rco ' THE WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON THE WORKS OP FRANCIS BACON, BARON OF VERULAM, VISCOUNT ST. ALBANS, AND LOKD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. anO HniteU JAMES SPEDDING, M. A. OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS, M. A. LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; AND DOUGLAS DENON HEATH, BARRISTER-AT-LAW J LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE VOLUME V. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY KURD AND HOUGHTON. : 3&fbetsftoe JJvess. 1809. RIVKKSIDE, CAMIIRIDOB: g T B R E O T Y 1' K I) AND !• It I N T E D BY II. 0. HOUGIITON. CONTENTS THE FIFTH VOLUME. PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. PART I. — CONTINUED. WORKS PUBLISHED, OK DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, A3 PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA. PAQI SYLVA SYLVARUM — CONTINUED. SYLVA SYLVARUM 7 TABLE OF THE EXPERIMENTS 165 SCALA INTELLECTUS sive FILUM LABYRINTHI .177 PRODROMI sive ANTICIPATIONES PHILOSOPHIC SECUND^E 182 PART II. WORKS ON SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE INSTAURA TIO, BUT NOT MEANT TO BE INCLUDED IN IT. PREFACE to PART II 187 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM 197 PREFACE to DE FLUXU ET RKFLUXU MARIS, by ROB ERT LESLIE ELLIS 235 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS . . .247 Vi CONTENTS OF THE FIFTH VOLUifE. PA«1 PBEFACE to DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS SECUN- DUM FABULAS CUPIDINIS ET Cyarfpef uot6ai •&£?J-av viv diTTo/ievai. Ovds &ep/j.bv vdup TOGOV •ye awaopof. Id. ib. v. 19. 8 Arist. Hist. Anim. viii. 17. 24 NATURAL HISTORY. but not rightly : for that were to make every casting of the skin a new birth : and besides, the secundine is but a general cover, not shaped according to the parts ; but the skin is shaped according to the parts. The creatures that cast their skin are, the snake, the viper, the grasshopper, the lizard, the silk-worm, &c. Those that cast their shell are, the lobster, the crab, the era- fish, the hodmandod l or dodman, the tortoise, &c. The old skins are found, but the old shells never : so as it is like they scale off and crumble away by de grees. And they are known by the extreme tender ness and softness of the new shell, and sometimes by the freshness of the colour of it. The cause of the casting of skin and shell should seem to be, the great quantity of matter in those creatures that is fit to mak^ skin or shell ; and again, the looseness of the skin or shell, that sticketh not close to the flesh. For it is certain that it is the new skin or shell that putteth off the old : so we see that in deer it is the young horn that putteth off the old ; and in birds, the young feathers put off the old : and so birds that have much matter for their beak, cast their beaks ; the new beak putting off the old. 1 Shell snail. But of course neither they nor tortoises change their shells. It would be endless to point out all similar inaccuracies. Thus, a little further on, it is said that in deer the new horn puts off the old, whereas it is quite clear that the growth of the new horn does not begin until the old one is shed; it goes on, in fact, under the skin which some time afterwards forms over what may be called the stump. This is suffi ciently obvious; but there is probably an equal error, though not so easily detected, in what is said with respect to feathers. The truth is, that the habit of close observation of common phenomena does not appear to have been much developed by Bacon's way of life. CENTURY VIII. 25 Experiments in consort touching the postures of the body.1 733. Lying not erect but hollow, which is in the making of the bed, or with the legs gathered up, which is in the posture of the body, is the more wholesome. The reason is, the better comforting of the stomach, which is by that less pensile : and we see that in weak stomachs, the laying up of the legs high, and the knees almost to the mouth, helpeth and coinforteth. We see also that galley-slaves, iiotwith- standing their misery otherwise, are commonly fat and fleshy ; and the reason is, because the stomach is sup ported somewhat in sitting, and is pensile in standing or going. And therefore, for prolongation of life, it is good to choose those exercises where the limbs move more than the stomach and belly ; as in rowing, and in sawing being set. 734. Megrims and giddiness are rather when we rise after long sitting, than while we sit. The cause is, for that the vapours, which were gathered by sitting, by the sudden motion fly more up into the head. 735. Leaning long upon any part maketh it numb, and, as we call it, asleep. The cause is, for that the compression of the part suffereth not the spirits to have free access ; and therefore when we come out of it, we feel a stinging or pricking ; which is the re-entrance of tho spirits. Experiment solitary touching pestilential years. 736. It hath been noted that those years are pestilen tial and unwholesome, when there are great numbers of frogs,2 flies, locusts, &c. The cause is plain ; for l Compare Arist. Prob. vi. 3, 4, and 6. 2 Arist. Prob. i. 22. 26 NATURAL HISTORY. that those creatures being engendered of putrefaction, when they abound, shew a general disposition of the year, and constitution of the air, to diseases of putre faction. And the same prognostic (as hath been said before) holdeth, if you find worms in oak-apples : for the constitution of the air appeareth more subtilly in any of these things, than to the sense of man. Experiment solitary touching the prognostics of hard winters. 737. It is an observation amongst country people, that years of store of haws and heps do commonly por tend cold winters ; and they ascribe it to God's provi dence, that (as the Scripture saith) reacheth even to the falling of a sparrow ; and much more is like to reach to the preservation of birds in such seasons. The natural cause also may be the want of heat, and abun dance of moisture, in the summer precedent ; which putteth forth those fruits, and must needs leave great quantity of cold vapours not dissipate ; which causeth the cold of the winter following. Experiment solitary touching medicines that condense and relieve the spirits. 738. They have in Turkey a drink called coffa? made of a berry of the same name, as black as soot, 1 Sandys, p. 52. The use of coffee was, when Bacon wrote, of compara tively recent introduction at Constantinople. According to Abd el Kadir ibn Mahommed (ap. Silvestre de Sacy, Chrestomathie Arabe), who wrote in the 16th century, it has been used from all antiquity in Abyssinia, and passed from thence into Aden about the beginning of the 14th century. From Aden it spread gradually over the Mahommedan world, and reached Constantinople about the middle of the 16th century. I believe the first scientific description of the coftee plant is that given by Jussieu, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1713. CENTURY VIII. 27 and of a strong scent, but not aromatical ; which they take, beaten into powder, in water, as hot as they can drink it : and they take it, and sit at it in their coffa- houses, which are like our taverns. This drink com- forteth the brain and heart, and helpeth digestion. Certainly this berry coffa, the root and leaf betel, the leaf tobacco, and the tear of poppy (opium), of which the Turks are great takers (supposing it expelleth all fear), do all condense the spirits, and make them strono- and aWer. But it seemeth they were taken O . O » after several manners ; for coffa and opium are taken down, tobacco but in smoke, and betel is but champed in the mouth with a little lime. It is like there are more of them, if they were well found out, and well corrected. Quaere of henbane-seed ; of mandrake ; of saffron, root and flower ; of folium indum ; of amber- grise ; of the Assyrian amomum, if it may be had ; and of the scarlet powder which they call kermez ; and (generally) of all such things as do inebriate and pro voke sleep. Note that tobacco is not taken in root or seed, which are more forcible ever than leaves. Experiment solitary touching paintings of the body. 739. The Turks have a black powder, made of a mineral called alcohole, which with a fine long pencil they lay under their eye-lids ; which doth colour them black ; whereby the white of the eye is set off more white.1 With the same powder they colour also the hairs of their eye-lids, and of their eye-brows, which they draw into embowed arches. You shall find that Xenophon maketh mention, that the Medes used to paint their eyes. The Turks use with the same tinct- 1 Sandys, p. 53. 28 NATURAL HISTORY. ure to colour the hair of their heads and beards black. And divers with us that are grown grey, and yet would appear young, find means to make their hair black, by combing it (as they say) with a leaden comb, or the like. As for the Chineses, who are of an ill complexion (being olivaster), they paint their cheeks scarlet, especially their king and grandes.1 Generally, barbarous people, that go naked, do not only paint themselves, but -they pounce and raze their skin, that the painting may not be taken forth ; and make it into works. So do the West Indians ; and so did the ancient Picts and Britons ; so that it seem- eth men would have the colours of birds' feathers, if they could tell how ; or at least they will have gay skins instead of gay clothes. Experiment solitary touching the use of bathing and anointing. 740. It is strange that the use of bathing, as a part of diet, is left. With the Romans and Grecians it was as usual as eating or sleeping ; and so is it amongst the Turks at this day : whereas with us it remaineth but as a 'part of physic. I am of opinion, that the use of it, as it was with the Romans, was hurtful to health ; 1 1 do not know where Bacon found this. It is not mentioned, I think, by modern travellers. The Chinese call us red men. It appears from Pliny, xxxiii. 36., that in early times it was usual in Rome to colour the image of Jupiter red, or at least its face, and to smear in a similar way the bodies of those who triumphed. O. K. Miiller connects the two things, regarding the triumph as a kind of Apotheosis. [I have retained the original spelling of yrandes ; the double e, which was no doubt introduced merely to mark the word as a dissyllable, has led to the misplacing of the accent. The Spanish grande would not. have changed into the English yrande'e, as we now pronounce it, except through ignorance. — J. S.] CENTURY VIII. 29 for that it made the body soft, and easy to waste. For the Turks it is more proper, because that their drink ing water, and feeding upon rice, and other food of small nourishment, maketh their bodies so solid and hard, as you need not fear that bathing should make them frothy. Besides the Turks are great sitters, and seldom walk, whereby they sweat less and need bath ing more. But yet certain it is that bathing, and especially anointing, may be so used as it may be a great help to health and prolongation of life. But hereof we shall speak in due place, when we come to handle experiments medicinal. Experiment solitary touching chamoletting of paper. 741. The Turks have a pretty art of chamoletting of paper, which is not with us in use.1 They take divers oiled colours, and put them severally (in drops) upon water ; and stir the water lightly ; and then wet their paper (being of some thickness) with it ; and the paper will be waved and veined, like chamolet or marble. Experiment solitary touching cuttle-ink. 742. It is somewhat strange, that the blood of all birds and beasts and fishes should be of a red colour, and only the blood of the cuttle should be as black as ink.2 A man would think, that the cause should be 1 Sandys, p. 56. Beckmann, in speaking of the invention of this art, mentions the passage in the text; but not being aware of the source of Bacon's information, asserts that notwithstanding the name Turkish paper, by which what is now called marbled paper used to be known, the art of making it was discovered in Germany. 2 That the black fluid of the cuttle-fish is not blood was remarked by Aristotle, Hist. An. i. 4. The blood of the Invertebrata is most frequently colourless. It is in some cases red. and often of other colours. The house 30 NATURAL HISTORY. the high concoction of that blood ; for we see in ordi nary puddings that the boiling turneth the blood to be black ; and the cuttle is accounted a delicate meat, and is much in request. Experiment solitary touching increase of weight in earth. 743. It is reported of credit, that if you take earth from land adjoining to the river of Nile, and preserve it in that manner that it neither come to be wet nor wasted, and weigh it daily, it will not alter weight until the seventeenth of June, which is the day when the river beginneth to rise : and then it will grow more and more ponderous, till the river cometh to his height.1 Which if it be true, it cannot be caused but by the air, which then beginneth to condense ; and so turneth within that small mould into a degree of moisture," which produceth weight. So it hath been observed that tobacco, cut and weighed, and then dried by the fire, loseth weight ; and after being laid in the open air, recovereth weight again. And it should seem that as soon as ever the river beginneth to increase, the whole body of the air thereabouts suffereth a change : for (that which is more strange) it is credibly affirmed, that upon that very day when the river first riseth, great plagues in Cairo use suddenly to break up. Experiments in consort touching sleep. 744. Those that are very cold, and especially in their feet, cannot get to sleep.2 The cause may be, for that in sleep is required a free respiration, which fly is commonly believed to have red blood, but the red stain produced when a fly is crushed is in reality due to the pigment of the eyes. 1 Sandys, p. 77. -2 Arist. Prob. viii. 2. CENTURY VIII. 31 cold doth shut in and hinder : for we see that in great colds one can scarce draw his breath. Another cause may be, for that cold calleth the spirits to succour; and therefore they cannot so well close and no together in the head ; which is ever requisite to sleep. And for the same cause, pain and noise hinder sleep ; and dark ness (contrariwise)' furthereth sleep. 745. Some noises (whereof we spake in the hundred and twelfth experiment) help sleep ; as the blowing of the wind, the trickling of water, humming of bees, soft singing, reading, &c. The cause is, for that they move in the spirits a gentle attention ; and whatsoever moveth attention, without too much labour, stilleth the natural and discursive motion of the spirits. 746. Sleep nourisheth or at least preserveth bodies a long time, without other nourishment. Beasts that sleep in winter (as it is noted in wild bears) during their sleep wax very fat, though they eat nothing. Bats have been found in ovens, and other hollow close places, matted one upon another : and therefore it is likely that they sleep in the winter time and eat noth ing. Quaere, whether bees do not sleep all winter, and" spare their honey ? Butterflies, and other flies, do not only sleep, but lie as dead all winter ; and yet with a little heat of sun or fire revive again. A dormouse, both winter and summer, will sleep some days to gether, and eat nothing. Experiments in consort touching teeth and hard sub stances in the bodies of living creatures. To restore teeth in age, were magnale naturce. It may be thought of. But howsoever the nature 32 NATURAL HISTORY. of the teeth deserveth to be inquired of, as well as the other parts of living creatures' bodies. 747. There be five parts in the bodies of living creatures, that are of hard substance ; the skull, the teeth, the bones, the horns, and the nails. The great- est quantity of hard substance continued is towards the head. For there is the skull, of one entire bone ; there are the teeth ; there are the maxillary bones ; there is the hard bone that is the instrument of hearing ; and thence issue the horns ; so that the building of living creatures' bodies is like the building of a timber house ; where the walls and other parts have columns and beams, but the roof is, in the better sort of houses, all tile or lead or stone. As for birds, they have three other hard substances proper to them ; the bill, which is of the like matter with the teeth ; for no birds have teeth : the shell of the egg : and their quills : for as for their spur, it is but a nail. But no living creatures that have shells very hard (as oysters, cockles, mussles, scallops, crabs, lobsters, era-fish, shrimps, and espe cially the tortoise,) have bones within them, but only little gristles.1 748. Bones, after full growth, continue at a stay ; and so doth the skull : horns, in some creatures, are cast and renewed : teeth stand at a stay, except their wearing: as for nails, they grow continually: and bills and beaks will overgrow, and sometimes be cast ; as in eagles and parrots.2 1 Here, as in 732., we see that Bacon knew but little of the natural his tory of the tortoise. 2 Bones, like the soft parts of the body, are renewed throughout life, and so in many cases are teeth. Cuvier has remarked that the mutual adapta tion of teeth and the bones with which they are connected is one of the CENTURY VIII. 33 749. Most of the hard substances fly to the extremes of the body ; as skull, horns, teeth, nails, and beaks : only the bones are more inward, and clad with flesh. As for the entrails, they are all without bones ; save that a bone is (sometimes) found in the heart of a stag ; and it may be in some other creature. 750. The skull hath brains, as a kind of marrow, within it. The back-bone hath one kind of marrow, which hath an affinity with the brain ; and other bones of the body have another.1 The jaw-bones have no marrow severed, but a little pulp of marrow diffused. Teeth likewise are thought to have a kind of marrow diffused, which causeth the sense and pain ; but it is rather sinew : for marrow hath no sense ; no more than blood. Horn is alike throughout ; and so is the nail. 751. None other of the hard substances have sense, but the teeth ; and the teeth have sense, not only of pain, but of cold. But we will leave the inquiries of other hard sub stances unto their several places, and now inquire only of the teeth. 752. The teeth are, in men, of three kinds : sharp, as the fore-teeth ; broad, as the back-teeth, which we call the molar-teeth, or grinders ; and pointed teeth, or canine, which are between both.2 But there have been some men that have had their teeth undivided, as of one whole bone, with some little mark in the place most admirable parts of the animal economy; the mode of development of the two structures being wholly dissimilar, teeth growing by secretion, and bones by intus-susception. V. Cuv. Eloye de Tenon. 1 The marrow of bones is, of course, quite of a different nature from either brain or the spinal cord. 2 This sentence is copied from Aristotle, De Part. Anim. iii. 1. VOL. V. 3 34 NATURAL HISTORY. of the division, as Pyrrhus had.1 Some creatiires have over-long or out-growing teeth, which we call fangs, or tusks : as boars, pikes, salmons ; and dogs, though less. Some living creatures have teeth against teeth, as men and horses ; and some have teeth, especially their mas ter-teeth, indented one within another like saws ; as lions ; and so again have dogs. Some fishes have divers rows of teeth in the roofs of their mouths ; as pikes, salmons, trouts, &c. And many more in salt- waters. Snakes and other serpents have venomous teeth ; which are sometimes mistaken for their sting. 753. No. beast that hath horns hath upper teeth ; and no beast that hath teeth above wanteth them be low : but yet if they be of the same kind, it followeth not that if the hard matter goeth not into upper teeth, it will go into horns ; nor yet e converso ; for does, that have no horns, have no upper teeth.2 754. Horses have, at three years old, a tooth put forth, which they call the colt's tooth ; and at four years' old there cometh the mark-tooth, which hath a hole as big as you may lay a pea 8 within it ; and that weareth shorter and shorter every year ; till that at eight years' old the tooth is smooth, and the hole gone : and then they say, that the mark is out of the horse's mouth. 755. The teeth of men breed first, when the child is about a year and a half old : and then they cast them, and new come about seven years' old. But divers have backward teeth come forth at twenty, yea, some at thirty and forty. Queer e of the manner of the com- 1 Plutarch, in Pyrrhus, p. 434. 2 See Arist. De Part. Anim. Hi. 2., and Hist. Animal, ii. 1. • a pease in the original. — J. S. CENTURY VIII. 35 ing of them forth. They tell a tale of the old Count ess of Desmond, who lived till she was seven score years old, that she did dentire twice or thrice ; casting her old teeth, and others coming in their place. 756. Teeth are much hurt by sweetmeats ; and by painting with mercury ; and by things over-hot ; and by things over-cold ; and by rheums. And the pain of the teeth is one of the sharpest of pains. 757. Concerning teeth, these things are to be con sidered. 1. The preserving of them. 2. The keeping of them white. 3. The drawing of them with least pain. 4. The staying and easing of the toothache. 5. The binding in of artificial teeth, where teeth have been strucken out. 6. And last of all, that great one of restoring teeth in age. The instances that give any likelihood of restoring teeth in age are, the late coming of teeth in some ; and the renewing of the beaks in birds, which are commaterial with teeth. Qucere there fore more particularly how that cometh. And again, the renewing of horns. But yet that hath not been known to have been provoked by art ; therefore let trial be made whether horns may be procured to grow in beasts that are not horned, and how ? And whether they may be procured to come larger than usual ; as to make an ox or a deer have a greater head of horns ? And whether the head of a deer, that by age is more spitted, may be brought again to be more branched ? for these trials, and the like, will show, whether by art such hai'd matter can be called and provoked. It may be tried also whether birds may not have something done to them when they are young, whereby they may be made to have , greater or longer bills, or greater and longer talons ? And whether children may not 86 NATURAL HISTORY. have some wash or something to make their teeth better and stronger ? Coral is in use as an help to the teeth of children. Experiments in consort touching the generation and bearing of living creatures in the womb. 758. Some living creatures generate but at certain seasons of the year ; as deer, sheep, wild coneys, &c., and most sorts of birds and fishes : others at any time of the year; as men, and all domestic creatures, as horses, hogs, dogs, cats, &C.1 The cause of generation at all seasons seerneth to be fulness : for generation is from redundance. This fulness ariseth from two causes : either from the nature of the creature, if it be hot and moist and sanguine; or from plenty of food. For the first, men, horses, dogs, &c. which breed at all seasons, are full of heat and moisture; doves are the fullest of heat and moisture amongst birds, and therefore breed often ; the tame dove al most continually. But deer are a melancholy dry creature, as appeareth by their fearfulness, and the hardness of. their flesh. Sheep are a cold creature, as appeareth by their mildness, and for that they seldom drink. Most sort of birds are of a dry sub stance in comparison of beasts. Fishes are cold. For the second cause, fulness of food ; men, kine, swine, dogs, &c. feed full ; and we see that those creatures which being wild generate seldom, being tame generate often ; which is from warmth, and fulness of food. We find that the time of going to rut of deer is in September; for that they need the whole summer's feed and grass, to make them fit for generation. And 1 Arist. Prob. x. 49. CENTURY VIII. 37 if rain come early about the middle of September, they go to rut somewhat the sooner ; if drought, somewhat the later. So sheep, in respect of their small heat, generate about the same time, or somewhat before. But for the most part, creatures that generate at certain seasons, generate in the spring ; as birds and h'shes ; for that the end of the winter, and the heat and comfort of the spring, prepareth them. There is also another reason why some creatures generate at certain seasons: and that is the relation of their time of bearing to the time of generation ; for no creature goeth to generate whilst the female is full ; nor whilst she is busy in sitting, or rearing her young. And therefore it is found by experience, that if you take the eggs or young ones out of the nests of birds, they will fall to generate again, three or four times, one after another. 759. Of living creatures, some are longer time in ~ O the womb, and some shorter. Women go commonly nine months ; the cow and the ewe about six months ; l does go about nine months ; mares eleven months ; bitches nine weeks ; elephants are said to go two years; for the received tradition of ten years is fabulous. For birds there is double inquiry ; the distance between the treading or coupling, and the laying of the egg ; and again, between the egg laid, and the disclosing or hatching : and amongst birds there is less diversity of time than amongst other creatures ; yet some there is; for the hen sitteth but three weeks; the turkey-hen, goose, and duck, a month: Qucere of others.2 The 1 These statements are very inaccurate. Tessier assigns 282 days in the former case, and 151 in the latter, as mean periods. See Mem. de I" Ac. des Sciences. (1817). 2 The pigeon sits about eighteen days, the swan about thirty-three. The 38 NATURAL HISTORY. cause of the great difference of times amongst living creatures, is either from the nature of the kind, or from the constitution of the womb. For the former, those that are longer in coining to their maturity or growth are longer in the womb ; as is chiefly seen in men : and so elephants, which are long in the womb, are long time in coming to their full growth. But in most other kinds, the constitution of the womb (that is, the hardness or dryness thereof,) is concurrent with the former cause. For the colt hath about four years of growth ; and so the fawn ; and so the calf. But whelps, which come to their growth (commonly) within three quarters of a year, are but nine weeks in the womb. As for birds, as there is less diversity amongst them in the time of their bringing forth, so there is less diversity in the time of their growth ; most of them coming to their growth within a twelvemonth. 760. Some creatures bring forth many young ones at a burthen : as bitches, hares, coneys, &c. Some (ordinarily) but one ; as women, lionesses, &c.] This may be caused, either by the quantity of sperm re quired to the producing one of that kind ; which if less be required, may admit greater number ; if more, fewer: or by the partitions and cells of the womb, which may sever the sperm. Experiments in consort touching species visible. 761. There is no doubt but light by refraction will shew greater, as well as things coloured. For like as turkey-hen about twenty-seven, the duck and goose thirty to thirty-two days. The hen, as Bacon says, about three weeks. See Tessier and F. Cuvier, ubi supra, i Arist, Prob. x. 16. CENTURY VIII. 39 a shilling in the bottom of the water Avill shew greater; so will a candle in a lanthorn, in the bottom of the water. I have heard of a practice, that glow-worms in glasses were put in the water to make the fish come. But I am not yet informed whether when a diver diveth, having his eyes open, and swimmeth upon his hack; whether (I say) he seeth things in the air greater or less. For it is manifest that when the eye Btandeth in the finer medium, and the object is in the grosser, things shew greater; but contrariwise, when the eye is placed in the grosser medium, and the object in the finer, how it worketh I know not. 762. It would be well bolted out, whether great refractions may not be made upon reflexions, as well as upon direct beams. For example, we see that, take an empty bason, put an angel of gold, or what you will, into it ; then go so far from the bason, till you cannot see the angel, because it is not in a right line; then fill the bason with water; and you shall see it out of his place, because of the reflexion. To proceed therefore, put a looking-glass into a bason of water; I suppose you shall not see the image in a right line, or at equal angles, but aside. I know not whether this experiment may not be extended so as you mio-ht see the image, and not the glass ; which for beauty and strangeness were a fine proof: for then you should see the image like a spirit in the air. As for example, if there be a cistern or pool of water, yon shall place over against it a picture of the devil, or what you will, so as you do not see the water. Then put a looking- glass in the water: now if you can see the devil's picture aside, not seeing the water, it will look like a devil indeed. They have an old tale in Oxford, that 40 NATURAL HISTORY. Friar Bacon walked between two steeples : which was thought to be done by glasses, wl^n he walked upon the ground. Experiments in consort touching impulsion and per cussion. 763. A weighty body put into motion is more easily impelled, than at first when it resteth.1 The cause is partly because motion doth discuss the torpor of solid bodies ; which, beside their motion of gravity, have in them a natural appetite not to move at all ; and partly because a body that resteth doth get, by the resistance of the body upon which it resteth, a stronger compres sion of parts than it hath of itself: and therefore need- eth more force to be put in motion. For if a weighty body be pensile, and hang but by a thread, the per cussion will make an impulsion very near as easily as if it were already in motion. 764. A body over-great or over-small, will not be thrown so far as a body of a middle size : 2 so that (it seemeth) there must be a commensuration or propor tion between the body moved and the force, to make it move well. The cause is, because to the impulsion there is requisite the force of the body that moveth, and the resistance of the body that is moved : and if the body be too great, it yieldeth too little ; and if it be too small, it resisteth too little. 765. It is common experience, that no weight will press or cut so strong, being laid upon a body, as fall ing or strucken from above. It may be the air hath some part in furthering the percussion ; but the chief cause I take to be, for that the parts of the body l Arist, Mech. Qusest. 32. 2 Id. ib. 35. CENT CRY VIII. 41 moved have, by impulsion or by the motion of gravity continued, a compression in them as well downwards, as they have, when they are thrown or shot through the air, forwards. I conceive also that the quick loose of that motion preventeth the resistance of the body below : and priority of the force always is of great efficacy ; as appeareth in infinite instances. Experiment solitary touching titillation. 766. Tickling is most in the soles of the feet, and under the arm-holes, and on the sides. The cause is, the thinness of the skin in those parts, joined with the rareness of being touched there. For all tickling is a light motion of the spirits, which the thinness of the skin, and suddenness and rareness of touch, do further: for we see a feather, or a rush, drawn along the lip or cheek, doth tickle ; whereas a thing more obtuse, or a touch more hard, doth not. And for suddenness, we see no man can tickle himself: 1 we see also that the palm of the hand, though it hath as thin a skin as the other parts mentioned, yet is not ticklish, because it is ac customed to be touched. Tickling also causeth laugh ter. The cause may be the emission of the spirits, and so of the breath, by a flight from titillation ; for upon tickling we see there is ever a starting or shrink ing away of the part to avoid it ; and we see also, that if you tickle the nostrils with a feather, or straw, it procureth sneezing : which is a sudden emission of the spirits, that do likewise expel the moisture. And tic kling is ever painful, and not well endured. 1 See Arist. Prob. xxxv. 2. and 6. ; and compare Scaliger, Exercit, adv. Cardanum, 317. 5. 42 NATURAL HISTORY. Experiment solitary touching the scarcity of rain in Egypt! 767. It is strange, that the river of Nilus overflowing, as it doth, the country of Egypt, there should be never theless little or no rain in that country. The cause must be either in the nature of the water, or in the nature of the air, or of both. In the water, it may be ascribed either unto the long race of the water ; for swift-run ning waters vapour not so much as standing waters ; or else to the concoction of the water ; for waters well concocted vapour not so much as waters raw ; no more than waters upon the fire do vapour so much after some time of boiling as at the first. And it is true that the water of Nilus is sweeter than other waters in taste : and it is excellent good for the stone, and hypochondriacal melancholy ; which sheweth it is len- ifying ; and it runneth through a country of a hot climate, and flat, without shade either of woods or hills ; whereby the sun must needs have great power to concoct it. As for the air, (from whence I conceive this want of showers cometh chiefly,) the cause must be, for that the air is of itself thin and thirsty ; and as soon as ever it getteth any moisture from the water, it imbibeth and dissipateth it in the whole body of the air ; and suffereth it not to remain in vapour, whereby it mi«;ht breed rain. O Experiment solitary touching clarification. 768. It hath been touched in the title of percola tions (namely, such as are inwards), that the whites l The substance of this and the next paragraph is taken from Sandys, p. 78. CENTURY VIII. 43 of ee;o-s and milk do clarify ; and it is certain that in &O ^ Egypt they prepare and clarify the water of Nile, by putting it into great jars of stone, and stirring it about with a few stamped almonds ; wherewith they also besmear the mouth of the vessel ; and so draw it off, after it hath rested some time. It were good to try this clarifying with almonds in new beer or must, to hasten and perfect the clarifying. Experiment solitary touching plants without leaves. 769. There be scarce to be found any vegetables that have branches and no leaves, except you allow coral for one. But there is also in the deserts of S. Macario in Egypt, a plant which is long, leafless, brown of colour, and branched like coral, save that it closeth at the top. This being set in water within house, spreadeth and displayeth strangely ; and the people thereabout have a superstitious belief, that in the labour of women it helpeth to the easy deliver ance.1 Experiment solitary touching the materials of glass. 770. The crystalline Venice glass is reported to be a mixture in equal portions of stones brought from Pavia by the river Ticinum, and the ashes of a weed, called by the Arabs kail, which is gathered in a desert between Alexandria and Rosetta ; and is by the Egyp tians used first for fuel ; and then they crush the ashes into lumps like a stone, and so sell them to the Vene tians for their glass-works.2 1 Sandys, p. 85. The word long is, as we see on referring to Sandys, an erratum. It ought to be low. 2 Ib. p. 90. 44 NATURAL HISTORY. Experiment solitary touching prohibition of putrefaction, and the long conservation of bodies. 771. It is strange, and well to be noted, how long carcasses have continued uncorrupt, and in their for mer dimensions ; as appeareth in the mummies of Egypt ; having lasted, as is conceived, Csome of them) three thousand years. It is true, they find means to draw forth the brains, and to take forth the entrails, which are the parts aptest to corrupt. But that is nothing to the wonder : for we see what a soft and corruptible substance the flesh of all the other parts of the body is. But it should seem that, according to our observation and axiom in our hundredth ex periment, putrefaction, which we conceive to be so natural a period of bodies, is but an accident ; and that matter maketh not that haste to corruption that is conceived. And therefore bodies in shining amber, in quicksilver, in balms (whereof we now speak), in wax, in honey, in gums, and (it may be) in conserva tories of snow, &c., are preserved very long. It need not go for repetition, if we resume again that which we said in the aforesaid experiments concerning an nihilation ; namely, that if you provide against three causes of putrefaction, bodies will not corrupt : the first is, that the air be excluded ; for that undermineth the body, and conspireth with the spirit of the body to dissolve it. The second is, that the body adjacent and ambient be not commaterial, but merely heterogeneal towards the body that is to be preserved ; for if nothing can be received by the one, nothing can issue from the other ; such are quicksilver and white amber, to herbs and flies, and such bodies. The third is, that the body CENTURY VIII. 45 to be preserved be not of that gross that it may cor rupt within itself, although no part of it issue into the body adjacent : and therefore it must be rather thin and small, than of bulk. There is a fourth remedy also ; which is, that if the body to be preserved be of bulk, as a corpse is, then the body that incloseth it must have a virtue to draw forth and dry the moisture of the inward body ; for else the putrefaction will play within, though nothing issue forth. I remember Livy doth relate, that there were found at a time two coffins of lead in a tomb ; whereof the one contained the body of King Numa ; it being some four hundred years after his death ; and the other, his books of sacred rites and ceremonies, and the discipline of the pontiffs ; and that in the coffin that had the body, there was nothing at all to be seen, but a little light cinders about the sides; but in the coffin that had the books, they were found as fresh as if they had been but newly written, being writ ten in parchment, and covered over with watch-candles of wax three or four fold. By this it seemeth that the Romans in Numa's time were not so good embalmers as the Egyptians were ; which was the cause that the body was utterly consumed. But I find in Plutarch and others, that when Augustus Caesar visited the sepulchre of Alexander the Great in Alexandria, he found the body to keep his dimension ; but withal, that notwithstanding all the embalming, (which no doubt was of the best,) the body was so tender, as Caasar, touching but the nose of it, defaced it.1 Which 1 This story is not mentioned by Plutarch, nor, so far as I am aware, by any authorities except Suetonius and Dio Cassius. The latter mentions that Augustus broke off a piece of the nose. See Suet, in Aug. ii. 18., and Dio Cassius, li. § 16. The opening of Numa's coffin is described by Livy, fl. 29., who, however, does not say that any cinders were found in it. 46 NATURAL HISTORY. maketh me find it very strange, that the Egyptian mummies should be reported to be as hard as stone- pitch ; J for I find no difference but one, which indeed may be very material, namely that the ancient Egyp tian mummies were shrouded in a number of folds of linen, besmeared with gums, in manner of sear-cloth ; which it doth not appear was practised upon the body of Alexander. Experiment solitary touching the abundance of nitre in certain sea-shores. 772. Near the castle of Catie, and by the wells of Assan, in the land of Idumea, a great part of the way you would think the sea were near at hand, though it be a good distance off: and it is nothing but the shin ing of the nitre upon the sea sands ; such abundance of nitre the shores there do put forth.2 Experiment solitary touching bodies that are borne up by water. 773. The Dead Sea, which vomiteth up bitumen, is of that crassitude, as living bodies bound hand and foot cast into it have been borne up, and not sunk ;3 which sheweth, that all sinking into water is but an over weight of the body put into the water in respect of the water ; so that you may make water so strong and heavy, of quicksilver (perhaps) or the like, as may bear up iron ; of which I see no use, but imposture. We see also that all metals except gold, for the same reason, swim upon quicksilver. i Namely, by Sandys, p. 104. 2 Sandys, p. 109. 8 Id. p. 110. CENTURY VIII. 47 Experiment solitary touching fuel that consumeth little or nothing. 774. It is reported, that at the foot of a hill near the Mare Mortuura there is a black stone (whereof pilgrims make fires) which burneth like a coal, and di- minisheth not ; but only waxeth brighter and whiter.1 That it should do so is not strange : for we see iron red hot burneth, and consumeth not ; but the strange ness is, that it should continue any time so ; for iron, as soon as it is out of the fire, deadeth straightways. Certainly it were a thing of great use and profit, if you could find out fuel that would burn hot, and yet last long : neither am I altogether incredulous but there may be such candles as they say are made of salamander's wool ; being a kind of mineral, which whiteneth also in the burning, and consumeth not. The question is this ; flame must be made of some what ; and commonly it is made of some tangible body which hath weight: but it is not impossible perhaps that it should be made of spirit or vapour in a body, (which spirit or vapour hath no weight,) such as is the matter of ignis fatuus. But then you will say, that that vapour also can last but a short time : to that it may be answered, that by the help of oil, and wax, and other candle-stuff, the flame may continue, and the wick not burn. Experiment solitary ceconomical touching cheap fuel. 775. Sea-coal lasts longer than charcoal ; and char coal of roots, being coaled into great pieces, lasts longer 1 Sandys, p. 111. But for brighter we oucjht. on the authority of the in Sandys, to read lighter. NATURAL HISTORY. than ordinary charcoal. Turf, and peat, and cow- sheards, are cheap fuels, and last long. Small-coal, or briar-coal poured upon charcoal, make them last longer. Sedge is a cheap fuel to brew or bake with : the rather because it is good for nothing else. Trial would be made of some mixture of sea-coal with earth or chalk ; for if that mixture be,1 as the sea-coal men use it, privily to make the bulk of the coal greater, it is deceit ; but if it be used purposely, and be made known, it is saving. Experiment solitary touching the gathering of wind for freshness. 776. It is at this day in use in Gaza, to couch pot- sheards or vessels of earth in their walls, to gather the wind from the top, and to pass it down in spouts into rooms.2 It is a device for freshness in great heats: and it is said there are some rooms in Italy and Spain for freshness, and gathering the winds and air, in the heats of summer; but they be but pennings of the winds and enlarging them again, and making them rever berate and go round in circles, rather than this de vice of spouts in the wall. Experiment solitary touching the trials of airs. 777. There would be used much diligence in the choice of some bodies and places, (as it were) for the tasting of air ; to discover the wholesomeness or un- wholesomeness, as well of seasons, as of the seats of dwellings. It is certain that there be some houses, wherein confitures and pies will gather mould more 1 So in the original. Bacon probably wrote be used. — J. S. 2 Sandys, p. 116. CENTURY VIII. 49 than in others. And I am persuaded that a piece of raw flesh or fish will sooner corrupt in some airs than in others. They be noble experiments that can make this discovery ; for they serve for a natural divination of seasons, better than the astronomers can by their figures: and again, tlu'y teach men where to choose their dwelling for their better health. O Experiment solitary touching increasing of milk in milch-beasts. 778. There is a kind of stone about Bethlehem, which they grind to powder and put into water where of cattle drink ; which maketh them give more milk.1 Surely there would be some better trials made of mixtures of water in ponds for cattle, to make them more milch, or to fatten them, or to keep them from murrain. It may be chalk and nitre are of the best. Experiment solitary touching sand of the nature of glass. 779. It is reported, that in the valley near the mountain Carmel in Judea there is a sand, which of all other hath most affinity with glass;2 insomuch as other minerals laid in it turn to a glassy sub stance, without the fire ; and again, glass put into it turneth into the mother-sand. The thing is verv strange, if it be true : and it is likeliest to be caused by some natural furnace, or heat in the earth : and yet they do not speak of any eruption of flames. It were good to try in glass-works, whether the crude materials of glass, mingled with glass already made, and remolten, do not facilitate the making of glass with less heat. 1 Sandys, p. 142. 2 id. p. 159. VOL. v. 4 50 NATURAL HISTORY. Experiment solitary touching the growth of coral. 780. In the sea, upon the south-west of Sicily, much coral is found.1 It is a submarine plant. It hath no leaves : it brancheth only when it is under water ; it is soft, and green of colour ; but being brought into the air, it becometh hard and shining red, as we see. It O ' is said also to have a white berry ; but we find it not brought over with coral. Belike it is cast away as nothing worth : inquire better of it, for the discovery of the nature of the plant. Experiment solitary touching the gathering of manna. 781. The manna of Calabria is the best, and in most plenty.2 They gather it from the leaf of the mulberry-tree ; but not of such mulberry-trees as grow in the valleys. And manna falleth upon the leaves by night, as other dews do. It should ~seem that before those dews come upon trees in the val leys, they dissipate, and cannot hold out. It should seem also, the mulberry-leaf itself hath some coagulat ing virtue, which inspissateth the dew ; for that it is not found upon other trees : and we see by the silk worm, which feedeth upon that leaf, what a dainty smooth juice it hath ; and the leaves also (especially of the black mulberry) are somewhat bristly, which may help to preserve the dew. Certainly it were not amiss to observe a little better the dews that fall upon trees, or herbs growing on mountains ; for it may be many dews fall, that spend before they come to the valleys. And I suppose that he that would gather the best May-dew for medicine, should gather it from the hills. l Sandys, p. 184. 2 j<}. p. 195. CENTURY VIII. 51 Experiment solitary touching the correcting of wine. 782. It is said they have a manner to prepare their Greek wines, to keep them from fuming and inebriat ing, by adding some sulphur or alum : whereof the one is unctuous, and the other is astringent.1 And certain it is that those two natures do best repress fumes. This experiment would be transferred unto other wine and strong beer, by putting in- some like substances while they work ; which may make them both to fume less, and to inflame less. Experiment solitary touching the materials of wild-fire. 783. It is conceived by some (not improbably) that the reason why wild-fires (whereof the principal in gredient is bitumen) do not quench with water, is, for that the first concretion of bitumen is a mixture of a fiery and watery substance : so is not sulphur. This appeareth, for that in the place near Puteoli, which they call the Court of Vulcan, you shall hear under the earth a horrible thundering of fire and water con flicting together ; and there break forth also spouts of boiling water.2 Now that place yieldeth great quan tities of bitumen ; whereas ^Etna and Vesuvius, and the like, which consist upon sulphur, shoot forth smoke, and ashes, and pumice, but no water. It is reported also, that bitumen mingled with lime, and pub under water, will make as it were an artificial rock ; the substance becometh so hard. 1 Sandys, p. 203. Sandys is speaking of the Greek wines made on the sides of Vesuvius. 2 Id. p. 210-. 52 NATURAL HISTORY. Experiment solitary touching plaster growing as hard as marble. 784. There is a cement compounded of flour, whites of eggs, and stone powdered, that becometh hard as marhle : wherewith Piscina Mirabilis, near Cuma, is said to have the walls plastered.1 And it is certain and tried, that the powder of loadstone and flint, by the addition of whites of eggs and gum-dragon, made into paste, will in a few days harden to the hardness of a stone. Experiment solitary touching judgment of the cure in some ulcers and hurts. 785. It hath been noted by the ancients that in full or impure bodies, ulcers or hurts in the legs are hard to cure ; and in the head more easy.2 The cause is, for that ulcers or hurts in the legs require desiccation, which by the defluxion of humours to the lower parts is hindered : whereas hurts and ulcers in the head re quire it not ; but contrariwise dryness maketh them more apt to consolidate. And in modern observation, the like difference hath been found between French men and Englishmen ; whereof the one's constitution is more dry, and the other's more moist. And there fore a hurt of the head is harder to cure in a French man, and of the leg in an Englishman. Experiment solitary touching the healthftdness or un- healthfulness of the southern wind. 786. It hath been noted by the ancients that south ern winds blowing much without rain, do cause a fever- * Sandys, p. 231. 2 Arist. Prob. i. 18. CENTURY VIII. 53 ous disposition of the year ; but with rain, not.1 The cause is, for that southern winds do of themselves qual ify the air to be apt to cause fevers ; but when showers are joined, they do refrigerate in part, and check the sultry heat of the southern wind. Therefore this holdeth not in the sea coasts, because the vapour of the sea, without showers, doth refresh. Experiment solitary touching wounds. 787. It hath been noted by the ancients, that wounds which are made with brass heal more easily than wounds made with iron.2 The cause is, for that brass hath in itself a sanative virtue ; and so in the very instant helpeth somewhat : but iron is corrosive and not sanative. And therefore it were good, that the instruments which are used by chirurgeons about wounds were rather of brass than iron. Experiment solitary touching mortification by cold. 788. In the cold countries, when men's noses and ears are mortified and (as it were) gangrened with cold, if they come to a fire they rot off presently. The cause is, for that the few spirits that remain in those parts are suddenly drawn forth, and so putre faction is made complete. But snow put upon them helpeth : for that it preserveth those spirits that re main, till they can revive; and besides, snow hath in it a secret warmth : as the monk proved out of the text, qui dat nivem sicut lanam, gelu sicut cineres spar- git ;s whereby he did infer, that snow did warm like wool, and frost did fret like ashes. Warm water also 1 Arist. Prob. i. 23. 2 Id ib. i. 35. » Ps. cxlvii. 16. 54 NATURAL HISTORY. doth good ; because by little and little it openeth the pores, without any sudden working upon the spirits. This experiment may be transferred unto the cure of gangrenes, either coming of themselves, or induced by too much applying of opiates ; wherein you must beware of dry heat, and resort to things that are refrigerant, with an inward warmth and virtue of o ' cherishing. Experiment solitary touching weight. 789. Weigh iron and aqua fortis severally ; then dissolve the iron in the aqua fortis, and weigh the dissolution; and you shall find it to bear as good weight as the bodies did severally ; notwithstanding a good deal of waste by a thick vapour that issueth during the working ; which sheweth that the opening of a body doth increase the weight. This was tried once or twice, but I know not whether there were any error in the trial. Experiment solitary touching the super-natation of bodies. 790. Take of aqua fortis two ounces, of quicksilver two drachms (for that charge the aqua fortis will bear) ; the dissolution will not bear a flint as big as a nutmeg : yet (no doubt) the increasing of the weight of water will increase his power of bearing; as we see brine, when it is salt enough, will bear an egg. And I remember well a physician, that used to give some mineral baths for the gout, &c. ; and the body, when it was put into the bath, could not get down so easily as in ordinary water. But it seerneth the weight of the quicksilver more than the weight of a stone, doth CENTURY VIII. not compense the weight of a stone more than the weight of the aqua fortis. Experiment solitary touching the flying of unequal bodies in the air. 791. Let there be a body of unequal weight (as of wood and lead, or bone and lead) ; if you throw it from you with the light end forward, it will turn, and the weightier end will recover to be forwards ; unless the body be over-long. The cause is, for that the more dense body hath a more violent pressure of the parts from the first impulsion ; which is the cause (though heretofore not found out, as hath been often said) of all violent motions ; and when the hinder part moveth swifter (for that it less endureth pressure of parts) than the forward part can make way for it, it must needs be that the body turn over : for (turned) it can more easily draw forward the lighter part. Galikeus1 noteth it well, that if an open trough, wherein water is, be driven faster than the water can follow, the water gathereth upon an heap towards the hinder end, where the motion began ; which he sup- poseth (holding confidently the motion of the earth,) to be the cause of the ebbing and flowing of the ocean : because the earth over-runneth the water. Which theory though it be false, yet the first experiment is true. As for the inequality of the pressure of parts, it appeareth manifestly in this : that if you take a body of stone or iron, and another of wood, of the same magnitude and shape, and throw them with equal force, you cannot possibly throw the wood so far as the stone or iron. 1 See his Dialogi dei Sistemi Massimi. 56 NATURAL HISTORY. Experiment solitary touching water, that it may lie the medium of sounds. 792. It is certain (as it hath been formerly in part touched) that water may be the medium of sounds. If you dash a stone against a stone in the bottom of the water, it maketh a sound. So a long pole struck! upon gravel in the bottom of the water maketh a sound. Nay, if you should think that the sound com- eth up by the pole, and not by the water, yoju shall find that an anchor let down by a rope maketh a sound : and yet the rope is no solid body whereby the sound can ascend. Experiment solitary of the flight of the spirits upon odious objects. 793. All objects of the senses which are very offen sive, do cause the spirits to retire : and upon their flight the parts are (in some degree) destitute ; and so there is induced in them a trepidation and horror. For sounds, we see that the grating of a saw, or any very harsli noise, will set the teeth on edge, and make all the body shiver. For tastes, we see that in the taking of a potion, or pills, the head and the neck shake. For odious smells, the like effect followeth ; which is less perceived, because there is a remedy at hand by stopping of the nose ; but in horses, that can use no such help, we see the smell of a carrion, especially of a dead horse, maketh them fly away, and take on almost as if they were mad. For feeling, if you come out of the sun suddenly into a shade, there followeth a dullness or shivering in all the body. And even in sight, which hath (in effect) no odious object, CENTURY VIII. 57 coming into sudden darkness induceth an offer to shiver. Experiment solitary touching the super-reflexion of echoes. 794. There is in the city of Ticinum1 in Italy, a church that hath windows only from above : it is in length an hundred feet, in breadth twenty feet, and in height near fifty; having a door in the midst. It reporteth the voice twelve or thirteen times, if you stand by the close end-wall over against the door. The echo fadeth, and dieth by little and little, as the echo at Pont-Charenton doth. And the voice soundeth as if it came from above the door. And if you stand at the lower end, or on either side of the door, the echo holdeth ; but if you stand in the door, or in the midst just over against the door, not. Note that all echoes sound better against old walls than new ; be cause they are more dry and hollow. Experiment solitary touching the force of imagination imitating that of the sense. 795. Those effects which are wrought by the per cussion of the sense, and by things in fact, are produced likewise in some degree by the imagination. There fore if a man see another eat sour or acid things which set the teeth on edge, this object tainteth the imagina tion ; so that he that seeth the thing done by another, hath his own teeth also set on edge. So if a man see another turn swiftly and long, or if he look upon wheels that turn, himself waxeth turn-sick. So if a 1 That is, Pavia. For an account of the echo there, see Maiolus, Diet Caniculares. 58 NATURAL HISTORY. man be upon an high place without rails or good hold, except he be used to it, he is ready to fall : for imagin ing a fall, it putteth his spirits into the very action of a fall. So many upon the seeing of others bleed, or strangled, or tortured, themselves are ready to faint, as if they bled, or were in strife.1 Experiment solitary touching preservation of bodies. 796. Take a stock-gilly-flower, and tie it gently upon a stick and put them both into a stoop-glass full of quicksilver, so that the flower be covered : then lay a little weight upon the top of the glass that may keep the stick down ; and look upon them after four or five days ; and you shall find the flower fresh, and the stalk harder and less flexible than it was. If you compare it with another flower gathered at the same time, it will be the more manifest. This sheweth that bodies do preserve excellently in quicksilver ; and not preserve only, but by the coldness of the quicksilver indurate ; for the freshness of the flower may be merely conser vation ; (which is the more to be observed, because the quicksilver presseth the flower ;) but the stiffness of the stalk cannot be without induration, from the cold (as it seemeth) of the quicksilver. Experiment solitary touching the growth or multiplying of metals. 797. It is reported by some of the ancients that in Cyprus there is a kind of iron, that being cut into little pieces and put into the ground, if it be well watered, will increase into greater pieces.2 This is 1 Arist. Prob. vii. 7. 2 Arist. Mirab. 43. But it is doubtful whether the pseudo-Aristotle is CENTURY VIII. 59 certain, and known of old, that lead will multiply and increase ; as hath been seen in old statua's of stone which have been put in cellars ; the feet of them being bound with leaden bands ; where (after a time) there appeared that the lead did swell ; insomuch as it hanged upon the stone like warts. Experiment solitary touching the drowning of the more base metal in the more precious. 798. I call drowning of metals, -when that the baser metal is so incorporate with the more rich as it can by no means be separated again ; which is a kind of ver sion, though false : as if silver should be inseparably incorporated with gold ; or copper and lead with silver. The ancient electrum had in it a fifth of silver to the gold ; 1 and made a compound metal, as fit for most uses as gold, and more resplendent, and more qualified in some other properties ; but then that was easily separated. This to do privily, or to make the com pound pass for the rich metal simple, is an adulteration or counterfeiting : but if it be done avowedly, and without disguising, it may be a great saving of the richer metal. I remember to have heard of a man skilful in metals, that a fifteenth part of silver incor porate with gold will not be recovered by any water of separation, except you put a greater quantity of silver to draw to it the less ; which (he said) is the last refuge in separations.2 But that is a tedious way, which no man (almost) will think on. This would speaking of iron or of brass. The best editions are in favour of the latter. 1 Pliny, xxxiii. 23.; but compare Hardouin's note. On the subject of Electrum, see an essay in Buttmann's Mythologus. a This is called quartation. 60 NATURAL HISTORY. be better inquired : and the quantity of the fifteenth turned to a twentieth : and likewise with some little additional, that may further the intrinsic incorporation. Note that silver in gold will be detected, by weight compared with the dimension; but lead in silver (lead being the weightier metal) will not be detected, if you take so much the more silver as will countervail the over-weight of the lead.1 Experiment solitary touching fixation 'of bodies. 799. Gold is the only substance which hath nothing in it volatile, and yet melteth without much difficulty. The melting sheweth that it is not jejune, or scarce in spirit. So that the fixing of it is not want of spirit to fly out, but the equal spreading of the tangible parts, and the close coacervation of them : whereby they have the less appetite, and no means at all to issue forth. It were good therefore to try, whether glass remolten do leese any weight ? for the parts in glass are evenly spread ; but they are not so close as in gold ; as we see by the easy admission of light, heat, and cold ; and by the smallness of the weight. There be other bodies fixed, which have little or no spirit ; so as there is nothing to fly out ; as we see in the 1 It is strange that Bacon should not have seen that by taking away more silver you diminish the dimension. The only way in which an alloy of lead and silver could escape detection by the test used by Archimedes, or at least by more exact methods of the same kind, would be to make some part of the work hollow. But if this was Bacon's meaning, he has not expressed it. It is yet more strange, the intention of the experiment being to effect a saving of the precious metal, that he should have spoken as if turning a fifteenth into a twentieth were an improvement. But per haps he meant to make detection yet more difficult. We may remark farther, that all gold in common use contains more than a fifteenth of alloy. The money standard of England, which is above the average of continental coinages, contains one part of alloy to eleven of fine gold. CENTURY VIII. 61 stuff whereof copples are made, which they put into furnaces ; upon which fire worketh not. So that there are three causes of fixation ; the even spreading both of the spirits and tangible parts ; the closeness of the tangible parts ; and the jejuneness or extreme com minution of spirits : of which three, the two first may be joined with a nature liquefiable, the last not. Experiment solitary touching the restless nature of things in themselves, and their desire to change. 800. It is a profound contemplation in nature, to consider of the emptiness (as we may call it) or in- satisfaction of several bodies ; and of their appetite to take in others. Air taketh in lights, and sounds, and smells, and vapours ; and it is most manifest that it doth it with a kind of thirst, as not satisfied with his own former consistence ; for else it would never re ceive them in so suddenly and easily. Water and all liquors do hastily receive dry and more terrestrial bodies, proportionable : and dry bodies, on the other side, drink in waters and liquors : so that (as it was well said by one of the ancients, of earthy and watery substances) one is a glue to another. Parchment, skins, cloth, &c., drink in liquors, though themselves be entire bodies, and not comminuted, as sand and ashes, nor apparently porous : metals themselves do re ceive in readily strong-waters ; and strong-waters like wise do readily pierce into metals and stones : and that strong-water will touch upon gold, that will not touch upon silver ; and e converso. And gold, which seem- eth by the weight to be the closest and most solid body, doth greedily drink in quicksilver. And it seemeth that this reception of other bodies is not vio- 62 NATURAL HISTORY. lent : for it is many times reciprocal, and as it were with consent. Of the cause of this, and to what axiom it may be referred, consider attentively : for as for the pretty assertion, that matter is like a common strumpet that desireth all forms, it is but a. wandering notion. Only flame doth not content itself to take in any other body ; but either to overcome and turn another body into itself, as by victory ; or itself to die, and go out. NATURAL HISTORY. CENTURY IX. Experiments in consort touching perception in bodies insensible, tending to natural divination or subtile trials. IT is certain that all bodies whatsoever, though they have no sense, yet they have perception : for when one body is applied to another, there is a kind of election to embrace that which is agreeable, and to exclude or expel that which is ingrate : and whether the body be alterant or altered, evermore a perception precedeth operation ; for else all bodies would be alike one to another. And sometimes this perception, in some kind of bodies, is far more subtile than the sense ; so that the sense is but a dull thing in comparison of it : we see a weather glass will find the least difference of the weather in heat or cold, when men find it not. And this perception also is sometimes at distance, as well as upon the touch ; as when the loadstone draweth 64 NATURAL HISTORY. iron ; or flame fireth naphtha of Babylon, a great distance off'.1 It is therefore a subject of a very noble inquiry, to inquire of the more subtile per ceptions ; for it is anotlier key to open nature, as well as the sense ; and sometimes better. And besides, it is a principal means of natural divina tion ; for that which in these perceptions appeareth early, in the great effects cometh long after. It is true also that it serveth to discover that which is hid, as well as to foretell that which is to come ; as it is in many subtile trials ; as to try whether seeds be old or new, the sense cannot inform ; hut if you boil them in water, the new seeds will sprout sooner : and so of water, the taste will not discover the best water; but the speedy consuming of it. and many other means whicb we have heretofore set down, will discover it. So in all physiognomy, the lineaments of the body will discover those nat ural inclinations of the mind, which dissimulation will conceal, or discipline will suppress. We shall therefore now handle only those two perceptions, which pertain to natural divination and discovery ; leaving the handling of perception in other things to be disposed elsewhere. Now it is true that divination is attained by other means ; as if you know the causes, if yon know the concomitants, you may judge of the effect to follow : and the like may be said of discovery ; but we tie our- i Pliny, ii. 109. CENTURY IX. 65 selves here to that divination and discovery chiefly, which is caused hy an early or subtile perception. The aptness or propension of air or water to corrupt or putrefy, (no doubt) is to be found be fore it break forth into manifest effects of diseases, blastings, or the like. We will therefore set down some prognostics of pestilential and unwholesome years. 801. The wind blowing much from the south with out rain, and worms in the oak-apple, have been spoken of before. Also the plenty of frogs, grass hoppers, flies, and the like creatures bred of putre faction, doth portend pestilential years. 802. Great and early heats in the spring (and namely in May) without winds, portend the same; and generally so do years with little wind or thunder. 803. Great droughts in summer lasting till towards the end of August, and some gentle showers upon them, and then some dry weather again, do portend a pestilent summer the year following : for about the end of August all the sweetness of the earth, which goeth into plants or trees, is exhaled (and much mpre if the August be dry) ; so that nothing then can breathe forth of the earth but a gross 'vapour, which is apt to corrupt the air : and that vapour, by the first showers, if they be gentle, is released, and cometh forth abundantly. Therefore they that come abroad soon after those showers, are commonly taken with sickness : and in Africk, nobody will stir out of doors after the first showers. But if the showers come vehemently, then they rather wash and fill the earth, than give it 66 NATURAL HISTORY. leave to breathe forth presently. But if dry weather come again, then it fixeth and continueth the corrup tion of the air, upon the first showers begun ; and maketh it of ill influence, even to the next summer ; except a very frosty winter discharge it ; which seldom succeedetli such droughts. O 804. The lesser infections, of the small-pox, purple fevers, agues, in the summer precedent, and hovering all Avinter, do portend a great pestilence in the summer following ; for putrefaction doth not rise to his height at once. 805. It were good to lay a piece of raw flesh or fish in the open air ; and if it putrefy quickly, it is a sign of a 'disposition in the air to putrefaction. And be cause you cannot be informed whether the putrefaction be quick or late, except you compare this experiment with the like experiment in another year, it were not amiss in the same year, and at the same time, to lay one piece of flesh or fish in the open air, and another of the same kind and bigness within doors : for I judge, that if a general disposition be in the air to putrefy, the flesh or fish will sooner putrefy abroad, where the air hath more power, than in the house, where it hath less, being many ways corrected. And this experiment would be made about the end of March : for that sea son is likest to discover what the winter hath done, and what the summer following will do, upon the air. And because the air (no doubt) receiveth great tinct ure and infusion from the earth ; it were good to try that exposing of flesh or fish, both upon a stake of wood some height above the earth, and upon the flat of the earth. 806. Take May-dew, and see whether it putrefy CENTURY IX. 67 quickly or no ; for that likewise may disclose the quality of the air, and vapour of the earth, more or less corrupted. 807. A dry March, and a dry May, portend a wholesome summer, if there be a showering April betAveen : but otherwise it is a sign of a pestilential year. 808. As the discovery of the disposition of the air is good for the prognostics of wholesome and unwhole some years ; so it is of much more use for the choice of places to dwell in : at the least, for lodges and retiring places for health (for mansion-houses respect provisions as well as health) ; wherein the experiments above-mentioned may serve. 809. But for the choice of places or seats, it is good to make trial not only of aptness of air to corrupt, but also of the moisture and dryness of the air, and the temper of it in heat or cold ; for that may concern health diversly. We see that there be some houses wherein sweet-meats will relent, and baked meats will mould, more than in others ; and wainscots will also sweat more ; so that they will almost run with water : all which (no doubt) are caused chiefly by the moist- ness of the air in those seats. But because it is better to know it before a man buildeth his house, than to find it after, take the experiments following. . 810. Lay wool; or a spunge, or bread, in the place you would try, comparing it with some other places ; and see whether it doth not moisten, and make the wool, or spunge, &c., more ponderous than the other : and if it do, you may judge of that place as situate in a gross and moist air. 811. Because it is certain that in some places, either 68 NATURAL HISTORY. by the nature of the earth, or by the situation of woods and hills, the air is more unequal than in others ; and inequality of air is ever an enemy to .health ; it were good to take two weather-glasses, matches in all things, and to set them, for the same hours of one day, in sev eral places, where no shade is, nor inclosures ; and to mark when you set them, how far the water cometh ; and to compare them, when you come again, how the water standeth then ; and if you find them unequal, you may be sure that the place where the water is lowest is in the warmer air, and the other in the colder. And the greater the inequality' be of the ascent or descent of the water, the greater is the inequality of the temper of the air. 812. The predictions likewise of cold and long win ters, and hot and dry summers, are good to be known ; as well for the discovery of the causes, as for divers provisions. That of plenty of haws, and heps, and briar-berries, hath been spoken of before. If wainscot, or stone, that have used to sweat, be more dry in the beginning of winter ; or the drops of the eaves of houses come more slowly down than they use ; it por- tendeth a hard and frosty winter. The cause is, for that it sheweth an inclination of the air to dry weather ; which in winter is ever joined with frost. 813. Generally a moist and a cool summer portend- eth a hard winter. The cause is, for that the vapours of the earth are not dissipated in the summer by the sun ; and so they rebound upon the winter. 814. A hot and dry summer and autumn, and es pecially if the heat and drought extend far into Sep tember, portendeth an open beginning of winter; and colds to succeed, toward the latter part of the winter CENTURY IX. 69 and the beginning; of the spring: for till then the O o 1 O former heat and drought bear the sway, and the va pours are not sufficiently multiplied. 815. An open and warm winter portendeth a hot and dry summer ; for the vapours disperse into the winter showers ; whereas cold and frost keepeth them in, and t/ansporteth them into the late spring and summer following. 816. Birds that use to change countries at certain seasons, if they come earlier, do shew the temper ature of weather, according to that country whence they came : as the winter-birds, (namely, woodcocks, feldfares, &c.) if they come earlier, and out of the northern countries, with us shew cold winters. And if it be in the same country, then they shew a temper ature of season like unto that season in which they come : as swallows, bats, cuckoos, &c., that come towards summer, if they come early, shew a hot sum mer to follow. 817. The prognostics, more immediate, of weather to follow soon after, are more certain than those of seasons. The resounding of the sea upon the shore ; and the murmur of winds in the woods, without ap parent wind ; shew wind to follow : for such winds breathing chiefly out of the earth, are not at the first perceived, except they be pent by water or wood. And therefore a murmur out of caves likewise portendeth as much.1 818. The upper regions of the air perceive the collection of the matter of tempests and winds, before the air here below : and therefore the obscuring of the smaller stars is a sign of tempests following. And of 1 Most of these prognostics are mentioned by Pliny. 70 NATURAL HISTORY. this kind you shall find a number of instances in our inquisition De Ventis. 819. Great mountains have a perception of the dis position of the air to tempests, sooner than the valleys or plains below : and therefore they say in Wales, when certain hills have their night-caps on, they mean mischief. The cause is, for that tempests, which are for the most part bred above in the middle region (as they call it), are soonest perceived to collect in the places next it. 820. The air, and fire, have subtile perceptions of wind rising, before men find it. We see the trembling of a candle will discover a wind that otherwise we do not feel ; and the flexuous burning of flames doth shew the air beginneth to be unquiet ; and so do coals of fire by casting off the ashes more than they use. The cause is, for that no wind at the first, till it hath struck and driven the air, is apparent to the sense ; but flame is easier to move than air : and for the ashes, it is no marvel, though wind unperceived shake them off"; for we usually try which way the wind bloweth, by cast ing up grass, or chaff, or such light things into the air. 821. When wind expireth from under the sea, as it causeth some resounding of the water (whereof we spake before), so it causeth some light motions of bub bles, and white circles of froth. The cause is, for that the wind cannot be perceived by the sense, until there be an eruption of a great quantity from under the water ; and so it getteth into a body : whereas in the first putting up it cometh in little portions. 822. We spake of the ashes that coals cast off; and of grass and chaff carried by the wind : so any light thing that moveth when we find no wind, sheweth a CENTURY IX. 71 wind at hand ; as when feathers, or down of thistles, fly to and fro in the air. For prognostics of weather from living- creatures, it is to be noted that creatures that live in the open air (sub dio] must needs have a quicker impression from the air, than men that live most within doors ; and especially birds who live in the air freest and clearest ; and are aptest by their voice to tell tales what they find, and likewise by the motion of their flight to express the same. 823. Water-fowls, (as sea-gulls, moor-hens, &c.) when they flock and fly together from the sea towards the shores ; and contrariwise, land-birds, (as crows, swallows, &c.) when they fly from the land to the waters, and beat the waters with their wino-s : do fore- c?> " shew rain and wind. The cause is, pleasure that both kinds take in the moistness and density of the air ; and so desire to be in motion and upon the wing, whither soever they would otherwise go ; for it is no marvel, that water-fowl do joy most in that air which is likest water ; and land-birds also, many of them, delight in bathing, and moist air. For the same reason also, many birds do prune l their feathers ; and geese do gaggle ; and crows seem to call upon rain : all which is but the comfort they seem to receive in the relenting of the air. 824. The heron, when she soareth high, (so as sometimes she is seen to pass over a cloud,) sheweth winds : but kites flying aloft shew fair and dry weath er. The cause may be, for that they both mount most 1 Proine in the original. — J. S. 72 NATURAL HISTORY. into the air of that temper wherein they delight : and the heron, being a water-fowl, taketh pleasure in the air that is condensed ; and besides, being but heavy of wing, needeth the hejp of the grosser air. But the kite affecteth not so much the grossness of the air, as the cold and freshness thereof: for being a bird of prey, and therefore hot, she delighteth in the fresh air ; and (many times) flieth against the wind, as trouts and salmons swim against the stream. And yet it is truu also, that all birds find an ease in the depth of the air, as swimmers do in a deep water. And therefore when they are aloft, they can uphold themselves with their wings spread, scarce moving them. 825. Fishes, when they play towards the top of the water, do commonly foretell rain. The cause is, for that a fish, hating the dry, will not approach the air till it groweth moist ; and when it is dry, will fly it, and swim lower. 826. Beasts do take^ comfort (generally) in a moist air ; and it maketh them eat their meat better ; and therefore sheep will get up betimes in the morning to feed, against rain : and cattle, and deer, and coneys, will feed hard before rain ; and a heifer will put up his nose and snuff in the air, against rain. 827. The trefoil, against rain, swelleth in the stalk ; and so standeth more upright : for by wet, stalks do erect, and leaves bow down. There is a small red flower in the stubble-fields, which country people call the wincopipe ; which if it open in the morning, you may be sure of a fair day to follow. 828. Even in men, aches and hurts and corns do engrieve, either towards rain or towards frost : for the one maketh the humours more to abound ; and the CENTURY IX. 73 other maketh them sharper. So we see both extremes bring the gout. 829. Worms, vermin, &c., do foreshew likewise rain : for earthworms will come forth, and moles will cast up more, and fleas bite more, against rain. 830. Solid bodies likewise foreshew rain. As stones and wainscot, when they sweat : and boxes and pegs of wood, when they draw and wind hard ; though the former be but from an outward cause ; for that the stone or wainscot turneth and beateth back the air against itself; but the latter is an inward swelling of the body of the wood itself. Experiment solitary touching the nature of appetite in the stomach. 831. Appetite is moved chiefly by things that are cold and dry : the cause is, for that cold is a kind of indigence of nature, and calleth upon supply ; and so is dryness : and therefore all sour things (as vinegar, juice of lemons, oil of vitriol, &c.) provoke appetite. And the disease which they call appetitus caninus, con- sisteth in the matter of an acid and glassy phlegm in the mouth of the stomach. Appetite is also moved by sour thino-s : for that sour things induce a contraction cT1 * ™ in the nerves placed in the mouth of the stomach ; which is a great cause of appetite. As for the cause why onions, and salt, and pepper, in baked meats, move appetite, it is by vellication of those nerves ; for motion whetteth. As for wormwood, olives, capers, and others of that kind, which participate of bitterness, they move appetite by abstersion. So as there be four principal causes of appetite ; the refrigeration of the stomach, joined with some dryness ; contraction ; velli- 74 NATURAL HISTORY. cation ; and abstersion ; besides hunger, which is an emptiness : and yet over-fasting doth (many times) cause the appetite to cease ; for that want of meat maketh the stomach draw humours, and such humours as are light and choleric, which quench appetite most. Experiment solitary touching sweetness of odour from the rainbotv. 832. It hath been observed by the ancients, that where a rainbow seemeth to hang over or to touch, there breatheth forth a sweet smell.1 The cause is, for that this happeneth but in certain matters which have in themselves some sweetness ; which the gentle dew of the rainbow doth draw forth : and the like do soft showers ; for they also make the grounds sweet : but none are so delicate as the dew of the rainbow where it falleth. It may be also that the water itself hath some sweetness ; for the rainbow consisteth of a glomeration of small drops, which cannot possibly fall but from the air that is very low ; and therefore may hold the very sweetness of the herbs and flowers, as a distilled water; for rain, and other dew, that fall from high, cannot preserve the smell, being dissipated in the drawing up : neither do we know whether some water itself may not have some degree of sweetness. It is true that we find it sensibly in no pool, river, nor fountain ; but good earth, newly turned up, hath a freshness and good scent ; which water, if it be not too equal, (for equal objects never move the sense,) may also have. Cer tain it is, that bay-salt, which is but a kind of water congealed, will sometimes smell like violets. 1 Arist. Prob. xii. 2. CENTURY IX. 75 Experiment solitary touching sweet smells. 833. To sweet smells heat is requisite, to concoct the matter ; and some moisture, to spread the breath of them. For heat, we see that woods and spices are more odorate in the hot countries than in the cold : for moisture, we see that things too much dried lose their sweetness : and flowers growing, smell better in a mornincr or evening than at noon. Some sweet smells O O are destroyed by approach to the fire ; as violets, wall flowers, gilly-flowers, pinks ; and generally all flowers that have cool and delicate spirits. Some continue both on the fire, and from the fire ; as rose-water, &c. Some do scarce come forth, or at least not so pleas antly, as by means of the fire ; as juniper, sweet gums, &c., and all smells that are enclosed in a fast body: but (generally) those smells are the most grateful, where the deoree of heat is small ; or where the ~ strength of the smell is allayed ; for these things do rather woo the sense, than satiate it. And therefore the smell of violets and roses exceedeth in sweetness that of spices and gums; and the strongest sort of smells are best in a weft afar off. Experiment solitary touching the corporeal substance of smells. 834. It is certain that no smell issueth but with emission of some corporeal substance ; not as it is in light and colours, and in sounds. For we see plainly that smell doth spread nothing that distance that the other do. It is true that some woods of oranges, and heaths of rosemary, will smell a great way into the sea, perhaps twenty miles ; but what is that, since a peal 76 NATURAL HISTORY. of ordnance will do as much, which moveth in a small compass ? whereas those woods and heaths are of vast spaces ; besides, we see that smells do adhere to hard bodies ; as in perfuming of gloves, &c. ; which show- eth them corporeal ; and do last a great while, which sounds and light do not. Experiment solitary touching fetid and fragrant odours. 835. The excrements of most creatures smell ill ; chiefly to the same creature that voideth them : for we see, besides that of man, that pigeons and horses thrive best, if their houses and stables be kept sweet : and so of cage birds : and the cat burieth that which she void eth : and it holdeth chiefly in those beasts which feed upon flesh. Dogs (almost) only of beasts delight in fetid odours ; which showeth there is somewhat in their sense of smell differing from the smells of other beasts. But the cause why excrements smell ill, is manifest ; for that the body itself rejecteth them ; much more the spirits : and we see that those excrements that are of the first digestion, smell the worst ; as the excrements from the belly ; those that are from the second digestion less ill ; as urine : and those that are from the third, yet less ; for sweat is not so bad as the other two ; especially of some persons, that are full of heat. Likewise most putrefactions are of an odious smell : for they smell either- fetid or mouldy. The cause may be, for that putrefaction doth bring forth such a consistence, as is most contrary to the consistence of the body whilst it is sound : for it is a mere dissolution of that form. Besides, there is another reason, which is profound : and it is, that the objects that please any of the senses CENTURY IX. 77 have all some equality, and (as it were) order, in their composition ; but where those are wanting, the ob ject is ever ingrate. So mixture of manv disagreeing v O O colours is ever unpleasant to the eye : mixture of dis cordant sounds is unpleasant to the ear : mixture or hotch-potch of many tastes is unpleasant to the taste : harshness and raggedness of bodies is unpleasant to the touch : now it is certain that all putrefaction, be ing a dissolution of the first form, is a mere confusion and unformed mixture of the part. Nevertheless it is strange, and seemeth to cross the former observation, that some putrefactions and excrements do yield excel lent odours ; as civet and musk ; and, as some think, ambergrise : for divers take it, though unprobably, to come from the sperm of fish : and the moss we spake of from apple trees is little better than an excretion. The reason may be, for that there passeth in the ex crements, and remaineth in the putrefactions, some good spirits ; especially where they proceed from creat ures that are very hot. But it may be also joined with a further cause, which is more subtile ; and it is, that the senses love not to be over-pleased, but to have a commixture of somewhat that is in itself inn-rate. t Certainly we see how discords in music, falling upon concords, make the sweetest strains : and we see again what strange tastes delight the taste ; as red herrings, caviary, parmesan, &c. And it may be the same hold- eth in smells : for those kind of smells that we have mentioned are all strong, and do pull and vellicate the sense. And we find also, that places where men urine, commonly have some smell of violets : and urine, if one hath eaten nutmeg, hath so too. 78 NATURAL HISTORY. The slothful, general, and indefinite contempla tions and notions of the elements and their conju gations ; of the influences of heaven ; of heat, cold, moisture, drought; qualities active, passive; and the like; have swallowed up the true passages, and pro cesses, and affects, and consistencies of matter and natural bodies. Therefore they are to be set aside, being but notional and ill limited ; and definite ax ioms are to be drawn out of measured instances : and so ascent 1 to be made to the more general ax ioms, by scale. And of these kinds of processes of natures and characters of matter, we will now set down some instances. Experiment solitary touching the causes of putrefaction. 836. All putrefactions come chiefly from the inward spirits of the body ; and partly also from the ambient body, be it air, liquor, or whatsoever else. And this last by two means : either by ingress of the substance of the ambient body into the body putrefied ; or by excitation and solicitation of the body putrefied, and the parts thereof, by the body ambient. As for the received opinion, that putrefaction is caused either by cold or peregrine and preternatural heat, it is but nugation. : for cold, in things inanimate, is the greatest enemy that is to putrefaction ; though it extinguished! vivification, which ever consisteth in spirits attenuate, which the cold doth congeal and coagulate. And as for the • peregrine heat, it is thus far true; that if the 1 Assent in the original; a misprint, no doubt; or the mistake of aa amanuensis writing from dictation. — J. S. CENTURY IX. 79 proportion of the adventive heat be greatly predomi nant to the natural heat and spirits of the body, it tendeth to dissolution, or notable alteration. But this is wrought by emission, or suppression, or suffocation, of the native spirits ; and also by the disordination and discomposture of the tangible parts ; and other pas sages of nature ; and not by a conflict of heats. Experiment solitary touching bodies unperfectly mixed. 837. In versions, or main alterations of bodies, there is a medium between the body as it is at first, and the body resulting ; which medium is corpus imperfecte mistum, and is transitory, and not durable ; as mists, smokes, vapours, chvlus in the stomach, living creat ures in the first vivification : and the middle action, which produceth such imperfect bodies, is fitly called (by some of the ancients) inquination,1 or inconcoc- tion, which is a kind of putrefaction ; for the parts are in confusion, till they settle one way or other. Experiment solitary touching concoction and crudity. 838. The word concoction, or digestion, is chiefly taken into use from living creatures and their organs ; and from thence extended to liquors and fruits, &c. Therefore they speak of meat concocted ; urine and excrements concocted ; and the four digestions, (in the stomach, in the liver, in the arteries and nerves, and in the several parts of the body,) are likewise called concoctions ; and they are all made to be the works of heat : all which notions are but ignorant catches of a O 1 //oAwCTif, Arist. Meteor, iv. 3. But fio^vvmf is only one kind of in- coneoction, namely that which is opposed to hjjrjaif or elixation. The whole train of thought, from 836. to 846. inclusive, shows that these para graphs were suggested by the fourth book of the Meteorologies. 80 NATURAL HISTORY. few things which are most obvious to men's observa- O tions. The constantest notion of concoction is, that it should signify the degrees of alteration of one body into another, from crudity to perfect concoction ; which is the ultimity of that action or process ; and while the body to be converted and altered is too strong for the efficient that should convert or alter it, (whereby it resisteth and holdeth fast in some degree the first form or consistence,) it is (all that while) crude and incon- coct ; and the process is to be called crudity and in- concoction. It is true that concoction is in great part the work of heat ; but not the work of heat alone : for all things that further the conversion or alteration (as rest, mixture of a body already concocted, &c.) are also means to concoction. 'And there are of concoc tion two periods ; the one assimilation, or absolute con version and subaction ; the other maturation : where of the former is most conspicuous in the bodies of livino1 creatures ; in which there is an absolute con- t~> * version and assimilation of the nourishment into the body ; and likewise in the bodies of plants ; and again in metals, where there is a full transmutation. The other (which is maturation) is seen in liquors and fruits ; wherein there is not desired, nor pretended, an utter conversion, but only an alteration to that form which is most sought for man's use ; as in clari fying of drinks, ripening of fruits, &c. But note that there be two kinds of absolute conversions ; the one is, when a body is converted into another body, which was before ; as when nourishments turned into flesh : that is it which we call assimilation. The other is, when the conversion is into a body merely new, and which was not before ; as if silver should be turned CENTURY IX. 81 to gold, or iron to copper : and this conversion is better called, for distinction's sake, transmutation. Experiment solitary touching alterations which may be called majors. 839. There are also divers other great alterations of matter and bodies, besides those that tend to concoc tion and maturation ; for whatsoever doth so alter a body, as it returneth not again to that it was, may be called alteratio major ; as when meat is boiled, or roasted, or fried, &c. ; or when bread and meat are baked ; or when cheese is made of curds, or butter of cream, or coals of wood, or bricks of earth ; and a number of others. But to apply notions philosophical to plebeian terms ; or to say, where the notions cannot fitly be reconciled, that there wanteth a term or no menclature for it (as the ancients used) ; they be but shifts of ignorance ; for knowledge will be ever a wan dering and indigested thing, if it be but a commixture of a few notions that are at hand and occur, and not excited from sufficient number of instances, and those well collated. The consistencies of bodies are very divers : * dense, rare ; tangible, pneumatical ; volatile, fixed ; determinate, not determinate ; hard, soft ; cleav ing, not cleaving1 ; congealable, not congealable ; liquefiable, not liquefiable ; fragile, tough ; flexible, inflexible ; tractile, or to be drawn forth in length, intractile ; porous, solid ; equal and smooth, un equal ; venous and fibrous and with grains, entire ; 1 Compare the list in the De Augmzntis [Vol. II. p. 281.]. VOL. V. 6 82 NATURAL HISTORY. and divers others ; all which to refer to heat, and cold, and moisture, and drought, is a compendious and inutile speculation. But of these see princi pally our Abecedarian Naturae ; and otherwise sparsim in this our Sylva Sylvarum: nevertheless, in some good part, we shall handle divers of them now presently. Experiment solitary touching bodies liquefiable, and not liquefiable. 840. Liquefiable, and not liquefiable, proceed from these causes : liquefaction is ever caused by the deten tion of the spirits, which play within the body and open it. Therefore such bodies as are more turgid of spirit, or that have their spirits more straitly impris oned, or again that hold them better pleased and con tent, are liquefiable : for these three dispositions of bodies do arrest the emission of the spirits. An ex ample of the first two properties is in metals ; and of the last in grease, pitch, sulphur, butter, wax, &c. The disposition not to liquefy proceedeth from the easy emission of the spirits, whereby the grosser parts contract ; and therefore bodies jejune of spirits, or which part with their spirits more willingly, are not liquefiable ; as wood, clay, free-stone, &c. But yet even many of those bodies that will not melt, or will hardly melt, will notwithstanding soften : as iron in the forge ; and a stick bathed in hot ashes, which thereby becometh more flexible. Moreover there are gome bodies which do liquefy or dissolve by fire ; as metals, wax, &c. ; and other bodies which dissolve in water; as salt, sugar, &c. The cause of the former CENTURY IX. 83 proceedeth from the dilatation of the spirits by heat : the cause of the latter proceedeth from the opening of the tangible parts, which desire to receive the liquor. Again, there are some bodies that dissolve with both ; as gum, &c. And those be such bodies, as on the one side have good store of spirit ; and on the other side, have the tangible parts indigent of moisture ; for the former helpeth to the dilating of the spirits by the fire ; and the latter stimulateth the parts to receive the liquor. Experiment solitary touching bodies fragile and tough. 841. Of bodies, some are fragile ; and some are tough, and not fragile : and in the breaking, some fragile bodies break but where the force is ; some shatter and fly in many pieces. Of fragility, the cause is an impotency to be extended ; and therefore stone is more fragile than metal ; and so fictile earth is more fragile than crude earth ; and dry wood than green. And the cause of this unaptness to extension is the small quantity of spirits, (for it is the spirit that furthereth the extension or dilatation of bodies,) and it is ever concomitant with porosity, and with dryness in the tangible parts : contrariwise, tough bodies have more spirit, and fewer pores, and moister tangible parts : therefore we see that parchment or leather will stretch, paper will not ; woollen cloth will ten ter, linen scarcely. Experiment solitary touching the two kinds of pneumat- icals in bodies. 842. All solid bodies consist of parts of two several natures ; pneumatical and tangible ; and it is well to be noted, that the pneumatical substance is in some 84 NATURAL HISTORY. bodies the native spirit of the body ; and in some other, plain air that is gotten in ; as in bodies desiccate by heat or age : for in them, when the native spirit goeth forth, and the moisture with it, the air with time get- teth into the pores. And those bodies are ever the more fragile ; for the native spirit is more yielding and extensive (especially to follow the parts) than air. The native spirits also admit great diversity ; as hot, cold, active, dull, &c., whence proceed most of the virtues and qualities (as we call them) of bodies : but the air intermixed is without virtues, and maketh things insipid, and without any extimulation. Experiment solitary touching concretion and dissolution of bodies. 843. The concretion of bodies is (commonly) solved by the contrary ; as ice, which is congealed by cold, is dissolved by heat ; salt and sugar, which are excocted by heat, are dissolved by cold and moisture.1 The cause is, for that these operations are rather returns to their former nature, than alterations ; so that the con trary cureth. As for oil, it doth neither easily congeal with cold, nor thicken with heat. The cause of both effects, though they be produced by contrary efficients, seemeth to be the same ; and that is, because the spirit of the oil by either means exhaleth little ; for the cold keepeth it in ; and the heat (except it be vehement) doth not call.it forth. As for cold, though it take hold of the tangible parts, yet as to the spirits, it doth rather make them swell than congeal them : as when ice is congealed in a cup, the ice will swell instead of con tracting, and sometimes rift. I Arist. Meteor, iv. 5. CENTURY IX. 85 Experiment solitary touching hard and soft bodies. 844. Of bodies, some (we see) are hard, and some soft : the hardness is caused (chiefly) by the jejune- ness of the spirits, and their imparity with the tangible parts : both which, if they be in a greater degree, maketh them not orrly hard, but fragile, and less en during of pressure ; as steel, stone, glass, dry wood, &c. Softness cometh (contrariwise) by the greater quantity of spirits, (which ever helpeth to induce yield ing and cession,) and by the more equal spreading of the -tangible parts, which thereby are more sliding and following : as in gold, lead, wax, &c. But note that soft bodies (as we use the word) are of two kinds ; the one, that easily giveth place to another body, but alter- eth not bulk, by rising in other places : and therefore we see that wax, if you put any thing into it, doth not rise in bulk, but only giveth place ; for you may not think, that in printing of wax, the wax riseth up at all ; but only the depressed part giveth place, and the other remaineth as it was. The other, that altereth bulk in the cession ; as water, or other liquors, if you put a stone or any thing into them, they give place indeed easily, but then they rise all over ; which is a false cession; for it. is in place, and not in body. Experiment solitary touching bodies ductile and tensile. 845. All bodies ductile and tensile (as metals, that will be drawn into wires ; wool and tow, that will be drawn into yarn or thread,) have in them the appetite of not, discontinuing, strong ; which maketh them fol low the force that pulleth them out ; and yet so as not to discontinue or forsake their own body. Viscous 86 NATURAL HISTORY. bodies likewise, as pitch, wax, bird-lime, cheese toasted, will draw forth and rope. But the difference between bodies fibrous and bodies viscous is plain : for all wool, and tow, and cotton, and silk (especially raw silk) have, besides their desire of continuance, in regard of the tenuity of their thread, a greediness of 'moisture ; and by moisture to join and incorporate with other thread ; especially if there be a little wreathing ; as appeareth by the twisting of thread, and the prac tice of twirling about of spindles. And we see also that sold and silver thread cannot be made without o twisting. Experiment solitary touching other passions of matter, and characters of bodies. 846. The differences of impressible and not impres sible ; figurable and not figurable ; mouldable and not mouldable ; scissile and not scissile ; and many other passions of matter,1 are plebeian notions, applied unto the instruments and uses which men ordinarily prac tise ; but they are all but the effects of some of these causes following, which we will enumerate without o7 applying them, because that would be too long. The first is the cession or not cession of bodies into a smaller space or room, keeping the outward bulk, and not flying up. The second is the stronger or weaker appetite in bodies to continuity, and to fly dis continuity. The third is the disposition of bodies to contract, or not contract : and again, to extend, or not extend. The fourth is the small quantity or great quantity of the pneumatical in bodies. The fifth is the nature of the pneumatical, whether it be native 1 See Aristotle's list, Meteor, iv. 8. CENTURY IX. 87 spirit of the body, or common air. The sixth is the nature of the native spirits in the .body, whether they be active and eager, or dull and gentle. The seventh is the emission or detention of the spirits in bodies. The eighth is the dilatation, or contraction of the spirits in bodies, while they are detained. The ninth is the collocation of the spirits in bodies ; whether the collo cation be equal or unequal ; and again, whether the spirits be coacervate or diffused. The tenth is the density or rarity of the tangible parts. The eleventh is the equality or inequality of the tangible parts. The twelfth is the digestion or crudity of the tangible parts. The thirteenth is the nature of the matter, whether sulphureous or mercurial, watery or oily, dry and terrestrial, or moist and liquid; which natures of sul phureous and mercurial, seem to be natures radical and principal. The fourteenth is the placing of the tan gible parts in length, or transverse (as it is in the warp and the woof of textiles) ; more inward1 or more out ward, &c. The fifteenth is the porosity or imporosity betwixt the tangible parts, and the greatness or small- ness of the pores. The sixteenth is the collocation and posture of the pores. There may be more causes ; but these do occur for the present. Experiment solitary touching induration by sympathy. 847. Take lead and melt it, and in the midst of it, when it beginneth to congeal, make a little dint or hole, and put quicksilver wrapped in a piece of linen into that hole, and the quicksilver will fix, and run no more, and endure the hammer. This is a noble instance of induration, by consent of one body with another, and motion of excitation to imitate ; for to 88 NATURAL HISTORY. ascribe it only to the vapour of lead, is less probable. Qucere whether the. fixing may be in such a degree, as it will be figured like other metals? For if so, you may make works of it for some purposes, so they come not near the fire. Experiment solitary touching "honey and sugar. 848. Sugar hath put down the use of honey ; inso much as we have lost those observations and prepara tions of honey which the ancients had, when it was more in price. First, it seemeth that there was in old time tree-honey, as well as bee-honey ; which was the tear or blood issuing from the tree : insomuch as one of the ancients relateth, that in Trebisond there was honey issuing from the box-trees which made men mad.1 Again, in ancient time there was a kind of honey which, either of the own nature or by art, would grow as hard as sugar, and was not so luscious as ours. They had also a wine of honey, which they made thus. They crushed the honey into a great quantity of water, and then strained the liquor ; af ter, they boiled it in a copper to the half; then they poured it into earthen vessels for a small time ; and after tunned it into vessels of wood, and kept it for many years. They have also at this day, in Russia and those northern countries, mead simple, which (well made and seasoned) is a good wholesome drink, and very clear. They use also in Wales a compound drink of mead, with herbs and spices. But meanwhile it were good, in recompence of that we have lost in i Arist. Mirab. 17. The honey was made from box ; that is, apparently, by bees which fed on the box flower. There is no authority for saying that it issued from the box tree. CENTURY IX. 8S honey, there were brought in use a sugar-mead, (for so we may call it) though without any mixture at all of honey ; and to brew it, and keep it stale, as they use mead : for certainly, though it would not be so abster sive, and opening, and solutive a drink as mead : yet it will be more grateful to the stomach, and more leni tive, and fit to be used in sharp diseases : for we see that the use of sugar in beer and ale hath good effects in such cases.1 Experiment solitary touching the finer sort of base metals. 849. It is reported by the ancients, that there was a kind of steel in some places, which would polish almost as white and bright as silver.2 And that there was in India a kind of brass which (being polished) could scarce be discerned from gold. This was in the nat ural ure : 3 but I am doubtful, whether men have suf ficiently refined metals, which we count base ; as whether iron, brass, or tin be refined to the height ? But when they come to such a fineness as serveth the ordinary use, they try no further. Experiment solitary touching cements and quarries. 850. There have been found certain cements under earth that are very soft ; and yet, taken forth into the sun, harden as hard as marble : there are also ordinary quarries in Somersetshire, which in the quarry cut soft 1 The sugar-wine which Bacon here recommends is well known in Span ish America, where it is called guarapo. With respect to the wine made of honey, see Pliny, xiv. 20. 2 Arist. Mirab. 48. and 49. But the writer speaks of iron, — not of Bteel. 8 So in the original. — J. S. 90 NATURAL HISTORY. to any bigness, and in the building prove firm and hard. Experiment solitary touching the altering of the colour of hairs and feathers. 851. Living creatures (generally) do change their hair with age, turning to be grey and white : as is seen in men, though some earlier, some later; in horses that are dappled, and turn white ; in old squirrels that turn grisly ; and many others. So do some birds ; as cyg nets from grey turn white ; hawks from brown turn more white. And some birds there be that upon their moulting do turn colour ; as robin-red-breasts, after their moulting, grow to be red again by degrees ; so do goldfinches upon the head. The cause is, for that moisture doth (chiefly) colour hair and feathers ; and dryness turneth them grey and white : now hair in age waxeth drier ; so do feathers. As for feathers, after moulting, they are young feathers, and so all one as the feathers of young birds. So the beard is younger than the hair of the head, and doth (for the most part) wax hoar later. Out of this ground a man may devise the means of altering the colour of birds, and the retardation of hoar hairs. But of this see in the fifth experiment. Experiment solitary touching the differences of living creatures, male and female. 852. The difference between male and female, in some creatures, is not to be discerned, otherwise than in the parts of generation : as in horses and mares, dogs and bitches, doves he and she, and others. But some differ in magnitude, and that diversly ; for in CENTURY IX. 91 most the male is the greater ; as in man, pheasants, peacocks, turkeys, and the like : and in some few, as in hawks, the female. Some differ in the hair and feathers, both in the quantity, crispation, and colours of them ; as he-lions are hirsute, and have great manes : the shes are smooth like cats. Bulls are more crisp upon the forehead than cows ; the peacock, and pheas ant-cock, and goldfinch-cock, have glorious and fine colours ; the hens have not. Generally, the hes in birds have the fairest feathers. Some differ in divers features : as bucks have horns, does none ; rams have more wreathed horns than ewes ; cocks have great combs and spurs, hens little or none ; boars have great fangs, sows much less ; the turkey-cock hath great and swelling gills, the hen hath less : men have generally deeper and stronger voices than women. Some differ in faculty ; as the cocks amongst singing-birds are the best singers. The chief cause of all these (no doubt) is, for that the males have more strength of heat than the females ; which appeareth manifestly in this, that all young creatures males l are like females ; and so are eunuchs, and gelt creatures of all kinds, liker fe males. Now heat causeth greatness of growth, gen erally, where there is moisture enough to work upon : but if there be found in any creature (which is seen rarely) an over-great heat in proportion to the moist ure, in them the female is the greater ; as in hawks and sparrows. And if the heat be balanced with the moisture, then there is no difference to be seen between male and female ; as in the instances of horses and dogs. We see also that the horns of oxen and cows, 1 That is, young male creatures. So we have merchants strangers, let ters patents, &c. — /. S. 92 NATURAL HISTORY. i for the most part, are larger than the bulls ; which is caused by abundance of moisture, which in the horns of the bull faileth. Again, heat causeth pilosity and crispation ; and so likewise beards in men. It also expelleth finer moisture, which want of heat cannot expel ; and that is the cause of the beauty and variety of feathers. Again, heat doth put forth many excres cences, and much solid matter, which want of heat cannot do : and this is the cause of horns, and of the greatness of them ; and of the greatness of the combs and spurs of cocks, gills of turkey-cocks, and fangs of boars. Heat also dilateth the pipes and organs, which causeth the deepness of the voice. Again, heat re- fineth the spirits, and that causeth the cock singing- bird to excel the hen. Experiment solitary touching the comparative magnitude of living creatures. 853. There be fishes greater than any beasts ; as the whale is far greater than the elephant : and beasts are (generally) greater than birds. For fishes, the cause may be, that because they live not in the air, they have not their moisture drawn and soaked by the air and sun-beams. Also they rest always in a man ner, and are supported by the water ; whereas mo tion and labour do consume. As for the greatness of beasts more than of. birds, it is caused, for that beasts stay longer time in the womb than birds, and there nourish and grow ; whereas in birds, after the egg laid, thei'e is no further growth or nourishment from the female ; for the sitting doth vivify, and not nourish. CENTURY IX. 93 Experiment solitary touching exossation of fruits. 854. We have partly touched before the means of producing fruits without cores or stones. And this we add further, that the cause must be abundance of moisture ; for that the core and stone are made of a dry sap : and we see that it i£ possible to make a tree put forth only in blossom, without fruit ; as in cherries with double flowers ; much more into fruit without stone or cores. It is reported, that a scion of an apple, grafted upon a colewort-stalk, sendeth forth a great apple without a core. It is not unlikely that if the in ward pith of a tree were taken out, so that the juice came only by the bark, it would work the effect. For it hath been observed that in pollards, if the water get in on the top, and they become hollow, they put forth the more. We add also, that it is delivered for certain by some, that if the scion be grafted the small end downwards, it will make fruit have little or no cores and stones. Experiment solitary touching the melioration of tobacco. 855. Tobacco is a thing of great price, if it be in request : for an acre of it will be worth (as is affirmed) two hundred pounds by the year towards charge.1 The charge of making the ground and otherwise is great, but nothing to the profit. But the English to bacco hath small credit, as being too dull and earthy : nay, the Virginian tobacco, though that be in a hotter climate, can get no credit for the same cause : so that 1 In France the average yield of a hectare of tobacco was, in 1841, 1185 kilogrammes (Boussingault, Economic Rurale, vol. i. p. 435.), which ia about equivalent to 1058 pounds the acre. At this rate the price in Bacon's time must have been about 3s. Qd. a pound. 94 NATURAL HISTORY. a trial to make tobacco more aromatical, and better concocted, here in England, were a thing of great profit. Some have gone about to do it by drench ing the English tobacco in a decoction or infusion of Indian tobacco ; but those are but sophistications and toys ; for nothing that is once perfect, and hath run his race, can receive much amendment. You must ever resort to the beginnings of things for melioration. The way of maturation of tobacco must, as in other plants, be from the heat either of the earth or of the sun : we see some leading of this in musk-melons ; which are sown upon a hot-bed, dunged below, upon a bank turned upon the south sun, to give heat by reflexion ; laid upon tiles, which increaseth the heat ; and covered with straw to keep them from cold. They remove them also, which addeth some life : and by these helps • they become as good in England, as in Italy or Provence. These, and the like means, may be tried in tobacco. Inquire also of the steeping of roots in some such liquor as may give them vigour to put forth strong. Experiment solitary touching several heats working the same effects. 856. Heat of the sun for the maturation of fruits ; yea, and the heat of vivification of living creatures ; are both represented and supplied by the heat of fire ; and likewise the heats of the sun, and life, are repre sented one by the other. Trees set upon the backs of chimneys do ripen fruit sooner. Vines that have been drawn in at the window of a kitchen, have sent forth grapes ripe a month at least before others. Stoves at the back of walls bring forth oranges here with us. CENTURY IX. 95 Eggs, as is reported by some, have been hatched in the warmth of an oven. It is reported by the ancients, that the ostrich1 layeth her eggs under sand, where the heat of the sun discloseth them.2 Experiment solitary toucJiin > swelling and dilatation in .boiling. 857. Barley in the boiling swelleth not much ; wheat swelleth more ; 3 rice extremely ; insomuch as a quarter of a pint (unboiled) will arise to a pint boiled. The cause (no doubt) is, for that the more close and compact the body is, the more it will dilate : now bar ley is the most hollow ; wheat more solid than that ; and rice most solid of all. It may be also that some bodies have a kind of lentour, and more depertible na ture than others ; as we see it evident in coloration ; for a small quantity of saffron will tinct more than a very great quantity of brasil or wine. Experiment solitary touching the dulcoration of fruits. 858. Fruit groweth sweet by rolling, or pressing them gently with the hand ; as rolling pears, damas cenes, &c. : by rottenness ; as medlars, services, sloes, heps, &c. : by time ; as apples, wardens, pomegranates, 1 Estrich in the original. — J. S. 2 Conrad Gesner, who is very learned in all writers on natural history, refers for this statement to Albertus Magnus, who gives no ancient author ity for it, and I have not been able to find any. The notion that the ostrich hatches her eggs by looking at them, Gesner quotes from Cielius Rhodigi- nus. See his Hist. Animal, iii. p. 711. As she is commonly taxed with want of -solicitude about her otfspring, it is worth mentioning that JKIian speaks of a cruel method of catching the ostrich; namely, putting a cheval de frise of spikes round her nest, on which she impales herself in endeav ouring to return to her young. 8 A.rist. Prob. xxi. 22. 96 NATURAL HISTORY. &c. : by certain special maturations ; as by laying them in hay, straw, &c. : and by fire ; as in roasting, stew ing, baking, &c. The cause of the sweetness by roll ing and pressing, is emollition, which they properly induce ; as in beating of stock-fish, flesh, &c. : by rot tenness, is for that the spirits of the fruit by putrefac tion gather heat, and thereby digest the harder part ; for in all putrefactions there is a degree of heat : by time and keeping, is because the spirits of the body do ever feed upon the tangible parts, and attenuate them : by several maturations is, by some degree of heat : and by fire is, because it is the proper work of heat to re fine and to incorporate ; and all souiTiess consisteth in some grossriess of the body ; and all incorporation doth make the mixture of the body more equal in all the parts ; which ever induceth a milder taste. Experiment solitary touching flesh edible and not edible. 859. Of fleshes, some are edible ; some, except it be in famine, not. For those that are not edible, the cause is, for that they have commonly too much bitter ness of taste ; and therefore those creatures which are fierce and choleric ^re not edible ; as lions, wolves, squirrels, dogs, foxes, horses, &c. As for kine, sheep, goats, deer, swine, coneys, hares, &c., we see they are mild and fearful. Yet it is true 'that horses, which are beasts of courage, have been and are eaten by some nations ; as the Scythians were called Hippophagi ; and the Chineses eat horse-flesh at this day ; and some gluttons have used to have colts'-flesh baked. In birds, such as are carnivorae, and birds of prey, are commonly no good meat ; but the reason is rather the choleric nature of those birds, than their feeding upon flesh : CENTURY IX. 97 for puets, gulls, shovellers, ducks, do feed upon flesh, and yet are good meat ; and we see that those birds which are of prey, or feed upon flesh, are good meat when they are very young ; as hawks, rooks out of the nest, owls, &c. Man's flesh is not eaten. The reasons ai'e three : first, because men in humanity do abhor it : secondly, because no living creature that dieth of itself is good to eat : and therefore the cannibals themselves eat no man's-flesh of those that die of themselves, but of such as are slain : the third is, because there must be generally some disparity between the nourishment and the body nourished ; and they must not be over- near, or like : yet we see that in great weaknesses and consumptions, men have been sustained with woman's milk ; and Ficinus fondly (as I conceive) adviseth, for the prolongation of life, that a vein be opened in the arm of some wholesome young man, and the blood to be sucked.1 It is said that witches do greedily eat man's flesh ; which if it be true, besides a devilish appetite in them, it is likely to proceed for that man's flesh may send up high and pleasing vapours, which may stir the imagination ; and witches' felicity is chiefly in imagination, as hath been said. Experiment solitary touching the salamander. 860. There is an ancient received tradition of the salamander, that it liveth in the fire, and hath force also to extinguish the fire. It must have two things, if it be true, to this operation : the one a very close skin, whereby flame, which in the midst is not so hot, can not enter ; for we see that if the palm of the hand be anointed thick with white of egg, and then aqua vitae 1 Ficinus, De vita producenda, ii. 11. VOL. V. 1 98 NATURAL HISTORY. be poured upon it and inflamed, yet one may endure the flame a pretty while. The other is some extreme cold and quenching virtue in the body of that creature, which choketh the fire. We see that milk quencheth wild-fire better than water, because it entereth better. Experiment solitary touching the contrary operations of time upon fruits and liquors. 861. Time doth change fruit, (as apples, pears, pomegranates, &c.) from more sour to more sweet : but contrariwise liquors, (even those that are of the juice of fruit,) from more sweet to more sour ; as wort, must, new verjuice, &c. The cause is, the con gregation of the spirits together : for in both kinds the spirit is attenuated by time ; but in the first kind it is more diffused, and more mastered by the grosser parts, which the spirits do but digest ; but in drinks the spir its do reign, and finding less opposition of the parts, become themselves more strong ; which causeth also more strength in the liquor ; such as if the spirits be of the hotter sort, the liquor becometh apt to burn : but in time it causeth likewise, when the higher spirits are evaporated, more sourness. Experiment solitary touching bloivs and bruises. 862. It hath been observed by the ancients that plates of metal, and especially of brass, applied pres ently to a blow, will keep it down from swelling.1 The cause is repercussion, without humectation or entrance of any body : for the plate hath only a virtual cold, which doth not search into the hurt ; whereas all plais- ters and ointments do enter. Surely the cause that i Arist. Prob. ix. 10. CENTURY IX. 99 blows and bruises induce swellings is, for that the spirits resorting to succour the part that laboureth, draw also the humours with them ; for we see that it is not the repulse and the return of the humour in the part strucken that causeth it ; for that gouts and tooth aches cause swelling, where there is no percussion at all. Experiment solitary touching the orrice root. 863. The nature of the orrice root is almost singu lar ; for there are but few odoriferous roots ; and in those that are in any degree sweet, it is but the same sweetness with the wood or leaf: but the orrice is not sweet in the leaf: neither is the flower anything so sweet as the root. The root seemeth to have a tender dainty heat ; which when it cometh above ground to the sun and the air, vanisheth : for it is a great mol- lifier : and hath a smell like a violet. Experiment solitary touching the compression of liquors. 864. It hath been observed by the ancients that a great vessel full, drawn into bottles, and then the liq uor put again into the vessel, will not fill the vessel again so full as it was, but that it may take in more liquor : and that this holdeth more in wine than in water.1 The cause may be trivial ; namely, by the expence of the liquor, in regard some may stick to the sides of the bottles : but there may be a cause more subtile ; which is, that the liquor in the vessel is not so much compressed as in the bottle ; because in the vessel the liquor meeteth with liquor chiefly ; but 1 Arist. Prob. xxv. 8. For the statements in the next two paragraphs, see the third and eighteenth problems in the same section. 100 NATURAL HISTORY. in the bottles a small quantity of liquor meeteth with the sides of the bottles, which compress it so that it doth not open again. Experiment solitary touching the working of water upon air contiguous. 865. Water being contiguous with air, cooleth it, but moisteneth it not, except it vapour. The cause is, for that heat and cold have a virtual transition, with out communication of substance ; but moisture not : and to all madefaction there is required an imbibition : but where the bodies are of such several levity and gravity as they mingle not, there can follow no imbibi tion. And therefore oil likewise lieth at the top of the water, without commixture : and a drop of water run ning swiftly over a straw, or smooth body, wetteth not. Experiment solitary touching the nature of air. 866. Star-light nights, yea, and bright moonshine nights, are colder than cloudy nights. The cause is, the dryness and fineness of the air, which thereby be- cometh more piercing and sharp ; and therefore great continents are colder than islands : and as for the moon, though itself inclineth the air to moisture, yet when it shineth bright, it argueth the air is dry. Also close air is warmer than open air ; which (it may be) is, for that the true cause of cold is an ex piration from the globe of the earth, which in open places is stronger ; and again, air itself, if it be not altered by that expiration, is not without some secret degree of heat ; as it is not likewise without some secret degree of light ; for otherwise cats and owls could not see in the night, but that air hath a little CENTURY IX. 101 light, proportionable to the visual spirits of those creatures. Experiments in consort touching the eyes and sight.1 867. The eyes do move one and the same way ; for when one eye moveth to the nostril, the other moveth from the nostril. The cause is motion of consent, which in the spirits and parts spiritual is strong. But yet use will induce the contrary : for some can squint when they will ; and the common tradition is, that if children' be set upon a table with a candle behind them, both eyes will move outwards, as affecting to see the light, and so induce squinting. 868. We see more exquisitely with one eye shut, than with both open. The cause is, for that the spirits visual unite themselves more, and so become stronger. For you may see by looking in a glass, that when you shut one eye, the pupil of the other eye that is open dilateth. 869. The eyes, if the sight meet not in one angle, see things double. The cause is, for that seeing two things, and seeing one thing twice, worketh the same effect ; and therefore a little pellet held between two fino-ers laid across, seemeth double. O ' 870. Pore-blind men see best in the dimmer lights ; and likewise have their sight stronger near hand, than those that are not pore-blind ; and can read and write smaller letters. The cause is, for that the spirits visual, in those that are pore-blind, are thinner and rarer than in Others ; and therefore the greater light disperseth them. For the same cause they need contracting ; but i The statements in these paragraphs, to 872. inclusive, are taken from Arist. Prob. xxxi. 7. 2. 11. 15. 26. 29. and 3. 102 NATURAL HISTORY. being contracted, are more strong than the visual spirits of ordinary eyes are ; as when we see through a level the sight is the stronger ; and so is it when you gathei the eye-lids somewhat close; and it is commonly seen in those that are pore-blind, that they do much gather the eye-lids together. But old men, when they would see to read, put the paper somewhat afar off; the cause is, for that old men's spirits visual, contrary to those of pore-blind men, unite not but when the object is at some good distance from their eyes. 871. Men see better, when their eyes are over against the sun or a candle, if they put their hand a little before their eyes. The reason is, for that the glaring of the sun or the candle doth weaken the eye; whereas the light circurnfused is enough for the per ception. For we see that an over-light maketh the eyes dazzle ; insomuch as perpetual looking against the sun would cause blindness. Again, if men come out of a great light into a dark room ; and contrariwise, if they come out of a dark room into a light room : they seem to have a mist before their eyes, and see worse than they shall do after they have stayed a little .while either in the light or in the dark. The cause is, for that the spirits visual are, upon a sudden change, disturbed and put out of order ; and till they be recol lected, do not perform their function well. For when they are much dilated by light, they cannot contract suddenly ; and when they are much contracted by darkness, they cannot dilate suddenly. And excess of both these (that is, of the dilatation and contrac tion of the spirits visual), if it be long, destroyeth the eye. For as long looking against the sun or fire hurteth the eye by dilatation ; so curious painting in CENTURY IX. 103 small volumes, and reading of small letters, do hurt the eye by contraction. 872. It hath been observed that in anger the eyes wax red ; and in blushing, not the eyes, but the ears, and the parts behind them. The cause is, for that in anger the spirits ascend and wax eager ; which is most easily seen in the eyes, because they are translucid ; though withal it maketh both the cheeks and the gills red ; but in blushing, it is true the spirits ascend like wise to succour both the eyes and the face, which are the parts that labour ; but then they are repulsed by the eyes, for that the eyes, in shame, do put back the spirits that ascend to them, as unwilling to look abroad: for no man in that passion doth look strongly, but de jectedly ; and that repulsion from the eyes diverteth the spirits and heat more to the ears, and the parts by them. 873. The objects of the sight may cause a great pleasure and delight in the spirits, but no pain or great offence ; except it be by memory, as hath been said. The glimpses and beams of diamonds that strike the eye ; Indian feathers, that have glorious colours ; the coming into a fair garden ; the coming into a fair room richly furnished ; a beautiful person ; and the like ; do delight and exhilarate the spirits much. The reason why it holdeth not in the offence is, for that the ajght is the most spiritual of the senses ; whereby it hath no object gross enough to offend it. But the cause (chiefly) is, for that there be no active objects to offend the eye. For harmonical sounds and discordant sounds are both active and positive : so are sweet smells and stinks : so are bitter and sweet in tastes : so are over- hot and over-cold in touch : but blackness and dark- 104 NATURAL HISTORY. ness are indeed but privatives ; and therefore have little or no activity. Somewhat they do contristate, but very little. Experiment solitary touching the colour of the sea or other water. 874. Water of the sea, or otherwise, looketh blacker when it is moved, and whiter when it resteth.1 The cause is, for that by means of the motion, the beams of light pass not straight, and therefore must be dark ened : whereas, when it- resteth, the beams do pass straight. Besides, splendour hath a degree of white ness ; especially if there be a little repercussion : for a looking-glass with the steel behind, looketh whiter o o * than glass simple. This experiment deserveth to be driven further, in trying by what means motion may hinder sight. Experiment solitary touching shell-fish. 875. Shell-fish- have been by some of the ancients compared and sorted with the insecta ; 2 but I see no reason why they should ; for they have male and fe male as other fish have : neither are they bred of pu trefaction ; especially such as do move. Nevertheless it is certain that oystei's and cockles and mussles, which move not, have no discriminate sex. Qucere, in what time, and how they are bred ? It seemeth that shells of oysters are bred where none were before ; and it is tried, that the great horse-mussle with the fine shell, 1 Arist. Prob. xxiii. 23. 2 I believe Aristotle is alluded to. He divides the Exsanguia into four classes, of which shell-fisli form one, and insects another. See Arist. De Part. Animal, iv. 5. 1. ; and compare Cardan, De Rer. Variet. CENTURY IX. 105 that breedeth in ponds, hath bred within thirty years: but then, which is strange, it hath been tried, that they do not only gape and shut as the oysters do, but re move from one place to another. Experiment solitary touching the right side and the left. 876. The senses are alike strong both on the right side and on the left ; but the limbs on the right side are stronger.1 The cause may be, for that the brain, which is the instrument of sense, is alike on both sides ; but motion and abilities of moving are somewhat holp- en from the liver, which lieth on the right side. It may be also, for that the senses are put in exercise in differently on both sides from the time of our birth ; but the limbs are used most on the right side, whereby custom helpeth ; for we see that some are left-handed ; which are such as have used the left hand most. Experiment solitary touching frictions.21 877. Frictions make the parts more fleshy and full ; as we see both in men, and in currying of horses, &c. The cause is, for that they draw greater quantity of spirits and blood to the parts : and again, because they draw the aliment more forcibly from within : and again, because they relax the pores, and so make better passage for the spirits, blood, and aliment : lastly, because they dissipate and digest any inutile or excrementitious moisture which lieth in the flesh ; all which help assimilation. Frictions also do more fill and impinguate the body, than exercise. The cause is, for that in frictions the inward parts are at 1 Arist. Prob. xxxi. 13. Hippocrates asserts the contrary. 2 See Arist. Prob. xxxvii. 3. and 6. 106 NATURAL HISTORY. rest ; which in exercise are beaten (many times) too much : and for the same reason (as we have noted heretofore) galley-slaves are fat and fleshy, because they stir the limbs more, and the inward parts less. Experiment solitary touching globes appearing flat at distance. 878. All globes afar off appear flat.1 The cause is, for that distance, being a secondary object of sight, is not otherwise discerned than by more or less light : which disparity when it cannot be discerned, all seem- eth one : as it is (generally) in objects not distinctly discerned ; for so letters, if they be so far off as they cannot be discerned, shew but as a duskish paper ; and all engravings and embossings (afar off) appear plain. Experiment solitary touching shadows. 879. The utmost parts of shadows seem ever to tremble.2 The cause is, for that the little motes which we see in the sun do ever stir, though there be ' O no wind ; and therefore those moving, in the meet ing of the light and the shadow, from the light to the shadow, and from the shadow to the light, do shew the shadow to move, because the medium moveth. Experiment solitary touching the rolling and breaking of the seas. 880. Shallow and narrow seas break more than deep 1 Aristotle (Prob. xvi. 7.) remarks this in the case of the sun and moon That a luminous globe appears uniformly bright, shows that the intensity with which light radiates varies as the sine of the angle its direction makes with a normal to the radiating surface. Were this not the case, the bright ness would increase indefinitely from the centre towards the circumference. 2 Arist. Prob. xvi. 12. CENTURY IX. 107 and large.1 The cause is, for that, the impulsion be ing the same in both, where there is greater quantity of water, and likewise space enough, there the water rolleth and moveth, both more slowly and with a sloper rise and fall : but where there is less water, and less space, and the water dasheth more against the bottom, there it moveth more swiftly, and more in precipice; for in the breaking of the waves there is ever a precipice. Experiment solitary touching the dulcoration of salt water. 881. It hath been observed by the ancients that salt water boiled, or boiled and cooled again, is more po table than of itself raw : and yet the taste of salt in distillations by fire riseth not ; for the distilled water will be fresh. The cause may be, for that the salt part of the water doth partly rise into a kind of scum, on the top, and partly goeth into a sediment in the bot tom ; and so is rather a separation than an evaporation. But it is too gross to rise into a vapour : and so is a bitter taste likewise ; for simple distilled waters, of wormwood and the like, are not bitter. Experiment solitary touching the return of saltness in pits upon the sea-shore. 882. It hath been set down before, that pits upon the sea-shore turn into fresh water, by percolation of the salt through the sand : but it is further noted by some of the ancients that in some places of Africk, 1 Arist. Prob. xxiii. 1. And see the eighteenth, twentieth, and twenty- first problems of the same section for the statements in the next three oaragraphs. 108 NATURAL HISTORY. after a time, the water in euch pits will become brack ish again. The cause is, for that after a time the very sands through which the salt water passeth become salt ; and so the strainer itself is tincted with salt. The remedy therefore is, to dig still new pits, when the old wax brackish ; as if you would change your strainer. Experiment solitary touching attraction ty similitude of substance. 883. It hath been observed by the ancients that salt water will dissolve salt put into it, in less time than fresh water will dissolve it. The cause may be, for that the salt in the precedent water doth, by similitude of substance, draw the salt new put in unto it ; where by it diffuseth in the liquor more speedily. This is a noble experiment, if it be true ; for it sheweth means of more quick and easy infusions ; and it is likewise a good instance of attraction by similitude of substance. Try it with sugar put into water formerly sugared, and into other water unsugared. ~ Experiment solitary touching attraction. 884. Put sugar into wine, part of it above, part under the wine ; and you shall find (that which may seem strange) the sugar above the wine will soften and dissolve sooner than that within the wine. The cause is, for that the wine entereth that part of the sugar which is under the wine by simple infusion or spreading ; but that part above the wine is likewise forced by sucking ; for all spungy bodies expel the air and draw in liquor, if it be contiguous : as we see it also in spunges put part above the water. It CENTURY IX. 100 is worthy the inquiry, to see how you may make more accurate infusions by help of attraction. Experiment solitary touching heat under earth. 885. \\rater in wells is warmer in winter than in summer ; and so air in caves. The cause is, for that in the hither parts, under the earth, there is a degree of some heat (as app'eareth in sulphureous veins, &c.) ; which shut close in (as in winter) is the more ; but if it perspire (as it doth in summer), it is the less. Experiment solitary touching flying in the air. 886. It is reported that amongst the Leucadians, in ancient time, upon a superstition, they did use to pre cipitate a man from a high cliff into the sea ; tying about him with strings, at some distance, many great fowls ; and fixing unto his body divers feathers, spread, to break the fall.1 Certainly many birds of good wing (as kites, and the like,) would bear up a good weight as they fly ; and spreading of feathers thin, and close and in great breadth, will likewise bear up a great weight ; being even laid, without tilting upon the sides. The further extension of this experiment for flying may be thought upon. Experiment solitary touching the dye of scarlet. 887. There is in some places, (namely in Cepbalo- nia) a little shrub which they call holy-oak, or dwarf- oak ; upon the leaves whereof there riseth a tumour like a blister ; which they gather, and rub out of it a certain red dust, that converteth (after a while) into 1 This story is mentioned by Sandys, p. 4, 110 NATURAL. HISTORY. worms, which they kill with wine, (as is reported,) when they begin to quicken : with this dust they dye scarlet.1 Experiment solitary touching maleficiating. 888. In Zant it is very ordinary to make men impo tent to accompany with their wives. . The like is prac tised in Gascony ; where it is called nouer Veguillette. It is practised always upon the wedding-day. And in Zant the mothers themselves do it, by way of preven tion ; because thereby they hinder other charms, and can undo their own.2 It is a thing the civil law taketh knowledge of; and therefore is of no light regard. Experiment solitary touching the rise of water by means of flame. 889. It is a common experiment, but the cause is mistaken. Take a pot, (or better a glass, because therein you may see the motion,) and set a candle lighted in the bottom of a bason of water ; and turn the mouth of the pot or glass over the candle ; and it will make the water rise. They ascribe it to the draw ing of heat ; which is not true : for it appeareth plainly to be but a motion of neze, which they call ne detur vacuum ; and it proceedeth thus. The flame of the candle, as soon as it is covered, being suffocated by the close air, lesseneth by little and little : during which time there is some little ascent of water, but not much : for the flame occupying less and less room, as it lessen eth, the water succeedeth. But upon the instant of the candle's going out, there is a sudden rise of a great deal of water: for that the body of the flame filleth no 1 Sandys, ubi supra. 2 Id. p. 6. CENTURY IX. HI more place, and so the air and the water succeed. It worketh the same effect, if instead of water you put flour or sand into the bason : which sheweth that it is not the flame's drawing the liquor, as nourishment ; as it is supposed ; for all bodies are alike unto it ; as it is ever in motion of nexe ; insomuch as I have seen the glass, being held by the hand, hath lifted up the bason and all ; the motion of nexe did so clasp the bottom of the bason. That experiment, when the bason was lifted up, was made with oil, and not with water : nev ertheless this is true, that at the very first setting of the mouth of the glass upon the bottom of the bason, it draweth up the water a little, and then standeth at a stay, almost till the candle's going out, as was said. This may shew some attraction at first : but of this we will speak more, when we handle attractions by heat. Experiments in consort touching the influences of the moon. Of the power of the celestial bodies, and what more secret influences they have besides the two manifest influences of heat and light, we shall speak when we handle experiments touching- the celestial bodies : meanwhile we will give some directions for more certain trials of the virtue and influences of the moon ; which is our nearest neighbour. The influences of the moon (most observedj are four. The drawing forth of heat ; the inducing of putrefaction ; the increase of moisture ; the ex citing of the motions of spirits. 890. For the drawing forth of heat, we have for- 112 NATURAL HISTORY. merly prescribed to take water warm, and to set part of it against the moon-beams, and part of it with a screen between ; and to see whether that which stand- eth exposed to the beams will not cool sooner. But because this is but a small interposition, (though in the sun we see a small shade doth much,) it were good to try it when the moon shineth, and when the moon shineth not at all ; and with water warm in a glass bottle, as well as in a dish ; and with cinders ; and with iron red-hot, &c. 891. For the inducing of putrefaction, it were good to try it with flesh or fish exposed to the moon-beams, and again exposed to the air when the moon shineth not, for the like time ; to see whether will corrupt sooner : and try, it also with capon, or some other fowl, laid abroad, to see whether it will mortify and become tender sooner ; try it also with dead flies, or dead worms, having a little water cast upon them, to see whether will putrefy sooner. Try it also with an apple or orange, having holes made in their tops, to see whether will rot or mould sooner. Try it also with Holland cheese, having wine put into it, whether will breed mites sooner or greater. 892. For the increase of moisture, the opinion, re ceived is that seeds will grow soonest ; and hair, and nails, and hedges, and herbs cut, &c., will grow soonest ; if they be set or cut in the increase of the moon. Also that brains in rabbits, woodcocks, calves, &c., are fullest in the full of the moon : and so of marrow in the bones ; and so of oysters and cockles, which of all the rest are the easiest tried, if you have them in pits. 893. Take some seeds, or roots, (as onions, &c.) CENTURY IX. 113 and set some of them immediately after the change ; and others of the same kind immediately after the full : let them be as like as can be ; the earth also the same as near as may be ; and therefore best in pots : let the pots also stand where no rain or sun may come to them, lest the difference of the weather confound the experiment : and then see in what time the seeds set in the increase of the moon come to a certain height ; and how they differ from those that are set in the decrease of the moon. 894. It is like that the brain of man waxeth moister and fuller upon the full of the moon ; and therefore it were good for those that have moist brains, and are great drinkers, to take fume of lignum aloes, rosemary, frankincense, &c., about the full of the moon. It is like also, that the humours in men's bodies increase and decrease as the moon doth ; and therefore, it were good to purge some day or two after the full ; for that then the humours will not replenish so soon again. 895. As for the exciting of the motion of the spirits, you must note that the growth of hedges, herbs, hair, &c. is caused from the moon, by exciting of the spirits as well as by increase of the moisture. But for spirits in particular, the great instance is in lunacies. 896. There may be other secret effects of the influ ence of the moon, which are not yet brought into ob servation. It may be, that if it so fall out that the wind be north, or north-east, in the full of the moon, it increaseth cold ; and if south, or south-west, it dis- poseth the air for a good while to warmth and rain ; which would be observed. 897. It may be, that children and young cattle that are brought forth in the full of the moon, are stronger 114 NATURAL HISTORY. and larger than those that are brought forth in the wane ; and those also which are begotten in the full of the moon : so that it might be good husbandry to put rams and bulls to their female somewhat before the full of the moon. It may be also, that the eggs laid in the full of the moon breed the better bird ; and a num ber of the like effects which may be brought into ob servation. Queer e. also, whether great thunders and earthquakes be not most in the full of the moon. Experiment solitary touching vinegar. 898. The turning of wine to vinegar is a kind of putrefaction : and in making of vinegar, they use to set vessels of wine over against the noon-sun ; which calleth out the more oily spirits, and leaveth the liquor more sour and hard. We see also, that burnt wine is more hard and astringent than wine unburnt. It is said that cider, in navigations under the line, ripen- eth, when wine or beer soureth. It were good to set a rundlet of verjuice over against the sun in summer, as they do vinegar, to see whether it will ripen and sweeten. Experiment solitary touching creatures that sleep all winter. 899. There be divers creatures that sleep all win ter ; as the bear, the hedge-hog, the bat, the bee, &c. These all wax fat when they sleep, and egest not. The cause of their fattening during their sleeping time, may be the want of assimilating ; for whatsoever as- similateth not to flesh, turneth either to sweat or fat. These creatures, for part of their sleeping time, have been observed not to stir at all ; and for the other part, CENTURY IX. 115 to stir, but not to remove. And they get warm and close places to sleep in. When the Flemings wintered in Nova Zembla,1 the bears about the middle of No vember went to sleep ; and then the foxes began to come forth, which durst not before. It is noted by some of the ancients, that the she-bear breedeth, and lieth in with her young, during that time of rest ; and that a bear big with young hath seldom been seen.2 Experiment solitary touching the generating of creatures by emulation and by putrefaction. 900. Some living creatures are procreated by copu lation between male and female ; some by putrefac tion : and of those which come by putrefaction, many do (nevertheless) afterwards procreate by copulation. For the cause of both generations : first, it is most cer tain that the cause of all vivification is a gentle and proportionable heat, working upon a glutinous and yielding substance : for the heat doth bring forth spirit in that substance ; and the substance being glutinous produceth two effects ; the one, that the spirit is de tained, and cannot break forth ; the other, that the matter being gentle and yielding, is driven forwards by the motion of the spirits, after some swelling, into shape and members. Therefore all sperm, all men- struons substance, all matter whereof creatures are produced by putrefaction, have evermore a closeness, lentonr, and sequacity. It seemeth therefore, that the generation by sperm only, and by putrefaction, have 1 In 1596-97. The bears disappeared after sunset, but there was no other reason for supposing that they became dormant. 2 Arist. Hist. Animal, vi. 30., and viii. 17. 116 NATURAL HISTORY. two different causes. The first is, for that creatures which have a definite and exact shape (as those have which are procreated by copulation,) cannot be pro duced by a weak and casual heat ; nor out of matter which is not exactly prepared according to the species. The second is, for that there is a greater time required for maturation of perfect creatures : for if the time re quired in vivification be of any length, then the spirit will exhale before the creature be mature ; except it be enclosed in a place where it may have continuance of the heat, access of some nourishment to maintain it, and closeness that may keep it from exhaling : and such places are the wombs and matrices of the.fe-' males.1 And therefore all creatures made of putrefac tion are of more uncertain shape ; and are made in shorter time ; and need not so perfect an inclosure, though some closeness be commonly required. As for the Heathen opinion, which was, that upon great mu tations of the world, perfect creatures were first engen dered of concretion ; as well as frogs, and worms, and flies, and such like, are now ; 2 we know it to be vain : but if any such thing should be admitted, discoursing according to sense, it cannot be, except you admit a chaos first, and commixture of heaven and earth. For the frame of the world, once in order, cannot effect it by any excess or casualty. 1 Compare Telesius, De Rerum Natura, vi. a Plut. De Placitis Philos. v. 19. NATURAL HISTORY. CENTURY X. Experiments in consort touching transmission and influx of immateriate virtues, and the force of imagination. THE philosophy of Pythagoras (which was full of superstition) did first plant a monstrous imagina tion ; which afterwards was, by the school of Plato and others, watered and nourished. It was, that the world was one entire perfect living creature; insomuch as Apollonius of Tyana, a Pythagorean prophet, affirmed that the ebbing and flowing of the sea was the respiration of the world, drawing in water as breath, and putting it forth again.1 They went on and inferred, that if the world were a living creature, it had a soul and spirit ; which also they held, calling it spiritus mundi, the spirit or soul of the world : by which they did not intend God (for they did admit of a deity besides), but only the soul or essential form of the universe. This foundation being laid, they might build upon it what they 1 Philostratus, Vit. Apollon. v. 1. 118 NATURAL HISTORY. would; for in a living creature, though never so great, (as for example, in a great whale,) the sense and the affects of any one part of the body instantly make a transcursion throughout the whole body : so that by this they did insinuate, that no distance of place, nor want or indisposition of matter, could hinder magical operations ; but that (for example) we might here in Europe have sense and feeling of that which was done in China; and likewise we might work any effect without and against matter ; and this not holpen by the co-operation of angels or spirits, but only by the unity and harmony of nat ure. There were some also that stayed not here ; but went further, and held that if the spirit of man (whom they call the microcosm) do give a fit touch to the spirit of the world by strong imaginations and beliefs, it might command nature; for Para celsus, and some darksome authors of magic, do ascribe to imagination exalted, the power of miracle- working faith. With these vast and bottomless follies men have been (in part) entertained. But we, that hold firm to the works of God, and to the sense, which is God's lamp, (lucerna Dei spiraculum hominis,) will inquire with all sobriety and severity, whether there be to be found in the footsteps of nature any such transmission and influx of immateriate virtues ; and what the force of im agination is, either upon the body imaginant or upon another body ; wherein it will be like that labour of CENTURY X. 119 Hercules in purging- the stable of Augeas, to sepa rate from superstitious and magical arts and obser vations, any thing that is clean and pure natural, and not to be either contemned or condemned. And although we shall have occasion to speak of this in more places than one, yet we will now make some entrance thereinto. Experiments in consort, monitory, touching transmission of spirits and the force of imagination. 901. Men are to be admonished that they do not withdraw credit from the operations by transmission of spirits and force of imagination, because the effects fail sometimes. For as in infection and contagion from body to body (as the plague and the like) it is most certain that the infection is received (many times) by the body passive, but yet is by the strength and good disposition thereof repulsed and wrought out, before it be formed into a disease ; so much more in impressions from mind to mind, or from spirit to spirit, the impres sion taketh, but is encountered and overcome by the mind and spirit, which is passive, before it work any manifest effect. And therefore they work most upon weak minds and spirits ; as those of women, sick per sons, superstitious and fearful persons, children and young creatures. Nescio quis teneros oculus mihi fascinat agnos.1 The poet speaketh not of sheep, but of lambs. As for the weakness of the power of them upon kings and magistrates, it may be ascribed (besides the main, l Virg. Eclog. iii. 103. 120 NATURAL HISTORY. which is the protection of God over those that execute Ins place) to the weakness of the imagination of the imaginant: for it is hard for a witch or a sorcerer to put on a helief that they can hurt such persons. 902. Men are to be admonished, on the other side, that they do not easily give place and credit to these operations, because they succeed many times. For the cause of this success is oft to be truly ascribed unto the force of affection and imagination upon the body agent ; and then by a secondary means it may work upon a divers body : as for example, if a man carry a planet's seal, or a ring, or some part of a beast, believing strongly that it will help him to obtain his love, or to keep him from danger of hurt in fight, or to prevail in a suit, &c., it may make him more active and indus trious, and again more confident and persisting, than otherwise he would be. Now the great effects that may come of industry and perseverance (especially in civil business) who knoweth not ? For we see auda city doth almost bind and mate the weaker sort of minds ; and the state of human actions is so variable, that to try things oft, and never to give over, doth wonders : therefore it were a mere fallacy and mis taking to ascribe that to the force of imagination upon another body, which is but the force of imagination upon the proper body ; for there is no doubt but that imagination and vehement affection work greatly upon the body of the imaginant ; as we shall shew in due place. 903. Men are to be admonished that, as they are not to mistake the causes of these operations, so much less they are to mistake the fact or effect ; and rashly to take that for done which is not done. And there- CENTUEY X. 121 fore, as divers wise judges have prescribed ami cau tioned, men may not too rashly believe the confessions of witches, nor yet the evidence against them. For the witches themselves are imaginative, and believe oft- times they do that which they do not : and people are credulous in that point, and ready to impute accidents and natural operations to witchcraft. It is worthy the observing, that both in ancient and late times (as in the Thessalian witches, and the meetings of witches that have been recorded by so many late confessions) the great wonders which they tell, of carrying in the air, transforming themselves into other bodies, &c., are still reported to be wrought, not by incantations or ceremonies, but by ointments, and anointing themselves all over. This may justly move a man to think that these fables are the effects of imagination : for it is cer tain that ointments do all (if they be laid on any thino- thick) by stopping of the pores, shut in the vapours, and send them to the head extremely. And for the particular ingredients of those magical ointments, it is like they are opiate and soporiferous. For anointing of the forehead, neck, feet, back-bone, we know is used for procuring dead sleeps : and if any man say that this effect would be better done by inward potions ; answer may be made, that the medicines which go to the oint ments are so strong, that if they were used inwards they would kill those that use them : and therefore they work potently, though outwards. We will divide the several kinds of the opera tions by transmission of spirits and imagination; which will give no small light to the experiments that follow. All operations by transmission of 122 NATURAL HISTORY. spirits and imagination, have this ; that they work at distance, and not at touch ; and they are these, being distinguished. 904. The first is the transmission or emission of the thinner and more airy parts of bodies ; as in odours and infections ; and this is, of all the rest, the most corpo real. But you must remember withal, that there be a number of those emissions, both wholesome and un wholesome, that give no smell at all : for the plague, many times, when it is taken, giveth no scent at all : and there be many good and healthful airs, that do ap pear by habitation and other proofs, that differ not in smell from otKer airs. And under this head you may place all imbibitions of air, where the substance is mate rial, odour-like ; whereof some nevertheless are strange, and very suddenly diffused ; as the alteration which the air receiveth in Egypt, almost immediately, upon the rising of the river of Nilus, whereof we have spoken. 905. The second is the transmission or emission of those things that we call spiritual species: as visibles and sounds ; the one whereof we have handled, and the other we shall handle in due place. These move swiftly, and at great distance ; but then they require a medium well disposed, and their transmission is easily stopped. 906. The third is the emissions which cause attrac tion of certain bodies at distance ; wherein though the loadstone be commonly placed in the first rank, yet we think good to except it, and refer it to another head : but the drawing of amber and jet, and other electric bodies ; and the attraction in gold of the spirit of quicksilver, at distance ; and the attraction of heat at distance ; and that of fire to naphtha ; and that of some CENTURY X. 123 herbs to water, though at distance ; and divers others ; we shall handle, but yet not under this present title, but under the title of attraction in general. 907. The fourth is the emission of spirits, and im- materiate powers and virtues, in those things which work by the universal configuration and sympathy of the world ; not by forms, or celestial influxes (as is vainly taught and received), but by the primitive nature of matter, and the seeds of things. Of this kind is (as we yet suppose) the working of the load stone, which is by consent with the globe of the earth : of this kind is the motion of gravity, which is by con sent of dense bodies with the globe of the earth : of this kind is some disposition of bodies to rotation, and particularly from east to west : of which kind we con ceive the main float and refloat of the sea is, which is by consent of. the universe, as part of the diurnal mo tion. These immateriate virtues have this property differing from others ; that the diversity of the medium hindereth them not ; but they pass through all medi ums ; yet at determinate distances. And of these we shall speak, as they are incident to several titles. 908. The fifth is the emissions of spirits ; and this is the principal in our intention to handle now in this place ; namely, the operation of the spirits of the mind uf man upon other spirits : and this is of a double nat ure; the operations of the affections, if they be vehe ment; and the operation of the imagination, if it bo strong. But these two are so coupled, as we shall handle them together : for when an envious or amorous aspect doth infect the spirits of another, there is joined both affection and imagination. 909. The sixth is the influxes of the heavenlv bodies, 124 NATURAL HISTORY. besides those two manifest ones, of heat and light. But 7 O these we will handle, where we handle the celestial bodies and motions. 910.1 The seventh is the operations of sympathy ; which the writers of natural magic have brought into an art or precept : and it is this ; that if you desire to super-induce any virtue or disposition upon a person, yon should take the living creature in which that vir tue is most eminent and in perfection : of that creature you must take the parts wherein that virtue chiefly is collocate : again, you must take those parts in the time and act when that virtue is most in exercise : and then you must apply it to that part of man wherein that virtue chiefly consisteth. As if you would super induce courage and fortitude, take a lion or a cock : and take the heart, tooth, or paw of the lion ; or the heart or spur of the cock : take those parts immediately after the lion or the cock have been in fight : and let O them be worn on a man's heart or wrist. Of these and such like sympathies, we shall speak under this present title. 911. The eighth and last is an emission of immate- riate virtues ; such as we are a little doubtful to pro pound, it is so prodigious, but that it is so constantly- avouched by many : and we have set it down as a law to ourselves, to examine things to the bottom ; and not to receive upon credit, or reject upon improbabilities, until there hath passed a due examination. This is, the sympathy of individuals ; for as there is a sym pathy of species, so (it may be) there is a sympathy of individuals : that is, that in things, or the parts of things, that have been once contiguous or entire, 1 Compare Porta, Nat. Mag. i. 12. GEM TORY X. 125 there should remain a transmission of virtue from the one to the other : as between the weapon and the wound. Whereupon is blazed abroad the operation of unguentum teli : and so of a piece of lard, or stick of elder, &c., that if part of it be consumed or putrefied, it will work upon the other part severed. Now we will pursue the instances themselves. .Experiments in consort touching emission of spirits in vapour or exhalation, odour-like. 912. The plague is many times taken without mani fest sense, as hath been said. And they report that, where it is found, it hath a scent of the smell of a mel low apple ; and (as some say) of May-flowers : and it is also received that smells of flowers that are mellow and luscious, are ill for the plague ; as white lilies, cowslips, and hyacinths. 913. The plague is not easily received by such as continually are about them that have the plague ; as keepers of the sick, and physicians : nor again by such as take antidotes, either inward, (as mithridate ; juniper-berries ; rue, leaf and seed, &c.,) or outward, (as angelica, zedoary, and the like, in the mouth ; tar, galbanum, and the like, in perfume) ; nor again by old people, and such as are of a dry and cold complexion. On the other side, the plague taketh soonest hold of those that come out of a fresh air, and of those that are tasting, and of children ; and it is likewise noted to go in a blood, more than to a stranger. 914. The most pernicious infection, next the plague, is the smell of the jail, when prisoners have been long and close and nastily kept ; whereof we have had in our time experience twice or thrice ; when both the 126 NATURAL HISTORY. judges that sat upon the jail, and numbers of those that attended the business or were present, sickened upon it, and died. Therefore it were good wisdom, that in such cases the jail were aired before they be brought forth.1 915. Out of question, if such foul smells be made by art and by the hand, they consist chiefly of man's flesh or sweat putrefied ; for they are not those stinks which the nostrils straight abhor and expel, that are most per nicious ; but such airs as have some similitude with man's body ; and so insinuate themselves, and betray the spirits. There may be great danger in using such compositions, in great meetings of people within houses ; as in churches, at arraignments, at plays and solemni ties, and the like : for poisoning of air is no less dan gerous than poisoning of water, which hath been used by the Turks in the wars, and was used by Emmanuel Comnenus towards the Christians, when they passed through his country to the Holy Land.2 And these ernpoisonments of air are the more dangerous in meet ings of people, because the much breath of people doth further the reception of the infection ; and therefore, where any such thing is feared, it were good those public places were perfumed, before the assemblies. 916. The empoisonment of particular persons by odours, hath been reported to be in perfumed gloves, or the like : and it is like they mingle the poison that 1 A memorable instance of what Bacon here mentions took place in 1750, in consequence of a neglected state of Newgate. 2 I have not been able to find any authority for this statement. All the original historians of the second Crusade speak of the treachery of Com nenus, but no one charges him with having poisoned the wells. Nicetas affirms that in order to poison the Crusaders, lime was put into the flour with which they were supplied. He does not, however, assert that this was done by the emperor's direction. CENTURY X. 127 is deadly, with some smells that are sweet, which also maketh it the sooner received. Plagues also have been raised by anointings of the chinks of doors, and the like ; l not so much by the touch, as for that it is com mon for men, when they find any thing wet upon their fingers, to put them to their nose ; which men there fore should take heed how they do. The best is, that these compositions of infectious airs cannot be made without danger of death to them that make them. But then again, they may have some antidotes to save themselves ; so that men ought not to be secure of it. 917. There have been in divers countries great plagues, by the putrefaction of great swarms of grass hoppers and locusts, when they have been dead and cast upon heaps. 918. It happeneth oft in mines, that there are damps which kill, either by suffocation, or by the poisonous nature of the mineral : and those that deal much in refining, or other works about metals and minerals, have their brains hurt and stupefied by the metalline vapours. Amongst which it is noted that the spirits of quicksilver either fly to the skull, teeth, or bones ; insomuch as gilders use to have a piece of gold in their mouth, to draw the spirits of quicksilver ; which gold afterwards they find to be whitened. There are also certain lakes and pits, such as that of Avernus, 1 See on this subject Manzoni's Storia delln Colonna wfame. In 1630 many persons at Milan were tortured and put to death in consequence of a popular belief that the plague, which raged in that year, had been raised in the manner mentioned in the text. For an earlier instance of the same belief, see Wierus De Prtestiyiis Dceinonum. It seems to be of recent ori gin, as, although the Jews were charged with producing the great plague of the fourteenth century, I have not met with any mention of their having been supposed to do so by poisonous anointings. 128 NATURAL HISTORY. that poison birds (as is said) which fly over them or men that stay too long about them. 919. The vapour of charcoal, or sea-coal, in a close room, hath killed many ; and it is the more dangerous, because it cometh without any ill smell, but stealeth on by little and little, inducing only a faintness, -with out any manifest strangling. When the Dutchmen wintered at Nova Zembla, and that they could gather no more sticks, they fell to make fire of some sea- coal they had, wherewith (at first) they were much refreshed ; but a little after they had sat * about the fire, there grew a general silence and lothness to speak amongst them ; and immediately after, one of the weakest of the company fell down in a swoon ; whereupon they doubting what it was, opened their door to let in air, and so saved themselves. The effect (no doubt) is wrought by the inspissation of the air ; and so of the breath and spirits. The like ensueth in rooms newly plastered, if a fire be made in them ; whereof no less man than the Emperor Jovinianus died.2 920. Vide the experiment 803.. touching the infec tious nature of the air, upon the first showers after long drought. 921. It hath come to pass that some apothecaries, upon stamping of coloquintida, have been put into a great scouring by the vapour only. 922. It hath been a practice to burn a pepper they 1 Sit in the original. — J. S. 2 Ammianus Marcellinus mentions three causes which had been assigned for the death of Jovianus, whom Bacon calls Jovinianus, — one being a tu mour in the head arising from exposure to a large fire. It does not seem therefore that he was suffocated. (Ammianus Marcel, xxv. sub fin.) I may remark that there appears to be no good foundation for the common anecdote that Philip the Third of Spain died from a similar cause. CENTURY X. 129 call Ginny-pepper ; l which hath such a strong spirit, that it provoketh a continual sneezing in those that are in the room. 923. It is an ancient tradition that blear-eyes infect sound eyes ; and that a menstruous woman looking upon a glass, doth rust it:2 nay, they have an opin ion which seemeth fabulous ; that menstruous women going over a field or garden, do corn and herbs good by killing the worms.3 924. The tradition is no less ancient, that the bas ilisk killeth by aspect ; and that the wolf, if he see a man first, by aspect striketh a man hoarse.4 925. Perfumes convenient do dry and strengthen the brain, and stay rheums and defluxions ; as we find in fume of rosemary dried, and lignum aloes, and cala mus, taken at the mouth and nostrils: and no doubt there be other perfumes that do moisten and refresh, and are fit to be used in burning agues, consump tions, and too much wakefulness : such as are rose- water, vinegar, lemon-pills, violets, the leaves of vines sprinkled with a little rose-water, &c. 926. They do use in sudden faintings and swoonings to put a handkerchief with rose-water, or a little vine gar, to the nose ; which gathereth together again the spirits, which are upon point to resolve and fall away. 927. Tobacco comforteth the spirits, and dischargeth weariness; which it worketh partly by opening; but chiefly by the opiate virtue, which condenseth the spir its. It were good therefore to try the taking of fumes by pipes (as they do in tobacco) of other things ; as 1 Guiana pepper, i. e. red pepper? Guinea pigs ought, it is said, to be called Guiana pigs. They are natives, not of Africa, but of America. 2 Arist. Prob. vii. 4., and De Insomniis, 2. 8 Pliny, xxviii. 23. * Ib- viii. 33. and 34. VOL. v. 9 130 NATUEAL HISTORY. well to dry and comfort, as for other intentions. I wish trial be made of the drying fume of rosemary, and lignum aloes, before-mentioned, in pipe ; and so of nutmeg, and folium indum, &c. 928. The following of the plough hath been ap proved for refreshing the spirits and procuring appe tite ; l but to do it in the ploughing for wheat or rye, is not so good; because the earth hath spent her sweet breath in vegetables put forth in summer. It is better therefore to do it when you sow barley. But because ploughing is tied to seasons, it is best to take the air of the earth new turned up, by digging with the spade, or standing by him that diggeth. Gentlewomen may do themselves much good by kneeling upon a cushion and weeding. And these things you may practise in the best seasons ; which is ever the early spring, before the earth putteth forth the vegetables ; and in the sweetest earth you can choose. It would be done also when the dew is a little off the ground, lest the vapour be too moist. I knew a great man that lived long, who had a clean clod of earth brought to him every morning as he sate in his bed : and he would hold his head over it a good pretty while. I commend also, sometimes, in digging of new earth, to pour in some Malmsey or Greek 2 wine ; that the vapour of the earth and wine together may comfort the spirits the more; provided always it be not taken for a heathen sacrifice, or liba tion to the earth. 1 It is difficult to say to what the good effect, if it exists, is to be ascribed ; as the air contained in the interstices of vegetable mould contains much more than the usual proportion of carbonic acid gas, and a smaller propor tion of oxygen. 2 The name Malmsey has been given to wine grown in various places, but the original Malmsey came from Malvisia in the Morea. Malmsey is of course a corruption from Malvisia. CENTURY X. 131 929. They have, in physic, use of pomanders, and knots of powders, for drying of rheums, comforting of the heart, provoking of sleep, &c. For though those things be not so strong as perfumes, yet you may have them continually in your hand ; whereas perfumes you can take but at times ; and besides, there be divers things that breathe better of themselves, than when they come to the fire ; as nigella romana, the seed of melanthium, amomum, &c. 930. There be two things which (inwardly used) do cool and condense the spirits ; and I wish the same to be tried outwardly in vapours. The one is nitre, which I would have dissolved in Malmsey, or Greek wine, and so the smell of the wine taken ; or if you would have it more forcible, pour of it upon a fire-pan, well heated, as they do rose-water and vinegar. The other is the distilled water of wild poppy, which I wish to be mingled, at half, with rose-water, and so taken with some mixture of a few cloves in a perfuming-pan. The like would be done with the distilled water of saf fron flowers. 931. Smells of musk, and amber, and civet, are thought to further venereous appetite ; which they may do by the refreshing and calling forth of the spirits. 932. Incense and nidorous smells (such as were of sacrifices) were thought to- intoxicate the brain, and to dispose men to devotion : which they may do by a kind of sadness, and contristation of the spirits ; and partly also by heating and exalting them. We see that amongst the Jews the principal perfume of the sanct uary was forbidden all common uses.1 1 Exodus, xxx. 37. 132 NATURAL HISTORY. 933. There be some perfumes prescribed by the writers of natural magic, which procure pleasant dreams; and some others (as they say) that procure prophetical dreams ; as the seeds of flax, fleawort, &c. 934. It is certain that odours do, in a small degree, nourish ; especially the odour of wine : and we see men a hungered do love to smell hot bread. It is related that Democritus, when he lay a dying, heard a woman in the house complain that she should be kept from being at a feast and solemnity, (which she much desired to see,) because there would be a corpse in the house ; whereupon he caused loaves of new bread to be sent for, and opened them, and poured a little wine into them ; and so kept himself alive with the odour of them, till the feast was past.1 I knew a gentleman that would fast (sometimes) three or four, yea five days, without meat, bread, or drink ; but the same man used to have continually a great wisp of herbs that he smelled on : and amongst those herbs, some esculent herbs of strong scent; as onions, garlic, leeks, and the like. 935. They do use, for the accident of the mother,2 to burn feathers and other things of ill odour ; and by those ill smells the rising of the mother is put down. 936. There be airs which the physicians advise their patients to remove unto, in consumptions or upon recovery of long sicknesses : which (commonly) aro plain champaigns, but grazing, and not overgrown 1 See for this story Diogenes Laertius, ix. 343. 2 Id est, hysteria. The use of the word mother in this sense appears to have arisen from a mistranslation of the Italian or Spanish madre. which represents the Latin matrix, as well as mater. Mother of pearl has prob ably a similar origin. CENTURY X. 133 with heath or the like ; or else timber-shades, as in forests and the like. It is noted also, that groves * of bays do forbid pestilent airs ; which was account ed a great cause of the wholesome air of Antiochia. There be also some soils that put forth odorate herbs of themselves ; as wild thyme, wild marjoram, penny royal, camomile ; and in which the briar-roses smell almost like musk-roses ; which no doubt are signs that do discover an excellent air. 937. It were good for men to think of having healthful air in their houses; which will never be if the rooms be low-roofed, or full of windows and doors ; for the one maketh the air close, and not fresh ; and the other maketh it exceeding unequal ; which is a great enemy to health. The windows also should not be high up to the roof, (which is in use for beauty and magnificence,) but low. Also stone-walls are not wholesome ; but timber is more wholesome ; and especially brick. Nay, it hath been used by some with great success to make their walls thick, and to put a lay of chalk between the bricks, to take away all dampishness. Experiment solitary touching the emissions of spiritual species which affect the senses. 938. These emissions (as we said before) are han dled, and ought to be handled, by themselves under their proper titles ; that is, visibles and audibles, each apart: in this place it shall suffice to give some general observations common to both. First, they seem to be incorporeal. Secondly, they work swiftly. Thirdly, they work at large distances. Fourthly, in curious varieties. Fifthly, they are not effective of any thing, 134 NATURAL HISTORY. nor leave no work behind them ; but are energies merely: for their working upon mirrors, and places of echo, doth not alter anything in those bodies : but it is the same action with the original, only reper- cussed. And as for the shaking of windows, or rare fying the air by great noises ; and the heat caused by burning-glasses ; they are rather concomitants of the audible and visible species, than the effects of them. Sixthly, they seem to be of so tender and weak a nature, as they affect only such a rare and attenu ate substance as is the spirit of living creatures. Experiments in consort touching emission of immateriate virtues from the minds and spirits of men, either by affections, or by imaginations, or by other impressions. ' 939. It is mentioned in some stories, that where children have been exposed, or taken away young from their parents, and that afterwards they have approached to their parents' presence, the parents (though they have not known them) have had a secret joy or other alteration thereupon. 940. There was an Egyptian soothsayer, that made Antonius believe that his genius (which otherwise was brave and confident) was, in the presence of Octavia- nus Cffisar, poor and cowardly : and therefore he ad vised him to absent himself as much as he could, and remove far from him. This soothsayer was thought to be suborned by Cleopatra, to make him live in Egypt, and other remote places from Rome.1 Howsoever the xconceit of a predominant or mastering spirit of one man over another is ancient, and received still, even in vulgar opinion. 1 Plut. in Ant. p. 930. CENTURY X. 135 941. There are conceits that some men, that are of an ill and melancholy nature, do incline the company into which they come to be sad and ill-disposed ; and contrariwise, that others, that are of a jovial nature, do dispose the company to be merry and cheerful. And again, that some men are lucky to be kept com pany with and employed ; and others unlucky. Cer tainly it is agreeable to reason, that there are at the least some light effluxions from spirit to spirit, when men afe in presence one with another, as well as from body to body. 942. It hath been observed that old men who have loved young company and been conversant continually with them, have been of long life ; their spirits (as it seemeth) being recreated by such company. Such were the ancient sophists and rhetoricians ; which ever had young auditors and disciples ; as Gorgias, Protagoras, Isocrates, &c., who lived till they were an hundred years old. And so likewise did many of the grammarians and school-masters ; such as was Orbilius,1 &c. 943. Audacity and confidence doth, in civil busi ness, so great effects, as a man may reasonably doubt that, besides the very daring and earnestness and per sisting and importunity, there should be some secret binding and stooping of other men's spirits to such persons. 944. The affections (no doubt) do make the spirits more powerful and active ; and especially those affec tions which draw the spirits into the eyes : which are two: love, and envy, which is called oculus mains. As for love, the Platonists (some of them) go so far as to 1 Sueton. De Illust. Grammat. c. 9. 136 NATURAL HISTORY. hold that the spirit of the lover doth pass into the spirits of the person loved ; 1 which causeth the de sire of return into the body whence it was emitted : whereupon followeth that appetite of contact and con junction which is in lovers. And this is observed like wise, that the aspects that procure love, are not gaz- ings, but sudden glances and dartings of the eye. As for envy, that emitteth some malign and poisonous spirit, which taketh hold of the spirit of another ; and is likewise of greatest force when the cast of the eye is oblique. It hath been noted also, that it is most dangerous when an envious eye is cast upon persons in glory and triumph and joy : the reason whereof is, for that at such times the spirits come forth most into the outward parts, and so meet the percussion of the en- vioxis eye more at hand : and therefore it hath been noted, that after great triumphs, men have been ill- disposed for some days following. We see the opinion of fascination is ancient, for both effects : of procuring love, and sickness caused by envy : and fascination is ever by the eye. But yet if there be any such infec tion from spirit to spirit, there is no doubt but that it worketh by presence, and not by the eye alone ; yet most forcibly by the eye. 945. Fear and shame are likewise infective ; for we see that the starting of one will make another ready to start : and when one man is out of countenance in a company, others do likewise blush in his behalf. Now we will speak of the force of imagination l Tr)v tyvxrjv, 'A-yuduva (pihuv, im xe'iktaw ea^ov • jjh&e -yap r) T^.r/fj.uv we tiiafiqoofievrj . PLATO, ap. Aul. Gelliura. CENTURY X. 137 upon other bodies, and of the means to exalt and strengthen it. Imagination in this place I under stand to be, the representation of an individual thought. Imagination, is of three kinds : the first joined with belief of that which is to come: the second joined with memory of that which is past : and the third is of things present, or as if they were present ; for I comprehend in this, imaginations feigned and at pleasure; as if one should imagine such a man to be in the vestments of a Pope, or to have wings. I single out, for this time, that which is with faith or belief of that which is to come. The inquisition of this subject in our way (which is by induction) is wonderful hard : for the things that are reported are full of fables; and new ex periments can hardly be made but with extreme caution, for the reason which we will hereafter declare. The power of imagination is in three kinds : the first upon the body of the imaginant, including like wise the child in the mother's womb ; the second is, the power of it upon dead bodies, as plants, wood, stone, metal, &c. ; the third is, the power of it upon the spirits of men and living creatures : and with this last we will only meddle. The problem therefore is, whether a man con stantly and strongly believing that such a thing shall be, (as that such an one will love him, or that such an one will grant him his request, or that 138 NATURAL HISTORY. such an one shall recover a sickness, or the like,) it doth help any thing to the effecting- of the thing it self. And here again we must warily distinguish; for it is not meant (as hath been partly said before) that it should help by making a man more stout, or more industrious ; (in which kind constant belief doth much;) but merely by a secret operation, or binding, or changing the spirit of another : and in this it is hard (as we began to say) to make any new experiment ; for I cannot command myself to believe what I will, and so no trial can be made. Nay, it is worse ; for whatsoever a man imagineth doubtingly, or with fear, must needs do hurt, if imagination have any power at all ; for a man represented that oftener that he feareth, than the contrary. The help therefore is, for a man to work by an other, in whom he may create belief, and not by himself; until himself have found by experience, that imagination doth prevail; for then experience worketh in himself belief; if the belief that such a thing shall be, be joined with a belief that his im agination may procure it. 946. For example : I related one time to a man that was curious and vain enough in these things, that I saw a kind of juggler, that had a pair of cards, and would tell a man what card he thought. This pre tended learned man told me it was a mistaking in me ; "for," said he, "it was not the knowledge of the man's CENTURY X. 139 thought, (for that is proper to God,) but it was the en forcing of a thought upon him, and binding his imag ination by a stronger, that he could think no other card." And thereupon he asked me a question or two, which I thought he did but cunningly, knowing before what used to be the feats of the juggler. " Sir," said he, " do you remember whether he told the card the man thought, himself, or bade another to tell it ? " I answered (as was true) that he bade another tell it. Whereunto he said, "So I . thought : for," said he, " himself could not have put on so strong an imag ination ; but by telling the other the card (who be lieved that the juggler was some strange man, and could do strange things) that other man caught' a strong imagination." I hearkened unto him, thinking for a vanity he spoke prettily. Then he asked me an other question : saith he, " Do you remember, whether he bade the man think the card first, and afterwards told the other man in his ear, what he should think ; or else that he did whisper first in the man's ear that should tell the card, telling that such a man should think such a card, and after bade the man think a card ? " I told him, as was true, that he did first whisper the man in the ear, that such a man should think such a card. Upon this the learned man did much exult and please himself, saying ; " Lo, you may see that my opinion is right : for if the man had thought first, his thought had been fixed ; but the other imagining first, bound his thought." Which though it did somewhat sink with me, yet I made it lighter than I thought, and said, " I thought it was confederacy between the juggler and the two ser vants : " though indeed I had no reason so to think ; 140 NATURAL HISTORY. for they were both my father's servants, and lie had never played in the house before.1 The juggler also did cause a garter to be held up, and took upon him to know that such an one should point in such a place of the garter ; as it should be near so many inches to the longer end, and so many to the shorter ; and still he did it, by first telling the imaginer, and after bidding the actor think. Having told this relation, not for the weight thereof, but because it doth handsomely open the nature of the question, I return to that 1 said ; that experiments of imagination must be practised by others, and not by a man's self. For there be three means to fortify belief : the first is experience ; the second is reason; and the third is authority: and that of these which is far the most potent, is au thority ; for belief upon reason or experience will stagger. 947. For authority, it is of two kinds ; belief in an art, and belief in a man. And for things of belief in an art, a man may exercise them by himself; but for belief in a man, it must be by another. Therefore if a man believe in astrology, and find a figure prosperous ; or believe in natural magic, and that a ring with such a stone, or such a piece of a living creature, carried, 1 The psychology, if it may be so called, of juggling is an exceedingly curious matter. The common explanation of tricks of the kind of that described in the text, — namely, that the juggler forces a particular card on the person who is to choose, and that the latter remains unconscious of the compulsion put upon him, is, I suppose, correct. Bacon speaks only of thinking of a card, not of drawing one from the. pack; but as the jug gler had with him a pair (or pack) of cards, it may be presumed that the thought was manifested in an overt act. So, too, in the garter trick. CENTURY X. 1.41 will do good ; it may help his imagination ; but the belief in a man is far the more active. But howso ever, all authority must be out of a man's self, turned (as was said) either upon an art, or upon a man ; and where authority is from one man to another, there the second must be ignorant, and not learned, or full of thoughts ; and such are (for the most part) all witches and superstitious persons ; whose beliefs, tied to their teachers and traditions, are no whit controlled either by reason or experience ; and upon the same reason, in magic, they use (for the most part) boys and young people ; whose spirits easiliest take belief and imagi nation. Now to fortify imagination, there be three ways : the authority whence the belief is derived ; means to quicken and corroborate the imagination ; and means to repeat it and refresh it. 948. For the authority, we have already spoken. As for the second, namely the means to quicken and corroborate the imagination ; we see what hath been used in magic (if there be in those practices any thing that is purely natural) ; as vestments ; characters ; words ; seals ; some parts of plants, or living creat ures ; stones ; choice of the hour ; gestures and mo tions ; also incenses and odours ; choice of society, which increaseth imagination ; diets and preparations for some time before. And for words, there have been ever used either barbarous words, of no sense, lest they should disturb the imagination ; or words of similitude, that may second and feed the imagination : and this was ever as well in heathen charms as in charms of 142 NATURAL HISTORY. latter times. There are used also Scripture words ; for that the belief that religious texts and words have O power, may strengthen the imagination. And for the same reason, Hebrew words (which amongst us is counted the holy tongue, and the words more mys tical) are often used. 949. For the refreshing of the imagination (which was the third means of exalting it), we see the prac tices of magic : as in images of wax, and the like, that should melt by little and little ; or some other things buried in muck, that should putrefy by little and little ; or the like : for so oft as the imaginant doth think of those things, so oft doth he represent to his imagination the effect of that he desireth. 950. If there be any power in imagination, it is less credible that it should be so incorporeal and immate- riate a virtue, as to work at great distances, or through all mediums, or upon all bodies ; but that the distance must be competent, the medium not adverse, and the body apt and proportionate. Therefore if there be any operation upon bodies in absence by nature, it is like to be conveyed from man to man, as fame is ; as if a witch by imagination should hurt any afar off, it cannot be naturally, but by working upon the spirit of some that cometh to the witch ; and from that party upon the imagination pf another ; and so upon an other ; till it come to one that hath resort to the party intended ; and so by him to the party intended him self. And although they speak, that it sufficeth to take a point, or a piece of the garment, or the name of the party, or the like ; yet there is less credit to be given to those things, except it be by working of evil spirits. CENTURY X. 143 The experiments which may certainly demon strate the power of imagination upon other bodies, are few or none : for the experiments of witchcraft are no clear proofs ; for that they may be by a tacit operation of malign spirits. We shall therefore be forced in this inquiry to resort to new experiments ; wherein we can give only directions of trials, and not any positive experiments. And if any man think that we ought to have stayed till we had made experiment of some of them ourselves, (as we do commonly in other titles,) the truth is, that these effects of imagination upon other bodies have so lit tle credit with us, as we shall try them at leisure : but in the mean time we will lead others the way. 951. When you work by the imagination of another, it is necessary that he by whom you work have a pre cedent opinion of you that you can do strange things, or that you are a man of art, as they call it ; for else the simple affirmation to another that this or that shall be, can work but a weak impression in his imagination. 952. It were good, because you cannot discern fully of the strength of imagination in one man more than another, that you did use the imagination of more than one ; that so you may light upon a strong one. As if a physician should tell three or four of his patients' servants, that their master shall surely recover. 953. The imagination of one that you shall use (such is the variety of men's minds) cannot be always alike constant and strong ; and if the success follow not speedily, it will faint and leese strength. To 144 NATURAL HISTORY. remedy this, you must pretend to him whose imagi nation you use, several degrees of means by which to operate ; as to prescribe him that every three days, if he find not the success apparent, he do use another root, or part of a beast, or ring, &c., as being of more force ; and if that fail, another ; and if that, another ; till seven times. Also you must prescribe a good large time for the effect you promise ; as if you should tell a servant of a sick man that his master shall recover, but it will be fourteen days ere he findeth it apparently, &c. All this to entertain the imagination, that it waver less. 954. It is certain that potions, or things taken into the body ; incenses and perfumes taken at the nostrils ; and ointments of some parts ; do (naturally) work upon the imagination of him that taketh them. And therefore it must needs greatly cooperate with the im agination of him whom you use, if you prescribe him, before he do use the receipt for the work which he de- sireth, that he do take such a pill, or a spoonful of liquor ; or burn such an incense ; or anoint his tem ples, or the soles of his feet, with such an ointment or oil : and you must choose, for the composition of such pill, perfume, or ointment, such ingredients as do make the spirits a little more gross or muddy ; whereby the imagination will fix the better. 955. The body passive and to be wrought upon, (I mean not of the imaginant,) is better wrought upon (as hath been partly touched) at some times than at oth ers : as if you should prescribe a servant about a sick person (whom you have possessed that his master shall recover) when his master is fast asleep, to use such a root, or such a root. For imagination is like to CENTURY X. 145 work better upon sleeping men than men awake ; aa we shall shew when we handle dreams. 956. We find in the art of memory, that images visible work better than other conceits : as if you would remember the word philosophy, you shall more surely do it by imagining that such a man (for men are best places) is reading upon Aristotle's Physics ; than if you should imagine him to say, I^ll go study philosophy. And therefore this observation would be translated to the subject we now speak of: for the more lustrous the imagination is, it filleth and fixeth ~ ' the better. And therefore I conceive that you shall, in that experiment (whereof we spake before) of bind ing of thoughts, less fail, if you tell one that such an one shall .name one of twenty men, than if it were one of twenty cards. The experiment of binding of thoughts would be diversified and tried to the full : and you are to note whether it hit for the most part, though not always. 957. It is good to consider upon what things imag ination hath most force : and the rule (as I conceive) is, that it hath most force upon things that have the lightest and easiest motions. And therefore above all, upon the spirits of men ; and in them, upon such af fections as move lightest ; as upon procuring of love ; binding of lust, which is ever with imagination ; upon men in fear ; or men in irresolution ; and the like. Whatsoever is of this kind would be thoroughly in quired. Trials likewise would be made upon plants, and that diligently : as if you should tell a man, that such a tree would die this year ; and will him at these and these times to go unto it, to see how it thriveth. As for inanimate things, it is true that the motions of VOL. V. 10 146 NATURAL HISTORY. shuffling of cards, or casting of dice, are very light motions : and there is a folly very usual, that game sters imagine, that some that stand by them bring them ill luck. There would be trial also made of holding a O ring by a thread in a glass, and telling him that hold- eth it, before, that it shall strike so many times against the side of the glass, and no more ; or of holding a O ' * O key between two men's fingers, without a charm ; and to tell those that hold it that at such a name it shall go off their fingers ; for these two are extreme light motions. And howsoever I have no opinion of these things, yet so much I conceive to be true ; that strong imagination hath more force upon things living, or that have been living, than things merely inanimate : and more force likewise upon light and subtile motions, than upon motions vehement or ponderous. 958. It is an usual observation, that if the body of one murthered be brought before the murtherer, the wounds will bleed afresh. Some do affirm, that the dead body, upon the presence of the murtherer, hath opened the eyes ; and that there have been such like motions, as well where the party murthered hath been strangled or drowned, as where they have been killed by wounds. It may be that this participated of a miracle, by God's just judgment, who usually bring- eth murthers to light : but if it be natural, it must be referred to imagination. 959. The tying of the point upon the day of mar riage, to make men impotent towards their wives, which (as we have formerly touched) is so frequent in Zant and Gascony, if it be natural, must be referred to the imagination of him that tieth the point. I con ceive it to have the less affinity with witchcraft, be- CENTURY X. 147 cause not peculiar persons only, (such as witches are,) but any body may do it. Experiments in consort touching the secret virtue of sympathy and antipathy. 960. There be many things that work upon the spirits of man by secret sympathy and antipathy : the virtues of precious stones, worn, have been anciently and generally received, and curiously assigned to work several effects. So much is true ; that stones have in them fine spirits, as appeareth by their splendour ; and therefore they may work by consent upon the spirits of men, to comfort and exhilarate them. Those that are the best for that effect, are the diamond, the em erald, the jacinth oriental, and the gold stone, which is the yellow topaz. As for their particular proprieties, there is no credit to be given to them. But it is manifest that light, above all things, excelleth in com forting the spirits of men : and it is very probable that light varied doth the same effect, with more novelty. And this is one of the causes why precious stones com fort. And therefore it were good to have tincted Ian- thorns, or tincted screens, of glass coloured into green, blue, carnation, crimson, purple, &c., and to use them with candles in the night. So likewise to have round glasses, not only of glass coloured through, but with colours laid between crystals, with handles to hold in one's hand. Prisms are also comfortable things. They have of Paris-work, looking-glasses bordered with broad borders of small crystal, and great coun terfeit precious stones, of all colours, that are most glo rious and pleasant to behold ; especially in the night. The pictures of Indian feathers are likewise comfort- 148 NATURAL HISTORY. able and pleasant to behold. . So also fair and clear pools do greatly comfort the eyes and spirits ; espe cially when the sun is not glaring, but overcast ; or when the moon shineth. 961. There be divers sorts of bracelets fit to com fort the spirits ; and they be of three intentions ; re frigerant, corroborant, and aperient. For refrigerant, 1 wish them to be of pearl, or of coral, as is used ; and it hath been noted that coral, if the party that weareth it be ill disposed, will wax pale ; which I believe to be true, because otherwise distemper of heat will make coral lose colour. 1 commend also beads, or little plates of lapis lazuli ; and beads of nitre, either alone or with some cordial mixture. 962. For corroboration and confortation, take such bodies as are of astringent quality, without manifest cold. I commend bead-amber ; which is full of astric- tion, but yet is unctuous, and not cold ; and is con ceived to impinguate those that wear such beads ; I commend also beads of hartshorn and ivory, which are of the like nature ; also orange beads ; also beads of lignum aloes, macerated first in rose-water, and dried. 963. For opening, I commend beads, or pieces of the roots of cardans benedictus : also of the roots of piony the male ; and of orrice ; and of calamus aromaticus ; and of rue. 964. The cramp (no doubt) cometh of contraction of sinews ; which is manifest, in that it cometh either by cold or dryness ; as after consumptions, and long agues ; for cold and dryness do (both of them) con tract and corrugate. We see also that chafing a little above the place in pain, easeth the cramp ; which is CENTURY X. 149 wrought by the dilatation of the contracted sinews by heat. There are in use for the prevention of the cramp, two things ; the one rings of sea-horse teeth worn upon the fingers ; the other bands of green peri winkle (the herb) tied about the calf of the leg, or the thigh, &c., where the cramp .useth to come. I do find this the more strange, because neither of these have any relaxing virtue, but rather the contrary. I judge therefore that their working is rather upon the spirits within the nerves, to make them strive less, than upon the bodily substance of the nerves. 965. I would have trial made of two- other kinds of bracelets, for comforting the heart and spirits : the one of the trochisch of vipers, made into little pieces of beads ; for since they do great good inwards (espe cially for pestilent agues), it is like they will be effect ual outwards, where they may be applied in greater quantity. There would be trochisch likewise made of snakes ; whose flesh dried is thought to have a very opening and cordial virtue. The other is, of beads made of the scarlet powder which they call kermes ; which is the principal ingredient in their cordial con fection alkermes : the beads would be made up with ambergrise, and some pomander. 966. It hath been long received, and confirmed by divers trials, that the root of the male-piony dried, tied to the neck, doth help the falling sickness ; and like wise the incubus, which we call the mare.1 The cause of both these diseases, and especially of the epilepsy from the stomach, is the grossness of the vapours 1 Cardan (De Subtil, xviii. p. 641.) affirms that peony thus applied is good against gout, but he does not mention the falling sickness. But com pare the same writer, De Rer. Varitt. p. 172. 150 NATURAL HISTORY. which rise and enter into the cells of the brain : and therefore the working is by extreme and subtile at tenuation ; which that simple hath. I judge the like to be in castoreum, musk, rue-seed, agnus castus seed, &c. 967* There is a stone^ which they call the blood stone, which worn is thought to be good for them that bleed at the nose : which (no doubt) is by astriction and cooling of the spirits.1 Quaere, if the stone taken out of the toad's head be not of the like virtue ; for the toad loveth shade and coolness. 968. Light may be taken from the experiment of the horse-tooth ring, and the garland of periwinkle, how that those things which assuage the strife of the spirits, do help diseases, contrary to the intention desired : for in the curing of the cramp, the intention is to relax the sinews ; but the contraction of the spirits, that they strive less, is the best help : so to procure easy travails of women, the intention is to bring down the child; but the best help is, to stay the coining down too fast : whereunto they say the toad-stone likewise helpeth. So in pestilent fevers, the intention is to expel the infection by sweat and evaporation : but the best means to do it is by nitre, disascordium, and other cool things, which do for a time arrest the expulsion, till nature can do it more quietly. For as one saith prettily : In the quenching of the flame of a pestilent ague, nature is like people that come to quench the fire of a house ; which are so busy, as one of them letteth another. Surely it is an excellent axiom, and of manifold use, that whatsoever appeaseth the contention of spirits, furthereth their action. i See Joyful News, &c., p. 18. CENTURY X. 151 969. The writers of natural magic commend the wearing of the spoil of a snake, for preserving of health. I doubt it is but a conceit ; for that the snake is thought to renew her youth by casting her spoil. They might as well take the beak of an eagle, or a piece of a hart's horn, because those renew. 970. It hath been anciently received, (for Pericles the Athenian used it,) and it is yet in use, to wear little bladders of quicksilver, or tablets of arsenic, as preservatives against the plague : not as they conceive, for any comfort they yield to the spirits, but for that being poisons themselves, they draw the venom to them from the spirits.1 971. Vide the experiments 95, 96, and 97, touching the several sympathies and antipathies for medicinal use. 972. It is said that the guts or skin of a wolf, being applied to the belly, do cure the colic.2 It is true, that the wolf is a beast of great edacity and digestion ; and so, it may be, the parts of him comfort the bowels. 1 I do not know where this is related of Pericles. Mercurialis, in his De Venenis et Morbis renenosis, ii. 9. (Venice, 1583), speaks of it as a recent invention, so that he at least did not believe that 1'ericles had employed it. Mercurialis was eminently learned in medical literature, so that his silence on this point deserves notice. Straussius affirms that Carpi, who died in ]550, is the first writer who mentions the practice, but that it appears to have been common in Turkey at an earlier time. See Straussius, fyrist. ud Com.it. Diybfeiim (Kenelm Digby), in the The'itrum Sy input!/ eti cum, p. 136., and for a full account of all arsenical and other amulets Isbrand de Die- merbroeck, De Peste, ii. 11., who refers to a great number of writers. I may add to those he has mentioned, Caesalpinus, De Rebus Metallicis, i. 30., and Septalius, De Ptste. [Bacon was perhaps thinking of the charm which Pericles wore about his neck when he was ill of the plague; which is mentioned by Plutarch, on the authority of Theophrastus. — J. S.\ 2 Cardan, De Subtil, xviii. p. 639. Almost all the statements in the suc ceeding paragraphs, to 980. inclusive, are taken from Cardan. See the De Subtil, p. 639. to p. 641. 152 NATURAL HISTORY. 973. We see scare-crows are set up to keep birds from corn and fruit. It is reported by some that the head of a wolf, whole, dried, and hanged up in a dove- house, will scare away vermin ; such as are weasels, polecats, and the like. It may be the head of a dog will do as much ; for those vermin with us, know dogs better than wolves. 974. The brains of some creatures (when their heads are roasted) taken in wine, are said to strengthen the memory ; as the brains of hares, brains of hens, brains of deers, &c. And it seemeth to be incident to the brains of those creatures that are fearful.1 975. The ointment that witches use is reported to be made of the fat of children digged out of their ~~ graves ; of the juices of smallage, wolf-bane, and cinque-foil, mingled with the meal of fine wheat. But I suppose that the soporiferous medicines are likest to do it ; which are henbane, hemlock, mandrake, moon- shade, tobacco, opium, saffron, poplar-leaves, &c. 976. It is reported by some that the affections of beasts, when they are in strength, do add some virtue unto inanimate things ; as that the skin of a sheep devoured by a wolf, moveth itching ; that a stone bitten by a dog in anger, being thrown at him, drunk in powder, provoketh choler. 977. It hath been observed that the diet of women with child -doth work much upon the infant ; as if the mother eat quinces much, and coriander-seed, (the na ture of both which is to repress and stay vapours that 1 It seems difficult to understand why the brain of one animal should have more effect than that of another, but as phosphorus appears to exist in a peculiar state in the brain, it is quite possible that in cases in which a failure of memory arises from deficient nutrition of the organ (assuming that there are such cases), the diet mentioned in the text might be useful CENTURY X. 153 ascend to the brain,) it will make the child ingenious ; and on the contrary side, if the mother eat (much) onions or beans, or such vaporous food ; or drink wine or strong drink immoderately ; or fast much ; or be given to much musing ; (all which send or draw va pours to the head ;) it endangereth the child to become lunatic, or of imperfect memory : and I make the same judgment of tobacco often taken by the mother. 978. The writers of natural magic report that the heart of an ape, worn near the heart, comforteth the heart, and increaseth audacity. It is true that the ape is a merry and bold beast. And that the same heart likewise of an ape, applied to the neck or head, helpeth the wit ; and is good for the falling sickness : the ape also is a witty beast, and hath a dry brain ; which may be some cause of attenuation of vapours in the head. Yet it is said to move dreams also. It may be the heart of a man would do more, but that it is more against men's minds to use it; except it be in such as wear the reliques of saints. 979. The flesh of a hedge-hog, dressed and eaten, is said to be a great drier: it is true that the juice of a hedge-hog must needs be harsh and dry, because it putteth forth so many prickles : for plants also that are full of prickles are generally dry ; as briars, thorns, berberries ; and therefore the ashes of a hedge-hog are said to be a great desiccative of fistulas. O 980. Mummy hath great force in stanching of blood; which, as it may be ascribed to the mixture of balms that are glutinous ; so it may also partake of a secret propriety; in that the blood draweth man's flesh. And it is approved that the moss which groweth upon the skull of a dead man unburied, will stanch blood po- 154 NATURAL HISTORY. tently : and so do the dregs, or powder of blood, severed from the water, and dried. 981. It hath been practised, to make white swal lows, by anointing of the eggs with oil.1 Which effect «' ~O may be produced by the stopping of the pores of the shell, and making the juice, that putteth forth the feathers afterwards, more penurious. And it may be, the anointing of the eggs will be as effectual as the anointing of the body ; of which vide the ex periment 93. 982. It is reported that the white of an egg, or blood, mingled with salt-water, doth gather the salt- ness, and maketh the water sweeter. This may be by adhesion ; as in the sixth experiment of clarifica tion : it may be also, that blood, and the white of an egg, (which is the matter of a living creature,) have some sympathy with salt : for all life hath a sympathy with salt. We see that salt laid to a cut finger healeth it ; so as it seemeth salt draweth blood, as well as blood draweth salt. 983. It hath been anciently received that the sea- hare hath an antipathy with the lungs, (if it cometh near the body,) and erodeth them. Whereof the cause is conceived to be, a quality it hath of heating the breath and spirits ; as cantharides have upon the wa tery parts of the body, as urine and hydropical water. And it is a good rule, that whatsoever hath an opera tion upon certain kinds of matters, that, in man's body, worketh most upon those parts wherein that kind of matter aboundeth. 984. Generally, that which is dead, or corrupted, or excerned, hath antipathy with the same thing when it 1 Cardan, De Rerum Varietate, xvi. 90. p. 311. CENTURY X. 155 is alive, and when it is sound ; l and with those parts which do excern : as a carcase of man is most infec tious and odious to man ; a carrion of an horse to< an horse, &c. ; purulent matter of wounds, and ulcers, carbuncles, pocks, scabs, leprosy, to sound flesh ; and the excrement of every species to that creature that excerneth them. But the excrements are less perni cious than the corruptions. 985. It is a common experience, that dogs know the dog-killer ; when, as in times of infection, some petty fellow is sent out to kill the dogs ; and that, though they have never seen him before, yet they will all come forth, and bark, and fly at him. 986. The relations touching the force of imagination and the secret instincts of nature, are so uncertain, as they require a great deal of examination ere we con clude upon them. I would have it first throughly in quired, whether there be any secret passages of sympa thy between persons of near blood ; as parents, children, brothers, sisters, nurse-children, husbands, wives, &c. There be many reports in history, that upon the death of persons of such nearness, men have had an inward feeling of it. I myself remember, that being in Paris, and my father dying in London, two or three days be fore my father's death I had a dream, which I told to divers English gentlemen, that my father's house in the country was plastered all over with black mortar. There is an opinion abroad, (whether idle or no I can not say,) that loving and kind husbands have a sense of their wives breeding child, by some accident in their own body. 1 "Horret enim omne simile maxime simile cum corruptum est." — Car* dan, De Subtil, p. 641. 156 NATURAL HISTORY. 987. Next to those that are near in blood, there may be the like passage and instincts of nature between great friends and enemies : and sometimes the revealing is O unto another person, and not to the party himself. I remember Philippus Comminens (a grave writer) re- porteth, that the Archbishop of Vienna (a reverend prelate) said one day after mass to King Lewis the eleventh of France: Sir, your mortal enemy is dead; what time Charles Duke of Burgundy was slain at the battle of Granson against the Switzers.1 Some trial also would be made, whether pact or agreement do any thing ; as if two friends should agree, that such a day in every week, they, being in far distant places, should pray one for another, or should put on a ring or tablet one for another's sake ; whether if one of them should break their vow and promise, the other should have any feeling of it in absence. 988. If there be any force in imaginations and af fections of singular persons, it is probable the force is much more in the joint imaginations and affections of multitudes : as if a victory should be won or lost in 1 Charles the Bold was not killed at Granson, but at Nancy; nor is the story told by Philippe de Comines. We have no authority for it but that of the anonymous author of an account of Angelo Caltho, Archbishop of Vienne. to whom Comines inscribed his memoirs. This account is pre fixed to several editions of them, and first, I believe, to that which Sauvage published in 1605. In truth, Comines' silence is, as Bayle remarks, almost conclusive against the story, and it is remarkable that Bacon should have ascribed it to him, as Sauvage, whose edition Bacon probablv used, notes in the margin that it is odd that Comines should have omitted so singular an incident. Caltho is called Cato in Madlle. Dupont's edition of Comines. He was a native of Tarento, and was a long time in the service of the Duke of Burgund^v, whom he deserted after the defeat at Granson. A similar story is told with respect to Richard Cceur de Lion, — that his death was announced at Rome on the day it happened, by a bishop whom he had deprived of his see. " Telum Limogiae," said the bishop, interrupting him self while he was performing mass, "occidit Leonem Anglise." CENTURY X. 157 remote parts, whether is there not some sense thereof in the people whom it cpncerneth ; because of the great joy or grief that many men are possessed with at once ? Pius Quintus, at the very time when that memorable victory was won by the Christians against the Turks, at the naval battle of Lepanto, being then hearing of causes in the consistory, brake off suddenly, and said to those about him, It is now more time we should give thanks to Grod for the great victory he has granted us against the Turks : it is true that victory had a sym pathy with his spirit; for it was merely his work to conclude that league.1 It may be that revelation was divine : but what shall we say then to a number of ex amples amongst the Grecians and Romans ? where the people being in theatres at plays, have had news of victories and overthrows, some few days befortf any messenger could come. It is true that that may hold in these things, which is the general root of superstition ; namely, that men observe when things hit, and not when they miss ; and commit to memory the one, and forget and pass over the other. But touching divination, and the misgiving of minds, we shall speak more when we handle in general the nature of minds, and souls, and spirits. 989. We have given formerly some rules of imagi- 1 This story rests upon better authority than most stories of the same kind. Catena tells it in his Life of Pius V., published in 1586, only four teen years after the battle. The Pope was not engaged in hearing causes, but in transacting affairs of state with his minister Bussoti. See Catena, Vita di Pio V. p. 195. Cardinal de Perron mentions it as a thing which •verybody at Rome knew to be true. 158 NATURAL HISTORY. nation ; and touching the fortifying of the same. We have set down also some few instances and directions, of the force of imagination upon beasts, birds, &c. ; upon plants ; and upon inanimate bodies : wherein you must still observe, that your trials be upon subtile and lio-ht motions, and not the contrary ; for you will sooner by imagination bind a bird from singing than from eating or flying ; and I leave it to every man to choose experi ments which himself thinketh most commodious ; giving now but a few examples of every of the three kinds. 990. Use some imaginant, (observing the rules for merly prescribed,) for binding of a bird from singing ; and the like of a dog from barking. Try also the imagination of some, whom you shall accommodate with things to fortify it, in cock-fights, to make one cock more hardy and the other more cowardly. It would be tried also in flying of hawks ; or in coursing of a deer, or hart, with grey-hounds ; or in horse races ; and the like comparative motions ; for you may sooner by imagination quicken or slack a motion, than raise or cease it ; as it is easier to make a dog go slower, than to make him stand still that he may not run. 991. In plants also, you may try the force of imagi nation upon the lighter sort of motions : as upon the sudden fading, or lively coming up of herbs ; or upon their bending one way or other ; or upon their closing and opening, &c. 992. For inanimate things, you may try the force of imagination upon staying the working of beer when the barm is put in ; or upon the coming of butter or cheese, after the churning,1 or the rennet be put in. 1 cherming in the original. — J. S. CENTURY X- 159 993. It is an ancient tradition every where alleged, for example of secret proprieties and influxes, that the torpedo marina, if it be touched with a long stick, doth stupefy the hand of him that toucheth it. It is one degree of working at distance, to work by the continu ance of a fit medium ; as sound will be conveyed to the ear by striking upon a bow-string, if the horn of the bow be held to the ear. 994. The writers of natural magic do attribute much to the virtues that come from the parts of living creat ures ; so as they be taken from them, the creatures remaining still alive : * as if the creature still living did infuse some immateriate virtue and vigour into the part severed. So much may be true ; that any part taken from a living creature newly slain, may be of greater force than if it were taken from the like creature dying of itself, because it is fuller of spirit. 995. Trial would be made of the like parts of indi viduals in plants and living creatures ; as to cut off a stock of a tree, and to lay that which you cut off to putrefy, to see whether it will decay the rest of the stock : or if you should cut off part of the tail or leg of a dog or a cat, and lay it to putrefy, and so see whether it will fester, or keep from healing, the part which remaineth. 996. It is received, that it helpeth to continue love, if one wear a ring, or a bracelet, of the hair of the party beloved. But that may be by the exciting of the imagination : and perhaps a glove, or other like favour, may as well do it. 997. The sympathy of individuals, that have been entire, or have touched, is of all others the most in- 1 Porta, Natural Magic, i. 14. 160 NATURAL HISTORY. credible ; yet according unto our faithful manner of examination of nature, we will make some little men tion of it. The taking away of warts, by rubbing them with somewhat that afterwards is put to waste and consume, is a common experiment ; and I do ap prehend it the rather, because of mine own experience. I had, from my childhood, a wart upon one of my fin gers : afterwards, when I was about sixteen years old, being then at Paris, there grew upon both my hands a number of warts (at the least an hundred) in a month's space. The English ambassador's lady, who was a woman far from superstition, told me one day, she would help me away with my warts : whereupon she got a piece of lard, with the skin on, and rubbed the warts all over with the fat side ; and amongst the rest, that wart which I had had from my childhood : then she nailed the piece of lard, with the fat towards the sun, upon a post of her chamber windoAv, which was to the south. The success was, that within five weeks' space all the warts went quite away : and that wart which I had so long endured, for company. But , at the rest I did little marvel, because they came in a short time, and might go away in a short time again : but the going away of that which had stayed so long, doth yet stick with me. They say the like is done by rubbing of warts with a green elder stick, and then burying the stick to rot in muck. It would be tried with corns and wens, and such other excrescences. I would have it also tried with some parts of living crea tures that are nearest the nature of excrescences ; as the combs of cocks, the spurs of cocks, the horns of beasts, &c. And I would have it tried both ways ; both by rubbing those parts with lard, or elder, as before ; CENTURY X. 161 and by cutting off some piece of those parts, and laying it to consume ; to see whether it will work any effect towards the consumption of that part which was once joined with it. 998. It is constantly received and avouched, that the anointing of the weapon that maketh the wound, will heal the wound itself. In this experiment, upon the relation of men of credit, (though myself, as yet, am not fully inclined to believe if,) you shall note the points following. First, the ointment wherewith this is done is made of divers ingredients ; whereof the strangest and hardest to come by, are the moss upon the skull of a dead man unburied, and the fats of a boar and a bear killed in the act of generation. These two last I could easily suspect to be prescribed as a starting-hole ; that if the experiment proved not, it might be pretended that the beasts were not killed in the due time : for as for the moss, it is certain there is great quantity of it in Ireland, upon slain bodies, laid on heaps unburied. The other ingredients are, the blood-stone in powder, and some other things, which seem to have a virtue to stanch blood ; as also the moss hath. And the description of the whole ointment is •to be found in the chemical dispensatory of Crollius.1 Secondly, the same kind of ointment applied to the hurt itself worketh not the effect ; but only applied to the weapon. Thirdly, (which I like well,) they do not observe the confecting of the ointment under any certain constellation ; which commonly is the excuse of magical medicines Avhen they fail, that they were 1 See his Basilica Chymica, p. 400. In the edition I have seen, that of 1643, nothing is said as to the time of killing the bear and the boar. On the subject of " unguenta armaria," see a collection of tracts in the Thea- tiitm Sympatheticum. VOL. V. 11 162 NATURAL HISTORY. not made under a fit figure of heaven. Fourthly, it may be applied to the weapon, though the party hurt be at great distance. Fifthly, it seemeth the imagina tion of the party to be cured is not needful to concur ; for it may be done without the knowledge of the party wounded : and thus much hath been tried, that the ointment (for experiment's sake) hath been wiped off the weapon, without the knowledge of the party hurt, and presently the party hurt hath been in great rage of pain, till the weapon was re-anointed. Sixthly, it is affirmed that if you cannot get the weapon, yet if you put an instrument of iron or Avood, resembling the weapon, into the wound, whereby it bleedeth, the anointing of that instrument will serve and work the effect. This I doubt should be a device to keep this strange form of cure in request and use ; because many times you cannot come by the weapon itself. Seventh ly, the wound must be at first washed clean with white wine, or the party's own water; and then bound up close in fine linen, and no more dressing renewed till it be whole. Eighthly, the sword itself must be wrapped up close, as far as the ointment goeth, that it taketh no wind. Ninthly, the ointment, if you wipe it off from the sword and keep it, will serve again ; and rather increase in virtue than diminish. Tenthly, it will cure in far shorter time than ointments of wounds commonly do. Lastly, it will cure a beast, as well as a man ; which I like best of all the rest, because it sub- jecteth the matter to an easy trial. Experiment solitary touching secret proprieties. 999. I would have men know, that though I repre hend the easy passing over of the causes of things, by CENTURY X. 163 ascribing them to secret and hidden virtues and pro prieties ; (for this hath arrested and laid asleep all true inquiry and indications ;) yet I do not understand but that in the practical part of knowledge, much will be left to experience and probation, whereunto indication cannot so fully reach : and this not only in specie, but in individuo. So in physic, if you will cure the jaun dice,1 it is not enough to say that the medicine must not be cooling ; for that will hinder the opening which the disease requireth : that it must not be hot ; for that will exasperate choler: that it must go to the gall ; for there is the obstruction which causeth the disease, &c. But you must receive from experience, that powder of Chamgepitys, or the like, drunk in beer, is good for the jaundice.2 So again, a wise physician doth not con tinue still the same medicine to a patient ; but he will vary, if the first medicine doth not apparently succeed : for of those remedies that are good for the jaundice, stone, agues, &c., that will do .good in one body which will not do good in another ; according to the corre spondence the medicine hath to the individual body. ^Experiment solitary touching the general sympathy of men's spirits. 1000. The delight which men have in popularity, fame, honour, submission and subjection of other men's minds, wills, or affections, (although these things may lie desired for other ends,) seemeth to be a thing in itself, without contemplation of consequence, grateful and agreeable to the nature of man. This thing (surely) is not without some signification, as if all spirits and souls of men came forth out of one divine ljaundies in the original. — J. 8. ' 2 See Pliny, xxiv. 20. 164 NATURAL HISTORY. limbus ; else why should men be so much affected with that which others think or say ? The best temper of minds desireth good name and true honour: the lighter, popularity and applause : the more depraved, subjection and tyranny ; as is seen in great conquerors and troub- lers of the world ; and yet more in arch-heretics ; for the introducing of iiew doctrines is likewise an affec tation of tyranny over the understandings and beliefs of men. A TABLE OF THE EXPERIMENTS * CENTURY Vin. Page Of Veins of Earth Medicinal .... 7 Of Spunges ....... 7 Of Sea-fish in Fresh Waters ... .8 Of Attraction by Similitude of Substance . . .9 Of Certain Drinks in Turkey . • . .10 Of Sweat . . . . . . .10 Of the Glow-worm . . . . . .12 Of the Impressions upon the Body from several Passions of the Mind ....... 13 Of Drunkenness . . . . . .19 Of the Hurt or Help of Wine, taken moderately . .21 Of Caterpillars . . . . . .21 Of the Flies Cantharides . . . . .22 Of Lassitude ....... 22 Of Casting the Skin, and Shell, in some Creatures . . 23 Of the Postures of the Body . . . .25 Of Pestilential Years . . . . .25 Of some Prognostics of Hard Winters . . .26 Of certain Medicines that Condense and Relieve the Spirits 26 Of Paintings of the Body . . . . .27 Of the Use of Bathing and Anointing . . .28 Of Chamoletting of Paper . . . . .29 Of Cuttle Ink ...... 29 Of Earth increasing in Weight . . . .30 Of Sleep ....... 30 * For the first part of this Table see the end of vol. iv. of this edition. 166 NATURAL HISTORY. Pag. Of Teeth, and Hard Substances in the Bodies of Living Creatures . . . . . . .31 Of the Generation and Bearing of Living Creatures in the Womb . . . . . . .36 Of Species Visible . . . . . .38 Of Impulsion and Percussion . . . .40 Of Titillation . . . . . .41 Of Scarcity of Rain in Egypt . . . .42 Of Clarification . . . . . .42 Of Plants without Leaves . . . . .43 Of the Materials of Glass . . . . .43 Of Prohibition of Putrefaction, and the long Conservation of Bodies .... 44 Of Abundance of Nitre in certain Sea-shores . . 46 Of Bodies borne up by Water . .46 Of Fuel consuming little or nothing . . .47 Of Cheap Fuel ...... 47 Of Gathering of Wind for Freshness . . .48 Of Trials of Airs .... 48 Of Increasing Milk in Milch Beasts . . . .49 Of Sand of the Nature of Glass . . . .49 Of the Growth of Coral . . . . .50 Of the Gathering of Manna . . . . .50 Of the Correcting of Wines . . . . . 51 Of Bitumen, one of the Materials of Wild-fire . . 51 Of Plaster growing as hard as Marble . . .52 Of the Cure of some Ulcers and Hurts . . .52 Of the Healthfulness or Unhealthfulness of the Southern Wind . . .- . .52 Of Wounds Made with Brass, and with Iron . . 53 Of Mortification by Cold . . . . .53 Of Weight ....... 54 Of Super-natation of Bodies . . . .54 Of the Flying of Unequal Bodies in the Air . . 55 Of Water, that it may be the Medium of Sounds . . 56 Of the Flight of the Spirits upon Odious Objects . . 56 Of the Super-reflexion of Echoes . . . .57 Of the Force of Imagination imitating that of the Sense . 57 TABLE OF THE EXPERIMENTS. 167 Pag« Of Preservation of Bodies ... .58 Of the Growth or Multiplying of Metals . . .5% Of the Drowning the more Base Metal in the more Pre cious . . . . . . .59 Of Fixation of Bodies . . . . .60 Of the Restless Nature of Things in themselves, and their Desire to Change . . . . . 61 — CENTURY IX Of Perception in Bodies Insensible, tending to Natural Divi nation and Subtile Trials . . . . .63 Of the Causes of Appetite in the Stomach . . .73 Of Sweetness of Odour from the Rainbow . . .74 Of Sweet Smells . .' . . .. .75 Of the Corporeal Substance of Smells . . .75 Of Fetid and Fragrant Odours . . . .76 Of the Causes of Putrefaction . . .78 Of Bodies imperfectly Mixed ... . .79 Of Concoction and Crudity . . . . .79 Of Alterations, which may be called Majors . .81 Of Bodies Liquefiable, and not Liquefiable . . .82 Of Bodies Fragile and Tough . . . .83 Of the two Kinds of Pneumaticals in Bodies . . 83 Of Concretion and Dissolution of Bodies . . .84 Of Bodies Hard and Soft ... .85 Of Bodies Ductile and Tensile . . . .85 Of several Passions of Matter, and Characters of Bodies . 86 Of Induration by Sympathy . . . . .87 Of Honey and Sugar . . .88 Of the Finer sort of Base Metals . . 89 Of Certain Cements and Quarries . . . .89 Of the Altering of Colours in Hairs and Feathers . . 90 Of the Differences of Living Creatures, Male and Female . 90 Of the Comparative Magnitude of Living Creatures . 92 Of Producing Fruit without Core or Stone . . 93 Of the Melioration of Tobacco . . .93 Of several Heats working the same Effects . . .94 Of Swelling and Dilatation in Boiling . . 95 168 NATURAL HISTORY Pag« Of the Dulcoration of Fruits . . . .95 Of Flesh Edible and not Edible . . . .96 Of the Salamander . . . . . 97 — Of the Contrary Operations of Time on Fruits and Liquors 98 Of Blows and Bruises . . . . .98 Of the Orrice Root . . . . . .99 Of the Compression of Liquors . . . .99 Of the Working of Water upon Air Contiguous . . 100 Of the Nature of Air . . . . . 100 - Of the Eyes and Sight . . . . .101 Of the Colour of the Sea or other Water . . . 104 Of Shell-fish 104 Of the Right Side and the Left . . . . 105 - Of Frictions . . . . . . .105 Of Globes appearing flat at Distance . . . 106 Of Shadows . . . . . . .106 Of the Rolling and Breaking of the Seas . . . 106 Of the Dulcoration of Salt Water . . . .107 Of the Return of Saltness in Pits by the Se/i-shore . .107 Of Attraction by Similitude of Substance . . .108 Of Attraction . . . . . . 108 - Of Heat under Earth . . . . .109 Of Flying in the Air . . . . . 109 - Of the Scarlet Dye . . . . . ,109 Of Maleficiating . . . . . .110 Of the Rise of Liquors or Powders by Means of Flame . 110 Of the Influences of the Moon . . .• Ill - Of Vinegar . . . . . . .114 Of Creatures that Sleep all WTinter . . . 114 Of the Generating of Creatures by Copulation, and by Pu trefaction . . . . . . . 115 ^. CENTURY X. Of the Transmission and Influx of Immateriate Virtues, and the Force of Imagination . . . . .117 Of the Emission of Spirits in Vapour, or Exhalation, Odour- like ...... .125 Of Emissions of Spiritual Species which affect the Senses . 183 TABLE OF THE EXPERIMENTS. 169 Page Of Emission of Immateriate Virtues, from the Minds and Spirits of Men, by Affections, Imagination, or other Im- 1 04. pressions . Of the Secret Virtue of Sympathy and Antipathy . Of Secret Virtues and Proprieties . Of the General Sympathy of Men's Spirits . . 163 SCALA INTELLECTS. PREFACE SCALA INTELLECTUS AND PBODEOII. THE two following pieces (which complete the first part of the Philosophical Works) were first published by Gruter in 1653. They are not included in Dr. Rawley's Opuscula (1658), nor mentioned in his list of Bacon's later writings. As to the date of their composition, I can find no grounds even for a guess. Either of them might apparently have been written at any time after the plan of the Instauratio in its six parts had been once conceived. Gruter. places them among what he calls Impetus Philosophici ; which merely means that they came to him as loose sheets without any direction under what title to arrange them. There can be no doubt however that they were intended as prefaces to the fourth and fifth parts of the Instauratio respectively ; nor is there any rea son to suppose that they had been either abandoned or superseded. Being unable therefore to follow the order of composition, I follow the order of matter, and put them here where they were meant ultimately to stand. With these prefaces the collection of works pub lished or designed for publication as parts of the In- 174 PREFACE TO THE SCALA INTELLECTUS stauratio Magna must close. Of the fourth part not even any fragment has come down to us, unless the Inquisitio legitima de Mbtu, sive Filum LabyrintM, be taken for one. But though this was undoubtedly in tended to be " verae et legitimae de rebus inquisitionis exemplar" — and such it was the business of the fourth part to exhibit, — I rather think that it was designed originally for the second part (as the example in which the new method was to be set forth), and that the Inquisitio de Formd Calidi was substituted for it. I have preferred therefore to place it among the works abandoned or superseded. With regard to the fifth part however, I am not so confident that Mr. Ellis is right in refusing a place in it to the De Fluxu et Refluxu, the Thema CceK, the De Principiis atque Originibus, and the Cogitationes de Naturd Rerum ; all which he classes as " occasional writings, not belonging to the circuit of the Instaura- tio" It is true that they were written long before the publication of the Nbvum Organum, and that they do not come within the circuit of Bacon's work on the Interpretation of Nature as originally projected. That work (to judge by the title, which has fortunately been preserved) was to be distributed into three books, the first to prepare the mind, the second to explain the method, the third to exhibit the results of the method applied. It must therefore have been designed to cov er the ground occupied by the second and sixth parts of the Instauratio, and perhaps also that occupied by the third and fourth ; but could not have been meant to contain anything answering to the first and fifth. My own impression however is, that one of Bacon's objects in enlarging the design was to make a place AND PRODROMI. 175 in the great structure for occasional writings of this kind, which could not have properly come into any of those three books originally planned. The addi tion of the third and fourth parts indeed, — that is, the assigning of a separate part to the Phenomena Uni- versi, and a separate parf to the /Scala Intellects, — may be regarded as a development merely of the orig inal idea ; for the exposition of the new method could not be complete without at least one perfect exam ple of an inquiry legitimately conducted through all the processes and ending in the discovery of the form ; nor could such an example be exhibited without a specimen of the " historia naturalis et experimentalis qua? sit in ordine ad condendam philosophiara," in reference at least to that one subject. But the matter to be contained in the first and fifth was avowedly extraneous to the main design ; and the addition of these is most easily accounted for by supposing that in prefixing the first, Bacon meant to make a place for the Advancement of Learning and for a variety of mis cellaneous works not bearing on natural philosophy ; and in interpolating the fifth, for sundry philosophical speculations which his studies had suggested to him, and which he regarded as guesses worth preserving ; though, being no better than " anticipationes mentis," — conclusions derived through an imperfect logical machinery from imperfect knowledge, — they were to be looked upon as provisional only, and by no means as specimens of the PhilosopMa Secunda. If there be any truth in this conjecture, the pieces which I have mentioned have a fair claim to a place among the Prodromi, and might follow the preface. In deference however to Mr. Ellis's judgment I have 176 PREFACE TO THE SCALA INTELLECTUS, ETC. placed them in a class by themselves. If any reader prefers to regard them as belonging to the Instauratio, he has only to pass to the next volume,* overlook the titlepage, and read on. This collection of the fragments of the Great In- siauration as Bacon left it dould hardly however have been concluded more appropriately than with the t\\o short' pieces which follow ; in which we see the vision which suggested the enterprise, the grounds of reason which seemed to justify it as sober and practicable, the hope which sustained and the spirit which regulated it, still as fresh as when he started ; but the end as far off as ever, and all the laborious preparations for the fu ture harvest breaking off abruptly in a reiteration of the exhortations, warnings, and promises, with which they were commenced. Atque opere in medio defixa reliquit aratra! J. S. * In this edition these pieces, except Thema Cadi, are contained in this volume. SCALA INTELLECTUS FILUM LABYEINTHI. DIFFICTLIS sane foret repreliensio eorum quibus jiihil sciri placnit, si decretum durum interpretatione mol- liore correxissent. Si quis enim asserat, hoc ipsum scire, recte acceptum, esse per causas scire ; causarum autem cognitionem gliscere, et serie et veluti catena perpetua ad notissima naturae scandere, adeo ut par- ticularium rerum cognitio, absque exacta universas naturae compreherisione, proprie non absolvatur ; non facile invenias quod sano cum judicio contradici pos- sit. Nam et veram alicujus rei scieatiam haberi posse anteqiiam mens in causarum explicatione plane consistat, minus consentaneum ; et perfectam universi cognitionem humanae naturae attribuere atque asserere, temerarium fortasse quiddam atque impotentis cujus- dam animi censeri possit. Verum illi contra, nulla hujusmodi usi interpretatione aut moderatione, sen- suum oracula prorsus profanare non veriti sunt ; quod cum summa rerum desperatione conjunctum est. Quod si verum omnino dicendum sit ; etiamsi ab hac calumnia abstinuissent, tamen haec ipsa lis VOL. V. 12 178 SCALA INTELLECTUS intempestive et contentiose mota videatur ; cum citra istam quam intelligere videntur ipsissimam veritatem tantus humanae industrial pateat campus, ut sit res praspostera et quasi mentis commotas et perturbatre, de extremis obtinendis solicitum tantas in medio sitas utilitates prsetermittere. Nam utcunque per veri et probabilis distinctionem, scientiaa certitudinem destru- ere, usum retinere, videri volunt ; atque, quoad ac- tivam partem, delectum rermn illaasum relinquere ; tamen, sublata ex animis hominum veritatia exqui- rendae spe, proculdubio nervos inquisitioni humanae inciderunt, et promiscua quaerendi licentia, inveniendi negotium in exercitationem quandam ingenii et dis- putationis verterunt. Veruntamen negare plane non possumus, quin si qua nobis cum antiquis intercedat societas, ea cum hoc genere philosophise maxime con- juncta sit ; cum multa ab illis de sensuum variation- ibus et judicii humani infirmitate et de cohibendo et sustinendo assensu prudenter dicta et animadversa probemus ; quibus etiam innumera alia, quae eodem pertinent, adjungere possemus ; adeo ut inter nos et illos hoc tan turn intersit, quod illi nil vere sciri posse prorsus, nos nil vere sciri posse ea qua adhuc gens humana ingressa est via, statuamus. Neque vero hujus societatis nos pudet. Si enim in hunc coetum recipiantur non solum ii qui sententia et pla- cito hoc tenent et opinantur, sed et illi qui idem ant forma ipsa interrogandi et objiciendi pra3 se ferunt, aut conquerendo de rerum obscuritate et indignando fatentur et quasi clamant, aut secreto animo agitant et raris et occultis vocibus veluti insusurrant, invenias in hoc numero viros ex antiquis longe maximos, et SIVE FILUM LABYRINTHI. 179 contemplationum principes, in quorum consortium in- cludi neminem poeniteat. Pronuntiandi enim confi- dentiam fortasse unus aut alter ex antiquis usurpavit; neque tamen invaluit ea ipsa, nisi baud ita pridem barbaris seculis ; nunc autem factione quadam, atque consuetudine et incuria, retinetur. Sed tamen rursus in hac de qua diximus societate facile quis perspexe- rit, nos erga illos viros initiis opinionum conjunctos, exitu in immensum divisos esse. Etsi enim primo non multum dissentire videamur, quod illi incompe- tentiam humani intellectus simpliciter, nos sub modo asseramus ; nihilominus hue res redit, ut illi, nullum huic malo remedium invenientes aut sperantes, nego- tium deserant ; et sensus certitudinem invadendo, sci- entiam ab imis fundamentis evertant : nos, novam •viam afferentes, turn sensus turn mentis errores regere et restituere conemur. Itaque illi, jactam arbitrati aleam, ad ingenii quandam peregrinationem liberam et amoenam se vertunt : nobis ex opinione nostra dif- ficilis et remota obvenit provincia, qua? ut generi hu- mano felix et fausta sit perpetuo precamur. Itaque initia viarum secundo libro descripsimus ; easdem ipsi continue ingressi,1 tertio Phenomena Universi et His- toriam tractavimus ; in quo certe sylvas naturas, et va- riatione infinita experimentorum veluti foliis opacas et obscuras, et observationum subtilitate veluti virgultis et vepribus implicatas, penetravimus et prasterivimus. Atque nunc ad magis aperta fortasse sed tamen ad magis ardua pervenimus, ex sylvis scilicet ad radices montium. Nam ab bistoria ad universalia certo at- 1 The original has a full stop after ingressi. I have followed the example of M. Bouillet in substituting a comma. — J. 8. 180 SCALA INTELLECTUS que constant! tramite (licet via nova et intentata) ducemus. Atque certe non male in vias contempla- tionum conveniret illud celebre et decantatum apud antiques bivium vitse activse ; ex quo via altera, pri me ingressu plana et facilis, ducebat ad prserupta et impervia ; altera, a principio ardua et suspensa, in plana desinebat.1 Nam eodem prorsus modo, qui jam inde a prima inquisitione immobilia qu^dam in sci- entiis principia prensabit, quibus acquiescens caetera veluti per otium expediat ; ilium, si modo perrexerit nee riimium sibi placens aut displicens ab inquisitione destiterit, prioris vise fortuna manet. Qui autem judicium cohibere, et gradatim adscendere, et reram veluti montium juga, unum primo, deinde alterum ac rursus alterum, superare, cum patientia vera et indefessa sustinuerit ; ille ad summitates et vertices naturae mature perveniet, ubi et static serena et pul- cherrimus rerum prospectus et descensus molli clivo ducens ad omnes practicas. Itaque consilium nos trum est, verae et legitimas de rebus inquisitionis, ut in secundo libro praecepta, ita hie exemplaria propon- ere et describere pro varietate subjectorum ; idque ea forma, quam cum veritate summum consensum ha- bere putamus, atque ut probatam et electam tradi- mus. Neque tamen, more apud homines recepto, omnibus hujus formulas partibus necessitatem quan- dam attribuimus, tanquam unicae essent et inviolab- iles. Neque enim hominum industriam et felici- tatem veluti ad columnam alligandas existimamus. Atque nihil officit, quo minus ii qui otio magis abundant, aut a difficultatibus quas primo experien- i Hesiod. Oper. 287. SIVE FILUM LABYRINTHI. 181 tern sequi necesse est liberi jam erunt, rem monstra- tarn in potius perducant. Quin contra, artem veram adolescere statuimus.1 1 So in the original. Possibly the manuscript was imperfect at the end, and the sentence completed by conjecture: for this can hardly be what Bacon wrote. The aphorism is repeated in many places, and al ways in the form artem inveniendi cum inventis adolescere. See the end of the first book of the Novum Organum. — J. S. PRODROMI 8IVK ANTICIPATIONS PHILOSOPHIC SECUNM. PIUEFATIO. EXISTIMAMUS eum et amantis civis et viri pruden- tis personam bene simul sustinuisse, qui interrogatus an optimas leges suis civibus dedisset, optimas certe, dixit, ex iis quas illi accepturi fuissent.1 Atque certe quibus non tantum bene cogitasse satis est (quod non multo secus est ac bene somniasse) nisi obtineant quoque et rem ad effectum perducant, iis non optima utique, sed ex iis quas probari verisimile est potissi- ma, quandoque eligenda sunt. Nobis vero, licet Hu- manam Rempublicam, patriam communem, summo prosequamur amore, tamen legislatoria ilia ratione et delectu uti liberum non est. Neque enim leges in- tellectui aut rebus damus ad arbitrium nostrum, sed tanquam scribae fideles ab ipsius naturae voce latas et prolatas excipimus et describimus. Itaque sive illse placeant, sive per opinionum suffragia antiquentur, fides nostra omnino exsolvenda est. Neque tamen spem abjecimus, quin sint atque exoriantur apud pos- teros nonnulli, qui optima qnajque capere et conco- i Diog. Laert. in Sol. PRODROMI. 183 quere possint, et quibus ea perficere et colere curaB erit. Itaque ad ilia ipsa tendere, atque fontes rerum et utilitatum aperire, et viarum indicia undique con- quirere (invocata Numinis ope), nunquam dum in vivis erimus desistemus. lidem nos, de eo quod ad omnes pertinere et in commune prodesse possit soli- citi, dum ad majora > contendimus, minora non asper- namur (cum ilia remota, haec parata esse soleant), nee potiora (ut arbitramur) afferentes, idcirco veteri- bus ac receptis, quominus ilia apud plurimos raleant, intercedimus ; quinetiam ea ipsa et aucta et emen- data et in tyonore esse cupimus. Neque enim homines aut omnes aut omnino aut statim a receptis et credi- tis abducere conamur. Sed quemadmodum sagitta aut missile fertur certe in processu, sed tamen inte rim conversiones suas perpetuo expedit, progrediendo et nihilominus rotando ; ita et nos, dum ad ulteriora rapimur, in receptis et cognitis volvimur et circumferi- mur. Quamobrem nos quoque rationis ipsius com- munis et demonstrationum vulgarium (abdicato licet imperio earum) honesta opera utimur ; atque ea quae nobis secundum eas inventa et judicata sunt, quaeque plurimum et veritatis et utilitatis habere possunt, pari cum caeteris jure pro[)ouemus. Sed tamen neque per hoc iis qua? de rationis nativa? et demonstrationum veterum incompetentia dicta sunt derogatum quid- quam intelligimus. Quin base potius adjunximus ad tempus, et in gratiam eorum qui justa excusatione aut virium aut occupationum retardati contempla- tiones suas intra veteres scientiarum plagas et pro- vincias, aut saltern earum confinia contermina, sistere volent. Eadem iis qui veram naturae interpretationem secundum indicia nostra accedent, eamque molientur, 184 PRODROMI. loco diverticulorum aut tabernaculorum in via preebi- torum ad solatium et levamentum esse queant; atque interim humanas fortunas aliqua ex parte juvare, et mentes cogitationibus quas paulo arctiorem cognatio- Nnem habeant cum natura perfundere. Id vero ex facilitate aliqua nostra, aut ejus fiducia, miniine omi- namur. Verum nobis dubium non est, si quis medi- ocris licet ingenii, sed tamen animi maturus, idola mentis sua3 deponere atque inquisitionem de integro sibi decernere atque inter vera historiae naturalis at que ejus calculos attente et diligenter et libere ver- sari velit et possit ; quin ille ipse, quisquis sit, longe altius in naturam penetraturus sit ex sese, et propriis et genuinis mentis viribus, denique ex meris Antici- pationibus suis, quam per omnigenam authorum lec- tionem, aut meditationem abstractam infinitam, aut disputationes assiduas et repetitas ; etsi machinas non admoverit, nee interpretandi formam secutus fuerit. Quare et simile quippiam nobis usu venire posse non diffidimus ; praesertim cum accedat interpretandi ex- perimentum et exercitatio, quam ipsum habitum men tis corrigere et mutare probabile est. Neque tamen haec in earn partem accipi volumus, ac si fidem quam antiquorum placitis denegavimus nostris adhiberi postu- lemus. Quin contra testamur et profitemur, nos ipsos istis quae jam proponemus, qualiacunque ea sint, teneri minime velle, ut omnia Philosophise nostrae Secundae et Inductivae tamquam Integra serventur. Cogitata autem ipsa spargere, non methodo revincire, visum est. Haec enim forma pubescentibus tamquam a stirpe de integro scientiis debetur ; atque ejus est, qui non ar- tem constituere ex connexis, sed inquisitionem liberam instituere in singulis, in pnesentia tantum velit. PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. PAKT H. WORKS ON SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA, BUT NOT MEANT TO BE INCLUDED IN IT ; ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY WERE WRITTEN. Ista enim nos tanquam in Hmine Historiaa Naturalis stantes prospicimus, quae quanto inagis quis se immerserit in Historiam Naturalem tanto fortasse probabit magis. Attamen testamur iterum nos hie teneri nolle. In his enim, ut in aliis, certi vise nostrae sumus, certi sedis nostrse non sumus. — Thema Call, 1612. PREFACE. ALL the works except one which belong to this part, and several of the most interesting among those which follow in the next, were published by Isaac Gruter in 1653 ; and since in explaining the arrangement which I have adopted I shall often have to refer to the vol ume in which they first apppeared, it will be well to give a particular account of it at once. Bacon, in his last will, — after bequeathing his col lection of speeches and letters to Bishop Williams and Sir Humphrey May, as being privy councillors, — com mended the rest of his papers to the care of Sir John Constable and Mr. Bosvile. " Also I desire my exec utors, especially my brother Constable, and also Mr. Bosvile, presently after my decease, to take into their hands all my papers whatsoever, which are either in cabinets, boxes, or presses, and them to seal up till they may at their leisure peruse them." What care, or whether any, was presently taken of these papers, I cannot learn. But it is probable that for fourteen months after Bacon's death, they remained locked up ; — for so long it was before any one had authority to act ; the executors named in the will refusing or delaying to assume their office, and letters of administration being granted on the 13th of July, 188 PREFACE. 1627, to Sir Robert Rich and Mr. Thomas Meautys, two of the creditors ; — and that then, or not long after, they were placed in the hands of Mr. Bosvile. This Mr. Bosvile, better known as Sir William Bos- well, was sent, soon after Bacon's death, to the Hague ; where he resided for several years as agent with the States of the United Provinces. He was knighted on the 18th of May, 1633, and died I believe in 1647. Whether all Bacon's remaining manuscripts were sent to him, or only a portion of them, is not known. What we know is that, among those which were sent, there were many philosophical pieces written in Latin ; that he consulted Isaac Gruter about them ; and that the result was a 12mo volume printed by Elzevir at Amsterdam in the year 1653, entitled Francisci Baconi de Verulamio Scripta in Naturali et Universali Philo- sopliid, and containing these pieces following : — 1. A Prayer, headed Temporis Partus Masculus, sive Instauratio magna imperil humani in universum. The same in substance, and almost the same in expression, as the prayer which is introduced towards the end of the Preface to the Instauratio (Vol. I. p. 208.) : placed here by itself on the blank side of the title-leaf, as if it were a motto to the volume — an office for which the heading makes it altogether inappropriate. 2. Oogitata et Visa; to which is added a Latin trans lation of Sir Thomas Bodley's letter to Bacon concerning that work. (p. 62.) 3. Descriptio G-lobi Intellectualis. (p. 75.) 4. Thema Oceli. (p. 154.) PREFACE. 189 5. De Fluxu et Itefluxu Maris. (p. 178.) 6. De Principiis atque Originibus secundum Fabulas Cupidinis et Coeli, $c. (p. 208.) These are all printed as separate pieces ; each carry ing its own title along the top of its own pages. Then follow, under a general running title of Impe tus Philosophies : — 7. Indicia Vera de Interpretatione Naturce. (p. 285.) Merely the Pnefatio to the Novum Organum, already printed in the first volume of this edi tion, p. 233. 8. Partis Instaurationis Seeundce Delineatio et Argu- mentum. (p. 293.) Printed as if it were a sequel to the last, the two forming one piece ; which originally perhaps they did. 9. Phenomena Universi, sive Historia Naturalis ad condendam Philosophiam. (p. 323.) A fragment, consisting of a preface intended for the third part of the Instauratio, and a rudiment of the His toria Demi et Ran, with which it seems that Bacon then intended to begin his collection of histories. 10. Scala Intellectus, sive Filiim Labyrinthi. (p. 379.) A preface intended for the fourth part of the In stauratio. Already printed. Supra p. 177. 11. Prodromi sive Anticipationes Philosophice Seeundce. (p. 385.) The preface intended for the fifth part of the Instauratio. Already printed. Supra p. 182. 12. Oogitationes de Naturd Rerum. (p. 389.) The 190 PREFACE piece with which in the present edition Part II. begins : infra p. 203. 13. A Preface, entitled Frandscus Bacon Lectori, (p. 431.) A first draught probably of the preface to the fourth part of the Instauratio. 14. Filum Labyrintlii, sive Inquisitio legitima de Motu. (p. 435.) A skeleton of an enquiry conducted upon the true method ; that is to say, a complete list of the titles of the several processes of an in vestigation into the Form of Motion ; followed by some general remarks, which may have been de signed for the conclusion of the work which Ba con had in contemplation when he wrote the Cogi- tata et Visa, and intended to set forth the new method in an example. 15. Franc. Baconi Aphorismi et Consilia, de auxiliis mentis et accensione luminis naturalis. (p. 448.) 16. De Interpretatione Natures Sentential XII. (p. 451.) This and the preceding are rudiments of the No- vum Organum. 17. Tradendi Modus legitimus. (p. 458.) This consists of two chapters ; of which the first is the same as the first chapter of the Temporis Partus Masculus; the second another form of the Redargutio Philo- sophiarum. They are printed here (probably by mistake) as if they were a sequel to the Sententice XII., with which they do not appear to be con nected. 18. De Interpretatione Naturae Prooemium. (p. 479.) This has been intended for a preface to the In- PREFACE. 191 stauratio, in some of its forms ; probably to the Temporis Partus Masculus. 19. Francisci Baconi Topica Inquisitionis de Luce et Lumine. (p. 485.) Another copy, with a few slight variations, of the paper which has been al ready printed (Vol. IV. p. 133.) from Dr. Kaw- ley's copy. Of these nineteen pieces, the last thirteen are (as I have said) distinguished from the others by a general running title of Impetus Philosophici ; the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th carrying each its own title on the top of its own pages ; and to the whole volume is pre fixed an address from Gruter to the reader, which con tains all the information that is to be had about it ; and which I must transcribe at length, the meaning being in some places so obscure that I can only guess at it. LECTORI S. ISAACTTS GRUTERUS. QU^E tibi damus Amice Lector, ad Universalem et Natu- ralem Philosophiam spectantia, ex Manuscriptis Codicibus, quos accurate recensuerat et varie emendarat author, me amanuense apographa sunt. Sola Bodlei epistola, qua? ad examen vocat Gogitala et Visa, per me ex Anglico facta Latina est, atque ex opere epistolarurn Baconi, quas tali idio- mate circumferuntur, hue translata ob materiae cognationem. Titulus quern frons libri praefert et totum complectitur opus- culi in varias dissertationes secti argumentum, ab ipso Veru- lamio est ; quern singular exhibent pagina? ex rerum tracta- tarum serie distinctum, a me, ut minus confunderet quaerentem Lectoi'em indiculi defectus. Quicquid sequitur, ab eo loco cujus inscriptio est in ipso contextu Indicia vera de interpre- 192 PREFACE. tatione naturce usque ad finem, donavi eo nomine Impetus Philosophici, quod ex familiaribus Viri magni colloquiis notassern, cum de istis chartis mecum ageret. Non aliter enim appellare solebat quicquid prioribus per titulos suos separatis connecteretur; ne quis imperfectum statim sus- picetur quod deferveseente Impetu non videt trahere syrma prolixaa tractationis. Omnia autem baec inedita (nisi quod in editis paucissimis rara exstent quarundam ex his rnedi- lationum vestigia) debes, Amice Lector, Nobilissimo Guil Boswello, ad quern ex ipsius Baconi legato pervenerant, cum aliis in politico et morali genere elaboratis, quae nunc ex dono TOV fjuaKapirov penes me servantur non diu premenda. Boswello inquam, viro nobilitate. prudentia insigni, varia eruditione, humanitate summa, el Oratori olim apud Batavos Anglo ; cujus sancta mihi memoria est. Vale et conatibus nostris fave, qui mox plura daturi sumus Baconiana latine versa, maximam partem inedita ; et o-uAAoy^v adornamus epistolarum quas vir eminentissimus Hugo Grotius scripsit ad Belgas, Germanos, Italos, Suecos, Danos, Gallis exceptis, quas Clarissimus Sarravius Senator Parisiensis edidit. Ro- gantur'itaque in quorum manus base inciderint, ut, si quid ejus notse habent, aut sciunt unde haberi queat, ad typo- graphum transmittant, et significent, casteris jam collectis aggregandum. From this statement we learn, first, that all the pieces in the volume are genuine, having been copied by Gruter from original manuscripts, bearing marks of revision and correction by Bacon himself; which manuscripts Gruter received directly from Sir William Boswell, to whom they had come directly from the executors ; secondly, that Gruter had then in his pos session, "non diu premenda," certain other writings of Bacon's (in Latin apparently) relating to morals and politics, which had come to Boswell along with PREFACE. 193 these ; and thirdly, that he had in his hands (but whether derived from the same source or not \ve cannot say) some pieces written by Bacon in Eng lish, and most of them unpublished ; and that of these he intended shortly to bring out a Latin trans lation. With regard to the works contained in this volume, he seems to have had no further information to give. He has confined himself to the simple office of tran scriber. The order in which they are arranged tells nothing either as to nature or date ; and the running titles, which are his own device, seem to imply a dis tinction which, being untrue, can only introduce con fusion. By assigning separate running titles to some of the pieces and printing all the rest under one gen eral running title of Impetus Philosophid, any one would suppose that he meant to distinguish the first as in some way different in character from the last, — to separate the complete from the incomplete, for in stance, the solid from the slight, or the deliberate and final judgment from the experimental and rudimen tary essay ; — whereas there is in fact no such dif ference to be found between the two : there being pieces among the last as complete in themselves as any among the first, and pieces among the first as incom plete as any among the last. And if I rightly un derstand Gruter's own explanation of his motive in making the distinction, — namely, lest the reader should impute the imperfection of the pieces to the fault of the editor instead of the defervescens impetus of the author, — it would even seem that he supposed the Descriptio Globi Intellectually and the De Principiis et Originibus to be complete ; which he could not pos- 13 194 PREFACE. sibly have done if he had read them with his mind as well as with his eyes. The fact probably is that the five pieces which stand first under separate titles — the priora per titulos suos separata — were found copied out in a book ; and that the rest, — " quicquid prioribus, &c. connecteretur," — were in separate papers, tied up with it. We happen to know from the Commentarius Solutus that in the year 1608 this was the way in which Bacon's manu scripts were actually arranged, — that among his Libri Gompositionum was one entitled Scripta in Naturali et Universali Philosophid, and that all his books " had pertaining to them fragments and loose papers of like nature with the books ; and those likewise were bun dled or laid up with the books." These last I pre sume it was, or such as these, that were called Impe tus Pliilosophici by the " Vir Magnus " (that is, by Boswell, — for Bacon cannot be meant) with whom Gruter conferred about the papers : a description convenient enough for the purpose of distinguishing in a box of manuscripts the loose from the bound-up pieces, but worse than useless when introduced, espe cially with such imperfect explanation, into a printed book. In the present edition, the plan of which makes it necessary to separate and disperse the several pieces collected by Gruter under this title, the title itself is of course dispensed with. But if the reader wishes to know which of Bacon's posthumous writings he had taken pains to preserve by having them transcribed into a book, and which he had merely kept by him in loose bundles, — a point which it may sometimes be of use to ascertain, — he will find in the table of contents which I have just given all the information PREFACE. 195 on the subject that can be extracted from Gruter's volume. The duty of transcriber Gruter appears to have per formed tolerably well ; there are but a few places in which the text is manifestly corrupt ; but since he has attempted nothing more, it is to be regretted that he has left us without any information as to the fate of the original manuscripts ; not one of which, I believe, is known to be in existence. There is not one of them which would not be well worth examining, if it could be found ; not only for the correction of the text, but because some interesting questions as to date might possibly be cleared up by help of the interlineations and alterations. Another question well worth asking is, what became of those moral and political pieces which Gruter had received from Boswell, and had by him in 1653, and intended to publish ? I cannot hear that he ever did publish anything answering the description ; and unless lie transferred them to* Dr. Rawley to be in cluded in the Opuscula (1658), which does contain a few things of the kind, they remain to be ac counted for. The unpublished English pieces, of which he an nounces his intention to bring out a Latin trans lation (an intention which I cannot learn that he ever fulfilled), may have been only copies of those which were published by Dr. Rawley in 1657. These were afterwards translated into Latin by S. J. Ar nold, and included (see Acta Eruditorum, vol. xiii. anno 1694, p. 400.) in an edition of Bacon's Op era Omnia which was published at Leipsic in that year. 196 PREFACE. In 1695 they were reprinted at Amsterdam by H. Wetstenius in a separate volume ; with the title Fran- cisci Baconi, £c., Opuscula historico-politica, Anglice olim conscripta, et nuper Latinitate donata d Simone Joanne Arnoldo, Ecdesice Sonnenbrugemis Inspectore. J. S. COGITATIONES DE NATUUA RE RUM. PKEFACE COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. THIS piece was printed by Gruter among the Impe tus Philosophici ; from which we may probably con clude that it had not been transcribed into the volume of Scripta in Naturali et Universali Philosophid : l but that is all. There is nothing to determine the date of composition, unless it be the absence of any allusion to the new star in Ophiuchus in the place where the new star in Cassiopeia is mentioned. See note, § x. The value of the argument will be more easily understood by comparing the passage in question' with a passage of the same import in a work, obviously later, where both these stars are mentioned together. In both cases the question under discussion is the immutability of the heavens. In the Cogitationes de Natard Rerum, of which the date is unknown, we find, "... mutationes in regionibus coelestibus fieri, ex cometis quibusdam satis liquet ; iis dico qui certam et constantem config- urationem cum stellis fixis servarunt ; qualis fuit ille qui in Cassiopea nostra astate apparuit." This star in Cassiopeia appeared in 1572. But another of the same kind, and no less remarkable, appeared in Sep- 1 See above, p. 194. 200 PREFACE TO tember 1604. It is said to have been brighter, when first seen, than Jupiter;1 and though its brightness di minished afterwards, it was distinctly visible for more than a year. It attracted so much attention as to be made the subject of three lectures of a popular char acter, given by Galileo to crowded audiences ; and it is difficult to believe either that Bacon did not know of it (he being then 44 years old, and busy at the time with the Advancement of Learning, and quite under standing the significance of the phenomenon ;) or that, if he did, he could have forgotten to mention it when speaking of the other. Accordingly, in the Descriptio Globi Intellectualis, which we know to have been writ ten about the year 1612, the passage which I have just quoted appears in a new form. " Id enim [sc. admi- randas in coelo accidere mutationes atque insolentias] perspicitur in cometis sublimioribus, iis nimirum qui et figuram stellar induerunt absque coma, neque solum ex doctrina parallaxium supra lunam collocati esse pro- bantur, sed configurationem etiam certain et constan- tem cum stellis fixis habuerunt, et stationes suas ser- varunt, neque errones fuerunt ; quales astas nostra non semel vidit ; primo in Cassiopea, iterum non ita pridem in OphvucJw." That when Bacon wrote the tenth Cogitatio he had not heard of the appearance of this second new star, may be assumed with considerable confidence. The only question is whether such a phenomenon could have been long known to the astronomers of his time, without his hearing of it ; of which I can only say that it seems unlikely, and that, in the absence of all 1 Maestlin. quoted in the Life of Galileo, Library of Useful Knowledge p. 16. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 201 evidence to the contrary, the presumption must be that these Cogitationes were composed before 1605. That they were composed before the appearance of the new star in Cygnus, cannot be so safely inferred. That star was much less conspicuous ; and it is a fact that Galileo himself, treating this very same argument, mentions both the others without making any allu sion to it. See Dial, dei Massimi Sistemi, p. 59. ed. Flor. 1842. The notes to this piece are Mr. Ellis's. J. S. COGITATIO I. De sectione corporum, continuo, et vacua. DOCTRINA Democriti de atomis aut vera est, aut ad demonstrationem utiliter adhibetur. Non l facile enim est naturae subtilitatem genuinara, et qualis in rebus ipsis invenitur, aut cogitatione complecti aut verbis exprimere, nisi supponatur atomus. Accipitur autem duobus sensibus atomus, non multum inter se diversis. Aut enim accipitur pro corporum sectionis sive fractio- nis termino ultimo sive portione minima ; aut pro cor- pore quod vacuo caret. Quod ad primum attinet, haec duo posita tuto et certo statui possunt. Alterum, inve- niri in rebus dispertitionem et comminutionem, longe ea quae sub adspectum cadit subtiliorem. Alterurn, earn tamen infinitam non esse, nee perpetuo divisibi- lem. Si qxiis enim diligenter attendat, reperiet rerum minutias in corporibus continuatis, eas quae in cor- poribus fractis et discontinuatis inveniuntur subtilitate longe vincere. Videmus enim parum croci in aqua infusum et agitatum, puta dolium aquaa ita inficere, ut ab alia aqua pura etiam visu distingui possit. Quae certe dispertitio croci per aquam, subtilitatem exquisi- tissimi pulveris superat. Quod manifestum fiet, si tan- 1 Nam in Gruter's copy. — J. S. 204 COGITATION ES DE NATURA RERUM. tundem pulveris ligni Brasilii, vel balaustiorum, vel alicujus rei optime coloratse (quoe tamen croci lento- rem ad se in liquoribus aperiendum et incorporandum non habeat) immisceas. Itaque ridiculum erat, ato- mos pro parvis illis corpusculis quse sub radiis solis conspiciuntur accipere. Ea enim pulveris instar sunt ; atomum autem, ut ipse Democritus aiebat, nemo un- quam vidit, aut videre possit. Sed ista rerum disper- titio in odoribus multo magis mirabilem se ostendit. O Etenim si parum croci dolium aquae colore, at parum zibethi coenaculum amplum odore, imbuere et inficere potest, et subinde aliud, et rursus aliud. Neque quis- quam sibi fingat, odores, luminis more aut etiam ca- loris et frigoris, absque communicatione substantial difFundi ; cum notare possit, odores etiam rebus soli- dis, lignis, metallis, adhaerescere, idque ad tempus non exiguum ; posse etiam frictione, lavatione, ab iisdern discuti et purgari. Verum in hisce et similibus, quod processus infinitus non sit, nemo sanus contradixerit ; cum intra spatia et limites, et corporum quantitates, hujusmodi dispertitio sive diffusio coliibeatur : ut in exemplis antedictis evidentissimum est. Quod ad se- cundum sensum atomi attinet, quod vacuum prsesup- ponit, atomumque ex privatione vacui definit ; bona et seria diligentia Heronis fuit, quse1 vacuum coacer- vatum necavit, vacuum commistum asseruit.2 Cum O * enim perpetuum corporum nexum cerneret, neque in- veniri prorsus aut assignari spatium aliquod quod cor- pore vacet ; et multo magis, cum corpora gravia et ponderosa sursum ferri, et naturas suas quoquo modo deponere et violare potius quam divulsionem absolu- 1 So in Gruter's copy. — J. S. a See note on Nov. Org. n. 48. [Vol. I. p. 513.] COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 205 tarn a corpore contiguo patiantur, videret ; naturain a vacuo majoris not*, sive coacervato, abhorrere prorsus statuit. Contra, cum eandem corporis materiam con- trahi, et coarctari, et rursus aperiri et dilatari perspi- ceret, et spatia inrequalia, interdum inajora interdum minora, occupare et complere ; non vidit quomodo liujusmodi ingressus et egressus corpornm in locis suis fieri possit, nisi propter vacuum admistum, minus vi delicet corpore compresso, plus relaxato. Necesse enim esse, contractionem istam per unum ex his tribus mo- dis fieri ; aut eo quern diximus, nempe quod vacuum pro ratione contractionis excludatur ; aut quod aliud aliquod corpus prius intermixtum exprimatur ; aut quod sit quondam naturalis (qualis qualis ea sit) cor- porum condensatio et rarefactio. Atque quod ad cor poris tenuioris expressionem attinet, ista ratio nullum exitum habere videtur. Nam verum est, spongias, et hujusmodi porosa, expresso acre contrahi. De acre ipso autem manifestum est per plurima experimenta, eum1 spatio notabili contrahi posse. Num ergo et ipsius aeris subtiliorem partem exprimi putandum est? et deinceps hujusmodi partis aliam, et sic in infinitum? Nam adversissimum tali opinioni est, quod quo tenu- iora corpora sint, eo majorem contractionem sustine- ant ; cum contra fieri oporteret, si contractio per ex pressionem partis tenuioris fieret. Atque de illo altero modo, corpora scilicet eadem, nee alias mutata, tamen magis et minus in raritate aut densitate recipere, non multum laborandum est. Positivum enim quiddam videtur esse, et ratione surda et inexplicata niti, qua- lia sunt fere Aristotelis pronuntiata. Restat itaque tertius ille modus, qui vacuum supponit. Quod si i cum in Gruter's copy. — J. S. 206 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. illud quis objiciat : durum videri, et fere incredibile, ut vacuum admistum sit, cum corpus ubique reperia- tur ; is si exempla quae modo adduximus, aquas croco, vel aeris odoribus infecti, ammo sedatiore consideret, facile perspiciet nullam partem posse assignari aquaa ubi crocus non sit, et tamen manifestum esse ex com- paratione croci et aquae antequam miscerentur, corpus aquas corpus croci multis numeris excedere. Quod si id in diversis corporibus invenitur, multo magis in corpore et vacuo hoc fieri putandum est. Verum in ea parte, Heronis, utpote hominis mechanici, contem- platio, ilia Democriti, philosophi clarissimi, inferior fuit : quod Hero, quia hie apud nos in nostro isto orbe vacuum coacervatum non reperit, ideo illud sim- pliciter negavit. Nil enim impedit, quominus in re- gionibus astheris, ubi proculdubio majores sunt corpo- rum expansiones, etiam vacuum coacervatum sit. In iis autem inquisitionibus et similibus semel monitum sit, ne quis propter tantam nature subtilitatem con- fundatur et diffidat. Cogitet enim et unitates et summas rerum ex aequo supputationi submitti. Tarn facile enim quis mille annos dixerit aut cogitarit,1 quam mille momenta ; cum tamen anni a multis mo- mentis constituantur. Neque rursus existimet aliquis, haec potius speculationis curiosae esse, quam ad opera et usum referri. Videre enim est omnes fere pbilos- ophos et alios qui in experientia et rebus particulari- bus sedulo versati sunt et naturam ad vivum dissec- uerunt, in hujusmodi inquisitiones incidere, licet eas feliciter non peragant. Neque alia subest causa po- tentior et verior, ob quam philosophia quam habemus efFectuum sit sterilis, nisi quod verborum et notionum 1 cogitaret in Gruter's edition. — J. S. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 207 vulgarium subtilitates captavit ; naturae subtilitatem non persecuta est, nee inquirere constituit. ii. De cegualitate ac incequalitate Atomorum sive Seminum. PYTHAGOR..E inventa et placita talia ex majore parte fuere, quae ad ordinem potius quendam religiosorum fundandum, quam ad scholam in philosophia aperien- dam, accommodata essent ; quod et eventus compro- bavit. Ea enim disciplina plus in haeresi Manichaeo- rum et superstitione Mahumeti quam apud philosophos valuit et floruit. Opinio tamen ejus, mundum ex numeris constare, eo sensu accipi potest, ut ad natu- ra3 principia penetret. Duplex enim est, atque adeo esse potest, opinio de atomis sive re rum seminibus : una Democriti, quse atomis inaaqualitatem et figuram, et per figuram situm, attribuit ; altera fortasse Pythag oras, quae eas omnino pares et similes esse asseruit.1 Qui enim sequalitatem atomis assignat, is omnia in numeris necessario ponit ; qui autem reliqua attributa admittit, is naturas primitivas atomorum singularium prseter numeros sive rationes coitionum adhibet. Ac- tiva autem quaestio quae huic speculativas respondet eamque determinare potest, ea est quam etiam De- mocritus adducit ; utrum omnia ex omnibus fieri pos- sint.2 Quod cum ille a ratione alienum putasset, 1 It is possible that Bacon may have been led to suggest this view of the Pythagorean philosophy by a passage in Stoba3us, Edog. i. 16. It is there said that Ecphantus, a Pythagorean of Syracuse, took as first principles atoms and vacuum, raf yap IIvi?a/op<«af fjavadaf ovrof Trpwrof uTre^yvaTO ou/jaTiKaf. But as metaphysical conceptions have, so to speak, a natural tendency to assume a merely physical character, the idea of a parallel be tween Democritus and Pythagoras may, it is not improbable, have occurred to him independently of this or any similar passage. 2 See Lucretius, i. 784. 208 COGITATIONES DE NATURA. RERUM. atomorum divcrsitatem tenuit. Nobis vero ea quaes- tio non bene instituta nee quasstionem priorem prem- ere videtur, si de transmutations immediata corpo- rum intelligatur. Verum utrura etiam per debitos circuitus et mutationes medias universa non transeant, ea demum quaestio legitima est. Dubium enim non est, semina rerum, licet sint paria, postquam se in certas turmas et nodos conjecerint, corporum dissi- milium naturam omnino induere, donee eaedem turmaa aut nodi dissolvantur ; adeo ut compositorum natura et affectus transmutationi immediatae non minori im- pedimento ac obici, quam simplicium, esse possit. Verum Democritus in corporum principiis investigan- dis acutus ; in motuum autem principiis examinandis sibi impar et imperitus deprehenditur ; quod etiam commune vitium omnium philosophorum fuit. At- que hujus de qua loquimur inquisitionis de prirna conditione seminum sive atomorum utilitas, nescimus an non sit omnino maxima ; ut quae sit actus et po- tentiae suprema regula, et spei et operum vera mode- ratrix. Etiam alia inquisitio inde fluit, cujus utilitas complexu minor, sed rebus et operibus propior est. Ea est de separatione et alteratione ; hoc est, quid per separationem fiat, et quid alia ratione. Familia- ris enim est animo humano error, qui etiam a cliym- istarum philosophia magnum robur et incrementum accepit ; ut ea separationi deputentur, quae alio spec- tent. Exempli gratia; cum aqua in vaporem transit, facile quis opinetur partem aquae subtiliorem emitti, crassiorem subsistere ; ut in ligno videre est, ubi pars in flamma et fumo evolat, pars in cinere manet. Sim ile quiddam et in aqua fieri quis putet, licet non tarn manifesto. Quamvis enim tota aqua quandoque ebul- COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 209 lire et consumi videatur, tamen faeces quasdam ejus, tanquam cinerem, vasi adhserescere posse. Verum et ista ratio cogitationem fallit. Certissimum enim est, totum corpus aquae in ae'rem posse mutari, et si quid vasi adhasrescat, id non ex delectu et separatione par tis crassioris, sed forte ut aliqua pars (licet pari om- nino cum ea qua? evolat substantia) situ vas tetigerit, evenire ; idque exemplo argenti vivi elucescit, quod totum fit volatile, et rursus totum absque diminutione vel tantilla consistit. Etiam in oleo lampadum et sevo candelarum, totum a pingui fit volatile, nee aliqua fit incineratio; nam fuligo post flammam, non ante flam- mam, gignitur; et flammae cadaver, non olei aut sevi sedimentum est. Atque hoc aditum quendam ad De- mocriti opinionem de diversitate seminum sive ato- morum labefactandam praebet. Aditum, inquam, in natura; nam in opinione aditus ille est multo mollior et blandior, quod philosophia vulgaris materiam suam commentitiam ad omnes formas asquam et communem fingit. in. De negligentia veterum in inquisitione de Motu ct Moventibus rerum Principiis. INQUISITIONEM de Natura in Motu contemplando ,et examinando maxime collocare, ejus est qui opera spectet. Quieta autem rerum principia contemplari aut comminisci, eorum est qui sermones serere et dis- putationes alere velint. Quieta autem voco principia, qua? docent ex quibus res conflentur et consistant, non autem qua vi et via coalescant. Neque enim ad agen dum et potestatem sive operationem humanam arnpli- ficandam suflScit, aut magnopere attinet, nosse ex quibus 14 210 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. res constant, si modes et vias mutationum et transfor- mationum ignores. Nam sumpto exemplo a mechanics (a quarum2 phantasia celebres ill* de principiis rerum inquisitiones fluxisse videntur), an forte qui simplicia theriacam ingredientia novit, is pro certo thenacam componere potest ? Aut qui sacchan, vitri, panm, materialia recte descripta apud se habet, num propterea artem qua3 . ad eorum prseparationem et effectionerr pertinet tenere videtur? Atque in hujusmodi tamen principiis mortuis investigandis et exammandis hor num speculationes pracipue occupata sunt ; ac si qui; cadaveris nature anatomiam inspicere, non naturae yiv facultates et virtutes inquirere, sibi proponat et destmet. De moventibus autum rentm principiis sermo fere in transitu habetur ; ut omnem admirationem superet, si intueamur quam negligenter et dissolute res omnni maxima et utilissima inquiratur et tractetur. Etemm si cooitationem de iis quaa dicuntur paulisper suscipia- mus; num stimulus material per privationem? num efformatio materi* ad ideam? num aggregate particu- larum similium? num agitatio fortuita atomorum in vacuo? num Iis et amicitia? num cceli et terras imprea siones reciprocal? num elementorum commercmm per qualitates symbolizantes ? 3 num influxus coelestium? num sympathia et antipathia rerum? num occult; specific* virtutes et proprietates ? num fatum, fortuna, necessitas? num, inquam, hujusmodi generaha, qua3 aliud sunt quam spectra et simulachra in superficie rerum, 1 This word is obviously a wrong reading for medicis. 2 Read quorum. 8 Those elements are said to symbolize, or to be allied, which have primary quality in common. Thus air symbolizes with fire, inasmuch aa both are hot; and with water, inasmuch as like water it is moist In the preceding clauses Bacon alludes successively to Aristotle, Plato, Anaxag- jrae, Democritus, Empedocles, and Parmemdes. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 211 veluti in aquis, natantia et ludentia, humanum genus beabunt aut opes humanas efficient auctiores ? Ista enim phantasiam implent, vel inflant potius ; sed nil prorsus ad operum effectionem, corporum mutationem, aut mot- uum regimen faciunt. Atque rursus, de motu naturali et violento, de motu ex seipso et aliunde, de terminis motuum, argutari et subtilitates captare ; et base quoque nil admodum de corpore naturae stringunt ; sed potius in cortice describuntur. Itaque his missis, vel ad popu- lares sermones damnatis et relegatis, illi demum rerum appetitus et inclinationes investigandae sunt, a quibus ista, quam videmus, tanta effectuum et mutationum varietas in operibus et naturae et artis conflatur et emergit. Atque tentandum ut naturas, veluti Proteo, vincula injiciamus. Sunt enim genera motuum recte inventa et discreta, vera Protei vincula. Nam prout motuum, id est, incitationum et cohibitionum, stimuli et nodi adhibentur, ad illud sequitur materiae ipsius con- versio et transform atio. IV. De divisione vulgari Motus, quod sit inutilis^ et minus acuta. DIVISIO Motus recepta in philosophia popularis videtur et absque fundamento, ut quse rem per effectus tantum dividit ; atque ad hoc, ut per causas sciamus, nihil con- ducit. Nam generatio, corruptio, augmentatio, diminutio, alteratio, latio ad locum, nil aliud quam opera et effectus motuum sunt ; 1 qui cum ad manifestam rerum muta- 1 From this enumeration it seems that Bacon was not aware that genera tion nnd corruption were not regarded by Aristotle as kinds of motion. But see Arist. Physic, v. 1. There are, according to Aristotle, three kinds of tcivrjaif or motion, corresponding to the three categories which admit of contrariety; namely, noaov, TroZov, and irov. To the first corresponds in- 212 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. tionem pervenerunt quae popular! notse subjacet, turn demum hisce nominibus (pingui satis contemplatione) insigniuntur. Neque enim dubitamus quin hoc sibi velint : cum corpora per motum (cujuscunque sit gene ris) eo usque processerint ut formam novam teneant vel veterem ponant (quod veluti periodus quaedam est, et justi spatii confectio), id motum generations et cor- 1-uptionis nominari ; sin autem, manente forma, quanti- tatem tantummodo et dimensionem novam adipiscan- tur, id motum augmentationis et diminutionis dici ; sin,1 manente etiam mole et claustris sive circumscriptione, tamen qualitate, actionibus, et passionibus mutentur, id motum alterations appellari ; sin, manente utique et forma et mole et quantitate, locum et nil aliud mutent, id per motum lationis significari. Verum haec omnia, acutius et diligentius inspicienti, mensura motus sunt, et periodi sive curricula quaedam motuum, et veluti pensa ; non verae differentiae ; cum quid factum sit designent, at rationem facti vix innuant. Itaque hu- jusmodi vocabula docendi gratia sunt necessaria, et dialecticis rationibus accommodata, naturalis autem scientiae egentissima. Omnes enim isti motus com- positi sunt, et decompositi, et multipliciter compositi ; cum perite contemplantibus ad simpliciora penetran- dum sit. Nam principia, fontes, causae, et formae mot uum, id est omnigenae materiae appetitus et passiones, philosophiae debentur ; ac deinceps motuum impressi- ones sive impulsiones ; fraena et reluctationes ; viae et obstructiones ; alternationes et mixtures ; circuitus et catenae ; denique universus motuum processus. Neque crement or decrement; to the second, alteration; and to the third, local motion. 1 [sic in Gruter's edition ; which,] as M. Bouillet has observed, ought to be tin. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 213 enira disputationes animosag, aut sermones probabiles, aut contemplationes vagae, aut denique placita speciosa, multum juvant. Sed id agendum, ut modis debitis, et ministerio naturae convenienti, motum quemcunque in materia susceptibili excitare, cohibere, intendere, remit- tere, multiplicare, ac sopire et sistere possimus ; atque inde corporum conservationes, mutationes, et transfor- mationes praestare. Maxime autem ii motus sunt in- quirendi, qui simplices, primitivi, et fundamentales sunt, ex quibus reliqui conflantur. Certissimum enim est, quanto simpliciores motus invenientur, tanto magis humanam potestatem amplificari, et a specialibus et praeparatis materiis liberari, et in nova opera invales- cere. Et certe quemadmodum verba sive vocabula omnium linguarum, immensa varietate, e paucis literis simplicibus componuntur ; pari ratione universes rerum actiones et virtutes a paucis motuum simplicium naturis et originibus constituuntur. T\irpe autem fuerit hornin- ibus, propriae vocis tintinnabula tarn accurate explo- rasse, ad naturae autem vocem tarn illiterates esse ; et more prisci seculi (antequam literae inventae essent) sonos tantum composites et voces dignoscere, elementa et literas non distinguere. v.1 De Quanto Materice certo, et quod* mutatio fiat absque interitu. OMNIA mutari, et nil vere interire, ac summam materiae prorsus eandem manere, satis constat. Atque 1 A manuscript in the British Museum (Add. 4258.), — for a full account of which see my Preface to the Cogitationes de Scientia Humana, the first piece in the third Part, — contains the fifth, sixth, seventh, and tenth of these Cogitationes. It has a few different readings, which I will point out here, though they are almost all mistakes. — J. S. 2 quas in MS. 214 COGITATIONES DE NATURA REKUM. ut omnipotentia Dei opus erat, ut aliquid crearetur e nihilo ; ita et similis omnipotentia requiritur, ut aliquid redigatur in nihilum. Id sive per destitutionem virtutis conservatricis sive per actum dissolutionis fiat, nihil ad rem : tantum necesse est, ut decretum intercedat Crea- toris. Hoc posito, ne cogitatio abstrahatur aut materia aliqua fictitia intelligatur, etiam illud significamus ; earn a nobis introduci materiam, atque ea n at ura investitam, nt vere dici possit, huic corpori plus materise adesse, illi autem (licet eandem mensuram expleant) minus. Ex empli gratia, plumbo plus, aquae minus, aeri multo minus : neque hoc solum indefinite et ratione incerta et surda, sed praecise ; adeo ut calculos haec res pati possit, veluti plus duplo, triple, et similiter. Itaque si quis dicat aerem ex aqua fieri posse aut rursus aquam ex aere, audiam ; si vero dicat similem mensuram aquae in similem mensuram aeris verti posse, non audiam ; idem enim est ac si dixisset aliquid posse redigi in nihilum. Similiter e converso, si dicat datam men suram aeris (exempli gratia vesicam content! certi aeris plenam) in similem mensuram aquae verti posse, idem est ac si dicat aliquid fieri posse ex nihilo. Ex his itaque positis, tria praecepta sive consilia ad usum derivare jam visum est ; ut homines peritius, et propter peritiam felicius, cum natura negotientur. Primum hujusmodi est, ut homines frequenter naturam de rationibus suis reddendis interpellent ; hoc est, cum corpus aliquod quod prius sensui manifestum erat aufugisse et disparuisse videant, ut non prius rationes admittant1 aut liquident, quam demonstratum eis fuerit quo tandem corpus illud migraverit, et ad quae recep- tum sit. Hoc, ut mine sunt res, negligentissime fit, 1 non admittant in MS. COGITATION ES DE NATURA RERUM. 215 et contemplatio plerumque cum aspectu desinit ; adeo ut flammas, rei vulgatissimae, receptum homines non norint ; quandoquidem earn in corpus aeris mutari falsissimum sit. Secundum hujusmodi, ut cum homines 1 considerent necessitatem naturae prorsus adamantinam qua3 materiae inest, ut se sustentet nee in nihilum cedat aut solvatur, illi rursus nullum genus vexationis et agitationis ma teriae praetermittant, si ultimas ejus operationes et ob- stinationes detegere atque educere velint. Atque hoc consilium non admodum artificiosum certe videri possit ; quis negat? sed utile tamen quiddam videtur, neque nihil in eo est. Veruntamen, si placet, etiam nunc parum observationis huic rei adspergamus. Itaque sic habeto.2 Maximum certe homini, sive operanti sive experienti, impediment um occurrit, quod materiae mas- sam certain absque diminutione aut accessione servare, et premere et subigere vix licet ; sed separatione facta ultima vis eluditur. Separatio autem duplex intervenit, aut quod pars materiae evolet, ut in decoctione : aut saltern quod secessio fit, ut in flore lactis. Intentio itaque mutationis corporum profundae et intimaa non alia est, quam si materia omnino debitis modis vexetur ; sed tamen istae dua3 separationes nihilominus interim prohibeantur. Turn enim materia vere constringitur, ubi fugae omnis via intercipitur. Tertium denique hujusmodi, ut homines cum corporum alterationes in eadem materia3 massa, neque aucta neque diminuta, fieri videant, primum eo errore phantasiam liberent, qui alte haaret ; alterationem nempe tantummodo per separationem fieri ; deinde ut sedulo et perite distinguere incipiant de alterationibus, quando ad separationem referri debeant ; quando ad disordinationem tantum, 1 homines cum in MS. 2 habete in MS. 216 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. et variam positionem partium absque alia separatione ', quando ad utramque. Neque enim (credo) cum pyrum immaturum et acerbum manibus l fortius attrectamus, contundimus, et subigimus, unde illud dulcedinem ac- quirit ; aut cum succinum vel gemma in pulverem sub- tilissimum redacta colorem deponunt ; materiae pars notabilis deperditur ; sed tantum partes corporis in nova positione constituuntur. Restat ut errorem quen- dam ex opinionibus hominum evellamus, cujus ea vis est, ut si fides ei adhibeatur,2 aliqua ex his quas diximus pro desperatis haberi possint. Vulgaris enim opinio est, rerum spiritus, cum ad intensiorem quendam gra- dum tenuitatis per calorem evecti8 sunt, etiam in vasis solidissimis (puta argenti, vitri), per occultos eorundem poros et meatus evolare ; 4 quod minus verum est. Neque enim aer aut spiritus, licet accedente calore rarefactus, non flamma ipsa, tarn libenter se comminuit, ut per hujusmodi poros exitum sibi quaerere aut facere sustineat. Verum ut nee aqua per rimam valde par- vam, ita nee aer per hujusmodi poros effluit. Nam ut aer aqua longe tenuior, ita et tales pori rimis conspicuis longe subtiliores sunt; neque opus haberet5 sub vase operto suffocari, si hujusmodi perspirationes illi ullo modo pra3sto essent aut competerent. Exemplum autem quod adducunt miserum est, vel potius miseran- dum ; ut sunt pleraeque contemplationes vulgaris philo sophise, cum ad particularia ventum est.6 Aiunt enim, si charta inflammata in poculum mittatur, et subito os poculi super vas aquas convertatur, aquam sursum trahi ; propterea quod postquam flamma, et aer per 1 per manus in MS. 2 exhibeatur in MS. 8 evectce in MS. 4 evolari in Gruter's edition. — J. 8. * haberet flamma in MS. 6 sit in MS. COGITATION ES DE NATURA RERUM. 217 flammam rarefactus, quae spatii ali quantum impleve- rant, per poros vasis exhalaverint, restare ut corpus aliquod succedat. Idem in ventosis fieri, quae carnes trahunt. Atque de successione aquae vel carnis bene sentiunt ; de causa quae praecedit, imperitissime. Neque enim est aliqua corporis emissio, quas spatium praebet, sed sola corporis contractio. Corpus enim in quod flamma recidit, longe minus spatium complet, quam flamrna antequam exstingueretur. Hinc fit illud inane, quod successionem desiderat. Atque in ventosis hoc evidentissimum est. Nam cum eas fortius trahere volunt, spongia aquae frigidae infusa illas tangunt, ut per frigus aer interior condensetur, et se in minus spatium colligat. Itaque demimus certe hominibus earn solicitudinem, ne de spirituum tain facili evola- tione laborent : cum et illi spiritus, quos saepe deside- rant, odorum, saporum, similium, non semper1 extra septa evolent,2 sed intra confundantur ; 3 hoc certis- simum est. VI. De Quiete Apparente, et Consistently et Fluore. QUOD quaedam quiescere videantur et motu privari, id secundum totum aut integrum recte videtur, secun- dum partes autem hominum opinionem fallit. Quies enim simplex et absoluta, et in partibus et in toto,4 nulla est ; sed quae esse putatur, per motuum impedi menta, cohibitiones, et gequilibria efficitur. Exempli gratia, cum in vasis 5 in fundo perforatis, quibus hortos irrigamus, aqua (si os vasis obturetur) ex foraminibus illis non effluit, id per motum retrahentem non per naturam quiescentem fieri perspicuum est. Aqua enim 1 temper om. MS. 2 evolant in MS. 8 confunduntur in MS. * et in partibus et in toto om. MS. 5 vasibus in MS. 218 COGITATIONES DE NATUKA RERUM. tarn coTitendit descendere, quam si actu suo potiatur ; sed cum in summitate vasis non sit quod succedat, aqua in irao ab aqua in summo retrahitur et vim patitur. Si quis enim alterum infirmiorem in lucta teneat, ut se movere non possit, atque ille nitatur ta- men l sedulo, non propterea minor est motus reniten- tiae, quia non prasvalet, et a motu fortiori ligatur. Hoc autem quod dicimus de falsa quiete, et in rebus innu- nieris utile cognitu est, et non minimum lucis prasbet in inquisitione naturae solidi et2 liquidi, sive consisten- tiae et fluoris. Solida enim videntur in positione sua manere et quiescere, liquida autem moveri et confundi. Neque enim columna ex aqua, aut alia effigies exstrui potest, ut de3 ligno vel lapide. Itaque in promptu est opinari, partes aquas superiores contendere (motu, quern appellant, naturali) ut defluant ; partes autem ligni non item. Atqui hoc verum non est ; cum idem insit motus partibus ligni quae in summo collocantur, ut deorsum ferantur, qui aquas ; idque in actum per- duceretur, nisi ligaretur et retraheretur iste motus a motu potiore. Is autem est certe appetitus continui- tatis, sive separationis fuga ; qua; et ipsa tarn aqua? quam ligno competit, sed in ligno est motu gravitatis fortior, in aqua debilior. Nam quod ex hujusmodi motu etiam quse liquida sunt participent, id manifestum est. Videmus enim in bullis aquae, ad separationem evitandam, aquam se in pelliculas conjicere, in hemis- phaerii formam confictas. Videmus etiam in stillicidiis, aquam ut aquas continuetur, in filum exile se producere et attenuare, quoad sequens aqua suppetat ; sin autem deficiat aqua ad continuationem, turn se in guttas ro- 1 So the MS. In Gruter's edit, tamen comes after propterea. a vel in MS. 8 e< in MS. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 219 tundas recipere, quarum diameter filo illo priore sit multo major.1 Simili modo videmus, aquam comminu- tionem magis exquisitam segre pati, cum ex foramini- bus et rimis (si subtiliores sint) natural! suo pondere absque concussione non effluat. Quare constat appe- titum continuitatis etiam liquidis inesse, sed debilem. At contra in rebus solidis viget, et motui naturali sive gravitati praedominatur. Si quis enim existimet, in columna ligni vel lapidis superiores partes non diffluere cupere, sed se in eodem plane statu sustinere ; is facile se corriget, si consideret columnam, sive similia, si alti- tudo ejus ad latitudinem basis non sit proportionata, sed modum excedat, stare non posse, sed devexo pon dere ferri ; adeo ut structuris praealtis necesse sit ut ad pyramidis formam inclinent, et sint versus summitatem angustiores. Qualis autem sit ea natura quae appe- titum istum continuitatis intendat aut remittat, non facile inquirenti occurret. Illud fortasse suggeretur, partes solidorum esse magis densas et compactas ; liq- uidorum 2 magis raras et solutas ; aut liquidis subesse spiritum, quod fluoris sit principium, qui in solidis de- sit ; et hujusmodi. Sed neutrum horum veritati con- sonum est. Manifestum enim est, nivem et ceram, quae secari et fingi et impressiones recipere possunt, argento vivo aut plumbo liquefacto longe esse rariora, ut in ratione ponderum evincitur. Quod si quis adhuc insistat, fieri posse ut nix aut cera, licet sit (in toto) argento vivo rarior, tamen habere possit partes magis clausas et compactas ; verum quia sit corpus spongio- sum et cava multa et aerem recipiat, ideo in summa effici leviorern ; ut in pumice fit, qui cum pro ratione molis sit fortasse ligno levior, tamen si utrumque in l diametrum and majus in MS. 2 liquorum in MS. 220 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. pulverem redigatur, pulverem pumicis pulvere ligni futurum graviorem, quia cavitates illae non amplius adsint ; haec bene notata et objecta sunt. Sed quid ad nivem et ceram colliquatam dicent, ubi jam cavitates expletas sunt ; vel quid ad gummi corpora, mastichen, et similia, quae cavitates istas manifestos non habent, et tamen sunt pluribus liquoribus leviora ? Quod autera de spiritu afferunt, per cujus vim et impetum res flu- ant ; id certe primo intuitu probabile est, et notioni- bus communibus familiare ; reipsa autem durius est et magis erroneum ; cum verse rationi non solum non in- nitatur, sed fere opponatur. Spiritus enim ille, quern dicunt, revera (quod mirum fortasse dictu) consisten- tiam inducit, non fluorem. Quod et optime in instan- tia nivis cernitur, quse cum ex aqua et aere composi- tum corpus sit, cumque et.aqua et aer seorsim fluant, in mixtura tamen consistentiam adipiscitur. Quod si quis objiciat, id evenire posse ex condensatione aquese partis per frigus, et non ab interpositione aeris ; is se corriget, si animadvertat etiam spumam corpus simile nivi esse, quod tamen a frigore nullo modo condensetur. Sin adhuc urgeat, et in spuma praacedere l condensationem, non a frigore, sed tamen ab agitatione et percussione ; is pueros consulat, qui ex levi aura per fistulam sive calamum inspirata, et aqua (ob parum saponis ad- mixtum) paulo tenaciore, miram et tamtam bullarum structuram conficiunt. Res autem sic se habet ; cor pora ad tactum corporis amici sive similis se solvere et laxare ; ad tactum autem corporis dissentientis se strin- gere et sustinere. Itaque appositionem corporis alieni esse consistentige causam. Sic videmus oleum aquae admistum, ut fit in unguentis, liquiditatem, quse et in 1 M. Bouillet reads procedere, which is doubtless right. COGITATIONES DE XATURA RERUM. 221 aqua et in oleo antea vigebat, quadantenus exuere. Contra videmus, papyrum aqua madefactam se solvere, et consistentiam (quie ob aerem antea in poris admis- tum valida erat) deponere ; oleo vero madefactam, minus ; quia oleum papyro minus consentiat. Idem quoque in saccharo videmus, et similibus, quas ad aquam vel vinum intromittenda se laxant, neque so- lum cum liquores illis incumbunt, sed eosdem quoque *ugunt et sursum trahunt.1 VII. De consensu corporum, quce sensu prcedita sunt, et quce sensu carent. PASSIONES corporum, quas sensu dotantur, et qua3 sensu carent, magnum consensum habent ; nisi quod in corpore sensibili accedat spiritus. Nam pupilla oculi speculo sive aquis gequiparatur ; et simili natura imag ines lucis et rerum visibilium excipit et reddit. Or- ganuin autem auditus obici intra locum cavernosum2 conforme est, a quo vox et sonus optime resultat. Attractiones autem rerum inanimatarum, et rursus horrores sive fuga? (eas dico, qua? ex proprietate faint) in animalibus, olfactui atque odoribus gratis et odiosis conveniunt. Tactus autem ratio et gustus, omnem quse in corporibus inanimatis accidere possit aut vio- lentiam aut contra insinuationem almam et amicam, ac universas earundem passionum figuras, veluti vates aut interpres exprimit. Nam compressiones, extensiones, erosiones, separationes, et similia, in corporibus mor- 1 The following sentence is added in the MS. : " Eadem est et spongi- arum ratio. Quin et metalla dum per calorem liquefiant, majorem partium Bequalitatem deposita naturali congelatione obtinent." — 7. S. 2 toco cavernoso in MS. 222 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. tuis in processu latent, nee nisi post effectum mani- festum percipiuntur. In animalibus autem cum sensu doloris secundum diversa genera aut characteres vio- lentise peraguntur, permeante per orania spiritu. At- que ab hoc principio deducitur cognitio, num forte alicui animantium adsit alius quispiam sensus, prae- ter eos qui notantur ; et quot et quales sensus in universe animantium genere esse possint. Ex pas- sionibus enim materiae rite distinctis sequetur nu- merus sensuum, si modo organa competant et accedat spiritus. VIII. De Motu Violento, quod sit fuga et discursatio partium rei propter pressuram, licet minime visibilis. MOTUS violentus (quern vocant) per quern missilia, ut lapides, sagittse, globi ferrei, et similia per aerem volant, fere omnium motuum est vulgatissimus. At- que in hujus tamen observatione et inquisitione miram et supinatn negligentiam hominum notare licet. Neque parvo detrimento in motus istius natura et potestate in- vestiganda offenditur ; cum ad infinita sit utilis, et tor- mentis, machinis, et universae rei mechanics, sit instar animse et vitse. Plurimi autem se perfunctos inquisi tione putant, si motum ilium violentum esse pronun- tient, et a naturali distinguant. Atque is sane est Aristotelis et scholae ejus mos proprius et disciplina, curare ut habeant homines quod pronuntient, non quod sentiant ; et docere quomodo aliquis affirmando aut negando se expedire, non cogitando se explicare et sibi satisfacere possit. Alii paulo attentius, arrepto illo posito duo corpora in UNO loco esse non posse, restare COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 223 aiunt ut quod fortius sit impellat, debilius cedat ; earn cessionem sive fugam, si minor adhibeatur vis, non ultra durare quam prima impulsio continuetur ; ut in protrusione ; si autem major, etiam remote corpora im- pellente ad tempus vigere, donee sensim remittatur ; ut in jactu. Atque hi rursus, alio ejusdem scholae more inveterate, primordia rei eaptant, de processu et exitu non solliciti ; tanquam prima quasque csetera trahant ; quo fit ut immatura quadam impatientia contempla- tionem abrumpant. Nam ad id quod corpora sub ipsum ictum cedant, aliquid afferunt ; sed postquam corpus impellens jam remotum sit, adeo ut necessi- tas ilia confusionis corporum jam plane cessaverit, cur postea motus continuetur, nihil dicunt, nee seipsi satis capiunt. Alii autem magis diligentes l et in inquisi- tione perseverantes, cum vim aeris in vends et simili- bus quse vel arbores et turres dejicere possit animad- vertissent, opinati sunt earn vim quae hujusmodi missilia post primam impulsionem deducat et comitetur aeri debere attribui, pone corpus quod movetur collecto et ingruenti ; cujus impetu corpus tanquam navis in gurgite aquarum vehatur. Atque hi certe rem non deserunt, atque contemplationem ad exitum perdu- cunt ; sed tamen a veritate aberrant. Res autem vere in hunc modum se habet. Prsecipuus motus partibus 1 See Fracastorius, De Sympath. tt Antipath. c. 4., to whom Bacon refers in the Nov. Org. fn. 36., Vol. I. p. 447.] That the medium through which a body is projected is the cause of its continuing to move after it has parted from that which projects it, had however been taught by Aristotle. See the Physics, viii. 10. ; a passage which, though the theory of projectiles contained in it is altogether false, yet shows that Aristotle had formed a distinct though incomplete conception of the propagation of motion through any medium. Aristotle's view seems not to have been rightly understood by his commentators. See Brandis's Scholia, p. 451., at bottom; and com pare Cardan, De Subtil, ii., and Vanini, Dialogi, xi. 224 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. ipsius corporis, quod volat, inesse videtur : qui, cum visu. ob nimiain subtilitatem non percipiatur, homines non satis attendentes, sed levi observatione rein trans- mittentes, latet. Accuratius autem scrutanti manifeste constat, corpora quae duriora sunt pressionis esse im- patientissima, et ejusdem veluti sensum acutissimum habere ; adeo ut quam minimum a natural? positione depulsa, magna pernicitate nitantur ut liberentur et in pristinum statum restituantur. Quod ut fiat, partes singular, facto principio a parte pulsata, se invicem non secus ac vis externa protrudunt ac urgent ; l et fit con- tinua et intensissima (licet minime visibilis) partium trepidatio et commotio. Atque hoc videmus fieri in exemplo vitri, sacchari, et hujusmodi rerum fragilium ; quaa si mucrone aut ferro acuto secentur aut dividan- tur, protinus in aliis partibus, a tractu mucronis re- motis, quasi in instanti disrurnpuntur. Quod evidenter demonstrat communicationem motus pressure in partes succedentes. Qui motus cum per omnia moliatur et ubique tentet, ea parte confractionem inducit qua ex prajcedente corporis dispositione minus fortis erat com- pactio. Neque tarnen ipse motus, quando per omnia turbat et percurrit, sub aspectum venit, donee aperta fiat effractio sive continuitatis solutio. Rursus vide mus, si forte filum ferreum, aut bacillum, aut durior pars calami (vel hujusmodi corpora, quse flexibilia qui- dem sunt, non absque aliqua renitentia) inter pollicem et indiceni per extrema sua curventur et stringantur, ea statirn prosilire. Cujus motus causa manifeste deprehenditur non esse in extremis corporis partibus, qua3 digitis stringuntur, sed in medio, quod vim pati- tnr ; ad cujus relevationem motus ille se expedit. In 1 vigent in Gruter's edition. — J. S. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 225 hoc autem exemplo plane liquet, causam illam motus quam adducunt de impulsione aeris excludi. Neque enim nlla fit percussio, qua3 aerem immittat. Atque hoc etiam lev! illo experimento evincitur, cum pruni nucleum recentem et lubricura premimus, digitosque paulatim adducimus, atque hac ratione emittimus. Nam et in hoc quoque exemplo compressio ilia vice percussionis est. Evidentissimus autern hujusce motus effectus cernitur, in perpetuis conversionibus sive rota- tionibus corporum missilium dum volant. Siquidem ea procedunt utique, sed progressum suum faciunt in lineis spiralibus, hoc est procedendo et rotando. Atque certe is motus spiralis, cum tarn sit rapidus, et nihilomi- nus tam expeditus, et rebus quodammodo familiaris, nobis dubitationem movit, num forte ex altiore prin- cipio non penderet. Sed existimamus non aliam cau sam huic rei subesse, quam eandem quam nunc trac- tamus. Namque pressura corporis affatim motum in partibus sive minutiis ejus excitat, ut se quacunque via expediant et liberent. Itaque corpus non solum in linea recta agitur et provolat, sed undequaque experi- tur, atque ideo se rotat ; utroque enim modo ad se lax- andum nonnihil proficit. Atque in rebus solidis subtile quiddam et abditum ; in mollibus evidens et quasi pal- pabile est. Nam ut cera vel plumbum, et hujusmodi mollia, malleo percussa cedunt, non tantum in direc- tum, sed et in latera undequaque : eodem modo et cor pora dura sive renitentia fugiunt et in recta linea et in circuitu. Cessio enim corporalis in mollibus, et localis in duris', ratione conveniunt ; atque in corporis mollis efformatione, corporis duri passio, cum fugit et volat, optime conspicitur. Interim nemo existimet nos prae- ter motum istum (qui caput rei est) non etiam aliquas VOL. v. 15 226 COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERDM. partes aeri devehenti tribuere, qui motum principalem adjuvare, impedire, flectere, regere possit. Nam et ejus rei potestas est non parva. Atque haec motus violent! sive mechanic! (qui adhuc latuit) explicatio, veluti fons quidam practices est. IX. De causa motus in tormentis igneis, quod ex parte tan- tum, nee ea potiore, inquisita sit. TORMENTORUM igneorum causa, et motus tarn po- tentis et nobilis explicatio, manca est, et ex parte potiore deficit. Aiunt enim pulverem tormentarium, postquam in flammam conversus sit et extenuatus, se dilatare et majus spatium occupare : unde sequi, — ne duo corpora in uno loco sint, aut dimensionum pene- tratio fiat, aut forma elementi destruatur, aut situs par- tium p raster naturam totius sit (haec enim dicuntur), — corporis quod obstat expulsionem vel effractionem. Neque nihil est, quod dicunt. Nam et iste appetitus, et materias passio, et1 hujusmodi motus pars aliqua. Sed nihilominus in hoc peccant, quod ad necessitatem istam corporis dilatandi rem prsepropera cogitatione deducunt, neque quod natura prius est distincte con- siderant. Nam ut corpus pulveris, postquam in flam- mam mutatus est, majorem locum occupet, necessitatem sane habet ; ut autem corpus pulveris inflammetur, id- que tarn rapide, id simili necessitate non constringitur ; sed ex pnccedente motuum conflictu et comparatione pendet. Nam dubium non est, quin corpus illud soli- dum et grave, quod per hujusmodi motum extruditur vel removetur, antequam cedat, sedulo obnitatur ; et 1 M. Bouillet reads est. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 227 si forte robustius sit, victoria potiatur ; id est, ut non flarnma globum expellat, sed globus flammam sufFocet. Itaque si loco pulveris tormentarii, sulphurem vel ca- phuram vel similia accipias, quas flammam et ipsa cito corripiunt, et (quia corporum compactio inflammation! impedimento est) ea in grana pulveris, admista cineris juniperi vel alicujus ligni maxime combustilis aliqua portione, efformes ; tamen (si nitrum absit) motus iste rapidus et potens non sequitur : sed motus ad inflanv mationem a niole corporis renitentis impeditur et con- stringitur, nee se explicat aut ad effectum pertingit. Rei autem veritas sic se babet. Motum istum, de quo quaeritur, geminatum et compositum reperias. Nam prseter motum inflammationis, qui in sulphurea pul veris parte maxime viget, subest alius magis fortis et violentus. Is fit a spiritu crudo et aqueo, qui ex nitro maxime, et nonnihil a car bone salicis concipitur, qui et ipse expanditur certe (ut vapores subdito calore solent), sed una etiam (quod caput rei est) impetu rapidissimo a calore et inflammatione fugit et erum- pit, atque per hoc etiam inflammation! vias relaxat et aperit. Hujusce motus rudimenta et in crepitationibus aridorum foliorum lauri vel liederae cernimus, cum in ignem mittuntur ; et magis etiam in sale, qui ad rei inquisitse naturam propius accedit. Simile etiam quid- tlam et in sevo candelarum madido et in flatulentis ligni \ iridis flammis sa3pe videmus. Maxime autem eminet iste motus in argento vivo, quod corpus maxime crudum, et instar aqua? mineralis est ; cujus vires (si ab igne vexetur, et ab exitu probibeatur) non multo pulveris tormentarii viribus inferiores sunt. Itaque boc exemplo monendi homines sunt et rogandi, no in causarum inquisitione unum aliquod arripiant, et facile 228 COGITATIONES DE MATURA RERUM. pronuntient ; sed circuraspiciant, et contemplationes suas fortius et altius figant. x. Dt- dissimilitudine coclestium et sublunarium quoad ceter- nitatem et mutabilitatem ; quod non sit verificata. QUOD receptum est, universitatem naturae veluti per globes recte dividi et distingui ; ut alia sit ratio coeles- tium, alia sublunarium ; id non absque causa intro- ductuin videtur, si in hac opinione modus adhibeatur. Dubium enim non est, quin regiones sub orbe lunari positae et supra, una cum corporibus quse sub eisdem spatiis continentur, inultis et magnis rebus differant. Neque tamen hoc certius est quam illud, corporibus utriusque globi inesse communes inclinationes, passi- ones, et motus. Itaque unitatem naturae sequi debe- inus, et ista distinguere potius quam discerpere, nee contemplationem frangere. Sed quod ulterius recep tum est, — coelestia mutationes non subire ; sublunaria A'ero aut elementaria, quue vocant, iisdem obnoxia esse ; et materiam horum instar meretricis esse, novas formaa perpetuo appetentem ; illorum autem instar matrons, stabili et intemerato connubio gaudentem ; — popularis opiuio videtur esse, et infirma, et ex apparentia et su- perstitione orta. Videtur autem nobis haec sententia ex utraque parte labilis et sine fundamento. Nam neque coelo ea competit aeternitas quam fingunt, nee rursus terras ea mutabilitas. Nam, quod ad coelum at- tinet, non ea nitendum est ratione, mutationes ibidem non fieri, quia sub aspectum non veniunt. Aspectum enim frustrat et corporis subtilitas et loci distantia. Nam varise inveniuntur aeris mutationes, ut in aestu, COGITATIONES DE NATURA RKliTM. • 229 frigore, odoribus, sonis, manifestuin est, qua? sub visum non cadunt. Neque rursus (credo), si oculus in cir- culo lunse positus esset, a tan to intervallo quas hie apud nos fiunt, et qui in superficie terraa obveniunt motus et rautationes machinarum, animalium, plantarum, et liu- jusmodi, (quae pusillas alicujus festucae dimensionem, ob distantiam, non aequant,) cernere posset. In cor- poribus autera quae tantas molis et magnitudmis sunt, ut ob dimensionum suarum amplitudinem spatia distan- tiarum vincere atque ad aspectum pervenire possunt,1 mutationes in regionibus coelestibus fieri, ex cometis quibusdam satis liquet ; iis dico, qui 2 certam et con- stantera configurationem cum stellis fixis servarunt ; qualis fuit ilia, quae3 in Cassiopea nostra aetate ap- paruit.4 Quod autem ad terram attinet ; postquam ad interiora ejus, relicta ea quas in superficie et partibus proximis invenitur incrustatione et mixtura, penetra- turn est, videtur et ibi quoque similis ei quae in ccelo supponitur perpetuitas existere. Proculdubio enim est, si in profundo terra pateretur mutationes, consequen- tiam earum mutationum, etiam in nostra regione, quam calcamus, majores casus fuisse parituram quam fieri videmus. Sane terras motus plerique, et eruptiones aquarum, vel eructationes ignium, non ex profundo admodum, sed prope, insurgunt ; cum parvum aliquod i M. Bouillet reads possint. '2 qua in MS. 3 So in the original. It should apparently be itte, qui, — ./. 8. * The star which appeared in Ophiuchus in 1604 is generally mentioned by Galileo in conjunction with the one in Cassiopeia (which appeared in 1572), as evidence against the doctrine of the immutability of the heavens. It seems, therefore, that the Cogifationes were written before or not long after 1604, especially as in the Descriptio Globi Mellectualis the two stars are mentioned together. But a similar argument would show that they were written before or soon after 1600, as the new star in Cygnus is not mentioned. [On this last point see the preface p. 201. — J. S.] 230 COGIT ATI ONES DE NATURA RERUM. spatium in superficie occupent. Quanto enim latiorem regionem et tractum hujusmodi accidentia in facie terrae occupant, tanto magis radices sive origines eorura ad viscera terras penetrare putandum est. Itaque ma- jores terras motus (majores, inquam, ambitu, non vio- lentia) qui rarius eveniunt, recte cometis ejus generis de quo diximus aequiparari possunt ; qui et ipsi infre- quentes sunt ; ut illud maneat quod initio diximus, inter coelum et terrain, quatenus ad constantiam et mutationem, non multum interesse. Si quern autem aequabilitas et certitudo motus in corporibus coelestibus apparens movet, veluti aeternitatis comes individuus ; praesto est oceanus, qui in asstu suo baud multo mi- norem constantiam ostendat.1 Postremo, si quis adhuc instet, negari tamen non posse quin in ipsa superficie orbis terrarum et partibus proximis infinitas fiant muta- tiones, in coelo non item ; huic ita responsum volumus : nee nos base per omnia asquare ; et tamen si regiones (quas vocant) superiorem et mediam ae'ris pro super ficie aut interiore tunica coeli accipiamus, quemadmo- dum spatium istud apud nos, quo animalia, plantae, et mineralia continentur, pro superficie vel exteriore tu nica terra? accipimus, et ibi quoque varias et multiformes generationes et mutationes inveniri.2 Itaque tumultus fere omnis, et conflictus, et perturbatio, in confiniis tantum coeli et terras locum liabere videtur. Ut in rebus civilibus fit; in quibus illud frequenter usu venit, nt duorum regnorum fines continuis incursionibus et violentiis infestentur, dum interiores utriusque regni provincia? secura pace atque alta quiete fruuntur. Nemo autem, si recte attenderit, religionem hie oppo- nat. Nam etbnica jactantia solummodo prasrogativa 1 ostentat in MS. 2 invenire in MS. COGITATIONES DE NATURA RERUM. 231 ista coelum materiatum donavit, ut sit incorriiptibile. Scripturge autem Sacrae seternitatem et corruptionem coelo et terras ex aequo, licet gloriam et venerationem disparem, attribuunt. Nam si legatur, solem et lunam Jideles et ceternos in coelo testes esse ; legitur etiam, gen- erationes migrare, terrain autem in ceternum manere. Quod autem utrumque transitorium sit, uno oraculo continetur, nempe coelum et terram pertransire, verbum autem Domini non pertransire. Neque haec nos novi placiti studio diximus, sed quod ista rerum et regio- num conficta divortia et discrimina, ultra quam veritas patitur, magno impedimento ad veram philosophiam et naturaa contemplationem fore, baud ignari sed exemplo edocti, providemus. DE FLUXU ET KEFLUXU MARTS PREFACE TO THE DE FLUXU ET KEFLUXU IAEIS. BY ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. IT was a natural result of the progress of maritime discovery in the sixteenth century, that much was thought and written on the subject of the tides. The reports continually brought home touching the ebb and flow of the sea on far distant shores, not only excited curiosity, but also showed how little the philosophers of antiquity had known of the phenomena which they attempted to explain. Men who dwelt on the shores of an inland sea, and whose range of observation scarcely extended beyond the Pillars of Hercules, were in truth not likely to recognise any of the general laws by which these phenomena are governed. Their au thority accordingly in this matter was of necessity set aside ; and a number of hypotheses were proposed in order to explain the newly discovered fai^s. Of these speculations an interesting account is given in the twenty-eighth book of the Pancosmia of Patricius. It is not, however, complete ; no mention being made of 236 PREFACE TO THE the hypothesis of Caesalpinus, which is in itself a curious one, and which clearly suowested to Galileo his •/ OO own explanation of the cause of the tides. Otto Cas- mann, the preface to whose Problemata Marina is dated in 1596, gives a good deal of information on the same subject, some of which however seems to be simply copied from Patricius ; but he mentions Caesalpinus, whom, as I have said, Patricius omits. Patricius, it may be remarked, is a scrupulously or thodox philosopher, and dedicates his work to Greg ory XIV. with many expressions of reverence and submission. It is perhaps on this account that he has said nothing of Caesalpinus, whose works wrere " improbatae lec- tionis " and who seeks to explain the tides, and also certain astronomical phenomena, by denying the ortho dox doctrine of the earth's immobility. The earliest modern writer whom Patricius men tions is Frederick Chrysogonus, whose work on the tides must have been published in 1527. To his account of the phenomena little, according to Patricius, was added by subsequent writers ; nor are his statements contra dicted by- the reports of seafaring men, who however mention certain matters of detail which he had omitted. Of seamen Patricius particularly mentions Peter of Medina and Nicolaus Sagrus, the latter with especial commendation. From Sagrus (but probably through Patricius) Bacon derived some of the statements of the following tract ; those, namely, which relate to the progress of the tide-wave from the Straits of Gibraltar to Gravelines. On the day of new moon, according to Sagrus, there is high water along the coast from Tarifa to Rota at an hour and a half after midnight. After DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARKS. 237 mentioning several intermediate places, he says that along the coast of Normandy as far as Calais and Nieu- i/ port there is high water at nine, and after a not very distinct statement as to the time of high water in the middle of the channel, goes on to state that from Calais to Gravelines the water is high off shore (in derota) at an hour and a half after midnight, that is at the same o ' time as at Rota, and at Zealand at the same time as on the coast of 'Portugal. These statements are scarcely sufficiently accurate to make it worth while to compare them with modern observations ; but it is necessary to remark that Sagrus, though he mentions it as a re markable circumstance that the time of hio-h water O should be the same at Gravelines and at Rota, does not mean to assert that there is any discontinuity in the progress of the tide along the shores of France and the Netherlands. The tide gets progressivelv later and later until we come to a place where there is high water about one in the afternoon, and therefore also high water about half-past one after the succeeding mid night. In order to compare Gravelines and Rota, he takes (but without mentioning that he does so) two different tide-waves, — the statement with reference to Gravelines appearing to relate to a later wave than the other. Bacon however does not appear to have under stood this ; and consequently, after saying that the hour of high water becomes later and later from the Straits of Gibraltar to the coast of Normandy, proceeds thus : — " Hucusque ordinatim ; ad Gravelingam vero, verso prorsus ordine, idque inagno saltu, quasi ad eandem horam cum ostio freti Herculei." This notion of a reversal of the order of the tides as we proceed along the French and Dutch coast is not justified either by 238 PREFACE TO THE Sagrus's statements or by the phenomena to which they relate.1 Sagrus is probably the first writer who remarks that the time of high water is not always the same as that of slack water. " Et illud adnotat Sagrus," says Pa- tricius, " non minus minim " (he has been speaking of the coincidence as to the time of hiffli water be- O tween the Dutch and Portuguese coasts) " si a Selan- dia quis ad caput Anglias Dobla [Dover?] naviget, mare plenum erit a medinoctio tertia quidem hora, sed eodem itinere, fluxus aqua3 obvius fiet per horas duas cum dimidia donee flaccescat, quod nautae dicunt aquam fieri stancam." Patricius rightly compares this with the phenomenon observed at Venice, namely that when the water has already sunk half a foot at the entrance of the harbour it is still rising in the harbour itself. With respect to theories of the cause of the tides, it may be observed that a connexion of some kind or other between the tides and the moon has at all times been popularly recognised. But the conception which was formed as to the nature of this connexion lono-con- O tinued vague and indefinite ; and in Bacon's time those who speculated on the subject were disposed to reject it altogether. One theory, that of Telesius and Pa tricius, compares the sea to the water in a caldron ; that is to say it rises and tends to boil over when its natural heat is called forth under the influence of the sun, moon, and stars, and then after a while subsides. But why should this alternate rise and fall have a definite period of six hours? Patricius calmly an- 1 I have given Sagrus's statements in extenso in a note on the passage in the text. He seems to have forgotten that Nieuport is farther from Calais than Gravelines. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 239 swers, " nimirum quia omnis motus fit in tempore," and that there is no better reason for asking the ques tion than for asking why certain other motions have periods of seven or fourteen days, of six months or twelve. Another theory, which was propounded by Sfon- dratus, in a tract published in 1590, and entitled Causa dEstus Marts, explains the reciprocating motion of ebb and flow [as owing] to the effect produced by the continent of America. The water under the in fluence of the sun moves in accordance with the motion of the heavens from east to west. But it is reflected and made to regurgitate eastward by impinging on the coast of America, which was supposed to extend in definitely southward (Cape Horn was not discovered until [1615]) and which permits only a portion of it to pass through the Straits of Magellan. Between this theory, of which Patricius speaks contemptuously and without mentioning the name of its author, and that which J. C. Scaliger had put forth in the Exercitationes adversum Cardanum, 52., there is no essential differ ence, though Scaliger ascribes the general westward motion of the ocean to its sympathy with the moon. But in both theories the change of direction of the motion is ascribed to the action of the coast of Amer ica ; and both were doubtless suggested by the current which flows from east to west through the Straits of Magellan. Bacon himself, as we perceive from the following tract, was inclined to adopt the same view. He com pares the Straits of Dover with those of Magellan, and conceives that the German Ocean exhibits on a small scale the same phenomena of a stream tending in one 240 PREFACE TO THE direction, and compelled to regurgitate in the opposite one by the obstacles which it meets with, as the great Atlantic. This at least appears to be the import of the expressions of which he makes use. That the period of the revolution of the waters round the earth is greater than twenty-four hours, appeared to Bacon to be in entire accordance with the retardation of the diurnal motion of the planets. All the inferior orbs lag behind the starry heaven, and that of the moon most of all ; wherefore the moon's diurnal period is more nearly the same as that of the waters than any other. In these views there is an absolute confusion be tween the bodily motion of water as in a current, and the propagation of an undulation ; a confusion not unnatural, seeing that to conceive the motion of an undulation apart from that of the matter of which it is composed is by no means easy. Scaliger how ever might have learned from Cardan, notwithstand ing the arrogance with which he treats him, to dis tinguish between them. For Cardan, after saying that high water follows the moon, inquires why the motion of the flood current is so much slower than the moon's. He answers : " Causa est, quod non tota aqua, nee una pars lunam sequitur, sed proximae in proximas transfer untur, velut si quis carnem com- primens tumorem elevet, caro quidem parum loco movebitur, celerrime tamen tumor per totum crus transferetur." l It became necessary, when the flood current was confounded with the motion of the tide wave, to as sign a cause for the reciprocating motion of ebb and i De Subtilit. ii. p. 408. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 241 flow ; and this cause was sought for in the configura tion of land and sea. It seems as if Aristotle, if he had developed any theory of the tides, would have had recourse to some similar explanation. Thus Strabo says, (I quote from Xylander's translation,) " Jam Aristotelem Posidonius ait aestuum marinorum qui fiunt in Hispania causas non recte ascribere litori et Mauritania " (by litori is prob ably meant the coast of Spain itself), " dicentem mare ideo reciprocare, quia extrema terrarum sublimia sint et aspera, qua3 et fluctum duriter excipiant et in Hispa- niam repercutiant, cum pleraque litora sint humilia et arenas tumulis constent."1 With this passage is to be compared what Aristotle says in the commencement of the second book of the Meteorologies, from which it ap pears to have been his opinion that the seas within the Pillars of Hercules flow continually outwards in conse quence of differences of level, and that where the sea is girt in by straits its motion becomes visible in the form of a reciprocating libration : Sta TO raXavrfveo-Oai SeCpo Ka/ceio-e. This obscure expression is taken to relate to the tides, and probably does so. It suggested to Ca3sal- pinus his theory of their cause. At least he quotes it, and dilates on its meaning ; and when the ebb and flow of the sea is conceived of as a libration, it is easily in ferred that this libration ought to be ascribed not di rectly to the fluid itself but to that on which it rests. And this notion of the libration of the earth connected itself with his views of astronomy. For in order to 1 Strabo, iii. p. 153. It is worth remarking that this passage is quoted by Ideler in his edition of the Meteorologies, i. p. 501., in a way which makes it quite unintelligible, some words having been accidentally omitted. VOL. v. 16 242 PREFACE TO THE get rid of the necessity of supposing the existence of a ninth and tenth heaven, — the former to explain the precession of the equinoxes, and the latter the imag inary phenomenon of their trepidation, — he ascribed the motion by which these phenomena are produced to the earth itself. The cause of this motion he sought in the action of the ambient air on the earth's surface. To explain trepidation, the earth's motion was supposed to be in some measure libratory and irregular ; and by being so it produced the tides.1 From the theory of Cassalpinus we pass naturally to that of Galileo, seeing that in both the tides are ex plained by the unequal motion of the earth. Galileo's theory was first propounded in a letter to Cardinal Or- sino, dated 1616. He remarks that the libratory mo tion " che alcuno ha attribuito alia Terra," (alluding of course to CsBsalpinus,) is in several respects not such as to save the phenomena, and maintains that the true cause is to be sought in the combination of the earth's motion in its orbit with its rotation on its own axis. In consequence of this combination, the velocity of any point of the earth's surface varies, going through its different values in the space of twenty-four hours. The waters of the sea, not accommodating themselves to this varying velocity, ebb and flow at any place as their velocity is less or greater than that of their bed. The boldness of the assertions by which Galileo sup ports this theory is remarkable : thus he affirms that the ebb and flow is always from west to east, and vice versa" ; and that the notion that, speaking generally, the interval between high water and low is six hours " £ stata un' ingannevole opinione la quale ha poi fatto 1 QuaBStiones Peripat. iii. 4. and 5. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 243 favoleggiare gli scrittori con molte vane fantasie." No refutation of a theory which altogether misrepresents the facts which it proposes to explain could ever have been needed ; but the advance of mechanical science has long since made it easy to show that no reciprocat ing motion of the waters of the sea could be produced in the manner described by Galileo. Bacon does not mention Galileo's theory in the pres ent tract, which was therefore probably written before or not long after 1616. But in the Novum Organum [11. 46.] it is mentioned and condemned ; one ground of censure being that it proceeds on the untenable hy pothesis of the earth's motion, and the other that the phenomena are misrepresented. Bacon, both in this tract and in the Novum Orga num, ascribes the tides in the Atlantic to a derivative motion of the waters, caused by the obstacles which the form of the continents of the old and new worlds oppose 'to its general westerly movement. It is thus that he meets the objection which would arise from the circumstance that there is high water at the same time on corresponding points of the shores of Europe and America. This notion of a derivative tide is absolutely necessary in the detailed explanation of the phenom ena, and I am not aware that any one had previously suggested it, at least in the distinct form in which Ba con puts it. He admits that, if the tides of the Pacific synchronise with those of the Atlantic, his theory that the tides depend on a progressive motion of the ocean must be given [up] . If it be high water on the shores of Peru and China at the same hours as on those of Florida and Europe, there are no shores left on which there can then be low water. For the important ob- 244 PKKFACE TO THE servation that the hours of high water correspond, speaking roughly, on the European and American coasts, Bacon quotes in the De Fluxu et Refluxu Marls no authority ; but in the Novum Organum he ascribes it to Acosta and others. But it is very remarkable that Acosta does not say what Bacon makes him say, name ly that the times of high water are the same on the coast of Florida and that of Europe, and that he does say what Bacon admits would be fatal to his theory, namely that there is high water at the same time in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In his Natural His tory of the Indies, iii. 14., he speaks of the tides, and of the two theories by which they had been explained. There are some, he says, who affirm that the ebb and flow of the sea resembles a caldron of water moved to and fro, the water rising on one side when it falls on 7 O the other, and reciprocally ; while others liken it to the boiling over of a pot, which rises and falls on all sides at once. The second view is in his judgment the true one. He says that he had inquired from a certain pilot, Hernandez Lamero,1 who had sailed through the Straits of Magellan about the year 1579, how he had found the tides there, and particularly if the tide of the South Sea or Pacific flowed when that of the North Sea or Atlantic ebbed, and vice versa". Lamero made answer that it was not so, that both tides ebb and flow together, and that they meet about seventy leagues from the Atlantic, and thirty from the South Sea. With this statement Acosta is altogether satisfied ; and so far from trying to compare the time of high water on the opposite shores of the Atlantic, he remarks that but for the Straits of Magellan it would be impossible 1 See Acosta, iii. 11. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 245 to determine experimentally which of the two theo ries he has mentioned is the true one ; as only angels could make observations on both sides of the ocean at once, the eyes of men not reaching far enough to do so, and the distance being too great to be crossed by man in the time of a single tide. DE FLUXU ET REFLTJXU MARIS. CONTEMPLATIO de causis fluxus et refluxus maris, ab antiquis tentata et cleinde omissa, junioribus repetita, et tamen varietate opinionum magis labefactata quam dis- cussa, vulgo levi cohjectura refer tur ad lunam, ob con- sensum nonnullum mot us ejusdem cum motu luna\ Attamen diligentius perscrutanti vestigia quaedam ver- itatis se ostendunt, quae ad certiora deducere possint. Itaque ne confusius agatur, primo distinguendi sunt motus maris, qui licet satis inconsiderate multiplicen- tur a nonnullis, inveniuntur revera tantum quinque ; quorum unus tanquam anornalus est, reliqui constan- tes. Primus ponatur motus ille vagus et varius (quos appellant) currentium. Secundus motus magnus oce- ani sexhorarius, per quern aquas ad littora accedunt et recedunt alternatim bis in die, non exacte, sed cum differentia tali quaa period um constituat menstruam. Tertius motus ipse menstruus, qui nil aliud est quam restitutio motus (ejus quern diximus) cliurni ad ea- dern tempora. Quartus motus semimenstruus, per quern fluxus habent incrementa in noviluniis et pleni- luniis, magis quam in dimidiis. Quintus motus se- mestris, per quern fluxus habent incrementa auctiora et insignia in sequinoctiis. Atque de secundo illo motu magno oceani sexhorario sive diurno, nobis in 248 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. prsesentia sermo est praecipue et ex intentione ; de reliquis solummodo in transitu, et quatenus faciant ad hujusce motus explicationem. Primo igitur, quod ad motum currentium attinet, dubium n'on est quin pro eo ac aquae vel ab angustiis premuntur, vel a liberis spatiis laxantuv, vel in magis declivia festinant ac vel- uti effunduntur, vel in eminentiora incurrunt ac in- scendunt, vel fundo labuntur sequabili, vel fundi sulcis et insequalitatibus perturbantur, vel in alios currentes incidunt atque cum illis se miscent et compatinntur, vel etiam a ventis agitantur, prassertim anniversariis sive statariis, qui sub anni certas tempestates redeunt, aquas ex his et similibus causis impetus et gurgites suos variare, tarn consecutione ipsius motus atque la- tione quam velocitate sive mensura motus, atque inde constituere eos quos vocant currentes. Itaque in mar- ibus, turn profunditas fossas sive canalis atque inter- positaa voragines et rupes submarinae, turn curvitates littorum, et terrarum prominentias, sinus, fauces, insulas multis modis locataa, et similia, plurima possunt, at que agunt prorsus aquas earumque meatus et gurgites in omnes partes, et versus orientem et versus occiden- tem, austrum versus similiter et septentriones, atque quaquaversum, prout obices illi aut spatia libera et declivia sita sint et invicem configurentur. Segre- getur igitur motus iste aquarum particulars et quasi fortuitus, ne forte ille in inquisitione quam prosequi- mur obturbet. Neminem enim par est constituere et fundare abnegationem eorum quae mox dicentur de motibus oceani naturalibus et catholicis, opponendo motum istum currentium, veluti cum tbesibus illis minime convenientem. Sunt enim currentes merae compressiones aquarum, aut liberationes a compres- DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARTS. 249 sione : suntque, ut diximus, particulares et respectivi, prout locantur aquae et terras, aut etiam incumbunt venti. Atque hoc quod diximus eo magis memoria tenendum est atque diligenter advertendum, quia mo- tus ille universalis oceani, de quo nunc agitur, adeo mitis est et mollis, ut a compulsionibus currentium omnino dometur et in ordinem redigatur, cedatque, et ad eorum violentiam agatur et regatur. Id autem ita se liabere ex eo perspicuum est vel maxime, quod mo- tus simplex fluxus et refluxus maris in pelagi medio, pra3sertim per maria lata et exporrecta, non sentiatur, sed ad littora tantum. Itaque nihil minim si sub cur- rentibus (utpote viribus inferior) lateat et quasi destru- atur, nisi quod ille ipse motus, ubi currentes secundi fuerint, eorum impetum nonnihil juvet atque incitet ; contra ubi adversi, modicum f'renet. Misso igitur motu currentium, pergendum est ad motus illos quatuor constantes, sexhorarium, menstruum, semimenstruum, et semestrem ; quorum solus sexhorarius videtur fluxus maris agere et ciere, menstruus vero videtur tantum- modo motum ilium determinare et restituere, semi- menstruus autem et semestris eundem augere et in- tendere. Etenim fluxus et refluxus aquarum qui littora maris ad certa spatia inundat et destituit, et horis variis variat et vi ac copia aquarum, unde reli- qui illi tres motus se dant conspiciendos. Itaque de illo ipso rnotu fluxus et refluxus sigillatim ac proprie (ut instituimus) videndurn. Atque primo illud dari prorsus necesse est : motum liunc de quo inquirimus unum ex duobus istis esse, vel motum sublationis et demissionis aquarum, vel motum progressus. Motum autem sublationis et demissionis talem esse intelligi- mus, qualis invenitur in aqua bullienti, quas in calda- 250 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARTS. rio attollitur et mrsum residet. At motum progressus talem, qualis invenitur in aqua vecta in pelvi, quae unum latus deserit, cum ad latus oppositum advolvi- tur. Quod vero motus iste neutiquam sit primi gen- ens, occurrit illud inprimis, quod in diversis mundi partibus variant aestus secundum tempora ; ut fiant in aliquibus locis fluxus et augmenta aquarum, cum alibi sint ad eas horas refluxus et decrementa. Debuerant autem aquas, si illae non progrederentur de loco in locum sed ex profundo ebullirent, ubique1 simul se at- tollere, atque rursus simul se recipere. Videmus enim duos illos alios motus, semestrem et semimenstruurn, per universum orbem terra rum simul perfungi atque operari. Fluxus enim sub aequinoctiis ubique augentur ; non in aliis partibus sub asquinoctiis, in aliis sub tropi- cis; atque similis est ratio motus semimenstrui. Ubi que enim terrarum invalescunt aquae in noviluniis, nullibi in dimidiis. Itaque videntur revera aquae in duobus illis motibus plane attolli et demitti, et veluti pati apogaeum et perigaeum, quemadmodum coelestia. Atque in fluxu et refluxu maris, de quo sermo est, contra fit : quod motus in progressu certissimum sig- num est. Praeterea si fluxus aquarum ponatur esse sublatio, attendendum paulo diligentius quomodo ista sublatio fieri possit. Aut enim fiet tumor ab aucto quanto aquarum, aut ab extensione sive rarefactione aquarum in eodem quanto, aut per sublationem sim- plicem in eodem quanto atque eodem corpore. At que tertium illud prorsus abjiciendum. Si enim aqua, qualis est, attollatur, ex hoc relinquatur necessario inane inter terram atque ima aquas, cum non sit cor pus quod succedat. Quod si sit nova moles aquae, 1 ibique in the original. — J. S. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 251 necesse est earn emanare atque scaturire e terra. Sin vero sit extensio tantum, id fiet vel per solutionem in magis rarura, vel appetitum appropinquandi ad aliud corpus quod aquas veluti evocet et attrahat et in sub- limius tollat. Atque certe ista aquarum sive ebullitio, sive rarefactio, sive conspiratio cum alio quopiam cor- pore ex superioribus, non incredibilis videri possit in mediocri quantitate, atque adhibito etiam bono tem- poris spatio, in quo hujusmodi tumores sive augmenta se colligere et cumulare possint. Itaque excessus ille aquarum qui inter asstum ordinarium atque aestum il ium largiorem semimenstruum aut etiam ilium alterum profusissimum semestrem notari possit, cum nee mole excessus inter fluxum et refluxum asquiparetur atque habeat etiam bene magnum intervallum temporis ad incrementa ilia sensim facienda, nihil habeat alienum a ratione. Ut vero tanta erumpat moles aquarum, qua3 excessum ilium qui invenitur inter ipsum fluxum et refluxum salvet ; atque hoc fiat tanta celeritate, videlicet bis in die, ac si terra, secundum vanitatem illarn Apollonii,1 respiraret, atque aquas per singulas sex horas efflaret, ac deinde absorberet ; incommodum maximum. Neque moveatur quispiam levi experimen- to, quod putei nonnulli in aliquibus locis memorentur consensum habere cum fluxu et refluxu maris ; unde suspicari quis possit, aquas in cavis terrse conclusas si- militer ebullire ) in quo casu tumor ille ad motum prog- ressivum aquarum referri commode non possit. Faci- lis enim est responsio, posse fluxum maris accessione sua multa loca cava ac laxa terra3 obturare atque op- plere, atque aquas subterraneas vertere, etiam aerem conclusum reverberare, qui serie continuata hujusmodi 1 Philos. Vit. Apoll Tyan. [See Syiva Sylvarum, supra p. 117. — J. £} 252 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. puteorum aquas trudendo attollere possit. Itaque hoc in omnibus puteis minime fit, nee in multis adeo ; quod fieri debuit, si universa massa aquarum naturam ha- beret ebullientem per vices, et cum aestu maris con- sensionem. Sed contra raro admodum fit, ut instar miraculi fere habeatur ; quia scilicet hujusmodi laxa- menta et spiracula quae a puteis ad mare pertingunt absque obturatione aut impedimento raro admodum in- veniantur. Neque abs re est memorare quod referunt nonnulli, in fodinis profundis, non procul a mari sitis, aerem incrassari et suffocationem minari ad tempora fluxus maris ; ex quo manifestum videri possit non aquas ebullire (nullae cum cernuntur), sed aerem ret- roverti. At certe aliud urget experimentum non con- temnendum, sed magni ponderis, cui responsio omnino debetur ; hoc est, quod diligenter observatum sit, id- que non fortuito notatum sed de industria inquisitum atque repertum, aquas ad littora adversa Europe et Floridas iisdem horis ab utroque littore refluere, neque deserere littus Europae cum advolvantur ad littora Flor- idae, more aquae (ut supra diximus) agitatae in pelvi, sed plane simul ad utrumque littus attolli et demitti.1 Verum hujus objectionis solutio perspicue apparebit in iis quae mox dicentur de cursu et progressu oceani. Summa aiitem rei talis est, quod aqua? a mari Indico profectas, et ab objectu terrarum veteris et novi orbis impeditae, truduntur per mare Atlanticum ab Austro in Boream ; ut non mirum sit eas ad utrumque littus simul ex aequo appellere, ut aquae solent quas contru- duntur a mari in ostia et canales fluminum, in quibus evidentissimum est motum maris esse progressivum i See the note on ATor. Onj. n. 36., where Acosta's name is mentioned in connexion with this statement. [See also the preface; supra p. 244.] DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 253 quatenus ad flumina, et tamen littora adversa simul inundare. Verum id pro more nostro ingenue fate- mur, idque homines attendere et meminisse volumus : si per experientiam inveniatur fluxus inaris iisdem tem- poribus ad littora Peruvias atque China? affluere quibus fluunt ad littora prnsfata Europe et Floridae, opinionem hanc nostram, quod fluxus et refluxus maris sit motus progressives, ahjudicandam esse. Si enim per littora adversa tarn maris Australis quam maris Atlantici fiat fluxus ad eadem tempora, non relinquuntur in universe alia littora per qua? refluxus ad eadem ilia tempora sa- tisfaciat. Verum de hoc judicio faciendo per experien tiam (cui causam subrnisimus) loquimur tanquam securi. Existimarnus enim plane, si summa hujus rei per uni- versum terrarum orbem nobis cognita foret, satis aequis conditionibus istud foedus transigi, nempe ut ad horam aliquam certam fiat refluxus in aliquibus partibus orbis, quantum fiat fluxus in aliis. Quamobrem ex iis quae diximus, statuatur tandem motus iste fluxus et refluxus esse progressivus. Sequitur jam inquisitio ex qua causa, et per quern consensum rerum, oriatur atque exhibeatur iste motus fluxus et refluxus. Omnes enim majores motus (si sunt iidem regulares et constantes) solitarii aut (ut astronomorum vocabulo utamur) ferini l non sunt, sed habent in rerum natura cum quibus consentiant. Ita- que motus illi, tarn semimenstruus incrementi quam menstruus restitutionis, convenire videntur cum motu Iuna3. Semimenstruus vero ille sive asquinoctialis cum motu solis. Etiam sublationes et demissiones aquarum cum apogaeis et perigaais coelestium. Neque tamen con- i See Vol. I. p. 402. note 1. — J. S. 254 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. tinuo sequetur (idque homines advertere volumus), quas periodis et curriculo temporis aut etiam modo lationis conveniunt, ea natura esse subordinata, atque alterum alter! pro causa esse. Nam non eo usque progredimur, ut affirmemus motus lunse aut solis pro causis poni motuum infe riorum qui ad illos sunt anal- ogi, aut solem et lunam (ut vulgo loquuntur) domin- ium habere super illos motus maris, (licet hujusmodi cogitationes facile mentibus hominum illabantur ob venerationem coelestium) ; sed et in illo ipso motu semimenstruo (si recte advertatur) mirum et novum prorsus fuerit obsequii genus, ut aestus sub noviluniis et pleniluniis eadem patiantur, cum luna patiatur con- traria; et multa alia adduci possint qua? hujusmodi dominationum phantasias destruant, et eo potius rem deducant, ut ex materiae passionibus catholicis et primis rerum coagmentationibus consensus illi oriantur, non quasi alterum ab altero regatur, sed quod utrumque ab iisdem o'riginibus et concausis emanet. Veruntamen O (utcunque) manet illud quod diximus, naturam con- sensu gaudere, nee fere aliquid monodicum1 aut soli- tarium admittere. Itaque videndum de motu fluxus et refluxus maris sexhorario, cum quibus aliis motibus ille convenire aut consentire reperiatur. Atque inquiren- dum primo de luna, quomodo iste motus cum luna rationes aut naturam misceat. Id vero fieri omnino non videmus, praeterquam in restitutione menstrua : nullo modo enim congruit curriculum sexhorarium (id quod nunc inquiritur) cum curriculo menstruo ; neque rursus fluxus maris passiones lunas quascumque sequi deprehenduntur. Sive enim luna sit aucta lumine sive diminuta, sive ilia sit sub terra sive super terrain, sive l mmadicum. See Vol. I. p. 253. note 3. — J. S. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 255 ilia elevetur super horizontem altius aut depressius, sive ilia ponatur in meridiano aut alibi, in nulla prorsus harum consentiunt fluxus atque refluxus. Itaque, missa lima, de aliis consensibus inquiramus. Atque ex omnibus motibus coelestibus constat, motum diurnum maxime curtum esse, et minimo temporis in- tervallo (spatio videlicet viginti quatuor horarum) con- fici. Itaque consentaneum est, motum istum de quo inquirimus (qui adhuc tribus partibus diurno brevior est) proxime ad eum motum referri qui est ex coeles tibus brevissimus ; sed hoc rem minus premit. Illud vero longe magis nos movet, quod ita sit iste motus dis- pertitus ut ad diurni motus rationes respondeat ; ut licet motus aquarum sit motu diurno. quasi innumeris partibus tardior, tamen sit commensurabilis. Etenim spatium sexhorarium est diurni motus quadrans, quod spatium (ut diximus) in motu isto maris invenitur cum ea differentia quse coincidat in mensuram motus lunae. Itaque hoc nobis penitus insedit ac fere instar oraculi est, motum istum ex eodem genere esse cum motu diurno. Hoc igitur usi fundamento pergemus inquir- ere reliqua ; atque rem omnem triplici inquisitione absolvi posse statuimus. Quarum prima est, an motus ille diurnus terminis coeli contineatur, aut delabatur et se insinuet ad inferiora ? Secunda est, an maria regu- lariter ferantur ab oriente in occidentem, quemadmo- dum et coelum ? Tertia, unde et quomodo fiat recipro- catio ilia sexhoraria aestuum, quae incidit in quadrantem motus diurni, cum differentia incidente in rationes motus lunae? Itaque quod ad primam inquisitionem attinet, arbitramur motum rotationis sive conversionis ab oriente in occidentem esse motum non proprie coe- lestem, sed plane cosmicum, atque motum in fluoribus 256 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. magnis primarium, qui usque a summo coelo ad imas aquas inveniatur, inclinatione eadem, incitatione autem (id est, velocitate et tarditate) longe diversa ; ita tamen ut ordine minime perturbato minuatur celeritate quo propius corpora accedunt ad globum terras. Videtur autem primo probabile argumenturn sumi posse, quod motus iste non terminetur cum coelo, qula per tantam cceli profunditatem, quanta interjicitur inter coelum stellatum et lunam (quod spatium multo amplius est quam a luna ad terram), valeat atque vigeat iste mo tus, cum debitis decrementis suis ; ut verisimile non sit naturam istiusmodi consensum, per tanta spatia con- tinuatum et gradatim se remittentem, subito deponere. Quod autem res ita se habeat in coelestibus, evincitur ex duobus, quge aliter sequentur, incommodis. Cum enim manifestum sit ad sensum planetas diurnum mo- tum peragere, nisi ponatur motus iste tanquam natu- ralis ac proprius in planetis omnibus, confugiendum necessario est vel ad raptum primi mobilis, quod naturae prorsus adversatur, aut ad rotationem terra?, quod etiam satis licenter excogitatum est, quoad rationes physicas. Itaque in coelo ita se res habet. Postquam autem a coelo discessum est, cernitur porro iste motus eviden- tissime in cometis humilioribus, qui, cum inferiores orbe lunae sint, tamen ab oriente in occidentem evi- denter rotant. Licet enim habeant motus suos solita- rios et irregulares, tamen in illis ipsis conficiendis inte rim communicant l cum motu aetheris et ad eandem conversionem feruntur; tropicis vero non continentur fere, nee habent regulares spiras, sed excurrunt quan- doque versus polos, sed nihilominus in consecution.e ab 1 [communicandis in the original.] M. Bouillet's reading is communicant which is doubtless right. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. 257 oriente in occidentem rotant. Atque hujusmodi motus iste licet magna acceperit decrementa (cum quo pro- pius descendatur versus terram, eo et minoribus cir- culis conversio fiat, et nihilominus tardius), validus tamen utique manet, ut magna spatia brevi tempore vincere queat. Circumvolvuntur enim hujusmodi co- metae circa universum ambitum et terrae et aeris infe- rioris spatio viginti quatuor horarum, cum horae unius aut alterius excessu. At postquam ad eas regiones descensu continuato perventum sit, in quas terra agit non solum communicatione naturas et virtutis suaa (quse motum circularem reprimit et sedat), sed etiam immissione material! particularum substantia3 suae per vapores et halitus crassos, iste motus immensum hebes- cit, et fere corruit, sed non propterea prorsus exinan- itur aut cessat, sed manet languidus et tanquam latens. Etenim jam in confesso esse coepit, navigantibus intra tropicos, ubi libero sequore motus aeris percipitur op- time, et aer ipse (veluti et coelum) majoribus circu- lis ideoque velocius rotat, spirare auram perpetuam et jtigem ab oriente in occidentem ; adeo ut qui Zephyro uti volunt, eum extra tropicos ssepius quaerant et pro- curent.1 Itaque non extinguitur iste motus etiam in acre infimo, sed piger jam devenit et obscurus, ut extra tropicos vix sentiatur. Et tamen etiam extra tropicos in nostra Europa in mari, coelo sereno et tranquillo, observatur aura quaedam solisequa, quas ex eodem gen- ere est; etiam suspicari licet, quod hie in Europa ex- perimur, ubi flatus Euri aeris est et desiccans, cum contra Zephyri sit genialis2 et humectans, non solum 1 See Acosta, Hist des Indes, iii. 4. 2 [generate in original.] This is obviousl}' an error, the true reading ia genialis. VOL. V. 17 258 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. ex hoc pendere, quod ille a continente, iste ab oceano apud nos spiret; sed etiam ex eo, quod Euri flatus, cum sit in eadem consequentia cum motu aeris proprio, eum motum incitet et irritet, ac propterea aerem dissi- pet et rarefaciat: Zephyri vero flatus, qui in contraria consequentia sit cum motu aeris, aerem in se vertat, et propterea inspisset. Neque illud contemnendum, quod vulgari observatione recipitur, nubes quse feruntur in sublirni plerumque movere ab oriente in occidentem, cum venti circa terrain ad eadem tempora flant in con- trarium. Quod si hoc non semper faciunt, id in causa esse, quod sint quandoque venti contrarii, alii in alto, alii in imo ; illi autem in alto spirantes (si adversi fue- rint) motum istum verum aeris disturbent. Quod ergo cceli terminis non contineatur iste motus, satis patet. Sequitur ordine secunda inquisitio ; An aquce feran- tur regulariter et naturaliter ab oriente in occidentem ? Cum vero aquas dicimus, intelligimus aquas coacerva- tas, sive massas aquarum, qua3 scilicet tantas sunt por- tiones nature, ut consensum habere possint cum fabrica et structura universi. Atque arbitramur plane, eun- dem motum massas aquarum competere atque inesse, sed tardiorem esse quam in acre, licet ob crassitudinem corporis sit magis visibilis et apparens. Itaque ex mufc- tis qua3 ad hoc adduci possent, tribus in pra3sens con- tenti erimus experimentis, sed iisdem amplis et insig- nibus, qua3 rem ita esse demonstrant. Primum est, quod manifestus reperiatur motus et fluxus aquarum ab oceano Indico usque in oceanum Atlanticum, isque incitatior et robustior versus fretum Mao-ellanicum, ubi cT"1 exitus datur versus occidentem ; magnum itidem ex adversa parte orbis terrarum a mari Scythico in mare DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARTS. 259 Britannicum. Atque hae consequentiae aquarum man ifesto volvuntur ab orients in occidentem. In quo advertendum inprimis, in istis tantum duobus locis maria esse pervia et integrum circulum conficere posse ; cum contra per medios mundi tractus, objectu duplici Veteris et Novi Orbis abscindantur et compellantur (tanquam in ostia fluminum) in duos illos alveos oce- anorum geminorum Atlantic! et Australis, qui oceani exporriguntur inter austrum et septentriones ; quod adiaphorum est ad motum consecutionis ab oriente in occidentem. Ut verissime omnino capiatur motus ve- rus aquarum ab istis quas diximus extremitatibus orbis, ubi non impediuntur, sed permeant. Atque primum experimentum hujusmodi est. Secundum autem tale. Supponatur fluxum maris ad ostium freti Herculei fieri ad horam aliquam certam, constat accedere flux um ad caput Sancti Vincentii tardius quam ad ostium illud ; ad caput Finis-terras tardius quam ad caput Sancti Vincentii ; ad Insulam Regis tardius quam ad caput Finis-terrae ; ad insulam Heclias tardius quam ad Insnlam Regis ; ad ingressum canalis Anglici tar dius quam ad Hechas ; ad littus Normannicum tardius quam ad ingressum canalis. Hucusque ordinatim ; ad Gravelingam vero, verso prorsus ordine (idque magno saltu), quasi ad eandem horam cum ostio freti Her culei.1 Hoc experimentum secundum ad experimen- 1 These statements are taken from Nicolaus Sagrus, quoted by Patricias (Pancosmip, xxviii. p. 159.), and in Casmann's Problemala Marina, p. 165. " In die conjunctionis lunae cum sole post mediam noctem hora una cum dimidia, in freto Herculeo fluxus erit, et a Tariffa quse finis freti est ad dexteram in sinum volvendo usque ad Ruttam eadem hora veniet. A Rutta ad Caput S. Mariae accedet hora secunda cum quarto. A capite hoc ad Caput S. Vincentii, et ad dexteram flectendo toto Lusitano littore ad caput finis terrae, et hide ad orientem per totam Cantabricam oram, et etiam Gallicam usque ad regis insulam tribus post medinoctium horis mare 260 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. turn primum trahimus. Existimamus enim (quemad- modum jam dictum est), in mari Indico et in mari Scythico veros esse cursus aquarum, ab oriente scilicet in occidentem, pervios et integros ; at in alveis maris Atlantic! atque Australis compulsos et transversos et refractos ab objectu terrarum, quae utrinque in longum ab Austro ad Boream exporriguntur, et nusquam, nisi versus extremitates, liberum dant exitum aquis. Ve- rum compulsio ilia aquarum, quae causatur a mari Indico versus Boream, et in opposite a mari Scythico versus Austrum, spatiis immensum differunt ob dif- ferentem vim et copias aquarum. Universus igitur oceanus Atlanticus usque ad mare Britannicum cedit impulsion! maris Indici ; at superior tantum Atlantic! maris pars, nimirum ea quae jacet versus Daniam et Norvegiam, cedit impulsion! rnaris Scythici. Hoc vero ita fieri necesse est. Etenim dua3 magnae insulae vet- eris orbis et novi orbis earn sunt sortitas figuram, atque ita exporriguntur, ut ad Septentriones latas, ad Aus- erit plenum. Ab hac usque ad insulam Hechas in mari medio ad decimum fere milliarium, quod nautae vocant derotam mare erit plenum hora terti& cum tribus quartis. Sed in littoribus hora quarta cum dimidia. Ad Hebas [corrige Ab Hechis] usque ad ingressum canalis Anglici aqua plena hora quinta et quarto uno in derota. In littoribus hora sexta cum tribus quar tis. Toto vero littore Normandico usque Caletum et Neuportum aqua plena hor& nona. In derota horse unius tribus quartis. In Canali vero media hora duodecima in eadem lunoe conjunctione A Calete vero ad Gravelingen extra canalem Anglicum in derota plenum sit post mediam noctem una hora cum dimidia, qua plenum erat, uti vidimus ad Ituttam, hsec in gradu longitudinis est nono. Gravelinge vero in gradu xxiv. ut distent gradibus xv." There is no difficulty in identifying the places here mentioned (Rutta being, of course, Rota, and the insula Regis the He de Re), except in the case of Hechas. It is, however, the same as Heys, which is the old name of Noirmoutier. (See Ortellius and Merca- tor.) The island probably obtained the name Noirmoutier from having a monastery of black friars. The old name seems to be revived now in the form Aix. DE FLUXD ET REFLUX U MARTS. 261 trum acutae sint. Maria igitur contra ad Austrum magna occupant spatia, ad SepU-ntriones vero (ad dor- sum Europa? et Asige atque America?) parva. Ttaque ingens ilia moles aquarum qua3 venit ab oceano Indico et reflectit in mare Atlanticum, potis est compellere et trudere cursum aquarum continua successione quasi ad mare Britannicum, qua? successio est versus Boream. At ilia longe minor portio aquarum quae venit a man Scythico, quaeque etiam liberu'm fere habet exitum in cursu suo proprio versus occidentem ad dorsum Amer ica?, non potis est cursum aquarum compellere versus Austrum, nisi ad earn quam diximus metam, nempe circa fretum Britannicum. Necesse est autem ut in motibus istis oppositis sit tandem aliqua meta, ubi oc- currant et conflictentur, atque ubi in proximo mutetur subito ordo accessionis ; quemadmodum circa Grave- lingam fieri diximus, limite videlicet accessionis Indies et Scythica?. Atque inveniri Euripum quendam ex contrariis fluxibus circa Hollandiam, non solum ex ea (quam diximus) inversione ordinis horarum in fluxu, sed etiam peculiar! et visibili experimento, a plurimis observatum est. Quod si haec ita fiant, reditur ad id, ut necesse sit fieri, ut quo partes Atlantici et littora magis extenduntur ad Austrum et appropinquant mari Indico, eo magis fluxus antevertat in prascedentia, ut- pote qui oriatur a motu illo vero in mari Indico ; quo yero magis ad Boream (usque ad limitem communem, ubi repelluntur a gurgite antistropho maris Scythici), eo tardius atque in subsequentia. Id vero ita fieri, experimentum istud progressus a freto Herculeo ad fre tum Britannicum plane demonstrat. Itaque arbitra- mur etiam fluxum circa littora Africa} antevertere fluxum circa fretum Herculeum, et, verso ordine, flux- 262 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. um circa Norvegiam antevertere fluxum circa Sue- diam ; sed id nobis experimento aut historia comper- tum non est. Tertium experimentum est tale : Maria clausa ex altera parte, quae Sinus vocamus, si exporrigantur in- clinatione aliqua ab oriente in oocidentem, quae in con- sequentia est cum motu vero aquarum, habent fluxus vigentes et fortes : si vero inclinatione adversa, Ian- O guidos et obscuros. Nam et mare Erythraeum habet fluxum bene magnum, et Sinus Persicus, magis recta petens occidentem, adlmc majorem. At mare Medi- terraneum, quod est sinuum maximus, et hujus partes Tyrrhenum, Pontus, et Propontis, et similiter mare Balticum, quse omnia reflectunt ad orientem, destitu- untur fere, et fluxus habent imbecillos. At ista dif ferentia maxime elucescit in partibus Mediterranei, quaa quamdiu vergunt ad orientem, aut flectunt ad sep- tentriones (ut in Tyrrhene et in iis quae diximus mari- bus), quiete agunt absque aestu multo. At postquam se converterint ad occidentem, quod fit in mari Adri- atico, insignem recuperat J fluxum. Cui accedit et illud, quod in Mediterraneo refluxus ille tenuis (qualis invenitur) incipit ab oceano, fluxus a contraria parte, ut aqua magis sequatur cursum ab oriente quam refu- sionem oceani. Atque his tantum tribus experimentis in praesentia utemur ad inquisitionem illam secundam. Possit tamen adjici probatio quaedam consentanea cum his quae dicta sunt, sed abstrusioris cujusdam naturae ; ea est, ut petatur argumentum hujusce mo- tus ab oriente in occidentem quern aquis adstruximus, non solum a consensu coeli (de quo jam dictum est), ubi iste motus in flore est ac fortitudine praecipua, sed l M. Bouillet corrects the passage by reading recuperant. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARTS. 263 etiam a terra, ubi protinus videtur cessare ; ita ut ista inclinatio sive motus vere sit cosmicus, atque omnia a fastigiis coeli usque ad interiora terras transverberet. Intel lio-imus enim conversionem istam ab oriente in C5 . occidentem fieri scilicet (quemadmodum revera inve- nitur) super polos australem et borealem. Verissime autem diligentia Gilbert! nobis hoc reperit ; omnem terrain et naturam (quam appellamus terrestrem) non delinitam sed rigidani, et, ut ipse loquitur, robustam, habere directionem sive verticitatem latentem, sed ta- men per plurima exquisita experimenta se prodentem, versus Austrum et Boream.1 Atque hanc tamen ob- servationem plane rainuimus, atque ita corrigimus, ut hoc asseratur tantum de exterioribus concretionibus circa superficiem terrae, et minime producatur ad vis cera ipsius terras (nam quod terra sit magnes interim levi omnino phantasia arreptum est ; fieri enim prorsus nequit, ut interiora terras similia sint alicui substantiae quam oculus humanus videt, siquidem omnia apud nos a sole et coelestibus laxata, subacta, aut infracta sint, ut cum iis quae talem nacta sunt locum quo vis cceles- tium non penetret neutiquam consentire possint) ; sed quod nunc agitur, superiores incrustationes sive con- cretiones terraa videntur consentire cum conversionibus cooli, aeris, atque aquarum, quatenus consistentia et de- terminata cum liquidis et fluidis consentire queant, hoc est, non ut volvantur super polos, sed dirigantur et vertantur versus polos. Cum enim in omni orbe volu- bili, qui vertitur super polos certos neque habet motum centri, sit participatio quaadam naturae mobilis et fixae ; postquam per naturam consistentem sive se determi- 1 Bacon appears to refer particularly to Gilbert, De Magn. vi. 4. ; a pas- sage repeated, like many others, in the Physiol. Nova, ii. 7. 264 DE FLUXU ET EEFLUXU MARIS. nantem ligatur virtus volvendi, tamen manet et inten- ditur et unitur virtus ilia et appetitus dirigendi se ; ut directio et verticitas ad polos in rigidis, sit eadem res Cum volubilitate super polos in fluidis. Superest inquisitio tertia : Unde et quomodo fiat re- dprocatio ilia sexlwraria cestuum, quce inddit in quad- rantem motus diurni, cum differentia quam diximm ? Id ut intelligatur, supponatur orbem terrarum univer- sum aqua cooperiri, ut in diluvio general]'. Existima- mus aquas, quippe ut in orbe integro, neque impedito, semper in progressu se commoturas ab oriente in occi- dentem singulis diebus ad certurn aliquod spatium (id- que profecto non magnum, ob exsolutionem et enerva- tionem virium hujus motus in confiniis terra?), cum ex nulla parte objectu terra? impediantur aquas aut cohib- eantur. Supponatur rursus, terram unicam insulam esse, eamque in longitudine exporrigi inter Austrum et Septentriones, qua? forma ac situs motum ab oriente in occidentem maxime frenat et obstruit ; existimamus aquas cursum suum directum et naturalem ad tempus perrecturas, sed rursus ab insula ilia repercussas pari- bus intervallis relapsuras ; itaque unicum tantum flux- urn maris in die futurum fuisse, et unicum similiter refluxum, atque horum singulis circiter 12 horas attri- butum iri. Atque ponatur jam (quod verum est et factum ipsum) terram in duas insulas divisam esse, vet- eris scilicet et novi orbis (nam Terra Australis situ suo rem istam non magnopere disturbat, quemadmo- dum nee Groenlandia aut Nova-zembla), easque ambas insulas per tres fere mun'di zonas exporrigi, inter quas duo Oceani, Atlanticus et Australis, interfluunt, et ipsi nunquam nisi versus polos pervii ; existimamus neces- DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARTS. 265 sario sequi, ut duo isti obices naturam duplicis recip- rocationis universas moli aquarum insinuent et com- municent, et fiat quadrans ille motus diurni ; ut aquis scilicet utrimque frenatis, fluxus et refluxus maris bis in die, per spatia scilicet sex horarum, se explicet, cum duplex fiat processio, et duplex itidem repercussio. IllaB vero duse insult si instar cylindrorum aut columnarum per aquas 1 exporrigerentur aquis dimensionibus et rec- tis littoribus, facile demonstraretur et cuivis occurreret iste motus, qui jam tanta varietate posituraa terras et maris confundi videtur et obscurari. Neque etiam est difficile conjecturam capere nonnullam, qualem isti motui aquarum incitationem tribuere consentaneum sit, et quanta spatia in uno die conficere possit. Si enim sumantur (in ajstimationem hujus rei) littora aliqua ex iis qua3 minus montosa aut depressa sunt et ocean o libero adjacent, et capiatur mensura spatii terrse inter metam fluxus et metam refluxus. interjacentis, atque illud spatium quadruplicetur propter sestus singulis die- bus quaternos, atque is numerus rursus duplicetur prop ter aestus ad adversa littora ejusdem oceani, atque huic numero nonniliil in cumulum adjiciatur, propter om nium littorum altitudinem, qua? ab ipsa fossa mari sem per aliquantum insurgunt ; ista computatio illud spa tium productura est, quod globus aqua? uno die, si liber ab impedimento esset ac in orbe circa terrain semper in progressu moveret, conficere possit ; quod certe nil magnum est. De differentia autem ilia quaa coincidit in rationes motus lunas, et efficit periodum menstruam ; id fieri existimamus, quod spatium sexhorarium non sit mensura exacta reciprocationis, quemadmodum nee mo tus diurnus alicujus planetarum non2 restituitur exacte i quas in the original. — J. 8. 2 So in the original. — J. 8. 266 DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARIS. in horis 24, ininime autem omnium hma. Itaque mensura fluxus et refluxus non est quadrans motus stellarum fixarum, qui est 24 horarum, sed quadrans diurni motus lunae. Mandata. Inquiratur utrum hora fluxus circum littora Africae antevertat horam fluxus circa fretum Herculeum ? In quiratur utrum hora fluxus circa Norvegiam antevertat horam fluxus circa Suediam, et ilia1 similiter horam fluxus circa Gravelingam ? Inquiratur utrum hora fluxus ad littora Brasilia? antevertat horam fluxus ad littora Hispanic Novae et Florida?? Inquiratur utrum hora fluxus ad littora Chinee non inveniatur ad vel prope horam fluxus ad littora Pe ruvian, et ad vel prope horam refluxus ad littora Africae et Florida ? Inquiratur quomodo hora fluxus ad littora Peruviana discrepet ab hora fluxus circa littora Hispanise Novae, et particulariter quomodo se habeant differentia? hora rum fluxuum ad utraque littora Isthmi in America ; et rursus quomodo hora fluxus ad littora Peruviana respondeat horse fluxus circa littora China? ? Inquiratur de magnitudinibus fluxuum ad diversa littora, non solum de temporibus sive horis. Licet enim causentur fere magnitudines fluxuum per de- pressiones littorum, tamen nihilominus communicant etiam cum ratione motus veri maris, prout secundus est aut adversus. Inquiratur de mari Caspio, (quae sunt bene magnae portiones aquarum conclusae, absque ullo exitu in oce- 1 ilk in the original. — /. S. DE FLUXU ET REFLUXU MARTS. 267 anum,) si patiantur fluxum et refluxum, vel qualem ; siquidem nostra fert conjectura, aquas in Caspio posse habere fluxum unicura in die, non geminatum, atque talem ut littora orientalia ejusdem maris deserantur, cum occidentalia alluantur. Inquiratur utrum fluxus augmenta in noviluniis et pleniluniis, atque etiam in asquinoctiis,1 fiant simul in diversis mundi partibus? Cum autem dicimus simul, intelligimus non eadem hora (variantur enim horaa secundum progressus aquarum ad littora, ut diximus), sed eodem die. Morce. Non producitur inquisitio ad explicationem plenam consensus motus menstrui in mari cum motu lunas ; sive illud fiat per subordinationem, sive per concau- sam. Syzygice? Inquisitio prasens conjungitur cum inquisitione, utrum terra moveatur motu diurno ? Si enim aestus maris sit tamquam extrema diminutio motus diurni ; sequetur globum terras esse immobilem, aut saltern moveri motu longe tardiore quam ipsas aquas. 1 cequinoxiis in the original. — J. S. 2 Zyzygice in the original. — J. 8. DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, SECUNDUM FABULA3 CUPIDINIS ET CCELI: SIVE PARMENIDIS ET TEL?:SII ET PK^ECIPUE DEMOCRITI PHILOSOPHIA, TKACTATA IN FABULA DE CUPIDINE. PREFACE TO DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS. BY ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. THE following tract is one of those which were pub lished by Grater. It seems to be of later date than many of the others, as it contains several phrases and turns of expression which occur also in the Nbvum Organum. Bacon's design was to give a philosophical exposition of two myths ; namely, that of the primeval Eros or Cupid, and that of Uranos or Coelum. Only the first however is discussed in the fragment which we now have, and even that is left incomplete. The philosophy of Democritus appeared to Bacon to be nearly in accordance with the hidden meaning; *• O of these fables ; but we are not well able to judge of his reasons for thinking so, as the only system spoken of in detail is that of Telesius. Touching the origin of Eros, Bacon remarks that no mention is made anywhere of his progenitors. In this he is supported by the authority of Plato, or rather by that of one of the interlocutors in the Symposium, who affirms that no one, whether poet or not, has 272 PREFACE TO THE spoken of the parents of Eros ; but that ftesiod in the order of his theogony places Gaia and Eros next after primeval Chaos.1 It seems in truth probable that the fables which make Eros the son of Zeus and Aphrodite are of later origin. From the Sym posium Bacon may also have derived the recognition of an elder and a younger Eros, of whom the former was allied to the heavenly Aphrodite, and the latter to Aphrodite Pandemus.2 But it is more probable that his account of the distinction between them comes from some later writer. Hesiod, to whom the first speaker in the Symposium refers, though he places Eros and Gaia next to Chaos, says nothing of Eros as the progenitor of the universe. His existence is recognised, but nothing is said of his offspring. In this the theogony of Hesiod differs es sentially from that which is contained in the Orphic poems, and shows I think signs of greater antiquity. To recognise as a deity an abstract feeling of love or desire, is in itself to recede in some measure from the simplicity of the old world : we find no such recogni tion in Homer ; and the transition from him to Hesiod is doubtless a transition from an earlier way of think ing to a later. But even in Hesiod Eros is not the producing principle of the universe, nor is his share in its ( production explained. On the other hand in the Orphic poems, Phanes, whom we are entitled to identify with Eros, is the progenitor of gods and men, the light and life of the universe. He comes forth from Chaos, uniting in his own essence the poles of 1 Sympos. p. 178.; and see Valcknaer's Diatribe, to whom Stallbaum refers.' On the other hand Pausanias mentions as an early myth that Eroa was the son of Ilithyia. See Pausan. Bceot. ix. 27. 2 Sympos. p. 180., and see also p. 195. DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS. 273 the mysterious antithesis on which all organic produc tion depends. From him all other beings derive their existence. There seems clearly more of a philosopheme in this than in the simpler statements of Hesiod. The identification of Eros with Phanes or Ericapeus rests on a passage in the Argonautics, in which it is said that he was called Phanes by the men of later time because he was manifested before all other beings ; Trpwro; yap e^ai'6*?;.1 It is confirmed by the authority of Proclus. Phanes, in the common form of the Orphic the- ogony, comes out of the egg into which Chaos had formed itself.2 But I am not aware that any one except Aristophanes makes Night lay the egg from which Eros afterwards emerges ; 3 and it seems that this is only a playful modification of the common myth, not unsuitable to the chorus of birds by whom it is introduced.4 It does not appear necessary to suppose, as Cud worth seemingly does, that Aris tophanes had in some unexplained way become ac quainted with a peculiar form of " the old atheistic cabala." 5 The most remarkable passage in which Eros (not Phanes) is spoken of as the producer of all things, is in the Argonauties : — Trpcora p, d)S e7rayu,en//€ <£ucrets, a>S r oipavos es Trepas r)\6ev, yiys T' evpvtrTepvov yerecrtv, •wvO^f.va.^ re @a\dcrcrr]s, 1 Orph. Argon. 14. In the preceding line, Eros is made, according to Gesner's reading, the son of Night. But for via there is another reading, irarepa. 2 See Lobeck, Aglaoph. i. 474. 8 Aves, 650. * This seems to be confirmed by the half ludicrous epithet virrjve/uov. 5 See Cudworth, Intellect. Syst. VOL. v. 18 274 PREFACE TO THE re Kal avroreXf) TroAu/A^Tiv Epwra, ocnra T ec^ucrev aTrarra, ra 8* lupiOev aXXov OLTT aAAo.1 Nothing is said here, or elsewhere I believe, of his having mingled with Uranos in the engendering of the universe ; and I am inclined to think that when Bacon says, " Ipse cum Coelo mistus, et deos et res universos progenuit," we ought to substitute Chao for Coelo.2 For the passage in Aristophanes goes on to say that in wide Tartarus Eros and Chaos mingled in love and produced first the race of birds and then gods and men. Of Phanes nothing of this kind is mentioned, except his intercourse with Night ; 3 so that Bacon's statement does not seem to be in any way justified. It would be endless to cite passages in which the attributes of Eros are described, nor is it necessary to do so. The form in which Bacon connects the myth of the primeval Eros with philosophy is far less artificial and unreal than most of the interpretations which he has given in the Wisdom of the Ancients. Chaos repre sents uninformed matter ; Eros matter actually exist ing, and possessed of the law or principle by which it is energised ; the first principle, in short, which is the cause of all phenomena. The parents of Eros are un known ; that is to say, it is in vain to seek to carry our 1 Argonaut. 423. In the third Ijne Trv&fiEvaf is admitted to be corrupt. I would venture to suggest TroAtaf, making tf aAa cipua et propria ad corpora unienda valet : etiam claves setheris, maris, et terraa ei deferebantur. Fingitur quo- que et celebratur alter Cupido minor, Veneris filius, in quern attributa antiquioris transferuntur, et propria multa adjiciuntur. Fabula ista, cum sequent! de Coslo, brevi parabolaa complexu proponere videtur doctrinam de principiu rerum et mundi oriyinibm, non multum dissidentem ab ea philosophia quam Democritus exhibuit ; nisi quod videatur aliquanto magis severa, et sobria et perpur- gata. Ejus enim viri, licet acutissimi et diligentissimi, contemplationes gliscebant tamen, et modum tenere nescize erant, nee se satis stringebant aut sustinebant. Atque etiam ha3C ipsa placita qua1, in parabola delites- cunt, quamvis paulo emendatiora, talia sunt qualia esse possunt ilia qua3 ab intellectu sibi permisso, nee ab experientia continenter et gradatim1 sublevato, profecta videntur ; nam illud vitium existimamus etiam prisca secula occupasse. In primis autem intelligendum est, qua3 hie afferuntur conclusa et prolata esse ex author- itate rationis humante solummodo, et sensus fidem se- cuta : cujus jarnpridem cessantia et deficu-ntia oracula merito rejiciuntur, postquam meliora et certiora mor- talibus ex parte verbi divini affulserint. Itaque Chaos illud, quod Cupidini coaevnm erat, massam sive con- the germ of the my thus, but in that which has since been given by Max Muller it seems more easy to do so. It would be interesting to ascertain how far the mythus was developed at the time at which the older portions of the Rig Veda were composed. The subject may be said to have a natu ral interest at Helsingfors, as the egg cosmogony exists among the Finns. For the hymn referred to see Colebrook's Miscellaneous Essays, i. p. 34., and Miiller's Addenda to Bunsen's Hippolytus, p. 140. 1 gradatum in original. — J. S. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 291 gregationem materiae inconditam significabat. Materia autem ipsa, atque vis et natura ejus, denique principia rerum, in Cupidine ipso adumbrata erant. Ille intro- ducitur sine parente, id est sine causa : causa enim effectus veluti parens est ; idque in tropis fumiliare et fere perpetuum est, ut parens et proles causam et effec- tura denotent. Materioe autem primas, et virtutis at que actionis propria3 ejus, causa nulla esse potest in natura (Deum enim semper excipimus) ; nihil enim hac ipsa prius. Itaque efficiens nulla, nee aliquid na ture notius ; ergo nee genus, nee forma. Quamobrem quaecunque tandem sit ilia materia atque ejus vis et operatio, res positiva est et surda, atque prorsus ut invenitur accipienda, nee ex praenotione aliqua judi- canda. Etenim modus si sciri detur, tarn en per causam sciri non potest, cum sit post Deum causa causarum, ipsa incausabilis. Est enim terminus quidam verus et certus causarum in natura : atque aeque imperiti est et leviter philosophantis. cum ad ultimam nature vim et legem positivam ventum sit causam ejus requirere aut fingere, ac in iis qua? subordinata sunt causam non desiderare.1 Quare Cupido ab antiquis sapientibus ponitur in parabola sine parente, id est, sine causa. Neque nihil in hoc est; imo haud scimus an non res omnium maxima. Nil enim philosophiam perasque corrupit ac ilia inquisitio parentum Cupidinis ; hoc est, quod philosophi principia rerum quemadmodum in natura inveniuntur non receperunt et amplexi sunt, ut doctrinam quandam positivam, et tanquam fide experimental] ; sed potius ex legibus sermonum et ex dialecticis et mathematicis conclusiunculis atque ex communibus notionibus et hujusmodi mentis extra 1 Compare Nov. Org. i. 48. 292 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, naturam exspatiationibus ea deduxerunt. Itaque phi- losophanti quasi perpetuo hoc animo agitandum est, non esse parentes Cupidini, ne forte intellectus ad inania deflectat ; quia in hujusmodi perception ibus universalibus gliscit animus humanus, et rebus et se ipso abutitur, et dum ad ulteriora tendit ad prox- imiora recidit.1 Cum enim, propter angustias suas, iis quae familiariter occurrunt et qua3 una et subito men- tern subire et ferire possunt maxime moveri consuerit ; fit ut cum ad ea quae secundum experientiam maxime universalia sunt se extenderit, et nihilominus acquies- cere nolit, turn demum, tanquam adhuc notiora ap- petens, ad ea quae ipsum plurimum affecerint aut illaqueaverint se vertit, et ea ut magis causativa et demonstrativa quam ipsa ilia universalia sibi fingit. Itaque quod prima rerum essentia, vis, et Cupido, sine causa sit, jam dictum est. De modo vero ejus rei (quae eausam non recipit) videndum. Modus autem et ipse quoque perobscurus est ; idque a parabola ipsa monemur, ubi eleganter fingitur Cupido, ovum Nocte incubante exclusum. Certe sanctus philosoplms ita pronuntjat: Cuncta fecit Deus pulchra tempestatibus suis, et mundum tradidit disputationibus eorum ; ita tamen ut non inveniat homo opus quod operatus est Deus a principio usque adfinem.2 Lex enim summa essentiae atque naturae, quae vicissitudines rerum secat et percur- rit (id quod ex verborum complexu describi videtur, opus quod operatus est Deus a principio usque ad finem), vis scilicet primis particulis a Deo indita, ex cujus mul- tiplicatione omnis rerum varietas emergat et confletur, cogitationem mortalium perstringere potest, subire vix potest. Aptissime autem refertur illud de ovo Noctis i Compare Nov. Org. i. 48. 2 Eccles. iii. 11. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 293 ad demonstrationes per quas Cupido iste in lucem edi- tur. Quse enim per affirmativas concluduntur, viden- tur partus lucis ; quse vero per negativas et exclusiones, ea tanquam a tenebris et nocte exprimuntur et educun- tur. Est autem iste Cupido vere ovum exclusum a Nocte ; notitia enim ejus (quae omnino haberi potest) procedit per exclusiones et negativas. Probatio autem per exclusionern facta, quaedam ignoratio est, et tan quam nox, quoad id quod includitur ; quare praeclare Democritus atomos sive semina, atque eorum virtutem, nullius rei similia quae sub sensum cadere posset asse- ruit ; sed ea prorsus caeca et clandestina natura insignit. Itaque de ipsis pronuntiavit : Neque sunt igni simulata, neque ulli Praeterea rei quse corpora mittere possit Sensibus, et nostros adjectu tangere tactus: l Et rursus de virtute eorum : At primordia gignundis in rebus oportet Naturam clandestinam cascamque adhibere, Emineat ne quid, quod contra pugnet et obstet.2 Itaque atomi neque ignis scintillis, neque aquae guttis, neque auras bullis, neque pulveris granis, neque spiritus aut aetheris minutiis, similes sunt. Neque vis et forma eorum aut grave quiddam est aut leve, aut calidum aut frigidum, aut densum aut rarum, aut durum aut molle, qualia in corporibus grandioribus inveniuntur ; cum istae virtutes, et reliquaa id genus, compositas sint et conilatae. Neque similiter motus naturalis atomi aut motus ille est descensus, qui appellatur naturalis, aut motus illi oppositus (plagae), aut motus expansionis et contractionis, aut motus impulsionis et nexus, aut mo tus rotationis coelestium, aut quispiam ex aliis motibus 1 Lucret. i. 688. 2 id. j. 779. 294 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, grandiorum, sirnpliciter. Atque nihilominus et in cor- pore atom! elementa omnium corporum, et in motu et virtute atomi initia omnium motuum et virtutum in- sunt. Veruntamen in hoc ipso, nimirum de motu atomi, collato ad motum grandiorum, philosophia pa rabola a philosophia Democriti dissentire ' videtur. Democritus enim non omnino parabolas tantum, sed et sibi quoque impar et fere contrarius rep'u-itur, in iis quas amplius ab eo circa hoc dicta sunt. Debuit enim motum heterogeneum atomo tribuere, nc»n minus quam corpus heterogeneum et virtutem heterogeneam. Verum ille motus duos, descensus gravium et adscen- 7 O sus levium (quern per plagam sive percussionern magis gravium pellendo minus gravia in superius expediebat), delegit ex motibus grandiorum, quos atomo ut primi tives communicaret.1 Parabola autem heterogeneam et exclusionem ubique tuetur, tarn substantia quam motu. At parabola ulterius innuit, harum de quibus diximus exclusionum finem aliquem et modum esse; neque enim perpetuo Nox incubat. Atque Dei certe proprium est, cum de ejus natura inquiritur per sensum, ut exclusio- nes in affirmativis non terminentur. Alia vero est hu- jus rei ratio ; ea scilicet, ut post debitas exclusiones et negationes aliquid affirmetur et constituatur, et ut ovum quasi a tempestiva et matura incubatione excludatur ; neque tantum ovum excludatur Nocte, sed etiam ex ovo excludatur persona Cupidinis ; hoc est, ut non tan tum educatur et extrahatur hujusce rei notio qusedam " Cuncta necesse est Aut gravitate sua ferri primordia rerum, Aut ictu forte alterius." LUCKET. ii. 82. But Democritus himself did not ascribe gravity to the atom, and in thi8 as in some other points Bacon was misled by assuming that Lucretius always represents the opinions of Democritus. See Stobaeus, Eclog. Phys. i. 15. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 295 ex ignoratione, veram etiam notio distincta et confusa.1 Atque de demonstrationibus, quales ese circa materiam primam esse possint, hiec habuimus qua? cum sensu parabolas maxime convenire arbitramur. Veniendum igitur ad Cupidinem ipsum, materiam scilicet primarn, et dotes ejus, quas tanta circumstat nox ; et videndum quid parabola ad illam lucis afferat. Neque nos fugit, opiniones hujusmodi duras et fere incredibiles ad homi- num sensus et cogitationes accedere. Atque ejus certe rei periculum jam factum esse plane cernimus in hac ipsa Democriti philosophia de atomis, qua? quia paulo acutius et altius in naturam penetrabat et a communi- bus notionibus erat remotior, a vulgo pueriliter accipie- batur ; sed et philosophiarum aliarum qua? ad vulgi captum magis accedebant disputationibus. tanquam ventis, agitata et fere exstincta est. Et tamen etiam ille vir suis temporibus sumrna admiratione floruit, et Pentathlus dictus est ob multiplicem scientiam,2 et inter omnes philosophos omnium consensu maxime physicus est habitus, ut Magi quoque nomen obtineret. Neque Aristotelis pugnae et dimicationes (qui Otto- mannorum more de regno suo philosophise anxius erat, nisi fratres trucidasset ; cui etiam cura3 erat, ut ex ejus verbis liquet, ne quid posteri scilicet dubitarent) tan- turn sua violentia, nee etiam Platonis majestas et so- lennia tantum reverentia potuerunt, ut philosophiam hanc Democriti delerent. Sed dum ilia Aristotelis et Platonis strepitu et pompa professoria in scholis cir- cumsonarent et celebrarentur, hasc ipsa Democriti apud sapientiores, et contemplationum silentia et ardua arc- 1 So in the original. I suppose minime, or some equivalent word, has dropped out. M. Bouillet suggests the substitution of nee for et. — J. 3. a Diog. Laert. ix. 37. But see Mullach. Quiest. Democ. p. 54. 296 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, tius complexes, in magno honore erat. Certe in sec- ulis illis Romanae doctrinae, ilia Democriti et mansit et placuit ; cum Cicero ejus viri ubique summa cum laude mentionem faciat, et non ita multo post praaconium illud poetae, qui videtur ex temporis sui judicio (ut solent illi) de eo locutus esse, conscriptum sit et ex- stet, Cujus prudentia monstrat Magnos posse viros, et magna exempla daturos, Vervecum in patria crassoque sub acre nasci.1 Itaque non Aristoteles aut Plato, sed Gensericus et Attila et barbari, hanc philosophiam pessundederunt. Turn enim, postquam doctrina humana naufragium perpessa esset, tabulae istae Aristptelicae et PlatonicaB philosophiae, tanquam materiae cujusdam levioris et ma- gis inflata^, servatae sunt, et ad nos pervenerunt, clum magis solida mergerentur et in oblivionem fore veni- rent. Nobis vero digna videtur Democriti philosophia quae a neglectu vindicetur, praesertim quando cum au- thoritate prisci seculi in plurimis consentiat. Primo itaque describitur Cupido ut persona quaedam ; eique attribuuntur Infantia, Alae, Sagittae, alia, de quibus sigillatim postea dicemus. Sed hoc interim sumimus ; antiquos proposuisse materiam primam (qualis rerum principium esse potest) formatam et dotatam, non ab- stractam, potentialem, informem. Atque certe materia ilia spoliata et passiva prorsus humanae mentis com- mentum quoddam videtur, atque inde ortum, quia in- tellectui humano ilia maxime esse videntur, quae ipse potissimum haurit, et quibus ipse plurimum afficitur. Itaque fit ut formae (quas vocant) magis existere vide- antur, quam aut materia aut actio : quod ilia latet, haec i Juv. x. 48. SEC. FAB. CUPID1NIS ET CCELI. 297 fluit ; altera non tarn fortiter impingitur, altera non tarn constanter inhaeret. Imagines autem illae, contra, et manifestae et constantes putantur ; adeo ut materia ilia prima et communis tanquam accessorium quiddam videatur, et loco sufrulcimenti ; actio autem quaevis tan quam emanatio tantum a forma ; atque prorsus primas partes formis deferantur. Atque hinc fluxisse videtur formarum et idearum regnum in essentiis, materia scili cet addita quadam phantastica. Aucta etiam sunt ista suporstitione nonnulla (errorem, intemperantiam,1 ut fit, secuta), et idea? abstracts? quoque introductae, et earum dignitates ; tanta confidentia et majestate, ut cohors somniantium vigilantes fere oppresserit. Ve- rum ista ut plurimum evanuerunt ; licet alicui, nostro hoc seculo, curae fuerit ea sponte inclinantia fulcire et excitare, majore ausu (ut nobis videtur) quam fructu.2 Verum quam praeter rationem materia abstracta prin- cipium ponatur (nisi obstent prsejudicia) facile perspici- tur. Formas siquidem separatas quidam actu subsistere posuerunt,3 materiam separatam nemo ; ne ex iis qui earn ut principium adhibuerunt ; atque ex rebus phan- 1 [So in original.] The true reading is probably intemperantid. 2 The allusion is apparently to Patricias, whose Nova Philosophia was published in 1593 ; a work long since so rare that Sorellus (apud Brucker, iv. 28.) says that a small library might be purchased for the price of this single book. See for an account of it Brucker, ubi modo. 8 Angels are regarded by the schoolmen as forms not immersed in mat ter. Thus St. Thomas says, " Angeli sunt formae immateriales." — Sum. Theol. i. q. 61. Even the soul of man is spoken of as a form " non penitus materiae immersa; " a way of speaking probably employed for two reasons, — to save the possibility of the soul's separate existence, and to obviate the difficulty of the Scotists, that an unextended, or intense, form like the soul cannot give extension or corporeity. From this difficulty Duns Scotus deduced the existence of a " forma corporeitatis " distinct from the soul; a doctrine not to be confounded witli that of Avicenna, who, from the impos sibility of conceiving unextended matter, was led to assert the existence •f a form of corporeity primitively inherent in all matter. 298 DE PRINCIP1IS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, tasticis entia constituere durum videtur ac perversum, neque inquisition! de principiis consonum. Neque enim quaeritur quomodo naturam entium commodissime cogi- tatione complectamur aut distinguamus, sed quae sint vere entia prima et inaxime simplicia ex quibus caetera deriventur. Primum autem ens non minus vere debet existere, quam quae ex eo fluunt ; quodammodo magis. Authupostaton 1 enim est, et per hoc reliqua. At quas dicuntur de materia ilia abstracta, non multo meliora sunt, quam si quis mundum et res ex categoriis et hu- jusmodi dialectic-is notionibus, tanquam ex principiis, fieri asserat. Parum enim interest, utrum quis mun dum fieri ex materia et forma et privations dicat, an ex substantia et qualitatibus contrariis.2 Sed omnes fere antiqui, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Anaximenes, Hera- clitus, Democritus, de materia prima in caeteris dissiden- tes, in hoc convenerunt, quod materiam activam, forma nonnulla, et formam suam dispensantem, atque intra se principium motus habentem, posuerunt. Neque aliter cuiquam opinari licebit, qui non experientiae plane deserter esse velit. Itaque hi omnes' mentem rebus submiserunt. At Plato mundum cogitationibus, Aris- toteles vero etiam cogitationes verbis, adjudicarunt ; vergentibus etiam turn hominum studiis ad disputati- ones et sermpnes, et veritatis inquisitionem severiorem missam facientibus. Quare hujusmodi placita magis toto genere reprehendenda quam proprie confutanda videntur. Sunt enim eorum, qui rnultum loqui volunt, et parum scire. Atque abstracta ista materia est ma teria disputationum, non universi. Verum rite et or- 1 The word avdvnoaraTOt , of which the Latin form ought to be authy- postatus, is given by Stephanus, with a reference to Nicetas. 2 Compare De Augmentis. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 299 dine philosophanti, naturae plane facienda est dissectio non abstractio (qui autem secare earn nolunt, abstra- here coguntur), atque omnino materia prima ponenda est conjuncta cum forma prima, ac etiam cum principle motus primo, ut invenitur. Nam et motus quoqne ab stractio infinitas phantasias peperit, de animis, vitis, et similibus, ac si iis per materiam et formam non satis- fiertt, sed ex suis propriis penderent ilia principiis. Sed hasc tria nullo modo discerpencla, sed tantummodo distinguenda ; atque asserenda materia (qualiscunque ea sit) ita ornata et apparata et formata, ut omnis virtus, essentia, actio, atque motus naturalis, -ejus con- secutio et emanatio esse possit. Neque propterea met- uendum, ne res torpeant, aut varietas ista quam cerni- mus explicari non possit ; ut postea docebimus. Atque quod materia prima forma nonnulla sit, demonstrator a parabola in hoc, quod Cupidinis est persona quaedam. Ita tamen ut materia ex toto, sive massa materias, quondam informis fuerit : Chaos enim informe ; Cu- pido persona quaedam. Atque base cum sacris lit- eris optime conveniunt. Neque enim scriptum est quod Deus hylen1 in principio creavit, sed coelum et terrain. Subjungitur etiam jlescriptio nonnulla status rerum qualis fuerit ante opera dierum, in qua distincta mentio fit terra? et aquae, quas sunt nomina formarum ; sed ta men quod massa secundum totum erat informis.2 Ve- rum introducitur in parabolam Cupido ita personatus, ut sit tamen nudus. Itaque post illos qui materiam ponunt abstractam, proxime (sed in contrarinm) pec cant illi qui earn ponunt non exutam. Atque de hac 1 Hymen in the original. — J. S. 2 Compare St. Thomas. Sum. Theol. i. 66. 1. 300 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, re quaedam adspersimus in iis quae de demonstrationibus quales in materiam primam conveniant, et de hetero- genea ipsius materia?, a nobis jam dicta sunt. At hie, quern nunc ingrediemur, est proprius ejus rei tractandaa locus. Videndum ergo ex iis qui principia rerum in materia formata fundaverunt, quinam sint illi qui for- mam materias tribuerint nativam et nudam, et qui rursus superfusam et indutam. Inveniuntur autem omnino quatuor opinantium sectce. Prima est eorum, qui unum quippiam asserunt rerum principium, diver- sitatem autem entium constituunt in natura ejusdem principii fluxa1 et dispensabili. Secunda eorum, qui principium rerum ponunt substantia unicum, idque fixum et invariabile ; diversitatem entium deducunt per hujusmodi principii diversas magnitudines, figuras, et posituras. Tertia eorum, qui plura constituunt re- rum principia ; et diversitatem entium ponunt in eorum temperamento et mistione. Quarta eorum, qui infinita aut saltern numerosa constituunt rerum principia, sed specificata et effigiata ; quibus nihil opus ut commi- niscantur aliquid quod res deducat ad multiplex, cum naturam jam a principio disgregent.2 Inter quos se- cunda secta nobis videtur solummodo Cupidinem ex- hibere, ut est, nativum et exutum. Prima vero intro- ducit eum tanquam velo discretum. Tertia tunicatum. Quarta etiam chlamydatum et fere sub larva. Atque de singulis pauca dicemus, ad meliorem parabola? expli- cationem. Primo igitur, ex iis qui unum rerum prin cipium statuerunt, neminem invenimus qui illud de Terra affirmaret. Obstabat scilicet terras natura qui- 1 fluxu in the original. — /. S. 2 In enumerating these four sects, Bacon alludes successively to the Ionian physicists; to the atomists; to Parmenides, Telesius, Empedocles and many others; and lastly to Anaxagoras. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 301 eta et torpens et minime activa, sed coeli et ignis et reliquorum patiens, ne id cuipiam in mentem veniret asserere.1 Attamen prisca sapientia Terram proximam a Chao ponit, Coelique primo parentem, deinde nup- tam ; ex quo conjugio omnia.2 Neque propterea hoc accipiendum, ac si veteres unquani statuissent terrain principium essentiae ; sed principium vel originem po- tius schematismi sive systematis. Itaque hanc rem ad parabolam sequentem de Coelo rejicimus, ubi de Origin- ibus inquiremus ; qua? est iuquisitio, ad illam de Prin- cipiis, posterior. At Thales Aquam principium rerum posuit.3 Vi- debat enim materiam praecipue dispensari in humido, humidum in aqua. Consentaneum autem esse illud rerum principium ponere, in quo virtutes entium et vigores, praesertim elementa generationum et instau- rationum, potissimum invenirentur. Genituram ani- malium humidam ; etiam plantarum semina et nuclea, quamdiu vegetarent nee efFoeta essent, tenera et mol- lia. Metalla quoque liquescere et fluere, et esse tan- quam terras succos concretos, vel potius aquas quas- dam minerales. Terram ipsam imbribus aut irriga- tione fluviorum foecundari et instaurari, nihilque aliud videri terrain et limum, quam faeces et sedimenta aquae. Et aerem planissime esse aquae exspirationem atque expansionem. Quin et ignem ipsum non con- 1 This remark Bacon may have derived from Aristotle, Metaph. i. 7. However, Hippo of Rhegium, or rather Hippo the atheist who is probably the same person, made earth the principle of all things, at least according to the scholiast on Hesiod's Theogony. (See Heinsius's Hesiod, p. 237.) Others, however, give a different account of Hippo's opinions, and it is possible that the scholiast's story was suggested to him merely by what Aristotle says of him in the third chapter of the same book. 2 As I have remarked in the preface, reference is here made to Hesiod. 3 Plutarch, De Plac. Philosoph. i. 3. 302 DE PEINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, cipi, neque omnino durare aut ali, nisi ex humido et per humidum. Pinguedinem autem illam humidi, in qua flamma et ignis sustentantur et vivunt, videri quandam aquas maturitatem et concoction em. Cor pus rursus et molem aquas per universum, ut fomitem communem, disperfiri. Oceanum terras circumfundi. Vim maximam aquarum dulcium subterranean! ; unde fontes et fluvii, qui, venarum instar, aquas per terras et faciem et viscera deportent. At immensas vaporum et aquarum congregationes in supernis esse, utque aliam quandam aquarum universitatem, utpote a qua inferio- res aquae, atque adeo oceanus ipse, reparentur et refi- ciantur. Etiam ignes coelestes existimabat aquas illas et vapores depascere ; neque enim aut sine alimento subsistere, aut aliunde ali posse ; figuram autem aquas, quas in ejus particulis (guttis videlicet) cernitur, ean- dem cum figura universi esse, rotundam nempe et sphasricam ; quin et undulationem aquas, etiam in aere et flamma, notari et conspici : motum denique aquas habilem, nee torpescentem, nee prasfestinmn ; numero- sissimam autem piscium et aquatilium generationem. Sed Anaximenes Aerem delegit, quod unum esset re- rum principium.1 Nam si moles in constituendis rerum principiis spectanda sit, videtur aer longe maxima uni versi spatia occupare. Nisi enim detur vacuum sepa ratum, aut recipiatur superstitio ilia de heterogenea coelestium et sublunarium ; quicquid a globo terras ad ultima coeli extenditur spatii, atque astrum aut meteo- rum non est, aerea substantia compleri videtur. Atque globi terrestris domicilium instar puncti ad coeli ambi- tum censetur. In asthere vere2 ipso, quantula portio 1 Plutarch, 1. c. 2 So in the original: probably a mistake for verb. — /. 8. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 303 in stellis conspergitur ? cum in citimis sphaeris singulaa conspiciantur, in ultima, licet ingens earum numerus sit, tamen prae spatiis interstellaribus exiguum quiddam spatii sidereum appareat ; ut omnia tanquam in vastis- simo aeris pelago natare videantur. Neque parva est ca portio aeris et spiritus, quae in aquis et cavis terrse locis sedem et moram habet ; uncle aquae fluorem suum recipiunt. Quin et extenduntur quandoque et intu- mescunt ; terras autem non solum porositas sua accidit, sed etiam tremores et concussiones, evidentia signa venti et aeris inclusi. Quod si media quaedam natura sit propria principiorum, ut tantae varietatis possit esse susceptiva -5 ea prorsus in acre reperiri videtur. Est enim aer tanquam commune rerum vinculum, non tan- tum cmia ubique praesto est, et succedit, et vacua possi- det, sed multo magis quod videtur esse naturae cujus- dam mediae et adiaphorae. Hoc enim corpus illud est, quod lucem, opacitatem, omniumque colorum tincturas, et umbrarum eclipses excipit et vehit ; quod sonorum etiam harmonicorum, et (quod multo majus est) artic- lalatorum, impressiones et signaturas motu accuratis- simo discriminat ; quod odorum differentias, non tan- turn generales illas suavis et foetidi, gravis, acuti, et similium, sed proprias et specificatas, rosae, violas, subit nee confundit ; quod ad celebres et potentissimas illas qualitates calidi, frigidi, etiam humidi, sicci, quodam- modo sequum se praebet ; in quo vapores aquei, halitus pingues, spiritus salium, metallorum fumi, suspensa volant ; denique in quo radii coelestes, et arctiores re- rum consensus et discordiae, secreto commeant et ob- murmurant ; ut sit aer veluti chaos secundum, in quo tot rerum semina agant, errent, tentent, atque experi- antur. Postremo, si vim genialem et vivificantem in 304 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, rebus consulas, quae ad rerum principia manuducat ea- que manifestet, etiam aeris potiores partes esse viden- tur ; adeo ut aeris et spiritus et aninue vocabula usu nonnunquam confundantur. Idque merito, cum vitae paulo adultioris (exceptis scilicet rudimentis illis vita? in embryonibus et ovis) respiratio aliqua comes sit vel- uti individuus ; adeo ut pisces concreta et conglaciata aquarum superficie suffocentur. Etiam ignis ipse, nisi ab aura circumfusa animetur, exstinguitur, nihilque aliud videtur quam aer attritus, irriiatus, et incensus ; quem- admodum aqua e contra videri possit aeris coagulum et receptus. Etiam terram perpetuo aerem exhalare, neque ut per aquam in formam aeris transitum faciat opus habere. Heraclitus vero magis acutus, sed minus credibilis, Ignem rerum principium posuit.1 Neque enim naturam mediam, qua? maxime vaga et corruptib- ilis esse solet, sed naturam summam et perfectam, qu;e corruptions et alterationis terminus quidam sit, ad re- rum principia constituenda quaasivit. Videbat autem maximam rerum varietatem et perturbationem in cor- poribus solidis et consistentibus inveniri. Talia enim corpora organica esse possunt, et veluti machine qua> dam, qua? etiam ex figura innumeras variationes nan- ciscuntur, qualia sunt corpora animalium et plantamm. Etiam in his ipsis, ea quoque qua? organica non sunt, tamen si acutius introspiciantur, valde esse dissimilia reperiuntur. Quanta enim dissimilitudo inter partes animalium illas ipsas, qua? vocantur similares ? cere brum, humorem crystallinum, albuginem oculi, os, membranam, cartilaginem, nervum, venam, carnem, pinguedinem, medullam, sanguinem, sperma, spiritum, chylum, reliqua ? etiam inter partes vegetabilium, ra- 1 Plutarch, 1. c. SEC. FAB. CUPIDIXIS ET CGEU. 305 diccni, corticem, caulem, folium, florem, semen, et si- milia ? At fossilia organica non sunt certe, sed tamen et in nna specie varie commista sunt, et ad invicem admodum copiosam varietatem ostendunt. Quamo- brem basis ilia diversitatia entium, ampla, lata, et ex- porrecta, in qua tantus rerum apparatus elucescit et obversatur, constitui videtur in natura solida et con- sistenti. Corpora vero liquorum vis schematism! or- ganici plane deserit. Neque enim reperitur per totam istam naturam visibilem, aut animal aut planta in cor- pore mere fluido. Ergo numerosissima ilia varietas a natura liquida abscinditur et subducitur. Manet nilri- lominus varietas non parva, ut in tanta diversitate fusil- ium, r.uccorum, destillatorum, et hujusmodi, manifestum est. At in ae'riis et pneumaticis corporibus arctatur muHo magis varietas, et obducitur promiscua qusedam rerum similitudo. Certe vis ilia colorum et saporum, quibus liquoi'es quandoque distinguuntur, omnino ces- sat ; odorum vero manet, atque aliarum nonnullarum, ita tamen ut transeant, confundantur, et minus hae- reant ; adeo ut in universum quo magis ad ignis natu ram fiat appropinquatio tantum de varietate depereat. At postquam ad ignis naturam ventum est, ejusque rectificati- et purioris, omne organum, omnisque pro- prietas, omnis dissimilaritas exuitur, atque natura tan- quam in vertice pyramidali in unum coire videtur, atque ad terminum actionis sua3 proprias pervenisse. Itaque incensionem sive ignescentiam pacem nominavit, quia naturam componeret; generationem autem bellum, quia ad multiplex deduceret.1 Atque ut ista ratio (qua res a varietate ad unum, et ab unitate ad varium, flumi- nis instar flue rent et refluerent) aliquo modo explicari 1 Diog. Laert ix. 8 VOL. v. 20 306 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, posset ; ignem ei densari et rarescere placuit, ita tamen ut rarescentia ilia versus naturam igneam, actio esset naturae di recta et progress! va ; densatio autem veluti retrogradatio naturae et destitutio. Utrumque fato et certis periodis (secundum summam) fieri censebat : ut mundi istius, qui volvitur, futura sit quandoque con- flagratio, et deinde instauratio, atque incensionis et gen- erationis series perpetua et successio. Ordinem au tem (si quis diligenter versetur in tenui ea qua? de hoc viro atque ejus decretis ad nos pervenit memoria) diversum statuit incensionis et exstinctionis. In scala enim incensionis, nihil ab iis quae vulgata sunt dissen- tiebat ; nt progressus rarescentiae et extenuation is esset a terra ad aquam, ab aqua ad aerem, ab acre ad ignem ; at non idem decursus ; sed ordinem plane invertebat.1 Ignem enim per exstinctionem terram educere assere- bat, tanquam faeces quasdam atque fuligines ignis ; eas deinceps uditatem concipere et colligere, unde aqnne fiat effluvium, quse rursus aerem emittat et exspiret ; ut ab igne ad terram mutatio fiat in praeceps, non gradation. Atque hrec, aut iis meliora, cogitabant illi qui unum rerum principium statuerunt, naturam simpliciter in- tuiti, non contentiose. Atque laudandi sunt, quod vestem unicam Cupidini tribuerint, id quod nuclitati proximum est ; atque hujusmodi vestem, qurc est (ut dixirnus) veli cujuspiam instar, non profecto telai spis- sioris. Vestem autem Cupidinis appellamus formarn aliquam materiaa primae attributam, qua? asseratur esse cum forma alicujus ex entibus secundis substantialiter homogenea. Ista autem quae de aqua, ae're, igne, ab istis asseruntur, non firmis admodum rationibus nixa, 1 Plutarch, 1. c. Diogenes Laertius, however, does not support the state* ment of the text. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 307 reprehendere non fiierit difficile ; neque causa vide- tur cur de singulis disseramus, sed tantum in genere. Pritno itaque videntur antiqui illi in inquisitione prin- cipiorum rationem non admodum acutam instituisse ; sed lioc solummodo egisse, ut ex corporibus apparenti- bus et manifestis, quod maxime excelleret quarerent ; et quod tale videbatur, principium rerum ponerent ; tanquam per excellentiam, non vere1 aut realiter. Pu- tabant enim hujusmodi naturam dignara, quae sola esse diceretur qualis apparet : csetera vero eandem ipsam naturam esse existimabant, licet minime secundum ap- parentiam ; ut vel per tropum locuti, vel tanquam fas- cinati videantur, cum impressio fortior reliqua traxerit. At vere contemplantem, aequum se prasbere oportet ad omnia, atque principia rerurn statuere, quae etiam cum minimis et rarissimis et maxime desertis quibuscunque entium conveniant, non tantum cum maximis et pluri- mis et vigentibus. Licet enim nos homines entia quae maxime occurrunt maxime miremur, tamen naturaa sinus ad omnia laxatur. Quod si principium illud suurn teneant non per excellentiam, sed simpliciter ; videntur utique in duriorem tropum incidere ; cum res plane deducatur ad aequivocum, neque de igne natural! aut naturali acre aut aqua quod asserunt prasdicari videatiir, sed de igne aliquo phantastico et notionali (et sic de cseteris), qui nomen ignis retineat, definitionem abneget. Porro videntur et illi in eadem incommoda compelli, qutie assertores materiae abstractag subeunt. Ut enim illi materiam potentialem et phantasticam ex toto, ita et isti ex parte introducunt. Ponunt etiam materiam quoad aliquid (principium illud nempe suum) formatam et actualem ; quoad reliqua tantum 2 vero in the original. — .f. 8. 308 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, potentialem. Neque aliquid lucri fieri per istud genus principii unici videtur, magis quam per illud niaterise abstracts ; nisi quod habetur aliquid quod obversetur ad intellectum humanum, in quo cogitatio humana ma gis defigatur et acquiescat, et per quod notio prim-iph ipsius paulo plenior sit, reliquorum omnium abstrusior et durior. Sed scilicet ilia aetate Prcedieamenta res- o num non acceperant, ut potuisset principium illud na ture abstract® latere sub fide et tutela pragdicamenti substantias. Itaque nemo ausus est confinm?re mate- • T nam aliquam plane phantasticam, sed principium statu- erunt secundum sen sum ; aliquod ens vemm ; modum autem ejus dispensandi (liberius se gerentes) phantasti- cum. Nihil enim inveniunt, imo nee cornminiscuntur, quo appetitu aut stimulo, aut qua ratione, via, aut duc- tu. istud principium suum a se degeneret, et rursus se recipiat.1 At cum tanti appareant per universum con- trariorum exercitus, densi, rari, calidi, frigidi, lucidi, opaci, animati, inanimati, et aliorum plurimorum quas se invicem oppugnant, privant, perimunt ; base omnia ab uno quopiam rei materiata3 fonte manare putare, neque tamen ullum ejus rei modum ostendere, spec- ulationis cujusdam attonita3 videtur, et inquisitionem deserentis. Nam si de re ipsa per sensum constaret, ferendum esset, licet modus esset in obscuro; rursus si modus vi rationis erutus esset aliquis habilis et credib- ilis, discedendum fortasse ab apparentiis ; sed minime postulandum ut iis assentiamus, quorum nee entia per sensum manifesta, neque explicationes per rationem probabiles. Prasterea, si unum esset rerum principium, debuerat ejus conspici in omnibus rebus nota qusedam, et tanquam partes potiores, et praBdominantia nonnuiJa; 1 Compare Arist. Met. i. 3. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET C(ELI. 309 neque inveniri principatum ullum, quod principle ex diametro opponatur. Etiam in medio collocari debu- erat, ut omnibus commodius sui copiam faceret, et per ambitum se diffunderet. At horum nihil esse in illis placitis invenitur. Nam terra, qua3 a principii honore separatur et excluditur, videtur suscipere ,et fovere na- turas illis tribus principialibus oppositas, cum ad mobil- itatem1 et lucidam naturam ignis, opponat naturam quietam et opacain ; ad tenuitatem et mollitiem aeris, opponat similiter naturam densam et duram ; et ad humiditatem et sequacitatem aqua?, naturam siccam, rigidam, et asperam : atque ipsa quoque terra medium locum occupant, cieteris deturbatis. Porro, si unicura esset rerum principium, debuerat et illud turn ad re- rum generationem, turn ad earum dissolutionem, aquam praebere naturam. Tain enim est principii, ut res in illud solvantur, quam ut res ex illo gignantur. At hoc non fit ; sed ex iis corporibus aer et ignis ad ma- teriam generationis prsebendam inepta videntur, ad eorum resolutionem excipiendam parata. At aqua contra ad generationem benigna et alma; ad resolu tionem sive restitutionem magis aliena at aversa ; id quod facile cerneretur, si imbres paulisper cessarent. Quiiv et putrefactio ipsa nullo modo res ad aquam puram et crudam redigit. Sed longe maximus error, quod constituerunt principium corruptibile et mortale. Id enim f'aciunt, cum principium introducunt tale, quod naturam suam in compositis deserat et deponat. Nam quodcunque suis mutatum finibus exit, Continue hoc nvors est illius, quod fuit ante.2 1 nobilitalem in the original. A similar mistake occurs at the end of the Thema Cceli; which Mr. Ellis was the first to observe. — J. S. a Lucret. iii. 518. 310 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE OKIGINIBUS, Verum hac ratione magis nobis opus erit statim, cum ad illam tertiam sectam, quae plura decrevit rerum principia, sermo jam ordine devectus sit; qute certe secta plus roboris habere videri possit, plus prasjudicii certe habet. Itaque ad opiniones non secundum genus et in communi, sed singulas accedemus. Itaque ex iis qui plura principia dixerunt, separab- imus cos qui infinita asserunt. Ille enim locus de in- finito ad parabolam Coeli pertinet. Verum ex anti- quis Parmenides duo rerum principia, ignem et terrain, dixit, sive crelum et terram.1 Solem enim et sidera verum ignem esse asseruit, eumque purum et limpi- dum,2 non degenerem, qualis apud nos est ignis, qui tanquam Vulcanus in terram dejectus ex casu claudi- cat. Parmenidis vero placita instauravit seculo nostro Telesius, vir peripateticis rationibus (si aliquid illae essent) potens et instructus, quas etiam in illos ipsos vertit ; sed affinnando impeditus, et destruendo quam astruendo melior. Ipsius vero Parmenidis inventorum parca admodum et perexilis memoria. Attamen iun- damenta similis opinionis plane jacta videntur in libro quern Plutarchus de primo frigido conscripsit ; qui tractatus videtur ex aliquo tractatu antiquo, qui tune temporis exstabat, jam periit, descriptus et desumptus. Habet enim non pauca et acutiora et firmiora, quam solent esse authoris ipsius qui ea vulgavit ; a quibus monitus atque excitatus videtur Telesius, ut ea et studiose arriperet et strenue persequeretur in suis de 1 This opinion, or something analogous to it, was held by many of the older physicists. (See Karsten's Parmenides, p. 230.) Beside those whom Karsten mentions, we know that Hippo Rheginus is said to have made fire and earth, or heat and cold, his first principles. (See Pseudo-Origcn Philosoph. c. 16.) 2 Stobaeus, Eclog. Phys. i. 23. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET COELI. 311 Katura Rerum commentariis. Placita autem hujus sectae sunt hujusmodi. Primas formas ac prirna entia activa, atque adeo primas substantias, calorem et frigus esse ; l eadem nihilominus incorporea existere ; sed subesse materiam passivam et potentialem, quae corpo- ream molein prgebeat, atque sit utriusque naturae ex aequo susceptiva, ipsa omnis actionis expers.2 Lucem pullulationem caloris esse,3 sed caloris dissipati, qui coe- undo rnultiplicatus, fit4 robustus et sensibilis.6 Opaci- tatein similiter destitutionem et confusionem naturae radiantis ex frigore.6 Rarum et Densurn caloris et O frigoris texturas et veluti telas esse ; calorem vero et frigus eorum effectores et opifices, densante opus frig- ore et inspissante, divellente autem calore et exten- 1 "Patet calorem et frigus agentia rerum omnium principia esse." — De Rer. Nat. i. 3. 2 "Calorem frigusque incorporeum esse: rerum omnium principia tria esse, agentes naturas duas incorporeas et quse illas suscipit corpoream unani, et omnis ipsam actionis- omnisque expertam esse operationis." - Ib. i. 4. " Materia a;que ad calorem ac ad frigus suscipiendum apta facta est." — Jb. 1. c. 8 "Candor . . . nequaquam res a calore sejuncta, et alius a calore, sed si non calor ipse ipsius certe species et vel-uti facies est." — Ib. i. 1. 4 sit in orig. 6 " Patet .... albedinem nee earn modo quce .... quod sese assidue ampliflcat, et quaquaversus effundit .... per se visilis est, et lux dicitur, sed quse veluti torpet . . . . et non lux sed albedo dicitur ... a solis calore in quibus spectatur rebus omnibus inditam, illiusque speciem et veluti faciem esse." — Ib. i. 2. 6 The opposite to albedo, of which light is the concentration, is nigredo, and this is not ascribed by Telesius to cold, but to matter. " Nigredo omnino . . . cum . . . calori quod albus sui naturii visus sit as^ignari nequeat, minus etiam frigori, quod iis plerumque inest entibus qua; bene calida sunt, superest ut materise assignanda sit." — Ib. i. 4. Bacon's ten dency throughout is to make the antagonism of heat and cold more sym metrical than it is with Telesius, who retains something of the Pannen- idean view, in which heat is the active principle, and cold in a mannei passive, — the relation between them being symbolised by that of the sexes. 312 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, dente.1 Ex ejusmodi texturis indi corporibus disposi- tionem erga moturn, vel habilem vcl aversam, Raris videlicet promptam et habilem, Densis torpescentem et aversam. Itaque calorem per tenue motum excitare et peragere, frigus per densum motum compescere et sedare. Quare esse et poni quatuor naturas coessen- tiales atque conjugatas, easque duplices, ordinem eum quern diximus ad invicem servantes (fons enim calor et frigus, eastern emanationes) ; sed tamen perpetuo concomitantes et inseparables. Eas esse, Calidum, Lucidum, Rarum, Mobile. Et quatuor rursus his oppositas, Frigidum, Opacum, Densum, Immobile. Secies vero et contignationes primae conjugationis, in caslo, sideribus, ac praecipue in sole statui ; secundrc in terra.2 Coelum enim e summo integroque calore et ma- teria maxime explicata esse calidissimum, lucidissimum, tenuissimum, maxime mobile. Terrain contra, ex frig- ore integro et irrefracto et materia maxime contracta, frigidissimam, tenebricosissimam, densissimam, peni- tus immobilem, ac summopere motum exhorrentern.3 1 " Calor quivis . . . quae corripit exuperatque immutare virtetur, frigus scilicet ex iis, ejusque facilitates conditionesque onmes crassitiem, obscuritatem, immobilitatein deturbare, et se ipsum iis propriasque facilitates conditionesque omnes — tenuitatem albedinem et mobilitatein intlcre." — De Rvrum Nat. i. 1. But although Telesius asserts "calorem unius inodo tenuitatis opificiiim esse," — meaning that it produces " crassities " only per accidens, yet he nowhere says, I think, that " mobilitsis " is the result of 'tenuity and not the direct effect of.the action of heat. (See De I'ev. Nat. i. 7.) On the contrary, he says, "Calorem sui natura mobilem, frigus con tra immobile esse;" and again, that "agentes opcrantesque natura.', calor nimirum t'rigusque nioli cui sese indunt, inuim prorsus fiunt." — Ib. i. 2. 2 "Liceat . . . uno in sole et Stellas reliquas et universum intueri coslum " — Ib. i. 11. " Omnino calidus tenuis cantlidus mobilisque est sol." — Ib. i. 1. " Nee vero sol modo, sed et stellae reliquse omnes et coe- lum itidem universum . . . ab eadem qua Sol natura et a calore omnino constitutum videtur." — Jb. i. 3. "Terra contra frigida, crassa, immobilis, tenebricosaque." — fb. i. 1. 8 " Sol, ccelumque universum . . . propterea perpetuo circumvolvitur, SEC. FAB. .CUPIDINIS ET C(ELI. 313 Summitates vero coeli naturain suam integram atque illaesam servare, diversitatetn nonnullam inter se ad- mittentes, sed a contrarii violentia et insultu penitus semotas : l similem per irna sive intima terras con- stantiam esse ; extrema tantum, ubi contrariorum sit appropinquatio et concursus, laborare, et ab invicem pati et bppugnari. Coelum itaque tota mole et sub- stantia calidum, et omnis contrariaa nature prorsus expers, sed inaequaliter ; aliis partibus scilicet magis calidum, aliis minus. Stellarum enirn corpus intensius calidum, interstellare remissius ; quin et2 stellis ipsis alias aliis arclentiores, et ign.is magis vividi et vibrantis : ita tamen ut contraria natura frigoris, aut aliquis ejus gradus, nnnquam eo penetret ; recipere enim diversi- tatem naturae, contrarietatem non recipere.3 Xeque vero de calore aut igne coelestium, qui est integer et nativus, ex igne communi judiciurn omnino fieri. Ignem enim nostrum extra locum suuin, trepidurn, contrariis circumfusum, indigum, et stipem alimenti, ut conservetur, emendicantem, et fugientem ; 4 at in quod ipsius opifex calor circular! assidue commotus motu, molem cui peni tus infixus est ... secum agit. Sic itidem et Terra immobilis in sub- limi permanet .• . . quod frigus a quo constituta est . . . nullo moveri potest motu." — De Rer. Nnt. i. 2. 1 " Sol modo terraque . . nee fieri unquam nee unquam immutari, entia vero reliqua assidue fieri assidueque immutari corrumpique %'identur. Patet entia reliqua omnia a sole terram oppugnante invertenteque (repug- nante et contra agente terra) effecta esse." — Ib. i. 11. 2 So in the original. We should apparently read ex for et. — J. S. 8 "Una terra excepta, reliquorum entium nullum prorsus a frigore, sed . . a calore constituta sunt omnia. . . . Non sensus modo, ratio, om nium fere veterum physicorum consensus, sed divinae etiam literae cce- lum calidum testantur. . . Nullum porro, nee infima nee suprema cceli portio ad nos calorem, millamque emittere videtur lucem, quod in longe atraque tenuissima perexilis inest calor." — De Rer. Nat. i. 3. * '' Flanimas, quae nutrimento absumpto perierunt, in non ens abiisse existimare non contingit, in summam proindeque et invisilem tenuitatem 314 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, coelo vero locatum, ab impetu alicujus contrarii dis- junctum, constantem, ex se et similibus conservatum, et proprias operationes libere et absque molestia pera- gentem. Item coelum omni parte lucidum, sed secun- dum magis et minus. Cum enim sint ex stellis notis et numeratis quas nisi coelo sereno conspici non possint, atque in galaxia sint nodi minutarum stellarum quas albedinem qnandam conjunctse, non corpus lucidum distinctfe repraesentent; nemini dubium esse posse, quin et sint stellas complures quoad nos invisibiles ; atque adeo universum cceli corpus luce praeditum sit, licet fulgore non tarn robusto et vibrante, nee radiis tarn confertis et constipatis, ut tanta spatia distantiarnm vincere queat, et ad nostrum aspectum pervenire.1 Ita rursus coelum universum ex substantia tenui et rara, nil .in ea contrusum, nil illibenter compaetum, sed tamen alia parte materiam magis explicatam, alia mi nus explicatam sortiri.2 Postremo, motum cceli eum inveniri qui rei maxime mobili competat, conversionis nimirum sive rotationis. Motus enim circularis absque termino est, et sui gratia. Motus in linea recta, ad terminum et ad aliquid, et tanquam ut quiescat.3 Ita- actas, et ab insidente calore sursum elatas esse, existimandum est." — De Rer. Nat. i. 1. 1 " Eadem illius (solis) stellarumque et cceli universi natnra conditiones reliquae omnes, at (the text is out) hujus vires, conditionesque reliquae, multae robustiores nobisque manifestioresque sunt. " — Jb. i. 11. "Lactea . . via . . quin cceli portio sit paululo quid qunm reliquum est magis conspissata et propterea splendidior facta nulli dubium esse pot-est.'1 — Ib. i. 3. Observe that nothing is said of stars in the Milky Wav. "Ab ipsis (supremis et infimis cceli portionibus) lucem quandam emanare, et qua? . . . quibusdam animalium generibus percipiatur, qua; longissima noctu conficiunt itinera declarant." — Jb. 1. c. 2 " Summa universum (coelum) tenuitate summaque donatum esse al- bedine, lux . . .. manifeste dcclarat." — Jb. i. 3. 8 Telesius gives no other reason than the following. " Sol, ccelumque nniversum propterea perpetuo circumvolvitur, quod ipsius opifex calor SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 315 que universum coelum motu circular! ferri, nee ullam ejus partem hujus motus expertem esse ; sed tamen quemadmodum et in calore et in luce et raritate coeli versatur inaequalitas, ita et in motu eandem notari ; adeoque magis insigniter, quia observationem humanam magis lacessit et sustinet, ut etiam calculos pati possit.1 Motum autem oi'bicularem et incitatione differre posse et latione ; incitatione,2 ut sit celerior aut tardior ; la- tione, ut sit in circulo perfecto, aut aliquid habeat spiras neque se plane restituat ad eundem terminum (nam linea spiralis ex circulo et recta composita est). Ita- que haec ipsa coelo accidere, varietatem nempe incita- tionis, et deflexionem a restitutione, sive spiralitatem.3 Nam et stelhe inerrantes et planetas impariter p rope- rant; et planetae evidenter a tropico in tropicum deflec- tunt ; atque quo sublimioi-a coelestia sunt, eo et ma- jorem incitationem sortiuntur, et propiorem spiram. Nam si phenomena simpliciter atque ut conspiciuntur accipiantur, et ponatur motus diurnus unus naturalis et simplex in coelestibus, et formositas ilia mathematics (ut motus reducantur ad circulos perfectos) contemna- tur, et recipiantur linese spirales, et contrarietates illa3 circular! assidue commotus motu molem cui penitus infixus est . . secum agit." — De Rer. Nat. i. 2. The motions of the heavens and their construc tion he afterwards seeks to explain on teleological grounds which Bacon does not notice, but which are a prominent part of Telesius's system. See De Rer. Nat. i. 9. 10., and comp. the physiological speculations in the sixth book. 1 Telesius does not attempt to connect the inequality of heat with that of motion, declaring — " non modum, quo qualis est, constrtictus sit mnn- dus, sed cur ita construendus fuerit, et cur quibus ccelum -movetur moti- bus iis moveri oportuerit, inquirendum esse." — Ib. i. 9. 2 In the original et is repeated before incitatione. — J. S. 8 Telesius says that the special hypotheses of astronomy are foreign to his purpose; his leaning is however in favour of the doctrine here ascribed to him, and which we know from Tassoni was adopted by his disciples. See the preface to the Descriptio Globi Intellect, and De Rer. Nat., ubi mode. 316 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, motumn in consecutione ab oriente in occidentera (quern vocant primi mobilis), et rursus ab Occidents in orientera (quern vocant motum proprium planeta- rum) redigantur in unum, salvando difFerentiam tem- poris in restitutione per praefestinationem et derelictio- nem, et diversam politatem zodiaci per spiras ; mani- festum est, hoc quod diximus evenire : exemj)li gratia, ut luna, quae est planetarum infima, incedat et tardis- sime et per spiras maxime raras et hiantes. Atque talis qusedam natura portionis illius coeli quae fit (prop- ter distantiatn a contrario) firma et perpetua, huic sectae videri possit. Utrum vero veteres terminos ser- varit Telesius, ut talia esse putaret quaecunque supra lunam collocantur, cum luna ipsa, ah altius vim inimi- cam adscendere posse, perspicue non ponit. At terras (qua3 e.st oppositae naturae contignatio et sedes) portio- nem itidem maximam intemeratam et inconcussam statuit, et quo coelestia non penetrent. Earn1 vero qualis sit, non esse cur inquiratur, ait. Sat esse ut quatuor illis naturis, frigiditate, opacitat.e, densitate, et quiete, iisque absolutis et nullatenus imminutis, dotata judicetur. Partem autem terra) versus super- ficiem ejus, veluti quendam corticem aut incrustatio- nem, generationi rerum assignat ; 2 omniaque entia quae nobis quovis modo innotuerunt, etiam ponderosis- sima, durissima, et altissime demersa, metalla, lapides, mare, ex terra per calorem coeli aliqua ex parte versa et subacta, et quae nonnihil caloris, radiationis, tenu- itatis, et rtiobilitatiis jam conceperit, et denique ex 1 So in the original; a mistake apparently for ea. — J. S. '* " Extrema tantum utriusque (coeli et terrse) portio (siquidem et ex- tremi htijus cuuli pars ulla in aliud unquam agitur ens) in entia, in quaa assidue agi videtur, immutari possit: reliqua utriusque moles in proprift tervari queat natura." — De Rer. Nat. \. 10. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 317 media inter solein et terrain puram natura participet, consistere.1 Itaque necesse est, ut terra ilia pura infra profundissima maris, minerarum,2 et omnis generati deprimatur ; et a terra ilia pura usque ad lunam, aut altiora fortasse, media quaodam natura ex tempera- mentis et refractionibus coeli et terrae collocetur. Post- qua in autem interiora utriusque regni satis muniisset, expeditionem et bellum molitur. Nam in spatiis illis intra extima coeli et intima terrae, omnem tumultum et conflictum et tartarismum inveniri, ut fit in impe- riis, in quibus illud usuvenit, ut fines incursionibus et violentiis infestentur, dum interiores provincial secura pace fruuntur. Has itaque naturas et ear urn concre- tiones, sese assidue generandi et multiplicand! et qua- quaversus offundendi, et molem materiae universam occupandi, et sese mutuo oppugnandi et invadendi, et propriis se sedibus deturbandi et ejiciendi, et sese in iis constituendi, praeterea et alterius naturae vim et actiones, et proprias etiam, percipiendi et prehendendi, et ex hujusmodi perceptione se movendi et accommo- dandi, appetitum et facultatem habere ; atque ex ista decertatione, omnium entium atque omnis actionis et virtutis varietatem deduci.3 Videtur tamen alicubi, licet titubanter et strictim, aliquid dotis materiaB im- 1 " Non perpetuo agit Sol, sed agere interdum cessat, et dum agit non iisdem perpetuo sed aliis atque aliis agit viribus: . . . non quotidiano tantum . . . agit calore. . . , sed eo insuper . . . quern jam diu terris indidit atque indit Robustior factus solis calor, strenue supremam terrse portionem emollit laxatque, et strenue praeexistentem ei calorem fovet materiam nactus longe minus repugnantem." — De Her. Nut. i. 13. 2 mineranem in the original. — J. S. " A sole porro terrain oppugnante, ejusque naturam et conditiones reliquas deturbante, suasque indente, tot interea adeoque diversa constit- uuntur entia: . . . Solis terraeque vires longe amplissimae sunt . . . et dura altera? alteras oppugnant et ad internecionem agunt, nequaquam 318 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, pertiri ; primo ut non augeatur nee minuatur per for- mas et activa entia, sed summa universali constet:1 deinde ut motus gravitatis sive descensus ad illam referatur;2 ettam quiddam de nigredine materiae in- jieit.3 Illud autem perspicue ; calorem et frigus ea- dem vi et copia, in materia expli.eata vires remitters, in complioata intendere, cum mensuram non suam sed materiae impleant.4 Modum vero excogitat atque ex- plicat Tele^ius, quo ex hoc certamine et lucta induci atque expediri possit tarn foecunda et multiplex entium generatio. Ac primo cavet terras, inferiori scilicet principle, ac ostendit quid in causa sit cur a sole terra jampridem destructa et absorpta non sit, nee in futu- rum esse possit.5 -Caput huic rei distantiam ponit terrae a stellis fixis immensam, a sole ipso satis mag- stertunt nihilque contra agunt alters, sed strenue' repugnant, et dum non penitus pereunt contrarias et ipsaj oppugnant oblocduntque et imminuunt." — De Rer. Nat. i. 14. 1 ''Materia; molem neque minui neque augeri unquam." — Ib. i. 5. 2 "Communis ipsorum omnium (crassiorum entium) delapsus . . . moli assignandus est." — Ib. i. 4. The reason being, that it cannot be assigned to heat which tends upwards, nor to cold which tends to immobility. 8 See above, p. 311. n. 6. [The original has ingredine. — J. S.} 4 " Quam . . . molis portionem sortitus est calor penitus illam is subiit universam. . . . Calori frigorique illam ut libet effingendi disponendique, non et efficiendi et veluti novam creandi, donata est vis." — Ib. i. 5. 5 The tenth chapter of Telesius's first book is teleological. " Summa Dei bonitas . . . ens nullum . . . perdi velit." For the preservation of the universe and the balance of heat and cold, the earth is put in the middle point of the heavens. The heavens and the earth are both spherical — the former according to the free and uniform motion of the different orbs, and the latter that half of it may always be exposed to the sun's influence. If the earth were larger and not in the centre of the universe, the power of cold would predominate and destroy the lower part of heaven. For the security of the earth, — the density and heat of the heavens are not uniform, and both sun and stars are at a great distance; and the oblique and unequal motion of the sun prevents his remaining too long over any part of the earth's surface. All thist agrees tolerably well with Bacon's account of it, but to his fifth reason I do not find anything corresponding in the text. SEC. FAB. CUPIDIXIS ET CCELI. 31Q nam, et qualis esse debeat, bene mensuratam. Secun- do, declinationem radiorum solis a perpendiculo, liabito respectu ad partes terras diversas ; quod videlicet supra majorem partem terras sol nnnquam sit in vertice, aut incidentia radiorum perpendiculars ; adeo ut univer- siun terras globum vigore aliquo caloris notabili nnn quam occnpet. Tertio, obliquitatem motus solis in transcursu per zodiacum, habito respectu ad easdem terras partes; unde calor solis in qualicunque vigore non assidno ingeminatur, sed per intervalla majora redit. Quarto, celeritatem solis respectu motus diurni, qui tantum ambitum tarn exiguo temporis spatio conficit ; unde minor mora caloris, neque momentum aliquod temporis in quo calor constet. Quinto, continuationem corponim inter solem et terrain, quod sol non per vacuum integras caloris demittat vires, sed per tot corpora renitentia permeans, et cum singulis satagens et dimicans, in immensum langueat et enervetur; tanto magis quod quo longius procedat atque debilior evadat, eo corpora inveniat magis inobsequentia ; max- ime omnium, postquam ad terras snperficiem ventum est, ubi videtur non solum renitentia, sed plane quasdam repulsio. Processum vero immutationis talem asserit. Bellum plane inexpiabile atque internecivum esse; neque contrarias istas naturas ullo symbolo convenire,- neque per tertiam, prasterquam hylen. Itaque utram- que naturam hoc ipsum appetere, niti, contendere, ut alteram plane perdat, seque solam et suam materias indat ; ut sit solis opus (quod perspicue et saspe dicit) plane terram vertere in solem ; et vicissim opus terras, solem vertere in terram ; l neque hoc officere quin om- " Calorem in terram sol emittens . . . quas ejus portiones exuperat, . . . ipsum ... in ignem, ipsum scilicet in ccelum, solemque agit in 320 DE PRIXCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGIXIBUS, nia certo ordine, definitis temporibus, et justis men- suris tiant ; atque actio quaeque cursu debito incipiat, moliatur, vigeat, langueat, cesset. Quod tamen per leo-es foederis aut concordioe ullas non fieri, sed omnino per impotenfiam : omne enim plus et minus in virtute et actione, non ab intensions moderamine (quse inte- grum quiddam concupiscit), sed ab opposite naturre ictu et fneno esse. Operationis diversitatem et multi- plicitatem atque etiam perplexitatem omnino proptej unurn ex tribus istis evenire ; vim caloris, dispositio- nem materioe, modum subactionis ; quse tamen tria nexu quodam inter se implicantur, atque sibi ipsis concausa3 sunt. Calorem ipsum, vi, copia, mora, me- dio, successione differre : successionem vero ipsam in plurimis variari ; accedentia, recedentia ; sive intcn- sione, remissione ; saltu, gradu ; reditu, sive repeti- tione per majora aut minora intervalla ; atque hujus- modi alterationibus. Galores itaque prorsus vi et natura longe diversissimos esse, prout puriores vel impuriores, habita ratione ad primum fontem (solem videlicet), facti sint. Neque calorem omnem calorem fovere ; sed postquarn gradibus bene multis ad invicem distent, se mutuo non minus quam frigora perimere ac perdere, et proprias actiones agere, et alterius acti- onibus adversari atque opponi ; ut minores calores ad multo majores constituat Telesius tanquam proditores et perfugas, et cum frigore conspirantes.1 Itaque viv- idum ilium calorem qui in igne est et vibratur, exilem ipsum. ... Si integrum, robustumque, et diuturnum adsit frigus, quae corripit . . . ipsam in terrain ea acturum sit omnia." — De Rer. Nat. i. 1. l " Quis enim calidorum entium longe diversissimas esse vires, et calida quse sunt, sese mutuo aversari aufugereque, et mutuo sese oppugnare interimereque, calores scilicet diversis donates viribus, sese mutuo oppug nare corrumpereque non percipit? " — Ib. i. 13. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 321 ilium calorem qui in aqua serpit omnino interimere ; atque similiter calorem pneternaturalem humorum pu- tridorum, in corpore humano, calorem naturalem suffo- care et exstinguere. Copiam vero caloris plurimum interesse, manifestius esse quam vat explications egeat. Neque enim unam aut alteram ignis prunam a?que vehementer ac multas coacervatas calefacere ; maxiine autem insigniter copia3 caloris effectum demonstrari in multiplicatione caloris solis, per reflexionem radio- rum ; numerus enim radiorum conduplicatur per re flexionem simplicem, multiplicatur per variam. Copiae caloris vero debet adscribi vel addi et unio, quod etiam obliquitate et perpendiculo radiorum optime ostenditur, cum quo propius et ad acutiores angulos radius di- rectus et reflexus coeat, eo validiorem caloris ictum jaciat. Quin et sol ipse, cum inter majores illos et robustiores stellarurn fixarum ignes, Regulum, Canic- ulum, Spicam, versatur, valentiores fervores efflat. Moram vero caloris evidentissime maximi momenti dperationem esse ; cum omnes virtutes naturales tem- pora colant, observent ; ut ad vires actuandas tempus requiratur nonnullum, ad roborandas bene multum. Itaque moram caloris calorem squalem in progres- sivam et inasqualem convertere, quia calor et antece- dens et subsequens simul conjugantur ; id et in fervori- bus autumnalibus, quia fervoribus solstitialibus, et in horis ffistivis pomeridianis, quia horis ipsis meridianis ardentiores sentiuntur, manifestum esse ; etiam in frigidioribus regionibus debilitatem caloris, mora et longitudine dierum sestivis temporibus quandoque com- pensari. At medii potentiam et efficaciam in calore deferendo insignem esse. Hinc enim tempestatum temperiem magnopere variam, ut coelum indicibili in- VOL. V. 21 322 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, constantia per dies sestivos algidum nonnihr, per die? hiemales sudum quandoque inveniatur ; sole interim iter suum et spatia sua constanter et legitime servante Etiam segetes et uvas flantibus austris et coelo nubiloso magis mutari. Atque omnem coeli secundum varias annorum revolutiones dispositionem et excretionem, aliquando pestilentem et morbidam, aliquando salu- brem et amicara, hinc causam et originem sumere; medio scilicet acre variante, quae dispositionem ex ipsa vicissitudine et alteratione tempestatum diversam, longa fortasse serie, colligit. Successionis vero caloris atque ordinis quo calor calorem consequitur, ut rnultiplicera rationem, ita summam virtutem esse. Neque solera' tarn numerosam et prolificara generationem educere potuisse, nisi corporis solis moventis configuratio versus terram et terras partes plurimae inasqualitatis et varia- tionis particeps esset. Nam et circulariter movetur sol, et rapide et ex oblique, et se retexit, ut et absens sit et prnesens, et propior et remotior, et magis ex perpendiculo et magis ex obliquo, et-citius rediens et tardius, neque ullo temporis momento calor emanans a sole sibi constet, neque brevi intervallo usquam (nisi sub ipsis tropicis) se restituat ; ut tanta variatio gene- rantis cum tanta varietate generati optime conveniat. Cui addi posse medii sive vehiculi naturam diversissi- mam. Caetera quoque quae de inaequalitate et gradibus caloris unici dicta sunt, posse ad vicissitudines et varie- tates successionis in caloribus diyersis referri. Itaque Aristotelem non male generationem et corruptionem rerum obliquae viae solis attribuisse, eamque ut effici- entem causam earum . constituisse,1 si libidine pronun- 1 "Efficientem rerum causam . . . perperam (ab Aristotele) obliquffl solis lationi assignatam. Obliqua latio non aliud agit quicquam, sed tan- turn ut Sol magis minusve directus fiat." — De Rer. Nat. ir. 2. SEC. FAB. CUP1DINIS ET CGELI. 323 tiandi et arbitrum naturae se gerendi, et res ad placi- tum suum distinguendi et concinnandi, recte inventum non corrupisset. Ilium enim et generationem et cor- ruptionem (quae nunquam prorsus privativa, sed gene- rationis alterius praegnans est) inaequalitati caloris soils secundum totum, hoc est, accedentiae et recedentiae solis conjunctim, non generationem accedentiae, cor- ruptionem recedentiaj divisim, assignare debuisse; quod pinguiter et ex vulgi fere judicio fecit.1 Quod si cui mirum videatur, generationem rerum soli attribui ; cum sol ignis esse asseratur et supponatur, ignis autem nil fjeneret ; id leviter objici. Somnium enim plane esse illud de heterogenia calorum solis et ignis. In- finitas enim esse operationes, in quibus actio solis et actio ignis conveniant ; ut in maturatione fructuum, conservatione plantarum tenerarum et clementiae coeli assuetarum in regionibus frigidis, exclusione ovorum, restitutione urinarum ad claritatem (calorem enim solis et animalis conjungimus), resuscitatione animalculorum frigore obrigentium, evocatione rorum2 et vaporum, et id o-enus.3 Sed nihilominus io-nem nostrum malum o ° mimum esse, nee solis actiones bene imitari aut prope attingere ; cum solis calor tribus dotatus sit proprie- tatibus, quas ignis communis aegre ullo artificio reprae- sentare possit.4 Primo, quod sit ob distantiam gradu ipso minor et blandior; hoc vero ejusmodi esse, ut 1 " Solera accedentem generationis causam non esse, nee recedentem corruptionis, ut Aristoteli placet." 2 eo!~um in the original. — ./. S. 8 "Igneum calorem ab animalium solisque cal ore diversum non esse." — De Rtr. Nat. vi. 20. Telesius gives some instances in proof of this assertion: Bacon's however are for the most part his own. * " Non igitur ad animalium plantarumque generationem ineptus est ignis, quod ejus calor ab animalium et a coelesti calore diversus sit, sed quod nimis est vehemens." — Ib. vi. 20. 324 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, aliquo modo aequiparari possit ; caloris enim tails mo dus magis incognitas est quam imparabilis. Secundo, quod per tot et talia media fluens et gliscens dissim- ularem quandam et generativam vim mutuetur et ob- tineat ; maxime vero quod tarn regulari inaequalitate augeatur, minuatur, accedat, recedat, nunquarn vero subsultorie aut praecipitanter sibi succedat. Quoe duo postrema ab igne fere sunt inimitabilia, licet industria perspicaci et perpehsa res provehi possit. Atque hu- justnodi quaedam de diversitate calorum a Telesio di- cuntur. Frigidi autem, contrarii nempe principii, atque dis- ,pensationis ejus vix meminit ; J nisi forte qua? de dis- positione materiae jam secundo loco dicentur, ea huic rei satisfacere posse putaverit ; quod tamen facere non debuit, quandoquidem frigus nullo modo privationem caloris, sed omnino principium activum, caloris semu- lum et tanquam competitorem, videri voluit. Quae autem de materiae dispositione disseruit, eo pertinent ut ostendant quomodo materia a calore patiatur et subigatur et vertatur, missa frigoris mentione aut cura. De frigore ^utem (nos enim in omnium inventis summa cum fide, et tanquam faventes, versamur) hu- jusmodi quaedam dicere potuit. Sedem frigidi immotam et fixam ad structuram caloris mobilem et versatilem optime convenire ; tanquam incudem ad malleum. Nam si utrumque principium varietatem et altera- tionem habuisset, genuissent proculdubio entia hora- ria et momentanea. Etiam immensas regiones calidi 1 " Nostrorum entium nullum prorsus a frigore, sed eorum quodvis a ca lore constitutum est, et vel suprema terras portio in calidum acta est ens." — De Rer. Nat. i. 16.; a passage which suggests the remark I have al ready made, that Telesius did not regard heat and cold as equally active principles. Compare ii. 23. throughout SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET ClELI. 325 (coelura scilicet), compacta natura globi terne et cir- cumjacentium nonnihil compensari ; cum non spatia, sed copia materiae in spatiis spectetur ; frigidi vero na- turam, virtutes, et rationes, raerito aut silentio prasteriri aut brevi sermone transmitti debere, cum nil certi et explorati de eo liaberi possit per experientiam. Habe- raus enim ignem communem, tanquam solis vicarium, qui caloris naturam manifestet. At frigidi telluris nulla est substitutio, quae in manu hominis sit et ad- hibeatur praesto ad experimentum. Etenim illos hor- rores et rio-ores frigidi qui ex globo et ambitu terraa O O -*• *— ' hiemalibus temporibus et in regionibus frigidissimis exspirtmt in aerem, tepores plane et balnea esse, prae natura primi frigidi in visceribus terrae inclusi ; ut fri- gus illud cujus homines sensum et potestatem habeant, simile quiddam sit, ac si calorem nullum alium habe- rent, praeter eum qui a sole asstivis diebus et in calidis regionibus emanat ; qui ad ignes fornacis ardentis col- latus, refrigerium quoddam censeri possit. Sed in iis quae subdititia sunt minus morandum. Videndum igi- tur deinceps, qualia sint ea quaa a Telesio dicuntur circa dispositionem materiae, in quam calor agat ; cujus ea est vis, ut actionem ipsam caloris promoveat, impediat, immutet. Ejus ratio quadruplex. Prima differentia sumitur ex calore praainexistente aut non praeinexisten- te.1 Secunda, ex copia aut paucitate materiae.2 Tertia, ex gradibus subactionis.3 Quarta, ex clausura vel aper- tura corporis subacti.4 Quod ad primam attinet, sup- 1 See above [p. 317. note 1.] 2 " Materiie dispositiones . . . juxta expansionis constrictionisque di- versitatem expendendas esse." — De JRer. Nat. i. 19. 8 Ib. i. 20. passim. < This difference is not stated by Telesius, though it may be presumed that it had occurred to him. 326 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS. ponit Telesius in omnibus entibus quse nobis cognita sunt subesse atque latitare calorern nonnullum, licet ad tactuin minime deprehendatur, qui calor curn novo aut superveniente calore conjungitur ; quin et ipse ab eodem adventitio calore ad actiones suas peragemlas etiam in proprio modulo excitatur atque incenditur. Hujus rei argurnentum esse insigne, quod nullum scilicet sit ex entibus, non metallum, non lapis, non aqua, non aer, quod non ex attactu atque etiam ab admotione ignis aut corporis calidi calescat.1 Quod factum iri verisim- ile non est, nisi calor pra^inexistens et latens praepa ra tio quaadam esset ad calorem novum et manifestum. Etiam illud magis et minus, nempe facilitatem aut tar- ditatem in calore concipiendo, quod in entibus inve- nitur, secundum modum caloris prasinexistentis com- petere. Aerem enim parvo calore tepescere, atque eo qui in corpore aquae non percipiatur sed sensum fugiat. Etiam aquam citius tepescere, quam lapidem aut me tallum aut vitruin. Nam quod aliquod ex istis, metal lum scilicet aut lapis, citius tepescere videatur quam aqua, id tantum in superficie fieri, non in profundo ; quia corpora consistentia minus communicabilia sunt in partibus suis, quam liquida. Itaque extima metalli ci tius calefieri quam extima aquaj, universam autem mo- lem tardius. Secunda differentia ponitur in coacerva- 1 The notion of heat latent in all bodies, inexistens calor, is frequent in Telesius; as in the passage quoted above, p. 317., from the thirteenth chap ter of the first book, and as in the nineteenth, where it is said, " Compri- mendi (ealori) nimirum ut cedant flectanturque et fluant in existens praestat calor qui, si non propria vi, at comprimentis ope usus, illani commovet ;" where illam, I believe, refers to the words " materije expansio," contained in the clause I have omitted. But I have not found the argument by which Bacon goes on to support this doctrine, which would naturally have occurred in the twenty-third chapter of the second book, in which Telesius seeks to show that all the elements except earth bear traces of having been generated by heat. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 327 tione et exporrectione materiae. Ea si densa fuerit, fit ut caloris vires magis uniantur, et per unionem magis augeantur et intendantur ; contra, si laxior fuerit, ut magis disgregentur, et per disgregationem magis minu- antur et enerventur. Itaque fortiorem esse calorem metallorum ignitorum quam aquae ferventis, etiam quam flammae ipsius, nisi quod flamma per tenuita- tem magis subintret. Nam flammam carbonum sive lignorum, nisi flatu excitetur, ut per motum facilius impellatur et penetret, non admodum furere ; quin et nonnullas flammas (qualis est spiritus vini inflammati, prassertim in exigua quantitate et dispersa) adeo lenis caloris esse, ut ad manum fere toleretur. Tertia dif ferentia, qua3 sumitur ex subactione materiae, multiplex est ; gradus enim subactionis mernorantur ab eo quasi septem ; 1 quorum primus est Lentor, qui est dispositio materiae exhibens corpus ad majorem violentiam nonni- hil obsequens, et compressionis et praecipue extensionis patiens, flexibile2 denique aut ductile. Secundus, Mol- lities, cum majore violentia nil opus est, sed corpus etiam levi impulsione atque ad tactum ipsum sive ma num cedit, absque evidenti renitentia. Tertia, Viscosi- tas sive Tenacitas, quaa est principium quoddam fluoris. Videtur enim corpus viscosum ad contactum et com- plexum alterius corporis incipere fluere et continuari, nee se ipso h'niri, licet s]>onte et ex sese non fluat ; 1 Only six. " Insignes crassitiei ad tenuitatem progredientes immut.i- tiones. lentorem, mollitiem, viscositatem, fluorem, vaporem esse." After describing these five degrees, Telesius goes on at once to stiy : " Sextuni veruin atque extreinum (spatium occupat) tenuitas, qua? scilicet non tac tum niodo sed quantumvis in se ipsa coacta visum etiam, quod vapores non faciunt, penitus lateat et quantavis facta lucein nihil imminuit fojdatve usquam, ut a vaporibus sejungenda ideo sit et coelo ex universo inesse vide- tur."— De Rer. Nat. i. 20. Whence it se«ms that air is included among the va pores. 2 fluxibik in the original. — J. S. 328 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS. fluiduin eaim sui sequax est, viscosum alterius magis. Quarta, ipse fluor, cum corpus spiritus inter! oris parti- ceps in mutu versatur libens, et seipsum sequitur, atque segre definitur aut consistit. Quinta, Vapor, cum cor- pus attenuatur in intactile, quod etiam majore cum agilitate et mobilitate cedit, fluit, undulat, trepidat. Sexta, Halitus, qui vapor est quidam magis coctus et maturus, et ad igneam naturam recipiendam subactus. Septima, aer ipse ; aerem autem contendit Telesius omnino calore nativo, neque eo parvo aut impotenti, pra?ditum esse ; quod etiam in frigidissimis regionibus aer nunquam congelatur aut concrescit. Etiam illud evidenti indicio esse, aerem in natura propria calidum esse, quod omnis aer clausus, et ab universitate aeris divulsus, et sibi permissus, teporem manifeste colligit ; ut in lana et rebus fibrosis. Etiam in locis clausis et angustis, aerem ad respirationem sentiri quodam niodo suffocativurn, quod a calido est. Atque base propterea fieri, quod aer clausus sua natura uti incipiat, cum aer foras et sub dio refrigeretur a frigore, quod globus ter- rse perpetuo emittit et efflat. Quin etiam aerem nos trum communem tenui quadam coelestium dote insig- niri, cum liabeat nonniliil in se lucis ; quod ex visu animalium, quae noctu et in locis obscuris cernere pos- sunt, ostenditur.1 Atque talis est Telesio dispositionis materiaa series, in mediis videlicet ; siquidem extrema, 1 That certain animals can see at night is with Telesius a proof that the apparently obscure parts of the heavens — the highest and lowest,- give out a perceptible amount of light, not that the air is itself luminous, — unless the " infima coeli portio" be understood to mean our atmosphere. (See De Rer. Nat. i. 3.) It is remarkable that Bacon omits Telesius's chief argument in favour of the opinion that the air is generated bv and contains heat, namely that it partakes in some measure of the circular mo tion which the heavens derive from the pure and effectual heat by which they are constituted. The natural motion of the air is made manifest ac cording to Telesius by the sound heard when a shell is put to the ear. SEC. FAB. CUP1DINIS ET CCELI. 329 videlicet ex altera parte corpora dura et rigida, ex al- tera ignis ipse, tanquam termini mediorum non recen- sentur. Sed praeter hosce gradus simplices, magnam aucupatur diversitatem in dispositione material ex cor- pore similari et dissimilari ; cum scilicet portiones ma- teriae in uno corpore composite et coadunatne, vel ad unum ex gradibus supra-dictis aequaliter referri pos- sunt, vel ad diversa impariter.1 Longe enim maximam inde sequi in operatione caloris differentiam. Itaque quartam illam differentiam necessario adhiberi ex na- tura ac etiam positura corporis in quod calor agat, clausa, aut porosa et aperta. Quando enim in aperta et exposita operatur calor, operatur seriatim et per sin- gula, attenuando et simul educendo et separando. Cum vero in occlusa et compacta, operatur secundum totum et secundum massam, nulla facta jactura caloris, sed calore novo et vetere se conjungentibus et plane con- spirantibus ; unde fit ut potentiores et magis intrinse- cas et exquisitas alterationes et subactiones conficiat. Verum de hoc plura mox dicentur, cum de modo sub- actionis disseremus. Sed interim satao-it et aestuat O Telesius, et miris modis implicatur,2 ut expediat mo- dum divortii et separationis qualitatum suarum prima- rum connaturaliurn, caloris, lucis, tenuitatis, et mobil- itatis, ac quaternionis opposite, prout corporibus acci- dunt : cum corpora alia inveniantur calida, aut ad calo- rem optime prasparata, sed eadem inveniantur quoque densa, quieta, nigra ; alia tenuia, mobilia, lucida sive "Perpauca qusedam similar! e terra et uno eodemque a calore universa effecta sunt . . . sed e terra pleraque, quse aliis sui partibus et non magnis iis tenuis laxiorque, aliis vero crassior est densiorque.'1 — De Rer Nat. i. 15. 2 See De Rer. Nat. i. 16. The general purport of his explanation is, that the action of heat is mingled with and controlled by that of cold. 330 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, alba, sed tamen frigida ; et similiter de cseteris ; una quapiam qualitate in rebus existente, reliquis non competentibus ; alia vero duabus ex istis naturis parti- cipent, duabus contra priventur, varia admodum per- mutatione et consortio. Qua in parte Telesius non admodum feliciter perfungitur, sed more adversariorum suorum se gerit ; qui cum prius opinantur quam expe- riuntur, ubi ad res particulars ventum est, ingenio et rebus a^utuntur, atque tain ingenium quam res misere lacerant et torquent ; et tamen alacres et (si ipsis cre- das) victores suo sensu utcunque abundant. Concludit autem rem per desperationem et votum, illud signifi- cans, licet et caloris vis et copia, et material dispositio, crasso modo et secundum summas distingui et terminari » O possint ; tamen exactas et accuratas eorum rationes, et distinctos et tanquam mensuratos modos, extra inqui- sitionis humana3 aditus sepositos esse ; ita tamen, ut (quo modo inter impossibilia) diversitas dispositionis materiae, melius quam caloris vires et gradus, perspici possit ; atque nihilominus in his ipsis (si qua fata si- nant) humanas et scientia3 et potential fastigium et cul- men esse. Postquam autem desperationem plane pro- fessus esset, tamen in vota precesque non cessat. Ita enim dixit : Qui porro color vel quant us, hoc est, quod caloris robur et quce ejus copia, quatn terram et quce entia in qualia invertat, minime inquirendum videtur, ut quod homini nulla (ut nobis videtur^) innotescere queat ratione. Qui enim vel caloris vires et calorem ipsum vel- uti in gradus partiri, vel matericK cui inditus est copiam quantitatemque distincte percipere et certis determinatis- que caloris viribus copiceque certain materice quantitatem dispositionemque certasque actiones, aut contra,1 certof 1 centra in original. SEC. FAB. CUPIDIXIS ET CCELI. 331 materice quantitati certisque actionibus certain determi- natamque caloris copiam, assignare liceat ? Utinam id otio fruentes et perspicaciore prcediti ingenio, et quibus in summa tranquillitate rerum naturam perscrutari licuerit, assequantur : ut homines non omnium modo scientei, sed omnium fere potentes fiant ! 1 honestius paulo quam so- lent ejus adversarii, qui quicquid artes quas ipsi pepe- rerunt non assequuntur, id ex arte omnino impossible sfatuunt, ut nulla ars damnari possit, cum ipsa et agat et judicet. Restat tertium quod erat, subactionis- vide licet modus. Hoc triplici dogmate absolvit Telesius. Primum est, id quod antea a nobis obiter est notatum, nullam prorsus symbolizationem intelligi (ut in Peripa- teticorum doctrina), per quam res tanquam concordia quadam foveantur et conspirent. Omnem enim gen- erationem, atque adeo omnem effectum in corpore nat- urali, victoria et praedominantia, non pacto aut fbedere transigi. Id quod novum non est, cum etiam Aris- toteles in doctrina Empedoclis hoc ipsum notaverit.2 Quod scilicet cum Empedocles Litem et Amicitiam, rerum principia efficientia statuisset, tamen in explica- tionibus suis causarum, Inimicitia fere utatur, alterius 1 This quotation is inaccurate. " Qui porro calor, vel quantus, quod ni- mirum caloris robur et qute ejus copia, quam terrain et quse entia in qua- lia invertat, ininime inquirendum videtur, ut quod homini nulla, ut nobis videtur, innotescere queat ratione. Qui enim vel caloris vires, et calorem ipsum veluti in gradus partiri vel materise cui inditus est copiam quantita- temque distincte percipere, et certis determinatisque caloris viribus copi:«- que in certam materise quantitatem dispositionemque, certas actiones et eertae materiae quantitati certam determinatamque calorL* copiam assig nare liceat? Utinam id alii et perspicaciore prsediti ingenio et quibus in summa tranquillitate rerum naturam perscrutari licuerit assequantur, ut homines non omnium modo scientes sed et potentes fiant." — -De Her. Nat. \. 17. Perhaps Bacon may quote from the edition published in 1565 [or from a copy corrected by conjecture ; for there is evidently something wrong in the passage as it stands. — J. S.~\ 2 Arist. Meteor, iii. 4. 332 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, tanquam oblitus. Secundum est, calorem actione sua propria perpetuo vertere ens in humidum, et quod ca- lori siccitas nullo modo coeat, nee frigori humiditas.1 Idem enim esse attenuare et humectare ; atque quod maxime tenue, id etiam maxime humidum esse : cum per humidum intelligatur id quod facillime cedit, abit in partes, et rursus se restituit, atque tegre finitur aut consistit. Qute omnia magis insunt flammae, quam aeri ; qui a Peripateticis constituitur maxime humi- dus. Itaque calorem, humidum perpetuo allicere, de- pascere, extendere, indere, generare ; contra, frigus omnia agere in siccitatem, concretionem, duritiern ; ubi vult Aristotelem et hebetem in observatione, et sibi discordem, et erga experientiam imperiosum et libid- inosum videri, quod calorem cum siccitate copulet.2 Nam quod aliquando entia desiccet calor, id per ac- cidens fieri ; nimirum in corpore dissimilar! et ex par- tibus aliis magis crassis aliis magis tenuibus coagmen- tato, eliciendo et (per attenuationem) exitum dando parti tenuiori, dum pars crassior inde cogatur et magis se constringat : quas tamen ipsa pars crassior, si adven- erit calor ferocior, et ipsa fluit ; ut in lateribus mani- festum est. Primo enim calor non ita fervens,3 lutum cogit in lateres, tenuiore parte evaporata ; at fortior calor etiam illam substantiam lateritiam solvit in vi- trum. Atque haec duo dogmata veluti errorum redar- gutiones censeri possunt ; tertium plane affirmat, neque id solum, sed et perspicue distinguit subactionis modum. Is duplex est, vel rejiciendo, vel vertendo ; atque alteru- 1 "Propria igitur caloris, et caloris opus humiditas." — De Rer. Nat. iii. 14. 2 " Natune itidem sensuique et sibi etiam ipsi discors Aristoteles calori jiccitatem et frigori humorem copulat." — 76. 1. c. 8 servans in the original. — J. S. SEC FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 333 ter ex iis modis perducitur in acturn, secundum vim caloris et dispositionem materiae. Cujus rei tamen duo videntur tanquam canones. Unus, quod cum calidum et frigidum magna mole et tanquam justo exercitu con- currunt, sequitur ejectio. Nam entia, veluti acies, loco moventur et impelluntur. Ubi vero minore quantitate res geritur, turn sequitur versio ; l nam interimuntur entia et naturam potius quam locum mutant. Hujus rei insigne et nobile exemplum esse in regionibus aeris superioribus, qua3 licet ad calorem coelestem magis ap- propinquent, tamen frigidiores inveniuntur quam con- finia terras. In illis enim locis, postquam propius ad sedem primi calidi ventum est, calor se colligens univer- sam frigoris vim quae adscenderat simul ejicit et detru- dit, et aditu probibet. Quinetiam sirniliter fieri posse, ut sint per profunda terras calores vehementiores quam in superficie ; postquam scilicet ad sedem primi frigidi appropinquatio facta est, quod se excitans, magno im- petu calidum rejicit, et fugit,2 et in se vertit. Alter canon est, quod in aperto sequitur ejectio ; in clauso versio.. Hoc autem insigniter conspici in vasibus oc- clusis, ubi emissio corporis attenuati (quod spiritum fere vocamus) prohibita et retrusa ])rofundas et intrin- secas in corporibus alterationes et fermentationes gen- erat. At hoc ipsum sirniliter fieri, cum corpus ob partium compactionem sibi ipsi instar vasis occhisi est. Atque hasc sunt quse Telesio, et fortasse Par- menidi, circa rerum principia visa sunt ; nisi quod Te- lesius hylen addidit de proprio ; peripateticis scilicet notionibus depravatus. 1 It does not appear that Telesius recognised the possibility of trans forming heat into cold, or vice versa ; which seems to be implied by the word versio. a So in the original. — J. 8. 334 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, Atque similia veri fuissent quas a Telesio dicuntur, si homo tollatur &. natura, et simul artes mechanics) quce materiam vexant, atque fabrica mundi siinpliciter spectetur. Nam pastoralis quaedam videtur ista philo- sophia, quaa mundum contemplatur placide, et tanquam per otium. Siquidem de systemate mundi disserit non male, de principiis imperitissime. Quin et in ipso quoque systemate ingens est lapsus, quod tale con- stituat systema quod videri possit geternum, nee supponat chaos et mutationes schematismi magni. Sive enim ea est Telesii philosophia, sive Peripatet- icorum, sive quse alia, quae in eum modum systema instruat, libret, muniat, ut non videatur fluxisse a chao ; ea levior philosophia videtur, atque omnino ex angustiis pectoris humani. Nam omnino secundum sen- sum philosophanti materise aeternitas asseritur ; mundi (qualem eum intuemur) negatur ; quod et priscae sapientue, et ei qui ad ipsam proxime accedit, Democ- rito, visum est. Idem sacrae liter* testantur. Illud praecipue interest; quod illae etiam materiam a Deo; hi ex sese statuunt. Tria enim videntur esse dogmata quae scimus ex fide circa hanc rem. Primo, quod materia creata sit ex nihilo. Secundo, quod eductio systematis fuerit per verbum omnipotentiae, neque quod materia se ipsa eduxerit e chao in schematismum ilium. Tertio, quod schematismus ille (ante prarvari- cationem) fuerit optimus ex iis qua? materia (qualis creata erat) suscipere posset. At philosophise illae ad nulluin horum adscendere potuerunt. Nam et crea- tionem ex nihilo exhorrent, et hunc schematismum post multas ambages et molimina materia? eductum sentiunt ; nee de optirnitate laborant, cum schematis mus asseratur occiduus et variabilis. In his itaque fidei SEC. FAB. CUPIDIXIS ET CCELI. 335 atque ejus firmamentis standum. Utrum vero mate- ria ilia creata, per longos seculorum circuitus, ex vi primo indita se in ilium optimum schematismum colligere et vertere potuisset (quod missis ambagibus ex A-erbi imperio continue fecit), non inquirendum fortasse est. Tarn enim est miraculum, et ejusdem omnipotentiae, repraesentatio temporis quam efformatio entis. Videtur autem natura divina utraque omni- potentise emanatione se insignire voluisse : prirno, operando oranipotenter super ens et materiam, cre- ando scilicet ens e nihilo ; secundo, super motum et tempus, anticipando ordinem naturae, et accelerando processmn entis. Verurn IUBC ad parabolam de Coelo pertinent, ubi qure nunc breviter perstringimus fusius disseremus. Itaque ad principia Telesii pergenclum. Atque utinam hoc saltern semel et inter omnes con- veniret, ne aut ex non entibus entia, aut ex non principiis principia, constitui placeret, neque mani- festa recipiatur contradictio. Principium autem ab- stractum non est ens; rnrsus ens rnortale non est principium ; ut necessitas plane invincibilis hominum cogitationes (si sibi constare velint) compellat ad atomum, quod est verum ens, materiaturn, formatum, dimensum, locatum, habens antitypiam, appetitum, motum, emanationem. Idem per omnium corporum naturalium interitus manet inconcussum et ai'ternum. Nam cum tot et tarn variaa sint corporum majorum corruptiones, omnino necesse est ut quod tanquam centrum manet immutabile id aut potentiate quid- darn sit, aut minimum. At potentiale non est; nam potentiale prim urn, reliquorum quse sunt potentialia simile esse non potest, quse aliud actu sunt, aliud potentia. Sed necesse est ut plane abstractum sit, 336 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIKUS, cum oinnem actum abneget, et omnem potentiam contineat. Itaque relinquitur, ut illud immutabile sit minimum ; nisi forte quis asserat omnino prin- cipia nulla existere, sed rem alteram alteri pro principiis esse, legem atque ordinem mutationis con- stantia esse et cTsterna, essentiam ipsam fluxam et mutabilem. Atque satius foret hujusmodi quiddam diserte affirmare, quam studio seternum aliquod prin- cipium statuendi, in durius incommodum incidere, ut idem principium ponatur phantasticum. Ilia enim prior ratio aliquem exitum habere videtur, ut res mutentur in orbem ; hasc prorsus nullum, quse notio- nalia et mentis adminicula habet pro entibus. Et tamen quod hoc ipsum nullo modo fieri possit, postea docebimus. Telesio tamen Jiyle placuit, quam ex juniore £evo postnatam in Parmenidis philosophiam transtulit. At certamen instituit Telesius agentiuni suorum principiorum mirum et plane iniquum, et copiis et genere bellandi. Nam quod ad copias attinet, terra ei est unica, at coeli exercitus ingens ; etiam terra puncti fere instar, cceli vero spatia et regiones immensse. Neque huic incommodo illud subvenire queat, quod terra et connaturalia ejus ex materia maxime compacta asserantur, coelum contra et setlierea ex materia maxime explicata. Licet enim plurimum certe intersit, tamen haec res nullo modo copias vel longo intervallo aaquabit. At robur dogmatis Telesii versatur in hoc vel prascipue, si tanquam sequalis portio hyles (secundum quantum, non secundum exporrectio- nem) utrique principio agenti assignetur, ut res durare possint, et systema constitui et stabiliri. Quicunque enim cum Telesio sentiet in caeteris, et exsuperantiam hyles, praBsertim tarn amplo excessu, in uno principio SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 337 ad alterum rocipiet, haerebit nee se omnino explicabit. Itaque in dialogo Plutarchi de facie in orbe lunae, sana mente proponitur ilia consideratio, non esse verisimile, in dispersione materias naturam quicquid compacti corporis erat in unicum terras globum conclusisse, tot interim volventibus globis astrorum. Huic vero cogi- tationi tarn immoderate indulsit Gilbertus, ut non solum terrain et lunam, sed complures alios globes solidos et opacos per expansionem coeli inter globos lucentes sparsos assereret.1 Quin et ipsi Peripatetici, postqnam coelestia suo statu, sublunaria autem per successionem et renovationem aeterna posuissent, non confisi sunt se hoc dogma tueri posse, nisi elementis veluti aequas materise portiones assignassent. Hoc est enim illud, quod de decupla ilia portione qua ambiens elementum interius elementum superet consomniant. Neque ista eo adducimus, quod nullum ex iis nobis placeat, sed ut ostendamus inopinabile quiddam esse, atque cogitationem prorsus male mensuratam, si quis terrain contrarium agens coelo principium statuat : quod Telesius fecit. Atque hoc ipsum durius multo inve- nitur, si quis prater quantum ipsum, disparem virtutem et actum creli et terras intueatur. Perdita enim omni no sit dimicationis conditio, si ex altera parte telorum hostilium ictus perferantur, ex altera non pertingant, sed citra cadant. At liquet plane solis vires in terrain mitti ; terne autem vires usque ad sol em pervenire nemo spondeat. Etenim inter omnes virtutes qua? natura parit, ilia lucis et umbrae longissime emittitur, et maximo spatio sive orbe circumfunditur. Umbra autem terras citra solem terminatur, cum lux solis, si terra diaphana esset, globum terrse transverberare i Gilbert, Nov. Phys. i. 10. VOL. v. 22 338 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGIN IBUS, possit. Nominatum calidum, frigidum, (de quibus nunc est sermo) nnnquam deprehenduntur tarn magna spatia vincere in virtute sua perferenda, quam lux et umbra. Itaque si umbra terra? non pertingit ad solem, multo minus frigidum terra? eo adspirare posse consen- taneum est. Id si ita sit, nempe ut sol et calidum in quaedam corpora media agant, quo contrarii principii virtus non adscendat, nee ullo modo eorum actum impediat ; necesse est ut ilia (sol, inquam, et calidum) proxima quaeque occupent, et dein remotiora quoque conjungant, ut tandem futura sit Heracliti conflagra- tio, solari et coelesti natura gradatim versus terrain et confinia ejus descendente et magis appropinquante. Neque ilia admodum conveniunt, ut vis ilia naturam suam imponendi et multiplicand! et alia in se vertendi, quam Telesius principiis attribuit, non operetur in simi- lia seque aut magis quam in contraria ; ut coelum jam excandescere debuerit, et stella? inter se committi. Verum ut propius accedamus, quatuor omnino dem- onstrationes proponenda? videntur, qua? Telesii philo- sopliiam de principiis plane convellere et destruere pos- sint, etiam singula?, multo magis conjuncta?. 'Harum prima est, quod inveniantur in rebus nonnullo? actiones et efFectus, etiam ex potentissimis et latissime diffusis, qua? ad calorem et frigus nullo modo referri possint. Proxima, quod inveniantur natura? nonnulla? quarum calor et frigus sint efFectus et consecutiones ; neque id ipsum per excitationem caloris pra?inexistentis, aut admotionem caloris advenientis ; sed prorsus per quse calor et frigus in primo esse ipsorum indantur et gene- rentur. Itaque principii ratio in iis ex utraque parte deficit, turn quia aliquid non ex ipsis, turn quia ipsa ex aliquo. Tertia, quod etiam ea qua? a calore et frigore SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 339 originem ducunt (quae certe sunt quam plurima) tamen procedunt ab illis tanquam ab efficiente et organo, non tanquam a causa propria et intima. Postremo, quod conjugatio ilia quatuor connaturalium omnino permis- cetur et confunditur. Quare de his sigillatim dicemus. Atque alicui fortasse vix opera3 pretium videri possit, nos in philosophia Telesii arguenda tarn diligenter ver- sari, philosophia scilicet non admodum celebri aut re- cepta. Verum nos hujusmodi fastidia nil moramur. De Telesio autem bene sentimus, atque eum ut aman- tem veritatis et scientiis utilem et nonnullorum placi- torum emendatorem et novorum hominum primum ag- noscimus. Neque tamen nobis cum eo res est tanquam Telesio, sed tanquam instauratore philosophise Parmen- idis, cui multa debetur reverentia. Sed illud in primis in causa est quod haec fusius agamus, quod in eo qui primus npbis occurrit complura disserimus, qua3 ad se- quentium sectarum (de quibus postmodum tractandum erit) redargutionem transferri possint, ne saspius eadem dicere sit necesse. Sunt enim errorum (licet diverso- rum) fibraB miris modis inter se implicate et intexta3, qua3 tamen sa3penumero una redargutione, tanquam falce, demeti et succidi possint. Verum, ut occoepi- mus dicere, videndum quales inveniantur in rebus vir- tutes et actiones, qua? ad calidum et frigidum nullo rerum consensu aut ingenii violentia trahi possint. Primo itaque sumendum quod a Telesio datur, mate- rise summam asternum constare, nee augeri aut minui. Hanc ille dotem, qua materia se servat et sustinet, transmittit ut passivam, et tanquam ad rationem quanti potius quam ad formam et actionem pertinentem, ac si nihil opus esset earn calori et frigori deputare, quae agentium tantum formarum et virtutum fontes ponun- 340 DE PRIXCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, tur; materiam enim non simpliciter, sed omni agente virtuto destitui et exui. Atque hrec asseruntur magno mentis errore, et prorsus mirabili, nisi quod consensus atque opinio pervulgata et inveterate miraculum tollit. Nil enim simile fere inter errores reperitur, quam ut quis virtutem istam materise inditam (per quam ipsa se ab interitu vindicat, adeo ut minima quaeque materise portio nee universa mundi mole obrui nee omnium agentium vi et impetu destrui aut ullo modo annihilari et in ordinem redigi queat, quin et spatii nonnihil occu- pet, et renitentiam servet cum dimensione impenetra- bili, et ipsa vicissim aliquid moliatur, nee se deserat) pro agente virtute non habeat ; cum contra sit omnium virtutum longe potentissima, et plane insuperabilis, et veluti merum fatum et necessitas. Hanc autem vir tutem nee conatur Telesius ad calidum et frigidum referre. Atque hoc recte ; neque enim scilicet aut incendium aut torpor et congelatio huic rei aliquid addunt vel detrahunt, nee super eurn aliquid possunt ; cum ipsa interim et in sole, et ad centrum terras, et ubique vigeat. Sed in eo lapsus videtur, quod molem materiae certam et definitam agnoscit ; ad virtutem qua se numeris suis tueatur ca?cutit, eamque (profundissi- mis Peripateticorum tenebris immersus) accessorii loco ducit ; cum sit maxime principalis, corpus suum l vi- brans, aliud submovens, solida et adarnantina in seipso, atque unde decreta et possibilis et impossibilis emanant authoritate inviolabili. Schola itidem vulgaris earn facili verborum complexu pueriliter prensat, satisfactum huic cogitation! putans, si duo corpora in eodem loco non posse esse pro canone ponat, virtutem autem istam atque ejus modum nunquam apertis oculis contempla- 1 [So in the original.] The sense appears to require unum. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 341 tur et ad vivum dissecat ; parum scilicet gnara, quanta ex ea pendeant, et qualis lux inde scientiis exoriatur. Verum (quod nunc agitur) ista virtus quantacunque extra Teksii principia cadit. Transeundum jam ad virtutem illam quse ad priorem bane est tanquam antis- tropha, earn scilicet quae nexura materiae tuetur. Ut enim materia materia obrui non vult, ita nee materia a materia divelli. Atque nihilominus utrum base naturae lex sit asque ac ilia altera peremptoria, magnam habet dubitationem. Telesio enim, quemadmodum et Democ- rito vacuum coacervatum et sine meta dari placuit, ut entia singularia contiguum suum deponant, nonnun- quam et deserant, asgre (ut aiunt) et illibenter, sed majore nempe aliqua violentia domita et coacta ; idque ille nonnullis experimentis demonstrare contendit, ea potissimum adducens, qua? passim citantur ad abne- gandum et refellendum vacuum, eaque tanquam extra- hens et amplians eo modo, ut entia videri possint in levi aliqua necessitate posita contiguum illud tenere ; sin majorem in modum torqueantur, vacuum admit- tere ; sicuti in clepsydris aqueis, in quibus si foramen per quod aqua descendere possit minutius sit, spiraculo egebunt, ut aqua descendat; sin latius, etiam absque spiraculo, aqua in foramen majore mole incumbens, et vacuum supra nil morata, deorsum fertur. Similiter in follib'us, in quibus si eos l comprimas et occludas ut nullus illabenti ae'ri aditus pateat ac postea eleves et expandas, si pellis gracilis sit et debilis, dirumpitur pellis ; si crassa et frangi inepta, non item ; et alia hu- jusmodi.2 Verum experimenta ista nee exacte probata sunt, nee inquisition! omnino satisfaciunt aut qua3stio- i ea in the original. — J.S. 2 De Rer. Nat. i. 25. 342 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, nem terminant ; atque licet per ilia Telesius se addere rebus et inventis putet et quod ab aliis conf'usius obser- vatum est subtilius distinguere nitatur, tamen nullo modo par rebus evadit nee exitum rei evolvit, sed in mediis prorsus deficit ; quod ex more est et ipsi et Peripateticis, qui ad experimenta contuenda instar noc- tuarurn sunt, neque id tarn ob facultatis imbecillitatem, sed ob cataractas opinionum, et contemplationis plense et fixaa impatientiam. Qusestio vero ista (ex maxime arduis) quousque detur vacuum, et ad quse spatia fieri possit seminum vel coitio vel distractio, et quid sit in hoc genere peremptorium et invariabile, ad locum ubi de vacuo tractandum erit rejicimus. Neque enim multum interest ad id quod nunc agitur, utrum natura vacuum penitus respuat, an entia (ut emendatius se loqui putat Telesius1) mutuo contactu gaudeant. Illud enim planum facimus, istam sive vacui fugam, sive contactus cupidinem, nullo modo a calido et frigido pendere, nee a Telesio ipsi 2 adscribi, nee ex rerum ulla evidentia illis adscribi posse ; cum materia loco mota aliam prorsus materiam traliat, sive ilia sit calida sive frigida, sive liquida sive sicca, sive dura sive mollis, sive arnica sive inimica, adeo ut corpus calidum corpus gelidissimum citius attraxerit ut ei adsit, quam se ab omni corpore disjungi et deseri patiatur. Nam vincu- lum materiaa fortius est quam dissidium calidi et frigidi. Et sequacitas materias non curat diversitatem formarum specialium. Itaque nullo modo base virtus nexus ab illis principiis calidi et frigidi. Sequuntur virtutes duae invicem opposite, qua3 regnum hoc principiorum (ut lu Entia prorsus omnia mutuum contactum sentire et summopere eo oblectari . . . apparent." — De Rer. Nat. i. 6. 2 So in the original. I think it should be ipso. — J. S. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 343 videri possit) ad calidum et frigidum detulerunt, sed jure male enucleate ; eas dicimus, per quas entia se aperiunt et rarefaciunt, dilatant et expandunt, ita ut majus spatium occupent et se in majorem sphseram conjiciant ; aut rursus se claudunt et condensant, co- arctant et contrahunt, ita ut spatiis decedant et in minorem sphaaram se recipiant. Ostendendum itaque est, quatenus ista virtus a calido et frigido ortum ha- beat, et quatenus seorsum moretur, nee cum ilia ra- tiones misceat. Atque verissimum est, quod affirmat Telesius, rarum et densum caloris et frio;oris esse veluti O opificia propria ; longe enim maximas sunt illorum partes ad hoc, ut corpora majus et minus spatium occupent ; sed tamen confusius ista accipiuntur. Vi- dentur enim corpora quandoque ab una spatiatione naturali in alteram migrare et se transferre, idque libenter et tanquam volentia, et formam mutantia; quandoque autem tantummodo a naturali spatiatione depulsa, et manente forma veteri in consuetam spa- tiationem reverti. Atque virtus ilia progressiva in novum spatium a calido et frigido fere regitur. At virtus altera restitutiva non item, siquidem expandit se aqua in vaporem et aerem, oleum similiter et pinguia in halitum et flammam, ex vi caloris ; nee (si perfecte transmigraverint) reverti satagunt ; quin et aer ipse ex calore intumescit et extenditur. Quod si mieratio n fuerit semi plena, post caloris abscessum in se facile re- cidit ; ut etiam in virtute restitutiva partes frigoris et caloris sint nonnullae. At quas non mediante calore sed violentia aliqua extensa sunt et distracta, etiam absque ulla frigoris accessions aut diminutione caloris in priora spatia (cessante violentia) cupidissime rever- tuntur; ut in exsuctione ovi vitrei, et follibus levatis. 344 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS, Id vero in solidis et crassis longe evidentius est. Nam si distendatur pannus vel chorda, remota vi magna velocitate resiliunt ; atque eadem est compressionis ratio. Nam aer violentia aliqua contrusus et incarce- ratus multo conatu erumpit ; atque adeo omnis ille motus mechanicus quo durum a duro percutitur, qui vulgo motus violenti nomine appellatur, per quern res solida? mittuntur et volant per aerem et aquam, nihil aliud est quam nixus partium corporis emissi ad se expediendum a compressione ; et tamen nusquam hie apparent vestigia calidi et frigidi. Neque est quod quis argutetur ex doctrina Telesii hoc modo, ut dicat ; Esse singulis spatiationibus naturalibus assignatam por- tionem quandam calidi et frigidi, ex certa quadam ana- logia: Itaque fieri posse ut tametsi nihil addatur caloris et frigoris, tamen si spatia materiati extendantur aut contrahantur, res eodem recidat,1 quia plus ct minus imponitur materia3 in spatio, quam pro ratione caloris et frigoris. Verum ista licet non absurda dictu, tamen sunt eorum qui semper aliquid comminisci solent ut quod semel visum est teneant, nee naturam et res per- sequuntur. Nam si addatur calor et frigus hujusmodi corporibus extensis aut compressis, idque majore men- sura quam pro ratione et natura corporis ipsius, veluti si pannus ille tensus calefiat ad ignem, tamen nullo modo rem compensabit, nee impetum restitutionis ex- stinguet. Itaque planum jam fecimus, istam virtutem spatiationis ex calore et frigore in parte notabili non pendere, cum tamen sit ipsa ilia virtus, qua3 plurimum authoritatis his principiis tribuerit. Sequuntur duae virtutes quae omnibus in ore sunt, atque longe et late patent, per quas scilicet corpora massas sive congrega- 1 Recidit in original. — J. S. SEC. FAB. CUPIDINIS ET CCELI. 345 tiones majores rerum connaturalium petunt ; in quarum observatione, ut in reliquis, aut nugantur homines aut plane aberrant. Schola enim communis satis habet, si motum naturalem a violento distinguat ; et gravia de- orsum, levia sursum ferri ex motu naturali pronuntiet. Verurn parum proficiunt ad pbilosophiam bujusmodi specnlationes. Ista enim natura, ars, violentia, com pendia verborum sunt et nugas. Debuerunt autem hunc motum non tantum ad naturam referre, sed etiam affectum et appetitum particularem.et proprium corpo- ris naturalis in boc ipso motu quasrere. Sunt enim et alii motus complures naturales ex passionibus rerum longe diversis. Itaque res secundurn differentias pro- ponenda est. Quin et ipsi illi motus quos violentos appellant magis secundum naturam appellari possint, quam iste quern vocant naturalem ; si sit illud magis secundum naturam quod est fortius, aut etiam quod' est magis ex ratione universi. Nam motus iste adscensus et descensus non admodum imperiosus est, nee etiam universalis, sed tanquam provincialis et secundum re- giones ; quin et aliis motibus obsequens et subjectus. Quod vero gravia deorsum ferri aiunt, levia sursum, idem est ac si dicerent, gravia esse gravia, levia levia. Quod enim praedicatur, id ex vi ipsa termini in sub- jecto assumitur. Si vero per grave densum, per leve rarum intelligunt, promovent nonnihil ; ita tamen ut ad adjunctum et concomitans, potius quam ad cau- sam, rein deducant. Qui vero gravium appetitum ita explicant, ut ad centrum teme ilia ferri contendant, levia ut1 ad circumferentiam et ambitum coeli, tan quam ad loca propria ; asserunt certe aliquid, atque etiam ad causam innuunt, sed omnino perperam. Loci 1 So in the original ; but the ut ought probably to be omitted. — J. & 346 DE PRINCIPIIS ATQUE ORIGINIBUS. enim nullae sunt vires, neque corpus nisi a corpore pat- itur, atque omnis incitatio corporis, quae videtur esse ad se collpcandum, appetit atque molitur configuratio- nem versus aliud corpus, non collocationem aut situm simplicem. NEW ATLANTIS.1 1 The Thema Cceli, had it stood by itself, would have followed here; for it belongs properly to this class, and was written before the New Atlantis. But being so closely connected with the Descriptio Globl IntettectuaKs, which belongs to the next, it was thought better not to separate them. — ./. S. PREFACE. THE New Atlantis seems to have been written in 1624, and, though iiot_finished, to have been intend ed for publication as it stands. It was published ac cordingly by Dr. Rawley in 1627, at the end of the volume containing the Sylva Sylvarum ; for which place Bacon had himself designed it, the subjects of the two being so near akin ; the one representing his idea of what should be the end of the work which the other he supposed himself to be beginning. For the story of Solomon's House is nothing more than a vision of the practical results which he anticipated from the study of natural history diligently and sys tematically carried on through successive generations. In this part of it, the work may probably be con sidered as complete. Of the state of Solomon's House he has told us all that he was as yet qualified to tell. His own attempts to " interpret nature " suggested the apparatus which was necessary for success : he had but to furnish Solomon's House with the instruments and preparations which he had himself felt the want of. The difficulties which had baffled his single efforts to provide that apparatus for himself suggested the con stitution and regulations of a society formed to over come them : he had but to furnish Solomon's House 350 PREFACE TO THE NEW ATLANTIS. with the helps in head and hand which he had himself wished for. His own intellectual aspirations suggested the result : he had but to set down as known all that le himself most longed to know. [But here he was obliged to stop. He could not describe the process of a perfect philosophical investigation ; because it must of course have proceeded by the method of the Novum Organum, which was not yet expounded. Nor could he give a particular example of the result of such in vestigation, in the shape of a Form or an Axiom ; for that presupposed the completion, not only of the No vum Organum, but (at least in some one subject) of the Natural History also ; and no portion of the Nat ural History complete enough for the purpose was as yet producible. Here therefore he stopped ; and it would almost seem that the nature of the difficulty which stood in his way had reminded him of the course he ought to take ; for just at this point (as we learn from Dr. Rawley) he did in fact leave his fable and return to his work. He had begun it with the inten tion of exhibiting a model political constitution, as well as a model college of natural philosophy ; but " his desire of collecting the natural history diverted him, which he preferred many degrees before it." And in this, according to his own view of the matter, he was no doubt right ; for though there are few people now who would not gladly give all the Sylva Syl- varum, had there been ten times as much of it, in exchange for an account of the laws, institutions, and administrative arrangements of Bensalem, it was not so with Bacon ; who being deeper read in the phenom ena of the human heart than in those of the material world, probably thought the perfect knowledge of na- PREFACE TO THE NEW ATLANTIS. 351 ture an easier thing than the perfect government of men, — easier and not so far off; and therefore pre ferred to work where there was fairest hope of fruit. , To us, who can no longer hope for the fruits which Bacon expected, the New Atlantis is chiefly interesting as a record of his own feelings. Perhaps there is no single work of his which has so much of himself in it. The description of Solomon's House is the description of the vision in which he lived, — the vision not of an ideal world released from the natural conditions to which ours is subject, but of our own world &&_ it might be made if we did our duty by it ; of a state of things which he believed would one day be actually s,een upon this earth such as it is by men such as we are; and the coming of which he believed that his own labours were sensibly hastening. The account of the manners and customs of the people of Bensalem is an account of his own taste in humanity ; for a man's ideal, though not necessarily a description of what he is, is almost always an indication of what he would be ; and in the sober piety, the serious cheer fulness, the tender and gracious courtesy, the open- handed hospitality, the fidelity in public and chastity in private life, the grave and graceful manners, the or der, decency, and earnest industry, which prevail among these people, we recognise an image of himself made perfect, — of that condition of the human soul which he loved in others, and aspired towards in himself.. Even the dresses, the household arrangements, the order of their feasts and solemnities, their very gest ures of welcome and salutation, have ail interest and significance independent of the fiction, as so many rec ords of Bacon's personal taste in such matters. Nor 352 PREFACE TO THE NEW ATLANTIS. ought the stories which the Governor of the House of o Strangers tells about the state of navigation and pop- j ulation in the early post-diluvian ages, to be regarded ' merely as romances invented to vary and enrich the narrative, but. rather as belonging to a class of serious speculations to which Bacon's mind was prone. As in his visions of the future, embodied in the achievements of Solomon's House, there is nothing which he did not conceive to be really practicable by the means which v4ie supposes to be used ; so in his speculations concern- \ing the past, embodied in the traditions of Bensalem, Si doubt whether there be any (setting aside, of course, the particular history of the fabulous island) which he did not believe to be historically probable. Whether it were that the progress of the human race in knowl edge and art seemed to him too small to be accounted for otherwise than by supposing occasional tempests of destruction, in which all that had been gathered was swept away, — or that the vicissitudes which had act ually taken place during the short periods of which we know something had suggested to him the proba bility of similar accidents during those long tracts of time of which we know nothing, — or merely that the imagination is prone by nature to people darkness with shadows, — certain it is that the tendency was strong in Bacon to credit the past with wonders ; to suppose that the world had brought forth greater things than it remembered, had seen periods of high civilisation bur ied in oblivion, great powers and peoples swept away and extinguished. In the year 1607, he avowed before the House of Commons a belief that in some forgot- • ten period of her history (possibly during the Heptar chy) England had been far better peopled than she PREFACE TO THE NEW ATLANTIS. was then. In 1609, when he published the De Sapi- entid Veterum, he inclined to believe that an age of higher intellectual development than any the world then knew of had flourished and passed out of mem ory long before Homer and Hesiod wrote ; and this upon the clearest and most deliberate review of all the obvious objections ; and more decidedly than he had done four years before when he published the Advance ment of Learning. And I have little doubt that when he wrote the New Atlantis he thought it not improba ble that the state of navigation in the world 3000 years before was really such as the Governor of the House of Strangers describes ; that some such naval expedi tions as those of Coya and Tyrambel may really have taken place ; and that the early civilisation of the Great Atlantis may really have been drowned by a deluge and left to begin its career again from a state of mere barbarism. Amoncr the few works of fiction which Bacon at- G tempted, the New Atlantis is much the most consid erable ; which gives an additional interest to it, and makes one the more regret that it was not finished according to the original design. Had it proceeded to the end in a manner worthy of the beginning, it would have stood, as a work of art, among the most perfect compositions of its kind. The notes to this piece, which are not marked with Mr. Ellis's initials, are mine. J. S. 23 NEW ATLANTIS: A WORK UNFINISHED. WRITTEN BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE FRANCIS LORD VERULAM, VISCOUNT ST, ALBAN, TO THE READER THIS fable my Lord devised, to the end that he might exhibit therein a model or description of a college in stituted for the interpreting of nature and the produc- ino- of great ar>d marvellous works for the benefit of O O men, tinder the name of Salomon's House, or the Col lege of the Six Days' Works. And even so far his Lordship hath proceeded, as to finish that part. Cer tainly the model is more vast and high than can,pos- sibly be imitated in all things; notwithstanding most things therein are within men's power to effect. His Lordship thought also in this present fable to have composed a frame of Laws, or of the best state or mould of a commonwealth ; but foreseeing it would be a long work, his desire of collecting the Natural History1 diverted him, which he preferred many de grees before it. This work of the New Atlantis (as much as con- cerneth the English edition) his Lordship designed for this place ; 2 in regard it hath so near affinity (in one part of it) with the preceding Natural History. W. RAWLEY. 1 In the Latin translation Rawley adds, aliarumgue Imtaurationis par- tium contexendarum ; alluding probably to the De Augmentis, the only portion of the Instauration, not belonging to the Natural History, which he seems to have been employed upon afterwards. 2 It was published at the end of the volume containing the Sylva Ryl- varum. The titlepage bears no date. NEW ATLANTIS. WE sailed from Peru, (where we had continued by the space of one whole year,) for China and Japan, by the South Sea ; l taking with us victuals for twelve months ; and had good winds from the east, though soft and weak, for five months' space and more. But then the wind came about, and settled in the west for many days, so as we could make little or no way, and were sometimes in purpose to turn back. But then again there arose strong and great winds from the south, with a point east; which carried us up (for all that we could do) towards the north : by which time our victuals failed us, though we had made good spare of them. So that finding ourselves in the midst of the greatest wilderness of waters in the world, with out victual, we gave ourselves for lost men, and pre pared for death. Yet we did lift up our hearts and voices to God above, who showeth his wonders in the deep; beseeching him of his mercy, that as in the beginning he discovered2 the face of the deep, and 1 The words "by the South Sea" are omitted in the translation. 2 So in the original. If discovered be the right word, it must mean removed the covering of the face of the deep. But I think there must be some mistake. The Latin version has quemadmodum in principio congre- gationes aquarum mandavit et Aridam ajtparere fecit. The allusion is, no doubt, to Genes, i. 9.: "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear." 360 NEW ATLANTIS. brought forth dry land, so he would now discover land to us, that we might1 not perish. And it came to pass that the next day about evening, we saw within a kenning before us, towards the north, as it were thick clouds, which did put us in some hope of land ; know ing how that part of the South Sea was utterly un known ; and might have islands or continents, that hitherto were not come to light. Wherefore we bent our course thither, where we saw the appearance of land, all that night ; and in the dawning of the next day, we might plainly discern that it was a land ; flat to our sight, and full of boscage ; which made it shew the more dark. And after an hour and a half's sailing, O» we entered into a good haven, being the port of a fair city ; not great indeed, but well built, and that gave a pleasant view from the sea : 2 and we thinking every minute long till we were on land, came close to the shore, and offered to land. But straightways we saw divers of the people, with bastons in their hands, as it were forbidding us to land ; yet without any cries or fierceness, but only as warning us off by signs that they made. Whereupon being not a little discomfort ed, we were advising with ourselves what we should do. During which time there made forth to us a small boat, with about eight persons in it ; whereof one of them had in his hand a tipstaff of a yellow cane, tipped at both ends with blue, who came aboard our ship, without any show of distrust at all. And when he saw one of our number present himself somewhat afore the rest, he drew forth a little scroll of parchment, 1 nought in the original ; a form of the word frequently, though not uniformly, adopted by Bacon. I have alwaj's substituted might. 2 ex qua parte Mare spectabat, degantiam magnam prce se tulit. — Lat. \rers. NEW ATLANTIS. 361 -] (somewhat yellower than our parchment, and shining like the leaves of writing tables, but otherwise soft and flexible,) and delivered it to our foremost man. In which scroll were written in ancient Hebrew, and in ancient Greek, and in good Latin of the School, and in Spanish, these words ; " Land ye not, none of you ; and provide to be gone from this coast within sixteen days, except you have further time given you. Mean while, if you want fresh water, or victual, or help for your sick, or that your ship needeth repair, write down your wants, and you shall have that which belongeth to mercy." This scroll was signed with a stamp of cherubins' wings, not spread but hanging downwards, and by them a cross. This being delivered, the officer returned, and left only a servant with us to receive our answer. Consulting hereupon amongst ourselves, we were much perplexed. The denial of landing and hasty warning us away troubled us much ; on the other side, to find that the people had languages and were so full of humanity, did comfort us not a little. And above all, the sign of the cross to that instrument was to us a great rejoicing, and as it were a certain presage of good. Our answer was in the Spanish tongue ; " That for our ship, it was well ; for we had rather met with calms and contrary winds than any tempests. For our sick, they were many, and in very ill case ; so that if they were not permitted to land, they ran danger of their lives." Our other wants we set down in particular ; adding, " that we had some little store of merchandise, which if it pleased them to deal for, it might supply our wants without being chargeable unto them." We offered some reward in pistolets unto the servant, and a piece of crimson velvet to 362 NEW ATLANTIS. be.presented to the officer ; but the servant took them not, nor would scarce look upon them ; and so left us, and went back in another little boat which was sent for him. About three hours after we had dispatched our an swer, there came towards us a person (as it seemed) of place. He had on him a gown with wide sleeves, of a kind of water chamolet, of an excellent azure colour, far more glossy than ours; his under apparel was green; and so was his hat, being in the form of a turban, dain tily made, and not so huge as the Turkish turbans ; and the locks of his hair came down below the brims of it. A reverend man was he to behold. He came in a boat, gilt in some part of it, with four persons more only in that boat ; and was followed by another boat, wherein were some twenty. When he was come within a flight shot1 of our ship, signs were made to us that we should send forth some to meet him upon the water ; which we presently did in our ship-boat, sending the princi pal man amongst us save one, and four of our number with him. When we were come within six yards ot their boat, they called to us to stay, and not to approach farther; which we did. And thereupon the man whom I before described stood up, and with a loud voice in Spanish, asked, " Are ye Christians ? " We answered, " We were ; " fearing the less, because of the cross we had seen in the subscription. At which answer the said person lifted up his right hand towards heaven, and drew it softly to his mouth, (which is the gesture 1 g/nculi jactum. When archers try which can shoot furthest, they call it flight-shooting. The distance would be between 200 and 300 yards. Old Double, according to Justice Shallow, would have "carrie4 you a forehand shaft a fourteen and fourteen and half; " that is, 284 or 294 yards. See Hen. IV. Part II. act 3. sc. 2. NEW ATLANTIS. 363 they use when they thank God,) and then said : " If ye will swear (all of you) by the merits of the Saviour that ye are no pirates, nor have shed blood lawfully nor unlawfully within forty days past, you may have licence to come on land." We said, " We were all ready to take that oath." Whereupon one of those that were with him, being (as it seemed) a notary, made an entry of this act. Which done, another of the at tendants of the great person, which was with him in the same boat, after his lord had spoken a little to him, said aloud ; " My lord would have you know, that it is not of pride or greatness that he cometh not aboard your ship ; but for that in your answer you declare that you have many sick amongst you, he was warned by the Conservator of Health of the city that he should keep a distance." We bowed ourselves towards him, and answered, " We were his humble servants ; and accounted for great honour and singular humanity towards us that which was already done ; but hoped well that the nature of the sickness of our men was not infectious." So he returned ; and a while after came the notary to us aboard our ship ; holding in his hand a fruit of that country, like an orange, but of colour between orange-tawney and scarlet, which cast a most excellent odour. He used it (as it seemeth) for a preservative against infection. He gave us our oath ; " By the name of Jesus and his merits : " and after told us that the next day by six of the clock in the morning we should be sent to, and brought to the Strangers' House, (so he called it,) where we should be accommodated of things both for our whole and for our sick. So he left us ; and when we l offered him i So ed. 1635. Ed. 1629 has he. 364 NEW ATLANTIS. some pistolets, he smiling said, " He must not be twice paid for one labour : " meaning (as I take it) .that he had salary sufficient of the state for his service. For (as I after learned) they call an officer that taketh re wards, twice paid. The next morning early, there came to us the same officer that came to us at first with his cane, and told us, " He came to conduct us to the Strangers' House ; and that he had prevented the hour, because we might have the whole day before us for our business. For," said he, " if you will follow my advice, there shall first go with me some few of you, and see the place, and how it may be made convenient for you ; and then you may send for your sick, and the rest of your number which ye will bring on land." We thanked him, and said, " That this care which he took of deso late strangers God would reward." And so six of us went on land with him : and when we were on land, he went before us and turned to us, and said,1 " He was but our servant and our guide." He led us through three fair__streets ; and all the way we went there were gathered some people on both sides stand ing in a row ; but in so eivil^ a fashion, as if it had been not to wonder at us 2 but to welcome us ; and divers of them, as we passed by them, put their arms a little abroad ; which is their gesture when they bid any welcome. The Strangers' House is a fair and spacious house, built of brick, of somewhat a bluer colour than our brick ; and with handsome windows, some of glass, some of a kind of cambric oiled. He brought us first into a fair parlour above stairs, and 1 et dixit, per humane certe,