PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY PENNSYLVANIA STATE FOREST ACADEMY MONT ALTO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. TWENTIETH YEAR—1922-1923 BULLETIN 25 APRIL, 1922 GIFFORD PINCHOT, Commissioner LIBRARY OF CONGitF SS RECEIVED OCT5 1922 MNOCUMENTS | ° ———— se eee PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY STATE FOREST COMMISSION GIFFORD PINCHOT, EDWARD BAILEY HENRY W. SHOEMAKER MARY FLINN LAWRENCE (Mrs. John W.) GIFFORD PINCHOT, Commissioner of Forestry. ROBERT Y. STUART, Deputy Commissioner of Forestry (3) Weistling Hall. The Faculty Cottage and the Extreme Right Dormitory Are at the FOREWORD. The Pennsylvania Department of Forestry has undertaken the huge task of restoring the forests of the State to their original pro- ductive condition. Penn’s Woods formerly yielded abundant revenue to the owners, steady work for the wage earners, and healthful living conditions to all. Cheap lumber, pure water supply, stream regula- tions, and the prevention of erosion are among the benefits the forest brings. To develop the forest land purchased by the State, trained fores- ters were needed, and as no institution in the State could or would furnish them, the State Forest Academy was organized twenty years ago to meet the emergency. The State now holds almost a million and a quarter acres of forest 'and and should acquire five million more. This announcement for the 20th year is made to the people of Penn- sylvania to inform them of the progress and standing of the Academy and to bespeak their hearty cooperation in the restoration of the forests of the State. It is not an extravagant claim to say that the safety and prosperity of the entire State hinge on the success or fail- ure of this movement. THE FACULTY. Edwin Allen Ziegler, A. M. Director and Professor of Forestry. Willard M. Drake, A. B., M.S. F. Professor of Forestry. George S. Perry, B. F. Professor of Forestry. Coleman J. Harris, A. M., M.S. Professor of Biology. Roland W. Brown, B. 8. Professor of Soils and Chemistry. W. Harold Horning, B. F. Assistant Professor of Forestry. Louis C. Loetzer, B. F. Instructor in Forestry. SPECIAL LECTURES. Special courses such as fish and game, and first aid will be given by special lecturers. In addition an opportunity is given the studmmts to hear special lectures on forestry, botanical and other subjects. Among these special lecturers will be: Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Commissioner of Forestry. Dr. John W. Harshberger, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. O. E. Jennings, University of Pittsburgh. Mr. R. S. Kellog, Secretary, American Newsprint Associa- tion. Mr. John Foley, Forester, Pennsylvania Railroad. Colonel Henry W. Shoemaker, Pennsylvania State Forest Commissioner. Mr. J. S. [llick, Pennsylvania Department of Forestry. Specialists from U. S. Forest Service, and Pennsylvania Forest Service. SCHOOL CALENDAR, 1922-1923. PANUANY Oo LO22 sos. dure Boe 2 ee Or Christmas vacation ends. Janwary 17-21, 1922. 3)... 2 ane ee First term examinations. JAD: Ss, WORE whe be weneracis Sees Siem ae Second term begins. Mebrnary Ao. 192 ag or a pieck ie ras ois: tap pee Washington’s Birthday. Maran, 1922 er. os « fs HER Sr Baer alas vecesces» - MEMOFAL Dame Pune ileek 7 AOL fo Meas wont eee Second term examinations. June 222, 1922 6....55 505s Competitive Scholarship Examinations. OTHE. 1D, Tae seam dasa oA seeeeeeess-SUMMer session begins. PA RODD ois sin- vin oqionnps oie mae gan ek eon ee Independence Day. Avast. 8, LOZE ie a 2 ee ee ee Sommencement Ixercises. Augiet 4, 1922. 0s Onl Gira s Ag ove yee Summer session ends. September &, 1922....50% s+ nats uss oh SPOR Shad 7 ae Fall term begins. Movember. 30, 1022)... i: 2's x es nie Seony a eae ee Thanksgiving Day. Becember 15, 1922 | i ous Ss oe oe Christmas yacation begins. SRBUBTY 2. DOs c's cake las vt oe Mea ving el Christmas vacation ends. January. 16-20; LOZS. 2 ciseiew oc vaics Mee ay ss First term examinations, January 22, LO23 vicontes sendy bake ees ae vee Second term begins. February 22, 1928. ....c.scsesecseenaesseg Washington’s Birthday. May 830, 1928.0. 0... uc cdere scab uw esate a bis beg sa n'a) enn Susie ALG; 19D B ic sb el Feeble gee ees Second term examinations. June 21-29) 3028... fi Competitive scholarship examinations. June 4S LO rags baits wan aes eee ke ee Summer session begins. Tully 4, 1928. ceeds. nak tee pits ves a eee Independence Day. August 2, 1928.0... 00. scncacsssmeeasscconys Summer session ends. September 4, 1928...........065 re kee ee ie eet Fall term begins. ORIGIN AND EARLY HISTORY. As early as 1876, in an address before the recently organized Ameri- can Forestry Association at Philadelphia, |Burnett Landreth pointed out the necessity of teaching forestry as a science in itself and not as a branch of agriculture. From that time, throughout the period of agitation and public education which preceded the foundation of the Department of Forestry there continued frequent references to ithe necessity of such a separate course, or, better still, of a separate school devoted to the teaching of forestry, The European Forest Schools were considered as models, but all recognized the necessity of adapting such a school to American needs and conditions. This agitation was especially strong in the years'of 1888 and 1889. During 1889 the trustees of the Univarsity of Pennsylvania established a Chair of forestry to be filled as soon as funds became available, but the Chair was never filled. Because of the slow growth of public sentiment in favor of Forestry, particularly among forest owners, no constructive steps were taken towards the establishment of a technical forestry course until about the year 1900. In issues of “Forest Leaves,” in 1901 and 1902, are found several articles dwelling on the necessity of trained men to do forestry work upon the large areas of land twhich were rapidly passing into the control of the Department of Forestry. Dr. J. T. Rothrock. then Commissioner of Forestry, took the land in this move- ment, Endeavors were made to have scientific cources in forestry added to the University of Pennsylvania or to Pennsylvania State College. These schools refusel at that time to undertake the work. Appreciating the actual need of men and realizing the great advan- tages of a practical school connected with actual forest work, Dr. Rothrock decided to establish such a school under the control of the Department of Forestry and locate it upon a State Forest. In the spring of 1902, Geo. H. Wirt, a Biltmore graduate, was sent to Mont Alto to take charge of the property recently purchased from the Mont Alto Iron Co., and to establish a forest nursery. Although the legislature of 1901 had refused to adopt Dr. (Rothrock’s plans, he felt sure that two years would find a change in sentiment, and, as a preliminary measure four men were sent to help Mr. Wirt and gct some instruction in forestry. In January, 1903, Paul E, Arnold, a German forester, and graduate of the famous Tharandt Vorest Academy in Saxony, was added to the teaching force. By act of May 13, 1963, the school was formally established and plans were made for the entrance of the first class. The Forestry Reservation Commis- sion had, however, previously adopted, on June 4, 1902, a curriculum and plan of work submitted by Mr. ‘Wirt for the forest school then in his charge, . ode A The original idea was that the students admitted should be com- posed of young men from the wooded districts with practical woods experience, and the first class was partly composed of such men. It was soon recognized that these men were often unable to do the men- tal work required in a study of scientific forestry and the entrance requirements were made strictly competitive with both physique and mental ability entering into the test. This plan was adhered to up to 1920, when non-scholarship students were admitted on proof! of standard college entrance preparation. 9 The Forest Academy Dormitory At first there was some thought of moving the school to the Cale- donia purchase jas possessing better facilities, but this was finally given up and the administrative buildings of the iold furnace at Mont Alto were utilized for the school. These were far from being ideal, and consequently the school was materially handicapped until (1908, when ground was broken for the first of the present group of modern buildings. LOCATION. The Pennsylvania State Forest Academy is located about one mile from Mont Alto, a village in Franklin County, which is sixty miles southwest of Harrisburg. on the'Cumberland Valley Division P. R. R The ground occupied by the school buildings 's a part of the Mont Alto ‘State F Forest, w hich affords an opportunity for practical instruc- tion and experimentation, ‘equalled by few, if any, American forest schools. Onc} of the foremost forestry educators of the United States called the Pennsylvania State Forest Academy, because of its ex- cellent location, “the gem of American forest schools”. The situation is healthful and the school is supplied with water from a spring lo- cated in the interior of the 23,000 acre forest. To the west of the school lies the Cumberland Valley which is regarded as one of the garden spots of Pennsylvania, and nearby are some of the most scien- tifically managed apple and peach orchards of the State. The forest location of the school stands in strong contrast with those in larger cities and college towns. Such a situation has advan- tages which make it not only attractive but also convenient for the study and practice of forestry in the forest throughout the year. It enables the student to study forestry rather than about forestry. BUILDINGS. Thirteen buildings comprise the Academy group. Weistling Hall the oldest of the buiidings, is a large three story structure and twas formerly the residence of ‘Col. George B. Wiestling, a member of the first Forestry Commission of Pennsylvania. This building has recently been remodeled and is now used as an ‘administration building. It also contains the dining room, kitchen, and quarters for the matrou and servants. The Main Building was erected in 1908-09. It is the largest build- ing of the group and constructed of a very attractive native quart- zite. On the second floor of ‘this building are comfortable living rooms for all the students. The first floor is devoted to class rooms, labora- tories, and the library. In the basement are a recreation room, a wood specimen room, and a furnace room. The building is supplied with steam heat, illuminatad with electricity, and furnished with nec- essary toilet rooms and lavatories. 11 The Faculty Cottage. A double cottage, occupied by the Director and another member o£ the faculty, was built in 1911. Three other single cottages are occu- pied by instructors or are available for their use. Other buildings, such as machine shop, log lodge, gymnasium, sawmill, wagon shed, stable, and seed storage house dot the campus. ; CAMPUS A spacious and attractive campus surrounds the school buildings. Upon it are many native and exotic trees and shrubs. The most dis- tinctive and impressive features of the campus are the massive Black and White Oak trees which are remnants of the original forest and bear mute evidence of many vicissitudes during an existence of more than two centuries. Amidst these stately trees are carefully laid out drives and walks, and a meandering brook of pure mountain water. Overlooking all this picturesqueness is the productive and carefully managed Mont Alto State Forest. FACILITIES FOR INSTRUCTION. The facilities at Mont Alto for instruction in forestry compare favorably with any-in America. The laboratory equipment is modern and complete. The school forest, nursery, and arboretum are easily accessible and afford object lessons which cover a wide range of for. estry problems. The proximity of the school to its out-door working field economizes much time which would otherwise be spent on the road. The biological, chemical, and soil laboratories are adequately equipped with modern appliances and fully stocked with necessary working material. Numerous collections have been prepared and are available for demonstrating lectures, laboratory work, and special investigations. A herbarium of more than 4,000 specimens of native and exotic woody and herbaceous plants is . carefully classified and available for study purposes. A collection of forest tree fruits, seeds, and seedlings is in progress. Typical specimens of wood destroyi ing and parasitic tree fungi are on exhibition in a small museum. Many species of forest insects have been collected and specimens of ‘their work are available for study and demonstration purposes. In the basement of the main building is a room 16 x 60 feet contain- ing a collection of all the important commercial woods tof the United State and some foreign woods. These woods are used in the course in Wood Identification. A collection of tools, instruments, and machines used in lumbering, silvicultural operations, protective work, and mensuration exercises is In progress. It contains planting hammers, fire torches, fire rakes, brush hooks and other implements: designed by Pennsylvania and . other American foresters. It also embraces representative Huropean instruments. The school is adequately equipped with the best and most practical instruments required in the practice of forestry. The surveying equip- 13 Students Identifying Trees. cademy Nursery. est A — S) eg v a ~ & n bo A= ee) © v a bo 5 > rs —Q as r= ow bo S 5 = = J ° oO An Exercise in Forest Mensuration. ment is complete and up to date. The forest mensuration equipment comprises the best types of American and representative European _calipers, hypsometers, increment borers, xylometers, chains, tapes, and other necessary instruments. The library comprises all the standard texts on forestry in the Eng- lish language and many publications.:in ‘foreign, tongues. All the prin- cipal forestry periodicals and representative lumber, trade, and tech- nical journals are received regularly and filed systematically for fu- ture references. A large collection of carefully selected charts and photographs covering all phases of forestal activities, is available for use and fur- nishes the best kind of illustrative material for class work. Lantern slides, covering the major forest operations and typical forest condi. tions are in stock and are used to illustrate classwork. For field work in forestry the vicinity of Mont Alto offers unsur- passed facilities. The latitude and topography favor a rich flora. It is the meeting ground of northern and southern species. The norther: follow the mountains towards the South and the southern extend northward through the valleys. Within one mile of the school build- ings occur more than 100 species of native woody plants and many in- troduced species. The richness of the local woody and herbaceous flora and its proximity to the school make it possible and practical to give the major part of the instruction in Tree Identification and Systematic Botany in the forest and nearby field without spending an excessive amount of time on the road. A five-minutes walk from the school brings one to a forest nunsery with an annual capacity of 2,000,000 seedlings. It is well equipped with modern nursery appliances, and in it the students learn, not by gengral cbservation but by actual work, nursery practice from the preparation and sowing of seed beds to the packing and shipping of seedlings and transplants. The Mont Alto State Forest has been under careful and business- like management for the past seventeen years. It is dotted with plan- tations, experimental sample plots, improvement cuttings, fire towers, and ranger stations, ramified by roads and trails, covered with fire, compartment, and telephone lines, and partly divided into blocks. compartments, and stands. The plantations contain many different species of trees ranging in\age from 1 to 19 years and cover an aggre- gate area of over 600 acres. Improvement cuttings have been made annually since the creation of the forest. A study of the effect of light, medium, and heavy thinnings has been in progress for five years. One steel and two wooden towers have been erected at commanding lookout points. They and the ranger’s houses are connected with the forester’s headquarters by a state owned metallic circuit telephone system, whose aggregate length is more than 26 miles. The utilization operations are among the most interesting and in- structive on the forest. Fuelwood, posts, and poles are harvested on a large scale. A state-owned portable sawmill, stave mill, shingle mill, and lath mill are operated on the forest. The students, as a part of their course in Lumbering work upon ‘these mills and learn to handle the different positions from felling the trees and firing the boiler to head sawer and timber scaler. Briefly, the students are kept in con- stant contact with all the operations of a forest business, and are taught the best and most efficient methods of handling a forest prop- erty both by preccpt and practice. 105; SPECIAL LECTURES. The faculty arranges annually a course of free lectures. These in- structive and helpful talks are given to the students by men of promi- nence in subjects allied to forestry. They cover travel, history, civies, literature, first aid, wood craft, personal health, and other timely topics. PURPOSE. The purpose of the Pennsylvania State Forest Academy is to pre- pare thoroughly trained foresters for the service of the State in its forests. The duties of a forester in the employ of the State require a thorough training and apprenticeship in actual woods work, besides the usual school studies in forestry, the sciences, and a number of cultural subjects. The forester must have an equipment covering the surveying and mapping of his forest; the growing of trees and their proper management from planting, through thinning, to final logging and sawing; the protection of the forest from its arch-enemy, the for- est fire, as well as from insects, disease, and trespass; the building and improvement of the forest roads, trails, fire lines, telephone lines, and the fire towers; the estimation of timber and the calculation of its growth, value, and financial returns; the directing of labor; the keep- ing of records and accounts; and some knowledge of business and forest law. This requires an underlying training in Mathematics, botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, geology, and soils, as well as his- tory, language and economics. The practical application of this training is the large feature of the school, for the entire course may be said to be given in the 70,000 acres of the Mont Alto and Michaux State Forests in which the school is located. All the activities of the forester are followed in the woods from the growing of trees from seed in the; nursery, to the grind- ing of the forest student’s own axe, the cutting of undesirable trees into cordwood, and the mature trees into saw-logs, as well as their manufacture into lumber, lath, staves, and shingles on the school mills; from the day and night fighting of forest fires and the pick and shovel building of roads to the preparation of a thorough working plan fora specified tract of forest land. Sut beyond all this technical training, the school aims to develop men who love the forest, for a successful forester must look upon the forest as more than a mere clump or collection of trees. He must see in it a complex community or society of living things and be on a speaking acquaintance with them all. He should know the wild ani- mals, birds, plants, and rocks so well that he finds interest in them. A good forester should not be lonesome in the forest, but instead find continuous contentment in his extensive out-door laboratory. Last, but not least, the school aims to graduate men who love the people of the forest, if not for what they are, at least lor what he hopes they will become. A forester must be a man of parts with whom the people of the forest communities are glad to associate, willing to do ordinary business on a reliable basis, and discuss everyday prob- lems with interest and benetit. : ADMINISTRATION. The control of the school is vested by legislative enactment in the Commissioner of Forestry. The pedagogical supervision and imme- diate government is delegated to a Director and schoo! faculty. FACILITIES FOR RECREATION. The student body maintains an athletic association. Athletic con- tests are not engaged in so extensively as at some other educational institutions because the students obtain sufficient physical exercise in their field work which takes them out of doors at frequent inter vals during the entire year. A baseball diamond, a double tennis court, a billiard table, and gymnastic equipment are available for use. Basket-ball is the most popular game. It is especially adapted toa small student body and engaged in during the winter when field trips and forest exercises are few in number and of short duration. \The schedule comprises games with normal schools and sniall colleges. Hunting and fishing are among the most popular sports. The Mont Altoiand Michaux State Forests. of 70,080 acres and adjoining forest properties and abandoned fields afford excellent and convenient hunt- ing grounds. Within the forest is a game refuge of 2,000 acres in which wild animals and game birds are propagated systematically. Deer, opossums, raccoons, wood chucks, squirrels, rabbits, pheasants, and quail are plentiful, and wild turkeys and foxes, are occasionally seen. It is not unusual to see a herd of fifteen deer, and occasionally a herd of 25 and in one instance 31 have been observed, In spring time troutfishing offers an enjoyable form of recreation. The nearby moun- tain streams are numerous and well stocked. Many ‘points of historic interest are the objectives of week-end walking trips. Among these may be mentioned the Gettysburg aud Antietam battlefields, President Buchanan’s birthplace, and Pen Mar, a summer resort located on a high mountain at a point crossed by the Mason and Dixon line. Waiks to local high points and command- ing lookout towers are frequently scheduled. On the Mont Alto forest are one steel and two wooden towers 56 feet in height, affording ex- cellent views of the extensive timbered mountain slopes and the fer- tile Cumberland Valley, which is surpassed in Pennsylvania only by the Lancaster Valley in its agricultural capacity. FOREST CLUB. The Rothrock Forest Club is a student organization named in honor of Dr. J. T. Rothrock, the founder of the school and for many years the leader of the forestry movement in Pennsylvania, and in the United States. The meetings are held in Log Lodge, a commodious log building finished in southern yellow pine and heated by a spia- cious fire-place. The program of the meetings is similar to that of literary societies at other educational institutions. The club js also the agency through which the students are introduced to prom- inent men in forestry and other professions. . : BG SCHOOL YEAR. The school year is divided into the first and second terms and the summer session. The first term begins on the first Tuesday of Sep- tember and extends to the latter part of January. The second term begins the last week in January and extends to the middle of June. The summer session begins immediately upon the termination of the second term and extends to the early part of August, when a four weeks recess begins. A two weeks recess during the Christmas Holidays is provided each year. Four weeks in April and May are devoted entirely to planting and nursery work. The school year thus covers 46 weeks. This is a considerably heavier course than is given in any other four-year forestry school in the United States. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. The general requirements for entrance to this school are as follows: 1. Applicants for admission to the Freshman class must be at least 17 vears of age and must submit to the Director of tie School proper te stimonials of a good moral character. 2. Every applicant for admission shall have completed a 4 year High School course or satisfactory equivalent. 3. Students desiring to enter with advanced standing must pre- sent properly signed certificates from other colleges cover- ing the subjects “pursued at such institutions. 4. Students must enter at the beginning of the fall term and not later than September 19, 1922, unless they have advanced standing to cover the work done by the classes they wish to enter. SPECIFIC SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS: The scholarship required of all applicants for entrance to the Fresh- man class is evidence of thorough preparation in fifteen units of High School work or its equivalent. A unit of High School work is the amount of work represented by five recitations a week for a school year of at least eight months or a minimum of 160 hours of recitation work or equivalent laboratory work, The required units for entrance to the Freshman class are as fol- lows: Bineliak “si 's is ssi Pars Re bas 61 Ae 3 Units Mathematies (Elem, Algebra, Plane Geometry Advanced Alegebra, Solid Geometry ....... 3 Units Science (Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Geopraphiy -etely) . . divisive: ilasay hs ewan e a en 1 Unit FEIBGONY. OG .o nies pe Shai cl ee | Uni s The elective units to make up a total of 15 should be selected from the following subjects: English Language, other than English Mathematics. History. Science. Civics. Vocational Subjects. The number of units to be allowed will be determined by the Direc- tor of the Academy. If students do not maintain the scholarship standards of the school, they will be dropped. e Application Forms: Each applicant is required to submit a properly executed applica-’ tion for admission. Application forni may be obtained from the Director, State Forest Academy, Mont Alto, Franklin County, Pa. State Scholarships: The State Departmont of Forestry offers not to exceed ten four- year scholarships annually. The candidates for these scholarships must be “Citizens of Pennsylvania, not less than 17 or more than 25 years of age on the first day of September of the year of entrance, must be physically sound as shown by physical exnmination and must take a mental examination in Scholarship which ‘overs the following branches: English (Grammar, Composition and Rhetoric); United States History; Civil Government; Arithmetic with special emphasis on Mensuration, Interest, Proportion, and Progression ; Algebra (com- plete High School Algebra) ; Plane Geometry, and Biology (including Human Physiology)’’. The examinations for 1922 will be held on June 22 and 23 at Har- risburg. Candidates will report at the Department of Forestry, Capitol Building, 9 to 12 A. M. June 22. The mental examination will begin at 1:30 p. m. June 22 and will be completed June 23 by 2:00 p. m. The examination is held by a selected committee of high school teachers ‘who correct and grade the papers. The highest ten men who pass the examinations are assigned to certain State forests for six weeks practical work beginning July 1 for instruction and observation, during which their attitude toward and their fitness for the work of a forester is determined. Those who prove satisfactory in this work will be offered ‘the scholarships by the Commissioner of Forestry. During this field-test applicants will pay transportation charge to and from the forest to which jthey are assigned and the Department will pay their board and lodging. Camping may be required. Conditions of Scholarships: After appointment each scholarship student must furnish bend of $500 that he will complete the four year course and remain jn the State Forest Service, in case his services are needed, for three years at such salary as the departinent may reasonably offer. C1 its part the State Department of Forestry contracts to provide the student, free of charge, the following for the four year course: tuition, board, room, heat, light, stationery and plain washing. 19 : Estimated Minimum Expenses Per Year: Non-scholarship Scholarship : students. students. Outside Penna. State Tuition . ree $150 Free Board, 46 weeks (@ $514 $250 253 a Room, furnished, heat, light, 46 weeks, ($2 92 92 ‘“ s00ks and Instruments BD BD S35 Laundry, 46 weeks @ .50 23 23 Free Forestry Club, Athletic & Social 25 25 25 Expenses on field & Inspection trips 10 10 10 Deposit-Breakage a) 5 5 Clothing, personal and travelling expenses are impossible to generalize, Students using school laundry will provide themselves” with red woven laundry marks giving full name. (Order before entering from Book-Room, Forest Academy). Deposit: When a student enters the Academy he must make a deposit of $5 with the Director, against which will be charged all items of unnecessary, careless, or wilful breakage or damage to State property. Whenever deposit is lowered by reason of charges against it, the stu- dent will be required to increase the deposit at the beginning of each school year to the full amount of $5. At the time of graduation there will be returned to him whatever balance may remain to his credit. Degree: or the satisfactory completion of the full four yoars course as prescribed, the degree of Bachelor of Forestry is conferred. COURSE OF STUDY. Freshman Year. First Term, Second Term. Number Credit Number Credit of Subject. hours. of Subject. hours. COUTTS, COUrse, Il) = Botany | 12) Botany I 1S Chemistry o 19 Chemistry 3 I’ 1 Mlementary Forestry 2 22 Drawing l English o I’ 2 Elementary Forestry 2 24 ,German or French 2 > German or French 2 210 Mathematics I 2 Mnelish 3 27) ‘Trucks & Mechanics 2 230-6 Plane. Surveying I 29 Physics 3 28 Shop 1 20 {" = ois ES] Summer Session. Botany Silviculture Torest Mensuration Sophomore Year. First Term. Botany Chemistrv English Geology German or French (Elect) Pa. History Physics Surveying 2 5 2 D) ~ me CS Rt lS Ce Lc tct Second Term. Dendrology English German or French Meteorology Soils Surveying Zoology Forest Mensuration Summer Session. Dendrology Forest Mensuration Worest Map First Term. Accounting Dendrology Forest Engineering ss Entomology sf Protection Mech. Properties wood. Silviculture Wood Morphology Loology Summer Camp. Logging & Milling First Term. Forest Keonomics & Policy Forest Finance Forest Regulation Game Propagation General Economics Silviculture Wood Utilization Seminar 5 ik Junior Year. = © ~ t ew we ~~ ~~ ew Pee: Rene 4. Senior Year. Zl rey yj E>) cs Second Term. Business Law Forestry History Forest Pathology General Economics Lumbering Silviculture Wood Identification Second Term. Vish Propagation Forest Administration : : Appraisal ct Laws “ Organization & Working Plans Seminar Thesis bo CS bo Ce bo bo Ce Ce © ~~ LS He He Ce IN 2 © ~~ — A Forest Surveying Crew. Students Identifying Wood. DESCRIPTION OF COURSES. F 1. ELEMENTARY FORESTRY. 2 Credit [ouwrs. First Perm, Freshman Year. A course to give the student a broad introduction to ‘all phases of work in forestry, and of the relation of forestry to other sciences and to the nation’s economic life. Text work and field trips in state forest are required. Moon & Brown’s Llements of Forestry is used as text. F 2. ELEMENTARY FORESTRY. 2 Credit Hours. Second Term, Freshman Year. The course aims to give the student a through knowledge of the distribution of Forests in the United States and the development of the forestry idea in United States and in Pennsylvania. F 3. FOREST MENSURATION. 2 Credit Hours. Summer Session, Freshman Year. Introduction to the subject; lectures and field work on the meas- urement of felled trees in various units. F 4, FOREST MENSURATION. 1 Credit Hour. First Term, Sophomore Year The course aims to give the student a through knowledge of methods used in ineasuring volumes of single trees, either felled or standing, and of the determination of growth and yield, Graves’ lorest Mensuration is used as text. F 5. FOREST MENSURATION. 2 Credit Hours. Summer Session, Freshman Year. This course consists of field work in measuring stands of timber, and study of growth and yield of stands, especially in collecting data for a working plap 24 Students Measuring Tree Height * with Instruments. F 6. SILVICULTURE & NURSERY PRACTICUM. 2 Credit Hours, Swimmer Session, Freshman Year, Operations on the Mont Alto State Forest of 23,000 acres permit students from time to time throughout their course, to take part in practical improvement, liberation and reproduction cuttings, clean- ing and protection of the extensive plantation areas; but these ac- tivities, together with planting, serve especially to introduce future foresters to actual silviculture in the woods. The nearby state forest nursery of eleven acres under intensive cultivation produces annually 2,000,000 trees for reforestation work. Students take an important part in soil preparation, seed sowing, transplanting, cultural and pro- tective measures, together with lifting, grading and packing trees for transportation. An instructor and skilled workmen are always present to make this work instructive as well as practical. F 7. SILVICULTURE, (SILVICS OR FOREST ECOLOGY, AND FOREST GEOGRAPHY ). 2 Credit Hours. First Term, Junior Year. The primary effects of heat, light, wind, moisture and soil upon tree growth and distribution are thoroughly discussed; followed by the effects of forests on climate and soil, the internal struggle of the stand, site quality assessment, stand description and forest types. Application of the basic fact of silvics and dendrology to the actual forest is made in a series of lectures in forest geography and physic- graphy; embracing a detailed study of the forest regions and types of the United States and Canada, with a general survey and diseus- sion of the important forested areas of the world noting in partieu- lar their structure, ecology and possibility of economic develop- ment. Many references are used and abstracts required of each stu- dent. Considerable material given in the course is derived from Schlichs Sliviculture, Mayr’s Waldbau, and Bowman's Forest Phy- siology. F 8. SILVICULTURE. (SEEDING AND PLANTING). 3 Credit Hours Necond Term, Junior Year. Seed production, collection, extraction and storage, nursery work and administration. Direct seeding and plantation establishment. Reforestation problems and progress are studied in the field and a planting plan prepared for a definite area of denuded Jand. Under trained and skilled supervision, students follow the trees through each stage of nursery practice, from staking out beds to final shipment or planting in the forest. Vroblems in nursery management, technique and protection are discussed in detail. Students participate in various experimental work which is always under way, ‘and are given experience in directing work in nursery and planting operations. Costs are calculated for work done and steek produced ; inventories are made; nursery accounting and plantation report forms are explained and ‘used, Toumey’s Sceding and Plant- ing is text used with supplementary notes from other sources, 26 ‘Q01], & JO 98y 9} Sulpuryz ‘SOUIG YD}OIS JO YIMOID Ysa Sulinsespy F 9. SILVICULTURE. (SYSTEMS OF NATURAL- REGEN- ERATION). 3 Credit Hours First Term, Senior Year. Critical comparisons are made between pure and mixed woods, high and low forest forms; natural and artificial regeneration; the silvicultural systems; methods of thinning, forest conversion and im- provement. Cleanings, liberation and damage cuttings, and treat- ment of wood-lots are considered from an experimental as well as theoretical and empirical standpoint. The location of the schovi here where the South Mountains, managed for a century prior to their acquisition by the state for continuous yields of charcoal for the iron industry, adjoins an extensive agricultural area with scatter: ed farm wood-lots, give it a vast natural outdoor laboratory for sil- vicultural instruction. This has been improved during the past twenty years by the establishment of more than 600 acres of planta- tions of many species and upon a. variety of sites. Hawley’s Silvi- culture and Graves’ Principles of Handling Woodlands are the texts used, with Schilch’s Silviculture, Mayr’s, Waldbau and Traite Pra- fique de Silviculture by Jolyet as chief reference works. F 10. DENDROLOGY. 3 Credit Hours Second Term, Sophomore Year. A systematic and biological study of the trees of the United States and introduced species, stressing the important timber producers. Special attention is given coniferous species native to temperate climates similar to that of Pennsylvania. Form, distinguishing characteristics, reproduction, occurrence and range are taken up in detail. In the first semester tree identification in the field is begun by a series of brief trips and a collection of winter buds, mounted on cards and representing 150 species, as required. Keys are worked out by the students for both winter and summer use, About 100 important trees of the locality are observed thru-out the year by assigned students and phenological data recorded. The growing school collection of photos, slides, herbarium mounts and other dried material of the important forest species adds interest to lecture room instruction. In addition to numerous references, texts especially followed are: Illick’s Pennsylvania Trees; Sargent’s Manual of Trees of North Ameriat; Hough's Handbook of Trees of North- eastern United States and Canada; Mayr's Fremlandische Wald- und Park bawmne fur Rurope; publications of the U.S. Forest Serv- ice, by Geo. B. Sudworth and others, Fill. DENDROLOGY. (TREE IDENTIFICATION), 1 Credit Hour Summer Nession, Sophomore Year, A field course embracing the study of all woody vegetation in the vicinity of Mont Alto, where more than 150 species of trees and He S shrubs are native within a radius of ten miles. Including exotics, students are familiarized with about 250 species. The Forest Acade- my is so located that it lies within the ranges of many northern and southern trees which overlap here, and this naturally advantageous site has been supplemented by an arboretum, containing the more im- portant forest trees of the Western U. 8. and temperate foreign countries. In addition to many half days spent in adjacent forest and fields, during the course all-day field-trips are made to the Potomac River, North Mountains, Pen Mar and several localities in the fertile and historic Cumberland Valley, permitting the study of trees under widely varying conditions of growth and habitat. Field tests cover $00 to 960 specimens. Tests used are Ulick’s Pennsyl- vania Trees and Checklist of Trees of Franklin County. Fi2. DENDROLOGY. 3 Credit Hours. First Term, Junior Year. Continuation of course (I 10.) F13. FOREST ENTOMOLOGY. 3 Credit Hours First Term, Junior Year. A general discussion of the morphology, physiology, development and classification of insects; the life history of both beneficial and injurious species, with special reference to those forms which are of economic importance in the forest. Sanderson and Jackson’s Hle- mentary Entomology is the text used, supplemented by reference to various State and National bulletins on insects of economic impor- tance. Fi4. BOTANY, FOREST PATHOLOGY. 3 Oredit Hours Second Term, Junior Yoar. A course considering representative tree diseases caused by cryp- fegamic parasites and saprophytes and parisitic flowering plants. Preventive and remedial measures for checking their damage are discussed. Class and laboratory are supplemented by field exercises. Rankin’s Tree Diseases is the text used. 15.- FOREST PROTECTION. 2 Credit Hours First Term, Junior Year. Lectures and reference reading covering a complete discussion of general forest protection with special detailed discussion of protec- tion against fire. Special reference is made to Pennsylvania condi- tions and actual field work in forest protection is included in the course as part of the school work. Ali students are enrolled in ov- eanized fire crews and take part in the extinction of forest fires on the Mont Alto and Michaux Forests. 29 F 16. FOREST REGULATION, 3 Credit Hours First Term, Senior Yeas. The broad and general principles of forest management are first considered. ISvery effort thru-out the course is directed toward the practical correlation and application of facts, data and rules derived in other scientific and forestry courses. A proper and clear concept of the normal or ideal forest with continuous vield and other attri butes, is held before the student until every phase is firmly grasped. The fundamentals of increment, growing stock and age classes are studied in detail; then follows the drafting of formulation of felling budgets and solution of problems that arise in the effort to attain normality upon forest areas with given conditions. Oviticai studies are made of the various formulae and methods whereby an approxt- mation to the normal forest may be achieved. Texts used are Roth’s Forest Regulation and Recknagel’s Theory and Practice of Forest Working Plans. F 17. FOREST ORGANIZATION AND WORKING PLANS. 4 Credit Hours Second Term, Senior Year. This course is a continuation of that in Forest Regulation but em- bodies more field work and takes up geometric, quantitative and qualitative surveys of a specific forest area, with the theory and prae- tice of forest subdivision and stand differentiation. A portion of a State Forest is annually taken np and divided into permanent com- partments for silvicultural and administrative purposes. Careful stock surveys, made in conjunction with the sophomore class in men- suration, furnish a basis for the creation of more or less temporary sub-compartments, coextensive with some definite and important stand condition, such as age, species, density, site or future silvicultural] treatment. The compartment lines are demarcated upon the ground, while the lines of sub-compartments usually are not. Working plan reports and maps are required of each student, and all necessary fac- ilities for efficient work toward this end, such as transportation and technical instruments, are furnished by the school or forest officers. References used include Schlich’s Forest Management, Kaiser's Pintei- lung der Forsten and Wagner's Grundhagen der raumlichen Ordnung im Walde. F 18. FOREST HISTORY. 2 Credit Hours Second Term, Junior Year. A course giving more or less detailed information as to develop- ment of forest property, forest conditions, forest investigation, and handling of forest properties for timber production in the principal countries of the world. Special attention is given to development of forestry in Pennsylvania. TFernow’s History of Forestry is used as & veXxt. 30 F19. FOREST ENGINEERING. 3 Credit Hours First Term, Junior Year. Principles of forest roads, practical survey and construction. Con- struction of trails, bridges, telephone lines, fire towers. Logging railroads, grades and curves. Finding the flow of springs and streams. Roads text—Highway Enginecring—Chatburn. F20. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WOOD. 2 Credit Hours First Term, Junior Year. This course aims to acquaint the student with the physical propevr- ties of wood, the factors that affect them, and the methods giving these properties actual values through timber testing. Record’s Mechanical Properties of Wood is used as text. F 21. WOOD IDENTIFICATION. 1 Credit Hour. Second Term, Junior Year. A detailed study of the methods used and practice on actual speci: mens of the various important commercial woods of the United States. i 22. LUMBERING. Credit Hours Second Term, Junior Year: 2 This course aims to show in detail how the products of the forests are harvested, and ‘prepared for the market. It includes actual work in the woods and in the manufacture, in a state owned plant, of lumber shingles, lath, ties, etc. The text in use is Bryant’s Logging. F 23. LOGGING AND MILLING. 4 Credit Hours — Summer Session, Junior Year. This course includes a 6-8 weeks trip to a large saw-mill operation and includes a study of methods, costs, ‘etc., from stump to car and a detailed report on the same. F 24. WOOD UTILIZATION, 4 Oredit Hours First Term, Senior Year. This course includes a study of the industries that further manu- facture the timber and other rough materials removed from the forest in lumbering operations. It includes a study of the wood using industries of Pennsylvania. The texts used are Brown’s “Morest Prod- ucts” and Wood Using Industries of Pennsylvania (Dept. Bulletin No. 9). Students Making Chestnut Shingles. F 25. FOREST ECONOMICS AND POLICY. 3 Credit Hours First Term, Senior Year A study of the social utilities flowing from forests and the, impor- tance of forests and forest products in industry. The continuing depletion of our forests; the possibilities for continuous production. The policy of nations, states and municipalities toward forest prora- gation. Government ownership, control and cooperative (policies. Lectures. F 26. FOREST FINANCE. 4 Credit Hours First Term, Senior Year. Forest property from the investment point of view. Calculation involving principles of eompound interest and annual charges: In- terest rate; net income; financial maturity; carrying charges; meth- ods of comparing financial results under different methods of treat- ment; forestry compared with agriculture; forest taxation. Refer- ences, Roth’s Forest Valuation and Chapman’s Forest Valuation. F 27. FOREST LAWS. 3 Oredit Hours Second Term, Senior Year. A brief review of the Forest Laws in the U. S. Texts, Kinney on Forest and Timber Law. Supplemented by a course of lectures on the powers of forest offi- cers as peace officers. F 28. FOREST APPRAISAL. 3 Credit Hours Second Term, Senior Year. The valuation of forest properties; determination of stumpage val- uses; assessment of forest damage. Lectures. KF 29. FOREST ADMINISTRATION. 3 Credit Hours Second Term, Senior Year. This course aims to acquaint the student with the principles used in the organization of the business administration and personnel ‘to care for forest property. The present status and methods used in the State Forests, National Forests and Private Forests will be discussed. Lectures and reading. F 30. SEMINAR. 1 Credit Hour First and Second Term, Senior Year. A round table discussion of professional forestry movements, events and literature. Inclides preparation of papers, reviews and, leading discussions. KF 31. THESIS. 5 Credit Hours Last 6 weeks, Senior Year, Second Term. Each student will make a special field study of a subject approved at the end of the Junior year. These subjects will generally fall un- der the heads of transportation, seasoning, preservation, or price studies of lumber; timber accounting; special product studies; sil- vicultural or management investigations, etc. , 1. ENGLISH. 3 Credit Hours First Term, Freshman Year. This course includes a review of the essentials of English grammar, the rules for capitalization, punctuation, and business correspond- ence. Themes on pertinent subjects are required frequently. “Bng- lish Composition in Theory and Practice” by Canby and others is the text used. “Wooley’s Handbook of Composition” is used for reference. 2. ENGLISH. 3 Credit Hours * Second Term, Freshman Year. The whole field of prose and poetical composition is studied in general and detail from the standpoint of the three underlying prin- ciples governing all good composition, unity, coherence, and emphasis. Themes and other exercises illustrating these principles are required. The mechanics of writing are continued as in English 1. Represen- tative classics are read. 3. ENGLISH. 3 Credit Hours First Term, Sophomore Yea>. A brief review of world literature as a whole, followed by a sum- mary of English and Amercian literature with particular attention given to the study of the scientific writings of such authors as Roose- velt, Muir, Burroughs, Thoreau, and Fabre. 4. ENGLISH. 3 Credit Hours. Second Term, Sophomore Year. A continuation of English 8 with emphasis upon the encourage: ment of the student to put his English into effective, practical use by exercises in debating, public speaking, and parliamentary practice. Themes, 56. ACCOUNTING. 1 Credit Hour Junior Year, First Term. Principles of accounting: Single and double entry procedure: Different kinds of accounts: Depreciation budgets: Accounting as applied to forest finances and records: Pennusylyania Dept. of Fores- try prescribed accounts. Use of checks, drafts, notes, mortgages. 34 6. ECONOMICS. 4 Credit Hours Second Term, Junior Yeur. Principles of e¢onomics, Capital; Labor; Business Organization ; Money and Banking; Monopoly; Transportation. Taussig’s Princi- ples of Bconomics Vols. 1 & 2. 7. ECONOMICS. 2 Credit Hours First Term, Senior Year. Continuation of Economics 1, followed by a study of Taxation and Public revenue. 8.- BUSINESS LAW. 2 Credit Howrs Juntor Year, Second Term. _ An elementary study of Elements of Business Law with special reference to contracts, and property. MHuffcut’s The Elements of Business Law, is the text used. — 9. GAME PROPAGATION. 2 Credit Hours First Term, Senior Year. Course of lectures by Specialist from Game Commission. BOTAN ¥- 2 Credit Hours Summer Session, Freshman Year, Taxonomy. A comparative study is made in the field of the families of plaut groups and special training is given in the methods of collection and preservation of material. Each student is required to make an her- barium of at least 125 species of herbaceous plants and to learn com- mon and scientific names of iat least 180 plants. Emphasis is laid on the key. for indentification of the plants. Gray's New Manual of Botany and Britton and Brown’s /llustrated Flora of the North- ern States and Canada are the text and reference used. 14. BOTANY. 2 Credit Hours. Tirst Term, Sophomore Year. Plant Ecology. The course deals with the relation of plants :to their environment. First, there is a study of the ecological factors, which in general are grouped under physical, climatic and biotic factors. This is followed by a discussion of succession, the struggle for existence among plants, the laws of migration, the analysis of vegetation forms ‘and strue- tures, plant formations and societies. In the laboratory different members of the plant are studied as to their special functions and their relation to environment. The stem, root, leaf, flower, ete., are carefully examined and their ecological re- lations pointed out. The Forest Academy is very favorably located for the field study of Plant Ecology, as a great variety of plant life conditions may he found in the immediate vicinity of the school. Therefore, students ave able to work in the adjoining fields and forests, which is a decid- ed advantage over the studying of plant life processes in the lahor- atory. 1h. ZOOLOGY, 3 Credil lTours. Second Term, Sophomore Year. General Zoology. In this course a general survey is made of the animal kingdom from the Protozoa to the Chordata. In the laboratory each student dis- sects an animal typical of each phylum and makes drawings of the parts observed. Hegner’s College Zoology is the text used. . 36 16. ZOOLOGY. 2 Credit Hours. First Term, Junior Yerr. A review of cordata including Mammals and birds indigenous to Penna. > lice SOLAN Y. 2 Credit Hours. First Term, Jumor Year. Wood Morphology. A study of the microscopic structural features of wood. Repre- sentative type specimens of ‘the conifers and broad leaved trees are studied in detail with compound miscroscopes in order to determin ?} the occurance, form and structure of the wood elements.