QH ae — .W516 MOLL i Nb (vo, rd). “1% } Nav. 1€64 ve" a pHse NIA Division of Mollusies MAY 3.0 1989 Sectional Library LiBRARIE? VoLuME VI. NOVEMBER, 1889. WHoLE No. 49: | a Bag St <2 West : American Scientist. A popular monthly +eview and record for the Pacific Coast. Official Organ of the San Diego Society of Natural History. C.R. ORCUTT, - - EDITOR. CONTENTS: PAGE Notes from the San Diego Biological Laboratory II.............. (nhs Cae tac ebce ac gS Nees s o's an OC. H. & Rk. S. Eigenmann 147 ORMMAIA TH Citnec ny cg os sho od cn cs se CURUe RA ceeu yee hee En dies Oh 151 Fauna and Flora of Colorado—III............. T. D. A, Cockerell 153 Preliminary. Notes on the Geology of the AnacapaS..........+.+:- 155 Briefer Articles—Earliest Americans; Communism in Ohio; Salt Mountains of the Colorado; The Cable Circuit of Africa; Modern Cave Dwellers in Germany; A Wonderful Lake; PUES HIGCEINGS SAG eke oa: 'u' vnc v Cigele SRR BOT Dae) Caccig eh ine Fees OH 156 Proceedings .of Scientific Societies. ()shs.cssiaas. 0s eo ce wee pended cc 160 PEUHORTORNIN G cRe'« ie h, calor asc sss Sethe haradis ba hacnw cei gedeenes 160 BOUL aks sip deh nee Scipiai ado ngs x + 6 REM aah G Uae Oye e hake aby vee, BOA Notes and News.....-..-- ee es Re whin Seiein dei cbk ea Dice web as 162 SAMUEL CARSON & CoO., PUBLISHERS. No. 208 Post STREET, - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF No. 1134 Fifth Street, San Diego, Calif. PRICE 10 CENTS. PER YEAR, $1.00. [Entered at the Post Office at San Francisco as second-class matter.] ANGLO-NEVADA ASSURANCE + CORPORATION, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, FIRE AND MARINE. Capital Fully Paid, $2,000,000. OFFICE, 410 PINE STREET. LOUIS SLOSS, - - - - - - - - - . President. C. P. FARNFIELD, - - - - - - ~ - Vice-President, oy PRC U AR RG eh age SEI” Sik tera - = =. Secretary. BANKERS: The Nevada Bank of San Francisco. THE IkVENING BULLETIN ' BAN FRANCISCO, CAL, ESTABLISHED 1855. Is the leading evening journal in circulation and influence west of the Rocky Mountains. Itis the recognized authority in mercantile and financial circles, Its high character, tone, and general worth commends it to, and has obtained for it, an entrance into the refined and cultured home circles, and made it the most popular family newspaper in California, The only journal publishing the Supreme Court decisions in full, SaaS THE WEEKLY BULLETIN Is the largest and best weekly newspaper published in the west, and is in every respect a first-class amily paper, appealing to the interest of every member of the household whe Semi-Weehly soulletin is the regular Weekly; Bulletin; [and Friday’s issue of each week. a ad TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION THE DAILY BULLETIN is served by carriers in San Franciscoand the large towns of the interior at %5 cents per week, Daily, by mail or ab ~ lie pes per year, $6.00 Weekly, alone, - - - - ot) te 1.50 ac Weekly, with Daily of P riday, SN Nia ead DA 2.00 Parts of a year tn froportion Advertising Rates made known on application, SAN FRANGISGO BULLETIN Go. 622 MONTGOMERY STREET, . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. oe a ee eee The West American Scientist. Books for QUIGNTISTS and NATURALISTS. BEGINNINGS WITH THE MICROSCOPE. A Working Handbook containing Simple Instruc- tions in the Art and Method of Using the Mi- croscope, and Preparing Articles for Examin- ation. By Walter P. Manton, M. D. Illustra- ted. 50 cents. FIELD BOTANY. A Handbook for the Collector Containing Instruc- tions for Gathering and Preserving Plants, and the Formation ofa Herbarium. Also, complete instructions in Leaf Photography, Plant Print- ing, and the Skeletonizing of Leaves. By Walter P. Manton. Illustrated. 50 cents THE HUNTERS’ HANDBOOK, Containing lists of provisions and camping para- phernalia, and hints on the fire, cooking uten- sils, etc.; with approved receipts for camp | cookery. By “An Old Hunter.” 50 cents. WHAT IS TO BE DONE. A Handbook for the Nursery, with Useful Hints for Children and Adults. By Robert B. Dixon, M. D., Surgeon of the Fifth Massachusetts In- fantry; 50 cents; Paper, 30 cents. ’ INSECTS. How to Catch and How to Prepare Them for the Cabinet Comprising a Manuel of Instruction for the Field Naturalist. By Walter P. Manton. Illustrated. 50 cents. TAXIDERMY WITHOUT A TEACHER Comprising a Complete Manuel of Instruction for Pieparing and Preserving Birds, Animals, and Fishes, with a Chapter on Hunting and Hy- giene; together with instructions for preserv- ing Eggs and Making Skeletons, and a num- ber of valuable Receipes. By Walter P. Man- ton. Illustrated. 50 cents. Physician to the Boston Dispensary | OUR COMMON INSECTS. By A. S. Packard, Jr. tions. New Edition, with illustra- I vol., 12mo, cloth, $1.50. FERNS IN THEIR HOMES AND OURS. A popular introduction to the study of this fascina- ting subject. Fully illustrated. 1 vol., 12mo, cloth, $z 50. KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. By Elliott Coues,' M.A., M. D., Ph. D. Contains a concise account of every species of living and fossil bird at present known on the continent north of the boundary line between Mexico and the United States, including Greenland. Third edition, revised to date. With which are incorporated General Ornithology, and outline of the structure and classification of birds; and Field Ornithology, a manual of col- lecting, preparing and preserving birds. The new edition presents the nomenclature of the American Ornithologist’s Union, tn the most convenient form for comparison with that of other editions. Illustrated, Coues’ ‘‘Key’’ is too well known as a lead- ing and authoratative treatise to require re- mark, having for twelve years held its place as the standard work ot reference for prefes- sional ornithologists as well as for students and amatuers. The latest and most exhaustive American Ornithology. Indispensable to every sportsman, amateur and working orn- ithologist. 1 vol, royal octavo,vellum cloth, $7-50 THE COUFS CHECK LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. With dictionary of the etymology, authography and orthoepy of the scientific names. Revised to date and entirely rewritten by the author 1 vol., royal Svo, cloth, $3.00 fol, SASS, I SaMLiEd, CARSON & CO., 208 POST STREET. San Francisco. The West American Scientist. San Francisco Chronicle, The Leading Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. The Circulation of the CHRONICLE is equal to that of all the other San Francisco Morning Newspapers com- bined. aoe —THE— SAN FRANCISCO DAILY CHRONICLE is the most impor- The Daily Chronicle (including 16 page Sunday Edition) de- livered by carrier for 15 Cts. per week, in all principal Cit- ies and Towns on the Pacific Coast. BY MAIL, POTSAGE PAID. Daily Chronicle, tant newspaper on I year, $6 70 the Pacific Coast, 6 ae 3 35 One ea Wie Weekly Chronicle, may besaid to stand g = i year, $1 50 in the front rank off ‘ Me., writes: “I Na take an order for your album at almost every house I visit. My profit is often as muchas ®2O ator a single.day’s work.” Others are doing quite as well; » have not space to give ex- . tracts from their letters. Every one who takes hold ofthis grand business piles up grand profits. Shall we start YOU in this business, reader? Write tous and learn all about it for yourself. are starting many: we will start you if you don’t delay until another gets ahead of you in your part of the country. Ifyou take hold you will be able to pick up gold fast. Ba- Read— On account of a forced manufacturer's sale 125,000 ten dollar people for $#®2each. Bound m Royal Crimson Silk Velvet Plush. Charmingly decorated insides. Handsomest albums in the world. Largest Size. Greatest bargains ever known. Agents wanted. Liberal terms. Big money foragents. Any one can become a successful agent. Sells itself on sight—little or no talking necessary. Wherever shown, every one wants to pur- chase. Agents take thousands of orders with rapidity never before known. Great profits await every worker. Agents are making fortunes. Ladiesmake as much as men. You, reader, can doas wellas anyone. Fullinformation and terms free, to those who write for same, with particulars and terms for our Family Bibles, Books and Periodicals. should you conclude to go no further, why no harm is done. Address E. C. ALLEN & CO., AUGUSTA, MAINE. eation with each other. | We | Photograph Albums areto be sold tothe | THE WORLD TYPE-WRITER YOU CAN BUY THE WORLD ror$10.00 Single case Machine $lo.00; double case Machine writes 72 characters, Price $15.00; walnut $2.00 extra. dimple, Practical, Durable, Rapid. Machines sent by express, C. O. D., upon receipt of $1.00 or more to guarantee charges. Send for Descriptive Circulars and Testimonials. THE SAMUEL HILL COMPANY General Agents, r tre 5 725 Eictery guldeaee sal F Talclscd. General Dealers in Fine Linen Papers and Type- Writer Supplies, and Agenus for the *‘Caligraph” Type Writing Machine. Mention the Publication, case, REAL ESTATE—Bought, Sold, Rented and Exchanged. Buyers and Sellers are placed in direct communi- Stamp for Terms. ADDRESS, THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE, Orrville, Ohio. BOOK CHAT? | Brentano's, Publishers, 5 Union Square,N.Y. cations and often make $2@O a day.” | Book Chat contains montbly a complete index to the periodical literature of the world. Indispensable to Botanists, Conchologists, Geologists and Scientists generally. $1 ayear; 10c. fora single copy. THE—— AMERICAN. GEOLOGIST! IS A MAGAZINE Devoted to Geology and Allied Sciences--the only one in America—published by a number of Professior al Geologists distribute] over the central part of the United States. Three Dollars a Year. Address THE AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, Minneapolis, Minn. The Combination Microscope,—With Insect Holder, magnifying fifty diameters, or twenty-five hundred times, is truly a wonderful optical discovery. It can | be used asa Floroscope for examining Flowers, a | well as Insects and Water. After you know all, | It is simple, durable powerful, and cheap. Every boy and girl wants one Price by mail, $1.00. Agents wanted, Address, H. A. MUMAW, M.D., ORR- | VILLE, ONTO. Br... KORYEA’S NEW HAMMAM For LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 218 POST STREET, Bet. Dupont and Stockton, The Finest Turkish, Russian, Electric, and Medicated Baths in the City. Single Bath, 81. Six Tickets. 85. Open for Gentlemen, Dav and Night, Siwmdays includ- ed. For Ladies, from 8 A. M. té6 P.M. —THE NAUTILUS :— For CONCHOLOGISTS. SAN FRANCISCO. (Formerly “The Corchologists’ Exchange.’’) IMPROVED! ENLARGED! ILLUSTRATED! Issued monthly. Subscription $1.00 per annum H. A. Pi_ssBeEy, Editor, W. D. AVERELL, Manager. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia Pa. Address BIRDS, SKINS AND EGGS. EW PRICE LIST OF FRESH SOUTHERN CAL- ifornia Bird Skins sent for stamp. Charles H. Marsh, Dulzura, Cal Our A, B, C’s—Accuracy, Brevity, Completeness. WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST “ Decidedly the best of its class.” An illustrated monthly magazine of popular science— the only one in the West. $1.00 year; 10 cents a copy. For shells, fossils, plants, bulbs, ferns, cacti, seeds, etc., address the editor, Chas, Russell Orcutt, San Diego, California. The West American Scientist - The Acme No. 3 Microscope, FOR FINEST WORK: With 3-5 inch and 1-5 inch objectives, 2 eye- pieces power 60 to 7UO), glass slides and COVETS IN CABG.... <.). 5 deceiale + nw cates ais'sieies $ 83.00 With same outfit, but with addition of the 1-15 oil immersion objective and substage condenser (power 50 to 1600) 150.00 The Acme No. 4 Miroscopes, As illustrated, a thorough instrument for professional or educational use: With 1 in. & 1-5 in. objectives, two ey e-pieces (power 40 to 600), glass slides and cov- ers in case .$55.00 The Acme No. 5 Microscope, An instrument of simple but thorough construction, with good lenses, and at a mipimum cost: With 1 inch and 1-5 inch objectives, 1 eye-_ piece (power 40 to 360), in case........-. $28.00 fa7Send for complete catalogue of Microscopes, sam- ple copy of the Microscopical Bulletin, and ciearance- sale list. In the Acme Microscopes, we especially pride our- selves on the accurate sitting and sinooth working of the focal adjustinents, which are vital points in a microscope. Our rack and pinion is unexcelled for perfect action. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 924 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ae 2 OO fee aA THR, COSMOPOLITAN, That Bright, Sparkling Young Magazine. The Cheapest Illustrated Monthly in the World. 25 Cents a Number. $2.40 per Year. THE COSMOPOLITAN is literally what the press universally calls it, “‘The Best and Cheapest Illustrated »tagazine” in the Worla, Subscribe—-AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNIT Y—NSubscribe The Cosmopolitan, per year.......2i:ta.le0i20).i.4.0: $2 4o THE WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST, per year...........- I 00 mice. price ofthe two publications / 4)... .n.bs,. «sites soe $3 4o We will furnish both for only........00.. 02 ceeeee 3 dias 66a TF The Cosmopolitan’ furnishes, for the first time in magazine iterature, a plendidy /lustrated Periodical, at a Price hitherto deemed impvssibe, ase TRY IT FOR A YEAR. Do you want a first-class Magazine, giving annually 1300 pages by the ablest writers and cleverest artists—as readable a Magazine as money can make—a Magazine that makes a specialty of live subjects ? Send $2.75 to Samuel Carson & Co., 208 Post St., San Francisco, and se- cure both “The Cosmopolitan” and ‘“‘The West American Scientist.” The West American Scientist. orstonds ACID PHOSPHATE Prepared according to the directions of Pror. E. N, HorsForpD, ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR ‘Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Exhaus- tion, Headache, Tired Hrain, And all Diseases arising from Indigestion and Nervous Exhaustion. Oo f@This is not a compound “patent medicine,” but a prepara- tion of the phosphates and phosphoric acid in the form re- buired by the system. It aids digestion without injury, and is a beneficial food and tonic for the brain and nerves. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only, and agrees with such stimulants as are necessary to take. Dr. E. W. Hitt, Glens Falls, N. Y., says: ‘An excellent remedy for a tonic Dyspepsia, nervous and general debility, or any low state of the system.” Dr. D. A. Stewart, Winona, Minn, says: “Entire satis- faction in cases of perverted digestion, loss of nerve-power, mal-nutrition and kindred ailments,” Dr. G, H. Leacu, Cairo, Ill, says: “Of great power in dyspepsia and nervous prostration.”’ ¥e=> Descriptive Pamphlet Free. Rumford Chemical Works Providence, R. I. Beware of Substitutes and Imitations «am Be sure the word ‘“‘HorsForp’s” is printed on the label.—All others are spurious. —Never sold in bulk. The West American Scientist. yosePt GILLOTrg Steel Plens FOR ARTISTIC USE in fine drawing, Nos. 659 (Crowquill), 290 and aor. FOR FINE WRITING, Nos. 303 and Ladies’, 170. FOR BROAD WRITING, Nos. 294, 389 and Stub Point, 849. FOR GENERAL WRITING, Nos. 332, 404, 390 and 604. Joseph Gillott & Sons, 91 John St., N.Y. HENRY HOE, Sore AGENT, Sold iy ALL DEALERS throughout the World. Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1878. A. WENTSCHER, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING AND SHIPPING. San Diego, Cal. RE YOU FOND OF USING TOOLS OR Tinkering? If So send One Dollar for THE UNIVERSAL TINKER AND AMATEUR’S ASSIS'T- ANT. Tells Amateurs about turning and lathe-work, Painting, Staining, Book Binding, French Polishing, Wood Finishing, Fretwork, Amateur Printing, the Magic Lantern, etc. Single copies 10 cts. Address HODGSON & BARWOOD, 294 Broadway, New York, N.Y. tbh ebb y phe eet tyes @ Sin" Cut This Out! tous with only ten cents, (silver or stamps) & we will send you for six months, ‘THE & YOUNG IDEA, the brightest and best juv- > ae enile magazine published. Itis handsomely S% illustrated and contains the most delightful & of stories. We make this offer to introduce, & only, GRANT C. WHITNEY, Pup & Belvidere, Ill. ec!) COLLECTORS Who wish to obtain first-class European chad ae ee ae 4) o PPD v | | | or African Natural History Specimens | will oblige by sending class of desiderata | to DR REED; Jr., Ryhope, Sunderland, England. Sold for $2 OO, until lately. Best $55 watch in the world. Berfect timekeeper. War- ranted. Heavy Solid Gold fA Hunting Cases. Both ladies’ and gents’ sizes, with works and .cases of ‘equal value. ‘One Person in each lo- caltiy can secure one free, together with our large and val- uadle line of Household Samples. These samples, as well as the watch, we send Free, and after you have kept them in your home for @ months and shown them to those who may have called, they become your own property. Those who write at once can be sure of receiving the ateh and Samples. We pay all express, freight, etc, Address Stinson & Co., Box 812. Portland, Maine. $85 Solid Gold ap Consolidated National Bank. CAPITAL PAID IN, =- $250,000. SURPLUS FUND, - - 50,000. Undivided Profits - - 79,961 BRYANT HOWARD, - - - President. J. H, BARBOUR, : - - Vice-President. JOHN GINTY, - - - - - - Cashier. W. R. RUGE.S, Assistant Cashier. — DIRECTORS.--— O. S. Witherby, John Ginty, James McCoy, Bryant Howard. Hiram Mabury, E. W. Morse, J. H. Parbour, &@ Exchange on all the Principal Cities of America and Europe bought and sold. The Savings Bank OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. In the Consolidated Bank Building, corner of Hand t ifth streets, CAPITAL, $100,000. : 1OFFICERS:-: E. W. Morse, - - - : : J. H. Barbour, - John Ginty, < : Presid ent Vice-Presid ent Secretary and Treas urer : :DIRECTORS:-: O.S. Witherby, H. Mabury, James McCoy, E. W. Morse Bryant Howard, Interest Allowed on Deposits. Loaned on Real Estate, ORCHIDS, CYCADS, Bulbs, Seeds and Roots. Money Denarobium maccarthee; D. aureum; D, crumin- atum; 9. macrotachyum; Vanda spathulata, etc., etc.: each cluster, 5U cents—by mail, 75 cents. Cycas revoluta and Cycas circinalis stems of all sizes from $5.00 to 50 cents. Lilies—Pancartium, Gloriosa methonica, each, 50 cents, by mail. Price list on ap- plication. NATURAL HISTORY. Biri skins of over 4U species peculiar to Ceylon, mounted or unmounted. Curiositic-, bird’s eggs, shells, bones, etc., ete. An assorted collection of 24 species of bird skins by mail for $45. All orders should be be sent to C. R. ORCUTT, Editor The West American Scientist, San Diego, Cal- cfornia, of whom nurserymen and florists can obtain circular on application. Coffe-, Thea, Cocoa, Cin- nhona, Peppers, Palms, etc., etc. Fresh seed always in stock. ‘I'ree Ferns and Lycopods, J. P. ABRAHAM, Nurseryman & Florist Grand Pass, Colombo, Ceylon. IT IS IMPORTANT For collectors to know where they can purchase spec- mens the cheapest. We invite ali to send for our illustrated price lists, etc. STEARNS’ CURIO SHOP, Headquarters for Low Prices, ELKADOR, IOWA, The West American Scientist. | (| Co-operation Reduces Cost | JA Watch 2$38 AlFully EQUAL for Accuracy, bility, Appearance stand Rane) ag r an 75 atch. Ss { Phid®phia’s building associa- tions have done much _ toward building it up|: and making Its thecityofhomes. Thesamesystem |= of co-operation 14-Karat Gold Karat Gold Filled CHA Filed CHAIN N unranteed to wear Years, and is 33% ia-Karat Solid Gold eGo EN, I eine 0 a re Cee and buy the BEST. ; aged,has builtup Zhe Keystone Watch} Club Co. until they are now selling ore Watches to consumers than all others| combined. ‘They handle only the Keystone Dust-proof Watch i”), which is deservedly regarded as theRiih crown and climax of Pennsylvania’s manufactures. This Watch containssme every essential to an accurate time-|ff keeper, and many important improve- ments patented by the Company. They are Dust and Damp Proof, = 2 quality possessed by nol 24 SA} other movementin theworld. Die | Jeweled with genuine rubies .|/Rim Patent Stem Wind & Set, Ieee strongest and simplest. Sold through authorized agents at/ia= al 898.00. Either all cash downlfz LE r $1.00 per week. B i An Ajax Watch Insulator given Sree with each Watch, eee, Watch Club Til | Main Office in Company’ si Own Building, YZ | 904 Walnut St. (~~ PHILADELPHIA,PA i : peewee ie | : £ against magnetism. cau j\j Fitany watch. Sent by mail on receipt of price. We refer to any Commercial Agen ON oF WATCHES Comm) -:- Come) Watch “insulator, A rere epieetion James I’. Whittle. bD. F. Jones JONES & WHITTLE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Paper Hanging and Decorating, Kalsomining and Oil Finishing Graining and Marbling a “specialty. 821 Seventh St., San Diego, Cal. The Califormia Voice. A weekly 28 column Journal, devoted to the cause of Prohibition and Politi- cal and Social Reform. Takes the clean and right side of all the labor and other questions that con- cern the public welfare. Address, CALIFORNIA VOICE, 328 Pacific Street, San Francisco, Cal- ALL FOR 25 CENTS. A fine Indian Arrew-head, Piece of Pottery, Star- fish, Sea-urchin, Shark’s Egg, 8 minerals, Chinese Coins, 14-page price-list of curiosities, etc., copy of COMMON SENSE, a 16-page magazine for collectors, 35c per year. F. A. THOMAS, Publisher, Mexia, New York. ROYAL PALM NURSERIES The finest anil most extensive collection of Tropi- cat and Semi-Tropical Plants in America. Many adayted to Southern California. More than 20 varie- ties of bananas. 150,00U one year old palms, Fruit, ornamental and economical plants from Australia, Japan, Hong-Kong, India, South Africa, South Ameri- ca and all parts of the tropical world. New and valu- able descriptive catalogue of 100 pages, mailed to any address, upon receipt of 10 cts. Address, REASONER BROS., Manatee, Florida. Geological and Archeological Specimens ———_ AND Scientific Books. ——_-o-—_- Corals from the falls of the Ohio a specialty. Can furnish from a single ex- ample to one hundred thousand. e Cor- respondence with advanced coll ctors and professors of colleges solicited. Best of reference given and satisfaction guar- anteed or money refunded. G. K. GREENE; 170 East Third St., New | Albany, Ind. PORTRAITS. YOUR HOME MADE BEAUTIFUL By aiorning them with the FACES OF LOVED ONES. The New York Artists’ Union is the only organiza- tion doing genuine Crayon, Pastels and Oil Portraits of friends living or dead, from photographs, tin-types or any correct likeness. They can fill, and therefore solicit orders from all parts of the United States. Con- scientious work on the smallest as well as the largest contracts ix their rule. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required. All work done by Graduated Artists, Now zs the time to send your order. Send or our illustrated circular of prices, etc., to The New York Artists’ Union, Mention this paper] 10 East 14th St , New York, Shells, Minerals and Fossils —ALSO— SHEDS AND PLANTS: OR: OR GUA Editor “West American Scientist.” San D1ikEGo, CALIF. ees ES EY ay Se Se { 4 i? ; | 4 4 R ‘S i .. 4 4 V The West American Scientist. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales, With the Notes of the Origin. Customs and Character of the Pawnee People. By Groran BIRD GRINNBLL. CLOTH, 417 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. PRICE, $2,00. These tales are as unique as the “Uncle Remus” stories and quite as original, ingenuous, characteristic and full of human nature. The race here pictures itself with unconscious fidelity. No such absolutely “% faithful portrayal of the Indians has ever before been given. For ¥f this quality, apart from the popular interest of the stories, the book is destined to make a more profound and lasting impression than even that created by “Ramona,” LOG CABINS. How to Build and Furnish them. By WILLIAM S. WICKS. —_— = The book is thoroughly practical, Every step in the process of construction is ex- plained. The authorisan architect who has himself built log cabins, and very handsome ones, too, as shown in the plates. The designs are numerous aud varied, Plans are given for cabins, large andsmall, with details of exterior and interior finish; and there are also some yery useful directions for constructing temporary shelters—the Indian camp, brush house and bark camp. The furnishing consisis of tables, chairs, bedsteads and other articles, all made of the material at hand, and all in keeping with the style of the house. The illustrations are numerous and helpful. Price $1.50. Canoe and Boat Building. A Complete Manual for Amateurs. Containing plain and comprehensive directions for the construction of Canoes, Rowing aud Sailing Boats and Hunting Craft. By W. P. Sreruens, Canoeing Editor of Forest and Stream, Cloth. Fourth and enlarged edition, 264 pages, numerous illustrations and fifty plates in envelope. Price $2.00. 611 Hints and Points for Sportsmen. CoMPILED BY SENECA. Prick $1.50. Of this book the New York Herald says: “If there are any sportsmen so wise that they cannot learn something from this little book, their modesty prevents their fellow men knowing it. The compiler seems to haye thought of everything from managing fine guns to snelling hooks, tying knots and skinning eels. He has chapters on rifles and shotguns, hunting and,trapping, fishing, camping, dogs, boating, yachting, camp making, cooking, surgery and medicine, and one headed “miscellaneous” seems to include every- thing which the others have omitted.” ANY OF THE ABOVE SENT POST PAID BY THE PUBLISHERS. The West American Scienirst. ‘*‘My Soul, I mean that bit of Phosphorus that takes its place,’’ Jas. RussELL LOWELL. The conception of Brown Sequards’ “Eiixir of Life” was borrowed from Crosby's Vitalized Phosphites, which for over twenty years has been made from the Brain of the Ox. Physicians have accepted the fact that this vital nutrient from the Brain of animals is the true restorer of vigor to the human system. The “Elixir” from the glands of animals was in- tended only to increase virility; whereas Witalized Phosphites restores vitality and renovates all the weakened functions of both brain and body. It is the true Elixir of Youth. — VITALIZED PHOSPHITES 3 is carefully prepared from the nerve giving principles of the Ox brain, and the embryo of the wheat and oat; it for more than twenty years has been the standard remedy with physicians who treat mental and nervous disorders. It has been, of great benefit of those suffering from Nervous Exhaustion, Brain Fatigue, Los of Memory, Nervous Dyspepsia, and all men- tal and bodily weaknesses. It is a vital nutrient Phosphite, not an inert acid phosphate, It aids in the bodily, and wonderfully in the mental growth of children. ‘Every one speaks well of VITALIZED Phosphites’’ —Christian at Work. 56 West 25th Street, New York. For Sale by Druggists. Or sent by mail, $1 c's an 4 Oe Piers ee aa lage a4 — “KIM 01425 0823