Wats West Ph moucan See ViIY AOD (tele 00, 2 | Feb, 140% MAY 30 1989 LIBRARIES merican Scientist. Division of Mollusks Sectional Library Vol. XIV. No. 3- Whole No. 122. Southern California Lichens. ACOLIUM BOLANDERI Tuck. SD, on rocks and pebbles (Or 2118). Baja. Hasse, Exrythea 3:44; 4:150—‘‘A teredo- like fungus and not a lichen.’ (Stizenber- ger). ALECTORIA CANARIENSIS Mont. San Diego (Palmer). ARTHONIA ANASTOMOSANS Ach. Hasse, Erythea 3:44; 4:108. On various barks, LA Co. ARTHONTA; DISPERSA (Schrad). Hasse, Erythea 3:44, on Quercus, LA Co Variety TETRAMERA S8tiz. Hasse, Erythea 4:108. On Quercus. Variety CYTISII Mass. Hasse, Brythea 4:108. On Quercus. ARTHONIA EPIGINA Tuck. San Diego (Or). ARTHONIA GLOBOSA Tuck. San Diego mesas (Or 2132). ARTHONIA ORBOLIFERA Ach. Hasse, Hrythea 4:108. On Heteromeles. ARTHONIA PREMNEA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, LA Co, on dead twigs. ARTHONIA RADIATA Pers. Hasse, Erythea 3:14, on Juglans and Quercus, LA Co; 4:108, ARTHONIA SANGUINEA Hig. Baja, on cacti (Or). ARTHONIA STICTELLA Stiz. Hasse, Erythea 4:108. On bark. BIATORA ATROPURPUREA Fr. San Diego (Or 2125). BIATORA COARCTATA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, 108, LA Co, earth and rocks. BIATORA CYRTELLA Nyl. Hasse Erythea 4:98, LA Co, on Juglans and Quercus. BIATORA DECIPIENS Fr. San Diego mesas! Baja! BIATORA FRANICISCANA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Go, on sand- stone. BIATORA GLOBIFERA Fr, Hasse, Erythea 4:150, LA Co. SD mesas! Baja (Or 2178). BIATORA, MIXTA Fr. on Hasse, Erythea 4:108, LA Co, on shrubs. - BIATORA NAEIGELIT Hepp. Hasse, Erythea 4:108, LA Co, on shrubs BIATORA TURGIDULA Nyl. Hasse, Eirythea 4:150, Los Angeles Co. BIATORA VARIANS Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:15), Los Angeles Co, BUELLIA BOLANDERI Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:44, Los Angeles Co. BUBLLIA BOLACINA Tuck. 5 bis Erythea 3:44, LA Co. SD (Or). aja. BUELLIA GEOGRAPHICA Tuck. Variety LECANORINA Floerk. Hasse, Erythea 3:44, Los Angeles Co. BUELLIA HALONTA Tuck. Pt Loma, S D, on rocks (Or); San Tel- mo, Baja (Or 2139). Hasse, Erythea 4:108, Los Angeles Co. —— RUEBLLIA LEPIDASTRA Tuck. Hasse, Prythea 4:108, LA Co, on rocks. BUELLIA MYRIOCARPA Mudd. mei Erythea 3:44, LA Co: SD (Or BUELLIA PARASEMA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co; 4:108. Variety TRIPHRAGMIA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:44, LA Co, on Rhus. BUBLLIA PARASITICA. Near San Telmo, Baja, pallescens! RUELLIA PETRAEA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:108, LA Co, on rocks, Variety MONTAGNAEI Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:98, on quartz, LA Co. BUELLIA SIDALEA Tuck. SD (Or 2159, on HEuphorbia misera). Washington. Hasse, Erythea 4:108, LA Co, on various barks. Variety PENICHRA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:43; 4:108, LA Co. BUELLIA STELLULATA B-R. Hasse. Erythea 4:98, 108, LA Co on rocks San Diego (Or 2134)? CALICIUM TURBINATUM. San Diego! CETRARIA CALIFORNICA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. CHIODECTON SPHABPROTUM Tuck. San Diego (Or 2124). CLADONIA FIMBRIAT'A Fr. Throughout N. A. on earth and rotten logs. San Diego! Variety TUBAEFORMIS Fr. SD! Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co. CT.ADONTA FURCATA Fr. San Diego! Variety RACEMOSA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles ae CIADONIA GRACILIS Nyl. San Diego! CLADONIA PYXIDATA Fr. Hasse, Erythea_ 3:43, LA Co; 4:107, on earth. COLLEMA FLACCIDUM Ach, Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. on Lecanora 19 ~ COLLEMA LIMOSUM Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, Loos Angeles Co. COLLEMA NIGRESCENS Ach. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. C@GLLEMA PULPOSUM Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, ou earth and rocks. The West American Sc INDOCARPISCUM GUEPINI Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:42; 4:106, LA Co, on earth. ENDOCARPON HE'PATICUM Ach. Fiasse, Erythea 4:98, LA Co, on clay. “ENDOCARPON PUSILLUM Tuck. San Diego mesas! EVERNIA PRUNASTRI Ach. Pt Loma, SD, on Huphorbia misera (sterile)! F fasse, Erythea 3:41, LA Co. EVERNIA VULPINA Ach... SD. mts, Baja mits! stitute for on pines; Cuyamaca (Or 421). Used by the Indians as a suv- sugar, it is said. Hasse, Bry- thea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. BEPPIA DESPRHUXII Mont. San Diego. LECANACTIS ABIETINA, San Diego on Pinus Torreyanat LECANACTIS CALIFORNICA Tuck. Gasse, rythea 4:108, L:A Co, on Quer- cus. LECANACTIS PREMNEA. : Punta Banda. Baja!» LECANORA ATHROCARPA Nyl. Hasse, Mrythea 4:97, 107, LA Co, on bark LECANORA ATRA Ach. “NN. A. SD, on vocks and pebbles! Hasse, BErythea 4:107. — LECANORA BADIA Ach. Hasse, Brythea 3:42; 4:107, UA Co, on recks. LECANORA BRUNONIS Tuck. Hasse, Mrythea 3:43. Los Angeles Co. LECANORA CALCARHA Som. Hasse, Erythea 4:162, Los Angeles Sor LEGANORA CEN?SIA Ach. SD, on Pinus Yorreyana (Or 2141). Hasse, Erythea 4 107, Los Argeles Co, on earth. LECGANCORA CERVINA Nyl. Colorado Desert, §$D Co (Or 2189). LECANORA CHLOROPHANA Ach. Hasse, Brythea 3:43, tos Angeles Co. LECANORA CINEREA Som. CD. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co. ~ Variety GIEBBOSA Nyl. Fiasse. EXrythea 3:43. LA Co; 4:167. LECANORA FUSCATA Pr. : Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on rocks. Variety. O LIGOCARPA Nyl. LECANORA GLAUCOCARPA Ach. LECANORIA HAYDENT Tuck. fesas ncan San Quintin, Baja; a very peculiar » smali peb gpecies, usvally attached to bles! < Larramie plains, Nebraska, on _ the - earth, detached and infertile (Hayden). LECANORA MELANOPSIS Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, Los Angeles Co. LECANORA MURALIS Schaer. > Mesas, 9D, on earth and recks (Or 2136). Hasse, Hrythea 3:42; 4:106, Los Angeles Co Variety DIFFRACTA Fr. | — . Hasse, Brythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. LACANORA PACIFICA Tuck. SD, on Quercus dumosa! Oregon. Hasse, Prythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. LHECANORA PALLESICENS Schaer. Near San Telmo, Baja! Hasse, Erythea 3.48, Los Angeies Co 1.HCANO RA PALLIDA Schaer. “ LEPTOGIUM MYOCHRUM Tuck. Aa 3 : i ientist. eo ae “SD, on Quercu n Quer mi Variety CANCRIPO ee ees, ee Hasse, Hrythea#142; 4 LECANORA PINGUIS T an ‘elmo, Baia, Vovricty: PRUINOSA Hass Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Variety REVERTENS Tuck. Hasse, Hrythea 4:97, Mt Echo, on q LECANORA SCHLEICHERI Nyl. _ =v, on earth (Or 2173), Roeky mts | den, Parry). ; Reel ae, ; LECANORA SUBFUSCA Ach. = SD, on Rhus_ integrifolia (Or Hasse, Brythea 3:42; 4:107.7 0 Variety ALLOPHAWNA ‘Aich..- San Diego (Or 2125)? ea oP, Variety CAMPESTRIS Nyl. Hasse, Brythea 4:97, LA Co on tre Ng. Variety: COLO GARE AV ACh 25 a earn Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on rocks, — LECANORA VARIA Nyl.- AE I ce ©D. on bark (Or 2147)?—Hasse, Erythe: 2:42, Tos Angeles Co. be ee LECANORA XANTHOPHANA Nyl-—2- Easse, Erythea 3:48, LA Co; 4:107, on rocks. fami LECIDEA ALBO-ATRA Hoffm. ~ Variety AMBIGUA Ach. i ee Hasse, Erythea 3:48, Los Angeles 3 Ofopats LECIDHA AROMATICA Ach. Fusearc, Hasse, Erythea 4:108. 7 ; NG LECIDHA BRANDEGEI Tuck... -) =) Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co.- LECIDEAICRUCTARIA uCi- gis oe Sweetwater canyon, § Diego, on TOcks. LECIDEA CUMULATA Som. Mes Hasse, Brytnea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. . LECIDIA ENTEROLEUCA Fro * 3 Cosmopolitan. Pt Loma, SD, on rocks! Hasse, Erythea 4:108, Los Angeles Co. — Variety FLAVIDA Fr. Sali Hasse, Eirythea 4:108, on rocks. Variety ACHRISTA Som. ah Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. Variety AMBIGUA Anz. — Regt Sie Hasse, Elrythea 4:150, Los Angeles Co. LECIDEA LAPICIDA Fr. ¢ NaS Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co, — Variety DHICLINASCENS Nyl. Ieee Hasse, Erythea 4:108, LA Co, on rocks. — LIGIDEA GATY PIZA Ny. (6 ooo pee Hasse, Erythea 3:48, Los Angeles Co” LECIDHA MORIO Sehaer. 2.3 y Tlasse, Erythea 4:150, LA Co, on-argi Jaceous rock. ‘ rah LECIDIA NASSATA..-- PE PAE Mission valley..San Diego! — 425.97 ~ LECGIDEA PLATYCARPA ‘A cha aia Hasse, Brythea 4:108, on rocks. saa LECIDEA SQUALIDA Ach. Variety CAULESCENS Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:108. : LHCIDHA SYLVANA Koerb. it Hasse, Erythea-4:108, on dead twigs. — Wasse, Eryvthea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. — OPEGRAPHA ATRORIMALIS Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:44, Los Angeles Co. OFEOSGRAPHA RIMALIS Ach. ~= > Hasse, Erythea 4:150, near San Pedro, Cal., on bushes. 4 Frit, OPEOGRAPHA VULGATA. & \- Pr Hiren ..%d4, 21 The West American Scientist. o: 22 San Diego, Cal. (Orcutt). PANNARIA LEPIDIOTA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 4:97. Los Angeles Co. Variety CYANOLEPRA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, Los Angeles Co. PANNARIA MICROPHYLLA Delis. Hasse, Erythea 4:107, LA Co, on earth. ' Forma CALIFORNICA Tuckermann. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PANNARIA NIGRA Nyi. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on stones. PARMELIA BAHIANA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, LA Co, on Quer- cus; “identical with the Chile&n plant’’ (Stizenberger). PARMELIA CONSPERSA Ach. Arctic America to Mexico. SD, on rocks, stones, bushes and earth! Baja (Or 2160). Hasse, Erythea 3:41, LA Co; 4:106. os PARMELIA OLIVACEA Ach. SD Co, on Quercus agzrifolia! Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. Variety ASPIDOTA Ach. .. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. PARMELIA PERFORATA Ach. Cosmopolitan. Baja, sterile (Or 2162). PARMELIA PHYSODES Ach. . San Diego. on shrubs (Or 2161). Variety ENTEROMORPHA Tuck. Hasse. Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. PARMELIA TILIACEA Floerk. ; Hiasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. . PELTIGERA CANINA Hoffm. ‘ Hiasse, Erythea 3:42, LA Co; 4:97, on ground amorg mosses. . “PERTUSARIA FLAVICUNDA Tuck. t Pt Loma, SD (Qr 2129). Table mt, Baja (i. C.. Orcutt/fand €.>C.. Parry in 238s); - Hesse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on coast -recks. PERTUSARIA LECANINA Tuck.) , Hasse, Erythea 4:156, San Bernardino » range, on trunks of trees. PHRTUSARIA PUSTULATA Ny!l. SD! Throughout the U. S. Hasse, ry- mek Les Angeles (Co. ~ PHYSCIA ADGLUTINATA Ny!l. — -acse, Erythea 22. Los Angeles Co; Co. Go. Hasse, _. PHYSCIA GRISPA Nyl. _. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles PHYSCIA HISPIDA Tuck. Wasse, Erythea 2:42, Los Angeles PHYSCIA OBSCURA Ny. Hasse. Erythea 3:42, vos Angeles Co. PHYSCIA TRIBACEA Tuck. lia Paz, Baja (Pa'mer); California (Bo- “Jander; New fngiand; 8. C.; La. PHYSCIA STELLARIS L. f Arctic Am to Mexico, Atlantic to Pa- cific. SD (Or 2164. Valle de los Paimas; - Baja. on Prospis julificra (Or 2163). Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. Ris Variety AIPOLIA Nyl. ‘ h Hasse, Erythea 3:42, LA Co; SD, on ~ reecks, common. = ; ER Variety HISPIDA Schreb. San Diego. on old rcofs and fences. PHYSCIA ERINACEA Tuck. Hasse, Brythia. 3:42, LA Co, SD; on 'Buphorbia misera! PHYSCIA CILIARIS DC. . Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PHUYSCIA PULVERULUNTA Ny!I. Hasse, Prythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. . Ferma MUSCIGENA Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. ~ Variety LEUCOLEIPES Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, Los Angeles Co. . - PLACODIUM AURANTIACUM N-H. Cosmopolitan. Pt Loma, SD, on Huphor- bia misera! Hasse, Erythea 4:103, LA Cs, _ on Quercus. ; j PLACODIUM FERRUGINEUM Hepp. SD (Or 2176). Hasse, Erythea 4:106, LA Co, P. CEINNABARINUIV Anz. A common rock lichen’thioughout the U. S..San Diego (Or 2179). PLACODIUM MURORUM DC. Sweetwater canyon, SD; on Hasse, Erythea 4:106. Variety MINIATUM Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 2:42, Los Angeles Co. Variety GYALOLECHICIDES Muell. ~ Hasse, Erythea 4:106, Los Angeles Co. , PEACODIUM-BOLACINUM Tuck. — Mesas, SD , on pebdbles (Or 2116). Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co; PLACODIUM CEHERINUM Hedw. On Malvastrum Thurberi, SD! Eirythea 3:42, Los Augeles Co. PI ACODIUM LUTEHO-MINIUM Tuck, SD,..on earth (J. G.- Cooper). Hasse, Erythea 2:42, Les Angeles Co PLACODIUM VITELLINUM N-H. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PLACODIUM FULGENS DC. Near San Quintin, Baja! Greenland, Ne- braska, Wyoming, Nebraska, on calcar- eous soils. : - PYRENULA LACTHA. # ; San Diego! PYRENULA PUMNCTIFORMIS N-H. San Diego, en Pinus Torreyana! PYXINE PICTA Tuck. On Sambucus giauca, Baja! S. C., Tex- as, Mexico. ; RAMALINA CALICARIS Fr. . Eiastern U. S. from Canada to Mexico. Varicty FARINACHA Schaer, Hasse, Erythea 4/98, Catalina on twigs. rocks! Hasse, Condensed, Accurate, Helpful. -The busiest people read the Youth’s Companion because it is condensed, ac- curate and helpful. Its weekly summa- ry of important news is complete and > trustworthy. Its editorial comment on political and domestic questions is non- partizan; it aims to‘state facts in sucha way that the busiest person can use them as the basis of an intelligent opin- ion. It reflects on every page the whole- some, industrious, home-loving, home- making side of American life, the life of noble aims and honorable ambitions. A full announcement of the 1903 vol- ume week by week will be sent to any address on request. This Announce- ment presents the leading features for eace of the year’s 53 issues, so that those who subscribe know just what stories & articles will appear. $1 75 a year. Youth’s Companion, 144 Berkeley st. Boston, Mass. The West American Scientist. 59 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TrRabeE Marks DESIGNS CoPyRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scietific Aimericatt, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers, MUNN & €o,2°18raavay, New York Branch Office, 625 F' St., Washington, D.C. Purchase your | FOOTWEHEAR at LLEWELYN’S, 728 Fifth street. Tu AMERICAN SOCIETY OF Curn1o COLLECTORS is an organization to which allstudents of Na- ture, and ail lovers of curios. antiques, &c., should belong. Organized for protection against frauds, the promotion of good fellowship, the exchange of specimens between members and the interchange of experience for mutual help. The 109 page yearbook sent free to members, also the official organ each month, a splendid collec- tors’ paper. Dues 25centsa year, initiation fee 10e. Send for biank application and further ip- formation to Wm. Warner, Jr., secretary, 1731 Division ave., East St.Louis, lil., or to Wm. C. Aiken, Angwin, Napa Gw., California. WANTED—FAITHEUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established house in a few counties calling on retail merehants and agents. Local territory. Salary $102i a yeurand expenses, pay- able $19 70 a week cash and expenses advanced Position permanent. Business successful and rushiog. standard House, 334 Dearborn street, Chiczgo. FINTZELBERG, THEODORE: Real Estate, Insurance, Commission, Notary Public. P. O. box 694. Express block. ~ r WADE& WADE. Analytical Chemists and Assayers, 2, 1154 Nerth pias st. (Tel. Green - 1704), Los Angeles, Cal. Chemical Analysis, Assaying, Milling, i Conc entration and Cyanide tests, etc. — Notary Public, DODSON, Ans: : No. $09 Fourth St., San Diego, Cal. — a ES eee ee ATTORNEYS. = HAMMACK, N. St rR Real Estate and Loans. Lawyer Blk, Insurance Dodson, A. E., 909 4th st. San Diego. -REAL ESTATE. We willadvertise untilsold any property free that is placed exclusively in our hands for sale — ata price satisfactory to us, andon which we are guaranteed the usual commission when sold (5 per cent. 02 real estate; 10 p.c. on mixes) —which we will divide with any agent effect- ing sale; prices subject to change whenever we are notified in writing. SAN DIEGO: $500——6 room house Logan av Paiainene $700— -Lst6 room house 25 ft AK $2000——Irving av 7 rooms 50 ft $400——14 st near J, well, fenced $800——7 room house lot 40x60 ft cor lth & E $100——40 by 140 ft near 30th st__ $: 200 — 25 by 140 ft lots Ist near 26th x $800 —Golden &i!), 50 ft, fine view, near uy) LA MESA Seer hi. $200——7 acres good, fine view pie 21 acre; ata great bargain near station. ORCUTT, San Diego, California. — CALIFORNIA ART & NATURB: eda No, 858 Fifteenth st., San Diego, California. Issued monthly; 20 “cents a co y, $2ayearin ~= advance. Of birds and shells an plants and all nature. Volume J, numbers 1-8, athe 8 colored’ plate: , $25 Volume II, numbers 9-12, devoted to aes the Cac racer, 3colored plates, $1. \ Our offer of 50 named varieties of flower seeds" postpaid for 25 cents is open to all subseribers. Our offer of 100 named specimens of natural history is open to schools or public institutions | who subseribe, free—to other subscribers forl cente«ch specimen extra. WI SON BULLETIN: 160 N. idem street Oberlin, Chio. - wee ‘The best exponent of field ornithology.’ : specimen. LORS free, *o a a — a a nn ae | j : , ~~" 2 ae MAY 30 1989 LIBRARIES The West American Scientist. Vol. XIV. No. 4. Southern California Lichens. RAMALINA CERUCHIS De Not. Wasse, Erythea 3:41, LA Co; 4:96, on shrubs near the coast (forma cephalota Tuck). RAMALINA CRINITA Tuck. “Thaillus caespitose, rigid, compressed, sub-dichotomous, linear-laciniate, at length much dilated, greenish-glaucous, the divisions smooth, interruptedly white -striate, and becoming lacuoes, attenu- ate at the summits, and clothed at the margins more or less thickly with strong, solitary or clustered, finally branched, black fibrils; apothecia middling-sized to large (3-10 mm in width), subterminal and lateral, subpodicellate, varying as to smoothness as the thallus, the mar- gins blackened; spores oblong-ellipsoid 15-20—5-6 mic.’’ Tuckerman, Torr cl b 10:43. RAMALINA HOMALEA Ach. On Euphorbia misera, Pt Loma, SD (Or 2126). Todos Santos bay, Baja (Or 2150, on shrubs). Coast of Cal, on rocks (Menzies). Hasse Erythea 4:150, Los Angeles Co. RAMALINA INTHERMEDIA Del. Hasse, Erythea 4:98,on shrubs, Catalina RAMALINA MEWNZIESII Tuck. Baja (Or 2152); on rocks and shrubs! Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co.» RAMALINA POLTINARIA Ach. San Diego (Palmer). RAMALINA RETICULATA Kremp. Vancouver's Island (J. Macoun). Near E] Cajon valley, SD Co, on Quercus agii- ‘folia (Or), and near Todos Santos bay, aja (Or2155). Hasse, Eirythea 3.41, LA Co. RINODINA ANGELICA Stiz. “Thallus similar to R. oreina Mass, but differing in size of spores; these 16-20 by 8-10 mic., short ellipsoid, ob- tuse. Hymenial structures blue with iedine. Thallus yellow with potassium hydrate. Mr 1893... On rocks, Santa Monica range, Los Angeles Co., Calif.’ —Hasse, Erythea 3:43. Hasse, Erythea 4:107, LA Co, on rocks. RINODINA BOLODES Tuck. aja! SD, on earth (Or 2149). RINODINA CONRADI Kaerb. Europe. SF (Bolander). SD mesas, on pebbles! Hasse, Erythea 4:97, 107, on earth and rocks. ; RINODINA! OREINA Mass. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. Mar. 1903. Whole No. 123. RINODINA RADIATA Tuck. Mesas, SD, on stones (Or 2117). Near “San Quintin, Baja (Or 2113). Hasse, Ery- thea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. RINODINA SOPHODES Ny. Baja, on Sambucus glauca! SD (Or 2172). Throughout N. A., on trees, stones and pea wood. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co; RINODINA SUCCEDENS Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:107, LA Co, on bark. RINODINA THYSANOTA ‘Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. ROCCELLA LEUCOPHAEA Tuck. SD, on shrubs, (Or 2168). Hasse, Ery- thea 4:150, LA Co, on Lycium Cal’cum. cum. Variety MINOR Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, Catalina, exposed to ocean spray. ROCCELLA PHYCOPIS Ach. SD; Cape of Good Hope; Peru; Mader- ra; Cuba. ROCCELLA TINCTORIA DC Mexico, on rocks (Krempelhuber); Baja (Or); SD (Palmer, Or). SCHIZOPELTE CALIFORNICA Fr. San Diego (Palmer). STEREOCAULON ALBICANS Nyl Pt Loma, SD! Guadalupe Island (Paim- er). Not rare on the ground under bush- es, Mesas or canyons. Rocky mts, Colo. (Brandegee). STYLOGRAPHA PARALLELA Nyl. San Diego mesas. THELOCHISTES LYCHNEUS Nyl. Forma LACINIOSA Cchaer. Hasse Erythea 3:41, LA Co. TCHRYSOPTHALMUS Norm. Cosmopolitan. SD; Baja (Or 2146), on Prosopis pubescens. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. Variety FLAVICANS Wallr. S. C. Texas. Mexico. Near San Quintin bay, Baja, very large, abundant, homely srecimens, inerusted with salt and usu- ally detached from the earth (Or 2148). Near Colton, Cal, on Adenostoma (Par- ry),—very delicate and beautiful speci- mens! Hasse, Erythea 3:41, LA Co. THELOCHISTES PARIETINUS Norm. SD (Or 2144). Shores of Lake Superior. New England. New York. Hasse, Erythea 4:106—‘‘forma terrestris, on moist coast rocks,’ LIA Co. Variety POLYCARPUS Tuck. Cosmopolitan, SD (Or 2145). UMBILICARIA PHAEA Tuck. ‘ Hasse, Erythea 3:42, LA Co. on rocks r : + Variety ANTHIOBO! OCIDES Nyl 27 San Diego URCEO UENBA BARBATA En. SD, sterile, on fences (Or °2169.—N.. (A. Baja. ¥ - Variety HIRTA Fn. - Hasse, Erythea 3:41, WA-'Co: 4:106, SD ‘stcriie on Adenostoma fasciculatum (Or 210), and other shrubs. _ Variety RUBIGINEA Michoe. San Diego (Or 2171). <* USNEA JUBATA Fn. _USNEA OCHROLBUCA Fn, ~ VERRUCARIA CERAST Schraa. . dvasse, Erythea 8:44, on Malvastrum Thurberi, Los Angeles County. VERRUCARIA INTERCHDANS. Hiasse, Erythea 3:44, Los Angeles Co. VERRUCARIA NIGRESCENS. . San Diego mesas on pebbles (Or)? VERRUCARIA PLUMBARIA Stiz. yr “Phallus smooth, whitish gray. and darkening, spores cslorless, bilocular, ellipsoid, each cell slightly constricted, 12-16 by 4-6 mic. Paraphyses distinct. Reaction with iodine; yellow to bronze With potassium hydrate. On various bushes, Santa Monica Range; fre- quent.”’—Hasse, EMrythea 3:44, (Los Angeles Co., Califd. VERRUCARIA PUNCTIFORMIS Aéh. Basse, Erythea 4:150:On Heteromeies.”’ VERRUCARIA PAPILLOSA Kaerb. * Variety, DERRESTRIS! Arpold. Hasse, Drythea 4:159—“On earth; with Minute black apothecia.’’ VPRRUCARIA “ViRIDULA Schrad. Tasse, Erythea $44, Los Angeles Co. ACOLIUM STI. JACOBL Tick.. “Thatius of white granules soon com- pacted into a chinky crust: apothecia of middling sizerin this genus (in the soli- tary- specimen 0: mm;,"5-8! in Width, and about the same in height), of the euDd- stance and color of the thallus, more or less turbinate; the interior exciple yellow, the disk more or Jess protruded, black, but yellowish: gréen at the ‘surface. Spores (no thekes observed) rounded and Short-ellipsoid, . bi-locuar, 0.020-40 | mm loug, 0.016-20 mm widé.’”’ Tuckerman, Torr cl b 10:22.) Mesas, SD (Pringle! Ox). The above list, concluded from: page 22, is far from complete, but enumerates all known to the writer as far as they have beet specifically determined, . by Dr. Tuckerman and others. 18) A a bea sp added from Eryth. -C. R. Orcutt. “PERIODICALS. Hasse’s list has been ._ AMERICAN HOMES: - 156 $thave., New York. Amagazine that has become a credit to the nation’s taste in architec- “bre plarits, rice, fruit trees, vegetables, citronel- _ “WEST AMBRICAN SCIENTIST: e plentiful, and picturesque resorts are “numer. 7 ous, where mineral springs ave of great benefit — to hun@reds of health seekers at all seasons, ¢— John G. Overshiner, editor and proprietor, oy NAUTILUS: : SELLS a a eee Bee ‘49th and Race sts., Philadelphia, ong a. ; : Devoted to the interests gists. Monthly, $1 a year. ee OUIO NATURALIST: Golumbis, 0. - Published by the biological club of the — Ohio state university. 50¢ a year RODS i np numbers... CP aE EB es Sie hai PACI\C FLORIST, Orchard and Gardon Magy" #ziae, 614 Pine st. San Francises, Cal. NY Av ilustrated menthiy «i useful information to all inter+sted in the cultivation of fruits and flowers, ornamental horticulture, agricuiture — and landscape gardening. $1 a year; 50 cents jor bg 6 months; $2 to foreign countries. H.U. Lilien. Bsa S thal, manager, Re ete a TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST; Colombo, Cey- ‘lon; 4. M. & J. Ferguson, publishers, Ceylon — Observer Press. For America postpaid $6.50 or §3)5 for 6 monthsin advance. Monthly, ~ Ali ahout tea, coffee, tob reco, cotton, eineno- Ha, cacto, Stizar, cardamoms, Liberian coffee, indiarubber, cinnamon, cassia, cocoanuts, pal- tayra, end other palm trees, aloes and: other fi- of concholo- Ja and other grasses yielding essential oils. gum and other tropical:products.» “0 43) ea San Diego, California. Established 1884. Published Monthly, — Price 10¢ a copy; $1 a year; $10 for lif y Charles Russell Orcutt, Editor, = Number 365 Twenty-first Street, PHILATELIC West and Camera Superior, Nebraska eked Have you a: hobby? “Don't delay but send tod itlonlye ee For the largest’ of all monthlies in Nebraska, and -the = la: gest in world devoted to all kinds | bies. Sent on trial for , 10 cents, or §0 cents per. Send 10¢ for 4 months trial, or 50¢ 160 pages each month devoted to cu coins, stamps, photograph y, history illustrated; organ of 23 societies of bers; adg pay big at lcenta word— MINING: Spokane, Wast Journal of the northwes ciation. $1 a yr. Mon pe “a 29 The Youth’s Companion in 1902. The 53 issues of the Youth's Compan- ion for the curent year, 1903 will contain 6 special stories, each a book in itself, reflecting American life in home, camp and field. 50 serial articles con- tributed by famous men and women travellers, essayists, soldiers, sailors, statesmen and men of affairs. 200 thoughtful and timely editorial articles on important public and Gomestic ??? 250 short stories by the best of living story-writers— stories of character,