Estai ion Experimental DE LA ASOCIACION DE PRODUCTORES DE AZUCAR DE PUERTO RICO Rio Piedras, Feb. 6 t 1912 191 Prof. W. G. Farlow, University Museum, Cambridge, Mass Dear Prof. Farlow: I am sending you under separate cover twenty specimens of fungi which I trust will be of some interest to you. Can you tell me if any of those speciemens I sent you last year were Jkar&smius ^Q.icatus or M. sacchari , and if so what accession number they have? I have found a great variety of fungi resembling Margsmius but usually in such small numbers that I have refrained from forwarding them to you. I understood from Mr. Seymour that he or pe.rsumably you and he were issuing a set of economic fungi. If there is one of these sets or merely a miscellaneous collection available for exchange with me, I would be greatly pleased to have it. In this lot of fungi that I am sending you I am particularly anxious to have your opinion of Ho. 146. Very truly yours J/C ( \ _, / r?Y. /W£ cUe&i ftfr ('f << C^ , 'XfotfL .,_ ^?> ^ ly /^ /^(fi - ^i(« J 7 (H Li st of fungi sent to Prof. R. Thaxter - June 5, 1912 Accession Ho. 195 " 200 "" 201 *" ~ 203 205 206^ 207 209^ 212 -^ Rio Piedras, Red. 13, 1912. Smut on Panicun sp. " " Peb. 14, 1912. Smut on Stenotaphrum? M " Jan. 22, 1912. Rust on Elocharis g^eniculata . Santa Isabel, Jan. 10, 1912, Rust on Ipomoea sp. Rio Piedras, Peb. 14, 1912. Smut on Pani feu£ sp. II 91 II If ft It ft If II ft II II II ft II ?! 18, 25, it 1912. Rust on ? 1912. Smut on Herb. Ac. No. 143 uni dentif i ed. 278', Rio Piedras, May 26, 1912. Collector, H. 13. Cowgill. Plant undetermined. Host of Path. Acc. Ho. 358. Rio Piedras, May 14, 1912. White rust on Herb. Ac. Ho. 278. March 25, 1912. Polyporus on railroad ties. April 14, 1912. on dead wood. it it it m ti M Rust on Leonotis . nepetaefolia. Aschersonia on Psidiura gua^atfa. Rust on Panicum molie? Herb. Acc. 358 ^ 297 337 338 359 360-^ r 361^ - 191^ 345^ Ent. Ac. Ho, If It It If II Mch. tt 6, II II 1912. II 1912. lt)l 9 Rust on SolsrF ' Cm t-o - rvaum * Rust it ii ii it 16} ” " May 25, 1912. Rust on Panicura nolle. Also an ascomycets on Rust. 63, 1912. Rio Piedras, Jan. 5, 1912. Coll. T. H. Jones, Orthopterous insect with fungus. " " 10, 1912, Rio Piedras, Jan. 5, 1912. Pound on leaves of Sorghum, dead, covered with fungus. Coll. T. H. Jones. - containing portions of cane leaves with mealy-bugs affected by Box Ent. Ac. Ho. Aspergillus sp. Coll. March, Jones. 46, 1912, Alcoholic material. 1912. Rio Piedras, T. H. Grass worm with fungus. . I o r, ^ C , t c* U£xjl C < e // Botryorhiza Hippocr&teae y/ % \ ' fs/uytT Sphaerophragmium Dalbergeae Uephlyctis transformans Cionothrix cupaniae Aecidium passifloricola " tubulosum " pisoneae " tournefortiae Uromuyes Hedysoni-panniculati ” medicaginis w eragrostidis " ignobilis " cristatus " neurocarpi Uromyces Howei « indigoferae Endophyllum Rivinae n appendicul&tus M circumscriptum it proeniinens w Hellerianus Trantzchelia punctata n bidentis n dolicholi TJromyeladium cubense n commelinea Plu/sopella vitis Pucciniosira pallida Cronartium notatum Puccinia purpurea n rosea TJredo paspalicola ft SynedrellaO * a e s chyn ome n i s tf Leonotodis n artocarpi 19 crassipes rt cherimoliae ft Banisteriae n Lucumae n heterospora " jatrophicola ti p olygoni-amphibii ” superior tt Gortolobi " arachidis vt hyptidis " coccolobae 91 abrupta " erythroxylonis cenchri " sapotae it medellinensis w dioscoreae it inflata n G-ouaniae Kuehneola malvicola n substriata » Eici n eleocharidis it canaliculata Coleosporium Eupatorii n Huberi " Ipomeae n fuscella " eleph&ntopodis n Blechi ” Plumeriae it sorghi n deformata Ravenelia Lonchocarpi it psidii ” Humphreyana it salvicola it obliqua Prosopodium plagiopus tt Johnstonii w Lippiae n xanthi Q^\ A./- cru /y^ . c4ajC' y&yc 7 * — t &. ■ ' ' j £■ —: /fe 1 t ^ A/l oyt^y^ icy ^aZ7 ^ cyyxXX-S- — a 6> &. A^6SlsK.c>$2sIsi^^^ yt^ JiaaaA^ $jlaki^ a^f^yyi cfyy r7,A ^Wyn^yCty ^ 9 ^ok^^OLgua^ 1 <0^0- t >> vyuiec*/*. **£:<*. /s/£ /^.,'7 jr3t<][ol-Jcla $^fvuC^' OflJ^ara. uh ( 4v C'uJ] w J /, /r 7 z, 'A V \J CL/L <^O^u/L4j / COi > J CL^CriCa. /y'&sOt-r?^. t-i ‘n it*-' Jj •i'lieM &*&. (fi c&liv ()2^isi , 1 SJ itaXL 1 ' ‘ V . tfl'&va^a. Zf/\> " i < rr r < < ( r v ( < «<■ f *■ tf2/0~rlint'll*^ A't.c At' /f?r ( «. '/< r r < r < • V H f « ( ». mcr^au ; ^ — I fZ J’- c>nv*Q&sisz. fi_ fe'UJ e^.<. /$■ J'/Zoeo^yt-cnr^ Al.u, : /$/? '< ' /fttsfayn - / Aurva^3c, ^ //• " ~ Jtr ^ ^vh c rr\^t)~3 ^t-Orr/x^Lar,^/) _ . /^ * A. O^L^A'CO. //a*tJ. 'SiMut& a£'^. /fi~ • Olsl c&- JZ'Z'^7 \/9' V ^ ^yAcAod Qo. Oti^^ n-'rL< elu. u^n_ H^i ^1L AjiAOv* ■ AryyuZal A/i/t^f /frA *3 {i ^ ^^PTU^lrrrH.*. ft. t < t. » */ Olirruje^y^ Ct/l£ . Qlvc^^rn^a. 7j K l/u H ( ^ ^ /Jr^ 2 - M '' ^ Z^// 7 r ' ' f ^ ^^5 '< *" w ^ / t. > "U'y I £r»t . A t <■ W ^ JTZcU Jface^Aj fa^7L^/a^ 7*?? A^fa fafa Z£. ?c £>'C*y^". P<^ Zos'^vctJ ^M £-i t*do~ -fil* T&vt* ■ 3£ Y^cAc&iJfatA) *IsiATVn'^(&&/<££ ?fa- lt O/LcZfo^ A?4? /j'iPS-h*- t? 3?. i? ^OTt^^iAT-in 7 - /&r*A!C**>Ot''A&s ’^■^■J £r>L. J *^ 1 TUZ^-t W A. -i??~C c^. /t>7 fa t <. < i ^ , ‘ • * '■ < 1 S5?) * > (V t ^ ?l£rr'is£j { A : fa2^?. „3e^. / $ 7 Y ,r Afa&e^, Su£ 0*A Tbf^/lcc^Yrh^. /*?? t <- £ V f <. < < « * v >\ _- 1 1 ^ C < «. %E^ ■ # ^ ^ < <• ^-V 3*5 C^LO^O- fa} ^cfa^K . I/ * Z' • ' ^ / / / / * ^ / ^ » “