-circle template. Univ. Mich., Eng. Res. Inst., Proj. Michigan Rept. 2144-294-T. Leibowitz, H. W., N. A. Myers and D. A. Grant, 1955a. Radial locahza- tion of a single stimulus as a function of luminance and duration of exposure. J. opt. soc. Amer. 45:76-78. Leibowitz, H. W., N. A. Myers and D. A. Grant, 1955b. Frequency of seeing and radial localization of single and multiple visual stimuh. J. exp. Psychol. 50:369-373. 1962] Ebrata 27 ERRATA Puckett, D. Hugh, L. L. Farmer, and L. R. Emmons, 1961. The Ambula¬ tory Musculature of the Crayfish Cambarus bartonii sciotensis Rhoades (1944). The authors were not given an opportunity to see page proofs for cor¬ rections prior to the publication of this paper in The Virginia Journal of Science, Vol. 12(3). Page 89, line 10, (Rhoades, 1944) should read Rhoades (1944). Line 13, fliivistilis should be spelled fluviatilis. Page 90, line 4, (Girard 1852) should read Girard (1852). Line 31, (Figs. II-MRA). should be (Fig. II-MRA). Page 91, line 31, (Figs. II, V, VI, VII-MP) should be (Figs. II, V, VI, VIII-MP). Page 92, line 17, (Fig. IV-MDBA) should be (Fig. V-MDBA). Line 18, (Fig. IV-MLBM-B. should be (Fig. IV-MLBM-B). Line 22, (Fig. V-MRM), should be (Fig. IV-MRM), and hne 35, (Fig. II-MDBP-C) should be (Fig. III-MDBP~C). Page 93, lines 14-15, (Figs. I, III) should be (Figs. I, II) and line 16, (Fig. V) should be (Fig. IV). Page 94, line 1, MDBA-A should be MDBP-A. In Explanation of Figures MADC is M. Adductor carpopoditis not M. Abductor carpopoditis. MADD is M. Adductor dactylopoditis not M. Abductor dactylopoditis. Page 95, the following addition should be made to Explanation of Fig¬ ures: PC-Posterior condyle. Page 96, Figure 1, Posterion should be spelled Posterior. Page 99, Figure V, M. levator basipoditis posterior should be M. depres¬ sor basipoditis posterior. 28 The Virginia Journal of Science [January News And Notes (Editors Note: News contributions should be sent to the person whose name appears at the end of the appropriate sections.) MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Many of us have been planning, since last May, for the 1962 Annual Meetings of the Academy, and it is now time that all of us mark our calendars (May 10-12) and begin to give some thought to what con¬ tributions we can make toward the success of these meetings. For years, our Academy has been one of the most active, and, in many wavs, one of the most successful of the State Academies. Certainly the heritage and prestige that we enjoy were not derived from a set of coincidences. They are clearly the result of the wisdom, work, and cooperation of the membership. There are few, if any, scientists in the State who would question the values of our various national meetings and the importance attaching to the attendance and participation in them by Virginians. May I remind you that there are also unquestionable benefits, both to individuals and to our State, which derive from strong Academy meetings. Surely, there is no necessity for enumerating such benefits here. As you are well aware, the strength and worthwhileness of the An¬ nual Meetings are largely dependent upon the active participation of the members in them, particularly in the Sectional Meetings. I there¬ fore solicit your earnest concern for these sessions and trust that when the call for papers is issued by the sectional secretaries you will not ignore or delay in responding to the requests. Although it is always dangerous to single out, in advance, any one feature of a group activity as being especially worthy of note, I do not hesitate to call your attention to the Symposium on our Natural Re¬ sources which will be held on Thursday, May 10 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. A distinguished panel consisting of scientists from widely scattered parts of the United States has agreed to participate in this dis¬ cussion which we hope will arouse the interest not only of members of the Academy but also of persons throughout Virginia. May I take this opportunity to state that no one could have received better cooperation than has your President from his fellow officers, mem¬ bers of the Council, and committeemen. I wish to thank them for all of their efforts and trust that, with your cooperation, we shall have one News and Notes 29 1962] of the best meetings in the history of the Academy at The Golden Tri¬ angle in Norfolk. I shall continue to welcome your suggestions and con¬ structive criticisms. Sincerely yours, Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF 1962 MEETING OF THE ACADEMY The annual meeting of The Virginia Academy of Science will be held in Norfolk, May 10-12, 1962. The host institution will be The Norfolk College of William and Mary. Meetings will be held at The Golden Triangle which is located on Olney Road and Monticello Ave. The Junior Academy will hold its meetings May 10th at The Golden Triangle. Registration will begin the afternoon of May 9th. The following advanced information on some of the hotels in the Nor¬ folk area available for the annual meeting is submitted. It will be neces¬ sary for each individual to make his reservations direct. Location Name Rates Downtown Commodore Maury Hotel from $ 6.00 Downtown Fairfax Hotel Single Double from from $ 4.00 $ 7.00 Downtown Golden Triangle Motor Single from $10.00 Hotel Double from $14.00 Downtown Gilbert Hotel Single Double from from $ 2.50 $ 4.50 Downtown Jefferson Hotel Single Double from from $ 4.00 $ 6.00 Downtown Monticello Hotel Single Double from from $ 5.50 $ 8.00 Downtown Thomas Nelson Hotel Single Double from from $ 5.00 $ 7.00 Ocean View Nansemond Hotel Moderate Highway motor courts available are the Admiralty Motor Hotel, Bel- Aire Motel, El Camino Motel, El Rancho Motel, Greenbriar Motel, Hacien¬ da Motel, Holiday Towers Motel, and Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge. C. S. Sherwod III, Norfolk College of William and Mary 30 The Virginia Journal of Science [January Representing the Most Respected Manufacturers in the Laboratory Supply Industry Corning Glass ® Kimble Glass » Coors Porcelain ® Nalge Plastics • Sheldon Furniture ® Beckman Instruments ® Coleman Instru¬ ments ® American Optical Com¬ pany ® Bausch & Lomb, Inc. ® Eberbach Corporation ® Inter¬ national Equipment Company ® Burrell Corporation • Labora¬ tory Equipment Company • Ainsworth Balance ® Ohaus Balance • U.S. Stoneware ® J. T. Baker Chemicals • Mal- linckrodt Chemicals • Matheson Coleman & Bell Organics ® Precision Scientific Company ® Labline, Inc. ® Thermolyne Corporation ® Buehler, Ltd. ® Baltimore Biological ® Difco Laboratories ® Wm. Boekel & Company ® Humboldt Manufac¬ turing Company ® Hevi-Duty Electric Company ® W. A. Taylor Company ® Sartorious Balance ® Torsion Balance ® Hellige, Inc. ® Plus Many Others. Serving the South for over 35 years [pGaaipps - y MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT / S J 6TH & BYRD STREETS — RICHMOND, VA. PHONE MI 4-5401 1962] News and Notes 31 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE The Nutrition Conference, held November 3-4, 1961 at Virginia Poly¬ technic Institute was attended by 247 nutritional scientists from 18 states and the District of Columbia. The activity was held in connection with the dedication of the new million dollar Biochemistry and Nutrition Build¬ ing and in commemoration of the Land Grant Centennial and the 90th anniversary of VPL A. L. Eller, Jr., Assistant Extension Specialist in Animal Husbandry at VPI, has been called to active duty in the U. S. Army. J. A. Gaines, Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry, Virginia Poly¬ technic Institute, has accepted a 2 year assignment with the FAO. Dr. Gaines will develop an Animal Breeding research program in Argentina. L. M. Johnson has resigned from the Department of Horticulture at VPI to accept a position as Manager of Production Research with Dulany Foods, Inc. A grant of $4,000 has been received from the Virginia State Apple Commission to support research in the Department of Horticulture at VPI on processed apple products. The following members of the Virginia State Department of Agricul¬ ture have been elected to offices in several national societies: W. L. Bendix, President of the U. S. Livestock Sanitary Association; J. W.Mid- yette, President of the Association of American Seed Control Officials; P. E. Irwin, Secretary of the Association of American Pesticide Control Officials; M. B. Rowe, Executive Committee of the Association of Ameri¬ can Fertilizer Control Officials. Entomologists from VPI who attended the recent Baltimore meetings of the Eastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America were C. H. Hill, C. B. Dominick, M. L. Bobb, A. M. Woodside, E. C. Turner, and J. M. Grayson Dr. Grayson served as Chairman of the Society for 1961. Recent additions to the VPI Department of Plant Pathology and Physio¬ logy are C. W. Le Fevre, S. W. Bingham and V. P. Sterrett. R. H. Hurt, a member of the department for 39 years, has recently retired. — Paul B. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. ASTRONOMY, MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS The V. M. 1. Physics Department with the assistance of a grant of $24,- 000 from the AEG has assembled a sub-critical reactor which is expected to be in operation by the first of 1962. — D. Rae Carpenter, Jr., Virginia Military Institute. The Virginia Journal of Science Quality [January Products of © A. T. Co, o/oikijceo- IS OUR MIDDLE NAME 1962] News and Notes 33 PSYCHOLOGY The semi-annual meeting of the Virginia Psychological Association was held in Richmond on October 20th. After a full day of business, largely devoted to discussion of the report of the legislative committee on pro¬ posed changes in the state certification law for psychologists, social hour, and banquet, the invited address was given by Dr. Ogden Lindsley, Director of the Behavior Research Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Metropolitan State Hospital, Waltham, Massachusetts. Dr. Lindsley spoke on “Experimental Analysis of Behavior of Chronic Psychotics.” Dr. Lindsley ’s presentation of his longitudinal research on operant conditioning of long-term psychotic patients provided considerable interest in the methodological and theoretical problems confronted, and produced a lively audience response. The VAS Psychology Section chair¬ man, Dr. Robert Johnston of U. of R. was among the more vigorous dis¬ cussants. Charles L. Fry, Jr. joined the Psychology Department at the University of Virginia in June. He is a recent Ph.D. from the University of Roches¬ ter. Dr. Fry’s research and instructional interests are principally in social and developmental psychology. University of Virginia psychologists were active in the meetings of the Psychonomic Society and the American Psychological Association in New York in September. Frank W. Finger, professor of psychology and pres¬ ident of Division 1 of the American Psvchological Association, delivered the presidential address to the division of general psychology. William F. Battig, associate professor, delivered a paper on “Transfer from Verbal- Discrimination to Paired-Associate Learning” to the Psychonomic Society. At the American Psychological Association meetings he was chairman of a paper session on “Concept-Formation” and of a discussion session on “Verbal Learning.” Frank A. Geldard, professor of psychology and dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, chaired a session on “Physiol¬ ogical Psychology” at the Psychonomic Society meetings and L. Starling Reid, professor of psychology and Head of the Department, University of Virginia, chaired a session on “Human Learning.” — Frederick B. Rowe, Randolph-Macon Womens College. BIOLOGY On July 1, 1961, the School of Marine Science of the Colleges of Wil¬ liam and Mary replaced the Department of Marine Science of the College of William and Mary. Dr. William J. Hargis, Jr., was named as Dean. The degree offered at this time is the Master of Arts in Marine Science McCOMAS RESEARCH CENTER to provide for growing basic research program The opening of our new research center this month will provide us with an opportunity for even more extensive basic research into the physical sciences. The new laboratories and in¬ strumentation will facilitate comprehensive studies into the basic nature of tobacco, smoke and smoke flavor as well as in¬ tensify our corporate research into packaging and adhesive ma¬ terials. We are looking forward to the achievements to come from this new laboratory complex. We sincerely believe our greater em¬ phasis on fundamental research will be an important factor in the continued growth of both our company and the industries we serve. PHILIP MORRIS ™c. 1962] News and Notes 35 with Majors in Biological Oceanography, General Oceanography and Fish¬ eries Biology. The Department of Biology, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, has acquired 50 acres of forested land to be known as the Wilham Buford Russell and Robert Achilles Russell Nature Preserve. This was obtained by partial purchase from and donation by Mr. W. B. Russell. The tract is located 12 miles from the campus and will be used for student and faculty study and research. Dr. Dorothy Crandall and Dr. James Cham¬ berlain have been working during the past summer on a three year forest ecological study of the Piedmont area. Particular attention is being direct¬ ed toward plant succession and small mammal populations. Dr. Franklin F. Flint has been appointed Acting Chairman of the Bio- logv Department at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College. Dr. Lyman R. Emmons, a graduate of Trinity College, who received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Virginia, has been appointed Assistant Professor of Biology at Washington and Lee University. Mr. Joe E. Coggins, formerly with the Educational Division, Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, has been appointed to the staff of the Biology Department at Hampden-Sydney College. Dr. R. H. Hoffman, Biology Department, Radford College, conducted studies during the summer of the millipede fauna of the southeastern Appalachians under a grant from N.S.F. This grant was administered by the Highlands Biological Station. Dr. Mary E. Humphreys, Mary Baldwin College, attended a N.S.F. Summer Institute for college teachers of botany at Washington State Uni¬ versity. The Department of Biology at the University of Virginia have three post-doctoral fellows. They are: Richard White, Ph.D. Washington Uni¬ versity, 1961; Justo de la Pax, Ph.D. Cornell University, 1957; R. George Babcock, Ph.D. University of Virginia, 1961. Dr. W. Ralph Singleton, Miller Professor of Biology and Director of the Blandy Experimental Farm, has completed a textbook entitled Ele¬ mentary Genetics which will appear in publication next May. Its chief illustrator is Dr. Te-Hsiu Ma, Assistant Professor of Biology at Emory and Henry College. Dr. Louis R. Hundley, Virginia Military Institute, attended an eight week Summer Institute in Radiation Biology at Tulane University. Dr. Hundley has also received a three year research grant from the U. S. Public Health Service for the sum of $30,079 to work on the changes in 36 The Virginia Journal of Science [January the chemical composition of bone and muscles due to exercise and fat loads. Dr. John R. Reaves, Jr., V. M. I., worked last summer as a naturalist for the Blue Ridge Parkway at the Peaks of Otter. Dr. Jesse C. Thompson, Jr., Hollins College, has received a three year grant from N.S.F. totaling $14,700 to support research dealing with the morphology and taxonomy of two orders of ciliated protozoa. Dr. Thomp¬ son spent this past summer at the School of Marine Science in Gloucester Point, Virginia. Later he presented a paper at the First International Conference on Protozoology in Prague, Czechoslovakia and visited labo¬ ratories in Hungary, Italy, France and England. — Jesse C. Thompson, Jr., Hollins College. STATISTICS SECTION The Department of Statistics at the Florida State University will expand its graduate program to study and research leading to the Doctor of Philos- ophv degree in statistics. Dr. R. A. Bradley, formerly of Virginia Poly¬ technic Institute, is head of the department. One of his staff is Dr. R. G. Cornell who received his Ph.D. degree at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. A joint meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science Chapter of the American Statistical Association and the Richmond Chapter of the Ameri¬ can Societv for Quality Control was held November 18, 1961, at Way¬ nesboro, Virginia. Four papers were presented to the thirty-one indi¬ viduals attending. Clyde Y. Kramer of the Department of Statistics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute has been elected chairman of the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association. He will also serve as program chair¬ man for the Section and Biometrics Society for the 1962 annual meeting. Mr. Whitney L. Johnson will join the Statistics Department at Virginia Polvtechnic Institute as Associate Professor on January 1, 1962. Mr. Johnson has a B.S. from Utah State University, a M.S. from University of Minnesota and is now completing his Ph.D. requirements at the Uni¬ versity of Minnesota. — Clyde Y. Kramer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The Annual Subscription Rate is $3.00, and the cost of a single number, $1.00. Reprints are available only if ordered when galley proof is returned. All orders except those involving exchanges should be addressed to Carl W. Allen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. The University of Virginia Library has exclusive exchange arrangements, and communications relative to exchange should be addressed to The Librarian, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Notice To Contributors Contributions to the Journal should be addressed to Paul B. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. If any preliminary notes have been published on the subject which is submitted a statement to that effect must accompany the manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate, typewritten in double spacing on standard 8 1/2" X 11" paper, with at least a one inch margin on all sides. Manuscripts are limited to seven pages, with the proviso that if additional pages are desired, the author may obtain them at cost. The author may estimate the length of his paper by counting the total number of characters, including blank spaces, and dividing this by 3300. The result is the approxi¬ mate number of printed pages In the Journal. Division of the manuscript into subheadings must follow a consistent plan. It Is desir¬ able that a brief summary be included in all manuscripts. Footnotes should be included in the body of the manuscript immediately following the reference, and set off by a dashedline above and below the footnote content. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the manuscript. References should be arranged alphabetically according to author. Each reference should include the date, full title of the article, the name of the Journal, the volume and pages. For example: Harvie, L. E. and S. P. Maroney, Jr., 1961. Respiration and hemolysis of ultra¬ violet irradiated frog erythrocytes. Va. Jour. Sci. 12:1-9. References to the bibliographic citations should not be made by numbers. Instead, using the above citation, where a reference is desired: either (Harvie and Maroney, 1961) or Harvie and Maroney (1961). Explanation of graphs and tabular material should be fyped on separate pages. All figures should be numbered consecutively beginning with the first text figure and continuing through the plates. If figures are to be inserted in the text this should be indicated at the appropriate place in the margin. Illustrations including lettering, should be arranged so that on reduction they will not exceed the dimensions of the maximum size of a printed page. Large plates must be ac¬ companied by photographic copies which can be sent to the reviewers. The Journal will furnish the author with one plate or its equivalent; additional figures, colored illustrations or lithographs may be used only if the author makes a grant covering the cost of production. Original drawings (which must be done in black drawing ink) not photographs of drawings, should accompany the manuscript. When photographic prints are used they should be glossy, sharp and show good contrast. Drawings not neatly executed and labeled (do not use a typewriter), or which are not submitted on white paper will not be accepted. Galley proofs are sent to the author for correction. Costs of excessive changes from the original manuscript must be defrayed by the author. OFFICERS OF THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Horton H. Hobbs, President Jackson J. Taylor, President-Elect Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Foley F. Smith, Treasurer Wiliam B. Wartman, Jr., Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Herbert W. K. Fitzroy Stanley B. Williams Harry G. M. Jopson G. Tyler Miller, Jr. J. C. Forbes W. S. Flory COUNCIL Suzie V. Floyd W. H. Brittingham P. Arne Hansen E. D. Brand W. M. Hinton P. B. Siegel W. W. Scott S. B. Row J. L. Calver E. F. Turner, Jr. Boyd Harshbarger W. B. Bell H. Leidheiser, Jr. THE VIRGINIA OURNAL OF SCIENCE A JOURNAL ISSUED QUARTERLY BY THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE i ll iVol. 13, New Series April, 1962 No. 2 VoL. 13, New Series No. 2 April, 1962 THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published Four Times A Year In January, April, July, and September, by The Virginia Academy of Science Printed by The Bassett Printing Corporation^ Bassett, Virginia CONTENTS Pages Higher Education in Virginia. R. W. Engel . . . . 37 New Ostracods of the Genus Entocythere from the Mountain Lake Region, Virginia (Ostracoda, Entocytheridae). Horton H. Hobbs and Margaret Walton .... 42 Academic Prediction Using Scholastic Personality and Interest Factors. John M. Long . . 49 News and Notes . . . . . . . 59 Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting . . 67 EDITORIAL BOARD Paul B. Siegel, Editor Carl W. Allen, Managing Editor Section Editors M. A. Kise W. P. Anslow, Jr. N. F. Murphy F. B. Rowe W. T. Parrott A. Mandell C. Y. Kramer Entered as second-class matter, at the post office at Bassett, Virginia, and Blacksburg, Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Subscription $3.00 annuity. Published four times year: in January, April, July and September by the Virginia Academy of Science at Blacksburg, Virginia. Mailed April 6, 1962 D. R. Carpenter, Jr. A. P. Hanson J. C. Thompson THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE VoL. 13, New Series April, 1962 No. 2 HIGHER EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA' R. W. Engel Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Blacksburg, Virginia Our educational system is under attack (Public Education Under Criticism, Prentice-Hall Inc., New York, 1954). Evidence that this was the case appeared long before the recent movement into outer space ( Scott and Hill, 1954). Some idea of how criticisms have mushroomed to alarming proportions can be seen if one looks at the entries in the educational index under the heading of “public schools-criticism.” For the period 1942 to 1952 entries increased from 3 to 49. These criticisms have excreted an influence in the general direction of stiffening curricula, increasing emphasis in mathematics and science, and special attention for the gifted. Mrs. Rollin Brovm, president of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers with a membership of nearly 11,000,000 says the stress will be on better counseling guidance rather than on the “crash program” recommended by some critics. (New York Times, April 27, 1958) . There is also an increasing trend at college level in the direction of more basic science in the curricula of departments of instruction in agri¬ culture (Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy, etc.). It is my sincere hope that emphasis in this direction will not disrupt too seriously the present program of training agricultural technologists. Seventy-five years of such training through the land-grant colleges has produced the most abundant and efficient agricultural production and product-processing system in the world, one which is envied by all other countries. This is an impressive record. I do wish to emphasize, however, that this entire program would benefit greatly if quality of instruction could be upgraded at all levels in our educational system. ^This paper was presented before the Agricultural Science Section at the 1958 meeting of The Virginia Academy of Science. 7 1962 38 The Virginia Journal of Science [April We often assume that many of our agrieultural students in the land- grant college system are ill-prepared for college studies because of over¬ emphasis on technological rather than academic courses in high school. I don’t know whether the record will support this assumption. I have reviewed the records of 38 randomly selected students who entered as freshmen in the school of agriculture at V. P. I. in the fall of 1957. The record reveals that 71 per cent of these students enrolled in at least one unit in agriculture in high school and that 40 per cent finished high school with 4 units in agriculture. It is also true, however, that 87 per cent of these students satisfactorily com.pleted one unit of biology, that 68 per cent completed one unit of high school chemistry, and that 50 per cent of them completed 3 units of high school mathematics. Much more dif¬ ficult to evaluate, of course, is the quality of instruction. Based on the performance of these students in college chemistry or mathematics courses, one must conclude that there is perhaps less fault to be found with high school curricula than with the subject matter actually taught. If motiva¬ tion is a major factor in developing future scientists, it is doubtfully achieved when the high school teacher is proficient in the teaching skills but deficient in knowledge of subject matter taught. Recent movements into space have stirred many people to the realiza¬ tion that accomplishments in technology rest upon the productivity of our educational institutions. Discussion of satellites and "what’s wrong with our educational system?” appear to be almost inseparable in the minds of people who have been stirred by recent events. Traditionally, our institutions of higher learning are a reflection of the aspirations, the desires, the aims, and the problems of the American peo¬ ple. We turn to colleges and universities for leadership when new re¬ sources are to be explored, when emergencies arise, or when we have the inclination to effect improvements in agriculture or industry. Perhaps it is hardly worth even to mention that the nature of institutions of higher learning in a free society could represent anything other than the aspira¬ tions of the citizens acting in an atmosphere of freedom. If we accept this reasoning, it becomes evident that an institution of higher learning will or will not flourish, depending upon the citizens from which its support is derived, whether it be a public or a private institu¬ tion. Why have some institutions flourished and others not? Is this question in any way related to, “Why are some states rich in agricultural and industrial development and others poor?” If we accept the thesis that the amount of support received from the citizenry of an institution will reflect its usefulness or productivity, I think we would have to agree that material wealth is very likely a product of a sound program of edu¬ cation at all levels. In line with this thinking there is naturally the question as to where 1962] Higher Education in Virginia 39 we stand in Virginia. If we accept the basic assumption that every American child should be educated to the highest level that his inherit¬ ance and interests will reasonably allow, and if we accept the study reported by the Iowa investigators (Hughes and Lancelot, 1946), we learn that Virginia ranks thirty-fourth among the 48 states in ability to support education. Hughes and Lancelot summarize Virginia as fol¬ lows, “Despite its illustrious past and its numerous famous sons, it does not appear to value public education highly.” It is further stated that, “Virginia stands in forty-second position as to all-around educational performance. The record as a whole is not at all creditable.” These authors further suggest that federal aid to education must be provided if the children of Virginia are to have a fair chance to secure an education of the kind that our times demand. As a citizen of Virginia, I am quite frankly chagrined at the record for which I must assume a share of responsibility. Why does my state with its impressive record of illustrious sons rank so poorly in provid¬ ing public education for it citizens, and what can I do to improve its position? I believe that higher education as a functional entity of our society is not well understood by the public generallv. All of our citizens should be made to understand that virtually all the important differences between man ten thousand years ago and man today are due to education. AH of our citizens should be made aware of the fact that higher education must accomplish three goals to be successful and to enrich its citizens. These are to dispense knowledge in the life sciences, in the physical sci¬ ences, and in the social sciences and humanities. It is not easy for the average citizen to comprehend what we mean when we speak in terms of the humanities and insist that education in the humanities has some¬ thing to do with preparing for a career in agriculture. Perhaps this will become clearer if we speak in terms of what is involved in adjust¬ ing our lives to the tmth, which is another definition for education. Approached in this way, perhaps the average citizen can comprehend the function of higher education. Adjusting our lives to the truth, involves (1) learning about life (biological sciences) (2) learning about the physi¬ cal world in which life is supported (physical sciences) and (3) learn¬ ing the relationships of living beings to each other and to the world in which they are supported (social sciences and humanities). Today it is manifestly impossible for one individual to become proficient in more than one specialized field of knowledge. Division of labor, even among intellectual skills, is therefore necessary. Someone has recently remarked, “The sordid truth is that the fellowship of educated man has become increasingly to resemble a zoo, with each of us duly labeled chemist or poet, or economist, or agronomist, or what not, blatantly 40 The Virginia Journal of Science [April parading his uniqueness in his appropriate cage.” These divisions are established for temporary convenience but unfortunately often tend to become permanent. Manv scientific disciplines must be brought to bear, for example, if we are to expect any real new knowledge to be applied in agriculture (gene¬ tics, biochemistry, biophysics, embryology, endocrinology, etc.). For per¬ sons of many different intellectual interests to work in unison toward a common goal requires an appreciation of the relationship of living beings to each other. Since this involves humanities as we have defined them, their importance becomes self-evident. Another way of stating it is that successful cooperation in research is dependent upon the proper attitude of mind. Proper attitudes of mind are developed as a consequence of man’s knowledge of himself in relation to others. Let’s assume that we can find the means of convincing the supporting citizenry that more vigorous support of education, including higher edu¬ cation, is essential for the state of Virginia. What will we do with this new support? I am going to develop some rather simple thoughts which I hope will convince you as to how we can most efficiently use additional support. It has often been said that the only way a student can acquire the ability to think is to be associated with a teacher who thinks. The better thinker the teacher is, the better chance the student has of approach¬ ing higher levels in his own thinking. The farther the student advances, the greater the demand upon the teacher to continue to advance. This student-teacher relationship in thought processes is brought to its highest level in the graduate school. To this extent the graduate school is largely responsible for stimulating scholarship at all levels of higher education. Until we have support for developing graduate schools in which this student-teacher relationship can flourish, it is foolhardy to assume that any real advances in higher education can be expected in Virginia. Realistic financing of graduate programs must allow flexibility in teach¬ ing loads so the teacher has time for scholarly advancement, or, to return to the simpler terminology just developed, give the teacher time to think. Gardening as a hobby and gardening as an economic necessity for col¬ lege professors are quite distinct, and let’s face the fact that when gar¬ dening is done of economic necessity, its influence on thought processes as they are transmitted to the student may not have the most desirable effects. Many of you may not agree with me, but it is my belief that rich industrial or agricultural states have gotten that way because they sup- 1962] Higher Education in Virginia 41 ported education generously, and that this generous support enriched the lives of the citizens because the highest scholarly attainment, namely graduate studies, were given special emphasis. I find no serious fault witli continuing our philosophy of education based on the aspirations of the citizens of a free society. This system has produced 35 Nobel prize winners whereas the system of educational regimentation which produced the Sputniks has produced only 2 Nobel prize winners. What does concern me, however, is that none of the Nobel prize winners in science, produced by our educational system, came from Virginia or from any of our neighboring southern states. 1 have urged that more adequate support for higher education in Vir¬ ginia needs particular attention. This view is strongly supported by recent data (Folger and Sugg, 1956). These authors point out that the southern region of the United States grants 27 per cent of the nation’s bachelor’s degrees but only 13 per cent of its doctor’s degrees. Virginia, with a past rich in illustrious statesmen, must be reawakened to the realization that the desire to teach and the desire to learn are quahties which ultimately determine whether her citizens prosper or decay. This is neither speculation nor prophecy; rather it is a simple statement of man’s achievements throughout recorded history. REFERENCES Folger, J. K., and R. S. Sugg, Jr. 1956. A Factbook on Higher Edu¬ cation in the South. Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, Georgia. Hughes, R. M., and Wm. H. Lancelot. 1946. Education— America’s Magic. Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. Scott, G. W., and C. M. Hill. 1954. Public Education Under Criticism. Prentice-Hall Inc., N. Y 42 The Virginia Journal of Science [April NEW OSTRACODS OF THE GENUS ENTOCYTHERE FROM THE MOUNTAIN LAKE REGION, VIRGINIA (Ostracoda, Entocytheridae) Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. and Margaret Walton Mountain Lake Biological Station, University of Virginia Among the entocvtherid ostracods of the Mountain Lake region are two nndescribed species which are associated with the burrowing crayfish, Camharus carolinus (Erichson). One of them, Entocythere asceta, ap¬ pears to infest only this crayfish, and hence is confined to a subsurface habitat. The other, E. chalaza, which is much more abundant, is found on the same crayfish, and only on one occasion was it found on another; thus it too seems to be largely restricted to one host and to subsurface groundwaters. A third un described species, E. phyma, somewhat closely related to E. asceta, has been found on three species of crayfishes in several epigean lotic habitats in the area. Entocythere chalaza is a member of the Runki Group (Crawford 1959: 157), and E. asceta and E. phyma are here assigned to a new group, the Asceta Group, along with E. cyma Hobbs and Walton (1960: 18). All descriptions of the male copulatory complexes are based on those in the copulatory attitude; i.e., those in which the clasping apparatus is directed anteriorly. ASCETA GROUP (Here Designated) Diagnosis. — Terminal tooth of mandible with cusps; maxillary palp with two terminal and no dorsal setae. Copulatory complex with a well de¬ veloped or reduced finger guard. Peniferum extending ventrally much beyond clasping apparatus, elongate, slender, entirely corneous with sub¬ terminal bulbous eiilargement containing the penis; accessory groove lack¬ ing; clasping apparatus without distinct teeth on either internal or exter¬ nal border but with three to five teeth near or at distal extremity. Females of E. asceta without an amiculum; females unknown in E. cyma and E. phyma. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE ASCETA GROUP The Asceta Group is here erected to receive the previously described Entocythere cyma Hobbs and Walton and two species, E. asceta and E. phyma, described below. 1 Peniferum with distal extremity bulbous or broadly tapering 1962] New Ostracods of the Genus Entocythere 43 (figs. 5 and 11) . 2 1' Peniferum with distal extremity in the form of a mesially- curved, finger-like projection (fig. 1) . Entocythere asceta, sp. nov. 2(1) Distal extremity of peniferum bulbous; distal half of penis spi- culiform and strongly curved; clasping apparatus reduced in size with from one to five denticles distally . Entocythere phyma, sp. nov. 2' Distal extremity of peniferum swollen but elongate; distal half of penis never spiculifonn; clasping apparatus prominent, with distal fluted expansion bearing five denticles . Entocythere cyma Hobbs and Walton Entocythere asceta,^ sp. nov. Male. — -Shell (fig. 3) subovate with a shallow ventral emargination slightly anterior to midlength; maximum height slightly posterior to mid- length. Marginal setae widely, but evenly, dispersed except dorsally. See Table I for measurements. Copulatory complex (figs. 1 and 4) with peniferum heavily sclerotized and comparatively slender but with a prominent subterminal bulbous expansion; ventral surface of bulbous portion with a tapering conical projection, its slender tip directed mesially; base of conical projection with a mesially situated, oblique ( anteroproximal to posterodistal) , rec¬ tangular phalange with its posterodistal border bent mesially. Penis, situated in bulbous expansion, prominent, strongly curved, and its distal portion guarded by a tooth-like projection. Dorsal finger slender and of the usual type; ventral finger, also slender, strongly bent with extensions of the two ends forming about a 60° angle. Finger guard reduced to a small sclerotized plate proximolateral to the bases of the two fingers. Clasping apparatus (fig. 4) strongly curved but not clearly divisible into vertical and horizontal rami; external border entire; internal border with two shallow emarginations in distal fourth; distal extremity with three or four denticles. Female. — Shell of triunguis female (fig. 2) either markedly similar to that of male, or more frequently with a scalloped posteroventral mar¬ gin. Amiculum and J-shaped rod absent, but posterodorsal area with a small posterodorsally directed tubercle partially surrounded by an amor¬ phous, but usually approximately the same shaped, mass. See Table I for measurements. lAscetus, G. — curiously wrought; so named because of the ornate distal portion of the peniferum. 44 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Type Locality and Range. — Crayfish burrows on golf course of the Mountain Lake Hotel off Virginia Route 700, approximately nine miles N. E. of Pembroke, Giles County, Virginia. The host is Camharus caro- linii.s (Erichson), the onlv crayfish with which this species has been found associated. Additional localities include (1) the nearby Mountain Lake Biological Station grounds; (2) crayfish burrows along Middle Creek, 1.2 mi. N. of Maggie, Craig Co., Va., on Rte. 636; and (3) burrows along a tributary of Rays Brandi, 2.0 mi. S. E of Waiteyille, Monroe Co, W. Va., on Rte. 15. ' Disposition of Types. — The holotypic male, the allotypic female and paratypic males are deposited in the United States National Museum. Paratypic males are in the collections of E. A. Crawford and C. W. Hart, Jr. Both male and female paratypes are in the collection of the senior author. Relationships. — Entocythere asceta is most closely related to E. cyma and E. phyma. The bulbous distal portion of the penifera of the three are markedly similar; ecologically, howeyer, E. asceta is distinct, for it is found only on a burrowing crayfish while the other two occur on cray¬ fishes frequenting lotic habitats. In its apparent restricted host and habitat, and in the elongate peniferum, it approaches the two members of the Geophila Group, E. geophila Hart and E. torreija Hart (1959: 195, 198). Entocythere phyma, ^ sp. noy. Male. - Shell (fig. 10) suboyate with margins entire; maximum height slightly posterior to midlength. Marginal setae yery sparse anteriorly, yentrally, and posteriorly; absent dorsally. See Table I for measurements. Copulatory complex (figs. 11, 12, and 13) with peniferum heayily sclerotized and comparatiyely slender but with a prominent terminal bul¬ bous expansion. Prominent penis, situated in bulbous expansion, taper¬ ing to a long spiculiform process which frequently extends beyond distal extremity of peniferum. Dorsal finger slender; yentral finger, also slender, gently curyed throughout its length. Einger guard prominent, slender, and rounded distally. Clasping apparatus proportionally smaller than that of any other known entocytherid (and more yariable than any known to the authors) and so loosely articulated with the peniferum as to be directed as much as 180° from the usual position (that illustrated in fig. 11 is lient at about 45°). Clasping apparatus always curyed and frequently not diyisible into yertical and horizontal rami; apex may be expanded (figs. 11 and 13) and bear as many as fiye denticles, or it may be taper¬ ing (fig. 12) and bear one to three denticles. iPhyma, G. — tumor or tubercule; so named because of the swollen distal portion of the peniferum. 1962] New Ostracods of the Genus Entocythere 45 No specimens of E. phyma have been found in copula and it has not been possible to associate a female with the male. Type Locality and Range- — ^White Rock Branch, 6.7 mi. N. of the Mountain Lake Biological Station on Rte. 613, Giles Gounty, Virginia (.5 mi. S. of junction with Rte. 635). The hosts are Cambarus h. hartonii (Fab.) and C. h. sciotensis Rhoades In Laurel Branch, a tribu¬ tary of Big Stony Creek, .6 mi. E. of Rte. 635 on Rte. 628, and at the Cascades on Little Stony Creek, Giles Co., Va., it was found on the same hosts. In Dicks Creek, 2.2 mi. from jet. of Rtes. 636 and 658 in Craig Co., Va., it was found associated with C. h. hartonii. Disposition of Types. - The holotypic male is deposited in the United States National Museum. Paratypic males are in the collections of E. A. Crawford, C. W. Hart, Jr. and the senior author. Relationships — Entocythere phyma has its closest affinities with E. cyma Hobbs and Walton (1960: 18) and is somewhat more distantly related to E. asceta. It may be distinguished, however, from both by the much smaller clasping apparatus and the terminal (not subterminal) bul¬ bous condition of the peniferum. Entocythere chalaza,^ sp. nov. Male. - Shell (fig. 6) subovate with margins entire; maximum height slightly posterior to midlength. Submarginal setae rather close together anterodorsally and posteriorly, but sparse ventrally; none on dorsal mar¬ gin. See Table I for measurements. Mandible with terminal tooth bearing cusps. Maxillary palp with the usual two recurved terminal teeth. Copulatory complex (figs. 8 and 9) with peniferum usually heavily sclerotized and robust and with a conspicuous hump, or swelling, on posterodistal portion. Apical end of peniferum directed anteriorly. Penis of moderate size and situated at level of finger guard. Accessory groove present and extending proximally to loop of spermatic duct. Dorsal fin¬ ger slender and with a single long seta; ventral finger curved throughout so that apex is directed anterodorsally. Finger guard prominent, strongly arched anteriorly, bifid distaUy with the larger posterior element directed posteroventrally. Clasping apparatus divisible into vertical and horizon¬ tal rami. Vertical ramus strongly curved and gradually broadens distally so that its maximum width occurs at junction with horizontal ramus, the thickest portion of the clasping apparatus. Horizontal ramus with exter¬ nal border entire and slightly convex; internal border with one prominent ^Chalaza, G. — a hard lump; referring to the caudal swelling on the posterodistal position of the peniferum. 46 The Virginia Journal of Science [April angular elevation slightly proximal to midlength; apex of elasping appa¬ ratus without distinct denticles but marked by two longitudinal grooves which extend posteriorly on lateral surface of horizontal ramus. Female. — Shell of triunguis female (fig. 7) essentially similar to that of male but frequently with a shallow ventral emargination just anterior to midlength, and often with a posteroventral lobular expansion. Promi¬ nent J-shaped rod and ruffled amiculum present. See Table I for meas¬ urements. Type Locality and Range. — Identical with that of Entocythere asceta (which see) except a single male was found in a collection of Cambarus h. hartonii, C. 1. longulus Girard,' and C. montanus acuminatus Faxon in a small tributary to the North Fork of the Roanoke River, .2 mi. N. E. of junction of Rtes. 785 and 723, on the former, Montgomeiy Co, Va. Dispo.sition of Type.s. — The holotypic male, allotypic female, and male and female paratypes are deposited in the United States National Museum. Paratypes are in the collections of E. A. Crawford, C. W. Hart, Jr. and the senior author. Relationships. — Entocythere chalaza is a member of the Runki Group and closely allied to E. daphnioides Hobbs (1955: 325), E. runki Hobbs (1955: 330), E. mecoscapha Hobbs and Walton (1960: 19), E. suteri Crawford (1959: 162), and E. chelomata Crawford (1961: 242). It shares with all of these the presence of a finger guard, at least one tooth on the internal border of the clasping apparatus, and an amiculum in the female. The males of E. chalaza may be distinguished by the thick¬ ened angle of the clasping apparatus and the single “tooth” on its internal border. LITERATURE CITED Crawford, Edward A., Jr. 1959. Five new ostracods of the genus Ento- EXPLANATIONS OF FIGURES (Figs. 2, 3, 6, 7, and 10 drawn to Scale 1; Figs. 1, 5, 8, and 11 to Scale 2; and Figs. 4, 9, 12, and 13 to Scale 3.) Figs. 1-4 — E. asceta, sp. nov. 1. Copulatory complex of male; 2. Shell of triunguis female; 3. Shell of male; 4. Clasping apparatus of male. Fig. 5 — Copulatory complex of male of E cyma Hobbs and Walton. Figs. 6-9 — E. chalaza, sp. nov. 6. Shell of male; 7. Shell of triunguis female; 8. Copulatory complex of male; 9. Clasping apparatus of male. Figs 10-13 — E. phyma, sp. nov. 10. Shell of male; 11. Copulatory complex of male; 12, 13. Clasping apparati of males showing variation. 1 48 The Virginia Journal of Science [April cythere (Ostracoda, Cytheridae) from South Carolina. Univ. South Carolina Pub., Biology, Series III, 2(4): 149-189. . 1961. Three new species of the genus Entocythere (Ostracoda, Cytheridae) from North and South Carolina. Amer. Midi. Nat., 65 '(1): 236-245. Hart, C. W., Jr. 1959. The ostracods of the genus Entocythere from the lower Chatahoochee-Flint Basin: with a review of the occurrence of the genus in Florida, and descriptions of two new species. Bull. Fla. State Mus., Biol. Sci., 4(6): 193-204. Hobbs, Horton H., Jr. 1955. Ostracods of the genus Entocythere from the New River System in Nurth Carolina, Virginia, and West Vir¬ ginia. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 74(4): 325-333. . and Margaret Walton, 1960. Three new ostracods of the genus Entocythere from the Hiwassee Drainage System in Geor¬ gia and Tennessee. Journ. Tenn. Acad. Sci., 35(1): 17-23. Table 1.— Measurements (in mm.) Sex Length Height Length/ Height E. asceta Mean 6' .416zb .00894^ .237+ .00707 1.76d= .0433 Minimum S .405 .225 1.68 Maximum 3 .430 .250 1.80 Mean 9 .428dz .00141 .253=!= .00141 1.69=!= .0432 Minimum $ .425 .250 1.63 Maximum $ .435 .260 1.74 E. phyma Mean 3 .382+ .0122 .219=i= .00244 1.75+ .0713 Minimum 3 .375 .210 1.63 Maximum 3 .410 .230 1.83 E. chalaza Mean 3 .451 + .0105 .259+ .0141 1.74=!= .0627 Minimum 3 .430 .250 1.63 Maximum 3 .470 .280 1.84 Mean 9 .463+ .0134 .276=!= .00894 1.68=!= .0402 Minimum 9 .430 .255 1.61 Maximum 9 .475 .285 1.74 Standard deviation 1962] Academic Prediction 49 ACADEMIC PREDICTION USING SCHOLASTIS, PERSONALITY AND INTEREST FACTORS John M. Long College of William and Mary in Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING The prediction problem considered in this paper is to determine whieli apj^lioants for entrance in a certain college are best suited for that col leged Correlation techniques have been vvidelv used in making academic jrredictions for about forty years. Many such studies have been made (Pierson, 1958) and at the present time new studies are currently under- wav (Henderson and Masten, 1959; Holland, 1958; Pierson, 1958). Thus the problem is an old and important one. In their excellent review of work on academic prediction, Chauncey and Fredericksen (1951) pointed out that a plateau seems to have been reached using multiple regression techniques with academic predictions. It was their feeling that other factors of a psychological nature such as motivation, emotional stability, and interests must be considered if sig¬ nificant improvements are to be made. Limited studies using such fac¬ tors have been done in the past (Chauncey and Frederickson, 1951; Maier, 1957). The study which is partially described in this paper was quite broad in that it involved thirty-one predictor variables including eleven academic, ten personality, and ten interest factors. The dependent variable or cri¬ terion was academic success during the freshman vear of college as meas¬ ured by the quality point average. The study was conducted at the College of William and Marv in Norfolk using 419 members of the fresh¬ man class entering in September of 1957. The predictor variables used are as follows: 1. A High School Quality Point Average, devised and computed for this study from information taken from the high school transcripts (x^). 2. Cooperative School and College Ability Test (SCAT), published in 1956 by the Cooperative Test Division of the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey (x2, Xg, X4). 3. Diagnostic Reading Test, Survey Section, Form B, published in ^Part of a study submitted to the School of Education, University of Virginia in partial fulfillment of requirements for Doctor of Education degree. 50 The Virginia Journal of Science [April 1947 by the Committee on Diagnostic Reading Tests (x^, Xq, Xj, Xg) . 4. Eng^lish Training test, Form M in the new series (revised) of the Iowa Placement Examinations, published in 1941 by the Bureau of Edu¬ cational Research and Services (xg, x^) . 5. Kuder Preference Record, Form CH, published in 1948 by Science Research Associates (xia to Xsi). 6. Guilford-Zirnmerman Temperament Survey, published in 1949 by the Sheridan Supply Company (X22 to X31). Criterion. The dependent variable or criterion was the College Qual¬ ity Point Average. This average, for each subject was obtained from official records of the College. PROCEDURE AND ANALYSES OF RESULTS Procedure. Multiple regression analysis techniques were used. Most of the computations were carried out by means of automatic computing equipment (IBM 650 System). Results. The results are summarized in Tables I, II, and III. Table I gives the multiple correlation coefficient and its related vari¬ ance analysis. From it we see F(31/387) = 3^4477.2530 = 12.43, which is significant well beyond the .01 level. An R2 of .50 (rounded from .4989) indicates that approximately 50 per cent of the variability of the sample group in College QPA's can be accounted for by the predictor variables used in the study. Table II presents the matrix of simple correlations between each of the thirty-two variables in the study. The first row indicates the correla¬ tion between the criterion — College Quality Point Average - and each of the thirty-one predictor variables. In Table III, the coefficients of the multiple regression equation are entered. The bj are the coefficients of x^ variables in the regression equation. The third column, labeled V^. gives the variance of the regres¬ sion coefficients. The next column, labeled F, lists the variance ratio. Analysis of Results. The prediction (R = .71) of College QPA is ob¬ tained by using the multiple regression equation for all thirty-two variables 32 given here in deviation form: y = ^ bj Xj. i = 1 However, it would not be feasible to use this equation in practical pre- 1962] Academic Prediction 51 diction problems. The arithmetic involved would far exceed the preci¬ sion obtained. A multiple correlation close to .71 can be obtained by using only a fraction of the total number of variables. To illustrate, multiple correlations were computed using: (1) the five variables with statistically significant b/s in the multiple regression equation (see Table III). An R of .62 was obtained. (2) Next the five variables having the highest simple correlations with the criterion were used (see Table II) giving an R of .67. (3) Finally a combination of the first two groups was used (x^, X2, X23, Xii, X4) giving an R of .68 which, although containing only five variables, is rather close to the total R of .71. Thus a multiple correlation close to .71 can be obtained from far less than the total number of varia¬ bles. It is interesting to note those variables which survived the partialing out effects in a multiple regression analysis involving all of the variables were not necessarily the best predictor variables in the smaller battery. It is also interesting to note that the individual predictive value of a particular variable, when highlv correlated with the criterion, may be highly significant when taken alone or with one or two other selected variables. The X2 variable has a non-significant b2 in the regression equation. However, X2 is highly correlated with y, and taken alone ac¬ counts for about 20 per cent of the variance of College QPA’s. Fur¬ ther, X2, when combined with x^, yields a multiple correlation, X2) =: .66. ^ Some comment should be made regarding the significant variables in the equation. Table III reveals that x^, (High School QPA) and X2 have predictive value, which is significant at the .01 level. Two others, X45 (Scientific Interest Test of the Kuder Preference Index) and X23 Impulsiveness-Restraint Index of the Guilford-Zimmerman Survey), have b/s significant at the .05 level. Several others are close to conventional significance, such as X28 (Hostility-Friendhness Index of the Guilford- Zimmerman Survey), which is significant at the .10 level. It is not surprising to find that the most highly significant single predictor of college standing is high school grades (x^). The HSQPA's independent contribution is also highly significant. None of the other variables which are highly correlated with the criterion such as the SCAT (x2,X3, X4), Reading Test (xg, Xg, X7, Xg) , and English Test (xg, Xio) made independent contributions in the multiple regression equation which were statistically significant. Perhaps part of the reason for the relatively high correlation between HSQPA and CQPA (r = .60) and the highly significant bj in the equation is due to the localized nature of the study. 52 The Virginia Journal of Science [April About 86% of the sample came from sixteen high schools located in the Greater Hampton Roads Area which would tend to make the student body at William and Mary in Norfolk more homogeneous than in most colleges. High schools in a given locality tend to offer work of similar kind and quality and also tend to grade in similar ways. The Subjectivity-Objectivity Index (X27) of the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey has a low but statistically significant positive cor¬ relation with the criterion (r = .13). In the equation, b27 is also sig¬ nificant at the .01 level. Students who score high on this item are more objective, which is interpreted to mean "thickskinned” and not hyper- ersensitive, self-centered, or suspicious by nature. One explanation of the survival of X27 in the regression equation may be found in the fact that the correlation between HSQPA and X27 is not significant; whereas the correlation between GQPA and X27 is significant. This indicates that college teachers place a higher value on the so-called "objectivitv” of the Guilford-Zimmerman Survey than do high school teachers and that college teachers allow this to be reflected in their grading. In the equation, b^r, is significant at the .05 level. Variable Xjr, is the raw score made on the Scientific Interest Index. The correlation between x^r, and both HSQPA and GQPA is slightly negative and not significant. The fact that b^.r; is negative indicates that a scientific inter¬ est would be associated with lower grades. Variable x^g seems to be a "suppressor,” since it is not significantly correlated with the criterion but is correlated with X2, X3, X4, Xp,, X7, Xg, and Xg (all significant at the .01 level) and with x^,, (significant at the .05 level); whereas all of the latter variables are significantlv correlated (at the .01 level) with the criterion. Perhaps the reason a scientific interest (X15) is correlated with neither high school nor college grades is due to the fact that x^g is positively correlated with some variables associated with good grades (x2, X3, X4, Xg, X7, Xg), but negatively correlated with other variables associated with good grades (xg, x^q)- These may have a canceling out effect so far as cor¬ relation with grades is concerned. The Impulsive-Restraint Index (X23) has a coefficient in the multiple regression equation which is statistically significant at the .05 level. There is a low positive correlation (significant at the .01 level) between X23 and both HSQPA and GQPA. Restraint, as here used, is a measure of a serious-minded, deliberate, persistant effort (i.e., self-control) as opposed to a happy-go-lucky, carefree, impulsive effort. A partial explanation for the statistically significant 623 can be found Academic Prediction 53 1962] in the fact that X23 has a statistically significant correlation with only eleven of the thirty-one predictor variables. This indicates that the vari¬ able should have a more independent contribution to make to the predic¬ tion of CQPA. To put it another way, one would say that the Impulsive- Restraint Index is measuring something contributory to good grades that most of the other variables (a notable exception being HSQPA) are not measuring. None of the other variables have statistically significant coefficients in the regression equation. This may be somewhat surprising especially with regard to those variables highly correlated with the criterion. There are perhaps two reasons for this result; (1) the large number of predic¬ tor variables; and (2) the sample size in relation to the number of vari¬ ables. The first of the two reasons given above is by far the more impor¬ tant. Generally, in multiple regression analysis, the more variables used, the higher the multiple correlation obtained. However, in psychological data, it is difficult to get a large number of different measures of a single individual which do not show considerable intercorrelation. This is espe¬ cially true when many of the variables are obtained by multiple evalua¬ tions of the same responses on test items with each evaluation yielding a new variable. Thus, no new information is being added but new vari¬ ables are being added and the effect is to spread out among many variables the fixed amount of variance accounted for. This results in a lowering of the effectiveness of all. This can be illustrated using X2 and X4, which are parts of the same test. =.36 and R2y(xi, X2) = .434 indicating that the addition of X2 increased the amount of variability accounted for by 7.4 per cent. Similarly, R\(xi, X4)=.431, indicating that the addition of x^ to Xis brought an increase of 7.1 per cent; however, R2y(xi, X2, X4) = .440, indicating that the addition of X4 to x^ and X2, brought an increase of only 0.6 per cent. Thus either X2 or X4 could separately account for about 7 per cent of the variability, but when both are combined, they account for only 8 per cent, or an “average” of 4 per cent per variable added. In this study, the large number of inter-correlated predictor variables used resulted in much spreading out of the variability accounted for. The second explanation for the large number of non-significant variables is more of a cure than a cause. Because of the effects described above, it is essential it use very large samples when a large number of predictor variables is being used. The sample size (N = 419) used in this study, is quite large. It would not be at all unreasonable, however, to use a sample several times this size when so many variables are considered. 54 The Virginia Journal of Science CONCLUSIONS [April The results indicate that the best individual predictor in the study is high school grades (r— .60). For a reasonably good substitute, the SCAT score (r = .47) or the English Training Test score (r = .49) are also good individual predictors. The best combination of two scores would be HSQPA and the verbal score of SCAT which give an Ry (x„ Xo) of .66. The best combina¬ tion of five scores would be HSQPA, the verbal score of SCAT, Impulsive- Restraint Index score of the Guilford-Zimmerman Survey, the English Training Examination score, and the total score of SCAT. This com¬ bination gives an Ry (xj, Xo, X23, x^, X4) .68 which is very close to the maximum of .71. In addition to these statistical findings, the study seems to carry cer¬ tain general implications for college entrance policy. These are listed in rough order of importance. First, it would seem that in selection, more significance should be given to the high school grades of applicants to the college. The study reaffirms the conclusion, often found, that good grades in high school are the best single indicator of good grades in college. Second, for selection purposes, the use of the SCAT and the English Training Examination seem to be amply justified as the scores on these tests are reasonably good predictors of College QPA. Perhaps the use of a combination of all of these academic predictors would be best vvdth a major emphasis on high school grades. Third, so far as selection is concerned, the personality survey and inter¬ est index as a whole do not seem to be highly effective. Such tests are very valuable and interesting in a multiple regression analysis, however, TABLE I ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE l\ = .7063 R2 = .4989 SS V d.f. REGRESSION 97.4847 3.1447 31 ERROR 97.9085 .2530 387 TOTAL 195.3932 418 (31/387) F = 3.1447 = 12.43 P at .01 = 1.84 .2530 C*. O <•£) 1-H CM I* Cl C-ieofc050'^oe-^0'^oo3o?coKioeo S f-4f-io©oo©oo©©i-i®oooooooooi-Meo^eC3U3THt-t:^50^t-e001000C5©)-tCD'^ S tHOO®©©O»HO©O©©©©OoOp-i®®'-^’^^5‘J01»-IOO ............................... S 0'^'^»-ieooo'c*'*-^©oo©oioe«H©^00©©©0©©cC50^i4<;3^0<*5»Hevi(MS<5 ^ os-iio^ooeo^floosooo-^fecit-^oo see^jj^ioo^^eoeo ^ oo?=^Ooo^^»hoooc0!-'eo^o X ® ® o '-J © '-; ® ® <-1 ® © ^. ® o ^ ® ® ® .J o©r-i”rH©^'- ,’ < ® 'ct<©e-icjG-40eo<-i©THOo,-i»-<'-Hi-icJ ^ I* I* I* ’ ’ I* '■ i’ ‘ r i’ r 1* 05 fHOOio^oeoio-^cjoceooiffleo X ‘ . „ oeow5io-cO'^ooc-ll-H01OO® X H ■^lotoootocvjrM'^aieO'^jg 2 030^^®®'^©©00®00 05 cDO»c3j5eo^.Hol5 X co'«^'^^'^'^©io'i CO ©loC3 05 Cd •Cf 2^ © X »-i Cd eo X eo 00 20 M so ® ed X 6*3 so 3 to ed « ^ eo X S !*■ X31 56 The Virginia Journal of Science [April TABLE III MULTIPLE REGRESSION EQUATION COEFFICIENTS i bi F Level of SigniFicance’ 1 .4851 .0030 79.734 beyond.Ol 2 .0464 .2597 .008 not significant 3 .2919- .2273 .375 not significant 4 .9328 .6860 1.268 not significant 5 .1300- .0123 1.370 not significant 6 .0279- .0203 .038 not significant 7 .0448 .0194 .104 not significant 8 .0315- .0357 .028 not significant 9 .1253 .0175 .899 not significant 10 .0048- .0157 .001 not significant 11 .2193 .0182 2.636 not significant 12 .1480- .0735 .298 not significant 13 .3066 .1042 .902 not significant 14 .0721 .1685 .031 not significant 15 .6593- .1013 4.291 .05 16 .1699- .0836 .345 not significant 17 .0951- .1307 .069 not significant 18 .1067- .1791 .064 not significant 19 .2950- .2274 .383 not significant 20 .0996- .0882 .113 not significant 21 .1449- .0978 .215 not significant 22 .8771- .3325 2.313 not significant 23 1.4156 .3836 5.224 .05 24 .3756 .5342 .264 not significant 25 .0558- .4136 .008 not significant 26 .8189- .4580 1.464 not significant 27 2.1244 .4537 9.948 .01 28 1.1379- .4340 2.984 .10 29 .5985 .3667 .977 not significant 30 .1222- .3701 .040 not significant 31 .7038- .3892 1.273 not significant ^F(l,300) =3.87 at .05 level and = 6.76 at .01 level Academic Prediction 1962] 57 as has been shown. On an individual student basis the academic meas¬ ures are a much better predictor of college grades nonetheless. Fourth, in exception to the above conclusion, one of the personality traits stands out — the Impulsive-Restraint Index. This would seem to single out and emphasize that a serious-minded, deliberate, persistent effort (i.e., self-control) as opposed to a happy-go-lucky, impulsive, care¬ free attitude is quite important in attaining good grades. By way of a final summary, the one main conclusion of the study is: The High School QPA is highly predictive of College QPA, but other variables mostly academic but also including certain personality char¬ acteristics — serve to improve somewhat the prediction of college suc¬ cess. LITERATURE CITED Chauncey, Henry and Noniian Frederiksen. 1951. The functions of measurement in educational placement. Educational Measurement, E. F. Lindquist, editor. American Council on Education, Washington. Henderson, Harold R. and Sherman H. Masdon. 1959. Six predictors of college achievement. Jour. Cenet. Psych., 94: 143-146. Holland, John L. 1958. Prediction of scholastic success for a high apti¬ tude sample. School and Society 86: 290-293. Maier, G. E. 1957. The contribution of interest test scores to differen¬ tial academic prediction. Seattle, Washington: University of Wash¬ ington Division of Counseling and Testing Services. ONR Contract Nonr-477(08). Pierson, Leroy R. 1958. High school teacher prediction of college suc¬ cess. Personnel and Guidance Jour., 37: 142-145. 58 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Quality 1962] News and Notes 59 News And Notes (Editors Note: News contributions should be sent to the person whose name appears at the end of the appropriate sections. ) Change of address notification should be sent promptly to Carl W. Allen, Managing Editor, Virginia Journal of Science, Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬ tute, Blacksburg, Virginia. Give both old and new addresses. 1962 MEETING OF THE ACADEMY The Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science will be held in Norfolk in May. Information on some of the hotels in the area was given in the Januarv issue. The Program of the meeting may be found in this issue. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Newcomb Hall, Universitv of Virginia, November 19, 1961 The meeting was called to order bv President Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., at 10:05 A.M., 19 November 1961, with the following members present: Carl W. Allen, Wilson B. Bell, Walter S. Flory, Susie V. Floyd, J. C. Forbes, P. Arne Hansen, E. S. Harlow, Boyd Harshbarger, William M. Hinton, Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., Henry Leidheiser, Jr., G. Tyler Miller, Jr., Lawrence R. Quarles, Stuart B. Row, E. V. Russell, Jr, C. S. Sherwood, III, Paul B. Siegel, Foley F. Smith, Edgar Winston Spencer, Jackson J. Taylor, Edward F. Turner, Jr., Stanley Williams. President Hobbs as the first order of business, offered his resignation to Council due to the fact that he had accepted a position as Curator of Zoology at the National Museum in Washingon, D. C. It was moved, seconded and unanimously passed that his resignation not be accepted. President Hobbs advised the Council that he had officially represented the Academy at the inauguration of the new President of the College of William and Mary; and at the dedication of the new Biochemistry and Nutrition Building at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The resignation of Dr. Robert Ross, as Editor-In-Chief of the Virginia Journal of Science, was accepted, along with the resignation of Mrs. Mary Ross as Business Manager. Dr. Boyd Harshbarger reported for the com¬ mittee appointed to select a new editor and business manager for the Journal. He moved the appointment of Dr. Paul B. Siegel of the Vir¬ ginia Polytechnic Institute, as Editor, and the appointment of Dr. Carl 60 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Corning Glass • Kimble Glass • Coors Porcelain • Nalge Plastics • Sheldon Furniture • Beckman Representing the Most Respected Manufacturers in the Laboratory Supply industry Instruments ® Coleman Instru¬ ments ® American Optical Com¬ pany ® Bausch & Lomb, Inc. • Eberbach Corporation • Inter¬ national Equipment Company • Burrell Corporation • Labora¬ tory Equipment Company • Ainsworth Balance • Ohaus Balance • U.S. Stoneware • J. T. Baker Chemicals • Mal- linckrodt Chemicals • Matheson Coleman & Bell Organics • Precision Scientific Company • Labline, Inc. • Thermolyne Corporation ® Buehler, Ltd. • Baltimore Biological • Difco Laboratories ® Wm. Boekel & Company ® Humboldt Manufac¬ turing Company ® Hevi-Duty Electric Company • W. A. Taylor Company • Sartorious Balance ® Torsion Balance • Hellige, Inc. ® Plus Many Others. Serving the South for over 35 years [PGGQIPPS (Si B □ IIl©o DKis. ^ c - T MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT / g’ G J 6TH & BYRD STREETS — RICHMOND. VA. PHONE MI 4-5401 1962] News and Notes 61 Allen, also of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute as Business Manager. This motion was seconded, and the appointments were unanimously approved. President Hobbs acknowledged a gift of $2,500 from an anonymous member of the Academy. The income and annual interest from the investment of this amount is to be used for the expenses of the guest speaker at the annual meeting. It was moved, seconded and passed, that the gift be accepted for the Academy, and that the President write the donor extending grateful appreciation and thanks for this bequest. It was moved, seconded and passed that this be turned over to the trustees for investment to provide the income for the honorarium, and travel ex¬ penses of a guest speaker. The Treasurer made a brief report concerning the funds of the gen¬ eral account of the Academy, and the funds contained in the research account. He reported all outstanding bills paid, and that the annual billing for 1962 would be made early this year. Dr. Walter Flory made a comprehensive report for the Long Range Planning Committee. This was a printed report and was distributed to each member of the Council. Among the items contained in this report were the following: That membership application information be pubhcized in the Vir- ginia Journal of Science and the annual Academy leaflet. The Treasurer reported that the revised leaflet galley proofs had been corrected, and that the revised leaflet was in press. It was pointed out that the Constitution would be printed in the Virginia Journal of Science in 1962, and would be subsequenly published in the January issue of the Journal, in the years divisible by five. The proposal of three members of the Academy concerning the selec¬ tion of meeting places was rejected. It was moved, seconded and passed, that the recommendations of the Long Range Planning Committee be accepted. After discussion it was moved, seconded, and passed, that another recommendation of the Committee concerning the appointment of a new committee, the Natural Resource Committee, be accepted; and that the Resource Use Committee not be appointed after this year. The new com¬ mittee is to be appointed by the President to begin work after the annual meeing in 1962. It was moved, seconded and passed, that the officers of the Academy be directed to investigate appropriate ways in which the Virginia Academy 62 The Virginia Journal of Science [April ^ 1 nz ' ■" ^ F''r' "Ml tu; wi Schizophrenic! The new IQ-213 won’t believe it is merely a cal¬ culator. It is. But it refuses to act like one. Too limiting. It solves problems with greater speed and fewer operator decisions than any previ¬ ous calculator ever has, reducing most com¬ putational activity to mere push-button pro¬ cedures. It stores ten digit constants in its memory for recall whenever you want them. It enables you to multiply a large constant by a smaller variable. It even recalls constant di¬ visors from memory— something no calculator has ever before been able to do— thereby elim¬ inating the need for reciprocals in most prob¬ lems. All at the touch of a single button! Addi¬ tionally, it automatically programs itself for every calculation, removing the need for any manual positioning, clearing, or setting when changing from one arithmetic sequence to another ... and eliminates the physical han¬ dling of intermediate figures usually neces¬ sary on ordinary calculators. (In a three-factor problem, each figure can be loaded into the machine before the first multiplication takes place. Press the button and the problem un¬ ravels itself!) What’s more, it automatically accumulates multipliers (as a by-product of squaring in standard deviation) and quotients (in correlation work). No wonder it rebels at being categorized with machines so much more limited! Actually, it is simply the most automatic and most accurate calculator ever produced, well worth its price of one thousand eighty-five dollars. See for yourself. Call your local Monroe representative (he’s listed in the phone book) for a demonstration today. ivionroe: □ GENERAL OFFICES: ORANGE. NEW JERSEY • A DIVISION OF LinON INDUSTRIES 1962] News and Notes 63 of Science might eneourage the improvement and expansion of student loan funds by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Henrv Leidheiser reported on the Symposium on Natural Resourees to be held on Thursday at the next annual meeting in Norfolk. It was moved, seeonded and passed, that the Symposium be held on Thursday, 10 May 1962, from 10 to 6 p.m. This Symposium would eoneern six main subjeets: Soil, Forest, Coal, Marine Life, Water and People. The President was instructed to inform the Chairman of the Scienee Teaehers Section that there is no mone\' available for the expense of a guest speaker for a specific' section. Mr. C. S. Sherwood III, Chairman of the Local Committee for Arrange¬ ments for the next annual meeting, reported tentative arrangements to date. The Colden Triangle Motel is to be headquarters for the Senior Aeademy, and the Junior Academy exhibits will be held in the Norfolk Arena three bloeks away. Tours are tentatively arranged for the Naval Station, Baek Bay Wild Life Refuge, and the Langley Research Center. Mr. Edward S. Harlow reported for the Membership committee and noted that the eommittee on Business membership has been active and eontaets have been made. Miss Susie Floyd reported for Dr. Scott concerning the aetivities of the Junior Aeademy. This year it was deeided that no “Science Days” would be held, and that students would be screened on the basis of sub¬ mitted papers, and would be invited to the meeting on such basis. It was further deeided that there would be no sponsored soeial aetivities for the Junior Aeademy. Dr. John Forbes reported for the Visiting Scientists Program. He said that there were no further funds available from the National Scienee Foundation, for such a program. He reported that it might be possible to seeure funds for a Junior Academy program. It was moved, seconded and passed, that the Visiting Seientists Committee be diseharged with the grateful thanks of the Couneil. Mr. E. V. Russell, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnie Insti¬ tute made a brief report on the work of the Seienee Talent Search Com¬ mittee. There was no report for the Flora, Seholarship, Resouree-Use, or His¬ tory of Science Committees. President-Eleet Jackson Taylor reported on his attendanee at the Teaehers and Scienee Education meeting in Wash¬ ington, D. C. Dr. Stanley Williams as chairman of the committee appointed to study the problems of setting up a permanent Executive Seeretary’s office 64 The Virginia Journal of Science [April WELCOME THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE MAY 9 - 12. 1962 To the Golden Triangle Center in the heart of downtown Norfolk, Virginia — the South’s newest, most exciting convention center. 400 Rooms / Free Parking / Two Restaurants / Completely Air- Conditioned / Swimming Pool / Family Rates the GOLDEN TRi/iNGLE MOTOR MA HOTEL NORFOLK, VIRGINIA TELEPHONE 627-5555 News and Notes 65 1962] reported; and commented on the background of the project, cost, pos¬ sible sources of money, and possible personnel. He recmmended that the study be continued. The President reported that Dr. Baldwin of William and Mary College had advised him that the Dismal Swamp project was four fifths completed and results would be forthcoming. A motion was made, seconded and passed, that the President write Mr. Baldwin thanking him for his efforts, and inviting him to conduct a field trip through the Dismal Swamp at the Norfolk meeting. It was moved, seconded and passed, that the President write the Com¬ mittee for the Engineering and Scientist’s Dinner, held annually in the Richmond area; that the Virginia Academy of Science was sympathetic with the aims of the group, but could not sponsor or help underwrite the dinner since the Academy was a Statewide organization, and could not show partiality for a local organization. It was moved, seconded and passed, that Council adopt a resolution received from the Biology Section of the Academy commending the Old Dominion Foundation, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Eco¬ nomic Development, and Governor Almond for their initiation of “an acquisition program of specific natural areas for the Commonwealth, including the safeguarding of such unique lands as the Ware Marsh and Bone and Wreck Islands on Virginia’s Eastern Shore ...” and copies of this resolution be distributed to the appropriate persons. At the suggestion of the Treasurer, it was moved, seconded and passed, that the annual registration fee be raised to $1.00, except for student members who would pay half price; and that the reason for the existence of the registration fee be explained in the annual program, as general information for the Academy membership. It was suggested that the Chairman of the Academy Trustees should be a member of Council, and that the Flora committee be discharged. Both of those suggestions were tabled at this time. It was moved, seconded and passed, that a committee be appointed to study the possibility of awards and citations that might be made to indus¬ trial firms of the State, who have made outstanding contributions to science. After diseussion, it was decided that the Academy should make an out¬ right gift to the Building Fund of the Virginia Institute for Scientific Research; and that the Council should authorize a letter to the Academy membership, inviting them to contribute to this Fund as individual mem¬ bers. It was moved, seconded and passed, that the Academy donate $200 66 The Virginia Journal of Science [April for this Fund, and also advance another $800; this advanee to be repaid from contributions received as result of the above request. The Treasurer was authorized to draw a check for $1,000 covering these two items, and this eheck was presented to Dr. Leidheiser. It was further under¬ stood that any individual eontributions so received in excess of $800, would also go to the Institute. It was moved, seeonded and passed, that the Council authorize an audit of the books of the Virginia Journal of Science, in order to turn them over the new Editor and Business Manager. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M. Foley F. Smith, Secretary pro tern 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 67 Virginia Academy of Science jPfO^ram OF THE Fortieth Annual Meeting NORFOLK, VIRGINIA May 9-12, 1962 HOST TO MEETING Norfolk College Of William And Mary 68 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Virginia Academy of Science OFFICERS Horton H. Hobbs, President Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Jackson J. Taylor, President-elect Foley F. Smith, Treasurer William B. Wartman, Jr., Assistant Secretary-Treasurer LOCAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS General Chairman: C. S. Sherwood, Chemistry Dept., Norfolk College of William and Mary Registration: Margaret C. Phillips Housing: R. Messmer Junior Academy: J. M. Long Commercial Exhibits: A. K. Clark Meeting Rooms and Equipment: C. L. Adams Information and Transportation: J. C. Zaneveld Field Trips: W. Harrison Publicity: Dorothy Lippencott Signs and Maps: L. H. Miller Traffic and Parking: W. M. Beck Special Dinners and Luncheons: Rebecca O. White Entertainment for Ladies: Jane N. Bym 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 69 Genera! Program Of The 40th Annua! Meeting Golden Triangle Hotel Exhibits — East Ballroom Wednesday, May 9 1:00 p.m, to 8:30 p.m Registration and Arrangement of Exhibits, Virginia Junior Aeademy of Seience (VJAS). 7:00 p.m 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Mezzanine. VJAS Committee Meeting. Room 800-801. Meeting of the Council. Robert E. Lee Room. VJAS Lecture, Science Education in India and the Far East, by I. D. Wilson. West Ballroom. 8:00 a.m. Thursday, May 10 Registration, Lobby. Exhibits, East Balhoom. 9:00 a.m. Virginia Science Talent Search Interviews. Rooms 605, 612, 621 and 628. 9:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions of VJAS. Biology, Camel¬ lia Room; Chemistry and Biochemistry, Azalea Room; Physics and Engineering, Dogwood Room; Mathematies and Astronomy, Suite 700-701; Earth Sciences, Suite 600-601. 9:30 a.m. Symposium on Basic Research on Virginia’s Natural Resources. West Ballroom. See de¬ tailed section of the program. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Meeting of the Council. Robert E. Lee Room. Section of Science Teachers. Room 800-801. 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Coneurrent Sessions of VJAS. See above. 4:30 pm. Meeting of Section Editors. Robert E. Lee Room. 6:00 p.m. VJAS Committee Meeting. Suite 700-701. 7:30 p.m. VJAS Business Meeting and Lecture. Camel¬ lia Room. 8:00 p.m. Annual Academy Conference. West Ballroom. 70 [April The Virginia Journal of Science 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 11 Registration, Lobby. Exhibits, East Ballroom. Section meetings. See detailed section of the program. VJAS Awards Hour. Camellia Room. VJAS Committee Meeting. Room 801. Tea for all members of the Academy, their wives and husbands. Hughes Library, The Norfolk College of William and Mary, 48th Street. 8:00 p.m. Virginia Academy of Science Assembly. West Ballroom. Short Business Meeting. Election of Officers. Presentation of the J. Shelton Horsley Research Award. Guest Speaker. 8:00 a.m. 10;00 a.m. Saturday, May 12 Section meetings. Meeting of the Council. Room 700. 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 71 SYMPOSIUM ON BASIC RESEARCH ON VIRGINIA’S NATURAL RESOURCES Sponsored hy The Virginia Institute for Scientific Research and The Virginia Academy of Science Thursday, May 10 West Ballroom 9:30 Welcome and Introduction. Dr. Henry Leidheiser, Jr., Director, Virginia Institute for Sci¬ entific Research. 1. 9:35 Coal. Dr. Gilbert Thiessen, Assistant to Vice President, Koppers Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 10:30 Break 2. 10:40 Soils. Dr. A. Ceoffrev Norman, Professor, Botany and Director, Botanical Gardens, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 3. 11:35 Forests. Dr. George H. Hep ting. Chief, Division of Forest Disease Research, Southeast Experiment Station, U. S. Forestry Serv¬ ice, Asheville, North Carolina. 12:30 Lunch 4. 2:00 Water. Dr. John C. Frye, Chief, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois. 5. 2:55 Marine Life. Dr. J. Laurence McHugh, Chief, Division Biological Research, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D. C. 3:50 Break 6. 4:00 People. Dr. Clarence C. Little, Scientific Director, Tobacco Industry Research Committee, New York City. For additional information contact: Dr. Russell J. Rowlett, Jr. Virginia Institute for Scientific Research 2820 Grove Avenue Richmond 21, Virginia 72 The Virginia Journal of Science [April 8:20 1. 8:30 2. 8:45 3. 8:57 4. 9:12 5. 9:27 6. 9:42 9:57 7. 10:10 8. 10:25 9. 10:40 Section Of Agricultural Science Friday, May 11 — 8:20 A.M. Jefferson Room Call to order by Chairman. Announcements and Committee Appointments Insect Resistance to Insecticides in Virginia. James McDonald Grayson, Department o£ Entomology, VPl Gross Morphology of a Sting Nematode in Virginia. Betty J. Gray and Lawrence I. Miller, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Holland, Virginia Response of Tobacco Hornworm Moths to Selected Bands of Radiant Energy. J. M. Stanley and U. F. Earp, Agricultural Engineering De¬ partment, VPl Anion Retention by Virginia Soils. Grant W. Thomas, Agronomy Department, VPl Soil and Water Conservation Needs of Virginia. J. K. Abernathy, Soil Conservation Service, Richmond, Virginia Machine Monohths Show Why Soils Are Different. George C. Willson, Jr., Soil Conservation Service, Richmond, Virginia Earl H. Brunger, Soil Conservation Service, Charlotesville, Virginia Intermission Making Use of Electronic Computer Equipment to Evaluate Fertilizer Manufacturers in Control Program. Arthur T. Hart, Virginia Department of Agriculture, Richmond, Virginia Fertilizer Distribution Patterns From Bulk Spreader Trucks. Floyd M. Cunningham, Agricultural Engineering Department, VPl Maurice B. Rowe, Virginia Department of Agriculture, Rich¬ mond, Virginia Physiological Aspects of Quackgrass Control. H. M. LeBaron, Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Norfolk, Virginia 1962] 10. 10:55 11. 11:10 12. 11:25 13. 11:37 14. 11:49 12:04 15. 1:15 16. 1:30 17. 1:45 18. 2:00 19. 2:15 20. 2:30 Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 73 A. Trial Use of Salt Water River Sediment as a Mulch on Some Vegetable and Ornamental Plants. M. M. Parker, Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Norfolk, Virginia Adaptation of Costal and Midland Bermudagrass in Southeast¬ ern Virginia. D. L. Hallock, Tidewater Research Station, Holland, Virginia Lime or Fertilizer for Alfalfa — Which Is Critical? W. W. Moschler, Department of Agronomy, VPI Survival of the Cysts of Heterodera glycines adhering to Stored Sweetpotato, Peanut, and Peanut Hay. Grover C. Smart, Jr. and Barbara A. Wright, Tidewater Re¬ search Station, Holland, Virginia The Place of the Logarithmic Sprayer in Agricultural Re¬ search. H. M. LeBaron, Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Norfolk, Virginia. Lunch Observations on Body Weight and Surface Area of Galltis domesticus. A. T. Leighton, Jr., P. B. Siegel and H. S. Siegel, Poultry Department, VPI Problems in Standardization of an Empirical Procedure for Total Nitrogen Against the Official Kjeldahl Procedure. N. R. Thompson and W. K. Stone, Virginia Agricultural Ex¬ periment Station, VPI Observations on Excystation of Poultry Coccidia. Marion M. Farr and David J. Doran, Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland Conception Rate in Beef Cows as Affected by Inbreeding of Fetus, and by Age and Inbreeding of Cow. K. P. Bovard and B. M. Priode, Beef Cattle Research Sta¬ tion, Front Royal, Virginia General Review of Relationships Between Pastures and Parasit¬ ism in Cattle. Halsey H. Vegors, Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland The Quantitave Inheritance of 8-Week Breast Angle in Gallus domesticus. P. B. Siegel, Poultry Department, VPI 74 The Virginia Journal of Science [April 21. 2:45 Ascaridia cohimhae Larvae as the Cause of Severe Tissue Reaction in Liver of Pigeons. Everett E. Wehr, Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland. 3:00 Recess 22. 3:10 Excystation of Sporozoites and Locomotion of the Motile Stages of Eimeria acervulina and E. tenella. David J. Doran, Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland; T. L. Jahn and R. Rinaldi, Department of Zoology, University of California, Los Angeles, California 23. 3:25 Light Management for Commercial Layers. H. S. Siegel and W. L. Beane, Poultry Department, VPl 24. 3:40 Nutritive Value of Kelp Meal for the Growing Chick. E. L. Wisman and C. E. Howes, Poultry Department, VPI 25. 3:55 Appearance and Distribution of Blood Vessels in Fetal and Post-Natal Skins of Certain Sheep and Goats. Lubow A. Margolena, Animal Husbandry Research Division, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland 4:10 Business Meeting Section Of Astronomy, Mathematics And Physics Friday, May 11 — 8:55 A.M. Azalea Room 8:55 Announcements and Remarkes by the Ghairman. 1. 9:00 Activation Analysis of Fishbone Sample. Edward Bird, University of Florida and Robert R. Slocum, Norfolk Gollege of William and Mary 2. 9:15 Radiometric Measurements of the Moon at 3.15 cm Wave¬ length. C. M. Bowden, University of Richmond and G. H. Mayer, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory 3. 9:30 Energy Levels in AP^ Below 7 Mev. W. T. Joyner, Hampden-Sydney Gollege 1962] 4. 9:45 5. 10:00 6. 10:15 7. 10:30 8. 10:45 9. 11:00 10. 11:15 11. 11:30 12. 11:45 12:05 1:30 13. 1:45 14. 2:00 15. 2:15 16. 2:30 Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 75 Time Resolution of Vernier Chronotron. J. E. Henderson, Hampden-Sydney College A Liquid Helium Scintillator for Measurement of Neutron Polarization. S. V. Topp and F. L. Hereford, University of Virginia Polarization of Neutrons from the Li^(d,n) Be® Reaction. F. L. Hereford and S. V. Topp, University of Virginia Solid Helium at High Pressure. J. W. Stewart, University of Virginia Electronic Properties of Tellurium at High Pressure and Low Temperature. R. E. Stajdohat and J. N. Boyd, University of Virginia Angular Correlation of Neutrons and Gamma Rays from the B^i(d, n) C^^ Reaction. W. F. Huang and R. C. Ritter, University of Virginia Coulomb Excitation of Medium-Light Odd-A Nuclei. R. C. Ritter, University of Virginia Formation Conditions and Structure of Thin Epitaxial Ge Films. B. W. Sloope and C. O. Tiller, Virginia Institute for Scientific Research Space Velocities of Mira Variables. V. Osvalds, University of Virginia and A. Marguerita Risley, Randolph-Macon Women’s College Luncheon Recess Business Meeting Equilibrium Ultracentrifugation. H. G. Kim, American Machine and Foundry Fellow and F. N. Weber, Jr., University of Virginia The Measurement of Partial Specific Volumes with the Mag¬ netic Balance. J. W. Beams and A. M. Clarke, University of Virginia Possible Kerr Effect Produced by Lasers. J. W. Beams, University of Virginia Use of Fast Coincidence Techniques to Measure Dynamic Magnetic Fields. W. A. Walker and W. D. Whitehead, University of Virginia 76 The Virginia Journal of Science [April 17. 2:45 The Shape of Photonuclear Giant Resonances in La and Pr. L. B. Rice, L. N. Bolen and W. D. Whitehead, University of Virginia 18. 3:00 Use of Solid State Detectors in Photonuclear Reactions. W. R. Johnson and W. D. Whitehead, University of Virginia 19. 3:15 Exact Solution for a Least Square Sine Gurve. G. M. Bowden, University of Richmond 20. 3:30 Panel and Discussion. Improvement of Physics Teaching. Moderator: Prof. F. L. Brown, University of Vuginia Panel: Prof. T. E. Gilmer, Hampden-Sydney GoUege Prof. S. M. Heflin, Virginia Military Institute Prof. D. D. Montgomery, Hollins Gollege Prof. B. V. English, Randolph-Macon Gollege 21. 9:00 Saturday, May 12-9:00 A.M. Room 800-801 Effective Multiplication Gonstant of the VMI Subcritical Assembly. W. D. Harris, G. G. Ridgely and G. R. Thomas, Virginia Military Institute 22. 9:20 Electron Microscope Studies of Electrodeposition. K. R. Lawless and Lucille B. Garmon, University of Virginia 23. 9:40 A Solid State Neutron Spectrometer. G. T. Eairburn, W. B. Garpenter, A. K Furr, Virginia Poly¬ technic Institute 24. 10:00 Gamma-Gamma Directional Gorrelation in Cs'^^. 25. 10:20 J. K. Sun and G. D. Bond, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Pulsed Neutron Measurements in Water and Ice. J. A. McGlure and A. Robeson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 26. 10:40 Resonance Escape Probability in Thorium Nitrate Solutions. L. S. Anthony and A. Robeson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 27. 11:00 Post-deadline papers. 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 77 Section Of Bacteriology Friday, May 11 — 11:00 A.M. Room 700 11:00 2:00 1. 2:00 2. 2:20 3. 2:40 4. 3:00 5. 3:20 6. 3:40 7. 4:00 8. 4:20 Business Meeting. Seientifie Session. The Demonstration of Lysozyme and Aeid Phosphatase in the Subcellular Particles of Alveolar Macrophages. Eva S. Leake and William Hunt, Jr., University of Virginia School of Medicine. The Identity of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Judith H. Kahn and P. Arne Hansen, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. The Effect of Selected Species of Bacteria on Entamoeba his¬ tolytica. E. Clifford Nelson and Muriel M. Jones, Medical College of Virginia. Pathway of Ascorbic Acid Fermentation in Aerobacter aero- genes. Wesley A. Volk, University of Virginia School of Medicine. Studies on Herpes Nutrition in Cell Culture. R. W. Tankersley, Medical College of Virginia. Pduorescent Insulin. Gerald Goldstein, University of Virginia School of Medicine. A Five Year Evaluation of the Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Treated Patients. M. J. Allison and Miles E. Hench, Medical College of Virginia. Human Listeria Infections in Virginia. H. J. Welshimer, Medical College of Virginia. 78 The Virginia Journal of Science [April 1. 8:45 2. 9:00 3. 9:15 4. 9:30 5. 9:45 6. 9:55 7. 10:05 8. 10:20 9. 10:30 10:40 10. 11:15 Section Of Biology Friday, May 11—8:45 A.M. Camellia Room Nomenclature of Zephyranthes aurea Watson and Z. longifolia Hemsley. R. O. Flagg and W. S. Flory, Jr., The Blandy Experimental Farm, University of Virginia. Taxonomic Position of Cooperia Herbert. R. O. Flagg and W. S. Flory, Jr., The Blandy Experimental Farm, University of Virginia. The Effect of Photoperiod on Certain Ferns. Paul M Patterson and A. Sewell Freeman, Hollins College. Needed: A New Concept in Ecological Conservation Edu¬ cation in Urban Areas. Joseph J. Shomon, National Audubon Society. Some Vegetational Studies of Natural and Disturbed Pied¬ mont Forests. Dorothy L. Crandall, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College. Small Mammal Populations of Natural and Disturbed Pied¬ mont Forests. James L. Chamberlain, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College. Determination of Oxygen in Water Using a 10 ml. Syringe. James D. Burke, University of Richmond. Nutritional Requirements for Ascospore Germination: Podos- pora anserina Niessl. James E. Perham and A. Gib DeBusk, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College and Florida State University. Respiratory Response of Germinating Ascospores: Podospora anserina Neissl. Elizabeth Davis and Eleanor Bowen, Randolph-Macon Wom¬ an’s College. Section Business Meeting. Invitation Paper. The Dynamics of Predator Populations and the Effects on Rabies Control. Nelson Swink, District Agent, P.A.R.C. Bureau of Sport Fish¬ eries and Wildlife. 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 79 11. 1:45 12. 2:00 13. 2:15 14. 2:25 15. 2:35 16. 2:50 17. 3:05 18. 3:20 19. 3:35 20. 3:50 21. 4:05 22. 4:17 LUNCH. A Spectrophotometric Procedure for Determination of Oxy¬ hemoglobin Affinity Curves. Jack D. Burke and W. Allan Powell, University of Richmond. A Photographic Instrument to Determine Cellular Growth Rates in the Roots of Small-Seeded Grasses. Robert T. Brumfield, Longwood College. A Simple Technique for Removing Fish Blood. James D. Burke, University of Richmond. Calcium Metabolism and the Molting Cycle of the Crayfish Combarus longulus longulus Girard. Rose Mary Johnson, Norfolk College of William and Mary. The Influence of Formalin and Bodily Restraint on the Blood Pressure and Body Temperature of Young Chickens. K. W. Washburn and H. S. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬ tute. Responses of the Newt Pituitary Gland to Thyroidal Depres¬ sion. J. N. Dent, University of Virginia. Observations of Epidermal Differentiation in Regenerating Dugesia dorotocephala. Margaret Anderson Gordon, University of Virginia and Madi¬ son College. Preliminary Observations on the Behavior of Certain Species of Argasid Ticks with Respect to Relative Humidity. Daniel E. Sonenshine, Norfolk College of William and Mary. Studies on the Genitalia of Certain Spiders of the Genus Dolomedes (Pisauridae, Araneae). James E. Carico, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The Biology of the Virginia Pine Sawfly, Neodiprion pratti pratti (Dyar). Marvin L. Bobb, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Charlottesville. Geographic Variation in the Crawfish Orconectes (Faxonella) clypeatus (Hay). J. F. Fitzpatrick, Jr., University of Virginia. Geographic Variation in the Ghorus Frog, Pseudacris triseriata 80 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Wied. 1839, in the Middle Atlantie States. Duvall A. Jones, Madison College. 23. 4:32 Reptiles and Amphibians of the Dismal Swamp of Virginia and Adjacent Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Roger H. de Rageot, Natural History Division of Norfolk Museum. At the conclusion of this paper interested persons are invited to visit the Natural History Gallery of the Norfolk Museum. Saturday, May 12 — 9:00 A.M. West Ballroom 24. 9:00 Marl Deposition by the Algae Oocarhium stratum and Chara vulgaris in Montgomery County, Vii'ginia. Harold L. Mathews, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, V. P. I. 25. 9:15 The Buccal Infraciliature as the Distinguishing Generic Char¬ acteristic in the Cilia te Order Hymenostomatida. Jesse C. Thompson, Jr., Hollins College. 26. 9:30 A Preliminary Ecological Study of the Bryozoan, Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt) in Virginia. Wilton R. Tenney and William S. Woolcott, University of Richmond. 27. 9:45 Infectious Diseases Damages Mid- Atlantic Oyster Populations. Jay D. Andrews, Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point. 28. 10:00 Observations on Nucleolar Extrusions in Megasporocytes of Selected Members of the Family Lihaceae. Elizabeth M. Weiland, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College and University of Virginia. 29. 10:10 A Monograph of the Genus Aphpanomyces. William W. Scott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 30. 10:25 A Preliminary Report of the Aquatic Fungi Associated with Diseased Fish and Fish-eggs. W. W. Scott, Aaron H. O’Bier, and James Powell, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Stetson University. 31. 10:40 The Life-cycle of a Keratinophilic fungus, Leptolegniella keratinophilium Huneycutt. Roland Seymour and W. W. Scott, Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬ tute. 1962] 32. 10:55 33. 11:10 34. 11:25 35. 11:40 9:00 1. 9:15 2. 9:30 3. 9:45 4. 10:00 5. 10:15 10:30 6. 10:45 Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 81 Some New and Unusual Aquatic Fungi from Virginia. W. W. Scott and Charles Warren, Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬ tute. The Genus Colostoma Zeller in Virginia. Mary Virginia Charlton, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. A New Genus of the Family Branchiobdellidae. Perry C. Holt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Some Ecological Studies of the Family Branchiobdellidae. George Gordon Brown, University of Virginia. Section Of Chemistry Friday, May 11 — 9:00 A.M. West Ballroom Announcements. Introductory Remarks. Models of Molecular Orbitals. Edward B. Eadie, Jr., and John H. Wise, Department of Chemistry, Washington and Lee University. A New Second-Level Course in Chemistry: Progress Report. Beatrice E. Gushee, Department of Chemistry, Hollins Col- lege. Spectrophotometric Studies on Hydroxamic Acids and their Reactivity with Metallic ions: Determination of Vanadium (V) with 2-Naphtliylhydroxamic Acid. Virginia C .Chambhn and John H. Yoe, Department of Chem¬ istry, University of Virginia. Taste-Structure Correlation with a-D-Mannose and ^-D-Man- nose. Ralph G. Steinhardt, Jr., Allen D. Calvin, and Elizabeth Anne Dodd, Department of Chemistry, Hollins College. Molecular Addition Compounds Between lodino Chlorides and Various Electron Donors. Robert D. Whitaker, George B. Fozzard, John R. Ambrose, and G. W. Hickam, Department of Ghemistry, Washington and Lee University. REGESS. Preparation of High-Purity Single-Crystal Boron. 82 7. 11:00 8. 11:15 9. 11:30 11:45 10. 1:00 11. 1:15 12. 1:30 13. 1:45 14. 2:00 15. 2:15 16. 2:30 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Claude P. Tallev and Gerald R. Taylor, Jr., Texaco Experi¬ ment Incorporated. Electron Microscope Investigation of a Catalytic Reaction on Copper Single Crystal Thin Films. T. F. Swank. K. R. Lawless, and A. T. Gwathmey, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia. The Initial Stages of Oxidation of a Copper Single Crystal. Don F. Mitchell, K. R. Lawless, and A. T. Gwathmey, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia. The Catastrophic Oxidation of Aluminum in Contact with Mercuric Halides. D. A. Jackson, Jr., and H. Leidheiser, Jr., Virginia Institute for Scientific Research. BUSINESS MEETING. The Thermodynamics of The Molten Salt System KNO3— AgNO^— K2Cr04 from Electromotive Force Measurements. Robert M. Auburn and William J. Watt, Department of Chem- istrv, Washington and Lee University. Measurement of Paramagnetic Susceptibility. Kerford A. Marchant, Jr., E. F. Turner, Jr., and John H. Wise, Department of Chemistry, Washington and Lee University. A Theoretical Study of Reaction Efficiency. Frederick M. Hornyak, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Studies of Antioxidants and Inhibitor Mechanisms at Elevated Temperatures. James W. Cole, Jr., Oscar R. Rodig, Robert K. Schlatzer and Ertle Thompson, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Vir¬ ginia. Unsaturated Cyclic Sulfoxides. Robert C. Krug and Donald E. Boswell, Department of Chem¬ istry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. N-Alkoxy Substituted Dithiocarbamates. R. T. Major and J. A. Hardy, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia. a— Diketones from a, Dibromoketones. George H. Denny, Jr., and Robert D. Wysong, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 83 1962] 2:45 17. 3:00 18. 3:15 19. 3:30 20. 3:45 21. 3:55 22. 4:05 23. 4:15 24. 4:30 25. 4:45 RECESS. Oxidative Rearrangements of Tetraphenylpyrrole. D. W. Boykin and R. E. Lutz, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia. Base-Induced Hydrolytic Rearrangement of trans-gamma-Bro- modypnone to 1,2— Dibenzoylethane. Robert E. Lutz, Landrey T. Slade and Phillip A. Zoretic, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia. A Novel Synthesis Using Grignard Reagents. Frank A. Vingiello, Sih-gwan Quo and John Sheridan, Depart¬ ment of Chemsitry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The Synthesis of Some New Thiophene Containing Poly¬ nuclear Compounds. Frank A. Vingiello, Sih-gwan Quo and Perry Polss, Depart¬ ment of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. A Study of the Synthesis and Aromatic Cyclodehydration of 2— ( 2— Naphthylemethyl) — 2’— chloro— 5’— methylbenzophenone. Frank A. Vingiello and Leo Ojakaar, Department of Chemis¬ try, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The Synthesis of 7— Phenyldibenz (a, h) anthracene. Frank A. Vingiello and Paul D. Henson, Department of Chem¬ istry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The Synthesis of N— 3— Carboxyhydrazonopropanoyl)— 4— aminobenzoic Acid and Its Use as a Carbonyl Reagent. James K. Shillington, Henry C. Hawthorne, Jr., and Bruce T. Houghton, Department of Chemistry, Washington and Lee University. Characterization and Determination of Aldehydes by the Ultra¬ violet Spectral Changes Resulting from Acetal Formation. E. P. Crowell, W. A. Powell, and C. J. Varsel, Department of Chemistry, University of Richmond, and Philip Morris Re¬ search Center. Mass Spectra Correlations and Appearance Potentials of the Major Tobacco Alkaloids. W. F. Kuhn, C. J. Varsel, and W. A. Powell, Department of Chemistry, University of Richmond and Philip Morris Re¬ search Center. 84 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Section Of Engineering Friday, May 11 — 9:00 A.M. Rooms 601 and 800 Meeting 1 — James B. Fades, Jr., Meeting Chairman, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Room 601 1. 9:00 A Comparison of Published Data witli Theoretical Results for the Compresible Turbulent Skin Friction. John B. Peterson, Jr., Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. 2. 9:30 On the Prediction of Aerodynamic Load Distributions on Finite Wings by the Subsonic Kernel Function Method. 1. Unsteady Case — ^Flutter Characteristics. Gerald D. Walberg, Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. 3. 10:00 On the Prediction of Aerodynamic Load Distributions on Finite Wings by the Subsonic Kernel Function Method. 2. Steady Case — Wing Loads. John M. Mugler, Jr., Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. 4. 10:30 An Investigation of the Fluctuating Forces Acting on a Sta¬ tionary Cylinder in a Subsonic Stream, and the Associated Sound Field. Roger T. Keefe, Aerospace Engineering Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 5. 11:00 Effect of Aerodynamics on the Perturbations of a Near Earth Orbit and the Ballistic Reentry Trajectory. Alton P. Mayo, Langley Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Agency. 6. 11:30 A Numerical Solution to the Problem of Incompressible Flow in the Inlet Length of a Straight Channel. R. A. Chubboy, Aerospace Engineering Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 7. 1:00 The Influence of Precession of Earth Rendezvous Orbits on Lunar Mission Requirements. William R. Wells, Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 85 1962] 8. 1:30 Theory and Experiment for a Rotational Plasma Accelerator. William Grossman, Jr., Langley Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Agency. 9. 2:00 Compensation of Open Loop Unstable Feedback Systems to Achieve Unconditoned StabiHty. Orville R. Harris, Electrical Engineering Department, Univer¬ sity of Virginia, Charlottesville. 10. 2:30 Spin Dynamics of Manned Space Stations. Peter R. Kurzhals, Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. 11. 3:00 A Time Dependent Solution to the Launch Vehicle Response Problem. Dennis F. Collins, Jr., Langley Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Agency. 12. 3:30 Radio Star Scintillations. E. C. Stevenson, Electrical Engineering Department, and Jas. P. Hollinger, fonnerly Physics Department, University of Vir¬ ginia, Charlottesville. 13. 4:00 Determination of Newtonian Force Coefficients for a Typical Reentry Configuration. E. Brian Pritchard, Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. 14. 4:30 Range Control During Initial Phases of Supercircular Reentries. Donald L. Baradell, Langley Research Center, National Aero¬ nautics and Space Agency. Meeting II — John F. Eckel, Meeting Co-Chairman, Department of Metal¬ lurgical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg Room 800 15. 9:00 What Engineers and Scientists Should Know About Patents. Auzville Jackson, Jr., Assistant General Solicitor, Patents, Rob- ertshaw-Fulton Controls Company, Richmond. 16. 9:25 A Study of the Effects of Dynamic Loads Upon the Engineer¬ ing Characteristics of Soils. H. G. Larew, Civil Engineering Department, University of Vir¬ ginia, Charlottesville. 17. 9:50 Significance of Layer Deflection Measurements in Flexible- Type Pavements. Richard D. Walker, Civil Engineering Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 86 18. 10:15 19. 10:40 20. 11:05 21. 11:30 22. 1:30 23. 1:55 24. 2:20 25. 2:45 26. 3:10 27. 3:35 28. 4:00 The Virginia Journal of Science [April Adaptation of Agricultural Soil Maps for Engineering Use. John H. Hunter, and Robert D. Krebs, Civil Engineering Department, Virginia Polyteehnie Institute. The Effects of Neutron-Gamma Irradiation Upon the Physieo- Chemieal Properties of Soils. M. T. Tumay, and H. G. Larew, Civil Engineering Depart¬ ment, and J. Lawrence Neem, Nuclear Engineering Depart¬ ment, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Rating Soils for Residential Sewage Disposal. Robert D. Krebs, and John H. Hunter, Civil Engineering Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Determination of the Total Neutron Flux Near a Reactor Corner. J. D. Spencer, and T. G. Williamson, Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Lunch. Analysis of the Operation of a Statie Switched D. C. Voltage Regulator Employing a Power Semiconduetor as the Switeh- ing Element. Ricardo Berner, and Eugene E. MeVey, Elecb'ical Engineer¬ ing Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Nitrogen Diffusion Constants in Austenitie Stainless Steel as Determined by Internal Frietion Measurements. C. R. Manning, and J. F. Eekel, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Virginia Polyteehnie Institute. Dynamie Response of a Pulsed Liquid Extraction Column. John J. Watjen, and Robert N. Hubbard, Chemieal Engineer¬ ing Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Ci'gO Strueture in the Ternary Systems Cr-Si-Sn and V-Si-Sn. P. B. Lassiter and John F. Eekel, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Virginia Polyteehnie Institute. Viscosity Measurement Using a Bourdon Tube. Robert M. Hubbard, Chemical Engineering Department, Uni¬ versity of Vii'ginia, Charlottesville. Preliminary Investigation into the Thermodynamies of the Nitriding Reaction for Austenitic Stainless Steel. E. L. Williams, Jr., Metallurgical Engineering Department, Virginia Polyteehnie Institute. Solubility, Vapor Presure and Liquid Density in the CO2— Methylene Chloride System. 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 87 Frederick H. VonderHeiden, and John W. Eldridge, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 29. 4:25 Static Relaxation in Austenitic Stainless Steels. W. H. Hernstein, and J. F. Eckel, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 9:00 1. 9:20 2. 9:40 3. 10:00 4. 10:20 5. 10:40 6. 11:00 11:30 12:00 7. 2:00 8. 2:20 Section Of Geology Friday, May 11 — 9:00 A.M. Robert E. Lee Room Anouncements. The formation of calcareous tufa deposits in Montgomery Coun¬ ty, Virginia. H. L. Mathews, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Chesterfield, Virginia. Ceology and the Civil War in Virginia. R. L. Ellison, University of Virginia. Geology of the WilHarnsvifle quadrangle, Virginia. K. F. Bick, College of William and Mary. A geophysical investigation of sulfide deposits near New Can¬ ton, Virginia. R. C. Barnes, University of Virginia. Fractured rocks and the occurrence of ground water, Shenan¬ doah Valley, Virginia. F. W. Trainer and R. L. Ellison, University of Virginia. Structural analysis in metamorphic rocks. E. W. Spencer, Washington and Lee University. Business meeting. Recess. An evaluation of biogeochemical prospecting, Shenandoah Val¬ ley, Vii'ginia. E. H. McGavock, University of Virginia. A preliminary report on the mineralogy of the Alberene soap¬ stone deposit, Albemarle County, Virginia. H. N. Giles, 105 Observatory Avenue, Charlottesville. 88 The Virginia Journal of Science [April 9. 2:40 Clay Mineralogy of Some Piedmont Soils as Related to their Source Rock Petrography. William M. Flock, VPI. 10. 3:00 Narrows Fault Zone, Narrows, Virginia. Edwin K. Via, VPI. 11. 3:20 The Blue Ridge Fault Near Front Royal. Fitzhugh T. Lee, VPI. 12. 3:40 Magnetic susceptibilities and magnetic anomalies in the Rad¬ ford Area. Samuel T. Harding, VPI. 13. 4:00 Petrography of the Arvonia Slate. Robert G. McDowell, VPI. 14. 4:20 Ground Water Geology Along the West Flank of the Blue Ridge in Rockbridge, Augusta and Rockingham Counties. R. B. Leonard, VPI. Saturday, May 12 Field Trip. Section of Medical Science Friday, May 11 — 9:00 A.M. Madison Room 1. 9:00 Effect of Hydrocortisone Feeding on Serum Gholesterol and Triglycerides in Rabbits. J. G. Forbes and O. M. Petterson, Medical Gollege of Virginia. 2. 9:20 Influence of Gortisone and Hydrocortisone on Absorption of Gholesterol— G^^. E. S. Higgins and J. C. Forbes, Medical Gollege of Virginia. 3. 9:40 Pathway of Glucose Metabolism in Brain and Influence of Ethanol on Gammrt-Aminobutyric Acid Gontent. E. S. Higgins, Medical Gollege of Virginia. 4. 10:00 Active Sodium Transport Across the Skin in Intact Frogs. Addison D. Gampbell, Carey Stronach and Ernst G. Huf, Medi¬ cal College of Vii'ginia. 5. 10:20 Effects of Redox Systems on Active Ion Transport in Isolated Frog Skin. 1962] 6. 10:40 7. 11:00 8. 1:30 9. 1:50 10. 2:10 11. 2:30 12. 2:50 13. 3:10 14. 3:30 8:30 1. 8:45 Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 89 Ernst G. Huf, Leah L. Eubank, Addison D. Campbell and Barbara B. Taylor, Medical College of Virginia. Use of High Intensity Light on Experimental Intraocular Tumors. Guy Chan and Walter J. Geeraets, Medical College of Virginia. Studies of Proteins of Bone. H. G. White, Jr., Herman M. Nachman and E. R. Berry, Medi¬ cal College of Virginia. Specificity of Electric Organ Cholinesterase. Mary-Elizabeth Mounter, Rita M. Cheatham and L. A. Moun¬ ter, Medical College of Virginia. Effect of X-rays on Enzymes. L. A. Mounter, Medical College of Virginia. Effect of 17--Ethyl— 19— Nortestosterone on Blood Glucose in the Alloxan Diabetic Rat. J. A. Thomas, University of Virginia School of Medicine. The Effects of lodinated Salicylates on Pulse Rates of Rats. C. L. Gemmill and K. M. Browning, University of Virginia School of Medicine. Fluid Therapy and Normothermia in Hemorrhagic Shock in the Cat. Eugene D. Brand, University of Virginia School of Medicine. Effect of Ouabain and Insuhn on Potassium Fluxes in Frog Muscle. D. R. H. Gourley, University of Virginia School of Medicine. A Broad Range Micro Spectrodensitometer for Agar Electro¬ phoresis. R. C. Williams, R. S. Ruffin and E. R. Berry, Medical College of Virginia. Section Of Psychology Friday, May 11 — 8:30 A.M. Dogwood Room Announcements, Richard H. Henneman, Chairman. Perseveration of Traces in the Tachistoscopic Recognition of Words. 90 2. 9:00 3. 9:15 4. 9:30 5. 9:45 6. 10:00 7. 10:15 8. 10:30 10:45 9. 11:00 12:30 10. 1:30 11. 1:45 12. 2:00 The Virginia Journal of Science [April John J. Baldino, Jr., The College of Wilham and Mary. Tachistoscopic Recognition of Words and Their Mirror Images. Mary Ellen Finkel, The College of William and Mary. Perception of Number in Peripheral Vision. Charles C. Hodge, The College of William and Mary. A Study of Magnitude of Errors on the Pursuit Rotor. Robert S. Klein and George W. Kent, Bridgewater College. Psychomotor Factors in Piloting Manned Spacecraft. Gerald W. Bracey, The College of WiUiam and Mary. The Effect of Various Event Run-Lengths on Human Binary Prediction. Peter L. Berks and Lois Gurnee Blanchard, The College of William and Mary. The Effects of Various Schedules of Reinforcement on Two- Choice Behavior in Human Subjects. George J. Skrzypek, The College of William and Mary. The Effect of Pronounceability and Mode of Presentation on Acquisition of CVC Trigrams. John M. Williams, The College of William and Mary. Recess. Symposium on “Consumer-Producer Expectations in Psych- ology.” Neil W. Coppinger, Chairman, Edwin S. Zolik, Cyril R. Mill, John J. McMillan, Louis D. Cohen, and Robert S. Waldrop. Lunch. Peter L. Berks, Chairman The Effect of Frequency of Presentation upon Responses to Stimuli of Varying Begrees of Ambiguity. James H. Brown, University of Virginia. Transfer of Classification and Identification Experience to Recogniton of Random Shapes. Russell B. Johnson, University of Virginia. The Effects of Training in Communication and Role Percep¬ tion on Communicative Abilities in Children. Charles Luther Fry, Jr., University of Virginia. Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 91 1962] 13. 2:15 14. 2:30 15. 2:45 16. 3:00 3:15 17. 3:30 4:30 5:30 18. 8:30 .9. 8:45 .0. 9:00 21. 9:15 Serial Rote Learning as a Function of Overt Errors and Rate of Presentation. John P. Harcourt and Milford F, Schwartz, Washington and Lee University. Constant vs. Varied Serial Order in Paired- Associate Learning and Retention. Douglas Birtcher, University of Virginia. Method of Pretraining and Knowledge of Results in Paired- Associate Learning under Simultaneous Repetition and Non¬ repetition Conditions. H. Ray Brackett, University of Virginia. Time-out from Positive Reinforcement. Donald M. Thompson, University of Virginia. Recess. Audience-participation discussion on “The Concept of Drive”. Stanley B. Williams, Chairman, Robert A. Johnson, and L. Starling Reid. Business Meeting: Psychology Section of the Virginia Acad¬ emy of Science. Social Hour and Dinner: Virginia Psychological Association. Saturday, May 12 — 8:30 A.M. Dogwood and Robert E. Lee Room Session A— Robert E. Lee Room Leonard E. Jarrard, Chairman Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Eood Consump¬ tion in the Rat. Donald A. Stubbs, Washington and Lee University. Operant Conditioning and Food Consumption as Indicants of the Effects of X-irradiation on Rats. WaFred B. Thuhn, Washington and Lee University. The Effects of Caffeine and Sodium Seconal on Operant Be¬ havior in the Rat. Clarence M. Whitehead, Jr., Washington and Lee University. Modifications in the Rat’s Diurnal Behavior as a Function of Quinine Concentration in a Liquid Diet. John W. Wright, University of Virginia. 92 22. 9:30 23. 9:45 24. 8:30 25. 8:45 26. 9:00 27. 9:15 28. 9:30 9:45 29. 10:00 11:30 The Virginia Journal of Science [April The Effect of Varied and Constant Drinking Location on Activity and Exploration in the Rat. George J. Igel and James H. Woods, University of Virginia. The Effect of Field Illumination Upon Exploratory Behavior in the Rat. W. C. Westman, The College of William and Mary. Session B — Dogwood Room Stanley Spiegel, Chairman The Sensitization-Represison Dimension as Related to Deviant Responses on Content and Contentless Tasks. A. W. Lucky, University of Richmond. Female Masturbation and Marital Happiness Prediction. William R. Reevy, Northern Virginia Mental Health Project. The Lack of Agreement Between M-F-D Test Scores and Psychiatric Diagnoses. Bessie S. Smith, Lower Peninsula Mental Hygiene Clinic. The Rorschach and the MMPI: A Concurrent Validity Study. Henry B. Adams, VA Hospital, Richmond, G. David Cooper, Petersburg Training School, and Richard N. Carrera, Emory University. A Content Analysis Study of Group Therapy Sessions. William R. Reevy, Edwin S. Zolik, and Elmer F. Lowry, Jr., Northern Virginia Mental Health Project. Recess. Symposium on “Implications for Psychology of the Joint Com¬ mission Report on Mental Health.” Harold M. Hildreth, Chairman, with discussants on Training, Practice, Schools, Research, and Interdisciplinary Coordination. Business Meeting: Vii'ginia Psychological Association. 1962] Program of Fortieth Annual Meeting 93 1. 2:00 2:55 3:05 2, 3:20i 9:30 P. 9:40 2. 10:00 3. 10:40 4. 11:10 5. 11:30 6. 2:00 Section Of Science Teachers Thursday, May 10 — 2:00 P.M. Room 800-801 Functional vs. Classical Biology and the Placement of Biology in the High School Curriculum. John G. Barker, Head of Biology Department, Radford, College. Intermission. Business Session. History of the Section of Science Teachers. Miss Samuella Crim, Glassboro State College, Glassboro, N. J. Section Of Statistics Friday, May 11 — 9:30 A.M. Room 701 Introduction by Chairman. A Statistical Analysis of a Crop Rotation Experiment. M. H. Kutner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. On the Unwisdom of Treating the Worst. C. Eisenhart, and Mary C. Croarkin, National Bureau of Stand¬ ards. Time Series and Spectral Analysis. G. A. Watterson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Some Statistical Applicaitons at the U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory. Victor Chew, U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory. Inference on a Genetic Model. J. J. Bartko, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. A Nonlinear Model for the Nutritional Evaluation of Protein Quality. R. J. Monroe, N. G. State College and Medical College of Virginia; M. A. Guzman, Institute for Nutrition of Gentral America and Panama. [April 94 The Virginia Journal of Science 7. 3:00 An Index to Determine Quantitative Immunization. I. A. De Armon Jr., F. Klein, R. E. Lincoln, B. G. Mahlandt, and A. L. Fernelius, U. S. Army Chemical Corps. 8. 3:40 Some Aspects of Life Tables. W. L. Johnson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 4:10 BiLsiness Meeting. Saturday, May 12 — 9:00 A.M. Room 701 9. 9:00 Representative Selection of Variables. R. A. Bales, Technical Operations, Inc. 10. 9:20 Various Components of Three-way Classifications with Unequal Class Number. P. S. Chu, Virginia Polytechnic In.stitute. If. 9:40 De.signs for Blocks of Size Two. H. A. David, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 12. 10:10 Statistical Investigation of Teller Performance in Branch Bank¬ ing. S. P. Shao and T. J. Reed, Norfolk College of William and 13. 10:40 Estimation of the Strength of a Radioactive Source. Kimiko O. Bowman and H. A. David, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 14. 11:10 A Rank Sum Test for Outliers. W. A. Thompson, Jr., and T. A. Willke, National Bureau of Standards. The Annual Subscription Rate is $3.00, and the cost of a single Number, $1.00. Reprints are available only if ordered when galley proof is "V returned. All orders except those involving exchanges should be addressed |v to Carl W. Allen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. The f University of Virginia Library has exclusive exchange arrangements, and communications relative to exchange should be addressed to The Librarian, S Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Notice To Contributors Contributions to the Journal should be addressed to Paul B. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic ; Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. If any preliminary notes have been published on the subject which is submitted a statement to that effect must accompany the manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted In triplicate, typewritten in double spacing on standard 8 1 /I" X 1 1" paper, with at least a one inch margin on all sides. Manuscripts are limited to seven pages, with the proviso that if additional pages are desired, the author may obtain them at cost. The author may estimate the length of his paper by counting the total number of characters, including blank spaces, and dividing this by 3300. The result is the opproxi- mate number of printed pages in the Journai. Division of the manuscript into subheadings must follow a consistent plan. It Is desir¬ able that a brief summary be included in ail manuscripts. Footnotes should be included in the body of the manuscript immediately following the reference, and set off by a dashedline above and below the footnote content. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the manuscript. References should be arranged alphabetically according to author. Each reference should include the date, full title of the article, the name of the Journal, the volume and pages. For example: Harvie, L. E. and S. P. Maroney, Jr., 1961. Respiration and hemolysis of ultra¬ violet irradiated frog erythrocytes. Va. Jour. Sci. 12:1-9. References to the bibliographic citations should not be made by numbers. Instead, using the above citation, where a reference is desired: either (Harvie and Maroney, 1961) or Harvie and Maroney (1961). Explanation of graphs and tabular material should be ^ped on separate pages. All figures should be numbered consecutively beginning with the first text figure and continuing through the plates. If figures are to be inserted in the text this should be indicated at the appropriate place in the margin. Illustrations including lettering, should be arranged so that on reduction they will not exceed the dimensions of the maximum size of a printed page. Large plates must be ac¬ companied by photographic copies which can be sent to the reviewers. The Journal will furnish the author with one plate or its equivalent; additional figures, colored illustrations or lithographs may be used only if the author makes a grant covering the cost of production. Original drawings (which must be done in black drawing ink) not photographs of drawings, should accompany the manuscript. When photographic prints are used they should be glossy, sharp and show good contrast. Drawings not neatly executed and labeled (do not use a typewriter), or which are not submitted on white paper will not be accepted. Galley proofs are sent to the author for correction. Costs of excessive changes from the original manuscript must be defrayed by the author. OFFICERS OF THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Horton H. Hobbs, President Jackson J. Taylor, President-Elect Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Foley F. Smith, Treasurer Wiliam B. Wartman, Jr., Assistant Secretary-Treasurer COUNCIL Herbert W. K. Fitzroy Suzie V. Floyd Stanley B. Williams Harry G. M. Jopson G. Tyler Miller, Jr. J. C. Forbes W. S. Flory W. H. Brittingham P. Ame Hansen E. D. Brand W. M. Hinton P. B. Siegel W. W. Scott S. B. Row J. L. Calver E. F. Turner, Jr. Boyd Harshbarger W. B. Bell H. Leidheiser, Jr. •’.'1 vfc, w V vTX THE VIRGINIA OURNAL OF SCIENCE A JOURNAL ISSUED QUARTERLY BY THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM ON BASIC RESEARCH ON VIRGINIA'S NATURAL RESOURCES 'ol. 13, New Series July, 1962 No. 3 VoL. 13, New Series No. 3 July, 1962 THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published Four Times A Year In January, April, July, and September, by The Virginia Academy of Science Printed by The Bassett Printing Corporation, Bassett, Virginia CONTENTS Pages Introduction. . 95 Coal. G. Thiessen . 97 Soils. A. G. Norman . 114 Forests. G. H. Hepting . 123 Water. J. C. Frye . 135 Marine Life. J. L. McHugh . 144 Human Resources. C. C. Little . 155 EDITORIAL BOARD Paul B. Siegel, Editor Carl W. Allen, Managing Editor Section Editors D. R. Carpenter, Jr. M. A. Kise W. P. Anslow, Jr. A. P. Hanson N. F. Murphy F. B. Rowe J. C. Thompson W. T. Parrott A. Mandell C. Y. Kramer G. W. Thomas Entered as second-class matter, at the post office at Bassett, Virginia, and Blacksburg, Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Subscription $3.00 annually. Published four times a year; in January, April, July and September by the Virginia Academy of Science at Blacksburg, Virginia. Mailed July 17, 1962 THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE VoL. 13, New Series July, 1962 No. 3 BASIC RESEARCH ON VIRGINIA’S NATURAL RESOURCES Symposium Sponsored by The Virginia Institute for Scientific Research and The Virginia Academy of Science Norfolk, Virginia May 10, 1962 “Basic Research on Virginia’s Natural Resources” was the subject of a symposium, jointly sponsored by the Virginia Institute for Scientific Re¬ search and the Virginia Academy of Science, at the Fortieth Annual Acade¬ my Meeting in Norfolk, Virginia, May 10, 1962. The idea for such a symposium was presented by Dr. Henry Leidheiser, Jr., Director of VISR, to the Academy Council in the spring of 1961. It was enthusiastically accepted and a four-man committee was appointed to select subjects and to invite outstanding nationally-known speakers. The committee consisted of Dr. Byron N. Cooper, professor of geology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Dr. Ladley Husted, professor of biology. University of Virginia; Dr. Leidheiser, and Dr. Russell J. Rowlett, Jr., Assistant Director of VISR. The six subjects chosen by the committee represent, in their opinion, the six most important natural resources in Virginia. It is apparent that many natural resources were omitted — limestone, zinc, iron ore, man¬ ganese, salt and wildlife, to mention only a few. Their omission was the result of time considerations only. The committee studied carefully suggestions for possible speakers, and consulted frequently with well-known scientists in industry, the universi¬ ties, and federal government laboratories. Each of the speakers selected is a recognized authority in his field. In introducing the svmposium Dr. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION AUfi 1 96 The Virginia Journal of Science [July Leidheiser stated that ‘‘the Institute and the Academy are highly honored and complimented that the invitations were accepted so willingly.” Each speaker was introduced by a member of the Virginia Academy. Dr. Thiessen was introduced by Dr. William P. Boyer, Vice President, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation; Dr. Norman by Edwin Cox, Sen¬ ior Partner, Cox and Gillespie; Dr. Hepting by George W. Dean, Virginia State Forester; Dr. Frye by Dr. Byron N. Cooper; Dr. McHugh by Dr. William J. Hargis, Director, Virginia Institute of Marine Science; and Dr. Little by H. Rupert Hanmer, Vice President, American Tobacco Company. Extra copies of this July issue of the Virginia Journal of Science containing the complete symposium may be obtain¬ ed for one dollar ($1.00) from The Virginia Institute for Scientific Research, 2820 Grove Avenue, Richmond 21, Va. 1962] Coal 97 BASIC RESEARCH ON COAL Dr. Gilbert Thiessen, Administrative Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Research, Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. Probably the most basic research on coal is to find an answer to the question, ‘'What is coal?” Everyone knows coal is that earthy brown stuff dug out of open pits in Texas or Germany or Austraha and burned under power plant boilers. But it is also the hard, shiny clean smokeless fuel mined extensively at one time in Northeastern Pennsylvania and in parts of Virginia and called hard coal. It is also the tough black material mined in Eastern Central Ohio, near Cannelton, and distilled to make coal oil which, in its time, destroyed the whale oil industry and which, in turn, was superseded by kerosene from petroleum. Also, it is the wide variety of bituminous coals with names such as Pocahontas, Pittsburgh, Illinois No. 6, etc. Coal is that new product of the research laboratorv - a solid fuel that does not need to be kept in a tank. Virginia has been, is, and will continue to be an important coal pro¬ ducing state. Though coal, in the U. S., was not found first in Virginia, it was mined and used first here. The use was industrial, providing heat in blacksmiths’ forges. A curious comment about Virginia coal in 1720 says, “And as for coals, it is not likely they should ever be used there in anything, but Forges and great Towns, if ever they happen to have any; for, in their Country Plantations, the Wood grows at every Man’s Door so fast, that after it has been cut down, it will in seven Years time, grow up again from seed to substantial Fire Wood.” Virginia is sixth in coal production in the U. S., yielding 6.7% of the bituminous coal and lignite produced in the U. S. in 1960. Virginia has some of the geologically oldest coals in the U. S., and some of its best. Before discussing coal research, let us consider coal itself. Coal appears in wide variety in nature, but all varieties have one thing in common - they are derived from accumulated vegetation which has partly decayed, then, while entombed in rock, has become dried, compressed, and grad¬ ually changed into coal. The nature of the starting vegetation and the conditions of decay determined the type. The position of a coal in the scheme of change from lignite to bituminous coal to anthracite defines its rank. Coals thus vary in type and rank. Those in Virginia are mainly the normal bright banded and the spHnt types and of bituminous rank. What causes the change from partly decayed vegetation to coal? Time, temperature, pressure and nature of the chemical environment are prob- 98 The Virginia Journal of Science [J^y sible, for very old low rank coals and young high rank coals occur in various parts of the world. Temperature is an important factor, even though it is believed that during the entire period of coalification it did not rise much above those we now can measure in coal beds. However, only a slight rise is enough since, generally in organic chemical reactions, a rise in temperature of 10° C (18°F) doubles the rate of reaction and the reactions took place over geological periods of time. Pressure also is needed, but just enough to cause compaction. Where mountain building or massive structural movements produced high pressures in formations containing coal beds, the increased temperatures were probably more re¬ sponsible for the increased rank of the coal than were the higher press¬ ures. Where relatively high temperatures developed due to intrusions of hot igneous rocks, a marked increase in degree of coalification of coal beds near them occurred, increasing in degree with nearness to the intru¬ sion. Under these conditions, reactions leading to heat alteration of the organic material went on faster than the less violent dehydration, decar- lioxylation, and dehydrogenation, which are the processes of coalification. Virginia, in its Richmond coal basin in Chesterfield, Powhatan, Gooch¬ land, and Henrico counties exhibits an outstanding example of llie tem¬ perature effect of igneous intrusion in the neighborhood of a coal bed. Here coals in a single bed progress in rank from bituminous to semi- anthracite to anthracite to graphite, while in some areas deposits of nat¬ ural coke formed which have been commercially worked. “Basic Research on Coal” is a very large subject. I propose to limit myself to a discussion of studies normally conducted in laboratories. Dis¬ cussions of an engineering research nature, such as mining techniques; materials handling; the design, construction, and operation of large power plants; and the construction of pipe lines will not be considered. Methods for the study of coal are about as diverse as the investigators engaged in its study. Coal offers problems to practically all the discip¬ lines of science, as well as in technology and engineering. A few of the aspects which basic coal research can take, and which I propose to discuss, are: Petrological — coal as a rock; Chemical - its chemical properties; Physical - its physical properties; Utilization - its behavior during use; Geological — its natural occurrence; and Economic - its market worth. Coal research involves a difficulty not encountered in studies of the other common natural fuels, petroleum and gas, which are essentially homogeneous materials. With a drum of petroleum or a pressure cylinder of natural gas brought into the laboratory, one portion taken for study is the same as any other portion from that supply. However, one piece of coal is apt to be unlike any other piece. One either studies a given piece as a specimen or one studies a finely ground composite sample. The prob- Coal 99 1962] lems of obtaining a true composite sample, as Virginia mine operators and sales agents know, are extensive and important, and still open to improvement and cost reduction. Coal sampling, correctly carried out, is expensive. Researches to reduce sampling costs can be rewarding. The heterogeneity of coal has led to much controversy in coal research and must always be kept in mind when reading the polemical literature con¬ cerning coal origin, composition and behavior during use. Why this .special difficulty with coal? Coal, as mentioned earlier, is derived from deposits of partly decayed plant matter. Such deposits are being formed today, for example, in forest peat swamps. Such deposits consist of leaves, twigs, branches, bark, seeds, pollen, whole trees, and so on, all mixed together. The origin of coal from a mixture of such materials is reflected in its appearance, bright shiny bands of varying sizes intermixed with duller bands which also contain small bright areas and duller areas. The bright glassy pieces are the remains of pieces of wood, with the duller material derived from the miscellaneous mixture in which the wood is embedded. Petrological Studies of Coal To simplify discussion of the gross physical composition of coal, partic¬ ularly of common bituminous coals, it has become conventional to speak of four “petrographic” constituents described on the basis of their appear¬ ance to the naked eye. Consider a specimen of a common banded bitu¬ minous coal. The horizontal surfaces will probably be covered with a friable, charcoal-like material which, because of its structural weakness, formed a plane of breakage. This charcoal-like material is one of four commonly recognized components and has long oarried the common names, mother-of-coal, mineral charcoal, and more recently in scientific circles, “Fusain.” Looking at the vertical surfaces, one sees bright, highly reflecting glassy layers. These layers, derived from larger pieces of wood, were called by my father “anthraxylon” and by Dr. Marie Stopes, in her classifica¬ tion commonly used in Europe, “Vitrain.” The remaining major portion of the specimen will be a finely banded, non-glassy but still c|uite bright material, full of small slivers of the glassy type of material. This, in the Stopes system, is “Clarain.” European coals quite commonlv contain a fourth variety, a dull, finely banded hard and tough material “Durain,” or as the miner tends to call it, “hards.” In the U. S., this type of material is present in only small amounts in most coals, but does occur as a major constituent of a few example, “Brazil Block.” 100 The Virginia Journal of Science These four petrographic components of coal, Vitrain, Clarain, Durain and Fiisain, have quite different physical properties, particularly with respect to breaking strength. They therefore tend to segregate with dif¬ ferent size fractions of sieved coal. Since researcli lias shown that these components also have different chemical properties, and particularly different coking properties, use can be made of the segregating tendency at the mine during preparation of the coal for the market. Such “petrographic preparation” is beginning to be applied in Europe, and is being given increasing attention in this coun¬ try. Let us consider this petrographic segregation in a little more detail. Tlie first observation made around a coal mine or coal is that the dust is “dirty.” This is because Fusain forms planes of weakness and appears on the coal surface where it is subject to much attrition and is easily ground into fine charcoal-like dust. In some coal preparation plants, the fine coal is “dedusted” to make the coal more suitable for stoker use, or for other reasons. This dust which is removed is very rich in Fusain and exists as a potential commercial source if one should want it. Dedust¬ ing thus becomes a single form of “petrographic preparation” of coal. Fusain is lower in volatile-matter content than are the other components of coal. Some Virginia low-volatile coals may appear to be appreciably lower in volatile content than their geological position would lead one to expect. This is because of their Fusain contents which may be as high ^ as 15 to 20%. In petrographic preparation use can also be made of the greater resist¬ ance to breakage of the Durain to separate it from the bright coal, and concentrations of each material can be obtained fairly easily by size separa¬ tion of suitably broken coal. Fusain, Durain, Clarain and Vitrain are themselves heterogeneous and are made up of a variety of materials related to corresponding units in tlie plants from which coal was derived. The glassy Vitrain or anthraxylon, while appearing to be homogeneous, is just as complex as is a piece of wood. In most oases, the original cell structure of the wood is retained, even including the annual rings. The resin inclusions found in wood are still present in the coal. Clarain and Durain are very complex. In addition to the pieces of woody tissue, there are present leaf cuticles, spore exines, bark and resi¬ dues of all the other debris found on a forest floor, a lot of it very finely macerated and well decomposed. These various substances behave differently towards heat, oxidation, hydrogenation, etc. Thus one can reason, if one knew the behavior of Coal 101 1962] each component and the quantity of it present, one should be able to make a petrographic analysis of a coal and from this predict the value of the coal for a given use, or to predict what mixture of several coals would be suitable for a given purpose. The astonishingly heterogeneous make-up of coal is first really revealed when a small piece of coal is polished, cemented to a glass slide, and then ground thin until it is transluscent. Seen through the microscope, all of the detail of the plant origin of coal is revealed. The various bo¬ tanical forerunners of coal can be observed in peat, lignite, bituminous coals, and anthracite. Let us consider woody tissue only as an example. Woody material in peat looks Hke decayed wood; the cell walls are thin¬ ner and broken compared to the original wood structure. In Hgnite, the cells have been crushed; in bituminous coal, they are still further crushed and compacted, but still evident. Most people are astonished to discover that coal in thin section is not black, but is orange, dark red and brown. It should thus be obvious that one of the more fundamental and im¬ portant studies of coal should be that of its structural composition from the botanical or palaeobotanical standpoint. Such studies have been under¬ way for more than one-hundred years, and have led to a sound but not yet complete understanding of the composition of coal-forming deposits. We know that different types of coal originated from different types of peat deposits and that the properties of certain special varieties of coal are due to the high proportions they contain of definite plant materials. Cannel coal properties for example, are due to the high proportions of spore exines it contains. Improvements in sectioning techniques and in optical equipment have made such studies easier, but the most important tool, a good knowledge of botanical structure of ancient plants, can only be obtained by deter¬ mined study and hard work. The microscopist is overwhelmed with the structural detail in coal, in spite of the limit to the resolving power or useful magnification of the optical microscope. Yet in recent years, the electron microscope has per¬ mitted us to study coal structures far more detailed than those permitted by the limits of the optical microscope. By its use, the incredibly com¬ plex structures of cellulose fibers, of wood, of the fine structure of aU living matter, has been made even more evident. The electron microscope study of coal shows us that these fine structures of the living plants are still present in coal. In the previous discussions, we have mentioned the study of thin sec¬ tions of coal. The palaeobotanist has also taken coals apart by various chemical procedures and has recovered for study some of the more chemi- 102 The Virginia Journal of Science [July cally resistant plant entities for more detailed study, for example, part of leaf euticles, spore exines, and resin inelusions. In sueh researehes, many spores have been isolated, described and named and in some cases identified as to the plant which bore them. Spores were the reproductive means of the coal-forming plants which today are represented by their descendants, the ferns and club mosses. Lycopodium powder of the pharmacist consists of the spores of the club moss. In coal only the decay resistant outer waxy coats, the exines of the spores, remain. The spores of each species of plant are distinctive and recognizable. Since the vegetation of the coal-forming swamps tended to be homogeneous over theii' extent just as in swamps today, the spores deposited in the swamp also would be uniform in type throughout its extent. For this reasons spore exines can be used for geological correlation of coal beds. Correlations or coal bed identification can be made by making use of the occurrence of a specific spore, of the presence of a predominant spore, or of a given spore dis¬ tribution pattern, as the characteristic of a specific coal bed. While such correlations are not always completely certain, they are of great help. Coal can be analyzed in terms of its petrographic components, and such analyses have been compared with the behavior of the coals under conditions of use. The ultimate goal is the ability to predict the use behavior of a coal or mixture of coals from its petrographic analysis. Coal technologists are coming quite close to being able to do this and are making very fast progress. In my opinion, this is one of the fastest growing and most practically profitable aspects of basic coal research at the present time. Let us therefore look further into this area of coal research and see how petrographic analyses of coal are made and how such analyses are correlated with the use behaviors of the coals to make the analyses com¬ mercially useful. However, a bit of caution is needed. Because coals vary so widely in age, rank, type and quality, these methods of evalua¬ tion, behavior prediction and control, must be restricted to limited areas of rank and type for which correlations have been established. Petrographic analysis can be based on the observation of polished sur¬ faces of a series of blocks of coal representing a complete vertical cross- section of the coal to be analyzed. More precise and detailed analyses can be made using thin sections made from similar blocks. Such analyses entail an enormous amount of very skilled work and are expensive, but do give a good indication of the composition of the coal in place. To apply this analysis to commercially mined coal, one has to assume that any coal obtained commercially by mining the seam would not be changed in composition by the mining process. As we have mentioned, the mechanical processes of mining, crushing, screening, and coal clean- Coal 103 1962] ing can all affect the composition of the resulting delivered coal. We need therefore a method of petrographic analysis which can be used to analyze coal as delivered in commercial size and which does not require exceptional technical skills. Techniques have been developed by which representative, crushed samples can be tested rather than specimen blocks. In such a technique, for example, a true sample of the coal ground to about the coarsenes of granulated sugar is molded, with a suitable resin, into a small block, one face of which is then highly polished. This block is then examined under a microscope, as were the specimen blocks cut from the coal. The resin-bonded blocks made up of the crushed sample also can be cemented to a glass slide and then ground thin to transluscency for obser¬ vation by transmitted light for petrographic analyses. Such sections are much easier to make than are those from the larger blocks of coal, and for certain routine analyses are quite suitable. More information is avail¬ able quickly about the coal seam as a whole from their study than from the more painstaking study of sections from the corresponding polished blocks. Polished surfaces of coal are bright, shiny and reflect light. It is curi¬ ous and important that the average amount of light reflected from the Vitrain is a function of the rank of the coal, and thus of its carbon con¬ tent, carbon-hydrogen ratio, etc., and can further be correlated with its behavior during carbonization, combustion, etc. Reflectance measurements are readily made on polished surfaces of coal using a microscope fitted with a photoelectric device which measures the amount of light incident on the sample which is reflected. For routine work, an integrating device can be used which calculates the average reflectance as the sample is automatically traversed under the microscope objective. This method has been highly developed by the Coal Mining Research Institute of Essen, Germany, and has been successfully applied to their selection and quality control of coals and coal blends for coke making. Petrographic analyses of coals are of particular interest in connection with the evaluation of coals and of blends of coal for metallurgical coke manufacture. Researches toward that objective have been actively pur¬ sued in the U. S. and Canada, as well as in Europe. Active centers of such work are U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bituminous Coal Research, Inc., Illinois State Geological Survey, Pennsylvania State University, The U. S. Steel Corporation, Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates, and the Canadian Department of Mines. The U. S. Bureau of Mines has made extensive correlations of petro¬ graphic analyses of coals with their use behavior, particularly effective in the evaluation of coals for hydrogenation. The procedure and the com- 104 The Virginia Journal of Science mercially available equipment used by the Bureau has been described in detail. Correlation, by whatever manner obtained with the actual behavior of a coal during use, is fundamental to the use of petrographic analyses. Chemical Studies We have seen that coal is made up of a wide variety of decayed plant residues. One would therefore suppose that there would be materials of a wide variety of compositions present. Surprisingly, the various parts of bituminous coal do not vary greatly in composition. This is because during the coalification process the chemical and physical properties of all the components tend to become similar, and this similarity of composi¬ tion becomes greater as the rank of the coal gets higher, reaching its ulti¬ mate, of course, in graphite. The bright, woody material, infusible in brown coals and lignite, becomes fusible when of bituminous rank, while the resins and waxes become less fusible with increasing rank of the coal in which they appear. This phenomenon of the melting of bituminous coal is curious and very important. It is this phenomenon which makes possible the production of coke and causes coal to fuse together in a lump when burned on a grate. This phenomenon is still more curious when we consider that lignite and anthracite, below and above bituminous coal in rank do not fuse, and further, that the temperature range during which coal is fused and plastic is small. One of the more fundamental areas of coal research con¬ cerns this plastic or fusible nature of coal when heated. What chemical changes have occurred during “coalification” which bring about the prop¬ erty of fusibility in the bituminous coals? This is an excellent subject for research. We come now to the question, “What is the chemical constitution of coal?” Much effort has been, is being, and no doubt will continue to be expended in an effort to answer that question. Coal being a mixture, we can consider the question from two aspects, (1) what are the chemi¬ cal compositions of the small homogeneous entities individually, or (2) what is the statistical average composition of the coal. Both approaches have value and usefulness. The statistical average approach is, of course, the one of use in commercial evaluation of coal and is the one generally used. In basic scientific researches, however, there is a growing body of information based on study of a botanical or single petrographic com¬ ponent. The component most frequently used is “anthraxylon” or “vitri- nite.” Because it occurs in relatively large layers and also because of the way it breaks, it can readily be obtained relatively pure in convenient Coal 105 1962] amounts for research. Spore exines and resins also have been the subject of special researches on definite components. An effective scientific attack on the chemical constitution of coal requires many special tools of the various scientific disciplines. Few individuals, if any, are skilled in the use of all of these. This is especially true in recent years which have seen the very rapid growth in the availability of very powerful new tools requiring specialists for their handling and for the interpretation of data obtained through their use. Examples are in¬ frared, ultra-violet and mass spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, neutron activa¬ tion, special optical methods, e.m.r. and n.m.r., gas chromatography, physi¬ cal testing using ultrasonics, and so on. Perhaps the most concentrated recent attack on the chemical and physi¬ cal nature of coal using such newlv available tools was that by D. W. J. van Krevelen and his associates at the State Mines Laboratories in the Netherlands, which resulted in the book by van Krevelen and Schuyer, “Coal,” first published in 1957. After an extensive period of work in which the most advanced methods were used, the magnitude of the effort expended was greatly reduced because Dr. van Krevelen concluded that the methods had been used to the extent of their capabilities, and that further extensive studies should await the availabiliv of further refinements of tools and methods or the discovery of new ones. What has been learned through the use of these modern techniques? It seems well established that bituminous coals, such as are found in Vir¬ ginia, are (1) generally carbocyclic or carbon ring in structure; (2) sev¬ eral of these rings are joined or fused together; and (3) oxvgen, nitrogen, and sulfur linkages are also present. Based on such information, various investigators have attempted to write a “coal molecule.” Such a repre¬ sentation can be only a picture of an average with no assurance that it represents anything that actually exists in coal. However, these pictures have some use in that we can estimate how such a structure would behave on hydrogenation, mild oxidation, heat decomposition, etc. One has a tendency to consider coal as an inert material, not unlike rock. It is astonishing, however, how reactive coal is under normal atmos¬ pheric temperatures. For example, when some coals are exposed to air thev react readily with the oxygen. Under conditions where the heat of oxidation is conserved, the temperature of a coal pile, or even a coal seam whose face is exposed, will reach the ignition point and the coal will catch fire, all beginning with oxidation at atmospheric temperature. Coking coals on storage are changed in coking properties due to reaction with atmos¬ pheric oxvgen, some losing their coking power entirely. Coal will react with hydrogen at atmospheric temperature; in fact, it is possible that reac¬ tion with hydrogen under these conditions is the only true hydrogenation 106 The Virginia Journal of Science [July of coal. Reaction under more vigorous conditions at elevated temperatures is considered to cause appreciable molecular degradation and bond break¬ ing, as well as bond saturation. Coal reacts at atmospheric temperatures with a wide variety of chemi¬ cals; for example, with the halogens and nitric acid. Some of the better solvents for coal possibly owe their “solvent power” to their reaction with the coal; for example, the polyethylene amines. Tetra- and deca-hydro- naphthalene are active hydrogenating agents for coal and readily act as hydrogen carriers for the hydrogenation of coal. Coal, then, is not neces¬ sarily an inert rock; it can be chemically a very reactive substance. One aspect of coal chemistry that has received relatively little atten¬ tion but which deserves more, is that of the minor ash forming or non- organic elements. Some elements are present in coal in only very min¬ ute amounts and their detection and estimation offer difficulties. The pat¬ tern of occurrence of these “minor” elements, specific to and consistent over a wide area of a coal seam, has been suggested as a useful aid to correlation of coal seams where geological structure complexity raises difficulties. Coal may serve as a source of uncommon elements. For example, ger¬ manium appears to have been concentrated in some locations by coal. In Great Britain, germanium so concentrated has been recovered commer¬ cially from the flues of coke ovens. Uranium also has been concentrated by wood found embedded in some Western sandstones and also by lignite. The occurrence of uranium in Western coals has been extensively studied by the U. S. Geological Survey. Few really complete analyses for all the unusual elements have been available that our knowledge of their occur¬ rence in coal is quite sparse. The U. S. Bureau of Mines has been engag¬ ed in an active program of analyses of a wide range of coals throughout the U. S. for contents of these minor elements, and upon publication of these data, our knowledge in this field wiU be greatly increased. One can speculate, for example, about the possibility that some one coal may contain a useful quantity of a strategically desirable and relatively rare element. Assuming that the element stays in the ash, its recovery would then be a question of economics or of necessity. A coal carrying such an element could be delivered to one large power plant so that the desired element would be concentrated at one location. The bulk of coal ash is made up of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide and magnesia. The recovery of the alumina in coal ash as alum or as alumina for aluminum production has received extensive attention. Large scale studies of alumina recovery by one coal company are underway at present. The chemical studies dhected toward the constitution and conversion of COAl 107 1962] coal are too complicated for commercial testing and control. Convention¬ ally, coal is subjected to rudimentary tests for the estimation of moisture, ash, “fixed carbon” and sulfur content, heat of combustion, and less fre¬ quently for ash fusion point, free swelling index on coking, etc. An im¬ portant objective of coal research is the correlation of the results of such simple and relatively inexpensive tests with the behavior of a coal for a specific commercial application. The widespread use of such tests is at least a partial indication that much success in such correlations has been achieved. Physical Studies In contrast to the simple routine chemical tests, simple routine physical tests are less commonly made. However, the establishment of physical tests as means for eommercial evaluation of coals is a rapidly growing and very important area of research. Some of the more common physical tests measure resistanee to breakage during commercial handling or the ease of grinding for pulverized fuel firing (for example, the determination of the Hardgroves Grindability Index.) These physical tests, as well as the eommon chemieal tests just men¬ tioned, give average values for the coal as a whole or a value dependent upon the weakest portions of the coal. The relative phvsieal properties of the individual petrographic components of coal are of greater potential significanee. We have mentioned the use of differences in light reflectivitv as the basis for a svstem of laboratory evaluation and process control of coals for special uses. I have also mentioned that the ease of fracture of the various coal components is different and that separation of broken coal on a size basis can result in fraetions of different petrographic com¬ position and properties. For this reason the phvsieal behavior of coal components on crushing or grinding to small size should become of in- ereasing interest and importance. The large-scale transmission of coal in finely divided form by pipeline in suspension or slurrv svstems opens up the possibilities for large scale modification of coal properties bv “petro¬ graphic preparation.” Obviously coal will only be transported by pipe¬ lines if such transportation offers economic advantages. The creaming-off of only a small proportion of the feed to a large pipeline could offer a very significant quantity of a special grade of eoal, the preparation of whieh would have been uneconomic if carried on for itself. The shape factors, surface properties, apparent densities of fine coal, etc., are of importance in such non-power plant processes as fluid bed carbonization and gasification, froth flotation, hydrogenation, etc. The physics of fracture formation is still imperfectly understood. Frac¬ ture formation is of importance in coal mining in the aetual release of 108 The Virginia Journal of Science tj^y the coal from the face, in crushing to commercial size, in pulverization, in roof maintenance, and in such potential uses of coal as in underground gasification. The problems involve not only the power required for break¬ ing but also the control of breaking to give the desired size, shape or position of break. The permeability of bituminous coal is related to the release of the methane it almost always contains. The flow of gas into the open spaces of the mine is very important from a safety standpoint. What are the effects of cracks formed ahead of the advancing face, how effective are bore-holes ahead of the face in recovering or removing gas, how can gas be more effectively and cheaply removed and recovered? Many problems exist for the physicist in this area. No discussion of research possibilities in any field today is complete without a consideration of the possible application of atomic energy or atomic physics to the problem. Radioactivity is finding increased use as a research tool. One widely applied use for radioactive materials is as tags on material to be traced through a mechanical or chemical process. The short-lived radioactive galTium-68 has been recommended as a me¬ chanical path tracer for coal since the equipment is radioactively clean the next day. The use of carbon-14, deuterium, tritium, and other radio¬ active isotopes of elements taking part in a reaction being studied are widely used in studying reaction mechanisms and rates. This technique has been applied with considerable success to studies of chemical struc¬ ture in coal and the nature and quantity of the reactive groups; for exam¬ ple, hydroxyl or carbonyl a coal contains. Another application of radio¬ activity which has been appHed to coal research is “Neutron Activation” for the estimation of the content of certain elements and for a study of their distribution among the products of a process; for example, combus¬ tion or carbonization. These new tools involving nuclear radiation should be kept in mind when a plan of attack on a coal research problem is being organized. These methods are now at the stage where the availability of commercial laboratory equipment makes it possible for them to be used as tools by those who are not primarily specialists in radioactivity. Coal is consohdated and metamorphosed decayed vegetation. During decay, many biologically active materials are produced — — you are all aware of penicillin and such materials, the modern scientific grandchild of “stump- water for warts.” Is there some fossil “stump water” still in coal? It appears that there is, and that it is still biologically active. Report of such biologically active material in coal has recently been made. What more can be found of this nature? Attempts have been made to produce soil-conditioning materials by the action of microorganisms on coal either with or without the addition of nutrients to the coal. COAI 109 1962] Micrbiological digestion of a sugar has recently been used as the energy- producing reaction in a fuel cell to generate electricity directly from chemi¬ cal energy. Can coal be substituted for the sugar in a similar cell? Prob¬ ably not, but one would like to dream that such a possibility exists. A number of microorganisms use sulfur compounds in their life cycles. It has been suggested that the finely disseminated pyrite in coal had its origin in colonies of sulfur metabolizing bacteria. Can coal be desulfurized by subjecting it in slurry form to the action of an active culture of a sulfur metabolizing microorganism? Utilization Research We have so far largely discussed research possibilities concerning the physical properties and chemical nature of coal as it occurs and as it is mined for commerce. Such researches provide the necessary fundamental background for “practical” researches leading toward larger and more re¬ warding uses for coal. It is these so-called “practical” researches which frequently receive support in preference over more fundamental researches in spite of the fact that expensive empirical studies must be made because of a lack of basic knowledge. In the study of coal, nevertheless, these empirical, “practical” researches have been remarkably successful through¬ out the world in providing the basis for large industries. Opportunities still exist. The chances of commercial success are governed not only by the nature of the technical solutions of the problems involved, but also by the economic and political chmate of the times. Let us look at some examples of the past and then try to uncover some possibilities of the near future for which the economic climate may be improving. The production of illuminating gas was once a problem occupying the attention of many famous engineers, chemists and technologists, and the artificial, illuminating gas industry was very prosperous. With the inven¬ tion of the Welsbach ceria-thoria mantle, the “illuminating value” of manu¬ factured gas declined in importance and the aim of gas manufacturing technology was the economical manufacture of a “standard” fuel gas at lowest cost per unit of heating value. In the U. S. today, because of the combination of huge natural-gas reserves and the availability of a tremen¬ dous pipeline system, the manufactured gas industry, particularly that based on coal, is almost non-existent. The manufactured gas industry in Europe, still the stronghold of the coal-gas industry, is also now on the decline because of the discovery there of natural gas, the impending im¬ portation of liquified methane and the widespread use of petroleum prod¬ ucts for gas-making. The favorable economic climate for coal-gas mak¬ ing has come and gone. When will it reappear, and would you invest in a coal-gas plant on the Eastern Seaboard - or anywhere in the U. S. no The Virginia Journal of Science today? Much thought and study is even now being given to the possible future production of a substitute for natural gas to be made at coal mines and used as feed for the large transcontinental gas lines when the natural gas fields now supplying them are depleted. Coal as a source of liquid fuel either through direct hydrogenation or by Fischer-Tropseh synthesis from coal-derived gas has been an intrigu¬ ing prospect, particularly in Europe sinee the early 1920’s. The political and economic climate and war-born necessity made coal-derived liquid fuels important and even essential in England and particularly in Germany during the Second World War. There liquid fuel produetion from coal was carried on commercially on a large scale. In the U. S., coal liquefac¬ tion has been limited to large pilot plant or semi-commercial scale. After the Second World War, coal liquefaction disappeared in Western Europe, but is still active in existing plants behind the Iron Curtain. It is also praeticed on a large scale and apparently profitably in South Africa. The objectives in the past have been the production of gasoline and diesel fuel. A new possibility may now be on the horizon. It is expected that the jet engine powered military supersonic speed aircraft of the next decade or so will place a premium on thermal stability and high energy content per unit volume. Fuels of this character may possibly be pro¬ duced from coal by hydrogenation as advantageously as from petroleum. When and where and under what conditions will liquid fuel synthesis from coal once again be favorable? With these two examples as baekground, let us look at what some future or near-future possibilities might be for which long-term research would be justified now. 1. Aircraft jet engine fuel for wartime eonditions. 2. Blast furnace fuel for tuyere injection, suspended in air, steam or oil. 3. Formed coke or processed fuel for blast furnace top feed. 4. Formed eoke or processed coal for non-blast furnace production of iron or steel. 5. Direct production of chemicals from coal. 6. The manufacture of natural gas substitute for pipehne feed when natural gas supplies become sufficiently expensive, using deposits of low rank eoals in the West. 7. Underground gasification of coal. 8. “Colloidal fuel,” that is, coal suspended in fuel oil so that it settles out only very slowly. COAI 111 1962] 9. Engines burning coal as such, either internal combustion, turbine or free piston engine sets. 10. Conversion of non- or poorly coking coals into coking coals. 11. Rare elements recovery. 12. The mining of coal by solution. 13. Bulk products from coal ash. Those of you familiar with the history of fuel technology will see little new in these proposals, and that is correct. There is little in modem technology that is really new. The fundamental bases for most new inven¬ tions are many years or decades old. New materials, new techniques, new demands, a recognition of the scientific basis behind an empirical device or procedure suddenly change the developmental climate and a new “break¬ through,” to use the term greatly favored, now occurs. Geological Research Because of its continued demand, coal has received much attention from geologists and will receive a lot more in the future. The mapping of coal beds, their correlation in complexly disturbed areas, such as in Virginia, and the estimation of reserves in relation to the difficulties of mining have been the classical studies. Some excellent and pioneering work has been done in Virginia, but much more remains to be done. The stmcture, stresses and strengths of associated rocks are related to deformations in coal mines as coal is removed. Sudden dislocations or "T)umps” are serious dangers in coal mines and the study of their cause and prevention is important. It has been suggested that the nature of the roof or floor rocks has influenced the chemical nature of the associated coal. Dr. G. H. Cady, formerly of the Illinois Geological Survey, has presented evidence to show that, for Illinois No. 5 and No. 6 coals, where the roof rock consists of gray shale, the sulfur content of the associated coal is considerably less than it is in the more normal areas where the roof rock consists of black shale and limestone. This relationship of an apparently non-marine roof of gray shale to an underlying low-sulfur coal would seem to indicate that the higher sulfur content may be due to a marine invasion. Dr. Cady says further that he has found no indication that the sulfur content is con- cenrated in the upper part of the beds invaded by marine waters, nor has he discovered that this relationship of roof rock and sulfur content of the associated coal bed is characteristic of coals in other coal fields. In this connection one might also question the relationship of the associated 112 The Virginia Journal of Science [July rock deposits to the oceiirrence of the minor and unusual elements in coal. Economic Studies I am not an economist, and do not presume to be able to state their questions. The economic interplay of alternative fuel sources does seem to me to provide a fascinating field of study. Factors that can be included are costs of production, of transportation, and of use. Great changes are now impending in all of these and more especially with respect to coal than to other fuels for which the costs of production and transportation are already low. What are the economic implications of hydraulic mining, coal pipelines, high voltage, direct current transmission of electric power? How fast will the consumption of electric power continue to grow? What, if any, will be the changes in the requirements for fuel in the iron and steel industry, and how will this affect the eompetitive positions of the .special coals now recpiired for high temperature coke production? How will possible political developments in foreign oil producing countries affect the cost of oil on the U. S. seaboard? The answers to these and many other questions in this area will affect the prosperity of the U. S. coal industry- Summary In this review of basic research on coal, I have touched only briefly on some of the more important, interesting and rewarding problems await¬ ing solution. We have indicated the various ways in which coal can be studied, either with respect to the scientific discipline used or with respect to the objective of the research. These ways of coal research are sum¬ marized as follows: We can study coal as a rock, a combustible rock derived from partly decayed vegetation. We can study the properties of those portions of the coal derived from individual plant entities, wood, leaves, spores, resins, bark, ete., and relate the differing properties of these portions of coal, and the proportions in which thev are present to the properties of the whole coal. We may be able to make such estimations by simple physical means. We can study the chemical properties of coal, either as an average mate¬ rial, by studying true samples in finely divided form, or by studying the chemical composition of the individual components. We can study the mechanical properties of coal, its mechanical strength, its manner of breaking. We can study the physical properties of coal such as its refrac¬ tive index, its heat and electrical conductivity, its dielectric constant, sur¬ face tension density, etc. We can study coal with respect to its intended Coal 1962] 113 uses, for example, as fuel directly, as a raw material for coke, char, gas, liquid fuel, or chemicals. We can study ways of identifying coal deposits not otherwise readily identified, for example, using samples from exploratory drill cores, isolated deposits, deposits in greatly disturbed geological structures, etc. Finally, we can study coal for the sheer joy of research to obtain informa¬ tion for the sake of information: how was coal formed, what were the chemical and physical processes involved, what species of plants were involved, what was the source of the minerals and the other inorganic constituents in the coal, what specific plant-derived chemicals can still be identified, etc. In all this, I have one firm conviction: the study of coal is not a study to be carried out effectively using only one discipline at a time - chemistry, physics, botany, geology, etc., but it must involve the coordi¬ nated and intelligent use of many disciplines. As one of my friends work¬ ing in the field recently told me while discussing material for this paper, one should not be working in the field of coal research if one does not really love the subject; its rewards are too often solely those of the joys and pleasures of a feeling of having made a contribution to science. Many research workers who have served their apprenticeships in coal research have found other fields far more rewarding. Also during discussions to obtain ideas for this paper, we brought up the question, “What is wrong with coal research in the U. S.?” On this, there seems to be agreement that U. S. coal research has been spotty, on and off at various institutions and dependent upon enthusiasts who have organized groups and programs and kept them going, but who have fre¬ quently left no successor to carry on. In consequence, the programs ceased when the enthusiast retired or moved on. The U. S. Bureau of Mines has been most consistent in providing a home and sponsorship for basic coal research in the U. S., and the U. S. coal industry owes a lot to the Bureau. In closing, I would like to thank and pay tribute to my many friends in and on the fringes of coal research who have helped me by discussing coal research opportunities. 114 The Virginia Journal of Science [July SOILS Dr. a. Geoffrey Norman, Professor of Botany and Director, Botanical Gardens, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan The field of soil science is broad and somewhat lacking in coherence. Most scientists who are engaged in researeh on soils concern themselves with some sub-division of the subject, usually one based on the particular skills and techniques which they employ. Any diseussion of basic research on soils, therefore, is apt to be organized around these disciplinary sub¬ divisions, even though the underlying principles that are being sought may not align themselves on a disciplinarv basis. Moreover, the estab¬ lishment of prineiples in soil seience through research has not necessarily been followed by changes in land-use. Although the findings of the soil scientist may provide explanations for observed effects, they do not always have discernible impact on land-use. Too often the land has been used or exploited for income or subsistence up to the limits of the knowledge or capital resources of the owner. This situation has changed and can be expected to continue to change, but even so it is probably true to say that land use is determined more by the climate of current commodity prices than by longer-range national goals; by self interest rather than national interest. The penalty for poor land-use is depleted soil; the result of good land-use is sustained and effieient productivity. In the state of Virginia there are examples of both. What should we expect of basic research in soils? What is it that we want to know? What principles do we expect to emerge? What use will be made of these principles? First, we want to know what soil really is. It is an instructive intellec¬ tual exercise to attempt to define the word “soil.” Most of us end up with a statement describing where it is, and what it is used for. “That frail mantle on the surface of the earth upon which the subsistence of man depends.” Soil is a natural body, long in development, reflecting in form and characteristics the substances from which it came and the circumstances under which it developed. What were those circumstances, and how did they result in the soil we use today? What have been the effects of man’s use or misuse? What are the changes that may be expect¬ ed in this natural body if present land-use practices are continued? Would it be preferable to substitute some other management system if sustained productivity is the goal? Secondly, we want to know what are the properties of soils that relate Soils 115 1962] directly or indirectly to the requirements of plants, and what, if any, are the effects of the plants on these properties? From the soil must come the water and the nutrients necessary for plant growth. The soil provides the physical environment in which the root system must grow and func¬ tion. What constitutes a benign environment for the growth of roots? What is involved in the transfer of water and nutrients from soil to plant? Are there adverse factors in soil other than inadequacies in the supply of water and nutrients, or the unsuitability of the physical medium? Soil Genesis and Classification The first group of problems involves the study of the morphology and genesis of soils. Although in part descriptive, as is the case with most taxonomic studies, it leads to the development of a system of classification on the basis of natural relationships. These may be most complex because thev include consideration of geological origins, past vegetation, climate, time, and the effects of man’s use, which last may blur or modifv the dis¬ tinctions that can more readily be made between virgin soils. Chemical and mineralogical information may be made use of in such taxonomic studies, but these in general are subordinate to morphological distinctions between horizons in the profile. Most soil boundaries, however, are not sharp, and the transition areas between distinct soils which mav occupv considerable areas, are difficult to accommodate. There is currently under way in this country a brave attempt to devise a new comprehensive system of soil classification that will accommodate all soils. This involves the designation of categories in a hierarchical ar¬ rangement based on the weight to be placed on the characters involved. It still leans heavily on the recognition of the virgin soil condition, which, when considering agriculturally young soils, is perhaps not a serious objec¬ tion, but is less useful or even futile when applied to soils long cutivated, as in western Europe or even Tidewater Virginia, or to soils heavily eroded or transported by water. It has often been said that a natural classifica¬ tion should be based upon measurable properties, but in fact this does not seem to have progressed much further with soils than with plants, the separation of which often depends upon trivial morphological characters. The research effort going into problems of classification is not large. Classification in turn leads to mapping, and maps are intended to be used. Detailed soil maps are expensive to prepare, and, if based on a natural classification, have severe limitations in interpretation. Many of those who concern themselves with soil classification based on genesis and morphology do not wish to weight their judgments with considerations relating to specific uses. But, answers to many important questions about land-use and management can only been ventured if additional informa- 116 The Virginia Journal of Science [July tion is available. This means that there has to be a second echelon of soil scientists facing the more apphed issues. Some may be chemists or physicists who will attempt measurements that specifically bear on the capacity of a soil to supply nutrients and water. Others may be special¬ ists in the ill-defined field of soil fertihty who must acquire their informa¬ tion by empirical experimentation and observation. Too often in their experiments they attempt to study single factors in multi-factor situations. This is not basic research. I have spoken of the current attempt to devise a new system of soil classification, because of the need which we saw for an answer to the question “what is a soil”? Some of those working in this field believe that their efforts and opinions are basic to the whole of soil science. Others who are concerned primarily with properties of soils as affecting soil-plant relationships regard much of this as peripheral, because they do not believe that even the most elaborate taxonomic information necessarily carries with it logical deductions as to management and use. Soil Water It has already been pointed out that much of soil science arranges itself on a disciplinary basis. The relative emphasis between disciplines changes from time to time. The chemistry of the soil in relation to the supply of nutrient ions, which for a lengthy period was the dominant disciplinary field, seems currently to occupy a lower place in basic soil studies. The physics of the soil in relation to the supply of water and to the atmospheric environment of plant roots has displaced it as the most vigorous field of investigation. Soil microbiology, that perennial stepchild, has largely been transformed into soil biochemistry, but the soil microbiologists have not yet successfully convinced their colleagues in soil chemistry and soil physics that the presence of organisms and the products thereof must be taken into account in all soil processes. In many parts of the world the adequacy of the supply of water to the plant during the growing season is a major factor in productivity. There¬ fore, the entry of water into the soil, its storage in the root zone, and the rate of transfer to plant roots are vital questions in soil science. The basic physics of water in soil is highly complex, and although there has been rapid progress in recent years, most soil physicists are not yet satisfied with the present state of the theory or the techniques of measurement. Most soil physicists in fact have not yet got to the point of considering the plant at all, or of analyzing the situation in the immediate vicinity of plant roots. Soil has a very large internal surface, much of which is physico-chemi- cally active. The pore system, and therefore the porosity of the soil. depends in part on its texture and the size distribution of the soil com¬ ponents. In saturated soils where there is only a two-phase system to consider, the water is held very weakly and can drain out by gravity, but in unsaturated soils, where there is a three-phase system, water flow is more difficult to analyze. Some pores may contain water, others contain air. The forces with which water is retained increase inversely as the water content. These can be expressed as a suction force, and the reten- itvity then is the water retained by a soil at a specified suction pressure or tension. An important advance has been the development of methods for determining capillary conductivity or hydraulic conductivity over the range of soil moisture levels suitable for plant growth. One of our distinguished soil physicists, L. A. Richards, states that “Both laboratory and field measurements indicate that the capillary conductivity function is a true physical property of soil.” It has been the goal of soil physicists to develop equipment or apparatus that does yield basic informa¬ tion of this sort, rather than empirical information, which though useful in comparisons between soils, is not interpretable in strict physical terms. An example of the latter might be the wet sieving methods of developed for the study of aggregate stability. The application of radiation and radioisotopes to soil physics research in recent years has been rewarding, and is likely to be increasingly so as procedures of greater sophistication are devised. The water retained in soil in the field can be determined by neutron scattering using a source of fast neutrons (radium and beryllium) lowered down a pipe previously driven into the soil. The measurement applies to a zone about 6 inches in diameter and enables relatively rapid determination of the moisture level at different depths, because the slowed neutrons detected are essentially proportional to the number of hydrogen atoms present in the soil water. This device can be applied also to gross water movement studies in irriga¬ tion and drainage, or to the determination of evaporative losses. Miniatur¬ ization of such equipment may well extend its range of applicability. Radioisotopes such as deuterium and tritium have also been used effec¬ tively in the study of the movement of water in soil, both under unsaturated and saturated conditions. The unsaturated conditions provide the more difficult theoretical problems, but, of course, are directly applicable to events in the vicinity of plant roots. Information obtained under saturated conditions applies to grosser problems of ground water flow. Some cau¬ tion is necessary in the interpretation of data obtained with heavy water in soil, however, because of exchange with the surface hydroxyls and lat¬ tice hydroxyls of the clay minerals. Soil water is a reactive medium not an inert fluid surrounding inert particles. 118 The Virginia Journal of Science [July The Soil Atmosphere The soil atmosphere is in need of more intensive consideration. There is an obvious inverse relationship between the water content and the air content of a soil which means that the composition of the air and the rates of gaseous diffusion are affected by the water content and distribution. The metabolic processes in the roots of most species of plants are highly aerobic and therefore oxygen dependent. An inadequate supply of oxygen, such as occurs when gaseous diffusion is restricted, has immediate effects on root growth and root function. An oxygen content well below that of normal air will support good root development provided that the rate of gaseous diffusion permits sufficiently rapid replacement. The pore size distribution and the geometrv of the water film distribution are both im¬ portant factors in the diffusion process, the phvsics of which has been less well studied than that of soil water movement. When the oxvgen supplv to the root is inadequate, the rate of utilization bv the root is controlled bv the rate of diffusion. The latter is Tittle influenced by temperature whereas metabolic activities in the root are highlv temperature-dependent. Soil temperature, therefore, is a factor in the adequacv of oxvgen supplv. Again in these studies there is the possibilitv of using isotopes such as oxygen 18, nitrogen 15 and C^Os. Determination of the first two by mass spectrometry requires that the sample size be considerably larger than with radioisotopes. Soil Chemistry Turning next to the chemistrv of the soil it is necessary to point out that the early and classical approach was an analvtical one with the pri¬ mary goal the determination of its gross composition. This gave way to the intensive study of the essential nutrient elements in soils in order to ascertain their primarv sources, and the chemical events that are involved in their availability to plants. With some ions the storv is relatively sim¬ ple but with others the transformations are extremely complicated. The important information may center round the rate of conversion to an avail¬ able form, which may not be easily determined. Considerable success has been achieved in devising empirical extraction procedures that corre¬ late reasonably well with availability, and are widely used in so-called soil testing laboratories in order to predict the profitable level of supplementary fertilization. All in all, however, soil chemists have reasonably complete information about the chemistry of the major and minor nutrient elements. The basic problems that remain to challenge the chemist may seem fur¬ ther removed from the welfare of the plant. Many of these center round two groups of soil components, the clay minerals on the one hand and the humus or organic matter fractions on the other. Both these groups 119 1962] Soils are physicochemically active so that interactions between them are possible. The clay minerals, which are crysalline in the sense that in them there is regularity of arrangement of atoms, are built up in layers with the silicon and aluminum atoms as the essential structural units. The structure of clay minerals is dominated by the layers of oxygen atoms attached to sihcon and aluminum; the metal ions merely fit into holes between the oxygens. Isomorphous replacement can take place freely, subject to steric limitations, with atoms such as aluminum, iron or magnesium replacing silicon or alumi¬ num. This has important effects because such replacements result in a net negative charge, which can be neutralized by larger cations, such as calcium and potassium, held on the surfaces or between the packed layers of the minerals. This leads the chemist into deep physicochemical waters. Much that goes on in soils depends on the nature and condition of the clay minerals and the relative strengths with which cations are held by them. Procedures for identifying particular minerals with reasonable cer¬ tainty have been developed, but are in need of improvement. The diffi¬ culty here, of course, is that this is not a matter of recognizing definite compounds in a mixture, but of identifying types within which there is a good deal of variation. With the acquisition of a more complete understanding of the local chem¬ istry of the clay minerals there will be significant pedological dividends, inasmuch as the clay minerals are in effect synthesized in situ as a result of the chemical processes due to weathering. They reflect not only the parent rock materials but also the conditions of weathering. There will also be dividends that relate to management and usage, because different minerals exhibit characteristic properties. The long-recognized property of soil acidity which has enormous ramifica¬ tions in soil genesis, soil fertility and plant nutrition is still not satisfactorily covered by theory. There are good reasons for believing that the acidity is not due to exchangeable hydrogen (H+) but to aluminum (Al^+) released from the clay lattice and subsequently adsorbed on the faces and in interlayers. Here also there may be deposition of hydroxides and mono¬ meric silica. As for soil organic matter one has to say that this currently is not a sub¬ stance that is receiving much attention by soil chemists. Indeed there is more than an inclination to leave its complexities to the soil microbiologist on the ground that, if he can identify the substrate and the organisms involved, it should be possible for him to follow the transformations through to a recognizable end product. Soil organic matter chemistry has not yield¬ ed much to the direct assault of the chemist; even the new tools of chem¬ istry have not resulted in great gains. There are good reasons why this has proved to be such an obdurate topic. The plant residues which form 120 The Virginia Journal of Science the substrate are complicated mixtures, the synthetic activities of micro¬ organisms bring about further elaboration, compounded in complexity by the circumstance that these transformations proceed in the presence of clay minerals with highly active surfaces. Because of the multiple roles of humus in soils this is, however, a basic problem in soil chemistry, which one day must yield to some new approach. Although some use has been made of the nitrogen isotope in decom¬ position studies the objectives in such experiments have primarily been quite short range, such as the determination of mineralization rate or the conversion of inorganic nitrogen to the organic form. There are unexplored possibilities in studying the chemistry of the humus residues from plant tissues tagged with deuterium, and the like. Microorganisms in Soil The field of soil microbiology is not being vigorously cultivated at pres¬ ent. Among soil scientists one could get divergent opinions as to the significance of work in the field, and to the dividends that might follow an intensification of basic studies. The microbiologists would be able to point to a host of biological problems awaiting attention, most of which might not be highly rated by their colleagues in other segments of soil science. Soils characteristically contain a diverse microflora and fauna; this fact ought indeed to be included in any definition of soil. Perhaps some microbiologists have been at fault in over-emphasizing the depend¬ ence of plants on the activities of the other soil inhabitants, whereas in fact the higher plants and the soil inhabitants are interdependent in vary¬ ing degrees. Plants may be supposed by some of the products of the activities of microorganisms; conversely the soil population is dependent directly or indirectly on higher plants for energy sources. As I would view the promise of basic work in soil microbiology in the context of soil science, it might depend on the degree of joint participa¬ tion of physicists, chemists and microbiologists in their mutual problems. The phenomenon of water flow in soil cannot be approached realistically unless it is recognized that the water film over clay particles, the contract rings between particles and at times the water in the smaller pores all contain clusters, colonies and clumps of organisms and fungal hyphae that surely must affect water movement, particularly under conditions of unsat¬ urated flow. Similarly the circumstances on the surfaces of clay minerals must be affected by organic coatings and adsorbed products from the activi¬ ties of microorganisms, as well as by the organisms themselves in the over- lying water film. Calculations on the composition of the soil atmosphere, based on diffusion rates only, are apt to be in error unless it is recognized that soil organisms also cause depletion of oxygen and evolve carbondi- oxide. The microbiologist then must plead with his colleagues in physics Soils 121 1962] and chemistry not to rely too heavily on over-simplified systems lacking microorganisms and the substrates that support them. Conversely, as F. E. Allison recently said, there is “a need for microbiologists to make a more determined effort to relate their work more closely to the soil and the plants.” Soil-Plant Relationships This brings me to a final point, namely that many soil scientists seem most reluctant to concern themselves with vital soil-plant relationships. A science of the soil without reference to plants would be sterile. These relationships are not to be left to the plant physiologists, some of whom have never come out of the dream world of nutrient solutions, or to the crop scientists, many of whom are preoccupied with crop improvement through breeding. Chemists, physicists and microbiologists alike must think more about plant roots and include roots in their experimental sys¬ tems. The microbiologist is perhaps in advance of his colleagues here in his current emphasis on microbial events on root surfaces or in their im¬ mediate vicinity in the rhizosphere. Comparative studies of water flow and entry into roots are needed, and analyses of the diffusion of gases from the soil voids into root cells, and of the flux of ions from the ionic shells round the clay minerals into the free space and tissues of the root. Some brave starts have been made, but much remains to be done to provide a clear picture of the traffic pat¬ tern at the root-soil interface. Some of you will note that I have ignored the technology of soil science and have said nothing of management practices. Undoubtedly there will be technological changes and modifications in practices. The nature of these, however, will depend in great measure on the goals of the time. They could arise for various reasons. I would hope that some would come because of a decision to treat our soils as a vital natural resource, not to be impaired or dissipated but to be farmed efficiently, so that two other resources, manpower and water, are not wasted. Agriculture in our econo¬ my, and in much of the western world, is in a phase of rapid change. Per acre yields have risen sharply, partly because of realization of the fact if production is concentrated on the better soils the returns for a given input are higher. We may end up with a system calling for the most intensive level of use of soils compatible with the maintenance of con¬ tinued productivity. Here it is that the basic knowledge that will emerge must be applied. We will need to know what is the most intensive use that can safely be imposed, but in order to do this we will have to be able to determine small changes or trends before they have gone irretrieva¬ bly far. Once the theory is known, predictions can be made with some confidence. 122 The Virginia Journal of Science It would be wrong to suggest that all information obtained through basic soil research will be found to have application in practice. But, as bits and pieces of information are obtained, they are apt to fall and fit together so that the picture becomes clear. The investigator may not know at the time where his little piece should go, but he has deep conviction that sooner or later its place will become apparent, perhaps not to him but to some colleague in the community of science, somewhere, sometime. In basic research, this is “the spur that the clear spirit doth raise.” 1962] Forests 123 FORESTRY GAINS FROM BASIC RESEARCH Dr. George H. Hefting, Chief, Dwision of Forest Disease Research, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Forest Service, Asheville, North Carolina This will not be a talk on Virginia forestry as such. Rather it will deal with why what we call basic, or fundamental research - research often seemingly remote from practical application - is vital to the develop¬ ment of Virginia’s forest resources. When we say Virginia’s forest re¬ sources, 1 wonder how many of you realize what they include. Everyone thinks of wood, but that is onlv one of many forest resources. The forest also governs our water supply, determines our game supply and our inland fishing, provides range and protection for cattle, and gives us our greatest areas of outdoor recreation. This multiple use - the motto of the U. S. Forest Service - multiplies the problems in forestry research, because each use must ultimately be harmonized with the other uses. The forest industries of Virginia rank third in annual income provided in the State — $833,000,000. In North Carolina, the forest industries are secondly only to tobacco. The forests themselves cover 63 percent of Virginia’s land surface. The products of the forest wood, water, for¬ age, etc., are all renewable. When we use them but not abuse them, they return to be used again and again. Until quite recently, almost all forestry research was of the applied type. The system of Experiment Stations of the U. S. Forest Service has conducted most of this work, with the universities, state agencies, and for¬ est industries more recently taking a rapidly increasing share of the load Exigencies and problems demanding early solution have dominated re¬ search planning, so that work in such basic fields as soil microbiology, or nematodes, or the physiology of flowering and fruiting has been repeatedly pushed aside or deferred time and again. Forestrv has depended heavily on research on agricultural crops to supply basic knowledge in physiology, genetics, soils, and many other disciplines. But the forest crop is not re¬ planted every year. Its soils are not plowed up every year or fertilized every year. Forestry has problems peculiar to this field, and we cannot develop all of our research principles from those of the cotton or corn scientists. In the forest, the soil flora, the lesser vegetation, and the trees must stay in constant association with each other for 50 to 200 years before harvest, thus intensifying their effects upon each other. Thus we have problems develop in time that do not touch the grower who starts his crop over again each year. 124 The Virginia Journal of Science Forestry has finally made a strong bid to get into non-applied research in a big way — to start putting something in at the bottom of the knowl¬ edge barrel, so we can keep drawing off practical solutions at the top. The Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, with which I am affiliated, maintains field units at Charlottesville, Farmville, and Franklin, Virginia. We have many additional units ranging as far south as Fort Myers, Florida. Within the past year we completed a new, well-equipped laboratory build¬ ing near Lake City, Florida, and one in the North Carolina Research Tri¬ angle near Raleigh — the latter oriented toward basic research. We oc¬ cupy modern fire and seed laboratories at Macon, Georgia, and a new research building is under construction at Athens, Georgia. These labo¬ ratories are being equipped with the latest in experimental facilities, in¬ cluding climate-control rooms, ultra-microscopes, and means for or access to facihties for radiation and the use of radioisotopes. Several southeastern universities also have greatly increased the basic phases of their forest research programs. There are many definitions for what we call basic and applied research these days, and many scientists and writers can generate quite a bit of steam over what they consider the correctness of the distinction. Others figure that any attempt at a distinction is a futile. I believe that we might dispense with precision with such an intangible subject and accept a working separation. Research is basic so long as it does not necessarily have any ready application to man’s welfare at the time the research is done. If it is done with a specific practical goal in view, then it is applied research. The same piece of work can thus be basic or applied, depend¬ ing on the philosophy of tlie worker. Hence, if an entomologist measured the rate of wingbeats of a mosquito simply because he was interested in wingbeats, the research was basic. If he did it because he thought he could make wingbeats of a given velocity trigger an anti-mosquito repellent, the same research was applied. How difficult research is has no connection with whether it is basic or not. Studies of a highly complex nature requiring top competence are now referred to as sophisticated research. Applied research, by my definition of it, has the best chance of solving man’s immediate problems in the shortest time because it is directed right at an applied goal. It is what we call problem-oriented. This is fine so long as man knows what his problems and goals are. Thus, too many of our physical scientists and engineers might have been expending their energies on the apphed problems in making dishwashers, garbage disposals, and silent toilets, while they were unconcerned with the subject of rockets. Suddenly rocket knowledge became imperative, and we had little back¬ ground for it. Our men had been working in 'practical research. Had Forests 125 1962] enough of them delved more into abstract mathematics, astrophysics, and rocket engineering, which a few years ago would have been considered very basic research, we would have had a greater fund of knowledge basic to rocketry when we needed it. Thus, the basic or fundamental scientist says, in effect, “I will uncover new facts, new truths, or new relationships in the fields of my competence. Who is to say when, or in what way, man may make use of my information.” Basic research attracts creative minds. It attracts scientists who want to be able to let their minds and their labors follow any course that promises interesting new knowledge. Of course in addition to the superior type of basic scientist, we also have the dilettante - the fellow who is really a tinkerer at heart, enjoying his hobby at someone else’s expense. We like to believe that we can recognize him and avoid him. The serious search for truth, which is what science is, is most difficult in the biological fields. Forestry is a field in which we fight hard and long for every scrap of new knowledge. We still do not even know how water gets to the top of tall trees, or just what lignin is. We still have to helplessly witness a tree disease completely wipe out the chestnut - Virginia's most versatile tree. Catastrophic fires still start, rage and cause enormous losses in the West and South. I could cite many other examples of problems that are still with us and that one might expect we would have solved by now. Why is this? We deal with essentially wild land. Many principles that we could make use of under such intensive management as is given a good farm or orchard do us little good in forestry. Take spraying — if we had to spray whole forests several times a year to produce wood that we could use, as the orchardist does for his apples, within a few years the spraying would have cost more than the wood was worth. If we had to add lime and fertilizer every year to raise pulpwood, we would not be in business long. Successful forestry requires getting nature to work for us. If we use the right species composition, our soils will stay fertile. If we don’t, they will deteriorate. If we lay out logging roads and do our skidding prop¬ erly, we will not create erosion problems or damage water values. If we use seed from superior parents, we will usually get superior planting stock. In each of these cases, the forester makes his decision, set events in motion, and nature does most of the rest. If a farmer makes a mistake, he can often rectify it the following year. He can change his crop, his fertilizer, and his cultivation practices annually. The forester might not know until the fifth year after planting that he planted a rust-susceptible species of pine; or until a cold 15th year that his seed came from too far South. 126 The Virginia Journal of Science Since we eannot eorrect onr mistakes easily, and sinee what we do we do on large areas of land, it behooves ns to make correct decisions. Much of our applied research in forestry tells us what will happen if we do a given thing at a given plaee at a certain time. Such work usually does not establish prineiples that ean be applied verv generally. I will give vou an example. One of our men who manages a southern Piedmont forest can get abundant pine regeneration no matter what reasonable silvicul¬ tural system he follows. The eneroaehment of hardwoods is not serious with him. But on another of our Piedmont forests further, most of these same methods result in an unwanted hardwood forest in a few years. These researches were of the applied tvpe. Eaeh produced an answer useful only under the conditions of the experiment. In contrast, an example of basie forest research that applied to the Piedmont is the work on the ealeium content of foliage and forest soil productivity. Trees varv greatlv in ealeium eontent of the leaves, from 0.2 pereent in pine needles to 4.0 percent in the leaves of some hardwood speeies. Research showed that the trees with low ealeium, sueh as the ]iines, generally depleted the soil on whieh thev grow, while those with high ealeium, sueh as manv hardwoods, built up the soil. Under the pines, one was likelv to find low organic matter, poorlv ineorporated, and with low biotie activity; while under the better hardwoods, one found soil high in organie matter, well ineorporated, of good tilth, and with a good complement of earthworms and other desirable biotic activity. Find¬ ings from this kind of “basic” research can be applied widely, and are the basis for mueh of our thinking on the important role of some of the much maligned hardwoods in maintaining the productivity of forest soils. I would like to give you some other examples of what the pursuit of basic or fundamental knowledge in forest science will ultimately mean to the solution of some of Virginia’s forest and wood problems. The Forest Nutrient Cycle Soil is as mueh a part of the forest as the trees and other vegetation growing on the site. It anehors the plants, funetions as a storehouse for the water and nutrients needed by vegetation, and has a host of other functions. In a natural state, vegetation can come and go but the soil remains to produee more in the future. When man begins to work the land, quite a bit of the soil does not stay in plaee. A laek of appreeia- tion of the soil resouree and the extent to which it can be ruined by abuse has brought about many of the problems we now face in forestry. The forest is a vast storehouse of nutrients — they are present in all parts of the vegetation, in the organic debris ealled the forest floor, and Forests 127 1962] in the soil. The forest floor, made up of the organic debris covering the mineral soil, not only stores nutrients, but it also functions as a blanket to protect the mineral soil, and usually consists of from 4,000 to 30,000 pounds of organic matter per acre. It slows down erosion, insulates the mineral soil, and ameliorates the microclimate so that excessive tempera¬ tures and evaporation from the mineral soil are held to a minimum. The forest floor plays an important role in many other phases of the life of the forest, as an environment for roots, for helpful soil organisms, and as the arena for the biological and chemical activities that feed our trees. It may also harbor diseases and insects that attack trees. It may store water temporarily, function as fuel for fires, and even prevent seeds from germinating. Intensive studies are now underway on the function of the soil fauna in the breakdown of forest litter, that is, leaves, twigs, dead wood, etc. These organisms are small, making up in numbers what they lack in size. For example, a handful of forest litter may easily contain 1,000 soil mites alone - animals living, eating, reproducing, and dving in the bit of mate¬ rial held in your hand, vet hardly visible to the naked eye. When we know how these animals and also the fungi, bacteria, yeasts, and actinomycetes exert an influence on the disintegration of forest litter, we win have made great strides in uncovering some of the great unknowns in forest nutrition. Under natural conditons, the nutrient supply of the forest is used over and over, and this is called the nutrient cycle. In sharp contrast are agri¬ cultural soils. Here there is a nutrient cycle, but it is so disrupted by man that the components must be continually replenished. The nutrient cycle of the forest is also broken by man. This can be a minor break such as when a few trees are cut, or a drastic break if an area is clearcut, burned, and eroded. Aside from these man-made losses there is a gradual depletion of solutes due to leaching, washing, and nor¬ mal geologic erosion. Compared to these losses, the additions are quite small - these additions are the nutrients carried down in rain water, and those slowly converted to usable form as the parent material decom¬ poses to form subsoil. With the exception of nitrogen, plants add no nutrients to the site - they merely redistribute them from the lower horizons to the surface. The continual drain on the nutrient capital of the forest is going to cause us trouble. In Europe, where forestry is centuries older than here, decreased forest yields in many timber stands are attributed to soil depletion. To solve this nutrient drain problem, we must first know the location of the nutrients in the forest. How much is tied up in the Togs we remove? 128 The Virginia Journal of Science How much is returned to the forest in litter fall, and the debris left after an area is logged? How much is held in the forest floor, or organic mat¬ ter on the surface of the soil? We already know that the nutrient cycle varies greatly between pine and hardwood stands, as I have already men¬ tioned with respect to calcium. Ultimately we must be able to manipu¬ late the forest vegetation to bring about a favorable nutrient cycle. We are now actively engaged in nutrient cycle studies, and expect this research to pay big dividends. Research in Tree Diseases Pays Off In the field of plant pathology we have had some very damaging and very baffling nursery diseases. The South raises far more nursery stock (about a billion trees a year) than the rest of the country put together. One of our major root diseases was particularly difficult to solve because two different fungi, as well as nematodes, appeared to be involved. At one nursery the use of a soil fumigant, ethylene dibromide, that destroyed only the nematodes checked the disease. At other nurseries this treatment had little effect. Knowledge of the selectiveness of certain fumigants thus pointed to the involvement of organisms other than nematodes. Pains¬ taking research disclosed that two soil-borne fungi could also bring about this root disease without even penetrating the roots — simply by the secretion of a toxic principle. As a result, we went to methyl bromide as a fumigant, a gas that kills not only nematodes, but soil fungi as well. The results have been spectacular in providing complete control of root rot, nematodes, and other soil invaders plus bonuses of weed control and a fertilizing effect that produces uniform high-grade seedlings. Methyl bromide fumigation is now in wide use in the South. I wonder how many of you have heard of a mycorrhiza. Mycorrhizae are root structures made up of rootlet tissue surrounded and invaded by helpful fungi forming a symbiotic relationship. They are the main feed¬ ing structures of the southern pines, forming a sort of supplementary root system. The tree gives the mycorrhizal fungi mainly carbohydrates, and in return receives special nutrient supplies from the soil by means of these fungi. However, in addition to nutrition, there is another aspect to this bene¬ fit afforded trees by mycorrhizae and one which has long been ignored. This is the role of mycorrhizal fungi in warding off attack by root patho¬ gens, such as the parasite Phytophthora cinnamomi and other soil fungi. Our studies indicate that mycorrhizal fungi produce various antagonistic responses to P. cinnamomi when grown on nutrient agar. For example, this pathogen completely outgrows and overruns the soil fungs Amanita muscaria but is itself severely inhibited when grown with a mycorrhizal Forests 129 1962] species of Boletus. A fungus obtained directly from a slash pine mycor- rhiza completely halted the growth of the root-killing fungus P. cinnamomi when placed an inch away. Unthrifty and often failing plantings of forest trees in areas previously not forested and lacking suitable mycorrhizal fungi in the soil have been retrieved by simply adding a small quantity of soil or duff from a forest area to the soil. Before long, mycorrhizae appeared on roots, and growth and vigor became normal. Many have interpreted such improvements as related to improved nutrient absorption by the now mycorrhizal root sys¬ tem. Yet many of the soils planted, such as those of the shelterbelt areas of the Great Plains, were high-quality agricultural soils and contained much higher levels of nutrients than most forest soils. Rather, we believe that, on many such soils, growth improvement fol¬ lowing mycorrhizal formation probably resulted from the protection from disease organisms afforded roots by the fungus component of their m\'cor- rhizae. It is difficult to visualize a tree root system equipped only with succulent root tips and root hairs and no mycorrhizae, thriving and escap¬ ing infection by pathogens, and unaffected by toxic secretions of micro¬ organisms in a biologically active soil. Virus Diseases Destroy Damaging Forest Insects One of the most far reaching discoveries resulting from basic research in forest entomology was the isolation of pathogenic viruses from the bodies of destructive insects. Subsequently it was learned that viruses could be stored and cultured and then diluted for application against the damaging insect. The important work in this field in the East was done with the European pine sawfly. A polyhedral virus disease was isolated from a few dead larvae obtained from Europe, where the sawfly is naturally controlled by polyhedrosis disease. The supply of virus was built up and subsequently released by both ground and aerial applications over sawfly-infested areas in New Jersey. A high degree of control was obtained. This virus also persists in sawfly populations treated with it. Since this pioneering work there has been an increasing emphasis in research on viruses as well as many other microbial disease-producing organisms affecting destructive forest insects. Microbials are being found in many forest insects. Eor example, the Virginia pine sawfly was recently epidemic over an area of 14 million acres from the Piedmont of North Carolina into Maryland. Of 2y2 million acres of pine damaged by the insect, about 2 million acres were in Virginia. This attack has subsided. Recently a virus recovered from field collections of this insect was tested 130 The Virginia Journal of Science [July against it and found highly effective. Entomologists will be ready to use it when this sawfly again becomes epidemic. A Basic Approach to a Fire Problem Virginia has a verv fine forest fire record. In 1960 only 0.05 percent of its forest area burned. However, in the South as a whole there have been many fires that burned 200,000 acres or more in the last few years. Research on fundamental factors which govern uncontrolled fire is cur¬ rently being pursued with the use of what is called a “steady-state” fire model. The model consists of a crib made of wood of known physical properties which is burned on a special table in a combustion room. The table and combustion room are instrumented to measure several dependent factors, such as radiative and convective heat, flame dimensions, convec¬ tion column temperature, and rate of spread. Results of these experiments are expressed in terms that enable one to scale from model to prototype. Results of burning these models thus far show the effects of kind of forest fuel, its moisture content, and depth of fuel bed on rate of spread and fire intensity. Crib fires will be burned in our wind tunnel using the steady-state tech¬ nique to determine the effect of wind on fire spread and intensity. These studies will tell our fire specialists things thev have needed to know about the basic laws of ignition, flame development, and rate of energy release from different fuels under different weather conditions. This knowledge will mean better preparation for fire control planning, to minimize the danger of disastrous fires. A Fundamental Discovery in Forest Hydrology One of our Station’s most important findings in recent years from re¬ search in watershed management is evidence that slow drainage from un¬ saturated soil can sustain the flow of small headwater streams during dry spells. It has been generally assumed that the water retained in a soil, when it reaches “field capacity,” a few days after a heavy rain, can be lost onlv to the atmosphere and hence contributes nothing to streamflow. However, since the occurrence of extensive ground water bodies could never be demonstrated at our Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory from observations of ground water wells over a 25-year period, one could wonder from whence comes the water that sustains streamflow in long drought periods. It ap¬ peared that slow drainage from deep soils operating for long periods after rainfall recharge must be the source of the low flow of Coweeta streams. This was experimentally verified using a large, sloping soil model pro- Forests 131 1962] vided with an artificial sand-gravel “water table.” After fully soaking the model, as under sustained rainfall, it produced measurable outflow for an ensuing period of 140 days; and precise measurements confirmed that the outflow for the last 138 days was slow drainage from nnsatnrated soil upslope from the water table. Quantitatively, these outflow rates when expressed in terms of the soil volume of the Coweeta watershed are in close agreement with the observed dry -weather flow of ganged streams. This confirmation that base flow of mountain streams does not come entirely from extensive ground water supplies affords important clues for water managers. It shows that some of the water that feeds the flow of streams drains from quite remote mountain slopes where it is subject to day-to-day evapotranspiration loss and can hence be controlled by manipu¬ lating forest cover. This greatly extends the possibilities of watershed management with respect to improving water yield. Forest Physiology Offers New Tools to Research Let me give an example or two of how basie researeh in physiology is contributing to the solution of a practical forestry problem, as well as sug¬ gesting promising lines of research for plant physiology in general. It has been known for some time that applications of nitrogen fertilizers often stimulate seed production in southern pines, although the role of nitrogen in this flowering and fruiting is largely unkown. New studies of the nitrogen fractions of loblollv pine flowers, conelets, and cones show that more than half of the soluble nitrogen is in the form of arginine, and that arginine was the major component of the soluble nitrogen in the younger twigs ( on whieh flowers and cones develop ) . Assuming that we may well want to increase the arginine content of pine tissues to stimulate seed production, it is interesting to report that the amount of free arginine in loblolly pine seedlings was increased approxi¬ mately 20-fold by using ammonium or urea as a nitrogen source instead of nitrate. The eomplete explanation of how the increase in arginine is brought about has not been found. However, we know from analyses of loblolly pine xylem sap that most of the nitrogen is in the form of gluta¬ mine. Thus, nitrogen fertilizers applied to the soil are transformed, in the roots, to glutamine before being translocated upward in the xvlem. Radiotracer studies have confirmed glutamine synthesis in pine roots and stimulation of synthesis by added ammonium or urea. Our new knowledge on forms of nitrogen, their uptake, translocation, storage, and functions is operating new doors to our goals in increasing seed production. In the field of plant physiology we are learning how to grow undifferen- 132 The Virginia Journal of Science tiated plant tissue in test tube eultures. A piece of root or stem tissue from a tree can be implanted on agar and have its cells multiply like cancer cells producing a formless wad of root cells or stem cells. As soon as this technique was developed, innumerable uses for it occurred to inves¬ tigators, including a short cut to testing for rust-disease resistance by inocu¬ lating these tissue cultures rather than growing trees. Silviciilure Gets Big Boost from the Basic Approach Work recently carried out in part at the Eastern Seed Tree Laboratory in Macon, Georgia, has resulted in breakthroughs on controlling forest tree seed germination. Previously, germination could only be hastened by physical means; that is, stratification, watering schedules, and the like. Recently, the use of chemicals to control seed germination has been successful. Hydrogen peroxide and several organic acids have increased the speed of germination of a number of forest tree species. For exam¬ ple, loblolly pine has been germinated as rapidly with citric acid applica¬ tions in two or three days as previously with stratification that required a 90-day period. Eastern redcedar germination has been increased from 10 to 80 percent by immersing in weak acids. This type of treatment offers an entirely new field of controlling the speed of germination for planting and direct seeding operations. It should soon be possible to prescribe the germination treatment to be given a batch of seed to minimize the effects of predicted droughts, migrant bird inva¬ sions, and rodent feeding. Another startling strike in understanding pine seed germination has come from studies of the effect of exposing seeds to hght. In the past it has been considered essential that pine seed not be covered with soil if rea¬ sonable success in germination was to be obtained. No one knew why. This meant that these seeds could not be drilled into the soil like corn but were sown on the surface, subject to consumption by birds and animals, and so often to death of the exposed germinating seedling by drought. Working with celery seed, physiologists found that their failure to germi¬ nate when covered was due to failure to meet a light requirement. Who would have expected that a seed would need light to germinate? When this knowledge was applied to pine seed it was found that if moistened seed are given a short exposure to light, they can then be covered with soil and will germinate. Thus, what we call direct seeding, as opposed to planting nursery-raised seedlings, has emerged from the doghouse of repeated failure to one of our best and cheapest methods of regeneration. 1962] Forests 133 The Field of Wood Utilization Benefits From Research Let me give you an example of adapting fundamental knowledge to the field of wood preservation. Basic research, in wood preservation, on rela¬ tionships between the chemical constitution of benzene derivatives and their toxicity toward wood-destroying fungi led to the discovery of a rela¬ tionship between the molecular weight of chlorinated compounds and their toxicity. As a result, industry was informed that chlorination appeared to be an effective means of increasing the toxicity of certain benzene deriva¬ tives, and that the more highly chlorinated phenols should be highly toxic and have other properties making them suitable for use as wood preserva¬ tives. The attention of a manufacturer of chlorinated compounds was directed to this finding, and he supplied the Forest Products Laboratory with sufficient tetrachlorophenol to check the laboratory findings, and sub¬ sequently also some of the still more highly chlorinated pentachlorophenol. Evaluations of these products confirmed their high toxicity toward decay fungi. The first commercial use of pentachlorophenol was as a control for sap stain in the dip treatment of lumber. It was soon found that a dip treat¬ ment of wood in solutions of pentachlorophenol in light petroleum carriers leaves wood paintable and relatively odor-free - two advantages long sought in a preservative not leachable from wood by moisture. Industrial use of pentachlorophenol dissolved in heavy oils for pressure treatment of poles, posts, piling, and other wood items, in the manner in which creosote has been used, is in wide appheation today. The double-diffusion preservative treament, in which the two chemicals diffuse into the wet wood and then react together precipitating a com¬ pound that is poisonous to termites and to fungi that cause decay, is in wide use today, with a plant in Virginia using it. The compound formed in the wood is practically insoluble in water and, therefore, does not leach to any great extent from the wood when it is used in moist soil. Fundamental research on the chemical fractionation of wood, by the Forest Products Laboratory, has yielded a procedure for separating out the entire carbohydrate fraction that has proven of inestimable value to paper- makers. This research, leading to the new "Tiolocellulose” or pure cellulose extraction method, has not only finally given the paper industry a firm standard for evaluating various pulping processes, but has resulted in much- improved methods for obtaining highly purified cellulose - so-called alpha cellulose— from wood for use in textiles, plastics, and explosives. While even our most earnest supporters have not tended to regard for¬ estry as a very sophisticated science, I beheve that the few examples I 134 The Virginia Journal of Science [July have given you of today’s forest researeh that is of direct concern to Vir¬ ginia and to other States, may convey the complexitv of solving our prob¬ lems. I have also tried to show the part that digging deeper and deeper by highly-trained specialists, using modern facilities and methodology, is playing in converting forest management from what was largely an art based on rules of thumb, to a science based on established facts. This deeper probing is also telling us why things happen - not just that they happen. When we know why they happen, results can be duplicated and this takes out the guess-work and leads to dependability of treatments and economy in our forest practices and in the utilization of wood. This State of Virginia, with two-thirds of its land in forest must use this resource wisely. The necessary wisdom will come in part from experi¬ ence and in part from experiment. While experience wifi mold, adapt, and refine the knowledge we have, it will be largely through fundamental research that new approaches to our problems, that would scarcely ever be conceived of by the general practitioner, will come. 1962] Water 135 GROUND WATER SUPPLIES AND GEOLOGIC RESEARCH Dr. John C. Frye, Chief, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois Introduction Food, air and water are universally essential materials to all mankind. Food may be of manv kinds and varieties, but if man's water supply de¬ viates as much as a few tenths of a percent from purity it becomes unus¬ able. Adequate sources of good or usable quality water have been avail¬ able to all groups of civilized men throughout recorded history. When population pressures rendered the local water supply inadequate the popu¬ lace either imported water from a nearby source, or moved themselves to the more abundant supply. Man has generally regarded water, like the air he breathes, as so commonly available that its continuing adequate supply was not a matter of serious concern. For the most part, the world’s population lives in relatively well-watered areas and it would indeed be untrue to imply that there is a net shortage of potable water. At present, there is without doubt an abundance of water. For example, it is estimated (MacKichan and Kammerer, 1961) that in 1960 the withdrawal use of water in the United States amounted to 270,000 million gallons per day, or about 1,500 gallons per day per capita. There are, however, two factors in addition to the increase in total world population that prompt us to take a careful look at our future water supplies: First, the increasing concentration of people in metropoli¬ tan areas, and Second, the increasing rate of water use on a per capita basis (U.S. Bur. Census, 1959). These factors have already produced short¬ ages of water in some areas. Even though we may contend that local shortages are only the result of a lack of distribution facilities and can be solved at a price, they have a profound effect on the future growth and economic development of the areas involved. The trends of water use, and some projections into the future, have been illustrated by Dr. G. B. Maxey of the Desert Research Institute of the University of Nevada. Water use curve is trending upward more sharply than is the population growth curve for the United States. In viewing the trend in per capita use of water and the trends of the major categories of water use, it is interesting to note that uses for electric power generation and by industries are expanding at a more rapid rate than is the use by public water supply systems. ^ The water supply available to any area is the total quantity of potable 136 The Virginia Journal of Science [July water that can be obtained, year after year, from all sources. Part of this water flows across the surface and can be captured for use from streams, lakes or artificial impoundments. Surface water originates from precipitation that runs off the surface to streams, plus some that has pene¬ trated the rocks and has subsequently returned to the surface; it is disposed of by consumptive use, by flowing out of the region and eventually reach¬ ing the ocean, by evaporation, and by transpiration of plants. There are many complexities in evaluating and utilizing surface water supplies, but, perhaps because surface water can be seen there is a general awareness of many of these problems. Virginia is fortunate that it contains many areas well supplied with sur¬ face water of good quality. I have read with much interest the excellent brochure, “Water Resources of Virginia,” published in 1959 by your State Soil Conservation Committee, and several of the reports of your State Geological Survey. 1 will not take time to summarize what is already known, except to say that Virginia enjoys a favorable situation in water - one that should be preserved and improved by research and planning. Water draining off of 75 percent of the State’s land area produces an average daily flow amounting to 20 billion gallons. If only half this dis¬ charge were utilized for domestic use, Virginia could easily supply more than 10 times its present population with water at the rate of 300 gal¬ lons per person per day. I would hope that Virginia is not being com¬ placent about investigating its water resources. The fact that it has such abundant water resources - outstanding in general quality as well as in abundance — puts all the more responsibility on the State to develop a body of specific data on its water resources and keep it up to date. I shall confine my further remarks to the less well understood and eval¬ uated ground water, and its intimate relation to the rocks that contain it and through which it moves. Beneath the surface of most regions a large quantity of water is con¬ tained in the pores and fractures of the rocks, and, although this ground water is moving slowly, in most regions it vastly exceeds the quantity of water that can be observed and measured at any one time on the surface. The origin of ground water has been attributed to several sources. It has been demonstrated that some water may condense from molten rocks deep below the surface and such water has been called juvenile or “new” water. Also, some water may be trapped in the pores of sedimentary rocks that were deposited in oceans, lakes or rivers; this water is called connate water. However, juvenile and connate waters are insignificant in quantity, and generally they also are poor in quality, and therefore, from the practical standpoint of water supply for human use we need con- Water 137 1962] sider only infiltrating rainfall and surface water as the essential source of ground water (Meinzer, 1942). This is generally called meteroic water. As I mentioned, some water from the ground enters streams and flows away from the region and now we see that the primary source of water in the ground is from precipitation on the surface. These are the impor¬ tant elements in the ‘"hydrologic cycle.” Water falling on the surface in part runs off, in part evaporates, and in part penetrates below the surface of the soil. Of the water that penetrates below the surface, part is cap¬ tured by plants and returned to the atmosDhere by transpiration, part is tem¬ porarily retained in the soil, and part moves downward from the soil until it reaches a zone in the rocks where all the pore space is filled with water. This point is called the water table, or the top of the zone of saturation. Obviously, at this point direct downward movement is no longer possible but lateral movement may take place. If there is inflow of water, or recharge to the saturated zone, there must also be outflow of water, or discharge. This discharge takes place down the water table, or pressure slope, into a stream or body of water. Thus, the cycle is com¬ pleted by the ultimate return of the water to the ocean or the atmosphere. Quantitatively it might appear that these factors should all be subject to accurate measuremnt. Indeed, this would be the case if all rocks were uniform and homogeneous, and if precipitation, evaporation and transpira¬ tion rates were constant. Since the opposite is true with regard to both the geology and the climate the problems of evaluating ground-water sup¬ plies are extremely complex. Even though we are not dealing with climate, a general observation concerning its role in ground-water supply is necessary. Since the source of usable ground-water is largely from precipitation in or relatively near the region where it is used, the quantity of precipitation determines the maximum limit of the perennial ground-water supply. However, that part of the rainfall that eventually penetrates to the zone of saturated rocks and becomes available for use ranges within wide limits, and therefore its unfor¬ tunately true that a high rate of rainfall does not assure large ground water resources. At the extremes the percent of the total rainfall that recharges the ground-water reservoirs may be as low as zero or a small fraction of 1 percent, while in particularly favorable spots it may approach 50 percent or more. The rates of evaporation and transpiration are fac¬ tors that exert an influence on this rate, but by far the most important factor is the geology and topography of the region. In view of the progressively increasing demand for water for human use, a realistic approach in planning is to consider water as no longer free for taking, but a commodity essential to human welfare that must be secured, managed, and distributed at a cost that is economically tolerable. 138 The Virginia Journal of Science [Juty An indication of what these costs may be in the future is indicated by the U. S. Department of Commerce prediction that about $171 billion will have been invested in water projects by 1975. Now let us take a Took at some of the present and future research needs in ground-water geology. Ground-water geologv is a relatively new branch of the science, prob¬ ably because the former abundance of water has not caused us to focus attention on these problems until recent vears. Furthermore, the kinds of questions that must be answered bv the ground-water geologist have drastically changed during the past two decades. During the first third of the present century, when Dr. O. E. Meinzer and his associates in the United States Geological Survev were doing their pioneering ground-water work, the major questions asked of the geologist were where and how deep is water-saturated rock of sufficient permeabilitv for the development of a well. This ealled for ground water exploration. Although in some areas questions of continuing vield, ultimate maximum quantitv available, rate and area of recharge, and even the possibility of artificial recharge were being considered, bv and large the major problem for the geologist was the location of a source for a well siipplv. I do not mean to minimize the importance of this function or to suggest that this tvpe of work is no longer needed. The knowledge that a good well can be obtained by drilling an additional hundred feet, or that a supply is available in an area where previously it was not known to occur, is indeed important. To answer such questions requires a sound understanding of the regional geology and the basic principles of ground-water hydrologv. However, many questions have now become more complex and include, for exam¬ ple — “What is the maximum quantity of water that can be developed on a continuing basis in a metropolitan area?” — “What will be the effect on recharge and thus on ultimate water supply of a 20-foot lowering of the water table by pumpage?” . . . “What is the rate and distance of movement of pollutants through a particular sandstone, and will these fac¬ tors be markedly different in fractured crystalline rocks or cavernous lime¬ stone?” . . . “How can we safely dispose underground of liquid atomic wastes? . . . “What is the predicted rate of salt water encroachment in a coastal area?” . . . “How can we plan for conjunctive use of ground and surface water to produce the most reliable and economic supply?” These and other questions now being posed to the ground-water geologist call for a degree of detailed knowledge of the rocks and their composition and configuration that was unthought of just a few decades ago. They also point up the neeessity of close collaboration among the geologist, hydrologist, geochemist, and geophysicist. One example will serve to illustrate the interdependence of geologic and Water 139 1962] hvdrologic data when the answers required are quantitative and long range. In the evaluation of ground water supplies available for the village of Ar¬ eola, Illinois, the State Geological Survey developed the geological data and the engineering analysis was made by the State Water Survey (Wal¬ ton and Walker, 1961). The water supply problem occurred entirely within the Pleistocene deposits overlying the bedrock and these deposits consisted of glacial till and outwash of silt, sand and gravel. As the out- wash deposits, which constituted the aquifer consisted largely of the fill in a relatively small bedrock valley it was possible to develop a rather simple and straight forward geologic setting for the hydrologic analysis. In addition to the geological data the engineer needed data from pump¬ ing tests to determine transmissivitv and coefficients of permeability. Long term data were obtained from the records of withdrawals from the existing municipal wells and observation well measurements supplied records of water level declines or fluctuations. From these data it was possible for the engineers (Walton and Walker, 1961, p. 3362), by use of the image- well theorv and the steadv-state leaky artesian formula, to construct a mathematical model that could be handled bv a digital computer (Walton and Neil, 1961). This mathematical model was used to predict the point in time when the increasing pumping demands of the village of Areola would exceed the practical sustained yield of the existing well field. In other words, the known past history of the well field is explained mathe¬ matically and by an independent method its future is predicted. This same general approach has been used on much more complex situa¬ tions involving much larger areas, as is illustrated by the recent report on the group-water resources of the Chicago region (Suter et ah, 1959). In this study the availability of both geologic and engineering data varied from aquifer to aquifer and as a result more definitive quantitative answers were possible for some parts of the ground-water system than for others. Currently cooperative studies are under way to produce quantitative data for the entire ground-water complex. It is clear that, as the tools and methods of quantitative analysis are refined and improved, the demand is progressively increasing for more re¬ fined and detailed knowledge of the character, configuraion, lateral varia¬ tion, and mineralogy of the rocks that transmit, confine, and yield the water. For that reason I will devote the remainder of my remarks to the basic geologic research that is needed for application to problems of ground water. Although this will include a wide range of geologic situa¬ tions most of them are apphcable to Virginia. Virginia includes an area of the Coastal Plain with its weakly consolidated Cenozoic rocks in gently dipping strata; a segment of the Piedmont and Blue Ridge provinces under¬ lain by well indurated, complex, crystalline rocks; a belt of folded Paleozoic rocks; and even some areas of relatively flat lying Paeozoic rocks. Cross 140 The Virginia Journal of Science [July ing all of these geologic provinces are alluviated valleys with their particular set of ground-water problems. Within the state there is a wide range of geologic environments controlling the occurrence of ground water. Perhaps the most universally needed phase of basic research in ground- water studies is in the field of stratigraphy, which, paradoxically, is per¬ haps the oldest subdivision of the science of Geology. For more than a hundred years it has been the objective of the stratigrapher to correlate and trace the various strata or rock layers within the sedimenary sequence. He has been concerned with estabhshing the age relationships from place to place so that the history of the earth’s crust could be determined. From these correlations the gross structure of the rocks can be deciphered. Such work has indeed been successful and has had great practical value in the search for water, oil, and other minerals. However, we now must know in detail the lateral changes in the physical character of each stratum of rock as these changes affect all of its hydrologic properties. This approach has been called litho-facies stratigraphy and is concerned with the deter¬ mination of lateral changes in permeability as well as thickening, thinning and mineralogical changes. If I may be permitted to draw another example from Illinois, the coop¬ erative work by the State Geological and Water Surveys in the Ghicago region well illustrates the importance to ground-water evaluation of litho- facies studies. The preliminary study of the region (Suter, et al., 1959), although yielding many answers, left the quantitative answers to other questions either indefinite or questionable. It is necessary for the geologist to produce more precise data on the hydro stratigraphic units in the deep Gambrian and Ordovician rocks, and even more urgent that such data be produced for the Silurian dolomites at intermediate depth and the Pleisto¬ cene deposits at shallow depth. To fiU this seed of the hydrologist for precise data as a basis for quantative analysis, we have for several years been studying the hthologic variations of the many stratigraphic units involved. The same region may be used to illustrate a closely related line of basic research in subsurface geology, namely paleo-geomorphology. When rocks are exposed at the surface of a land area for a significant period of time ground- water circulation is estabhshed, and, if the rocks below the sur¬ face contain a large percentage of hmestones and dolomites, the circulating meteoric waters differentially and strongly modify the permeability of the rocks through which they circulate. Such modification of rocks below a former topographic surface produces a special kind of litho-facies unrelated to the original deposition of the rocks. When such a landscape is buried by younger deposits many of these acquired characteristics are preserved and may have an important influence on the movement and available Water 141 1962] quantity o£ ground water at depth. The topography of the buried sur¬ face also importantly controls the volumetric relationship of the rocks first deposited over the ancient land surface (Buschbach, 1961). Reconstruction of the features of a landscape now hundreds or even thousands of feet below the surface is a difficult task indeed. Where many wells have been drilled to below the old surface, as is true in some parts of the mid-continent region, a reconstruction can be made with some assurance, but in regions where drilling has been sparse it is necessary to postulate by analogy with present landscapes. Recently, geophysical methods involving not only electrical resistivity and seismic methods but also gravity measurements have been used successfully for determination of deeply buried topographic features. In buried limestone and dolomite terrain, particularly, a “feedback” to the geologist from hydrologic data may be quite effective. Unexplained local changes in permeability and transmissibility may be just the clues needed to aid the geologist in the reconstruction of the conditions below the ancieixt buried land surface. Closely related to the modern approach to litho-facies stratigraphy are the problems of determining and predicting the physical differences among the several kinds of rock permeability. In general, permeability in rocks may be produced by the openings occurring among the grains in a clastic sediment, sometimes partly filled by secondarily deposited cement; by frac¬ tures, joints or brecciation in otherwise relatively impermeable crystalline rocks; and by openings or solution channels in the carbonate rocks and in gypsum-anhydrite made by the solvent action of water moving through them. In the case of uniform clastic sediments laboratory size samples can be analyzed and a reasonably good evaluation of the permeability made. However, the fracture, joint, and brecciation permeabiHties, as well as those produced by solution, are gross, and a truly representative sample cannot be analyzed in the laboratory. In these cases the struc¬ tural history of the region and the post-depositional history of the individual rock units must be considered together with regional hydrologic data in order to arrive at an approximate value for transmissivity, water storage, and ultimate yield. For example, such minutia as a percent or two of change in the chemical composition of a limestone may control the loca¬ tion and size of the solution openings that will develop. The chemical and mineral compositions of rocks through which water moves also exert an important control on the quahty of the water, and are particularly important in problems involving the mobility of pollutants and contaminants. Not long ago the clay mineral content of a water¬ bearing bed was viewed as just another detriment to the flow of water. Now there are cases where these clay minerals may be viewed as ion 142 The Virginia Journal of Science exchangers that modify the dissolved constituents of the water, and they may be a mechanism for removing harmful materials including radioactive isotopes. Other chemical problems have been brought to the fore by the increasing widespread use of detergents and their apparent great distance of travel through permeable rocks. Although we have touched upon several problems of basic geologic re¬ search essential to improved analvsis of ground-water supplies, we have by no means exhausted the subject. We have not discussed the problems of multiple use being faced in some metropolitan areas, the problems of conjunctive use of surface and ground water that are present day realities in arid and semi-arid regions, or the problems of salt water encroachment, oil field brine disposal, or disposal of radioactive wastes. Perhaps most basic of all we have not discussed the mechanics of water movement through the soil and unsaturated zone of rocks in the recharging of a ground-water reservoir. The relatively rapid change from the primary need for exploration for and location of ground-water sources to the expanded need for precise quantitative answers to the questions of “how much,” ‘‘how long,” “what quality,” and “where to,” has placed greatly increased demands on the ground-water geologist, or hydrogeologist if you prefer the recently coined term. These expanded needs are also felt by the public agencies, such as the United States Geological Survey and the one or more state agencies in each state that have responsibility for evaluating present and future water resources. I hope these few examples have served to illustrate this change in demands, that now and in the future, will be placed on the geologist. SELECTED REFERENCES Selected in part to illustrate the diversity of research and problems in ground water Buschbach, T. C., 1961, The morphology of the sub-St. Peter surface of northeastern Illinois: Illinois State Acad. Sci., v. 54, p. 83-89. Ferris, J. G., 1948, Ground-water hydraulics as a geophysical aid: Michi¬ gan Dept. Conserv., Geol. Survey Div. Tech Rept. no. 1. Ferris, J. G., 1959, in C. O. Wisler and E. F. Brater, Hvdrology: John Wilev and Sons, New York, p. 167-188. Frye, J. C., 1959, Importance of Pleistocene studies for ground- water inves¬ tigations in Kansas: Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 54, p. 226-232. Jones, P. H., 1961, Hydrology of radioactive waste disposal at the Idaho 1962] Water 143 chemical processing plant, National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-D, p. D-374-D-376. Leopold, L. B., 1960, The challenge of water management: U. S. Geol. Survey Girc. 414-B, p. 7-13. . , 1960, Ecological systems and the water resource: U. S. Geol. Survey Girc. 414-D, p. 21-26. MacKichan, K. A., and Kammerer, J. G., 1961, Estimated Use of Water in the United States, 1960; U. S. Geological Survey Girc. 456, p. 44. Maxey, G. B., 1960, The geology of water and its importance to our indus¬ trial civilization. Manuscript of Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecture. Maxey, G. B., and Hackett, J. E., 1960, Applications of some geohydrologic concepts in geology (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, p. 1923. Meinzer, O. E., editor, 1942, Hydrology: Physics of the Earth — IX; McGraw-Hill Book Go., New York, 712 p. Nace, R. L., 1960, Water management, agriculture, and ground-water supplies: U. S. Geol. Survey Girc. 415, 12 p. Norris, S. E., and White, G. W., 1961, Hydrologic significance of buried valleys in glacial drift: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, p. B-34-B-35. Schicht, R. J., and Walton, W. C., 1961, Hydrologic budgets for three small watersheds in Illinois. III. State Water Survey Rept. Inv. 40, p. 40. Suter, Max, Bergstrom, R. E., Smith, H. F., Emrich, G. H., Walton, W. G., and Larson T. E. 1959 Preliminary report on ground-water resources of the Ghicago region Illinois: Ill. State Geol. and Water Surveys Gooperative Ground-Water Report 1, p. 89. U. S. Bureau of the Gensus, 1959, Statistical abstract of the United States: 1959 (80th edition), Washington, D. C. Virginia State Soil Conservation Committee, 1959, Water resources in Vir¬ ginia, p. 112. Walton, W. C., and Neill, J. C., 1961, Analyzing ground-water problems with mathematical models and a digital computer: Assoc, intern, d’hydrol. ci.. Pub. 52. Walton, W. C., and Walker, W. H., 1961, Evaluating wells and acquifiers by analytical methods: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 66, p. 3359-3370. 144 The Virginia Journal of Science [July LIVING MARINE RESOURCES Dr. J. L. McHugh, Chief, Division of Biological Research, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Introduction I am pleased to see that the final paper in this symposium deals with people. Too often it is forgotten that people, too, are a natural re¬ source. Even more significant to the marine scientist, however, is the fact that our interest in natural resources, and our support of research on them, exist because these resources are useful in some way to people. This utility may be aesthetic, or it may be practical in the sense that someone may make a profit from it. Whatever the reasons, people and natural resources are inextricably entangled one with the other. We can¬ not study the resources intelligently without considering their utilization by people, nor can we do so without considering the effects of people upon the resource. People, with their different social and educational backgrounds, their varying points of view, and their diverse economic and aesthetic interests, generate controversy. This is an essential part of our democratic way of life. At least four groups, each with unique backgrounds and inter¬ ests, are involved in the controversies that concern Virginia’s living marine resources. Commercial fishermen depend on these resources for most, if not all, of their livelihood. A growing body of saltwater sport fishermen gain healthful recreation from their hobby. The State Legislature makes the laws on which conservation of these resources is based, and tries to view fishery problems broadly in relation to other important uses of Chesa¬ peake Bay and its estuaries. Public administrators, including scientists of the State and Federal Governments, have a duty to interpret and en- foree the laws, make continuing surveys of the condition of the fishery resources, and develop a body of scientific knowledge from which wiser laws and more intelligent management can be based. It is sometimes surprising, in view of the widespread disagreement on causes and cures of fishery problems of this region, that the basic truth is not more clearly recognized. It takes little effort to recognize that disagreement must signify inadequate knowledge. If we had the facts, and their meanings were analyzed clearly and properly disseminated, gen¬ eral agreement on the fundamental principles of conservation would follow. As it is, the need for greater understanding has been recognized and is growing, as demonstrated by the growing support of scientific research in both States that border the Chesapeake. But there is strong disagree¬ ment in segments of all interested groups as to the values and pertinence Marine Life 145 1962] of scientific findings to date. Indeed, it must be admitted that the sci¬ entists, themselves, have not always agreed on interpretation of their own data. When the facts are incomplete, there is always room for honest disagreement. The public should not be disillusioned when scientists fail to agree, nor should scientists become too discouraged when non-scientists disagree with them. Instead, all should rise to the challenge and plan for a gradual convergence of understanding. Some of my academic colleagues tend to look down upon those of us who study fishery resources. They view our inevitable association with commercial fishery interests, sport fishermen, and lawmakers as a form of scientific prostitution. On occasion, they have been known to refer to us somewhat contemptuously as “politicians.” I would suggest that those few who have adopted this attitude have failed to look deeply enough into our particular mission as marine scientists. People are an integral part of the environment we are studying. I prefer to consider that the science of the living resource of the sea is the very broadest kind of ecology. As such, it includes the meteoro¬ logical sciences, the physics and chemistry of the waters, the biology of the animals and plants of the sea, and of some freshwater, terrestrial, and aerial organisms as well. It extends to the geology of ocean shores and bottom, the engineering aspects of instrument design and function, the design of ships for scientific research and fishing, and the development of new and more efficient types of fishing gear. Finally, it concerns the interactions of all these forces one with the other, to produce the dynamic entity that we call the oceans. It is important also to recognize the roles that man plays in the ecology of the sea. It is recognized widely that he influences the abundance of marine animals directly, by fishing, by killing organisms he regards as pests, or by protecting those he considers desirable. It is recognized also that he influences abundance indirectly, by polluting the waters, building bridges, dams, breakwaters, and other permanent structures, or filhng marshland, dredging channels, and otherwise changing the biota and the topography. It is much less widely recognized that he exerts more subtle influences upon the economy of the sea by his peculiar ways of doing things or his peculiar habits of thinking. Thus, economics and social- political forces are important elements in fishery ecology, and these sub¬ jects deserve far greater attention than they now receive. I would say that the effects of man's activities are more often misinterpreted than judged correctly. When they are invoked for purposes of “conservation,” as when fishery laws are formulated and enacted, more often than not the effects are quite different from what was intended. In the United States particularly, where fishery laws and enforcement are the prerogative of the individual States, some ridiculously provincial ideas and traditions hold 146 The Virginia Journal of Science [July sway. In many States the fishery laws contribute to the sad economic state of the fisheries by making it impossible to harvest these resources economically. Thus, the study of mutual relationships among marine organisms and between them and their environment must extend beyond the boundaries of the ocean to include all the interrelationships with men. This is ecology in its very broadest sense, the only sense that will lead to full understanding of fishery dynamics. Basic and Applied Research In view of the title of this Symposium, some remarks about the defini¬ tions of basic and applied research are appropriate. Previous speakers have pointed out that these two kinds of research are difficult to separate, and that such separation is not necessarily important. I agree with this view. Nevertheless, these terms are in wide use today, and it might be well to consider how the two categories might be applied to the living resources of the sea. Several dichotomies might be selected, each of which would be unsatisfactory to some. One such division might be that applied research is research on individual species of particular interest more or less to the exclusion of their competitors, predators, or their environ¬ ment in general. This classification would characterize basic research as the broad study of the species in relation to its environment. Many times in the past, government appropriations for fishery research have been re¬ stricted by law to the narrow concept represented by the first of these two definitions, and our knowledge has suffered thereby. It might be consid¬ ered that these two concepts represent natural stages in the evolution of the science of fishery research. Fortunately, we now are moving rapidlv toward the “sophisticated” view represented by the ecological approach. I prefer, however, to consider that all significant research is prompted by man’s desire to know more about the world around him, and that any divi¬ sion of such research into basic or apphed categories is quite artificial. Virginia’s Marine Resources Let us look at a few important marine fishery resources of Chesapeake Bay, examine their history, their present condition, and their future pros¬ pects. I have chosen three, which I think are particularly appropriate for my purpose, one a mollusk, one a crustacean, and one a fish. These three account for about 75 percent of the total value of Chesapeake commercial fishery landings, and they are representative of the diversity in kinds of animals and types of life history that characterize the marine resources of this region. In selecting these examples I have omitted the growing salt¬ water sport fisheries of the region, which take large number of food fishes of a variety of species, some also of commercial importance. I have done this not because the sport fisheries are unimportant, for they provide recrea- Marine Life 147 1962] tion for a great many people, and constitute a major commercial enterprise as well. But time will not allow adequate treatment of all fishery resources, and the sport fisheries alone could easily occupy the entire period allotted to me. The Oyster Resource The oyster, of course, is the principal fishery product of Chesapeake Bay. The annual harvest is worth more than the total harvest of all other fishery resources combined. Except for a brief period after spawn¬ ing, when the young are free-swimming, oysters are unable to move from the place where thev first attached themselves to the bottom. For this and other reasons they are readily cultivated, and their numbers are con¬ trollable by man. The naturally-producing oyster grounds in Chesapeake Bay are for the most part in waters of intermediate salinity. This is because oysters are able to tolerate fresher waters than their principal enemies and diseases, and because they are better protected from the effects of storms. Oysters however, cannot tolerate fresh water for any great length of ime. Thus, in Virginia the natural grounds are principally fairly well up the estuaries, but in Maryland, they are nearer the mouths of the estuaries or in the Bay, itself. Seventy years ago oysters dominated Chesapeake Bay fishery landings. About 22 million bushels were produced in 1890. At today’s prices these would bring to oystermen more than $77,000,000 for their catch. But landings in both States have declined rather steadily since the end of the 19th century, and in 1961 the total harvest was less than 6 million bushels, worth about $19,000,000. The belief is quite generally held that the naturally-producing oyster grounds belong to the citizens of the States. Thus, Maryland and Vir¬ ginia both have set these grounds aside as public grounds, and have enact¬ ed laws that regulate the taking of oysters. Both States also devote con¬ siderable effort to rehabilitation activities, planting shell back on the grounds to serve as clutch for the new crop. In other respects, however, the two States differ sharply in their oystering policies. Virginians believe that the oyster industry thrives best under a system of farming, and the State has a liberal policy of leasing barren bottom in the estuaries and in the Bay. Oyster planters improve this bottom, when necessary, by plant¬ ing shell or otherwise preparing it for seeding. The State permits tongers to take young oysters from certain public grounds for planting on these otherwise barren grounds. Planters lease these grounds, at a nominal fee, from the State. In Maryland, on the other hand, public policy generally has been opposed 148 The Virginia Journal of Science [July to private planting. Proponents of private enterprise have prevailed at times, and a small acreage of bottom is under lease, but this is quite small in relation to the extensive area designated as public ground. The State spends rather large sums annually to plant shell on the public grounds, and also transplants oysters from one area to another. How effective are these policies? More than 85 percent of Maryland’s production is a wild crop, harvested from public grounds. Three-quarters of Virginia’s production, on the other hand, is grown on private bottom. Virginians point with pride to the success of their more liberal policies, which have maintained fairly steady annual harvests for the past 40 years. Marylanders believe that their accelerated program of public management win halt the decline and will, in the long run, demonstrate its superiority over private enterprise. The facts seem to favor Virginia’s view over Maryand’s but it cannot be denied that that production has fallen substan¬ tially in both States. Obviously, something is wrong. Moreover, although State policies diverge sharply, opinion is by no means unanimous within and between factions. These battles are a conglomeration of lack of knowl¬ edge, prejudice, conflicting interests, and inefficient harvesting and man¬ agement practices. It is only necessary to consider the Potomac River, where an estimated 42 square miles of oyster dredging grounds in the 1890’s were reduced to about 11 square miles by 1942, or the Rappahan¬ nock and other estuaries in Virginia, where many formerly productive nat¬ ural grounds now are barren, to realize that the fishery was removing more from these bottoms each year than nature was able to replace. Within the confines of your own city lies the body of water known as Lynnhaven Inlet, once known widely as a source of prime quality oysters. These famous Lynnhaven oysters came from naturally-producing grounds long since denuded, and this historic name now is but a memory to oyster lovers. The Blue Crab Resource The blue crab fishery has generated just about as much controversy in the Chesapeake Bay States as the oyster fishery, although the basic prob¬ lems and the facts are not at all similar. In contrast to oysters, which are essentially sedentary animals, blue crabs perform extensive annual migrations, although it is believed that these migrations do not extend to any great degree beyond Chesapeake Bay. In late summer and fall, hav¬ ing been fertilized already, adult female crabs begin to migrate down the estuaries and down the Bay toward the deeper, saltier waters in Virginia near the Bay entrance. Here they spend the winter, more or less dormant, carrying the mass of developing eggs, or “sponge,” attached to rudimentary legs beneath the abdomen. The young hatch the following spring and summer, and spend several weeks as feebly-swimming, drifting larvae, more or less at the mercy of tides and currents. Because the deeper, saltier Marine Life 149 1962] water moves slowly up-Bay and up the estuaries, the young crabs begin their first winter of life farther up the Bay and estuaries, and they resume this migration in spring as the water warms. By mid- and late summer, at an age of one year to a year and a half, they become adults, spawn, and the fertilized females begin their return migration. It is believed that few, if any, survive beyond three years. The fishery uses a variety of gears and operates throughout tlie year in one area or another. The catch and the abundance of crabs fluctuates widely, but there has been no solid evidence that the yield is declining, despite the gloomy views that have been expressed from time to time. Nevertheless, the wide fluctuations create serious economic problems in the industry, and opinion is not unanimous as to the cause. A divergence of opinion exists similar to that surrounding oyster problems, and there are strong agreements and disagreements within and between States. One rather common prejudice is a belief that it is harmful to catch crabs bearing eggs. Both States have enacted laws to prohibit capture of “sponge” crabs, and Virginia maintains a large sanctuary in the lower part of the Bay where pregnant females congregate in winter. In general, however, Virginia's crab laws are more liberal than Maryland's and Virginia has fewer gear restrictions and closed seasons. For these reasons, Mary¬ landers are prone to blame the Virginia fishery when crabs are in short supply. But the scientific evidence leaves little doubt that environmental effects upon the success of blue crab spawning are more powerful than the fishery in determining abundance and future catches. The Menhaden Resource In terms of weight landed, menhaden support the largest fishery in Chesapeake Bay. Spawning takes place in late fall in the ocean, but the young soon enter the Bay and penetrate the estuaries into waters of low sahnity. Here they spend the winter. In spring they begin to grow rapid¬ ly, moving slowly down the estuaries and the Bay. By fall, at one year of age, they are 5 to 6 inches long, and migrate to the ocean to winter farther south. Each year thereafter they make a northward migration in spring and summer and return to southern waters for the winter. In each successive year of life this migration extends farther north. Menhaden are filter feeders, straining microscopic plankton from tne water through their finely-spaced gill rakers. They occur in great abund¬ ance in Chesapeake Bay in summer, and they harvest great quantities of plankton. One of the airplane pilots whose job it is to spot menhaden schools for the seine boats once told me that often the murky waters of the Bay are miraculously clear immediately behind a menhaden school. This led me to wonder what the total plankton consumption of these abun- 150 The Virginia Journal of Science [July dant fish might be. In the absence of better knowledge I had to make some assumptions. These were that a single menhaden strains a column of water one inch in diameter at a rate of one knot, and that the popula¬ tion of menhaden present in Chesapeake Bay is double the annual catch. These may be conservative assumptions, as I assumed, or they may be quite unrealistic, as the surprising result suggests. On this basis I came to the conclusion that the summer population of menhaden in the Bay could filter all the water in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay and its tidal estuaries twice in 24 hours! Ecological hnplications Menhaden also serve as food for the larger carnivorous fishes in the Bay. We know that striped bass and bluefish eat large numbers of men¬ haden at certain times. This has caused some people to think that men¬ haden purse-seining is harmful in two ways - it competes with food and sport fishes for food, and it catches these desirable species along with the menhaden. These are two principal reasons why Maryland does not permit menhaden purse-seining. These interrelationships are interesting and important, and we know far too little about them. Opinions play a large part in framing fishery laws, and this is a good example of the effect of foggy thinking upon fisherv resources. Menhaden fishing is denounced vigorously at times because it is believed to affect the abundance of food fishes. But no one ever has suggested that menhaden should be eliminated because they eat large quan¬ tities of plankton. Yet blue crabs and oysters spend part of their early life as plankton organisms, where they are vulnerable to just such preda¬ tion. Menhaden usually are most abundant in the Bay at exactly the times and places occupied by the newly-hatched blue crab larvae. It is possible that this could be a most important factor in determining blue crab abundance. Investigation of this interrelationship would be an excit¬ ing piece of basic research, which would tax the imagination of the most competent scientists. The problem has many ramifications, including the need to understand distribution in time and space, food habits, and the relation of these animals and their associates to their physical and chemi¬ cal environment. I am sure that these relationships would turn out to be most complex, and that a simple inverse correlation behveen abundance of menhaden and blue crabs would not be found. Menhaden are typically unpredictable in their movements. Their food requirements, as calculated above, if this example is at all realistic, suggest why this is so. If they did not move about continuously and over a wide area, they might very well deplete their food supply. 1962] Marine Life 151 Man-made Environmental Changes As our population grows, and our industrial development becomes more complex, the characteristics of our marine environment are certain to change in many ways. Domestic and industrial wastes introduce a variety of new substances into the waters, some toxic, some oxygen-consuming, some per¬ haps beneficial. These substances begin to change as soon as they are introduced — - some are oxidized, some broken down by bacteria into sim¬ pler substances. But they also exert their own influences upon the marine environment, and cause changes in numbers and relative abundance of the different kinds of animals and plants. The gross changes, which some¬ times cause spectacular mortalities, are easy to see and understand. But there are other, more subtle changes that we still know little about. For example, what effects do such wastes have upon the spawning of oysters, development and setting of their larvae, and their feeding, growth, and other metabolic activities at all stages of development? Experience in the western end of Lake Erie, a more or less self-contained body of water partly separated from the rest of the Lake by a chain of islands illustrates what can occur. Growing domestic and industrial pollution from the heavily industrialized area to the north, pouring into the Lake from the Detroit River, has caused spectacular changes. Water temperatures have risen appreciably, the dissolved oxygen content has dropped, and the ani¬ mal population has changed in response. Insect larvae, such as those of mayflies, formerly abundant on the bottom, now have virtually disappear¬ ed. In their place have come great increases in numbers of pollution- loving forms, such as worms. It will be a long time before such dramatic changes take place in Chesapeake Bay, but some of our waters near sources of pollution are in as bad or worse condition already. But it is the smaller changes that occur in response to incipient pollution that are most difficult to detect and understand. Costs of Research Research in the marine environment is costly, and the costs have not been easy to justify. On what basis should we decide what amounts are justifiable as an investment in research on hving marine resources? This problem is constantly before the research director of your State Marine Laboratory as he plans his requests for funds to present to the State legis¬ lature. The problem is constantly before appropriations committees and the executive heads of government as they try to fit increasing budget requests from a variety of worthy government agencies into a fixed esti¬ mate of revenues. Total requests are always larger than estimated reve¬ nues, and cuts necessarily must be made. If it is decided that research on the marine resources should be increased, the increase must be at the expense of some other agencies. It would be extremely useful to the 152 The Virginia Journal of Science [July budget planner if he had an objective estimate of the amount he could reasonably expect to receive. One such estimate might be based on the value of the resource. The annual value of Virginia’s commercial fish catch, as paid to fishermen at the point of landing, is about $20,000,000. If 5 percent is a reasonable proportion of the value of the catch to be invested in research, then the annual budget should be about $1,000,000. If the research budget should be determined on the basis of retail value, then this figure should be about $2,500,000. To this might be added an amount based on an estimate of the value of the saltwater sportfishery. No one yet has developed a satisfactory method of comparing the value of a commercial and a sport Other considerations must enter into such estimates if thev are to be realistic. If it is decided that a certain percentage of the value of the resource can be used to set the level of the research budget, should the costs of management of the fisherv and enforcement of laws be charged against this fund? Should the value of the fisherv be based on present landings, or should potential landings of latent resources be included? If certain species have been overfished, and present landings are well below the maxi¬ mum sustainable yeild of the resource under scientific management, should the budget be based on the present or the potential vield? Should the estimate of optimum research budget take into account the amounts being Spent by Federal or other laboratories on the resources in question? These are but a few of the questions that need to be answered if budget levels are to be estimated and justified on such grounds. Another method of estimating budgetary levels might be based on the argument that for each research objective there is a certain budgetary threshhold, below which there is little likelihood that the objective could be achieved. If this threshhold could be determined, then the annual budget might be decided in terms of the need for information. The time required to reach the objective would be related inversely to the size of the budget. At present these matters are quite speculative, and budget levels are determined much less objectively. The principal factors are public sup¬ port, energetic research leadership, and available revenues. A detailed study of this question might be a valuable part of long-range research planning. General Conclusions The root of fishery problems is people. Selfish interests and narrow views, imposed on a complex situation involving economic as well as bio¬ logical variables, are important elements. Pressures caused by growing Marine Life 153 1962] industrialization and increasing human population threaten to outstrip our slowly accumulating stock of basic knowledge. A broad field of inquiry must be pursued if we are to use our marine resources wisely. It would be naive to assume, of eourse, that with suffieient knowledge and enlight¬ ened public policy all these problems would disapepar. Many elements in this complex are mutually antagonistic and always will be. Our aim should be to achieve the best possible combination of circumstances that will serve all human interests. This seems an almost overwhelming task, and the perfect solution never will be found. It follows that controversy al¬ ways will be an important by-product. Indeed, although our knowledge will increase more rapidly as our support of research on living marine resources grows, public controversy may well increase also as our expand¬ ing human population comes into ever more intimate contact with the problems its very growth will generate. One important deficiency is in the field of public education. Our knowledge of the biological, physical, economic, and social - political aspects of fishery mangement is far better than many people realize. We are not taking full advantage of our opportunities to improve public knowl¬ edge and understanding. For example: we should be putting far more effoii: into helping the industry to apply our present scientific knowledge of oyster biology. We should establish a shellfish extension service simi¬ lar to the agriculture extension services on which our highlv successful agricultural indutry is based. When we add the effects of pollution and the other by-products of industrialization and human population growth to the other problems of the oyster industry, it becomes clear that some highly-controlled form of farming is inevitable if the oyster industry is to survive in areas close to civilization. Yet we are still conducting much of our research and man¬ agement as if virgin conditons will be with us forever. Scientists believe that the time has come to apply accumulated knowledge to develop a higher level of oyster culture. At our present level of knowledge, little can be done to reduce fluctua¬ tions in crab or menhaden abundance. But there is hope that we can apply our knowledge to a system of forecasting, which would allow the industry to plan ahead. The individual fisherman, with limited capital, is in a very poor posi¬ tion to withstand fluctuations in abundance of wild stocks, even if he should have advance information. The traditionally independent attitude of Che¬ sapeake Bay watermen may not be in their best economic interest. The opinion is given, when a system based entirely on private enterprise is advocated, that this soon would result in control by a few. Undoubtedly this is true, but the individual might be better off financially working for 154 The Virginia Journal of Science a large fishing company which had sufficient working capital and diversi¬ fication of operations to hedge its losses. Obviously, these watermen place great value on their independence, placing it above mere economic gain. In our rapidly changing world, this is unfortunate, for a system of private enterprise seems inevitable if our inshore fisheries are to survive. Recogni¬ tion of this fact now would allow an orderly revision of the structure of fishing operations. This illustrates the importance of considering social and political, as well as economic matters, in applying the results of research to fishery management. We do not have a very clear idea as to how much should be invested annually in research on our living marine resources. It is generally agreed that present research effort is inadequate. As a part of long-range pro¬ gram planning we should attempt to develop objective criteria for deter¬ mining budget levels. 1962] Human Resources 155 THE HUMAN RESOURCES Dr. Clarence C. Little Scientfic Director, Tobacco Industry Research Committee, New York City During this symposium we have heard a most interesting discussion of the natural resources of Virginia. Their great diversity, extent and possi¬ bilities for development have been clearly demonstrated. They present challenging and stimulating opportunities for the continuation of a rich and satisfying physical environment for future generations of Virginians to enjoy and to care for. My task is to discuss these Virginians, the human resources — those of you who are here today, those other citizens not here, and the children, grandchildren and even more remote descendants of all of you. Obviously, this is far more than a “one-man” job, and yet it is an oppor¬ tunity which I welcome with humility and with intense enthusiasm. I am going to speak to you as though I were talking to myself for we have com¬ mon problems, tasks and responsibilities. They stem partly from our basic origins as Americans, tracing back to Jamestown for some of you and to Plymouth for me. They stem partly from the fact that we are the living links in the modem United States of America to which the challenge of leadership to maintain freedom of man’s body, mind and spii'it has been given for the foreseeable future. But they stem chiefly from the often forgotten fact that we are together guardians of a brief span of that great¬ est of all miracles - the progressive evolution of humanity from the purely animal type of life to the increasing awareness, revelation and acceptance of the spiritual order of life into our being. Our country has grown and is growing very rapidly in numbers of hu¬ man beings. Even if the present rate of population increase slows down, we shall still have to continue to face problems caused and continued by the proximity of great numbers of people to one another. Population growth occurs so silently and naturally in a country like our’s, blessed with great natural resources and with effective public health meth¬ ods, that we are not acutely aware of many of its consequences as indi¬ viduals until they are felt abruptly like a baby on our family’s doorsteps. What are some of the problems which appear to have come to stay, at least for many decades to come and perhaps for the duration of our civil¬ ization? One is certainly a decentralization and a more widespread distribution 156 The Virginia Journal of Science [July of access to adequate physical care, housing, and nourishment for all citi¬ zens from pre-natal life through old age. The majority of the adolescent and adult citizens are and should be capable of contributing individually all or the great majority of the effort needed for self-support. The weak, the sick and the aged will, however, continue to be the responsibility of the strong, the fit and the productive members of society. We are already well on the road to the recognition of this problem and to the development of methods to attempt its proper solutions. Here, however, we encounter the first great danger of overlooking, or of understanding, the need of a basic change in our present attitude. In the early stages of meeting this problem, the opportunity to amass great personal wealth was available. The need of forced contribution of welfare funds through local and federal taxation was not apparent or, per- ahps, did not exist. Voluntary contribution of the “haves” to the “have uots” appeared to be taking care of the situation. But the situation changed. The mass of the unavoidably or of the deli¬ berately dependent increased. The opportunity to develop pressure groups of many types and in many fields arose and was eagerly grasped by leaders to whom organization, exploitation and domination of their needy fellowman was meat and drink. These groups have taken over. They depend on status quo, continuing a pattern. It is in this stage of the problem that we find ourselves today and it is bad - very bad, indeed. AH through evolution, forms of life that have become dependent on too rigid an organization of their controlling environment have died out or have stopped evolving. Classic examples are ants, which are enslaved by their environment and dinosaurs, which were eliminated by a similar slavery. Unless averted, this fate also applies with certainty to the mental and to the spiritual levels of man as well as to the physical. The slave to unchanging habit is doomed. If we flash back for a rapid but searching; look at the life of those who made this country, we see one clear truth shining from it like a directed ray, penetrating the centuries and hitting our own daily lives with unweakened energy. What is that truth? The progressive evolution and development of a democracy is not pos¬ sible without the continuing and growing responsibility of the individual. True, our forebears formed groups for protection of all who were in them. But these groups were the product of individual responsibility shared by all. They were formed to guarantee the opportunity for further Human Resources 157 1962] and greater individual effort and responsibility and not to smother it by selfish group pressure or replace it by group thinking or by the inertia and inactivity of group intradependency. Without a living, active and hungry sense of individual responsibiliy in each of us, centralized restrictive and directive authority of the govern¬ ment with punitive control is the only eventual method of enforcing orderly rules of behavior. We have only to remember the characteristics of our ancestry which give us our inborn nature to realize how foreign and unwelcome such a prospect should be to everyone of us. If we have further doubts as to the validity of this conclusion with respect to group or government control many of us can, 1 am sure, recall our experiences and reactions under Prohibition. These represented an experiment in authoritarian control which, although not as “noble” as it was once described, was most certainly enlightening and prophetic as well. The amazing and deeply disturbing fact is that there exists, and is in¬ creasing, all around us today a flood of clear and ominous evidence that we are forgetting or neglecting to take steps to correct and prevent this dangerous trend or current away from individual responsibility. I should like to discuss briefly the present situation as I see it in three great fields of essential and continuing human effort in order to illustrate what I mean. These fields are Health, Education and Industry. Health It is of first importance to recognize the fascinating and inspiring pro¬ gress which has been made in the short span of our own lifetime in the control and prevention of disease. When I was a child diptheria, malaria, tuberculosis, polio (although not clearly identified), pneumonia, whooping cough, and a whole group of infectious diseases were killing people by the tens and hundreds of thous¬ ands. Slowly but with consummate skill, medical research discovered the causes of these diseases and developed methods of euring or, even better, of preventing them. Anti-sera vaccines, mosquito control, antibiotics were developed and apphed. The lethal infectious diseases no longer threaten man with the sudden and terrifying menace that they once did. Broadly speaking, they are under control. But note the all-important fact that, without an active and widespread 158 The Virginia Journal of Science [July increased sense of individual lay responsibility, this result eould not have been attained, nor will it be maintained. You and I and our children and grandchildren have to take the neees- sary steps to make ourselves readily and regularly available for prophy¬ lactic or curative treatment. What is the nature of the present health problem? The diseases remaining as unsolved and sobering problems are those which originate chiefly from causes inside of us - “built-in causes.” These causes are very complex and difficult to detect, identify and analyze. As examples of such diseases may be cited cancer, cardiovascular dis¬ ease and mental illness. Each of these categories ineludes many distinct and different form of origin and expression. Each of them demands to a very great degree individual lay responsi¬ bility and eooperation if we are to make significant progress toward its control. Periodic health examination of all eitizens, ineluding those without sym¬ ptoms of any sort, will have to be the established general proeedure before knowledge of the earliest signs of departure from normalcv toward these diseases ean be detected and can be eorrected or cheeked. One ean recognize at once that the submission of the individual to periodie examination demands individual responsibility and cooperation. At least some of those of you here today will probably resent the idea. The fact is, however, that with the growth of the population there will be steadily increasing numbers of those older people who will need to be eared for and treated for these constiutional types of ailment. The very nature of the diseases will foree on us a type of increased individual diseip- line and responsibility in order to control and decrease the rate of press¬ ure on our actual and potential resources for hospitalization and treatment. In other words, as the numbers of dependents inerease and the burden on the taxpayer for their support, either directly or through agencies, grows heavier, action as mentioned will have to be taken to deerease or control as much as possible the rate at, and extent to, which we allow these diseases to become clinieal and critical. At these stages they require a maximum of both human and material facilities to eare for them. The point that I should like to emphasize is that the sooner each of us informs him or herself about this situation and the more he or she thinks about this situation, and the more he or she thinks about it before it beeomes more acute, the wiser, easier, more rapid and more permanent the eventual solution will be. Human Resources 159 1962] There will of course always have to be organized groups as a part of our health problems and indeed as a part of our whole civilization itself. Faculties and departments of medical schools, staffs of hospitals, socie¬ ties, associations and colleges of surgeons and physicians, municipal, coun¬ ty, state, and federal departments of health are all examples of such groups. The important fact to be remembered and actively accepted is that such groups are only as good as are, first, the motives of the individuals who who comprise their leaders and membership and, second, the degree to which such groups are the servants of the individual man and not his brain or his conscience. The individual must assume responsibility. The problem is to understand and maintain the proper perspective and relative functions and responsibilities of the group and of the individual so that each will cooperate with the other in the most constructive and creative action possible, but this again is youFs and my responsibility and no one elses! Education The last few decades have seen a remarkable development of profes¬ sional group-interest activites among educators. There has been and is a high and increasing degree of interest in devis¬ ing rigid procedural rules, regulations and curricula with which compli¬ ance by prospective and practicing teachers is essential to appointment and promotion within the increasingly self-seeking profession of teaching and educational administration. At the same time there has developed among students, at least those of college or higher grade, a disturbing tendency to expect more and more financial help for little or no greater intellectual effort or responsibility on their part as individuals. There is a growing interest in trading with, and in selling their mental potentialities to, the bidder that gives them the greatest material return for the least effort. I do not mean that all students or all teachers have yielded to the group- privilege philosophy of life. There are many thousands still keenly aware of individual responsibihty and of unselfish effort as an essential to true democracy. I am sure, however, that all of us here today will admit that the tendency to accept group activity and group pressure as shapers of our thinking is ahve and growing in education. Again - — the correction of this trend depends on the responsibility of individuals like you and me. 160 The Virginia Journal of Science [July Schizophrenic! The new IQ-213 won’t believe it is merely a cal¬ culator. It is. But it refuses to act like one. Too limiting. It solves problems with greater speed and fewer operator decisions than any previ¬ ous calculator ever has, reducing most com¬ putational activity to mere push-button pro¬ cedures. It stores ten digit constants in its memory for recall whenever you want them. It enables you to multiply a large constant by a smaller variable. It even recalls constant di¬ visors from memory— something no calculator has ever before been able to do— thereby elim¬ inating the need for reciprocals in most prob¬ lems. All at the touch of a single button! Addi¬ tionally, It automatically programs itself for every calculation, removing the need for any manual positioning, clearing, or setting when changing from one arithmetic sequence to another . . . and eliminates the physical han¬ dling of Intermediate figures usually neces¬ sary on ordinary calculators. (In a three-factor problem, each figure can be loaded into the machine before the first multiplication takes place. Press the button and the problem un¬ ravels itself!) What's more, it automatically accumulates multipliers (as a by-product of squaring In standard deviation) and quotients (In correlation work). No wonder It rebels at being categorized with machines so much more limited! Actually, it is simply the most automatic and most accurate calculator ever produced, well worth its price of one thousand eighty-five dollars. See for yourself. Call your local Monroe representative (he’s listed in the phone book) for a demonstration today. MONROS 03 GENERAL OFFICES: ORANGE. NEW JERSEY • A DIVISION OF LIHON INDUSTRIES 1962] Human Resources 161 Labor-Capital This field provides the classic example of group selfishness and greed at its worst. The situation is critical and shocking in its own right but it gains in menace and in potentiality for fatal tragedy when we realize that it exists in a nation which, consciously or not, largely accepts economic power as its saviour. We can buv anything - good will - understanding - security. When the labor unions were first organized, capital had selfishly and cruelly exploited the worker in at least several major industries and was abusing him in many others, large and small. The union was a much needed protector. However, even some of the very first labor leaders and organizers were themselves selfish and were motivated not by true inter¬ est in the worker but the potentiality of the organized group of work¬ ers as a producer of social and financial power and authority. Other leaders may have been motivated by more worthy ideas and emotions. At all events, good and bad together, the first efforts were highly success¬ ful in producing a new and vital type of group-interest organization based on class distinction and on fighting for an ever larger share of the money received by industry from its consumers and stockholders. The protection of the health and of the basic earnings of the working man or woman - of labor so-called - is an objective with which no fair person can disagree. The use of group influence and power to foster, and increasingly to advocate, a philosophy of more pay for less work is quite another matter. All of recorded history through the centuries and indeed our own indi¬ vidual consciences, if they still function, tell us that this is a one-way street with an ever-increasing downward slope toward disintegration of the morale of any individual, family, state, nation or civilization. There is no need to cite the growing number of cases of criminal ex¬ ploitation of labor by its own leaders. There are individuals whose decay and putrefication is recognized by our moral “nostrils.” Eventually they will be punished and replaced. What is far more dangerous is the largely unrecognized existence of a vast body of Americans who no longer believe in individual responsi- bihty, whose workmanship has deteriorated, whose pride in the work of one's hands is dead or dying, and who have sold their birthright of indi¬ vidual responsibility for the pottage of group-privilege and patronage. What a long and unhappy journey this is from the early days of our 162 The Virginia Journal of Science country. The traits now applauded and advanced by labor and its fol¬ lowers as guides to democratic living would have led to the whipping post or to expulsion from community life in the old days and, remember, Ameri¬ cans in those davs sired and guarded the troubled infanev of our country with hopes of a morally greater and more unselfish nation than we are building. Can we by individual effort, slow down and later reverse this trend? Can we bring back into the heart, mind and daily life of both labor and capital the true meaning of giving instead of getting? Can we do any¬ thing to change a traditional attitude of suspicion, antagonism and the tragic failure of both to reeognize that each of them - labor and capital - are really only two sides of the same great sheet of paper, namely, sueeessful cooperative production and distribution of the material compo¬ nents of our civilization? Of course, I do not claim to give a complete or perhaps even the best possible answer or answers to these soeio-economic questions but I do wish to make a plea for certain things that each of us can do, at no material sacrifice, to increase the probability of such answers being made before it is too late. What I shall propose is a challenge in a very real sense. It calls for increased individual effort. It aceepts willingly the philosophy of the proven worth of individual responsibility and it proposes a way in which each of us, young or old in years, Virginian, New Englander, and all Americans can become partners in the effort . So far we have been analyzing and evaluating some of the major fac¬ tors that compose the trends that motivate the sociologieal and biological development of our country today. It is evident that these faetors and trends apply to Virginia and are a part of its human environment just as much as the various natural resources about which we have heard are a part of its physical environment. We have seen, I hope, that there is obvious and critical need for ehang- ing our democracy by the nourishing and increase of individual responsi¬ bility, if we are to evolve or, perhaps, even to survive as a nation. What is needed is the kind of sense of individual responsibility which keeps asking, not "what is the least I can do?”, but "what is the most?” Here is where the fact that I am speaking to Virginians in Virginia makes me take heart. Back of many of you lies the ancestry, and back of all of you the tradi¬ tion that made this colony and state the birthplace and nursery of just Human Resources 1962] 163 the sort of individual courage, devotion, tenacity and creative effort which make up the kind of individual responsibility to which I refer. This is your precious heritage and should be your lodestar. There is no need for discouragement if we will face our individual opportunities frankly and unselfishly and with consecrated determination. The great and good truth is that the elements that we need for recrea¬ tion and establishment of this saving strengh are, as I have said, attainable to every one of us — without material sacrifice. To be on a firm foundation, our efforts to attain this strength must be guided by the acceptance of utilization of certain principles, certain basic truths that possess definite and definable qualities. What are these qualities? There are four of them without which our efforts will be in vain, but with which they will live and grow and spread and conquer. The first principle is SIMPLICITY. What we believe in and what we do in this effort must be so simple that it can be independent of any type or grade of informal education. What is involved is knowledge of a way of life and not the memorizing of facts recorded in books. What man’s mind creates or builds by intellect alone can be destroyed by the superior intellects of enemies. What he builds by his way of life is his for all time. The second principle is UNIVERSITY. What we believe in and what we do must be applicable to Jew and Gentile, black or white, Russian or American, rich or poor, young and old alike. The third principle is CONTAGIOUSNESS. What we believe in and what we do must be lived by each of us and must be transferable to the lives of others by contact and by example. The written or graven word can be destroyed, the spoken word forgotten; the influence of a great and full life hves on in the lives of others. The fourth and last principle is SPIRITUALITY — what we believe in and what we do must have the qualities of agelessness and of freedom from material attrition. The greatest material structures of many hands or minds have crumbled. Purely intellectual theories, analyses, and explanation are disproved, re¬ placed and discarded. The guiding spiritual truths lived by Brahmin, Bud¬ dha, the Hebrew prophets, Jesus, and other great spirits live on in age¬ less strength. Each of us must, therefore, continually search our souls to ask, does 164 [July The Virginia Journal of Science Quality © A. T. Co. Products of cf^m£/uiza/rv c/(Wscfcec^> IS OUR MIDDLE NAME Human Resources 1962] 165 what I am about to believe and do have the essential qualities? Is it simple, universal, contagious, can I live it, and is it spiritual? Inofar as these four elements are present, we are building as we can and should. Insofar as they are absent, still further efforts on our part are needed to find and to establish these lasting criteria of value. But, you may say, this way of life is too idealistic - it is not practical. Let me hasten to assure you that it is not only practical but that oppor¬ tunities to prove is practicality, to use and live it, are all around us, every¬ day, everywhere. In what areas shall we seek for, find and utilize these opportunities? In our daily life for each of us there are four such areas of contact which necessarily span and define the unavoidable limits of our experi¬ ence. These areas are: (I) our contacts with the physical world in which we are living, (2) our contacts with other people, (3) our contacts with the infinite, and (4) the adjustment of these three areas of contact inside ourselves. There is no other area of experience in which each of us in the whole world lives or can live. For each and all of us, there is a single word or phrase for eaeh area of contact that can be our safe and sure guide. We must remember that these “guides” must fulfill the requirements of basic values. They must be simple, universal, contagious and spiritual. What are they? In contacts with the world in which we live, WORK is the guide. This means far more than manual labor, although that is included. It means alertness, eagerness, enthusiasm, full use of the senses, in what we do with our hands, our heads and our hearts. The qualities of WORK so defined are simple, universal, contagious and spiritual. Each of you will recognize this as you think about it. In contacts with other people, LOVE. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” means put yourself in his place and treat him as you would wish to be treated. This does not mean absence of criticism or blind compliance. It does mean tolerance and sympathy and understanding. Love meets completely the test of the four basic truths. It is simple, universal, con¬ tagious and spiritual. In relation to the Infinite, FAITH. Here we must accept and live a childlike and unquestioning FAITH in the benevolence and love of a God 166 The Virginia Journal of Science [July Corning Glass • Kimble Glass • Coors Porcelain • Nalge Plastics • Sheldon Furniture • Beckman Representing the Most Respected Manufacturers in the Laboratory Supply industry Instruments • Coleman Instru¬ ments ® American Optical Com¬ pany ® Bausch & Lomb, Inc. • Eberbach Corporation • Inter¬ national Equipment Company • Burrell Corporation • Labora¬ tory Equipment Company • Ainsworth Balance • Ohaus Balance • U.S. Stoneware • J. T. Baker Chemicals • Mal- linckrodt Chemicals • Matheson Coleman & Bell Organics • Precision Scientific Company • Labline, Inc. • Thermolyne Corporation ® Buehler, Ltd. • Baltimore Biological • Difco Laboratories • Wm. Boekel & Company • Humboldt Manufac¬ turing Company • Hevi-Duty Electric Company • W. A. Taylor Company ® Sartorious Balance ® Torsion Balance • Hellige, Inc. • Plus Many Others. Serving the South for over 35 years - 7 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT / ^ B / ' 6TH & BYRD STREETS — RICHMOND, VA. PHONE MI 4-5401 Human Resources 167 1962] who has stayed with and in man through his long and often painful and obstructed jornmey toward TRUTH and a more complete partnership. This kind of faith will be hard to accept for many of us who are accus¬ tomed to include characteristic forms or ritual in our relations with the Infinite. If, however, each of us is courageous and honest he will recognize that what ah behevers possess in common will have to become childlike in its confession of trust in, and love of, the God of whom we are aware, whom we can and do experience, and whom we cannot see with our eyes, or define, organize or dominate by our intellect. It is only by the common acceptance of the childlike dependency of each and all of us upon this sort of FAITH that we shall become brothers spiritually in a way that will have real meaning and will contribute to the spiritual evolution of all mankind. Man has been told this by every great spiritual leader through the ages. It needs repetition and remem- berances. The adjustment of these three essential components of individual respon¬ sibility — WORK, LOVE, FAITH — inside of each of us requires a sense of BALANCE, or proportion and perspective. It also requires a sense of humor for most of our failures and stupidities in our various efforts must be recognized as being natural and temporary rather than critical or tragic. The plea that I have made is for you to recognize the lasting power and potentialities of individual responsibihty and its disturbing absence in our American thought and way of life. I have tried to define, direct and open roads to the happy and fruitful attainment of that responsibility. In the more than three and a half centuries that have passed since the birth of our country there has been, and is being, a significant spiritual evolution of which each of us is meant to be a part. This evolution began long ages ago. It will continue until God’s experiment either fails or leads to man’s living with and in Him in peace, love and grace. Remember always that out of the stark and cruel experiences of these first settlers, these new eitizens of a new world; out of the menacing, encircling forests, the lethal invasive heat of the summers, the chilling, weakening cold of the winters, something very precious to our country and to us was born. This was the living proof of the power of individual responsibilitv. 4nd the fierce travail and labor pains of its birth were a lasting ele¬ ment in its glory. This suffering was a part of their individual lives which they accepted and, at least, overcame. 168 The Virginia Journal of Science Cj^y These men and women had set themselves a seemingly impossible task. First, to find, then to settle, and then to refine this new world as a home for what they held to be right and true. This to them was to be first of all a world in which the individual not only recognized and met his almost overwhelming obligations but, and this is the immortal quality, sought for them, fought for them, and died for them. Once this concept of our origin is admitted, the need of each of us today to examine honestly our own motives and practices becomes imperative without further delay in order to be sure that we are doing our part toward the re-birth of this responsibility. So too, does the willing and enthusiastic adoption and living by guid¬ ing principles that will aid us in reaching and maintaining our optimum contribution toward this effort. Clearly, this is a challenge to all Americans, but it is peculiarly applicable to all Virginians who should have justifiable pride in the historv of indi¬ vidual achievement of their people throughout the birth and growth of our country, and who should rise to confess that pride by their own lives. Just as your people and mine found that true Peace came from tireless, consecrated work and action - not from inaction and material fattening, so must we grasp life firmly and live it with all our physical, mental and spiritual energy until its end. Just as your people and mine left material and social security to learn that not to fear insecurity brings a greater security, which is spiritual and which extends to others, so must we, without further delay, make the same journey, while there is yet time. We must make it by living in Work and Love and Faith. Each step we take along that road will give us greater strength to take the next and, as we continue, we shall feel growing in us the renewing Truth that we in our time are being faithful to the great Power that enlightened those who went before and that seeks to enlighten those who come after us down the ages. 1962] Human Resources 169 BUSINESS MEMBERS VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company Allied Chemical Corporation The American Tobacco Company Dan River Mills The Dow Chemical Company E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. First and Merchants National Bank General Electric Company Lams and Brother Company, Inc. The Newport News Shipbuilding Company Foundation Norfolk and Western Railway Company Phihp Morris and Company, Limited, Inc. Phipps and Bird, Inc. Reynolds Metals Company A. H. Robins Company Southern Materials Company State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation Virginia Chemicals and Smelting Company 170 The Virginia Journal of Science [July Elementary Genetics W. RALPH SINGLETON Miller Professor of Biology Director of the Blandy Experimental Farm University of Virginia A text that develops the basic principles of genetics and delves into the recent advances of research. 200 MEANINGFUL ILLUSTRATIONS including line drawings by a geneticist-artist. NEW “ZYGOTIC” CHECKERBOARD explains more easily the segregation of two genes CAREFULLY SELECTED PROBLEMS Clarify handling of the subject matter. CONCISE CHAPTER SUMMARIES highlight the salient points D. VAN N0SIRAND COMPANY, Inc. 120 ALEXANDER ST., PRINCETON, N.J. I The Annual Subscription Rate is $3.00, and the cost of a single I number, $1.00. Reprints are available only if ordered when galley proof is I returned. All orders except those involving exchanges should be addressed I to Carl W. Allen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. The I' University of Virginia Library has exclusive exchange arrangements, and I communications relative to exchange should be addressed to The Librarian, I Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Notice To Contributors I Contributions to the Journal should be addressed to Paul B. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic I Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. If any preliminary notes have been published on the subject I which is submitted a statement to that effect must accompany the manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate, typewritten in double spacing on standard i 8 1/2" X 1 1" paper, with at least a one inch margin on all sides. Manuscripts are limited I to seven pages, with the proviso that if additional pages are desired, the author may obtain them at cost. The author may estimate the length of his paper by counting the total number of characters, including blank spaces, and dividing this by 3300. The result is the approxi¬ mate number of printed pages in the Journal. , Division of the manuscript into subheadings must follow a consistent plan. It Is desir¬ able that a brief summary be included in all manuscripts. Footnotes should be included in the body of the manuscript immediately following the reference, and set off by a dashedline above and below the footnote content. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the manuscript, r References should be arranged alphabetically according to author. Each reference should I include the date, full title of the article, the name of the Journal, the volume and pages. L For example: Harvie, L. E. and S. P. Maroney, Jr., 1961. Respiration and hemolysis of ultra- S violet irradiated frog erythrocytes. Va. Jour. Sci. 12:1-9. References to the bibliographic citations should not be made by numbers. Instead, using the above citation, where a ,! reference is desired: either (Harvie and Maroney, 1961) or Harvie and Maroney (1961). Explanation of graphs and tabular material should be fyped on separate pages. All ^ figures should be numbered consecutively beginning with the first text figure and continuing ; through the plates. If figures are to be inserted in the text this should be indicated at the ■ appropriate place in the margin. Illustrations including lettering, should be arranged so that on reduction they will not I exceed the dimensions of the maximum size of a printed page. Large plates must be ac- ' companied by photographic copies which can be sent to the reviewers. . The Journal will * furnish the author with one plate or its equivalent; additional figures, colored illustratiotTS or lithographs may be used only if the author makes a grant covering the cost of production. ' Original drawings (which must be done in black drawing ink) not photographs of drawings, 1 should accompany the manuscript. When photographic prints are used they should be glossy, sharp and show good contrast. Drawings not neatly executed and labeled (do not use a typewriter), or which are not submitted on white paper will not be accepted. Galley proofs are sent to the author for correction. Costs of excessive changes from the original manuscript must be defrayed by the author. OFFICERS OF THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Horton H. Hobbs, President Jackson J. Taylor, President-Elect Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Foley F. Smith, Treasurer Wiliam B. Wartman, Jr., Assistant Secretary-Treasurer COUNCIL ' Herbert W. K. Fitzroy Stanley B. Williams Harry G. M. Jopson j G. Tyler Miller, Jr. I J. G. Forbes I W. S. Flory I Suzie V. Floyd W. H. Brittingham P. Ame Hansen E. D. Brand W. M. Hinton P. B. Siegel W. W. Scott S. B. Rov7 J. L. Galver E. F. Turner, Jr. Boyd Harshbarger W. B. Bell H. Leidheiser, Jr. <■ THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE A JOURNAL ISSUED QUARTERLY BY THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1961-1962 Vol. 13, New Series September, 1962 No. 4 VoL. 13, New Series No. 4 September, 1962 THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published Four Times A Year In January, April, July, and September, by The Virginia Academy of Science Printed by The Bassett Printing Corporation, Bassett, Virginia Pages 172 CONTENTS Proceedings for the Year 1961-1962 Detailed Table of Contents . EDITORIAL BOARD Paul B. Siegel, Editor Carl W. Allen, Managing Editor Section Editors D. R. Carpenter, Jr. P. A. Hansen J. C. Thompson C. Y. Kramer M. A. Kise N. F. Murphy W. T. Parrott W. P. Anslow, Jr. F. B. Rowe A. Mandell G. W. Thomas Entered as second-class matter, at the post-office at Bassett, Virginia, and Blacksburg, Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Subscription $3.00 annually. Published four times a yean in January, April, July and September by the Virginia Academy of Science at Blacksburg, Virginia. Mailed October 15, 1962 The Virginia Journal of Science VoL. 13, New Series No. 4 VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Proceedings for the Year 1961 - 1962 MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING MAY 9-12, 1962 Host — Norfolk College of William and Mary 172 The Virginia Journal of Science [September CONTENTS Officers, 1961-1962 . 173 Officers and Committees, 1962-1963 . 174 Constitution and By-Laws . 177 Minutes of the Academy Tabulation of Registration, 1962 Meeting . 183 Council Meeting . 184 Academy Conference . 187 Academy Assembly . 188 Council Meeting . 192 Reports Treasurer . 194 Finance . 198 Investment Fund . 199 Long Range Planning . 200 Membership — - . 202 Research . 202 Junior Academy . 204 Science Talent Search . 205 Scholarship . 206 Virginia Flora . 206 History of Science . 207 Place of Meeting . 208 Minutes of Abstracts of Sections Agricultural Science . 209 Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics . 223 Bacteriology . 237 Biology . 240 Chemistry . 255 Engineering . 264 Geology . 276 Medical Sciences . 288 Psychology . 294 Science Teachers . 308 Statistics . 309 News and Notes . 314 List of Members . 318 List of Business Members . 351 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 173 Virginia Academy of Science OFFICERS (1961-1962) Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., President Jackson J. Taylor, President-Elect Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Foley F. Smith, Treasurer William B. Wartman, |r., Assistant Secretary-Treasurer COUNCIL (1961-1962) Elected and Section Representatives H. W. F. Fitzroy S. B. Row B. Harshbarger H. G. M. Jopson Miss S. V. Floyd S. B. Williams P. A. Hansen E. F. Turner, Jr. E. D. Brand W. H. Brittingham J. L. Calver G. T. Miller, Jr. Past-Presidents J. G. Forbes W. M. Hinton W. B. Bell W. S. Flory P. B. Siegel Ex-Officio W. W. Scott H. Leidheiser, Jr. 174 The Virginia Journal of Science [September officers of the VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1962-1963 Officers Jackson J. Taylor, President Foley F. Smith, President-Elect Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Rodney C. Berry, Sr., Treasurer William B. Wartman, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Trustees Lloyd C. Bird (1963), Chairman C. T. O’Neill (1964) ' H. R. Hanmer (1965) Council Elected Members P. A. Hansen (1963) E. D. Brand (1964) H. G. M. Jopson (1963) J. L. Calver (1964) G. T. Miller, Jr. (1963) B. Harshbarger (1964) S. B. Row (1963) S. B. Williams (1964) Miss S. V. Floyd (1965) J. M. Grayson (1965) E. F. Turner, Jr. (1965) Ex-Officio Members H. Leidheiser, Jr. P. B. Siegel R. D. Hughes W. W. Scott Past Presidents W. M. Hinton (1963) W. B. Bell (1964) H. H. Hobbs, Jr. (1965) Committees Appointed By President Taylor RESEARCH. R. D. Hughes (1963) Chairman, S. B. Wilhams (1964), B. Harshbarger (1965), E. C, Stevenson (1966), and W. R. Harlan (1967). FINANCE AND ENDOWMENT. B. Harshbarger (1963) Chairman, E. Cox (1963), G. W. Horsley (1963), L. C. Bird (1964), S. S. Negus (1964), J. W. Cole, Jr. (1965), C. T. O’Neill (1965), R. F. Smart (1966), E. S. Harlow (1967), and H. H. Hobbs, Jr. (1967). LONG RANGE PLANINNG. H. Leidheiser (1964) Chairman, D. R. Carpenter, Jr. (1963), J. W. Cole, Jr. (1963), W. S. Flory (1963), E. S. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 175 Harlow (1963), B. Harshbarger (1963), W. M. Hinton (1963), G. W. Jeffers (1964), F. D. Kizer (1964), S. S. Obenshain (1964), S. B. Row (1964), J. C. Thompson (1964), W. B. Befl (1965), A. D. Campbell (1965), J. C. Forbes (1965), W. F. Guy (1965), P. B. Siegel (1965), and O. L. Updike, Jr. (1965). MEMBERSHIP. E. S. Harlow (1964), Chairman, L. Quarle.s (1963), Vice-Chairman, W. P. Bover (1963), Vice-Chairman, R. C. Berry (1963), R, B. Seligman (1964), L. C. Bird, (1965), M. A. Rise (1965), L, Heisey (1963), R. W. Engel (1964), F. D. Kiser (1964), B. English (1965), and R. Harrell (1965). VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. P. B. Siegel, Editor, C. W. Allen, Managing Editor, and F. L. Butler, Auditor. RESOLUTIONS. Z, Black (1963), Chairman, J. H. Starling (1963), and H. G. M. Jopson (1963). NATURAL RESOURCES. E. W. Mundie (1963), Chairman, W. S. Flory (1964), and H. P. Cotton (1965). AWARDS. L. C. Bird (1965), Chairman, 1. F. Lewis (1963), and W. T. Sanger ( 1964 ) . NOMITATING. W. M. Hinton (1963), Chairmen, W. B. Bell (1964), and H. H. Hobbs, Jr. (1965). VIRGINIA FLORA. A. B. Massev (1965), Chairman, L. Artz (1963), I. F. Lewis (1963), D. L. Crandair(1964), P. M. Patterson (1964), A. R. Shields (1964), W. S. Flory (1965), and R. Freer (1965). SCHOLARSHIP. S. S. Negus (1963), Chairman, 1. F. Lewis (1963), W. T. Sanger (1963), J. W. Beams (1964), L. C. Bird (1964), J. W. Whitte- more (1964), E. Cox (1965), H. R. Hammer (1965), and B. Harsh- barger (1965). SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH. E. V. Russell (1965), Chairman, E. S. Higgins (1963), J. C. Holmes (1963), T. C. Heatwole (1964), F. D. Kiser (1964), and H. H. Garretson (1965). JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. W. W. Scott (1964), Chairman, D. Blickenstaff (1963), W. W. Cash, Jr. (1963), V. Ellett (1963), R. Johnson (1963), J. H. Kepchar (1963), F, D. Kizer (1963), V. B. Rems- burg (1963), J. J. Thaxton (1963), R. H. Dunn (1964), S. V. Floyd (1964), A. B. Niemeyer (1964), E. V. Russell, Jr. (1964), E. S. Grable (1965), J. Pugh (1965), M. S. Tischler (1965)', D. Whitehead (1965), and E. L. Wisman (1965). SCIENCE EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA. J. G. Barker (1963), Chairman, L. V. Heisey (1963), B. C. Via (1963), J. C. Forbes (1964), F. D. Kizer 176 The Virginia Journal of Science [September (1964), J. C. Wells (1964), B. English (1965), J. W. Stewart (1965), and W. S. Woolcott, Jr. (1965). HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN VIRCINIA. I. Boggs (1963), Chairman, I. F. Lewis (1963), E. Cox (1964), G. W. Jeffers (1964), W. G. Guy (1965), and S. S. Negus (1965). PLACE OF MEETING. 1964-CharlottesviIle. R. D. Hughes (Chair¬ man), J. C. Forbes, and J. J. Taylor. 1965— Richmond. W. W. West (Chairman), L. D. Abbott, and M. E. Kapp. 1966— S. M. Heflin (Chairman), C. S. Sher¬ wood and J. Wells. LOCAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS. Annual Meeting, May 1-4, 1963, Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia. General Chairman— B. Harshbarger, V. P. I. Housing— B. E. Gushee, Hollins College. Meeting Rooms and Equipment— A. Robey (Chairman), Roanoke College; J. B. Eades, V. P. I.; and S. S. Obenshain, V. P. I. Junior Academy— C. E. Trent, V.P.I. Registration— H. L. Holloway (Chairman), Roanoke College; L. Wine, Hollins College; and R. W. Engel, V. P. I. Public Information— W. P, Bradley, V.P.I. Commercial Exhibits— N. F. Murphy, V.P.I. Industrial Tours— P. R. Thompson, General Electric Co. and A. T. Crowley, Norfolk and Western Railway Co. Entertainment for Ladies— R. Painter, William Fleming High School and D. D. Montgomery, Hollins College. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 177 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE' Constitution ARTICLE 1: Name. The name of the organization shall be the Virginia Academy of Science. ARTICLE 2: Purpose. The purpose of this organization shall be to en¬ courage scientific research in Virginia and to arouse interest in and appre¬ ciation of science among the people of the State. (a) To discover, encourage and develop scientific interest and ability among the youth of the State by a Junior Academy of Science, by science clubs, by science talent searches and by other means. (b) To facilitate prompt publication of acceptable scientific papers and abstracts. (c) To cooperate insofar as practicable with industries in their scientific problems and with other scientific organizations having aims similar to this organization. (d) To cooperate with those in charge of the Virginia State Science Museum and the Virginia Institute for Scientific Research. (e) To render public service in scientific matters. (f) To hold meetings of the Junior and Senior Academies for the better acquaintance of those interested in all branches of science in Virginia. ARTICLE 3: Members. SECTION 1. There shall be eight classes of members: regular, student, contributing, sustaining, life, patron, hono¬ rary life and business. SECTION 2. The first four classes of members are distinguished by the dues which they pay ( see by-laws ) . SECTION 3. Life members shall consist of members who, by paying the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) are exempt from payment of further dues. SECTION 4. Patrons shall consist of those persons who have given to this organization the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) or its equivalent in property. They shall have all the rights and privileges of regular members and shall be exempt from dues. An institution may also ^Includes all revisions through the Academy Conference of May 10, 1962. INSTITU1I0N GGY fc’ w ! 178 The Virginia Journal of Science [September become a patron by meeting the above requirements. Its representative shall have all the rights and privileges of regular members. SECTION 5. Honorary life members shall consist of persons elected by the Council for long and distinguished service to science in this organiza¬ tion and others no matter where located. They shall have all the rights and privileges of regular members and shall be exempt from dues. SECTION 6. Business or industrial organizations, which pay dues of $100.00 annually, shall be Business Members of the Academy. Such dues will be used in the annual operations of the Junior Academy of Science, The Science Talent Search, and other purposes as directed by the Council. ARTICLE 4: Election of Memhers. Members of all classes except honorary life must be accredited by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Academy and/or the Council. See Article 3, Section 5, concerning honorary life membership. ARTICLE 5: Officers. The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary-Treasurer and an Assistant Sec¬ retary. ARTICLE 6: Council. The executive body of this organization shall be known as the Council. It shall be composed of the President, the President-Elect, tlie Secretary, the Treasurer, the Assistant Secretary- Treasurer, the three most recent Past Presidents, and one member elected by each Section of the Academy. The members from the several Sections shall be elected for three year terms, on a rotational basis among Sections. In addition to the above listed members, the following shall be ex-officio members of the Council: (1) the Editor, (2) the Chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee, (3) the Chairman of the Research Committee, and (4) the Chairman of the Committee for the Junior Academy of Science. In case of death or other unforseen interruption of this routine, the Presi¬ dent shall make interim appointments until the next annual election is held. ARTICLE 7: Duties of the Council. The Council shall have charge of the policy of this organization and its funds and shall supervise the publi¬ cation of its Journal, including the appointment of the Editor, Associate Editor, Managing Editor and Advertising Manager. The term of office of each shall be set by the Council. ARTICLE 8: Election of Officers and Council Members. A nominating Committee, appointed by the President, usually consisting of the three im¬ mediate Past Presidents, shall submit to the annual meeting nominations for President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, and for one or more members of the Council. Nominations from the floor shall be in order. These officers shall be elected annually by the membership and. Proceedings 1961-1962 1962] 179 with the expection of the Secretary-Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, shall not be eligible to succeed themselves. ARTICLE 9: Sections and Affiliated Chapters. SECTION 1. Any group of members may, with the approval of the Council, organize as a separate Section. Such a Section shall become established after it has conducted one successful program at an annual meeting. Any established Section which fails to conduct a program for two successive annual meet¬ ings may be dropped as a Section by action of the Council. Such a Sec¬ tion may be reestablished by the Council after it has conducted one suc¬ cessful program at an annual meeting. If any Section shall plan to adopt a constitution and by-laws, they must be approved by the Council prior to adoption by the Section. SECTION 2. Any group of members may, with the approval of the Council, organize Affiliated Chapters wherever deemed necessary. Each new Chapter's constitution and by-laws must be approved by the Council prior to its official affiliation with this organization. Any amendments sub¬ sequent to affiliation must also be approved. ARTICLE 10: Meetings. The annual meeting of this organization shall be held on the first or second Thursday, Friday and Saturday of May in each year at a place selected by the membership. The council shall de¬ cide whether the annual meeting shall be held the first or second Thursday, Friday and Saturday in May and shall arrange for any special meetings deemed necessary. ARTICLE 11. Business. SECTION 1. Forty members of this organi¬ zation shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at regular and special meetings. Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by the Council. No votes by proxy shall be cast at any meeting. SECTION 2. The fiscal year of this organization shall be from January 1 to December 31. SECTION 3. The parliamentary procedure of this organization shall be goverened by Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. SECTION 4. This constitution may be changed or amended at any meeting of the Council by a two-thirds majority of those present, subject to approval of the Academy Conference at the Annual Business Meeting pro¬ vided due notice of such proposed change has been published in the Vir¬ ginia Journal of Science or furnished in writing to the members prior to such annual meeting. The Council members shall be notified in writing thirty days prior to a Council Meeting of all contemplated changes to be proposed at that meeting. 180 The Virginia Journal of Science [September By-Laws SECTION 1. Annual Dues. (1) The annual dues of regular members shall be three dollars ($3.00). (2) The annual dues of student members shall be two dollars ($2.00) payable by July 1 of each year in advance and for which they shall receive The Virginia Journal of Science for that year. The sum of $1.25 of the $2.00 student dues shall go to The Virginia Journal of Science to cover the cost of student subscription. (3) Members who pay annual dues of five dollars ($5.00) shall be desig¬ nated Contributing Members. (4) Members and institutions which pav annual dues of ten dollars shall be designated Sustaining Members. (5) A Regular, Student, Contributing or Sustaining Member in good standing must not be in arrears in dues for more than one year. Any such member not in good standing because of non-payment of dues may be reinstated upon payment of dues in arrears. SECTION 2. Duties of Officers: (1) The President shall be the di¬ recting head of the Academy, shall preside at business meetings and gene¬ ral sessions of the organization, and shall appoint the members of the standing committees and of new committees authorized by the Council. (2) The President-Elect shall assist the President as mutually agreed between them, and shall serve as president in the latter’s absence. He shall furnish the Academy at its annual business meeting with a list of committee memberships which he has set up to assist him during his year as President. (3) The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a complete record of each annual meeting, and of other meetings held during the year by the Council, and shall prepare a report of their proceedings for publication. He shall keep the membership lists of the Academy in up-to-date fashion, shall promptly supply the Managing Editor of the Journal with the names of all new mem¬ bers and shall likewise supply the Managing Editor of the Journal, on Janu¬ ary 1 of each year, with the list of all members whose dues are paid by that date. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all funds except as provided be¬ low under Section (5), (2), shall disburse all funds as duected by the Council and approved by the President and/or Chariman of the Finance Committee, and shall submit at the annual meeting a written report of all receipts and disbursements. His annual report shall be accompanied by an audit by a recognized public accountant. He shall furnish quarterly finan¬ cial summaries to the officers and to the members of the Council and of the Finance Committee. He shall be adequately bonded. Proceedings 1961-1962 181 1962] (4) Officers shall serve ex-officio on all committees of the Academy. SECTION 3. Reimbursement of Officers: The President and Presi¬ dent-Elect shall serve without reimbursement. The Council, on recom¬ mendation of the Finance Committee, shall fix the salary of the Secretary- Treasurer annually. SECTION 4. Representation at Meetings: Where representation at national meetings and on formal academic occasions is desirable, the Presi¬ dent shall designate Academy representatives from among persons known to be planning attendance at those meetings. No officer or other Academy member shall receive compensation for attending meetings, scientific or otherwise, either within or without the state of Virginia— except for atten¬ dance of the Secretary-Treasurer, or in his absence some presidential desig¬ nate, at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advance¬ ment of Science, in order that the Academy may have a continuity of rep¬ resentation at Council Meetings of the American Association for the Ad¬ vancement of Science. In the case of this exception, the upper limit of the representative’s expenses, to be paid by the Academy, shall be round- trip railroad fare, plus a maximum of $15.00 per day expenses. SECTION 5. The Virginia Journal of Science: (1) THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE shall be the official publication of the Virginia Academy of Science, and as such shall carry approved articles summarizing scientific research work, appropriate news items (in as restricted a space as feasible), most announcements to the membership concerning Academy activities, and the Program for, and the Proceedings of, the Annual Meet¬ ing of the Academy. (2) For each dues-paying Member, except Student Members, two dollars ($2.00) shall be turned over to the Journal each year. When members in arrears pay back dues, two dollars ($2.00) shall go to the Journal for each year in which the Member has been supplied with issues of the Journal while in arrears. Where members have pledged and paid two additional dollars, for each of the first two years of the reinstituted Journal, these monies shall be paid to the Journal. All monies accruable entirely to the Journal (such as subscriptions without memberships, advertisement revenues, exchange fees, gifts, etc.) shall be collectable by, and paid directly to, the Journal. The Journal shall finance itself from the above- mentioned amounts, and from such other sources as become available, and shall set aside such sums as possible for any future contingencies. (3) All members shall receive the issues of the Journal. Subscriptions to the Academy Journal will be discontinued for those Students, Regular, Contributing, or Sustaining Members who have not paid their dues by January I of each year. (4) The staff shall be composed of an Editor, an Associate Editor, Man- 182 The Virginia Journal of Science [September aging Editor, and an Advertising Manager— all elected by the Council— and of Section Editors, with one representative, known as Section Editor, elected from and bv each of the Academy’s Sections. All members of the staff shall be elected for terms of five years (except that in reinstitn- ting the Journal the several Sectional Editors were elected for terms of two, three, four, and five years, respectively, in order that a rotation of ex¬ perienced editorial personnel might be assured.) In case of vacancies due to retirements, deaths, or other reasons, the positions shall be temporarily filled by the Council, from recommendations furnished by the Editorial Staff, until the time of the next Annual Meeting, at which time the posi¬ tions shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired terms by the groups responsible for the original appointments. (5) The Editor shall receive all materials for the Journal, shall send scientific articles to the appropriate Sectional Editors for refereeing, shall act as a referee himself, and shall edit all material published in the Journal. The Associate Editor shall aid the Editor in preparing materials for the Journal and in correcting proofs. The Managing Editor shall keep mailing lists that are up-to-date, shall mail all Journals (including Proceedings), shall keep financial accounts on the Journal, shall pay all bills and care for all business, including an annual audit of Books of the Journal— subject to the regulations and approval of the Academy Council. The Advertising Manager shall be responsible for securing the proper amount and type of advertising material for the Journal, and shall be re¬ sponsible to the Managing Editor. The Sectional Editors shall aid the Editor and Associate Editor in refe¬ reeing, and in securing additional referees for scientific articles within their respective fields; in preparing proper announcements and news items for the Journal and in such other ways as may be advantageous. (6) No staff member of the Journal shall receive remuneration for either work or travel, but shall be supplied with such materials as are used in the way of stationery, postage and similar items. SECTION 6. Committees: (I) The Research Committee shall be composed of five members, each appointed for a term of five years. One new member shall be appointed each year by the President to replace the member whose term will expire. The senior member of the committee shall serve as Chairman. (2) The Council shall have the right to establish other appropriate standing Committees, and such special Committees as, and when, needed. SECTION 7. Changes in these Bij-Laws: These by-laws may be Proceedings 1961-1962 183 1962] changed or amended at any meeting of the Couneil by two-thirds majority of those present, subjeet to approval of the Academy Conference at the Annual Business Meeting, provided due notice of such proposed change has been published in the Virginia Journal of Science or furnished in writ¬ ing to the members prior to such annual meeting. The Council members shall be notified in writing thiity days prior to a Council Meeting of all contemplated changes to be proposed at that meeting. TABULATION OF REGISTRATION-1962 MEETING SECTION Members Non-members Total Agriculture 28 21 49 Astronomv, Mathematics, & Physics 43 41 84 Bacteriology 13 7 20 Biology 77 65 142 Chemistry 70 36 106 Engineering 9 21 30 Geology 27 24 51 Medical Sciences 11 10 21 Psychology 24 45 69 Science Teachers 19 7 26 Statistics 13 7 20 No Section preference 16 123 139 Totals y 350 407 757 Registration of the Junior Academy 324 Total Registration 1962 Meeting 1081 184 The Virginia Journal of Science [September MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL GOLDEN TRIANGLE HOTEL, NORFOLK MAY 10, 1962 Dr. Hobbs called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. with the following present: W. B. Bell, Zoe Black, Isabel Boggs, E. D. Brand, W. H. Britting- ham, J. T. Calver, Susie V. Floyd, J. C. Forbes, P. Arne Hansen, Boyd Harshbarger, W. M. Hinton, E. V. Russell, Jr., W. W. Scott, C. S. Sher¬ wood, Paul B. Siegel, Foley A. Smith, Jackson J. Taylor, E. V. Turner, Jr., W. R. West, Jr., and Stanley Williams. Since the minutes of the last meet¬ ing had been published in the April, 1962 issue of the Journal, a motion was passed that they not be read at this time. Dr. Hobbs reported that Mr. Jackson Taylor, president-elect, had rep¬ resented the Academy at ceremonies held at Hollins College, when Dr. Logan was installed as president of the college. ^He thanked Dr. Harsh¬ barger for his efforts toward securing Dr. Siegel and Dr. Allen as new edi¬ tor and managing editor, respectively, of the Journal. Dr. Hobbs read from a letter in which Dr. Gwathmey expressed appreciation to the Aca¬ demy for its $1000.00 contribution to the Building Fund of the Virginia Institute for Scientific Research. Dr. Hobbs read a report from the com¬ mittee he had appointed to consider the role of the Academy in recogniz- ing— possibly by a suitable citation— an industi'ial firm in the State for an outstanding contribution to science. This committee of Drs. Guy, Negus, and Smart (Chairman), recommended: 1) that the Academy recognize a Virginia industry for an outstanding contribution to science by a suitable citation, 2) that no award be made in 1962, and 3) that the initial award be presented in 1963. During the discussion of this report ques¬ tions were raised as to what would be the qualifications, how often the award would be given, and who would recommend a firm for the award. A motion by Dr. Bell was passed which provided that the incoming presi¬ dent request the committee to consider these and any other pertinent questions, and discuss them with the Awards Committee, and to make recommendations as to the ‘‘ground rules” and the mechanics of the Aca¬ demy making such an award. Mr. Taylor reported he had appointed new committee members where appropriate, and all matters relative to his succeeding to the office of presi¬ dent were progressing satisfactorily. The Treasurer’s report showed a small anticipated smplus of receipts over expenditures for 1962. Mr. Sherwood reported that all arrangements pertaining to the meet- Proceedings 1961-1962 185 1962] ing were proceeding satisfactorily. Dr. Hobbs thanked Mr. Sherwood and others on the committee for their most successful planning and arrange¬ ments for the meeting. President Hobbs then reviewed the work of the Committees through their Chairman, where possible, for Council’s acceptance before they were presented formally at the Academy Conference. With respect to the Junior Academy’s E. C. L. Miller Award the question arose as to its original intent. Dr. Scott reported that since he had been Chairman, the award had been given to the most oustanding club, but for some time prior it had been given to the Club Sponsor. Minutes at hand (back to 1950) did not date far enough back and the Secretary was asked to look the matter up and report at the fall Council Meeting. Council passed Dr. Bell’s motion that the E. C. L. Miller award be given to the winning club, that two honorable mention of $25 each be given, that the original intent of the award be investigated, and that Coun¬ cil act in the best interest of the award at its fall meeting. During the discussion of the report of the Junior Academy of Science Committee, Dr. Scott stated that, with Council’s approval, his committee planned to subsidize the teacher-sponsor scholarships by giving $100.00, from Junior Academy funds, to the recipients for expenses. Council ap¬ proved this proposal. Dr. Hinton reported that the Awards Committee was not recommend¬ ing any special awards to be presented at this annual Academy meeting. The 1963 meeting had already been arranged to be held in Roanoke and the 1964 meeting to be held in Charlottesville. Dr. West reported that the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond Professional Institute, and the University of Richmond had invited the Academy to meet in Rich¬ mond in 1965, with these institutions as hosts. The Committee recom¬ mended that this invitation be accepted. Council approved this recom¬ mendation and voted that this be reported at the Academy Conference for action by the Academy membership. President Hobbs inquired of the feeling of Council as to the place in the Academy which the Flora Committee should have. Dr. Harshbarger pointed up the work Dr. Massey has and is doing and indicated that the work of this committee would reflect honor on the Academy and should be kept as an Academy Committee. Miss Boggs reported that the materials for a history of the Academy are in hand, and its publication is desirable. Council is in favor of this but wishes to look into the financial outlay involved. For the future. Miss Boggs, recommends the writing of a history of Science in Virginia, that persons from various sections, or historians inte- 186 The Virginia Journal of Science [September rested in this research constitute a reorganized Committee. Council pass¬ ed Dr. Williams’ motion that Council go on record as approving Miss Boggs recommendation that the slate of officers of each section include a his¬ torian. Dr. Williams reporting for the Committee studying the advisability and feasibility of obtaining a full-time Executive Secretary reported he is working informally and he felt it should be gradually worked out. Council approved Mr. Taylor’s motion that the revision of Article 6 of the Constitution as published in the Journal Vol. 12, No. 4, Page 122, September 1961 be approved by Council for presentation at the Academy Conference that evening. Council passed a motion by Dr. Bell that President Hobbs appoint a committee to study an additional amendment to Article 6 of the Constitu¬ tion and bring in a recommendation at the May 12th Council Meeting concerning a suggestion that the Chairman of the Academy’s Board of Trustees be made an Ex-officio Council Member. Dr. Forbes called attention to lecturers available from learned socie¬ ties and financed by the N.S.F. He reported that through the good offices of the University Center in Virginia Incorporated, Colonel Fitzroy secured 7 scientists that visited 14 colleges in Virginia. Council passed Dr. Forbes motion that the University Center in Vir¬ ginia be commended for their excellent work in making arrangements for the visiting lecture program and that the continuation of this favor be en¬ couraged. Dr. Turner suggested the possibility of adding to the Academy a sec¬ tion on the History and Philosophy of Science. Considerable discussion followed without action. Adjournment. Paul M. Patterson, Secretary William B. Wartman, Jr. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 187 MINUTES OF THE ACADEMY CONFERENCE GOLDEN TRIANGLE HOTEL, NORFOLK MAY 10, 1962 President Hobbs called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. as there were more than the required 60 members present for a quorum. The re¬ ports of the Academy Committees were read and adopted, except as indi¬ cated below. They are published elsewhere in this issue. The amendment to the constitution concerning the membership on Council published on Page 122, in the September 1961 issue of the Journal was adopted unanimously. An appreciation and grateful acknowledgement for the symposium on basic research on Virginia’s Natural Resources was made by Dr. Hobbs. This symposium, arranged by Dr. Leidheiser, included outstanding authori¬ ties in several fields. The program may be seen in the April 1962 issue of the Journal on page 71. Dr. Warwick R. West, Jr., reported for the place of meeting for the Academy for 1965, and recommended Richmond, Virginia. The Con¬ ference adopted the recommendation. In Dr. Masey’s absence, his report of the Committee on Flora was read by the Secretary. The last sentence, recommending the discharge of this Committee, was deleted by the Conference on the basis of the important contributions to our knowledge of the flora of Virginia that Dr. Massey is making. The Conference passed unanimously Dr. Flory’s motion that the Academy go on record as recognizing and commending Dr. Massey’s con¬ tribution to the flora of Virginia, and recognize the prestige gained by the Academy from this important work. Adjournment. Paul M. Patterson, Secretary 188 The Virginia Journal of Science [September MINUTES OF THE ACADEMY ASSEMBLY ^ GOLDEN TRIANGLE HOTEL, NORFOLK 8:00 P.M., MAY 11, 1962 President Hobbs introduced Dr. Lewis W. Webb, Jr., President of the Norfolk College of William and Marv who read a welcome from Mr. W. Fred Duckworth, Mayor of the Citv of Norfolk and gave his own warm welcome from his College. Dr. Webb then presented a miniature mace from the citv to Dr. and Mrs. Hobbs and one to Prof, and Mrs. Jackson J. Taylor. After an appropriate response. President Hobbs called on Dr. Taylor, Associate Administrative Secretary, A.A.A.S., who brought greet¬ ings from that organization to the Academy. Dr. Zoe Black then read the resolutions prepared by the Resolutions Committee as follows: Inasmuch as the members of the Virginia Academy of Science have assembled for their Fortieth Annual Meetings in the City of Norfolk, Virginia, from May 9 until May 12, 1962, And inasmuch as these meetings are now drawing to a close. Therefore, it is deemed fitting that certain Resolutions, expressive of the sentiment of the members, be entered upon the minutes, namely; Whereas, at the time of holding these Fortieth Annual Meetings, there are sixteen members who were among the one hundred and forty seven charter members who are thus completing their fortieth year of membership. Be it resolved: that we send them the affectionate greetings of the Academy, together with our respect and gratitude for their unique and continuing service to the Virginia Academy of Science, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and to the world of Science. The present sixteen charter members are: HAROLD L. ALDEN, University of Virginia, field of Astronomy LLOYD C. BIRD, Phipps and Bird, field of Bacteriology HARRIETT H. FILLINGER, Hollins College, field of Chemistry L. G. HOXTON, University of Virginia field, of Physics W. H. KEEBLE, Randolph-Macon College, field of Physics 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 189 WILLIAM A. KEPNER, Universtiy of Virginia, field of Biology J. E. KINDRED, University of Virginia, field of Medical Sciences CLAUDIUS LEE, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, field of Engineering IVEY F. LEWIS, University of Virginia, field of Biology LEONIDAS R. LITTLETON, Emory and Henry, field of Chemistry ROBERT F. McCracken, Medical College of Vir¬ ginia, field of Chemistry CHARLES P. OLIVER, University of Pennsylvania, field of Astronomy T. McN. SIMPSON, JR., Randolph-Macon College, field of Mathematics IDA SITLER, Hollins College, field of Biology CARL C. SPEIDEL, University of Virginia, field of Medical Sciences EARL G. SWEM, College of William and Mary, field of Education And, Whereas Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., has served as President of the Virginia Academy of Science during the I96I-I962 term, and has performed his duties faithfully and well, and has gone beyond his bounden duties in loyal service, Be it resolved: that we hereby express to him our gratitude and deep affection. And, Whereas the other officers, section chairmen and committee chairmen have executed their duties properly and efficiently. Be it resolved: that we give them heartfelt thanks for tasks well done and for their patience in seeing to it that the work of the Academy ran smoothly. And, Whereas the host College which was the Norfolk College of Wilham and Mary, together with its President, Lewis W. Webb, Jr., and also the chairman of the Committee on Arrangements, C. S. Sherwood, and the members of that committee have re¬ ceived us graciously and have made most successful plans for our convenience and happiness, Be it resolved: that we convey to them our sincere appreciation for their thoughtfulness and concern. 190 The Virginia Journal of Science [September And, Whereas the management and staff of our headquarters hotel, The Golden Triangle, treated us with courtesy and housed us in comfort. Be it resolved: that we express to them our appreciation for their efficient and cheerful efforts on our behalf. And, Whereas the commercial exhibits arranged for these meetings have attracted much interest, Be it resolved: that the Academy expresses its appreciation to the commercial companies represented, for their cooperation and for the excellence of their displays. And, Whereas the roll of members has been decreased by several deaths, Be it resolved: that the Academy notes with sadness these deaths, W. E. Burlington G. Talbot French Irwin M. Gladstone Harvey Haag (a charter member) Isabel Harris William Hartung Lewis E. Harvie John B. Lewis (The first emeritus member) Penelope Lewis Garnett Ryland D. P. Scott John W. Watson (a charter member) Upon Mrs. Black’s motion, these resolutions were adopted. Dr. William Scott reported the important activities of and awards to members of the Junior Academy. The following is supplemental to his report published elsewhere in this issue. Eighteen cash awards, made possible by a grant from Phillip Morris, Inc., were presented at the Noon Annual Awards Hour to Junior Academy members in six science categories. In addition the following awards were made: The Major W. Gatsby Jones Award to Steven R. Mason, William Fleming High School, Roanoke, The Microbiology Award to Bernice Grant, Proceedings 1961-1962 191 1962] Maggie L. Walker High School, Richmond, The E. C. L. Miller Award to the Newport News High School Science Club whose sponsors are Misses Linda Allen and Betty Delbridge. The E. C. L. Miller honorable men¬ tions went to the S. O. S. Science Club of Bedford High School sponsored by Mrs. J. J. Thaxton and the Science Club of the Lord Botetourt High School, Daleville, sponsored by Mr. Paul Garber. The AAAS Membership Award went to Miss Joyce Howell, Stewartsville High School, Goodview, and the VAS Membership award was given to David Leach, Jr., Bedford High School. Teacher-Sponsor Scholarship Awards for 1962 were given to Miss Judith Stokes of Osborne High School, Manassas and Mr. Max Thomas of Floyd High School. Selections for the 1963 awards went to Miss Lyndale A. Pitt of Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond, and Mr. John A. Malone of William Fleming High School, Roanoke, Virginia. Junior officers elected for next year were President-elect, Robert Weems, Patidck Henry High School, Ashland and Secretary, Richard Bell, Norfolk Academy. Dr. Wamick West announced the decision made at the Academy Conference to have the 1965 Academy meeting in Richmond. Dr. Forbes, chairman of the nominating Committee, presented the following slate: President, Jackson J. Taylor; President-Elect, F'oley F. Smith; Treasurer, Rodney C. Berry, Sr.; Secretary, Paul M. Patterson; Assis¬ tant Secretary-Treasurer, William B. Wartman, Jr.; and for a three- year term on Council the sectional nominees, James McDonald Gary- son (Section, Agricultural Sciences) and Edward F. Turner, Jr., (Sec¬ tion, Astromy, Mathematics and Physics). The secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the slate as a motion was made and passed to close nominations when Dr. Forbes had presented the above slate. Dr. Leidheier reporting for the Research Committee announced that the J. Shelton Horsley Award, selected from 14 competing papers was awarded to Claude P. Talley and Gerald R. Taylos, Jr., of Texaco Experi¬ ment Incorporated for their paper, presented before the Chemistry Section entitled “Preparation of high-purity single-crystal boron”. Dr. Leidheiser then announced that the Horsely Honorable Mention was awarded to Dr. William W. Scott of Virginia Polytechnic Institute for his paper to be given before the Biology section entitled “A monograph of the genus Aphanomyces!" Dr. Tolley gave a brief review of the award winning re¬ search. 192 The Virginia Journal of Science [September President Hobbs then introduced Dr. Dietrick Bodenstein, Head, De¬ partment of Biology, University of Virginia, the guest speaker, the title of whose address was ‘'Hormones and the Development of the Insect Eye.” His findings were well illustrated, interestingly reported and very well re¬ ceived. Dr. Hobbs then turned the gavel over to the incoming President Jack- son J. Taylor, who after appropriate remarks adjourned the meeting. Paul M. Patterson, Secretary MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL GOLDEN TRIANGLE HOTEL, NORFOLK 10:00 A.M. MAY 12, 1962 President Taylor called Council to order with the following present: W. H. Brittingham (representing J. McD. Grayson), J. L. Calver, Susie F. Floyd, Boyd Harshbarger, W. M. Hinton, H. H. Hobbs, Jr., R. D. Hughes, Henry Leidheiser, Jr., G. T. Miller, Jr., P. B. Siegel, W. W. Scott, Foley Smith, E. F. Turner, Jr., W. B. Wartman, Jr., and S. B. Williams. Dr. Hobbs reported for the Committee he set up at the previous Council Meeting of May 10th concerning the suggestion that under ex- officio members of Council the office of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees be added. Dr. Hobbs moved that the words “the Chairman of the Board of Trustees” be placed in Article 6 of the Constitution under “ex-officio members”; that this be a proposed constitutional change; and that the publication of these minutes be the prior publication as required by the Constitution for change of Constitution. Passed unanimously. Under new business a discussion arose concerning another symposium such as the one at the current meetings dealing with conservation. High regard for the one given on May 10th was expressed. Several suggestions were made as to topics for the proopsed symposium and suggestions made to insure its quahty. Dr. Harshbarger moved, and Council passed the fol¬ lowing motion, “that the President appoint a Committee to examine the possibilities for a future symposium on basic research with nationally known speakers on its panel and that the National Science Foundation be requested to support it.” The question of raising the stipend for the new Treasurer, Rodney C. Berry, Sr., was brought up. After some diseussion it was agreed that the Finanee Committee would look into the matter and report at the next Couneil Meeting. Proceedings 1961-1962 193 1962] Dr. Siegel reported that Mr. Frank Butler, a Certified Public Ac¬ countant has offered to audit the journal financial statements without charge. Council passed Dr. Harshbarger’s motion to the effect that Council accept Mr. Butler’s offer and recognize with appreciation that this service will be received without charge. Dr. Turner, reporting for the Section on Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics, questioned the earliness of the date (February) for the call for papers. Various possibilities were suggested. The situation was review¬ ed but no action taken since only the title of the paper is due at that time and the abstract due on or before the May meetings. Council passed Dr. Harshbarger’s motion that Dr. Turner write the section and explain this matter. The question of collegiate membership was raised by Dr. Scott. It was pointed out that the Long Range Planning Committee had this subject under consideration. Dr. Taylor recommended that he and Dr. Scott and other interested persons could assist the L.R.P.C. in this matter. The subject of requesting the legislature for collegiate scholarships or loan funds was raised again. Council felt that for various reasons this matter should not be pursued. The question of the proposed Executive Secretary was raised again, (minutes of May 10, 1962), and after considerable discussion. Council passed Dr. Harshbarger’s motion that Council dismiss the present Commit¬ tee with thanks, and that Council take the matter into its own hands for further sympathetic consideration. Dr. Harshbarger had a suggestion for a possible Executive Secretary, and President Taylor asked Dr. Harsh¬ barger to look into the matter further. The next meeting of Council was set tentatively for 1:00 p.m., Sat¬ urday, October 13, 1962 at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Council thanked Dr. Hobbs for his fine leadership during the past year. Adjournment. Paul M. Patterson, Secretary 194 The Virginia Journal of Science [September REPORT OF THE TREASURER CONSOLIDATED FUND BALANCE SHEET (Prepared on Cash Basis of Accounting) December 31, 1961 GENERAL FUND: ASSETS Cash in bank (Exhibit D) ; Unrestricted cash _ $ 4,554.69 Restricted cash (Note 1) _ 2,500.00 $ 7,054.69 Investments — at cost (Market Value - $2,224.75) _ 2,445.95 Due from Special Trust Fund _ 3,000.00 Due from Virginia Institute for Sci¬ entific Research Building Fund _ 800.00 Total General Fund $13,300.64 RESEARCH FUND: Cash in bank (Exhibit C) _ Due from Special Trust Fund (Tem¬ porary Investment) _ Total Research Fund _ $ 654.43 1,100.00 1,754.43 TRUST FUND PRINCIPAL: Cash on deposit (Exhibit D) _ $ 28.49 Investment— at cost: U.S. Treasury Notes (Market Value $3,008.40) _ $ 2,928.75 Comercial Bonds (Market Value $2,545.00) _ 3,025.00 Stocks (Market Value $28,843.88) 10,805.90 16,759.65 Total Trust Fund Principal _ 16,788.14 TRUST FUND INCOME: Cash on deposit (Exhibit E) _ 570.30 SPECIAL TRUST FUND PRINCIPAL: Cash on deposit (Exhibit F) _ $ 214.14 Investments — at cost: U.S. Treasury Notes (Market Value $5,111.00) _ $ 5,021.88 Stocks (Market Value $1,550.00) __ 1,752.50 6,774.38 Total Special Trust Fund Principal 6,988.52 SPECIAL TRUST FUND INCOME: Cash on deposit (Exhibit G) - 142.75 $39,544.78 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 195 EXHIBIT A LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND: Advance payment of dues _ $ 274.00 James River Basin Fund - 395.10 Fund balance _ 12,631.54 Total General Fund _ $13,300.64 RESEARCH FUND: Fund balance _ $ 1,754.43 Total Research Fund _ 1,754.43 TRUST FUND PRINCIPAL: Fund balance _ $16,788.14 Total Trust Fund Principal _ 16,788.14 TRUST FUND INCOME: Fund balance _ 570.30 SPECIAL TRUST FUND PRINCIPAL: Due to Research Fund _ $ 1,100.00 Due to James River Project _ 1,600.00 Due to General Fund _ 3,000.00 Increment from Sale of Securities _ 1,288.52 Total Special Trust Fund Principal _ 6,988.52 SPECIAL TRUST FUND INCOME: Fund balance _ 142.75 $39,544.78 196 The Virginia Journal of Science [September INVESTMENTS HELD IN AGENCY ACCOUNTS FIRST & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF RICHMOND RICHMOND, VIRGINIA DECEMBER 31, 1961 SCHEDULE A-1 Book Value Market at Cost Value TRUST FUND PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT: U.S. Treasury Notes, 4’s, due May 15, 1963, $3,000.00 _ $ 2,928.75 $ 3,008.40 Household Finance Corp. Sinking Fund Debenture bonds, $1,000.00 _ 1,025.00 925.00 Pere Marquette Railway First Debenture bond, $2,000.00 _ 2,000.00 1,620.00 American Tobacco Company, Common, 40 shares 1,517.80 4,020.00 Atlas Chemical Industries, Common, 64 shares _ 1,184.24 1,528.00 Illinois Power Company, Common 120 shares __ 2,275.07 9,375.00 May Department Stores Company, $3.75 Preferred, $100.00 par value, 10 shares _ 1,080.35 780.00 Owens Illinois Glass Company, Common, 30 shares _ 1,353.87 2,880.00 Parke Davis & Company, Common, 135 shares _ 1,597.57 4,944.38 Philip Morris, Inc., $4.00 Preferred, $100.00 par value, 7 shares _ 710.50 596.75 Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Common, 93 shares _ 1,086.50 4,719.75 Total (Exhibit A) _ $16,759.65 $34,397.28 SPECIAL TRUST FUND PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT: U.S. Treasury Notes, 4%’s, due May 15, 1964, $5,000.00 _ $ 5,021.88 $ 5,111.00 Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Common, 40 shares _ 1,752.50 1,550.00 Total (Exhibit A) _ $ 6,774.38 $ 6,661.00 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 197 J. WADDELL RISON & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 609 INSURANCE BUILDING Richmond 19, Virginia MIton 4-4629 Member American Institute of J. Waddell Risen, C. P. A. Certified Public Accountants April 27, 1962 The Officers and Council Members Virginia Academy of Science Richmond, Virginia Gentlemen : We have examined the recorded cash receipts and disbursements of the Virginia Academy of Science, Richmond, Virginia, for the year ended December 31, 1961, and submit herewith our report thereon, consisting of the statements listed in the foregoing index. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accord¬ ingly included such tests of the accounting records and other such audit¬ ing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The amounts shown on the Consolidated Fund Balance Sheet, PNhibit A, and Statements of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, Exhibits D, E, F, and G, relating to Trust Agency Fund Accounts, were taken from the December 31, 1961 report of the Trust Agent, First and Mer¬ chants National Bank of Richmond, and were not verified in any manner. In our opinion, the accompanying statements prepared on a cash basis of accounting, present fairly the financial position of the Virginia Academy of Science at December 31, 1961, and the recorded cash transactions for the year then ended, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Respectfully submitted, J. WADDELL RISON & COMPANY By: J. Waddell Rison Certified Public Accountant JWR:cj 15/1 198 The Virginia Journal of Science [September REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A meeting of the Finance Committee of the Virginia Academy of Science was held at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond, 6 March, 1962. Chairman Boyd Harshbarger called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Dr. Guy Horsley, Mr. Edward S. Harlow, Dr. Jackson Taylor, and Foley F. Smith. Dr. Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., traveled from Washington to Richmond for the meeting, but due to the near bliz¬ zard conditions his train was delayed past the time of meeting. The Academy income for 1961 was presented by the Treasurer, and this included the estimated income for 1962. This report is shown separately and is a part of the Minutes. It should be noted that the in¬ come for 1961 contained an anonymous bequest for $2,500.00. This had to be reported as income, but this figure should be deducted from the grand total to give a more realistic figure of actual income. The estimated in¬ come for 1962 includes an estimate of twenty Business members, an increase of six over the present number. It was noted that the Philip-Morris Tobacco Company increased its annual gift to the Academy from $750.00 to $1,000. A statement of disbursements during the period ending 31 Decem¬ ber, 1961, was presented and compared with the approved budget in 1961. The proposed expenditures for 1962 were discussed in detail, and are pre¬ sented below. The expenditures over the approved budget for 1961, were $236.87. $200.00 of this represented a donation by the Academy to the Virginia Institute of Scientific Building Fund, and was not included in the 1961 budget. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the subsidy to the Virginia Journal of Science for the Proceedings issue of the Virginia Journal of Science for Committee reports and 1000 program reprints for the Annual Meeting be increased to $500.00. It was also moved, seconded, and passed that a past due bill for $444.50, for publishing the 1960 Proceedings, and its reports be paid to the Journal. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the proposed expenditures and budget be approved with changes as noted. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Foley F. Smith, Treasurer 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 199 REPORT OF THE INVESTMENT FUND TRUSTEES GENERAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT Amount invested in Bonds— Government and Corporate . Book Value $ 7,910.85 Market Value $ 7,490.00 Amount invested in Preferred Stocks . 1,790.85 1,402.00 Amount invested in Common Stock . 9,393.45 27,690.00 Miscellaneous . 150.00 150.00 Cash Principal . $19,245.15 42.99 $36,732.00 42.99 $19,288.14 $36,774.99 Estimated Annual Income . $1,303.00 Cash Income Balance . 216.24 SPECIAL ACCOUNT Amount invested in Bonds— Government . $ 5,021.88 $ 5,150.00 Amount invested in Common Stock . 1,752.50 1,440.00 Cash Principal . .. 6,774.38 6,590.00 Cash Principal . 214.14 214.14 $ 6,988.52 $ 6,804.14 Estimated Annual Income . $ 286.00 Cash Income Balance . 12.00 Total book value of investments as of 3/21/62 . . $26,276.66 Total market value of investments as of 3/21/62 . . $43,479.13 Lloyd C. Bird, Chairman 200 The Virginia Journal of Science [September REPORT OF THE LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE ^ Since the 1961 Academy Conference the Long Range Planning Com¬ mittee has held one meeting at Lexington on May 12, 1961, and another at Charlottesville on November 12, 1961. Several recommendations to Council have resulted, some of which were approved by the Council on May 13, 1961, and others being considered by Council on November 19, 1961. It was suggested that the recently approved Committee on the Teach¬ ing of Science be composed of 9 members, with three being appointed each year, as three others rotate from the group (approved by Council on May 13, 1961). It was recommended that the committee be composed of persons representing the various fields of science, including science teachers. Functions of the committee were visualized as being quite broad, and including studies on certification requirements, science teaching loads, and almost any problem of science teaching in the state. At the November 12 meeting it was suggested that this committee might have a more ap¬ plicable and appropriate name than that first indicated, and that possibly such a thought would be covered in the name “Science Education Com¬ mittee.” Council referred to the L.R.P. Committee a request by one Academy Section for funds for invited speakers. It was the unanimous opinion of the Committee that the funds for such an activity were not available within the present Academy financial and budget structure, and that this was a problem that should be solved by the several sections. The Committee recommended to the Council that the constitution and by-laws of the Academy be made more easily found and accessible by the members. This to be done: (1) by having the annual Academy Booklet carry a notation to the place where the last complete printing of these articles can be found in the Journal, and (2) by printing the Constitution and By-Laws in complete form, with all changes and corrections and amendments to date, in the Proceedings for 1962 and thereafter in Issue No. 1 of The Journal in each year divisible by 5 (1965, 1970, etc.). (Ap¬ proved by Council May 13, 1961). Council referred to the L.R.P.C. a recommendation, received from two members of the Academy, concerning the setting up of places for the Annual Meeting at Roanoke, Richmond and in Tidewater Virginia, on a definite rotating schedule. The Committee reported to Council that ap¬ parently the Academy is now approximately meeting— in rotation— in the indicated areas; that it felt there were distinct advantages from the stand¬ points of scientific environment, of meeting room facilities, of lowered costs, etc., from meeting at educational institutions when feasible; and, in essence Proceedings 1961-1962 201 1962] that it considered our present general plan of meeting places is preferable to the recommended one. The L.R.P.C. did recommend to the Council, and the President, that the ‘‘Place of Meeting” committee might profitably be asked to consider not just the place for one additional meeting (say for 1964), but also to make a coordinated survey of past and possible future meeting places— not overlooking the desirability and possibilities of meeting in the populous Northern Virginia Area when feasible. The L.R.P.C. made recommendations to Council concerning the newly approved Natural Resource Committee. It was recommended that the new committee’s objective should be a progressive, or constructive, one within the terms of the statement “the encouragement of the industrial develop¬ ment of Virginia, within a framework of wise resource use” The purpose and objectives of the committee, as recommended, would include— among other things— (1) a progressive, orderly and essentially non-wasteful use of our economic and industrial natural assets of land, water, minerals, etc.; along with (2) the thoughtful preservation both of our unreplaceable re¬ gions of natural beauty, and of our most valuable biological areas; and (3) a consideration of factors involved in the control of water and air pollution. In other words the committee would serve to aid and encourage industrial expansion, while also encouraging a minimum of disfigurement and waste¬ ful exploitation of irreplaceable assets— in the industrialization process. It was further recommended that originallv the committee be composed of three persons with appointments respectively of 1, 2 and 3 years, with subsequent appointments to be for terms of 3 years each. It was further recommended that committee appointments be made from fields to secure representation of the interests of (1) industrial uses, (2) biological uses and (3) the public uses of Virginia’s natural resources. These recommen¬ dations were made with the thought that the new committee, with its broader objectives would cover and include the work of the former “Re¬ source Uses Committee.” The recommendations with respect to the Nat¬ ural Resource Committee were appointed by Council on November 19, 1961. The Committee recommended to Council that the officers of the Academy be requested to investigate appropriate ways in which the Vir¬ ginia Academy of Science might encourage the improvement and expansion of student loan funds by the Commonwealth of Virginia. This also was approved by Council. Walter S. Flory, Chairman 202 The Virginia Journal of Science [September REPORT OF THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS The subcommittee for Individual Members of the Virginia Academy of Science has set for its objectives for the year: 1. Continuing the drive for adidtional members 2. A canvas of the membership to secure current data on position, committee preferences, and availability for high school science assistance. Continuing the policy employed last year, the Vice Chairman of this subcommittee requested the members of the subcommittee to furnish lists of potential members for the Academy. Each of those suggested "was sent an invitation to join the Academy and descriptive material on its activities. As the apphcations were mailed to the Secretary, it is not possible to determine just how many of the applications received by the Academy were due to the activities of the Membership Committee, but according to the records of this subcommittee 58 new members had joined the Academy by May 1. The second objective of the subcommittee was implemented by mailing a double card to all members of the Academy. This card requested the completion of the reply half and the return to the Vice Chairman of the committee. These cards were mailed in April and to date approximately 300 replies have been received. The results are being tabulatd. It is hoped that in some way information on those wilhng to assist high school science classes, either in projects or by talks, may be made available to the high school science teachers of the state. The exact mechanism for this has not been determined, but it is gratifying to note that the majority of the cards returned indicate a willingness on the part of the member to render this service Lawrence R. Quarles, Vice Chairman REPORT OF THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE During 1961-62 a single request for a Research Grant was received by the Research Committee. Dr. C. E. Shull, Head, Mathematics and Physics Departments, Bridgewater College, requested a grant of $500 for the ‘purchase of reference books.” The Committee postponed a decision on this request at its meeting of May 1, 1962 in order to determine if this request meets the requirements for a research grant. A decision will be made at a meeting called for May 11. Fourteen papers in the fields of chemistry, biology, astronomy, sta- Proceedings 1961-1962 203 1962] tistics, and medical sciences were submitted in competition for the J. Shelton Horsley Research Award. The winning paper will be aimounced at the Academy conference on May 11. An honorable mention award will also be made for a paper considered sufficiently meritorious by the Com¬ mittee to deserve this distinction. Subcommittee Business Memberships In 1961, there were 14 paid up business members in the Virginia Acad¬ emy of Science. They were: A. H. Robins Company, Inc. Alhed Chemical Corporation The American Tobacco Company The Dow Chemical Company General Electric Company Larus & Brother Company, Inc. Merck and Company, Inc. Philip Morris & Co., Ltd.,Ind. Newport News Shipbuilding Co. Foimdation Norfolk and Western Railway Company Phipps and Bird, Inc. Reynolds Metals Company State-Planters Bank of Commerce & Trusts Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation Generally, this was a representative group of Virginia industries. How¬ ever, more industrial support for the Academy seemed justified. During this year, plans were made for a wide solicitation of industries in the state. Through a descriptive letter and personal contacts, 48 com¬ panies and 15 banks were informed of the VAS program. As a result of this campaign, six new business members joined the Academy. They were: Albemarle Paper Mfg. Co. Dan River Mills, Inc. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co. First and Merchants National Bank Southern Materials Company Virginia Chemicals & Smelting Co. One former member, Merck and Company, resigned leaving a net total of 19 business members as of today. It is hoped that several other pros¬ pective companies interested in the Academy will join before the end of the year. William P. Boyer, Vice Chairman 204 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Financial Statement (Unofficial) Cash on hand, January 1, 1962 . $ 654.43 Receipts, January 1-May 1, 1962 . 620.30 Cash on hand. May 1, 1962 . $1,274.73 Estimated additions to funds prior to December 31, 1962 AAAS Grant . $260.00 Interest earned by July 5 . 550.00 Henry Leidheiser, Jr., Chairman REPORT OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE COMMITTEE As Chairman of the VJAS Committee, is my pleasure to report to the membership of the Virginia Academy of Science a summary of our ac¬ tivities during the past year. As most of you no doubt realize, these meetings mark the close of our 21st year. We feel that it has been a most successful one. Our mem¬ bership now include a 53 permanently affiliated high school and com¬ munity science elubs with a total membership of well over 3500 members and sponsors. For some time the VJAS Committee has felt that considerable time and effort was being wasted in preparation for the traditional science fair type of program. We have felt that the objectives of the Junior Academy could best be accomplished by directing our efforts toward the better stu¬ dents— those with an interest in research— those sudents with original ideas and those capable or independent thought. With this objective in mind, the VJAS Committee for the fii'St time has eliminated the Junior Science Day Program and has offered the students an opportunity to present the results of their research as formal papers in a manner similar to that conducted by the Senior Academy. A total of 151 papers presented today during 5 concurrent sessions, seems to justify the changes we have made. Awards totaling more than $600 will be presented to those students judged to be outstanding in the various scientific disciplines at our Annual Awards Hour, Friday, May 11th, at 12:30 P.M. Senior Academy members are cordially invited to attend this meeting. These awards were made possible by a $1000 contribution from the Philip Morris Company, Inc. The Junior Science Bulletin ,financed by a $300 contribution from the Proceedings 1961-1962 205 1962] American Tobacco Research Laboratory, was published twice during the past year. Approximately 3000 copies were mailed to all secondary schools in Virginia. This bulletin was prepared by the junior officers and edited by Mr. A. B. Niemeyer of Churchland High School. During the past year informational and promotional materials were mailed 5 times to over 600 public and private secondary schools through¬ out the state. Affiliated science clubs were provided with a permanent charter, individual membership cards, and a booklet entitled “A Guide for Science Clubs”. The annual meeting of the VJAS is being held in conjunction with this meeting of the VAS. A general meeting was held Wednesday evening which included an illustrated lecture by Dr. I. D. Wilson, Professor Emeri¬ tus of the Biology Department at V.P.I. The VJAS Annual Lecture is being held concurrently with this meeting with Dr. Charles W. Shilling, Director of the Biology Communications Project of the AIBS, as the prin¬ cipal speaker. I would like to take this oppoi tunity to thank the VAS Council and membership for their splendid cooperation during the past year and to express my sincere appreciation to the members of the VJAS Committee for a job well done. William W. Scott, Chairman REPORT OF SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH COMMITTEE This report will be given in a brief summary: 114 partially scored entries were received from Science Clubs of America in February. These entries were screened by the Reading Com¬ mittee and the top 45 were selected. These individuals were invited to the Virginia Academy of Science Meeting in Norfolk. At the Academy Meeting an Inteiwiew Committee selected the top 15 individuals who were designated as Winners in the Virginia State Science Talent Search for 1962. The other individuals who were not winners were designated as Honorable Mention. Twenty-one Virginia colleges and universities have cooperated and are offering scholarships to the Winners and Honorable Mentions. The following lists are attached: 1. Reading Committee membership, 2. Interview Committee membership, 3. List of individuals invited to Virginia Academy of Science Meeting, 206 The Virginia Journal of Science [September 4. List of colleges and universities offering scholarships, 5. List of Winners and 6. List of Honorable Mention Finalists E. V. Russell, Jr., Chairman Editor’s note. Prof. Russell has agreed to supply upon request the list of colleges offering scholarships. This list includes the number, renewability and value of the scholarships offered. REPORT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP COMITTEE The Scholarship Committee of the Academy worked during the past year as usual mostly with high school teachers. Most science teachers in the State are now aware of scholarships available for their good students in at least Virginia institutions of higher learning. Most high school li¬ braries now have copies of a bulletin of the State Department of Education entitled “Financial Assistance to Attend Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Virginia.” Another reference bulletin which should be available in every four-year high school in the State is ‘‘Financial Aid to College Students: Undergraduate. It may be obtained for a dollar from the U. S. Govern¬ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. This directory lists more than a thousand institutions by States with scholarships, loans, fellowship, and assistantships available for qualified students. One area not sufficiently reached by the National and Virginia Science Talent Searches, the Virginia Junior Academy of Science, and this commit¬ tee has been the smaller country high schools where there must be scores of brilliant and needy seniors lacking guidance in securing financial aid for attending colleges. Members of the committee individually have endeavored to secure college scholarships for 18 high school students in Virginia and 3 outside the State. Most assistance in this respect has come from high school science teachers who have done a wonderful job in Virginia in seeing to it that their eapable and needy students do not lack opportunities for college educations if they are alert enough to take advantage of them. Sidney S. Negus, Chairman REPORT OF THE COMITTEE ON VIRGINIA FLORA The members of the Committee are continuing pretty much as pre¬ viously reported. Miss Artz is concerned with the floristics of Shenandoah and adjacent counties with emphasis on the Massanutten Mountains. Freer Proceedings 1961-1962 207 1962] is active in the northern Blue Ridge Mountains. Patterson has given special consideration of the Virginia mosses and also conducted some phvsiological studies. Flory, working with graduate students, is especially active in genetics of native plants as well as exotic species. Miss Crandall is con¬ ducting an ecological and floristic investigation in a Piedmont area. She and Chamberlain are cooperating, he devoting attention to the animal life. Shields has been investigating the ecology and floristics of Beartown Moun¬ tain in Russell Co. and floristics of other counties of southwestern Virginia. His Beartown Mountain studies are the basis of a doctorate dissertation which he presents to the Universitv of Tennessee in June. Massev has compiled an annotated catalog of the plant taxa which have been recorded in Virginia. The habitat and countv record of each of more than 3500 taxa are recorded. These are based on jniblications as well as specimens in herbaria. The catalog has been published bv the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, entitled Virginia Flora, Technical Bulletin 155, Dec. 1961. A 56 page paper by Allard & Leonard on the floristics of the Triascic area in the upper Piedmont of Virginia appears in the March 1962 issue Castanea. This is an important contribution to our flora. Its publi¬ cation was made possible by a grant from the Flora Committee. Dr. Robert Krai, who has taken over Massevs position at V. P. I. is a Taxonomist, actively working on the flora. A. B. Massey, Chairman REPORT OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN VIRCINIA COMMITTEE I. Committee aims: to fulfill a two-part assignment. A. To compile material on the origin and activities of the present Virginia Academy; i.e., to compile a History of the Academy. B. To compile material concerning the contributions to science bv Virginia scientists, from the earliest davs to the present. A History of Science in Virginia. II. Progress Report: History of the Virginia Academy of Science. 1. All section reports are at hand or promised for today. 2. All special reports are at hand or promised for today. 3. The general history is lined up by George W. Jeffers. 4. Russell J. Rowlett, Jr., of VISR has agreed to edit all material and to put it into form for publication by early autumn. 5. The publication will complete the first part of our assignment; it will cover the first forty years of the Virginia Academy. [September 208 The Virginia Journal of Science III. Further Assignment: History of Science in Virginia. The steering group of the committee makes these suggestions: 1. that the preparation and maintenance of such data is our profes¬ sional obligation and 2. that it is also a responsibility of the Academy. 3. that only those truly interested in such research should be asked to undertake it. 4. that therefore it may be best to reorganize the present History Committee so as to include only those who welcome such re¬ search. IV. Recommendation: Because history is a continum, the committee recommends that the slate of officers of each section include an historian. In this way a continuous record of sectional contributions may be kept for use in the next volume of the History of the Academy whenever needed. V . Archives. In 1950 the Academy Council accepted an offer made by Allan T. Gwathmey, subject to the approval of the Board of the Virginia Institute for Scientific Research, that the Academy archives be housed in the VISR. However, crowded conditions in the VISR caused postponement. Now, Henry Leidheiser, Jr., Director of VISR, has re-offered space for the archives in the VISR quarters at present under construction. All of the material handed in by members of the History Com¬ mittee will be kept in the archives with other records. VI. Acknowledgements 1. To the many busy men who have served on the History of Science in Virginia Committee and who have made possible the accomplishment of the first assignment I offer the sincere thanks of the Academy, and of the Chairman. Isabel Boggs, Chairman REPORT OF THE PLACE OF MEETING COMMITTEE The Place of Meeting Committee determined that Richmond was the logical location for the annual meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science in 1965. Proceedings 1961-1962 209 1962] An invitation to hold the meeting in Richmond in 1965 has been extended jointly by the administrative officials of the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond Professional Institute, and the University of Richmond. Letters to this effect are in the hands of the President of the Academy. » ' The committee recommends that the invitations be accepted. Warwick R. West, Jr., Chairman SECTION OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Carl W. Allen, Chairman Lawrence 1. Miller, Vice Chairman T. Crahani Copeland, Secretary Paul B. Siegel, Section Editor MINUTES The fortieth annual meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science was held at the Golden Triangle Hotel, May 9-12, 1962. The Agricultural Section met May 11, 8:20 A.M. in the Jefferson Room for presentation of papers. The morning session of the meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen. ' Dr. Allen gave a welcome and appointed the nominating committee consisting of Maurice B. Rowe, Sam F. Thornton and Wm. H. Brittingham, Chairman. The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:05 P.M. The afternoon session was called to order at 1:15 P.M. by the Vice-Chair¬ man Lawrence Miller. The final paper was completed by 4:40 P.M. Dr. Miller then called the business meeting. The Nominating Committee rec¬ ommended the following for officers of the Agricultural Section for 1962- 63. Lawrence L Miller, Chairman; T. Graham Copeland, Vice-Chairman; Edward A. Borchers, Secretary; Grant W. Thomas, Section Editor; and James M. Grayson, member of the Council for 1962-65. These men were elected as officers for the year 1962-63. The meeting was then adjourned by Dr. Miller. T. Graham Copeland, Jr., Secretary SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION NEEDS OF VIRGINIA J. K. Abernathy, Soil Conservation Service, Richmond The Vii'ginia Inventory of Conservation Needs was part of a study of each county in the nation. The approach used was to secure factual information about the properties, capabilities and present use of the soils by a 2% random sample. Based on this and other related information county committees made predictions as to the expected land use in 1975 —by land classes and kinds of problems or hazards. They then estimated 210 The Virginia Journal of Science [September the acreage adequately treated (or not feasible to treat), the difference being the acreage needing conservation treatment by 1975. Acreage expected to be converted to another land use was shown as needing treat¬ ment in the new use. Uniform procedures were used nationwide. The Virginia estimates indicate a 9% decrease in cropland, a 5% increase in pasture, with woodland about the same and some 0.4 million acres going to non-agricultural uess. Sixty-two percent of the cropland and 60% of the pasture acreage needs additional conservation treatment. Thirty -five percent of the woodland needs stand improvement and 6% needs establishment or reinforcement. The Inventory also shows the kind and intensity of the conservation problem. CONCEPTION RATES IN BEEF COWS AS AFFECTED BY INBREEDING OF FETUS, AND BY AGE AND INBREEDING OF COWS K. P. Bovard and B. M. Priode, Beef Cattle Research Station, Front Royal Inbreeding of fetus and of cow have detrimental effects upon concep¬ tion rate. Intra-sire regressions of conception rate upon Fx of fetus, and upon Fx and age of cow were statistically non-significant, but with al¬ gebraic signs hke those of similar studies in other species. Among Angus cows bred in 1961, average Fx values of fetus and of cow were 11.9% and 6.5%, respectively, for 137 pregnant cows, but were 17.3% and 10.3%, respectively, for 22 open cows. Similar data for Shorthorns bred in 1961 were: 14.7% and 9.0%, respectively, for 126 pregnant cows, and 21.0% and 10.1%, respectively, for 20 cows diagnosed not pregnant. FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS FROM BULK SPREADER TRUCKS F. M. Cunningham, Agricultural Engineering Dept., V. P. 1. M. B. Rowe, Virginia Dept. Agriculture, Richmond Before satisfactory distribution patterns can be formed with bulk spreaders, fertilizer must first be accurately metered and delivered to the boom or spinner distributors. While the metering accuracy of bulk spreaders studied was generally satisfactory, problems in proper delivery are common. Poor maintenance and adjustment of chutes for the dehvery to booms and spinners adversely affected the performance of all spreaders studied. Conveyors on compartmented trucks were found to give better performance if geared to ground speed rather than to a constant speed source. Proceedings 1961-1962 211 1962] Proper adjustment of boom and spinner spreaders was also impor¬ tant in obtaining satisfactory distribution pattern uniformity. With proper adiustment, it was determined that the uniformity obtained with bulk spreaders on level fields approaches the uniformity from conventional tractor spreaders and liquid sprayers. Both boom spinner spreaders were found to cause separation of blended fertilizer materials. Analysis of the trajectories of particles of materials spread with spinners shows that the product of particle dia¬ meter, as determined by sieve analysis, and particle density is the critical factor influencing the extent of separation. RESPONSE OF HORNWORM MOTHS TO NARROW BAND IRRADIATION U. F. Earp, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Tobacco and tomato hornworm moths were irradiated with mono¬ chromatic energy of approximately 100 Angstroms mean width. The energy bands were centered at 3129, 3654, 4047, 4358, and 5461 Ang¬ stroms. Six moths of known species and sex were placed in individual compartments of a special air conditioned chamber. After a dark adapta¬ tion period each was treated in a one-minute cycle consisting of irradia¬ tion for 10 seconds, resting 15 seconds, irradiation for 10 seconds, then resting and changing equipment for 25 seconds. Each was treated at each of the five energy bands, in random order, before the next moth was moved into position. The energy was obtained from a grating mono¬ chromator. Observations were made of each moth through an infrared telescope. Intensity of irradiation was measured with a photometer. Energy bands in the ultraviolet and short-wave visible regions elicited equal responses. Less response resulted at 5461 Angstroms. More re¬ sponse was gotten at 75 F. than at 55 F. The responses at 40 and 60 percent relative humidity were the same and were significantly lower than the responses for 80 percent. OBSERVATIONS ON EXCYSTATION OF POULTRY COCCIDIA Marion M. Farr and David J. Doran, U.S.D.A., Beltsville, Md. In vivo excystation of chicken and turkey coccidia— Examinations of crops, gizzards, and intestines of chickens fed oocysts of either Eimeria acervulina or £. tenella, and of turkeys fed oocysts of either £. meleagri- mitus or £. gallopavonis, indicated (1) that the oocysts were apparently 212 The Virginia Journal of Science [September unchanged in the crop, (2) that in the gizzard a large proportion was broken and the sporocysts released, (3) that the freed sporocysts were carried on into the small intestine were their sporozoites became activated and escaped through a micropyle in the sporocyst wall. The sporozoites of the two duodenal species (E. acervulina and E. ineleagrimitis) excysted more quickly and farther anteriorly in the intestine than did those of the two cecal species (E. tenella and E. gallopavonis) . No activated sporo¬ zoites were observed in intact oocysts collected from the crops, gizzards, or intestines. In vitro excystation of chicken and turkey coccidia— In tests lasting up to 5 hours, ah atempts to bring about excystation of sporozoites from intact oocysts were unsuccessful. Exposure of mechanically released sporocysts to various pancreatic preparations resulted in a small per¬ centage of excystation. When bile or bile salts were combined with the pancreatic preparations the percentage of excystation was greatly en¬ hanced. At pH 7.3 - 7.6, 0.25 j^ercent trypsin 1-300 in 5 percent bile produced a large percentage of excystation from sporocysts of all 4 species tested. The sporozoites of the 2 cecal species excysted less quickly and survived longer in the excystation fluid than the sporozoites of the 2 duo¬ denal species. GROSS MORPHOLOGY OF THE VIRGINIA I POPULATION OF THE STING NEMATODE Betty J. Gray, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Lawrence I. Miller, Virginia Argicultural Experiment Station The gross morphology of a Virginia population of the sting nematode, Belonolaimus sp., indicates that it differs from the two described species, B. gracilis and B. longicaudatus. The average, minimum and maximum dimensions of 30 adult female sting nematodes, collected July 7, 1958, from around corn roots on the J. F. Worrell farm near Kingsfork, Virginia, (designated as the Va. 1 population) were as follows: L=2.2 mm. (1.8 — 2.6); c=l4.5 (11.8— 19.6); V=50.3 (43.7-57.7); S (stylet) z= 14 1.9 microns (118.4-151.3); length from tip of stylet to guide ring=;102.8 microns (79.0—111.9); T=155.1 microns (108.6—181.0); T/anal width=4.9 (3.5 — 6.1); S/T=: 0.92 (0.77—1.24); index number [A (length anterior to vulva) /P (length posterior to vulva) -^S/T]=: 1.1. The median bulb of the females is slightly elongated and the tail tip is convex conoid. The dimensions of 30 adult males collected as above were as follows: L— 1.9 mm. (1.6— 2.3); cz=13.6 (11.3-16.5); 8=126.8 microns (111.9-138.2); length from tip Proceedings 1961-1962 213 1962] of stylet to guide ring=92.3 microns (80.0-102.0); T=138.1 microns (105"3— 157.9); S/T=0.92 (0.77—1.28); spicule length along the chord z=49.0 microns (42.8—55.9). The median bulb of the males is elongated. B. gracilis is distinguished from the Va. 1 population of the sting nematode by the spherical median bulb, the S/T ratio and the index num¬ ber derived from A/F~ S/T of the females B. longicaudatus is dis¬ tinguished from the Va. 1 population of the sting nematode by the presence of an opposing pair of sclerotized pieces in the vagina and the hemispherical shape of the female tail tip. RESISTANCE TO INSECTICIDES IN VIRGINIA 1 allies McD. Grayson, Department of Entomology, V.P.I. Resistance to insecticides in 15 species of arthropods attacking agricultural crops, and three species affecting animals, is reported. Types of resistance, cross resistance, and stability of resistance are briefly dis¬ cussed. Some solutions to the resistance problem are presented. ADAPTATION OF COASTAL AND MIDLAND BERMUDAGRASS IN SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA D. L. Hallock, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station The adaptation and productivity of coastal and Midland Bermudagrass was compared to Ky. 31 fescue in a test initiated in 1960 at the Tide¬ water Research Station, Holland. Also, the effect of rye overseeded in Midland Bermudagrass during the winter season was studied. Nitrogen at rates of 100, 200, 400 and 800 pounds per acre, annually, was applied in 5 increments proportional to the production of the forages. Liberal amounts of K and P were applied in February. The experiment was located on an excessively drained Ruston loamy fine sand. Two years" results are summarized. The Bermudagrasses produced approximately twice as much forage as Ky. 31 fescue. Yields of all forages were doubled by the application of 800 as compared to 100 pounds per acre of N, although the yields were nearly as high from plots getting the 400 pound rate. Goastal outyielded the other forages at all except the 800 pound level of N. In that case, the Midland -f rye combination produced 8.3 tons to 7.8 tons for coastal. Coastal Bermudagrass was somewhat more responsive to N than Midland. Yelds of rye hay on the higher N plots were approximately 1 ton per acre. Under the high rates of N, coastal Bermudagrass produced about 1 ton per acre of crude protein and removed 300 pounds of K from the soil 214 The Virginia Journal of Science I September MAKING USE OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO EVALUATE FERTILIZER MANUFACTURERS IN CONTROL PROGRAM Arthur T. Hart, Virginia Department of Agriculture, Richmond It is now possible to predict the percent of plant food deficiencies that will occur in a given fertilizer by programming past sample results through electronic computers. Such predictions are based on past methods, materials and formulations; any variation in manufacture will tend to alter results. One can achieve manually the same end result as the computer by using statistical formulas; however, the possibility of human errors and the time factors are great. This data is computed for each element in each grade and is used by the Department to plan and supervise the fertilizer inspection program and is furnished each registrant for their study and other use. The average analysis, the degree of variability, and the predicted range in which approximately 70% of the future sample re¬ sults will fall are included in this report. With this information available, the manufacturer can foresee possible trouble spots and has the oppor¬ tunity to alter his plans if he sees fit. The Department of Agriculture plans to expand this program in an attempt to work more closely with industry toward quality controlled production. LIME OR FERTILIZER FOR ALFALFA - WHICH IS CRITICAL? W. W. Moschler, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Alfalfa responds nicely to either lime or mineral fertilizer. There is no interaction between the two and the combined effects are simply additive. On a short term basis (one to three years) either amendment will substantiallv substitute for the other in terms of yield, provided the rates of application are relatively high. For longevity of the stand (four to eight years), lime becomes the more critical of the two. Observations On Body Weight and Surface Area In Gallus domesticus A. T. Leighton, Jr., P. B. Siegel and H. S. Siegel, Department of Poultry Husbandry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The study presented was designed to obtain information on body weight and surface area of the domestic fowl from one-day old to 37 weeks of age. A highly significant quadratic regression equation using surface 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 215 area in square centimeters on body weight in grams was obtained for males and females separately. The equations were: (1) Males Y = 47.760301 + .981548 X — .000098 (2) Females Y = 73.816642 + .929981 X — .000106 X2 For accurate calculations of surface area in birds weighing in excess of 1000 grams it is essential to use six digits beyond the decimal point. Esti¬ mates on surface area utilizing the above regression equations were com¬ pared with the calculated surface area obtained from the formula — Sur¬ face area in cm^ = 10 w 2/3 where w = weight in grams and 10 = con¬ stant commonly utilized for birds. The differences in estimating the sur¬ face area by the two methods were highly significant (p < .01) for both males and females. The data presented suggest that the regression equa¬ tions obtained for males and females of different body weights were reliable estimates of surface area in the birds utilized in this study. The Place of the Logarithmic Sprayer in Agricultural Research H. M. LeBaron, Virginia Truck Experiment Station The logarithmic or variable dosage sprayer is becoming established ex¬ perimental equipment for research with agricultural spray chemicals. While the technique has been applied in various fields, it has proved to be espe¬ cially useful in the evaluation of herbicides. By using the logarithmic sprayer, an infinite number of rates in a logarithmic progression produces the whole dosage response spectrum in the field. These studies have led to the more accurate measurement of the selectivity factor, the optimum rate, and other specific criteria by which the practical value of a herbicide for a certain crop-weed combina¬ tion can be assessed. The “dynamic” aspects of the herbicide application, such as interactions between rate, time, plant recovery, and disappearance of a herbicide from the soil can also be easily followed. The log sprayer may also be used for more complex problems, many of which would be prohibitive by conventional plot work because of space, time, labor, and chemical that would be necessary. Two similar mate¬ rials can be compared in one test by keeping the combined rate constant but varying the proportions of each inversely. More complex mixtures can be studied by holding one herbicide constant while varying another. Additives such as surfactants, oils, etc. may be varied while the herbicide is held constant. 216 The Virginia Journal of Science 1 September Physiological Aspects of Quackgrass Control H. M. LeBaron, Virginia Truck Experiment Station An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of various chemi¬ cal and cultural treatments on the carbohydrate reserves and growth of quackgrass rhizomes, and the relationships between the control of quack¬ grass topgrowth and the effects on the underground organs. All treatments had a marked effect on the carbohydrate content and yield of quackgrass rhizomes during some period of the growing season. Of the cultural treatments, the spring plowing resulted in the most rapid decline in both yield of rhizomes and total carbohydrate. As soon as new topgrowth developed, however, the carbohydrates were gradually restored and the growth of new rhizomes was stimulated. Repeated cul¬ tivation throughout the season resulted in continuous and severe reduc¬ tions of rhizomes and carbohydrates. Applications of nitrogen prior to cultivation or herbicide apphcations tended to enhance the effectiveness of treatment on control of topgrowth, but this was often short lived. The herbicides differed considerably in the rate and degree of reduc¬ tions in rhizome yields and carbohydrates. They also varied greatly in the relationship between their effect on underground organs and top- growth response. Interactions between the cultural and chemical treatments were observ¬ ed at all sampling periods. The herbicides, listed in the order of their dependency upon cultivation for effective control, were as follows: dalapon, fenac, amitrol-T, simazine, and atrazine. Blood Vessels in Fetal and Postnatal Skins of Goat and Sheep Lubow A. Margolena, Sheep and Fur Animal Research Branch, Animal Husbandry Research Division, ARS United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville Development and distribution of blood vessels have been followed through the skins of fetal and postnatal goats and sheep. Irrespective of the type of coat produced and density of follicular population, the general pattern consists of three layers. Follicular initiation in the common American, Toggenburg and Angora goats, and Karakul sheep, showed no direct contact with blood. Capil¬ lary supply to the dermal papillae, and capillary nets about follicles, or Proceedings 1961-1962 217 1962] capillaries running along smaller follieles all appear only after a certain degree of development has been reached. This also includes penetration to certain skin levels and production of follicular bulbs large enough to accommodate dermal papillae as well as capillary loops. The direct suppy of the primaries (earliest developing follicles) takes place between the 90th and 100th day of fetal life in dairy goats and Karakul sheep. Direct entry in the Angora begins first from the 100th day. Direct capillarv supply preceded keratinization. In the skins of goats and sheep the large blood vessels appear to branch into smaller units, including the eapillaries, in immediate response to the demands of a follicular population. The follieles themselves seem to determine just when and where to attract the ineoming and outgoing flow of blood. A Trial Use of Salt Water River Sediment as a Mulch on Some Vegetable and Ornamental Plants M. M. Parker, Virginia Truck Experiment Station^ Norfolk Sedimentary material, dug from the bottom of a shallow salt water river cove close to a bay, was air dried, broken into pieces and sereened into small parts. It was then applied as a covering about one-half inch thick on vegetable seed and small ornamental and vegetable plants sown and set in ordinary field soil. The ground was eovered with the muleh- ing material immediately after sowing the seed or setting the plant. Almost perfect weed eontrol was obtained wherever the mulch was applied either to seed or plant, and it remained effective over a period of months. During that time the mulch remained loose and open, per¬ mitting ready entrance of water. Plant growth, exeept in the case of azaleas and possibly camellias, was considerably better where the mulch was used. Seed, planted during the heat and dryness of mid-summer, germinated quickly and effectively in soils eovered with the mulch. The material used in this test analyzed high in calcium, very high in magnesium, medium in phosphorus and very high in potash. It had a salt content of about 5000 ppm, a pH reading of 4.0 and an organic mat¬ ter content of 7 percent. 218 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Description of Lesions Caused by Larvae of Ascaridia columbae in THE Livers of Pigeons W. T. Shalkop and Everett E. Wehr, Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, Animal Disease and Parasite Research Division, ARS U. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville In connection with studies on life history of the intestinal roundworm, Ascaridia columbae, of the domestic and wild pigeon, numerous small, pinhead sized lesions were observed on the surface of the livers of a few of the birds at necropsy. Each of these birds had received approximately 4,000 to 5,000 embryonated eggs of this nematode in successive doses over a 6 to 17 day period. These birds were killed and examined peri¬ odically from 21 to 92 days after the first inoculation and 3 to 76 days after the last. Portions of the livers were preserved in 10 percent neu¬ tral formalin solution, and later sectioned and stained in haemotoxylin- eosin stain for study. An examination of these sections showed the lesions to have a gen¬ eralized distribution throughout the liver tissue. They were of the multi¬ ple granuloma type and had arisen as a response of the host to the pres¬ ence of the larvae which elicited this typical foreign body reaction. Large multinucleated giant cells of the foreign body type characterized these lesions and focal accumulations of eosinophiles and lynphoid cells were interspersed between the granulomas. The progression of these lesions coincided with development of the degenerative changes in the parasite. In the areas surrounding the viable larvae, no host cell infiltration had yet occurred; however, both lymphoid cells and eosinophiles had begun to infiltrate those areas in which partially fragmented or degenerated larvae were found. As the lesions progress¬ ed the eosinophils became more prominent and, in many cases, were inti¬ mately associated with fragments of the parasites. Later these accumula¬ tions of eosinophiles became incorporated with necrotic debris in foreign body giant cell formations. Light Management for Commercial Layers H. S. Siegel and W. L. Beane, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Two experiments were performed in which commercial egg producing strains were maintained under two different artificial lighting regimes: (1) Six hours of daily light until 20 weeks of age and 3% weekly incre¬ ments thereafter; (2) Fourteen hours of daily light until the 30th week of production (50 weeks of age), then continued on concurrent 3% weekly 219 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 increases with the 6 hour — 3% group. It was found that age at first egg and 50% production were retarded when birds were restricted to 6 hours of light per day during the grow¬ ing period. If, however, restricted light groups were given a 36-hour period of continuous light at 14 weeks of age, age at first egg was not significantly later than the 14-hour groups, although age at 50% pro¬ duction was retarded. There was no significant difference in egg pro¬ duction between groups for the 52 weeks as a whole, but a significant treatment x age interaction indicated treatment differences at various ages. Significantly less feed was required to produce a dozen eggs in the 6-hour — 3% groups. This difference could apparently be explained by the significantly smaller eggs and lower body weights in groups grown and maintained under restricted light. The Quantitative Inheritance of 8-week Breast Angle in Gallus Domesticus P. B. Siegel, Foultry Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute An experiment was conducted to measure the short-term response of artificial selection for breast angle at 8 weeks of age in White Plymouth Rock chickens. Data, obtained from 5 generations of individual pheno¬ typic selection in opposite directions, were used to determine heritabilities, types of gene action and sexual dimorphism for the trait under study. Sexual dimorphism with males having significantly broader breast angles than females were found in all comparisons. Approximately 30 per cent of the total variation appeared to be due to hereditary influence. The rapid consistent separation of the lines in response to selection in diver¬ gent directions for breast angle suggested that a considerable amount of the genetic variation was additive. Comparisons of heritability estimates and reciprocal crosses beween selected lines indicated further that prac¬ tically all of the genetic variation could be accounted for by additive autosomal and additive sex-linked genic effects. Dominance, epistatic and maternal influences appeared to have minor roles in the inheritance of this characteristic. Survival of the Cysts of Heterodera Glycines Adhering to Stored Sweetpotato, Peanut, and Peanut Hay Grover C. Smart, Jr. and Barbara A. Wright, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Quarantine regulations were e.^^tablished in Virginia in 1959 to prevent 220 The Virginia Journal of Science [September the dissemination of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. It was, therefore, important to determine whether the contents (larvae and eggs) of cysts adhering to plant parts directly or in soil particles survive the normal curing and storing of certain farm products. Viable cysts were artificially affixed to freshly dug sweetpotato and to field-cured peanut fruit and peanut hay. (It has previously been reported that cyst contents remain viable during field and artificial curing of peanut fruit and hay). Other cysts, either mixed with soil or free of soil in Petri dishes, were placed with each plant product. The sweetpotatoes were cured and stored with the farmer’s crop in two separate curing houses. The temperature and relative humiditv during a 12-month period in one sweetpotato house varied from 46-98° F and 30-100%, and in the other house from 48-87° F and 37-94%. Peanut fruit and peanut bay were stored in a round metal storage bin. The temperature and relative hu¬ midity in the bin varied from 6-113° F and 12-100%. Cyst contents were viable after 12 months storage under all test conditons. Therefore, cyst contents remain viable longer than the normal curing and storing of sweetpotato, peanut, and peanut hay. Anion Retention by Virginia Soils Grant W. Thomas, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Studies of chloride, nitrate and sulfate retention by a number of Vir¬ ginia soils suggest that clav mineral species, pH and ii'on oxide content are closely related to the amounts of anions adsorbed from salt solutions. Distribution coefficients, calculated at pH values ranging from 2 to 6, show that chloride and nitrate are held with about the same affinity; whereas, sulfate is held much more tightly. Determinations of native anions in acid, red subsoils indicate that sulfate can accumulate to the extent of several milliequivalents per 100 gm. of soil. Problems in Standardization of an Empircal Procedure for Total Nitrogen against the Offical Kjeldahl Procedure N. R. Thompson and W. K. Stone, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg It may be desirable, for reasons of cost, time, etc., to adopt or develop an empirical analytical procedure and employ it routinely in chemical analyses. Such a procedure should be examined for precision and ac¬ curacy, which usually includes comparison with a standard or officially approved method. Two of the problems which arose, in standardization of a rapid method for nitrogen in whole milk, were (a) whether to dis- Proceedings 1961-1962 221 1962] card or retain extreme values and (b) how to determine die relationship between results by the rapid method and the standard method. A sta¬ tistical test for outlying values showed that all extreme values were well within the normal range of results by the rapid method. Yields of nitro¬ gen by the rapid method (which constituted about one-eighth of the total nitrogen present) were compared with those by the official meth¬ od. Similar prediction equations for total nitrogen were obtained by two different statistical procedures. Machine Monoliths Show Why Soils Are Different George C. Willson, Jr. and Earl H. Brunger, Soil Conservation Service This paper sets forth possible uses of the new style soil monoliths being made by the Soil Conservation Service through use of a soil coring machine. These 1" and 2" monoliths are easily and quickly prepared, light in weight, compact, and easy to transport. They are good visual aids to assist the public in becoming more soil conscious, and more aware of soil differences. Several colored slides show exhibits of these monoliths illustrating soil deveolpment, soil catenas, erosion classes, pasture capacities, forest site indices, and suitability for septic tanks. Another exhibit shows predicted yields of corn and alfalfa under good management on seven different soil types, characteristics of which are shown by machine monoliths at¬ tached to the exhibit. Similar comparisons can be shown for other crops on other soil types. The above are only a few examples of uses which may be made of machine monoliths in teaching or lecturing, or as stationary displays. It is hoped that wide use may be made of these monoliths and that many new individual displays and interpretations will be developed. General Review of Relationships Between Pastures and Parasitim in Gattle H. H. Vegors, Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, Animal Disease and Parasite Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville Two important factors that influence nematode parasitism in grazing cattle are the animals’ resistance to parasites and parasitic disease and the environment, such as pastures and climate. The resistance of cattle to the establishment of parasites gradually de- 222 The Virginia Journal of Science [September velops over many months through the gradual acquisition of infective worm larvae. However, overstocking of pastures may lead to the break¬ down of this resistance. The nutrition furnished by pastures influences the development of immunitv to the effects of parasitism. Resistance of a level sufficient to inhibit the growth of the worms but not strong enough to expel them from the host complicates control, either by drag therapy or by management methods. The environmental factors of climate and season of year are not con¬ trollable. However, the interrelated factors of pasture and animal man¬ agement can be altered to help control parasitic disease. Among the management practice that will be considered are grain supplements to grazing catle, rate of stocking, and low-level chemical medication to reduce pasture contamination. To achieve a balance between high pro¬ duction per acre and the control of parasitism demands continuing sur¬ veillance and good management. Nutritive Value of Kelp Meal for the Growing Chick E. L. Wisman and C. E. Howes, Deportment of Poultry Science, V.P.I. Chicks reared in battery cages with wire floors did not respond with increased growth to 4 or 8 weeks of age when 2 to 6.5% Norwegian kelp meal was added to a ration complete in all nutrients known to be required for maximum growth. Chicks reared on litter averaged 3.78 lbs. in body weight at 9 weeks of age when 2% Norwegian kelp meal was added to the ration and 3.68 lbs. on the basal ration. The 0.1 lb. increase, however, only approached statistical significance. The addi¬ tion of fish solubles or Erythromycin to the basal ration gave a signif¬ icant growth response. This observation, along with the absence of a kelp meal response, indicated that the kelp meal did not provide any unidentified growth factor activity, which was attributed to the fish solu¬ bles response, or anv antibiotic-like activity. The kelp meal was found to contain 10% NaCl equivalent and 30 PPM manganese by chemical assay. When the salt was omitted from the basal, levels of kelp meal up to 8% still did not elicit a growth response. Adequate salt was supplied by 6.5% kelp meal. Two experi¬ ments indicated that the kelp meal spared manganese in a suboptimal manganese ration. However, the concentration of manganese found in the product was not sufficient to account for the sparing action. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 223 SECTION OF ASTRONOMY, MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS R. E. Garrett, Chairman B. W. Sloope, Secretary Miss 1. Boggs, Historian D. Rae Carpenter, Section Editor E. F. Turner, Coiinacil Representative Minutes The business meeting was opened with general announcements by the Chairman, R. E. Garrett. The Secretary reminded the section members to return the postcards to the Academy membership committee so that the section roster would be up to date. Concerning inquiries about the early date at which the papers were called for, the Secretary pointed out that this date was set by the Edtior of the journal and was determined by printing schedules. Howeyer, more time had been requested in the future if at all possible. Dr. Robeson, VPI, asked if the section could not forego publication of titles and print a mimeographed program for the section seyeral weeks before the annual meeting so that more time would be ayailable for graduate students to submit papers. After some discussion, E. F. Turner, Council Representatiye, said he would bring this up at the Council meeting. Dr. Turner also mentioned the desire of keeping the History of the section up to date. The Chairman called for the report of the nominating committee which consisted of Dr. A. D. Campbell, Dr. T. Gilmer, and Dr. A. Robeson. Dr. Campbell presented the recommendations of the committee for the Officers for the year 1962-63 as follows: Chairman: B. W. Slope, Virginia Institute for Scientific Research Secretary: Tom Joyner, Hampden-Sydney Council Representatiye: E. F. Turner, Jr., Washington and Lee Section Editor: D. Rae Carpenter, Jr., Virginia Military Institute Historian: Miss Isabel Boggs, Randolph-Macon Women’s College It was moyed, seconded and passed that these recommendations be accepted. There being no nominations from the floor, the above slate of officers was elected unanimously. Billy W. Sloope, Secretary Resonance Escape Probability in Thorium Nitrate Solutions* L. S. Anthony and A. Robeson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Absorbers are introduced into an aluminum box in aqueous solution. 224 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Neutrons from the V.P.L Cockcroft-Walton accelerator produced by the d,d reaction are used. The neutron density in the system decreases with increasing absorber concentration from its initial value in a system of pure water due to scattering and absorption with the thorium, nitrogen, and oxygen added as thorium nitrate. In order to compensate for the effect of the nitrogen, oxygen and the non-resonant absorption of thorium, a ‘"mock solution” was made in which the heavy absorber was iron. The resonance escape probability is: ( r ) TH = - ^Fe where : PTh = Resonance non-absorption probability in thorium nitrate = Slowing down density in thorium nitrate at some lethargy = Slowing down density in ferric nitrate at the same lethargy The resonance escape probability is then given by the ratio of counting rates of equivalent solutions measured with a bare BF3 detector. Agreement with Monte Carlo predictions is within one per cent over concentrations from 0 — 1 X f atoms of thorium per cm^. The values for the resonance escape probability range from 100 to 96 per cent in these concentrations. * Supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission The Measurement of Partial Specific Volumes with the Magnetic Balance J. W. Beams and A. M. Clarke, University of Virginia A modification of the magnetic suspension balance is described for the determination of densities and partial specific volumes of solutions of which only a small amount is available. Using only 200 microliters of solution, this balance is capable of measuring densities to a precision of better than 4 parts in ten thousand. This precision, and the small amount of solution necessary for the measurement, allow the computation of the partial specific volumes of ribonuclease and some viruses to a precision which has been quite difficult to obtain heretofore using the standard pycnometer technique. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 225 Activation Analysis of Fishbone Sample Edward T. Bird, University of Florida, and Robert R. Slocum, Norfolk College of William and Mary One of the authors. Dr. Bird, is doing work on the effects of trace elements on growth of rachitic rat tissue. Since activation analysis has become a sensitive method of detection of trace amounts of isotopes, it was decided to activate a bone sample to learn the technique. The sample was irradiaed in the experimental reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratories in a neutron flux of lO^^/cm^/sec for a period of one hour. The sample was then dissolved in HCl and half-life studies and beta energy determinations made with a G-M Counter on an aliquot. The remainder of the sample was chemically separated on anion and cation exchange columns. These separated samples were then scanned repeatedly for a week on a single-channel gamma spectrometer employ¬ ing a two inch diameter thallium activatetd Nal crystal as detector. The following isotopes were detected; Cl-38, Mn-56, Na-24, Cu-64, and a long-lived component, Ba-131, with a half-life of 11.5 days. Least Square Analysis Relevant to Radio Astronomy C. M. Bowden, University of Richmond An exact least square solution for the parameters of a sine curve was obtained. The simplified solution for the curve Yi = a sin (xi + ^) was given as; Si Yi cos xi \ / S sin^ xi S Yi sin xy I ^ cos^ Xi (SYi cos Xi)" (^Yi sin xi)" i i ■ - + (S cos^ Xi)" (5 sin^ Xi)^ i i It is shown that the least square sine curve solution to the points for a given frequency yields the Fourier component associated with that fre¬ quency. An exact least square solution to a Gaussian curve was also given where the width at hah maximum amplitude is known. For the curve 226 [September The Virginia Journal of Science the parameters A and m are the following: r 1 / W^xilogY^ m = ^ - I - ( - 1 - 3x1 L f^‘\ (N-l)log2 log A = T [s log Yi + — m)2] N i w i Where 2W is the width at half maximum amplitude and N is the num¬ ber of measured quantities Yj. Radiometric Measurements of the Moon at 3.15 cm. Wavelength C. M. Bowden, University of Richmond and C. H. Mayer, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory Radiometric measurements were made of the moon at 3.15 cm wave¬ length with the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory 50-foot antenna. The observations were conducted over a period of the lunation from May 3 to June 19, 1956. A least square sine curve fit to the measurements gives the following curve for the variation of the equivalent uniform disk brightness temperature with time: Te " (195 zh 25) — (12 ± 5) cos (wt-44 dz 15) in degrees Kelvin. Further theoretical considerations dealing with a homogeneous substance for the moon give the following curve for the brightness temperature of the central point of the lunar disk based upon the least square curve for the equivalent uniform disk brightness temperature: Te= (200 zb25) — (20zii5) cos (wt-44 + 15) °K Also, from the theory and the value for the subsolar point surface tem¬ perature Tg taken from the infrared measurements, the dark side sur¬ face temperature, Tm, and tlie ratio of the thermal attenuation coefficient to the electromagnetic wave attenuation coefficient, 8, are given as Tg=:374°K, Tm — 110°K, 8 = 4.5 VHF Oscillations in a Penning Gauge* R. N. Dennis, Jr., College of William and Mary VHF oscillations with well defined frequencies have been observed Proceedings 1961-1962 227 1962] using a receiver connected to the anode of a Penning ion gauge. These oscillations seem to be associated with the slow wave inodes of a plasma filled conducting cylinder. Slight variations in voltage cause abrupt changes in the gauge current concurrent with changes in the amplitude and breadth of observed resonances. This relation suggests that these slow waves may help to account for the gauge current. It appears that the slow wave modes are excited by a beam plasma interaction between electrons, oscillating between the cathodes in the electrostatic potential maximum, and the plasma. *Work supported by a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. A Solid State Neutron Spectrometer G. T. Fairburn, W. B. Carpenter and A. Keith Furr, Virginia Pohjtechnic Institute A fast neutron spectrometer, utilizing a silicon surface barrier diode as a detector of recoil protons knocked from a polyethylene film by a beam of incident neutrons, was designed and constructed. Pulses from the detector due to the electron-hole pairs created by the protons in the silicon are linear with respect to the proton energy and hence neutron energy. These pulses were fed to a multi-channel analyzer and used to obtain pulse height spectra from various neutron sources. These sourcs included the V.P.l. reactor, neutrons from the H2(d,n)He^ reaction reac¬ tion using a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator and a small plutonium-beryllium source. The spectrometer has an efficiency of approximately 10~" and an energy resolution of 10-15 per cent. The results using the Cockcroft-Walton accelerator source showed that the spectrometer could be used to investi¬ gate differential neutron cross-sections. The Detemination of the Multiplication Constant of the VMI Sub-Critical Reactor W. D. Harris, G. C. Ridgely, Jr., C. R. Thomas, Jr., Virginia Military Institute The VMI sub-critical assembly is contained in a concrete tank, the top of which is at floor level. It is light water moderated and employs hollow natural uranium slugs supplied by the A.E.C. In the first deter¬ mination of the multiplication factor, the common static method was used. Initial counts were made without fuel elements present and counts 228 The Virginia Journal of Science [September were recorded as the lattice was filled to a full core of nine rows (217 fuel elements). The neutron amplification factor was calculated from the data recorded with a boron-trifluoride counter and the reciprocal of the amplifieation was plotted versus the number of fuel elements. From this plot the effeetive multiplication of the sub-critical was obtained. In the second method a pulsed neutron generator is used to supply neutron bursts to the sub-critical lattice. A single channel time analyzer is used to obtain the prompt neutron deeay curve. From this curve and a calculation of the geometric buckling, the prompt multiplication factor can be determined. Initial data by the first method indicate tliat the multiplication factor is 0.71, a value considerably lower than desired. In the initial meas¬ urement, however, the detector was closer to the source than it should have been. Angular Correlation of Neutrons and Gamma Rays from the Bii(d,n)Ci2 Reaction W. F. Huang and R. C. Ritter, University of Virginia The Bii(d,ny)C^-4.43 reaction was studied with 0.7- and I.O-Mev inci¬ dent deuteron energies. The targets were 290 and 195 /xg/cm^, respectively, of enriched B^^, plated on tantalum backings. A 5" x 5" Ne 102 plastic scintillator was used for the neutron detector and a IW' X I" Nal (Tl) scintillator detected the y-rays. A time-of-fUght system, with a 0.9 meter flight path, provided energy discrimination of the neu¬ trons, so that individual groups were observable. With the y-detector located perpendicular to the reaction plane, the correlations with neu¬ tron angle are expected to approximate more conventional neutron an¬ gular distribution measurements. Within the fairly large quoted errors, we found this to be so. An interesting aspect of our ‘‘neutron angular distributions” is the large difference between the results at the two deu¬ teron energies. The 1-Mev data shows strong foiYvard peaking, similar to reported data at 2.65- and 5.35-Mev, but the 0.7-Mev data showed only a slight forward peaking. Angular correlations were measured with the y-detector in the reaction plane. The data are being analyzed, and should provide information on details of the reaction mechanism. Polarization of Neutrons from the Lf (d, n) Be® Reaction F. L. Hereford and S. V. Topp, University of Virginia Using a liquid helium neutron polarimeter, the polarization of the Proceedings 1961-1962 229 1962] ground state neutrons from the Li'^(d,n)Be^ reaction has been measured. Recoil alphas from neutrons scattered in a liquid helium scintillator (de¬ scribed in the preceding paper) were detected in coincidence witn neutrons scattered to the right and left. Pulse height selection dis¬ criminated against lower enegry neutron groups. The neutron polariza¬ tion has been measured for various deuteron bombarding energies up to 1-Mev and as a function of scattering angle for 1-Mev deuterons. The neutron polarization reaches a maximum of -12 it: 2% (Basel Convention) at 45° c.m. for 1-Mev deuterons. Levels in Al^^ Below 7 Mev W. T. Joyner, Hampden-Sydney College The excitation function for the inelastic scattering of protons to the first level of Mg^^ has been measured for bombarding energies be¬ tween 2.7 Mev and 4.2 Mev, using an electrostatic accelerator. The 1.37 Mev gamma rays resulting from inelastic scattering were detected by a 2" x 2" cylindrical Nal scintillator at a laboratory angle of 0°. Six resonances occur in this energy interval, corresponding to levels in Aps at excitation energies of 4.93, 5.09, 5.14, 5.75, 5.81, and 6.15 Mev. At each resonance, angular distribution measurements were made on both the 1.37 Mev gamma rays and the inelastically scattered protons. The nature of the distributions indicates compound nucleus formation at these energies, with no evidence of direct interaction ef¬ fects. Use of Solid State Detectors for Photonuclear Reactions W. R. Johnson and W. D. Whitehead, University of Virginia A procedure for the fabrication of diffused junction silicon detectors has been developed which permits manufacture of counters 6 Mev thick for protons and with an energy resolution less than 1% for a particles. Two of tliese detectors were connected so that the protons had to traverse both counters, and the pulses were summed so that the effective thick¬ ness was 10 Mev but the resolution was poorer. The summing counter was used to measure the energy distribution and angular distribution of protons from the AI27 (y, p) Mg26 reaction using 63 Mev bremsstrahlung spectrum from the synchrotron. Time Resolution of the Vernier Chronotron W. T. Joyner, Hampden-Sydney College The vernier chronotron is an instrument designed to measure time inter- 230 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Veils on the order of nanoseconds (10“^ sec.). It consists of two circula¬ tion loops of coax cable, loop amplifiers, and assciated circuitry. One of the loops is shorter by a fixed time increment than the other, so that one of the defining pulses gains on its companion pulse the fixed time increment each revolution. Eventually, the two are coincident and kill each other. The total time interval is the number of the revolutions multiplied by the time increment. (This circuit was designed by Le- Fevere and Russell.) The output of the instrument was found to change about 5% for a change of input rate from 0 to 500 cps, or a relative channel shift of 10 channels in 200. This indicated that the chronotron should be used in fixed counting rate applications. For three different loop circulation times three values of time resolu¬ tion were found. At 1 me/ sec, the resolution was 4.5 ns. At 3.3 me/ sec, the resolution was 1.7 ns., and at 4 mc/sec, it was 1.5 ns. This resolution makes the instrument useful for positronium lifetime studies. Equilibrium U ltracentrifugation H. G. Kim and F. N. Weber, Jr., University of Virginia The equilibrium ultracentrifuge^ has recently been used to study pro¬ teins, high polymers, and properties of solutions. Molecular weight deter¬ minations made with this centrifuge appear below in Table I. As seen from this data, the magnetically suspended centrifuge is operable over virtually all molecular weight ranging from 10- to 10^. Work recently completed on Bushy Stunt Virus^ indicates the possibility of equilibrium Substance C(gms/dC) 1-Vp Mw Sucrose . 3 .376 341.6 ± .6 Insulin . 35 .261 5,792 zt 11 Ribonuclease . 24 ,302 13,690 zh 60 Lysoz5nne . 2 .260 14,800 ±70 Fraction I . 1 .310 2.80 X 10" ± 3 X lO*' Polystyrene . 5 .286 1.80 X 10" ±10^ Bushy Stunt Virus . 13 .258 7.80 X 10" ± 4 X 10^ Table I ’Beams, J. W., Boyle, R. D., Hexner, P. E.; Rev. Sci. Instr. 32, 645 (1961). iiMw--7.8 x 106 Proceedings 1961-1962 231 1962] determinations in the 10" region. Runs in this weight range are possi¬ ble because of the inherent stability of the rotor at low speeds (e.g., 10 rps). Non-ideality studies of polymers at non-theta temperatures haye been conducted. In the polystyrene-cyclohexane system, departures from ideality as a function of temperature and concentration were inyestigated. Electron Microscope Studies of Electrodeposition Kenneth R. Lawless and Lucille B. Garmon, University of Virginia Studies of the initial stages of electrodeposition were made by means of transmission electron microscopy. The single crystal films examined were prepared by electrodeposition of copper on thin films of electrodeposited nickel. Transmission electron micrographs reyealed the presence of Moire fringes. The Moire patterns were analyzed to yield information concern¬ ing the manner in which electrodeposition of the first few atom layers occurs when one metal is plated onto a dissimilar metal. Angular Distribution of Satellite Scintillation*^ J. D. Lawrence and J. E. Alexander, College of William and Mary Strip chart plots of signal strength yersus time for the 54 mc/s trans¬ missions of artificial earth satellite 1961 Omicron 1 are examined for transits oyer Williamsburg, Virginia, in the period October, 1961, to April, 1962. The random fluctuations in signal amplitude due to irregu¬ larities in ionospheric ionization density are interpreted with respect to satellite position. Amplitude scintillations show a marked dependence on eleyaion angle and appear to decrease to a minimum for eleyations greater than 20°. The nature of scintillation at high angles of eleyation (small zenith distance) is not clear. Occurrence of scintillation as a function of satellite azimuth shows clear north-south asymmetries with a maximum centered near magnetic north. The magnitude of scintillation increases sharply for latitudes aboye 40° N. These resuls indicate that the fluctua¬ tions obseryed depend upon the length of the ionospheric part of the propa¬ gation path and probably upon the angle between the direction of pro¬ pagation and the earth’s magnetc field. *Work supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Space Velocities of Mira Type Variables V. Osyalds, Leander McCormick Observatory, University of Virginia A. Marguerite Risley, Randolph-Macon Womans College Radial yelocities by Merrill and proper motions deriyed by Alden and 232 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Osvalds from McCormick and Yale plates were used to determine mean distances and absolute magnitudes of 345 variables. These variables were divided by periods into 8 groups of Mira stars, and a group of 26 car¬ bon stars. Space velocities of 288 of these variables were found, 57 being excluded for lack of presently available radial velocities. The significant feature of this paper is the homogeneous set of proper motions. In comparison with those from other sources the absolute magnitudes reveal acceptable agreement for variables with periods less than 300 days, but are about one magnitude brighter than those of other sources for periods greater than 300 days. An exception is Miczaika’s compilation which agrees well with ours except for the longest periods. Space velocities from our investigation indicate that Mira variables with periods less than 300 days more further from the galactic plane and in orbits of greater inclination than those with longer periods. This work has been published in the Publications of the Leander Mc¬ Cormick Observatory, volume XI, (1961). Pulsed Neutron Measurements in Water and Ice^ J. A. McClure and A. Robeson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute A Cockcroft-Walton accelerator with a pulsed source has been used to study neutron diffusion parameters in H2O as a function of temperature. The diffusion parameters (Sav, D and C) have been measured as a func¬ tion of temperature below room temperature by determining buckling for different sizes of cylinders. The experimental arrangement permits meas¬ urement of samples above and below the freezing point. Neutrons from the T^(d, n) reaction were used and a large BF3 coun¬ ter, located at a point of symmetry, was the detector. A multi-channel time analyzer was used to determine the time dependent, thermal neutron distributions. * Supported by U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Photoneutron Cross Sections of Lanthanum and Praseodymium L. B. Rice, L. N. Bolen, and W. D. Whitehead, University of Virginia The effect of shell closure upon the photodisintegration giant resonance was investigated by measuring the (y, n) cross sections of lanthanum and praseodymium using the bremsstrahlung from the 70 Mev electron syn¬ chrotron at the University of Virginia. The photoneutron yield points were measured, at .5 Mev intervals from 8 to 30 Mev, using the Halpern- Proceedings 1961-1962 233 1962] type detection system. The synchrotron beam was monitored by an ion¬ ization chamber calibrated to dz 2% by the National Bureau of Standards, also the neutron detection efficiency was calibrated by using a Ra-Be neutron source known to it 3%. The yield curve was determined using the average of 24 independent determinations. The daily fluctuations in the yield points were less than ± 2%, and the uncertainities assigned to the yield points were computed from the standard deviation of the independent runs. The method of Penfold and Leiss was used to extract from the vield curves the total neutron cross section, (Tfi = o-(y,n) -\- o-(7,pn) -j- 2o-(y,2n) -|- . The results show that the half width at half maximum cross section of lanthanum is less than that of praseodymium, being 3.2 ± .3 and 3.6 zh .3 Mev, respertively. It was possible to fit both cross sertions, cor¬ rected for the multiplicity in o-(y,2n), with a Lorentz corve. The maxi¬ mum cross sections were 304 zh 15 and 305 zt: 15 mb, occhrring at 14.5 ztz .3 and 14.8 zb .3 Mev, respectively for lanthanum and praseodymium. Coulomb Excitation of Mediitm-Ligitt Odd- A Nuclei R. C. Ritter, University of Virginia Ne^^ ions with energies of 8- to 15-Mev were used for Coulomb excita¬ tion studies of levels in medium-light odd-A nuclei. Doubly and triply charged Ne^^ ions were obtained in enhanced quantities from a PIG-type ion source, and accelerated in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory 5.5 Mev Van de Graaf. Heavy ions are able to provide electromagnetic excitation y-ray yields and angular distributions which are generally freer of com¬ plexities than those obtained with protons and helium ions. This permit¬ ted a detailed study of the lower-lying levels of eigh odd-A nuclei from Ti^’' o As"^^. The angular distribution measurements provided strong evi¬ dence for unique spin assignments for four of the levels which were excited. Two of these assignments (in Zn®^) conflict with accepted values, and two of them confirm values previously accepted on weaker evidence. E2 matrix elements were determined for 14 transitions in the eight nuclei, and Ml matrix elements were determined for 10 transitions. Ten of the E2 matrix elements exhibited enhancements greater than 10 times, com¬ pared to single-particle estimates. The occurrence of such enhancements is not predicted at such low levels 300 kev) for these nuclei, by the conventional vibrational collective model. Formation Conditions and Structure of Thin Epitaxial Ge Films B. W. Sloope and C. O. Tiller, Virginia Institute for Scientific Research An experimentaP investigation of the effects of formation conditions on 234 The Virginia Journal of Science [September the structural characteristics of thin Ge films vacuum deposited onto synthetic single crystals of CaF2, MgO, and NaCl is reported. Forma¬ tion conditions include substrate temperature during deposition, rate of deposition, and heat treatment. The amorphous to crystalline transforma¬ tion of Ge was found to occur in the 300-400° G substrate temperature range. It is shown that single-crystal films, 1500 A thick, can be formed on GaF2 substrates at temperatures between 450° G and 700° G by proper choice of rate of deposition. Crystalline structure, porosity, complexity of imperfections, and film adhesion are dependent on the rate of deposition and deposition temperature. The Electronic Properties of Tellurium at High Pressure and At Low Temperature* Ralph E. Stajdohar and James N. Boyd, University of Virginia We are in the process of measuring the Hall coefficient, magneto¬ resistance, and conductivity of pure tellurium at 77 °K and 4.2° K as a function of pressure up to pressures of about 9000 atmospheres. At these low temperatures the conductivity and Hall coefficient for pure, extrinsic tellurium can be described by equations of the form .tU = a + Be -ae/kt RU = A' where A, B, A', and B' are temperature independent and the exponent s depends on the kind of scattering. These equations are consistent with extrinsic conduction by two sets of holes, the fast hole band being sepa¬ rated from the slow hole band by an energy gap of A E 0.025 ev. Theoretical studies indicate that this picture for the valence band is quite realistic. These studies further indicate that a large pressure de¬ pendence of this gap is to be expected and this experiment should add additional evidence as to the existence of the gap and its pressure depend¬ ence. The paper being presented here describes the construction of tlie ex¬ perimental apparatus and the experimental techniques for this kind of study. Slides will be shown. * Supported by the Army Research Office, Durham, N. G. Solid Helium at High Pressure* John W. Stewart, University of Virginia In 1956, the author (I) measured the compressibility of solid He^ at Proceedings 1961-1962 235 1962] 4°K at pressures up to 20,000 kg/cm^. The direct piston displacement technique was used. A comparison between this compressibility and that of the lighter isotope, He^, has great potential interest. Natural helium contains only about one part per million of He^, and it is only recently that sufficient He^ has become available for such a comparison to be feasible. No other pair of stable isotopes differs so greatly in macroscopic physical properties. He^ obeys Bose-Einstein statistics and has zero nu¬ clear spin, while He^ obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics and has nuclear spin V2. In addition, He^ has somewhat higher zero point energy. It cannot be predicted at present whether, as one might suspect, He^ has a sig¬ nificantly greater compressibility than He'^. These factors may or may not work in the same direction. Measurements similar to those used earlier are now in progress on He^, but because of sealing difficulties, insufficient data to make a detailed comparison have been accumulated so far. * Supported by Army Research Office, Durham, N. C. (1) y. W. Stewart, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, J, 146 (1956) Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation in J. K. Sun and C. D. Bond, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The angular correlation of the 356—82 Kev cascade in Cs^^^ follow¬ ing the K — capture of Ba^^^ has been investigated using a solid source of Ba(N03)2 . Spin assignment of the levels involved are given as 1/2-^ 5/2 -^7/2 with the 82 Kev transition being a mixture of 96.5% M(l) and 3.5% E(2) radiation. Because of the rather long lifetime of the 82 Kev level of 6.0 x 10~^ sec.), one might expect an attenuation of the asymmetry A (A = W(7r)/W(7r/2) = anisotropy +1) due to a possible quadrupole coupling with the electric field gradient at the site of the Ba^3^ nucleus in a solid source. Previous angular correlation measure¬ ments using both liquid and solid sources of BaCl2 agree with the spin assignment and also show no attenuation of A for the solid source. The present measurements using a solid source of Ba(N03)2 furnish a fur¬ ther check on these observations. The data are shown in the following table. Observer Source State W(^)/W(V2) Arya BaCl2 Liquid 1.062 zh 0.007 Clikeman and BaCls Liquid 1.053 ±0.010 Stewart BaCl2 Solid 1.040 ± 0.010 Observed Ba(N03)2 Solid 1.043 ±0.014 236 The Virginia Journal of Science [September A Liquid Helium Scintillator for Measurement of Neutron Polarization S. V. Topp and F. L. Hereford, University of Virginia A liquid helium scintillator has been constructed and used as a scin- tillating-scatterer of medium energy neutrons. Scintillations deriving from recoil alpha particles in the helium are counted in coincidence with scat¬ tered neutrons. The scintillator volume is defined by a polished alumi¬ num can of 1" diameter and 2" length, the can being attached to the end of an 18" long quartz light pipe and immersed in liquid helium. Scintillations are detected by a quartz face RCA 6903 Photomultiplier optically coupled to the other end of the light pipe. In order to shift the extreme ultraviolet helium scintillations to longer wavelengths, the inner surface of the aluminum can is coated with sodium salicylate and a thin evaporated layer of p-quaterphenyl. The immersed end of the light pipe also carries a 50 micrograms/cm^ thick layer of evaporated p-quater- phenyl. Under optimum conditions of operation, the pulse spectrum for 5.3-Mev alpha particles has a width at half maximum of 17%. Use of Fast Coincidence Technique to Measure Dynamic Magnetic Fields William A. Walker, Jr., University of Virginia The magnetic guide field in a circular accelerator holds charged par¬ ticles on roughly circular orbits. It is designed to focus the particles at the center of the aperture. Its structure is conveniently described by r The dvnamic magnetic guide field in the University of Virginia 70 Mev synchrotron has been measured at three times shortly after zero field in 200 locations. Using three biased peaking strips, values of B and n have been obained at each location for the three times. The measure¬ ments have been fitted closely by several series of analytic functions. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 237 SECTION OF BACTERIOLOGY Catherine M. Russell, Chairman H. T. Knighton, Vice Chairman Grace J. Blank, Secretarij P. Arne Hansen, Section Editor Minutes The Virginia Branch of the American Society for Microbiology held its spring meeting in conjunction with the Virginia Academy of Science. The following were elected to office: Grace J. Blank, Chairman; Lilia C. Rucker, Vice Chairman; Gerald Goldstein, Secretary-Treasurer; and P. Arne Hansen, Section Editor. Gerald Goldstein, Secretary-Treasurer The Incidence of Drug Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Isolated from 482 Patients and the Effect of Resistance on Prognosi Marvin J. Allison and Miles Hench, Medical College of Virginia Sensitivity studies were done by the indirect method on 482 negro patients in the Sanatorium Division of the E. G. Williams Hospital in Richmond. A clinical evaluation was made simultaneously to determine the outcome of this disease. 237 cases (49%), had bacilli sensitive to all major drugs. In 86 cases (18%), bacilli were resistant to one drug; 98 cases (20%), had bacilli resistant to two major drugs. 13% or 61 cases had bacilh resist¬ ant to all three major drugs. Over the years from 1957 to 1960 the number of new cases admitted with resistant organisms has increased considerably. The clinical evaluation of our patients showed improve¬ ment in 57%, with 23% leaving the hospital against advice to serve as possible contacts for the dissemination of resistant organisms. Our studies show that a new case has twice as much chance to improve clinically as a case that has received previous treatment. Also among the new cases only 1 in 10 patients went into chronicity or died whereas among the cases that had been treated previously 4 out of 10 became chronic or died. We conclude that in the, negro, possibly due to his social and economic conditions in this country, the tubercle bacillus is more prone to develop resistance. The large numbers of new cases that are found resistant to all the major drugs point out our need for newer and better chemothera¬ peutic agents against the tubercle bacillus. 238 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Fluorescent Insulin G. Goldstein, M. L. Smith and D. R. Gourley, Universitij of Virginia School of Medicine Fluorescent insulin has been prepared at molar ratios of fluorescein isothiocvanate to insulin of 5:1 to 2:1. The unreacted fluorescent prod¬ ucts were separated from fluorescent insulin by passage through Sephadex G-25 columns. The biological activity of these preparations as measured by the rat epididymal fat pad assay ranged from 9 to 25%. The bind¬ ing of fluorescent insulin and human serum globulins was measured by incubating the two and passing the mixture through Sephadex G-75 columns. Bound fluorescent insulin emerges with the serum globulins at one column volume, while unbound fluorescent insulin emerges later. Gompetition between crystalline insulin and fluorescent insulin for binding liy serum globulins was demonstrated. The Identity of Lactohacillns hidgariciis Judith H. Kahn and P. Arne Hansen, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland The name, Lactobacillus hulgaricus, has currently been used for two different species resulting in confusion. One type produces only about 1.7% levo lactic acid (D configuration) in milk, while the other forms inactive lactic acid, and in a higher yield more than 2.3%. Orla-Jensen insisted that the levo lacic acid form only deserves the name L. hulgaricus (or Thermobactericum hulgaricum) . Recent work by deMann on Dutch yogurt has reaffirmed this position. A number of yogurt samples from eastern Europe were studied from which strains forming levo lactic acid with low final acidity were obtained conforming to the description of Orla-Jensen. The isolates were com¬ pared and agreed with the original type culture of this author. The Demonstration of Lysozyme and Acid Phosphatase in the Subcellular Particles of Alveolar Macrophages Eva S. Leake and William B. Hunt, Jr., University of Virginia School of Medicine Alveolar macrophages from normal and from BCG vaccinated rabbits were homogenized in 0.25 M sucrose and submitted to differential centri¬ fugation. Four fractions were obtained: nuclear fraction, heavy mito- Proceedings 1961-1962 239 1962] ohnondria, light mitochondria and supernate containing possibly microsomes and the soluble material of the homogenate. Lysozyme and acid phos¬ phatase determinations were carried out on aqueous extracts prepared from these fractions. The results obtained indicate that lysozyme is bound in sub-cellular particles residing primarily in what is pressumed to be the heavy mitochondrial fraction. Acid phosphatase was more widely dis¬ tributed among the fractions obtained. The Effect of Selected Species of Bacteria on Entamoeba histolytica E. Clifford Nelson and Muriel M. [ones, Medical College of Virginia In an effort to simulate conditions in the natural environment more closely, the authors have devised procedures and media for the cultivation of E. histolytica in a C02-bicarbonate buffer system. In the course of cultivation studies on a strain of E. histolytica, it was found that encys- ment enused in certain cultures. A mixed bacterial flora was present in these cultures. Analysis of the flora showed that Aerobacter aero genes, and species of Flavobacteriurn, Streptococcus and Achromobacter were pres¬ ent. The effect of these species on growth and encystment was observed in eultures inoeulated with sterilized eysts or bacteria free trophozoites. All the species except the Streptococcus supported growth in the media used. Encystment occurred consistently with the Flavobacteriurn, to a lesser degree with a species of Achromobacter and sparsely with Aerobacter aerogenes. Eneystment in monobacterial cultures has not been reported heretofore. Our success may be related to the use of the C02-bicarbo- nate buffer system. Studies of Herpes Nutrition in Cell Culture R. W. Tankersley, Medical College of Virginia The importance of various amino acids to the synthesis of Herpes sim¬ pler virus in Minn-EE human cells was studied. Of those amino acids found in Eagle’s basal medium, six were completely essential, only one was found to be nonessential, and three were present in a concentration that partially inhibits viral proliferation. Pathway of Ascorbic Acid Fermentation in Aerobacter Aerogenes Wesley A. Volk, University of Virginia School of Medicine A strain of Aerobacter aerogenes capable of carrying out an anaerobic decomposition of L-ascorbic acid was isolated by enrichment technique. 240 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Enzyme studies have demonstrated that the pathway of this decomposi¬ tion is as follows: ascorbic acid — > dehydroascorbic acid — > 2,3 diketo- L-gulonic acid — > ^-keto-L-gulonic acid ^ ^-keto-L-gulonic acid phos¬ phate L-xylulose phosphate -|- CO2. Of the enzymes involved in this pathway, the enzyme catalyzing the reduction of 2,3 diketo-L-gulonate to ^-keto-L-gulonate has been studied most extensively. This enzyme has been purified approximately 60 fold and the product of the enzymatic reduction has been isolated and identified by paper chromatography of the compounds formed by the NaBH4 reduction of the /?-keto acid. Characteristics of this enzyme, as well as other enzvmes of this pathway, will be discussed. Human Listeria nionocijtogenes Infections in Virginia H. J. Welshimer, Department of Microbiology, Medical College of Virginia A report was presented of the human Listeria infections studied in Vir¬ ginia since 1956. Twenty cases have been observed. Fourteen of these were infants and six were adults. All but three of the infections were meningeal in nature, from which Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from the spinal fluid. Isolations were made from the blood in two uf the remaining cases and from the blood and vagina of one patient. SECTION OF BIOLOGY W. L. Mengebier, Chairman Dorothy Crandall, Secretary J. C. Thompson, Section Editor Minutes The business meeting of the Biology Section was called to order by the chairman. Dr. William Mengebier who read a letter from W. C. Cur- nutt, supervisor of the Thomas Jefferson National Forest thanking the Virginia Academy and other groups for their cooperation in the establish¬ ment of Mt. Rogers as a scenic area. Because of concern over the pend¬ ing Jennings Bill and the possible effect this might have upon the present status of Mt. Rogers as a natural area, a motion was approved to inform the Natural Resources Committee of the Vii'ginia Academy of Science that a further investigation of this bill is needed. It was recommended that the Lake Drummond Area of the Dismal Swamp be set aside as a natural area and that this motion be conveyed to the Natural Resources Committee. It was approved that the nominating committee be responsible for all Proceedings 1961-1962 241 1962] nominations for the section. It was also suggested that the immediate past chairman of the Biology Section be a member of this nominating committee. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Chairman, Dr. Walter S. Flory Jr.; Secretary, Dr. Warwick West. Con¬ tinuing in office are Council Representative, Dr. Harry G. Jopson and Section Editor, Dr. Jesse C. Thompson. Dorothy L. Crandall, Section Secretary Infectious Disease Damages Mju-Ateantic Oyster Population I ay D. Andrews, Va. Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point A protistan organism discovered by Haskin, Stanber, and Mackin (un¬ published) decimated oyster populations in Delaware Bay (beginning in 1957) and Chesapeake Bay (beginning in 1959). The organism, called MSX, appears as multi-nucleated plasmodia in oysters. Death rates are high from June to November with minor losses in late winter. The pat¬ terns of mortality caused by MSX differ in intensity and timing from other known pathogens of oysters in the mid-Atlantic aera — Dermocy- stidium marinum and Haplosporidiiun costale. This apparently newly-introduced disease has almost stopped oyster culture in the high-salinity areas of Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. Prices of marketable oysters have risen sharply as production in these major producing areas has fallen. Seed supply has remained adequate because seed areas are in low-salinity waters. Large segments of the industry have been seriously damaged or forced out of business. The organism is being monitored intensively for changes in distribution and activity in Chesapeake Bay. Strong emphasis is being placed upon a search for resistant races of oysters in nature and selection is being attempted in laboratory breeding programs. Some Ecological Studies of the Branchiohellidae George Gordon Brown, Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University of Virginia Several anatomical and taxonomic studies dealing with numbers of the branchiobdellids have been done, but very little work has been done on the ecology of these worms. In this work, the author has attempted to show some quantitaive relaionships among six species of branchiobdellids. The study was made in Sinking Creek, Giles and Craig Counties, Vir¬ ginia. Only one, Camharus bartoni sciotensis, of the two species of cray¬ fish was collected. The six species of branchiobdellids found were Cam- 242 The Virginia Journal of Science [September harincola hranchiophila, C. fallax, C. ingens, Pterodrilus alcicornus, Xiro- nogiton instabilins, and Species X. Species X was found only in the upper portion of the stream while X. insiabilius was found only in the headwa¬ ters. The other species were found throughout the stream. In the headwaters, all six species of branchiobdellids were found in greater abundance than at any other station. Since the crayfish popula¬ tion is also larger at this station, the author is suggesting that the num¬ ber of worms is correlated with the number o fcrayfish. The microhabitats of the species of branchiobdellids on the host were determined plus some aggregational tendencies and predation among the worms. Also seasonal collections were compared and differences were found to be small. The Biology of the Virginia Pine Sawfly, Neodiprion Pratti Pratti (Dyar) Marvin L. Bobb, Agricultural Experiment Station, and C. L. Morris, Division of Forestry, Charlottesville A serious outbreak of the Vii'ginia pine sawfly began in 1957; and by 1959, more than two million acres of pine forest were infested. The sawfly passes the winter as eggs in the needles of pine trees. The eggs hatch in April, and the larvae feed on the needles of the previous sea¬ son’s growth. The mature larvae crawl to the ground, change into the prepupal stage, and spin cocoons in the litter on the forest floor. Pupa¬ tion takes place in late September and the peak of adult emergence occurs in mid-November. Virginia pine was found to be the preferred host, but infestations frequently occurred in plantings of loblolly and short leaf pine. The average length of life of adults at a temperature of 45° F. was 12-1 days for the males and 11.7 days for the females. Each adult female matured an average of 66.4 eggs. Mated females oviposited 88.3 percent of her eggs; whereas unmated females oviposited only 19.7 percent, none of which hatched. Determination of Oxygen in Water Using a 10 Ml. Syringe Jack D. Burke, Department of Biology, University of Richmond In 1888, Winkler described a chemical method for determining dis¬ solved oxygen in water samples. Alsterberg modified this method in 1925 so that nitrites, a common source of interference in most natural wa¬ ters, were chemically eliminated. This modification has made the meth¬ od a standard procedure for oxygen determination in water where large Proceedings 1961-1962 243 1962] samples were available. The procedure described here allows oxygen to be determined in a small sample of water using a 10 ml. syringe although maintaining the essential chemical entities described by Winkler and Als- terberg. Oxygen in water samples can be determined in less than ten minutes using this syringe technique within a 2% experimental error on duplicate analyses. The equipment and reagents are easily transport¬ ed in a small container for field work, and all materials are readily pro¬ cured from supply houses. A Simple Technique for Removing Fish Blood Jack D. Burke, Department of Biology, University of Richmond A fish is immobilized on a board using baiBless curtain hooks to pierce the lower jaw and caudal peduncle. The body is strapped down with cord tied to movable wire clips and fastened to eyelet hooks with both clips and hooks attached to opposite edges of the board. The heart is exposed by lifting the gills, easing through the posterior wall of the branchial chamber, and slitting the pericardium. Although the fish heart is small, averaging about 1/9 (per cent by body weight) the size of a mammal heart, blood from large fishes may be withdrawn via a syringe and needle rinsed with heparin (100 mg/15 ml of 0.11 M NaCl). In small fishes, the heart can be clipped and blood removed (by a 0.1 ml mouth pipette rinsed with heparin) as it “wells” into the pericardial cav- ity. A Spectrophotometric Procedure for Detemination of Oxyhemoglo¬ bin Affinity Curves Jack D. Burke and W. Allan Powell, Department of Biology, University of Richmond Spectrophotometry has been found to be very helpful in the study of the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. The method involves the meas¬ urement of the change in absorbance of hemoglobin as a function of the pressure of oxygen above the hemoglobin. In the present modification the desired oxygen pressure is obtained by evacuating to reduce the pres¬ sure from atmospheric pressure to the desired lower pressure. Such a procedure for obtaining the desired pressure is much less time consuming and is much easier to perform than the alternate procedure of using a syringe for oxygen introduction. Other modifications have been made in addition to that discussed above to give a method with good precision and which gives results in agree¬ ment with those obtained using other methods. 244 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Studies of the Genitalia of Spiders of the Spider Genus Dolomedes (Pisaiiridae) James E. Garico, Virginia Pohjechnic Institute The internal structures of the copulatory systems of the female mem¬ bers of the genus Dolomedes are described. These structures are used as a basis for demonstrating natural subdivisions within the genus. A new species is also recognized on the basis of distinctive characters of the copulatory system. Small MAmmal Populations of Natural and Disturbed Piedmont Eorests |. L. Ghamberlain, Department of Biology, R-M.W.C. From June, 1961, to May, 1962, small mammals were live-trapped and marked in natural forest areas and in an area drastically disturbed by a current forest management practice. Two hundred and twenty-four mammals were captured in 5854 trap-nights. Feromyscus was by far the most common species on all areas. Densities of Feromyscus ranged from 0.18 to 1.81 mice per acre in the natural areas, whereas on the disturbed site the density was 1.10 to 4.36 mice per acre. Annual fluctuations were similar on the mature and disturbed areas from a low level in April and May to a peak in fate fall. Home ranges (exclusive boundary strip method) of 49 Feromyscus captured 3 or more times varied from 0.1 to 0.6 acres with a median at 0.3 acres. The Genus Calostorna in Virginia Mary Virginia Gharlton, Virginia Folytechnic Institute Little attention has been devoted to the fungi of Virginia, particularly to the fleshy Basidomycees. Occurring not infrequently among my col¬ lections during the last four years have been members of the genus Colos¬ toma of the Order Gasteromycetales. Three of the four species of Galostoma were collected in Virginia. Colostoma cinnaborina reported once for Virginia by Murrill, was col¬ lected in Rockbridge, Giles, and Montgomery Gounties. Colostoma lute- scens not previously reported from Virginia was collected in Buckingham and Montgomery Gounties. Colostoma ravenlii not previously reported from Viiginia was collected in Montgomery Gounty. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 245 Some Vegetational Studies of Natural and Disturbed Piedmont Forests Dorothy L. Crandall, Randolph-Macon Womans College In summer of 1961 certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the vegetation of three natural forested areas and a drastically disturb¬ ed area were investigated. The three forested communities, an oak, an oak-pine and a pine forest, are located on the Lee Forest in Buckingham County, Virginia and the disturbed area is located on private land in Ap¬ pomattox County, Virginia. The disturbed area had been treated in 1960 by a combination of brush cutting, disking and burning and planted to loblolly pine in November, 1960. This disturbed area was the richest in number of species and coverage of herbaceous plants and in total number of stems of woody shrubs and vines. The number of species and coverage of herbaceous plants were the lowest in the oak forest. In the forested regions the greatest number of species and greatest num¬ ber of stems of woody shrubs and vines were encountered in the oak- Respiratory Response of Germinating Ascospores: Podospora anserina Niessl Elizabeth Ann Davis and Eleanor Bowen, Randolph-Macon Womans College Tracer studies show that acetate-C^^ was incorporated into the dormant ascospore during the first 15 minutes of exposure to an ammonium acetate and glucose medium. Glucose-C^^ uptake occurred between 240 and 255 minutes. Ascospores germinating on an ammonium acetate medium have an oxy¬ gen uptake at the endogenous level up to 120 minutes. It is postulated that during this period the acetate is simulating the production of adap¬ tive enzymes for the glyoxylate cycle. There is a slight increase of oxy¬ gen uptake above the endogenous level from 120 to 255 minutes. After 255 minutes there is a sharp increase in oxygen uptake that is independent of glucose in the medium. Germination of ascospores on ammonium tartrate and glucose was found to be inhibited by normal atmospheric carbon dioxide tension. Under reduced carbon dioxide tension data showed immediate uptake of oxygen which may be correlated with glucose incorporation. Under these condi¬ tions germination was found to be 59% as compared to 98% germina¬ tion on ammonium acetate. 246 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Effects of Thyrodial Depression on the Pituitary Gland of the Newt^ J. N. Dent, University of Virginia and Oak Ridge National Lahoratorif Thvroidal depression is followed in many mammals by the develop¬ ment of large, chromophobic cells (thyroidectomy cells) in the pars dis- talis of the pituitary gland. Sustained thyroidal depression results, at least in the mouse, in the conversion of groups of thyroidectomy cells into tumerous growths (Halmi and Gude 1954). Similar cells begin to appear in the pars distalis of the newt. Triturns viridescens viridescens, 2 to 3 weeks after surgical or radiological thyroidectomy. Treatment of tlie newt witli thiourea or potassium perchlorate brings on the development of thyroidectomv cells within 5 or 6 months. The newt seems to differ from tlie mouse in that sustained thyroidal depression has not produced pituitary tumors. Instead, some sort of adjustment has occurred result¬ ing in the eventual disappearance of the thyroidectomy cells. Also, the thyroidectomy cell of the newt seems to develop from an acidophil rather than a basophil as in the mouse. Geographic Variation in the Grawfish Orconectes (Faxonella) clypeatus Hay ]. F. Fitzpatrick, |r.. Department of Biology, University of Virginia The crawfish Orconectes (Faxonella) clypeatus was subjected to a sta¬ tistical analysis of geographical variation of morphological parts. All of the characters commonly used in crawfish taxonomy were studied. The common characteristic encountered was that, in general, mf^rpopulational variation was within the limits of infrflpopulational variation. However, slight East-West dines were evident in the length of the mesial process, \vidth of the rostrum, and the ratio of the length of the basal portion of the first pleopod of males to the length of the central projection; and sexual dimorphism was seen in the distance between post-orbital spines, width of the palm, and length of tlie chela. Differences exist between first and second form males in length of pleopod, length of central pro¬ jection, length of mesial process, and length of chela. An examination of life history data gave no indication diat there are significant differences in the life history across the geographic range. A sperm plug was not discovered in the annulus ventralis of any of the approximately 1500 females examined. ^Supported in part by AEC Contract AT-(40-l )-2000. -Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Proceedings 1961-1962 247 1962] The crawfish seems to be limited in range to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean in the Southeastern States, occurring below the fall line. It is absent from the coastal marshes and peninsular Florida. The possibility of complementary geographic distrib¬ ution between this species and the members of the Barbatus and Plaini- rostris Groups of the genus Vrocamharus was discussed. This research was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid of Research by the Society of Sigma Xi. Taxonomic position of Cooperia Herbert R. O. Flagg and W. S. Flory, The Blandij Experimental Farm Herbarium labels, correspondence and publications indicate that the classical treatment of Cooperia Herb. (1936) as a genus still prevails. The available artificial hybrids between Cooperia and Zephyranthes [Co- operanthes by Percy Lancaster (1913); Z. (Cooperia) drummondii Don X pulcheJla J. G. Smith by F. B. Jones (1957); (Z. citrina Baker x rosea Lindl.) X Z. smallii (Alex.) Traub (pro sp.) by T. Howard (unpub.)] set seed readily and have pollen stainabilities exceeding 90%. Recent studies indicate that several highly fertile taxa originally described as species (C. smallii Alex., C. jonesii Cory, and Z. refiigiensis F. B. Jones) are natural hybrids between Z. (Cooperia) herbertiana Dietr. and Z. ptd- chella. We have also collected plants that are apparently natural hybrids of the formula (Z. herbertiana x pulchella) x Z. (Cooperia) traubii (Hayw.) Moldenke. The available data on breeding relationships and large populations of natural hybrids strongly supports the inclusion of Cooperia in Zephyranthes Herb. (1821) by Dietrich (1840), by Worsley (1928) and by a few later workers. Nomenclature of Zephyranthes pulehella and Z. longifolia R. O. Flagg and W. S. Flory, The Blandy Experimental Farm Zephyranthes pulchella and Z. longifolia are the only known yellow- flowered Zephyranthes species (excluding natural hybrid taxa) native to the U.S.A. Both species have short perianth-tubes and non-exserted stigmas. While Z. pulchella has short stigmatic lobes and occurs on the Texas costal plain, Z. longifolia has a deeply trifid stigma and is a high¬ lands species with a more westerly and more southerfy distribution. Al¬ though Z. aurea Wats. (1883) has been treated as a synonym of Z. longifolia Hemsl. (1880), the specimen [Texas, Flamer 1303 (GH)! which might well serve as the type of Z. aurea is conspecific with Z. pulchella J. G. Smith (1895) [Type, Texas, Nealley s.n. (MO 140807)] pulchella has short stigmatic lobes and occurs on the Texas costal plain, 248 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Z. lognifolia has a deeply trifid stigma and is a highlands species with a more westerly and more southerly distribution. Although Z.aurea Wats (1883) has been treated as a synonym of Z. longifolia Hemsl. (1880), the specimen [Texas, Valmer 1303 (GH)] which might well serve as the type of Z. aurea is conspecific with Z. pulchella J. G. Smith (1895) Type, Texas, Nealley s.n. (MO 14807)1. On the other hand, in circumscribing Z. aurea, Watson also cited the syntypes of Z. longifolia Hemsl. [New Mexico, Wright 1904; Mexico, Parry & Palmer RcOl, so that Z. aurea Wats, is an illegitimate name. Zephyranthes longi¬ folia Hemsl. is the basonym for what are apparently its only synonyms; Atamosco longifolia Cockerell (1901), and Atamasco longifolia Small (1903). There are two synonyms for Z. puJiehellas Atamosco pulchella (Smith) Greene (1898), and Z. chrysantha Greenm. & Thomps. (1914) [Type, Texas, Chandler 7056 (MO)]. Observations of Epidermal Differentiation in Regeneration Dugesia Dorotocephala Margaret Anderson Gordon, Madison College The regeneration of Dugesia dorotocephala was studied in an attempt to elucidate the source and role of the cells forming the newly regenerat¬ ed area. From gross, histological and histochemical observations the fol¬ lowing summarized results and conclusions were drawn. Wound closure was first achieved by muscular contractions and the formation of a clot of mucous and rahodites. Secondarily, the would was sealed by a growth of syncytial epidermis over the cut. The regeneration blastema was formed by the migration of parenchymal cells to the cut followed by increased mitosis. During this period of active cell proliferation, an increase in glycogen and RNA was noted in the blastema. It is possible that the glycogen served as an energy source, while RNA increased due to protein synthesis and secretion. Superficial cells of the blastema, of parenchymal origin, formed the final epidermis after the temporary syncytial covering disintegrated. The basement membrane then appeared beneath the epidermal layer presumably due to the protein secretion of the adjacent cells. The delayed appearance of the basement membrane may be important because its absence would permit regenerative in¬ teractions between the old epidermis and the blastema. A New Genus of the Family Branchiobdellidae^ Perry C. Plolt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Two new species, one from Montgomery County, Virginia, the other ’Research supported by grants from the National Science Foundation. Proceedings 1961-1962 249 1962] from Overton County, Tennesee, are removed from their former assign¬ ment to the Genus Zironodrihis and a new gensus erected to include them. The characters upon which this gensus and others are established in the family Branchiohdellidae are illustrated and the nature of a branch- iobdellid gensus is discussed. Calcium Deposition in the Crayfish, Cambarus Loculus Longulus Girard^ Rose Mary Johnson, Noi’folk College of William and Mary Studies were conducted on these crayfish for a period of two weeks following the molt. The controls consisted of eyestalkless and ^^nomiaF postmolt animals the eyestalks of which had not been removed. Both were maintained in approximately caTcium-free water and were starved. The experimentals included those animals whose postmolt environment was modified by feeding or the presence of dissolved calcium in the medium. Results showed that the organic fraction of the total dry weight in¬ creased during the two-day interval following the molt only in the ‘‘nonnal” controls. The precent calcium increased in both groups until the gastrohths had disappeared. The presence of dissolved calcium in the surrounding medium did not increase the uptake of calcium but those animals which were fed and those allowed to spend their postmolt time in the stream did show an increase, as compared to the controls, in precent calcium. It was concluded that these crayfish obtained calcium from food rather than from calcium ions in the aquatic medium and that the presence of eyestalks may be necessary for the proper metabolism of organic materials following the molt. Geographical Variation of the Chorus Frog, Fsetidacris triseriata (Wied), 1839, IN THE Middle Atlantic States Duvall Albert Jones, Madison College Certain morphological characters of the population known as P. t. kalmi are described, compared with similar characters of other forms of this species, and evaluated. Different phenotypic combinations appear to be correlated with types of environment, irrespective of geographical areas. Since the populations from which P. t. kalmi was described do not differ iJhese studies were supported by a National Science Foundation Award at the Mountain Lake Biological Station during the summer of 1960. 250 Virginia Journal of Science [September greatly from P. t. feriarum, and are not reproductively isolated from this adjacent form, P. t. kalmi is considered synonymous with P. t. feri- arum. From observations made in the field and preliminary breeding experiments, it appears that P. triseriata should be considered separate from P. nigrita. Marl Deposition by the Algae Oocardium Stratum and Char a Vulgaris in Montgomery County, Virginia Harold L. Mathews, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg A study was made to determine the origin of the calcium carbonate found in certain first bottom soils of the limestone valley region of Virginia. It was found that the alga Oocardium stratum^ played an im¬ portant part in the precipitation of calcium carbonate in swiftly flowing streams and that the alga Chara vulgaris precipitated small mounts of calcium carbonate in still and eddy water. The calcium carbonate precipi¬ tated by these algae had its origin in the highly faulted dolomitic lime¬ stone underlying the area. Ground water, high in dissolved carbon dioxide, percolating through the crushed limestone dissolved an ap¬ preciable amount of calcium and magnesium carbonate. This ground water issued at the surface in the form of large springs and lost some of the dissolved carbon dioxide resluting in a saturated solution with respect to calcium carbonate. It was below the point of saturation in the stream that the algae precipitated calcium carbonate. The calcium depositing alga Calothris viguieri was observed but was thought to play a very minor part in the marl precipitation. Several species of non calcium depositing algae were observed growing in asso¬ ciation with the marl farming algae. The Effect of Photoperiod on Certain Ferns Paul M. Patterson and A. Sewell Freeman, Hollins College Ferns growing in the college greenhouse and taken from the woods before frost were grown in the natural photoperiod through the winter, duplicates were grown under a photoperiod of 15-16 hours, and a triph- cate were potted and placed outside of the greenhouse until March. Pteris vittata proved neutral to photoperiod, growing and sporulating under both. Adiantum capillus-veneris grew under both photoperiods, but sporulated under long day. Polystichum acrostichoides grew vege- tatively and sporulated under long day, whereas Woodsia obtusa, Dry- iJhe algae were identified by Dr. G. W. Prescott, Michigan State University. Proceedings 1961-1962 251 1962] opteris novaeboracensis and Asplenium platyneuron grew vegetatively under long photoperiod but remained sterile. Evidence from Woodsia and Asplenium growing elsewhere in the greenhouse that sporulation is induced by a day-length approximating 13 hours. Denstedtia punctilohida and Osmunda cinnamomea required cold to break vegetative dormancy. Nutritional Requirements for Ascospore Germination: Podospora anserina Niesl James E. Perham, Randolph-Macon Woman*s College and A. Gib DeBusk, Florida State University There is evidence that germination of ascospores of Podospora anserina is nutritionally dependent. The most effective of all compounds tested in germination studies is ammonium acetate which gives a maximum ger¬ mination of 98%. Nitrogen in the form of nitrate cannot replace the am¬ monium ion in this function. The results of experiments wherein various combinations of nitrogen and carbon sources were tested for their ability to stimulate the incorpora¬ tion of glucose-G^^ and acetate-Ci^ are presented. Accumulation of ace- tate-C^^ occurred only in the presence of ammonium ion while the incor¬ poration of glucose required the presence of both the ammonium ion and the acetate ion. Glucose-G^^ accumulation also occurred in the presence of urea. The energy requirement for the active incorporation of the acetate ion was established by inhibition of acetate-C^^ uptake with sodium azide and carbon monoxide, known inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation. Attempts to inhibit the uptake of acetae-Ci"^ wih chloramphenicol failed. A Monograph of the Genus Aphanomyces William W. Scott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The purpose of this investigation is to present a new accoimt of the genus Aphanomyces, to bring together in one paper the published studies dealing with the morphology and taxonomy of the various species, and to add to this information conclusions based upon my personal observa¬ tions of living and preserved material. The majority of living specimens was obtained from approximately 550 collections of soil, water, plankton, and insect exuviae made by the writer and others in 13 states and in Alaska, Laborador, New Zealand, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. The procedure used in the isolation and propagation of species of 252 Virginia Journal of Science [September Aphanomyces is presented. These techniques are essentially similar to those employed by other students of the water-molds. All living isolates were obtained and propagated on small pieces of sterilized snake skin or on halves of sterilized hemp seed (Cannabis sativa) . Bacterial-free isolates were secured, and the fungi were then cultured and their morphological characteristics observed under standardized conditions. An account of the developmental phases in the life-cycle of a represen¬ tative species, Aphanomyces laevis, as well as a discussion of the mor¬ phological variations and abnormalities in this and related species is pre¬ sented. An attempt has also been made toward the clarification of the descriptive terminology applied to the morphological characteristics of these fungi. Insofar as possible, the relationships of species withing the genus has been indicated. The genus is readily divisible into three main categories on the basis of oogonial wall ornamentation. Such a separation is pro¬ posed with the erection of three sub genera, Aphanomyces, Axyromyces, and Asperomyes. A key to the subgenera of Aphanomyces as well as keys for the identification of species within each of these taxa are provided. As a result of this investigation tweny-five species are recognized as valid members of the genus Aphanomyces, including three species (A. patersonii, A. hosminae, A. irregulare) described as new. One new com¬ bination is proposed and four taxa are considered synonymous. One species (A. gordejevi (Skvortzow) has been so incompletely described as to justify its exclusion from the genus. Some New and Unusual Fungi from Virginia I Aquatic Hyphomycetes William W. Scott and Charles Warren, V. P. 1. In a preliminary survey of the aquatic hyphomycete flora occurring on submerged, decaying angiosperm debris from streams and ponds in the Blacksburg area of Montgomery County, Virginia, 13 species represent¬ ing 11 genera were found. The species were described, and sporogenesis in each species was discussed. One species, Heliscus Tentaculus, had not been described previously, and was proposed as a new species. The methods and techniques used in the isolation and establishment of pure cultures were described, and the cultural characteristics of five species grown in pure culture were discussed. A brief discussion of the possible significance of the spore shapes and the formation of appressoria was presented in regard to the facility with which these spores became attached to the substratum. The apparent host specificity exhibited by Campylos- pora chaetocladia Ranz., with respect to its occurrence in other localities Proceedings 1961-1962 253 1962] was discussed. The idea was advanced that the perfect stages for some of these fungi might be found growing internally within the vascular tissues of the host plants. Some New and Unusual Fungi from Virginia. II Keratinophilic species William W. Scott and Roland Seymour, V. P. 1. Techniques for the isolation of aquatic fungi utilizing selective ‘‘baits” were discussed. Certain phycomycetous species exhibiting a preference for keratin ■” containing animal tissues were described. The morphology and life cycle of Leptolegniella keratinophilum was described for the first time from Virginia and its taxonomic status was discussed. A polycentric chytrid, isolated on keratin substrats, was described as possible representing a new genus. Blastocladia sparrowii, Leptomitus lacteus, and Rhipidium americana were reported for the first time from Virginia. A Preliminary Report of the Aquatic Fungi Associated with Diseased Fish and Fish Eggs WilHam W. Scott, V. P. L Aaron H. O’Bier, Stetson University James Powell, V. P. I. Sixty-four isolates of aquatic fungi were collected from fish and fish eggs from 14 states. Pure unifungal cultures were obtained from these and the following fungi were identified: Saprolegnia parasitica (14 strains) Saprolegnia ferax (1 strain) Saprolegnia delica (7 strains) Saprolegnia monoica (5 strains) Saprolegnia sp. (14 strains) "^Achlya bisexualis (6 strains) "^Achlya americana (2 strains) Aphanomyces laevis (1 strain) Aphanomyces sp. {5 strains) "^Pythium ultimum (1 strain) ^Pythium sp. (5 strains) ^Allomyces anomalus (1 strain) ^Leptomitus lacteus (2 strains) Species preceded by an asterisk (*^) are reported for the first time as naturally occurring fish pathogens. Those with the symbol =7^ were isolated from fish eggs for the first time. Inoculation studies demonstrated that Saprolegnia parasiica, S. jerax^ S. delica, S. monoica, Achlya bisexualis, and aU isolates of Saprolegnia sp. would grow on wounded platyfish under controlled laboratory conditions. The remaining species listed above could not be inducted to grow on fish under experimental conditions. 254 Virginia Journal of Science [September A Preliminary Ecological Study of the Bryozoan, Lophopodella Carteri (Hyatt) in Virginia Tennev, Wilton R. and William S. Woolcott, University of Richmond Lophopodella carteri was collected in Virginia for the first time on October 20, 1961 at the Stevens ville State Fish Hatchery, Stevensville, King and Queen County, Virginia. Colonies were abundant and were attached to a variety of substrata including concrete spillway walls, pine wood spillway gates, creosoted pilings, submerged tree branches, and float¬ ing algal mats. The pH of the water ranged from 4.6 in October to 6.4 in January. The lowest O2 content reported was 10.4 ppm in April, 1962; the highest was 11.8 ppm in March, 1962. The lowest CO2 readings at 1.0 ppm were also obtained in April; 3.0 ppm were found in January. A commercial fertilizer program was initiated in 1961 with no apparent effect on the bryozoan. Colonies persisted into December when the water temperature was 9 C, and the first new growth appeared in April when the water temperature was 17 C. No colonies were present between Dec¬ ember and April; the lowest water temperature recorded during this period was 0 C in Jannarv. Representatives of virtually all major freshwater invertebrate phyla have been found in the immediate vicinity of the colo¬ nies. Snails, flatworms, and insects which are reported to feed on L. car¬ teri were present in great numbers. Statoblasts of Pectinatella sp. were found, but active colonies of that bryozoan were not observed. In the laboratory, aquaria were prepared by mixing water and debris from the Stevensville ponds with spring water, and then were inoculated with stato¬ blasts. A high percentage of these germinated and numerous colonies of 25 to 30 polypides each developed. They were noted to feed on the single-celled Trachelomonas sp. The cultures were maintained for approxi¬ mately two and one-half months. More detailed ecological studies are in progress and are supported by a grant from the University of Richmond. The Influence of Formalin and Bodily Restraint on the Blood Pressure and Body Temperaturv of Young Chickens K. W. Washburn and H. S. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The influence of bodily restraint and 0.1 ml. of 0.1 percent injected formalin on body temperature and blood pressure of 9 week male White Plymouth Rock chickens was observed. As determined by hemodilution and adrenal cholesterol depletion bodily restraint constituted a measurable stress but the formalin injection did not. Furthermore, a significant reduc¬ tion in body temperature and an increase in blood pressure was found in the restrained birds, but not in the formalin injected group. Since the injection of 0.1 ml. of 0.1 percent injected formalin Proceedings 1961-1962 255 1962] did not produce a measurable stress effect a second experiment was con¬ ducted in which the influence of 0.1 ml. of .2, 2.0 and 20.0 percent injected formalin on body temperature and blood pressure was observed. This range of concentration of injected formalin did not produce a meas¬ urable stress effect as determined by changes in adrenal weight and cho¬ lesterol depletion, plasma glucose and cholesterol concentrations and hemo- dilution. There were no significant differences in body temperature or blood pressure among the treatment groups. SECTION OF CHEMISTRY E. C. Cogbill, Chairman R. G. Steinhardt, Secretary M. A. Kise, Section Editor Minutes The business meeting of the Chemistry Section was held at 11:45 A.M. $May 11, 1962. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Everett C. Cogbill, Chairman. A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was carried. The report of the Nominating Committee was presented by Dr. W. A. Powell. The committee offered the following slate of officers for the 1962-1963 year: Chairman — Dr. R. G. Seinhardt, Jr. Secretary — Dr. Russell J. Rowlett, Jr. These officers were elected by unanimous vote. Dr. R. G. Steinhardt nmved that the Section empower a committee, to be appointed by the Chairman, to investigate and publicize the opportuni¬ ties for summer employment of undergraduate chemistry majors in the Commonwealth of Virginia. After discussion, the motion was passed unani¬ mously. As there was no further business, the motion to adjourn was passed. R. G. Steinhardt, Jr., Secretary The Thermodynamics of the Molten Salt System KNOg-AgNOg- K2CRO4 FROM Electromotive Force Measurements Robert M. Auburn and William J, Watt, Washington and Lee University 256 Virginia Journal of Science [September Measurements of the activities of AgNOs were made in the molten salt concentration cell Ag KNO3 AgNOs I KNO3 I AgN03 I KrCr04 Ag at various temperatures for dilute solutions (less than 1 mole per cent) of Ag+ and Cr04=. The deviations from ideality observed are related to the concentration of K2Cr04, the temperature, and the concentration of AgN03. Comparison was made between the effect of chromate ion with those of sulfate ion and chloride ion which have been previously reported. Oxidative Rearrangements of Tetraphenylpyrrole David W. Boykin and Robert E. Lutz, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia Lead tetraacetate and chromium trioxide-acetic acid oxidize tetraphenyl¬ pyrrole (I) to 2-hydroxytetraphenylpyrrolinene (II) which then undergoes rearrangement to 3,3,4,5-tetraphenylpyrrolone-2 (III). Hydrogen peroxide- acetic acid converts tetraphenylpyrrole into dibenzoylstilbene oxide (IV) and phenyldibenzoyhnethane enamine-benzoate (V). Also the hydroxy- pyrrolinene ( II ) is converted by this reagent into IV and V. The hydroxy- pyrrolinene (II) is interconvertible with its methyl either VI, is hydrolyzed under special conditions to dibenzoylstilbene (VII), and is reduced by HI to I; and it is prepared from VII by ammonia. The ether VI is obtained from I by PCI5 and methanol. Dibenzoylstilbene oxide (IV) is converted by ammonia into V. These relationships and possible mechanisms were discussed. Spectrophotometric Studies on Hydroxamic Acids and their Reactivity with Metallic ions: Determination of Vanadium (V) WITH 2-Naphthylhydroxamic Acid Virginia C. Chamblin and John H. Yoe, Pratt Trace Analysis Laboratory, University of Virginia This paper was a continuation of the one presented at the 1961 Academy meeting. The reactivity of some 35 hydroxamic acids (several of them new compounds) with a large number of metallic ions was briefly dis¬ cussed, especially from the standpoint of the effect of various substituent groups on the reactivity of hydroxamic acids. A method for the spectro¬ photometric determination of traces of vanadium with 2-naphthylhydroxa- mic acid was presented. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 257 Studies of Antioxidants and Inhibitor Mechanisms at Elevated Temperatures James W. Cole, Jr., Oscar R. Rodig, Robert K. Schlatzer and Ertle Thompson, University of Virginia This was a continuation of oxidation studies at 204° C of mixtures in a fluid medium of the synthetic di-ester type. The phenomenon of appar¬ ent activation of certain amines to become more effective oxidation inhibi- ors by the presence of both metallic copper and its compounds is more general than originally noted with pvridine derivatives in di-(2-ethvlhexyI) sebacate. Metal coordination complexes appear to be a factor in the mechanisms either as active antioxidant species, or as starting points and catalysts for the generation of oxy-species which act as the antioxidants. Related to this is the behavior of the two oxidation states in copper and shifts between the states, which might give rise to magnetic phenomena having some influence in the antioxidant mechanisms. The syntheses and behavior of twenty-seven new compounds were described. Characterization and Determination of Aldehydes by the Ultra¬ violet Spectral Changes Resulting from Acetal Formation E. P. Crowell, C. J. Varsel, Philip Morris Research Center and W. A. Powell, University of Rich7nond Acetal formation in conjunction with ultraviolet spectrophotometry has been employed in our laboratory as a convenient and useful analytical tool for the characterization and determination of aldehydes. The ultra¬ violet spectra of acetals formed from aldehydes in solutions of acidified methanol are significantly different from the spectra of the parent alde¬ hydes in neutral methanol. This difference results because the carbonyl chromophore becomes masked as a result of the acid catalyzed reaction between the aldehyde and the methanol to form the corresponding acetal. The advantages, disadvantages, interferences, and exceptions to this tech¬ nique as applied to qualitative and quantitative analysis were discussed. a-DiKETONES FROM a, a'-DiBROMOKETONES George H. Denny, Jr., and Robert D. Wysong, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Acid hydrolysis of 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dibromo-3-hexanone gives 5,5-dime- thyl-2,3-hexanedione (37%), no isolable 3,4-diketone, and 44% recovery of starting material. Identical treatment of 5,5-dimethyl-2,2-dibromo-3- hexanone results in 90% recovery of starting material. This shows that (1) formation of the a-diketone proceeds predominantly without rearrange- 258 Virginia Journal of Science [September ment, (2) oxidative replacement of bromine occurs preferentially at posi¬ tion two, and (3) a-a'-isomerization is an unlikely step during a-diketone formation in acid. The absence of a neopentyl rearrangement during the conversion casts doubt upon the validity of mechanisms involving the formation of a carbonium ion at position four. Models of Molecular Orbitals Edward B. Eadie, Jr., and John H. Wise, Washington and Lee University A project to construct effective models of atomic orbitals presented at the 1961 meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science has been extended to illustrate the formation of molecular orbitals. The orbitals were pre¬ sented in the form of a correlation diagram, showing the orbitals of the isolated atoms and of the ‘‘united” atom, as well as the intermediate mole¬ cular orbitals. A New Second Level Course in Chemistry: Progress Report Beatrice E. Gushee, Hollins College Descriptions were given of two second level chemistry courses. One departs considerably from the usual qualitative and quantitative courses by treating them as a single course in analyical chemistry. The other departs more radically from the usual course. It is entitled Principles of Chemistry and is devoted to a study of chemistry rather than of chem¬ ical analysis. Tentative results seem to indicate that, given the right conditions, the second course produces a better knowledge of chemistry without sacrificing ability in analysis. A Theoretical Study of Reaction Efficiency Frederick M. Hornyak, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The general homogeneous, irreversible, second-order reaction X(CH2)nX P X(CH2)nY (I)4-Q in which all X’s are equally reactive or related in reactivity by a simple law was analyzed to determine the maxi¬ mum theoretical yield of I; various concentrations and modes of addition of reactant P were examined. The implications for organic chemistry were discussed. The Catastrophic Oxidation of Aluminum in Contact with Mercuric Halides D. A. Jackson, Jr., and H. Leidheiser, Jr., Virginia Institute for Scientific Research Proceedings 1961-1962 259 1962] The oxidation ol aluminum and aluminum alloys in air at 30° C was studied under conditions where the surfaces were exposed to mercury, liquid mercury alloys and mercury salts. The rate of oxidation in the presence of Hgl2 increased greatly with increase in relative humidity. The nature of the products formed under different experimental condi¬ tions was studid by X-ray diffraction analysis, by chemical treatments and by gravimetric analyses. Unsaturated Cyclic Sulfoxides Robert (h Krug and Donald E. Boswell, Virginia Poh/technic IriMute Recent work in this laboratory has established that 2,5- and 2,3-dihydro- thiophene 1-oxides (1 and II, respectively) can be prepared by the reduc¬ tion of thiophene followed by the oxidation of the isomeric dihydrothio¬ phenes with hydrogen peroxide. Certain physical and chemical proper¬ ties of these new compounds, I and II, were reported. Mass Spectra Correlations and Appearance Potentials of the Major Tobacco Alkaloids W. F. Kuhn, C. J. Varsel, Philip Morris Research Center and W. A. Powell, University of Richmond The mass spectra of some major tobacco alkaloids have been determined and correlations between the spectra and structures of these alkaloids were discussed. The more abundant peaks in the spectra of the alkaloids result from the following mechanisms: (1) The ionization of the molecule; (2) loss of a hydrogen atom from the molecule; (3) bond rupture be¬ tween the pyridyl nucleus and the nucleus of the cyclic amine; and (4) splitting out CHgN neutral fragment. The molecular weights of these alkaloids are readily determined from their intense molecular ions. The appearance potentials of the major ion species from these alkaloids were measured and probable modes of ion formation were discussed. The design of a heated inlet operable at 200° C and 1 X 10“® torr was pre¬ sented. Base-Induced Hydrolytic Rearrangement of trans-gamma Rromodypnone to 1,2-Dibenzoylethane Robert E. Lutz, L. T. Slade and P. A. Zoretic, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia Ethanolic sodium hydroxide induces hydrolytic rearrangement of trans- gamma-bromodypnone to 1,2-dibenzoylethane which does not appear im- 260 The Virginia Journal of Science [September mediately in the still-alkaline solution but forms slowly from a persistent intermediate. Phenyl group migration from the 3 to 4-position of the dypnone skeleton during this rearrangement and during similar reductive rearrangements of cis and trans-gamma-dypnone oxides was excluded by repeating the reactions upon materials labeled at the 1 and 3-carbons, followed by permanganate oxidation of the respective products to benzoic acid, in each case with retention of the full activity. Rearrange¬ ment mechanisms were offered in terms of conventional intermediate steps involving a cyclopropane ring. N-Alkoxy Substituted Dithiocarbamates Randolph T. Major and |olm A. Hardy, III, University of Virginia In the past, alkyl isothiocyanates, RNCS, have been made by the decom- H position of N-alkyl-dithiocarbamates, R N-CS-S"" in various ways, for ex¬ ample, through the reactions H H+ H A RN-CS-S- NR3 -f CICOOC2H5 -^RN-CS-S-C00C2H5 -> RNCS Efforts have been made now to prepare the analogous N-alkoxyisothiocya- nates, RONCS, by similar reactions. A report of the results to date was given. A study of reactions between thiophosgene and N-alkoxy amines has been made, also, in the expectation of obtaining N-alkoxyisothiocya- nates. Results were reported. Also, a number of N-alkoxy-N-alkyldithio- carbamates have been made and some of their reactions have been studied. Measurement of Paramagnetic Susceptibility Kerford A. Marchant, Jr. and John H. Wise, Department of Chemistry and E. F. Turner, Jr., Department of Physics, Washington and Lee University Recently, a description of experimental procedures for obtaining para¬ magnetic susceptibility measurements has appeared in the literature. An electromagnet constructed in the Physics Department has been adapted for such measurements, with the possibility of use as an experiment in Physi¬ cal Chemistry. The Initial Stages of Oxidation of a Copper Single Crystal Don F. Mitchell, K. R. Lawless and A. T. Gwathmey, Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia Proceedings 1961-1962 261 1962] Single crystals of copper were oxidized at low oxygen pressures and over a range of temperatures from 100°C— 900°C. The initial changes in the metal surface on exposure to oxygen were studied by means of electron diffraction and electron microscopy. Results indicate at least three stages in the development of an oxide film: (1) solution of oxygen in the metal, (2) the development of isolated nuclei of cuprous oxide, (3) a lateral growth of the nuclei by a process of surface diffusion. The Synthesis of N-(3-Carboxyhydrazonopropanoyl)-4-aminoben- zoic Acid and Its Use as a Carbonyl Reagent Janies K. Shillington, Henry C. Hawthorne, Jr., Bruce T. Houghton, Washington and Lee University The study of the synthesis of bifunctional carbonyl reagents for use in the isolation and identification of aldehydes and ketones has been continu¬ ed. N-(3-Carboxyhydrazonopropanoyl)-4-aminobenzoic acid (I) is syn¬ thesized by hydrazination of N-(3-Carbomethoxypropanoyl)-4-aminobenzoic acid (II). Compound H is prepared by the reaction of 3-carbomethoxypro- pionyl chloride and para-aminobenzoic acid. The acid (I) is condensed directly with the carbonyl compound. Ready condensation with a num¬ ber of carbonyl compounds showed the reagent to be versatile and the derivatives to be stable crystalline solids with suitable melting ranges. Taste-Structure Correlation with ck-D-Mannose and /?-D-Mannose Ralph G. Steinhardt, Jr., Allen D. Calvin and Elizabeth Anne Dodd, Hollins College The so-called ambiguity of taste perception of D-mannose has been traced to actual differences in taste between £he two anomers of this substance. Preliminary data indicate strongly that the a-anomer is sweet (sucrose¬ like) and the /3-anomer is bitter (quinine-like). The difference in taste is attributed to the slight difference in structures of the anomers. Electron Microscope Investigation of a Catalytic Reaction on Copper Single Crystal Thin Films T. F. Swank, K. R. Lawless and A. T. Gwathmey, Cobb Chemical Labora¬ tory, University ofr Virginia o Single crystal copper thin films about (500 A thick) were used under various conditions to catalyze the reaction of H2 and O2 to form water. After the reaction, these copper films were studied by transmission elec¬ tron microscopy. A uniform distribution of individual dislocations was 262 The Virginia Journal of Science [September observed. U was possible to identify the initial stages of facet formation along with surface growths such as “powder.” There seems to be no simple correlation between the dislocations and the initiation of facets or surface growths. It appears that the individual powder particles are single crystalline but they are randomly oriented with respect to one another making the aggregate polycrystalline. Preraration of High-Purity Single-Crystal Boron Claude P. Talley and Gerald R. Taylor, Jr., Exploratory Research Lahora- torij, Texaco Experiment Incorporated, Richmond, Virginia Because of its relatively high band gap, elemental boron holds con¬ siderable promise for use in high temperature semiconductor devices. This work reported the first successful attempt to make large simple crys¬ tals of elemental boron in a controlled manner and represents an initial step toward providing the necessary understanding of the sohd-state physics of this element. To accomplish this, an apparatus was built and used for producing cylindrical rods of relatively pure polycrystalline boron by chemi¬ cal vapor plating. An electron-beam floating-zone melting apparatus was built for single crystal growth and zone refining of these rods. X-ray radiograms of boron through which the molten zone was slowly passed showed the accumulation of impurities in the molten zone. Single crystal rods of /?— rhombohedral boron approximately 1.5 mm in diameter and over 1 cm in length were produced. A Novel Synthesis Using Grignard Reagents Frank A. Vdngiello, Sih-Gwan Quo and John Sheridan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute We have recently found [F. A. Vingiello, Sih-Gwan Quo and John Sheri¬ dan, J. Org. Ghem., 26, 3202 (1961)] that one may couple aryl Grignard reagents to benzyl systems to obtain high yields of the crossed condensa¬ tion product. The reaction is quite broad in scope and may be used with a large variety of benzyl-type systems which may contain either electron-attracting or electron-withdrawing groups and that the aryl Grig¬ nard reagent may also be so varied and that it may be mono-, poly-, or hetero-cyclic. The great utility of this reaction in organic synthesis was discussed. The Synthesis of Some New Thiophene Gontaining Polynuclear Gompounds Frank A. Vingiello, Sih-Gwan Quo and Perry Polss, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Proceedings 1961-1962 263 1962] Because of recent interest in carcinogenesis by thiophene isosters of polycyclic hydrocarbons, for example, the recent work of B. D. Tilak, Tetra¬ hedron, 9, 76 (1960), we have prepared some new polynuclear compounds containing a thiophene ring. Anthracenes and benz (a) anthracenes con¬ taining the thiophene ring in the 9-position and the 7- and 12- positions respectively, have been prepared. In one case, the appropriate aryl nit¬ rile was allowed to react with either 2- or 2- halomagnesium thiophene and in the other case, the appropriate arylmagnesium halide was allowed to react with either 2- or 3- thenoyl chloride. Both routes lead to the fomnation of thienyl aryl ketones. Also, some interesting aspects of the acid catalyzed aromatic cyclodehydration of the ketones to the final aro¬ matic compounds were discussed. A Study of the Synthesis and Aromatic Cyclodehydration of 2-(2- Naphthylmethyl ) -2'-chloro-5'-methylbenzophenone Frank A. Vingiello and Leo Ojakaar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute In a recent study of cyclodehydrogenation reactions of potential carcino¬ genic or carcinolytic hydrocarbons by F. A. Vingiello and W. W. Zajac, J. Org. Chem., 26, 2228 (1961), it was pointed out that ring closure of 12- (3-methylphenyl)-benz (a) anthracene might take place at either of the two ortho positions of the phenyl ring yielding 2-methyldibenzo (a,l) pyrene and/or 4-methyldibenzo (a,l) pyrene. In order to determine the identity of the product, an unequivocal synthesis of 2-methyldibenzo (a,l) pyrene was undertaken. The present study concerns the preparation of 2-(2-naphthylmethyl)-2'-chToro-5'-methylbenzophenone and a study of its cyclization to 2-methyldibenzo (a,l) pyrene. The Synthesis of 7-Phenyldibenz (a,h) anthracene Frank A. Vingiello and Paul D. Henson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Due to the present interest in the synthesis of compounds possessing biological activity and because both 7-phenylbenz (a) anthracene and di- benz (a,h) anthracene exhibit a marked carcinogenic activity, the syn¬ thesis of 7-phenyldibenz (a,h) anthracene was undertaken. The total syn¬ thesis of this hydrocarbon, the proof of structure and other interesting sidelights of the various steps involved in the synthesis were discussed. Molecular Addition Compounds betaveen Iodine Chlorides and Various Electron Donors Robert D. Whitaker, George B. Fozzard, John R. Ambrose and C. W. Hickam, Washington and Lee University 264 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Binary systems involving both iodine monochloride and iodine trichlo¬ ride with relatively strong and weak electron donors have been studied by means of phase diagrams, UV and visible spectrophotometry, and where possible, by isolation of products. These studies, in connection with previous investigations of other halogen, interhalogen-donor systems, have made possible a rather complete correlation of the properties of the mole¬ cular addition compounds with the properties of the parent donor and acceptor molecules. SECTION OF ENGINEERING James B. Eades, Chairman J. F. Eckel, Vice-Chairman J. A. Friedericy, Secretary N. F. Murphy, Section Editor R. M. Hubard, Historian Minutes The possibility of the presentation of fewer papers at next year's meet¬ ing was discussed. The contention was that a less jam packed program of selected papers would create more interest among members, and cause a rise in the attendance at the meeting. It was decided to have next year’s secretary canvas the Section members to learn their opinion in this matter. The dual section method, it was concluded, worked well and should be continued. It was decided not to present the George Washington Award this year. The $25.00 cash prize and certificate will be included again in neid: year’s award. Officers eleced for next year’s meeting are: Chairman, John F. Eckel, V.P.I.; Vice chairman, Johan A. Friedericy, University of Virginia; Secre¬ tary, R. K. Will, V.P.I.; Section Editor, N. F. Murphy, V.P.I.; Historian J. B. Fades, V.P.I. Johan A. Friedericy, Secretary Range Control During Initial Phases of Supercircular Reentries Donald L. Baradell, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The direct reentry of a manned vehicle returning from a near-lunar or deep-space mission is compared to reentry from a near-earth orbit. For Proceedings 1961-1962 265 1962] the supercircular reentry, successful recovery is seen to require some means of vehicle range control after reentry. Aerodynamic maneuvering can pro¬ vide such range control. It is shown that considerable ranges can be achieved by even low L/D vehicles operating totally within the atmosphere, if proper maneuvering is initiated early in the reentry while the vehicle still possesses supercir¬ cular velocity. Significant extension of lateral range capability is shown to be achiev¬ able throughout much of the allowable reentry corridor by permitting the vehicle to reenter in a banked attitude. Emphasis is placed on reentry at escape velocity but the results also apply in character to reentry at other supercircular velocities. Analysis of the Operation of a Static Switched D. C. Voltage Regulator Employing a Power Semiconductor as the Switching Element Ricardo Berner and Eugene S. McVey, University of Virginia Charlottesville This paper pertains to a voltage regulator using a switched series ele¬ ment to obtain regulation. Although these systems have been discussed extensively in the litera¬ ture in a qualitative manner, apparently little analytical work has been done due to their nonlinear nature. The results presented here are an attempt to overcome this deficiency for one particular system. The principle of operation of a switched series voltage regulator is explained briefly. Its potential advantages and disadvantages are com¬ pared to a hnear series regulator. Among the advantages are improved reliability and efficiency, higher power output, and reduced cost and size. It is shown that power semiconductors can be better utilized when operated as controlled switches instead of as linear elements. A model has been built which is based upon the theoretical results of the investi¬ gation. The analysis of the operation compares favorably with prelimi¬ nary experimental results. A Numerical Solution to the Problem of Incompressible Flow in THE Inlet Length of a Straight Channel R. A. Chubboy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 266 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Flow in the inlet length of a straight channel was investigated to deter¬ mine the velocity field and relation for the pressure function. The gov¬ erning equations, the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations, were sim¬ plified by using the boundary layer approximations; then, non-dimension- alized and treated in finite difference form. The non-dimensional form of the equations suggests that the velocity field and pressure function are dependent upon the two parameters, Reynolds number (Re == p UoD/^) and a pressure raio {fS = p u^^/po). Ry varying these parameters simul¬ taneously, then separately, different sources of data were obtained with which the above dependence was defined. The velocity field was found to be in good agreement with that obtained in previous investigations. The empirical relation developed for the pres¬ sure gradient however, represents an improvement over previous forms since it is applicable between any two sections in the channel. The total pressure drop given by this relation is slightly low, but by refining the difference net, it was found that excellent correlation with the experi- menal end-correction formula is obtained. A T IMF, Dependent Solution to the Launch Vehicle Response Problem Dennis F. Collins, Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration A method for the prediction of launch vehicle responses to winds within the atmosphere is presented. The complete mathematical model of the launch vehicle allows for the effects of elasticiy, a gimbaled engine with a closed-loop control system, structural feedback, and fuel sloshing. Lag¬ range’s equations, modified for use in body coordinates, are employed to obtain the differential equations of motion. The resultant system of differential equations with time-dependent coefficients is to be solved on a digital computer. Some time histories of such things as attitude angle, engine gimbal angle, and bending moment and the effect of control sys¬ tem gains on loads are presented. The results were obtained from a reduced form of the general equations. Theory and Experiment for a Rotational Plasma Accelertor William Grossmann, Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration This discussion covers some of the analytical and experimental aspects of a continuous rotational plasma accelerator. This accelerator which, in principle, converts a high rotational plasma motion into translational mo¬ tion is based on the following considerations. A slightly ionized plasma is simultaneously accelerated azimuthally to a very high velocity and axially to sonic velocity whereupon it is expanded in a combination sohd and magnetic nozzle. It should be noted that the present accelerator Proceedings 1961-1962 267 1962] has two modes of operation: 1) conversion of rotation to translation, and (2) Hall current acceleration, and that the pressure range is necessarily higher than in a pure Hall current accelerator. Experiments in a prototype of the accelerator have shown that a dis¬ tributed arc discharge can be obtained for coaxial electrode geometry for cathode temperatures below that of thermionic emission. To date, cur¬ rents of 200 amperes with a magnetic field strength of 3,000 to 13,000 gauss have been used with stagnation pressures of 10 to 35 millimeters. Operation of the continuous discharge appears to be similar to that of the "Turning phase” of a pulsed homopolar device reported by Alfven and Fahleson. Experimental evidence will be given for this effect and also a description of the measurements (including those of thrust) being made in the present facility will be given. Compensation of Open Loop Unstable Feedback Systems to Achieve Unconditional Stability Orville R. Harris, Unwerfnttj of Virginia The support of ferromagnetic bodies by servo control of a magnetic field produces a pair of poles, in the S-plane, on the real axis. These two poles are symmetrically located with respect to S— O such that one pole is in the right-half plane. Hence, the open loop transfer function is inherently unstable. A method for inserting two zeros and a pole, by compensation, near the origin on the real axis has been devised which will cause the pole in the right-half plane to move into the left half, as the gain is increased, and remain there for all values of open loop gain above a certain minimum. Thus at all gain values above this gain the overall servo remains unconditionally stable. Effect of Nitrogen on the Strain Behavior of 304 Stainless Steel UNDER Low Stresses in the Temperature Range 80 to 170° C W. H. Hermstein and J. F. Eckel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The effect of nitrogen on the strain behavior of 304 austenitic stain¬ less steel under low stresses is of interest in the temperature range 80° to 170° C from the standpoint of accounting for the susceptibility of this alloy to stress corrosion cracking. Heating tests were conducted on un- nitrided and nitrided 304 sheet specimens under low static stresses in the temperature range of interest. Specimen strain was measured as a func¬ tion of temperature during heating. Abrupt decreases in the rate of straining with temperature were observed. Furthermore, the tempera¬ ture at which these decreases occurred appeared to be dependent upon the heat treatment and applied stress, the temperature decreasing with 268 The Virginia Journal of Science [September both nitriding exposure time and applied stress. Discussion is presented concerning the possibility that stress induced diffusion of interstitial nitro¬ gen is responsible for the observed phenomena. Viscosity Measurement Using a Bourdon Tube Robert M. Hubbard, University of Virginia A new instrument for measuring viscosity continuously is described. It requires only standard components — a synchronous motor, gear reduc¬ er, Zenith pump, constant temperature bath, and a pressure transmitter having a helical element with an open end. The liquid is pumped at constant temperature through the helical pressure spring. Deflection is proportional to viscositv. For a flow of 105 cubic centimeters per min¬ ute with a Revnolds number less than unity, a helical element rated 800 psi pressure can measure viscositv up to 1200 centipoises. Adaptation of Agricultural Soil Maps for Engineering Use John H. Hunter, and Robert D. Krebs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute A portion of a study conducted by Virginia Polytechnic Institute fos the Federal Housing Administration required presentation of soil inter¬ pretations by cartographic methods. Presentation of two categories of interpretations was required: a specific use interpretation (ratings of soils for residential sewage disposal) and a generalized interpretation of soil features of interest to engineers. After mapping units were selected, the problem was reduced to select¬ ing a proper base and to drafting and reproducing the appropriate over¬ lays. Since published soil survey maps are at a convenient scale, and the master film positives for the press plates are available for many modem soil surveys, the same photo-mosaic bases were used a were ued for the agricultural oil surveys. The overlays, showing the different mapping units, were developed using existing film positives showing agricultural soil boundaries. The film positives for both the base and the working sheets for the overlays are available from the Cartographic Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Various steps in the preparation of the engineering map folios were illusrated. The folios are prepared on a country basis. A finished map folio for Norfolk County, Virginia, was shown. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 269 Recent Trends in the Patent System Auzville Jackson, Jr., RoheH Shaw-Fulton Controls Company, Richmond Patent matters of great current interest are the streamlining of examin¬ ing procedures, including information retrieval; international licensing which includes the USSR; ownership of inventions as between the Govern¬ ment and its contractors; ownership of inventions as between corporations and its employees; and the better dissemination of the technical informa¬ tion contained in patents to the technical community. An Investigation of the Fluctuating Forces Acting on a Stationary Circular Cylinder in a Subsonic Stream, and of THE Associated Sound Field Roger T. Keefe, Virginia Polytechnic Institute An experiment investigation has been made of the fluctuating forces acting on a short segment of a 1-1/8" diameter stationary circular cylinder placed in the Universitv of Toronto, Institute of Aerophysics subsonic wind tunnel. The fluctuating lift was measured over a range of Reynolds num¬ bers from 5000 to 100,000 and the fluctuating drag over a range of 20,000 to 100,000. A large increase in the lift coefficient occurred when two circular disks were fastened to the cylinder in close proximity to the force transducer. The measurements of the acoustic radiation from cylinders placed in a subsonic air jet showed great sensitivity to the cylinder end conditions. Experiments were performed to arrive at an undersanding of the end effects, with limited success. A comparison of a theoretical estimate of the acoustic radiation using the results of the force measurements presented herein and correlation data obtained previously at the Institute of Aerophysics shows good agree¬ ment with the acousic measurements on one of the configurations tested, and with those of other researchers using a whirling arm apparatus. Rating Soils for Residential Sewage Disposal Robert D. Ki'ebs and John H. Hunter, Virginia Polytechnic Institute In many suburban areas the most practical solution to residential sew¬ age disposal is individual systems of the absorption field type. These depend on favorable soil conditions for safe performance. Soil conditions are generally rated on the basis of the percolation test, which sometimes gives misleading results. A system of rating soils that may be more accurate and versatile, though less precise, was outlined for Federal Hous- 270 The Virginia Journal of Science [September ing Administration field scientists. The soil rating is based on the geologic, hydrologic, and topographic position of the soil; the texture, consistency, structure, and drainage condition of the soil profile; and the past per¬ formance of the soil with respect to sewage disposal, vegetation, roads, and light structures. Information on each of these features is often avail¬ able in the literature or public records and can be ascertained from field study of exposures and auger borings. With this system, the engineer may efficiently utilize a wealh of basic soil survey information pertinent to residential sewage disposal. Its ehief disadvantage lies in the great weight placed on the judgment of the engineer, such that his decision may appear arbitrary to the layman. Spin Dynamics of Manned Space Stations Peter R. Kurzhals, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The dynamie behaviour of manned rotating space stations under vari¬ ous steady-state and transient disturbances, such as docking impacts, atti¬ tude system torques, and crew motions, is discussed. The basic equations of motion for a spinning station are developed and expressions simulating the applied excitations are introduced. Two stability systems, a gyroscopic wobble damper and a proportional jet damper, are represented mathemati- eally, and the motion of the station under the external disturbances is determined without and with the effect of these stability systems. Com¬ puter results for several example cases are included to illustrate the char¬ acteristic response of a tvpical station. A Study of the Effects of Dynamic Loads upon the Engineering Characteristics of Soils H. G. Larew, University of Virginia This paper presents the results of recent research conducted to deter¬ mine the effects of repeated and dynamic loadings upon soil. A strength criterion for failure under the action of repeated loads is presented and methods for determining the deformation moduli for soils under the action of repeated and dynamic loads are described. CR3O Structure in the Ternary Systems Cr-Si-Sn and V-Si-Sn P. B. Lassiter and John F. Eckel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The Cr.{0 or B-W structure occurs in approximately 40 known binary systems. The factors affecting the formation of these compounds are atomic size and/or electron configuration. In order to study the effects Proceedings 1961-1962 271 1962] of both of the above factors, two series of ternary alloys were prepared using both arc melting and sintering of powder compacts. Compositions varied from Cr3Si to 75 atomic % Cr — 25 atomic % Sn in the chromium- tin silicon system, and from V3Si to ¥380 in the vanadium-silicon-tin sys¬ tem. No measurable amount of tin was found to substitute for silicon in the first system, but a continuous series of solid solutions was found between VsSi and ¥3811. Nitrogen Diffusion Constants in Austenitic 8tainles 8teel a Determined by Internal Friction Measurements C. R. Manning and j. F. Eckel, Virginia Fulijtechnic Insf/iiute The internal friction spectra for AI8I 304 austenitic stainless steel have lieen determined for the material in two conditions, the as-received and solution heat treated condition and also the heavily nitrided and solution heat treated condition. No pronounced nitrogen relaxation peak was found in the as-received material. However, a large peak was found in the nitrided and homogenized material. Originally the lattice was supersat¬ urated with nitrogen, but stress-induced diffusion resulted in lowering the amount of nitrogen in solution with a corresponding reduction in peak amplitude of the internal friction spectra on successive runs. A metal- lographic examination showed that the nature of the nitrides changed during testing from an original needle-like form to a spheroidized struc¬ ture after testing. Nitrogen relaxation peaks were found at temperatures from 192 °C to 210 °C for the supersaturated material in the frequency range of 0.33 to 1.09 cycles per second. Nitrogen peaks were also found in the saturated material at 249° C and 264 °C for frequencies of 0.33 and 0.66 cycles per second. From these data, diffusion constants have been calculated for nitrogen in Type 304 stainless steel. Effect of Aerodynamics of the Perturbations of a Near Earth Orbit and the Ballistic Reentry Trajectory Alton P. Mayo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The equations used to calculate the effects of the sun, moon, earth oblateness, and aerodynamic drag forces on a close earth orbit and during the ballistic reentry are generally discussed. Results are presented to show the comparative effects of these forces on a 112-mile altitude orbit and the effects of orbital altitude on the altitude loss per revolution due to aerodynamic drag. The effect of increasing vehicle drag at a constant altitude is illustrated. Drag effects on ground range during the reentry 272 The Virginia Journal of Science [September are discussed along with the altitude, velocity, acceleration, Mach and Reynolds numbers during a typical reentry. On the Prediction of Aerodynamic Load Distribution on Finite Wings by the Subsonic Kernel Function Method: Steady Case-Wing Loads John P. Mugler, Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration A method for calculating the aerodynamic loading on a flexible wing is discussed. The Kernel function method was used to calculate the aero¬ dynamic load for a rigid wing and the wing elastic properties were used to determine the wing deformations under load. An iteration process was set up to calculate the resultant aerodynamic loading on the flexible wing. Calculations were made for a swept wing configuration and compared with experimental results. Agreement was good at Mach numbers to 0.8 at low angles of attack. But as the Mach number or angle of attack increased, mixed flow and separation caused the agreement to become poor. A Comparison of Published Data with Theoretical Results for the Compressible Turbulent Skin Friction John B. Peterson, Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Van Driest, Wilson, and Sommer and Short T' theories of com¬ pressible turbulent skin friction were compared with experimental data in order to determine their accuracy. Results from 14 different experi¬ ments at zero heat transfer and 7 experiments with heat transfer were used. The data covered a range of Mach numbers up to 10 and Rey¬ nolds numbers up to 100 million with heat transfer and 68 million with¬ out heat transfer. The comparison between theory and experiment was made on one curve by performing a transformation on the experimental data and indicates that the Sommer and Short T' theory will provide the most aeeurate estimate of the compressible turbulent skin friction coeffi¬ cient. Determination of Newtonian Force Coefficients for a Typical Reentry Configuration E. Brian Pritchard, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Three factors which influence the design of a vehicle capable of carry¬ ing out a space mission and returning to the earth’s surface include: adequate aerodynamic characteristics and thermal protecion to insure safe reentry and adequate volume to encompass all desired onboard systems. This paper is concerned with the determination of the aerodynamic Proceedings 1961-1962 1962] 273 force coefficients on a symmetrical, flat-sided body having a spherical nose and cylindrical edges and a fineness ratio of 0.816. The effect of variation of the body half angle on the vehicle’s aero¬ dynamic characteristics is analysed. It is found that increasing the body half angle results in decreasing the maximum lift and drag coefficients up to a value of the half angle of about 26 degrees. For this type body a maximum lift-drag ratio of approximately 0.4 is obtained for the body having a half angle of 26 degrees operating at an angle of attack of 22 degrees. Determination of the Total Neutron Flux near a Reactor Corner y. D. Spencer and T. G. Williamson, University of Virginia In reactor theory it is presently impossible to get a closed solution for the neutron flux in the reflector near the corner of a reactor. A hydraulic rabbit system utilizing aluminum slugs was used to measure the flux in the reflector. The slope of the flux out from the corner (45°) agree very closely with two group spherical reactor calculations and it was ap¬ proximately twice the slope of the flux perpendicular to the face. Radio Star Scintillations E. C. Stevenson and Jas. P. Hollinger, University of Virginia Studv of records of amplitude scintillation taken at several ground sta¬ tions establishes the validitv of the correlation method of drift analysis of Briggs, Phillips, and Shinn as extended by Phillips and Spencer. At Charlottesyille, Virginia, the axial ratio of the ground pattern elliptical contours is large, ayeraging twenty-to-one, and therefore calculated drift velocities have large errors in both magnitude and direction. However, the orientations of the major axes are precisely determined, and show that the irregularities in the ionosphere responsible for scintillations are greatly elongated ellipsoids aligned with the earth’s local magnetic field. A drift component to the west of the long axis of the ellipsoid was always pres¬ ent. Records taken at four stations on an east- west line yield components of the apparent velocity of individual peaks of intensity of the ground pattern for each of the three segments of the east-to-west path. Sys¬ tematic accelerations have been found which show that the ionospheric model for scintillation production should be re-examined, and that ground pattern motion may not be due primarily to drift or transport of a layer in the ionosphere. 274 The Virginia Journal of Science [September The Effects of Neutron-Gamma Irradiation upon the Physico- Chemical Properties of Soils M. T. Tumay, H. G. Larew, and J. Lawrence Meem, University of Virginia This paper presents the results of tests made to determine the effects of two levels (10^® nvt and 10^® nvt) of neutron- gamma irradiation on the physico-chemical properties of three fine-grained soils. Studies of the induced radioactivity and changes in hydrogen ion con¬ centration, conductivity, mineralogical content, strength characteristics, At- terberg hmits, compaction characteristics and soil structure as determined with the electron microscope, are reported. With regard to the observed safety and versatility of the nuclear meth¬ ods employed in determining the irradiation effects on soil, several promis¬ ing soils engineering applications of nuclear methods are recommended. On the Prediction of Finite -Wing Flutter Characteristics by the Subsonic Kernel Function Method Gerald D. ational Aeronautics and Space Administration Flutter characteristics calculated for an aspect ratio 3.5 all-movable horizontal tail are presented and compared with experimental results. The flutter analysis was of the Ravliegh-Ritz type. The flutter made was ap¬ proximated by a superposition of the model’s first three experimentally measured natural vibration modes and the unsteady aerodynamic forces were calculated from the subsonic kernel function method. A brief review of the theoretical foundations of the kernel function method is presented. The calculated flutter boundaries are found to be in good agreement with experiment. The investigation is extended beyond the calculation of eigen¬ values (i.e., flutter speed and frequency) to the calculation of the asso¬ ciated eigenfunctions (flutter mode shapes and pressure distributions). Examination of the flutter pressure distributions shows that the distribu¬ tion of aerodynamic stiffness and damping forces is practically independent of Mach number in the range 0.75 0.90. Significance of Layer Deflectifn Measurements In Flexible-Type Pavements Richard D. Walker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Data obtained from a test road located on U. S. 31 near Columbus, Indiana, were used to develop a system for evaluating the strucural per¬ formance of exising flexible type pavement. Crack patterns, wheel track rutting, total pavement deflections, and pavement layer deflections were Proceedings 1961-1962 275 1962] analyzed. Procedure for measuring layer deflections are described. Relative modulus values using layer deflections were calculated to compare the relative deflection of one pavement layer with another. The important conclusions reached were that total deflections were ineffective in establishing the cause of pavement distress and knowledge of layer deflections were necessary to evaluate the pavement. Dynamic Response of a Pulsed Liquid Extraction Column fohn J. Watjen and Robert M. Hubbard, University of Virginia The dynamic response has been measured for a liquid extraction col¬ umn Ya inch diameter having two and three perforated plates spaced 2 inches and pulsed from 30 to 210 cycles per minute. The system was water-acetic acid-methyl isobutyl ketone. The input perturbation was a rectangular pulse of acetic acid. A theoretical analysis of the transfer function was made for fluid flow only and for flow plus extraction. The transfer function was approximately first order, but dead times up to 26 seconds were required to obtain agreement between the linear model and experimental results. The Influence of Precession of Earth Rendezvous Orbits on Lunar Mission Requirements W. R. Wells, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The concept of orbital rendezvous is currently receiving serious con¬ sideration for application in various space exploration missions. With respect to a manned lunar landing mission, earth orbit rendezvous offers the advantage of collection, assembly and check out of the mission com¬ ponents or the possibility of fueling an assembled vehicle while in earth orbit before injection into the lunar trajectory phase. The purpose of this analysis is to define and describe the consequences of an off-nominal situation such as a greater than anticipated stay in the earth orbit, to investigate procedures for effecting satisfactory lunar tra¬ jectories in the event of such situations, and to estimate the correspond¬ ing velocity requirements during 1968. The presentation will include a discussion of the nodal regression of the earth rendezvous orbit plane, specific procedures and techniques which result in satisfactory lunar trajectories for off-nominal situations, a compari¬ son and optimization of these procedures, and an estimation of the cor¬ responding velocity requirements. 276 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Preliminary Investigation into the Thermodynamics of the Nitrid¬ ing Reaction for Austenitic Stainless Steel E. L. Williams, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the change in free energy of the nitriding reaction for stainless steel AISI 304. Various amounts of ammonia and hydrogen were passed over steel chips at different temperatures for 6 hours. The chips were analyzed for nitro¬ gen and then an equilibrium constant (K) was determined for the nitrid¬ ing reaction. This was used to determine the change in free energy for the reaction. It is felt that the nitrides formed were either Fe^N or Fe4N. The change in free energy for the reactions seem to indicate this. Further work needs to be done to prove this conclusively. SECTION OF GEOLOGY E. W. Spencer, Chairman B. W. Nelson, Vice Chairman F. W. Trainer, Secretary W. T. Parrott, Section Editor Minutes The meeting was called to order by Chairman E. W. Spencer at 12:10 p.m.. May 11, 1962. The minutes of the 1961 business meeting of the section were read and approved. J. L. Calver, reporting on a meeting of the Academy Council, noted that the Council had requested that sec¬ tion historians provide more complete and accurate records of the history of the sections. W. T. Parrott, Section Editor, asked that information relating to geological activities be forwarded to him to facilitate report¬ ing of events and activities. The nominating committee, consisting of J. L. Calver, J. T. Hack (chairman), and E. W. Ramsey, presented the following slate of candidates for Section offices: Chairman, B. W. Nelson; Vice Chairman, K. F. Bick; Secretary, R. L. Ellison; and Section editor, W. T. Parrott. It was moved and seconded that the nominations be closed, and the candi¬ dates were declared elected. The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m. F. W. Trainer, Secretary 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 277 A Geophysical Investigation of Sulfide Deposits near New Canton, Virginia Robert C. Barnes, University of Virginia Sulfide mineralization occurs in a belt that lies just east of New Can¬ ton, Virginia. The mineral zone consists of sulfide-rich replacement lenses and discontinuous veins along a contact between porphyroblastic slates of the Arvonia formation and underlying schists of both volcanic and sedi- mentarv origin. Nearlv all mineralization was localized in the schist and from a comparison of geological and geophysical data, it is evident that the control was largely stratigraphic. The primary sulfides are pyrite, pyr- rhotite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Magnetic and electric techniques were employed in the geophysical evaluation. Electric techniques consisted of self -potential measurements and vertical loop and horizontal loop electromagnetic surveys. Due to the high magnetite content of the schists, magnetic traverses clearlv defined the contact between slates and schists. A near-surface conductor of moderate size with a continuous length of more than 2400 feet was delineated by the electric techniques. Correlation between the three methods was excellent. The study at New Canton has shown that geophysics is an effective tool in the evaluation of Piedmont sulfide deposits. Geology of the Williamsville Quadrangle, Virginia^ Kenneth F. Bick, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg The rocks of the Williamsville quadrangle (bounded by parallels 38° 00' and 38° 15' and meridians 79°30' and 79°45') are sedimentary and range in age from Early Ordovician to Late Devonian. The section may be con¬ veniently divided into 4 major units, 2 or clastic rocks and 2 of carbonate rocks. Approximately 1000 feet of Lower and Middle Ordovician car¬ bonates are overlain by about 3000 feet of Middle Ordovician to Middle Silurian elastics; these are succeeded by 400 feet of Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian carbonates, which in turn are followed by approximately 5000 feet of Middle and Upper Devonian elastics. The carbonate rocks seem generally to indicate periods of quiet offshore, shallow-water deposi¬ tion while the clastic rocks are eroded debris derived from mountainous areas east of the quadrangle. ^Published by permission of the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, James L. Calver, Commissioner and State Geologist. 278 The Virginia Journal of Science [September The rocks were deformed during the Appalachian orogeny of Permian (?) age. The major structures are anticlinoria on the northwest and southeast separated by a synclinorium. Many lesser folds, several faults of minor displacement, and locally complex structure, are superimposed on the major structural pattern. Recent evidence, based on a deep well drilled 25 miles north of the quadrangle, suggests that there is a major surbsurface thrust fault in the general region. It is entirely possible that the folded terrain visible at the surface in the Williamsville quadrangle does not continue to great depth. Evidence is presented that one, or more, thrust faults may underlie the quadrangle; such faults, if present, probably follow the horizon of the Cambrian Rome formation, and pos¬ sibly the Middle Ordovician Martinsburg formation. (iEOLXXiY AND THE CvJL WaR IN VIRGINIA Robert L. Ellison, Universitij of Virginia Terrain, both regional and local, played an important role in the cam¬ paigns of the Civil War in Virginia. Regionally, the Blue Ridge divides Virginia into a natural battlefield including Washington, Richmond, and Tidewater Virginia on the east, and Shenandoah Valley, an avenue for north-south movement, on the west. Following practice in modern military geology, the area around Fred¬ ericksburg has been divided into three terrains on the basis of topography, bedrock geology, soil, vegetation, drainage, and trafficability. In contrast to the other two terrains, the Piedmont is higher and more densely forest¬ ed; it has more slopes; its rivers are shallower and narrower; and it is underlain by steeply dipping metamorphic rocks. The Coastal Plain Up¬ land consists largely of tabular divides, has few streams, is underlain by unconsolidated sediments, and, in places, is very poorly drained. The Coastal Plain Lowland consists of river terraces of unconsolidated material, and is extensively cultivated. In the Battle of Fredericksburg, Lee used topography to his advantage; and in the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee and Jackson used the Wilderness vegetation to their advantage. The failure of Burnside’s “mud march” may be attributed, at least in part, to the type of soil that is extremely tenacious when wet. Relationship Beitveen Clay Mineralogy and Parent Rock of Piedmont Soils William M. Flock, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Clay mineralogy of a number of residual Piedmont soils and the petro- Proceedings 1961-1962 279 1962] graphy of their parent rock were investigated in Nottoway and Prince Edward Counties. The soils consist largely of kaolin-vermicuTitic or kao- lin-montmorillonitic clays and mixed-layered clay minerals. The soils are characterized by the scarcity of illite. Dark red vermiculite-kaolin bear¬ ing Lloyd soils in the Baker Mountain area of Prince Edward County developed from iron rich amphibolites. Yellow-brown montmorillonitic Iredell-Meckenburg-Bremo soils developed from calcium rich greenstones and Triassic diabase. A yellow-brown weakly montmorillonitic Helena soil developed from hornblende-biotite schist which had well developed horizontal schistosity. The red micaeous vermiculitic-kaolin Madison soils developed from feldspar rich biotite gneiss, in which the biotite weathered to vermiculite. Highly kaolinitic Cecil soils developed from muscovite- quartz rich schists, indicating that muscovite weathers chiefly to kaolinite. The formation of montmorillonite from calcium-rich silicate rocks was found to be independent of drainage and rock structure. However, the rock structure, texture, and drainage influences the formation of montmoril¬ lonite when the calcium content of a mafic rock is Tow. The clay min¬ erals were found to form directly from the crystal lattice of the primary minerals. These were then weathered with montmorillonite altering to vermiculite in surface layers. Hence, all soil profiles contain vermiculite and kaolinite in the A horizon, but the character of the mixed-layered material and the relative intensities of the kaolin-vermiculite peaks clearly reflect the petrography of the parent rock. A Preliminary Report on the Mineralogy of the Alberene Soap¬ stone Deposit, Albemarle County, Virginia Harry N. Giles, 105 Observatory Avenue, Charlottesville, University of Virginia Alberene is located in southern Albemarle County, about 12 miles southwest of Charlottesville. This soapstone deposit is approximately 2,000 feet in length and averages 200 feet in width. This lenticular body dips approximately 70 degrees to the southeast and trends about N 45° E. The Lynchburg gneiss forms both the hanging and footwalls for nearly the entire length of this body. The center of the body is pre¬ dominantly a talc-chlorite schist, which grades outwardly into a talc-chlo- rite-actinolite schist; the latter grades into a chlorite-actinohte schist, which is the predominant rock type along the outer edge of the body. Minor amounts of magnetite are present throughout the body, and eryth- rite and pyrite are found sporadically. This deposit is transected by numerous veins that chiefly contain ferruginous dolomite. Minor consti¬ tuents of these veins in order of decreasing abundance are chlorite, talc, tremolite, pyrite, ilmenite, magnesite, serpentine, apatite, and chalcopyrite. Talc, tremolite, chlorite, and calcite are present along numerous slicken- sides throughout the body. [September 280 The Virginia Journal of Science Reconnaissance Magnetic Survey of the New River District, Virginia Samuel T. Harding, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The area surveyed magnetically includes the following 15 minute quad¬ rangles: Narrows, Pearisburg, Waiteville, Pulaski, Radford, and Blacks¬ burg. The area extends from the Blue Ridge in the southeast, across the folded Appalachians, with the northwest corner in the Appalachian Plateau. The vertical intensity map shows magnetic trends which in part coin¬ cide with surface structural trends. A rather good correlation can be made between major magnetic trends and major surface structures, but minor structures are not shown by the magnetic data. A well-defined magnetic trend, the highest in the area, coincides roughly with the Butt Mountain-Angels Rest svnclinorium, which is structurally higher than the two adjacent downwarps: The Appalachian Plateau to the northwest and the Blacksburg syncline to the southeast. The correla¬ tion between the high position of this structure and the high magnetic intensities suggests at least some basement involvement in the surface structure. A broad magnetic low area south of this high trend can be correlated with the Blacksburg syncline. This indicates that the basement is deeper in this region, as geologic evidence suggests. Qualitative evidence indicates that the Clinton ferruginous sandstone formation does not have an appreciable effect on the magnetic intensities Major faults in the region seem to be associated with long narrow mag¬ netic troughs and highs. At best correlations are rough and their signif¬ icance is not understood. From this evidence it appears that the basement may be involved in a few of the major surface structures of this region. Structural Analysis of the Cherry Creek Basin Area, Madison Mountains, Montana Samuel J. Kozak, Washingon and Lee University Structures in the Paleozoic and Pre-Cambrian Units are analyzed by means of stereographic projection, statistical analysis, and tectonic profiles, Paleozoic sedimentary rocks occur in a N 40° -45° W trending syncline, the northeast margin of which is cut by a high angle fault of unknown dip direction, trending N 50° -55° W. A second set of faults between N 60° E and N 80° E cut the Paleozoics but cannot be traced into the adjacent Pre-Cambrian gneisses. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 281 Folding in the Pre-cambrian units trends about N 65° E and appears to be unrelated to the folding in the Paleozoics. Fracture data from the Pre-cambrian rocks are grouped about five maxi¬ ma, none of which correspond to the theoretical fracture directions ex¬ pected from the fabric of folds in the Pre-cambrian. Fracture data from the Paleozoics are grouped about three maxima, two of which correspond to a shear direction and the ac direction related to the fold in the Paleo¬ zoics. Northeast trending fractures are present in both the Pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic units and their age relationship is therefore shadowed. North¬ west trending fractures are present only in the Pre-Cambrian rocks and suggest an origin during the Pre-Cambrian. The northwest directions are subparallel to faults outlining portions of the Madison Range and suggest a possible Pre-Cambrian control of Laramide uplift. The Blue Ridge Fault near Front Royal, Virginia Fitzhugh T. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Pre-Cambrian Catoctin through Ordovician Beekmantown rocks strike northeast and, in general, have overturned dips to the southeast in the Front Royal area. They comprise the overturned northwest limb of a northeast-trending anticline. There are two major low-angle thrusts dipping to the southeast in the Front Royal area. The southernmost fault has been designated the Front Royal fault. The other fault which crosses the area in a northeasterly direction has been named the Happy Creek fault. The Front Royal fault involved thrusting Catoctin over Elbrook one mile east of Front Royal. Movement along the Happy Creek fault brought Antietam over Waynes¬ boro two miles northeast of Front Royal. The Happy Creek fault trace is abutted by the Front Royal fault trace 1^/2 miles southeast of Front Royal which indicates that the earlier Happy Creek fault was cut off by the Front Royal fault. A klippe representing part of the hanging wall of the Happy Creek fault constitutes a prominent knoll of brecciated Antietam surrounded by Elbrook and Waynesboro formation rocks V2 mile east of the junction of U.S. Route 522 and Virginia Highway 55. Displacement on both faults decreases rapidly toward the northeast and indicated movement ceased somewhere south of the Warren-Clarke county hne. 282 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Some Relation between Geology and Quality of Ground Water Robert B. Leonard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Chemical analyses of ground and surface waters are used to relate geol¬ ogy to hydrology as part of an investigation entitled “Ground-Water Geology along the West Foot of the Blue Ridge between Arnold Valley and Elkton, Virginia.” Precambrian crystalline rocks and Lower Cambrian clastic rocks con¬ stitute the bedrock of the Blue Ridge and its foothills. Cambrian car¬ bonate rock and shale, commonly concealed by Cenozoic gravel and clay, underlie the eastern edge of the Shenandoah Valley. Carbonate rocks in this sequence are the major aquifers. Water analyses are presented as bar graphs and as points on a trilinear diagram. The concentration of total dissolved solids and ratios between the concentrations of various constituents are characteristic of the geologic formation from which the water is obtained. The concentration of total dissolved solids and the pH of water from bedrock aquifers commonly increases with increasing distance from the mountains. Sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulphate are most abundant in waters of low mineralization from the clastic and crystalline rocks. Calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate derived from solution of limestone and dolomite are the most abundant ions in waters from the carbonate reservoirs. Water from the unconsolidated mantle is variable in quality. Waters from the same formation are commonly more highly mineralized west of the major subsequent streams than they are to the east. The qual¬ ity of water produced from most wells adjacent to these streams seems to be independent of variations in quality of the streamflow. Recharge to bedrock aquifers east of the rivers appears to be dominantly from the east. Magnetic Anomalies on the Virginia Coastal Plain D. C. Le Van and R. F. Pharr, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Charlottesville In May, 1960, the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources began a pro¬ gram of magnetic investigations on the Coastal Plain of Virginia. In the first phase of the study, in 1960, determinations of the vertical magnetic intensity of the earth’s field were made on the ground at 610 stations spaced along 372 miles in eight traverses. All ground data were reduced to absolute values through coordination with the Fredericksburg Magnetic Observatory. In 1961 the investigation was broadened by airborne mag¬ netic data obtained during a flight by the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Proceedings 1961-1962 283 1962] Office. The flight traversed approximately 1000 miles over the Coastal Plain of Virginia, and was planned to supplement the ground data and provide information on portions of the Coastal Plain not previously covered. Data indicate that a major trend of positive magnetic anomalies extends from the vicinity of Emporia, Greensville County, to Currioman Bay, West¬ moreland County, and northward into Maryland. This trend represents a northeastward and a southward continuation of the area of magnetic “highs” reported east of Richmond and Petersburg by Wollard in 1940. Several other magnetic anomalies have been outlined and are being studied. The Formation of Calcareous Tufa Deposits in Montgomery County, Virginia Harold L. Mathews, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg A study was made to determine the origin of the ealcareous material found in certain first bottom soils of the Limestone Valley region of Vir¬ ginia. It was found that the CaCOg in these soils came from the highly fraetured and faulted dolomitic limestone underlying the area. Ground water, high in dissolved COg percolated through the crushed limestone dissolving an appreciable amount of Ca and Mg earbonate. This ground water issued at the surface in the form of large springs and lost some of the dissolved CO2 resulting in a saturated solution with respect to cal¬ cium carbonate. The calcium depositing algae Oocardium stratum was found below the point on the stream where the water had become saturated and was thought to be of major importance in the deposition of CaCOg in these streams. Other factors affecting the precipitation of CaCOg were: increasing temperature, loss of CO2 to the atmosphere and the presence of the calcium depositing algae Chara vulgaris and Calothris viguieri. One spring was gauged during the investigation and found to have an average flow of 104 gallons per minute. Approximately 10 milligrams per liter of calcium were precipitated from the stream in the first 650 feet of flow. This could result in the deposition of as much as 2.85 tons of CaCOg per year in the stream channel. Petrography of the Arvonia Slate, Buckingham County, Virginia Robert C. McDowell, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The slate in the commereial quarries near Arvonia, Virginia consists largely of quartz, ehlorite, sericite, and significant amounts of albite, cal- cite, biotite, and magnetite. Accessory minerals inelude graphite, pyrite, zircon, tourmaline, rutile, and apatite. Slightly coarser grained beds are more quartz-rich. 284 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Calculation of the norm from available chemical analyses, using modal minerals, requires the use of an aluminum-rich chlorite (amesite) in which an aluminum atom is substituted for a divalent atom in the brucite-type laver and another aluminum atom is substituted for a silicon atom in the tetrahedral position. High aluminum content is supported by X-ray dif¬ fraction studies which show the chlorite to have an (004) spacing of o 3.53 A. The slatv cleavage was produced by rotation, recrystallization, and flat¬ tening of the constituent minerals. Locally a prominent slip cleavage is present. Two lienations are distinct, one the result of cleavage-bedding intersection and the other due to elongate mineral grains. Two thin beds of meta-arkose occur within the slate belt slightly to the east of the presently active quarries. These contain, in order of abund¬ ance, albite, biotite, calcite, and quartz. Further east the slate is bounded by a metaconglomerate in which vein quarz and chert cobbles, jasper jielibles, and blue (juartz grains are embedded in a matrix of sericite and fine-grained quartz. Nearly a mile to the east of the active quarries a belt of porphyro- lilastic phyllite, presumably equivalent to the Arvonia slate, shows the effects of increasing metamorphic grade. Almandite and biotite porphyro- blasts are surrounded bv a matrix of quartz, biotite, and muscovite. An Evaluation of Biogeochemical Prospecting for Zinc in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia E. H. McGavock, University of Virginia Sphalerite occurs in commercial and lesser quantities in Beekmantown dolomite (Ordovician) of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. This study evalutes biogeochemistry as a prospecting tool in that area. The research was supported by the Virginia Academy of Science and Sigma Xi. Biogeochemical prospecting utilizes the response of plants to metals in supporting soils. Ideally, the amount of a metal present in a plan will reflect the amount of that metal in soil and rock below. Six varieties of trees, ailanthus, apple, cedar, locust, oak, walnut and four different weeds broomsedge, horse-mint. Queen Anne’s lace, and ragweed were used in this study. The procedure followed consists of four steps; sampling, ashing, analy¬ sis, and data evaluation. Only known mineralized areas were investigat¬ ed; no attempt was made at prospecting. Samples consisted of second year twigs of trees or entire plants (minus Proceedings 1961-1962 285 1962] roots) in weeds. All samples were ashed in an electric furnace at 450° C. Ash was dissolved in hydrochloric acid •— acetate buffer — sodium thio¬ sulfate solution. Analyses were made colorimetrically using dithizone in carbontetrachloride; color end-points were checked with a photoelectric colorimeter. Results were calculated as zinc ppm in ash. This technique detected the mineralized zone at seven of eight prospects investigated. Correlation with soil samples was good. Preliminary Report on Pleistocene Geology, Southern Coastal Virginia^ J. E. Sanders, R. F. Flint, N. K. Coch, and R. Q. Oaks, Jr., Department of Geology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Presented by R F. Flint Detailed study of surficial sediments, geomorphology, and Pleisticene stratigraphy is in progress within a narrow strip lying parallel with and south of the James River and south of Norfolk, southern coastal Vir¬ ginia. The strip being mapped extends from the present shoreline west¬ ward through the Dismal Swamp, thenee northward aeross the Suffolk and Surry scarps, long considered to be aneient wave-eut cliffs. West of the Suffolk scarp the Miocene Yorktown Formation is overlain by two units of uncertain age, the Sedley and Kilby Formations of W. E. Moore. In the vicinity of the Suffolk scarp the Yorktown is overlain by the Nansemond Formation of Moore; the Nansemond is truncated by the scarp. The Sedley and Kilby Formations seem substantially older than the Nansemond Formation; all are nonmarine, and their much- weathered condition suggests pre-Wisconsin age. A cypress-swamp horizon under¬ lying the Norfolk area at -30-40 ft. identified by W. Harrison dates (Y- 1047) > 50,000 years. Post-Nansemond units include sandy alluvial fills along the James River and elsewhere, the marine Pamlico Formation (suggested by shells in spoil heaps along the Intracoastal Waterway but not yet seen in place), and lake clays and freshwaer peat of the Dismal Swamp. The entire sequence is to be investigated in the 1962 field season by means of core borings. ^Supported by 3-year contract Nonr 609(40) between Geography Branch, Office of Naval Research, and Department of Geology, Yale University, 1960-1963. 286 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Preliminary Report on Late-Pleistocene and Recent Littoral and Nearshore Marine Sediments, South of Cape Henry, Virginia^ J. E. Sanders, R. F. Flint, and R. Q. Oakes, Jr., Department of Geology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Presented by R. F. Flint Detailed surface and subsurface geologic study is in progress of the continental shelf, modern shore, and adjacent inland coastal area south of Virginia Beach. The modern shore consists of a long barrier spit which extends from south of Virginia Beach to Oregon Inlet. Southward growth of this beach and duneridge complex has isoliated the lagoons of Back Bay and Currituck Sound from the sea. Marshes exist on the lagoon shores. Former strandline features inland are indicated by a sand-ridge and mud-flat complex, which extends from Pungo Ridge eastward to the mod¬ ern shore. Altitudes of ridge crests are 15 to 20 feet. In Virginia the ridges trend N-S— thev are truncated by the modern shore, which trends N. 20° W. The sand ridges are thought to be ancient barriers, which originated during seaward progradation of the shore at nearly constant sealevel, owing to abundant sediment supply in the littoral-drift system. Rapid seaward growth occurred when mud was abundant; sand ridges formed when mud supply diminished. Former lower sealevels are indicated by numerous drowned linear ridges of coarse sand on the continental shelf whose topography suggests dunes and pine-, cedar-, and cypress stumps rooted in a thin peat layer (C^^ age of 725 + 70 years (Y-924)), which are exposed after storms at low tide on the Atlantic beach. Preliminary Report on Photogeologic Fracture Traces, South- Central Shenandoah Valley, Virginia F. W. Trainer and R. L. Ellison, University of Virginia Fracture traces in Martinsburg shale, which commonly parallel the two principal joint sets in this region, are considered to have formed along joints. In Beekmantown dolomite, some fracture traces parallel these joint sets but many more trend along an intermediate, subordinate set. Thirty fracture traces per square mile were found in shale, and 46 per square mile in dolomite. These differences in strike and abundance are ’Supported by 3-year contract Nonr 609(40) between Geography Branch, Office of Naval Research, and Department of Geology, Yale University, 1960-1963. Proceedings 1961-1962 287 1962] attributed to selective development of traces along one joint set in dolo¬ mite because of directional differences in effectiveness of solution of the rock. Similarities in average lengths of traces (300 to 500 feet) and in angular distribution of lengths suggest that joints are similar length and angular distribution in both rocks. Records of water wells show that open fractures are more regularly distributed in the shale but that the dolomite is the more permeable rock (probably because some openings are larger or better interconnected than those in the shale). The study of fracture traces should prove useful in the study of joints and hence of ground water in fractured rocks. In hydrology it probably is particu- larlv useful in carbonate-rock terranes because it provides evidence of directions of preferential solution of the rock. The Narrows Fault near Narrows, Virginia Edwin K. Via, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The Narrows fault lies half a mile northwest of the town of Narrows. The fault, which extends about 35 miles to the southwest to near Taze¬ well, Virginia, dies out 13 miles northeast of Narrows in the nose of an anticline. There the fault is a single high angle reverse fault. Near Narrows, the fault is an overthrust with a dip of 30 to 45 degrees to the southeast. Two miles farther southwest, the dip flattens even more where two fensters occur in the overthrust block. Within these fensters are Devonian Rocky Gap Sandstone and Huntersville Chert. Locally near Chapel, 8 miles southwest of Narrows the dip of the fault is reversed where the thrust sheet has overriden the east plunging axis of the Ragged Mountain anticline. The Narrows fault, as described, is the southeasternmost fault of a zone of displacement which lies between the Pearisburg syncline on the southeast and the St. Clair fault on the northwest. Northwest of the Narrows fault lies the overturned and faulted southeastern limb of the East River Moun- tain-Peters Mountain syncline, which constitutes the imbricated Piney Ridge thrust slice. The slice abuts the normal dipping northwest limb of the syncline on East River Mountain. Judging from the history of sedimentation in the Hurricane Ridge syn¬ cline northwest of the St. Clair fault and that of the Greendale syncline southeast of the area, it would appear that Narrows faulting did not occur before Late Mississippian time. Although there may be a bit of Middle Devonian Millboro Shale preserved in one of the fensters along the Nar¬ rows fault, it would seem that overthrusting sheared off most of the Millboro Shale as well as any younger Paleozoic units which may have been present. 288 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Reconnaissance Magnetic Surveys, Central Coastal Plain of Virginia R. S. Young, University of Virginia; R. W. Johnson, Jr., Tennessee Valley Authority and R. L. Willison, University of Virginia Four magnetic traverses, oriented northwest-southeast and aggregating 307 hne miles, were completed across the Coasal Plain of Virginia, between the James and Rappahannock Rivers. One hundred seventy-six stations were occupied with maximum station separation of two miles along pri¬ mary roads. Total field time required was fourteen hours. Instrumenta¬ tion was a jalander vertical force, flux gate magnetometer. Model 1957. Significant changes in magnetic background slope and two areas of ano¬ malous magnetism were detected. Background changes are apparently related to “basement” topography; the two anomalies are the result of changes in rock susceptibility. Group “A” is a complex of well-defined anomalies, maximum recorded intensity of 2,460 gammas, trending N.23° E from Bottoms Bridge to Tappahannock. Total strike length is unknown. Depth estimates range from 0.35 mile to 0.9 mile, from the southwest traverse to the most northeasterly. Anomaly “B” is broad, low- value, and poorly-defined; it is best developed in the Gloucester Court House area. Depth estimates average 0.4 mile. The relationship of Anomaly Group “A” to the background profile sug¬ gests block faulting and tabular, basic intrusives, possibly similar to Triassic fault basins in the Piedmont. Anomaly Group “B” probably results from susceptibility changes in the crystalline basement. SECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES E. S. Higgens, Chairman L. A. Mounter, Secretary W. P. Anslow, Jr., Section Editor Minutes No minutes were submitted from this section. P. B. Siegel, Editor Fluid Therapy and Normothermia in Hemorrhagic Shock in the Gat Eugene D. Brand, University of Virginia School of Medicine Half and half isotonic glucose and saline given throughout the period of development of shock to a total of 20% of body weight prolonged sur- Proceedings 1961-1962 289 1962] vival from 18 to 36 hours (5 cats). Addition of cat plasma (total 4% body weight) to the above therapy further prolonged survival to 44 hours (6 cats). Morality was 100% in control (21) and treated (16) cats. Control shocked cats are poikilothermic. Normothermia during the stimu¬ lus of hemorrhagic hypotension increased 3 fold the injury from a given simulus (8 cats). During the resptonse normothermia shortened survival to 5 hours. Four of these 17 cats survived. The Use of High Intensity Light on Experimental Intraocular Tumors Guy Chan, M.D. and W, ]. Geeraets, M.D., Medical College of Virginia Coagulation of intraocular malignancies with high intensity light has been discussed in the literature. Two steps were recommended for the treat¬ ment: 1. Coagulation barrages encircling the tumor to block nutrition and pre¬ vent metastasis. 2. Direct coagulation of the tumor. Experimentally effectful barrages were obtained if a double line of coagulation spots was used, if no gaps were left between the spots and when the barrage was located away from areas where ciliary arteries pene¬ trated the sclera. Complete blockage of choroidal circulation within the encircled barrage was possible only for 7 days with highest allowable energies. Pigmented tumor cells were completely destroyed if the tumor was not thicker than one millimeter. Non-pigmented tumors were damaged to a great extent but viable tumor cells remained in many instances. Effects of Redox Systems on Active Ion Transport in Isolated Frog Skin Ernst G. Huf, Leah L. Eubank, Addison D. Campbell and Barbara B. Taylor, Medical College of Virginia Under anaerobic conditions frog skin reduced readily toluylene blue, bril¬ liant cresyl blue, dichlorophenol-indophenol, thiamine and, less readily, methylene blue. Redox dyes with a stronger negative E'^ were more slowly reduced. This and other information lends support to the assump¬ tion that the redox potential in epithelial cells of frog skin under aerobiosis is probably slightly negative. Many redox systems when applied to isolated skin under aerobiosis produced changes in short circuit current (active Na+ transport) and skin potential. The epithelium was more sensitive 290 The Virginia Journal of Science [September than the corium. Hydroquinone and especially qihnone (E'o= + 279 mV) were mainly depressive. Janus green and Janus red (reduces Janus green E'^ = — 256 mV ) stimulated the electrical activity of skin for as long as one hour, especially when applied to the epithlium. Redox chemi¬ cals with an E'^ value near zero gave ambiguous results, i.e,, stimulatory as well as inhibitory effects when tested on different pieces of skin. The observations are tentatively interpreted by assuming interaction of the ex¬ trinsic redox system with a co-factor (FAD?) in cellular oxidation neces¬ sary for active Na+ transport. The “reductive dephosphorylation” reac¬ tion described by Chance may be the key reaction involved: ATP + reduced flavoprotein -f- DPN ^ ADP P| -h DPNH -|- oxidized flavo- protein -f H + . This reaction could supply the energy and also H+ for forced ion exchange in the mechanism of active Na+ transport. Active Sodium Transport across the Skin in Intact Frogs Addison D. Campbell, Carey Stronach, and Ernst G. Huf, Medical College of Virginia Active ion transport is an ubiquitous process. Isolated frog skin is a very suitable “model membrane” for studies of active N+ transport, which takes place in the inward direction. Results from several laboratories, including our own, have shown that the “short circuit method” and the “radio-NA+ flux method,” when applied to the same piece of isolated tissue, give the same value for rate of active Na+ transport. Similar studies on intact skin of anesthetized frogs, have led to results which, as a rule, differ from observations on isolated skin. Two plastic ‘^probes” were inserted through a small cut in the abdominal wall and positioned face to face with the skin between the probes. The probes were made of rigid plastic tubing, closed at one end. Two leads in the tubes were provided for measurement of skin potential and application of short circuit current. The tubes were filled with 2% Agar-Ringer’s solution. One probe contained also Na^^. All electrical controls were manually operated with a few exceptions. It was found that in intact skin Na+ transport, calculated from the short circuia current, exceeded by a factor of 2 or more the Na+ transport obtained from Na^^ flux measurements. When the same devict was used on isolated skin, the short circuit current was equivalent to Na+ flux. The reason for this discrepancy in results when using intact skin are, at present, unclear. The possibility of an Na^ Na^^ exchange or of active Cl~ transport in the outward dhection is sug¬ gested. In the former situation, Na^^ moving in from the epithelial side of the skin may be exchanged for Na^s of the blood stream, moving out from the dermal side of the skin, thus, in effect, lowering Na^^ flux across the skin. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 291 Effect of Hydrocortisone Feeding on Serum Cholesterol and Triglycerides J. C. Forbes and O. M. Petterson, Medical College of Virginia The effect of centrifugation at 20,000 X g on the cholesterol and tri¬ glyceride distribution in sera from rabbits on a diet containing cholesterol and hydrocortisone was studied. Three levels of cholesterol were employ¬ ed: 1, 0.5 and 0.2%. Hydrocortisone concentration was 0.002%. The animals fed the 1% cholesterol plus hydrocortisone diet showed extremely high serum cholesterol and triglycerides, averaging 6000 and 3800 mg per cent respectively. The corresponding controls showed only 2000 mg per cent cholesterol and 210 mg triglycerides. The degree of atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta was roughly the same in both groups when the animals were sacrificed after 9 weeks. The thoracic aorta, however, show¬ ed distinctly less involvement in the hydrocortisone-fed rabbits than in the controls. As the cholesterol content of the diet was reduced the effect of the hydrocortisone on the serum cholesterol an dtriglyceride diminished but their concentrations always remained much higher than that of the cor¬ responding controls. The protective action of the hydrocortisone also became more definite. For example, when the diet contained 0.2% cho¬ lesterol, all of the control animals showed lesions at the end of the experi¬ mental period while only one hydrocortisone fed animal showed a lesion and this was animal. It would appear that the physical state of the plasma cholesterol is of greater importance than total cholesterol as far as athero- genicity is concerned. The Effects of Halogenated Salicylates on Pulse Rates of Rats C. L. Gemmill and K. M. Browning, Univerdty of Virginia, School of Medicine During the study of the effects of halogenated salicylates on metabolism of rats, pulse rates were determined. It was observed that dosages of 5-iodosalicylate and 5-bromosalicylate which caused increments in meta¬ bolism did not change the pulse rate. Also, salicylate in dosages which caused increments in metabolism did not produce increment in pulse rate. These observations are in contrast to the usual rise in pulse rate which accompanies the rise of metabolism with thyroxine and 3,3',5-triiodothy¬ ronine. Effect of Quabain and Insulin on Potassium Fluxes in Frog Muscle Gourley, D. R. H., University of Virginia, School of Medicine Muscle The undirectional fluxes of K have been determined in isolated 292 The Virginia Journal of Science [September intact sartorius muscle of the frog by means of Normally only 60% of the muscle K is exchangeable. Insulin (50 mU/ml) increased the size of the exchangeable K compartment (A) from 46 to 57 ju,Eq/gm and the K influx from 7.5 to 8.00 /xEq/gm/hr. Ouabain (10— ®M) decreased A from 50 to 29 ^Eq/gm and influx from 7.8 to 7.2 yuEq/gm/hr. Insulin decreased the efflux of K from a K'^^-loaded muscle from 5.7 to 5.0 /xEq/ gm/hr. while ouabain increased K efflux from 5.8 to 7.4 /xEq/gm/hr. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the reaction K+ + X“~ ±:^ KX is shifted to the right by insulin and to the left by uabain (where X“ is probably a selective polyelectrolytc gel). Influence of Cortisone and Hydrocortisone on Absorption of ^ Cholesterol-C^^ Edwin S. Higgins and John C. Forbes, Medical College of Virginia Mice were fed diets of ground chow which contained 20 mg/kg of either cortisone or hydrocortisone. A third group received chow only. After an overnight fast, each animal was given 9 mg of cholesterol contain¬ ing 1 jjiC of either cholesterol-4-Ci^ or cholesterol-26-C^^ mixed in a 250 mg portion of diet. Under basal conditions blood cholesterl values in the cortisone-fed mice were consistently higher than those of controls. Find¬ ings on specific activities and cholesterol contents of blood, liver, and gas¬ trointestinal tracts were in accord with the postulation that glycocorticoids stimulated the intestinal absosption of cholesterol during the first 6 hours. Effects of hydrocortisone were in the same direction, though less marked, than those of cortisone. Serial collection of fecal material yielded addi¬ tional evidence establishing the general conclusion that glucocorticoids in¬ crease intestinal absorption of cholesterol. Pathway of Glucose Metabolism in Brain and Influence of Ethanol of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Gontent Edwin S. Higgins, Medical College of Virginia It was demonstrated that the magnitude of the phosphogluconate path¬ way in rat brain is insignificant under normal aerobic conditions and also under conditions of ethanol intoxication. Ethanol depressed the content of gflmmfl-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain of the Sprague-Dawley rat but had no influence on tlie pathway of glucose utilization. Vitamin Bq deficiency produced a marked depression in GABA levels but these were not further depressed by ethanol. Although the GABA shunt has obviously important metabolic impfications in brain, it appears to have little quantitative significance under conditions of vitamin Bq deficiency since the depressant action of ethanol was not manifest. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 293 Effect of X-Rays on Enzymes L. A. Mounter, Medical College of Virginia ‘ Changes in physical and kinetic properties as a result of irradiation of dilute aqueous solutions of enzymes have been reported from several labo¬ ratories. Investigations in this laboratory of the effects of x-irradiation on a number of hydrolytic enzymes have shown that it is possible to pro¬ duce alterations in the relative rates of hydrolysis of different substrates which can be interpreted as changes in specificity. Kinetic differences between samples of control and irradiated cholinesterases may be compar¬ able to species-specificity differences in the enzymes derived from different sources. Alterations in enzymes as a result of x-irradiation which do not involve complete loss of function have been observed in several systems and these results may be of significance in contributing to an understand¬ ing of the interactions between enzymes and their substrates. Specificity of Electric Organ Cholinesterase Mary-Elizabeth Mounter, Rita M. Cheatham, and L. A. Mounter, Medical College of Virginia The substrate specificity pattern of electric organ cholinesterase has been determined for a number of choline and noncholine esters. The experi¬ mental conditions used were the same as those employed in previous speci¬ ficity studies of this type. It was found that there are only minor dif¬ ferences in specificity between the acetylcholinesterases of erythrocytes, brain, cobra venom and electric organ. The results are discussd with respect to the factors which govern the mechanism of action and substrate specificity of hydrolytic enzymes and the possibility of effecting changes in enzymic properties by physical and chemical means. Effect of 17-Ethyl-19-Nortestosterone on Blood Glucose in the Alloxan Diabetic Rat John A. Thomas, University of Virginia, School of Medicine Glucagon-induced hyperglycemia can be modified under a variety of conditions. Experimental diabetes, orchidectomy, administration of dich- loroisoproterenol and various steroidal agents alter an animal’s responsive¬ ness to exogenous glucagon. Animals rendered alloxan-diabetic and then orchidectomized, exhibit an exaggerated blood glucose response five days post-opera tively when injected with 0.1 mg/kg of crystalhne glucagon. A refractoriness under these same experimental conditions was noted at later post-castration intervals, namely at the 20th and 25th days. When the 294 The Virginia Journal of Science [September experimental animals are treated with 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone (.17 mg daily x5) or with estradiol benzoate (1.0/x gm daily x5) suppression of glucagon-induced hyperglycemia was observed. Studies of Proteins of Bone H. G. White, Jr., Herman M. Nachman, and E. R. Berry, Medical College of Virginia Preliminarv investigation of an in vitro method of extracting protein from bone under optimum physiologic conditions is reported. By expos¬ ing speciallv prepared samples of bone to partial pressures of carbon di¬ oxide for varying periods of time, protein substances were extracted from bone. The rate of release of the protein substances was measured bv the amount of Kjeldahl nitrogen released into the reaction mixture. The pro¬ tein substances present in the reaction mixture were analyzed by an agar gel micro-electrophoresis techniipie. The results thus far indicate that protein substances are being extracted from bone in vitro under optimum phvsiologic conditions. A Broad Range Micro-Spectrodensitoaieter for Agar Electrophoresis R. C. Williams, R. S. Ruffin, and E. R. Berry, Medical College of Virginia A densitometer has been constructed for analysis of agar electrophoresis paterns. Features included are: Wavelength range 250 — 700 mfx, overall stability including long term drift, noise, etc. ± 500 jjy on the 125 mili- volt full-scale range. Crossed slits provide scanning slit width variable from 0 — 2 mm and slit length from 1 — 5 mm. A Bausch and Lomb rectangular microscope stage is synchronous motor driven and accom¬ modates microscope slides up to 5 x 7 cm. A photomultiplier tube, 1P28, is used as the detector; the tube current being measured bv a recording potentiometer. A chopper stabilized lamp power supply has been design¬ ed which holds the lamp voltage within ± 1 millivolt. Precise repro- ducibilitv demonstrates excellent sensitivity and stability. SECTION OF PSYCHOLOGY R. A. Johnston, Chairman E. Rae Harcum, Secretarij-Treasurer F. B. Rowe, Section Editor Minutes The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by the Chairman, Dr. Robert A. Johnston. Proceedings 1961-1962 295 1962] The minutes were read bv the Secretary-Treasurer and approved as read; balance in the treasury is $4.10. Dr. Johnston led a group discussion in which the concensus of opinion was that the annual Section program should include invited, informal speeches, and that it should allow more time for individual speakers on the symposia. The problem of advancing the studv of psychology among high-school students was discussed. It was moved, and seconded, that the Executive Committee be instructed to go to the State Board of Education, with the offer to assist in the evaluation of high-school courses in Psychology. The motion was unanimously approved. Dr. Johnston appointed Dr. William M. Hinton to be the Historian of the Section, to serve as long as he would wish to serve. The report of the nominating committee, Drs. Grigg, Hinton, and Reid, was read. The nominations were: Dr. Robert A. Johnston, Chairman; Dr. E. Rae Harcum, Secretary-Treasurer, and Dr. Leonard Jarrard, Executive Committeeman. The adoption of the slate was moved, and seconded. The motion passed unanimously. It was noted that Dr. Williams’ term on the Executive Council had not expired, and that Dr. F. B. Rowe had been appointed as Section Editor to the Virginia Journal of Science. It was moved, and seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. The mo¬ tion passed without dissent. E. Rae Harcum, Secreary-Treasurer The Rorschach and the MMPI: A Concurrent Validity Study Henry B. Adams, VA Hospital, Richmond; G. David Cooper, Petersburg Training School, and Richard N. Carrera, Emory University Klopfer’s Rorschach Prognostic Rating Scale (RPRS) has been shown to be more sensitive than anv ‘‘traditional” methods of Rorschach scoring to the most essential aspects of effective personality functioning, i.e., real¬ ity testing, emotional integration, self-realization, and mastery of reality situations. Rorschach protocols on 36 psychiatric patients were scored for the RPRS. These scores were then correlated with all scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personalitv Inventory, plus the Welsh A and R Scales and the Barron Es Scale. It was predicted that the RPRS would be correlated negatively with the MMPI clinical scales and Welsh’s A and R scales, and positively with Barron’s Es scale. Every correlation between 296 The Virginia Journal of Science [September over-all RPRS scores and the MMPI scales fell in the predicted directions ip < -001). An extreme groups comparison was made of the MMPI profiles of sub¬ jects scoring highest and lowest on the RPRS. The high RPRS group differed from the low group in directions indicating more effective func¬ tioning on all scales (p <.001). Mean profiles of the two groups were graphically plotted and presented to ten clinicians, each being asked to choose the profile showing the more favorable prognosis for psychotherapy. All agreed that the high group showed a better prognosis (p < .001). The clinical judgments supported Klopfer’s description of the RPRS as a measure of prognosis for psychotherapy. The Perservation of Traces in the Tachistoscopic Recognition of Words John J. Raldino, The College of William and Mary Fortv Os were shown tachistoscopically a list of eight-letter nonsense words in which one critical word was repeated a second time. The thres¬ hold for each word was determined by the method of limits, using dura¬ tion as the dependent variable. The Os were assigned equally to five conditions, wherein either zero, one, two, four, or eight words intervened between the two threshold determinations of the critical word. In addi¬ tion, by instructions a specific set against seeing the same word twice was given to each O. For 33 of the 40 Os the threshold was lower on the second threshold determination, with the amount of decrement generally smaller with the greater number of intervening words. The results are not consistent with expectation theory which would hypothesize an increase in threshold, but rather support a theory of a short¬ term memory-trace, which dissipates with time and with a greater num¬ ber of intervening stimuli. This perseveration of a trace in the central nervous system as a result of the first presentation of the critical word, appears to serve as a kind of “priming mechanism”, which facilitates the reactivation of the trace. The Effect of Pretraining and Knowledge of Results on the Acquisition of Paired-Associates H. Ray Brackett, University of Virginia The present experiment was performed to evaluate the effect of method of learning and knowledge of results within the classic Rock paradigm. This was accomplished by pretraining Ss in one of two methods. A whole pretraining group received pretraining by learning two lists of shape-num- Proceedings 1961-1962 297 1962] her pairs to a criterion of one errorless trial after being instructed to con¬ centrate on learning all the material presented on each trial. The Ss of a second part pretraining group only learned portions of six separate lists, each to a criterion of four out of twelve correct responses. On Day 2 following the pretraining of Day 1, half of each group learned a list of paired-associate nonsense syllables by the repetition procedure, the other half learned by the non-repetition procedure. Half of the Ss under both repetition conditions within both part and whole pretraining were given knowledge of results, the other half of the Ss were given no knowledge of results. All measures of performance agreed in demonstrating that (a) the repetition procedure is significantly superior to the non-repetition pro¬ cedure under the whole pretraining condition, (b) under the part pretrain¬ ing condition, there are no differences in performance between the repeti¬ tion and non-repetition conditions, and (c) the knowledge of results vari¬ able had no significant effect on performance under any of the experimen¬ tal conditions. The Tnfeitence of Frequency of the Identification of Amrigious Forms James H. Brown, University of Virginia Both high and low-frequency effects have been found in responses to stimuli rendered ambiguous by several different procedures. Typically, it has been found that low-frequency responding is related to ‘‘unfamiliar” stimuli in a separated training and test paradigm. High-frequency re¬ sponding is evident in responses to more familiar stimuli in a separated training and test paradigm and to both familiar and unfamiliar stimuli when training and test are combined into a single session. The explana- ion of these results across a number of studies would seem to rest with the quite different reinforcement contingencies exerted by the two situa¬ tions. The Effect of Various Event Run Lengths on Human Binary Prediction Peter L. Derks and Lois Gurnee Blanchard, The College of William and Mary The response distributions of 40 probability matchers on 4 different stochastic binary schedules were examined. Although Ss" predictions did not seem to follow the schedules directly, increases in certain event runs were reflected in corresponding increases in prediction runs. In a second experiment 60 S’s did not increase Ei predictions whether they predicted a schedule with long or short event runs. However, sched- 298 The Virginia Journal of Science [September iile run length influenced both prediction distribution and the prediction of an event after its successive occurrences. These results suggest that binary prediction is a function of event runs in a binary schedule rather than single event probability. Tachistoscopic Recognition of Words and their Mirror Images Mary Ellen Finkel and E. Rae Harcum, The College of William and Mary Mishkin and Forgays (1952) found that English words were perceived more accurately when thev were presented tachistoscopically to the right as compared to the left of a fixation-point. However, their bilingual Os could recognize Hebrew words presented to the left of fixation more accurately. In the present study, meaningful English words and left-right mirror-images of meaningful English words were presented tachistoscopi¬ cally to the left and right of fixation. Whereas the words presented in the normal orientation were more accurately perceived when they appeared to the right of fixation, the words reversed in orientation were more accuratelv perceived when they appeared to the left of fixation. Results are interpreted as proyiding evidence for a sequential visual process, the beginning and end of which is determined in part bv char¬ acteristics of the stimulus-pattern. If directional aspects of the visual pat- ern tend to produce a sequential process proceeding toward fixation rather than away from it, then a conflict with the directional tendency to read from fixation toward either edge of the visual field apparently occurs— and perception is hindered. The Effects of Training in Communication and Role Perception on THE Communicative Abilities in Children Charles Luther Fry, Jr., University of Virginia This research attempted to examine the effects on subsequent commu¬ nicative abilities of special training which emphasized the necessity of accounting for the role of the listener in effecting adequate transfer of information in communication. The training procedure used many series of pictures and requii'ed speak¬ ers to communicate to listeners so that the listeners could correctly identify a particular picture in the series. Training took place in groups of four, and speakers received feedback about the success of their communications by observing listeners attempting to make this identification. The sub¬ jects were 64 fifth grade girls of above average I.Q. Of these, 16 trained as speaker only, 16 as listener only, 16 trained alternately in each role, and 16 were controls and had no training. Tests were administered both Proceedings 1961-1962 299 1962] before and after training, and the pretest to posttest improvement was com¬ pared for the various groups both in training task specific and generalized communication improvement. There were three hypotheses. The first suggested that training would bring about communicative improvement in situations similar to the train¬ ing procedure. This was supported. The second suggested that this im¬ provement would generalize to other less similar communication situations. The results here were not clear cut and further research was suggested, but this hypothesis did find some support. The third suggested that the three training conditions would not be equally effective in bringing about communicative improvement. This was not supported. Serial Rote Learning as a Function of Rate of Presentation AND Overt Errors John P. Harcourt and Milford F. Schwartz, Washington and Lee University In an early study by Scheible and Underwood it was found that no significant differences existed in relative number of trials to criterion in learning a serial list of nonsense syllables under the following conditions: (1) a high error or ‘Torced” group where subjects were told they had to guess at the next syllable, (2) a low error or ‘Voluntary” group where subjects were told not to respond unless positive of the correct syllable, and (3) a control group where the subjects were told neither that they must nor must not guess. Underwood and Scheible used a 2-sec. inter¬ syllable interval. It was hypothesized that a faster rate of presentation would inhibit learning because much of the subjects’ processing time would be used in vocalization. It was further hypothesized that a slower pre¬ sentation rate in the high-error group would have the effect of facilitation, for the subjects would be forced to guess, but not at an inhibiting rate. One hundred and sixty-two Ss were randomly divided into nine groups. There were two main variables : ( 1 ) rate of presentation, divided into three groups of 1.5”, 2.0” and 6.0”, and (2) instructions, composed of the high-error, low-error, and control groups. It was found that there is no relationship between rate of learning serial nonsense lists and num¬ ber of overt errors made in learning those lists. The results also show that variation of rate of presentation, while it does produce more errors per trial and a significant difference in number of trials to learning, has no significant interaction effect with instructions. The Effect of Varied and Constant Drinking Location on Activity AND Exploration in the Rat .. George J. Tgel and James H. Woods, University of Virginia 300 The Virginia Journal of Science [September An attempt was made to manipulate the rat’s history of water-attain¬ ing responses in its home cage in order to explain why the rat responds differently to water deprivation than to food deprivation. Groups of rats were raised from weaning to maturity with different water-attaining ex¬ periences. At maturitv all animals were subjected to 48 hours of water deprivation and tested in three separate apparatuses. The results indicate that the previous history of water attainment did not distinguish the groups during the water deprivation period. Transfer of Classification and Identification Experience to the Recognition of Random Shapes Russell B. Johnson, University of Virginia An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of a verbal pre¬ training task upon performance in a subsequent recognition test. The principal findings of the recognition test were: (a) performance was primarily determined by the tvpe of stimulus forms used during train¬ ing, with Ss who had been presented dissimilar forms being superior in terms of recognition accuracy; (b) frequency of presentation was revealed to have both an independent and an interactive effect with the type of stimulus upon most of the recognition measures; and (c) none of the rec¬ ognition test measures was related to the kind of responses used during labeling practice . The results were interpreted in terms of Bruner’s concept of “category accessibility”. A Study of Magnitude of Errors on the Pursuit Rotor George W. Kent, Bridgewater College The purpose of this study was to examine behavior changes during pursuit rotor learning other than those measured by the traditional time- on-target measure. Fourteen subjects were divided between massed practice and distributed practice conditions. An error recording pursuit rotor was used which de¬ tected angular errors by sensing intensity differences between light falling from an illuminated stylus on two adjacent photocells. The resulting volt¬ age differences were recorded on an ink-recording potentiameter. The learning process was studied by the following dependent variable measures: total time-on-target; mean magnitude of errors; distribution of error magnitude; and distribution of “hit” durations. Mean error magni¬ tude showed greater differences between massed and distributed groups Proceedings 1961-1962 301 1962] than the traditional time on-target measure. Both mean error magnitude and ‘Tiit” duration measures showed systematic changes not revealed in total time-on-target resuls. It was concluded that these error and hit measures were potentially valuable in studying pursuit rotor performance, particularly in detecting behavioral changes not revealed by the total time-on-target measure. The Sensitization-Repression Dimension as Related to Deviant Responses on Content and Contentless Tasks A. W. Lucky, University of Richmond Male and female college students were administered the Byrne Repres¬ sion-Sensitization Scale, a self-description adjective check list, and a num¬ ber task with an ESP set. The order of administration was varied. It was hypothesized that those who gave deviant responses on a self-descrip¬ tion (content) task would more likely be sensitizers (intellecualizing, ob¬ sessional type) than repressers (denying, repressing type), whereas on a non-self-description (contentless) task there would be no difference. A significant difference between sensitizers and repressers (r=.40, p < .01) was found, thus verifying the first hypothesis. No difference (r^, = .07) was found between sensitizers and repressers for the content- less tasks as predicted, but the small number of deviant responses (13) makes this measure unreliable. Since no differences were found that could be accounted for in terms of sex or order of administration, the scores were combined. Constant vs. Varied Serial Order in Paired -Associate Learning AND Retention Douglas L. Nelson, University of Virginia Paired-associate learning and retention of a ten-item nonsense syllable list was compared under two conditions: (1) a constant condition, where all syllables are presented in the same order on every trial and (2) a varied condition, where the syllables are unsystematically varied from trial to trial. Under the recall method, in which presentation of all the stimulus- response pairs is followed by the stimulus terms alone, no significant dif¬ ferences in learning were found between the constant and varied groups. Twenty-four hours later, however, the varied group was significantly su¬ perior to the constant group as measured by several types of retention tests. 302 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Female Masturration and Marital Happiness Prediction William R. Reevy, Northern Virginia Mental Health Project One hundred and thirty-nine female volunteers of approximately mean age 20 years, 8 months, were interviewed and questioned about their mas- turbatory experiences and certain attitudes and feelings related to mas¬ turbation. After the data gathered bv means of the interview were com¬ piled, the responses of the 87 girls who scored at the 73rd percentile or above on the Happiness Scale of the Adams’ Marital Happiness predic¬ tion test were contrasted with those of the 52 girls who scored at the 23rd percentile or below as to whether or not they had masturbated. It was found that approximately the same proportions of individuals in each group had a history of masturbation, yielding no significant difference be¬ tween the groups. The 27 high scoring girls (31% of the total) and the 24 low scoring girls (46.2% of the total) who had masturbated were further questioned about the techniques which they had employed. Sta¬ tistically significant differences were found between the two sub-groups on five responses. The group with unfavorable marital happiness predic¬ tions can be characterized as more alert to the orgastic possibilities of various techniques of masturbation. For a significantly greater propor¬ tion of this group has used the following techniques: (1) manipulation of the vagina, (2) clitoral stimulation, (3) vaginal insertions, and (4) thigh pressure. It was found, also, that a significantly greater proportion of this group said that masturbation relieved tension. The groups are not differentiated in their use of other techniques, such as (1) breast stimulation, (2) rubbing the vaginal area against objects such as the arm of a chair, and (3) “other techniques” as a separate miscellaneous category. The Effects of Various Schedules of Reinforcement on Two-Choice Behavior in Human Subjects George J. Skrzypek, The College of William and Mary Maier (1949) has advanced the hypothesis that one consequence of frustrating an organism is the establishment of abnormally rigid, non-adap- tive and non-goal oriented behavior. Marquart (1948) and Marquart and Arnold (1952) have attempted to show that Maier’s frustration-fixation hypothesis is applicable to human subjects, with results favoring this hypo¬ thesis. The present study compared the number of trials required to solve a new problem following original problem situations in which a solution was or was not possible. Forty college students were assigned to one of four groups. The three Pkoceedings 1961-1962 303 1962] experimental groups were put on 25%, 50% and 75% schedules of arbit¬ rary punishment in an insoluble task. A control group was given a sim¬ ple learning task. As punishment for the experimental groups increased from 25% to 75%, the median number of trials required to learn the sub¬ sequent simple task decreased from 63.5 to 29. The control group and the 50% arbitrary punishment group learned in 45 and 50 trials respec¬ tively. Although these differences were not statiscally significant, they indicate an interesting trend which is opposite to the conclusions of Maier, Marquart, and Marquart and Arnold. TitE Lack of Agreement between M-F-D Test Scores and Psychiatric Diagnoses Bessie S. Smith, Lower Penimiila Mental Hygiene Clinic During 1960 all patients over 8V2 years of age scheduled for psychologi¬ cal examinations at the Lower Peninsula Mental Hygiene Clinic were given the Memory-for-Designs Test. Test was administered and scored ac¬ cording to the revised general manual of 1960. Scores were corrected for age and intelligence by tables provided in the manual. No attempt was made to control factors such as race, sex, education, and occupation, con¬ sidered irrelevant variables in the monograph report. As the number of cases diagnosed in the clinic as brain-damaged has been small, ranging from 4 to 16 in the past four years, and since psychia¬ tric diagnosis was to be the criterion, the chief interest of this research was in the frequency of false positives or to test the authors’ conclusion that, with a poor score, there is a high probability of brain disorder. Test scores classified 21 cases as brain-damaged and 29 as borderline. Nine¬ teen of the 159 records, still undiagnosed, include only six possibilities of agreement between borderline or organic test scores and a psychiatric diagnosis of brain damage. Of the 140 completed diagnoses, only three are in the brain-damaged category. Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Food Consumption IN the Rat Donald A. Stubbs, Washington and Lee University In a previous study that was performed on the effects of different doses of LSD-25 on operant conditioning in the rat, it was found in a food reward situation (VI 2 min.) that rats receiving 0.05 mg/kg re¬ sponded more during the first 30 min. after injection than they did after a Control injection. When the Ss received 0.40 and 0.80 mg/kg, thev responded less than with a control injection. A question was raised con¬ cerning the results of the 0.05 mg/kg dose. Was the increase in respond- 304 The Virginia Journal of Science [September ing due to central stimulation which caused an increase in bar pressing, or did the drug simply increase motivation? To answer this question a food consumption study was performed using the same levels of LSD-25 as those used in the previous study. The animals were given free access to food for a 2-hr. period every day for 50 days. Then, injections were given every fourth day in a counterbalanced order to the 12 Ss, The results indicated that less food was eaten during the first half hour for all doses except the 0.05 mg/kg dose. The 0.05 mg/kg dose did not result in significantly different eating from the control injection. Thus, it was concluded that the small dose acted as a central stimulant rather than serving to increase eating behavior. Time-Out from Positive Reinforcement Don Thompson, University of Virginia When a rat can itself impose extinction during fixed-ratio water rein¬ forcement, the frequency of the extinction periods is found to be an in¬ creasing function of the number of responses required for reinforcement. Also, the frequency of “time-outs” increases with decreases in deprivation. Typically, the time-out period occurs at the start of the usual fixed-ratio run. However, under mixed reinforcement contingencies, “time-outs” occur during the higher ratio component only after the lower ratio is completed. It is suggested that escape from the control, during a certain stage within the inter-reinforcement interval, is reinforcing. Operant Conditioning and Food Consumation as Indicants of the Effects of X-irradiation on Rats Walfred B. Thulin, Washington and Lee University This experiment was designed in response to Russian claims of behavior changes, learned and unlearned, due to very small amounts of irradiation. The subjects were 48 male albino rats between the ages of 90 and 100 days that were trained in operant conditioning situations. Half were trained using a Skinner box with food reward (VI 2 min.) and half were trained with a Sidman shock-avoidance procedure (SS 20" RS 20"). Each group was further divided into four sub-groups that included a con¬ trol group and three experimental groups (lOOr, 300r, and 500r). After the animals were well trained, they were irradiated using a 250 kv therapy unit. Performance was recorded for 14 days post-irradiation. In addi¬ tion, a separate food consumption study was run. An analysis of variance performed on the data failed to support the Russian claims. No significant differences were found after irradiation for animals in the avoidance situation. However, there were significant Proceedings 1961-1962 305 1962] differences in the animals pressing for food. The analysis revealed a Treatments-by-Days interaction. Subjects receiving 300r differed from the control group for one day and the 500r group for 4 days. The most sensitive measure of irradiation effects however proved to be those which were unlearned. The food consumption study indicated that the lOOr group ate significantly less than the control group for one day, and the 300r and 500r groups ate less for five days. Food consumption was affected more than the bar pressing behavior of the Ss working for food. Thus, it is concluded that amount of food eaten was the most sensitive measure of irradiation exposure. The Effect of Field Illumination upon Exploratory Behavior IN THE Rat Wesley C. Westman, The College of William and Mary Twentv female albino rats were given one 30 min. trial on a 4 ft. x 8 ft. checkerboard field. Half of the trial (15 minutes) was given under nor¬ mal room illumination and the other half under bright light from one 1000 watt bulb. Under normal illumination the mean number of squares en- ered was 36.9, and the mean for bright illumination was 3.75. These data are significant well above the .001 level of significance (t = 9.45 with 19 df). The results support the hypothesis that rats show significantly less ex¬ ploratory behavior under conditions of bright illumination even though they are in a novel environment. The Effects of Caffeine and Sodium Seconal on Operant Behavior IN THE Rat Clarence M. Whitehead, Jr., Washington and Lee University Caffeine and secobarbital sodium were tested for their effects in two operant conditioning situations. Dose-response and time-response rela¬ tions for the drugs were determined. The Ss consisted of 12 male, albino rats. They were run for 2 honr sessions each day in 2 Skinner-type boxes with one box set up for the Sidman shock avoidance procedure (SSIO" RSIO'') and the other one for food reinforcement on an aperiodic sched¬ ule of reinforcement (VI 2 min.). The following 12 intraperitoneal injec¬ tions were given each animal: 2 saline control injections, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mg/kg of seconal, and 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mg/kg of caffeine. The order of drug administration was counterbalanced. In the shock situation, caffeine in the two smallest doses increased bar pressing but the larger doses were similar to the effects of the control 306 The Virginia Journal of Science [September jection. For seasonal increasing doses of drug generally increased num- l3er of shocks, decreased number of bar presses, and had a longer depres¬ sive effect. In the food situation, caffeine did not increase the number of bar presses; however, seconal showed a decrease in number of bar presses with increasing doses of the drug. It seems that seconal is a good depressant to use in future learning studies; but caffeine did not stimulate bar pressing in both shock and food situations. The Effect of Pronunciability, P'amiliarity, and Mode of Presenta¬ tion ON Acquisition of CVC Trigrams )ohn M. Williams, The College of William and Mary Will aural and visual presentation methods give varying rates of learn¬ ing depending on the pronunciability of the material to be learned? Other studies have shown pronunciability to be a factor governing ease of learn¬ ing and different modes give different amounts of aid to pronunciation. Ninety subjects each learned one of three lists: I) low pronunciability, 2) high pronunciability, and 3) three letter words. Each list was pre¬ sented by three methods: 1) visual, 2) auditory, or 3) combined simul¬ taneous aural-visual, each S learning by only one method. The lists were learned by the paired associate method to a criterion of two perfect recita¬ tions or 12 trials. Nonsense syllables with high pronunciability were learned faster than low pronunciability syllables; except when presented aurally. The high pronunciability syllables were also learned faster when presented by the visual or combined method than when presented by the auditory method. Three letter words were learned faster than high pronunciabihty syllables when presented aurally or visually. They were also learned better by the combined method than by the auditory method. Combined presentation showed a nonsignificant advantage on all three types of material. Pronunciability is an important factor when learning nonsenses syllables presented visually, but not when learning syllables which are presented aurally. Modifications in the Rat’s Diurnal Behavior as a Function of Quinine Concentration in a Liquid Diet [ohn PI. Wright, University of Virginia Two groups of 6 male albino rats were given food containing quinine hydrochloride during the dark hours of the 24-hr. day for 50 days. One group received a 0.50% concentration, the other group a 0.10% concentra- Pkoceedings 1961-1962 307 1962] tion of quinine in its nightly food. The food during the light hours con¬ tained no quinine for either group. Dark-hour intake was depressed by the quinine, the amount of depression being greater for the group receiv¬ ing the heavier quinine eoncentration. Accompanying this decrease in dark-hour intake was an increase in hght-hour intake, this increase being a function of the amount of dark-hour intake depression produced by the quinine. During the dark hours the group which ate more ran more in the activity wheel; the other group, which ate more during the hght hours because of its greater deficit accumulated during the dark hours, tended to run more during the light hours. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that eating reinforces running. Symposium on “Implications of the Joint Commission Report for Psychology” Chairman Harold M. Hildreth, N.I.M.H. Manpower Availability and Needs: Austin Grigg, University of Richmond Implications for Training in Psychology: A. W. Jeffries, Western State Hospital Implications for Practice in Various Settings 1. Clinics-Hospitals : Cyril R. Mill, Va. Dept, of Ment. Hygiene and Hospital 2. Schools and other settings: Cletus A. Cole, Arlington County Public Schools Implications for Research: Edwin S. Zolik, Northern Va. Ment. Health Project Implications for Interdisciplinary Relationships and Efforts: Nathan Alt¬ shuler, Department of Anthropology, The College of William and Mary THE CONCEPT OF DRIVE Audience-participation discussion. Stanley B. Williams, Chairman, The College of William & Mary; Robert A. Johnston, University of Richmond; and L. Starling Reid, University of Virginia. Symposium on Consumer-Producer Expectations in Psy'Chology^ Neil W. Coppinger, Chairman, V. A. Center, Kecoughton; Edwin S. 308 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Zolik, Northern Virginia Mental Health Project; Cyril R. Mill, Virginia Department of Mental Hygiene & Hospital; John J. McMillan, Medical College of Virginia; Louis D. Cohen, Duke University Medical School; and Frank W. Finger, University of Virginia. SECTION OF SCIENCE TEACHERS R. Horn, Chairman Mrs. G. T. Thaxton, Chairman-Elect Mrs. V. Remsburg, Secretary A. Mandell, Section Editor Minutes The Science Teacher’s Section of the Virginia Academy of Science met in room 800-801 at the Golden Triangle Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia, with Norfolk College of William and Mary serving as host. The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Mr. Robert Horn at 2:00 P.M. The program consisted of two papers, Functional Vs. Classical Bio¬ logy and the Placement of Biologv in the High School Curriculum by John G. Barker, Head of Biology Department, Radford College. (An abstract of this paper is attached to this report). The second paper was given by Miss Samulella Grim, Glassboro State College, N. J. This paper was on the History of the Section of Science Teachers. During the business meeting the following new officers were elected. Chairman — Mrs. Joe Thaxton Jr. Chairman-Elect— Mr. John E. Reitz Secretary — Mrs. Vera B. Remsburg (1960-63) Section Editor — Mr. Alan Mandell (1960-63) Council Member — Miss Susie Floyd (1960-65) The committee investigating the possible listing of scientists available to help students and secondary school science teachers reported no progress. The committee was therefore dissolved. The incoming chairman appointed Mr. John Reitz membership chairman. Mr. Reitz was to form his own committee in an effort to increase section membership. Mr. Frank Kizer, State Supervisor of Science, made a motion that all present members make an effort to increase section membership, and suggested certain ways to accomplish this goal. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 309 Functional versus Classical Biology and the Placement of Biology IN THE High School Curriculum John G. Barker, Radford College Recent events have caused us to re-examine our instruction in the sci¬ ences. Exposed weaknesses are being subjected to remedial efforts. High school science instruction has two objectives of equal importance. We must identify and stimulate the development of the potential scientist, and we must acquaint all others with the nature and concepts of science in order that they may provide an environment in which science will pro¬ gress. A serious division has developed in biology. The traditional biology teacher emphasizes classification and structure, whereas the modern biolo¬ gist emphasizes the physico-chemical attributes of life. As a result the former may require rote learning of static details, the latter may fail to extrapolate from cellular minutiae to the level of the organism. We need not choose one or the other, but we must seek by every means available to reduce the widening gap between these extremes. The fol¬ lowing measures are recommended: 1. The adoption of more stringent requirements for teacher preparation and re-education. 2. Modernization of facilities and procedures. 3. Minimizing of fact-learning by teaching concepts supported by enough detail to lend vitality 4. Articulation of high school biology with modernized programs of science in junior high and elementary schools. SECTION OF STATISTICS Miss E. Angle, Chairman J- Long, Vice Chairman R. J. Freund, Secretary C, Y. Kramer, Section Editor Minutes The meeting was called to order by Miss Elizabeth W. Angle. The nominating committee presented their nominations for the 1962-63 Sec¬ tion officers. These nominations were subsequently voted into office as ' follows: J. M. Long, Chairman; V. Chew, Vice Chairman; W. L. Johnson, Secretary; C. Y. Kramer, Section Editor; B. Harshbarger, Historian, 310 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Inference on a Genetic Model J. J. Bartko, Virginia Polytechnic Institute This paper deals witn a population genetic model of the Markov chain type introduced by Moran (Proc. Camh. Phil. Soc. 54, 1958). In particu¬ lar, inference is made on a mutation rate of the model where the cor¬ responding Markov chain is absorbing. The transition matrix thus con¬ tains an absorbing state. A postulated theorem on the distribution and properties of the maximum likelihood estimate of the mutation rate param¬ eter is presented. A simulation study performed on the IBM 650 sub¬ stantiates many of the theoretical results and assumptions of the theorem. Estimaiion of the Strength of a Radioactive Source Kimiko O. Bowman and H. A. David, Virginia Polytechnic Institute The paper deals with the estimation of the strength of a radioacive source when decay is rapid so that the usual assumption of a Poisson dis¬ tribution of counts is not applicable. Two main cases are distinguished according as the background radiation is small or large. Some Statistical Applications at the U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory Victor Chew, U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, Virginia Four typical applications of statistics were chosen for discussion. A sorting problem from the Computation Division was reduced to the follow¬ ing urn model. An urn contains n red and (N— n) blue marbles. Samples of n marbles each are taken in succession until all n red marbles have been drawn. The distribution of the number of samples required was derived. For the Astronautics Branch, approximate univariate and multivariate tests were constructed for testing the hypothesis that the unit angular momen¬ tum vector of an artificial earth satellite was equal to some postulated unit vector. The Operations Research Branch required the distribution of the negative binomial variable with probability of misclassification. Suppose missiles are fired sequentially at a target until r hits have been reported. Results were derived for the distribution of the number of missiles required and also for the probability that a target did receive r or more hits if r hits were reported. Finally, a bi-response regression problem from the Cartridge Division was considered. Let y and z be two response variables, assumed to be linearly increasing functions of some independent variable x. We require the value of x which will maximize the probability that y will exceed some postulated value Y and Proceedings 1961-1962 311 1962] simultaneously z will be less than some value Z, assuming that the con¬ ditional distribution of y and z for any given value of x is that of the general bivariate normal. Designs for Blocks of Size Two H. A. David, Virginia Polytechnic Institute When n objects or treatments are to be compared in pairs it may not n be practicable to make all possible N = 2 comparisons. Elementary number theorv is used as an aid in the construction of suitable designs corresponding to various fractions of N. Immunological Studies of Anthrax. I. An Index to Determine Quantitative Immunization DeArmon, Ira A., Jr., 17. S. Army Chemical Corps, Army Chemical Center, Maryland Immunized and nonimmunized guinea pigs, rats, and mice given graded challenge doses of Bacillus anthracis spores were compared. The recipro¬ cal of time-to-death was found to be linearly related to logio challenge dose over a reasonable range of doses, and therefore a difference in posi¬ tion of the parallel regression lines represnted a difference in response of control and immunized animals. This difference in position of regres¬ sion lines is the increase in dose required to cause the immunized group to give the same response as the control. This increase expressed as powers of 10 is called the mean Immunity Index. The mean index of an immunized population of guinea pigs was 3.2, while that far immunized populations of mice and rats was 0.3. Thus, it was concluded that quan¬ tification of immunity through this index is possible since the index size follows the general expected qualitative responsiveness of these species. The distributions of response in the immunized guinea pig population was observed to be greater than that for the control population but due to the overlap of these distributions on the index scale, it was hypothesized that only about 46 percent of the immunized populations had a significant protection against B. anthracis challenge. The Unwisdom of Treating the “Worst” S. Eisenhart and Mary C. Croarkin, National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. Let n=2m objects be subjected to a pre-test, and let the m lowest 312 The Virginia Journal of Science [September ranking objects be designated for subsequent treatment with the remain¬ ing m set aside to serve as controls. If the 2m objects are really identi¬ cal with respect to the characteristic measured, their ranking on the pre¬ test being solely the result of errors of measurement, and if the experi¬ mental data yielded by the pre-test and by a re-test after treatment are analysed in the customary manner (without explicit allowance for the fact that the ‘worst’ were selected for treatment), then the probability is large of declaring that treatment applied is effective not only when it has absol¬ utely no effect whatever but also when it has a detrimental effect. For example, if there are 5 objects in each group (n = 2m— 10) and the significance of the difference of the mean differences, d^ — d^ is tested by the customary one-sided t-test at the 5% level of significance for 8 degrees of freedom, then the probability of declaring the treatment effect “significant” is slightly greater than 0.5 when it is completely ineffective fjit = /xc; slightly greater than 0.3, when = — .5o-; and about 0.15 when it is detrimental to the extent /xt = /Xo — (t, where a is the standard deviation of a single measurement. Some Aspects of Life Tables Whitney L. Johnson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute An elementary report giving the basic methods of construction of an abridged life table. An abridged life table for Virginia white males is presented using data from 1959. Trends toward longer expected life in general were noted. The affect of removal of a cause of death was presented with an illustration of removing death by accidental causes from the Virginia White Males — 1959 abridged life table. The expected increase in life was then given. A Statistical Analysis of a Crop Rotation Experiment Michael H. Kutner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute This paper was concerned with an analysis of a crop rotation experi¬ ment. The experiment was a corn-wheat-clover rotation which was car¬ ried on for nine years under various fertilizer combinations (treatments). Essentially, there were in the experiment two levels of fertilizer: 90 Ibs/acre of phosphorous, 90 Ibs/acre of potassium, and 180 Ibs/acre of phosphorous, 180 Ibs/acre of potassium, with the nitrogen kept constant. Fertilizer treatments included the placement of fertilizer on a particular crop in the rotation as against the placement of equivalent amounts of ferilizer on each crop in the rotation. A sudy of the physical yields of the three crops individually was per¬ formed by analysis of variance techniques and the use of orthogonal Proceedings 1961-1962 313 1962] contrasts. A study of the total yield of a complete rotation for the three crops was made employing analysis of variance techniques on the total monetary returns using a specific set of prices. Also, a study was made on the variances of the total revenue within each treatment, so as to make inferences on the variation of total income due to the choice of treatments. The results of the above procedures indicated that the high level of fertilizer produced statistically greater returns (monetary revenue). There were no statistically significant differences in returns over the various fer¬ tilizer placement treatments, although there was some evidence that the placement of all the fertilizer on the corn in the rotation produced higher returns. Alternate analyses and recommendations were presented for future ex¬ perimentation. Statistical Investigation of Teller Performance in Branch Banking S. P. Shao and T. J. Reed, Norfolk College of William and Mary In this study the reporters were asked by a bank to investigate exist¬ ing data statistically rather than to plan, collect, and analyze the data. The data available included the number of transactions by types and the dollar volumes by total receipts, total payments, and cash balance in a bank operating sixteen branches in a city area. First, the average relationship between the number of transactions and the dollar volume was investigated by correlation analysis. A low degree of correlation was found. The second analysis dealt with the efficiency of tellers’ performance. Based on the analysis of variance techniques, it was found that there were wide variations among individual telllers’ performances in the bank system as a whole, and that there were significant differences between tellers’ performances within branches and that among branches. The third analysis gives the indication of the seasonal variation of tell¬ ers’ performance by days of week. Significant differences were observed in the index number patterns constructed for individual branches. 314 The Virginia Journal of Science [September News And Notes News contributions should be sent to either the editor or the section editors. Visiting Scientists Program 1961-1962 Seven eminent scientists representing 3 professional societies, visited 14 Virginia colleges during the 1961-1962 academic year under the aus¬ pices of the Visiting Scientist Program of the University Center in Virginia. The American Institute of Biological Sciences granted requests from 8 in¬ stitutions, the American Astronomical Societv sent a lecturer to 3 institu¬ tions and the American Geological Institute arranged for one of its scien¬ tists to visit 3 Virginia institutions. The American Society of Engineering Education agreed to work through the Center in the Visiting Scientist Program, however there were no requests for such a visitor through the center. ASTRONOMY, MATHEMATICS, AND PHYSICS SECTION Robert W. Dickey retired as head of the Physics Department at Washington and Lee June 1961. He was suceeeded by Edward F. Turner. Joining that department in September, 1961, were Thomas Ratchford, As¬ sistant Professor, and William Keens, Instructor. The new science build¬ ing providing over 20,000 square feet of floor space, is nearing completion. It will house physics and biology and will include a greenhouse and obser¬ vatory as well as rooms for staff and undergraduate research. Washington and Lee installed an IBM 1620 Computer in January for use in instruction and research as well as administrative records. V.M.I. now has in operation its sub-critical assembly installed under a grant of $24,407 from AEC. An additional grant of $24,000 made possi- lile the purchase of a 150 kev neutron generator providing for pulsed operation of the sub-critical. The department of mathematics at V.M.I. reports that Wilbur C. Whitten, Jr. has returned from a leave of absence having earned the Ph.D. degree. Also joining the department in September was Capt. Henry R. Wier, U.S. Navy, retired. Col. K. S. Purdie retired June 1961. A new building to house the departments of physics and mathematics at the College of William and Mary in Norfolk is expected to be occupied in the 1962-1963 session. In September, 1962, W. M. Pritchard will join the department from Georgia Tech and Newport News Shipbuilding and Proceedings 1961-1962 1962] 315 Drydock Co. Coming to the department from Drury College will be Armando Roderiquez. Dudley B. Selden, U. S. Army, retired, has been appointed instructor of mathematics at Hampden-Sydney College. Col. Selden is a graduate of the University of Richmond and received the Master’s degree from Purdue. The V.P.I. Mathematics Department has, as Centennial Visiting Lec¬ turer, Professor Chih-Bing Ling. Professor Ling is a graduate of the Insti¬ tute of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China. The section welcomes the return to Virginia of Dr. T. M. Hahn, for¬ merly of the physics department, now president of V. P. 1. Effective in July, 1962, Frank L. Hereford will become chairman of the Physics Department at the University of Virginia. J. W. Beams will retire as chairman but will continue as Smith Professor of Physics. Stephen Berke resigned to accept a position at Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. Joinning the department in 1961 were Morris E. Rose of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Rogers C. Ritter. Ludwig J. Weigert is Visiting Assistant Professor. Frederick L. Brown, long active in this section, retired from the Uni¬ versity of Virginia in the summer of 1961 and is now Professor Emeritus. In April Dr. Brown served with Dr. Dieke, Chairman of the Physics De¬ partment at Johns Hopkins, as Visiting Consultants at V.M.I. They met with students and faculty and make recommendations concerning course content, texts, and curriculum in the physics department. D. Rae Carpenter, Jr., Section Editor SECTION OF BIOLOGY Teruo Nishida, Chief, Research Section, National Gamma Field, Tokyo, Japan, recently spent five months in the United States studying especially the use of irradiation in the treatment of horticultural seeds and plants for plant breeding purposes. Short periods were spent at Beltsville, Md.; Raleigh, N. C.; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Gainesville, Fla.; Geneva, New York; and Davis, California. Mr. Nishida worked for several months with W. S. Flory at the University of Virginia’s Blandy Experimental Farm. Mary B. Humphreys joined the Northeastern Section of the Botanical Society of America for a field trip during June. Mirris L. Brehmer and J. Ernest Warinner of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science received approval of an $11,711 grant from the U. S. Public Health Service, Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control. They will study the effects of thermal effluents on marine organisms. 316 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Edwin B. Joseph, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, has been awarded a grant bv the National Science Foundation for $16,500 for the stndv of the ecology of the pelagic embryos and larvae of marine fishes. James Norman Dent and W. Ralph Singleton of the Depaartment of Biology, University of Virginia, have received funds from the Atomic Energy Commission for the continuation of their researches. Professor Dent received $10,000 and Professor Singleton $18,000. W. Ralph Singleton, Miller Professor of Biology and Director of the Blandy Experimental Farm of the University of Virginia was the guest of EUCARPIA, the Association of Plant Breeders of Western Europe, at their meetings in Paris on 21-24 May. Professor Singleton lectured on Mutation Breeding. He and Mrs. Singleton also visited London and Amsterdam while they were in Europe. Jesse C. Thompson, Jr., Hollins College, has been selected for partici¬ pation in the U. S. Biology Program of the International Indian Ocean Expedition during the summer of 1963. His research will deal with the morpliologv and the taxonomy of the ciliated protozoa. Tlie Virginia Instinte of Marine Science has recently received from M. F. Vlaurv Werth a gift of the table and stools used by Commodore Mathew Fontaine Maurv while working as Superintendent of Charts and Instru¬ ments, the forerunner of today’s U.S. Naval Observatory and Hydrographic Office. The Mariners Museum has donated a bust of Maury modeled by Edward V. Valentine in 1869. It is displayed in the Library of the Insti¬ tute along with the table and benches donated by Mr. Werth. The field laboratory at Wachapreague, Virginia has been completed and is now occupied by a staff of four under the direction of Michael Castagna. Its dormitories and other facilities are available to investigators from the College as well as from the Institute. Wyman Harrison, who has been on the faculty of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, became a member of the staff of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science April 1, 1962. Dr. Harrison is serving as geological and physical oceanographer. Eight college teachers from eight different colleges and universities from Virginia and four other states have been accepted into the NSF- Research Participation for College Teachers Program to carry on marine- oriented research for 12 weeks this summer at the Institute of Marine Science. Ten undergraduates from 6 states besides Virginia will also be given the opportunity to gain experience in conducting marine research under the NSF-Undergraduate Research Participation Program at the In¬ stitute from June 11 to August 31. Jesse Thompson, Jr., Section Editor 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 317 CHEMISTRY SECTION J. Samuel Gillespie, Jr. has been named a Senior Research Scientist at the Virginia Institute for Scientific Research. Dr. Gillespie has been President of Commonwealth Laboratory Incorporated of Richmond and a member of the firm of Cox and Gillespie, consulting chemists and engi¬ neers. M. A. Kise, Section Editor 318 The Virginia Journal of Science [September LIST OF MEMBERS 1961 - 1962 Note: Following are the types of membership in the Academy: Patrons, who contribute $1000 or more to the Academy, "^^Life Members, who contribute $100 or more to the Academy. "^^Plonorary Life Members, who are elected by Council. Business Members, who pay annual dues of $100. ^ Sustaining Members, who pay annual dues of $10. —Contributing Members, who pay annual dues of $5. Regular Members, who pay annual dues of $3. Student Members, (college students only) who pay annual dues of $1. The number following a name designates the section, or sections, to which a member belongs. 1. Agricultural Sciences 2. Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics 3. Bacteriology 4. Biology 5. Chemistry 6. Education 7. Engineering 8. Geology 9. Medical Sciences 10. Psychology 11. Science Teachers 12. Statistics Please notify the Treasurer of any errors found in this list. Adams, Clifford L. . Dept, of Physics, College of William and Mary in Norfolk 2, Hampton Blyd. & Boing Ayenue, Norfolk Abbitt, Mary Horne 12 . 7703 Wood Road, Richmond Abbott, Dr. Lynn D., Jr. 9, 5 Medical College of Virginia, Richmond Abdalla, Mrs. Peter H. 4 . 101 Harris Road, Portsmouth Abernathy, J. K., Jr. 1 . 8611 Julian Rd., Richmond 29 Ackerman, C. J. 5 . Dept, of Chemistry, V.P.I, Blacksburg Adams, Dr. Henry B. 10 Veterans Adm. Hospital, Box 8, Richmond 19 Akerman, Prof. Alfred 1 . The Seward Forest, Triplett ** Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Co. . Richmond Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Co. B . Attn: Brent Halsey, Director of Research & Deyelopment, Richmond 17 Proceedings 1961-1962 319 1962] — Alden, Prof. Harold L. 2 . 2321 Fontaine Ave., Charlottesville Alderman Library . Exchange Div., Univ. of Va., Charlottesville Alexander, Morris W. 1 . Tidewater Research Sta., Holland Allen, Carl W. 1 . Dundas Hgts., Backsburg —Allen, Dr. |. Frances 4 . 5702 Queens Chapel Rd., Apt. 3, West Hyattsville, Md. Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation B . Nitrogen Div., Hopewell Alphin, R. S. 9 . 1600 MaeTavish Ave., Richmond 30 Alrich, Dr. E. Meredith 9 . Univ. of Va. Hospital, Charlottesville Alter, Dr. Bruno E. K., Jr .2 Dept .of Physics, RMWC, Lynchburg American Tobacco Company B . Research Lab, Petersburg Pike, Richmond Amore, Dr. Thomas 5 . Cardinal Products, Ine., P.O. Box 1611, Durham, N. C. •Amos, John M. 4 . Price Hall, V.P.L, Blacksburg Anderson, A. H. 1 . Forest Supervisor, USDA, George Washington National Forest, Harrisonburg —Anderson, Stewart W. 7, 6 . 108 Preston St., Lexington Andrako, Dr. John 5, 9 Dept, of Chemistry, MCV Sta., Richmond 19 Andrews, Dr. Jay D. 4 Va. Fisheries Lab., Gloucester Point — Anslow, W. Parker, Jr. 9 . Bennington Rd., Hessian Hills, Gharlottesville Armstrong, Dr. Alfred R. 3 510 Newport Ave., Williamsburg Arrington, George E., Jr. 9 810 West Franklin St., Richmond 20 Artz, Miss Lena 4, 8 . Waterlick Ashley, James D. 1 . 892 Merrimac Ave., Norfolk 4 Atkins, Dr. H. Pearce 2 . 1612 Bellevue Ave., Richmond 27 Austin, John M. 11, 5 . Route 2, Farmville Babashak, John F. . 406 Linden Lane, Falls Ghurch * Baber, Glinton W. 5, 7 Apartado 769, Garacas, Venezuela Bagley, Virginia S. 4 Biology Dept., Gol. of Wm. & M., Norfolk Bahous, Mrs. G. Ruth 2 . 410 Westwood Ave., Lynchburg Bailey, Dr. John Wendell 4 . 27 Willway Rd., Richmond 26 Bailey, Robert S. 4 . Va. Inst, of Marine Lab., Gloucester Point —Bain, Mrs. Garl E. 11, 5 . 109 Maple Ave., Richmond 26 —Baker, Dr. T. Nelson 5 . Va. State Gollege, Petersburg Baldock, Dr. Russell 2,5 . 114 Ogontz Ave., Oak Ridge, Tenn. **Badwin, Dr. J. T., Jr. . Gollege of Wm. & M., Williamsburg Balthis, Thomas A. 5 . 3333 Stuart Ave., Richmond 21 Bane, Ruby K. 5, 9 . 2623 Hanover Ave., Apt. 4, Richmond — Banghart, Dr. Frank W. 12 . 114 Buckingham Rd., Gharlottesville Barclay, Dr. Earle H. 2 . Frederick Gollege, Portsmouth — Bargmann, Dr. Rolf E. 12 . 208 Carolina Rd., Yorktown Heights, N. Y. —Barker, John G. 4 . Biology Dept., Radford Gollege, Radford Bartko, John J. G, 12 . Section of Theoretical Statistics & Mathematics, Biometric Br. NIMH, Behesda 14, Md. 320 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Bass, Charles E. 8 . Box 43, Stephens City Batten, R. Wesley 8, 4 . Box 53, Frederick College, Portsmouth Battig, Dr. William F. 10 . Psychology Lab., Peabody Hall, U. of Va., Charlottesville Baum, Dr. Parker B. 5 . 930 Magnolia Ave., Norfolk 8 —Baxter, Dr. Donald L. 9 . 471 Briarhill Rd., Springfield, Delaware County, Pa. Baylor, Crews B. 11 . 6503 Boatwright Dr., Richmond 26 —Beams, Dr. Jesse W 2 . Box 1882, Univ. Sta., Charlotteville Becker, Mrs. Mariana 11 . 124 W. Evans St., Norfolk 3 Beitch, Irwin, C, 4 . Box 248, Biologv Dept. U. of Richmond Belcher, Cladys H. 4 . White Marsh *Bell, C. Cooper, Jr 9 . 710 Keats Rd., Richmond 29 Bell, Robert H. 5 . Elberon, Surry Countv -Bell, Dr. Wilson B. 9 . V.P.I., Blacksburg Bennett, Melvin B. 5 . 210 Defense Ave., Sandston Benoit, Dr. E. Paul 10 . Jewish Foundation for Retarded Children, 6200 Second St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Benton, Prof. Arthur F. 5 . Cobb Chemical Lab., Univ. Station, Charlottesville Benton, James E. 11, 5 . 1000 North Lombardy St., Richmond 20 Berne-Ailen, Dr. Allan 5, 7 . 144 N. Washington Dr., St. Armands Key, Sarasota, Fla. Berry, Dr. Paul C. 10 . 507 18th St. South, Arlington Berry, Rodney C., Jr. 5 . 6312 Bliley Rd., Richmond 25 Berry, Rodney C., Sr. 5 . 5907 Brookfield Rd., Richmond 27 — Bevan, Dr. Arthur 8 . Churchville Bice, Prof. Raymond C., Jr. 10 . Peabody Hall, U. of Va., Charlottesville Billmyer, F. W., Jr. 5 . Box 6173, Norfolk Col. of Wm. & M., Norfolk 8 Bird, George C. 5 . Phipps & Bird, Box 2 V, Richmond —Bird, Lloyd C. 3 . 303 South 6th St., Richmond “^Black, Dr. Zoe 4 . 1202 Prince Edward St., Apt. 5, Fredericksburg Blackmore, Dr. Raymond H. 5. Philip-Morris Research Center, Richmond 6 Blackwell, Jane 11, 5 . Box 514, South Boston Blair, Miss Barbara 5 . Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar Blake, Dr. Archie 12 . 35 Hiram Rd., Framingham, Mass. Blake, Dr. John A. 10 . 4003 Patterson Ave., Richmond 21 * Blank, Grace J. 9 . 606 Chandler Ct., Williamsburg Blaser, Dr. R. E. 1, 4, 12 . V.P.I., Blacksburg Blickenstaff, Mrs. I. C. 15 . Doswell Blincoe, Dr. J. W. 2 . Ashland —Bliss, Dr. Laura 5 . 225 S. Princeton Cii'cle, Lynchburg Blomquist, Dr. John H. 7, 5 . 1210 Chatham Road, Waynesboro, Va. Bobb, Dr. Marvin L. 4 . Piedmont Fruit Research Laboratory, Charlottesville, Va. 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 321 Bodenstein, Prof. Dietrich 4 . Dept, of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. — Boggess, Charles S. 5 . 4407 Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond 25, Va. *Boggs, Prof. Isabel 2 . 14 Parkmont Apts., Lynchburg, Va. Boggs, Miss Sylbil 11, 2 . 3110 Webster Ave., Kemp Lane, Norfolk 19, Va. Boldridge, Frank . 305 Henry Street, Ashland, Va. —Bond, Dr. W. R., Jr. 9 . 1722 Westwood Avenue, Richmond 27, Va. Booth, Fitz 5, 7 . 2607 Park Avenue, Apt. 1, Richmond 20, Va. —Boozer, Miss Mary E. 12 1140 West Grace Street, Richmond 20, Va. Borzelleca, Joseph F. 9 Dept, of Pharmacology, MCV Station, Richmond 19, Virginia **Bosher, Dr. Lewis H. 9 MCV Station, Richmond 19, Va. Bouton, Dr. S. Miles, Jr. 9 . Rt. No. 1, Cherry Hill Farm, Evington, Va. Bowen, Dr. Leroy E. 1 . 505 Elmwood Ave., Lynchburg, Va. Bowles, John L. 8 . 4801 Connecticut Ave., Washington 8, D.C. —Bowman, Edward R. 6, 9 . Dept, of Pharmacology MCV Station, Richmond 19, Va. —Bowman, Dr. Paul W. 4 3114 5th Street, North, Arlington, Va. Bowman, Dr. Raymond P. G. 6 609 Progress Street, Blacksburg, Va. Boyd, Dr. Michel A. 4 . Dept, of Biology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. Bradfield, W. E. 10, 6 . 198 Hemloek Drive, Blacksburg, Va. Bradley, Frank D, 3 . 4249 25th Street, North, Arlington, Va. —Brand, Dr. Eugene D. 9 Dept, of Pharmacology University Hospital, Charlottesville, Va. Brewer, C. Fred 2 . College of William & Mary in Norfolk, Hampton Blvd. & Bolling Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Brice, Dr. Luther K. Jr. 5 . Chemistry Department, V.P.L, Blacksburg, Virginia Bridges, Troy D. 11, 5 2012 Adams Lane, Falls Chureh, Va. Brinkley, Mrs. Bernice N. 11, 4 . Clover, Va. Bristol, Mrs. Roger P. 8 . 1808 Barracks Road, Charlottesville, Va. — Brittingham, Dr. William H. 1 . Box 2160, Norfolk, Va. Brock, Betty C, 4 . Box 112, Radford College, Radford, Va. ^Brogden, C. E. 5 . 11 Greenway Lane, Richmond 26, Va. Brooks, Clyde J. 5 . P. O. Box 1103, Lynchburg, Va. Brooks, Dr. Coy C. 4 . Animal Husbandry Dept., V.P.L, Blacksburg, Va. Brown, Earle S., Jr. 5 . 4004 Wilmont Drive, Richmond 22, Va. Brown, George Gordon 4 . 825 West 44th St., Richmond, Va. Brown, Harold A. 11, 4 . Box 268, South Boston, Va. Brown, Irby H. 5 . 1300 E. Franklin Street, Richmond 19, Va. 322 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Brown, Dr. Jack Stanley 4 . Dept, of Biology, Emory & Henry College, Emory, Va. Brown, Dr. Paul L. 4 . Norfolk Division, Virginia State College, Norfolk, Va. Brown, Dr. W. Horatio 8 . Austinville, Va. Brown, Lt. Col. Warren W. 5, 6, 11 . Box 73, Kable Station, Staunton, Va. Brubaker, Dr. Kenton K. 1, 4 . EMC, Harrisonburg, Va. Bruce, Dr. Robert B. 5 . 3612 Seminary Avenue, Richmond 27,Va. Bruce, Dr. Robert E. 11, 2 . P. O. Box 385, Staunton, Va. *BrumfieId, Dr. Robert T. 4 . Longwood College, Farmville, Va. —Bruner, B. M. 5 . 105 North Wilton Road, Richmond 21, Va. Brunger, Earl H. 1,8 . Box 238, Charlottesville, Va. Bryant, R. E., Jr., 5 2623 Linbrook Drive, Richmond, Va. Bull, Fred W. 7, 5 . V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Bully, Miss Kathryn 4 169 LaSalle Avenue, Hampton, Va. Bumpass, Jimmy C. 4 . Rt. No. 3, Bumpass, Va. —Burger, Miss Elizabeth 4 . Longwood College, Farmville, Va. —Burke, Dr. Jack D. 4 . Biology Department, University of Richmond, Richmond, Va. *Burns, Prof. G. Preston 2 . P. O. Box 1005, College Station, Fredericksburg, Va. Burton, Willard W. 5 . 6556 Hagueman Drive, Richmond 25, Va. Butler, Mr. James T. 5 1204 Bobbiedell Lane, Richmond 29, Va. Buxton, Dr. W. D. 9 . University of Virginia Hospital, Charlottesville, Va. Byrd, Dr. J. Rogers 4 . Dept, of Biology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. Byrn, Mrs. Jane N. 4, 5 . Asst. Prof. Chemistry Norfolk College of William and Mary, Norfolk, Virginia Byrne, Col. William E. 2 . Box 836, Lexington, Va. Cabrera, Dr. N. 2, 5 Dept, of Physics, Universty of Virginia, McCormick Road, Charlottesville, Va Callahan, William H. 8 . 1 Rowe Place, Franklin, N. J Calver, James L. 8 . Box 3667, University Station, Charlottesville, Va *Caminita, Mrs. B. H. 3 . 501 North Lincoln Street, Arlington, Va Camp, David S. . c/o M. F. Camp, Brookside, N. J Campbell, Dr. Addison D. 2, 9 . 8520 Julian Road, Richmond 29, Va Canham, Richard G. 5 . Asso. Prof., College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina * Carman, George Gay 2 . 3907 W. Franklin Street, Richmond 21, Va. Carnes, Mary Beverly 9, 4, 5 . 102 Madison Circle, Spartanburg, S. C. Carpenter, D. R., Sr. 2 . 620 High Street, Salem, Virginia —Carpenter, D. Rae, Jr., 2 . Physics Dept., V.M.I., Lexington, Va. Carr, Francis F. . 400 North Eighth St., Box 10026, Richmond 40, Va. Proceedings 1961-1962 323 1962] —Carroll, Dorothy 8 . U. S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. Carroll, Robert P. 4 . Box 613, Lexington, Va. Carter, Miss Linda L. 10 . Children’s Service Center, University Hospital, Charlottesville, Va. Carter, R. C. 4 . Animal Husbandry Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Carter, Miss Queta C, 4 . “Estouteville”, Keene, Virginia —Carver, Dr. Merton E. 10 . University of Richmond, Virginia Carver, T. Granville 5 . 1004 W. 49th Street, Richmond 25, Va. —Cary, Miss M. Katherine 9, 5 . Box 817, MCV Station, Richmond, Va. Cary, Dr. Roderick C. 5 . 901 West Franklin Street, Richmond 20, Va. Cash, W. W., Jr. 5 . Route No. 2, Box 150, Eagle Rock, Virginia Castor, W. S., Jr. 5 . 2212 Taylor Farm Road, Lynchburg, Va. Chace, F. M. 8 . The M. A. Hanna Company, 1300 Leader Building, Cleveland, O. Chamberlain, Dr. J. L. 4 . Biology Dept., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg, Va. —Chapman, Dr. Douglas C. 9 . 324 Clovelly Road, Richmond, Va. —Chappell, Dr. Wilbert 5 . Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Chesson, Mr. R. R. 5 . 6 Lexington Road, Richmond 26, Va. —Chevalier, Dr. Paul L. 9 . 11 East Franklin St., Richmond 19, Va. Chew, Victor 12 . Box 517, Dahlgren, Va. Chi Beta Phi, Iota Sigma Chapter . Radford College, Radford, Va. Choate, Mr. M. S., Jr. 10 . Pamela Drive, Richmond 29, Va. Christie, Mr. Thomas H. 11 . 3713 W. Washington Blvd., Arlington, Va. Chumney, Richard D. 1 . Box 1163, Richmond, Va. —Churchill, Miss Helen 4, 3, 9 . Hollins College, Va. Glague, Prof. W. Donald 5, 9 . Bridgewater, Va. Claiborne, Miss Imogene B. 5 . 2413 Terrell Place, Lynchburg, Va. Clark, Allen K. 5 . Dept, of Chemistry, Norfolk College of William & Mary, Norfolk, Virginia Clay, John W. 1 . RFD 2, Box 384, Ellerson, Va. Clayton, Dr. C. C. 5 . MCV Station, Richmond 19, Va. Clough, Dr. O. W. 9 . Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va. Coalter, Mrs. Gwendolyn Coalter 11, 4 . 3456 McGuire Drive, Richmond 24, Va. Cocke, Mr. E. C. 4 . College Station, Winston-Salem, N. C. Cockerille, Dr. F. O. 5 . Greenwood, Va. — Cogbill, Dr. E. C. 5 . American Tobacco Co., Research Lab., Petersburg Pike, Richmond, Va. Cole, Cletus A. 10 . 3414 N. Kensington Street, Arlington, Va. —Cole, Dr. James W. 5 . Cobb Chemical Laboratory, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. —Cole, Dr. James W., Jr. 5 . Cobb Chemical Laboratory, Charlottesville, Virginia 324 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Coleman, Arthur P., Jr. 11, 4, 9 . 1053 N. Chambliss, Alexandria, Va. Coleman, C. S. 1, 8 . P. O. Box 194, Fairfax, Va. Coleman, G. Gravatt 7 . Box 521, Route No. 2, Lancaster, Va. —Coleman, George W., Jr. 4, 5, 2 . 621 Staunton Avenue, N. W., Roanoke, Va. Coleman, John S. 2, 6 . 3010 N. Florida Street, Arlington 7, Va. * College of William & Mary . Williamsburg, Va. Compton, Dr. Jack 4, 5 . Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, Va. Cook, Mrs. F. Hartwick 2, 5, 12 Alton State Hospital, Alton, Ill. Cool, Dr. R. D. 5 . Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Cooper, Dr. Byron N. 8, 7 . Box 634, Blacksburg, Va. Cooper, Miss Frances 5, 4 1301 Third Street, S.W., Roanoke, Va. —Cooper, Dr. Pascal W. 5 301 Ohio Avenue, Harrisonburg, Va. Copeland, Graham 1 1112 State Office Building, Richmond, Va. Corbett, James E., Jr. 2 . 920 W. Franklin Street, Richmond 20, Va. Cornfield, Jerome i2 . Box 524, Route 1, Great Falls, Va. *Coty, O. N. 5 . 515 Ridge Top Road, Richmond 26, Va. Couper, Dr. Monroe 5 1925 Cherokee Road, Waynesboro, Va. Covell, Charles V., Jr. 4 . Dept. Entomology, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. *Cox, Edwin 5 . Hollv Hill, Aylett, Va. Cox, Edwin, HI 5, 7 . Holly Hill, Aylett, Va. Cox, Edwin L. 12, 4 . Biometrical Services, ARS, Plant Industry Division, Beltsville, Md. Cox, Marv Lee 11, 5, 4 3654 Radford Street, Norfolk 13, Va. Cox, Mr. Norman R. 5 . 5209 Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond, Va. —Craighead, R. A . General Office Building, Norfolk & Western Railroad, Roanoke, Va. Crandall, Dorothy L. 4 Box 278, R.M.W. College, Lynchburg, Va. Crawford, Dr. George W. A . 205 John Wythe Place, Williamsburg, Va. —Crawford, Stuart C. 5, 4, 7 . Box 124, Franklin, Va. Cravton, Frank H. 4 . 6343 Glyndon Lane, Richmond 25, Va. Crim, David M. 2, 11, 7 . 402 Roanoke Street, Blacksburg, Va. Crim, Samuella H. 4, 11 . Glassboro State Teacher’s College, Glassboro, N. J. Crouch, Joseph P. 9 . 1019 Oakley Avenue, Lynchburg, Va. Crowell, Prof. Thomas I. 5 . Cobb Chemical Laboratory, Charlottesville, Va. Crownfield, Frederic R. 2 . 312 Cary Street, Williamsburg, Va. Cruser, Melvin E., Jr. 2 . 5305 Lakeside Drive, Virginia Beach, Va. —Cummins, Dr. Milton D. 9 1001 West Franklin St. Richmond 20, Va. Cutler, M. Rupert 4 . 1500 Massachusetts Avenue Apts., Apt. 528, Washington 5, D. C. — Daffin, Professor John B. 5, 2 . Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Va. 325 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 Dan River Mills, Inc. B . Attn: L. Aubrey Goodson, Jr., Vice Pres. & Director of Research, Danville, Va. Dancy, W. H., Jr. 2 . Route 4, Box 141, Charlottesville, Va. Daniel, Thomas Richard C, 4 . Lake Waramaug, New Preston, Conn. ^Darden, Prof. Colgate W., Jr. . 1013-14 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Norfolk, Va. Daughtrey, Mrs. William H. 4 . 3906 Cary Street Road, Richmond 21, Va. **Davenport & Companv . 1113 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. David, Dr. H. A. 12 . Dept, of Statistics, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Davies, Dr. E. F. S. 6 Virginia State College, Petersburg, Va. —Davies, William E. 8 . 125 W. Greenway Blvd., Falls Church, Va. Davis, Donald 4 . 1163 Tyler Avenue, Newport News, Va. —Davis, Loval H. 5, 2 . Box 1895, Richmond 15, Va. Davis, Thursa F. 5 . Virginia State College, Petersburg, Va. DeArmon, Ira H. Jr. 12 . 219 Broadway, Bel Air, Maryland Beck, Dr. J. David 9 . Department of Anatomy, University of Virginia Hospital, Charlottesville, Va. Decker, Miss Mary G. 5 . 1014 Long Street, Charlottesville, Va. DelPriore, Mr. Francis R . 9272 Buckman Avenue, Norfolk 3, Va. Delzell, Dr. David E . Dept, of Biology, Norfolk College of William & Mary, Norfolk, Va. Denman, Eugene D. 2 . 1406 Gentry Lane, Charlottesville, Va. Denny, Dr. George H., Jr. 5 . Dept, of Chemistry, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Dent, Dr. J. N. 4 . Dept, of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. Derby, James R. 8 . 205 Washington Street, Blacksburg, Va. Derting, John F. 8, 1 . F.A.O. of the United Nations, 403 Georgetown, British, Guiana Devers, Mrs. Evelyn G. 11, 4 . 647 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, Va. Dewey, Dr. Lovell J. 5 . Box 726, MCV Station, Richmond, 19, Va. Diana, Dr. Leonard M. 2 . 4111 Hillcrest Road, Richmond 25, Va. Diana, Dr. Pearl B. 10 . 4111 Hillcrest Road, Richmond 25, Va. Dietrick, L. B. 1 . 506 Preston Ave., Blacksburg, Va. Dinwiddie, Dr. J. G. 5 . 620 Walnut Ave., Waynesboro, Va. Dodd, Dr. Eileen K. 10 . Box 1205, College Station, Fredericksburg, Va. Dofflemoyer, Jean C, 4 . 612 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, Va. Domermuth, Prof. C. H. 3, 4 . Dept, of Veterinary Science, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Doub, W. H., Jr. 10 . 6623 Wexford Lane, Richmond 25, Va. Dovel, Anne Hundley 5 . Laboratory— Memorial Hospital, Wilmington 99, Del. 326 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Dow Chemieal Company B Attn: O. R. Mclntire, Technical Dir., Textile Fiber Dept., James River Div., Williamsburg, Va. DiiBose, Dr. R. T. 9 . Dept, of Veterinary Science, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Duke, Miss Martha W. 4, 11 . 721 Park St., Charlottesville, Va. * Duncan, Dr. Cecil E. 2 . 865 Thornwood Drive, Palo Alto, Calif. *Duncan, Mrs. Geraldine 9 8885 Marchant Avenue, Atascadero, Calif. Dunlap, Miss Elizabeth, 11 . Spring Farm, Lexington, Va. Dunn, Dr. Richard H. 4 . Virginia State College, Petersburg, Va. Dunton, Dr. E. M., Jr. 1 . Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Painter, Va. **^*DuPont, Mrs. Alfed I. . Nemours, Wilmington, Del. duPont de Nemours, E. 1. & Co. B . Attn: J. W. Morrison, Jr., Personnel Superintendent, P. O. Box 1477, Richmond, Va. Eades, Dr. James B. 7 . Box 351, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Eanes, Mrs. Delores Dave . Box 453, Fieldale, Va. Eckel, Dr. John F. 7 . 110 Highland Avenue, Blacksburg, Va. Edmundson, Dr. R. S. 8 . 1707 Kenwood Lane, Meadowbrook Heights, Charlottesville, Va. Edwards, Dr. Leslie E. 9 . Physiology Dept., MCV Station, Richmond 19, Va. Eisenhart, Dr. Churchill 12 National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D. C. Elarth, Herschel A. 7 106 York Drive, Blacksburg, Va. Elder, John H. 5, 1 3800 Plymouth Drive, Richmond 22, Va. Elder, John H., Jr. 1, 4 . Box 145, Madison, Va. Ellett, Virginia C. 11 . Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond 21, Va. EHison, Robert Lee 8 Calhoun Street, Charlottesville, Va. * Emmett, Dr. J. M. 9 . C & O Hospital, Clifton Forge Emmons, Lvman Randolett 4 Dept, of Biology, Wash. & Lee, Univ., Lexington -Engel, Dr. R. W. 5 . V.P.I., Blacksburg —English, Prof. Bruce V. 2 . 109 Arlington, Ashland Enrick, Norbert Lloyd 12 Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville Earp, Prof. U. F. 7 . 1103 Palmer Dr., Blacksburg —Edmonds, Marvin D. 5 . 1315 Foster Rd., Richmond 25 Essary, Prof. E. O. 1 . Poultry Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg Evert, Dr Henry 5, 4 . 11 Harvard St., Garden City, N. Y. ^Faulconer, Dr. Robert Jamieson 9 . Dept, of Pathology, DePaul Hospital, Norfolk 5 Feangans, Eugenia C, 8, 2 . 323 South Church St., Woodstock Proceedings 1961-1962 327 1962] Feinsyein, H. I. 5 . George Mason College, Bailey’s Crossroads Ferneyhough, Dr. Robert E. 9 . Box 380, Warrenton Ferry, James F. 4 . 231 Campbell St., Harrisonburg —Fields, Dr. Victor H. 5 . Box 32, Hampton Institute, Hampton Filer, Dr. Robert J. 10 . Univ. of Richmond, Richmond Fillinger, Harriett H . Box 612, Hollins College Finch, Marian P. 11, 4 . 9 Malvern Ave., Apt. 6, Richmond Finger, Prof. Frank W. 10 . Peabody Hall, University of Virginia First and Merchants National Bank B . Attn: Mr. R. T. Marsh, President, Richmond 17 Fischer, Dr. Ernst 9, 4 . Medical College of Virginia, Richmond Fisher, Elwood 4 . 381 Monticello Ave., Harrisonburg Fisher, Dr. Robert A. 7, 5 . 106 Cohee Rd., Blacksburg Fitzpatrick, J. F., Jr. 4 . Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville — Fitzroy, Herbert W. K. 6 . 1 West Main St., Richmond Area, University Center, Richmond Flagg, Ravmond O. 4 . Box 85, Boyce Fletcher, Dr. F. P. 9 . 2319 East Broad St., Richmond ^tint, Dr. Franklin F. 4 . Box 309, Randolph-Macon Woman’s Col., Lynchburg -Flory, Dr. Walter S. Jr. 4, 1 . Blandy Exper. Farm, Boyce Flowers, Wm. L. 5 . 8719 Weldon Dr., Richmond —Floyd, Miss Susie V. 4 . Hopkins St., Newport News Fontenot, Dr. J. P. 5 . Dept, of Animal Husbandry, V.P.L, Blacksburg -Forbes, Dr .Allan L. 9 ICNND Bldg. 16, NIH, Bethesda 14, Md. ^Forbes, Dr. J. C. 5, 9, 2 . Medical Col. of Va., Richmond 19 Forslev, Dr. Albert W. 8 The Norfolk Col. of Wm. & M., Norfolk 8 Franko, Dr. Bernard V. 9 1600 MacTavish Ave., Richmond 30 —Freer, Prof. Ruskin 4, 8 . Lynchburg College, Lynchburg Freitag, Mrs. Herta Taussig 2 . Hollins College, Hollins French, R. H. 5 . Longwood College, Farmville Freund, Dr. Jack 9, 5 . 622 N. Boulevard, Richmond Friedericy, Dr. J. A. 7 . Thornton Hall, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville Friedman, Samuel J . 30 Ridgewood Circle, Wilmington, Del. *Froehling & Robertson, Inc . Attn: J. M. Weaver, Chief Chemist, P.O. Box 737, Richmond 6 Fultz, J. M. 7 . 3820 Stratford Rd., Richmond 25 —Fuqua, Mrs. F. C. 9 . 3005 Linden Ave., Fredericksburg Furr, A. Keith 2 . Route 1, Box 275-A, Blacksburg Furr, Hal 11 . care Suffolk High School, P.O. Box 1594, Suffolk Furtsch, Dr. E. F. 5, 6 . P.O. Box 618, Blacksburg Gager, Forrest L. Jr. 5 . 7313 Lee Circle, Richmond 25 Gamble, Samuel J. R. 5 . Lynchburg College, Lynchburg Gant, Dr. James Q . 1726 M. St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. 328 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Garber, Louis L. 10 . Box 1080, Staunton Gardner, Laurence H, II 8 . 4 Ganderbury Rd., Bellair, Gharlottesville Garman, Dr. Leslie 5 . 410 V.M.I. Parade, Lexington Garver, W. N . Roanoke Gollege, Salem Garretson, Harold H. 5 . Lynchburg Gollege, Lynchburg Garrett, Dr. H. E. 10 . 1872 Winston Rd., Gharlottesville Garrett, Dr. Richard E. 2 . Box 615, Hollins Gollege Geldard, Dr. Frank A . 319 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. Gemmill, Ghalmers L. 9 . . Dept, of Pharmacology, Univ. of Virginia, Gharlottesville General Electric Gompany B Atten: Paul R. Thompson, 150 Roanoke Blvd., Salem Gevers, Alan I. 4 . Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Gibson, Prof. Theodore W. 2 . Wise Gilbert, Ray C. 8 . Box 758, Elkader, Iowa Gildersleeve, Benjamin 8 . 1808 Kirby St., Bowling Green, Ky. Gillespie, Dr. J. Samuel Jr. 5, 7 . 22 Maxwell Rd., Richmond 26 Gillespie, Robert F. Jr. 4 . Va. Episcopal School, Lynchburg Gilliam, Jane E. 11, 2 . Box 52, Phenix Gilmer, Dr. Thomas E . President, Hampden-Sidney College, Hampden-Sidney Gilmer, Prof. Thomas E. 2 . Hampden-Sidney Gilmer, Dr. T. E. Jr. 2 . 909 Preston Ave., Blacksburg Gilpin, Robert H. 4 . Bedford Rd., Cumberland, Md. Gilreath, Dr. E. S. 5 . Box 745, Lexington Gist, Lewis A. Jr. 5 . Norfolk Div. of Va. State College, Norfolk 4 —Gladding R. N. 5 American Tob. Research Lab., 400 Petersburg Pike, Richmond Gladding, Mrs. Walter 5, 9 . 1613 Park Ave., Richmond 20 *Glass, Jewel J. 8 . U. S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. Click, Rudolph A. 2 . , . Bridgewater College, Bridgewater —Clock, Dr. Eugene 5 . American Tob. Co., Research Lab., Richmond ***Goethe, C. M . 3731 T. Street, Sacramento 16, Calif. —Goldstein, Lewis C. 4 . 5207 Monument Ave., Richmond 26 Gordon, Elmer L. 5 . 404 North 12th Street, Richmond Gordon, John R. 2 . 759 E. Street, Harrisonburg —Gould, Henry W. 2 . West Va. Univ., Dept, of Mathematics, Morgantown, W. Va. Gourley, Dr. D. R. H. 9 . Univ. of Va. Medical School, Charlottesville — Goyette, Dr. Lewis E. 4 . 4013 Mt. Vernon St., Richmond 27 Grable, Prof. E. Sherman 2 . 212 College Rd., Richmond 26 Graf, Dr. G. C. 1 . Dept, of Dairy Science, V.P.I., Blacksburg Graves, Robert Alston 4 . . Box 628, Madison College, Harrisonburg Proceedings 1961-1962 329 1962] _ Gray, Prof. George A. 7 . 204 Franklin Dr., Blacksburg Gray, Robert G. 1 . 211 W. Glay St., Blacksburg Grayson, Dr. James McD. 4 . 1300 Oak Dr., Blacksburg Green, Mrs. Meredith W. 10 . 435 Mosby St., Winchester Greenberg, Dr. Seymour S. 8 . 9 Madison House Apts., Gharlottesville Greene, Frank L. 5 . 6347 Stonybrook Dr., Richmond 25 Griffin, Pearl G. 5 . Lynchburg GoTlege, Lynchburg Griffith, William S. 1 . 5428 S. Kimbark Ave., Ghicago 15, Ill. Grigg, Dr. Austin E. 10 . Univ. of Richmond, Richmond Grizzard, Miss Alice E. 11,4 . P.O. Box 8892, Richmond Gross, W. B. 9 . care Veterinary Science, V.P.I., Blacksburg Grossnickle, Dr. Thurman T. 5 . 6116 Tilden Lane, Rockville, Md. Groves, Dr. A. B, 1,4, 5, 3 . Winchester — Guerrv, Dr. DuPont III 9 . 2015 Monument Ave., Richmond 20 Gupton, Oscar W. 4 . 313 Letcher Ave., Lexington Gushee, Beatrice E. 5 . Hollins Gollege, Hollins "^Guy, Dr. William G. 5 . Box 1274, Williamsburg "^Gwathmev, Dr. Allan T. 5 . Cobb Chem. Lab., University of Virginia Gwathmey, Mrs. Allen T. 6 . Dawson’s Row, U. of Va., Gharlottesville Haar, Norman D. 11, 2 . George Wash. High School, Danville Haase, F. C. Jr. 11, 5 . Simpkins Lane, London Bridge Hack, Dr. John T. 8 . U. S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. Hackney, R. P. 5 . 4500 Hanover Ave., Richmond 21 Hahn, J. F. 10 . Peabody Hall, Charlottesville Hahn, Dr. T. M. Jr. 2 . V.P.I., Blacksburg Plain, Dr. Jack D. 10 Box 167, Univ Hospital, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville Hale, Barbara M. 5, 4 . 8528 Spalding Dr., Richmond 29 Hale, Dr. Maynard G. 4 . Dept. Plant Pathology & Physiology, V.P.I., Blacksburg Hall, Leo M. 5 . Univ. of Va. Medical School, Charlottesville Hallock, Dr. Daniel L. 1 . Holland —Ham, Dr. William T. Jr. 2 . P.O. Box 816, MCV Station, Richmond 19 Hammer, J. L. 7 . Box 796, Blacksburg Handley, Charles Overton Jr. 4 U. S. Natl. Mus., Washington 25, D. C. Handy, E. S. C. 4, 10 . Box 57, Oakton **Hanmer, H. Rupert 5 . 400 Petersburg Turnpike, Richmond 24 —Hansen, Prof. P. Arne 3, 4 . Dept. Microbiology, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Md. Harcum, Dr. E. Rae 10 . 482 Penniman Rd., Williamsburg Hardcastle, James E. 5 . 4824 Arundel Ave., Richmond Hargis, Dr. William J. Jr. 4 . Va. Inst, of Marine Sc., Gloucester Point Harker, Joseph N. Jr. 2, 11 . 2302 WycHffe Ave., SW, Roanoke * Harlan, Dr. William R. 5 . 329 Greenway Lane, Richmond 26 330 The Virginia Journal of Science [September * Harlow, Edward S. 5 2604 Monument Ave., Apt. A, Richmond 20 Harnsberger, W. T. Jr. 8 . Madison College, Harrisonburg Harowitz, Charles L. 5 . 7804 Meherrin Rd., Richmond Harper, Laura Jane 4 . P.O. Box 495, Blacksburg Harrell, Dr. Bryant 5 .. Dept, of Chemistry, Col. of Wm. & M., Williamsburg Harrell, Cleon 12 . Princess Anne —Harrell, Ruth Flinn 10 . 6411 Powhatan Ave., Norfolk 8 Harrington, Mrs. Beatrice A. 2 . 2024 Barton Ave., Richmond 22 Harris, Dr. Orville R. 7, 2 2017 Spottswood Rd., Charlottesville Harris, Dr. William E. 10 . 2407 Pulliam Rd., Bon Air —Harrison, Edward R. Jr. 4 1414 Varnum St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Harrison, Dr. J. Peachy 5 . Monroe Terrace, Apt 6-E, Richmond 20 Harrison, Dr. Wyman 8 . Va. Inst, of Marine Sc., Gloucester Point Harrow, Lee S. 5 . Box 500, A.S.R. Products Co., Staunton — Harshbarger, Dr. Boyd 12 . Dept, of Statistics, V.P.I., Blacksburg Hart, C. W. Jr. 4 . Academy of Natural Sc. of Phila, 19th and Parkway, Philadelphia 3, Penna. Havron, Dr. M. Dean 10 . 6713 Relee Rd., Falls Church Heatwole, Mrs B. G. 11, 2 . P.O. Box 7082, Richmond Hefferman, James D. 2 . 740 Granby St., Norfolk — Hefhn, Col. S. M. 2 . 508 Highland Rd., Lexington Hegre, Dr. Erling S. 9 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 Heisey, Dr. Lowell 5, 3 . Bridgewater College, Bridgewater —Hembree, Dr. Howard W. 10 . 2720 Forest Hills Rd., Petersburg Hench, Miles E. 3 . 4802 Kensington Ave., Richmond 26 —Henderson, R. G. 1, 4 . Plant Pathology & Physiol. Dept., V.P.L, Blacksburg Henneman, Dr. Richard H. 10 Psychology Lab., University of Virginia Hereford, Dr. F. L. 2 . Dept, of Physics, U. of Va., Charlottesville Hering, Mrs. T. T .4, 2, 11 . Rt 2, Staunton Hester, Mrs John E. 4, 7 . 916 Onslow Dr., Greensboro, N. C. Heterick, Robert C. Jr. 7 . 210-C Dehart St., Blacksburg Higgins, Dr. Edwin S. 9, 5 . Dept, of Biochemistry, MCV Station, Richmond 19 Hildreth, Dr. H. M. 10 . 7607 Lakeview Dr., Falls Church Hill, C. H. 4 . 320 Miller St, Winchester HiHsman, Overton L. 5 . 5814 Crestwood Ave., Richmond 26 —Hinton, Dr. William 10 . 15 Jordan St, Lexington Hoak, James F. 2 . Luray Hobbs, Herman H. 2 . 301 S. Jefferson St., Arlington 4 Hobbs, Dr. Horton H. Jr. 4 . Room 301, U. S. Natl. Mus., Washington 25, D. C, — Hoch, Hans 5, 2 . Geriatrics, VA Center, Martinsburg, W. Va. — Hoch-Ligeti, Dr. Cornelia 9 . 128 Main St., Sheperdstown, W. Va. Proceedings 1961-1962 331 1962] Hoff, E. C. 9, 4, 10 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 —Holcomb, Carl J. 4 . Ext. Forester, V.P.L, Blacksburg —Holland, Charles T. 7 . 109 McLean Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. * Hollins College . HoUins College Holloway, Harry Lee, Jr. 4 . Roanoke College, Salem Holmes, Dr. B. T. 9 . 336 Mero St., Frankfort, Ky. Holmes, J. C. 5 . 215 Campbell St., Harrisonburg Holt, Bernard S., Jr. 5 . 3631 Wakefield Rd., Richmond 25 Holt, Charles A. 7 . 1311 Oak Dr., Blacksburg Holt, Dr. Perry C. 4 . Biology Dept., V.P.L, Blacksburg Horn, Robert H. 11, 5 . 17 Grandview Dr., Radford Horne, Dr. T. J. 1, 6 . 1013 Draper Rd., Blacksburg Hornyak, Dr. Frederick M. 5 . Chemistry Dept, V.P.L, Blacksburg * Horowitz, Alan S. 8 . Box 269, Littleton, Colo. * Horsley, Dr. Guy W. 9 617 W. Grace St., Richmond Horton, Mrs. Loetta W. 11, 2 . 4431 Hazel Ridge Rd., Roanoke Hosner, John F. 4 . Dept, of Forestry & Wildlife, V.P.L, Blacksburg Hostetter, Dr. D. Ralph 4, 8 Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg Hough, Dr. W. S. 4, 1, 8 . 523 Fairmont Ave., Winchester Howe, A. G. 5 . 2000 Murdock Rd., Richmond 29 *Hoxton, L. G. 2 . Univ. of Va., McCormick Rd., Dept, of Physics, Charlottesville —Hubbard, Robert M. 7, 5 . 311 Montebello Circle, Charlottesville Hudgins, Webster R. 5 . . Port Haywood Hudson, Mrs. Bernice C. 11 . 3576 Norland Court, Norfolk 13 —Hudson, M. W. 5, 1 . Box 3498, Richmond — Huf, Dr. Ernst G. 9 . M.C.V. Station, Richmond 19 Hufstedler, Dr. Robert S. 5, 12 . Norfolk Col. of Wm. & M, Box 6173, Norfolk 8 Hughes, Hansel L. 5 . 1538 W. 50th St., Norfolk Hughes, Dr. Roscoe D. 4, 9 . Medical Col. of Va., Richmond Hullibarger, William F., Jr. 5, 7 . 324 Tareyton Lane, Portsmouth Hume, Dr. David M. 9 . Medical Col. of Va. Hosp., Richmond 19 ^Humphreys, Dr. Mary E. 4 . Mary Baldwin College, Staunton Humphreys, Miss M. Gweneth 2 . R.M.W.C., Lynchburg Hundley, Dr. Louis R. 4 . V.M.I, Dept of Biology, Lexington —Hunt, Harvey L. 5, 7, 1 . 1411 N. Shore Dr., Norfolk —Hunter, Louise S. 2 . Va. State College, Petersburg Hurley, John F. 10 . 1609 Pinewood St., Falls Church Hurst, David C. 12 . Dept. Statistics, V.P.L, Blacksburg Husted, Dr. Ladley 4 . Dept, of Biology, U. of Va., Charlottesville —Hyde, Dr. Austin T., Jr. 4 . Rutherford Hospital, Rutherfordton, N. C. Ikenberry, Dr. Emmert 2 . 310 West View St., Harrisonburg —Inge, Dr. Frederick D. 4 . Hampton Institute, Hampton 332 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Ingersoll, Everett H. 9 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 —Ingles, Andrew L. 4 . 1006-3rd St., West, Radford — Insley, Dr. E. G. 5 . 1233 Brent St., Fredericksburg — Irbv, Richard, Jr. 5 . 712 Spottswood Rd., Richmond Jackson, Aiizville, Jr. 7 Robertshaw-Fulton Cont. Co., 1701 Byrd Ave., Richmond 26 Jacobs, Prof. James A. 2 . Physics Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg James, Dr. G. Watson III 9 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 Jarrard, Dr Leonard E. 10 . Wash, and Lee Univ., Lexington —Jeffers, Dr. George W. 4, 11 . Route 6, Farmville Jefferson, Miss Betty Lou 11, 4 . 1211 Forest St., Danville Jeffreys, Dr. A. W., Jr. 10 . Western State Hospital, Staunton Jochen, Robert F. C, 4 . Box 666, University of Richmond Johnson, Charles C., Jr. 5, 2 . P.O. Box 211, Chuckatuck Johnson, Dr. Harry I. 7, 5, 6 . 429 High St., Salem Johnson, James A., Jr. 5 1101 State Office Bldg., Richmond 19 —Johnson, Rose Mary 4 . Dept. Biology, Mary Wash. Col., Fredericksburg Johnson, Whitney L. 12 . Dept, of Statistics, V.P.I., Blacksburg Johnston, Dr. Robert A. 10 . Box 255, University of Richmond —Jones A. Roland 2 . 151-A Route 1, Glasgow Jones, Prof. Duvall A. 4 . Ferrum Junior College, Ferrum Jones, Dr. E. Ruffin 4 . Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, Fla. Jones, George D. 1, 4 . 309 Caroline St., Orange Jones, Johnnie A., Jr. 11 . 2464 Princess Anne Rd., Norfolk 4 Jones, J. Claggett 5 . 3906 Patterson Ave., Richmond 21 —Jones, Mrs. Louise L. 9 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 Jones, Muriel M. 3 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 Jones, William F. 4 . 251 Cantrell Ave., Harrisonburg Jopson, Dr. Harry G. M. 4 . Bridgewater College, Bridgewater Joyce, Charles P. 8, 7 . RFD 2, Farmville —Joyner, Dr. W. T. 2 . Physics Dept., Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney Kapp, Mary E. 5 . 901 W. Franklin St., Richmond 20 Kaster, Dwight L. 1 . 334 South Main St., Manassas Kay, Dr. Saul 9 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 Kaye, Dr. Sidney 9, 5 . 404 North 12th St., Richmond 19 Keach, Charles C. 10 ^Kean, Dr. Robert H. 5 Keeble, Prof. W. H. 2 ... Keefe, William C, 4, 2 , Kell, Dr. Joseph F., Jr. 9 Kelly, Dr. M. Kelly, Robert . 2531 Holmes Run Dr., Falls Church 32 Old Farm Road “Bellair”, Charlottesville . Box 607, Ashland . 4612 Hanover Ave., Richmond 26 . 404 Professional Bldg., Richmond 19 Mae 10 . School Board Office, Pearisburg F. 11, 8 . 735 Pembroke Ave., Norfolk 7 Proceedings 1961-1962 333 1962] Kent, Mrs, Cleo Q . Naruna, Campbell Co. Kent, Prof, George W. 10 . Bridgewater Kepner, Dr. William A. 4 . 29 University PL, University of Richmond Keys, Noel W. 10 . Dept, of Psychology, University of Richmond Kindred, Dr. J. E. 9 . Box 1873, University Station, Charlottesville King, Irving R. 2 . 8207 Penobscott Rd., Richmond 27 King, Dr. Kendall W. 3, 4 . Dept, of Biochemistry and Nutrition, V.P.I., Blacksburg Kipps, M. S. 1 . . 103 Cohee Rd., Blacksburg ^Kise, Dr. M. A, 5 . Va. Chemicals & Smelting Co., West Norfolk Kizer, Franklin D. 11 . 7711 Woodman Rd., Richmond 28 Knighton, Dr. Holmes T. 9 . School of Dentistry, MCV Station, Richmond 19 Koch, Charles J. 1 . 7404 Birchwood Rd., Richmond 29 Koppel, Leopold 5 . 16 West St., Fort Plain, N. Y. Kounnas, Chris N. 5 . 2707 Grove Ave., Richmond 20 Kozak, Samuel J. 8 . Dept, of Geology, Wash. & Lee Univ., Lexington Krai, Dr. Robert 4 . Dept, of Biology, V.P.I., Blacksburg Kramer, Clyde Y. 12 . Dept, of Statistics, V.P.I., Blacksburg Kreshover, Dr. Seymour J. 9 . 5206 West Cedar Lane, Bethesda, Md. Kriegman, Mrs. Lois S. 10 . 26 Malvern Ave., Richmond 26 Krug, Dr. Robert C. 5 . Dept, of Chemistry, V.P.I., Blacksburg Kulthau, Dr A. R. 2 . 1615 Hardwood Ave., Charlottesville Kunt, Mrs Feriha S. 11, 5 . St. Margaret’s School, Tappahannock Kunz, Walter B. 5, 2, 6 . American Viscose Corp., Marcus Hook, Pa. Kurzhals, Peter R. C, 7 . 332 Brightwood Ave., Hampton Lacy, O. W. 10 . Trinity College, Hartford 6, Conn. Lancaster, Dr. Dabney L. 6, 2 . Millboro Springs ■—Lancaster, J. L. 6 . 416 17th St., N.W., Charlottesville Lancaster, Morton H. 5, 1 . 404 Glendale Dr., Richmond 29 Landis, Maureen C, 4 . 1612 Langhorne Rd., Lynchburg Lane, Charles F. 8 . Longwood College, Farmville Lane, E. H., President, 5 . The Lane Company, Altavista LaPrade, J. L. 1, 4 . P.O. Box 715, Chatham ^Larew ,Dr. Gillie A. 2 . 2301 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg Larson, Dr. Paul S. 5, 9 . Medical College of Virginia, !Wchmond Larus & Brother Company B . Attn: Mr. A. T. Webster, Secy.-Treas., Richmond 17 —Larus, C. D. 2 . Larus & Bros. Co., 22nd & Cary St., Richmond —Latham, R. E. 2, 11 . Sci. Dept., Episcopal H. S., Alexandria Lawless, Dr. Kenneth R. 5 . . Cobb Chemical Lab., Charlottesville —Lee, Dr. Claudius 7 . . . . . Box 157, Blacksburg Lee, Prof. Mary Ann 2, 12 . Sweet Briar Lee, Philip C., Jr, C, 4 . Route 2, Box 78, Troutville 334 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Leeper, Mrs. Annie S. 5 . 6727 Stuart Ave., Richmond LeFevre, Dr. Cecil W. 4 . 402 Price Hall, V.P.L, Blacksburg Lefebvre, Paul W. C, 4 . Price Hall, V.P.I., Blacksburg Leffler, Esther 5 . Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar Leftwich, Dr. William H. 10 . Box 81, University of Richmond Lehman, James D. 11, 4 . 13 Highland Court, Luray — Leidheiser, Dr. Henry, Jr. 5, 2 2820 Grove Ave., Richmond 21 Leighton, Dr. A. T., Jr. 9 . Poultry Dept., V.P.L, Blacksburg Leonard, Robert B. 8 . 104 Orchard View Lane, Blacksburg —Leone, Dr. Louis A. 9 19 Brentwood Ave., Barrington, R. I. LeVan, Donald C. 8 . 112 Stratford Court, Charlottesville Levin, Neal T. 5 . 118 Norman Rd., Newark 6, N. J. **Lewis, Dr. Ivev F. 4 800 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville Lewis, Mrs. Karen I. 9 Box 3096, Univ. Station, Charlottesville Lincken, Edgar E. 5 . 2505 Curtiss Dr., Bayside Lind.sey, Joseph F. 7 Dept, of Ind. Engr., V.P.L, Blacksburg *Line, Dr. Llovd E., Jr 2 Texaco Expt. Inc., Richmond Linfield, Dr. B. Z. 2, 12 . 1324 Hill Top Rd., Charlottesville Linn, J. A. 11, 2 38 S. Twinlake Rd., London Bridge Linnev, Mrs. Dorothy P. 5 554 Almond Dr., Newport News —Little, Edwin D., Jr. 5 . Box 221, Hopewell —Littleton, Dr. Leonidas R. 5, 2 . Emory Loh, Hung-Yu 2 Box 767, Blacksburg —Lombardi, Gerado J. 7, 12 1705 Indiana, N. E., Albequerque, N. M. Long, Dr. John H. 2 176 Dennis Dr., Queen’s Lake, Williamsburg Long, John M. 2, 12, 6 . Frederick College, Portsmouth Lowry, W. D. 8 . 206 Rose Ave., Blacksburg Lucas, J. Richard 7, 8 . 102 Holden Hall, V.P.L, Blacksburg — Lundquist, Dr. Eugene 2 . P.O. Box 462, Hampton Lutz, Robert E. 5 Cobb Chem. Lab., U. of Va., Charlottesville Lyons, Dr. Harry 9 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 MacDougall, Capt. Hugh 10, 8, 4 . F. U. M. A., Fork Union Macon, Evelyn T. 11, 4 1110 Griffin St., Lynchburg Maguran, Gene A., Sr. 4, 2, 5 . State Dept, of Education, 11th and Court Sts., Lynchburg Mahan, Dr. John C. 4 . Lynchburg College, Lynchburg Major, Dr. Randolph T. 5 . Cobb Chem. Lab., U. of Va., Charlottesville *^*Manahan, Dr. John E. 2, 4 . Scottsville Mandell, Alan 11, 4 P.O. Box 64, Frederick College, Churchland Mankin, W. D. 4 . Herndon Mantey, W. F., Jr. 5 . 5403 y2 Queensbury Rd., Richmond 26 Mapp, John A. 10, 6 . 1416 Octavia St., New Orleans 15 Margolena, Mrs. Lubow A. 4, 1 . A.R.S. Ani. Husb. Div, USDA, Beltsville, Md. Proceedings 1961-1962 335 1962] Margolis, Dr. George 9 . Dept, of Path., MCV Sta., Richmond 19 Markees, D. G. 4 ,5 . Dept, of Ghem. & Phys., Wells Gol., Aurora, N. Y. Marlowe, Dr. Thomas J. 9 . Ani. Hush. Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg Maroney, Samuel P., Jr. 4 . Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Va., Gharlottesville Martin, Dorothy A. 4 . 1116 Bedford Ave., Apt. 2, Norfolk 8 —Martin, Dr. Walter B. 9 . 301 Medical Towers, Norfolk 7 Mason, Dr. A. H. 2 . 2407 N. Kenmore St., Arlington 7 Massey, Prof. A. B. 4, 1 Box 95, Blacksburg Massev, Dr. P. H., Jr. 1 . 807 Gracelyn Gourt, Blacksburg Matthews, T. L. Jr. 10 Beechwood, Box 36, Doswell Mattus, Dr. George 1 . Agri. Exp. Station, V.P.I., Blacksburg Mav, Margaret L. 4 . 7432 Landsworth Ave., Richmond 28 Maynard, William R., Jr. 5 . , . 1600 Michaels Rd., Richmond 29 Mays, Gilbert 11 . State Dept, of Edu., Richmond McGlurbin, John K. 4 Randolph-Macon GoTlege, Ashland McGrackan, Prof. Robert F. 5 . 41 Mill Rd., Spartanburg, S. G. McDaniel, Dr. R. R. 2, 12 . Va. State Gollege, Petersburg McDarment, Gapt Gorley 4, 2 Rt. 1, Box 205, Eau Gallic, Fla. McEwen, Dr. Nobel 10 . 401 Gollege Ave., Ashland McGehee, Dr. Frances 10 . 2615 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg McGuigan, F. J. 10 Psych. Dept., Hollins Gollege, Hollins McHugh, Dr. j. L. 4 Div. of Biol. Research, Bur. of Gom. Fisheries, Washington 25, D. G. Mclnteer, Warren H. 2 . 3100 Greencastle Rd., Burtonsville, Md. McKee, Betty A. . Apt. 2, 707 N. Golonial Ave., Richmond 21 McKennis, Dr. Herbert, Jr. 9, 5 . MCV Station, Richmond 19 McKillop, L. D. 5 . Box 117, Rt. 2, Glen Allen McNutt, Miss Peggy 11 . 1400 South Joyce Apt. B-1008, Arlington McPherson, Col. William L. 5, 6 . 1 Ingles Court, Blacksb^urg McShane, E. J. 2 . 209 Maury Ave., Charlottesville * Medical College of Virginia . Richmond Meem, Dr. J. L. 7 . School of Engr., U. of Va., Charlottesville —Mellette, Dr. Susan J. 9 . Box 728, MCV Sta., Richmond 19 Melton, Charles E. 2 . 4124 Royalview Rd., Knoxville, Tenn. Mengebier, Dr. W. L. 4 . Dept, of Biol., Madison Col., Harrisonburg Merck, Sharp & Dohme B . Attn: Dr. Max Tishler, Research Lab., Rahway, N. J. Meredith, Dr. John M. 9 . 1200 East Broad St., Richmond Messersmith, Donald H. 4 . Box 663, Radford College, Radford Messmer, Rear Admiral W. L. 2 . 163 Ridgeley Circle, Norfolk 5 Miles, John L., Jr. 10 . C/S Co., 2 B G 9th Infantry, Ft. Benning, Ga. Milici, Dr. Robert C. 8 . 2212 Wayne Ave., Charlottesville Miller, Dr. Edwin D. 4 200 Monument Ave., Harrisonburg 336 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Miller, G. Tyler 6 . Hillcrest, Madison College, Harrisonburg Miller, Dr. G. Tyler, Jr. 5 . Box 146, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney Miller, Lawrence I. 1 . Tidewater Research Station, Holland Miller, Russell 1, 9, 5 . Dept, of Biochemistry & Nutrition, V.P.I., Blacksburg Miller, Dr. W. Schuyler 5 . Box 202, Ashland — Millhiser, Fred R. 5 . 839 Jefferson Ave., Waynesboro Mitchell, Dr. Richard S. 8 Dept, of Geology, U. of Va., Charlottesville Moller, Dr. Elizabeth 10 . Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar —Montgomery, Mrs. Dorothy D. 2 . Hollins College, Hollins *Moody, Warren L. 5 . 5 North 6th St., Richmond 19 Moomaw, Rawie P. 5, 7 1233 Floyd Ave., S. W., Roanoke 7 Moon, Dr. J. H. 9 . Box 202, MCV Station, Richmond 19 Moore, Marian E. 4 Dept. Food & Nutrition, V.P.I., Blacksburg Moore, Robert C. 1 . Blacksburg Moran, Mrs. Leroy 5 . 2552 Sweetbriar Ave., S.W., Roanoke Moreland, Dr. J. Earl 10 . Randolph-Macon College, Ashland —Morgan, Mrs. William J. 10, 6 . Merrifield —Morgan, Dr. William J. 10 . Merrifield Morris, Dr. H. M. 7 Box 37, Blacksburg Philip Morris & Co. Ltd. Inc. B . Atten: Helmut Wakeham, Div. of Research, P.O. Box 1895, Richmond 15 Morrow, Leonard 4 . The L. H. Bailev Hortorium, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Mosby, Dr. Henry S. 4 . Dept. Forestry & Wildlife, V.P.L, Blacksburg Moschler, W. W. 1 . V.P.L Agronomy Dept., Smyth Hall, Blacksburg —Moseley, John M. 5 . 108 N. Wilton Rd., Richmond 26 Moss, Donald C, 4 . Rt 4, Box 165, Mineral Mounter, L. A. 5 . Box 877, MCV Station, Richmond 19 —Mullen, Dr. James W. 2, 7 . Box 1-T, Richmond 2 Murden, William P. 7 . 5022 Sangamore Rd., Washington 16, D. C. Murphy, Dr. Nelson F. 7, 5 . Box 104, Blacksburg —Murphy, R. S. 5 . 2514 McRae Rd., Bon Air 35 Murray, J. J., Jr. 4 . Dept, of Biology, U. of Va., Charlottesville Murray, Dr J. J., Sr. 4 . 6 Jordan St, Lexington Meyer, W. J. 1 . 3206 Landria Dr., Richmond 25 Myers, R. H. 12 . 106 Cohee Rd., Blacksburg ***Negus, Dr. Sidney S. 5 . 4102 Wythe Ave., Richmond Nelson, Bruce O. 4 . 1340 West 50th St., Norfolk Nelson, Dr. Bruce W. 8 . Owen St, Blacksburg —Nelson, Dr. Charles M. 9 . 906 West Franklin St., Richmond Nelson, Dr. E. Clifford 3, 9, 4 . MCV Station, Richmond Nelson, Prof. Wilbur A. 8 . 208 Magnolia Dr., Charlottesville Proceedings 1961-1962 337 1962] Neveu, Dr. Maurice 5, 2 . Sci. Bldg., Longwood College, Farmville -Newman, Lt, Col. James B. 2 . 445 Institute Hill, Lexington *^*The Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. “B"’ .... Newport News — Niemeyer, A. B., Jr. 5 . 85 Alywin Rd., Cradock, Portsmouth Nordlie, Dr. Peter G. 10 . Human Sci. Res,, Inc., 1408 N. Filmore St., Arlington 1 Norfolk & Western Railway Co. B .. Attn; Mr. Martin P. Burks, Roanoke 17 Norment, C. Russell, Jr. 11, 5, 2 . ETlerson -Norris, Dean Earle B. 7, 2 . P.O. Box 26, Blacksburg Nuckols, J. T., HI 8, 7 . P.O. Box 9138, Richmond 27 Nugent, T. J. 1 . Box 2160, Norfolk Nuwavser, Elie S. C, 5 . 105 Maple Ave., Richmond 26 — Obenshain, Dr. S. S. 8 . Blacksburg O’Donohue, Mrs. Cynthia H. 5 . 2903 Monument Ave, Apt. 2 Richmond 21 O’Donohue, W. J., Jr. 9 . 2903 Monument Ave., Apt. 2, Richmond 21 —Oglesby, Prof. E. j. 2 . Box 1887, Univ. Sta, Charlottesville Old, Mrs James E., Jr. 4 . P.O, Box 69, Point Harbor, N. C Oldham, A. M. 5 . 1507 Young St., Richmond 22 Olivier, Dr. Charles P. 2 . 521 North Wvnnewood Ave., Narberth, Pa. —O’Neill, Charles T. . P.O. Box 711, Charlottesville O’Neil, Mrs. Paul G. 2 . 4610 Stuart Ave., Richmond 26 Orcutt, Dr. F. S. 3, 4, 5 . . 1305 Hillcrest Dr., Blacksburg O’Rear, Charles Edward 5 . 1101 State Office Bldg., Richmond 19 Osborne, J. Scott, Jr. 5 . 8719 Old Spring Rd., Richmond 25 O.sborne, Dr. Paul J. 4 . Lvnchburg College, Lynchburg Osborne, W. Wvatt 4 . Dept. Plant Pathology, V.P.I., Blacksburg Osvalds, Dr. V. 2 . P.O. Box 3445, Univ. Sta., Charlottesville Overcash, H B. 4 . Hampden-Sydnev Owen, Dr. Fletcher B., Jr. 9, 5 . 1407 Cummings Dr., Richmond 20 Packard, Charles E. 4 . 501 S. Center St., Ashland Pallotta, Dr. Arthur J. 5, 9 . Bionetics Research Lab., Inc., Box 26, Falls Church Pardue, Dr. Louis A. 2 . 1005 Airport Rd., Blacksburg Pare, Edward E. 2 . College of Wm. and M. in Norfolk, Hampton Blvd. & Bolling Ave., Norfolk Parker, M. M. 1 . Box 2160, Norfolk Parrott, W. T. 8 . 2015 Montagu Dr., Bon Air 35 Parsons, Dr. William A. 7, 5 . 104 Highland Ave., Blacksburg Partlow, Benjamin W. 5 . Box 518, Madison College, Harrisonburg Patterson, Dr. John L., Jr. 9 . Box 282, MCV Station, Richmond 19 Patterson, Dr. Paul M. 4 . Hollins College Patton, James, B., Jr. 6 . State Dept, of Edu., State Office Bldg., Richmond 338 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Paul, Lee E. 10 . M&S, FEA, Fort Lee Peabody, Dr. William A. 5, 9 . 4805 Brook Rd., Riehmond Pearman, Jacqueline F. 9 . P. O. Box 465, Mechanicsville Pearman, Thomas B. 5 . Box 465, Mechanicsville Pedersen, P. M. 5, 2, 7, 12 . 4712 New Kent Rd., Richmond 25 Pegau, Lucy Byrd 4 . 1808 Winston Rd., Charlottesville Perkins, Mrs. Frances R. 11, 2 7704 Hampshire Rd., Richmond 29 Pertzoff, Dr. V. A. 2 . 1820 Edgewood Lane, Charlottesville Perry, 1. Blairvne 11 . 138 Union St., Hampton —Perry, John L. 2 . 216 Fairlawn Ave., Norfolk 12 Peters, Capt. Philip B. 2 Dept, of Phys., V.M.L, Lexington Petterson, Olga M. 9 Box 727, MCV Station, Richmond Pettus, William G. 2 . 410 Riverside Dr., Lynchburg Phillips, Dr. E. Lakin 10 . 415 E. Jefferson St., Falls Church Phillips, Mrs. Margaret C. 2 . 114 Conway Ave., Norfolk 5 Phipps and Bird, Inc. B . 303 South 6th St., Richmond Pickral, Colonel George M. 5 . 501 Brooke Lane, Lexington —Pierce, Dr. J. Stanton 5 . 813 Roseneath Rd., Richmond 21 Pinschmidt, William C., Jr. 4 . 3206 Normandy Ave., Fredericksburg —Pitt, Lyndele A. 4, 5, 11 . 4303 New Kent Ave., Richmond 25 Pittman, Dr. Melvin A. 2 . College of Wm. and M., Williamsburg Pitts, Prof. Frank P. 5 . Medical College of Va., Richmond Pitts, Dr. Grover C. 9 Dept, of Physiology School of Medicine, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville Poates, Francis W. 11 . Box 32, Courtland Pond, John W. 3 . 3916 Pilots Lane, Apt. 5, Richmond 22 Porter, H. C. 1, 8 . 1400 Crestview Dr., Blacksburg Powell, James R. C, 4 . Dept, of Biology, V.P.L, Blacksburg Powell, Dr. W. Allan 5 . Box 86, Univ. of Richmond, Richmond **Powers and Anderson . 603 E. Main St., Richmond *Wm. P. Poythress & Co., Inc. 5, 9 . Attn: A. G. Richardson, Chief Chemist, Box 2158, Richmond 17 Preston, L. W., Jr. 12 . 1407 Cummings Dr., Richmond 20 Price, Nelson O. 5, 9 . 107 Wharton St, Blacksburg Puckett, Dr. Hugh 4 . College of Wm. and M., Norfolk Pugh, Jean E. 4 . Norfolk College of Wm. and M., Norfolk Pullen, Dr. E. W. 9 . Dept. Anatomy, Univ. of Va. Medical School, Charlottesville Pulliam, Miss Elizabeth 3 . 3516 Stuart Ave Apts., Richmond 21 —Quarles, Dr. Lawrence R. 7 . Thornton Hall, U. of Va., Charlottesville Rabinowitz, David 8, 4, 2 . 839 14th St., Newport News Rageot, Roger . Norfolk Museum of Art & Sciences, Norfolk 10 ^Ragland, Richard S. 2 . 6252 S. Glenoakes St., (855-EO), Murray 7, Utah Proceedings 1961-1962 339 1962] Ramsey, E. W. 8 . 7557 Marilea Rd., Richmond 25 Ramsey, John B., Jr. 2, 7 . 1420 Abingdon Dr., Apt. 201, Alexandria Ramsey, M. M. 8 . 126 Observatory Ave., Charlottesville —Ramsey, Dr. Robert W. 9 . Jordan Park Apts., 1402 Fernhill Dr., Fullerton, Penn a. *Randolph-Macon Woman’s College . Lynchburg Randolph, W. B. F. 5, 3 . 2813 Keller Ave., Norfolk 9 Rappaport, Dr. Jacques 4 . Miller School of Biology, Charlottesville Rasberrv, Stanley D. C., 2 6309 64th Ave., Apt. 3, East Riverdale, Md. Ratchford, Dr. J. Thomas 2 . Dept, of Physics, Wash. & Lee Univ., Lexington Ravburn, Dr. C. H. 5 5212 Devonshire Rd., Richmond Redd, John B., Jr. 4 . Box 43, Powhatan Redden, Prof. j. A. 8 . Geology Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg Reeves, Major John H. 4 . Biology Dept., V.M.I., Lexington Reid, Dr. J. Douglas 3 Univ. Heights, R.FD 13, Richmond Reitz, John E. 4 . 1414 Gordon Ave., Charlottesville Remsburg, Mrs. Vera B. 4 . 284 Locust St., Herndon ^Rennie, C. Bruce 1, 7, 5 . Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp., 401 East Main St., Richmond ^Rennie, James G., Jr. 2 . 1302 Greycourt Ave., Richmond 27 Revnolds, Charlotte Frances C, 4 . Star Route, Chatham Revnolds Metals Company . Attn: Mr. R. S. Reynolds, Jr., 6601 West Broad St., Richmond 30 Rex, Alan C, 4 . Box 5308 Virginia Tech Sta., Blacksburg Rice, Dr. Nolan E. 4 . Box 169, Univ. of Richmond, Richmond Rich, Dr. C. I. 1 . Box 481, Blacksburg Rich, Dr. Gilbert J. 10 . 406 Allison Ave., S.W., Roanoke Richards, Walter L., Jr 4 . 1502 Cedar Lane, Richmond 25 Richardson, Dr Annie L. 4 . Norfolk Div., Va. State College, Norfolk Richardson ,Ruth E. 11, 2 . 2825 Midlothian Pike, Richmond 24 Richardson, Prof. W. 2 . 401 Roanoke St., Blacksburg Ridley, Bromfield L. . Dept, of Biology, V.M.L, Lexington Risley, Miss A. Marguerite 2 . Box 63, R.M.W.C, Lynchburg —Risen, J Waddell . 1008 Mutual Building, Richmond 19 Ritchey, Col. H. E. 5 . 213 Maiden Lane, Lexington Rittenbury, Dr. Max S. 9 . 8327 Whitewood Rd., Richmond 25 Roane, Curtis W. 1, 4 . Dept. Plant Path. & Phys., V.P.I., Blacksburg A. H. Robbins Company, Inc B . 1407 Cummings Dr, Richmond Roberts, Clarence E . 265 Richneck Rd., Denbeigh Roberts, Dr. Joseph K. 8 . Box 528, Hartsville, S. C. Roberts, J. W. 7 . 3204 Hawthorne Ave., Richmond 22 —Roberts, Dr. Phyllis S. 9, 5 . 608 Gaskins Rd., Richmond 29 Robeson, Dr. Andrew 2 . Kelsey Lane, Blacksburg 340 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Quality Proceedings 1961-1962 341 1962] Robey, Dr. Ashley 5 . P.O. Box 421, Salem Robinson, Walter E. 11, 5 . 1901 Effingham St., Portsmouth Rodger, E. E. 1 . 1427 Gentry Lane, Charlottesville Rodig, Dr. Oscar R. 5 . Cobb Chemical Lab., U. of Va., Charlottesville Rose, Dale E. 11, 5 . Hampton High School, Hampton Rosenblatt, Prof. David 12, 4, 2 . 4220 Columbia Pike, Arlington 4 Rosenblatt, Dr. Joan Raup 12 . 4220 Columbia Pike, Arlington 4 Ross, Robert R. 4 . 614 Airport Rd., Blacksburg Ross, Sam J., Jr. 1 . P.O. Box 113, Madison Rosser, Shirley E. 2 . Lynchburg College, Lynchburg Row, Dr. Stuart B . 206 Eakin St., Blacksburg Rowe, Dr. Frederick B. 10 . 2209 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg Rowe, Maurice B. 1 . Room 304, 203 Governor St., Richmond 19 Rowell, Dr. J. O. 4 305 Price Hall, V.P.I., Blacksburg —Rowlett, Dr. Russell J., Jr. 5 . 4606 Wythe Ave, Richmond Rozsa, Dr. George 9, 5 . 6 Lexington Ave., Buffalo 22, N. Y. Rucker, Isabelle P. 11 . State Dept, of Education, Richmond Rudolph, Dr. Rosser A., Jr. 5 . 1100 Meadow Dr., Ellerson Runk, Dean B. F. D. 4 . Box 3727, Univ. Sta., Charlottesville Russell, Dr. Catherine M. 3 Dept, of Micro-Biology, Univ. of Va. Medical School, Charlottesville —Russell, Edgar V., Jr. 5 . Dept, of Chemistry, V.P.I., Blacksburg Ryman, Jacob F. 2 . Box 147, Blacksburg —Sacks, Dr. Jerome H. 9 . Box 273, MCV Station, Richmond 19 Sadie, Dr. Alexander 5 Nitrogen Div., Allied Chemical and Dye Corp., Hopewell Sadler, O. P. 11 . . Buckingham Central H. S., Buckingham Sadler, Mavis Marlene 4 . Rt. 2, Wytheville Said, Dr. Sami I. 9 Dept, of Medicine, MCV Sta., Richmond 19 Samuel, Boyd L. 5, 1 . 1101 State Office Bldg., Richmond 19 Sanders, Jerrell 2 . 1546 Berkeley Ave., Petersburg —Sanger, Dr. Vv^m. T. 9, 10, 6 . Medical College of Va., Richmond Sander, Major William C. 2 . 248 Stanmore Rd., Baltimore 12, Md. —Scherer, Dr. J. H. 9 . 820 W. Franklin St., Richmond Scherer, W. B. 10 . Box 6113, Richmond 22 Schillo, Richard J. 10 . 517 Valley Drive, S.E., Vienna —Schmidt, R. C. 5 . Box 5262, Richmond Schneider, Dr. Joseph 5 .... P.O. Box (Apartado) 5858, Guayquil, Ecuador Schoenbaum, Alexander W. 5, 7 . 403 Beechwood Dr, Richmond Schwager Robert G. 4 . Biology Dept., U. of Va., Charlottesville Scott, Frances Deane 10, 6 . Woodstock Apt. 12, Lynchburg Scott, Frederic R. 4, 2 . 115 Kennondale Lane, Richmond 26 Scott, Marvin W. 4 . Longwood College, Farmville ** Scott and Stringfellow . Richmond 342 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Scott, Dr. William W. 4 . Dept. Biology, V.P.I., Blacksburg Sears, C. E. 8, 7 . Box 522, Blacksburg Sears, Dr. D. Scott 5 . 8131 Sawmill Ave., Richmond 29 Seligman, Dr. Robert B. 5 . Box 3-D, Richmond 6 Seymour, Roland 4 . Dept, of Biology, V.P.I., Blacksburg Sharpley, J. M. 3 . Box 846, Fredericksburg Shelburne, Tilton E. 7,8 . Box 3817, Univ. Sta., Charlottesville Shelton, George E. 5 . Box 6-S, Richmond 17 Shepherd, Mary G. 11, 5, 4 . 1643 Center Hill Dr., S.W., Roanoke Sheppard, Dr. L. Benjamin 9 . 301 Medical Arts Bldg., Richmond —Sherwood, G. S., Ill 5, 6, 8 . Ill West Rd., Portsmouth Shields, A. Randolph 4 . 2318 10th St., N.W., Roanoke Shillington, Dr. James K. 5 . Box 557, Lexington Sholes, Dr. Dillard M., Jr. 5, 9 203 West G, Elizabethton, Tenn. Shuey, Dr. Audrey M. 10 . 1059 Rivermont Ter., Lynchburg *Shufflebarger, T. E., Jr. 8 . 606 Midday Lane, Alexandria Siegel, Dr .Herbert S. 1 . Poultry Dept., Va. Agr. Exp. Sta, Blacksburg Siegel, Dr. Paul B. 1 . Poultry Dept., V.P.L, Blacksburg —Silas, Dr. Gordon 10 . Roanoke College, Salem Silverberg, Dr. Jacob 10 . 2706 Melbourne Dr., Richmond 25 Simmons, Roberta K. 10 . 1102 Colonial Ave., Norfolk Simpkins, Pocahontas C, 4 . Box 1066, Radford College, Radford Simpson, Dr. R. L., Jr. 6, 9 . MCV, Richmond —Simpson, Dr. T. McN., Jr. 2 . Ashland —Singleton, O. R., Jr. 7 14 Lexington Rd., Richmond 26 —Singleton, Dr. W. Ralph 4 . Dept, of Biology, U. of Va., Charlottesville Sinnott, Allen 8 . 32 Merritt Dr., Trenton, N. J. Sitler, Miss Ida 4 . R.D. 1, Leighton, Penna. Skinner, W. French 3, 9 . 5702 York Rd., Richmond 26 Slocum, Robert R. 2 . Col. of Win. & M. in Norfolk, Hampton Blvd. & Bolling Ave., Norfolk — Sloope, Billy W 2 . 8717 Avalon Ave., Richmond 29 Smart, Col. C. W. 5 . 449 Institute Hill, Lexington Smart, Grover C., Jr .4 . Tidewater Res. Sta., Holland * Smart, Dr. Robert F. 4, 2 . Dean’s Office Univ. of Richmond Smiddy, Joseph C. 4 . Clinch Valley College, Wise Smith, Alvin H. 10, 6 . Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney Smith, Bessie C. 10 . 26 Elm St., Newport News Smith, Dr. Burke M. 10 . 1649 Brandywine Dr., Charlottesville —Smith, Foley F. 5, 9, 1 . Box 1420, Richmond Smith, Garland W. 7 . R.F.D. 2, York, Penna. Smith, Harry L. 1, 4 . 3404 Martin Ave., Richmond Smith, Howard C., 4 . Biology Dept., U. of Va., Charlottesville Smith, Dr. J. Doyle 5 . Medical College of Va., Richmond Proceedings 1961-1962 343 1962] Smith, Pauline 11 . Route 2, Box 434, Manassas * Smith, R. Blackwell 9 . 606 MCV Station, Richmond 19 Smith, Robert L. 5 . 940 West Teak St., Brea, Calif. Smithev, Dr. William R., Jr. 5 . Research Dept., Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp., Richmond Snead, Mrs. Ellis Pollard 11, 4 . Carysbrook Snyder, Maywood 5 . Southern States Coop., Richmond Sommerville, Dr. R. C. 10 . 307 Vernon St., Lynchburg S.O.S. Science Club . Bedford High School, Bedford Sorensen, Harold F. 10 . 8001 Crescent Rd., Norfolk 8 Southern Materials Co., Inc. B . Attn: E. M. Gourley, Vice President, Norfolk 1 Speidel, Dr. Carl C. 9, 4 . Dept, of Anatomy, Medical School, U. of Virginia, Charlottesville Spencer, Dr. Edgar W. 8 . Geology Dept., Wash. & Lee U., Lexington Sprague, Elizabeth F. 2 . Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar Stanback, Mrs. B. A. 11, 4 . 1415 Ellington Square, Portsmouth Stapelkamp, Mrs. Joan L. 5 . Research Lab., American Tobacco Co., 400 Petersburg Pike, Richmond 24 Starling, Dr. James 4 . Main St., Lexington State Planters Bk. of Commerce & Trusts . Attn: Rawley F. Daniel, Richmond 14 Steeves, Harrison S. C, 4 . 1962 Lewis Mt. Rd., Charlottesville Steinhardt, R. G., Jr. 5, 2 . Hollins College Stern, Dr. E. George 7 . Box 361, Blacksburg Stevens, Eleanor B. 11, 2, 5, 4 . Foxcroft School, Middleburg —Stevens, Dr. Kenneth P. 9, 4 . 404 E. Nelson St., Lexington —Stevenson, Dr. Edward C. 2 . Box 1893, Univ. Sta., Charlottesville Stewart, Franklin B. 1 . P.O. Box 2160, Norfolk Stewart, John W. 2 Dept, of Physics, McCormick Rd., Charlottesville Stewart, Lawrence L., Jr. 5 . 3845 Caulder Court, Richmond 24 Stewart, Miss Roberta A. 5 . Box 634, Hollins College Stone, Mrs. Ruth M. 4, 2 . 250 Summit Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ^Strauss, Admiral Lewis L. 2, 1, 9 . Brandy Farm, Brandy Station Strickland, Dr. John C. 4 . Biology Dept., U. of Richmond, Richmond ^*Strudwick, Edmund, Jr . R.F.D. 2, Powhatan Suter, Daniel B. 4 . Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg * Sweet Briar College . Sweet Briar Swem, Dr. Earl G. 6 . 119 Chandler Court, Williamsburg Swertferger, Dr. Floyd F. 6, 10 . Longwood College, Farmville — Swezey, Dr. F. H. 5 . Box 1071, Waynesboro Swink, E. T. 7 . 910 Preston Ave., Blacksburg Talley, Claude P. 5 . 3442 Northview St., Richmond Tatem, Charles E. 4 . 1301 W. 51st St., Apt. 2, Norfolk 8 344 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Representing the Most Respected Manufacturers in the Laboratory Supply Industry Corning Glass ® Kimble Glass • Coors Porcelain • Nalge Plastics • Sheldon Furniture ® Beckman Instruments ® Coleman Instru¬ ments • American Optical Com¬ pany ® Bausch & Lomb, Inc. • Eberbach Corporation • Inter¬ national Equipment Company ® Burrell Corporation • Labora¬ tory Equipment Company • Ainsworth Balance ® Ohaus Balance • U.S. Stoneware ® J. T. Baker Chemicals ® Mal- linckrodt Chemicals • Matheson Coleman & Bell Organics ® Precision Scientific Company • Labline, Inc. • Thermolyne Corporation • Buehler, Ltd. ® Baltimore Biological ® Difco Laboratories ® Wm. Boekel & Company ® Humboldt Manufac¬ turing Company ® Hevi-Duty Electric Company ® W. A. Taylor Company ® Sartorious Balance ® Torsion Balance ® Hellige, Inc. ® Plus Many Others. Serving the South for over 35 years 7 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT / M / «TH & BYRD STREETS — RICHMOND, VA. PHONE MI 4-5401 Proceedings 1961-1962 345 1962] Taylor, Gerald R., Jr. 2 . 3119 Hanover Ave., Richmond 21 Taylor, Henry M. 12 . Ravenswood, 8718 Fiver Rd., Richmond 26 —Taylor, Jackson J. 2 . Univ. of Richmond, Richmond Taylor, Dr. L. H. 1 . Agronomy Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg Taylor, Mabel K. 11, 4 . 9001 Thalia Dr., Lynnhaven —Taylor, Dr. Mildred E. 2 . Mary Baldwin College, Staunton Taylor, Dr. Raymond L. 4 . 1820 N. Johnson St., Arlington 7 Teass, F. Alex 4 . 239 S. Princeton Circle, Lynchburg Tebo, Dr. Edith J. 2 . 53 East End Ave., Shrewsburg, N. J. Temple, William T. 5 . 1712 Monticello Ave., Petersburg Tenney, Eleanor 11, 4 . 1507 Cutshaw PL, Richmond 26 Tenney, Dr. Wilton R. 3 . Box 414, University of Richmond *The Texaco Experiment Inc. . Box 1-T, Zone 2, Richmond — Thalhimer, Morton G . . 4 Paxton Rd., Richmond 26 Thaxton, Mrs. Joe J., Jr. 11 . 746 Peaks St., Bedford Thomas, Herbert H. 1 . 5613 Coppedge Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Thomas, Dr. John A. 9 . Dept, of Pharmacology, U. of Va. M. S., Charlottesville Thompson, Prof. Claude C. 2 . Dept, of Mathematics, Hollins College —Thompson, Dr. Dorothy D. 2 Box 32, Sweet Briar Col., Sweet Briar Thompson, Ertle 5, 11 . 1810 Chelsea Dr.. Charlottesville Thompson, Frank E., Jr. 11, 4 . 4520 Newport St., Richmond Thompson, Jesse C. 4 . . Biology Dept., Hollins College, Hollins Thompson, Norman R. 4 . Dairy Sc. Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg ^Thompson, Dr. W. T., Jr. 9 . MCV Hospital, Richmond 19 *Thomsen, Dr. Lillian 4 . Marv Baldwin College, Staunton Thornton, Dr. Nan V. 5 . Box 292, R.M.W.C., Lynchburg —Thornton, Dr. S. F. 1 . P.O. Box 1940, Norfolk — Thurmaier, Dr. Roland Joseph . 2514 Cortland St., Waynesboro Tischler, Morris S. 11, 5 . Fairfax High School, Fairfax Tobler, Henry, 111 11, 2 . 45 Grattan St., Harrisonburg Toker, William J. 2 . Dept, of Physics, V.M.L, Lexington Tolbert, Dr. E. L. 10 . Madison College, Harrisonburg Toone, Dr. Elam C., Jr. 9 . 1200 East Broad St., Richmond Totten, A. I., Jr. 7 . Reynolds Metal Co., 1519 Summit Ave., Richmond Trainer, Frank W. 8 . Dept, of Geology, U. of Va., Charlottesville Trout, Dr. William E., Jr. 5 . Box 216, U. of Richmond, Richmond Trout, William E., Ill C, 4 . Dept, of Zoology, Indiana U., Blomington, Indiana Troutman, Joseph L. 1 . Va. Agr. Expt. Sta., Chatham Truitt, Prof. R. W. 7 . Mech. Engr. Dept., N. C. State Col., Raleigh, N. C. Tucker, Capt. John R. 2 . Dept, of Physics, V.M.L, Lexington —Turner, Edward F., Jr. 2 . 13 University PL, Lexington 346 The Virginia Journal of Science [September —Turner, Dr. J. V., Jr. 9 . 804 Professional Bldg., Richmond Turner, Dr. Malcolm E. 12 . 7007 Lakewood Dr., Richmond 29 Ulrich, Dale 2 . 506 7th St., N.E., Charlottesville * University of Richmond . Attn: Dr. Charles Wheeler, Univ. of Richmond —Updike, Dr. O. L., Jr. 7, 5 Thornton Hall, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville —Updike, Dr. I. A. 5, 6 . 304 Henry St., Ashland Updike, Dr. Winifred W. 5 . 304 Henry St., Ashland Uttal, Leonard J. 1 . Route 3, Madison Heights —Valentine, C. Braxton 5, 9 . Box 7306, Richmond 21 Valentine, Granville G., Jr. 5, 9, 3 . Box 7306, Richmond 21 VanEngel, Willard A. 4 Va. Inst, of Marine Science, Gloucester Point Varnier, H. E. 7 . 3510 Clydewood Ave., Richmond 24 — Varsel, Charles 5 . 7825 Granite Hall Ave., Richmond 25 Vaughan, Dr. John D. 5 . 217 Washington St., Blacksburg Vaughan, Laura M. C, 4 . Box 1185, Radford College, Radford Vaughan, Dr. W. S., Jr. 10 . 1407 Alice Court, Falls Church Via, Betty Carolyn 4 . 2228 Carter Rd., Roanoke VingieTlo, Dr. Frank A. 5 . 107 Monta Vista Dr., Blacksburg Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp . Research Dept. Library, Box 1136, Richmond 8 Virginia Chemicals & Smelting Co. B . Attn: Dr. M. A. Kise, Dir. of Research, West Norfolk * Virginia Military Institute . Lexington *Va. Polytechnic Institute Library . Blacksburg Volk, Dr. Wesley A. 4 . Dept .of Microbiology, School of Med., Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville Wagner, John R . 9266 Piney Branch Rd., Silver Spring, Md. Walker, Frank S., Jr. 1 . Rosni Farms Inc., Orange Walker, Dr. Paul A. 4 . Dept, of Biology, R.M.W.C., Lynchburg Walker, R. J. 9, 1, 6 . P.O. Box 313, Newport News Wallace, Donald S. 7 . Box 3094, Univ. Sta., Charlottesville Wallerstein, Dr. Emanuel U. 9 . Professional Bldg., Richmond Walsh, Mrs. Martha L. 11, 5 . B-29 Coleman Hill, Bowdoin, Col., Brunswick, Maine Walton, Clarence R. 3 . 1213 Graystone Ave., Richmond 24 Walton, Dr. Leon 9 . 713 Shenandoah Life Bldg., Roanoke —Walton, Miss Lucile 4 . 1116 East Main St., Danville —Walton, Miss Margaret 4 . 1116 East Main St., Danville Wrad, Dr. John W. 5, 9 . A. H. Robins Co., Inc., 1407 Cummings Dr., Richmond —Ward, L. E., Jr. 1, 7 . One Morris St., Apt. 408, Charleston, W. Va. Warren, C. O., Jr. 4 . Biology Dept., V.P.I., Blacksburg Warren, Dr. Percy H. 4 . Madison College, Harrisonburg Warren, R. L. 5 . Frederick College, Portsmouth 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 347 — Wartman, William B., Jr. 5 1020 Horsepen Rd., Richmond 29 ^Washington & Lee University Dr. William H. Hinton, Lexington Watkins, Miss Leslie V. 2, 4 419 Day Ave., S.W., Roanoke Watson, Douglas F. 9 109 Sunset Boulevard, Blacksburg Watson, Dr. John W. 5 . Box 75, Blacksburg Watson, Dr. William L. 1 . Box 327, Va. State Col., Petersburg Watt, Dr. William J. 5 Dept, of Chemistry, W. & L. U., Lexington Weaver, Miss L. M. 11, 2 Huntington High School, Newport News —Weaver, Col. R. C. 2 404 V.M.I. Parade, Lexington Weaver, Dr, Warren E. 5, 9, 6 5910 Upham Dr., Richmond 27 -Webb, L. W., Jr. 2, 7 . 5234 Edgewater Dr., Norfolk 8 Weeks, Edna M. 11 . Box 614, Salem —Weeks, Elie 12 Chief, Food and Container Branch, QMR & DFEA, Weems, Norman H. 4 Weiland, Elizabeth 4 Weir, Dr. Robert J. 1 Wells, Carolyn 4 —West, Warwick R., Jr. 4 Fort Lee Box 9, Frederick Col., Portsmouth 3634 Fort Ave., Lynchburg Hazelton Lab., Box 30, Falls Church Dept. Biology, Longwood Col., Farmville Box 248, U, of Richmond, Richmond Westbrook, Dr. C. Hart 10 . 17 Towana Rd., Richmond Westbrook, John James, III 5 . Box 574, Chester — Whidden, Miss Helen L. 5, 2 Dept, of Chemistry, R.M.W.C., Lynchburg White, John E. 12 . Bridgewater College, Bridgewater Whitehead, W. Dexter, Jr. 2 Physics Dept., U. of Va., Charlottesville Whitehurst, Prof. W. H. 4 . Box 422, Lawrenceville Whitlow, Arline 11, 4 . . Rt. 1, Gladys Whittemore, Dean J. W. 6, 7 900 Draper Rd., Blacksburg Whittenburg, Dr. John A. 217 51st St., Virginia Beach Whyburn, Gordon T. 2 Pavilion HI, West Lawn, U. of Va., Charlottesville 4 . . . 604 John St., Ashland 2 . Box 241, Amherst . . . 900 Rutherford Rd., Richmond 25 Will, Prof. P. K. 7 . . . Dept. Mech. Engr., V.P.L, Blacksburg —Willey, C. R. 4 Room 325, 203 N. Governor St., Richmond 19 Williams, Dr. A. S. 1 . Dept, of Plant Path. & Phys, V.P.L, Blacksburg * '^Williams, Dr. Carrington 9 805 West Franklin St., Richmond 20 ** Williams, Lewis C. 6, 12, 10 . 1309 State Planters Bank Bldg., Richmond 19 -Williams, Dr. Stanley B. 10 . Dept, of Psych., Wm. & M. Col. Williamsburg Williams, Mrs. Stanley B. 10 . 504 Newport Ave., Williamsburg Williamson, T. G. 7 Dept .of Nuclear Engr., U. of Va., Charlottesville Wills, Wirt H. 1, 4 . Box 430, Chatham Wickham, James E., Jr. 5, Wikswo, Mrs. Leonora A. Wilev, Robert M. 5 348 The Virginia Journal of Science [September Schizophrenic! The new lQ-213 won’t believe it is merely a cal¬ culator. It is. But it refuses to act like one. Too limiting. It solves problems with greater speed and fewer operator decisions than any previ¬ ous calculator ever has, reducing most com¬ putational activity to mere push-button pro¬ cedures. It stores ten digit constants in its memory for recall whenever you want them. It enables you to multiply a large constant by a smaller variable. It even recalls constant di¬ visors from memory— something no calculator has ever before been able to do— thereby elim¬ inating the need for reciprocals in most prob¬ lems. All at the touch of a single button! Addi¬ tionally, it automatically programs itself for every calculation, removing the need for any manual positioning, clearing, or setting when changing from one arithmetic sequence to another ... and eliminates the physical han¬ dling of intermediate figures usually neces¬ sary on ordinary calculators. (In a three-factor problem, each figure can be loaded into the machine before the first multiplication takes place. Press the button and the problem un¬ ravels itself!) What's more, it automatically accumulates multipliers (as a by-product of squaring in standard deviation) and quotients (in correlation work). No wonder It rebels at being categorized with machines so much more limited! Actually, it Is simply the most automatic and most accurate calculator ever produced, well worth its price of one thousand eighty-five dollars. See for yourself. Call your local Monroe representative (he's listed In the phone book) for a demonstration today. MONROS [B GENERAL OFFICES: ORANGE, NEW JERSEY • A DIVISION OF LITTON INDUSTRIES 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 349 Wilson, Dr. 1. D. 9, 4, 1 . 1303 Oak Dr., Blacksburg Wilson, John M. 8 . 1712 Jefferson Park Ave., Charlottesville Wiltshire, Mrs. James W., Jr. 4 . R.M.W.C., Lynchburg Wine, Dr. R. Lowell, 12 . Rt. 1, Box 311, Roanoke Wingard, S. A. 4, 1 . Box 425, V.P.L, Blacksburg Wingfield, Dr. Harvey N., Jr. 9 . Box 395, Rt. 1, Glen Allen Wingo, Dr. Alfred L. 6, 5, 1, 10 . State Board of Edu., Richmond Winsten, Dr, Benjamin 10 . 126 Thirtieth St., Newport News Winter, John A. 12 . 216 Easterlv Parkway, State College, Penna. Wise, E. Spencer 11, 4 . 5106 Atlantic Ave., Virginia Beach Wise, Dr. John H. 5, 2, 6 . Dept, of Chem., W. & L. U., Lexington Wisman, Dr. E. L. 5 . Dept, of Biochem. & Nut., V.P.L, Blacksburg Wood, Dr. John Thornton 4, 9, 10 , 1528 Creenview Dr., Ann Arbor, Mich. Wood, Robert S . care Dr. Russell Bethel, St. Anne’s Road, Meadowbrook Heights, Charlottesville Woodland, Dr. John T. 4 . 113 Gainsboro St., Boston 15, Mass. Woods, Dr. Paul J. 10 . Hollins College, Hollins —Woodson, Bernard R., Jr. 4 . Va. State Col., Petersburg Woolcott, WiUiam S. 4 . . Box 248, Univ. of Richmond Worshab, James E., Jr. 5, 2 . Box 27, Univ. of Richmond Wright, H. E., Jr. 5 . 5500 Queensl3ury Rd., Richmond Wright, Mary P. 5 . 609 Roseneath Rd., Richmond 21 Yoe, Dr. John H. 5 . Dept, of Chem., U. of Va., Charlottesville —York, James E., Jr. 5 . 1006 Bay wood Court, Richmond Youden, Dr. W. J. 12 . Natl. Bur. of Standards, Washington 25, D. C. *Young, Dr. Fred W., Jr. 5 . 7213 Sheffield Dr., Knoxville 19, Tenn. Young, Dr. H. N. 1 . Box 66, Blacksburg *^Young, Dr. Nelson F. 5 . MCV Hospital, Richmond 19 —Young Roderick W. 1 . Box 66, Blacksburg Young, Dr. Robert S. 8 . 113 Bennington Rd., Charlottesville Zaneveld, Dr. Jacques S. 4 . 1334 Upper Brandon PL, Norfolk — Zipf, Dr. Elizabeth M. 4 . 316 Kingston Ave., Barrington, N. J. Zirkle, Leon F. 11, 2 . 715 Spruce St., Martinsville Zolik, Dr. Edwin S. 10 . 2605 Valley Dr., Alexandria Zuk, Dr. William 7 . Thornton Hall, U. of Va., Charlottesville Zung, Prof. Joseph 5, 2 601 College Ter., Williamsburg Acquisitions Division . A. R. Mann Library, Ithaca, N .Y. The Library S . American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West 2t 79th St., New York City 24, N. Y. Mary Helen Cochran Library . Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar Foundren Library . S. M. U., Dallas 5, Texas General Library . Periodicals Recording Clerk, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois Librarian . Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney 350 The Virginia Journal of Science [September D. H. Hill Library . North Carolina State College, Raleigh, N. C. George Mason Collection . University of Virginia Library, 5836 Colum¬ bia Pike, Alexandria Order No. L-50909 S . Michigan State College, Library Department, East Lansing, Mich. National Library of Medicine . Washington 25, D. C. Cos. Nauchn. Biblioteka . Minist. Vyssh. Obraz., Pi. Nogina 2-5, Moscow, USSR Library . Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co . Research Dept.— Library Subs. Winston Salem, N. C., U.S.A 58-19933 Richmond Professional Inst . Attn: Rosamond McCanless, Librn., 901 West Franklin St., Richmond 20 Richmond Public Library . 101 East Franklin St., Richmond 19 Serials Division . Harvard College Library, Cambridge 38, Mass. Texaco Experiment Incorp . Library, Post Office Box 1-T, Richmond 2 U. S. Dept, of Ag . Animal Disease & Parasite Research Div., ARS, Beltsville Parasitological Lab., Beltsville, Md. Virginia Fisheries Laboratory . Gloucester Point Library . Virginia State College, 2401 Corprew Ave., Norfolk 4 West Virginia University Library . V54814, Morgantown, W. Va. Filial Biblioteki Akademii Nauk SSSR . Ballijsky Pos. 42-G, Moscow D-219, USSR 1962] Proceedings 1961-1962 351 BUSINESS MEMBERS VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company Allied Chemical Corporation The American Tobacco Company Dan River Mills The Dow Chemical Company E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. First and Merchants National Bank General Electric Company Larus and Brother Company, Inc. The Newport News Shipbuilding Company Foundation Norfolk and Western Railway Company Philip Morris and Company, Limited, Inc. Phipps and Bird, Inc. Reynolds Metals Company A. H. Robins Company Southern Materials Company State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation \'irginia Chemicals and Smelting Company I !■!•! ;V- /• The Annual Subscription Rate is $3.00, and the cost of a single number, $1.00. Reprints are available only if ordered when gaUey proof is returned. AU orders except those involving exchanges should be addressed to Carl W. Allen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. The University of Virginia Library has exclusive exchange arrangements, and communications relative to exchange should be addressed to The Librarian, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Notice To Contributors Contributions to the Journal should be addressed to Paul B. Siegel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. If any preliminary notes have been published on the subject which is submitted a statement to that effect must accompany the manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate, typewritten in double spacing on standard 8 1/2" X 11" paper, with at least a one inch margin on all sides. Manuscripts are limited to seven pages, with the proviso that if additional pages are desired, the author may obtain them at cost. The author may estimate the length of his paper by counting the total number of characters, including blank spaces, and dividing this by 3300. The result is the approxi¬ mate number of printed pages in the Journal. Division of the manuscript into subheadings must follow a consistent plan. It Is desir¬ able that a brief summary be included in all manuscripts. Footnotes should be included in the body of the manuscript immediately following the reference, and set off by a dashedline above and below the footnote content. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the manuscript. References should be arranged alphabetically according to author. Each reference should include the date, full title of the article, the name of the Journal, the volume and pages. For example: Harvie, L. E. and S. P. Maroney, Jr., 1961. Respiration and hemolysis of ultra¬ violet irradiated frog erythrocytes. Va. Jour. Sci. 12:1-9. References to the bibliographic citations should not be made by numbers. Instead, using the above citation, where a reference is desired: either (Harvie and Maroney, 1961) or Harvie and Maroney (1961). Explanation of graphs and tabular material should be lyped on separate pages. All figures should be numbered consecutively beginning with the first text figure and continuing through the plates, if figures are to be inserted in the text this should be indicated at the appropriate place in the margin. Illustrations including lettering, should be arranged so that on reduction they will not exceed the dimensions of the maximum size of a printed page. Large plates must be ac¬ companied by photographic copies which can be sent to the reviewers. The Journal will furnish the author with one plate or its equivalent; additional figures, colored illustrations or lithographs may be used only if the author makes a grant covering the cost of production. Original drawings (which must be done in black drawing ink) not photographs of drawings, should accompany the manuscript. When photographic prints are used they should be glossy, sharp and show good contrast. Drawings not neatly executed and labeled (do not use a typewriter), or which are not submitted on white paper will not be accepted. Galley proofs are sent to the author for correction. Costs of excessive changes from the original manuscript must be defrayed by the author. OFFICERS OF THE VIRGINIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Jackson J. Taylor, President Foley F. Smith, President-Elect Paul M. Patterson, Secretary Rodney C. Berry, Sr., Treasurer Wilham B. Wartman, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer P. A. Hansen H. G. M. Jopson G. T. MiUer, Jr. S. B. Row P. B. Siegel COUNCIL E. D, Brand J. L. Calver J. M. Grayson S. B. Williams R D. Hughes B. Harshbarger Suzie V. Ployd E. F. Turner, Jr. H. Leidheiser, Jr. W. W. Scott ' ' t . ' ' A' > Mfu.-' ,, ’V\ii'"'-',tv < t i " ' . JJ/,- .. '-■ 'vfMm i?i ‘M'- '■ 'k ■ Heckiv4n>» B I N D E R Y, I N C. 7^ Bound-Tb-Please* ,> OCT 00 . MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 , ’ ' ' ' I '' iiri- Ifc' > ' ' aMBSSr* . ' ; 1. 'i»ii " 5 J I j< , ^ ■*"'7. 'I:'.’., .iirtl/jiitl;' ; ■ ** ‘-tf '■ iln* i r hwifMtirf . ■ , r ' ■;& ^V4'?i ’TiU' K'”' ' '•-■y ,'-mp ,