——_ - ss See © a ia i THE Wel) Tete P aN; LONDON PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE mint A ITER DoT NC Rn ELEPHANT CORRAL, AN FIR: E¢ 73K 0.3 fVamn. Tee ELEPHANT — AND gig lS THE METHOD OF CAPTURING AND TAMING IT IN CEYLON. bY SIR J. EMERSON TENNENT, Bart. K.C.S. LL.D. F.R.S. &c. AUTHOR OF ‘“‘CEYLON, AN ACCOUNT OF THE ISLAND, PHYSICAL, HISTORICAL, AND TOPOGRAPHICAL,” ETC. LONDON : FOMNGMANS, GREEN, AND. CO. 1867. | An Ty : Gy oe N |) Op JUN 291945 “tionary muses LO; MY INTELLIGENT COMPANION IN MANY OF THE JOURNEYS THROUGHOUT THE MOUNTAINS AND FORESTS OF CEYLON, IN THE COURSE OF WHICH MUCH OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME WAS COLLECTED ; IMG) MAJOR SKINNER, CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS, ETC, ETC, ONE OF THE MOST EXPERIENCED AND VALUABLE SERVANTS OF THE CROWN; IT IS INSCRIBED, IN THE HOPE THAT IT MAY RECALL TO HIM THE PLEASANT MEMORIES WHICH IT AWAKES IN ME. PREFACE. IN THIS VOLUME, the chapters descriptive of the structure and habits of the wild elephant are reprinted for the sixth time from a larger work,! published originally in 1859. Since the appearance of the First Edition, many corrections and much additional matter have been supplied to me, chiefly from India and Ceylon, and will be found embodied in the following pages. To one of these in particular I feel bound to direct attention. In the course of a more enlarged essay on the zoology of Ceylon,? amongst other proofs of a geo- logical origin for that island, distinct from that of the adjacent continent of India, as evidenced by peculiarities in the flora and fauna of each respectively, I had occasion to advert to a discovery which had been recently an- 1 Ceylon: An Account of the of Ceyloz, London, 1861. See also Island, Physical, Historical, and To- Ceylon, etc. by Sir J. Emerson TEn- pographical. 2 vols. 8vo. London, wenr. London, 1860, vol. 1. pp. 7, Longmans & Co. 1859. 13,955 100; 159, cc. 2 Sketches of the Natural History Vili Preface. nounced by Temminck in his Survey of the Dutch posses- stons in the Indian Archipelago, that the elephant which abounds in Sumatra (although unknown in the adjacent island of Java), and which had theretofore been regarded as identical in species with the Indian one, has been found to possess peculiarities, in which it differs as much from the elephant of India as the latter does from its African congener. On this new species, to which the natives give the name of ‘“gadjah,”? TEMMINCK has conferred the scientific designation of the Zvephas Suma- tranus. The points which entitle it to this distinction he enumerates minutely in the work? before alluded to, and they have been summarized as follows by Prince Lucien Bonaparte. “This species is perfectly intermediate between the Indian and African, especially in the shape of the skull, and will certainly put an end to the distinction between LElephas and Loxodon, with those who admit that ana- tomical genus ; since although the crowns of the teeth of / £. Sumatranus are more like the Asiatic animal, still the less numerous undulated ribbons of enamel are nearly quite as wide as those forming the lozenges of the African. The number of pairs of false ribs (which alone vary, the true ones being always six) is fourteen, one less than in — 1 Coup d’QHil général sur les 2 Temmincx, Coup d’2il, etc. Possessions Neéerlandaises dans Inde t.i. c.iv. p. 3285 t. ii.c. iil. p. gt. Archipélagique. | | Preface. is the Africanus, one more than in the /zdicus; and so it is with the dorsal vertebree, which are twenty in the Swma- tranus (twenty-one and nineteen in the others), whilst the new species agrees with Africanus in the number of sacral vertebre (four), and with Zndicus in that of the caudal ones, which are thirty-four.” } 1 Proceed. Zool. Soc. London, 1849, p. 144 note. The original description of TEMMINCcK is as fol- lows : “ Elephas Sumatranus, Job. res- semble, par la forme génerale du crane, a l’éléphant du continent de PAsie ; mais la partie libre des in- termaxillaires est beaucoup plus courte et plus étroite; les cavités nasales sont beaucoup moins larges ; Yespace entre les orbites des yeux est plus étroit; la partie postérieure du crane au contraire est plus large que dans l’espéce du continent. “¢ Les macheliéres se rapprochent, par la forme de leur couronne, plutot de Vespéce asiatique que de celle qui est propre a Afrique; c’est-a-dire que leur couronne offre la forme de rubans ondoyés et non pas en losange; mais ces rubans sont de la largeur de ceux qu’on voit ala couronne des dents de l’éléphant d’ Afrique ; ils sont conséquemment moins nombreux que dans celui du continent de |’ Asie. sions de ces rubans, dans la direction Les dimen- d’avant en arriére, comparées a celles prises dans la direction transversale et latérale, sont en raison de 3 ou 4 a1; tandis que dans V’éléphant du continent elles sont comme 4 ou 641. La longueur totale de six de ces rubans, dans l’espéce nouvelle de Sumatra, ainsi que dans celle d@’Afrique, est d’environ 12 centi- métres, tandis que cette longueur n’est que de 8 4 10 centimétres dans Vespéce du continent de l’Asie. “Les autres formes ostéologiques sont a peu prés les mémes dans les trois espéces ; mais il y a différence dans le nombre des os dont le squelette se compose, ainsi que le tableau comparatif ci-joint l’éprouve. “Lelephas Africanus a 7 verté- bres du cou, 21 vert. dorsales, 3 lombaires, 4 sacrées et 26 caudales ; 21 paires de cOtes, dont 6 vraies et 15 fausses. L’elephas Indicus a 7 vertébres du cou, 19 dorsales, 3 lombaires, 5 sacrées et 34 cau- dales, 19 paires de cdtes, dont 6 Lielephas Su- matranus a 7 vertébres du cou, 20 vraies et 3 fausses. = Preface. Professor SCHLEGEL of Leyden, in a paper lately submitted by him to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Holland, (the substance of which he obligingly communicated to me, through Baron Bentinck the Ne- therlands Minister at this Court), confirmed the iden- tity of the Ceylon elephant with that found in the Lampongs of Sumatra. The osteological comparison of which TEMMINCK has given the results was, he says, con- ducted by himself with access to four skeletons of the latter ; and the more recent opportunity of comparing a living Sumatran elephant with one from Bengal, served to establish other though minor points of divergence. The Indian species is more robust and powerful; the proboscis longer and more slender ; and the extre- mity, (a point in which the elephant of Sumatra resem- bles that of Africa,) is more flattened and provided with coarser and longer hair than that of India. Professor SCHLEGEL, adverting to the large export of elephants from Ceylon to the Indian continent, which has been carried on from time immemorial, suggests the caution with which naturalists, in investigating this question, should first satisfy themselves whether the ele- dorsales, 3 lombaires, 4 sacrées et velle, un male et une femelle adultes 34 caudales; 20 paires de cétes, et un jeune male. Nous n’avons dont 6 vraies et 14 fausses. pas encore été 4 méme de nous “ Ces caractéres ont été constatés procurer la deépouille de cette sur trois squelettes de l’espéce nou- espéce.” Preface. x1 phants they examine are really natives of the mainland, or whether they have been brought to it from the islands. “The extraordinary fact,” he observes in his letter to me, “of the identity thus established between the elephants of Ceylon and Sumatra, and the points in which they are found to differ from that of Bengal, leads to the question whether all the elephants of the Asiatic continent belong to one single species ; or whether these vast regions may not produce in some quarter as yet unexplored the one hitherto found only in the two islands referred to? It is highly desirable that naturalists who have the means and opportunity, should exert themselves to discover, whether any traces are to be found of the Ceylon elephant in the Dekkan ; or of that of Sumatra in Cochin China or Siam.” To me the establishment of a fact so conclusively con- firmatory of the theory I had ventured to broach, was productive of great satisfaction. But im an essay by Dr. FALCONER, since published in the Jatural History Review for January 1863, “On the Living and Extinct Species of Elephants,” he adduces reasons for question- ing the accuracy of these views as to Elephas Sumatranus. The idea of a specific distinction between the elephants of India and Ceylon, Dr. Falconer shows to have been pro- pounded as far back as 1834, by Mr. B. H. Hodgson, the eminent ethnologist and explorer of the zoology of Nepal; Dr. Falconer’s own inspection however of the examples of Pp Pp Xl Preface. both as preserved in the Museum of Leyden, not only did not lead him to accept the later conclusion of SCHLEGEL and TEMMINCK, but induced him to doubt the correctness of the statements published by the Prince of Canino, both as to the external and the osteological characters of the Indian elephant. As to the former, he declares that the differences between it and the elephant of Ceylon are so trifling, as not to exceed similar pecu- liarities observable between elephants taken in different regions of continental India, where an experienced mahout will tell at a glance, whether a newly captured animal was taken in the Sal forests of the North-Western Provinces, in Assam, in Silhet, Chittagong, Tipperah, or Cuttack. The osteological distinctions and the odonto- graphy, Dr. Falconer contends, are insufficient to sustain the alleged separateness of species. He equally discredits the alleged differences regarding the ribs and dorsal vertebre, and he concludes that, “on a review of the whole case, the evidence in every aspect appears to him to fail in showing that the elephant of Ceylon and Sumatra is of a species distinct from that of continental India.”! He thinks it right, however, to add, that the subject is one which “should be thoroughly investigated,” as the hasty assumption that the elephants of Ceylon and Sumatra belong to distinct species has been put forward 1 The Natural History Review, January 1863, pp. 81, 96. Preface. xili to support the conjecture of a geological formation for the island of Ceylon distinct from that of the mainland of India; a proposition to which Dr. Falconer is not prepared to accede. Having ventured to originate the latter theory, and having sustained it by Schlegel’s authority as regards the elephant of Sumatra, I think it is incumbent on me to give becoming prominence to the opposite view en- tertained by one so eminently entitled to consideration as Dr. Falconer. In the course of my observations on the structure and functions of the elephant, I have ventured an opinion that an animal of such ponderous and peculiar construc- tion, is formed chiefly for progression by easy and steady paces, and is too weighty and unwieldy to leap, at least to any considerable height or distance. But this opinion I felt bound to advance with reserve, as I had seen in an interesting article in the Colombo Observer for March 1866, descriptive of a recent corral, the state- ment that an infuriated elephant had “fairly leaped ,a barrier 15 feet high, only carrying away the upper cross- beam with a crash.” (See p. 40.) Doubtful of some inaccuracy in the measurements, I took the precaution of writing to Mr. Ferguson, the editor, to solicit further enquiry. Since the following pages have been printed, I have received from that gentleman the correction, which I now subjoin. XIV Preface. ‘My dear Sir Emerson,—I have just had a letter from Mr. Samuel Jayetileke, the Cutchery Modliar of Korne- galle, in reply to my queries about the height of the fence over which the elephant sprang. ‘The result is the usual one whenever exact measurements are substituted for guess-work: I stated 15 feet as the height of the fence, and this was the information given to me at the time. But the report of Kumbowattewene, the Rate- mahat-meya who has since gone to measure the place, is, that where the elephant leaped over, the height was 12 feet. The exact height of the leap was however only 9 feet ; for besides that in his rush he knocked away the top bar, it is found that in the corner at which he escaped, there is a mound formed by a white ant’s nest, two and a half feet high, on which he must have climbed to help him over. Itrust this information may be in time to prevent my original statement from going forth without modification in your new book. The leap is stilla pretty good one.—Yours faithfully, A.. M. Fercuson, Odserver Office, Colombo, December 14, 1866.” J. Emerson TENNENT. Tempo Manor, ENNISKILLEN : October 1, 1866. —- | CO WIN TS. PART. ! HABITS IN A STATE OF NATURE. CHAPTER I. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS. Vast numbers in Ceylon Derivation of the word “ele- phant,” no/z . Antiquity of the trade in a= phants . - : Numbers now fee tae Z Mischief done by them to crops. : - : Ivory scarce in Ceylon Conjectures as to the absence of tusks . Elephant a ae ne Alleged antipathies to other eat 4 | Fights with each other | The foot its chief weapon zh. | Use of the tusks in a wild state doubtful . - 5 | Anecdote of sagacity in an z. | elephant at Kandy . | Difference between African zb. | and Indian species . 6 Native ideas of perfection in } an elephant 7 | Blotches on the skin 9 | White elephants not un- known in Ceylon - II | CHAPTER II. HABITS WHEN WILD. Water, but not heat, essential to elephants Sight limited Caution . S 25 | Smell acute 26 | Hearing good a PAGE 15 16 26 27 2b. XVI Contents. PAGE Cries of the elephant . 5 Arh Trumpeting f : oo A28 Booming noise. : i> 29 Height, exaggerated . Be Ye) Facility of stealthy motion . 31 Ancient delusion as to the joints of the leg 5 32 Its exposure by Sir Thos. Browne . 2b. Its perpetuation o pore al others . ; 35 Position of the Benker in sleepiaer 38 An elephant fallen on its feet 39 Mode of lying down . eo Its gait a shuffle . : 34 ab. Power of climbing moun- tains : 41 Facilitated by the Ae fet the knee : 43 Mode of PSeende ee vities, zofe : jy aes A ‘‘herd” is a family . eA 5 Attachment to their young . 46 Suckled indifferently by the females . : 4 eee A *‘rogue” elephant . Their cunning and vice Injuries done by them The leader of a herd a tusker Bathing and nocturnal gam- bols, description of a scene by Major Skinner Method of swimming . 3 Internal anatomy Tee known Faculty of storing water Peculiarity of the stomach . The food of the elephant Sagacity in search of it Unexplained dread of fences Its spirit of inquisitiveness Anecdotes illustrative of its curiosity . Estimate of sagacity Singular conduct of a herd during thunder An elephant feigning Fey Appendix.—Narratives of na- tives, as to encounters with rogue elephants CHAPTER IIT. ELEPHANT SHOOTING. Vast numbers shot inCeylon 77 Revolting details of elephant killing in Africa, zofe . 78 Fatal spots at which to aim. 79 Structure of the bones of the head E 3 : nee. Wounds which are certain to lall Attitudes when Exepnbed Peculiar movements when reposing . : Habits when Brand: Contents. XVil PAGE PAGE Sagacity of native trackers . $6 | Worthlessness of the carcass 89 Courage and agility of the LVote.—Singularrecovery from elephants in escape ately a wound . : é OO PARE) WT: MODE: OF CAPTURE AND TRAINING. CHAPTER I. AN ELEPHANT CORRAL, Early method of catching ele- An elephant corral and its phants . ; “506 construction . 5 105 Capture in pit-falls, Re . 26. | An elephant hunt in cies By means of decoys . ee OF 1847 ; ; 106 Panickeas—their courage go The town and district of ae address . 3 7b, negalle . ; a NAR Their sagacity in falowive The rock of Metaaalla, Ae LOY the elephant . é 7. | Forced labour of the corral Mode of oe by the in former times é a DLO noose . . - 99 | Now given voluntarily ee tal Mode of taming . 100 |} Form of the enclosure. a ee Method of leading We ae Method of securing a wild phants to the coast . =) LOR herd : : 114 Process of embarking them Scene when driving he ite at Manaar. 102 the corral 5 : Lo Method of eee a yale A failure . r ib. herd : 103 | An elephant drove by meh. 118 The ‘‘keddah” in Benoa det Singular scene in the corral. 119 scribed , é ‘ . Io4 | Excitement of the tame ele- Process of enclosing a herd. 78. phants, zote . : 5 ae Process of capture in Ceylon 105 XVill Contents. CHAPTER Ai. THE CAPTIVE. A night scene Morning in the corral . Preparations for securing the captives . The ‘‘ cooroowe,”’ The tame decoys First captive tied up Singular conduct of the wild elephants Furious attempts of fie herd to escape Courageous conduct BE the natives . Variety of Bepostien exhi- bited by the herd Extraordinary contortions of the captives Water withdrawn from ne stomach . Instinct of the decoys . Conduct of the noosers or noosers PAGE 121 20. The young ones and their actions Noosing a ‘‘ rogue, death Instinct of flies in ee ne carrion, 70¢e Strange scene A second herd ae Their treatment of a solitary elephant . : A magnificent fame ele- phant ; Her extraordinary ptanees Wonderful contortions Taking the captives out of the corral Their subsequent recent and training Grandeur of the scene . Story of young pet phant ” and his ele- CHAPTER IIt. TRAINING AND CONDUCT IN CAPTIVITY. Alleged superiority of the Indian to the African ele- phant—not true Ditto of Ceylon elephant fo Indian : Process of training in ceyien Allowed to bathe Tifference of disposition 150 152 155 156 158 Sudden death of ‘* broken heart” First employment neice clay Drawing a waggon Dragging timber. Sagacity in labour Mode of raising stones 149 160 161 20. 26. 26. 162 Contents. Strength in throwing down trees exaggerated Piling timber Not uniform in habits of work A Lazy if not watched Obedience to keeper from affectior, not fear Change of oe of child Ear for sounds and music Ur-re! note Endurance of pain Docility PAGE 2b. 163 164 165 70. 166 167 20. 168. 169 Working elephants, delicate. Deaths in Government stud . Diseases : Subject to tooth- ante F Question of the value of la- bour of an elephant . Food in captivity, and cost . Breed in captivity gems Theory of M. Blearets No dead elephants found Sindbad’s story . F Appendix. — Passage from félian - : Xix PAGE 170 171 172 20. 174 175 176 D7 20. 179 I8I 183 Las T OF LELUST RATIONS. sia ges PAGE View of an Elephant Corral . : : ; : frontispiece Brain of the Elephant : caer 3 - AD The Trunk as figured in the fifteenth enrany : . 25 Bones of the Fore-leg ‘ : 2 : : F An Elephant descending a Hill . 2 : ‘ : ; 7) 4a Elephant’s Well. - . . : : Bie 55 Elephant’s Stomach, showing the ae alk : , 2 1159 Elephant’s Trachea. é : ; : Be pails: Water-cells in the Stomach of the cane : : : no? Section of the Elephant’s Skull . : : : : So Ground Plan and Fence ofa Corral. ‘ : : 5 Ue Noosing Wild Elephants. : : . : . to face 124 Mode of tying an Elephant . * : ; : : 5 BANS) His Struggles for Freedom . : é : ; ; ee 127 Impotent Fury . : : : ; ; 6 13Yo) Singular Contortions of an Hlephant : : ; : Bee Attitudes of Captives . : ‘ d ; : . to face 134 Obstinate Resistance . f : , : : : ess Attitude for Defence 147 Figures of the African and Toten iephalits on preek ana Roman Coins ; : : : : ; : ee lit Medal of Numidia : : : 3 : ; ee t5O Modern Hendoo . : ’ ; : ; ; : By elie PARE 1. SrIRUCIURE AND. BUNCTIONS. THE WILD ELEPHANT. CHAPTER L STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS. Dwrinc my residence in Ceylon, I had on two occasions opportunities of witnessing the operation on a grand scale, of capturing wild elephants, intended to be trained ‘for the Government service in the establishment of the Civil Engineer and Commissioner of Roads ;—and in the course of my frequent journeys through the interior of the island, I succeeded in collecting so many facts relative to the habits of these animals so interesting in a state of nature, as enable me not only to add to the information previously possessed, but to correct some of the fallacies popularly entertained regarding their disposi- tion and instincts. These particulars I am anxious to place on record before proceeding to describe the scenes I allude to, during the progress of the elephant hunts in the district of the Seven Korles, at which I was present in 1846, and again in 1847. 4 The Wild Elephant. With the exception of the narrow but densely inha- bited belt of cultivated land, that extends along the seaborde from Chilaw on Tangalle on the south-east, the western coast towards there is no part of Ceylon in which elephants may not be said to abound ; even close to the environs of the most populous localities of the interior. They frequent both the open plains and the deep forests; and their footsteps are to be seen wherever food and shade, vegetation and water,’ allure 1M. Ap. Picret has availed him- self of the love of the elephant for water, to found on it a solution of the long-contested question as to the ety- mology of the word “ elephant,’—a term which, whilst it has passed into almost every dialect of the West, is scarcely to be traced in any language of Asia. The Greek €Aéfas, to which we are immediately indebted for it, did not originally mean the animal, but, as early as the time of Homer, was applied only to its tusks, and sig- nified zvory. BocHART has sought for a Semitic origin, and seizing on the Arabic 72/7, and prefixing the article al, suggests adfil, akin to €Aep; but rejecting this, BocHart himself resorts to the Hebrew e/efh, an “‘ ox”—and this conjecture derives a certain degree of countenance from the fact that the Romans, when they obtained their first sight of the elephant in the army of Pyrrhus, in Lucania, called it the Luca bos. But the avros is still unac- counted for: and Porr has sought to remove the difficulty by introducing the Arabic Aixdz, Indian, thus making eleph hindi, “ bos Indicus.” The con- version of Aznzdz into avros is an obsta- ele, but here the example of ‘‘ tamarind” comes to aid; famar hindi, the ‘‘In- dian date,” which in medizval Greek forms tapapevtt. A theory of BENARY, that é€dAéfas might be compounded of the Arabic a/, and zbha, a Sanskrit name for the elephant, is exposed to still greater etymological exception. PicTet’s solution is, that in the San- skrit epics “the King of Elephants,” who has the distinction of carrying the god Indra, is called azvavata or aira- vana, a modification of airvavanta “son of the ocean,” which again comes from zravat, ‘‘abounding in water.” “Nous aurions done ainsi, comme cor- rélatif du grec €Aehavra, une ancienne forme, @zravanta ou Gilévanta, aftai- blie plus tard en @i7Avata ou dirédvana. . ... On connait la prédilection de ’éléphant pour le voisinage des fleuves, et son amour pour l’eau, dont l’abon- dance est nécessaire A son bien-étre.” This Sanskrit name, PicTET supposes, may have been carried to the West by the Phcenicians, who were the pur- veyors of ivory from India; and, from the Greek, the Latins derived e/ephas, which passed into the modern lan- guages of Italy, Germany, and France. But it is curious that the Spaniards acquired from the Moors their Arabic term for ivory, #zav7z/, and the Portu- guese waxjim; and that the Scandi- navians, probably from their early ex- peditions to the Mediterranean, adopted fill as their name for the elephant itself, and_/7/-be77 for ivory; in Danish, Their numbers tn Ceylon. 5 them, alike on the summits of the loftiest mountains, and on the borders of the tanks and lowland streams. From time immemorial the Singhalese have been taught to capture and tame them, and the export of elephants from Ceylon to India has been going on with- out interruption from the period of the first Punic War.! In later times in all forests elephants were the property of the Kandyan crown ; and their capture or slaughter without the royal permission was classed amongst grave offences in the criminal code. In recent years there is reason to believe that their numbers have become considerably reduced. They have entirely disappeared from localities in which they were formerly numerous ;? smaller herds have been taken in the periodical captures for the public service, and hunters returning from the chase report them to be growing year by year more and more scarce. In consequence of this diminution the natives in some parts of the island have even suspended the ancient practice of keeping watchers and fires by night to scare away elephants from their growing crops.3 Jils-ben. (See Fourn. Asiat. 1843, t. xliii. p. 133.) The Spaniards of South America call the palm which produces the vegetable ivory (Phytelephas ma- crocarpa) Palma de marvfil, and the nut iiself, maxfil vegetal. Since the above was written Goone- ratné Modliar, the Singhalese Inter- preter to the Supreme Court at Colom- bo, has supplied me with another conjecture, that the word elephant may possibly be traced to the Singhalese name of the animal, a/za, which means literally, ‘‘the huge one.” Alia, he The opening of roads too in the hill adds, is not a derivation from Sanskrit or Pali, but belongs to a dialect more” ancient than either. 1 FAuIAN, de Nat. Anime. lib. xvi. c. 18; Cosmas INDICOPL. p. 128. ? Le Brun, who visited Ceylon a. p. 1705, says that in the district round Colombo, where elephants are now never seen, they were then so abun- dant, that 160 had been taken in a single corral. (Voyage, etc. tom. ii. ch. Ixiii. p. 331.) * In some parts of Bengal, where elephants were formerly troublesome 6 The Wild Elephant. districts, and the clearing of the mountain forests of Kandy for the cultivation of coffee, have forced the animals to retire to the low country, where again they have been followed by large parties of European sports- men ; and the Singhalese themselves, being more freely provided with arms than in former times, have assisted m swelling the annual slaughter.! Had the motive that incites to the destruction of the elephant in Africa and India prevailed in Ceylon, that is, had the elephants there been provided with tusks, they would long since have been annihilated for the sake of the ivory.2. But it is a curious fact that, whilst in Africa and India both sexes have tusks,? with some slight (especially near the wilds of Ramgur), the natives got rid of them by mixing a preparation of the poisonous Nepal root called dakra in balls of grain, and ether materials, of which the animal is fond. In Cuttack, above fifty years ago, mineral poison was laid for them in the same way, and the carcases of eighty were found which had been killed thus. (Aszat. Res. xv. 183.) ‘ The number of elephants has been similarly reduced throughout the south of India, and as in the advancing course of enclosure and cultivation, the area within which they will be driven must become more and more contracted, the conjecture is by no means problematical, that before many generations shall have passed away, the species may become extinct in Asia. * The annual importation of ivory into Great Britain alone, for the last few years, has been about one mezllion pounds; which, taking the average weight of a tusk at sixty pounds, would require the slaughter of 8,333 male elephants. But of this quantity the importation from Ceylon has generally averaged only five or six hundred weight ; which, making allowance for the lightness of the tusks, would not inyolve the de- struction of more than seven or eight in each year. At the same time, this does not fairly represent the annual number of tuskers shot in Ceylon, not only because a portion of the ivory finds its way to China and to other places, but because the chiefs and Buddhist priests have a passion for col- lecting tusks, and the finest and largest are to be found ormamenting their temples and private dwellings. The Chinese profess that for their exquisite carvings the ivory of Ceylon excels all other, both in density of texture and in delicacy of tint; but in the European market, the ivory of Africa, from its more distinct graining, and other causes, obtains a higher price. 3 A writer in the /zdian Sporting Review for October 1857 says, ‘‘In Malabar a tuskless male elephant is rare; T have seen but two.” (P. 157.)* Absence of Tusks in Ceylon. 7 disproportion in the size of those of the females; in Ceylon, not one elephant in a hundred is found with tusks, and the few that possess them are exclusively males. Nearly all, however, have those stunted pro- cesses called fushes, about ten or twelve inches in length These I have observed them to use in loosening earth, stripping off bark, and snapping asunder small branches and climbing plants ; and one or two in diameter. and hence tushes are seldom seen without a groove worn into them near their extremities. ! Amongst other surmises more ingenious than sound, the general absence of tusks in the elephant of Ceylon has been associated with the profusion of rivers and streams in the island; whilst it has been thrown out as a possibility that in Africa, where water is comparatively scarce, the animal is equipped with these implements in order to assist it in digging wells in the sand and in raising the juicy roots of the mimosas and succulent plants for the sake of their moisture. In support of this hypothesis, it has been observed, that whilst the tusks of the Ceylon species, which are never required for such uses, are slender, graceful and curved, seldom exceeding fifty or sixty pounds’ weight, those of the African ele- * The old fallacy is still renewed that the elephant sheds his tusks. ZELIAN says he drops them once in ten years (lib. xiv. c. 5); and PLiny repeats the story, adding that, when dropped, the elephants hide them under ground (lib. viii.), whence SHAW says, in his Zoology, *‘they are frequently found in the woods,” and exported from Africa (vol. i. p. 2173); and Sir W. JARDINE in the Naturalis?s Library (vol. ix. p. 110), says, “‘ the tusks are shed about the twelfth or thirteenth year.” This is erroneous: after losing the first pair, or, as theyare called, the ‘‘ milk tusks,” which drop in consequence of the ab- sorption of their roots, when the animal is extremely young, the second pair acquire their full size, and become the ““Dermanent tusks,” which are never shed. 8 The Wild Elephant. phant are straight and thick, weighing occasionally 150 pounds, and even 300 pounds.! But it is manifestly inconsistent with the idea that tusks were given to the elephant to assist in digging for food, to find that the females are less bountifully supplied with them than the * IT have no means of ascertaining the dimensions of the largest tusks sup- posed to have been obtained in conti- nental India. Of those that I have myself seen the greatest was taken from an elephant killed by Sir Victor Brooke Bart. at the Hassanoor Hills, in Coim- batore in 1863. It measured 8 feet in length, and when placed on end two men each 6 feet high can with ease stand side by side under the curved ex- tremity. It is x ft. 6 in. in circumfer- ence at the base and weighs 110 lbs. This remarkable tusk is now in the museum at Colebrooke Park in the county Fermanagh. Its companion, owing to disease, is a distorted lump of ivory; an almost shapeless mass weighing 60 lbs. The life-long agony endured by the poor animal who bore it must have been frightful in the ex- treme. Notwithstanding the inferior- ity in weight of the Ceylon tusks, as compared with those of the elephant of India, it would, I think, be preci- pitate to draw the inference that the size of the former was uniformly and naturally less than that of the latter. The truth I believe to be, that if permitted to grow to maturity, the tusks of the one would, in all proba- bility, equal those of the other; but, so eager is the search for ivory in Ceylon, that a tusker, when once observed in a herd, is followed up with such vigilant impatience, that he is almost invari- ably shot before attaining his full growth. General Dre Lima, when re- turning from the governorship of the Portuguese settlements at Mozambi- que, told me, in 1848, that he had been requested to procure two tusks of the largest size, and straightest possible shape, which were to be formed into a cross to surmount the high altar of the cathedral at Goa: he succeeded in his commission, and sent two, one of which was 180 pounds’ and the other 170 pounds’ weight, with the slightest pos- sible curve. In a periodical entitled The Friend, published in Ceylon, it is stated in the volume for 1837 that the officers belonging to the ships Quorrah and Alburhak, engaged in the Niger Expedition, were shown by a native king two tusks, each two feet and a half in circumference at the base, eight feet long, and weighing upwards of 200 pounds. (Vol. i. p. 225.) BRopDERIP, in his Zoological Recreations, p. 255, says a tusk of 350 pounds’ weight was sold at Amsterdam, but he does not quote his authority. PETHERICcK in his Account of Egypt, Soudan, &c. says that in Central Africa the size of tusks differs in different latitudes, those to- wards the north being shorter, thicker, less hollow, and heavier than those of the south. Thus a tusk from the Nouaer, Dinka, or Shilook tribes will weigh — 120 lbs., while one from Bari would weigh only 70 lbs. or 80lbs. ‘“‘ Indeed,” he adds, “I have known a tusk from Nouaer to weigh 185 lbs., its length being seven feet two inches, and its greatest thickness at the base z7e inches.” (PETHERICK, p. 418.) Sir S. Baker, in his explorations of the White Nile, saw monster tusks of 160 Ibs.; and one in the possession of a trader weighed 172 lbs. (The Adbert Nyanza, vol. i. p. 273-) Peaceful and harmless. 9 males, whilst the necessity for their use extends alike to both sexes. ‘The same consideration serves to demon- strate the fallacy of the conjecture, that the tusks of the elephant were given as weapons of offence, for if such were the case the vast majority of them in Ceylon, males as well as females, would be left helpless in presence of an assailant. But although in their conflicts with one another, those which are provided with tusks may occa- sionally push clumsily with them at an opponent, it is a misapprehension to imagine that tusks are designed, as has been stated, to serve “in warding off the attacks of the wily tiger and the furious rhinoceros, often securing the victory by one blow which transfixes the assailant to thevearth.’”” So peaceable and harmless is the life of the elephant, that nature appears to have left it unprovided with any special weapon of offence: the trunk is too delicate an organ to be rudely employed in a conflict with other animals, and although on an emergency it may push or gore with its tusks (to which the French have hastily given the designation of “ défenses”), their almost ver- tical position, added to the difficulty of raising its head above the level of the shoulder, is inconsistent with the idea of their being designed for attack, since it is impos- sible for the animal to deliver an effectual blow, or to » Menageries, etc. published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, vol. i. p. 68: ‘‘ The Ele- phant,” ch. iii. It will be seen that I have quoted repeatedly from this vo- lume, because it is the most compendious and careful compilation with which I am acquainted of the information pre- viously existing regarding the elephant. The author incorporates no speculations of his own, but has most diligently and agreeably arranged all the facts col- lected by his predecessors. The story of antipathy between the elephant and rhinoceros is probably borrowed from fELIAN de Nat. lib. xvii. c. 44. 10 The Wild Elephant. “wield” its tusks as the deer and the buffalo can wield their horns.!' Nor is it easy to conceive under what circumstances an elephant could have a hostile encounter with a rhinoceros or a tiger, since their respective pur- suits in a state of nature can in no way conflict. Towards man the elephant evinces shyness, arising from love of solitude and dislike of intrusion ; any alarm exhibited at his appearance may be reasonably traced to the slaughter which has reduced their numbers ; and as some evidence of this, it has always been observed in Ceylon that an elephant manifests greater impatience of Were its instincts to carry it further, or were it influenced by any the presence of a white man than of a native. feeling of animosity or malignity, it must be apparent that, as against the prodigious numbers that inhabit the forests of the island, man would wage an unequal contest, and that of the two, one or other must long since have been reduced to a helpless minority. Official testimony is not wanting in confirmation of this view : in the returns of 108 coroner’s inquests in Ceylon, during five years from 1849 to 1855 inclusive, held in cases of death occasioned by wild animals, 15 are re- corded as having been caused by buffaloes, 6 by croco- 1 > Pp ? a A Corral. 43 valleys from ridge to ridge, through forests so dense as to obstruct a distant view, the elephants invariably select the line of march which communicates most judiciously with the opposite point, by means of the safest ford.! So sure-footed are they, that there are few places where man can go that an elephant cannot follow, provided there be space to admit his bulk, and solidity to sustain his weight. In 1865 .a capture of elephants was attempted at Avisavelle in Ceylon: the corral was constructed close to a wall of rocks so precipitous and high that it was considered superfluous to continue the enclosure in front of them. But over these rocks the elephants made their escape, and the corral was a total failure.? This faculty is almost entirely derived from the un- usual position, as compared with other quadrupeds, of the knee joint of the hind leg ; arising from the superior length of the thigh bone, and the shortness of the meta- tarsus: the heel being almost where it projects in man, instead of being lifted up as a “hock.” It is this which enables him, in descending declivities, to depress and adjust the weight of his hinder portions, which would otherwise overbalance and force him headlong.? It is 1 Dr. Hooker, in describing the * Since the above passage was written, ascent of the Himalayas, says, the natives in making their paths despise all zigzags, and run in siraight lines up the steepest hill faces; whilst “the ele- phant’s path is an excellent specimen of engineering—the opposite of the native track,—for it winds judiciously.” (/7z- malayan Fournal, vol. i. ch. iv.) 2 Ceylon Observer, March 186s. I have seen in the f¥ournal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. xiii. pt. ii. p. 916, a paper upon this sub- ject, illustrated by the subjoined dia- gram. The writer says, ‘‘an elephant de- scending a bank of too acute an angle to admit of his walking down it direct, (which, were he to attempt, his huge 44 The Wild Elephant. by the same arrangement that he is enabled, on uneven ground, to lift his feet, which are tender and sensitive, with delicacy, and plant them with such decision as to body, soon disarranging the centre of gravity, would certainly topple over,) proceeds thus. His first manceuvre is to kneel down close to the edge of the declivity, placing his chest to the ground: one fore leg is then cautiously passed a short way down the slope; and if there is no natural protection to afford BASS UBER ESF i p one and then the second of the hind legs is carefully drawn over the side, and the hind feet in turn occupy the resting-places previously used and left by the fore ones. The course, however, in such precipitous ground is not straight from top to bottom, but slopes alonz the face of the bank, descending till the animal gains the level below. This an a firm footing, he speedily forms one by stamping into the soil if moist, or kicking out a footing if dry. This point gained, the other fore leg is ’ brought down in the same way; and performs the same work, a little in advance of the first; which is thus at liberty to move lower still. Then, first elephant has done, at an angle of 45 degrees, carrying a howdah, its occu- pant, his attendant, and sporting ap- paratus; and ina much less time than it takes to describe the operation.” I have observed that an elephant in de- scending a declivity uses his knees, on the side next the bank; and his feet on the lower side only. A Flerd. A5 ensure his own safety as well as that of objects which it is expedient to avoid touching. A herd of elephants is a family, not a group whom accident or attachment may have induced to associate together. Similarity of features and caste attest that, among the various individuals which compose it, there is a common lineage and relationship. In a herd of twenty-one elephants, captured in 1844, the trunks of each individual presented the same peculiar formation, ---long, and almost of one uniform breadth throughout, instead of tapering gradually from the root to the nostril. In another instance, the eyes of thirty-five taken in one corral were of the same colour in each. The same slope of the back, the same form of the forehead, is to be de- tected in the majority of the same group. In the forest several herds sometimes browse in close contiguity, and in their expeditions in search of water they may form a body of possibly one or two hundred ; but on the slightest disturbance each distinct herd hastens to re-form within its own particular circle, and to take measures on its own behalf for retreat or defence. The natives of any place which may chance to be fre- quented by elephants, observe that the numbers of the same herd fluctuate very slightly ; and hunters in pur- suit of them, who may chance to have shot one or more, always reckon with certainty the precise number of those remaining, although a considerable interval may intervene before they again encounter them. The pro- portion of males is generally small, and some herds have 46 been seen composed exclusively of females ; possibly in consequence of the males having been shot. which was making towards us. We all fled, followed by the elephant. I, who was in the rear of the party, was the first to take to flight; the coolies threw away their pingoes, and my brother-in-law his umbrella, and all ran in different directions. I hid myself behind a large boulder of granite nearly covered by jungle: but as my place of concealment was on high ground, I could see all that was going on below. The first thing I observed was the elephant returning to the place where one of the pingoes was lying: he was carrying one of the coolies in a coil of his trunk. The body of the man was dangling with the head downward. I cannot say whether he was then alive or not ; I could not perceive any marks of * The tutelary spirit of the sacred from the attacks of wild animals, and mountain, Adam’s Peak. especially of elephants. Can it be * The Singhalese hold the belief, that the latter avoid the path, on dis- that twigs taken from one bush and covering this evidence of the proximity placed on another growing close to a_ of recent passengers? pathway, ensure protection to travellers * A rogue elephant. Stories by Natives. 73 blood or bruises on his person: but he appeared to be lifeless. The elephant placed him down on the ground, put the pingo on his (the man’s) shoulder, steadying both the man and the pingo with his trunk and fore legs. But the man of course did not move or stand up with his pingo. Seeing this, the elephant again raised the cooly and dashed him against the ground, and then trampled the body to a very jelly. This done, he took up the pingo and moved away from the spot ; but at the distance of about a fathom or two, laid it down again, and ripping open one of the bundles, took out of it all the contents, soszans,! cambayas,* handkerchiefs, and several pieces of white cambrick cloth, all which he tore to small pieces, and flung them wildly here and there. He didthe same with all the other pingoes. When this was over the elephant quietly walked away into the jungle, trumpeting all the way as far as I could hear. When danger was past I came out of my concealment, and returned to the place where we had halted that morning. Here the rest of my companions joined me soon after. The next morning we set out again on our journey, our party being now increased by some seven or eight traders from Salpity Corle: but this time we did not meet with the elephant. We found the mangled corpse of our cooly on the same spot where I had seen it the day before, together with the torn pieces of my cloths, of which we collected as fast as we could the few which were serviceable, and all the brass utensils which were quite uninjured. That elephant was a noted rogue. He had before this killed many people on that road, especially those carrying pingoes of coco-nut oil and ghee. He was afterwards killed by an Englishman. The incidents I have mentioned above, took place about twenty years ago.” * Woman’s robe. * The figured cloth worn by men. 74 The Wild Elephant. The following also relates to the same locality. It was narrated to me by an old Moorman of Barberyn, who, during his earlier years, led the life of a pedlar. 2. “I and another,” said he, “ were on our way to Badulla, one day some twenty-five or thirty years ago. We were quietly moving along a path which wound round a hill, when all of a sudden, and without the slightest previous intimation either by the rustling of leaves or by any other sign, a huge elephant with short tusks rushed to the path. Where he had been before I can’t say ; I believe he must have been lying in wait for travellers. Ina moment he rushed forward to the road, trumpeting dreadfully, and seized my companion. I, who happened to be in the rear, took to flight, pursued by the elephant, which had already killed my companion by striking him against the ground. I had not moved more than seven or eight fathoms, when the elephant seized me, and threw me up with such force, that I was carried high into the air towards a Cahafa tree, whose branches caught me and prevented my falling to the ground. By this I received no other injury than the dislocation of one of my wrists. I do not know whether the elephant saw me after he had hurled me away through the air; but certainly he did not come to the tree to which I was then clinging : even if he had come, he couldn’t have done me any more harm, as the branch on which I was was far beyond the reach of his trunk, and the tree itself too large for him to pull down. The next thing I saw was the elephant returning to the corpse of my companion, which he again threw on the ground, and placing one of his fore-feet on it, he tore it with his trunk limb after limb; and dabbled in the blood that flowed from the shapeless mass of flesh which he was still holding under his foot.” 3. “In 1847 or ’46,” said another informant, “I was a Stories by Natives. 75 superintendent of a coco-nut estate belonging to Mr. Armitage, situated about twelve miles from Negombo. A rogue elephant did considerable injury to the estate at that time; and one day, hearingthat it was then on the plantation, a Mr. Lindsay, an Englishman, who was proprietor of the adjoining property, and myself, accompanied by some seven or eight people of the neighbouring village, went out, carry- ing with us six rifles loaded and primed. We continued to walk along a path which, near one of its turns, had some bushes on one side. We had calculated to come up with the brute where it had been seen half an hour before ; but no sooner had one of our men, who was walking foremost, seen the animal at the distance of some fifteen or twenty fathoms, than he exclaimed, ‘ There! there!’ and immediately took to his heels, and we all followed his example. The elephant did not see us until we had run some fifteen or twenty paces from the spot where we turned, when he gave us chase, screaming frightfully as he came on. The Englishman managed to climb a tree, and the rest of my companions did the same; as for myself I could not, although I made one or two superhuman efforts. But there was no time to be lost. The elephant was running at me with his trunk bent down in a curve towards the ground. At this critical moment Mr. Lindsay held out his foot to me, with the help of which and then of the branches of the tree, which were three or four feet above my head, I managed to scramble up to a branch. The elephant came directly to the tree and attempted to force it down, which he could not. He first coiled his trunk round the stem, and pulled it with all his might, but with no effect. He then applied his head to the tree, and pushed for several minutes, but with no better success. He then trampled with his feet all the projecting roots, moving, as he did so, several times round and round the tree. Lastly, 76 The Wild Elephant. failing in all this, and seeing a pile of timber, which I had lately cut, at a short distance from us, he removed it all (thirty-six pieces) one at a time to the root of the tree, and piled them up in a regular business-like manner; then placing his hind feet on this pile, he raised the fore part of his body, and reached out his trunk, but still he could not touch us, as we were too far above him. The Englishman then fired, and the ball took effect somewhere on the ele- phant’s head, but did not kill him. It made him only the more furious. The next shot, however, levelled him to the ground. I afterwards brought the skull of the animal to Colombo, and it is still to be seen at the house of Mr. Armitage.” : 4. “One night a herd of elephants entered a village in the Four Corles. After doing considerable injury to plaintain bushes and young coco-nut trees, they retired, the villagers being unable to do anything to protect their fruit trees from destruction. But one elephant was left behind, who con- tinued to scream the whole night through at the same spot. It was then discovered that the elephant, on seeing a jak fruit on a tree somewhat beyond the reach of his trunk, had raised himself on his hind legs, placing his fore feet against the stem, in order to lay hold of the fruit, but unluckily for him there happened to be another tree standing so close to it that the vacant space between the two stems was only a few inches. During his attempts to take hold of the fruit one of his legs happened to get in between the two trees, where, on account of his weight and his clumsy attempts to extricate himself, it got so firmly wedged that he could not remove it, and in this awkward position he remained for some days, till he died on the spot.” - er 6a" CHAPTER. Mik ELEPHANT SHOOTING. As the shooting of an elephant, whatever endurance and adroitness the sport may display in other respects, requires the smallest possible skill as a marksman, the numbers which are annually slain in this way may be regarded less as a test of the expertness of the sportsman, than as evidence of the multitudes of elephants abound- ing in those parts of Ceylon to which they resort. One officer, Major Rocers, killed upwards of 1,400 ; another, Captain GALLWEY, has the credit of slaying more than half that number ; Major SKINNER, the Commissioner of Roads, almost as many; and less persevering aspirants follow at humbler distances. ! * To persons like myself, who are not addicted to what is called ‘“‘ sport,” the statement of these wholesale slaugh- ters is calculated to excite surprise and assurance that ‘‘ad/ veal sportsmen are tender-hearted men, who shun cruelty to an animal, and are easily moved by a tale of distress;” and that al- curiosity as to the nature of a passion that impels men to self-exposure and privation, in a pursuit which presents nothing but the monotonous recurrence of scenes of blood and suffering. Sir S. Baker, who has recently published, under the title of *‘ The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon,” an account of his exploits in the forest, gives us the though man is naturally bloodthirsty, and a beast of prey by instinct, yet that the true sportsman is distinguished from the rest of the human race by his “‘love of nature and of noble sce- nery.’ In support of this pretension to a gentler nature than the rest of mankind, the author proceeds to attest his own abhorrence of cruelty by nar- 78 The Wild Elephant. But notwithstanding this prodigious destruction, a reward of a few shillings per head offered by the Government for taking elephants was claimed for 3,500 destroyed in part of the northern province alone, in less than three years prior to 1848; and between 1851 and 1856, a similar reward was paid for 2,000 in the southern province, between Galle and Hambangtotte. Although there is little opportunity in an elephant battue for the display of proficiency as a shot there is one feature in the sport, as conducted in Ceylon, which rating the sufferings of an old hound, which, although “ toothless,” he cheered on to assail a boar at bay, but the poor dog recoiled “‘covered with blood, cut nearly in half, with a wound fourteen inches in length, from the lower part of the belly, passing up the flank, com- pletely severing the muscles of the hind leg, and extending up the spine; his hind leg having the appearance of being nearly off.” In this state, forget- ful of the character he had so lately given of the true sportsman, as a lover of nature and a hater of cruelty, he encouraged ‘‘ the poor old dog,” as he calls him, to resume the fight with the boar, which lasted for an hour, when he managed to call the dogs off; and, perfectly exhausted, the mangled hound crawled out of the jungle with several additional wounds, including a severe gash in his throat. ‘‘He fell from exhaustion, and we made a litter with two poles and a horsecloth to carry him home.” (P. 314.) If such were the habitual enjoyments of this class of sportsmen, their motiveless massacres would admit of no manly justification. In comparison with them one is dis- posed to regard almost with favour the exploits of a hunter like Major RoGErs, who is said to have applied the value of the ivory obtained from his encoun- ters towards the purchase of his suc- cessive regimental commissions, and had, therefore, an object, however dis- proportionate, in his slaughter of 1,400 elephants. One gentleman in Ceylon, not less distinguished for his genuine kindness of heart, than for his marvellous suc- cess in shooting elephants, avowed to me that the eagerness with which he found himself impelled to pursue them had often excited surprise in his own mind; and although he had never read the theory of Lord Kames, or the speculations of Vicesimus Knox, he had come to the conclusion that the passion thus excited within him was a remnant of the hunter’s instinct, with which man was originally endowed to enable him, by the chase, to support existence in a state of nature, and which, though rendered dormant by civilisation, had not been utterly eradi- cated. This theory is at least more con- sistent and intelligible than the “‘love of nature and scenery,” sentimentally propounded by the author quoted above. en 2 oe a cn ee Dr. Flarrison. 79 contrasts favourably with the slaughterhouse details chronicled with revolting minuteness in some recent The practice in Ceylon is to aim invariably at the head, and accounts of elephant shooting in South Africa. the sportsman finds his safety to consist in boldly facing the animal, advancing to within fifteen paces, and lodging a bullet, either in the temple or in the hollow over the eye, or in a well-known spot immediately above the trunk, where the weaker structure of the skull affords an easy access to the brain.! The region of the ear is also a fatal spot, and often resorted to,—the places I have mentioned in the front of the head being only accessible when the animal is “‘ charging.” Professor HARRISON, in his communication to the Royal Irish Academy on the Anatomy of the Elephant, has rendered an intelligible explanation of this in the following passage descriptive of the cranium:—‘“It exhibits two remarkable facts: first, the small space occupied by the brain; and, secondly, the beautiful and curious structure of the bones of the head. The two tables of all these bones, except the occipital, are separated by rows of large cells, some from four to five inches in length, others only small, irregular, and honey-comb-like :—these all communicate with each other, and, through the frontal sinuses, with ‘ The vulnerability of the elephant in this region of the head was known to the ancients, and Priny, describing a combat of elephants in the amphi- theatre at Rome, says, that one was slain by a single blow, ‘‘pilum sub oculo adactum, in vitalia capitis vene- rat.” (Lib. viii. c. 7.) Notwithstand- ing the comparative facility of access to the brain afforded at this spot, an ordinary leaden bullet is not certain to penetrate, and frequently becomes flattened. The hunters, to counteract this, are accustomed to harden the ball, by the introduction of a small portion of type-metal along with the lead. 80 The Wild Elephant. the cavity of the nose, and also with the tympanum or drum of each ear ; consequently, as in some birds, these cells are filled with air, and thus while the skull attains a great size in order to afford an extensive surface for the attachment of muscles, and a mechanical support for the tusks, it is at the same time very light and SECTION OF ELEPHANT’S HEAD. buoyant in proportion to its bulk ; a property the more valuable as the animal is fond of water and bathes in deep rivers.” Generally speaking, as regards the elephants of Ceylon, a single ball, planted in the forehead, ends the existence of the noble creature instantaneously : and expert sports- Cruelty. 81 men have been known to kill right and left, one with each barrel; but occasionally an elephant will not fall before several shots have been lodged in his head. But as regards the African elephant, Sir S. Baker, the explorer of the Nile, than whom no one has had greater experi- ence of elephant shooting in both countries, is of opinion that, owing to a peculiar configuration of the head, it is next to impossible to kill by a front shot.! Contrasted with this, one reads with a shudder the sickening details of the African huntsman approaching behind the retiring animal, and of the torture inflicted by the shower of bullets which tear up its flesh and lacerate its flank and shoulders.?: * «*The head is so peculiarly formed that the ball either passes over the brain, or lodges in the immensely solid bones and cartilages that contain the roots of the tusks. ..... The brain of the African species, he says, rests upon a plate of bone exactly above the roots of the upper grinders and is thus wonderfully protected froma front shot, as it lies so low that the kall passes over it when the elephant raises his head, which he invariably does when in anger, until close to the object of his attack. . ... I had always held the opinion that the African elephant might be killed with the same facility as that of Ceylon dy a forehead shot ; but I have found by much experience that I was entirely wrong and that although by chance an African elephant may be killed by the front shot, it is the excep- tion tothe rule.” (The Albert Nyanza, vol. i. p. 277.) ?In Mr. Gorpon CuMMING’S account of a Hunter's Life in South Africa, there is a narrative of his pursuit of a wounded elephant which he had lamed / by lodging a ball in its shoulder-blade. It limped slowly towards a tree, against which it leaned itself in helpless agony, whilst its pursuer seated himselfin front of it, in safety, to dozl his coffee, and observe its sufferings. The story is continued as follows :—‘YHaving ad- mired him for a considerable time, 7 resolved to make experiments on vul- nerable points ; and approaching very near I fired several bullets at different parts of his enormous skull. He only acknowledged the shots byasalaam-like movement of his trunk, with the point of which he gently touched the wounds with a striking and peculiar action. Surprised and shocked at finding that I was only prolonging the sufferings of the noble beast, which bore its trials with such dignified composure, I re- solved to finish the proceeding with all possible despatch, and accordingly opened fire upon him from the left side, aiming at the shoulder. I first fired six shots with the two-grooved rifle, which must have eventually proved mortal. After which I fired szx shots 82 The Wild Elephant. The shooting of elephants in Ceylon has been de- scribed with tiresome iteration in the successive journals of sporting gentlemen, but one who turns to their pages for natural traits of the animal and his instincts is dis- appointed to find little beyond graphic sketches of the daring and exploits of his pursuers, most of whom, having had no further opportunity of observation than is derived from a casual encounter with the outraged animal, have apparently tried to exalt their own prowess by misrepresenting the ordinary character of the elephant, describing it as ‘‘savage, wary, and revengeful.”! These epithets may undoubtedly apply to the outcasts from the herd, the “rogues” or hora allia, but so small is the proportion of these that there is not probably more than one vague to be found for every five hundred of at the same part with the Dutch six- pounder. Large tears now trickled Srom his eyes, which he slowly shut and opened, his colossal frame shivered convulsively, and falling on his side, he expired.” (Vol. ii. p. 10.) In another place, after detailing the manner in which he assailed a poor animal, he says: “‘I was loading and firing as fast as could be, sometimes at the head, sometimes behind the shoul- der, until my elephant’s fore-quarter was a mass of gore; notwithstanding which he continued to hold on, leaving the grass and branches of the forest scarlet in his wake...... Having fired thirty-five rounds with my two- grooved rifle, I opened upon him with the Dutch six-pounder, and when forty bullets had perforated his hide, he began for the first time to evince signs of a dilapidated constitution.” The dis- gusting description is closed thus: ‘“ Throughout the charge he repeatedly cooled his person with large quantities of water, which he ejected from his trunk over his sides and back, and just as the pangs of death came over him, he stood trembling violently beside a thorn tree, and kept pouring water into his bloody mouth until he died, when he pitched heavily forward with the whole weight of his fore-quarters resting on the points of his tusks. The strain was fair, and the tusks did not yield; but the portion of his head in which the tusks were embedded, ex- tending a long way above the eye, yielded and burst witha muffled crash.” (Zé. vol. ii. pp. 4, 5.) » The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon; by Sir S. BAKER, pp. 8, 9. *“Next to a rogue in ferocity, and even more persevering in the pursuit of her victim, is a female elephant.” But he appends the significant qualification, “when her young one has been killed.” (Lbzd. p. 13.) Atitude when at rest. 83 those in herds; and it is a manifest error, arising from imperfect information, to extend this censure to elephants generally, or to suppose it to be an animal “thirsting for blood, lying in wait in the jungle to rush on the unwary passer-by, and knowing no greater pleasure than the act of crushing his victim to a shapeless mass beneath his feet.”! The cruelties practised by hunters have no doubt taught these sagacious creatures to be cautious and alert, but their precautions are simply defensive ; and beyond the alarm and apprehension which they evince on the approach of man, they exhibit no indication of hostility or thirst for blood. An ordinary traveller seldom comes upon elephants unless after sunset or towards daybreak, as they go to or return from their nightly visits to the tanks: but when by accident a herd is disturbed by day, they evince, if unattacked, no disposition to become assailants ; and if the attitude of defence which they instinctively assume prove sufficient to check the approach of the intruder, no further demonstration is to be apprehended. Even the hunters who go in search of them find them in positions and occupations altogether inconsistent with the idea of their being savage, wary, or revengeful. Their demeanour when undisturbed is indicative of gentleness and timidity, and their actions bespeak las- situde and indolence, induced not alone by heat, but probably ascribable in some degree to the fact that the night has been spent in watchfulness and amusement. A few are generally browsing listlessly on the trees and > The Rifle and the Hound, p. 13. G2 84 The Wild Elephant. plants within reach, others fanning themselves with leafy branches, and a few are asleep; whilst the young run playfully among the herd, the emblems of innocence, as the older ones are of peacefulness and gravity. Almost every elephant may be observed to exhibit some peculiar action of the limbs when standing at rest ; some move the head monotonously in a circle, or from right to left; some swing their feet back and forward ; others flap their ears or sway themselves from side to side, or rise and sink by alternately bending and straightening the fore knees. As the opportunities of observing this custom have been almost confined to elephants in cap- tivity, it has been conjectured to arise from some morbid habit contracted during the length of a voyage by sea,! cr from an instinctive impulse to substitute an artificial motion in lieu of their wonted exercise ; but this sup- position is erroneous ; the propensity being equally dis- played by those at liberty and those in captivity. When surprised by sportsmen in the depths of the jungle, individuals of a herd are always to be seen occupied in swinging their limbs in this manner ; and in the corrals which I have seen, where whole herds have been captured, the elephants, in the midst of the utmost excitement, and even after the most vigorous charges, if they halted for a moment in stupor and exhaustion, manifested their wonted habit, and swung their limbs or swayed their bodies to and fro incessantly. So far from its being a substitute for exercise, those in the Government employ- ment in Ceylon are observed to practise their acquired 1 Menageries etc. ‘‘ The Elephant,” ch. i. p. 21. Love of qutet. 85 motion, whatever it may be, with increased vigour when thoroughly fatigued after excessive work. Even the favourite practice of fanning themselves with a leafy branch seems less an enjoyment in itself than a resource when listless and at rest. The term “fidgetty” seems to describe appropriately the temperament of the ele- phant. They evince the strongest love of retirement and a corresponding dislike to intrusion. The approach of a stranger is perceived less by the eye, the quickness of which is not remarkable (besides which its range is obscured by the foliage), than by sensitive smell and singular acuteness of hearing ; and the whole herd is put in instant but noiseless motion towards some deeper and more secure retreat. The effectual manner in which an animal of the prodigious size of the elephant can conceal himself, and the motionless silence which he preserves, is quite surprising ; whilst beaters pass and repass within a few yards of his hiding place, he will maintain his ground till the hunter, creeping almost close to his legs, sees his little eye peering out through the leaves, when, finding himself discovered, the elephant breaks away with a crash, levelling the brushwood in his headlong career. If surprised in open ground, where stealthy retreat is impracticable, a herd will hesitate in indecision, and, after a few meaningless movements, stand huddled together in a group, whilst one or two, more adventurous than the rest, advance a few steps to reconnoitre. Elephants are generally observed to be bolder in open ground than in 86 The Wild Elephant. cover, but, if bold at all, far more dangerous in cover than in open ground. In searching for them, sportsmen often avail them- selves of the expertness of the native trackers ; and notwithstanding the demonstration of Combe that the brain of the timid Singhalese is deficient in the organ of destructiveness,! he shows an instinct for hunting, and exhibits in the pursuit of the elephant a courage and adroitness far surpassing in interest the mere handling of the rifle, which is the principal share of the proceeding that falls to his European companions. The beater on these occasions has the double task of finding the game and carrying the guns; and, in an animated communication to me, an experienced sports- man describes “this light and active creature, with his long glossy hair hanging down his shoulders, every muscle quivering with excitement ; and his countenance lighting up with intense animation, leaping from rock to rock, as nimble as a chamois, tracking the gigantic game like a blood-hound, falling behind as he comes up with it, and as the elephants, baffled and irritated, make the first stand, passing one rifle into your eager hand and holding the other ready whilst right and left each barrel performs its mission, and if fortune does not flag, and the second gun is as successful as the first, three or four huge carcases are piled one on another within a space equal to the area of a dining room.”? It is curious that in these encounters the herd never » System of Phrenology, by GE. ? Private letter from Capt. PHILIP Comes, vol. i. p. 256. PayNeE GALLWEY. Mode of attack. 87 rush forward in a body, as buffaloes or bisons do, but only one elephant at a time moves in advance of the rest to confront, or, as it is called, to “charge,” the assailants. I have heard of but one instance in which two so advanced as champions of their companions. Sometimes, indeed, the whole herd will follow a leader, and manceuvre in his rear like a body of cavalry ; but so large a party are necessarily liable to panic ; and, one of them having turned in alarm, the entire body retreat with terrified precipitation. As regards boldness and courage, a strange variety of temperament is observable amongst elephants, but it may be affirmed that they are much more generally timid than courageous. One herd may be as difficult to ap- proach as deer, gliding away through the jungle so gently and quickly that scarcely a trace marks their passage ; another, in apparent stupor, will huddle themselves together like swine, and allow their assailant to come within a few yards before they break away in terror ; and a third will await his approach without motion, and then advance with fury to the “charge.” In individuals the same differences are discernible ; one flies on the first appearance of danger, whilst another, alone and unsupported, will face a whole host of enemies. When wounded and infuriated with pain, many of them become literally savage;! but, so unac- customed are they to act as assailants, and so awkward * Some years agoan elephant which trampled him to death in the bazaar had been wounded by anative, near before a crowd of terrified spectators, Hambangtotte, pursued the man into and succeeded in making good its re- the town, followed him along the street, treat to the jungle. 88 The Wild Elephant. and inexpert in using their strength, that they rarely or ever succeed in killing a pursuer who falls into their power. Although the pressure of a foot, a blow with the trunk, or a thrust with the tusk, could scarcely fail to prove fatal, three-fourths of those so overtaken have escaped without serious injury. So great is this chance of impunity, that the sportsman prefers to approach within about fifteen paces of the advancing elephant, a space which gives time for a second fire should the first< shot prove ineffectual, and should both fail there is still opportunity for flight. Amongst full-grown timber, a skilful runner can escape from an elephant by “dodging” round the trees, but in cleared land, and low brushwood, the difficulty is much increased, as the small growth of underwood which obstructs the movements of man presents no obstacle to those of an elephant. On the other hand, on level and open ground the chances are rather in favour of the ele- phant, as his pace in full flight exceeds that of man, although as a general rule, it is unequal to that of a horse, as has been sometimes asserted.! The incessant slaughter of elephants by sportsmen in Ceylon, appears to be merely in subordination to the in- fluence of the organ of destructiveness, since the carcase is never applied to any useful purpose, but left to de- compose and to defile the air of the forest. The flesh is occasionally tasted as a matter of curiosity: as a steak it is coarse and tough; but the tongue is as delicate as 1 SHAw, in his Zoology, asserts that horse can gallop. London, 1800-6, an elephant can run as swiftly as a_ vol. i. p. 216 Edible portions. 89 that of an ox; and the foot is said to make palatable soup. The Caffres attached to the pioneer corps in the Kandyan province are in the habit of securing the heart of any elephant shot in their vicinity, and say it is their custom to eat it in Africa. The hide it has been found impracticable to tan in Ceylon, or to convert to any useful purpose, but the bones of those shot have of late years been collected and used for manuring coffee estates. The hair of the tail, which is extremely strong and horny, is mounted by the native goldsmith, and made into bracelets ; and the teeth are sawn by the Moormen at Galle (as they used to be by the Romans during a scarcity of ivory) into plates, out of which they fashion numerous articles of ornament, knife-handles, card racks, and “ presse-papiers.” 90 The Wild Elephant. NOTE. AMONGST extraordinary recoveries from desperate wounds; I venture to record here an instance which occurred in Ceylon to a gentleman while engaged in the chase of elephants, and which, I apprehend, has few parallels in pathological experi- ence. Lieutenant GERARD FRETZ, of the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, whilst firing at an elephant in the vicinity of Fort MacDonald, in Ouvah, was wounded in the face by the bursting of his fowling-piece, on the 22nd January, 1828. He was then about thirty-two years of age. On raising him, it was found that part of the breech of the gun and about two inches of the barrel had been driven through the frontal sinus at the junction of the nose and forehead. It had sunk almost perpendicularly till the iron plate called “the tail-pin,” by which the barrel is made fast to the stock by a screw, had descended through the palate, carrying with it the screw, one extremity of which had forced itself into the right nostril, where it was discernible externally, whilst the headed end lay in contact with his tongue. To extract the jagged mass of iron thus sunk in the ethmoidal and sphenoidal cells was found hopelessly impracticable ; but strange to tell, after the inflammation subsided, Mr. FRETZ recovered rapidly ; his general health was unimpaired, and he returned to his regi- ment with this singular appendage firmly embedded behind the bones of his face. He took his turn of duty as usual, attained the command of his company, participated in all the Singular Wound. gI enjoyments of the mess-room, and died e¢ght years afterwards, on the ist of April, 1836, not from any consequences of this fearful wound, but from fever and inflammation brought on by other causes. So little was he apparently inconvenienced by the presence of the strange body in his palate that he was accustomed with his finger partially to undo the screw, which but for its extreme length he might altogether have withdrawn. To enable this to be done, and possibly to assist by this means the extraction of the breech itself through the original orifice (which never entirely closed), an attempt was made in 1835 to take off a portion of the screw with a file ; but, after having cut it three parts through the operation was interrupted, chiefly owing to the carelessness and indifference of Capt. FRETZ, whose death occurred before the attempt could be resumed. The piece of iron, on being removed after his decease, was found to measure 2? inches in length, and weighed two scruples more than two ounces and three quarters. A cast of the breech and screw now forms No. 2790 amongst the deposits in the Medical Museum of Chatham. PART LL. MODE OF CAPTURE. is CHAPTERS: AN ELEPHANT CORRAL. So long as the elephants of Ceylon were merely required in small numbers for the pageantry of the native prin- ces, or the sacred processions of the Buddhist temples, their capture was effected either by the instrumentality of female decoys, or by the artifices and agility of the individuals and-castes who devoted themselves to their pursuit and training. But after the arrival of the Euro- pean conquerors of the island, and when it had become expedient to take advantage of the strength and intel- ligence of these creatures in clearing forests and con- structing roads and other works, establishments were or- ganised on a great scale by the Portuguese aud Dutch, and the supply of elephants kept up by periodical battues conducted at the cost of the Government, on a plan similar to that adopted on the continent of India, when herds varying in number from twenty to one hundred and upwards are driven into concealed enclosures and secured. In both these processes, success is entirely dependent on the skill with which the captors turn to advantage the 96 The Wild Elephant. panic and inexperience of the wild elephant, since all attempts would be futile to subdue or confine by ordinary force an animal of such strength and sagacity.' Knox describes with circumstantiality the mode adopted, two centuries ago, by the servants of the King of Kandy to catch elephants for the royal stud. He says, “After discovering the retreat of such as have tusks, unto these they drive some she elephants, which they bring with them for the purpose, which, when once the males have got a sight of, they will never leave, but follow them wheresoever they go; and the females are so used to it that they will do whatsoever, either by word or a beck, their keepers bid them. And so they delude them along through towns and countries, and through the streets of the city, even to the very gates of the king’s palace, where sometimes they seize upon them by snares, 1 The device of taking them by means of pitfalls still prevails in India ; but in addition to the difficulty of pro- viding against that caution with which the elephant is supposed to reconnoitre suspicious ground, it has the further disadvantage of exposing him to injury from bruises and dislocations in his fall. Still it was the mode of capture employed by the Singhalese, and so late as 1750 WotF relates that the native chiefs of the Wanny, when capturing elephants for the Dutch, made ‘‘ pits some fathoms deep in those places whither the elephant is wont to go in search of food, across which were laid poles covered with branches and baited with the food of which he is fondest, making towards which he finds himself taken unawares. Thereafter being subdued by fright and exhaustion, he was assisted to raise himself to the surface by means of hurdles and earth, which he placed underfoot as they were thrown down to him, till he was enabled to step out on solid ground, when the noosers and decoys were in readiness to tie him up to the nearest tree.” (See Wotr’s Life and Adven- tures, p. 152.) Shakspeare appears to have been acquainted with the plan of taking elephants in pitfalls: Decius, encouraging the conspirators, reminds them of Czesar’s taste for anecdotes of animals, by which he would undertake to lure him to his fate : “* For he loves to hear That unicorns may be betrayed with trees, And bears with glasses : elephants with holes.” Jutius Casar, Act ii. Scene I. Capture tn India. 97 and sometimes by driving them into a kind of pound, they catch them.” ! In Nepaul and Burmah, and throughout the Chin- Indian Peninsula, when in pursuit of single elephants, either vogwes detached from the herd, or individuals who have been marked for the beauty of their ivory, the natives avail themselves of the aid of females in order to effect their approaches and secure an oppor- tunity of casting a noose over the foot of the destined captive. All accounts concur in expressing high admira- tion of their courage and address; but from what has fallen under my own observation, added to the descrip- tions I have heard from other eye-witnesses, I am inclined to believe that in such exploits the Moormen of Ceylon evince a daring and adroitness, surpassing all others. These professional elephant catchers, or, as they are called, Panickeas, inhabit the Moorish villages in the north and north-east of the island, and from time im- memorial have been engaged in taking elephants, which are afterwards trained by Arabs, chiefly for the use of the rajahs and native princes in the south of India, whose vakeels are periodically despatched to make pur- chases in Ceylon. The ability evinced by these men in tracing elephants through the woods has almost the certainty of instinct ; and hence their services are eagerly sought by the Euro- pean sportsmen who go down into their country in search of game. So keen is their glance, that like hounds running “breast high” they will follow the course of an * Knox’s Historical Relation of Ceylon, A.D. 1681, part i. ch. vi. p. 2m. H 98 The Wild Elephant. elephant, almost at the top of their speed, over glades covered with stunted grass, where the eye of a stranger would fail to discover a trace of its passage, and on through forests strewn with dry leaves, where it seems impossible to perceive a footstep. Here they are guided by a bent or broken twig, or by a leaf dropped from the animal’s mouth, on which the pressure of a tooth may be detected. If at fault, they fetch a circuit like a setter, till lighting on some fresh marks, they go a-head again with renewed vigour. So delicate is the sense of smell in the elephant, and so indispensable is it to go against the wind in approaching him, that on those occasions when the wind is so still that its direction cannot be otherwise discerned, the Panickeas will suspend the film of a gossamer to determine it and shape their course accordingly. They are enabled by the inspection of the footmarks, when impressed in soft clay, to describe the size as well as the number of a herd before it is seen; the height of an elephant at the shoulder being as nearly as possible twice the circumference of his fore foot.! On overtaking the game their courage is as conspicuous as their sagacity. If they have confidence in the sports- man for whom they are finding, they will advance to the very heel of the elephant, slap him on the quarter, and the circumference of the fore foot. In an African elephant killed by Sir S. Baker, this proportion did not hold 2 Previous to the death of the female elephant in the Zoological Gardens, in the Regent’s Park, in 1851, Mr. Mircuett, the Secretary, caused mea- surements to be accurately made, and found the statement of the Singhalese hunters to be strictly correct, the height at the shoulders being precisely twice good, as the circumference of the fore foot was 4 feet 11} inches, and the height at the shoulder ro feet 6 in- ches. (BAKER, The Allert Nyanza, vol. ii. p. ro.) Panickeas. 99 _convert his timidity into anger, till he turns upon his tor- mentor and exposes his front to receive the bullet which awaits him.! So fearless and confident are they, that tvo men, with- out aid or attendants, will boldly attempt to capture the largest-sized elephant. Their only weapon is a flexible rope made of deer’s or buffalo’s hide, with which it is their object to secure one of the hind legs. ‘This they effect either by following in its footsteps when in motion or by stealing close up to it when at rest, and availing themselves of its well known propensity at such moments to swing the feet backwards and forwards, they contrive to slip a noose over the hind leg. At other times this is achieved by spreading the noose on the ground partially concealed by roots and leaves beneath a tree-on which one of the party is stationed, whose business it is to lift it suddenly by means of a cord, 2 Major SKINNER, the Chief Officer at the head of the Commission of Roads, in Ceylon, in writing to me, mentions an anecdote illustrative of the daring of the Panickeas. ‘‘ I once saw,” he says, “*a very beautiful example of the con- fidence with which these fellows, from their knowledge of the elephants, meet their worst defiance. It wasin Neuera- Kalawa; I was bivouacking on the bank of a river, and had been kept out so late that I did not get to my tent until between g and ro atnight. On our return towards it we passed several single elephants making their way to the nearest water, but at length we came upon a large herd that had taken pos- session of the only road by which we could pass, and which no intimidation would induce to move off. I had some Panickeas with me; they knew the herd, and counselled extreme caution. After trying every device we could think of for a length of time, a little old Moorman of the party came to me and requested we should all retire to a distance. He then took a couple of ehules (flambeaux of dried wood, or coco-nut leaves), one in each hand, and waving them above his head till they flamed out fiercely, he advanced at a deliberate pace to within a few yards of the elephant who was acting as leader of the party, and who was growling and trumpeting in his rage, and flour- ished the flaming torches in his face. The effect was instantaneous; the whole herd dashed away in a panic, bellowing, screaming, and crushing through the underwood, whilst we avail- ed ourselves of the open path to mkae our way to our tents.” H 2 100 The Wild Elephant. raising it on the elephant’s leg at the moment when his companion has succeeded in provoking him to place his foot within the circle, the other end having been pre- viously made fast to the stem of the tree. Should the noosing be effected in open ground, and no tree of suf- ficient strength be at hand round which to wind the rope, one of the Moors, allowing himself to be pursued by the enraged elephant, entices him towards the nearest grove ; where his companion, dexterously laying hold of the rope as it trails along the ground, suddenly coils it round a suitable stem, and brings the fugitive to a stand-still. On finding himself thus arrested, the natural impulse of the captive is to turn on the man who is engaged in making fast the rope, a movement which it is the duty of his colleague to prevent by running up close to the elephant’s head and provoking the animal to confront him by irritating gesticulations and taunting shouts of dah! dah! a monosyllable, the sound of which the ele- phant peculiarly dislikes. Meanwhile the first assailant, having secured one noose, comes up from behind with another, with which, amidst the vain rage and struggles of the victim, he entraps a fore leg, the rope being, as before, secured to another tree in front, and the whole four feet having been thus entangled, the capture is completed. A shelter is then run up with branches, to protect the captive from the sun, and the hunters proceed to build a wigwam for themselves in front of him, kindling their fires for cooking, and making all the necessary arrange- ments for remaining day and night on the spot to await. the process of subduing and taming his rage. In my Taming process. 101 journeys through the forest I have come unexpectedly on the halting place of adventurous hunters when thus en- gaged ; and on one occasion, about sunrise, in ascending the steep ridge from the bed of the Malwatte river, the foremost rider of our party was suddenly driven back by the trumpeting of-a furious elephant, which we found picketed by two Panickeas on the crest of the bank. In such restraint, the elephant soon ceases to struggle ; and what with the exhaustion of rage and resistance, the terror of fire which he dreads, and the constant annoy- ance of smoke which he detests, in a very short time, a few weeks at the most, his spirit becomes subdued ; then being plentifully supphed With plantains and fresh food, and indulged with water, in which he luxuriates, he grows so far reconciled to his keepers that they at length ven- ture to remove him to their own village, and eventually to the sea-side for shipment to India. No part of the hunter’s performances exhibits greater skill and audacity than this first forced march of the recently captured elephant through the great central forests to the sea-coast. As he is still too morose to submit to be ridden, and it would be equally impossible to lead or to drive him by force, the ingenuity of the captors is displayed in alternately irritating and eluding him, but always so attracting his attention as to allure him along in the direction in which they want’him to go. Some assistance is derived from the rope by which the original capture was effected, and which, as it serves to make him safe at night, is never removed from the leg till his taming is sufficiently advanced to permit of his being entrusted with partial liberty. 102 The Wild Elephant. In Ceylon the principal place for exporting these ani- mals to India is Manaar, on the western coast, to which the Arabs from the continent resort, bringing with them horses to be bartered for elephants. In order to reach the sea, open plains must be traversed, across which it requires the utmost courage, agility, and patience of the Moors to coax their reluctant charge. At Manaar the elephants are usually detained till any wound on the leg caused by the rope has been healed, when the shipment is effected in the most primitive manner. It being next to impossible to induce the still untamed creature to walk on board, and no mechanical contrivances being provided to ship him, a dhoney, or native boat, of about forty tons’ burthen, and about three parts filled with the strong ribbed leaves of the Palmyra palm, is brought alongside the quay in front of the Old Dutch Fort, and lashed so that the gunwale may be as nearly as possible on a line with the level of the wharf. The elephant being placed with his back to the water is forced by goads to retreat till his hind legs go over the side of the quay, but the main contest commences when it is attempted to disen- gage his fore feet from the shore, and force him to en- trust himself on board. The scene becomes exciting from the screams and trumpeting of the elephants, the shouts of the Arabs, the calls of the Moors, and the rushing of the crowd. Meanwhile the huge creature strains every nerve to regain the land; and the day is often consumed before his efforts are overcome, and he finds himself fairly afloat. The same dhoney will take from four to five elephants, who place themselves athwart Exportation. 103 it, and exhibit amusing adroitness in accommodating their movements to the rolling of the little vessel ; and in this way they are ferried across the narrow strait which separates Ceylon from the continent of India.! But the feat of ensnaring and subduing a single ele phant, courageous as it is, and demonstrative of the supremacy with which man wields his “dominion over every beast of the earth,” falls far short of the daring exploit of capturing a whole herd: when from thirty to one hundred wild elephants are entrapped in one vast decoy. The mode of effecting this, as it is practised in Ceylon, is no doubt imitated, but with considerable modification, from the methods prevalent in various parts of India. It was introduced by the Portuguese, and continued by the Dutch, the latter of whom had two elephant hunts in each year, and conducted their operations on so large a scale, that the annual export, after supplying the Government establishments, was from one hundred to one hundred and fifty elephants, taken principally in the vicinity of Matura, in the southern pro- vince, and marched for shipment to Manaar.? ship, where tackle was reeved to the sail-cloth, and he was hoisted on board. * In the Philosophical Transactions for 1701, there is “‘An Account of the taking of Elephants in Ceylon, by Mr. STRACHAN, a Physician who lived seventeen years there,” in which the auther describes the manner in which they were shipped by the Dutch, at Matura, Galle,and Negombo. A piece of strong sail-cloth having been wrapped round the elephant’s chest and stomach he was forced into the sea between two tame ones, and there made fast to a boat. The tame ones then returned to land, and he swam after the boat to the “Buta better way has been invented lately,” says Mr. Strachan; “‘a large flat-bottomed vessel is prepared, covered with planks like a floor; so that this floor is almost of a height with the key. Then the sides of the key and the vessel are adorned with green branches, so that the elephant sees no water till he is in the ship.” (P&zl. Trans. vol. xxiii. No. 227, p. 1051.) ? VALENTYN, Oud en Nieuw Oost- Indien, ch. xv. p. 272. 104 The Wild Elephant. The custom in Bengal is to construct a strong en- closure (called a keddah), in the heart of the forest, formed of the trunks of trees firmly secured by transverse beams and buttresses, and leaving a gate for the entrance of the elephants. A second enclosure, opening from the first, contains water (if possible a rivulet); this, again, communicates with a third, which terminates in a funnel- shaped passage, too narrow to admit of an elephant turn- ing, and within this the captives being driven in line, are secured with ropes introduced from the outside, and led away in custody of tamed ones trained for the purpose. The keddah being prepared, the first operation is to drive the elephants towards it, for which purpose vast bodies of men fetch a compass in the forest around the haunts of the herds, contracting it by degrees till they complete the enclosure of a certain area, round which they kindle fires, and cut footpaths through the jungle, to enable the watchers to communicate and combine. All this is performed in cautious silence and by slow ap- ° proaches, to avoid alarming the herd. A fresh circle nearer to the £eddah is then formed in the same way, and into this the elephants are admitted from the first one, the hunters following from behind, and lighting new fires around the newly inclosed space. Day after day the pro- cess is repeated ; till the drove having been brought suf- ficiently close to make the final rush, the whole party close in from all sides, and with drums, guns, shouts, and flambeaux, force the terrified animals to enter the fatal enclosure, when the passage is barred behind them, and retreat rendered impossible. Corral. 105 Their efforts to escape are repressed by the crowd, who drive them back from the stockade with spears and flaming torches ; and at last compel them to pass on into the second inclosure. Here they are detained for a short time, and their feverish exhaustion relieved by free access to water ;—until at last, being tempted by food, or otherwise induced to trust themselves in the narrow outlet, they are one after another made fast by ropes, passed in through the palisade ; and picketed in the adjoining woods to enter on their course of syste- matic training. These arrangements vary in different districts of Bengal ; and the method adopted in Ceylon differs in many essential particulars from them all; the keddah, or, as it is here called, the corral or korah/} (from the Portuguese curra/, a “‘cattle-pen”), consists of but one enclosure instead of three. A stream or watering-place is not uniformly enclosed within it, because, although water is indispensable after the long thirst and ex- haustion of the captives, it has been found that a pond or rivulet within the corral itself adds to the difficulty of leading them out, and increases their reluctance to leave it; besides which, the smaller ones are often smothered by the others in their eagerness to crowd into the water. The funnel-shaped outlet is also dispensed with, as the animals are liable to bruise and injure them- selves within the narrow stockade; and should one of them die in it, as is too often the case in the midst of » It is thus spelled by WoLrF, in his in South America, and especially in Life and Adventures, p. 144. Corral La Plata, to designate an exclosure for is at the present day a household word caz¢#de. 106 The Wild Elephant. the struggle, the difficulty of removing so great a carcase is extreme. The noosing and securing them, therefore, takes place in Ceylon within the area of the first en- closure into which they enter, and the dexterity and daring displayed in this:portion of the work far surpasses that of merely attaching the rope through the openings of the paling, as in an Indian keddah. One result of this change in the system is manifested in the increased proportion of healthy elephants event- ually secured and trained out of the number originally enclosed. The reason of this is obvious: under the old arrangements, months were consumed in the preparatory steps of surrounding and driving in the herds, which at last arrived so wasted by excitement and exhausted by privation that numbers died within the corral itself, and still more under the process of training. But in later years the labour of months has been reduced to weeks, and the elephants are driven in fresh and full of vigour, so that comparatively few are lost either in the enclosure or the stables. A conception of the whole operation from commencement to end will be best conveyed by describing the progress of an elephant corral as I wit- nessed it in 1847 in the great forest on the banks of the Alligator River, the Kimbul-oya, in the district of Korne- galle, about thirty miles north-west of Kandy. Kornegalle, or Kurunai-galle, was one of the ancient capitals of the island, and the residence of its kings from A.D. 1319 to 1347.1 The dwelling-house of the principal civil officer in charge of the district now * See Sir J. Emerson TENNENT’S Ceylon vol. I. pt. 11. ch. xii. p. 415. A etagalla. 107 occupies the site of the former palace, and the ground is strewn with fragments of columns and carved stones, the remnants of the royal buildings. ‘The modern town consists of the bungalows of the European officials, each surrounded with its own garden; two or three streets inhabited by Dutch descendants and by Moors; and a native bazaar, with the ordinary array of rice and curry stuffs and cooking chattees of brass or burnt clay. The charm of the village is the unusual beauty of its position. It rests within the shade of an enormous rock of gneiss upwards of 600 feet in height, nearly denuded of verdure, and so rounded and worn by time that it has acquired the form of a couchant elephant, from which it derives its name of Aetagalla, the Rock of the Tusker.} But Aetagalla is only the last eminence in a range of similarly-formed rocky mountains, which here terminate abruptly ; and which, from the fantastic shapes into which their gigantic outlines have been wrought by the action of the atmosphere, are called by the names of the Tortoise Rock, the Eel Rock, and the Rock of the Tusked Elephant. So impressed are the Singhalese by the aspect of these stupendous masses that in ancient grants lands are conveyed in perpetuity, or “so long as the sun and the moon, so long as Aetagalla and Anda- galla shall endure.” ? * Another enormous mass of gneiss is called the Kuruminiagalla, or the Beetle-rock, from its resemblance in shape to the back of that insect, and hence is said to have been derived the name of the town, Awruna-galle or Korne-galle. * ForRBES quotes a Tamil conveyance of land, the purchaser of which is to “possess and enjoy it as long as the sun and the moon, the earth and its vegetables, the mountains and the River Cauvery exist.” (Ovdenxtal Me- moirs, Vol. ii. chap. ii.) It will not fail 108 The Wild Elephant. Kornegalle is the resort of Buddhists from the re- motest parts of the island, who come to visit an ancient temple on the summit of the great rock, to which access is had from the valley below by means of steep paths and steps hewn out of the solid stone. Here the chief object of veneration is a copy of the sacred footstep hollowed in the granite, similar to that which confers sanctity on Adam’s Peak, the towering apex of which, about forty miles distant, the pilgrims can discern from Aetagalla. At times the heat at Kornegalle is intense, in conse- quence of the perpetual glow diffused from these granite cliffs. The warmth they acquire during the blaze of noon becomes almost intolerable towards evening, and the sultry night is too short to permit the rocks to cool between the setting and the rising of the sun. The district is also liable to occasional droughts when the watercourses fail, and the tanks become dry. One of these calamities occurred about the period of my visit, and such was the suffering of the wild animals that numbers of crocodiles and bears made their way into the town to drink at the wells. The soil is prolific in the extreme ; rice, cotton, and dry grain are cultivated largely in the valley. Every cottage is surrounded by gardens of cocoa-nuts, arecas, jak-fruit and coffee ; the slopes, under tillage, are covered with luxuriant vege- tation, and, as far as the eye can reach on every side, to be observed, that the same figure thee, so dong as the sun and moon was employed in Hebrew literature as endure ; throughout all generations.” a type of duration—‘‘ They shall fear (Psalsn Lxxii. By t70) Kornegalla. 109 there are dense forests intersected by streams, in the shade of which the deer and the elephant abound. In 1847 arrangements were made for one of the great elephant hunts for the supply of the Civil Engineer’s Department, and the spot fixed on by Mr. Morris, the Government officer who conducted the corral, was on the banks of the Kimbul river, about fifteen miles from Kornegalle. The country over which we rode to the scene of the approaching capture showed traces of the recent drought, the fields lay to a great extent untilled, owing to the want of water, and the tanks, almost re- duced to dryness, were covered with the leaves of the rose-coloured lotus. Our cavalcade was as oriental as the scenery through which it moved ; the Governor and the officers of his staff and household formed a long cortége, escorted by the native attendants, horse-keepers, and foot-runners. | The ladies were borne in palankins, and the younger individuals of the party carried in chairs raised on poles, and covered with cool green awnings made of the fresh leaves of the talipat palm. After traversing the cultivated lands, the path led across open glades of park-like verdure and beauty, and at last entered the great forest under the shade of ancient trees wreathed to their crowns with climbing plants and festooned by natural garlands of convolvulus and orchids. Here silence reigned, disturbed only by the murmuring hum of glittering insects, or the shrill clamour of the plum-headed parroquet and the flute-like calls of the golden oriole. 110 The Wild Elephant. We crossed the broad sandy beds of two rivers over- arched by tall trees, the most conspicuous of which is the kombook,! from the calcined bark of which the natives extract a species of lime to be used with their betel. And from the branches hung suspended over the water the gigantic pods of the huge puswael bean,? the sheath of which measures six feet long by five or six inches broad. . On ascending the steep bank of the second stream, we found ourselves in front of the residences which had been extemporised for our party in the immediate vicinity of the corral. ‘These cool and enjoyable struc- tures were formed of branches and thatched with palm leaves and fragrant lemon grass; and in addition to a dining-room and suites of bedrooms fitted with tent furniture, they included kitchens, stables, and store- rooms, all run up by the natives in the course of a few days. In former times, the work connected with these ele- phant hunts was performed by the “forced labour” of the natives, as part of that feudal service which under the name of “raja-kariya” was extorted from the Sin- ghalese during the rule of their native sovereigns. This system was continued by the Portuguese and Dutch, and prevailed under the British Government till its abolition by the Earl of Ripon in 1832. Under it from fifteen hundred to two thousand men under the orders of their headmen, used to be occupied, in constructing the corral, driving in the elephants, maintaining the cordon of » Pentaptera paniculata. 2 Entada pursetha. Period of the year. Tad watch-fires and watchers, and conducting all the labo- rious operations of the capture. Since the abolition of raja-kariya, however, no difficulty has been found in obtaining the voluntary co-operation of the natives on these exciting occasions. The Government defrays the expense of that portion of the preparations which in- volves actual cost, such as the skilled labour expended in the erection of the corral and its appurtenances, and the providing of spears, ropes, arms, flutes, drums, gunpowder, and other necessaries for the occasion. The period of the year selected is that which least interferes with the cultivation of the rice-lands (in the interval between seed time and harvest), and the people themselves, in addition to the enjoyment of the sport, have a personal interest in reducing the number of ele- phants, which inflict serious injury on their gardens and growing crops. For a similar reason the priests en- courage the practice, because the elephants destroy their sacred Bo-trees, of the leaves of which they are passionately fond ; besides which it promotes the faci- lity for obtaining elephants for the processions of the temples: and the Raté-mahat-meyas and headmen have a pride in exhibiting the number of retainers who follow them to the field, and the performances of their tame elephants which they lend for the business of the corral. Thus vast numbers of the peasantry are voluntarily occupied for many weeks in putting up the stockades, cutting paths through the jungle, and relieving the beaters enegeed i in surrounding and driving in the elephants. T12 The Wild Elephant. In selecting the scene for an elephant hunt a position is chosen which lies on some old and frequented route of ) $2°90000009 990000c 0000000000000 e ecoucro Boocrooooceoncoven 09 Le000ce 9 00900990000000000 00000000060 GROUND PLAN OF A CORRAL. the animals, in their periodical migrations in search of forage and water ; and the vicinity of a stream is indis- METHOD OF FENCING A CORRAL, pensable, not only for the supply of the elephants dur- ing the time spent in inducing them to approach the Mode of construction. Tg enclosure, but to enable them to bathe and cool tlem- selves throughout the process of training after capture. In constructing the corral itself, care is taken to avoid disturbing the trees or the brushwood within the included space, and especially on the side by which the elephants are to approach, where it is essential to conceal the stockade as much as possible by the density of the foliage. The trees used in the structure are from ten to twelve inches in diameter ; and are sunk about three feet in the earth, so as to leave a length of from twelve to fifteen feet above ground; with spaces between each stanchion sufficiently wide to permit a. man to glide through. The uprights are made fast by transverse beams, to which they are lashed securely by ratans and flexible climbing plants, or as they are called “jungle ropes,” and the whole is steadied by means of forked supports, which grasp the tie beams, and prevent the work from being driven outward by the rush of the wild elephants. On the occasion I am now attempting to describe, the space thus enclosed was about 500 feet in length by 250 wide. At one end an entrance was left open, fitted with sliding bars, so prepared as to be capable of being in- stantly shut ; and from each angle of the end by which the elephants were to approach, two lines of the same strong fencing were continued, and cautiously concealed by the trees ; so that if, instead of entering by the open passage, the herd should swerve to right or left, they would find themselves suddenly stopped and forced to retrace their course to the gate. I 114 The Wild Elephant. The preparations were completed by placing a stage for the Governor’s party on a group of the nearest trees looking down into the enclosure, so that a view could be had of the entire proceeding, from the entrance of the herd, to the leading out of the captive elephants. It is hardly necessary to observe that the structure here described, massive as it is, would be entirely ineffectual to resist the shock, if assaulted by the full force of an enraged. elephant ; and accidents have sometimes hap- pened by the breaking through of the herd; but reliance is placed not so much on the resistance of the stockade as on the timidity of the captives and their unconscious- ness of their own strength, coupled with the daring of their captors and their devices for ensuring submission. The corral being prepared, the beaters address them- selves to drive in the elephants. For this purpose it is often necessary to fetch a circuit of many miles in order to surround a sufficient number, and the caution to be observed involves patience and delay; as it is essential to avoid alarming the animals, which might otherwise escape. Their disposition being essentially peaceful, and their only impulse to browse in solitude and security, they withdraw instinctively before the slightest intrusion, and advantage is taken of this timidity and love of seclu- sion to cause only just such an amount of disturbance as will induce them to retire slowly in the direction which it is desired they should take. Several herds are by this means concentrated within such an area as wili admit of their being completely surrounded by the watchers ; and day after day, by slow degrees, they are moved gradually The Drive. 115 onwards towards the immediate confines of the corral. When their suspicions become awakened and they exhibit restlessness and alarm, bolder measures are adopted for preventing their escape. Fires are kept burning at ten paces apart, night and day, along the circumference of the area within which they are detained ; a corps of from two to three thousand beaters is completed, and pathways are carefully cleared through the jungle so as to keep open a communication along the entire circuit. The headmen keep up a constant patrol, to see that their followers are alert at their posts, since neglect at any one spot might permit the escape of the herd, and undo in a moment the vigilance of weeks. By this means any at- tempt of the elephants to break away is generally checked, and on any point threatened a sufficient force can be promptly assembled to drive them back. At last the elephants are forced onwards so close to the enclosure, that the investing cordon is united at either end with the wings of the corral, the whole forming a circuit of about two miles, within which the herd is detained to await the signal for the final drive. Two months had been spent in these preliminaries, and the preparations had been thus far completed, on the day when we arrived and took our places on the covered stand erected for us, overlooking the entrance to the corral. Close beneath us a group of tame elephants sent ‘by the temples and the chiefs to assist in securing the wild ones, were picketed in the shade, and _ lazily fanning themselves with leaves. Three distinct herds, whose united numbers were variously represented at from 12 116 The Wild Elephant. forty to fifty elephants, were enclosed, and were at that moment concealed in the jungle within a short distance of the stockade. Not a sound was permitted to be made, each person spoke to his neighbour in whispers, and such was the silence observed by the multitude of the watchers at their posts, that occasionally we could hear the rust- , ling of the branches as some of the elephants stripped off a leaf. Suddenly the signal was made, and the stillness of the forest was broken by the shouts of the guard, the rolling of the drums and tom-toms, and the discharge of muskets ; and beginning at the most distant side of the area, the elephants were hurried forward at a rapid pace towards the entrance into the corral. The watchers along the line kept silence only till the herd had passed them, and then joining the riot in their rear they drove them onward with redoubled shouts and deafening noises. ‘The tumult increased as the terrified rout drew near, swelling now on one side now on the other, as the herd in their panic dashed from point to point in their endeavours to force the line, and the crowd of watchers drove them back with screams, discharges of muskets, and the discordant roar of drums. At length the breaking of the branches and the crack- ling of the brushwood announced their close approach, and the leader bursting from the jungle rushed wildly forward to within twenty yards of the entrance, followed by the rest of the herd. Another moment and they would have plunged into the open gate, when suddenly they wheeled round, re-entered the forest, and in spite of Evening Scene. 8 7) the hunters resumed their original position. The chief headman came forward and accounted for the freak by saying that a wild pig,! an animal which the elephants are said to dislike, had started out of the cover and run across the leader, who would otherwise have held on direct for the corral ; and intimated that as the herd was now in the highest pitch of excitement ; and it was at all times much more difficult to effect a successful capture by daylight than by night, when the fires and flambeaux act with double effect, it was the wish of the hunters to defer their final effort till the evening, when the darkness would greatly aid their exertions. After sunset the scene exhibited was of extraordinary interest ; the low fires, which had apparently only smoul- dered in the sunlight, assumed their ruddy glow amidst the darkness, and threw their tinge over the groups col- lected round them; while the smoke rose in eddies through the rich foliage of the trees. The crowds of spectators maintained a profound silence, and not a sound was perceptible louder than the hum of an insect. On a sudden the stillness was broken by the distant roll of a drum, followed by a discharge of musketry. This was the signal for the renewal of the assault, and the hunters entered the circle with yells and clamour ; dry leaves and sticks were flung upon the watch-fires till they blazed alofi, and formed a line of flame on every side, except in * Fire, the sound of a horn, and the Ivp 6 mroetrar kac Kprov Kepacdcpor, grunting of a boar are the three things Kat tov nov.ay thy Bony THv aOpoar. which the Greeks, in the middle ages, PHILE, £ xfositio de Elephante, believed the elephant specially to Da Ory dislike « 118 The Wild Elephant. the direction of the corral, which was studiously kept dark ; and thither the terrified elephants betook them- selves, followed by the shouts and racket of their pur- suers, The elephants came on at a rapid pace, trampling down the brushwood and crushing the dry branches ; the leader emerged in front of the corral, paused for an instant, stared wildly round, and then rushed madly through the open gate, followed by the rest of the herd. Instantly, as if by magic, the entire circuit of the corral, which up to this moment.had been kept in profound darkness, blazed with thousands of lights, every hunter, on the instant that the elephants entered, rushing for- ward to the stockade with a torch kindled at the nearest watch-fire. The elephants first dashed to the very extremity of the enclosure, and being brought up by the fence, retreated to regain the gate, but found it closed. Their terror was sublime : they hurried round the corral at a rapid pace, but saw it now girt by fire on every side ; they attempted to force the stockade, but were driven back by the guards with spears and flambeaux ; and on whichever side they approached they were repulsed with shouts and volleys of musketry. Collecting into one group, they would pause for a moment in apparent bewilderment, then burst off in another direction, as if it had suddenly occurred to them to try some point which they had before overlooked ; but, again baffled, they slowly returned to their forlorn resting- place in the centre of the corral. The attraction of this strange scene was not confined Vain Assaults. 119 to the spectators; it extended to the tame elephants which were stationed outside. At the first approach of the flying herd they evinced the utmost interest. Two in particular which were picketed near the front were in- tensely excited, and continued tossing their heads, pawing the ground, and starting as the noise drew near. At length, when the grand rush into the corral took place, one of them fairly burst from her fastenings and rushed towards the herd, levelling a tree of considerable size which obstructed her passage.! For upwards of an hour the elephants continued to traverse the corral and assail the palisade with unabated energy, trumpeting and screaming with rage after each disappointment. Again and again they attempted to force the gate, as if aware, by experience, that it ought to afford an exit as it had already served as an entrance, but they shrank back stunned and bewildered. By de- grees their efforts became less and less frequent. Single ones rushed excitedly here and there, returning sullenly to their companions after each effort; and at last the whole herd, stupefied and exhausted, formed themselves into a single group, drawn up in a circle with the young in the centre, and stood motionless under the dark shade of the trees in the middle of the corral. * The other elephant, a fine tusker, which belonged to Dehigam Raté- mahat-meya, continued in extreme ex- citement throughout all the subsequent operations of the capture, and at last, after attempting to break its way into the corral, shaking the bars with its forehead and tusks, it went off in a state of frenzy into the jungle. A few days after the Aratchy went in search of it with a female decoy, and watching its approach, sprang fairly on the in- furiated beast, with a pair of sharp hooks in his hands, which he pressed into tender parts in front of the shoulder, and thus held the elephant firmly till chains were passed over its legs, and it permitted itself to be led quietly away. 120 The Wild Elephant. Preparations were now made to keep watch during the night, the guard was reinforced around the enclosure, and wood heaped on the fires to keep up a high flame till sunrise. Three herds had been originally entrapped by the beaters outside ; but with characteristic instinct they had each kept clear of the other, taking up different stations in the space invested by the watchers. When the final drive took place one herd only had entered the enclosure, the other two keeping behind ; and as the gate had to be instantly shut on the first division, the last were unavoid- ably excluded and remained concealed in the jungle. To prevent their escape, the watchers were ordered to their former stations, the fires were replenished ; and all precautions having been taken, we returned to pass the night in our bungalows by the river. T21 CHAPTER If THE CAPTIVES. As our sleeping-place was not above two hundred yards from the corral, we were awakened frequently during the night by the din of the multitude who were bivouacking in the forest, by the merriment round the watch-fires, and now and then by the shouts with which the guards re- pulsed some sudden charge of the elephants in attempts to force the stockade. But at daybreak, on going down The fires were allowed to die out as the sun rose, and the watchers to the corral, we found all still and vigilant. who had been relieved were sleeping near the great fence, the enclosure on all sides being surrounded by crowds of men and boys with spears or white peeled wands about ten feet long, whilst the elephants within were huddled together in a compact group, no longer turbulent and restless, but exhausted and calm, and utterly subdued by apprehension and amazement at all that had been passing around them. Nine only had been.as yet entrapped,! of which three * Tn some of the elephant hunts con- ducted in the southern provinces of Ceylon by the earlier British Gover- nors, as many as 170 and 200 elephants were secured in a single corral, of e which a portion only were taken out for the public service, and the rest shot, the motive being to rid the neigh- bourhood of them, and thus protect the crops from destruction. On the 122 The Wild Elephant. were very large, and two were little creatures but a few months old. One of the large ones was a “ rogue,” and being unacknowledged by the rest of the herd, he was not admitted to their circle, although permitted to stand near them. Meanwhile, preparations were making outside to con- duct the tame elephants into the corral, in order to secure the captives. _Noosed ropes were in readiness ; and far apart from all stood a party of the out-caste Rodiyas, the only tribe who will touch a dead carcase, to whom, therefore, the duty is assigned of preparing the fine flexible rope for noosing, which is made from the fresh hides of the deer and the buffalo. At length, the bars which secured the entrance to the corral were cautiously withdrawn, and two trained elephants passed stealthily in, each ridden by its mahout (or ponnekella, as the keeper is termed in Ceylon), and one attendant; and carrying a strong collar, formed by coils of rope made from coco-nut fibre, from which hung on either side cords of elk’s hide, prepared with a ready noose. Along with these, and concealed behind them, the headmen of the “cooroowe” or noosers, crept in, eager to secure the honour of taking the first elephant, a distinction which this class jealously contests with the mahouts of the chiefs and temples. He was a wiry little man, nearly seventy years old, who had served in the same capacity under the last Kandyan king, and he wore two silver bangles, which had been conferred occasion here described, the object was not sought to entrap more than being to secure only as many as were could conveniently be attended to and required for the Government stud, it trained after capture. The Tame Ones. 123 on him in testimony of his prowess. He was accom- panied by his son, named Ranghani, equally renowned for his courage and dexterity. On this occasion ten tame elephants were in attend- ance ; two were the property of an adjoining temple (one of which had been caught but the year before, yet it was now ready to assist in capturing others), four belonged to the neighbouring chiefs, and the rest, in- cluding the two which first entered the corral, were part of the Government stud. Of the latter, one was of great age, having been in the service of the Dutch and English Governments in succession for upwards of acentury.! ‘The other, called by her keeper “ Sinbeddi,” was about fifty years old, and distinguished for gentle- ness and docility. She was a most accomplished decoy, and evinced the utmost relish for the sport. Having entered the corral noiselessly, carrying a mahout on her shoulders with the headman of the noosers seated behind him, she moved slowly along with a sly composure and an assumed air of easy indifference ; sauntering leisurely in the direction of the captives, and halting now and then to pluck a bunch of grass or a few leaves as she passed. As she approached the herd, they put themselves in motion to meet her, and the leader, having advanced in front and passed his trunk gently over her head, turned and paced slowly back to his dejected companions. Siribeddi followed with the same listless step, and drew herself up close behind him, thus affording the nooser ‘ This elephant is since dead; she in the Museum of the Natural History grew infirm and diseased, and died at Society at Belfast. Colombo in 1848. Her skeleton is now 124 The Wild Elephant. an opportunity to stoop under her and slip the noose over the hind foot of the wild one. ‘The latter instantly perceived his danger, shook off the rope, and turned to attack the man. He would have suffered for his temerity had not Siribeddi protected him by. raising her trunk and driving the assailant into the midst of the herd, when the old man, being slightly wounded, was helped out of the corral, and his son, Ranghani, took his place. The herd again collected in a circle, with their heads towards the centre. The largest male was singled out, and two tame ones pushed boldly in, one on either side of him, till the three stood nearly abreast. He made no resistance, but betrayed his uneasiness by shifting restlessly from foot to foot. Ranghani now crept up, and, holding the rope open with both hands (its other extremity being made fast to Siribeddi’s collar), and watching the instant when the wild elephant lifted its hind-foot, succeeded in passing the noose over its leg, drew it close, and fled to the rear. The two tame elephants instantly fell back, Sinbeddi stretched the rope to its full length, and, whilst she dragged out the captive, her companion placed himself between her and the herd to prevent any interference. In order to tie him to a tree he had to be drawn backwards some twenty or thirty yards, making furious resistance, bellowing in terror, plunging on all sides, and crushing the smaller timber, which bent like reeds be- neath his clumsy struggles. Siribeddi drew him steadily after her, and wound the rope round the proper tree, holding it all the time at its full tension, and stepping ELEPHANTS. NOOSING WILD S2ribeddi. 125 cautiously across it when, in order to give it a second turn, it was necessary to pass between the tree and the elephant. With a:coil round the stem, however, it was beyond her strength to haul the prisoner close up, which was, nevertheless, necessary in order to make him perfectly fast ; but the second tame one, perceiving the difficulty, returned from the herd, confronted the struggling prisoner, pushed him shoulder to shoulder, and head to head, forcing him backwards, whilst at every step Siribeddi hauled in the slackened rope till she brought him fairly up to the foot of the tree, where he was made fast by the cooroowe people. A second noose was then passed over the other hind-leg, and secured like the first, both legs being afterwards hobbled to- gether by ropes made from the fibre of the kitool or jaggery palm, which, being more flexible than that of the coco nut, occasions less formidable ulcerations. The- two decoys then:ranged themselves, as before, abreast of the prisoner on either side, thus enabling Ranghani to stoop under them and noose the two fore-feet as he had already done the hind; and these ropes being made fast to a tree in front, the capture was complete, and the tame elephants and keepers withdrew to repeat the operation on another of the herd. As long as the tame ones stood beside him the poor animal remained comparatively calm and almost passive under his distress, but the moment they moved off, and he was left utterly alone, he made the most sur- prising efforts to set himself free and rejoin his com- panions. He felt the ropes with his trunk and tried 126 The Wild Elephant. to untie the numerous knots; he drew backwards to liberate his fore-legs, then leaned forward to extricate the hind ones, till every branch of the tall tree quivered with his struggles. He screamed in anguish, with his proboscis raised high in air, then falling on his side he laid his head to the ground, first his cheek and then his brow, and pressed down his doubled-in trunk as though he would force it into the earth ; then suddenly rising he balanced himself on his forehead and fore-legs, hold- ing his hind-feet fairly off the ground. This scene of distress continued some hours, with occasional pauses of apparent stupor, after which the struggle was from time Largesse. 127 to time renewed convulsively, and as if by some sudden impulse ; but at last the vain strife subsided, and the poor animal remained perfectly motionless, the image of exhaustion and despair. Meanwhile Ranghani presented himself in front of the Governor’s stage to claim the accustomed largesse for tying the first elephant. He was rewarded by a shower of rupees, and retired to resume his perilous duties in the corral. The rest of the herd were now in a state of pitiable dejection, and pressed closely together as if under a sense of common misfortune. For the most part they stood at rest in a compact body, fretful and uneasy. At intervals one more impatient than the rest would move out a few steps to reconnoitre ; the others would 128 The Wild Elephant. follow at first slowly, then at a quicker pace, and at last the whole herd would rush off furiously to renew the . often-baffled attempt to storm the stockade. There was a strange combination of the sublime and the ridiculous in these abortive onsets ; the appearance of prodigious power in their ponderous limbs, coupled with the aimost ludicrous shuffle of their clumsy gait, and the fury of their apparently resistless charge, con- verted in an instant into timid retreat. They rushed madly down the enclosure, their backs arched, their tails extended, their ears spread, and their trunks raised high above their heads, trumpeting and uttering shrill screams, yet when one step further would have dashed the opposing fence into fragments, they stopped short on a few white rods being pointed at them through the ‘paling ;! and, on catching the derisive shouts of the crowd, they turned in utter discomfiture, and after an objectless circle through the corral, they paced slowly back to their melancholy halting-place in the shade. The crowd, chiefly comprised of young men and boys, exhibited astonishing nerve and composure at such moments, rushing up to the poimt towards which the elephants charged, pointing their wands at their trunks, and keeping up the continual cry of whoop! whoop / which invariably turned them to flight. ‘ The fact of the elephant exhibiting timidity, on having a long rod pointed towards him, was known to the Ro- mans; and Puriny, quoting from the annals of Piso, relates, that in order to inculcate contempt for want of courage in the elephant, they were introduced into the circus during the triumph of METELLUs, after the conquest of the Carthaginians in Sicily, and driven round the area by workmen holding blunted spears,—‘ Ab operariis hastas prepilatas habentibus, per circum totum actos.” (Nat. H7st¢. lib. viii. c. 6.) Noosing. 129 The second victim singled out from the herd was secured in the same manner as the first. It was a female. The tame ones forced themselves in on either side as before, cutting her off from her companions, whilst Ranghani stooped under them to attach the fatal noose, and Siribeddi dragged her out amidst un- availing struggles, when she was made fast by each leg to the nearest group of strong trees. When the noose was ‘placed upon her fore-foot, she seized it with her trunk and succeeded in carrying it to her mouth, where she would speedily have severed it had not a tame ele- phant interfered, and placing his foot on the rope pressed it downwards out of her jaws. The individuals who acted as leaders in the successive charges on the palisades were always those selected by the noosers, and the operation of tying each, from the first approaches of the decoys, till the captive was left alone by the tree, occupied on an average somewhat less than _three- ‘quarters of an hour. It is strange that in these encounters the wild ele- phants made no attempt to attack or dislodge the mahouts or the cooroowes, who rode on the tame ones. They moved in the very midst of the herd, any individual in which could in a moment have pulled the riders from their seats ; but no attempt was made to molest them.! As one after another their leaders were entrapped and * “Tn a corral, to be on a tame Adigar’s head was on a level with the elephant, seems toinsure perfect immu- back of the wild animals: I felt very nity from the attacks of the wild ones. nervous, but he rode right in among T once saw the old chief Mollegodde them, and received not the slightest ride inamongst a herd of wild elephants, molestation.”—Letter from Major ona small elephant ; so small that the SKINNER. 130 The Wild Elephant. o forced away from them, the remainder of the group evinced increased emotion and excitement; but what- ever may have been their sympathy for their lost com- panions, their alarm seemed to prevent them at first from following them to the trees to which they had been tied. In passing them afterwards they sometimes stopped, mutually entwined their trunks, lapped them round each other’s limbs and neck, and exhibited the Distress. 134 most touching distress at their detention, but made no attempt to disturb the cords that bound them. The variety of disposition in the herd as evidenced by difference of demeanour was very remarkable : some submitted with comparatively little resistance ; whilst others in their fury dashed themselves on the ground with a force sufficient to destroy any weaker animal. They vented their rage upon every tree and plant within reach ; if small enough to be torn down, they levelled them with their trunks, and stripping them of their leaves and branches, tossed them wildly over their heads on all sides. Some in their struggles made no noise, whilst others bellowed and trumpeted furiously, then uttered short convulsive screams, and at last, exhausted and hopeless, gave vent to their anguish in low and piteous moanings. Some, after a few violent efforts of this kind, lay motionless on the ground, with no other indication of suffering than the tears which suffused their eyes and flowed incessantly. Others in all the vigour of their rage exhibited the most surprising contortions ; and to us who had been accustomed to associate with the unwieldy bulk of the elephant the idea that he must of necessity be stiff and inflexible, the attitudes into which they forced themselves were scarcely credible. I saw one lie with the cheek pressed to the earth, and the fore-legs stretched in front, whilst the body was twisted round till the hind legs extended in the opposite -direction. It was astonishing that their trunks were not wounded by the violence with which they flung them on all sides. One twisted his proboscis into such fantastic shapes, that K 2 132 The Wild Elephant. it resembled the writhings of a gigantic worm; he coiled it and uncoiled it with restless rapidity, suddenly unfold- ing it to its full length, and coiling it up again like a watch-spring. Another, which lay otherwise motionless in all the stupor of hopeless anguish, slowly beat the ground with the extremity of his trunk, as a man in despair beats his knee with the palm of his hand. They displayed an amount of sensitiveness and deli- cacy of touch in the foot, which was very remarkable in a limb of such clumsy dimensions and protected by so thick a covering. ‘The noosers could always force them to lift it from the ground by the gentlest touch of a leaf or twig, apparently applied so as to tickle ; but the im- position of the rope was instantaneously perceived, and if it could not be reached by the trunk the other foot Sensztiveness. 133 was applied to feel its position, and if possible remove it before the noose could be drawn tight. One practice was incessant with almost the entire herd : in the intervals between their struggles they beat the ground with their fore-feet, and taking up the dry earth in a coil of the trunk, they flung it dexterously over every part of their body. Even when lying down the sand within reach was thus collected and scattered over their limbs ; then inserting the extremity of the trunk in their mouths, they withdrew a quantity of water, which they discharged over their backs, repeating the operation again and again, till the dust was thoroughly saturated. I was astonished at the quantity of water thus applied, which was sufficient when the elephant, as was generally the case, had worked the spot where he lay into a hollow, to convert its surface into a coating of mud. Seeing that the herd had been now twenty-four hours without access to water of any kind, surrounded by watch-fires, and ex- hausted by struggling and terror, the supply of moisture an elephant is capable of containing in the receptacle at- tached to his stomach must be very considerable. The conduct of the tame ones during all these pro- ceedings was truly wonderful. They displayed the most perfect conception of every movement, both of the object to be attained, and of the means to accomplish it. They manifested the utmost enjoyment in what was going on. There was no ill-humour, no malignity in the spirit dis- played, in what was otherwise a heartless proceeding, but they set about it in a way that showed a thorough relish for it, as an agreeable pastime. Their caution was as 134 The Wild Elephant. remarkable as their sagacity ; there was no hurrying, no confusion, they never ran foul of the ropes, were never in the way of the animals already noosed ; and amidst the most violent struggles, when the tame ones had frequently ' to step across the captives, they in no instance trampled on them, or occasioned the slightest accident or annoy- ance. So far from this, they saw intuitively a difficulty or a danger, and addressed themselves unbidden to remove it. In tying up one of the larger elephants, he contrived before he could be hauled close up to the tree, to walk once or twice round it, carrying the rope with him ; the decoy, perceiving the advantage he had thus gained over the nooser, walked up of her own accord, and pushed him backwards with her head, till she made him unwind himself again; upon which the rope was hauled tight and made fast. More than once, when a wild one was extending his trunk, and would have inter- cepted the rope about to be placed over his leg, Siribeddi, by a sudden motion of her own trunk, pushed his aside, and prevented him; and on one occasion, when succes- sive efforts had failed to put the noose over the fore-leg of an elephant which was already secured by one foot, but which wisely put the other to the ground as often as it was attempted to pass the noose under it, I saw the decoy watch her opportunity, and when his foot was again raised, suddénly push in her own leg beneath it, and hold it up till the noose was attached and drawn tight. One could almost fancy there was a display of dry humour in the manner in which the decoys thus played with the fears of the wild herd, and made light of their & DES ATTITI Decoys. 35 efforts at resistance. When reluctant they shoved them forward, when violent they drove them back ; when the wild ones threw themselves down, the tame ones butted them with head and shoulders, and forced them up again. And when it was necessary to keep them down, they knelt upon them, and prevented them from rising, till the ropes were secured. At every moment of leisure they fanned themselves with a bunch of leaves, and the graceful ease with which an elephant uses his trunk on such occasions is very striking. It is doubtless owing to the combination of a circular with a horizontal movement in that flexible limb ; 136 The Wild Elephant. but it is impossible to see an elephant fanning himself without being struck by the singular elegance of motion which he displays. The tame ones, too, indulged in the luxury of dusting themselves with sand, by flinging it from their trunks; but it was a curious illustration of their delicate sagacity, that so long as the mahout was on their necks, they confined themselves to flinging the dust along their sides and stomach, as if aware, that to throw it over their heads and back would cause annoyance to their riders. One of the decoys which rendered good service, and was obviously held in special awe by the wild herd, was a tusker belonging to Dehigame Raté-mahat-meya. It was not that he used his tusks for purposes of offence, but he was enabled to insinuate himself between two elephants by wedging them in where he could not force his head ; besides which they assisted him in raising up the fallen and refractory with greater ease. In some instances where the intervention of the other decoys failed to reduce a wild one to order, the mere presence and approach of the tusker seemed to inspire fear, and insure submission, without more active intervention. I do not know whether it was the surprising qualities exhibited by the tame elephants that cast the courage and dexterity of the men into the shade, but even when supported by the presence, the sagacity, and co-operation of these wonderful creatures, the part sustained by the noosers can bear no comparison with the address and daring displayed by the fzcador and matador in a Spanish bull-fight. They certainly possessed great quickness of Young Elephants. 37 ‘eye in watching the slightest movement of the elephant, and great expertness in flinging the noose over its foot and attaching it firmly before the animal could tear it off with its trunk ; but in all this they had the cover of the decoys to conceal them ; and their shelter behind which to retreat. Apart from the services which, from their prodigious strength, the tame elephants alone are capable of rendering, in dragging out and securing the captives, it is perfectly obvious that without their co-operation the utmost prowess and dexterity of the hunters would not avail nor embolden them, unsupported, to enter the corral and ensnare and lead out a singie captive. Of the two tiny elephants which were entrapped, one was about ten months old, the other somewhat more. The smaller one had a little bolt head covered with woolly brown hair, and was the most amusing and interest- ing miniature imaginable. Both kept constantly with the herd, trotting after them in every charge ; when the others stood at rest they ran in and out between the legs of the older ones ; and not their own mothers alone, but every female in the group, caressed them in turn. The dam of the youngest was the second elephant singled out by the noosers, and as she was dragged along by the decoys, the little creature kept by her side till she was drawn close to the fatal tree. The men at first were rather amused than otherwise by its anger; but they found that it would not permit them to place the second noose upon its mother ; it ran between her and them, it tried to seize the rope, it pushed them and struck them with its little trunk, till they were forced to drive it back 138 The Wild Elephant. to the herd. It retreated slowly, shouting all the way, and pausing at every step to look back. It then attached itself to the largest female remaining in the group, and placed itself across her fore legs, whilst she hung down her trunk over its side and soothed and caressed it. Here it continued moaning and lamenting, till the noosers had left off securing its mother, when it instantly returned to her side; but as it became troublesome again, attacking every one who passed, it was at last tied up by a rope to an adjoining tree, to which the other young one was also tied. ‘The second little one, equally with its playmate, exhibited great affection for its dam ; it went willingly with its captor as far as the tree to which she was fastened, and in passing her stretched out its trunk and tried to rejoin her; but finding itself forced along, it struggled and caught at every twig and branch within its reach, screaming with grief and disappointment. These two little creatures were the most vociferous of the whole herd, their shouts were incessant, they struggled to attack everyone within reach ; andas their bodies were more lithe and pliant than those of greater growth, their contortions were quite wonderful. The most amusing thing was, that in the midst of all their agony and afflic- tion, the little fellows seized on every article of food that was thrown to them, and munched and roared simul- taneously. Amongst the last of the elephants noosed was the vogue. Though far more savage than the others, he joined in none of their charges and assaults on the fences, as they uniformly drove him off and would not Death. 139 permit him to enter their circle. When dragged past another of his companions in misfortune, who was lying exhausted on the ground, he flew upon him and attempted to fasten his teeth in his head ; this was the only instance of viciousness which occurred during the progress of the corral. When tied up and overpowered, he was at first noisy and violent, but soon lay down peacefully, a sign, according to the hunters, that his death was at hand. Their prognostication proved to be correct ; he continued for about twelve hours to cover himself with dust like the others, and to moisten it with water from his trunk ; but at length he sunk exhausted, and died so calmly, that having been moving but a few moments before, his death was only perceived by the myriads of black flies by which his body was almost instantly covered, although not one was visible a moment before.! 1 The surprising faculty of vultures for discovering carrion, has been a subject of much speculation, as to whe- ther it be dependent on their power of sight or of scent. It is not, however, more mysterious than the unerring cer- tainty and rapidity with which some of the minor animals, and more especially insects, in warm climates congregate around the offal on which they feed. Circumstanced as they are, they must be guided towards their object mainly if not exclusively by the sense of smell ; but hat which excites astonishment is the small degree of odour which seems to suffice for the purpose; the subtlety and rapidity with which it traverses and impregnates the air; and the keen and quick perception with which it is taken up by the organs of those creatures. The instance of the scavenger beetles has been already alluded to; the promptitude with which they discern The Rodiyas were called the existence of matter suited to their purposes, and the speed with which they hurry to it from all directions; often from distances as extraordinary, proportionably, as those traversed by the eye of the vulture. In the instance of the dying elephant referred to above, life was barely extinct when the flies, of which not one was visible but a moment before, arrived in clouds and blackened the body by their multitude; scarcely an instant was allowed to elapse for the commencement of decomposition; no odour of putrefaction could be discerned by us who stood close by; yet some peculiar smell of mortality, simulta- neously with parting breath, must have summoned them tothe feast. Ants ex- hibit an instinct equally surprising. I have sometimes covered up a particle of refined sugar with paper on the cen- tre of a polished table; and counted the number of minutes which would 140 The Wild Elephant. in to loose from the tree the ropes that bound him, and two tame elephants being harnessed to the dead body, it was dragged to a distance without the corral. When every wild elephant had been noosed and tied up, the scene presented was truly oriental. From one to two thousand natives, many of them in gaudy dresses and armed with spears, crowded about the enclosures. Their families too had collected from great distances to see the spectacle; women, whose children clung like little bronzed Cupids by their sides ; and girls, many of them in the graceful costume of that part of the country, —a scarf, which, after having been brought round the waist, is thrown over the left shoulder, leaving the right arm and side free and uncovered. At the foot of each tree was its captive elephant ; elapse before it was fastened on by the small black ants of Ceylon, and a line formed to lower it safely to the floor. Here was a substance which, to our apprehension at least, is altogether inodorous, and yet the quick sense of smell must have been the only conductor of the ants. It has been observed of those fishes which travel overland on the evaporation of the ponds in which they live, that they invariably march in the direction of the nearest water, and even when captured, and placed on the floor of a room, their efforts to escape are always made towards the same point. Is the sense of smell sufficient to account for this display of instinct in them? or is it aided by special organs in the case of the others? Dr. McGEE, formerly of the Royal Navy, writing to me on the subject of the instant appearance of flies in the vicinity of dead bodies, says: “In warm Cli- mates they do not wait for death to invite them tothe banquet. In Jamaica I have again and again seen them settle on a patient, and hardly to be driven away by the nurse, the patient himself saying, ‘ Here are these flies coming to eat me ere I amdead.’ At times they have enabled the doctor, when other- wise he would have been in doubt as to his prognosis, to determine whether the strange apyretic interval occasionally present in the last stage of yellow fever was the fatal lull or the lull of recovery ; and ‘What say the flies?’ has been the settling question. Among many, many cases during a long period I have seen but one recovery after the assem- bling of the flies. I consider the fore- going as a confirmation of smell being the guide even to the attendants, a cadaverous smell has been perceived to arise from the body of a patient twenty- four hours before death.” Sagacity. 141 some still struggling and writhing in feverish excitement, whilst others, in exhaustion and despair, lay calm and motionless, except that, from time to time, they heaped fresh dust upon their heads. The mellow notes of a Kandyan flute, which was played at a distance, had a - striking effect upon one or more of them ; they turned their heads in the direction from which the music came, expanded their broad ears, and were evidently soothed with. the plaintive sound. ‘The two little ones alone still roared’ for freedom ; they stamped their feet, and blew clouds of dust over their shoulders, brandishing their little trunks aloft, and threatened every one who came within their reach. At first the older ones, when secured, spurned every offer of food, trampled it under foot, and turned haughtily away.