ey OOLOGIST & PHILATELIST, Published Every Saturday. 35 cts. per Year. VOL. LL. LEBANON, OREGON. AND: 2 1892, ENO ~-Exchange Notices.— \ ST AMPS. Notices inserted in this column atjthe rate of one half cent per word, without regard to length of notice. Notices sol- - iciting cash purchasers 10 cts. per line. The name and addressis always counted with the rest of the notice. Birds’ Eggs and Stamps received in payment at 1's cts. per word. Terms strictly mayment in advance. WANTE D.— Eggs in sets Be oon: and owls, especially those of the Prairie Falcon, or Lanner of the Western States, for which [ will exchange other eggs, or pay cash if cheap. W. B. PORTER, 224 So, Oakley Ave., Chicago, TIL§3 ..., WANTED.— A eeiedl me or Ridge- ways Mauuel. Will give eggs from this list in exchange ; Plumed Partridge 1-9, 1-17, Western Robin 1-3, 1-4, Stellar’ s Jay 1-3, Western Flyc ateher 1-3. and Kingfisher 1-5; alsou nice lot of birds’ skins. Send description of book and take what vou want from the above list. ¥.T.CORLESS, Lebanon Oregon. J NOTIC K—AlL persons wanting fine Oregon birds’ skins will do well to let me fill their orders for them, this spring. 1 can obtain almostany Oregon bird, send a list of What you want, and what you would be willing to pay, and I will let you know by return mail if I accept. Bids given onthe collecting of large lots of Oregon birds’ skins. F, YT. CORLESS, Lebanon Oregon, TO EXCHANGE.— Advertising | space e inthis paper, for birds’ eggs, stamps, ete. See other page. F. T. ‘CORLESS, ee Oregon, Vi ln stamps and SEND i Ci. full direct- ions for Embalming anid "Mounting birds postpaid, R. C. ALEXANDER, Starlix, MZ£ich. Not long azoja letter reached the York general post office seemingly addressed to no one in particular. JButon its: face was a capital picture of a big rosy-cheek- ediupple, stemiand all. Underneathg it was ‘¢ York City”. It was, to usea postal phrase “iced’’—that is, laid aside among other missives destined for the dead gletter office. ;Nobody expected that a claimant’would turn up, but one did, and on the very ‘day the letter ar rived too... He asked if there was any- thing - for Andrew Appel. At first the clerk said ‘{N6”, but upon freflection concluded that perk: ips she wasir in the pres ence owner ot the missive, In enquiries, Mr. Appel said he was expect- ing a letter from, his brother. , Sure enough the letter bore the postmark of the city named, and the clerk gave it to the expectant man. ‘Yes that’s for me,’ heremarked, ‘* Thatllooks like an apple, don’t it? “Well, ’'m,;‘An.2Appel. An. being short for Andrew;’’ and he leit laughing at his construction of his brothe’s pleasantry.— Mekeels News. ew een In response to Stainp quer +> @ 4e The man wio’sellg a counterfeit stamp; , a single-cent. — F’en for a sin Mt onia Will never “ft wo Anstitus IN se Where good Hlijah went. ECT] ON seu \ 2>-@ 40 Sippy ! Don’t you know stamps or eggs will get you this paper for one year? Try it and gee. e THR WEEKLY OOLOGIST AND PHILATELIST. th Uoopit And Philat i F. T. CORLESS ‘Eprror Anp Pustisuer, LEBANON............ OREGON. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Subseriptions - - - - -3dC Foreign ty - postage extra pel Copre pede aia ACs ean : ADVE KTIS SING R ATES Half Inch,one insertion * 15 Oneness id 26 Four Inches "" .”’ 85 One Column’ ”’ 25 Wmepeage: esa 2 D5 Special rates given on standing adver- tisements. Remittances should be made by P. O. money order, Postal Note or byRegister- ee Unused U. 8. stamps, one and two cts. will be accepted ed. Letter. postage at 5-per cent discount. Articles of interest to the gcollector of Kegs, Stamps, ete., thankfully received from all ana s EDITORIAL. W e wish you all a Merry Christmas | ~ and a Happy New Year. Mr. Letson Belliet, of Des Moines, Iowa, is. to. publish Vol. II of the Orni- thologist and Botanist. It was former- lv published by Joseph E. Blain, at Binghampton, N. i week, enlarged, ancjotherwise improved. Subscription price$!.00 per year. a : . | Birds’ Eges and Stamps will he rec- eived in payment for advertising space exchange notices and subscriptions. It will be out next | a 2 inch ad would be ‘all communications to E. B. Peck, | | | ‘over, | advancement of Any ege that is catalogued at 5c or will be taken and any stamp +that 18 Catal ued at 2c or over will be accept- ped in payment. Remember ‘the mdse. price is thr ee times the cash price; Thus cash, or 1.50 if payment is made in stamps or eggs. Any reliable dealers’ cent date, 50c ae of a ‘Te- used as‘a basi Any person ‘interested in Natural History, and who is an acvoeate for the sughe, should Western New York Naturalisi’s ation; entrance fees: 50 cts., with no - further dues or ass ssincnts. Address Sec., jou) the. ASSOCie Clifton Springs, N. ¥.- Collectors, begin;the New Year aright by sending 35 cts. to, this office for a years subscription to the only weekly egg paper in the USS Bi 3r0. Balliet we have ;received your cash-book and haye been pri cticing for some time makingj;marks in it, so that we could meet. with undaunted courage the cash that would over whéelm us from subscriptions; but in some way it has a yacant, igh ne void feeling, as it were, * that 1 is hard to explain,’ Wore Advertisers ,remember | fist “paper is sent to vyer L000 collectors per, week, or 4000 diferent collectors i a month. Can’ t you see tae advantage: af sadvert- ising In a weekly ~ paper? It~ you, have any thing you went to sell right, away, you don’t have tow ‘ait “4 mbnth to have your ad inserted. Can anyone say the /advertising rates are too high? — i/o 75ets. worth of birds’ eges will give youan inch ady._in this paper. Yee - a nej¢hbors, but all I could see y THE WEEKLY OOLOGISI AND PHILA TELIST. Sayings Of The O&P’s Funny Man. My First Days Collocting I well remember the first day I ever went egg collecting. I was somewhat younger than 1 am now, and had_per- ‘haps « little less experience and more money. I had heard of a boy who had a collection of fifty kinds of egg, blown in the end; and thought I might possi- bly work up to his station (he was a sheep herder) by getting mea evllection. One bright morning in May I started | - | out although I hadn’t the slightest idea | where to look fora nest. I hunted in the brush, on the ground, and every- where, but invain. Asl happened to remember of reading about birds laying in chimneys, I started up to examine ras that IT had singed my beautiful, hoary mous- tuche. Way olf in the distance I saw ‘a clump of dark trees, that looked as if they might be full of nests, but to my great horror I found to be cherry trees loaded with ripe trait. I stood on. the other side of-the fence for a long time and wondered if there were any nests there, also if the -owner was any where near. At last I summoned up .courage und went over the} fenee. I had eaten as many cherries as T could and had justtilled my. pockets to” féed. to my: grand-children-at home, when the owner ‘came around and after several gentle questions, made the violent wish that 1 was in the equator, or some other ival climes? 1 don’t seehow he knew 1 had been eating cherries, unless he noticed a stray stone that had lodged oyer night in my Whiskers; as it was, he promptly seized me by the collar and took me up to the house to intro- Coin daca mes to his wife and children, I went into the house, followed by the trop-| Jamily. | times narrow guaged farmer and a very sub-'! antiall stick, “the ut ne hadused to iaflu- ence me into home with him. His wite showed: meachair, but I had on my new pants, and the bac k pocket was full.of cherx les; so I said I guessed I would stand up, but the farmer thought ; going J had better sit down after transporting so much citrus fruit, and as he was thirty and Twas: “only thirteen, Isat down. (To be continue ed.) —— —~+e > a — The Different ‘Snes tics Of Owls. Writtenfior the_Ool. & Phil. = Dene Baryn Own. The Barn Owl has feathers of a gray- ish brown mixed, with yellow, white dark drown. It has no real makesi2_kind of hissing sound. The Barn: Owl of Europe is much like it, but makesa kind of screech, for which it is sometimes called Screech Owl. Barn Owls are,often looked upon as birds of ill omen, ands‘some people are silly enouge to believe that when one appe: ist is the sign of death in the " Such fears arenfoolisi 4 for these birds 124] rats, mice and jother vermin, hurtful to gardens and_erops.: anil ery, but Se 2 . i) Ss . The Barn Owl is quite brave as a pair have beenfknown to killa ¢at’;that had attacked their nest. Hlorxep Own. The Great Horned Owl is found in almost every part of Norta America. [tis about two feet high, and has on its head two teatherly tuits standine up like horas, from which it gets its mame. It maxes many singular barking Tuk Grea’ Noises, SomeE- sometimes coughing like a pedson anil sometimes breaking out into a wild yell hike “Waugh O! Waugh 0!” R, H. Tompson like a doy, Chowing alt Im ye, Niels EU THE WEEK Y ee me eet ee er QUERIES =e Can any one tell the present address of Mr. M. D. Rmith, who is said to have collected for many years in the Great Slave Lake region; and is men- tioned by Mr. Davie, once or twice, in his ‘‘ Nests and Eggs of N. A. Birds.” Was there ever such a collector? PaB owe Has any ever seen any ‘old maid birds’? I have seen two female Robins vo together and build a very rouzh nest! nest, lay’several eggs. They fnever :f- | tempted to incubate the eggs but sat around near the nest for several weeks. Ign’t this something unusual? AMATUER, Does any one se the whereabouts pet Vvernon Wilson of Austin, Ill.? Does he owe any other collector a copy of ‘© Davies Nests and Eggs of N. A. Birds’? Up dl. see +e 383. ANI. - These birds build a large nest, which is used in common. chalky blue color, and measure about 1.385 by 1.00. Very few collectcrs are fortunate enough to have eggs of this species in their collections. —-—+- 6 — 385. RoaD RUNNER. A common bird all over the Southern part of California. Nests in low bushes and cactus. A set taked by me, May 5th wus six fcet up ina white ocak; it was nadeot coarse sticks, and was nevrly | fluten top. The eggs were five in num- ber, and were of chalky white color; were in yarious stages of incubation, ; Size about 1.50 by 1.20. ¥,T.C. |F. f. CORLESS, 2 I? The eggs are of a Lu 6707 se CTA PRIZE! | OO The person sending me the longest list of addresses of persons. who would be likely to want a copy of this paper, will receive as a prize a collection of 40 kinds wood, valued at #8.00, These specimens are 5x2!'oxlg inches; and are nicely polished and labeled. COW DITION S- The addresses must be of persons in your locality or from purehasers listed on your books. No names fron ories wanted. direct- It will cost you but two cents and a few minutes time to write any you may get the prize; from present outlook a very few names will do it. This col- lection would be an ornament to-any parlor; or i¢ would make a nice top for a centre table. Prize will be awarded Jan, 12th., instead of Jan. !st. so that all may have a chance to compete. Lebanon, Oregon. CORLESS’S LITTLE WEEKLY. BEATS THEM ALL!!, Reaches.4000 Collectors in a Month! Published every Saturday. Contains all | the latest news, for only 85cts. per year. Ady. rates 25cts. per inch. Send stamp for sample copy. Address —F. TF. CORLESsS—- Lebanon, - - - - - - - -Gregon. (Collectors’: Papers copying the above and sending me a marked copy, will receive the same am,t of space in tie weekly: ) 3000 Honion stamps, of any kind, will get this paper for one year.