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I W O R K S \



The late Reyerend


JAMES H E R V E Y, A. M. i

i i

Redor of Weftpn-Favell, in Northamptonfhire.

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» We preach Chrift crucified ; Chrift the psnxer of Qjdr and the i •vjijdojn of God. i Cor. i. 23, 24.

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I Printed for P. WHYTE, and J. ROCH, the Publi- ] fliers, and fold by them, at their Shop, Lnckenbooths, ] and by the principal Bookfcllers in Great-Britain.

M DCC LXXIX. Jjfr '•f^f-r^t f~tf'fr'%7fyt r^-> r^T0rj^7S ^.(^r r^i r-± r rjf r^» .->/






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Being the

Subftance of THREE SERMONS Preached on the late public FAST-DAYS,


SHOULD any one afk, " Why docs this author " publifh his fermons, when the faft is gone and "forgotten?" For this very reafon hepublim- es, that the faft, though gone, may not be forg( cten 5 that we may remember the fins we confefTed, and the miferies we deprecated ; remember the vows of GOD, which are ftill upon us ; and the ihares of death, which are ftill around us.

Should it be further afked, " Why does he obtrude A 2 '*' hintfrtf



i<urrlf on the public, when fo many eminent wrT« " tei > have already made their appearance '. Does " he bring with him any diftinguiihcd -xoellrncv of 41 compofition, any iupcrior force of argument, or ct uncommori delicacy of f&ntimert ?'r lSic» fuch thing. He pretends to nothing refined or extraordinary : he jiffefts neither brilliant thought, nor polilhed l:yle : equally remote from nice criticifrri and profound learning, his difcourfes are itudioufly plain, and brought down to the level of the meirnell capacity.

tk What then is his motive?" i'iiis is the very truth. In feveral of the fermons publili ed on this occalion, the one thing needful fe< ms to bt »-^ c looked. CHRIST and his free grace, CHR1SY aiul . -cat

falvation, are cither totally omitted, or h:t flij^htly touched. Where thefe are but {lightly to;ic!iccL the door of hone and the city of refuse are (hewn, a:-> it were, through a rniftr dknly and indiftinclly. We have no more than a tranfient glimpfe of the ddirable objecls ; arxi o-nly ia much light as is iiifficlent to be- wilder, rather than direcl. Where they are totally omitted, the door of hope is barred, ant** the city of refuge withdrawn from our view. «in this cafe,- be- ing without CHRIST, we are without coniblation ; and may juftlycomplain, wkh the mourning prophet, the Comforter^ that fliould relieve our Jouls, /j far off.

Through the following difcourles, a conftant re- gard is paid to the redemption which is in CHRIST "JESUS; to his all-atoning blood, and his everlaft- ing righteouinefs \ which are the grand means, be-th of comforting our hearts, and fanctify ing cur nature. Indeed the principal aim of the whole is, to dffplay the unfearchable riches of C II R I ST, the matchlels efdcacy of his death, and that perfecl freencfs with '.vhich all his invaluable benefits are beltowed. Tothoje "j)ho believe he is precious ; and to thofe who are con- vinced of fin, thefe falutary truths will be their own befl r-:-.u.ninen-Jation. Such readers will ^xcufe a


P R E F A G E. j?

multitude of blemifhes, provided they find J E S US who was crucified; JESUS, who is the delire of all- nations ; JESUS, than whom no other foundation can be laid, either for prefent holinefs, orfuture happinefs.

As thefe fermons were not preached to gratify a curious tafte, neither are they publimed with any fond profpecl of reforming a finjul nation. Sincerely as the author loves his country, and ardently as he de- fires the falvation of his counl'rymen, he is not fo> vainly fanguine in his expectations. But this he will venture to affert, that, if ever a reformation is pro- duced, it muft, under the influences of the eternal SPIRI F, be produced by the doctrines of free grace, and juftification through a REDEEMER'S righteouf- ncis. Till thefe doclrines are generally inculcated, the moft eloquent harangues from the pulpit, or the moft correct diltertations from the preis, will be no- better than a point lefs arrow, and a broken bow.

This alfo he will venture to hope, that the dif~ courfes may here and there meet with fome poor fm- ner who is fmitten with a fenle of guilt, and alarmed with apprehenfions of danger ; who defires nothing lc> much as to find a refting- place, where he may be free from the terrors of confcience, and fafe in the day of trouble. This freedom and this fafety are to be found o«/y, are to be found infallibly, in the bleffed JESUS and the blood of fprinkling. If fuch a reader, by the following pages, is conducted to this divine fandhiary, the writer is fatisfied, is rewarded, enjoys the utmoft of his wiihes.

Then, inflead of ibliciting the voice of fame, or coveting the wreath of honour ; inftead of giving himfelf any concern about the officious critic ; he will thankfully adore that almighty hand which confirmeth the ivord of his Jervant^ and perfor meth the counjel of his meffengers *. For, oh ! how inlipid is the praife of


* If. xl-iv. 26.


men, compared with the exalted pleafure of glorify- ing GOD, and edifying an immortal ioul ! How harmlefs is defamation from a fellow-creature, when our great CREATOR fmiles ; and is pleated by lueak things, and by things that are dej'pijed *, to accomplish the purpofes of his infinite grace and everlafling love !

* i C«r. i. 27, 28.



The Time of Danger.

HEB. xi. 28.

Through forth he kept the pa [/over , and the fprinkling of blood, left he that destroyed, the firjl-born^ JJwuld touch them.

IF we confult the hiftory to which thefe words refer, we (hall find the Ifraelites in a ftate of great affliclion. The Egyptians opprefled them ; very heavily laid the yoke upon them ; and made their lives bitter luith hard bondage. The mifcry of his people GOD pities, and is refolved to redrefs. Accordingly he fends Mofes, in the quality of his ambaflador, to demand their releafe. The king of Egypt moft infolcntly replies, Who is the L 0 R Z), that I fliould obey his voice, to let Ifrael go f I know not the LOR Z>, neither -will I let 'ijrael go. GOD, to chaftife his infolence and obftinacy, inflicts a va- riety of plagues on him and his fubjech : in contempt of all which Pharaoh hardens his heart, perfifts in his difobediencc ; and refufes to let the people go. At laft, fays the LORD, I will bring one plague more upon Pha- raoh and upon Egypt *; which fliall infallibly accom-» jslifh my purpofe. Be their hearts hard as the nether


* ExocL xi. i.

fi T H E T I M E

atone, thisfliall make them feel: be their refolution ftubborn as an iron finew, this (hall make it bend. *lbout midnight I ivill go out into the mid/} of Egypt, find all the firfl born in the land of Egypt Jhall die *.

But as the Ifraclites then dwelt in Egypt, how fliotild they be fafe amidft the general deiblation ? Will it belaid, the Ifraelites, being the people of GOD ? were not expoied to this punifhment ; had no reafon to fear the infliftion of this 'vengeance ? None, that remembers how all the world is become guilty before GOD, will affirm this ; none, that conliders how re- bellious and idolatrous the Ifraelites were, can fup- pofc this. And every one who has read Ezek. xx. ,8. «j- mud allow, that there was no difference in this j-efpc&. The one people were -criminal, as well as the other. All of them mofl righteoufly deferved the afflictive ftroke. Grace, free and fovereign grace alone, muft make the diftinftion.

Since this was the cafe, jt may reafonably be afked, How fhall the Ifraelites be fafe ?---The LORD himfelf directs Mofes to a method, which fhou4d effectually iecure all the families of Ifrael, while death entered Jnto every habitation of the Egyptians. The method its .execution and fuccefs are all ipecified in the text. By faith Mojes kept the pa (fiver '., andthefprink- ling of bloody left he that deftroyed the firjl-born Jliould touch them. Where we may obferve,

I. A very dreadful danger,, fignified by the deftruc- iio n of the fir ft- born .

II. A method of fecurity from this danger ; effected ,by keeping the paflover, -and the bluod of jpr inkling.

III. The fuccefs of this method ; denoted by the •cleftroyer not Jo ninth as touching them.


* Exod. xi. 4, 5.

•j- But they rebelled againft me, and would not hearken unto

me : they did ntt, every man, ca/f away the abominations tif

his eyes, neither did they fcrfake the idoh'of Egypt. Ihfn /

faid^ i will pour out my fury upon them, to accompli/h

•Anger againft them, in the midft of the land o


The good LORD enable us to open and apply the words, thus divided ! Then we flnll fee, their iuitable- nefs to the prefent occafion ; and, i hope, feel their ialutary influence on our ibuls.

I. A very dreadful danger ; (ignified by the dcftruc~> tion of the fir ft -born, Ttie LOlisJ had already put his hand to the fwoni* It vv.s even now drawn from ins fcabbard, and had received a commiilion to go forth ; to go forth that very night ; to walk through all the Jand of Egypt ; and to be bathed, before the morning- light, in the blood of the firft-born, all the firit born, from the haughty king that fat on the throne, even to the flave tbat toiled at the mill, and the very Iheep that yeaned in the field. Tremendous, as well as ine- vitable blow ! O what an alarm will it create, and what affliction will it fpread ! make every heart fad, and every houfe a fcene of mourning ! There fliall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, Juch as- there was none like //, nor Jhall be like it any more *.

And is not the prefent time a tiaie of imminent danger ? are not the judgments of the Almighty now abroad in the world ? have not earthquakes maker* kingdoms, and rent the foundations of nature ? have they not fpread terror through our own and diftant nations ; laid wealthy towns and magnificent cities in. ruin ; and fwallowcd up or deftroycd unknown mul- titudes of our fellow- creatures ?

Is not the fword of flaughter drawn ? has not war hung out her bloody fhg ? are not the flames kindled in Europe and America ; on the land and on the ocean ! are they not gathering ftrength daily ; fpread- ing their rage continually ; and threatening to over- run all ?

If we were evidently fuperior to our enemies iri number and power, in vigilance and unanimity 5 yet


Exod. xi- 6. VOL, V. N°2o, B

to T H E T I M E SER. f.

the events of military undertakings are very uncertain. The h'.itt'c is not aliuays to the Jlrong *. Succcfs and victory depend upon a hand higher far than the arm of Helh. Without me, faith the LORD, they fhallbo-w down under the prijoncrs, and they fli all fall under theflain \ . But are we not at war with one of the moil potent, infidious, entcrprifing kingdoms in the world ? is there rot great reafon to fuppofe, that tney will foon be joined by their neighbours the Spaniards ? And, if we have been worded by one, how (hall we contend with their united forced Conlideringthe tituation and be- haviour of the ungrateful Auflrians, have we not caufc to fufpeft the junction of a third Popifh power againft our religion and liberty ? will not the court of Rome, •with all her bigotted adherents, urge and infligate them to be aftive in this confederacy \ ? will they not at this juncture, the moft favourable for the profe- «ntion of their purpofe that any age has afforded, or their own fanguine zeal can defire ; will they not ex- ert their utmofl ability to crufh the Protcftant caufe, and extirpate the Proteflant name || ?


'•'• Ecclef. ix. ir. -j- If. x. 4.

^ I am informed, that when the Pope heard of the alliance lately ettablifhcd between the houfes of Bourbon and AuQria, Hungary and Bohemia, llren^thened by the unexpected accef- fiiinof RufTia, he cried out, with an air of triumph, 0 admirubilf cvmmcrcium generis human i I u Admirable alVociation and in- *s tercourfe of mankind 1" promifing hirnfelf, I fuppoie, from this remarkable turn of affairs, fuch advantages to the caul-.: and interefts of Popery as exceeded even ail his hopes.

|| The French and Auitrian minilters, it feems, have long been concerting rneafures to tear up the reformed religion by the roots, and not to leave a Proteftant upon the face of the earth. This execrable plot is difcovered by the fagacity and activity of the king of Pruflia; is averred and proved, in the memorials lately publiftied by his Majeity. If that hero and his army fhould fall btfjre their enemies, what can hinder the execution of this horrid defign ? It may puzzle the acuteft p< ''ticiiwi to afitgn any kumnn means, iufEcieut to (land as a barrier.


Should the enemy make a defcent upon our iflaiid, tvhat can we exped, but that our illand be turned into a field of blood ? They, who have always been jea- lous of our intereft and influence, have now adde<- rage to their jealoufy. Their reientment, like the burning fiery furnace, is heated feven times hotter than ufual. We fhould certainly find them, as the fcripture fpeaks, a bitter and ha/ly nation * ; and, without the ipirit of prophecy, may venture to declare, Wo be to England, if GOI} fhould now deliver it into the hands of the French.

Some, perhaps, may cry, " Thefe fears are all chi- " merical. There is no ground for fuch difcoura- " gi°g fuggeftions. We don't queftion but we (hall " be a match, and more than a match for our adver- li faries." To this confident boailing let not my tongue, but let the courfe of events, let the difpolals of Providence reply. Have we, then, been i'uperior in the day of trial ? Alas! have we not loft Minorca ? is not Ofwego gone r a general (lain, and his army cut in pieces ? an admiral condemned to be /hot to death, and his fleet defeated by an inferior number of the enemy's mips? Are not ravages and depredations madealmoft continually upon our colonies in America; and horrible, unheard-of cruelties committed by the iavages, on the perions of our fellow-fubjecis ? What have we reaped from the late campaign, but difap- pointment, lois, and mame ?

Are not all thefe things apparently againft us ? wiU they not difpirit our men and embolden our foes ? will they not make our allies backward to come in with their fuccours, and render the powers that are unen- gaged afraid to declare themielves on our tide ?

All thefe circumftances coniidered, the prefent time appears to be a time of uncommon danger : affairs, look where-ever we will, wear a louring alpecfr. Our is black with clouds , and there is the found of abun- B 2 dance

la T H E T I M E SER. I.

dance of rain*. Judgments feem, more than feem, to be hovering all around us. How ibon they may fall, GOD only knows !

If » OD indeed were for us, we might truft, andnoe be afraid ; we might look danger in the face, and boldly lay, Who /hall be againji us -J- ? But is this the cafe ? are we a righteous nation, that keepeth thetruth\f is there fufficient reafon to believe, that the holy One of Ifrael is our defence ? Are we not, on the contra- ry, a finful generation, a people laden with iniquity ? is there not abundant reafon to fear, left our GOD jfhould fay, in terrible indignation, They are joined to idols, let th<.tn alme \f In order to determine this point, let us examine our ways. Nothing can be anore proper for a day of humiliation. Are not we, like the Egyptians, in a flate of great danger ? If wp eonfider,

1. They7«/ of our nation.

2. The judgments of G O D denounced upon fuch ftns.

3. The certain execution of thofc judgments, unlefs \ve tiy to the appointed refuge.

I. Confider the fins of our nation. Here I (hall mention fome, and only fome, of thole abominations, which, where-ever they are found, cannot fail to pro- voke the eyes of G O D's glory, and render either a ycrfon or a people ripe for his vengeance.

The Chrifiianjabbath is an ineftimable privilege to the church of C H R IS T: it is a happy means of "building us up in knowledge, of eftablifhing us in faith, and preparing us for our everlafting reft. Yet is it not (hamefully profaned in city and in country ? What multitudes wafte it in idlenefs, or fquander it away in unedifying conversation ; making it by far the mod ufelcfs and contemptible day of the week ? This they do, even though GOD ftrictly charges,


* t Kings xviii. 41, -r Rom. viii. 31.

2. || Hof. iv. 17,


faying, Remember ye the Sabbath-day, not barely to abftain from your ordinary works, but to keep it ho- ly*; devoting it entirely to holy purpoies, and reli- gious exercifes. This they do, even though- GOD folemnly threatens, faying, If ye will not htarken unto me, to hallow the Jabbath-day, then will I kindle afire in your gates, and it fliall devour the palace? ofjeru- Jalem, and it ftiall not be quenched^.

Is not the name of GOD great, wonderful, and holy ? ought it not to be ufed with the deepeft veneration, and magnified above all things ? But is it not audaci- oufly difhonoured, and impioufly blafphemed ? diiho- noured by cuftomary and wanton, blafphemed by falie and perfidious {wearing ? Has not the moft high GOD declared, that he will in no wile hold fuch daring wretches guilt lefs ? Yet how do thefe daring wretches i'warm, like the locufls of fociety, in our polluted land ? O England, how is thy air tainted with this breath of the infernal pit ! how do thy ftreets refound, moil horribly refound, with this language of hell ! And will not the almighty LQMD make thee know, —know, by bitter experience, what that meaneth, which is fpoken by his prophet ? Becauje of fa car ing the land mournethj; mourneth under afflicting viilta- tions, and defolating judgmtnts.

Is not the fcripture a iinguhr blefling ? Yes; it is ct.lcbrated by the Pfalmift as the ibvereign bleffing ; that which crowns the other inftanccs of divine good- nefs : He/Jtciueth his "word unto Jacob, his Jlatutes and ordinances unto Ijrael. It is alfo celebrated as a mod difl»nguifliing bleiling, from which multitudes are ex- cluded: He hath not dealt Jo with all nations, neither have the Heathen knowledge of his laws |j. Should not then the fcripture be precious to our fouls ; more pre- cious than fine gold ; fweeter alfo than honey, and the droppings of the honey-comb ? fhould we not exerciie


* Exod. xx. 8. *f- Jer. xvii. 27.

J Jcr. xxiii. jo. j| Pfal. cxlvii. 19, 20,

14 T H i: I M E SER. L

ourfelvcs in it day and night*; reading it by clay, meditating on it by night '. Ihould \vc not make it the r.iolt deli^h'ful fubjc'c't of our converfaiion ? talk of it to our children, our domeftics, our neighbours ; when we lie down, and rile up ; when we walk by the way, and fit in the houie-}- ? But where are the perfons xvho bear luch a iuperlative efteem for the Bible .? where is the company that delights to converle on tholl- 01 udes of truth ? where are the parents that dili- gently inilrtivl their children, and feed them with the milk of the word : Diveriion, of every kind, engages their attention, and the mod trifling impertinence employs their tongue : but the LOR D's word is in- iipid, if not irkt'ome. His word is treated, even by Proteitants, as the manna was treated by the liraelitcs, \vho h;>.d the ingratitude and impudence to fay, Our Joul Ivatheth this light bread j; . A plague from the LORD of hofts v/as the confequence of their con- temptuous treatment of the meat that perifheth. Of liow much lorcr punimment (ball we bethought wor- thy, who contemn the food which endureth to ever- latting life ?

GOD hath referved the unjuft, faith the fcripture, unto the day of judgment, to be puniflied ; chiefly Ikojc iuho -walk ujtcr the flejh in the lujh of uncle annejs jj . Is not this iniquity rampant among the inhabitants of England ? What lewd pi»fiures are expofed to view ! \vhat filthy writings are differed to fee the light ! fewel for luft, and incentives to debauchery. What is wit, in our days, but either iome lafcivious hint, or fome licentious abufe of fcripture ? Are not the wanton tn- tertaimr^cntsof theftage, and other fern inarics of lewd- nefs, countenanced, fupported, thronged ? Can you acquit our cities and towns of drunkennefs, revellings, and abominable exceffes ? Are not thefe, and all forts of fihhinefs, found in our Ikirts ? If ib, hear the word


* Pfal 4. 2. f Deut, vi, 7. £ Numb, xxi, 5. [j 2 Pet, ii. 10,

SEK.T. O F D A N G E a. 15

of the LORD, and let it fink deep into every heart ; When I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery and ajjcmbled thcmjeivcs by troops in the har~ lots houfes. They were as fed horjes in the morning: every one neighed after his neighbour* s "wife. Shall Inof vi fit for theje things * faith the LORD ; and /hall not my foul be avenged on Juch a nation as this * f

Is not religion, vita! religivn, very much upon the decline ? does it not, even among the ferious, wear a lickly dying afpect ? What multitudes profefs to knov.' GOD, but in works deny him ; and, quite deftitute of thq power of godlincfs, content themfelvcs with the mere form ? Whereas, if any, in imitation of the firft believers and preachers, are fervent in fpirit, fer- ving the LORD with alacrity and zeal; thefe perions, inftead of being encouraged, are oppofcd ; inilead of being eflecmed, are reproached. Of fuch performs even the malignant fpirit could bear witnefs ; Thefe are the fervants of the mo ft high GOD, luho fliew unto us thf 11} ay offalvation f. But among us, who call ourfelves Chriflians, who pique ourfelves upon being the pu- rcft church in Chriitcndom, among us fuch perfons are deemed the vilionaries of the age, the diftut bcrs of. Jbcicty, the rncn that would turn the worldupjide down\. The ministers who are moft faithful, and the people who are moft exemplary, are aderifion and a by-word among their neighbours. Thus, in Ifrael^ they mocked the mejjcngcrs of GOD, and dcjpifed his words , atict mijujcd his prophets. But it was to the confufion of thole fcotfers, and the ruin, of their country, for the lurath of thf LORD nroje agciinjt his people, till there iv a j no remedy. Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldces, i-jho jlc'w their young men luit'n the {word, in the honje <>j their fe.nftuary ; and had no com- pajfion upon young man Or maiden, old man or hurt that JJooped for age || .


* Jer. v. 7, 8, Q. -j- Afts xvi. 17* ~ Ads xv;j. $>

\^| 2 Chron. xxxvi. ;6, 17.

i* T H E T I M E SER. f-

we not abandoned to a fpirit of carnal confi-> .-;'' Whim do we dill-over any reliance on the Al- mighty, or afcribe any of our fuccefs to his gracious intcrpoGtion \ It is not GOD, but our {word, that ihall help us. Or, if any unfeen power is acknow- ledged, it is not the LORD of hofls, but good fortune. One would almoib imagine, that we were afhamed of a heavenly nlly ; and thought it a difgracc to own our- leives dependent on Omnipotence. Is not fuc'h a tem- per a national infatuation, and the harbinger of na- tional judgments ? Zedekiah and the men of Judah forgot or neglected the Mock of their falvation, and made Pharaoh's army their confidence But fee what was the iflue, or hear it from rhe mouth of him who fulfilled! the words of his iervants; Tho* he had fmit- ten the luhole army of the Chaldeans that fight againji you, and there remained but wounded men anwng them, yet fliould they rife up every man in his tent^ and burn this city -with fire * .

Should you lay, This is a falfc charge : have we not, this very day, publicly acknowledged, that, " without the divine aid, the wiiefl counfels of frail " men, and the multitude of an hoft, and fill the in- " ftruments of war, are but weak and vain ?" Have we not likewifc exprefsly declared, that, u not con- 41 fiding in the iplendor of any thing l^iat is great, or <c the (lability of any thing that is flrong here bcJow, ct we do molt humbly flee to the LORD for fuccour, " and put our trult under tlie madovv of his wings fr'"* I would to G O D we believed that acknowledgment, and aclcd conformably to this declaration. We mould then be very diligent to propagate religion among our foldieis and Tailors; we mould feek for fuch offi- cers and commanders, as are men fearing GOD; we fhould be as defircus to eflablifh our troops in


* Jer. xxxvii. 10. •f The forhi of prayer appointed for rhe fart.


godlinefS) as to train them up in military difcipline. But is it thus with our army ? is it thus with our navy ? Vifit a man of war. You will think yourlelf, not in one of the bulwarks of our ifland, but in a little hell. "Obierve the gentlemen of the fword. Concern- ing the generality of them you will have reaibn to afk, Are theie Chriftians ? are they not incarnate de- vils * I And can we expeifr, that the infinitely- pure GOD will go forth wither/; holts ? will he not ra- ther become th^ir enemy ^ and fight againft them \f

What ignorance prevails, < fpecially among the lower ranks of people f Thegrpilci^ ignorance of themtelves, and of GOD our SAVIOUR; the groiTeft ignp- ranee of grace and falvation by a REDEEM Eli's righteoufnefs ; the groflefl ignorance of the very iir/t principles of our holy religion. To do evil they arc wife : but to do good, to believe in JESUS CHRIST^ to love and glorify him who bought flnners with his blood ; to do all, to do any of this, they have no knowledge. And is it a imall matter to be thus chil-* dren ofdarknefs? is not the foul alienated from the life of GOD through ignorance J ? does not this difpleaii? the mod high GOD, and provoke the holy One of Ifrael ? Let his own word determine: // // a people of no underftanding ; therefore he that made them^will not have mercy on them; and he that formed them, ivilljheiv them no favour jj . Are thefe impotent menaces ? made only to be contemned \ then we may difmifs our fears.


' Does this found harfb ? or will ^iny other part of the charge advanced in theie difcourfes prove oiFenfwe? I am lorry there fhould be any occafion for fuch language. But 1 dare not retract it; 1 muft no: foften it; no nor apologize for it. Thus asuch, however, I will very readily acknowledge, borrowing tne words of Job; If it b' not fn tmu^ let experience make me u liar, and\\\ this cafe make my fpecch nothing -worth, Job xxiv. 25. Defirous as I am of fpeakiirg truth, here I (hall rejoice W be convi&fd of falfehood.

•f If. Ixiii. ip. ^ Eph. iv. 1 8. jj If. xxvii. xi.

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But if they arc the word of GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever; then we have reaibn to cry, " What tv will become of Enjihncl :"

In a word, religion, both as to knowledge and pradice, was never at ib low an ebb, fince the refor- mation took place ; nor luxury, and immorality of every kind, at iiich an enormous height. Where now arc our rulers f are they zealous for G () D, and va- liant for the truth ? have they courage to Item the tor- rent, or to oppofe the overflowings of ungodlinefs ? Where are the grandees and magiftrates ? warm with generous indignation, do they (hatch the fpear ; and, like the gallant Phmchai, fmite through the loins of iniquity ? Alas ! have not our great men altogether broken the yoke, and bur/} the bonds *? are they not, generally Ipeaking, the ringleaders in tranfgreiHon ; as eminent for their contempt of GOD, as for the af- fluence of their circumftances ? Tea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in the ieveral tref- paflcs f . But will that dignity, which they have abu- led ; will that authority, which was lent them for better purpofes ; will thofe diftin&ions be a fecurity to them or their country, in the day of vilitation ? Hear what the righteous LORD fays, who is higher than the highefl, and able to execute all his decrees : // if the f word of the great men that are /lain, ivhich enter eth into their privy chambers . I havefet the point of the /word avainft all their gates, that their hearts may faint, and their ruins be multiplied J. Gates, be they ever fo ttrongly fortified, or ever fo faithfully guarded, are no fence againft the point of JEHO- V A H's fword. And if fin is fulfered to enter, judgments will affuredly follow : judgments will fol- low even the mod powerful and wealthy finners ; will puriue them like an eager blood-hound ; will haunt them like a difmal ghoft: ; will force a way into


* Jer. v, 5. -|- Ezrt 1:-:. 2. $ Ezek. xxi. 14, 15.

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their palaces, nay into their clofeft retirements ; and never remit the chace, till jointing of heart ends in multiplied ruin; in the ruin of themfelves, their fa- milies, their country.

Amidft all thele crying evils, are we not prefumptu- oujly fccure f is there not a deplorable fpirit of itupi- dity, which blinds our eyes, and renders us infenfible ? Scarce anyone lays thefe miferies and dangers to heart. Who mourneth for the abominations of the land : who ftirreth up himielf to call upon GOD, if ib be he may yet be intreated, and have mercy upon Zioni Are we not too much like the intoxicated lin- ners of the old world ? 'They ate, they drank ; they bought, they fold; they planted, they builded. They gave themielves wholly up to fenlual gratifications, and inferior cares ; disregarding all the admonitions of Noah, and all the tokens of impending vengeance : //// the divine long- fullering ceafed ; the univerfalyfoo^ came ; and, with irrefiftible violence, fwept them all away *. Are we not in the condition of thofe lupine fenfelefs people, fpoken of by the prophet Zephaniah ? It fhall com-e to pajs at that day, that 1 will Jearch fc- rujalem luit/i candles, andpunifh the men that are Jet tied upon their lees ; that fay in their heart, The LORD will ?iot do good, neither will he do evil. And may we not juftly expedi their awful doom r Therefore their goods fliall become a booty, and their houjes adefolation. Their blood fliall be poured out as dujl, and their Jicfh as the dung. Neither their filver nor their gold fhall be able to deliver them, in the day of the L 0 R D*s 'wrath; but the whole land/hall be devoured by the fire of hisjealuujy |. As a farther aggravation of our crimes, have we not been incorrigible, amidft the moft compuHive and the moft winning motives to amendment ? We have

been * Luke xvii. 27. -j- Zeph. i. 12. &c.

Trementi'ous threat'ningi black as night it jtands,

Fierce as ten furies, terrible us hell,

Andfl)akes a dnadful dart; MILTON,

C i Even

to T H E T I M E SER. I.

been vifited with a contagious diflempcr among our cattle ; which, we are apprehenlive, might have in- troduced a plague among the human race. From this fear we have been delivered : but are we delivered from our evil works, and have we renounced all un- godlinefs : Rebellion broke out in our ifland ; threat- ring to overthrow our Protcflant government, and deprive us of our reformed religion ; threatening to deprive us of our liberty and its privileges, of our peace and its comforts. The florm alib was ibon blown over, and tranquillity reftored to our land. But did we return every one to the LORD our GOD, who dealt ib gracioufly with us? Earthquakes have lhattered other kingdoms, have deftroyed other cities ; while they only admonifhed, not injured, us and ours. Has this goodneis, this diftinguifhing good- aieis of GOD, led us to repentance \ Were we not lately preferved from the mod calamitous of all tem- poral lofTes ? from loling the precious fruits of the earth. When the corn was ripe and ready for the fickle, who can forget the louring fky, and the de- icending rains, which held back the hufbandman's hand, and forbade the gathering ? A few more days of inch unfeafonable weather had inevitably 1'poiled the produce of the ground, and deftroyed the ftaff of life. But divine v Providence, at the very hour of need, retrained the immoderate mowers ; bid the fun fhine forth with peculiar brightnefs ; and gave us the expected weeks of the harveft; thus refcuing us from famine, perhaps from peftilence, probably from mutiny, certainly from a train of evils, the particu- lers of which we cannot fo much as imagine. But is there not too much ground for the complaint, fo pa- thetically

Even the dart of divine indignation over a guilty land. Yet >vho is awakened from a fbre of indolence? who is induced to watch and pray ? who falls down at the feet of JEHO- VAH, though they fee his wrath enkindling, and hear his terrors-denounced ?

SER.I. O F D A N G E R, ai

theticaliy urged, and fo frequently repeated, by the prophet;. Though I have done all tins for you, yet have ye not returned unto me, Jaith the LORD * f

Behold, now, the ft ate of our nation. Our fins abound, and are grown up to heaven ; fins of every, even the mod horrid kind ;— lins among all ranks, from the higheft to the lovveit. In our fins we per- fift, though wooed, as it were, with the choiceft mer- cies ; though made to fmart under various judgments ; though threatened with far more afflictive visitations. And wiii the great, the mighty, the immortal GOD, always bear with fuch a people ? will he receive the moft horrible indignities, and ftill, (till refrain him- felf ? Surely he will awake, as one out of fleep'i furely he will fay, with a determined indignation, jihl / "will caje me of mine adverjaries, and avenge me of mine enemies f / Has he not fhewed us evident tokens of his diipleafure I is he not filling all his dif- penfations with marks of anger? And what, O what may be the end of thefe beginnings ! how doleful, how deftruclive ! unlefs fovereign grace interpofe ; bringing us, by faith in the S O N of GOD, to un- feigned repentance and newnefs of life. Some no- tion we may form concerning the end of thefe things by unfolding the fecond point ;

2. The judgments of GOD denounced on fuch fins. Where fuch iniquities prevail, we might naturally conclude, that the divine indignation is awakeneti, and the divine vengeance lingereth not. Is there a GOD ? does he behold the children of men ? is his nature infinitely pure and holy ? Surely then he can- not, he will not fuffer the moil outrageous violations of his fublimc perfections to pafs unpunifhed. Thus we might argue from the nature of G O D ; this we might conjecture from the afpeft of things. But we have a more fure word of prophecy ; in this word, the wrath of GOD is revealed again/I all ungodlinefs

and * Amos, iv, 6, 8, 9, 10, ir. -f Ifa, i. 24.

i H E T 1 M E SER. I.

and nni -ighteoujticfs of me n * . And fee ! in what fla- ming colours, by what frightful images this wrath is jcprefented, theie judgments are dcicribed.

They are likened to a lion rending his prey. The 1.O11O hath been /<///<> Ephraim as a moth, and unto ihe /iou/'f of Jima/i as a worm. He hath diipenicd jniider corrections ; afflicting them in meafure, and xvith holding inferior comforts. His judgments xverc a moth fretting the garment, or like a worm cor- roding the wood. In both which cafes the coniump- lion creeps, as it were ; the xv ailing operates lilently, and proceeds {lowly. Thus the chafiiiing JEHOVAH aclted ; giving the people fpace for recollection, and looking for repentance ; but no repentance was pro- duced : they continued irreclaimable, adding fin to Jin. Then lays the L O I\ D, / will be unts Ephraim as a lion; which, all fierce and ravenous, ruflies up- on a lonely traveller. I xvill now come forth, as an iucenfed and irrefiftible adverfary, and be as a roaring lion to the honje of 'Judah. /, even 1, who am omni- potent, will tear, will deftroy them with a mighty hand ; and go away, fatiated with (laughter and ven- geance. / will take away both prince and people ; I will take away their very place and nation ; and none Jhall nave power to effect, or courage to attempt a rejcuc •)-. If GOD do thus to perverie and incorrigi- ble Judah, why fhould we imagine that he xvill deal otherxviie xvith perverie and incorrigible England ?

They are defcribod by a flood. Now therefore behold ihe LOR D brin^eth up upon them the waters of the river, Jirong and many, even the king of AJJyria and all his glory : and he fhall come up over all his channels, and r'0 over all his banks. And he fnall paj's thro9 Judah; he fhall overflow and go over ; he fhall reach even to the neck, and the ft retching out of his wings fhall fill the trtadth of thy 'land, 0 ^1 MM ANU EL\. Thc,king


* Rom. i. 1 8. -j- Hof. v. 12, 14. £ If. viii. 7, 8.

SER. I. O F D A N G" E R. -3

of Aflyria and his army, determined to invade Judah, are fignified by the waters of the river, Theie the LORD bringeth up; over-ruling the purpofes of am- bitious princes, and making even their wicked defigns fubfcrvient to liis hc:y will. They are, like the wa- ters of an immenfe flood, ftrong and many ; their mul- titude innumerable, and their force unconquerable. For they (hall come with all their glory ; with their choicefl troops, their ableft commanders, and their whole warlike artillery. He /hall corns up over all his channels, and go over all his banks : from all parts of his vaft dominion, his troops (hall be afTembled ; each province (hall be drained of its braved inhabitants ; and all unite to render this expedition one of the molt formidable that ever was undertaken. He fhall paff through} Judah; not only make inroads upon the fron- tiers, but pufli his way through the country, and pe- netrate the very heart of the kingdom. He (hall over- flow ; fpread terror and defolation on every fide, and in every quarter. He jliall go over villages, towns, cities, tribes ; and bear down all before him. He jhall reach even to the neck ; his ravages (hall extend even to the royal city, to the very gates of the me- tropolis ; threatening deftruclion to the palace of the king, and the walls of the temple. Ylte fi fetching out of his -wings, the ieveral detachments and parties of his victorious army, fliall fill the breadth of the land with havock, (laughter, and ruin ; evdn of thy land\ O I MM AN U EL. Their relation ti> thce (hsli procure no favour, mail afford no protection. They have dilhonoured that goodly name wherewith they were called. Therefore that goodly name (hall no longer (land in the breach, but pour itlelf with the

torrent, and render it irreiiftible. Such an inunda*

tion of judgments, fo terrible, io deft ruclivc^ have not we deferred, may not we expect ?

Thcie judgments are compared to fire, and to the fkiccfl of fires, that which glow :" i ftt-nxcc, " The

" houfc

24 T H E T I M E SER.!,

" houfe of Ifrael is to me become drofs, ail they arc 41 brais, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midft of *' the furnace ; they are even the drofs of lilver. " Therefore thus faith the LOUD GOD, becaufe ye ** are all become drofs, behold, therefore I will ga- " ther you into the midft of Jcrufalcm. As they ga- *' thcr brnfs, and iron, and tin, and lead into the midll 41 of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it ; ** fo will I gather you, in mine anger, and in my fu- u ry ; and 1 will leave you there and melt you. Yea, 11 I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of " my wrath, ami ye (hali be melted in the midft thcre- " of*." Aftonifhing words-! And they are doubled ! y are redoubled ! in order to alarm the infenfible fnmers : as the fword, by being brandifhed in many a dreadful circle, over the criminal's head, ftrikes terror into his cipprehenfions, before it does the work of ven- geance on his heart. This generation is become brafs, impudent in their wickednefs. They have a whore's forehead ; they cannot blufh at their iniquities, but glory in their (hame. —They are tin; a degenerate race, children that are corrupters. They have forfaken the good old way, and fwervcd from the example of their fathers. With regard to hardnefs of heart, they are as iron; impenitent amiclii all their guilt ; obdinately tenacious of their vices ; and not to be wrought up- on by any addrefTes, not to be reclaimed by any ex- pedients.— In another refpcft, they are as lead; itupid and fottifh ; pliable to evil, but for any good purpofe unmeet, to every good work reprobate. Becaufe they are fo exceedingly fmful, they (ball be overtaken by G O D's anger, and furrounded by his fury ; as me- tals caft into the inidjt of a furnace, are furrounded with the raging heat. The flame of this wrath (hall be blown, as with a vehement wind, to its utmoit height. In this furnace they (hall be left, to this wrath they-fhall be abandoned; till, by a complication

of *' Ezc-k. xxii. 1 8, 19, 20, ax.


of afflictions, refembling the complication of their vices, they are overcome^ fubdued, and cvcnfnteltc?df fo melted, as to be either purged from the drofs of their iniquities, or elie blended together in one pro- miicuous ruin,

Theie judgments are defcribed by the terrible repre- fcntation of an end. An end of aifluence and proipe- rity, of which \ve have gloried : an end of power and ftrength, in which we have trufled : an end of all national blelfings^ which we have not improved to> GOD's honour, but turned into licentioufnefs. 1 hur laith the LORD GOD, An end, the end is come upon, the four corners of the land. The j word is without, and the pejlilence and the famine within : he that is in thefield^ jhatl die with the Jword; and he that is in the city^ pejlilence and famine /hall devour him *. For this we have been ripening, by an unintermitted cotirfe of ungodlinefs and iniquity. And what can be expected by an impenitent people, hating to be reformed ? What, but that judgments, which have long been iafpended, fliould at lad be inflicted ? An end is come: /'/ is come upon the land. It is a national vifitation ; not confined to a part, but extending to the whole kingdom. Upon the four corners of the land. No place fiiall be exempt ; nothing fecure : neither that which ieems to be mod fecret, nor that which lies hioft re- mote. The vengeance is univerfal and inevitable. - The executioners of this vengeance take their (land, within and without, at home and abroad ; fo that to> 'iy from one is only to fall into the hands of another* He that is in the field (hall find no way to efcape, but Jhall die with the Jword. He that is in the city lhall ob- tain no protection, but famine and pejlilence fliall de+ •.'our him. Every city mall be a charnel-houfe, and e- very field a field of blood. In city and country fin has prodigiouily abounded ; therefore in city and

country * Ezek. vii. 2, 15.

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country devolution fliall be made, deaths fhall be mul- tiplied, miferifs lliall al>ound.

Thcic are fomc of the images, by which the judg- ments and the wrath of GOD are repreiented in the fcriptures. But when all images arc uied, when fancy ill elf is rxhauUed, we may truly cry out with the Pfal- miit, f-P/io knoiaeth the power of thine anger* f If GOD whet his glittering I'word, and his hand take hold on judgment, what can withftand it, or who can iintain it ? If his wrath be kindled, yea but a little, it fliall conjume t/ie earth -with h;r increafe ; it fliall jet on fire f/ie foundation of the mountains, and burn to the low- eft hell |.

When the lion has roared, fays the prophet, "who "will not fear ? When the moil high GOD has fpoken ; fpoken fuch terrible things in righteoufnefs ; who will not lay them to heart ? O ! how deep is that deep ; how deadly is that lethargy, which the voice of him who fhakes the heavens does neither alarm nor awe !

Left you fliould begin to fay within yourfelves, Thefe threatenings are applicable only to the Jews, I proceed to (hew,

3. The certain execution of thefc, or fome fuch judgments on us, u'nlefs we fly to the appointed re- fuge.

GOD is an infinite fpeaker. In his word, he ad - dreffcs himfelf to all generations of men, and to e- very individual of the human kind, where his holy revelation is made, k is therefore a certain rule, that when any people, enlightened by the glorious gofpel, become, like J^ruialem, univerlally and incorrigibly corrupt ; they do, in Jerufalem's doom, read their ow n .

GOD is the fame yefterday, to-day, and for ever. He remembereth his threatenings, as well as his pro- miles, to a thoufanci generations. Whatibever, of ei- ther

* ~Pfal, »c. it. -\ Deu:. xnxii. 22.


ther kind, happened to our forefathers) happened to them as enj ample s to us. And whatjoever "was written aforetime, was -written for our learning. Obferve, it was written, not for our amufement, but for Our learning and admonition * ; that we may, as in a mir- ror, fee our own picture ; and, as from an oracle, learn our own deftiny.

Is it not in a manner necciTary, for the manifestation of G O D's inflexible juftice, and his unalterable ha- tred of' (in, that judgments mould take their couffe ; when iniquity rears its head, and refufcs to be con- trolled ? At liich a juncture does not every one of the divine attributes cry aloud, 0 LORD GOD, to who/a vengeance -belongeth ; thoit GOD, to "whom vengeance belongeth, /hew thyfelf. And how can the j;iitice :>f GOD, with regard to a wicked nation, be fliewn, but by executing his vengeance upon them, in temporal calamities :

Confidcr, Sirs, the very effence of nations and poli- tical communities is temporal, purely temporal. They have no duration, no exiftence, but in this world. Hereafter iinners will be judged and punifhcd fingly, and in a peribnal capacity only. How then ihall He, who it ruler among the nations, maintain the dignity of his government over the kingdoms of the earth, but l>y inflicting national fjuniihments, for national provo- cations; and, for final impenitence, total destruction ?

Belides, has not the LORD always acted in this manner ? Go hack to the generations of old. Con- template Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them ; well watered every where, even as1 the garden of the LOUD. Yet this fruitful land is made barren > thole populous cities are turned into zftics^fortheiuick- ednejs of them t/i.'it dwelt therein |; for their pride and idlencfs ; for their voluptuous and wanton indulpen cies. For -which things Jake the lur&h of GOD


* i Cor. x. it. -j- Pfa). cvii, ^

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98 T H E T I M E SER. I,

only has come, in former ages, and in diftant nations ; but in every age cometh, and in every nation will come upon the children of dij obedience *.

Pafs over to Babylon, the grandeft city that the fun ever beheld ; which fet calamity at defiance, lay- ing in her heart, / fliall be a lady for ever \. How is (he fallen ! Jwept with the bffom of deftruttion \l Not ib much as a trace or footflep of her ancient glory left ! And fhall we be fafe, when thofe very iniquities prevail among us, which razed the foundations of the Babylonian metropolis, and overthrew the magnifi- cence of the Babylonian monarchy ?

Take a view of Conftantinople, once the moft flou- rifhing ChrifUan city in the world ; where the firft ChriiHan emperor filled the throne, and Chryfoftom, that great Chriftian orator, the pulpit. Then it wasglo- rioufly enlightened with the knowledge of JESUS CHRIS T. Grace and truth dwelt in it ; and the beauties of holinefs adorned it. But now the candle- flick is removed. It is now given up to infidelity and barbarity ; is now f ull of darknefs, and cruel habitations.

Come hither then, ye carcleis ones, and fee what defolations fin has made in the earth. On account of fin Sodom was coniumed, as in a moment ; Babylon is totally deftroyed j| j Conftantinople has loft her glo-

* Col. iii. 6. ^ If. xlvii. 7. :p If. xiv. 23.

|| Will any, raifed in their o\vn conceit above the vulgar le- vel, neglect thefe admonitions with a finile pf difdain ? Becaufe they can aflign the ffcond cavfis of fome fuch evils, as have been defcribed, will they therefore qniet their fpirits, amidd the alarming profpecl of judgments from heaven ?— They have heard (I make no doubt) that a midnight-debauch in Babylon, nnd a popular iedition in Jernfalem, left the gates of the for- mer open to Cyrus, and the walls of the latter without defence to Vefpafian. Perhaps they will fuppofe, that thr overthrow of Sodom was occafioned by the fhock of an earthquake; and that the fire from heaven was produced by fulphureous exha- Jatipns.



ry. And will the LORD, the LORD GOD, who

is unchangeably juft and holy ; will he fpare that in one people which he has fo feverely corrected in ano- ther ? He that chajlifeth the Heathen, /hall not he pit- nifli us, when we do according to all their abomi- nations ?

Have we a licence to .fin with impunity ? are our fins lefs hainous than thole of other people ? quite the re- verfe. Confidering the many bleflings which we en- joy as a nation ; the many deliverances we have enjoy- ed as a Proteftant nation ; the numberlels advantages for religious knowledge and religious practice, which we both have enjoyed, and do enjoy above ail the na- tions on earth; confidering thele circumflances, our wickedneis is highly aggravated ; it is become exceed- ing (inful ; it overpafjes the deeds * of the moll aban- doned Heathens. What then can prevent our ruin?

Will you reply, ** We faft, and humble ourfelves

u before

Be the premiffes ever fo certain, is there any thing rational jn the conclusion ? Is not what we term the co^urfe of nature, the incefiant adminiftration of providence? are not many of its ordinary appearances very evident indications of a righ- teous and holy government, unalterably determined to punifh fin ? The poverty and ignominy of the lazy vagabond ; the liifeafes of the debauchee, and the diflreffes ot thefpendthrift; are thele lefs nianifefi figns of divine difpleaiure, becaufe they are the immediate effeds of an evil conclude ? are they not as certainly \.^Q judicial^ the penal, as they are th-e natural con- fequcnces of vice ?

Let thofe therefore who fear no judgments, compare caufes and events. If felfifiinels, avarice, and venality; if indolence, luxury, and prodigality; if youth without principles, tradef- men without honeity, and nobles without honour ; if thefe arc allowed to be either provoking immoralities or fatal iymp- toms, I fear the ruin of England cannot be far off. GOD Almighty grant we minifters may not accelerate the fall of our country, by neglecting to warn every man, and exhort every man, to the great evangelical duty of BELIEVING; in order to promote national reformation, and to efcape na- uqnal deftru&ion. * Jer. v. 28.

5o T H E T I M E SER.I.

4- before the LORD ?"— I afk, Do we fa ft from fin ? arc our fail-days the beginning of a gofpel- re forma- tion ? When we abftain from our daily bread, do we turn by faith to JESUS CHRIST ; that eating his

./, \(>e may live thro* him * f

Jive in hoiinels here, and live in glory hereafter, by applying his immaculate righteoufnefs to our fouls. If this is the cafe, we may entertain reviving hopes. The fcripture fpeaks eood words, and comfortable words, to iiich people ; be their condition ever fo vile, or their guilt ever fo great. But alas 1 are we not jult the fame peribns the day after our fait as we were before? as v-^n in our converfation, and as forgetful of G OD ? as fond of folly, and as negligent of di- vine grace ? as mad upon our idols, of carnal gratifi- cation ; and worldly gain ? if fo, our falls are not aa acceptable, no, nor a reasonable fcrvice ; but a mere mockery of the omnifcient Majefty. May he not juft- ly ufethat upbraiding expoflulation ? Will ye Jleal, and commit adult ry, and Jwear faljely, and walk after other gods^ ferving, not the LOUD JEHOVAH, but divers Jails and pleafures ; and then, with hypocritical devo- tion, Jland before me in this houje^ which is called by



Perhaps you are ready to alledge, ct Our alms will a deliver is. The fon of Sirach exhorts us, to fnut up alms in our flore -houfes ; and affures us, that they fliall fight for us agathft our enemies, better than a mighty Ji.itld' and JtroKg (pear\. And when was there a greater flow of beneficence obfervable in our own, or in any land ? What fums have been <4 given to the poor during this fcvere ieaibn of cold 44 and icarcity ! wiirt hofpitals of various forts, and 44 otlicr charitable foundations, have been let on foor, 44 and are fupported through the kingdom !" Let us beware, brethren, left thofe very things, which we look upon as our recommendation, (liould prove an of-


* John vi. 57. 4- Jer. vii. 9. ic. ± Ecchis. xxix. t2, 13,

SER.I. OF DA N G E R. 31

fence. If our alms proceed not from faith in JESUS CHRIST, and an unfeigned zeal for the glory of GOD; if they are not accompanied with a Ipirit of love to his name, and with a courfe of obedience to hi;-, commands; hear what the LORD himfelf lays concerning ilich works ; fee what a figure they make in his light ; and then judge, whether they are likely to be a fecurity to our land. " 1 hate, I defpife your " feaft-days, and I will not fmell in your ibiemn ai'- Cl feniblies. Tho'ye offer me burnt-offerings, and your " meat-offerings, I will not accept them ; neither will I u regard the peace-oiferings of your fat beafh. Take " thou away from me the noife of thy longs ; for I u will' not hear the melody of thy viols." Hymns of praife,you fee, are no other than a noife in the LORD's car ; the moil coflly lervices of religion are no better than zfrnoke in his noftrils ; unlefs judgment, and the love of GOD, run down as a river ; tvnlels righteouf- nefs, and the faith of CHRIST, abound as a mighty fir earn *.

Do you dill conceit yourlelves, that, becaufc there are many righteous peribns remaining, they will (tanci inthc gap ; they will turn away the a^ngerof the LORD, and be as the chariots of Urael, and the horiemen of Ilrael, to our endangered itate \ Here what a charge thefupreme JEHOVAH gave to his prophet, when the provocations of Ifrael wcr? rii'en to a very high pitch : Pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, ;;•. it her ;nak s intertieffivn to me : for I "Mill not hear thee^'. Amazing" and awful prohibi- tion ! Yet it is repeated again and again;. God's pro- tefling people may, by their exceliive wickcdnefs, be- come fo infufterably loathfomc, that were the greateffc iaints to make iupplication in their behalf, they fhould not prevail. Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, men mighty in prayer, and zealous for the welfare of their neighbours ; though thcfe three men (who had each,


* Amos v. 21, 22, 23, 24, -f Jer* Vil- J^'

^ Jer. xi. 14. & xiv. n.

gs T II E T I M E S£R. i.

by his fingle interceflion, procured blcilings from hea- ven) \\vrc- uniting their petitions \n the midJt of this profligate generation ; (is I //i'<f, faith the LORD G 0 D, thrv Iti'ill deliver neither Jons nor daughters ; they only /hall b>j delivered, but the land fh all be defolate * .

The land /hall be dejoiatc. Doleful found ! difmal decree ! And has it not long ago been carried into ex- ecution ? Was not Jeruialem ploughed as a field, and trodden down by the Gentiles ? are not the inhabitants rooted out of their dwellings, and {battered to all the ends of the earth ? while their country is given up for a prey and for a poffcflion to Grangers, to infidels, to Turks.

Perhaps you will fay, '* The Jews crucified the u LORD of glory, and rejected his gofpel : therefore 41 wrath came upon them to the uttermcft."— And are tuf innocent in this refpecl ? are not we verily, are not we greatly guilty concerning this thing ? Is CHRIST received into the hearts of men, with deep adoration of his perfon, as 1MMANUEL, GOD with us? do they glory and delight themfelves in his complete re- demption, as finifht'd by the great GOD and our SA- VIOUR ? do they confide in him alone for their jollifi- cation, as an infinite Surety, and as JEHOVAH our righteoufnefs : do they depend on him alone for their fariclification, as JESUS, who iaves his people from their fins, and fanclifies them through his blood .? do they count all things but dung, for the excellency of CHRIST, and his incomprehcnfible merit ? Alas ! is not his gofpel, though the light of the world, dff- regarded and defpiied ? is not his name, though a name above every name, derided and blafphemed ? are not the influences of his eternal S P I R I T, though the very life of our fouls, exploded and ridiculed ? They who would exalt the SAVIOUR, would make c- vcry fheaf bow down to the R E D E E M E P.'s re-


* Eask. xi v. t4.


prcfenting him as the Alpha and Omega, the begin- ning and the ending, in the faivation of finners ; thofe preachers, thofe writers, thofe believers, are treated as the foolifli people that dwell in Sichem *.

What the Jews did through ignorance, we, who call ourfelves Chriftians, fcnglifhmen, Proteftants ; we do knowingly, wilfully, and of malicious wickednefs. And if we thus trample upon the blood which alone can fcreen us ; if we thus crucify afreih that JESUS who is our only hope ; what can we look for, but vengeance and fiery indignation ? If we ourfelves, with our own hands, demolifh the only barrier, what can enfue, but an inundation of wrath, tribulation, and anguifh ?

Conlider thefe things, brethren. The LORD en- able you to difcern the figns of the times ! Then you will acknowledge, that we have reafon to be alarmed., to tremble, to be horribly afraid. Are not thefe ini- quities the Achans, that will affuredly bring diilrefs and trouble, if not deftruction, upon our country ? are not thefe iniquities the Jonahs, that will awaken the divine difpleaiure, and deliver up our veflel to the tempeft, if not to (hipwreck ?

Is any one difpoicd to fay within himfclf, " Though <c others may be guilty of thefe flagrant iniquities, " yet am not I :" Remember, my friend, the pro- phfjt Ifaiah. He Was, at leaft, as free from thefe fla- grant iniquities as yourftlf. Yet he laments, and with painful apprehenfions, the guilt of his countrymen, as well as his own "f .— Remember king Jofiah. Tho' a holy man and a juft, he rent his clothes, and trem- bled at GOD's word denouncing vengeance againft an irreligious people £.

Conlider alfo, whether you have not been an accef- fary, even where you was not the principal. Though you have not joined with the more profligate finners,


* Ecclus. 1. 26. -j- If. vi. 5. % 2 Kings xxft. 12, i?r VOL. V. N°ai. E

$4 T H E T I M £ SEI.I.

nor Tut in the feat of the fcornful ; yet have you not connived at their impiety ? Do their affronts offered to the King of heaven roufc you into a becoming zeal to vindicate his injured honour ? or, becaitfe iniquity has abounded, is not your love, and the love of many waxed cold * f Have not the difciplcs, even the dif- tiples of JESUS, been cowards and traitors ; while others have been profcflcd enemies and rebels ?

Belides, have not you, have not I, have not all con- tributed, in many, many inftances, to {"well the fcore of national provocations ? Is not every fin a difobe- dience of GODrs molt holy command ? is not every IMI a defiance of his uncontrollable authority ? is not every fin an imitation of the devil ? does it not create a kind of hel-1 in the heart ? muft it not therefore be inconceivcably odious to the holy, holy, holy LORD GOD of Sabaoth f If fo, how guilty are the very heft among us ? Is not this accurjed thing f found in- all- our tents ? Has not every one added to the load, that dreadful load, which is likely to fink the nation in ruin ? Should not every one, therefore, Imite up-* on his breaft, and fay, with the penitent, What have I done I and cry with the publican, GOD be merciful fo me a finncr !

Will you ftill flatter yourfelf? " All thefe judg- <c ments may be delayed : they may not come in my " time."— I anfwer, If there be any truth in GOD's word ; if any conjecture is to be made from the ap- pearance of things ; thefe judgments are near ; they are at the door. They are like the axe in the execu- tioner's hand, which has been poifed, has received its 3aft elevation, and is now falling on the criminal's week. Yet, if thefe (hould be vvith-held fora feafon, will not ficknefs come upon you ? are not many dif* afters lying in ambufti to icize you ? is not death Sharpening his arrow ; perhaps fitting it to the firing;

or * MciKh, xx iv, 12. -f Jofli, vi. ;8,


or even aiming at your life ? Is not the day, the dread- ful day approaching, when the mout of the archan- gel and the trump of GOD will be heard ; when the dead fhall arife, and heaven and earth fiee away ? will not the LORD, the LORD GOD omnipotent quickly come, u with ten thouiands of his faints, to 4C execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that " are ungodly, of all their ungodly deeds, which they " have ungodlily committed ; and of all their hard 41 fpeeches, which ungodly tinners have fpoken a- " gainlt him * ?"

Take then, my dear hearers, take the advice of the greateft of preachers, and the wifeft of men ; The pru- dent fore feet h the evil, and hideth himfslf \. Behold ! the rains are defcending, and the lioqd is coining ; haften like Noah, haft en to your ark. See ! the ikies are kindling all around, and the (hafts of vengeance are ready to fly. Make hafte, Oh ! make haite, and delay not the time, to get into a hiding-place. Let me found in your ears the angel's admonition ; and may the LORD of angels, may the Friend of tinners, convey it to your hearts ! EJcaye for your lives, left ye ie conjumed : left the judgments of GOD, and the wrath of GOD, more to be feared than a deluge of waters, more to be feared thrn a torrent of flames, iiirround you fuddenJy, ieizc you unavoidably, and overwhelm you in ruin, temporal and eternal.

O that I might -prevail ! O that GQD would make ou fentible of your peril 1 O that man, woman, and child, would afk, " How (hail 1 fly from die wrath 11 to come? where (hall 1 be fafe in the day of vifit^- :c lion ? Shew me the ark ! (hew me the refuge !" I mould then, with great fatisfa&ion, proceed to an- iwer this inquiry ; and point out CHRIST to your ibuls, as the only hiding- place, as thefure hiding-place, where you may certainly find fafety. But this muft be the bufmefs, the plealing bufmefs of my next dif-. •courfc* H 2 Let

* jude, ver. 14, 15. -f Prov. xxii. 3.

35 T H E T I M E, &c. Sin. I.

Let me bcfeech you, in the mean time, to lay thefe alarming truths to heart: let them imprefs your con- fciences ! let them penetrate your fouls ! And O thou gracious, thou almighty LORD GOD, do thou com- mand them to fink deep into all our minds : that we may, with Ezra thy pried, fit down aftiamed andajlo- ni/hed *, under a icnfe of our manifold iniquities : That we may, with thy fervant Job, abhor our/elves, and repent in duft and a/hes f : That we may, in the words, and with the compunction of thy prophet, every one cry out, Wo is me, for I am undone : be- caufe I am a man of unclean lips ; and I dwell in the mid/} of a people of unclean lips £ ,

* Ezra. ix. 3. f Job xlii. 6. ^ If. vi. 5,



The Means of Safety.

HEB. xi. 28.

through faith he kept the pafjouer^ and the fprinkling of blood^ left he that deflroyed the firft-borny flwuld touch them.

WE have been confidering the danger of our na- tion occaiioned, by the fin of its inhabitants, by the judgme nts of G OD, denounced againft inch finners, by the certain execution of his righteous threatenings, unlefs we fly to the appointed refuge. "When fuch is the ftate of a nation, it is high time for the watchmen on her walls to lift up their voice ; not indeed to fpread vain terrors, but to give notice of the- approaching evil ; to warn the unwary ; to call in the ftragglers ; and urge every one to retire into a place of fafety.

Having, in the preceding difcourfe, attempted to difcharge this office ; I mail now, brethren, as in the prefence of the all- feeing GOD, afk, Have we been attentive to thefe things ; are we alarmed with a fenfe of our guilt and our peril ? have we, with the pro- phet Ifaiah, lamenterl our own, and the fins of our people ? If ib, we (hall highly prize, we fhall ardent- ly defire, the fame confolation, and trie fame relief, which the G O D of infinitely-free goodnefs vouch- fafed to his fervant. Then flciu one of the Jcraphinis Unto ?xcy having a Hue coal in his hand^ which he had


$6 T H E M E A N S SEE. II.

taken from off the altar, and lie I aid it upon my mouth *: au a«!lion which rcprefents the very thing Signified in the text by thejprinkling of blood.

The altar typified CHRIST; who is both the fa- crifice makes the atonement, and the altar that fandifies the gift.'— The live coal ieems to betoken the word of grace, and the word of life ; which brings the glad tidings of the go i pel, and tcftifies of the bleeding JESUS. Laying this upon the mouth, very Significantly denotes the application of CHRIST and his great atonement. When this is done, under the influence of the S 1J I R 1 T, and by means of faith, then iniquity is taken away, and fin purged; taken a- •way from the fight of GOD, and purged from the Dinner's conference. Guilt is abolithed ; fear ceaies. jBut this leads us to our iecond particular,

II. The method of fecurity from danger, effected by keeping the pajjbver, andjprinkling the blood.

Mofes was apprised of a dreadful vengeance to be infiicled on Egypt ; the moft dreadful that ever was known iince the beginning of their nation ; ib dread- ful, that it would make every ear tingle, and eVery heart bleed. The deftroying angel was to pafs thro" all the territories of Pharaoh, and fmite every firit- born both of man and beaft ; ib that, before the morn- ing, there fliould be heaps of (lain in the cities, the villages, the fields ; not a houfe exempt, not a family ipared, not a herd, nor a flock, free from the fatal calamity.

Mofes feared the blow. He feared, as the text in- timates, the leaft touch of the divine executioner's fword; knowing that it would ciufh. him and his peo- ple, as a moth is cruflied by the falling millftone. He is therefore greatly felicitous to provide for their wel- fare. But what expedient (hall he ufe ? Shall he give them orders to clofc their windows, and bar their

d oci: ;

* If. V!. 7.

OER. fl. 6 F S A f £ T Y. 3$

doors ; to erect fortifications, and ftand upon their de- fence ? Alas ! before an invifible hand, armed vvitli the vengeance of heaven, all fuch precantions would have been as a fpark before the whirlwind. Shall he ailemble the warriors, or detach parties of foldiers tor patrole the ftreets. and guard the houfes ? Vanity of vanities ! the fword of the avenging angel wouM pierce through legions and legions of iuch guards, as lightening penetratesthe yieldingair. Shall the wholr congregation bend their knees, with folcmn confeflion of their fins, and fmcere relblutions of future amend- ment ? This, though abfolutely neceffary to be done, was extremely improper to be relied on. It would have been relying on a broken reed, and defpifmg the* ordinance of the HOLY ONE.

The LORD hrmlelf appoints a method of prefer - vation. Moles is directed to Hay a larnb. Each fa- mily in Ifrael is to do the fame. Having received the blood into a bafon, they are to fprinkle it, not on the threihold, but on the lintel and fide -ports of their doors. This fhatl be a iign to the deftroying angeL Looking upon this fign, he will pafs over the houfe 5 will ftrike no blow, and execute no vengeance, where- ever he fees the blood fprinkled. All this, in purfu- r.nce of the divine direction, being performed ; with faith and tranquillity, they wait the event.

You will fay, perhaps, What is all this to us ? I an- iWer, It is a pattern for our imitation. Are we then to do the very fame thing : We are to do what their practice typified. The fhadoxv was theirs, the fub- itance is ours. The blood of the lamb typified the blood of CHRIST, who is the LAMB of GOD, (lain for the fins of the world.— By Ihc blood of CHRIST' is frequently fignified in fcripture the iuholf * merit of his life and death, of his actions and lufferings, of his


* Being jufllfied by his Mood, Rom. v. 9. That is, being pardoned, being made righteous, and heirs of sit Ipiritual blel-

40 T II E M E A N S SER. II,

trials and graces : which fatisficd GO D's juflice, and magnified GOD's law ; which made propitiation for iniquity, and brought in an everlafling righteoufncfs. —Well does the apodle call it precious blood. Un- fj>e:ikably precious are its etiecls. It appeafes the \\iv.ih of GOD revealed from heaven, and makes peace between the offended CREATOR, and the oftVnding creature. Sprinkled on the confcience, it takes away all guilt, and iecures from all vengeance. This, therefore, my brethren, this blood is our fe- curity. This is to our fouls, what the blood of the pafchal lamb was to the liraelitifh families. The name of the LORD, the grace and goodnefs of G O D, manifeitcd in the death and obedience of CHRIST^ .•; a jlrong tower : not only the righteous perfon, but the diftrefled creature, and the endangered (inner, runneth unto it arid is jcife *.

Since this is a point of the utmoft importance, it cannot be too clearly difplayed, or too ftrongly efta- blifhed. For this purpofe, the icriptnre gives us feve- ral mod amiable and inftruclive views of CHRIST^ as our refuge and fafety. He is called ^hiding-place^. To a hiding-place people retreat, and arc iecure from their enemies, even from thofe crael enemies that feck their definition. Thus the prophets, whom Oba- diah hid by fifty in a cave, were iecure from Ahab's tyranny, and Jezebel's persecution. So the ibul that:


iings. Thwliaj} redeemed us tz COD by thy blosd, Rev. vi. 9. That is, thou ha(t delivered us from all (in and all wrath ; thou hall reconciled us to the Almighty MAJESTY, and introduced us into h;s blifsfui preience. Thefe bleffings, a- fen bed to cur LOKD's blood, are confelFedly the fruit, not barely of his fuffcriu^s, but of his whole humiliation, obedi- ence, and death. Therefore, in a very valuable dictionary of the moil valuable words and phrafe3T we have this explication of the blood of the LAMB ; ^ The facrifice ofCHRISJ's 44 death, together with hi-, perfect righteoulhels and hohnefs »' ;nv;uted." See \Vilfc u'd Cfcrill. Did.

* iVcv, >.vi;i. 10. -f If. xxxii. 2.


flies to CHRIST, that takes fan&uary under the blood of fprinkling, is iecure from the moft formi- dable of all enemies ; is fecure from all the wrath due to fin, and from every accufation which Satan can bring. To fuch a perfon (hall be fulfilled what is fpoken by the prophet Jeremiah ; ffhen the iniquity of Ijrael JJiall be Jought for, there /hall be none ; and the (ins of Judah, they /hall not be found *.

CHRIST is ftyled a covert from the tempeft. d man, fays Ilaiah, that is, the GOD-man CHRIST JESUS, /liall be as an hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the ten.peft |. When the thunders roar, and the lightnings fiafh ; when the clouds pour down water, and a horrid itorm comes on ; all that are in the open air retire under the branches of a thisk tree, or fly to fome other commodious melter. What ftorm can be fo dreadful as the righteous ven- geance of G O D, poured out upon a iinful nation ? What ftorm can be Ib dreadful as the eternal ven- geance of GOD, poured out upon a finful foul ? To both the fe we are expofed, to both theie we are juftly liable. But CHRIST'S blood and righteoufheis are a covert. Hither we may fly, and be fcreened ; hither we may fly, and be fafe : fafc as was Noah when he entered the ark ; and GOD's own hand clofed the door, and GOD's own eye guided its motions. For there is no condemnation of any kind, or from any quar- ter, to them that are in CHRIST JESUS J.

CHRIST is compared to a ftrong-hold. Turn ye to the ftrong-hold, fays the prophet Zechariah |j. When iblcliers fly from a victorious army, being admitted into an impregnable caftle, they are beyond the reach of danger. They give their fears to the wind, and repofe themfelves in tranquillity. When finners fly- by faith to the dying JESUS, they alib, from thence- forth, are in a tower vffalvation §. They may fay,


' Jer. 1. 20. -f If. xxxji. 2.

•' Rom. viii. i. |j Zcch. ix. 12. § 2 Sam. xxii. 51.

VOL. V. 21. F


each one for himfclf, u Soul, take thine eafe. All thy 44 guilt is laid upon thy LOUD, anil puniihccl in thy 44 Surety. The flaming fword of juilice is returned u to the llieath, having received full iutisfaclion from " the fufiVrings of CHRIS T. The curie of a vio- 14 lated law is no more, having been executed to the 44 ut m oft upon the pcribn of my REDEEMER. Nay, 44 its curie is turned into a blefllng. For CHR 1ST 4< has redeemed us from the cur ft of the lau'j that the lt blejjing of Abraham might come upon its Gentiles * : 44 even the blcfling of perfect reconciliation, and cver- 44 lifting fiiendimp, with GOD molt"

This leads me to mention another beautiful compa- rifon, which reprtients CHRIST not only as the caufe of isfety, bui as the fource of coniblation. lie (hall be a s rivers of water in a dry place ^ and as the fliadow of a great rock in aweary land^. In a dry place, burnt up for want of moilture, nothing is fo dcfirable, no- thing fo refrefliing as water. To the poor iinful foul, of whofe condition the parched ground is a fit reiem- hlance, CHRIS T (hall be, not barely as the morn- ing-dew, not barely as the transient fhovver, but as a river ; yea, as rivers of water, that flow in copious and never- failing ftreams through the thirfty foil ; making even the fandy defert green with herbage, and gay with flowers. In a fuhry clime, where the fun pours infufferable heat, and all things Janguifh under the glaring rays, nothing is fo chearing to the labourer, nothing fo welcome to the traveller, as a cool and gloomy fliadc. A poor foul, aflaulted by the fiery darts of Satan, and di'treffed with the remembrance of former iniquities, is this fultry clime, or weary Lind. But CHRIST and his atonement are not barely as the boughs of an oak, which extend their coolnefs to a fmall distance ; not barely as the canopy of an alcove, through which much of the glowing

influence '• Gal. iii. 13, 14. If xxxi;. 2.

:S>ER.II. O F S A F E T Y. 43

influence penetrates ; but like the fliadow of a rock, a great rock ; which projects the friendly fhade over many a league ; which has repelled and excluded the fun, through all preceding ages ; and gives you, as k were " the cold of fnow amidft the heat of har- " vett *."

Here then, brethren, is oar fecurity amidft all peril. The blood, the righteoufnefs, the infinitely glorious perfon of CHRIST ; theic are our hiding place theie are our covert theie are our ftrong-hold. And (blei- fed be GOD !) the doors Hand wide open : they are never (hut, night nor day. The accefs is free for any, free for all, free for the greateft iinnert. We are not only allowed, but we are invited ; nay, we are com- manded, to approach ; to enter ; to enjoy the pro- tection ; or, as the words of the text exprefs it, to Jprinkle the blood on our Jfouls.

Sprinkle the blood-on our fouls ! You will probably fay, " What does this fignify ? What was done by tfc Moles, when he fprinkled the vHible blood, we eafi- " ly apprehend : but how c*in we fprinkle the blood " of CHRIST, which v/e never faw ? the blood of u CHRIST, whom the heavens have received I" This is one of thofe myfteries which the natural man nnderfUndeth not; he can form no notion of it ; it is •fooliflmefs to his apprehenfion. Therefore, may the rternal S P I ii I T both teach us to underhand the clodtrine, and enable us to praAifc the duty !

To fprinkle the blood of CHRIST, is truly to be- •ieve in CHRIST, in his infinite atonement and e- verlafting righteoufnefs: it is to receive thc-fc bleliings as GOD's free gift to men, to Tinners, to ourfelves •in particular ; and, having received, to make conti- nual ufe of them in every time of trial, for every oc- cafion of need.

Perhaps this doctrine may become clearer, if we i-1-

* Prov. xxv. 13. F *


ludratc it by an example. A remarkable example we have in the pra&ice of David. After the commiffion of his grievous crimes, he did, in a very eminent manner, fprinkle the blood. For he faid unto the LORD, T lion fault put ge mcivithhyffop, (theindrument of iprinklmg the typical blood,) and L /hall be clean; thou fault ruu/fi me in the fountain opened for fin and uncleanneis, and I jliall be whiter than J now *. This fountain he looked upon as opened for his fins ; and fully iufficient to cleanie him from all his filthineis ; ib that he Ihould be as free from fpot, before the righ- teous Judge, as the fnow on Salmon was free from {lain. Hid he faid within himfelf, " My crimes are 11 too great for this blood to expiate ;" or, u This <l blood cannot be (lied for ib vile an offender as I *' am :" he would then have put the atonement far from him, together with all its expiating virtue. This would have been not to apply, but to throw away the blood ; not to fprinkle it upon the foul, but to pour it upon the ground.

Come then, brethren ; come, fellow-fmners ; let us alfo, in this day of fear and danger, look unto CHRIS T, as dying that we may live ; as made fin, that we may be made the righteoufnefs of GOD in him ; as made a curie, that we may inherit eternal blefledneis. Let us look unto JESUS as taking our nature, and (landing in our (lead. Behold him ap- prehended as a thief; ignominiouily bound, and mark- ed with the lafhes of the icourge. Behold him crown- ed with thorns ; his hair clotted, his face difcoloured, his bread and (houlders all bedewed with his own mod innocent blood. Behold him nailed to the crois ; hanging in the mod racking podure, till all his bones are out of joint ; hanging amidd malefactors, forfaken of GOD, of angels and men. Behold him bowing his head in death, and dabbed to the heart with the

executioner's * Pfal. li. 7.

SER.H. O F S A F E T Y. 45

executioner's fpear. Thus behold him, arid fay, " Verily, this fufferer was the S O N of G O D, and <{ the LORD of glory. Verily, thefe fufFerings were " the punifhment due to my fins. In all this extreme <c anguifh he bore my griefs, and carried my for rows. u He was opprefTed, and he was afflicted, becaufe I <c had done atnifs and done wickedly. He was cut u off out of the land of the living, that he might u make his foul an offering for my fins, and obtain <c eternal redemption for me."

Thus behold the bleffed JESUS; thus, finners, behold the LORD your righteoufnefs ; with this look of application, with this appropriating faith. Be ve- rily perfuaded, that you fhall find mercy before a holy GOD ; not becaufe you have any worthinefs, but be- caufe CH R IS T has incomparable merit ; that you fhall never come into condemnation, not becaufe you have fafled and prayed, but becaufe CHRfSTis your great propitiation. Be perfuaded, that GOD, has gi- ven his SON for you ; that GOD gives his SON to you; and together with him eternal life. Be periiia- ded of all this, upon the bed of foundations, the in- fallible word of GOD; who has declared, that CH R 7S Tidied for the ungodly *,. and by his obe- dience finners are made righteous f ; that CHRIST was wounded on the crofs, and intercedes in heaven for tran/grf(/urs J; that he received fpiritual gifts, and divine bleffings, even for the rebellious || . The LORD GOD omnipotent, the author and finimer of faith, enable you thus to believe ! on the ground of his own moft fure word, thus to believe ! Then you keep the Chriftian paffover ; then you fprinkle the blood ofCHRIST; then you may boldly fay, Un- der his fhadow we /hall be jafe. Which reminds us of the third particular, namely,

III. The

* Rom. v. 6. f Rom. v. 19.

JIf.liii.i2. jjPlaK Ixviii. 18.

4* T II E M £ A N S SER, IL

HI. The fticcefs of this method, denoted by the de- ftrdyer not fo much as touching them. Left he that dc- ftroyedthefirft-bornjliouldtouch them. What a beau- tiful antithefis ! The Egyptian firfr-born were wound- ed, were mortally wounded, were abfolutely deflroy- ci; the liraelites were not hurt, nor endangered, no, nor fo much as touched. So lure and complete a de- fence was this blood of fprinkling !— - Nothing' elie could have yielded any protection ; this afforded pcr~ fed lecurity. When this was fprinkled on their door- pofts, they had no caufe to be afraid for the terror by Might, nor for the arrow that ftieth by day ; for the pej- tilcnce that walketh in darkneft^ nor jor the dcftruc- tion that 'ivafteth at no on -day *.

And is not the hiding-place, the covert, the flrong- liold, provided for us in the blood and righteouinefs of C H R I S T,' an equal fecurity ? do they not yield abfolute, perfecl, confummate fafety ? Nothing elie could adminifter the leaft hope to the chiefeft apoftle,; this opens an inviolable fanctuary even for the great eft of finners. None ever perimed who laid their help upon CHRIST, Hcfcwfj he laves to the uttermoft ; he faves not a few tfnly, but all all that come unto GOD through him "j~. Is our danger great ? Our fc- .curity is greater. Is our danger exceeding great f Our iecurity is incomparably greater. In fhort, our refuge and fecurity are the greatell that can be vvifliecl, that can be imagined, that GOD himfelf could pro- vide.— Chearing, charming, ravifliing truth! Suffer ?r,e to enlarge upon it, brethren. Let your attention hang on the glad tidings. May your hearts imbibe the precious dodlrine !

Had more than forty men bound the mf elves with an oath, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had J?illed\ fome one in this congregation ; the danger would be great, and the cafe flartling. Neverthelefs,


* Pfal. xci. 5, 6. -j- Heb. vii. 25. % A&s xxiri. &,

SER.H. O F S A F E T Y. tf

the endangered perfon would think him fufficiently fafe, if he could fteal away, and hide himfclf in one of the deepeft caves of America, with a vaft trad of unknown land, and all the waters of the vafter ocean between himfclf and the ruffians. Much fafer will your fouls be under the hiding, cleanfmg, atoning efficacy of this blood of Iprinkling ; by which unrigh- teoufnefles are forgiven, lins are covered, and iniqui- ties done away, as though they had never been.

Were you overtaken by a violent and impetuous ftorm ? If you fought fhelter under a covert that was firmer than boards of cedar, harder than (labs of mar- ble, thicker than the roofs of all the houfes in Europe;, you would reckon yourfelves fecure from torrents of rain, or from volleys of hail. Much more lecurewill you be from everJalting wrath ; lecure, even when the LORD fliall rain jnares, fire and brintftone, florin and tcmpeft * ; provided you are found under the co- vert of CHRIST'S magnificent and meritorious righteoufnefs ; by virtue of which, all that believe are jujlified I fay not from millions, or from thoufands of millions, but -from all offenfive, provoking, cri- minal things |.

.Should you be purfued by a conquering foe, deter- mined to cut you in pieces \ If you turned into a cattle whofc walls were Wronger than brafs, ftronger than adamant, ftronger than all the rocks in the world ;, you might laugh at the attempts of your enemy ; you are guarded from the power and peril of the fworcU So, and abundantly more, are you guarded from e- very ipirttual enemy, and from every fpiritual evil, when you % to the ftrong-hold of CHRIST'* death and atonement. The (buls that abide in C H R IS Tv they Jhall dwell on high} beyond the rage of the old ferpent, and the great dragon : tlisir place of defence jhall be the munitions of rocks {; againit which all the

a {faults

* Pfal. xi. 6. f A£s xiii. 39. \ If. xxxiii. 16*

48 T H E M E A N S SEn.n.

afTaults of earth and hell fliall never be able to prevail. They may lay, with the triumphant apoflle, How much more /hall we, who receive abundance ef 'grace, and of the gift of ri^hteoufntfs, be delivered from ruin, and reign in 'life 'by CH R 1 S T J E S US * /

And will you not prize fuch a ftrong-hold ? fliall not Inch a covert be dear to your guilty fouls ? will you not fet an exceeding great value upon fuch an hiding- place ? efpecially when the florin is gathering and threatening all around ; when days of defolation and perplexity are coming upon the world, and judg- ments, inflicted by men, may tranfmit us to the everlafting judgment of GOD. How did Ifrael blefs and adore their moll merciful JEHOVAH, for granting them fuch an effectual means of prefervation, as the blood of the pafchal lamb ! and mall not we blefs and adore the fame mod gracious JEHOVAH, for granting us a means of prefervation altogether as effectual, and incomparably more wonderful ?

If you ftiould fay, " How does it appear, that the " blood of CHRIST is fuch a fecurity ? fo great, fo " wonderful, fo matchlefs 1" Becaufe it is the blood of him who is J E H O V A H's fellow f ; of him who is GOD over all, hlejf'cd for ever \ ; of him in "whom dwells all the fullnejs of the GODHEAD bodily ||.~- Permit me, brethren, to clear up and eftablifli this dodhine j as it is adodlrine ofthelaft importance ; on which the very (Irength of our falvation is built ; and from which the fullnefs of our confolation flows.

There are in CHRIST, in his one undivided per- fon, two diitincl: natures. One nature is eternal, infi- nite, almighty ; which is called by the apoftle, the form of GOD \. The other nature had a beginning; is limited as to extent, and limited as to power. This is termed by the apoMle, the feed of Abraham -t-i-. As GOD, he is iubjeft to no authority, and infinitely


* Rom. v. 17. -j- Zcch. xiii. 7. \ Rom. 5x. 5.

JS Col, ii. 9. 4. Phil. ii. 6. +fHeb. ii. 16.

SEK. II. O F S A F E T Y. 49

fuperior to all poffibility of fufFering. To become capable of obeying, fuffering, and dying, he humbled hinifelf, and was found in fafhion as a man : that by obeying, iliffering, and dying in human flefh, he might: triumph over fin and Satan, in that very nature which Satan had overcome, and fin had ruined : that, by ac- compliihing all this in the room and ftea.d of his peo- ple, he might bring many ions u* to glory; not with- out a full fatisfaclion to the rights of injured juilice, and to the demands of a violated law.

JESUS CHRIST then, in his divine nature, is the moft high GOD. The heaven of heavens is the auguft palace, and royal reiidence, of this blcifed and only Potentate. Thouiand thoufands mimitei unto him, and ten thoufand times ten thoutand itand before him. The church militant rely on him ; the church tri- umphant adore him ; while all the holts of angels pay homage to him. JESUS CHRIST, in his divine na- ture, is the majeftic and adorable I AM; ielf- -exiftent and independent. All worlds and all beings are derived •wholly from him, and depend continually upon him : he made the worlds , andupholdeth all thing* *. View the beauty, the magnificence, the harmony, obfervable in heaven, on earth, throughtheuniverie. All is intended, Jike the miracle wrought atCana of Galilee, Ivmanifcft his glory | ; to tell every one who has eyes to fee, and a heart to underftand, how great our SAVIOUR is, how fublime hismajefty, and how marvellous his perfeclion. All things, fays the SPIRIT of inspiration, were created by him, and/or him. Judge then, whether the obedi- ence and atonement ofjucha. REDEEMER are notfuf- ficient to fecure, perfectly to fecure any finner, every iinner, all finners, that fly by faith under his wings.. As perfectly fufficient they are for this blefled -ptirpole, as the unmeafurable circuit of the fkies is roomy e- nough for a lark to fly in, or as the immenfe orb of the fun is beamy' enough for a labourer to work by.

Behold * Heb. i. 2, 3. -j- John ii. n. ^ Col. i. 16.

VOL. V. N«ai. G

jo i ti i. M E A N S R. if,

Behold now the dignity and excellency of this blood, wlrch is your covert, your hiding-place, your ilrong- hoH. It has all the power and efficacy that every di- vine perfection can give it. It is the blood and righ- * ;.eih of him who is, incompreheniible, and rd above all blelJing and praiie. Surely then no- can bear any proportion to it. Guilt, all guilt, though ever lo execrable and horrid, compared with the grandeur and riches of this invaluable blood *, is


* St Chryfo (lo ni's explanation of a verfe lately quoted is fo

important in it J elf, and fo appolite to our purpole, exhibits

fucii a magnificent and delightful difplay of the faivation -which

is in CHlilST JESUS, that I prornife myfelf, the reader

will alU<w me to prefeut him with a tranfUtion. Jfo\u much

m'jtcjball they ii'ho receive abundance, of grace, and rf the rift

of right ituf.iefs, reign in lift by en; CtlKl'ST JE 6' US -

o-j* FIT ,:» fwT«u9a X;<f>v>, &c. " The apoltlc fays not, grace, buc

u abundance of gract. For \ve receive, not barely what m;iy

" fufficc to obtain our pardon, but incomparably more. We

4t are delivered from all pnnifliment, and from every evil. Wr,

4 are juiified. we are lanclified, made the children of GOD,

1 and the brethren of his only begotten SON. We are

1 conltituted heirs, joint-heirs with the PRINCE of hea-

' ven. Yen, we become the members of his body ; moH iu-

' timately and indiilolubly united to that divine head.

" All thele privileges St Panlftyles the abundance of grace : 4< intimating, that the antidote is not only qualified to counter- l<- ,ift and expel the poiibn, but is fovereign allo to eltabiilli 4t health, to create beauty, to impart honour, and from the " moll malignant of all evils, to produce the moit di(hjlguifl)- " ed bUfltftgs: any one of which, feparately conlidered, would ** have been fufHcient TO overcome and difarm death ; but, 41 under their combined influence, it is abfolutely deltroycd, *' it vaniflies entirely away, and leaves not fo much as a trace u of mifchief, or a fhadow of terror.

" Let us fuppofe fomc poor debtor owing a confiderable " fum, and for want of payment, caft iute pnlun. A gene- " rous friend, pitying his condition: difchargts the whole debt, " and relcafcs him from confinement: and nor this only, but be- "• ft;>wi upo'.i h.m fplcndid apparel, with thoufands of filver and " gold ; introduces l.ini to court, and recoiurriendi him to the

*' royal

SER.II. OF S A F E T Y. jl

as a pjtaw-worm before the fun. All manner of fins and blafphemies are blotted out by iiich an expiation, as the (hades of night are abolifhed by the light of day. Every ilnner waihed in this blood muft.b^ whiter ihau the unfullied wool, whiter than the virgin- ihows. E- vcry iinner clothed in this righteoufnefs, mult be un- blameablc and unreproveable, even before the eye of Omnifcience itfelf.

For this,, therefore, blefs the LORD, O my foul ; and all that is within me, bleis his holy name. Blefs the LORD, O my brethren ; and let every thing that hath a being praife his unutterable grace. For /><?- h'lld! GOD is our falvation. GOD himlelf is made fiefli, and become our facrifice, our fin-offering, our juftifying righteoufnefs : therefore will we irujl. and not be afraid *; truft in this infinitely fufficicnt S A- V1OLJR ; and not be afraid of death or hell, of any enemy or any evil. But this leads me to apply the whole : which I fhall do by way of

G 2 Examination,

ii royal favour.; procures his advancement to the higheft ho- " Hours, and puts him in poiTeilion of the grandeft prefc-r- " inencs. Where now is the diigrace of his irnpnfonment ? 41 and where are the diftrelTes of his infolvent ttare?

kt Such is the cate with regnrd to us tinners, and our mod " gracious REDEEMER. He has paid inconceivably more t; than we either did or could poliibiy owe. Being GOD, the lt true GOD, the infinite and eternal GOD, his payment; *' exceeds our debt, as much as the waters of the great deep 'exceed the! drop ot' a backet. Doubt iiur, therefore,

* poor tinner, that flieft for refuge to this all-glorious S A- k VIOUR; daubt not but thy tins, though more virulent: ' than all plagues, are done away ; and death, though he be

the king of terrors, is aboliihed; this aboiiihed, and thole ' done away, before f'ucb grace and m^r'.t; even as a fpork oi

*w fire is exiinguiibed, when plunged into the abylles of the 14 lea." For, indeed, compared with a divine prrfon, and an infinite righteoufnefs, whatever guilt you have contracted, whatever thing you car name, is, as our devout orator fp<-ak% pa/ic ai».?oc *c>f ft^uyn anipov, no more than a fcunty di op c .with th» b:undlffs vaan. Vid. QiryfoJt. in loc. •* xii.

52 T H E M E A N S SER.!!.

Examination, Direction, Exhortation, Confolation.

T. By way of examination. Examineyouroivnfelvcs^ fays the apoltle *. Have you kept the pafTover ? have you fprinkled the blood ? Many, perhaps, will be ready to anfwer, u We have." But beware, my friends, leaft ye deceive your own fouls. Let me give you a touch- ftone, whereby you may try your fpirir, and pronounce aright concerning your (late.

Have you been convinced of your great finfulnefs ? of your fin ful nature and your finful practice ? Have you been made fenfible, that hell, the deepen; hell, is your dcferved portion ? is what you deferve for any tranfgreflion, for every tranfgreffion ? how much more for the many thoufands, how much more for the many millions, how much more for the number- lefs multitude of your provocations? If you have ne- ver been convinced of thefe mofl alarming, but cer- tain truths : if you have never been touched with a fenfe of your extreme guilt, and undone ftate ; I fear, you are fettled upon your lees, you are in the dead ileepoffm. You are not fo much as awakened; much lefs have you applied CHRIST.

Again, have you been made to ice, that nothing but CHRIST and his precious blood, nothing but CHRIST and his divine righteoufnefs can be your fecurity from vengeance ? Have you been convinced, that thoufands of rams, and ten tboufands of rivers of oil, could never expiate the leaft of your iniqui- ties ? that no tears, no confeffions, no amendnaent, nothing but the facrifice of the body of C H R I S T, can make your peace with GOD ? If you have not been taught .the abfolute infufficiency of every reme- dy, fave only the meritorious fufferings of J E S US


* 2. Cor. xiii. 5.


ST; you have not feen him, neither known him ; much lefs is his blood fprinkled upon your con- fcience.

Once more, have you a fupreme, a matchlefs cjleem for CHRIST? Is CHRIST anci his great ialvation the thing that you long for ? is he to your fouls the pearl of great price ? do you account all things but Jofs, that you may win CHRIST, and be found in him ? If this is not the ftate of your foul, I dare not flatter you with vain hopes ; I muft not buoy you up with ungrounded imaginations. You are not, as yet, in your hiding place ; neither have you fled to your ftrong-hold. All the courfes of the divine law itand charged and pointed full againft you. You have no iecurity from being hurt by the firft death, nor from being irrecoverably ruined by the fecond death. If judgments mould come upon a finful and backfliding people, you have no defence; there is no wall of fire around you. You muft therefore expeft to fall a- mong thofe that fall ; and, falling by the fword, may immediately drop into hell.

Can you hear this, and be unconcerned ? can you liften to this warning, more awful than the voice of ten thoufand thunders, and not (tart from your infen- libility ? are you not looking around, and ready to cry out, u What then mall I do to be fafe in the day of Li evil :" O ! that this inquiry came from the very bottom of your hearts. I mould then proceed, witii great chearfulnefs, to

2. A word of direction. Fly to CHRIST, alarmed iinners. Come under the covert of his blood. Ap- propriate the blefled JESUS ; look upon him and his merit as your own. Thus fprinkle his blood: fprinklc it upon your lintel and door-pofts ; upon all you are, upon all you have, and all you do ; upon your con- fcicnces, that they may be purged ; upon your fouls, that they may be fanclified; upon your works, that they may be accepted. Say? every one for himfelf,

« I

$4 I' n E M E A N S SER, II.

" I am :i p;>or, guilty, he! pic Is creature ; bat'm JESUS lt CHRIST^ who is full of grace and truth, I have <•' rightfoufncfs andftrength *. I am a poor, polluted, " loathiome creature : but JESUS CHRIST, who 4t is the image of tbe invisible GOD, and the bright- *c nefs of his Father's glory, has loved me , and wa filed 44 the from my filthinejs in his own i!ood\. I am by 44 nature a perverfe deprived creature ; and, by evil " practice, a lolt damnable {inner; but J ESUS "CHRIST, who made the worlds; JESUS 44 C H R. IS T whom heaven and earth adore ; even " JESUS CHRIST himielf came from the man- ct lions of hlifs, on purpofe to Jeek me, to fave me | ; 44 to give himielf for me. And how can I pcrifli, who " have iuch a ranfom r how can I be undone, who 44 have iuch a repairer of my breaches ? how can 1 44 come into condemnation, who have the blood, not Jtc of ten thoufand facrtfices ; the merit, not often 44 thoufand angels, but the blood and merit of J E- 44 H O V A H himfelf, for my propitiation r"

Should you fay, 44 Have I a warrant for fuch a " truil r" You have the beft of warrants, ourLOKD's exprefs permtffton : Ifhojvevcr will, let him take the ivatcr of life freely \ . It is not laid, this or that peribn only, but ivhofoever ; including you and me ; exclu- ding no individual man or woman. It is not faicl, whoibever is worthy, but whofoever is willing. Wilt than It made whole? was our LORD's ouefhon to the


impotent man at the pool of Bethefda. //^/Y/ th'ji^ all terms and conditions apart, inherit grace and glo- ry ? is his moil: benevolent addreis to {infill men, in all ages. Let him take the water of life ; let him re- ceive ME and my righteoufnefs ; let him look upon all that I have done and fuffered, as done and luffcreil tf or his redemption. This will adminifler peace of con-


* If. xlv. 24. r Rev. i. 5. \ Matth. xviii. u,

jj Rev, xxii. 17.

SZTL.II. OF S A F E T Y. 55-

fcience, and joy in the HOLY GHOST: this will produce love of GOD, and alacrity of obedience ; in which things the true life of the foul confifts. All thefe bleflings are to be received freely, without mo- ney, and without price : that is, without any good works, any good qualities, or any preparatory requi- lites whatever: to be received, as the infinitely-rich gift of divine grace, vouchiafed even to the loft the guilty the undone.

You have our LORD'S moft generous invitation; Come unto ME. And whom does he call : The righ- teous ? No. The excellent ? Quite the reverie. He calls finners ; miferable fmners ; even the mod mifer- able of iinners ; thole who are weary and heavy ladcn'r overwhelmed with iniquities ; bowed down to the very brink of hell, and ready to think, " There is no u hope for them." Yet them he encourages ; thera he invites ; to them he declares, I ivill give you reft* ; .v.?(t in the enjoyment of peace with GOD, and peace in your own coniciences. Obfervc -and admire the riches of your REDEEMER'S grace. He fays not. Ye are vile wretches ; polluted by fin, and cnflavcd to the devil ; therefore keep at a diftancc ; but, tlicrefore 'o;;ic. Come, and be cleanfed by my blood ; come^ and be made free by my SPIRIT. He lays not, Furnifh yourfelvcs with this, or that, or the other re- commending accomplimment, but only come : come jurt as you are ; poor, undone, guilty creatures. Yea, come to ME for pardon and recovery ; to ME, who have given my life, myiirlf, my all, for your ranfom.

Should you Mill queltion, whether thele ineftimable blellings are free for you ? Remember, brethren, they are free forjinncrs. Js this y< ;ir character f Then they are as free for your acceptance, as for any perfon's iu the world. To us eternal life is given \\ not us who had defervcd it by our goo:lncfs, but us who-


* Matth. xi. 28. -j- i John v.


had forfeited it by our fins. To yon is preached the forgivencfs of fins * ; not you whofe tranfgreifions were inconfiderahle, but you whofe iniquities were more in number thin the hairs of your head. Even to you, who are the Jolt and perifhing tinners of A- dam's family, // the word of this jalv at ion lent \. And, by a commillion from GO D, we publifli it ; that, as fmners, you may receive it ; that, receiving it, you may commence believers ; "and believing, may have life through, liis nuntt \.

Some, perhaps, will be inclined to debate ; " Is " this Ib extraordinary a matter ? will this exercife of " believing do luch great things for us, or put us in 44 poflelh'on of luch lingular blelfings : Moles might have formed the fame fcruple with regard to the fprinkling of blood. Will this feemingly infignificant circumftance be fuch an extraordinary fafcguard to us ? will this preferve us from the impending blow, more effectually than the labours of the engineer, or the fhield and fpear of the warrior ? But Mofes confulted not with flelh and blood; Moles rejected all fuch carnal reafonings. By faith he and his people kept the paff- over, and were made partakers of the temporal falva- tion. By faith may you and 1 receive CHRIST! So ihall we be partakers of pardon and eternal falvation. By believing the promife of GOD, and by trufting in the perfon of CHRIST, we are united to the LORD J E S US || ; fo as to have a real intereft in his blood and righteoufnefs. Beingunited to CHRIST, our fins are done away, by virtue of his infinitely- precious atonement ; and eternal life becomes ours, on account of his everlafting righteoufnefs. Whoever thus believes, believes merely as a finner, not upon the fuppofition of any goodnefs in himfelf, but upon the ible warrant of G O D's promife, in the infallible


* Afts xiii. 28. -f Acls xiii. 26.

-J John x-x. >i. !( Ep'h.iii. 17.


word of the gofpel* Such a perfon (hall not be afliamed of his belief ; (hall never be diiappointed of his hope ; according to his fait /i fhall it be unto him '*;

Come then, fellow-fmners ; believe the record of heaven. Set to your feal, that GOD is true. Honour his word, which cannot lie ; honour his grace, which is abfolurely free ; honour his dear S O N, who has obtained eternal redemption for fuch unworthy crea- tures as you and I. What (hall hinder you ? But this leads me to,

3. A word of exhortation. I fay then, what fliall hinder you ? what (hall vvith-hold you a (ingle moment^ from believing ? fines all things are ready -j- in CHRIST JESUS, The great propitiation is made by him ; the perfect obedience is performed by him ; all the condi- tions of the new covenant are fulfilled by him. Come then, and partake of the heavenly bleflings , as you partake of a marriage- feaft, when the entertainment is all prepared, and the bridegroom bids you welcome,

Fain would I prevail in this mo(t important addrefs* L O K D, make bare thy arm ; incline their hearts ; make them -willing in the day of thy power \ My dear friends, if you turn away from fuch invitations, you are ruined to eternity : m if cry awaits you here, and damnation hereafter. Suffer me then to be importu- nate. Refute not him that calleth you by my mouth ; that bids you truft and not be afraid ; that offereth himfel^ with all his fulnefs, to you. Why are you backward ? why (low of heart to believe ? why do you (land at a diftancc from the all-gracious JESUS ?

Is it becaufcyou are guilty wretches ? Then he pu- blifhes the aft of indemnity to you : /, even /, am he that blotteth out your tranJ'weJJionS) for mine oiunfakc ||* Is it becauie you are polluted crcrturcs; loathlbme in your own eyes, and much more loathibjne in the


Match, ix. 29. f Matth. xxii ,4. \ Pial. ex, 3. {| If. xlih. 25. VOL, V. 21. H

58 T H F. M E A N S SER. H.

rye of infinite purity : Then hear the word of the HOLY ONE : / w ill fpriii \le clean wnttr upon you, and vc Jhall bs clean, From all your Jilt [//hit/ *'.\ , and from all your idols luill 1 citan/e you *. Is it becauie your iins are mure numerous, and more hainous than the lins of others f Be they ever ib liainous, or ever ib aggravated, thus faith the ( j O D of immenfdy rich grace in CHRIST; Tlioughyour fmt be as /car let, they ;hall be as white as (now ; though they be red like criin- /'<;«, t/icy f/iall be as wool |.

Arc you Rill objecting, " I am weak ; I have no " ftrt-n^th ; I cannot believe?" Look then to a pro- rniting GOD, that he may help your unbelief; that he may fulfil in you all the good pleature of his will, and the work of faith with power. For he who is truth iti'elf hath laid, Tour GOD will come and favc you* 'f/ienf/iall the eyes of the blind be opened, arid the cars of the deaf Jhall be unftopped : the lame man jhall leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb /hall fing \. Has the LORD given you a deiire to believe in his dear SON ? doubt not but he will alib give you the power. Does GOD the LORD bring to the birth, and not giv^- ftrength to bring forth ? That be far froiti him. ! the iufpicion be far from us 1 He has, in un- ipeakable mercy, appointed his blefled SPIRIT for tliis purpoie. The HOLY GHOST, the Comforter, attencleth continually on this very thing; to teflify of CHRIST, and to reveal CHRIST in our finful fouls ; enabling us to difcern the all-iliittciency of CHRIST, to difcern our right to make ufe of CHRIST, and to receive CHRIST as our own our Q-WH GOD and SAVIOUR.

Be it then your daily endeavour, your continual bulineis, ^o believe ; firmly, confidently, aflbredly to believe in JESUS C II R I S T, as the great and glorioits REDEEMER, in whom you have pardon, you


' Ezek. jixxvi. 25. -f- If. i. 18. ^ If, xxxv. 4, 5, 6,


have righteoufnefi, and eternal life. Thus exercii'e yourfelves unto godlinefs, and GOD -will help you : GOD will ftren^theri you; yea, GOD will uphold yon with the rii*ht hand of his riohteon/nefs . Thus exer- cile yourielves unto godiinels, .depending on the diviner faithfulnefs, proceeding upon the divine warrant, in obedience to the divine command, which exprefsly lays, Believe in the LORD your GOD, Jo fliall ye be e/tablijhed: believe his prophets, jo /Jiail ye prof per* : ' believe in fits dear SON, {b fnall ye be f avert ^.

Pharaoh laid to Joieph, Now thou art commanded, this do \. Let me alio lay to my hearers, Now ye are .allowed, invited, commanded, to believe in the SON of GOD, this do. 'Tii> your grand concern ; the one thing needful. Without this, nothing will profit you.. Therefore 1 repeat my exhortation ; therefore I am Ib urgent ; therefore 1 cannot diimifs the fubject, with- out befeeching the FATHER of mercies to com- mand a blefling upon the word ; that you may indeed believe \\ unto ri^hteoufnefs, unto life, unto falvation. Thus will you glorify the ineffable goodnefs of GOD, and the inestimable merit of CHRIST : thus will you find a fare, a full, an incomparably-rich provifion made for your fafety : and thus will you moft effeclually comply with that tender and gracious invitation of the LOPtD your GOD ; Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and friut thy doors about thee : hide thyjelfas it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpaft. For behold ! the LORD comet h out of his place, to puwfli the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity |.

And what will ye do, when the LORD cometh forth to punihh, *if you are not received into the hi- ding-place ? What will ye do, ye men of fober and decent converfation ; who have nothing but an out- ward regularity, and ibme cuftomary conformity to

H 2 religious

* 2 Chron. xx. 20. f A#s xvi.3i.

^ Gen. xlv. 19. j; Rom. x. 10 ^. If. xxvi. 2.0, 21.


religious woilhip f Thcle, though in their place valu- able, yet .uc no teem icy- They arc only the outworks, not your fortiluMtion, nor your citadel. When the.

: .icons ]i: ;:le<ijroin heaven in flawing

caiueoH tiitrri that obey not the go j pel *\

fc, without the blood of 1'prinkling, will be but as '. \\iihered leaf amidlt the inextinguilhable burning.

\Vhat will ye do, ye men of wealth and large pol- leirions? //•''/'// riches profit you in the day ofivrath\? will riches protect you in the day of the L O 11 D's coutrovcii) \ Alas 1 they will mark you out for a prey, and i'erve only to lure the vultures. If riches have been your idol ; hoarded up in your colVers, or lavilhed out upon yourfclves ; they will, when the day of reckon- ing comes, be like the garment of pitch and brimftone, put upon the criminal condemned to the flames.

What will ye do, ye mighty men of valour ? If the LOUD turn his hand upon you, your heart fliall fail, and your knees be feeble ; your arm fiiall lofe its itrengih, and your i'word (hail lofe its edge, Your ileets and armies ///<?// be as tow, and the commanders of them, as a J park; and they ftiall both burn together,

i none Jliall quench thcm\. if you are not flickered nnd iecured by this blood, what will ye do, when the jhout of the archangel is made, and the trump of C O D is heard ? Undaunted as you now feem, you will then, in an agony of defpair, call upon rocks to fall upon you, and mountains to cover you \\ .

Wir.t will yc do, ye voluptuous men, and ye cardefs women \ ye that eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the inidlt of the flail ? ye that drink wine in bowls, and anoint yourielves with the chief ointments \ Ah ! what will ye do, when the luholeland, for theunivcrfal degeneracy of its inhabitants, for their contempt of CHKI.ST, and neglec\ of grace, fliall


- 2 ThrfT. i. 7, 8, -f Prov. ?i. 4.

3'» ilev. vi. jo.

SER.II. O F S A F E T Y. 6l

become brimftone, and J alt, and burning; infomuch that it JhalL not be J own, nor bear, nor any grajs grow there- on * ? Much more may I aik, What will ye do, when the heavens mall pais away with a great noife, when the elements ihall melt with fervent heat, when the whole earth, and all the works that are therein, fhall be burnt up f

What will ye do, people of all ranks and condi- tions, when mij chief ft lall conienpon mi [chief, and rumour J/iall be upon rurnour f f when your houfes Ihall be laid in heaps, and your (treets be made a place of graves ? when your cities, that were full of inhabitants, ihall be iolitary ; and not a voice heard am'tdft them, but lighs of the ditconfolate, and groans of the dying ? when your children fhall be ilaughtered in one place, your parents in another ; and the " {lain (hall lie be- " hind the {layer, as the (heaves \ beliind the reaper *' in the time of harveft r" But, above all, what will yc do, when the great white throne is creeled ; when the earth and the heavens flee away from the face of him that litteth thereon ; and the dead, both fmall and great, ftand before GOD to be judged ? Without the blood of iprinkling, where can you be fafe ? how will you appear ? what will you do f Whereas, if CHRIST and his blood are yours, all is yours. You have nothing to fear, in time or eternity. " O 1 well tc i* it witli you, and happy fhall you be." But this reminds me of adding a word,

4. By way of conjoin f ion. Poffibly you may be ready to inquire, u What confolation will this adminifter, " amidlt the prefagcs, or under the approach, of na- u tional calamities r" Very great. Fear not, lays the LOUD, Jor 1 liavf redeemed thee jj . Redemption by CHRIST is a prefer vative from all terror, and an antidote againfi every evil. This cauies the ferene


' Dcut. xxix. 23, -f" Ezck. vii. 26.

t J«r. ix. 2i. j| If. xliii. i.

62 T II i: MEANS SER. If.

breull, .?nd the light lorn e heart. Hence comes calm- neJs of conference, quielntfs and afjurance for ever. Therefore, lltysthe prophet, Thismanfhall be our -peace -when t)>e Affyrian Jliall come into our land. The blood and righteoulncis of our incarnate GOD mall be the ibvereigo fupport of our fouls, even when the enemy invades our territories, and preys upon the vitals of our country: yea, when he treads upon our palaces */ not only dcmolifhcs our dwelling-houfes, but lays our royal edifices in the dull, and makes us feel all the grievoufnels of war.

Further, when this blood is fprinkled, fin is done away, and GOD is appealed. His promifes are your portion, and his arm is your defence. For the com- fort of fuch people it is written ; He /hall deliver in fix troubles ; yea, in (even there J hall no evil touch thee* Infantine, he /hall redeem t he c from death; and in "war, from the power efthejword. Thou /halt be hid from the fcourge of the tongue ; neither /halt thou be afraid of deftruflion, -when it comcth -J-. In the hands of this reconciled and faithful CREATOR, this un- wearied and almighty DELIVERER, how f'afely may you depofit yourfelves and your families, your poi- ieHions and your all !

Be not then difcouraged, ye followers of CHRIST, though troublous times mould come. All creatures, and all events, are under the control of your heaven- ly FATHER. If he has any further occaiion for your fervice, or fees it conducive to your good, he will prefervc you amidrt the Created dangers. He can draw a curtain of concealment over you, as he did over David in the cave J. He can plant an invifiblc guard around you, as he did around Elifha in Do- than || . He can turn the hearts of your adverfaries, and make even the tnemy and the avenger to be at


* Mic. v. 5. -f" J°k v- I9» 20>

+ x Sain. xxiv. 3* || 2 Kings vi. 17.

SER.II. OF S A F E T Y. - 63

peace with you ; as he did in the cafe of Jacob and his enraged brother Efdu. Or, if you fall in the com- mon calamity, your latter end (li all be peace ; your in- heritance is unalienable, m&yourjoy no man takethfrom you. Your bell things, your eternal interclrs, are fe- ctire, inviolably fecure, being hid -with CHRIST in COD *.

Happy, unfpeakably blefled and happy the people, on whom this blood is fprinkled ! If vindictive viiita- tions come upon the land, this may fcreen and pro- tect their pcrfons ; like the mark, which the man clothed with linen fet on the forehead of GOD's chofen ones f ; or like the line of fcarlet: thread, which Rahab the harlot bound to the window of her houfe J. However, by this blood of reconciliation, all afflictions fhall be difarmed, and every evil unftung. Nay, ail things, not in proiperity only, but in adverfity like- vt\te,fliall work together for good^. Death, even death, is vanquifhed for them, and become their gain. And the lait judgment is no longer the object of their dread, but their unfpeakable privilege. Being jui- tified by this blood, they may even trlory in tribula- tion ^ and rejoice in hope^ in lure and itedfalt hope cy the glory of GOD §.

Will ye not then, brethren, ardently join with me ?


* Col. iii. 3. -f- Ezck. xi. 6. \ Jofh. ii. 18, 19.

JKom. viii. 28. This feems to be the meaning of the HO- GHOST, in the paflage lately quoted from job. In fix ^ in manifold and various troubles GODjbatl deliver thee. U;\ if he 1'ufFer thee to be involved in fever., there jball n>, fuil, iid pe:ial evil, tou^h ihee. His gracious prefence fLall be more tikai deliverance. Thou lhalt not feel argufo^ but enjoy caw/ thou flialt not fuffer harm, but receive benefit. Though the tiames of tribulation kindle all around, they (hall not coniume thee; but (like the fire which furroumietl the three Hel cwnfefTors) mall only loofe thy, bonds, and ier thee free; i>c thy ajfeclions free from a troublefome world, or ftt thy .free from a prifon of clay.

i Horn. v. r, 2, 3.

64 THE M E A N S, 6-r. SER.H.

while I lift my voice to GOD in the heavens, aiul lay, u Awake, awake, O arm of the LORD ; let this be a " day of thy power, and a clay of our redemption. " Behold, O GOD our SAVIOUR, and look upon " thy various congregations. .Sec what a gathering ** of the people there is in thy courts ; let there be as tc great a gathering of ibuls to thy blelled i'elf. Ful- " lil the prophecy, almighty SHILOH 1 Let tinners, <l won by the dilcovery of thy grace, fly unto tiice tc as a cloud ; and take (heller in thy wounds, as the " doves in their windows 1 that they may refl in the 41 day of trouble ; and, when time fhall be no more, <l may enter into that everlafting reft, which remain- 44 eth for the people of GOD/' Amen.

S E R-


The Way of Holinefs.

Ez EK. xviii. 27.

IV hen ths wicked man turneth away from his ivicked* nef's that he hath committed, and doth that which if lawful and right, he ftiall Jave his Joul alive.

MANY of my hearers, I obferve, are hufbandmen ; and the iealon, if I miltake not, is the ieaibn of Jced-tima I will fuppofe a perfon, unfkilled in your bufinefs, brethren, taking notice of your work. Perhaps he goes home, and lays, u What ftrange tc inconfiderate creatures have I ieen in the field ! I " faw them, inllead of laying up their corn in the <e garner, throwing it away by handfuls. IMay, they ** even buried it in the ground, and left it ta putrefy1 " under the clods. Is this the way to improve their " flock, and increafe their fuhftancc ? is tliis the " way to get gain, and p'rovide for their families :'"

.Should any one make iuch a reflection on your

conduct, you have an anfvver ready. The lame aniwer^

only with an alteration of circumftanccs, will be e-

qually proper for your preacher. It is true, his ufual

Ttibje&s are, the abfolutely free-grace of G O D, a"nd

VOL. V. 21. I the

ou i' If £ WAY SER.IUV

the iinmenicly-rich merits of CHRIST ; the infinite atonement, and cvcrlafHng righteouincls of the RE- DKKMEil. But becaufc he generally enlarges upon thcfc doftrincs, is lie therefore throwing away his words ? docs lie ncglctl the caufe, or difregard the rn- terelts of /wlinejs? Far from it. He is lowing the iced of vital holinefs ; without which feed, holinefs will never flourifh in your hearts, will never bring forth fruit in your lives ; any more thanyour ploughed lands would produce a crop of corn, without receiving the appointed grain. It is thruug/i, the knowledge of ottr adorable SAVIOUR, as calling ns to glory andvirtne^ that we have all things pertaining unto life and godli- ncfs *; unto the enjoyment of life eternal, and the practice of true godliuefs.

To convince you that this is my aim, I have chofen a text full to the purpofe ; and not uniuitable to the occalion of our prefcnt aflembly. ff^ken the wicked- vi'&n turnetk aivay from his wickedj^ef.', , that he hath committed, and doth that which is Lawful and right, he Jhall jave his- foul alive.,

The wqrds naturally divide themftlvesvinto the fol- lowing particulars :

I. What the wicked man mould turn from "wicked" Ttefs.

II. What he fhould turn to to do that which is law- ful and right.

III. What will be the efed of fuch turning— he /hall Jave his foul alive,

May C H Pv I S T J E S U S, the Head of his church, nnd the wonderful Caunfellor, enable us to open thefc truths ; to add a word of lively application j and to receive godly edifying from the whole !

L What the wicked man mould turn from wicked-

ncfs. * a Per. i. 3.

III. O F H O L 1 N E S S. -67

nefs. Here perhaps you expect, that I fhould mention Teveral forts of wickednefs ; mould difplay the deteft- able nature and definitive confequences of each ; and deter you, by iuch confidcrations, from the cotnmif- iion of them all ; deter you from lying and defraud- ing, from curling and (wearing, from drunkennefs and uncleanneis, from a fpiteful temper, and a back- biting tongue. Thefe are horrid evils. On account ofthefe the Ir.nd mourns Thefe bring the vengeance of GOD on a peribn, and on a people*. If 1 could ipeak in thunder, I could never inveigh too loudly a- gainit theie vices. u Ye that go on in iuch iniquities,, " ye *rt feathering brim/ions upon your habitations f ; <c ye are heaping up wrath againjl tlie day of ivrath \* " How can ye efcape t/ie damnation of htil jj ?'*

But let me forbear inveclives. Let me reaibn with you in the fpirit of mild nefs .-r-I will fuppofe you poi~ iefTed of a pleafant garden. In fome favourite bed, many weeds fpring up, alluring to the eye, but full of deadly poifon. Will you ord«:r your gardener, to crop off the leaves, or to pluck up the routs f To pluck up the roots, moft certainly-. Becaufe, if he does the former only, it will avail but litrlt ; it will be no better than labour loft ; whereas, if lie does the latter, he will effectually rid your ground of the per- nicious incumbrance. Thus would I aft. Wick nefs is this pernicious weed. It is full of deadly poifon ; it pollutes your fouls, and will be the bane of your happincfs. I would not therefore be contci.t with ufing the pruning-knife, and cutting off the (hoots ; but I would take the fpade, and level my blow at the root.

I would fain have you turn, not partially and fu- perficially, but thoroughly and habitually; not from fome only, but from all wickcdnefs ; and not barely

I 2 from

* Col. iii. 6. -f Job xviii. 15.

+ .Rom. ii. $. |J Marth. xxiii. 33,,


from the practice, but even from the love of it, and nay fondnefi for it. This will never be accomplilh- cd, unlels you turn

From a thought Icfs ~)

From a pr..ytrUls {i-flate

From an irtfenjiblf j

l. From a thoitghtlejs ftate. You are made for e- ternity ; yon are immortal beings. You mutt dwell either with GOD in heaven, or with devils in hell ; and that to eiuSL-fs, endlels ages. You know not how loon you may be fummoned into the inviliblc nud eternal world ; the following night, for aught you can tell ; or before the prefent hour is expired. Do you leriouily confidcr, to which of thel'e cverlalting abodes you are approaching ? for which of thel'e un- changeable conditions you are meet ?

Except a man be born again , fays our LORD, he cami'it enter into the kingdom of heaven *. This is the fixed determination of the righteous Judge. You all hope for heaven ; and 1 humbly beieech the LORD that you may not be dilappointed of your hope. But <Jo you diligently inquire, whether you have experi- enced this new birth ? Is there a (piritual change \vrought in your fouls ? are your affections taken off from vanity, and fixed on the infinitely-amiable GOD.5 is your memory filled with the truths of the gofpel, and are your clefires rifjng to things above? To ex- pect the bleflednefs of heaven, and have no concern about this renewal of" your nature, is to contemn the counfels of CH R I S T, and to trifle with his unalter- able decree.

Without holincfs no man fliall fee the LORD f . This is the {landing rule for our preient conduct, and in- difpenfibly neceffary for our future happineis. You may be civil and decent in your behaviour ; you may attend the place of divine \vorfh ip, and pnis for re- putable

* John iii. 3. f Hejx xii. 14.


putable pertbns ; yet, unlefs you are holy in your hearts, and holy in your conveiiation, you cannot enter into GOD's blifsful preience. To be holy is to put on CHRIST * ; to reiemble CHRIST, in your ipirit and carriage, as one man rciembles another, when h'e puts on his drei's, or imitates his manners. Do you look to CHRIS T as your pattern ; follow CHRIST as your guide ; and, in the general courie of your life, walk as CHRIST walked '. Perhaps you have never fo much as aimed at this ; never fo much as ferioufly coniidered eternity, regeneration, and a conformity to CHRIS T. Thele things are iel- dom, if ever, in your thoughts : then be allured you are far from holinets ; you are not turned from your evil way ; no, nor ib much as beginning to turn.

Say not, " This duty of ferious consideration is a " flight matter. If I had been guilty of injullice or ** perjury ; if I had committed adultery or murder ; " theie indeed were heinous crimes : whereas, the 41 omiflion which you have infifted on, is but a imall " offence." Small off'snce'l Prelinne not to think fo. However fuch guilt may appear little in your view, or fit ealy upon your conlcicncc, it is hainous enough to make heaven and earth amazed. For thus faith the LORD; Hear, 0 heavens, and give ear, 0 earth! I /iave nourijhed and broug/it up children, and they have rebelled againft vie. The ox knows th liis owner, and the f.'/'s his majler'i crib: but Ifr ad dothnot know, my people DOTH NOTCONSIDERJ. To fay the truth, an incon- siderate carelels lite is an unintcrmittcd coinie of fin; it is one continued act of rebellion againfl G O D. U oppofes his compaflionate wifli ; 0 that they were "I that they und'fft'Jloqd tilts ! thnt they ivoidd conjjdcr T'icir latter end \l It diibbeys his polkivc command ; Tints faith the LORD of liofis, thu fupremc Ruler of -•the world, Conjtderyour ways || . —It defeats the dc


Rn-u. >.;:i. 14. -f- If. i. 2, 3.

\ Deut. xxxii. 29. J| Hag. i._5, ?.


of his holy word, and would make the blood of his SON to be of none effect.

2. Turn from a praycrlefs (late. Alas! how many of thofe whom we call Chriftians are ftrangeis to prayer ! How mzny Jcruants rile to their work, and never bend a knee before their MASTER in heaven ! how many ma/ters fet their iervants an ungodly ex- ample; enter upon the affairs of the day, without im- ploring the GOD of all grace, either to profper their bufineis, or to fa notify their fouls ! How many parents know not what it is to make earned fupplications for the converfion and falvation of their children ! and how many children are as ignorant of the nature, the neceffity, the advantages of prayer, et as the wild afs's " colt * !"

Shall I reckon thsfe goad people ? are thefe turned to their GOD ? No ; they are defpifers of the Moit HIGH ; they caft contempt upon his majefty. The language of their practice is, " Depart from us. 44 Omnipotent as thou art, we have no need of thee ; " no need of thy SPIRIT, to make interceffion in tc us ; no need of thy SON, to make interceflion/or " us." Mofl jnflly, therefore, is it reckoned by E1U phaz, as part of a wicked and abandoned character, Thou rcftraineft prayer before GOD -j-. Nay, it is men- tioned by the Pfalmtft as the finifhing part, that which feals up the foul under the dominion of iniquity, and fliuts out all reafonable hope of a reformation : They are corrupt ; they do abominable works ; and there is no proipcft of their doing otherwife, fmce they call not upon the LORD J.

Religious, yet neglect prayer ! Impofiible. Can a man live without food ? can he breathe without air ? No more can you withftand temptation, or exercife godlinefs, un\e&yv\ii.u (itch unto prayer jj. Theneglecl:


x Job xi. 12. -r Job xv. 4.

$ Pfal. xiv. 4. ' || Lph. vi. i&

SER. HI- OF H O L I N E S S. 71

of prayer is not only finful in itfelf, but the furc figr> of an unlanftified heart, and the wide inlet to every unrighteous practice. " Shew me aprayerlefsperlbn," faid one, " and I will fhew you agracelefsperfon." Turn then, finners, turn, without delay, to a habit of prayer; of fecret, ferious, earneft prayer: othcrwife, you cannot expeft that the wrath of GOD fhould be turned away from you. No; when he whets his glit- tering fword, and his hand takes hold on judgment, you are the perfons that caitfe the indignation.; you are the perfons who have reafon to tremble at the ibroke. For thus it is written in that venerable book, which is a tranfcript of the divine will, and the rule of the divine procedure ; Pour out thy fury upon the Heathen, that knoiv theenot ; pour out thy fury upon the families that call not on thy name *.

g. Turn from your infenfible ftate. Be ienfible of your guilt, your mifery, your ruin. Thoughtlefs and prayerleis people, you are fmners before the GOD of heaven ; you are the children of his wrath ; you are the objects of his vengeance ; condemned and accur- (ed by his holy word. O ! may the LOUD of all power rend the veil from your underftandings, and lliew you your perilous, your dreadfully-perilous con- dition.

If, while I am fpeaking, the earth fhoukl reel to and fro, and be in flrong convulfions under your feet ;. if it mould open its horrid jaws, and gape frightfully wide to devour you j not one in the afTembly but would be greatly alarmed. How then can you be carelefs and unconcerned, when hell from beneath is opening her mouth to fwallow you up in emllefs per- dition ? If this building was rocking over your heads, and tottering on every fide; if the beams were buril- ing, and the walls cleaving ; you would be ftruck with aftoniihinept and horror. And how is it that


* Jer. x. 25.

74 * HE WAY S E R . 1IL

:l':d the FA r HER, that in CHR IS Tffiouldall fulnils divfll *.

Bccauie you are £H/7/r, and have a burden of iniqui- ty on your fouls, H E is the Lamb of COD, that ta- keth aiiiav *'''(•' /'''«• of the -world] : a lamb of GOD's own appointing ; a lamb of infinite excellence and dig- nity ; to whom nothing is equal, nothing comparable. This Lamb of GOD has (hcd his blood for Tinners ; has iii (Ve red death lor linners ; yea, has died in their ftcad, and endured all that vengeance which they have rk Tcrvcd. In this mod wonderful' and perfect: man- ner has he obtained their pardon ! pardon, not of f'omc only, but of all (ins ; be they ever To numerous, or e- ver i'o hainons, it makcth no difference with him. An infinite SAVIOUR! taketlv away millions, unnumbered millions of the moil abominable iniquities, with as much cafe as- he expiates a (ingle offence, or the fmall- cft he blotteth &ut tranfgrejjifjn-s, aggravated tranfgreffions, innumerable tranfgreflions, as- a cloud\ ; as eafily and' as completed; as the wind iv/seps away a* floating cloud from the face of the fky. Delivered from this load of guilt, you will be fitted to -walk in the way of God's commandments, and not be -weary ; yea, to run, and not faint j| .

Becaule you are ruined, and have nothing that may recommend you to the moft high GOD, CHRIST 'has brought in a righteoufneis— a complete righteoufnefs a divine righteoufnefs. Confider the unfpotted purity of his nature, and the unfmning obedience of his life ; confider his fervent charity to man,, and his patient re- fign^tion to G O D ; confider all his exajted virtues, nnd all his exemplary actions ; thefe, all thefe, in their utmoft perfection, are not only for the imitation, but for the jnfrificntion alfo, of flich finners as you and T. Ht- name is JEHOVAH, which fpeaks incompre- liciilible grandeur in him ; JEHQ VAH our righte ottf-



* Gol. i. 19, -f- Joha i. 29. ^ If. xUv.22, \\ If* xl. 31,

,ER. III. O F H O L I N E S S. 75

iiefs *, which fpeaks unutterable comfort to us. Jn this righteouiheis we may be fully accepted, and en- titled to eternal life. Of this we may make our boaft, and lay, In the LORD have I right eoujnejs -f--; I, a tranfgrcfTor, have a real righteoufnefs ; I, a defec- tive creature, have a confummate righteouinefs ; I, a frail relapfing Chriflian, have an invariable and e- verlalting righteoufncis. O ! what a trcafure is this ! what an i. ilpeakable gift is this ! Is there a cordial that can revive our fpirits, is there a motive that can animate us to duty, like juflification through IM- 1VJ AI\ UEL's righteoufneis f— Bleffed L O R D ! this makes thy yoke eafy, aiid thy burden light.

Becaufe you are weak and dijablcd, CHRIST has the rtfidue of the SPI111I 1" J ; the /«/»</> of the SP1- KIT || ; thcjeven S P I R ITS of GOD are before his throne j. The H O J, Y G H O S T, in all his o- perations, and with 2-11 his graces, CHRIS T fends to whomfoever he pleafes -4-. He gave this inefli- rnable bleifingto Saul the perfecutor and blafphemer.: lie gave this inefiimable blefling to many of his mur- derers and crucifiers : he flill coafersthe jieavenly gift on his enemies ; yea^ an the rebellious ulfo -t- . And thepromile, theiree gracious promilb, // to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as ;>iany at the LORD ourX^OZ), by the preaching of his gofpel,y5W/ call-*-*.

How falutary and beneficial arc the effects of this -/tft 1 our LORD liimlelf, who beft knew, has admi- rably fhewn. He that beiitvcth on ME, out of his belly fliall fioiu rivers oj living -water =. This fpake he of the SPIRIT, which every one that turns to him, and believes on him, fhall receive. Obferve fome beauti- ful and copious river : how it exhilarates the country, and fructifies the foil through which it pafles ; beftows athoufand convcniencies, and gives birth to a thoufajid

K 2 delights .

* Jer. xxiii. 6. -f- ^- "lv- ^4. ^ Mai. ii. 1,5.

(j C«)l. i. 19 .1 Rev. ii. 4. .$_ Jc'. i xvi. 7.

•-fPial. Ixviii. 18. -H- Ads i. 39. •= John vii. 38.


fleaffd the FA T H E R, that in CHR IB Tfiouldalt fulncjs dwell *.

Becaufe you we guilty, and have a burden of iniqui- ty on your fouls, H E is the Lamb of GOD, that ta- keth away the fin of the world] : a lamb of GOD's own appointing ; a lamb of infinite excellence and dig- nity ; to whom nothing is equal, nothing comparable. This Lamb of GOD has died his blood for Tinners ; has fullered death lor fmners ; yea, has died in their Read, and endured all that vengeance which they have dcfcrvcd. In this mod wonderful- and perfect man- ner has he obtained their pardon ! pardon, not of fomc only, but of all tins ; be they ever fo numerous, or e- ver fo hainous, it mnkcth no difference with him. An iiu'inite SAVIOUR taketlv away millions, unnumbered millions of the molt abominable iniquities, with as much safe as-he expiates a (ingle offence, or the imall- c(t he blotteth out trartferej/ian-s, aggravated tranfgreffions, innumerable tranfgrcflions, as- a cloud\ ; as eafily and' as completely as the wind iwseps away ar floating cloud from the face of the Iky. Delivered from this load of guilt, you will be fitted to walk in the way of God's commandments, and not be weary ; yea, to run, and not faint j|.

Becaufe you are ruined, and have nothing that may recommend you to the mod high GOD, CHRIST 'has brought in a righteoufnefs— a complete righteoufnefs a divine righteoufnefs. Confider the unfpottcd purity of his nature, and the uniinning obedience of his life ; confider his fervent charity to man, and his patient rc- fignation to G O D ; confider all his exajted virtues, nnd all his exemplary actions ; thefc, all thefe, in their utmofl perfection, arc not only for the imitation, but for the juftificption alfo, of ilich fmners as you and T. Hi' name is JEHOVAH, which fpeaks incompre- henlible grandeur in him ; JEHO V AH our right eouj-



* Col. i. 19, -f- Joha i. 29. ^ If. :Uiv.22, jj If» xl. 31,

O F H O L I N E S S. 75

weft *, which fpeaks unutterable comfort to us. Jn this righteoufneis we may be fully accepted, and en- titled to eternal life. Of this we may make our boaft, and lay, In the LORD have I right eoujnejs f-; I, a tranfgrcflbr, have a real i igbteoufnefs ; I, a defec- tive creature, have a confummate righteouihcfs ; I, a frail relapfing Chrillian, have an invariable and e- verla(ting righteoufneis. O ! what a trcafure is this ! what an i. ifpeakable gift is this ! Is there a cordial that can revive our fpirits, is there a motive that can animate us to duty, like justification through IM- MAN UEL's righteoufneis : Bleffed L O R D ! this makes thy yoke eaiy, and thy burden light.

Becaufe you are weak and di/abled, CHRIST has the reftdue of the SPIJRI 1 } ; thefu/xcjs of the SPI- RIT || ; thcjcm-n S P I R I T S of GOD are before his throne j. The H O JL Y G H O S T, in all his o- perations, and with ail his graces, CHRIS 7 fends to whomfoever he pleafes -T-. He gave this incfti- rnable blelfingto Saul the perfecutor and blafphcmer.: lie gave this ineftimable blefling to many of his mur- derers and cruciiiers : he ftill coafersthe Jieavenly gift on his enemies ; yea^ an the rebellious a//o -H. And thepromife, the free 'gracious promilb, is to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as -,,iany as the LORD ourX^OZ), by the preaching of his gofpel,/W/ call+-+.

How falutary and beneficial arc tine eifecls of this ;>/ift ! our LORD himielf, who beft knew, has admi- rably fhewn. fie that believcth on ME, out of his belly fliaU floiv rivers of living water ==. This fpake he of the SPIRIT, which every one that turns to him, an4 believes on him, fhail receive. Obferve fome beauti- ful and copious river : how it exhilarates the country, and fructifies the foil through which it palfes ; befiows athoufand convcniencies, and gives birth to a thoufarid

K 2 delights ,

* Jer. xxiii. 6. -j* If. ;.lv. 24, ^ Mai. ii. i ^.

[| Col. i. 19 \. Rev. ii. 4. .^_ Jc'. \ xvi. 7.

4-Pfal. Ixviii. 18. -f+ Ads i. 39. -~ John vii. 38.

76 T H E W A Y SEiuIII.

delights, where-ever it takes its winding courfe. So the COMFORTER dwelling in the heart, gives fuch charming views of CHRIST and his unlearchable riches, as gladden the confcience, and make us truly happy. Hence, as from an inexhauilible fource, true "liolinefs Hows, and every fpiritual good. This difpoies us to love our neighbour ; this teaches us to be meek in fpiri; : and this will raite our defires far above earth- ly, feniiial, tranfitory things, even as David's thoughts were railed far above the fhepherd's fcrip, when he fat exalted on the throne of Ifrael.

Under' the influence of this divine SPIRIT, you will fay, " CHRIST has taken away the execrable <c filth of my fins ; and (hall 1 wallow in the mire of " iniquity again ? CHRIST has delivered me from *e the pit of everlafting deftrudtion ; and fliall I leap *' into thofe unquenchable flames, from which, as a <4 brand, I have been fnatched ? In my adorable "REDEEMER, I have a perfed righteouihels, " and am completely judified ; and fhall 1 not cndea- Ci vour to walk worthy of fuch favours ; to (hew my " gratitude for fuch beneficence, by bringing forth <c the fruits of righteouihefs in all my converfa- *< tion :"

Yes, brethren ; wheo you are turned to CHRIST, to receive his atonement, to rely on his righteoufnefs, to be filled with his S P I R 1 T ; it will be with your foul as it is with the earth, when it is turned to the fun. The earth, you fee, is now barren and unfruit- ful, br.catife it has been very much withdrawn from the enlivening beams of the iiin. Ere long it will be replaced under the full influences of that fountain of light and heat. Then what a change will take place 1 how will the flowers appear on the ground ! how will the leaves adorn the trees ! how will the fmging of birds be heard in our land ! So fliall holinefs and a heavenly temper be produced in your fouls ; fo (hall obedience, with all the fruits of godlinefs, flourifh in


SE&. ffl. OF HOLINESS. 77

your lives ; when this Sun of righteoufnefs manifefts himfelf in your hearts, makes you partakers of his falvatioh, and thus arijes upon you with healing under his wings *.

Should any one doubt, whether this is the way to do that which is lawful and right ; I a(k, Is it not a pleafing way ? fuch as we fhould wi!h tor; iiich as we mould prefer above all others ; and iuch as will render our LOR D's icrvice perfect freedom ? Js it not a rational way ? apparently adapted to engage the heart, to flrengthen the hand, and thereby to fit the whole man for every good work ?

Beiides, is it not the way appointed by G O D ? » Would we " earneftly repent, and be heartily forry u for all our mifdoings :" The wifdom of GOD af- fures us, this forrow muft arife from believing views of CHRIST ; from looking unto him whom we have pierced f/ looking unto him as wounded for our tranf- greifions, and bruifed for our iniquities. This, if any thing, will incline us to be afflicted, and mourn, and weep, for all our abominations. Thus, and thus on- ly, (hall we experience that godly farrow ± which work- etli repentance not to be repented of.

Would we love GOD ? The oracles of heaven in- form us, that we muft firft lee his love ; his infinitely- free, and infinitely -tender love towards us'; his love not imputing any lin to our fouls, but laying all our iniquities upon his own SON. Then fhall we love him, when we perceive and know, that he has, in this molt divinely gracious manner, regarded loved blef- icd us.

Would we he pure in heart ? The LORD purificth the heart by faith \: faith in CHRIST, as fliedding )iis molt precious blood, as giving his mod glorious perfbn, for our ranfom : and, by his one oblation, ftnijhing our tranfgfcflion ; making reconciliation for our

iniquity y " Mai. iv. 2. -f Zecli. xii. £O. ^ Ads xv. 9,

78 T H E W A Y 3*i.HL

iniquity; yea, perfecting us for ever: rnfomuch that we may boldly and ailuredly lay, Through this %race of our LORD JL'SUS C H RI ST we Jhall be faucd. He that hath this faith and this hope purifieth him] elf ^ even as he is pure.

Would we renounce all ungodlincfs ? would we live foberly, right coufly, and godlily * f By grace we mult be enabled ; even that grace which brings ialvation, a finished and free ialvation to finners. That grace, appearing in the heart, and appropriated by faith, is the lure, the effectual means of true falsification ; the liire, the effectual motive to willing obedience.— There- fore our LORD fays, He that ecitcth me, even ht Jliall live by me }. Us that eateth me, that receiveth my righteoufnefs and redemption ; that maketh a daily ufe of me and my benefits, far the refrefliment anxi health of his foul ; as people make a daily ufe of their neccffary food, for the nourifliment and fupport of their bodies: even he fliall live by me; he fiiall live to GOD in real holinefs here, and live with GOD in everlafting glory hereafter. This method will ilrcngthen -and prepare us for difcharging all the du- ties of a Chriftian life, as bread flrengthens and pre- pares the labourer for difpatching the bufmefs of his toilfome calling. Whereas, without uling this fove- reign expedient, we* mall be as incapable of exercifmg ourfelves unto godlinefs, as the hireling, deprived of bis ufual meals, would be incapable of performing his daily tafk.

Upon the whole, brethren, we do not urge you to make brick without ftraw : we do not call upon you to arife and \vork, without (hewing you from whence your ability and vigour are to proceed. Some, per- haps, might exhort you to all holy obedience ; but, neglecling thefe moft neceifary directions, their exhor- tations would be comfortlefs and iniiguificant ; be-

caufe * Tit, ii. A f John vi. 57.


caufe you might fetch a figh, and may anfwer, u All " this we would gladly do, but alas-! we are not able."1 Whereas here is grace iufficicnt for you in CHRIST. Whatever hinders you, CHRIST removes; what- ever you want, CHR IS T bcftows : that^ being deli- vered from your enemies, and from the hand of all that hate you; from the influence of all that embarrafles, and all that dilcourages you '^ you may ferv e him, "with- out ilavHh or difquieting/ew, in holincjs and right eouj- ntfs before him, all the days of your life *,

Happy deliverance ! thrice happy conduct ! but- happier ftill the iflbe of all I Which reminds me of my laft inquiry ; namely,

III. What will be the effect of this turning >— /fr, the wicked man, thus turned, /hall Jave kis foul alive.

He (\\a\\fave-~- Safety mall be his companion ; fafety fiiall be his guard ; fafety fhall efcort him through the dangers of life. All the days of his appointed time he (hall dwell under the defence of the Mojt HIGH, and abide under the f/iadow of the ALMIGHTY f.— iyioft defirable fituation I ef|>ecially when judgments, deib- lating and deftrudrive judgments, are abroad. While- the ftorm of calamity is gathering, or when the tem- ped of tribulation is raging, 0 ! what a calm mult it create in the heart, to have the eternal GOD for our refuge {! to fay within ourfeives, " The hand that // " ftretched over the jea, andfnakes the kingdoms of the '* earth ; u the hand that rends the mountains, zv.djcat- 44 ttrs the everlaftin'y hills jj ; that liand is my defence 14 and my fliield'l" °

.Save his/?7w/' It is not improbable, but his bodily welfare may be fecu cd. GOD may fet a mark up- on his forehead, and command the Iwcrd of the cle- itroying angel to pals over his houfe. But however



* Luke i. 74, 75. -f Pfal. xci. I.

$ Dem. xxxiii. ^7. |J Hub. iii. 6.

8o T H £ W A Y SER. Hi,

this may be determined, his foul (hall be fafc. As to his fpiritunl welfare, he has a writ of protection under the great leal of heaven. The LORD JESUS is his ever faithful guardian, and none (hall pluck him out of the divine REDEEMER'* hand *. The roaring lion may go about, feeking to devour him : but he has a itrong city, which the infernal adverfary cannot ftorm ; he has an impregnable bulwark, which the powers of darknefs cannot icale. Though he fall, the arm of CHRIST will raiie him ; though he be defiled, the blood of CHRIST will cleanie him ; though he die, it will be no lofs, but gain. HE that has the keys of the grave, will give command- ment concerning his mouldering bones ; H E that lives for evermore, will receive his departing foul. This, perhaps, may be meant by that other emphati- cal word, alive;

He fhall lave his foul alive He (hall not barely b6 fafe, but happy. He mail enjoy what truly defervcs the name of life. A man may efcape from his ene- my, by flying to a, fortified caftle : but in the cattle there may be drought and famine. He may perifh by thefe chfafters, though prefcrved from the purfuing foe. It fhall not be thus with the returning, belie- ving, renewed finner. He fhall be faved with a com- plete and everlafting falvation. He is a child of GOD, and an heir of glory: he fhall rejoice in CHRIST JESUS here, and fhall enter into the joy of his LORD hereafter. When the earth is burnt up, he fhall fee it ; when the heavens pafs away, he fhall fland with boldnefs ; when all nature finks into difTo- lution, he fhall not only furvive, but enjoy the ruin. He fhall leave a diflblving world, to pofTcfs a kingdom in heaven j to wear a crown of righteoufnefs ; and to be for ever with, for ever like, his blefied and glo- rious LORD.


* John •£, 2&.


We have now fliewn what the wicked man (hould turn /row, what he Ihtmld turn to, what will be the fJfeCt of this turning. Give me leave to aik, Has the arm of the LOK.D been revealed I are you imprefled bytheawfal, or encouraged by the comfortable truths ? If ib, perhaps you will be ready to lay, " Will 44 CHRIST receive me ? will he make me a partaker 44 of thefe incomparable benefits ? ihall fuch a one, 41 who is fo very unworthy , find favour in his fight?"

Yes, iuch a one may find favour. Any one, every one who comes, he will receive. He fends his mini- iters to invite you ; he fends his judgments to compel you ; he ufes every expedient to gain you. He bids earthquakes tear the foundations of nature, and turn mighty cities into ruinous heaps, that you may be built on that rock which (hall never be fhaken. He calls the fword of war out of its fcabbard, and com- mands it to be bathed in blood, that you may fly for iafety to the Prince of peace. While ruin and cleib- lation are puriuing their dreadful work all around, he throws open the doors of his grace and righteoufneis, and mod compaflionately cries, " Come, my people; 41 come, poor offenders j enler into theie chambers, 44 and find reft *."

L any of youftill inclined to replyz " Will CHRIST <c indeed receive me, who am n:>t only a firmer, ••—but 44. a great fmner, a long per ft ft ing finner, and how 4t feem to come but at the la ft hour ; more like one 44 driven by fear, than drawn by love ?" What think- eft thou ? would the widow of Nain, who went mourn- ing after the corpfe of her only fon, almoft inconfo- lable with her loisj would flic be unwilling to receive him, when our LORD re-animated the cold clny, :> 1 delivered him alive to his mother \? \Vould ihe net .1 much importunity, and hardly be prevailed on, to embrace her beloved, her lamented child ? Impolitic

to * If. xxvi. 20. -j- Luke vii. 15.

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82 T H E W A Y

to fuppofc. Remember *.vhat CHRIST has done for iinncrs ; what he has Juffered for tinners j how his bowels yearn over iii>ners ; and it will appear equally inipoilibic that lie ihould reject any returning profli- gate.

Reject ! No. The good father, aged and venerable cis he was, baldened ; yea, ran to meet the prodigal. He fell on his neck, and tenderly luffed the diffolutc youth *. So, with fuch readincfs, and fuch com- paifion, will the everlafling FATHER receive you to his family, his favour, his love. Nay more, he will receive yon withyoy. He is the good Shepherd ; you are the lolt ihcep : he is come, in his word, to leek you j when you turn to him, he has found you. Then, fays the fcripture, the good fhepherd goes home with his recovered fheep, rejoicing -J-. O let your minirter, and (which is unfpeakably more enga- ging) let the bleffed JESUS have joy of you, my brethren: even that JESUS by whom finners are dearly beloved and longed for J / who has no greater delight than to lave them from their iniquities, and number them among his children.

If you fliould anfwer, u This is a matter of the 44 utmoft importance. It lies at the very root of all 4C my comfort. Let me hear it confirmed from our *' L O R D *s own mouth. I •will hearken what the 44 LORD COD will Jay concerning me ||."

Hear then his own promiffj the mod precious pro- mife that words can form, or fancy conceive ; ffhofo- ever conieth to me, for pardon, for juftification, for ho- linefs, / will in no wife cnft him out § . Jfhofocver ; whether he be high or low, learned or illiterate ; whether he be a fervant or a mafter, a prince or a beggar ; no one is excepted, no one mail be refufed. In no wife : on no confideration of paft tranfgreffions,


* Luke xv. 20. -f Luke xv. 5. ^ Philip, iv. i. |j Pfal. Ixxxv. 8. § John vi. 37.


on no account of prefect depravity, on no fore- knowledge of future failings. Only let him come, only let him come, and nothing fliall debar him from the enjoyment of my benefits ; nothing fliall feparate him from the endearments of my love.

Hear his kind invitation; Return unto me, for I have redeemed you *. Ye that have hitherto been ftrangers to ferioulheis, and alvyays alienated from me ; turn unto me, and I will not ib much as upbraid you j with your folly. Ye that are now backfliders, and have for a leafon ungratefully departed from me ; turn unto me, and 1 will heal your backflidings ; my ftripes fliall make you w.hole. Yc that have been flaves to vice ; have ibid yourfelvcs to work wickednefs ; and are grown old in abominable practices ; it is not too late even for you. / have redeemed even fuch 2^ you. I (hake the pillars of nature, and rock the foundations of the world; I clot fa the heavens ivith blacknefs, and I make Jackcloth their covering J. Yet, for fuch as you, I gave my back to the /miters, and hid not my face from fhame and /pitting (j. Yes, dinners ; finners of every kind; 1 bore the curfe of the law, and died the death of the crofs, on purpofe that I might redeem fuch as you. Moil amiable REDEEMER ! who would not Men to a call ib wonderfully endearing ? Sinners, how- can you withfland a motive ib i'weetly constraining ?

Hear his folemn oath; 4s I live, jaith the LORD GOD, I have no pleajure in the death of the -wicked, but that the wicked turn jrom his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, fJ houfe of Ifrael § f Was there ever any declaration fb charming ? or any addrefs fo affectionate ? See ! how the high and lofty ONE condefcends ! He commands in heaven, on earth, through hell ; yet, more like a iupplicant than a fovcreign, he vouchfafes to folicit



If. xliv. 22. -j- James i. 5. ^ If. 1. 3.

jj Ver. 6. § Ezek.xxxiii.ii.

L 2

84 T H E W A Y SER.IH,

and befecch yon. From the habitation of his glory be cries, Turn ye, poor perifliing creatures. Again he cries, Turn ye to your GOD and SAVIOUR; that yc may be delivered from all your tranfgrellions, and iniquity may not be your ruin. To take away all your reluctance, he pleads, he expoflulates, ff^hy will ye die f why will ye dellroy yourfelves, and be un- done for ever ? That you may have no doubt of a free /pardon and a favourable reception, he J'wear s ; fwears by himiclf, by his own life and immortal per- fections, that he has no pleafttre in your death; but fhall rejoice, iniinitejy rejoice in your recovery and falvatiou,

Here then you have the promife, the invitation, the oath of the LORD. Can there be greater encourage- ment ? will not this threefold cord draw you ?— Should you lay, " I cannot turn ; I am tied and bound " with the chain of my corruptions. O! that CHRIST" Fear not : he will, he will« He that lends his mi- nifter to give you this exhortation ; he that fends his SPIRIT to work this defirc in your foul ; he that fpilt his blood to obtain all bleffings for you ; he will put forth his ftrength, and turn you to himfelf. He ftretched his beneficent hand, and faved Peter from finking in the tempettuous fea. What he did for him is a pattern and a pledge of what he is ready to do for you. Only continue to feek his face ; let your heart talk of him ; let his unbounded goodnefs and almighty power before your eyes ; meditate on his in- finite propitiation and incomprehenfible merits ; con- fider his everlafting rightcoufnefs and never-ceafing interceffion ; look upon all thefe as your own. To look upon them as your own, you have a warrant, you have a command. And if CHRIST has done fo great things for you, you may alluredly believe, that, jn his due time, in his wife manner, he will bring you fpiritual health and cure; he will carry on what he has begun, and enable you to grow in grace. He will


SER.III. O F H O L I N E S S. 85

comfort your hearts, and flabliih you in every good work.

Shall I proceed ? I have already been copious, per- haps ibmewhat tedious. Yet you will bear with me on this diftinguifhed and folemn occafion : yes, you will bear with me a little longer : for 1 am loath, very loath to difmifs you, without perfuading you. Per- fuading ! alas, I cannot. GOD, and none but GOD, can perjuade "jfaphcth * . However, as an inflrument in his all-powerful hand, let me addrefs you once again:

I obierve feveral perlbns here, on this day of hu- miliation, who very rarely attend the public worfhip. Why, my friends, why do you wrong your own fouls? why do you withdraw yourft-lves from the preaching of the gofpel ? Know ye not, that JESUS •pafjcth by f, in the way of his ordinances f Here you may, like Bartimeus of old, approach the Son of David ; here you may obtain faith and holinefs. Faith cometh by hearing, and holinefs by the word of GOD. And are not thefe bleifings worth your at- tendance ? can you live happily without them ? can you die comfortably without them ? or can you, without them, be prepared to meet your GOD, when he cometh to judge the world ? Why fhould you forfake the afTembling yourielves together ? Do you hear terrifying or diftreffing dodrines in this place ? is not this the houfe of praife, as well as of prayer ? does not \\~\z joyful Jound echo under thcf'c roofs : Is rot CHRIST fet forth crucified before your eyes ? crucified for fuch offenders as you ! crucified that iuch offenders as you may be pardoned, may be ac- cepted, may be glorified ? And will you defpilc fuch a divinely-compallionate SAVIOUR? will you re- fufc fuch aftonilhingly-rich mercies ? O ! that hcre- ^after you may be glad when they Jay unto you , Let us 'go into the courts of the LORD\.


* Gen. ix. 27. -j- Matth. xx. 36. ^ Pf. cxxii i.

86 T H E W A Y SER.!!!.

Should my wifhes prove vain, I have at leaft deli- vered my me/Tage. If you pcrifli tlirotigh obflinacy and unbelief, I am clear from your blood. I call hea- ven and earth to witneis, you have been -warned, you have been inftrudcd, you have been exhorted. You cannot fay, you perifh for lake of knowledge ; tor life and falvation have been let before you, have been brought to your very door, and you arc importuned to lay hold of them. You will therefore be without excule, and have no cloke for your guilt.

But why fhould I leave you with fuch melancholy apprehensions ? Let me hope better things of you ; let me hope that you will not difregard thej'e admoni- tions, however you may have difrcgarded too many ex- hortations of this kind. This is a remarkable day : O ! that it may be memorable on account of your turning to GOD. Let this be its diflinclion through all your future life ; let this be its diftinclion through all the ages of eternity : that you may fay, when death fummons you into the invifible flate ; when the trump of GOD calls you to the great tribunal ; when you mingle with faints and angels in the kingdom of heaven, " Bleffed be G O D for that folemn day, u and its facred exercifes ! That was the day of my 11 better birth. Then 1 began to confider ; then I " began to pray ; then I began to fee my undone tc condition, and my extreme need of a SAVIOUR : "then too I faw JESUS^ giving himfelf a facrifice " for my fins, and redeeming me to G O D with his " blood." Happy! thrice happy ! inexpreilibly-hap- py day ! if thus^ if thus improved !

You have, I prcfume, abftained from your ufual food, as you have been joining in confeilion, fuppli- cation, and prayer. This is well done : but this is only half ; rather it is, by infinite degrees, the fmall- ell part of your duty. It is not faid, When the wicked man abflaineth from his ufual food ; but "when he turn- cthfrom his luickednefs, as the confequencc of his be- lieving


lieving in CHRIST. It is not faid, When the wick- ed man joins in pablic confeffion to GOD ; but when he doth that which is lawful and right, as a fruit of his fellowmip with CHRIST: THEN he tti*\\Jave— he mall fave his foul he (hall fave his foul alive. O that all, from the king on the throne, to the labourer in the barn ; from the higheft nobleman, to the meaneft tradefman ; that all might now be inclined, now be enabled, to turn unto the SAVIOUR of the world. In him, millions, unnumbered millions of wretched iinners, have found recovery and liberty ; recovery from the death, and liberty from the bondage of (in. slnd (blefledbe his unbounded grace) yetthereis roem. Then the national fall would be a natio n al blelJing. Whereas, without this all-important turning to the adorable SAVIOUR, what will the formalities of our devotion fignify ? They will be a mere lip- labour, a re- ligious trifling : nay, they will be a folemn mockery of the ALMIGHTY, and provoke his abhorrence. Does not JEHOVAH himfelf fpeak to the fame purpofe ? // /'/ juch n faff that I have cho/en f a day for a man to afflitf his foul f if it to bow down his head as a bul~ rufli, and to fprcad Jackloth and ajhcs under him * f to difcontinue your ordinary bufineis, and refrain from, a meaPs meat ? to make a little doleful lamentation, and put up a few petitions extorted by fear ? Witt you call this a fajl f faith the high and holy One, with an air of fovereign contempt; this an acceptable day to the LORD f No verily : it is the moll odious hypocrify ; like crying, Hail mafter, with the tongue, while treachery and enuiity fill the heart : urd-.fs you turn to CHRIST, that you may be waflied, that you may be juflified, that you may be fanftifk-d ; that, ha- ving remiflion of fins through his blood, and peace of confcience through his grace, you may feel the bands of wickedncfs loofed, and may become the willing iervants of rightcoufncfs.

What * If. Iviii. 5.


What is the or and tin of our nation ? Ignorance and negled of CHRIST. What is the caujc of all our o- tlier (ins ? Ignorance and neglect of C H R I S T. Why are the judgments of rhe ALMIGHTY hanging over our iiL':uU ? For ignorance and negledt of CHRIST. Never, therefore, lliaTl we anfvver the end of our fa- cred afleinbly, nor the dcfign of GOD's alarming vi- iitations, till we bjgin to know CHRIST, to receive CHRIST, to make uie of CHRIST by faith. When this is done, we may rcaibnably hope, that our prayers will go up with acceptance, and not return a^ain, till a blelling be fent ; that, as individuals, our light (hall break forth like the morning, and our health fh fdl J pring forth fpsedily ; that, as a commu- nity, the favour of GOD fliall go before us^ and the glory of the LORD fliall be our rereward *.

Then may we look around on our moft enraged enemies, and lay with the Pfalmift, Though an hoft of men jhnuld encamp againft me^ yet fliall not my heart be ufraid\.- Then maywelook backward to the late de- iblating earthquake, and fay with the believers of old, COD if our refuge and ftrength; therefore will we not jsar, tfio' the earth be removed, and though the moun" tains be carried into the midft of the fea\. Then may we look forward to an incomparably more dreadful fcene, even to the righteous JUDGE, and the great tribunal, and fay with the triumphant apoflle, Who J':(di lay any thing to our charge? It is GOD that juf- tifitth i who /hall condemn us f If is CHRIST that died || .

Let me intreat you therefore, brethren, for the fake of your own immortal fouls, and for the welfare of oar end-ingered nation ; let me charge you by all that is definable in time, and awful in eternity, not to ne- glecl thefe couniels. Being fo folemnly reproved, if you harden your neck^ your deftruclion cometh iudden-

* K. Iviii. 8. f Pfal. xxvii. 3.

^ Pfal. xlvi. r, 2. |j Rom. viii. 33, 34,


]y, and that without remedy *. Having thcfe warnings from the divine word, and warnings from the divine providence, if ye Jlill do wickedly ; it is not man, it is not an angel, it is GOD HIMSELF who de- clares, Te/hall be confumed cvenyc your country—* and your king f.

* Prov. xxix. f -f i Sam. xii. 25.

VOL. V. N 21- M


The Crofs of CHRIST the Chriflian's


Preached at the vifhation of the Rev. John Brown, D. D. Archdeacon of Northampton, held at All Saints church in Northampton, on the loth of May 1753.

GAL. vi. 14.

GOD forbid that I flwuld glory, fave in tfo crofs of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

THE crofs of C H R I S T was the favourite topic of St Paul's contemplation : the crofs of CHRIST was the choleri fiibject of his ferrnons, and the grand theme of his writings. At all times, and in every capacity, he profeffcd, he avowed, he glo- ried in the crofs of CHRIST. Nay, what is very re- markable, he gloried in nothing elfe ; and, what is fit 11 more obfervable, he abhorred the thought of glorying in any thing elfe. He fpeaks of iiich a practice in the language of deteftation and dread, ac- counting it a high degree both of folly and of wick- «dnefs : GOD forbid that I fliould ylory^fave in the crofs of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. ' It may therefore be an employ worthy of our pre-



ient attention, to inquire into the nature, the reafon- ablenefs, and the luifdom of this refolution. All which, I hope, will appear, if we confider,

I. In what the apoftle would not glory,

II. In what he did glory.

HI. What reafon he had to glory in the crofs of CHRIST. '

Thefe points being briefly difpatched, I fhall beg leave to add a word of application, fuggefted by the tenor of the difcourfe, and adapted to the circum- ftances of my feveral hearers. And may that adorable JESUS, who has exchanged his crofs for an hea- venly crown, accompany all with his divine blejjlng !

Let us then inquire,

I. In what the apoftle did not glory .-—Not in the grcatnefs of his learning, as a fcholar. He was brought tip at the feet of Gamaliel ; educated by the mofl fa- mous tutor of the age. Nor was his genius, or his induftry, inferior to the other advantages of his edu- cation. Yet all thefe advantages, with their corre- fpondent acquisitions, he accounted no better than pompous ignorance, or refined folly.

Not in theftritfnefs of his life, as a Jew.^— In this refpccl: he profited above his equals ; was taught ac- cording to the perf eft manner of the law of the fathers*^ after the Jtritfeft fett of their religion he lived a Pha- rijee \. : was zealous, exceedingly zealous, of the whole ceremonial law, and of all the traditional con- ftitutions. Which accomplifhments mult finifti his chara&er among his countrymen ; muft open his way .to fome of the nrfl honours of the nation ; and give him a name among thofe worthies, who were reputed it he excellent of the earth. But what others counted gain, this he counted lofs for C H R I S T.

, M 2 Not

* Afts xxii. 3. -f Afts xxvi. $t


Not in the eminency of his gifts , nor in the extent of his ufefulnejs, as a Chriftian minifter. He had been caught up into the third heaven ; had heard the words of G O D, and feen the vifion of the ALMIGHTY j had wrought all manner of wonders, and figns, and mighty deeds. -r- What was ftill more valuable, he had planted churches, and converted fouls. His labours were gone out into all lands, and his words into the ends of the earth. Yet all thefe acquirements, before ..the infinite GOD, were defetfive; all thefe perform- ances, in point ofjurtification, wcreinfufficient* There- fore, in none of thofe he gloried. Which reminds me of the lecond inquiry ;

II. In what the apoftle did glory. He gloried in a crofs. Strange ! What fofcandalous as a crofs ? On a crofs rebellious flaves were executed. The crofs was execrable among men, and accurfed even by GOD*. Yet the apoftle glories in the crofs. Cru- cifixion not being ufed among us, the exprefiion does not found fo harfli, neither is the idea fo horrid. But to the ear of a Galatian, it conveyed much the fame meaning, as if the apoftle had gloried in a halter, glo- ried in the gallows, gloried in a gibbet f .

" Stupid * Gal. Hi. 13.

•f- Some perfons, I am informed, were difgufted at thefe words, halter, gallows, gibbet; they are fo horribly cojitemp- £ible !— To whom I would reply, that the crofs, in point of ignominy and torment, included all this and more,. Unlefs the Englifh reader forms to himfelf fome fuch image, he will ne- ver be able to apprehend the fcandalon$ nature and (hocking circurndances of his divine Matter's death.

The words, I inuft confefs, were divetfified, and the fenti- TBent was reiterated, on purpofe to affect the mind with this aftoniihing truth. Neither can I prevail upon myfelf to ex- punge the expreflions ; unlefs I could fubftitute others of a more ignominious and execrable import. Only I would beg of the ferious reader, to fpend a moment in the following reflec- tion


" Stupid creature/' perhaps fome may reply, " to " undervalue the mod fubftantial endowments, and " glory in infamy itfelf !" But ftop a moment, and hear the apoftle farther, He glories in the crofs of CHRIST ; that illuftrious peribn, who was anointed to be the all-'inftructing Prophet, the all-atoning Prieft, and the all- conquering King of the church.— In the crofs of CHRIST JESUS ; who, by the dif- charge of all thofe important offices, mould fave his people from the dominion of fin, and from the dam- nation of hell.— In the crofs of CHRIST JESUS our LORD ; and not ours only, but LORD or all : who doth according to his will, jn the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth * ; ivho hdth on his venture ) and on his thigh^ a name writ ten, KING


And is it poflible for any human heart to contem- plate the crofs of fq divine a being, and not to glory ? Is it poflible to fay, Angels, he rules over you ; but he died) he died on a crojs for me ; and not exult in fwch traniporting beneficence : This will be more evi- dent, if we examine.

III. What reafon the apoftle had to glory in the crofs of C H R I S T. The crofs, though in itfelf an igno- minious tree; yet being the crofs of CHRIST, is in- finitely ennobled. It becomes the tree of life; it bears the divined fruit ; its clutters are all fpiritual and heavenly bleffings. Two or three of thofe cluflers you will permit me to fdeet ; and may the G O D of all mercy make them better than a feaft to every humble foul.


tion : u Is it fo, that a polite and delicate ear can hardly en- " dure fo much as the/bund of the worJs ? How amazing then *' was the condefcenlion ! how charming and adorable the -*4 goodnefs of GOD's illuftrious Son, to bear all that is figni- t* fied by theft: intolerjhly-vile rerms! bear it iuil/ing/yy bear t* it chearfully, for us men, and our falvdtum !"

* Dan. iy. 35. -f Kev. xix. 16.


One blcfling is the pardon of Jin : the pardon of all fin, original and aftual ; iin that is remembered, and lir. that is forgotten ; fin, however circumstanced, or however aggravated. The pardon of all was purcha- fed by the death of CHIUST ; completely purcha- led : fo that, againft the true believer, fin (hall never rife up in judgment ; Jfiall not Jo much as be mentioned unto him */ {hall be done away, as though it had never been. For thus faith the ambaflador of the Prince of peace, Be it known untQ you, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of Jins ; and by him all that believe are juftifiedfrom all things f ." Oh,, my foul ! my guilty foul ! what are all the kingdoms of the world, and the glories of them, compared with this ineffable blefling I Yet this is but one among a multitude.

Another benefit, accruing from the crofs of CHRIST, is reconciliation with COD. When we were enemies , ivc were reconciled to GOD by the death of his Son J, Not pardoned only, but accepted ; from a (late of en- mity, reftored to a ftate of favour; even that favour 'which is better than life \\ . A privilege of fuch fuper- lative excellency, that it was celebrated in the hymns of angels. When the heavenly hoft uttered a fong, this was the fubjeft of their harmonious joy ; Glory beta GOD in the highejl ; and on earth peace, good-will towards men §. "By the birth of this wonderful *c child, and the death he (hall fuftain, peace is made •" between heaven and earth : and not peace only, but 44 a divine friendship ^ commences. GOD regards

" the

* Ezek. xviii. 22. -f* Afts xiii. 38, 39.

:[: Rom. v. 10. Jl'Pfal. Ixiii. 3. § Luke ii. 14.

# There feems to be a beautiful gradation in this angelic

hymn. Good-will is more expretlive, and denotes a richer blef-

iing, than peace. The original EuJWia is a word of the mofta-

miable and noble meaning. It fignifies a very high cjlccm, and

a -very tender benevolence. By a word of the fame import,

the almighty Father exprefles his infinite fatisfa&ion in the


" the poor apoftate race of men, not only without " indignation, but with complacency and delight. 44 He rejoices over them to do them good *"

Another benefit is holine/s ; or, if you pleafe, the true, the Chriftian morality. Let none think, the be- liever in JESUS difparages true morality. True mo- rality is the image of the bleffed GOD; it is moft charmingly delineated throughout the whole Bible ; it is the beginning of heaven in the human foul ; and its proper origin is from the crofsof our divine Matter. —For, through the merits of his death, iinners are made partakers of the Holy Spirit ; who writes upon their hearts, and makes legible in their converfation, what was anciently written upon the mitre of the high prieft, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. And oh! what a motive is the crofs of C H R I S T to the exercife of every virtue! Hedied; wyLoRD^zyJu D G E,wyKiNGr died; to redeem me from all iniquity, andmake mezealou? of good ivor ks. How powerfully, far beyond any na~ ked injlruttions , orabftratt rea/oningS)dofuch confide- rations invite us, urge us, conflrain us j*, to re- nounce all ungodlinefs, and adorn the gofpel of GOD our SAVIOUR!

Another bleiling is victory over death. This alfo is


perfon and undertaking of his beloved Son. Matth. iii. 17.

Would my reader have the livelieft parapbrafe on this paf- fage, or fee the acYmgs of this divine complacency defcribed \vithinimitable delicacy; let him attend to the prophet Zepha- niah; Tf)f LOKD thy GOD, in the midjl of thec, is mighty, lie isiltfave; he -will rejoice over thec -with joy ; he will reft in hi-s. love ; he -will joy over thec with Jinging, ch. iii. 1-7. * Deut. xxviii. 63. -j- 2 Cor. v. 14.

Religion 1 thou the foul of happincfs ; And, groaning Calvary, of thee 1 There fhine The nobleft truths ; there (trongeft motives fting I - There facred violence alTauks the foul ; There nothing but cowpuljitn is forborn

Night-Thoughts, NQ IV.


the fruit of that once detefted, but now ever beloved tree. For thus it is written, That, through death, he might deflroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil; and deliver them ivho, through fear of death, •were all their life-time j'ubjeti to bondage*. The de- vil is laid to have the power of death ; becauic, by tempting too luccefsfully Our firfl: parents, he brought death into the world ; becaufe, by tempting their po£- terity to fin, and too often prevailing, he arrays death in horror ; he arms death with its fling. But CHRIST, by expiating our guilt, has dilarmed this laft enemy ; has taken away its fting ; and made it not lofs, but gain to die\. The gay, -and the healthy, know not how to form an eftimate of this deliverance : nor can any words of mine defcribe it with proper energy. Go to dying beds ; there you will learn its true worth. Afk fomc agonizing friend ; he, and he alone, can tell you, what a bleffing it is, to have the king of terrors converted into a mefTcnger of peace.

One bleffing more 1 would mention, and earneftly wim it, in due time, to all my hearers ; an entrance in- to heaven. This too is the produce of our REDEEM- ER'S crofs. St John faw a bright affembly of happy beings, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands, rejoicing before the throne of GOD. Thefe, faid one of the venerable elders, are they -who came out of great tribulation, and have wa/tied their robes, and made them -white in the bloodofthe LA MB. THERE- FORE are they before the throne \. They came out of great tribulation: they fuffered, it is probable, in the iervice of CHRIST : perhaps they laid down their lives for his fake. But this was not their pafTport into the regions of blifs. They waflied their robes in the blood of the LAMB\ they had applied to their own fouls the merits and atonement of the crucified J E S U Si By this means they were prefented without fpot and

blamelefs ;


* H«.b. ii. 14, 15.

•f Philip, i. 2r. £ Rev. vii. 9, 14, i£.


blamclefs ; on this account they were admitted to " fee the King of heaven in his beauty * ;" and 10 be ever, ever with tiie LORD.

Since then the crois of CHRIST wss demonftrativc ofiuchftupendous luve ; iinceit isprudiiCtivt of benefits innumerable, invaluable, and eternal ; was there not a cauje for the apoftle to glory on this behalf \ Nay, might not the very f tones have cried out, to reproach him with infcnjibility and ingratitude, if he had neglect- ed to glory in the crofs of C H R 1 S I ? Aittl inice this love was (hewed, thele benefits were proem ed, not for him only, but for «.>, and for all generations ; does not this afford me an opportunity of applying the doctrine to each particular hearer I

1. Let me addrefs, or rather let me congratulate, my brethren in the miniflry. Though you cannot con- trol the laws of nature ; though you cannot fee into the fecrets of futurity ; you have the iame caufe of glorying with the very chiefeft of the apoflles ; a caufe of glorying, which that holy man of GOD efteemed far above all fuch miraculous abilities. You have the crois of CHRIST,

For youry?«<^, as men ; For your hope as Chriftians ; For your preaching^ as minijlers*

For yourftudy, as men. Here the reasoning facul- ties, may exert thcmfelves with evcrlalHng improve- ment, and eveilafting delight. Here we contemplate the wonders, the unparelieled wonders of a GOD made man ; dying as a pattern of patience, as a m ir~ tyr for truth, as an all- perfect facrifice for fin H re the LORD JEHOVAH hath fuily granted, wh; t his fcrvant Moles "f ib carneflly rcquefled ; he hatli

mad« * If. xxxiii. 17. -j- Exod. xxxiii. *8.

Vet. V. 2r. N


made fill h'n ?/ory to pail, before the attonifljcd eyes of an<r 1 in-! r>fm< n. Here Juliet has kt her molt aw- terrors in array ; even v.'iiik /pears, with

inexpre'.iible iovelincir,, and rhemoft attractive beauty. Here 7V.'/.'<v-, more unfh.ik-n than a rock, tak< s lier im nova: U1 Hand ; ,md Merc-', t n.lercr th.m the mo- ther's tear, yearns with bowl.; of everlafting pity In a word, the croft of CHRIS T is a conspicuous theatre, on which dl the divine pertecVhtns unite, and harmonize, and iiiinc forth witli triiiiiccndtnt lulh-e.

Ac. Cftriftians, we have, in the crofs of C II R J S T, i[\crich"fi provijion for our own fpiritual wants. This is a foundation of the iu'.li:ncil hope, and a fountain oftheiiiott exuberant joy : this affords matter for the decpell humility, and yields fuel for the molt fia- niinp; love. Faith in our crucified JESUS is an ever- aclive principle of the moft chcarful and exacl obedi- ence ; is an ample and inexhauftible map3azine, from which we may fetch arms to conquer, abibJutely con- quer the allurements of the world, the folicitations of the flefh, and the temptations of the devil. By this a way is opened for us info the holy of holies ; and what may we not venture to afk, what may we not expcdl to receive, who have the blood of the everlaft- ing covenant to plead, in all our approaches to the throne of grace ; Having therefore Jncli an high prieft ; having in his crols, un(ea» chable riclu.s.; who fhall make our glorying void ? what (hall hinder us from rejoi ring and laying ? 4' Blrfled be GOD for 44 thefe opening beauties of fpring ! blelfed be G O D *' for the expecled fruits of autumn ! bit-fled be GOD u for ten thouiand thoufand gifts of his indulgent " provi-'ence 1 but ab;>ve all, blcffed be GOD for the tc crofs of CHRIST!"

As nvnidsrs of the goipel, we are not left to fet be- fore our hear rsa iyflrm of refined Heathcnijm ; or to entertain them with cold jpiritlefs IcAurcs of v.rtue.



No ; we have the infinitely tender iove, \\\ei mmcnftly- free grace, of the bleeding, dying I MM A NU EL, to difplay to improve to enforce. And is there atopic in tuc <iViK)ic compai's of oratory, is there an argument amidit uli the itores of region, ib admii ably calculated to touch \.\\zfineft movements of the ioul ? to itrike ail the /,.-;/;(,// Jpr: 'tig; of action, with the molt pfriiialive, the molt commanding energy ; Would we alarm the or intimidate the prejumptuous ? we may call them to behold GOD's own Son weltering in blood, GOD's own Son transfixed with the arrows of juftice : we may bid them eoniider, if judgment begins with the immaculate MEDIATOR, wuere (hall ihe ir- reclaimable (inner appear ? how will he ejcapc the llroke \ how bear the weight of GOD's everlaftiog vengeance? Would we comfort the dtftrcljedf we may point them to an atonement, whoie merits are inlinite, and able to lave to the very uttermoft *: we may lead them to a rigiitcoufnefs, whole efficacy is un- bounded, and iuiiiuent to juliify the ungodly. And what Lalm can be ib ibverejgn for a wounded conici- cnc' ? Are we toiupport the weak, and aubnate tne doubting* here we may (hew them promiies, free pro- miles |, exceeding great ami precious prothi&s, ratifi- ed by the oath of J h H O V'*.H, and fcalcd by the blood of his Son. Ami what cordial* can be ib reflo- rative to the drooping Chriitian ;

In fhort, the docirine of the crofs is fuited to an- fwer ail the great end) of our minilby, an i promote all the truly v >lic'hl" interests of our people. Jtly this the HOLY SPiillT delights to work : and this, O Satan, flidl be ttiy plague j tiiis, O tin, Jliall b. thy de-

jlrudwn* * Hcb. vii. 25.

^ To man the bleeding crrls ha^ promis'd all: T'te biecdi'ig ciols has Iworn eternal prace : Who gave his lite, what grace Will he deny ?

Night- Thoughts, IV Nl


flrutfion *. However, therefore, the crofs might be to the Jews a Humbling block, and to the Giceks fooliihueis ; GOD forbid thai iuc (hould j.dory in any thing tile ! Let this be \\\es/!pha and Omega, the be- ginning and ending j-, of all our fublic ministrations. J-et us leave a favour of this knowledge, which is far better than precious ointment, in every private company 1 Let it appear, from all our converiation, thnt the affcdions of our heart, and the labours of our life, are devoted, wholly devoted to our adored RE- DE&MhR's crofs.- Happy the people who aie under the care offuch miniflcrs ! and blejj'ed\\\e, nrinijlerswl\o walk according to this rule !

2. Let me exhort all true believers ; thofe who are •vile in their own eyes, and to whom CHRIST alone is precious. Remember, brethren, what is written in the prophet: it is a dcicription of your itate ; it is a dirfdl on for your conduct. In the LORD, the LORD JE6US CHRIST,/*/// all thf Jccd oj JJrael be juftified, and in him ftiall they glory \,

Let none fay that religion is a. gloomy or uncomforta- ble itate ; I call upon you this day to rrjoicc {J . Let none


* Hoi', xiii. 14.

•f The author who cnnld write the fpirited and wrighty lines which follov., muii doubtlefs have had chis cunvtdic-n deep oil his heart.

Thau, my all !

Mv theme ! my ir.fniration ! and my crown !

JVly flrengih in a^e ! n y rTe in low tfta e !

My loul's ambition, i/le.fure, wealth ! my world !

My light ;n ciaikn' Is ! .md my 1'fe in dtaih I

My h -aft :hr»Mi':'h time ! hi .is thrcngh err miry J

~$A)' fati'ificc .' iny G U D I What things are ;hefe !

i\ignt Thought , Ko IV, j:If. xlv. 25.

I] 'Tis this m^ikes Chrifiian t /'«r»/>/' a command ! 'Tis this makes j> y a duty to tht w'fe

JXight Thoughts,


fay that religion is a mean or defpicailc thing ; I call upon you this day to glory ,• and have the drvinc au- thority for both *.— You will dilhonour the bleffrd JESUS, you will dilparagc his fur puffing excellency, if you do not conjiile i.-i him, and make your boujl of him. C M a 1 S T is King of hcavtn, C H R 1 5 T is Judge of the world, CHRl^T is GOD over all. And oijmh A SAVIOUR fhall we not glory ? Yes, venly; and in ail, and on every occaiion.

Amidlh your manifold in fir mitiej, glory in i.HRiST. For, though he was cruciiied in weaknels, he hath all power in heaven arid earth. Ard it is written before him, it is one of his immutable decrees,//;* //ic.U not have dominion over you |. Amidft your various /<<//- ings, glory in CHRIST. For his righteouineii: co- vers all your imperfections, his i ightcoulhels fecures you from wraih and cos damnation ; and, though dc- iicient in youritlves, you ai e complete in him J. Un- der the p refill re of tribulations, lift up your heads, and glory in the crols; becauiV theOaptain of 'youriilvation was made perfect through fufferings. If you i'uifrr with him, you fliall alio reign with him. N And the fuffcrings of this preier.t time arc not worthy to be compared with the huppineis which CHRIST hath purchaie.l with his agonies, and will quickly beftow on his j)eople. VViien acath approaches, <Jeath, that cuts ort the i'i irit of princes, and is terrible among the king* of the earth; do you (till glrry i-. t}ic crols. Adncring to this banner, ycu may boldly and tri- u:n;jtidntly fjy, fJ ////, inhere it tky /ting? (J vravc, tliy victory || f When that great, tremendous


ta,, the word in our text, denotes the acl of rejoi- cing, ;)s Bellas of g'orying. )"liu> r. is tranflited, HoiA. . it. And m<! ».tl this it always implies. bctrPlal. v. n. Pi;:l. cxlix. 5. b-f>t. trunjl

T ^ •» ••'• vi. 14 ^ C.:I. ii. ro.

P i Cor. xv. 55. This is evidently the Uuguage ut a


fifty fliall conic, which puts an end to time and terref- trial things ; when tiiat axvf'ul that niajeflic -voice is heard, which commands ail the ia<_e of Adam to ap- pear at the bar; //;<•«, my dear brethren in CHKlbT^ then a Kb (hallow glory in the crois. When others, in an agony of terror, call upon rocks to fall on them, and mountains to ovei whelm them ; this mall be your ledate appeal ; rather, this (hall b; yvur heroic chal- lenge ; l-i£ho/tiall lay any thing to the charge of G OD's f! ;•' ? It is GOD'that jitjt ijietk; n ho is he that con- demneth* It h CHRiSTthat died *.— '1 hen (hall you enter the harbour of eternal reft ; not like a (liipwreck- ed mariner cleaving to Tome broken plark, and hard- ly elcaping the raging waves ; but like iome itately ve{frl, with all her iails expanded, and riding before a profperous gilc f .

g. Let me caution the f( If- righteous : thofe who more" frequently think of their own piety than of CtiRtST's obedience; are more apt to cry out with the Phaiifee, lamn<> extortioner, no adulterer ; than to confeis with the publican, 6 OZ>, be merciful to me a


gueror, addreflfcd to fome/orw/VdM', but varquijhed enemy. We fiial! to tn no improper idea of this figuificant and beauti- ful pafM^f, it we piflure to ourfelves the good a-poille, m the att.iudt- of Hi.bre^v caftains, who frt their teet on the necks ot the five Lanaamtifti kinj»«, Joih x. ^4 If \ve iup- potc ^im, ir, i'ach a poliure, to urter ihis animated exclamation, cr rnther this pi'jtts injult, over the two praiul, but pr citrate ad»-errar:es of wai:k;r,d; k' 0 dtath^ "where is vow thy jt^ng, *l fjnce L II K. I ^ 1 has expiated lip, by :he l^ci ifict or iiim- ** teif ? 0 grave, -where is now thy vitfoty, lince G/fR/oT w is both men himf.'It, and iiab afce; tain^d to hit people a joy- *' tul refurrcction ?" * Koiu. viii. 33, 34.

•f bt Peter's cxprcrfion £„?»?,; *>.*m-i nftxepn-yrtwrn, it perhaps too nervous, and tc-o n ble to -dmit of an ad-quate tranfla- ti n. The above companion u>, ' tin; k, a very pertinent il- Juttration of tl»»-d 1 care lentimciit, d :re delightful doctrine. A il'ij wa'ied ii'.to •• e purr, undcv the fn I influence ot wind aid :'e fenir- »c> afford the finetl repi f iVntation of a a rich., an abundant entrance. 4 Pec. i. 11.


firmer, What (hall I fay to thefc perfons ? Let me not be thought cenforious, when my only aim is to be J-iithful. Beware, I befec-ch you, beware, lelt you build for eternity, not on a rock, but on the Jand However yo i may appear in your own light, before the ad ruble majefty of the everhiting GOD, before the conl'um- mate perfection of his holy law, you are lets than no- thing, you are worfe than nothing : you are, indeed y«u are, deficiency and fin. Renounce, therefore, renounce all dependence on felf. Truit no longer in a refuge of lies ; lead all'your admired attainments, at the day of final retribution, be \\kefrrazu, and hay^ and (lubhie, in Nebuchadnezzar's burning fiery fur- nace.— Imitate the bleifed penman of my text. Are you hlamelefs in your external carriage ? ib was he. Are you exemplary in many points ? fo was he. Yet all this riglueoufnefs he accounted but dun% for the excellency of the knowledge of CHRIST JESUS hit LORD *. Be this your pattern. Write emptineff upon your own duties, emptinejx upon your own works ;. and you fhall he filled with all the fulncft of GOD your S A V 1 O U 11. Every other cauie of glorying will be like the morning cloud, or the e.irly d<w, which p<i[J':-th away-\: but this c:uife of glorying will jtand f(»ft for evermore as the moon^ and as the faith" ful witnsfs in heaven \.

Can I conclude, without adding a word of admo~ nition to the wicked? thole, I mean, who are ene- mies to the crofs of C H II I S T ; who mind earthly things, but neither hunger nor third after rjohteouf- nHs. My foul remembers the wormwood and the gall of iuch a ftate, and canr.ot but tenderly pity thefe unhappy people. Alas! my friends, what have ym to glory in ? The devil and his angrls expert ere long to glory in your de(lruc~tion. 'I hole malignant fijends are eying you as their prey, and arc impatient

* Phil. iii. 8. f Hof, vi. 4. % Pf. Ixxxix. 37.


to bcpin your torment. Great, incxprcflibly great is yo'.ir danger : the LORD Almighty open your eyes to dilcero it. N evert heleis, youi cak- is notdtiperate. Yon nifty yet be delivered, " as a bird out of the inarc 44 ofvthe unvlei." Look unto the crucified JESLS. Why does he lung on thnt bloody tree ? ivhy are his hands piencd with iron ? why is his body racked with pain ? ivhy his hciirt torn with anguilh ? it is for you, iinncrs, for you. That blood is poured out, to cleanic you from j?nilt ; thole wounds are fuftainod, to hcul yo»r canfciences ; that anguilh i:, endured, TO obtain rr(l for your I'mls. In that mangled botly time I Is all the fulntjs of the Godhead *. Great, beyond imagi- nation great, is the merit 'of 'hole iulferings. Wiry then, O ! why will you die ? why will you perifli for ever, who have an all~jufficient propitiation in the crois of CH \l:S T ? Fiy to this 1 'ancillary : fly before it be too late : fly, without a moment's delay. "Tis an inviolable funcluiii-y. None ever pci ifhed that fled by f.iirh to the compaflionatc, the divintly covipfijjiunutc REDEEM ,Mi.— His death fh,ill be a full iatisfaaion for your iniqui'.ifs. A lenie of his immeniely rich goodnefs (hall win your afFe&icma ; fliall incline (what a!j Mie thneatcnings of damnation could never effect,) fl'JI incline you to/W/// your iins, and to love his i'tr- yic" ; mall fmooth your path, and expedite your pro- grcfs. to the regions of immortal honour and joy.

Having now, with preat plainnefs of fpeech, ad- dreifed my brethren in the miniftry; having exhorted believers cautioned ^\\c JclJ-Hghteotu^ and warned the 'Wirki-il; 1ft me comtr.cnd the whole to yourjerious re- coUfCfion^ and to G O D's gracious benediction. And, " O L O R O n.-oft ho!v ! \) G O D mod mighty ! O <u holy and merciful vSAVIOUR ! by thine apony and <;t bloody fweat by thy crojs and pctj/ion" let not rjhc word now fpoken be in vain in the LORD! and amen*

SER- * Col. ii, ,


Mini/try of Reconciliation : reprcfenting the be- .nign tendency oj the go/pel; and that it is the friendly office of mini/lers, as the ambajjadors of Chrift, toprejs men, 'with allimaginabletendernejs, humility, and earneftnejs, to accept the treaty of reconciliation, as efiablijhed in him^ and urged by him, 'while on earth.

We are ambafjadors for Chrift, as though Goddid\>t- feech yon by us: We pray you, in Chrift's ftead, be ye reconciled unto God. 2 Cor. v. 20.


AS this is a pofthumous piece, it may be neceflary to ob- ferve, for the latisfaftion of the public, that Mr Her- vey was, many years ago, folicited to print tiiis ferinon, by le- veral who heard it; but as he was a man of great modefty, and bad not then appeared as an author, he could not at that time be prevailed on, by any folicitations, to comply with their requelt. However, at a particular friend's ddire, he tran- fcribed it from his rtiort hand copy, and gave it to him. Some years atterwards, this friend deiired Mr Hervey to revife h, with a view of its being published; which (in conjunction with a very eminent divine) he accordingly did ; and then re- turned ihe copy to his friend; telling him, that as the Me- ditations on the tomb*) &c. had been fo well received, he had no-w no objection againft publiihing it, with lome other fer- jnous ; and that he might one day or another require it of" Vot. V. N°2!. O him


him again for that purpofe. This fermonis printed from that very copy ; and Mr Htrvcy himfelf woultl probably have added it to the volume which contains his four lermons, had he hap- pened to recollect that it was in the poflellion of a friend who would willingly have relinquiihed it to its author for publica- tion.

2 COR. v. 18.

things are ofCOD^ -who hath reconciled us to him- Jelf by JESUS CHRIST, and hath given to us the minijlry of reconciliation.

THE love of God, that fupremely-glorious, and fupremely gracious Being, is, of" all other tem- pers, the moft delightful and divine ; a facred flower, which, in its early bud, is happinefs, and, in its full bloom, is heaven. To pknt this noble principle in the breaft, to cultivate its growth, and bring it to ma- turity, is the grand end of" all religion, and the gen^- nine fruit of faith unfeigned. Angels are happy, be- caufe the love of GOD triumphs eternally, and with- out a rival in their exalted affections *. irue belie- vers are happy, becaufe the love of GOD, in a pre^- vailing degree, is filed abroad in their hearts. The gofpel is a difpenfation of happinefs, becaufe it dif- covers the fuperabundarit loving-kindnefs of GOD to man, and uiges the molt engaging motives for our ardent love to his almighty Majcfty.

The gofpel reprefents the great GOD, not only as


* To be gwd is to be happy i Angels are happier than men, becaufe they are better.

Guilt is the fource of for row ; 'tis the fiend,

Th* avenging fiend, who follows us behind

With whips ii'd iim^s ; the kiefs' d know none of thls^

£ui reft in eyerlalting peaCt of mind. Row?.


be/lowing upon his creatures all the good they enjoy, but as effecting their reconciliation to his own ado- rable felf ; effecting this mod defirable of all bleflirigs, not barely by vouchsafing a pardon, but a pardon pro- cured by the death of his Son ; and, by this enriching circumstance, infinitely enhanced ; arrayed in all the charms that heaven itielf could give. To render the purpofes of his love more effectual and extenfive, he has instituted an order of men to publifh thefe glad tidings ; and to invite, yea to beieech the world, to partake the exceeding riches of his grace. All which the apoftle has exprefTed in my text, with his ufual energy and concifenefs ; All things are of G(jD, iuh>) hath reconciled us to himjelf by JES US CHRIS T9 and hath given to us the mini/try of reconciliation.

From which words, permit me, with all that iim- plicity which becomes a minilter of the humble J E-


I. To enlarge a little upon that glorious and ami- able reprefentation of the blefTed GOD, discoverable even by the light of nature, AIL thing* are of him.

II. To remind you, how much more illuftrioufly the delightful attributes of the DEITY are difplayerl in the accomplifiiment of our redemption ; in that he hath reconciled us to himjelf by JESUS CHRIST

III. To obferve the benign import and beneficial tendency of the gofpel-miniitry, expreffed in that re- markable claufe, He hath given to us the miniftry of reconciliation.

Firft, Then let me enlarge a little upon that glo- rious and amiable reprefentation of the blefTed GOD,

•difcovcrable even by the light of nature, ^411 1 kings are of him. Heaven, and the heaven of heavens arc his, with all their hods. Thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, all the happy beings, that

Jit at the fountain-head of felicity, were produced by his power, and are Supplied with bleflings from his fcand, arc filled with joy from his countenance. If

O a we


we trace the various emanations of comfort and ad- vantage that refrelh our lower world, we fhall tind realbn to acknowledge witn the Pialmift, " All our " frtfh iprings are in GOD." The day is thine, lays the lame iacred writer, and the night is thine ; thou ha{l prtp;ic- .1 ih- light and the iiin. The magnificent luminaries in the fky, arc tamps of the LORD ; hung up on high, to dilpenle tlie chearing gift of light a- midlt all, the families of nature. The interchanges of night and day, with the viciflitudcs of revolving fea- ions, arc his miniftcrs ; all lent on errands of kind- ntu, and bringing the valuable prefents in their hands. The innumerable vai iety of living creatures, and of nutrimental vegetables, are the portion, not which our own indufby has procured, but which our heavenly Father's bounty has fettled upon us.

Every great endowment, beftowed on the children of men ; every noble achievement, accomplished by renowned perfonages ; theie derive their original from the uncreated Fountain of perfection and of power.

If Solomon is poflrfTed of ei'larged wifdom, and kingly qualities ; he cxprefsly acknowledges, it is from the LORD, iuperintending human affairs, that inch kings are advanced to reign ; and by the LORD en- lightening their minds, that flich princes decree juf- tice. If, at one peri >d, Nebuchadnezzar purfucs his conquefts with irrefiflible impf tuofity, it is to fcourge the offending people of the LORD < and banifh ido- 3atry from their wormip as the driving wind fwept the chaff from their floors. If, at another juncture, Cyrus is equally victorious, and u comes upon prin- u ces as upon nrortar, and as the potter treadeth <c clay ;" it was the L O R D of hofls that railed up this accompliflicd commander from the Eaft, and bid him execute his defignsof reftoring love to his reform- ed nation. All thofe arts which meliorate, and fcien- ces which embeliifh life, even thtie are from the



LORD, " who is wonderful in counfcl, and excel- ** lent in working."

The time would fail me to enumerate particulars. Whatever is beneficial to communities, or comfort- able to individuals ; whatever fprings from the rain of heaven, or is produced by fruitful feaibns ; what- ever administers to the improvement, or chears the heart of man ; all, all acknowledge GOD for their Author. He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift. The whole earth is filled with the profution of his beneficence. And where, where is the creature, that has not tailed, that does not fiibiift on, the inex- hauftible ftores of his bounty ? And though affliction alib comes from tiie Father of our ipirits, yet this is no derogation from his tender mercies : fince he chaf- tens, not with an arbitrary ieverity, but with a par- ental pity ; he chaftens, only to amend ; and thcfe light, thefe tranfient tribulations, are preparatives for an exceeding great and eternal weight of glory.

And is not fuch a being worthy of our higheft ad- miration, and our devotHt love ? Has he not, by fiich ineffable excellencies, fuch unmeafurable benignity, has he not an undoubted claim to the affections of our hearts, the praifesof our tongues, and the unintermit- ted fervices of our lives ? He is the fource of all our good ; mould lie not alfo be the centre of all our gra- titude, and of our whole obedience ? But our obli- gations will rife immenfely higher, if we confider,

Secondly, how much more illuftrioufly the delight- ful attributes of the DEITY are d.iiplayed in the ac- complifhment of our redemption ; in that he hath re- conciled us to himfdfby J ESUS CHRIST.— MM was created upright, immaculate, and in the ima^e of GOD. Heavenly wifdom flione bright in his under- Handing, and true holinefs fat enthroned in his neart. -•j-But how foon, how fatally, did he fall 1 from what height of perfection, to what depth of degeneracy ? Since that dcftructive tranl'greffion, all flelh has cor- rupted


rupted his way ; every man is become brutifh in his knowledge ; and the imagination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually. " Our iniquities 41 feparated between us and our GOD, and our fins " hid liis face from us," as from an abominable ob- jecl. Nay, our fins accufed us at his righteous tribu- nal, and like the blood of Abel, cried to heaven for veogeaace. Vengeance and fiery indignation was our expected doom, and eternal death the wages due to our offences. What rendered the miitry of mankind ftill more cxceilively deplorable, and only not deipe- rate, was, that they were without Jlrcngth ; without any power to make 1'itisfaftion for their provocations, or extricate themielves from this abyfs of wo. Q wretched, wretched man, if left in this Mate of guilt and ruin ! If abandoned by the GOD, from whom thou hall ungratefully revolted, better had it been for thee never to have exifted.

But behold the kindnefs and love of GOD our Sa- viour ! Hearken to the founding of his bowels and of his mercies towards us 1 tc 1 have feen," laid he, (as in the cafe of enflaved lirael,) " I have fecn the af- " flidlion of my fallen creatures. They have undone " thcmfelves, but in me * is their recovery. Satan " has deceived, and deceiving has deflroyed them ; " but I, even I will deliver them." Wherewithal will the LORD accomplifti this defign ? By his free, unmerited goodnefs. By the blood of bulls, or of goats, or of all the cattle upon a thoufand hills ? Con- temptible to the laft degree are fuch beggarly obla- tions ; only fo far as they typify the all- glorious fa- crifice. Was an angel charged with this important bufmefs, or the highcft feraph bidden to interpofe as the repairer of our breach \ The angels were abfo- lutely incapable of executing fo great a work. It re- quired a far abler agent, to negotiate our reconciliation.


* See Hcf. xiii. 9.


It muft cod incomparably more to redeem guilty fouls. Therefore the GOD of our falvation " laid the help *' upon one that is mighty." He appointed, to the moil momentous of all offices, the mod illuftrious of all beings. He appointed his own Son, the brightnefs of his glory, and the express image of his perfon.

Behold then the Son of G O D, taking our nature, that he may act as our Mediator. Admirable confti- ttition ! full of wonder and full of grace ! How joy- ful to the iinner ! the work mud infallibly profper in inch hands. Such a Surety cannot fail of fucceeding, in all he undertakes. How gracious in the Father! Could there be a flrongcr afiurance, or a more empha- tical demonstration of his boundlefs beneficence, than to fend the Son of his bofom ; the Son of his eternal delight ; the Son dearer to him than all worlds ? How condefcending in the Saviour I Would Ahafue- rus abdicate his imperial diadem, or the great ruler of Babylon forego the honours of his enlarged domi- nions, to attend on the welfare of fome ignoble cap- tive that grinds at a mill, or of fome infamous male- factor that is chained in a dungeon ? Yet the everlaft- ing Potentate of heaven and univerfal nature, under- takes a more !• imbling office of friendfhip, for a race of abject creatures, that dwell in duft, and were doom- ed to hell. Let every child of Adam look unto CHRIST by faith, as all the people of Hrael looked unto Mofcs, when he went into the tabernacle of the congregation to intercede before the LORD. (See Exodus xxxiii. 8.)

We have Teen the perfon reconciling, let us next contemplate the manner of reconciling. A fubject e- qually aflonifhing and delightful ! The Father recon- ciled us to himielf, by laying upon his Son the iniqui- ties of us» all ; by admitting him to ftand in our ftcad, and Uy exacting from him, the punifhmcnt which we had incurred. G O D reconciler! us to himielf, not only by the humiliation, but by the differing of this



Prince of heaven ; and not by fomc llighter fuffering, but by his iiiftcring unto deatli ; and not by his un- dergoing a common death, but the moft ignominious and tormenting of all deaths, the death of the crofs. " It pleated the Father," fays the apoille, u to recon- *' cilc ail things to himfelf ; making peace by the blood " of the crols." Becauie we deferved fhame, the LORD of glory was numbered with malefactors, and loaded with infamy. Becaufe we deferved the bitter- nefs of death, the LORD of life endured the pangs of diflblution, in their unabated and moft racking extre- mities-. Becauie we were obnoxious to the curfe of the law, therefore the ever-bleffcd " JESUS dclivcr- " ed us from the curfe of the law, being made a curfe " for us."

Glorious propitiation ! and altogether as complete as glorious ! What now fliall terrify the true believer? What mall (land between him, and his eternal hopes ?

Shall Satan mufter up his accufations, and let them in frightful array ? Yet, though there may be much guilt, there is no condemnation to them that are in JESUS CHRIST.— Does the law take the guilty mortal by the throat, and, with its rigorous ieverity, lay, " Pay me that thou oweft ?" It is paid, fully paid by the intervention and furetifhip, not of a mean man, but of the mighty GOD made flcfh.— Does di- vine Juftice demand fatisfaclion, for the wrongs re- ceived from (inners ? It is not only fatisfkd, but moft awfully glorified, by this wonderful obhtion In (hort, this is a full, perfecl, and iufficient iacrifke for the (ins of the whole world. It vindicates the honour of GOD's holinels ; it difplays his uniearchable wif- dom ; it mamfeils his utterable goodnefs; it gives the moft magnificent and lovely hi fire to all the di- vine perfections. May we not then, looking unto our bleeding Saviour, and pleading his ineltimable pro- pitiation, venture to adopt the apoftlf's challenge ? " Who fliall lay any thing to the charge of GOD's


"cleft? it is GOD that juftifieth ;" not imputing our trefpalFes unto us, but transferring them to his dear Son. u Who is he that condecineth ? it is " CHRIST that died," and by his precious death hath made reconciliation for iniquity, and brought in everlalting righteouinefs.

I have been the more copious upon this fubjecl, be- caufe it is not only the grand point in my text, but is the very heart of the gofpel ; the fountain of all om comforts, and the foundation of all our hopes. But I proceed, and with greater brevity,

Thirdly, To obferve the benign import and bene- ficial tendency of the goipel miniftry, exprc'fled in that remarkable claufe, He hath given to us the miniftry of reconciliation. Here I am not attempting to mag- nify my office, or to aggrandize the miniilerial cha- racter ; but only to render our iervice? acceptable to our brethren. Some perfons, whether through preju- dice or miflake, are apprehenfive of being terrified by our meflage, or u tormented before the time" by our docTrine. But can the news of reconciliation to the LORD GOD of hofls terrify, or the offer of remiffion of fins torment ? How welcome mould be the approach, or, to fpeak in the elegant language of a prophet, " how beautiful the feet of him that bring- u eth good tiding! !" And can there be better tidings, more reviving, or more tranfporting, than thofe of the everlafting gofpel ? which faith unto Zion, " Thy 44 iniquity is taken away, and thy fin purged :" thy GOD is reconciled, and inftead of abhorring thee as a rebel, is willing to embrace thee as a child. When our armies have been in the field, and fame very im- portant, fomc decifive engagement drawing near ; with what eagerncfs have you expefted, and with what delight have you received, the account of com- plete victory gained ? And is not our report equally worthy of all acceptation, which declares Satan van- quifhed, and fin deflroycd ; declares elect h abolifhed,

VOL. V. 22. I' hell


hell deprived of its prey, and all the rich advantages of pence with hraven rellored ? When Peter lay bound in priibn, was the angel an unwelcome rnini- llcr, who Mruck aw.iy his tetters, opened ihc j'aics of iron, and tranfmitted him, free and unmolelled, to the cordial lalutations of his friends ? As you are , all, by nature, in bondage to fin, our bufmels is, to take yon by the hand, and lead yon out of this ignomi- nious llavery, into the glorious liberty of the ions of GOD ; while the Spirit of the Molt High breaks off your (hackles, and makes you free indeed. What manna can be more refrefliing than fuch a mcflage ? what balm more healing than fuch a iervice ? If, at any time, we arm our words with terror, and de- nounce the vengeance of GOi) on every foul of man that doth evil ; this is only to awaken you from that gay infenfibility, which would lull you into irretrie- vable ruin. It is like the gathering clouds, and the tlidant burfts of thunder, which might watn Noah to retire into the ark, before that infinitely more tre- mendous deluge came, which was to fweep the care- leis world away. Whether therefore we difplay the allurements of divine love, it is for your delight ; or whether we bend the bow of divine indignation, it is for your benefit ; to win you to happinefs, or drive you from miiery. So that in every reipeet, and by all our miniilrations, we are to be " helpers of your " faith, and furtherers of your joy."

And let not any one fufpecl, that ? meffage of fuch free and rich grace has a tendency to foothe men into fupincnefs, or ferve the caufe of licentioufnefs. It is, of all other expedients, moft effectually calculated to reconcile us to GOD, in another fenfe of the word ; to {ubdue our enmity, and captivate our perverie af- fections; to imprefs our alienated hearts with adoring gratitude, and engage our refractory wills to dutiful obedience. For can we be cold and indifferent to fuch immenfe benignity ? can we aifront and grieve fuch



unfpeakably- tender kindnefs ? What effect had David's clemency in iparing Saul's life, when it was in the power of his hand to have difpatched that implacable enemy r It overcame, tor a while, even malice itl'elf ; it fetcned tears of ibrrow from the perfecutor's eyes, an 1 txpreiiions of the moil endeared affections from, his lips *. And when GOD, the GOD to whom vengeance belongeth, not onlyipares us guilty wretch- es, out punifhes his immaculate Son in our (lead ; when he bids the i'word of Jultice pals by our devoted heads, and iheath itftlf in the heart of his beloved Son ; can v.'e reliil ilich heavenly goodnefs ? can we fpurn fuch bowels of mercy ? Muit not love, fo di- vine and infinite, melt even the nioft obdurate heart ; make us fling down, with abhorrence, the weapons of rebellion, and conltrain us, fweetly conftrain us to obedience f .?

Let me now, conformably to my facred cornmif- fion, bciecch you all to be reconciled. Efpecially let me bcleech the humble penitent, and the haughty { elf- righteous ivioraiift. Ye humble penitents, that arc convinced of fin, and mourn for fin, be of good com- fort. GOD has abounded in the riches of his grace towards you, and has given you a raniom to rely on, of higher dignity than ail heavens, of more value than all worlds. The men of Tyre made Blaftus the king's chamberlain their friend J ; the G OD of glory has configured his dear Son, your atoning facrifke, your prevailing advocate. The men of Tyre defircd con- ditions of peace ; the LORD JESUS hath both


i Sam. xxiv. 16.

•j- Mr Hcrvey had added, by way of a note, the following words, in rhe copy which he trunfcribed, and from which, vhis is printed : " When 1 preached this fernion, I recapnu- 44 lated, in ihis jolace, (as you, or any reader may do if he 44 piedes,) th«- preceding headi; but 1 thought it uuncceflary *4 to tranlcribe fuch a recapitulation." ^ A^ts xii. 20. P 2


obtained and fullillcd the conditions of your peace. Could there be a more glorious peribn chofe to act as your reconciler, than the Prince of heaven, and Heir of all things? could there be a more effectual method of reconciliation, than his obedience unto death, even the death of the crofs ? Fly then to this all-iiifticient Redeemer. Rely on his molt meritorious and fatisfac- tory fufferings. Be your fins ever fo numerous, ever fo enormous, thefe need be no bar to your acceptance. For GOD has received an atonement ; an infinite atonement GOD has received. .So that he can admit you to his favour, unworthy as you are, without the leaft blemifh to his avenging jufticc. He can, lie will admit you, as freely, as if you had never done amiis, Trufb therefore in your reconciling Saviour. Place a chcarful confidence in his propitiating merits. Only ]et the grace of GOD, which has appeared with iuch traniccndent lovelinefs in the bleeding JESUS, let this grace teach you, with a prevailing efficacy, u to " deny all ungodlinefs and worldly lulls, and to live ••' foberly, rightcouily, and godlily in this prcient 4< world.''

As to thole of a contrary character, who are righ- teous in their own eyes, what mall I lay ? Shall 1 de- cry the exercife of morality, or difparage the duties of holinefs ? GOD forbid. The golpel is a doctrine according to godlinefs, and true holineis is the health, is the happinels of the Ibul. Thefe duties, ifTuing from faith, and recommended by the intcrceflion of CHRIST, are acceptable to the divine Majefty. But thefe arc not your SAVIOUR. GOD has not reconciled the world to himfelf by their o'wn pious practices, but by his Son 'JESUS CHRIST. Can your charitable deeds expiate your innumerable offences ? As loon may a fingle drop of pure water correct and fweeten the unfathomable brine of the ocean. Can your defective performances iatisfy the demands of a perfect law, or your wandering devo- tions


tions fcreen you from the difpleafure of an injured GOD? As well may your uplifted hand eclipie the (an, or intercept the lightening when it darts through the burning cloud. There is no other name given under heaven, whereby you may be reconciled to GOD, and iaved from wrath, but only the name, only the name, remember, of j ESUS CHRIST. He; c fix your hopes, antl you lhall never be difap- pointe.J. Fix them on any other object, and everlaft- ing conflilion will eniue. We hefeech you therefore, in GOD's ftead, we befeech you for your own fouls lake, reject not this abundant mercy, neglecl not this GREAT SALTATION.

Now, unto him who has reconciled us to himfelf, and walhed us from our {ins in his Son's blood, be jilory and thanklgiving, love and obedience, hence- forth and for ever.

A D E F E N C E, by R. Y. of the foregoing fcr- mon, from the groundltjs objections raijcd againjl it by Jome inconfidcratc readers.

IT is fcarcely credible, that any one fhould aflcrt, that Mr Hervey's pofthumous fermon on the Mi- mflry uf reconciliation, is contradictory to the dialogues in T her on and Afpafto, and affirm that it has done in- jury to the work. But fuch an afTcrtion is eafily re- fated. This complaint is either lodged by the friends or foes of the decealed : If by his friends, then I fup- pofe it is becaute the doclrine of imputed rightcoul- «els, which makes fo great a figure in thofe dialogues, is not mentioned in the icrmon. Tliefe jjeople would do well to confuler, that if it is not mentioned, it ir. ftrongly imj^lied ; and what is flrongly implied in this place, cannot be contradictory to what is exprefied in others. In that fcrmon, do we not read in the flrong- cft terms, 4t That our iniquities are imputed to



" Chrifl, by the Father's admitting him to (land 44 in onr flead, and exacting from him the punifhmcnt *4 which we had incurred I" Do we not here find, 44 GOD reconciling us to himlclf, not only by the hu- 44 miliation, but by the lullc-rings of the Prince of t4 heaven ? and not by fome (lighter {offerings, but by 44 his iuilerings unto death ; and not by his undergoing <4 a common death, but the molt ignominious and 44 tormenting of all deaths, the death upon the crofs."

And as we rind the imputation of our fins Ib plain- ly averted here, ib we find in the Dialogues, that 44 this part of our Lord's meritorious humiliation 44 is by a very ufual figure put for the whole. The 44 death of Chrift includes, not only his iulferings, 44 but his obedience. The Pnedding of his precious " blood, was at once the grand inftance of his lufler- 44 ings, and the finifhing act of his obedience. In 44 this view it is coniidered, and thus it is interpreted <4 by his own ambaffador, who, fpeaking of his divine 44 Maitcr, fays, He was obtctient unto death, €~ven " the death of the crofs, When the fcripture ai'cribes 44 our juftification to the death of Chrill, we are <4 not to think would fet afide, but imply his 44 obedience.*' [Theron and djimfio, vol. II. p. 34<$.) Now, if we are not to think tnis of the icrip- ture, in Mr Hervey's opinion, how then can we think it of him ? And, without thinking it, where lies the inconiiilence between the fermon and the di- alogues \

But I rather iimgine, that the charge is brought by IVIr Hervey's enemies, iiome of thefe people, to avoid being thought .Socinians, feem willing to al- low the iatisfaclion of Chrift, while they declare againft the doctrine of justification by the imputation of his righteouihcfs ; and luch are extremely willing to interpret Mr Ilcrvey'sfilence into a confcnt to their own pernicious ientiments : T/icron and ^j'pafio is a



dead weight upon them ; they have not, nor can they anfwer it ; willingly, therefore, would they come off, by laying, the author had contradicted himfelf* But falfe is their pretence, and as falle is their profei- lion. That they allow the fatisfaction of C H R I S T for imputation, is as reafonable, and as justifiable in the one cafe as in the other ; they both (land upon one ai.d the fame footing, fo he that throws down one throws down both ; whoever rejects the doctrine of our Saviour's rightcoufnefs being imputed unto man, rejects, by fo doing, the doctrine of man's fins being imputed to our Saviour, and all the confequen- ces of it ; or, in other words, he who rejects the doc- trine of free juftification, rejects, by fo doing, the doctrine ofChriih (See TMeronsaid ^jpa/io^ vol. II. p. 170.)

As the main defign in writing Theron and j/tfpafib% was to prove the fundamental doctrine of juftifi cation by the imputed righteoufnefs of Chrilt ; and as it ap- pears that the fermon does not contradict it in this moft important article ; I fuppofe it will be allowed, that the charge of contradiction, as to what is molt material, is entirely got over. But, perhaps, in a matter of lefs confequence, it may (till be objected, that Mr Hervey, in the Dialogues, appears plainly to be Calviniftic, in the doctrine of PARTICULAR redemption ; but, in the fermon, he fays exprefsly, that Chrifl's death is a full, perfetf, and fufficicnt f'a- cri flee for the fins of the WHOLE world.— The church of England lays this, as well as Mr Hervey, in tltc office for the communion ; and yet no unpreji'.di- ied perfon will queltion, but (he is perfectly Calvinif- tical in her articles and homilies.

The truth is, there is no Calvinift but will allow, that the fatisfaction of Chrifl is full, perfect, and fuf- frcient for ALL; but then they diflinguifh between the fufficiency and efficiency of his facrifice. With regard to the value of the oblation, it is ibih'cien: for



the redemption of every man; with regard to its ef- ficacy, as every man is benefited by the death of Chrift, To Chrift died for him ; but thefe benefits arc not of one kind. Some are common to every man ; all the earthly blellings which unbelievers enjoy, are the fruits of Chrift's death ; fo far as tiiey are benefited by him, fo far lie died for them ; other benefits be- long to the members of the viiible church, and are commuii to all thofe who live under the gofpel : many graces Inch may receive from Chrift, which, through their own f.u:k, are not laving, and fo far as they are benefited by Chriit, fo far Chrift died for them : other benefits Hill, according to the will of God, and the intention of the Mediator, are peculi- ar to thofe which he himfelf fays are given unto him by the Father ; his (hecp, his elect, fuch as a true faith, regeneration, lanctification, adoption, &c. In this fenie, fays thofe Chriftians called Calvinifls, Chrift died for his people only, to bring them effec- tually to grace and to glory. This fyftem only is confiftent with Mr Hervey's notion of free grace.

The Arminian fcheme is, That Chrift died with a purpoie to make the falvation of every man in the world poffible, without any manner of difference, whether they are believers or unbelievers : That he died, not to bring any man actually to falvation, and make him a partaker of righteoufnefs and life, but to purchafe a pollibility of falvation and reconciliation, fo far as that God might, confiftent with his juftice, receive men into favour, upon condition of faith and repentance. This faith and repentance, fny they, Chrift merited not ; for if he had, then God had been bound to give them unto every man, and fo every man muft have been faved. Thus, you fee, according to thefe gentlemen, Chrift: died equally for all the world ; and the reafon why fome are iaved, lies wholly in thcmfelves, in attaining to that faith



and repentance, by the good ufe of their natural powers, which Chrift did not purchafe for them. This is the meaning of every Arminian *, let him exprcfs himfelf however he will. And how far this is incbnfift-


* That the reader may ftill more clearly apprehend the doc- trine of Mr Hervey, who was a Calvinitt, and the difference between him and the Arminians, the following note is Tub- joined.

44 The Arminians are fuppofed by fome, (who are not fuf- 44 ficiently acquainted with their tenets,) to maintain that we 44 are to dofomcthing for ourfelves, and Chrift to do the re(t; 44 or, in other words, that we \\zve partly a rightedulnefs of 44 our own, and that Jelus Chrift is to make up the deficien- 44 cies of that righteoufnefs. This, however, is not the com- 44 mon divinity of the Arminians. They have no fuch notion 44 of a patch-work justification, or that we are faved partly by 44 the imputation of Chrilt's merits to make up the deficiencies 44 of our own. But the principles of their fcheme are briefly 44 thefe : That Chrift is thefole and only author of our lalva- 44 tion, not by imputing his righteoufnefs to us, but by pur- 44 chafing luch favourable terms of reconciliation for us, and 44 by reftoring to us luch abilities to fulfil them, by means of * which we can only become capable of being juftified in the 44 fight of God. Therefore we lay, that thole in this life, *4 who have uted well the grace that is given them, and con- 4* formed to the terms of the gofpel, God doth juftify : That 44 is, were he to call them to the bar of judgment and try *4 them, he would acquit or pronounce them not guilty* Be- 44 caufe Chrift, by his meritorious death and Sufferings, having *4 purchafed for them the law of repentance, as the law by 44 which they are to be judged and tried; and they having *4 through grace fulfilled the Inw, ;*. e. become true penitents^ *4 God therefore, for the above merits of Chrift, admits of' «4 their qualifications, forgives them their offences, and rewards »4 them as if they had never offended. Here then is nofplit- 14 ting of the imputation, no copartnerfiip with Chrift: but «4 Chritl's righteoulnels is represented, as the file procuring 44 caufe of our falvation, and ours as only the applying caufe, *4 by performing the requifite conditions: i. e. They both tend; 44 to different ends ; one to procure the terms of purification, 44 and the other to perform them. So thaf, in ihort, accord- V. 22. & " ing

122 THE MINISTRY, &c. SE*.V,

cnt with Mr Hervey's exhortation to the iclf-righteous moraliil, in the elole of this lormon, i believe 1 need not tell you. Indeed, Mr liervey engages not here in the coutroveriy at all ; but (v,l>i"g upon what both fides are agreed in, viz. the iufficiency of Chrift's facrificc to iave all that will believe ) he invites all his he.uers to Hy unto him for lalvation. Now, if lie ne- ver enters into the merits of the cauie, how can he be guilty of inconiiftency ?

Upon the whole, then, this is a moft excellent fer- mon. As the dialogues in Tht.ron and ^jpafu) were, ib is this, the true otfspring * of him who now refls from Ms labours, and his works do follow him ; the offspring of him who always (ought to cx&lt the Sa- viour, to humble the linner, and to promote holinefs.


*' ing to this fcheme of the Arminians, our juftification is not ** made up partly of Chrift's right eoufne Is, and partly of our ** own ; for his righteoufnefs is not partly imputed, but not " at all imputed, in the Calvinilh'cal lenle of imputation. In ** o,rder to make this difference of opinion ftill clearrr, it muft 41 be obferved, that the Catvmilh (being accultomed to their " ideaj of imputative rightroufne's) imagine, that when the '* Arminians affirm the necelfity of inherent righieoulnefs. in 14 order to jollification, that they mean a borrowing of Chnit's ** imputative righteoufnei's to make up the defk'enc'.es of cur *4 own. Whereas the Arminians, indeed, -fuppofe, that Chrilt *4 did not, in any degree, fulfil the terms ot juftification in our ^ftead; but, on the contrary, having purch >fed 'hem for us, ** and procured us fufficient powers and abiiittes of performing ** the;n, he left us to co operate with thole powers, and fo to " fulfil them ourfelves." This is a fair, candu'i, and confift- cnt ftate of the Arminian do&rine. No one can lay it is roifre- prefented; for 'ti< here given in the very words of an eminent divine, and dignitary of the church of England, \vho is himlelf an Arminian. How much fuperior the Calviuilhc (which was Mr Hervey's) doftrine is, to humble the tinner, to exult the Savionr, and to promote holinefs. let every reader judge.

* The iermon itfelf, in Mi Hervey's own writing, is nowr in the hands o! the llev Mr Robert K.iighr, rlie prefent Hec- tor of WellonTavell, who married Mr Her vey'iyoungeftliiier.

The Knowledge of Salvarion precious in tne Hoar of Death ;




Preached, January 4. 1759,

Upon the DEATH of

The Rev. Mr JAMES H E R V E Y. By W. R O M A I N E, M. A.

Lefturer of Sf Dunftan's in the Weft, London.

Right eoufnefs delivereth from death. PROV. x. 2.

Lu KE ii. 29, 30.

LORD, now lettefl thou thy ffrvant depart in peace, a -carding to thy -word: fur ?nine eyes have feen thy Jalvation .

ACCORDING to the ancient prophecies, in the fulnefs of time, God fent forth his Son. He cime to his own, when there was a general cxpefta- lion of his birth. Many jtift and devout peribns in 'Jernfalem were then looking out for the Redeem- er's coming in the flcfh j and among them good old

2 Simeon i


Simeon, and 4nna a prophetefs, arc particularly mentioned. St Luke fays, There was a man in Je- rui'alem, whofe name -was Simeon, and the jame man luas jtt/}, a juftified perfon, and devout, tearing to offend God, as the Gretk word fignifies, 'waiting for the conjolation oj Ilrael ; he was waiting for the incar- nation of the divine Comforter, by whofe birth all the prpmifes of comfort were to be ratified and fulfilled, and the Ifrael of God was to receive everlafting conlo- Jation. The Lord was plealed to vouchiafe a particu- lar revelation of his will in this matter to Simeon ; Far the Holy Spirit "was upon him, and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Spirit, that he jhould nutjee dcaffi before he hadfeen the Lord* s Chrift incarnate. And he came by direction of the Spirit into the temple ; and when the parents brought in the hply child :fejus, to do for him after the cuflom of the law, then took he him up in his arms, and bleffed God that he had lived to this happy hour, when he could take up the pro- phet's words, and fay, Lo this is our God, we have nijaited for him, and he "will lave us ; this is the Lord, we have "waited for him ; we will be qlad and rejoice it? his falvation. Simeon waited to fee God incarnate ; and having feen him, he wanted to live no longer. He defired his difmiffion. All the ends of Hying were anfvvered ; and therefore he put up this fweet prayer ;

Lord, now lettcjl thou thy fcrvant depart in peace,

according to thy word : for mine eyes have Jeen thy falvation.

With thefe fame words one of our dear brethren, now with the Lord, finifhed his courfe. They were the dying words of the Rev. Mr James Hervey. He had long defired to depart, and to be with Chrift, which he knew was far better than to abide in the flefh ; but he waited patient lv for the Lord's time ; and when it was come, he thus cxprefTed the thauk- fulnefs of his heart, Lord, now Iclteft thou thv fcrvant depart in peace , according to thy moil holy and ccm fort- able


able word : for mine eyes have feen thy precious falva- tion *. The Lord heard him, and gave him a gentle difmiifion. He died, as he had lived, in a perfectly even and calm compofure of mind. Death mewed that he came to him as a friendly melTenger to call him to glory, for he chearfully obeyed the fummons. There was no fear, no druggie, not a figh or groan, but he departed in peace, and in full afmrarice of faith. Olv that you and I, my brethren, may fo live by the faith of the Son of God, that when we come to die, we may be able to ufe this fame pray- er, and may receive of the Lord a like gracious an- iwer.

Thefe fwect dying words of our dear brother have made a great imprelfion upon feveral of his acquaint- ance : for they have been led to confider them more clofely than perhaps they ever did before, and feveral have meditated upon them with great comfort. In order that others might do the fame, and that his hap- py death might be the means of ftirring up many to leek to die the death of the righteous, and that their latter end might be like his, 1 have deter- mined to fpeak upon the words this day. May the fame Spirit by which Simeon fpake them be in all your hearts ! may he teach you their true and full meaning, and in God's due time may he give you the comfortable experience of them I Under his guidance let us confider,

Fir ft, That when Simeon had feen the falvation of God, he was prepared to depart :

Secondly, He therefore detired it, and prayed for it ; and,

Thirdly, He expected he mould depart in peace ac- cording to God's word, which was fulfilled to him.


* Several particulars in this fermon refpefling Mr Hervey, are more fully related in the account of his life prefixed tp vo!, I.


And, under each of thefe particulars, I (hall fpeak of the rxperience of our deceafed brother.

Fir ft) Simeon had it revealed to him by the Holy Spirit, that he fiiould not die until he had iecn the Lord's Chrift ; and when Jeius was brought into the tempi?, lie was directed to go and receive him for the promilVd Melh'ah ; and taking him up in his arms, he blellcd God, and laid, Lord, now Icttcft thouthyfervant depart in peace, according to thy word : for mine eyes hovcfecn thy falvation. It is evident he fpoke thefe words in their primary fenfe, of his feeing Je/us with the eyes of hi» body ; but this could have been no great caufe of joy to him, unlefs he had before feea Chrift fome other way ; for multitudes {aw him with their bodily eyes, while he was upon earth, who were no better for the fight ; and multitudes will hereafter fee him in his glorified body, but it will be to their e- verlafting confuiion. There is another kind of fight to which our church referred you this afternoon, when each of you took up thefe words, and faid, For mine eyes have feen thy falvation. If you knew what you faid, and fpoke the truth, as you had experienced it, you meant that you had feen the falvation of God with the eye of faith ; according to what is faid of Mofes, That by faith he Jaw him "who /j invifible, (Heb. xi. 27.) He law him by the eyes of his foul, who was inviiible to the eyes of his body ; for the foul has its eyes as well as the body : but fin dark- ened them ; it put them into the flate in which the eyes of the body are when they have no light : then they can fee nothing. So the ibul is faid, in fcrip- ture, to be in darknefs and blindneis, until the eyes of the undtrftanding be enlightened. They cannot fee any fpiritual objects until the Sun of Righteoufnefs fliine upon them ; nor, when he does fliine, can they fee any lovelinefs in thoie objects, until they 'be able to act faith upon them ; for the eye of faith not only, beholds the object, but alfo diilinguifhes its own inter- eft


eft in it. Faith keeps all the fenfes of the foul in act and exercife upon the proper object, which each ap- prehends ; here the eye of faith is fixed upon falva- tion, not only viewing it as a blefling belonging to o- thers, but alib appropriating it to itfelf. Mine eyes have Jeen thy fatvation: here Simeon, fpeaking of our Savi- our, calls \\imjalvafionj becaufe all falvation is in and from him. He is the author, and he is the finifber of it. The great plan of it was laid by the co-equal and co-eternal Perlonsof the ever-bleffed Trinity, be- fore the foundation of the world ; it was carried into execution by our divine Saviour in the fuluels of time; and he is an eternal falvation, an eternal deliverance from all evilf and an eternal poireilion of all good. Upon the entrance of fin into the world, this great ialvation of our God was revealed, and by faith be- lievers under the Old Teftament-difpenfation enjoyed the benefits of it. At the appointed time Jehovah took a body of flefh, and our divine. Immanuel flood up to fave his people from their fins. He undertook to fatisfy all the demands of law and juftice. The law he fatisfied, by paying it a perfect uniinning obe- dience ; which being a divine, as well as a human o- bedience, did therefore magnify the law, and make it more honourable, than if all the creatures in heaven and earth had never offended againft it. Juftice he fatisficd, by enduring the threatened puniQnnL-nt ; and after his fufterings and death, juflice had no more demands upon him : for he came out of the prifon of the grave with a full diicharge. This fatisfaction, made to law and juflice by the obedience and fuifer- ings of the Lord ftlus, is what the fcripture calls the rii>hteuufnefi of God, becaufe it isadivineand infinitely- perfect righteouihefs, a divine righteoulhds wi ought out by Jehovah himlelf, and as infinitely perfect a ' righteoufnefs as Jihovah couid make it. In this all- glorious righteoufnefs of the God man, Chrift Jefus, tonfifts the finrier's falvation : for he is accepted and


ia8 A S E R M O N ox

juftified by it ; the fruits of this righteoufncfs arc his ian&ification, and the robe of this righteouinefs is his glorification. So that falVation in time and in eternity depends upon the righteouinefs of the incarnate God. This is the fundamental doc/trine of the Chri'fHan reli- gion, for which our dear brother was a noble cham- pion. He law, he experienced the importance of it, and therefore in his conversation and in his preaching it was a favourite topic. How fwectly, how profit- ably have I heard him dwell upon it ! and how excel- lently has he defended it in his writings ? Read his Thcron and sJjpafio ; arid when you are thoroughly convinced that Chrift is the end of the law for righte- oufnefs to every one who believeth, and can fay with faith, " In the Lord have I righteouinefs arid falva- " tion ;" then your mind will be fettled in peace and comfort, and you will be delivered from thole danger- ous errors which are now propagated concerning the righteoufneis of the Lord jefus. Thank God for the mafterly defence of it in thefe dialogues *. In them


* About a week before Mr Hervey was taken 511, I mention- ed to him a report that was ipread about, concerning Mr ban- deman's Letters on Theron and j4fpafiQ, to this efteft : That he (Mr Hervey) had written a letter to Mrs Cooke, and there- in had faid, that Mr Sandeman was in the right, and had con- vinced him of his error; or words to that purpofe. To which he anfwered, That he had written a letter to Mrs Cooke, and therein he had acknowledged, that nuny of Mr Sandeman's remarks were judicious, and that he had corrected fome ot his ex;;reirions and inaccuracies. But, he (aid, that he was very far from having changed his opinion as to the iubttance and matter of the argument; for therein he thought Mr Sandeinan was entirely wrong. Whereupon I defired he would infer c an ati- vertifement in fome of the London papers, figned by himfelf, to fet this rniftake right, le(l it might hinder the (ale and read- ing of his books, and thereby prevent much good. To which he agree.1,; and added, that he would let that paragraph Itand in his anjwer to Mr Wefley^ relating to Mr Sandeman, only



Mr Hervey, being dead, yet fpeaketh the praifcs of his adorable Redeemer, and clearly proves that we have our falvation through his righteoufnefs. Imma- nuel the Saviour is the juiHtier, as he lays himfelf, If. xlv. 21, 22. " There is no God elie befide me, " a God that gives righteoufnefs, and a Saviour, there " is none befide me. Look unto me, and be ye faved, " all the ends of the earth ; for I am God, and there 41 is none elfe.>: How could they be faved by look- ing unto Chrift ?, Certainly, not by a look of- their bodily eyes. Simeon's joy did not arife from having Chriit in his arms, and looking upon him ; but from being able to look upon him -by an act of faith. He knew him to be his Saviour. , Thence arofe his joy, and from thence mu(t yours arife. It is the look of faith which laves ; the eye of faith kept in exercife upon its proper object, even upon Jefus, the author and finifher of faith. It is this act of faith which our Lord requires : Look unto me, with this promife annex- ed, and be ye Javed, There is falvation in the look of faith : for it fees and receives Jefus, a-? he is offer- ed in fcripture, for a free, full, and complete Saviour. And whoever keeps the eye of faith in conftarit exer- cife is prepared, with good old Simeon, to depart in peace : becaufc, by having an interefl and property in the falvation of our God, he is thereby delivered from every thing that can make death dreadful, and is in poifellion of every thing that can make death de- firable.

What is it that makes death dreadful ? Is it not guilt in the confcience, accufing the finner for the breach of the holy law, and alarming him with fear of the threatened punifhmcnt, which the juftice, and

holim is,

fofte-ninp the exprefllon a little: but all this was prevented by Uh illnets and death. The truth of thu I aio ready to nttefh

ABRAHAM MAD DOCK, Curate of Welton Favell.

VOL. V. 22, K



holinefs, and truth of God are concerned to fee in- flicted, in time and in eternity ? Thus we read, u The tl (ling of death is fin, and the ftrength of fin is the 14 Jaw." Death has power to fling, ib long as the broken law gives fin a right to accufe and condemn : all unpardoncd finntrs therefore are afraid of death. From this itate of fear and bondage our Lord came to lave his people : u He came to deliver them, who c' through Fear of death were all their life-time " fubject to bondage ;" arid he docs deliver them, when their fins are forgiven, and 'his right t oui- ncfs is imputed to them : for then the broken law cannot condemn, nor'juliice punifh, there being no condemnation to them that are in Chrifl Jeliis. Up- on which death lofes its iling ; and when the pardon- ed (inner looks upon it, he fees nothing terrible in its appearance, but can boldly and without prefumption fay, " Yea, when I walk through the valley of the 41 fhadow of death, I will fear no evil : for thou my " God art with me."

And he is not only prepared to die becaufe he is de- livered from every thing that could make death dread- ful, but alfo becaufe he is in the poffeflion of every thing that can make death defirable. He knows he has an interefl in Chrifl:, and Chriit is the poflefibr of heaven and earth. He has all things in his hands, and has promifed to make them all work together for the good of his redeemed people : fo that whoever has Chrifl: has all things. " All things, "fays the apoflle, " are yours, whether life or death, or things prefent u or things to come, all are yours." And the rea- fon follows, tc and ye are Chi ill's, and Chrifl is " God's." As all that Chrifl has is yours, and nil that God has is Chrift's, confequently all is yours. And death by name is yours : no longer a cur ft; and a punifhment, but turned into a real blcfling; for it is the gste and entrance, through which you pals into cndlcfs life and never-fading glory.



Thus lie is prepared to depart, who has fcen with the eye of tYuh tnc ialvation of God. The doctrine is clear from iciipture ; but how is it, my brethren, in your experience ? Are you prepared to depart ? and ou wlut yc build your preparation ? on the Lord "Jeius, or on what ? Seaich and lee ; for nothing can comfort you in the hour of death, but having recei- ved him into your hearts by faith and love. You nmit fee his ialvation, and be able to keep the eye of faith intent upon it,y before you can be prepared to depart: but when this is your happy caie, then iw whatever fhape death comes, yon will be able to fay with our dear brother, Lvrd, now let I eft thou thy J truant depart in peace, according to thy "word: Jor mine eyes havejeen thyjalvation. He might well fay, Pt'Iinc eyes have feen thy Ialvation : for all that came near him were con- vinced that he had feen it. The effects ihewed it. He had put off the old man, and had put on the new j and was under the influence of divine love to his a- clorable Saviour. The love of Jcfus ruled in his heart ; and was therefore conllantly uppermoft in his mouth. He loved to be telling of his Ialvation all the day long. And he did not talk like a profeflor full of mere head- knowledge ; but what he {pake had a warmth, and life, and power in it, which (hewed that it came from his heart. He was p'crfectiy inflamed with the love of his divine Lord and Maftcr ; and if you fat any time in his company, you could not help catching iome of the holy flame. So that if itran- gers to his perfon may doubt of his experience of a Saviour's love, we who have convcrfed with him can- not. We are lure from what we faw and heard, that he had feen the ialvation of God, and therefore was prepared to depart. He knew in whom he had be- lieved, and was certain the power and the love of the dear Immanncl were in his intercft ; fo that neither -death, nor he that had the power of death, cou. * hurt him.

a 2 A

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A friend of mine was much with him on the of December, and the difcourfe turned upon what Clirift had done for his foul. Mr Hervey fpakc fh-ong- ly and carndlly of the aifurance of his faith, and of the great love of God in Chriil to him. He declared, that the fear of death was taken from him ; and it afterwards appeared, that death had no fling to hurt, nor the grave any power to get victory over him : for when death came, it found his mind in perfect peace. He hud no nneafy apprehenfions of dying, but had hopes full of glory and immortality. Doubt- leis then he had ieen the ialvation of God. The knowledge of ialvation had been precious to him in life, and therefore he experienced the pj ccioufneis of it in death: for then he could give thanks to God for giving him the victory through Jefus Chrift his Lord. Happy arc they to whom God has given the know- ledge of their ialvation ; they believe on good grounds, that their Saviour has brought them into a itate of ialvation ; and therefore they are prepared to meet death, yea they can delne and pray for it, as Simeon did j which is the iecond particular I was to confider.

Simeon knowing that he was prepared, therefore de- fired to depart. And this is the believer's cafe. He longs for death, not out of an impatient difcontented temper, but out of a real holy affection. When worldly men are oppreffed with troubles on all fides, and lee no way to eicape, they are apt to clelire death, that it may bring their mifery to an end, and put them out of their pain. And there are fome mofl miferable and ab- ject cowards, who murder themfelves to get rid of the troubles of life. Thefe men court death as a lefs evil, but the believer ddires it as a real bleffing. He knows that his death will be to the glory of his Saviour ; for it grieves him to the heart that he fliould ever do any Vhing difpleafing to fuch a kind Benefactor. After re- ceiving fo many tokens of Chi ill's love, Oh- it is indeed

a Hi i it ing


affiiding to give him the leaft offence. I appeal to yourf elves. You that have the love of Jefus in your i, ;ts, are not you lorry that you love him fo little? Ila\e not vou reaion daily to mourn for your ingrati-

e to hi rn ? and what will Inch thoughts fuggcft, but a dv.Miiv to be where the very occafion of offence will be removed ? It was on this account that Mr Hervey clefired death : for the iait morning of his life, when his brother came in to inquire afterhis welfare, he faid, I have been thinking of my great ingratitude to my God. And thefe thoughts made him vvifh to be de- livered from the bondage of corruption, into the glo- rious liberty of the children of God.

And he defircd it as Simeon did, and all believers do, upon another motive, namely, becaufe the Lord will get hirnfelf honour, by the honour which he will give to his people in his kingdom. He will be glorified^ fays the apofHe, in his jaints ; he will get himielf glory by the great glory which he will bellow upon them. And as the believer has, in all things, an eye to God's glory, fo has he cfpecially in his defires to be diffblved and to be with Chrirh Hs knows that God is glorified in him, and by him at prcfent ; but then it is imper- fedtly, and that grieves him. Self, or the creature, will be trying to (bare the heart with God, and thereby to rob him of his glory. A bare thought of this, when only rifmg in the mind, hurts the believer. He would have every thought brought into fubjc&ion to Chrift ; and that makes him defire to be where temptation and fin (hall be no more, and where he thall glorify God, and God (hall be glorified in him for ever and ever. With this view Mr Hervey de-fired to depart. His great love to his Siviour's glory made him wifh for death. He longed to be dilfolvcd, th:it he might be freed from the frailties and infirmities of this mortal life, under which he laboured, and could not always, nor in a jttrfecl degree, promote the glory of his redeeming God j therefore he dciircd to be with them who follow


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the Lamb whitherfoever lie goeth, and are ever recei- ving glory from him, and ever giving glory to him. And the Lord granted his defire ; he literally anivvercd his prayer ; for he departed in peace, according to the word of God, as I purpofed to ihew under my third head.

What it is to be at peace with God, and to depart with a fenfe of this peace upon our minds, I cannot better exprefs, than in the excellent words of the pre- fent Archbilhop of Canterbury, in his Nine jcrmons, p. 152. u "The peace of God is that fenfe of being in <c friendfhip with him, that feeling of comfort and <l joy flowing from him, ivhich pa []eth all under jl and- " /Ǥ-, exceeds the conceptions of thole who have not 44 experienced it, and will exceed hereafter the pre- 44 lent conceptions of thole who have/* And the be- liever, even when he is departing this life, has a fenfe of his being in friendihip with God, and has a feeling of comfort and joy flowing from him. This is pro- mifed in fcripture, and this is fulfilled to them who, being justified by faith, have peace with God: being reconciled to the Father through the Son of his love, they live, and they die in peace j

I fuppofe fome weak in the faith are thinking thus within themfelves : "Well, is it fo,thattrue believers 44 die in peace and joy ? I am fure I could not at pre- 44 lent ; for I am dreadfully afraid of death ; and 4i what would not I give to be delivered from thefe 44 fears ; for they make my life miferable." My bre- thren, why are you in bondage to them ? God offers you deliverance. There are many general promifes in his word, that let what will happen to believers, the peace of God fiiall rule in their hearts. Thus, //. xxvi. 3. u Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whole 44 mind is (laid upon thce." \nd as it is a perfect, fo it is a continual peace. u The Lord of peace himielf," fays the apoflle, 2 Theff'. iii. 16. " give you peacs al- 44 ways by all means :" for after he has once given this


peace, he makes all means, even the moft unlikely, tend to the promoting of it ; therefore death can by no means weaken, and much leis defh oy, this peace of God. Thefe general promifes he fulfilled to the patriarchs : for St Paiil fays, Heb. xi. 13, " That *' they all died in faith :" they aded faith in their death, and confequently had a fweet fenfe of the peace of God in their hearts when they died, David (hews us the reaibn of their dying in faith, PfnL xlviii. 14. 44 This God is our God for ever and ever, he {hall <c be our guide even unto death." They knew that their God would be with them to guide and keep them, when the body returned to duft, and the fpirit returned to God who gave it : and therefore David fpoke for himielf what each of them allb could fay, " When I walk through the value of the fhadow of " death, I will fear no evil, becaufe thou my God art " then with me : thy rod and thy flaff comfort me " even then,*' PfaL xxiii. 3. With this faith they looked upon death as di farmed of its fling and power to hurt ; and therefore they laid down their heads, and fell afleep in the arms of death, with as much compofure as any weary traveller ever longed for reft. They fell dflcep. The icripturefpeaks of their death under this beautiful image, Jo- teach us that death was as fweet to them as ever deep was to a hard-la- bouring man. The faithful fell afleep quietly and Composedly. And how fliould it be othcrwife ? they had no evil to fear ; for they were at peace with God. And what could death do to hurt that peace ? It does indeed difl'olve all other bonds, but it flrengthens this. It is the happy inftrument of fattening the bond of peace wi'h a tie which never never can be diiTolved, And when the faithful look upon death in this light, what is there in it but joy and peace, even a jov unfpeak-- ai>le, and a peace that lurpafTeth ajl undei {landing ?

Perhaps fome of you think this is not always the cafe j becaufe there are very good men Who have had


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firong conflicts rmd liruggles before death. Nay, my brethren, think not io wickedly of God. is it ac- cording to Ills word that the faithful (hall depart in peace, and do they not ? What ! can the word of God be broken ? No ; it mail (rand faft for ever and ever. And in the cnlc which you ftatc, it does not follow that this peace is weakened or destroyed, be- caufe it is tempted ; by no means. Theienle of this peace may remain when it is mod furiouily attacked ; for it is the peace of God. God gave it, and God keeps it ; and he may (utter the devil to tempt, but not to deftroy it. The more it is tempted, the more honour redounds to God for prcfcrving it in the fiery trial. It was more to God's glory to preferve his children in the fiery furnace, than to have kept them out of it. Doubtlefs he that has the power of death, will make his lait efforts, and try to lhake the faith of a dying believer. The devil will then fet upon him with all his fury. But though he be a roaring lion, yet he is chained ; and the almighty Saviour ib over-rules his malice and rage, that he makes them, work together for his glory and his people's good ; as he did remarkably in the laft efforts which the enemy made againft our dear brother. He favv him in great weaknefs of body, and then made a furious on- let againft his faith ; but the dear Immanuel was with him, and would not give him over into the enemy's hands. His faith was tried, and it came like gold out of the fire. He knew that it would be tried, and had therefore prepared himfelf for the fiery trial. Speak- ing of it to a faithful minifter of Chrift, who was often with him in his laft ikknefs, he faid, " How many. tc precious texts are there, big with the rich truths " of Chrift, which we do not comprehend, which we u know nothing of; and of thole which we do know, " how few do we remember \ Bonus textuarius eft 41 bonus theolugus, ai.d that is the armour. The word " of God is the fword ; thefe texts are the weapons,

u which

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u which I muft ufe when that fubtle fpirit, that arch *' adverfary of mankind, comes to tempt and lift me " in my laft conflict. Surely I had need be well pro- 44 vided with thefe weapons, I had need have my " quiver full of them, to anfwer Satan with texts one 44 of the word of God when he aiFaults me." Satan did afTault him, but found him prepared and armed. Mr Hcrvey laid to his friends the day that he died, 44 Oh you know not how great a conflict I have," And a/ter he had fat for fome time with his eyes con- flantly lift up towards heaven, and his hands clafped together in a praying form, he faid, 44 Now this great 44 conflict is over." Jefus made him conqueror over ail the powers of darknefs ; having endeavoured to rob him of his peace ; but in vain, they left him in the Saviour's arms, never more to be tempted ; and he watched over him with the tendereit love, until he took him home. And when he went, he indeed de- parted in peace. His body feemed to be ready as well as his foul. When death came, he had not one Itrug- gle with it. There was not a fingle groan or figh, or any thing that could fhew the leaft unwillingnefs to depart. He had fuch a gentle difmiflion as he had prayed for in Simeon's words. He departed in peace, and fell afleep.

I have now finimed what I had to offer upon the three particulars mentioned in my text ; and it ap- pears, that when a (inner is convinced of his want of a Saviour, and is convinced that Jefus is fuch a Savi- our as he wants, able and willing to fave to the utter- mod, and when he is made to fee his interelt in the perfect complete righteoufnefs of this adorable Savi- our, and is afTured of it from the word and Spirit of God, and from the fruits of righteoufnefs produced in his life and converfation, then he is prepared to die ; then he may delire it with fubmillion to God's Will ; and whenever death comes, he may expert to depart in peace, according to the word of God. Thefe VOL. V. 22. S great

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great truths I have illuftrated from fcripture and from, experience, more efpccially from the experience of our clear brother, now with the Lord, of whom I have fjioken nothing more than what the words of my text naturally, led me to fay. If I were to attempt to draw the character of this excellent man, I would confuler him in the feveral relations in which he Mood to GodJ and man, and would exhort you to follow him, fo fir as he followed Chrift. But the compafs of this difcourfe will not fuller me to enlarge. 1 can only oblerve ibme particular instances, from whence it will evidently appear that he had feen the falvation of Cod. He had a clear view of it by the eye of faith, and was able to act faith upon it, for his vvas a faith \vorkingby love. " We love God/' fays the beloved apollle, u becaule he firft loved us /'becaufe we know by faith that he firft lovtd us : fo that our love is the reflr-x acl: of his love to us. And Mr Hervey had great experience of God's love to him, and therefore hi» heart was full of love to- God ; and out of the abund- irice of his heart his mouth fpake. There was fuch a iweetnels of heart love upon his tongue, that he ufed to fpeak of the love of the adorable Redeemer, like one wl:o had feen him face to face in the fulnefs of his glory. He \vould, with all the power1 of language and dignity of fentiment, fpeak for along time together in praife of the evcr-bleffed Saviour. But you might plainly fee, though every body elfe was plcaled, yet he •was not fatisfied with what he had faid. He thought he had not laid enough, and what he had faid fell far below his Lord's merit. But ilill he would'try again, and, indeed was never weary. You could not hear him fpc^k for any time upon this his favourite fubject, with- out being convinced that he felt what he laid ; and if you had any love of God, when you went into his company, his converfation would inflame it. He had an excellency, which I never f»v to fo great a degree in any other peribn. lie never let an opportunity flip



of fpcaking of the love of Ghrift. He would take oc- cafion from the inoft common incident, and yet it would not appear forced; for he had a wonderful ta- lent at fpiritualizing and improving whatever happen- ed about him ; by which means he hindered the con- veriatiou from turning upon trifling matter's, and, at the iame time, kept k up with ipirit and ulefulncls. Having let the Lord always oefore him, he law tlia love of God in every thing, and therefore it is not to be wondered that all objects and events Ihouldgivt him ..occafion to {peak of it. In his lalt fickncls it conti- nued (till to be his favourite theme ; for whenever my friend, who was much with him, came into the room, he would begin to talk of the love of Clirilt, and of the great things which Chriii had done for him, until his breath failed him ; and as ibon as he had recover- ed himfelf a little, he would proceed upon the fame iweet iubjeft ; fo that he might have truly applied to himfelf the words of the prophet, u My mouth ihall *' be telling of thy .righteoulheis and of thy -lalvation " all the day long; for 1 know no end there rf."

This heart-love to God appeared evide iy in every part of his character. As a miniller, his faith wrought by love to the fouls of men in all the offices of his function. While his health.permitted iiim, ue watch- ed like a faithful (heplierd over his flock. He ufed to viiit them from houfe to haufe, and to Ipeak freely to them of the ftate of their fouls ^ and when the weaknefs of his body obliged him to drop theie reli- gious vifits, he would often grieve, that he could not be more ufeful, and would {peak with great concern and uneafmeis of his not being able to preach oftener, and to do more for Chr-irt. In the pulpit he was fer- vent and earned with his people, and would often ex- ert himfelf beyond his ftrength : for he preached the .great doctrines of falvation, as one who had experi- enced the power of them. It was manifefl to all who heard him, that he felt what he fpakc. And when we

S $ fpeafc


ipeak what we know, and teftify what we have feen, then God blclles this experimental preaching. He puts a divine power and energy into it, and renders it effectual to awaken Tinners, to comfort them that mourn for fin, and to edify and build up the faithful. Mr Hervey had many happy proofs of the ufefulnefs of his preaching for each of theie purpofes ; and there- fore he did not think it enough to preach once a- week on the Lord's-day, but he fet up a weekly lecture at W tfton-Favell, which was very well attended, and %vas bklfed to many of his neighbours, who will be his glory and crown of rejoicing in the preicnce of the Lord Jefus Chriir, at his coming.

He did not forget that he was a miniftcr in his own houie ; for he called his family together twice a- day to ferve God. It was his cuftom in the evening, after the iervants had read the Pfalms and the fecond lef- fon, to explain fome part of what had been read. In this cxercile he would fometimes dwell for half an hour ; and when he met with a fweet pafTage upon the love of Chrift, I have heard him fpcak for three quarters of an hour, and then he concluded with prayer.

In the morning, when the family were met toge- ther, he ufed to afk the fervants. " Well ! where was *' our text laft night ?" And after they hnd repeated it, he made them give an account of what had been laid upon it ; and then he would repeat and enforce his laft right's diicourfe, concluding with prayer.

In the afternoon, when he was called down to tea, he uied to bring his Hebrew Bible or Greek Teftament with him, and would either fpeak upon one verfe or upon feveral verfes, as occafion offered. This was generally an improving feafon. The glory of God is very feldom promoted at the tea-table ; but it was at Mr Hervey 's. Drinking tea with him was like being at an ordinance ; for it was fanclificd by the word of God and prayer,



As a member of fociety, his faith wrought abun- dantly by love to his neighbour : for he was full of good works. His charities to the poor were very large ; and that he might be liberal to them, he was very frugal in his own exper.ces. He chofe rather to clothe the poor, than to give them money. He ufed to get fome judicious perfon to buy linen, coarfe cloth, itockings, Uioes, drc. for them at the beft hand, al- ledging that the poor could not buy fo good a commo- dity at the little (hops, and with driblets of money. " 1 am God's Reward," lays he, " for his poor, and " 1 muft hulband the little pittance i have to beftow " upon them, and make it go as far as poffible." But where money would be particularly ferviceable to a family long aJilicled with ilckneis, or to a prudent houfekeepcr who had met with great lofles in trade, he would give five, ten, or fifteen guineas at a time, taking care it ftiould not be known from whence the money came.

He gave away a great number of good books, with fuitable inftructions for their ufe, and efpecially Bibles. In the blank leaf he frequently wrote fomething ftri- king, or elfe ftuck in a printed paper, relating to the promifes of God in and through Jefus Chrift.

Mr Hervey's income was but iinall, and it may be wondered how he managed it ib well as to have fucli i'ums to fpare for charitable ufes ; but what money was left, after the family-expences were paid, and all the profits arifing from the fale of his books, which was a very confiderable ium, he gave away in charity. He made of it a bank for the poor. " And this," lays he, " I have devoted to God. I will on no ac-

' count apply it to any worldly ufes. I write not for

' profit or for fame, but to ferve the caufe of God ;

c and as he has blefled my attempt, I think myfelf ^ bound to relieve the diftrefles of my fcllow-crta-

;t tures with the profit that comes from this quarter." And he is flill relieving them. He was not willing



that hre charities fhould die with him ; for he ordered all the proiit arifing from the future Tale of his books to be conftantly applied to charitable uies. Thus, liaving believed in God, he was careful to maintain good works, knowing that thefe things are good and profitable unto men.

In his private life he was under the influence of the fame faith, working by love to the will and command- ments of God. His holy walking was very exemplary. What he laid, in words, concerning his intereft in the Redeemer's righteoufnefs, he proved by his actions ; for he was very fenfible of the importance of this fcripturc, " He that, faith he, a'bideth in him, ought tl himleJf alfo to walk, even as he walked." (i John ii. 6.) Mr Hervcy walked yery clofc after Chrift^ and found that the belief of Chrift's righteoufnefs be- ing imputed to him for his juftification, was fo far -from being a licentious doctrine, that it infpired him with the noblefl motives to a grateful obedience. His lioly life was an excellent recommendation of his principles : for 1 never faw one who came up fo near to the fcripture- character of a Chriflian. God had en- riched him with great gifts, and with great graces, and had made him humble : for he was humbled by the power of grace. He had been a very vain proud young man ; but the grace of God emptied him of pride and felf, and clothed him with humility. Ha- ving put on Chrift, he had put on with him the orna- ment of a meek and quiet fpirit ; which appeared in his great patience and reiignation to the will of God. He had fame very (harp trials of his faith and .patience, both from God and from men, and he learned obedi- ence by the things which he fuffered. It was very remarkable, that in his long illnefs he was never known to fret or be uneafy ; nor did the perfons a- bout him ever hear one angry, or one hafty word come out of his mouth.

The fame principle of faith working by love was



manifeft in his ftudies, which he diretfed to the glory of God. He was once a great reader of the Greek and Roman authors, and his writings mew that he had a good tafle for claffical learning ; but for fome years paft he chiefly applied himfelf to the ftudy of the facred fcriptures. God had blefled him with a fine underftanding, and a great memory, which he cxer- cifed in reading the Bible in the original languages. He was very well fkilled in the Hebrew, and was an excellent critic in the Greek, and was a fcribe inflrucl- ed unto the kingdom of heaven, who, like unto a man that is an houfeholder, bringeth forth out of his treafurc things new and old. He had a great venera- tion for this treafure of the Old and New Teftaments. He ufed to talk of them in the highcft terms, next to- that adorable perfon of whom they treat. They were fwccter to him than honey and the honey-comb; and fo they will be to every one who reads them, as he did, with faith. Whoever can aft faith upon the ex- ceeding great and precious promifes contained in the facred volume, wil-1 find fo much fweetnefs in it, that he will have but little relim left for other books.

As tahis writings, I leave them to fpeak for them- felves. They ftand in no need of my praifes. They are in the hands of the public, and every reader will form his own judgment. Oh that the Spirit of the living God may dircft it, that whoever reads his wri- tings may learn to have no confidence in the flefli, but to make mention of Jehovah's righteouineis, even of his only.

The time would fail me, if I was to enlarge upon all the particulars of his life and death. That was not my defign. 1 only intended briefly to relate fome things, from whence a tolerable judgment might be formed of Mr Hervey's charafter. But I cannot finifli without taking notice of the laft fcene of his life, which was very triumphant and glorious. The hit a«d great trial of his faith was more precious than



that of gold which periflieth. Its precioufncfs never1 appeared more tlian in the hour of death ; for then he evidently law by faith, and apprehended the falvation of God, and could rejoice in a clear view of his own intcreit in it. When Dr Stonehoufc law him for the laft time, namely, on Chriilmas-day, about two hours before he expired, Mr Hervey prtiled home upon him. his everlafling concerns, in the molt affectionate man- ner ; telling him that here is no abiding place, and b; . ing of him to attend, amidft the multiplicity of his Lmnneis, to the one thing needful.

The doctor, feeing the great difficulty and pain with which he fpoke, (for he was almoit fuffocatcd with phlegm and frequent vomitings,) and finding, by his pulie, that the pangs of death were then coming on, deiired that he would {pare himfelf. " No," fays he, " Doctor, no. You tell me I have but few moments 4C to live ; Oh let me fpend them in adoring our great 44 Redeemer. Though ray fiefh and my heart fail me, u yet God is the ftrength of my heart, and my por- 4t tion for ever." He then expatiated in the mod linking manner upon thcfe words of St Paul, i Cor. iii. 22, 23. " All things are yoars, life and death : for " ye are Chrift's." u Here," lays he, u is the trca- •4 i'ure of a Chriftian. Death is reckoned amongft this vt inventory ; and a noble treafurc it is. How thank- ful am I for death, as it is the paljage through which ct 1 pals to the Lord and Giver of eternal life, and as " it frees me f»oni all this mifery you now ice me en- u durc, and which I am willing to endure, as long tc as God thinks fit 1 for I know he will, by and by, " in his own good time, diftnifs me from the body. 14 Thefe light niHictions are but for a moment, and u then conies an eternal weight of glory. Oh vvel- 4t come, welcome death ! Thou may ft well be reck- tl oned among the treaiures of the Chriilian.— To live 41 h Chriit, but to die is gain."

After which, as the doctor was taking his final leave



of him, Mr Hervey cxprcfTed great gratitude for his vifits, though it had been long out of the power of medicine to cure him. He then paufed a little, and, with great ferenity and fweetnefs in his countenance, though the pangs of death were then on him, re- peated thefe triumphant words

" Lord, now letteft thou thy fervant depart in " peace, according to thy moft holy and comfortable *' word : for mine eyes have ieen thy precious falva- *' tion. Here, Doctor, is my cordial What arc all *' cordials to the dying, compared to the ialvation of " Chrilt ? This, this fupports me." He found this fupporting him in his laft moments, and declared it, by laying, twice or thrice, Precious Jalvation ! and then leaning his head againrt the fide of the ealy chair in which he fat, he (hut his eyes, and fell afleep. Oh precious Ialvation ! how precious muft it be to the dying man, who, interefted in it, can thank God for d- ath, and reckon it among his riches ; who, fupport- ed by faith in the falvation of God, can account it his g-ain to die ; and can gladly fay, Oh welcome,, welcome death 1 May this faith i'upport you, my brethren, when all other fupports fail, and make ial- vation as precious to you as it v/as to Mr Hervey 1 and of this you may be afTured, that what the Lord did for him he is able alfo to do for you. Hr was in- deed a glorious inftance of the power of grace ; for by the grace of God he was what he was. And grace is free ; as free for you as it was for him ; able alfo to make you live and die as much to the glory of God as he did He was truly a burning and mining light ; but the Lord's hand is not (hortened. It can make your light fhine alfo before men, and enable you to adorn the doctrine of God your Saviour as much as Mr Hervey did. And the great ufc to be made of his example is, to ftir you up to glorify God for the gifts arid graces beftowed upon him, and to defirc the fame

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may be beftowed upon you. With this view I mail apply it,

/•/r/?, To thofe perfons who have never feen the fal~ vation of God, and confcquently, are not prepared to depart in peace ; and thefe are all carelefs Tinners, who live lecure in the wilful commiflion of iin. Mr Hervcy knew, that whenever the Lord (hould call him out of this life, he {hould be found in Chrift, not having his own righteoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith- of Chrift, the righ- teoulhefs which is of God by faith ; and, clothed in this righteoufnefs, he was certain that he fhould ap- pear at the bar of juftice without fpot of fin, unto eternal falvation. But this is not your experience. Nay, you have never been awakened to defire it. You have never been humbled under a fenfe of your lofl condition, nor broken down under a conviction of your helplefTnefs : £b that you have never ieen your want of a Saviour, and, coniequently, have never feen the falvation of our God. If you entertain any hopes of departing in peace, while you are in this Mate, you are of all men the moft deceived ; for w'«?en death comes, it will find you in your finsnnpardoned, with- out any faith in the Redeemer's righteoufnefs to make death deferable, but with every thing that ean make it terrible. The holy, juft, and good law of the moft high God will accufe, confeience will plead guilty, juftice will condemn and punifii, and the wrath of God will abide upon you for ever and ever. Row is it pofftble yon (hould depart in peace, unlefs you die infenfible \ and that would be dreadful indeed-. If fin {hould fo far infatuate you, that you never awake out of its delufive (lumbers until you are called to receive the xir&ges of fin, Oh think what Tort of a peace you fpeak to yourfelves ! fince it leaves you in the greateft dan- ger, and, at the fame time, infenfible of it To de- part in fuch a falfe peace, would be your everlafting deitrucYton. Oh Sirs, cenfidcr then what a delufion



you arc under I The wrath of an offended God abid- eth on you, the curies of his broken law hang over your guilty heads, and you are liable to the vengeance of his almighty jufticc ; and yet you think yourielves iafe. You are faying, Peace, peace, while all the powers in heaven and earth are at war with you, and in a moment you may be cut off, and delivered over to the tormentors ; and then you will have a lad and •eternal experience of that awful threatening, ll There " is no peace, faith my God, to the wicked,*'

Men and brethren, what d& you fay to thefe things ? Are they true, or are they not ? If they be true, why are you not influenced by them ? And if yon think ihem not true, why do you make any profeffion of the Chriftian religion ? why do you come to the lioufe of God to attend upon his ordinances ? Your appearance here ranks you among profefTors ; and if you keep up the form, without the power of godli- iiefs, I have for you, in the fecond place^ a word of reproof.

There have arifen, in the latter days, mockers, who pretend to ridicule the feeing of the falvation of God, and the being thereby prepared to depart in peace. Poflibly there may be fome fuch amongft tu to-day, v/ho laugh at all vital and experimental religion. If there be, I would afk them, whether the fcripture has not promifed deliverance from the fear of death ? Is it not written, (Ileb. xi. 15.) *' That Chrift came to " deliver them who through fear of death were all * their life-time fubjecl to bondage ?" Obferve, they were in bondage to the fear of death, butChriflcameto deliver them. And did not he attain the end for which he came ? Moft certainly he did, " I have finifh- <e ed," fays he to his Father, u the work which thovj *c gavcft me to do." Now, it was part of the work to deliver his people from the fear of death j and as "the work was finilhed, confequently they are deliver- ed. And they fay they are. They atteft it, and they

T 2 fcav«


h.ivc given the moft convincing proofs of their having conquered all fear of death: they have been afflicted, tormented, itoned, lawn afunder, put on the rack ; and yet they would not accept deliverance, becaufe they were fure of obtaining a better refurredion. And of tliefe there have not been two or three only, but a noble and numerous army, yea a great multi- tude, whom no man could number ; and, glory be to God, it is an increafing multitude : there are ibme who daily depart in peace, and there are hundreds, thou- iands now alive, who are waiting for their departure with hopes full of immortality ; and why mould you think they will be difappointed of their hope ? Will Chrifl break his word ? can his promife fail ? No : his word and his promife mall be eftablHhed, when heaven and earth (hall be no more ; and until the place of them (hall not be found, the Lord will always have fuch witnefles of the truth of the doctrine in my text, as Mr Hervey, who will depart this life in the triumph of faith.

Againft thefe plain facts what can you object ? They «re founded upon the clear promifes of icripture, which are literally fulfilled at this very day ; and you can have no pretence to reject their authority, unlefs you run inco downright fcepticifm, and deny the au- thority of the holy Icriptures. If any of you have arrived at this pitch of ridicule, I mail not reaibn with you at prefect. Let the day decide the point. If death does not, judgment will. You will be forced to be tried by that book which you reject, and by that Judge whom you have infulted and vilified. O that you may be convinced of your error before it be too late ! May God open your eyes to fee your guilt and your danger, that you may fue for mercy along with them who are fefking the experience of the doc- trine in my text ; to whom I have, in the third place, a word of comfort.

I iuppofe there are many pcrfous here,, who find


MR HERVEY's £> E A T H. 149

the fting of death in their guilty conferences, and who tftei efore de-fire to be delivered from the fear and fro n the power of d.;ath'. My brethren, thtre is a glo- rious Deliverer, who has, in his own perfon, conquered death, and him that had the power of death ; and he is able to make you conquerors. His power is al- mighr.y : for he is the Lord God omnipotent ; and he is an all-loving Saviour, who is more ready to give, than you are to aik, his promifed help. Since he has jliewn you your want of it, afk and you mall have, leek and you fliall find.

You do feek, you fay, but it is with many doubts and fears. Of what do you doubt ? of Chrift's power or of Chrift's love ? He can deliver you. All things are pollible to him, becaufe all power in heaven and canh is in his hands. And he is a God of love ; he lias (hewed mercy to the greateft of iinners, and has fhcd his love abroad in their hearts. He has given them faith to fee their intereft in him, and then they were happy living or dying: for whether they lived, they lived unto the Lord ; or whether they died, they died unto the Lord : fo that living and dying they were the Lord's.

True, fay you, I believe this was the happy cafe of M! Heivey, and of many others ; but I am full of doubts and fears, becaufe I am fuch an unworthy creature, that 1 do not deierve any mercy. Nor did they : God did not treat them upon the footing of deiert ; wiiat he give them was bounty, flowing fro n the riches of his unmerited love. That is the way in which he beitows his great falvation. All the bleflings of it are free, as free for one (inner as for another. None are excluded, becaufe they are great (inners ; Paul found mercy : and none are rejected, becaufe of their nnworthinefs ; Mary Magdalen was p;t doned ; and why may not you ? For all the gifts of God flow from his free grace, and are beftowed upon unworthy finners ; and if you are one of them,



you arc a proper objeft to receive the bleffings of free ^race ; and the ienfe of your unworthinefs mould make you more earnelt in afking, but it is no bar to your receiving, all the blcilings of ialvation ; for Je- dus Chrift afllires us in his word, u that he came to 44 feck and to fave that which was loft j fuch loft iinners as you are,.

Thus you fee what encouragement you have to be- lieve in God. You have his word and his promife to rely upon ; you have the teftimony of God's people, declaring that they were once, as you are, afraid of death, but now Chriii has taken away the fear of it. They have feen the falvation of God, and know by faith, that all the We/lings of it are freely given them in Chriit Jcilis ; therefore they are ready, they defire to depart. May the tender mercies of our God bring •every one of you into this happy ftate ! And to thofe who are already in it, I make my fourth remark.

My Chrillian friends and brethren, you have feen the falvation of God, and are delivered from the fear •of death : what return will you make unto the Lord for all the benefits which he hath done unto you? Cer- tainly you will not forget the great things which he has already given you, and the greater things for which you are waiting ; and let thefe confidcrations •conllrain you to love this divine Benefa&or, and to lerve him without fear, in an holy obedience, all the days of your lives. Give evidence of the fmcerity of your love, as your Lord requires ; u If ye love me, " keep my commandments :" Keep near to me in my ways, and walk clofe with me in mine ordinances, and you will not only thereby give proof of your love, but it will alfo grow exceedingly ; and as it grows, your deiire to depart will grow with it ; for when the love of Chrift rules in the heart, yoju will be ready, yea, you will defire to depart, and to be with him. This was the happy experience of our deceafed bro- ther 5 and let his example iiir you up to great care



and watchfulnefs in your holy walking heavenwards, that your faith may be always working by love, as he did. Confider the graces of his life, and leek the fame. Stop not fhort, but try to get beyond him. Confider his death. Remember with what perfect af- furance he fpake of his intereft in Chrift, and what ftrong proofs he gave of it ; and then pray that your faith may ftand as unfliaken as his was in that great time of trial. And, above all, forget not what fup- ported him in his laft moments ; it was the clear vicv/ he had of his intereft in the great falvation of God : " This, this," lays he, " fupports me,"— now at the approach of death. Oh how precious did falvation then appear to him, when he found death coming difarmed, and without a fling ! and it grew ftill more precious, when, with his laft breath, he decla- red that death had no power to hurt the peace of God, which ruled in his heart ; for even then he found falvation precious. You need not fear, my brethren, but this will be your happy experience. God has given you the knowledge of falvation by the rcmiflion of your fins ; and as your faith grows exceedingly., falvation' will grow exceedingly precious. The great- er experience you hereby get of the love of Chrift, the more will you be fupported under the trials of life, and the better prepared for the trials of death* You will find, that the iwcet fenfe of Chrift's love in the heart, will enable you to rejoice in fuffcrihg, and then, you need rot fear but it will enable you to rejoice in the fufferings of death. For who or what (hall fepa- rate believers from the love of Chrift ? Shall the trou- bles of life, or the pains of death ? (hall tribulation, or tliftreis, or perfecution, or famine, or nakedncfs, or peril, or fword ? No ; in all'theie things we arc more than conquerors through him that loved us. More- than conquerors ! Oh gloi ions warfare, in which belie- vers not only conquer their enemies, but nHo reap in- numerable and endlcfs bldlings to thf mitivcs. Even



death is to them a real blcfling ; they expedl it, they find it io, and they arc more than conquerors over it, through him that loved them.

In the/rt/? place, I muft put you all in remembrance, that neither the words of my text, nor what has been faid upon them, will be of any benefit without a bl ef- fing from God. We cannot ice his falvation with the eye of faith, nor experience the power of it, without the help of his grace. It is from him, who has done all for us, that all muft be done in us ; and if iome good imprellions have been made this day upon any of your hearts, they will loon wear away, unlefs he preferve and ftrengthen them. If you defire, at prc- ient to live Mr Hervey's life, and to die his death, this defire will be inetfeclual, unlefs it be carried ad by the mighty working of God's Spirit: he is all in all. For which realbn we al ways' begin and always end the hearing of the word with prayer ; being af- fured, that if Paul fhould plant, and Apollos mould water, yet it would be to no purpofe, unlefs God mould give the increafe. Oh that it may be abundant this day to his glory, and to the good of your fouls. To that end let us pray

O almighty and mod merciful God, we humbly be- feech thee to look down with mercy upon this con- gregation, and to blefs the words which we have heard this day with our outward ears. Make them the means of opening the blind eyes which have never feen their want of thy falvation, Lord, enlighten them, and help them to feek, until they find pardon and peace in thce. Be gracious to thofe who are now waiting upon thee, believing, that after they have feen thy falvation, they (hall be able to depart in peace. O Lord God, manifeft it unto them, and add this day to the number of thofe who have feen and experien- ced it. We defire to glorify thee for every living Chriftian who knows in whom he has believed, and is


MR H E R V E Y ' s D E A T H.

ready and prepared to depart in peace. We give all the praife to the riches of thy free grace. ,\nd we alfo blefs thy holy name for all thy iervants departed this life in thy faith and love, beseeching thee to give us -grace 4o to follow their good examples, as they followed Chrift ; that with them we may be parta- Icers of thy heavenly kingdom. Grant this, O Father, for Jefus ChrifPs fake, our only Mediator and Advo- cate ; to whom, with thee, and the Holy Spirit, three qo-equal,perfons in one Jehovah, be honour, and and bleflfmg, and praife, for ever and ever.

. V. 22. U R









CASE of NOAH, denouncing a Curfe upon CANAAN. In a LETTER to a LADY of OUAHITY.

Merfes profuN<iot pulchrior cvenit. HOK.




THE reader will fee, from the date of the follow- ing letter, that it was written a confidcrable time ago. From which circumflancc he will probably conclude, that it was not intended for publication. A conjecture which is perfectly juit. The publication is owing to the Right Honourable perionage, whole name, though it would grace and recommend his pa- pers, the author is not allowed to mention. Her


R fc M A R. K S, 6*.

Ladyftiip's commands, which would admit of no ex- cufe, drew the remarks from his pen ; and her defire, which with him will always have the force of a com- mand, has brought them to the prefs.— It will give him the higheft pleafure, if, while he is paying the debt of obedience and gratitude to a Noble friend, he may fupport the dignity of the divine word ; may raiie its efieem, and promote its ftudy among men : becaufe then he may reafonably hope to promote the be/I inter efts of his fellow-creatures ; and liibiervc that grand deitgnation of the almighty tVlajefty, ex- prefTed by the Pfalmifl, Thou haft magnified thy -word above all thy name * .

* Pfal. cxxxviii. 2.


AS you was plcafed to afk my opinion concerning LORD BOLI N G B JL o KL E'S remarks on thejcrip- tiiral hiftory, I have procured the book ; have perufed what relates to the fubjecT: ; and fubmit to yo'ur judg- ment -the thoughts which occurred ; alluring your* Lordfhip, that, though many might difcufs the point much more clearly and fatisfaftorily than the perfoii you favoured with your commands ; yet no one can think it a greater honour to receive them, or a great- er pleafureto execute them.

" The Old teftament," it is alledged, " is no fuf- " ficient foundation for chronology from the beginning tt of time * ." To enter upon the niceties of chrono- logy^ would, perhaps, be too difficult a rcfearch ; at leaft, it would require from your Ladyfliip a more

U 2 painful

« See Lord jgo/m^roAff's letters on the ftudy and ufe of bi- i>t>ry, vol. i. p. 98.


painful attention, than I fhould chufe to occalion any of my letters. And I very frankly own, that £ am by no means matter of the argument, nor equal to the talk Others, 1 don't doubt, whole inclination has diipofed, and whole gen-ius has fitted them for this particulai (tudy, will undertake to decide the q'.ieilion, and give the honour where the honour is due. This, however, from a very icanty ibrvcy oi the cafe, I car»ealily difcern ; that the chronologer will no where find fuch memorable events for fixing his aeras, nor fuch early and fitbftantial aids for computing his time, as trom the Mojaic monuments, and the fa- cred annals.

From the beginning of the world to the flood, we have ,an orderly gradation of time, marked out by the lives' of ten eminent patriarchs. From the Hood, we may proceed to that glorious promifc of a Redeemer, ni^de to .*4bt*kam; In thy Jeed fliall all the nations of tk° earth be blejjcd. From this promife, to the mi- raculous deliverance of the Israelites from, Egyptian bondage. From thence to the building of Solomon's temple ; which was an illuftrious type * of that di- vine pcrfon, in lukom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, From the building of" this magnifi- cent flructure, to the demolition of it by the Babylo- nian monarch. From thence, to the conqueft of Babylon by Cyrus the Perfean. And from the reign of Cyrus, to that grand, that moft important of all tranfadlions, the death of Mefiiah the Prince; when \\c.finiflied the tranjgreffton^ and made an end of fins, and made reconciliation for iniquity ^ and brought in everlafting righteoujnefs f .

The intermediate fpace, between each of thefe verjf diftinguiflied periods, may, I believe, be afcertainedy to a confiderable decree of exaclncfs, from the fa- cred volumes. If fo, this will conftitute a more com -


* Sen. xxii. 18. John ii. 21. -j- Dan. ix. 24.


prehcrtfive and perfect fyftem of chronology, than care be derived from the Olympiads of the Grecians, or the tiegira of the Mahometans ; from the Pcrjian, the Ro- man, or any other epocha.

But the hijlory of the Old Teftament is much more neceffary to be known, and much more cafy to be underftood. Yet this, my Lord iuggefts, is not a complete hiftory of the firfl ages *. We allow the fug- gtftion. It neither is, nor has materials for, a com- plete univerfal hiftory. It pretends to nothing more, than to relate the affairs of one particular family ; in which the church of G O D was to fubfift, and from which the SAVIOUR of men was to fpring. Ne- verthelefs, fo many collateral incidents are touched up- on, fo many branches of this main flream are occa- iionally puriued, as prefent us with a collection of the moft ancient^ the mod curious^ and moil inftruttivc fafts.

Here we are brought acquainted with the creation of the world, and the formation of man. The origin offvil, both natural and moral, is difcovered in the fall of our firft parents ; and the difpleafure of GOD againft fin, is manifefted by the waters of a general deluge. Here we fee theprefervation of our fpecics in the ark, and repeopling of the earth by Noah; the in- vention of polite arts f, and the rife of ufeful manufac- tures J j the eftablifhment of nations, and the foun- ers of their principal kingdoms ||. Not to add, that thcfe records are the royal archives, in which the char- ter

" Pag. 83. -f" Gen. iv. 2r. ^ Gen. iv. 20, 22. || Gen. chnp. x. Which, though but little adverted to, b tbe nobleft piece uf geographical antiquity extant in the world. It (hews us how the whole earth, from the three (bus of Noah, was overlpread, inhabited, and denominated. It ciiic<^vers ihe true fource of the feveral nations ; about which profane au- thors either fay nothing at all, or elfe fay what is chimerical.


ter of ourfovercignty * over the creatures isprcfervedv and the original drjwjjit of the covenant of grace j depolited. Here then, may we not challenge any, or nil the books, written in every language under hea- ven ? "What memoirs go ft} fur back into antiquity ? what memoirs arc/; interring to all mankind ? Had they been Iran tin itted to us by any Grecian or Roman author, how would they have been admired and va- lued ! how laviihly, and indeed how juitly, praifed !

Another excellency of thefe writings (and peculiar to thete nlonc) is, That they not only reach backward, as far as the vtty birth of things ; but proceed for- wards, even into the remfftefifittgrfty. They foretold the ruin of Babylon J, trie noblell, the bed fortified, and mod commodiouily lituated metropolis in the uni- vverfe ; who faid, and no one would have iufpccted it to be a vain boaft, / fliall be a lady for ever ||. Yet the fcriptures pronounced her utter deft rutf ion _{., anti fpecified the per/on who mould bring about this great cataftroplie. They pointed out the place of his a- i>odc ~— ; they deicribed him by ieveral etiftingxi/kixg circumftanccs -H- J they particularized the genius of Vis warlike enterprizss = ; they mentioned his very

name /

* Gen. i. 28. -j- Gen. lit. 15. ^ If. xiii. 19. &c. xv'u 23, 24. j| If. xlvii. 7. 4- If. xiii. 19, 20. &c. xvi. 23, 24*

+- If. xlvi. ii.

-H- That he Ihould bcfiege and take the moft impregnable1 of cities. If. xlv. i, 2. ; that he (hould enrich himfelf with immenfe Ipoilf, If. xlv. 3. ;- that he (hotild net be a tyrant, but zjbfpherd to the captive Jeu's ; fhould reic-afe them from their captivity, and both permit and promote tfce rebuiklingof their temple, If, xliv. 28.

= He is called a ravtnous blrd^ If. xlvi. tr. denoting his J?tcd+ aflivity, srd great exprttitfog. Which were move like the flight of ^fuiift-vnnge'd bird, (this is the exaft lenleof the original fy than the march ei~ an army, with all its encum- brances. This \i acknawl edged by Tigntnfs, :u liis fine expof-



* ; all this, fome hundreds of years before the event took place, or the conqueror was born.

They foretold the rejection and calamities of the difobedient yews ; who are the chief fubject of their hiftory ; (and this, furely, could not be with a view to aggrandize their nation, or to anfwer any iinifter clefign :) that they fhould be fubdued by their enemies, lofe the favour of their God, and the pofltffion of their native land ; yet not be fettled, as a colony, in ibme particular tract of the vigor's dominions, but bcjcatfered abroad under the whole heavens f. ^This was threatened by their J E HO V A H, this is re- corded in their books, and this is, even now, fo re- markably fulfilled, as to be a f?ct of the uimoft noto- riety. Go into the moft polite or moft barbarous countries, the neareft or moft difhnt parts of the world ; you will, every where, find living evidences of this fcriptuj al prediction.

The icriptures fpeak in the moft explicit and per- emptory terms, with regard to the reparation of the Jc*ivs J. This reiteration could not be effected, at


tulatory dilcourfe with Cj'rj/j: 7 a^wJi™™^ *tf,tr>** *<,?«, «r« *-w«9«»

if^wiras iKbui o-j» xo\f'j fo\u, *(ji» 7*To» rtit Trap' tavla <?u»a^t<» «6f>«i<ra<rflii.

You fo far exceed the king of Armenia in tht fwif tuffs of your motions, that, before he cwldgcl together the few forces quar~ tered in his neighbourhood, y^u arc come from a dlft.i-.t country ', and have Jurr bunded him vith a large ai my. Xeij ^h. Cyro- paed. lib. III. Thus Alexander, whofe marches and whofe victories were almoft incredibly fwif't, is beautifully and ex- actly characterized by the prophet Daniel. As J wasconj?d;r- ing, behold', an he-goat came from the vjtft on th: face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground. Chap. vi:i. 5. No orator w'uh all the powers of language, could more beauti- fully have defcribcd the rapidity and the excent of the Mace- donian conquers; nor could any h'flori^n, though wriring -fcer the accomplifhment of the events, have defcnbed the;n more cxaftlj-.

* If. xiiv. 28. xlv. i. -f Dcut. xxyiii. 64. Amos. ix. 9.

:j: Ezeic. xi. i-t. Amos. ix. 14, 15. Zeth. xiv. 10, n. I have



leaft could not be obferved, if they had been blended and incorporated with the inhabitants of other climes. Therefore, to be a. prej'uwptive proof of its accomplifh- ment ; and to render it, when accomplished, the moft •ob/ervable of all revolutions ; they have lubfifted a dif- tintt people, amidft all the regions whither they have been driven. A molt fingular and aftonifhing cir- cumftance ! How Toon were the Dqmcs, the Saxons^ and the Normans, mingled with the Britons ! and how •entirely are they all melted down and loft among the natives of our iile ! But the Jews, like a drop of oil on the water, have continued zjeparate community ; and, though difpcrfed into all nations, are not, through the long •couric of feventeen hundred years, embodied xvith any. This is fuch a peculiarity in the diipenia- tions of providence, as I can never fufficiently admire : and is, I think, an undeniable voucher to the authen- ticity of the icriptures ; held forth, as it were by the hand of Omnipotence, in -the light of all the world.

Such events the ancient fcriptures foretell, and/wofc fads they relate ; facts of incomparable grandeur, and events of the greateft importance. All which are deli- vered in fuch a inajejlic Jimplicity of ftyle, as nothing


tiot ventured to determine, whether this reftoration of the 'Je-ws is to he underftood of a return to their own country, or of their conversion to the faith of CHRI ST. Though I think, the litter is the meaning of the Holy Spirit; will be no iefs wonderful than the former ; and feems to be fupported by fuch paflages as the following. Theyjhall look on ME, -whom ihey have pierced, and mourn. The gift of repentance, not the circumftance of flace, is the material point, Zech. xiii. 10. When it/hall turn, not the tribes of Ifrael to Jerusalem, but the heart ot the Ifraelitfs to the LORD, 2 Cor. iii. 16. Then all I(rae\/ball be faved, Rom. xi. 26. fliall be made partakers of the goipel, of its facred privileges, and its great falvation. in which they will enjoy all, more than all the bleflings, which Canaan could afford. Of which, that goodly land, in its JUt- 4aoQ fertility, affluence, and glory, was but a type.


can equal but their precife yeracity. Yet thefe books Lord Bminybrokc difparages ; and, at the fame time, extols the writings of Tacitus . The remains of Tnci- tus, he tells us, 4k are precious remains *." Thole of the holy/'cripture u are dark and imperfect accounts f.*1 In Tacitus, u hiftory preferves her integrity and her 44 luftre \" In the holy (ctipture, inilead of hiitory, you have u an heap of fables ; which can pretend to 11 nothing but fome infcrutable truths, and therefore 44 uielefs to mankind j| ." Every line of Tacitus has weight §, and cannot be mentioned without admira- tion. Whereas, \\\e J acred hiftory is put upon a level with the extravgancies of *4madi* of Gaul \., and 44 can never gain iufficient credit from any reafonable " man #.'*

ii/hf) is this uncircumcifed Philiftine, faid David, that hefhoidddefy the armies of the living GO D = f And who is this Tacitus, would I afk, this darling author, that he fhould be railed to the fkies, while the divine hifto- rians are trodden to the duft ? If your Ladyfhip is unacquainted with his character, let me give it in the words of a moil elegant and mafterly critic : u Having 44 coniidered the principal qualities of Tacitus as a 44 writer and an hiftoi ian, 1 c.innot help thinking, 44 that there is a falie iiiblimc and afFc<ftation in his

44 defcriptions ;

* Page i6r. -f Pa^e 108. + Pape 161.

|| Page 121. § PaRe I^]f' -J- P^i^ i2r.

, Page 118. If, in the pagec. I have referred t;^ a;;tl tlie

iencences I h<«ve quoted, my Lord does not aim at thejcriptu- rat records, 1 lhall very willingly, nay, myl gladly acknowledge myfelf miltaken. To me, after a repeated an-l actentive pei u- ial of th<? paiTages, he appears to mean thf.fc, and tlulc /;/ ins.1- pally. He means, according to his own pi ofellion, fuck an- cient hijltjty as he had ban dcj'cribing (fee pag. 1 18.); and I am very fure, the principal fubjecl of the preceding meets was the facrfet. But why mould not his Lordlhip fpe::k his fcnti- mentb plainly ? Is it for* want of ingenuity ? t>r owing to dif- fidence in the caufe ?

= i Sam. xvii. 26.

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4d' fcriptions ; a fcurrility and fattrical vein, with 11 too cpigrammatica) a concilencis in iiis wit ; an a- " cut ncis, but too ipeculative, and' a polity over-ic- " fined in his obi'crvations ; a mali'iu^ M a ' ill-natu- " red turn in his characters ; a j)h;ioloj,n, u>o ai.: ;; •;•.#- *' ed and elevated in his realonhig.--, aiul a an ty in his " learning. In fhoj t, that he is in antiquity a pedant ; u in the philofophy of nature a iccptic ; in ni'Mvis " loofe ; 'in description gaudy and pompous ; in po- u litics i'ubilolous, refined, and knaviih *."

Yet this is the writer that mult be placed in fuch jj;reat fuperiority to Mojes^ Jojhua, and Samuel; this the hiftory (rile Criticilm, and relent the indignity !) that is Ipoken of with applaufe and rapture, even while the iacred annals are treated with difrefpecl: and oblo- loquy.

I might recount the glorious privileges exhibited in this blelTcd book ; the ineltirnable promijes made to the righteous ; the tendcrly-compalfionate invitations ad- clrefTed to Tinners ; the refined and exalted displays of morality ; with many other noble particulars ; which it is the prerogative of/cripture to contain, the wif- dom of mankind to believe, and the only felicity of our nature to be interefted in them, and influenced by them.

But my Lord is ready to agree on thefe topics. He exprefTes, in fome places at lead, no diflike of the doc- trinal and prophetical parts. Nay, he has contrived an expedient to rclcue them from the difhonour which he would bring upon the hiftorici'l. He allows the former to be written under the infpiration of the holy


* The treatife, which furnifhes me with this extraft, is writ- ten by Mr Hunter; is eir tied, Qkfcrvatibns on Tacitus; and, if my reader hu- not penifed them, I >!*re venture to afliire him, that he hat one of the higheft entertainments in polite litera- ture yet to come. See page 184.


and uner*.-ing Spirit. The latter, he affirms, are " pure- " ly human, and therefore fallible *." Proceeding upon this iuppofition, he fcruples not to reprefent them, as the devices of craft, or the blunders of ig- norance. "j~.

I ran ft beg leave to obferve, that fach a diflinttion is without the leaft ground of reality to iupport it ; and would, if admitted, be an effectual method lojitb- vert the whole of revelation. For, if it could be pro- ved, that the authors of this hiftory were fb 'weak as to i 'I into palpable errors, where a common degree of Sagacity would have fecured them from miftaking; or if they were ib treacherous as to palm upon the world a multiplicity of forgeries ; ib impious as to a- f cribe their faliehoods to the GOD of truth ; this would at once ruin their character as men, and deftroy their credit as -writers. At this rate, who could de- pend upon their teftimony in any point whatever ?

Beiides, many of th,e dodrinal parts of fcripture re- fer to, and are deriveafrom, the hiftorical. If the lat- ter were a parcel of impolitions and miilakes, what degree of veracity or dignity could the former claim ? If tne foundation is a bubble, how can the fupcrftruc- ture ftand ? VVhcther his Lordfhip, by iuch a ipecious pretence affcrving the intercfts of true religion, in- tended iecretly to undermine it, 1 will not prefume to lay. But this I may venture to declare, that his icheme is very fhrewdly calculated to compafsfuch an end. Grant what his LorcluYip afks ; and what all the enemies of Ciiriftianity wifh, will undoubtedly follow.

Farther, Madam, fuch a diftinclion is contrary to the exprels declaration of the New Teftament ; which pofitively aflcrts, that A L L jc ripture is given by injpi-

X 2 ration

' Page 96.

•j- That this is no aggravated imputation, every attentive reader of his Lord/hip's letters will eafily perceive; and I be- lieve, it will appear too plainly from the paflages to be produ- ced in the iequcl of this epifllc.


ration of GOD *.— Our blcflcd LORD, who

\ c rv well qualified to (i'jcirn truth, and equally zea- lous to maintain it, makes no Inch difference, lie lays in general, Search the jcripturcs f ; the whole col- lection of facred writings Whatjocvcr things, adds »St Paul, not ibme particular padages only, hut WHATSOEVER THINGS were writ en aforetime, were written for our learning J ; and mult therefore have been under iuch a divine fupenntendency, as fe- cured them from 'all poilibility of error. Otherwife, they might be written, not for pur learning, but for our deception. So that St Paul's direction is as con- trary to Lord Balingbrvjidt difttnction, as the eaft is pppofitc to the weft. We n>ay as foon bring thofe two points of the hemifphere together, as reconcile his Lordfliip's refinements with the apoltle's religion. 1 believe it will be equally difficult to render his Lordfliip confident with himfelf. His conceffion over- throws his diflinttion. Admitting the doctrinal parts of the fcripture to be true, the veracity of the hillo- rical is, by necc(Jary conjtquence, and beyond all con- tradiction, cftabliflicd. They are indi ffbtubty connect- ed : they mutually bear on, and mutually fufrain each other ; and muft frand or fall together. They are like an arch molt exactly finilhed ; not a flonc of which can be taken away, without difconcerting the whole Jtruclurc ; arid like an arch firmly founded, as well as correctly finifhed, the more they are firejjed, the Jlronger they will appear,

My Lord fays indeed, That CHRIST came not to* *' conieci ate all the written traditions of the 'Jews II ."

*/ 1 1

fie Jays it, but where or how does he prove it ? By written traditions of the Jews^ I fuppofe we arr lo lirxlerftand all the Hebrew j crip tures» The drift of


* 2 Tim. Hi. 16. -f- John v. 39. £ Rom. xv. 4.

|| Page §4.


the difcourte leads us to this fenfe. Now, it is appa- rent, that our Saviour has actually confederated, has fet the leal of authenticity and infallibility to the law of Mofes, to t/ie pialms, and to the prophets * . By ap- pealing to them as decifive, and by allowing them to be predidive, he has acknowledged them to be divine- ly inipired ; to be unqueftionably true. And a very little acquaintance with Jcwi/h antiquities will inform us, that, in thefe three partitions, the whole body of the Hebrew fcriptures is comprehended ? What then becomes of his Lordftiip's affertion ? or to whofc diicredit does it tend ; that of the 'Jciuijh fcriptures, or tliat of his own knowledge ?

I mu(t defire your Lordlhip to take notice of the expreffion in this palfage. It is fomewhat fingular, and deferves a particular regard. Written traditions is the phrafc. Every one knows that we explode, and very juitly, thofe juper/iittous whimfies of the Jews^ which pafs under the denomination of traditions. Yet my Lord thinks proper, to call the hiftories of the Old Tejlament by this dijrcputable name ; only he ad- mits one difference, that whereas the former were tranfmitted by itrength of memory, the latter arc com- mitted to writing. But is this an honeft reprefenta- tion ? is this free from all malignant difguife ?

Let us put the matter to the following trial. The word legend, when applied to any modern ftory, raifes the fame contemptible and abfurd idea, as the word tradition excites, when applied to any \fcwifli notion. Would my Lord, or would his friends think, that due honour or common juJHce was clone to his Jketch of t':c hi ft or y and ft ate of Europe, if it fliould be flyled, in our public papers, Lord Bolingbroktfj written If. gtn.1i f 'J'he impropriety and the malevolence of fuch a title would be undeniable and odious : Who then can vindicate the propriety of his Lordship's language, or


* I/ukc xxiv. 44.



clear it from being a moft injurious mifreprefentation of the lac red records ? which, however lome of the ts might come down, in a traditionary channel, to the writers, by palling through their hands, receive the ftamp of undoubted certainty ; and are no longer traditions, but qraclcs.

I wifh this had been the only inftance of artifice and impofition uied in the letters under examination. Why are fo many idle talcs, and fcandalous Itories, raked together, and cxpoted to vie v * ? Why ? but to put a cheat upon the inattentive reader, and de- preciate f the dignity of the divine word ? depretiate it, much in the lame manner, as its mod illuitrious object and author w is formerly difhonoured ; not on- ly by the /£,/£• accvfafhttft with which he was charged ; but alfo by the infamous company, with whom he was numbered. Did my Lord imagine, that thcfe tales were really believed, even by the warmelt advocates for holy writ ? No : he muft know in his confcience, that they never were received by the generality of di- vines ;

* See paeres 85. 86, 88, 102, 108, 109. f I would by no means indulge A ^eiulant or cenforious hu- mour. Yet I c-mnot forbear thinking, that the icriptnres are too often depreciated in his Lordihip's performance; fome- times by fneer ; lometimes by cavil ; and fometimes even by languid approbation, or a counterfeit fort of praiie. Such as, " //"the foundation's of ChrifHamty have been laid in truth," page 123. " Paffages \\h\chfecrn favourable to the doftrine of ** the Trinity." Pzge 98. 1 ho* 1 llioukl be loath to reject any tefliiuony in favour of Chriftianity ; Aill more loath to

give up fo eminent a name as Lord B e to the Deiftical

party ; yet I cannot prevail upon myfelf to acknowledge, that we are much, if at all obliged to him, for thefe poor, je- june, cold compliments. Such a tefrimony, and luch compli- ments, arejuft as lerviceable to the momentous caule, as a broken tooth is ferviceable to the eater, or a foot out tf joint to the walker. Prov. xxv. 19. They are, in truth, mere tufa, ajjpa or as Mr Pope moreftrongly expreflesthefentiment,

They damn ivitb faint praiff.


vines ; neither are mentioned by authors of difcern- ment, unlefs it be to confute and rejeti them. How- ever, be they credited or not, it was apprehended, they might ierve a purpofe. But whether it be the purpofe of integrity, impartiality, and truth, 1 leave to the determination of others.

Still it is urged, That thefe fcriptures are <c full of " additions, interpolations, and tranipofitions*." That they arc full of additions, is more eafily afTerted than evinced. I can find but one inftance fpeciiied by his Lo'dfliip. Which is the account " of the death " and fepulchre of MuJ'es^ with a Tort of funeral pa- " negyric f," recorded in the laft chapter of Deutero- nomy. Here it is taken for granted, that we are re- duced to a terrible dilemma, either to own, that this paragraph was written by Mofes himjelf; and then we may expecl to hear of impoffibility and abfurdity ; or elfe, that it is all fuppofitious ; and then the fcrip- tures muft have pafltd through tampering fingers, and fuffered adulteration ? But luppofe this fmall appen- dix was made by Jo/'ma; a man, whofe mind was illuminated, and his hand guided, by the Spirit of the Moft High ? Does fitch an addition deierve to be branded with an ignominious^ or even brought into difefteem bya/nfpicious character ? Or, what if fame other prophet, whofe name is unknown, fuperadded this valuable anecdote ? Is the concealment of the penman's name fufficient to impeach the gc-nuinenefs, or invalidate the authority, of the paflan-e ? eipeciaily, fince it has been approved by other iqfpired writers, and received the Imprimatur of the Holy Ghoft ? I know not who is the printer of his Lordliip's t^wo vo- lumes ; yet, though ignorant of this circumftance, for other very fatisfatfory reafons, I have no doubt but they arc the genuine produ^lioiis of his pen.


95. 96*

168 REMARKS o tf

My Lord would have done well to confider, whe- ther it was a probable or a practicable thing, to intrr- polute a let of books, which were fhidied with fo much accuracy, and kept with fo much vigilance; the nunii t of whole veries, clpecially in the Pentateuch^ was computed ; and the arrangement of the very let- ters known. Whether, aftei7 the coming of Chrifr, the jealous eye which the Jeius and Chriftlans had oa each other, was not an uuiurmountnble bar again ft any innovations or material alterations \ As for fran/- pojitiour, ihry are uicd by the moft approved hiftori- ans. When uled with judgment, they redound to the reputation of the writer, and increafe the pleafure of the reader. And would his Lordfliip make that adit". paragemcnt of the facred narrative, which is a recom- mendation of any ordinary compofition ?

But my Lord imagines, that he lias found out a fubftantial reafon for the aforementioned diltinction ; has detected fuch improprieties in the facred narra~ tive, u as contradict all our notions of order and of 41 juftice *." He produces, by way of jpccimcn, the cale of Noah denouncing a curfe upon Canaan. This, it i'eems, is the capital abfurdity ; this the glaring er- ror ; which, he concludes, is Sufficient to uncanonize tlie hiitories of the Old Tcftamcnt, and degrade their writers from the clafsof inipiration. '1'his, therefore, if your Ludyfhip pleafcs, we will examine a little more particularly.

The charge in general is thus exprcfled, " One is u tempted to think, that the patriarch was (till " drunk ; and that no man in his fenfes could hold <l fnch language, or pals fuch a fentence.-" Was 1 at leiiure to ci iticile upon words, I fliould be tempted to obferve, that the diction lt no man could hold fuch " language," may be French^ but is fcarcely Englifli*

However, * Page no.


However, from the expreffion Ipafs to the fentiment. This, for candour znd/blidity, is much like the re- flection of the Jews, on the memorable day of Pcnte- coft. When the apoftles addrefTed the inhabitants of Various countries, each in his own native tongue ; fome of their hearers afcribed this miraculous ability to what I we are amazed, when we read, to the in- toxicating power of wine *. Strange ! that exceffive drinking, which incapacitates other people for talk- ing common fenfe, mould enable the difciples of CHRIST to f'peak all kinds of languages ! —- Is it not equally itrange, that a drunken diibrder mould enable the patriarch to deliver* prophecies, and foretel future events ! which (as I hope to prove) was the real im- port of the ipeech.

Perhaps, this curfe may feem. to be the effect, if not of diforderly indulgence, yet of intemperate paffion. And how incompatible is this With the character of a preacher of righteoufnefs ? Surely Noah mould not have been fo forward to call for the thunderbolts of vengeance. Any benevolent man, much more a pious progenitor, would rather have deprecated the blow. I wonder, his Lordfhip did not ftart this objection ; which would have been much more plaulible, and much Icfs mocking. To this, in cafe it had been ftarted, we might reply,— That Noah acted as the oracle of GOD. This, and many other fuch paflTages, which feem to be imprecations, are really predictions. Holy men fpoke, as they were influenced by the Spi- rit ; and uttered, not the fuggeflions of their own minds, but the will of almighty GOD.— Which in- clines me to think, it might be no lefs proper, and much more fuitable to the prophetic ftyle, if we tranf- lated fuch paffages, as indicatives, rather than impera- tives ; making them declaratory of what is decreed inj the cabinet of heaven, and will as certainly take place,

as ' Acts ii. 13*

VOL, V. N' 22. Y


as if it already exifted. CulTed //, rather than be? C.:;;..v>:. Blelfed of the LORD ;V, inftead of&r, Ris land, Deut. xxxiii. 13. Thus Ifaiah, foretelling the incarnation of that wonderful and adorable per- Ibn, whom he ftyles the mighty GOD, fays, To us a a child is born * ; fo calling the tilings that are not, as though they lucre. Such a manner of fpeaking would remove from this particular paflTage, all that founds har/Jiy or feems uncharitable ; and would, irf the general, impart an unequalled rnajefty j- to the lan- guage of fcripturs.

It was GOD then, and not man, from whom this avenging fentence came. And G O Dr to fliew his utter deteftation of all iniquity, to manifeit his fin- gular delight in all virtue, frequently takes occaiion to denounce vengeanpe, or prom-ife happinefs, when ibme notorious evil is commited, or fbroe laudable good performed. And was there not a molt noto- rious evil committed here ? Charity , lays the apol- tle, covereth all things 1 ; draws a veil over the va- rious infirmities of every common neighbour. But this- man (man (hall 1 fay ? rather monfler of ingrati- tude)1 fees the fhame of a father^ an aged || father, a pious father ; and inftead of concealing, when he co- methfortkj he telleth if. Fools they are, abandoned profligates, that make a mock at Jin. What name then


* If. ix. 6.

•f Blrfjl-dbCi is what any holy perlbn might fay, and compre- hends no more than a fupplicatory benediction. Riejfcd is, funs only themouthof a prophst, and implies an authoritative blefliug.

^ i Cor. xiii. 7. -rats. ah. This is one article in the fineft difplay official virtue that ever was exhibited to the world; and mould, I think, be tranQ.ued (not beartth, but) cover etb or concealeth all things The natural import of the wordjuflt- jies, and the context evidently requires this fenfe. Otherwife, the firfl and lafl claufes of the verfe will co-incide in their , or rather make an unmeaning tautology, || Lev. >:ix. 32.


can be badenough for a prophanc and unnatural wretch, who makes fport with a parent's folly, a parent's 1m- iulnels, a parent's mifery •? Surely this was a mod flagrant violation of filial reverence, filial love, and filial duty *. Which not only implied ib many par- ticular offences, each attended with its rejpeftive guilt, but indicated the offender to be d^ftitute of all piety, For, to argue in the apoflle's ftrain, how could this man venerate a father in heaven, whom he had not feen ; jf he was fo irreverent to a father on earth, whom he bad feen ?

But fuppofing the turpitude and immorality of the action to be very enormous, and fuch as deferyed fome iignal vengeance ; the vengeance, it is objected, was mifapplied. t; For Ham alone offended : Canaan was " innocent," My Lord is not furc that Canaan was innocent, though he aiTerts it pretty confidently. The contrary notion has obtained among the Jews. They apprehend, that Canaan was iirft in the tran%reflion, and, inftead of being reproved, was imitated by his father. Biihop Patrick, Mr Poole^ and other eminent Y 2 commentators,

* The turpitude and immorality of this offence will appear in blacker colours, if we confider the very peculiar reverence, which, iu thofe days of primitive fimphcity, was paid to any aged perfon, much more to an aged parent.

Credfbant hoc grandc nefas, ft marts piandutrt

Si juvenis vetulo non ajfurrexcrait et jl

Barbato suicunquc fucr. Juven. Satyr. XIII.

We may fee, from that awful threatening, Prov. xxx. 17, with what extreme deteftation the moft holy GOD refents Hich an unnatural behaviour. The eye that MOCKETH AT HIS FATHER, and defpiftth to ricy his mother, the ravens of the valley Jh all pick it out, and the young eaglsjhall eat it. Nay, it fhould feem from this text, as though all nature was ready to teftify its abhorrence of t'uch a crime; and, rather than it fhould efcape condign pumthment, the mod infenCbl.e animals would rife up to execute vengeance.


commentators think this to be no improbable opinion.

If his Lordfhip was unacquainted with the Hebrew, he will fcarcely be thought qualified to pronounce fo peremptorily concerning a cafe related in that lan- guage. If he was acquainted with the original, he afts fomewhat unfairly in faying, " This notion is not " only without, but againfl the exprefs authority of " the text *." For he muft know, that it receives fome countenance even from the text itfelf. I would by no means offend your Ladyfhip's eyes, with any rugged figures, or uncouth quotations. But you may venture to believe me, when 1 afliire you, that the moft exacl tranflation of ver. 24. is, Noah kntiu -what his Jon had dune to him, the or that little one \. Ham could not fo properly be ftyled the little one ; fince he was the middlemoft, and is always placed in that order ; Shem, Ham, japheth. But the defcription agrees perfectly well with Canaan, the grandfon of Noah; and it was quftomary among the Jews, to call the grandchildren, the Jons of their grandfather. |.

Canaan, it is added, u was alone curfed."-— The •words would run fmoother, if tranlpofed in this man- lier, Canaan alone was curled. As for the fafl, that wants fome better confirmation than my Lord's bare afTertion. To me it is evident, that Ham was not ex- empted from the curfe. What ? If it did not fall up- on him in perfon ? yet to be punifhed in his offspring jnufl be very affecting, and no lefs afflicting.


* Page l.l j.

•j" Though it would have been very impolite, to quote He- brew in writing to a Lady ; it may be judged proper, perhaps be thought neceflary, now the letter is made public, to produce the original exprellion ; that where an argument is derived from \\\eprecifc (ignification of the phrafe, the Icarncdrcader may examine and determine for himfelf. reprf>3a Gen. ix. 24. The word rap is ufed of Benjamin^ Jacob's youngeft for, and tranflated a little one, Gen. xliv. 20.

:J:Gen. xxix. 5. i Chron. i. 17.


But hold ; my Lord has foreftalled us in this reply. Jnftead of waiting for it, or acquiefcing in it ; he plays jt upon us, with an :;ir of triumph. tc Will it be faid, " this has been laid, that Ham was puniflied in " his poftcrity *." It has ; and, with his Lordfhip's leave, 1 will venture to fay it again. Nor mould I, in cafe Lord Bolingbroke was alive, have went farther than his own breaft, for a proof of my afTertion. Would he, with all his exalted ideas of liberty, have thought it no punifhment on himieif, provided he had been the father of children, to have heard them doomed to a itate ofjlavery; nay, to be, as he very rightly ex- plains the facred phrafe, u the vileft and worft of " flavcs \" efpecially if, like Ham, he was appoint- ed, in the courfe of providence, to be the father of fe- veral nations? and if the doom had been pronounced by a perfon, of whofe prophetic fpirit there was fo in- contellible an evidence, as the univerfal inundation was of Noah's.

Since my Lord has no more communication with us or our affairs, I appeal to any, to every parental heart. Let nature, fond, compaffionate, yearning nature fpeak, whether the infliction of fuch a penalty on the fon, (perhaps a favourite fon, like Jofeph,} the fon's fons, and the lateft poflerity, whether this be not properly a punifliment of the father \ whether the father muft not feel by anticipation, what his wretched progeny muft endure in reality ! Nature once fpoke to fuch a query, and this was her language ; 0 my fon Abfalom I my Jon, my Jon Abfalom ! 'would GOD I had died for thee ! 0 Abfalom, my Jon , my fon \l Did hif- tory ever record, or poetry ever invent, fo melancholy a moan \ Jt breathes the very foul of wo ; and exem- plifies thefentiment,.whichhis Lordfhip would explode, David, it is plain, was puniflied in the calamitous £xit of this young prince ; in the difaflers fuilained,


* Page n;. | 2 Sara, xviii, 33.


and the diforders committed, by his other children *. uidam thought him lei f punifhcd in the ruin which he brought upon the human race ; and laments it, in the mod pathetic terms, as the fevereft diftreis at- tending bis apoftafy |. One wifer than Adam, one greater than David, whole judgment is always ac- cording to truth, is evidently of the fame opinion ; and, for that reafon, has formed the fanction of a molt iacred commandment, upon this very principle ; He "will vifit the iniquities of the fathers upon the children , unto the third and fourth generation of them that half him. What GOD has fo exprefsly threatened, he has actually done ; not on this only, but on various other emergencies. Thus Efau fuffered in his deicend- ents J ; Jehu in his family j] ; and Hezekiafi in his children § ? who all, like the Canaaniter, were children of their fathers difobedience ^ ; inheritors of their fin, as well as of their name. But this would anticipate the reply to another objection.

Where is the equity of curfing a people, that are yet unborn ? Does not this u contradict all our no-

" tions

* 2 Sain. xii. ip.

•f See the whole of Adam's difconiblate complaint; part of which are the following lines;

-Yet well, if here would end

The mi f cry ; I deferv'd it, and would bear My o-wn defervings : but this -will not ferve. Ail that 1 eat, or drink, or flail beget, Is propagated curfe. 0 voice ! once heard Delightfully, Increafe and multiply ; Now death to hear !

Farad. Loft, book X. I.

% Compare Gen. xxvii. 40. with 2 Sam. viii. 14. Thou/halt fcrve thy brother; here is the fentence. All they of Edom ibavid'sfervants; here its execution. Hof. i. 4. § If. xxxix. 6, 7.

"irum fuijusfln* ' Juv, Sat. XIJI.


" tions of order and of juftice ?" It may be contrary to our notions, or at leaft it would be unjuftifiable in our practice ; but is quite otherwife with regard to the all-feeing GOD. Is it not agreeable to the ftrict- eft rules of juftice, for a magiftrate, when he has heard the witneffes, fummcd up the evidence, and found the prifoner guilty ; is it not agreeable to the ftrict- eft rules of juftice, to pafs fentence upon fuch a crimi- nal ? The queftion can admit of no doubt. Yet it is equally certain, that this was the very cafe with re- ference to the fupreme Judge, and thofe finners the Canaanites . They pra&ifed the grolfeft and moft inhu- man idolatries ; they abandoned themiclvestothe moft horrid immoraHties ; fuch as violated nature ; confound- ed all order ; and fuch as it would be Shocking even. to mention *. Now all thefe provoking crimes were prefent to the view of HIMj by whofe inipiration Noah fpake. He faw them with the fame circumftantial ex- actnefs, as if they had been already perpetrated. Let us take thefe very important particulars into confidera- tion, the exceffive wickednefs of thofe nations, and the all-forefseingdiftcrnmcnt of JEHOVAH ; and then who will dare to injinuate, that the evcrlafting Sovereign acted unjuftly ? that he launched the lightnings of his indignation, in an arbitrary manner, or upon an in- nocent people ?— Who will be fo precipitate, as to af- firm with my Lord, that " no other writer but a* u Jew, could impute to the (economy of divine Pro- " vidcnce the accomplifhment of fuch a prediction ;• ct nor make the Supreme Being the executor of fuch 44 a curfe f ?"

The former of thofe circumflances will appear in a proper light, what his LorcKhip calls, u cruelties com- *•' mitted by Jofliuu in the conqueft of the Canaan- ** ites" It will make them appear to be acts of righ- teous vengeance; a much-needed and moftdeJirableex-

tir;?atio» * Lev, xviii. 4. -^ Pag. i te.

176 REMARKS ox

tirpation of a pcftilent people ; altogether as fervic£~ able to the public, as it was formerly, to deftroy the wolves from our ifland ; or as it is, at prcfent, to de- liver over Come flagitious malefactors to the ientence of the law. Yet the execution of this vengeance was delayed, year after year, century after century. The leed of Abraham, for feveral ages, were not permitted to enter upon the pollellion of their deftined inheri- tance ; becaufe the iniquity of the Amorites, which was the caufe of their extermination, was not yet full *. Does it then befpeak the man of integrity, to repre- fent thofe proceedings of Jo/hua, under the abhorred irnag* of cruelties ; which were afts of a juftice, ex- emplary, lalutary, and greatly to be revered? Is it be- coming an honejt inquirer after truth, to fuggcft, with- out the lead fliadow of proof, ajelfif/i and malignant reafon, for the dedrueliori of the Ca naanites ; w)ien a reafon, the moll equitcble in its nature, the moft be- neficial in its contequences, is exprefsly and repeat- edly afligned by the iacred hiftorian f ?— This I refer to your Ladyfhip's decifion ; who, I am fure, will not err on the uncharitable extreme j yet, 1 believe, will


* Gen. xv. 16.

f Gen. xv. 16. Deut. ix. 5. FOR THE WICKED- NESS of thofe nations, the LORD thy GOD doth drive them out from before thee. See alfo Lev. xviii. 25. Where the facrecl writer delcribes their execrable and unparalleled vilenefs, by one of the Urongeitand bokleft figures imaginable. So vile they were, that the very country loathed them; was weary to bear them ; and acted like a difgufted naufearing ftomach, when opprefTed with foul and ofFenlive food : Ihe land iifclfvomitctbout her inhabitants.— ^Let nofqueami/h critic betray his falfe tatte, and worfe temper, by carping at the expreffton. But lee all be attonifacd at the outrageous im- piety of the Canaanites; and adore the vindictive arm of JE- HOVAH; and acknowledge, that fuch horrible mifcreants •were (not for fome reafons of ftate, as rny Lord is pleafed ro infinuate, deemed only, bat were) really, and on the f/antial principles of jullice, an accurfid race. Page


find it difficult, with all your good-nature, to acquit the author of thcie letters from the charge of diftngenuity .

May I not add, this way of foretelling, yet re- fpiting the punifhment, is gracious both in itfelf, and in its tonietjuences ? In itfelf j bccaufe a reprieve is always reckoned an alleviation of the lenience, e- ven though it be not the forerunner of a pardon. In its consequences j becaufc it afforded large ipace for rc- colle&ion, a. id lliould have awakened the offenders to a fenie of thdr guilt. It fliould have incited them to ufe all poflible, diligence to avert the daona, both by a perfonal reformation, and by educating their families religiouily. Why did they not act as king Ahab acled *, and argue as the men of Nineveh argued f, in a following age, but on a like occafion ? Infiead of this, inflead of betaking themfelves to coniidera- tion and prayer, to repentance and amendment, they ran to thejame, to greater excels of ungodlinefs.

So that thefe people, being evidently inheritors of their father's finful nature, and obftinately periitting in their father's finful ways, we're mofl deferuedly partakers of his curie. And though; GOD is that uncontrollable Sovereign, who giveth not, is under no obligation to give, account of any of his matters J; though he often has reafons for his difpenfations absolutely unfearch- able by any mortal ; yet here he is clearly vindicated even before men, even before thefinners themfelves. They themfelves muft confefs the jufHce of their doom ; and own, fhat GOD Jiath done rightconjly, but they have done "wickedly ; that GOD has fliewed all iong-iuffcrii'g. and given full warning before the blow fell. Whereas they, notwithftanding this forbearance and this admonition, have continued incorrigible ; and without any other change, but that of becoming more confummately vile.

Agreeably * i Kings xxi. 27, 29. -f Jonah iii. 9 £ Job xxxiii. 13.

V. 22. Z


Agreeably to all this, and conformably to the molt acknowledged rules of equity, it is declared by the iacred hiflorian, that the Anwritcs^ the deiccndents of Canaan, fuftered not till they had filled up the mcaiure of their iniquities *; their own, as well as their father's. —All which, I fliould imagine, is fuHicient, not only to jujlify the counlels, but to glorify the judgments, of the great JEHOVAH, fufficient allo to /atiijy any inquirer, who is (as my Lord very handibmeiy expreffes himfclf) " candid but not implicit, willing *c to be informed yet curious to examine."

My Lord's citrioflty to examine, (hall I fay ? or his re- fohmon to be diffitisfied ? proceeds Hill farther. Ac- cordingly he adds, " Who does not fee, that the " curie and the punifliment, in this cafe, fell on Ca- " nnan and his poitei ity, exclufively of the reft of the " pouVrity of tiam \?" The particle o/, fo frequent- ly repeated in a (ingle fentcnce, can hardly be admired as an elegance \ of Ipcech^ But^ taking no more notice of fuch little blemilhes, 1 flialj conlider the weight, not the polifh, of his Lordfhip's arguments. \s for this argument, 1 verily think, when laid in the balance of impartiality and candour, it will be found wanting. For, admitting the objection in its full icope, what fallows ? Why, that the righteous GOD pardoned Jonie criminals, when he might juftly punifh #//•


* Gen. xv. t6. *f" Page no, 112.

^ This, and one or two proceeding remarks of the fame na- ture, are fcarcely worth our notice. Neither fliould I have mentioned the:n, had thty not fell in my way ; and were it rot .o put a query upon the popular notion, that his L^-rd- ih'p'^ Hyie is fc correct, elegant, and noble, as to he z]t<*nd' at d i^- fin' writing. It cannor, in mv apprehenfion, julily cijiin tltib honour. If others think differently, I le;ive them to enjoy the;r opinion; and (hall not (though it would be pafy enocgh to multiply procf.,) add a word more upon the fubje^l.


And if it fhould have pleated the fupreme Judge to repeal the fentence, and remit the penalty, with regard to ibme offenders, who mall arraign his conduct ? who lhall ceniure his providence ? To exerciie mercy is his great prerogative ; an aft not of debt, bu: of royal bounty, which he exerciles, when and to 'whom it icemeth good in his fight : / will have mercy on whom 1 will hroe mercy *, is his high and holy reiolve.

I might therefore anfvver his Loi diliip's qneftion, by afking another ; which I might propote, in the plain but folemn words of our LOUD JESUS CHRIST : " If thsfe are fpared, while thoje arc punilhtcl, ivhut u /'/ that to thee f Is thine eye evil^ becauje GOD is " gosdf" Bat 1 (lull rather reply to the objection, by denying the fact. The punilhment was not con- fined to Canaan and his poilerity. It reached the o- thcr delcendcnts of Ham; Mijraim himfelf, the fathtr of the Egyptian^, (as will befhewn in a proper place,) not excepted. Canaan, 'tis true, is particularity men- tioned.— Becaufehe was (as from this very circumftaijcc is extremely probable) an accomplice \ with Ham, in the breach of filial duty.— Becaule this branch of the family was more than ordinarily corrupt, nay, beyond ineajure vitious. Becaule the Canac.nitts were, in the Jirft place, and in the fulli-ft manner, to fed the ef- fects of the curie. And Mojes, being charged with a coimniffion to execute the vengeance on this people only^ had no occafion to concern himfelf with any o- ther. Juft as the f her iff of a county, demanding the


* Rom. ix. 1 6.

•f This is rendered flill more credible, by that particularity of ftyle, which the icripture ul'es in fpeaking of Ham. ham the fitther vf Canaan, Gen. ix. 18, 2^. Why of Cann&n fo efpecially ? Had he^no other children, no other ions ! Several other. But this difVin&ion feems to be a brand of infamy fee upon the offender j and intimates, that he who v/as father of Canaan by blood, was his partner, was his brother in ini* quity.

I 2


body of a condemned male faclor, produces the dead- warrant for his execution ; without intermeddling, or thinking himlelf under any neceifity to intermeddle, with the other prifoners in the jail.— This leads me to a new, and, if I judge right, oy tar the molt import- ant inquiry ; namely, whether the curfe was executed, as well as pronounced f

As I haften to the proof of this particular, my Lord embarraflTes and retards me with a frefh obftacle. He himfelf has thought proper to inform us, lt why the 44 poiterity of Canaan was to be dscmed an accurfed 44 race." But he lets the world know, " it is not fo u eafy to account, why the poflerity of the righ- tc teous Shem, that great example of filial reverence, " became flaves to another branch of the family of *f Ham> during more than fourfcore years *." I am by no means convinced, that the point propofed en- ters into the merits of our caufe. Should the reafons for this difpenfation remain an impenetrable fecret ; yet, if we clear up the propriety , and demonftrate the equity, of the curfe denounced, we compafs our main end, and confute the grand cenfure. However, as the queftion is prefe'nted, it fiiall be conlidered : and though his Lordmip fhould affercl tojneer, I chuie ra- ther, in imitation of thofe noble writers, whole dig- nity I would afTert, to bcjerious.

Why were the Ifraelites fojonrncrs in Egypt f A reaibn occurs, that is worthy of a gracious GOD, and greatly for the public good : That they might carry thither the knowledge of the everlafling JEHOVAH, and of the promifcd MESSIAH; of the only ac- ceptable method of wormip, and the only eff'ettual way of falvation. As Egypt was the parent of literature, and the fountain-head of {cience ; as men of letters and curiolity came, from all parts of the world, to


* Page 112.


complete their ftudies at Egypt ; if thefe heavenly - doctrines were received THERE, they would be more likely, ibme dreams of them at leaft, to be transfuied into all climes, and improve every nation. So that the people of the LORD, the only depofi- taries of divine philofophy, were fettled in thfs land of general refort, with much the fame wife and bene- ticient views, as the ableft profeilbrs of learning are placed at our famous univeriities.

But why were they flaves in Egypt f This might be to try them, and to humble them ; to (hew them what was in their heart, and to purge out their drofs. We .^.re taught in fcripture^that the Almighty chaftens whom he loves, and fcourges the men whom he re- ceiveth to himfelf. Even the heathen dailies, my Lord's favourite authors, have frequently remarked, That adverfity is a fchool, in which both private per- fons and public focieties have learned the moft heroic virtues. Befides, this might be intended to animate and infpirit the IJraelites for their invaiion of Canaan. They were, in the general, a fupine and grovelling * fet of people. Had they been fettled in a (late tole- rably eafy, or in territories that were but moderately commodious, they might never have alpired after the land flowing with milk and honey ; never have made any refolute efforts to polTefs their deftined inheritance. But, being driven by the lafli, and infligatcd by the goad, of pungent galling flavery, they were even con- ftrained to buril the chains, and pufli their way to liberty and Canaan. Their infuppurtable flavery was fomewhat like bending the bow, and ft raining the ft ring, in order to launch the arrow. Farther, GOD


* Let none imagine, that the -wifdorn of GOD is impeach- ed, by felecTmg to himlelf a people of this character. * His clemency , his fur bear ance^ and all thole benign perfections, which are fo neceiT.try for the falvation of Tinners, are hereby difplayed with peculiar advantage, and to our uni'peakablecon- folation.


almighty allures Abraham, that his iced, though cn- liaved for a while, fhould conic out of their bondage •with great (ul'jlance * / with the illver, the gold, the jewels, and the choiceft treafurcs of Egypt. So that, when labouring for their tajkmajiers, they were, in fad, labouring for thswfelves . The wealth of the opprcllbrs was laid up for the opprell'ed. And the feaibn of thrir aiiiic'tion in the enemies country, was like the rigorous cold of winter; which, far from ob- Hrucling, only makes preparation, for \\Abioff9mJJdi jpriag, and the Jruits of autumn. Theie confider- ations might h;we iolved the difficulty to his Lord- fliip, as a politician.

Other rcafo'.is are fuggdled by our divines ; which, if my Lord had thought it worth his while to regard, might have given better fatisfaction, and yielded more edification. They would have reminded the Riqht Honourable querift, that iuch a gloomy afpecl: of the Jewijh affairs, made way for the brightest mauifefta-/ lion of GOD's glorious attributes ; of his power, in retelling them from their tyrannical rulers ; of his jnithjulncjs, in fulfilling his promiie made to their fa<- thers ; of \\j&goodwffs ^ in Supporting and conducting them; keeping them^ amidlt the moil formidable dan- gers, as the apple of an eye ; and bearing them, even through the moit infuperable difficulties, as on eagle'? wings f . This alib opened a mofl conjpicuous theatre, for that amazing train of miracles, which have been, in all ages, as ierviccable to the faith of Chriftians, as > they

* Gen. xv. 14.

•f See Deut. xxxii. 10, it. Thefe, 1 think, are trmft delight- ful and Inimitably-delicate reprefentations. Let the pious critic try, if lie can conceive thole tender offices, that unintennltted vigilance, and aifiduity of protecting cherifhing cares, which are exprefled in thele fine images. For n>y part, I own my felt' incapable of defcribing them ; but moft earneltly wilh, that every reader as well as myfelf may learn them in that belt of ichools, the fchvjol of experience.


they were formerly conducive to the welfare of the 'Je-ws. They would farther have informed his Lord- fhip, and have confirmed their opinion by apoftolical authority, that the whole of this molt wonderful tranfaftion was typical of J'piritual things ; was a ferits *of living leiFons, delivered, according to the eaflern method of conveying knowledge, in iigures and em- blems. The Egyptian bondage was a refemblance of our natural condition ; which is a (late of the molt abjecl flavcry to fin. The arbitrary and injurious im- poiitions of the tajkmafiers fhadow forth, though but faintly, the tyranny of unruly appetites, and imperious pafiions. That barbarous edicl: for the de£ruclion of all the infant-males, fitly enough reprefents the genu- ine tendency of earned and corrupt affections ; which deftroy our true comfort, fubvert our nobleft interefts, are as death to the joys and to the hopes of our fouls. Their deliverance from that miserable ftate, was an expreflive (ign of our redemption from the guilt and the dominion of fin *. Both which the LORD JESUS accomplices ; the one by price, the other by power : not by Haying the firft-boi n, but by fhed- cUng his own blood ; not by ibftening rocks into a iiream, but taking away the heart of Itone ; not by turning the current of Jordan backward, but by turn- ing

* The divine writer to the Hebrews^ makes the land of Canaan^ typical of a better country, even of an heavenly^ Heh. xi. 1 6. xii. 22. According to the fame author, the peace* fulfrttlement of the Ifraelites in Canaan^ I'uggeded to their thoughts, and pointed out to their faith, that tverlafling r<-/? \vhkh remaineth for the people of GOD, Heb. iii. 4, 5, &c. Since the terminus ad quern (as the fchoulmen fpeak) is evident- ly myftical and allegorical ; may we not conclude, that rhe terminus a quo is myttical and allegorical 1 kewile? Then it will follow, upon the cleared principles of analogy, rhat the irter- m diate Heps and advances are of the fime nature; fignifica- tive of refined andfpiritual things, under ear tiny mAf.nfiblc images. I'his, if I miltake not, is put beyond all doubt, i Cor.

X. I, 2. &C,

184 REMARKS o u-

ing all our defires into a new channel. The many troubles and oppositions they met with in the wilder- neis, exhibit a lively piclure of the moleftations that attend, and the temptations that aflaylt, the Chriftian. Trials await us. Snares are around us. Through many conflicts, and much tribulation we muft enter in- to the kingdom of heaven. Only let us beware, left, like the ungrateful Ifraelites, we forget the G O D of our ialvation, and/i;// after the fame example of unbelief. The cloudy that was fpread over them by day, to in- tercept the glare, and icrecn them from the heat of the luu; the lire, that ihone before them in the night, to chear the nocturnal darknefs, and lead them through the trat kiefs defert ; were not thefe very amiable and exact emblems of our Saviour's merits, and of his holy word? The former of which are refre/hing to the guilty confcience, as the veil of a thick interpofing cloud is welcome to a traveller in fulti y climes. The latter is a light to our feet, and a lantern to our paths to guide us in the way everlafling. Their pafja^e . through Jordan, the priefts that bare the ark of the covenant going before them *, and ftanding in the midft of the river, till all the congregation were pafled over ; this very emphatically prefigured our great High Pried, bearing our /£»/, fulfilling the law in our flcad, aboli/hing death, and making it zfafe as, well as fhort tranfition to life eternal.

You will excufe me, Madam, for expatiating upon thefe topics. They are Ib inviting, fb plcafing, fo comfortable, that I can hardly perfuade myfelf to leave them. If any other parts of the epiflle, thro* a kind of unhappy neccffity almoft infeparable from coptroverfy, mould refemble the afperityoftbc thorn; this, I hope, will bear Ibme affinity to the fragrance of the rofe. For which caufe it is, that 1 chufe only to touch, and but lightly touch, the one 5 while I

would * See Jofli. iii. 13, 14, &c.


would open the other into a full expanfion, and a rich cffuiLm. Let me add one more observation on this Lead, and J have done. It is apprehended, by very judicious perfons, that the punifhment of the Egyp- tian*, and their total overthrow, may be a prefage of the mijtry and ruin, which will fooner or later fall upon individual? and nations, that reject the glorious goipel, and vilify its facred repoikory THE BIBLE.

If the reafons I have offered, are neither tirefome, nor unfatisfadtory to your Ladyfhip, I (hall proceed the more chearfully to (liew, that the curie was exe-> cutcd, as well as pronounced. Had it been the fenje- lejs extravagance of a man intoxicated with liquor, or the raj/2 imprecation of a man heated with refentment, or the designing interpolation of fome crafty ftatefm an, would the holy, the gracious, the true GOD have let the broad leal of heaven to it ? would HE, who over- rules all events, have Jujfered it to fucceed, have commanded it to fucceed, nay, have brought it himjclf to pals, by a mighty hand, and ftretched-out arm ? Impoflible to conceive ! If therefore it was really brought to pals, and with a furprifing punctuality, and not by any competency of human means, but by the moil evident diiplay of divine power, this will be liich a proof of its credebiliiy, its reafonablenefs, and equity, as no one, who thinks reverently of the Deity, can deny.

Canaan was to be a fervant to Shem. This was ac- complilhed, when the Ifraclites, the defcendents of Shew, conquered the land of Canaan, flew thirty of its kings *, and took poffcflion of their cities ; when the Gibeonitcs particularly, who compofed one of their principal f tales f, became hewers of wood, and drawers of water, to the congregation \; or, in other words, the moil menial the lowefl of the people.

By * Jofli. xii. i. -74. -j- Jofli. x. 2. £ Jofli. U. 27.

VOL. V. 22. A a


By 7v-/;<7/ inftrumcnts was this extraordinary revolu- tion v.]ot;,!.i: by one of the lineit armies in the eaii or welt ? marlhallcd by the bravert officers, and headed by the molt experienced general ? No ; but by a raw, uncttfdipiined) enllaved people ; who were cleititutc of military Jkiil, and without any pcribnal q'.iahriotions, or warlike apparatus for ib didicult, ib ' i ous an entcrprize.

Through tv/i'it objlcult t was it bejrnn, carried on, and completed ? L, Ipiti: of the attempts of one potent monarch to detain them in iervitiide \ in fpitc of the relblution of feveral combined kings, to diipnte with them every inch of ground to the laft drop of their blood. A deep river, and an arm of the lea rauft be croffed, by fix hundred thoufand men, with their wives, their children, their cattle ; and without any veilel to tivuiiport them, or any bridge to tranfmit them. They mull dwell, forty years, in a delblate, inhofpitable, barren wilderneis ; which was infelted by ravenous beafls, and fiery flying ierpents ; in xvhich there was neither water, nor corn, nor any iort of accommodation for abode, or iuftcnance for life.

How were nil th. difficultiesy//rw<9«w»Vr/r! Not by the arm of flelh; this was utterly impracticable ; but by the molt altonifning inttrpofition of Omnipotence, '1'he Egyptian tyrant is humbled, and brought to their terms, by tlie infliction often tremendous plagues. The waters of the river are dried up, and the wav es of the great deep are divided, ib as to yield them a fate unobftrucled * pafTage A Itream gufhts even from the hard rock ; and gives them drink, as It had been out of t, 'ie great depths. Prodigious quantities of


* JIf Isd them through the deep, encumbered as they were with their knwfding- troughs] and furrouncled \\ith frighrfuj b'llows, as an b'.-rfe in the ivilderne/s ; with as much fafe and fpirit) as Tome courageous courier makes "his. way through, a phin, open, champaign country. If. Ixiii. 13.


* defcend, with every morning-dew; and fup- ply them, not from the garner, but from heaven, with their daily bread. Valt flights of quails arrive, with every letting fun ; and drop, like a bird fhot through the wing f, in the thidfl of their camp, and round about their habitations . The wails of an im- pregnable city fall to the ground, st the blaft of rams horns J. The fun (lands Itill in the miclft of heaven, at the voice of a man |j". All the hofts of the nations, with all their weapons of war, are driven a/under a* the f:)fi'fi upon the waters, and cut of as the tops of the ears <-J corn.

And is it probable, can it be pofiible, that every clement, and all nature, mould not only concur, but

. alter

* We are not to think, that the manna took its name fronl any relemblance to the medicinal drug, which, among us, is lo commonly known, and lb frequently niecl. It is rather d^ri- ved trom the abrupt expreflion of the Ifraelites^ on their fiifl beholding this wonderful food. They tned out with amaze- ment, «v\ 10 Man Hu ? IV hat is this ? Which exclamation* denoting their own furprife, and the unexpected as well as un- paralleled nature of the gift, bec.ime botu a memorial of the one, and a denomination of the other.

•j- This ii deftnbed with die utnioll vigour and be.iuty, in that fublime piece of (acred poetry, Pfal. Ixxviii. 27, 2.8 Hi rained fiejh upon them as duft, and winged (here lie? a peculiar euij)haiib, anil thus flioulJ the original f,33 w be tranflateci, "winged} fowl like as the fund if th? fca. Yet, though they were furniilvd with wingi, and therefore might e.-.lily tTcape, they neglected to make ule of their natural powers. They fell round the Ifraitiii/h rents, like the raia from heaven, which retuineth not , and like die land of the Inure, -which cannot bt numbered.

This whole pfalm is a manifelt pj-oof of the obfervdtinn, •which was nude in a preceding paragraph, That 'he/>//?9//V.// ;md daflritial paflages of fcripture are like the deed and its <- 'inrer-part, in their fubttauce exaflly corresponding; md^ like the links of the fame chain, in their connexion ahfelutcly infeparable.

% Jofii. vi. || Jolh. x. 12, 13. '

A a 2


alter their tjlallijhed courfe, depart from \\\r fundamen- tal laws of tiieir creation, on purpofe to ra'ir'y, what was bolted out by the patriarch in a drunken revel, or foiitcd into the text by fomc Hebrew

Canaan was to be fervantalfo tojfapkctli. Purfuant to this prediction, did not the Greeks and Roman* , who derive their lineage from 'fapheth, make mailers of the reiidue of Canaan ? 'Tyre built by the Sidonians, and Thebes * by Cadmus, were both deftroy- cd by Alexander the Grecian. Carthage, founded by Dido, was, after a long fucceffion of lofles, and a vail eJfufion of blood, demolilhcd by Scipin the Roman. Which loifes made Hannibal, a child of Canaan, cry out, with a mixture of aftonifliment and defpondency, jfgnofco fortunam Carthaginis i i. e. j- " 1 fee plainly 44 the hand of Deftiny working, \fetthat oracular doom 44 hailing toils accomplishment, in thefe dreadful ca- 44 lamities fullained by Carthage !"

If thefe fa&s are true, which have the unanimous


* " Alexander laid fiege to this city, took it by ftorm, and *' entirely deftroyed it; flaying ninety thoufand of the inhabi- •* tants, and felling the reft, to the number of thirty thoufand 44 more, into flavery." Prldeaux't, Connefl. vol. I. p. 479-

•f Vid. Liv lib. xxvii. ad fin em. A writer of the firii re- pute, for elegant tafle, arid penetrating judgment, thinks it more than probable, that -Hannibal, in this difpiri ted and hope- Jels acknowledgment, refers to the prophecy under confidera- tion: which will julhfy my free, though, I hope, not erro- neous trandation c-f the palTag^. What the fame author adds, is Co very ingenious, and fo ap^ofite to my purpofe, that I will beg leave to tranicr be it.

*4 That the Komans were no ftrangers to the fame divine 4< oracle, appears from Virgil:"

Progcnium fed enim Trojano a f anguine duel Aud\e*at, Tyrias olim qua verier ft arces. hinr populum late regem, belloque fuperbum, Venturum cxcidia Lybia. bic volvere Parcas.



confent of hiftorians for their fupport, what can we fay of his Lordmip's aflertion, u that Canaan was <c fervant to Shem, though not to Japheth * f" This, I am apprehenfive, will be found as falfe, as the fol- lowing objection is -weak, [n which he urges, that <c Canaan was iervant to one of his uncles, not to his " brethren f ." Such a cavil, (for certainly it deferves no better name,) difcovers an utter ignorance of the //<?£n?n;phrafeology ; or elfe, -^flran^c inattention^ it ; I would not fay, an egregious mij representation of it. I thought every one had known, till Lord Bolingbroke un- deceived me, that nothing is more common in the


<{ In tranflating which, if we only name the anceflors, in- " ftead of the dependents, the original prophecy glares upon " us."

From Japheth'j loins derived, a race fhe kneiu Defign'd the Jtrength of Canaan to fubdue : Widc-fpread their empire, dejMd tofuccccd And -wafte the fins of Ham : So fate decreed !

See Mr Ridley's fermons at Lady Meyer's ledure, p. 252.

* The words at large are, " Canaan became fervant of fer- w vants to Sherri) though not to Japheth, -when the Ifraclitet 44 conquered Pali/tine." Pag. m. I rauft beg leave to in- quire, why the lalt claufe is added ? Is it to prove, that when the Israelites fubdued the Canaanites, the dependents of Ham were not, by this victory, made iervants to Japheth's offspring? It fo, my Lord encounters a phantom of his own raiOng, arid confutes what no man aflerts. la it to inlinuite, thar, becaufe the race of Canaan were not, at this //me, made vaflals to the pofterity of Japheth^ therefore they never were ; and, of confequence, the prophecy was elud:d? This feems to be the delign of the fentence. Abftrafted frem this deiign, I fee not what end it can anfwer. But this is to draw, from premiles that are true, a conclufion that is falfe ; and is juft as good Jogic,asthelibertine'sarguinent is found divinity, " Vengeance 44 is not yet, therefore it never •wiM6et executed." See 2 Pet. iii. 4.

f Pag. in.


orient:-.! idiom, than to exprefs any relatives of the IT. i!c line, by the denomination of brtthrcn *.

I hope, your Lad) (hip will not tl, ink this, or any of my other remarks, indecently free. In the prclcnce of the moft high GOD, all men ai c upon a level. When the honour of his divine word or glorious attributes is concerned, we* are to know no ».an cftt-r the flcjh \; pay no deferential regard to the diltinclions of birth, or elevations of charader. In thej'e lifts the privileges of perra-e ccafe. And I (hould reckon mylelf the molt abj.-ft of creatures, if through rcfpecl of per- ibns I could palliate or Jecrcte the truth, when the ever venera1 le or.iclcs of inl'piration are treated with contemj t. A violation of decency this ! by what- ever lund it is oll'ered, or from whatever quarter it comes, incomparably more flagrant than Jcanduliwi

Pardon, Mr.dam, this digreffion, and permit me farther to obfcrve, That the progeny of Hani, in another line, are, to this very day, the Haves of the whole trading world. The negroes I mean ; whole clefcent is from that unhappy man. And what is their country but a market of flavery f Are not their pcrlbns bought J and fold as the meanefl com- modities ? are th^y not debafrd to the moft Jbrdid^ and harafTed with the mod toiljome drudgery ? made, in the itridly-literal fenfe of the phrafe, Jervants of Jcrvants f

I have not forgotten what I promifed to make ap- pear, with relation to the Egyptians ; neither (hall I


* See Gen. xiii. 8. ; where Abraham and £o/, though uncle and nephew, are called brtthrcn. Gen. xxiv. 48. ; where Bt- thuel another of Abraham's nephews, is (tyled his brother. Gen. xvi. t2. xxiv. 27.

•f 2 Cor. v. 1 6.

^ No lefs than thirty tkwfand, I have been informed, are, every year, bought for (laves by the Englifh only.


overlook what his Lordfliip has rcmonftrated from ihc lame q'!.i;t-r. " The deicendems of Mijraim^ He lay:-, ^ a /.her of the Ions of Ham, were the E-gyp- " tia;is : a vi tixy were Ib far from being fcrvanisof 41 lervams to their foufms the Shemites, that theic u wcreiervants irfiorv ants to them *." For a lealbu they were. B jUhisiervitude was calculated for the £ood of their convmmit) , and redounded to the glory of their GOD. It terminated in i'uch a liganl deliverance, as brought honour and opulence to themlelves, confu- iion aod ruin to their enemies. Docs it then follow, from this tc>> purnry fuperiority of the Egyptian f,vt\\\ch ended in fo dij-(fJroits a manner, that they were ex- ccpte.'l in the. denunciation of the curfe, or favoured with an aft of indemnity f

What lays the fupreme Arbitrator ? The nation ID horn they Jet\ve will I judge f : I myfelf will punifh ; not by any human inflruments, but by my own im- mediate hand. Accordingly, they were vifued with the uioft dreadful and dellruftive plagues. In the lalt of which, the firft-born, the flower of their kingdom, were cut off; and at leiiotli, their king, and his whole army, pcriihed in the Red (en. Does my Lord make no account of thel'e moil terrible and unexampled ;ncnts ?

Beiides, what was the condition of this people in

the following apes ? If we confult EzzkicL lie will

declare it, as clearly by the (pirit of prophecy J, as if

he had livrd on the ipot, and fecn the face of affairs.

tc \nd it came to pafs, in the eleventh year, in the tirfl

" month., in the fcvcnthday of the month, that the -.\-ord

' <>f the I.OilD came unto me, fiying, Son of man, I

e broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt ; and

' lo, it f!iall not be bound np to be liealed. to put 9

' roller to bind it, to make it itrongtohold thefword.

tt _ £

* Pa?e n2. ^- Gen. xv. r^

^ Eztk. xxx, 20, 21, 23. xxix. 15. xxx. 13.


«* J will fcattcr the Egyptians among the nations, <l and will difperfe them through the countries. E- 44 gypt fliall be the baled of kingdoms, neither fliall it " exalt itielf any more among the nations. And there *4 lliall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt." Is not all this confirmed by ancient hiftory, and by the prejcnt ftate of Africa ? From the one we learn, that the Egyptians were fubjeft, firft to the Per/I ans^ next to the Grecians, then to the Romans ; afterwards to the Arabs. And from the other it appears, that they now wear the Turki/h yoke ; arc governed, not by a prince of their own, but by the Grand Seignor and his bafliaws.

Nay, let any perfon look round upon all the coun- tries peopled by the progeny of Ham; and I am. much miitaken, if he does not find them, what the Pfalmifl defcribcs, dark places of the earth, and full of the ha" bitations of cruelty * ; the dens of rapine, and the dun- geons of ignorance; where Jlavery drags the chain, and tyranny lifts theicourge. Infomuch, that we need not icruple to lay, in the emphatical words ofjo/hua^ Not one thing has failed of all the good, or the evil things, -which the LORD Jpake by the mouth of Noah, concerning each of his ions refpedlively. •/#/ are come to paft , not one thing has failed *j" .

This calls upon me to clear up another part of the prediction ; the bleffing pronounced upon Shem, and the enlargement promifed to J op fifth : which will af- ford a new argument, to maintain tlie authenticity of the paflTage, and aflert its divine infpiration.

I faid the blefling pronounced upon. Becaufe I would not traiiflatc the words, Bleffed be the LORD GOD of Shem ; hut, Bleffed of the LORD GOD is Shcm. This will put a Jlriking contrajt between the doom of the irreligious fcoffer, and the reward of filial pie- ty : this is what we naturally cxpeft from a G O D,


* Pfal. Ixjiiv. 20. Jofh. xxiii. 14.


who is not unrighteous to forget his people, and their labours of love : this fenie the original language will very commodioufly bear *, and the event feems to re- quire. For how manifeftly, how eminently, was this benediftive fcntence fulfilled ! fince, in the pofterity of Shcm^ the thurch of GOD was eftabliflied, and his true worfhip propagated. From him, the Redeemer of mankind, that blejfing ofblejfings^ according to the flefh fprung.

The great enlargement of Japhettfs territories, is no lefs certain, and no leis remarkable. He had, for his pofTeifion, the iiles of the fea wcltward, and the fine extenfive countries near them ; Spain, Italy, Greece^ sffia the Lejs^ all Europe, and the vaft regions towards the north ; which anciently the Scythians^ now the Tartars inhabit ; from whom the Americans, the people of the new world, feem to be derived. By Japheth's dwelling in the tents o/Shem, is meant the converfion of the European Gentiles to the gofpel of CHRIST: who, through a long progrefiion of years, were alien s from the common-wealth ofl£rzt\,JIrangers to the cove- nants of promifc, having no hope of eternal life, and "without any laving knowledge of GOD in the world^: but were, in due time, periuaded to embrace the true faith ; were made (as the apoftle elegantly fpeaks, arid in a ftrain perfectly correfponding with the language of our prophecy) fellow- citizens ivith the faints, and of the houjehold of GOD \. An event, altogether as unde-r niablc, as it is important, delightful, and glorious.

Upon the whole, I cannot but think that his Lord- fliip has planted his battery, and played his artillery,


* Gen. Tx. 26. ownVx r.vr 113— »words of the very fam«

import, in the very fame conftruction, are thus rendered by

oar tnnflatorS) Deut. xxxiii. 13. and will hardly admit of any

ether interpretation ; ruT» -nnx mn' BlrjTcd OF the LORD, ice,

f Eph. ii. il. ^ Eph, ii. ly,

V9L. V. N* 22. Bb

194 REMARKS on

if not like an unfkilful, at leaft like an unfucccfsful engineer, lie has pla nted his battery agalnll a place, too well fortified to admit of any imprcilion, and that mult infallibly triumph over every allault. He has io yiiyed his artillery, that it recoils upon himielf, and irufhcs his own deiign. And this, 1 apprehend, will always be the Hlue, when men even of the fineft geni- us and moft: improved capacities prefume to attack the Icriptures of eternal truth.

This very paffhge, inftead of dcpretiating, unfpeak- ably ennobles, the divine writings. It flievvs, that they bear the {Limp of that all-over-ruling power, which jmrpoies, and none (hall difannul it j of that all com- prehending knowledge, which difcerns events, long, long before they come into exiftence. And let any unprejudifcd reader judge, what degree of efteem thole books may fairly challenge, whole leaft confider- able, or,in his Lordfhip's opinion, mojl obnoxious parts, have luch a depth, and fuch a dignity of wifdom ! luch as will be admired and revered, ib long as hijloric truth has any credit, or commercial intelligence any being.

Shall I trefpafs upon your Ladyfhip's patience a lit- tle farther? The penmen of the Old Tejtament carry all the marks of the mofl difmterejledz.\\(\ undcfigning fincerity. They record \\\Q failings of their favourite and mofl illuftrious heroes, without concealing the piwijhmcnt inflicted on fuch mifcarriages.— '1'hc uniform tendency of their narratives and obfervations is, to pro- mote a religion the mod pure, the moil benevolent, the moft elevated imaginable ; as remote from. all felfifli aims, and every low art of collufion, as the heavens are higher than the earjth. They were r-:en fmgularly qualified for their work ; being either cye-iuitrie(Jes of the fadh they relate, or elfe contemporaries with the perfons they defcribe, or flill more remarkably diftin- guifhed, by their ability to work miracles, and their infi^ht it&Q futurity. As to the facts related, forne of



them had anniverfary fol 'emn ities , on which they were commemorated : ibme of them had fignificant ceremo- nies, by which they were repreferited. They were publicly read in the fynagogues, and univerjally knuivn through the nation, it was a duty of religion, tvtalk of them by day, to meditate on them by night, and di- ligently to infirutf the children in them. And were nottheie circumltancesaiecurity, an inviolable fecurity againfl any attempt to corrupt, to innovate, or alter ? So that their writings appear with every character, both internal and external, of genuine truth ; and with the mod unquestionable credentials, from the GOD of power, and GOD of wifdom *. Conic - quently, they have a credibility of their own; fuffi- cient both to claim, and to fupport, the faith of an an- cient Jew ; fuch as muft command the aflent of every rational and honeft inquirer, even before the Chriftian difpenfation took place.

If my Lord had duly adverted to thefe confidera- tions, Ibrely he would have expunged that bold and rafli aflertion, tc Without Chriftianity we have no ob- " ligation to believe the Old Tcftament f." Surely he would never have left behind him, that uma arrant able and injurious infinuation, that the Hebrew original de- ierVes no better credit, than the fabulous ftory \ of the


* Another very extraordinary peculiarity in thefe writings, und, to rae at lealt, an undoubted proof, that their authors were divinely infpired, is, their perftff agreement and entire conjiftcncy throughout. Thoughthey werecoropoCedby differ* ent men, placed in very different (tations of liie, and flourilh- ing in very dijiant ages of the world ; yet they are as como- nant and harmonious, as if they had all been penned by the fame hand. Any thing equal to this, I never faw ; never heard of; and 1 believe, the molt inveterate or nioft fagacious adver- iaries of the Old Tejlament will not attempt to produce a pa- rallel, -j- Page 94.

^ They?ory is told, page 86. The injinuatio* is made, in a prolix, confuted, and obfcure paragraph, page 87,

Bb 2


Septuagint tranflation ;-^nor have found any rcafon to " proteft, that he knew of no rule to go by *," (in fettling the degree of aflcnt due to the feveral parts of the Old Teflament,} but the fanciful diftinttion which has already been examined. He would rather have found reafon to adopt and iubfcribe sfgur's confellion of faith ; a man, who was famous in his own, who will be famous in every generation, and for this, a- inong other mod judicious maxims, EVERY "word of GOD is pure f. 'Tis all gold, fine gold, without any the leajl alloy.

For my own part, I freely acknowledge to your Ladyfhip, that I value the facred hiftory (even exclu- five of its connection with the transcendent glories of CHPvIST, and the unfpeakable benefits of redemp- tion) on the very fame principles, which incline our ConnoifTeurs to value thole celebrated antiquities they call medal sfingular ; becaule it is fuppofed, there is but one of the fort extant.— Confider ing the private interefls, and perfonal attachments, which are fo apt to bias the human mind ; conlidering the impcrfett in- formation, and ignorance of caufes, to which all other writers are unavoidably fubject ; I cannot but conclude, that the facred hiftory is, in point of Ariel, precife," univerlal veracity, SINGULAR. There is none other befides this, no, not one in the whole world, that is free from ail the falfe colourings of prejudice ; clouded with no mixture of uncertainty ; moft minute" ly true ; and to be depended on, in every particular. The facred hiitory is not only ieated on the throne of

truth, * Page 100.

•f- Prov. x;xx. 5. St Peter bears much the fame tcftimony to the whole order of fcriptural writings. With regard to their «/?, he calls them milk; becaufe nothing is fo well adapted to tiouri/h our faith and our holinefs. With regard to their qua' lity, he (tyles them aXa\<»>, fmcere^ unadulterated, pure; with* out any lujxture of faKehood, or any tiifclure of folly, i Per. tk 2.



(ruth, but, in t/iefe re{pec"b, pofTefles it without a rival.

Lord Bolingbroke is fond of Davila * ; becaufe Da- Vila difcoyers the hidden jpring* of action, and traces up almoft every enterprize to its fburce f . Is this fo valuable a. qualification in the Italian t How then (hould we admire the injpircd hiitoriaps ? who dilclofe to us, not the fecret mcai'ures of a court, but the ttn- Jearchable counfels of heaven ; not the little motives that aftuatc the politician, but the deep defigns of the univerfal Sovereign ; and all this, not from precarious iunruie, but with thefulle/l ajjurance. An excellency I to which no other narrative on earth can lay any claim.

The fcriptures throw light upon the moft memo- rable tranfactions, that have paired in the Heathen world, and are recorded by the clajfic authors. r— When the AJ*- Cyrian monarch fubdues kingdoms, and ravages na- tions ; we are apt to think, he is only gratifying his infatiable ambition. But the fcripture allures us, that he was thejlaffin JEHOF^H's hand^ and the rod of his indignation \; an inftrumcnt made ufe of by the King of kings, to execute his righteous vengeance. When Cyrus is habituated to all the noble exercifes, educated in all the fine accomplishments, that form the gallant prince, and conftitute the complete gene- ral ; Xenophan fees nothing more than the exertion of human policy. But Ifaiah beholds the aH-fuperin- tending arm, of the LORD, girding || this hero, and


* He wrote a hiftory of the civil wars of France, in fifteen books; containing all that was remarkable, from the death of Henry II. in 1559, to the peace of Verving in 1598. It was originally written in Italian, and tranfldted into French by 7 Bocloin. Collier''* ti'ifl J)i&.

t P^e 167. $ If. x. 5.

|| If. xlv. 5. / have girded thee, though tbou haft not known me. Xenophon's KU^» n«i,h,a, : bo* written with quite a different view, is a very fine, and pe .laps the \ery bell commcat on {.faiah's beautirul and exprc live ph.-a/c, TKH


prep.irinr. him for the deliverance of his people.— -So that the icripturc-hiitory is it/elf the grandcft and moft uieful ; while its intercurrent obiervations are a key to open the moft celebrated affairs, which give weight and eflimation to other annals.

The grandeft and moft ujefui.- JThis will appear to be more than a bare affertion, if we recollect, that here is a difplay of that great McJJiah, who is the hope of If- rael * , and the defire of all nations f / a difplay of him, in his mylterious incarnation, his wonderful perfon, and all the gracious, the benign majefty of his media- torial offices. From the original prom lie (made to our firft parents) through all its progreilive evolutions, till he ariies in the New Teftament, as the only-begotten of the Father £, with a luftre and dignity iuitable to ib divine a perionage. Which is an event, of iuch in- comparable condefcenfion, magnificence, and grace, that all the prophets bear witneis to it ||, and the very an- gels defire to look into it 4^.

How then muft your Lady/liip be furprifed, to fee Lord Bolingbroke undertaking to aflign tlic principal fcope of the Mofaic -t- hiftory, (the former part of it at leaft,) and not enlarging, not dwelling upon, no, nor fo much as mentioning, the Redeemer : That all-glorious, all-important R E D E E M E R, who is the fum and iubftance of the whole fcriptures ; the ^4lpha and 0- mega in all the revelations of GOD : cf whom Mo- (es-+ wrote, and whole day Abraham faw •»-«• ; whole righteoufnefs was preached by Noah =, ar;d his final advent foretold by Enoch ** : whofe merits, appre- hended

" Acts xxviii. 20. -f Hag. ii. 7. :j: John i. 14.

|| Ads x. 43. 4- i Pet. i. 1 2. •$- Pag. icy.

-f- John v. 46. -H- John viii. 56.

= 2 Per. ii. 5. It can hardly be doubted, but Noah preach- ed the very fame righteoufnefs, of which he hnnfelf was an heir : and that, we are allured, was the righteoufnefs of falth> Heb. xi.7.

** Jude, veh 14,


bended by faith, were the recommendation of Abel's iacrifiee * ; and the confolation of Adam f , under the lofs of immortality, and expulfion from paradife : from whom many, if not all, the antediluvian patriarchs borrow their honours, and ftand upon everlafting re- cord, chiefly as being in the number of his progeni- tors.— This capital omiflion is (to ufe his Lordfhip's .own language) " a manifeft abufe of facred hiflory, " and quite inexcufable in a wrker, who knew, or. 14 fbould have known J," that, in its nwjt early as well as in its later periods, it invariably testifies of CHRIST ||.

Thus to undertake, and thus to execute, is as if fome pretender to anatomy fhould engage to explain the nature of animal motion, and fay not a word concern- ing the nerves, the mufcles, the heart ; or, as if fome Jmatter in geography fliould offer to exhibit a com- plete map of our country, and leave entirely out of his plan, the cities, the towns, and the rivers. Yet this is not the only incident, on which my Lord, how- ever critical in profane literature, difcovers himfelf to have been very remifs in the fludy, at leaf! very Jit - perficial in the knowledge, of his Bible.

From which hint I would take occaiion to intreat, and with the moft affc&ionate carncfhiefs, all that are inclined to difpute againft this divine book, firft to make themfelves thoroughly acquainted with it. And would they once let about the momentous work, with a candid, upright, and impartial mind ; free from the

••-idice of prejudices ; not blinded with the fumes of lelf conceit ; nor intoxicated with the cup of vitious pleaiiire : if they would thus examine the inipircd vo- lumes, they would loon perceive inch a lovely conftcl- lation of truth, of wifdom, and of grace, (Inning forth from every page, as mufl turn lhcirdJfc/fee?KmtG ad- miration, and their avcrfion into delight.


* Heb. >ii. 4. j Gen. iii. 15. J Pag. i'8. || John v/39-


But if they bring with them a fondnefs for fame, a haughty felf-ilitficiency of fpirit^ or an ignoble at- tachment to feniual gratifications ; if they are deter- mined to cheriih, and will on no confidcration divorce, thefe feducers of the heart, and pervertcrs of t\\t judg- ment; we cannot wonder, that the fcriptures fhould ap- pear to them, with much the fame afpecl, as the mira- culous cloud appeared to the Egyptians f which threw darkncfs on their paths, and fhed horror on their1 ibuls, even while it gave light to the fteps, and ala- crity to the hopes, of the IJraelites *. -In this cafe, we may affign a reajbn for their vppnfition, from the unhappy circumftances recorded of Iflimael f .- Their hand, their tongue, their pen, is a^ainll the word of GOD; becauje the word of G O D is againft them, their tempers, and their ways.

In the facred narrations, we behold the arm of the LORD revealed. Other hiftorians only guejs at the interpofition of an avenging, or propitious GOD. And though conjectures of this kind occur but very rarely in their works ; they are frequently cenfured, as a prefumptuous intrufion upon the arcana of heaven. But the penman of fcripture, with unerring certain- ty declare, This is the LORD's doing; a flroke from the fword of his juftice J, or a reward from the riches of his goodneis j| .


* Exod. xiv. 20. ft -was a cloud and darknefs to them^ but it gave light by night to- thefe.

•j- Gen. xvi. 12. His hand -wili be againjt every man, and e- vety man's hand againft him.

^ See 2, Chron. x. 15.—- xv« 6. xxv. 20. xxyiii. 5, 6. » xxix. 8, 9.

j| See a Chron. xii. 7. xiii. 15, 16, i8.-—xiv. 6, 12. xxvi. 5. xxvii. 6. I refer to the Chronicles, rather than to the o- ther parts of facred hiftory, in order to create a higher eftccm for thefe excellent memoirs. Many people, 1 believe, arecow- tentedly ignorant of the Chronicles ; becaulc feme of the firft



Here we perceive, as in the brighteft mirror, what practices he favour j, and what methods lie oppq/es ; what couries are attended with his bleffing, and what behaviour provokes his di/pleafure. Thefe records fet before us the molt ftrikfag exemplifications, both of the divine thrcatenings, and of the divine promifes ; demonftrating, from, repeated experience, that the former arc more than vain menaces ; the latter are far from alluring fallacies. By which means, they are admirably well adapted, to inculcate thole funda- mental leflbns of practical religion ; a continual ad" •vertence to GOD ; a believing dependence on GOD ) and an habitual expectation ofjiicccfs in our fchemes*) not merely from any addrefs or induftry of our own, but from the all- powerful benediction of G O D :— - which are, of all other precepts, perhaps, the mofl falutary and beneficial to mankind.

My remarks would be immoderately prolix, were they to enumerate all the perfections of facred hiftory. I fhali content myfelf with wifhing, that your Lady- fhip may eftecm, may reverence, may love the whole book of G O D,-*-0#/y in proportion to its worth* Then, I am perfuaded, it will have your highc/feRcem^ your profoundefi reverence, and moft devoted love.

Before I conclude, give me leave, Madam, to make

on f

chapters confift of Hebrew names, which *ve forbidding, and of genealogical tables, which are ufelefs to the generality of read- ers.— But, notwithstanding their unpromifmg introduction, they contain the rooft memorable and momentous occurrences. They are interfperfed with the mod weighty and edifying re- marks. They are worthy of our repeated perufal, and will amply repay the mo(t careful attention.- I would compare them to fome noble mine, whole furface is barren, and feems to include nothing valuable. But, as you penetrate the foil, the treafure opens. The deeper you go, the more riches you find. And, inftead of regretting the little toil of application, you ars only grieved^ that you undertook the gainful no fooner.

VOL, V. 23, C c


ene rcqucfl : which I make, under a fenfe of my vari- ous obligations to your Lady (hip, with all the enga- ging acts of your condefcenfion and gcnerofity, full in my view. It ought therefore to be, and it really is, expre[/ive of the molt unfeigned thankfulnefs for your favours, and of the tnicji zeal for your happi- ucis. It is this, That you would carry on a daily intercourfe, and cultivate a holy, an intimate famili- arity, with the infpired writers, and their iucftimable volumes. Read them. Recollect them. Weigh them. Contemplate them in their magnificent whole, in their beautiful parts^ and their harmonious con- ned ions.

I (hould be afraid to recommend, in this zealous manner, and to this affiduous peruial, the mojl corrctt compofitions, that ever proceeded from a human pen. But here I am under no apprehenfion of your cxhauft- ing the mine, and complaining of emptinejs ; under no apprehcnfion, left the entertainment ihouldy?<«//d>« up- on your tafte, and create difguft. The more we fearch thofe florehoufes of wifdom, the better we underftand thole oracles of truth, the more they will approve them- felves to our judgment, and become dearer, flill dearer to our affettions. The pages of fcripturc, like the pro- ductions of nature, will not only endure the teft, but improve upon the trial. The application of the mi- crofcope to the one, and a repeated meditation on the other, are fure to difplay new beauties, and prefent us with higher attract ives. Nay, the very attempts of an advcrlary to blacken the fcriptures, irrvc only to increaje their lu/lre For my part, I never fhould have ieen the prediction of Noah rijing, with fuch perfpicu- ity, propriety, and g'ory, to obfervation, had not Lord Balingbroke made an effort to overwhelm it with objections, zvdftnk * it into difcrcdit.


* An allufion to the motto, in the title-page, Mfrfes fro fun do pulckrior event /} and expreflive of its meaning.


Above all, may we bring to this beft of ftudies, an humble mind; a mind deeply fenfible of its own igno- rance and iveaknejs ; yet frequently and chcarfully lift- ed up to GOD, for his enlightening and animating Spirit : that, by his bleffed influences, our under jland- ings may be opened to under/land the Jcriptures *, and our hearts opened to receive them \ : to underftand them, in all the folne/s of their heavenly meaning; to receive them, in all the force of their transforming power. That, reading the threatening*, we may tremble J at the awful word, and acknowledge ourielves juftly li- able to thofe terrible judgments ; but at the fame time believe, that CHRIS f has delivered us from the curfe cf the laiu, being made a curfe for us [j ; That, reading the promifes, we may confefs ourielves unworthy of an interest in fuch unfpeakable blellings ; yet reft af- fured, that all thepromijes of GOD are yea and amen in CHRIST JE S US #; are our uuqueftionablc portion, through his merits and atonement ; and will certainly be fulfilled, through his interceifion andfaith- fulnefs. Reading the precepts ^ let us rejoice in the be- lief, that our Saviour, obedient unto death, has fulfil- led

* Luke xxiv. 45.

•f Afts xvi. 14. Such is the darkncfs, fuch the depravity of our mind?, that they will not, they cannot, be made -wife unto falvation, even from the fcriptures themlelves, without the powerful Agency of the bleffed Spirit. Unlefs his influen- ces enlighten our underftandings ; and apply the doclrines, •when underftood, to our hearts ; we fhall be, even with the word of light and life in our hands, fomewhat like blind Bar- tinieus^ fitting amidll the beams of day ; or like the withered arm, with invaluable treafures before it. This, I think, ex- perience muft acknowledge ; this, I am very certain, the texts referred to$ in concert with many others, evince.

\ See Ezra x. 3. 2 Chron. xxxiv. 27. ; where it might not be amils, to compare the temper of true believers^ and the behaviour of an iHultrious king, with the fpirit that runs thro* his Lord/hip's performance.

j| G<ti. iii. 13. f 2 Cor. i. 20.

C C 2


led them perfectly for our justification ; that our Savi- our, exalted unto heaven, hac engaged to put his Spi" rit within us for our fanclification ; caujing us to walk in his ftatutes, and to keep his judgments, anddo them * . Contemplating the various examples, may we ufe fbme of them, as admonitory lea- marks, to avoid the rocks of fin j ufe others, as a conducing clue, to guide our feet into the way of peace ; ufe all, as ib many incitements, to awaken our circumipeclion, or quicken our diligence, in muting our calling and eletfion fure* Then we (hall have another proof, that the original of thefe holy books is not from man, but from the LORD JEHOVAH: a proof, which fome peo- ple may explode, as imaginary or enthufiaftical, but is really of the utmoftjolidity, and of ihelaft importance : which, though by no means independent on, much lefs exclufive of, other evidences, is, neverthclcfs, to «ach individual perfon, incomparably more valuable than any, or every other alteration. We (hall HAVE THE WJ : TNESS IN OURSELVES f. We mall experience, on our own fouls, the happy energy ofthc/criptures. They will be ihcinftrument of work* ing fuch a lively faith in CHRIS T, fuch an ardent love of GOD, fuch a cordial benevolence for our fel- Jow- creatures J, as cannot fail to exalt our defires, re- fine

* Erek. xxxvi. 37. -f- i John v. 10.

^ This is what his Lord/hip means, or ought to mean, when he fpeaki of 4fc the proper force of religion ; that force, *' which fubduev the mind, and a\ves the confcience by con- •* viftion." page 182. And i am well afTured, whatever he may furmife to the contrary, that this voucher to the real in» fpiration of the fcriptures, and divine original of Chriftianity, " is not winiing " Nay, 1 durfl venture to engage, thar it never will be wagting to any perfon, who fefks it with due attention and becoming diligence; and neither forgets nor ne- gle&s rhofe [-ecefFiry prep.r^t'ves, prefcribed by thegreatMafr fen>f theChri(!iat; fcbocl: \ he one comprehend in this maxim, man -willdokis -will, he Jhali know of the- faftrine^hcthcr


fine our affe&ions, and dignify our tempers ;— fuch as will adminifter comfort under affliction, and impart an additional relifh to profperity ; luch as will teach us to order our convcrfation right, amidft all the fnares, all the labyrinths of time ; and gradually train us up for the pure blifs, and confummate enjoyments of eternity,

May THIS proof, Madam, be written «n your hearty written in bright and indelible chara&ers,— - written by the finger of the living GOD ! Then, I am afTurcd, every attempt to dagger your belief, or withdraw your veneration from THE BIBLE, will be like,an attempt to (hatter the rock in pieces with a bubble, or to pierce the adamant with a feather. This is not only thzjincere wijh, but, fo long as reli- gion and gratitude have any place in my bread, it will alio be the carnejl prayer of


much obliged, April zz. »

and mod obedient

humble fervant, JAMES HErlVEY.

it be of GOD. John vii. 17. The other delivered in the fol- lowing direction, If any of you lack -wifdom, Itt him a/k ofGOD^ •who glveth to all men liberally , and upbraidcth not, and it /ball be given him. Jam. i. 5,




I have taken no notice of his Lordfhip's animadvcr- fions, relating to the gcntiinenefs of i[\e gofpel-hiftory : becaufe this would be entering upon a new field, which I leave open and untouched, for fome more able de- fender of that invaluable depolitum. Not that I ap- prehend, there is any thing very formidable in the at- tack. But I think it would be ierviceable, as 1 am perfuaded it is eafy, to (hew the -weakrujt and unrca- fonablenefs of thole arguments, which men of luperior abilities arc obliged to take up with, when they lift themiclves under the banner of fcepticifm or infidelity. —It would alfo be a piece of public juftice, to inquire into t\\cfincerity, probity, and confijlency of thofe wri- ters ; who, in fome places, lay a mighty ftrejs upon the authority of the New Teftamcnt, (page 94.) in others, endeavour to Jap the very foundation of its credibility, (page 177.)







fentiments here offered againft the prevailing cuflom of profaning the Sabbath, will probably be a fatisfa&ion to every ierious reader, and be pro- dudlive of much good ; especially as it is in every body's power to reform one, and as then his own condu<ft will be a tacit reproof to his acquaintance, who may probably, through his example, be induced to weigh thefe proceedings attentively, and no longer follow a multitude to do evil. It is certainly a matter of im- portance to inquire whether Sunday- vifits are juftifi- ablc upon the principles of fcripture and of reafon^ as the conlcientious obicrvation of the Sabbath has of late years been ib much dilrcgarded ; and as it is now become the principal day of vifiting among pcrlbns of all ranks. The chief advocates for the continuance of Ibch a practice fhould, methinks, defend it publicly, that their arguments may be properly examined, if (in their opinion) fuch a cuflom can admit of any ra- tional defence. And thoie who are iufficiently con- vinced by what is here advanced, mould refolvr to



difcontinue Sunday- vifits themfelves, and difcounte* nance them in others, as far as they can confident with decency and prudence. That the number of fuch \vell-difpoied pcrfons may be daily incrcafing, is undoubtedly the hearty wifh of every one who is iin- cerely defirous of promoting the glory of GOD, and the good of mankind.

Qu. Whether it be right for TRULY-SERIOUS perjons to vifit on Sundays f

PHE perfons here mentioned, are the truly-fcri- \_ ous. As to many people, it matters not whe- ther they arc at home or abroad : G O D is not in all their thoughts ; they have no concern for their eter- nal welfare ; they therefore are, in every place, al- together and alike unprofitable.

But when we begin to difcern the things that arc excellent ; when we fmccrely defire to " obtain lal- " vation, with eternal glory, by JESUS CHRIST;" then, whether it be proper to fall into the pre- vailing cuftom of vifiting on Sundays «* is the quef- tion.

Were our companions religious, and was our con- verfation edifying, I fliould make no fcruple to give my voice in the affirmative. Every parlour would then be a little fanftuary ; would echo back the ex- hortations, and lecond the defigns of the pulpit ; and we might truly fay, // // good for us to be here.

But, alas ! where do we find fuch company ? when do we hear fuch converfation ? The general con- vcrfation is all impertinence ; not fo much as fea- foned with a fpice of religion. T/ify talk of vanity every one with his neighbour, Pfal. xii. 2. For which reafon, I cannot think it fafe or expedient, al- lowable or innocent, HABITUALLY to vifit on Sun •J.'-vs,

It is inconfiflent with the beft example. / was in


S U N D A Y-V I S I T 5. 209

the Spirit 'on the LORD's day, fays St John. I was filled with the communications of the HOLY S P 1- KI r, giving me clear views of CHRIST, bright hopes of glory, and (bedding abroad the love of GOD in my heart. But is this compatible with the idle, trifling, iniignificant chat, which ingroffes our ordi- nary viiits ?

OBJ ECTION I. Will it be faid, the apoflle's was a peculiar cafe ? I anfwer, it was a peculiarly- happy cafe. And will a prudent Chriftian relinquish the proipect of fuch unfpeakable happinefs, for the rnolb empty and dclufive amufement I But, 1 believe, it was not peculiar to the apoftle ; rather the common privilege of all believers ; written as a pattern for their practice, and to be the plan of their expecta- tions.

It is contrary to the divine prohibition* The ne- gative law, relating to the Sabbath, is, *' not doing thy 4 own ways, not finding thy own pleafure, not fpeak- '' ing thy own words, //. Iviii. 13. Not doing thy own " ways :"abltaining from fecularbufinefs, and all world- Jy purfuits. Nit finding thy own pleajure ; renoun- cing all thofe recreations and amufements, which may tend to gratify thy tafte, not to glorify thy almighty JLOiiD. Not Jpsaking thy own -words; converfmg on fpi ritual, fublime, and heavenly fubjects ; not on low, earthly, temporal matters, which, having no reference to the Creator's honour, are therefore called thy own. However, fome people may act, or whatever they may think, this is the exprefs and unalterable law cfla- blilhed by the GOD of heaven. Whether it be pof- fible to mingle in modifh compajiy, and obey this law, let thofe judge who arc acquainted with the world.

it breaks the divine command. The pofitive- law- relating to the Sabbath is, Remember the Sabbath-day^ to keep it holy. 11 EM EM B E R, take particular notice of Ttfis injunction. It is a duty greatly to be re- VOL, V. 23, D d garcled


par cled, and mo ft confcicntioufly to be obfervcd. Upon the due obfervance of this, our diipolition and ability to obferve the other precepts, in good meafure, depends. Keep it holy; devote it to holy purpofes ; fpcnd it in holy exercifes ; and not barely an hour or two ; not barely the intervals of private and public devotion ; but the day, the Sabbath-day, the whole day. Neither will the whole day be too long, if we make confciencc of difcharging the feveral duties of religion, reading and meditation ; prayer and praife ; teaching our children, and infti lifting oar do medics ; examining our hearts, and taking heed to our ways. All thefe offices, if properly performed, will leave very little, rather no time for unnccefFary elopements. And (hall we huddle over all thefe important offices, or totally neglecl: ibme of them, only to indulge our- ielves in the moft unprofitable levities ? at once doing an injury to our fpiritual intcrefts, and violating the divine precept.

I fear, it will be a kind of crucifying afrefli our ble [fed M after, Heb. vi. 6. This expreflion we have often read, but think ourfelves free from the guilt implied in it, and indeed from the very likelihood of contract- ing it. But let us be reminded, that we crucify our LORD afrefli, when we give others occafion to con- clude, that we have very little eftecm for him, or gratitude to him ; confequently, that he has little or no excellency, for which we or ©thers mould defire him. Now, what elfe can the world conclude, when they fee us giving into the vanities of a licentious mode, on that very day, which is facred to the com- memoration of his refurreclion ? " Surely," might the children of this world fay, " if thefe Chriftians " had any real reverence for their LORD, they 4< would fliew it on his own day. They would either 14 be retired to contemplate and adore him, or elfe u come abroad to exalt and glorify him. But they " come abroad to be as frothy in their talk, and as

u trifling


S U N D A Y-V I S I T S. 211

trifling in their temper, as forgetful of their S A-

V 1 O U R, and as regardlefs of his honour, as the <c moll: arrant worldling among us all." To afford a handle for fuch reflections, is to wound the R E- D E E M E R in the houie of his friends.

It \v\l\grieve the HOLT SPIRIT, Eph. iv. 30. Chriflians believe, that he is infinitely wife, ail- graci- ous., and ever bleflcd ; that he d\velis in their hearts, and is the fource of all their holinefs and all their hap- pinefs. Therefore we pray daily in our liturgy, that the HO L T S P I R I T may not be taken from us. On Sunday, we commemorate the defcent of this di- vine gueit 5 and are, in a particular manner, to im- plore his prefcnce, and cultivate his influences. But can this be done, by neglecting his cxprefs prohibition, and breaking his pofitive command ? by difregarding the examples which he has fct before us ; and diflio- nouring that SAVIOUR whom he delights to magnify ? Befidcs, dare any mortal prefume to fay in his heart amidft a circle of our polite vifitants, " 1 am u now acting in a manner becoming my relation to " the eternal S P I R I T. Thefe fentiments and this '• difcourfe are fuitabie to his dignity, vvifdom, and " glory ; a proper method of celebrating and honour- " ing the day of his miraculous miflion :"

Should any one afk, u what is meant by «ricvinp the " HOLT SPIRIT?" It means offending his' ex- alted Majefty, and caufmg him to act as men com- monly act, when they are grieved and difplcafcd with any one ; they withdraw from his company, and vi- fit him no more. When Samuel was grieved for Saul'r. mifbehaviour, it is written, u lie came no more to 41 fee SM/." If the almighty C O M F O R T E R be provoked to deal thus with our fouls, alas ! what a lofs muft we iufUin ! a Jofs, unfpcakablc, irreparable, eternal !

So that if this practice were not finful, it mutt be exceedingly detrimental ; and that, not in one only, but

D d 2 in


in various rcfpects. Have we received fpiritual good from the public ordinances? The admonition of hea- ven is , We ouvkt to give the more enrnejl heedto tht things which lue have heard, left at any time lue fhould let them flip, Heb. ii. I. By this practice, we not only fuffer them to flip, but open ns it were a leak for their im- mediate difcharge. Have we been under edifying imprcllions from our private exercifes ? The unerring direction js, Quench not the Spirit. Stifle not the feri- ons deiires which he has awakened. Allow them their full fcope, till they are formed into gracious habits. By the practice under confideration, we pour water inflead of oil upon the feeble flame. We extinguifh what we fhould cherilh. Is the heavenly feed fown in our breafh ? The He diffipating interviews are the ravenous birds, which follow the feedfman, and de- vour the grain : to that nothing takes root. No fruit of faith, of joy, or love is produced.

Let me only add, that, on a dying-bed, the mifim- provement of all our time will be molt bitterly regret- ted. How much more the mifimprovement of thofe hours, which GOD himfelf has allowed, has fet apart for the nobleft purpofcs, and is wont to blefs in an efpecial manner! u While others were feeking the " pearl of great price, and gathering thofe treasures u of wifdom and grace, which endure to everlafling <c life ; I, alas 1 was fquandering away the precious 11 opportunities in very vanity.'1 To fee the curtain of time dropping, to fee a vaft eternity opening before us, and to have iuch reflections haunting our confci- cnce ; this will caufe mifery not to be exprefled, create anguifh not to be conceived.

OBJECTION II. Will it be faid, in anfwer to thefe confiderations, u That company, even trifling 41 company, rs a relaxation. We return to the in- ** ftruttion of our families, and to our evening-devo- *' tion vvitii frefh abcrity, being fick of thefe triflers ?" A Grange argument ! It Should rather be reverted. The


S U N D A Y-V I S I T S. 213

objectors might truly fay, Being Tick of religion and its fervices, we want fuch trifters to afford us ibme re. lief. The fincere fcrvant of CHRIST would find no recreation, but feel ^rief of heart, in fuch in- terviews. It muft be a real affliction to obferve his divine LOUD abfolutely difregarded ; difregarded on the day peculiarly devoted to his honour ; every vanity now preferred before him, as Barabbas the robber was formerly. The true rcfrefliment for our fouls confifts in having our faith increaied, our hope elevated, and our views of heaven enlarged ; in con- templating the infinite perfection arid glory of our Re- deemer ; the infinite grandeur and fulnefs of his pro- pitiation ; and our complete, I might have faid, our infinite fecurity from wrath and vengeance, by being interested in his merits.

OBJECTION III. " Sunday is the beft part of 11 our time for this purpofe ; bufinefs is fufpended ; u every body is ready drefled ; all circumftances in- *c vitc." Is it the befl: part of our time ? Then let it be devoted to the belt of beings. Who is more worthy of our choiceft thoughts, affections, hours, than that divinely-compaffionate Saviour, who offered himfelf, in the very prime of his life, a bleeding vic- tim for our fins, that his facrifice might have every recommending circumftancc, which could render it acceptable to GOD, and available for man ?

OBJECTION IV. " It is the univerfal cuftom. " To diicontinue it, would render us unfafhionable.." And cannot you bear to be a little unfafhionable for his fake, who was dcipifed and rejected, who hum- bled himfelf to death, even the death of the crofs, for four fake ? Is it the uuiverfal cuftom ? Then cuftom is the idol, which we are called to renounce. I mufl fay of cuftom, in this cafe, as Elijah faid of Baal; If cuftom be GOD, follow its dictates ; but if JEHOVAH be GOD, obferve his precepts. It is written in the fcripturcs, llonit xii. 2. Be not con- formed


formed to this world. To what docs this prohibition re- Jate ? To fuch ungodly cuttoms, no doubt. No bat- tery of canon was ever pointed more diredtly againil a citadel to be demolifhed, than this text againft fuch cuftoms. In indifferent matters, Jet the Chriftian a- void iingularity ; let him drefs fomewhat like his neighbours ; let him make an appearance fuitable to Jiis itation: but let him not follow a multitude to pro- fane the Sabbath, or to do any evil. HERE religious perfons fliould, by all means, be/ingulttr; fliould dif- tingutfh themfelves by a becoming zeal for their GOD; ihould fet an example, and (Line as lights, in the midft of a crooked and perverfe generation : otherwife, they may do, not themfelves only, but o~ thers alfo, incredible harm.

OBJECTION V. Some perhaps may ftart, and reply, " If thefe things are fo, to what a degree of " finful negligence is even the Chriftian world arri- *' ved !" With regard to the world called Chriflian, this is too true. And no meafure of forrow can be fufficient to bewail the deplorable degeneracy. Ne- gligence, or rather obftinacy, in this capital inftance, is a melancholy indication of no lefs diibbedience in other refperts.

OBJECTION VI. " This will be irkfome, will " render our religion a burden." I hope, no one that pretends to ferioufnefs will offer to make this ob- jection. The finners in Zion made it. For which rea- Ibn they are branded, and by the divine SPIRIT himfelf, with infamy that will never be blotted out : O ! what a wearine/'s is it ! when will the Sabbath^ and its irkfome folemnities, begone? Mai. i. ig. and jfmos viii. 5. This difcovers a heart alienated from GOD, that has not tafted the good word of grace, and favours not the things which be of C H R I S T. Otherwife, fuch would be the language, u One day, " thus employed, is better than a thoufand," Pfal. Ixxxiv. Jo. Is it tedious and burdenfome to pafs


S U N D A Y-V I S I T S. 215

a Jingle day in devout exercifes ? How then fliall we pafs, how fliall we endure the agts of eternity ? fince we are afllired, that thofe happy beings, who ftand a- round the throne, clothed with white robes, ferve their GOD day and night, for ever and ever, in his temple. In the regions of immortality they find a heaven ; becaufe there they have a never-ceafing and eternal communion with GOD; becaufe there they have an uninterrupted and everlafting Sabbath.





Train up a child in the way Jhe Jbould go ; and luhenjhe is old, Jhe -will not depart from it. Prov. xxii. 6.


AS this little treatife was intended for the prefs, by Mr HE R v E Y, he had tranicribed it from his fhort-hand copy. The candid reader will, however, make the proper allowances for a pofthumous piece, which would undoubtedly have appeared lefs defec- tive, had it been revifed by the ingenious AUTHOR.

IT has long been a prevailing report, that, among per- fons of education andd:(tincT:ion,truereligionisvery rare. This, I would hope, is an invidious rumour, rather than a true reprefcntation of the cafe. May it not be an



artifice of the grand enemy ? calculated to bring the bcft and noblert of cauies into diirepute ; as though politenefs and piety were inconfdtent ; as though grace and good-breeding were irreconciieable. Is then the faith of CHRIST quite fatal to refined manners I as the rod of Mofes was to the counterfeit miracles of the magicians. No : it is rather like the influence of the fanftuary on the rod of sJaron; which, while it remained at a diftance from the tabernacle, was a dry, Japlels, and barren flick ; but, when depofited before the ark, was quickened into vegetable light, was a- dorned with a milk-white bloom, and enriched with full-grown fruit ; or, as the facred biftorian expreile* this iurprifing -fact, " It brought forth buds, and " bloomed biolFoms, and yielded almonds/' Numb.

KVli. ft.

I find upon the lift of faints, the moft -renowned kings, and victorious generals ; the ableft politicians, and the greateft philofophers : men, that have bid the fun ftand (till, and prolong the departing day ; have laid an embargo upon darknefs, and protra&ed the Shades of night ; have commanded the ground to cleave afunder, and tranfmit their prefumptuous foes to a ftrange and inevitable deftru&ion ; have divided the impetuous waves, and led their followers to fafe- ty and to conqueft, through the depths of the fea : men, who have walked in the burning fiery furnace, as under the flicker of an embowering arbour ; and •fat in the lion's den, an;iclfl a herd of hungry mongers, with as much ferenity, and as much Security, as a- midlt a circle of bofom-friends.

I myfelf have known various perrons, admired for their accomplifhed behaviour, and revered for their exalted ftation, wko have thought it their higheft ho- nour to be fervants of J E S U S CHRIS T. My excellent friend Camillus, at whofe houfe I now refide, is one of the number. I cannot refrain from giving a .portrait of C&millus ; or rather, of a few of his mofi:

Vox. V. 23. Ee


cliftinguifhing features : for to paint him in full pro- portion, as he daily appears, in all the mild, the be- jiign majefty of domeftic authority, parental go- vernment,— and ChrHUan zeal j to do this, would require a much abler hand than mine.

CamilluS) not long ago, entertained in his houfe a young clergyman, who vyas always treated with a re- ipe<ft, faitable to the dignity of his office, and the piety of his behaviour. Haying lately prefented the •worthy ecclefiaftic to a living, and always requiring refidence on the benefice, he is now defHtute of a chaplain. Remembering, however, that all Chriftians are fpiritual priefts ; he thinks it no difhonour to have, an immediate and pcrfonal audience with the King of heaven ; nor acting at all out of character, to reprc- fcnt the wants of his houiehold, with his own mouth, fit the throne of grace.

Before i upper is introduced, the evening-incenfe afcends. This, rather than a later hour, is pitched upoq, that the little congregation may join in the fa- cred fervice, with a lively devotion. After a plentiful meal, when the limbs are weary, people, even though kneeling, and in the prefence of God, are more in- clined to nod than to pour out their fouls ; are very, very apt to miftake the cuihion for a pillow. No fer- vant is allowed to be abfcnt ; one only excepted, wliofe prefence in the kitchen is abiblutely neceffary. Ac- quainted with their matter's refolution, they are care- ful, ib to manage their affairs, and difpatch their bu- finefs, that no avoidable obftacle may intervene, to detain them from the ftated worfliip.

When all a^e aifembled, without either tumultuous diibrder in their approach, or a ilovenly negligence in their apparel, a chapter is read. Caviillus makes rhe choice. He imagines, it is not ib ufeful for his family, \vhofe memories are weak, and their capacities fcanty, to read the IclTbn for the day. He has, therefore, fclected ibme cf the moit iuilruciive and animating


of ft A U G H

portions of fcripture ; and judges it advifable to per- tife thefe agaiii and again, rather than to' go regularly through the whole infpired writings. The iervants take it by turns to read ; which improves them in the practice,* and keeps them awake. If any of them difcovers a difpofition to fleep, to him the office is fure to be ailigned.

When the chapter is /i'mmed, Camillus fingles out fome one verfe, of very weighty and edifying import ; which for the fpace of five or lix minutes, he explains, applies, and affectionately urges upon their confciences. This done, with great ferioufnefs, and profound reverence, he offers up evening-prayers. Kis prayers confift of fhort ftntences, and the whole is performed in a little time. Every part is pronounced with that; deliberate flownefs, and folemn accent, which com- mand attention, and create awe. He makes a very perceivable paufe, at the clofe of each petition ; that every one may have lerfure to add, in (Hence, a hearty Amen ; and to recoiled: the merits of that blefled Re- deemer, which render every thanklgiving acceptable, and every fupplication fuccefsful.

In the morning, before breakfaft, the worftiip of the living God is renewed. At this juncture, Camillus omits the chapter ; but requires one of his domeftics to repeat the verfe on which he enlarged the preceding night. None knows which -(hall be called to this tafk ; therefore every one is obliged to be properly prepared. He throvvs the fubftance of his exhortation into a few Searching and interefting queflions, which he addreffcs to one of his children or fervr-nts : for, in this rcfpt-clT no difference is made. All arc equally enjoined to re- niember : all ire equally accountable for wh;tt they hear. Sometimes he encourages tlu»!e, whole aniwcrS flicw, that they have given diligent hetd to his in- Itrmflions. .Sometimes he puts on an air of fevcrityy mixed with tenderncfs, nnd reptoves the notorioufly- negligent. Alwayshe re-inculcates the principal points)

E e a diargui</

On the RELIGIOUS ED uc AT row

charging them to retain the dortrincs in their memory ,- .-UK! revolve them in their thoughts, while they are puriiiiiig their rdpeclive buiineis. Thcle doctrines are the kred of faith ; the root of godlincis. Unlefs THESE be 'lodged in the mind, and operate on the licart, he never -experts to have his domeftics com- mence true believers, or real ChrHtians. No more than the hufbandman can rea-ton-ably expert a crop in harvefl, without towing his field ; or the florilt pro- inifc himlHf a blow of tulips, without planting his parterre.

I have given a glimpfe of Camillas , at the head of his family ; let me now (hew my favourite in another attitude. Camillas is convinced, that no trult is of lu- pcrior, or of equal importance, to the tuitionary cul- tivation * of an immortal foul. As Providence has blefled him with two fine daughters, therr prefent and future happineis is the reigning object of his care. He has no intereft fo much at heavt, as to give them a truly-refined education ; fuch as- may render them an ornament and a blclfing to iociety, while they pals the time of their fojouming here below ; and may train them up for a ftate of everlafting blifs, when the \vorld and its tranfitory fcenes fliall be no more.

Camillas never could perfuade himfelf to admire the maxims of prudence, faid to be gathered from the extravagant rant of our tragedies ; and lefs is his efleem for thole modeft difpofitions, which people pre- tend to imbibe from the lufcious gallantries of come- dy. For which reafon, he has no impatient defire to iecurCj for Mils Mitijja and Mils Serena, a place in the


* Stnfcrs, quid mfrts rite, quid indues. Nittrita fuii/h's fub penetratibus

Poffet. HOR,

The meaning of which in Engli/b is :

a What could be done u-e know, were we but led " By b-right example, and by virtue bred."


front-box. However, as we are apt immoderately to covet what is abfolutely forbidden, he has himfelf at- tended them, once or twice, to the theatrical enter- tainments, and public diverfions j thinking it much the fafeft method, that their curiofity fliould be grati- fied under his own infpedlion ; and hoping to make them icnfible how much they endanger their virtue, who too often frequent them ; how fhamefully they debafe their affections, who are paifionately fond of them ; and what mere phantoms they follow, who feek for fatisfaction in fuch delufory delights.

They learn to dance, in order to acquire a genteel air, and a graceful demeanor ; not to mine at a ball, or win the worthlefs admiration of fops. He is con- tent to have them unacquainted with the wild and ro- mantic fables of Heathen poetry -, nor is* under any painful apprehenfions of damping the fprightlinefs of their temper, though they have no tafte for the chi- merical adventures of our romances, and are ftrangers to the looie intrigues of our novels ;. being fujly per- fuaded, that there is as much found fenfe> as linart- nefs of thought, in that celebrated faying,

Retire, and read your BIBLE, to be gay ; 'There truths abound of fuvereign aid to peace * /

He lias introduced them to the knowledge of hiftory, a-nd its inftrucVive facts. They have a tolerable idea of the four univerfal monarchies, fo eminent for their great events, and fo circtimftantially foretold in fcrip- ture. They have been led through the moft remark- able tranfa&ious of our own country, and are pretty well acquainted with the prefent flate of Europe. They have, all along, been taught to obferve the wonderful revolutions of empires, and the adorable procedure of providence: that they may dilceni how thefa/hion of this 'world paJJ'cth away \; and how happy ate the peo-


* Dr Youngs eighth night thought.

•f- i Cor. vii. 31. Not only the little projeft* and puny



pie, how happy thr pcrfons, who have the LOR ilicir GOD. They have been taught to bbferve the honourable fucccfs, that has ufually attended the prac- ti t; of integrity, guided by prudence ; together with tlr Icandal and ruin which have always pur fued Folly in her ienlrleis rambles, and dogged Vice to her hor- rid haunts : that they may ie.e the roeks On which Tome have fplit, anil avoid the deflruclive track ; fee the road} which has conducted others to the haven of happinefs, and fleer the fame auipicious couffe.

They have been initiated in geography, and under- ftand the feveral divifions of the globe; the extent of its principal kingdoms; and the manners of their va- rious inhabitants. They will tell you the peculiar com- modities which each climate produces: whence comes the tea, that fur ni flies their breakfafl ; and whence the fugar that renders it palatable : what mountains fupply them with wines, and what iflands fend them their Ipices : in what groves the filk-worms fpin the materials for their cloaths; and what mines * Itipply them with the diamonds that fparkle in their ear-rings. A icreen, covered with a fet of coloured maps, and a cuftom of referring from the public papers to thofe beautiful draughts, has rendered the acquifition of this ,


achievements of private perfons; but the power of diftinguifii- td families ; the policies of mighty fUtes; the magnificence of the greatelt kingdoms ; all, all are in a ilate of perpetual fluc- tuation. They fade n-way (as theapoltle mod fignificantty de- icribes the ca!e) like the graceful and gloffy ai'peft of foine de- licate fluwer, when the lun arilcs with a fcorching hear, "Jam. i. n. They fxifs away (as the prophet iliil more emphatically fpeaks) like the chaff of the funimer threfliing-floors, which rhe wuid carries off on its wings, and the place thereof is knov/n no more, Dan. ii. 34.

* The. beft of the diamond mines are in the kingdom of Gotconda, near to M ADR. ASS (or Fort St Gtcrgr, as it is frequently called, bfcaufe the Eafr-India company have fo ny med the furt they have builr, for thsfeturity of their import- ant factory at Mudrafs )


knowledge a diverilon rather than a tafk; has enticed them into a valuable branch of icience, under the in- viting difguife of amuiement. This ierves to enlarge their apprehenfions of things; gives them magnificent thoughts of the great Creator; and may help to fup- prei's that filly ielf-admiration, which prompts fora any pretty idols, to fancy themiclves the only confiderable creatures under heaven.

They fpeli to perfection ; and have obtained this art, by a fort of play, rather than by laborious appli- cation. Whenever they aiked any little gratification, it has been their papa's cuftom to make them ipeli the word ; which if they performed aright, they iel- dom failed to fucceed in their requeft '1 hey are niillrcfTes of the needle ; and the youngcft, whole genius inclines that way, is expert in ufinj» the pencil. Mulic is( their recreation not their buiineis. The ti- ded, to a fkilful finger, adds a melodious and well-re- gulated voice. She often entertains me with iinging an anthem to her harpfichord. Entertains, did 1 fay ? fhe really edifies me. Thefe truly-excellent perform- ances exalt the defires, and compofe the affections. They infpire iuch a ferenity of delight, as leaves nei- ther a Ming in the corifcience, nor a Main on the ima- gination. Methinks, they bring us a little antepaft of heaven, and tune our fouls for its harmonious joys.

Thoroughly verfed in the moft practical parts of arithmetic, they have each her week, wherein to be intruded with the management of a fum of money. This they difburfe, as circtimftances require, for the fmaller neccffaries of the family. Of this they keep an exact account, and make a regular entry of each particular in their day-book.— Not long ago, a tenant of inferior rank came to Camillus with his rent. In- ftead of receiving it himfelf, he referred him to Mils Serena. You would have been delighted to obferve the behaviour of our little landlady, on this occafion ; the engaging condefcenfion, with which Hie addreifed


On the RE tio 10 us EDUCATION

*he honefl ruftic ; the tender good-nature, with which i\\c inquired after my dame and the family at home; the ready dexterity with which me wrote and fubfcribed a proper receipt ; and, above all, her amiable generofity, in returning half a crown, to buy a copy-book for his eldeft ion; u who," he £iid, " was juft going in<- *•* to joining- hand; but, he feared, would never come ** to fpell or write half fo well as her Ladyfhip."

Though Camillus is careful to ground them betimes in the rules of (Economy, he is equally careful to .cultivate a fpirit of difcreet beneficence. A few days ago, when my friend and his lady were abroad, Mils Mitiffa was informed of a poor woman in the parifh juft brought to bed, after a long a*id hard labour ; who, being unhappily married to a fot of a fellow, was, at a time when the choiceft comforts are fcarcely •fuificient, deflitute of the meaneft conveniencies. Up- on hearing the calamitous cafe, ftie immediately dif- patched a fervant, with a crown from her weekly ilock : part, to buy for the afflifted .creature fome prefent accommodations ; and part, to defray the cx- pences, at filch a juncture, unavoidable : .but gave a •ftrift charge, that the whole fliould be employed for the relief of the diftrefTed mother, and her helplels infant ; none of it fingered or enjoyed by the worth- leis drone her hufband. When Camillus returned, he wasfo pleaied with this feafonabie and well-judged charity, that, beiidcs his commendation and careiTes, he farther rewarded our confideratc matron-like bene- faclrefs, by making her a prefent of ClariJJ'a *. For he always contrives to make what tends to their im- provctuent, the matter of their reward. If they liave committed a faujt, they are forbid the privilege •of ufing their maps. If they have behaved in a be- coming manner, their recompenfe is, not a piece of money, or a paper of fweet-meats, but fome new in-


* A book admirably calculated to inftruft and entertain ; •wjote by the celebrated Mr RICHARDSON, in eight volumes

of D A U G H T E R S. 225-

ftru&ion on the globe, fome new lefloH on the harpfi- chord, wliich may at once delight and improve them. To prevent a haughty carriage, and to worm out all inordinate felf-love, he teaches them to confider their neighbours, as members of the fame univerial family, and children of the fame almighty Father. However poor in their circumftances, or mean in their afpeft, they are the objects of GOD's infinitely ten- der regards ; of that GOD who has given his own Mori to fuffer death for their pardon, and has prepared a heaven of endlefs blifs for their final reception. For which reaibn they fhould deipife none, but honour all ; fhould be as ready to do them good, as the hand is ready to footh the eye when it fmarts, or cafe the head when it aches. One afternoon, when he was go- ing to treat them with an orange, he bid each of them bring a fine toy, lately received for a prefent. It was made in the lhape of a knife ; the handle of ivory, and inlaid with they gayeft colours ; the blade of glafs, mod dazzlingly bright, but without an edge. Cut the orange in two, faid their pappa. When they both tried with their pretty knives, and, to their no fmall mortification, both failed ; he furnifhed them with another, of more ordinary appearance, but tolerably fliarp. With this they eafily pierced the rind, and came at the delicious juice. " Who now," faid Ca- millus, " wou|d not prefer one fuch ferviceablc, tho* " plain utenfil, to a hundred of thofe glittering, but 44 worthlefs trifles ? And you, my dear children, if 44 you have no other recommendations, than a fhewy 44 perfon, and the trappings of dreis ; you will be as " contemptible in your generation, as that infignificant 44 bauble. But if it is the defirc of your hearts, and 44 the endeavour of your lives, to be eXtenfively ufe- 41 ful ; you will gain, and, what is better, you will 44 delerve re£pe<ft ; your names will be precious, and 44 your memories blefled."

With equal watchfulnefs, he difcopntcnances all VOL. V. 23. F f thofc


tbofe arts of petulcnt barbarity, which children are fo apt to cxercifc on the reptile creation. He will allow no court of inquifition to be creeled within his houfc ; no, not upon the mofl defpicablc, or even the noxious animals. The very nuifanccs that are endued with life, he thinks fhould be difpatched, not with a lingering butchery, but with a merciful expedition. To rend in pieces a poor fly, and feaft their eyes with the mangled limbs, fliivering and convulicd in the pangs of death ; to impale a wretched infect on the needle or the bodkin ; and, what is Mill more Shocking, to take plealure in hearing its palHonate moan, and fee- ing its agonizing struggles ; inch practices he abfolute- ly forbids, as infufferable violations of nature's law ; iuch as tend to extingnifli the loft emotions of pity, and inure the mind to a habit of inhumanity. He often informs his lovely pupils, that every living crea- ture is fenfible of pain ; that none can be abufed in this cruel manner, without fuffering very exquifite mifery. To turn their torments into paftime, and make fport with their anguifh, is a rigour more than tyrannical, worie than brutal ; is the very reverfe of that benign Providence, whole tender mercies are over ALL his works.

He propofes to give them a tafte of natural philofo- phy, and to accommodate them with the beft micro- fcopcs ; that the ufe of thej'e instruments, and a fpice of that knowledge, may infpire them with an early admiration of nature's works, and with the deepeft veneration of nature's almighty Author. Carnillus has no defign to finifh a couple of female philosophers ; or to divert their attention from thole domeltic arts, which are the trueft accomplifhments of the fex * : yet neither would he have his daughters debarred from that rational and exalted delight, which is to be


* ——For nothing lovelier can be found In woman, than to Itudy huufehold good. Mi IT.


found in the contemplating the curiofities of the great Creator's cabinet. Why may they not, without de- parting from their owny or encroaching on the mauu- line character; why may they not be acquainted with the accurately-nice ftructure of an animal, or with the procefs and effects of vegetation ? Why may they not learn the admirable operations of the air, or the wonderful properties of the watei ? haveibme general notion of th£ immenfe magnitudes, the prodigious distances, and the flill more amazing revolutions of the heavenly orbs ? He apprehends it very practicable, to conduct an entertainment with dignity, and order a family with propriety; even while they retain 1'ome tolerable idea of thole magnificent laws, which regu- late the fyftein of the univerfe.

The microicopc, whenever they are inclined to a- mufe themfelves, will (hew them a profufion c=f fplen- did ornaments, in fome of the moft common and con- temptible objects. It will (hew them gold and em- broidery, diamonds and pearl, azure, green, and ver- milion, where unaffifted eyes behold nothing but pro- vocatives of their abhorrence. This inflrument will (hew them the brighteft varnifli, and the moft curious carving, even in the minuteft i'craps of exiftcnce. Far more furprifing than the magic feats of the moft dexterous juggler, it will treat their fight, not with delufive, but with real wonders. A huge elephant * ihall ftalk, where a puny mite was wont to crawl. Blood fhall bound from the beating heart, and eyes iparkle with a lively luftre ; limbs fhalt play the moft iprightly motions, or ftand compofed in the moft graceful attitudes ; where nothing ordinarily appear- ed, but a confufed fpeck of animated matter. A tinc- ture of philolbpby will be the cojmetic of nature ; will F f 2 render

* What is allufwely faid of the defraying tongue, may, I think, without a figure, be affirmed of this wonderful indru- ment. Trabem in fcjluca^ elfphantcm in culicf, Alpcs et Pyre- in verruca oJUr.dit.


render all her fcenes lovely, and all her apartments a theatre of diverfion ; diverfions infinitely fupcrior to thole dangerous delights which arc fo apt to inveigle the affections, and debauch the minds of young peo- ple.— When Philofophy lends her optics, an uncloud- ed morning, beautiful with the riling fun ; a clear night, brilliant with innumerable ftars ; will be a more pleafmgipe&acle, than the gaudieft illuminations of the affembly-room. The melody of birds, and the mur- mur of fountains ; the humming infect, and the figh- jng gale ; will be a higher gratification, than the fi- nefl airs of an opera. A field covered with corn, or a meadow befprinkled with daifies ; a-raarfh planted with ofiers, or a mountain (haded with oaks ; will yield a far more agreeable proipeft than the moft pompous fcenes that decorate the ftage. Should clouds overcafl the heavens, or winter difrobc the flowers ; an inquiry into the caufes of thefe grand viciifitudcs, will more than compenfate the tranfitory lofs. A difcovery of the divine wifdom and divine goodnefs, in thefe feemingly-difaftrous changes, will impart gaU cty to the moft gloomy fky, and make the moft un- ornamented feafons fmile.

It is for want of fuch truly elegant and fatisfaftory amnfernents, that fo many ladies of the firft diftinc- tion, and fineft genius, have no proper employ for their delicate capacities ; but lofe their happinefs in flights of caprice, or fits of the vapour ; lofe their time in the moft jnfipid chat, or the moft whimfical vagaries J while thought is a burthen, and reflection is a drudgery, folitude fills them with horror, and a ferious difcourfc makes them melancholy.

Above all, Camillas is moft earneftly defirous to have his tender charge grounded in the principles, and actuated with the fpirit of Chriftianity. No fcheme, he is thoroughly perfuaded, was ever fo wife- ly calculated to fweeten their tempers, to exalt their ajffeftions, and form them to felicity, either in this



world or another. It is therefore his daily endeavour, by the molt eafy and endearing methods of inftruction, to fill their minds with the knowledge of thole heaven- ly doctrines ; and win their hearts to the love of that invaluable book, in which they are delineated. He longs to have a fcnfe of G O D Almighty's goodnefs imprcffed on their fouls. From this fource, under the influences of the fanctifying Spirit, he would de- rive all the graces, and all the duties of godlinefs *. With this view, he fpeaks of the Divine Majefty, not only as fupereminently great, but as moft tranlcend- ently pofTeiTc'd of every delightful, every charming excellence. He reprefents all the comforts they en- joy, and every bldfing they receive, as the gifts of his bountiful hand, and as an earned of nnfpeakably- richer favours. He often, often reminds them, that \vhatevertheirhcavenly Father 'commands, for bids , /«- flifts, proceeds from his overflowing kindnefs, and is intended for their eternal good, if, by thefe expedi- ents, he may awaken in their minds an habitual gra- titude to their everlafting Benefactor. The actings of which noble principle, are not only fruitful in every good woi;k, but productive of the truett fatisfadtion : ibmewhat like the fragrant ftrcams of confecrated in- cenfe ; which, while they honoured the great object of worfhip, regaled with their plealing perfumes of devout worfhip.

Nothing is more difpleafing to Camillus, than the fond flatteries, which their injudicious admirers be-


' This method is perfectly conformable to the practice of the PfalmHt ; Thy loving kindnefs is ever before mine eyfs^ and^ animated by tin* iwtet inducement, I -will walk in thy truth^ Flal. xxvi. 3. To the injunction of our divine Matter; If yvulnvc me^ let this be the proof, this the fruit of your affec- tion, keep my commandments, John xiv. 15. And to the expe- rience of the chief of the apoitles ; 'Ihe love of Ckrift* though uot excluliveof, yet fuperior to every other motive, c efh us, 2 Cor. v. 14.


flow on their fhapc and their complexion, the grace- fulncfs of their carriage, and the vivacity of their wit. He would fain make them fenfible, that thefe embel- lifhments are of the lowed: value, and mod fading nature * ; that if they render, their poflefTors vain and felf- conceited, they are far greater blcmifhes, than a hump on the back, a wen in the neck, or fluttering in the fpeech. He would have them thoroughly con- vinced, that, notwithftanding all their filks, diamonds, and other marks of their fuperior circumftances, they are ignorant, guilty, impotent creatures ; blind to truths of the laft importance ; dcferving the venge- ance of eternal fire, and unable of themfelves to think a gr od thought : that, from iuch convictions, they may perceive their abiblute need of a Saviour ; a Saviour in all his offices ; as a Prophet, to teach them heavenly wifdom ; as a Pricft, to atone for all their many, many fins ; as a King, to iubduc their iniqui- ties, write his laws in their hearts, and make them, in all their conversation, holy.

In fhort, the point he chiefly labours, is, to work in their hearts a deep, an abiding fenfe, that GOD is their fupreme, their only good ; that the blefTed JESUS is the rock of their hopes, and the fountain of their falvation ; that all their dependence, for ac- quiring the beauties of holinefs, and tailing the joys of the fublimeft virtue, is to be placed on the H O- L Y G H O S T the Comforter.— Amidft all thcfe ef- forts

* Here the amiable and noble reverfe of that modi/h nio tnre represented by Milton :

For that fair female troop thou faw'ft, that feem'd

Of godilefles, fo blithe, fo i'mooth, fo gay,

Yet empty of all good, wherein conlifts

Woman's domeftic honour and chief praife;

Bred only and completed to the tafte

Of luftful appetence, to fing, to dance,

To drei's, and troll the tongue, and roll the eye.

J3. XI, 614,

of D A U G H T E R S. 231

forts of his own, he never forgets, never fails to plead, that precious promifeofthe unchangeable JEHOVAH; / will pour my Jpirit upon thy ferd, and my bleffing upon thy offspring, and they fliail grow upy in knowledge and in grace, as willows by the water-courjcs *.

A lady of brilliant parts, but no very extraordinary piety, told Camillus, that he would fpoil the pretty dears; would extinguifb that decent pride, and fond- nefs for pleafure, which are fhining qualifications ia an accomplifhed young lady ; which give her an ele- vation of ientiment, and a delicacy of taftc, greatly iuperior to the ignoble vulgar. To whom he replied, " Far from extirpating their paffions, I only attempt 44 to turn them into a right channel, and direct them " to the worthieft objects. Willing I am, that they 44 mould have a decent ambition ; an ambition, not 44 to catch the giddy coxcomb's eye, or be the hack- 44 neyed toaft of rakes ; but to pleafe their parents ; 44 to make a hufband happy ; and to promote the glo- 44 ry of God. They may entertain a fondnefs for 41 pleafure ; but fuchpleafure as will ennoble their fouls, 44 afford them fubftantial fatisfaclion, and preparethem 41 for the fruition of immortal blits. Let them be co- 41 vetous alfo, if you pleafe, Madam ; but covetous of 44 redeeming their time, and of gaining intellectual 44 improvement ; covetous of thofe riches, which no 41 moth can corrupt, nor thief (teal ; which neither " time nor death deftroy."

In all thefe inftanecs of parental folicitudc, his be- loved Emilia takes her conftant, her willing (hare ;


* If. xliv. 3, 4. A promife of ineflimable worth; never to be forgotten by believing parents; better, to their children, than the largeft patrimony, orthericheftdowery. It is exceed- ingly beautiful, and equally comfortable. Not, I will drop, I will <///?///, hut I will pour; denoting a large and copious fupply. They (hall p,ro\v, not as a root out of a dry ground ; but as a trff, planted in a moft kindly foil, where it is plentifully uja- tcredt and flourffics in the molt ample manner.


contributes her advice, in every plan that is concert- ed ; and her hearty concurrence in every expedient that is executed ; every expedient, for polifhing the human jewel *, and making their manners as fault lefs as their forms. May the GOD of infinite gbodnefs, the facred fourceof all perfection, proiper their endea- vours ! that, as the young ladies are adorned, in their perfons, with native beauty, they may be enriched, in their underftandings, with refined knowledge; and dignified, in their fouls, with the fpirit of the bleflTed JESUS. Then, furely, more amiable objects, the eye of man cannot behold ; more defirablc partners, the heart of man cannot wifli.

* Delightful taflc ! to rear the tender thought, To teach the young idea how to, flioot, And pour the frefli inftru&ion o'er the mind.

TaoM SON'S Spring.

P R E-




Z> EL 1C 10 N, or an affectionate and firm connec- tion of the foul, with God, is the higheft im- provement of the human mind, and the brighteft or- nament of the rational nature. It is the mod indil^ ibluble bond of civil foeiety, and the only foundation of happinefs to every individual perfon.

The go/pel, by which we have accefs to the King immortal, invifible, through the merits of Jefus Chrifl by which we are conformed to his amiable and holy image, through the operations of the blefTed Spirit ; the gofpel is, of all other religions, moffc cxquifitely adapted to compafs thole delirable ends.

This point hath often been demonitrated with all the ftrength of argument, and illuftrated by every de-^ coration of eloquence. In the following (beets, we arc prefented with a new proof of the fame important truth ; deduced from a toprc level to every capacity, and from a fcene in which all mutt, fooner or later, be pfrjonally concerned.

Nothing ftrikes the mind of a wife and attentive obferver fo forcibly zsjatf; nothing hath fo ftrong a tendency to convince the judgment, and influence! the conduct. . In the Collection before us, we have a

feries * Referred to in Mr HERVEY'S Life, page vii.

VOL. V. 23,



fcries of indubitable and interefling facts. Here arc jome of the in oil reno-wned, many of the moft worthy peribns, after a life of exemplary devotion and exalted virtue, bearing their dying teftimony to the excellency of the poipel, and the pltajures of religion : Peribns from different countries, of different denominations, and flourifhing in diftant periods of time : Perfons in the moft awful moments of their exigence ; when hypocriiy drops the mafk ; when worldly motives lofc their weight j and there remains no more temptation to deceive ; all thefe, uniting in the fame fentiments ; all repollng their confidence on the lame GREAT ME- DIATOR ; all proclaiming the dignity, efficacy, and glory of the evangelical fyftem, in a manner fnperior to language : proclaiming it by a peace of conicience, which the whole world cannot give ; and a joy of heart, which tranicends all defcription.

Such a collection of Memoirs is, I think, a valuable addition to the evidences for Chriftianity ; a confider- able aid to the interefts of piety ; and worthy, both of frequent perufal, and univerjal acceptance.

A work of this nature hath often appeared to me among the dtfiderata of the clofet. I have fometimes wondered, that no ingenious pen hath attempted it ; and always thought, that, when duly executed, it would bid fair for extenfiv e ujrfulnefs . But I am glad to find myfelf anticipated in this opinion by a writer *, whofe words I mail beg leave to tranicribe, and whofe judgment cannot be queftioned : " There is nothing " in hiftory which is f'o improving to the reader, as " thofe accounts which we meet with of the deaths of " eminent perfons, and of their behaviour in that " dreadful ieafon -f- " Here is a large field, in which the reader may not barely glean a few ears^ but gather liis /heaves, or reap a harveft of that facred improve* ment, which our admired critic mentions. Here is a


* Mr Addifw. f Sfcflattr, vol. IV. N? 289.


multitude of thole mod diflingui/Jied and animating parts of hiftory, traced through various ages of the church; from the heroic martyrdom of venerable Ig- natius, to the peaceful exit of the pious and ingenious Dr Watts.

Thefe hiftories are not only unqueftionably true, but of the moft unexceptionable kind. They are deli- vered in the very words of the author from vvhofe writings they are extracted : fo that we may depend upon a ftric\ exadntjs in point of authenticity, and (lull be entertained with an agreeable diverjity in refe- rence to ftyle. None of thefe accounts perlbnate Ihe romantic iniei, Ability of the Stoic, or the brutal hardi- nefs of the Sceptic. None of them exhibit the inde- cent levity of a Petronius, or the pitiable fluctuation of a Socrates. But all diiplay true fortituiO, rational tranquillity, and -well- grounded hope ; built upon the divi-.e promiies, fupported by the divine Spirit, ren- dered ftedfaft and immoveable by a divine propitiation and righteoufnefs.

Here the minifter of the gofpel may farnifh himfelf with noble materials, to enrich and enliven his com- pofitions for the pulpit. And I dare venture to fore- tell, that no part of his public addrefles will be heard with a clofer attention, or collected with a iweeter re- lim, than his pertinent application of the lad layings of truly religious men.

Here the ftrong Ghrirtian may view, not without a glow of gratitude, perhaps with a rapture of delight, the inviolable fait/ifulnejs of his divine Mafter ; who never leaves nor forlakcs his fcrvants ; no, not at that trying fealon, which may molt emphatically be flyled, the time of need. He may view the never failing tender- nejs and grace of that good Spirit, who opens the rich promifes of fcripture ; applies the precious atone- ment of a Saviour j and makes the foldier of JES u s always to triumph*

G g 2 Here


Here the feeble, trembling believer may fee imper- fect creatures, men of like paflions and of like infir- mities with himfelf, looking death in thp face Math intrepidity. He may hear them addreifing that ghaflly monarch, in the triumphant language of the apoftle, O Death, iu here is thv ft in? ! To hear and fee this, will be a more effectual expedient to eftablifti his heart, more lovcrcign to deliver him from the bondage ef fear ^ than the molt fpirited exhortations, or the inoit lage directions.

Should the unbeliever be fo impartial, as to mark theie difciples of JES u s, and confider the end of their converi'ation ; he mull iurely acknowledge, both the divine origin, and nnequnlled energy of the glorious gofpel ; fince it administers inch Jlrorig coniblation, amidil the pains of a mortal difremper, and the ruins of diflolving nature. Vain, inexpreflibly vain and infignificant, mud every other icheme of falvation ap- pear, which is deftitute of an all-iufficient Redeemer, and void of an almighty Comforter.

Should the libertine, in a ierious interval, approach theie death- beds of the juit ; he may behold the genuine fruits of faith unfeigned, and the lie (fed confequences of vital holineis.—- And where can he behold

jifccne, fo ftrong to ftrihe, fo Jweet to charm, So great fo raifc, Jo heavenly to injpire, So f olid to fupport fair Virtue's throne * f

Or how can he behold all this, without feeling fome pangs of faint ary regret ; without entering into him- ielf, and forming forne uieful reflections ? " Will my fc vitious gratifications create fuch fweet compojure, <•' fuch humbleyoy, fuch heavenly hope, at the laft a\v- " ful hour ? Alas ! will they not rather fliarpen the V fatal arrow ; add poifon to the point, and anguifh, £' inconcciveablc anguifli, to the wound ?"

* Ni^ht-Thoughts, uight II.

Pious MEMORIALS. 237

There may be, and there doubtlefs is, a variety of treatifes, written upon a variety of fubjects, in which many people are no way interefted. But the fubjeft of this book appertains to all. It is appointed, and by an irrevocable decree, that all muft die. There if no discharge in this warfare ; no, not for the votaries of gaiety and indolence. This conlideration, me- thinks, fhould incline even the gay and indolent to ob- ierve what is traniacted in the antechamber to thofe apartments, where they themtetoes mail (hortly lodge. And would they, from the eniiiing narratives, make their obfervation, they might be led to entertain more favourable apprehenfions of our holy religion. They would find, that, far from embittering life, itjweetens death, Inftead of damping the enjoyments of healthy it ibftens the bed of ficknels, and fooths even the ago- nies of diffolution. Why then mould they be afraid of pure and undefiled religion ? why ftand aloof, why withdraw themielves, from its benign invitations ? Can that throw a gloom upon the delectable hills, which is able to gild and gladden the valley of dark- nefs ?

Some, perhaps, may be prompted by curiofity to cart an eye upon this folemn and augult Iprclacle ; a multitude of rational beings, arrived on the very borders of the inviiible ftate, bidding a final adieu to time, and juft launching out into the abyfTes of eter- nity.— And, bleifed be the divine gooducfs, the fpec- tacle is as delightful as it is auguj} . Their Go D , their GOD fuftains them in the grcateft extremity. "They overcome the laft enemy through the bloedof the L4MB. Their difcourfes favour of heaven ; their hopes are full of immortality. Ami is not t /its' a privilege devoutly to be wifhed * ? Who, that has the leaft ferioufnefs, or


* Even a Pagan writer could not but difcern the excellency of Inch a blelling; and made it one of the principal ingredient* which conflitute happinefs.



feels any concern for his true happinefs, can forbear crying out, on fuch an occafion, LET ME DIE THE


Life-) take thy chance. But oh ! for fuch an end \ !

Upon the whole, I would perfuacle myfelf, that THE Piou s MEMO RIALS may be a wordinfcafon, a welcome and well-adapted addrefs to readers of every character , may be a means, in the hand of Provi- dence, to awaken thcthaughttefs, and fix their atten- tion upon important and everlafting things ; may tend to reclaim the diflblute from ruinous practices, and engage them in the purfuit of thole fubftantial ac- quifitions, which will " bring them peace at the laft ;" —may animate the Chrijlian to frefh zeal and renew- ed activity, in the fervice of our adorable IMMANU EL. —That each, while he is running his race, may be infpirited to fay, with the holy apoftle, Te we to live is CHRIST; and each, when he hath finifhed his courfe, may be emboldened to add, To me to die is gain.

"With this aim the narratives were collected ; with this aim they are publifhcd. May the LORD of all power and might make them effectual to accomplifli \vhat is fo laudably deligned ! Then it will not be deemed a piece of officious impertinence, or prefuming


Fzlix, qul potnit rerum cogno/ccre caufas, Atque metus omnes, et inexorabile fatum, Subject! pcdibus, (trepitumque Acherontis avari.

VIRG. Georg. Jib. II.

I wiih I could do juftice to Virgil's beautiful lines : but, though I dare not attempt a tranflation, I will affure the un- learned reader, that no book in our language, none, at \c*{), that I am acquainted with, contains fo copious an exemplifica- tion of their meaning, as the following pages afford. Here he >nay fee whatthecAarw/Mg- ;>c<rf fo delicately defcribes, but what (he poor Heathen never knew where to find.

* Numb, xxiii. i&, f Night- thoughts, night U.


boldnefs, for me to recommend them : it will rather be looked upon as an aft of friendjhip to the decea- fed author, and his diftrefled widow ; as an effort of true, of Chriftian benevolence to my fellow- creatures; and a proper expreflion of my gratitude to the Pu- blic, for that remarkable candour and indulgence fhewn to

Their obliged, and

Very humble fervanl:,

Wefton-Favell, July 1 8. 1753.


E T T. E R


Mr JOHN TRAILL late Bookfeller in Edinburgh, now Minifter of a Congregation of Proteflant DifTenters at Chelfca, near London.

S I R,

I Received your very valuable and no lefs acceptable preient *, fome weeks ago. I mould have acknow- ledged the favour fooner ; but I chofe to flay till I had tafled the difh you fet before me. And indeed I find it to be favoury meat, the true manna; food for the foul.

Your worthy relative f was a workman that need not be aftiamed. He knew how, clearly to ftate and folidly to eftablifh the faith of GOD's elecl:, and the do&rine according to godlinefs. O ! that my heart, and the heart of every reader, may be opened by the eternal SPIRIT, to receive the precious truths !

The letter at the ericl of the firft volume J, is a ju- dicious performance^. It rightly divides the word of truth, and lays the line, with a mafterly hand, between


* Mr Trail! had fent Mr Hervey a copy of his new edition of the firft two volumes of the works of the Rev. Mr Robert Traill late miniQer in London. The third volume was not republifhed till after Mr Hervey's death.

-j-- Mr Robert Traill was uncle to Mr John Traill. ,:£ This letter is entitled, A vindication of the Protcftant doc- trine concerning juftification, and of its preachers and prof cj~ forSj from the unjujl charge of Antinomianifm.


the prcfumptuous legalift, and the licentious Antino- mian. I am particularly pleafed with the honourable teltimony bore to thole two excellent books, Dr Owen's treatife on juftification, and Mr Marfliall^ gofpcl-myftcry of ianclification * : Books fit to be re- commended by fo good a judge !

if the LORD pleaies to give TH E RON and As pA- sio any acceptance in Scotland, \ fliall be fincerely glad ; but it' he vouchfafes to make them, not only welcome, but uieful vifitants, I (hall exceedingly re- joice.— In caie you mould think them calculated to promote the honour and further the golpel of JE-- SUS CHKfST, I hope you will favour them with your recommendation, and accompany them with your prayers ; which will be a frefh inllancc of kindneis to,


Wefton, July 8. Your obliged friend,

1755- and obedient fervant,


P R O-

* « I think," fays Mr Traill, " that Dr On*»'s excellent 44 book of juitification, and Mr Mar/halt's book of the myP- 44 tery of faiktification by faith in Jefus ChriH, are fuch vin- u dications and confirmations of the Proteftant doctrine, a- 44 gainit which I fear no effectual oppofition. Mr Mar/hall i4 was a holy and retired perfon, and is oniy known to the *' molt of us by his book lately publifhed. The book is a deep, *k practical, well-jointed diicourie, and requires a more than 44 ordinary attention in reading of it with profit. And, if it u Ue fingly ufed, I look upon it as one of the moft ufet'ut 44 books the world hath ieen for many years. Its excellence 44 is, that it leads the ferious reader directly to Jefus Chrid, ** and cuts the Cinews and overturns the foundation of the ** new divinity, by the fame argument of gofpel-liolinefs, by 4i which many attempt to overturn the old. Ami, as it hath 44 already had the feal of high approbation by many judicious 44 minitters and Chriftians that have read it ; fo 1 fear not " but it will Aand firm as a rock againft all oppofition, and «* will prove good feed, and food, and light to many here- " after." See above, vol. III. p. 389. and vol. IV. jp.

. V, 23. H h



To be pafted at the beginning of a Bible.

GOD hath fiven tts exacting great and precious promi/cs, that by the/ewe might be partakers of the divine nature. 2 Pet. 1.4.


Jf. xxi*. 18. The eyes of the blind lhall lee oat of obfcurity. Jer. xxxi. 34. They (hall all know me, from the lead of them

unto the greateft of them.

John xiv. 26. The Holy Ghoft (hall teach you all things. If. Iviii. n. The LOUD (hall guide thee continually.


If. xliii. 25. I am he that blotteth out thy tranfgreflions.

If. i. 18. Sins as fcarlet mail be as white as fnow.

i Pet. ii. 24. Who his own felf bare our fins, in his own body,

on the tree. i John i. 7. The blood of JESUS CHRIST cleanfeth froqi all



Jlom. viii. 33, 34. It is GOD that juiHfieth.

Rom. iii. 2i, 22, 23, 24. Juftified freely by his grace.

If. xlv. 24, 25. In the LORD haye I righteoufnefs.

2. Cor. v. 2i. We are made the righteoufnefs of GOD in hims


Ezek. xi. 19, 20. I will put a new fpirit within you.

Tit. ii. 14. CHRIST gave hjmfelf for us, that he might redeem

us from all iniquity. Heb viii. 10, n, 12, I will put my laws into their mind, and

write them in their hearts.

I ThefT. v. 23. The Goo of peace fanctify your whole fpi- rit, and foul? and body.




To be pafted at the end of a Bible.


1 Tim. iv. 8. Godlinefs hath the promife of the life that now is*

Pfalt xxxvii. 3. Verily thou flialt be fed.

Matthi vi. 33. Seek firfl the kingdom of GOD, and all things

(hall be added. i Tim. vi. 17. Who giveth us all things richly to enjoy.


1 Cor. x. 13. GOD will not fuffer you to be tempted above that

ye are able.

2 Cor. kii. 9. My GRACE is fufficient for thee. Rom. vi. 14. Sin mail not have dominion over you.

Luke xxii. 32. I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.


Job v. 17. Happy is the man whom GOD correfteth. L;im. iii. 32. Tho* he caufe grief, yet will he have companion* Pfal. 1. 15. Call upon me in trouble ; I will deliver thee. Rev. iii. 19. As many as I love, I rebuke and chaften.


i Cor. xv. 55, 56, 57. GOD giveth us the viftory, through

our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2, Cor. v. t. If our earthly houfe is diflblved, we have a build-

ing of GOD.

John iii. 16. Whofoever believeth, (hall have everlafting life. Pfal. xxiii. 4. Though I pafs through death, I will fear no evil.


, "willing mire abundantly tojh:w unto the heirs of promife the Immutability of his counfel^ confirmed It by an oath. Heb. vi. 17.

H h a A




Late Matter of the Ceremonies at Bath *

Seek the Lord while hf may be found, call upon him while he is near. If. Iv. 6.

S I R,

THIS comes from your fincere friend, and one that has your beft intercll deeply at heart : it comes on a defign altogether important, and of no lefs confcquence than your everlafling happincfs ; fb that it may juftly challenge your careful regard. It is not to upbraid or reproach, much leis to triumph


* MrHervcy is fuppofed to have wrote this letter, when he wa* at Bath) in the year 1-43. It was found among Mr Na/Jj's papers after his death; and an rxftract of it was inferred in an account of hi4 death, pubiiflied i'everal years ago. For ought appears, this man of plealVredefpifed the awful warning given him by the benevolent Mr Hetvcy, and died as he had lived.,


and iufult over your mifcondudt : no ; it is pure be- nevolence, it is diiintercfted good-will prompts me to write ; fo that I hope I (hall not raife your refent- mcnt : however, be the ifTue what it will, I cannot bear to lee you walk in the paths that lead to death, without warning you of your danger ; without found- ing in your ears the awful admonition, " Keturn and " live : for why will you dia ?" 1 beg of you to confider whether you do not, in fome meafure, re- femble thole accurfed children of Eli; whom, tho* they were famous in their generation, and men of renown, yet vengeance fuffercd not to live. For my part, 1 may fafely ufe the export uht ion of the old prieft : " Why do you fuch things ? for I hear of 44 your evil dealings by all this people : nay, my bro- " ther, for it is no good report I hear; you make the " Lord's people to tranfgrefs." I have long obferveel and pitied you ; and a nToft melancholy fpcclacle I lately beheld, made me reiblve to caution you, left you alfo come into the fame condemnation.

I was, not long fince, called to vifit a poor gentle- man, ere while of the moft robuft body, and gayeft temper 1 ever knew : but when 1 villted him, Oh ! how was the glory departed from him ! I found him no more that Iprightly and vivacious fou of joy which he ufed to be ; but languishing, pining away, and withering under the chaltiiing hand of God ! his limbs feeble and trembling ; his countenance forlorn and ghaftly ; and the little breath he had left, fobb'd put in forrowful fighs 1 his body liaftcning apace to the dud, to lodge in the filent grave, the land of darknefs and defolation : his foul juft going to God vwho gave it ; preparing itfelf to wing away to its long home ; to enter upon an unchangeable and eter- nal (late. When 1 was corne up into his chamb r, and had (bated myfelf on his bed, he firfl caft a molt wifli-


246 A L E T T E R

ful look upon me ; and then began, as well as he. was able, to fpeak: " Oh 1 that I had been wile; that I 44 had known this ; that I had confidercd my latter

u cud ! Ah I Mr H y, Death is knocking at my

44 doors : in a few hours more 1 (hall draw my lalt 44 ga^P > and tncn j'-'dgment, the tremendous judg- *' ment ! How (hall 1 appear, unprepared as 1 am, be- 44 fore the all-knowing and omnipotent God ? how *' (hall 1 endure the day of his coming ?" When I mentioned, among many other things, that fir itt ho- lincfs, which he had formerly i'o (lightly efteemed ; he replied, with a halty eagernefs ; 4; Oh I that hulinejs 44 is the only thing I now long for: I have not words " to tell you how highly 1 value it : I would gladly 44 part with all my cflate, large as it is, or a world, to t4 obtain it : now my benighted eyes are enlightened ; " 1 clearly difcern the things that are excellent: what 44 is there in the place whither I am going but God ? *' or, what is thereto be delired on earth but religion ?" But if this God mould reftore you to health, faid I, think you that you would alter your former courfe ? 44 I call heaven and earth to witneis," faid he, <4 I *4 would labour for holinefe, as I (hall foon labour for " life : as for riches and plcafures, and the applaufes 44 of men, I account them as drois and dung ; no 44 more to my happinefs than the feathers that lie oa 44 the floor. Oh ! if the righteous Judge would try 44 me once more ; if he would but reprieve and ipare 44 me a little longer ; in what a fpirit would I fpend 44 the remainder of my days ? 1 would Jtnow no 44 other bufmefs ; aim at no other end than perfecting 4' myielf in holinefs : whatever contributed to that ; 44 every means of grace j every opportunity of Ipiri- 44 tual improvement, fhotild be clearer to me than 44 thoufands of gold and (liver. But alas ! why do I 44 amufe myielf with fond imaginations ? The bed 44 resolutions arc now infignih'cant, becaufe they are 44 too late : the day, in which I fliould have worked,


u is over and gone ; ar.d 1 fee a fad, horrible night <4 approaching, bringing with it the blacknefs of dark- " riefs for ever. Heretofore, (wo is me !) when God <c called, I refuftrd ; when he invited, 1 was one of *•'• them that made excuie : now, therefore, I receive " the reward of my deeds ; fear fulneis and trembling " are come upon me ; I fmart ; I am in fore anguifh 4t already ; and yet this is but the beginning of for- tc rows 1 It doth not yet appear what I mail be ; ** but iu re I fhall be ruined, undone, and dcflroyed *' with an everlafling defiruciion."

This fad fcene I (aw with my eyes ; thefe words, and many more equally affecling, I heard with my ears ; and foon after attended the unhappy gentleman to his tomb. The poor breathlefs (keleton fpoke in fuch an accent, and with fo much earneftneis, that I could not eaiily forget him, or his words : and as I was muling upon this forrowful iubjecl, I remembered Mr No/hi 1 remembered you, Sir ; for I difcerned too near an agreement and correfpondence between yourfelf and the deceafed. They are like, faid 1, in their ways, and what fhall hinder them from being a- like in their end ? The courie of their actions was equally full of fin and folly ; and why (hould not the period of them be equally full of horror and diftrels ? 1 am gricvoufly afraid for the iurvivor, left, as he lives the life, lo he mould die the ue-ith of this wretch- ed man, and his latter end fhould be like his.

For this caufe, therefore, I take my pen, to advife to admonilh my— to rcqueft of you to repent, while you have opportunity ; if haply you may find grace and forgivenefs : yet a moment, and you may die ; yet a little while, and you mujl die : and will you go down with infamy and defpair to the grave, rather than depart in peace, and with hopes full of immor- tality ?


148 A L E T T E R

But I muft tell you plainly, Sir, with the utmofl freedom, that your preicnt behaviour is not the way to reconcile yourfclf to God : you arc fo far from ma- king atonement to offended juftice, that you are ag- gravating the former account, and heaping wp an in- create of wrath agaiuft the day of wrath. For what fay the fcripturcs ? thole books, which, at the confum- mation of all things, the Ancient of days lhall open, and judge you by every jot and tittle therein ; what fay thefe facred volumes ? Why, they teftify and declare to every foul of man, 7 hat luhofoever liveth in plcafure is dead while he liveth : fo that, fo long as you roll on m a continued circle of fenfual dcligtits, and vain entertainments, you are dead to all the pur- pofes of piety and virtue : you arc as odious to God as a corrupt carcaie that lies putrefying in the church- yard : you are as far from doing your duty, or work- ing out your falvation, or refloring yourfelf to the di- vine favour, as a heap of dry bones nailed up in a coffin is from vigour and activity.— Think, Sir, I con^ jure you, think upon this, if you have any inclina- tion to efcape the fire that never will be quenched. Would you be refcued from the fury and fierce anger ofalmighty God ? would you be delivered from weep- ing, and wailing, and incefTant gnafhing of teeth ? Sure you would ! Then I exhort you as a friend ; I befeech you as a brother ; I charge you as a meflcnger from the great God, in his own nioft folemn words : " Cafl away from you your tranfgremons ; make you 4t a new heart, and a new ipirit ; fo iniquity (hall not " be your ruin.

Perhaps you may be difpofed to contemn this, and its fcrious purport, or to recommend it to your com- panions as a fit fubjecl: for raillery : but let me tell you beforehand, that for this, as well as for other things, God will bring you into judgment : he fees me now write ; he will obfervc you while you read ;


T o M R N A S H. 249

lie notes down my words in his book ; he \vnk note down your confequent procedure : ib that not upon, me, but upon your own felf, will the negle&ing or defpifing my fay ings turn. " If thou be wife, thou " flialt be wife for thyfclf ; if thou fcorneft, thou *' alone flialt bear it."

Be not concerned, Sir, to know my name ; it is enough that you will know this hereafter : tarry but a little, till the Lord, even the moft mighty God, fliall call the heaven from above, and the earth, that he may judge his people ; and then you will fee me face to face : there mail i be ready, at the dreadful tribunal, to joy and rejoice with you, if you regard my admonitions, and live ; or to be—what God pre- vent,— by inclining your heart to receive this friendly admonition.

VOL. V. 23. li RULES



Affembly for Chriftian Improvement *.

God is greatly to be feared in the ajfemblies of his faints ; and to be had in reverence by all that are round <«- bout him. Pial. Ixxxix. 7.


THAT this afTembly confift of no more than ten or twelve at the utmoft, left an increaled number fhould produce confufion or diflenfions ; and that each member, in order to prevent any finifter reflections from the inconfiderate, or vitious, be cau- tious of mentioning to any others that he belongs to iuch "I* an aflembly. And that each member before he fcts out, and on his return, do ufe the forms of

. t prayer,

* Referred to in Mr Hervey's Life, p. xxxiii. vol. I.

•f- As this afTembiy met at different inns, public prayer would have alarmed thk attendants, and caufetl groi's mifreprefenta- tions. Belides, the real tlefign of this meeting was known on- ly to a few; and the injuncHo'ns of fecrecy was given to each member, in order to avoid the appearance of religious otlenta- tion, and in compliance with the apoltle's precaution, viz. Let not your good be evilfpoken of, Koni. xiv* 16.

RULES, &c. 251

prayer, which are fpecified in the MINUTES, and particularly adapted to this occafion.


That no one (hall be admitted a member, who has not been propoied by the chairman at the preceding afTembly, or who ihall be difapproved of by any two members on a ballot, which fhall always be taken on fuch occafions, how unanimous foever the members may feem to be beforehand.


That the members fhall be regiftered alphabetically in the MINUTES of the aflembly's proceedings, and that the chairman of the clay be appointed regularly, according to that lift ; fo that no mifunderftanding m-ay ariie about precedence ; arid that a treasurer be clefted annually, the firlt Tuejday in January.


That the aflembly meet on the firft Tutfday in every month during the iummer-ieaibn, punctually at twelve o'clock ; and on the moon-light Tuejday^ during the wintcr-ieafon, exactly at ten, at iuch inn as (hall from time to time be agreed on by the majority ; and that dinner be ready preciicly at two in the iummer, and one in the winter,


That as foon as tlic afTembly is met, the names of the prefent members (hall be entered in the MINUTES, and the forfeits (if there be any due) deposited in the charity- purfe, After which the chairman ihall inquire, if the prayers, as agreed upon by the affembly, and entered in their MINUTES, have been properly ufed by each member at his own home. Then the chairman mall, in a fhort charge, or exhortation, remind his aflbciates of the importance of iach a meeting, and enumerate the good elfefts, which the felecled chap- ters, if rightly improved, may produce,

1 i 2 VI.

K. U L E S o r THE


The chairman mall then read the chapter in the Old Teftament in Engtijh, and fhall paufe at the end of every verfe, that any one who pleales may make fuch inquiries and reflexions, as may occafionally arife ; but that no two peribns ipeak at a time ; and if two- accidentally begin, the chairman fhall direct which is to go on. And that every member mall, againft the next meeting, fend to the chairman whatever obfer- vation of his on the chapter of the day the members then prefent had defired to have entered in their Ml- v u T ES : by which method, many ufeful observations tnay be preserved : And in cafe any verfe (hall not be cleared of its difficulties to the fatisfaction of the pre- fent members, the laid verfe (hall be re-confidered at the next meeting.


At three o'clock precifely, during thefummer-fea- fon, (no more than an hour being allowed for dining,) the chairman (hall proceed in reading a chapter in Creek out of the New Teftament, to be commented on in like manner as that out of the Old. But in the winter-feafon, when the affembly meet at ten, the chapter both in the Old as well as the New Teftament fhall be read before dinner; and after dinner no other bufinefs, than that fpecified in the ninth article, fhal} be entered on.


That the two chapters to be confidered by the affem- bly at their next meeting, be previoufly appointed be- fore the adjournment of every aflembly, either by the fucceeding chairman, if prefent, or in cafe of his ab- jfence, by the majority j of which chapters the abfent jncmbers fhall have timely notice fent them in writing.


That at every meeting (as time permits) each mem- ber, in an alphabetical order, fhall be defired to give



an account of fome religious author (which he has read in the preceding month) in as concife and fuccinct a manner as pofllble. »


That, at every meeting, half a crown mall be given by each member for charitable ufes ; and that, at the end of the year, the money lhall be expended in clo- thkig or educating fuch poor perfons or relieving fuch incurables, as the members in their alphabetical order fhall recommend to the afTembly.


That every member who is abfent, though occa- fioned by the moft urgent bufincfs, or even indifpo- fition, (unlefs fuch indifpofition fhall continue longer than a month,) fhall pay half a crown towards the cha- rity-purfe, and one milling and fixpence towards the dinner, in the fame manner as if he had been prefent.


That the afTembly break * up by feverr in the fum- mer, and by four in the winter ; and that each men>- ber, on his return home, ufe the form of prayer which is fpecified in our MINUTES, and peculiarly adapted

to this occafion.


WE whofe names are underwritten, have this day (being the ievcnth day of July 174?) iubfcribed our aflcnt to thcfe rules and orders, as witnefs our hands.


* Some of the members lived five or fix miles from the place of meeting, which was always at public houfes, and as near the centre of each member's refidence as could be convenient- ly contrived.

254 R U L* E S OF THE

The FORM of PRAYER compofed by Mr JfcrveVy to be ufed by e&cli member before fetting out for the ASSEMBLY.

Lord, thouhaftfaid, Where two or three are gathered together in thy name, there am I in the mid/} of them. Matth. xviii. 20.

ALmighty and immortal God, Father of our Lord Jeius Chriit, and through him the God of all mercies, vouchfafe, we befeech thee, to look down upon us thy fmful fervants, who arc preparing to meet together in thy name, and with an humble de- lire to build up one another in our mod holy religion. Pardon all our iniquities through the blood of the everlafting covenant, and make us and our fervices accepted through the Beloved. O heavenly Father, unite us to one another by mutual love, and to thy bleffcd felf by faith unfeigned. Enlighten our minds with the knowledge of thy truth, and fan&ify our hearts by the power of thy grace. Direct our coun- fels, and profper all our endeavours, to the glory of thy divine Majefty, and the falvation of our own, and the fouls of others.-— Grant this, mofl gracious God, through the precious death, and never-ceafing inter- ceffion of jcius Chrift our Lord. Amen !

The FORM of P R A Y E R compofed by Mr Hcr*vey, to be ufed by each member when re- turned from the ASSEMBLY.

Lord, thou haft faid, If two of you fliall agree on earth, as touching any thing that ye /hall ajk, it foall be done for them of my Father -which is in heaven. Matth. xviii. 19.


Lord God of our falvation, thou Giver of every good and perfect gift, we adore thy glorious



name and beneficence, foe. the redemption of our fouls by Jefus Ghrill, and for all thy other unnumbered and undefervcd mercies. In a particular manner, we praife thy unipeakable goodnefs, for the valuable op- portunity we have this day enjoyed, of provoking one another to love, and to good works. Pity our infirmities, moft merciful Father, and pardon what- ever thou haft feen amils in the tenor of our conver- iation, or in the fpirit of our minds. Sanctify, we humbly befeecU thee, thy holy word, which we have heard. Command it to fink deep into our fouls, and to be a lively and lading principle of godlinefs in our hearts. O ! let us, by every fuch conference, grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sa- viour Jefus Chrift : that, through thy infinitely -pre- cious favour, we may become ftedfaft in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in charity ; and fo much the more, as we fee the day approaching. Ancl for- afmuch as we are now fcparated into a world, where wickednefs abounds, preferve us, O God, our defence, from the leafl infection, and from every appearance of evil. Infpire us with wii'dom, fo to order our con- verfation, that we may give no juft occafion of offence in any thing. Endue us with holinefs, that we may adorn the gofpel of God our Saviour in all things ; and animate us with fuch a. fleady and well tempered zeal, that neither, the ilothfulneis of our nature, nor the fear of the world may with- hold us from purfuing fuch couries, as may be conducive to the glory of thy blefled name, the advancement of time religion, and the ialvation of our immortal fouls. This, and what- focver elfe is needful for us, and for carrying on the work which thou haft given us to do, we humbly beg, for the lake of Jefus Chrift our only Mediator, and all- fufficient Redeemer. Amen.



Rules * and orders of a religious fociety ^ confijling of two claffcSy viz.

Of men into which no woninn can be admitted :


Of married men, their wives, and other women ; in- to which no unmarried man can be admitted.

Each clafs meets every ether week alternately*

R -U L E I.

AS the fole defign of this focicty is to promote real holinefs in heart and life, every member of it is to have this continually in view, trufting in the divine power, and gracious conduct of his Holy Spi- rit, through our Lord Jcfus Chrift, to excite, advance, and perfect all good in us.


That in order to the being of one heart, and one mind, and to prevent all things which gender ftrifes ; as well as to remove alloccafion of offence from being taken againft this focicty, no perfon is to be admitted a member or allowed to continue fuch, who is a member of any other meeting, or follows any other preaching than that of the eftablifhed minirtry of the church of England. That none be members but fuch as attend the facrament every month, and that no perfon be at


* As the plan and proceedings of this fociety, fo much commended by Mr Hfrvey, may probably be extenlively ufe- ful ; it is here printed from a private copy, by the particular define of feveral of Mr Hervey's friends ; and it is hoped the worthy director and members of the fociety at Trwro, will ex- cufe i he liberty here taken without their knowledge, when they c nfi ler the good effecls which may probably arife from this publication. See Mr Hcrvcy's letters, Jet. 132. vol. VI.


any time introduced except by rcqueft of the director.


That no perfon be admitted a member but upon the recommendation of the director, with the conient of the majority of members then prefent. And that the * director be the Reverend Mr IPalker.

R U L E , IV.

That the members of this focicty meet together one evening in a week at a convenient place, anil that they go home at nine o'clock. And that all matters of bufinefs be done before the fentences begin.


That every member give conftant attendance, and be prefent at the hour of meeting precifely. And that whoever abfents himfelf four meetings together, without giving a fatisfactory account to the director^ which (hall by him be communicated to the fociety^ fhall be looked upon as difaffected to the /bciety.


That, to prevent confufion, no perfon be removed from this ibciety but by the director, who (hall be prefent on fuch occafions. That any member do be- forehand apply to the director, in cafe he judges fuch removal neceilary. That a diforderly f carriage, or a


* This fociety is very happy in having fo accompllfhed a per- fon at their head. But where fuch a one cannot be had, per- haps it would be prudent to elect a dire&or annually, whofd office might be continued more or lek number of year.', as leemed bed for the general good.

•f By a diforderly carriage we mearu not only th? grofs commiliion of fcandalous fins, but a lib what are efteeuaed matters of little moment in the eyes of the world; fuch as a light ufe of the words, Lord, God, Jtfus,&.o.. inonlinary convcr- iation ; which we cannot but interpret as an evidence of want of God's prefence in the heart. The doing necdlefs buiinels <m the Lord's day. The frequenting alehoufes or taverns v;ithout neceifrry bufinefs.

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proud, contentious, difputing temper, (the greateft adverfary to Chrillutn love and peace,) be futficient ground for inch complaint and removal.


That all the members, conftdering the fad confe- qnences of vanity and amufements over the nation, do, in charity to the fouls of others, as well as to a- void the clanger of fuch things themfelves, look up- on themfelvcs as obliged to ufe peculiar caution, with refpect to many of the ufual amufements, however innocent they may be, or be thought in themfelves ; fuch as cards, dancings, clubs for entertainment, playhoufcs, fports at feftivals and parifh-feafls, and, as much as m*y be, parifh -real Is themfelves ; left by joining herein they mould be ahindrance tothemfeives, or their neighbours.


That, with the content of the director, the major part of the fociety have power to make a new order when need requires, but that the propofal for this purpofe be made by the director . And that any member may confult the director hereupon before the day of meeting.


That perfons difpofed to become members of this fociety, muft firft be propofcd by the director, in order that the members of the fociety may oblerve their conduct for the fpace of three months before admittance.


That every member do confider himfelf as peculiar- ly obliged to livs in an inofFentive and orderly manner, to the glory of God and the edifying his neighbours. That he fludy to advance in himfelf and others, humility, faith in our Lord Jefus Chrift, love to God, gofpcl- repentance, and new obedience ; wherein


RErLiG.ious SOCIETY. 259

Chriftian edification confifts. And that, in all his con- vcrfation hereupon, he flick clofe to the plain and obvious fenfe of the holy icripturcs, carefully avoid- ing all niceties and refinements upon them.


That thefe orders fhall be read over at lead four times in the year by the director ; and that with iuch deliberation, that each member may have time to ex- amine himfelf by them.


That the members of this fociety do meekly and humbly join together in the following offices of de- votion.

The office of devotion ufed weekly at the meet- ing of the fociety.

The direttar fliall read theje fentences^ himfelf and every one (landing*

GOD is greatly to be feared in the afTemblies of his faints, and to be had in reverence by all that are round about him. P/al. Ixxxix. 7.

God is a righteous judge, flrong and patient, and God is provoked every day. PjaL vii. 12.

God will bring every work into judgment, with c- very fecret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Ecc/ef. xii. 14.

He that hideth his fins mail not profper ; but he that confefTeth and forfaketh them, fhall have mercy. Prov. xxv iii. 13.

If any man finneth, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrilt the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our fins. 1 'John ii. i, 2.

O come let us worfhip, and fall down, and kneei before the Lord our Maker. PJal. xcv. y, 6.

Then Kk 2

26o RULES or A

Then fh all be f aid, thefi three colletts, all kneeling : " Prevent us, O Lord," &c.

<c BlelTed Lord, who halt caufed all holy fcrip- " tures," Crc.

" O God, for as much as without thee," &c.

Allfcatinvtliemfdves, a portion offcriptiirefliall be read. Then kneeling down^ they fliull join in this confefliun

" Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, -" Maker of all things, Judge of all men," &c.

fc Our Father, which art," &c. j4fter -which the diretfor alone foall fay :

" Almighty and everlafting God, who hateft no- " thing that thou haft made," <6'f.

O moft holy and bJefled God ! the Creator, Gover- nor, and Judge of all ; who hateft falfehood and hypocrify, and wilt not accept the prayer of feigned lips ; b^t haft promilcd to fliew mercy to fuch as turn unto thee by true faith and repentance ; youchfafe, \ve pray thce, to create in ps clean and upright hearts, through an unfeigned faith in thy Son our Saviour. To us indeed belongeth fhame and confufion efface ; we are not worthy to lift np our eyes or our voice to- wards heaven ; our natures are depraved, and our ways have been perverfe before thee. O let not thy wrath rife againft us, left we be confumed in a mo- ment ; but let thy merciful bowels yearn over us, and vouchfafe to purify and pardon us, through thine all- iiifficient grace and mercy in our Lord Jefus Chrift : fmce it hath pleafed thee to offer him up as a facrifice for finners, vouchfafe, we befeech thee, to cleanfe us from all iniquity through his blood. We believe, that he is able to fave to the uttermoft thole that come un- to thee by him, and we do earneftly defire to embrace him as our Prince and Saviour ; O give us repentance remillion of fin through his name, All we like


fiieep have gone aftray, every one in his own way ; good Lord, reduce us into thy fold through this great .Shepherd of fouls, and be pleaied to lay on him the iniquity of us all. And as we have much to be for- given, be pleaied to incline our hearts to love thee much, who forgiveft iniquity, tranfgreflion, and fin. Give us that faith, that worketh by love ; and fuch love as will conftrain us to have regard to all thy commandments. And make us to look carefully to all our ways, that we may never again do any thing, whereby thy holy name may be blafphemed, or thine authority defpifed.

Give us the deepeft humility, without which we can never be accepted of thee; our infinitely condefcend- ing God, make us continually to tread in the fteps of our blefled Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift ; being of a meek and quiet fpirit, always influenced by the higheft love of thee our God, and by the moft chari- table difpoiition towards all men.

Vouchiafe to endue us with the faving knowledge of fpiritual things, that we may receive all thy truths in the love of them, in all patience, purity, juftice, temperance, godlinefs, and brotherly kindncfs ; that we may adorn our holy profefRon, and refcmble the divine goodnefs of thee our heavenly Father. And fince we are not only weak and frail, but corrupt and finful, vouchiafe, O Lord, to keep us by the power of thy Holy Spirit, that we fall not from our avowed liedfallnefs, in all Chriflian duty. Preierve us from all the lin and vanity to which our age, condition, and nature are prone, and to which the devil and this world may at any time tempt us.

Glorify, good God, thy ftrength in our weaknefs, thy grace in our pollution, and thy mercy in our fal- vation. May our holy religion be grounded and fet- tled in our hearts, that, out of the good treafurc of a gracious heart, our fpcech may be lavoury, and our converfation exemplary ; that we may be fruitful in


all good works, even to our old age, and to our laft day.

. Fit us, we pray thee, for every ftate of life, into which thy providence fliall caft us ; profper our law- ful undertakings ; preicrvc us night and day, and pre- pare us for an hopeful death and a blefled eternity.

Be pleafcd, we bcfeech thee, to bleis all thole ib- cieties, who in truth apply their hearts to thy fervice and glory ; we pray thee be pleafed to ftrengthen, eftablifh, and fettle both them and us, in thy holy faith, fear, and love. Let nothing in this world dif- couragc us from the purfuit of thofe holy purpofes, which thy Spirit hath at any time put into our hearts and minds. But make us all faithful to thee our avowed God and deiired portion, even unto death ; that we, at leaft, (with thy whole church,) may be partakers of that eternal life and perfect blifs which thou haft promifed through Jcius Chrift, thy only be- gotten Son, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.

44 Almighty and ever-living God, who, by thy holy 11 apoille, has taught us to make prayers," &c.

Then all Jlanding up^ a pfabn JJiall be fun g, and * a fcrmon read, or a charge given by the direfior. j4f- ter 'which fame Juitable prayer fliall be ujcd as he foal I judge fit.

Then all Jianding up, this exhortation to humility fliall

be read.

My brethren, flnce the great God has often allured us in his holy word, " that he will refift the proud, *' and give grace unto the humble," Jam. iv. 6. i Pet. v. 5. let us conlidcr, that ail our undertakings, though ever io good, will fail and come to nought, unlefs we be truly and deeply humble, Luke xiv. 1 1. Indeed it cannot be otherwife j becauie the proud perfon


* The direftor, when abroad or indifpofed, is to appoint what ferinon fliall be read, and by whom.


quits his reliance on God to reft in himfelf j which is to exchange a rock for a reed.

Alas 1 what arc we, poor empty nothings ! Gen, xxxii. 10. Yea, what is worfe, we are condemned, perishing Tinners ! We have, perhaps, underftanding now ; but God can foon turn it into madnefs, Dan. iv. 42. We may have fome attainments in grace ; but fpiritual pride will wither all, and foon reduce us to a very profligate and wretched eftate, If. Ixvi. 2. iuch as we have feen others fall into who have begun in the Spirit, and ended in the flelh ! What have we, that we have not received ? i Cor. iv. 7. And even that, he who gave it rnay as foon take away.

Ye that are young in years and younger in grace, I Tim. iii. 6. are in danger of felf- conceit, and of be- ing puffed up ; which is a quick fand, in which thou- fands have been (Wallowed up and perifhed. It is not in vain that the apoflle requires, " that young men 4t be exhorted to be fober- minded," Tit. ii. 6. Prov. xvi. 1 8. which he clfewhcre explains, when he fays, 41 Let no man think of himfelf more highly than he 44 ought to think; but to think fobcrly," Rom. xii. 3. //. xiv. 12, 13.

By pride the angels fell from heaven, i Tim. iii. £. and if ever we climb up to thofe bleifcd feats from which they are fallen, it mud be by the gracious (teps of humility and lowlinefs of mind, Luke xviii. 14. 44 Wherefore let him that thinketh he ftandeth, take 44 heed left he fall," I Cor. x. 12. 4t Let us walk 44 humbly with our God," and ever have lowly thoughts of our vile felves, Rom. xi. 20. and of our poor attainments, and of our defective performances: and with St Paul (who was nothing behind the very chiefdt apoftlcs) let us always fay, I am nothing, a Cor* 'xii. ii.

Let us therefore now fing to the praife and glory of God, to whom alone praii'c is due.


264 R U L E S o F

A pfalm being fitngi the direflor fli 44 It is very meet and right," &c.

All Jliall join. " Therefore with angels and archangels," drr.

The director alone. May the grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift," &c. Amen.

Confederations laid before the members of the fociety ; being the fubftance of the fir Jl charge, or exhorta- tion^ Jpoke at its opening by the diretfor.


YO U expect that I lay before you the defign of this fociety, and give you ibme cautions con- cerning it. The delign is threefold ; 1. To glorify God. 2. To be quickened and confirmed ourfelves. 3. To render us more ufeful among our neighbours.


As a fociety, we fliall be better able to glorify God ; for hereby we bear a more evident teftimony to the caufe of Chrift, and make a more avowed confellion of him and his words, in thelc evil days, than we could do when feparate.

Every one of you defires that the kingdom of Jefus Chrift were more eltablifhed, and more honourable in the world than it is, and you join your hand, with others, to promote ib deiirable an end.

Take thefe cautions for this purpofe :

1. Look upon yourielf as one aflbciated with others in vindication of your Mailer's honour.

2. Never be alhamed of him, or his doftrine, or of this fociety.

3. Demean yourfelf to every one as his difciplc, by walking in humility, meeknefs, hcavenly-mindedncfs, charity after Chrift's example.

4. Keep


4. Keep yourfelf heedfully from all things which may difgrace your Mafter, and this fociety ; fuch as pride in a conceit of your knowledge or attainments, or that you are a member of this ibciety. Valuing yourfelf upon any distinction in ftation or wealth. Sinking into a worldly frame, or decliningfinto floth and idlenefs. Practiiiug the lead difhoncfty, or con- niving at the difhonefty of others. Making compli- ances to avoid lhame, or promote worldly intereft. Falling into lukewarmnefs, and forgetting your firit love. Slighting public ordinances.

5. Often (efpecially before and after great trials) reflect, that you belong to a religious fociety for pro- moting the glory of Chrifl.


The fecond defign of this fociety is, to be quicken- ed and confirmed ourfelves. For hereby we ihall be better able to maintain the war againft our enemies, (efpecially the world,) and to grow in grace ; feeing, by thisaflbciation, we have the Spirit to blefs our exer- cifcs ; (hall have the benefit of mutual advice * and reproof; (hall be more hardy to oppofe the tempta- tions befetting us in this wicked world ; (hall walk under a peculiar reftraint, as being members of a're- ligious fociety ; and fliall be affiited by the prayers, as of one another, fo of all good men in the whole Chriftian church. To this end,

1. Watch over one another in love.

2. Be willing to hear of your faults, and of the fearsandfufpicionsofthefeyourfriendsconccrningyou.

3. Be watchful againft any difguft to one another ; and if any arifes in you, without delay tell the party, and if th*£ avail not, tell the director.

4. Defire the prayers one of another, and pray for one another.

5-. Be

* There is a moft ufeful little piece for thefe pnrpofcs, en- titled, Regulations and helps for promoting religious conversation among Chrijiians.

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266 11 U L E S o F A

5*. Be furc you reft not on your being a member <r this focicty ; ieeking continually to call off all de- pendence.

6. Watch the lead decay of love to Chrift, or zeal for his honour and the p^ood of fouls.

7. Coi^inu.continually upon your heart the obliga- tions you lie under as a member of a religious ibciety.


The third defign of this fociety is, to render us more ufeful among our neighbours. Hereby we are more obfervable. People will not be io eafily quiet in their fins. Good examples carry a brighter and more convincing light, confounding the works of darkntik. To this end,

1 . Be careful to fet a Chriftian example before the world.

2. Think not to gain any by making compliances.

3. Diicountenance all fuch things as you fee preju- dicial to others, fuch as taverns, alehoufes, gaming, and many fpot ts which are defiruc'tive to fouls.

4. Shew all love to mens fouls and bodies.

5*. Avoid all difputings which proceed from pride, and nurfe contention and variance.

6. Don't be angry with thofc who blame this fociety, but meekly and filently bear with them.

7. Don't in your heart defpife others, becaufe they are not members of this fociety ;

8. Nor (hew any valuing of yourfelves becatofe you are. Never fpeak of yourfclf as a member, unlefs with a view of doing good to others.


1. Real difciples do more than nominal profeffors.

2. The Spirit, will ftrengthen antl comfort you.

3. You will have the blefling of a quiet confcience.

4. You 'are engaged in the moft honourable fervice.

5. You will promote the intereft of your Matter.

6. He


6. He will acknowledge your labours in the clay of his appearing. j4men. So be it.

A7. B. Whereas too many people are apt to mifre- preient every religious fociety as a methodiftical meet- ing ; it was judged necefTary to infert the following extract from the celebrated Mr D odd's late iermon : " The cry of Methodi/m is frequently raifed by fuch 44 as are totally ignorant of the nature of the accufa- 44 tion ; and many are iligmatized with the name, u who are perfectly innocent of the thing. The ob- " iervations I have made may poflibly lerve to fettle " the point in fome degree, or at leaft to flop the 44 tongues of thoie who very unjuftly call the afper- 44 (ion, where there is not the lead caufe : and it de- 44 ferves, perhaps, to be con(i^)ered by all lerious and tc fincere Proteitants, whether the affixing the charge ' of Methodijm, &c. &c. indifcriminately upon men u of unblameable lives, and irreproachable converfa- 4 tion, may not tend greatly to prcjudiie our holy 4 faith in general, and to bring a reproach upon Chrii- 44 tianity itfclf, through the pretended offence of 44 Mtthodifin: this may be a triumph to the Dcift and 44 Papift equally pleah'ng. And, if fo, can we be too i4 accurate in our diminutions, or too cautious in our 41 imputations ? Kemembering, that while we con- 44 found Chrillianity and Methodifm, we are doing 44 difcredit to ChrifHanity in the lame proportion as 44 we are giving weight and dignity to Mfthodifm." See Mr Dodd's excellent iermon, entitled, Unity ttcom- mcnded^ preached before the religious focietics in and .-'bout London, at their annual meeting in the parifh- rhurch of Sf Mary-le-Bow^ on E after Mo nday 1759; to which is added, an Appendix, giving an account of the original deiign, general rules, and prefent fiate of the religious focietics. A farther account of which may be feen in a little piece wrote in Queen time, by the IXcv. Dr Jofiah Wovdward, entitled,

L 1 2 account


account of the rife and progrefs of the religious focicties in and about London^ and of their endeavours jar there- formation of manners. The fixth edition. In this lit- tle trad: the mod confidcrable objections againft reli- gious focieties are fully anlwered.

HINTS concerning the means of promoting R E-

L I G I o N in ourjeivcs or others *.


BE always chearful as well as ferious, that you may win men to Chriftianity. And in every converfation introduce Tome religious hints, if it can be done with propriety.


Avoid all controverfies ; no good can come from difputing ; but contend earneilly for the eflentials of Chriflianity.


Heal all divifions among lefts and parties to the ut- molt of your power. And prevail with thofe who are moll fiery ,to read Henry's excellent treatife on meeknefs.


Tdk. familiarly to children about religion, as a de- lightful employment. Put eafy queftions to them, encouraging them occafionally by fome little prefents, and thus teaching them an amiable, chearful, gene- rous piety.


Make it a conftant rule to pray for all who affront or injure you. Chrift enjoins us to pray for all who delpitefully ufe us. See Matth. v. 44. Disregard all opprobrious names. Chrift himfelf (as will every one who ftrives againft the corrupt prejudices and vices of imnkind) was abufed as a wine-bibber, and even a blafphemer, &c.

VI. * Referred to in Mr Hervey's life, p. xxxvi. vol. I,



Be accnftomed to a regular, daily, but moderate courfe of devout retirement : and recommend inter- cefiion for others, both in the family and in private ; as likewife frequent attendance on the iacramcnt.


Frequent public worftrip every day in the week, if your bufmeis permit, and if you live in a place where it is performed.


Secret ejaculations too may be ufed as you are walk- ing, or riding, or in whatever company you may hap- pen to be ; and, on fame particular hour, remember (as for inftance, at morning, noon, afternoon, or evening, when your TOWN CLOCK ftrikes, which will be a loud and ne-ver- failing memorandum) to ietyour- fclf as in the prefence of God * for a few minutes.


* This method is thus recommended by the late Bifhop of Durham (Dr Butler, in discharge to the clergy, 1751.) 44 Se- 44 cret prayer, as exprefsiy as it is commanded by our Saviour, 44 and as evidently as it is implied in the notion of piety, will 44 yet 1 fear be grievoufly forgotten by the generality, till they 44 can be brought to fix tor themlelves certain times of the day 44 for it. Secret prayer comprehends not only devotions be- 44 fore men begin, aud after they have ended the bufinefs of 44 the day, but fuch allb as may be performed while they are 44 employed in it, or even in company.

44 And truly, if, beiides our more let devotions morning and 44 evening, all of us would fix upon certain times o:~ the day, 44 fo that the return of the hour mould remind us, to lay fhort, 44 prayers, or exercife our thoughts in a way equivalent to 44 this, perhaps there are few perfuiis in fo high and habitual 44 a Hate of piety, as not to find the benefit of it. If it took 44 up no moj e ihan a minute or two, or even lefs time than. 44 that, it would ferve the end I am proposing: it would be 44 a recollection THAT WE A HE IN THE DIVINK FKF.SENCE, 44 and contribute to our being in t/:e fear cf the L'jrd all the 44 day long.

4i A duty of the like kind, and fcrvjng to the fame purpofr,




Ufc frequent meditation ; than which nothing can be more profitable: Nor can any thing fo much awa- ken and difpoie us for that, and for all that is good, as a flrong faith in providence, and a confUnt chcar- fulnefs * of fpirit.


Entertain the higheft regard for the word of God, and furniih yourfclf with a few of the heft writers, but particularly with Henry on meekncjs^ and [farthing- ton on re/igdation. Study them thoroughly, and en- deavour to make their fentiments your own. Meek- nefs and refignation are the two principal duties of a Chriftian. Difperfe good books occasionally, if your circumltances will permit ; and be very careful in the choice of them, and in adapting them to the cir- cumftances of the peribn to whom they are given.


" is tHe particular acknowledgment of God, when we are par- u taking of his bounty at our meals. The neglect of this is " faul to have been fcandalous to a proverb, in the Heathen * u world; but it is frequently and without (hame laid afide at " the tables of the higheft, and the loweft ranks among us." * In order to obtain a proper confidence in providence, and a fettled chearfulnefs of mind, the reader (efpecially the gloo- my and dilpirited) would be much aflifled by Bifhop Patrick's advice to a friend, which is a moil ineftiiaable little piece. It was fir(t wrote (as the preface tells us) to preferve a pious friend in peace and chearlulnels ; but if the advice be good, the more public it is made the better. It was contracted into a. little room, that it might be as ealy to carry in the mind, as in the pocket ; and is a nioft excellent guide to peace, chear- fulnefs, and whatsoever is graceful, amiable, and d durable in a Chriilian. They who are offended at the uncomfortablenefs of a religious life, never yet knew the true way of religion, into which this author will lead them. Her -ways (fays Solrj- ?J?OH) are ways of pltafcntnefs, and all her paths ar: peace. See likewiie Htnry's Pleafontnefs of a religious life.

* See C.faubon in Athenscum, lib. i. cap. ii. pag. 22.



Encourage by your influence, and purfe too (if able.) ibcieties for promoting the gofpel, both at home and in foreign parts ; and, in order to be well ac- quainted with theie, read the celebrated Dr Ifood- Wrtrd's rije and fro^rejs of the religious jocieties in London and Weflminifler.


Whenever you reprove, let it be tenderly, private- ly, and with all due ity.

For the reformation of iwearing *, lying, flander- ing, Sabbath- breaking, paffionate f, or unchafte \ per-


* Hints for the reformation of, or converfation with a f wearer.

i. None fo ignorant as not to know 'tis a breach of the third commandment. 2. He who lives in the fear of God, is fo far from being capable of it, that it (hocks him to hear others of- fending this way. 3. We are taught by Chrift daily to pray, *4 Hallowed be thy name." Angels praife it, and devils trem- ble ar it. 4. Chi \(\ enjoins us to fwear not at all. See Matth. v. 34. and alfo James v 12. 5. Give to a fwearer Dr JVood- 'jjard\ kind caution toprofanefwearers,ort}'.e]att:'Biil}vpof Lon- don's (Dr. G ibfin*) admonition againft frophane and common fwearing.

-f Hints for the reformation of a poffionate mnn.

i. Caufelefs and irmm derate anger, proceeds from a proud and haughty temper, arid is contrary to gofpel-meeknef* that mecknefs a»d quiemcf* of fpirit, which, as St Pcttr allures us, i Pet. iii. 4. is of great price in the fight of God. 2. Chrilt bids us learn of him, who was lowly and meek, Matth. xi. 9. —3. Every paflionate tongue is fet on fire by hell, ftejames iii. 6. 4. He who fays the Lord's prayer with an unforgiving temper, curfes himfelf. 5. No one has offended us fo often as we hvve offended God, therefore our anger fhould be againlt our own fins 6. Let all bitternefs(fay»theapoftle,)and wrath, and anger be put away In patience poflefs ye ycur .uuls, Ijikc xxi. 19. No paffion in lu-aven, theieforeno paffion in a heavenly mind. Give to a paffionate man J/enry on mecknefs.

•jf. Hints for the reformation of an unchalte perfon.

l. Contrary to the fcventh commandment of the great



fons, you may write out (or keep by you fomc print- ed) hints on ilips of paper, againft either of thefe vi- ces, and place them in the wayof fuch perfons, either by putting them into their books, windows, or other places, provided you don't care to give them to the perfon yourfelf ; or they may be lent by the poft * from or to the metropolis.


Make it a rule to have at leaf} on: religious fentencc in the letters you write to your relations or friends,


God. 2. A fin which defiles the foul, and brings it under the dominion of the flelhly appetites. No fpiritual life in fuch a one, fee Rom. xiii. 6. 3. A partaker of other people's tins, making them partakers of yours, thus doubly guilty. 4. All adulterers, fornicators, and unclean perfons, are declared to have no inheritance in the kingdom of God, fee Cor. vi. 9. —5. You are, a fervant of fin, and in bondage to the deepeft corruption. 6. If you fin in any of thefe ways, yon fin a- gainft your own body, and pollute the temple of the Holy Ghoft Being joined to an harlot, the Holy Spirit dwells not there. 7. We mufl glorify God both in body and fpirit, pre- fenting ourfelves a living facrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, fee Rom. xii. i. 8 Purity and chafh'ty required in the goipel ; even impure andluftful defires are there condemned, fee Matth. v. 28. Give to an unchalte perfon Jcnks's glorious viflory of chaftity^ or Dr Woodward's exhortation to chaftity. ^7* Thefe hints may be very much improved, and are ex- traded (merely as fpecimens) from Mr Richards'* hints for rf- tigious converfation ; where likewife may be found fuch hints for converfation on molt other vices, as will affift per fons of •weak memories who aredellrous of converling religioufly \vith the vitious, or reproving them, either by letter or perfonally,

as opportunity may offer.


* The following letter was fent by the poft to a Deift, and bad a very good effect.


Though you difb^lieve Chriftianity, I cannot fuppofe that you d-fbelieve a future ftate of rewards and punifhments : pleafe therefore to take it into ferious conlidcration, whether




when it can be conveniently introduced ; as fuch a fen- tence properly interwoven, often ftrikes a perfon ; and is productive of more real good, perhaps, than a la- boured difcourie from the pulpit, or formal advice at home.


Guard people, as much as in you lyes, againft en- thufiat'ra, and cxceilive rigours, cither as to abflinence, retirement, or converfation ; and advife them to take all the comfort that the lltuation in which God has placed them will conveniently admit of; reminding them, at the fame time, to acknowledge him in all their ways, and to be dijcreetly * zealous for the ho- nour of Chrift. Kepofing an entire confidence in the wifdom, power, and goodncfs of God ; and alluring themftrlvcs of the extent of his Providence (of which we know not either the value or power) to all his creatures, and to all their actions.


But, above all, write down the reafbhs which at any time make you afraid to die, and then endeavour, by faith, by prayer, and by converfation with experienced Chriflians, to remove the caufes j-^and thus be pro- perly preparing for death : And, if your time and capacity will admit, keep a Dl A R Y ; particularly note your fins of omilfion, and, by this method, you will ice your progrefs or declenfioh in religion.


you think your aftions are ftich, as will, upon your own prin- ciples, (land the teft at the great day of account.

As it highly becomes us to do what good we can while we live in this world; and as larn truly concerned for you, I take the liberty of giving this friendly hint} and hope you will re- ceive it as a proof, that the writer, though unknown, is

Your very fincere well-wiflier

A. Z,-

* A certain zealot being warned againft injuring the cauffif of Chriit by his imprudencies, defpiied:hecaution,and allcdgedj that PRUDENCE was " at beft but a rafcally virtue/*

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*^F*t?-J**%t**;*>x* *>5?* *^\ * *r*'^v* *?!** *^jf^ *•£**>*£* *^\* '^S* *yiT-* ^^if" *^sf* ^i- ^^r*


MANY made righteous by the Obedience of ONE.

TWO SERMONS, preached at BIDDE- FORD, DEVON, in the year 1743.

With a PREFACE, by \ u G u s T u s To p LAD Y , A. B.

Vicar of Broad Hemhury, Devon.

To the READER,

TH E following fermons have been judged too excellent to be fupprelTed. They were preach- ed, according to the beft information, at Biddeford^ in the year 1743.

As to their authenticity, they carry in themfelves the ftrongefl internal evidences of their being genuine. Whoever reads them, will know who wrote them. u Celebrated writers," as this excellent author ob- ierves * eliewhere, u have a ftyle peculiar to them- " felves." This was eminently true of hiinlelf. His performances (Tome of his letters cxcepted, written in the younger part of life) are indeed as apples cf gold in pictures of filver : tranfmitting the mod precious truths, through the channel of the moft elegant, cor- rect

* Meditations, vol. I. p. 261. note.

T 6 T n E READER. 275

reft expreflion ; and adorning the doctrines of G o D our SAVIOVR, with all the heightening graces of exquHite compolition. When Hervey's pencil gives the drapery, TRUTH is iiire never to iuffer, by ap- pearing in an ill dreis. His prole is, in general, more lovely and harmonious, more chaffcely refined, and more delicately beautiful, than half the real poems in the world. With Hcrvey in their hands, his delighted readers well nigh tind themfelves at a lofs, which they fhall moft admire j the iublimity and fweetnefs of the blefled truths he conveys, or the charming felicity of their conveyance. There is, if the term may be al- lowed, a fort of family -liken ejs, difcernable in all this author's pieces. You difcover the lively lignatures of the parent, in every one of his offspring. They not only carry the fupcricription of his name, but like- wife bear the image of his genius, and are himfelf at fecond-hand. Among others, the cnfuing perform- ance may be confldered as a traniparent medium, a fcreen of cryftal, through which the original writer is diftinclly feen, and known from every other : A circumftance, which, with me, has more convincing weight, than the cxtriniic atteftation of a thouiand vvitneffes.

The copy, from which thefe fermons are printed, was lately tranfmitted to me, for publication, by a moft valued friend, of Exeter. Ideem it a particular happincis, that fo choice a treafure mould pafs, through my unworthy hands, to the church of GOD* And I rejoice the rather, as I have, by this means, an op-' portunity of doing myfelf the honour to bear the moft open and public tcftimony to that grand, funda- mental, ineltimabledoftrine of aiinner's F u J.L, F R EE,


1 mall not detain the evangelical reader from this feaft

any longer, than juft to affure him, that neither my

M m 2 excellent


excellent friend, who communicated the copy to me; nor my it-It", who communicate it to the work! ; pro- pole to ourfelves any fort of pecuniary advantage, from this publication ; nor will we accept of any, fhould the fale be ever fo great,

Refpcct for the memory of that holy man of GOD who preached thefe iermons, and an hope of their be- ing made ufeful to fuch as read them, were the mo- tives which induced us to fend them abroad. One would wifh to gather up the very fragments that re- main of fo diftinguifhed a writer ; and that nothing fo apparently calculated for general benefit, might be loft.

1 thought it necefTary to add two or three occafional rotes ; of whole propriety the reader will judge for himfelf.

WESTMINSTER, July 8. 1769.



^* 7hc tw following fermons -mould have fallen to be annexed to Mr Her v ey' s five fermons^ in the preceding fart of this volume, had they been fublifoed befcrc ihefejermons were frinted off.

S E R-



ty the QBE DIE NCE cf O N ILJhall M A N Y be made RIGHTEOUS.

~nT the 'works of the laiv JJiall no man living be juf- tifitd, was, not long ago, the fubjecl: of a public difcourfe ; and, I hope, has frequently been the fub- jedl of our private coqlideration. O, that the im- portant truth may be writteo moll intelligibly upon our hearts, and beget in us a found humility, and an evangelical poverty of fpirit ! We then pulled up the wrong foundation, and, now, permit me to eftab- li(h the rig/it. We then warned you of \\itfandy foundation ; and, now, permit me to lead you to the Rock of ages ; where you may fafely repoie all your confidences, and build, wilh the utmoft iecurity, for a blifsful eternity. This is pointed out in the fcripture before us ; which, though concife. in its ex- preflions, is rich and copious in its meanings, and breathes the very fpirit of the gofpel.

By the obedience ofo N E fliall MANY be made righ- teous. The ONE mentioned in the to.t, is the man CHRIST JESUS. The obedience fpoken of, includes both his active and pajfive obedience ; the labours of his life, and the agonies of his death : ail which he exer- cifed 2J\&Juffcrcd, in conformity to his Father's will, for the fake of fallen men ; that they, by MIS righ- teoufnefs, might be made righteous ; that, having thefe credentials, they may be admitted into the court pf 'iCaven, and, carrying this pafTport, may be admit- into the evcrlajling habitations.



This doctrine I take to be the moft fwect and pre- cious part of our Chriftian faith ; that which gives the moft pure and undivided honour to God ; which yields the molt reviving and iblid comfort to thefinner ; and, in the moft endearing and effectual manner, pro- motes every intereft of holinefs. But inafmuch as it is little understood by ibme, entirely exploded by o- thers, and Jcarcc ever thought upon by more ; let us crave your impartial attention, while I clear up and confirm it : and not only crave your attention, bre- thren, but implore the renewing and enlightening influence of divine grace ; without which, I am a- \vare, my words will be unintelligible to ibme, and appear, perhaps, ridiculous to others : for the natural man dijcerneth not the things which are of the Spirit of God; on the contrary, they tire foolifhnejs unto him. Depending, therefore, on divine grace, let us ex- amine,

I. How the obedience of another can make us righ- teous.

II. Hovf fefficienf Chrift's obedience is for this pur- pole.

III. How worthy this method of becoming righteous is of all acceptation; and then,

IV. Give fome few directions, that may difpofe us to rely on, and prepare us to receive the righteoufncls of Jeiiis Chrift.

I. Let us examine how the obedience of another can make us righteous. This point may be proved and illuftrated,

(l.) From the nature of afurefy.

(2.) From Chrift's dying AS A SINNER for us.

($.) From Adam's fin being IMPUTED to us.

(i.) The doctrine, of our being made righteous th'rough the obedience of Chrift, may be proved and illuftrated from the nature ofafurefy; who is one that



undertakes and engages for another. Let us fuppofe the parties were Paul and One/wins. Onejimus was Phile- mon'* flave. The flave dilbbeyed his mafter, ran away from him and his fervice ; not only deierted his fer- vice, but ftole his goods ; turned fugitive and thief A once. For the firft of thefe crimes he deferves ftripes and a road ; for the laft, death and the gallows. 5't Paul, meeting with Onejimus, learns the ftate of his condition : and, having been the means of his con- verlion to Chriftianity, by his preaching ; and of his reconciliation to God through Jefus Chrift ; offers to become his mediator with his offended m after. In order to execute which office more effectually, he puts himfetfin the criminal's Jiead; becomes aniVverabie for his villany, and takes upon him to make full repa- ration for the injuries he had done to his matter : If he hathwrongedthee ought, (fays the beneficent apoftle,) or owet/i thee ought, put that to my account; I Paul have 'written it -with mine own hand I will repay it. By this means, the renegade flave is difcharged, and Paul the innocent apoftle becomes debtor. But how ? Not actually, but imputatively ; for neither Jias Onejithusre- paid, nor Paul ftolen ought ; but, by virtue of the un- dertaken furetyftiip, 0;/c//;7;«j's debt lies upon Paul, and Paul's freedom turns to the acquittance of Ontjrmus. Thus it is in the matter of juftification. We had all finned in Adam ; forfeited the favour of God. In order to our reconcilement, God required zfuttfotis- fattion to his juftice, and a psrfett obedience tq his laws. Thefe we could not poflibly render in our own pcr- fons ; therefore Chrift gracioufly prefenled HIMSKLF, and undertook to perform both in our (lead. Upon MIL, fays the compaflionate Redeemer, upon ME, be their offences laid.— -If they have tranfgreffed, let ven- geance make its demands on me ; 1 will repay to the very uttcrmoft farthing ; and forafmuch as, through the weakncfi of their mortal nature, they are not able to yield an exacl conformity to the divine laws, I



am willing to fulfil all righteoujhefs in tUeir ftead and behalf. Lo ! I come to do thy will, O my God ! I do it, not for myfelf, but for them, that the merit of my obedience may redound to my people, and that they, through my righteouihefs, may be made righteous.

(2.) The doctrine, of our being made righteous

through Chrift, may be inferred from his dying as a

firmer for us. 'Tis a very remarkable paflage, and full

to our purpofe, where the apoltle declares, that the

almighty Father made his Son, who knew no fin, to be

fin for us that we might be made the rightconj'nefs of

God i N H I M.

How you may be affected at prefent with fuch a fcripture, brethren, I cannot determine : but if ever ypu come to the knowledge of yourjelve /, and the hainoufnefs of your fins, and the worthleflhels of your duties ; fuch a text will be iweeter to you than the ho- ney or the honey- comb to your taftc, and more re- frefliing than the richeft cordial to your fouls. However, from St Paul's declaration, we gather this precious truth, that we are made righteous before God, injttch a manner as CH R I s T was made afmner for us : not by any pei Tonal demerit ; for he had done no fin, neither was guile found in his mouth j but the Lord laid on HIM the iniquities of us all.

In like manner, how are the greateft faints made righ- teous before God ? Not by any perfonal merit. They have done nothing that can deferve God's love, or that is worthy of a reward ; but God looks upon them as interefted in his dear Son's obedience, and ib re- wards them purely for their Saviour's lake. God vi- iited our fins upon HIM ; and God rewards his merits upon us ; God accounted our tranfgrellions to be his ; and, on this footing, he was punifhed as a malefactor ; and God eitecms his righteoufrieis as ours ; and, by virtue of this imputation, we are accepted as com- plete.

(3.) Once again, the doclrme, of our being made



righteous through the obedience of Chrift, may re- ceive ftronger proofs and fuller illuftrations from A- dam's Jin being imputed unto us. This is an undoubted truth, written, as it were with a fun-beam, in almoit every page of fcripture. St Paul aflbres us, that in sldam all die. And, if fo, 'tis certain that in Adam all finned. Tell me now, how came that perfonal fin of Adam to be charged upon us ? how can his ha- ving eat the forbidden fruit, render us liable to death and damnation ? How, but by imputation ? Adam was a public perfon : he reprefented the whole race of man- kind : his act was imputed to his whole pofterity. Such a communion there is between Chrill and his e- lecT: : he, too, was a public perfon ; he was a reprefcn- tative of all his chofen ones ; and his obedience is looked upon as theirs. Thus believers are made righ- teous by the obedience of their everlafHng head Chrift Jefus, even as they were made tinners by the tranf- greflion of their mortal father, Adam ; becaufe of the analogy and fimilitude there is between his righteoui- nefs to juftify, and Adam's iniquity to condemn *.


* Mr Hervey feems, here, to have had an eye to i Cor, xv. 22. For as in Adam all die ; even fo in CHRIST^^// all be mad: alive. The jra»?if, or all affirmed by the apoftle to have died in Adam, are the lame »«irff, or <///, that lhall be made alive in Chrift ; namely, all the members of Chrift's my- flic body ; all that church, which he loved, and for which he gave himielf to death. There are two reaibns, in particular, which determine the meaning of the word «//, in this paflage, to the tlcfl, and to them only. i. Throughout the whole con- text St Paul treats folely of the />/? refurreclion y the refur- reftion of the juft; the refurrec'tion to life eternal. He fays not one word in this chapter, c;)ncerning the refurreclion of the ungodly ; but confines himfelf fingly to that of true be- lievers. 2. He, in the very next vei li-, exprefsly points out the perfons of whofe refurreclion he here Ipcaks r thefe, he tells us, are c, x?ir«, thttfe that belong to Chrift, and aire his own peculiar property ; who were given to him, by rh,o Father, m the covenant of redemption; ar.d in whom he'.Jias a fpecul, inadcuifTible intereil.

VOL. V. 23. N n


Let us now make a paufe, and review our attempt. We have endeavoured to. render the doftrine of the text Ibmcwhat clearer, by confidering the nature of njiirety, from CH R I s T 's being made Jin for us, and from the imputation of Adam* s offence to us. Butthefe, alas ! are points little known to the world. Corrupt nature is prejudifcd againft them ; and Satan is ftudi- ous to hide them from our eyes. Let us bcfeech the God and Fat her of our Lord JES u s CH RIST, to reveal the myftery ofgodlinejs in our hearts ; that we may be- lieve in JESUS CHRIST as the Son of God, and only Saviour of the world ; and that believing ive may have life, not through any fancied goodnefs of our own, but entirely through his name.

II. Let i*s now jufb take notice, how fufficient CH RIST'S obedience is for the purpofe of justification. It is a moft incomparably-excellent obexlieioce : it ex- ceeds, not only the righteouihefs of innocent and up- right Adam, but the righteoufiiefs of angels, principa- lities, and powers.— Extol this righteouihcfs as high as words can reach, or idea foar ! for it is the righteouf- nefs of incarnate Divinity ; wrought out by HIM, who was GOD and MAX in one CHRIST ; whofe divine nature gave an infinity both of efficacy, and of dig- nity, to all he did. To you that believe the Godhead of JES u s, his righteoufneis muft needs be inconceiva- bly precious : you will not, you cannot think it ftrange. that a whole world of believers mould be accepted thi or it, and owe all their falvation to it. The prophet, in the moft exprefs terms, fets his feal to this truth, when he affirms, that//;? LORD, the fupreme and incompre- henfible JEHOVAH, is our right coufnejs : and who woukl forfake the everlafting ROCK, in order to lean on a bruifed reed? who would quit an illuflrious ROB E, for fcanty covering and filthy rags f St Paul accounted all things but lofs, in companion of his Saviour's righ- s. Yea, his own eminent holinefs, and tran-



fcendent ufefulnefs, he regarded no more than drofs and duns;, that he might win CHRIST, and be found in H I M. This is the righteoufnels, whole influ- ences extend to the earlieft days, and will reach to the moil dillant ages. By //;// -the holy men of old enjoyed the favour of God : by this ALONE, the generations yet unborn will enter into their IVIa- iler's joy. In a word, this is the hope, the Jure and fole hope of all the ends of the e^rth, and of them thai remain in the broad Jea : for, in every nation under bcaven, and through all the revolutions of time, God is well pleafed with fmners, only in his beloved Son. Let me draw one remark from the whole, and I have done. Let me obfervc the difference between the /aw of NATURE, and the law of MOSES, and the law of FAITH. The law of nature -lays, * l Live up to u the duties of thy reajon and the conviction of thy own " mind; and thou flialt be f aft?' The law of Mofes faith, u Keep the commandments and execute all thejla- u tutes, and thy Jalv at ion /hall before" But FAITH faith, " Thou ncedeft not attempt thefe impojjibilities . " CHRIST hath done .both, hath done all in thy Jlead. '•' He hath improved the light of nature -and fulfil Led the <c whole law of GOD ; and this in the capacity of t/iy u Surety." Go, then, to thy Redeemer ; lay hold o,n His righteoufnefs. Believe truly in CH R i s T JES u s, and what /;<rhath done (hall be accounted thine. Thy eternal felicity is ALREAD y procured. Thou haft no- thing .elfe to do, but to look upon it as thy certain portion, and unalienable inheritance, through •Chrift ; and to live in humble and chearful expectation of that great day, when thy free title fhall be changed into a&ual poffeflion. And, in the mean time, love that divine Benefactor with all thy heart, and ftudy to pleafe him in all holy converfation and godlincis.

N n 2 S E Rr


ROMA N s V. 19.

By the obedience ofO N E flail MANY be made righteous.

IN the book of Job^ iv. 13, 17. we have a very a- vvakening lefTon of humiliation, moft admirably calculated to imprefs the thought, and to bring down the conceited mind. Eliphnz relates a vifion *. When midnight drevy her black curtains over the world, when darknefs and deep filence reigned through,, the whole univerfe ; in thefe folemn moments, a fpirit paiTcd before his face. Fearful nefs and aftonifliment •feized the beholder ; his bones (hivered within him ; his flefh trembled all over him ; and the hairs of his head flood creel: with horror. In the midft of thefe tremendous circumflances, a voice broke forth from the fiery phantom : a voice, for its importance, worthy to be had in everlafting remembrance ; and, for its atufulnefs, enough to alarm a heart of ftone. It fpake to this effect, " SHALL MORTAL MAN BE JUST BE-


OF His MAKER?" The words, thus translated, breathe a wonderful dignity of fentiment ; and lead our minds Into the moft exalted notions of GOD ALMIGHTY, im-


'* See Mr HERVEY'S Contemplations on the Night, vol. I. p. 304. In the prcfent fermon, the defcription ofEliphaz's vilion refembles the primary fketch, the naked, imperfect outlines of a mafterly picture: but, in the Contemplations (publifhed about: four years after this was preached) we behold the pifture corr>- pletely finiflieH ; and touched, I had almolt faid? into the very perfection of grandeur and beauty,


maculate, and inconceiveabie. C. •t/.inly, they com- prife one of the mod powerful antidotes, againft the pride and haughtinefs natural to fallen man, that can poffibiy be imagined. They are a token, in thisfenfc, truly worthy of the awful Being who uttered them, and that air ofvaft importance with which they were introduced. Our tranflation finks the idea exceeding- ly. It tells us no more, than what all the world muft acknowledge at the very firft reflection ; and fo fcarce deferves to be ufhered in with i'o great folemnity. It leems alfo to oppofc what no one can deny, or have jniblence enough to maintain : for none, I fhould imagine, even Lucifer himfelf, could ever prefume to think himfelf more juft, more pure, than the ORIGINAL and STANDARD of all perfections. No: letaperfonbe eiteemed ever fo juft, in companion of his fellow-fin- uers ; let him be accounted moft eminently holy, by thofe that are polluted clay like himfelf: Yet, before infinite and uncreated purity, O ! let him be greatly abafed ; let him put his mouth in the duft, take (hame to himlelf, and cry out, Unclean I unclean ! Accord- ing to this tranfhtion of the words, you fee, the doc- trine of man's univerfal depravity is as ancient as the times of Job; and, that there is no poflibility of be~ ing juftified by any perfonal accomplifhments or ac- quirements, was exprefsly taught in thofe early ages. O ! that it may be as unfeigneclly believed in thefc latter days ! " But if this be the cafe," fays an in- quifitive hearer ; u if all men are become abomi- " nable ; if their bcfl deeds are ftained, and there are " none that are righteous before GOD, no notow?; tc how fliall they be accepted, when they are judged \" Why, by a method that lyes vaftly beyond the reach of human wifdom or device. By a method, that wasbut dimly * hinted at in the generations of old, but isclear-

* That 5?, dimly hinted at, in romparifon of that more per- feft knowledge, which has been fince brought to light by the gofpel eminently fo called. See £/ h. iii. 5.


iy revealed by the apoftlcs and preachers of the gof- pel ; even by the obedience of Jcius Chrill ; by a riohtcouihefs not wrought BY us, but imputed TO us. The nature of which imputation we have already il- luitrated, and (hewn the iiiihcicncy of our Redeemer's obedience for this purpoie.- Which two points being difpatched,

III. I am to Ihewyou how worthy of all acceptation this method of becoming righteous is. And that as it is perfectly confonant to the ancient prophecies ; as it gives the higheft glory to God; and as it yields the richeft conjoiation to man.

1. This method of becoming righteous through the obedience of Chrift, is. perfectly confonant to the te- nor of ancient prophecies. In the patriarchal age, GOD prom i fed to Abraham, and renewed the gra- cious aflbrances to Jjaac^ u that in his feed all the *' nations of the earth Jhuuld be bleffcd." Now, what was this, but a difcover.y of this evangelical doc- trine ? 'Twas, indeed, fame what obfcure then : 'tis clear as the day now. Thcjeedof Abraham, is doubt lefs our glorious Mediator^ who, in tne -uhiefs of time, took flefli, and was born of a deicenderit from Abraham. In HIM all the ele.c"t under heaven fliall be bleflcd. Obferve, not in thcmfelves, not for any excellency that is in them.; but IN HIM they fhall inherit all heavenly bleflings. He is the Alpha and Omega of our happinefs ; the beginning and the end, the caule and the confummation, of all our joy. He is the only fpring and fountain of all blefTedntis, as much as yonder fun is the only fountain of this light that now fhines around us. Every ray of light that falls upon our eyes, proceeds altogether from that bright luminary : we do nothing towards enkindling it ; we only uje its beams, and rejoice in its fplendor. So fallen man can do nothing towards procuring the favour of his almighty MAKER : .but can only, by



faith InjEsusCHRisT, receive it, already procured ;; and teftify his gratitude for it, by a cheai ful obedi- ence.

In the prophet Ifaiah^ we find the following paf- fages. God the Father, fpeaking of his obedient and beloved Son, has this remarkable expreffion ; By his knowledge ftiall my righteous Jervant jufiify many. Here, infinite wifdom informs the whole world, how they mufl expect juftification, and final acceptance. 'Tis entirely through his dear SON, our divine MEDIATOR; his holy life, and propitiatory death, are the only procur- ing caufes of our forgivenefs, the only conditions of our ialvation ; and a true knowledge of him, a right belief in him, make the merit of both our own *.

GOD lays not, he mail make them capable of recon- ciliation; he mall in part juftify ; he fhally?// tip their deficiency, and perfect what is wanting in their duties. No! but he (hall accomplijh the whole work; he fhall execute the great office without a. rival; without a partner, he will juftify the faithful, and not they them- ielves.

2. This method of becoming righteous, through the obedience of Chrift, is worthy of all acceptation, becaufe it gives the higheft glory to God. Nothing can be fo effectually calculated to abaj'e the iinner, and ex- alt

* From a f.iving knowledge of Chrift, and by faith in him, we arc manifeftativfly interested in what he lias done and fuf- fered. Our interefl in his righteoufnefs mufl, in the very na- ture of things, have been prior to ourfenft: of intereft in it s otlrerwife, all fenfe of it would he delutive, and converfanc with a non-entity. Faith is, as it were, the medium offpiritual vijion ; a divine liftht whereby we fee our intereft in ChrUt, which we cannot fee, till we believe with the faith that works by love. Faith is the <Aif^o«, or conviflion of things not fecn before; and of juftification among the reft, Heb. xi. i. Bur, funrJy, the bleffings, of which faith is the conviction, had a real exigence before ever faith was acled : they are only un- fceny till faith b given to difcern them by.


tilt the Saviour, as THIS way of obtaining falvatiori. This will bring clown the lofty look of man : this will lay every affuming thought in the very duft, and leave the Lord alone glorious and exalted; Til I s thorough- ly fecures to God his great prerogative, and utterly excludes human boafting, and brings unminglcd ho- nour and glory to the Surety of men. Whereas, was life eternal the reward of their own works, there would be fome pretcnfion for ielf admiration. Men would arrogate ibrae of the merit to themfelves, and fay in their hearts, My power, find the might of my hands hath gotten me this -wealth. If they were to expect the blef- fing of the eternal ftate as -wages which they have earn- ed, O ! what a damp would this (trike on their thank- fulneis 1 hovr little would they //;?;;£ themfelves obliged, and, indeed, how little would they be obliged, to God their Saviour, on this footing ! But, when faints in light view their heavenly inheritance; when they fur- vey that great, exceeding great and eternal weight of glory, and remember that they did nothing todeierve all this ineffable felicity ; that, if it had not been pro- cured entirely by their dying and obedient Saviour, they had been everlaflingly banifhed from the realms of bleffedncfs ; O ! what pure and fervent gratitude mufl this infpire them with 1 what an emphafis and ardor, while they utter that devout acknowledgment, " Not, notuntous, O Lord! not 'unto us, but unto //zydear <c and adorable name be the praife ! We were enemies t( in our minds, and by our wicked works ; but thou haft " redeemedus unto God by thy blood: all our choiceft ac- u tions were polluted and unclean, but thou haft " worked out for us a perfect and everlafting righ- " teoufheis."

Thus will adoration and love be given to the Lamb that was llain : every crown will be caft low before the throne, and wear this humbling motto, Not by 'works of righteoujnefs which we have done, but accord- ing to his mercy he faired us, O ! the depths both of



the wifdom andgoodnefs of God \ Goodnefs, in efta- blifhing fuch a method of falvation for us ; in all things ib well ordered and Hire ! ff^ifdom^ in cutting off all occafion of felf-glorying, and bringing man to the deepeft humiliation, even while it exalts him to the heaven of heavens !

3. This method of becoming righteous through the obedience of Chrift:, is worthy of all acceptation, be- caufe it admiuifters the richeft confolation to man ; it is an inexhauftible fpring of fatisfaftion and re*pofe.

Lu T H E R, that renowned reformer, and greatcham- pion for the Proteftant caufe, when he broke away from the mifls of Popery, and began to underftand this moll noble peculiarity of Chriftianity, declared, that " the gate of Paradile feemed to fly open to his view : " that he had a glimpfe of its beauty, in contempla- " ting this facred truth ; andatafteof itsdelights,inbe- "• lieving it : fo fvveet acompofure, and fuch a charming " tranquillity, did it diffufe thro* his mind.*' Nor do I wonder at his faying, " For, while we are ignorant of " this doctrine, there is nothing but horror and dread " around us." If we ftrike this text from our Bible, or this article from our creed, all is difmal and diitreffing. Turn which way you will, the profpc<ft is uncomfort- able. If we look to ourfelvfs, we (hall find mifery and guilt; if to GOD, nothing but indignation and difplea- iiire. But this brightens up the whole fcene. Let us obfervc, in the character of a feeble Chriftian3 and of an awakened profligate, what glad tidings the gofpel is, by virtue of this doctrine ; andwhat a milerable comforter it would be without it. The language of \\\e former, in his private meditations, muft proceed in fome fuch manner as this : " Wherewithal fhall I come before " the mod high God ? Shall I offer him my pious " lerviccs ? Alas ! they are miferably deficient ; they " ifTue from a corrupt ftock, and cannot but be cor- u rupt flioots ; I have clone nothing that is worthy " his acceptance, how then (hall I itand in his facred VOL. V, 23. O o " prcfence ?


lt prcfcnce ? I ftrive to be perfeft and entire, and " wanting nothing; but I feel myfelf to be poor and " indigent, and wretchedly defective. U ! whither tc (hall I go, but to him who is appointed for this 44 very purpofc ? that the bones, which arc broken by 44 mifery and guilt, may rejoice ; that the hands, tc which hang down, through lelf-condemnation and 44 defpondency, may be lifted up. Thither then will 44 I turn, frail and difpiritcd as I am, and call all my 44 burthen upon the Lord Jcibs Clirift : in his un- " Ipotted rightcoufnefs, and in nothing elfe, can the 44 fole of my foot find any reft.. When doubts arife, 44 and fear, like a gloomy cloud, thickens around me, 4t this Sun of righteouGieis fhall dillipate the gloom 44 in all my pilgrimage ; this fhall be fny conftant 44 fong ; in all my anxieties, this faall be my only " cordial : Why art thou caff doivn^ 0 my foul, and 44 uuhy art thoufu difquietcdwithin me ! 0 ! put thy trujl u in Jefus Chrift I His merits, and not thine own u v/orks, are the horn of thy falvation : whefocver be- 44 lieveth in him faall not be confounded" And as for the poor finner brought to a fenfe of his enormous crimes ; methinks, I hear him bewailing his condition, in fome fuch difconfolate manner : u O wretched man tc that I am ! how mall I attain the favour of God ? <c My fins are multiplied above number, and aggrava- tc ted beyond exprefllon. I cannot make any fatisfac- u tion for what is paft, much lefs can 1 win the di- " vine good-will for the future. I am polluted, root «" and branch : what can I do ?" Truly, tinner, I know not what thou canft do, unlels thou comefb to Jefus Chrift : there is not a gleam of hope, or a jrrain of comfort, in all the univerfe befides. If thou lamented thy folly, and feeft thy undone ftate ; *with the Lord there is mercy, abundant mercy ; and with the Lord Jefus Chrift there is plenteous redemp- tion. If thou canft rely on C7*>//?, thy iniquities (hall be done away like a morning-cloud j if thou

can (I


canft believe in HIM, thy debts are cancelled through his blood ; and that which thou art unable to perform, he hath fulfilled for thce. See, how conibnant this doctrine is to the whole ieries of fcripture, and the voice of ancient prophecies ! See what an unmared revenue of glory and thankfgiving it brings unto the blefTed God : both fupporting the jteble Ghrijlian amidft all his infirmities, and opening a door of hope; to the a-wakened [inner, notwithftanding all his im- pieties ! Surely, then, this precious doclrine is worthy of all acceptation : furely we have reaibn to receive it with aJl imaginable thankfuinefs ! But, left it mould, after all, feem to us an idle tale, rather than glad tidings of great joy, let me,

IV. Give fume directions that may difpofe us to rely on, and prepare us to receive, the righteoufnels of Jefus Chrift.

//>//, Bring a child-like mind to the confideration of it. Lay afide proportions *, and meekly receive the ingrafted word with a teachable fimplicity. Let us fit at the feet of Jefus, and, like very little children, learn heavenly wifdom from, his gofpel. If we are conceited of our abilities, and lean to our own un- derftanding., God may puniih our pride, by leaving


* " Lay afide proportions:" a miftake, perhaps, forprfpof- /t/fions. However, rhe ientence, as it ftands, conveys a very ufeful direction : " Lay afnie proportions ;" /'. e. Submit your wifdom to God's ; embrace 1m gracious method of falvation ; without arguing yonrfelf into needlefs doubts and perplexities. Mr HERVEY feems, here, to intimate, what another excel- lent divine has fince exprefied more clearly : 4* Believe fiinply, *' with the meeknefv of a child, juft as you are told by Go», ** without murmuring or difputing. Depend as abfokitely* 44 day by day, on the teaching of Chril^, through his word 44 and Spirit, for the knowlrdge of all things needful to lalva- 44 tion, as any pupil, at an academy, depends on the inltruc- <* dons of an able and celebrated imfter."

Mr VENN'S complete duly of man, p. 1^5. O p *


us in the dark ; for he hides thefe things from the wife and prudent, and reveals them unto babes. You mull acknowledge your natural ignorance, and implore the teachings of his blcfled Spirit ; for this is his peculiar office, to convince the "world of right eou/nejs ; that is, tp convince the world of the fulnels of the Redeemer's righteoufnefs, of its unfearchable riches, and of its abfolute fufRciency to juftify his people.

Secondly, If you would not be offended at this doc- trine, get a deep fenfc of your own n ^righteoufnefs . It is the want of this conviclion, that indiipoies men, for a reliance on Chritt ; fo long as they fancy them- ielves rich and increased in goods, they will never be concerned to feck the |/?;*<r gold of their Saviour's obe- dience.— And, indeed, he camenot to call the righteous ; his gofpel is of fuch a nature, that the felf-jufliciary \vill difcern no comelineis in it : it will feed the hungry, and poor in/pirit, with good things ; but the rich, and thole that are righteous in their own eyes, it wilMend empty away.

Labour, therefore, to fee your own vilcnefs : and then the merits of a Saviour will be precious. Be fenfible of your own nakednefs, and then the robe of a Redeemer's righteoufhefs will be prized indeed. Confider yourfelvcs as infolvent, wretched bankrupts, "who HAVE nothing, who can do nothing, that is ipi- ritually good ; and then the perfcclt obedience, the full fatisfaclion of ywur divine Surety, will be as health to your /bul, and as marrow to your bones.

Thirdly, Pray for faith. 'Tis faith that unites * to


* Serfihle union with Chrift, or aftual fellowfhip with him, in a way m c-vnfort, occafioning the foul's calm fun-Jkine, and the heart-felt joy, is, no doubt, a rffult of faith. But then, this is not fo properly union itfelf, as communinn flowing from an union rim fubfilted between Chritt and his church from before ail time; ,md of which union, that communion, whicK follows ii'.mn faith, is no more than the perception, difcovery, and enjoyment.


Jefus Chrift. By faith you are implanted into him. Faith is the hand that lays hold on the Saviour's me- rits: By faith ye arejaved, fays the apoftle. This ap- pears, to the foul, the great J'alvation purchafed by our dear Redeemer : therefore befeechGod to beget in you this lovely and lively faith, whereby you may lay hold on Chrift:, cleave mod infeparably to Chrift, and, re- nouncing every other refuge, lay the whole ilrefs of your fouls folely on Chrift, as a fhipwreckcd mariner relinquifhes all his finking cargo, and clings only to the planks that may float him fafe to more. Seek this blefiing to yourfclves, brethren; and, if ever I forget to join my bed fupplications to yours, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. My heart's defire, and prayer to God, (hall always be, that you may believe to the faving of your fouls. And a holy converjation will be a fij^n unto you, that JO\\Y faith is real. A. life of fmcere holinejs can fpring from nothing but from this divine head, CH RIST JESUS. Bythisfliallallmenknoiu that ye are his difciples, if ye live by his Spirit, and •walk as he walked. By this, likewife, your own con- fciences may be aflured, that God hath given you an intereft in his dear .Son, and fent him to blcls you; if he has turned you from your iniquities, and created you anew unto good works.

Give me leave, at the clofe of all, to afk you with all fimplicity, Have you underftood thefe things ? do you believe this report ? or ain I as one that fpeak- eth a parable ?

If any be of this opinion, I fhall addrefs them in the words of St Paul to the Galatians, and commit them to enlightening grace. The apoftle, inculcating this very point, and perluading them to this felt fame be- lief, fays, Brethren, be as 1 am, for I WAS as ye art *. Thus the words 1 would tranflate ; and then they are very pertinent to the purpofe, and applicable to you and me ; and when paraphrafed, will run thus : u I

*' don't

* Gal. iv. 12.


u don't wonder, brethren, that yc arc prejudifed a- " gainfl this doctrine. I myfelf was ftrongly pollefled *' with fuch prejudices. I verily thought, that my " own righteoulhefs would, at leaft, bear a part in " procuring my acceptance with the eternal Majelty. u Determined I was, in fome meafure, to ftand on my 44 own bottom: and advance my plea, for life everlaft- 44 ing, from my own holy endeavours. But now " thefe arrogant resolutions and vain confidences arc *' dropt. I now difavow all Inch pretenlions. God " hath brought me to a founder mind. And, as yc <c have been partakers with me in my miftake, be <l partakers alfo of my righter judgment. 1 truft- " ed to I knew not what : but now I know in whom 41 / have believed. I put myfelf, and the whole of '' my falvation, in my adored Immanuers hands j *' and doubt not of his fufficiency for my fccurity. *' Henceforward I fet my heart at reft, not becauie I <c have gone through fuch offices, or done inch du- *' ties ; but becaufe my Redeemer is mighty and me- <c ritorious. "Tis God, the incarnate God, that jujlifies " me ; who is he that fnall condemn me ? Never, never '* (hall my heart cry to divine juftice, Have patience *c "with me, and I will pay thee all : this were the lan- " guage of grofs ignorance, or great prefumption. But, <fc in all my temptations, in every difcouragement, " this fnall be my acknowledgment, this fball ftill be *l my earneft prayer, The righteoufnefs of thy obe- " dience, moft blefTed Jefus, is everlafting; O! grant c< me an interefl therein, and I Ihall live." Amen, Amen ; fo let it be, O Lord.

*2> -O* •«£*• •*£* *** *£•• *<•*• *2> <i» <•'»• ***• *£* •*£* *2* •*£*• s3^ *»*• •***

o -


Written by Mr Hervey, from 1733 to 1758.


TT has been already obferved, in the account of Mr Hervey's Life prefixed to vol. I. thai he frequently wrote religious letters to his acquaintance according to their different cireuin- (Lnces, in the moll amiable and convincing manner; and that he Itemed to make it altnoft an invariable rule, not to write a letter on any occafion, without at leait one pious fentence in it; and that not introduced in a forced and awkward man- ner, but interwoven ib as to Appear naturally to arile from tiu fubjeft *.

The reafons for publishing this collection of Mr Hervey's letters, were the (trong folic'tations of ihofe, who knew ami valued the author and his writings; a detire of contributing ro the inleretb of religion, which was the great fcope of an his labours ; and a perluafion, that 1'uch a colk'clion would give a peculiar latisfacYion to every intelligent and pious |>er- IOQ :— efpeciaHy as to be thus introduced to partake of the en- tertaining and inflruclive iutercouries of his fnc.;d'i;ip, ri

pclTjbiy * Vol. I. p xxxvii. xxxviii.


poffibly be the means of encouraging others to AND no LIKEWISE. Nor will it be, it is prelumed, necelfory to befper.k the candour of the reader, or deprecate the petulance of criti- cifm, whatever defeds or inaccuracies may be found in a work of this kind, not intended for, though well worthy of, the public eye.

As the following letter to the editor is fo truly charac"terifti- .cal of Mr Hervey, 'tis to be hoped that it will not be altoge- ther unacceptable to the reader When writers like h:m, of dittinguilhed fuperiority, have gained our admiration and ap- plaufe, w,e are ford ot penAtating into their more retired a- partmems, and aiTociating wTth then) in the fequettered walks of privare life: for here thefe great geniufes appear in an un- drefs; the intrinfic excellence of their characters ihines out •with genuine luftre; and although, as authors, their talents are beyond our imitation, yet the feveral milder graces and virtues of their more common and ordinary behaviour, are in foine meaiure attainable by every one.

S I R,

jTP WAS with no fmall fatisfaftion I faw an adrertifement •*-. in the public papers, ddiring the correfpondents of the late Mr Htrvey to furn'fli the editor with fome of his letters for publication, and glad I am 'tis in my powef to fend you fo large a number ; fince in many of them will be found fuch traces of an upright heart, as no llranger can otherwife be made acquainted with. There will be feen the dcepeft humility. Kvwr unconfcious of his own fhining abilities, he was always defirous of improving by the meaneft in the church : in low- linels of mind he would prefer others to himfelf: he would frequently be the humble queritt, and make his friend the refpondent. There will be ieen the greatejt love to mankind; a love, which he has Wrongly txprefled on every occafion, not only in words, but in the moft important acls of benevo- lence, both temporal and fpiritual. There will be feen the nwft zealous^attachments to truth. He was extremely defirous that every fentiment of his fliould be fir icily examined; and where- ever he found any thing capable of the leaft improvement, he immediately acquiefced with the greate(t thar.kfulnefs. In a vord, there will be feen the utmojt fercnity of mind under the preffure of very grievous afflictions. As his joy was not of this world, no worldly calamities could take it from him, .no- thing could ruffle, nothing could difcompofe him. He was indeed, what his Maiter fays of the Baptiit, a burning and a



fhinlng light; and as fuch as he was a guide for our feet. As a burning light, be warmed many by his example: he had re- ceived the grace of God in abundance ; which he had long and moft earneftly implored j and the ftuits of which, in his life and converfation, the world have feen, and his friends will teil with pieafnre. As zflining light, he inftructed many by bis doclrine. He was a molt Itrenuous aflertor of the free grace of God. He taught men to be rich in goad work?, without placing the leait dependence on them. Chnlt was all to him, and it was his ivkale bujincfs to publifh his Redeemer's rmfearchable richer. It wns St Paul's faithful faying, viz. Thar, *' Chritt Jelus canif into the iwtldtof.tvtjinnfrs;" and it was Mr Hfrvcy'b contain employment to bring finners to him empty-handed, ^ to buy wine and milk without money ** and without price,"

He was al!o a molt flrenuous aflertor of evangelical holi- nefs. While he pub-iillied the free grace of God, he was Ib- licitous that none fhouki abufe it to licentioufnefs. Herein al- ib he imitated St Paul in another faithful faying, viz. That 44 they -wkf) believe in God Ihould be careful to maintain good " works."

Such was the friend I have lofl. God grant we may all ** be '* the foUc-jjcrs tf him, -who through faith and patience now in- 44 htnts the fromif: j." He relts from his labours, and my correspondence with him is for ever at an end; but by the let- ters I here fend, he -will, though dead, yetfpf.ik, and fpread wide that valuable inltrudion, and thole ingenious remarks, which were originally defigned only for the private inlpeclion of, bir, your humble lew ant, &c. &c,

P. S. Mr Hervry's zeal for his great MaQer, ami his eminent abilities to advance the interefh of religion, will, it is hoped, iecure the good opinion of the community, in behalf of the publication of his private letters and lift-; efppcially when it 1$ cofifidered, thru it was in ibme meafure nece'firy to be done; not only as they exhibit in their purport, competition, and various tendencies, a linking, amiable, and true picture of the ingenuity, learning, candour, and piety of this excel- lent man; but as his character Ins been injured by fome thro*' nulreprefentation: and as his writings have been cenfured by otners through mifapprehenfion : all fuch will now fee ho\v far Mr Herv-y is delerving of blame, or of applaufe; lince there is nothing that cxprefles a man's particular character irore fully, than his letters to his intimate irieuds.

VOL. V. Ny 23. P p IA


In this edition care has been taken to arrange the letters in the lame order in which they were wrote, as tar as was prac- ticable. But there is no pollibility of doing it exactly, for this plain reafon, that in many letters written to thofe with whom ht kept a frequent correfpondence, Mr Hervey was accuftom- ed to expreis neither month nor year, but only to write Mon- day morning, Tuefday night, &c. ; and that ft* eval letters were tranfmitted to the editor, with thcdates as well asnames eraftd.

There are a few things infer ted in this collection, fuch as the cottager's letter *, Mr Boyfc's -f, the letter to Dr T*x :£, which were introduced, not only for the great propriety of fuch an introduction, but at the particular defire of lome of Mr Hervey 's friends, in order to fulfil his intentions, and ren- der him, though dead, as extenfively uteful as poffible.

44 I would by all means," fays one of his mod judicious and favourite correspondents, " have that letter of mine, addrtlTed 44 to Dr 2"**, printed in the collection ; as I think this may '* in foine meafure be fulfilling the will of my deceafed friend, 44 who appears by his own letter || to me to have judged fome- 44 thing of that nature highly necejfary ; and he would certain- 44 ly have attempted it himlelf, as he declared, had not a cer- *4 tain church-preferment brought him very unexpectedly into ** a connection, which made fuch a publication at that junc- *4 ture ineligible.— Mr Hervey is now dead, and that reafon *4 is no longer in force; and therefore now feems to me the 44 fitted time for fuch purpofe. I wrote that letter to Dr 44 2*** at Mr Nervcy's exprefs defire, and I gave him full *4 power to make \vhat ufe of it he pleafed ; hoping, that, *4 after correcting it to his mind, he would have lent it to 44 Dr 2"** himfelf ; or elfe that he would have wrote in an- *4 other /form (perhaps in an introduction to his faft-fermons) 44 fomething far more valuable, extracting from my letter *4 what belt anivvered his ends. But that not being done, the *' publication of my letter in this collection, immediately after 44 what Mr hcrvey fays in his to me 4. about Dr 2"**'s fer- 44 mon, may, with the fame divine bleffing, be of ufe ; and, *4 though of little worth, yet, like the widow's mite, when it 4* was her ALL% it may be acceptable,- There are thoufands ** of preachers who think in the fame way with Dr 2"**, and ** very likely many of thefe may be the readers of Mr Hctvey\ ** letters : and if fo;ne of them reflect and reform, the unjufl

44 archer

* Let. 83. f Annexed to let 166. t Let. i.<8

\ Ltt. ij7. \ Tib fo printed as here dcfircd.— bcc let. jjS.


" anger cf the reft is very little to be regarded. Therefore, " upon the mod ferious confideration, it is my earned requeft, 44 that the letter to Dr T** Ihould be printed jurt as I fent it ".to Mr tfervey."

It njuft be acknowledged, that feme of his firfi letters writ- ten from college when be was not more than twenty years of age, either fpeak a language different from free grace, for which we find he was afterwards lo powerful an advocate, or at theleaft they treat very confuiedly of it; and perhaps feme may lay, why then were they printed ? For thefe two plain rea- fons; that the reader may fee and know what early and ftrong imprellions he had of piety ! what love to GOD ! and to his fel- low-creatures ! Though we f>y not, that, like John Baptift) he was fanctified from his mother's womb, yet his very early labours for his Saviour, when too many others of his age and fending were captivated by their paffions, and fwal- lowed up by their lufts, prove to a demonftration, the dodrine he afterwards taught, viz. the power of redeeming love : they ihew how early the feeds of grace were fovvn in his heart ; and when they look forward, they may obferve from what fmall fparks of light and grace the Holy Spirit hath gradually taught him *, and led him, as it were by the hand, into the full and holy liberty of the children of GOD. When but twenty- one years of age, we find him afraid of, and flying from praiie, when others would be courting it ; for having wrote fome verfes to a relation which were greatly commended, he hear- tily withes -j- he had never wrote a line of poetry in his lifej and he wrote upon another occafion :}: exprefsly blaming a friend for prilling him ; and again ||, he fays, 4t You have paid *4 me an obliging compliment; beg of the blefled GOD, dear " Sir, that 1 may not be puffed up with vain conceit of myfelf 44 or my writings."

From the reading of thefe familiar letters, which is in a manner listening to and hearing the thoughts of the writer, we may learn, that, by nature, "his heart was hard as the flint. 44 and his hands tenacious even to avarice j" thofe are his words 4-. Yet (fee the power of that free grace, which living and dying he ador'd) he became a bright example of u- niverfal charity -H-.

His, great humility and diffidence of his own judgment and learning, appear in many of his letters j in one, which is far


If. liv. 13, John vi. 45- t Letter j. t Letter fa.

i| Let 60. 4 Let. 33. -H- See his life, p. xxxiii. and let. ji, 60. &c. P p 2


from being contemptible either for ftyle or argument, ha ei>- johu. his friend to return his letter immediately to him-, that it might never appear: yt his friend got the better of that ino- dcitv, and obtained leave to keep it ; to which is owing the publication of that now, which Mr Hsrvt-y^ at the tiuve of writing it, defired it might never lee the light *.

Another mllance, and a (Irking one, we may meet with, let. 53. where, anfwering tlie objections of a lady to the mi- racle which Chritt wrought at the marriage of Can a in Galilee^ he lays, "' 1 have neither ftrength of mind nor folidity of judg- " ment, fuificient to conduct the procedure of an argument," &-c.

As the love of Goo was (lied abroad in his heart; it pro- duced an ardent ddire to. promote the caule of CHR IST JESUS and of his. religion. And when he found himfelf bowed down witli the fpirit of weajuiefs and infirmity, he was apt to fear lett he Ihould the gofpcl in bus lariguiihing moments -f; lie earnetUy prayed to God, and deiired others to unite in the fame petition, that he might not thus dishonour the canfe of CHRIST. And his and their prayers were heard ; for not- Wlthfla ruling his lingering weaknefs and depreffed fpirits, which at length gave him up into the hands «f death, yet he triumph- ed over his fear.-., he triumphed over the grand tempter and adverlary of fouls.

His willingneis to have his writings corrected, by every judi- cious friend, and his thankfulnefs in receiving their criticifms, appear throughout all his letters written to his learned cone- fpondents; a fpccimen of it you may fee, let. 6i. 101. 181. His earned defire to prefer his friend's opinion to his own ; or, in other words, his humble opinion of his own judgment and powers in argumentation, makes him ever rtqueliing, 44 Pray ufe freely the pruning- hook," drc. It may fcem a won- der, therefore, that he Ihould ever, under thefe discouraging thoughts < f himfelf, write at all, especially fo much as he has done ; confidering he was no more than five and forty when he died, and that the firft of his works was publilhed when he was thirty-three. Perhaps' ihe reader might be almoit tempt- ed to fufpeft, that his humility was affected, and that pride lurked under that fair garment : bin hypocrity dwelt not in him ; he wrote under all that weaknefs, and under all thole fears, becaufe he dared not be iilent; the caule of Goo and truth was publickly attacked ; the caufe of his Mailer was


* Let. a4. t Let. 60.


oppofed, and he, as a faithful watchman, was compelled, how- ever weak in body, however unequal he thought himfelf to the talk, he was compelled to cry aloud and (pare not ; and there- fore he wrote not from pride, or from avarice, but from coa- fcience, and a fenfe of duty; and this the intelligent and can- did reader will eafily perceive from many of his letters.

At a time when infidelity and depravity prevailed, and when it was become almolt faihionable to (lander and fpeak evil of perfons, depredating another's reputation in order to raife or eltablUh our own; we find Mr Hcrvty making it a rule to Tingle out the bed things he had heard of his neighbour, and carefully avoiding even to hint any thing which might be the caule of propagating a rumour * to his detriment; or to difclole a iecret which might be injurious to him: thus careful was he to carry, into his own practice, the doctrine he taught, the re- ligion he profelFed ; and thus far was he from efpoufing either the principles or practices of Antinomians. Some of his pretend- ed friends of that (tamp, as well as his adverfaries, have taken much pains to make the world believe, that he in all things a- greed with them, that, if poflible, they might be thought not to differ from him ; but they will find it as impracticable to raile their reputation upon his, as it will be to reduce his cha- racter to a level with their own, fo lortg as his works (hall live to proclaim his principles, aod a friend (hall remain to declare his truly Lhriit'un practices, his holy lite and converfation.

It cannot but be observed, that Mr Hervfy, in two of his letters *f-, has repeated the fame argument in pretty near the lame words; and perhaps this repetition may dilgu(t the deli- cate and curious reader, efpecialiy as it returns fo foon as with- in the compat's of thirty pages; but it is to be confulered, that, they were written at different times; the one to a clergyman at Bath in 1743, and the other for the fat isf action of a lady five years afterwards; and as the objections were the fame from both, Mr Hervfy had a right to return each of them the fame anfvier.

I mult once more trefpafs on my reader's patience, as I can- not conclude without exprefling my hopes, that every perfon of candour and judgment will make the necetTary allowances for thole different (Kite-, both of bodv and mind, which one of Mr Hcruey's weak conllitution mult have undergone in the 1'pace of five and twenty years, during which thefe letters wrote. A manii'eli inequality of judgment, of accuracy, '


* Let. j*. t Let. 17. & 53.


and of ftyle in familiar letters wrote at fuch diftances, with more or lefs attention and care, according to the variety of cir- cumflances which occur, and without the leaft thought of their publication, will appear; nor can it be other wife expected in- deed from any one. Some of thegreateft geniufes of the age, luch as Pope and Swift, have made their apology in the fame cafe; and no one, lam lure, is morejudly entitled to the indul- gence of the public, than he vvhofe letters are here collected.



Of the late Reverend



To his S i s T E R. Lincoln-College, Oxon. Sept. 16. 1733.

Dear Sifter^

WAS there any occafion to apologize for the ferious purport of this, it would be fufficient to direct you to the date, and the time of its in- diting ; but I promife myielf, -that to you any thing of this nature will be unnecefTary. For though we are in the very prime and fpring of our years, ftrongly difpofed to admire, and perfectly capaci- tated to relifh the gaieties of youth ; yet we have been inured to moderate the warmth of our ap- petites, accuftomed to anticipate in our minds the days of darknefs, and incefTantly difciplincd into a remem- brance of our Creator. For my part, I find no feafon fo proper to addrefs one of the principal fliarers of my heart, one of my neareft arid dcarefl relations, as that I have at prefent chofe and made ufe of, when either an univerfalfilencecompofesthe ibul, and calms every tur- bulent


bulcnt emotion, or the voice of joy and gladnefs fpeak- ing through celeilial mufic, invites to adore the won- ders of our Redeemer's love, touches upon the firings of the foftefl paflions, and infpires the mod i'weet, moil tender fentiments.

As I was the other day traverfing the fields in queft of health, I obferved the meads to have loft that pro- fufion of fragrant odours which once perfumed the air, to be difrobed of that rich variety of curious dies, which furpaffed even Solomon in all his glory. Not a iingle flower appears to gladden the fight, to be- fpangle the ground, or enamel the barren landfcape. The clouds, that ere long diftilled in dews of honey, or poured themfelves forth in mowers of fatncis, now combine in torrents to overflow the lifelefs earth, to bury or fweep away all the faint footfteps of ancient beauty. The hills that were crowned with corn, the valleys that laughed and fung under loads of golden prain ; in a word, the whole face of nature, that fo lately rejoiced for the abundance of her plenty, is be- come bare, naked, and diiconiolate. As I was conti- nuing my walk, and muling on this joylefs fcene, me- thought the iudden change exhibited a lively picture of our frail and tranfitory Hate ; methought every object that occurred, feemed fileutiy to forewarn me of my own future condition.

1 dwelt on theie confidera'ions till they fermented in my fancy, and worked themfelves out in iuch like ex- preflions. " What ! muft we undergo fo grievous an kt alteration ? we, whofe fprightly blood circulates in 11 brifkeft tides ! we, who are the favourites of time, 44 on whom youth, and health, and ftrength, flied t4 their felecleft influence ! we, who are fo apt to look " upon ourfclves as exempt from cares, or pains, or " troubles, and privileged to drink in the fweets of <c life without restraint, without alloy ! Muft we fore- *' go the funfhinc of our enjoyments for any thing 11 refembling this melancholy gloom ! Muft the fpark-

41 ifng

Let. i. o F L E T T E R S. 305

44 ling eye let in haggard dimnefs? the lovely features u and glowing cheeks be obicured by pale deformity ? u mud loft and gay deiires be banished from our 4t breads, or mirth and jollity from our converiation ? 4t mud the vigour of our age fall away like water 4t tiiat runneth apace, and the bliisful minutes of the 44 prime of our years vanifh like a dream ? If this k4 our cafe, in vain, fure, do we boaft our fliperior ** felicity, in vain do we glory in being the darlings " of heaven. The inanimate creation droop indeed* *k iicken and languish, for a time; but quickly revive* 11 rejoice, and again fliine forth in their brjghteft luilre : 41 'tis true, they relinquifh, at the approach of win- 44 ter, their verdant honours, but reft fully allured of 44 receiving them with intered from the fuccecding 4' ipring. But man, when he has paiFeci the autumn 44 of his maturity, when he has once i eiigned him (elf in- 44 to the cold embraces of age, bids a long, an eternal 44 adieu to all that is entertaining, amiable, or en- 41 dcaring; 110 plcaling expectations refrcfh his mind j 44 not the lead dawnings of hope glimmer in to qua- 44 lify the darkfome looking-for of death."

I had not long indulged thcfe bitter relieclions, be- fore I eipied a remedy forthbfe lore evils which oc- calioncd them. Though I perceived all our pallionate delights to be vanity, and the Hfue of them vexation of ipirit ; yet 1 law like wile, that virtue was jlubftan- tia!, and her fruits joy and peace ; that though all things came to an end, the way?- of wii'dom were ex- ceeding broad, The feeds of piety^ if implanted in our tender breads, duly cheriLhed, and conftantly cul- tivated, will bud and bloflbni even in the winter of our days ; and when white and red (hall be ho more, when all the outward embcllilhmcnts of our little fa- bric (hall difappcar, this will (Hll ftourifh in immortal bloom. To walk humbly with our God, dutifully with our parents, and charitably with all, will be an inexhaiidible iburce of ncver-ccaling comforts

\ UL. V. 24. (.1^

3o6 A COLLECT ION Let. a.

though we fhall fometimes be unable to hear the voice of linging tnen and fmging women ; though all the fenics prove fa lie to their trull, ami refute lo be any longer inlets of pleailire ; 'tis now, dear iiilrr, rtis now in our power to make fuch happy proviiions, as even then, in thole forlorn circnmftances, may charm our memories with ravifliing rccolle&ions, and regale all our faculties with the continual feail of an applaud- ing confcience. What fweet complacency, what un- fpeakable iatisfaclion fhall we reap from the contem- plations of an uninterrupted ieries of ipotlefs adlions! No prcfent uneafmefles will prompt us impatiently to wifli for diflblution, nor anxious fears for futurity make us immoderately dread the impending llrokc ; all will be calm, eafy, and ferene; all will be foothed by this precious, this invaluable thought, that by reafon of the meeknels, the innocence, the purity, and other ChrifKan graces which adorne-d the ieveral ftages of our progreis through the world, our names and our aflies will be embalmed, the chambers of our tomb confecrated into a paradifc of reft, and our fouls, white as our locks, by an eaiy tranfition, become an- gels of light. I am, with love to my brother,

Dear fitter, Your molt affectionate brother,



Dear Sifter, Lincoln College^ Oxon. Mar. 28. 1734.

IT is now a considerable time fince I enjoyed the true and real pleaiure of your company. I fay true and real, becaufe my fancy has often took its flight to Hardingjlun, and delighted itielf with the ima- ginary converiation of you and my other dear rela- tions ;

Let. 2. OF LETTERS. 307

tions ; I have frequently recollected, and as it were atfted over again in my mind, the many pleafmg hours we have fpent together in reading holy and edifying books, or difcourfing on pious and ufeful iubjecls. And mcthinksl iliould have been exceeding glad to have had the fatisfadlion yet more improved, by receiving a let- ter from you ; which I am ilire would have been full of the moft tender endearments of love and affection, and I hope would not have wanted expreffions of true religion and virtue ; and could 1 but once fee that, could 1 but obferve ourfelves not only dwelling to- gether in unity, but travelling hand in hand towards the heavenly Jeriiialem, mutually encouraging and ailifting one another to fight the good fight, to lay hold on eternal life, then fhould I greatly rejoice, then Ihould I begin to live.

I hope I may now congratulate your perfect reco- very ; however I am certain there is great reafon for congratulation on account of your being fo choice a favourite of heaven as your frequent fickncffes, and often infirmities fpenk you to be. Our gracious Fa- ther, though an indulgent lover of all mankind, ieems to watch over you with more than ordinary care and concern, to be extremely defirous, nay, even folicitous for your falvation. How does his goodnefs endeavour, by the repeated, though lighted ftrokes of his rod, to cure whatever is difordcred, to rectify whatever is a- miis in you ? How ftudioufly does he feek, by laying you on a fick-bed, to make you fee yourfelf and all things elie in a true and proper light : to point out to you your frailties and follies, your darling lulls, and the fins that do moft eafily be let you ; to convince you that you are only a ibjourner here upon earth, your body a poor frail and corruptible houie of clay, your foul a bright, glorious, and immortal being, that ir. haflening to the fruition of God, and fo maniions of eternal reft ; to difcovcr to you the vanity, mcanncfs, and contemptible littlcncfs of this world, and the


g<>8 A COLLECTION Let. 2.

worth, the importance, and amazing greatnefs of the next. Do not hold out againft theie kind calls to repentance and amendment ; do not refill llich earneit importunities, fuch iweet iolicitations. But iuft'er vourlelf, by this loving correction, to be made great ; great in humility, holinels, and happinefs. Humble yourielf under the mighty hand of God ; and by a hearty ibrrow for your pail faults, and a firm refolu- tion of obedience for the future, let this fatherly thaftiiement bring forth in you the peaceable fruits of righteouiuefs. Oh 1 let us dread, let us tremble, to reject any longer the tenders of grace, left \ve awake at length his juiticc, and draw down vengeance upon ourlclves ; leit our viiitation be not in love and with kindnefs, but in heavy difpleaiure and with fury poured out ; left his next diipenfation be not a mer- ciful feverity, but indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguifli.

Sure I can't but admire that adorable wifdom which has contrived all things fo evidently and ib directly to your advantage ! Your late illneis has, I doubt not, be- got in you ferious thoughts and holy difpofitions, and thefe I flatter myfelf will be noui ifhed by the reception of the blefTed facrament the following Eafler. Let us, dear fifter, break off our finr. by repentance ; let ns amend our lives, and begin from this very inftant to deny all ungodlinels and worldly lufts, and Jive fo- berly, righteoudy, and godly in the prefent world. So mall we anfwerthe good ends of our ficknels ; io iliall we be meet partakers of thofe holy myfteries here, and enjoy an inheritance amongft the Taints in light hereafter. And now I can't but acquaint yon, how earneftly I wifhed that you and others of my neighbours (with whom I have difcourfed upon this fubjeft) were giving devout attendance to the prayers and praifes that were offered up laft Monday in your church, as likewife how I fliould rejoice with exceed- ing great ]oy, to hear that both you and they continue


Let. 3. OP LETTERS. 309

ftedfaft, or rather '.bound more and more in the prac- tice of this and fuch other religious duties. And if you think the defire of my heart, and the longings of my foul are of any weight with any of them, pray let them know how 1 hope, dcfire, and pray, that we may be worthy communicants, by an immediate for- faking of all wicked ways, and a thorough amendment, as well as an unfhaken refolution to perfevere and ad- vance in that amendment.

My kind refpefts to all that you (hall fliew or read this letter to ; defire them not to forget me in their prayers : let ** and ** know that I often think of them, and hope they fometimes remember me, and the words that I have often ipoke to them. I am, &c.



Dear Sifter, Lincoln College, Oxon. May 2. 1/34.

Finding myfelf in a writing humour, and remem- bering that I had formerly promifed you an en- tertaining prefent, and being ienfible of the decency of introducing it with an epiflle ; upon theie accounts I again let pen to paper, and addrefs you, notwith- ftanding you have fo very lately received a letter from me. By an ufefully- entertaining prefent, I mean fuch an orj£ as will improve and edify, at the fame time that it diverts and delights ; as will not only make you enfv to yourfelf and agreeable to others, but alio good, and holy, and wife unto falvation. Now I fearer know any human compofiticn more likely to promote thcfc excellent purposes than this poem on the laft cay *. For being in verfe, and let off with all the graces of fpeech and thought, it can't fail of charming as well Jlje nice car as the found judgment ; and as for the

iiibjcck, * By Dr Young.

gio A COLLECTION Let. 3.

, Cure nothing can be more prodigiouflypleafing, than to read of that hnppy time which (hall be the beginning of a blifsful eternity ; when our Redeemer, by his mighty power, lhall change our vile bodies, that they may be like unto his glorious body, and tranflate us from a ftatc of corruption in the grave, to fhinc forth as the fun in the kingdom of our Father. And every one mufl own, that the moft engaging perfua- flons to piety and holineis of converfation are drawn from the recompenfc of a future invaluable reward ; and that the rood ibvereign prefci vative againft all ungodlincfs and v/orldly luits, is the terrors, the infup- portable terrors of the Lord. If therefore you would pleafe yourfclf, refine your tafte, or have the practice of religion pleafing, inftead of plays, ballads, and o- ther corrupt writings, read this almoft divine piece of poetry ; read it (as I have done) over and over, think upon it, endeavour to digcft it thoroughly, and even to get by heart the inoft moving paifages, and then I truf\ you will find it anlwer the ends 1 purpofe in fending it. You will excuie me from exerciling my poetical talent, fince there are already two copies of recom- mendatory v cries, and becauie I perceive iiich an at- tempt will be cither very abfurd or very dangerous. For fhould I tack together a few doggrel rhymes, this would be an affront to you ; whereas, (hould I fucceed fo well as to gain the applaufe of my readers, this I am {lire would portend very great harm, if not to you, yrt moft certainly to me. For what can portend greater harm than the words of praife ; which, though fmoother than oil, yet be they very fvvords ? What can be more deftruclive of that humble mind which was in Chrift Jciiis, that meek and lowly fpirit which is in the fight of God of great price ! I am fo far ifrom carrying on my verifying defigns, that I heartily with I had never conceived any ; that thole lines I lent to my coufin ***** had either never been made, or that I had never heard them cpinmended. Pride and


Let. 3. o F L E T T E R S. 311

vanity arc foolifli and unreafonable in duft ind afhes, and, which is worfe, odious and detectable before infi- nite perfection and infinite power. O ! let you and 1 then dread whatever may adminitter fewel to thefe word of tempers, more than the poifon of afps, or the peftilence that walketh in darknefs. Let us pray againft feeking, defiring, or taking pleafure in the honour that cometh of men. And if at any time the flattering tongue, that fnare of death, fhall overtake us, let us inltantly fly unto our Saviour, and com- plain unto our God ; then let us remember ; and re- membering, let us acknowledge, that we are nothing, have nothing, and deierve nothing but (hame and con- tempt, but mifery arid punifhment.

I hope you was fo happy as to receive the holy fa- crament this Eajler ; and I beg of you to be fo wife as well to understand and often to coniidcr what you then did. We gave up ourfelves, our fouls and bodies, to be a reaibnable, holy, and lively facrifice to God : fo that we muft look upon ourfelves as having now no longer any right or title to ourfelves, but as our hea- venly Matter's fole property ; we may not follow our own, but mutt do his will in all things. We under- took to lead a new life, to follow the commandments of God, and to walk henceforth in his holy ways; and this and whatever elfc we promifed at that facred altar, we mutt endeavour to perform, if we hope to enter into heaven. Let therefore no day pals without reflecting on the folemn engagement we have made, and without examining whether we have acted up to it. Let us not imagine that we did the whole of our duty, when we took the confecrated elements into our mouths ; but be convinced, that we only ns it were litted ouffclves afredi under our Captain's banner, and that the fervice, the fight againft his and -our enemies, is to be hourly renewed, and conlbntly maintained ever? unto death. I am, 6-r.


L E T-



Dear Sifter, Oxen. March u. 1735.

YEflerday the judge came hither, and to-day the atfizes begin. 1 fhall go to hear the aiiize-fer- mcn prefently. This cannot but put us in mind of that great account we nuift all give before the judg- ment-feat of Chrift. How melancholy a fight is ir. to fee a poor criminal go up to the bar 1 All he has is no longer his own ; his very life is in the power of the magiftrate ; and he is in great danger of a ipccciy death. And if this be fo dreadful, how infinitely more dreadful will it be to appear before a more itridt and awful tribunal ? The good Lord grant, that you and I may not be caft in that tremendous trial ! A trial that will be undergone before angels and God ; upon the iflue of which our eternal life will depend. Was I to wifli a wifh for the deareit friend in the world ; it fhould not be for gold, or jewels, or appa- rel ; thefe things are fading, and the fafhion of them pafTcth away ; but it fhould be for a favourable fen- tence in that laft and great day. Will not the arch- angel fhortly found the trump ? Will not all the dead come forth of their graves, and the Ancient of days fit ? How valuable then will an humble and holy life be ! If you and 1 be found with the wed- ding-garment on, we fliall dor.btleis enter into the joy of our Lord, never to die, never to grieve, never to be parted more. But if we mould either of us be iifliiigent in this matter; if we ihoulci be fbrprifed without oil in our lamps : oh ! the fearfulneis and trembling that will come upon us ! the horrible dread that will overwhelm us ! to think that we mud be for ever (hut out of heaven, banifhed eternally from the prefence of God the ibciety of faints, and the fill- nefs of joy ! If you or I were to be torn from our kindred, and our father's houle, and hurried away captive into a foreign country ; there to be chained


Let. 5. o F L E T T E R S. 313

to the galleys, or condemned to the mines : how- would this grieve both us and our dear relations ! ho\v would it pierce our fouls as a fword ! if this be fad, (as certainly it is,) alas ! what will it be, to be everlailingly feparatedby the unpayable gulf r for one to be caught up to heaven, and there to be ever with the Lord ; and for the other to be thru ft clown into torments, and dwell with wailing and gnafliing of" teeth ? Dear lifter, let us confider this ; and give all diligence to make our calling and election lure ; that when the changes and chances of this mortal life are over, we may meet and live together in glory ever- lafting. Which is, and mail be, the hearty prayer of, —your, &c.



Good Madam, Dummcr, May 7. 1737.

PRay be pleafed to caft your eye to the bottom, and obferve who it is that defircs to befpeakyou. It is one who knows himfelf to have been guilty of the molt flighting behaviour, and to have deierved, in return your greateft difdain. If after you per- ceive his name to be Hervey, that Hervcy who wasfo lately and fo long in London, without ever waiting upon Mrs *** ; without paying his refpefts to her who merits fo much the elleem of every Chriftian, without any thankful acknowledgment for her kind wiflves fo often conceived, and her prevailing prayers ib often put up in his behalf: if, Madam, after you are informed of all this, you can bear to give the re- mainder of the paper a favourable reading, I fhall not 01. ly account myfelf highly obliged to your good- nature, but when I have an occafion to put up an af- front, and to exercile forgivenefs, I will thifik upon it as a pattern.

VOL. V. NQ 24. R r On


On Sunday I was called out by Providence from jny own flock, to preach at two ftrange churches. They lay at a confiderablc diflance from each other, and from Dummer ; ib that in palling to them, and repairing again to my own parifii, 1 travelled a good many miles. All the way I went along, 1 was enter- tained inthefineit manner imaginable; far more fine- ly than mine, or, 1 may venture to lay, than any words can defcribe. I wifti 1 had thf glowing colours, the accurate pencil, and the m after ly genius of ibme firft-ratc painter, that I might draw out, with as little injuftice as poflible, the lovely landscape, and make a prcfent, in fome degree, worthy your acceptance. The air was in its beft temperament ; neither fo hot as to enfeeble or diipirit, nor ib cold as to caufe any uneafy chillncfs. It was fit to recommend and let off the moft agreeable objects, and to be the vehicle of perfumes, not much inferior to myrrh, aloes, and caflia. I was in company with a gentleman of a clear underftanding, and a tolerable ihare of reading ; he had ieen much of the world, and had a very deep piercing infight into things ; he could talk judicioufly upon raoft topics, and would ibmetimes beflow fome hints upon religious ones. So that when 1 was difpo- fed for converfation, I could have immediate recourfe to one that would refine my tafle, and improve my judgment, if not minifler grace to my heart. The face of the Ikies alfo confpired to render every prof- peel completely pieaiant ; it was decked and diversified with filver-like clouds ; not fuch as were charged with heavy rains, but fuch as prevented the annoyance of one continued glare, and changed the funihine fre- quently for a welcome fhade ; fuch as ferved for a foil to the nnfullied ethereal blue. Thus did God order all circumflances, fo as to render our ride exceedingly delightful. At our firft fetting out, we went over ftrong ground ; where no feed was fown, and fe no fruit could grow. Its ufeleflhefs was not owing to



Let. 5. OF LETTERS. 315

any defecl in point of fertility, but to a want of be- ing manured*.

Is not this the cafe of many immortal fouls, who are born with bit- fled difpoiitions, and bid fair for be- coming eminent Taints, but are loll and fpoiled for want of care and inflruction ? O for faithful fhep- herds to leek them, for induitrious huibandmen to cultivate them ! Send, Lord, a plenty of iuch to work in thy vineyard, and to watch over thy flieep ! This coarfe beginning, though it had no form nor comeli- n els in itlelf, yet tended to give an additional verdure to the iucceedinglcenes. So the bottonUeispit, andthe unquenchable fire, though infinitely formidable, will create in the eledt a more tafteful relifh and enjoyment of their heavenly felicity. We made more hafte than ordinary to get away from this barren fpot. JFor why fhould any one tarry in iuch a place, or frequent fuch acquaintance, where all that occurs is vain and unprp- fitable*? where nothing truly beneficial can either be imparted or acquired ? The iboner we are delivered from iuch a fituation, the better ; no departure can be abrupt, no flight precipitate. When we were ad- vanced a little farther, we entered upon a large in- clofure. Here were all the footfteps of a commendable and iuccefsful induftry. The wheat was in the blade, and fprang up with a plenteous increaic, and in good- ly array. It was not choked with weeds, nor em- ban afTcd with thirties, but like a clean and even mantle covered the plain : a prefent credit, and likely to be a future comfort to its owner. This iuggeftect to me the value of a diligent hand, that portion which it is in every one's power to bequeath to himfclf. All the affairs of the ilothful are like the mountains ofGilboa, on which there was no clew, neither rain, nor fields of offerings. But where there is prudence and clii- crction to contrive, ond a fteady fervour to execute, there whatsoever is undertaken, will, in all probabili- ty, profper. By a fpirit of management, even the wil-

R r a dernef*

3i6 A COLLECTION Let. 5,

derneis may be brought to bud and bloflbm as a rofe : and, was there inch aipirit in the profeflbrs of religion, it would prompt them to be, like Dorcas, full of good works ; or, like the great apoitle, continually afpiring after frefh and higher mealures of perfection. We Ihould be frugal of our time, careful of all our ta- lents, and molt laudably covetous of every grain of improvement in piety. We held on our courie, ad- miring (till as we went, the teeming earth, the infant corn, and the pregnant promitcs of a prodigious har- veft. This led me to mule upon one of the diftin- guifhing doclrines of Chriftianity, 1 mean the general refurrection. It convinced me how perfectly poflible it is with God to raife the dead ; it gave me allb a glimpfe of that perfection of beauty, to which the bodies of^the jult mall rife. For a little while ago I beheld, and lo 1 the whole vegetable world was naked an^l bare, without any ornaments, or ib much as one amiable feature, like ibme withered, wrinkled, de- formed hag. But now how charmingly it appears, and fmiles, and (nines 1 No virgin is more gay and blooming, no bride is better arrayed, or more ipark- ling. And if God fo enlivens and clothes the grafs of the earth, and the tenants of the field, how much more (hall he quicken and ennoble our mortal bodies, which we hope are the temples of the Holy Ghoft ? .Several of our dear friends we have accompanied to, the grave : we law with weeping eyes their poor bones depofited in the duft. But henceforth let us dry up our forrows ; they are not to perim, but to be purified in thole gloomy chambers. The hour is coming when the Lord himiVlf lhall deicend from heaven, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God. Then fhall they hear the almighty iummons, and fpring from their confinement like to a roe, or to a young hart upon the mountains of fpices *. Then will they look forth from their dark abodes as the morning, fair as


* Cant. viii. 1.

Let. 5. o ? L E T T E R. S. 317

the moon, clear as the fun * ; never more to return to corruption, but to flourifh in immortal vigour and youth. This is a pleating meditation, and deferves to be indulged, but at this time it muft give place to others. Our next remove was to a lane, let on either lide with lofty trees and humble fhrubs. Here the profpe<fi was contracted, and we had nothing left to contemplate but our branching and leafy mound. The iittle boughs, clad with a chearing green, were re- freming to the eyes ; and it was curious to obferve, how rvery different plant was decked with a different livery. Here the twigs were gemmed with buds juft ready to open and unfold ; there they were already opened into bloffoms, and garnifhed the pointed thorns ; fo that they were very delicate to look uponT though dangerous to touch. Oh 1 the adorable effi- cacy of the divine voice ! how powerfully and how laftingly it operates I God faid once, Let the earth bring forth ; he fpake not twice, and yet how punc- tually does nature obey this fingle command 1 Several thouiand years are gone about, nor is its force evacu- ated, impaired, or at all diminifhed. It endureth in full authority to this day, and is ftill a moil binding law to all the material world. O that men would lay this to heart, and learn a leffon of obedience from the inanimate creation ! All other things Continue ac- cording to their Maker's ordinance, and fliall man be the only rebel in the kingdom of nature ? Shall man alone make the word of Omnipotence to be of none effect ? While our light was regaled in this manner, a let of chiming bells lalutcd our ears with a folemn and ferene harmony. It had no great diverfity of itops, nor artful mixture of notes, but lure it was mod gladdening mulic, and ipoke a heavenly meaning. . It was calculated to inlpire inch a joy as the royal IMalmift felt, when he heard the acceptable invitation of going up to the houfe of the Lord. On a Hidden,


* Cant. vi. 10,

318 A COLLECTION Let. 5.

when we were lealt apprehenSive of it, the wind wheeled about, and bore away the filver founds. But it was only to bring them back again as unexpectedly, with the fre(h pleafure of a grateful furprifc. Here I thought of the Svveeteii: influences of grace, and wiflied for that happy time, when the vilits of the blcfled Spirit will be uninterrupted Quickly the lawns and plains disappeared again, and we dived into a wood. Numbers of fprightly birds, hopping and finging a- mong the branches, folaccd us as we patted. We thanked the pretty iongfters, and bid them go on to Supply our lack of praiie. But what mod of all af- fecied us, being altogether new, was the warbling of the nightingale. What a tuneful throat has that charming creature, and what an unwearied uie does ike make of it ! 1 myfelf heard her melody in the day-time, and 1 am told in the night feafon alfo (he takes no rci't. How Sovereign and undeferved is the goodneSs of the Lord to the children of men ! The pipe of this wakeful choriftcr, though now fo in- ceffant in thankSgivings, muft ibon be Sealed up in endlefs Silence: while the,mouth of dull and ungrate- ful mortals will be filled with everlafting anthems. The air was impregnated with Sweets ; and without money, or without price, we breathed in Such a deli- cious fragrance, as far excelled the powders of the merchant *. This put me in mind of Some beauti- ful lines of the great Milton* '& :

' Now gentle gales

Fanning their odoriferous wings, difpenfe Native perfumes, and whifper whence they ftole Thofe balmy f polls*

The other recalled to my memory part of a divine deScription, vaftly Superior to Milton's. Lo, the win- ter is paft, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of the finging of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our landf.

Two * Cant. in. 6, -j- Cant. ii. n, 12.

Let. 5. o F L E T T E R S. 319

Two of our fenfes being fo cxquifitely gratified, we were in no hafte to leave the place, though it was narrow, and afforded no other profpecl but the (Lining canopy over our heads. But as loon as we were emerged from this fylvan path, what wonders preierrt- cd themfelves to our view ! I think 1 was fcarce ever more agreeably flartled in my life. We flood upon tUe brow of a hill, and underneath were tra&s of le- vel ground of an immenfc1 circumference. The la- bouring eye could hardly deicry the utmoft bounds. The ^Hiole fcene, being parcelled out among a variety of tillers, and producing variety of fruits, was like a noble piece of chequer-work. The nearer parts, and thofe diftinclly clifcernable, were replenifhecl with ru- ral riches. The folds were full of fheep, and of lambs, frisking by the fide of their fleecy dams. The valleys flood Ib thick with corn, that they even laughed and lung. One fpot was not fprinkled, but feemed to be overlaid with a profution of flowers, as the roof of the temple was with gold ; another was, as it were, enamelled, like an embroidered carpet, with a well- proportioned diflribution ; fome of them yellow as oranges, fome white asfnow, fome tinged with a bor- der as red as blood. The towns and villages inter- iperfed here and there, looked like the tiny tents of the fabled fairies. Numberlefs other beauties glanced upon my fight ; but as I had not, then leifurc to exa- mine them, fo neither have I now room to relate them. O that thefc, and all the charms of the delightful leafon, may lead up every fpe&ator's thoughts to the inimitable glories of heaven. And while the eye feafls upon them, let every tongue acknowledge to the ho- nour of the all-creating God ;

Theff are thy glorious "works, Parent of good i Almighty ! thine this univ erf 'al frame, Thus -wondrous fair ; thyjslj hoiu wondrous then / 1 am, &c?

JAMES H E R v E r . L K T-

320 A C O L L E C T I O N Let, 6.


Dear Brut her y Dunwier, June 27. 1737.

I Find you are at London looking out for a trade,, and a mafter to fet youifclf to. I hope> you pray earnestly to God to guide you in your choice by hil infinite wifdom. He only knows what kind of em- ploy will be beft for you ; in what family or neigh- bourhood you will have the mod helps and encourage- ments to holinefs ; where you will be moft expoicd to temptations, to evil company, and to an early corrup- tion. Therefore, remember what you have learned in the jd chapter of Proverbs, and now, above all other times, put in, practice: ll>ln all thy ways acknowledge " him, and he lhall direct thy paths." Befeech the all-wife God to go before you in this weighty under- taking, and to lead you to fuch a matter, and to fet- tle you in fuch a place, where you may, the moft ad- vantagcoully, work out your falvation. Defire alfo your honoured mother, and "mine, to have a great regard to your foul, and the things that make for its welfare, in putting you out. Let it be inquired, not only whether fuch a tradefman be a man of fubftance and credit, but whether he be alfo a man of religion and godlincfs ? whether he be a lover of good people ? a careful frequenter of the church ? whether his children be well nurtured and educated in the fear of the Lord ? whether family -prayer be daily offered up in his houfe ? whether he believes that the fouls of his iervants are committed to his truft, and that he will be anfwerable for the neglecl of them at the judgment- feat f It will be fadly hazardous to venture yourfelf under the roof of any pcrfon, who is not furnimed with thcie principles, or is a ftranger tothefe practices. But, if he be quite contrary to all thefe, a defpifer of God and goodnefs, wholly devoted to carnal pleafure, and worldly gain ; if he not only omit the religious care and overfight of his houfehold, but alfo fet them 3 wicked and corrupt example j let nothing induce


Let. 6. OF L E T T £ R Si

you to enter into his fervice. A lewd, drinking^ iwearing, cheating matter, will be lure to difregard the fobriety and purity of your behaviour, and very likely to corrupt it. To Inve his diforderly carriage daily before our eyes, will be as dangerous as to lodge in a plague-houfe. Therefore, let no Consideration of proh't, or advantage, or of any other fort, prevail with you to become apprentice to fuch a one. If you do, depend on it, you breathe tainted air ; and it is much but you catch the deadly infection. After you are bound to a matter, you mufl be as diligent in do- ing your duty to him, as you mould be of examining into his character before you are bound. As I have jjiven you my advice concerning the latter of thefe particulars, 1 fancy you will not take it amifs, if I give you fome directions concerning the former. As loon as you are bound, you are at your matter's, and not at your own difpofal : he has then a right to your hands, your ttrength, and all that you can do. He becomes a fort of parent to you ; and though not a natural, yet a civil rather. You are alio obliged, not only by the laws of your country, and the tenour of your indentures, but by the jfth commandment of God, to pay him all due iiibmiliion and honour. To do this, is a moft material part of your duty, as a Chriftian, as well as your undeniable debt, as an ap- prentice. It is required of you by God, in holy fcrip- tiue ; and you mutt not once imagine that you do what is pleafing to him, unlefs you confcientioully perform it. .Now, that you may know what it is that your matter will expect from you, and what it is that the Lord has enjoined you, with regard to him, remember, itconfitts, firftin reverence of hisperfonj fccondly, in obedience to his commands ; and third- ly, in faithfulncfs in his bufmefs.

Firft, in reverence of his pcrfon. You mutt ctteem him very highly for his fupci'iority's f.ike, and the re- iVmblance he bears to God. For God, \vhomade you.

Vox.. V. 24. *> s and

322 A COLLECTION Lot. 6,

and has an uncontrollable power over you^ has com- municated iome of tint power to your mailer ; fo that you are to look upon him as the representative, in ibrae fort, of the divine Majefty, and inveited with Iome of his authority. Accordingly St Paul lays, 1 Tun. vi. I. Yon muft count him worthy of all ho- nour ; all, /. e. internal and external, that of the ac- tions and words, as well as that of the heart. It is not enough to maintain a worthy eitimation inward- ly ; but you mufl let it appear on all occasions out- wardly, by behaving yourfelf very obligingly to him before his face, and by fpeaking very rcipeftively of him behind his back. Suppoie you Ihouid difcern failings and infirmities in him, you muft by no means divulge them, or make yourfelf merry with them, much lefs mult you dare to let light by any of his or- ders. Whatever you have reaion to think will grieve or difpleafe him, will be prejudicial or otfcnlive to him, that you mult cautiouily forbear.

Secondly, obedience to his commands. See how full the apoflie ipeaks to this purpofc,G;/.iii. 2 2. Servants, o- bey in all things your mailers according to the flefh. Ob- ierve likewiie, from. thispaifage, not only the neceili- ty, but allb the compafs, and latitude of your obedi- ence ; how large and exteniive it is. It reaches, not barely to a few, but to all and every inftance. If you Should receive orders that are ever ii> much a- gainli: the grain of your own inclinations, you muil force youriclf to comply with them ; receive them as you uled to do naufeous -phyiic ; though they be unpl'Jifant at tiril, they will do you good, and be comfortable to you afterwards ; your own pleafure muft always (loop, and give way to your mailer's. If hefets you fuch a tafk as is mean and ignoble, and iuch as (accordingto the expreilion of the world) is beneath a gentleman's fon, do not icrunle it, dear brother, but difpatch it chearfully. Remember wiio hath faid, Ser- vants, obey your niafters in all things. And oh! re- member,

Let. 6. OF" LETTERS. 323

member, that be we as well born and bred as we will, yet he that was higher than the higheft of ns all, even the moft excellent and illuftrious perfon that ever li- ved, condefcended to the loweft and (fuch as our fine folks would account the) ihamefullefl: offices. The Lord Jcfus Chrift, though the brightnels of his Father's glo- ry, difdained not to wafli his difciples feet. Neither be dejected becauie you are treated in an unworthy manner, or let to do Ibme mean and low office for him, or his family ; but rejoice rather in that you are made like unto your Redeemer, and in the happy prof- pecl you will have of becoming great in heaven, by being ib little on earth. 1 am aware this piece of ad- vice is not ib unexceptionable as the reft; it may pof- fibly be adjudged the mark of too yielding and iheak- ing a fpirit ; but never forget, that the things which are moft highly efteemcd by God, are held in ieaft repute by men. I know, and am iure, that if any appren- tice would make luch a compliance for the fake of prelerving peace, and out of confidence to the com- mand of God, and with an eye to the example of Chrifl, there is a day coming when he will not repent of it ; \vhcn it will not be deemed a blot in his cha- raftcr, but be an ornament of grace to his head, and more comely than chains about his neck *. Well, you fee your obedience muft be universal ; you shaft come when he calls you, and go where he bids you ; do all that he commands you, and let alone all that he forbids you. This muft, moreover, be done, not grudgingly, or of necemty, but readily and gladly : for hear what the fcripture iaith, Whatfoever ye do, do it heartily f ; and again, With good will doing fcr- vice | ; fo that we vnuft not creep, but be quick and expeditious in our butinefs, howfocver difagreeable. ^You mult not go about it with grumbling words and muttering in your mouth, but with fo futisfied an air,


* Prov. i. 9. f Col. iii. 23. ^ Eph. vi. 7.

S s 9

324 A C O L L K C T I O N Let. 6.

as may fliew that yon arc pleafed with whatever pleafes your m after.

Thirdly, in faith fill nefs in his bufmefs. Tins is the ]afl branch of your duty to your matter ; and iince Moles has obtained an honourable teftimony, on this account, be you alib faithful in all his houfc *. You may find this, as indeed all the qualifications of a J>ood fervant, defcribcd by St Paul, (TV/, ii. ko.) Not purloining, fays he, but ihewing all fidelity. You are charged tjot to purloin, /. e. not to keep back from your maltcr, nor to put into your own pocket, nor convert to your own ule, any of that money, which, in the way of trade, pjffes through your laands. You were taught from your childhood, to keep your hands from picking and ftealing, and I hope you abhor fuch abominable practices from the bottom of your heart. You mud not fell at a cheaper, and buy at a dearer rate, in order to have fome valuable consideration made you privily in your own peribn. Thefe differ from robbing on the highway, (they are flagrant acts of diihonclty, and will cry to heaven for vengeance,) only in being lefs open and notorious. Such tricks and villanous devices do the fame thing by craft and treachery, as houiebreakers do by force and violence. Therefore, dear brother, renounce, deleft, and fly from them us much as from fire, arrows, and death. Befidcs, you are not only to abftain from inch clan- deftine knavery, hut alfb to mew all good fidelity. What is meant by this, you may underfiand, by read- i»g how Jof'-ph conducted himfelf in Pofip/iar'sfervicc. Your matter, it is likely, will commit the management of fome of his affairs to you ; and you muft endea- vour, by a difcreet behaviour, and a pious life, to bring the bleifing of the Lord upon all that you take in h.ind. You muft lay out your time and your la- , und give all diligence to anfvver the trult repo-

ied * Jicl}. iii. 5,

Let. 7- OF LETTERS. 325

fed in you. You muft not delay the bufincfs which is urgent, nor do your work by halves, nor transfer that to others which is expected you fhould do your- i'elf. The ilothful man, lays Solomon, is brother to him that is a great warier ; therefore you mult avoid idlcncfs, and carelemiels. In a word, you muft do nothing knowingly and wilfully that is likely to im- poverifhyour matter, but feek by all lawful and laud- able means to incieafe his fubttance. All this you mull obferve, not only when he (lands by you, and infpecls you, but when his back is turned, and you are removed from his vi-^vv; othcrwife yourfervice is nothing but cye-lcrvice, fuch as will prove odious to man, and is already condemned by God. For if you appear to be induftrious, and in earneft, before your mafter, but to loiter and trifle when out of his hght, you will be chargeable with bypocrily ; a fin extreme- ly hateful to Chrift, and grievouiJy pernicious to the foul. But I am afraid 1 tire you ; this one fentence, therefore, and I have done. You muft carry your- fclf, throughout the whole couri'e of ycur apprentice- ihip, fo relpectfully, fo obediently, fo faithfully, that at the end of it you may truly lay with Jacob, With all my power 1 have ferved your father. 1 had more to write, but will lend you (if you care to accept it) the remainder fome other time. May God bJeis you all, and your affectionate brother,


My dear friends, tlic inhabitants ofGollingtree, near Northampton, Duinmtr, "June '<.<$> 1737.

I Received the letter wrote in your name, and figned with your hands, and was very well plcafed with its contents. 1 am glad that you are all in good health, and am obliged to you for retaining fo honourable a remembrance of an unworthy youth. Your defire to

* have

326 A COLLECTION Let. 7.

have a careful clergyman fettle among you is perfectly right and laudable. But I fear you make an over- favourable and raiftaken judgment, when you imagine me to be fuch an one, and pitch upon me for that pur- pofe. However, letting this pal's ; it is, I fay, well and wifely done of you, to be Iblicitous in this mat- ter. For a minifter is a perfon of the greatell im- portance imaginable ; his office is of the molt univer- ial concernment ; and his demeanour therein, of the moft beneficial or prejudicial tendency. Beneficial, if he be able, faithful, and watches for his people's fouls as one that mult give account. Prejudicial, if he be unfkilful, unactive1, and unconcerned about the fpiri- tual welfare of his people. The things that pertain to falvation, and the means of obtaining everlafliiig life, are lodged in his hands. He is the fteward of the myfleries of Chrift, and fo the guardian (under di- vine grace) of your heft and moft abiding intcreils. If through ignorance he mifmanage, or through idlc- nefs neglect this weighty trufr, it may be the ruin of immortal fouls. Whereas, if he be both dil'crcet and diligent in his holy vocation, he may be the inftru- inent of the richeft benefits to thole committed to Iris charge. His praying to God, and his preaching to them, may be attended with fuch a blefiing from on high, as will fill them with heavenly v/ifdom ; form them to true holincls ; and lit them f»r the future glory. Benefits theic, not inconsiderable or momen- tary, but fuch as are great beyond all expreflion, and lafting to eternity. For thefe reafons, it will be your %vifdom and your happinefs to procure a paftor whole life is exemplary ; whole doctrine is found ; whole heart is warm with zeal for God ; and whofe bowels yearn with companion for men. If your bones were broken, or if you were brought to death's door by the force of fome violent difeaie ; you would not be content with the prescription of a quack, but feck out for the befl advice. If your wives were in hard labour ;


Let. 7. OF LETTERS. 327

if the children were come to the birth, and there was not ftrength to bring forth, you would not fpare to ride for the moil experienced midwife. Oh ! be as prudent and careful for the falvation of your fouls, which endure for ever, as you are for the life of your bodies, which is but as a vapour. Remember, that you are lick . of fin, fadly difordered by fundry corrup- tions, and mult neceiTarily be cured before you go hence, and are no more feen. Remember, that you mull be regenerated and born again, or you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. And be not will- ing to truil iuch matters, which are of infinite and everlafling moment, to the management of any that comes next.

Now that you may be the better able to make a right choice in this important particular, I will lay before you two or three of the diltinguiming characters of a true miniller. Firft, he lias a tolerable flock of know- ledge. Though not enough to explain all mylleries, or to anfwer every perplexing queftion, yet enough to make himfelf and iiis hearers wife unto falvation. He may be ignorant of many things without much difparagement to himfelf, or prejudice to his people; but he mud be acquainted with, and able to teach others all that is neceiFary for them to know. Second- ly, he has not only foine underflanding, but fome ex- perience alfo hi the way of godlinefs. He has learned to fubdue, in iome meaiure, the pride of his nature, and to be humble in his own eyes, and not fond of applaufe from others. He has broke the impetuofity of his paliion, and generally polfefles his foul in pa- tience; or if, upon fome very ungrateful a:id provoking ul'age, he cannot calm his temper, yet he can curb his tongue ; and though his ipirit be ru fried, yet hi> words will be gentle. He is moll commonly meek after tne manner of his bleilecl Mailer, and will al- ways return blefling for curling, acconii:;^ *>> holy command. He has often la-.; < the: Ihort*


328 A C O L L E C T I O N Let. 7.

nets of time, and the length of eternity ; he has weighed the greutneis ami riches of heaven, with the insignificant and defpicable meanneis of earth ; and diicovers liich a mighty difference, as helps him to live above the world, even while he is in it. So that he is no lover of filthy lucre, no hunter of carnal pleaiures, but his hopes, his defires, and all his views of happineis, are hid with Chrift: in God. He is courteous and condescending, and will ftoop with the utmoft chearfulnefs to the loweft perion in his parilh. He will be affable and kind, and leek to pleaie, not himfelf, but his neighbours, for their good, to edifi- cation. But you mult not tcxpeft to find him trifling or ludicrous ; he will not preach to you on the Sun- day, and play with you on the week days, but carry the fpirit of his iermons into his ordinary converia- tion. He will maintain an uniform gravity of beha- viour, without differing it to be frozen into morofe- nefs, or thawed into levity. He will love his pari- fliioners, not for their agreeable peribns or amiable qualities, but becaule they are redeemed by the blood of Chrift. It will be his bufmeis and conftant endea- vour, I had almoft (aid his meat and drink, to fet for- ward their Salvation ; that, by their being made meet for the inheritance of faints in light, his crucified Lord imy fee of the travail of his ibul, and be fatisfied. He will never forget the importunate request of his Sa- viour, but thole winning arid commanding words, Feed my fheep, feed my lambs, will be engraven upon the tables of his heart. To fulfil this earneft requeft, and execute this laft charge of his deareft Redeemer, will be the fixed and invariable Scope of all his defigns. If at any time he hits this defirable mark, by bringing home to the fold any that have gone aftray, he will be as glad as one that findeth great fpcils. To fee the people of his cr.rc perSifting in profanenefs, feniualiry, and an unror.v rted (tare, will be the greateft grief that he feels : but to ice his children walking in the


Let. 7- OF LETTERS. 329

truth, mortifying their evil affections, and growing up in goodrieis as the calves of the flail, this will be his joy and crown of rejoicing ; better to him than thoufands of lilver and gold. It is his work lo win fouls ; and by the former of thefe qualifications he is fitted for it, by the latter he is wholly devoted to it. And in order to prolecute it with the greaier iucceis, lie will, firrt, take herd to himfelf, that his life be a fair and beautiful tranicript of his doctrine, fuch as may remind men of, and be daily re-inforcing his in- ftructions. He will not bind the yoke upon your fhoulders, till he has wore it himfclf ; and (houkl the paths of religion piove ever io thorny, he will go firfb and beat the way. As far as human infirmities permit, he will ftrive to be unblameable and unre- proveable, that he may renew the apoille's challenge, Be ye followers of me, even as I am of Chritt. Se- condly, his preaching will be plain ; full of fuch ufe- ful lenfe as may be edifying to the better learned, and yet delivered in fo eafy a manner, as may be intel- ligible to the ignorant. It will not only be plain, but powerful alfo, if preceding prayers and tears, if words coming warm from the heart, and accompanied with an ardent defire of being attended to ; if to feel himielf what he fpeaks, and fo long that it may be felt by o- thers, can make it fuch, he will declare the whole will of God, without with holding or mincing any. Be the truth ever io diiagreeable, contrary to your profits, or contrary to your pleafures, you will be lure to hear it. He will indeed (hew it in as lovely a light, and make it as palatable as he can, but nothing will prevail upon him to conceal or difguife it. Third- ly, he will not confine his teaching to God's day or houfe, but will exercife his care of you every day, ^and will bring it home to your own houics, whether you invite him or no. He will frequently vifit you, and for the fame end as he meets you at church. Now, {hall you like this part of his duty, or bid him wel- VOL. V. 24. T t conic,

530 A COLLECTION Let. 7.

come, when he comes on fuel) an errand ? Nay, he will think himfelf bound to proceed farther, and to inquire into theitate of your fouls, and your proceedings in your families ; whether you are competently fur- nifhcd with laving knowledge ; and are careful to in- creafe it daily, by allowing a $ai\y portion of your time for reading the fcriptures ? what virtues you are deficient in, what vices you are fubjecl to ? what evil tempers, what vile affections, what unruly paflions are predominant in you, and want to be fupprefTed ? whether your children are catechifed, and your ici vantsinftruct- cd ? whether you are conftant in family- worfliip, and at your clofet- devotions ? how you fpend the fabbath ; whether you fquander it away in impertinent vifits, idle chat, or foolifli jefting ; pr whether you conie- crate it to the better exercifes of prayer, praile, holy dilcourfe, reading, and meditation ? Thefe, and other points of the like nature, he will examine into, and exhort you to amend what is arrfifs, no lefs than en- rourage you to perfevere in that which is good. Nor will he exhort you once or twice only, but again and again, and hardly leave off till he has won yqur con- fent. In things that relate to himfelf, he will be eafily iaid nay j but when the great God infifts upon obe- dience, and a bleffed immortality will be [oil by dii- obedience,hewillbe inftantin leafon, and out offeafon, he will foJicit with unwearied applications the import- ant caufe, and prels you to perform your duty : as the poor widow importuned the unjufl judge to avenge her of her adverfary, he will add to his exhortations, re- proofs. His eye will be open, and his ears attentive to •what pafTes in his parifli ; and when any one walks dif- 0rdcrly, he will meet him as Elijah did Akab *, with a rebuke in his mouth, 'i his I can promife, that he will Tiot rail at, nor accoft you with repi oachful words ; but he will certainly fet before you tht things that you have done. He will not defame you behind your backs,

* i K;ngs xxi. 2q.

Let. 7. o F L E "T T E R S. 331

but whether you be rich or poor, whether you be pleafed with it or not, he will bear in mind the com- mandment of the Lord, and (hew his people their tranigrellions, and the houie of Jacob their fins*. He will tell you with tendernefs, but yet with plainneis, that inch courfes are a fad and too lure a proof, that grace has not had its proper work on your iouls, that ye are carnal, and hdve not the Spirit of Ghrifl. So that a true minifter of the gofpel will be a conftant inspector of your actions, a faithful monitor of your duty, and an impartial reprover of your offences. He will guide you by his counlcl, and animate you by his example, and bleis you by his prayers. If you be willing and obedient, he will conduct you fafely through a troubleibme and naughty world, and bring you to the land of everlalting felicity : but if you be perverle and obltinate, he will be a (landing terror to your consciences here, and a fwift witneis againft you hereafter j he will be the unhappy means of in- crealing your preient guiltj and aggravating your fu- ture account, and of making it more tolerable for 'Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment^ than for you.

And now, my kind and dear friends, are you, upon fecond thoughts, delirous of having iuch a paftor pla- ced amongityoLi ? Shall you be glad to have the afore- mentioned vigilance and diligence exerted in the holy function ? Can you willingly fubmit to an overiight fo narrow, to admonitions Ib mediant, to corrections ib clofe arid particular I if, after due confideration, yc are willing; give me leave to Inform you, ho wye may procure iuch a man of God to come unto you, and take up his abode with you. He is an exceeding great and precious bleiling to %py people j too preci- ous to be purchafed with money, and is the free gift of God. So that the svay to obtain him, is to addrcfs yonrfelvcs to heaven, and make iuppligation to the Almighty. Wiiat cannot prayer, fervent and belie-

T t 2 ving

332 A COLLECTION Let. 7.

ving prayer do ? I tcarcely know any thing that is a- bove its power, or beyond its reach. Prayer lias locked up the clouds, and opened them again, made the earth as iron, and the heavens as brals ; prayer has arreded the f'nn in his race, and made the moon Hand IH11 in her march, and reverted the perpetual decree ; prayer has fetched down angels from above, and railed up the dead from beneath, and done many wonderful works. In like manner, prayer will get for you an ufcful and worthy teacher ; if he be ever fo far otf, this will bring him near ; if he be ever ib averfe, this will over-rule his inclination. Do you doubt of this ; I own you would have goodreafon, if you had nothing but my word to iup;>oi t it. But what if God, who cannot lie, has tellified and given you aflarance of the lame ? Why then, 1 hope, ye will be no longer faithlefs, but believing. Hear, there- fore, what he himfelf has laid by his own beloved Son, A(k, and ye mall receive ; feck, and ye fhall find *. Again, he faith, if ye mail aik anything in my name, I will do it -j". Here you fee the Almighty has palled his word., and he, to whom all things are pollible, has pawned his veracity, that he will not deny you the requeft of your lips. And dare you not trull the All- powerful ? Can you have a better fecurity than his, whofe titls is faithful and true f The divine promiies arc all immutable, ftronger than the ftrong mountains ; and heaven and earth fiiall pals away, iboner than one jot or tittle of them (hall pals unfulfilled. When ye defire a pious and able minilter, ye delire a good thing, fuch as will be for the honour and glory of God to grant. Therefore, encouraged by this% and confiding on his moft lure promife, beg of the Moil High to give you a true paftor and Ihepherd for your fouls ; one that may love you like St Pnul^ rule you like David^ teach you like Sumnel, and lead you like Jofliua to the

heavenly *Matth. vii. 7, -fjohn xiv. 14.

Let. 7. OF LETTERS. 333

heavenly Canaan ; that bltlled and bliisful country, where we all would be I

O God, great and glorious, infinite in thy wifdom, and uncontrollable in thy power! thy providence is over all thy works ; thine eyes run to and fro through the earth, to behold the condition, and Supply the wants of thy fcrvants. Thou lenteft Mojcs to deliver thy children out of Egypt ^ Philip to inftrucl: the ig- norant eunuch, and Peter to preach to the devout cen- turion. O bleifed Lord, who art the fame yeiterday, and to-day, and for ever, vouchiafe the fame mercy to us of this parifh, that we alfo may have a teacher come from God. Grant us, O thou Giver of every good gift, a faithful (hepherd for our fouls ; who may feed us in a green pafture, and lead us forth belide the waters of comfort : one that may be wholly devoted to thy Service, and intent upon nothing but the due difcharge of his important office ; who may be a light to our paths by his godly directions, and as fait to our corrupting fouls by his unblameable conversation, Let Such a minifler, we befeech thee, be placed over us, as will watch for our Spiritual welfare ; that will love us with an affectionate and parental tenderncSs ; that will cherilh us, as a hen cherifheth her chickens under her wings : one that may be able as well as willing to inftrucl: us in our duty, to whom thou haft revealed the« wondrous things of thy law, and the glorious myfteries of thy gofpcl : whole lips may pre- ierve knowledge, whole tongue may be continually dealing it out, and whole mouth may be unto us a well of life : whole diScourSes may be milk to tho babes, meat to the flrong, and medicine to the lick : who may have a fkilful as well as a compailionate zeal, and know how to divide rightly the word of truth ; who may be an example as well, as an exhort er, a pattern as well as a preacher, of every charitable ac- tion, and every devout temper : under vvliof'e gui- dance we may walk in the ways of peace and piety,


334 A COLLECTION Let. 8,

of mecknefs and humility, of righteoufnefs and falva- tion ; till we all come to the city of the Jiving God, to an inurnerable company of angels, and to the fpi- rits of jufl men made per feel. O grant us inch a prieft, and clothe him with luch qualifications, and make thy chofen people joyful. Hear us, mod merci- ful Father, for his lake, whole fheep we are, who bought us with his Uood ; who died for us on earth, and maketh intercetfion for us in heaven ; even jelus Chrift : to whom, with tuee, and the Holy Ghoft, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen.


To his Sis T ER. Dear Sifter , Dummer, July j*. 1727.

I Hope London does not dilagree with the health of your body, and 1 dare lay it may be made feme-c- able to the health of your foul. There are precious opportunities of going to church, and worshipping the divine Majefty, every morning and evening ; which 1 hope you do not flight, but embrace with all thank- fulnefs,,and prefer before every other engagement. If you was grievoufly lick, and even hard at death's door, you would be glad to have recourfe to any phy- fician ; but if you heard of one that coutd not poliibly rniftake your cafe, and would infallibly cure yoa, how f agcrly would you fly to him ? Sifter, believe me, our fouls are ikk of fin, fick of worldly mindednefs, firk of pride, fick of paffion, and iundry other dilorders, which, if not fpecdily healed, Will bring us down, not only to the urave, but to the torments of hell. We have almoft as little tafle or relifli of holy and devout exerciies, as a fick and languiming man has for the ftrong meats he loved when he was well ; which is a plain, and lot; uraic-nirtble a proof, that our better, our immortal part is fadly out of order, Now. at


Let. 8. OF LETTERS. 335

church you may fin.d a fure and never-failing remedy for your fpiritual disorders. God's grace is a ibvcreign medicine, and in his houie it is to be obtained. There he, like a moll bountiful and beneficent prince, (lands ready to difpenie the help and aiGltance, the enlight- ening and purifying influences of his Spirit. Sure then, we who have fuch urgent and immediate need of them, {hall not be backward to go, and with an humble earnefhiefs leek them. I lay immediate; for fince our life is fo uncertain, and we know not what a d iy may bring foith, we ought to get our work diipatchcd, and our accounts ready without delay. It is evening now I write this ; and 1 cannot tell whe- ther this may not be the night, in which 1 am to hear that amazing cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh. I intend to di reel my letter to my clear fifter •****, and hope (he will receive it fafe ; but I have no cer- tainty, whether me be yet alive or no. For ought I Jmow, her ibul may be ftanding before the judgment- f'eat of Chrift, and going to be fixed, if not already fixed, in an unchangeable eternal (late. Her body may be pale and cold, and ftretcbed out in the coffin ; my dear mamma and my brothers taking their laffc farewell, and giving her the parting kifs ; the joiner juit about to nail on the lid, and hide her face for ever from mortal view. Nay, fhe may already have been carried upon mens fhouldcrs, and committed to the dull, fo that what 1 am inditing, may find her in the grave. She may be ileeping in f'-me church-yard that I know nothing of, among thoufands of dead bodies, never to awake, never to arife, till the arch- angel's trumpet founds, and the heavens are no more. The very imagination of thisfudden change, rtrikcs a damp upon my heart ; I hope it is not a prelage of _what has really happened ; if it be, and if my dear fifter is a departed fpirit, 1 will henceforth labour to clrel's my foul with holinefs, that it may be ready to go for^h at a minute's warning, and give her the


336 A COLLECTION Let. 9,

meeting in another world. Them, if my filler and I ihall be found to have minded, above all things, the one thing needful, and to be full of heavenly, fpiri- tual, and divine tempers, ihe will be to me better than a filler ; and I mall be to her better than a loving and affectionate brother, <yc.


My dear Friend,

I Received your kind letter, and thank yon for your affectionate wifhes. I endeavour not to be be- hind-hand with my people in this exercife of love. You are always on rny heart, and often, often men- tioned in my prayers. Efpecially, that you may be partakers of the Holy Ghofr, and feel all thofe laving tonviftiohs, which are defcribed by our Lord, John xvi. 8, 9, 10, n. That you may be interested in the new covenant ; and enjoy all thole precious privileges, which were purchafed for us by our dying Saviour, and are recorded by his apoftle, Heb. viii. 10, II, 12.

Yeflerday, in the evening, two gentlemen of the city came to vifit me. Our converfation was f'uch, as I would have yours be ; fuch as was iuited (if God vouchlafe his blcfiing) to edify one another, and minifter grace to the hearers. We talked of that in- finitely-condefccnding and gracious Friend of finners, who came from heaven on purpofe to be crucified for us, and is returned unto heaven on purpole to inter- cede for us. The interceffion of our blefled Lord was the chief ibbjtcl: of our difcourfe, and is a mod com- fortable article of our faith. Becaufe

His interceffion never ceafes. He fitteth at the, right hand of his Father, in an abiding poflurc. Other high priefls are removed by death ; but he ever Itveth to make interceffion for us. We refign part of onr time to fleep, and then lofe all attention to our own interefts; but he is the Keeper of Ifrael, who ne- ver

Let. 9. OF LETTERS. 337

ver flumbcreth nor fleepeth. We too frequently for- get our God, and neglect to carry on communion with him. But Chrift has written our names (worth- leis as tliey are) upon the palms of his hands ; and a mother may forget her fucking child, much fooner than he will difcontinue his kind concern for the weak- eft believer.

His interccffion always prevails. If Mofes was heard, when he made fupplication in behalf of Ij'racl ; \fjob was not denied, when he petitioned for the pardon of his three friends ; if Elijah** prayer entered into the ear of the Lord God of hofts, when he requefted for rain upon the parched earth ; furely God's dearly be- loved Son will not be rejected, when he maketh in- terceflion for the faints. The Father loves him, in- finitely loves him, and therefore hears him. He has purchafed whatever he afks ; purchafed it by his obe- dience and death, and therefore cannot but obtain his fuit.

Perhaps, you will inquire, what it is that Chrift prays for ? We are informed of this in John xvii. He prays, that we may be kept from the evil that is in the world, vcrfc 15. That we may be fanclified through the truth ; fanclified through the word of fcripture, verfc 17. That we may be united to Chrift, and have fellowfhip with the Father by faith, fellow- fhip with one another by brotherly love, verfe 21. That we may be made perfecl in his righteoufnefs ; prcfented without fpot through his blood \ and, at laft, be with him where he is, to behold his glory, and partake of his joy, verfes 23, 24.

Should you be defirous of knowing, whether you are in the number of thofc for whom Chrifl intercedes ? You may determine this important point, by the fol- lowing queftions.- Do you value above all things, the bleflings for which Chrifl intercedes ? Do you join your own repeated and carneft fupplications to his jnterceflion ? And do you rely wholly upon Chrift's

Yoi V. 24. U a unipeakable

538 A COLLECTION Let. 10,

unfpeakable merits, for the acceptance of all your prayers ? If lo, be not difcouraged ; Chrifl: is your Advocate with the Father. He died for you on the crois, and pleads his meritorious oblation for you on his throne.

Is not this an ineftimable blclfing ? If Hex kiah dc- fired the prayers of IJaiah; if Darius defncd the pray- ers of the godly 'Jews, for himielf and his ions ; how ihould we rejoice in having the prayers of the exalted Jefus ! If we are tempted, let this be our fecurity, Luke xxii. 31, 32. If we fall into fin through the j infirmity cf the fiem, let this be our refuge, i John ii. 1, ?. If under apprehenlions of death, or eternal judgment, let this be our confolation, Rom. yiii. 33,


I don't write out the fcriptures, becaufe I would

have you look tjiem out, or even wrke them out with your own hand. And may the bleffed Spirit of God •write them upon all our hearts ! This will come to you, I hope, on Chrijlmas eve. You will talk of this letter, and its contents, to your harveft-men. J ihould fce glad to be with you, and converfc as we tiled to do, on ChrHl and the kingdom of heaven. !Npne of my flock, I hope, will be filled with liquor, wherein is exce|s ; but be filled with the Spirit. IVly kind love to your family, and all your neighbours ; particularly to your brother WiUiam^ whofe letter I /hall anfwer by the firll opportunity.— Yours, drc.


Dear Sifter, Stokc-sfbbey, June 19. 1738.

WILL you accept of another letter from your loving brother, who loves your better part, and would fain be helpful to your immortal interefts ? J think I wrote to you when at London; I know not what acceptance that letter found, but I can afiurc

Let. 10. OF LETTERS. 339

you it meant nothing but good, fpiritual benefit, and everlafting advantage to you*

1 hope my * * * * and * * * * are more eafy with regard to me and my welfare. My diforder is a lan- guor and faintneis, a feebleneisand inability for action, which is increased or lefTened according to the various temperature of the weather. I bleih God Almighty, I am not deprived of my appetite to food, neither are my bones chaltened with pain ; fo that many impute all my complaints to a hippifh and over-timorous turn of mind, to a diftempcrcd imagination, rather than a cliibrdered body.

I write this in a pleafdre-houfe of Mr ***#, fitu- ate upon a high cliff, on the very edge of the fea. On one fide a vail tract of land extends itielf, finely di- veriified by ftately trees, floating corn and pafturage for cattle. On the other fide rolls the great and wide fea, where go the (hips, and where is that leviathan, whom the almighty Creator has made to take his paf- time therein. Which Way foever I look, I meet with footfteps of the divine immenfity. I view thy great and marvellous works, O Lord God omnipotent : I am encountered with ten thoufand arguments, to fear thy tremendous power, and love thy diffulive good- nels. Oh ! how fafe are they, who have ib infinite and mighty a being for their guard ! how happy arc they, who have fo inexhauftibly-rich a God for their portion ! But how wretched, dear lifter, how mifer- ably and emphatically wretched, who have fudi a one for their enemy and avenger ! Oh! how can-our feeble frame, that flirinks at a little light affliclion, that is but for a moment, how can it bear the never-ending vengeance of that prodigious arm, which llretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and poured out the waters of the mighty deep !

I have been about twenty, or twenty-fix miles into and feen wondrous workmarifhip of the

-creating God ; ragged rocks, roaring leas, fright-

U U 2 fill

340 A COLLECTION Let. 10.

ful precipices, and dreadfully- fteep hills. At Biddc- ford, a market-town, about fourteen miles off, I am pretty well known, and am a little efteemed. It is itrangc to tell, but let it be to the glory of God's free and undeferved goodnels, though I am worthy of flume and universal contempt, yet I find favour and good understanding almoit where-ever I go.

Mr * * * *'s houfe is fituate in a fine vale. It is an ancient ftruclurc, built for the ufe of religious re- clufcs, and has an antique, grave, and iblemn afpecl: ; before it is a neat fpot of ground, let apart for the uic of a garden, enriched with fruits, and beautified with flowers. This leads into a curious fort of artificial wildernefs made of elms and limes, planted in rows,, cut into form, and uniting their branches. In the rnidft is a fountain large enough to fwim in, and a little engine playing the waters. On each fide are ar- bours for {hade, in various parts feats for reft ; on the right hand runs parallel to it a clear purling brook re- plcnimed with trout, on the left a thick grove hang- ing from the fide of a hill : the one ferves for a wa- tery mound, the other is a leafy flicker from the north- wind, and both, I think, greatly ornamental. This, you will fay, is pleafant ; but how unworthy to be compared with thofe blisful manfions fitting up for the righteous in the heaven of heavens ! This, and if there be any other fpot a thouiand times more delicate, is no better than a howling wildernefs, if compared with the regions of paradife. I wifh my dear fifter would carnefHy fcek for God's grace to draw off her affections from earthly delights, and fix them there where real, fubftantial, and eternal joys are to be found, 'viz. on the blifsful vifion of God, and thefulnefs of joy .that is in his prefence for evermore. Your, <6-f.


Let. 11. o F L E T T E R S. 341


Dear 5//?<fr, Biddefurd^ Dec. 10. 1740.

T Hough I am Co backward in my compliments, I am moft hearty in my wilhes, that your fpoufe and yourfelf may enjoy abundance of happinefs in the married flatc. I congratulate late, but I fhall ever pray, that you :nay find blcifings twifted with the matrimonial bands ; and not only live lovingly to- gether, as one flefli, but live holily together as fellow- heirs of the grace of life.

I hope you will both remember the eternal world, which muft very fhortly receive you : That ere long the nuptial bed mult be refigned for a lodging in the grave ; and the ornaments of a fparkling bride, be ex- changed for the dreflings of death. And if, under the frequent view of thffe ferious truths, you ftudy to further each other in faith and holinefs, then will •you be true help- meets one to the other : then will you come together, not for the worfe, but for the better; then may you truft, that when death {hall dhTolve the union below, Chrifl Jefus will bid it commence again, above ; and continue to endicfs ages, in the midii of unfpeakablc delight.

Pleaie to preient my humble fervice to the feveral

Mr , and Mrs , that ftill remain in your

town ; to Mrs , and her daughter ; Mr and

his fpoufe, and Mr . Remember me alib in the k'mdeft manner to your poor neighbours, particularly

thole who have Mr 's books. May God Almighty

give them grace to make a proper and practical ufc of them ! May he fanctify the attentive and diligent read- ing of them, to their increaie in godlinefs, and in the 'knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift !

When you fee myCol/infrtrfe relations and acquaint- ance, falute them affectionately in my name. I fup-

pofe you will ibou fee niy , and ; pa-cfciit my


342 A COLLECTION Let. 12,

duty to them, I Hi on Id rejoice to fee them again in the flelh, before any of us go hence, and are no more ieen. May the Father of oar fpirits, and the Father of the Lord Jcius Chritt, our right eouihefs, prepare us for a happy meeting in the regions of glory, and for the blifsful vifion of his own adorable iclf.

There is at Biddcford^ and has been for a confider- able time, a townfman of mine, a middle-aged man, born at his name is ••-. I little thought to find fuch a perfon in thele remote parts. It puts me in mind of heaven, where people of every kind- red and tongue, of all nations and languages, will form one general and glorious aflembly. May you and I, dear lifter, one day be numbered with thole children of God ; and have our lot, our delightful and ever- lafling lot, among the faints. I am, &c.


Reverend and dear £/>, June 2. 1747.

CAN you accept the will for the deed i1 It was in my heart, long before this, to have made you my belt acknowledgments ; and not in my heart only, but actually attempted. In Buckingham/liire I re- membered my kind and obliging friend, and was with delight fet down to give vent to my grateful thoughts. Bat company on a fudden coining in, arrefted my pen ; and engaging me till I returned from that place, pre- vented the execution of my defign. Now, Sir, my heartied thanks for your welcome aflillance, defire your acceptance. And if the utmoft fincerity can a- tone for the delay, my confcious heart allures rne, they will not be rejected. My father is wonderfully reco- vered. Had he lived in the times of fuperftition, for ought I know, his uncommon diforder might have been afcribed to witchcraft, and his fpeedy recovery patted current for a miracle. The grave fcemed to


Let. 12. o F L E T T E R S. 343

have opened her mouth for him. We thought him to be on the very brink of death.

p£ne furvs regna Proferpint, Et judicnntem viderit s£<icu;n, Scdefque dejcriptas piorum I

But now God has turned, and refrefhed him ; yea, and brought him from the deep of the earth again. He lives and regains his ftrerigth daily. Laft Sunday he read prayers in his church, and intends next Sun- day to fill the pulpit.

Mrs , I hope, is very well ; to whom I beg

my humble lervice may be acceptable. Your dear lit- tle ones too, the olive-plants about your table, 1 trufl arc in a flourishing ftate. May the good Lord fulfil bis precious promife to them, and the children of your honoured neighbour. May he pour his -Spirit upon your feed, and his blefling upon your offspring, that they may grow up (in knowledge and grace) as wil- lows by the water courles. I am juft now going to our vifitation, held at Northampton* I (hall appear as a ftranger in our Jenifalem ; knowing few., and known by fewer. Methinks there's fomething auguft and venerable in a meeting of the clergy ; efpecially, if one looks upon them as fo many agents for the invi- fible God, and envoys from the court of heaven. I hope to be put in mind of that awful day, when the Lord Jcftis Chrifl, that great Shepherd of the fheep, and Bilhop of fouls, will make his entrance in the clouds of heaven. Then, at that great, final, and dccifive entrance, may my dear friend receive the ap- probation of his judge. May he then be rewarded for his kind offices to myfelf and others, in everlafl- ing honour 2nd joy. 1 am, drr.


344 A COLLECTION Let. 134


Dear Sifter, Biddeford, July 7. 1741.

AFter a very fultry journey, I arrived fafe at Bid- deford. Here I have been one whole week. At Bath and at Bridgwater I made a considerable flay. I tarried at each place a couple of nights ; was enter- tained with abundance of civility.

There is a general profpeft of a plenteous harveft. The valleys Hand Ib thick with corn, as makes the traveller rejoice, and the hufbandman ling. There is great want and fcarcity of many things, but there is plenty of fifti. Now the dry land is fo barren, the waters yield the larger increafe. It is obferved, to the glory of God's good providence, that now flefh is fo dear, fifh is uncommonly cheap. Thus gracioufly does the Almighty, when he locks up one, open another fountain of his beneficence. During my abfence from Biddeford, a lufty man, in the prime and vigour of life, was carried off by my father's diforder. It is there- fore diftinguifhed mercy that our father has enjoyed ; fuch as has been with- held from others, while it has been vouchfafed to him.

I am now far from my dear relations. Friends I have indeed, but not one of my kindred near me. O I that God may be my guide, my proteclor, and my portion here and for ever. If the Lord, the Lord Jefus Chrii'l be my Shepherd, I mall lack nothing. Unworthy, altogether unworthy of fuch an ineflima- ble favour, I deiire to lye at the feet of his free un- merited grace ; feek'mg what he is ready to give, though I, alas ! am moft undeferving. And furely we have good reafon to hope, and the very beft en- couragement to feek. For if he gave his life, and fpilt his blood for us, will he not much rather give us pardon of our fins, and juflification through his righ- tcouihefs ?


Let. 14. e F L E T T E R S. 345-

I hope my brother is in perfect health. I wifh him a ieaibnahle and kindly harveft ; and wi(h you both abundance of happineii j and am, dear filler,

His and yours,


My dear Friend^

I Find you have had Mr *•-- among you latelyi Many, 1 hope, have found abundant benefit from his preaching, and you in particular. He is a fliining light, a choice and illuftrious ambafTador of JefuS Chriit. What a favour of his divine Mailer does lie filed abroad whenever he preaches 1 fuch a favour, as many corruptions cannot overcome, nor all the world iiipprefs. Biddcford, I hope, has experienced this fa- vour.— Methinks, I now fee him in the pulpit, and hear him lifting up his compaflionate voice like a trum- pet, and proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lordi Methinks, I fee him difplaying the gofpel-ftandard, and his tongue touched from the heavenly altar, in- viting Tinners to flock under his Ihadow ; crying, Come, ye fimple ones, whom Satan has beguiled, and Chrift mall give yon light ; come, ye wicked ones, whom Satan has enfiaved, and the gracious Redeemer flialt let you free ; conic, ye that have bean righteous in your own eyes, forfake this refuge of lies, and enter into the ark before the rains defcend, and the floods come, which will fweep away every falie hope : O ! lean not upon a broken reed ; build not upon the fink- ing fand ; but upon the Rock of ages ; the Foundation laid in Zion by the hand of heaven itfclf. Come untd Jefus, ye ruined and undone finners, for he has a ten- der heart that is ever open to receive you ; and an arm that is omnipotent to fave you. Indeed, my friends, thofe that know Chrift's name will feck no ether Saviour, nor defirc any other good j all their VOL. V. 24. X x bone»


bones will cry out, Lord, unto whom fl'iall we go, but imto thce ? thou only halt the; words of eternal life They that know Chrifl's free goodnefs, will put their whole trutt in him, and leek no other way to the Father of rnercy, but through his merit. This is their only claim they have to make for their accept- ance, Chrift died ; but for whom did he die, my dear friends ? He gave himfelf a ranfoni for all ; he \vas lifted up upon the accurfed tree, and out of his fide came a fountain of blood and water, where every tinner may bathe and be made clean. The awakened fons of sldam, that feel their miienes, lee a fulnefs of merit in one drop of that blood, iuffkient to atone for the guilt often thoufand worlds. This fills them with great comfort, although they are vile finners. What though they are loathibme beggars, taken from the dunghill of uncleanneis, that are but now returrr- ing from the highways and hedges of every abomina- ble pra&ice ? What though they are as beads before God, very dogs, like that poor Syropfonician woman ? yet Chrift's /aving kindnefs is fo great and unbounded, that he cafteth out none who come unto him. Here h confolation for the trembling firmer, though he has not a grain of worthinefs in himfelf, yet his Lord has infinite treafures of unmerited grace. They who be- lieve that Chrift flied his precious blood for guilty finners, will chearfully put their truft in this atone- ment for pardon. They will fay, O ! they will often Jay, with gratitude, glowing in- their breafts, and tears in their eyes ; Be it that my fins are as the deepeft crimion dye, and more in number than the hairs of my head, yet the blood of Chrift cleanfeth from all fin, and waflieth a filthy polluted confcience whiter than fnow. With him there is no icanty, but plen- teous redemption. Be my debts ever fo great, ten thoufand times ten thoufand talents ; yet the agonies of the once-ilaughtered Lamb has paid it to the very uttermoft farthing. They who know his -riguteoui-


Let. 15. o F L E T T E R S.

nels, will put their trufl in it alone for juftification. If 1 had the righteoufnefs of a faint, fays one, O how happy fhould 1 be f If T had the righteoufnefs of an angel^fays another, I fhould fear no evil. But 1 am bold to fay, that the poorefl linner that believes in Chrill, has a righteouthefs infinitely more excellent than either faints or angels. For if the law afks for linlcls perfection, it is to be found in my divine Sure- ty. If the law requires an obedience that may fland before the burning eye of God, behold it is in J^fus my Mediator. Should the ftri&eft juflice arraign me, and the purclt holinefs make its demands upon me, I remit them both to my dying and obedient Immanusl; with him the Father is always well pleafed, in him tlxc believer is complete. They who know Chrift's power, will put their trufl in him for fanclilieation of heart and newnefs of life. Though fin is rooted in my foul, and rivetted in my conftitution, yet Chrilt can pnrge it out. Though it were twifttrd with every nerve oi" . rny flefli, yet he can make the rough tempers fmooth, and the crooked difpofitions flraight : the vile ?ffec- tions, like legions of devils, he can root out, and fill every heart with the pure love of God. To which happy ftate of foul may both you and I be brought while here below ; that we may be made meet to a~ fcend to that habitation of God, where nothing un- clean can enter. 1 am yours finccrely, &c.



To his FATHER. Rev. and lion. £/r, Biddcford, Qtt. i. 1742.

YOnr laft, containing the melancholy account of the death of both my aunts, I received. 1 hope they died in the Lord, and ileep in the bofom of Jeius § and then, truly, they are the happy pcrfons, and we the objecls of pity. They reft, and have call anchor

£*3 in

"348 A COLLECTION Let. 13,

in the harbour ; whereas we are ftill beating on the ocean, and toffed in the ftorm. If we coniider things impartially, this world is our grave ; nor do we really live, till we burft the flefhly prifon, and get beyond the vifiblc fkies.

In the grave is darknefs. It is called the fhadow of death. And what elfe is this wretched world ? what, but a ftate of gloomincfs ? a valley of the thickeft darknefs ? where poor mortals grop in fpiritual igno- rance ; am1, wander up and down, not feeing the things that belong to their peace.

In the grave, and among the tombs, we look for phantoms and apparitions. And what elfe do we meet with here be}o-,v ? A thoufand forts of happinefs pre- ient themfelves to our wifhes, but are unlhbftantial and phantaftical all. They are a gay delufion, and mock our expectations, as one of thoie vanifhing forms would baulk our embraces.

The graye is the land where all things are forgotten. The ideas of friendfhip are obliterated, and the dear- eft relatives are remembered no more. And is not this too true a defcription of our prefent ftate I Do \vc not unaccountably forget Jefus Chrift, our almigh- ty Friend, and everlafting glory, our invaluable heri- tage ? Where is the man that remembers his bleeding tSaviour on his bed, and thinks upon him when he is waking ? No ; the Redeemer's inconceivable love, 3nd the precious benefits of his paflion, are buried in a deep oblivion. This world then of darknefs, appa- ritions, and forgetfulnefs, is the grand dormitpry ; fiefh and blood the tomb of our immortal minds. Nafcentcs morimur.

I fear, I tire you, honoured Sir ; but becaufe I have no news that you can apprehend or relifh, f allow my pen in thefe excurfions. -This week 1 was lent for to vifit a lady of this parifh, in the fame diforder, that proved fo fatal to my two aunts. She lay, poor gentlewoman, moft terribly afflicted, and is now re- leafed*

Let. 16. o F L E T T E R S. 349

leafed. It put me. in mind of the Pfalmift** peniten- tial acknowledgment, which, 1 think, is never more applicable than in the cafe of the imall-pox : When thou, Lord, with rebukes doft chaften man for fin, thou inakeil his beauty to confume away, like as it were a moth fretting a garment. I fhall rejoice to hear that you and my mother continue well, under all your trouble and fatigue ; and remain, Reverend and Honoured Sir,

Your mo ft dutiful fon,


L E T T E IV XVI. Dear Sifter, Biddcford, Otfobcr 12. 1742.

I Received your kind letter. It was a pleafure to hear from Hardinvftone, the place which gave me birth, and the place which prefer ves my filter. I am, obliged to the Rev. Mr Rofe for remembering me, and defire him to accept my beft compliments ; I hope he will be an inftrument of doing much good in your parifli. To lave fouls, is the nobleft acquilkiofi in the world ; infinitely more defirable, than to find great fpoils. May this be his honour and happineis, and may it be my continual aim !

My poor aunts are no more, they are gone the way of all flelb ; eternity has received them ; their ftate is now become unchangeable. Oh, that we may be alarmed by their departure, and labour, while we have time, to make our calling and cleclion lure !

My mother tells me, you have been much indifpo- fed ; I fliall rejoice to hear that you are better. Sick- nefs and afflictions are God's call, they are divine ad- monitions, and warn us net to be fond of the world, "but let our aftecVions on things above. May the blef- fed Jcfus make them effectual to our fouls I

I wifh I had any news to write, that you can nn- derftand and relifh. The fmall-pox is marking many,


$5« A COLLECTION Let. 17.

and carrying off ibmc among us ; it is a privilege of no (mall value, to be pail that infectious diforclcr : I have often thought, that it is too lively an emblem of the condition of our fouls, by corrupt nature and evil practice. So polluted, I'o loathibme is our better part, in the eye of uncreated purity, till we are wafti- ed, till we are cleanfed in redeeming blood. May we carncflly long to be waflhed in that fountain, .opened in our Saviour's fide, for iin and for unclcanncis.

See how our judgments and inclinations alter in procels of time ! I once thought I mould make lei's ule of the Spectators than you ; but now 1 believe the reverfe of this is true, for we read one or more of thofe elegant and instructive papers every morning at breakfatt ; they are fcrved up with our tea, according to their original defign. We reckon our repafl. im- perfect, without a little of Mr dddijon's or Mr Strelc's

company. I wifli Mifs Becky K an increafe of

happineis in the change of her Itate ; marriage mould augment our joys, and dimmifh our forrows. My

humble fervice attends Mrs A" , MrC *s family,

and Mr V . My love to my brother, and to your-

felf, concludes all at prefent to be communicated by, Dear Sifter,

Your affectionate brother,



Rev. Sir, $ath, Anguft 27. 1734.

SUnday Jaft, I happened not to be at the Abbey- church, in the afternoon. But converting yefter- day with a gentleman who was one of your auditors, I defired to have a fummary account of your fermon. And truly he gave me fuch an account, as both a- ftonillied and grieved me. You dignified worldly profperity at fo extraordinary a rate, and almoft ca- nonized the prolperous man. On the other hand,

Let. 17. o F L E T T E R S. 351

you vilified the glorious Jefus in fo fcandalous a man- ner, and fet the incarnate Godhead to one of the moft ignoble and abominable offices. This made me en- courage my friend to draw his pen, and Tend you a word of admonition. And when he .declined the talk, 1 could not forbear undertaking it -rnyfelf. For it would be unkind to you, Sir, to perceive you under fuch grievous miflakcs, and not to warn you of the error of your ways. Nor would it be lefs unfaithful to your Mafter, and. my Matter, to be informed of iuch preaching, and fuffcr it to pals current without any animadvcrfion.


If I mif/eprcfent you in any particular, I am ready to retraft. And if 1 have truth on my fide, and you, Reverend Sir, have fpoken unworthy your facrcd of- fice, have difhonoured the divine Redeemer, and per- verted his everlafting gofpel ; I truft, you alfo will be fo ingenuous, as to condemn that ofFenilve fermon to the flames, and fuch doclrines to filence and clarknefs. For 1 allure you, it is from no ill-natured fpirit of criticifm, no morofencfs of temper, or fondnefs for contradiction, but from a fmcere concern for the in- terefts of true religion, and the honours of our com- mon Lord, that 1 take leave to fugged the following hin\s :

I think you firft exhorted people to rejoice, when their circumftances were affluent, and their worldly affairs profperous ; you enforced this palatable advice, by the precepts of fcripture,; and left it fhould not be received with a proper welcome, you further urgexl it upon your hearers, by the example of our blclfed Saviour. In oppotition to this ilrain of teaching, permit me to obierve,

1 . That worldly profperity is no fufficicnt caufe for a Chriftian to rejoice.

a. That it h ofcenoncof the forcft evils that can be- fal a perfon.

3. To (ketch out the true nature of fcriptural prof- perity ;

352 A COLLECTION Let. 17,

perky ; or clifcover, what is that folid ground for rejoicing, which the oracles of Gocl recom- mend.

Firlt, worldly profperity is no fufficient caufe for re- joicing, becaufc worldly tilings are empty and uuiatis- factory. That which is lighter than vanity itfelf, can- not poifibly give fubltantial joy. If we build for con- tentment upon fublunary things, we rear our edifice upon the finking land. You can no more bring i'atis- faction out of any thing created, than you can carve an image out of the riling fmoke, or fill your belly with the earl wind. Thole that rejoice only (and you, <lear Sir, alfigned no other caufe for rejoicing) becaufe they have abundance of earthly things richly to enjoy, are like fomc bewildered and benighted traveller, pier- ced with cold, dripping with wet, that leaps for joy becaufe he finds a glow-worm under the hedge. A- las ! this is in no wile able to direct his wandering feet, to light him through the diimal gloom, or to warm his benumbed limbs ; no more than it is able to fup- ply the place of the fun, and dart its faint glimmer through the univerfe. The pleafures which a fuperior fortune furnifh out, O ! how foon do they become Aale, and pall upon the appetite ! How eafily may a thoufand accidents fnatch them from our embrace, or dafh them to pieces in our arms ! How certainly mud we forfake them in a very little time ; and when we have taken a few more pleafant morfels, a few deli- cious draughts, eat and drink again no more for ever I And what a wretched difproportionate delight is this, for an immortal mind, that is to furvive the dilTolution of the globe ; that is to live unnumbered ages, when all that our eyes have feen, is pafTed away and gone ? Again, worldly profperity is no fufficient caufe for rejo/cing, becaufe a perfon may polTefs this, and have neither faith, nor grace. There is no manner of con- nection bet ween faith and wealth. The poor frequent- ly receive the gofpel, while numbers of the rich rejeft


Let. 17. OF LETTERS;

their own happinefs. And without faith it is i to pleafe God ; it is unreafonable and Unwarrantable to rejoice. The believer, indeed, has a permiffion ; has a privilege, yea, has a patent, for rejoicing. The Chriftian has all joy and peace in believing. All—- you lee here is a monopoly, faith has ingrolTed this precious commodity. None is to be procured, but from her. And as for grace, talents of gold may be in the coffers, and not one grain of grace in thd heart. Thole that call whole lordfhips their owrij cannot, perhaps, lay, that they have received the Holy Ghoft. And while they are defHtute of this divine principle, I can call them nothing but wretches. You may add illuftrious, Right Honourable, and \Vor- ihipful, if you pleafe ; but (till they are miferable wretches, uulefs Chrift, the hope of glory, be formed in their fouls. The Holy Ghoft, you know, Sir, is cal- led the Comforter, becaufe it is his amiable office id adminifter confolation to his people. He giveth joy, and who can make fadnefs ! But alas 1 if he withdraw bis benign influences, who or what can create fatis- faclion ? Silver fhoes may as well charm away the rack- ing pains of a go*utified foot, or golden duft quench the third of a parched throat, as any worldly abundance^ as all worldly plenty, beget real joy ,without the commu- nications of the comforting fpifit. You forget, Sir^ the prayers which you daily offer up in the congrega- tion. In them, you acknowledge that the world cannot give peace. And if not peace, lurely not joy. If not the fruit, furcly not the bloflbm. There is no peace, faith my God, to the wicked. And all arc wicked, who are void of faith, and unrenewcd by grace. All run counter to the divine declaration, who bid fuch peribns rejoice, though they fhould have every kind of prosperity that a carnal heart can with.

Once more ; worldly profperity is no fumcient caufe for rejoicing, becaisfe a man may pofTefs this, ami be a thiid of wrath nctwithftanding. Providence often

Vol. V. 24. Y y fcatters


fcatteri? temporary things among the tents of his c- ncmies. Tiicy have children at their defire, and kavc the rcll or' their fbbftance for their babes. Thefc are hufks which the i'wine are permitted to eat. God's deareft iervants, thole who are heirs of glory, are fre- quently teen to be without any fbare of them, while ttie moft abandoned finners have them to the full. L^Zurus has not a houfe to lay his head in, while the voluptuary dwells ill apartments ceiled with cedar, and painted with vermilion. Lazarus has not enough to purchale one moriel of meat, muft be beholden to charity for the leaft crumb of provifion ; while his htJrd- hearted neighbour drinks wine in bowls, and eats the choicefh of the flock j is clothed in purple and fine linen, and fareth fumptuoufly every day. Who then can rationally rejoice in that which is no pledge of the divine acceptance ; which carries with it no proof of our reconciliation to that eternal Majefty, whofe {mile is inconceivable blifs, whole frown is inlupport- able wo ? A wealthy and fuccefsful perfon, if he be eonfiderate as well as fortunate, mu$ go home from fuch a fermon arguing in this manner : " The preach- tc er foiieits me to rejoice in my worldly goods. But u how can I firrd complacency in fuch periftiing pof- *c feflions, when, perhaps, I may be an outcaft from ct heaven, and have no place in that kingdom which u endureth for ever I how can I take pleafure in thefe <l dainties that replenifh m-y table, when perhaps the (i heavy wrath of God may fall upon me, while the u meat is yet in my mouth ? This fumptuous furni- " ture, this glittering equipage, thefe delicious treats, u how can I take real fatisfacYion in them, when, for ** ought 1 know, a hand-writing upon the wall may " be denouncing my doom ? If God would lift up <c the light of his countenance upon me ; if 1 was *' fwectly afcertained of his good will ; then I could " rejoiceunfeigneclly. But as for thefe large revenues, " and tides of iuccefs, that are fo much extolled by

" tlue

Let. 17. OF LETTERS. 355

*' the preacher, they may prove like the rich paftures *' that fatten the ox for the knife."

Will you have patience with me, Sir, if I proceed to prove,

2. That worldly profperity is fo far from being an adequate cauie for our rejoicing, that it is frequently one of the foreft and moft mifchicvous evils ? This I am fure was the opinion of Archbifnop UfJier. That moft renowned and excellent prelate, in his younger days, had a continued ieries of prolperity : healthy impaired by no attacks of (icknefs ; credit ful-lied by no breath of fcandal ; and fuccefs interrupted by no difappointment, or difaftrous turn. And what emo- tion did this occafion in that devout and judicious peribn's mind f did his heart dance within him for joy r did he b!ils himlelf on this behalf? No. But he was under lad apprehenfions, left God had for- iakcn him, and given him over to a reprobate cotirfe. He feared, that his heavenly Father, becaufe he iparec! the rod, hated the child ; that not being brought un- der the dikipline of providential correction, he was a baftard, and not a loo of the Lord Almighty. How diametrically oppolite was this way of thin-king, to your way of preaching ! And whether it was hot & very fobcr and jufl method of thinking, let the foL- 1 owing considerations determine.

Worldly prosperity is apt to attach men to earthly things. When iuccefs (wells their iails, and all pro- ceeds according to their \vifh, O 1 bow prone are we to di (regard Jefus, and cverlaftrng ages 1 Many are immoderately fond of the world, becaufe they have fwam fweetly down the ibcam of profperity ; who, probably, would have been weaned from its delights, juid indifferent to i'.s goods, in cafe they had toilctj upon the craggy cliffs of fome intervening advcrfity. When they walk always upon rofes, and mret wjtfc UQ thorns in their paths, the coufequcncc is an ac-

Y y 2


quiefcence in tlicir prefent ftation, and remifFncfs in let king the joys of an invifible world. A contentment jn the things that arc leen, without any alpiration after the things that arc not feen, is the moil: unhappy condition imaginable, and is generally. the offspring of worldly prosperity. And when this worldly profptrity is ib highly rated in the calculations of the pulpit, what other effect ca-ii poflibly attend fuch lectures, but to glue our affections more cloiely, and rivet them more infeparahly, to thefe trifles of a day ?

Again, worldly prosperity is frequently a mifchie- vous evil, becaufe it is apt to make men proud. They come in no misfortune like other folks, fays the Pjnl- m(fl, and this is the caufe that they arc fo holden with pride, Prosperity is often a lulcious poifon. It bloats and puffs men up with an overweaning opinion of themfelves. It intoxicates the mind, and makes it drunk with ielf- conceit. It prompts people to idolize themfelves, and contemn others. The intolerable ar- rogance of the Babylnnifli monarch, what was it ow- ing to but his vait and uninterrupted fuccefles ? He meafuretl his merit by the length of his purfe, and challenged a veneration proportionable to the extent of his dominions. This vile, rank weed, thrives in the hotr beds of honour, wealth, and carnal pleaiurc. Where- as it might never have reared its head, in the colder climate of tribulation, or icantinefs of circumftances.

Once more, worldly proiperity is frequently a per- nicious evil, bccaufe it renders men carnally iecnre. It cafe- hardens the mind againfl all the threatenings, and makes it deaf to the invitations of heavenly wifdom. It is a ftupefyinjr potion, and lulls the foul into a fatal forgetfulnefs of everlalHng things. Thofe that were lufty and ftrong, in our Saviour's days, joined with the impious multitude in dcfpifing the veiled Divinity. But thole who were diicalcd in their bodies, or difordercd in their minds, with ea- gerpeis fell proftrate at his facrcd feet, and implored


Ltrt. 17. o F L E T T E R S. 357

bishealinghand. P*rfrJ[cnt,rrifi peril jfcnti You can- not but have obferved various proofs of this remark in the con He of your miniftry. You mufl have feen many pcrlbnsthat rejected all your counfel, and would none of your reproof, while they walhed their fteps in hotter, and the rock poured them out rivers of oil. But how teachable were thcie once refractory world* lin^s, how willing to hear the coniblations of the goipel, when their fenfible delights were perifhed and gone f How dcfiroiis to be informed of a happineis in the heavens, which facleth not, when their carnal plealbres had made them (elves wings, and were flown away ? In the gaiety of their health, and abundance of their plenty, they were iettled upon the lees of fupinencfs. But when the fcene was (hiftcd, they cried out with vehemence, What mud we do to be faved ? This 1 raylelf have frequently remarked in the; fhort compafs of my experience. Men who were like an iron iinew in their Horn idling condition, have been impreflible as melting wax in a reverie of fortune.

We lee then, that the profperity of this world is always dangerous ; ofreYi pernicious ; and too fre- quently deltruftive. It yields pleaiures that infatuate ; fweets that are impoifoned ; delights that ftupefy. Infomuch, that a Heathen could fay, Niliil infclicius iilo, cni nihil infelix conti^it.

Here it may be afkcd, Are we to take no comfort in our portion on earth ? mufl: we become gloomy and melancholy, and go mourning all our days ? Far, far from it. Religion allows us, religion enables us, religion requires us to be joyful. Yea, it gives its faithful adherents to rejoice with joy uufpeakable, and full of glory. But then it is founded on a prin- ciple vaflly fuperior to that which you, Sir, thought ft to fingle out and dilplay. It fprings from a fource, and re(h on a bafts, that has no manner of dependence on worldly circumstances. Which reminds me of another point I am engaged to clear up, viz.



Thetrue nature of fcriptural profperity. Thefcrp- ture is a. Ipiritual fchcme. Spiritual goods arc what it chiefly recommends, and from fpiritual evils it chiefly deters. Chrift's words are fpirit ; tending'to make men not carnally minded, but ipiritually minded ; to ren- der them ipiritual in their underftandings, their affec- tions, their conduct. Iniomnch that one need not fcruple to affirm constantly, That the holy fci ipture never calls that flate a ftate of profperity, which is not grounded on the favour of God ; nor ever en- courages people to rejoice in any thing, till they are reconciled to God, interested in Chrift, and renew- ed by the Holy Ghoftj which, 1 think, confiitnte the fcripturai profperity ; I am fure, are the ground-work of ail happinefs. Firft, for reconciliation to God. His favour is better than life. Life itfelf is worthlefs, and, coniequently, all its enjoyments, without this prime fundamental blefling. For this caufe, the Prince of Peace bled to death, that the hand-writing of guilt might be blotted out ; that the wrath of God might be appealed ; and that we who were enemies, might be brought near through his'blood. This is the door to all good. Enter in by this gate, O ye fons of men, or elfe you will inevitably mifcarry in your fearch after felicity. If you feck for blifs, and bottom not your expectations on this rock, you are Jure to be dii'- appointed of your hope. I can no more have true comfort in any pofieflion, till 1 have redemption through my Redeemer's paffion, than that unfoitqnate captive could rejoice in the royal banquet that was before him, when a ponderous fword, edged and unfheathed, was hanging by a ilender thread, and fhaking every mo- ment over his head. An intereft in Chrift. This is another pillar to fupport our felicity. Therefore, our blefled Lord, directing us in the way to our true good, fays, Seek ye firft the kingdom of God, and his righteouinels. The everlafting kingdom of hea- ven as the end, and the imputed rightcftufnefs of


Let. 17. LETTERS.

Jcfus Chrift, as the way Till the one is our aftual poileifion, and the other our certain revedion, we may look for real fatisfaclion, but fliall find none. Apply to all the creatures ; rifle all their charms ; tafte all their fweets ; you will perceive them to be alto- gether lighter than vanity itfelf, without an union with Chrift, and an eflablifhment in his merits. Re- novation of mind, is another ingredient of the pro- fperity delineated in fcripture. Till the foul be fanc- titied, it is in a ftate of grievous dilbrder ; like a body, all whole bones are out of joint. And, oh ! what joy can be tafted in iuch a condition ? Till divine grace have the afcendant witfiin us; till the kingdom of God be fet up in our hearts ; we are in bondage to corruption. Vile affeclions domineer over us. The devil and our own lufts play the tyrant in our breads. "We are like flaves under a galling yoke, and like lepers under a noifome diftemper. Therefore the PJalmift fays, When i awake up after thy likenefs, I fhall be fatisfied with it. Till thy image be rc-in- ftamped upon my heart, I never expecl to fee good. While we are in the bond of iniquity, we mufl in- fallibly be in the gall of bitternefs.

This is the prosperity celebrated in the fcriptures. Of this every believer is a partaker ; and you will pleafc to remember, that every exhortation to rejoi- cing, which we meet with in thofe infpired books, are addrcffcd to fuch perfons only. They give net the leaft invitation to any one, no nor the lead licence, to reft fatisfied, much lefs to rejoice, till they are brought into fuch circumftances of reconciliation with heaven, and renovation of mind. Nor have you, Sir, any warrant to fay to yourfelf, or your people, Soul, take thine cafe, eat, drink, and be merry, bc- caule thou haft much goods laid up for many years. This is the Epicure's creed. The lively orncles bear their teftimony againft fuch conclusions. They ft'yle all the unregeneratc, fools. And to fuch, worldly


3*a A COLLECTION Let. 17.

abundance is not matter for mirth, but matter of ruin. For the prosperity of fools mall dcitroy them. Be they grand as Nebuchadnezzar, in as much ailluencc as ^ha/Herns, honoured as Herod was by the applaud- ing multitude, yet every page of fcripture fays to them, as 'Jehu to jforam's mdfenger, What halt thou to do with peace ? And, however fome imooth- tongued preacncrs may iiatter and cajole them in their pomp ; however they may propheiy imooth things, and iblicit them to rejoice on luch a footing, as the Lord has not made a ground for rejoicing ; yet an apoftle beipcaks them in very different language : Go to now, yc rich men, weep and howi. The Teacher lent from God has other tidings to tell them, Wo unto you that are rich, that are full, for ye have your coniblaticn, ye fhall hunger hereafter. And, in ano- ther world, they may hear this awful admonition Ibunding in their ears, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedlt thy good things ; thy good things, thofe which thou accountedll good, not that really were good, but only appeared fo, to Ihy dif- tempered judgment, and vitiated taftc.

Surely, Sir, it mull have been perfectly prudent, or rather abfolutely neccflary, to caution your au- jdience againft fo fatal a miftake ; efpecially fince they confilt of the gay, the grand, the pleafurablc. A vi- gilant minifter would certainly give them to under- Hand, that wealth and plenty is, by no means, the profperity which the Spirit of God commends ; that joy, without the loving-kindnefs of the Lord, is a mere chimera ; that none are entitled to this medi- cine of life, but thofe who can lay their hand upon their hearts, and fay, with a faith unfeigned, My fins are all forgiven, through the atonement of the flaugh- tercd Lamb ; my peace is made with the eternal God, and the Spirit of Jefus Chrift dwells in me. This is that which juflifies, which produces joy. Then, in- deed, and not till then., the wife man's advice may be


Let. 17. OF LETTERS. 361

thy practice : Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart, f#r God now acccpteth both thee and thy works. Then thoti mayil take comfort in thy earthly accommodations, as Ib many little appendages of thy bliis ; not as the efTence which conftitutes it ; but as the cement, which fervcs to fi!l up lame little interfaces, and renders the whole fomewhat more compact. And even, in this cafe, our bleflcd Mailer (who bid his diiciples not to rejoice, becaule the devils were iubjecl unto them, but becatile their names were written in heaven,) would, probably, caution us not to rejoice, becaufe we have all worldly things copiouily to enjoy, but becaufe we are pardoned, we are juitified, we are fandlified.

Upon the whole : Suppofc worldly proiperity was not oftentimes a moft mifchievous evil, which it un- doubtedly is ; fuppofe it was a fubftantial ground for Curiflian rejoicing, which it really is not ; fuppofe this was the fcriptural profperity, which notion is, I truft, fufficiently difproved ; in a word, fuppofe the whole tenor of your doclrine to be true, whereas it fcems to be palpably falfe : yet what good, in the name of wonder, can you polfibly propofe by fuch preachments ? You cannot but be fenfible, that we are all llrongly addicled to inferior things. We are already too fond of worldly goods, too impetuous in our purfuit of fenfual gratifications. We want, we extremely want a curb to check our career, and you clap a fpur on our (ides. You employ your eloquence as a provocative, in a cafe that cries aloud for rcftric™ lives. Alas ! Sir, you have no occaiion to pufh the headlong torrent 1 But I have done with this point ; have nothing more to add upon this head, unlefs it be to recommend to your fcrious confideration, that alarming verdict, pronounced by infinite wifdom, He that liveth in pleaiure, is dead while he liveth ; dead to God, dead to grace ; a dead Chriflian, though a Jiving animal. Compare, Reverend Sir, this dcclara- Vci.. V. N* 24. Z z

362 A COLLECTION Let. 17.

tion with the tendency of your doctrine. Then, I afliire myfelf, you will not redden with indignation at thcfe plain remonftrances ; but rather (as I mould in your cafe) turn pale with grief, at your patt teach- ings ; and tremble with fear, for the confequences of ttu'in.

Thus much for your divinity : Now, Sir, if you plcafe for your logic. We have canvaiTcd your doc- trine ; let us next coniider the argument, with which you eflablifh it. This is, if pollible, ten thouland times more exceptionable than the tenet itfelf. For after having told your audience, that the carnal de- light, which you fo earneftly prefs to take, is agree- able to the reafon of things, is confonant to the de- figns of providence, you think proper to add, that it is alib countenanced by our Saviour's example; fince, at a certain marriage- fcaft, when the wine fell fliort, he wrought a miracle, and furnilhed them with a frcfh fupply on purpofe, That the mirth might not die. This was your expreffion. And, furely, a more fliock- ing one never came from a preacher's lips. Was ever fo abject and fcurvy a reafon affigned, for one of the rnoft illuftrious actions ? Could any debauched liber- tine, at a drunken club, have derogated more contu- jnelioufly from the dignity of our Lord's behaviour ? Jefus, the mirrour of purity, the fountain of wifdom, of whom it is teflified. That he did all things well ; this wife and glorious Being is reprcfented, not by an abandoned fot, but by a minifter of the gofpel, as exerting his omnipotence to prolong a merry bout. O ! that it might not be told in Gath, or publifhed in the ftreets of ^Jkelon ! But -fugitirrevocabile verbum; you cannot revoke the words. The only reparation you can make to the injured Jefus, or the offended Chriftian, is to give us a fermon of recantation, and antidote the poiibn that has been propagated.

But, 1 would hope, it is too grofs to ipread. That mjrth may not die, is an aflertion that muft fhrtlc


Let. 17. o F L E T T E R S. 363

every hearer. Why, this a common vintner might have prevented, as well as an almighty Being : a few flafks from the tavern would have anfwered this end. Molt ignoble purpofe ! unworthy, altogether unwor- thy fo auguft, divine, and admirable a perfon. O ! what a handle does this yield to infidels for prophanc banter ! That Jefus mould defcend from the heaven of heavens, and come into the world, vetted with un- controllable power, on fo poor, grovelling, and fordid an errand ! That a part of his bullncfs, in the ftate of humanity, {hould be to guard againft the extinction of fiich idle mirth, as owes its birth to a bottle ! The ibldiers that (tripled our Lord of his apparel, and mocked his facrcd perfon ; that fpit upon his blcfTed face, buffeted his divine head, and loaded him with all manner of fcurrilities and indignities ; did not com- mit (in my opinion) fo flagrant an abuie, as a modern preacher in one of his ftudied folemn harangues. They took him to be a mere man ; they pronounced him- a vile man j and, therefore, offered him fuch opprobrious affronts. But you, Sir, acknowledge him to be God ; you know him to be infinitely wife, and yet make him a lackquey to the molt errant trifles, a drudge to mens carnal indulgencics. Suppofe both our houfes of parliament, after the matured deliberation, {hould employ the whole army of the nation, to clear away all obftruclions for a butterfly in her flowery range, <>r to fee that a filly kitten goes on unmokfled in her fportive gambols ; would you extol the wifdom of our fenators ? would you not cry lliame upon their con- duel: ? Now, your affertion is full as depredatory to the consummate prudence, and exemplary purity of our divine Mailer : lince you fet them both on work, joined with his irreliftible might, only to furnifh out ' a little more gaiety, a little more laughter, to a fet of caroufers, whom you dcfcribe as pretty well in for it already.

That the mirth might not die ! That is, That thofe who

Z z 2 were

364 A COLLECTION Let. 17,

were already made merry with liquor, might go on in their jovial delights, till they added dninkenneisto their third. For when people arc thus exhilarated, to take frefh draughts, and pour down more wine, mull in- deed make them, as a profdfrd icorner profanely ex- prelTes himfclf, on this very occafion, more than half feas over. So that when you give an evafive flonrilh or two, and would have your hearers to believe, that you are no advocate for intemperance, it is plain, you are only complimenting the cauie of fobriety. This interpretation put upon our Lord's conduct, knocks all inch (ham pretences on the head. For, if he wrought the miracle with fuch a view, and for fuch fort of people, all the world cannot clear him from being a promoter of exccfs ; and if he did not, all the world cannot acquit you, Sir, from the mod abulive mifreprelentations of your Redeemer.

That the mirth might not die ! What could a lewd rake have done at his riotous table, worfe than that which you afcribe to the pattern of all perfection ? My blood grows chill : my thoughts recoil at ib hor- rid a poiition. Any gentleman of tolerable feriouf- nefs, when he perceives his friends are got merry with his drink, would rather withdraw the glafs, than add fewel to the flame. For my part, I fhoukl think myfelf an abettor of excels, and little better than a pimp for debauchery, if when men are merry in their cups, I fhould fupply them with means of driving on the wanton humour. And yet, be amazed, O ye heavens, and be horribly afraid, Dearth ! Aminifter, in the midfl of a thronged congregation, charges this very practice upon the mofl immaculate Lamb of God ! O ! Sir, how could he who came to be our ianctifica- tion, adminifter to our inordinate gratifications? how could he who has injoincd us not to make provilion for thefleflito fulfil the lufts thereof, be inftrumental to con- tinue a luxurious revel ? O blefled Jefus, furely that is fulfilled which was fpoken by thy prophet, Thou


Let. 17. OF LETTERS. 365-

art wounded in the houfe of thy friends. Thy cha- racter is debated, thy doctrines adulterated, by thoi'e who profefs themielves adorers of the one, and ex- pounders of the other'. O ! that ever the Chnfhan pulpit mould become a porch to the temple of Bac- chus ! and a ChrilHan preacher act the part of a pur- veyor for the tippling- houic !

Do you intend to pleaic, Sir, or to profit your au- dience, by theie admonitions ? You can pleaic none but men of corrupt minds, whofe God is their belly, who mind earthly things. You can profit none but thole, whofe heaven is to be found in the juice of the grape. They can iervc no other end, but to give a ibrt of Canction to their extravagancies. Your lec- tures, perhaps, may be recollected with applauie on an ale-bench, and pleaded among a circle of jolly topers. But I allure you, Sir, they are heard by the ferious and devout, with the utoioft ibrrow, and with equal deteftation, Their ears are wounded, and their hearts bleed, under the found of fuch Bacchanalian doctrines.

May I now be permitted to declare my Centimcnts, with regard to that paffage of icripture, 'which you have Co unhappily perverted ?

As to the mii th you leem Co fond of, there is no mention of it in the Cacred narrative. For Chrift went not about to fpread the laugh among his company, but to make them Cerious, Cober, and wife unto Cal- vation. If he vouchfafed his prcfencc at entertain- ments, and Cat at .the tables of finners, it was with a gracious clefign of inlh-ucting and converting them in their own houfcs. He came to featts in the fame Cpirit, and for the Came purpoies, ns he came into the world ; to turn poor mankind from darkncis unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God; Co that none can imagine, whtn he was in the room, that there could be anything like that licentious divcrlion, which too generally prevails in our merry meetings. Jfthcy did rejoice, they rejoiced, doubtkfs, after a


366 A COLLECTION Let. 17.

godly fort. They rejoiced in the precious and in- flructive words, that dropped from Chrift's Jips, as fWects from an honey-comb. They rejoiced to have ib divine a prophet railed up unto God's people, and to have the honour of fo illutlrious a perfonage amonglt them. They rejoiced, without all peradventure, to fee, and hear, and handle the word of life.

As for that exprelfion, which we tranflate well drunk. M«6uja-«j«»,— profane wits, 1 know, raile mighty triumphs upon it : but, in truth, they are -#«/'i/- build- ings, and proofs of nothing but their own folly. They thereby give us to underftand, that their want of i'enfe is as unqueftionable, as their malignity to Chriftianity. For, iurely, they mull be full as errant idiots, as they are fhamelefs lots, who can offer to fetch the leafl fhadow of a plea for riotous indulgen- ces from this paflage. Since, let the meaning of the word be ever fo loofe and exceptionable, yet nothing can be concluded from thence, againft the ceconomy and decorum of that entertainment, becaufe the go- vernor fpeaks only of the ufual cultom. at other treats. He fays not a word, good or bad, of the guefts that were prefent at that bridal- feftival. It muft, there- fore, be not only precarious, but ridiculous and ab~ furd, to infer the diforderly proceedings of thofe people, from what the ruler obferves concerning o- thers. I once was acquainted with a worthy gentle- man, who frequently invited to his table the young perfons of his neighbourhood ; and.would take a plea- lure in infilling or cultivating in their minds the prin- ciples of fobricty, induftry, and piety. Now in cafe he had faid, after fupper was removed, kt I know very well, my honeft neighbours, it is cuftomary with fome perfons of fortune, both to pleafe and pride themfelves in making their viiitants drunk. They pufh the glafs briikiy rouifxl, and prefs one bumper upon another, till they fend their guefts daggering to bed." But, now, would any one be fo ftupis, as to


Let. 17- OF LETTERS. 367

infer from this acknowledgment of the practice of o- thers, that this was alfo the practice of my friend ? Yet this they may do, with as much juftnefs and fo- lidity of reafoning, as deduce any maxim in favour of excefs from the fpecchof the slrchitriclinus (or mailer of the fcaft )

Evident, 1 think, it is, that this exprellion, what- ever be its exact import, is in no wife referable to the condition of thofe guefts ; Ib that we allow our adver- iaries too much advantage, by admitting any of their remarks upon its fignirication. We mould wreft this weapon out of their hands, which they brandifh ib formidably, rather than guard agninft its ftrokes. But in cafe it was applicable to them, yet it is moft monftrous, to fuppoie it fignificant of the lead devia- tion from temperance. For had we not known the company to be of the moft exemplary behaviour, and heavenly-minded fpirit; had they been a parcel of ir- religious and lewd fellows, inftead of the virgin-mo- ther, and the Redeemer's difciples, yet it would be im- potfible to conceive, that any thing which had the lead approach towards furfeiting and drunkennefs mould be tolerated, when Jefus himfelf was in the midlt of them. Before ib venerable and divine a per- fon, they would not dare tfo allow themfelvcs in any miibecoming indulgences, or indecencies of carriage. Bcfidcs, had their inclinations been ever Ib abandon- ed or impetuous, his eternal power and Godhead would have retrained them. He that intimidated the facrilegious rabble, when they profaned the tem- ple, and drove them before his fmgle fcourge ; he that ftruck proftrate to the ground, a whole band of armed men, only with his word ; he that had all hearts in his hand, and could manage them as lie pleated ; would, doubtlefs, have forbid, at this junfturc, whatever "bordered upon diffolutenefs.

Should any one inquire, For what caufe then did Chrift work this miracle, if not to revive the dying

mirth I

368 A COLLECTION Let. 17.

mirth ? I anfwer, ieveral noble reafons are affigriablc and obvious.

One ; To furnifh a fupply for frefh guefts, which on thole occalions were continually pouring in ; that the feaft might be prolonged to its ufual period, and all that came might be moderately refrefhed. For 1 can by no means imagine, that this frefli fupply was in- tended for thofe who had cheared themielves already with a fufficient quantity. This indeed is what your ibrmon takes for granted, or elie your application of this fad: is frivolous and impertinent. But 1 promiie mylelf, when you give it a fecond consideration, you will wonder, how lo unworthy a thought could come into your mind ; and be forry, that it ihould ever proceed from your lips ; flnce it is fo entirely repug- nant to the whole character, conduct, and preaching of our Lord Jefus.

Another reatbn might be, To reward the married pair, for their hofpitality to himfelf and his followers : To give early notice to the world, that none mould be lofers by (hewing kindnefs to him or his : That every piece of refpecl paid to Jeitis, and every kindnefs cx- ercifed towards his family, mould meet with a full re- compenfe of reward. Thus did he prepare an exten- five fund for thofe, who had forfaken houfes, lands, relations, and their earthly all, for his fake ; prep ire a fund for their fubfiftence, by difpofing people to en- tertain and accommodate them, when they Ihould be fent forth, without ftatf, or icrip, or money in their purfcs.

Another caufe, and that which is remarked by the holy hiftorian, was, To manifeft forth his glory ; to give a moft confpicuous difplay of his Meffiahfhip. He opened, as it were, his commiftlon, and fliewed his divine credentials : which was done with perfect propriety, in a public manner, before more fpeclators than his own attendants : And whatever effect it might have upon others, it confirmed the faith of his


Let. I?, o F L £ T T E R S. 369

difciples. Seeing this incontestable proof of his million* it is laid, They believed on him ; and were thence- forth inviolably attached to his perion and miniftry.

Other rcafons may be fuggelled, and thofc exceed- ing found and tifeful ; fuch as point out a noble and deep iignificancy in this miracle ; make it rich with divine and Ipiritual meaning ; and, upon this footing* a more delicious feaft for our fouls, than wines of the fincit flavour, and mod generous quality, are to our animal nature.

For inftance ; it might fignify the fuperior richnefs of thole comforts^ which his goipel was introducing into the world : That they exceeded thofe broached by Mofes and the law, as much as the pure blood of the grape excells the water of our common wells : That his flefh and blood would be a fovereign fource of alacrity and conlblation to his people ; gladden and revive their hearts, like fome exquitite cordial ; ftrengthen'and invigorate their minds, like the beft- bodied wines.

This particular feafon of a marriage-ceremony, was probably chofen, in order to intimate the neceffity of being efpoufed and united to Chrift, before we can be partakers of thefe evangelical delights. Divorced we mult be from our old huiband, the law ; divorced from the covenant of works ; and no longer wedded, by ielf-opiiiionativenefs, to our own righteoufneffes ; but married, by the bond of a lively faith, to that cvcrlaiting Bridegroom, in order to taftc thole com- forts, and have our (hare in thofe joys.

A reaibn fixed upon by our church is, That Chrift would hereby put an honour upon the matrimonl! ftate ; by gracing the folemnity with his {acred com- pany, and performing his firlt public miracle on this . occafion. A fine admonition this, to render us more than ordinarily folicitous, to have the favourable con- cur»ence of jcfus, both when we devile, and whert we take, ib important a ftep. Becaufc the

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370 A COLLECTION Let. 17.

lity and happinefs of our fubiequent life depends, very much, on this alteration of our condition. That we Ihould, by all means, marry in the Lord ; and im- plore his fpiritual gracious pretence at the wedding ; which will improve the advantages, and fanclify the enjoyments, of that comfortable ftate ; will, as it is delicately figured out in the metaphor, turn our wa- ter into wine.

It might alib be intended to remind us, That the comforts, even of animal life, were recovered by the ieconcl Adam, as they were forfeited by the firft Adam* When our firft parents were guilty of rebellion againft their Maker, they loft all right to the valuable pro- ductions of nature. This, indeed, was their dowery originally fettled upon them ; but by their difloyalty it became confiscated. Juftice ieized upon their in- heritance, and vengeance laid, Curfed be the ground for your fakes. Chrift, in this exigency, immediately intcrpofed ; took off the attainder, and reftored to poor Adam and his pofterity, the precious fruits of the earth. Thefe bleffings, derived from Chrift 's media- tiony were very properly recognized at a wedding \ becaufe, ftraightway after the marriage of the firft couple, they were alienated and fequeftered.

This, Sir, is a way of expounding our Redeemer's miracles, well worthy your confideration, if not your imitation. In this light they appear, not barely fo many witneifes of his being the Melfiah, but fo many living mirrours of his mediatorial mercies. In which we difcern a moft expreilive figure of thofe fpiritual good things, which we extremely want, and may ful- ly enjoy thro* Jefus Chrift. The marvellous things brought to pafs by the agency of prophets, apoftles, nnd holy men of old, were indifpntablc vouchers for their being lent of God. But our Redeemer's works had a farther excellency, and anlwcred a diviner end. They held forth and prefented, even to the fenfes, a moft ftriking pattern of thofe fpiritual blcflings, which


Let. 17. OF LETTERS.

finners may enjoy thro' their Saviour. Thus, when he cured the man born blind ; what did this fignify but his healing the blindneis of our understandings,, and pouring the day of his glorious gofpel upon our internal light ? When he made the poor paralytic ftrong and vigorous, that was not able to turn himfelf on his bed, or to u-fe his limbs ; what a lively emblem was here, both of our difeafc, arid his fovercign help ? Of our difeaie, whereby we are utterly impotent to do a good work, or think a good thought : of his ibvcreign help, whereby we are enabled to do all things, through Chritt Strengthening us ; enabled to believe through his grace, and to mortify our corruptions through his Spirit. Was not the filthy leper, a true pi&urc of our loathfoinenefs, through original defile- ment, and actual tranfgremons ? and when our Re- deemer difclained not to touch this noifome creature, and make him perfectly clean ; how appofitely did this image point out the condefcenfion of his goodnefs, in undertaking our redemption ; and the efficacy of his blood in accomplifhing our purification ? 1 might go through the whole feries of our Lord's miracles, and dilcover in them a mod fignificant and complete portraiture of all manner of ipjritual bleilings. But the foregoing instances {hall Suffice. From theie hints, we may difcern an adorable depth of defign ~3 unfearcbable treafures of contrivance, as well as beneficence, inthofe operations of his mighty power. Which noble pecu- liarity gives them a vaSt pre-eminence above all the miracles in Egypt, and the wonders in the field of Zoanj renders them ib many fine reprefentations of the de- liverances and privileges, enjoyable through our ever- blefTed Immanuel ; in a word, renders them a kind of gofpelthat addrcllesitfclf even to our eyes ; and ib mod , -wifely calculated, both to direct our hopes, and itrength- -cn our faith, in the incarnate God. 1 am, &c.

3 A 2 L E T-


Madam^ Bath, 1743.

AT Bath 1 have tarried thus long, but purpofe to fct forward for my father's houfe, if I live till next week ; and if I have as good a journey thither, fis I had to this place, \ lhall have caufe to be very thankful to that gracious Providence, which blefles our going out, and our coming in ; which protects us from wrong and robbery ; from evil accidents and dangers as with a fhield. 1 hope you, Madarn, and Mr - :, are well ; and mould rejoice to hear of your both being partakers of that which I wilh you to enjoy ; and none can be faid truly to enjoy health, but thofe who improve it to the purpofe : all others wafte health ; embezzle it ; fquander it away ; all but thofe \vho ufe it, as a precious opportunity of making the ir calling and eleclion lure. We have had moll delicate •weather for the harveft « a bleffing, which I don't doubt has been vouchfafed to you as well as to us ; an univerfal bleffing! andfuchaswill prove very extenfive. "We (hall feel the good eftech of it, all the year round, when winter freezes the air, and turns the earth into iron, or buries it under heaps of fnow. We (hall be refrefhed even then with the productions of the fruit- ful ieafon, O! that our hearts may be filled with gratitude, as our barns are with plenty. The harvdt puts me in mind of the end of the world \ then our bodies mail arife out of the dufl of the earth ; having lain a while under the cleds and fecn corruption, they •will then fpring up incorruptible and immortal, an amazing multitude, like the blades of grafs, or the ears of corn, innumerable.

The huibandman in harveft, receives a reward for all his toil. The labours of the preceding year are amply recompensed by the rich fruits of increaie. And the confummation of all things will be the great retribution-day j then the Chriftian receives the end

Let. 19. o F L E T T E R S. 373

of his faith, even the falvation of his foul ; then the riches he has coveted, will be bellowed in the favour of the feeing him who is immortal, invifible ; whole loving-kindnefs is better than life. He will fee the de- fire of his foul, and the fruits of his Saviour's fuffer- ings, and fit down everlaiHngly fatisfied. The hufband- man rejoices in harveft,, this is his time of feftivity and delight. They joy before thee, faith the fcrip- tures, according to the joy of the righteous ; they will look up and rejoice, to behold thek Redeemer coming in the clouds of heaven, and all the holy an- gels with him ; then will they look down and rejoice to fee the wicked world burning, in which they were tempted ; rejoice to fee all their enemies put under their feet ; and when the doors of heaven are left open, then mall they enter triumphantly into that city of the living God, and everlaiting joy will be upon their heads, and reign with Chrift for evermore. Into this exceeding great and eternal blifs, I wifh you, Madam, and your huiband, an abundant entrance, and remain his and vour, &c.


Dear , ffefton-Favell, 1744-

IPromifed -. to fend the remainder of her let- ter, in a few lines to you. Either me may tran- ilribc from you, or you from her, in order to com- plete the little effay. i left off, 1 think, fomewhere hereabouts. But Jpiritual inter efts arc infinitely more valuable. For thole, therefore, Chrilt will provide more abundantly : if they want knowledge, he will not only give them his divine word, but his enlighten- ing Spirit, to lead them into all tiuth. If they are poor, he will give them the fine gold of his obedience : he will fay to them as the father fain in the parable, Son, all that I have is thine. Are they wounded ? he


574 A COLLECTION Let. 19.

will give them the healing balm of his precious blood ; this will cure the won ml which fin has made in the foul ; and make the bones which have been bioken, to rejoice. Arc they naked ? he will clothe them with the robe of his own rtghteoufne& ; they fhall appeal- before the God of gods in the garments of thi* their elder brother. Arc they weak ? his ftrength fliall be made perfect in their weaknefs ; he will work in them both tc will and to do of his good pleafure. When they die, he has provided a flight of angels to attend their departing fouls, and conduct them to his own compafiionate arms ; he has provided maniions of glory, a houfe not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, for their future reception. He has provided a fulneis of joy and pleasures for evermore, for their final por- tion and inheritance.

Oh 1 what ample provifion is here ! this is indeed good mcaiure, prcfTed down, and fnaken together, and running over- What can needy creatures want, which Jefus does not fuppiy ? Jultly was it once laid by an eminent believer, Jehovah Jireh, The Lord will pro- vide. Let this be the language of our hearts in all our needs.

The hen comforts her winter-brood ; fhe fcreens them from the inclemencies of the weather. She fpreads out her wings, and forms a canopy over them ; this affords them a houle to lodge in, and a bed to ilccp on ; no velvet is fofter, no blankets are warmer ; here they are cherilhed and refreihed ; here they find heat when they fhiver with cold, are dried when they come dropping with wet.

Jefus allb comforts his poor people ; he, is called the c onfolation of IJrael : Come unto me, lays the merci- ful Redeemer, ail ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you reft ; all ye that are weary, and I will refrefh you. He is afflicted in all their affliction*, and is as ready to fuccour them, as a man is to ailay


Let. 19. o F L E T T E R S, 375-

the anguim of his own fmarting fiefh. He is the good, the inconceivably- good Shepherd, whofe bowels yearn with the tendered compaffion, when his lambs are fa- tigued or diftrtfled ; he even lays them in his bofom. Every thing but Jefus {peaks terror, and creates difmay to his little flock. But this compaffionate Shepherd leads them forth befides the waters of com- fort. The world lays many a fnare for their feet ; the world peribcutes and hates them. In the world they inuft have tribulation ; but Chrift fays, Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, and will make you partakers of my victory ; becauie I have conquer- ed, ye (hall conquer alib. The law lays dreadful things to their charge ; the law is the miniftration of condemnation ; the law thunders out threatenings : they are rebels, fays that righteous law ; they have traufgi effed my precepts ; they deferve to iuffer ail the curies denounced againft the diibbedici-t and un- godly. But Chrift gently whifpers, Be of good cou- rage, my people, take fan&uary in your Mediator, I have anlwered all the demands of the law : if it re- quires punilbment, i fuflained torments unutterable ; if it infifts on blood, I fatisfied it with divine blood ; with every drop of my heart's blood ; fo that there is no condemnation to them that nre intereited in me. If it called for righteoufnefs, I fubmitted to its autho- rity ; I performed every jot and tittle of its commands, and thereby brought in a perfect and everlafting righ- teoufnefs. Lay hold on my obedience ; receive this from my free grace, and the law has nothing more to charge againft you ; for the rigiiteonihefs of the law- is fulfilled in them that believe, though the devil tempts and diflrefles the children of Jeius.— He not only tempts, but accufcs them, aggravating and calling .aloud for vengeance ; cries, Down with them, clown with them, even to the duft. But Jcfus gracioufly fteps in, baffles the a.ccufation, arrefts the judgment, and fays, 1 have died to favc them from poing into


576 A COLLECTION Let. 19.

the pit ; for I have found a ranfom ; if they have iin- ued, I have taken them upon myielf ; if they have multiplied tranfgrellions as the fiars of heaven, my Father hath laid on me the iniquities of them all. They arc my redeemed ones ; they are bought with my blood. I cannot lofe my purchaie ; if they are not laved, I am not glorified.

Such fweet truths lent home upon the poor foul, muft be very comfortable and reitorative to the droop- ing firmer j more refrclhing and gladdening to the conicience, than the feathers of the hen are to her feeble ftarving brood.

Upon the whole, let us imitate the chickens, by trufting in Jelus for all we want or wifh ; let us lean upon our Beloved in all our progreis through this wildernels ; expect to be furnifhed entirely out of his fulnefs ; look for protection from his almighty arm. Depend upon provifion from his inexhauftible trea- iures ; and for comfort, from a growing fenic of our intereft in him.

Let this be the habitual language of our heart. BlelFed Lord, 1 am weak and wretched, furround- ed by a multitude of dangers, and defiled by a thouland corruptions, O defend me by thy eter- nal power. Let thy almighty arm be over me. Let thy Holy Spirit be ever with me ; never leave me to my enemies ; never give me up to my own blindnefs and impotency, for I flee unto thee to hide me : on thee I depend to break every fnare of temptation that endangers me from without, to mor- tify every feed of corruption that pollutes me from within. 1 am poor and needy, blelfed Jeius, do thou provide for me. .Since I muft one day give an account of myfelf to God ; let thy blood wafh away my guilt, and drown all my tranlgrefiions. Since I muft, ere long, ftand before him whofe eyes are as a burning fire, O ! clothe me with the robes of thy righteoufneis, the garments of falvation, that I may be holy and


Let. 20. OF LETTERS. 377

blamclefs in his fight. Since I muft quickly die of this miferable world, provide me an entrance into thine own everlafHng kingdom ; and while I continue in this world, provide me with grace fufficient for me, that I may live like thine eled, and adorn the gofpel of God my Saviour.

I am often diftrefied ; mifgiving thoughts and an- guifh of mind, makes me hang down my head like a bulrufh. Through fear of death, and dread of eternal judgment, my joints are fometimes ready to fmite one againft another ; but O ! holy and mod merciful Sa- viour, be thou my ilipport. Pour the oil of gladnefs into my inner man ; give me the joy of thy falvation : the law condemns me, but do thou juftify me ; my own confcicnce writes bitter things againfl me, but do thou whilper to my foul, Be of good cheer, thy fins are forgiven thee. The roaring lion often terrifies me ; but O ! thou good and faithful Shepherd, let thyfclf comfort me. Let me know and feel, that 1 am thine, and then nothing (hall pluck me out of thy hands.

This was wrote before my late illnefs. You fee from hence, that you my friends at Biddeford have been on my thoughts, though they have not of late been addrelTed by way of letter ; and I (hall always fay, that whether we are fick or in health, the Lord Jefus Chrift may be the ftrenth of our hearts, and our por- tion for ever. I am, f^c.


Dear ,

IT is our duty continually to fing hofanna to the King of Ijrael, who treadeth all enemies under his feet. He can tread them down like clay in the ftreets, or caft them out as lightning from heaven. Nothing is impoffible to him ; they who know Chrift's faithful- VOL, V. 24. 38 ncfs


nefs and truth, will put their truft in him ; they will hang upon him every moment, as the feeble child in the arms of the indulgent mother, for grace to flrengthen and enable them to withstand the devices of that enemy of fouls, who is feeking every moment to dcftroy the weak believer, the babes in Chrift. Satan fays, with that wicked one in Exodus^ I will pur- fuc them with inconceivable malice and rage, 1 will o- vertake and tear them in pieces like a lion ; 1 will lay ten thoufand fnares in their way, and if it be poflible, bring them under the dominion of fin, and after that into the damnation of hell. The believer replies, Thou vvouldft effect this, O thou enemy of all godlinefs. I know thou wouldft effeft it with as much cafe, as a feather is borne down by a fweeping whirlwind, was I left a moment to myfelf; but my ftrength do I afcribe unto my incarnate God. The bleffed Jefus has under- taken for my fecurity ; he watches over me every mo- tnent, and nothing can pluck me out of his hands. He hath faid, who (hall difannul it ? that fin mall not have dominion over me ; he will preferve me by his almighty power unto falvation. Let all my adverfa- t ies know affurcdly, that my lafety is not in myfelf. But as the hills (land round about Jerujalem, even la ftandeth the Lord round about his people, from this time forth for evermore.

Whoever attempts the ruin of a foul that is ftaid on jefus, muft wrench the fovei eignty from the hand of Omnipotence, and caufe unftiaken faithftilnefs to .fail. So long as all things in heaven and earth, and under the earth, do bow, and obey the Lamb that was (lain ; fo long as ChrSft is a God unchangeable, and faithful that cannot lie, fo long (hall a poor feeble worm that trufts in him, be fecure from apoftafy ant} perdition. O ! the bleilings, the comforts that fpring from a right knowledge of Jcfus ! Richer bleffings I cannot wifh ! greater treafures I cannot enjoy nor pof- fe|s. This, this alone is that knowledge which St

Let. 21. OF LETTERS. 379

Paul valued above all other accomplifhments or acquire- ments ; in comparifon of which, he counted all things elie no better than drois or dung. O ! let my dear Biddeford friends beg of the Father of lights to fend out the Spirit of wifdom and revelation, that I may be filled with the knowledge of him, and of Jems Chrift whom he hath fent ; and in return both they and you, my frieilds, may be allured of the moft hearty and repeated prayers of

Your fincere friend,


ffSefton-Favell, November 16 » 1745.

IT is not eafy to exprefs the fatisfadlion I received from your agreeable and uleful converfation this afternoon. I rejoice to find, that there are gentlemen of genius, learning, and politenefs, who dare profef$ a fupreme value for the fcfiptures, and are not alha- med of the crofs of Chrift. I congratulate you, dear Sir, on this occafion ; and cannot but look on a mind fo principled, and a heart fo difpbfed, as a very choice and diftinguifhing part of your happineis. Was I to frame a with for the deareft and m oft valuable friend on earth, I would earneftly defire, that he might grow- daily in this grace, and increafe in the knowledge of our Lord arid Saviour Jeius Chrift. And when my pen begs leave to alfure you, that this is my unfeigned with for , it only tranici ibes what is deeply writ- ten on my heart.

This brings the dedication and the preface, which are to introduce a little eftliy, entitled Meditations a- mong the tombs, and Reflexions on a flower-garden, -in two letters to a lady. I hope, Sir, in conlequcncc of your kind promife, you willpleaie to perufe them with the file in your hand. The (everity of the critic,, and the kindnefs of the friend, in this cafe, will be in-

382 Icparable.


Separable. The evangelical ftrain, I believe, muft be preierved ; becaufc, otherwiie, the introductory thoughts will not harmonize with the fubiequcnt ; the porch will be unfuitable to the building. But if you perceive any meannefs of cxpreffion, any quaintneis of ientiment, or any other impropriety and inelegance, I (hall acknowledge it as a very fingular favour, if you will be ib good as to difcover and correct: iuch blc- mifhes.

I hope, Sir, my end in venturing to publifh, is an hearty defire to ferve, in fome little degree, the inter- efts of Chriftianity, by endeavouring to fet fome of its moft important truths in a light, that may both en- tertain, and edify. As I profeis this view, I am cer- tain, your affectionate regard for the moft excellent religion imaginable, will incline you to be concerned for the iffue of fuch an attempt, and therefore to con- tribute to its fuccefs, both by bcftowing your ani- madverfions upon thefe fmall parts, and by fpeaking of the whole (when it (hall come abroad) with all that candour which is natural to the Chriftian, and will be fo greatly needed by this new adventurer in letters, who is,



Dear S/r, ffefton-Favell, Nov. 19. 1745.

Cannot forbear making my grateful acknowledge- ments for your mod obliging letter. You could not poffibly have imagined any thing more agreeable to my inclination, than the propofal you are pleafed to make of admitting me to your acquaintance and converfation. I accept your kind offer, Sir, withthank- fulnefs, with joy ; and (hall moft gladly cultivate a friendfhip, which is not only perfectly innocent, but remarkably elegant and improving, Efpecially, fince you arc pleafed to permit the difcourfe to turn upon thofe points, which it is my duty to ftudy, and my


Let, 22. OF LETTERS. 381

delight to contemplate. Nor (ball I forget, how much I am indebted to your condefceniion for this favour ; but (hall ahv ys bear a refpectful fenfe cf the diftin- guiihed rank, and fuperior abilities of my worthy friend.

Indeed I am particularly delighted with fuch inter- views, as ferve to enlarge our knowledge, and refine our affections ; fuch as have an apparent tendency to render us more ufeful in our prefent ftations, and to ripen us for future happinefs ; fuch was that which I lately enjoyed in your company. This is a feaft: of reaibn ; a feaft of truth ; and, 1 muft own, has charms for me, infinitely fuperior to all the impertinent a- mufements of modi(h chat, or the mean gratifications of the bottle.

When 1 have been afked to fpend an afternoon with gentlemen of a learned education, and unqueftionable ingenuity, I have fancied myfclf invited to take a turn in fomc beautiful garden ; where I expected to have been treated with a fight of the moft delicate flowers, and moft amiable forms of nature : when, to my great furprifc, I have been (hewn nothing but the moft worthlefs thiftle, and contemptible weeds. To one who has fo often been difappointed, it muft be peculiarly pleafing to find the iatisfaction which he has long fought in vain. This I make no doubt of ob- taining, if I may be permitted to be a third perfon in

the interview, when you arid Mr fit together in

focial conference.

1 beg leave to return my thanks for your ingenious remark upon a fentence in the efTay towards a pre- face ; and alfo to exprefs my entire fatisfaction in your motion for confidering more attentively the fpiritual intcrefts for the poor patients in the holpital. At pre- -fent, it is undeniably plain, that much more afli- duous and effectual care is taken of their temporal, than of their eternal welfare. With pleafure I mall join in concerting fomc proper method to rectify this mif-


332 A COLLECTION Let. 23,

condutf, and with a real alacrity fliall execute (as far as I mall be enabled) any expedient which you (hall judge conducive to the recovery and health of their fouls.

I almoft repent, that my pen has intruded, perhaps, in the midft of important buiinefs, and ilole fo much of your valuable time. But now I have done : and {hall only repeat, what agreeable views I form from the profpecl: of your future acquaintance, and what an addition it will be to my happinefs to be owned and regarded, as,


SIR, Wefton-Feeuell^ Dec. 17. 1745.

T Admire your remarkable regard for truth, and that noble greatnefs of foul, which fcorns to 1'aci ifice confcierice to intereft, and cannot ftoop to receive temporal honours on luch ignoble terms. Your con- duel; reminds me of a moil amiable peculiarity in the upright and religious man's character, as it is drawn by the infpired writers ; with which you cannot but be particularly pleated, as it fo exactly correfponds with your own ; fuch a one, fays the royal preacher, feareth an oath ; fuch a one, adds the fweet finger of Ifrael, fpeaketh the truth from his heart.

The thirty-nine articles I have more than once fub- fcribcd ; and as I continue ftedfart in the belief of them, as you are pleafed to afk my opinion relating to fome ieemingly- exceptionable tenets contained in them, I mod readily fubmit it to your consideration ; not, Sir, in the capacity of a cafuift, who would attempt a fa- tisfaclory anfwer to your queftions ; but only under the notion of a fincere friend, who would freely dif- clofe his whole foul, and entertain no one fentiment, but what mould be communicated to a valuable ac- quaintance.

" You are a good deal puzzled about the equality

" of

Let. 23. o F L E T T E R S.

" of the Son with the Father, in Athanafius's fenfc." I own, it is no wonder, that we ihould be fome- what daggered at this myfterious truth ; eipecially if we indulge a wanton curiofity, and inquire after the quomodeity of the doctrine ; if nothing will content our bufy minds, but a clear comprehenfion of this parti- cular, they will never be brought to acquietce in this article. But, if they dare venture to believe the ex- prefs declarations of infinite wifdom, and wait till a future (late for a full evolution of the myftery, their alfent will foon be determined.

1 once thought a very ftriking proof of this fcrip- tural doctrine might be derived from the known pro- perties of a mortal child, conlidcred in comparifon with the parent. Is not the fon as perfect a partaker of all the conftituent parts of the human nature as the Father ? Are not the children of this age pofTefF- ed of the fame endowments of body and mind, as their fathers in the preceding age ? Whatever cfTen- tial excellencies belong to the one, may with equal truth be predicated of the other. And if the ion, in this our inferior world, be in all points equal to his progenitor, why fhould we not fuppofe, that the o-lo- rious Son of God is equal, in all refpefts, to his a!T mighty Father ?

But I chufe to forbear all fuch fond endeavours, to explain what, to our very limited apprehenfions, is altogether inexplicable. 1 rather receive tcripture for my teacher, and give up my icntiments to be formed and conducted by that infallible guide. In fcripture there are abundance of texts, which, in the mod ex- plicit terms imaginable, afiert the Son to be God. JNow, if he be God, he cannot have any fuperior: in- feriority evidently dcftroys divinity : inferiority, in any inftancc, is inconfiltent with the notion of a fu- preme Being. So that every text in fcripture which afcribes a divine nature to the blefled Jcfus, feems to all that Athanajw maintains, concerning the ab-


384 A COLLECTION Let. 23.

folute, univerfal equality of the Son with the Father. In what refpects can the Son be fuppofed inferior1? Arc not the fame honours given to the Son as are paid to the Father ? The Pialmift mentions two of the incommunicable honours which arc due to the fupreme Majefty. Both which, he declares, are, and {hall be, addrdfcd to the Son : Prayer mall bt; made ever unto him, and daily (hall he be praifcd. This adorable perfon is the object of our worfliip through- out the whole litany. In the doxologies of our li- turgy, the fame glory is afcribed to all the three infi- nitely-exalted pcribns of the Trinity. 1 take notice of this, not as a conclufivc argument, but only to hint at the uniform judgment of our reformers on this important head, and to point out then particular care to inculcate, with inceifant afliduity, this belief upon the members of their communion. Are not the fame works afcribed to the Son, as are aicribed to the Father ? God, the fovereign and fupreme God, (according to the periphratis of a Heathen poet, Cui ni lii L fi mile ^ autjccundum,} often declares his matchlcfs perfections, by referring mankind to his aftoniihing works of creation. And is not the Son the Creator of the univerfe : All things were made by him, is the teftimony of one apoftle ; and, Heupholdeth all things by the word of his power, the depolition of another. Is not the fame incommunicable name applied to the Son ? Jehovah is allowed to be a name never attributed, throughout the whole fcripture, to any being, but only to the one living and true God ; who only hath im- mortality, who hath no fuperior, none like him in heaven or earth. But this title is the character of the incarnate Son. If we compare Moj'cs and St Paul, we (hall find that Chrift is Jehovah, Numb. xxi. 6. with I Cor. x. 9. This argument, I think, is not common ; and, I muft own, has had a great influence in fettling my judgment, ever fince I was apprifed of it. Ano- ther proof was fuggcftcd in the morning- leifon for the


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day, If. xlv. 23. compared with Phil. ii. 10. It is the Lord in the prophet, that infinitely- wife God who manifefteth, even from ancient time, the dark and remote events of futurity ; who peremptorily declares, that there is no God befides him, confequently none fuperior in any degree to him ; yet this moft facred perfon, who in the prophet's text has the attributes of - incomparable perfection and unftiared fupremacy, is, in the apoftle's comment, the Redeemer.

I fancy all thofe texts of fcripture, which feem to you, Sir, fo diametrically oppofite to this doctrine, will, upon a renewed examination, appear referable only to the humanity of our .Saviour, if fo, they can- not affect the point under debate, nor invalidate the arguments urged in its fupport.

After all, I believe, here lies the grand difficulty. Son- fhip, we take for granted, implies inferiority. Sonftiip implies the receiving of a being from another ; and to receive a being is an inftance of inferiority. But, dear Sir, let us reprefs every bold inquiry into this awful fe- cret ; left that of the apoftle, «. ^ fap«*.i* t^e^^a,, be the lighteft cenfure weiucur. What is right reafoning,whea applied to the cafe of created exigence, is little leisthan blafphemy when applied to that divine perfon, who is. from everlalting to everlafting, the great I AM. The generation of the Son of God is an unfathomable myf- tcry. A prophet cries out with amaze, Who can de- clare his generation ? and if we cannot conceive it, how can we form any conclufions, or determine what conicquenccs follow from it ?— --Here it becomes us not to examine, but to adore. If we know not how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child, how (hall we be able to ftate the nature, or explain the effects of a generation, inexpreflibly more remote from ..our infinite apprehensions ?

Upon the whole ; iince the fcripture has given us repeated and unqueltionable aflurances, That Chrift is God ; fince common fcnfe cries aloud againft the

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abiurdity of fuppofing a God, who has a fuperior ; fliall we reject inch pofitive evidences of revelation, and be deaf to the ilrongeft rcmonttranccs of our reaibn, merely becaufe we cannot conceive, how the •Sonfhip of the Redeemer can be compatible with an abfolute equality, in all poflible perfection, to the Fa- ther ?

It need not be hinted to , that this doctrine of

the Divinity, conlequently of the equality, of the fa- crec] TRI- u N E, is not merely a ipeculative point, but has a moil dole connection with practice ; and is ad- mirably fitted to influence our lives, in the molt power- ful and endearing manner. That it is no lefs inlepa- rably connected with the grand bleilings of acquaintance from the guilt, and delivery from the bondage of fin ; blellings of unutterable and infinite value, without which the children of men are of all creatures molt milcrable ; which yet we cannot reafonably hope to enjoy, if any of thole illuftrious pcribns concerned in accomplishing the great redemption, be fuppoled lefs than divine.

The i8th article, you add, is another objection to me, which begins thus, They allo are to be had accur- ied, &c. This, as you obferve, leems harm. Yet the harflmefs is not ours, but the apoftle's. I imagine, this is no more than a tranfcript of St Paul's awful and folemn declaration, tranfmitted to the Galatian converts, and denounced againft their corrupting teachers. Be pleated, Sir, to perufe attentively that whole infpired letter, andcfpecially toconfiderchap. i. verfcs 6, 7, 8, 9. rl hen permit me to appeal to your- felf, whether our article prof dies any doctrine, which is not clearly eliablifhed in that molt excellent epiftle ; or whether our church ufes more levere terms, than the apoftle thinks proper to thunder put, in that me- morable palfaye ? But might not this doftrine have been -alliateda little, or the tremendous fanctionfome- what foftened ? l«Joj we mutt not add to, or diminifh


Let. 23. OF LETTERS. 387

from,, our inviolable rule. A faithful fteward of the divine myfteries, niuft declare the whole will of God, in its full extent and latitude ; together with the fear- ful confequences of prefumptuouily oppofing it, as well as the blelfed effects of cordially receiving it.

I am not furprifed, that this procedure ftartles fome, and offends others. St Paul feenis to have forefeet-) this event ; and therefore apologizes for nimielf, fhall I fay ? rather declares his unalterable resolution of perfilting in this practice ; q. d. I am ienfible, that fuch teach- ings will be far from palatable to too many of my hearers ; 1 am aware alio, that to threaten the divine anathema on every oppofer of this doctrine, will be flill .more offenfive. But lhall i defift on thefe corifi- derations ? fhall I accommodate the flandard doctrines of heaven to the depraved tafte of the age ; or be fo- licitousto make them fquarewith the favourite fchemes of human device, only to avoid creating difguft in fome minds ? No, verily: I preach what unerring wifdom has revealed, not what capricious man has dreamed, («p?< r*t>* e^n/i T«e«, « *», e^ov;) and therefore dare not vary one jot or tittle from my high orders. My bu- finefs is principally to pleafeGod by a faithful diicharge of my commiffion, not to ingratiate myfelf with men, by modelling my doctrine in conformity to their hu- mours ; (?«•?« «»ap«T«i5 a^Mn -,) and therefore I muft, I mult deliver it, jufl as I received it.

But why do I offer to illuftrate thefe texts ? Your own meditations, I perfuade myfelf, will difcern, much more clearly than I can reprefent, that the com- pilers of our articles are no other than the echo of St Paul: or rather that they only fet their leal to the doc- trines of Chrift, which he taught ; and approve that verdict of heaven which he has brought in. This con- jfulcration will acquit them from the charge of harfh- jiefs of expreffion, or uncharitablencfs of fentiment.

Your objections thus proceed. I believe that every one will be favcd, who acts up to the befl of his know -

302 ledge.

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ledge. I almoft durll venture to join iflue with my friend upon this footing ; and undertake to prove, from this very polition, the univerfal necelfity of believing in Chrift for i'alvation. Becaufe, I think, it is indii- putably certain, that there is no man living, who has in ail points acted up to his knowledge : and if he has fwcrved, in any inltance, from his known acknow- ledged duty, how fhall he efcape punifhment, with- out an atonement ? Video mtliora proboque, deteriora fcquor-) is what the moll vigilant and upright of mor- tals have, at ibme unhappy moments, felt to be true. If fo, how fhall they Hand before that righteous God, who will not accquit the guilty, without an interelt in the great expiation ? But, I prefume, your propofi- tion is to be taken in a more qualified fenfe ; it means, that thole who fincerely, though not perfectly, in the main courfe of their life, and as far as the infirmities of a frail nature admit, act up to their knowledge ; that thefe (hall be faved, even without their applica- tion to the merits of a Saviour. If this opinion be true, I own, it mult be very unfafe to fubferibe our articles.

When this point is in difputc, I apprehend, we are to confine it to thofe who live in a gblpci land, where opportunities of knowing the good will of God pre- fent themielves every day, every hour. As for the Heathens, who lye under unavoidable and irremedi- able ignorance of the blefTed Jcrfus, they are out of the queftion. They, I think, fliould be remitted to God's unfearchable wifdom and goodnefs. There may be uncovenantcd mercies for them, which we know no- thing of. It feems to be a daring and unjuRifiable rafhnefs, for us to determine one way or the other, with regard to their final ftate. This, however, is plain fi om the oracles of revelation, that it will be more tolerable- for thole poor Gentiles in the day of eterml judgment, than for thofe inexcufable infidels, who have heard and dilbbeyed the glorious gofpel.


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The controverfy ther. concerns thofe only \vho have the Bible in their hands, or the voice of the preacher founding in their religious afTemblies every fabbath- day. Thefe, dear Sir, I cannot think will inherit fal- vation, though they act with ever fo much fincerity, according to their knowledge, unlefs they add to their knowledge, faith.

Perhaps, what we call their knowledge, is no bet- ter than downright and wilful ignorance : the light that is in them is darknefs. Perhaps, they never took any pains to get tbemielves informed in the gloiious peculiarities of the gofpel. If fo, their conduct is one continued difobedience to the divine commands, which require us to feck for wifdom as for hid treafures ; which charge us to fearch the fcriptures (fptuv«v) as narrowly, as induftrioufly, as the fportfman learches every fpot of ground, beats every taft of grafs, in order to Mart the latent game. In this cafe, what we call their know- ledge is really blindneis itfelf ; and their want of true knowledge cannot be their plea, becaufe it is evident- ly their neglect and their fin.

But fuppofe thefe perfons have fearched the fcrip- tures, and yet are perfuaded, that there is no fuch need of a Saviour's merits. Shall we condemn them in thefe circumftances ? We do not prcfume to fit as their judges, or to fcatter at our pleafure the thunders of eternal vengeancr ; we only declare, what fentence is paifed upon them by the fupreme Difpenfer of life and death. He has made it an adjudged cife, he has patted it into an in epeaia'jle law, Thai whoibbclieveth not in the Son of God, whofoevcr perverfely perftfts in feeking fome other method of falvation, and will not flv to that Redeemer whom infinite Wifdom has fet

-• ,

forth for a propitiation, rhis man is condemned already. Will it be faidv That a man cannot help affcnt- ing to wimt he is thoroughly perfuaded to be right ; And if a , )ei(t from his very foul believes, that mo- rality alone is the way to life ; and that the notion


35© A COLLECTION Let. 23.

of a Redeemer, to make fatisfaction, and procure juftification, is a religious chimera ; fliall we blame luch a one for following the genuine dictates of his mind ? I anfwer, (till I anfwer, That we muft abide by the determinations of that fovereign God, whofe judgments we are fure is according to truth. He has laid, nor can all the cavils and fophiftry in the world fuperfede the decree, He that belicvcth not, (hall be damned. Be not (hocked, Sir, at the feeming ievc- rity of the doom. Rather let us be mocked, be great- ly aftoniihed, at the prodigious hardinefs of thole more than fteely hearts, which can attend to fuch ter- rors of the Lord, and not be perfuaded to come to Chrift ; nay, what is enough to make heaven and earth horribly amazed, can hear of thefe terrors, and yet regard them no more than a puff of empty air.

Nor will it extenuate the crime of unbelief, to allege in behalf of the infidel, that he is actually convinced, in his own confcience, that his ientiments are right. He may be fo ; and yet be inexcufably guilty not- withftanding : for is it not owing to his own fault, that he has imbibed fuch fentiments ! Is it not through bis own criminal mifconduct, that he has contracted iuch a perverfe habit of thinking ? Has he not indul- ged fomc darling vice, which has eloudcd his under- (landing ? Or inllead of obeying the great mandate of heaven, This is my beloved Son, heai* ye him ; has he not attended iblely to the arguings, deductions, and difccrnment of his own reaibn, as his only guide to heavenly truth ? A drunkard verily thinks, (if he thinks at all,) that he does nobly in committing infults on quiet harmlefs people. But will his bare thinking, that he acts gallantly, acquit him at the bar of equity ? Perhaps, in his prefect condition he cannot help fan- cying, that his actions are becoming, and that he tloes well to be turbulent and outrageous ; but though he cannot help th£ effect, might he not have avoided the cauie of his phrenzy ? Methinks, this companion


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will hold good, if applied to the cafe of many (corn- ers of the gofpel ; who think contemptuously of Jefus Chrift, and who really apprehend they do nothing a- mifs in depredating his obedience and death. But I fear, they have brought upon themfelves this deplo- rable delirium or intoxication of their underftandings, either by voluptuoufnels and debauchery, or elie by felf-conceit, and the mod odious arrogance of mind ; which, in the eftimate of the Holy One of/frae/, is no better than fpiritual idolatry.

For my part, I am allured, that God has vouch* fafed us the means of obtaining the knowledge of him- felf, and of Jefus Chrift, whom he hath lent ; it is e- qually certain, that he has commanded us to acquaint ourfelves with him, and be at peace ; it is no leis un- deniable, that whofoever feeks this ineftimable know- ledge, by a diligent application to the fcriptures, by a child like dependence on the teachings of the divine Spirit, by humble prayers to be led into all truth, and by doing the will of God, fo far as he is acquainted with it,— whofoever leeks, by ufmg thele means, mall find, lhall come to the knowledge of the truth, and be laved. If therefore perlbns arc fo negligent, as not to ufc thefe methods ; fo audacious, as to contemn them ; Ib haughty, as to imagine they have no need of them ; they may juftly be given over to their own delulions, and yet be moft righteoufly punifhcdas iui- cides of their fouls.

But ftill it is pleaded in vindication of the good-na- tured, civilized infidel. That there is no turpitude in his life ; that his behaviour is every way irreproach- able.— As to the turpitude of his life, when compa- red with the converiation of other men, I have no- thing to fay : but furely, there is the hij/heft iniquity rn his principles and conduct, when compared with the revealed will of God ; which is the only criterion of truth, the only ftandard of excellence. God has commanded all men to honour the £>on, even as they


392 A COLLECTION Let. 23.

honour the Father ; but thcfc people proteft againft the divine edict, and lay, with thole iuiblent liibjecls in the gofpel, We will not have this Jei'us to reign o- ver us. God has Iblemnly declared, 'I hat all mankind arc become guilty before him ; that by the works of the moral law, no ttelh living fliall be juftified ; that there is no Mediator between God and men, but the man Chrift Jelus ; but theie people maintain, in defi- ance of this declaration, that they themiclves are able to make up matters with their offended Creator; and can, by their own honeft behaviour, iecure a title to evcrlafting felicity. God, of his fuperabundant and inconceivably-rich goodnefs, has given his Son, his only Son to fuffer agonies, to med ulood, to lay down an infinitely-precious life for them ; yet thefe people, like thole impious wretches that crucified the Lord of glory, deride his agonies, trample upon his blood, and though he has redeemed them, they fpcak lies a- gainft him *• Let us fee then a little part of the evi- dence fummed up againft the fpirit of unbelief. It implies flubbornnefs, which is as the fin of witchcraft ; rebellion, which is as iniquity and idolatry : it implies the mofl afTuming pride, which is an abomination to the Lord: it implies the vileft ingratitude, even amidll the moft unbounded beneficence ; and the voice of na- ture has poclaimed, higratumfi dixeris^ omniadixcris. Let the impartial confiderer decide, whether the heart of thefe perfons be right before God ; or whe- ther their conduct, when brought to the teft of that word which is to judge them at the laft day, be Ib onblameable as is frequently pretended.

Enough has been faid of the two firft points; I fear more than enough to fatigue your attention. How- ever, I now draw in the reins, and promife not to put your patience upon doing fuch tedious penance any more.

There is another expreflion in the paragraph rela- ting Hof. viii. 13.

Let. 23. OF LETTERS. 393

ting to the i8th article, which, fince you expect my undiiguiied opinion, i cannot dii'mifs without a re- mark. When the icriptures lay, that men (hall be fa- ved thro* the name of Chrifr., you fnppoie, Sir, they mean, that Chriil made a general atonement for ori- ginal fin. Whereas, I apprehend, that iuch texts im- port abundantly, I had aimoft laid infinitely more. Thus much 1 think, at leaft they muft amount to in their fignirkation ; that if we are faved from the guilt of our offences, it fhall be only through the all -ato- ning blood of the Lamb of God If we are made ac- ceptable to that awful MajeOy who dweileth in light inacccllible, this our julUtication fhall be in conlldera- tiou of the obedience and righteoufnefs of the beloved Son ; if we obtain the Spirit of iandification, are ena- bled to deny all ungodiinefs, and to live foberly, righ- teouily, and godlily in tnis preient evil world, it fhall be through the interceffton of Jetiis our great High Prieft, by whom alone the Holy GhoO: is vouchfafed to unworthy polluted finners. All this I take to be included in that word, of moft rich and cornprehcn- five meaning, falvation ; and flnce it is affirmed, that we are faved by, 1 fhould think, it miifl fignify, that we obtain all thefe glorious and invaluable bene- fits through that all-futficient Mediator.

As to Chrift's making an atonement for original fin, that furely was but one fingle branch of his important undertaking : Wo, wo be to the inhabitants of the earth, if he did no more. OUT- a<5rual fins, the fins of our heart, the fins of our life, our fins of omiffion and Tins of commifiiori ; ami all thei'e fins, which are more in number than the hairs of our head, heavier with hor- rid aggravations than the fand of the fen, he bore in his own body on the tree. He was wounded for our offences ; he was bruUed for our tranigrefTions ; and the Lord laid on hi-n (not only the innate cicpra- yity, but) the actual iniquities of us all.

Your ncx objection Jus agaiufl the igtb article, » V. 24. 3D namely,

394 A COLLECTION Let. 23.

namely, Works done before the grace of Chrift, are not acceptable to God: Js the meaning of this tenet, you afk, that men are made with a natural incapacity of doing any thing but iinful actions ? I anfwer, this is not io properly the meaning of the article, as a moft cogent reaibn to eftablHh it. Only let it be ftated a little more clearly, and 'it is no inconfiderable ar- gument in proof of the doctrine. Men were not made by their Creator with this incapacity, but they have brought it upon themfelves by their own fault. By their original lin they have contracted a moft miferablc depravity, and have made themfelves rP«r »*v »/>><« «y«e8» aSo*.tv*t Since therefore we can do no good work, be- fore we are renewed by the grace of Chrift, it feems to follow, that we can do no work acceptable to God, till this renovation take place. This, you obferve, does not ieern fo agreeable to chanty, as one could wifh. "Worthy Sir, our notions of charity arc not to be the rule of the divine acceptance either of perfons or things. If the doctrine be agreeable to the declarations of un- erring wifdom, we are to admit it with all readincfs, and rather conclude, that we miftake the nature of charity, than that the fcripture miftakes the terms of the Almighty V acceptance and favour. You know, Sir, it is the exprefs voice of fcripture, thar without faith it is impoffible to pleafe God ; and till the Spi- rit of Chrift be (bed abroad in the foul, it pofleffes no fuch facred principle as true faith. It is a favour- ite apophthegm of our divine Matter's, That a cor- rupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit. And are not all that fpring from the Itock of fallen Adam, corrupt trees, until they are ingrafted into the true olive-tree, and partake of his meliorating and generous juices ? I (hall only mention one more fcriptural oracle ; an oracle delivered not from Dtlpfos, no, nor from mount £/>;#/, but immediately from heaven itfelf : This is my be- loved Son, in whom I am well pleafed I have always thoiignt thefe words are to be taken in an exclufive

fenfe ;

Let. 23. o F L E T T E R S. 395

fenfe ; as though the everlafting Father had (aid, I am well pleafed with the apoftate race of Adam, only as they are reconciled through rny beloved Son : uninterefted in him, no perfons are the objects of my complacen- cy ; unrecommended by him, no actions are the fub- ject of my approbation. If this be the genuine fenfe of the paifage, it will ferve at once to confirm the ar- ticle, and to obviate the objection derived from the deficiency and remains of pollution, that cleave even to the performances of a believer.

1 am glad you have fatisfied yourfelf with relation to the article, which touches upon predeftination and election. Thefe are fublime points, far above the fo- lutiori of our low capacities* But, for my part, I &m no more furprifed, that fome revealed truths fiiould a- rnaze my understanding, than that theblazingfun ftiould dazzle my eyes. That iuch things are mentioned in the infpired writings as real facts, is undeniable. I mould renounce my very reafon, if I did not believe what Omnifcience attefts, even though it ftiould imply what is altogether inexplicable by my fcanty concep- tions. And why fhould the incaverned mole, whofe dwelling is in darknefs, whofe fight is but a fmall re*- move from blindneis, why mould fuch a poor animal wonder, that it cannot dart its eye thro' unnumbered worlds, or take in at a glance the vaft fyftem of the univerfe ?

Your fenfe of the 2oth article is exactly mine. The authority you mention, is, in my opinion, all the authority which the church, the rulers and governors of the church, can reasonably claim, or regularly exercife, in matters relating to faith. Thefe rulers have power, as you juftly obferve, to fettle, in conformity with what they conclude to be the meaning of fcripture, the nature and extent of their own creed ; and none, I think, can fairly deny them a right co determine, what points of belief fhall be the indifpenfable terms of enjoying communion with their fociety. But as

3 D 2 for

396 A COLLECTION Let. 24.

for I know not what privilege of interpreting fcriptnre, in fueh a manner, as that it (hall he contumacy to exa- mine, before we credit, or heterodoxy and herefy to controvert their expolition ; this is an authority which 1 cannot allow to any man, or body 'of men, now in the world. At this rate our faith would be built upon the decifions of the church, not on the deter- minari >ss of the infpired word ; and, consequently, be not of God, but of men.

Could I have imagined when I fct pen to paper, that It Would have run fuch extravagant lengths ! Bear Xvith my prolixity, dear Sir, and excufcr my freedom ; or rather, if I have laid any thing in too free a ftyle, you muft charge it upon your own condefcenlion and candour, Which have emboldened me to deliver my fentiments without the lead cloak or refcrve.

But I muft not, I dare not, clofe, without afting as becomes a minifter of the goipel ; without reminding my valuable friend, that the infpiration of the Almigh- ty givcth wifdom ; that a man can receive nothing, much lefs an acquaintance with the myfteries of the Redeem- er's kingdom, unlefs it be given him from above. To this Fountain of wifdom, and Father of lights, let us make humble, earnefr, daily application. Then (hall we fee the things that belong to our peace, and, as it is moft emphatically exprefied by the facred pen- man, know the truth as it is in Jeius. I am, &c.


Deaf Sir, tFcfton-Favell, Jan. 10. 17 45- 6.

HOW arduous, and how momentous, is the tafk you have afligned me ! A fenle of its difficulty and importance almoft deterred me from venturing io much as to attempt it. A cordial friendfhip infti- gated, and a conilioufnefs of my own incapacity checked, for fome time, my flucluating mind. At length the bias inclined to the fide oi the former ; my


Let. 24. OF LETTERS. 397

reluftance, urged by the requeft of a friend, gives way ; and now I am fully determined Determined, to what ? To enter the lifts againft the adversaries of the Trinity ? More particularly to appear as the chain- pion for the personality and divinity of the Holy Ghoft? With a view of reding the grand debate on the dex- terity of this pen ? No ; Sir, I form no fuch roman- tic ichemes ; I renounce any fuch undertaking 5 I am only determined to lay before you the thoughts which have occurred, flnce 1 have received your laft letter ; and this, on the condition of having them returned to the fecrecy of my cloiet, after you have parted your judgment, and beftowed your corrections upon them. in managing this controverfy, (hall I lay ? or ra- ther in puriuing this inquiry, it behoves us humbly to apply to the greaj Father of lights for direction. They fliall all be taught of God, fays the prophet ; this promife we mould humbly plead at the throne of grace, and, in chearful dependence on its accomplifli- ment, proceed to examine, with a modeft and re- verential awe, the myfterious points before us. Who- ever rejects this key, and yet hopes to be admitted in- to the treafures of heavenly knowledge, acls altoge- ther as imprudent a part, as if he mould expect to at- tain a mafterly (kill in mathematics, and at the fame time neglect to inform himfelf of the fir ft principles of that admired fcience. When a divine perion is the object of our confideration, then i'urely it becomes us, in a moreefpecial manner, not tolean to our own under- Handing, but, like little children, to rely on the teach- ings of that all- wife Spirit, whofe nature, dignity, and attributes, we would devoutly contemplate. You will, perhaps, take notice, that 1 anticipate what is to be proved ; and take it for granted, that the Holy - Ghoft is indeed God. I would only obftrve from this remark, how naturally we wifli, how almoft unavoid- ably we conclude, that perfon to be really God, who is appointed to lead us into all truth.


398 A COLLECTION Let. 24.

Let us now, Sir, if you ple-afe, addrels ourfclvcs to the inquiry, whether the Holy Spirit is a real perlon, whether that pcribn is very God ? and, thefe par- ticulars being difcufled, it may be proper to examine briefly the mod material of IVlr Towkins's objections. —But to whom, to what (hall we apply, in order to find the fatisfaction we feek ? To reafon, and her naked unaffifled dictates ? Hardly can reafon guefs a- right with relation to the things that are before our eyes ; much leis can (he determine, with any certainty, concerning the unfearchable depths of the divine na- ture, thofe T<*/3«enT«0t«. We have in the word of reve- lation an infallible oracle. To this let us direft our fearch. To the decifion of this unerring ftandard, let us inviolably adhere ; however it may furpais our comprchenlion, or run counter to our fond prcpofTef- iions.

Here we may poflibly afk, Is not the Spirit of God, by a common metonymy, put for God himfelf I I own I have fometimes been inclined to hefitate on this queftion. When it is faid, My Spirit mall not always drive with man, and, Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God ; I have never thought thefe paflages a iufficient proof of the perfonality of the bleffed Spirit, though (if I miftake not) commonly urged in fup- port of the doctrine. Thefe, I apprehend, might fair- ly be interpreted of grieving God himfelf, and refitt- ing the tender gracious overtures of his mercy. Con- formably to that parallel form of fpeech, where it is laid by the infpired writer, Paufs fpirit was grieved, /. e. 'without all difpute, Paul himfelf was inwardly afflicted.

Again ; perhaps, the Spirit of the Lord may be no- thing more than a particular modification or exercife of a divine power refident in the Deity. For inltance, when it is faid, in the prophetic language, Not by might, nor by force, but by my Spirit, faith the Lord ; or by the evangelical hiflorian, The Holy Ghoft was


Let. 24. OF LETTERS. 399

upon him. Arc not thefe texts nearly equivalent, in point of fignification, to thofe fcriptural expreffions, The right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pafs, The inipiration of the Almighty giveth under- Itanding ? Is not this the meaning of the former paf- iagc, Not mortal llrength, but God's omnipotent aid giveth victory in the battle, and fuccefs in every un- dertaking ; and this the import of the latter, The communications of infinite wifdom enlightened his mind in an extraordinary manner ?

Were there no other fcriptures which concerned themfelves in this debate, I fliould be ready to give up the point. But there are feveral, which moft ftrong- ly imply the perfonality of the x Holy Ghoft, though they may not aflert it in pofitive terms. It is true, we meet with no fuch term as perfonality in facred writ ; but if we find the thing fignified, it is in effecl the lame. No one can (hew me the word refurreclion in the whole Pentateuch, but will any one prefnme to maintain, that this doctrine is not to be proved from the books of Mofet ? Our Lord's famous reply to the eninaring interrogatory of the Sadducees, mult for c- ver filence i'uch a fuggeftion. And this we may further learn from his method of arguing, that it is not only proper, but our duty, to deduce truths, by fair con- iequences, which the text rmy not explicitly fpeak.

Bepleafed, Sir, to confider the apoftolical benedic- tion, The grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and the love of God, and the fellowfhip Of the Holy Ghoft, be with you all. If we allow the apoftle to wnderftand the true import of language, muft it not follow from this paflage, that the Holy Spirit is a real perfon.anddiftinct from the Father and the Son ? Otherwife, would not the facred writer, ought not the facred writer, to have exprcfled himfclf in 'a different manner ; to have iaid rather, The fdlowQiip of his, or the fellowfhip of their f'pirit ? The form of adminiftering baptifm is an- other text of this nature : In the name of the Father,


400 A COLLECTION Let. 24.

and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. It is evi- dent ; I believe, it is allowed by all, that the two firft are real diftin& pcrions ; and is there not equal reaibn to conclude, that the laft-mentioned is a perfon alfb ? Suppoie you Ihould endeavour to diflinguifti three perlbns in your difcourfe, what other language would you uie than this ? 1 dare fay, Sir, you are fenfible, that one icripture-proof, if plain in its fignification, and incontestable in its evidence, is as valid, as decilive as one thoufand ; becaufe one iiich proof bears the ftamp of infallible wifdom and infinite veracity. There- fore,was there no other hint in all the infpircd volumes, but thele pregnant words which compofe the form of baptifm, this lingle proof would be fufliciently fatif- factory to my judgment.

I fhall take leave to refer you to a few more evi- dences, and tranfcribe only the following : There are three that bear witnefs in heaven, the Father, the Lo- gos, and the Holy Ghoft, and theie three are one. But this, we are told, is a furreptitious text ; foiflcd by the bigotted efpoufers of a certain favourite let of doctrines. The only refource this of our oppofers, when their cafe becomes defperate, when conviction flafhes in their faces ; when every other fubter'fuge fails ; then the pretence of fpurious, and interpolated reading is trumped up. It is not to be found, they cry, in fome very ancient copy ; perhaps, the Alexan- drine MS. acknowledges no fuch palTage. But this I mud be allowed to queftion : I dare not take our ad- veriaries bare word ; eipccially, fmce fome of the de- clared enemies of orthodoxy are not the moft exem- plary for truth and integrity. However, granting that there may be no fuch text in the Alexandrine MS. for rny part, I mould not fcruple to abide by the uriiver- ial teftimony of all editions, in all countries, much rather than to give up my felf implicitly to the autho- rity of a fingle MS. I mould think it much more rea- fouable to conclude, that the tranfcriber of that par- ticular

Let. 24. OF LETTERS. 401

ticular copy, had, through overfight, dropt fome fen- tence, rather than to charge all the other copies with forgery, and the editions of all ages with a grofs mil- take. Confider, Sir, not only the apparent difficulty, but the moral impoffibility of corrupting the facred books in that palpable manner, which this objection would infmuate ; at a time when every private Chi if- tian valued them more than life, and fpent no day without a diligent contemplation of them ; at a time, when each particular feel read them conftantly in their public aflemblies, and watched over the genuinenefs of each text with a moft jealous eye. Would it be an eafy matter to introduce a fuppofitious claufe into an ordinary will, after it had been iblemnly proved at Dotfors Commons, and one authentic copy preferved in the archives I If this is fcarce poffible, how much more unlikely is it, that any one (hould be able to praclife fo iniquitoufly upon the infpired writings, when not one only, but unnumbered copies were depofited in the moft: vigilant hands, and difperfcd throughout the world ?

I (hall only defire you to confult thofe other fcrip- tures, Rom. xv. 16, 30. Johnwi. 13, 14, 15 which, without heaping together a multitude of other proofs, fcem to put the matter beyond all rational doubt. In the laft of thofe places, you will take par- ticular notice, that the writer fpeaks of the Holy Ghoft in the mafculine gender. How could this con- fift with propriety of ftyle, upon any other fcheme than ours ? The expreflion mould have been //, not he, if the Holy Ghoft were a divine energy alone, and not a real perfon. Nay, it is remarkable, that though n»iw/»« be a neuter, yet the hiftorian varies the gender, and gives us a mafculine relative, 01** i\e« iM.roj, E/.tivw ipt fotarn ; and on what principles can this * conilrudbion be accounted for, or jullified, but by al- lowing the Holy Spirit to be a peribn ? This, I think, is an obfervation of fomc confluence ; and, there- Voj.. V. 25-. 3 E fore

402 A COLLECTION Let. 14,

fore, accurate writers fliould beware of nfing the word //, and rather chule the prououn /«'/», when Ipeaking of this divine Being.

The mention of .divine Being reminds me of our fe- cond lul'jeft of inquiry, viz. Whether the Holy Ghoft is very God ? Here 1 fhould be glad to know, what kind or degree of evidence will fatisfy the inquirers. If we are fo far humble and impartial as to prefer the declarations of an unerring word, to the preconceptions of our mind ; I think, there is mo ft fufhc ient proof afforded by the fcrip- tures. Whereas, if we bring not thei'e difpofitions to the iearch, it will be no wonder, if we are bewildered ; if we are given up to our own delufions ; nay, it will be no incredible, no unprecedented thing for God to hide theie myfteries from fuch (in their own opinion) wife and prudent ones, while he reveals them to (men endued with the fimplicityand teachablenefs of) babes.

Is that Being truly God, who is pofTeffcd of divine attributes? This queftion, I imagine, every body will »nfwer in the affirmative. So that if it appears, that the Holy Ghoft is inverted with the incommunicable attributes of the Deity, our affent will be won, and oar difpute at an end. Is it not the prerogative of the all feeing God, to fearch the heart, and try the reins ? Jer. xvii. 10. and is not this the undoubted prerogative of the blefTedSpirit ? I Cor. ii. 10. Is eternity an attri- bute of God, and of God only ? Dent, xxxiii. 27, ° v-ws t%a, *Bxv«.r,«,, i Tim. vi. 16. This is clearly the property of the Holy Ghoft, who is ftyled by the author of the cpiftle to the Hebrews, The eternal Spirit, Heb. ix. 14. —Is wifcjpm, underived, effential wifdom, a charac- ter of God, called by the apofllc ^o»« <™?w «'*«, Jude 25. ? This is the illuflrtous character of the Holy Ghoft. He is the Spirit of wifdom and revelation, Eph. \. \ja In confequence of which lacred excellency, he is able to lead his people into all truth Is Omniprefence a neceflary proof of Divinity I If Ib, the Holy Ghoft challenges it upon this claim j for thus faith the in-


Let. 24. OF LETTERS. 403

fpired poet, Whither (hall I go then from thy fpirit ? Pfal. cxxxix. 7 Is orrmipotencea fufficient atteftation of the Godhead of the Holy Ghoft ? He that enableth mortals to control the powers, to alter the courfe, to fupercede tlie fundamental laws of nature ; can he be kis than the Lord God Almighty ? Yet St Paul de- clares, that his ability to work ail manner of aftonifh- ing miracles, for the confirmation of his miniftry, was imparted to him by the Spirit, Rom. xv. 19. if any farther proof is demanded, be pleafed to confidcr, with an uuprejudifed attention, that very memorable paf- fage, Mattii. xii. 31, 32. Sorely, from an attentive coutideration of this text, we muft be conftrained to acknowledge, that the Holy Ghoft is ftrictly and pro- perly God. Otherwise, how could the fin agaloft him be of fo enormous a nature, fo abfolutely unpardon- able, and the dreadful caule of inevitable ruin ?— St Paul, in his firft epiftleto \\\eCorinthians, (vi. 19.) ad- dreflcs his converts with this remarkable piece of inftruclion, Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghoft. The fame apoftle, writing to the fame believers, in his fecond epiflle, (vi. 16.) has the following expreffion, Ye are the temples of the living God. Who can com- pare thefc texts, and yet be fo hardy as deliberately to deny, that the Holy Ghoft and the living God are one and the fame ? Befides, if thefe two fcriptures, \ iewed in conjunction with each other, did not aicer- tain the Divinity of the blefled Spirit, the vejy pur- port of the cxpreffion, Ye are temples of the Holy Ghoft, fufficiemly evinces it. It is certain, that the very effence of a temple, or, to fpeak in the terms of the logician, the differentia conftitutiva of a temple, confifts in the refidence of a Deity. The inhabitation of the hi ji heft created Being cannot conftitute a tem- ple ; nothing but the indwelling of the one infinite, almighty Lord God. Since, therefore, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit renders the bodies of Chriftians temples, it iccms to be a clear cafe, that he is truly

E 2 Gcd".

404 A COLLECTION Let. 24.

God. Another text, a text never omitted when this point is under debate, and a text, in my opinion, iingly liifiicient to give a final deciiion to the doubt, is in u4tfs v. 3, 4. where the perlbn (Hied A^* nv(U/«« in one verfe, is exprdsly declared to be &«« in the next. Now, can we imagine, that an evangelift, under the guidance of unerring wifdom, could write with iuch. unaccountable inaccuracy as the dcnicrs of this article mult maintain ? Were this iuppofition admitted, I mould almoft begin to queftion the infpiration of the iacred books. At this rate, they would leem -calcu- lated to confound the judgment, and elude the com- mon fenfe of the readers. For to ipeak fo frequent- ly of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, to ipcak in fuch language as we always ufe in diftinguifh- ing various perfons, to alcribe to them feverally fuch attributes as, by univerfal acknowledgment, comport only with the fupreme God, nay, to call each per- fon by himfelf, diftin&ly, exprefsly to call each per- ibn God and Lord j lure, if, after all thefe declara- tions, there be not three perfons in the one, incom- prehcnfible Godhead ; if each of thefe illuftrious per- fons be not very God ; what can we fay, but that the fcriptures are inconfiflent and felf- contradictory pieces ? So that, upon the whole, we are reduced to this dilemma, either to admit this abfurd and impious charge upon the fcriptures ; or elfe to acknowledge the perfonality and divinity of the three perfons in the •adorable Trinity.

But, perhaps, a curious genius, that has been ac- cuflomed to enter deep into the rationale of things ; that thinks it beneath a fagacious inquirer to credit, unlefs he can comprehend, iuch a genius may afk, with a kind of amazement, How can thefe things be ? Here I pretend to give no fatisfaclion. Here I con- fefs myfelf at a lofs. I cannot conceive how the prin- ciple of gravitation acts, or what conftitutes the power of attraction. If 1 cannot penetrate the hidden qua- lities

Let. 25. OF LETTERS. 405

lities of a thoufand common objects, that daily prefent themfelves to my fenfes ; no wonder, that I mould be unable to unravel the awful fecrcts of the divine na- ture ; no wonder that 1 fhould be incapable of finding out to perfection that infinite Majefty, who dwells in light inaccellible. Since the *«.«« is attefted by a multitude of witnelFes from fcripture, let us be con- tent to wait for the r»*as, till this grol's interpofing cloud of flcfh and mortality flee away ; until that hap- py hour arrives, that defirable ftate commence, when we (hall no longer fee thro' a glafs darkly, but mall know even as we are known.

I fhould now proceed, according to the ability which the great fource of wifdom may plcafe to bellow, to examine Mr Tonkins'* Calm inquiry; but this is what my time, claimed by a variety of other engagements, will not permit ; and what, I prefume, you youriblf, tired already by a tedious epiftle, will very readily ex- cufe. Hereafter, if you infift upon my executing the plan laid down in the beginning of this paper, I will communicate my remarks (fuch as they are) relating to the forcmentioned treatife, with all that chearful compliance, and unreferved opennefs, which may moft emphatically bcfpeak me, dear Sir,

Yours, &c»


Wefton-Fa-vell, Feb. 9. 1745-6.

'T'Hanks to you, dear Sir, for your kind wifhes. JL Bleffed be the divine Providence, I am now able to inform you, that what you wifh is accomplished. 1 have had one of the moft agreeable lofles i ever met - with ; I have loft my indiij/olidon, and am, in a man- ner, well.

1 fend herewith the poem on Chriftianity. The other books, which you have been pleaied to lend me,



will follow by the firft opportunity. I read Mr Hob- Jon's performance with cagernefs and delight. What is wrote by a valuable friend, has a kind of fecret un- accountable charm. It may not be preferable to ofiiier competitions, yet, methinks, it pleaies more.

1 congratulate you, Sir, and my country, on the good news received from the north. How do you like Stackkou/e's hiftory of the Bible ? I am iure he has one advantage, fupcrior to all the hiftorians of the world ; That the fa els he relates are more venerable for their antiquity, more admirable for their grandeur, and more important on account of their univcrfal ule- fulnefs. I have often thought, that the icripture is finely calculated to furnilh out the nioft exquilite en- tertainment to the imagination, from thole three prin- cipal fources mentioned by Mr ^iddifon the Great, the Beautiful, and the New. But what is this compared with that infinitely noble benefit, to impart which is their profefTed ddign ; the benefit of making us wife to falvation, of making us partakers of a divine na- ture : I am, Crr.


Dear S/r, Weft on- Few ell, Feb. 11. 1745-6.

I Received your ticket fome time ago, in which you defire me to coniider ibme particular paflages of icripture. After an afflictive indilpoiition, which confined me to my room teveral days, i have exami- ned the texts you alledge. They relate, I find, to that grand qucftion, which has lately been the iubject of our debate, the Divinity of our Lord JefusChrift- I could have wifhed, that the controvcrfy had been brought to a fatisfactory and happy iflue. Very un- willing to engage in it a iecond time, I mud beg leave to fue for my Bene decejfit, and refign the management of fo important a difpute to incomparably more able


Let. 26. o F L E T T E R S. 407

hands, However, in obedience to your requeft, {quid tnim amicitia dsnegandum?} I'fhall briefly lay before you my opinion concerning thofe portions of infpired wifdom ; and then proceed, in purfuance of my pro- mife, to weigh, with calmneis and impartiality, the molt material of JVlr Tomkins's objections.

You obierve, That the Father is never reprefented yielding obedience to Chrift, or praying to Chrift. 1 acknowledge the truth of the remark, and aHign this clear and obvious reafon, becaufe it was the pe- culiar office of the fecond perfon of the Trinity to humble himfelf, to unite himielf to fledi and blood, and to be made in all things like unto us, fin only ex- cepted. Had not the bleffed Jefus been clothed with our nature, and partook of our innocent infirmities, we fliould never have heard any flich thing, as his yielding obedience, or praying to another, greater than himteif. This refults not from his efTential, but his aflumed nature : nor is it at all repugnant to rea- fbn, to be inferior in one character, and at the fame time absolutely equal in another. His Majefty King George may be inferior to the Emperor, in the capacity of Elector of Hanuver ; he may be lubjecT: to the Impe- rial authority, as he is a prince of the Get manic body; and yet equal to the moft illuftrious monarchs, ob- noxious to no earthly jurisdiction, in his nobler qua- lity of King of Great Britain, France^ and Ireland. This iecms to be a very eaiy and natural iolution of the difficulty : whereas, 1 think, 1 may venture to defy the niceft metaphyfician, or the moft ac-ite ca- iiiift, to reconcile the notions of divinity and inferio- rity. As well may contradictions be made compati- ble. A God, who is inferior, is, to my apprehenfion, a perfect paradox. It is necefTarily implied in the idea <lf God, That he be, as our old tranllation of the Plal-.ns very emphatically and beautifully Ityles him, The Moft Hi^heft. Therefore, our Saviour, who of- ten aflerts his claim to Divinity, declares, as an inie-


408 A COLLECTION Let. 26,

parable confequent of this high prerogative, All things which the Father hath, are mine. Is the Father's tx- iftence inconceivable and eternal ? the lame alib is the .Son's. Has the Father an unequalled abiblute iupre- macy ? fuch likewifc hath the Son.

But I fee you have ready at hand to object, John xiv. 28. My Father is greater than I. Who are we to underftand by the perfon I ? Doubtlefs, that being who was capable of going and coming ; who was Sometimes in one place, and iometimes in another ; now with the difciples on earth, anon fcparated from them by a tranflation into -eaven : and who can this be but the man Chrift: JeU s ; the human nature of our Redeemer ? The attribute of limited locality, deter- mines this point with the utmoft clcarnefs ; why then fhould any on." apply that property to the Godhead of our blefled Matter, which he himielf fo plainly ap- propriates to his manhood 1

This text very opportunely furniflies us with a key, to enter into the true meaning of your next quota- tion, I Cor. xi. 3. The head of Chrid is God. Only let St John be allowed to expound St Paul, I afk this linglc conceffion from my worthy friend, (and lure it is no unreafonable one.) Let us agree to pay a greater deference to the beloved difciple's comment, than to Mr Piercc's paraphrafe, or the interpretation of the jfrian creed ; then the fenfe will be as follows, The Deity is the head of the Mediator. As the members are conduced by the head, and fubfervicnt to the head ; fo Chrifl Jefus, in his human capacity, acted and acts in fubordination to the Godhead ; obeying the fignifications of his will, and referring all his ad- ininiftrations to his glory. This expofition, 1 imagine, the context corroborates, and the fcope of the ap>>- ftle's arguing requires.

As for Hcb. \. 8, 9. this text affirms, in the moft exprefs terms, That Chrift is God, o ep0voi<r»o GEOS. And what can be a ftronger proof of his unrivalled fupre-


Let. 26. OF LETTERS. 409

macy and fovereignty ? But, perhaps, this may be one of thole places, in which, xve are intprmed by our obje&ors, the word GOD iignifies no more than a king or ruler, confequently, does not prove our Redeemer to be God in reality, and by nature ; but only to be complimented with this appellation, in refpect of his office and authority. I believe, Sir, you will find, upon a more attentive inquiry, that this fubtik dii- tinclion is contrary to the perpetual uie of the icrip- tures. A very celebrated critic obferves, that vvhere- cverthe nameELOHiM (translated by the apoflle GEOS) is taken in an abtblute ienfe, and rcftrained to oue par- ticular perlbn, (as it is in the pailage before us,) it con- flantly denotes the true arid only God. Magistrates are indeed laid to be Elohim, in relation to their of- lice, but no one magiltrate was ever ib called ; nor can it be faid, without blafphemy, to any one of them, Thou art Elohim, or God. It is alib recorded of Mo- Jfs, Thou (halt be Elohim ; yet not absolutely, but relatively only, a God to Pharaoh, and to Aaron, i. e* in God's ftead, doing in the name of God what he commanded, and declaring what he revealed.— Be- fides, does not the apoflle, in this very chapter, ver. 10. addreis the following acknowledgment to Chrift, Thou, Lord, in the beginning, haft laid the founda- tion of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. And is not the work of creation tlje un- ihared prerogative and honour of tiie iupreme God. This I am pretty lure of, it is the prerogative of that God to whom the worJhip of the fainls, under the Old Teflament, is directed ; of that God, who has declared himfelf jealous of his honour, and refolves not to give his glory to another ? Melchijedec made this illultrious being the object of his adoration, Blef- -led be the molt high God, poflcflbr of heaven and earth : The day is thine, and the night is thine : thou haft prepared the light and the iun ; was judg- ed by the Pjalmijt one of the noblcft afcriptions of VOL. V. 25. 3 F Prail€j

410 A COLLECTION Let. 26.

praiie which could be made to the Deity. Jonah has left us a confeffion of his faith, and an abftract of his devotion, in the following words ; I fc*ar tnc Lord, the God of heaven, who hath made the lea, and the dry land. Yet »St Paul allures us, that this great Creator and Proprietor of heaven and earth ; this ob- ject of divine woj (hip in all ages of the ancient church,

IS lie—— o <fi' inw7« x.f.Sa.pio/u.ov Troitiff/x/^tvOS rat ctf/.ap1ia» r>/, VCriC 3*~"~~

Now, can we view the magnificent fyftem of the uni- vcrie, the immenlity of its extent, the vail variety of its parts, the inimitable accuracy of its Structure, the perfect harmony of its motions, together with the a- Itonifliing energy and effects of its mechanic powers ; can we contemplate this world of wonders, and with- hold ourfelves a (ingle moment from afcribing the glo- ry of incomparable wiidom, and matchlels perfections to its Maker ? Can we glance an eye, or ftart a thought, thro* that ample field of miracles, which nature in all her fcenes regularly exhibits, and ftill conclude, that the Author of all takes too much upon him, when he advances the following claim ?

. . , , None I know

Second to me, or like, equal much lefs. MILT.

Poffibly, our fceptical gentlemen are ready to re- ply, We are far from denying that Chrift made the world ; but we fuppofe, that he made it only as a mi- iiifterial being ; not by any iufficiency of his own, but by a power delegated to him from the infinite God- head.— But furc the abettors of this opinion never con- fidered t! iat emphatical pafTage, n«,7a st' «u7«, g s,s au7ov ixi«r«< f. By whatever artful evafiori they may think to elude the force of the former exprcflion, I cannot fee what poilible efcape they can contrive from the latter. Jt is plain from the philofophical principles of an apoftle, that the univerfc was formed by Chrift as the almighty Artificer, for Chrift as its final end : and is not this a demonstration, that Chrift was not a mere inftrument,

but Col. i. t6.

Let. 26. o F L E T T E R S. 411

but the grand, glorious, felf-iufficient agent ; the Al- pha and Omega of all things !

After all that has been laid upon this text, will it be intimated, that 1 have been partial in my examina- tion of it ? that the fentence, which moll particular- ly favours your opinion, and looks with the moft frowning afpect on mine, is panned over without no- tice ? namely, where it, is taught, That Gcd anointed Chrift with the the oil of gladneis above his fellows * . I reply, by owning, that thefe words mod undeniably imply inferiority ; they imply a ilate of indigence, which wants fomcthing it has not naturally ; a hate of impotence, which receives from another, what it cannot convey to itlelf. Surely, then, this claule muft accord- ing to all the laws of juft interpretation, be referred to that nature which admitted of iiich wants, and was fub- jecl to fuch infirmities. To alcribe it to that narure, which is characterized as God, would be almoft as af- fronting to reafon, as it is to the Deity. It is farther obfervable, that the very expreflion limits the fenie to that capacity of our Redeemer, in which others flood related to him as his fellows. And can this be any other than the human f Let me add one word more, before I difmifs this inquiry ; fuppofe I was to fhift fides in the diipute, and turn the tables upon the dif- ciples of Ariu*. Gentlemen, lince you take fo much pains to prove the inferiority of our Lord Jeius Chrift:, permit me to try, if I cannot outlhoot you in your own bow. I will undertake to mew, on your own principles, that he was inferior to millions of created beings ; for this 1 have the pofitive and f'ure evidence of fcripture, We fee Jeius, who was made a little lower than the angels -f- . Th< 11 gentlemen, I verily think, would have i'o much regard for the ho- pour of a perfon on whom tlieir everlafting all de- pends, as to anfwer with f'ome becoming fpirit, You arc to diftinguifh between what our Saviour was

3 F 2 madq

* Heb. i. 9. -j- Hcb. ii. 9.

412 A COLLECTION Let. 26.

made occalionally, and what he was originally : Tho* his human nature was taken from a clafs of beings lower in dignity than the nngcls, yet his nobler and more exalted nature was greatly fuperior to them all. Now, Sir, as we mud have recourfe i'ometimes to this didinvftion, our aclverfarics thcmielves being our judges and our precedent, why fhould we not carry it along with us continually ? Without it, a multi- tude of texts appear perplexed in their meaning, and clafli with other icriptures ; with it they drop their ob- fcurity, are difentangied from their intricacy, and har- monize entirely with the whole tenor of facred writ. l Cor. xv. 28 is another fcripture pointed out for consideration. This, I coufefs, is a difficult, and ad- mitting it was (to me at lead) an unintelligible paf- fage, nay, directly repugnant to myt hypothefis, what would be a rational procedure in this cafe ? to renounce my faith, becaufs I cannot reconcile it with one fcripture, though it itands fupported by a copi- ous multiplicity of others I if, in debating on any que- ftion, there be five hundred ayes, and but one no, I appeal to the conduct of the Honourable houfe of Com- mons, whether it be reasonable, that the point mould be carried by the fingle negative, fa oppofition to fovaft a majority of affirmatives ? However, the date of our doctrine is not ib bad, northis text fo diametrically op- pofite to it, as to dcdroy all hopes of eftablifhing it with a neminc contradicente.—T\\€. apoftle affirms, that at the confummation of terredrial things, when the date of human probation ends, and the number of the elect is completed, then mall the Son alfo himfelf be fubject unto him that put all things under him ; that God may be in all ; /. e. according to my judgment, the Son, at the commencement of that grand revolution, will entirely refign the adrainidration of his mediato- rial kingdom ; he will no longer act as an advocate or jntercefTor, becaufe the reafons on which this office is founded will ceafc for ever ; he will no longer, as a


Let. 26. OF LETTERS. 413

high prieft, plead his atoning blood in behalf of fin- ners, nor, as a king, difpenle the fuccours of his fanc- tifying grace, becaufe all guilt will be done away, and the actings of corruption be at an end : he will no long- er be the medium of his people's accefs to the know- ledge and enjoyment of the l?ather, becaufe then they will ftand perpetually in the beatific prefence, and fee face to face, know even as they are known. I may probably mittake the meaning of the words ; but what- ever mall appear to be their precife lignification, this, I think, is Ib clear as not to admit of any doubt, that it relates to an incarnate perfon ; relates to him, who died for our fins, was buried, and rofe again *. And can the furrender of all authority made by the man Je- fus Chrift, be any bar to his unlimited equality as God ? You refer me to Pjnl. viii. 5. & Ixxxii. i, 6. ExoiL xxii. 28. and add, thefe texts prove that God figni- fies in fome places king or ruler. 1 acknowledge, that the word Elohim, in the aforecited paflages, fig- nifies no more than angels, kings, or rulers. But is this a dcmonftration, that the word Jehovah, the in- communicable name, fignifies no more than an angel, a king, or a ruler ? This is the conclufion our adver- iarics are to infer : this the point they are to make good, othervvile, their attempts drop fhort of the mark, fly wide from their purpofe. Becaufe it is plain from incontestable authorities, that Jefus is Jehovah. This was hinted in a former letter ; and if you pleafe to compare If. vi. 3. with John xii. 41 . you will find an- other convincing evidence, that the Jehovah of the Jews is the Jefus of the Chriftians. Befides, in all thofc places, where the term God is ufed to denote ibmc created being, invefled with confiderable au- thority, or pofleiTed of confirierable dignity, the con- ie&ion is iuch, ,ns abfolutcly to exclude the perfo*^ io denominated, from any title to a divine nature ; whereas, when the name God is applied to the le-

cond •* i Cor. xv. 3, 4.


cond peribn of the Trinity, it is connected with fuch couiequents or antecedents, as neceffarily include the idea of divinity and iupremacy. For inftance, when the apoftle recognizes the Deity of our Lord Jefus Chrift, in thole remarkable words, Rom. ix. y. Wiio is God ; left this idle piece of fophiftry (hould have any room for admittance, he adds a moit determining claufe, over all, bleflcd for ever. I have called it idle fophiftry, for really it is nothing clie. Only obierve the proccfs of the pretended argument, and you yourfelf will allow it no better appellation. What is dcfigncd for the argument runs thus : Becaufe rulers of dittinc- tion have ibmetimes the title of Elohim, therefore Jelus, who has the title of Jehovah, is not very God, but only a ruler of diftinftion ; or, the word God, when neceflarily determined by the context to fome fubordinate being, fignifies a i'ubordinate being; there- fore, the word God, when neceffarily determined by the context to fignify the fupremeGod, does not iignify the fupreme God, but only fome fubordinate being. Theie are the mighty reafonings ; luch the formidable artillery, with which the adherents of Arius attack the divinity and equality of our Saviour. May the arms of our foreign enemies, and inteftine rebejs, be made, in their kind, of fuch metal, confiftof fuchftrength 1 and I may venture to addrefs my countrymen in David'sencou- raginglanguage, Let no man's heart fail, becaufe of them . 1 hope it will not be objected, that 1 have fometimes miftook the particular point to be difcuffed, and con- founded the divinity of our Lord with his equality to the Father. I own, I have not been fcrupuloufly care- ful to preferve any fuch diftinclion, becaufe I am per- fuaded it is perfectly chimerical. Whoever admits the former, grants the latter. The one cannot fubfift with- out the other ; or rather, they arc one and the fame thing. To be equal with the Father is to be divine j and to be divine, is to be equal with the Father. An. inferior deity, was a notion that patted current in the


Let. 26. OF LETTERS. 415*

Heathen world ; but we have not fo learned the divine nature, as to adopt it into our creed. It is a propo- fition that confutes itfelf. The predicate and fubjedt are felf-contradiclory. God certainly means a being of incomparable, unparalleled glory and perfection. No one will dare to give a lower definition of the God- head. Yet this the firft term of the fentence affirms, the fecond denies. Whenever I hear the awful word God, I form an idea of a being poflefTed of abiblute fupremacy. Inferiority is altogether as inconfiltent with my apprehenfion of the Godhead, as a limited extenfion is with immenfity. The fcboolmens maxim is flridly true when applied to the divine nature, that his properties and excellencies non rccipiunt magis aut minus Befides, Sir, is there not another apparent in- conveniency, another inextricable difficulty, attending this fuperfinediftinction ? Does it not fuppofe, inftead of diftinct perfons, diftinft beings, diftincl efTences \ That which is inferior cannot be the very fame with its fuperior. Identity in this cafe, confifts not with inequality. Theconfequenceof this tenet ispolytheifm. For my part, I lay it down as an inconteftable prin- ciple, fuch as reafon and fcripture concur to eftablifh, that whatever, whofoever is God, mud be abfolutely fupreme. I then proceed to examine whether the divine names, attributes, honours ; thofe which are incommunicably divine, which flow from the divine offence, which cannot comport with a finite cxiftence, but are the fole prerogative of the unequalled God, whether thefe are in fcripture clearly alcribed to the facred perfon of the Son ; if they are, my reafon re- quires me to believe that he is very God, and co-equal with the Father. My reafon, in her lldateft moments, allures me, that fcripture cannot deceive, though I may be unable to conceive. My reafon declares, that I fhall be a rebel a, ainft her laws, if I do not fubmit to this determination of fcripture, as decifive, as infal- lible.— I am, Crc.


416 A COLLECTION Let. 22.


Dear S/>, Wejlon-Favcll^ March, 1745-6.

IN a former letter, I confidercd, whether the bicf- fcd Spirit is really a diftinft perfon, whether this peribn is truly and properly God. It appeared from a variety of icriptures, that both thefe qucflions were to be refolved in the affirmative. Thcie prelimina- ries being fettled, I would hope, with fome perfpi- cuity of reafon, and flrength of argument ; I now proceed, in confcquence of my engagement, to exa- mine Mr TomkinSs objections againft the received cuf- tom of addrcliinp; divine worfhip to this divine Being.

The author, I freely acknowledge, writes with a great appearance of integrity ; with a calm and decent fpirit of controverfy ; and with a very plaufible air of truth. As the fubject of his inquiry is of the higheft dignity and importance, as his method of managing the debate is, to fay the Icaft, by no means contemptible, I can- not forbear expi effing fome furprife, that none of the ingenious dhTenters, to whom the piece is particularly infcribed, have thought proper to intereft themfelves in the difpute, and either confute what is urged, or elfe (like perlons of that inviolable attachment to the pure icriptural wormip, which they profefs) recede from the ufe of their allowed doxologies.

For my part, as I firmly believe it a proper practice to wormip the Son, as we wormip the Father, and to wormip the Holy Ghoft, as we woffhip the other'per- ibns of the undivided Trinity, I am ib far from dis- approving, that I admire our cuftomary doxology, and think it a very noble and inftru&ive part of our facrecl fervicc. Noble, becaufe it exhibits one of the grand myfteries, and glorious peculiaries of the gofpel ; in- ftru&ive, becaufe it fo frequently reminds the wor- fhipper of a point which it fo greatly .-concerns him to believe, and which is fitted to infpire the brighteft, the ftrongeft hopes, of final, of complete falvation.


Let. 27. o P L E T T E R S. 417

But left this perfuafion flioukl be deemed the crude production of early prejudice, rather than the mature fruit of fedate confideration, we will very readily hear whatever can be alledged againft it<; and not willing- ly fecrcte one objection, or miirepreient one argu- ment, occurring in the Inquiry.

" Let it be iuppofed," fays our author, " that the Holy Spirit is one of the perfons of the Godhead ; I ftill query, what warrant Chriftians have for a direct and diftinct worfhip of this third perfon in the God- head." (p. i.) 1 (hould think, there can be noreafon- able doubt, whether worfhip is to be paid to the Divi- nity. Thou fhalt worfliip the Lord thy God, is a law of inconteftable authority, and eternal obligation. As for the circumftances of worfliip included in its be- ing direct, this cannot alter the caie, nor render the practice improper. According to my apprehenfion, all true and genuine worfhip is direct. If it be ad- drefTed to the divine object at fecond hand, it has more of the nature of idolatry, than worfhip. Such is the religious foppery of the Papifls, who will not apply directly to the Father of everlafting compaifions, but adore God as it were by proxy. With regard to the diftinctnefs of the worfhip, this depends entirely up- on the fcripture's diftinguifhing their perfons. If this be clearly done, the diftinctnefs of worfhip is proper- ly authorifed, and the fitnefs, of it follows of courfe. If the infpired writers aflure us, that the Father is God, this is a fufficient warrant to pay divine honours to the Father. If the infpired writers affirm, that the Son is God, this is a fufficient ground for afcribing divine honours to the Son. If the fame infpired writers declare, that the Holy Ghoft is God, we need no clearer warrant, nor can we have a louder call, to pay him our devoteft homage. In a word, it is the voice of reafon, it is the command of fcripture, it is founded on the unalterable relations of things, that worfhip, direct worfhip, diftinct worfliip, all worfliip, be rendered to the Deity. SothattheDivinity of the Holy

VOL. V, 25. 3 G Ghoft,

418 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

Ghoft, cxclnfive of any apoftolical precept or example, is an incomparably better reaibnforafcribingdivineho- Dours to this ("acred perfon, than the bare want of fuch precept or example, can be a reaibu to juflify the o- iniilion, or condemn the performance of it.

I am no advocate for implicit faith in any human determination or opinion. Should I fee whole feels, or whole churches, in a glaring error, inch as I can prove from fcripturc to be palpably wrong, and of pernicious tendency, I would make no fcruplc to re- monRrate, diflent, and enter my proteft. But in a cafe, which Mr Tomkins himfelf (p. 2. 1. 19.) allows to be of a dubious nature ; where I have no pofitive proof from God's holy word that the practice is un- lawful, or improper ; I cannot but apprehend, that it becomes a modeft peribn, diffident of his own judg- ment, to acquiefce in the general, the long- continued ufage of all the churches. This is urged by an infpi- red writer as a forcible motive for rejecting a practice^ and why (hould not I admit it as a motive of weight for adhering to a practice ? We have no fuch cultom, neither the churches of God *, was an apoftolical ar- gument. And, in an inftance, where we are not pre- cluded by any prohibition of fcripture, I think, the rcafoning is equally conclufive, if changed to the af- firmative, We have fuch a cuftom, and the churches of God. Was I to fettle my opinion, and adjuft my con- duct, with regard to fuch a point, I mould be inclined to argue in the following manner : I cannot bring one text from the facred writings, which forbids the ufage ; and as it is unanimoufly practifed by devout perfons of almolt every denomination; as it has been the re- ceived, the uninterrupted practice of the Chrillian church for more than a thoufand years ; who am I, that I {hould difturb the peace, or feparate myfclf from the communion of the church, for a procedure, which fuch multitudes of excellent perfons maintain to be :ofifonant, and which I cannot prove to be contrary,

to * i Cor. xi. 16.

Let. 27. o F L E T T E R S. 419

to the fenfe of fcripture ? Who am I, that I fhould fancy myfelf to have more of the mind of God, than the whole united church of true believers, eminent faints, and illuftrious martyrs ?

"• But there is no precept for this worfnip in fcrip- ture," (page i.) ; and DrOwen affirms, u That a di- vine command is the ground, " (he means, I preiume, the only ground, or elie the quotation is nothing to our author's purpofe) " of all worfhip." (page25-) Dr Owen's character, I own, is confiderable, as well as his aflertion peremptory ; but yet i cannot pre- vail on myfelf to fubmit to his ipfe dixit as an oracle, nor reverence his judgment as infallible. I would alk the Doftorjjji^hat divine command the Heathens ever received to^lorihip the blcffcd God ? I know of 'no verbal or written precept. But they law their war- rant included in their wants, they perceived their obligation refulting from the divine attributes. Will Dr Owen maintain, That no worfhip was expected from the Pagans ? that they had been blamclefs, and acted according to the principles of their duty, if they had with-held all acts of veneration from the Deity ? No, furely. St Paul, in declaring them faulty, for not worfliipping the Almighty in fuch a rational manner, as was fuitable to his pure and exalted na- ture, clearly intimates, that it was their duty both to worfliip, and to worfhip aright. It is not laid by the apoftlc, though it is the confequence of the Doctor's petition, that they ought to have refrained from all worfhip, and not have meddled with matters of de- votion, till they received an authentic warrant from revelation. The infpired cafuift grounds his duty, in this particular, upon the eternal power and God- Jjcad {Rom. i. 20.) of the fupreme Being, which were jdifcoverable by the exercife of their understandings, and from a furvey of the creation. In conformity to the apoftle's fentiments, 1 fhould rather place the foundation of religions worfhip in the glories, the 3 G 2 merciesj

420 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

mercies, the unfearchable riches of the almighty Ma- jcfty. Thefe, together with the relation which de- pendent creatures bear to this all-producing, all-iuf- taining, infinitely-beneficent God, are the grand war- rant to authorife addrclfes of adoration. Thefe are reatbns prior to all exprefs revelations, and would have fubfiltcd, if actual commands had never been given. If this be not true, what will become of all natural religion ? Scripture, indeed, has declared explicitly the binding nature of thefe motives ; fcripture, like a facred herald, has promulged what God fore-ordain- ed, what reaibn had decreed, what neccffarily flowed from the habitudes of peribns and things. Or, to reprefent the point in another light, lAc perfections of the Godhead are the original, the ilBlolable obli- gation to all expreflions of homage and devotion ; to ratify this obligation, and impart to it all pollible fo- lemnity and fanclion, fcripture has added the broad feal of heaven. If this be right reafon, and if the Holy Ghoft be really God, his all tufficient excellencies, and my ftate of dependence, are a proper licence, or rather a virtual mandamus, for the applications of prayer, and the afcriptions of praife. Grant this one propofition, relating to the Divinity of the blelfed Spirit, and admit that his eternal power and Godhead are a fufficient ground for religious worfliip, and we fhall find ourfelves unavoidably determined. We muft rebel againfl our reafon, muft violate the dictates of our conference, muft act in oppofitiqn, not to one particular text, but to the main tenor and fcope of the whole icripture, if we do not render all the fer- vice, yield all the reverence, due to a glorious Being, in whom we live, move, and exift.

But ftill we are told, in various places, again and again we are told, 4t That there is no exprefs war- rant-"— Prodigious fb efs is laid upon this word ex- fr •-/}, the whole force of the objection teems to ter- minate on this point. There is no exprefs warrant,


Let. 27- o F L E T T E R S. 421

therefore it is an unwarrantable practice. For my part, I have not difcernment enough to perceive the concluiivenefs of this arguing. I mull beg leave to deny the confequence of iuch a fyllogifm. For if the fenle of various fcriptures has made it a duty, this is warrant enough, tho* it be not particularly enjoined, or tolerated in form. This maxim our ingenious 'au- thor will admit in other cafes, and why not in the pi efent ? There is no exprefs command to add any prayer at the celebration of baptifm. When our Lord initituted the ordinance, he only delivers the form of initiation into the Chriltian church, without any pre- fcription relating to concomitant prayer. When Philip administered this iacrament to the eunuch, there is no mention of any addrefs to the Almighty, pertinent to the occafion. 1 cannot recollect, that any of the ho- ly writers either inform the world, that they practi- led fuch a method themfelves, or ib much as intimate, that they would advife others in fucceeding ages, to accompany this folemnity with fuitable devotions. But though we have no pofitive injunction, we have the rcafonablenefs of the thing, for our plea. Other fcriptures, that virtually, tho' not explicitly, recom- mend it, are our warrant. In every thing, fays St Paul, let your requefts be made known unto God ; confequently, in this facred and important thing.

I mufl again declare, that I can by no means afTent to our author's grand poftiilatum, That nothing in the way of divine worfhip is allowable, but what has an exprefs warrant from fcrjpture. Becaufe virtual war- rants are warrants ; coniequential warrants are war- rants. Our objector mufl; maintain this in fome inftan- ccs, and why mould he dilclaim it in others ? To be confident in conduct, is furely efTential to the character of an impartial inquirer after truth. Shall fuch an one fometimes reject an argument as weak and infignifi- cant, becaufe it happens to be illative only, and not direct ; and at other times urge it as cogent and irre- fragable ?

422 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

fragable ? . I will mention one very memorable parti- cular of this nature ; that is the cafe of the Lord's day. Why docs Mr Tomkins transfer the fan(ftification of a particular day from the ieventh to the h'rft ? Has he any expreis command in fcripture, any expreis war- rant from fcripture, for this alteration ? If he has, let him produce it. I muft own, 1 have none but con- lequential warrants ; warrants formed upon conclu- fions, and derived from fome remarkable icriptures. But thefe not near ib numerous, nor near fo ponder- ous, as thofe which concur to eftablifh the Divinity of the Holy Ghoft. Now, if an exprefs warrant be •not needful in the one, why flinuld it be fo rigoroufly infifted on in the other duty ? If then this leading principle of our author's be falfe or precarious, what truth, what certainty can there be in any, in all his deductions from it? If the ground-work be anfubftkn- tial, and the foundation fall, what folidity can there be in the fuperftructurc ? how can the building ftund ? Poflibly Mr Tomkins may reply, u The example of the primitive church determines this point." We find, it was the cuftom of the carlieft antiquity, to obferve the Chriftian Sabbath on the firft day of the week ; and therefore have very good reafon to believe, that the ufage was eftablifhed by apoftolical authority. And may not I fay the fame, with regard to the cuMom of afcribing glory, and rendering adoration, to the third perfon of the Trinity ? Jujiin Martyr, the mod ancient and authentic apologilt for Chriftianity, who is next in fucceffion, and next in credit to the patres a- poftolici, he declares expreflly, That it was the received cuflom of the Chriftian church, in his days, to worfhip the Holy Ghoft. His words are, nv£u^« ^,^1,^, »n ^.na. >,»y» ^l^lM^u<•t a*<,jtt%o/<.tt,. You perceive, he not only avows the thing, but vindicates its reafonablenefs and pro- priety.— Perhaps, fome captious critic may infinuate, That it is matter of doubt, whether the word r^«^i, implies divine honours» I wave all attempts to


Let. 27. OF LETTERS. 423

prove this point from the original of the NcvvTefta- ment, bccaufe, to obviate fuch an objection, we have another paflage to produce from the fame faint, father, and martyr.— n«u^» »-pof»iT<xo» o-fSo^iSa x«< TTfoo-xum/tu, yjpol. \. Can any expreffions be imagined more forcible in their fignification, or more appolite to our purpofe ? They import the higheft acts of adoration, and yet they de-< icribe the regards which were paid by the pureit anti- quity to the Holy Ghoft. Will it ftill be fuggefted, That Juftin makes no mention of offering up prayers or addreffiog praifes ? I anfwer, This he muft certain- ly mean, becaufe no one can be faid in/we* /.«, r^o-*™,, TO, QIOV » rivc^a who with- holds praife, or reflrains prayer. Thefe particular inftances are .as neceffarily implied in thofe general terms, as the fpecies is in- cluded in the genus.

You will pleafe to obferve, that this amounts to a great deal more than Mr 70w/£;>z/,(page 17.), not very ingenuoufly, fuggefts, viz. " a few hints that learned men have found, in the primitive ages, of the afcrip- tion of praife to the Holy Ghoft." It feems alfo en- tirely to overthrow what, in another place, he advances (page 26.) not very confiftently with truth, viz. "That there is fo little appearance of the obfervance of fuch a cuftom, for fo many ages of the Chriftian church.*' —Few hints and little appearance ! Can a clear and de- terminate declaratioa, made by a writer of the moffc unqueftionable veracity, concerning the unanimous, the univerfal practice of the ancient church, can this evidence, with any fairnefs or equity, be rated at the diminutive degree of hints and little appearance ?

As to what is remarked relating to the corruption of the early writers, the interpolations, or alterations made by carelefs tranfcribers, (page 17.), this feems to be a moft empty and jejune inlinuation. It is what will fcrve any fide of any debate. It is oppofing hy- pothefis to facl ; precarious and unfupportecl hypo- thcfis, to clear and undeniable fa ft. Thisfure is catch- ing;

424 A COLLECTION Let. 27*

ing, not at a twig, but at a fhadow.— I never could like Dr Bentlcy's cfcitantia et hallitcinatia librariomm, even in his animadvedions on Heathen authors : be- caufe it was an outcry fitted for any occafion, a charge ever ready at hand, and equally iiiited to difcounte- nance truth, or detect error. Much lefs can I think it lufficient to overthrow the teftimony, or invalidate the authenticity of our ancient Chriftian writers. Would a bare innuendo (and Mr Tomkins's is no more,) and that from an intercfted perfon, without any the lead ifhew of proof; would this be admitted, in a court of judicature, to fuperfede the plain, the iblemn depofi- tion of a credible witnefs ? Superfede it I Quite the re- verfe. It would convince the Judge, and teach the jury, that the caufe muft be extremely wrong, utterly unfupportable, fince artifices fo weak and tranfparent- ly fallacious were ufed in its defence.

But it is frequently objected, That no mention is made, no warrant is to be found for diftinct worfhip. The aforecited writer, and the whole fcripture is iilent upon the article of diftincl worfhip. And the reader is led to fuppofe, that there is fome mighty difference between diftinct, and 1 know not what other kind of worfhip. Why does our author harp fo inceflantly upon this firing ? whence fuch irreconcileable aver- fion to this quality of worfhip ? One would aimed fulpect, he was confcious, that fome worfhip ihould be paid, but could not digeft the doctrine, nor fub- mit to the payment of diilincT: woHhip. 1 muft reply once for all, that if any worfhip be due, diftincl: wor- fhip cannot be improper ; much more if all worfhip (which, I apprehend, is included in fujl'm's words, and follows from the Divinity of the blefTed Spirit), be requifite, diftincl worfhip cannot be unwarrantable.

Another grand argument, urged by our inquirer, is, " That the apoftles, as far as appears, never prac- tifed this worfhip of the Holy Ghoft themfclves, nor recommended it to others," (page 2.)-*-Hc fhould, by


Let. 27. OF LETTERS. 425

all means, have printed as far as appears in Italics, or capitals ; bccaufe then the reader would have appre- hended more ealily the uncertain foundation on which the reafoning is built. But tho' this particular, rela- ting to the practice of the apoilles, does not appear, one way or the other; yet our author in, his 4th page, and cliewhere, concludes from it as afluredly as if it ftood upon authentic record. u For,'* fays he, " if " we admit, that the reafon of things is fullicient to " eftablifh this practice, it will prove too much." It will, undoubtedly, if it proves any thing, prove it a duty to pay.fuch worfhip to the Holy Spirit ; and, confequcntly, that the apoiiles were defective, either in not feeing this reafon of things as well as we, or not pracliiing according to it. Does he not here i'up- pofe, the apoftolical omiilion an acknowledged, un- doubted point ? which, a few lines before, he had confefTed to be dubious and unapparent.

However, not to iniift upon this little felf-contra- dicting flip, I would afk, What reafon has Mr Towkhif to conclude, that the apoRJes omitted this ufage, which the Chriitian churches have adopted ? Do they ever declare, or fo much as hint, that they are deter- mined to omit it? Do they ever caution their converts ugainft it, as a dangerous error ? Is there any fuch. memorial prefervcd, or any fuch caveat lodged in their facred writings ? Now, to argue in our author's ftrain : If it was fo unjuflifiablc a tiling to addreis praile, or put up prayer to- the Holy Ghoft, there could not be a more ncceffary precaution, than that the apoftles, thole careful inftruclors, fhould have warned their people of the millake ; clpecially fmce it was fo extremely probable, fo almo(t unavoid- able, that they would f:ill into it. For 1 appeal to the whole world, whether a confulerate perfon would not naturally judge it realbnable, whether a devout perfon would not feel a forcible inclina- tion, to worfhip that venerable name, into which

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426 A COLLECTION Let. :;.

fce was baptized ; and to praife that beneficent who is the author of fo many indtimable blellings. Yet though this is Ib apparently natural, fuch as the apoflles could not but fore fee was likely to happen, they lay not a fyllable, by way of prevention ; they take no care to guard their converts agamft fuch a practice. A pregnant iign, that it is allowed by divine Wifdom, and chargeable neither with fuperilition nor idolatry.

But our author, to corroborate his argument, adds, u To fuppofe the apoftles directed any explicit wor- 44 Ihip to the Holy Ghoft, though we have no men- u tion of it in fci ipture, where yet we meet with fre- " quent doxologies of theirs, and addreiFes by way of " prayer or petition/' would be an uwreaibnable pre- fumption. I cannot accede to this affertion. The doxologies and prayers of the apoltles, recorded in Icripture, are only occaiional and incidcnta-1 ; inferted as the fervour of a devout fpirit iuggeitedy in the bo- dy of their doctrinal and exhortatory writings. Now, the omiflion of fuch a practice in writings, which were compofed with a view of instructing mankind ia the great fundamentals of Chriftianity, v/m'ch were ne- ver intended as a full and complete iyftem of devo- tions ; the omiilion of this practice in ilich vvritingSj can be no fair or conclufive argument for its being o- mitted in their ftated adls of public worfhip. If, in- deed, the apoitles had, in their epiftolary correfpond- ence, drawn up a form of devotions ; had declared that in them was comprized a perfect pattern of devo- tional addreilcs, proper to be offered to the Deity ; that all, acts of worfhip, which deviated a jot or tit' tie from that prefcribed form, were unwarrantable ; if fuch a competition had been tranfmitted from the apoitles, and \ye had found no inch addreffes therein, as thofc for which we are pleading, I mould then allow a good deal of force in the argument drawn •n the cpoftolical cmiffiori j though, at the fame


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time, I could not be able to forbear wondering at the inconfiftency of their doctrines, which teach us that the Holy Ghoft is God, and of their worfliip, which refutes him divine honours. But, 1 think, as the cafe ftands, no tblid argument, nothing but a fpecious ca- vil, can be formed from this circumftance of its be- ing unpractifed in the writings of the apoftles.

" It does not appear that the apoitles addrefled diftinct worfliip to the blefled Spirit j therefore we conclude, that they actually addreifed none." As though fact 2nd appearance were convertible terms. I am furprizcd, that an author of Mr Tomkins's pc- netration can prevail upon himfelf to be fatisficd, or ihould offer to impofe upon his readers, with a deduc- tion fo very illogical. Is the not appearing of a thing, a certain argument, or indeed any argument at all, for its not exifting ? It does not appear, that there are mountains, or groves, or rivers beneath our ho- rizon : It does not appear, that there are any fuch vcflels as lymphatics, any fuch fluid as the chyle, in thefe living bodies of ours. But by comparing them xvith others that have been dilfecled ; and by reafon- ing from indifpu table principles, relating to the ani- mal ccconomy, we allure ourfelvcs of the reality of both thefe particulars. Confider, Sir, into what un- numbered abfurdities, and evident falfehoods, this way of arguing would betray us, if puriued in all its confequences. It will prove, if we once admit it as a teft of truth, that nothing was tranfacted by fcriptu- ral men, but what is particularly recorded in fcrip- ture-hiftory. I no where read Ifaac circumcifcd his ion Jacob) or inftrutted his houfehold after the ex- ample of his father Abrahafa. But fliall we infer, from the filence of fcripture, with regard to thefe mat- ters, that he never conformed to the former inftitu- tion, nor performed the latter fervice? 1 mould much -ather believe, that, as he bears the character of a god- iyman, he walked in both thcfc ftatutcs and ordinan-

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428 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

ccs of the Lord blamelefs. And, fmce the uniformly agree in this grand preinife, That the Ho- ly Ghoft is God, it ieems much more reafonable to conclude from hence, that they paid him direct wor- Ihip, than from their bare filence to infer, that they neglected this practice.- I no where read in the iacred writings, that St Peter fufiered martyrdom, or fealed the testimony of Chrift with his blood. But muft we, on this account, perfuade ourielves, that he was not one of the noble army of martyrs ? No, yon will fay ; it is very fuppofable, that he laid down his life for his Saviour, even though this event is not exprefsly re- corded, becaufc our Lord clearly predicts it, when he informs him, by what death he fhould glorify God. And may not I reply, with parity of r§afon, it is very iuppofable, that the apolHes, in their fplemn devo- tions, addreffcd direct diftinct wormip to the Holy Ghoft, becaufe their declaring their belief in his per- fonality and divinity, was a ftrong intimation that they fhould, was a fort of prediction that they would, render all kind of homage and adoration to hiqj.— - Upon the whole, if this be a mere prefumption, no better than a gratis didum, That the apoftles did not worfhip the Holy Ghoft, then all the {pecious argu- ments, derived from hence, drop of courfe.

Our objector Hill iniifts, u That this is not a necef- c< fary part of Chriitian wormip," (page 2.) Be plea- fed to obferve, how he departs from his firft propo- ial. His firft inquiry, that which the title-page exhi- bits, was, Whether this be warrantable f then, with nn evafive dexterity, he Hips into another topic, and maintains, that it cannot be necefTary. Whether this pe tcrgiyerfation or inaccuracy, I (ball not flay to ex- amine ; but mufl aik Mr Tomkins^ VvTliat reaibn he has for this pofitive determination, that it cannot be ne- cefTary : Becaufe, on the contrary iuppofition, " we ihall condemn the apoftles, as guilty of a great omif- iion," (page 2.). This argument the author iifcs


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more than once, therefore I may be excufed in re- plying to it once again : We can have no pretence to condemn the apoftles, till we have undeniable proof that there was iiich an omiilion in their conduct. Who can alTert, who dares maintain, that, when the apoftles were met together in the holy congregation, for targe, i^lemn, copious devotion, they never re- cogniztd the Divinity of the three facred perfbns, ne- ver acidreflcd diltinct acts of praife or invocation to each reipectively ? This, Mr 'Tomkins may pedift in iiippoling ; but after all he can lugged in vindication of this principle, it will amount to no more than a bare fnppofal. I may, at leafl, as fairly fuppofe the very reverie ; and, 1 think, have the fuffrage of rca- Ibn, the analogy of fcripture, the confent of the purefl antiquity on my fide. However, iu cafe Mr Tomkins had dempnftrated, by inconteftable evidence, that the practice under consideration cannot be neccfTary ; docs he confine himfelf, in every inftance, to what is ftrictly neceflary ? does he not allow himfelf in what is expedient \ Could I not mention various particu- lars, which are not abfolutely neceflary, but yet they are decent and ufeful ; they contribute to the beauty and harmony of woril}ip, to the comfort and edifica- tion of the worfhippers ? Perhaps, it may not be ne- celTary to particularize in our devotions the prcfcnt diflreis of our nation, and to form particular petitions luitable to our national exigencies, or particular thankfgivings accommodated to our national deliver- ances. But iince this is very expedient j Gnce it tends to beget in all a more lively fenfeof our dependence on divine Providence ; fmce it is a moft emphatical md- thod of afcribing to the fupreme Diipofer the glory of all our public mercies ; this practice is very becoming, very proper, very ufeful. Should 1 plead, in oppoii- tion to this cuftom, that it is not abfolutely neceffary : Your prayers may he acceptable to God, and benefi- cial to your country, without fuch particularizing : St



Paul gives no exprefs command, fets no explicit ex- ample of any fuch uiage ; there is no precedent from any of the apoftles, where the a#Virs of the ftate, un- der winch iiey lived, are particularly difplayed be- fore God inhumble liipplication. Would Mr Tonkins think this a fofficient reaion for liim in his private, or for minifters in their public devotions, to difcontinue the practice ? No, verily : the propriety, the expedi- ency of the thing, would juflify and ascertain its uie, even though no icriptural pattern had recommended, no icriptural precept enjoined it.

It is affirmed, (p-5«) That "theaddreffesof theNev/ Teftament are always made to the Father, or to the Son:" and it is added, (page 10.) " that there is nei- ther rule nor example in it for worshipping any other perfon whatever." This point our author affirms with a very pofitive air, as though it were incapable of being controverted ; and therefore often builds affertions on it, often makes deductions from it. Sup- pofe it was an undeniable truth, 1 think, we have ihewn, that it can be no iatisfactory proof, that, in all the enlarged devotions of the apoftles, no addrefTcs were offered to the bleffed Spirit, becaufe a few fliort ejaculations made no explicit mention of him. But this afTertion, perhaps, upon a clofer examination, may appear too bold and unjuftifiable ; fomcwhat like the poiitioi-i which has been advanced with regard to the fentiments of the primitive writers, and practice of the primitive church. It might be proper to con- iider, on this occafion, 2 Theft, iii. 5. The Lord direct your hearts into the love o"f God, arid patience of Chrift. This you will allow to be a prayer of bene- diction. You will allb obferve, that here is particular mention of three perfons. The Lord, who is the ob- ject of the invocation, and bcflower of the bleffing, is neither the Father, nor the Son. And who then can it be, but the Holy Ghofl ? whole amiable office it is, to ihcd abroad the love of God in our hearts *. It * Horn. v. 5. will

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\vill not, I prefume, be intimated, that this is the only paffage of the kind. For were it the only one, yet where the evidence is infallible, we need not the mouths of two or three witnefles to eftabliih the matter in de- bate. However, for further fatisfadHon, we may confult I The(J'. iii. 1 1, 12, 13. a The If. ir. 16. If we confider thefe texts in conjunction with thofe fcripfures which ipeak of the Holy Ghoft as a diftinct peribn, we (hall perceive a beautiful propriety, and a particular em- phaiis, in underflanding the verfes as mentioning the iacred perfons Severally. The latter text especially, confidered in this view, is extremely pertinent, has a very admirable propriety, and agreeably to a maxim laid down by a great jnaiter of correct writing :

Redder e perjonx Jc it convenient ia cinque. Our Lord Jefus Chrift himfelf, and God, and our Father, who hath loved us, end given us everlafting confolation, and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and eftablifh you in every good word and work. Suppofing the three perfons implored in this Supplication, every thing that is attributed to each, has a perfect conformity with that part, which each is rcprefented as aciing, in the bieffed work of redemp- tion ; <?. g. Our Father, who hath loved us ; for God fo loved the world, faith St John, that he gave his oniy-begotten Son. God, the Holy Ghoft, who hath given us everlafting corilblation ; for it is the peculiar office of the blelfed Spirit to adminirter comfort, call- ed therefore the Paraclete. Jefus Chrift, who hath given us good hope through grace ; We have hope inr Chrift, faith the a'poftle to the Corinthians ; and nothing is more frequently celebrated, by the apoftolical wri- ters, than the grace of our Lord [efus Chrift.— Behold then a pertinency, a beauty, a iignificant diftinftion, and an ex-^ct harmony between all the parts of this verfe, if taken in our fenle ; but a ftrange, confuted, tautological kind of diction, if you difallow, that the three divine perfons are diftinftly a-pplied to.


43* A COLLECTION Let. 27;

Page 6. it is fiiggefttd, u That we may incur the refentment of tlie other two peribns, as mewing a neglect or diirefpecc to them, if, of our own heads, we Ihould, in any peculiar and diitinguilhing form, wor- ihip the Father." This, lure, is a moft unworthy iniinuation, as though the infinitely fublime and glo- rious perfons of the Godhead were meanly ambitious, or weakly jealous. This is meaiuring the Deity, not by our reaibn, which is a very incompetent Itandard; not by our fenfes, which are itill more inadequate judges; but even by our fordid and vile affections. But not to infill upon this grofs error ; not to aggra- vate this affront olfercd to the adorable Trinity ; this intimation, and others of the like ilrain, fecm to be founded on a great miltake, with relation to the nature of the Godhead. The elfence is one, though the per- ibns are diiiinct, So that whatever honour is paid to any perfon, is paid to the one, undivided offence, li we call Jefus the Lord, St Paul allures us, it is to. the glory of God the Father. Whoever fees the Son, our Saviour himfelf declares, fees the Father alfo. (/. e.) Whoever has a right undcritanding of the Son, and fees by faith his divine excellencies ; that man iees, is acquainted with, the perfections of the Father alfo ; and for this obvious reaibn, becaufe the Father and Son are one. And will not this hold good with regard to the Holy Spirit ? If fo, whatever honour is paid to one, is paid to all the three facred pet ions : or rather whatever devout afcriptions of praiie arc addrefTed to either of the divine peribns, they are ad- drefled to the one living incomprehenfible God. I wifh Mr funiKint had attended to this conikleration. It might have guarded him againfl ibn?e other unwary expreffions, which imply the notion of Polytheiiin ; particularly that in page io. where he tells us, " That the fcripture lets forth the Father and the Son as the objects of worfhip." I cannot find any fuch re- preicntation it) fcripture. The fcripture is uniform,


Let. 27. OF LETTERS.

and confiftent, and fpeaking of but one God, fpeaks of but one object of divine worfhip, viz. the infinite Deity diftinguimed by a threefold perfonality. may feem Itrange ; but fince we have the Saviour's word, and the apofUe's evidence^ to fupport the te- net, it mould, methinks, be admitted as true. This may feem ftrange, but is it therefore to be rejected as falie ? At this rate, we mult deny the exiltence of a thoufand phenomena in nature ; we mud explode as impoffibilities numberlefs apparent fads.

Page 7. the inquirer advances a very unaccount- able propofition."1 It (hould feetn," fays he,u that the Son of God had quitted for that time(during his hu- miliation) his claim to divine worfhip ; though it fhould be granted that he did receive divine worfliip before."— I mad aik with the. Jeiuifh ruler, How can thefe things be ? Can God abandon his Divinity : >.n he ceafe to be fupremely great and good ? Is he not, I would' not fay by the neceflity, but by the abibiutc perfection of "his nature, to-day, and yefterclay, and for ever the fame ? Iffo, itfeemsimpoflibk, that crea- tures {hould, for fo much as a fingle inftant, be re- leafed from the duty of adoration ; it fe<rms impoffible, with reverence be it fpoken, that God {hould relinquiih his claim to their profoundeft homage. '^ his would be to deny himfelf ; which the apoftle reckons among the o/u»2T«, 2 Tim. ii. 13. vrr*<re-;« «uro» s^u.«?3.,^ i"ns te- net, I imagine is contrary, not only to reafon, but to fcripture. 1 ihould be pleafed to know, whether Mr Tonkins^ when he was compofmg this paragraph, recollected that memorable faying of our Lord, johrt iii. 13. No man hath afcendcd into heaven, but he who came down from heaven, even the Son of man (••>*, not 0 ,», or •*•*••») who is in heaven* Is not this a manifeft proof that our Saviour was in heaven by his divine nature, even while his human nature was fojourning on earth, or confined within the limits of a fcanty apartment ? And if the divine Son, whild VOL. V. 25. 3 I holding,

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holding, in his humanity, a conference with Nicodejntif^ was preient by his Godhead in the heavenly regions, could the angels be infeniiblc of his prefcnce ? and if ieniible of his pretence, could they with-hold their adoration ? Credat Judxns j4\)dla^ tmn ego. Let So- cniiuKs^ ancl men that are called infidels, believe fiich an abiurdity, I cannot reconcile it to my apprehen- iions. Onr Lord emptied himfelf, it is true ; becauie, when lie appeared among mortals, he appeared with- out the pomp and fplendor of his celefHal majeily. He fuffcrcd no fuch glory to irradiate and adorn his pcricn, r.s iiirrounded him on the mount of transfigu- ration, and will invelt him when he comes to judge the world; but was, in all things, fuch as we are, fin only txcepted. Thus he humbled himfelf, not by dii- robing his eternal Godhead of its cfleniial dignity, but by with-holding the manifcftations of it, in that infe- rior nature, which he was pleafed to alfume.

Page 8. our author feems to miftake the meaning of that royal edict, iflued out in the hes.venly world, Let all the angels of God worlhip him *. He fuppofes this was a command to worfhip the Son in the iiiblimc capacity of Go.l over all. This, iurely, could not be the fenie of the words. Becauie a command of fuch an import, muft be ncedleis. This was the natural, the unchangeable, the indilpcnfable duty of all crea- tures ; and thofe fuperior intelligences could not but eafily clifcern, fuch as thoie upright fpirits could not but readily obty, without any particular in- junction. The command, therefore, 1 apprehend, is rather referable to the humanity of our blefled Re- deemer ; to that nature in Immamiel, which purged away our fins, .by becoming a propitiatory facrifkc. This was made higher than the angels. This had an illuftrious name given it, to which every knee fhould bow. This was exalted into heaven, angelc, and au- thorities, and powers, being made fubjett unto the man Chrift Jefus. If this rrmark be true, then our * Keb. i. 6. author's

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author's interpretation is erroneous; confequently, his round-about argument, derived from a miitaken prin- ciple, inuft fall to nothing.

Page 12. in the note our objedor afks, " Bid the people of Ifracl^ upon hearing thefe \vords, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the iar.d of Egypt, ever imagine, that there were three peribns then fpeaking :"— This qneftion, I fuppofc, is intend- ed to invalidate the doctrine of the Tiinity. But the great article (lands upon a rock, too impenetrable to be undermined by iuch an interrogatory, too im- moveable to be fhaken by iuch a fuggtiiion. I pre- tend not, to give a categorical aniwer to the query ; but only deiire to obierve, that the people of IJrael have feveral intimations, in their facred bocks, of a plurality of peribns in the unity of the divine elfence. They were accuflomed to hear MoJ'es fpeak in the plural number, when he relates the wonderful work of creation, Let us make man. Their inipired and royal preachers fpoke of the almighty Maker of them, and of all things, in plural terms, Remember now thy Creator *, in the original Creators. The prophets acknowledged and teach this grand myftery, particu- larly the evangelical prophet Ifaiah, chap. Ixiii. 9, 10. So that, if the children of Jacob and Jujep/i were ig- norant of this awful truth, it feems owing ratTier to the blindnels of their underitandings, than to the want of proper ditcoveries from above. But be the cafe, as it is ibppofed, with regard to the 'Jews. Are we obliged to copy their ignorance ? Muft their fenti- ments be our guide ? their imaginations the model of our creed f Surely, for a Chrillian to argue, or even to furmife, that thysre is no iuch thing, becayfe the ancient Jews were not acquainted with it, is alto- gether as unrcaibnable, as it would be unphiloib; cal to maintain, that there are no iuch places as Ame- rica, or Greenland, becaufe they were belli unknown

312 to

* Eccl. xii. i,

43* A COLLECTION Let. 27.

to the ancient inhabitants of Canaan. MrTomkinj can- not but know tint it is the excellency of the evange- lical dilpenlation, to take oft" the veil from the Mojai- cal. we, by comparing their law with our gol- pel, by applying the interpretation of our apoftles to the doctrines of tiieir prophets, are able to ice clearly what they perceived but dimly. Ye do always refift the Holy Gholr, lays St Stephen, as your fathers did, lo do yc *. If this reproof be compared with the fc- veral narratives, recorded in the Old Tedament, con- cerning the ftiff -necked and refractory behaviour of the 'Jew j,we (hall gather by the cleared deduction, that the Holy Ghoit is Jehovah. Perhaps, the Ijraelites, when they heard the Pfalmift playing upon his harp, and {inging this congratulatory hymn of praife, Thou art attended up on high, thou hail led captivity captive, and received gifts for men ; yea, even for thy enemies, that the Lord God might dwell among them f ; the Israelites , I fay, upon hearing thefe words, might not be aware, that the perfon who afccnded up on high, was the blefled Jefus ; and that the Lor d God dwelling among, dwelling in depraved difobedient mortals, to renew and reclaim them, was the Holy Ghoft. But we, by collating Eph. \v. 8. with the former part of the verfe ; and John xiv. 17. Rom. viii. n. with the latter, are, to our exceeding great conlblation, brought to the knowledge of thefe glorious doctrines.

Page 24. our author obfervcs, " That Dr H^atts would prove the propriety of paying divine wormip to the Holy Ghgit, from the form of adminifteringbap- tifm." 1 his argument he undertakes to invalidate. He proceeds in a very unexpected manner ; fprings a mine, of which we were not at all apprehenfive. What if it ihould turn to the overthrow of his own tenet ? The Doctor maintains, " That baptifm is a piece of worfliip." Our author replies, " That hear- ing the word, in the public aflemblies, may alfo be re- puted

* A<fo viit 51. t Ffal. Ixviii. 18.

Let. 27. OF LETTERS. 437

puted a piece of worfhip." May it To? Then ex ore tuo Your own conceffion confutes your opinion. For, if to hear the word with aiiiduity, with reverence, with an humble expectation of its becoming the in- ftrurnent of our ialvation ; if this be a fpecies of wor- fhip, it is, doubtleis, a worfhip paid to him, who is the author and giver of the word. Now, we are lure, that it was the Holy Ghoft, who ipake by the prophets, who fpake by the apoftles, who fpake all :he words of that life, which, in our religious congregations, are explained and enforced.

Page 15. Mr Tomkins urges the expreflion ofStPaul, I Cor. x. 2. which I cannot forbear fufpecling, not- withflanding all the remonftrances of charity, which thinketh no evil, he wilfully mifunderftands. It is evident, on the very firfl glance, that Mofes, in that place, cannot mean the man Mojes ; but the lyftem of religion, the body of laws, moral, judicial, and cere- monial, which were, by him, delivered to the Jews. Is it therefore a proof, that to be baptized into the name of the Holy Ghoft is no act of worfhip to that divine perfon, becaule it was no acl: of worfhip to Mojcs, to have been baptized into an ccconomy infti- tuted by God, and only promulged by Mojes?

For my part, I am ftedfaftly perfuaded, that«to be baptized into the name of the Holy Ghoft, is a very noble and fublime kind of worfhip ; not to fay, an indifpenfable obligation to all other inftances and de- grees of worlhip. It is coupled with that greatcft of Chriftian duties, believing. Which 1 take to be a worfhip of the mind, far more important than any bodily homage ; without which, all external cxjirei- fions of adoration are mere formality. He that be- lieveth, and is baptized, fhall befavcd. I verily think, no one will deny, that baptifm is, at leaft, equal in its import to circumcifion ; inflcad of which it feems to be fubftituted. Now, circumcifion was evidently a token and ratification of the covenant of Jehovah. It was

a vifiblc

438 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

a vifible atteftation to the perfon circumcifed, that the Lord was his God, engaged by covenant to protect, bids, and make him finally happy. It was a folemn declaration of an abfolute felf-furrender to the bleffed God, to acknowledge him for the only Lord, to ferve him in all dutiful obedience, to leek his glory, and to be refigned to his wiil. This Teems to have been the meaning of that divinely-appointed rite, emphatically exprefled inthofewordsof the Jeiuijh legiilator, Thou hail this day avouched the Lord to be thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his ftatutes, and to hearken unto his voice. And the Lord hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people *. And can we imagine, that baptifm, which has fuperfeded cir- cumcifion, is inferior to it in fignificancy ? Or can we imagine, thatthefe iolemn aclsof recognizing the Lord for our only God, and confecrating ourielves to his honour, are no expreflions of worlhip ?

Though this dedication of ourielves to the fervice of the Holy Ghoft (hould be implied in the ordinance of baptifm, u ftill it muft be granted," replies our author, u that this can be no other fervice of the Spirit, than what is enjoined in the New Teftament," (page 15.) Thereby inh'nuating, that it is ibmewhat differ- ent from the fervice we itand engaged to yield both to the Father and to the Son. But, according to all the allowed methods of fpeech, the baptized perfon is dedicated alike to each of the three facred perlbns : he avows them all to be the objeft of his worihip, and the author of his falvation. There is no manner of difference in the terms which fpecify the obligations; and iince divine wifdom has made them the fame, why mould we prefume to pronounce them divei fe ? How unaccountably-Orange would the baptifmal form be, on our objector's interpretation ; I baptize thee into an obligation to adore, to obey, to worihip the Father and the Son ; but not to pay the fame reverential and

devout * Deut. xxvi. 17, 18.

Let. 27. OF LETTERS, 439

devout regards to the Holy Ghoft ? What writer of ingenuity, in order to iupport a fingular hypothecs, would do fuch apparent violence to the meaning of the iacrcd text ? What reader of difcernment would become a convert to an opinion, which muft darken and pervert the moft evident fenfe of fcripture, in or- der to acquire an air of plaufibility ? Suppofe a per- fon fliould, in making his laft will, exprefs himfelf in the following ftyle : 1 conftitute A, B, and C, my joint executors ; I give and bequeath to them, whatever remains of my eftatc and goods, when my legacies are paid, and my debts cleared. Would it not be a mod extravagant and unreafonable pretence, if a cap- tious neighbour mould maintain, that C is not vefted with an equal power, has not a right to an equal dividend with A and B ? If a gentleman of the long robe fliould offer to give this for law,would he not forfeit his charac- ter either of fagacity or integrity ? If none of thefeob- fcrvationswill convince Mr Tomkins, that he hasmifre- prefented the tenor and extent of thcbaptifmal engage- ment, we will, in order to bring the matter, if poffible, to an amicable accommodation, accede even to his own aifertion. He argues, "That no other fervice of the Spirit can be meant, but fuch as is enjoined in^the New Teftament." Agreed ; let us join hTuc on this footing. Let us reft the cauie on this bottom. As it is Mr Tomkins's, own motion, I hope, he will acqnicice in the rcllilt of fuch a trial. Now, the New Tefta- ment, both virtually and explicitly, requiies us to acknowledge the Holy Gholt to be God and Lord ; and what fervice is payable, according to the preferip- tions of the New Teframent, to fuch a Being ? This, and no other, I would render myfelf ; this, and no o- thcr is rendered by all the churches. 1 do not ib much as attempt to be an advocate for any other wodhip to be addreflbd to the Divine Spirit, than whnt the evangelical fcriptures direct us to offer unto that ma- jellic and venerable, that tremendous and amiable


440 A COLLECTION Let. 27,

name, The Lord our God. If therefore the New Tef- flament demands all honour and adoration, as the in- violable due of this molt exalted Being, then Mr Tomkins mult either flatly deny the divinity of the Holy Ghoft, muft contradict the expreis declaration of the infpired writers on this head, or elfe confefs, that his notion Hands condemned even on his own prin- ciples.

What is alleged from 1 Cor. i. i 3. this feems to cor- roborate our fentiments, rather than to fupport his. St Paul afks, with warmth, and a fort of holy indig- nation— nr TO ovoyua nan** i&axTia-briTi ; he fpeaks of it as an ab- iiird and {"hocking thing. Now, what could render this fo odious and monftrous a practice ; fuch as the apofHe difclaims and rejects with abhorrence ? No- thing, that I can apprehend, but the horrid evil it would imply. The evil of afcribing divine honours to Paul, making Paul an object of worfhip, and con- fecrating perfons to a creature, who ought to be con- fecrated only to the Creator, God blefTed for ever. So that I muft declare, I think this text a ftrong inti- mation, that baptifm is really a facred fervice or di- vine worfhip, which it is utterly unallowable for any creature to affume or admit. Therefore, the good a- poftle renounces it, with a noble kind of deteftation ; much like the angel, who, when John offered to fall at his feet, and do him homage, cries, o?<* &ia

wfoo-xv»»<rov *.

The apoftolical benediction is another paffage ufual- ty and deiervedJy produced, in juftification of our practice. Mr Tomkins alleges, "That this is very differ- ent from a direct addrefs by way of prayer to the Spi- rit," (page 17.) It feems to me to be an undoubted prayer, and to have the very fame force as if it had been exprefled in the more common precatory form; O Lord Jeiiis Chrift, vouchfafe them thy grace ; O God of goodnefs, grant them thy love ; O eternal


* Rev. xxii. 9.

Let. 27- OF LETTERS.

iSpirit, accompany them with thy comfortable pre- icnce. That this is the purport of the words, is un- deniable ; and where is the extraordinary difl-Vri-nce, whether they be introduced by an efto, or a j(icf I believe, rill will allow the form ordained by God (Numb. vi. 24, 25,. 26.) for the nie of the Jcuifh priefts, was a real prayer: The Lord bid's thce. and keep thce ; the Lord make his face to Pnine upon thce, and be gracious unto thce; the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon thee, and give thee pence 1 If this was an addreis to the Almighty, the apoiVoli- cal benediction is exactly of the fame nature. To lay, that it was only a kind of with, and not dcitgncd for a devout afpiration to Jehovah, mull greatly clebafc ,ind enervate it: not to hint, that this facerdotal blot- fing contained a recognition of three divine peribns, which might be obfcure in that age, but has been ful- ly illuftrated by the apoftles : not to hint, the great probability, that St Paid had this very paflage in his eye, when he breathed out his benedidtivc prayer, and pnrpofely intended to explain it in the evangeli- cal fenfe. Befides, I would cldire to know, v/hether any minifler could, with a iiife confcience, uie the fol- lowing benediction? The grace of our Lord.jefus Chrifi, and the love of God, and the fcllmvihip of the Virgin Mary, be with you all, amen! Why ihould a cnnfcientious minifter be afraid of uiing Inch a form. if it be no prayer? if it be not a virtual aicrsption of nmnifcience, omniprefcncc, r.nd omnipotence to the X'irgin, rind, in conlequcnce of tlioic attributes, a ilip- plicatory addreis to her ? Still we are encountered v/iih another objection, lt If 1 {iioulti lay to a friend, May the good angels attend you ; flinll this he cnllrd a praying to the artels ':" I*:r '/«;/-;/ ///j himfclf mivft own, "if he will deal fairly, that the cafe is by no means parallel. The cleel angels dill-wow all divine worfiiip, but does the Holy Ghoil do this ? The elect p.njrrls are iniftering i'pirits, but of ihc Holy Ghoil it is iaul, \ OL. V. 25.- 3 K The

442 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

The Lord is that Spirit. The angels are confefTedly i seated and finite beings, io that it would be ablurdi- tv and blafphemy to invocate them ; but the Holy Ghoft is poffeiTed of the perfections, performs the works, and is called by the incommunicable name of Goci, io that it is vviidom and piety to pray to. him. For which renfons, 1 make no doubt, but that when- ever the apollles put up ilich an ejaculation, » »»"•»!« ayt* iiifjuuarof fill* WTO* v*uv, they accompanied it with a de- vout mental addrefs to the uncreated Spirit : becaufe it would be a piece of irreverence and of folly, barely to wi(h the mercy, and not apply to that ever-prcfent Being for its accompliihment.

As for the other arguments which Dr ffatts ad- vances, in order to vindicate the cuftom of afcribinj; praile to the Holy Ghoft, viz. u That it may be ex- pedient to practife it frequently in ibme churches, where it h;is been long ufed, left great offence (hould be given.'"' That it may be proper to ufe it forae- times, on purpofe to hold forth the doctrine of the Trinity in times of error, and to take away all fufpi- rion of hereiy from the public worfhip." Thefc con- iidcrations i leave to thcr Doctor. I have no inclina- tion to try my ikill ar luch weapons, but chufe to act with regard to them, as David acted in relation to Saul's armour ; becanfe, i really think, that they ra- ther encumber than uphold the caufc : They are fa unwarily worded, that they reprefcnt the practice, not as a noble effential piece of divine worfhip, found- ed on the ftrongefk and moil invariable principles, al- ways datable to our neceilities, and always correl- pondent to the nature of the bleffed Spirit ; but as an occasional and time-ferving expedient ; to be uicd, not condantly, liut now and then only ; and that, to anfwer a turn, none of the mou: important, to avoid not any real deficiency in worfhin, but onlv a fufpi- cion of herefy. Where-eyer 1 am felicitous to fecure


Let. 27. OF LETTERS. 443

the conclufion, I would by no means offer to deduce it from iiich uniblid and precarious premifes.

t have now examined the molt confulerable objecli- ons, urged by Mr Tomkins, againft the unanimous prac- tice of Chriitian congregations whether they conform or dilfent. I (hall only beg the continuance of your candour and patience, while I touch upon another par- ticular or two, which may farther corroborate our cuftpm, and prove it to be iomewhat more than war- rantable.

Suppofe we produce a command of our Lord Jefus Chrift ; will this be fufficient to afcertain the prac- tice ? Does not our Saviour give this charge to his apoftles f Pray ye the Lord of the harveit, that he would lend forth labourers into his harvell: *. Now, 1 would humbly afk, Who the Lord of this fpiritual harvelt is ? Shall we refer ourfelves to fcripture for fa- tisfa&ion ? Will Mr Tumkinr abide by the determina- tion of fcripture ? will he honeftly acknowledge, that, if the fcripture declares the Holy Gboft to be the Lord of the harveft, we have then a clear commillion, a po- iitive command, to addrefs ourfelves by way o'f prayer to the Holy Ghoft ? It is the Hoiy Gholl who ap- points the labourers that are to be employed in* this harve(t : The Holy Ghofl faid, Separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the work whcreunto I have called them f , It is the Holy Ghoft, who qualifies the work- men, that arc to dilpatch this momentous butinefs, with wifdom, with kno\\led^e, with utterance, and with all miraculous abiiititrs, i Cor. xii. 8, 9, 10, II. It is tLi* Holy Ghoft who makes thefe labours effectu- al, and crowns them with ample lucceis, Afl* x. ^4. 1 T/ifflf. i. 5. From tlieie fcriptures, and their tefti- monies concerning the bleffed Spirit, it feems indifpu- tably ]>lain, that he is Lord of the harveft. Can we have a more forcible motive to pray unto him, than the confideration of his fui-crintcnuing, conducting,

3 K 2 and

* Matth. ix. 38. Luke x. 2. -j- Afts xiii. 2. & xx. 28.

444 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

and proipfM-in^ the progrefs of (that heft of bleifings) the everialHng golpel ? Need we a better warrant tc» offer our devouteft applications to him, than our Lord's cxprcis injunction, viewed iu connexion with thei'e remarkable texts ?

Suppofe I prove farther, that the heavenly beings pay divine worfhip to the Holy Gholt ; luppofe I (hew you angels and archangels in poftures of pro- found adoration at the throne of the eternal Spirit, and glorifying him in drains of the rnoft fublime de- votion. Will this be allowed a proper precedent for our practice i1 will any one be fo bold as to affirm, that lie is unfit to receive the worihip of mortals on earth, if it; appear that he is the object of angelical worfhip in the heaven of heavens ? In the fixth chapter of /- jaia/i^ we meet with one of the grandeft reprcfcnta- tions imaginable: Jehovah exhibits himfelf to the en- tranced prophet, f bated on a lofty and augufh throne ; before him Itood the immortal hofls of feraphim ; they veiled their faces in token of dcepeft felf-abafement ; they lifted up their voices with a rapturous fervour, and uttered this magnificent acclamation, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hofts ; the whole earth is full of his glory. The trilagium of the ieraphic armies ieems to intimate, that they addrefled their praifes to the one Jehovah in a trinity of perfons. If you look for- ward to verle 8. you will find another circumllance confirmingthis remark ; for the glorious Majesty {peaks of himfelf, in the plural number, Who will go for us ? But the proof i chiefly depend on, the proof which is absolutely incontefhble ; which none can deny, with- out luppoiing themlelves better judges of the ienfe of Icripture, than the apoftles ; this proof is found in Ads xxviii. 25. where St Paul evidently applies the words, ipoke by this majeftic and divine Being, to the Holy Ghoft, ' Well fpake the Holy Ghoft, faying. And if he attributes the words to this i'acred per-

), who dares fcparate the honours ? Since all muft


Let. 27. OF LETTERS.

allow, that the perion who gives the commiflion to the prophet, and the perion whom the celeftial legions adore, is one and the lame. Since therefore the an- gels addrefs the Holy Gholt with folemn acts of praife ; iince they bear united teftimony, that the whole earth is full of his glory ; Mr Tomkins mould confider whe- ther he acls a becoming part, in endeavouring to ex- clude his glory from any Chriftian congregation by his example, and from every Chriftian congregation by his writings.

If Mr Tomkins mould Mill think his own opinion iufficient to over-rule all thefe allegations of icripture, of greater weight than the practice of St Paul to the TheJJalonians ; more unexceptionable, and fitter to be admitted as our pattern, than the example of the an- gelic hoft ; I cannot but imagine, that the propriety of our cuftom is apparent even on the tenor of his own favourite notions. Page 12. he quotes that grand and fundamental law of revealed religion, " Thou (halt worfliip the Lord thy God, and him only male thou ferve." He proceeds to confider, who this Lord oar God is, whom we are to ferve. He then informs us, " it appears from the whole current of fcripture, in the New Teftament, as well as the Old, that ifris he, who, in times paft, fpake unto the Fathers by the prophets." Rightly judged. We make no appeal from this verdict, but acquiefce in it, though it is his own. Only taking along with us St Peter's declaration, Prophecy came not in old time (rather, at any time, unquam, not olitn, *»TI, not »«x*.) by the will of man, but holy men of God fpake, as they were moved by the Holy Ghoft *. Mr Tomkins himfeif maintains, that the genuine and undoubted object of divine worfhip, is that infinitely wife and gracious Being, who fpako to our Fathers by the prophets ; and St Peter, in the mofl cxprcih manner poffible, aflertSj that thisinfiuite-

* 2 Per. i. 21.


446 A COLLECTION Let. 27.

ly wife and gracious Being, who fpakc by the prophets, is the Holy Ghoft. Can demonflration ittclf uc plainer .' Sure, then, Mr Tonkins mull either rctiact his poliuoit, ordiUllowthe apoltle's application of it, orelic give us leave to adhere inviolably to our practice, and to look upon it as juitifiable beyond all reasonable exception, and, what ihould carry fome peculiar weight with our author, juftifiable on principles of his own.

May I urge this point a little farther? I (hould be glad to know, what is the fcriptural meaning of be- ing converted unto the Lord ? Is it not, to renounce every lying vanity, to foriake every evil way, and turn to the Lord with all our heart ? that we may fear him, love him, put our whole trull in him, and ferve him truly all the clays of our life. Docs not this include ibme, rather is it not comprehenfive of all worihip ? So that if it is certain from fcripture, that iinners are to be converted .to the Holy Ghoft ; then it is equally certain, that Iinners are to pay not fome only, but all worfhip, to that blefled Being, who is the centre of their fouls, and the fource of their hap- pinefs. Be pleated to read attentively 2 Cor. iii. 16, 17. and we dare venture to ftand by your dccifion.

Let me add one more confideration, and I have done. The blefled Spirit is to help our infirmities in prayer, Rom. viii. 26. The Spirit is to fubdue our ini- quities, and mortify the deeds of the body, Ro>n. viii. 13. The Spirit is to fhed abroad the love of God in our hearts, Rom. v. 5. The Spirit is to fanclify us wholly, in all our faculties, i Theff. v. 23. The Spirit is to transform us into the divine image, 2 Cor. iii. 18. The Spirit is to feal us unto the day of redemption, Eph* iv. 30. and to be the earned of an incorruptible inheritance, Ep/i. i. 14. In a word, from the Spirit we are humbly to expect all the fruits of goodnefs, i ightcoufnefs, and truth, Ep/i. v. 9. Now, what a comfortable profpedl rifes before us, if this Spirit be the all-fufficient, the infinite God, to whom nothing


Let. 27. OF LETTERS. 447

is impofTiblc ; who is able to do for us exceedingly abundantly even above all that we can afk or think 1 But how languid muft be our hopes, how fcanty our expectations, if he be not the divine Being, but only fo ae finite exiflence ! And, in another (late of things, to whom will righteous fouls acknowledge themfelves inexpreffibly indebted, to whom will they return their ardent thanks, and addrefs the in oft joyful praifcs, but to the author of .all thcfc ineflimable blcffings ? If this then is likely to be the employ and the delight of heaven, Ihould it not be begun on earth ?

Upon the whole ; Since the cuflom of offering prayer, and addreffing praife, to the Holy Ghoft, is contrary to no text of fcripture, is founded upon his divine nature, and refults from the indifpenfable obli- gation of creatures to worfhip the Godhead : Since it was undeniably the practice of the Chriftian church, in its pureft days, and has been received, by unani- mous approbation, for many hundreds of preceding years: Since ir is probable, if we v/ill allow their doctrines and conduct to be confront, it is certain, if we will prefer the moft accurate a:id liitembarraffed interpretation of their epiiUes, that the apoilles uiecl this method of worlhip: Since the analogy of the whole fcripture juftifies it, and the innumerabie be- nefits, which are communicated to us from the bid- led Spirit, demand it : Since angels aicribe glory to his awful Majefty, and our Saviour directs us to put up prayers to his almighty gooclnefs:— '1'helc, and o- ther coniideratiorsr,, determine me to join, without the Icaft fcruple, with full afluranceof itc propriety, in that ancient noble doxology . —( Uory be to the Esther, who hath loved us with an evcrlattiug love, and to the Son, who hath wafhed us fron» our fins in his own blood, and to the Holy Giiofi, who applies thcfe bl cf lings of redeeming grace to our corrupt hearts ; to this great, eternal intomprvhcnfible Trinity be rendered undivided honours, and immortal praiib !



Having been fo very prolix already, 1 fliall not ren- der myfelf more tedious by making any apology, but fin 11 only add, what r,o confideration can induce me to omit, that 1 am, dear vSir,

Your obliged friend, err,


Dear £/>, Wcfan-Ferucll, March^ 1745-6.

YOU have fet me a tafk, which I fhould be glad to execute, if I was able. God forbid, that 1 fhonld he backward to plead for the intcreits of that Re- deemer on earth, who, I truft, is making perpetual interceflion for me in heaven. But my fear is, left the noble cauie fhould fufFcr, by tjie unfldlfulnefs of its defendant. It is for this re a- 1 on, purely for this rcafon, I wifh to decline accepting the challenge you feem to give me in your letter. For this once, how- ever, I will enter the lifls, and venture to try the ftrength, not of your arrrr, but of your arguments.

I do not \v«»ndcr, that you have objections to make againft Chriftianity. I know fome eminent Chriftians who were formerly warm and zealous in the onpofition : yet they have frankly owned that their minds were then either very inconuderate, or elfe immerfed in 6- ther {peculation, and that they had no Jeifure, or no inclination to weigh the evidences, and examine the nature of the evangelical doctrine. Since they have applied theinfelves to confider thefe points, with a fe- rioufncfs and attention, becoming an inquiry of the Jaft importance; an inquiry, in which their very fowls nnd all their eternal interrils were embarked, they arc thoroughly convinced, that their former fentiments xvere wrong. They are fully pcrfuaded, that the ffofpel-infiitutiori is of divine extract; that it is a fyf- tem, noble ?.r.d fublime, benevolent and gracious, eve- rv \\--y fukablc to the niajefty of God, and admirably


Let. 28. OF LETTERS. 449

calculated for the comfort, the improvement, and the happincfs of mankind.

Methinks you will reply, and veryreafonably, "that 4 all fuch mould be able to account for the change ' of their opinions." I dare fay they can. But as you call upon me fo particularly to vindicate the re- ligious principles, which I have from my fancy em- braced ; I will now attempt to vindicate them from the various charges, of which they ftand arraigned in your letter.

Be pleafed then, dear Sir, to obferve, that the Chri- ftian doftrine teaches, that when God brought man into being, he bJeflVd him with a ft ate perfectly holy and happy. If you read the Bible, the authentic nar- rative of our fall, as well as the only guide to our re- covery, you will find it an avowed truth, That God made man upright. If, therefore, man corrupted him- felf, and (as it is impoflible to bring a clean thing out of an unclean) polluted his offspring ; where is the harfhnels, where the injufticc of the divine procedure in adjudging him worthy of death ? Let God be juf- tified, and let mortals bear the blame.

You think it very odd, that this tragical cataftrophe fhould be occafioned by eating an apple. So fhould I too, was there nothing more in the cafe, than barely eating an apple. But this was a wilful and prefump- tuous breach of a mod pofitive command, of the on- ly command, which the almighty Lawgiver enjoined. And the (mailer the matter of the prohibition, the more inexcufablc was the fault of not complying with it. In this aft of dilbbedience was implied/ the molt pcrvcrfe difcontent in the happieft circmnltances ima- ginable ; the moft fhameful ingratitude for the m >ft incftimable favours; pride and arrogance, even. to an unlufterable degree; implicit blatphemy, making God a liar, and hearkening to the fuggeftions of the'clc. il, in preference to the folcmn declarations of truth itf.lf. Indeed, this tranfgreflion was a complication of ni-

VOL. V. 25. 3 L quitics;

450 A COLLECTION Let. 28.

quitics ; and, tho* reprefented under the extenuating terms of eating an apple, was really the moll horrid provocation that was ever committed.

But that the tranfgreflion of Adam mould faften guilt, or tranfmit corruption to his latcft pofterity, this, you imagine, is all a chimera. If then you was created in a perfect ftate ; if you fuffered nothing by the original lapfc, why is your heart prone to nutn- berlefs evils ? why do you tread in the Iteps of an a- poftate ancellor ? why do you violate the law of an infinitely-pure God, and too often delight in that a- bominable and accurfed thing which he hateth, fin ? You are too honeft and ingenuous to deny the truth of thefe expostulations. And if fo, you muft allow, that your nature was depraved in Adam, or, which feems to be more culpable, that you have corrupted yourfelf. Then, there is no fuch great caufe to find fault with the fupreme Difpofcr of things, for inclu- ding you in Adam's trefpals, fince you yourfelf do the fame things.

Is it confident, you afk, with the character of an infinitely-good Bring, to make this refolve, That he would, on account of this iinglc crime, bring into exiftence almofl innumerable millions of creatures, fo fpoiled by himfelf, that they fhould all defer ve e- ternal damnation ? I anfwer, This is entirely a mif- reprefentation of the Chriftian fcheme. It was not in coafequcHce of the original crime, that God deter- mined to bring the human race into being ; but in pur- fuance of his own eternal purpofes, which are always the iffue of confummate wifdom, of unbounded bene- volence, and will, unlefs his creatures ftubbornly reject the overtures of his love, terminate in their unfpeak- able felicity. Neither was the human race fpoiled by the Creator, but by themfclves. To fuppofe, that the Author of all excellence fhould deprave the work of bis own hands, is doubtlefs a mocking thought, and fuch as we utterly difavow. So far was he from be- ing

Let. 28. OF LETTERS.

ing the fole operator, that he was not fo much as ac- ceflary in any degree to their mifery .* but warned them of their danger ; charged them to beware ; and planted the barrier of his own tremendous threatenings between them and ruin.

You are difpleafed, that everlafting happinefs fliould never be attainable by auy of thefe creatures, but by thofe few to whom God gives his effectual free grace. If the proportion be let in another light, which is really the true method of dating it; if we fay, That, tho' all have forfeited, yet all may recover everlaft- ing happineis, becaufe effectual grace is freely offered to all ; what can a man of candour object to fuch a difpenfation ? Will he not acknowledge the goodnefs of the divine procedure, and inveigh againll the per- verfenels of mortals ; the mofl unreafonable perverfe- neis of all thofe, who are too proud to be fenfible of their want of grace, or too carelefs to trouble their heads about it? Will he not be conftrained to declare them fuicides, and that they are chargeable, if they periih, with their own deflruction ? if we prefcribe a medicine of fovcreign efficacy, and the fick is fo felf-willed as to refufe the recipe, who is to be bla- med, in cafe of a mifcarriage, the phyfichn or the patient ?

When therefore you talk of perfons being unavoid- ably damned, you quite miiconceive the tenor of our molt merciful and benign inftitution ; which offers for* givenefs to all, tho' ever fo profligate, thro* the Sa- viour's atonement; which makes a tender of grace to all, tho' ever fo abandoned, thro* the Saviour's medi- ation. The language, the moil cornpaflionate language of which, is, Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways, for why will you die ? And becaufe the finner, en- llaved to vice, is unable to (hake off the fetters, it farther lays, Afk, and ye fhall receive j leek, and ye fhall find, grace fufficicnt for you.

As to the meaning of the term grace, I apprehend,

3 L 2 it


it lignifies the pardon of obnoxious, and the accept- ance of unworthy peribns, on account of the expi- ation and merits of their Redeemer. It imports alib a communication of knowledge and (trength to igno- rant and impotent creatures, that they may diicern their Creator's will, and difcerning, may be enabled to perform it. And in forming thtfe ideas, 1 can i'ec nothing itupid ; in expecting theie bleflings, nothing fooli/h.

But dill, perhaps, you think it fcarce reconcileable with the wiiclom, the juftice, the mercy of God, to fairer mankind to fall. That he forefaw it, and could have prevented it, is undeniable. He forefaw it, or clfe he could not be omniicient : he was able to have prevented it, otherwife he could not be omnipotent. But what if the eternal Maker knew, that this would give occafion to the molt ample and glorious manifeftation of thofe very attributes, which you fuf- pect are eclipfed hereby ? Would this conciliate your approbation ? would this incline you to acquieice in the ceconomy of the gofpel ?

Certainly it is a moil Stupendous difcovery of wif- dom, to iind out a method whereby the feemingly- jarring attributes of juftice and mercy may be recon- ciled ; whereby the (inner may be faved, without any injury to the inviolable holineis of his laws, or any derogation to the honour of his juft and righteous government. It was impoiiible to give fuch an ama- zing proof of his infinite kindnefs for poor mortals, as by delivering his own Son to take their inferior nature, and bear all their guilt. Nor can there be ib iignal an exertion of juftice, as to punifli this mofi: excellent perfon, when he itood in the place of offend- ers ; or of mercy, as to divert the vengeance from their obnoxious to his immaculate and innocent head.

As from the fcheme of redemption, the highest glory redounds to the divine Majefty, fo the richeft eonfolation is derived from hence to frail creatures.


Let. 28. o F L E T T E R S.

The happinefs of men confifts in the favour of God. His love is better than life. To be gracioully re- g«i\ied by that adorable Being, who itretched out the heavens, and laid the foundations of the ear* h ; to be the objects of his complacency, whofe fn^le constitutes heaven, and whole frown is worfe thsn detraction ; this, this is human felicity. And how could God almighty give us a brighter evidence, a more pregnant proof of his inconceivably-tender concern foi us, than by furrendering bis only Son to condemnation and death for our fake ? Transporting thought 1 big with a delight, which man could ne- ver have known, had not Adam fallen. This obviates an objection, on which you ftrongiy infift, That you and others never conferred to make Adam your repre- fentative. For if this method of ordering things be productive of a fuperior felicity to all that are willing to be happy, then it can be no wrong to the world in general, or to any individual perfon in particular. No more than it is a wrong to the minor, for his guardians to procure interelt for his money, and im- prove his eflate, againft the time of his coming Co age.

Upon the whole ; There is no reafon to quarrel with that fovereign will of God, which permitted us to fall in Adam, from thence to contract guilt, to derive pol- lution, and ' confequently, to deferve damnation. But rather there is abundant cauie to admire, to adore, to blefs 1 is holy name, for providing a Re- cleemcr ; a Redeemer of unknown dignity, and un- utterable perfections ; a Redeemer, by whom all the evils of the fall may be more than redreilVd ; a Re- deemer, in whom all the awful and amiable attributes of the Deity are mod illuftrioufly difplayed ; a Re- deemer, through whom the mod wicked and mork unfortunate of our race may find mercy, and arrive at happinefs ; a Redeemer, who moft compafiionately invites all, all that are weary and heavy laden, to COHIQ


454 A COLLECTION Let. 29,

to him, and mofl afluredly declares, that wbofoever bclieveth in him, fhall not pcrifli, but have everlaltin^ life. And is it not ftrange, very flrange, hardly credible, fure, that any fhould reject ib great falvatiou, and chute death rather than life ?

Let me beg of you, Sir, to confider thefc points with calmneis and impartiality. You cannot but be feniiblc, that many learned, many wife, many excel- lent perfons, moll cordially believe them ; receive their chief fatisfaftion from them ; and would rather die, than renounce them. Since it is poflible, at leaft, that they may be in th*; right ; fince you do not pre- tend to be infallible in your judgment ; and fince you acknowledge a Gi unerring wifdom,and everlaft- ing goodnefs, let me ^eieech you to implore his gui- dance in your fearch, and his direction in your deter- mination. For I am not afhamed to own, or rather I am bold to maintain, that this wifdom cometh from above ; this wildom is the gift of God ; and prayer is altogether as necefTary to its attainment, as fagacity of mind, or the accomplifiiments of learning.


Dear S/'r, Wcfton-Pavell, 4pril i. 1746.

IF you can fpare the Nighf -Thought s^ the bearer of this ticket will bring them fafely to Weft on. I pra- pofe to read them, when bnllneis is done, and the day is fled ; fo that the tinie may correfpond with the iubjecT:.

I hope, the bookfcller has, before this time, waited on you with the little volume, which defires your ac- ceptance. Was it to pafs through my hands before it was preiented, 1 fhould almoft be induced to in- fcribe it with that pretty line in Virgil,

Munera parva quidem^ at magnum tejlantur amorfm.


Let. 30. OF LETTERS. 455-

Pray, d'j you think that paflage, Luke vi. 38. ivtrwt* •<f ™- xoxrov w^a, is rightly rendered by our tranflators, Shall men give into your bofom ? Is the idea of men necefTarily implied in the original ? Or can faft and ex- perience juftify the tranflatoi s in giving this fenfe to the original ? God, and confcience, and a future ftate will amply recompenfe the beneficent ; but whether men, the generality of men in this world are thus generous and grateful, feems to be a point that wants confirmation. This remark was fuggefted in perufing the place, but I fubmit it to your judgment, and re- main, Dear Sir, &c.


Dear Sir, Wefton-Favd!, Nov. i. 1746.

THis morning I received your favour. The day lours, and threatens rain, which debars me from the pleafure of paying you my thanks ir. perron.

Mr tiny gens I hope to read very carefully. But, I believe, it will be proper to take heed of adopting 'in- to my plan any notions that are difficult and abftrufe. 1 would have every thing fo perfpicuous, that the dimmeft understanding may apprehend my meaning ; fb obvious, that he who runs, may read Let me lay before you a little fleet ch of my defign, with a re- q-ieft, that you would alter the general order, and make retrenchments, or additions of particular inci- dents, as you (hall think moft expedient.

A contemplative walk. The approach of evening, and gradual extinction of light. The advantages of folk d .—The ftillnefsofthe univerfe.— The coolnefs o<"thr itmofpherc Darknefs, and its ufefulnefs to mankind. Sleep, and its beneficial effects Dreams, and their extravagance. A glow-worm glimmering! An owl fhrieking. A nightingale- Tinging.— The very different ciicumftances of mankinu ; fome re- velling and caroufing j fomc agonizing and dying.


456 A C O L L E C.T I O N Let. 30.

A knell founding . The notion of ghofh walking.—- The moon, with its various appearances, and fcrvice- ablenels, to our globe, the heavenly bodies, their number, fize, courfes, diftances, di Inlay many of the glorious attributes of their Creator, ibme of which are fpccificd. They teach nothing «f redemp- tion, — this the peculiar prerogative of revelation. Chrifl the day -dar from on high, that points out, and makes clear ;he way of falvation.

Theic ire ibme of the I!::-: -fts which, I imagined, might b'r admitted into the compofition of a Night- pi~ce f otiv. occur to your mind more pleafing, or more linking, be plea fed to fuggcft them.

1 am glad to find by the quotation from Mr Locke, that your edeem and veneration for the fcriptures are ou the increafmg hand. May we be perfuaded, ever more and more, of the incomparable excellency of thofc facred volumes. This one confideration, that they are the bor k of God, is a higher recommendation of them, than could be difplayed in ten thoisfand pane- gyric orations. For my part, I purpole to addict my- felf with more inceffant affiduity to this delightful and divine fludy. Away, my Homer ; I have no more need of being entertained by you, fince "Job and the prophets furnifh me with images much more magni- ficent, and leffons infinitely more important. Away, my Horace ; nor dial! I fuflfer any lofs by your abfcnce, while the fvveet linger of Ilrael tunes his lyre, and charms me with the fined flights of fancy, and infpi- rits me with the nobled drains of devotion. And e- yen my prime favourite, my Virgil, may withdraw ; fince in Ifaiah I enjoy all his majefty of ientiment, all his correclnels of judgment, all his beautiful propriety of diclion, and But I muft have clone. The mei'- fenger waits ; he can day no longer, than brr. ely to allow me leifure to fubicribc myfclf, Dear Sir,

L E T-

Let. 31. OF LETTERS. 457


Dear 5/r, Wefton-Faucll^ Nov. 22. 1746.

AS I cannot attend the infirmary this day, permit me to take this opportunity of acknowledging the favour of your lad.

The fermon you was pleafcd to lend me, I admire. Chrift the great propitiation is, with me, a molt fa- vourite fubjedt ; and, I -think, the author has been fo happy as to treat it in a clear, nervous, pathetic man- ner.— I am delighted with his reply, and rejoice to obferve, that it has patted a fecond edition. I hope the antidote will operate* and fpread as wide as the poifon. This writer has another recommendation. His concifenefs, added to perfpicuity, renders his ar- guments eafy to be apprehended, and not difficult to be remembered. I am fo much charmed with his per- formance, that I beg leave to keep it a few days long- er ; and mould take it as a favour, if, in the mean time, you would give the bookieller an order to fend for one of the iermons for me.

i heartily applaud the zeal you (hew for the fpiritual welfare of the patients. The infirmary would be an ineftimable blelling, if, by the grace of God, it might be productive of a reformation in the perfons whom, it admits and diicharges. As diureffed objects will in all probability reibrt to it from all parts of the county, a change wrought in their hearts, and a renewal be- gun in their lives, might be a happy means of diffu- iing religion far and near. I hope the clergy con- cerned in the management of the infirmary will, with delight and aifiduity, concur in the proiecution of fo defirable an end. I can promife for one, fo far as God mail give him ability. [ wifli fome proper fchemc were contrived for the execution of this defign, in which I might bear foinc little part, without giving 'imbrage to my brethren, or alarming their jealoufy. -1 have iometimes thought of offering to give the

VOL. V. 2jT. 3 M p

A C O L L E C T I O N Let. 31.

patients a kind of lecture or exhortation once a- week, formed upon ibme or other of thofe icriptures, which are the (landing memento's of their wards *. Bur, ibmetirnes doubtful whether fuch a propofal would meet with acceptance, ibmetimes checked by the in- firmities of my conftitution, I have hitherto neglected to mention the affair ; however, I now venture to iubmit it to your confideration. To this, or any o- ther more advifeable method, I fliould very readily contribute the beft of my affiftance.

" Are you inclined, dear Sir, to give the poor crea- tures all the inflruction in the Chriftian religion you are capable of?" We take you at your word ; and henceforward look upon you as an aflbciate in our great work. In a warfare of iiich unfpeakable importance, we are glad to ftrengthcn our force by the accefilon of every ally ; much more of fueh an auxiliary, as will be regarded by the patients with an uncommon de- gree of attention and pleafurc. Nor can I think it any wile inconfiflent with the office of a phyfician, or any derogation from the dignity of his character, to feel the pulfe of the foul, to examine into the fymp- toms of fpiritual maladies, to afk exploring queftions concerning the habit of the mind, and prcfcribe ac- cordingly, either for the purging off the peccant hu- mours of vice, cr corroborating the relaxed powers of grace.

May that infinitely condefcending and compaffionate Being, who difdained not in his own facred perfon to take our ficknefles, and bear our infirmities, both di- rect your counfels, and profper your endeavours, in this momentous affair.

I purpofe to wait upon you fome afternoon in the next week, and cannot think of a more agreeable to- pic of converfation^ than that of concerting meafures


Texts of fcripture in the -Northampton, Winchsftcr, and feveral other infirmaries, are written on the walls, and con- liequeuily are very ufeful, if ferioufly reflected on.

Let. 32. o F L E T T E R S

for the proper exertion of this labour of love, and en- couraging each other to abound in the work of the Lord. I am, Dear Sir, 6-c. &c.


Dear Sir, Weft on- Fern ell, Nov. 29. 1746.

HAving taken cold, and got a hoarfeneis, I am a- fraid to venture abroad ; left I fliould lofe my voice, and be incapable of performing the duty of the morrow.

If any method is agreed upon by the committee for endeavouring, in fome more effectual a manner, to promote the fpiritual recovery, and everlafling welfare of the infirmary-patients, I wim you would be fo kind as to inform me of it, in a letter : that if any part of this generous undertaking mould fall to my fliare, I may addrefs myfelf to the profecution of it, with all the ability which the divine goodnefs fhall vouchfafc to communicate. Or, if there be no need of my con- currence, that I may accompany it with my bell wifh- es, and, at leaft, further it with my prayers ;

Who am, <&c.


My dear friend,

YOUR laft found me on the recovering hand, get- ting ftrength and fpirits, though by flow de- grees.

Soon after I received your favour, a meffcnger came from London, bringing us the alarming news, that my youngeft brother was extremely ill. My father's bowels yearned, and his heart bled ; but the infirmi- ties of age, and an unwieldy conflitution, hindered him from taking the journey. Upon me, therefore,

M 2 the

460 A COLLECTION Let. 33,

the office fell. Feeble and languid as I xvas, there xras no reje&ing inch a call. Accordingly, I took coach, and in two days arrived fafe at London ; where I found my poor brother (the packer) Seized with a mofl violent fever. He was attended by two eminent phyficians ; but they proved vain helpers, and mifer- able comforters. For a conliderable time, his fto.ut conftitution Struggled with the difeafe, but at laft was forced to yield, was forced to drop in the dreadful combat. After attending his fick-bed for feveral days, i had the melancholy tafk of clofmg his dear eyes, and reSigning him up to death.

Oh ! the uncertainty of mortal things ! What is health, but a glimmering taper, that expires while it f nines ; and is liable to be extinguifhed by every motion of the air ? What is ftrength, but a tender bloffom, that is often withered in its fulled bloom ; often blaft- ed, even before it is blown ? Who could have thought, that I fliould furvive my brother, and follow him to the grave ? I Sickly and enervated, he always lively and vigorous. In flourifhing c'rcumftances, and blef- ied with prosperity in his buSineSs ; but now removed to the dark, inaftive, Silent tomb. Lately married to a beautiful arid blooming bride ; but now everlaflingly divorced, and a companion for creeping things.

Scarce was 1 returned to Wefion, but another awful providence fetched me from home: My very worthy phyfician, Dr Stonhoufe, who lives and pracliSes at Northampton, had the misfortune to loie an amiable and excellent wife. She alfo was fnatched away in the morning of life (aged 25,) and dead, before I fo much as heard of her being disordered. At this valu- able friend's hqufe, I was deiired to abide Some time, in order to affift in writing letters for him, and diS- •patching his neceSiary affairs ; in comforting him con- cerning the difeafed ; and (if the will of God be fo) in endeavouring to improve the awakening vifitation to our mutual good.


Let. 33. OF LETTERS. 461

You will furely fay, when you read this account, that I have been in deaths oft. Once upon the bor- ders of it myfelf, and more than once a fpectator of its victory over others. Howe er, my dear friends, let us not be difmayed. Let no man's, at leaft no be- liever's heart fail, becaufe of this king of terrors. Tho* thoufands fall befide us, tho' ten thoufands ex- pire at our right hand, and though we ourfelves mull quickly give up the ghoft ; yet the word is gone out of our great Redeemer's mouth, and it (hall not return unfulfilled, I will fwallow up death in victory He fhall itand at the latter day upon the earth ; he fhall fay to the grave, Give up ; and to the fea, Keep not back ; releafe my fons from your dark confinement, and re- flore my daughters to their everlafting Father's arms. Then (hall we lead him captive, whofe captives we were, and triumph eternally over this lad enemy. In the mean time, let us lay all our help, all our guilt, upon the divine Author of our faith, and Captain of our falvation. So mall we no longer be in bondage, thro' fear of death ; but, with the faints of old, over- come through the blood of the Lamb ; overcome the dread, even while we fink beneath the flroke of this our mortal foe.

What I wrote concerning a firm faith in God's moft precious promites, and an humble truft, that we are the objects of his tender love, is what I deiire to feel, rather than what I actually experience., Confiderations they are, with which 1 would ply my own heart, in hopes that they may be effectually fet home by divine grace, in hopes that they may become the happy means of making me flrong in faith, and enabling me thereby to give glory to God.

Your remarks op this important point are exceed- ingly judicious, and perfectly right. After which, it will be inlignificant to my friend, and look like arro- gance in his correfpondent, to add, that they exactly cjo-Lncide with my fcntiments.


461 A COLLECTION Let. 33.

I do not doubt, but there are many dear children of the blcfled God, who are in a much better condi- tion, with regard to his favour, than they can eafily be periuaded to believe. Many iincerely righteous, for whom light is Ibwn ; many true hearted, for whom joyful gladnefs is prepared : which, tho* latent in the furrows of inward tribulation, or opprefled under the clods of mifgiving fears, (hall, in another world, fpring up with infinite increafe, and yield an evcrlafting haj> veil.

That humble hope, mixed with trembling, you have very pathetically defcribed, in the breathings of a re- newed foul, panting after God ; languifhing for the tokens of his love ; ardently defiring the final en- joyment of him in his heavenly kingdom ; and rely- ing wholly on the meritorious paffion, pleading nothing but the perfect righteoufneis of Jefus Chrift. Happy, without all peradventure, happy the heart, in which fuch affections habitually prevail. They are the be- ginning of heaven, and will certainly be completed in glory. They conftitute a fignal part of that meetnefs for the inheritance of fairts in light, concerning which the apoflle fpeaks, and which is one of the fureft evi- dences of our defignation to that purchafed poffcffion. Chrift will in no wile, on no confideration of palt pro- vocation, or prefent corruption, either for weakness of faith, or want of confidence, caft out fuch a one, Let not fuch a one queftion, but he who has begun the good work, will accomplish it even unto the end.

We fhould, however, as you moft pertinently ob- fervc, lament all the remains of unbelief, as a mifery ; repent of them, as a fin ; and labour to obtain a more aflured faith, both as our duty, and our felicity. The direction for prayer, you know, is, that we draw near in full aflurance of faith ; and, Whatfoever things ye afk in prayer, believe that ye receive them, and ye (hall have them. The TheJJalonians are commended for receiving the gofpel, with much aflbrance of faith.


Let. 33. OF LETTERS.

Receiving the gofpel.— What is meant by that ex- preflion ? believing, that the apofUes were no impof- tors ; that Jefus Chrift was the true Meffiah ; and that his dodrine came from heaven ? This, and abun- dantly more. I apprehend, it implies,— That Chrift di- ed, not for fins only in general, but for their fins in particular ; that he bore all their iniquities, in his own bleeding body, and agonizing foul, on the curfed tree ; that, all their crimes being fully expiated, the moffe rigorous judice would not demand a double payment for the lame debt ; and confequently, that there re- mained no condemnation for them. This is the glad tidings, which they not only attended to, and credited with a fpeculative aflent ; but with a perfbnal applica- tion of it, each to his particular cafe. And why fliould not we do the very fame ?— I (hall only fubjoin further on this head, what I take to be a very clear and accu- rate explanation of the apoftle's celebrated definition of faith.— Faith is the fubftance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not feen ; putting us into a kind of prcfent pofleffion of the promifes, and fetting di- vine truths before the mind in all the light and power of dcmonftration. For this beautiful illuftration of the infpircd writer, I am obliged to an excellent cler- gyman of this neighbourhood ; who lately favoured us with an admirable vifitation-fermon, and, for the good of the public, was prevailed onto print it. You will give me leave to clofe the topic with a diftinftion, which I have fomevvhere read, or on fome occafion heard : A diflinftion, which, I think, properly adjufts the cafe under confideration ; and fettles it, neither on a precarious, nor a difcouraging iffue. Many have the faith which bringeth falvation, who have not that faith which produceth aflurance ; but none have the former, who do not afpire after, and endeavour to poflefs the latter.

On the whole, I heartily hrfeerh the adorable and infinitely-gracious Giver of every perfeft gift, to efta-



blifh, Orcngthen, fettle us in the faith of our Lord Jefus Chi lit : that he would fulfil in us all the good pleafurc of his will, and the work of faith with power. And, I dare fay, we (hall often lift up our hearts to our hea- venly Father, 2nd breathe out that ardent petition, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief! If wehavefuch frequent recourie to the overflowing and inexhauftible Fountain of all good; if we add to our prayers medi- tation on the merits of Jefus, and on the lure word of promife; our faith will grow; the grain of muflard- ieed will be quickened, and moot up into a tree ; the little drop will become a flream, and the ftream fpread into a river. The waters that iflued from the lanclu- ary were, at firft, deep to the ancles only ; then they arofe to the knees ; foon they reached the loins ; and were afterwards waters to iwim in.

The Contemplations you are pleaicd to inquire after, are, after long delays, or a very flow procedure of the preis, launched into the world. What may be their fate, i dare not conjecture. Whether, by the general difapprobation, they may be unfortunately becalmed ; or, by the feverity of critics, may fplit on the rocks of ceniure ; or, foundering through their own un- worthinefs, may fink in oblivion ; or, blefTed by a gracious providence, may gain the haven of public acceptance, and import thofe moil valuable commodi- ties, plcafure, which improves, and improvement, which delights. When they reach your parts, be fo> good, dear Sir, as to peruie them, firft with the humble child-like fpirit of a Chriftian, who iceks religious ad- vantage in all that he reads. Next, with the candid rigour of a friend, faying, as you proceed, Here his thoughts are redundant, and want the pruning- knife ; there they are deficient, and call for the grafter's hand ; here the language is obfcure, and perlpicuity is the only remedy ; there it is inexpreflive, and mud be rendered more nervous, in order to reach the judg- ment, or ftrike the paffions. Above all, let me beg


Let, 34. OF LETTER S. 465

of you .to implore a bleifing from the moft high God, both upon the author and his piece ; that the one may be a monument of divine mercy, the other a polifhed fhaft in the great Immanuel's quiver.

Should not a fenfe of his love make us more ardent- ly defirous of bringing others to partake of that ever- lafting blifs, which we humbly expect as our final por- tion ; and of which fome foretaftes have been indul- ged, even in our prefent ftate ? .Should we not be ftir- red up, with greater affiduity and love, to warn every man, and exhort every man, that they alfo may be prefented perfect in ChrHt, and live forever in the light of his countenance \ The book 1 mentioned formerly and took leave to recommend, (hall be lent. 1 have fet it apart as a prefent for my dear friend ; and whether my life be prolonged, or my death h?.ftened, neither, of thefe circumftances mall make any alteration in my defign. Only let me deiire you, in your next, to give me once more the proper directions for conveying it to you. For, fome way or other, in my late unfettlcd flate, I have miflaid your letter. Pleale to prefent my thanks to Mrs *** for her kind wiflies ; and tell her, that they are, and (hall be moil cordially returned by her and your moll faithful and affectionate friend,


Dear 5/>, M^cJlon-Favdl^ Feb. 28. 1747.

I Have read the ingenious gentleman's letter atten- tively. Tho* he fays the ftrongefl things that can be urged upon the point, I Mill adhere to my femi- ments ; and not became they are mine, but the Icrip- tures, and fupportablc. I am pc.iuaded by a variety of texts from tnc oracles of truth. 1 beg leave to wave the profecution of the controverfy. Controver- 1- is wlv't I naturally diflike, and what I have feldorn found advantageous. I knew his opinion, and he has VOL. V. 25-. 3 N given


.$66 A COLLECTION Let. 35.

riven me an opportunity of declaring mine ; and would only add, tint if in any thing \vc he otherwiie minded (than is conliltent with the gotpel of grace,) God, (upon a diligent application to his word, and humble prayer for the teaching of his Spirit,) will reveal this unto us. Phil. iii. 15.

I have been reading Mr Baxter's, Saints Everlafting Re/}) and admire the copiouihei's, the juiinefs, and the devotion of his thoughts. How happy the foul, that while reading them can make them his own ! May this be always the prevailing defire ; and, in due time, the heaven -vouchfafed portion of the worthy owner of the book, and of his

Moft affectionate friend, &c.


Dear S/>, Weft on- Fan ell, Feb. 1747.

I Have heard nothing from my printer, during all this interval. What can be the reafon of his long lilence, and great negligence, I cannot imagine. But this week it occurred to my mind, that if he delays the fecond edition at this rate, I may poilibly be able to prepare the third letter to accompany it. Accord- ingly 1 have poftponed other bufmefs, and applied wholly to this work. I have tranfcribed fome part of the intended piece, and fend it for your perufal. Pray be fo good as to examine it narrowly, and favour me with your remarks and improvements, on a feparate paper. There are, I fear, befides more material faults, ieveral mifiakes in the copy, owing to my want of leifure to review it. I fuppoie, the remainder of my deiign, when completed, will confift of about the lame number of pages.

If I live till Monday, I propofe to vifit my patient at the infirmary ; and, if company happens to be agree- able, will take the pleafure of fpending an hour with a valuable and very much efteemed friend at North- ampton.

Let. 36. OF LETTERS. 467

ampton. If you are not able to guefs the perfon I mean,

you fhall foon be informed by, dear Sir, yours, C?*f. Vir bonus et prudent v erf us reprchcndct inert es, Culpabit duros, incomptis allinet atrum Tranfverfo calamo Jtgnu??:, ambitiofa recidet Qrnamcnta, panim claris lurem dare covet, slrguet ambiguc diflum, mytando notabit. HOR. This I tranfcribe, not to inform you of the critic's

office, bat only to apprize you of what I wifh, and

what I humbly rcqueft.


Dear Sir, IVefton-Favcll, slpril, 12. 1747.

I Have folded down a corner of the leaf at the place where your perufal left off. There is a note or two fubjoincd to the preceding pages, which. I wifh. you would plcafe to examine. My humble lervice to Dr : ***. I deiire he will write his remarks and correclions on a feparate paper. What think you of the following lines for a motto ?

Night opes the nobleft fccnes, and flieds an awe, Which gives thofe venerable fcenes full '-weight, And deep imprejjion on thy intended d heart.


Si quid novifli rcttius //?/>,

Candidas imperil.

Your plan for forming a Christian fociety, and re- gulating our interviews, I greatly approve. It fcems to me to be complete. I fee nothing that fliould be taken from it, nor can think of any thing to be added to it. I heartily wifh to have it carried into executi- on, and hope it will be productive of confidei able comfort and advantage to the members ; and not to them only, but, by rendering them more uicful in their rd'peclive ftations, to many others.

A cold, and hoarlhefs on my voic<% make me 3 N 2 ibmcwhat


fomewhat fearful of coming to this day. 1 hope

you have perufed the remainder of the mannfcript ; ami cannot but with, you would give the whole a fe- cond reading. The unknown importance of what we print, inclines me to urge this requeft. Who can tell how long it may continue, and into what hands it may come ? 1 almoft tremble at fuch a thought, left I (hould xvrite unadvifedly with my pen ? and injure, iniltad of ferving, the bcft of cauies.

If you have put my little piece into the hands of my Ariftarchxtt^ Dr I mean, defire him to be par- ticularly attentive to the redundancies, and lop them off with a plentiful haud.

I lhall loon create you a fecond tafk, by tranfmit- ting for your correction, twenty folio pages of remarks on the flars, and ferious improvements. Tours, &c.


My dear Friend^ iyeJlon-Favell,~June, 27. 1747.

COming home this evening, 1 could not forbear muiing on the various topics, which furnifhed matter for our difcourfe ; and now I am all thought- ful and retired, I cannot forbear taking notice of fome particulars relating to our converfation. To be illent in fuch a cafe., would, I am perluaded, be mere dif- pleafing to a gentleman of your difcernment and ge- nerofity, than to ufe the utinoft freedom of fpeech.

Was it you, dear Sir, or 1, that when a certain paf- fage in fcripturq happened to be mentioned, treated it, not indeed with a contemptuous diidain, but with too ludicrous an air ? defcanted on it, in a fportive and frolicfome manner, in order to create a little plea- fantry. If I was the perfon that indulged this impro- per levity, I befeech you to rebuke me, and feverely too. Though my dcfign might be innocent, my con- duel was apparei'tly wrong That infinitely precious and important bool-;, fhould be always held in the


Let. 37. OF L E T T E R S. 469

bigheft veneration. Whatever the divine- Spirit vouch- iafes to dictate, ihould be thought and fpoke of by mortals, with gratitude, dutifulncfs, and awe. It is the character of a religious man, that he trembles at God's word ; and it is {'aid of the great Jehovah, that he has magnified his name and his word, above all


Who was it, dear Sir, that lent to our valuable friend that vile book, Le Sopha, and yet wrote by Crebiilen, with an enchanting ipirit of elegance ; which mud render the mifchief palatable, and the bane even delicious i I wonder, that your kind and benevolent heart could recommend arfenic for a regale. It puts me in mind of the empoifoned fnirt prefented to Her- cules. I am lure you did not think on it, or elle you would no more have tranfmitted fuch a peftilent trea- life to the perufal of a friend, than you would tranf- mit to him a packet of goods from a country depo- pulated by the plague. If that polluting French book ftill remains in your ftudy, let me beg of you to make it perform quarantaine in the flames.

The lad particular relates to attendance on the pu- blic worfhip of God. Let us not neglecl: the afibra- Ming ourfelves together. This was the advice of the beft and greateft cafuift in the world; not to lay, n>e injunction of the Maker of all things, and judge of all men. Would we be affared of our love to God ? This is one evidence of that mod noble and happy temper; Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy houic, and the place where thy honour dwelleth. Would we glo- rify the Lord ? Then let us appear in his courts, fall low ou our knees before his footdool, and in this pu- blic manner avow him for our God, recognize him for our King, and acknowledge him to be our fu- prcme good. Would we follow the example of our devout and bletted Mailer ? Let us remember how it is written, Jc iiis went into the fynagogue, as his cuf- tom was. And, if we take due care to get our hearts


470 A COLLECTION Let. 38.

prepared, by a little previous meditation, and earned prayer, I ddrc aniwer for it, our attendance will not be in vain in the Lord. God will, according to his promifc, meet us in his ordinances ; make us joyful in his houic of prayer ; and we mall experience what, (if 1 remember aright) that brightcft ornament of the court of judicature, judge Hales declared, That he never fat under the preaching even of the meanclt r«:rmon, but he found fome word of edification, ex- hortation, or comfort.

Dear Sir, beftow a thought on thefe things. If the rcmonft ranees are wrortg. I willingly retract them ; if right, you will not pronounce me impertinent. Love and friendfhip dictate what I write ; and the only end 1 have in view is the hoiinefs, the ufefulnefs, the hap- pinefs, the final falvation of my much efleemed friend. It is for this, this only I have now taken my pen in hand, and for this 1 mall often bend my knees before God, and thereby prove myfelf to be, Dear Sir,


Dear Sir, teflon- Favell, July 18. 1747.

IDefire you to accept my thanks for the variety of beautiful lines, which you fent me, to chute a motto from. They are all elegant, but not fufficient- ly expreffive of the defign of the piece. Therefore I imagined the following quotation from Dr Tmtng^ fomcwhat more iuitable ;

Night is fair virtue's immemorial friend} The conjcious moon, thro' cv'ry diftant agey Has held a lamp to ivi/dom,

You advifed me to add a fort of note to the pafTagc objected to by Mr ***-#, relating to the fpark's be- ing vifible. In purfuance of your direction, 1 fubjoin- «^d the following :

"• I beg leave to inform the young gentleman, whofe


Let. 39. OF LETTERS. 471

name dignifies my dedication, that this was a remark of his worfhy father, when we rode together, and converfed in a dufky evening. I mention this circum- llance, partly to fecure the paragraph from contempt, partly to give him, and the world, qn idea of that e- minently-ierious talte, which diflinguiihcd my worthy friend. The lefs obvious the reflexion, the more clearly it difcovers a turn of mind remarkably fpirituat, which would fuffer nothing to efcape without yield- ing fome fpiritual improvement. And the meaner the incident, the more admirable was that fertility of i- magination, which could deduce the nobleft truths from the mofl trivial occurrences !"

Will not this be looked upon as a fly underhancf artifice, whereby the author extols himfelf ?

Does the famous Dutch philofopher, Neiuentit (I think is his name) treat of the heavenly bodies ? If he does, be ib good, in cafe he dwells in your fludy, to fend him on a week's vifit to me. Dr ffatfs's Trca- tije on aftronomy, I mould be glad to perufc.

The Hymn to the moon^ whoever is m ?ant by Scri- llerus Decimus Maximus, is very poetical. I durft not venture to add what is wanting to render it n com- plete addrefs, left it fhould become like the vilioriary image, wliofe head was of gold, his feet of iron and clay.

My tranfient remarks on Dr Rymcr's Reprefentation of revealed religion, are iolt. 1 mu ft deiire leave to poftpone my obfervations on the other books.

I am, dear Sir, &c.


Dear £;>, ft/cflon-Favdl, dug. 8. 1747-

AFter my thanks for what puffed in yeflerday's interview, give me leave to add my acknowledg- ments for the pcrufal of your poem, entitled, T/ie Deify. It is a noble piece, quite poetical, truly evan- gelical

472 A COLLECTION Let. 40.

gelical, and admirably fitted to alarm and comfort the Ju-urt, to delight and improve the reader, i mail dc- iirc to read it again.

1 viiited the poor condemned malefactor, found him an ignorant peiibn ; aimed chiefly at thefe two grand points, to convince him of the hainoufneis of his iin, and (hew him tiie all-iudiciency of the Saviour, to ob- tain pardon even for the very vileft of offenders. To preach and teach Jefus Chriit, is our office ; to make the doctrine effectual, God's great prerogative. No- thing more occurs, but that I am,


Dcareft Mr **, f^eJlon-Favell, Aug. 8. 1747.

I Ought to take fhame to my lei f, for differing ib kind a letter, received from lo valuable a friend, to remain fo long unanfwereed. Upon no other con- lideration, than that of my enfeebled and languishing conftitution, can I excufc myielf, or hope for your pardon. My health is continually upon the decline, and the fprings of life are all relaxing. Mine age is departing, and removing from me as a (hepherd's tent. Medicine is baffled ; and my phyfician Dr Stonhoufe, who is a dear friend to his patient, and a lover of the Lord Jefus, pities, but cannot fuccour me. This blef- ling, however, together with a multitude of others, the divine goodnefs vouchfafes, to gild the gloom of decaying nature, That I am racked with no pain, and enjoy the free undiflurbed exercife of my underliand- ing.

I am much obliged to you for carrying my meffage to the abbey with ib much fpecd, and eonveying to me, \vith equal difpatch, a fatisfaclory anfwer. When you .vifit the worthy family again, be pleaicd, after prefenting my aftcciionate compliments, and mcft


Let. 40. o F L E T T E R S. 473

cordial good wifhes, to inform Mrs ***, that the piece is lent to the preis, and after iome corre&ions made in the dedication, acldrtfled to my godfon. It is my humble requeft to him, and my earneft prayer to God, that he may regard it, not merely as a com- plimentary form, but as the ferious and pathetic ad- vice of his father's intimate acquaintance, and his foul's fincere friend ; who, in all probability, will be cut off from every other opportunity of fulfilling his lacred engagements, and admonifhing him of what- ever a Chriftian ought to know and believe to his foul's health.

I forgot, whether 1 told you, that the laft work will be divided into two parts; will be full as large as the two firft letters ; and therefore the whole will be dif- pofed into two fmall pocket-volumes, on a very neat paper, with an elegant type, in duodecimo. But a convenient number of the new elfays will be printed in the oclavo fizc and character, for the iatisfaclion of thofe who purchaied the former edition, and may pof- fibly be willing to complete their book. It was a con- liderable time, before I could think of a title for the laft pieces, that fuited their nature, and exprefTed their defign. At length, I have determined to ftyle them, Contemplations on the night^ and Contemplations on the ftarry heavens .

Now I apprehend myfelf to be near the clofe of life, and ftand, as it were, on the brink of the grave, with eternity full in my view, perhaps, my dear friend would be willing to know my ientiments of things in this awful fituation. At fuch a juncture, the mind is moil unprejudifed, and the judgment not fo liable to be dazzled by the glitter of worldly objects.

I think then, dear Sir, that we are extremely mif- taken, and luftain a mighty lofs in our molt important intcrefts, by reading fo much^ and praying ib little. Was I to enjoy Hetokiah's grant, and have fifteen yean added to my life, I would be much mere freauent in

VOL. V. 25. jO my

474 A COLLECTION Let. 40.

my applications to the throne of grace. I have read of a perlon, who was often retired and on his knees, was remarkable for his frequency and fervency in de- votion ; being afkcd the reafon of this fo fingular a be- haviour, he replied, Becauic I am fenfible I muft die. I ilfure you, dear Mr *#*, ] feel the weight of this ani'wer, I lee the wildom of this procedure ; and, was my 1'pan to be lengthened, would endeavour always to remember the one, and daily to imitate the other.

I think alfo, we fail in our duty, and thwart our comfort, by Undying God's holy word no more. I have, for my part, been too fond of reading every thing elegant and valuable, that has been penned in our own language ; and been particularly charmed with the hiftorians, orators, and poets of antiquity. But was I to renew my ftudies, I would take my leave of thofe accomplished trifles. 1 would reiign the delights of modern wit, amufement, and eloquence, and devote my attention to the fcriptures of truth. I would fit with much greater affiduity, at my divine Matter's feet, and defire to know nothing but Jefus Chrift, and him crucified. This wifdorn, whole fruits are peace in life, confolation in death, and cverlafling falvation after death'; this I would trace, this I would feek, this I would explore, through the fpacious and delightful fields of the Old and New Teftament. In fhort, I would adapt the apoftle's refolution, and give myfelf * (•pcrtcfiipff*.) to prayer, and to the word.

With regard to my public miniftry, my chief aim Ihould be, to beget in my people's minds a deep fenfe of their depraved, guilty, undone condition ; and a clear believing conviction of the all-fufficiency of Chrift, by his blood, his rightcoufnefs, his interceflion, and his Spirit to lave them to the uttcrmoft. I would al- ways obfervc, to labour for them in my clofet, as well as in the pulpit; and wreftle in iecret fupplkation, as well as to exert myfelf in public preaching, for their fpi-

ritual * Afts vi. .

Let. 40. o F L E T T E R S, 475

ritual and eternal welfare. For unlefs God take this work into his own hand, what mortal is fufficicnt for thefe things ?

Now, perhaps, if you fat at my right hand, you would afk, What is my hope with regard to my future and immortal ftate ? Truly, my hope, my whole hope, is even in the Lord Redeemer. Should the king of terrors threaten, 1 fly to the wounds of the ihughtercd L*mb, as the trembling dove to the clefts of the rock. Should Satan accufe, 1 plead the Surety of the covenant, who took my guilt upon himfelf, and bore my fins in ois own body on the tree. Should the law d<-nou .e a curie, 1 appeal to him who hung on the accprfcd tree, on purpoic that all the nations of the earth mi«ht be blelfed. Should hell open its jaws, and de-oain! its prey, I look up to that gracious Being, who fays, Deli- ver him from going down into the pit, for I h:ws found a ranfom. Should it be laid. No unclean thing can n- ter into heaven ; my anfwer is, The blood of Chriil cleanieth from all fin ; tho' my fins be as fcarlet, thro* this blood they mall be as white as fnow. Should it be added, None can fit down at the fupper of the Lamb* ...iout a wedding-garment, and your righteoulhef- fes, what arc they before the pure law, and piercing eye of God, but filthy rags ? Thefe I renounce, and feek to be found in Chrill Jefus, who is the Lo.d my righteoufnefs. It is written in the word that is to judge the world at the Lift day, By his obedience (hall many be made righteous.

So that Jefus, the dear and adorable Jefus, is all my truft. His merits are my ftaff, when I pafs through the valley of the fliadow of death. His merits are my anchor, when I hunch into the boundlcfs ocean of eternity. His merits arc the only riches whicri my poor foul, when flript of its body, dcfiresto carry in- to the invifible world. If the God of glory plcafes to take notice of any moan endeavours to honour his holy name, it will be infinite condefcciiiion and grace ;

2 O a but

476 A COLLECTION Let. 41.

hut his Son, his righteous and fuflfcring Son, is all my hope, and all my lalvation. Dear Sir, pray for me, that the weaker 1 grow in body, the flronger I may become in this precious faith. May the choiceft blei- lings attend you and yours. A letter would revive yours, &c,

P."S. " Tho* the days are come upon me, in which u I have rcafon to lay of worldly thingr., I have no " picture in them, ; yet I find a iecret latisfaclion in " this-confideration, that to you, my dear friend, and " to others of my candid acquaintance, I may be per- u milted, even when dead, to {peak in my little trea- *' tiles. May they, when the author is gone hence, 44 never to be fcen in theie regions below, Oh ! may St they teftify with fome fmall degree of efficacy, con- " cerning Jefus, that juft one ; may they fan the flame " of love to his perfoo, and ftrengthen the principle of 44 faith in his merits ! Once motfe, dear Sir, adieu."


Dear S/r, Wcfton-Fcrvdl, dug. 22. 1747.

HAving read Dr Middleton's introductory difcourie, I hardly know what to think of his bold affer- tion, That all the miracle:, fnppofed to be wrought af- ter the apoftolic age, are ahfurd and fictitious. 1 muft iufpend my opinion concernincr this point, till I find it either confirmed by the filerice, or confuted by the arguments, of the advoeatrs for ecclefiaftical antiquity. In the main, I approve of his dcfign, which is to iettle the proofs of our holy religion on the balls of the in- fpired writings, and to deduce its doctrines from the fame focred fource. The Icriptures, as our friend // beautifully exprtfTes himfelf, are the armoury of God, from whence we may draw weapons of a divine tem- per, wherewith to engage all that oppofc the truth, or hold the fame in nnrighteoufnefs. Docs net this ingenious writer bear a Jittle too hard


Let. 42. OF LETTERS. 477

upon the religious character, and exemplary behavi- our, of the primitive fathers ? I cannot but think, they had, at leaft in this refpeft, a very evident iiiperiority over moft of their fucceflbrs. How flowing, perfpi- CLIOUS, and elegant is the doctor's ftyle ; and how ftiff, obicure, and bombaft the language of the archdeacon ? I dare* fay, you could not forbear fmiling at his, blazing out moft faftidious hypcrcritics ; reproaching (not virulently, but) tartly ; ladling (not feverely, but) fupercrlioufly ; and penetrating the very vitals of the dead languages.

If your Mat ho is not lent out of town, I wim you would be fo good as to fend for it, and favour me with a fight of it by the bearer. The rcafon of my

rcquefting this is, that Mr informs me by my

brother, if he has not the laft piece by the middle of next week, his prei's mutt ftand (till. And methinks, i would gladly perufe Matho, before 1 fuffer my lalt eflay to depart. When can you afford me your con- verfation for an hour or two, in order to examine Mr

's remarks, and beftow the finifhing touches on

the piece ? Shall I wait upon you on Monday morning early >__When this bufmefs is diipatchcd, your book, and my thanks, (hall be returned together.

Yours, err.

LETTER XLII. Dear Sir, f^efton-Favell, Otiob. 31. 1747-

With thanks I return Colonel Gardiner's life. The worthy author has prefented me with a copy, which, 1 hope, will ferve to humble and ani- mate me, fo long as I live.

Abernethy on the Divine Attributes, I will foon re- flore. In the mean time, fliall I brg the favour of borrowing Pliny's Natural Hiftvry *

You remember, who is to call upon yo\\ (Deo i on Monday morning, 1 mud devote the greatelt


478 A COLLECTION Let. 43.

part of this day to prepare my tranflatory quota of Dickfw's "Therapeutic a Sacra. The thoughts of our little ibciety bring to my -lind a plcafmg, which I oblerved, when we were at our lalt interview.

My very valuable friend Dr S told a ftory, in

which he had occafion to refer to ibme prophane and execrable language. Inftead of defiling his lips with a repetition of the hcllifh jargon, he was fo truly dii- crcet, as only to mention it under the general title of horrid oaths. A delicacy this, which I thought high- ly becoming both the Chriftian and the gentleman. I have ibmetimes took the freedom, to obferve, in the inoft refpectful manner, upon ibme little inadverten- cies in my worthy friend's conduct : but now it is with the higheft pleafure that I congratulate him, up- on a moil amiable piece of religious decorum, intro- duced into his difcourfe. I am,


Dear Sir, We ft on- Peru ell, Dec. 2. 1747.

THE furprife which your letter gives me, is inex^ preifible, and the grief equal. I will haft en, as foon as poilible, to my worthy and afflicted friend. O 1 that I could bring with me Ibme healing balm for his wounded heart ! It would be no ilnall alleviation of my own Ibrrows, if 1 might be instrumental to make his lefs. A long-continued cold, and an unexpected jour- ney, have unfitted me from following your preicrip- tions. I am obliged to your candour for afcribingmy neglect to this caultr, and not to any difregard of your advice. For I am perfuaded,

Si qua potui font Pergama dextra

Defendi, eiiam hac dcfenfa fuifj'ent. I will May the meffenger no longer ; and, I hope, I ftiall not ttay long before 1 let out myfelf. It is ow- ing wholly to an accident, that I do not accompany


Let. 44. OF LETTERS. 479

the bearer, with a view, and a hope of adminiflering ibme confolation to Dr S . 1 am,


Dear and worthy Sir, Northampton, Dec. y. 1747.

YOU will wonder to fee a name which you have but lately known, at the bottom of this paper. But how, oh ! how will you befurprifed, how griev- ed, to read the occaiion I It is fo afflicting, almoft ib infupportable to our. valuable friend, that he is un- able to give you the narrative ; therefore has com- mitted the office (trifle minifterium /) to my pen. And mull I tell you \ can you bear to hear it ? Mrs

5 is dead ! that amiable and excellent lady is dead.

She was fafely delivered of a daughter, the very day

on which Dr S wrote to you lall ; was as well as

could be expected or wifhed on Sunday morning ; and departed this life on Tuefday evening. On Sunday in the evening our common friend perceived her to be attended with ibme alarming, and, as he apprehended, fatal fymptoms. Dr K was immediately lent for, who gave fomc encouragement. On Monday came Dr J through a very deep fnow, and mofl terrible weather, but urged by friend (hip and companion. The moment that fagacious practitioner beheld her, he con- firmed Dr S—'s firft fentiments, that the cafe was ir- recoverable ; and added, that the great change was at the very door, and would probably take place in twen- ty-four hours; which came to pals accordingly.

Your own tender and fenfible heart will naturally conclude Dr 5 is fo opprefTed with forrow, as not to be capable, at prefent, of anfwering hisinoft valued correfpondents :

Curs, leves loquuntur, ingentes flupent. But he intends, when time has fomewhat alleviated his grief $ and religion has more reconciled him to the


480 A COLLECTION, err. Let. 44.

awful difpenfation, to make a particular reply to the whole of your cpiftolary favour. You will, I do not queftion, recommend our diftrefled friend to the Fa- ther of mercies, and the God of all comfort. May we all lay this awakening ftroke of Providence to heart, and give all diligence to have our fins par- doned thro* redeeming blood, our fouls renewed by ianclifying grace ; that whether we live, we may live unto the Lord ; or whether we die, we may die un- to the Lord ; fo that living or dying, we may be the Lord's.

The fecond edition of my Meditations , with the ad- dition of another volume, is at lad published. 1 have given directions to my bookfeller, to fend you a copy ; and beg of yoa to accept it, as a fmall, but the moft ipeaking and eloquent expreffion I am able to form of that great, that growing efteem I have conceived for Dr Siuan, ever fince our firft interview at Wejlon. Be pleafed, dear Sir, to read it with the utmoft, or ra- ther with your own candour ; and fometimcs dart up a fliort petition for the author, that, is the fate of his book, himfelf may live over his writings, and be, what he defcribes. 1 am, err.

The End of the FIFTH VOLUME.


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