'% 1 ;ii4iir^ r IIP /I ¥ttD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH; CAMFFIRES OF THE EVERGLADES. BY CHAKLES E. WHITEHEAD, TRANSLATOR OF •*GERARD THH LIOK KILLKR. " Yet let OS sing, Honor to the old bowstring ; Honor to tha bngle horn ; Honor to the woods nnshom." WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY EHNINGER, TAIT AND OTHERS. NEW YORK: DERBY & JACKSOl^, 119 NASSAU STREET. 1860. Ektxebb according to Act of Congreu, in the yenr 1860, by DERBY & JACKSON, la the Clark's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. W. H. TitJBOif, Stbekotyi'sk. Gbo. Robsbll a Co., Pbintbbs. / ground on the great Peninsula, and entered into our souls by the Wakassare with the mysterious lulling influence with which nature's chorus affects the human mind, where it is left open to the whisperings of the wild creations of God. The day dawned reluctantly the mornmg after our crossing, and so slowly the light broke through the mist that environed the camp, that it was more like moonshine than daylight. Drip, drip, drip, pattered the gathering moisture from the cypress trees into the pools beneath. The osier-grass bent down, heavy with the dew, the ferns were matted to the earth, and the glassy leaves of the ma2:nolia crlinted with a double lustre of sheen and water. " Like a sea fog landward bound," the warm fog shut us in, as did a few hours before, the darkness. The voices of the night were hushed with the dawning, and all ani- mal life was motionless, save where, now and then, from the invisible heights of the tree-tops, some moving ani- mal would shake down showers of drops. ^-: ^''' /'! A. BEAR IN THE CAMP. 45 One by one the negroes came to life, and yaTvning and muttering gathered together the remains of the fire. The Doctor raised himself on his elbow, and benignantly surveyed the dull circuit of a dozen yards that the mist left open to his vision. The dogs snuffed the air wist- fully, looked into the trees, and sauntered out into the mist, looming as large as the ponies as soon as they gained a little distance. In a moment a sharj) yelp was heard from one of the smaller dogs. Again, after a pause, another, then a prolonged " yeough " from an old hound. " Whas dat are !" said Scipio, raising his curly pate from the coals that he was vigorously trying to blow into a blaze. " iSTebber you attendsiate to the dogs, you lazy nigger ; you cook," retorted his comrade, and Scipio renewed his puffing. " Geow-ou-ou-ou !" roared out all the dogs in chorus, with a burst of clamor that awakened the sleepers, and before any one could get to his*feet a huge black bear, that appeared as big as a bull, dashed out of the fog, followed by all the dogs in full cry, right through the camp, scattering the fire, overthrowing Scipio in the ashes, scaring the ponies from their tethers, and leaving the Doctor sprawling on his back. " Bress de Lord !" shouted the negro, scrambling out of the coals ; " did de Lord ebber sec like o' dat ?" " Tally-ho !" echoed the Doctor, hurriedly snatching an axe. 46 WILD SPOKTS m THE SOUTH. " After him !" shouted Mike , and with cheer and cry every soul dashed out in pursuit, and the camp that stood so picturesquely still in its first awakening, after the one rude rush of the chase was left deserted, while we fol- lowed the wide trail and frantic cry of the hounds. The game, immediately after crossing the camp, turned toward the river, and entered the dense canebrake that fringed the shore for some miles. The hounds bayed and yelled with excitement, and hunters and negroes fol- lowed helter-skelter, now over grassy holes, starting the duck from her covert, now over slii^pery trunks of fallen trees 'that had been floated by the water, and left to molder green in the damp. One moment held back by a vine, at another so crowded by the reeds as to be obliged to lean down and run like a rail. One moment the crashing of reeds and baying of the hounds were close to us ; then again they would gain on us ; but far or near, we went plunging and rushing forward with a sense of intentness that gave no thought to anythmg but the chase. Soon we became separated ; one man, plunged into a slough to his waist, was left to extricate himself; another was turned here, another there, by intervening obstacles, and presently I was left alone, following always the fierce rush before me, that wound hither and thither among the reeds, now pausing as if at bay, and then rushing on to the right or the left, as the hunted animal was assailed by the dogs coming up from either side. Shortly there was a pause, and the prolonged A BEAR IN TIIE CAMP. 4:7 " Oo-oo-o !" of the hounds proclanned the bear was at bay, and hastening in the direction, I came into a close thicket of canes that had sprung up as thick as wheat from the rich bottom land. I could hear the bear, before I came to him, snorting and grumbling with rage, and as I entered his covert, I saw him on his haunches, with his back against a bank, his eyes red, his mouth open, shedding foam in huge drops on the ground, and surveying the dogs that were ranged in a semicircle around him, panting with rage, and bearing marks of Bruin's claws that had evi- dently taught them discretion. But the greatest mark of respect to the grim wood- king was presented in the person of the Doctor. He sat directly in front of the bear, and scarcely six stej^s off; , his feet were half buried in the mud, and he was seated on the same easy cushion. His coat and vest were wide open, his hat was gone, his curly flaxen hair hung matted with sweat and dew, and his axe, that great weapon of offence and defence to the forest knight, was held in both hands directly in front of him, the handle sticking in the ground, and the blade pointing directly to the bear. If the bear's tongue was lolling, so was the Doctor's ; if the bear seemed out of breath with his chase, the Doctor was doubly so with his ; if Bruin disliked his position, the Doctor appeared more than uncomfortable in his. In his hurry he had tumbled down over the bank directly in front of the quarry, and what with the chase, and Avhat with the fright of this fearful juxtaposition, the bear was 48 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. in the better position of the two. The Doctor with his axe presented, and the bear rampant, with his fore paws just touching the toes of his hind ones as they projected up in front of him, resembled much some old coat of arms I had seen, only the Doctor's position was somewliat new in heraldry. " Hurrah !" I yelled ; " have at him!" " Eh — eh," said the Doctor, all out of breath, " shoot him — eh — eh — quick — eh !" I levelled my gun, and the bear's quick eye glanced at me fiercely over the barrel. I pulled the trigger, and a dull snap fo^owed ; the bear shook his head. Another snap, and another — my gun w^as wet Avith the dew. The bear thus insulted gave a low growl, and a quick toss to his sharj) nose. The dogs, construing this a chal- lenge, and emboldened by our presence, rushed forward, and the huge brute, with a skill that was incomprehen- sible, would box them ofi* with his fore-paws. One would be sent with a slap a dozen paces in the air ; another Avould get a long cut from the bear's sharp claws, as he sat up like a boxer knocking over children with a mischievous playfulness that seemed more like fun than malice. Wag was there, as pert as the best hound in the brake, yelp- ing, running, biting, and making much noise, and yet keeping out of danger. At length his turn came ; a well-directed blow of that big black paw sent him curled up like a kitten, and as senseless as a rag, into his mas- ter's arms. Poor Doctor ! this seemed to awaken him, and spring- A BEAR IN THE CA]MP. 49 ing to his feet he aimed a blow at the hear's head, that, had it taken effect, would have cloven him in two, but a scarcely perceptible motion of the same black paw sent the axe flying away among the canes, while the Doctor, from the j)aiTying of the blow, came over on his face, and the bear, with a growl and crash, rushed off again into the canes, followed by the whole yelling pack. The Doctor, gathering himself together, picked up his axe, and listened with me to the lessening crash of the chase as it turned down the river, cry of dog, and crackle of brush, and now and then the whoop of the negroes, who had apparently come up with the chase. At length another pause, and then the peculiar notes of the hounds, and the calls of the negroes, told us the bear was again at bay, and, having recovered our breath, we started to overtake it. As we came in view of the spot selected by Bruin for his fight, we saw all the dogs gathered about the base of a tree, the elder ones squatted on their haunches, and the younger ones jumping up and snapping their teeth at the bear, who was comfortably seated on a huge limb, balancing himself with the skill of a dancer and the bur- lesque gravity of a comedian. The most urbane simpli- city marked his countenance ; he seemed of a character that would not have harmed a child, and if I had not seen him a few minutes before boxing the dogs with such vin- dictive vigor, I would have been willing to have climbed the tree, and put my arms around his neck. He looked down at us condescendingly, now and then winking his 3 50 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. eye blandly, and then with a dexterons use of his paw, he scratched his side, or rubbed his nose, when the flies tickled him. Presently Mike came up, with his rifle on his arm. A glance up in the tree, and he quietly took his seat on a log, remarking, as he did so, " He bear." " Oh ! what a murderous animal !" said the Doctor. "Look at my dog there ; how he has treated him." Sure enough, the dog was a living witness to bad treatment. He could just move, and when he lay down he gave one or two short yelps of'mingled pain and spite. Never was a dog more miserably punished ; had he been heavier he would have been killed, but as it was, he was only bruised, and woefully frightened. The Doctor looked grimly at the bear. " Shoot him, why don't you?" he continued to Mike; "just see him making fun of us all !" Mike wiped his rifle with his coat sleeve and raised it to his shoulder. A pause, and the clear ring of the shot was followed by a convulsive leap of the hunted animal, and a short, fierce cry, and crashing through the inter- vening limbs he came with a heavy, dull sound to the ground. We ran up to him; he did not move. The ball had entered his eye, and the bear was dead. I looked at Mike. With his still smile on his wrinkled face, he was carefully fitting a ball to his rifle. He didn't even glance at his prize. THE DANGEES OF FIEE HUNTING. 51 CHAPTER IV. THE DANGERS OF FIRE-HUNTING. " The pass was steep and ragged, The wolves they howled and whined; But he ran like a whirlwind up the pass And left the wolves behind." Macaulay. " Mike, what kind of night would this be for fire- shooting ?" said the Doctor to that meditative Nimrod, who was busy serving up a moccasin by the light of the camp-fire, after a week of travel. " So, so," replied Mike, without looking up. " I am going, I think." No answer. Mike put on the mended moccasin, and drew off the other. "Do you think we can kill anything ?" " S'pose," replied Mike. " Come Charlie, let us try it for a little while." This was all a ruse on the part of Poke, in order to make Mike think our great hunt was an unpremeditated affair, and thereby increase the glory of killing so much game. It had been arranged between us during the day, that we would try fire-hunting that night. It promised to be a cloudy night, which was of great 62 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. advantage, as it prevented the game from seeing any- thing of the hunters, and at the same time rendered their eyes more reflective when exposed to the torch- light. We had even gone so far as to make our pitch- pine torches, and the whole preparation was complete. It was a party of two — the Doctor and myself. There would be rather more interest in getting the game alone ; and beside that, Mike's opinion on fire-shooting was well-known, and we knew he w^ould not go with us — so constant a hunter scorned so primitive a snare as the one we proposed. The negroes we did not want, for the fewer in a party the better. So, one of us taking a gun, and the other carrying a torch, we left the camp. The boys were chuckling together as they watched us go, the dogs howled because they could not go with us, and Mike gave one of his expressive coughs, that said as plainly as words, " Now for it." We Avere soon outside of the glare of the camp-fire, the little creek was crossed, and our torch flashed brightly on the iaY)er trunks of the pine trees, the chmb- ing-vines, and the broad-leafed plants that grew by the pools of water. There was no wind, and, walkuig in the pine woods, there was no sound. Once in a long while, a sand-hill crane, disturbed in his wanderings, would be seen stalking away, with his red head high in air, like a sentry on duty; or the sudden motion of the under- brush would tell us that some one of the many little harlequins of the wood, that gambol most when men do feJeep, had fled from this unusual spectacle of a moving THE DANGERS OF FIKE HUNTING. 53 light. But no deer rewarded our search ; no bear showed us his heavy coat. " Faith,", said the Doctor, " this romantic promenade is getting somewhat long." " Think of the deer, one buck will well pay us." " Fudge ! if there was no one to laugh at us, I would have turned back long ago. Give me the gun, and you take the light." Accordingly we changed positions — I going ahead, carrying the torch before me, in such a manner that it would throw the light ahead as much as possible, and none on our persons, and the Doctor received the gun. and took my place directly behind and shaded by my person. The night had become still darker, and a misty rain commenced falling. We had left the pine woods, after walking a couple of miles, and had come into a grove of lower timber. The long moss drooped in curtains, the odor of magnolias burdened the air, and every minute a denser copse would force us to turn aside from our route. " Hush !" whispered the Doctor, suddenly, Avith a spasmodic pull at my coat tail, " there's a deer." I was just wondermg at this absence of deer, and could not account for it, as it was a rare thing to go a mile in Florida without seeing one. " Where ?" I whispered ; " I don't see it." " Hush ! it has gone now ; but we will see it in a moment again." We advanced on tiptoe, both in body and expectation. " There ! there !" said the Doctor, pointing with his 54 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. finger a little distance to the left ; but the luminous spot was gone before I hardly got my eye on it. We were in the very place for deer. A heavy wind- fall lay ahead of us, and the mingled trunks and twisted branches looked like the chevaux defrise to some great encampment. The flickering light made the shadows move back and forth with a spectral effect, as though dancing, and the hush of the forest was unbroken by any sound. Every moment, I exj)ected to see again the two phosiDhorescent stars that indicate the deer's eyes, and then the true shot would bring us the prize for our labor. It seemed a long time in coming again. " That deer must be very shy," whispered the Doctor, just above his breath. The next time, I saw it first. It was some distance ahead, and there were two ; but before I could point them out to my comrade, they had disappeared. Pres- ently, we saw it on one side of us. " Charlie, that's a will-o'-the-wisp," said Poke, in rather a subdued tone, " or the devil ; who ever heard of a deer going around so ?" "He is examining you to see what manner of man you are." *' Perchance it is some spirit of a departed buck, lead- ing us a wild chase to destroy. us." "There it is, right behind me, as I live!" ejaculated the Doctor, in evident trepidation. Sure enough, as I turned my head, I saw the two blue lights that indicate the reflecting lenses of the eye. The THE DANGERS OF FIEE HUNTING. 65 Doctor was taking aim, but I noticed it was not very steady. He pulled the trigger — a dull snap announced a miss-fire. He pulled the other trigger — it snapped in the same way. The gun was wet with rain. " Was anything ever so provoking !" said Poke, as the eyes vanished in the darkness. " If it is the devil, he will have you now." ^' How can you talk so," said the Doctor, with a strong accent on the " can." " There is your deer. Poke, in the windfall," said I, as I caught sight of the eyes moving rapidly along over the mass of timber that lay heaped and knotted together. " That's no deer," said Poke ; " no cloven-foot could ever go over that windfall that way. I would rather see the night huntsman of the Hartz Mountains than see those eyes again." As he was speaking, I saw in the inky darkness ahead of us, another pair of eyes, and two or three pairs on the left. The truth flashed on me. The scarcity of the deer, the proximity of the windfall, the restlessness of those baleful eyes, all gave me the clue — the wolves were around us. A word to Poke, and the affiair was explamed, and we stood still for consultation. We tried new caps on our gun ; but it was of no use, the cones were saturated with water. We turned toward the camj), but in our con- fusion we forgot the direction. To heighten the misery of the scene, our torch was almost burnt out — let that die. and the rest could be easily divined. We Avere standing, at the time, under a grove of small 56 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. pecan trees, and at that instant a low snort was heard from the shadow near us, like the cough of a dog. Poke did not say a word; but, dropping the gun, and seizing a limb of one of the trees over his head, with an agility for which I had never given him the least credit, elevated himself to the crotch, about ten feet from the ground. I did not want to do anything of the kind, of course not ; I would rather have placed my back against a tree, and won a glorious death in battle against my numerous foes ; but, alack ! for a bad example, I dropped the torch, that broke in pieces in falling, and, clasping the nearest tree, which happened to be a medium-sized gum-tree, soon scrambled up to a place of safety. Lucky was it for me that I had that torch in my hand, for when it fell, it lay scattered around the base of the tree, still flickering and flashing in the darkness, and the animals that had sur- rounded us, as they saw their prey escaping, rushed for- ward with an angry noise ; they saw the glowing embers, and held back just long enough to permit my escape. As I drew myself up on the first limb, a rush of gratitude passed over my soul, and my feelings were as warm as a child's. Nothing could be seen, for the sombre forest shut out the little light there was in the atmosphere, but I heard the pattering of feet beneath my fortress, like fall- ing rain. Back and forward they came and went, and snorting sounds and champing teeth made the black night alive with imaginary shapes. I wondered how it fared with the Doctor, yet dared not call, for the uncertainty THE DANGERS OF FIKE HUNTING. 57 was less fearful than the reality might be. I j)ictiired him fallen, dragged back from his half-attained refuge, and divided among the himgry pack; and the very noises below might be the mumbling of his bones, " While their white tusks crunched o'er his whiter skull, As it slipp'd through their jaws when their edge grew dull." At length I summoned courage, and called "Poke!" "Hulloa!" was the response — more grateful to my ear than any sound in the world. " How are you, my boy ?" I called again. "Safe, thank the Lord!" " What a disgraceful situation to be in, and how are we to get out of it ?" "I will be grateful if I can only keep in it; for this tree is so small, that the wolves can almost reach me when they jump; and, as I climbed up, one caught my coat-tail, and tore it entirely off." " Climb up higher, then." "I can't; the tree is so small that, when I get any higher, it bends over, and lets me down — oh dear !" " Haven't you your pistol with you ? Try and shoot one, and it may frighten them." " Oh, dear, no ; there are hundreds of them. Just look at them below !" I looked down, and surely I could see a drove of them. They were evidently the grey wolf, for, in spite of the darkness, I could, once in a while, detect their motions from their light coats. 3* 68 • WILD SPOKTS m THE SOUTH. Poke suggested they were phantom wolves and declared they were all white. All the fearful stories I had ever read, came coursing through my brain. I saw snow-buried huts snuffed out and ravished by these prowlers, and heard the shriek of the child, thrown from the sleigh by its fear-mad- dened mother, and many an old dream reshaped in my mind the terrors of nights of fever. Were we to be tired out by their devilish patience ? Was one gang to relieve another, until we wearily fell into their hot tainted jaws, thus to be hurled into oblivion? I shouted in the hope that some one might hear me ; but what good to shout in that midnight forest ? I heard a voice — it was Poke saying his prayers. I listened devoutly, but could offer none myself. When he had finished, I called to him. He answered faintly — " What is it ? speak quickly ; I can't hold on much lon- ger." " Fire your pistol ; do try, it may bring some help, even if it does not kill." " I will try," answered Poke. " There was a momentary pause, and then the sharp crack of a pistol was followed by the singing of a bullet close by my ear. By the flash, I saw Poke, hatless, and almost coatless, hanging on to the topmost branch of a young pecan, that bent with him like an orange-treo under a heavy load of fruit. With the report of the pistol, there was a scramble among the voracious crew at THE DANGERS OF FIRE HUNTING. 69 our feet; but they did not go away permanently, and were back in a moment. " Fire the other barrel, dear Poke, but try and fire it the other way — point it down." Bang ! sounded the pistol, and I heard a thump on the ground, as the poor fellow threw away the now useless weapon. " Hold on, Poke ; take heart, my dear boy." " Oh, it is easy enough to say take heart, but when the tree bends a little more than usual, I am within a foot of these hell-hounds. Oh, dear !" At this moment, I thought I saw a light flashing through the foliage. A moment more, I was sure of it. " Poke, Poke, they are coming — some one is coming." " Where — where ! Oh, dear, I can't turn my head, lest I slip off," " There they come ; I see them — three torches, and men and dogs." " God bless them !" I heard Poke say, faintly. I was afraid he was fainting. " Hold on. Poke," I said, and screaming to the men, I called them to hurry. On they came, at a run. I recognized them as they came up with their torches flashing through the woods; they were Jackson and his men. He had been in our camjD only the day previous, and told us he had a sheep farm in this neighborhood. " Quick, this way," I shouted — "the wolves! the wolves!" He answered me. How blessed a thing was the sound of a human voice in our necessity. They came under the trees we were in. 60 WILD SFOETS IN THE SOUTH. " HuUoa there ! where are you ? where are the wolves ?" he shouted m his stentorian tones. " Dare's de sheep I'm bin hnntin' all dis bressed night," exclaimed a negro who accompanied Jackson on his search. I looked aromid, and there was Jackson's big flock of sheep, staring blandly at us up in the trees, and at their master, by turn. It had been their eyes we had seen in the darkness. And there was Jackson see-sawing on a fallen tree — hiccoughing, and laughing and crying by turns — and there were the negroes, and they called in the sheep, " Ho ! ho ! ho ! Oh laws a maussy, did I ever — ho ! ho ! ho ! ho ! — wolves, oh laws a maussy !" Poke slid down the tree he was in, picking up his coat- tail, that had been torn off by a broken limb in his hurried, ascent, sighing : " Oh ! that I had the wings of a dove/* THE PLANTATION HOUSE OF " FAR AWAY." CI CHAPTER V. i THE PLANTATION HOUSE OF " FAR AWAY.'^ "Ofttimes, in travelling through the west, The stranger finds a Hoosher's nest. In other words, a Buck-eye cabin Just big enough to hold Queen Mab in." Jackson, the sheep-raiser, whose timely arrival had driven away the phantom wolves, was a fair examj^le of many a planter. He was tall in figure, samiteriug in gait, wearing a black beard and moustache, and hair so long as to be confined behind his ears. His hazel eyes were large and expressive, flashing with excitement, or quizzical with mirth, his face was sallow, his lips thin and stained with tobacco, his dress loose, and extravagant in color when he was where he could select it. His man- ners were like his dress, and he seemed reckless of all appearances as to what he said or did. He was wealthy, after his kind ; that is to say, he had dogs and horses Avithout number, and "men-servants and maid-servants were born in his house," and he owned, by inheritance, acres of land enough to have made him a duke in Rhine- land ; and yet for ready money he was poor as Peter the Hermit. Debts he had many, but they did not depress 62 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. him ; friends by hundreds, who would every one of them have gone his security for a million, yet could not have loaned him a hundred dollars in a month. He lived in a low, badly-built, wind-cracked, fenceless, vineless, paint- less mansion in the Pine Lands, yet the proudest chief of all the McGregors could not have equalled the cour- teous pride of manner with which he welcomed the stranger to his home, and made him his friend. I^o mat- ter for the rickety table ; he scorned to mend it, and no one saw its defects, it was so gracefully presided over. He never alluded to the food he asked you to eat, and you never saAV it was only pork, sweet potatoes, and corn bread. He was bountiful with the choicest wine, lavish of command, and never by any possibility did any labor that could be either deferred or avoided. Yet, for all that, he was an ardent hunter. Strange to say, all lazy people love to fish or hunt, and Macpherson Andrew Jackson loved the latter. Nor bush, nor savannah, nor river, nor heat, nor ram deterred him. He would ride where mortal man could ride, just for the fun of the hunt. So we camped by the side of his house, in com- pliance with an invitation from the proprietor, to spend a few days with him in pursuit of the chase. Jackson's palace was of one story and two wings, and the whole building was raised from the ground about three feet by means of wooden posts, which left a pleasant abiding-place beneath for whole broods of young negroes that constantly lay in this novel kennel, looking out like }-oung puppies. The cyperus grass grew sparsely in the THE PLANTATION HOUSE OF " FAK AWAY." 63 white, sandy soil around the house, and the few out-build- ings that straggled hither and yon. Fences there were none, but the overshadowing live oaks, with their trail- ing moss, gave an air of grace to the establishment that man never attempted to improve. "HuUoa!" cheered the lord of the manor, as we drew up to the house a few days after our misadventure with the sheep; "glad to see you at Far Away. The door is never shut, and the bottle never corked, and we will make you at home for a year and a day. You Tom ! Cuff! You Cuff! Hannibal! here, run call the boys to take the horses and tie up the hounds. Run, all of you ! Fine day, this, for hunting. Bring out some glasses, Melissa ! Dogs can nose well to-day. Lively th'ere ! Well, bring some tin cups, if there are no glasses, you lazy huzzy !" The negroes ran, our dogs howled acquaintance with the dogs of the place, the little nigs looked on from every out-of the-way corner, and with shout, and laugh, and much confusion, we soon had our tent pitched by the spring, the ponies tethered, and everything well regu- lated about us. Then came a good dinner, cooked in one of those little disconnected kitchens so favored by your true darky cook, who, when not engaged in stirring the pepper pot, or turning the corn-bread, stands in her red bandana in the doorway with her arms akimbo, looming as large as the wonderful fat woman in the Museum. We brought game, and Jackson had cooks, «nd we all dined well, and then a glass of good old wine, whose 64: WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. parent stock shaded the gravelly banks of the Garonne, carried our mmds to other lands, and sent our tongues travelling all around the world for adventures. It was dark as we finished tlie bottle, and Jackson un- locked his closet for another. I believe that wine-closet was the only thing that Avas locked on the whole place. The negroes had crawled out of their curious retreats, and were lying around in groups. The sheep-drivers had come in from the folds, and the tinkling of tiny bells announced that the sheep were penned for the night. The camp-fire was lit, pipes were smoking, Jackson was sitting against one of the pack-saddles, and his daughter was reclining against his knees. His daughter was a brunette girl of sixteen years of age, and her mother was dead, it was said, many years ago. ^^Jle was a gentleman," said Jackson, pursuing a des- cription he had been giving of some one living on the coast. "He never took an insult, and never gave one; what more could be said of any man ?" "And he gave dis child a dollar Christmas day — course he's a gentleman," struck in Hoppin Lem, the planter's favorite servant, who, squatted on his haunches a few yards behind his master, drank m all the conversa- tion, and joined in the laugh, with the low " yah-e— ah- ah-ee !" so peculiar to the negro. " Hold your tongue, you black rascal!" said his master. " Was it not he who shot young Travers in a duel at the Mobile races ?" asked the Doctor. " Of course it was, and did it as bravely as any man THE PLANTATION HOUSE OF " FAR AWAY." 65 ever did. Yet that duel ruined him; he has been a broken-down man ever since." " How is that ?" " "Why you see they had a dispute about the winning horse. He said that Centiped came in first, and Travers replied that if had not staked so much money on Centiped he would have seen straighter. This was a reflection on his honor that no one was expected to stand. He chal- lenged Travers, and Travers fell at the first fire. It wouldn't have been so bad, but Travers' old mother got wind of the duel from some of those Puritan meddlers, and came riding down to the field with her grey liair all streaming, and when she saw her son dead she cursed him. I wasn't there, but those that were there said it Avas a hard thing to see. He never got over it. It was a windy afternoon, about sunset, when the duel occurredj and to the present time, when there comes up a hard wind about that time of day, the poor fellow rides off as if the devil was after him, and will not speak to man or beast." " What a diseased mind a man must have to fight a duel !" said the Doctor. " How can he helj) it — is he going to have his honoi impugned, his character insulted ? He would fall so low that no one would speak to hun." " But he does not mend his character by killing a friend, and haunting his conscience." " That is an accident inseparable from society. There are certain wrongs which the pistol alone will redress, 6Q WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. and the duel puts the feeble gentleman on an equality with the greatest bully." " No," said the Doctor, his impassible nature grad- ually warming, "it lowers the gentleman to a bully. If he gets shot, his honor dies with him ; if he kills, he is a broken man — either way the wrong is doubled ; and it is, after all, the bully that supports the institu- tion." " iN'o, sir ; it is the gentleman that supports the sys- tem, and is supported by it. "What else gives the navy and army its character, and holds it together — what pro- tects the weak, and cowers the laboring poor whose strength would make him over-reaching — what gives a tone to the gallantry of the South but a power that pun- ishes insult ?" "And murders its own children !" added the Doctor. '• Murder ! do you call it murder ? My own father was shot in a duel, but he died like a man. Where's the poltroon that don't resent an injury ? — as he lives, I'd spit on him ; every woman would despise him. There is not a girl in Florida that would dance with Alexander Pell after he got slapped in the face without killing the man that struck him. Is man a dog that he should suifer this ?" Jackson's manner was wild, and he gesticulated with his long arms like a phantom. The Doctor's blue eye was kindling in the fire-light. We looked for a war of words that might even amount to a specimen of the bat- tle they were discussing, when the Doctor, with one of 67 his usual strong transitions, cut off the discussion with a favorite couplet : *'A wink to a blind horse is as good as a nod ; Your faithful servant, Ollapod." Jackson turned his flashing eyes on the Doctor, his lids slightly contracted like a man in doubt as to another's meaning; it was evident he was reading the Doctor, and the bland face turned toward him was like an open page with blue marginal illumination. "Where do you reside. Doctor Pollock?" he asked, after a moment's pause, and in the indifferent tone assumed by the Doctor. " I was born in Virginia, and inherited a plantation of a hundred negroes," replied the Doctor, answering the planter's thoughts, and not his question. A long pause followed. We watched the light wood crackle, and the big particles of fire climbing up into the canopy of woods on the current of hot air, reflecting brief circles of light on the foliage above, and then going- out in blackness. The Doctor resumed his pipe. Mike pondered, cross-legged, puffing at his cigarettes, and the boys talked among themselves in under tones. " This won't do, gentlemen ! Mike, hand me that bottle," called out Jackson, rousing himself. One drink all around, and now for to-morrow's hunt. What shall it be, deer or turkey ?" " Or sheep ?" "That's a shame, Mike !" laughed Jackson. bo WELD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " Don't let him quiz you that on mishap, gentlemen, older hunters than you have fared as badly. Did you ever hear of my blunder in fire hunting ?" Of course we had not. "Then I'll tell it to you." JACKSOISr'S STOKY OF A FIEE HUNT.* " It came about this way. I was up country looking around for a good two-year-old to run at Charleston races, when I met my old comrade, Stockton. We had been chums together at Princeton, as thick as two cats in a bag, sometimes studying, sometimes courting, and then we were good friends. When we had nothing else to do we quarrelled ; it is a sure sign of a good friend when he loves you enough to quarrel with you. Strangers don't care a picayune, and won't quarrel about you any way. Stockton had settled down to a sober life, owned a pew in the church, and as many little carroty-haired tokens as you could stand up endAvise in a ten acre lot. I was — well about the same sort of fellow as when a boy, only the devil had covered me up with his wicked ways. " The first thing after seeing Stockton, that was j^ro- posed, was a fire hunt, and a fire hmit it was. Dark still night — you could hear a peeper squeak a mile ofi", and run your nose against a cotton bale without seemg it. ' Just the night,' said^tockton ; ' Just the night,' says I. * For this tale, I am indebted to the graceful pen of my friend, Gxoillermo. THE PLANTATION HOUSE OF " FAK AWAY." 69 ' Com^ake,' says he to his son, a boy about sixteen, long and lank like his father, and always ready to poke away from home. Accordmgly, all things ready, we trailed off into the woods and took a course along the sea-side, thinking to find more deer. " I led the way with the frying pan on my shoulder, keeping the fire in it well up with pitch pine knots, Stockton right behind with his rifle, and Jake keeping within sight in the rear. We had gone about a mile or so and the pan began to grow heavy, when I suddenly felt Stockton's hand on my shoulder, comj^elling me to stoj), and then the crack of his rifle from under my arm told me that he had fired at a deer that I had not seen. *That deer shone up bright any how,' he said, in a low self-satisfied tone, as he proceeded to load his gun, ' only to get blown out.' " ' Hadn't you better secure your game before load- ing?' " ' Ha ! ha !' said he, ' that fellow will not leave there until there is another set of legs under him. But come, I'm ready.' " So saying, we started in the direction of our prize ; when to our no little joy and surprise, we beheld another blue light apparently just beyond the spot where lay our fallen deer. Stockton agam fired, and out went the lio-ht " ' I first shot the doe,' he remarlj^d, while deliberately loading his rifle, ' and the buck woukl not leave her.' " Again we started, but had not taken a dozen steps, when lo! and behold, anotlier eye appeared. 70 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. " ' It's deuced strange,' said Stockton, quickly, as he raised his gun to his shoulder, ' that I have seen hut one eye each time.' "'Perhaps they have all accidentally been standing sidewise to you,' I replied. " ' Side or front,' he answered, ' I'll black that fellow's eye for him.' Crack went the rifle, and down went the eye. We had now arrived at the place where we supposed the first deer to have fallen, and made search for it, but nowhere was the game to be found. " Turning from the place, imagine our surprise at again beholding that single fiery ball glaring upon us with the same identical motion of the others. Stockton mecha- nically raised his rifle, but paused as he did so. As for me, nothing prevented my throwing down the fire-pan and giving ''leg bail ' but the disagreeable certainty of not being able to retrace my steps. I ran back in memory to childhood's hours, and recalled the old nur- sery tales I had heard of bears, lions, and hobgoblins, until I w^as satisfied beyond a doubt that Stockton had been shooting at the devil ! I was, however, aroused from my revery by his exclaiming, ' Ha ! I am a pretty fool. Something is the matter with my^ rifle, and I've been shooting all this time at the same deer ! Here, give me yours.' I did so, but could not help thinking that the deer was a greater faol by far if he had stood to so many shots. " The eye Avas now hid behind some bushes, but soon appeared again, when Stockton, after a long and delibe- THE PLANTATION HOUSE OF " FAR AWAY." 71 rate aim, discharged his piece. The eye immediately disappeared, and he turned toward me, triumphantly nodding his head and exclaiming ; " ' He'll not shoAV that infernal eye of his again, I guess, for I put that ball square into it.' "I made no reply, but the term *" infernal eye ' seemed to me to be very appropriate indeed. I had now placed the ' pan ' upon the ground, and was arranging the fire, when Stockton uttered a suppressed exclamation of sur- prise and disappointment, which caused me to look up. Down went the fire, gun, and everything else ; my mouth gradually opened until my dinner was percej^tible, and I felt satisfied, from the progress my hair was making, that I should soon be relieved of my hat, for there was that little ball of fire moving very slowly toward the ground, with the same singular motions of the others. " ' Stockton,' whispered I, as soon as my feelings would permit me, ' we are a set of jackasses, for as certain as fate, we have been chasing the devil to-night.' *' He turned toward me with a half comical, half inqui- sitive look, and finally remarked : " ' "Well, hang me if you're not complimentary, very. IsTo, that is not the devil, but I am very well satisfied the devil is in me. Here, take this rifle, and when he again shows his eye do you let him have it. I'll hold the fight.' " I could not refuse, and so I took the gun, and was slowly and reluctantly raising it to my shoulder, when a noise behind me attracted my attention, and looking 72 WILD SP0ET8 IN" THE SOUTH. around, I perceived Jake conelucting in a most discredit- able manner, twisting and squirming and holding on to his stomach as if he had the colic, and all the while making a noise hke choking. " I wish you would be kind enough to stop that infer- nal clatter !" said Stockton sharply, and addmg immedi- ately, "There he is — now give it to him — right in the eye." I was again raising the rifle to my shoulder, but was a second time deterred from my purpose by a peal or yell of laughter, from Jake, sufficient to have frightened every deer withing ten miles of us. For Stockton and my- self, however, there was no such thing as laugh, but, on the contrary, we were both rather inclined to raise a roAV than be laughed at, and Stockton, grasping his son by the shoulder, in a passion exclaimed : " What the devil is all this tomfoolery about ? Say ? Tell me this mstant, sir, or I'll ' boot ' you clear home." "Ha! ha! OhLordy! ha! ha! Amelia Lighthouse ! O, Lordy! Did I ever? Five miles — ough — my poor sides I" My curiosity was now excited to the utmost, and I turned to Stockton for an explanation. I shall not attempt to describe the expression of his countenance. Mirth and am^er were never so well minojled before. " Jackson," said he, finally, " we are a j^air of jack- asses, and have been shooting at the revolving light on the Amelia Lighthouse^ Jive miles off!'''' Then suddenly dropping tlie fire-pan, he ran to where THE PLANTATION HOUSE OP " FAR AWAY." 73 his son was kicking and screaming about on the ground. He picked him up by the coat collar, shaking him into silence, and then said, " now look here, if you say one word about this at home, as sure as I'm your father, you shall never fire a gun as long as you live." As the laughter and comments on Jackson's story subsided, one of the negro boys said ; " Wish maussa hunt dat are varmint what's takin' off de lambs so ; 'specs as him hab no lamb 'tall soon." " Lost any to-day ?" " 'Spec a los' two, and two afore yesterday, and gwine to lose two to-night, kase all sheep come m airly, bein' wild : sure sign dat." " What is it, do you think ?" " Painter, for true ! I'se seen his tracks !" "Why don't you let your boys sleep by the sheep- pen ?" I asked of Jackson. " I am afraid I would have to pen them in," he replied ; " and then, if it was a panther, he might take the negro, and he is worth more than the sheep." " Then why don't you shoot the beast ?" •' I have hmited her till I am tired, and it only ends in her killing my dogs, and keeping out of shot herself. She will get tired here by and by, and then will go further down the coast. She has raised a yoimg one here this season, for in the summer one of the boys, while coming up the river in a canoe, saw her swimmiug across with her kitten in her mouth. He could have 3 74 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. come up with her then, but she growled so fiercely that he was afraid, and made a fool of himself." " 'Specs anybody make a fool of hisself, when painter want to climb in his boat !" replied a self-conscious voice in the background. " "We had Mike here last year to hunt the same pan- ther, I think, but I believe he got whipped ; at all events, he went out one day, and didn't come back since." " Mike smiled his peculiar smile, which meant, Hke the German *Yah wohl,' anything according to the speaker's intent, but said not a word. *' Tell us of that hunt, old father of Dinah," said the Doctor. " "Where is my panther skin you promised ?" said Jackson. "Painter is an oncommon onsartin varmint," was Mike's musing rely, as he put his brawny arms around his knees, and rocked himself backward and forward like a China Mandarin. " I should think that he was oyikimin sartin^ for he comes here regularly once a year." " Wall, you see. Colonel, this war the way I was done for that time, and when yer heern it, you'll say that it was skeery, and no mistake." " A story — a story !" exclaimed Miss Jackson. I leaned forward to see the speaker, and he began his tale. 75 CHAPTER VI. THE panther's CUB. "He who flglits and runs away May live to fight another day." " Well, it was airly morning when I started out after that air painter. Small sign I had to steer by, only the hearin' tell that there w^as a painter 'bout. But it had been showering o'ernight, and so trailin' was easy enough, and yer could see every stalk of grass that had been shook, let alone the tracks a varmint the size of a painter would leave. I tuck down to Spring Creek, and followed it e'enmost to the barrens that stretch toward the salt water ; then I fetched a turn north, and struck inter the big swamp that comes out of the Suwanee. Here I saw an all-fired big bar's track, and slathers of deer, and a show of gobblers, but no painter whatsum- ever. Got a gobbler and tuck breakfast, and then kept on. Struck the branches of the St. John that arternoon. Good painter ground here, tearin' big swamp, and all- fired high cottonwoods and sycamores. No signs, and my dog was gin out, so we shantied under a grape-vine waitin' for daylight. Heered a painter holler in the night, but kuowed it was a young one by the voice, and it was off the wrong way. Mornin' come, and I got 76 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. around througli little Ammaninac Swamp, and by night time had come piirty near whar I fust started from, hav- ing made a j^urty tolerable circle, and nairy a painter. Sez I, ' Those cusses at the sheej)-farm have been foolin' me, and tuck wild-cat for painter.' " So arter soundin' around to see where the buildin's lay, and whar the sheep-pen was, Yowler and I lay down together, and were doin' some tall sleepin', when I heerd a soft kind o' crying dowai the woods. I knowed it in a minnit ; it war the same painter — he hadn't been outside of my circle at all, the dratted cuss! He had just been a layin'-to for another haul on the sheep-pen, and so I hadn't struck his trail. I kept quiet, thinkin' he would come up toward the improvements, and I could tickle him, but he reether seemed to move off. Arter a while I heerd him purrin' like, and then I knew he had something to eat — fawn, like 'nough, or some small ani- mal. This guv me a mean oj^inion of this j^ainter, for your rael snortin' big fellars don't stoop to small fry, but live on deer, sheep, hogs, or sich like. Wall, mornin' come on, and when it bruck enough to see a meetin'- house, I pushed on, but the painter had moved off. I found a sheepskin all rolled up, and I knew then why he had been purring. The painter had caught a sheep on •the range some time in the day, and not eaten it, so he didn't have need for more fodder all night. I found the trail, and then sez I, 'Now, Mr. Painter, we'll see who's best at walkin'.' YoAvlcr tuck the trail, and along we bowled for about an hour, when all of a sudden I rr heerd Yowler, who was some ways ahead, stop his yelpin', and back he come, with somethin' arter him, tight as he could buckle. As they come up I let drive at what was arter him kind o' promiscuously, for it wasn't fairly dawn yet. The shot hit, I knew, for the varmint held up, and then run oiF. " ' JSTow,' says I ter myself, * isn't a painter a mighty on- sartin varmint ? Here is one that gets wounded, and yet don't pitch inter a fellar. Who'd ha' looked for sich a coward in a painter?' Then, after loadin', I put on Yowler again, and we bowled along, not quite so lively as afore, for Yowler was a leetle kind o' shy, but still we did some pretty loud goin'. " 'Whar's that air pamter?' sez I to myself; ' did any painter ever run so far before ?' It come on to be light, and I could sec the trail, and it was an all-fired big trail. Presently it got into a cane-brake, and then tuck a turn. Yowler guv tongue. I could hear the canes rattle as he jumped, but the painter broke out of this on the fur side, and made a bee-line agin right straight for the Ouithlacouchee River. " When we got to the river it was noon. I looked down the bank, and saw the tracks along in the mud where the varmint had been lookin' for a good place to cross. Presently I could see where he had laid down in the mud, and then for the fust time I saw it was a she l^ainter with sucking young ones. As near as I could make out by the marks in the mud she had two cubs lugging at her, the rest of her tits being of no account. 78 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. "^' Then the track went in a little further under some alders, and there she had laid down agin, this time on her side, and, Jehosaphat ! thar by her side, as clare as daylight, was a dozen little tracks of a cub she had been a-carryin' in her mouth all that way. She had tuck to these bushes to give it some milk, and was goin' with it into the big swamps t'other side of the river. It was all as clare as if a schoolmaster had written it. That war the reason why the she painter didn't come on to fight when I fired at her ; she wanted to git her pups clare from the dog ; that's the natur of a painter, and an oncommin consider- in' natur it is, too. My 'pinion of that painter rose some. Arter the trail left the alder bushes, it went right into the river. " I soon found a log big enough for me and Yowler, and, puttin' the dog on one eend on't, so as to save him from the alligators, I slung my rifle on my back, and paddled across. I soon found the trail, and went jogging along pretty slow, for it was a tough kind of swamp, when in a minute or so I heerd Yowler burst out in a clear yell. I knowed he seed the painter, and I hurried on as well as I could, but, Jimminy Peters ! that painter, when he made a jump across the fallen logs, went as fur in one minute as I in ten. I soon come to where I heerd the dog break out so, and I seed somethin' kind o' curious. The old tracks went straight on south, but there were a set of new tracks that came right back on top the old ones, and just where the dog had come up they had turned off to the east. 79 "Wall, that's queer!' sez I to myself. 'If that's the same varmint, she's what I'm arter, and if she aint she's just as good, for I calkelate that one painter is just as good as another, j)rovidin' allers she's as big.' So I cheered on Yowler, and we went on the side track. Now over logs, then in a mucky place, and now through the water, that dog and I stuck to that painter like two wood-ticks. Arter going a little to the east the track went back to the river, and went across about a mile above where it had crossed before. ' Wall, that's queer,' sez I to myself. ' There's somethin' onnateral in that painter. She won't tree, and she goes in a straight line to t'other eend of creation, and now she's going back agin. Wall, here goes,' sez I, and I took another log and ferried back agin to the north shore. There was the trail as clare as mud, and big as an alligator's. Up the bank and away inter the woods we went. There's no sucking of cubs now. Yowler is a hurryin' her along a leetle too fast for any sich family doin's. So on we went right north. ' Jerusalem !' sez I to myself, ' keep on this way, old steamboat, much longer, and you'll be back where you started from, and I'll drive you into Colonel Jackson's pen, and shut the door on you !' "'Bout by the Black Mud Creek there's a flat of land that had been overflowed and had dried off, and as we come here I seed the painter had jumped through, and every time she had jumped she had come up to her belly in the mud, and once or twice had come so low that her neck and chin had sunk in the mud. Thinks I, that must. 80 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. put tlie cub under in the mud, yet I don't see the marks of the little rat. " Jist then we got through the creek, and I seed whare the old painter had lam down on the bank with her side to the river. " Thar were her tracks as clare as Gospel, but whar was the cub ? The cub was gone ! Whar had it gwine to ? It was clare it hadn't gwine anywhare that Yowler and I had been ; it had been left on the fur side of the Ouith- lacouchee. It tuck just a minute of thinkin', and it was all clare. The bee line she had made, the two full tits, the bee-line back agin; Avhat a cursed fool I was not to have seen through it afore I had come so fur ! " The painter had littered two cubs somewhar near whar I had seen her in the mornin' ; she had been chased, and knew the parts was onsafe ; she had made up her mind to carry her cubs into the Ouithlacouchee swamp, and had started with one when Yowler struck her trail. That was the reason she sent Yowler back ; that was the reason she wouldn't tree ; and jist keepin' in sound of the dog's yelp, had gone right to the swamp, hid her cub, come back on her back track to ketch the dog and lead him away, till she could go back fur t'other cub, bein' sartin that the hound and his fool of a master were away from her cub, and were chasin' her about. " Soon as I had reasoned this out I called Yowler in, and turnin' about, struck for that ere swamp straight. Yowler come on behmd, and about two hours afore sun- set I struck the river, ferried across, took up the old 81 trail in the swamp, and was busy pickin' it out over logs and under vines whar the moss grew so thick it didn't leave room for a track. The scent was cold, and Yow- ler could jist ketch it, but what with puttin' our two noses together we fetched up in a big windfall, and jist in the snarl of trees, whar the splinters and branches, and growin' vines was the wickedest, there was a little bed of strips of bark and leaves, and the young painter cub was curled up, dreamin' of supper-time. He was about as big as two tomcats tied together by the tails, and his natur', when I come to prick him up, was not quite so sweet. He meowed, and sneezed, and about chawed up my coat-sleeve afore I could bag him, which I did by takin' off my huntin' coat, jammin' his head into one of the sleeves, and buttonin' and tyin' him in bag like. " When I got all this done, I thought of the old pain- ter, and what she would say to me when she come home with her t'other young 'un. The more I calkelated, the more it seemed onpleasant, for though the varmint was so perlite when she was outwittin' me, I reckoned that she wouldn't be so much so when the boot got on t'other leg. Fust I thought I would get out of that air windfall, and wait for the old lady on the bank of the river, whar we could have a clare field, fur I knew it was sartin she would be arter me, and I'd a leetle reether the fight wouldn't be fit out in that swamp. So I put out for the river, and when I got tliar took a clare spot, and puttin' the cub down for the stakes, sat down to wait fur the other party. " The wind was still, and I could hear around a con • 82 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. siderable distance. A few big frogs, and once in a while an alligator, let on for music in the river. Now and then an owl hooted in the bottom land, and the cranes goin' out to sea were honkin' away over- head, but I couldn't hear any painter, and accordin' to my calculations there would be some howlin' when she cum home and found her papj^oose bagged. Yowler began to get restless, and watched the swamp as if he knowed what was comin'. The woods begun to get blacker, the sun had gone doAvn, and some black clouds bellowed overhead. It looked like a squall. " ' Why don't she cum ?' sez I to myself; 'or maybe she's sich a knowin' varmint she's waitin' for night, to chaw me up completely.' Once I thought I seen her eyes in the edge of the bushes, but it turned out to be some rotten fire-wood. 'Jerusalem!' sez I, 'why don't she cum !' It got to be so dark I couldn't see the sights on my rifle, and I thought it all over to myself. I o\\ai up I felt kind a mean like. This stealin' young cubs out of their nests is onnateral, any way. It is good enough for an Injun, but's not Christian-like. I could see that old painter comin' home, with her second cub in her mouth. I could tell jist how she felt. I could see her big nostril open when she smelt my tracks about her nest, and when she saw her cub was gone, Lord ! what a cry she would give. I'd given a bearskin to put that cub back, and then have fit it out with a clare conscience. But 'twas no use a talkin' ; it couldn't be done, no how. All that's left when the deal is made is to stand up to yer hand. ' But,' THE panther's CUB. 83 thinks I to myself, ' ef it's right to shoot the old painter, it is right to ketch her kitten.' That's the natnr of man ; ef they do anything wrong they reason to themselves to make it right. " ' Jerusalem !' sez I, as it got blacker and the fire-flies cum about, 'why don't she cum?' Jist then, in lookin' around me, I sees a light shine on the other shore a little way below. I knew right off it was an Injin camp, and reckoned it was part of Tiger Tail's band, that had cum up from below. Nasty varmints that band was — worse en painters any day. Howsumever, Injins or no Jnjins, they will help fight the painter ; so I rolled a drift-log into the water, and once more paddled over the river. I looked behind once or twice to see if the painter wasn't a comin' over, too, and climbin' on the log behind me, but it was only the mullet jumpin' in the river, and so I got over with the cub all right, and put right down the bank for the camp. Yer better believe I didn't let grass grow under me. As I cum up to the fire-light, I saw who the Injins were; they Avere friendly enough that summer, but mighty mean cusses, and had served me many a dirty trick. Their camp was just in the edge of the timber, and the squaws were cooking supper in a pot, while about a dozen men sat around in a ring, lookin' on and suckin' their thumbs, wrapped up in their blankets, just as if it was cold. As I cum up, I looked back on my track, and whar the sandy bank lay agin the water, whar it war brightened up by the sunset, I see the she-painter cumin' like greased ligbtnin'. 84: WILD SPOKTS m THE SOUTH. " I walked composed-like and slow into the Injin camp, and right through the ring, piittin' the painter cub all rolled up in the coat down in the middle, and then goin' to the fur side, set down as far off as convenient. " ' Injin Mike is welcome,' said a young man, wlio I made out by his paint to be Tiger Tail's son, waivin' his hand like to me, and keepiu' his eye inquirin' like on my coat, that was a wrigglin' alpout on the ground. " ' Injin Mike is a hunter, and he brings a hunter's gift,' sez I, slow-like, and speakin' Injin ; ' he was afeerd his lajin brother would be in want of some game.' " I knew this would rile 'em some, for Tiger Tail was allers a big hunter, and he didn't like me, for I could take the feather out of his hair any day. I war goin' on to say more, but I didn't have time, fur jist then I heard a thump in the bushes, and the she-painter cum in as ef she was flyin' ; ears back, eyes like candles — she was some. She tuck the young chief before she landed with a sort o flyin' box Avith her paw, and he never riz hair arter- wards, for she tuck scalp and all. " The lousy devils rolled over like prairie dogs — the pot upsot, the coals flew around, the squaws yelled, the dogs pitched in, and afore any one could get out his knife, that painter did some tall tearin'. They rolled over and over, yellin', bitin' swearin ; some got hit fur the painter, fur they couldn't see whar to strike, and thar was no room for shootin'. Lord, Colonel, it would hur done you good to have seen that air scrimmage. -I got behind a tree and larfed so it hurt me, and when I ...oo uicii X Heard a ihuiui) in tliL- bushes, aiul tlic .-liL-puinter euiu in as ct siit was flyin'.-PAGE 84 85 see they had well-nigh fit out, Yowler and me, thinkin' they might blame \is, stepped out, and I hain't seen them Injins, nur that air painter since, though I've heer'en tell that Tiger Tail ware lookin' for me about the Mecaco this summer." "And if he catches you, you will not be able to raise hair either," said Jackson. " J^i^he does," answered Mike, laughing. " But what became of the other sucking cub after the Indians had killed its mother and brother ?" " I went back arter it that very same night, and found it jist whar the she-painter had left it when she tuck my trail. It was a meowin' away in the woods all alone, and I felt kind a sorry for it, and carried it into the Fort at Tampa Bay and guv it to the Colonel thar, whar it growed up, and got so big and saucy that it licked the hull fort one day and then cleared." 86 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. CHAPTER VII THE DEER HUNT. "A hundred hounds bayed deep and strong Clattered an hundred steeds along." Scott. The light broke early on the planter's house, and the smoldering brands of our camp-fire the morning after Mike's panther story. It may not have been early, though our late hours of the evening before made it seem so to me, and I silently banned the sleepless hound that bayed at the early day. Then " the cock's shrill clarion, and the echoing horn," ushered in the fuller light, and drew us to our feet, yawning and drinking in the misty sights and sounds. The sheep were crowding out of the pens, and spread- ing over the open woods. Their constant bleating drowned the cries of their negro drivers. The horses were whinnying for their food. Our boys were light- ing a fire, and preparing meat, singing and laughing away. There were calls to negroes with fancy names, and shouting answers ; guns were discharged, and saddles examined ; a dozen things were wanted that could not be found, or when found were not in a condition to be THE DEER HUNT. 87 used. The little nigs were running to the spring for water, or to the shed for corn, or all around the grounds, merely for the fun of running and shouting. They were dressed alike, in long, brown cotton shirts, and one sex could not be distinguished from the other. Aunty Blaze, after seemg the table was spread, and the meat cooked, brought out an immense corn-cake, on a wooden turner, and with a commendable feeling of pride threw it down on the table, right side up, steaming hot, and brown as rosewood. Turning to go, she stumbles against a little nig girl coming with the sugar-bowl ; a smart slap applied with the cake-turner propels the little nig forward a yard, and elicits a yell of disapprobation from the clumsy child, who drops the sugar-bowl to the floor, and then runs off. The Doctor loads his double-barrelled gun, and explains its new-fashioned lock to Miss Jackson, who comes out arrayed in a tight-fitting cap and bodice, and her eyes lit up with the anticipation of the chase. Mike slowly and methodically wipes out his rifle with dry flax, and every moment is seen eating some hidden remains of last night's meal, which he has stowed away on his per- son, and which are to form more than half his breakfast. We eat our hurried meal — it might be called a passover, as no one takes time to sit — and then ride off down the woods. Jackson and Mike are leading tlie van, Lou and the Doctor still side by side, and there goes a negro on a marsh tackey, and there a neighbor that has come over 88 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. fer the hunt, mounted on a vicious mare as thin as a crane. The hounds, of a dozen different colors and sizes, go along in couples, led by the negroes on foot, and on ahead to a given rendezvous shuffles Pompey Duffield Sah, the oldest negro on the place, driving a mule laden Avith two baskets of provisions intended for ^ the dinner of the party, and the mist comes up from the river in golden clouds, for the sun is just rising. Down along the bank we went with call and laughter, and the bittern arose from the sedge with a guttural cry, and the alligator sank into the water with a heavy splash, as our cavalcade moved onward to the lower pine lands that skirted th^. big swamp. The trees were all white pine ; there was no underbrush, and we could see down the long arcades they formed for nearly a mile. ISTow and then a flaunting flower would rear its crimson cheek to the wind, or a vine could be seen clasping a trunk, and drooping from branch to branch in long festoons, but generally the ground Avas covered only with the yellow siftings of the pine, and free from all vegetation. The horses trod without a sound, and, save now and then a squirrel, we met no animal life, until we came to the hummocks, and drew together to give general directions for commencing the chase, the manner of which is neces- sary to explain. A hummock is a thicket often covering but an acre or two of land, and sometimes presenting an extent of several miles. The one now in view covered about thirty acres, and half a mile further down the woods, we could THE DEER HUNT 89 see another. It lay in a low swale of land, and in it the haw, the alder, and willow, grew into a tangled copse, studded with the red leaves of the pinckneya, while above them all, a hundred feet or more, the ash, the magnolia, and gum-trees, reared their long arms, and opened their blossoms to the upper air. It was an admirable spot for game, with succulent grass and flags, and a dusky shade that was never penetrated by the sun. " You stay here. Doctor Pollock," said Jackson, as we rode up ; " and mind your eyes." The Doctor drew himself up with a doubtful air, as if uncertain whether minding his eyes referred to the uses he had just been putting those organs to in watching Miss Jackson's face, or whether it referred to watchful- ness in the future ; so he answered at random, " All right, sir!" " And you," he continued, turning to me, " take your place two gun-shots oft" on that side, keeping always within five or six rods of the swamp. And you," turnmg to the neighbor that had joined us, " go on next ; and you, Lou, come with Mike and me." And away they cantered, with the dogs, around the other side of the swamp, dropping one or two negroes, as they passed, to guard some particular point of the hummock, and in this way we inclosed two sides of the swamp with a cordon of hunters stationed just so far apart that if a deer came out, one or the other of the hunters in waiting was certain of a shot. On tlie further side, and the only portion of the swamp that we were 90 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. unable to surround, the driver was to enter with the hounds, and the deer would not be likely to make his escape in that direction. The last I saw of Jackson he was winding around the swamp with Mike, having left his daughter on a little knoll that commanded a fair view of the hummock, and where her bright bay horse and little figure stood out in relief against the dark pines beyond. She caught sight of me and waved her hand. I could see, from her atti- tude, that she was intently watching the swamp, and her short double-barrelled gun hung from her arm w^ith all the ease that it would have been carried by a stronger hunter. The doctor I could not see, but my negro, Scipio, armed only with a knife, stood between us, and only a short distance from me. I looked for the other members of the hunt, but they had gone, and jDerfect stillness reigned over the pine woods and hummock. Moment after moment slipped away ; I listened for every sound, but could hear nothing, save the impatient champ- ing of my horse. Away down the woods a fox-squirrel flirted his broad tail as he chased his comrade up a tree, or a painted woodpecker passed by in undulating sweeps as silently as a moth. At length I heard a distant call; it was so faint it just reached me, but I recognized it as the driver cheering the hounds as he cast them off. ISTow for it. Another pause. The cry was repeated, and with it the low yelp of a dog, then another, and then a ringing shot away down the woods. My horse pricked his ears, and Scipio mounted a fallen tree the better to survey THE DEEE HUNT. 91 the scene. No cheering shout announced the death of the deer, though the dogs stopped yelj)ing. At this moment I heard in the bushes the rapid bound of some animal ; it came nearer and nearer. From the higher ground where I stood I could see over the bushes a pair of antlers, and I supposed it to be the same deer that had been fired at down the swamp. I dismounted to take surer aim. How my heart beat in unison with the bounding of his feet, while every sense converged into the coming of his presence ! But, alas ! he did not come out by me, but between me and the Doctor, and very near to him. Bang ! bang ! I heard his gun explode, and immediately the deer turned in again, just keeping the edge of the bushes, and showing his back at every jump. As he passed me, I took deliberate aim, and when his flag showed over the grass, I fired. A bet- ter aim never was taken, but the deer only seemed to move with an accelerated speed down past the next stand,' and receiving a shot there, and two from Miss Jackson, then rushed back into the swamp from whence he came. The dogs, with the firing, broke out into a louder chorus ; the negro drivers were coming on, thrashing the bushes and shouting away. I heard Jackson's horn winding its clear notes nearer and nearer ; he was following up the dogs, keeping in the open woods, while Mike was doing the same on the other side. All at once the hounds broke out with a louder yell, and at the same moment the buck broke cover again in front of me, accompanied by two does, one on cither side. I had 92 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. just loaded, and had my foot in the stirrup, when, with- out changing position, I fired at the stag's shoulder. I missed my mark, but shot one of the does, that tumbled down in the grass. The buck and the other doe once more turned back, and, wild with fright, coursed down the edge of the hummock toward Poke, who fired his barrel again, and this time, with some correctness, for the buck dropped his tail for an instant with an uneasy motion, when raising it again, he turned back, followed by Poke, on horseback, directly past my stand. I fired my second barrel without efiect, and then, not able to resist the contagion of the chase, spurred my horse after the flying anunals. Away they went down the little swale that led toward Lou Jackson's stand. One hound after another, as he came out of the rushes, caught sight of the deer, and joined in the chase with a double note. Bang ! came a shot from my left, missed clear, and the hunter, not stopping to load, joined the chase. Now for it. Miss Jackson ! I saw her raise her gun, her father was close behind, riding hard to get to her, and away down the woods I could see Mike trying to head off the chase, his long hair streaming behind him like a woman's. A i)uff of smoke, and a report — the buck staggered ; another shot and he seemed to renew his courage, drawing in behind him, in one yelling, shouting, crashing train, every man, horse, and dog, in the woods. " You hit him, Lou. Tally-ho ! Hi on ! hi ! Hurrah ! Faster ! There's Tip, and there's Slasher ! Go it. Music ! Golly ! maussa, gib him fits !" were the cries that were THE DEER HUNT. 93 intelligible in the medley of sound, until tlie yelling of the dogs, and the trampling of the horses drowned all words. The horses, as wild in their ardor as their riders, needed no rein. The buck led the way directly for ano- ther hummock that was situated about three miles away, and which was now within sight; his flight was straight and well sustained, though now and then a spot of blood on the leaves showed that he was wounded. The dogs were toiling on behind, not two yards away, and close behind the dogs came all the hun- ters, the Doctor, riding the fastest horse, taking the lead. As we approached the hummock, the pine trees grew closer together, and while going between two of them the Doctor was caught by his gun, which he held cross- wise before him on the saddle, and was swept off his horse to the ground. " There's a ten strike !" called out Jackson, as we rushed by. Closer still we came to the deer, every dog stretched to his utmost length, every rider bending to his horse's mane ; Mike was just raising his rifle to his shoulder to shoot, when without a sign the big buck fell head first to the ground, and rolled over and over with the impetus of the chase. His heart had broken in the desperate burst just within reach of his lair, in whose close covert the doe, with one long bound, was lost. Up came the dogs and horses so fast they ran over the game, and crowded and jostled together as they pulled up. So rolls and bubbles a wave that meets a rock on the sandy beach. Then there was dismounting, and whipping off the dogs, and a search for the Avounds in 94: WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. our quarry. Two buck-shot, in the thick part of the neck from behind, came from the Doctor's second barrel. " Where is the Doctor ? here is his horse. Oh ! there he comes Hmping along rather sore with his fall." A laugh and a sly joke were all the consolation we had to offer him. Two more buck-shot in the right side, close together ; that is Lou Jackson's shot. They were the only ones of the j^arty using shot guns. !N'one of the shots were heavy enough to kill the deer, though altoge- ther they had broken hun down in the chase. We wound a horn to tell the drivers we left behind our whereabouts, and putting the buck on one of the negroes' horses, and coupling the dogs to keep them from enter- ing the swamp, we turned back the way we came. "Now for the does we left behind," said Jackson. "How many were there !" " I saw two bucks and four does," said the Doctor. •' Fudge ! those were the same deer we have been chas- ing, only your people turned them back into the hum- mock two or three times without killing them." " I killed one," said I. • " Where is it ?" " It fell in the bushes." " Reckon you did not hit her." " You had better believe it ; I can show you the place where she fell." " That isn't what we want. Where is the j^lace that she is now, can you tell that ? I fired at a doe, too, but a long way off, and she probably is where yours is." THE DEER HUNT. 95 "Doctor, how's your back ?" " He he ! golly mighty I he quit saddle smart dat time !" remarked Cassar. As we rode up to the hummock where we had started the game, I found the place where I had shot the doe, but she was not there, though the negroes said she had fallen. " Throw off a dog, then," said Jackson. " Let Music try,?' said his daughter ; and accordingly Music was loosened and sent in the grass. Music was a young hound, spotted white and black, like a coach-dog, and with such silky ears they felt like a satin robe in your hand. She was led to the place where the deer had fallen, and taking its track with a plaintive whimper, commenced unwinding it from among the bushes and reeds. Presently a louder effort warned us to beware, and cantering apart a little, so as to be able to see all around the hummock, Mike's grey eye caught a sight of the doe trying to steal out of the bushes. A clear ringmg shot was followed by a quick leap, and she fell dead. "We laid them side by side, the stately buck and his gentle consort. The dew of the morning was still glitter- ing on their hides — their eyes were as bright and as full as in life. I wondered if Miss Jackson felt any pity for them, as she saw the dogs licking the blood that flowed from their throats. One of the negroes dismounting from his pony, we substituted the two deer in place, and tying their feet be-' 96 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. neatli the belly of the struggling horse, had them sent to the place where we were to meet for dhmer. " jSTow one more hunt before dmner. Where shall we go, boys ?" " Saw de ole white buck fur sartin, dis day, maussa !" said the planter's head negro, coming up. " Where did you see him ?" " Down by de rim, ober dere," said the negro, point- ing with his finger ; " his tracks fresh as dis niggah's." " You mean you saw his tracks ?" " Yes a maussa." " How does he know that it is a buck ?" I asked. " How fur to know he's a buck ? Haint chased dat air deers' often fur nuthin' ; 'spect I be'ent a fool !" replied Jumping Lem, w^itli some asperity. "Wall, if that ere is the buck that run in this range last winter, I kinder guess ye'll all have to rub your legs with bar's grease to ketch him," added Mike. " Don't you think we can shoot him, Mike ?" asked Lou Jackson. " iTo, young woman, I don't ; thar are too many here to make certain of any deer. When a man Avants a deer bad, he goes alone and keeps his mouth shut." As we rode over to inspect the tracks, I learned, partly from the exclamations of the negroes, and partly from Jackson's account, that this buck passed the winters in the pine woods, retiring when the mosquitoes become thick in the spring, to the cool swamps of the Ouithla- couchee. It has been so often hunted, and was so sue- THE DEEK HUNT. 97 cessful in escaping, that it become well known at the Jackson plantation, and was the object of a covert super- stition to all the negroes, which mysterious fear rather aided his escape, for when the boys saw it coming they became so frightened, they could not hit forty paces, off. On reaching the run that Lem had mentioned, Ave rea- dily found the tracks, and all drew up to examine them. The presentation of some unknown bone to a company of savans, or the appearance of a new bonnet at a coun- try sewing society, occasions not more curiosity and sage comment than does the discovery of a new track in the woods. One mentions its size, another recognizes old peculiarities or marks, another says it was the foot of a male animal, another that it was fat in flesh, and another that it was going on an easy trot, and not disturbed, and what is stranger still, from the small data of four marks in the damp soil, all these facts arrived at are the results of careful observation, and seldom mcorrect. According to the congress now assembled, this buck was the old white buck, so called from an unusually white coat, and had gone at a gentle gait into the Black Jack hummock, which lay two miles further on, and before which we presently arrived. It was about- a half mile in length by three quarters broad, and was filled, Uke the other swamp holes, with long grass, bushes, and vines, from which rose several tall trees of those species that spring in swamps and savannahs, and at its upper end there grew a close thicket of black jack trees. 6 98 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. Once more the members of the chase separated to take commanding positions, overlooking the edges of the thicket. We were cautioned against shooting at any- thing tliat might come out, until we were certain the white buck was not there. Once more Mike and Jack- son disappeared, and with them the hounds, already snuffing the air from the swamjD, and tugging at their leashes to get away. Once more the forest was still, save the throbbings of our hearts, that counted the anxious seconds. In a short time I could hear the cheers of the negroes, and the thrashing of the bushes as they struggled for- v/ard in the tangled underbrush. At this instant a doe, followed by a fawn almost grown, came to the edge of the bushes. She looked up and down for an instant, her large ears turning this way and that, w^hen not seeing any one, she came out on a lope, and passing close by me, ran down the woods, making for the river. I had my gun to my shoulder, but remembering the white buck, withheld my fire, lest the bigger game should fol- low the course of the doe and find me with an empty gun. Yeow-ow-ow came from the hummock ; that was Music's voice — her tone was like a bugle's. Then two or three whimpering notes from other hounds. " Wha's dat air a bobbin' in ee bushes ?" asked Scipio, standing near me and eagerly trying to overlook the grassy valley. "A cat — a cat!" he shouted, "sure as gun," and a handsome specimen of the feline genius sprung out of the bushes, and then seeing Scipio, darted THE DEEK HUNT. 99 back again to cover. " Golly mighty, wouln't dat cat get shook up — yah — ha, yah — ha — he!" Kow the hounds broke out in chorus, with a multitu- dinous cry that babbled in the bushes and wailed in the air, as though the echoes caught the sound and mellowed it down to a continuous accord. Scipio felt the conta- gion, and dancing up and "down, relieved himself as fol- lows : " Dar dey come ! dar dey come ! Bress de Lord ! don't dey skin 'em — dat beats dis child ; hy ah ha, hy ah ha ! — go it Music !" The dogs had come halfway down the cover, when a buck and doe broke out together. He did not appear to be of unusual size ; but I could not wait any longer, and fired. He fell and rose again, running over the brow of a little hill with his tail doAvn ; here he drew the fire of my neighbor on the right, and fell to rise no more. The doe halted a moment where her com- rade fell, as if waiting, for him to rise, when away down the woods a rifle rung its sharp crack and she fell like a clod almost on the body of her mate. I knew Mike's rifle by the efiect, even if I did not know its sound. The hounds came closer ; we could see the grass and bushes moving where they were winding about, and now and then their sickle-shaped tails above the weeds. The clamor increased, the dogs were almost through, and yet no white buck to correspond with the negro's description of the big buck they had so often hunted. 100 WILD 8P0KTS IK THE SOUTH. At this instant I. saw rise up from the very edge of the bushes, a buck, that from his stately size I at once recognized to be the big buck. He had evidently been watching the preparations for the hunt, and selecting the very time our guns were discharged, he rushed out between me and one of the negroes, and without regarding either, flew down the open pine woods at a flying gallop. Hardly had he cleared the valley, when I heard Jackson shouting, and saw him riding hard toward my stand ; but the dogs coming out and taking the deer's track with loud clamor, prevented my hearing. I sprang into my saddle, and went flying alongside of the hounds, with the air soughing through my hair, and the deer in view a hundred yards ahead. In a moment or two Lou Jackson and the Doctor were in sight, their horses skim- ming the open woods like birds. Then came the sorrel mare, and next Scipio on the pony, and then in the dis- tance Jackson and Mike, with all the negroes that were mounted. Faster, still faster, heart and sense fixed on that flying buck, and the trees merged together in a mass as we swept among them. Whoop ! why cannot a man cheer louder ; why cannot a horse fly faster when a deer is in view. There is a crash and a flash of dirt and sticks ; the sorrel has gone down, and her rider rolled over and over, and far ahead of his steed. There is no time to see if he can get up again. Hurrah ! there is a hummock ! See Tiger and Bess turn to the left ! They know the buck will not run through it, and they turn aside to cut the radius of the arc he is about to make. THE DEEK HUNT. 101 He sees tlie plan and accelerates his speed. His horns are lying on his back ; he is stretching away at his high- est speed, and whenever a bush intercepts his flight, he leaps it with a bound that must give him a bii'd's-eye view of his pursuers. Far ahead of the deer grew a close swamp, and from the straight line the deer was making we knew he was looking to it for refuge. Behind, I heard Jackson shout- ing at us, but who could stop to listen with such a buck in view ? On we went, the dogs still nearer the deer, and Tiger almost within reach of his haunches. Iion Jackson held one rein in each hand, her eyes fixed on the chase, and her hair flying loose behind her. There goes the deer in the bushes ; he touched a log here and a bog there, and along he went like a rope dancer. Tally ho! On went the dogs, when, to my surprise, Tiger disappeared from view, and in a second of time the whole pack were floundering in the morass. " Hold hard!" I heard again from behind. "Hold hard. Miss Jackson !" I screamed, as the truth flashed on me. " The quicksands !" Too late ; her horse was wild with the chase, and she could not hold him. He made one or two desperate leaps as he found himself floundering, and in a second of time was half ingulfed in the mud. His rider still held the rems and kept her seat on the struggling horse. The Doctor was in equal plight, while his frightened beast pawed the air in its attempts to regain a footing. My horse, more used to such ground, turned short around when he felt it quaking, throwing 102 WILD SPOPwTS m THE SOUTH. me in the edge of the mud like a clown in a circus. Up came Mike as fast as he could ride, and Jackson behind him. Mike threw himself from his horse, and while the others were cutting sticks to throw to the ingulfed riders, ran out by quick jumps to the log over which the deer had run, and then cutting off with his knife a grapevme that had climbed a neighboring tree, he wound it around his arm and swung himself out toward Miss Jackson. The first swing did not send him far enough, but putting his foot against the trunk, as his rope oscillated, he swung out to where the young girl lay up to her arm-pits, and rapidly shiking in the sands. He said something in a low voice to her that we could not hear, and putting his hand under her arm began slowly to draw her from her perilous position. When she was entirely above the surface, he swung the vine sufficiently to carry his charge to the root of the tree, from whence it was comparatively easy to reach the shore. I would have given a year of life to get such a look of thanks from a lady I know as the breathless girl gave Mike — the ugly scamp ! The Doctor's turn came next, and then the horses, until finally, after two or three hours of hard work, we were all once more in the saddle, and some of us bearing more resemblance to scavengers than gallant hunters under the greenwood tree. " S'pose you tink dat white buck is de debbil for true now, hey ?" said Scijjio, as he was tightening my girths. " No, I don't ; why do you ask ?" Cutting off with his knife a grape-vine that had climbed a neighboring tree, he wound it round his arm, and swung himself out toward Miss Jackson. -Pagk 102. THE DEEPw HUNT. 103 "Kase I'se not sartiii the iiiggalis here'bouts knows heaps, and dey sez dey ain't a gwhie to Imnt dat buck no how, and I guess as how I wouldn't nuddcr. 'Spec as how surathin' wuss en what we've seen will come out a' that eer chase yit. I'se not scared, but dat is very 'plexing.'* The day was wearing away fast, and, sending one of the boys for the two deer last killed, we all turned toward the place appointed for our meeting, where after a few minutes' ridinsr a blue smoke column arose amons: the trees, and the distant gleam of water announced a dinner and a rest — two pleasant things, whose worth is only known to those who have labored vrell. From our dining-place, a bend of the river showed ns two vistas down the ancient woods, and the broad sheet of water, half in shadow half in sunshine, was broken by the flocks of ducks that were coasting along its banks. The trees that fringed the shore were covered with immense creep- ing vines, that clasped the trunks and suspended them- selves from the branches. Down by the water's edge, the golden-rod reared its yellow head, and the love-vine wove its orange thread like a net over many a rank grove of water plants. The opposite shore was lower tlian the bank on which we were standing, and the eye took in miles of cane-brake and forest, nnbroken by any sign of human labor. " Look at those turkey buzzards, Doctor," said Miss Jackson, pointing to two b'.rds that, with matchless grace, were floating in slow circles high in the air. '' I would like to see the view they are taking in at this moment." 104 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOrTH. " So would I ; they are eagles in the air, and crows on the ground," replied the Doctor. " They seem never to move their wings, and yet how powerfully they fly, while they watch every motion that is going on in the woods below them." *'Do you want one of 'em?" said Mike, raising his rifle from the ground. " No, no, Mike ; when God makes anything so beauti- ful, let it live." " Dinnah's ready, gemens and ladies," called out Pom- pey Duffield Sah, with a marked accent on the and^ while Jackson's horn played the stave of a march that made the dogs howl, and we turned away from the bank to the dinner that was spread out on the grass. There was cold wild turkey, and ham, and^ sherry wine, some excellent hot coffee, and corn-bread and bacon. It wouldn't have been a Florida dinner without the corn- bread and bacon. Oh, what a blessed thing is hunger, when one has the means to allay it, and how contented and beneficent one is when the dinner is ended, and how pleasant when seated, after a day of rough toil, at a rude meal, to have the gentle presence of a woman mak- ing the beauty to the rugged scene! Did it ever occur to you, fair reader, that if that gentler grace that wins and governs man's young love should accompany him to his scenes of pleasure, his out-of-door pursuits, and natural studies, it would always exercise the influence over him that it did when he was a boy ? Do you not believe that each would gain, the one a wider field of opportunity, THE DEER HUNT. 105 and a more experienced taste, the other the restraint of a presence whose absence is never for good ? After dinner came the pipes and a long talk, and then as the sun went down, tracking the ivoods with his sanguine trail, we packed up our game, one deer to each pony, and with Pompey Duffield Sah taking the lead, filed off through the shadowy woods for the plantation. 106 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. CHAPTER Yin. THE FIRESIDE AT FAR AWAY. " 'Tis liome -wliere'er the heart is." Lou Jackson was not a beautiful girl — much less did she deserve the title of pretty. Her eyes and hair were both good, though the coarse and irregular eyebrow gave a masculine cast to her regard. Her nose was short, her mouth almost a line, and her complexion, naturally dark, was further injured by a roughness of skin that made it resemble a laboring woman's. The prevailing pose of her features was thoughtful, at times almost .stern, yet once in a long while the lines of her mouth would curve, her cheek slightly dimple, and her eye would flash out a look of joy, recognition, and sympathy, the more gentle for being rare. So, at the close of a murky day, the western sky flashes out the sunshine of the morrow, and darkens again into twi- light. She had received the ordinary course of education as practised among American girls. A little geography, a little history, a little of the natural sciences, a little of two or three modern languages, and a little of two or THE rrRESIDE AT FAR AWAY. 107 thres dead ones; a little music, painting, polite litera- ture, mathematics, crocheting, moral philosophy, and dancing — all in homoeopathic courses; and then was launched out into that practical world where one true lesson learned in life's school counterbalanced the teach- ings of years. From the fashionable school she stepped to the mono- tony of an interior plantation life. No musical instru- ments to play on, no foreign friends to talk to, no foreign books to read, even could she read them, where every- thing was simple in action, and the bare bosom of the world, with its vegetation, minerals, and animal abun- dance, was budding and throbbing all around her, and the springs of domestic life, its great needs and small attainments, its social loves and hates, were open before her. Then came the question, " What is my place, and can I fill it ? If I claim to be a flattered lady and a wife of high rank, I have no beauty and cannot attain it. If I am to be a literary Avoman, and make my position by my thoughts, I have no education to invent or model them. If a mere waif floating on the stream of life, the very animals on the banks are better than I." She reached out for anything she could do, and turned in every way for some recourse against that nothingness that swallowed her up — that dreaminess that all the day filmed her eye, and all the evening upbraided her. At length, one day, the first time coming abroad after a severe illness, her mind drank in that confused blend- ing of sound, color, motion, and fragrance, that is so 108 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. pervading in the early spring, and which affects the nerves after a severe ilhiess with so acute a pain. The buds seemed expanding with an inherent instinct, the birds seemed arranging their social affairs with a high intelligence, which had never struck her before. There was a relation of one to another, a connection to herself, and an apparentness of creation by that Higher Relative, that had just raised her from her feeble bed, that seemed never so plain or so beautifal as now*. The more she pondered and examined, the greater seemed the field of thought. She was not idle now. Body and mind grew strong together. No one slighted her homely face in the fields, and with what aid from books that could be had, she wandered forth a thinking, happy, laboring, achievmg, student. At last a field was before her ; how strange, it had been under her eyes from childhood ! The fire was kindled in the planter's house, for it was a chilly night ; the rain commenced to fall immediately after our return from the hunt, and from the pitch-pine branches " the light fell off in hoary flakes," painting bright the heavy furniture of the room, and belching from the chimney above the house, as from a smelting furnace. The room was adorned with implements of the chase, antlers, an I rude stores of goods, and yet there were marks of a gentler taste in the engraving primi- tively framed, stuffed birds, and gracefully-disposed Indian weapons, decorated the walls. The interior of the mansion was more comfortable than its rough and dis- mantled exterior promised ; and from its lonely situation, THE riKESIDE AT FAK AWAY. 109 over sixty miles from any town and more than a dozen from any house, it had been apj^ropriately named Far Away. The door stood open, the negroes sat on the sill, drinking in the conversation and laughing at every joke, while within, Lou Jackson, her father, and all his guests, sat or reclined around the room as best they could find places. " Golly, Maussa, dat air buck's a grave-digger ! Da's de same deer for sartin dat Blossom fired at two year ago Christmas comin', when his gun bus'. Das de same deer dat ripped up Snorter and Grip, de best dogs in dis county, and now w^ha's dat air he's gone dun dis day ? He run Miss Lou's horse w^hare Ave like not see 'em till day o' judgment." "Lem, you fool," called out Jackson, "hold your tongue ; you will get all the boys on the place to be as great cowards as you are." "I'se no coward, you knows dat's well's anybody, Maussa Jackson. Ef de Lord want a brave man, de Lord gonter call Lem; but I'se seen a buck run o' nights in de range, and he feet struck fire, and when I sees dat I comes in, and so'd you, Maussa Jackson." " What for gwine contrariwise to de Lord ?" said an old negress, whose white head was obtruding in at the doorw^ay. " De Lord send de debil and de debil come. Dare's Maussa Wilson's Ebo Jane, a rael little drum-cuss of a nigger w^oman ; no genouwine religion 'bout her, and jist afore she die dere, by de door dat look toward de piney 110 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. wood, an old buck— oh, goil j, Maussa ! look in at her ! She guv one call and die, and de buck go away into de ■ dark woods. I seed dat wid mine own eyes, an' it make dis eer hair of mine stan' straight up On looking at the crisp, curlmg locks alluded to, no surer proof of a miracle was required than the fact that they could be made straight, for they were kinked into little cocoons of yellow Avhite over the big, black face and staring eyes. As this inspii-ed fact was related, the negroes, with their credulous susceptibility, edged closer in the open doorway to be fully within the circle of fire- light, and even Lem had pulled in his legs from the out- side of the open window, where he was sitting, and turned his body fireward. As I looked at the bank of faces at the door, I saw a feelino- of horror dash over their countenances that was singular to behold ; following their dilated eyes, I saw them all fixed on Jumping Lem as he sat in the window, though from my position I could see nothing about him to excite the feeling. Mike kicked my foot, and I sav>^ his eye, with a laugh in the corner of it, turned to where Lem was sitting. I leaned forward, and could see in the darkness beyond, only partially lighted up by the fire, the head and antlers of a large deer. Lem had not seen the apparition, but continued: " Down on de Waccassasee dare's a deer-path made by dat air same buck, and when de dogs cum dere, dey down tail an' take de back track, howlin' all de time as if dey" THE FIEESIDE AT FAR AWAY. Ill At this instant one of tlie protruding tines of the deer's horns touched the earnest story-teller on the shoulder. He looked around, and caught sight of the spectre at his side. lie gave a wild shriek, and darted toward the door; the negroes, frightened more by his fears than what they saw, came crowding in and blocked up the door, when Lem jumped into the middle of the circle by the fire, crouching at his master's feet, and crying, "Oh, Golly! Maussa! Lord a massy, dare h'is! dare h'is !" The spectre head continued to advance into the room, when one of the horns, touching the side of the window, it fell down from the pole on which it was stuck, and lay on the floor. It was the head of the buck we had shot that morning. " That is my deer's head," said Miss Jackson. " I was having it stufi*ed." "That's that are boy Scip's doin's;.he's a queer crit- ter," laughed Mike. " Get up, Lem, and tell us something more about that buck," said Jackson. Lem sprung to his feet, and, amid the jeers of his com- rades— who laughed at him all the harder because they were frightened themselves — he rushed out of the cabin, and we heard him running around the house in pursuit of the mischievous inventor of the ghost, and giving vent, as he ran, to divers threats of punishment, which had the effect of rendering Scipio invisible for the rest of the niffht. 112 WILD BPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. Mike picked up the fallen deer's head and examined it closely. " Why, Lon, child, I never heard of your dressing ani- mals," said Jackson. " Nor I, flxther, until to-day." " What are you going to do with it ?" "Make it as correct as I can, and then hang it over the front door until I can make a better one. The orna- ment is the Doctor's idea." " The head is as correctly dressed as it can be," said the Doctor. " Don't you think so, Mike ?" " Wall — no, I don't," answered the literal hunter. " What is it that is wrong, Mike ? It must be in the setting it up, for you cleaned it for me yourself." " It moit be one, and it moit be the t'other ; but I guess it's some of both. Yer see the hair ain't over slick — that's my fault. Wall, arter that yer've got the eyes a lookm' for'ard, and the head well u^), ain't that so ?" " Yes," said Miss Jackson, leaning forward. "Wall, then," continued her instructor, takmg the deer's head on his knee and illustrating his position with his fingers, " he's a makin' out somethin' ahead of him, and he'll have his ears for'ard to help him, one on 'em anyhow." " That's true," replied the pupil, with a glance of plea- sure, taking the deer's head in her hand and pulling out the wires by which the ears were supported. " That's the natur' of a deer. I one'st went to Char- THE FIEESIDE AT FAR AWAY. 113 leston and seed more lies than you could shake a stick at, and one was a stuffed deer a-feedin' with his flag straight up. Wall, ef that didn't make me sick. Sez I to the show-man, ' Mister, I'd jist like to tie you to a deer's tail in Floridy to show you hoAv they carry their tails ; dod rot me if I wouldn't !' " " Ha ha ! that is not as bad as my friend the Doctor," I said. " You had better stop before you go any further, I warn you," interrupted the Doctor. "You must know," I continued, "the Doctor, early one morning in Peusacola, saw two deer feeding in the garrison garden on the old Commodore's j)ea vines. So he ran down, and imagining that they had come in through the open gate and could not surmount the high picket that surrounded the garden, carefully closed the gate. Then, with his gun in hand, he ran in to call the Commodore to inquire whether he preferred them dead or alive ; but when he returned the deer were half way to the Perdido River." "Oh, that is too bad. Doctor!" cried Jackson, as the negroes shouted with fun. " No, no," said the Doctor, laughing away, " that is not all of the story. My friend here Avas there, too, j^eeping through the palisades over his rifle, when I shut the gate. It was his proposition that I should go in for the Commodore, and as I came back, I heard a cap snap, his gun had missed fire while endeavoring to kill one of the deer, while I was gone." 114 WILD SPOUTS i:^^" THE SOUTH. The mirth that followed this apocryphal story was like nothing but the laughter that hails some umisual feat of the PoUchinelle, before the gaping circle of children and nurses in the gardens of Paris, and it gradually subsided, lingering longest furthest from the door, where the negro boys could roll over on their backs without re- straint, and laugh themselves to smiles, and then to return for a fresh draught of fun. " To come back to your deer's head," I said to Miss Jackson, after the laugh had subsided, " v/here did you procure the glass eyes ?" *' Oh, father supjDlies them with his broken bottles ; the shoulder of the bottle makes an eye, only a little too flat." "And the birds on the wall are dressed by you ?" " Yes, all of them." " And they are truer to natur' 'an a picter," added Mike, approvingly. " Where did you get your taste for such matters, Miss Jackson?" " I think I must have got it from associating with them, to the exclusion of most other society. We lead a lonely life here in the pine woods, sometimes, and C I believe that when one has many gifts he does not gain from them all as much as he does from one well studied." " Where did you get your original plan, your first les- son in taxidermy?" said the Doctor; "for I have studied the art, and it seems to me that I have never dressed a bird as well as some you have here." THE FIRESIDE AT FAK AWAY. 115 "I never had any lesson, save what I have read. Once, when first attempting it, I sent to Savannah and bought a stuffed bird which I pulled in pieces to find the secret. But the true teacher is patience. Try again every time you fiiil." " They have kept well for so warm a climate." "That's a woman's secret," said Jackson. "Lou bakes her birds m the oven." "I'll tell you a joke," said Miss Jackson, "about baking birds. One day there was a bird pie in the oven, the pride of our new cook, and on looking at it, I found it done, and the fire low enough to dry some birds I had just set up. Accordingly, I stood them in the oven all covered with white strings, in front of the pie. When dinner was ready, Dinah went for the pie, but presently came running back, calUng out, 'As sure as I's 'live, missus, dem birds is out ob de pie, or else dere ghosts am standin' dere in dere grave close. Oh Lor' help us !' " " Your birds were correctly set up, then, if they deceived even a cook. What do you do when you are where you cannot have the use of an oven ?" " Oh, I do the best I can ; use pepper-grass, dry them in the sun, and then let them slide." " How pleasant it is to have a copy of nature's works by your side, so well prepared that it reminds you of the original bird," remarked the Doctor, laying back on a wooden bench, looking at the hawks over head and swinging his feet back and forward under his lounge. 116 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. "Yes," answered Miss Jackson, "and to study the positions, and manners of the birds and quadrupeds, so that you can copy in your subject the true position and figure, and not burlesque them. So, sometimes, what would be thrown from father's game-bag to the cook to be plucked, or, more likely still, cast away as w^orthless, with a little care and study resumes its old shape, takes again its natural ^ose, flashes its eye, and remains ' a joy forever.' " " Do you not believe," said the Doctor, " that beauti- ful associations, because beautiful, make the mind, by exciting it in that direction, beautiful and gentle like- wise ?" " No, not altogether. Why, if so, should not the In- dian \>e the most beautiful minded of us all ?" " Because he has no beautiful moral or mental bases, but, on the contrary, thei/ are bad. The soul and the mind are greater than the senses, and their associations counterbalance. But let the soul and mind lie idle, or present no counterbalancing force, and then the natural lesson elevates by assunila- tion." " Oh no. Doctor ; nature is more of an active teacher than a mere assimilator. She not only teaches by her unseen influence, but she preaches by word, and sound, and sight. For Avhat is the unfolding year ?— for what the garnered grain, and sapless winter ? It has more than a productive use. "Who tells the young Brent Goose, at Vancouver's Island, that he wiU find no winter at Tampa THE FIRESIDE AT FAR AWAY. 117 Bay ? And what teaches the saracena plant to shut its fingers and gather in its leaves all nourishing insects ? Thus, when you see these things day and night, you are led to reason of them, and your thought makes you bet- ter by a positive judgment. It is no mere assimilation, but a refined study." " I will propose a question to you," retorted the Doc- tor : " why, then, should not the Indians be better men, as they see these things day and night ?" " Simply because the Indian never had mind enough to think or reason at all of such things. You commit an error by assuming that, because all these things are visible and constant, therefore men of no mind will read them aright ; but I think that it is, on the contrary, the greatest minds that are the best students of nature, and until a mind has received some education, it cannot aj^preciate nature to any extent. Listen to the mon- strous errors the rustic repeats of what he sees in the fields, and then, as the world culminates in a highly reli- gious and educated society, see how it gathers, as m London, all the birds of the air and beasts of the field, together, to * consider their ways and be wise.' " As Miss Jackson talked, her grey eye kindled, and a blush brightened either cheek. The Doctor raised him- self gradually to a sitting position, then to his feet, and then he walked across the floor, saying, in his clear, hearty tone : " Give me your hand, Lou Jackson ! who cares which comes first, the love of nature or the mind, to appreciate her, the one is sure to produce the other." 118 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. " Wall, that's so," said Mike. The evening promised a rainy day for the morrow, and therefore it was arranged that Mike and I should have a still hunt while Jackson would r^de down to the coast to see to some stores that had been promised to be landed at a given point by a boat from St. Mark's. " I think I will stay home to-morrow and set up some birds," said the Doctor. " You had better let 'em sUde^ Poke," I remarked in a low tone. " Never you mind," answered the Doctor, with a low laugh. " A man's a man for a' that and a' that." The negroes were turned out of the cabin, the fire was covered, and in three minutes, oblivious of rain or deer, all were in the *' land o' dreams." THE STILL HUNT. Hd CHAPTER IX. THE STILL HUNT. L'Aurore paraissait k peine, Qaand dans la brume k I'liorizon Je Tai vu rcntrant de la plaine Tout charge de sa venaison. Redressant sa large empaumure II s'est arrete par trois fois Puis il a longe la bordure Ecoutant I'eau tomber sous bois. As the first light struggled through the clouds and the tassels of the pines overhead, Mike and I alone, with our breakfasts in our hands, were winding our way through the forest. We trudged on as best we might over the rolling knolls of sand, laced by the long, tough roots of the palmetto, across hollows choked with grass and vines, and do"s\Ti and up the quaggy sloughs that the waters had made while seeking their level in the Ouithlacouchee. The tough little ponies scampered along on the level land, and where it was muddy Mike would slide to his feet and cheer them on with whoop and hulloa, until they ran up the banks as fast as they jumped, down. The rain had ceased, yet it was not clear, and the drops hung 120 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. on all the bushes, or showered down on us from above as we struck the young timber. Having reached a point of land in the bend of the river, the ponies were unsaddled, their halters were tied to their knees so that they could not run, though giving them ample liberty to graze, and left behind with an injunction to "Stay thar, yer sarcy critters." Again the word was forward. Mike led the way on a long stride, his rifle lying in the hollow of his left arm, and his body bendmg and oscillating to conform to the inequalities of the ground. As he walked he turned hither and thither, taking in w^ith his eye everything in the forest. At times, he would pick up a leaf here and there, giving it a glance, and cast it down again. Where the river bent, and we came where we could see around the elbow, his walk was slow, and his foot came down like a cat's ; when he was in the hollow he ran, and almost halted as he rose the succeeding knoll, and could take a view beyond. As we walked, he pointed to a j)lace in the sod, look- ing at me with that communicative glance that said, " There is something pleasant." On looking carefully, I could just see a mark where the grass was thin, but a mark it was, and nothing more ; it might be a natural discoloration, or the result of one of the thousand mo- tions constantly occurring in a forest. "What is it?" I asked. Mike picked up a broad leaf, one of those growing in THE STILL HUNT. 121 a dank place, and handed it to me. The leaf was cut almost in the shape of the letter V. " What does that mean — a deer's track ?" Mike nodded. " How long ago was that track made ?" " Two minutes — 'bout." My looks must have expressed doubt, for Mike replied : "Look here, now, leaves don't tell lies m the piney woods, though I've heern tell they do in books. D'ye see that juice comin' out of that leaf thar jist whar the the deer's huff cut it ?" "Well?" "D'yer think them air leetle drops has been more 'an a week formin' when they're growin' bigger as ye look, and haint run together yet ? Tear another leaf, don't it come jist as fast ? Ain't that as plain as a bar up a gum tree ? He's a sockdologer of a buck, too !" " Now, Mike, look here. I will believe what you say about the time, but don't say what you don't know. You can have everything your own w^ay here, but there are no means in the world of telling this deer to have been a buck, so you need not say so till we see it." " Wall, now," said Mike, setting down the breech of his heavy rifle on the ground, and leaning his chin on the muzzle, w^hile he looked at me with an expression of pity; "wall, now, ef I had a young 'un, and he couldn't tell that he was a scandalous big buck, walking alone slowly like out to the feedin' grounds, ef I wouldn't claw his back with a wildcat, I would. 6 122 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. 'Now jist look a here, there's one track by the lance leaf." "Yes." " Here's the t'other on the same side, and here's the t'other, and here's the t'other. Wall, that shows he's a walkin', don't it ?" " Ye-e-s." " Thar he's nibbled off that young tree, haint he ?" A small birch sprout, of about a foot in height, was stripped of its leaves and bark. " Ye-e-s." " Wall, that shows he was feedin' slowly, and warn't the leastwise anxious, and by the way the tracks pint I calkerlate he's off for the meadows." " Well, but how do you know it was not a doe ?" " Cause he writ it up on that j^ine tree on ahead, where the tracks are thick at the bottom. Now look on the bark about six feet up, and tell me what rubbed that bark off ef it warn't that buck's horns — and you better believe it was a whopper ; no small buck kin scratch up thar." I thought a moment, and then the only wonder to me seemed why it needed an explanation at all, it was so clear. " Whare has he gone ? Thare's a meadow across here chock full of sweet grass and lily pads, and I reckon he's thar, and slathers more." A few minutes' walk, and we came on to the verge of a natural meadow, bounded on every side by the forest, THE STILL HUNT. 123 and yet smooth and waving as a field of grain, or a level prairie. Here and there a water-oak reared itself from the grass, twisting its great limbs on every side, shading the sward below, and supporting wreaths of mistletoe vines covered with waxen berries. But all else was one free rustling field, grazed by the deer alone, and mowed only by the winter fires or the hurricane. Over the grass could be seen the marsh hawk wheeling along the level in long slanting curves, while in the distance, where a tall tree leaned over the eddies of the river, a solitary eagle watched his primeval realm, where Unheeded spreads the blossomed bud Its milky bosom to the bee, Unheeded falls along the flood The desolate and aged tree. This was a great pasture for the deer, and ever since the creation thousands had spent the nights here, retir- ing with the heat of the sun to the closer cover of the pines. " I haint seen that air buck's tracks agin," said Mike ; " I rather think he haint got in yet. "We'll go a leetle further on to this ridge ; he will likely come down that way, I reckon. Come, Yowler ?" and taking the long ear of his dog in his hand to prevent him taking to the meadow, we ran on to the ridge. By the side of the ridge we found quite a well-beaten deer path leading through an opening in the fringe of trees that sur- rounded the meadow, and through this, from time 124 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. immemorial, doubtless, the great horned herds had wound their way in and out at their pleasure. Here, too, were found tracks of wild hogs, and Mike pointed out to me a broad foot-print of the cougar or panther that had been made only the night before. It was agreed that I should lie here concealed behind some branches with my eye on the path leading from the woods, while Mike should go around in the woods and see what had become of the buck. In a moment he was gone, and I was left lying on my breast, with my rifle ready cocked before me, watching the lonely path that led into the forest. As soon as Mike was out of sight I began to feel that intense loneliness and shadowy presence that is often with one when in a great forest, particularly if unaccus- tomed to its solitude. The stillness, the majesty of the woods, the strange insects crawling about, the flickering light that complexes the eye, the heart counting the time with heavy throbs, the apprehension of making a noise, all press on the senses with a bewildering power. I felt this sensation, and longed for the deer or Mike, I cared but little which. I sighted my rifle, and tried to deter^ mine from which way the deer would first come, feeling certain he was mine if he appeared. As I thus lay putting propositions to myself, I heard a loud snort or whistle directly behind me. I turned has- tily, and away bounded a buck that had been standing apparently within ten feet of me. How I apostrophized my carelessness, and watched the waving grass as he THE STILL HUNT. 125 % wound among the meadow paths far away on the plains ! Again I watched, and this time more successfully, for over the knoll I could see a pair of horns coming slowly forward, though the deer was still out of sight. They advanced like a rower in a boat, with measured but irre- gular speed, and once in a while stopped altogether. Then my heart beat like a drum, but when the horns advanced again I felt more composed. At length the head appeared above the brow of the hill, then the shoulders, then the full length and height of the animal ; there was no more doubt — it was the sockdologer of a hucli described by Mike. "When it reached the hill it seemed to halt for a survey, and viewed the whole extent of the woods and savannah. Trees, and waters, and waving grass, the cool retreats of low hanging bushes, all appeared to his eye like the pleasant meadows to the monarch bull, when released from his winter's stall, he looks over the farm in the spring. All kinds of nervous apprehensions arose in my mind. I feared lest he might turn back, and almost called out in my anxiety. I dreaded lest he should see me, and crouched to the earth to prevent it. Presently, apparently satisfied with his examination, he marched down the hill to where I lay in ambush. His head high up, his great horns back, his step like the stej) of a race-horse, he looked like a march- ing king. I could not see any part of his body but his breast, and did not like to take a front shot, but waited until he should present some other view. But the stag 126 WILD SPORTS EN THE SOUTH. did not intend to turn aside ; he saw his feeding ground beyond, green with the succulent herbage of the low- lands, where his mates had awaited him all the night, and he walked right onward. ISTow he was too near to shoot. What should I do ? If he sees me, he will dash off, giving me the worst possible shot. My heart beat so I could not lay on my side, but raising my gun gently on my left elbow, I depressed the breech, and without taking sight, when the deer was almost over me, pulled the trigger. With the report of my gun the frightened animal sprang into the air as though he had been blown up by a mine, and then dashed off into the woods. He flew over the hills, and just as I had given him up for lost I heard the clear ring of a rifle in the direction he had gone. It was Mike's ; I knew its voice. What a load fell off my mind — the deer was ours ! On reaching the place from whence the shot came, I found Mike loading his rifle, and the deer with his antlers ploughed mto the ground by the force of his running fall, and his throat cut. On looking for my shot I readily found it in the breast, and the ball had gone through the thick part of the neck without doing much damage. Mike's had struck him in the head. Selecting two small trees that grew from the same root, we lifted our quarry up until his horns caught in the angle, and his body hung down with his back to the tree. Mike then cut the skin in a line from the throat to the tail, and also a transverse line down each foreleg. Then loosening the neck from the skin, he cut it off from THE STILL HUNT. 127 the head at the first joint, and then pulled the fore shoulders directly out of the skin, which, with the hind quarters, was left hanging by the horns. When the body of the deer was skinned as far down as the loins, it was cut off there and thrown aside, while the hind- quarters were neatly rolled in the skin with the branch- ing horns, and hung on a sapling to await the time of our return at night. Our original plan had been to drive the deer from off the meadows with the dog, we standing at the run- ways, thus getting very fair shots on the open plain, but by reason of the advanced hour of the day it seemed doubtful if this plan would succeed; however, we resolved to try it. Therefore we selected two paths, apparently much frequented by the deer, and in some places worn into channels, and sent Yowler off to hunt. The old dog seemed to know his duty well, for he hied away with a look at his master, and we could occasion- ally see him, where the grass was thin, making long casts, and occasionally his mellow voice would be borne in faint from the distance. Mike was standing not far away, and looking across the grass I could see him leaning against a tree surveying the scene before us. Afar down in the horizon I saw a gang of deer headed by two bucks going out of the meadow by some other path on a long lope ; I pointed them out with my arm, and a nod from Mike showed me he saw the game and understood my gesture. There go two herons, blue and grey, flapping up from the grass, 128 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. and turning tlieir heads first on one side and then on the other ; the dog must be in that neighborhood and have sprung them, though we cannot see him for the grass. There comes a deer ; he is close by before one can see he is started — a young buck with spike horns. How fast he comes ! once in a while jumping high above the grass to view his pursuer. Mike has disappeared behind the tree against which he was leaning. I wonder which path the deer will take. I raise my rifle ; no he is run- ning for Mike. He comes now fast, and close behind him is yelping the hound ! he is within shot of Mike, running right for his stand. Spang ! rings the rifle ; the deer jumps, staggers, halts, and falls. Well done, old Red Beard ! next to shooting game one's self, the best thing is to see it well shot by some one else. Yowler is caught by his master, and sent back on the meadows. Hardly had he gone out of sight before I heard his yelp again, and a great rustle and shaking of some reeds that grew a hundred rods in froiit of me. There it is ! one, two, thfee deer — and there goes ano- ther— and here comes a third party! The firing has alarmed them, and they are off with a snort and a whistle, each his own way. One has turned this way ; no, he has gone toward the river. There is another ; he is coming this way, surely ; yes, here he comes, head up, horns back — a noble fellow. "Dear me!" I ejaculated, "this is like shooting deer in a park." As I crouched low in the narrow pass I was occupying, with a dense thorn thicket on either hand, and the grass growing in front of THE STILL HUNT. 129 me sufficiently high to conceal me from view, I heard the grass rattle furiously, and out dashed an old boar, seeming in a desperate hurry; he ran close by me, giving a malicious lunge with his snout, at me in passmg; I sprung aside in time to avoid the compliment, and gazed after his retreating form with feelings of great indignation. The Spaniards of the coast had turned out some hogs in this neighborhood in previous years, and their offspring, increasing with great prolificness, had become as savage as the boars of the Black Forest. Before I had recovered my composure, another hog came rushing past, grunting and tearing along, followed by a whole herd of smaller animals, that thrashed do^vn the grass, and jammed past me in the wildest fright ; as the last one came, I lost all patience, and fired. The crowd was too thick to miss, and I had the satisfaction of seeing one tumble over on its back. 'But my satisfac- tion was short-lived when there swept by me a beautiful deer on a long lope, and running as if playing with its 2)ursuer. He came so near me I could have hit him with my gun, and did not see me until directly abreast ; he then rushed onward with a terrified leaj), and was imme- diately lost to vicAV. At this instant I heard Mike fire a shot, but could not see what he had killed. When the dog came in, Avhich he did in a moment, on the trail of the deer that had passed me, he seemed much worried, and laid down close at my feet and refused to go out again. I could not account for his singular behavioi*, but, not seeing any more deer on the meadow, 6* 130 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. I took him by the ear and Ayalked around to where Mike had taken his stand, and where he was busy taking off the skins of the two deer he had shot. " What did you shoot at ?" he inquired, as I came up. "A young hog!" and then I told him how the drove had rushed upon me, led by the vicious old boar, until in desperation I had made bacon of one, and so lost my chance at the deer. "Some takes kindly to pork," replied Mike, "and when hard up I can worry down a leetle roast pig myself — but I don't keer to have 'em too often. Howsumever, they like 'em at the house." So taking up the two saddles of venison, we hung them in the woods by the side of the other, and went down to get my porker, but, alas ! like the old lady in the nursery rhymes, when I came back my porker was gone. " I am sure he was dead," I replied to Mike's quizzical smile. " He lay there at that spot, and I had my feet on him while I loaded my rifle. There's the blood on the grass now." "What druv the hogs/)ut so fast — was Yowler arter 'em?" " No, they seemed to come alone, and Yowler skulked down, trembling, just as he is doing now." Mike glanced at the dog, and then leaned down until his face almost came against the sod, when, drawing him- self partially up, he said, " We'd better make tracks out of this corner ; there ain't room enough for a free fight heyur." THE STILL HUNT. 131 "To fight what?" *' Painter," he replied. I looked at the speaker, but there was not the least bit of joking in his face. " Plow do yon know that it is a panther ?" said I, in a half whisper, the skin on my head contracting in spite of myself at the idea of the animal having been there where I stood only five minutes before in such fancied security. " Wall, I know it in two ways," said Mike, in his natural hearty tone, but without raising himself from his stooping posture, and slowly bringing his rifle to a level, " and one's 'bout's good as the tother. In the fust place, thar's the mark of his foot on the grass ; and in the next place, thar's the old sarpent himself under them are bushes." I leaned down and followed the direction of Mike's eye under the bushes, and truly there was the panther crouched under some wild ^^lum-trees^ not forty feet oif from where we stood. He was in a sitting posture, and one arm was stretched out and placed on the body of the hog that laid beside him. There was something hand- some in that position of easy grace, with the careless claim of ownership that he extended over his j^rize. I caught his yellow eye, and could scarcely remove my own from the fascination of its glance. lie had the air of a sentinel challenging us strangers, and I, for one, felt like an intruder, and had a mental desire of apologizing and retiring. " Jist- keep steady-like," said Mike, in his usual slow 132 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. lone, '' Don't move llist, but step a leetle away from me, and ef I miss liim he will come out, and then you try." As he finished speaking, his rifle was at his shoulder, and the clear report of the piece was followed by a rush- ing bound as the animal came out. Mike drew his knife, but it was useless; the panther sj^ent his life in that pro- digious leap, and lay dead on the grass. The rifle ball had gone through his brain. "Ha!" said Mike, with a prolonged accent and strong out-breathing that showed the force of his feelings. Then, leaning down and laying his hand on the tawny face of his fallen foe, he caressed him as he would have done a child, smoothing his cheek and lifting his paw, and sjDeaking to him in the proud yet tender way he would have spoken to his sweetheart. " And ye be a purty critter ; yer eyes has babies in 'em. My beauty, didn't you know me when you squatted thar? I've knowed you, pet, I reckon, when yer were quite a youngster. I've seen you sleepin' on my coat like any cat. I've watched you almost ever since, and heerd of all yer doin's. Yer forgot me, but I didn't forgit you, no how at all, little yaller back, and now yer dead, poor thing. Wall, wall, we'll all come to that soon, only let's have our traps all ready. I wish Lou Jackson could see you where you're layin'." When thisfuii^ral address was ended, we dragged the body out of the bushes into a more open place, to take ofi" the skin. The shooting of deer was an eve^y-day work^ and they were skinned in a minute ; but the death THE STILL HUNT. 133 of a 23antlier, and the taking off his^robe, is an incident that calls forth the liveliest feelings of pleasure in those who particii:)ate in it, and only the hunter can understand the accent of pride with which Mike at length held up in both hands the huge tawny skin, with its pendent claws and cat-like head, sayhig, " Ain't that a bed for a king ?" When we had completed this work, noon had long since passed away, and w^e looked around for a spot to dine. Near where we had hung our first deer, on the slop- ing side of a clay bank, a spring of water rose from the earth, " and a clearer one never was seen," which filling a natural basin among the roots of the trees that over- hung it, poured down the hill in a trickling rivulet, and joined by other smaller springs, sought its level on the great savannah, where its course could be traced by the eye for a mile or more by the line of joint grass and flags that took root in its waters. By this spring we carried our three saddles of venison, our hog, and our panther skin, and sat ourselves down to dinner. Not a grand dinner of cold fowl and claret, sandwiches and cakes, with which in more favored places hunters in the woods regale their inner man, but a dinner that consisted sim- ply of a large square of corn-bread, and an equally large square of venison steak, but so hungry were we that no rich repast, even though spread at Yerey's, at Paris, would have been more highly honored, and surely no table, even on the Santa Lucia, with the broad bay of Naples, and the flaming spire of Vesuvius before the 134: WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. door, could have been spread in a more graceful place, or with a more characteristic view. The deep well spring with its seething sands at the bottom churned into a constant motion, the trees that for ages had guarded that source, the rippling murmur of the brook, the soughing of the pine leaves, the broad perspective of meadow, with the distant belt of river beyond, so far away that its gleam was like the horizon, the nearer scamper of the squirrel, or the flap of the heron's wing as disturbed by our presence he rose from the flags, all gave a landscape to the eye, or a sense of solitude to the mind, and occu^^ied us in contemplation for an hour or more after the dinner was ended. •' Do you think you ever saw that panther before to- day?" I asked of Mike, as I tossed him over the tobacco pouch. '' I'm not over sartin, but I reether spect. Yer see thar ain't many on 'em heyar bout, and it was jist two years ago when that ere painter cub I guv Colonel Brown, at Tampa, vamosed, and then he was two years old. This one, you. see, would be nigh on to three, and that would jist make it." A long puff or two followed from his short pipe, when he said in a musing manner, " That air cub left bekase of a fight he got in with a soldier at the fort. Yer see he guv the soldier a slap, when the soldier struck him with his bay'nit, and then the painter jist chawed him up and sloped. Wall, now look a heyar, do you see that mark on his cheek ?" There was a triangular scar on the animal's cheek, just THE STILL HUNT. 135 under the eye. " That, I calkelate, is that ere bay'nit dig. This is the last o' that settlement. Grey Wolf's band got the old painter, and the cub I left thar in my coat, so I've heern ; the t' other cub, the one I toted to Tampa Bay, is this heyar, and that's all the painters thar is round these diggins." Without precisely understanding the reasoning by which Mike arrived at this last affirmation concernino^ a wood that apparently might contain a thousand such animals without any one being aware of it, I could not help smiling at the particularity of his genealogical knowledge of this family. " Thar's somewhar here about another varmint, and a purtier one yet, though tain't of much account as a fighter. I've seen his tracks and have promised his skin to Lou Jackson, and ef he ain't a ghost I'll git him some day, though I've been a month tryin' to find him." " What is the animal ?" "Tiger cat; a rael likely little critter; yaller with black dabs. I reckon he's 'bout the size of a small hound." " You were in a hurry to make your promises. How do you know you can get it ?" " Because Lou Jackson wants it." " Could you get anything Lou Jackson wanted?" " I reckon," replied Mike, with the assurance of a man that had never failed in any thing he desired with his whole mind. " How long have you known Lou Jackson ?" 136 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " Goin' on to three years." " Where did they come from ?" " Oh, Jackson had a big plantation on the upper coast somewhere nor'east ; but I've heern say he lost his crops and got in debt, and fit a duel, and then cum heyar, and built this house, and called it ' Far Away.' " " I thought you had known his family longer, you seem such a friend of Miss Lou." " I have known them only three years ; and some folks you know soon, and Lou Jackson is one of them kind." " She is a pleasant girl." " Yes, I can say that! Thar's nobody in Floridy that can say so much, and be so sparin' of words. She's always the same ; she makes it light all about the Ouith- lacouchee when it's black dark everywhere else, she's so happy like. Even the Injins, when they come there, draw in their claws and act genteel, and that's oncom- min for an Lijin." " They are very much exposed, living here so far from protection, and bands of these Indians roviifg about, and sometimes Jackson himself away." " No ; he don't leave often unless she goes with him ; but many a night I've kept round that house when nobody knowed it, jist to know that she was sleepin', when these cusses has been about." " What did she say to you when she heard of your watchfulness ?" " How would she know ? Do vou think I would tell THE STILL HUNT. 137 her sicli like stuff? It's natural enougli that I should watch fur her. Wall — ^wall — thar are piles o' painters in this State purty as this one, but there aint no woman that is as handsome as Lou Jackson. That's so ?" "Do you know anything about the duel that Col. Jackson fought ?" " I've heern tell that it was a hard go ; they fired one at the t'other till the Colonel bored his man, and then he larnt it was all a mistake, and they needn't have fit at all ; but who the man was, or what they fit about, I don't know. Whar's the terbacker ?" I passed the pouch of squirrel-skin over to the hunter, and filling his pipe again, he relapsed into a musmg silence, while I watched the lengthening shadows, and thought over the strange life at Far Away, the moody, reckless, hearty, proud planter, and the gentle though strange tastes of the daughter. What a wasting, sensi- tive, weary heart he seemed to carry, joyous only by. turns, and then boisterously gay ! What a cheering controlling presence hers, so earnest and frank, yet all the while so lively and self-willed ! And the house itself was a perfect mixture of roughness and grace, the life within contrasting with its appearance, as did the fancy of its name with the rudeness of its exterior. No news of the world, no society, no lover, no music, the literature of the most meagre kind, and yet the whole family instinct was graceful and thoughtful, and like to no western farm that ever yet was seen. As I thus ran on, I noticed the sun was low in the west. 138 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. " It will be dark soon." " I reckon," said Mike, in his usual manner. " But we can't stay out here all night." " I've lain by this spring right often, but I s'pose we may as well go now ; you go ketch the ponies, and I'll get their pelter ready." I accordingly went after the ironies, which were found near where we had hoppled them. As I rode back I saw a single buck feeding in the open woods, but stopping to attempt a shot, he ran off in the direction that we had come in the morning. On return- ing to the spring, Mike had the game already bound, and balanced so as to hang over the jDonies. The hog balanced two saddles of venison, and the panther's skin another sadd'ie. After loading the ponies we started toward home, Mike promising to get the buck I had seen when I went for the ponies. I showed him the place where the deer had been feeding when I first saw him, and the direction he had taken. " Wall, that'll do," he said ; " he's so much nigher home." In a few minutes after, as we mounted a hill, we saw the deer in the distance again, and as we came in view he looked at us for a moment, and then gently trotted on, and some small galls or swamp holes intervening, was soon lost to sight. " Thar, he'll do now. Take your pony by the bridle, and follow fast right for that gall." We came within a hundred yards of the brake, and THE STILL HUNT. 139^ then hoppling the ponies, ran on to the edge of the bushes, that afforded a good cover. Having reached this, we passed carefully through, lookmg out toward the open land beyond in hopes to see the buck within shot, but, alas ! he was too wise for that, and had only stopped when fully beyond the reach of harm from the thicket close behind. Near by, a turkey-hen was leading a large brood of young ones, nearly full grown, clucking and hopping along, and running hither and thither in the pursuit of spiders and other insects, that showed she was utterly unconscious of her dangerous neighbors. " Now we'll have to crawl for it," said Mike. " Then the sooner we begin, the sooner we get within shot," said I, moving forward. " Stop," whispered Mike ; " wait till those turkeys get away. If the deer sees them run away in a hurry he'll make tracks too, for he knows thar is somethmg wrong hereabout, and having seen us once, he'll know it's us." So we waited patiently until the turkey brood had sauntered down the woods, and then emerged from our place of concealment. Mike ran ahead in a stooping pos- ture, and I followed close behind, running when he ran, and halting Avhen he stopped. The first run we made was comparatively easy, for an immense pine tree, made doubly large by a large grape-vine that wound around it and hung in clusters by its trunk, fully concealed our approach. Here we took another survey of the ground and the game, and then, when a tree intervened between us and the head of the deer, which stood with his side 14:0 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. toward us, we ran forward again until the deer wagged his tail, when we halted, in whatever position we might be. It may be necessary to explain, for the benefit of those who have never learned the fact from deer-stalking, that a deer feeds and watches at irregular intervals, and that always, two or three seconds before raising his head, either to walk forward, or to cast a glance of watchful- ness around him, he gives his white tail a quick whisk or two. The knowledge of this simple and peculiar habit is of immense use to the still-hunter, who is thus fore- warned when to advance, and when to lie still. Thus by quick and short advances we approached to within a very long shot of our deer. My heart was beating thick and fast, and the sweat of great men- tal excitement stood in drops on my face, and rolled in my eyes, causing me to wipe them with my sleeve every minute. " Now," whispered Mike, " ef yer want to try him, yer must crawl alone while I wait ; we can't get any nearer together, but mind his tail." So Mike laid still behmd the weeds that were shelter- ing us, wliile I went on alone. Horatius advancing before the Roman army to defend the bridge, could not have felt more keenly the prominence of his position under the eyes of all Kome, than I did as I stalked for- ward, under the keen eye of Mike the S]DOok, to shoot that deer. First I had a Httle shrub between me and the buck, and about twenty feet ahead ; to this I ad- THE STILL HUNT. 141 vanced safely. As I arrived, the deer whisked his tail and looked round. Waiting a moment, to my great dis- comfiture he turned his face toward me, and then com- nienced eatincj asjain. This was a state of afitiirs that I had not anticipated, for it shut me out from a view of that barometer tail. However, I calculated the time during which he would probably feed, and made a short advance. The deer now turned quarteringly toward me, and, taking advantage of this change, with my eye fixed upon him, I was hastily advancing, when something dis- turbed the animal before his usual time. I laid down flat on the grass, with my rifle before me, as the buck, now within shot, raised his crowned head, and took a long and deliberate survey of the ground. There seemed to be some latent suspicion in his mind, for, though not seeing me, he yet looked all around him several times, and then over me, and finally commenced walking dii'ectly toward me. I slowly elevated my rifle on my left hand, my elbow all the Avhile on the ground. The piece reached its level — my heart beat as though it was tuggmg with the blood that flowed through it — the deer was at a close shot, and all the time coming nearer, yet I could not aim correctly. Still on he came toward me, his ears turned back and forth, his head stretching for- ward, his nose dilating as he snuffed the air, and his eyes seeming to look me through. I summoned my courage, and held my breath ; every sense seemed to pause while I sighted for the white breast not forty yards off". Dear me ! the gun was not cocked. A pause was required for 142 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. this, and I became more nervous than ever. I aimed again. A brief instant — it seemed an age between my pulling the trigger and the discharge of the piece — when the clear crack of the rifle sounded, and the deer, wheel- ing around, flew away " as if the wolves of the Apennines were all upon his track." I looked around for Mike ; there he lay m the weeds, and on the end of his ramrod he had been waving a little red flag that had attracted the attention of the buck, and lured him on to his dangerous position. I saw the deer for a mile down the open woods flitting past the trees, and I knew I had made a clear miss. On coming up to Mike his dry smile glowed in the corners of his eye as he asked me, " Did you hit him ?" "Without answering the question, I asked him why he did not shoot, as the buck was clearly within shot for him as well as myself. " We've got our pile of deer's meat, and 'nuff is 'nufl[*, and what's the use a wastin' ?" So we went back for our ponies, and again started for home, where we arrived safely late in the evening, to find the big fires blazing, and a supper kept all ready for our coming. How pleasant the cabin looked, from the damp darkness without ! " And sweet the music of the step That meets us at the door." THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS. 143 CHAPTER X. THE rLOBIDA POCAHONTAS. " Their memory livetli on your hills, Their baptism on your shore, Your everlasting rivers speak Their dialect of yore." SiaOUBNET. The evening meal was ended ; the planter's family and the hiinters Were circled around the fire, weary with the day's fatigues and enjoying rest as none but the weary may. Pipes and cigars were lit, and the negroes crowded the door-way, while, as in many a hunting-lodge before, " The stag-hounds, vreary with the chase, Lay stretched upon the rushy floor, And urged in dreams the forest race From Teviot Stone to Eskdale Moor." " Now for a story, Mike," said Miss Jackson. " No, taint my turn. Doctor, slide along with a yarn." " No, no ; stories are dealt like cards, always to the left. It is your turn, Jackson." " Well, what shall it be — anything from a fight to a foot-race ?" "Let Miss Jackson name the subject," I suggested. 144 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " Then it will be love," said Poke, with his blandest bow to the lady in question. " More likely hate," said the planter's daughter, her dark skin flushing at the Doctor's sjoeech. " Tell us a tale of woman ; we have the chase in reality every day." "As you Avill — woman forever. Throw on another log, boys." The fire belched up a million sparks to the deep sky. The flames started out afresh, and Jackson, putting his pipe in its buckskin cover, and drawing himself up by his elbows to the convenient support of a log, where he could face the whole of his auditors, in a rough, though deep, voice, and with occasional gesture, as he warmed mth his theme, spoke in the following romantio and poetical style : " Three times, since the Spaniard came to this comitry, has a century rolled its wheel over the Floridas, each time burying a generation of oaks, that mature and fall once in a hundred years, each time obliterating two generations of man — more transient than the trees of the hummocks. " Noio^ the land is a common, every-day reahty. The planter eats his corn-bread in his cabin ; the negro toils at his daily task ; the Indian hunts in the pine-land, at peace with the settler ; and if there is anything of the poetry or romance of hfe in the land, it is to be found in the tropical luxuriance of vegetation, and the beautiful life of the everglade, and not in the noble daring of man. " TTien^ in the Floridas, there was romance in thought THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS. 145 and action — romance in history and in fiction, m dress, in races, and the love of man and woman, and all the world was tame when compared with this El Dorado. Here was the warrior's field ; here the adventurer's goal; and hither came the poet to sing of Eden. Here landod the courtly and refined cavaliers of the most cliivalrous nation of the earth. In an age of discovery, when all the world was intoxicated by those vistas of wealth and novelty that the Genoese opened to the ardent, no one Arcadian land loomed from the waters of the Occident, so clad in purple, so vocal with music, so voluptuous with beauty, as this so-called Island of Florida. *'Its discovery was wrought by, and illustrates the romance of the age. Ponce de Leon was a hidalgo of Sj)am — noble, accomplished, and reno^vned. With grey hairs had come honors and high command in the Indian Islands, when the tales of his mistress, a Carib girl, told him of a spring whose waters would bring back the fire of youthj and renew his wasted years. This fountain was situated on the coast of the great Mexican Gulf, where the oak, when dropping into the sea, is trans- formed into coral groves, its pendent moss waves beneath the waters changed into sea-fins, while, mirrored in the sea, the scarlet flamingoes reflect the colors of Paradise. " The old knight sailed with his cavaliers in search of this fountam, and landed among the mangrove bowers and painted birds of the western coast, on Easter-day or day of flowers of the year 1512, and thence baptized the newly- discovered land by the name of Florida. Not finding the 7 146 "WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. fabled waters, the Quixotic knight and his visionary fol- lowers succumbed to those years they sought to reverse, leaving a heritage of poetry and fiction to the coast they discovered, as rich as the tales of Genii to Araby the Blest. They died by shipwreck and wars ; or, if the legends of those seas may be beUeved, they still live among the coral reefs and keys that girdle the coast, and there, having found that long-sought fountain of perpetual youth, wander where the coral bowers make forests of beauty — where the sands are strewed with gems, and the summer never wanes. It is said to be a comely sight to the diver there, when the waters are clear, to see the Castilian knights, with their costly armor and their trail- ing plumes, loitering with the Indian girls of long ago under the pink shadow of the coral." "What a ripper!" ejaculated Mike. "An untimely remark," replied Jackson, turning to the hunter, with a solemn wave of the hand, " and it savors of unbelief." " Wall ! the Gulf is a mighty safe place to yam about — for nobody knows enough to know nothin' about it — that's sartin. Pile on." Thus enjoined, Jackson, after a glance at his daughter Louisa's wondering eyes, opened his mouth, and con- tinued as follows: "Following fast in the wake of the explorer, came noble and vassal, for fame, or greed, or heroic quest. Velasquez, De Guerray, ISTarvaez, succeeded each other as conquerors or visitors to the newly-discovered land. THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS. 147 "Pamphilo deNarvaez was no mere adventurer. To family honors and name he added the higher title of a fame won on the battle-field, and wealth and love added their charms to bind him to ease. But he also had heard of that fabled spring, and from the esplanade of his priQcely home in Cuba had seen the evening sky reful- gent with what was said to be the reflection of the gold of the Floridas; and so, when the wind came fresh from the eastward, the morning-star saw his black-eyed lady watching from her balcony the lessening galleys that were bearing away her chief and four hundred men. " After seven days of favoring winds, ^N'arvaez landed on the western shore of the peninsula, near where the ^ Mecaco River empties into Charlotte Bay, and forthwith the bands of armed men, with their standards and their horses, landed on the beach, and took possession of the land in the name of Spain. A curious spectacle did the adventurers present. There were the chiefs, with their haughty mien, and Moorish war-horses, the soldier with his pike and lance — the blue-steel cuirass, the chain shirt, and Toledo blade — all contrasted with that tropical coun- try of bii'ds and flowers, and the gentle mien of the Indians that welcomed them. Around their leader were gathered chiefs of noble name : Cobecca de Vacca, the treasurer ; Quesada, from his stately house in Cordova ; and La Manca, the most gallant gentleman of Navarre. There came, also, priests to cure the souls of the be- nighted— hooded priests, whose convent stood high on the hills of Sierra de Diego, and little boys to swing the 148 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. incense at the altars ; and hounds m couples nosing the scented air T\dth their tawny muzzles. All the parapher- naha of glorious war, and the emblems of an ostentatious religion, or wild sports, swept by GaspiraUa Island, and with the sound of the trumpet and the horn landed on the main land. " But a short history remains to be told. Treachery to the natives aroused revenge. The arrow soughed on every wind, hostile bands disputed every stream. One battle followed another. The troops were divided in dif- ferent bodies, under different leaders, and fought their way northward, until all but fifteen of that hopeful army found a grave, either on the field of battle or the quick- sand swamps. Fifteen, under the command of De Yacca, coasted the Gulf, and gained a shelter in the Mexican colonies. But one man, a common soldier named Ortez, escaped the others' doom. Being left wounded on a battle-field, he watched his opi^ortunity, and, as night covered the shattered dead and trodden field, he crept down to the water's edge, guided by the splash of the sea. Here, finding a canoe of the natives, he hastily gathered some fruit to support him on his voyage, and setting a sail, was soon beyond pursuit. He coasted down the shore, only landing at night to gather the turtle's and bird's eggs that were abundant on aU the islands, until he reached Cuba, and saw once more the towers of a Spanish town. " A sad day it was in St. Jago de Cuba, when Ortez came back with that Indian boat, and the grun tale of THE FLOEIDA POCAHONTAS. 149 disaster. Solemn-moving men, cloaked to the chia, in spite of the tropical air, clustered together in the Plaza. Lustrous eyes were dim with tears, and duennas hurried hither and yonder to gather some scrap of hope for mis- tresses, whose lii'st young love was buried in the buz- zard's maw. " Ortez was summoned to the presence of Nar- vaez's widow. In a few moments he had entered the quadrangular stone court, and stood in a room where the light came in through canopied windows, and the air was cool with the splash of waters, whose music brought back to his memories the houses of Seville. The stately dame of the lost knight sat on a cushion by the window. Her eyes were hollow with watching and grief, and her voice was solemnly deep and low. Behind her sat her daughter, with a black veil shrouding her face. The soldier, leaning on his sword, at her word of command, told the story of their cruise, of their landing and bitter war, he narrated how, one by one, the leaders found inglorious deaths by disease, by heat, by arrows, or flood or quicksand, and how presently they had none to com- mand but De Vacca. " ' But your chief— your chief, man ! Where did he fall — how did he die — did you kill the foeman that struck him, and honor his corpse as a king's ?' demanded the proud woman. " ' De IsTarvaez did not die by my side, or I would have revenged him ; nor was his body buried by our band.' 160 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. "'Where did he die — how — when? Speak faster, man.' " ' I don't know how he died. They say he died like a hero ; and when attacking a fort at Appalachi, with his good sword cleared a road so far into the stockade, that his men could not get to him, and there he remained and fell.' " ' And where were you, did you leave your chief, heathen Moor ?' " ' No ; would I come back to Cuba had I done that ? I was not with Narvaez's band ; they had separated before into five jDarties.' " ' Who was with my husband ?' " ' They are all dead that saw him fall, or prisoners among the Indians.' " ' There were Spanish prisoners among the Indians, then ?' " ' Yes, they seized three or four ; ' but we counted them dead, for they never kept SjDanish prisoners.' " ' What then did they do with them ?' "The soldier replied not in words, but taking his unkempt locks in one hand, with the edge of the other he made a circle around his head, and then with the first hand gave a twist, and a wave that was horribly signifi- cant of the scalping process, that had then but just come to the ears of the Spaniard, and possessed, to his mind, the double terror of mystery. "A groan and a long pause followed this panto- mime. THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS. 151 " * Soldier,' said the lady, ' he was your chief, you left him in a hostile country; you do not know his fate — will not honor, a soldier's name, tempt you to return, and seek to bring some tidings of his death ?' *' ' Ha ! where is the honor to all my comrades who are buried in those woods ? There is no honor there, my lady.' " ' Where is your religion man ? You swore on the cross in our Holy Mother Church to defend your liege and propagate your faith.' " ' By My Lady, I kept my oath ; but where there is no standard, and even the priest is slaughtered by the savages, there is no piety in staying.' " ' Have you ever loved since you left the Tagus ?' "The soldier's eye glanced quick at the lady's, but he did not answer, and the young girl peered from her veil beside her mother, on the comely form of the soldier. " ' Ortez, I will give you the fairest girl in all the colo- nies if you will do this one thing for me.' " ' I can't. What is love worth if you cannot enjoy it ? I have been been a true soldier in many a war ; but this is no war. We have lost our ship, our lives, our horses, our chief, everything is gone of that array, and never a real have we won to repay us all. What, then, could I do alone ?' " ' Soldier, you are a poor man now, are you not V " ' As poor as a muleteer.' " Do this for me and I will make you rich.' 152 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " The lady's eye was on the adventurer, and noted his look. " ' Do this for me. I will send you with a pinnace, I will name you a lieutenant before you go, and when you return, I will pay you here in this chamber two hundred ounces of gold. Stay here now as you are, and you remain the bankrupt soldier, pointed out as the man who left Narvaez in Florida.' " Steadily Ortez weighed in his mind his chances of life, and the golden sum that was as sure to him on the promise of that woman as though belted at his waist. His eye looked at the soft light that came in at the wm- dow, and the spattering fountain in the court below, vacantly, while one could count two score ; and then, turning to tlie widow, he said : "'I will go,' adding, with Spanish grace, 'and may our Lady Mother keep you well till my return.' " In a few days the adventurous soldier was again in the Mexican Gulf, steering for the battle-fields where he had left his chief. He sailed among islands covered with mangroves, and pillared on coral, touchmg at every prominent point, and threading the broad lagoons where the sea-ferns spread their palms to the light of the upper air. When opportunities offered, he landed on the shore, and tried, by presents and gentle words, to gain from the natives the information he desired, but they remembered the fierce forays of Velasquez and Narvaez, and only treated with the adventurer to betray. He was induced one day by the Apalaches to visit the shore, and THE FLOEroA POCAHONTAS. 153 was at once seized ; and being recognized as one of Nar- vaez's band, was condemned to death. His frightened comrades having lost their guide, made haste to weigh anchor, and sailed away to Cuba, glad to escape from the terrors of tliat Stygian shore. " Ortez was a true Spaniard. His haughty mien, dark hair and eye, his active strength and bronzed face, all spoke the soldier of fortune, and impressed the feebler natives with a respect in spite of their hatred. His dress, in the fashion of the day, of embroidered velvet and lace, gave him the appearance, to their eyes, of a chief of rank, and they rejoiced that they could punish their S23anish foes by the sacrifice of one of their great men, and led him, bound, to the village of the Appalachean Cacique. This town was situated, as near as the old histories of those days can inform us, on one of the many islands that crowd the mouth of the Appalachicola river. It is the more difficult to designate the spot, because, from the currents of the river, new islands are formed and the old ones are buried in the lapse of time, and the whole character of the timber has been changed. Where now groves of stunted pine surmount the sandy ridges, and the swamj) poplar and the rank titi cover the piles of drift-wood that lodge on the upper end of the islands, there formerly stood the life-oak, the gum, the maple, and the pawpaw, while the deer grass beneatli was pur- ple with its fragile flowers, and the blossoms of the run- ning gourds that the natives loved to cultivate. " Ortez was rowed in a canoe among many an island 154 WILD 8P0ETS IN THE SOUTH. covered with this rich vegetation, and dotted by the rush- thatched cottages of the people. He saw stockade forts built of reeds frowning down in mimic pomp on the waters that had never bristled with more dangerous arms than the tomahawk and the arrow. He heard the shrill sound of clarionets and horns, and saw waving standards of gaudy feathers. The women that rowed the boat in which he was bound were dressed in the simple robe that befitted the summer land. Their linen, or sea-grass kilts, were trimmed with feathers or furs, and sea-shells orna- mented their hair and ankles. Their olive colored limbs, unshackled by dress, were as graceful in form as the children that played on the sand ; and the men in the stern of the barge, though warriors, all had that gentle manner and expression that belongs to the natives of every southern clime. " On arriving at the village, the prisoner was led to the Indian chief and his council, before the public lodge of the village. There was short discussion as to the pun- ishment, and no remarks were made by the prisoner at the bar why sentence should not be passed, for, in sooth, he could not say a word in any tongue they could under- stand. An Indian communicated to him, by a symbolic motion of shooting with an arrow, that his death was appointed ; and then, pointing to the settmg sun, and describing a semi-circle with his hand, assigned the time for the morrow morning at sunrise. The prisoner was led away, little noting the laugh of the Indian child that pointed him out to his comrade at play, little heeding THE FLOEIDA POCAHONTAS. 155 the wondering eyes of the Indian gii'ls that followed his ste-ps ; for his thoughts were where the Alcanadra River was leaping his native hills of Arragon, and the castanets clacked to the dancer's tread unner the walls of his home in Huesca. " But there were others at the village who did not join in the verdict of the chiefs. Those simple hearts, whose love and faith in the forest, or the town, all the wide world over, makes the sunshine to man's gloom, the hope to passion's rigor, had seen the stranger, had sorrowed for him, and had longed to save him. First among them all was the daughter of the chief. Availing herself of her rank, she had stood without the ring when Ortez was under examination. She had seen his melancholy atti- tude, and met the fiery glance of his Spanish eye. She had marked his slashed doublet, and the graceful em- broideries of his vest. His heavy moustache was differ- ent from the smooth-faced warriors of her tribe, and his form, by their lithe figures, towered like King Richard's at Askelon. Her uncovered bosom throbbed beneath the necklace of coral, her deep eyes were vacant with thought ; Yahchilane was in love; and the object of her love was the Spanish soldier that was to die at sunrise." " That's not nateral at all, an Injin woman is a leetle wuss nor an Injin man, and is allers down on a pri- soner." "You Mike!" said Louisa Jackson, with a hushing gesture of her hand ; and the hunter relapsed into silence, and sat as before, listening to the story, and rolling back- 156 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. ward and forward, with his arms clasped around his knee. " It was the old story of Pocahontas anticipated among a gentler people, and Yahchilane did not need to throw herself under the war-club to gain the prisoner's pardon. She came, when the moon was up, to her father's house, and with her came one of the young girls of the tribe, the friend of the chieftain's daughter. They brought a roll of cloth, finely woven from the inner bark ol trees ; they brought tatooed gourds, filled with the pre- cious stones that Indians prize so well, and w^ampum belts of amber-colored shells ; they brought their gayest kirtles of the skins of the merganser and wood-duck ; and the moccasin, deftly sewed with the porcuj)ine's quills ; and when the old man, the chief of the Apala- ches, sat at his door sill, and the next eldest chief beside him, Yachilane and her maiden threw all these thmgs at his feet. Then stripping from her head the long white feathers of the egret that shaded her neck, and unwind- mg from her waist the cocoa-fibred skirt, she tossed them on the pile and sat down in the sand, saying : " ' Yahchilane is sick, and will need these things no more — she is ready to go with tlie dead that go to-mor- row morning^.' " The old chief sat silently looking at his daughter ; but he understood her not. " ' Where will the Young Swan go to-morrow morn ; and why is she ill ?' " ' She sees a great man, with eyes like an eagle's, and THE FLOBIDA POCAHONTAS. 157 hair like a bear's — with a mantle of moleskin and gold, and a silent tongue — he is alone and a stranger — and to- morrow he dies ; and Yahchilane would rather hunt with him in the Happy Land than stay here alone.' " When the old chief heard this, he knew what the offering meant ; for it was all of his daughter's goods, and all that she and her maidens had woven through the year. He knew how fast love comes under a tropical sky, where the blood is hot, and how far the wild feeling would carry an Indian girl. He remembered the days when Yahchilane's mother was a maiden ; and he turned away to his brother chieftains, and left his daughter still bent on the sands. " At a summons hastily sent, the warriors came again together, and sat as before around the door of their chief. They kindled a fire, and the flames flashed red over many a reed-covered house — over the pickets and lagoons, and the stUl bowed figure of girl. None looked at the chiefs daughter, though all saw her sitting, and wist why she remained ; and then they talked long and slowly, and from mouth to mouth passed the pipe, fringed with eagle feathers and the long beard of the turkey-cock. Hardly would it have fared with the Spaniard if they had con- fined themselves to his deserts — for the cruel wars of Narvaez were fresh in their minds, and they remembered Anta, and how their kinsmen had fallen there under the arquebus and the long Spanish blade ; but when they frowned and looked down, they still saw the young girl in her beseeching posture, divested of her robes, with li)8 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTE. her face in her hands ; and then- hearts failed them, and they consented. The council again broke up, and the old chief, raising his daughter there under the palm trees, gave her the life of her captive. " When the morrow's sun glinted athwart the persim- mons and sycamores, Ortez was again brought before the council. But how diiferent the scene ! His eye was bright and hopeful — his step as proud as a Don ; and in every corner and on every face, fell his glance in pleasure and in love. How had he learned the change m his fate ? Who could tell him that he had been pardoned, when none in all the land spoke a word of his tongue ? When he was led before the council, Yahchilane stood beside her father arrayed in her brightest dress. „ Ortez walked to her, and .raising her hand to his lips with the dignity of a cavalier, kissed it and drew her to his side — she was already his wife. And all the chiefs, the women and children, understood that mute ceremony; and they clapped their hands and shouted unintelligible words, and Ortez and his young bride were the fairest and bra- vest for many years of all the Appalachians. w THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 159 CHAPTER XI. THE FLOKIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. " Pray how comes love ? It comes unsought, unsent. Pray how goes love ? That was not love that went," "Among races but little advanced from a state of nature, no human quality excites greater reverence than personal bravery, and Ortez inheriting this power as a natural birthright, soon sat in the first ranks among his adopted people. He had to throw aside his arquebus for lack of powder ; but acquired the art of shooting the bow, and flinging the metal ball, with as much accuracy as his instructors. He still retained his basket-hilted sword, and his shirt of link mail ; and in the different wars of the tribe, there was none who could strike a surer blow, or stand longer in the breach, or was greater feared for his prowess than the adopted Spaniard, who rose to the position of second chief of the nation, passing those who were immeasurably above him when he began his race. Some were proud of his young renown ; but others, as in every land, imputed their own subordinate position to the just honors showered on his head, and 160 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. were proportionately jealous. But honor or jealousy- made no difference in the love of his wife — the same gentle, passionate kiss greeted the soldier if he came back honored or suspected. It was a woman's love, and it flickered not ; and when angry voices told of Spanish aggressions and coming wars, and pointed to him, she merely said : ' He is not a Spaniard, he is my love.' " There had been a fierce battle fought between the Yu2^aha tribes and the Apalaches, in which the latter had returned with not their usual success,- bringing home with them the bodies of many of their warriors. They came to the village with all the insignia of woe, beating of drums, formed of the sections of hollow trees covered with deer skins, and the mournful blast of their conch- shell trumpets. "Wealuste, the great black water chief, had been killed, and they placed him on the shore, with his arrows and his quiver, his knife and his eagles' plumes, and a goodly store of chinquapin nuts and maize, to support him on that long journey to the happy Hunting- ground that he was to make in darkness and alone. His body was sewed in deerskins, pictured with the scenes of his life, and then placed in a wooden canoe formed from a cypress log. This canoe was fixed on upright posts, and the warrior was left to float away, as a chief should go, to that silent realm that lies beyond our ken. But for forty days and forty nights, or for one whole moon, the corpse was to be watched by comrades of equal rank with the deceased, so that neither beast nor bird dis- THE FLOKIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 161 turbed the dead. This is a part of the simple faith of the tribe ; and they affirm that after decay has taken the body, the departed chief is safe beyond earthly harm. " Ortez was the first in order that had assigned to him this honorable duty, and in the early part of a smnmer eve he took his post by the dead man. The sun laid down in his golden bed in the western waters, and the stars one by one stepped to their places in the sky, as the watcher paced to and fro by the side of the scaffold- ing where the dead chief slept. He heard the distant wailing of music from the village, and the nearer hooting of the owls, and the honking of the herons from the wood. He saw the pawpaw wave its purple bells between him and the sky, and the green balls of the buttonwood looked liked the olives on the hills of his native land. But it was not of the storied peaks of Spain the soldier was then thinking — nor was he listening to the twittering of the birds in the reeds. He was watching the path that led toward the village, and his heart was beating thick and heavy with the anticipation of meeting some one that was fairer than the pawpaw bell, and dearer than the towers of his native town. He listens on his beat witli one foot raised — he turns his ear aside, and his thin nos- tril quivers like that of a horse. He hears a splash in the water — it was not the grey duck. A canoe touches the shore, and a girl steps out on the strand. Her luminous eye is half veiled by its lashes — her limbs are trem- bling with delight. She falls into the arms of Ortez, and 162 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. after an instant of fainting embrace, they turn aside into the Ilex groves that fringe the bank of the lagoon. • " ' Ortez, does not honor call thee to the dead man's side ? Ortez, does not thy wife's low voice, that saved thee once, beseech thee now ?' " Ha ! who hears voices pleading in the mad tumultu- ous hours of night — thought comes with the bare-faced morn. The glare of the torrid day is for rest, and penance, and prayers ; and the tropical night is pas- sion's own holiday, when love and hate roll like the sea." " Hold there, and turn doTVTi a leaf," called out the Doctor. " That's pure error. It is the day that is made for action, ambition and hope— far reaching pride, and quick deeds come with the sunshine. Then man does his works for good or evil ; but when the day is gone, the grey of twilight, the chill hush of voice, and emble- matic sleep, bring thought and repentance. His good spirit comes to him then, and whispers of errors done, and cools his ambition ; and, if he is a true man, he says his prayers, and " " Goes to bed," laughed Jackson. " That's all very nice for a man who lives in a land where water freezes after dark, and nobody but a bear can keep out at nights without the ague. That is not the way the hot blood rolls in the Creole veins ; nor was it the way that the Spanish soldier reasoned with the Indian girl. Where was I ?" "Ortez had just met the Indian girl." THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 163 " All ! yes ; Jumper-boy, give me a light." Taking the stick from the hand of his negro, he lit his pipe, and resumed the story. " That young Indian girl had left the village, as quietly as the dew, her moccasin had made no foot-fall on the path, and her paddle scarce splashed the lagoon. When she met her lover, their voices were as low as the eddy of the wave m the river ; and when she parted, and took her course back to the village, though her speed was slow, and her stroke was languid and uneven, yet still, her boat passed like a shadow beneath the low, arching titi boughs, and the hanging folds of the Spanish moss. But, for all this, an eye was on her in the dark- ness, and an ear heard her very breathings, and wlfen she landed, and her bark canoe was hidden in the joint-grass, she passed so near Yahchilane that the tails of fox-squir- rels, that fringed her kirtle, touched the shoulder of the young wife. "The girl, once in the path toward the village, Avalked swifter still, now and then pausing to listen, when in the deeper shadows. On her route, she crossed a dense grove of wild plum trees, where the scarlet fruit covered the ground, and the low-reaching branches made a sha- dow as dark as a stormy night. When in the centre of the grove she started, uttering a quick, aspirated sound, for a hand was laid on her shoulder, from behind. She turned quickly, but could not see who it was, the grove was so obscure. " ' Who is it ?' she demanded, in a low voice. 164: WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " ' An eagle who had a mate,' said Yahchilane, in a voice so quick and fierce that the young girl could not recognize it, though she cowered from the threatening shadow and rasping voice that continued. 'And who are you ? The wild cat that killed him.' " Nothing more was said, though the mocking-birds that roosted in the grove flew frightened away. If any more, there was, the lamentations from the town, and the hollow drum, prevented it from being heard. And then, down among the mourners, with her proud head at its uttermost height, and her black eyje flashing fire, strode the chieftain's daughter. Old chiefs lay there with their lips in the dust, but hers were as proud as a con- queror's ; the women of the tribe were there, with dis- torted faces, beating T\'ith hollow canes the war-drums oi the Apalaches ; the conch shells uttered their loudest wail, and the faii'est maidens sat, in their shame, uncovered in the sand ; but with no semblance of sorrow on her sovereign face, Yahchilane walked among the bon- fires that lighted all the town, and across the council- lawn, and went into her father's house. " The next morning, when the young girls of the vil- lage, in laughing troops, with palmetto baskets, wound down the path to gather fruit for their simple meal, they found one of their number dead in the grove. A knife of fish-bone, with a beautifully carved handle, was driven in her breast, so deep that the point came out behind, between her shoulders. " Hardly had the news been told, before a young war- THE FLOKroA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 165 rior came rushing into town with a tale, whose horror exceeded even the crime of murder. " It appeared that the relief-guard that went out early in the morning to take the place of Ortez, at the tomb of the dead chieftain, found the Spaniard absent from his post. On coming to the scaffolding they dis- covered the canoe overturned, and the body of Wealuste dragged out and mutilated by some Avild beast. Depth of all disgrace ! the face that had fronted a hundred battles had been mutilated by a carrion wolf. Where was now the soul of the chieftain in the shadowy land ? "What great doom was hovering over his people for this neglect ? " As the warriors wondered and mourned, and hastily gathered up the body of their dead, Ortez was seen coming back from woods, draggmg the body of a huge grey wolf. The animal, while making off with its prey, had been pursued by the soldier, wounded with an arrow, and killed with a dagger, after severely tearing the arm of his antagonist. Ortez could give no explanation of how the animal had succeeded in mounting the scaffold, unobserved, or what he was doing during the scene of sacrilege. The fault was fearful, and the Spaniard was bound and dragged back to the village. Again he was the outcast criminal, chained and reviled. Kow, all the suspicious spirits that mistrusted his prosperity gloated over his fall, and reviled his situation. They called up every misdeed that had come to their knowledge. They cited his Spanish origin ; and reasoned, that because he 166 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. was one of their natural enemies, the comrade of Nar- vaez, and the comitryman of Velasquez, therefore he had permitted this unpardonable sin, and brought down the anger of the Great Spirit on the tribe. " Justice is not slow of foot among simple people, and that very evening, while the young mistress of the sol- dier was wrapped in fawn skins, and sewed in palmetto leaves for her long sleep, her lover was brought to trial before the chiefs of the village. " The great fire of loblolly j^ine climbed up in the air, and lit the scene with the whiteness of noon. The bam- boo and grass cottages; the overshadowing cabbage palms, with their colossal trunks and spike leafed crowns; the solemn circle of chiefs, and the background of women and young boys, formed a great picture glow- ing with the colors of Rubens. " Ortez stood in the centre, bound to a stake. He appeared the same man as three years before, when he stood in the self-same place. He wore the same steel shirt, the same fierce look of pride; and from his ragged arm, the blood, unnoticed, dropped slowly on the ground. " The warriors smoked long and doubtfully ; and when they had done, and the pipe had been lain down before the cacique, they spoke their views with the gravity and sententious eloquence of Roman Fathers. " When all had finished, Ortez replied. His words — in the Appalachian tongue — were broken, though his voice was deep and clear. He recounted his deeds, and THE FLOKIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 167 alluded to his offence in comparison ; but the oldest men shook their heads, for the soldier never gave any reason for his neglect, or told Avhether he was absent or asleep, or how that shameful fate came to pass. " He alluded to his wife, calling her by name, when a step without the ring drew all eyes in that direction. Yah- chilane stood in front of her husband, as beautiful as a pan- ther. She tore off from her shoulder an embroidered sash, which is worn by the married women of the tribe to support their infants at their back, and which is the dis- tinguishing badge of the matron among the Appala- chians, and tossing it in the circle, it fell at the feet of her husband. She never said a word, but her steady eye was on the Spaniard, and it did not fail in its effect, for a tremor passed over his frame, so that the links in his mail rattled together ; and all the chiefs, and all the women of the tribe knew that Yahchilane renounced her husband. " There was no more doubt in the council. Ortez was condemned to death at daylight, and was led away to confinement. "The council fire had burned low in the Apalache village, and the few smoldering brands gleamed among the ashes, or sputtered brief jets of flame and smoke, like the smoldering passions that tossed the sleepers strewn around in the open cabins, still dreaming of the stirring events of the day. The sentinels by the fort walked backward and forward, or leaned on their thin lances tipped with the spikes of deer's horn, tasting in anticipation the savage pleasures of the execution of the 168 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. coming morn. The young moon had set, and millions of frogs and peepers in the marsli filled the air with their shrill calls, and forewarned the rain that was coming up with the easterly wind. Heavy masses of damp fog rolled in from the sea, and left the palisades of the fort, and the zizanea grass that grew from the water at its side, wet with their soggy breath. It was drawing toward morning. " Within the adobe cell of the fort, the condemned man sat on the ground; and if a man's mind is ever occupied with his coming destiny, his must have pictured the approaching execution, of which he was to be the vic- tmi. The stake and the fagot, the red-hot brand, the pricking reed, the scalping-knife, the gauntlet, the jeer and the death-song, had all been familiar to him in his short episode of Indian life. If the southern savage was of gentler mien and comelier appearance ; if his women were fairer in face, and more lustrous in eye, than their more northern tribes, they were in no wise mferior in their ferocity of punishment to their prisoners. Even the Spanish inquisition was not more refined in cruelty. Well might Ortez ponder his death, and mumble long- forgotten fragments of Latin prayers. " There was another in the Indian to^s^Ti, who kept vigil that night. " Yahchilane, the young, the beautiful daughter of the cacique, who had been loved by many in her tribe before the hated name of Spain was heard — she who had saved the prisoner's life — who had taken him from death to be THE FLORIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 169 her lord and chief m the land — who had cradled his head on her bosom — who had borne him sons — who had been deceived and slighted — who had risen in her wrongs, and condemned to death the mistress and the husband — she, the fierce, proud, vindictive heart, and woman withal, through the moonlight and the fog, roamed and w^restled with her mner self. There was no prouder blood from Natchez to Honda Keys ; and for four and twenty hours it had coursed through her veins Hke rivers of fire. Had she met her husband and the native girl together, she would have slain them both. When she saw his blood flowing from his wounded arm in the council ring, she sorrowed only that she had not made the wound from which it flowed. Had the coimcil acquitted the prisoner she would have tracked him like a hound ; and now her wild delight made her fevered step carry her to and fro, like the panther that sweeps his tail while watching to leajD. Down by the fort she went, and away on the point, wading into the water- grass, until she seemed Hke the Naiad that lives under the sea. Then she walked back again with a long, elas- tic step, eyeing the palisades and the sentinels, her kir- tle draggled by the dew, the long plumes in her hair broken on her shoulders, and her symmetrical limbs cut by the sword grass. Another turn would take her to the lagoon, where she had watched her husband's trysting, and then again she flitted through the plum-trees, where still a dark stain lay on the grass. So back and forth stalks a tiger-cat, when the spring water intrudes on the island 8 170 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. where she has dropped her young. Thus along the bald cliff dashes back and forth the mother eagle, when from below she sees the hunter patiently climbing. " The night gradually passed away. The big wave that the Southern tribe declares comes landward when the god of night turns to go back in the sea, had bro- ken along the shore with a hollow roar, and the marsh rosemary had turned its petals to the east to await the rising sun. " Yachilane noted these tokens of the hours. She had taught them all to Ortez, and they had heeded them many a night when fishing in the lagoons. He had nar- rated for her the legends of Spain, and the wild Moorish pranks that haunted the old towers of his native town, when the chimes tolled midnight. She had plumed for him his arrows, and softened his tongue to the liquid accents of her language ; and he in exchange had sung her fairy tales, and drawn on the sand the outlines of great houses and sailing ships. He was a handsome man. How his great moustache curled over his chain mail! How he took the arrows and gave the blows in battle ! How proud she had been at village galas ! How sad at distant forays ! How her heart had yearned to him in that second love, when his child had tugged at her breast, and they three had laughed together ! "Sad thoughts these to the bitter woman, and she stopped in her walk, and leaned against the palm- biees. "Yell, and curse, and seething iron probed in the THE FLOEIDA POCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 171 quivering muscles, while the naked wretch feels the lick- ing flame. " Ha ! had he not slept in her arms many a night and day ? And up and on dashes the tortured wife, balanc- ing her hate, that was of her race, with her heart, that was of her common motherhood. And the hours waned, and sick and hot the wind came in, and the odor of the honeysuckle and the water-Uly were oppressive to the senses. " Chatte Echo, the Red Deer, was a young chief of the Apalaches, of a noble name and tried courage. In Chatte Echo's cabin hung the skins of ten panthers, and behind his house stretched a field of maize and melons that was smaller in size than none but the cacique's. This warrior had loved Yahchilane ; but when Ortez came to Apalache, his suit was discarded ; and ever since then he had remained unmarried. He had always been an enemy to Ortez, and was now one of the sentinels that watched over him in prison. Posted on the side toward the sea, from the low rampart where he stood he could look out on the water and down into the inner fort where Ortez sat. A proud man was Chatte Echo that night, and none in all the band would guard the prisoner surer. As he was leaning on his spear and thinking of his re- venge, a brown canoe floated up from the water, and among the bending reeds. It came so whist the sentinel did not hear it, and the fog was so heavy he did not see it until it touched the wall, and an Indian woman stepped on to the parapet. Chatte Echo would have struck at 172 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. her with his spear, but she seized his arm, and, bringing her face close to his, he recognized Yahchilane. "A moment's pause followed this strange interview. She seemed to be studying him ; and he Avas wondering at her. Had she attempted force, he would have called ; but her pleading look kept him silent. A little of the old love seemed softening his eye, and the touch of her hand thrilled his arm. " ' Chatte Echo, you have my husband here, let him go.' Her voice was low and inquiring. " *• Sooner a wild cat when I had my arrow drawn to shoot,' rephed the warrior, in a bitter tone. " ' He shall flee us, and will trouble you no more.' " ' He can trouble me no more than a few hours if he " ' You refuse me this, and you Avill be my enemy.' " ' I am your enemy now,' said the warrior, gloomily. " ' No, Chatte Echo ; you are my friend,' wliispered the Indian woman, in her lowest tone, laying her arm on his shoulder. " The chief's voice trembled, as he replied : * Where will be your friendship when you get your lover back?' " ' Ha ! he is no lover to me !> said the woman, in her quick, fierce mood. * Listen boy ! that brave is a wolf — yet he must not die — I do not love him — he is no more of mine — let him go, and he will flee, and — Chatte Echo, I i\dll love you. Refuse me this, and I will hate you. No one will know it — ^he A\ill take that canoe and go without a trace, and the dawn will find him leagues away. THE FLOEIDA rOCAHONTAS CONTINUED. 173 Say it quickly, chief; for the au* is grey, and the gulls are going seaward.' "There was a hesitation in the warrior's eye, and doubt, and hope, love and hate, chased each other over his tawny face like the fog-clouds that were scudding by. " ' How will I know your face ^vill be the same to-mor- row ?' he inquired, doubtingly ; ' the doe may flee with the buck.' " ' Keep me here — take me now — I am yours, Chatte Echo !' "The wild light lit up the coal-black eyes of the brave, and the prisoner was free. Ortez silently hurried out of his cell, and steppe.d on the low rampart, saved once more. He saw his wife, and recognized her as the means of his deliverance, and, with the quick perception of a reckless adventurer, accepted the chance without a word. He stood in the canoe, with the paddle in his hand, and awaited, as for his wife to enter with him, while the young chief stood by her side at the water's edge. She leaned down to speak to her husband, and her voice, necessarily low, was so distinct that not a word was lost. " ' Sail south to Macaco's land in the Great Bay — stop not for your life, and tell Macaco who sent you.' Then, in a lower and a harsher tone, she continued: 'The canoe you are in carried your mistress to see you at the grave last night. She is dead now — stabbed while her lips were yet wet with your kisses. Go, hound of a Spaniard, or I may stab you, too.' The last words were fairly hissed by the woman, the old tide of hate wellmg 174 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. high and fast as she saw the Spaniard safe again. Ortez's countenance blanched under the swarth of years. Chatte Echo gave the light canoe an impetus with his foot, and shoved it out into the lagoon. Her eyes followed the spot where it disappeared, her outstretched arm trembled, she staggered and fell into the arms of the young chief who carried her into the fort. He had won her." " I don't Hke that story, father ; it gives a low ideal of woman." " But, child, remember it is savage woman that I tell of; you can't paint a crow green." " How much is true ?" asked the literal Doctor. " Is it not all written," answered the narrator, " in the faithful annals of Garcilasso de la Vega ?" THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 175 CHAPTER XII. THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. " The stout Earl of Nortliumberland A vow to God did make, His pleasure in the Scottish woods Three summer days to take." Chevy Chase. As the Ouithlacouchee River emerges from the bayous, lakes, swamps, and drowned lands, which it has drained for many a square league, and reaches the salt water, it widens its bed, and harassed by the heavy beat of the sea, deposits its accumulation of vegetable matter with the sands of the ocean in little islands, that are presently covered with the rankest vegetation. There grows the cane like a gigantic grass, and the cabbage palmetto there rears its huge, twisting, bayonet bristling trunk- like the fanciful verdure of Utopian land. Sometimes these islands are based on the sand, and are as stable as the main land, but again they are the mere accumulations of floating vegetable matter, rank weeds, and decaying rafts of trees, lashed together by sea-weeds and clamp- ing vines, and resembling those floating gardens that the ingenious Celestials moor in the great rivers of China. The aquatic plants and nameless vines cover them with festoons, and a large shoot striking down in the water 176 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. anchors the raft, which will float hither and thither by the wind, closing or opening some water passage, to the great discomfiture of the bewildered explorer. Beyond these ranker islets, and acting as outer piers or breakwaters to the still inner bays, lie other islands in long reefs, covered by sea grass and a smaller growth of trees, and washed on theii* outer sides by the surf of the Gulf. All of them abound in game of every kind, the fame of which led our party of hunters with our hosts for a few days' hunting and sporting, bringing tents, dogs, and servants enough to beat up all the woods on the Gulf Coast. These species of hunts are frequent in the Southern States, where time is not regarded with the monetary eye to value with which it is measured in Doc- tor Franklin's proverbs, and where an ample range of unclaimed ground is open to all that choose to come and enjoy it. Such hunts are called marrooning, and we were marrooners as soon at we had reached the low sandy shore of Bonda Key, and pitched the two white tents that formed our travelling homes. One hut was occupied by Poke, Jackson and myself, the other by Lou Jackson and her girl Kosa, a bright negress of the same age as her mistress, and around the big fire a large row of screens of blankets or evergreen branches sheltered the dozen negroes that constituted our party. As to Mike, he always preferred to carry up his canoe, and elevating the side next the fire on a stick, would crawl under it and sleep hke an alligator. In many respects our camp was more orderly than the THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 177 plantation house we had left. There were no sheep to tinkle and bleat away the hours of the night, reminding you of your bed in the Tyrolean chalet, with all the herds stabled beneath you. There were no young negroes constantly disputing or tumbling under your feet ; there was no old Aunty Blase tyrannizing over your culinary department, and ordering around all the boys within reach. But we still had one nuisance, in the shape of dogs — " Both mongrel puppy, whelp and hound, And curs of low degree " — melodious hounds that bayed at the moon ; sullen dogs that snapped at your heels ; insinuating, dogs that crept under your tent and into your arms when half asleep ; spiteful dogs, with their voices attuned to the sharpest chords, and that came under Shakspeare's definition of being " fit for treason, stratagems, and spoils." AU this mongrel herd had been kept in peace at home ; some were quartered away from the house, some were chained, and others meditative or sleepy. But here, as sure as plea- sant harmonies came over your soul, and the hush of sleep fell on the camp, and the loudest sound abroad was the flitting bat and droning sea, some canine tyrant would infringe the etiquette of the brotherhood, and immediately there would break out a most fiendish tur- moil of snarls, yells, bays, howls, growls, and yelps, intermingled with the babble of the negroes' voices and the whacking of sticks, and when you were fully awake, 8* 178 WILD 6P0ETS IN THE SOUTH. and had seized your gun, or a paddle, determmed on deeds of revenge, peace would be declared in a loud voice ; in some such phrase as " Ketch you yowlin' again. Tink Ise got a stick here for nuthin', eh ?" Bonda Key was perchance half a mile in width at its widest part, and three miles in length, where we were encamped. The thickest growth of trees and shrubbery stood at our end, and near the outer side was a long pool of water, formed by the sea throwing up a bank of sand and leaving this isolated pond. The nearest land adjoining this island was at the two ends, the sides being bounded without by the open ocean, and within by the sheltered bay, which, dotted with islands of different sizes, extended up the broad mouth of the river and to the mainland. Thus much for the geography of our temporary home ; as to its geology, it might be said to be, in the words of Mike, "sand-some;" its botany was represented by sword- grass, palmetto, sea-wrack, some wild plums, and a few water-oaks and pines ; by the pond the reeds and joint- grass grew very closely, and in the centre we could see a close tangle of vegetation, that would defy the best hunter in the land to crawl through. As to its conchology, I can only say it produced excellent clams, and a kind of conch shell, that Scipio manufactured into a sj^ecies of annoyance he called a dinner-horn, and which when blown made all the dogs on the island set up a prolonged howl. As to its zoology, man seemed absent, and every other created THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 179 thing had its representative, particularly those classes that preyed on man, which seemed the more voracious from being so seldom gratified by visitors. I am thus particular as to the peculiarities of this place, that my readers may well understand the process of hunting which we adopted the morning after our arrival, and the success of which I will always remember. It was Jackson's idea, and he styled it the battue. On our arrival in the evening, the hounds had all been tied to prevent them coursing over the island, and the negroes had been restricted to a very narrow range in the col- lection of firewood and fish, so that nothing should be done to disturb the game that might be on the island. The next morning, as we came out from our tents with the first grey light, the cool wind was still coming in from the sea, laden with the salt flavor; the negroes were poking together the half-burned brands, and pre- paring the breakfast in haste, or rather all the haste a negro ever assumes, and I plunged into the sea with the happy anticipation of a grand hunt, and all a-glow to hear the first cry and ringing shot of our grand battue. " Good morning to you. Miss Jackson ; you look hke Diana this morning in your canvas jacket and gown." " And you like a shipwrecked mariner, with your drip- ping locks, and jacket on your arm." " Where's Mike ?" " Maussa Mike's gone off with he shell on he back, like a gopher," said Scipio. " There he comes ; he has been around the head." 180 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " How are you, Poke ?" - " O — ho — lium — oh — ho — heo-o — hum !" yawned the Doctor, rubbing his eyes, as he staggered out of the tent. " How are you ?" I reiterated. " Oh, ho ! — there's one of those dogs named Music, I believe. I'd have his name chanojed after to-nig^ht. I didn't get a wmk o' sleep." " Hulloa, gentlemen, a pleasant day to you," said Jack- son, just protruding his head from the canvas. "You boys, hurry there with breakfast !" and with this general order, the head disappeared. "Oh, ho! dear me! Break — ^breakfast — on thy cold, grey stone, oh ! oh ! sea — and I would that my tongue could utter the thoughts that arise in me." " Pete, you boy ! pour some water on the Doctor to wake him up !" "You, Sam! tie up that Black Bess; she will be clean gone presently. Where is Sumpter ?" " Maussa Jackson, Pomp say you a-gom' to leff him shoot a gun to-day ?" " Go along with you !" " Yah ! yah ! yah ! I knowed de niggah he !" As the noise and hurry progressed, breakfast began to smoke on the fire, the boats were launched, and in a few minutes everything was ready for the chase, while a hearty breakfast of venison and fish was spread before us and the sun arose in the woods on the shore, and his level beams trailed the smokmg water, and painted the tops of the taller island trees with golden tassels. THE BAITUE ON BOND A KEY. 181 The hunt was arranged by Mike as follows : The dogs were to be led to the extreme end of the island, not far from where we were camped, and all the party was to follow, either on foot or in boats. One boat was to keep on each side of the island, close enough in shore to shoot any game that might take to the beach ; the rest of the hunters, with all the negroes, were to follow the dogs, and, keeping at equal distances apart, beat down the island shouting and thrashing in the bushes, and thus drive before them everything that would run. As the chase progressed, it would come to the narrower portion of the island, and thus the men would come closer to- gether just at the time when the game would be most anxious to turn back, so that they could form a complete barrier, through which nothing could return. After all had reached the point appointed for the meet, and taken their stations, Mike harangued them, telling what should be done. Lou Jackson Avas in one boat, with Rosa to paddle ; the Doctor in another, to guard the two sides, and all the rest were to follow the hounds. Scipio had been sent at starting to the other end of the island, in a canoe, to lie close to the nearest shore, to head off anything that should attempt to cross to the main. "Now remember !" said Poke to Jackson, just as the hounds were being loosened. "What?" "Thirty centuries look down upon you from those gum-trees." " Shough ! Go ahead all !" shouted Jackson. 182 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. The hounds were cast off, and with their noses high in air coursed into the underbrush, and with yelp and cry the boisterous crew of coon-dogs and half-breeds rushed in their wake, while the negroes, each armed with a big cudgel and a heavy knife, with which to clear the vines, dashed off, yelping very much after the manner of their dogs, cheering on their particular favorites with endear- ing cries, and all were soon scattered out of sight in the dense undergrowth that succeeded the sandy ridges and level grass of the coast. From time to time, we could hear their shouting, and the crashing that was caused by their progress, and when within sound, many a rough joke and laugh came down the line. I was nearest the inner channel, and within sight of the beach. Jackson was next to me, then Mike and the negroes all beyond. At first we could not see each other except at mtervals where the woods opened, but as we advanced we came into a less tangled ground, and we could maintain a connected vision entirely across froni one to another. " Thar's deer," said Jackson, as we crossed the fresh tracks of one. " And thar's Beauty," continued he ; " do you hear her ?" "No, I cannot tell one from another; they are all yelping, each on a different track." A loud burst of voices from the negroes proclaimed something started. " What's that, Mike ?" " Coon," answered Mike. THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 183 " No — thunder ! it's a cat ; see it come." Grimalkin, however, did not Hke such a multitude of foes as presented themselveSj and turning to the right, shot in imder the underbush ahead of us, while two of the younger dogs came full cry on her heels. " There's a coon — two of them !" I shouted. " Out of the frying-pan into the fire I think," said Jack- son, as they ran into the same thicket the cat had taken to. Here the bushes became so thick that I had to take my hunting-knife to cut my way and free my legs from the close binding of tenacious green vines that seemed stronger than packthread. We could hear the dogs ahead of us and on either side yelping and scuddmg hither and yon, and I at once saw the advantage of the mongrel pack we were using. They wound in and out of every corner, and under every fallen leaf where a hare could lie, yelping as poor puss started from her form, and only following her^ a few steps to pursue their researches in another cover. Slowly we progressed ahead, and after about two hours of labor we had come down one half of the island, and had drawn so near together we could see each other. On calling down the line we had reported two deer as having been seen, and " some coon," with such a strong accent on the some, that we Avere inclined to think that this particular game was very plentiful. Indeed, Scipio was seen with two hanging to his girdle. I could see, from time to time. Miss Lou's boat paddled by Rosa, and the young lady seated in the bow. 184 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " What's that ahead ?" shouted Jackson. " Can't say, though it looks black," I replied, as some indistinct body rushed out from under some grape-vines, shaking down the ripe fruit in showers. "Yeow! yeow! — oohow!" chimed in two or three dogs in chorus, on some new and fresh scent, and Wag, who had been keeping very near me. dashed off to see. " There's a buck, look out !'» " Bang !" sounded Jackson's gun. " Never riz a hair !" called Mike, as the deer crashed on. " Big buck ! big buck !" called out the negroes beyond. 'Spang!" " ' There goes Lou's gun," said Jackson. " What is she shooting ? can you see ?" " Yes, a young buck." " It's getting lively, Jackson." " Wait a little, there's game here ! Hear the boys sing." The lively chant of the negroes sounded in the clear air, accompanied by the crashing of theu* sticks : Wake 'em up dare ! Waugh and a waugh da ! Git out possum ! Waugh da dey ! " Da she goes," called a negro, as something bounded out of the bushes. THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 185 "What's that?" " Big buck, sah; got horns like a dead tree." " There's that cat again !" Sure enough, the cat came spitting along, and dashed up a tree, sending down the bark in showers on the dogs that were close after her. " Drap, you hussey !" said Mike, following her zig-zag course up the j^ine tree, with his rifle ; and as she paused he sent a ball through her head, whizzing her down with a whirling motion as though she had been swung down by her tail. " Git out, you dogs ! Clare away, that's my cat !" he shouted, cuffing the dog aside, and taking possession of his prize. " Kehimck ! Kehunck !" There goes a blue heron, fanning the air with measured stroke. See him sail. Ho got up so slowly that one of the dogs jumped uj) at his long dangling legs. " There go three deer altogether." "Don't shoot the does, thar's no use," called out Mike. There was only one buck, "and three shots rang so close together we could not tell the report, but the buck fell over among his wives, who leaped ahead, sadly fi'ightened. Mike cut his throat, and left his cat beside him to keep him company. " There's that varmint again," shouted Jackson ; " it's a panther !" . " Whar's a painter ?" asked Mike. 186 WILD SPORTS IN" THE SOrTH. " On ahead ; we've seen him twice." I heard the Doctor's voice from the other side of the island, and the quick repeated report of his double-bar- rel. Then a shot on our left. "That's Lou again; push down to the beach there, will you ?" I came through the young willows that shut out the \dew, when I saw Lou gesticulating and pointing ahead, at the same time she was loading. I tried to see what it was, but could not, on account of the intervening bushes. She hurriedly rammed down the wad of shot with which she was provided, sowed up in muslin, and taking aim, fired again. "A wolf! look out — he is turning in the bushes." I ran back just in time to see the animal attempting to sneak back, when, seeing me, he turned ahead, and ran on so quickly I could not shoot, though I saw by his track he was wounded. At the place we had now reached, the island was not more than a third of a mile in width. The trees had ceased to grow, and only a few copses of willow were found in the hollow between the ridges, and the tall grass that lined the pond. "We could see the negroes away hither and thither, chasing the swamp raccoons that seemed to overrun the island, and striking at the hares that dodged hither and thither, and, escaping the men, were sure to run directly in the mouths of the dogs. Ahead of us we could see the deer coursing over the knolls, hard pushed by the dogs, that had separated in THE BATTUE ON BOND A KEY. 187 three or four different packs, and were each hunting on their own hook. ^ " There's Yowler and Music. Here they come — they are after the wolf. Hi, dogs ! hi, dogs !" shouted Jackson, running to a knoll where he could overlook the chase. The negroes yelled as they caught sight of the game, and the wolf availing himself of every copse and hollow, ran on, hard pushed by the dogs, and dodging on every side to avoid his numerous foes. Whenever he entered a thicket he remained there until the dogs were about entering the other side ; then he dashed away with an angry snap of his jaws that sounded like the ring of metal. As he approached the further shore, the Doctor saluted him with a double shot that stung him badly. He passed do^n the line of negroes, but their shouting and dancing deterred him from attempting to break their array. "Now, Mike!" " "No no, it is your turn ; I've had a cat." "Take him, Charlie!" I levelled my rifle, and as he ran I fired. At the report he rolled over and over like a ball. " Well done !" shouted Lou Jackson. I thought him quite dead, but when the dogs came up where he fell, he turned around on his haunches and snapped at his pursuers with such effect that the fore- most lost a piece from his shoulder as broad as my palm, leaving a ghastly wound. The dog turned away, yelling with pain. Wag, who was always in every scrape. 188 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. received another nip, not quite so bad, but sufficient to put Mm on the sick list for the rest of the day, and doubt- less some of the other dogs would have been hurt, had not Mike fired and killed the wounded animal as the hounds came crowding up. "Cat! cat!" "Yow! yow!" "Hit um a dip!" " Ough ! ough !" were the sounds that came on the right, as a big cat broke away down the beach. The Doctor was just landing fi'om his boat, and had a fair chance, as the animal was close by. The shot wounded the furious beast, so that it became completely confused, and being hard pressed by the dogs, it took refuge in the only trwik it could see, which happened to be the high curve of the Doctor's cypress canoe, just landing end on to the beach. In rushed the dogs after the animal, crowding the boat, knocking about the paddles, and forcing the Doctor up on the thwarts. The fierce animal fought with despera- tion against the crowd of pursuers, thrashing around the Doctor's legs, and tilting the boat from one side to the other, till it finally upset, and dogs, and oars, cat, and hunter, were all thrown into the water together. It only needed a moment of open field, and the dogs, smart- ing with their scratches, tore the cat almost in pieces, and left the cat-skin, as one of the boys remarked who had run down to help the Doctor, " 'bout chawed up." Jackson and I did not like to leave our places to help in the fray, though we assisted all we could by laughiug, and Miss Jackson called out, after vainly trying to peer over the land, to know what the matter was. THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 189 I explained how the Doctor had presided over the fight. " The Colossus of Rhodes!" she answered back. "Poke! I say, Poke! Miss Jackson says you stood like the Colossus of Rhodes." " I won't stand for a Colossus again," he replied, shov- ing off his boat, and resuming his paddle ; " that misera- ble cat has scratched my legs bare !" As our line advanced we could see the end of the island that ran out in a long narrow bar. Hundreds of gulls and black-headed terns, with snow-white bodies, disturbed from the sands, were ca^\ing over us, and curlews and plover wheeled in circles, uttering their plaintive cries. Crowds of merganser ducks that were sitting on the shingle, basking in the sun, rushed out to sea, piling up the water in front of them, and small birds took flight to the neighboring islands, or flew high in the air to regain their accustomed haunts in the thickets. Like as some great seine that has inclosed a broad bay, at last contracts its semi-cii'cle toward the beach, expos- ing to the light the flashing fishes that in vain attempt to leap its cords, while the gulls and fish-hawks wait above, so our line closed up, the prey rushed hither and thither, the black heads of the negroes above the grass, like the floats on the net, bobbed up and down, and with shout and cry, the terrified animals made their last leaps and tricks for their lives. The first thing that broke our line was a doe, with a fawn nearly grown. The doe was let past, but one of 190 c-yriLD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. the negroes caiigTit the fawn as it attempted to run by, and with a blow of his knife across the back of its neck felled it to the ground, before a voice could be raised to stop him. Then a doe was pulled down by the hounds, and a dozen dogs piled up over it, very brave when its resistance was overcome. *' There go two deer to the water ; see the boats pull after them — the Doctor, and Lou, and Scipio in his canoe." "Whoop! see the turkeys — I'll have a gobbler!" I said, firing at their leader, who spread out his wings and settled down into the grass, while the hens scattered in every direction, some taking wing and flying off to the main land. "Thar'sabear!" "Where?" " In those thorn bushes." " I don't see him." At this moment, Scipio, who had been paddling after the deer, turned his canoe landward, shouting " A bear ! A bear !" and the dogs, that had been scattered about in the underbrush, made a fresh clamor, and rushed into the thorn trees, from whence they came howling back, some of them with blood running from their shoulders. "Who saw it?" "I eaw it," said the Doctor, hurrying in from his canoe at the first intimation of a bear, as did both of the other boats, letting the deer escape ; " I know it was a bear." THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 191 " Fire your gun at him." Lem was lying down flat on his face, trying to peep under the bushes, when the Doctor, at the suggestion, fired into the thicket. At the report of his gun, out rushed the animal, stung, probably, by the shot. So quick was his charge, that Lem did not have time to get out of the way, and was run over by the brute, as dash- ing right through the midst of us, he hied away for the woods from which we had just come. There were too many crowded around, when he first came forth, to make it at all safe to shoot, and the moment he- gained a little distance, his round stern presented a target as little vul- nerable as the rump of a rhinoceros, as he ran with a lumbering gait, but with great speed, for his old haunts. But the hounds were soon after him, and as they came up they ran alongside, snapping at him without stopping him ; then the smaller dogs came to their assistance, and seizuig him behind, forced him to bay, which he did by standing on his hind legs, and making sweeps with his front paws at his pursuers. It was an amusing sight to see the dogs run, but still more so to see the negroes madly excited about the danger of their favorite curs, and yet cheering them on with cries, and grotesque denunciations, and warnings. " Now for it ! Whose shot is it ?" " Let the Doctor try." " I ain't loaded ; wait a minute." " Ho ! ho ! that's a good one ! Jackson, shoot." Without a word of parley, Jackson fired, and struck 192 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. the mark, as we could see, for tlie animal flinched, and attempted to run, but there were too many dogs, and they brought him to bay again after running a dozen yards. I fired, and so did Mike, both together. The huge brute turned the way we stood, his eye gleamed a fierce glance of revenge, his jaw fell open, showing his long rows of white teeth, and then he sunk down a life- less lump amid the ring of dogs. " That air is rael murder !" said Mike. As the heat of the chase subsided in my veins, I felt as if Mike's remark was true. " Four hunters, twelve men, and forty dogs, against one bear !" called out Lou Jackson, who had been a spectator of the chase from her boar. "I plead guilty to tyi-annical oppression," said the Doctor ; •' deal gently with me." "I fine you all one bear's skin, to be paid into the Court," she replied. " Oh ! that will make you a sharer of the profits." Bruin was dragged down to the beach, under the shade of a tree, and the men were sent back for the rest of the game that lay scattered about the route of our chase wherever they had fallen. On putting them altogether in a row, it was counted, as follows : one bear, one wolf, two wildcats, four deer, one wild turkey, one sand-hill crane, seven raccoons, and hares without number. "Not a bad day's sport!" ejaculated the Doctor, standing in his favorite attitude with his feet wide apart, THE BATTUE ON BONDA KEY. 193 and his hands in the side pockets of his shooting- jacket. *' How many did you shoot, Poke ?" " I think I shot all of them, for I fired at everything, only may be I did not kill ; but I contend the sport is as good if you get the shots." " What did you kill at your first shot, Lou ?" inquu-ed Jackson. " That young buck. Don't you see my buckshot ? they are scattered over a hand's breath of distance." " I fired at some ducks, getting up out of the pond," said the Doctor. " What kind of ducks ?" " There's one of them," he replied, tugging at a mal- lard drake he had stowed in his pocket. " Ha ! I am glad to see that ; he is one of the first of the winter migration. Wait for the big flights, and we will see sport. Come, boys, off with that wolf's skin, we don't want his carcase at the camp, and so mth the bear, too, I reckon." But the negroes pleaded for the bear's meat, and it was concluded to carry him to camp. So the boats were pulled up opposite the place where the game was Ij'mg, and while a couple of the negi'oes were skinning the gaunt- looking brute that I had so successfully disabled, the rest carefully loaded the two canoes with the game, and when the wolf was disrobed, two negroes taking their places in the stern of each boat, gaily started on their return. We all followed the canoes, taking the line of the beach, laugh- 9 194 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. ing at the different accounts of the day's adventures, and the droll remarks of the men, who were in the greatest glee at the success of the hunt. The shore birds were running before us, or wheeling over our heads, and Lou Jackson was telling their names, and how their coming marked the progress of the year. The sands were hard and level, just rippled by the sea. The day was waning in that clearness of atmosphere and stillness of decay that marks the early fall, ere a leaf has dried enough to rustle. Mike's ugly face seemed to draw a reflec- tion from the season; Poke's laugh was as musical as the waters, and, wearied with the day's exertion, I scarcely knew how pleasantly the moments were falling, until now, when looking them over through the telescope of years. THF HISTOKY OF AN OLD FRIEND. 195 CHAPTER XIII. THE HISTOKY OF AN OLD FRIEND. " The poor make no new friends, But they love the better far The few their Father sends." The night had drawn its curtains when we reached our bivouac, but the fire made it day betAveen the two white tents, where our supper was spread, and where, when supper was done, we stretched ourselves in dreamy- mood, Avatching the embers glow and listening to the tale go round. It was my turn to tell a story, but being of a philosophical frame of mind I narrated a history, and being of a modest nature was about to preface it with a few deprecatory remarks when one of my auditors rudely cut me short by saying : " Bang away ; never mind the priming." And the following was the tale I told. It is the history of one of my old friends : There are some persons in this world of ours that are very incorrectly estimated. They are not the talking people that boast themselves into our notice, nor the silent people that, with an air of abstract profundity, im- press us with their powers, while they repress all of ours. 196 WILD SPORTS EST THE SOUTH, They are not the showy people, whose dress and equi- page, house, Avife, watering-place, and tight boots, dazzle us, nor the men in great places in the nation, nor the very pious men. They, perchance, are very plain men, and don't obtrude. They have not many friends. They are composed in manner, and sparse and simple in their words. If you don't know them you wull not hear any- thing very bad of them, unless some very fashionable person says it in her manner rather than her words, when alluding to them. If you do know them, and you can't know them in a day, you will like them forever. If it is a woman, her gentle presence has filled the house for months, providing and directing so softly it was never known. She has read much, but it was in her chamber ; she has opinions stronger than any partisan, but she never expresses them in conversation, only in their exer- cise. Her quiet eye is on you, but you don't perceive it, and she knows you before you thought enough of her to notice her, and yet, for aU that forgotten presence, when the great ills come and sorrow extinguishes the light in the house, where does the household so surely tm-n as to her counsel and her consolation ? If it is a man, his coming and going and long absences were scarcely noted, except by those who leaned on him. In his mind are stored up years of studies and observation, and in his breast there is a spring of love for simple things and honest ways, and a hidden honor that makes him a rich man, though often with scarcely a dollar to spend. Everybody says he must be rich, for he has everything THE HISTORY OF AN OLD FRIEND. 197 he wants, though he only wants what is within his reach. Should you get to know him well, you will find in some direction or other his mind has gone out in a strong taste, and in it he so excels, that his companionship is a great instruction — a happy, hopeful story, read at the evening time, mayhap tinted mth fancies, and all aglow with legends, and self-experiences of so rare a kind, you wondered you did not know him before. Such characters are sometimes found in society, in the full sweep of restless, flattering, envious fashion, just endured, half forgotten, sometimes in literary life, some- times toiling in some hard handicraft, where the gains they make are applied to those they love. Sometimes in the wood, or by the sea-side village. The friend of whom I am about to speak^ and who belongs to this class, is oftenest seen in rural districts, or by lakes, or the slow-moving streams of the woods. I deem it but my duty, for many a lesson taught by him and hours of quiet companionship, to speak in his behalf a kindly word, and save him and his family, as far as in me lies, from that unmerited neglect which seems to be the fate of the humble and the unobtrusive. The friend to whom I allude is the Muskrat. Let no one smile at the name, " Or mock the short and simple annals of the poor." His coat may not be of as many colors as a courtier's, but it covers a kindlier heart ; his house may not be of as stately proportions as a banker's, but it shelters a more 198 WILD SPORTS LN" THE SOUTH. tranquil soul. Writers may have slighted him, school' boys may have pelted him, poets left his name unsung, and the uncouth boor may have sought to deride him by naming him Musquash, and other opprobrious titles ; but this is not the first time in the annals of the world a similar fate has overtaken modest worth. Pass by their crude opmions, and let us visit my mentor friend. Down by many a softly-purling brook, whose sinuosi- ties have unearthed the gnarled roots of oaks and hickories, and where the school-boy hastes from tasks to find a shady nooning, the Muskrat builds his nest. His selection of a home shows his cultivated taste, and gives a lesson to the more unobservant rustic. By the cloudy water that lies in the canals, that lead beneath the oaks, you may know his retreat. There he rests, while the day is warm, in the quiet enjoyment of his domestic pleasures, safe from pursuit in the winding galleries of his earthen fortress, but, " When the sheep are in the fauld, and the kye at hame, And a' the world to sleep are gane," when the moonshine falls on bridge and reeds, and twinkUng stars are floating on the water, then this gentle friend comes forth to view. You see him, with his keen eye and grave countenance, draw himself upon a root, and with careful fingers arrange his dress and wash his face. By his side sits a little picture of his sire— a tiny counterpart, that is destined one day to take his place among the reeds and by the bridge, and rear the mimic THE HISTORY OF AN OLD FEIEND. 199 dome upon the lake. After the parent has completed his toilet he gives one or two caressing touches to that of his young heir. A moment more they sit, eyeing the bubbles or floating nuts descending the stream, or watch- ing, their faces reflected in the moonUght waters. Who can say that they do not appreciate the beauty of the night, or the soft, murmuring music of the woods, or the fragrance of the air, laden with the odor of calamus buds and the breath of the birch and sassafras ? Presently, diving down together, they disappear under the water, fi-om whence, after a moment, they reappear, each with several muscles clasped to his breast by his fore paws, and, resuming then- seats on the roots, they eat their food "v^ith the readiness of squirrels, casting the shells down fit their feet, which fall on the pile of pearly bivalves that af.lorn the entrance to their home. Another pause follow3, while they look uj) and down the brook. Aro they not comely in their dark-brown coat and black feet? Does not their soft hair, that sheds the water, and the strong flat tail, that steers their course, or flattenOtheir masonry-work, befit well their pursuits ? Do not their manners well become their place ? Is it not true they are free from cares and inordinate greed — that they know their simple duties and enjoy them ? You say they are idle ? Wait till you have seen their whole life. Presently the father swims off on the water and across the brook. We may not see him go, for only his head is above the surface, and his tail floats hke a WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH rudder. By the wake in the water, we may tell his course, long after his round head is lost to view, and his child is following him close behind. They are bound for the low reeds on the other shore. There the calamus lifts its waving wands and spicy buds, while beyond the waterpad's broad leaf floats on the surfoce, and their white and yellow lilies stud the waters, and from the sandy edge of the channel the osier's round tapering wand, the bayonet flags and the sedge grass, appear above the tide and point the way the current flows. This is the playground of our friend. You may see him here when the moon is full, pulling the roots of the lilies, or the long eel-grass that is growing beneath. You can hear his quick splash and dive, and by the rattle of the cat- tails and the shaking out of their floss you know he is chasing ofl* the wild duck's brood that mtrude on his gardens. On the shore his paths are running hither and thither, wherever a better grass can be found, or the seeds of grains that have come down with the freshets have taken root, and on these grounds, which he is often compelled to cross, a deep hole is dug down to^e water, and connects with the brook, in which he mil take refuge if disturbed. At length, when the morning star shines dead, and the cock's loud clarion comes from the farm, the provident botanist bears away for his home, Avith his arms fall of grass and roots to lay up for a day of need. It often occurs that my friend has selected for his resi- dence, being allured by the wild beauty of the scene, THE HISTORY OF AN OLD FKIEND. 201 some lake whose shores do not present suitable accom- modations for shelter. Either they are so rocky as not to be pierced, or they are so low as to be liable to be submerged with the spring rains. No more discrimin- ating judge of the security of such shores can be found than my friend. No scenery fitness mil tempt him. If there is any liability of danger on shore he goes out to the centre of the lake, or to a -point in the lake from which he can readily obtain good grass, and then he builds himself a house. Sometimes he takes the end of a half-submerged log as a proper foundation. At other times the bottom of the pond, and yet again he will take a mass of weeds as an anchor, and construct a house that is to last for years on this slight support. His bricks are eel-grass and twigs ; his mortar is mud and clay ; he is his o^Ti architect, laborer, builder, contractor and upholsterer. Gradually the house progresses, without shaped like a dome, and within divided into many cham- bers. The door is beneath the waters, and so nothing but a diver can enter it, and being built on the open water, an^ at a distance from shore, nothing will attack it from above. It is formed and fashioned with a preci- sion that no science could excel. In and out is the strong eel-grass woven, and the clay that covers the walls is patted down with many a sounding thwack from his broad tail until it is as smooth as a plaster wall. At length winter comes and bridges the lake, and makes an easy access to the house for the wolf and the bear. How is the Muskrat to save himself from then* snuffing noso 9* 303 WILD SPORTS IN" THE SOUTH. and Btrono: claws? The careful student of nature lies all the freezing night by the side of his house, and ever and anon with his tail spatters the water over the dome, until finally the house is massed in ice so thick that none but the summer can break it. And within, in his goodly chamber, Hned with the river grass, the plumage of ducks, and the soft silk of the silkweed, my friend lies with his wife, safe from enemies, from want, and from cold, and reads me a lesson of skill and providence I have not yet followed. In some lakes I have seen as many as thirty of these little domes rising about three feet from the water, and resembling an Indian village. When the nights are still in autumn, the inhabitants of this modern Venice will be found lying about on the lake, chasing each other around the houses, or playing tag on the open water. They lie on the surface, with their tails slightly arched, which is a sign of watchfulness, and by a quick motion will disappear so suddenly that even the hunter's shot is ineffectual to stop them. One old beadle will now and then be seen mounting one of the houses, and with an august dignity survey the surrounding shores, and when well satisfied, will dive down so softly as not to leave a ripple ; but if, perchance, he should see some cause of alarm, he leaps back with an angry plash, and the whole tribe disappear in an instant. Should you be tempted to fire a gun at some impudent member of the colony, before the bright flash had faded along the shore, every one will have disappeared from view. You may THE HISTORY OF AN OLD FEIEND. 203 wait hours for another shot, and though the pond is full of them, you will never see one. Once in a while an old sentinel will float to the surface, and the point of his nose, about the size of a chesnut, will be exposed while he breathes and takes a view, and after a moment of watchfalness, it will be so quietly withdrawn that even if you see it you will not suspect it to be one of your prey. A long time ago — I remember the woods and waters were very bright in color then, for I was. a boy — there lived one bachelor Muskrat in a small pond not far from my home. After watching him some evenings, I set a trap to catch him, baited with a rosy Spitzenberg. Early in the morning I was at the pond ; the trap was sprung, and peering into it through a small hole bored in the end, I saw crouched in the corner an animal with long whiskers and bright eyes, that appeared to my happy vision as big as a polar bear, but by the musky smell I knew it was my friend the Muskrat. If the woods and waters were bright the night before, they glowed with fire now, and the sun rose in the east. I carried my prize home in the trap, and tying a string to his leg, after getting somewhat bitten in the operation, secured him in the shed, and tried to tame him, but quite unsuccessfully. He refused to eat apples or cake, though always ready for a piece of my finger. When I could watch my captive no longer, I went to bed to dream of him, while he, cutting the string with his sharp incisors, gnawed a hole in the doof of the shed, and made 204 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. his escape. I followed his track the next day in the light snow that lay on the ground, and it led in a straight line to the pond from whence I came. I set my trap amed Lands after so unpleasant a reception. Hardly had we secured all our ducks, after re-shooting the winged ones, before the Doctor's canoe bui'st through the reeds. '' HuUoah !" "HuUoah!" " How many birds ?" " Ah ! plenty. Talk of hunting !" said the Doctor, " this is my hunter's paradise. A good boat to row. you, and boys to pick up the game; no running yourself out of breath, or heavy pack on your back !" And the speaker took ofl" his slouched hat, and rubbed his curly hair and shiny face with his handkerchief till it was all a-glow, laughing the while with his low musical voice. 224r WILD SPOETS IN THE SOTJTH. " How many ducks, Miss Jackson ?" . "Oh, ten for idc, T believe; but tliey are beauties. Paddle up closer, boys, and let us see." " HuUoah ! where did you get all those ? Great is Diana, but that is a pretty sight !" exclaimed the Doctor, leaning over to look at our ducks, that were neatly piled up on one of the seats, with theii* breasts up, and their heads hanging one way. " These are out of the flock we saw come over to- day." " I thought so ; they just got up here, didn't they ? It was a noble flock — blue wings, all of them." " Oh ! there are your ducks. Why, you only have ten altogether. Where are those you shot. Doctor ?" " Oh, I didn't care to shoot. Miss Lou, here, is a pupil of mine, and I like to let her try." A su]3pressed nasal explosion from one of the boys in the Doctor's canoe mformed me, if I had needed the information, that the Doctor was not a very true hand T\dth the ducks, and that the lady was doing all the work. " Well, there is the Palm Tree Island, I presume, not a great way ahead. Is it time for lunch ?" " Yes, I think so," said Miss Jackson, " if appetite is any test." u rpjy some cold tea," said I, extending the bottle of that refreshing hunter's beverage. "Ah!" said she, after a long drink, "that is a spring in the desert." THE DEOWNED LANDS. 225 " Let me try a little of that spring in the desert," said the Doctor. " Not till you tell me one thing," said I, getting pos- session of my bottle. "How many shots have you missed ?" " Will you give me the tea, then ?" "•Yes." "Honor bright?" "Yes." " Ten ! Give us the tea." " Ha ! ha ! you are looking at Miss Jackson when you should be at the ducks." The boys took the direction of the palm tree, and we paddled on together, getting up two or three birds. It was a pretty thing to see Lou Jackson shoot. She had a light double-barrelled gun, the same one she had used on the deer-hunt, and when the duck beat up to the level of the tall grass and poised for his flight, she fired with such accuracy that the bird generally fell in a shower of feathers, amid the Doctor's laughter and merry jokes. He did not pretend to shoot unless there were three or four ducks rising together, and then he generally fol- lowed their flight, with his gun to his shoulder, until, when a long way ofl", he would finally say " Too far," and takmg his gun down again, give a sigh of rehef, and look around for some more game. On reaching the little island we found Mike was there before us, and the negroes had landed the provisions and prepared our sim- ple meal. Yowler sat on the narrow beach, evidently 10* 226 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. more melancholy than usual at the unaccustomed nature of the sport, and seemed reflectmg upon the worthless- ness of birds as compared with deer and panthers. Wag ran around the limited extent of land several times with- out anything but a solitary snipe that went skapeing away, and then returned, to worry Yowler. Jackson soon came in with a couple of score of ducks, and we learned from him that the great body of the winter ducks had not yet come on. There were no geese, and no brant, and he said, what was easily credible, that late in the year a good sportsman could kill four hundred ducks a day. " But I will tell you what it is, I have seen English snipe flying over, and as we go home we will try some of those low islands outside, and get a dozen." " Much walking ?" suggested the Doctor. " No ; you can shoot from the boat." "I believe I am somewhat of a shot on English snipe," said the Doctor. " I remember once killing a dozen." " You didn't have Lou Jackson in the boat with you," I replied. '' No, somethmg a great deal worse — you were with me." " No, never — not when you killed a dozen English snipe." " Yes, I shot them all at one shot on the beach." " Fudge ! those were Yellow-legs." " May be they v.ere, but they were just as good." THE DEOWNED LANDS. 227 " Doctor, try a piece of hot venison steak, or some cold bar ?'* " No bear for me ; I ^vould be thinking all the time about his ugly teeth when he was shot." " It is not his teeth, but my own, I am afraid of," said Miss Jackson, laughing ; " give me some corn-bread, if you please, Mike." " What are we to do with all these ducks ?" said tho Doctor ; " we can never eat them." "Yourn?" asked Mike. A laugh. " No, ours; those defunct, and those that are to be." "Never fear, a camp of fourteen people requires some- thing more than Indian corn." " What are you toasting there before the fire, Mike ?" " Breast of crane." " Let me try a piece !" asked Lou. " Sartin ; it's better en deer's meat," he replied, hand- ing over a strip on the end of his toasting-stick. " See de ducks !" exclaimed the negroes, les? busy than we with their dinner, as a long train of ducks camo floating over, pencilling the clear sky. " Those are mallards," said Jackson. " How can you tell so far off, father ?" " By the shape and color, I think ; I can hardly tell how. They vrould be black duck, if they were not lighter in complexion. Am I not right, Mike ?" " Reckon," replied Mike, following the passing cloud with his eye till they faded away, and then continued, 228 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. musingly: "Some takes kindly to that kind o' larnin'. Some kin tell what kind o' duck is comin' by tlie sound he makes beatin' the air. Thar was Picardo, Picardo Duck Legs he was called, because he had bow legs. Wall, that man hved in his canoe, and he could tell what a duck was a-goin' to do jist by the waggin' of his tail. He had lived on duck-meat so long he could smell a duck hke a pointer dog. Thar's the natur' o' man ; when God gives him a callin' he's bound to go it, or be a lazy cuss ever arterwards. Duck Legs was no a'count on shore, but it larnt a man somethin' to paddle a canoe with hmi." " Come, boys," said Jackson, lighting his cigar, " it's high noon now, and there are seven miles from here to the open water, and seven more to Bonda Key, and two dozen snipe to kill on the way." " And some more duck before we leave here," said the Doctor. " Mhid your bearings now, or we will get lost here. There is no palm tree to row back to." " Take the range of this palm-tree, and sunset ; purty good marks, both on 'em," said Mike. "All aboard!" cries the Doctor. "Push off!" and away we went, or at least the three boats went, leaving Mike watching our departure, smoking away at his cigarette, seemingly as unconscious as his hound that sat beside him. There were some good shots made, as we returned, at the various bunches of ducks that were hid away in the THE DKOWNED LANDS. 229 close coverts of the reeds, Lou Jackson, in particular, firing very exact, although her gun was so light that the game sometimes refused to come down. We were a good deal together, as we were paddUng more to return than to get game, and only shot those birds we saw on our way. Once, while paddling fast, a wood-duck drake arose from an open pool, uttering his wheezmg cry of "Oh hee!" "Oh hee!" as he stretched away. Lou fired, and at the shot he staggered and sunk for a mo- ment, while a dozen feathers floated away, and then he rose agam. " Stop ! stop !" she cried, as I raised my gun to shoot, "Iliit him! I hit him!" But the duck didn't fall, and contmued his flight until lost in the distance. " Oh, what a fool I was ! I forgot all about I had another barrel ! And why didn't I let you shoot ? But I thought, to be sure, he would fall." " Why didn't you shoot, Doctor ?" I asked. " Oh, I thought he would fall, too." Sometimes we would come across a floating log sur- rounded by feathers, and worn smooth by the tread of the wood-ducks that would sit here half the day pluming themselves by the mirror of the water. The hazel- breasted drakes here displayed their Tyrian plumage and elegant shapes to their dove-eyed consorts, and scolded away the little bitterns that alone could compare in beauty to themselves, and who alike with them inhabited these great morasses. We sometimes would suddenly 230 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. float on one of those happy families, dozing away tho sunny hours, and they would arise, when we were closo upon them, in the greatest disorder. The ringing of a lialf dozen shots, the fall of the game, the shout and laugh, would end the scene, and break upon the stillness of the solitude with a burst of fun and activity all tho wilder for being so rarely heard in the marshes. We had almost reached the confine of the open water, when Jackson fired at a black duck flying overhead, and it fell in the water, wing'broken, and immediately dove. He commenced, with the assistance of the Doctor's boat, to look for the game, probing with his paddle the bunches of floating sedge near by, while I, lying a little further ofi", was watching their search. While thus eng;aged, I happened to notice under the water a duck swimming toward the surface; it was the wounded duck trying to escape. I saw a bill protruded from the water, the duck in the mean time keepmg his head and body completely hidden. I leaned over my boat and caught the nose of the cunning fellow, bringing him above water amid the shouts of the negroes who witnessed the trick. Being joined by ^like, who had turned aside to get some roots with which to color deer-skins, we all passed through the narrow outlet of the marsh, and turned to- ward the low islands, where it was said we could find snipe. "Round that grape-\dne point!" called out Jackson, as the headlands we had passed in the morning again opened to our view. THE DROWNED LANDS. 231 The paddles had been exchanged for oars, and with, long, measured strokes, keepmg tune to the song of the oarsmen, the lithe boats skimmed the water toward the low islands Jackson had indicated to us. On reaching the shore we found the land was marshy and wet, and about half the area overgrown with flags, now blown down by the fall winds. "Xot a bad place; is it?" said Jackson, looking around the island. " By no means ; see these little red-scummed puddles, and bare spots of mud ; they'd make a snipe's bill water." " Escape ! escape !" shrieked a snipe, as he sprung into the air a few yards in front of us, tacking from side to side, and settling again on the further side of a little pond. " There, I told you so ! Hold on now till I draw my duck shot. Lou, are you ready ?" " Ready as I will be. I am going to rely on the Doc-* tor." "I will take a Httle fine shot, then. I follow your lead, Jackson." " Mike, are you ready ?" "Yes, I reckon, 'bout, though I don't see nothin' to shoot here." " You just keep even, and we will see plenty to shoot. Send out your dog, Doctor." " Hi on, Wag ! Hi on !" but TYag seemed to suspect some trick under such unaccustomed attention, and skulked behind his master. 232 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. The first step ahead sprung another snipe, and, being intent on the game, I shot it as it balanced. " Hulloah ! give a fellow time," said the Doctor. " That bird flew right in the way of the shot !" said Mike, his eye kindling, and his month expressing a great deal of doubt and curiosity. "Have you ever killed a snij^e, Lou?" said I, the formality of the family name having been gradually dropped, on all sides, as the freedom of our huntmg ex- cursions brought us into closer intimacy. " Yes, two ; I never had much opportunity for such game, and never learned to shoot them on the wing." " Now is your chance, then ; there goes a shot." Two barrels were discharged, one by Jackson, and one by the Doctor, but the birds went off. " There, I know I can do better than that," remarked Miss Jackson, looking at the bird skimming over the ground. " I'm sure you kin," said Mike. "Escape!" "Escape!" "Escape!" croaked out three birds, as they launched away from before us. Miss Jackson fired a double shot, and one bird fell. "Well done, that!" "Escape!" croaked another bird, as it rose on our left among some flags. Mike, who had been watching the hunt with great interest, ejaculated, "Wall, I'll take a turn now !" and, aiming with his rifle, fired. The bird fell as if knocked by a ball-bat, and Mike on going up to THE DROWNED LANDS. 233 it said, as lie lifted it up by its wings, " Knocked into a grease-spot !" There was a universal laugh at the quaint figure of the hunter, in his buckskm suit, and the air of derison with which he picked up his fragment of a bird, and held it at arm's length. "Wall, ef anybody had told me that I would have ever gone a-birdin' with this ere old rifle, I would hev told that body he was a fool !" Wag seemed to have got somewhat in the mood of hunting around, inspired by our shouts and firing, and ran about hither and yon, springing the birds up before us like a cocking sj)aniel. " There !" Lou called out to the Doctor, as the dog got up another bird, " I told you that dog had a great deal of intelligence ; this is the very first time, would you be- lieve it, he has ever been hunted over snipe." "I can certamly credit it," answered Jackson, drily, as he capped his gun. Away went another snipe, right before the Doctor, who banged away with both barrels, and brought down the bird. " There, I killed him ! Fetch him here, Wag ! Fetch, good dog." Wag ran for the bird, but, instead of bringing him in, picked him up and ran away with might and main, pur- sued by the Doctor, shouting at the top of his voice, amid peals of laughter. The race Avas a short one, for the Doctor's figure was not adapted to running, and the 234: WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOrTH. island was wet, and full of little quagholes, in one of which the Doctor fell, and was unable to move a single step, and Wag, deliberately lying down on the other side, ate up the prize. " Oh, Poke, what an invaluable dog !" " Hold your tongue, will you, and help me out. Throw me a piece of stick to stand on. You, Scip ! you lazy negro, bring me an oar. I am all out of breath ;" and lie poUshed his face with his handkerchief, as if the true remedy for his misfortune was in active friction. " Escape ! Escape !" said two more snipe, getting up right by the Doctor. Bang ! bang ! and they both fell at the shot. " Hold hard there, don't shoot over me that way ; just think, I can't dodge !" cried the Doctor, waving his hand energetically toward us. ^' That proves your valor in the face of danger. There's Scipio with a log. Now, altogether — that's it ! Why, Doctor, you look as though you had high top-boots onl'^ "ISTever mind, it is clean mud," he replied, good- humoredly. "Wag, seeing himself unnoticed, came in to where we were standing. But, alas for his hide ! Jackson caught him, and administered to him such a castigation, all the while holding him up by the tail with one hand, while he applied a stick with the other, that Wag retired fi-om the active pursuits of the chase to the more dignified re- tirement of private life under the seats of one of the THE DROWNED LANDS. 235 canoes, where he disposed of the remams of the dinner- basket before our return. " Now we are all ready, let us form in a line, and beat down the island regularly," said Jackson, the ardor of the hunt awakening him from much of his listlessness. " Fall in, boys ; one of you walk betAveen each of the hunters." The long, irregular line being formed, it stretched nearly across the island, and we advanced, sinking in the soft rnud occasionally, but oftener finding a sandy bot- tom, with pools of water. The snipe were abundant ; we could see them sometimes on the ground in couples, on which occasions the Doctor would always fire with pretty certain success. Most frequently they arose singly, uttering their peculiar harsh cry, and were tumbled over by one or other of the' party before they had gone five yards, amid the shouts and guffaws of the negroes. Mike, occasionally, when a bird got up at a little distance, would make " a grease spot " of it with the same shame- faced look as he had when he picked up the first one, apparently doubting if he and his rifle were in respectable business. Lou shot well, after a little practice, and she trod over the flags, with her eye fixed ahead of her, with that earnestness of look that a person attains never so greatly as when watching for upspringing game that he feels confident he can hit. " Mark !" called Scipio, as a snipe launched in the air from our feet, the brown and hazel pointings on his back glittering like soldiers' bayonets at the charge. The first 236 WILD spoETS m the south. spring he makes seems to toss him twenty feet in air, and then a paiise, as he coUects his wings to strike out on that erratic swinging motion that is his safety and beauty. He eyes the array of pursuers behind him, and hears their strange talking ; he sees before hun his accustomed haunts and oozy swales, and hears the rustlmg of the reeds that shelter his mates. In the pride of swiftness, rings out his exulting cry, the same that had made vocal the great morasses of the Coppermine River, where he was nested, and the same by which, through the ghostly night, in the upper air, from front, to rear, had kept in rank the long flight of his kindred in their semi-annual migration — " Escape !" Pang ! rings the clear shot, and over falls the wild bird among the sedge. " Golly ! Missa Lou, yah ! ha ! he dead !" shouted one of the negroes. " Makes dis child piccaninny agin to see his young missus wake 'em up so !" said Big Sam. "Mark! Mark!" "Escape!" "Escape!" Two more snipe sprung up, followed by two shots, and they fell ahead of us in the grass, and then there arose three or four together. The island seemed to be full of them, and when raised, they would dodge about m long irregu- lar circles, calling up others from the grass, until they collected in whisps above us, and bore away to some -adjoining islands. It was difficult to keep the line regular, for the negroes were full of excitement in picking up wounded birds, and seeing others spring beside them. Indeed, we THE DROWNED LANDS. 237 wanted no dogs, for every bird on the island was raised, and there was so little heavy grass we lost no dead ones. Occasionally we would start one of those heavy grey herons that frequent such marshes, flapping up heavily from the grass, and casting his keen eye back over his shoulder at the intruders; and twice we started that tiny prince of the heron tribe, the smallest and most beautiful of all the genus Ardea, called the Least Bit- tern in the books, but which the people sometimes name the Tiger Bittern, from his brindled coat and wild eye. We shot them both, and Lou, wrapping them carefully in her handkerchief for preserving, stovf ed them away in one of the pockets of her hunting josey, as she styled a close-buttening canvas jacket she wore when camp- ing out. At last the point of the island was reached, and while the men were sent back for the boats we sat down on the beach and counted out thirty-six snipe. Takmg some willow switches, we ran them through their bills, care- fully smoothing down their ruffled plumage and washing off the occasion mud, and made as beautiful six bunches of game as ever delighted a fowler's eye. Even Mike consented to praise, with the reserving clause that we had wasted too much powder and shot on them. How graceful they looked beside the green-headed mallards, and the dusky ducks that were piled knee deep in the boats. "A glorious day, well spent," said Jackson, as the island on which we had been shooting dwindled in the ^S8 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. water, red with the reflection of the sunset, and Bonda Key oj^ened its headland of stately verdure. "Ay, it is!" responded one and all; and the boats flitted along the glassy waters side by side, the shadows fading and brightening with the glow of the sky, or the twilight of the shore, as one and then the other opened in the west. The hunters stretched their weary limbs in listless attitudes, and their heads swayed to the spring- ing motion imparted by the oar. Miss Jackson sat in the bottom, trailing her hands in the water on either side of the boat, while the oarsmen sang, with deep voices and perfect time, the great old negro boat-song : " Gen'ral Jackson migbty man, Waugh my kingdom, fire away ! Fought on sea, and fought on land, "Waugh my kingdom, fire away!" THE SKIN OF THE TIGEK CAT. 239 CHAPTER XV. THE SKIN OP THE TIGEE-CAT. " A dragon's tail -was flayed to warm A. headless maiden's heart." A NUMBER of days flew by at our island home in the simple pleasures narrated in our last chapters. The cheering cry of the hounds, as they scoured the islands, the ringing shots in the marshes, now a long exploration in the canoes through the wmding channels of the archi- pelago, and again some expedition to the uttermost keys, where the pelicans, dressed themselves on the sandy points in lines like soldiers, and strange sea-birds, excited our wonder and admiration, were the daily amusements of the party. Once in a while the members of the hunt would branch oiT, and while one party joursued the chase, another would make an excursion to the main land, or fish in the rivers. The weather had been constantly clear. One cloudless day would follow another with an exhilarating yet motionless air, that seemed as if nature had exhausted her prodigality of production, and then, breathless, had paused to dream. Once in a while Mike would disappear, and be gone 240 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. for a day or a night, but as he never made any remark on what he saw or did, no one seemed to take any note of his incomings or outgomgs. One evening, after he had returned from one of these lonely excursions, I was sit- ting by the willow copse on the shore, castmg with my line into the channel after some large fish I had noticed were breaking the- water very near the shore. The negroes were getting sujDper ready, and Lou Jackson came walking down to the beach, where Mike joined her, and they came toward the boats on the other side of the willows, and so near I could hear their conversa- tion. " Miss Lou, I've been a wantin' to see you." A pause followed. " That is, you don't see me every day." " Yes, oh ! yes ; but then it aren't every time that a man wants to see. I mean it aren't — I mean sometimes a man wants mighty bad to see some 'un, and talk to 'em, an' sometimes I want to see you more an' others." " Well !" said Miss Jackson, moving on slowly toward the boat-landing. " End ef I was the Doctor, I could say anything, and talk right through a board fence ; he's oncommon nice at talkm', he is," said Mike, looking earnestly at his partner's face, who looked seaward, but did not reply to this expres- sion of opinion. " Thar's somethin' I want to say. Miss Lou," contuiued Mike, "end I'd a leetle reether say it to you than to any o' them folks there, for they wunt believe it, they wunt." THE SKIN OF THE TIGEK CAT. 241 "Well, Mike, what is it ?" " Wall, it's this hyur ; you'd better get yer father to quit that plantation of his, and move up the country a leetle, or else down to Tampa, fur things ain't all right 'bout hyur." " "What is there wrong?" "Wall, there's somethin' wrong with them copper- head snakes, the Injms. Yer can't see it yet, but things amt right, and yer all so far away from everybody at the house that no one kin help you. Yer negroes aint worth nothin' of any 'count in case of difficulty, and yer father amt over liked in the swamp. Thar's nothin' wrong yet, and may be won't be at all, but they are jist like painters, and yer don't know where to find 'em." " Why, what have you seen wrong ?" said the young girl, stopping by her boat, and looking at Mike inquir- ingly. " Kary a tlimg, only them fellows have been down here, and I don't Hke it," " But they come to the house, why not here ? You are harsh in your opinion of them." " Because they have nothin' to call 'em here. They've been about without showin' themselves, and that's sus- picious. They knew we were here, for they can see our trails all about, yet they didn't stop, and they tried to leave no trail themselves, and that's a bad sign. 'Twunt do any good to say so to your father, but you kin make him do what's safe, end so I tell you." " Thank you, Mike. I believe you know better than 11 243 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. any one about such things, but I do not believe father would leave now, and I can't make him without a stronger reason than you have given." " Wall, look out ; and the time to look out is jist when everything is oncommin pleasant, for that's the blind with these sarpcnts. Thar's somethin' else I want to say, Miss Lou," continued Mike, after a pause. Miss Jackson looked at the hunter as though inquir- ing his wishes. She leaned against the prow of the canoe that was hauled up on the beach, but did not say a word. " Wall, I was goin' to say that — that — wall, thar haint been many Tiger-cats in Floridy, and ef thar hadn't been any^ I reckon I would hev got that one fur you, fur you know that ef a man — ef a man likes anybody — as much as" — Mike here made a long pause. Lou Jackson had gathered up her cloak from the boat that she had ap- parently come down for, and turning slowly toward tho tents, seemed moving away. " Don't go yet. Miss Lou," said the hunter, beseech- ingly. '•' I am in a great hurry," said the girl ; which, if so, was the first time she had been in a hurry since coming to the island. " Wait one minute," besought Mike, brushing his hand across his forehead ; " here's the Tiger-cat skin you once said you wanted," unfolding, as he spoke, from under his hmiting-coat, the flowing robe of an animal gracefully THE SKIN OF THE TIGEK CAT. patched with yellow and black. " It's tanned as soft as store-goods," he continued; "I shot it this day two weeks, and an Injin woman tanned it for me." *' Thank you, Mike ; that is the prettiest skin I ever saw," leaning her face down until it was hidden in the glossy folds of the robe. " "Wall, it is ; but I wish it was a heap purtier for you." Miss Jackson moved on toward the camp slowly, but Mike stood with his hand leaning on the prow of the stranded boat. She had gone a few steps, when, con- scious that he was not following, she said : " Come and see hoAv they will admire it at the camp ; that is the greatest trophy of the year !" " IInTo, it isn't no trophy," said Mike, in an extenuating tone, not moving from kis place ; " it is the best I had to give you, Lou Jackson. I'd give you anything you'd ask fur." His deep voice quivered as he spoke. "Thank you, Mike, thank you!" said Lou, turnuig hastily to the hunter and seizing his hand, " it is every- thing I want !" and then as hastily dro^Dping it, as though frightened at her own eagerness, she walked rapidly toward the camp, bearing with her the skin, and leaving Mike standing by the boat, mth his eyes fixed on her receding figure. His stalwart frar^e was bent, and with the breech of his rifle he ground a hole in the heavy sand. A dog, one of the w^andering curs from the camp, coming to the water's edge, set up a doleful cry near him. 24A WILD 6P0ETS IN THE SOUTH. *' Shut up, lliar, or I'll send a ball after you, and let tlie bark all out the wrong way !" he said, and tossing his rifle in the hollow of his arm, strode away down the bay. The words that he had been pondering over, it may bo for months, had remained all unspoken ; the very robe that he had taken, with leagues of walking and weeks of waiting, that he had ornamented with all the taste of the woods, had only procured him a moment's gratitude, and the bold heart that for years had been unmoved by a life of peril, by ceaseless nameless dangers, by night and day, was frightened into hesitation and silence by a young girl. The sun had gone down, the shadows lengthened on the long sandy reaches ; it grew dark almost in a moment. Mike disappeared in the dusk, while from the knoll where the fires were lighted Lou Jackson was watching the way he went. SFPPEE. 245 CHAPTER XVI. SUPPER. La decouverte d'un mets nouveau fait plus pour le bonheur du genre humain que la decouverte d'une 6toile. — Brillat Savakin. Who is there, accustomed to American rural scenery, that cannot remember the summons that calls to dinner at the country farm ? A stout housewife, when the sun- dial points to noon, walks out on the lawn, among the inverted milk-pans, where lies the house-dog stretched under the locust trees, and, turning her face toward the harvest-field gives a long, winding blast on the horn that wakes the echoes down the orchard, and over the meadow, and all along the hills, calling the farmers to their noontide meal. The watch-dog howls at the sum- mons, and the workmen by the brook, and in the sultry grain, toss their cradles by and turn homeward, the heavy oxen saunter away in couj)les, and the horses are unhitched and fastened in the shade by the trough of corn. The farmer, with his stalwart sons, and "the hands," crowd into the kitchen, with their necks bare to the pleasant wind, and the sweat of their labors on their brow. The laugh is light, the Avords are gentle, for they are confined to the simple subjects of the cro23s, the 246 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. weather, and the farm news. The goodwife is at tho head of the table, and pours out the tea or milk ; the daughters sit among the men, coming and going as occasion requii-es to bring water, or bread, or pie. Their attire is plam, their manners are simple and frank. Be- fore the old man there sits a huge dish of stew ; it is made of potatoes, carrots, chicken, and large squares of boiled fat pork, and he helps it out with no niggard hand, and when he has finished his ovm portion, he quafis a huge cup of cider, and leans back in his chair with a great sigh of satisfaction, to wait till his youngest daughter, with brown hair and blue eyes, just opening into womanhood, brings his pie. The brass candle-sticks on the mantle-piece are filled with asparagus boughs, the oaken floor is pohshed with scrubbing, and the tall clock in the passage-way strikes one as the meal is ended. There is another dinner scene that may be as often re- marked in America, and equally characteristic of another class of eaters. A bell rings, or a jangling gong shocks the ear and benumbs every nerve of the back, while five and forty men rush past the waiter that is beating his brazen drum, and sit down to a large hotel table. There are spread on this table various small articles of food or ornament, such as celery, oranges, and figs, which are immediately seized, and jDresently every person who has evinced agility congratulates himself on having piled by the side of his plate a selection of these fruits and desserts. Waiters then hand every person a dish of soup, of that consistency that is supposed to be proper to nourish per- 6UPPEK. 24-7 Bons in the last stage of disease. In a moment after, the soup dishes are snatched away, and the guest is informed he can have his selection from any one of almost every kind of beast that walks the earth, or fowl that flies the air, or fish that swims in the water. Being a temperate man, he orders roast beef, and in a moment is supplied with a largo slice of overdone, brown roast beef, flooded with a light-colored gravy, a small dish of potatoes Is slammed on the table beside him, and a plate of macca- roni. He takes a spoonful of potatoes, but finds them very watery, and filled with darker colored lumps of un- mashed vegetable. He hesitates, and tries the beef; it is tasteless ; he tries the maccaroni, and small streams of water run out of the pendent pipes as from a disconnected engine hose. The bread is dry and cut in small oblong I^ieces. He wonders what there is better cooked, and if he is a stranger, he probably looks at liis neighbors to see what they are eating. The upper end of the board is occupied by ladies, that have effected their entrance to the dining-room by some side-door, and they are ar- rayed in all the colors of the rainbow, and the glitter of ornaments, and seem to be busy talking loudly and look- ing along the table. The long rows of gentlemen are busy, without the interchange of a word, eating rapidly of everything that is placed before them. While our guest is remarking these things, his plate is taken away by the waiter, and he notices the gentlemen are all eating dessert, or leaving the table, having finished their dinner. The waiter asks him what he Avill have for dessert. Ho 248 WILD SPOETS m tiie south. demands to know what there is to have. The answer is given so rapidly, it sounds as follows : "Ap pi — pi-p — mi pi — ca pi — rat pi!" The guest gets confused, mildly inquires if they have any fruit. " Yes, sah. Apple dumpling, sah." " Yery well ; I will take an apple dumpling." "Hard or soft, sah?" referring to the sauce. " Oh, soft, of course ;" referring to the dumpling. The dumpling is dashed down in front of him, as hard as a cocoa-nut, and flooded in soft sauce, while the waiter disappears down the table, gathering up the plates with a clatter, and the room is deserted by all but the wonder- ing observer, who has not yet acquired the local rapidity -of eating. Once more an American table looms up before me through the mist of hungry years, as I have seen it a thousand times. A low frame-house, with a porch half covered with the trailing arms of morning-glories and columbines, stands on a knoll of a western prairie. That prairie is browsed by deer in thousands, and game birds of the choicest kind feed on it in countless milHons. The river winds along the valley, teeming with fish, its banks margined with water-cresses and dock, and shaded with plum-trees and fruit-bearing vines, while from his cabin- door the settler can see a hundred cattle cropping the wild grass. IsToon-tune arrives, and the head of the house comes in from the ploughing to his meal, and finds the same SUPPEE. 249 food that was spread before him at breakfast, and that he will have for his supper, and has had at all his meals for a month past, so he should love it well. It consists of tea, Indian corn bread, and fried pork. The pork is cut in small slices, and fried until quite brown, and the bread is sopped in the gravy. There is no attempt at grace of service to make amends for the rude cookery, no white cloth to hide the table, no dainty pat of butter on a grape leaf, such as tempts the eyes as well as the palate in the Tyrolean chalet ; but it is the plain simple medicine to cure a hungry stomach, administered with- out any sweetening. The refinement of a family is nowhere so quickly seen as at a table, and nowhere do men's sensual selfish instincts become more prominent. There is the centre of the family after the day's wandering, there its first meeting after a night of forgetfulness ; there we give hospitality to the stranger, there the tongue is loosened, the wandering thoughts called back, and the heart is warmed into expression by generous wine. The feasts of LuCuUus wQve celebrated for their Tvit, according to the fashion of the day, and the simple suppers at the Mermaid were the signals for the intellectual tournament of England's greatest minds. " He has eaten with me," is the Arab's talisman to protection, and the Christian has made a supper the emblem of his religion. Then what constitutes a supper, even the simple half of a meal, being the food and its preparation, apart from its physiological bearings, is worthy of thoughtful study. 11* 250 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. As to that other half of a dmner, the people that are to sit around it, they being chosen only on festive occasions, to them I do not allude. Equally unportant to a man's physical being, as to his moral health, is the character of his food. It may be insufficiently cooked, crude, and indi- gestible ; it may be overdone, sodden and heavy ; it may be dried to a chip, until the nutritive juices are evapo- rated, or it may be fried to an oily mass that requires the strongest stomach to analyze. Then, again, the food that was originally am]Dle and rich may be so wasted by the culinary process, that what was once abundant is prodigally reduced. One or the other of these faults universally affects nearly every dish that is placed on the American tables. To avoid such evils, and cook suffi- ciently without wasting, and in the most economical quantities, is a high art of life, and one of the simplest and most overlooked. It is slighted by the intelligent, and left in the hands of the ignorant, and those whose duty it was to govern are punished in health and pro- perty for their own neglect. Almost every one can remember having eaten of simj)le meals that were as good as any king's ; sometimes they were found at a pri- vate table, where white hands, that were dear to him, have spread the cloth ; sometimes they have been served in some out of-the-way Gallic auberge, when the hungry traveller was even doubting if in a place so destitute he could find anything to eat ; and again it may be, they have been spread in that chief of all hostelries, that reck- less home of self-reliance, the camp beneath the green- SUPPEE. 251 wood tree. Oh, dear beyond all cafes^ and green wlien Vcrey's shall be forgotten, is that spreading blanket- cloth, those bark platters, and flashing tires, by which so many meals have been cooked and heartily eaten. Don't laugh. Epicurean, who reads these lines in a big city, where for years fancy cooks have manufactured spiced dinners at Midas prices, and do not say it was only the appetite, and not the dinner, that was marvellously good. Though it is easy to cook when you have skillet and spi- der, bake oven and basting spoon, griddle, pan, sauce- dish, pot, skewers, rotary jacks, earthen dishes, and a double acting patent kitchen range, yet still there are more good meals cooked in this world without them than with them, and this reminds me of the last dinner we had at our camp on Bonda Key. There had been a long hunt that had lasted from' day- break till almost sunset, and v\'e were tired and hungry, and a certain feeling of approaching separation had come over us that made exertion necessary, and so we went to work with a will to cook a good meal. It is true, our utensils for cooking were few and simple ; they consisted of one iron kettle, one tin coffee pot, and a dozen tin cups — a small hatterie de cuisine for a legitimate cook, but they were ample for us. The fire had been burning for a week, and thus there were plenty of hard coals. The material consisted of some Indian meal, bear's meat, venison, wild ducks, wild turkey, red-fish, turtle eggs, and 6nipe. The cooks were Mike, the Doctor, Lou Jackson, and myself; the scullions were all the negroes of the island. 252 WILD sroETS in the south. " Poke, you attend to the birds, will you ?" I said, handing over a bunch of snipe that Rose had just picked as clean as apples, and that were all nicely drawn, and had their bills stuck in their breasts as tliough trying to plume their lost feathers. "]^o*s«>," replied the Doctor, emphatically; " ««y body can cook snipe, I am going to attend to the side dishes — les entremets^ vol-au-vents^ and the ^:>c^^e5." " Nonsense ! there are no side dishes, and plenty of substantial food that can be roasted," interposed Jack- son. " Yes, yes. Doctor, give us an entremet. * Of candied apple, quince, and plum, and gourd, With jellies soother than the creamy curd. And lucid syrups tinct with cinnamon.' " " Wait awhile," said the Doctor ; " I mil show you a dish that will make you forget poetry." As he selected a couple of flat stones, and commenced pounding up some biscuit that were so hard they had been declined by all the party since the conmiencement of the hunt. " You, Sam, bring me a fork," said Jackson, as he approached the fire with a square of the loin of bear's meat, nicely cut for roasting. The fork was produced, which was a stout branch of green wood, and carefully pushed into the sand at such an inclination that the meat would be between the fire and the wood ; the roasting piece was carefully impaled thereon, and in a Httle while suppEK. 253 was hissing away before the heat as musically as if in a Dutch oven. Mike had, in the ineamvlule, plucked a pair of young black ducks, fastening their wings to their bodies with httle sassafras skewei-s so they should not get burned, and tying them by their legs to long strings, hung them near the fire on high sticks. They looked like bales of cotton, or hke horses when they are suspended by tackles to be hoisted on shipboard. The strings being then tightly t^visted, gave a rotary motion to the birds that presented every side equally to the fire, and j^revented them from burning. A few fragrant leaves, and a dozen oysters bemg stufifed in each one, answered in the place of dressing. Lou Jackson prepared the corn-bread as only a South- woman can, and it was laid on a flat stone that had been carefully selected, and had served for this purpose for several previous dinners, and it would have been a plea- sant amusement to see the white dough gradually becom- ing mahogany brown before the fire, had we not each been busy with the more delicate duties of the kitchen. I made the boys cut some long wooden skewers, and Rose, having cut a deer's liver in small square pieces, an inch in diameter, we impaled a half dozen of these little cubes on each skcAver, and stuck them up before the fire at a safe distance from the coals. A piece of bear's fit of the same size as the piece of liver was stuck on the top of each skewer, so that as the heat of the fire gradually 254: WELD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. melted it, the liver was basted by the dropping fat, with- out any further attention being needed. Next a redfish, with its scales left on, but carefully drawn, and wiped dry, was rolled in green leaves, and buried deep in the hot ashes. Poke, by this time, had comj^leted his ship-biscuit powder, and been to the beach with Pompey Duffield Sah, from whence he returned with two large bivalve shells, resembling gigantic clam-shells, which had been left by the waves on the beach, which he carefully washed, and greased with bear's fat, and then sprinkled with his ship-biscuit powder. " That a poultice you are going to have there. Doc- tor ?" said Jackson. " Ko, gruel," I suggested. Poke maintained a scorn- ful silence, contmuing his labor and making another trip to the beach with Pompey, from which^they came with the tin pan full of oysters, which he proceeded to divide equally among his four half shells. When the shells were full, he sifted the balance of his ship-biscuit over them, and placed them in front of the fire. "Scolloped oysters, by the moustache of Soyer ! Doc- tor, you're a genius," said Jackson. Lou Jackson made the cofi*ee by boihng the water in the tin coffee-pot, and then tying up a sufiicient quantity of ground coffee in a canvas bag, placed the bag in the pot which was kept simmering over the coals. Mike had cut several slices of venison, and laying them across two iron ramrods as a substitute for a gridiron, was caro suppEK. 255 fully watching them cook, from time to time giving the ducks a, twist, that made them revolve on their gallows like martyrs suffering two of the extreme penalties of the law at one time. Jackson set up the snipe as sentinels around one side of the fire, and the iron pot was hung over the coals, and in it was placed bits of bears' meat and venison, the breast of cranes, pieces of ship-biscuit, and all the little odds and ends of game, which, being fit for nothing else, seem especially intended for making a stew. To this was added a wild pepper or two, and some green leaves and roots that the negroes had gathered, and every time the water bubbled a savory smell issued forth that mad > one entertain a more lenient opinion of Esau, in spite of the thousands of years of misjudgment that have been visited upon him. And lastly, as a crowning honor to the meal, a pumpkin was produced; a real golden pumpkin, with its honest ochre face wrinkled into lines of swelling rotundity, and suggesting the rows of rustling corn, among which it had obtained its ple- thoric shape. The boys had brought it from the planta- tion in the boat, and though some might say " there is an article that wiJl bother these imj^rovising cooks," it was hailed with exclamations of delight and welcome. A plug was cut in its upper side, where the stalk joined the fruit, and when the piece was taken out it formed a cover to the interior cavity, to which the short stalk answered for a handle. The seeds were carefully removed from the interior, and in their place was poured as much heavy brown sugar as would fill the cavity, 256 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. when the cover was restored to its place, and the em- blem of plenty was seated in front of the coals, where his jocmid face reflected the bright flames, and the smi- mering viands that were cooking beside him with a pleasant glow, like that which shines on the countenance of an old patriarch, when do^vn the Christmas table peer the bright eyes of long lines of merry grand-children. The turkey-hen had been in the meanwhile transfixed on a stake, with its maw crammed with chestnuts, and was clucking out its despite against its warm roost, vaporing out its savory humors, while Rose was squatted behind it, screening her face from the fire with one hand and basting the bird with the other as the fire blistered its tender skin. " Now for the omelette !" exclaimed the Doctor, turn- ing away from a long survey of the various articles of food that girdled the fire ; "bring me the eggs, Sam." Sam approached vdih a grin on his face, and his hat full of soft shell turtle eggs that had been procured from the sand. " You'd better roast them in the hot sand instead of trymg to make omelette," I suggested. " Or boil them m the stew," said Jackson. " jSTo, gentlemen, an omelette soufflee I have decided upon. If you want some in the stew I can spare you six ; they will be as hard as bullets by the time the stew is done ; but I must have an omelette ; I am really suffer- ing for an omelette ; and he began breaking open the suppEK. 257 little round eggs in one of the tin cups, singing all the while, with a merry tone — " Who can help loving the land that has taught us Six hundred and eighty-five ways to cook eggs." When they were all broken he set one of the men at work to beat them up with a bundle of switches, and turned his attention to tastmg the stew, that was being seasoned from the contents of the mess-box, and tasted by all the persons who expected to eat therefrom. Each one gave his opinion, and each one was finally satisfied ; the Doctor threw in six turtle eggs for my satisfaction, and allowed an additional pod of red pepper for Jack- son's decided taste for spices, while a fox squirrel, that is a dry kind of gymnast for cooking alone, was quartered, and thrown in to complete the mess. " Round about the caldron go, In the poisoa'd entrails throw ; Double, double, toil and trouble," began the Doctor in a declaiuiing voice. " Hold your tongue, destroyer of appetites !" called out Lou Jackson ; " don't mix bad ideas with the stew ; that is worse than putting in tough meat." " Poetry, ma'am, is never out of j^lace," answered the Doctor, gesticulating with the forked stick with which he was stu-ring the stew. "Poetry is salt to life's omelette; poetry is the poor man's gold — the cofi*ee to a dinner. — ^You Sam, twist the ducks ; don't you see they've 258 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. stopped ? — ^Poetry ma'm, is suggestive of dinner and din- ner of poetry, for " When the oldest cask is opened, And the brightest lamp is lit, When the chestnuts glow in the embers, And the kid turns on the spit ; Then then the story is told, And the rhyme so bold " " Doctor, your pates are burning." " Dear me, what a miserable operation I You Sam, why didn't you see that coal snap ?" " Didn't like fur to stop maussa's speech." " Ha ! ha !" laughed Jackson, " you had better get tho plates ready, Scip ; where are the plates ?" " All here, sah," said Scipio, bringing in a dozen or more pieces of white birch bark neatly rounded and smoothed Avith the knife ; and behind him came Csesar with the tin cups all brightly scoured. Some of the men had reared a wooden table when we first came to the island ; this unusual luxury for a camp was elevated about two feet from the ground, and formed a convenient cen- tre for the family that sat around on the sand where fancy dictated. The plates were arranged on the table, one to each guest, and a pile in store for other courses, for it was a thing unknown in this camp of plenty to use a plate the second time. " Turn the pumpkin, some one ; don't you see it browning." SUPPEE. 259 The Doctor paused while measuring a handful of sugar for his omelette to see the cooking progress. Rose basted the turkey, ejaculating from time to time, "Gi, he hot." Mike sat like a. Turk on liis crossed legs, gra- dually withdrawing the venison steak from the heat, and Jackson, who never gave himself much concern about the dinners, stood overlooking the coffee-pot. It was a pleasant dinner in cooking, and when it was announced by universal acclaim that it was done, we all felt that we had earned our appetites. First came out the fish from his hot bed, a black steam- ing mass, that bore more resemblance to a sacred croco- dile embalmed in the pyramids than to an article of food ; but as one by one the wrappings of wet rags and leaves were removed, bringing with them the skin and scales, and his fishiness was gently rolled over on a piece of clean hollow birch bark and placed on the table, white, flaky, and steaming hot, a universal ha! fi-om the con- vives heralded the .success of our first course. To talk of boiled fish, where half of the peculiar flavor of a trout is left in the water, or sole au grathi that is smothered in sauce and mushrooms, is a mark of grati- tude for past enjoyments and the dinners we have eaten at Mackinaw or at Magny's, but if the nostril has ever inhaled the pure steam, the condensed just liberated essence of a cold water fish, baked in the ashes, or the tongue ever moistened under the first pure morsel that entered the mouth, he ^vill forget those artificial combina- tions that have hitherto deceived him, and believe only in 260 WILD SP0ET8 IN THE SOUTH. the simplest cooking as the best. The fish was soon dis- posed of, and Mike handed over his venison steak, hot and rare, just cooked enough to make it tender. " Ah ! Mike, you rascal, it's not the cooking that makes that venison so tender; you have had the selec- tion of the whole deer," said Jackson. " Would you have me take the heels ?" asked Mike, sarcastically. And thereupon there arose a great discussion between them as to the safest cut from a deer, as Jackson had some of the old yeoman's ideas of venery, and Mike was in no wise a stranger to this, one of the most considered arts of woodcraft. "Hi, dogs!" called Lou, as the hounds crowded around her for the scraps of venison that we had not eaten, and licked the hand that fed them. " Down, Jip ! back, Boz ! back Lady ! Bring the turkey. Rose." " And the bar," said Mike, tossing his wooden platter into the fire and taking another. "And the oysters," said the Doctor. " And some corn bread," said another. " Ho ! for a boar's head and a flagon of wine, and we Y/ould make a royal carouse !" cried Jackson. " Were we kings, we Avould not have hunter's appe- tites," said I. " And might have the gout," intimated the Doctor. The turkey was placed on the table, flanked by the piece of bear's meat, and between them the oysters, and iny brochets of liver. The corn-bread, brown and smok- SUPPEE. 261 ing, was broken up and piled on the board. And, finally, the tin pan, the only tin pan in the company, was half filled with the savory stew, and j)nt under the Doctor's nose, to his evident satisfaction, and his face broadened in spite of himself, as the delicate fragrance of venison, eggs, bird, and bear's fat, mingled with chestnuts and savory herbs, ascended to his nostrils. Hunting-knives were applied with vigor, and, after a short interval of busy silence, uiere was nothing left on the board but a portion of Bruin's carcass, the stew, and one half of the turkey-hen, and these would have stood but little chance, had not there been the remem- brance of the ducks and snipe that were still by the fire, not cooking, but just smiling, as the Doctor expressed it. The stew had been pronounced good, but not as good as it will be to-morrow morning, for a stew is like wine, and improves by keeping, and a gentle cooking, oft repeated, makes it more grateful still. "!N"ow, Doctor, -I think the time has come for the game," said I ; " don't you ?" " I do. Let the game be served," said he, with a wave of his hand. " You will have to serve it yourself, then," replied Lou. " Rose is eating among the men ; just hear them laugh !" The loud, clear notes of the other party sounded from the farther side of the fire, Avhere tliey were discoursing huge pieces of venison and bear's meat with a series of cachinnations that resembled the morning rejoicings of a gang of turkeys. ^Q2 WILD SPOSTS m THE SOUTH. *' You Rose ! the coffee !" shouted Lou ; but the girl did not hear, and Lou had to bring the coffee herself, with the Doctor and Mike bearing the ducks and the snii3e. The birds were laid out in state on bark platters, and the coffee, after first removing the bag of grounds, was carefully poured out in equal portions, in the five tin cups that ornamented the table. ^N'ow, there are variou§ kinds of wild ducks, and with- out referring one to the natural histories, under the head of Aves, the reader to count the varieties need only to recall to his recollection the various sensations received from eating them. Sometimes they have been tough — leathery tough, these were the Old-wives ; it is generally only the young wives that buy them; others there are that taste hke mackerel, these are the fishy ducks ; others that are dry, like corned beef, these are Pharoah's lean kine ; others again that are just duck, and nothing more, you would hardly suspect them, under their stufiing of acrid sage and rancid onion, to be duck — if you saw their feet, you might be positive; these were the common wild duck, peppered with shot, jammed in crates, putre- fied by time, and bought by hotel-keepers and noodles ; when cooked, they are anything you choose to name them. Another kind of duck, like those the Doctor was put- ting on the table, is a young, fat wild duck, either a Wood-duck, Teal, or Black-duck, and, as such, is peer to any game that ever feasted a hunter. It was nested in a tussock of grass, on some of the sedgy shores of the SUPPER. 263 great northern rivers, and there it lived on seed and succulent grasses, and when it made its first migration southward, it stopped at the wild rice fields that fringe the shores of the big lakes, at Sodus, on Sandusky Bay, the Thousand Islands, or the morasses of the Calumet River, in Indiana, and then for a day or so at the celery beds of the Chesapeake and Delaware, and then on the rice-fields of the Carolina or Georgia planter. It is so con- ditioned that its breast is flat, and its back is white with underlying fat, and by the color of its feet you can say it is its first winter out. Treat such a duck gently, cook him as you would roast an apple, and with no more sauce, and when he is done, not crisped like a roast pig, but gently done, bear him away from the fire tenderly as you would a baby, carry him lovingly as the Doctor carried the two that we had cooked, and flank him with nothinjr dis- cordant and gross, but with some game bird, and nothing better than an English snipe, and then thank the Lord who giveth us our meat in due season, for never since man had dominion over the fowls of the air has there been cooked a daintier dish. Two ducks and five snipe would probably be to five persons the same inconvenient animal that a goose is said to be to one — too much for that one, and not enough for two ; but then when the day has been spent in hunting in the open air, it is another matter — so we j)ronounced the ducks the best ever killed in Florida, and ate them all. " But what of the omelette ?" I hear you ask. 264: WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. Oh! ah! yes. The omelette was not what was pro- perly expected of a dish prepared with such flaming an- nouncement ; either from receiving too much sugar, or from some want of lightness on the part of the parent turtle, or from some dissipating effect of just a few drops of brandy, to give it an essence, that the head cook con- fessed to have put in it, or from some other unexj^lained reason, the omelette never souflled, but remained per- versely dense ; it might better have been called an 07ne- lette au plomh. Lou Jackson suggested that the heat had so far generated the young turtles that their shells made it tough. Others insinuated that the brandy ap- propriated for the omelette had been perverted from its use by the Doctor, and therefore the omelette grew downhearted. But it was no great loss, after all. We concluded we had eaten enough without it, and gave it up with a sly laugh at the Doctor. As the dinner progressed it had become dark, and now only the blazing fire lighted the foliage and the rippling beach, and only the faint call of the raccoon in the woods answered the heron and the duck in the marsh, and gradually we sank down to our usual places, talking in a low tone, and casting remarks back into memory, and away into the future, now telling a tale, now half singing a song, until we dropped asleep. " But what of the pumpkin ?" I hear you ask. Oh ! that we kept for the next day. HOME AGAIN". 265 CHAPTER XYII HOME AGAIN. " Be thy intent wicked or charitable, Thou comest in such a questionable shape That I -will speak to thee." Hamlet. If the reader will leave for a short time his hunting acquaintances of the Key, and visit another contemporary camp, he can see, in fancy's eye, one of the chief men that, at the date of our story, controlled the destiny of the Floridas. Halleck Tustenuggee was a Mickasukie chief of much repute, as well for his bravery and endurance as for his complete knowledge of the resources of his native land, his eloquence and his cunning in all the wiles of Indian diplomacy. Being born of the Mickasukies, the origmal OT^Tiers of the soil, and being related by marriage to the principal men of the tribe, he possessed a wide influence that was sustained by his strength and manliness of per- son. Gaily colored quills were plaited in the long black hair that fell from the crown of the head, and his costume was more uniform than that of the savages of the northern tribes, and resembled the hunting-shiit of the frontier hunter. He was six feet two inches in height, and 12 266 ♦ WILD SPOETS nr the south. slightly made, with a sullen, stolid face, that seemed in repose to be without intelligence, but which brightened into intensity when animated. Halleck Tustenuggee's favorite camp was located on the upper waters of the Ouithlacouchee Kiver, on a live-oak island that reared itself the only stable land amid leagues of morass. Here were erected neatly thatched cabins, and store-houses of food and ammunition, and here, guarded by the solitude, the quicksand, the tortuous lagoons, and the scaly reptiles of the swamj), were always to be found a merry company of little swarthy imps that played in the grass, and sober women that sat all the while with their blankets wrapped around them, as still as the dead monks in the Piazza Borgonona. No white man, it might be said without a word of exaggeration, had ever seen this island ; therefore, a per- fect descrij)tion cannot reasonably be required, and any criticism on the description, as given, will lack proof to make it effective. The buzzard alone, from his slow circles in the zenith, had marked the camp smoke, under the long-hanging moss. Only the panther, from the labyrmth of the magnolias, or the alligator under the fallen trees, heard the children's laugh, or the squaw's song to her swart pappoose. So the stores of maize and powder were never burned by the enemy, and the dried and wrinkled scalps that hung to the tent-poles, some by their silken tresses and some by their short grey curls, continued to smoke and dry in the fire-light and the sun- shine, unreclaimed and unavenged. HOME AGAIN. 267 To explain the unconquerable aversion that has always existed between the white man and the Indian on the North American continent, needs the description of many aggressions and revenges that each has inflicted on the most susceptible feelings of the other. The white man has colonized the land of the savage by suffrance, and then by reason of the necessity of his position, kept them by force. By superior foresight he has bought their peltry at trivial prices. He has imported infectious dis- eases, has corrupted with alcoholic drinks, has cut down preserves of game, has amassed wealth, and power, and space, while his simpler-minded neighbor has been stunted under his shadow. All this happens even when the rela- tions of the two races are amicable, and treaties are observed with fidelity, and the aborigine knows that, as the white man prospers he must decrease — that the white man's life is the red man's death. But the outward peace in a little while disappears. Some settlers' cattle have dis- appeared from the woods, and the Indian is cljarged with the theft ; the charge is probably true. Some brave, in visiting the settlement, has been intoxicated, and killed or maimed a white man, who has insulted him. The law claims a compensation. The law is made by the white man, who regards the Indian with contempt and dislike, and the compensation is graded by his judgment, and not by the meagre wealth of the Indian. Retaliation follows the distraining ; a foray avenges the retaliation ; then a burning village and the scalping-knife brightens the night, and brings on. a campaign that for years converts 268 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. the border into a debatable ground, like the Valley of the Shadow of Death. The white settler, at a distance from relief, and guarding his cabin only by force of arms, regards the sullen, wary, crouching foe with a bitter hatred that he bestows on no other enemy, and his hatred is handed from father to child, and perj)etuated by tradi- tion and song, and many a vacant place by the fireside. The chieftain looks back over a life of battles that were always disastrous to him, and that has left his tribe a handful of broken men, and recalls the peace that was more injurious than war, the worthless bargains, hollow promises, poisonous gifts, discordant counsels, mock cere- monies, and cloaked hatred. Little wonder is it, then, that when some chiefs of shrewder foresight than others come to power among the Indian tribes, they form combinations, recount their wrongs, and, urged on by the national enthusiasm, make one bitter burst for revenge and immortality ! Such a chief was Halleck Tustenuggee, and such was the history of his jDcople ; and the settlers on the Gulf and the ver- dant bottoms of the Suwanee remember his last charge, so unexpected and so bloody, as the fishermen of the Mexican Gulf remember the tornadoes that come out from the south in the middle of the summer afternoon, and go wailing and wrecking all that was basking in the tropical stillness. Tustenuggee had consulted with all the divisions of the Seminoles. Runners had come and gone, some in canoes and some on foot, to all the different outlying parties. HOME AGAIN. 269 The women had been removed to the recesses of the swamps, extra quantities of lead and powder had been l)urchased, a census had been made of all the white inhabitants residing on the debatable land, and the forces had been appointed so many braves to each de- partment ; at the same time, no change in the demeanor of the red men marked their determination ; they came and went the same as before, and bartered and hunted without a word of mistrust or dishke. The very day had been fixed, and the hour ; and that night, while the laugh was so loud by the camp-fire at Bonda Key, and while soothed by the murmurs of the sea, we passed away to the land of dreams, the red eye of Indian warfare was on us all the while, and we knew it not. While we were cooking and eating our meal, and when we laid down to sleep, a tawny figure was turning its basilisk face toward us from a clump of thickly clustered trees that grew some fifty yards from our tents. It could not be seen in the shadows, and the land breeze that blew from us to it prevented the dogs smelling it, and giving indications of its presence. No motion attested weariness, no sound betokened its cat-like arrival. It was the skeleton at the feast. As the morning warmed the east, the figure melted away with the wan colors of the sky, and when Mike left the camp to loiter around, for his usual morning walk, he found the dew disturbed on the grass, and following the slight trail, he carried it to the edge of a bayou, where he noticed the rushes were divided as though they had 270 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. been bent by some body passing through. As he watched them carefully they still arose, closing more and more of the opening, and regaining their erect posi- tion, showing that whatever had disturbed them, had but just departed. The hunter surveyed the whole bay and the opening bayous with a careful eye, and then fol- lowed back the trail to the clump of trees where the scout had spent the night, and examined the place carefully. He then made several casts around the camp, each one of greater circuit, examinmg as he went every indication of the presence, during the night, of any other person, and finally returned with his measured tread, and took his accustomed place by the fire. From the survey he had made, he knew there was but one Indian on the island; he knew by the track, the new footmarks overlapping old ones, that the Indian had come and gone in the same direction. He knew that he was there to watch the hunting party, and for no other reason ; and by the matted grass in the thorn bushes he knew that he had passed the most of the night in the same place. It was no straggler, for he had an object; no hunter, for he was without dog or comrade. What- ever Mike's reflections were, he kept them secret, and smiled at Lou's jests and chatted as quietly with the Doc- tor, while he superintended the loading of the boats for the return trip, as though he had not left the camp. The tents were struck and packed, our few skins and trophies were stowed away in the canoes, and when we had finished a hearfy breakfast, and Rose had cooked HOME AGAIN. 271 sufficient venison and corn-bread to answer for our din- ner, Ave embarked and started once again for Far Away. Mike had given directions at starting as to the course we were to take, and himself led the way. This was not the same route we had taken in coming, but deflected very much to the southward. Soon the island on which we had passed so many pleasant days, was blue in the distance, and I emded the pelicans that were sitting on its sandy point, careless denizens of a happy land, to whom time brought no necessity for change, and who only migrated at their pleasure ; until a headland of water-oaks shut out my isola-bella, and the boats wound in among a group of islands that hid us from any view but those of the shores that immediately surrounded us. Mike's canoe, that led the way, paused for a moment, and as we rode abreast he spoke to Jackson, who was with his daughter and the Doctor, and asked them to row on slowly with the other boats through the channel that opened ahead, and await his coming in the first broad piece of water they came to. The boats all passed on, but Mike, who was paddling alone with Scipio, immediately turned back and ran ashore on the low island that had shut out our view of Bonda Key. Land- ing on the beach, he bade Scipio wait, while he crossed over the narrow point of the island, and standing among the heavy moss that reached down from the trees, narrowly scanned the open water beyond. Bon- da Key exposed its full length of blue ; beyond wero 272 WILD SPORTS IN" THE SOUTH. Other lesser sandy keys blinking in the sunshine ; nearer, the low tangled islands upreared their winter verdure, save when the magnolias or j^ines interpersed their green domes, or the gaudy creepers blotched them with scarlet. Long flocks of ducks crept along the horizon, or swam in nearer clumps ; but it was for none of these the hunter ^v•dB watching. At length from behind an island, that had momentarily hid the view, a canoe, impelled by a single paddler, glided over the water, apparently making for the place where the hunter stood. Mike returned to his canoe, and j^addled to the point of the island where an old tree, undermined by the water, had fallen over with its load of vines and moss, and then pulled his boat under its shelter until it was completely invisible from any spot but the water in front. The canoe that was approaching from beyond soon reached the end of the island, on the side opposite to the one where Mike was concealed, and a young Seminole stepped to the shore, and crouching on one knee, cautiously peered around the pomt. A moment's survey satisfied him, and return- ing to his canoe he paddled on as rapidly as before, and turning the point of the island continued his course down the channel where our boats had passed, and where Mike lay concealed. He was dressed in buckskin breeches and moccasins ; a belt supported a heavy hunt- ing knife, while the upper part of his body was com- pletely naked. His head was bare, and a daub of scarlet paint ornamented each cheek and either breast. His blanket lay beside Imn, and with his eye fixed on the HOME AGAIN. 273 winding channel ahead, he was paddling rapidly past, when Mike, with a muscular push against the overhang- ing tree, shot out into the lagoon so far that the two canoes floated almost side by side. In spite of his train- ing and his stoic blood, the Indian was startled, evincing his surprise by a quick motion and an aspirated ejacula- tion, as his hand involuntarily laid hold of his gun. Scipio was paddling the canoe, and Mike's rifle was lying across his knee, while with an appearance of most simple assurance, the hunter said : " Good morning, brother, were you looking for me?" " No — yes " — replied the Indian, too much taken by surprise to collect his thoughts immediately; "I saw canoes ahead, and I like company." " My brother been to the Keys hunting ?" continued Mike. The Indian answered by a nod of assent, a gesture that he hoped, the hunter would believe. " And is now going up the river again ?" " Yes," replied the Indian, willing to favor the fii'st supposition. "Then we go together," said Mike, propelling his canoe a little forward in the direction the Indian was going. " Yes, but I am tired with much rowing, I will not keep you back," answered the savage, evasively. The boats now lay side by side, and Mike, with his rifle in his hand, deliberately stepped from his own canoe 12* 274 • WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. to that of the savage, saying, as he did so, " Ingin Mike will help his brother paddle his boat if he is tired." A keen glance and an impatient look proclaimed how much the Seminole was averse to this polite offer. His eye roved around the bayou as though expecting some treachery, and then rested on Scipio's face and his mus- ket that lay beside him. There seemed to be no help for him, and if he had any suspicion as to Mike's inten- tions, he could not confirm them from anything he saw in the sun-browned face that confronted him. His hand left his gun, and the ill-assorted couple commenced pad- dhng down the lagoon, while Scii^io followed behind, his white teeth glistening as he laughed at intervals a low laugh, with a chorus of words and pectoral chuckles. The surprise of our party was most unqualified as the strange boat paddled out from the winding lagoon to the open water, and took its place in the rear of the little squadron. The negroes eyes opened with a language of ejaculation that was louder than words, and Jackson eyed it as a mallard drake would stare at a cormorant who should dare to sail in among his brood. IS'othing, however, was said of our visitor, though from front to rear were passed many covert jokes at his expense. We kept on our course industriously, and by noon were all in the mouth of the river, and stopped for our lunch and a little rest on an island, the smallest of a group of three, that lay side by side. Jackson wanted to stop at a larger island that we had just passed, but HOME AGAIN. 275 Mike said that a little island, with good company, was better than a large one Avith bad company, and so we complied with his wishes, though not knowing what he meant. The unportant feature in our lunch was the pumpkin that had been cooking all the previous night, and that had been carefully carried in Jackson's canoe. As Rose brought it up from the boat on her head, the Doctor smiled, I laughed, and Lou looked eagerly forward, as a child looks at an unopened Christmas box. "Take off the cover of Pandora's Box, Lou," said the Doctor. " It won't come off, it's glued fast," said Lou, tugging at the stem. *' Give me a chance," said Jackson, aiming a blow at it with his hunting-knife, which did not produce any impression on the shining surface. At length by the aid of a hatchet, it was split opeii, and the interior revealed itself to our admiring eyes. The pumpkin had baked soft, and imbibed the sugar melted by the heat, and candied in irregular shaj^es, like the interior of a crystallized rock hung with brilliants. The steam was pendent from the sides in drops, and a breath of sweets exhaled when opened that carried one's mind back to the dinner-basket of childhood, and as each one of the party jDossessed himself of a piece, and sat munching away, we must have looked like so many mon- keys regaling themselves in a melon patch. I becamo poetical and repeated Whittier's lines. 276 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. "Oh fruit of loved boyhood! the old days recalling When wood grapes were purpling, and brown nuts were falling, When wild ugly faces we carved in its skin Glaring out through the dark, with a candle within." Jackson became disgusted with the rhyming. An hour's rest and we were agaui on our course, Mike all the while in the Indian's canoe, and leading the van. The wild fowl were numerous along the river, though we did not stop to shoot, partly because we were loaded with game and partly because Mike had requested us not, though he would give no reason, briefly saying, in reply to our questions, " It's a leetle better to travel fast and hunt slow than it is to travel slow and hunt fast." Large flocks of ducks were all the while being driven ahead of the boats, flying short distances each time they got uip. Flamingoes and cormorants were winding from point to point, and knee-deep in the tide great blue herons waded, and snow-white cranes dressed their plumage. As vista after vista opened around the bends of the river, or up the lateral lagoons, new forms and colors opened to the eye. There the stately cypress trees stood in the water, like the pillars of a rustic Venice, and the mound-like cones their roots threw up extended all across the basin ; while above, the swinging vine had caught its tendrils in the opposite tree, and thus back and forth festooned a Yojul 2:>orte-cocMre to nature's mansion. On the other side, a fallen tree shut in an open passage and formed foothold for brier and creeper, and vines that aspired to the highest pinnacles of the forest and bowed the trees HOME AGAUSr. 277 with their passionate embrace. The lunge of the alliga- tor, the cry of the bittern as he rose from the reeds, the scream of the fish-hawk, circling in the air, and chasing the tern, seemed fitting music for so strange a scene, and soothed and interested the mind, while the low song the oarsmen sung did not disturb the ^dld inhabitants of the air, or mar the unity of the scene. The river grew familiar, and Lou Jackson recognized remembered trees and openings, and soon we saw ahead of us the bluff that marked the landing at Far Away, and then the logs that formed the rustic wharf, and then the seat under the oaks, and then we landed once again on familiar ground ; and leaving the boys to " tote the plun- der," wound our way up the hill toward the house, Jack- son taking the lead. The young Indian seemed to have made up his mind to accompany us, if not pleasantly, at least without any manifest reluctance, though I noticed Mike was always by his side. As we mounted the hill I looked for the flock of sheep that usually fed on the bluff, but they were not there, though in a moment we passed one of the wethers dead by the side of the path. Before I could remark upon this, I heard a cry ahead from Jackson, and hastening forward we saw the cabin was not there, but a pile of of ashes that w^as drifting hither and yon by the wind, and a column of smoke, that ascended from the ruins, marked the place where it stood. The sheds were burned, and the sheep pen. The little kitchen, where so many pleasant dinners had been cooked, was gone. 278 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. There was no voice or sound, no neigh of horses or bark of dogs, or bleat of sheep. The only li\'ing thing there, was a group of buzzards that, heavily gorged, flitted up on the stones that formed the chimney. Looking to where they arose we saw a naked body, half-eaten and scalped. It was Aunty Blase, the old cook. Her eyes were j3rotruding, her bare teeth were grinning at the spectator, and by her peeled skull, we knew who had been the visitors at Far Away. After the first cry of horror that escaped Jackson's lips he turned around to Mike, and his eyes fell on the Indian prisoner, who had taken advantage of the sur- prise of the party to gHde away among the trees. "Hound of hell!" shouted Jackson, "I know your work," and he levelled his rifle at the Indian, who was bounding away down the glade. A mocking cry answered the shot, and the spy disappeared in the woods. " After him !" called Jackson, startmg in pursuit. " Hold thar, hard !" exclaimed Mike, springing after the planter and taking him by the shoulder. " You'll lose your own har in thar and won't git his'n. Besides, I'm of the 'pinion that the sooner we get m fightin' trim, the better for us. Them sarpents has made a clean sweep and thar is nothin' more for 'em to do here ; and so I reckon they've gone arter us to the Keys." Mike spoke earnestly, and Jackson stopped and returned to the rest of the party that by this time had collected together by the ruins. The negroes were moaning and making a noisy lamentation over the HOME AGAIN. 279 remains of Aunty Blase, rocking themselves to and fro, and throwing their hands up and down. The Doctor was examining the wound on the poor old negress with a professional eye. It was the first time he had ever had the opportunity to see this style of dissection, and Lou Jackson sat down on a log and wept as if her heart would break. Aunty Blase had been a friend of many years to her, and had baked the cakes at the feasts that yearly honored her birth, and many a time had slyly cooked favorite dishes for her young mistress. It was no wonder then that Lou felt as though she had lost an o^nt in reality, and not merely a dependent. A short consultation was had. Mike detailed the fact that the young Indian that had accompanied them back had been watching their camp last night, and stated his behef that he was there for the purpose of informing his tribe of our movements and of our return, in order that they might be prepared to surprise us, either at the camp or on our w^ay back ; that his unexpected caj)ture had frustrated the plan, or delayed it, and that there was no time to be lost in getting into a more open coun- try, if it should appear, as he suspected, that there was a general rising of the savages along the coast. The rea- sonmg was so correct that it was immediately adopted. A shallow grave, hastily dug, preserved the remains of the old cook from the buzzards, and a short survey and a " huUoo " satisfied us that the few other people that had been left behind had been carried off by the savages, and then with the goods we brought home, we hurried 280 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. back to the boats, and iii a few minutes were speed- ing down the river. No song of oarsmen now ; no laugh or jest ; it was the hurried exodus from impending fate, " and the boldest held his breath for a time." Tustenuggee the Mickasukie chief, now commanding a band of the Seminoles, at the time of the return of Jack- son's family, was lymg with his men m one of the little elevations that raise themselves from the swamps, on the upper shore of the Ouithlacouchee, where he had retired after the sack of the plantation house, to wait for the return of those whose unexpected absence had deprived him of half his revenge. Among the spoils he had car- ried away from the last night's sacking was a case of spirits that had created a debauch in the savage band, and from the chief to the youngest warrior, they had all succumbed to its influence, and passed the day in alter- nate riot and stupor. But when the scout who had been sent down the river to watch the hunters, and whose fleetness of foot had saved him from Jackson's vengeance, arrived and told of the return of the party, the chief was immediately aroused, and shaking off his sluggishness, hastened to take such steps as were necessary to secure his prey. Runners were sent out, some to the site of the despoiled house, some to the river, and some to the country lymg north of the river, and through which the settler's family would necessarily have to travel, if it sought to escape by land to the upper settlements, that at this time were but sparsely settled, in the direction of Pensacola. HOME AGAIN. 281 Hardly had the different scouts been sent on their errand before one came hurrying back with the Avord that the boats were descending the river again, and, hke a j)ack of dogs on a fresh scent, the whole band hurried down to where a j^oint ran out into the river. They leaped from root to root, and crossed the marsh where a hare would have floundered m the mud ; they swung themselves, by hanging vines, over deep pools of black water, and their tawny bodies as lithe as the copper-head snakes that slid from the logs they trod on, appeared and disajDpeared through the tangled woods until they at length reached the -point of land around which the boats were sweeping, impelled by four oars each, and keeping well out in the river. Tustenuggee w^atched the flotilla commg with an eye that would have transfixed a lonely ti'aveller, so much had it grown and brightened by excite- ment. He knew his prey was escaping, for it would be a long shot to those canoes, and no matter how strong his own force, he would be unwilling to hazard an open attack on sixteen men as accustomed to the rifle as those before Mm, and one of those Ingin Mike, whose prowess all knew and feared. The Indians were careful not to be seen from the boats, and crouched down behind any cover they could find, hoping that some of the canoes might approach near enough to afibrd them a shot. But Mike, who led the fugitive fleet, Avas too wary for that, but inclined the boats away from a pomt that he was conscious might afford a cover to a foe, and nearer the low timber that, growing in the water, would form 2^82 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. but a poor footing for an ambuscade. The negroes bent to their oars, and the boats skimmed fast, making the curve in beautiful order, and had entirely passed the point, when the shrill report of a dozen guns sounded on the stillness of the forest, and the water near the boats was spattered by the bullets. Then followed the tremu- lous, fierce, prolonged war whoop, and as it died away, Mike's tauntmg answer, with a gesture of derision, came back. Two or three of the savages had not fired with the rest of the band, but had reserved their shots for a better opportunity. The opportunity came as the last boat, steered by Jackson himself, swept down with the tide. He had seen the futility of the preceding discharge, and regarding the boats as entirely out of range of the guns, had rather cut the segment of the semicircle than followed its outer curve. As he came opposite the point two guns were discharged almost simultaneously, and at the report Jackson dropped his steering-oar, and raised his hand to his side. A taunting cry was echoed from the shore, and a num- ber of the Indians ran out as far as they might come, mocking the fugitives, and delighted at the apparent effect of their shot. Jackson raised himself up, stagger- ing, and attempted to bring his rifle to his shoulder, but could not ; he spoke to Lem, his favorite servant, who put his arm around him, obedient to his master's com- mand. " Way enough, boys," he called out in a low voice. The men paused on their oars, Jackson's lips com- HOME AGAIN. 283 pressed as the rifle came to his cheek, and at the sharp report, one of the two Indians from whom the last shots came, tossed his arms in the air and fell from the bank where he was standing with a splash into the stream and swirled oiF with the black water. *' Ha ! ha ! ye black devils," laughed Jackson, sinking down in the bottom of the canoe from the arms of the boy that was holding him. " Oh, maussa ! you hurt ; dear maussa, speak, maussa !" cried Lem, kneeling over the planter, and unbuttoning his vest. The wounded man looked fixedly, and a guttural noise came from his chest at every breath and a perspiration dampened his iron grey locks. The boat, unheeded, turned and drifted with the tide, and Mike's canoe, in which Lou Jackson was riding, seeing something wrong, waited till we came up to them. " Father," said Lou, as the canoes swung together, speakuig in a low, hurried voice, " I am here, your daughter, Lou." Jackson did not speak, though he looked shoreward with a wandering eye. "Dear Father! God is good; he will not do this! speak to me, say it is not so !" Jackson's lips moved, we listened, and low and faint, we heard a nursery prayer : " Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep," and then some words indicating that he was thinking of 284 WILD SPOETS m the south. home and the garden walks. The stern heart was re-» tracmg hfe's steps agam ; it saw its childhood's home on the Altamaha, it heard its mother's lullaby, the evening prayer, it felt the good-night kiss, and smiled. The dangers around were forgotten, the war whoop that was sounding mockmgly along the shore was unheard, Jack- son had retraced hve's voyage to its source, and was home again. "We all saw the relaxation of muscle that followed the last hesitating word, and knew its meaning. Lou sunk back mto her boat vacantly — listlessly staring, without a word or a tear. The negroes wailed a low cadence of sorrow gazing on their master with streaming eyes. " Wall, he's only got the start of us by a piece, it's a few days airlier or later ; but them dogs don't get his hair — that's a comfort ; and may be it'll do him good to hear my rifle crack, if he hain't gone far yet — it used to make him smile." And saying this, Mike levelled his piece at one of the savages on the shore, who were watching, in groups, our movements. At the crack of the heavy piece, that carried a ball further than any gun on the coast, an Indian in one of the groups shivered, but by holding on to a branch above him he saved himself from falling, though we all saw he was wounded. Mike put his hands to his mouth and gave the war whoop, but neither the ring of the rifle nor the wild cry of battle awoke the dead, and obeying the dictates of prudence we resumed our oars and hurried out of the river for the more open channels of the islands. THE BUEIAL. 285 CHAPTER XVIII. THiy BUEIAL. " They truly mourn who Mourn without a witness.' Baron. Death is a great truth-teller. He throws ns back on our littleness, and makes us turn about, feelmg for pro- tection, or staring for explanation of his mysteries. We see ourselves divested of reputation, of wealth, and the million little circumstances and forms that clothe us, and in his presence we stand naked to our own eyes. There is nothing m us different from the dead clod beside us, that a moment before was one of us, and that a moment hence we may be. We speak short, and only what we mean; we act fairly, and not for any appearance; we feel the stirring warnings that are of our spirit, and that are taunting our million cares for the flesh, mocking its littleness and its flickering termination. In social life, the love of self and dread of others is not shaken ofl" even at the grave. We bury our dead man with pomp and proper etiquette. There are invitations, and crape dresses, hearse, bells, monuments, criticism, and seclusion from society; even in our death we are worldly, draping the dead truth and its morals with Hv 286 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. ing fictions and fashions. In the woods death is more direct in api^roach, and you less able to shun his com- pany. There is no art to help the stricken, no luxury for the languid, no shrive for the dying. When the des- troyer has left his mark on your comrade and gone again, the open eyes gaze at you, the stiff body is in your arms ; no one speaks of it, or over it ; it preaches in mute lan- guage for itself; there is no hearse, no mourners, no newspaper article, no sexton, no rites; you and your friend are alone together — he is dead, and you are Hving. Prithee, hunter ! pray for yourself, for you know the files will crawl in and out your nostril to-morrow as they do in his to-day. The night had well set in as we again caught sight of the low outline of our camping-ground, after the hurried flight from the river with our sorroT\^ul burden. We lay oft' in the open water until Mike had made an ex- amination of the land to see that there had been no one there after our departure, and when we saw his fire-light signal we rowed to the beach and disembarked. The negroes spoke in whispers, the boats were half un- loaded, the guns carefully examined, and lay ready for use ; the very hounds felt the blow that had fallen, and crept listlessly to the fire, and laid down wondering, all save poor old Duke. Duke was a sterling dog, though somewhat aged ; his bed for years had been his master's couch, his platter his master's hand ; and now he kept by the blanket that was spread over the stern of one of the canoes, and licked a white hand that fell from beneath, THE BUEIAL. 287 and at intervals half whimpered, as does a hound when dreaming of the chase. Before establishing ourselves for the night, we made a thorough examination of the island, and j^osted one of the men on the upjoer end, to act as sentinel in case any canoes were seen, as they would necessarily have to ap- proach from that way. Then one tent w^as raised for Lou, the smoldering fire was rekindled, being first sheltered from observation by the tent, and by a screen of bushes, and we addressed ourselves to sleep, though this was done more to encourage the men to take some rest than from any desire on the part of the others for for- getfulness. Some lay down, and soon were oblivious of all earthly Troubles; others dozed, and started, and mused by turns ; only Lem, of all the negroes, seemed to keep fully awake, and his low moanings were pitiable to hear. The night was perfectly still, and the same familiar cries came from the marsh that we had so often listened to ; but now they had a mocking sound. The *' stars dreamed their path through the sky," and with the waning moon made a thin light that seemed cold and ghostly, and a mist arose from the sea — the sure pre- cursor of a storm. Mike presently left the camp, and walked down by the beach, and the Doctor and I followed him, for the purpose of talking, and arranging some plan for the morrow. "Well, Mike, what are we to do with Jackson ?" said the Doctor, after we had taken a long look at each other. 288 WILD SPORTS m the south. " Thar aren't but one home for him now ; but what's to be done with his darter ?" " Take her with us," said the Doctor. " Where shall we take ourselves to ?" I asked. No one answered, and each looked at Mike as the surest adviser. The hunter sat himself down on the sand cross-legged, in the Indian fashion, and, after a pause, said : "It's clair we aren't wanted hereabout, and it's mighty onsafe for the young woman. Thar has been a risin' of the Injins everywhere, and the only safe place for a crowd as big as our own is in the boats. The Injins wun't fight us by day ; it's only when they ketch us on the sly, fur they know they aren't a matcn for honest folks, no how. Ef it warn't fur this ere young woman, and Rose, and the boys, we might lay around and rub out some of those varmints, and like enough get back some of the people they stole from the house. But it's a mighty onsafe game to play, with a handful of niggers to bother one, and I reckon we'd best make tracks." " But where shall we turn to ?" asked the Doctor, looking around him. "Well, ef we go north, it aren't a great way to Lorenzo's clearing, but I kind o' think Lorenzo has lost his hayar night 'fore last, with the rest on 'em. The surest place would be Tampa Bay; thar we'd have the Fort, and from thar Lou Jackson could pass up to where she would." *' Poor girl ! poor girl !" said the^ Doctor. " What ia THE BUEIAL. 289 to become of her ? She seems very calm ; I was afraid she wouhl feel it more. She has not shed a tear or made a sob since it happened." " A hound don't yowl much when he's hard hurt," ro plied Mike. "What of the body, Mike?" I asked. "We must bury it some time, and where." " Them sarpents won't let it stay buried long ; they want his hayar." "You don't mean to say they would despoil his grave for his scalp ?" " I mean they are 'bout among the islands, nosing us out this minute like wolves." " Oh, Mike !" said the Doctor, looking around anx- iously. " 'Taint likely they'll find us to-night, though they know pretty much where we be ; but their spies'll be in all the passes at light to see where we go, and what we take ^\'ith us, and they'll dog us to Tampa, and ef they can't get our hayar, they'll try to get his'n. We can't carry him four days' journey to the fort." " We could bury him in the sea," said the Doctor, " and there he would remain undisturbed." " His darter wouldn't give in to that," said Mike. " How do you know ?" " Wall, I reckon." " Then how can we bury him, and when ?" " The sooner the better," I replied. " Bring him hero to-night — 'twould be least suspected." 13 290 WILD SP0ET8 m THE SOUTH. " And how hide the grave ?" " Build the fire over it," said Mike. And so it was agreed that the burial should be made in the night, and that the party should leave before light should expose their motions to the enemy. I was deputed to acquaint Lou Jackson with the plan, and to obtain her approval. I found her in her tent, that opened to the fire, half lying and half sitting against a roll of blankets. Her eyes were shut, and she seemed asleep, but when spoken to she answered without moving. I told her of our plans for the morrow. She answered in a low distinct tone, that it was all very well. I spoke of her father, and that it was necessary to have a burial so secretly as to preserve the grave from the knowledge of the enemy. She consented by a single word of assent in the same composed manner. I then spoke of its being done immediately, and asked her if she was willing. She turned in her habitual manner, as though deferring the question to some one beside her ; it was her manner of asking her father, that had always in the family been regarded as a question, and answered by Jackson without a word. Then as if recalling to her mind that there was no one to respond, she looked around vacantly with a troubled look, pronouncing the name of Mike. " Yes, child," said the hunter, bending his frame to the entrance of the low tent, and replying to the unasked question, " that's best." "Very well," she said; and seeing her indisposed to talk, I left the tent. THE BUEIAL. 291 In a few minutes the fire was removed from the spot where it had been burning for so many days, and the pile of ashes pushed aside. Then with sharp sticks for mat- tocks, and paddles for shovels, in a little while we dug a grave in the sandy soil. Four men took the canoe, cov- ered with the blanket, and guarded by Duke, and carried it up by the grave. The fire waned and flickered and the moon was nearly set. The heavy gaily-colored Indian blanket was wrapped around the dead man, and his hands were folded, " as though praying, dumbly, over his breast." Nothing was said, but the plaintive moans of the negroes and Lem's wailing cry were the only sounds of sorrow. Lou looked on with eyes wide star- ing and followed every motion of the attendants, but no word or gesture escaped her. The body was then laid in the grave, and then followed a pause ; so silently we stood, the very air in the trees seemed noisy, and the negroes ceased their lamentations and crowded round Duke, who stood at the head of the grave, looking sadly in, while his long ears touched the ground. We looked one at the other for a sign, and the dead man looked up at us from the grave. "Where now is the prayer of the living, and the hope for the hereafter ? The Doctor spoke with a voice so low, that but for the silence we could not have heard it : " Dust to dust, ashes to ashes." Then, as if seeking words to continue the service he could not remember, he broke forth in that great confession : " I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, in Jesus Christ, 292 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. 3iis only Son, our Lord." His voice, that was faltering, grew strong, the tears that were raining o'er his cheeks grew dry, and the triumph of his voice, as he proclaimed the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, was like the march of a triumphal chorus, to which all res- ponded. Amen ! Mike stepped into the grave and turned down the blanket over the face of his friend, our host and our com- rade, and laid beside him his hunting-knife and rifle — a kindly care he had learned from his Indian habits — and then the grave was filled up, all the dirt was carefully placed back, or thrown in the sea, the ashes drawn to their place, and the fire re-kindled. The boats were reloaded, a piece of canvas was stretched on poles to imitate a tent, and one canoe that we did not need was left in plain sight on the beach, with a log or two half in the water to represent the others. This ruse was done to attract and occupy the attention of the Indians, who would be searching for us the next day, and who would thus be drawn away, for a time, from our real course. There lacked about two hours to daylight when we took to the boats and called away the dogs. They all came but Duke, who still sat by the fire, until one of the negroes carried him to the boat and placed him m ; but as we started he jumped out and ran back to the spot where he had seen his master buried. The negro went back again, but the dog resisted and set up one of those long plaintive howls for which the true deer-hound is so remarkable, and which echoed from shore to shore THE BUEIAL. 293 like the call of a bugle. Lou was sitting in the boat, but at the sound of the dog's voice she sprang out, and run- ning back to the hound, threw herself down on the sand with her arms around his neck, and broke out convulsively- sobbing. It was the first tear she had shed since her father's death, and the torrent restrained was the more powerful. " Oh ! Missus ! Jesus help us !" moaned Rose, sway- ing her head from side to side. Mike rose up in his boat 2ftid looking seaward, brushed his hand across his cheek, saying : " Thar aint no show of light yit awhile." In a little while Lou came back to the boat, leading Duke by the ear, and having taken her place with the Doctor, the boats glided off into the darkness and the mist, and using only the paddles, passed like phantoms out of sight. All that night we rowed, and the next day, and avail- ing ourselves of the smallest of the open islands for rest- ing places, avoided surprise. Whether the Indians ever followed us I know not, or whether they ever found the grave of the recluse planter by the sea. I never again visited the island, and the craft and ceaseless vigilance of our guide carried us safely amid the dangers by storm and warfare that con- stantly surrounded us during the four days that were occupied in getting to Tampa Bay. The scenery we sailed along was beautiful, and from time to time we would stop to beat up an island for necessary game, but 294 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. the memory of the grave under our camp-fire, and the ever-present sorrow of Lou and her attached slaves, so abode with us that it did not seem a pleasure trip. Mike was the same regular, patient, watchful man. His eye saw everything, and a motion or a word directed atten- tion to all that was curious. His boat was constantly by the side of the one in which Lou Jackson was riding, and his voice and manner were singularly low and gentle, when conversing with her, for so rude and wild a figure. Lou was very quiet, and at night her eyes would be con- stantly wet with tears, but it was an uncomplaining sorrow to which man can add no solace, and which is only bettered by that forgetfulness that the Creator in his kindness has permitted to come over the heart of man to heal even his "deep stabbed woe." In the destruction of Far Away, Lou Jackson had lost nearly all the property of every kind that she owned. Of the twelve negro men that had accompanied us on the hunt, six only were the property of her father and six had been hired, and would now have to be returned to their owner at Pensacola. Lem and Rose, together with five men, would accompany their young mistress and return from Tampa Bay to St. Augustine, where her father's relatives resided, by the first vessel that could be found. This was the meagre plan that she had laid out for herself, as we sailed down the coast. At length we made the point of Egmont Island, and entering the broad bay saw once more the American flag, and stepped ashore in security under the guns of the Fort. INDIAN HISTORY. 985 CHAPTER XIX. INDIAN HISTORY. True they have vices — such are nature's growth But only the barbarian's — we have both." Byron. When Florida was ceded by Spain to the United States, in the year 1821, it was inhabited by several powerful tribes of the natives. The Seminoles, residing in the Alachua country, in the centre of the peninsula, were a branch of the Creek Indians, whose villages mar- gined the Chattahoochee River, near Columbus, in Geor- gia, and the name of Seminole, or Runaway^ originated with a secession of this branch, which occurred at a remote period. Micanoi)y was their principal chief. The TaUahassees inhabited the northern and western por- tion of the peninsula, their chief town being at Tallahas- see, the present capital of the State. Thlock-lo-Tustenug- gee, or Tiger Tail, was their head chief. The Mickasukie tribe, under Ar-pe-ik, or Sam Jones, and subsequently under an eminent warrior, Halleck Tustenuggee, had their hunting-grounds on the waters of the Ouithlacouchee, and the heavy swamps that border it. South of Lake Okechobee another tribe found a secure 296 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. home in the fastnesses of the - everglades. They were called Spanish Lidians, and their chief was named Che- Idka. The Creeks of Georgia came down to assist their kms- men in the wars that ensued, and were led by Octiarche, and subsequently by that chief whose name has added so much to the romance and dignity of the Indian charac- ter, Osceola. The whole number of Indians in Florida at this time Avas estimated at from fifteen hundred to as many thousands. To this was to be added an equal num- ber of negro fugitives from the slave States or the chil- dren of free Spanish negroes, all of whom w^ere livmg with and adopting the habits of the Indians. So wide the extent of country over which they roamed, and so inaccessible their villages, that even the existence of some tribes was unknown until after many years of war- fare. The tribes were diiferent from each other in government and location, and some of them were hostile to the others. After the cession of the province by the Spanish, the United States immediately sought to control the haughty nations that peopled the newly acquired territory, many of which had never been subject to Spam, and to induce them to cede their lands and delegate their government to the Government of the United States, upon the con- dition of protection and alliance. To this end three Com- missioners were appomted by the United States, at Fort Moultrie, near St. Augustine, in Sept., 1823, who caused thirty-five of the prmcipal men of the northern tribes to INDIAN HISTORY. 297 sign with their marks a treaty, denominated the treaty of Fort Moultrie. The first article of this treaty stated that themselves and their tribes have appealed to the humanity, and thrown themselves on the protection of the United States, *' and do cede all claim to the whole ter- ritory of Florida." The United States Government, in its turn, agreed to pay six thousand dollars in goods, and an annual payment of five thousand dollars. Immediately upon the execution of this agreement, settlers, poured in and commenced cultivating the lands relinquished by the Indians, and many quarrels as to the intrusion and the rights of person and property arose between these two classes, so antagonistical in every ele- ment of character. This difference of feelmg led the United States Government to propose, and carry into effect, in May, 1832, a conditional treaty known as the Payne's Landing Treaty, signed by seventeen chiefs, whereby the Semi- nole Indians agreed to emigrate to the territory of Arkansas, west of the Mississippi River, providing they should be satisfied with the country, after first sending some of their chiefs to examine the land, and to give up to the claimants the negroes said to have escaped. Seven chiefs accordingly went, and in March of the following year, at Fort Gibson in Arkansas, the seven chiefs ratified the Payne's Landing Treaty, and without first making a report to their tribes, made the original treaty irrevoca- ble. No sooner, however, had the delegation returned and 13* 298 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. it was told to the different tribes of Florida that they had entered into an agreement to remove, than they, without dissent, repudiated the treaty, refused to relin- quish their native land, or surrender their negro allies. They haughtily answered the different runners and Indian agents, commissioned by the whites, and withdrawing to their villages in the Cypress Swamps and hummocks, prepared to defend their homes as best they might, according to the ancient hereditary rules and regulations of Indian warfare. At a council summoned by General Thompson, when Micanopy, Cooacoochee, Alligator, and other chiefs of high renown were present, Osceola, who was then a young chief, being called upon to answer if he would sign the treaties, strode up to the table in front of the officers, saying, " The only way I will sign such a treaty is this," and drove his scalping-knife through the parchment deep into the table, while the conference broke up in confusion. The call to arms sounded through the land, the Indians pillaged the settler to obtain mili- tary weapons, and burned his cabins, drove ofi" the cattle, and waylaid the soldiers, and the United States Govern- ment threw her best armies into the country, to have them destroyed by the miasma and the Indian arrow, patiently renewing the losses in the regiments, and sup- plying millions of money for a period of over fifteen years. The amplest supplies were afforded for th^ pro- secution of the war, and the first soldiers in the country such as Generals Jackson, Clinch, Scott, "Worth, and Taylor, led the armies. INDIAN HISTORY. 299 This was the condition of Florida when in the latter part of the winter of 1840 and 1841 we found ourselves involuntary prisoners at Fort Brooke. A low octagon fortress, with a palisade in closure of sharpened timbers, situated at the end of Tampa Bay, and that formed the headquarters of the American army through the many discouraging years of the Seminole war. The temperate climate of the coast, and the com- manding and safe position of the fortress, made it a plea- sant and safe residence amid the miasma and disorders of the interior country. It was also the depot for military stores, the arsenal for ammunition, and the harbor for the gun-boats. Civilized and savage warfare here displayed their pomp and coloring in close relief. The jpainted savage, with his wives, camped daily by the walls, or traded with the sutler ; the Indian runners, who alone could thread the inner wilderness, came and went to dis- tant outposts ; and the little brown canoe of the savage, so thin in texture that a pin could pierce it, and so light in mold it left no wake in the water, floated side by side in the ripples with the heavy gunboat of the soldier, that some day was destined to rake and crush to pieces its slighter opponent — fit emblems both of the power and feebleness, of the people of which they were res- pectively the types. Fort Brooke often contained within its casemented walls other and greater contrasts, and more stirring emo- tions than the material landscape and pageantry of war and race. Here came the young recruit, emulous of 300 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. fame, with armor newly diglit, and hither returned from the cypress swamp or pathless everglade the soldier whose brief campaign sent him home womided, wasted, broken, with his weapons untarnished, save by the rust, and his glory unmade, except by his sufierings. Here fled for shelter the settler's family from then* burning home, the shipwrecked sailor from pursuing storms, and here the haughty chieftain came with his armed band, wrapped in his wrought mantle and his stoic dignity, to treat for peace or vindicate his race ; or the captured warriors in their damp prison shivered on the prison ships in sight of the warm life of their native forests. Here " talks " were had with the tribes, treaties signed, ex- peditions fitted out, forays revenged, and the barbaric life of the woods mingled and flov>^ed side by side with the chaster forms of civilization, as the Oswegatchie pushes its black current into the blue waters of the St. Lawrence, and mottles the flood with its curious con- trast. The Avar that had been waghig for over ten years through the length and breadth of the peninsula was ap- parently no nearer its termination than at any previous period. Small bands of Indians had been captured at different times, always by some ruse, and not by open warfare, and exported by ships to the far West. Several noted chiefs had been slain in defending their homes, and many villages and corn-fields been laid waste, but braver warriors seemed to take the j^lace of the old ones, and new retreats had been found in the most inaccessible INDIAN HISTOEY. 301 swamps, wherein the Indian woman might nurse her babe and till her corn-fields, while the braves revenged' their losses by some foray so distant, unexpected, and bloody, as to countervail all rules of warfare, and render useless all prevention, and impossible all redress. This was not one perpetual war, but a succession of wars, separated by treaties and truces more or less long, and more or less faithfully kept. During these truces, sutlers, relying on the promises of the United States Government, made settlements in the territory, and with the fearlessness and temerity of the American borderer, pushed their outermost farms within the lines of the Indian territory. Sometimes, under favor of a particu- lar Indian chief or band, they were protected for years, and remained safe while others were massacred. But at length some wrong done to their people would so excite the Indians that no individual favor could be a protection, and the outposts of the settlers were Avhelmed in flame and blood. Far Away had been an instance of this kind of reliance upon this most uncertain estate, and its existence had been prolonged by the hospitality of the planter ; but courtesy could not avail in the hour of general retribu- tion, and the revenge bred by years of accumulating wrongs swept over the homestead like a spring freshet. In a few days after our arrival, a government vessel, sailing by way of Key West for St. Augustine, offered Lou Jackson a passage, with her peoj^le, which she accepted, and departed, carrying Duke with her, and 302 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. leaving Mike, Poke, and myself, again to our own re- sources, awaiting some opportunity for tlie indulgence of our roving propensities. But roving propensities were now only to be indulged under military escort, or else at the risk of our hayr^ as the hunters pronounced it ; so for the first few weeks we contented ourselves with the curious scenes that were daily transpiring in the inclosure of the fort, or the most limited walks directly around the pickets. Occasionally some scout would come in with the report of a soldier, or a runner, lying dead on some of the routes, and a guard of soldiers would be sent out to bring in the body, and give it a burial in the little burying-ground that was located just beyond the picket. The sight of the revolting exhibition of Indian warfare, however, soon passed by, and we forgot the terror that environed us in our desire for activity, and the enjoyment of the sports of the chase and the observations of the varied beauties of animal and vegetable life so prolifically developed. Is it strange that, when the morning reveille of bugle and drum awoke the loud gobble of the wild turkeys not yet flown from their roosts on the cottonwood trees on Hillsboro' River, we could not resist the call, but would occasionally steal out with our rifles, "jist to clair out our shootm' irons," as Mike said. Day by day these little excursions extended themselves, and we became so accustomed to the danger, that, like the villagers that build on the slopes of Vesuvius, we had forgotten the fires beneath. A BEAR m DIFFICULTY. 303 CHAPTER XX. A BEAR IN DIFFICULTY. " Snout. 0 Bottom ! thou art changed : what do I see on thee? JBot. What do you see? you see an ass's head of your own, do you?" Midsummer-night's Dream. One morning Mike and I left the fort in our canoes, with Scipio and Caesar, to look for some game on the islands that were scattered along the beach in the many indentures of the bay to the southward of the fort. An hour or two of paddling brought us where a low island was fringed with the tangled roots of the black man- gi'ove. This peculiar tree frequents the salt-water shores, •and springs up from a multitude of roots that raise the trunk of the tree from the ground. The pendent branches then droop until they touch the water beneath, where, clasped by oysters and other parasite shell-fish, they are anchored to the earth, and, taking root, send up many shoots that thus ramify and interlace like minia- ture banyan trees. A large portion of the peninsula of Florida is fringed by this hardy hedge of vegetation. Behind a border of this kind we saw the towering forms of some gumbo-limbo trees, and the oval leaves of the sea-grape, and, finding an open place wherein to 304- WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. conceal our boat, landed and commenced to hunt down the island. It Avas early morning, and the dew was still on the grass, and the mocking-bii'd had not yet finished his matinal song. " There's a dog's track," I said to Mike, directing his attention to some footprints fairly marked on the sand ; " there may be some Indians camping here." " 'No " said Mike, following the tracks with his eye for a moment ; " a wolf." " How do you tell ?" (^ A wolf's got two long fore toes on each foot, Jd'ye see ?" pomting to the mark on a piece of clay soil, where the animal had leaped over a pool of water, leaving a deep scratch on each side that showed plainly the forma- tion of his foot ; he's gone sometime in the night ; they are great travellers, they be, and like enough he's now on Topolika River." A little creek ran into the island, containing about an inch of water at low tide, but into which, with the flood tide, fish Avere accustomed to feed, and the shores of this inlet, at its narrowest part, were strewed with the heads and tails of small fish, such as the young of bass and redfish, while the whole shore was tracked with the prints of some animal. We stopped before the signs, and Scipio, his natural instincts fully alive, exclaimed : " Gi ! dere be shocks ob coons here o' nights fishin'." A closer examination satisfied me that such was the case, and that some raccoons were in the habit of repair- A BEAR IN DIFFICULTY. 305 ing here when the tide was ebbmg, and headmg off the fish that had ascended the stream, to seize them on their return to the sea. Scipio and Caesar consulted long over the marks, with an air of much importance, and then informed us that such was " de fac'." • Moreover, ' Scipio assured me that he had seen, on moonlight nights, raccoons engaged in these industrious pursuits, and standing knee-deep in the retiring tide, using their broad fore paws for hands, scooj) out the fish, and throw them far up on the beach, while a fellow-fisher of the same family, wading down the creek from above, with splash and squeal, would drive the frightened denizens of the brook into the very paws of their cunniug foe. Cajsar indorsed the same story, which I would readily believe from the nature of the animal, but which I can- not think that Scip and CaBsar ever had the forbearance to watch, while they had the means of pouncing on the raccoons. Not far from the creek lay a hollow log that Scii^io judged might be the resort of liis friends, the raccoons, and, trimmmg a willow stick for a probe, after one or two careful examinations into the different knot-holes, he began a vigorous series of punches, while Caesar stood at the end with a club elevated to knock over the prize. Instead of a raccoon, to our great amusement, out slid a huge rattlesnake, disturbed in his morning nap, and shakmg his tail with a whirring sound, like the wing of a quail when rising. Over went Caesar in his haste to get away from liis dangerous prize, exclaiming, as he ran : 306 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. " Gorry mighty brcss us ! what for you call ee coon ? you purty nigger, dun know snake far coon!" There wore no signs of deer on the island, though quantities of birds of every description, that roosted in the mangrove bushes, and resorted to the pools and the beeches of the island for food, and made the bushes laugh with their various notes. The Key West pigeon was here, with its burnished colors, and the ground dove, with its plaintive note ; the oriole gleamed in the willows like sunrise, and the mocking-bird so peopled the bowers with his many-tuned throat that the stranger would be- lieve a hundred voices were singing at once. When, through vistas of the mangroves, we caught sight of the sea, the porpoise was rolling in pursuit of the fish on the bar, while the pelican and cormorant were follow- ing his motions in revolving circles high in the air. All created things, in their multitude of ways, were fulfilling their destiny, and each grade of life, by the other fed, ran its appointed round to make its part in the measured whole of that great cycle of animal life, of which man knows but a few members, and whose rules of revolution seem to his dull vision to be the mere instinct of appetite. " Bar !" said Mike, interrupting my reflections. "Where?" said I. " Smell him." "Nonsense!" "Yah! ha! ha! ha!" said Cassar, tugging at lihe leathern leash by which he held Mike's hound ; " Yowler smell him, too !" A BEAK IN DIFFICULTY. 307 Mike took the strap in his hands, and we silently fol- lowed the lead of the dog. In a moment we passed a tree that had been stripped of its bark for a distance of five feet from the ground, and the bark scattered all about, while the hard inner wood of the tree was all fur- rowed by the nails of the animal. " An old He," said Mike. " How do you know that ?" " The she ones are 'bout havin' young, and are hid in the big swamps," replied Mike ; "and he's a fat one ; see, his hind toe marks don't touch his front ones. If he'd been a rael lean one, they'd a well-nigh overlapped." The marks we saw soon led us to. the edge of the bushes, and then out on the open sands. We followed carefully until a roll of sand affording a cover for us, we crawled up behind it, and carefully concealing our heads behind bunches of grass that grew scattered about the summit, beheld our game in the undisturbed pursuit of his morning avocations. The surf was rolling in, and there were many thmgs lying about on the sands that had been stranded by a recent storm : here a tortoise- shell, and there a cocoanut, and further on a board, and some fragments of a vessel. Bruin was busy inspecting these flotsam that had drifted into his domain, and his manner of doing so was as follows : He would first look at the article, then smell it, then touch it with his fore paw, and then he would deliberately seat himself in the sand on his broad posteriors, with his hind legs project- ing in front, and his toes turned up, and, lifting the arti- 308 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. cle under consideration to his mouth, turn his head on one side, and try to crack it with his teeth. The inde- scribable air of burlesque gravity with which this was done made me laugh. Added to the individual awkward- ness of the animal was the fact of our unsuspected obser- vation, and the scene appeared doubly ridiculous ; and when the negroes chuckled aloud, the bear would only discontinue his investigations for a moment to take a sur- vey, and then renew them again. The cocoanut he found too hard to bite, and so, after rolling it over two or three times, threw it into the sea again. Then he examined a large tortoise-shell, and putting his claws in the side, with his arms a-kuubo,.pryed it open, to find it empty. Next he picked up an orange, and sitting down, as before, ate it with evident satisfaction, his fore paws resting durmg the time of his mastication on the toes of his hmd paws. Occasionally he would reach around and scratch himself in the same manner as a negro, whom he laughably resem- bled in very many of his manners. Presently he discovered a small cask, and after apply- ing his nose to the bunghole to scent the character of its contents set to work to arrive at the interior. But the half-barrel was strongly coopered, and in spite of bites, and boxes, and hugs without number, it remained intact, though an oily juice ran from the bunghole and smeared Bruin's paws, who eagerly licked them dry. At length, by a good deal of biting, he enlarged the bunghole so that he could get a paw in, and by this means fished out the sweets, holding the cask up with A BEAR IN" DIFFIOtlLTY. 300 one arm, and dropping the other into it, and then into his mouth, like a Uttle negro on a molasses barrel. But this mode of getting at the contents did not seem suffi- ciently expeditious to Little Tommy Horner, who, pre- sently getting up on his feet, inserted his nose in the bar- rel, and then his head. Now a bear's nose is very sharp, and goes through a small place very easily, but does not have the same iacility for coming out, OAvmg to the hair and ears being set backward, and the heavy folds of skin that hang around the neck. In this mstance Bruin made the discovery of this difference, and, like the weasel in the flour barrel, soon gave symptoms that he was fast. He began to pull back, but as he pulled the barrel came with him, until he rolled over on his back, pawing ineffec- tually with his hands at the convex sides of the barrel, which revolved around his head as on a pivot, but* would not come off. Mike smiled out aloud, and the negro yelled with laughter. The bear, hearing the sound of our voices, probably increased by the reverberations in the hollow barrel, took fright and ran for the woods, makmg du'ectly to where we were lying, and carry- ing the cask on his head like a hehnet. We could not have shot at that half-barrel, even had we been able to fire our guns, which we were not, from laughter, and therefore scattered right and left as the animal rushed up the hill ; as he crossed the conical peak he lost his foot- hold, and rolled head over heels in our midst. Then picking himself up, he started in the direction he happened to be Avhen he regained his feet, and ran directly into the sea. 310 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. This turned him about again, when Yowler, who had escaped from the negroes, seized him by a leg and forced him to halt. At this he reared himself on end, and com- menced growling and waving his paws all the time, resembling more a picture of Bacchus than a wild ani- mal. We ran down to where he was standing, when Scipio, with a blow of a club over the head, broke the barrel, scattering the mackerel with which it was filled, and released the animal from his confinement, who re- warded the negro with a blow from his paw that knocked him on the sands, when Mike and I, with a simultaneous discharge of our rifles, laid him lifeless. This was a very- large bear, and from the abundant mast still hanging in the woods, and from the quantity of shell-fish on the island, was very fat. We brought our canoe round to the beach, and in a few hours were again with our trophy safely back to the fort. HOW WE CONQUERED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. 311 CHAPTER XXI. HOW WE CONQUERED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. " but quoth he, ' It -was a famous victory.' " The winter had passed away and spring had come, opening the pyramid of silver tulip-flowers of the pal- metto royal (the yucca gloriosa of the naturalist), while we were watching a chance to leave Tampa Bay. One day the commanding officer detailed a company of men to cross over the peninsula to the forts on the other side for the purpose of keeping open the communication, and learning the situation of the enemy, as well as of the troops operating in the interior. "We accepted the chance, and the next day found us with our packs slung on a mule, two canoes for ferrying across rivers, and a company of about forty men winding through the .pine lands that lie east of the bay. There had been an old trail cut through here, marked by blazes on the trees in the open woods and here and there a log felled bridge-like across the creeks that intersected the swamps ; but the trail was only useful as a guide, although it is marked on the charts of that day as a military road. 312 WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. The dear-bought experieuce of the American troops had not been profitless, and the company we were with was as Arell organized as it Avas possible to be. The men were frontiersmen, quick in the use of the rifle, unterri- fied by the appalling sights and sounds of Indian war- fare and — what was of vital importance — accustomed to the country, and skilled in woodcraft. They could sup- port themselves, if need be, in a swamp, or build a town there without foreign assistance. The rules adopted for crossing the country were as follows : No more baggage to each man than was absolutely necessary, and this bag- gage to consist only of food and ammunition ; each man to carry his own share. One guide Avas placed ahead of the detachment about three hundred yards ; within sight of him and of the column, another. These men were the most experienced of the hunters, and generally one a friendly Indian. To their knowledge of the geo- graphy of the country the party was indebted for the directness of its route, to their quick eye for its security from ambush, and to their observation of every passing footstep on the land, marks of j^addles on the shallow bottom of rivers, or the shmy projecting logs, its acquain- tance with the movements of outlying parties of Indians, or the recent passage of friend or foe. How small these signs might be, and yet be detected, how blind and yet be read, is one of those mysteries of the woods that are ,<^sclosed only to the observant and the practised. Their very description excites incredulity. The passage of one yf these scouting parties through the Indian country Avas now WE CONQUERED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. 313 a curious scene, and impressed one mth a feeling of awe. The old tokens by the way, here a ford named after some bloody massacre, and there a little log j^en whitened by the bones of those who fell there at bay together, hemmed in by the pursuing savage, were so frequent and well- remembered, that the soldier crossed the woods with a ceaseless watchfulness. He travelled all day with his utmost speed, lest his j^ursuers might come up on his trail, and at night lay down in the darkness without his fire, that his covert might not be disclosed. The celerity of the passage was the safety of the party. Thus we crossed over to Fort Fraser, on the Hitchi- pucksasi, and two days more brought us to Fort Gardi- ner, on the ford of the river that connects two of the largest of the lakes of central Florida, Lake Kississimee and Lake Tohopekaliga. These forts were nothing more than heavy cabins built of logs, and defended by pali- sades, sometimes garrisoned by a company of men, and sometimes only houses of refuge. The one last named was in the margin of the cypress swamps, and was one of those huge shallow tarns, whose black waters, encumbered by logs and cypress knees, and encroaching mto the dense forest by interminable arms, were more intricate than the labyrinth of Crete. The Indians excelled in the navigation of these lakes. Their canoes left no trail, and they could be hovering about for weeks, without the scouts discovering their presence. If they wanted to leave, they knew of water connections through to a score of other lakes, or they could flee away to the South down the Kississimee 14 S14 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. River, to the great Okechobee Lake in the ever- glades. Some portion of the land around the fort was of the same nature as that commonly known as everglade. ProjDerly, the everglades are confined to that portion of the peninsula lying between the uttermost southerly point, Cape Sable and Okechobee Lake, a space of about two degrees of latitude, though some are found further northward. No language save that of the painter's brush can depict the desolate immensity of one of these treeless swamps. There league after league of rank grass waves on every side, unrelieved by hope, to the explorer, of ter- mination or prospect of change. Here and there a thick leafed cactus, or cabbage-palmetto, or a clump of leafless cypress, grows upward, draped in the moss the stagnant water has bred. Fallen trunks of old trees are tangled with palmetto roots beneath the grass, having drifted in the summer rains from the place where they grew, or gaunt dead water-oaks hold out their arms, from which the flesh of leaves has dropped away, or still clings pen- dent from the fingers. Strange birds fly over, screeching in foreign tongues, and trees and stumps and grass show by green deposit on their sides the difi*erent heights to which the water that floods the waste had arisen on dif- ferent months. In the dry season this broad extent of country is nearly dry. During the rainy season of spring and summer the water lies over it in varying depths from two to twenty HOW WE CONQUEEED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. 315 inches. Through the grass are seen winding channels made by the prevaihng currents and lagoons, from whose black muddy bottom grows the pond-lily and other float- ing grasses which intersect the prairie and turn back the pedestrian. It would seem as if the rolling of the sea had built an embankment of sand around all the coast, shuttinoj in this low-lying tract as does the cushion on a billiard- table, so that it could be only drained by evaporation, or settHng in the shallow lakes and lagoons. Through this Stygian pool the hunted Indian doubled and wound, or turned to strike pursuing soldier whose toilsome march he had been watching for days, or he disappeared into its mirage with his family, like ghosts, without a trail and beyond all successful pursuit. The story of this war has yet to be written. On the one side were Generals Scott, Clinch, and Worth, names that were dear to us, and millions of money, and loving chroniclers of our gallant deeds. We hunted the In- dians with troops, boats and dogs, and renegade spies crueller than the hounds, and we entraj)ped their chiefs at the council board, and broke up the organization of their bands. On the other side was a people deriving their weapons only from their foes, insufficiently provid- ed and suffering every want. They resisted our attack with patriotism and battled in swamp, and water, and reedy fastness, for thrice as many years as we were fighting the War of Independence, and no historian to record their protests, their prayers, their councils, their Bufferings, or heroic deeds. We know that Molly Starks 316 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. • were there at every battle, for their bodies lay on the field when the fight was done. Bunker Hill was repre- sented in every cypress gall. The cruel winter at Val- ley Forge they underw^ent, though their torture was the miasma and the heat. Their capitol was burned at Pa- lackhckaha, and its fruitful fields were destroyed. The old prison-ship lay moored for them in Tampa Bay, and their highest chiefs were captives in its hold. They had their Sumpters and Marions, in Chekika and Hospetarke their Pulaski in Holartoochee, and their "Washington in Osceola ; and had their Arnolds been discovered, as ours, they would be Hving still, an independent people. If men are to be esteemed for high \irtues in propor- tion to the obstacles they had to overcome in attainmg them, and if the praise of comparative great deeds is due mostly to those who have from lower life made them eminent, the brave resistance of the savage in his swamp is a higher deed of chivalry than the war of a civilized people, with its wealth of reason and example, and if it does not stand on historic page in brighter light, it is because the page is written by the civilized race as defence and not as a veritable history. One morning, as the sentinels around the fort were relieved, a stranger came up to the relief, was recog- nized, and then sauntered mto the camp. A huge, rough, talkative fellow, a hunter by trade, and now following the camp, like many others, half for the fun and half for the gain ; one of that peculiar southwestern race, a sort of cousin to Mike, not in blood, but in position. Mike HOW WE CONQUERED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. 317 was a little more gentle and observant, Potter a little rougher and jollier, more rollicksome, hailing everybody, singing wherever there was eating and drinking, and run- ning every danger to be present at a fight. His leathern suit, rifle, and knife, were the prominent features of his dress, and a keen eye and huge mouth and limb, the first points noticed in his person. Mike knew him, and recognized him with a smile and a question : "Up?" " No, down." "S'Gustine?" " Wall, you'd better b'lieve it." " Seen Injins ?" " Stacks of 'em — slinkin' about like coots on the St. Johns. Squaws, too ; somethin's up — reckon they're a-goin' to purr a little ; sent a letter to the old man. Who's your old man here now ?" continued the hui^ter, pulling out, as he talked, from his bullet-pouch at his belt a little roll of birch-bark ; " took 'em an all-fired time to write it, and had a big pow-wow to read it when wrote. Scissors! I saw some good looking Injin gals at that camp. Came as near being tuck that time as ever I did ; felt my hayar jist fixllin' off; thought I was wolf's meat that run. Yer see I'd been dodgin' tracks all day, so's to git to this clearin', and night cum on. I sez to myself, Go it, boots ! and made a bee line. Fust thing I knowed I had walked right into an Injin camp. No fire — fire'd gone out — cuss the fire ! Pitched slam-bang over a red- 318 WILD S POETS IN THE SOUTH. skin asleep, and in a minnit there was forty atop me. ' Hold up !' sez I ; ' I'm Injin, don't you know me ? I'm come mtli a letter from the great white chief,' and I held up an old bit of paper that Jake had given me at S'Gustine, with the writin' on about bringing some stores. They swallered the bait, and I sot there half an hour readm' off in Injun the cussedest lot of nonsense you ever heard tell on. Then they wrote this answer, and I started fur here ? Didn't I make dirt fly for the first ten miles betwixt me and them !" Having rattled off his account of the adventure, that left no more mark on his danger-loving mind than an every day encounter would have done, he tossed his rifle in the hollow of his arm, and lounged over to the cabin occupied by Colonel Worth. The missive he delivered was on clear white bii'ch- bark, and pictured a broken hatchet, and a half-circle of Indians sitting around a council fire. Being translated, it read : " We have broken our weapons of war, and are now consulting about peace ; only half our chiefs are here — we are waiting for them at the council." This message was on a par with many others that were constantly passing between the Indians and white leaders, always on the part of the Indian procrastinating and guarded. From Potter we learned many items of news from, the east coast, but none that served to interest us so much as the information of Lou Jackson. It seemed that a month before Lou Jackson had been in St. Augustine, HOW WE CONQUERED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. 319 and had embarked in a revenue cutter to go down the coast with a relative who had been appointed light- keej^er somewhere in the neighborhood of Key Bis- cayne. It seemed strange that after the danger experienced at the plantation she would so soon go off to an equally exposed and lonely life. Could she not find a better position than that of a light-keeper's assistant ? Or did the lonely life it promised agree with her disposition and her feehngs of sadness ? Mike expressed his feelings, looking southward as if he could see the lighthouse, by the words " Waall, waall !" However there was no explanation to be had, and after talking it over, we turned to the frolic of the camp and the Indian negotiations, which seamed rapidly approaching a definite result. A few days more at the lakes, and we found ourselves at Fort King, having accompanied Col. "Worth with a detachment of troops by the way of Warm Springs, where there was a collection of Indian chiefs who had come in for a conference. This was one of the occasions of periodical truce, so common in this war. Each party was glad of cessation — the soldier to be relieved from marching and incessant watchfulness, and the Indian to gain time to recruit and purchase a stock of ammunition. At such times the pre- cincts of a fort was the scene of a pageant. The chiefs came in under the white flag, without their arms, bring- ing their wives and children, and pitching their camps 320 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. right under the guns of the fort, and the sutlers traded with them as with the soldiers. These chiefs retained all their stoic dignity of manner and gaudiness of dress. Regarding themselves as in a measure in council, they dressed with care, and studied to impose on the respect of the whites or each other. Some of them were men of much influence and honor among their own people, nearly all of them were objects of great curiosity to the troops who had been so many months in their ^^ursuit, and who connected their names with some bloody massa- cre, or hard-fought battle. The leader of the present band was our old friend Hal- leck Tustenuggee, who had left the marks of his black fin- gers at Far Away, on our last visit there. He was standing at the gateway as we came in, the war paint washed from his face, and his heavy black hair drawn back from his head, and plaited down behind with the feathers of the roseate spoonbill ; a heavy blue blanket hung from one shoulder, in which was wrapj^ed one arm, and the other hung freely at his side. His bearing was noble as words could describe, and if there had not been in his eye the glittering cruelty of his race, something akin to the fas- cination in the tiger's eye that stops you as you pass his cage, he would have stood with credit for a Koman gen- eral. His wife and children were with him, and two sub- ordinate chiefs with their wives. The main body of his band, twenty-five in number, were a few miles distant, near the camp at Warm Springs, participating with all the abandon of the native character in games of ball and HOW WE CONQUERED HALLECK TU6TENUGGEE. 321 quoits, wrestling and dancing. Nothing was omitted on the part of the officers to make the truce pleasant. Pro- visions and whisky were distributed and presents made, and, to crown all, a great feast was prepared, to which all the warriors were invited. When at the table, the commanding officer announced to them that they were prisoners; the soldiers, already instructed, sprung to their arms, and the band that no force could conquer were bound prisoners for life. A messenger was sent to convey the tidings of the capture to Colonel Worth, who was entertaining Tus- tenuggee at Fort King. The rider came fast through swamp and woods, for his life would be little worth should the day's proceeding be known to Tustenuggee, or any outlying Indian, before he reached a secure shel- ter. He approached the fort at a moment when the commander was sounding his Indian guest upon the ever- recurring subject of their emigration. The officers were seated in front of their quarters, the Indian chiefs stood before, and the idlers of the camp were gathered aroimd listening to " the talk." "A horseman is coming from the south," called out the Doctor, relievmg his pockets of one hand to shade his eyes. " Come as ef he was sent," remarked Mike. The sentry challenged, and the rider came in with his answer through the open gateway in the palisades and up to the doorway where Colonel Worth was sitting, and delivered his missive. Tustenuggee stood before 14* 322 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. him in his Roman attitude until the dispatch was read, and watched the while the countenance of the colonel, but the hard-bearded face gave no sign. The rider dismounted and stripped his saddle. A brief order was given by the colonel to the orderly who stood behind him, and the Indian chief resumed his talk. " My heart and the hearts of my chiefs are white, not from fear, but in love. You sent me the flag of the five fingers (white flag, with white and red hands clasped). I know you want friendship. I. trust you. Tustenuggee is here. Listen, white man ; what he says is true — listen, Great Spirit ; what he says i»true. His answers are the answers of his people. He is chief of the chiefs." The Colonel — " The chief has spoken like a brave man, and his words in council are like his deeds in battle. We all honor him, for he will listen to reason. He has lost many men in the wars, and the rest are weary. But the white soldiers still come, and will come on forever. The white man has many soldiers, and many weapons, and much ammunition. It is not good for the red man to fight against him, for he will waste away, no matter how brave. The white man has ofiered his red brothers lands in Arkansas many times. Some have gone there — Tus- tenuggee has refused. The white man now offers for the last time, and he wants to know if Tustenuggee will move at once with all his people." Said the chief: " Hundreds of winters ago the Great Spirit gave to his red children this land, its woods and its waters." HOW WE CONQIJEEED HALLECK TUSTENUGGEE. 323 He enunciated emphatically and pointed slowly to the sky above him, and waved his draped arm around with a majesty peculiar to the oratory of his race. Old Primus, a snowy-haired Indian, translated into English as he spoke, and a secretary at the table wrote down the conversation. " Where was our white brother then ? "Where then was that shadow ?" pointing to the shadow of the flag on the oflicer's quarters, as it fluttered back and forth on the greensward. " Forty years ago, God made Tustenuggee. Then our white brothers lived to the north. Did the Mickasukies war against our white brother, and ask him to emigrate to Arkansas? The Mickasukies w^ere big then, and the white man very little. The Avhite man was so little that he could not do his own work, but had black man to help him. " Tustenuggee has always lived here. Tustenuggee's peoj)le have always lived here. They have loved the soil ; they have dropped their seed here, and. their seed ha-s taken root. The roots have gone down far into the earth. The wdiite man is a great wind. He comes from where w^e can't see. He blows against the red tree. If he blows hard enough the red tree will break down, and his seed be scattered, but the red tree has grown too long to take root elsewhere. My people are like deer — they have been hunted, and are shy. They start when they hear a twig break. They hide when it is day. The white man has hunted them for many winters. lie has burned their cabins, he has rooted up their cornfields. 324 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. They are sick at heart. The women can find no covert to bring forth their young. The men dare not light a council-fire, or come together to talk. The chiefs cannot know the minds of the people, for they are scattered. Let there be peace. The red man will keep it. He who breaks peace will be punished. The red man will hide his hatchet, and take his hoe. The white soldier may go home. Then, when the tribe comes in from the hummocks, we will talk of moving. Runners will go to Sam Jones, to Octiarche, and to Tiger Tail. Our hearts will be open — the sun will shine on them — the smoke of powder shuts out the sun now. When tliat is gone we can see clear. Tus- tenuggee will not promise what he cannot perform; Tustenuggee is too great a chief to lie. His tongue is straight. When peace comes he will see clear. Then he will read the white chief what is written in the hearts of his people about moving. Tustenuggee has spoken." The Indian stepped back, and wrapped his blanket around him. The colonel arose, and said : " Halleck Tustenuggee, I read your thoughts. You have wanted a truce to buy ammunition and provisions. You would then do as you have done before — take to the swamps and renew the war. This stratagem is now to be ended. At Warm Springs, to-day, all your warriors have been taken prisoners, with their wives and children, and will be sent forthwith to Arkansas. You and your chief are also prisoners, and will accompany them." HOW WE CONQUERED HALLECK TDSTENUGGEE. 325 Tustenuggee looked around him with a quick gesture. The gate in the pahsade fence was drawn, and the soldiers were under arms. His eye flashed, his breast heaved, and, as his young chiefs made a desperate, but unavailing attempt to escape by scaling the palisades, he quietly drew his blanket over his head and sat on the ground. No word was said by the bystanders. The intense interest of the scene chained every tongue. The sentinel stopped on his round. The soldiers gathered from their avocations. The orders given by the colonel for the security of his prisoners was delivered in a low tone, and as they moved away to the guard-house our hearts seemed to beat again as if after the spectacle of some great tragedy. Thus ended the career of this great chief. The woods knew him no more. His race lost his fiery valor, his vindictive vengeance, his far-sighted policy, and the in- fluence of his name. He Avas one of the haughtiest and most uncompromising foes the white man ever had, and was only taken by the same means that Osceola had been before him. That night, while most of the camp had retired, or were quietly sitting by the fires that lighted the in- closure, a savage scene was enacted in the guard-room where the prisoners were confined under a guard of soldiers. A large fire was lighted and the captives sat around it, among them several of the Indians taken at the other camp, that had been forwarded for security. 826 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. It appears they had been canvassing the means by which they had been made captive, and one of them had inti- mated that it could only have been effected by the treachery of their chief. The words were no sooner out of his mouth than Tus- tenuggee was on his feet. Bounding over the fire, he struck the bold speaker in the breast with both feet, then seized him by the throat, and as those in the yard, attracted by the tumult, reached the window of the building, they saw him almost strangled in the tiger-like clutch of the raving chief. Before help could be rendered him, Tustenuggee had seized the ear of his antagonist between his teeth and bitten it off, then throwing aside his prey, he ground the ear between his teeth, and spat the clotted flesh in the faces of the guard, then, raising his sinewy form to its grandest height, and waving his arm, he gave the Indian whoop, and called out with a wild voice twice, " Halleck Tustenuggee ! Halleck Tus- tenuggee !" and fell back to his seat, trembling with ex- citement and the rush of his passions. The strange accessories of form and color, the armed guard, and red fire-light, the savage act of the barbarian, impressed the scene on our minds as the act of a demon. It held us enchained, and we looked on the actor as a caged lion. On the morrow he and his chiefs were on their way to Tampa Bay, to be sent by ship to ISTew Orleans. THE "painter" in THE PIG PEN. 327 CHAPTER XXn. THE "painter" IN THE PIG PEN. " I was with Hercules and Cadmus, once, "When in a wood of Crete, they bay'd the bear With hounds of Sparta ; never did I hear Such gallant chiding." MlDStJMMER-NIGHT'S DrEAM. The days were getting rapidly warmer in the interior, cut off as we were a large portion of the time by the close woods from the free winds. The ducks had gone to the northward long since, and with them the snipe and many song birds. To take their place, the flowers were opening to the spring on every side. Hunters are rarely botanists. None of their wants are aided by its knowledge, with the excej^tion of the know- ledge of the points of the compass, told by the moss, or an acquaintance with the texture of different woods, or the medicinal properties of a few plants. They are equally unused to the description of flowering plants. The pointed cutting of a deer's hoof on a cactus leaf to them is a greater study than the most radiant flower that ever fringed its pulpous leaf. They cannot give technical descriptions, and but few natural ones. They may not call the stars by their names, or classify the active life 328 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. that j)eo23les every muddy pool, or makes a decayed tree a miniature world. Yet, for all this, there is no race on whom the sweet influences of the Pleiades fall who are more open to their soothing — none to whose eyes the radiations of the flower aflord a keener pleasure — none to whom the fragrance of the woods opens a more vivid association, or who are more observantly drinking in, night and day, those ^sop lessons that man puts into a fable, but that God talks with in letters of life. The constant silent observation of what is around him makes his recognition quicker ; his natural active life makes his senses keener, and the soft, damp, fragrant wmd that touches his cheek in passing, may tell him of a change of weather, of the wet swamp that he is skii'ting, and may even whisper the kinds of trees and plants there growing, and whether in bloom or no ; the plants will tell the soil, and he may know the very ani- mal life that lives in the woods before him, by what on another cheek would be a passing wind, and nothing more. Even the roughest hunters at the Fort could show this observant taste. Mike had it to a great extent. Potter had it, though burlesqued by the \vild, random manner of an impulsive boy. "We would often get them talking in order to lead them out. Evening was the ordinary occasion of many tales and practical jokes. The men would gather around the huge fires, sitting and lying in every attitude. Negro interpreters, Indians and soldiers, the volunteer hunters, that gained their living THE "painter" in THE PIG PEN. 329 by supplying the garrison with game, and the officers, in uniforms that the swamps had left no longer uniform or neat. Names well known in the Florida wars were called and answered to. There were Primus and Gopher John, the Indian scouts, and Holatter Mico, the royal chief, and Vose and Wilcoxson, officers, and Mike, Potter, and a score of others whose local fame then ran as high as Marechals of France, though in a narrower sphere and for a shorter term. There were drinks of government w^hisky, and smokes from pipes shorter and blacker than a Killarney man could fix in his hat-band, and Irish jokes, and yarns of monstrous length, that were roughly criticised or excelled by some other more incredulous still. Potter gave us one. Seated astride of an empty bar- rel, with his rifle across his knees, his buckskm cap pushed back on his head, his blue flannel shirt-collar rolled back, exposing a breast as broad and shaggy as a bear's, he told us the following story with gesticulations and amid peals of laughter : " Wall, you see how it was. Squire, is this." The speaker took a long pull at his pipe, gave a hitch to his suspenders, and then, ejecting the dense smoke in volumes through his nostrils, commenced his narration. " I was living that year on the coast, purty nigh St. Augustine. It was late in the year and the night Avas on- common dark — wall, it was — and the wind roared ugly. Yer could hear the trees smashin' up in the Avoods every five minits when it buckled to a little extry, and when 330 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. yer put yer head out o' the door, as I did once in a hit to see, you couldn't have seen Talyhasse Capitol House ef you had rubhed your nose agin it. The big breakers were poundm' on the bar, and yer could see 'em one by one whare they struck, for the phosper lit 'em up like blue paint. We had a screechin' fire in the chimney, and it was right good to look at. The old woman was a-mending clothes in the corner, and I thought it war a cussed sight better bein' a home body and turnin' in by the side of one's o^ai wife than a-roosting all night in the open range, as I had bein' a-doin' for a month back. " Parson Smith war thar, too ; he had dropped in goin' up to Pelatky on a revival trip, and seein' the blow comin' on staid all night, and he was talkin' religion to Marthy by the fire, drying himself and convartin' a soul both ter once. Parson Smith was a likely man and a rael talker. They called him Doctor, and he wrote his name Pev. Eliakim Smith, M.D. M.D. stood for Medi- cine Doctor, though that war somethin' of a lie, for he war a horse-doctor before he took to religion, and he had a kind of oily way of rubbin' his hands down his legs as he sat by the fire and talked away that would take the spavin right out of a woman, and convart her in two- forty. " Wall, there he sat a-rubbm away and watchin' the taters roastin' in the ashes and the bacon frying in the pan, and talkin' of Election and Delilah, and them other holy women folks in the Bible, till I begun to feel holy myself, and thought I was in the land o» Canaan, when I THE " PAINTER " IN THE PIG PEN. 331 fancied I heerd a painter screech. I was wide awake in a minnit. 'Holy Moses!' sez I. The Doctor hadn't heerd the painter, so he thought I was getting grace, and he right away buckled into me with all sorts of Bible sayin's, and my wife jined in, but I jist riz up and went to the cabin wall, where there was a little winder that I had cut to look out toward the woods. I pulled out the shutter and put my head through, but yer might as well have looked into the Kentucky cave, it was so dark. The wind come in, too, so strong and chill-like, that it made the Doctor and my old woman draw up a little closer together. I listened a while to see if I could make out any signs of the critter, but it war no use. What betAveen the surf a hammerin' on the bar, and the branches crackin' in the woods, and the squalling of the gulls that had blowed in from the sea, you couldn't a heerd a neighbor asking you to take a drink, and I reckon that is what a man hears quickest. Once in a while one of the big water-oaks would topple over in the woods. I knowed it had hlowed over^ for it made such a smashin' of little branches when a hull tree come over, and then a short tag or two as the roots broke. Then agm yer could hear one of them tall pines on the ridge break. There was no give there ; it Avould break short off with a crack like four or five rifles. I would have bet I could have ^old the very trees that snaj^ped, I knew 'em all so well. Then agui the wind would die away, and you didn't hear nothin' but the rain. " ' Jist the night fur them varmints,' says I, drawin' 832 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. my head in again ; ' tliey allers come down in a storm, kind of unsuspectin' like ; that's their natur.' " ' Yes, nothin' so decaitful as the 'Piscopalians,' says the Doctor. " I knowed what he was after ; the Doctor went tooth and nail aginst the 'Piscopahans, and so did the 'Pisco- palians 'ginst him. That's the natur' of religious people. " ' No,' sez I, ' it was the pamters.' " 'Painters! where? — have you seen a j^ainter?' " ' No, but I heerd one just now.' " ' You don't mean it,' sez he, and he went right over to his saddle-bags that was lyin' on the bed, and tuck out two of the longest kind of Spanish pistols, and primed 'em up, sayin' all the while somethin' about how with the jawbone of an ass he had slain a thousand men. " I didn't believe the critter, for he was given to blow- in' ; but Marthy she jist swallowed it all like batter cakes. " I seen old Boz, who was asleep by the fire a whim- perin' away — you know how dogs take on when they're dreamin' — raise his head quick hke and make a straight pint for the t'other eend of the cabin, whare the logs was a little open like. He stood there for about a minnit and then came back and laid down agin. I knew some- thin' was up, and tkat screech I heerd war true music. The old woman seed the dog, and she broke in with — " * Yes, that's so ; when I, my old man, and the dog, both smell painter, I knows there is painter. Two dogs don't both make a false pint to once.' "At this Doctor Smith he walks to the door and THE "painter" m THE PIG PEN. 333 unlatches it ; the wind blew it wide open. I saw a pair of long white horns outside, and that minnit the Doctor gave jist one of the biggest yells yer ever heerd a wild Injin make ; one of his pistols went off; I don't know ef he fired it off, or it went off of itself, and the preacher went over backwards as my yoke of young steers came a rushin' right in the cabin. Lord ! yer could a heerd me larf a mile. "The critters was a frightened in the storm, and maybe had smelt the painter, and were mighty glad to get in the house where the light was ; but they weren't half as frightened as the Doctor was. He hadn't any more pluck in him than an old hen on a rainy day ; he was right wilted down, though he tried to show how the bullock had hit his arm and that had fired the pistol. *' We got the critters out agin presently, though they didn't want to go and I sot a thinkin' about it, and won- derin' how it was they were so onusual skeery, and the old woman had fixed the Doctor somethin' warm, and I hadn't heern any more of the painter for an hour or more, when all of a sudden, queek, quee-ee-ee-ak, we heerd the old sow go, and a thumpin' noise, and the cattle bellowed and run around the house. " Thar, I knowed it," says I as I grabbed ray rifle, upsettin' the teapot, ' cuss the painter, he's got the old sow.' " Lord, you sliould ha seen that cabin empty itself Boz and the other dogs first, and then the Doctor and his pistols, and then the old woman, though she was the 834 WILD 8P0KTS IN THE SOTJTH. smartest man of the lot, fur she brought out a big pitch pine knot all afire, to see what we were goin' after. "I put right for the pig pen; that was about eight rods off from the house, and where the pigs were a squee- lin' bloody murder all the time. That's what bothered me. I knew if the painter had got a pig he must have killed it right off, and then he would up and away with the carcass. That's the natur' of the varmint. Could it be an old she painter a havin' one of her cubs out exer- cising him, and the cub couldn't lug off his share of the game ? " We got up to the pen. It Avas a log cabin about twelve feet square, built of heavy logs, jist to stop such doin's as this. ' The doajs had their noses to the cracks baying away like all fired, and the pigs were a snortin' and squealing inside ; but the strangest thing was, that the door was tight fast, the chain across it, and the big oak pin drove in as tight as ever. " ' Whar is the painter V says the Doctor, as he came sidelin' up, lookin' behind every stump. " ' That's jist what I want to know,' says I, as I cum around the buildin' to look for his hole, but without findin' it. The pigs were a squealin' away as if they would sj^lit their throats, and the dogs were a dancin' and a howlin. The old woman was a sayin' somethin', but you couldn't hear what it was, for the wind blew as bad as ever ; it only wanted that cussed painter's screech to make it all complete ; and jist then, as I am a livin' THE "pAINTEk" in THE PIG PEN. 335 sinner, the varmint gave his screech, and it was inside the pen. " I say. Squire, it would ha done yer good to have heard that screech, and ha seen that scrimmage. I've heam the varmints screech many a time when they and I have been in the woods all alone, but then it w^as kind a soft like, as if he was a dom' it for his amusement when he was lonely ; he puts it then in the best metre, of course, and it isn't disagreeable, unless he might be too close to you. But here he didn't smooth it down, his dander was evidently riz, and he yelled out as if he was filing a ninety horse power saw with the Kocky Moun- tains, and wound up with a spit that jist took the hair off a steam whistle. The young pups drew back a little and howled, and the old dogs went nearly mad because they couldn't get through the cracks between the logs. " The Doctor was for settin' fire to the cabin and burning him up. The old woman was fur cuttin' a hole in the door and shootin' him. That was kind of onfair to the varmint, I thought. Sez I, ' I'll show you a pret- tier trick than that ; I'll jist open the door, and then, Marthy, if you hold the light steady, I'll take him with a poke in the ribs that will stop his stealin' my pigs. There is no miss fire to my gun, and that won't be impo- sin' on a varmint that's down.' I put my hand to the peg that held the chain, when the Doctor, taking the ends of the logs that stuck out at the corner of the cabin for a stairs, jist put himself on the top of the pen in a shake of a deer's tail. I smiled softly to myself, 336 WILD SPORTS m the south. but I didn't say notliin', for thinks I to myself, if the var- mint does come out here, and I do miss him, or only wound him, the dogs will be on him like a shot and then he'll go to tree right on top of the cabin, that's sure, " So I tugged at the peg, and every time the chain rattled, the Doctor -edged back on the top of the cabin, gettin' up to the ridge, I s'pose, for a sure seat, when all of a sudden he disaj^peared. Heavens and yearth ! he had come backwards onto the hole the j^ainter had dug in the roof, and had tumbled in. " Yer should have heerd that man scream ! The painter wasn't nothin' to it. Painter might have been some louder, but then it wasn't so skeery. It fairly made me shaky to hear liim. As he come down to the ground inside, there was such a bustling around in that little buildmg ! pigs and painter and- man, all seemed to be stirring about pretty lively, and to all the other noises the old woman set up a screechin' that made me more shaky than anything else. "'QuickC' she hollered, 'pull open the door — quick! Ob, Eliakim ! oh dear !' " I pulled as hard as I could, but the cussed peg had swelled ^vith the rain, and yer couldn't budge it, and the chain was the ox-chain, as went all across the door. " ' Tear it down, you old pirate !" says the old woman to me, and she took hold of it with both hands, but she might as well have tried to pull down the cabin. And all the time, between the howHngs of the dogs and the sqiieelings of the pigs I could hear the Doctor a!^:)raying THE "painter" in THE PIG PEN. 337 away one minit as loud as lie could bawl, and at another minit callin' to me to come and help Inm. " ' Rim,' sez I to the old woman, ' run to the house for the axe.' " Away she started, leaving the torch with me, and she run like a wild Injun. I kneeled do\Mi so as to get on a level with them, and puttin' the pine knot so it would shine through, I peeped in at the varmint. Lord ! he was a beauty. Crouched up in the fur corner of the cabin, he stood with one foot on the wall, ready for a jump. His glossy bay coat shone like a horse. His eyes looked like two blue lights out on Florida Keys, and his open mouth all the time dropped water dov\m on his whitish chest and on his feet. Once in a while he'd take a look up at the hole in the roof and lay down his ears, as if to jump at it, but it was a leetle too high for him, and he couldn't get room enough to make the leap. Oh, he was a purty critter. His feelers were as long as a ram- rod, and when he looked up at the roof they lay so far back that they reached the wrinkle that crossed his shoulders, the only wrinkle on his body. I wanted to take a shy at him, but it warn't no use, the cracks were so nar- now I couldn't begin to sight over my rifle, and knowed if I wounded the beast it would be all day with the Doc- tor. * Oh,' thinks I to myself, ' ef I could get my pigs and the Doctor out, I'd manage some way so as to take him alive, and make a sj^ec out of a real live paintej*. 'Twould be the first ever seed in Ameriky, I reckon.' " Just then the Doctor broke out afresh, half a screech 15 338 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. in', half a prayin'; he seemed to be kind o' coniessin' to the painter, for he rras goin' over Y>-hat a sinner he had been, and talking about Daniel in the lion's den, and the Bword of the Lord, and somethin' about Gideon, and Samson and the young lion, and yer never did hear a critter get out so much that was pious in so short a time. I think if I wanted to convart a sinner I'd shut him up with a painter, I would. " Just as he was sayin' somethin' about reposin' on the l^rotectin' arm, the painter gave a jump for the hole in the roof. *' Jehoshaphat ! what a jump! he got his fore claws on to the shingles, but the shingles give way and down he cum with a spiteful screech. "VYith that the pigs rushed around in double quick time, and Eliakim, for- getting his praying, hollered for me and Marthy to come and help him. He was like the old woman who said she trusted in Providence, when her horse run away with her, till the britchen broke, and then she guv up. " Poor fellow, I felt for him ; every time the painter moved, he and the lAgs moved too, and they were hazed around that pig-pen in double quick time, for the painter is a restless brute, and can't abide standin' still. " Soon the old woman came back with the axe, and I conimenced cuttin' the peg that held the chain. This riled the painter, and he commenced runnin' round live- lier than ever, and away went the pigs, gruntin' and Bqueakin', and away went the Doctor, runnin' and THE "painter" in THE PIG PEN. 339 jumpin' over the dend sow the painter had killed, prayin' away and callin' to me by turns. " Oh, Potter ! quick — he merciful to me — a — a — painter's comin' — as you hope — to — he — saved — blasted sow — oh, ough — salva- tion !'» " A stroke or two of the axe cut off the plug. ' Stand aside Marthy,' sez I, as I pulled down the chain and threw open the door. I had my rifle to my shoulder. The first thing that cum out was the Doctor ; it nearly cost him his life, for I was just a pullin' on hun when he said somethin' and saved himself; then came the painter quicker than greased lightning ; as he struck the ground outside after his first jump, I puUed on him. The ball struck him just in the shoulder, breaking one leg; he fell, but was on his feet again quicker than thought, and every one of the sixteen dogs, pups and all, on top of him. "Phew! what a tussel! 'Go it pups!' sez Marthy, holdm' up her light. * Go it yaller backs.' That old woman was dare grit — well, she was. Gone now, poor soul !" and the frontiersman wiped his eye with the sleeve of his hunting-shirt — " killed herself learnin' to read. " The painter fetched himself up on his hind legs, like a bar, hissin' all the while. One leg hung down — that -was the broken one — the t'other one ho fetched around among the dogs, and knocked 'em over like nine-pins. Old Boz took some of it, and it keeled him up straight, and then Tinker, and Sumter. I seen 'em getting cut awful, and so I walked into the muss with the axe. One 340 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. cut did the business. It took Mm just over the ear and druv into the brain, and thar's his skin, now aint it a beauty ? " Wall, the Doctor was in the house when we cum in with the painter, and he was still holden on to his pistol. He was just used up, and all my larfin at him, and all Marthy's Schiedam Schnapps didn't cure him. He took the fever and ague, and couldn't leave the house for a week, and when he went he war so weak in the back that he could hardly sit on his horse. " He stopped there purty often again that winter, goin* and a comin', but ef we ever heard anything out doors nights he would always coax me to go off and see what it was, but he never left the house, and was purty sure to lock the door when I was gone, to keep the varminta from comin' m. That's the natur' of a doctor." POKE KECEIVES A CUe'oSITY AND TELLS A TAEN. B4J. CHAPTER XXIII. POKE KECEIVES A CUE'OSITY AND TELLS A TARN. " Oblivion here thy wisdom is, Thy thrift the sleep of cares ; For a proud idleness like this Crowns all life's mean affairs." Emerson. The Indian prisoners had gone with most of the gar- rison to Tampa Bay ; the fort looked desolate in contrast with its previous crowd and excitement, and we were anxious to start for the east coast. Our party had made preparations to descend the Ochlawaha to Lake George, and thence down the St. Jolms, and Mike had employed his leisure, and our negro boys, Scip and Caesar, in building two dug-out canoes. In these our " plunder " was carefully stowed, and with a store of salt provisions from the fort, one pleasant day we embarked and swept away down the current. There is something of unusual novelty in descending a Florida river. An aspect of dreariness that only long habit overcomes, quiets the tongue and awes the heart. The black turbid river boils in circular eddies, or spreads in motionless lagoons, far into the neighboring woods. The stiff cypress trees stand naked with then- feet in the 342 "WILD SPORTS IN THE BOTTIII. water as though relying for foliage upon the grey Spanish moss that hangs from everything in tresses and curtains of wondrous length, sometimes reaching from the upper limbs into the water, and marking the directionof the cur- rent. Where the lagoons opened into the river there was constant doubt as to the course of the channel, for the lagoon might be broader than the true course, or the latter totally shrouded from sight by the draping moss or jammed trees. Sometimes the leading boat would wait for its fellow, calling to it a few feet off to come through some curtain of vegetation, where it had just found a passage. There was no animal life here save reptiles, and little vegetable beauty. It was a stagnant waste, overhung by the dead growth of ancient times. Then, too, there was a watchfuhiess against Indian contact that made our passage seem more like a flight than a hunt, and when some alligator rushed from the bank to the water, the noise would startle us and bring back the scene when Jackson died on just such ajDassage down the Ouithlacouchee. Two, or three days brought us into pleasanter life, and our eyes were greeted Avith the open water of Lake George and the varied vegetation of its low-lying shores. It was curious to watch Mike make his entry on the lake. As we ai^proached, our boats came nearer and paddled slower. We hugged the shore closely, and when the first faint roll of the waves of the lake came mto the river, he motioned us to stay, and glided down among the rushes in his own canoe, watching the broad POKE EECEIYES A CUe'oSITY AND TELLS A YAEN. 343 open water with a keen, careful eye. We slowly came ap and followecl him as, parting the reeds, he wound along the shore some quarter of a mile, till where the grass began to groAV thin. Then beaching the canoes where they could not be seen from the lake, we unpacked cm* provisions, and, seated where .we could overlook all the water, and yet not be seen, ate our dinner and took our noonday nap. The propriety of Mike's caution in a little while became apparent. A canoe came out from one of the outlets of the lake a mile down, and crossed over to the side where we were sitting. In it was a single Indian. This was followed at a short distance by another with three women, and both boats disappeared in a cove. Had we been on the lake we should have been seen, or had we continued our course we must have met them, *' What's that mean, Mike ?'» " Injins." *' Yes ; but what are they doing ? Is there a tribe of them here, and are they on a war party, or what ?" "No; it's a band ; they've got their squaws Avith 'em. They're travellin', fur they paddle, leastwise the squaws do, as ef they were tired. And there's more on 'cm somewhars, for there's too many squaws there fur that cue red-skin. Keep quiet and they'll show their hand.'* Before night three other canoes passed the lake in the same direction, and turned round the projecting point where the first appeared. The evening came on apace. Tbo sun set — a globe of 344 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. fire. The pencillings of red on the lakes shortened ; and then disajitpeared. The bh'ds that had fished all day m the shallows settled in the trees to roost. The earth wrapped itself in darkness as a mantle, and left to dews the freshened air. " Wall," said Mike, after a big yawn, " let's do some- thin'." " Yes, and that something must be to get out of this place as soon as possible," quoth the Doctor. " No !" replied Mike, w^ith a comical accent. " It's very well for you, Mike, who have a gift for Indians, to hang about them, but I don't think I care to have my ears bitten off, like Tustenuggee's aid-de- camp." " We're all right so long as we squat here, and make no fire, or any trails, but when we come to go away we may meet more Injins in the river." " But the faster we go, the less likelihood of meet- ing." " Wall, we will go. . Shut up, YoAvler, you dod-rotted dog !" to the hound, who was attempting one of his houndish yelps. " But first I must see who them cree- ters is, and ef you'll keep quiet here awhile, I'll go look." So, in spite of the general dissent, Mike took one of the canoes and disappeared in the darkness, while the negroes crept up close like monkeys, shivering with fear of the darkness and danger, and we chatted in low tones of the scene around us. There was a steam on the POKE KECEIVES A CTIr'oSITY AND TELLS A YAEN. 345 water that looked like a gathering fog, and made it dark close to its surfoce. The night was hushed, and the heavy booming of the alligator bull came down the lake like the muffled roar of a lion. In an hour Mike returned, with his quiet salutation, stepping ashore and tossing something in the Doctor's lap, saying, " Tliar's a cur'osity for your collection." The Doctor picked it up, but it was too dark to tell what it was. It looked like the boy's toy called a sucker, made of a circular piece of leather, about thi-ee mches in diameter, with a string fastened to it. "What is it, Mike?" *' Somebody's heyar." "A scalp?" "Reckon." " Where did that come from ? It is not a fresh one." " Stole it from those beggars ; too lazy to watch their own boats !" " How many of them are there ?" " Nine, and five squaws. I stole the only scalp they had, ?nd jist marked my cross on their canoe with my knife, so they'll know 'twas me. It's that cussed old Tiger Tail. Drat his red skin ! won't he swear some to- morrow ! I reckon we'd better go. Marbee it wouldn't be safe to be loafin' 'beout here when he finds his canoe punched and his scalp stole." No one obeyed this suggestion to depart with more alacrity than the Doctor, who already felt Tiger Tail's fingers clutching his own scalp-lock in revenge for the' 15* 346 WILD SPOETS m the south. lost one, and a few minutes found us on the lake pushing fast and silently for the St. Johns. The next morning we learned the cause of the move- ment of Tiger Tail's band. The flight of several flocks of water birds, and the chattering of the blue jays, gave us warning of the approach of some stranger, and, taking to the bushes that fringed the banks, we watched for what would appear. Soon we heard the measured stroke of oars, and then several Indian and negro scouts in canoes passed without observmg us, and then swept along six barge-loads of soldiers — a part of the Second Regiment moving up the river on one of their forays, by which they sought to disturb the securit}^ and products of their foes. The American flag was flying at the bow of the leading boat, and the merry laugh of the men, and the loud joke and call passed from front to rear, showed how inadequate they were to catching their fleeter foes. *' Ilulloa !" said Mike, pushing out his canoe from the reeds, " goin' a fishin' ?" This sudden satirical salutation brought the boats to a halt, and sent half the soldiers searching about for their muskets. " Where are you from, and where to ?" was the answer of the ofiicer. " Oh, cross country, gom' a pleasurin'," responded Mike. " Seen any Indian signs ?" " No signs in partickalar ; stopped at Tiger Tail's camp a piece back," replied Mike, gradually moving down the river, and away from the boats. poe:e eeceites a cue'osity and tells a tabn. 34:7 "That's the band ^'o are after. How soon do you think we will come up to them ?" The boats getting further olT all the time. " Never !" responded Mike, paddling down stream at full speed. "Ketch a fish-hawk jist as soon," he con- tinued in an undertone. The boats had resumed their course, when the offi- cer, who seemed to know our hunter, hailed us once more. " Hulloa !" " Hulloa !" said Mike. " Come and guide us, and you will be well paid." " 'No ; you're too many of you, 'taint no use ;" and a turn of the river carried us out of sioht. That night we camped early, perfectly secure from arw noyance, for the passage of the troops up the river had, we judged, driven away any lurking Indians. Indeed, the only band in the St. Johns which we were approach- ing had been Tiger Tail's, the rest being occupied with the treaties and negotiations that had been in progress on the west coast. So we kindled our fires and cooked our meal, and laid down to talk and dream of old adven- tures, or half-forgotten hopes. Mike assured us that he had no tales to tell, mumbled about Tiger Tail, and wondered where he was leading his band, then ventured some remark about Lou Jack- son, half to himself and half to his hound, and then fell asleep. The Doctor being called on for a story, gave up an account of a fire-hunt in the woods of the Adirondag, 0±S WILD SPOKTS m THE SOUTH. As nearly as I can remember, it was as follows. I can't rei^eat the Avords, only the ideas. They were pleasant ; he was a poetical fellow, that Doctor, when it grew late in the evening. Beyond Little Tapper's Lake, some three or fonr miles fm^ther on in the wilderness, toward the Racqnette, hes Little Rock Pond, a mere dot of glass set in the emerald woods that stretch for miles away in every direction, mi- broken by human thrift and nnmarked by the fruits of that primal curse that caused the thorns and the thistles to be brought forth. Connecting these two sheets of water is a narrow stream so insignificant that it joyfully runs its way nameless and unknown. The hills stand back on firmer bottom, and the little valley bordering the river is filled with succulent grass, reeds, swamp alders, and rose-trees that blossom and bud for the wild game alone. Here Stalknecht and I had a camp and were spending a month together, keeping house in the only decent manner there is of livmg in this free country, where the servants are all a little better than their mas- ters. (Poke was violently oj^posed to Irish servants, y Hank, my guide, and I one night paddled our boat up this stream to its source in Hock Pond, and when dark- ness had come we lighted our jack-light, and, setting it in the bow of the boat, he took his seat in the stern with the paddle, and I mine in the bow with my double-bar- relled rifle, and we commenced to descend the stream. A jack-light is so arranged that it throws a bright light in front of the canoe, while it leaves the boat in utter darkness, and the hunter, thus sitting in obscurity, is en. abled to see anything in range of his light with perfect distinctness. So we began to descend the stream. Our voices, subdued to a whisper, were presently hushed alto- gether. Not a sound disturbed the perfect stillness ; no splash of the paddle in the dexterous hand of the guide ; no noise of motion ; we floated on the water as the moon floats when " with white fire ladened " she sails out into the still night. The weird trees, naked of leaves and shirted in moss, flashed out in light, and then fell back in darkness, save when their tops marked the sky beyond. Bush and flower, reeds pendent with their heavy seed, and lancifoliate lilies, with their deep blue plumes, lateral lagoons, gemmed with water-plants and bordered with their larches, came out into the light, drojDped into the darkness, and were succeeded by others in clumps and clusters, and festooned by blackberry vines. Ghostly- looking sights, stumps that had supernatural shapes, and tombstone trunks, blanched white by rain, marked the banks. Kee-honk ! kee-honk! screams a blue heron in harsh, aspirated accents, as he springs into the air, fanning the night with his great wings in measured beats that can be heard long after he is beyond sight. The muskrats come out in the circle of light before the boat, in won- derment at the pale fire that awakens them, and dive beneath the waters when the boat is on them. The boat swings around in the turning of the stream, and I see the erect head and large ears of a deer. It is a doe, foi 350 WILD SPOPwTS IN THE SOUTH. there are no horns. A moment of pause to be sure that I am right, and the ringing shot awakens a hundred echoes, and clouds the air with smoke* " Why, ye'nt seen no deer, did yer ?" asked Hank. "Yes, a doe." A dip of the paddle sends the boat to the shore, and then discloses to my mortified gaze, the charred limb of a tree, standing up in the grass, the veriest spectre of a deer. "Well, your doe is dished now — ha ! ha!" laughs Hank. I load my rifle rather humbly. " Ready — push on !" " Don't you want to see if you hit it ?" " No ; push on, will you." The boat glided forward again, mile after mile, in the same spectral journey, as fast and as still as the dead do ride in the ballad of Leonora. My mind floats along with the water-bugs that run ahead of me and the shadows. I see the stars floating in the Avater, and those overhead likewise, and many more stars than ever shone in these latitudes. In fact, I got asleep. I don't think I had slept long when I was awakened by a shrill noise, resem- bling the letting off of steam from a small steam-engine when the valve is suddenly opened and as suddenly closed again. I have heard such noises in a country church before the commencement of exercises, when some ple- thoric deacon blowed his brazen nose, only, if anything, the night-bugle was a little more emphatic, and scA^eral times repeated in quick succession. " What's that ?" I whispered. POKE RECEIVES A CUe'oSITY AND TELLS A YAEN. 351 "Deer," responded Hank, in a whisper, swinging around the canoe so that, as the light moved, against the woods, the motion of the boat brought forth two or three more sneezes, and then we heard a heavy crashing through the bushes as the deer da.hed up the hill, awakening the echoes with his nose, more terrifying than Bardolph's fiery beak to all the bottom land ; for imme- diately, from the other side of the brook, another great buck took up the cry,and rushed up the hill to the summit, where he stood some minutes, stamping the ground and startling the darkness with that most singular of alarums. " Two big bucks," said Hank. " There be'ent much good huntin' here any longer ; we've got back to the lakes agin, and them bucks has called off all the others.'* " But it won't do to give it up so. Hank ; we must have a deer, or v>^e won't go home till morning. Think of the hungry mouths in camp." "Wall, I suppose we can try them sand-beaches round on the south shore. I kinder think the bucks fodder on the sand beaches more'n on lily pads this time o' year." So around we went, glarhig our Cyclopean eye over the open lake, and causing the loons to laugh like mon- keys. One or two islands stand out in the open water where the brook makes in, and we passed around their 'jutting rocks to the southern shore. The water began to shoal, and I could see the white sand on the bottom, from which here and there the osiers reared their taper 352 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. wands, and, as the air came wafting from the land, it brought the odor of the white water hlies, the queen of all the water flora. Skirting the osiers we could see the sword-grass growing rank beyond, and presently our ears heard a splash in the water. A moment more of slow drifting motion and we heard the tramp, tramp, of some animal wading in the water. A little nearer we floated, the rifle in hand and the senses concentrating on the grassy marsh. A little nearer, and the eye caught a motion. Brighter grew the light as the canoe floated up and reddened the grass and reeds, and we caught in the darkness ahead a bright, blue light, and then another, the reflection from the deer's eyes. Then we heard a suppressed snort. Another stroke of the paddle, and a deer stood out in the grass, his head thrown up, and his eyes shedding pale light. The boat is directed straight toward him, and the paddler is as still as a statue. I aimed and fired. From beyond the smoke I heard the splashing and dashing of water, and a big buck dashed past me, and then two others, all rushing ofi" together forfe-belt 6i timber that arose close by us on our right. As they ascended the bank, I aimed at the hindermost with my remaining barrel and fired, and at the sharp ring of the rifle he fell back convulsively dead. We hastened to the shore, and, carrying with us the light from the boat, we found the deer I had first fired at, lying with a broken shoulder, just dead, in the high grass. The second was lying among the lily pads where he had fallen, the ball having passed through the centre POKE RECEIVES A CURIOSITY AND TELLS A YAE^. 353 of bis neck, breaking tbe spine and killing bim instantly^ Tbey were both large bucks of six tines, with their horns fully grown. It seemed a marvel — something that was as supernatural as the weird scene around us — to see those two noble beasts that, a moment before, were the wildest forest things that range the earth, so still and heavy in among the lilies and the sword-grass. " Wall, wall, that was purty well done," said Hank. But Hank's praise could not lighten the dull leaden weight of the stags, nor relieve my mind from the lurk- ing impression that the coming by night into these soli- tudes, to shoot down two of the lords of the soil while at their food, was not the part of a brave man. But what is the use of moralizing? Some men sin without thought, others with much ; but I opine that the much thought don't deter from a repetition of the sin. With a good deal of labor we hoisted our two deei into the canoe, and paddled home to the sleeping camp, and then — " Tuck a drink," said Mike, whom we all thought fast asleep, from under his arm. A drink ! no sir, I was more intoxicated with my hunt than a gallon of whisky would have made me. " All who believe Poke's story, signify it by saying I." " I," said Poke. " I'se sure maussa tell fur true 'bout firin' in de stump part," suggested Scip. The Doctor was displeased, and went off to lift the night lines, and the rest of the party to dreams. 354 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. CHAPTER XXIV. WOODLAND CHOTwUSES. "In the long nights of winter wlien the cold north -wind doth blow And the howling of the wolves is heard amid the snow." Macaxjlay. As we descended the St. Johns River, the water scenery gradually enlarged and became more characteris- tic. The wider volurae of water set back the forest to a farther distance, and not only removed all question of Indian bullets, but the change from the heavy woods to the open vista made us freer in feelings and more rapid in our motions. The boats moved faster, and vrind and current in our flivor, with trolling lines astern for sea- trout, and the negroes singing their Methodist air — " In a few day?, and a few days "We're gwine to glory, In a few days," we rapidly sped northward to our final destination and the scenes of civilized life. One day wo passed an Indian canoe. Mike said the paddler was an Indian, though he looked more like a negro, and had a long talk Avith him. They used the Indian language and we could not understand them. WOODLAND CHORUSES. 355 though from some names we heard spoken we judged then- conversation went back to Tiger Tail. The Indian once, we tlionght, mentioned Jackson, and once gave the native motion for taking scalps. After he was gone Mike seemed moody for a day, and then the meeting with the Indian was forgotten. The jumping mullet were frequently seen in the waters here, and at night we could catch them in abundance in our canoes by carrying a torch. They sprung from the water toward the light, frequently two or three at a time, and fell in the boat, their pearl-colored scales glancing and flashing in the torchlight. In some places they are called moth-fish from this peculiar instinct. In later years the raftsmen on the river availed themselves of this habit, and placing lights on the sides of their rafts collected quantities of fish that readily leaped the low edges of the raft. The nights were very dark, and during a portion of the time we were descending the river, yet as we were in haste to be home, we kept on our way sometimes till late in thi3 evening, marking our course by the black line of forest that margined the shore. Some of those nights were exceedingly solemn. The mystery of the darkness, the splash of the leaping fish, the murmnr of frogs and moths, the rushing wings of tlie night birds, and now and then the heavy bassoon of the alligator, in whose bosom the spring of the year had awakened tender recollections of his mate, all added to the awe and novelty of our voyage. S56 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. Sometimes, too, we could hear the plaintive whine of the panther or the howlings of wolves, that, scenting us from shore, challenged our distant passage that left them no bones for their su2:)per. These wolves are funny fellows. You would hear one howl away down the river just audibly above the insect hum. Then an instant's pause, and another answers from the opposite shore, and then one close at hand gives a yelpish whine as though he had been intending to howl, but a bone that he had in his mouth stopped him, until he laid the bone down and hurriedly had his howl out. We pitched a camp one night at dark in a grove of orange trees a little up from the shore with everything to make us comfortable. Opossum, venison, fish, and doves were hanging before the fire ; the night was dry and pleasant, our camp was well located, and we had every anticipation of a cheerful night, until the Doctor, who never could resist the chance of throwing a line, must needs hook a small alligator in the river on his night line. It was all very easy as long as the anunal was in deep water — he was a caught fish — but the mo- ment the Doctor dragged him up to shoal water where he could obtain a good footing, then the Doctor was caught, and had either to be pulled in the river or let the line pay out and the brute get back to four fathom water. Soon we heard a call for help, and, after a number of facetious suggestions oifered and refused, one of the negroes paddled out a few yards, and, when the animal WOODLAND CnOEUSES. 357 came up to the surface, put a rifle to his head and killed him. The hook was cut out of his mouth, and the body floated down the river a few yards, and, as we learned in the morning, lodged against the bank. The discomfort of the Doctor's fishery now became ap- parent. Supper being dispatched, every one rolled over, pulling off his boots for a pillow, or laying his head on his arm. The first sleeper had just begun to emit the first hoarse breathing which a listener would call a snore and the sleeper would swear was not, when we heard, "Ah-ha — whoo-a-whoo-oo-oo !" from a little way down shore. " Bow-ow-ow-owe-owe !" said every dog in the camp, in different tones of shrillness, depending upon the acidity of their tempers. Up on end came every sleeper. " What's that ?" quoth I.. " Cuss the wolves !" quoth Mike. " Dar's a prime psalm singer, settin' the tune," quoth Scip. " Cause he settin' tune, yer mussent kick around like all afire," quoth Caesar, holding on to his shin, that some one had kicked. " "Wag, here Wag, doii*t go there !" called the Doctor to his cur, that had not the least intention of venturing beyond the circle of the fire-light. Everybody turned over ; wolves are never dangerous, unless to your provisions, and in a moment more thei-e was silence and a sound of strangulation from the Doc- torthat foreboded hisprofoundest sleep, when " Ooh-ooh- 358 WILD 6P0KTS m THE SOUTH. ooough," came the old note, followed by the rush of the dogs and the same series of questionings and y awnings and objurgations. There seemed to be a concert near us ; for the moment one wolf would get tired, another would take up the refrain until it was soon aj)parent that there was no more sleep for that night. "We only took cat naps, eating a little now and then and sometimes taking a drink, talking, conjuring up all the old stories of wolves that we had ever heard or read of, good bad and indifferent, they were all repeated, — wolf had no mercy shown him that night. If he could have understood our language I am sure he would have howled louder in anger at the character we gave him than ever he did in hunger or melancholy. Mike's opinion of him was that he was a " dratted mean cuss, leered to hunt deer alone and fodderin' on his own young ones when he can't ketch nothin' else." The negro boys entertained the belief that the lumin- ous appearance from their eyes at night arose from their feasting on the slain in battle, and a suspicion that they sometimes visited grave-yards for other purposes than pensive meditations. ""^ • The Doctor told how that the power of a wolf's jaw was greater than that of any animal — that it had a power of, I have forgotten how many hundred pounds, and something about his facial muscles that no one under^ stood. I told the following story of an adventure. It don't WOODLAND CHOEUSES. 359 seem now half as natural as when the wolves were howl- ing an accompaniment, but it is true, nevertheless. THE WOLF CHASE. During the winter of 1834, being engaged in running a line in the Aroostook country in the northern part of Maine, I had much leisure to devote to wild sports. To none of these was I more passionately addicted ihan to skating. The deep and sequestered lakes of" this State, frozen by the intense cold of the northern winter, present a wide field to the lovers of this pastime. Often would I bind on my skates, and glide away up the glit- tering river, and wind each mazy streamlet that flowed beneath its fetters on toward the parent ocean, forgetting all the while, time and distance in the luxurious sense of the gliding motion, thinking of nothing in the easy flight, but rather dreaming as I looked through the transparent ice at the long weeds and cresses that nodded in the cur- rent beneath and seemed wrestling with the V\-aves to let them go ; or I would follow on the track of some fox or otter, and run my skate along the mark he had left with his dragging 4:ail until thp^rail would enter the woods. Sometimes these excursions were made by moonlight, and it was oli one of these occasions that I had a rencon- tre, which even now in a -svarm climate and with kind faces and bright fires around me, I cannot recall without a nervous looking-over-my-shoulder feeling. *' I had left my friend's house one evening just before 360 WILD 6P0ETS IN THE SOUTH. dusk, with the intention of skating a short distance up the Kennebec, which glided directly before the door. The night was beautifully clear. A peerless moon rode through an occasional fleecy cloud, and stars twmkled from the sky and from every frost-covered tree in mil- lions, and the great zone of the milky way and the lucid planets were all copied in the mirror-like ice, till your foot seemed treading the jewelled vault of heaven. Your mind would wonder at the light that came glint- iug from ice, and snow wreath, and incrusted branches, as the eye followed for miles the broad gleam of the Kennebec, and like a satin ribbon wound between the dark forests that bound it. And yet all was still. The cold seemed to have frozen tree and air, and water, and every living thing that moved. Even the ringing of my skates on the ice echoed back from the Moccasin Hill with a startling clearness, and the crackle of the ice as I passed over it in my course, seemed to follow the tide of the river v/ith lightning speed. " I had gone up the river nearly two miles, when, coming to a little stream which empties into the larger, I turned in to explore its course. Fir and hemlock of a century's growth met overhead, and formed an archway radiant with frost-work. All was dark within, but I was young and fearless, and as I peered into an unbroken forest that mirrored itself on the borders of the stream, I laughed with joyousness, my wild hurrah rang through the silent woods, and I stood listening to the echo that reverberated again and again, until all was hushed. I WOODLAND CHORUSES. 361 thought how often the Indian hnnter had concealed himself behind these very trees, how often his arrow had pierced the deer by this very stream, and his wild halloo had here rmig for his victory. And then, turning from fancy to reality, I watched a couple of white owls, that sat m their hooded state, with ruffled pantalettes and long eartabs, debating in silent conclave the affiiirs of their frozen realm, and was wondering if they, " for all their feathers, were a-cold," when suddenly a sound arose ; it seemed to me to come from beneath the ice. It sounded low and tremulous at first, until it ended in a prolonged yell. I was appalled. Never before had such a noise met my ears. It seemed more than mortal, so fierce, and amid such an unbroken solitude, as if a fiend had blown a blast from an infernal trumpet. Presently I heard the twigs on shore snap, as if from the tread of some animal, and the blood rushed back to my forehead with a bound that made my skin burn, and I felt relieved that I had to contend with things earthly, and not of S2:)iritual nature ; my energies returned, and I looked around me for some means of escape. The moon shone through the opening at the mouth of the creek by which I had entered the forest, and considering this the best course, I darted toward it like an arrow. 'Twas hardly a hundred yards distant, and the swallow could scarcely excel ray desperate flight ; yet as I turned my head to the shore, I could see tv/o dark objects dashing through the underbush at a pa(3e nearly double in speed to my own. By this great speed, and the short yells 16 8G2 "SYILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. wliich they occasionally gave, I knew at once that theso \Yerc the mnch dreaded white wolf. " I had never met with these animals, but from the description given of them, I had but little pleasui'e in making their acquaintance. Their untamable fierceness and the untiring strength which seems part of their nature, render them objects of dread to every benighted traveller. " Yfitli their long gallop, which can tire The Deer-hound's hate, the hunter's fire," they pursue their prey — never straying from the track of their victim — and as the wearied hunter thinks he has at last outstripped them, he finds that they but waited for the evening to seize their prey, and falls a prize to their tireless cunning. *' The bushes that skirted the shore flew past with the velocity of lightning, as I dashed on in my flight to pass the narrow opening. The outlet was nearly gained ; one second more, and I would be comparatively safe, when my pursuers appeared on the bank directly above me, wliich here rose to the height often feet. There was no time for thought, so I bent my bead and dashed madly forward. The wolves sprang, but miscalculating my speed, sprang behind, while their intended prey glided out upon the river. " Nature turned me toward home. The light flakes of snow spun from the iron of my skates, and I was some distance from my pursuers, when their fierce howl told me WOODLAND CHOEUSES. 363 I "^as still their fugitive. I did not look back, I did not feoi afraid, or sorry, or glad ; one thought of home, of the bright faces awaiting my return, of their tears, if they should never see me, and then every energy of body and mind was exerted for escape. I was perfectly at home on the ice. Many were the days that I spent on my good skates, never thinking that at one time they would be my only means of safety. Every half minute an alternate yelp from my fierce attendants made me but too certain that they were in close pursuit. Nearer and nearer they came ; I heard their feet pattering on the ice — nearer still, until I could feel their breath and hear their snuffing scent. Every nerve and muscle in my frame was stretched to the utmost tension. " The trees along the shore seemed to dance in the uncertain light, and my brain turned with my own breathless speed, yet still they seemed to aspirate their breath close in my ears, when an involuntary motion on my part turned me out of my course. The wolves close behind, unable to stop, and as unable to turn on the smooth ice, slipped and fell, still going on far ahead ; their tongues w^ere lolling out, their white tusks glaring from their bloody mouths, their dark, shaggy breasts were fleeced with foam, and as they passed me they glared, and they howled with fury. The thought flashed on my mind, that by this means I could avoid them, viz., by turning aside whenever they came too near ; for they, by the formation of their feet, are unable to run on ice except on a straight line. S6i WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. " I immediately acted upon this plan. The wolves having regained their feet, sprang directly toward me. The race was renewed for twenty yards up the stream : they were already close at my back, when I glided round and dashed directly past my pursuers. A fierce yell greeted my evolution, and the wolves, slipping upon their haunches, sailed onward, j^resenting a perfect pic- ture of helplessness and baffled rage. Thus I gained nearly a hundred yards at each turning. This was repeated two or three times, every moment the animals getting more excited and baffled. " At one time, by delaying my turniug too long, my antagonists came so near that they threw the white foam over my dress as they sprang to seize me, and their teeth clashed together like the spring of a fox-trap. Had my skates failed for one instant, had I tripped on a stick, or caught my foot in a fissure in the ice, the story I am now telling would never have been told. I thought all the chances over ; I knew where they would first take hold of me if I fell ; I thought how long it would be before I died, and when there would be a search for the body that would already have its tomb ; for oh ! how fast man's mind traces out all the dead colors of death's picture, only those who have been near the grim origi- nal can tell. " But soon I came opposite the house, and my hounds — I knew their deep voices — roused by the noise, bayed furiously from the kennels. I heard their chains rattle ; how I wished they would break them, and then I would WOODLAND CHORUSES. 6^0 have tried * turn about is fair play.' The wolves, taking the hint conveyed by the dogs, stopped, and after a moment's consideration, turned and fled. I watched them until theii' dusky forms disappeared over a neigh- boring hill. Then, taking ofi" my skates, limped up to the house, half cured of romance in the woods and tired of the name of wolf *'But even yet, I never see a broad sheet of ice in the moonshine without thinking of that fetid, snuffling breath, and those fearful things that followed me so closely down the frozen Kennebec." As the tale ended, an unseen auditor, who from his covert in the bushes was indignant at my account of his people, yelped out, Oo, who-oo, who — oo— o — ah, aigh. , " Hear the vowels," said the Doctor, " a, e, i, o, u, and sottietimes w and y. "Drat the cuss!" quoth Mike, throwing a blazing knot into the bushes, "has he got no decency ?" 366 WILD 6POET3 IN THE BOUTH. CHAPTER XXY. LIFE IN THE LIGHT-HOUSE. " The rocky ledge runs far into the sea, And on its outer point, some miles away The Light-house lifts its massive masonry, A pillar of fire by night, a cloud by day " The startled waves leap over it ; the storm Smites it with all the scourges of the rain ; And steadily against its solid form Press the great shoulders of the hurricane." Far to the southward of what has been the scene of our story, forming one of the barriers between the s^dy coast of Florida and the surging Atlantic, lies Key Bis- cayne. Southward still, innumerable little islands of white sand show their backs above the tide, and then Key Largo, Indian Key, and Key West, sweep in a curve around the point of the continent, warding off with their coral arms the blows of the angry Atlantic, and the soft allurements of the Gulf Stream. To the west- ward on the main land stretches from ocean to ocean the labyrinth of the Everglades . There were no permanent settlers in this country a few years ago, though at Key West was congregated a reckless company of men whose boats found shelter from LIFE nr THE LIGHT-HOUSE. £67 the storms among the islands, and who gained a liveli- hood from the shipwrecked vessels that monthly dashed to i^ieces on the coast. Most of them were desperate men, without famiUes, only cultivating the soil to plant cocoa and plantain trees, and relying upon the sea for the supply of their wants. Their low craft could bo seen among the innumerable reefs at the beginning of every storm, like sea-gulls foreboding the tempest, and hover- ing for its waifs. In the interior of the peninsula the Indian still remained secure in his morass, and from Key Biscayne at times his camp-fires could be seen bright against the midnight sky. The only thing that was human on the coast, contrast- ing with tlie cruel shore and the more cruel wreckers, w^the light-house on the Key. The great charity reared Itself between the howling wilderness and the beating surges, an oriflamme over the strife. It stood on a jut of beach at the lower end of the island, where the palmetto trees dried out in the sand, and only the long sword-grass grew around in scattered spears. A boat with a mast lay on the shingle, and a log canoe, and close by the light stood a little low white house, with two square windows and a door toward the sea, and two square windows and a door toward the bay. A tiny porch covered each doorway, and the little windows were opened and closed by heavy wooden shutters. The only vegetation near the light was one tall, twisted cocoa- tree, whose tuft of heavy leaves were so high in air they 36S WILD SPOKTS IN THE SOUTH. formed no slielter from the sun, but crackled with a shardy sound, and when the Avind blew fresh from sea, from time to time the tree loosened one of its large cocoa-nuts from its stem, letting it fill to the ground Avith the thud of a cannon-ball. The prospect to the eye from the lantern on the tower was a Aveary stretch of sand islands betAveen the sea and the bay, and beyond the bay the desolation of limitless swamps. Hea\y surges beat on the shore, long hot days made the land glimmer in the mirage, and the tower and the little house cowered before the breaker, or danced in the white heat. Here Lou Jackson had come, and with her father's bi-other Avas living in the house and keeping the light. It is difficult to explain the motives that in some per- sons lead to their course of life. The human heart is not alike in all, and Avords that are meaningless to one fa"on another like blows, and acts that are ordinary to one's standard are monstrous to another's. Analyze most of our acts, those that are disconnected from sudden, tran- sient impulses, and we will find at the bottom of the re- tort a deposit of pride that would color the Avhole solu- tion. It may be unsuspected — it certainly is to the extent discovered, but our words are couched in its lan- guage and many of our acts — all of those in ]3ublic — are under its stern Avill. "Shall Z yield?" says Pride, em- phasizing the personal pronoun, and refuses what the heart would have granted. " Shall Isiccept a favor from these people who ought to be no more capable of giving LIFE IN THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 369 favors than I?" and avoids and declines just what the ^ judgment says is needed. "ShalJ I let him know I love him, and overtly respond to advances he has been mak- ing ?" and the pride acts a lie, leaving the soul longing, sighing, hoping for that other soul that was abashed, and has departed. Lou had a little foot, and it was laced over its high arch w^ith an Indian moccasin. The wrought buckskin became the foot, as the foot was tapping the uppermost step in the lantern, while its owner, wdth her arm on the window-sill, sat looking seaward. Here was her accustomed seat as the sun fired the everglades at his sit- ting, and left the ocean still as a child tired with his romping, and every evening, for the month that she had lived at the Key, found her in the same spot dreaming ^^MY the twilight, and when it was dark brightening the eyes of the passing mariners w^ith the expectant flash of the great lantern. The spits of sand that ran up and down along the coast were margined with little rollers that broke in foam along their seaAvard side, and then fell back to renew the attempt, w^iile doewitches and sand-pipers with nimble tread pursued them back and forth. The blue line of the horizon, where it cut the roseate sky, was marked by the sail of a ship. It w^as not the ways of the shore birds that Lou was watching ; her mind w^as not following the path of the ship. She was conning over her past few years of life. Figures came up to her misty eyes, dead friends, and other homes, strong men, and patches of 16* 870 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. wood, and camp-fires, and old longings. There were tears in her eyes, and her foot ceased to tap the iron step, and she leaned more over her arm and looked harder out to sea. Then appeared her lonely life, and the wild imas^ininsjs and romances it had created, and her form straightened again. Her short lip curled, and the tears dried up. She thought of her wealthy kinsfolk in the States, and how with haughtiness she had thrown back their proffers of assistance and sympathy. She thought of her ov\'n active life, her self-educated tastes, her superiority to her sex of the same age, not boastiugly, not extravagantly, but proudly and justly. Old dreams of ambition and ro- mance came over her soul, dreams that had been dreamt and re-dreamt, and had awakened — old foncies of a des- perate, whole-souled love, proud as her own, that w^to meet her own and make surrender — that was to woo, plead, strive, and die for her, and be accepted. She tnought of Mike, and in her daring mood as she Avas, the patient, gentle, watchful hunter was swept away with a rush of scorn. Too timid to dare for her, too careless to plead for her, too simple for an ideal, his love was the lik- ings of a man, but no love for such as her. A man that she ccTuldn't understand at times, a man that was too cautious to praise, too weak to dare anything for her, even a refusal — out on such a man ! The consciousness of a secret likins^ that had made her leave Mike so hastily at Bonda Key when he had proffered the cat-skin, made her pride re- volt and her scornincr the bitterer. Then she was too LIFE IN THE LIGHT-nOUSE. 371 proud to let hira come nearer her because slie was the daughter of a planter, and he a vagrant hunter. Xow she was too proud even to think of him, for she was the child of misfortune, poor, and an orphan. It needs but a little excuse to let the proud heart work out its will. Lou Jackson had shown it rich and poor all the more because she could not rid herself of that unconfessed re'- gard. There were other men that were bolder than Mike. The dark eyes that had flashed to her at St. Augustine, the ready tongue and fair Avords, were they not the signals of a higher life and warmer heart ? Had this immense world no life and form in it that was per- fect to her ideal? " Fool — ^fool ! I am a fool !" she said aloud, springing upon her feet. Taking a cloth from a locker, she began polishing the reflectors of the light, whistling some old air between the pauses of her duty. " Donald, isn't it time to light up ?" presently called her voice from the gallery of the lantern. "Yes," answered her uncle from below, scanning the horizon with a long look to note tlie gathering shadows. In a moment more it was dark, and the sailor pacing his watch on the ship in the ofiing called from the fore- castle deck to the mate : " Cape Florida light, sir, on the port bow, ten miles away." 372 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. CHAPTER XXVI. TRACKING THE ENEMY. " For it is with feelings as with waters— The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb," "Nine Iiijins raid no squaws," quoth Mike, seating himself on one of the rolUng sand hills that border Indian Kivei-, a little south of Cape Carnaveral, after a long examination of the surrounding shores. On the same evening that we pitched our camp on the well-marked trail leading from the St. Johns River across to St. Augustine, Mike had disappeared. He had given no notice of his intention, unless the 23urchase of powder and hall from a trader camping at the same place might have been a notice. The place where he slept at the fire was vacant, and the dun hound and heavy rifle had dis- appeared with their owner. We were safe from all doubt as to our course, and from all danger, for St. Augustine was but sixteen miles away, but we speculated much on the cause of the sud- den flight. Had the trader or his men given him any bad news ? No, they were only talking of the wars, of Tiger Tail's forays, and how the troops were drawing down in concert to destroy the Indians or drive them TEACKma THE ENEMY. 373 southward. We thought at first he had gone over to the town, but a missing canoe showed he had taken to the water. AYe mentally bade him farewell, and started over to the Spanish town of St. Augustine, and were soon pacing its narrow streets, under the moss-grown walls of the old fort, builded, as saith its inscription, by Field Marshal Don Alonzo Fernando Hereda, of noble fame. In three days Mike stood under the moss-grown walls of the cypress trees that bastion the southern shores of Lake George, builded and mossed when Hereda's fort was in the quarry. He had retraced the course he had brought us in descending the river. Over the broad water of Lake George he passed like a gull before a northerly wind, holding up his blanket for a sail, and made the orange tree j^oint where the St. Johns enters the lake from the southward. Following the St. Johns beyond Lake Monroe, he passed in the night, and unobserved, the company of soldiers we met in descending the river. Their camp- fire was bright on the beach, and he could hear the sen- tries challenge as they marched to and fro under the stately trees, according to what Mike thought their unnecessarily ostentatious rules of camp government. '' Ilulloain' like that in the woods when they ought to be hidin' away," said he to himself, as he noiselessly floated by ; " that's all some folks knows." Mike was like a good many quiet people — he liked his own company, and would talk to himself, little by little, 374: -WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. in disconnected sentences, even when he refused to talk to any one else. The many days he passed alone encouraged the habit. Thence still np the St. Johns, through all its winding course, he paddled, warily Avatching the shore and water, and often visiting either bank to look for signs. Where- ever there was a bend in the river he kept close to the point around which the curve made, creeping around so slowly and cautiously that his eye took in all the reach of the river ahead before he could himself be discovered. He visited many old Indian camps, wandering around them, looking for little signs indicating the intention their occupants had at parting. Wherever there was a trail across the river he seemed to know or divine it, approached it warily, and only left it after a careful scru- tiny. When he built a fire to cook his food, it was made back from the river, and the fire was lit of the driest twigs, so that it raised jio smoke, and at leaving he covered it over with ashes, and stamped out the murk his rifle had made in the sand. Sometimes he would not let his dog come ashore, or if he did, carefully rubbed out the tracks of his feet. He did not travel at night, unless in the early part of the evening, and never struck a light after dark, but carrying his canoe on shore, filled it with moss, and laid down in it with his dog at his side. At the far upper end of the St. Johns, after the explorer has passed through innumerable expansion-like TEACKING THE ENEMY. 375 lakes, and crossed the beautiful waters of Lake Poinsett, he will find the St. Johns winding and twisting, over- flowing the prairie here in shallow marshes, and running off into deep long tributary lagoons, fringed Avith canes, reeds, and flags of the most graceful shapes and dense growth. Some of the canes totter over, leaning their tall tips against the others for support, and so they reach entirely across the narrow creeks, shutting out the sun and ail-, and leaving the boatman to push his canoe as through a sewer. One such branch of the St. Johns turned eastward and reached nearly to the coast. ^ This was the course taken by the Indians when making their journeys from the interior to the sea, and it carried them so near Indian River, a broad inlet of the sea that margins the Atlantic, that they had but a very short carry to get across. Mike was following this outlet. lie had seen old fires a day or two back, and thought them, judging by the brands, about as old as the intervaV of time which he had taken to reach there after Tiger Tail had passed, providing the chief had come this way immediately after visiting Lake George. Mike examined the narrow passage up which he was paddling with the instinct of a tracker without any posi- tive signs, merely led on by his suspicion, mayhap by his heart. Every scratch on the canes he noticed, and float- ing bits of wood he picked up from the water to look at them, and then toss them back again. ^Yhere a flag had been broken, and half withered hung from its stem, he floated past with upraised paddle, calculating the 376 WILD SPORTS IK THE SOUTH. number of days it would take a flag to wither that much. At length a dint in the oozy bank he marked as made by the blade of a paddle, and marked it so exactly that when he saw another on the same bank he knew they were the blades of different paddles, and that there were more boats than one that had recently preceded him. By the inclination of the hole in the mud, he knew the direction of the stroke, and therefore the way the pad- dlers who left the marks were going. When there was an opening i^^ the reeds he would raise himself to his feet and look out on the flatlands, watching the birds to see if they would indicate by their flight or their cries passers in the desert. "Where the creek ran out, the scout examined warily the landing. There were no marks or signs of any kind. He watched long and closely, but could see not a token that a footstep had been there for a month. "Queer, that!" ho said, and paddling back a little to an out-of-the-way elbow, pulled in his canoe in the reeds, and stepped ashore, leaving his hound tied in the boat. He then crossed over from the low land to the higher rolling sand of the coast, but found no signs of passers. Extending his walk a couple of miles down, he came upon footsteps plainly marked in the sand, going from west to east. "Ha!" said he, coming to a halt, and bringing his hand to the cock of his rifle. His eyes followed the signs back and forth, and he smiled drily. He felt the TEACKING THE ENEMY. 877 compliment to himself, imj^lied in the pains taken by the savages to conceal their trail. "Tried to dodge — landed back and walked around. Somethin's up — wouldn't have been so pertickalar ef they'd been actin' honest." The hunter followed the trail both back to the lagoon, or a branch of it, where they had left the ordinary course for secrecy, and then over the sands till where the foot- ste2:>s faded out in the ripples of Indian River. " Seven days out, jist !" said he, musingly. " Scratchin' along fast." Seating himself on the sandy hillock, among the rough swaying grass, he mused on the thoughts suggested by the trail, and after a very long silence again repeated with a sigh, looking southward — " Nine Injins and no squaws — that means mischief." The soft haze was ever the landscape, and the cabbage trees on the distant beach loomed up like inverted moun- tains. The ripples on the sand whispered softly, and the air was burdened with the exhalations of the opening year. Mike laid off his cap and drew back his matted curls, leaving his forehead open to the caressing air. " ScA^en days," he said. *' Wall, seven days are a deal of time, and what's wrong done, is done bein' helped. I might as well go over and see. Somehow or nother, it don't seem nateral for that critter to come this way. Ef he's runnin' from the soldiers he'd gone west ; he knows too much to be bothered by them. He's sent off the women 378 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. folks for no good, but it mayn't be he's goin' so far. She'll thmk I'm s'pectm' clanger -Nvhen there ain't none. *' Wall, wall I might as well be clown thar. She won't be any the worse for my bein' nigh her. Poor child, poor cliild ! And ef thar's nobody about, why I can come away again without her knowin' it. It does a fellar good to know she is near, and maybe it will turn up as times go she may need me." That night, Mike with his dog slept among some wil- lows, kindling his fire from the half-burned brands that bad served before to cook the food and dry the mocca- sins of the band he was pursuing. It seemed as if a sort of instinct guided him on the trail. One day he might not see it at all. Travelling, as they both were, by canoes, there were no signs left save where landings had been made to cook or sleep, or to carry over the little portages, the traversing of which so shortened the route between Indian River and Jupiter Inlet. But it was the knowledge of native character that guided the pursuer. He could tell on his day's journey just where such a band, impelled by Indian cunning, would land to con- ceal their fire. Had they been running carelessly, land- ing where accident led them, their course would have been more difficult of detection, but Mike was tracking them mentall}^, more by reason than by a trail percepti- ble to the eye, and as he ran his canoe to the beach, it would sometimes strike on the very footprints of the savages, and the hunter would give his satisfied ejacula- TEACKING THE ENEMY. 3T9 tion of " ha !" and quietly sit down to his meal without further examination. Mike travelled faster than his predecessors. When he carried his canoe over the portage connecting Jupiter Inlet with the next creek to the southward, and ex- amined the tracks where they had not been drifted over with the sand, he smiled, saying — " Gained a day." Presently his dog dug up from the sand a broken pad- dle. Mike patted the hound, and examining the paddle, knew why they had travelled so slowly that day; and a little search showed some shavings where a new one had been cut. His suspicions as to the leadership of the band and the direction they Avere taking had become confirmed, little by little, and he now baked his corn-bread, and rolled himself to sleep on his Spartan couch, satisfied to a certainty that his journey was not a needless one. A boat is usually sent by the government, at regular intervals, to visit the different light-houses of the United States coast, and supply them with stores. Such a visit had just been made to the light-house at Cape Florida. Two barrels of oil, provisions for the light-keeper, a little powder and Bhot, some tools, cordage and oakum, a few fishing implements, 'and some books that had been sent for Lou Jackson, had been delivered and were lying in front of the little house, and the w^bite sails of the schooner Avere again low on the horizon, leaving the light-house keeper and his niece to another month of solitude. Lou's uncle was busily engaged storing the goods, some 380 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. in the house and some in the light-house, and the girl was in the lanterji with a book on her knees and her eye wandering away along the reaches of the shore and of the past. The evening was lull, and even the gulls had settled down on the waters of the bay. Presently her eye caught a motion from over the palmetto bushes that ran down the island, and she watched for the cause. In a moment she saw a naked Indian creeping over the sands, running from a clump of bushes to one nearer the house. The fellow Avas painted vermilion and black, and from his gaudy color and crouching motion, looked like a leopard more than a man. Lou was not so igno- rant of Indian ways but that she knew in an instant the meaning of the Avar paint and the subtile approach that never could have been seen from below. The blood rushed to her heart Avith a bound, and then her thoughts Avere as cool as before. This had not been a totally imforeseen contingency, and they had discussed the course to be folloAved, and had prepared for it in a measure. The door of the light-house had been made heavy and strong, and the arrangements in the upper story had been such that a person would find it a comparative shelter. Lou leaned over the rail and called to her uncle in her ordinary voice, " Uncle !" "Well, child?" " Look up here, uncle." The old man leaned over the coil of ropes he had in his hand, and looked up at the lantern. TKACKING THE ENEMY. 381 "Don't move fast," said she, in a measured voice, " but come into the tower quietly ; there are Indians in the pahnetto bushes." The uncle was not capable of self-control. He cast a hasty look around him, dropped the coil of rope, and ran to the light-house. It was well for him the door stood open wide, for as he ran a ringing shot came from the palmettoes, the bullet cutting his jacket, and another shot from another covert shattered a pane of glass beside Lou Jackson, and from every side broke out the war whoop, while half a dozen savages, whooping with their hands to their mouths, sprang from the palmetto bushes, and rushed across tlie opening to intercept the fugitive. The old man slipped in, slamming and bolting the heavy door behind him, and was safe. The savages crowded up against the doorway, as an angry wave would sometimes do on a stormy night, and then fell back with tumult and sullen roar, baffled for the nonce. 383 WILD sroRTS m the south. CHAPTER XXVn. SMOKIXG OUT THE ENEMY. " The creeping tide came up along the sand, And o'er and o'er the sand, And round and round the sand, As far as eye could see ; The blinding mist came do-vrn and hid the laud And never home came she." KlNGSLEY. It was evening when Donald Laidlaw, Lou's uncle, effected his escape into the light-house, and the next morning found the two prisoners in the upper floor, vainly seeking to spy out their foes, who had disappeared like the uncouth shapes of a dream. The prisoners had listened and waited all night long, but there was no sound on the air but the low wash of the sea, and nothing could be discerned from the apertures of the tower save the sand and the trailing gleam of the lan- tern on the ocean. Hour by hour glided by in perfect hush. The como- rants flew past to their daily fishery, the gulls came in from sea, and the shore birds ran in and out with the ebbing tide as they were wont to do. Laidlaw emerged out on the upper floor of the light-house, and turned out tbe lamp, cautiously peering about him. He saw the SMOKING OUT THE ENEMY. Obd goods strewn on the sand, just as they had left them, and the half-open door of the cottage still ajar. He descended again to the tower and told what he had seen ; but his escape from the enemy had been so narrow on the previous evening, and Lou's knowledge of Indian character was so good that they concluded it was far from safe to venture out of their place of refuge. So they opened a bag of biscuit and made a frugal meal, from time to time peeping out of the crevices between the plastering and the floor above, and then turning again to each other to talk or dream away the day. Noon had long passed when they became con- scious of some one calling from below, and saw an Indian standing in front of the house, waving a white rag, and indicating by his motions a desire to speak. Laidlaw mounted the steps to the platform on which the light was placed, and which extended some distance over the tower, and moving cautiously to the edge in such a manner that only his head was exposed to obser- vation fi'om below, called out to the Indian to inquire his message. " Indian Avants to talk." " Well, what is it ? Go on," answered Laidlaw. " Indian is going away — he wants peace. Indian will do no harm. Give him one blanket and he goes." *' Why did you fire at me last evening ?" " Indian was wrong — Indian much drink — Indian is sorry. Give Indian one blanket." The savage held up one finger to denote the smallness 384: WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. of his wants, and his other hand he pressed to his breast. His face was free of paint, and he carried no arms and spoke very pleasantly, and with a graceful gesture. " What shall we do, Louisa ?" asked the uncle, turn- ing around to the trap-door, through which his niece's head appeared, as she listened attentively to the conver- sation. " Tell him to take the blanket and go. We will see. if he will do it." Laidlaw told the Indian, who, after a pause, replied : " Indian can't take blanket — say Indian stole blanket." " Uncle, it is all a cheat. Look out for them," whis- pered Lou. " No, we will not come out to bid you good bye. Take the goods you want and be off." The Indian seemed disappointed, judging from his manner as he turned on his heel and disappeared in the bushes, while the old man descended to the securer retreat of the tower. The light-house in which Lou and her uncle were entrenched, was the ordinary columnar-shaped edifice that may be seen at intervals all along the coast at the present time. It was built of unhewn stone, to the height of about six feet from the sand, and then of concrete — a composition of broken shell and mortar — for forty feet more, slightly decreasing in size until within a few feet of the top, when it suddenly expanded to receive the bell- shaped lantern of glass that covered the lamps. Under this lantern was constructed a stone piaiform. SMOKING OUT THE ENEMY. 385 overlaying the tower, and extending out till it formed a narrow ledge, and a single hand rail ran round its exte- rior edge, so that the light-keei^er could walk the out- side, polish the glasses, and keep undimraed the light. In the lantern stood the lamps on a pedestal, with their metal reflectors, a can of oil and a bundle of waste, for polishing. At the base of the tower, and on the side from the sea, was a heavy oaken door, entrance to which was gained by a little flight of stairs, and the door was placed above the stone work, so as to be free from any extraordinary tides. On the level with the door in the tower was a pile of stores of divers kinds, some provisions and some necessary implements for the station. From this a wind- ing stairs of wood ran up to the narrow opening that led to the lantern. When Lou and her uncle took refuge from the savages, they remained at the bottom of the tower, reclining on the cordage or bales, save as they were occupied in try- in 2: to make discoveries of the savasres throu^'h the nar- O O CD row windows that here and there were cut, like arrow slits, into the walls for the purpose of light. It was hither they descended when the unsuccessful Indian diplomatist departed, and they were left once more to their own anxious expectations, and to the renewed machinations of their foes. It was not a great while they had to wait before they he,ard on the exterior the guttural voices of the savages, add^felt the door vibrating under their tests of its n 386 WILD SPORTS m the south. strength. Presently they heard heavy blows as though from a stick of timber, and then the sharp rap of a hatchet. Laidlaw started np, and arming himself with the only weapon he possessed, an old fowling-piece, pre- pared to do battle when the door should no longer be a security. Lou retreated up the steps toward the lantern. But the door was of live oak, studded with nails, and the Indians did not care to risk their hatchets on so stern a material, and even the blows of the timber presently ceased, the assailants finding it difficult to make their battering ram work effectively from the narrow platform afforded by the steps on the exterior. The prisoners congratulated themselves on their security, and again seating themselves on the cordage, renewed their council, and even jested upon the futile attempts of their enemies. An hour or more had passed away in most perfect quietness, and saving the occasional visits to the loop-holes of the tower, Lou had relapsed into a dreamy state of half wakefulness, while her uncle, with the caution of years, sat close to the door-way with his duck gun across his knee, and his ear to the crack. "Don't you smell something strange, uncle?" said the girl, after a pause. " ISTo," whispered the old man. " What like ?" "I thought I smelt wood burning. What is that I see on the floor ?" Her uncle looked dow^n on what seemed a carpet of lamb's wool, white and flaky, gradually spreading itself over the floor. Laidlaw leaned down his face until ho SMOKINa OUT THE ENEMY. 387 could look out through the crack beneath the door. Then raising up his head suddenly, he stared at his niece, ex- claiming in a Avhisper — " They have set fire to the door." There was a long pause, and the two doomed people gazed at each other in silence. As they sat they could hear from without the dull rumbling of the flames as they gathered volume, and then at intervals the whoop of the savages in mocking tones. The thoughts that chased each other through the minds of the prisoners were stern and hurried. There was no water or other means of putting out the fire, and even had there been it was on the outside of the door and constantly supplied with fuel by the savages. In a little while the flames became perceptible through the crevices of the door as the panelling shrunk from the heat. The knots fell out, and through the openings left they could see the savages passing and repassing. Lou's mind likened them to devils in the flame of the pit, and her soul went up in an unsyllabled prayer for deliverance from a death to which only the torments of the lost bore any likeness. Had Laidlaw been a man like the men that the wild scenes of those days often engendered, he would have been plotting against the savages, or at least been pre- pared for this emergency and capable of inflicting a salu- tary revenge ; but he was mild and gentle, having outlived many of his friends and ambitions ; he returned to gentle pursuits and dreamy musings to fill his vacant mind. 388 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. His only attempt now was a trial of endurance without any retaliation upon the savages, and laying aside his fowling-piece he assisted his niece in carrying up to the lantern a few things that a protracted stay might render necessary. A few bags of biscuit and boxes of figs, a canvas sail and a rope were brought up, and two or three glass reflectors of heavy weight and much value, were lifted up, with great labor, to the topmost j^latform. " I have forgotten my gun," said Laidlaw, descending for the last time the winding steps, blurred with smoke and dusky with the twilight, while Lou crouched down in the lantern to avoid being seen from the sands. " And bring up some tobacco for your pipe, uncle," she called after him, down the stairs. " I can't find the gun. Lou, did you see where I put it ?" he called from below. " Is it not leaning against the centre post ?" she called. The answer to her question was sent back up the con- fined tube of the tower, multiplied into infinite echoes by the hollow walls, in an Indian war-whoop. The savages had effected an entrance from below. Where was her micle ? She listened, but there was no sound of struggle or pleading, no prayer or groan, only the ^var-whoop came up in the darkness, echoing and re- echoing from vermilion colored lips and stony walls. She leaned her head down the trap door that communicated from the lantern to the stairs, calling, "Uncle, dear uncle, shall I come to you ?" But no voice or sound SMOKING OUT THE ENEMY. 389 replied ; even the Indian yell died away. The fire at the door had been trampled out, and there was a most per- fect hush, contrasting fearfully with the yells and tumult a moment before. Lou listened and watched, but the tower was thick with smoke, and darkness had settled over all the world. She did not dare to descend, know- ing it would be a useless sacrifice and no help to her kinsman. She did not dare to go to the edge of the lan- tern, for doubtless the savages were watching her from below. She only fulfilled her woman's mission and waited and hoped. She had been thus lying on her breast by the trap door an hour or more, during the most profound silence. The moon had arisen, and by its rays the winding stairs came partially out of the obscurity. Here and there down the black vault, a narrow slit of pale Hght came across the darkness, from the windows, and made a freckle on the stairs. Something moved past one of these bars of light, far down the tower. A moment after it passed another opening on the moonward side of the tower. Again, though without noise, it had nioimted nearer, and where the bar of moonshine crossed it, Lou recognized the vermilion daubed face and braided scalp- lock of an Indian. In an instant after, it disappeared in the dark. She drew back as from an apparition, or from the arch fiend himself. She shut her eyes, and yet by her mental vision saw the brindled shape mounting nearer. She would have prayed, but she scorned to address in 390 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. her extremity One she did not openly petition in her pride of life. Her mind swejDt around the whole circuit of her years, summing up in a second an age of being, and millions of defences that might have aided her had they been there. Trees, woods, air and the ocean, love, hope, and books, flashed through her mind as quickly and brightly as the light in a summer cloud, and yet she was conscious without seeing him, of the approach of the dread shape that was climbing from below. It was the fascination of a fate that could not be averted. In a moment her eye fell upon a weight that had been used as a balance to the mechanism of the lamp. It was a heavy cannon ball, with a ring in it. She rolled it to the edge of the trap door, and when next the figure below passed the light of a window she let it fall. Downward it flew with swift gathering velocity, until it struck the savage on the bare forehead, when he was hurled with it to the bottom, striking from side to side a lifeless mass. As one throwing a stone in a marsh will wake to shrill clattering, the rails hiding in its lonely coverts, and as their mocking cries, answered from tussock and reed, immediately hush into silence again, so the two bodies, hurled wdtli a dull blow to the base of the tower, awoke the silence of the night with the baffled whoop of the savages who w^ere waiting below ; their cries were answered from other hiding-places, and immediately after the war whoop ceased, and a hush as of death reigned as before. Lou listened to the wailing cry and sank back appalled SMOKora OUT the enemy, 391 at her own act of desperation. The darkness wrapped her as a mantle, not protectmg her but pinioning her arms in helplessness. It seemed the greater from the contrast with the beacon light that usually shone from the lantern brightening even the distant sea. She struck a match and lit the great lamp of the lantern, and as its flash broke out on the night her heart grew lighter at its accustomed cheerfulness. She could once more see the white walls of her house, and the ranks of marching breakers that knelt along the beach, discharging their regular volleys of noise and foam. She laid down on the floor so as to be secure from any shot from without, and watched the narrow winding steps of the tower. Where was her uncle ! There had been no voice or sound of him since they had j^arted. There was but one opinion as to his fate ; she could not think of it, and sternly shut it back lest she might be totally unnerved. A few hours sped by, and a motion at the base of the tower indicated some new attempt on the part of the besiegers. The experiment developed itself in a cloud of smoke that gradually mounted the tower and found vent through the trap door. Then a flame was seen below, and in a moment more the winding stairs were in a blaze. The fortress they dared not storm, was to be burned out. The girl looked around her as the smoke accumulated, and opened the windows and the door that led to the gallery to give it vent. The flames roared up through the aperture as through a hollow tree, above which the lantern, like the topmost boughs, came out 393 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. agaiiist the night sky in bright relief or was wrapped in darkness as the flame or the smoke successively lighted or enveloped it. The girl cowered away from the flames as they came up the trap door, to the fullest extent of the tower. The smoke became denser and the stone beneath her warm. She wrapped a blanket around her and kept her face down to the floor. The fresh air that stole through the broken sash struggled with the smoke that curled around her. Her ear caught the whoop of the Indians exulting in their carnival, and an occasional shot that was fired at the lantern, more in triumph than with the intent to slay. She heard the surf, and the peevish cries of the sea birds that cii'cled around the unusual light. Her brain reeled with the smoke, and she became insensible. When she recovered her senses the morning had bro- ken and the world with its thousand happy tenants had awakened to the joys of another day. The slight wooden staircase in the tower had burned out, leaving the column of stone and mortar with its iron ribbed lantern as strong as before. The girl looked down the column and found herself cut ofl* from the earth. She looked out on the strand and there was no living being in sight. The lamp had gone out in the smoke. She looked out for her late enemies, but could see none. The world below her was beautiful to see, replete with rolling- breakers, shells and sands, floAvering palmettoes, and the long lagoon, with its little island, dreaming a hundred yards from shore. BESIEGING THE LIGHT-HOUSE. CHAPTER XXVIII. BESIEGING THE LIGHT-HOUSE. " And that unknowing what he did, He leaped amid a murderous band, And saved from outrage worse than death The lady of the land." Coleridge. Theee are some positions in which one is thrown so hopeless, and so complicated in the abundance of their misfortunes, that the heart gives up resistance and lamen- tation. Then, after a little, there arises a pride of supe- riority, and the heart grows greater from its conscious scaling of these disasters. They cease to afflict, and are the sources of a pleasurable pride. So from her house of refuge by the sea Lou Jackson's mind ran over her lonely life, her position of disaster so singularly great, and her desolate feebleness against a nation of foes. Her mind recovered its tone, she became proud of herself, matching her feeble endurance against war, fire, and the girdling waves. She did not flaunt her new-found hardihood, but used the arm of the feeble, and kept concealed in the bottom of the lantern, yet proud of her own endurance and fortitude. She knew that Indian eyes were on the tower, and that the bushes, 394 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. seemingly inhabited only by the cardinal birds, were sheltering her enemies as well. She peered out from the crevices of the tower, watching her foes or the passing sails that, unconscious of her fate, crept along the hori- zon, and the sea, in glassy undulations murmured to the shore. As noon rode in the dazzling air and the hollow toAver still stood, blackened by the fire, yet seemingly deserted, the Indians, satisfied by the death-like stillness, stole from their hiding-places to examine their work of destruction. First one crept out, with his rifle in his hand, winding around difi*erent covers until he reached the base of the toAver, and looked up its lofty cone. The embers still smoldered in its base, and up the darkened trunk he could see the square hole that led to the platform, and through it the blue of the sky. Then another savage came out, and another, and they gathered together and talked long at the base of the tower. Lou saw them from where she lay, and could have thrown her lamp-scissors on their heads, but she kept quiet and concealed. The savages, tired of their siege, aAd satisfied that they had destroyed the only occupants of the light-house, collected together the spoils from the dAvelling-house, and jDutting them in their canoes, prepared to start. Lou watched them eagerly, thinking she might see her uncle a prisoner among them. She saw the patchwork coverlet from her bed go down wrapped around a painted chief. She saw some of the little mantel ornaments, her uncle's large brass compass. BESIEGING THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 895 the family kettles and pewter plates. She saw many a little article of grace and comfort, endeared to her by gift or use, passed tliroiigh hrutal hands and stored in the canoes lying in the lagoon, but her uncle w^as not there. The faint hope that had arisen in her soul faded away, and the mercury of her heart fell back with a cold chill. The Indians paddled off fast, to get to the main land, for the weather was changing ; a cold wind w^as blowing, and they preferred the shelter of the main to their ex- posed camp on the Key. In a little while their canoes looked like a train of ducks gliding over the black waters of the bay, and the curling waves came in from seaward with a hollow sound, booming out at sea, and hissing on the sands. Far beyond the regular shore- breakers, white spots on the ocean and curling ridges showed where the coral reefs reared their backs and made maelstroms of boiling waves tangled with sea-weed and brightened with foam. The sun set before its time in clouds. The air w^as all a haze. The gulls flew about hither and thither, like bits of white paper tossed on the winds. "A hard night at sea," said Lou, gathering herself up and looking round her citadel. The wind blew up the trap-door with spatters of the salt water, and found eQ:ress throuo-h the shattered lantern. She drew some planks over the hole, and after a fashion stopped the broken windows with pieces of boards or glass. The activity calmed her mind. She saw she w^as safe if she 396 WILD sroKTS in the south. could hold out until some one came to her relief, or until the store-ship returned again. There were a bag of crackers and several cans of lamp oil safe from the flames stored in the lantern, but they formed a meagre diet. Slie trimmed her lamp as was her wont, from time to time stopping to watch the rising sea or scan the dis- tant shore, where the Indians had disappeared. The night was a severe one for coasting vessels. Many a wreck would strew the Keys by the morrow, now that the good light was destroyed. Many a brave ship with its light hearts and cabins full of mirth would " crash together the keel and the mast to be tossed up aloft in the glee of the wave ;" a sense of duty and self-sacrifice came over her mind, strengthening her to action. " The ships, at least, should have the benefit of the light as long as she was there," spoke the girl ; and so, when every- thing Avas made as secure in the lantern as her means admitted, she touched the wicks with turpentine, and then with a match. In an instant, like the electric con- tagion of a heroic deed, the bright light flashed over the seething main, in a long train of splendor; and the watching mariner who had been longing, yearning, for that light from his reeling deck, saw it and blessed it aloud, though he wist not the enduring heart that bade it burn. Down among the tangled foliage of one of the islands close bordering the far shore was crouched a band of Indians. Over the fire cooked their supi^er. Their canoes, inverted, lay along the shore. Their blankets BESIEGING THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 30 7 and the plunder of their foray were scattered around them. The dense hedge of palmetto with its fan leaves, and the matted cane, bent over them, screening them from the wind, and though on the pulses of the gale they could hear the sobbing of the distant sea, they were secure from the tempest and from want, laughing low with humor, smoking their pipes, drying their leggins and stretching and basking like cats in the genial warmth and light of the fire. They too saw the bright flash of the light-house, as it stepped to its place in the heavens as did Herod the star over the cradle of Bethlehem. With their harshly uttered accents of surprise, they started to their feet and peered out from the foliage on the light they thought had darkened forever. The whole temper of their meal Avas changed, and with diverted glances and low conference they ate their food and glowered at the star that shone so placidly in the horizon. Still another party, besides the sailor on the sea and Indians at their camp, saw that star take its accustomed place in the dark. Mike was coming down the same lagoon when the far-floating specks of the Indian canoes caught his eye, and drove him to cover. He hid his little craft in the palmetto bushes on the land, and squatting beside it mth his hound, the two watched the savages pass and land on the beach opposite to him. There were three canoes — that was the same number he had been tracking, there were no women Avith the jjarty — that again tal- lied, but here were eight men, and there had been 398 WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. nine in Tiger Tail's party. Had they sacked the light and left with the spoils, after losing one man? This seemed to be probable. This would be a likely result, in case the two inhabitants of the Key were attacked in such a manner that they could return but a single blow before they were overpowered. " Or it might turn up," quoth Mike, to himself, " that they treed more'n they could ketch, and were goin' off for a time on a make-believe, leaving one to ketch the old man when he cum down. That's like 'em. Cum back, Yowler ; don't show your ugly mug to them crit- ters ; they know you better'n their own squaws." And the old dog obediently resumed his place at his master's side, and the couple quietly watched the open sound that had now become too rough to cross in a canoe. " No, taint it," continued Mike, to himself. " They've been here four or five days. They wouldn't have sot there all that time and done nothing. Wall, wall, time'll show." The hunter nibbled his jerked venison, giving a bit now and then to his dog, who sat with his head in his master's lap. He saw the screaming gulls come land- ward, and the darkness gather like a pavilion. He saw the light of the Indian fire, and the long reach of Key Biscayne like a log on the wrathful sea, and the breakers combing over either end. When the lantern suddenly looked down at him with its tranquil eye, he sprang to his feet, exclaiming — " God is good ! God is good to sinful critters. No daylight BESIEGmG THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 399 was ever so pretty to a lonesome bein'. Ha ! they've got a long pull to make yet, before they can blow out that ere light." He conned over again the devices of the Indians, and came back to his first conclusion that there was one watching the light-house, while the rest had left on a ruse. "Don't think that ere Injin is in a very safe spot," said he to himself, rubbing down the barrel of his rifle with his rough hand, and looking at the waves that kept him still on shore. When the morning came, Tiger Tail with his band came back to the island to complete his revenge, but Mike had already gone down along the lee shore during the night, and was waiting for him. The Indians, well knowing who was in the tower, made no secret of their approach. They landed just back of the house, and walked around the tower, and in and out the little building where Lou had so pleasantly lived. They entered the base of the tower whooping and yelling, and looking with eager eyes toward the aperture that led to the lantern. The sea was still roll- ing in its heavy billows ; as they toppled over and danced in foam, the impetus of the waters behind them carried them up to the base of the tower, when they climbed up like a sheaf of white feathers, and then raced back down the sands to gain forctJ for another attempt. The outer side of the tower was in a measure protected by the surf from the savages, and they confined their 400 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. attack to that side that looked out toward the little island in the bay. In the dwelling-house they found implements to aid them in their schemes. A beam was brought out and laid endwise against the tower. On this an Indian walked up and drove a spike into the plaster wall. He then mounted on the spike, the inclination of the tower permitting him to lean inward and drive another at such a height he could just reach it with his hand. With his hatchet he then cut out a stepping-j^lace for his foot, and mounted on to the second spike, and then another, mitil he climbed up to the overhanging ledge of the tower under the lantern. Thence throwing down his hatchet to his comrades he gradually extended one hand out until he could feel the edge of the overhanging eaves. This gave him a support. Then reachmg out the other hand, and dropping his feet from their support, he swung out pendent from his hands, and gradually raised himself up until he could see into the lantern. Lou had been all this time not unconscious of the plots of her foes, but she did not dare to overlook the eaves to see what they were intending, and therefore could not tell precisely how the blow was to fall. She lay down on the floor and waited, trusting to the Providence that had kept her thus far to preserve her to the end. While thus waiting and listening, her eyes fell upon the savage at the ledge of the platform. The crest of eagle feathers, the circles of black and vermilion, and the BESIEGING THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 401 glaring eye, had something in it of so paralyzing a horror that she only gazed as she would have gazed in the dilating pupils of a lion, without making a motion of defence. At this instant there came to the ear of the girl the crack of a rifle. The surf roared so heavily on the beach, and the wind rushing so fiercely through the pal- mettoes, and wrestled with the cocoa-nut tree, that the report of the rifle could just be heard by the crouching girl in the lantern, and not at all by the crowd assem- bled on the noisy strand. But the Indian clinging to the tower heard it, and sprang half his length above the ledge by the contrac- tion of his arms alone. He writhed around so that his back turned toward the wall. His eyes searched the thickets and the little island that lay near by in the bay. He attempted to sound the war-cry, but the blood bub- bled out of his mouth and fell j^attering on the astonished staring group below. One hand fell ofi" from its grasp on the stone coining. He tried to reach it back again, but it wavered in the air half lifted. His eye, filming with death, caught sight of the white , sea-gulls that, drawn by the strange sight, balanced in the air above him, uttering their plaintive cries. He saw in them the pure spirits of the happy Hunting Grounds promised by his religion. His body swung around in the ^vind. The head fell back, and the fingers slipped their hold, while the dead corpse fell with a heavy thud on the sands. During the occurrence the savages stood m horror 403 WILD SPOKTS m THE SOUTH. looking on the unaccountable spectacle. When the body- was hurled to the ground they paused a little, and then crept up to it, leaning over it and examining it. One pointed out with his finger the little blue spot under the arm that a rifle bullet makes. A guttural " ugh !" pro- claimed their assent and surprise. They lifted up their dead comrade and retired to the dwelling-house, setting him up against its walls, and held a long consultation. Lou crept up to the edge of the lantern and peered down through the crevices. She saw the dead warrior, and the council of the survivors, and their revengeful glances at the tower. She looked all around for the source of the rifle shot, but could see no living or moving thing. The same crash of waves on the one side, and the same monotonous line of coast and bay on the other. The little island stood oflf the shore, its palmetto bushes rust- ling and waving in the wind. The cocoa-nut tree bent and twisted, and far out at sea, past the Babel of noise and the tumbling waves, a happy white-sailed ship stood immovably on the horizon, passing from the north to some of the summer ports of the Indian islands. A movement among the Indians announced the ter- mination of the conference, and another attempt on the tower. A young man came out with his rifle hung over his back with a sling. Like his predecessor, he was naked to the waist, only dressed in his leathern breeches, and as he walked he drew off his moccasins. Another Indian climbed up on the roof of the house, and with his rifle resting on the chimney seemed to keep guard over BESIEGIXG THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 403 the lantern. The others scattered about, each one in a different direction, thus commanding the tower from all sides. The young man who had first advanced Avalked up to the cocoa-tree, and keeping on the side furthest from the tower, commenced to ascend it. The beleaguered girl saw at a glance the intent of the savage, for the tufted head of the tree where hung the huge cocoa-nuts was nearly on a level with the base of the lantern, and lying as close as jDOssible, she would not be able entirely to hide herself from his shot. She saw him mount slowly up, only his arms and legs exposed to her view, looking like bronze serpents enlacing the tree. He had reached the top of the trunk, the long spinous leaves waved and tossed their bending fans above hint, and hid him from her view. He unslung his rifle from his back. There came a lull in the Avind. The cocoa-tree resumed its upright j)osition, and' the marksman steadied himself for a shot. Again sounded the crack of a rifle — it came from the islet in- the bay — and the young Indian dropped motionless to the sands beneath, like the fruit of the tree when it is fully ripe. There was no doubt in the minds of the savages now as to whence came the blo^v^. They had heard the report of the rifle, and each one, with a whoop, sprang off to a cover, and the one behind the chimney on the house-top jumped from his exposed position A^■ith a cele- rity that showed more fear than courage. In a moment more there Avas not a savage to be seen ; only the two dead bodies lay on the beach. 404: WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. CHAPTER XXIX. MIKE AND TIGEH TAIL PLAY CHESS. " Falstaff, These nine in buckram that I told thee of, began to give me ground. Prince Henry. 0 monstrous !" KiNa Henry the Fourth. There are some peculiarities in the Indian cbaracter that resemble those of a cat. The Indian is patient, and nntiring in pursuit of prey, not seizing it b'y force but by surprise. He never openly attacks an equal, but waylays him, nor risks a life to take another, though the taking of that other may have been his sole occupation for days. The knowledge of these feline qualities of the savage mind gives to some backwoodsmen their great success in Indian warfare, and a reputation that, like Coeur de Lion's, is handed down from generation to generation among obscurer nations than those that knew the great Crusader Mike was a philosopher in this lore. A saying of his was, " I know what an Injin's up to by his paint," mean- ing that his war paint, his trappings, the arms he carried, the decoration of his dress, or its freshness,' woul(J show the errand on which its bearer was bent. MIKE AND TIGER TAIL PLAY CHESS. 405 So when the savages fell back from the tower, leaving the bodies of their two comrades on the sand, Mike slowly and methodically loaded his rifle, under the cover of the 2^almetto-bushes that covered the little islet, mea- suring the charge of powder in an alligator's tooth that hung at his girdle, and trimming off the spare corners of his greased patch after the ball was fitted as carefully as though he was shooting for a Christmas turkey, and then taking ont his store of venison from his hunting shirt, made his morning meal, as assured of a truce as though in his cabin. The islet he was concealed upon was scarcely twenty yards across, and yet so luxuriantly had the palmetto overgrown it that no single bit of sand could be seen. It looked like a floating garden. Under the broad fan-like leaves of the j)lants the hunter had made a pathway like an otter from the outer side to the landward edge, and thence he looked out on the light, a hundred yards across the open water and the long extended beach, ISTo boat could appear on the open water, or any approach be made to the lightliouse without its being seen from the island. Mike knew that the Indians would not expose themselves either in the one way or the other, although they outnumbered him six to one. That they were w^atching him he was perfectly assured, and he did not give them the opportunity of seeing his hiding-place, by any unwary motion, as it would only draAV their bul- lets. He merely stretched out an arm over the deep muzzled head of his hound, and slept. 406 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. From the other side of the narrow straits the Indians frowned on the island, consulted together, or passed from clump to clump to examine it the more closely, carefully screening their bodies from the hunter, thouirh careless as to all observation from the lio-ht-house. Among them, preeminent in gracefulness of figure, was one who wore on his breast a silver medal, like those given to Indians of distinction by the government of the United States, as a reward, or inducement to fidelity. He had crawled down almost to the beach, and from behind some broken timber kej^t a steadfast watch of the island. Although they had seen neither the marksman, his trail, nor any of his signs, there was no doubt in the Indians' mind as to whom the island concealed. Mike's character was too well known to doubt whose daring act had cost the band two of their best warriors. Even had they not knoAvn his intimacy at Far Away, or been warned by the diamond cut, his well known monogram, that he had marked on their canoe. Tiger Tail would have given his rifle and squaw for the scalp Mike wore, and yet there slept the scout, almost in sight of him and his band, and they dared not go and take him. Had a stranger looked on the scene he would have considered the beach a desolate ruin, never more to be inhabited. The lonely tower was blackened and marred, the place was deserted, and the two dead bodies lay on the sand, watched by the vultures that, with braced wings, crept in slow circles like motes in the upper air. The storm of the previous night had passed away. MIKE AND TIGEE TAIL PLAY CHESS. 407 The descending sun sullenly set in the everglades, the wind lulled, and a gentle rain fell like a mist. The trees and light-house loomed large in the obscurity, and the white reefed breakers on the reefs, sjoitting their frothy spume into air, could not be distinguished from the drift- ing scuds that settled down on the sea. A tangled path would the ocean be for the ships that walked its waters that night. Lou Jackson shivered on the stone flooring of the tower. The meagre diet of biscuit, the drink of rain water lapped up from the hollows of the stone, the excitement and terror, had begun to w^ork on her sys- tem. Her hand trembled, her eye was sunken and bril- liant, and her mind, excited unduly, ran riot with fancy and vision, and became morbidly sensitive to the slight- est indication of passing events. She knew that some one was near and had fired on the Indians. Who or from where she had not descried. She could see the bodies of the two Indians lying on the sands, and others walking about, and she knew she was still a hunted ani- mal, and, with the instinct of a quarry, hid as best her reason taught her. But another thought came to her Avith the closing day and the darkening sea. She thought of the happy homes on the open main, and her mind took in the children's laugh, and the lighted cabin with its music and books, and the foretop with its hanging sailors prying about for Cape Florida light. Her own mother went to sea when Lou was yet a child ; whether she went down crushed 408 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. under toppling seas, whether she was captured by pirates, or still floated over the waves, watching for her native harbor, Lou did not know, only her feverish mind pic- tured her leaning over the taffrail, and saw her pale face looking for shore. When night came down, trailing her black robes heavy with the sea fog, and shutting out the earth, the vision came stronger still. Her mother's voice calling to her in the wind to save her — the sea bird "lone watcher of despair" piped to her in plaintive cries for help. It was the call of the remembered voice. The feeling was so strong she knew her mother was careering past the reefs ; she saw the sheeted ship among the sprnne, and started to save her. She arose from her hard bed, and taking her scissors and oil can, trimmed the great lamps and wiped dry the reflectors. She touched them with spirits and then striking a match, the fair light flashed out to sea, and the light-keeper again sank to her hiding-place. The darkness had j^rotected her while trimming the lamps, and when the light came she sank so quickly to the floor, the Indians could as easily have shot one of the bale-fires that sometimes hung about the tower, as she. As if in answer to her act of devotion a moment after, from so far at sea, it looked like a thread of gold, a rocket went uj) into the air, parted its trident rays, and dropped again into dark- ness. "Mother mother !" called the o-irl stretchino: her thin hands seaward toward the signal light of the ship, " I come, I come " — but only the billows thundered back MIKE AKD TIGER TAIL PLAY CHESS. 409 their responses, and her wavering mind flickered between reason and madness. When the lamp shone out from the tower, the scout, satisfied of the safety, as he supposed, of Laidlaw and his niece, carefully backed out from his concealment, and drawing his canoe from under the rank foliage, noise- lessly embarked and disappeared in the darkness like a wraith. The fog and darkness concealed his movements from all observation. He knew that with the darkness he would be attacked by the savages, and that they would leave unmolested the tower until he was taken or driven from the neighborhood. Having the first move, he moved away like a knight on the chess board, with a great zig zag that carried him far out into the sound, and then back to where he had seen the Indian canoes lying during the day-time. This detour cost him much time, moving with the caution that he thought necessary. "When he had floated into one of the narrow creeks, 'or ditches, that ran up into the beach, he left his canoe and the hound, and crept dov.^n the shore to where he had seen the Indians landing. Their canoes were gone. " Ha, I knowd it," said Mike to himself, " they've given over the fawn and are trailin' the painter now." He crept on slowly from bush to bush toward the tower, and soon came out from the grove to the cleared land, and warily examinined on every side for the rear guard left by the enemy. There appeared to be none. 18 4:10 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOTTTH-. " Six agin odg," said Mike, smiling to himself, " that's hardly fair play." Then straightening himself up under some heavy foliage he looked long up into the lantern. There was no sound or motion from there, only the light burned on tranquilly, falling aslant on the heavy waves that crum- bled over and hurried up the beach, simmering with the phosphoric fire that made them blue and white. " Wall, wall, them folks are roostin' higher 'en turkey cocks ; I wonder ef I could crawl up thar." He crept along the house and found it sacked, and finally reached the foot of the tower. Drawing his hunt- ing knife he stepped inside, and felt around with his hands. Nothing^ but ashes and cinders met his hand. " Burned oMt the hollow tree," said he, and then looking up at the little glimmer of light that came down through the trap door, he continued, " but didn't smoke out the coons." Turning to go, his foot encountered something soft. He leaned down and felt it with his hands. It felt like a human body, and a taint of corrugation emanated from it that burdened the heavy air. A fearful idea seized the hunter ; he grasped the body with both hands and carried it into the light. There was just light enough to see that it was the body of a man. The hunter felt the head and it was scalped. He stood up for a moment and drew a long breath, repeating his favorite prayer of thanksgiving and praise, " God is good, God is good to sinful creeturs." MIKE AND TIGEE TAIL PLAY CHESS. 411 A stranger would have wondered what the simple man could have found in the mangled corpse to call forth so fervent an ejaculation of praise and of joy. Then carrying back the body and placing it just where he found it, he glided back to the bushes and was soon hid in his canoe under the mangrove roots that laced and interlaced the crumbling banks. It was growing toward morning when the hunter heard the Indians returning. He saw the boats glide past without noise, seeking their former landing. From where he lay hid he could have reached out and touched them with his paddle. He counted the Indians as they passed — there were but five. " "Where's that t'other one ?" questioned he in a whis- per. No one answered his question, and when the boats were out of sight Mike shot out into the open water, and the strong long pushes of his paddle soon swept his canoe around opposite the island he had lain on during the day. The light from the lantern guided him so that he lost no time, and when the little islet could be discerned he halted, backed out a little, and softly let down a stone anchor attached to a string to keep his canoe from drifting from its place. Then throwing off his hunting shirt and moccasins, and armed only with his knife, he cautiously let himself down into the water and floated toward the island. As he reached it he quietly drew himself up out of the water and wormed his way under the palmetto leaves toward the shore- ward end of the island. In a moment more there was a 412 WILD SPOETS m THE SOUTH. guttural sound from the darkness, and the dense foliage was violently agitated as if two bodies were struggling beneath. The noise could not be heard on the shore for the sound of the surf. But backward and forward on the islet swayed the heavy leaves of the sea-rocket, that reared its red head from the palmettoes, and Yowler, the hound, stretched his head shoreward from the boat and snuffed the air with quivering nostrils, and his eyes glowed like a lion's. Presently Mike crawled out again from the foliage, dragging down to the water's edge the pliant lithe body of an Indian that he left under the leaves, and then he swam out and drew up his boat to the island and hid it where it had been before, under the tangled leaves. Then the red flush came out of the sea, and the morn- ing wind, and like an army with banners, the great sea fog rolled up its masses and trailed away over the ever- glades, leaving the tower, and the beach, and the tumbling seas, rejoicing in the beauty and the joy of a Sabbath morning. In a little while after the light appeared, the warriors of Tiger Tail's band showed themselves among the cop- pices on the beach, carefully beating up every spot that might afford a cover for the scent they had spent the night in searching for. They went into the ruined dwelling, and then into the light, and away down to where the point of land dwindled into the surf, and finally, as if satisfied with their search and ashamed of the flight of their foe, they resumed their positions MIKE AND TIGER TAIL PLAT CHESS. 413 around the tower, and one of them, laying his rifle down, prepared to make the ascent of the outer wall to the light, that still burned dimly and fitfully in the lan- tern, like the morning star in the sky. The forest mata- dor carefully prepared himself for his task by laying aside his hunting-shirt that the Seminoles wore, contrary to the usual habit of dress among native tribes. He took off the necklace of coins with a pendent crescent of silver that ornamented his breast. He threw aside his wrought belt with its bullet-pouch and sheath, and putting his knife between his teeth, like a butcher, with a cat-like bound ran up the timber that still leaned against the tower, and carefully mounted the first of the iron spikes driven into the wall. His tight buckskin leggins were fringed with blue, his naked chest and arms glistened with sweat, and the sunshine and the vermilion-colored painting on his face and breast made him resemble an ocelot climbing a tree. He found the ascent very easy, until he reached the top of the tower, where it curved out to form the little gallery that ran round the lantern. Here he paused for a moment, adjusting his feet and inserting a hand in a crevice of the wall to support him, while he reached out with the other to fix his hold in the ledge, and here he met the bolt of fate from Mike's rifle, that with its clear ringing knell proclaimed to the astonished band that not only was their comrade on the tower death-stricken, but that necessarily the outpost they had left on the island in the night had first fallen before the same avenger. 414 WILD SPORTS m THE SOUTH. Sometimes, when one is hunting squirrels, and has made his shot at some determined nut-cracker in a stately hickory, he will see the wounded animal shiver and drop the unoj^ened nut it held in its teeth, then move on a little and lay flat on the limb, then one by one its feet relaxing their hold, until it slips from the cradling bough, still chnging by one paw, and when that loses its grasp, catching at a lower branch with the other, while on the forest leaves, with a slow patter, the red drops fall until the still wrestling animal hurtles from its retreat, crashing through the leaves to the earth beneath, never more to wake the morning with its shrill bark, or shower down the hanging dew beneath its dizzy leap. So the Indian on the tower at the crack of the rifle shivered and dropped his hunting-knife from between his teeth, and reluctantly qiutted his hold and fell to the earth below. His comrades had already fled to cover, and lying there in the sun he clenched the sand, gave a few convulsive sobs, and lay still forever. An hour passed by when Mike saw from his conceal- ment the four Indians that remained crossing the sound in their boats, they had considered it safest to beat their retreat while they knew precisely where their foe was intrenched. They carried their dead with them, save the body of the one lying by Mike on the islet, and fled in the direction they were taking when the light ill the lantern recalled them to complete their revenge. X-i.i MIKE AND TIGER TAIL PLAY CHESS. 415 The hunter watched then- course until they faded into the distant shore, and then coming out of his retreat, crossed over to the beach. For the first time since his arrival he seemed in a hurry. When he hailed the tower and called Lou Jackson by name his voice trem- bled, and when no answer came down to his repeated questions, he threw off his coat and climbed up m the same way so ineffectually tried by the savages. Lou heard him call, and recognized his voice. She was lying on the stone floor, and her mind had returned with the soothing dayUght, yet she retained the con- sciousness of its wanderings, and thought she was dreaming. The vision was so pleasant to her she held her breath that it might not go away. Others had come to her and gone during the night, and left her alone to the terrors of death. She dreaded lest this one might also go. Presently she heard the brushing of garments against the outer wall, and the breathing of some one near her, and then she knew the vision was gone, and dreaded the spectre head she had before seen rising in the self-same place. She drew back in fear, and closed her eyes to shut out the Medusa head that was to trans- fix her with horror. She heard a sudden bound, as though something had swung itself onto the gallery, and then in her vision came the brown face of Mike the hunter, and she heard his low voice as he stooped over her, saying, as he lifted her in his arms : " Lou, child, they haint put out the light yet." 41^ WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. CHAPTER XXX, THE SUEEENDEK AT DISCKETION. " Of bowe and sliafte lie bin bereft, And eke of bugil home ; A goodlye \riglite, by craftie slyglite Alake ! is overborne." Old Ballad. The reader must carry his mind over three years that had flown between the events narrated in our last chap- ter and those about to be in the present. A few more grey hairs had interspersed the Doctor's curls, another wrinkle marked Mike's eyelid, and a little of the fresh- ness of my life had wasted, when the Christmas festivi- ties of a happy house brought us all once again together. We met at the Moorlands, a sea-island plantation, one of many that from underneath the live oaks are visible from the arms of the sea that indent the Georgia coast. Happy, dignified homes, at once the centre of an extensive agriculture and an abundant and unostentatious hospitality. Boys were home from college; packages of northern goods and books had arrived ; the negroes Avere gay with their Christmas gifts and privileges; the ladies bright with the excitement, and the world with sunshine; the gentlemen were boisterously preparing for the snipe and partridge shoot- l-HE SURRENDER AT DISCRETION. 4lT ing, and even Mike — the quiet, satirical Mike — had awakened to the uses of the holidays. Mike, agreeably to a promise to spend the Christmas days at the Moorlands, had come as punctual as the year itself, and his wild, droll stories woke the fireside to peals of laughter when we nightly fought our battles o'er again. The house we were visiting was a portion of an estate that had reverted to Lou Jackson, and that from poverty had raised her again to wealth, and the feast that had lasted for a week was made doubly joyful by seeing our hostess of Far Away the head of the old homestead. The allotted time of our visit, spent in a round of pleasure, had flown away, and it was now the middle of the night preceding New Year's day. The moon, " sweet regent of the sky," overlooked the Moorlands, and her reflections flecked the lawn, whitened the house, ' brightened the whitewashed negro cabins, and made the Altamaha a belt of silver among the rice-fields. The air was still, and all the household realized in dreams the hopes of the incoming year. The great house itself seemed to slumber, with its half-open doors, its smokeless chimneys, its scattered implements of labor, shadowed by trees, and lost in the forgetfulness of the early morn- ing. Its young mistress lay in her bed, with her head pillowed on her hand. The door of her room opening on the piazza was ajar, and the moonshine in a flood came in, revealing the turned down book on the stand, and the white garments upon the chair, yet warm and 18* 418 WILD SrORTS IN THE SOUTH. conscious of the sleeper. Around the room were scat- tered many a memento of the maiden's former life — skins, and sketches, and Indian ornaments, the little indications of tasteful womanhood that make a house retain the image of the owner even after the owner may have gone to the house not made with hands. Something disturbed the sleeper, her lips moved, and her regular breathing was stopped. She drew her white shoulders under the cover. The dream within her was strong, for her color changed, and a short, quick-drawn breath heaved her bosom, her eye half unclosed, and she seemed to see Mike standing in her room by the window, with his cap in his hand and his rifle on his arm. She lay still with her body, though her thoughts recovered their intensity in a second, and gathered up the past like a gar- ment. The old days came back to her as they trooj) past a person in a fever, and woods and water, the moving sea, danger and childish fancies. Her life had nurtured her originally bold imagination until it ran wild, and her reason then made her control herself until she appeared to strangers to maintain a stoical reserve. Years agone she had sat by Mike, with her hand on his knee, listenuig to his wild tales, like Desdemona, " still questioning him the story of his life." As she grew older she drew the hand away, yet listened still, or counted the times and seasons of his coming and going. Older still she grew, and the distance between her and a mere scout became perceptible to her mind, and then pride came, doubt of herself, and experience, and she drew back ; drew back THE SURRENDER AT DISCRETION. 419 in form, though her heart did not. She knew her heart did not, and so for that knowledge the more severely she kept herself from his contact. Then came a change in her position in life. The In- dian bullet made her an orphan child, and, like him, a vagabond, not knowing where to shelter herself. Guided by his woodcraft to Tampa Bay, she needed all the remembrance of her former hauteur and superiority to guard the safety of her heart. She reasoned to herself, and shamed herself to thinking that where she once felt so superior she could never feel just equal. Her sorrow at her father's death was with her, and she was glad to flee from us away to civilized life, where no such wild imaginings could come across her mind. Once again the thoughts of her heart underwent a change. When the hunter came to her in her darkest hour of distress in the light-house, when he nursed her w^ith the tenderness of a woman, when he guarded her with the loyalty of a knight, and after weeks of a simple, humble devotion that was past all show, and silent in words, though ceaseless in acts, finally restored her to life, to wealth, and to her kindred, then Lucy Jackson became conscious to herself, and blushed at the know- ledge. She was all unveiled to her own eyes ; she floated in his approbation, and was crushed by his unimpassioned look. But while she had been changing, he, too, had changed, and, like her, acquired a pride all of his own. He was conscious that he had been kept at a distance at Bonda 420 WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH. Key, he was not analyst enough to tell how ; this, to his sensitive heart, was a refusal, abject, persistent, unreason- able. He felt that in her was a certain pride, and, lov- ing her, acquired it himself. When he became the means of her salvation at Key Biscayne, that pride grew side by side with a species of knightly honor that would not allow him to avail himself of the gratitude of the person he had benefited. Such a coercion would be like selling his bold deeds for his own advantage. She was helpless, weak, and distressed ; he refused to ask what might be conceded as a right, and what he had not, when pleading as an outcast before a superior being, received before. So modest he was, he saw not the longings that he had awakened — so mutely, devotedly humble, he never dreamed of success after his first hope was thwarted. He walked by her side a servant, and turned back to the woods again when the service was done, leaving her rich in substance, yet poor in spirit, bowed down with a feel- ing of being scorned, and yet of having caused that neg- lect by her own act. Three years had passed since then, and had brought no change to her feelings, though much to her wisdom. Three years had given her wealth and acquaintance, and a world of social life that had a bustle and a wakefulness about it disconsonant with a mind that had passed so many years in the quiet enjoyment of nature. She attended races and regattas, travelled and visited, but to her mind would come the moaning of the sea, and to her eye almost nightly would appear a camp-fire with its THE 6UEEENDER AT DISCRETION. 421 appurtenances of dogs, and trees, and slumbering figures, or the lonely lamp in the lantern would loom out of the brine of her tears. It was the ghost that would not down, and all the while came back to her again and agaui in every form or tone the scene at Bonda Key, v\'here she had repulsed the single hope she now would give her life to recall. Mike's measured, quiet demeanor that is natural to the woods, protected his feelings from scrutiny during his visit to the Moorlands, if he had any that he wanted to conceal. His frankness was like an armor that made fall to the ground all questions and suspicions. Lou watched him with a carefulness that left no act or word unnoticed, and yet with all, learned nothing of his hopes or his inner thoughts. He seemed to tell all, yet she sus- pected and watched for more that might be unsaid. When she had his familiar company she feigned to her- self that it was of little value, but when she had it not, its absence left her life vacant, and his deference was a burning reproacli. She knew he was going soon back to whence he came. He seemed " weary of the rolling hours." As a migratory bird that sees the passing flocks against the sky, or a traveller that hears the airs of his native land, he seemed to be looking southward and counting the time. The knowledge of his going kept Lou's eye anxious, and made her toss and mutter in her sleep. Was it a consciousness he was by, that bade her wake ? Did a paining of the heart make her feel he was nearing her in her sleep ? Was it a conscious presence 4:22 WILD 6P0ETS IN THE SOUTH. — was it a communication like that which tells one that some one behind his back is watching him — or that calls at night in the misty woods of June to the trysting hun- ter, Come — come ? Or was it that electric flash of plea- sure from eye to eye that makes you feel and know that some one you are talking to is pleased and pleases, and is very like you, though he is a stranger ? Her heart almost ceased its beating, when she saw him stand there in her room, every nerve was conscious of his presence, and throbbed, her ear heard his heart beating, her nostril de- tected the scent of his person, her fingers seemed to feel of his arm, the texture of his coat, and the fur of his cap. Was it a dream ? Then, dear dream, stay forever. I will not move, lest I affright you. No ! it was no dream, for in a moment the figure moved — it came nearer, laid something down on the stand by the bed, and taking up a lace sleeve of hers that was lying there, put it in its bosom, glided back to the window ; the moonshine glinted on rifle and belt, and it was gone. Lou Jackson sprang to the table ; on it she saw a fan, such as are only made in Florida, of the tail of the roseate spoonbill, the head, with its broad bill, being so fastened that it served as a handle. Years before she had told Mike to get her such a fan, making some laughing promise if he succeeded. Had he mutely claimed the promise ? She ran to the window, and saw him following the path that led to the boat land- ing. His pack was on his arm, his hound was following him, — ^he had gone. Where was the proffered promise ? THE SURRENDER AT DISCRETION. 423 was it thrown back to her in scorn ? His humble devo- tion rebuked the thought. A moment of sinking horror, an upstart of wild hope, and Lou, wrapping a dressing- gown about her, was fleeing down the path he went. The cockspurs stung her feet, but she did not feel them, the dank smell of the salt grass recalled the Drowned Lands of Ouithlacouchee, and its memory of pleasure, but like a wraith she fled onward between the low drooping moss that overhung the path down to the Altamaha and came out on the open glade that margined the river. The moonlight stared her out of countenance wdth the boldness of her act, and she halted and turned back to the shadoAV. Suppose he should look coldly on her — w^hat scorn would there be like that ? She looked at her naked feet, and re- treated into the obscurity. The glow-worm turned his eye on her, the palmetto pointed its long finger at her. Custom, instinct, and doubt, blew in her face with the salt air, and made lier shiver. They tied her there as to a stake, while she knew he was being banished forever. A chain clanked on the shore. She knew it was the boat's chain he had unfastened. " One word, oh ! one word — I would die for one word. I love him so I will take shame for him, scorn from him, anything but this doubt," she said, half aloud, and again hurried toward the beach. Mike stood with his foot on his boat, wherein were lying his gun and his dog. He started as the hound challenged the comer Avith a growl, and the girl placed her hand on his shoulder, 424: WILD SPOETS IN THE SOUTH. calling to him: "Mike! Mike! where are you go- ing?" " Back home," answered the hunter, dropping the boat's painter in his surprise, and speaking in a half whisper. " Take me with you, Mike — take me with you ?" " Child, would you go in the night and alone ?" said Mike, drawing her robe together where it was falling from her shoulder ? " Oh ! Mike, are you blind, or am I mad ? Take me — take me — don't leave me !" and as the hunter put his great arm about her, she whispered, " Take me and love me," and her head fell on his breast. He gathered her up in his arms, and carried her back from the wet shore, like an infant whispering in a bro- ken voice, while his tears fell down on her hair : " God is good, God is good to sinful creeturs !" The roseate fingers of the morning unclasped from beneath the ocean horizon, and a hundred tongues from copse and grass anthemed the dawn of a new day and a new life. THE END. ^'^^% - ^ .^',:-^. .,^^ -; >f/^" ,-\^ • -^-