Eee ae. SB C98 Shes dee ne eign eee U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. | 4 Ka BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 235. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS AND THEIR ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: T—BLACK SAGE; 1—WILD SAGE; ITi—SWAMP BAY. BY FRANK RABAK, Chemical Biologist, Drug-Plant, Poisonous-Plant, Physiological, and Fermentation Investigations. TIsstEn J ancary 30, 1912. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1912, Gass, SB298_ bok eee Th - ae eran EvENT OF AGRICULTURE. : BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 235. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS AND THEIR ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: L—BLACK SAGE; I1.—WILD SAGE; ITL—SWAMP BAY. BY FRANK RABAK, ‘ Chemical Biologist, Drug-Plant, Poisonous-Plant, Physiological, and Fermentation Investigations. Issurp JANUARY 30, 1912. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIOE. 1912, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. Chief of Bureau, BEVERLY T. GALLOWAY. Assistant Chief of Bureau, WILLIAM A. TAYLOR. Editor, J. E. ROCKWELL. Chief Clerk, JAMES E. JONES. DRUG-PLANT, POISONOUS-PLANT, PHYSIOLOGICAL, AND FERMENTATION INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. A. B. Clawson, Heinrich Hasselbring, C. Dwight Marsh, and W. W. sSHOon Nene, Physiologists. James Thompson and Walter Van Fleet, Experts. Carl L. Alsberg, H. H. Bartlett, Otis F. Black, H. H. Bunzel, Frank Rabak, and A. F. Sievers, Chemical Biologists. W. W. Eggleston, Assistant Botanist. S.C. Hood, G. F. Mitchell, and T. B. Young, Scientific Assistants. Alice Henkel and Hadleigh Marsh, Assistants. G. A. Russell, Special Agent. 2 235 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Bureau or Priant Innwstry, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., October 14, 1911. Srr: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 235 of the series of this Bureau a manu- script prepared by Mr. Frank Rabak, Chemical Biologist, entitled “Wild Volatile-Oil Plants and Their Economic Importance: I.—Black Sage; II.—Wild Sage; III.—Swamp Bay,” submitted by Dr. R. H. True, Physiologist in Charge of the Office of Drug-Plant, Poisonous- Plant, Physiological, and Fermentation Investigations. At present the various industries making use of volatile oils and their derivatives find their supply of these materials in products obtained from Old World plants grown in foreign lands. In some cases, because of the difficulty in producing these substances, it is likely that this commercial situation will persist for some time, but in other cases it seems likely that American resources may be capable of utilization. In our wild flora there are many oil-containing plants of considerable commercial promise and the purpose of this bulletin is to bring to notice the results of investigations which have been carried on with a number of these plants and to point out their com- mercial utility. It is presented as the first of a series, to be followed from time to time with the results of further investigations which are to be carried on with this class of plants and their products. Respectfully, B. T. GaLtoway, Chief of Bureau. Ton. James WItson, Secretary of Agriculture. 235 3 See Oe Sy etc ‘2. ge aRANeey. 6 We we ae S . iP ee: ; 7 ‘ ties ne = ‘ x Fi re" nomad LEP teotent Pe Th) OAD Foe ; tito ite ‘ia 5 f ans ai y Tar Pyas 3 i piy py he SpE . oer) ' id « LY FUE Ory § rig) i . i = . | ’ Mids fi ee i 4541 \ o » é. LAE, To = = j i at J ign lb vv lee meal Ts ve ie te “] pa 0 bake dhe LRA SL cee tae at ane istoliieg dia lvbalgtiy’ Wht ting 1h ; Fup ei = SAP +e - 7 fresh wks Pie vie : Suites thanptaah ¥ bi fl tile: Th deepal ong ae iv ; age ie “a ? > le ae, ay fe mie ae MoO 7 ‘1 fe) the, ey yaad eae ee | waits eee | and in spike oil, obtained from Lavandula spica,’ the latter two belonging to the mint family. Cineol, or eucalyptol, is found chiefly in the volatile oils from various species of the eucalyptus tree and is the principal constituent of many of these oils. The blue gum tree (Hucalyptus globulus), belonging to the family Myrtaceze and introduced abundantly in the western part of the United States, furnishes a volatile oil of which more than one-half is cineol. Other important sources also are cajuput oil? and niaouli oil® from Melaleuca leucadendron (M. viridiflora), a plant indigenous to India. Only a few native aromatic plants are known to yield volatile oils which contain cineol and in only a very few cases has this constituent been found to be present in any quantity. It is known to occur in the oil of the California laurel, or mountain laurel (Umbellularia californica),® where it is present to the extent of about 20 per cent. Among other native plants in which cineol is known to occur in small quantities is the composite Achillea millefolium,” com- monly known as milfoil or yarrow. Peppermint oil from Mentha piperita™ and sage oil from Salvia officinalis” are said to contain small quantities of this constituent. Camphor, borneol, and cineol are found in considerable quantities in volatile oils which have been distilled from three unutilized aro- matic plants of the United States, which will be discussed fully in the subsequent pages of this bulletin. 1 Power, F. B., and Lees, F. H. The Constituents of the Essential Oil of Asarum Canadense. Journal of the Chemical Society, London, vol. 81, 1902, pt. 11, pp. 59-73. 2 Schimmel & Co., Semiannual Report, October, 1895, pp. 46-47. 3Ibid., April, 1898, p. 53. 4Tbid., October, 1897, p. 12. 5 Gildemeister, E., and Stephan, K. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der iitherischen Oele, VI. Archiv der Pharmazie, vol. 235, 1897, p. 585. 6 Bouchardat, G. Surl’Essence d’Aspic (Lavandula Spica). Comptes Rendus, Academie des Sciences, vol. 117, 1893, pp. 53-56. 7 Wallach, O. Uber die Bestandtheile einiger itherische Oele. Justus Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie, vol. 225, 1884, pp. 314-318. 8 Bertrand, G. Sur la Composition Chimique de ]’Essence de Niaouli. Comptes Rendus, Société des Sciences, Paris, vol. 116, 1893, pp. 1070-1073. 9 Power, F. B.,and Lees, F. H. The Constituents of the Essential Oil of California Laurel. Journal of the Chemical Society, London, vol. 85, 1904, pt. 1, pp. 629-639. 10 Schimmel & Co., Semiannual Report, October, 1894, p. 38. 1 Power, F. B.,and Kleber, C. The Constituents of American Peppermint Oil, and a Method for the Quantitative Determination of Menthol. Pharmaceutische Rundschau, vol. 12, 1894, pp. 157-165. 122 Wallach, O. Zur Kenntniss der Terpene und der iitherischen Oele. Justus Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie, vol. 252, 1889, pp. 94-157. 235 COMMERCIAL USES OF CAMPHOR, BORNEOL, AND CINEOL. 13 COMMERCIAL USES OF CAMPHOR, BORNEOL, AND CINEOL. As an article of commerce camphor is most useful, being employed extensively in the arts andin medicine. Its use in the arts is restricted principally to the manufacture of celluloid, a commodity which finds a great variety of uses. It also finds important uses in the manufac- ture of lacquers and pyrotechnics, in embalming, and, because of its odor, is used as an insectifuge. Camphor is also used to a great extent in medicine both for external and internal application, and enters into many pharmaceutical preparations. Borneol, although closely allied to camphor, is much less used com- mercially in the United States, principally because of the difficulties encountered in its collection by the natives in Borneo and the Malay Archipelago. It would probably be used more extensively in this country if a sufficient supply could be obtained at reasonable prices, the high price of the article preventing its use for technical purposes. Borneol is antiseptic and stimulant, and finds its main use in medicine, but is also in demand in the perfume industry, the esters being especially desirable. The acetic acid ester of borneol (bornyl acetate) is in fact the odoriferous principle of pine-needle odor. Borneol is used mainly as a base for the manufacture of bornyl acetate which is much used in the preparation of pine-needle odors by perfumers. It is in considerable demand in the Orient where, according to Janse,! it is sought by the Chinese, who use it principally in religious ceremonies, but also in medicine and the perfuming of Indiainks. The Chinese are said to pay as much as $1.25 an ounce for it, and since the native producers are unable to supply the demand, a synthetic borneol, which is not a pure substance but a mixture of borneol and isoborneol, has entered the markets of the Kast. Cineol, or eucalyptol, is a very important and valuable article of commerce. Its virtue as a remedial agent has placed it in a high position among the important drugs used in the treatment of human ailments. The uses of cineol are entirely medicinal. It is used both internally and externally, and also as aninhalant. It is administered internally in the form of various pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory affections. As an inhalant it is used for asthma, diphtheria, and throat troubles in general. Together with other medicaments cineol is applied externally in the form of ointments or liniments. Further- more, it has a wide application in the manufacture of dentifrices, mouth washes, and other preparations where an antiseptic action is _ desired. At the present time pure cineol, as prepared from eucalyp- tus oil, commands a price of $1 to $2 a pound. 1Janse,J. M. Le Dryobalanops Aromatica Gaertn. et le Camphre de Borneo. Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, supplement 3, pt. 2, 1910, pp. 947-961. 235 14 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION OF WILD AROMATIC PLANTS NATIVE TO THE UNITED STATES. Since many valuable volatile oils and volatile-oil constituents have been discovered in plants growing wild in various parts of the world, it has been thought that an investigation of the wild aromatic plants of this country would reveal many, now practically useless and possi- bly classed as weeds, which might become of commercial value. The economic value of these plants is determined not only by the proportion of oil which they contain, but by the constituents of the oil; hence careful analyses must be made in order to discover what these constituents may be. The present bulletin deals with the analyses of three heretofore unutilized plants, which may be grouped together, because the oils obtained from them are all of a camphora- ceous character and because they contain several constituents in common. These, gathered from different sections of the United States from entirely different habitats and belonging to unrelated families, are as follows: Black sage (Ramona stachyoides) from Cali- fornia, wild sage (Artemisia frigida) from South Dakota, and swamp bay (Persea pubescens) from Florida. SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS. BLACK SAGE. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION AND DISTRIBUTION. Ramona stachyordes (Benth.) Briquet (synonyms—Audibertia stach- yoides Benth., Salvia mellifera Greene), commonly known as black sage (figs. 1 and 2), is a shrubby aromatic perennial, occurring from middle to southern California on low hills from April to June. The shrub attains a height of 3 to 6 feet and possesses herbaceous leafy branches with oblong leaves, green and wrinkled above and ash colored and hairy below The flowers are white or lilac and in whorls or heads. The leaves have a strongly aromatic and decidedly cam- phoraceous odor, the woody branches being very brittle and also strongly aromatic. DISTILLATION OF THE OIL. A quantity of the fresh herb partly in bloom, including the flowering tops, branches, and leaves, was distilled by steam in the vicinity of Los Angeles, Cal., in April, 1908, and yielded 0.75 per cent of oil. The oil was nearly colorless and possessed a penetrating, camphora- ceous, yet agreeable odor, with a bitter, camphorlike taste. At 24°C. the specific gravity was found to be 0.9144; specific rotation A,= +30.2°; re-fraction at 24° C., 1.4682. The oil was soluble with clear solution, in 14 volumes of 70 per cent alcohol, becoming turbid with 34 volumes or over. 235 BLACK SAGE. 15 SEPARATION OF STEAROPTENE. Owing to the very strong camphoraceous odor of the oil, a separa- tion of the stearoptene suggested itself. In order to separate a solid body which 1s held in solution by a volatile oil, the ‘‘freezing- out” method is usually employed. Accordingly 100 grams of the oil were subjected to a freezing mixture of ice and salt. A tempera- ture of —15° C. was attained, and flaky crystals formed throughout the oil. The crystals were separated by being thrown on a force filter and the remaining oil again subjected to the cold, when a second lot was obtained, which was likewise separated. A total of Fig. 1.—A plant of black sage (Ramona stachyoides) growing near Riverside, Cal, 11.3 grams of crystals was separated, corresponding to a yield of 11.3 per cent. These crystals were soft and flaky in nature and possessed the characteristic odor of camphor. IDENTIFICATION OF CAMPHOR. In order to identify the crystalline substance obtained from the oil, a small quantity was sublimed, and the usual tests of melting point,- boiling point, and rotation were applied. For further recog- nition of the compound, an attempt was made to prepare an oxime. Accordingly the method of Auwers! was applied, which, briefly, is as 1 Auwers, K. Zur Darstellung der Oxime. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, vol. 22, 1889, pp. 604-607, 235 16 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. follows: To a solution of 10 parts of camphor in 10 to 20 times the amount of 90 per cent alcohol is added a solution of 7 to 10 parts of hydroxylamine hydrochlorid and 12 to 17 parts of a soda solution. If turbidity results, more alcohol is added and the mixture is heated on a water bath until a small portion of the solution remains clear upon the addition of water or until the resulting turbidity disappears, Fic. 2.—Flowering top of a plant of black sage. when a few drops of soda solution are added and no free camphor remains. The mixture is then diluted with water, filtered if neces- sary, and neutralized with dilute hydrochloric acid. The camphor oxime which separates is recrystallized from alcohol or ligroin. It melts at 118° to 119° C. The above method applied to the sublimed crystals resulted in the formation of an oxime which melted at 120° to 124° C. Since Dy 235 BLACK SAGE. : 47 an oxime was obtained (indicating possible ketonic characters), application was made of another reaction for ketones, namely, the formation of semicarbazone. Tiemann’s method?! for the prepara- tion of camphor semicarbazone was applied. The method is as follows: 1.5 grams of camphor dissolved in 2 cubic centimeters glacial acetic acid are treated with a solution of 1.2 grams of semi- carbazid hydrochlorid and 1.5 grams of sodium acetate in 2 cubic centimeters of water. Water is added and the crystalline compound recrystallized from alcohol. The melting point of camphor semi- carbazone is 236° to 238° C. The sublimed crystals when treated in the above manner yielded a semicarbazone which melted at 232° C. For a comparison of this substance with pure camphor, a tabula- tion was made of the more common physical properties and chemical tests. TaBLE I.—Comparison of properties of crystals from oil of black sage and of pure camphor. Test. Crystals from oil of black sage.| Crystals of pure camphor. peek) acer: open 2 3 Neelinne point 2a sh00 255425. 2 Pn He eas te | Ae i TI) a) Cees Roe A ner 175° C. LSPS iD CO PR Pe a Seis Seo OP) sha eae | a ee oe 204° C, Rotation in 50 mm. tube......-..---......-. ie +3. 38° (20 per cent solution | +3.51° (20 per cent solution in alcohol). in alcohol). OO Se ee ee a ah eee Np ToS howled? © he 2 118° to 119° C. Semiicarbasone.. 2.2... -od0.404e+...02..2.| Mi."p. 232° tio 233° Coos. - 424. 236° to 238° C. The table shows very close similarities in the melting point, boiling point, and rotation of the crystals from the oil of black sage and of pure camphor. The melting points of the oximes and semicarba- zones, though not corresponding so well, seemed to indicate that the crystals were in all probability camphor. To further confirm the assumption that the compound from the oil was camphor, an ele- mentary analysis of the compound was made after being twice sublimed. 0.1273 gram of crystals gave 0.1199 gram H,O, corresponding to 10.5 per cent hy- drogen, 0.1273 gram of crystals gave 0.3228 gram CO,, corresponding to 79.7 per cent carbon. CipH,,0 79 per cent carbon. camphor 10.5 per cent hydrogen. 0.1279 gram of crystals gave 0.1244 gram H,O, corresponding to 10.8 per cent hy- drogen. 0.1279 gram of crystals gave 0.3761 gram CO,, corresponding to 79.9 per cent car- bon dioxid. requires { 1 Michaelis, A.,and Erdmann, G. Ueber die Thionylamine der Amidoazoverbindungen und der Naph- tylendiamine. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, vol. 28, 1895, pt. 2, pp. 2192-2204. 15520°—Bul. 235—12 3 18 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. The combustion results seemed to indicate that the compound is identical with that of camphor, as the above tabulation also clearly shows. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF THE OIL. CHEMICAL CONSTANTS. Preliminary to the detailed chemical examination of the oil the usual chemical constants were determined. By neutralization of a weighed quantity of the oil with standard potassium hydroxid V.S., the acid number (the number of milligrams of potassium hydrate required to neutralize 1 gram of oil) was found to be 2. The ester number (the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxid required to saponify the esters in the oil) was found to be 2.5, which, calculated as bornyl acetate, corresponds to 0.88 per cent. The ester number after acetylization of the saponified oil with acetic anhydrid (and which represents the total amount of alcohols present) was 27.1, which, calculated as borneol, represents a total of 7.58 per cent of borneol in the oil, both free and in combination. FREE ACIDS. The original oil was slightly acid, as indicated by the acid number previously mentioned. The free acid was shaken out from a quantity of the oil with a 10 per cent solution of sodium carbonate. The shaking was repeated several times and the alkaline liquids united. The united alkaline liquids were shaken out with ether in order to remove any oil held in suspension. The sodium-carbonate solution was then evaporated to a small bulk on a water bath, acidified with sulphuric acid, and distilled with steam. No oily globules separated, showing absence of higher insoluble acids. The distillate, which was decidedly acid, was neutralized with sodium-carbonate solution and evaporated to asmall volume. The liquid which now represented the sodium salts of the free acids present in the oil was precipitated frac- tionally with a dilute silver-nitrate solution. Four fractions resulted. Each fraction was dried to constant weight and burned. Fraction 1. 0.1014 gram silver salt=0.0785 gram silver=76.3 per cent silver. Fraction 2. 0.1000 gram silver salt=0.077 gram silver=77 per cent silver. Fraction 3. 0.1116 gram silver salt=0.0859 gram silver=76.9 per cent silver. Fraction 4. 0.1088 gram silver salt=0.077 gram silver=70.8 per cent silver. Fraction 4 indicates the presence of formic acid, the silver salt of which requires, theoretically, 70.5 per cent of silver. Fractions 1, 2, and 3 indicate silver carbonate (which requires, theoretically, 78 per cent of silver) with a slight admixture of silver formate. The presence of silver carbonate was caused by a possible slight excess of sodium carbonate being added when the acid distillate was neu- tralized. 235 BLACK SAGE. 19 COMBINED ACIDS. Saponification.—For the purpose of determining the acids held in combination in the oil in the form of esters, the oil was saponified with alcoholic potassium hydrate by heating on a water bath with a reflux condenser for one-half hour. Water was added to the mixture, and the oil separated in alayer. After removing the excess alcohol on a water bath, the alkaline solution was shaken out with ether to remove any adhering oil. The remaining solution was evaporated to a smail volume, acidified with sulphuric acid, and distilled with steam. The distillate from the above was extracted with ether and the ether evaporated spontaneously. Only a trace of an acid residue remained, which was neutralized with a solution of potassium hydroxid and precipitated in three fractions: Fraction 1. 0.1012 gram silver salt=0.0893 gram silver=88 per cent silver. Fraction 2. 0.0774 gram silver salt=0.0637 gram silver=82.3 per cent silver. Fraction 3. 0.0758 gram silver salt=0.0502 gram silver=66.2 per cent silver. The first two precipitates, when dried, consisted principally of silver oxid, which, theoretically, contains 89.2 per cent of silver. A slight excess of potassium hydroxid during neutralization was doubtless responsible. Fraction 3 would seem to point to the pres- ence of acetic acid in the oil, silver acetate requiring 64.6 per cent of silver. The aqueous acid portion remaining after the ether extraction was neutralized with sodium carbonate concentrated to small bulk and precipitated with silver nitrate in three fractions. Fraction 1 con- tained 76.2 per cent of silver; fraction 2, 77 per cent; and fraction 3, 74 per cent. Since silver formate contains 70.5 per cent of silver, a trace of formic acid is possibly present in the oil in combination. The esters of the oil, as shown by the above results, are present in the oil principally as acetates, with a possible trace of formates. FRACTIONATION OF THE OIL. In order to ascertain the total percentage of camphor and to separate the remaining constituents as completely as possible, a quantity of the oil was fractionated into seven fractions, as follows: Fraction 1, 160° C.; fraction 2, 160° to 170° C.; fraction 3, 170° to 178° C.; fraction 4, 178° to 182° C.; fraction 5, 182° to 186° C.; fraction 6, 186° to 190° C.; fraction 7, 190° to 195° C. These frac- tions (125 grams) were refractionated into 10 separate fractions, as shown in Table IT, a determination of the physical properties of each fraction also being made. 235 20 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. Taste 11.—Fractionation of the oil of black sage, showing the physical properties of the » fractions. ea eS 2 re es — are Dis- Speeific | Rotation, Re-frac- Fraction. | Temperature. tilled gravity |in50mm.) tion Remarks. over. at 26° C. tube. | Np 28°C. Degrees C. Per cent. Degrees. | eee eae nore Below 160..--- Pa) 0.8070 + 6.9) 1.4570 | Slight terebinthine odor. 7 EE 160 to 170....-- 6.8 8768 +10.1 | 1.4613 | Cineol-like odor. Supe ee 170 to 174...-.-- 7.8 - 8865 +10.1 1. 4640 Do. A ise den cee ae 174 to 178....-- 12.1 | - 8920 +10 1.4648 | Decidedly cineol-like odor. Gee et se D78itOw82s23 2: 14.8 | - 8996 +10.2 1. 4652 Do. GABE os Ae 182 to 186.....- 8.6 | +.9077 +11.5 1.4659 | Slight camphoraceous odor. 7is2ébeis2s03% 186 to 190...-.- ey . 9105 +11.1 1.4673 | Strong camphoraceous odor. Bete ieee 190 to 195.....- 8.1 | . 9130 +11.7 1. 4683 Do. eR ser= oe ere 195 to 200....-- fie | . 9170 +11.6 1. 4710 Do. 1) Reena eee | 200 to 208....-.- 11.6 | . 9220 +10. 4 1.4710 Do. Residue. ..-. 208 and above. a | O20 tieyaee = See | 1.4854 Do IDENTIFICATION AND SEPARATION OF THE CONSTITUENTS. Pinene.—The first fraction distilling below 160° C., and which pos- sessed an odor of turpentine, was tested for pinene by means of the nitrochlorid reaction... A deep blue coloration was obtained with slight turbidity, indicating a possible trace of pinene. Cineol, or eucalyptol_—Tests were made in fractions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for cineol, which was easily recognized by its odor. For a qualitative test the iodol reaction was used, crystals of cineol iodol which melted at 111° to 112° C. forming in each fraction. Fractions 3, 4, and 5, which smelled strongly of cineol and which doubtless contained the major portion of cineol in the oil, were assayed by means of the phos- phoric acid method, as directed in the United States Pharmacopeeia for 1900.2. From these four fractions a total amount of 22.5 per cent of cineol was obtained, calculated from the original oil. This figure represents approximately the percentage of cineol in the oil, although it is low rather than high, since fractions 2 and 6 both showed the presence of cineol by qualitative tests, but the quantitative estima- tion in these fractions was impossible owing to the preponderance of other constituents in the fractions. A test for terpinene in fraction 6, by means of the terpinene nitro- site reaction, produced a characteristic blue coloration, but the crystalline nitrosite would not separate. Camphor.—A strong odor of camphor being distinguishable in frac- tions 7, 8, 9, 10, and in residue, a quantitative separation was made as completely as possible by means of the “freezing-out”’ method. Between 186° and 190° C. some crystals of camphor began to form in the inner tube of the condenser, and at 195° C. the condenser had to be kept jacketed with steam to prevent clogging, so rapidly did the camphor distill over. The fractions above 195° C. were practically 1 Wallach, O. Zur Kenntniss der Terpene. Justus Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie, vol. 245, 1888, p. 251. 2 Pharmacoporia of the United States, 8th decennial revision, 1900, p. 313. 235 WILD SAGE.: 2 solid. The camphor which separated at ordinary temperature was filtered on a force filter, and the liquid portion of the fractions sub- jected to freezing successively until camphor no longer separated. It is apparent that the separation of the camphor from these small fractions by freezing out is rather inaccurate because of the losses in transferring and filtering. From the above fractions, however, a quantity of camphor was obtained corresponding to about 40 per cent of the original oil. This figure is low, for the separation on a larger scale working with much larger fractions would reduce to a considerable degree the loss of camphor which is unavoidable in such small fractions. The fractions distilling: between 195° and 208° C. yielded crystals when treated with bromin in a petroleum-ether solution of the oil. The crystals melted at 130° C. Thujone tribromid melts at 122° V. A trace of thujone is therefore probably present in the oil. It is very possibile, in view of the fact that the acetylization of the oil disclosed some free alcohol, that the last fraction contained some borneol, which boils at 212° C. SUMMARY. The results of the experiments would seem to indicate that the oil of black sage is composed essentially of camphor (more than 40 per cent) and cineol (22.5 per cent), with a small quantity of an alcohol, probably borneol, both free and as an ester, and a small quantity of the ketone thujone, with traces of the terpenes pinene and terpinene. Free formic acid was found, and only traces of combined acetic and formic acids in the form of esters. : The constituents of possible economic impertance in the oil are camphor and cineol, both of which possess considerable medicinal value, the former being used also very extensively in the arts. These constituents, possessing strong antiseptic virtues, no doubt impart antiseptic properties to the oil. Inasmuch as the yield of oil from the fresh herb approximates 1 per cent, if distilled during the full flowering stage, and furthermore, since the plant thrives on low sandy hills or wastes, it is very probable that the shrub could be grown profitably both for its oil and for the large amount of camphor and cineol capable of being isolated from it. WILD SAGE. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION AND DISTRIBUTION. Artemisia frigida Willd., commonly known as wild sage, mountain sage, pasture sagebrush, and wormwood sage (figs. 3 and 4), is a hardy perennial 6 to 20 inches high, with a woody base and white silky OOF aod YY WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS, leaves. The numerous yellow flowers, arranged in a racemelike head, possess a strongly camphoraceous odor. The leaves are also strongly aromatic. The plant abounds on dry sandy hilltops from the Dako- tas west to Idaho, north into Canada, and as far south as Texas. Fig. 3.—A plant of wild sage ( Artemisia frigida). DISTILLATION OF THE OIL. The oil distilled from wild sage was briefly reported by the writer in 1905' and 1906.2. The promising preliminary results encouraged a further investigation of this plant. During the summers of 1907 and 1908 larger quantities of this interesting wild plant were distilled 1 Rabak, Frank. On Several New Artemisia Oils. Pharmaceutical Review, vol. 23, 1905, pp. 128-129. 2 Ibid., vol. 24, 1906, pp. 324-325. 99 o =e 5 WILD SAGE. 23 in South Dakota, avield of 0.26 per cent of a very fragrant essential oil being obtained from plants which had passed their flowering stage. When the plant is distilled during its flowering stage the yield of oil is about 0.41 per cent. The oil obtained by the distillation of the whole plant was beau- tiful pale green in color, with an agreeable fatty and camphoraceous odor and a slightly bitter camphorlike taste. The specific gravity of the oil at 24° was 0.940; specific rotation Ap=.—24.2°; re-frac- tion N, 24°, 1.4716. The oil was soluble in 1 volume of 80 per cent alcohol, becoming turbid in 2 volumes or over. Fig. 4.—A field of wild sage near Webster, S. Dak. SEPARATION OF STEAROPTENE. During the distillation and filtration of the oil, small crystals were observed at the mouth of the distillation apparatus and also at the mouth of the funnel after standing over night. In order to separate this stearoptene (solid portion of the oil) from the elaoptene (liquid portion) 50 grams of the oil were subjected to a freezing mixture of ice and salt for several hours. As a result crystals separated in the form of white flakes. The crystals were thrown into a force filter and weighed, a total of 3 per cent resulting. IDENTIFICATION OF CRYSTALLINE COMPOUND. After recrystallization of the above crystals from alcohol the prop- erties of the crystals compared very favorably with levo borneol, as shown in Table ITT. 2 235 24 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. TaBLE III.—Comparison of properties of crystals from oil of wild sage and of pure borneol. = 0 4 Test. Crystals from oilof wildsage.| Crystals of pure borneol. COlOr oe < efnatis. denset eee dete Ree aE ce Wihite:ca-heeks: ses ree White. QOGOr 22 tas ce see ee eee eee Gamphorlike soccer Camphorlike. PASTE 3 os 20 eee cera ce .-| Bitter, camphorlike -........| Bitter, camphorlike. Boiling point. - oe Speen a oA ae Cee ee as 212°C: Melting point...........- SOS Si CELA ae swe Ke eee ae 203° to 204° C. Specific rotation Se er Pe Oe oe Sa ei, cccintc asain o's eee eae —37°. To further confirm the above results, which seemed to indicate that the compound was identical with levo borneol, an elementary analysis was made. 0.1237 gram of the substance gave 0.3499 gram CO,, corresponding to 77.2 per cent carbon. 0.1237 gram of the substance gave 0.1252 gram H,O, corresponding to 11.4 per cent hydrogen. CoH,,0 requires} borneo 77.8 per cent carbon. 11.7 per cent hydrogen. rag 7 The elementary composition substantiates the assumption that the crystals are identical with levo borneol. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF THE OIL. CHEMICAL CONSTANTS. The usual chemical constants were determined, namely, the acid number, ester number, saponification number, and acetylization number. The acid number, denoting the amount of free acids contained in the oil and expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxid, was deter- mined by simple neutralization of the oil with standard potassium hydrate volumetric solution. The ester number, denoting the amount of esters (combination of alcohols and acids) in the oil and expressed in milligrams of potas- sium hydroxid, was determined by saponification of the ester com- pounds with alcoholic potassium hydrate. The acetylization number, or the ester number determined after acetylization of the oul with acetic anhydrid, signifies the total amount of alcohol or alcohols in the oil. The constants of the oil were determined with the following results: Acid number, 2.5, calculated as acetic acid, indicates 0.26 per cent acetic acid. Ester number, 25, calculated as bornyl acetate, indicates 8.7 per cent bornyl ace- tate, which is equivalent to 6.8 per cent of free borneol. Saponification number, 27.5. Acetylization number, 139, corresponds to 42.67 per cent of total borneol in the oil, or, deducting the 6.8 per cent of free borneol as the ester, to 38 per cent of free borneol. 235 WILD SAGE. 25 Assuming that the stearoptene obtained was borneol, a determina- tion of the constants of the stearopteneless oil was made. The acid number remained practically the same, being 2.3; the ester number differed only very slightly, being 24.7; but the acetylization value obtained was only 132, which corresponded to but 40 per cent of total borneol. This is in strict conformity with the assumption, which seemed to be sufficiently proved, that the stearoptene separated from the oil by freezing was borneol. The stearopteneless oil was nearly 3 per cent poorer in borneol than the original oil, as shown above. It is to be remembered that 3 per cent of crystalline borneol was removed by freezing the original oil, hence the lowering of the borneol content of the stearopteneless oil. FREE ACIDS. The determination of the free acids was accomplished by repeatedly shaking a portion of the original oil with a 10 per cent sodium carbon- ate solution. After removing the adhering oil from the alkaline liquid by shaking with ether, the solution was acidified and distilled with a current of steam. = +22.4°; refraction, N, 25°=1.4695. The oil was soluble in one-third its volume of 80 per cent alcohol, becoming faintly turbid upon the addition of five volumes or more of alcohol. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF THE OIL. CHEMICAL CONSTANTS. A preliminary examination of the oil disclosed considerable free acidity, the acid number being 2.8, while the ester content was rather low, the ester number being 14.5. The low ester number would seem to indicate a low percentage of alcoholic compounds in combination with acids, and would correspond to 4.9 per cent of esters calculated as the acetate of borneol. After acetylization of the oil with acetic anhydrid the saponification number was found to be 64, which corre- sponds to 14.6 per cent of free alcohol, calculated as borneol. In order to identify conclusively the constituents of the oil and the forms in which they occur, and to separate quantitatively the pre- dominant constituents, the oil was subjected to a more careful and detailed analysis. FREE ACIDS. The free acidity of the oil as indicated by the preliminary tests was removed by shaking with 10 per cent aqueous sodium carbonate solution in several. portions. The aqueous alkaline extracts, after being deprived of any adhering oil by extraction with ether, were concentrated, acidified, and distilled with a current of steam. The acids which were obtained separated principally as oily globules on the aqueous distillate, which was only faintly acid. The free insoluble acids which were separated from the aqueous distillate by extraction with ether and evaporation of the solvent were neutralized with a solution of potassium hydroxid and then precipitated in fractions with a solution of silver nitrate. Fraction 1. 0.0227 gram silver salt gave 0.0130 gram silver=57.2 per cent silver. Fraction 2. 0.0213 gram silver salt gave 0.0119 gram silver=55.8 per cent silver. It appears from the above results that the only acid existing in the free state in the oil is butyric acid, since silver butyrate gives theoretically 55.3 per cent of silver, fraction 1 being slightly con- taminated, due possibly to a slight excess of potassium hydrate which was added when the acids were neutralized and which would appear in the first precipitate. From theremaining faintly acid distillate, after neutralization with barium carbonate and concentrating, only a trace of precipitate, 235 ao WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. insufficient for silver determination, resulted upon the addition of silver nitrate solution. The butyric acid detected in the free insoluble acids was evidently extracted by the ether, in which it is very soluble. COMBINED ACIDS. As stated previously, the oil was found to contain a small percent- age of esters, or organic acids in combination with higher alcohols. In order to identify these acids, which are in combination in the form of esters, a quantity of the oil, after removing the free acids, was saponi- fied by heating on a water bath for half an hour with a slight excess of alcoholic potassium hydroxid. The mixture, after saponification, was diluted with water and the unsaponified oil separated. The alkaline liquid, which now contained the combined acids as their potassium salts, after bemg freed from adhering particles of oil by shaking with ether, was acidified with sulphuric acid and distilled with steam. The insoluble oily acids which formed on the distillate were separated by shaking the distillate hghtly with ether and evapor- ating the ether. SOLUBLE COMBINED ACIDS. The aqueous portion of the distillate which contained the soluble combined acids of the oil was neutralized with barium carbonate, concentrated and precipitated with silver nitrate solution. Only a small precipitate resulted. This precipitate was found to contain 55.9 per cent of silver, which corresponds to silver butyrate. Hence the acid in the distillate was butyric acid. INSOLUBLE COMBINED ACIDS. As heretofore stated, the insoluble oily acids obtained by extrac- tion with ether were carefully neutralized with potassium hydroxid solution and precipitated fractionally with silver nitrate. Two precipitates were obtained which were thoroughly washed and dried. The first and largest precipitate assayed 51.2 per cent silver, the second assaying 45.1 per cent silver. This would indicate that the insoluble acids were valerianic acid (silver valerianate requiring 51.6 per cent silver), and heptoic acid (silver heptoate requiring 45.5 per cent silver), the valerianic acid predominating. The results show that the esters of this oil exist as the salts of butyric, valerianic, and heptoic acids, valerianic acid esters, however, predominating. FRACTIONATION OF THE OIL AND SEPARATION OF THE STEAROPTENE. For the purpose of accomplishing a separation of the constituents, 50 grams of the oil, after saponification, were dried and subjected to fractional distillation in a three-bulb Ladenburg flask. The results are given in Table V. 235 SWAMP BAY. 33 TasBLE V.—Fractionation of saponified oil of swamp bay and description of fractions. Frac- ye r fiunt. Temperature. | Distilled. Remarks. Degrees C. Per cent. | Nees Saas Below 170....- i Penetrating odor; largest portion of the fraction distilled over below 80° C.; temperature rose rapidly to 170° C. erase <6 170 to 182...... 8.8 | Camphoraceous cineol-like odor; largest portion distilled 175° to 180°. Ree 182 to 185...... 9.2 | Strong cineol-like odor; temperature rose uniformly. (aa 185 to 190...... 13.5 | Cineol-like camphoraceous odor; temperature rose uniformly. Der ents = 190 to 195...... 13.0 | Strong camphoraceous odor; temperature rose uniformly. (}: Sees 195 to 200...... 5.8 | Strong camphorlike odor; crystals appeared in condenser;! largest portion distilled between 198° to 200° C. (See 200 to 205...... 12.5 | Strong camphorlike odor; fraction semisolid upon cooling; tempera- ture rose uniformly. 8. AICPA Sh oy?) ta eae 14.0 | Strong camphorlike odor; fraction almost solid upon cooling; dis- ‘ tilled largely between 205° to 210° C. ets cic DUS UO 220 s=0 0 < 12.5 | Strong camphoraceous odor; fraction semisolid; temperature rose uniformly. Gee ss=5= 225 and above. 9.0 | Heavy yellow oil with camphoraceous odor. 1 To prevent clogging of the condenser with erystals, the jacket of the oandencer as deprived of the ala water, and steam passed through, the melted crystals passing over. The crystals immediately reappeared in the fractions upon cooling. Beginning with fraction 6 each successive fraction was refrigerated in a freezing mixture of ice and salt and the crystals separated by centrifuging in a platinum Gooch crucible. A total of 13.7 per cent of crystals was obtained. In order to obtain a further separation of crystals the portions of the oil beginning with fraction 5 were fractionated into the following fractions: 190° to 195° C.; 195° to 200° C.; 200° 205° C.; 205° to 215° 0.7215° to 233° C:; 233° to 260° C; A total of 4 per cent of crystals was obtained by refrigeration and centrifugation of those fractions in which crystals appeared. The portion between 190° and 215° C., and also fraction 4 of the original, were further fraction- ated into four parts: 185° to 190° C.; 190° to 195° C.; 195° to 205° C.; 205° to 215° C., an additional yield of 3.3 per cent of crystals being obtained. By the above method of successive fractionation and refrigeration a total of 21 per cent of crystals was obtained from the oil. This represents only approximately the total percentage of stearoptene in the oil. The separation was not at all quantitative, as a consid- erable proportion was lost in the manipulations incident to the separation. Since the quantity of oil at hand was so meager the fractions were reduced to such small quantities that further separa- tion of crystals was impossible, and as unavoidable losses were encountered in transferring to and from the centrifuge the final percentages were materially affected and the true amount of stear- optene may be assumed to be considerably more than is shown above. After the fractionation and refractionation of the oil and the separation of the stearoptene portion, the remaining elaoptene portion grouped itself into fractions, whose physical properties were deter- mined and qualitative tests for their constituents applied, as shown in Table VI. 235 834 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. TasLeE VI.—Refractionation of the oil of swamp bay, showing the physical properties of the fractions. Specific | Rotation | Re-frac- “ail Temperature. | gravity jin 50-mm.| tion Np Tests applied. ; at 25°C.| tube. 25°. Degrees C. Degrees. 1} Below 170..... Tnsuffi- | Insuffi- 1. 4648 | When shaken with water the aqueous solution cient. cient. strongly reduced magenta solution to violet color; also produced silver mirror with am- moniacal silver nitrate. DN OLOn Soe eee 0. 9011 +22.5 1.4630 | Todol (tetraiodopyrol) dissolved in oil by gentle warming yielded yellow crystals melting at 115° C.; cineol iodol melts at 112° C. 3 | 182 t0 185. . -: - 9012 +21. 5 1.4628 | Treated with iodol and the yellow crystals re- erystallized from benzol melted sharply at 112°. 4 | 185 to 190...-- - 9075 + 23 1. 4628 | Cineol-iodol crystals melted at 113° C. 5 | 190 to 205. . --- - 9228 + 31 1. 4653 0. 6) | 205 to02I5. 2 Odile rn ee meee 1.4706 | Negative test with iodol. 7 | 215 to 233... -. SOR ca eee eee 1. 4765 Do. 8 | 233 to 260... .. HORS OM eon ine a oye 1.4830 | Oxidized with 3 per cent potassium perman- ganate in cold yielded camphor crystals. IDENTIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE OIL. Camphor.—The compound obtained from the oil by refrigeration was a soft, white, granular, crystalline mass, and possessed a distinct camphorlike odor and slightly bitter camphoraceous taste. The crystals sublimed readily and melted at 174° to 176° C. The boiling point of the compound was 205° C., and the rotation in a 50 mm. tube of 20 per cent solution in alcohol was found to be +3.8°, 20 per cent solution of commercial camphor in alcohol rotating +3.5°. It was readily soluble in alcohol and the other organic solvents. To further identify the crystals with ordinary camphor two com- pounds were prepared, the semicarbazone and the oxime, with which camphor forms definite chemical compounds. The semicarbazone was prepared according to the method of Tiemann. (See p. 17.) The crystals obtained after recrystallization from alcohol melted at 237° to 239° C., pure camphor semicarbazone melting at 236° to 238°. For the preparation of the oxime Auwer’s method was applied. (See p. 16.) Recrystallized from ether the oxime melted at 117° to 118°C., whereas pure camphor oxime melts at 118° to 119° C. Since the physical and chemical properties of this substance cor- respond almost identically with those of camphor, it may be safely stated that the crystals are those of commercial dextro camphor. Aldehyde constituent—F rom the pungent and penetrating odor and the strong reducing properties of the first fraction, which, as shown in Table V, distilled largely below 80° C., there would seem to be the possible presence of a trace of formaldehyde. Cineol, or eucalyptol.—Qualitative tests as indicated in Table V show the presence of cineol in fractions from 170° to 205° C., the characteristic crystalline cineol addition product of iodol correspond- ing in melting point to the pure cineol iodol. Cineol was further 235 SWAMP BAY. 85 identified in these fractions by the preparation of cineo] hydrobromid prepared by passing dry hydrobromic acid gas into a well-cooled solution of the oil in petroleum ether. A crystalline hydrobromid was obtained from each fraction which gave the iodol reaction. The hydrobromids prepared melted between 55° to 57° C., while pure cineol hydrobromid is reported as melting at 56° to 57° C. Since the presence of cineol in the several fractions of the oil was proved, a quantitative estimation was deemed desirable. Because of the smallness of the individual fractions the hydrobromic acid method was adopted in this estimation, it being the most accurate when cineol is present in only small quantities. The phosphoric acid method is best adapted to oils which are very rich in the compound. The hydrobromic acid method has been used in the assay of eucalyptus oils,’ and consists essentially in conducting dry hydrobromic acid gas into a solution of the oil in about twice its volume of petroleum ether, the solution being well cooled by a freezing mixture, separating the crystals on a force filter, washing and decomposing with water, and measuring the cineol formed. A slight deviation was made from the directions on account of the smallness of the fractions and consequently the small amount of hydrobromid obtained, which when decomposed with water would introduce an error. After the hydrobromid of cineol was obtained in each case and washed it was weighed and the percentage of cineol was calculated from the weight of the crystals from a given quantity of each fraction. In this manner by assaying the four fractions which gave qualitative tests there was found to be a total of 19.8 per cent of cineol in the oil. Borneol.—By oxidation of fraction 233° to 260° C. with a 3 per cent solution of potassium permanganate, slightly warming and allowing it to stand for 12 hours, then shaking out the mixture with ether and allowing the ether to evaporate, a mass of crystals remained which proved to be camphor. It is possible that borneol was present in this fraction, as borneol is readily oxidized to camphor with ordinary oxidizing agents. Since the preliminary chemical examination of the oil indicated a small percentage of esters and of free alcohol, the alcohol was probably borneol. SUMMARY. From the results obtained in the chemical examination it appears that the oil of swamp bay contains over 21 per cent of camphor, 19.8 per cent cineol, and borneol, the latter possibly occurring to a small extent as esters and as the free alcohol. No terpenes were identified. Since only a very small portion of the oil distills over below 175°C., ! Gildemeister, Eduard, and Hoffmann, Friedrich. Translated by Edward Kremers. The Volatile Oils, p. 528. : 235 36 WILD VOLATILE-OIL PLANTS. it would seem that the oil is not terpenic in character, as most mem- . bers of the terpene group of hydrocarbons boil below 175° C. Besides the constituents mentioned, the oil contains butyric acid in free condition to a slight extent; butyric, valerianic, and heptoic acids combined in the oil as esters, valerianic acid predominating, and a slight trace of an aldehyde, possibly formaldehyde. This oil possessing, as has been proved, considerable quantities of such constituents as camphor, cineol, and borneol, all of which are valuable therapeutic agents, may be of economic importance from the standpoint of the perfumer or the medical practitioner. Doubtless if the distillation of the plant were carried on, attention being paid to the stage of growth at which it is distilled and the distillation re- stricted to the leaves and small twigs, the yield of oil and possibly the yield of the three important constituents mentioned could be consider- ably augmented. CONCLUSIONS. The plants described in the foregoing pages and the volatile oils distilled from them represent but a small part of our wild aromatic flora, yet these plants gathered from their wild haunts have been made to yield products which give promise of no little economic importance. It is the object of this work simply to call attention to the products capable of being obtained from our native plants and to emphasize their possible application in the trades and arts. The actual growth and cultivation of such as prove to be of economic value should follow. The lands on which the rankest growth of wild plants occurs are usually of little value for the production of agricultural crops, and doubtless large areas of this character exist in all sections of the United States, which lands might be utilized for the growth of certain aromatic plants now largely classed as weeds yet which may be made to yield products of value. That there is a field for investigation in this direction is shown in the preceding pages in which three plants representing specimens picked up at random have been shown to yield oils containing large quantities of such important compounds as camphor, borneol, and cineol. Inasmuch as camphor is consumed in enormous quantities in the United States, the supply at present coming wholly from for- eign countries, the presence of such large quantities of this substance in the volatile oils of black sage and swamp bay should not be over- looked. The cultivation of these plants should not be impracticable. Since black sage if distilled at its flowering stage could be made to yield approximately 1 per cent of oil from the green plant and the oil in turn be made to yield from 40 to 50 per cent of camphor, its growth and cultivation should be profitable. Furthermore, as the plant is a perennial, a crop of foliage could be produced each year, and the nor 239 CONCLUSIONS. 37 luxuriant growth of the plant, coupled with the exceptionally high yield of oil would produce a large amount of oil and camphor per unit of area. After the separation of the camphor from the oil the cam- phor-free oil remaining would still possess value because of its high content of cineol. The swamp bay, which yields oil and camphor, though in somewhat smaller quantities, should also receive attention along similar lines. The wild sage is an example among the wild plants of the United States in which borneol is found in quantity. As a natural source for this compound the plant is far more promising than the two plants native to Borneo and the Malay Archipelago, which yield most of the borneol of commerce, supplying a large proportion to the Chinese, among whom there is a brisk demand. The abundance of wild sage found in this country, the ease with which it might be cultivated, and the large percentage of borneol and cineol capable of separation from the oil make it a most excellent source from which to obtain these substances. The oil also possesses virtues as a scenting agent because of the high percentage of the esters of borneol, which are excellent perfuming materials. As a source for the production of bornyl acetate which is extensively used by perfumers for its pine- needle odor, this oil should prove of value. Since the oil from each of these plants shows important chemical constituents which may be commercially applied in many ways, their cultivation for these products is worthy of consideration. 235 O LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WOU 000093277486