UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Mds/u’//y/oy/, l\S.A. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES international catalogue of SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE August 1926 To the Friends and Correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution. This will introduce Dr. Waldo L Sclimitt, Curator of Marine Invertebrates in the U. 3. Hational Museurii, who, as holder of the Walter Rathbone Bacon Scholarship, is engaged in making a scientific study of the marine fauna of South America. His mission is a purely scientific one, the results of which will eventually be incorporated in a published report, and any courtesies or facilities t}aat you may be able to extend to assist him in the prosecution of his studies will be very greatly appreciated by the Smithsonian Institution. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Was/tiu^^o//, IZS.A. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Agosto 19E6 V - / i A los distinguidos Aiaigcs y Gorresponsales de la ’^Smiths OH 5. ovR Institution,” El portedor de esta carta, el Doctor Ti'o.ldo L. Schmitt, encargado de las colecciones de invertebrados marinos en el Kuseo Facional del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, esta viajando en ese pais con el deseo de er.iprerider e studios cientificos de la fauna marina. En este ramo de las ciencias, el Dr. Schmitt es uno de los primer os especialistas de nuestro pais. Su mis ion es puramente cientifica, y los resultados se publicaran en las transacciones del Museo Nacional. For cualquier apoyo que le extendiera para facilitar sus estudios, le quedara profundamente agradeoida y obligada esta Institucion. Con toda consideracion, me es muy grato subscribirme . de listed su atto. y S. S. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY astrophysical observatory NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Was/iinyk)if, l:S.A. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE August 4, 1926 To v/hom it may concem: The bearer of this letter. Doctor V/aldo L. Sclmitt, Curator of llarine Invertebrates in the U. 3. national ’.'useum and holder of the Valter Rathbone Sacon scholarship is about to proceed to South Aiiaerica in pursuance of his studies of the crustacean fauna of that region. His itinerary includes Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, possibly the Falkland Islands, Uxu- guay, and Brazil. Doctor Sclimitt 1ms been granted a special passport in connection with his journey and any facilities or assistance that my be ac- corded to him through your intervention will be greatly appreciated. Very respectfully yours. Sept^Bber 26, 1988 Mr. ¥. P. Mams, Adams Brothers & Co., Odebolt, Iowa. Mj dear Mr. Adams: Your desire to visit Juan Fernandez reminds me of the very delightful time I spent there. I wish I could live my trip over again. However, the place is not equipped to care for tourists or visitors even over night. You wcRild find no acconjmodations that v»-ould strike you as cosafortahlo xmless you wore accustomed to South American conditions and customs. Judging from the nature of tho trip ttiat you will he m^ing, I would sufjgest that you time your visit so as to go with one of the Royal liail Steaia Packet Company's excursions, fhese take place once a year, either in Hovmher or February. Details regarding the next excursion are not obtainable in ifashington, but these could bo obtained in Hew York by addressing the affiliated company, the Pacific Steaia navigation Company at 26 Broadway, Hew York City. fhe Island is three huMred and seventy miles west of Talparaiso and the steamer trip, which occupies three days, allows you fifteen hours aolioro at Juan Fernandez, 'i’ho fare is about |;50 round trip from Falparaiso I would advise against the small schooner going to the Island, about which you specifically inquire. It is a strictly private vessel, used in the transportation of lobsters, and accommodations are very primitive and very limited. However, the teerican Consul in Talparaiso knows of my visit to Juan Fernandez, and can give you suck particulars as you may need to know right on the ground, but if you take my advice you will time your trip so as to meet up with the excursion steamer out of Valparaiso. With kind regards. Sincerely Wa .. Sclffiiitt Curate Marine Invertebrates John q. adams ROBERT B. Adams WILLIAM P. Adams ^rntlf^rs Sc FAIRVIEW FARM ODEBOLT. IOWA. September 20th, 1928 Mr. Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator of Marine Invertebrate, National Museum, Smithsonian Institute, Vi/ashington, D. C» Dear Sir: The writer and a friend are going to make a trip around the East s.nd west Coast of South America in November, and want very much to go from Valparaiso to the Island of Juan Fernandez, but seem unable to get any information whatever from the Steamship Companies regarding the vessels and manner of getting over, the accommodations when v.fe get there and on the vessel, and I am wondering if you would be good enough to give us some short detail as to who we go to in Valparaiso to find out about this small vessel going over to the Island, dates of sailing, and who we shall go to for board and lodging at the Island, and any other information you may see fit to give us I assure you we shall be deeply appreciative of. Thanking you in advance for your kindness, I am Yours very truly \ \ WPA-g PEDRO CALVO BARROS MEDICO-CIRTJ.TANO TOFO -- LA HIGUERA 'V/ 1 (f /V OoXju ^ ] 0 Ul/. -Ca/V/ /9 * ’ D ^ ' (aJU/k^ lAA^^ ^ C^^vX<. -a AA. A^6 >Lo A-wv /\A.aXa^ " i^V/L -'t/V/ A„ ^ ~A/\/\/\X^i\_,'' a C\J^(Ma^ Uj to 'yv\AyuJy\A) ^ / Oit-i^xj '''1/ ’ll' Septeaiber 27, 1920. Mr. 0. A. Beck, 1139 Eoibold Bldg., I)a;^'ton, Ohio. % dear Mr. Beck; I aia not altogether certain about lay knowledge of the restrictions concerning the export of the wood of the Chonta palra, but I believe due to the rapid depletion of the rare and interesting apocios on Juan i'ernandea #hat the Chilean govorment has prohibited the exportation of tho wood other than that which has boon fabricated by the islanders. I do not know for what purnose you seek a bit of it, bat I have a smll stick on ray desk, about six inches long and one- half inch thick, of wliich I will be glad to give you a couple of inches if that will serve your jmrpose. I hardly know where to toll you to vjrite for fiirther information, lou might write to tte Ministry of 'Igri cul t\ire at Santiago, Chile, about your desires, but I would not be too hopefiil regarding a favorable response. Very truly yours. Curator of tlurine Invertebrates ’*fLS/ric3 1139 REIBOLD BUILDING DAYTON, OHIO C. A. BECK WATCHMAKER AMERICAN EMBASSY OFFICE OF THE MILITARY ATTACHE RIO DE JANEIRO ALL AMERICA CABI.ES, Guayaquil 7 September 1926 h i. A^ ■ A '4 Doctor • V Waldo L. Schmitt , 0>.. Hotel Rita , 4 - i ( '>. City . W -'^^ Dear Doctor Schmitt : With reference to the interview we had yesterday regarding your trip to Sta Elena I have to inform you that our emplo^ yee who was assigned to work at our St Elena cable station arrived yesterday sick and he is now confined to Doctor Parker a clinic for treatment , threfore ^ we have been obliged to cancel his trip y aatomobil to Sta Siena until he recovers • , , ^ t X regret very much for what has happened and I would suggest that you take tomorrow's ( Wednesday > train which leaves fo? San Jose de Amen at about 6.30 am . If you decide to do so I will be glad to wire our St Elena station manager to book one seat for you from San J^se de Amen to Salinas on one of the au omo bils which come to meet passengers on said train . I will be at the Ritz hotel at 7 pm tonight where you can let me know if you are leaving or not tOE^row Yours very truly ^ ^ / CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME AT POTOMAC WASHINGTON. D ARK Cf-W s'* :s^.k-»>:>s-A . / tv ikat- S/ yyLU cl. (Z4\J Sll Oc, . Qa f^.50uic AjxaJuVe V 'cx-jszj^j reV>iY 61 # I A<^ S H/v clgAa/ y EiviOQ^iiVc' >y,L/Ln •i'zieiO'^dx.oo Dr, Waldo L. Schnaitt, U, S, National Museum, Washington, D.O. Dear Dr. Sohmitt:- I enclose Copies of the Juan Fernandez negatives you asked « for in ycur letters of Feh. 37 and March 13. The cost is very small indeed, and I trust you will accept the prints as a present. You may use them just as $:4u like save that I shall be glad if an in~ dication of the source is not omitted. j/j You can render me a valuable service by informing .8 me /TT of where your zoological r^lts are published. I suppose that you know the work "The natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island". A new part of the Zoology volume /part 4/ is in press. As far as I rem.ember, the U.S. Museum is among the subscribers. Sincerely yours / SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON, 0. C. 30^ /9 a - . T’ //I i rx< { 71 -^ Tyfe 7<<74 (9vTj2ti' / I, ST 9 0'3^ G liT y Mr. Waldo L. Schmitt, Asst, ^urator, Division of Marina Invertebrates, Smithsonian Institution, City. Dear Sir:- July5, 1919. We enclose copy of Lamport if Holt's circular giving rates for passage ticket between Hew lork and buenos Ayres or visa versa. We also enclose copy of sailings of their steamers as far as scheduled. Addi tonal information as requested by you will be sent to you from time to time as soon as received by us. Very truly yours, THE CUHARD STEAM SHIP C0J4P.AHY LTD NEW YORK SAN ' FRANCISCO fXorleans ;«a\barbados nSK'^RlNlDAO PANAM < RIQ DE JANEIRO SANTOS VALPARAISO K-^MOMTEVIOEO BUENOS AIRES PASSENGER DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE N9 6921 BROAD LAMPORT HOLT. LIMITED. BRAZIL & ARGENTINE SERVICE A-2. BROADWAY NEW YORK 3 I ' ' # O isJ ± j- ■»., 4 . -.i. .. . - - L lO ‘ 0 c'i 4^0 July 3, 1919* Mr, Waldo L. Schmitt., As f^b. ..Curator, Divinion of Marine Invertebrates, Smith son© an Institution, City, Dear Sir; In further reply to yours of June 21st beg to say that i 9 e are in receipt of letter from the Pacific Stetim Navigation Company, New York, sending us their sailings between t'hristobal and Valparaiso next month, as followvs; ”Chile^ _ - ^ August 5 th ” Guatemala’^ _ ^ 12th "Peru’’ " 28th The rate between Cristobal and Valparaiso is $218, They failed to send us one of their folders giving the rates between all ports on their line and advising the time between sailings from the different ports, but we have repeated our request today and will send folder, etc,, to you as soon as received. We are further advised they do not know of any services between Cristobal and La Guayra, in fact, they do not think there is any such service. They also state they have no sailings between Valparaiso and Buenos Aires through the Sticaits of Magellan, Our request for sailings, rates, etc., between Buenos Aires and New York have not yet come to hand wad we repeated our request yesterday. Very truly yours. Mr. Waldo L. Schisitt, Asst. Curator, Division Marine Invertebrates, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D, G. Dear Sir:- Yours of the Slst inet., duly received and notQ regard- ing your trip and desire to stop first at Venezuela, if possible. We coisraunicated with the ‘Red *’D’’ Line in New York who have sailings between New York and La Guayra and they have sent us a list of their sailings beginning vith July 2nd and up to and including Sept. 24th, which is enclosed. We requested bheni to inform us regarding sailings between La Gkiayra and Chrlstobal, Canal Zone, and they state they are unable to comply with our request. We know of no steamer service between the points n'uned. *-^^^welcorae opportunity to assure you of my high esteem and perfect consideration, subscribing myself your attentive friend and obedient servant, Codlgos — Borges, Ribeiro, Two - in - one. e Particulares I M RORT A Q AO - EXRORT A Q A O Telegrammas - *• V ICTORINO’' Teleph. M. 324- 'A '^^DiAS IRMAO <& Cia. COMMISSOEE^, COMSIQNJAC^SBS E COfsJTA RRORRIA PELOTAS 10/1925 Rua Conde de P. Alegre n. 160 Teleph. Ganzo, 61 R. C. do S. Brasil Illmo . 3ni' , // • Schmitt llontevtdco R.«0«do U r wcuay Presado Serihors- l3-ine irmnenaamente aprasi^'T'cl f orjnular-lhe a pro ente,com o fin de -Dartecioa-r-Uie que acahei de receher a fotographia one teve a ana- hilidado de renetter-ne e como lemhraga de nossa hoa e i-qisqueci-'rel cama- radagen a bordo do s/3''3iiJTT0.S" ,en viagen para 0 Sul. Tluito me sensabilisa a solicitude do distincto /U!iieo,e ser-me-ia obsequioso pelo tanto>ter o prazer de retribjiir-lhe dentro de metis insignif icantes prestimos nesta mo desta terriiilia(*-PSL0TA3») , 1 3em outros ob j e c vo s * Yalh o -me do grato ensejo para Ir^po- thecar-llie minha incondici.onal estima e distinta coiisideragaojf imando-me De V.3. 29416 MUSEO NACIONAL OE HISTORIA NATURAL i ( BERNARDINO RIVADAVIA f f Buenos Aires •L'._ .. ' 3 n -1 ''ioio-'ljro 20 do lOOO.- 11 ' 3 : . r-* - I r-< T • ■ -r rn f I ( 0 .r : : W : o r-' r . ~ * . ' c • ♦ c '. * 0 ry 1 ( ^ 0 . " ■ ■* - -1 - , XT -I » • “u- ! i J -i- • • • ! ' -t-. 1 ^ U 1 fi lo. 1 "• r'l-, f'l “* 7-,' -1 nt p. Tror ^01 sobrono'^^ito h.a ‘olo^TO r^o.]) 0 r cai 0 rc."o 0 T'j M'.enbo e:'ta .-■ . ,--,1 4 ( 1 ■ jno 3 ur. 1 ' f "I n '•? ’ : V../ . 'i T^' n •; : arui .0 j c- briTi ol 1 j ■..3 ano^^ . . . , - Cl 't r ; ‘I-' ■ > c'c. a c " 1 3c- . T 0 'C r V ra) , I'-' o r a 1 la o i: i— or;; to a . > ' ■ c': ri-^ i. o :n do !■ iie IOC: » - - e- -f- r» i • 3 p mw- - -•>''» • L_'* - n O'. >- J / J- ' J ) .* _ 1 . ' L - ♦ r ^ .' V"' ■ .van 0 • !■' ' -k •’•0 .-, C i ]i:c ' L, . ! 3. b 1 , 3 ; 1 1 1 V m," bo 10 1 0 ) T' SI ■■ J."' ' rc c.>n — 11 0 C'ii j.. - 1. c 0 c- :■ s 0 -J rr", ~ ni"" • s-y. ■ • ru^ J cc .1 -f- c ' ‘ 07 ^r'Dc- r’lio co3i ol joayor ': 0 ; r;u 3 '"i.o Poililoirlo la I ■> .' Y:.o T . - la.:'. 1 rc •';or -0- ouo’ o 3:^ n Ouda 1 r ^ ni ^ ot- J m J.. • 1 -T . O Clio 10 ' ; P\ 1 : — -// tOI’:’* y 9 9 V v_/ _a._ w/ * 1 w* : 0 O II O'" ' n 10 C J V.; . p'-l P --"03 i a.. ; . ‘vo- . . ■-• •-o' Oi ’ -fn p '3. J_{..i- 1^:- ; I p p r; 0 .O 1 . 1 .O'L' •ii. -L. 0 S-J .*r^ 1 '* . ' , L>w a v.^ G :C 0 3 dol •f* : . .. . - c. b V..; 0 ^ JL- -4^ 0 b ' .•Vi O'* ^ ro. :a f-; y I . C V T, ,1 r r 0 ^ - ! ■; .v*7 - i 0 . 1 O'. OP ^ ' -•* • "i ■■;■ ->'>3 ^ ■'.• •;.' . ^ b. , C . J 1(5 :i li *t->j 7 » r--. :•■ ■ C-P’ 1 :J (5^a o'j ,1 ; 1 O', r ■ ■• -■ ^ ► ■' • ^ -L . J w 0 0 . *1 1 " i ~t -. ' f" CCS a "an U -L ®y{/teccc6?i/ ses reiDercieicents pour 1* envoi de ses inte — ressantes publioations; THE My^CKUEAN, MOKfURM , AND STOMATOPODS GRUSTACEOUS COLLECTED BY THE AMERICAN MUSlUIf CONGO EXFIDITION;, lQ09,191n ‘%dont il apprecie la v.a 1 e u r . Buenos Aires, Julio 20/926 Mr. WALDO S. SCHMITT Departament of Matine Invertebrates, United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. ■* » / / -f I"'-- t/l I >'. 3 ■] I V'! . 'I i'- V I. f /\ V ^ J -1" ' f \ u '> > f‘ (j "x9 /\ V V aA Gk^ (• A . pi 11 i \. ^ \ r . ,^6-' r- i: \/ vy \x,c.aMxa„ /Ua. A-jAX-cte,. j I :j 4 xx MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL “BERNARDINO RIVADAVIA’’ Fundado el 3! de Diclembfe de 1823. Colocacion de la piedra fundamental de su future edificio. 31 de Diciembre de 1925 BUENOS AIRES n 't' O 1 T . ^ f’ "' T ■^' •»— -••■«• « I '-. V. _i^ , . . .,.•' J. » ♦ kJ ‘v_' ■■ i.: . J. L> * €YJ. / ''(9ein€z^’t c/c/io^ ^e c-o/n/? /fZ'Ce- e/i f /it> r)9a> fX- y^ciC. cx-C(^(X y/e co-^c^ccxc^x '/y /c' /a^ /Mer/t(Z' /fcxf^c/cxyjiey^/a'^ r/e^ /€'cYfXto- C'c/t^t'crc*^ c/e-/ '99/J ^ y, eide-o^ f/cee /eoi ^^^l-edo-rrecc-a/i' c •/ y .5^e. yCXr co-c 9y. . ^ / "-^7 / . . , <97/! // 77/f c r/i (y f i a e/e /reJ r/e e ///.j />- eeC'Cco/e 77tee/--, <,:.^o e:76>- 'e 79/) 'ec>/i xt'/cyet f ry ///xr^eelJiee, 9e//^e/(e /u^eel e/^ e/'r/ 777 ee/iee‘ e iJ a- '-> f.o r/e /y '■f/-e/^ ^/ee (Oeei /ext cc-'eco- /cet/^y ^^ee/ee//. eon- ^)ce nec/)- e/ch/9nyy.fc7e/ee e'o> 'onor- e/elacco/ij M. DOELLO J. AD 4 (Eollcgp OlalujnbtH jHjtt£r^r0ttg '^t^xx '^ovk INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE PAUL MONROE, PH. D.. LU. D. DIRECTOR WILLIAM F. RUSSELL, PH. D. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR 1. L. KANDEL, PH. D. THOMAS ALEXANDER, PH. D. LESTER M. WILSON, PH. D. 4 xa 3 M. ^ p£, AJ^ Ck J ^ ^occ^at a cutT^c 0, / , Ato V/// ^yx .0 /^// ^ ayfC OSc T <0 Ui pay coet^ o\. ^ ^ ^ o^ty ^ CL s- j 2 ^ V /- ^ f ^•*-r ^ /: / j’ / c Ja* O {X4. ^ 6 R«cia*rdo dt. la Isla dci «Robiiisoti 0e settled satisfactorily on© of tliese days. It ifcrald be very rloe if yoa cotdd cor; 8 ia to tljs States as you had planned. At this time, I nm have a house large ©now^h to ©ntartaia a few guests., aid nctliirg would give m greater plaasur® than to have all of you pay us a visit in Washington. I m very glad to hear tiiat all of you are enjoying good health. It is the sal!?.© with us. I do have to laugh when you r«i»d me of th© checker mm* don*t you i»©ntion doainoes? I did have a little better luck with thoea. I often l0o% at ay picture©, of which I believ© you. Imv® bcm© copies. I wish that you could see the colored lantern slides that lav® been smd© frojs ther* for lecture purposes. Itsr whole desir© is to visit yon folks apvia, and if I ©p»n arrange w affairs, 1 shall do so, b^jt it will ba three or four years, even It it is then possible. ’Whenever I think of Gliristfflas night, I cannot fail to r«Emb©r you and th® shoes. 3 I to you ana yours our vory good wii&oo, and hojm that m will B 3 ®®t soon again. Tou will se« that I am quitii p.*aipt In ai^worlng your lottor, and I shall proiaiso al-^sys to do so in th® futurs. Sinoaroly yours, I'aido h» Selssitt, WLSsIMe Curator of mxim Invert obratoa# P.S. Ton W54.1 see that I lisav© asfcod the young lady who Ims loen kind enough to typo this letter to make it, aa we say, douhl© apaeo, so that you can easily writo in thsi I'ronsh m Spajiiah «i\ilval«at between the lines, should you care to do so. I give you lay best w-d a hear!; felt ’brnso. I would that I could he with you once a@iir;* I UCUA. lAq iwT ir 1' I _ lAryMl I C ■■ !? -C c I . ft 5( [ov i eA^ Vmffm 1 vV^ ^tLtW\/^ A^OUA- V^^C^vli^ CIaa^ Mlt^lVOu^ (iJooV cxAidsU ^^e^^'VAj.Ivvc _,i^£^a>jMJL "t^ATO _c<>^Ctb ^x^aaa^haaajs^^ p^ve,. ^ zej^tivsk CX<^£a./Cv\. ^IuJLS^ .« , AfcM/dt^L ..ll^ ij^ 0vv\, hA-'i’luL- &i> OjJl'cJL--. i 'i^fe. “fe V^vVmK - ttoi' _^eAAiL ii\C\AA. _ '_M-6^tsl\pL ’t'kfiaJL. --C^t/5 ^ tviA- (3^^vl£^\a;ov\ (j1 , *^(ru/L Oo![ydt, ''^X- ’1^2^004/^^ ^jjvyk ^ y w^^ i. 1L-vSv4 (/Q -OVLiAXJl-i*. WO^- A^m^Wv Oryv^JL. dXr ca<^6 1m /^J .4 • “ \/0 iU .to fe J. SAOAa. 1 . . y J \ UldASW inJr y^lavL.fT (At.JhL .WieiLCi 'a! : m 1 ,-^ :Uvon (X^_-__1Vt2. - caa^^ ry^ ^lle_ ^^ux-' _ if^aiL -^"ioAH- Owe iU 4 ^ QaaaLxIa C\, j^\l(lj 2 .CXuJ> .4* _ ^TVUL /M/vci. <^(nA/v4ivw^L£^ vw ii,e.iU>Cj(L evu t^- • ) ■H . [yy\iA/^ rA^y\rifk] 23 A# D i!^ i'k OL 3 ^OV-C - a- €dW "to ^ VlfU-i ^c^LriLTVA^ (Y'JLC^^jS^ 3 ^ cx li--. M ^ /WlX ^ lo-^vu. ._ . Ju^is U ^■^'L._ 'to_ 'Vvi-'t^ ^••*1 -Lja ■ I “ 'j 4 ^ • m 0. ^iiJ- cm tiu. t J^ls WU). tb V€, Vl/^A^' d U\A/ Cot' (^hjAr I'lfZcrVvv (To/Ui^Lert^ aa/vC- cdX. , 1 ^ U i“fu. "t? c\^(x}fLa ^ 'tG o fwiij^ 4 v£iiG. “tlG , LtM.&L^ cA. fLt. cjiJi^Najj^ rrrL0'U> . o'L i\i^... S(A , rdVwoMj wi(G GItG dUl^Uyttl^- -- GGt WGxl - KZjz^ciM^ tG k. 14^ ^Amw^mAAiXAAJL. (yV\«(,^ '..xAO'ldrtAAA.,/^ --- cz^ tG. c » - (3 tGkxK* G/v^ 0\M^_ I S l 4 '^ a^caatI A OAK- -Goaa-. _ XlAAAMn ^aa^L t jOAiAdi f% 'Lk^- 0$ ^fvVo o> kw- :V\r-e-. u a CK J^iirv\r - cvL_. vi^A(ri.^vw- r mm' t'Li ^ cj ^ovc+: ^y^JLjU^\Mi^ (yiriQ cLu^jxt^VML. 1^0X0^ Q\A/\y^ (?La/mj2_ VnXi? oi" 'I'fv^d:^ KovJjJ VvnVis. _ , cAX- 0AJ)\ : ^ cm^O- ^^AM^AAaX ' ,e^‘ 0 Coji^ (XaaM OlM'>^- Wi-^kx. _(5K4Ar wi's^ ■'■■•’ ^’*’ - ' ■ • ■‘^' MMa- H4nAA^ ' ^^ ^ MIAMI UNIVERSITY OXFORD, OHIO X (T^V. ly\A.XjLAUL^ /0 4<7 A 5 /K^cs^ Uy^-^ A — (X^OCA^y -V Uouui_J^ ly^'<-..4;y"y --->^ — O-'C'^-C^-y^ ^ Cax-LcP ,.S< A-^ Mi/\ c:T r^TvO Dr. FfaOREnTinO FEhlPPODE floenida 18 de 3 uIio, 1871 MOJTTE VIDEO Jk A 'C^y^ 0^- ^f/cAy^i-, atC' c^tAy^-iyo dy^ /7yc> /Q-€a\.^ M./S /ttcuk/ cu /(A/y^ /Tyx-^A^ S'wcy^^^ - Ao>y ,^€AAy\. -0^^ II ^ \l\.Xry^ XAjt^ ^ 7 n U/hA, 'O Cy\^^ c^ ^/iA-<^ to J\yCLt£.eLA^c^ /)yu^ S^oy\y- JtoLt/i t^ CuyyA^ ‘ttx. ^iiA^Vb ^ yic'Tyv*^ /UA^at^ jiti^\/yy>A>l A tAA> (kA-^o^K 4/vtx. /ytc^ /?vwt JCyyyC^^A^ /h^tk.^ 'Oikw^ >0 Cl. >2 Afyoi..^ /lALh'^tXo Um^ 'YcL-- 4 - u Translation. Calle de jFaro No. 1519 Montevideo, Auer. E4, / 1926. / My Very Esteemed Eriend: / / I have had the greatest pleasure in'^re- ceiving your attentive letter of July 28, as well as the announcement of sending the numbers of the Nautilus which I had committed to your care . The letter thrilled me by letting me know that we shall again have the pleasure to see you down this way; and we shall hope that your stay will not be so brief as to deprive us of the pleasure of having you pass some happy moments in the company of my family, and making you again enjoy those croquettes which pleased you so much. To that dish we could add one more in- digenous, — a roast of veal on the spit I! We hope that this time you will let us know the day and hour when you will arrive at Monte- video, so that we may greet you and be able to speak to you in Spanish, which I suppose you will speak very well. Our triend Mr. Davis we have had very sick; but now happily he is out of danger, and charges me to salute you in his name. With greetings from my daughters and myself I repeat that I am your friend. P. Pelippone. / Jr to a DR. FLORENTINO FELIPPONE Avenida 18 DF JULIO, 1871 I have the pleasure of your company on to Maldonado , i ns t ♦ ammaking the & Punta del Both these May a trip I 3s te on Sunday the l5th districts are very appropriate for your studies. I shall he glad if you will let me know your decision as soon as possible so as to^enahle me to take out your ticket I already have mine- I shall he at the museum until * forward your reply. Should you decide to accompany me, I will call for you at "the hotel in a taxi at 5 a.m, but you should be ready to leave at once as no time can be lost. DR. FLORENTINO FELIPPONE Avenida 18 DE JULIO, 1871 'I/'- f o?r/? n f ' i/y\/iru eLWcct '\/iri~ Oi/v^a lfcA/mxSt r> /l-C^ ^ T T 7 Ijf tVi Ky X i J V_>C I i i I — ‘ vVijv'M.icii case, dcloth liiicvl top. speobdl} hinged setvi- as su; ])OTt fur ’'ei*- tical or horizontal prints. Contents: 1 tear-off palette; Brushes — 1 No. 20, 1 No. 14, 1 No. 8, 1 No. 2; 1 Doublebrush No. 12 am] 4: I tliermometer in Centigrade^ : 1 s|)raver : 1 stump; 1 spreader; 1 set of live pigments and mediLUii; 1 car- ton five lileacher cartridges; 10 sheets of (Copperplate transfer paper 18 x 24cm ; 1 package of ten sheets Bromoil paper 12 X 18cm Each outfit $28.50 Bromoil Transfer Presses Specially designed Precision presses, non-rusting dur-aluminum frame and rollers. New powerful pressure adjustment device by one single central Precision screw and lever, for instant pressure variation warranting absolute parallelism of the rollers and automatic adjustment to differences in paper thickness. Non-slipping and non-jerking, no lost motion. Long handle actuating the rollers. With fitted front and rear table for paper support. U-30, roller length 30cm (about 12") weight 25 lbs $110.00 U-40, roller length 40cm (about 16") weight 44 lbs 135.00 Bristle Board — Select tough material to serve as top and bottom layer in assembling the “pack’' for trans- fer. Set of two boards 15)4 x 19^^ inches Per set $ .60 New York on direct order only and at buyers’ risk; no approval; no exchanges. CJUu2) "A 'e^€L\j iA^ HAouv^Alo * ^CAa^L/^LH. / jf w O'O-iy^ C^^A(2L^ -"^jc CL^^ r 7 «yiLX 'ry\/% Qxrrn mm ^ /i q ^y, ijJ^-t>jCCA^ <'(XC. (7 CtzAe!^ v IOtaa^ WASHINGTON, D. C. HENRY WHITE, Vice-President GILBERT GROSVENOR, President JOHN OLIVER LA GORGE, Vice President O.R AUSTIN, S ECRETARY GEORGE W. HUTCHISON, Associate Secretary JOHN JOY EDSON, Treasurer June 4, 1928 Dr, Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator of Marine Invertebrates, Smithsonian Institution, U, S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Dear Doctor Schmitt: Thank you very much for your letter of Jtme Z enclosed with the eleven negatives which ^rou have mad^vailable to us in addition to the eighteen that you gave me on Friday. We are having enlargements made of all these negatives in the laboratory nov/ and as soon as we are through with them I will see that they are returned to you. I have made a note of yo\ir request about payment to Camden L. McLain, American Constil in Concepcion, Chile, for any of his pictures which may be published with your article, and also that the pictures which are at present credited''from"yo''i were talien in your camera. 'With kind regards, I am Yours very sincerely. Editorial Staff « S06, Xajsafi*QQ& Cfeltfornia i^p. V^i .fin’-Jriiiii I'j. ’’Mlls^r- of t,:io il&tioa^ SQOijm; lottos? to m tot roly* 4? Society , ^im plant is Qmnmm ts&mfmrm Scottaliorf;* imissi @.ft«i? t!ie tuer mit*' of ti«i aevoral ipl.%»u3.s firmhic t!MS ^mm. Sirimiidts tixoas* . - . -j ■,'ww i^w^wns... . isl%m3s foi Siis is tlMi- lm.a% vlsit^l of tl» islaafis* tlsoscA tM Si-aliorcvm visit at loast o«e a yecix for tl» Xobsrt^si-s tlKkt abawS tJioro* It rey %© tiat tiKxa joii caiia cyi-t '.#&?■» s®«h 1»* rScottslxsrc? {j^ot iKU*l'i?@- fr’-iiti? toB-ard tl^ of Ibljrasiry , Isi oaa& you wlali to writ© for saocls, 2 Ta-O'dic! K-isyost yoia* adclrossli^T Oesiir itoa Jmn Qiil#, ©tatlHi:; ymx itolrot. tSiO mtive tsar;® is Itegti®, tat jm. mst st.ate tijat yw* ms&ii t?io lari^ Imv^. fO'jya tMt cxcy^^ o« ;."®oafaoxtis &,M tlait jcm. hot)© the fisteTOon iai£*M bo aMo to tjot you aoj!» sB&ds ©coasios of tbelr nojct trip to ttet islayxt. Rirtbor, 1 «?oulcl asliri;:!® jou to Imvo joiix lottor jmt i:i feo'-'ich or ''paaiob^ so thoro GsXi tm no rJsn»toristaii'«’i-ap of ytntr m»;ts« I doabt if it wodli 1 j© jJOosiMo to briny up a llvims plajit biUtos ; por3©ml?.y soMxicfeMj ©voa. tncavli tl:^ are ixsroanial liorbo. 2 a !&lley*s Saeylil 0 T)©flia of ^tortlealtar©, t^r# ar© a fm words about r©lat«I co.ltimtsu s^acio-Sf tyutj, as E;l';2st b# ^:«ct©d, tiis tJuaa ?s«malas opocios art j.isjitioaod. i- rootstod:^ I sMidd tMssI:, would smrcsly msvive tM sMtttust to tht States. I wamr® t!ist o^’w ©f tli® plaata Im« mcr hms. saccassfisiy out, or Qsdm iii l5oto.»iic sardoas. Z'mmrais attirigrts taw 1‘ E'sule to introdaeo th© tmuroal plants of tl« islasMis, ^rtioaXarly lary© tro# oa tho mlalaad, bat n«vor AM trail airf* a smecifiibod, to tlm clrlor elirr.to of eojitml ^tlle. cofuroe, is. ■ 'l50ta.;dc«d imt&QTs in a I'ayloa iiko wl®r® froosts siid Isillii^ fmoto do not occur, proper cor^lltiona eoidd al-crsys Ijo p*©- vMod* 2 do set tMd tl»t a ammoa of otlior l>ot, attic f^dtas w'ouid nlm& tl'iia apocles isota ®l3SKS'i»rQ titan la ll^lr satire Item-* I as ssxrsy flat 1 mm&t i^im jou tbougli tl» Baeific St<»e feri^Jloii Cmm ‘S ©ao0ami-jsr:»at , fa*, , ifitli s teiiteli office in Loa Tixm oao# jsarlj -aaKKUPsisiii to W^XfmMm sropr, or tih® d.ls'toB® to iSm&tmm is im ^D»t to mmM^ mm to m&o a trip <2iarl*3|| tip fo®r l*?ars t1»t tl® esocjrslem tt«a«r lie® ia l©j* lin, llrpaf^ra i® irlrtimllj imeotssiM,® »- ce^ to »p@olal oasjwiitioas. If ym wmM lilfi't mw f&ttim ii^^rsitioa.,. I Ip to :gl¥a joa \fimt 1 caa* Ctarator ©f larwtoMmtts* COPY Suite 808 Pacific-Southwest Bldg. Pasadena, California. Februaiy 8, 1929. The National Geographic Magazine, fvashington, D. C. Gentlemen ; In the September, 1928, volume of your magazine, page 353, is an article written by Vialdo L. Schmitt, Curator of the National Museum, Smithsonian Institute, entitled "A Voyage to the Island Home of Robinson Crusoe". On page 568 is a picture showing some large leaf plants. I very much desire the name of these large plants, and whether or not it would be possible to get one of them. I vrould also like to know v/hether these plants grow in the United Stcttes, and if so, where . We are starting a. Botanical Garden here in Pasadena, and desire to have e specimen of this plant. Thanking you in advance for this courtesy, I beg to remain Very respectfully yours. (Signed) Benj.H. Hahn AMAMM o/of Menendez Behety Gaeilla J. the frog comes from Bstancia Laguna del Oro Territorio de Santa Cruz Argentine near Pueblo Ness Montevideo . ITovemlDer 17, 19£5. Dr. Waldo I. Schmitt Hotel del Gloto, Montevideo , My dear Sir: I beg to enclose herewith a copy of a telegram dated November 17th, from the Am- erican Ambassador at Hio de Janiero relative to the shipment of your crates. I am my dear Sir, Yours very truly, MYROirA. HOPER, First Secretary. GHEEI \ ■ W ■ I, " >, , ^ VV', ^ X-l ^V'; ■ . '' "Vfi k > -\\:r. ■/' « :' ;, / ’*. f.-'- X . h-: J f ■^- : i ■ . . /•.■ ,:-. ’ ^ >*> ir yy LITERAL TSX5? TELEGRAM REOEITER PROM AlffiRIGAR EMBASSY RIO BE JAHIERO. Rovem'ber 17, 11 a.m. 1925. ^ 'la; I i \ \ Amlegation ‘-' ^ -‘u ‘ % MonteTldeo ^i4'‘ 'lovember 17 9 am For Schmitt k H fi CFates shipped this morning care of piirser steamship YESTRIS Morgan Septffinber 27, 1923. Mr. Arthor T. Rushes, Ph. M. U.S.H. , Medical neadcjuarters, U.S.H.f.S., Groat lakes , 111 . fly clear Mr. Ruighofi: I aia afraid I will not b© able to give you the ©noourago- nent 'jcki would liko to have ro/yirdln^' the popsibility of obtain- ing the poeition of Health Officer to the people of Jmn Pemsndez. IHiero are a few less than thi*ea htmdrad people on the island, poor folks who could not sTipport a doctor. 0thor?7isQ, I don^t believe the Chilean govcrnmoat would give the position to the citizen of another country, if they could ever bo persuaded to create such a position for so small n colony, llif experience in South American, coxintries has been that the;/ like to reserve the medical practise within any country for their own natives, and many of the Latin American republics liave laws to that effect, from which they kindly oxeraptod foreign physicians who were already established prior to the passage of the law. However, I am not in a position to tell you definitely |pat the prospects may or my not he. I would suf^ost that you wxute the Amarican Consul, Mr. Carl 'r. Deichman, at Valpai’aiso, Chile. Either he, or the American Ambassador at Santiago can tell you more definitely than I. It is of interest to me to know that yoicr wife’s name is spelled like my own. My forh^pfs came from Bavaria in Germany, and it may be if hers came from the' same place tfiat we might be distantly related . I Vifill say that the alight knowledge of the German language tJiat I Jiave stood me in good stead in traveling';; in South iriorica. A great many Gormans have settled in all parts of South America, and one of the oldest families on Juan Fernandez is named Schiller and they still spoak very excelieut Gorraan. re^jards to you and Mrs. llughasl Curator of Marine Invertebrates. WLS/nks • • U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Sept. 6 19£8 Mr ffaldo L Schraitt, Ph. D. % national Museum, Smithsonian Institution. Pear Sir; I have read your article on the island of Jaun i’ernandez, it was a very interesting , and in it was a small item that interested me most, it was the fact that the island had no doctor but did have a very well equiped medical office and first aid station, now I have had nine years of just that kind of work and also a very good knowledge of dental work, I was doctor for over looo people down in iimerican Samoa for over nineteen months and my naval service will be up in June next year, and I am leaving the service and I though it might be possible to get the position of Health Officer for the people of this island, vvhat I would like to know is, can you give me any help in finding out just who to write to about this, I am married but have no children as yet, my wife’s name was Schmitt so I wont easley forget your's, if you can give me this information I am sure it will help me a great deal. Thanking you in advance I remain Your’s Truely Mr Arthur £ Hughes Ph. M. U.S.K. Medical Hdoters, U.S.P.T.S. Great Lakes, 111 . fo //z/- T^lephonc'Bryant -48/1 W. V LIFSEY, President F. de C. SULLIVAN. Vtce Pres. HAR RY J. AUSTIN, TYeasurer JOHN S. McANDREW, Gen.yfyent R.E.CRUHDEH, jfyent Authorized Ticket Agents for all Steamship Lines London OffLce 14. COCKSPUR St.. S. W. I. Railroad and Pullman Ticket Tours for Individuals orParties Paris Office 43 Avenue de l’Opera Cable Address-LIFTOURS Codes: Western Union, Universal Edition; A.B. C, Fifth Edition MAIN OFFICE Longacre Building, 1412 Broadway, at 42’^'? Street, New York . . x-»- 4 S’'or'np'> , ? Uiiits'^a StoaiF.hl^." an-l Trav*-";! Service, TranBoortatioii SiiiTdir, Seventeenth and H Streets 'Vashin^rton, D. TT ' - T ■ i . < « n Se ar Mr , Sherman ; - ’7e f'. 5 v -3 innnlrecT of tte '’’acific lino from a friend of the writfei'-’s and he tells ns that personal the ?.ac’fic Line hfLVo tempo j'arily aoaiidoned the sert'ice aroimd. Cane Morn as there is mot enon-rh onsiness b; V that roote yt. oresei t '' ^'1 -vt .-v 1 » \ t \ -T* to /lahe it worth while to operate tea.no-rs. "’horo ar-.' stja'ar-or;': , however, of Arp-antiiie Lime le-ivi'^y ‘^nonos .tiros ahont every ten days r falhl.and Tslr..n.^ to “*‘an.ta Arena.s and no to Valanral;--: * 3 f*. r A n the first oloBS fa'^'e IfOiny ffC irnenti};-" Loj.i?:rr is oi'ro’l -^0 .‘‘fjont C250 U. {'< "r ,ri p o A O t i ys to. fit i 4- 4 ^ o': a nne sten,mers J- u TlU ; t a A -lid that no one f V [y ^ U,T_, ^ .a- fS; t ► . 'a !.» ^ vy - ♦ ^ bns inoiss an.r'i^')se A 0 L r ' P. D ' t •' Ck o ■» ;n r* ft' <^-1 M ' J V - i A- J ^ • « o I i • s i r o d. ^ , V , .n iVI. ‘ G 7al •*» <• t i Vy -0^ T V .1 J t tr. i s wi ronr *V« ^ *V« J. i give vou r advices X *• t n o i]!i or:. to ro lo 0 "'Tc* . t i- t / V > Cl- liri-LOBB for Ot t loii de- 7 1 f THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, NEW YORK 18 HAWAIIAN FEATHER CAPE f f PHOSTINT 1 «Aoc MAPn • ACG vj s PA1 orr IVJAOe ONLY 8Y DETROIT PUBLISHING CO Hawaiian Feather Cape. \Ui 3X2 PH" Cloaks like this of red and yellow feath^ffVere worn by the nobles; capes of red feathers by and those entirely of yellow feathers by ro"; alone. The feathers came from three species o honey -suckers peculiar to the islands. Each bird furnished only a small number of feathers, those most prized being the tuft under the wings. Con- sidering the value put upon the feathers and the time required for making a cape, the one shown represents a value of $500,000. ^ y 7*H(S SPACE MAY BE USED FOR MESSAGE. S' Tto/OC' THIS SPACE FOR THE ADDRESS. MUSEU PAULISTA S. Pau/o . II de Vy de 192 t • (^xVltAv ^cwAc fcAiiu'i’i-' I /J/vmamC< ^ '^U^U''S«iv| V\u< ”^0 /Vv^l^t-\')^\ ^OtMAv-« ' <^ft'Wwu4i ^'vl -\(ywvA^ oM«a ^w l*\ aa AA A\ (k , iCeAt ie^itu ivV VVi^I- 0^1. WY\a^M .(j'v ^..U.**v ( 'MrtUtit '^'A ^A(\r' 1 vw €. A4 v U . \i ut o**oeooo«ooo*o«»opoo'eooooi» T^T:Trvr -\- t-r- M -i -M.i -T-i- i-r ni-i^- i- i- ii-i-P£ riVFr-i^-T^^ A,J^ oopqooooooeooodo H t» f' \ • > .1 • / > oodoppppp i: r& O NESTE LADOSOO ENDERECO o amtmm 4Z. ti li/UA.0 ^ c/) • liO 0 ^ (U\ I r. • .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPP^ CAi^AWt^^QEOA-Bia V "bOvS^v % ]b ^e^se^ VAevv ^ v>puS/) \H« H t CL "VtA. \\ ti^ 4/tv WAa J iio . ^^v uoolv tl KUct t4^‘^ lA"ew Voi(i£H/ 4\0'(i^\, "CAyvi 9 X. ^ Ov 6 a\>L^\ ' tL MAy^ V Oj^"^ OtAV^ XXAA^ \A\ £ C^AAAf uJtyLL ob 'tUv^U'v Aa^\a> tiAy" \ $ oitX dA (^^AK Cl iX OtH Jc/^ , \vvVcu^^ ^ QfVlA Aaa, Laa/ 'J ti^O^ 1\ / vor American Consular Service Concepcion, Chile, November 19, 1927. My dear I^r. Schmitt: I am very glad to have your letter of October 21, 1927, with which you v/ere good enough to send a pamphlet from the National Geographic Society. V/ith regard to photographs of Juan Fermandez, upon the receipt of your previous letter I sent you ten nega- tives, and a further search has brought forth five more v/hich might be of some use to you. Like almost all which I have already sent you, I doubt if these will be of tise to you, nevertheless I am pleased to have the op- portunity to be of service to you. While I made some thirty exposures most of them were uninteresting. I suppose you got a good one of the cave and the bronze plaque, and perhaps of the city. If so, I shall probably ask you to kindly let me have the negatives upon my next trip to V/ashington so that I can have some photographs made suitable for framing. I hope to be up there next June or July, and hope to see you at that time. V/ith all good wishes and trusting that I shall soon have the pleasure of seeing your article on the National Geographic, I am Very sincerely yours. y American Consular Service Anerican Consulate General, Callao - Lima, Peru, 4 October 9. 19 P6 -Dr. V/aldo L. Schmitt 1 a V e r r y Dear Sir: Referrin.■■' » A * f ‘ t 'W i-". X W.t. course f.-' .y.,,. y. vj^ * ij !! 1 G.f V 4lj. ■ :0‘t ' V Va‘. Sv” 'll orp-ior tunity "IV» -t te • ..A- X ift dfiX ■-';■■ i. short ■4* .i^ C ■" ‘T "' V.y'* Vv- ; T - J r , , i. X 'a v.»» — ' r , ■>■*•-• -V -•■> i,-’ M- ’'wr‘ iJU --ir ^ / ■•.rl-' iu ob I ni ;i OS iivcurred in *4' V-’ »- A V.' xV '- *» 4. . .... t>:':; present ti::. r* /■> ^ y* ri* ;'n A .. ij/ 'w i4- • , - if T' • J> Pr . . >. ti.i ', '•n 1 n ' 1 -v f.' 1 r' f." .... .-t ;. s.-' ff. -, JU. ’V. A .. .•. -A- 3l Jorcey a xd sottlinij: wity .r. ..Gtc'jf' for aa advance w-ai, ij* I TT^’^'? ‘6 4 , a.,. A •I a T*a'4a- f • . » 4 1 j T F 1 ‘."j fl. K/l- lotico is L 0 u ole ■■ rn 1 • ■;4' CE - ..i, 1. VI vb to x 4' U .'-x. f*U fy. ■I* .u i, S.I? "I .- pOSSl a. lt of th . i’U'-uf T''i ■? ■ '■ ■ ■( 4 ■ > ■••4 ’ '. II - r 4 -aJ. ai 'wiV^ hocr. c i A ';. . V e must o 4- ccessip V.4 V/'". * t t'yarn wT''': ir* t; .'. >T "'■•avr' -f ‘ • f& aVi--. a/ a. — ^ i V., .. if . o ■»,.,, _.,a:. t o iA. ... W^A* i..' .. .'Is^ » .i Cl '-f you .acaou its to «t . ■ « :.l S cost S_r ' ■ '.» ■- -.1' O *Aa-. •- W Si aX t , V -' ’'»• t./ V ’•- ^ X I'v.elTh,’ uiid- s "•■> s ■’! "f '. '* W W s^J. W ^ iortu. . . oo3 .y ut ti.o last - l» tu .O' il i ’v«^ X *>' ... ■•11/-’- <./ 1 Uv , xX.X kj Jill V-' i ' Uli* • O a W . ti to tu 1 of '- /■ X «• vy «. iw ,! .* A, - v 4 * wQ "V- 'i f'b’tvo ■■’, vte ‘.-f V V./ * i :■ ■' ‘\ cr r'' ' ■' <*. JL> *- -* *>« ^ X* '. .all numb or po 0 iblo. ' >1 «•". c; , cY.n ■fvl .Pillr.; • • X- K/ «b« «.W *“• 0 * «ki»X W ri\ if’ C 0 i* C<: • -i- ^ uro i.nclosod* .it .4ll- W A •% Ud.' a C— <-0 *• xOd^a ' 1 • Uvi. xii-al la Yi ^ 0 ^ j.’UgUb^ ■-■* Ip ■ *■ -\ .■ .lodmi-e <.!> sci-to i** ■ Oft of wil . : A. , ’ : 0 0*.l , I’ i>' rA X ^ m acn .'lO' ■ laecia ....caovodo^ c/ ;u.- <5.* ! ' ’ i V.» . J. VJ i A. 4- o XaW o t* no S. -. 011:1 . .. vury wuiia non . Lo:-xoug:i.e x* A:,-:on.i,r year Xu sioia to 30 C.ire additioryil uird^ at a'. conip.^raiiYoly S;.ajill actiition .1 a-i ae •S ■■ I C, A > „ t Air t.# a .' ■*. A lO U,; di'j t'..'c cu'aes 1 h-ad built : e iu b torage at InT 'l T 1 •TrrvT*^-^ ■-■- - i 1 •• ■ wL. Xlt*' wV V A ^ I i*’ V >-,>' J Jta .-a JU « JU C.-' W t/ ‘ Jt ft i.:a is a good frloni of the 'aorica.i colony ana sptJaies foiglish.. .lis acqa..inta :,co is well worth c-altivati!.a:,a..;d surely v.dll sta.yl ...usoiE-i workers calling at i.oatoviduo, in wood staad h.'0 • OX* i ca -1 >" (y -pi ■ d A ■■■JU « V, j;> e • : '1 V7 /< i I- W . 1 .-1 .0 'A « should bo act. ‘onl’Odye auto vio doriarinhnrapico^ nutantc-ni, :xo taulo, ::irasil fro^ tiio ia ret tnl Drasil ^ niroctor . Ins'^d- > ^ 1 't" or'.AL-u.:Aiii cipn.GO ^ nil t»a Xi't: .n i ^ tuo daaxo^ -d-i'asxl* '^hese s..::.ncs v-iX’-c a lastituti to tho Smithsonian Ins iitihd on for the fQolox?:ieal thirk a:.d urn Jr. ...rasil woul:! weicora-.:. excha.;igos of ..Eioricaa snaiieSj, lining, if obi,, i wiLilej or -ulooiioli' , if not. *1 particul i.. Ol;t:.t i S. ■ *. 'kA Lxv'i.p hi la nous uAtj assur Qd A liwi woulw be for-.ario^ l\ 4k * Uj |.V^' 0 ■you u will ai range uith th r' i ^ -v/ X c •■ K- UjL JU V ,..•4 ■ -rtlV t>> ni DUS to -•rfS ♦ '<1 :nis J "i '. ^■ jrn c' ..-.li-o.ady mi. . tione : to you -.ad Id tixt end i ■ first oaa of their \j o ^ -u vyi.i. v ^ iipu I' tee , .t Id' ha x-': ; t ; officorB tray.,.lli;.g in at direction, eo.'.rwy the aa.ir.al ' sil and ni.s institiit© should be most asiwidiioufaly cultivated, uecause. thiPV always bo iv^^, aid,;,' source oJ li'ytrii;; Soute .‘^ricai rei..t.;los, and it will bo easy to r a yl .: ■ :u sh y our suy iy at any time by calling o ': th-oir, 1 of coarse. . ,.T. bra w.dll ee conLiiiuo uo :.. :; int:::.i n cordial relations and the boso krorn Bci:;Aitific i isii-sutioa iwd bora'torv in i io* hataatrn is ono. 0 . 1 ' uho foi*omost in bra 2^11 next ,to OsxvalSo .'CrxE •, - s . ..tore s i. oping you nlll bo abl^ to sottla these accounts noro ^.roriptly.. '-ti'a I rendered -iranm i . iCer ©1 y * 4r VP '.J Q $W«^ i 't EXP}.:;iISES lECUIEa;:!) 03T..IE2IJG hii.kS. ^ .•~ or < J. ‘ fiw O * "ov. 21 Dec. IS « l .% so free freij'^ht Teoci f ar©y Eccovodo/ variouB Toitigrati to L'.a^son Lino, iJ. Y, ro Taxi seeking carpontors for cages Deposit ou cages Goffoo '1*06, a id taxi to Accevodo 1.00 Taxi mrious ..'.cccvsdo, 2 visits to carpenter, etc Balaiieo oa cage Help vdth cages hands "1.20 '4 «CX), and drink to all 2,66 16.34 6.20 30.00 2.05 11.00 90.00 5.20 d 6 m . ‘ ; W !» 11 t ? fl .p,arch jLkj lij nots, etc. SO. l.GO Taxi to Accfcvedo, uraos-co^ seokiu: and curfax''© l.GO, '1,10, .60, .72 Buckots Leoting ti'uck Ln routa : stancia nt Ketancia Aetarn trip including lunch at Florida Gabbago and straw Lettuce Taxi to feed-store Feed and straw 4 balos liotol bill ■ “ help i/arthouse chai-g© and oare of birds Frosh alfalfa help with eratos J Truck hiro, 2 days ^'.50 hauling cages from eai'pentox' aixd to ship Rako ilose 5 ( drugutvyan pesos Araerican dollars Axchango * 96.36^ Urn.) ;ulQi' tig to rocffi. steTjard Shij^s carpeater ixtra, above r< Gi^rp^iteepor ' Bo^nsymta pantry man Butcher 2;id Steward Dock hands in New York i’romisod lVoii^oiej*a0,pai-i-;-g catalogue for sorvices rendered Int. rest or. lo.-in of ''200 from hr.i. .h.Matcalf 5 mo/vwhs at 6,. plus one dollar for bark charge Total expev.soB re rhous ' 6.32 1.30 .50 1.35 33.00 9,78 1 . 00 .60 1.30 3.51 51,68 o.2o xG .00 .20 i ,00 7G.,00 .40 .80 413.76 9 00 1.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 G.OO A. 00 „. 1 ( X 0 G djdO ' 41 ) 0.76 :XP?risES iicuij' iiD oBT^iiHiaa smaies 1926 Jan. 13 Taxi in Santos 18 and Sao Paulo Lunch ExprcGsagQ including tip 2.000 Diiiuar Sao Paulo To Bakomit for assistance Taxi to ship *’ for snakos at Sta. and return Porters at Station and diip Brazilian milil«4t! Paorican dollars - P .20.52 Exchaago reilroiE s 14.2 ^ In PioiT York ^ Trro -water bottles at '1,49 ea. Tfain gortors Hc-w-.York and’ 'wash ington Taxi in Washington ’ 6.70 2.93 ■ 2.12 3.75 WMWi iiilifc ’<»ifiii»ivi»ii)iffinniTirfii Total exransos snakes NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON. D. C. July 30, 1925 • icy dear Schmidt; I did not find you at the Museum to say good-bye , so am writing to v/ish you a good voyage and a pleasant trip. You should have a very good tine in the part of the world that you are going, and I quite envy you. Should you be able to get any of the animals that v/e spoke of, it would be very nice for the Zoo. You are going into the South Amerfcan ostrich country, and also probably vhere penguins live. If you could secure and ship to us any of these, they would be very valuable for our collection* Any size and any number of penguins, and any number of small rheas, would be exceedingly valuable to us. If you touch Ceara, call on Dr, Prajicisco Diaz de Rocha, who has a private museum there from which you might be able to obtain some of the materiel usefi^l to you. Reminding you again that anything that creeps or crawls is wanted by the Zoo, and also that we will be very glad to reimburse you for any e3!pense incurred in getting material, and wishing you a pleasant voyage. Very sincerely j'ours , mri, M, mim Super inten d ent Dr. W. S. Schmidt, Steamship "Western World", Munson Line , Pier No* 1, Hoboken, New Jersey. P,S*-“ Live stockcoming to New York should be sent in care of— Louis Puhe , 351 Bowery, New York City, f \ A solicitud ael Sp. Consul Crpneral de dorte A- • I rierica D.Carl A .Deiclinan, a^se las iacilidacles necesarias per las po'iioias aepena/ientes de Jeiatura al Hr. '■•alao L.Hchmtt quien/'pracr^a-on este^'^is ali^imas inves tigaciones cientiiicajs para el kns^ Nacioi^al de los Bados Jnidos ae riorte vAnSrica. - V«lpar'a4so, 19 a 4 1926.- ,< HI' i-S r. 1.^ ’ / <■ CvJ I ‘ V'.. 'to X M.2iZ0ui^f^ H,rrul/] la iPZona * 1 ^ * yo», ■* H ) C. t. . I American Consular Service Montevideo, Uruguay, MecenUer 1, 1U26, Ur. "'aldo L. ochraidt, ^iinerican Consulate Ceiieral, Valparaiso, Chile. Dear Doctor: I was pleased indeed to have jt-out undated letter giving me your plans regarding your visit to the Falkland Islands, Dunta Arenas, and Montevideo. 'Then you arrive in the Port of Montevideo you v/ill find a new consul. 'Ve have heen transferred to Sydney, Uova .jcotia, for which post vie shall he leaving in January or Pehruary. fhe fishing for marine invertebrates ought to he very good aromid Mova Scotia, and I have no doixht we v;ill see you either there or in 'Washington within a year or tv/o, I sent .jars and foianaldehyde , T)urGhased at my own expense, with the whalers in order to obtain for you a collection of whale parasites frora Soiith Georgia and South Shetland. I shall not he in Montevideo when these parasites are received, hut Mr. 'Tinsley v/ill see th at 'th.a't tiisy S.TQ x02*v/araed “to you, at tlie i»a’tioria 3 . I mention this fact as I v/ant you to know that parasites were obtained through my efforts and through those of some one else. Yours very truly. luiseum. these not # OGll/lLHi 88 5. 91/840.6 American Consular Service I'ontevideo, Urtuniay, Aiignst EO , 19E6. Dr. 'Valdo L. Bohmitt, Barator of I'ar Ine Inverto'bratos , National I-asean, ’■/ashiiif^ton, D. 0. I.'y dear Dr. Bchmittt I have received your letter of Duly 28, 1926, and we are pleased to know that we shall see you again so on. I shall speal: to Dill Shorter regarding the ostriches, and I shall call soon on 3lr. frenoleras in the hopes of obtaining bottles for the whale parasites, I feel siire that I shall be able to get you a pretty good collection of those parasites, as I at', on very good terms witli the v/halcrs. fhanlcs for the picture of the black corvina. •Evidently you liave seen 3)r. b’etcalf recently. The grass business is at a stand-still, as it is the off-season. ”'e shall start out again soon and try for new suecinens. Jw«.i • to you niohols and he n t fail to let me know if I can be of assistance d^i ring your new expedition to Urugua^^. A Hr. of the field l^useun is now l ere studying agates, seems to be getting some good material. Sincerely, 0. Gaylord Harsli, American Gojisul', 3l0linfl Sfopktna lintofrattg UlarHlaniii 61 Parker Hill Avenue Boston, Mass., July 24th, 1926 Dear Dr. Schmitt Have you read Tlw Casting Away of Ihrs. Leeks and ]ilrs. Aleshina and its sequel The Du- santes? If not get them and read them, giving especial attention to the way the "ginger jsir" with the board money passed back and forth between lirs. Lacks and Mr. Dusant. For fear the U. S. mail service would break down, as it threatened to do in their case, I’ll not send you back your money order, but six per cent, on $200.00 for six months seems to me to come to six dollars. I’ll buy a bunch of flowers with it for the ba-by and tell her it is the fniit of unlawful usury. The best of success to you on your trii>. If you see Turner, Valparaiso Y« M. C. A*, and Mrs. Turner, give them my cordial regards. They are the salt of the Earth. Anderson, also connected with the Y. M. C. A., is a keen fellow and a driver. If you happen to meet him remember iae to him vdth many good wishes. I envy you your chance to renew acquaint- ance with the Marshes. Faithfully yours Ministerio da Agricultura. Industria e Commercio INSTITUTO BiOLOGICO DE DEFESA AGRICOLA DIRECTORIA MINISTERIO da AGRICULTURA, iNDUSTRrA E COMMERCIO INSTITUTO BIOLOGiCO DE DEFESA AGRICOLA DIRECTORIA Ministerio da Agricultura. Indu INSTITUTO BIOLOGiCO DE D RIA E COMMERCiO AGRICOLA DIRECTORIA DIRECTOR DO INSTITUTO BIOLOGICO DE DEFESA AGRICOLA Ministerio da Agricultura, Industria e Commercio INSTITUTO BIOLOGICO DE DEFESA AGRICOLA DIRECTORIA ^ ^ ^ f Director do Institute Christao CASTRO PARANA ^j // Am y4^Zh^Up(y€i^ Oy^ -^^ccaZmAA -fCcyC (SyT^ i'XK/C^^-C/^ 3 % yLAJ^Ai/Cy^ i ^ £^9-s^ti^ (y 0/7 y. ^ cL-y s. . / MT-iTujt^ / Vl/H/t , XAr-ies in the legends under the illusti’a- tions, none of v;Ixich you have seen heretofore. I shaill apiireciate your cooperation if you will let me have this material at your earliest convenience. If I am not in the office, my associate, Mr. Worth i, ShoiMts, will handle it, or if there are any difficulties to be ironed out, perhaps you would prefer to talk vvith Mr. Simpich, who worked v/lth you on the original draft of the article. I hope that you will be pleased v/ith the general appearance of the material. I aj’i sure that it will create vfide interest among Tlie Geographic's membership. *l,th all good y/ishes. GB ^ * * W 'to i’ r V - A I t — Sr*“ ^ 2. o * ■ -^SL’ ■ - - rfp K^=->.Tr"i v.^ “ «.'ij ^ Pt'il Ml \ CARLOS NEUHOFF CHEFE DO JARDIM DO MUSEU CL^ %c^' 39 "/9J,/, OviA^. / 0''V-\^ J 4^.33: oo&^ // 7 xt/ d '/\A^ .-1 /i2-^^T'T.'t-<__ yi\3L>KJL^ (K^oLa / ^ CL^LAaI-UK- />'\rs/^CK^ /\y0 (?y cy\^y<^ 9 (1^ C^-^^'^LyO .^^.OLyO A^ '^Cio ^A-y^^-ny^A^ i>'''t^ c-^ dy^ASyO /''T'T-n-'V— "^C- %(aZtt. 0^9 ctA^ / o f cxjoi^i C\y ''^tyyy'C^ y^A^L^ 0\yiyyP^2(y cy\y\J^ ^O'''\^'\y(y0/\y yt-^OO 7 yl — >J^ CyAAyyyj' Ccx^Jly %J^y^yy(yyt-'^ . • Ministerio da Marinha t)irecforia da Pesca e Saneamento do Littoral Em 4 S e t « m "b r 0 de J92 Do Asmmpto : Dire ct 7r , Sre *Pres ider-tes das ConfecerR^oeE dae Coloniae e das Coloniaa de rescaciores dos SstadoE de oao Paulo, r^rana, Sa^ta Cathariiia e Rio Ore re e do 'Apresentando uui te clinic o soicracrtno. 1- Apresento-Toa o Sr. Dr. ’i'AIDO L. GGRIUTT, technic o ame- ricano, era ay£Ui.ipt os de pesca, o qual p^rcorre os Esta - dos. do Sul, era iiisaao scientifica do ecu Jaiz. 2- Pppora esta Directorla que,a institu;' ,ao a vosso carp;o, tf 0 ^ IJo.e dispense a cons iderapao que aierece e, "beic assia;^ o aiudlio que carecer no deserapenlio das suas funegoes, pa ra 0 cue se acha devidaiaente auctorisado por esta Dire- ct or ia. Ministerio da Marinha nRGTJliAEl t)irecforia da Pesca e Saneamenfo do Littoral Em 4 tie 3 e t e ni b r 0 (ie Do Ao Assumpto : Direc tor, Srs.Capitaes dos Portos, Delegadoe e Agentes das ^Capi tanias dos Estados de Sao Paulo, Pa- rpr a/ganta CatPai^ina e Hi o Grande do Sul, Apresentaxido um technico americano. 1- Apresento-vos o Sr« Pr. PAIDO L« SCHIilTT, technic o sKeri- cano,eni. assumptos de pesca o quaX, dcvidaraente recoriunen - dado pela Kmhaixada Americana, ao Sr, Almirante MI¥I3' TRC I)A iS'ihll'UA, ?oi por esta alta auc toridade, eneaminbado I a Pirectoria da Pescs^afim de que, Ihe fossem facilitados os estudos que, ziesse particular, pretcndc realizar no nosso littoral. Yae,pois,3 refcrido Sr, Dr. u'AHX) L. SCEilITT, competent® raente auctorisado por e sta Direct oria, percorrer o litto- ral sul do noaso* paiz, em husca de dados scientific os exi- gidos pela eua missao. 3“ Para elle , s olici to vossa bene vole ncia, faci li tando-lhe , no que VOS for possivel, os recursos e inform'joes que Ihe pos- sam ser dispensados pela Repartigao a vosso cargo. UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS CHILE MUSEO DE CONCEPCION. Enero 10 de 192^, Conservador del Museo d® Concepcion, saluda muy atentamente al sr prof. Dr Waldo L.Sciunltt y en atsnclon a au carta fechada @1 7 de Enero en Valparaiso le dice qu® lo enpera en el local del Museo, cualquler dla de esta seiaana, desde las 9>30 a las 12 de la manana y desde las 2 a las 6 de-la-tarde. ' ■ El Local del Museo efjtii en la call® CASTELLON 554, entre. BAPROS ARANA Y PREIRE. • 4 /• Ji-' A ^H^-^fJ' J^uJ^ (t^ J-o ^JiA' jL/r JaJ-truJiA u^-^^QAA^yL yV\AJL^^Q£j^ ^ y^ /dAy'^ * t^^-o — » 4rt/ jf>»j*. I V^. .if.,, <■ '«iliw 'W* tijui^" ‘C***’ -ya p. r'" p4 f .-.. y'* I'::!!-?"*! >"5 .'y ft. ik 0 vV # Ai, .4. -.6, O'^ i^ , ■' w < !? iC.. O »‘t fcl lL-i/ t.!? -4-*.^ ji-i C^' C-'v^ ■■'fihj ■■.('.♦ ?,: : *1 ti <■? ( ■■'.■ ■■' 'v>‘? V Jl^ »■"*-» .*« O W ''-.A X «iu. f', £:s>, '">1 7'* ^ ':'-^ 1 O < f^Y'"^ !- U7 1 * -LVI* Uox, beiiig boten:,Urtrjj I x-^Ye iivi.xs or aotliiar on tlie .^0* i* X'f ^'-Y -"■ f" 7 ( '■*‘'0 » “i-'! •V-r' ' of Ju-^ri FeTnkude-^i oiui I lur^ely due oo xji oorr? now the t I ticinH taxe more Xi>' 00 <,* 4 k» -L- - -Jn^i.-Ji -K^ b/ '^tVt -i. w. w W''. -v^./ 0^4-4 w -X- 'X~’vX .fr 'W» •'W' iX- were t f' 5 * • ? -j ' • ■+.■ Jm X X t/ ? V ■f ..^V . <■ ■|^ ; ' i"^,. 'I , . %*:. •■> T '? -■'> A >4)^ '4 -^ .A .V Xk ■/■ A ^ SvW -*;'|^ •^‘4« *!*«•►■ ,^ •' *v* ^ *• ' V ' W e y*:^% '-?

■. j' 'V'- ’ '■' '■ ■' '■■ J w Va-^-C'-X ’'‘:X. # '#• A iXi' W-^ '■•r * i'O / *• .V • ■ '*4« ’v^ si-' ••'l- i ♦ 1 "t*' -"'-'i f r-n I |J’ -"t r r ;'-, ,.-■: juAv^ V'i ¥ '--j.' A "'•"I ^ iT^' ^ ■~ "1 ••' '■..,*i. M. ►.O-.W r^v .f.\ V SX )V.-r'' Xwiifis 0^ p V^ie. 0'^' UJtY ^'^ .f -1* 't .yi V li t.J. VJ •*!/ V ^ v vu'.i iev..' ■{- '’5 ^•., f -n •/><;■'•;■. JW W'UV-X Oy<- W. • , v.-,, ^'':C - ■' ' '■' ' 'i f'^ ■':'> t*"''*?' *w X '.■1''^ Ai. ‘ -4 -w- v*jf***- '^■■■' iXiO -iw *i» W-i- to -■ .XfcXX til*' X ^■.■'* S*tX,jih t.yni'fc- ► 4’-. .' -f'v 7 e.T-:.,i> i. , . ,,j,T,. ..i ... ,, I... V''-’ y-i i' kJi. X/X 'LJf O'*- •e* f "f\y-A! 4|i' ■W' nsAvXi a wxi Jiii. 'vO ^ ■■X' Xw Ov . 1 ■» ».v V- i ■• ,-.' . ri i wa ' fc .«x> .- '"i ’•v*> } V-i; 00 I •A.X XO >>0^ Si t;0 V'O X: ■ .A L.." ‘ ■ '^ ^ r-'j * '. t\ ;■::>. “'' ' i % ;.:' If ; ^ A;.i f. '^1- "'s >■- i f' ♦i-jX-r*! XOf vO "X •♦OP*'’ ■•*•**• t*.i» ^ 1 r‘. i'-. -tfi.'ti .'. -OT*? 1 ^\^ '; I'-O-^'"'' J r ..X X ViS-. vOA-* h-JbkXX 4^-Jlilr Xi ^ lAJt> U uii 'Oi- ^ V } rn- -•>■ ...-H >. j' 'Ss^' Xv '•■'“* V**> (1 .V tA. X*- ’;..i -« -ij' -! V'V -vi*^ ■ ■<•■ v ■ Yi'; ’’ ■*- ^ X V W'- -iiit. tif *r "*~> .rt . ' ’■'', .' ”■, f ' A*w ij A%ei'v> V.i ^-. X’ t/Xu .WA X «Xa -Wa-X UwuO ei v.> 0. ^ V.? 'v^*- }fe> S ,.i... uiC 7Ti ' A XAW ‘X“ 4.^ *\ \'f.-.» V’lf r' Wt »: ’ •«'■ '..A, W O' i. O '■; i-'.' -- •- '*4 'V:: ’f* : : f 1 «4i|B T.I; ;oo in the boto.nicol ss '',■1 ’1 T- ■Kf- u«. W Benjamin ■♦ S. ^'■. y'i i'”': T b *5 wWi-***- V.V A '^' s4«* t. H. i coiotner rrxenu oi 36tru0 O^' vD'Li L. «i tHA X ■%^ t-ii'A iL -ik*- '«.■ A »(,«*•* ' X V,>L .^ re ,-'.? .f-. - A / 1 i .' ’■ -r^ t' ‘ -^.^ ' "> Sr’*;'‘ ■v*-*'>. t ..fi t AX.r. Aifk* -‘y«^ M' P-. v-i_ •*", - k ' *- • 7’A ■' ’w J:, i X. 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'-f'- -" , '*t n A‘. f . i'*'r'Y\ t ^ ^ oL-t X X ^"s^-Xv.jiO W'Jkfl X. r.'A. *h/C'A^ ^ iX vX\^ j ^*4'^ w- % has been oubllohea u mocB comoreiiouoive tacer l-io airectior %•/ A , »' ^r.■^ W- X. ^ » ’, ’'■'t t"** “'i^ j**'‘ r'l '^' ' \ * f V % Ca- h.0 'di# X X- ^ -• ’‘Ou tis^ ^ 'i* Ct / VaA« %»iS^ iX* 4'U ***) lv'.\ r.^‘hAT ■* ■f*' V” m JLi-iUn 0 dl Ww!* X'ol ri,V'‘f2 i.T:VT 4^,n 4 , -.^ X .V £*■• ’.' ». ’*^’s i- ••!**■ e i.?u .jL u c: v-i y ‘r^. '*>«. '-omU !•; f i'i-‘!s ''s <-.x.«u,;'y4 o £■- ■= ’f V..-' ip /'-v .e 4'l.-..r. i' Wf’ - X. Wi kCf M rt asnaaea to ^nation xd^ rut i stu nave X'^oixe <’'',.v', ro..; x*'-iorxc.a woo nexstive« ,nont of X ricuiture H. '*• 4 r' i w»« f- .''ij O'’-?'* 'hi P M-V* 1 , .’•/- y^Y'l -'V? 'I -H O li o»- Hitf -fU-l -L.^' %.f4* ’ft T i" -d i-i V U** A‘ As I iA»' CIOUD 1 0| X : 0 ^ ■■?* . .f- y y ‘ ’ > ?■ - wsPw Slml fu f i<-.X '-.. ' if lot you xoow* O/jit.' V" 0 T.-'t-iX V-' v- '..^e.l;' O'e'. 4i* -'tvii* t' ¥f5 ^ 7 -■? i-'i 1 I '^'.Xj 4 ^ y .^- Ubf '-Xw if’' -WC^ ’W ^ -■'n'?'*! iav H if ’Kf»* ji 4* '•»»#■ XX d’' tf/i*. x«4 ■'*0' oi. ri A V>» \X* ttie U- X Cl r--. n-G y-y.i T^'t* y' xX,f, Ip uli tiiori x.n r Gp 1 /‘\ OStr Vsf oa^,/h I have By '\ • \ \' GENERAL OFFICE KANSAS CITY. MO, Pickering Lumber Sales Co. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE Lumber and Building Material Kansas City, Mo. YARDS IN KANSAS OKLAHOMA TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO September 28, 1933 Dr. Waldo L. SchmltL, Curator, Marine Invertebrates, Smithsonian, Institution, Washington, D. C, Dear Sir: For some time I have intended to write you in regard to a matter pertaining to the article you wrote in the National Geographic Magazine sometime ago on Juan Fernandez. I refer to the vegetation of this island, and particularly to your reference to the native palm, Juania, You state that you brought back seeds to try this palm in America, I would appreciate it very much indeed if you would advise me whether or not this ex- periment was a success, and if some of this fine palm are grov/ing in Washington at this time. I may say that I am very much interested in the palms, and have assembled a small collection of literature on them. You published some excellent photographs of the vegetation of the island, but none of the p41m referred to above. If you took any, would it be possible for me to obtain from you such a photograph or photographs, and not only of this plant, but of other phases of the vegetation of the is- land? I would like very much to get these, particularly of the ferns, after that of the palm. It occurs to me that a good many of the native plants of Juan Fernandez could be saved from the extinction that over- took one notable species by propagation in Florida, Haa any- thing along this line ever been done, and would there be any way of obtaining seeds from Senor Charpienter? Finally, would you advise me from what work of Skottsberg you took the quo- tation included in the discussion under the picture of the Charpienter gardens in the Geographic Magazine? Ima, January 18, 1928 Dear Doctor; ,'e all reioice greatly in your kind Dhriatmas and Dew Year's thouj?ht£ . o and f?ood wishes .le heartily recix^rocato the same and hope the new year v;ill he very happy and prosj^erous for you. ■/ith sincere reyarcis Doctor aldo T Schmidt Smithsonian J-nstitut ion, Yaohington, D. j EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Lima, December 2, 1S27. Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator of Marine Invertebrates, Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Dationa.l Museum, ’Washington, D. C. Dear Doctor: Your letter v^ritten the same date that I sailed from Kew York has arrived end I was delighted to hear from you. Am sorry not to have seen you in Washington. I wa.s very much on the move while there and generally in a state of stress from interruptions and engagements. Most of the time I stopped at my own house at 1750 N Street and am sorry I w'as not there \men you called. I was at the Mayflower Hotel for a couple of deyr's just before le saving. 'When I get back to Washington, I hope to have an opportunity of having a visit with you and seeing your pictures and museura collections. I noticed the letter from Mr. Barreda in regard to my talk at the University Club. I spoke in English and did not use any w'ord with reference to Peruvian deportees capable of the translation in Spanish vmich I saw^ Of - 4 . Dr. ?/. L.S, course there is much to be said about that question as it has put the Peruvian nation in turmoil on various occasions, and I mill not go into it here. Hearty congratulations on the lasult of your South American v/ork, I feel tha^t you must have made some very interesting discoveries and have some very interesting- specimen in your collections. Vt’e etill remember very graphically your friendly visit with us here and I shall look forv;ard to seeing you when I get back and having a good visit. Thank you for your good -Klshes in the Senatorial campaign. If you have any friends out in the state of Washington, write them a letter. Nobody can tell wha.t an election mill turn out to be, but I think the prospects are fairly favorable. With best mashes. LP-M Union rn r. r rr.Tf >, • f -r n ■ ' • V ■ T-r T- , I loave laucli pleasiix'e- in ii'troducin'j to yon,' tliroupii the medium of thic note. Dr. V/aldo L. Scirnltt, C'orator of the Division of Marine Izivorte'brates iji the United. f^ 4 - 4 - Gc :,lnseix:i. oCifiiiitt is one of tlie leading authorities in the <> > '' i Cv' United ""t-itos o;: neririe invertebrates, and is oroceedin on a special r.iission of the Snithsonian Institnt ion to study the fauna of South ^^uGricrni countries. I Yiill greatly appreciate any courtesies extended It s> V Director Deziera UNION PANAMERICANA WASHINGTON. D.C.,S;.U.DE A. -r julio de 1925. t* V>T:‘-:r^\-^^rrrc rTTr'-n ^ •i. '■■'C'd \ T> , es"- n*; ;;T''CrT -n intrc^^^rir n ustci? -ncr ir.riHo - ’ P Ti T^p' P . ■^1 r'T* ^ ^ —C--. ‘.AC.. t. C I c^.d. Ijl « Mr.-f i j„ . .* J. 4 . S' i.' > w • c Tf-^O j-' ^ V i: 5a- Iri*''i'rte'brA:''os Knrfnos del Mieec IT'-cion.r.:! de Ics Eetn^cc- Ur-ido El Dv. ee. ’.m-^ de lr'<^ orincirrles HntoridAd&p de lo3 Estados Utiidos er. -^cdo Ic r?l,''c: enedo con Ice inverts- Erados rcarinco, y pEo’-.a v,-; en mision eraecipl del In'»0 3r. "feldo L. U.lJ. U U ini ted States Ihitional V/ashlnuton. nseirn