YEAR BOOK TH€ PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1938 YEAR BOOK of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Oldest Horticultural Society in America '^eo Nov.i* With Reports and Membership List for 1937 Edited by John C. Wister Secretary Issued from the oflSce of THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OBJECT AND PRIVILEGES OF THE SOCIETY The Society is a non-profit organization. Its object is to pro- mote and encourage Horticulture and to create a love for, and interest in Plants and Flowers. It desires to increase its member- ship in order to extend its services to a greater number of persons, increase its influence and enlarge the scope of its activities. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP 1. "Horticulture" — a semi-monthly gardening magazine for the amateur gardener. 2. Consultant in Horticulture. 3. Field Secretary. 4. Lectures. 5. Exhibitions presented by the Society. 6. The Philadelphia Flower Show — one admission. 7. Garden Visits. 8. Horticultural Library — circulating privilege to members. 9. Year Book — including committee reports, articles and list of members. Membership implies a forward-looking interest in the influence of horticulture on the individual, the home, the community, the state and the nation, making life happier and richer. Annual Dues, $3.00 Toward the Endowment Life Membership Fee, $50.00 Sustaining Member, $1,000.00 Benefactor, $5,000.00 Patron, $10,000.00 Make Checks Payable to THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Telephone: Rittenhouse 8352) TABLE OF CONTENTS Objects and Privileges of the Society 2 Officers and Executive Council for 1938 4 Committees 5 Foreword 7 Reports for 1937 : Annual Meeting 7 President 8 Treasurer 11 Exhibition Committee 14 Awards— 1937 14 Committee on Garden Awards 16 Lecture Committee 17 Library Committee 18 Accessions — 1937 19 Periodicals 21 Garden Visits 22 Consultant in Horticulture 23 Extension Committee 24 Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania 25 Necrology 26 Membership List 27 ILLUSTRATION Lord Aberconway and Mr. C. Frederick C. Stout 6 OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President MR. C. FREDERICK C. STOUT Vice-Presidents MRS. ARTHUR HOYT SCOTT MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL MR. JOHN C. WISTER Honorary Vice-President MR. C. HARTMAN KUHN Secretary Treasurer MR. JOHN C. WISTER MR. S. S. PENNOCK EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Term Ending December 31, 1938 MR. MORRIS R. BOCKIUS MR. W. ATLEE BURPEE, JR. MRS. J. NORMAN HENRY MRS. WALTER KING SHARPS MR. W. HINCKLE SMITH DR. RODNEY H. TRUE MR. JOHN C. WISTER Term Ending December 31, 1939 MR. FITZ EUGENE DIXON MRS. WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT MR. FAIRMAN ROGERS FURNESS MRS. ROBERT H. IRONS MRS. ALVAN MARKLE, JR. MR. S. S. PENNOCK MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL MR. C. FREDERICK C. STOUT Term Ending December 31, 1940 MR. JAY V. HARE MR. ALEXANDER MacLEOD DR. J. HORACE McFARLAND MRS. THOMAS NEWHALL . MRS. ARTHUR H. SCOTT MR. THOMAS W. SEARS PROFESSOR E. L WILDE 4 COMMITTEES The President, ex officio, is a member of all Committees. Executive Committee Mr. William J. Serrill, Chairman Mr. W. Atlee Burpee, Jr. Mr. Benjamin Bullock Mr. J. V. Hare Mr. John C. Wister Library Committee Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Chairman Mrs. Edward M. Cheston Mrs. E. Page Allinson Mrs. Nathan Hayward Mrs. Alan H. Reed Lecture Committee Mrs. William T. Elliott, Chairman Mrs. IsaAc La Boiteaux Mrs. Edward M. Cheston Mr. John C. Wister Finance Committee Mr. C. Frederick C. Stout, Chairman ex officio Mr. W. Atlee Burpee, Jr. Mr. S. S. Pennock Mr. Fitz Eugene Dixon Mr. W. Hinckle Smith Exhibition Committee Mr. J. V. Hare, Chairman Mrs. E. Page Allinson Mr. W. Atlee Burpee, Jr. Mr. Fairman R. Furness Mrs. William T. Elliott Mr. Alex MacLeod Mrs. Arthur H. Scott Committee on Garden Awards Mr. William J. Serrill, Chairman Mrs. J. Thomas Ligget Mrs. Moncure Biddle Mrs. G. Ruhland Rebmann, Jr. Mrs. Benjamin Bullock Mrs. Joseph B. Townsend Horticultural Committee Mr. John C. Wister, Chairman Mrs. Edward M. Cheston Mrs. Benjamin Bullock Mr. Thomas W. Sears Dr. Rodney H. True Special Committee on Extending Membership Throughout the State Dr. J. Horace McFarland, Chairman Mrs. Thomas Newhall Mr. W. Atlee Burpee, Jr. Mr. William J. Serrill Mr. J. V. Hare Mrs. Walter King Sharpe Professor E. I. Wilde I Lord Aberconway and Mr. C. Frederick C. Stout Lord Aberconway, president of the Eoyal Horticultural Society, was the special guest of the Society at the Philadelphia Flower Show in March, and made an address at the annual dinner on March 9, 1937. FOREWORD Your Society undertook some new projects in 1937 which were in the nature of an experiment. In order to continue most of them for the current year, it is necessary to curtail somewhat a few of the established activities — among them the Year Book. The Finance Committee is of the opinion that a complete record of the Society 's work should be published each year but that it could be printed in simpler form than heretofore and that extraneous material could be eliminated. Their decision explains the small book this year. If in future additional income justifies increased expenditures for a more pretentious Year Book and if a number of members prefer the fuller type of publication, we shall be glad to reinstate it ; but under the present circumstances we hope that you will agree with the officers that the condensed publication is adequate. JOHN C. WISTER, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1937 One hundred and sixty-six members attended the Annual Meeting which was held on Wednesday, November 17, 1937, at 8 P. M., at 1600 Arch Street, Philadelphia. The president, Mr. C. Frederick C. Stout, was in the chair. Announcement was made of the re-election of the following members to serve on the Executive Council for the next three years : Mrs. Thomas Newhall, Mrs. Arthur H. Scott, Mr. Jay V. Hare, Mr. Alex. MacLeod, Dr. J. Horace McFarland, Mr. Thomas W. Sears, and Professor E. I. Wilde. The president made his report for the year. The secretary, Mr. John C. Wister, called attention to several horticultural events that will take place during the coming winter in the Philadelphia area. The principal event of the evening was a beautifully illustrated lecture on the Gardens of Spain and Majorca by Mr. Jay V. Hare, a member of the Executive Council of the Society and chairman of its Exhibition Committee. THE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT NOVEMBER 17, 1937 It is encouraging to report that we have had a healthy gain in membership during the past year. The Society now numbers 3,432 members as compared with 3,258 a year ago, making a net gain of 174 members. It is disappointing that only ten of these are life members and, during the next year, we hope that our members will assist us in increasing our endowment fund by paying special atten- tion to the following classes of membership : Life Member, Fifty Dollars ; Sustaining Member, One Thousand Dollars ; Benefactor, Five Thousand Dollars; Patron, Ten Thousand Dollars. There are many worthwhile things we should like to do if we could just see our way clear to finance them. There is no better way to increase our membership than the one which I have suggested so many times in the past, — to have our members sufficiently impressed with the real value of the Society that each of them will be inspired to secure at least one additional member. If we could increase our membership to 5,000, it would give us extra income to finance and enlarge our program. The income for the fiscal year, which ended the 30th of Sep- tember, is almost the same as for the preceding year, approximately $24,000 from all sources of revenue. During the depression we lost about eight to ten thousand dollars in income from the Schaffer Fund, Life Membership investments and dues. Since then our sources of revenue have not changed greatly but the requirements of the various standing committees have increased. Therefore, at the beginning of the fiscal year it becomes the difficult task of the Finance Committee to pare down the amounts asked for to keep them in line with the anticipated income. The budget in its final form for the past year covered the regu- lar program of activities as follows : lectures, flower shows, garden visits, garden awards, subscriptions to HORTICULTURE, library, consultation department and the fixed overhead expenses, — rent, salaries, etc. I am happy to report to you that the committees kept their expenses within the budget so that there is no deficit from these departments. I am not going to review these established activities even briefly, but shall refer you to the published reports by the chairmen of the committees in charge. I hope you will all read these reports and that you will encourage the committees by your interest in their work. If you have suggestions for future programs, or criticisms of past work, the chairmen will be pleased to hear from you. They want your assistance in planning the Society's activities, and j'our active co-operation will be both stimulating and valuable. At this time I should like, however, to call to your attention two new fields of endeavor which have been undertaken outside of the budget this year. The first, to which practically no expense has 3 been attached so far, is the inauguration of a closer relationship with the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation of Swarth- more College. The initial step in this co-operation took place last Spring, after considerable planning had been done by a joint com- mittee composed of representatives from our Executive Council and from the Executive Board of Swarthmore College. This step was in the form of six special afternoons when members of the Society were invited to visit the collections of flowering plants on the Swarth- more College Campus and, on the ground, get information from representatives of the Society who were in attendance for the pur- pose. It will be seen that the essential difference between this program and the regularly established garden visits consists in the fact that these other Saturday garden visits (which we fully intend to continue) are for the purpose of enjoying the beautiful picture of flowering plants on lovely private estates. At Swarthmore, while there is much of beauty to be seen, the emphasis is placed on the practical horticultural instruction which may be received in answer to questions put to the Society's representatives. Information is available concerning the names of the different plants and the coun- try of their origin, the method of planting them and nurseries or florists where they may be purchased, the approximate type of soil that they need and any special summer watering or winter protec- tion, and protection from pests. By this method of answering direct questions, it is believed that Mr. Scott's dream of a place where people could bring their gardening problems is going to become an actual fact. Unfortunately, the weather was not propitious for the 1937 visits, and rain on almost every one of the six appointed days interfered with the complete success of the program. We hope, however, that the members will find this service so valuable next year that they will be anxious to have it continued. In developing this plan we have in mind that this is a valuable contribution to our ideal of the Society becoming a Garden Center Our headquarters, with the splendid library, a garden consultation department, a meeting room for committees, and other horticultural facilities, have gradually developed into an important city center of gardening interest; and if, in addition, our members will take advantage of the opportunity offered for practical outdoor horti- cultural instruction by the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation, we feel that even the most exacting gardener can find all the help and inspiration he could possibly desire through his membership in the Society. The next innovation introduced this year was the branching out of the Extension Committee in its endeavor to have the Society spread its influence into more distant parts of the State, instead of concentrating its activities in the Philadelphia area. This plan included two distinct moves. The first was the employment of a Field Secretary in the person of Miss Anne B. Wertsner, formerly head of the Floriculture Department of the School of Horticulture for Women at Ambler. Miss Wertsner has done excellent work this year in giving authoritative information to garden clubs and other groups all over the State, in helping with our flower shows and other activities, and in representing and speaking for the Society at important horticultural gatherings. Although we haven't gained as many new members as we had hoped we would with this new 9 departure, we feel that the horticultural work that has been accom- lished is most satisfactory and worthwhile, and that we shall be justified in continuing this activity. It imposes an extra tax on the budget, but it is the opinion of the Executive Council that the results justify the additional expense. The second move by the Extension Committee was the publica- tion of the quarterly magazine PENNSYLVANIA GARDENS. Dr. McFarland, Chairman, and the members of his committee felt strongly that such a publication was a necessary adjunct to the extension work which they were trying to develop, and that it would greatly strengthen Miss Wertsner's appeal for members throughout the State by giving her something tangible to offer prospective members who were at too great a distance from Philadelphia to enjoy many of the other privileges of membership. The funds pro- vided for the budget were not sufficient to cover either of these new enterprises (the Field Secretary and the magazine) but the Execu- tive Council felt that it was only fair to give these new projects a trial and to borrow money to finance them for a year to see if the hoped-for increased membership would bring in enough additional revenue to carry them in the future. However, in the year's trial, the magazine, although it has been a delightful addition to the privileges to our existing membership, has not accomplished its original purpose, — to bring in new members. Therefore, with great reluctance, I have to announce that, owing to lack of funds, the publication of PENNSYLVANIA GARDENS will have to be eliminated from our budget for 1938 and, unless the means is furnished by some unforeseen person or persons, it will have to be permanently discontinued. We owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. McFarland for his valuable work in editing the magazine, which he has done entirely without reimbursement of any kind, and which he is willing to continue without financial reward. The Council of the Society, in considering the budget for the coming year, gave very serious consideration to the problem that was created by the issuance of this pocket magazine, but did not feel that we could continue to spend money beyond our estimated income. I want to thank all of our members, and those of you who are here particularly, for your support and interest, and I know that you all join me in thanking the chairmen and the committee mem- bers who have given so freely of their time and knowledge in building our Society into an organization of which we can well be proud. C. FREDERICK C. STOUT, President. 10 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES October 1, 1936 to September 30, 1937 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS Received from Schaffer Fund — Girard Trust Co $14,247.50 Less Commission of Girard Trust Co. 558.95 Less Notary Fees. . .50 $13,688.05 Interest on Investments 1,638.05 Interest on Savings Funds 10.12 $15,336.22 Dues— Current Account $9,252.00 Dues— 1938 Account 3.00 Sale of $1,000 Lehigh Coal & Navi- gation Bond 955.00 10,210.00 Total Cash Receipts $25,546.22 EXPENDITURES OF COMMITTEES Executive Committee Rent $3,375.00 Salaries 3,757.50 Insurance 84.41 Postage 296.13 Printing and Stationery 309.58 Year Book 911.69 Treasurer's Bond 25.00 Towel Service and Water 67.85 Telephone 153.86 Miscellaneous 569.29 New Equipment 449.50 $9,999.81 Lecture Committee Lecturers' Fees $150.00 Rent of Auditorium .... 105.00 Lantern and Operator. . 70.00 Printing, Stationery and Postage 176.90 Traveling and Enter- taining 9.00 — $510.90 Less Net Subscription to Special Lectures 119.82 391.08 Exhibition Committee Rent of Store Room $500.04 Salaries 1,300.00 Philadelphia Flower Show 1,183.41 Dahlia Show 698.84 Repairs 19.38 Medals for Awards 99.07 3,800.74 11 Library Committee Rent $1,125.00 Salary — Librarian 1,500.00 Subscriptions to Periodicals 169.48 New Books 260.23 Binding 119.85 Supplies 37.34 3,211.90 Horticultural Committee Salary— Garden Consultant 2,000.00 Committee on Garden Awards Awards 20.71 Extension Committee (9 months) "Pennsylvania Gardens" 1,609.71 Field Secretary Expenses — Less Lecture Fees 1,459.82 3,069.53 Special Appropriations Subscriptions to "Horticulture" $2,598.69 Garden Visits 193.12 Membership 151.75 Powel House Garden 25.00 Spring Luncheon 19.61 Miscellaneous 11.50 2,999.67 Total Above Expenditures $25,493.44 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures $52.78 Purchase of 13 shares Liggett & Myers Tobacco. . . $1,279.55 Cash Received in 1936/37 account 1937/38 Income. 3.00 1,282.55 Excess of above Expenditures over Receipts $1,229.77 Cash on Hand September 30, 1936 3,018,36 Cash on Hand September 30, 1937 $1,788.59 LIFE MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT Balance October 1, 1936— Uninvested Cash $353.12 Receipts— 13 New Members $650.00 Sale $3,000 Bond American Tel. & Tel $3,150.00 Sale $1,000 Philadelphia Elec- tric Co 1,025.00 4,175.00 4,825.00 Total $5,178.12 Securities Purchased: 45 shares Texas Corporation $2,924.24 10 shares American Telephone & Telegraph.. 1,697.85 4,622.09 Balance September 30, 1937— Uninvested Cash $556.03 LIBRARY FUND Balance October 1, 1936 $254.21 Interest December 31, 1936 4.70 Balance September 30, 1937 $258.91 12 STATEMENT OF CONDITION September 30, 1937 ASSETS Cash General Fund— Girard Trust Company $1,688.59 General Fund— Petty Cash 100.00 Life Membership Fund — Corn Ex- change National Bank $556.03 Library Committee Fund — Corn Exchange National Bank 258.91 814.94 $2,603.53 Schaffer Fund Investments Girard Trust Company— Trustee 357,443.16 Investments Life Membership Fund $27,896.40 General Fund 13,638.71 41,535.11 Equipment Office Furniture, etc $2,562.63 Library Books (Not including donation by Mr. Farnum) 9,455.23 Portraits 6,265.00 Exhibition Equipment 459.10 18,741.96 Supplies Medals on Hand 203,45 Total Assets $420,527.21 LIABILITIES None FUNDS Schaffer Fund $357,443.16 Life Membership Fund 28,452.43 General Fund 21,144.72 Appraisal Adjustment 13,227.99 Library Committee Fund 258.91 Total Funds $420,527.21 JOHN P. HERR. Certified Public Accountant. S. S. PENNOCK, Treasurer. 13 REPORT OF THE EXHIBITION COMMITTEE FOR 1»37 Philadelphia opened the Flower Show Season of 1937 with the great Spring Show held in the Commercial Museum from March 8th to 14th, inclusive. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was ably represented by a special committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. E. Page Allinson, and an efficient group of garden experts. This committee arranged an attractive schedule of classes of exhibits and superintended the staging and judging of the division of the Show sponsored by the Society. Changes in exhibits and arrangements were made from day to day to hold the interest and enthusiasm of the great throngs of garden ad- mirers who indicate a greater delight each year in this particular section of the Spring Show. Through the courtesy of the officials of the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, the 1937 Dahlia and Fall Flower Show was again staged in the Thirtieth Street Station in Philadelphia. This mag- nificent building, with its huge concourses, is admirably suited to an exhibition of this character. With the splendid parking facilities, ease of access, and the great number of persons who normally pass through this station hourly, the attendance at the Show held September 17 and 18th amply justified the selection of this loca- tion. With the co-operation of the Pennsylvania Railroad Garden Club, a very well-balanced show was presented. It is anticipated that another show will be staged in that building in late Septem- ber, 1938. Adverse growing conditions retarded the opening of hardy chrysanthemums beyond the normal date in the Philadelphia area in the Fall of 1937. Notwithstanding this condition and the storms which prevailed at the time appointed for the Show, the Hardy Chrysanthemum Show of the Society held at the Swarthmore Col- lege grounds on Saturday afternoon, October 23, 1937, was very successful both from the standpoint of exhibits and attendance. This Show was staged by the Society with the co-operation of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation. The staging of the Show at Swarthmore College gave visitors an opportunity to view the hardj^ chrysanthemums under field culture and as selected speci- mens arranged indoors. Respectfully submitted. J. V. HARE, Chairman, EXHIBITION AWARDS IN 1937 PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW, COMMERCIAL MUSEUM MARCH 8-14. (Section Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society) MRS. J. WILLIS MARTIN CUP, donated b Mrs. E. Florens Rivinus: West Chester Garden Club, sweepstake prize. GOLD MEDAL of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society: Huntingdon Valley Garden Club, for bird bath. CASH PRIZES, given by The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, in the special garden class. 14 COMMERCIAL ORDERS, generously contributed in other classes by the following donors: Albrecht Nurseries, Narberth; Ambler Nurseries, Ambler; Andorra Nurseries, Inc., Chestnut Hill; Robert Buist Co., Philadelphia; W, Atlee Burpee Co., Philadelphia; Cheltenham Nurseries, Philadelphia; Doubleday Doran Book Shops, Inc., New York City; William H. Doyle, Inc., Berwyn; Henry A. Dreer, Philadelphia; Garden Nurseries, Nar- berth; James Krewson & Son, Cheltenham; William Henry Maule Co., Philadelphia; Henry F. Michell Co., Philadelphia; Outdoor Arts Co., Chestnut Hill; Styer's Nurseries, Concordville. DAHLIA AND FALL FLOWER SHOW, THIRTIETH STREET STATION, PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER 17-18. (In Co-operation with the PennsylvamAa Railroad Garden Club) CHALLENGE CUP of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: "The Weeders," for collection of mixed dahlias. GOLD MEDAL of The Horticultural Society of New York: Mrs. John Barnes Townsend, Radnor, sweepstake prize. SILVER MEDALS of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: Henry A. Dreer, Philadelphia, for lily pool with planting. James Deveny, Holmes, for display of gladiolus. Henry A. Dreer, Philadelphia, for pink buddleia. Glenden Dahlia Garden, Wilmington, Del., for display of dahlias. BRONZE MEDALS of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: D. J. Sandt, Easton, sweepstake prize in amateur dahlia classes. S. Yohe Veile, Easton, seedling dahlia. L. E. Joyner, Westtown, display of gladiolus. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. W. Atlee Burpee Co., Philadelphia, display of gladiolus. Henry F. Michell, Philadelphia, display of dahlias and other fall flowers. Conard-Pyle Company, West Grove, display of roses. Hosea Waterer, Philadelphia, display of dahlias. Grakelow Flowers, Inc., Philadelphia, display of cut flowers. W. G. Buerkle, Ogden, seedling dahlia. William H. Ritter, Philadelphia, display of cactus. CASH PRIZES, given by The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, in classes for commercial gardeners, and PRIZE RIBBONS in all classes. In addition to the above list, a separate set of prizes was given to exhibitors in the Railroad Section of the Exhibition, by various donors. HARDY CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE, SWARTHMORE, OCTOBER 23. (In Co-operation with the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation) CERTIFICATES OF MERIT of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: Mrs. J. Emott Caldwell, Bryn Mawr, for display of fruit and vege- tables. The Conard-Pyle Company, West Grove, collection of hai'dy chrysan- themums. 16 Styer's Nurseries, Concordville, hardy chrysanthemum seedling of 1936— No. 13. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT of the W. Atlee Burpee Co., carrying stock credit : Mrs. Edward M. Cheston, Ambler, collection of berry-bearing shrubs. ADDITIONAL AWARDS DURING THE YEAR GOLD EXHIBITION MEDALS of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society : L. Sherman Adams Company, Wellesley, Mass., for a group of orchids at the Spring Flower Show, Boston, Mass., March 12. Mrs. W. Redmond Cross, Bernardsville, N. J., for a garden arrange- ment of chrysanthemum plants, Autumn Exhibition of The Horti- cultural Society of New York, New York City, November 4. ROBERT C. WRIGHT ROSE MEDAL (Silver) of The Pennsylvania Hor- ticultural Society: Mrs. Arthur B. Huey, Philadelphia, best rose grown by an amateur, Interclub Show, Chestnut Hill, June 11. JAMES BOYD MEMORIAL MEDAL (Silver) of The Pennsylvania Hor- ticultural Society: Lyman D. Glasscock, Elwood, Illinois, most distinguished peony entry, American Peony Society Exhibition, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 12. SILVER EXHIBITION MEDAL of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: Mrs. Spencer G. Nauman, Bowmansdale, for a rose exhibit, Harris- burg Garden Club Show, June 10. BRONZE EXHIBITION MEDAL of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: Mrs. Orville H. Bullitt, Whitemarsh, sweepstake prize, Interclub Show, Chestnut Hill, June 11. MEMBERSHIPS in The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, given by the Society: Mrs. Harvey F. Smith, Harrisburg, Harrisburg Garden Club Show, June 10. Mrs. Frank M. Masters, Harrisburg, Harrisburg Garden Club Show, June 10. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society: Mrs. J. Wesley Weavei', Camp Hill, Harrisburg "Garden Club Show, June 10. Mrs. W. S. T. Hurlock, Jr., Harrisburg, Harrisburg Garden Club Show, June 10. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON GARDEN AWARDS FOR 1937 Upon the recommendation of the Committee the following awards were made : A Silver Medal to Mr. Justice and Mrs. Owen J. Roberts for the good taste and artistic restraint displayed in their treatment of the homestead on their farm, "Bryncoed Farms," located at Kimberton in the rural loveliness of Chester County. An ancient 16 rambling stone dwelling house set amid towering trees, a terrace commanding a charming landscape, a lawn with vine-clad walls, stepping-stone walks and massive hedges, a garden with color of bloom throughout the season, a vision of wonder in apple-blossom time, a scene of lovely beauty in lilac time — these are the elements out of which has been built a country home of charming simplicity. A Silver Medal to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Hoffman for the skill and good judgment with which they have preserved and even if possible enhanced, the old world charm of their historic estate, "The Grange," of West Overbook. Dating from the eight- eenth century, the place is characterized by magnificent trees, old Wisteria-grown walls, an ancient terraced garden, a house of equal age, and a bit of woodland, threaded with winding walks, on one of which is found "Washington's Seat," a moss-grown stone bench on which tradition says the Father of his Country loved to take his ease. A Bronze Medal to Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Cooper, of Haver- ford, for their lovely garden. One descends stone steps from the terrace at the back of the house into this small intensive garden. Well planned and thought out, it contains many interesting fea- tures. A garden lover visiting this garden will be both entertained and instructed. A Certificate of Merit to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S. Yerger of 7312 Elbow Lane, Chestnut Hill, and A Certificate of Merit to Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey McCurdy, of 7315 Elbow Lane, Chestnut Hill. Each of these two gardens, close neighbors one to the other, is a perfect example of what can be done in a small yard by enthusiasm, good taste, and loving care. All of these essential qualities to the making of attractive gardens are here exhibited. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM J. SERRILL, Chairman. REPORT OF THE LECTURE COMMITTEE FOR 1937 REGULAR SERIES— ILLUSTRATED LECTURES January 19 — "Perennials" — Montague Free. February 2 — "The Spring Garden" — John C. Wister. February 16 — "The Spirit of the Garden" — Norman McClintock. These three lectures were included in the membership of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and were well attended. SUBSCRIPTION LECTURES Course No. 1 — Five Lectures on Elementary Gardening by David Rust. January 8 — "Sowing Flower Seeds." January 15 — "Planting Bulbs, Tubers and Roots." January 22 — "Planting and Pruning Trees and Shrubs, including Evergreens." January 29 — "The Mixed Border. Flowers from Spring Until Frost." Februarys — Round Table Discussion.- 17 Course No. 2 — Three Lectures on Herbals by Dr. Marion Parris Smith. February 4 — "The Pioneers of Botanical Study in the Sixteenth Cen- tury." February 11 — 'The Great Botanists of the Renaissance." February 18 — "The Early Botanical Studies in the New World and the Orient," The two special subscription courses by David Rust and Dr. Marion Parris Smith were enthusiastically received by their sub- scribers. Limiting the attendance in these special courses made it possible to have more intimate contact with the speakers and satis- factory results in questions and answers. We very much desire to have a group of earnest young horticulturists to carry on intelligent and timely garden work, free from disappointment and delay in establishing and perfecting their gardens. FIVE EVENING GARDEN TALKS January 4 — "Tree Diseases" — By Dr. L. 0. Overholts. January 18 — "Weeds — Identification and Classification" — By Dr. Fred V. Grau. February 1— "Wild Flowers"— By Dr. E. T. Wherry. February 15 — "Some Objectives in the Use of Plant Material"- — By Professor John R. Bracken. March 1 — Garden Forum conducted by John C. Wister. The evening garden talks were sponsored by the Philadelphia Branch of the National Association of Gardeners and were ar- ranged primarily for the benefit of professional gardeners but members of the Society also were invited to attend. An enrollment fee of $1.00 was charged. Respectfully submitted, ANNA ELLIOTT, (Mrs. William T. Elliott), Chairman. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1937 In the firm belief that the members of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society should know certain facts in connection with the Library a statement is here presented. This Society, founded in 1827, contains 4,450 bound volumes ; The Massachusetts Horticultural Society, founded in 1829, contains 24,700 volumes; the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, founded in 1910, contains 19,300 bound volumes; and the New York Botanical Garden, founded in 1898, contains 46,000 bound volumes. Thus it will be seen that although The Pennsylvania Horti- cultural Society is an older organization, our Library suffers lamentably in comparison with other important horticultural and botanical libraries. The Massachusetts Horticultural Society adds about 500 bound books a year. We have money to purchase a scant 100, not enough to even keep up-to-date. Thus yearly we are falling behind. Most important the books in our Library form practically the only permanent possession of the Society. They receive the best of care and are bound when necessary. Pennsylvania is a big state, has a wealthy population and contains a great garden-loving public. 18 Many more of the old herbals are needed in order to have the proper foundation for our library. Other great needs are local botanies from all over the world. These are interesting and valuable to anyone who wishes to travel and to be informed in advance what flora to expect in the area he is to visit. There are published today some beautiful, illustrated floras, both in books and magazine form that should be in our library. These can be purchased at the reasonably low current prices. Later they will cost more. They cannot be acquired with our present appropriation. Gifts of $1.00 or more from individuals will be most gratefully received. Gifts of $5.00 and upwards from Garden Clubs will be more than welcome. All members of Garden Clubs and their friends are welcome to use the library whether they belong to The Pennsylvania Hor- ticultural Society or not. Respectfully submitted, MARY G. HENRY, (Mrs. J. Norman Henry), Chairman. LIBRARY ACCESSIONS, 1937 Aiken, G. D. Pioneering with fruits and berries. 1936 Aquatias, P. Intensive culture of vegetables on the French system, n, d. Arkell, Reginald. Green fingers. 1936. Arms and Arms. Design in flower arrangement. 1937. Bailey, L. H. Garden of gourds. 1937. Bates, Alfred. Gardener's second year. 1937. Biddle and Blom. Book of table settings. 1936. Bolus, H. M. L. Second book of South African flowers. 1936. Boyle, Frederick. Woodlands orchids. 1901. Brightwell, Miss. Life of Linnaeus. 1858. Bunyard, E. A. Old garden roses. 1936. Buxton, B. R. Window garden. 1936. Clay, Sampson. Present day rock garden. 1937. Clifton, W. A. R. Geranium; its history and cultivation. 2nd ed. rev. 1935. Coulter, J. M. Botany of Western Texas. 1891-94. Crandall, F. K. Response of celery to manures and fertilizers. 1937. Dodonaeo, Remberto. Florum et cononariarum. 1569. Dorrance, Anne, Fragrance in the garden. 1937. DuBois and DuBois. Peter and Penny plant a garden. 1936. Elting and Others. Permanent pasture studies. 1937. Evelyn, John. Directions for the gardiner at Says-Court. 1932. Farthing, F. H. Week-end gardener. 1929. Fish, H. D. When the root children wake up. 1936. Foster, Michael. Bulbous irises. 1892. Free, Montague. Gardening. 1937. Goldsmith, M. O. Friday to Monday gardening. 1937. Green, Wesley, comp. Plants of Iowa. 1907. 19 Griffith, M. S. Gardening on nothing a year. 1937. Griffith, William, ed. Garden book of verse. 1932. Griswold, G. H. Common insects of the flower garden. 1937. Haggard, H. R. Rural England. 2v. 1902. Hottes, A. C. 1001 Christmas facts and fancies. 1937. Jenkins, D. H. Vines for every garden. 1937. Linden, J. Iconographie des orchidees, 16v. (v. 12 missing) 1885-1900. Lord, J. K. Naturalist in Vancouver Islands and British Columbia. 2v. 1866. Lyman, Helen, 10 herbs will make a kitchen bouquet. 1937. Lyman, Helen. 30 herbs will make an herb garden. 1934. McKenny and Seymour. Your city garden. 1937. Macoun, John. Catalogue of Canadian plants. 7 pts. 1883-1890. Mansfield, Louise. Artist's herbal. 1937. Matschat, C. H. Garden calendar. 1936. Matthews, F. S. Book of wild flowers. 1934. Meade, J. R. Adam's profession and its conquest by Eve. 1936. Miner, R. W. Drama of the microscope. 1928. Muhlenberg, Henry. Catalogue Plantarum Americae. 1818. Muller, Adolf. Portraits of dogwoods. 1937. Murneek, A. E. Pollination and fruit setting. 1937. Nelson and Others. Fusarium yellows disease of celery. 1937. Ohara, Koun, comp. Selected flower arrangements of the Ohara School. 1936. O'Kane and Others. Performance of certain contact agents on various plant surfaces. 1937. Ostenfeld, C. H. Flora of Greenland and its origin. 1926. Owen, M. L. Catalogue of plants growing without cultivation in the County of Nantucket. 1888. Page, Leigh. Stars of earth. 1868. Pease, A. S. Vascular flora of Coos County, New Hampshire. 1924. Praeger, R. L. Account of the Genus Sedum as found in cultivation. 1921. Preece, W. H. A. North American rock plants. 1st ser. 1937. Preininger, Margaret. Japanese flower arrangement. 1936. Quinn, Vernon. Leaves, their place in life and legend. 1937. Rehder, Alfred. On the history of the introduction of woody plant into North America. 1936. Rehder, Alfred. Synopsis of the Genus Lonicera. 1903. Rogers, W. E. Tree flowers of forest, park and street. 1935. Rohde, E. S. Shakespeare's wild flowers. 1935. Rowntree, Lester. Hardy Californians. 1936. Rothrock, J. T. Reports upon the botanical collections made in portions of Nevada, etc. 1878. Sanders, T. W. Rock gardens and alpine plants, n. d. Sherlock, C. C. Vegetable gardener's how book, 1937. Shoemaker, J. S. Small fruit culture. 1934. Stemen and Myers, Oklahoma flora. 1937. Stoker, Fred, Shrubs for the rock garden. 1934. Stout and Others, Methods of heating hotbeds. 1936. Tietz, H. M. Noctuidae of Pennsylvania. 1936. Trelease, William. Genus Phoradendron. 1916. Ware, R, B, Charming gardens and how to plan them, n. d. Watts, H, K, Legend of the Christmas rose. n. d. 20 Webster, A. D. Hardy ornamental flowering trees and shrubs. 3rd ed. 1908. Westcott, Cynthia. Plant doctor. 1937. Wethered, H. N, Short history of gardens. 1933. Wheeler, James. Botanist's and gardener's new dictionary. 1763. Wheelwright, E. G. Greenhouse culture for amateurs. 1937. White, R. P. Rhododendron wild and root rot. 1937. Wilson, H. V. Garden in the house. 1934. Wood, A. H., Jr. Grow them indoors. 1936. Work and Griffiths. Varieties of vegetables for 1937. 1937. Ye narcissus or daff odyl flowere. 1884. LIST OF PERIODICALS RECEIVED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1937 Addisonia. Agricultural Index. Alpine Garden Society. Bulletin. American Amaryllis Society. Yearbook. American Botanist. American Dahlia Society. Bulletin. American Delphinium Society. Bulletin. American Fern Journal. American Forests. American Home. American Iris Society. Bulletin. American Orchid Society. Bulletin. American Peony Society. Bulletin. Americam, Rose Annual. American Rose Magazine. Arnold Arboretum. Bulletin of popular information. Arnold Arboretum. Journal. Australian Garden Lover. Bartonia. Better Homes and Gardens. Bird Lore. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Contributions. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Professional papers. Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Leaflets. Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Record. Cactus and Succulent Journal. Canadian Horticulture. City Gardens Club. Bulletin. Country Life. Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Desert. Florist's Exchange. Florist's Review. Flower Grower. 21 Forest Leaves. Frontiers, Garden Club Exchange. Garden Club of America. Bulletin. Garden Digest. Garden Glories. Ga/rden Gossip. Garden Greetings. Garden Path. Gardener's Chronicle of America. Gardener's Chronicle (English). Gardening, Illustrated. Gladiolus Review. Hemlock Arboretum. Herb Journal. Homes and Gardens. Horticultural Society of New York. Monthly Bulletin. Horticulture. House and Garden. House Beautiful. Iris Society (English). Yearbook. Journal of Heredity. Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science. Landmark. Landscape Architecture. Lexington Leaflets. Little Gardens. Missouri Botanical Garden. Bulletin. Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. Bulletin. Morton Arboretum. Bulletin of popular information. My Garden. National Council of State Garden Club Federations. Bulletin. National Horticultural Magazine. Nature Magazine. New Flora and Silva. NeviT York Botanical Garden. Journal. Rhodora. Roadside Bulletin. Royal Horticultural Society. Journal. Wisconsin Horticulturist. GARDEN VISITS, 1937 The Society wishes to express its thanks to the persons who so generously opened their gardens to members in the 1937 season. The opportunity of visiting beautiful gardens has a definite edu- cational value as well as being a very enjoyable privilege. The members were again permitted to invite friends to accompany them on these visits. 1 22 The 1937 program included nine visits to private gardens and a total attendance of 4,115 (members and guests) was recorded. The visits were as follows : May 1 — Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederick C. Stout, Ardmore. — Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifford Rosengarten, "Woodleigh," Villa Nova. — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haughton, "Valley Mill Farm," Paoli. May 8 — Mrs. Samuel P. Rotan, "Lane's End," Chestnut Hill. — Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen Poe, "Ropsley," Chestnut Hill, — Mr. and Mrs. George D. Widener, "Erdenheim Farms," White- marsh Valley, Chestnut Hill. May 22 — Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Yarnall, "Crum Creek Farm," Devon. — Mr. and Mrs. S. Laurence Bodine, "Green Bank Farm," New- town Square. — Dr. and Mrs. John H. Gibbon, "Lynfield Farm," Media. Through a co-operative arrangement with the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation the members of the Society were also invited to visit the collections of spring flowering plants on the Swarthmore College campus on six afternoons as follows : April 22 and 29 — Daffodils and Flowering Cherries. May 6 and 13 — Flowering Apples, Lilacs and Tree Peonies. May 20 and 27 — Azaleas and Irises. Representatives of the Society were on hand to answer ques- tions concerning the plants and their culture on these occasions, but rainy weather on most of the afternoons interfered with a large attendance. CONSULTANT IN HORTICULTURE During 1937, Mr. David Rust, the Society's Consultant in Hor- ticulture, visited 55 gardens of members, held 107 office consulta- tions, gave gardening advice in 59 letters and in 100 telephone con- versations. He lectured before 8 garden clubs and judged 7 flower shows. The principal subjects about which he was consulted during the year, arranged in the order of the frequency of the inquiries, were : Spraying, Perennials, Lawns, Evergreens, Outdoor Roses, Shrubs, Rhododendrons, Pruning, Boxwood, Japanese Beetle, and Bulb Gardens. Mr. Rust holds office consultation hours each Monday from 10 to 12 in the morning and from 2 to 4 in the afternoon (except at the time of flower shows), and he is available for visits to gar- dens and for consultation in the office on other weekdays by ap- pointment. In order to get the best results, Mr. Rust advises members to have their gardens visited twice a year. In this way serious trouble may be checked before it makes much progress. The only ex- pense for Mr. Rust's visits is the actual traveling charge. By in- spection of the garden itself, an accurate diagnosis of plant trouble can be made and other helpful information supplied, and Mr. Rust recommends this method where at all possible. 23 WORK OF THE EXTENSION COMMITTEE FOR 1937 Your Committee has sedulously endeavored to make The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society known throughout the state through two mediums. Miss Anne B. Wertsner has served as Field Secretary with notable success. She is just finding her footing, and has worked during the year mostly with the organized clubs, leaving for future persistent effort relations to the unorganized groups near Phila- delphia and throughout the state who need the work of and contacts with The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. During the year Miss Wertsner gave forty-seven talks in three states before various groups of men, women and children upon diversified subjects, most of the lectures being illustrated with lantern-slides or demonstrated with plant material. Quoting from Miss Wertsner 's report to the Committee, it is noted that '' seventy-three visits were made in connection with flower shows, private gardens, and to the Arthur Hoyt Scott Hor- ticultural Foundation at Swarthmore. . . . Assistance was given in judging at fourteen flower shows, and sixty-seven names were presented for membership in the Society. There were four hundred and thirty-two requests for horticultural information through con- sultation in the office, telephone and letters. ' ' It is noted that Miss Wertsner believes further interest can be well promoted through school children, who receive eagerly her presentations, looking toward making them better gardeners. The Committee has also issued four numbers of PENNSYL- VANIA GARDENS, which it was possible to have admitted through the mails at second-class rates. Confined carefully to Pennsyl- vania material, this well-received publication presented outstanding articles contributed by active members of the Society, among which were Lilacs by John C. Wister, Hemerocallis by Mary G. Henry, Roses in Pennsylvania by J. Horace McFarland, Gordonia by Eliza- beth C. White, House Plants by Anne B. Wertsner, Tree Peonies by H. G. Seyler, Daffodils by Mrs. Walter King Sharpe, Wisteria by A, E. Wohlert, Holly by F. R. Furness, and Barberries by John C. Swartley. It is the feeling of the Extension Committee that the work done during the year was advantageous not only to the Society, as yet very little known throughout the state, but to horticulture in general. If facilities are provided for continuing presentations through Miss Wertsner, through various publications, through an improved relation to the magazine HORTICULTURE, and in vari- ous ways, it is believed The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society can become truly a state organization. This report should be construed as including the report of the Field Secretary, from which quotations have been made. Respectfully submitted, J. HORACE McFARLAND, Chairman. 24 THE GARDEN CLUB FEDERATION OF PENNSYLVANIA (comprising 89 member clubs) 1600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OFFICERS Honorary President Mrs. Thomas Newhall, Green Hill Farms, Overbrook, Pa. Honorary Y ice-Presidents Mrs. Carroll P. Davis, Shields, Pa. Mrs. Alan Reed, Wyncote, Pa. President Mrs. Henry C. Parry, Langhorne, Pa. Vice-Presidents eastern division V7ESTERN DIVISION Mrs. E. Page Allinson Mrs. Wm. J. Powell West Chester, Pa. Fox Chapel Road, Fox Chapel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer Mr. Garrett V. Clark, 4404 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. John B. Carson, 1802 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Recording Secretary Mrs. J. Emott Caldwell, Bryn Mawr, Pa. THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Organized 1827 This Society welcomes gifts and bequests of money, and it is hoped that all who desire to perpetuate its work will, in disposing of their property, include The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society among their beneficiaries. FORM OF BEQUEST I GIVE AND BEQUEATH to THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY FOR Name 25 The following is a list of the members of this Society whose deaths have been reported during the year 1937 : LIFE Miss Laura Allen Mrs. John Frederick Lewis Mr. C. M. Clark Mr. Horatio Gates Lloyd Mr. Casper W. Hacker Mr. Chudleigh E. Long Miss Jane B. Haines Mrs. John Markoe Mrs. W. Moylan Lansdale Mr. Charles E. Meehan Mr. H. M. League Mrs. David Milne Mr. Effingh am B. Morris ANNUAL 1 Mr. Leonard J. Achenbach Mrs. John C. Groome Mr. Richard L D. Ashbridge Mr. J. Walter Levering Mrs. Franklin Bache Mrs. Caleb J. Milne, Jr. Mrs. John Barclay Mr. Eugene 0. Mosier Mr. C. J. Benz Mr. B. F. Myers Mr. William Boyd Miss Virginia C. Nimlet Mr. Francis B. Bracken Mrs. C. J. Orth Miss Anna Linn Bright Mrs. Henry S. Pratt Mrs. Crosby Brown Mrs. Henry C. Register Mrs. Henry W. Cook Mr. Henry W. Roth Mr. William S. Ellis Mrs. Frank T. Thurlow Mr. Thomas L. Elwyn Mrs. A. M. Ullman Mr. Charles Edwin Fox Mrs. Joseph B. Van Sciver Mrs. Joseph M. Fox Miss Rae Williams Mrs. Margaret E. Freney Mrs. Alan Wilson Mrs. H. L. Wood 26 The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society LIST OF MEMBERS Additions and corrections to December 31, 1937 Members of the Society will confer a favor by giving the Secretary notice of any change which they may desire to have made in their addresses or of any inaccuracies in the spelling of names which may be found in this list. SUMMARY Honorary Members 33 Life Members 283 Annual Members 3119 Total Membership 3435 HONORARY MEMBERS ELECTED 1937 Aberconway, Lord, Bodnant, Tal- y-Cafn, N. Wales. 1931 Ames, Mr. John S., North Easton, Mass. 1930 Bailey, Dr. L. H., Ithaca, N. Y. 1931 Bertron, Mr. Samuel R., 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 1932 Correvon, Mr. Henri, Chene- Bourg, Geneva, Switzerland. 1932 DeLaMare, Mr. A. T., Box 100 Times Square Station, New York, N. Y. 1934 Evans, Dr. I. B. Pole, C.M.G., Chief, Division of Plant Indus- try, Box 994, Pretoria, South Africa. 1931 Farrington, Mr. Edward I., 300 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. 1934 Gager, Dr. C. Stuart, Director, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1934 Hansen, Dr. N. E., Horticultural Dept., State College, Brook- ings, S. D. 1934 Hedrick, Prof. Ulysses P., N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Sta., Geneva, N. Y 1934 Hill, Sir Arthur William, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Lon- don, England. 1930 Keith, Mrs. Sidney W., 226 S. 21st St., Philadelphia. 1929 Macfarlane, Dr. John M., 427 W. Hansberry St., Ger- mantown. 1934 Merrill, Dr. E. D., Gray Herbar- ium, Cambridge, Mass. 1934 Moore, Sir Frederick W., Will- brook House, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin, Ireland. ELECTED 1934 Moore, Lady, Willbrook House, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin, Ire- land. 1932 Morrison, Mr. B. Y., 116 Chestnut St., Takoma Park, D. C. 1922 Pennell, Dr. Francis W., Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race St., Philadelphia. 1934 Pittier, Dr. Henri F., P. 0. Box 255, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. 1935 Preston, Miss Isabella, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. 1930 Purdy, Mr. Carl, Ukiah, Calif. 1932 Rehder, Mr. Alfred, Arnold Ar- boretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1934 Saunders, Prof. A. P., Clinton, N. Y. 1934 Small, Dr. John K., N. Y. Botan- ical Garden, Bronx Park, New York, N. Y. 1934 Smith, Sir William Wright, Di- rector, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland. 1934 Stout, Dr. A. B., N. Y. Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York, N. Y. 1934 Walcott, Mrs. Charles D., 1743 22nd Street, N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. 1935 Ward, Captain F. Kingdon, Cas- tle Hill House, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England. 1931 Webster, Mr. Edwin S., 300 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, TVTogg 1934 Wherry, Dr. Edgar T., Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Pa., Phila- delphia. 1934 White, Miss Elizabeth C, Whites- bog, N. J. 1931 Wright, Mr. Richardson, Graybar Building, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 27 LIFE AND ANNUAL MEMBERS Life Members in bold-face type Abbot, Miss Elizabeth S., 220 W. Allen's Lane, Mt. Airy. Abbott, Miss Gertrude, 400 S. 15th St., Philadelphia. Acheson, Mrs. C. S., Longwood, Ken- nett Square. Acker, Mrs. E. Richard, East Abbott St., Lansford. Acker, Mrs. Finley, 4943 Rubicam Ave., Germantown. Acton, Mrs. Frank M., 323 Harrison Ave., Elkins Park. Acton, Mrs. J. W., 32 Oak St., Salem, N. J. Adam, Mrs. J. N., R.D. 5, West Chester. Adams, Mr. Percy, care of Mr. Maurice Bower Saul, Moylan-Rose Valley. Adams, Mrs. William Watson, 426 S. 42nd St., Philadelphia. Adamson, Mrs. C. B., 415 W. Price St., Germantown. Adler, Mrs. P. Wilson, 2301 Grasslyn Avenue, Oakmont, Upper Darby. Afflerbach, Mrs. M. L. Weston, Spring Hollow Farm, Line Lexington. Aitken, Mrs. John N., 233 W. Hortter St., Philadelphia. Albert, Mrs. John S., Wallingford. Albertson, Mrs. John J., Magnolia, N. J. Albrecht, Mrs. A. C, 6804 Lawnton Ave., Oak Lane. Albrecht, Mr. H. Carl, 6804 Lawnton Ave., Oak Lane. Albrecht, Mr. John, Jr., Albrecht Nur- series, Narberth. Alexander, Mrs. E. G., Wyncote. Alexander, Mrs. J. S., Box 377, Bryn Mawr. Alexander, Mrs. Maitland, Box 62, Sewickley. Alexander, Mr. W. W., Stokley and Coulter Sts., East Falls. Alexander, Mrs. William C, 134 Booth Lane, Haverford. Alexy, Mrs. Joseph Paul, 155 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. Allen, Mrs. Charles J., 321 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Allen, Mr. Fred H., 3915 Henry St., Philadelphia. Allen, Mrs. George H., 7009 Chew Street, Mt. Airy. Allen, Miss Gertrude S., 212 W. High- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Allen, Miss Laura, 2100 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Allen, Miss Mary B., 11 Overhill Rd., Bala-Cynwyd. Allen, Mrs. Perry, Box 291, Villa Nova. Allinson, Mrs. E. Page, "Town's End Farm," West Chester. Almond, Mrs. H. B., 30 Benezet St., Chestnut Hill. Altemus, Mrs. Charles A., 117 Buck- ingham Drive, Trenton, N. J. Ambler, Miss Alice H., Plymouth Meeting. Ambler, Mrs. Harry S., Jr., Woodland Road and Cleverly Lane, Abington. Ames, Miss Margaret E., 821 Blythe Ave., Drexel Hill. Anders, Miss Betty, 1615 DeKalb St., Norristown. Anders, Mrs. Warren Z., 477 Main St., Collegeville. Anderson, Mrs. Algot B., Ill Lore Ave., Gordon Heights, Wilmington, Del. Anderson, Mr. Claude J. K., "Rive Gauche," Riverbank, Riverton, N. J. Anderson, Mrs. Francis T., 509 Valley Rd., Llanerch, Delaware Co. Anderson, Mr. Howard W., Stewarts- town. Anderson, Dr. Joseph W., Montgomery and Mill Creek Roads, Ardmore. Anderson, Mrs. Joseph W., Montgom- ery and Mill Creek Roads, Ardmore. Anderson, Mrs. William M., Box 142, Wynnewood. Andre, Mr. John R., Lower State Road, Doylestown. Andrews, Mrs. Brice F., Ill W. Upsal St., Germantown. Andrews, Mrs. Murray, Donn House, Redmarley, Gloucester, England. Andrews, Mrs. Schofield, 9002 Crefeldt St., Chestnut Hill. Andrews, Mrs. T. Hollingsworth, 3rd, Rose Tree Road, Media. Annett, Mr. Cecil B., 310 E. Central Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Annon, Dr. Walter T., 235 S. 15th St., Philadelphia. Appel, Mrs. William N., 419 E, King St., Lancaster. Arader, Mr. Walter Graham, 1920 N. 61st St., Philadelphia. Archer, Mrs. B. Kendall, 254 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Archer, Mrs. F. Morse, 570 Warwick Road, Haddonfield, N. J. Archer, Mrs. Pierce, Wynnewood. Armistead, Mr. W. M., 223 S. Aber- deen Ave., Wayne. Armitage, Mrs. Harry, 2506 Chestnut St., Chester. Armstrong, Mr. Dwight L., Armstrong Cork Products Co., Lancaster. Armstrong, Mrs. F. Wallis, Meadow- view Farms, Moorestown, N. J. Armstrong, Miss Lillie E., 147 E. Walnut Lane, Germantown. 28 Armstrong, Mr. William, Box 115, Berwyn. Arnold, Mrs. M. E., Apt. 6-D, 1530 Locust St., Philadelphia. Arthur, Mr. Alec, care of Mrs. F. A. C. Perrine, 413 W. State St., Tren- ton, N. J. Arthur, Mr. B. D., 157 Carpenter Lane, Mt. Airy. Arthur, Mrs. Burch D., 157 Carpenter Lane, Mt. Airy. Ash, Miss Florence, 5636 Pine St., Philadelphia. Ashbridge, Miss Eleanor, Ondawa Farm, Downingtown. Ashbridge, Miss Emily, Rosemont. Ashbridge, Miss Lida, Rosemont. Ashenfelter, Mrs. R. B., 103 Llanfair Rd., Ardmore. Ashmead, Mrs. DufReld, Jr., Cambria Court, St. Davids. Ashton, Mrs. Leonard, Elm Ave., Swarthmore. Ashton, Mrs. Thomas G., Wynnewood. Asplundh, Mrs. Carl H., 3 Dale Rd., Bryn Athyn. Asplundh, Mrs. Lester, Bryn Athyn. Atherholt, Miss Helen E., 8 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park. Atherholt, Mr. Samuel T., Newtown Square. Atkinson, Dr. Daniel A., 132 Oakwood Ave., West View, Pittsburgh. Atkinson, Miss Gertrude, 4106 Locust St., Philadelphia. Atkinson, Miss Julia Y., Haverford. Atkiss, Mr. William, 1145 Herbert St., Frankford. Atlee, Miss Alice, 4105 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Atlee, Mrs. John L., "Wild Acres," Bausman. Atwood, Mrs. John C, Jr., 8301 St. Martins Ave., Chestnut Hill. Audenried, Mrs. Lewis, 1800 DeLancey St., Philadelphia. Austin, Mrs. William L., Rosemont. Babcock, Mrs. R. L., 19 Illinois Ave., Absecon, N. J. Bachman, Miss Catherine, 28 E. 3rd St., Pottstown. Bachman, Mr. Frank H., Jenkintown. Bacon, Mrs. Albert E., 6705 Spring- bank Lane, Mt. Airy. Bacon, Mrs. Ellis W., Wallingford. Badger, Mrs. Daniel, Millstream Farm, Paoli. Baer, Dr. B. F., Jr., Ardmore. Bailey, Mrs. Arthur H., 206 Paxtang Ave., Paxtang, Dauphin Co. Bailey, Mr, James B., Fishers Road, Bryn Mawr. Bailey, Mrs. James B., Fishers Road, Bryn Mawr. Baily, Mr. Albert L., Jr., Westtown. 29 Baily, Mrs. Samuel L., Jr., 124 W. Penn St., Germantown. Bains, Mr. Edward, 1018 Westview St., Philadelphia. Baker, Mrs. R. G., 116 N. 30th St., Camden, N. J. Baker, Mrs. William S., Centerton Road, Masonville P. 0., N. J. Balderston, Mrs. Mary L., Glen Mills. Balderston, Mrs. Robert W., 5840 Stoney Island Ave., Chicago, IlL Baldi, Mrs. Fred. S., 412 W. School House Lane, Germantown. Baldi, Mrs. V. A., S. E. Cor. MacDade Blvd. and Jackson Ave., Collingdale. Baldy, Mrs. J. Montgomery, 712 Cen- tre St., Ashland. Ball, Mrs. Herbert K., 59 Sussex Road, Wynnewood. Ball, Miss Mary L., 901 Glenside Ave., Wyncote. Ballard, Mr. Ellis Ames, City Line & Ridge Road, Roxborough. Ballinger, Mrs. Walter F., 6733 Emlen St., Mt. Airy. Balsley, Mr. Kennith R., 309 College Ave., Swarthmore. Bamford, Mrs. Melvin W., Avenue C, Schuylkill Haven. Bancroft, Mrs. Wilfred, 761 Millbrook La., Haverford. Barclay, Miss Emily, 612 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Barclay, Mrs. William K., Golf House Road, Haverford. Barclay, Mrs. William L., 607 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Bard, Miss Sara, 716 N. 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Baringer, Mrs. Milton F., Bend Ter- race, Wyncote. Barker, Dr. T. Ridgway, R. D. 1, Bridgeport. Barnard, Mrs. Everett P., 1820 S. Rit- tenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Barnes, Mrs. A. C, Latch's Lane, Merion. Barnes, Mrs. Clay T., 3301 W. Penn St., Germantown. Barnes, Mrs. E. H., 113 Warwick Road, Haddonfield, N. J. Barnes, Mrs. E. Y., Yardley. Barnes, Mrs. Harold G., Aberdeen, Md. Barnes, Mrs. John Hampton, Devon. Barnier, Mr. Louis T,, 43 Nippon St., Mt. Airy. Barnitz, Mrs. Eugenia L., 757 Polo Rd., Bryn Mawr. Barr, Mrs. George W., Villa Nova. Barrett, Mrs. W. Elmer, 325 Chestnut St., Mooi-estown, N. J. Barrette, Mr. J. Roy W., 21 Roselawn Ave., Lansdowne. Barrows, Mrs. Donald Byers, Pine- brook, Paoli. Barrows, Mr. Richard L., Haverford. Barrows, Mrs. Richard L., Haverford. Bartlett, Mrs. Herbert, 9 Mecray Lane, Maple Shade, N. J. Bartol, Miss Mary Grier, Green Hill Farms, Overbrook. Barton, Mrs. Harry L., 315 South Ave., Media. Barton, Mrs. Thomas C, Pennway Road, Bryn Mawr. Bartram, Mr. Frank M., Kennett Square, Bartram, Miss Mary S., Kennett Square. Bates, Mrs. D. M., Route 1, Wilming- ton, Del. Bates, Miss Jane, care of Mrs. Charles F. Griffith, Mill Creek Road and Greys Lane, Ardmore. Battles, Mrs. Frank, Newtown Square. Battles, Mr. H. H., 114 S. 12th St., Philadelphia. Baxter, Mrs. J. Barry, Gordon Heights, Wilmington, Del. Baxter, Mr. Samuel N., S. W. Cor. Morris and Abbotsford Roads, Ger- mantown. Bayard, Miss Mabel, "Cleverly House," Rydal. Bayer, Miss Elizabeth, The Tracy, 36th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Bazley, Mrs. J. Robert, 18th and Oak Road, Pottsville. Beadenkopf, Mrs. C. Glen, 1103 Rod- ney St., Wilmington, Del. Beadenkopf, Miss Grace, 1105 Rod- ney St., Wilmington, Del. Beal, Mrs. Fred W., Rose Tree Rd., Media. Beals, Mrs. W. J., 348 Wister Road, Wynnewood. Bean, Mr. R. D., Montgomery Rd., Ambler. Beardwood, Miss Alice, 415 Millers Lane, Wynnewood. Beatty, Mrs. Joshua P., Lima. Beaumont, Mrs. G. Berry, Bryn Mawr. Beatimont, Miss Gwen E., Gwynedd. Bechtel, Mrs. John C, 6608 Wayne Ave., Mt. Airy. Beck, Mrs. Charles W., Jr., Crescent Road, Wyncote. Beck, Mrs. Joseph E., 8361 Cadwalader Rd., Elkins Park. Becker, Dr. C. Fred., 620 Benson St., Camden, N. J. Beckurts, Mrs. Charles L., Haverford. Bein, Miss Amelia E., 1729 Wallace St., Philadelphia. Bein, Mr. Paul A., 1729 Wallace St., Philadelphia. Beitzel, Mrs. George B., 148 Summit Road, Springfield, Media P. O. Belding, Mrs. W. S., Bryn Mawr. Belfield, Mrs. T. Dun, Merion Station. Belknap, Mrs. Maurice G., 311 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. J. Bell, Mr. Edward J., 1428 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Bell, Dr. Thomas, 1520 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Belmont, Mrs. L. A., Latches Lane, Merion. Belville, Mrs. J. E., 5925 Greene St., Germantown. Bencker, Mrs. Ralph B., Haverford. Benkert, Mrs. Harry W., 658 Feme Ave., Drexel Hill. Benn, Mrs. James S., .Wynnewood. Bent, Mrs. Quincy, Weyhill Farms, Bethlehem. Berger, Mr. John, 1640 Ludlow St., Philadelphia. Bergner, Mrs. Amy Brooks, 236 Ken- more Road, Brookline, Upper Darby P. 0. Berlinger, Mrs. Edward F., 1013 Sharpless Road, Melrose Park. Berry, Mrs. H. C, Moylan. Berry, Mrs. Homer H., 816 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia. Berwind, Mrs. Charles G., Radnor. Berwind, Mrs. Henry A., Radnor. Best, Dr. Harry C, Chester Road, Devon. Bettison, Mrs. W. R., "Wilmarlyn," Wayne. Beury, Mrs. Charles E., 112 W. Upsal St., Mt. Airy. Beyea, Miss Nancy D., 728 Greenhill Ave., Wilmington, Del. Bicking, Miss Hannah, E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown. Bicking, Mrs. S. Austin, 223 E. Lan- caster Ave., Downingtown. Biddle, Mrs. Alfred, Newtown Square. Biddle, Mrs. Arthur, 1821 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Biddle, Mrs. Charles, Andalusia. Biddle, Mrs. Charles J., Andalusia, Bucks County. Biddle, Miss Christine W., Route 5, West Chester. Biddle, Mrs. Clement, 1829 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Biddle, Miss Edith F,, 1821 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Biddle, Mrs. H. W., 325 Sycamore Ave., Merion. Biddle, Miss Helen Elsie, 207 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. J. Biddle, Miss Helen R., Haverford Rd., Bryn Mawi'. Biddle, Mr. Hugh Mcllvain, 201 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. J. Biddle, Mrs. Moncure, Valley Forge Farms, Devon. Biddle, Mrs. Robert, 307 Highway, Riverton, N. J. Biddle, Mrs. Robert, 2d, 607 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. J. Bieber, Mrs. H. W., 15 Montgomery Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd. Bieber, Mrs. Victor, Whitehall Road, R. D. 2, Norristown. 30 Biggs, Mrs. John, Jr., Wooddale, Wil- mington, Del. Bikle, Mrs. Henry Wolf, Strafford. Bilhardt, Mr. John Durkin, 5208 Ger- mantown Ave., Philadelphia. Birch, Mrs. Milton, 110 Harvey St., Germantown. Birdsell, Mrs. David C., Church Rd., Enfield, Montgomery Co. Birkinbine, Miss Helen, Highland Ave- nue, Cynwyd. Bishop, Mrs. Richard E., Springbank Lane, Mt. Airy. Bispham, Miss Eleanore, 110 Llanfair Rd., Ardmore. Bissell, Mrs. Alfred E., 1106 Hopeton Road, Wilmington, Del. Black, Mrs. Aria Robbin, 4721 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Black, Miss Marion M,, 1214 Wight- man St., Pittsburgh. Blackburn, Mrs. Hannah C, R. D. 2, Moorestown, N. J. Blackburne, Mrs. John S., Box 111, Rosemont. Blair, Mrs. Burton, Edgewater Park, Burlington Co., N, J. Blakiston, Miss Elmma, Fort Wash- ington. Bland, Mrs. Pascal Brooke, 17 St. Asaph Road, Bala. Bleloch, Mr. James Cameron, 40 E. Mt. Carmel Ave., Glenside. Boas, Mrs. Carl H., 226 Friedensburg Rd., Mt. Penn, Reading, Bobbink, Mr. L. C, East Rutherford, N. J. Bockius, Mr. Morris R., 2107 Fidelity- Philadelphia Trust Bldg., Philadel- phia. Bodine, Mrs. S. Laurence, "Greenbank Farm," Newtown Square. Boenning, Mr. Henry D., 1606 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Boericke, Mrs. Gideon, Wynnewood. Bohlen, Mrs. Woodville, Berwyn. Bok, Mrs. Cary, Skyline Farm, Ard- more. Bok, Mrs. Curtis, 1415 DeLancey St., Philadelphia. Bok, Mrs. Edward, Merlon. Boltz, Miss Clara M., 241 W. Chelten Avenue, Germantown. Bomberger, Miss Jeanette L., 4323 Larchwood Ave., Philadelphia. Bond, Mrs. Charles, 319 Ashbourne Road, Elkins Park. Bond, Miss M. Florence, 345 Harrison Ave., Elkins Park. Bonine, Mrs. Edith Peiffer, 100 Surrey Rd., Melrose Park. Bonnaffon, Mrs. Edmund W., 19 St. Paul Rd., Ardmore. Bonnell, Mrs. Henry H., Ill W. More- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Bonner, Mr. J. A., 9301 Bustleton Ave., Bustleton. Bonnet, Mrs. Frederic, 9 DuPont St., Ridley Park. Bonsall, Mrs. Rodney T., 8106 Semi- nole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Boon, Dr. D. J., 3131 W. Penn St., Philadelphia. Borden, Mrs. Shirley, Greendale Farm, Media. Borie, Mrs. Beauveau, Abington, Montgomery County. Borie, Mr. C. L., Jr., Architects' Bldg., 17th and Sansom Sts., Philadelphia. Borzell, Mrs. F. F., 4940 Penn St., Frankford. Bostock, Mrs. Mary E., South Ave., Bryn Athyn. Bottomley, Mrs. Harold S., 16 Spring- field Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Boulter, Mrs. Harry, Wayne Manor, Germantown. Bovard, Mrs. H, F., Seminary Ave., Greensburg. Bowen, Mrs. Charles R., Folcroft Ave., Folcroft. Bowker, Miss Anna E., 15 Egg Harbor Road, Hammonton, N. J. Boyce, Mr. J. A., E. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Boyd, Mrs. Edward H., Orchard Way, Merion Station. Boyd, Mrs. L. T., 806 Blackshire Road, Wilmington, Del. Boyer, Mr. Daniel B., Boyertown. Bradbury, Miss Emilie, 221 Winona Ave., Germantown. Bradbury, Mrs. Samuel, Jr., 151 W. Coulter St., Germantown. Bradley, Mrs. William H., 407 N. Front St., Harrisburg. Brakeley, Mr, George A., 300 W. High- land Ave., Chestnut Hill, Branson, Mrs, J, Howard, Huntington School, Devon. Braun, Mrs. John F., 380 N. Highland Ave., Merion. Brazier, Miss E. Josephine, Kenne- bunkport, Maine. Brazier, Mr. H. Bartol, Haverford, Brazier, Mrs, H, Bartol, P. 0, Box 41, Haverford, Brearley, Dr. Peter H., 1206-7 Otis Bldg., 112 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, Brecht, Mrs, A, H., 537 E. Levering- ton Ave., Roxborough. Breck, Mr. Luther Adams, Jr., 23 "T" Wharf, Boston, Mass. Breck, Mrs. William R., Rosemont. Bregy, Mrs. Louis, Merion Manor, Merion Station. Brehman, Mrs. A. Balfour, 535 Grey- stone Rd., Merion Station. Bremer, Mrs. Walter T., N. Rose Lane and Hillbrook Road, Haverford. Brengle, Mr. Henry G., Radnor. Brenneman, Mrs. J. E., Wister and Roberts Roads, Ardmore. Brewer, Mrs. Robert W., P. O. Box 152, Jenkintown. 31 Bright, Miss Mary DeHaven, 215 Wal- nut Ave., Wayne. Bright, Mrs. Stanley, Cedar Hill Farm, Reading. Bringhurst, Mr. Edward, "Rockwood," Wilmington, Del. Brinton, Mrs. Joseph Hill, 414 S. Car- lisle St., Philadelphia. Brinton, Miss Kitty, The Barclay, 18th and Rittenhouse Sts., Philadelphia. Brinton, Miss Mary H., Jr., R. D. 4, West Chester. Brinton, Mrs. Robert F., "The Lin- dens," West Chester. Britt, Miss Rose A., Rydal. Broadhead, Mrs. E. L., 6403 N. Eleventh St., Philadelphia. Brock, Mrs. John W., Jr., Edgemont. Brockie, Mrs. Arthur H., Box 4359, Chestnut Hill. Bromer, Mrs. Ralph S., 629 Pembroke Road, Bryn Mawr. Bromley, Mrs. Charles S., Merion Square Road, Gladwyne. Brooke, Miss Cornelia L., 1809 DeLan- cey Place, Philadelphia. Brooke, Mrs. Francis M., Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr. Brooke, Mrs. H. Carroll, 105 Lismore Ave., Glenside. Brooks, Mr. Conrad F., 149 E. Coulter St., Germantown. Broomall, Mrs. Harold S., 215 Allen Lane, Mt. Airy. Brower, Mrs. Marion C, 140 Guernsey Rd., Swarthmore. Brown, Mrs. Andrew V., Bryn Athyn. Brown, Miss Anna Haines, 5927 Drexel Rd., Overbrook. Brown, Mrs. Charles T., 618 Chester Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Brown, Mrs. Clarence M., Cheltenham Rd., Chestnut Hill. Brown, Mrs. E. H., Jr., 5720 Wissa- hickon Ave., Germantown. Brown, Mrs. Edwin Hobart, 2930 Bel- mont Ave., Ardmore. Brown, Mrs. George H., 104 Sunset Lane, Haverford. Brown, Miss Helen M., 8427 Prospect Ave., Chestnut Hill. Brown, Mr. Herbert, 107 W. Moreland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Brown, Mrs. Herbert, 107 W. Moreland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Brown, Mrs. J. Howard, 131 Edge- wood Road, Ardmore. Brown, Mrs. John A., Jr., Wayne. Brown, Mrs. Marvin L., 478 W. Man- heim St., Philadelphia. Brown, Mrs. Medford J., Haywood Road, Merion. Brown, Mrs. Richard P., 3830 Oak Rd., East Falls P. 0. Brown, Mrs. Robert M., 7819 Linden Rd., Chestnut Hill. Brown, Mrs. Samuel B., Box 67, Hav- erford. Brown, Mrs. T. Wistar, 3d, 5920 City Ave., Overbrook. Brown, Mrs. William Findlay, Thomas Road and City Line, Chestnut Hill. Browne, Mrs. Frank A., 215 S. Aber- deen Ave., Wayne. Browne, Mrs. Joseph M., 529 Pine Road, Sewickley. Brownell, Miss Eleanor 0., Bryn Mawr. Browning, Mrs. Edward, Rosemont. Bruneel, Mr. C. J., 506 Beechwood Lane, Narberth. Brunner, Mrs. Charles H., 550 Hamil- ton St., Norristown. Brunner, Mrs. F. Sands, 6033 Webster St., Philadelphia. Brunot, Miss P. M., Kitchens Lane, Mt. Airy. Bryan, Mr, James E., 124 S. Spring- field Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Bryans, Mrs. H. B., Germantown Pike, R. D. 3, Norristown. Bryant, Mrs. Milton, 218 Dickinson Ave., Swarthmore. Buck, Mr. C. A., Prospect Ave., Beth- lehem. Buck, Mrs C. Douglas, "Buena Vista," Wilmington, Del. Buck, Mrs. Stuart W., Cloverly Lane, Rydal. Buckelew, Miss Ellen Cannon, 1610 Broome St., Wilmington, Del. Buckenham, Dr. J. E. Burnett, 8601 Germantown Ave., Chestnut HilL Buckey, Mrs. E. M., 3904 Henry Ave., Philadelphia. Buckey, Mrs. Elmer D., 3221 Queen Lane, Philadelphia. Buckman, Mrs. A. S., 6154 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. Buckman, Miss Ida, 13 Shirley Road, Narberth. Buckman, Mrs. Louis, 8 E. Court St., Doylestown. Bucks, Mr. Robert D., 515 N. 21st St., Allentown. Budd, Mrs. Edward G., 157 Pelham Road, Mt. Airy. Buell, Miss Frances M., Bryn Athyn. Bullitt, Mrs. O, H., Whitemarsh. Bullock, Mr. Benjamin, 110 Edgewood Road, Ardmore. Bullock, Mrs. Benjamin, 110 Edge- wood Road, Ardmore. Bullock, Mrs. Horace, P. O. Box 207, Ardmore. Bunting, Mrs. J, Gibson Mcllvain, 302 Powell Road, Ardmore. Burk, Mrs. William Cooper, 42 E. Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. Burns, Mr. William H., 515 Hensel Road, Narberth. Burpee, Mr. David, 18th St. and Hunt- ing Park Ave., Philadelphia. Burpee, Mr. W. Atlee, Jr., 18th St. and Hunting Park Ave., Philadelphia. 32 Bursk, Mr. R. G., 216 S. Front St., Philadelphia. Burt, Miss Edith B., Osborne St., Roxborough. Burt, Miss M. Theodora, Osborne St., Roxborough. Burton, Mrs. Alfred, 1003 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Bush, Miss Iretta J. P., 7915 Mont- gomery Ave., Elkins Park. Bush-Brown, Mr. James, Quarry Farm, Ambler. Bush-Brown, Mrs. James, Quarry Farm, Ambler. Butcher, Mrs. Howard, Jr., Llanfair and Wister Roads, Ardmore. Butcher, Miss Margaret, Llanfair and Wister Roads, Ardmore. Butler, Mrs. Edgar H., W. Sunset Ave., Chestnut Hill. Butler, Mrs. George Thomas, 513 W. Front St., Media. Butler, Mrs. John L,, Rydal. Butler, Miss Mary, 2127 Green St., Philadelphia. Butler, Mrs. W. C. M., Conyngham. Butler, Mrs. William, Jr., 424 N. High St., West Chester. Butler, Mrs. William H., 7105 Greene St., Mt. Airy. Butterworth, Mrs. J. Ebert, 7907 Cre- feld St., Chestnut Hill. Butterworth, Mrs. J. Warner, 12 Waterman Ave., Chestnut Hill. Byers, Mrs. G. Edward, 30 W. Bells Mill Road, Chestnut Hill. Byers, Mrs. J. H., 330 S. 46th St., Philadelphia. Cabeen, Mrs. F. Von A., Old Cones- toga Road, Devon. Cadbury, Miss Eleanor A., 19 S. White Hall Road, Norristown. Cadbury, Mrs. William E., R. D. 2, West Chester. Cadwalader, Mrs. John, Jr., 2100 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Cadwalader, Mrs. John, Jr., Militia Hill Road, R. D. 4, Norristown. Cadwalader, Mrs. Lambert, Villa Nova. Cadwalader, Miss M. H,, 2102 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Cadwalader, Miss Sophia, 2102 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Calcott, Mrs. William S., 304 East Ave., Woodstown, N. J. Caldwell, Mrs. J. Emott, Bryn Mawr. Calhoun, Mrs. Anne E., 125 5th Ave., Haddon Heights, N. J. Calvert, Mrs. Alan, 310 Pembroke Ave., St. Davids. Calvert, Mrs. Amelia S., Appletop Farm, Box 14, Cheyney. Calwell, Mrs. Charles S., Westview and Wissahickon Aves., Mt. Airy P. 0. Cameron, Mrs. A. T., 408 Jericho Rd., Abington. Cameron, Mrs. James M., 319 N. Front St., Harrisburg. Cameron, Mrs. S. P., 2927 Midvale Ave., Germantown. Campbell, Mr. Alfred M., Straflford. Campbell, Mrs. Alfred M., Rosemont. Campbell, Mrs. I. H., 1624 Hartranft Drive, Norristown. Campbell, Mrs. J. S., 422 N. Main St., Butler. Campbell, Mrs. John T., Cassatt Ave- nue, Berwyn. Campbell, Miss M. Helen, 314 Shade- land Ave., Drexel Hill. Campbell, Mrs. Wilson A., Creek Drive, Sewickley. Campion, Miss Anna Louise, Box 82, Swarthmore. Candoni, Mrs. Blanche W., 419 W. Orange St., Lancaster. Canizares, Mrs. A., 305 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne. Cannon, Mr. Harry L., Bridgeville, Del. Capelle, Mrs. George S., Jr., 1303 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del. Capp, Mr. Seth Bunker, P. O. Box 2^54, Philadelphia. Caprano, Mrs. Julius J., 419 Morgan Ave., Palmyra, N. J. Cardeza, Mr. T. D. M., 305 W. Chest- nut Hill Ave, Chestnut Hill. Cardeza, Mrs. T. D. M., 305 W. Chest- nut Hill Ave., Chestnut Hill. Carels, Mrs. Robert E., Riverview Road, Swarthmore. Carey, Miss E. A., Box 313, Kennett Square. Carnwath, Mrs. James, Jr., 309 Wash- ington Lane, Jenkintown. Carnwath, Miss Margaret, Cedar Rd., Elkins Park. Carpenter, Mrs. J. S., Jr., 1335 How- ard Ave., Pottsville. Carpenter, Mrs. John T., Radnor. Carpenter, Mr. Rhys, R.F.D. 2, Down- ingtown. Carpenter, Mrs. Rhys, R. F. D. 2, Downingtown. Carpenter, Mrs. W. S., Jr., 18th and Rising Sun Lane, Wilmington, Del. Carr, Mr. Arthur H., Trevose, Bucks Co. Carr, Mrs. Campbell M., 116 Argyle Road, Ardmore. Carr, Mrs. Harry C, Rosemont. carr, Mrs. James Wilson, Holicong, Bucks County. Carrere, Miss Anna M., R. F. D. 2, Havre de Grace, Md. Carroll, Mr. E. A., Box 203, Lansdale. Carson, Dr. John B., 1802 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Carson, Mrs. John B., 1802 Pine St., Philadelphia. Carson, Mrs. John T., 5344 Magnolia Ave., Germantown. 33 Carson, Mr. Joseph, Winsford Road, Bryn Mawr. Carson, Miss Mildred Lee, 77 Price Ave., Lansdowne. Carson, Mrs. Robert J., 147 E. Coulter St., Germantown. Carter, Mrs. Charles L., Willow Dell Farm, Gwynedd Valley. Carter, Mrs. James N., "Westover," Chadds Ford, Delaware Co. Carter, Mrs, John M,, Hilldale Road, Villa Nova. Carter, Mrs. Louis M., Lock Box 58, Fallsington, Bucks Co. Carter, Miss Sarah J,, 57 S. Eagle Road, Manoa, Upper Darby. Cary, Mrs. C. Reed, Ellet Lane and Wissahickon Ave., Mt. Airy. Cary, Mrs. Charles J., Dresher, Montg. Co. Cary, Mrs. D. E., 204 E. King St., Lancaster. Cary, Mrs. Frank Wing, Dresher, Montg. Co. Carver, Mr. Milton D., Jr., Fricks, Bucks Co. Case, Miss Marion Roby, Hillcrest Gardens, Weston, Mass. Casey, Mr. Bertram T., National Park, N. J. Cassedy, Mr. Frank W., 545 Shade- land Ave., Drexel Hill. Cassel, Miss Annie R% Cedars. Gate, Mrs. Stobo, 217 Wood St., Bur- lington, N. J. Catlin, Mrs. Sheldon, Eagle Road, Radnor. Cavendish, Mrs. George S. G., Cedar Hill Farm, Media. Caverly, Mrs. R. B., 6613 Emlen St., Mt. Airy. Chaffee, Mrs. Carl H., 407 Swarth- more Ave., Swarthmore. Chamberlain, Mr. John R., St. Davids. Chamberlin, Mrs. William B., Torres- dale. Chambers, Mrs. Alexander, Newtown, Bucks Co. Chambers, Miss Mary B., Newtown, Bucks County. Chambers, Mr. Samuel H., Penna. Inst. for the Deaf, Mt. Airy. Chance, Mrs. Edwin M., Haverford. Chandlee, Mrs. Edw. E., Moylan. Chandler, Mrs. H. R., P. 0. Box 324, Kennett Square. Chaplin, Mrs. Charles C. G., Haver- ford. Chapman, Mrs. Joseph C, 544 St. Da- vids Road, St. Davids. Chapman, Mr. Philip J., The Drake, 1512 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Chapman, Mrs. Richard D., Pond Rd., R. F. D. 1, Bethlehem. Chase, Miss A. E., 615 W. Hortter St., Germantown. Chase, Miss Clara T., 261 S. Van Pelt St., Philadelphia. Chase, Mrs. Clement E., 410 Oak Lane, Wayne. Chase, Mrs. Philip, 125 Levering Mill Road, Cynwyd. Chase, Mrs. Randall, 8241 Crittenden St., Chestnut Hill. Chase, Mr. Samuel Hart, 557 Pelham Road, Mt. Airy. Chauncey, Mrs. G. Sheldon, 181 Wy- oming Ave., South Orange, N. J. Chesterman, Mrs. Frank E., 510 Up- land Ave., Noble, Jenkintown P. O. Cheston, Mrs. Charles S., Whitemarsh. Cheston, Mrs. Edward M., Ambler. Cheston, Mrs. J. Hamilton, Penllyn P. O. Cheston, Mrs. James, 4th, Dawesfield, Ambler. Cheston, Mrs. Morris, Whitpain Farm, Ambler. Chew, Mrs. Benjamin, "Vanor," Rad- nor. Chew, Miss Elizabeth B., Cliveden, Germantown. Chew, Mrs. J. Weer, 112 E. Maple Avenue, Merchantville, N. J. Chew, Mrs. Oswald, "Maidstone," Radnor. Chew, Miss Phyllis, 97 W. Broadway, Salem, N. J. Childs, Mrs. David P., 300 E. Maple Avenue, Merchantville, N. J. Chillas, Miss Marie de la R., 233 Wi- nona Ave., Germantown. Chilton, Mrs. James W., 3312 N. Smedley St., Philadelphia. Chittick, Mr. Guy A., Oak Hill Road, Bala. C>':risman, Mr. C. S., 435 W. Miner St., West Chester. Christy, Mrs. William B., 50 W. Mer- maid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Church, Mrs. Herbert, Villa Nova. Clair, Mrs. Maurice, 12 N. Ljmnwood Ave., Glenside. Clamer, Mrs. G. H., 128 Woodland Road, Asheville, N. C. Clark, Mrs. Charles Davis, 2215 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Clark, Mrs. Clarence H., P. O. Box 146, Bryn Mawr. Clark, Miss Darthela, Stenton and Ab- ington Aves., Chestnut Hill. Clark, Mrs. Frederick L., Wissahickon Ave. and Stafford St., Germantown. Clark, Mr. Garrett V., 4404 Locust St., Philadelphia. Clark, Mrs. Garrett V., 4404 Locust St., Philadelphia. Clark, Mr. Herbert L., Golf House Road, Haverford. Clark, Mrs. J. H., 101 Maple Avenue, Wyncote. Clark, Mrs. Lewis N., R. D. 1, Hatboro. Clark, Mrs. Roy E., 62 Lodges Lane, Bala-Cynwyd. Clark, Mrs. Sydney P., Moreland Ave. and Cherokee St., Chestnut Hill. 34 Clarke, Miss Elizabeth, 218 Union Ave., Delanco, N. J. Clattenburg, Mrs. A. Eklwin, St. John's Rectory, Bala-Cynwyd. Clay, Mrs. Curtis L., 122 Valley Rd., Ardniore. Clemens, Mrs. Frank G., 8212 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Clemens, Miss Isabella C, 220 Matti- son Ave., Ambler, Clemens, Miss Katherine V., 1701 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia. Clemens, Dr. Thomas J., 908 Elverson Bldg., Broad and Callowhill Sts., Philadelphia. Clemens, Mrs. Thomas J., Southamp- ton. Clement, Mrs. Allen B., 224 Washing- ton Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Clement, Miss Eleanor Ann, Rodman and Runnymede Aves., Jenkintown. Clement, Miss Grace Ann, The Kenil- worth, Germantown. Clement, Mrs. M. W., Box 508, Rose- mont. Clement, Mrs. Samuel M., Jr., The Kenilworth, Germantown. Cliff, Miss Anna Search, Langhome Manor, Bucks County. Cliffe, Mrs. W. R., 127 Harvey St., Germantown. Clifford, Mrs. Arthur E., 171 Hans- berry St., Germantown. Clifford, Miss Marion, 713 Mahantongo St., Potts ville. Cline, Miss Gertrude, 218 E. Philadel- phia St., York. Clothier, Miss Caroline, "The Farm House," Wynnewood. Clothier, Mrs. Clarkson, Haverford. Clothier, Mrs. Isaac H., Jr., Radnor. "Clothier, Mrs. Morris L., Villa Nova. Clothier, Mrs. William J., Valley Hill Farm, Valley Forge. Cloud, Miss Beatrice M.-P., Ardmore. Cloud, Miss Dorothy M.-P., Ardmore. Cloud, Miss Katharine M-P., Ardmore. Clutz, Mrs. Frank H., 159 Broadway, Gettysburg. Coale, Miss Edith S., 100 Lippincott Ave., Riverton, N. J. Coale, Mrs. James S., 805 Thomas Ave., Riverton, N. J. Coates, Mrs. J. Lloyd, Golf House Road, Ardmore. Cobb, Mr. E. F., 510 Merwyn Road, Narberth. Cochran, Mrs. William Allison, Wyn- cote. Cochrane, Miss Constance, 7103 Penn- sylvania Ave., Bywood, Upper Darby. Cockrill, Mrs. E. H., 307 Grayling Road, Narberth. Coffin, Mrs. Charles F., 417 S. Edge- mont St., Media. Coho, Mrs. Eugene P., Cold Spring Farm, Ambler. Coho, Mrs. Ralph W., 611 College Ave., Lancaster. Coit, Miss Blanche, 402 S. Burrowes St., State College. Coleman, Mrs. G. Dawson, Box 516, Rosemont. Coles, Dr. Charlesanna B., 5311 Balti- more Ave., Philadelphia. Coles, Miss Mary R., 2010 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Coles, Mr. O. Hammond, 508 Midvale Avenue, Germantown. Colfelt, Mr. Brinton W., Conestoga Rd., Ithan. Colket, Mrs. C. Howard, The Ritten- house Plaza, Philadelphia. Colket, Mrs. Tristram C, 2d, Villa Nova. Collier, Mrs. C. B., 319 W. Moreland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Collingwood, Miss Jennie, 3941 Locust St., Philadelphia. Collins, Mr. A. M., 2029 Barry St., Wilmington, Del. Collins, Mrs. Alan C, Rydal. Collins, Mrs. Lester, Moorestown, Bur- lington County, N. J. Collins, Mrs. Philip S., Wyncote. Collins, Mrs. William J., Box 64, Wyn- cote. Colton, Mrs. Ralph L., "Harriton House," Old Gulph Road, Bryn Mawr. Comegys, Miss Amy, 4205 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Comly, Mr. Edward T., Yardley Road, Morrisville. Comly, Mrs. Edward T., Yardley Rd., Morrisville. Conard, Miss Elizabeth, Chew Lane, Radnor. Condit, Mrs. Kenneth H., 34 Westcott Road, Princeton, N. J. Connelly, Miss Gladys, "Wayside," Cornwells. Conner, Mrs. J. Barrett, 320 Cynwyd Road, Cynwyd. Connett, Mrs. Harold, N. Rose Lane, Haverford. Conover, Mr. Elmer M., 179 Fern Ave., Collingswood, N. J. Conrad, Mrs. William Y., Devon. Constable, Mr. Martin L., 4941 N. 6th St., Philadelphia. Converse, Mrs. Bernard T., Rosemont. Converse, Miss Mary E,, Rosemont. Conway, Miss Florence H., 83 S. Lans- downe Ave., Lansdowne. Conwell, Mr. H. Ernest, Milton, Del. Conyngham, Mrs. William H., 130 South River St., Wilkes-Barre. Cook, Mrs. C. P., N. Rockland Road, Merion. Cook, Mrs. Edmund Garretson, Pen- nock Terrace, Lansdowne. Cook, Mrs. Gustavus W., Wynnewood. Cook, Mrs. Homer C, 729 Sixth Ave., Steubenville, Ohio. 35 Cooke, Mrs. Jay, Stenton Ave, and New St., Chestnut Hill. Cooke, Mrs. Morris Llewellyn, St. Georges Road, Mt. Airy. Cooper, Mrs. C. Stuart, 133 Spring- field Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Cooper, Mrs. L. N., R. D. 2, Lansdale. Cooper, Mrs. Stuart, 54 W. Upsal St., Mt. Airy. Cooper, Mrs. Walter I., Bryn Mawr. Cope, Mrs. Jesse K., Jr., 818 Derstine Ave., Lansdale. Copeland, Mrs. Lammot duPont, Greenville, Del. Corl, Mrs. W. F., Pine Rd., Rosemont. Cornelis, Mr. Arthur, 47 W. Pomona St., Germantown. Cornelius, Mrs. William A., 433 High St., Bethlehem. Comman, Mrs. Ralph M., 123 High- land Ave., Cynwyd. Cornogg, Mrs. Margaret S., General Delivery, West Chester. Corson, Mrs. Edward F., Maple Hill, Plymouth Meeting. Corson, Mrs. George, Plymouth Meet- ing. Corson, Mrs. George C, Box 96, Wyn- cote. Corson, Mrs, N. W,, 367 Brookway, Merion, Coster, Mr. William H., Jr., Arlington Hall, Benjamin Franklin P. 0. Box 583, Washington, D. C. Coulter, Miss Margaret, Box 218, Greensburg. Coulter, Mrs, Richard, Hawksworth, Greensburg. Cover, Mrs. Thomas, Jr., Morris Ave,, Bryn Mawr. Covington, Mrs. J, Harry, 2320 Wy- oming Ave., Washington, D. C. Cox, Mrs, E, H,, 8 Whittier Place, Swarthmore. Cox, Mrs, T. B., Wyncote, Coxe, Mrs. A. B., Paoli. Coxe, Mrs. Charles Edmund, Malvern. Coxe, Mrs, Francis Travis, 701 Sussex Rd., Wynnewood, Coxe, Mrs. Henry B., Penllyn. Coxhead, Mrs. William C, W. Ridley Avenue, Ridley Park. Cozens, Miss Henrietta, "Cogshill," Allen Lane, Philadelphia. Craft, Mrs. E, F,, Hague Mill Road, Ambler. Craig, Mr. James A., 125 W. Wyneva St., Philadelphia. Grain, Miss Alice, South Ave., Secane. Grain, Mrs. Edmund C, 6345 Over- brook Ave,, Overbrook. Crane, Miss Maia, Carson College, Flourtown. Crane, Mrs. Theron I., Bellevue-Strat- ford Hotel, Broad and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia. Cranmer, Mr. Walter S., 705 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy. Cranmer, Mrs. Walter S., 705 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy. Craven, Mrs. D. S., Wisteria Lodge, Salem, N. J. Craven, Mr. William H., 515 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Crawford, Mrs, Alan, White Horse Road, Devon. Crawford, Mrs, J, P, Wickersham, 4012 Pine St., Philadelphia. Crawford, Mrs. J. Paul, Old Gulph Road, Rosemont. Crawford, Mr. John, care Mr, John Barnes Townsend, Radnor. Crawford, Mrs. L. B,, 201 Mt, Vernon Ave,, Haddonfield, N. J, Crawford, Mrs, R. H., 220 W, Upsal Street, Germantown. Crellin, Miss Elizabeth E,, 1005 Vine St,, Scranton, Cresson, Mrs. Caleb, Oakland Hall, Oaks. Cresson, Miss Caroline C, 721 Sandy St., Norristown. Cresson, Miss Nancy Corson, 721 Sandy St., Norristown, Cresswell, Mrs. Charles T., 15 W, Bells Mill Road, Chestnut Hill, Cridland, Mrs, Robert B,, P. 0. Box 149, Glenside, Crittenden, Mrs. William J., Shields, Allegheny County, Crofoot, Mr, George E., 4535 Pine St,, Philadelphia. Crosman, Miss Elizabeth, Oaks, Montg, Co, Crosman, Mrs, J, H,, Jr,, Glenn Road, Ardmore. Crothers, Miss Alice P., Box 4323, Chestnut Hill. Crowder, Miss Emma A., W. Upsal St., Mt. Airy. Crowell, Mrs. G. R., 828 Carpenter Lane, Mt. Airy. Crowninshield, Mrs. F. B., Montchanin, Del. Crowther, Miss Edna M., 218 Sumac St., Wissahickon, Crozer, Mrs. George K., Jr., Box C, Wynnewood, Montg. Co. Cullinan, Mrs. Thomas H,, 155 Union A.VG B3.1& Culver,' Mrs,* Theodore B., 201 Green- wood Ave., Jenkintown. Cunningham, Mr, John W,, 266 W, 3d St,, Moorestown, N. J. Cunningham, Mrs, R. G,, 3930 Henry Ave., East Falls, Cunningham, Mrs, Robert L., 131 Rhoads Ave., Haddonfield, N. J, Curll, Mrs. Harold E., 1335 Locust St., Norristown. Curtis, Miss Antoinette, 930 Center Ave., Reading, Curtis, Mrs, Melville G,, Belmont Ave, and Llanberris Road, Bala-Cynwyd, 86 Curwen, Mr. George F., Villa Nova. daCosta, Mrs. C. Alexander, Paoli. Dager, Mrs. Mary T., R. D. 1, Hat- boro. Dale, Mr. Edward C, Bryn Mawr. Dam, Mrs. Loring, 422 W. Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Dana, Mrs. Arthur R., 303 Elm Ave- nue, Swarthmore. Dannenbaum, Mr. Harry M., 6315 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia. Dannenbaum, Mrs. Harry M., 6315 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia. Dannenbaum, Mrs. Walter, 1011 Sharpless Ave., Melrose Park. Darlington, Miss Elsie W., Darling. Darlington, Miss Isabel, 16 E. Market St., West Chester. Darlington, Dr. Lewis W., 24 Pennock Terrace, Lansdowne. Darlington, Mrs. Percy Smedley, 418 N. High St., West Chester. Darlington, Mr. Richard, Radnor. Dauner, Mrs. E. J., 1606 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia. David, Mrs. Edward W., 310 Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. David, Miss Eleanor W., 526 Ellet St., Mt. Airy. Davies, Miss Anna F., The College Settlement, 433 Christian St., Phila- delphia. Davies, Mrs. John R., Jr., 2 E. Chest- nut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Davis, Mrs. Carroll P., Shields. Davis, Miss Constance I., 2433 N. 52nd St., Philadelphia. Davis, Miss E. Jennie, Valley Forge. Davis, Miss Ethel R., 5604 Gainor Road, Wynnefield. Davis, Mrs. Howard B. F., 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown. Davis, Mrs. J. W., Downingtown. Davis, Mrs. Lena M., Bryn Athyn. Davis, Miss M. Carrie, 7 Thorn Street, Sewickley. Davis, Miss Natalie H., 152 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Davison, Miss Mary Louise, Edge- worth, Sewickley. Davison, Mrs. William M., Jr., 90 W. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Davoly, Mrs. Edward N., 7207 Wayne Ave., Bywood, Del. Co. Dawson, Mr. George Walter, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Dormitories, Philadelphia. Day, Mrs. Alan Lowther, Warrenton, Va. Day, Mrs. Charles, St. George's Road, Mt. Airy. Deacon, Miss Bessie, 15 Oak Ave., Sharon Hill. Deacon, Mrs. G. H., McKean Ave. and Clapier St., Germantown. Deakin, Mrs. Edward W., "Colling- wood Farm," Washington Crossing. Deal, Miss Emma, 308 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne. Dean, Mrs. J. Simpson, Montchanin, Del. Dearden, Mr. Henry, 7963 Eastern Ave., Chestnut Hill. Dechert, Mrs. Robert, R. F. D. No. 1, Bridgeport. Decker, Mr. Robert, R. D. No. 3, E. Stroudsburg. Deemer, Mr. H. W. Scott, 10 S. Fair- way Road, North Hills. Degener, Dr. Lyda May, "Barryhurst," Holland, Bucks County. Degerberg, Mr. Alfred F., Bethlehem Pike, Ambler. Degn, Mrs. William L., Hope Lodge, Whitemarsh. DeGroat, Mrs. H. R., 1913 Diamond St., Philadelphia. DeHoupt, Mrs. John, North Wales. Deininger, Miss Meta, Carson College, Flourtown. DeLaCour, Mrs. J. Carl, 603 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. J. DeLangh, Miss Mary D., 5116 Greene St., Germantown. DeLangh, Mrs. William F., 5116 Greene St., Germantown. Delaplaine, Miss Meribah, Merion Sta- tion. Denfeld, Miss Mary A., care of Mrs. Charles Day, St. Georges Rd., Chest- nut Hill. Denham, Mrs. W. B., 910 duPont Rd., Wilmington, Del. Denison, Mr. Cyril W., 612 Upland Ave., Noble, Jenkintown P. O. Denney, Mrs. Florence W., 323 Pem- broke Road, Cynwyd. Denney, Mrs. Reuben Eugene, 7821 Park Ave., Elkins Park. Dennison, Miss Ruth, Box 32, Madi- son, N. J. DePue, Miss Georgia E., 5515 Wissa- hickon Ave., Apt. D-201, German- town. DePuy, Miss Clara, 312 Florence Ave., Jenkintown. Dershuck, Mrs. John R., 219 N. Laurel St., Hazleton. deSchauensee, Baron Rodolphe Meyer, Devon. deSchaunesee, Baroness Rodolphe Meyer, Devon. Detrixhe, Mrs. Julius W., Jr., 1505 W. Broad St., Bethlehem. Detweiler, Miss Sylvia E., 550 River- view Road, Swarthmore. Deveney, Mr. James, Holmes, Del. Co. DeVorsey, Mrs. B. F., Brookhaven Road, Media. 37 Dewees, Mrs. Lovett, Sweetwater Farm, Glen Mills, Del. Co. DeWolf, Mrs. Halsey, 305 Brook St., Providence, R. I. Dick, Mr. J. Nelson, 6387 Sherwood Road, Philadelphia. Dick, Mrs. William A., 8240 Critten- den St., Chestnut HilL Dickey, Mrs. Charles D., Jr., Chestnut Hill. Dickey, Miss Eloise P., The Barclay, 18th and Rittenhouse Square, Phila- delphia. Dickson, Miss Agnes MacA., "Hill-0- Skye," Wawa. Diemand, Mr. John A., 1600 Arch St., Philadelphia. Dietrich, Mrs. W. C, 474 Oriole St., Roxborough, Dill, Mrs. William A., 902 S. 48th St., Philadelphia. Dillenbeck, Mrs. Clark, 518 E. Mer- maid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Dillon, Mrs. Edward Saunders, Con- shohocken State and Centennial Roads, Penn Valley, Narberth P. O. Dilworth, Mrs. J. Dale, "Cravenhurst," Salem, N. J. Dilworth, Mrs. John B., 30 Maple Ave., Highland Park, Upper Darby P. O. Dimmit, Mr. Luther M., 7 Swarth- more Place, Swarthmore. Dingee, Mrs. J. H., 1530 Locust St., Philadelphia. Dintenfass, Mrs. Benjamin, 1034 W. Upsal St., Mt. Airy. Disque, Mr. Robert C, Strath Haven Ave., Swarthmore. Disston, Mrs. Jacob S., Chestnut Hill. Disston, Mrs. William, Norwood Ave., Chestnut Hill. Dixon, Mrs. Edward C, 6463 Sher- wood Road, Overbrook. Dixon, Mr. F. E., 1411 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Dixon, Mrs. F. E., Elkins Park. Dixon, Mrs. J, Shipley, Box 404, Villa Nova. Doak, Mrs. S. E., 436 W. School Lane, Germantown. Doane, Mrs. Joseph C, 617 W. Hortter St., Philadelphia. Dodds, Mr. John H., 344 Walnut St., Jenkintown. Dodge, Mr. Donald D., 32 Summit St., Chestnut Hill. Dodson, Mrs. Leonidas, Swarthmore Ave. and Baltimore Pike, Route 3, Media. Dohan, Mrs. Joseph M., Darling P. O., Delaware County. D'Olier, Mrs. Franklin, 98 Madison Ave., Morristown, N. J. Donaghy, Mr. Albert, Jr., 7811 Chel- wynde Ave., Philadelphia. Donahue, Miss Catherine A., 405 Lafa- yette Ave., Collingdale. Donaldson, Mrs. Earl E., P. 0. Box 25, Mendenhall. Donaldson, Mrs. Henry H., 4417 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Donnaldson, Miss Helen, Mt. Pleasant Ave., Ambler. Donner, Mr. William H., Villa Nova. Donner, Mrs. William H., Villa Nova. Doolittle, Mr. Fred. J., Oak Lane. Dooner, Mrs. Richard T., 523 Kenil- worth Road, Merion. Dorman, Mrs. H. P., 25 Essex Street, Lansdowne. Dorrance, Mrs. Arthur C, Dodds Lane, Ardmore. Dorrance, Mrs. John T., "Woodcrest," Radnor. Dothard, Mrs. Robert J., 221 Wynne- wood Ave., Narberth. Dothard, Mrs. W. I., 417 Haverford Road, Narberth. Dougherty, Miss Helen, The Pines, Germantown. Doughten, Mrs. William W., 228 S. 20th St., Philadelphia. Douglas, Mrs. Edward V., 30 W. Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Douglass, Mrs. Lois H., 6745 Greene St., Mt. Airy. Downs, Mrs. Norton, Mt. Pleasant Road, Bryn Mawr. Downs, Dr. T. McKean, Mt. Pleasant Ave., Bryn Mawr. Drain, Mr. Charles S., Jr., 873 N. 21st St., Philadelphia. Drain, Mrs. Charles S., Jr., 873 N. 21st St., Philadelphia. Draper, Mrs. J. A., Jr., Pennsylvania Ave. and Tower Road, Wilmington, Del. Drayton, Mrs. Frederick R., Villa Nova. Dreer, Mrs. William F., Box 106, Rose- mont. Drew, Mrs. Ernest C, Box 331, Nar- berth. Drew, Mr. Thomas B., Kennett Square. Drew-Bear, Mrs. Jessie, care The Lon- don Flower Shop, 1800 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Drexel, Mr. George W. C, 350 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia. Drinker, Mrs. James B., Fox Chase Road, Jenkintown. Drovin, Mr. George Albert, 500 Au- burn Road, Chestnut Hill. Drovin, Mrs. George Albert, 500 Au- burn Road, Chestnut Hill. Drury, Mr. R. W., c/o The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Duane, Mrs. William, 337 S. Smedley St., Philadelphia. 38 Dubs, Mrs. J. George, 505 E, Tulpe- hocken St., Germantown. Dudley, Mrs. E. Lawrence, 336 S. 19th St., Philadelphia. Duer, Mrs. John V. B., Wynnewood. Duerr, Mrs. Emilia K., 6831 Chew St., Mt. Airy. Duffield, Mrs. C. A., 208 Whitemarsh Road, Ardmore. Duffield, Miss Louise C, 212 S. 39th St., Philadelphia. Duhring, Miss Lucy B., 71 Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut Hill. Dulles, Miss Elizabeth W., 140 W. Highland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Dulles, Mrs. Heatley C, Villa Nova. Dunkelberger, Mr. George G., P. 0. Box 6, Flourtown. Dunlap, Mr. George M., Jr., Chester Pike and Clifton Ave., Sharon Hill. Dunlap, Mrs. James Ashmore, 4619 Osage Ave., Philadelphia. Dunleavy, Mr. Joseph, 8222 Ardleigh St., Chestnut Hill. Dunn, Mr. Houston, Airedale Ave., Rosemont. Dunn, Mr. Sydney B., Haverford. Dunning, Mrs. W. G., Westtown. duPont, Mrs. A. Felix, Box 31, Wil- mington, Del. duPont, Miss Aileen M., 1026 duPont Bldg., Wilmington, Del. duPont, Mrs. Alfred I., Nemours, Wil- mington, Del. duPont, Mrs. E. Paul, Montchanin, Del. duPont, Mrs. Ernest, Box 545, Wil- mington, Del. duPont, Mrs. Eugene, "Owl's Nest," Greenville, Del. duPont, Mrs. H. B., "Crestlea," Ard- more. du Pont, Mr. H. F., Winterthur, Del. duPont, Mr. Pierre S., "Longwood," Kennett Square. duPont, Mrs. Pierre S., Kennett Square. duPont, Mrs. William, Jr., Rosemont. duPont, Mrs. William K., Box 52, Wil- mington, Del. Durand, Mr. William B., 6335 Sher- wood Rd., Overbrook. Durand, Mrs. William B., 6335 Sher- wood Rd., Overbrook. Durgin, Miss Mary E., 332 Kathmere Road, Brookline, Upper Darby P. O. Durham, Mr. Walter K., 1713 Ritten- house St., Philadelphia. Dursch, Mrs. Frank C. J., 318 E. Chel- ten Ave., Germantown. Dyer, Mrs. William E. S., Old York Rd., Jenkintown. Earle, Miss Elinor, 8840 Stenton Ave., Chestnut Hill. Earle, Mrs. Ralph, Haverford. Earp, Miss Anne Tucker, The Fairfax, 43d and Locust Sts., Philadelphia. Easby, Mrs. Francis H., 3316 Powel- ton Ave., Philadelphia. Easby, Mrs. William, Jr., Drexel Hill. Eastman, Mrs. B. Dobson, Falls of Schuylkill. Eavenson, Mrs. Lewis L., Masonville, N. J. Eavenson, Mrs. William J,, 2201 Chest- nut St., Philadelphia. Eberbach, Mrs. Joseph H., 617 W. Cliveden Ave., Germantown. Eberbach, Miss Margaret S., 17 Col- wyn Lane, Bala-Cynwyd. Eberbach, Mrs. Nelson F., 441 W. Stafford St., Germantown. Eckels, Mrs. G. P., Wyncote Lane, Wyncote. Eckels, Mrs. Howard S., Wyncote. Eddie, Mr. W. C, Everson, Washing- ton. Edgar, Mrs. J. A., 1208 Dyre St., Frankford Edgcomb, Mr. Ervin R., 239 Harvey St., Germantown. Edmonds, Mrs. Franklin S., White- marsh. Edmonds, Mrs. George, Westover Hills, Wilmington, Del. Edson, Mrs. L. D., 21 Penarth Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Edson, Mrs. W. N., Century Club, 612 Jefferson Ave., Scranton. Edwards, Mrs. Boyd, North Cottage, Mercersburg. Edwards, Mrs. Edward Mitchell, 8208 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Edwards, Mr. George W., 2103 De- Lancey St., Philadelphia. Edwards, Mrs. J. R. Lincoln, Lans- downe and Lincoln Aves., Lans- downe. Edwards, Mrs. Parke E., 112 Township Line, Jenkintown. Edwards, Mrs. R. S., 1715 Locust St., Philadelphia. Edwards, Mr. W. E., Rosemont. Egan, Mrs. James H., 409 Fishers Road, Bryn Mawr. Eglin, Miss Jane M., Hamilton Court, 39th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Eisenmenger, Mrs. Carl H., Arden, Del. Eldridge, Mr. George C, Jr., Weno- nah, N. J. Elkins, Mrs. George W., Huntingdon Valley. Elkinton, Mrs. J. Passmore, Moylan. Ellenberger, Mrs. J. M., 544 Haws Ave., Norristown. Ellinwood, Mrs. G. G., Thouron Ave. & Vernon Rd., Mt. Airy. Elliott, Mrs. George A., 1 Red Oak Road, Wilmington, Del. Elliott, Mrs. Harold H., 106 Argyle Road, Ardmore. Elliott, Mrs. William J., P. O. Box 233, Bryn Mawr. 39 Elliott, Mrs. William T., 117 Glenn Road, Ardmore. Ellis, Mrs. Frank H., 3rd, Casa Blanca, Lansdowne. Ellis, Mrs. Thomas S., "Green Acres," Ellis Farm, West Chester. Ellis, Mrs. William J., 906 Morgan Ave., Drexel Hill. Ellis, Mrs. William S., Fox Fields, Bryn Mawr. Ellison, Mrs. H. Howard, Jr., "Cre- mona," Villa Nova. Ely, Miss Gertrude, Bryn Mawr. Ely, Mrs. Van Horn, Haverford. Ely, Mrs. VanHorn, Jr., Bryn Mawr. Embery, Mr. William, 4932 Penn St., Frankford. Emerick, Mrs. W. J., 103 W. Linn St., Bellefonte. Emery, Mrs. Lucinda N., 331 Elnora Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Emlen, Mr. Arthur C, 5328 Greene St., Germantown. Engle, Mr. Howard G., 4620 Adams Ave., Fi-ankford. Englerth, Dr. Louis D., 5030 Oxford Ave., Frankford. Englerth, Mrs. Louis D., 5030 Oxford Ave., Frankford. Ensslen, Mrs. Carl, 321 Summit Ave., West Reading. Erdman, Mr. H. L., Hershey. Erdman, Mrs. Henry P., 1020 West- view Ave., Mt. Airy Station. Erskine, Miss Helen Mar, 613 Phila- delphia Ave., Chambersburg. Erskine, Miss Madeline R., Vernon House, 6445 Greene St., German- town. Ervin, Mrs. Spencer, Bala. Espen, Miss Hannah, 235 S. 15th St., Philadelphia. Essick, Mrs. Charles R., 439 Oley St., Reading. Esty, Mrs. Robert P., 207 Llanfair Road, Ardmore. Etting, Mrs. Emlen, Haverford. Evans, Mrs. David, Gwynedd. Evans, Mrs. Edward W., 6014 Chew St., East Germantown. Evans, Mrs. Elwyn, Pen-Y-Bryn, Greenville, Del. Evans, Mrs. F. A., "Awbury," East Germantown. Evans, Miss Florence, 650 S. Highland Ave., Merion. Evans, Mrs. George B., Rosemont. Evans, Mrs. Harold, "Awbury," East Germantown. Evans, Mrs. Harry C, Jr., Coopertown and Blakely Roads, Haverford. Evans, Mrs. J. Wistar, 318 S. Orange St., Media. EJvans, Miss Mary, Bryn Mawr. Evans, Mrs. Ralph B., Haverford. Evoy, Mrs. Charles H., 6 Royal Ave., Glenside. Evoy, Mrs. J. Nelson, 431 Clement Road, Jenkintown. Ewaldsen, Mr. Vagn, 2021 Belvedere Avenue, Oakmont, Upper Darby. Ewing, Mrs. Charles H., Sharpless Avenue, Melrose Park. Exley, Miss Emily, Wajnie. Eyman, Mrs. Elmer V., 613 Feme Ave., Drexel Hill. Eysmans, Mr. J. L., 1524 Broad Street Station Bldg., Philadelphia. Fancourt, Mr. E. J., 1612 Ludlow St., Philadelphia. Farenwald, Mr. A. S., Greenwood Ave., Jenkintown. Faries, Mrs. C. T., Box 47, Wynne- wood. Famum, Mrs. E. S. W., 101 W. Grav- ers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Famum, Mrs. Henry W., Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr. Farquhar, Mrs. Malcolm, Kennett Square. Fassitt, Mrs. John H., 5 Norman Lane, Chestnut Hill. Faulconer, Miss Margaret C, 254 S. 22d St., Philadelphia. Faust, Mr. Henry L, Merion. Faust, Miss Verna, Mercersburg. Faux, Miss Ida, 737 Allen Lane, Mt. Airy. Favre, Mrs. John A., 523 Turner Ave., Drexel Hill. Fay, Dr. Temple, Elbow Lane, Mt. Airy. Fearon, Mr. Charles, 6720 Emlen St., Mt. Airy. Fearon, Mrs. Charles, 6720 Emlen St., Mt. Airy. Feaster, Mr. John G., 142 S. Eagle Rd., Manoa, Upper Darby, Del. Co. Fegley, Mrs. Nelson P., 1956 W. Main St., Norristown. Feicht, Mr. Edward R., Ill Old Lan- caster Rd., Bala-Cynwyd. Felix, Mrs. Harry, 5441 Wayne Ave., Germantown. Fell, Mrs. F. J., Jr., R. D. 1, Phoenix- ville. Felton, Mrs. Alvenia R., Noble Road, Noble Hills, Jenkintown. Felton, Mrs. Edgar C, Haverford. Fenninger, Mr. Carl W., 100 W. More- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Fenno, Mrs. George F., 309 Swarth- more Ave., Swarthmore. Fenton, Mrs. E. M., Ocean View, N. J. Ferguson, Mr. Frank M., 53 W. Tul- pehocken St., Germantown. Ferguson, Mrs. James A., 124 W. Thompson St., Philadelphia. Ferguson, Mrs. L. Kraeer, McClena- ghan Mill Rd., Penn Valley, Nar- berth P. O. Fernley, Miss Frances Sabena, 6110 Wayne Ave., Germantown. 40 Pernley, Miss Hattie M., 6110 Wayne Ave., Germantown. Ferriday, Miss Emita, 910 Greenhill Ave., Wilmington, Del. Fessenden, Mrs. Gladstone, Bucking- ham Valley, Bucks Co. Fetterman, Dr. Faith S., 7047 Ger- mantown Ave., Philadelphia. Fetterman, Mrs. J. Gordon, Media. Fiechter, Miss Clara M., Prospect- ville, Montg. Co. Field, Mrs. Hugh W., Concord Road, Glen Mills. Fife, Mrs. Charles A., 3421 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia. Finch, Miss Edith, Bryn Mawr. Finletter, Mrs. Edwin M., 400 E. Ever- green Ave., Chestnut Hill. Fischer, Mrs. A. Koerting, 6904 Wissa- hickon Ave., Mt. Airy. Fischer, Mr. Charles W., 1622 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Fischer, Dr. Henry G., 108 Blooming- dale Ave., Wayne. Fischer, Mr. William F., Jr., 523 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy. Fischer, Mrs. William F., 501 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mt. Airy. Fisher, Mrs. Henry M., Awbury Park, Germantown. Fisher, Mrs. Philip B., 7801 Cresheim Road, Chestnut Hill. Flagg, Mrs. H. W., Collegeville. Flanigen, Mrs. Donald, York Lynne Manor, Philadelphia. Flanigen, Miss Jessy, 92 Merbrook Lane, Merion. Fleisher, Mrs. Alexander, Hotel Drake, 1512 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Fleisher, Mr. Horace T., 224 E. Church Road, Elkins Park. Fligg, Mrs. James A., 8216 Cedar Rd., Elkins Park. Flint, Mrs. F. C, 913 Laurel Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Flood, Mrs. Edward A., 807 Carpenter Lane, Mt. Airy. Flood, Mrs. T. Bromley, 8035 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Foerderer, Miss Elsie, 135 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Foerderer, Mrs. Percival E., Bryn Mawr. Follette, Mrs. A. G., 222 Wayne Ave., Narberth. Foote, Mrs. A. Giraud, 319 Berkley Road, Merion. Forbes, Mrs. Robert R., Mt. Holly, N. J. Ford, Mrs. Bruce, Sugar Loaf, Chest- nut Hill. Ford, Mrs. F. J., 902 Oak Lane Ave- nue, Philadelphia. Ford, Miss Frances L., 902 Oak Lane, Avenue, Philadelphia. Ford, Mr. Richard V., 718 Redman Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Forgy, Miss A. Luceil, 223 S. 18th Street, Philadelphia. Fornance, Mrs. Joseph Knox, Airy and Selma Streets, Norristown. Forstall, Mr. Walton, Rosemont. Forster, Mr. Louis P., 26 W. Aliens Lane, Mt. Airy. Forster, Mrs. Louis P., 26 W. Aliens Lane, Mt. Airy. Forsyth, Miss Mabel P., Bloomingdale Apts., Wayne. Fbrtner, Mrs. Louis B., 220 Summit Ave., Jenkintown. Foster, Mrs. E. L., 2137 Locust St., Philadelphia. Foster, Mrs. Frank B., Jr., Virgina Ave., Phoenixville. Foster, Mrs. William B., 1101 West- over Road, Wilmington, Del. Foulkrod, Mrs. Collin, 3910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Fowler, Mrs. J. Scott, 1014 70th Ave., Oak Lane. Fox, Mrs. C. Albert, Pocopson. Fox, Mrs. C. F,, Jr., Elkins Park. Fox, Mrs. Cyril G., 94 W. Essex Ave., Lansdowne. Fox, Mr. Charles Y., 422 Sabine Ave., Wynnewood. Fox, Mrs. J. R., 6115 Nassau Rd., Philadelphia. Fox, Mrs. John E., 221 N. Front St., Harrisburg. Fox, Mrs. Milford C, 156 Owen Ave., Lansdowne. Fox, Mrs. William Logan, R. D. 4, Norristown. Fraley, Mrs. Frederick, Norwynden, Overbrook. Frame, Mrs. John M., 901 N. 3rd Street, Reading. Francine, Miss Laura S., Drake Apts., 1512 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Franklin, Mrs. Walter S., Orchard Hill, Ardmore. Franks, Mrs. Robert A., Jr., P. 0. Box 143, Bryn Mavn:. Frazier, Mrs. George H., W. Bells Mill Road, Chestnut Hill. Frazier, Mrs. W. W., Jr., Jenkintown. Freeman, Mrs. Harold A., St. Davids. Freeman, Mrs. J. Howard, 55 W. Eagle Road, Upper Darby. Freeman, Mrs. M. M., Valley Road, Melrose Park. Freihofer, Mrs. William J., Box 7621, Ardmore. French, Mrs. J. Hansell, Collegeville. Fretz, Mrs. William F., Pipersville. Frick, Mr. Charles E., Horsham. Frick, Mrs. John A., Salisbury House, Allentown. Friedman, Mrs. S. G., 1105 Melrose Ave., Melrose Park. 41 Friel, Mr. John, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore. Fries, Mrs. William P., 323 Cynwyd Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Fritz, Mr. John A., 433 S. West End Avenue, Lancaster. Fromuth, Mrs. August G., 5101 Castor Road, Frankford. Fromuth, Mr. Harry C, Holland, Bucks County. Froriep, Mrs. Frederick J., 102 Ro- chelle Ave., Wissahickon. Frost, Mrs. E. M., 4320 Rhawn Street, Holmesburg. Fry, Mrs. James Woods, 4612 Chester Ave., Philadelphia. Fuller, Mrs. Horace F., 6834 Anderson St., Mt. Airy. Fuller, Mrs. Sara K., N. Merion Ave., Bryn Mawr. Fuller, Mr. W. D., Penn Valley, Nar- berth. Fuller, Mrs. W. D., Penn Valley, Nar- berth. Fuller, Mrs. William A. M., German- town Pike, Chestnut Hill. Fulweiler, Mrs. W. H., Wallingford. Furness, Mr. Fairman R-, Upper Bank Farm, Media. Furness, Mrs. Radclyffe, 207 Summit Ave., Jenkintown. Gable, Mr. Joseph B,, Jr., Stewarts- town. Galbraith, Mrs. William A., 435 Wood- land Road, Sewickley. Gallagher, Mr. Thomas G., "Edgeley," Bristol. Gamble, Mrs. Clarence J., 202 St. Mark's Square, Philadelphia. Gardiner, Mrs. John, Jr., 614 Pem- broke Road, Bryn Mawr. Garnett, Mrs. Barclay, 611 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Garrett, Mrs. Thomas Cresson, 5301 Old York Road, Logan. Garrigues, Miss Hannah, 501 Oakley •Road, Haverford. Garrigues, Mr. John S., 742 College Ave., Haverford. Garrison, Mr. E. M., 87 W. Broadway, Salem, N. J. Garrison, Mrs. Earl D., Jobstown, N.J. Gaskill, Mrs. J. Franklin, 104 Tenby Road, Llanerch. Gates, Mrs. Jay, 108 W. Moreland Ave,, Chestnut Hill. Gates, Mrs. Thomas S., Jr., Mill Race Farm, Devon. Gateson, Mrs. Thomas Gearing, R. F. D. 1 West Chester. Gaul, Mr. Franklin P., 1601 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia. Gaul, Mrs. W. Harry, 103 E. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy. Gause, Mrs. C. Ingersoll, Greenville, Del. Gay, Mrs. Charles M., Gay Meadow, Narberth. Gay, Mrs. James H., Paoli. Gayley, Mrs. William Crichton, Gen- eral Knox Road, Wayne. Gearhart, Mrs. William M., 929 W. Marshall St., Norristown. Geckeler, Dr. George D., 509 Old York Road, Jenkintown. Geiger, Mrs. Frederick, Warick Road and Morris Avenue, Wynnewood. Geist, Mrs. Clarence H., Launf al. Villa Nova. Gemmill, Miss Charlotte E., 318 S. 21st St., Philadelphia. Gendell, Miss Elizabeth B., 320 Maple Ave., Drexel Hill. Gendell, Miss Lucy C, 320 Maple Ave., Drexel Hill. Genzmer, Mrs. George V., Box 7609, Ardmore. Gerg, Mrs. Fred E., Bucktail Trail, St. Mary's. Gerhard, Mrs. Albert Pepper, 5635 Overbrook Ave., Overbrook. Gerstley, Mrs. I., 421 Ashbourne Road, Elkins Park. Geschick, Mr. Emile H., 13 W. John- son St., Germantown. Gessel, Mr. J., 253 S. 21st St., Phila- delphia. Gest, Mrs. John Marshall, 5620 City Avenue, Overbrook. Gest, Miss Margaret R., 5620 City Ave., Overbrook. Gest, Mrs. William P., Merion Station. Getz, Mr. Carl W., 118 E. 7th St., Lansdale. Getze, Mrs. Edward Bioren, 6005 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia. Geyelin, Mrs. Emile C, Devon. Gibb, Mrs. Walton, 330 Fairhill Road, Wynnewood. Gibbon, Mrs. John H., Lynfield Farm, Media. Gibbons, Mrs. J. E., 2311 N. 17th St., Philadelphia. Gibbs, Mr. George, Ji'., Rosemont. Gibbs, Mrs. Ralph A., W. School Lane, Germantown. Gibson, Mrs. Henry C, Jenkintown. Gibson, Mrs. J. Whitton, 1427 Powell St., Norristown. Gibson, Mrs. John H., 726 S. High- land Ave., Merion. Gibson, Mr. Julian, Bancroft Road, Moylan. Gibson, Miss Mary K,, Wynnewood. Gibson, Mr. William R., 1364 E. 53rd St., Chicago, 111. Gilbert, Mrs. John, Rydal. Gilchrist, Mr. Douglas, 41 W. Strat- ford Ave., Lansdowne. Gill, Mrs. Charles D., North Bryn Mawr Ave., Box 44, Bala-Cynwyd. Gill, Mr. Logan B., 6626 Morris Park Road, Overbrook. 42 Gillespie, Mrs. Franklin, 605 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore. Gillespie, Miss Jannie F., 79 Wynne- wood Ave., Merion. Gillin, Mrs. James R., E. Tennis Ave., Ambler. Gillispie, Mrs. Raymond L., 265 E. Market St., Bethlehem. Gilmour, Miss Dora, 64 Harvey St., Germantown. Gilpin, Mrs. John C, Sugar Loaf, Chestnut Hill. Gilpin, Mrs. Vincent, West Chester. Gilson, Miss Helen E., Penna. Hospi- tal, 8th and Spruce Sts., Philadel- phia. Gimbel, Mrs. Benedict, 250 S. 17th St., Philadelphia. Gimbel, Mrs. Ellis A., Chateau Crillon, 1900 Locust St., Philadelphia. Gimbel, Mrs. Richard, Rydal. Gipson, Mrs. Lawrence H., Hotel Bethlehem, Bethlehem. Girvin, Miss Mary, 2120 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Girvin, Mrs. Robert M., Jr., Mont- gomery Ave., Rosemont. Glasgow, Mrs. W. A., 81 Haws Lane, Chestnut Hill. Gleason, Mrs. James F., 212 Green- wood Ave., Jenkintown. Glendinning, Mrs. H. Percival, 529 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Glendinning, Mrs. Robert, The Squir- rels, Chestnut Hill. Glenn, Mr. Donald, Franklin. Glover, Mr. Rolfe E., Jr., R. F. D. 2, Wilmington, Del. Godfrey, Mr. Chester N., Lansdowne. Godfrey, Mrs. Chester N., Lansdowne. Godfrey, Mrs. William S., Ardmore. Goff, Mrs. LeRoy, 2d, Ithan. Goheen, Mrs. John P., 610 W. Upsal Street, Mt. Airy. Colder, Mrs. Samuel, 100 Pelham Rd., Mt. Airy. Goldey, Mrs. F. H., 614 W. Allen Lane, Philadelphia. Goldhaber, Mr. Jack S., Girdletree, Md. GoU, Mr. George, Hobby-Nobby Farm, Somers Point, N. J. Goodall, Mrs. William Baily, 108 Dud- ley Ave., Narberth. Goodman, Mr. Charles E., Fishers Road, Bryn Mawr. Goodman, Miss Ernestine A., 140 Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut Hill. Goodwin, Dr. A. Helena, 321 Bala Ave., Cynwyd. Goodwin, Mrs. Charles H., 19 Golf Rd., Lansdowne. Goodwin, Miss Margaret S., R. D. 4, W6st ChcstGi*. Goshorn, Mrs. C. B., King Road, Mal- vern. Goshorn, Mr. H. Rook, 12 S. 12th St., Philadelphia. Goshow, Miss Mildred, 428 Conarroe St., Roxborough. Gowen, Mr. James E., Chestnut Hill. Gowen, Mrs. James E., Chestnut Hill. Graf, Miss Emma, 525 Locust St., Philadelphia. Graff, Miss Isabelle A., 409 Lancaster Ave., Haverford. Graham, Mr. Harold, Elkins Park. Graham, Miss Mary Wain, 318 More- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Graham, Mr. Thomas, R. D. 6, West Chester. Graham, Mrs. Warren C, Ashwood Road, Villa Nova. Grange, Mrs. William Drayton, Mor- ris Ave., Bryn Mawr. Grant, Mrs. F. C, 9012 Crefeld St., Chestnut Hill. Gray, Mrs. Alfred M., 5965 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia. Gray, Mrs. Wilfrid, 1021 Dyre St., Frankford. Green, Mrs. Edward A., 20 W. Mont- gomery Ave., Ardmore. Green, Miss Gertrude E., 29 E. Jef- ferson St., Media. Green, Mrs. Morris M., 39 S. Wyoming Ave., Ardmore. Green, Mrs. Naomi C, 18 E. New Jersey Ave., Somers Point, N. J. Greene, Mrs. H. R., R. F. D. 1, Sewell, N. J. Greene, Miss Kate Mott, 200 W. Sedg- wick St., Germantown. Greene, Mr. Ryland W., 161 Rose Lane, Haverford. Greene, Mrs. William Houston, 2128 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Greenewalt, Mrs. Crawford H., 2400 W. 11th Street, Wilmington, Del. Gregory, Mrs. Anna L., 400 W. Allen Lane, Germantown. Gribbel, Mrs. J. Bancker, 1911 Panama St., Philadelphia. Gribbel, Mr. W. Griffin, 401 W. Mer- maid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Gribbel, Mrs. W. Griffin, 401 W. Mer- maid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Griffith, Mrs. Edgar I., 308 E. Lancas- ter Ave., Downingtown. Griffith, Dr. J. P. Crozer, 1810 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Griffith, Miss Julia W., Laurel Lane, Haverford. Griffith, Miss Mary F., Laurel Lane, Haverford. Griffith, Mrs. Robert E., Haverford. Griffith, Mrs. Robert M., Gwalia, Ambler. Grim, Dr. Ella W., Rose Valley Road, R. D. 3, Media. Griscom, Miss Frances C, Haverford. Griscom, Miss Gladys H., Haverford. Griscom, Mr. Rodman E., Haverford. Griscom, Mrs. William B., 506 Old Gulph Road, Narberth. Grissinger, Mr. John S., 1403 Packard Bldg., Philadelphia. Griswold, Mrs. Frank T., "Hothorpe," Radnor. Grofif, Mrs. John Charles, 519 N. High St., West Chester. Groome, Mrs. Daingerfield M., Clover Hill Farms, Media. Gross, Dr. F. 0., 1816 W. Erie Ave., Philadelphia. Groth, Dr. Geneva E., 3436 N. 13th St., Philadelphia. Grotz, Mrs. C. T., 24 Rex Ave., Chest- nut Hill. Groves, Miss Juliet F., 735 Westview St., Mt. Airy. Gruenbaum, Mr. Theodore, 316 W. Chew Street, Olney. Grullemans, Mr. J. J., care Wayside Gardens, Mentor, Ohio. Grundy, Miss M. R., Walnut Grove Farms, Bristol. Guckes, Mrs. E. M., 6109 Wayne Ave., Germantown. Guckes, Mrs. P. E., 123 Bleddyn Road, Ardmore. Guckes, Mrs. P. Exton, Orchard Way, Wayne. Guinn, Mr. Harper J., 889 N. Brook- lyn St., Philadelphia. Gumbes, Mrs. Charles Wetherill, Box 6, Oaks, Montgomery County. Gummey, Miss Mary M., 26 S. LaClede Place, Atlantic City, N. J. Guthrie, Miss Lilian, 522 Cambridge Rd., Bala-Cynwyd. Guthrie, Mrs. P. N., 31 Rose Lane, Haverford. Guthrie, Mrs. Tracy W., Beaver Road at Newberry Lane, Edgeworth, Sewickley. Haas, Mrs. H. J., Haverford. Hacker, Mrs. Caspar W., Bryn Mawr. Hacker, Miss Elizabeth D., 500 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown. Hacker, Mrs. William P., Edamm Road, W. Church Road, North Hills, Montg. Co. Hadley, Mrs. Arthur H., 217 Indian Creek Rd., Overbrook. Hadley, Miss Dorothy H., Shumway Apts., Gulph Rd., Bryn Mawr. Haentjens, Mrs. Otto, 51 James St., Hazleton. Haggart, Mrs. W. R., 6341 Ridge Ave., Roxborough. Hagner, Mrs. Samuel D., 274 Harvey St., Philadelphia. Haig, Mrs. Robert, Indian Hill, Ogden Ave., Swarthmore. Haines, Mrs. Benjamin W., 326 N. Church St., West Chester. Haines, Miss Edith Stokes, Fort Washington. Haines, Miss Laura ft., 122 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia. Haines, Mrs. Robert B., Jr., 156 School Lane, Germantown. Halbach, Mrs. Adelaide R., The Whit- tier, 140 N. 15th St., Philadelphia. Hale, Miss Carrie M., 6323 Sherwood Rd., Overbrook. Hale, Mrs. E. S., Rosemont. Hale, Miss Lena L., 6323 Sherwood Rd., Overbrook. Hale, Mrs. Stephen G., 6428 N. Fair- hill St., Oak Lane. Halford, Mrs. John H., Hartranft Woods, Norristown. Hall, Miss C. M., 4705 Leiper St., Philadelphia. Hall, Mrs. Clarence A., 7951 Winston Road, Chestnut Hill. Hall, Miss Elizabeth, Front and Lemon Sts., Media. Hall, Mr. H. F., 416 Chester Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Hall, Mr. Henry P., 106 North St., West Pittston. Hallahan, Mrs. John, 351 Owen Ave., Lansdowne. Hallman, Mrs. Thomas, Collegeville. Hallowell, Miss H. R., 2100 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Hallowell, Mrs. Israel R., Moreland Road, Bethayres. Hallowell, Miss Martha, Meadow- brook. Halsey, Mrs. Edward B., Radnor. Halstead, Mrs. David, 301 W. Johnson St., Germantown. Hamblen, Mrs. Helen R., Montgomery School, Wynnewood. Hamersly, Miss Emily N., Devon. Hamilton, Miss Emma F., 50 Linwood Ave., Ardmore. Hamilton, Mrs. John M., 41 W. Grav- ers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Hamilton, Mrs. Robert Devitt, Church Road, Wyncote. Hamilton, Mr. Warner S., Rosemont. Hammond, Dr. Julian T., 3d, 1042 Widener Bldg., Philadelphia. Hancock, Mrs. F. Woodson, Jr., Phoenixville. Hankele, Mr. Allen J., care Alanwold Nursery, Neshaminy P. O., Bucks County. Hanlon, Rev. James R., Chester Pike and Simpson St., Eddystone. Hansche, Miss Maude B., 4811 Spring- field Ave., Philadelphia. Hanscom, Miss Alice, 6600 N. 11th St., Philadelphia. Hansen, Mrs. Alfred W., 2036 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Hansen, Mrs. Frank R., Eddington Farm, Eddington. Hanson, Mrs. R. Kennedy, 323 Pme Rd., Edgeworth, Sewickley. Harbridge, Mr. Herbert J., care Mrs. John A. Brown, Jr., "Dunminning," Wayne. Hardcastle, Miss Louise, 312 Sprmghill Ave., Hillcrest, Wilmington, Del. Hardwick, Mrs. A. W., Rydal. 44 Hardy, Miss Marjorie, 221 Winona Avenue, Germantown. Hare, Miss Esther B., Radnor. Hare, Mr. J. V., Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. Hare, Mrs. J. V., Trevose. Hare, Mrs. T. Truxtun, Radnor. Hare, Mrs. T. Truxtun, Jr., Edgemont. Harer, Mrs. W. Benson, State Road and Rogers Ave., Bywood, Upper Darby P. 0. Harjes, Mrs. F. H., Valley Forge. Harkins, Mr. George W., Jr., 422 W. Stafford St., Germantown. Harley, Mrs. W. Wallace, 725 S. 60th St., Philadelphia. Harlow, Mrs. A. G., Sewickley. Harold, Mr. Robert J., 510 Brookview Lane, Brookline, Del. Co. Harper, Mr. B. Frank, 133 S. 12th St., Philadelphia. Harper, Mrs. George V., Shippensburg. Harper, Mrs. William Ross, 626 W. Hortter St., Mt. Airy. Harrar, Mrs. John J., 311 Washing- ton Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Harrington, Mrs. A. M., Sheaff Road, Whitemarsh. Harrington, Mrs. Melvin H., 1016 Westview St., Mt. Airy. Harrington, Mrs. Willis F., 16th St. and Mt. Salem Lane, Wilmington, Del. Harris, Miss Ella F., 715 Old Lancas- ter Road, Bryn Mawr. Harris, Mr. H. Frazer, Chestnut Hill. Harris, Mrs. H. Frazer, Chestnut Hill. Harris, Mrs. J. Andrews, Jr., Lincoln Drive and Willow Grove Ave., Chest- nut Hill. Harris, Miss Mary, Alden Park Manor, Germantown. Harris, Mrs. Morrison, 2307 N. 58th St., Overbrook. Harris, Mr. William K., 1406 S. 51st St., Philadelphia. Harrison, Mr. George L., St. Davids. Harrison, Mrs. George L., St. Davids. Harrison, Mrs. H. Norris, Rydal. Harrison, Mrs. Harry W., Pine Cot- tage, Rosemont. HaiTison, Mrs. John, Jr., Meadow- brook. Harrison, Mrs. W. Frazier, Chestnut Hill. Harshberger, Miss Elyonta C, 4111 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hart, Mrs. George, 5921 Pulaski Ave- nue, Germantown. Hart, Mrs. William H., Susquehanna Road, Ambler. Hartley, Mrs. Thomas R., 5825 5th Ave., Pittsburgh. Hartshorne, Miss Amy, Haverford. Harvey, Mr. Charles B., Linda Vista and Cheltena Ave., Jenkintown. Harvey, Mr. Frederick W., 2241 N. 4th St., Philadelphia. Harvey, Mrs. J. S. Curtis, Jr., Radnor. Harvey, Mr. John S. C, Radnor. Haskell, Mr. Harry G., Mt. Salem Lane, Wilmington, Del. Haskins, Mrs. Harold, Conestoga Road, Ithan. Hastings, Mrs. Daniel O., Kennett Pike, Wilmington, Del. Hastings, Mr. John V., Jr., Box 591, Haverford. Hatfield, Mr. Henry Reed, 1725 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia. Hatton, Miss Edith J., R. D. 5, West Chester. Hatton, Mr. George, care Dr. Strieker Coles, Fisher Lane, Bryn Mawr. Hauenstein, Mr. Arthur, care of Mr. Joseph E. Widener, Elkins Park. Haug, Mr. John S., 9509 Germantown Ave., Chestnut Hill. Hauvette-Michelin, Madam, Clermont- Ferrand, France. Haviland, Mrs. A. M., 118 W. Johnson St., Germantown. Hawkes, Mrs. T. G., "Edgely," Bristol. Hawlk, Mrs. L. J., 8024 York Road, Elkins Park. Hayes, Mrs. James A., Jr., Walling- ford. Hayes, Mr. Robert L., 3 Chatham Road, Stonehurst, Delaware Co. Hays, Mrs. Raphael S., Box 287, Car- lisle. Hayward, Mrs. Charles E., Westtown. Hayward, Mrs. Nathan, Brook Road, Wayne. Hazard, Mr. C. W., 300 Midland Ave., St. Davids. Heacock, Miss Esther, 135 Mather Ave., Wyncote. Heacock, Mr. James W., Wyncote. Heacock, Mrs. Joseph Linden, Hat- boro. Heald, Mrs. Lawrence R., 5127 Pu- laski Ave., Germantown. Heath, Mrs. Leslie O., 1611 Harris Road, Chestnut Hill. Heaton, Mrs. Harold J., 124 Rex Ave., Chestnut Hill. Hebard, Mrs. Morgan, 11 W. Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Heckel, Mrs. James E., 1428 Hillside Rd., Wynnewood, Montg. Co. Heckscher, Mr. Gustave A., Strafford. Heckscher, Mrs. J. G. Richard, Spencer & Valley Forge Rds., Devon. Hedley, Mrs. T. Wilson, 1015 S. 47th St., Philadelphia. Heebner, Mrs. Charles, "Hillcrest," Muncy. Heebner, Miss Julia E., 320 E. Ever- green Ave., Chestnut Hill. Heergeist, Miss Anna K., Easton Rd., Warrington, Bucks Co. Heffner, Mrs. Harry E., 250 S. 17th St., Philadelphia. Heffner, Mrs. Warren S., 1009 Belfield Ave., Drexel Hill. 45 Heidelbaugh, Mrs. William W., 1035 Marietta Ave., Lancaster. Heim, Miss Christine, 115 Biddle St., Kane. Heimerdinger, Mrs. Leo H., 1001 Val- ley Road, Oak Lane. Heineken, Mrs. John, Valley Road, Paoli. Heinel, Mrs. J. Paul, 208 Denbigh Hall, Wilmington, Del. Heins, Miss Mary, Bechtelsville. Heizmann, Mr. William A., 1133 Reading Blvd., Wyomissing. Helbert, Mrs. George K., 305 W. Hort- ter St., Mt. Airy. Hellerman, Mrs. Harry H., 49th St. and Monument Road, Wynnefield. Hellwig, Miss Anna, 2325 N. 52nd St., Philadelphia. Helme, Mrs. William E., St. Davids. Hemphill, Mrs. Anne P., 210 E. Biddle St., West Chester. Hemsley, Mrs. Frederick, 2018 De- Lancey Place, Philadelphia. Henderson, Mrs. Joseph W., 201 W. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Henderson, Mrs. Samuel J., Fordel Farm, Media. Henning, Miss Mary E., 50 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Henny, Mrs. George C, 7908 Pine Rd., Chestnut Hill. Henry, Mrs. Bayard, W. Walnut Lane, Germanic wn. Henry, Mrs. Charles W., Chestnut Hill. Henry, Mrs. J. Norman, Gladwyne. Henry, Miss Josephine DeN., Glad- wyne. Henry, Mrs. T. Charlton, Huron and Moreland Aves., Chestnut Hill. Henson, Miss Hannah, 8814 German- town Ave., Philadelphia. Hepburn, Mrs. Helen R., 6446 Sher- wood Rd., Overbrook. Hepburn, Mrs. Philip R., Montgomery -Ave., Rosemont. Heppe, Mr. Florence J., 6818 Cresheim Rd., Mt. Airy. Herman, Dr. Leon, 740 Beacom Lane, Merion. Hermandorfer, Mrs. F., 1331 Vista St., Philadelphia. Herold, Mrs. Otto, 127 Harrison Ave., Glenside. Herr, Mr. John P., 52 Stewart Ave., Lansdowne. Herr, Miss Mary E., 1239 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster. Herr, Mrs. William, 122 Tyson Ave., Glenside. Herring, Miss L. K., 444 W. Queen Lane, Germantown. Hess, Miss Elizabeth, 466 Windemere Rd., Drexel Hill. Hess, Mr. Paul, Jr., Beechtree Lane & Bellevue Ave., Wayne. Hessenbruch, Mrs. Hermann M., Wynnewood. Heyl, Mrs. Jacob E., 124 Springfield Ave., St. Martins. Heyl, Mrs. John B., 209 Kent Road, Wynnewood. Heyl, Mrs. Robert C, 120 Bleddyn Road, Ardmore. Heyward, Mrs. R. B., 6730 Emlen St., Mt. Airy. Hibbert, Mrs. Walter, Providence Road, Wallingford. Hibbs, Miss Helen, Sycamore Ave., Merion. Hibbs, Mrs. Manton E., 333 W. Upsal St., Germantown. Hiestand, Mrs. Drew W., The Farm, Marietta. Hiestand, Mrs. George, 303 Main St., Phoenixville. Hlester, Mrs. George B., Reading. Hiester, Mrs. Isaac, 1501 Mineral Spring Road, Reading. Higgins, Mrs. Charles, Westover Hills, Wilmington, Del. High, Mrs. John M., 6115 Nassau Rd., Philadelphia. High, Mrs. Walter L., 523 Hamilton St., Norristown. Highley, Mrs. George N., 314 Fayette St., Conshohocken. Hill, Mrs. Horace G., Jr., 210 N. 34th St., Philadelphia. Hill, Mr. J. Bennett, Wynnewood. Hill, Mrs. Julian W., 707 Coverdale Road, Wilmington, Del. Hill, Mrs. Llewellyn G., 55 W. La- Crosse Ave., Lansdowne. Hill, Mrs. Mildred D., P. 0. Box 2, Norwood. Hilles, Miss Elizabeth, 965 Orthodox St., Philadelphia. Hilles, Mr. Robert L., 4530 Adams Ave., Frankford. Hilles, Mrs. William S., Wilmington, Del. Hilliard, Mrs. James, R. D. 1, Hatboro. Hilliard, Mr. John, 17 W. Athens Ave., Ardmore. Hilliard, Mrs. W. H. R., 204 S. Home- wood Ave., Pittsburgh. Himes, Mrs. Leonard H., R. D. 1, Malvern. Hinchman, Mr. C. Russell, Hedgely, Bryn Mawr. Hinchman, Miss Margaretta S., Box 388, Haverford. Hindle, Mrs. H. L., Jr., 5615 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia. Hines, Miss Lillian A., 309 N. 34th St., Philadelphia. Hinkel, Mrs. Harry W., 813 W. Broad St., Quakertown. Hinkson, Mrs. J. H. Ward, Walling- ford. Hinkson, Mrs. Joseph H., 224 Chester Pike, Ridley Park. 46 Hires, Mrs. Charles E., Jr., Wynne- wood. Hires, Mrs. Harrison S., Berwyn. Hires, Mrs. J. Edgar, 107 Linwood Ave., Ardmore. Hoade, Mrs. Frances L., 180 W. Dur- ham St., Mt. Airy. Hoblitzelle, Mrs. Harrison, Conestoga Rd., Ithan. Hockaday, Miss Elizabeth, 316 Shade- land Ave., Drexel Hill. Hodge, Mrs. Edward B., 2019 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Hodge, Miss Katharine C, 112 W. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Hodge, Miss Margaret E., 112 W. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Hodge, Mrs. T. L., 301 W. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Hodkinson, Mrs. Georg6 F., Blue Bell, Montgomery Co. Hoelscher, Mr. A. W., Box 52C, Hunt- ingdon Valley. Hoff, Mrs. John B., 2616 Cumberland Ave., Mt. Penn, Reading. Hoff, Mrs. L. P., 124 Levering Mill Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Hoffman, Mr. Benjamin R,, "The Grange," City Line, West Over- brook. Hofheimer, Mr. Daniel, 46 N. Ashmead Place, Germantown. Hogeland, Miss Helen B., 245 Hans- berry St., Germantown. Hoke, Mr. Oliver M., Quentin, Lebanon Co. Holden, Mrs. George, Tunkhannock. Holden, Miss Hallie K., 1832 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Holgate, Mr. Stuart J., 201 Crestmont Terrace, Collingswood, N. J. HoUaday, Mrs. Charles B., Chadd's Ford. Holler, Mrs. Harry J., 22 Wiltshire Rd., Overbrook. Hollerith, Mr. Richard, 307 Shrews- bury Road, Riverton, N. J. Hollingsworth, Mrs. C. B., 524 N. Maple Ave., Greensburg. Holmes, Miss Harriet F., Selbome, S. Batavia Road, Batavia, 111. Holmes, Miss S. Elizabeth, 3305 N. 11th St., Philadelphia. Holmes, Mr. I. C, 268 Wembly Road, Upper Darby. Holmes, Mrs. Lynwood R., 250 S. 13th St., Philadelphia. Holmes, Mr. Norman V., Germantown Pike, Barren Hill, Montg. Co., Con- shohocken P. O. Holton, Mrs. John M., 7800 Navajo Street, Chestnut Hill. Holtsizer, Mrs. Leon, Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, Montgomery County. Hood, Mrs. Albert L., 6420 Wissa- hickon Ave., Mt. Airy. Hood, Mrs. George Gowen, 2031 Locust St., Philadelphia. Hoopes, Mr. Arthur L., Box 276, West Chester. Hoopes, Mrs. Arthur, 229 E. Washing- ton Street, West Chester. Hopkins, Mrs. Thomas S., 264 E. Kings Highway, Haddonfield, N. J. Hopper, Miss Marie Louise, York Lynne Manor, Overbrook. Horner, Miss Hannah Mee, 24 Kent Road, Upper Darby. Horst, Mr. A. L., 206 Forrest Ave., Narberth. Horst, Mrs. A. L., 206 Forrest Ave., Narberth. Horst, Mrs. George D., R. D. 1, Read- ing. Horst, Mrs. John D., P. 0. Box 734, Reading. Horstmann, Mrs. Walter, 1900 Ritten- house Square, Philadelphia. Horstmann, Mrs. William H., "Nor- wynden," Overbrook. Hoser, Mr, Charles F., Editor Ameri- can Racing Pigeon News, R. D. 4, Norristown. Hoskins, Mrs. Albert L., Rosemont. Houck, Mrs. Henry, 50 Weston Place, Shenandoah. Housman, Mr. G. S., Norristown. Houston, Mrs. George H., The Bar- clay, Rittenhouse Square, Philadel- phia. Hovenden, Miss Martha M., Plymouth Meeting. How, Mrs. Harold W., 59 Tollis Ave., Santa Barbara, Calif. Howard, Mrs. Edgar B., Bryn Mawr. Howe, Mrs. A. Leighton, 2037 Upland Way, Philadelphia. Howe, Mrs. George, 9189 Germantown Ave., Chestnut Hill. Howell, Mrs, Cooper, Blue Bell. Howell, Miss Josephine F., Torres- dale. Howell, Mrs. Lardner, Whitford. Howie, Mrs. Kenneth, DeKalb and Ellis Sts., Norristown. Howland, Miss Alice G., The Shipley School, Bryn Mawr. Howland, Mrs. Ralph B., Stirling Headquarters, Echo Valley Farms, Malvern. Howson, Mrs. Charles H., 134 Walnut Ave., Wayne. Hubard, Mrs. Archibald B., Shady Re- treat Rd., Doylestown. Hubbs, Mr. E. Elliot, 145 E. Wash- ington Lane, Germantown. Hubbs, Mrs. John H., 620 W. Upsal St., Philadelphia. Hudson, Mrs. Henry Lea, Valley Forge Farm, Valley Forge. Huebner, Mr. S. S., 697 S. Highland Ave., Merion Station. Huey, Mr. Arthur B., 1816 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. 47 Huey, Mrs. Arthur B., 1816 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. HufF, Mi'os Emelie DeGalley, 5925 Woodbine Ave., Overbrook. Huggins, Mrs. George A., 8309 Sten- ton Ave., Chestnut Hill. Hughes, Dr. Charles R., Haverford. Hulme, Mrs. Arthur K., 7947 Winston Road, Chestnut Hill. Humphrey, Mrs. E. W., Belmont Rd., Butler. Humphrey, Mrs. Nathan T., Chestnut Hill Apts., Chestnut Hill. Humphreys, Miss Belle G., Box 156, Woodstown, N. J, Humpton, Mrs. Charles F., 306 Brent- ford Road, Haverford. Huneker, Mrs. John, Brown's Mills, N. J. Hungerbuehler, Miss Alberta H., 1530 N. Franklin St., Philadelphia. Hunn, Miss Margaret, 39 Forest Ave., Morton. Hunsberger, Miss Eleanor V., 19 E. Tulpehocken St., Germantown. Hunt, Miss Edna, 17 Kings Highway West, Haddonfield, N. J. Hunt, Mrs. Roy Arthur, 4875 Ells- worth Ave., Pittsburgh. Hunter, Mrs. F. W., 916 W. State St., Tfenton, N. J. Huston, Mrs. A. F., 100 S. Darlington St., West Chester. Huston, Miss Laetitia P., 219 W. School Lane, Germantown. Huston, Miss Mary P., 219 W. School Lane, Germantown. Hutchinson, Mrs. Arthur E., Spring- wood Farm, Chester Springs, Ches- ter Co. Hutchinson, Mr, Hamilton, Mill Creek Road and Dodds Lane, Ardmore. Hutchinson, Mrs. J. B., Jr., Long Lane Farm, Phoenixville. Hutchinson, Mrs. Joseph B., Mt. Pleas- ant Road, Bryn Mawr. Hutchinson, Mrs. R. P., Bethlehem. Hutchinson, Mr. Sydney E., 101 Public Ledger Bldg., Philadelphia. Hutchinson, Mrs. William J., 27 Wind- sor Ave., Highland Park, Upper Darby P. 0. Huttinger, Mrs. E. Paul, 317 S. 46th St., Philadelphia. Hutton, Mrs. Walter S., 4624 Larch- wood Ave., Philadelphia. Hyatt, Mrs. Fred E., 6 W. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Hyatt, Mr. Richard, 307 E. Lake Ave., Baltimore, Md. Hyndman, Mrs. Thomas M., 433 W. Ptice St., Germantown. IlifF, Mrs. Arthur R., Old Ambler Homestead, Ambler. Indahl, Mrs. Mauritz C, Panther Road, Rydal. Ingersoll, Miss Anna Warren, Penllyn. Ingersoll, Mrs. C. Jared, Fort Wash- ington. Ingersoll, Mr. Henry McKean, Spring House, Montgomery County. Ingram, Mrs. Ellie G., 952 N. Frank- lin Street, Philadelphia. Ireland, Miss Sarah A., 4635 Leiper St., Frankford. Irons, Mrs. Robert H., 1625 N. Front St., Harrisburg. Irvine, Mrs. James, P. 0. Box 145, Devon. Irving, Mrs. Edward B., 3110 W. Penn St., Philadelphia. Irwin, Miss Agnes M., Sunny Ridge Farms, Chadds Ford Junction. Irwin, Mrs. Alexander D., 2014 De- Lancey Place, Philadelphia. Irwin, Mrs. Boyle, Paoli. Irwin, Mrs. Franklin K., Green Hill Farms, Overbrook. Iszard, Mrs. Ralph J., 101 King's Highway, West, Haddonfield, N. J. Jack, Dr. L. Foster, Haverford. Jack, Mrs. Thomas W., 507 Park Ave., Collingswood, N. J. Jackson, Mrs. A. F., 226 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Jackson, Mrs. Albert Atlee, Cor. Pros- pect Ave. and Gravers Lane, Chest- nut Hill. Jackson, Mrs. George H., 515 N. Mc- Kean St., Butler. Jackson, Mrs. John, 101 Owen Ave., Lansdowne. Jacobs, Mrs. John, Bryn Mawr. Jacobs, Mrs. M. L., 837 Tioga Ave., Bethlehem. Jacobs, Mrs. M. W., P. 0. Box 910, Harrisburg. Jacobs, Mrs. Reginald, Haverford. James, Mrs. John E., Jr., Devon. James, Mrs. William F., 6920 Boyer St., Philadelphia. James, Miss Winifred L., Southamp- ton. Jameson, Mrs. Norman L., South Bowman Ave., Merlon. Jamison, Mrs. Jay C, Rose Fountain Farm, Greensburg. Janeway, Mrs. P. W., 3rd and Edge- mont Sts., Media. Jarden, Mrs. Walter H., 7048 German- town Ave., Mt. Airy. Jarrett, Mrs. F. H., Jarrett's Gardens, Bethayres. Jeanes, Mr. Henry S., Jr., Devon. Jeanes, Mrs. Henry S., 2214 St. James Place, Philadelphia. Jeanes, Mrs. Isaac W., Moreland Ave. and St. Martin's Lane, Chestnut HilL Jeanes, Mrs. Joseph Y., Villa Nova. Jefferys, Mrs. Edward M., Wheel Pump Lane, Chestnut Hill. Jeffords, Mr. Walter M., Glen Riddle. Jelinek, Miss Anne, Krisheim Lodge, Chestnut Hill. 48 Jenkins, Miss Anna M., 20 Jefferson Ave., Stratford, N. J. Jenkins, Mr. Charles F., Box 1384, Philadelphia. Jenkins, Mrs. Charles F., Kitchen's Lane, Mt. Airy. Jenkins, Mrs. G. Herbert, "Gwyn Acres," Gwynedd. Jenkins, Mrs. H. Lawrence, Beaumont Lodge, Devon. Jenkins, Mr. Horace C, Gwynedd. Jenks, Mrs. Horace H., 237 W. Mont- gomery Ave., Haverford. Jenks, Mrs. John S., Seminole and Chestnut Aves., Chestnut Hill. Jennings, Mr. A. Merritt, 340 Dela- ware St., Woodbury, N. J. Jennings, Miss Dorothea W., Green- wood Terrace Apts, Jenkintown. Jennings, Mrs. W. Beatty, Cambridge Apts., Germantown. Jennings, Mrs. William J., Jr., 337 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia. Jetter, Mrs. William F., Academy and Loller Roads, Hatboro. Joachim, Miss Reba E., 939 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia. Johnson, Mrs. Alba B., Rosemont. Johnson, Mrs. Alba B., Jr., Villa Nova. Johnson, Mr. Archibald T., R. D. 2, Willow Grove. Johnson, Mrs. Archibald T., R. D. 2, Willow Grove. Johnson, Mrs. Ashmore C, Ridgecrest Farm, Coatesville. Johnson, Mrs. C. W., "Deanewald Acres," Fletcher Road, Wayne. Johnson, Miss Evelyn P., Maple Shade, N. J. Johnson, Mrs. Howard Cooper, "Coles- hill," Moylan. Johnson, Mrs. Lester B., "Gwyncroft Farm," North Wales. Johnson, Mrs. 0. D., 408 Millers Lane, Wynnewood. Johnson, Mrs. Russell H., Jr., R. D. 2, Norristown. Johnson, Mr. Stanley, 406 Franklin Ave., Cheltenham. Johnson, Mr. W. Keating, Ridge Ave. above City Line, Roxborough. Johnson, Mrs. Walter H., City Ave. and Green Hill Road, Overbrook. Johnson, Mrs. Walter J., 1730 Pine St., Philadelphia. Johnston, Mr. Robert Smith, 6 Alton Rd., Yardley. Jonas, Mrs. Leon, 6500 N. 7th St., Philadelphia. Jones, Mrs. C. Clothier, 144 Valley Road, Ardmore. Jones, Mr. Henry Hand, Shackamaxon St., E. of N. Delaware Ave., Ken- sington. Jones, Mr. Henry W., 25 E. 5th St., Chester. Jones, Mr. Horace C, 5th and Fayette Sts., Conshohocken. Jones, Mrs. J. Clifford, 4714 Spring- field Ave., Philadelphia. Jones, Mrs. John Price, 875 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Jones, Mr. Joseph L., 200 Wyncote Road, Jenkintown. Jones, Mrs. Livingston, "Chellowe," Chestnut Hill. Jones, Mr. Maury W., Station and Highland Aves., Langhorne. Jones, Mrs. Robert W., 207 Church Road, Ardmore. Jones, Mrs. Spencer L., Conshohocken. Jones, Mr. William B., Supt., High- wood Cemetery, 2800 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh. Jones, Mrs. William G., Jr., "Knoll," Greenville, Del. Jordan, Mrs. Eugene, 1420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Jordan, Mrs. Frederick, "Jordan's Pond," Glenside. Jordan, Mrs. T. Carrick, 8703 Semi- nole Avenue, Chestnut Hill. Junkin, Mrs. George B., Bryn Mawr. Justice, Miss Hilda, 414 Manheim St., Germantown. Justice, Mrs. Randolph F., Wynne- wood. Kadel, Mrs. Mary I., Avon Apart- ments, Narberth. Kagel, Mrs. Edward, 700 N. Pershing Ave., York. Kaighn, Mrs. Charles B., 28 N. Sten- ton Place, Atlantic City, N. J. Kain, Mrs. Peter, 704 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy. Kain, Mrs. Robert E., 38 Linwood Ave., Ardmore. Kaiser, Mrs. Frank A., 1710 Monsey Ave., Scranton. Kane, Mrs. Bayard, Boot Road, West Chester. Kane, Mrs. John Kent, Shirley Farm, Glenloch. Karb, Mrs. John, Apt. 707, 107 E. Gorgas Lane, Germantown. Karr, Mrs. Joseph, "Windy Corner," Huntingdon Valley. Kase, Mrs. Marion, 247 Winding Way, Merion Station. Kast, Miss Clara C, 2004 Spring Gar- den St., Philadelphia. Kaufman, Mrs. Frank M., 232 Winding Way, Merion Station. Kaufmann, Mrs. Eugene M., Lenox Apt. 11 F, 13th and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia. Kaufmann, Mrs. Morris A., Elkins Park. Keating, Miss Elizabeth, Wawa, Del. Co. Keator, Mrs. John Frisbee, The Oak Road and School House Lane, East Falls P. O. Keen, Mrs. Carl T., 323 E. Phil-Ellena . St., Mt. Airy. 49 Keen, Mrs. Frank A., 603 N. Walnut St., West Chester. Keenan, Miss Mary R., 132 W. Otter- man St., Greensburg. Keenest, Mr. Esker L,, 28 W. Fair- view St., Bethlehem. Keeney, Miss Susan Dorotliea, 318 E, Lancaster Pike, Wayne. Keiser, Mrs. David H., R. D. 1, West Lawn. Keith, Mrs. Sidney, Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Kelley, Mrs. Edward, Bent Road, Wyncote. Kelley, Mrs. John J., 231/2 N. Laurel St., Hazleton. Kelly, Mrs. Frederick W., "Little Gardens," Lansdowne. Kelly, Mr. Gregory C, 7 Snowden Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Kemble, Miss Annie L., 522 Parker Ave., Collingdale. Kemble, Mrs. Francis W., Devon. Kendall, Mrs. Paul, Haverford. Kenderdine, Dr. Clarence, 89 W. Washington Lane, Mt. Airy. Kendrick, Mrs. Murdock, 242 S. 21st St., Philadelphia. Kennedy, Mrs. B. H., 2405 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Kennedy, Mrs. Davidson, 2202 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Kennedy, Miss Katharine, 2405 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Kennedy, Mrs. Moorhead C, Ragged Edge, Chambersburg. Kent, Mrs. A. Atwater, Ardmore. Kent, Mrs, Edward H., Copse Hill, Dallas. Kent, Mrs. William C, Wyncote. Kerbaugh, Mrs. M. A., 840 Mont- gomery Ave., Bryn Mawr. Kerr, Mrs. S. Kissam, 848 Riverside Ave., Trenton, N. J. K^rr, Mrs. William M., Trainer. Ketcham, Mrs. John S., 407 Haver- ford Avenue, Narberth. Keyser, Mrs. Herman J., Panther Road, Rydal. Kimber, Miss N. B., 538 Locust Ave., Germantown. Kind, Mrs. Philip, Lenox Road, Jen- kintown. Kinderman, Mrs. J. A., 1518 N. Alden St., Philadelphia. Kindig, Mr. Eli, Jr., 225 N. Lans- downe Ave., Lansdowne. King, Mrs. Albert F, A., 8005 Navahoe St., Chestnut Hill. King, Mrs. Caroline B., 1610 Pelham Road, Beechwood Park, Upper Darby P. 0. Kinnard, Mrs, Leonard H., Wynne- wood. Kinney, Miss Martha F., 2020 E. Chel- ten Ave., Germantown. Kircher, Mr. Walter C, 2671 N. Napa St., Philadelphia. Kirk, Mrs. Frederick S., Indian Creek Road, Overbrook. Kirk, Mrs. Louis E., 244 Harvey St., Germantown. Kirkland, Mr, Frederick R,, 212 S, 15th Street, Philadelphia. Kirshner, Miss Fannie S., 235 S. 49th Street, Philadelphia. Kirsopp, Mr. E. C. B., Houston Road, Radnor. Kistler, Mrs, C. Harold, 47 Cricket Ave., Ardmore. Kistler, Mrs. John C, 108 N. 8th St., Allentown. Kistler, Mr. John S., 144 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Kistler, Mrs. William Earl, 144 Park Avenue, Swarthmore. Kittredge, Mr. Benjamin R., Straw- berry, S. C. Klapp, Mrs. Wilbur Paddock, Villa Nova. Klapp, Mrs. Wilbur P., Jr., Box 265, Paoli, Klopp, Miss Emily R., Ringwood & Montgomery Ave., Rosemont. Klein, Mr. A. H,, 311 Fairview Ave., Moorestown, N, J, Klein, Mrs, Thomas, Brentford Road, Haverford. Klinedinst, Mrs. H. A., 164 Summit Lane, Bala-Cynwyd. Klose, Mrs. Henry C, 1130 Yeadon Ave., Yeadon. Knauf, Mrs. Paul W., 5 Cynwyd Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Kneedler, Mrs. Howard S., Jr., 121 W. Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Knight, Mr. D, Allen, 7201 McCallum St., Mt. Airy. Knight, Mrs. D. Allen, 7201 McCallum St., Mt. Airy. Knight, Miss Helen, Haverford. Knight, Mrs. Richard, Rolling Road, Bryn Mawr. Knight, Mrs. W. B,, 36 Hillcrest Ave., Trenton, N. J. Kniskern, Mr. Philip W., 507 River- view Rd., Swarthmore. Knittle, Mrs. O. B., 315 S. Center St., Pottsville. Knowles, Mr. W. Irving, 1014 S, 47th St., Philadelphia. Knox, Mr. Paul W., 7210 Lincoln Drive, Mt. Airy, Koch, Mrs. Florence E., 201 Wynne- wood Ave., Narberth. Koch, Mr. Louis J., 3926 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Kohn, Mrs. Harry E., 682 S. Highland Ave,, Merion Station. Kohn, Mrs. Irving, 1830 S. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Kolb, Mr. Emmanuel, 1925 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 50 Kolbe, Mrs. P. R., 6956 Greenhill Rd., Overbrook. Kommer, Mr. John T., 519 E. Sedg- wick St., Mt. Airy. Krause, Miss Idella M., 718 Haws Ave., Norristown. Krauss, Mrs. Lee, 405 Cotswold Road, Wynnewood. Krebs, Mrs. George J., 476 W. Main St., Somerset. Kress, Mrs. C. C, Sycamore Road, Merion. Krick, Mr. Walter, "Pine Acres," R. D. 3, Lehighton. Krisher, Mrs. L. C, 1131 Allengrove St., Philadelphia. Krumbhaar, Mrs. E. B., Chestnut Hill. Krupp, Mr. Harry Z., 630 Columbia Ave., Lansdale. Kuemmerle, Mr. Clarence E., 240 Golf View Rd., Merion Golf Manor, Ard- more. Kuhn, Mr. C. Hartman, 1420 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Kuhn, Mr. John, 405 W. Tabor Road, Olney. Kuhn, Mrs. John, Jr., 547 Olney Ave., Philadelphia. Kurth, Miss Rena, The Mermont, Bryn Mawr. Kurtz, Mrs. William F., 7002 Wissa- hickon Ave., Mt. Airy. Kyle, Mrs. D. Braden, Haverford. La Boiteaux, Mrs. Isaac, Bryn Mawr. Lacey, Mr. J. Madison, 329 Waring Road, Elkins, Park. Lacey, Mrs. J. Madison, 329 Waring Road, Elkins Park. Laessle, Mrs. Albert, 511 Runnymede Ave., Jenkintown. Lafore, Mrs. J. A., Penn Valley Farm, Narberth. Lafore, Mrs. John A., Jr., Bowman Ave. and Valley Road, Merion. Lafore, Mrs. Robert White, 2143 Lo- cust St., Philadelphia. Laird, Mrs. J. Packard, Chesterbrook Farm, Berwyn. Laird, Mrs. W. W., 3200 W. 17th St., Wilmington, Del. Lamb, Miss Anna R., R. D. No. 1, Nor- ristown. Lamb, Mrs. James G., R. D. 3, Media. Lamb, Mrs. Robert E., "Springdale Farm," Egypt Road, R. D. 1, Nor- ristown. Lambert, Mr. Louis F., Box 407, Coates- ville. Lammot, Miss Dorothy, 495 E. Grav- ers Lane, Chestnut Hill. LaMotte, Mrs. F., Jr., 1111 Berkeley Road, Wilmington, Del. Landenberger, Mr. C. H., Jr., "High- lands," Aquetong Road, Box 261, New Hope, Bucks Co. Landenberger, Mrs. C. Henry, 525 Cresheim Valley Road, Chestnut Hill. Landreth, Mr. Burnet, Jr., 245 W. Highland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Landreth, Mr. Charles Hulse, 8000 Lincoln Drive, Chestnut Hill. Landreth, Miss Frances H., 715 Rad- cliffe Street, Bristol. Landreth, Mr. S. Phillips, Bristol. Landreth, Mrs. S. Phillips, "Pine Grove," Bristol. Landt, Mrs. G. E., Curren Terrace, Norristown. Lane, Mrs. O. E., Woodcock Farm, Westtown. Langdon, Mrs. H. Maxwell, Gray's Lane, Haverford. Lankford, Mrs. Floyd, 4101 St. Paul St., Guilford, Baltimore, Md. Lapp, Mr. Walter S., 724 Derstine Ave., Lansdale. Lara, Mrs. Helena S., 2246 N. 52nd St., Philadelphia. Larzelere, Mrs. John L., 1340 DeKalb St., Norristown. Larzelere, Mrs. Walter D., "Thorn- hedge," St. Davids. Latimer, Mr. J. D., 5420 Westford Road, Olney. Latimer, Mrs. J. D., 5420 Westford Road, Olney. Latta, Mrs. Cuthbert H., Jr., Radnor Rd., Radnor. Lauck, Mrs. Gerald M., Inwood, Wynne- wood. Laudenslager, Mr. William, 138 White Horse Pike, Apt. B-6, W. CoUings- wood, N. J. Lauer, Mr. Conrad N., P. 0. Box 147, Penllyn, Montgomery County. Lauer, Mrs. Harry, P. O. Box 220, Ambler. Laughlin, Mrs. George M., Jr., Wood- land Road, Pittsburgh. Laughlin, Mrs. Ledlie I., Princeton, N. J. Lauterbach, Mr. C. E., Buckhannon, W. Va. Laverty, Mrs. Maris Alexander, 229 Derwen Road, Merion. Laverty, Mrs. William M., 115 Edge Hill Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Lavino, Mr. Edwin M., Twin Willows, Cresheim Valley Road, Chestnut Hill. Lay, Miss Harriet M., 4015 Pine St., Philadelphia. Lay, Mr. J. Tracy, 4015 Pine St., Philadelphia. Lea, Mrs. Charles M., "West Thorpe Farm," Devon. Lea, Mrs. Francis C, 421 Owen Road, Wynnewood. Lea, Mrs. Langdon, Yellow Springs Road, Paoli. Lea, Mrs. Rowland E., Waterloo Road, Devon. Leaming, Mrs. E. B., 228 E. Central Ave., Moorestown, N. J. 51 Lear, Mrs. John B., 319 W. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut HiU. Leas, Mrs. Frederick C, Wayne. Leas, Mrs. LeRoy P., Overbrook, West Park Station. Leas, Miss Mabel Alice, Roberts Road and Wyndon Ave., Bryn Mawr. Lebo, Mrs. Ellerslie A., 218 George St., Millersville, Lancaster Co. LeBoutillier, Mrs. Benjamin Homer, Paoli. Lee, Mrs. Alfred P., 4713 Springfield Ave., Philadelphia. Lee, Mrs. Horace H., 727 Panmure Road, Haverford. Lee, Mrs. Russell Morris, 308 Rex Ave., Chestnut Hill. Lee, Mrs. Stewart, 2801 Pennsylvania Ave., Wilmington, Del. Lee, Mr. Valentine B., 6615 N. 11th St., Oak Lane. Leedom, Mrs. Charles, Rose Tree Farm, Media. Leedom, Mrs. Elizabeth D., 108 Tenby Road, Llanerch, Delaware County. Leeds, Mr. M. E., 4901 Stenton Ave., Germantown. Leeds, Mrs. Morris E., 1025 Westview St., Mt. Airy. Legendre, Mr. Jacques L., Dreer's Nurseries, Riverton, N. J. Lehman, Mr. Harry A., 8427 Prospect Ave., Chestnut Hill. Lehman, Mrs. James A., 3323 Queen Lane, Philadelphia. Leibert, Miss E. Pauline, 38 W. Church St., Bethlehem. Leidy, Mrs. Daniel D., 416 E. Phila- delphia Ave., Boyertown. Leighton, Mrs. Archibald O., Paoli. Leinau, Miss Ethel, 4216 Spruce St., Philadelphia. LeMaistre, Mr. F. J., 12 Swarthmore Ave., Ridley Park. Lentz, Mrs. Marshall H., 1107 Beech Rd., Rosemont. Lentz, Mrs. William O., Rydal. LeRoy, Miss Charlotte Otis, 7428 Devon St., Mt. Airy. Lesley, Mrs. Robert W., Haverford. Lester, Mr. Joseph G., 2220 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia. Lever, Mrs. G. F., 6607 Frankford Ave., Tacony. Levering, Mrs. Frank D., 15 Merion Road, Merion Station. Levering, Mrs. J. Walter, 567 War- wick Road, Haddonfield, N. J. Levin, Dr. Louis, 1859 N. 8th St., Philadelphia. Levis, Mr. Edward H., 438 Main St., Mt. Holly, N. J. Levis, Mrs. Norman Van Pelt, 110 W. Coulter St., Germantown. Levy, Mr. Howard S., Feasterville. Levy, Mrs. Lionel Faraday, 1016 West- view St., Mt. Airy. Lewis, Mr. Christian B., Brigantine, N. J. Lewis, Mrs. Clifford, Jr., 240 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. Lewis, Mrs. Howard W., 1928 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Lewis, Mrs. Leon E., 26 Spruce Lane, Mahanoy City. Lewis, Mrs. Lynne K., 2004 W. On- tario St., Philadelphia. Lewis, Miss Mabel E., 139 Hawthorne Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Lewis, Mrs. Owen B., 3917 Vaux St., Queen Lane Manor, Philadelphia. Lewis, Mrs. Paul, Strafford. Lewis, Mrs. Thomas H., Paoli. Lewis, Mrs. Walter H., 335 N. Frank- lin Street, West Chester. Lewis, Mrs. William Draper, "Aw- bury," East Germantown. Libros, Mrs. Simon, 416 State Road, Cynwyd. Lichten, Miss Frances M., 1709 San- som Street, Philadelphia. Ligget, Mrs. Howard B., Jr., Laverock, Chestnut Hill. Ligget, Mrs. J. Thomas, Haverford. Ligget, Mrs. Robert C, Echo Valley Farms, Valley Forge. Lilienthal, Mrs. Maria, 2519 S. Lam- bert St., Philadelphia. Lindenmayer, Miss Josephine A., R. F. D. 1, Newtown, Bucks Co. Lindenmeyr, Mrs. Martha M., The Kenilworth, Alden Park, German- town. Lineaweaver, Mrs. Charles P., The Quarry, Laurel Lane, Haverford. Linton, Mrs. M. Albert, 315 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Linton, Mrs. William H., 102 S. Roll- ing Rd., Springfield, Del. Co. Lippincott, Mr. C. Carroll, 135 Hill- dale Road, Lansdowne. Lippincott, Mr. H. R., Mullica Hill, N. J. Lippincott, Mrs. J. Bertram, 1712 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Lippincott, Mrs. J. Lawrence, R. D. 1, Medford, N. J. Lippincott, Mrs. Joseph W., Bethayres. Lippincott, Mrs. Robert C, 266 W. Tulpehocken St., Germantown. Little, Mrs. Royal, 123 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, R. I. Littleton, Mr. Arthur, 24 E. Newfield Way, Bala-Cynwyd. Littleton, Mrs. Arthur, 24 E. Newfield Way, Bala-Cynwyd. Liversidge, Mrs. Horace, 202 Clwyd Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Livingood, Mrs. John E., 114 Wyomis- sing Blvd., Wyomissing. Livingston, Mr. Philip A., 620 Manor Road. Narberth. Lloyd, Mrs. John S., Jr., Devon. Lloyd, Mr. Malcolm, Jr., 1930 Land Title Building, Philadelphia. 52 Lloyd, Mr. Richard W., Haverford. Lloyd, Mrs. Stacy B., Ardmore. Lloyd, Mrs. William J., 80 Wynnedale Rd., Narberth. Lober, Mr. John C, King of Prussia Road, Radnor. Loeb, Mrs. Adolf, S. E. Cor. Wissa- hickon Ave. and Cliveden St., Ger- mantown. Loeb, Mrs. Herman, The Warwick, Apt. 1508, 17th and Locust Sts., Philadelphia. Loeb, Mrs. Howard A,, Elkins Park. Logan, Miss Alice, 525 N. High St., West Chester. Logan, Miss Maria Dickinson, 4650 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia. Logan, Mr. Michael L., Ridge Pike and City Line, Roxborough. Logan, Mrs. Robert R., Eddington, Bucks County. Long, Mr. Bayard, 250 Ashbourne Road, Elkins Park. Longaker, Dr. Edwin P., 41 E. Mont- gomery Ave., Ardmore. Longmaid, Mrs. John Henry, Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr. Longsdorf, Mrs. Paul W., 550 Church Rd., Elkins Park. Longshore, Mr. Frank H., Episcopal Hospital, Front St. and Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia. Loos, Miss Fanny H., 417 Haverford Road, Narberth. Lord-Wood, Mr. E. Russel, 132 S. Chester Road, Glenolden. Lorimer, Mrs. George H., Wyncote. Lorimer, Mrs. Graeme, "June Mea- dow," Huntingdon Valley, Louchheim, Mrs. Joseph A., Meeting House and York Roads, Ellcins Park. Lovatt, Mr. George I., Architects Bldg., Philadelphia. Lovelace, Mrs. Alan Van L., Queens- town, Md. Loveland, Mrs. S. C, 902 Central Ave- nue, Hammonton, N. J. Low, Mrs. Howe, 8003 Navahoe St., Chestnut Hill. Lowrie, Miss Sarah D., 1827 Pine St., Philadelphia. Lucke, Dr. Baldwin, Univ. of Pa. Medical School, Philadelphia. Luckenbach, Mrs. J. Lewis, 113 10th Ave., Haddon Heights, N. J. Ludes, Miss Martha J., 223 State St., Harrisburg. Ludington, Mrs. C. Townsend, Mill Creek and Old Gulph Roads, Ard- more. Ludlum, Mrs. Seymour DeWitt, 1827 Pine St., Philadelphia. Lukens, Mrs. Charles K., 8051 Stenton Ave., Chestnut Hill. Lukens, Mr. George E., 214 School St., North Wales. Lukens, Mrs. Hiram S., 5843 Wood- bine Ave., Overbrook. Lukens, Mrs. J. N., 4 E. Langhorne Ave., Upper Darby. Lukens, Mrs. Lewis N., Jr., Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Lukens, Mr. William W., Jr., Glad- wyne. Lundie, Mrs. Arden, 1019 Sycamore St., Haddon Heights, N. J, Lundy, Mrs. Frederic K., 331 High St., Williamsport. Lurio, Mrs. Benjamin, 1309 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster. Lux, Mrs. Frances Weeks, Rosemont. Lycett, Miss Rebecca H., Haverford. Lynch, Mrs. Charles McK., Starboard Light, Greensburg. Lynch, Miss Marie E., 2304 Fuller St., Philadelphia. Lyon, Mrs. Layton S., 880 Hollywood Circle, Williamsport. Lyon, Mrs. LeRoy S., 2107 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Lyons, Mrs. Edwin M., 18 Maple Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. McAdoo, Mr. Henry M., "Wee-Mailen," Fort Washington. McAllister, Mrs. J. Howard, Box 137, Paoli. McAllister, Mrs. J. Rutherford, 8134 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. McAvoy, Mrs. Thomas B., Phoenix- ville. McCabe, Mrs. Thomas Bayard, 607 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore. McCaffrey, Mr. James A., 91 Windsor Ave., Narberth. McCaleb, Mr. William S. B., 505 N. Front St., Harrisburg. McCann, Mr, Horace D., Valley Road, Paoli. McCarthy, Mrs. E. B., Devon, McCarthy, Mrs. J, A., 125 Summit Ave., Jenkintown. McCawley, Mr. Edmund S., Ithan. McCawley, Mrs. William M., 17 Hav- erford Ave., Haverford. McCloskey, • Mrs. John F., 8720 Ger- mantown Ave., Chestnut Hill. McClure, Mrs. Charles A., 222 Pem- broke Ave., Wayne. McConechy, Mrs. J. H. Gordon, 405 Elm Ave., Swarthmore. McCorkle, Mrs. Louis, Pembroke & Margate Parkway, Margate, N. J. McCormick, Miss Anne, 301 N. Front St., Harrisburg, McCormick, Mrs. R. M., 334 Spring- field Road, Aldan, Del. Co. McCormick, Mrs. Vance, Cedar Cliff Farms, Harrisburg, McCouch, Mrs. G. P., Rose Tree Road, Media, MacCoy, Mrs. W, Logan, 69th St. and City Line, Overbrook. 63 McCreary, Mrs. George D., St. Mar- tins, Chestnut Hill. McCreary, Mrs. William H., 114 Glenn Road, Ardmore. McCreery, Mrs. Samuel, "Spring Mea- dow Farm," Valley Forge. McCurdy, Mrs. F. Allen, W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne. McCurdy, Mr. Harold R., 309 Llan- drillo Road, Bala-Cynwyd. McCurdy, Mr. J. Aubrey, 7315 Elbow Lane, Mt. Airy. McCurdy, Mrs. J. Aubrey, 7315 Elbow Lane, Mt. Airy. McCurdy, Miss Mary C, 309 Llan- drillo Road, Bala-Cynwyd. McCurdy, Miss Mary M.. 6023 Drexel Road, Overbrook. McCutcheon, Mrs. Thomas, Smoke- House Farm, Downingtown. McDaniel, Miss Ada B., 6391 Wood- bine Ave., Overbrook. McDonald, Mrs. E., 901 Strath Haven Ave., Swarthmore. McDowell, Miss Louise A., 3749 Wood- land Ave., Drexel Hill. McDowell, Miss Martha, Wayne Manor, Germantown. McFadden, Mrs. J. Franklin, Rose- mont. McFarland, Mrs. George K., "Wind- ridge," West Chester. McFarland, Mr. J. Horace, Box 687, Harrisburg. MacFarland, Mr. Walter G., Jr., Hunt- ingdon Valley. McGill, Miss Mary E., 700 Hazelhurst Road, Merion. McGinty, Mrs. Catharine Moore, 10 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore. McGowan, Mrs. James, 421 Myrtle Ave., Cheltenham. MacGowan, Miss Viola, 411 Fishers Road, Bryn Mawr. McGowin, Mrs. R. S., 322 Kent Road, Bala-Cynwyd. McGrath, Mrs. E. J., 543 Foss Ave., Drexel Hill. Mcllhenny, Mrs. John D., Lincoln Drive and Johnson St., Germantown- Mcllvain, Mrs. Dickerson, 400 S. 15th St., Philadelphia. Mcllvain, Mrs. J. Gibson, "Lowe- brook," Downingtown. Mclnnes, Mr. Walter S., 1808 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Maclver, Mrs. Robert D., Chadds Ford. McKaig, Mrs. Edgar S., King of Prus- sia Rd., Radnor. McKean, Mrs. Bispham, Ithan. McKeever, Mrs. William, 331 Louella Ave., Wayne. McKinney, Miss Edith, 5433 Morris St., Germantown. McLain, Mrs. Louis, 620 Pembroke Road, Bryn Mawr. McLaughlin, Mrs. P. W., 1800 DeKalb St., Norristown. McLean, Mrs. Robert, Fort Washing- ton. McLean, Mrs. William L., Jr., St. Mar- tin's Lane, Chestnut Hill. MacLeod, Mr. Alexander, "Weldon," Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr. Macmeney, Miss Elizabeth, 439 Penn Ave., Drexel Hill. McMichael, Mrs. Emory, Devon. McMichael, Mrs. Harrison, Gladwyne. McMicking, Miss Elizabeth L S., Gir- ard College, Philadelphia. MacMillan, Mr. William J., 7429 Bing- ham St., Burholme. McMullan, Mrs. James, 7030 Wissa- hickon Ave., Mt. Airy. McMullin, Mrs. David, Jr., 174 Beth- lehem Pike, Ambler. McNeely, Miss Florence, 444 N. High- land Ave., Merion. McNees, Mrs. C. B., 101 Hazel Ave., Kittanning. McNeill, Mr. John T., 800 E. Willard St., Philadelphia. McNeils, Mr. John F., S. W. Cor. Park and 65th Aves., Oak Lane. McNutt, Mr. Alexander, 6772 Mus- grove Street, Germantown. McOwen, Mrs. F., 5871 Drexel Road, Philadelphia. McQuail, Mr. James A., Jr., 401 Baird Road, Merion Station. Maas, Mr. Philip, Central High School, Broad and Green Streets, Philadelphia. Macfarlan, Mrs. Gregor, 403 Anthwyn Rd., Narberth P. O. Mack, Mr. Louis F., c/o Derbyshire, Mack & Morgan, Inc., Delaware Ave. & South St., Philadelphia. Macon, Mrs. B. Knox, Barberry Hill, Howellville Road, Paoli. Maconachy, Mrs. Henry D., Westtown. Maconachy, Mrs. J. G., Stoneybank, Glen Mills. Macormack, Mr. Charles, 2807 Midvale Ave., Germantown. Madeira, Mrs. E. W., School Lane, Germantown. Magee, Miss Jane I., Box 134, Wynne- wood. Magill, Mrs. John T., 8229 Manor Road, Elkins Park. Magill, Mrs. S. N., Elkins Ave., Elkins Park. Mahoney, Mrs. John Dennis, Sellers- ville. Mahony, Mrs. Leslie P., 2201 Gilpin Avenue, Wilmington, Del. Malehorn, Mr. C. J., 423 Grove Place, Narberth. Mallery, Mrs. Otto T., Jr., 105 Benezet St., Chestnut Hill. Mallon, Miss Louise Baeder, care Miss Dorothy Mallon, 247 S. Juniper St., Philadelphia. 54 Maloney, Mrs. Clifton, 111 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Manda, Mr, Joseph, Llewellyn Park, W. Orange, N. J. Manges, Mrs. Willis F., Moylan, Del. Co. Mann, Mrs. George S., 408 Manor Ave., Millersville. Mann, Mrs. Levis L., The Cambridge, Alden Park, Germantown, Mannix, Captain D. Pratt, Montgom- ery Ave., Rosemont. Mansfield, Miss A. R., R. D. 1, Easton. Marburg, Mrs. Edgar, White Hall, Lancaster Ave., Haverford. March, Mrs. Irwin W., 501 N. Frank- lin St., Pottstown. Maris, Mrs. Albert B., 554 S. Lans- downe Ave., Lansdowne. Markle, Mrs. Alvan, "Highacres," Hazleton. Markle, Mrs. Alvan, Jr., 120 N. Church St., Hazleton. Markle, Mrs. George B., P. 0. Box 426, Hazleton. Markoe, Mrs. Harry, Penllyn. Marr, Miss S. A., 503 W. 12th St., Wilmington, Del. Marsh, Mrs. Ethel F., 115 Hickman Avenue, Gloucester, N. J. Marshall, Miss Ethel, The Cambridge, Alden Park, Germantown. Marshall, Mrs. F. Warren, Radnor. Marshall, Mrs. J. Warren, Yorklyn, Del. Marshall, Mrs. John, Box 136, James- town, R. I. Marshall, Miss Sara T., 603 The Cam- bridge, Alden Park, Germantown. Marshall, Mrs. T. C, Yorklyn, Del. Marshall, Mrs. Thomas F., 3rd, Winde- mere Court, Apt. 1-2, Wayne. Marshall, Mrs. Wayne, Wallingford. Martin, Mr. Carl N., Pine Creek Farm, Box 478, Paoli. Martin, Mrs. Carl N., Pine Creek Farm, Box 478, Paoli. Martin, Miss E. Gwen, 139 Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut Hill. Martin, Dr. Edward, "Orchard Farm," Media. Martin, Mrs. John C, Wedgewood, Wyncote. Martin, Mrs. Nellie L., Hatfield. Martin, Mrs. Sydney E,, Elkins Park. Martz, Mrs. Frank, R. D. 3, Dallas, Luzerne Co. Mason, Mr. Alfred C, 103 Allen Lane, Mt. Airy. Mason, Miss Jane Graham, "Cerne," School House Lane, Germantown. Mason, Miss Laura K., 5528 Greene St., Germantown. Mason, Miss Mary Taylor, "Cerne," School House Lane, Germantown. Mason, Mr. William Clarke, 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia. Master, Rev. Dr. Henry B., "Glen- thorne," Devon. Master, Mrs. Henry B., "Glenthorne," Devon. Masters, Mrs. Frank M., River Rd., Harrisburg. Mathieu, Mr. Alfred E., "Playwickey," Rydal. Mathieu, Mrs. Peter N., 1500 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Matthews, Miss Alice E., Langhorne. Matthews, Mrs. Charles J., Langhorne. Matthews, Mr. Edward, care Mrs. George D. Rosengarten, Malvern. Matthews, Mr. Edwin, Outdoor Arts Co., Flourtown. Matthews, Mrs. Walter T., Wistar Road, Paoli. Mattis, Mr. J. Stafford, 4542 Mana- yunk Ave., Roxborough. Mattoon, Mr, H. Gleason, 314 Cyn- wyd Rd., Bala-Cynwyd. Mattoon, Mrs. H. Gleason, 314 Cyn- wyd Rd., Bala-Cynwyd. Mauger, Mr. Louis S., Blackwood, N. J. Maule, Mr. Edmund W., 654 Chester Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Maule, Mrs. Edmund W., 654 Chester Ave., Moorestown, N. J. MauU, Miss Edith B., 204 W. Drexel Ave., Lansdowne. Mauran, Mr, Frank, 2020 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Mayer, Mrs. Clinton 0., 1520 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Maynard, Mrs. Edward W., R, D, 3, Wilmington, Del. Meader, Mr, John H., 3510 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia. Mealley, Mrs, G, H,, Oaks, Montg. Co. Mechling, Mrs. B. Franklin, Flourtown. Mechling, Mrs, Benjamin S., 303 River Bank, Riverton, N. J. Mechling, Mrs. Edward A., Moores- town, N. J. Mecray, Mrs. P, M., Oak Ave., Moores- town, N. J. Meeds, Mrs. Hollyday S., Jr., "Good- stay," Wilmington, Del. Meehan, Mr. S. Mendelson, Newtown Square. Megargee, Mrs. M. B., 160 Fernbrook Ave., Wyncote. Megargee, Mrs. Theodore B,, N, Rad- cliffe St., Bristol. Meigs, Mrs. John F., 2d, Ithan. Meirs, Mrs. Richard Wain, 79 E. Bells Mill Road, Chestnut Hill. Melcher, Mrs. Webster A,, State Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Mellinff. Miss Helen A., 4927 Duffield St., Philadelphia, Mellor, Mrs. Walter, Scotforth Road, Germantown. Mendenhall, Miss Marie H., Brier House, Media. Mercer, Mrs. William R., "Aldie," Doylestown. 55 Meredith, Mrs. Howard Carr, 164 W. Sharpnack St., Mt. Airy. Merrick, Mrs. Samuel V., Bell's Mill Road, Chestnut Hill. Merritt, Mrs. Morris H., 113 W. Wil- low Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Mersereau, Mrs. James F., 239 Rex Ave., Chestnut Hill. Mertz, Mrs. Oscar E., 29 Pelham Road, Mt. Airy. Mervine, Mrs. William G., P. 0. Box 127, Phoenixville. Meter, Dr. Edward G., 25th and Grand- view Sts., Mt. Penn, Reading. Meyer, Mrs. A. P., Fox Chapel Rd., Fox Chapel, Pittsburgh. Meyer, Mrs. Fred L., 1014 Prospect Avenue, Oak Lane. Michel, Mr. Eugene H., 617 Thomas Ave., Riverton, N. J. Michel!, Mr. F. J., Jr., 518 Market St., Philadelphia. Michell, Mr. Frank B., 518 Market St., Philadelphia. Middleton, Mrs. Albert C, 232 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Middleton, Mrs. C. Wilmer, Haver- ford. Middleton, Mr. Fenton H., 1416 S. Penn Square, Philadelphia. Middleton, Miss May A., Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Broad and Wolf Sts., Philadelphia. Middleton, Miss Rena, 232 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Middleton, Miss Rena S., 1851 W. Mar- shall St., Norristown. Miehle, Miss Edith, 571 E. Norwegian St., Pottsville. Miles, Mrs. James R., N. Broad St., Kennett Square. Miller, Mrs. Augustus J., 413 Newbold Road, Jenkintown. Miller, Mrs. Clinton H., 3121 W. Coulter Street, East Falls. Miller, Mrs. D. Yeakel, 500 Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut Hill. Miller, Mrs. E. Wallace, 31 St. Paul's Rd., Ardmore. Miller, Miss Emma E., College Settle- ment, 433 Christian St., Philadelphia. Miller, Mrs. Giles P., R. D. No. 3, Norristown. Miller, Mr. Henry H., 405 Miller's Lane, Wynnewood. Miller, Mrs. Henry H., 405 Miller's Lane, Wynnewood. Miller, Mr. Herman P., 2215 Chestnut St., Harrisburg. Miller, Mrs. Hugh McCauley, Accomac Rd., Wyncote. Miller, Mr. John F., 3019 Queen Lane, Germantown. Miller, Mrs. John Faber, R. D. No. 4, Norristown. Miller, Miss Minerva V., 3025 Queen Lane, Germantown. Miller, Mrs. Robert M., Jr., 95 W. Stratford Ave., Lansdowne. Miller, Mr. Roy L., 3019 Queen Lane, Germantown. Miller, Mrs. T. Grier, Penn Valley, Narberth. Mills, Mrs. Everett W., 203 Sunset Ave., Jenkintown Manor. Mills, Mr. M. P., 5323 Chester Ave., Philadelphia. Milne, Mr. Caleb J., Jr., 6611 Wissa- hickon Ave., Mt. Airy. Milnes, Miss Hattie K., 331 Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. Minnich, Miss Agnes L., Route 1, Wrightsville. Mitchel, Miss Kathryn Mulford, 21 W. Greenwood Ave., Lansdowne. Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Davis, Avon- dale Road, Box 7, Wallingford. Mitchell, Mrs. Charles F., 2003 Pine St., Philadelphia. Mitchell, Miss F. Elizabeth, Madryn Gardens, R. D. No. 1, West Chester. Mitchell, Mrs. J. Clayton, North Wales. Mitchell, Mrs. James F., Jr., Laurel Lane, Haverford. Mitchell, Mrs. John J., Jr., Box 137, St. Davids. Mitchell, Mrs. John K., Reculver, West Chester. Mitchell, Miss Mary B., 7803 St. Martins Lane, Chestnut Hill. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary H., 116 Progress Ave., North Woodbury, N. J. Moffat, Mrs. Robert Y., 1115 Vine St., Scranton. Moffly, Mrs. William T., Emlen Arms, Mt. Airy. Moffly, Mr. William T., Jr., Willow Grove Ave. and Church Road, Chest- nut Hill. Montaigne, Mrs. Gerald, 2403 Mc- Donough Road, Wilmington, Del. Montgomery, Mrs. Edward E., 27 Aberdale Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Montgomery, Mrs. Kingsley, 20th St. and Providence Ave., Chester. Montgomery, Miss Mary Binney, 2016 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Montgomery, Mrs. R, L., Villa Nova. Montgomery, Mr. Sidney, F-4 Winder- mere Court, Wayne. Montgomery, Mrs. Sidney, F-4 Winder- mere Court, Wayne. Montgomery, Mrs. T. W., 109 Lycom- ing Ave., Willow Grove. Mantgomery, Mr. W. W., Jr., Radnor. Montgomery, Mrs. W. W., Jr., Radnor. Moomy, Mrs. Charles, 60 Mooreland Ave., Carlisle. Moon, Mrs. Owen, Winston-Salem, N. C. Moore, Mrs. A. C, 2244 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, III. Moore, Mr. Frederick H., care of Mr. R. W. Lloyd, Haverford. Moore, Miss Georgia, Box 227, West Chester. 66 Moore, Mrs. H. McKnight, Box 15, Bryn Mawr. Moore, Mrs. Harold T., Wynnewood. Moore, Mr. J. Clark Jr., 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia. Moore, Mr. John, 233 Sagamore Road, Brookline, Delaware County. Moore, Mr. Philip H., 6644 German- town Ave., Philadelphia. Moore, Mrs. Walter T., 121 W. Coulter St., Germantown. Moore, Mrs. "William G., 257 Kings Highway, West, Haddonfield, N. J. Moorehouse, Mrs. H. Wilson, Golf House and Andover Eoads, Haver- ford. Morgan, Mrs. Clinton W., Willow Grove. Morgan, Mrs. F. Corlies, Chestnut Hill. Morgan, Mrs. John B., 8635 Mont- gomery Ave., Chestnut Hill. Morgan, Mrs. Marshall S., Malvern. Morgan, Mrs. Randal, 398 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Morgan, Mrs. Reed A., "Manatawna," Roxborough. Mormann, Mrs. M., 355 Windemere Ave., Lansdowne. Morrell, Mrs. Edward, Torresdale. Morris, Miss Deborah, 221 S. DeKalb St., West Philadelphia. Morris, Miss Elizabeth Canby, 5442 Germantown Ave., Germantown. Morris, Miss Ellen, Villa Nova. Morris, Mrs. Harrison S., Chelten Ave. and York Road, Philadelphia. Morris, Mrs. Herbert C, Scotforth Road, Mt. Airy. Morris, Mrs. Homer L., Plush Mill Rd., Wallingford. Morris, Mrs. Hugh M., 1506 Broome St., Wilmington, Del. Morris, Mrs. I. Wistar, 38 Summit St., Chestnut Hill. Morris, Mrs. J. Cheston, Spring House. Morris, Miss Jane Grubb, Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr. Morris, Mr. Lawrence J., 240 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. Morris, Miss Margaret E., Rosemont. Morris, Miss Mary W., 2129 St. James Place, Philadelphia. Morris, Mrs. Reese, 221 S. DeKalb St., West Philadelphia. Morris, Mrs. Richard H., 6604 Wayne Ave., Mt. Airy. Morris, Mr. Samuel W., Sunset Ave., Chestnut Hill. Morris, Mrs. Samuel W., Sunset and Norwood Aves., Chestnut Hill. Morris, Mrs. W. P., Berwyn. Morrison, Dr. Mary A., Mecum Bldg., Salem, N. J. Morrison, Mr. William F., Box 276, West Chester. Morrow, Mrs. L. B., 710 Franklin St., Wilmington, Del. Morrow, Mr. Robert J., Towanda St., Chestnut Hill. Morse, Mr. Norman K., 1204 E. Wash- ington Lane, East Germantown. Morse, Mrs. Richard C, North Rose Lane, Haverford. Morton, Mrs. Arthur V., 1015 Clinton St., Philadelphia. Morton, Dr. George D., Honey Brook, Chester County. Moss, Mr. Frank H., Bala-Cynwyd. Moss, Mrs. Joseph, 6625 Greene St., Mt. Airy. Mott, Mrs. A. C, Jr., "The Woods," Lansdale. Moyer, Mr. Alvin W., "Floral Croft," Box 106, Dublin. Moyer, Mrs. D. Bruce, 701 W. Main St., Lansdale. Moyer, Dr. Paul T., Lansdale. Moyer, Mr. William F., 229 E. For- nance St., Norristown. Moyer, Mrs. William F., 229 E. For- nance St., Norristown. Mudd, Mrs. Stuart, 734 Millbrook Lane, Haverford. Muhlenberg, Miss Kate H., 212 Cherry Drive, Wyomissing. Muir, Mrs. John W., 8635 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Muller, Mr. Adolf, DeKalb Nurseries, Norristown. Muller, Mr, O. A., Ambler. Munsell, Mrs. F. S., 3415 Warden Drive, Philadelphia. Murdoch, Mrs. Frank B., Jr., 71st St. at Green Hill Road, Overbrook. Murtagh, Mrs. J. C, 310 N. High St., West Chester. Musser, Mrs. Charles S., 25 Dudley Ave., Lansdowne. Mustin, Miss Alice Emily, Herford Place, Lansdowne. Mustin, Mr. Frank H. Fleer, Herford Place, Lansdowne. Mustin, Mr. Gilbert B., Herford Place, Lansdowne. Mustin, Mrs. Gilbert B., Herford Place, Lansdowne. Mustin, Mr. Gilbert B., Jr., Herford Place, Lansdowne. Mustin, Mr. J. Burton, Rosemont. Myers, Mrs. Howard C, Jr., 7107 Cherokee Ave., Mt. Airy. Myers, Mrs. William Kurtz, 206 Wind- ing Way, Merlon. Nabenhauer, Mr. Fred P., Overhill Ave., Somerton. Nalle, Mrs. Jesse, Whitemarsh. Nalle, Mrs. Richard T., E. Bell's Mill Road, Chestnut Hill. Nassau, Mrs. William L., Jr., Wilson Farm, Box 651, Paoli. 57 Nauman, Mrs. Spencer G., 11 S. Front St., Harrisburg. Neale, Mr. James B., Buck Run, Schuylkill County. Neall, Miss Adelaide W., Roumfort Road, Mt. Airy. Neely, Mrs. Walter Clarkson, 338 Meadow Lane, Merion. Neher, Mrs. John Hutchins, 127 Glen- wood Road, Merion. Nehrbas, Mr. George E., Bryn Mawr. Neilson, Mrs. Edward S,., AUiquippa Farm, Malvern. Neilson, Miss Emma F., 5342 Wayne Ave., Germantown. Neilson, Mrs. Lewis, St, Davids. Neiman, Mrs. Walter R., 135 Beech St., Pottstown. Nelson, Mrs. E. K., 110 McKinley Ave., Lansdowne. Nesbit, Mrs. Thorpe, 531 Panmure Rd., Haverford. Nevin, Mrs. Charles W., 2021 Locust St., Philadelphia. Nevin, Mrs. William L., Hill Top Farm, Radnor. Newbold, Mrs. Eugene S., St. Davids. Newbold, Mrs. F. Eugene, Devon, Newbold, Mrs. John daCosta, Jr., Meadowbrook Lane, Chestnut Hill. Newbold, Mrs, John S. Jenkintown. Newbold, Miss Margaret E. L, Irvine, Warren County. Newburger, Mrs. Frank L., 534 Elkins Ave., Elkins Park. Newell, Miss Marie L., 187 E. Court St., Doylestown. Newhall, Mrs. D. A., Old Gulph Road, Narberth. Newhall, Mrs. David, 51 Woodale Road, Chestnut Hill. Newhall, Miss E. S., "Carlton," Mid- vale Ave., East Falls. Newhall, Mr. Thomas, Green Hill Farms, Overbrook. Newhall, Mrs. Thomas, Green Hill Farms, Overbrook. Newlin, Mrs. Arthur, 1804 Pine St., Philadelphia. Newlon, Mrs. Jesse H., 420 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Newsome, Mr. Samuel H., 24 Sycamore St., Chester. Nicholls, Mr. J. C, Jr., The Royal Iris Gardens, Frazer. Nichols, Mrs. H. S. Prentiss, 346 Pel- ham Road, Mt. Airy. Nicholson, Miss Edythe, 308 Florence Ave., Jenkintown. Nicholson, Mr. L. A., Rosemont. Nicholson, Mrs. Percival, 16 W. Mont- gomery Ave., Ardmore. Nicholson, Mrs. William H., Jr., 118 E. Oiak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Nicholson, Mrs. William R., Jr., Wis- sahickon and Midvale Aves., Ger- town. Nicolls, Mrs, Frederick W., 1531 Min- eral Spring Road, Reading. Nields, Mrs. John P., 1401 Broome St., Wilmington, Del. Niessen, Mr. Arthur A., 507 Liberty Trust Bldg., Broad and Arch Sts., Philadelphia. Niessen, Mrs. Leo, Box 62, Meadow- brook. Nisley, Mr. Wilbur I., 2406 N. 6th St., Harrisburg. Nixon, Mrs. Horace F., 8104 St. Mar- tins Lane, Chestnut Hill. Norberg, Mrs. Rudolph C, Hotel War- wick, Philadelphia. Norris, Mrs. Charles C, Mt. Pleasant Road, Bryn Mawr. Norris, Mrs. Charles C, Jr., Rose Lane, Box 316, Haverford, Norris, Mr. George W., Gwynedd Valley. Norris, Mrs. George W., Gwynedd Valley, Norris, Mrs. William Fisher, P. 0, Box 146, Bryn Mawr. Noyes, Mrs. B., 26 W, Bells Mill Road, Chestnut Hill, Oakford, Miss Elsie, Mayfair House, Lincoln Drive and Johnson St., Ger- mantown, Oakford, Mrs. James W,, 516 Panmure Road, Haverford, Oaks, Mrs. William G., 807 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. Obdyke, Miss Mary, Radnor. Oberrender, Mrs. Winfield S., 1403 Keystone Ave., Bywood, Upper Darby P. 0. Oberge, Miss U. H., West Buck Lane, Haverford. Oenslager, Mrs. Frank, 3219 N, Front St., Harrisburg. Off, Mrs. Walter F., Remington Road, Wynnewood, Ogelsby, Mrs. W, Porter, Jr,, Wyn- cote, Ohl, Mrs. F. W., 6833 Anderson St., Mt. Airy. Omensetter, Miss Letitia L., 105 N. 35th St., Philadelphia. O'Neill, Mrs. Joseph T., 400 S. Main Street, Phoenxville. O'Neill, Mrs. W, Charles, Huntingdon Valley. O'Neill, Mrs. W. Paul, Rydal. Onyx, Mr. Herbert P., R. D. 4, West Ord, Mrs! Laird, 2523 S. Cleveland St., Philadelphia, Orr, Mrs. George P., Berwyn, Ostheimer, Miss Elizabeth G., Jenkin- town. Ostheimer, Dr. Maurice, Grimmet, Whitford. Ostheimer, Mrs. Maurice, Grimmet, Whitford. Otter, Mrs. William C, 500 W, Chelten Ave., Philadelphia. 1 58 Oughton, Mr. Charles T., 209 Meeting- house Road, Jenkintown. Owens, Mrs. H. J., 320 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Packard, Mrs. F. R., 304 S. 19th St., Philadelphia. Packard, Mrs. Frederick A., W. Sunset Ave., Chestnut Hill. Packard, Mrs. George Randolph, Villa Nova. Packard, Mrs. John H., Conestoga Road, Wayne. Packard, Mrs. John H., 3d, cor. New St. and Stenton Ave., Chestnut Hill. Page, Mrs. Edward C, Bryn Mawr. Page, Mrs. Edward Sydenham, Wayne. Page, Mr. George C, Beech Tree Lane, Wayne. Page, Mrs. George C, Beech Tree Lane, Wayne. Page, Mr. L. Rodman, 1510 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Page, Mrs. Robert H., Winsford Road, Bryn Mawr. Page, Mr. Robert H. Jr., Winsford Road, Bryn Mawr. Paley, Mrs. Samuel, 101 W. Hampton Road, Chestnut Hill. Pallatt, Mrs. Winfield D., 7942 Mont- gomery Ave., Elkins Park. Palmer, Dr. Samuel C, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore. Pancoast, Mrs. Albert, The Wellington, 19th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia. Pancoast, Mrs. Stacy L., Main Street, Mullica Hill, N. J. Pardee, Miss Olive, Whitemarsh. Paret, Mr. Louis F., 50 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Parish, Dr. Benjamin D., North Hills P. 0. Parish, Mrs. H. G., North Hills P. 0. Park, Mrs. Lewis A., Sewickley. Parker, Mrs. Alan P., 127 Radnor Road, Bryn Mawr. Parker, Miss Harriet L., 6324 Irving Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Parker, Mrs. Heber, 1154 Reading Blvd., Wyomissing. Parker, Mr. Hiram, Moylan-Rose Valley. Parker, Mr. Winston E., 610 N. Wash- ington Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Parkhurst, Mrs. Charles W., 130 Der- wen Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Parlin, Mr. C. C, 128 E. Walnut Lane, Germantown. Parry, Mrs. Henry C, Langhorne. Parry, Mrs. William B., Langhorne. Parry, Mrs. William Irvine, 33 Benezet St., Chestnut Hill. Parsons, Mrs. Christine, 2014 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Parsons, Mr. George W., 1306 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. Parsons, Mrs. J. Clarence, S. Main St., Phoenixville. Pai'sons, Mrs. Lewis H., Villa Nova. Partenheimer, Mrs. John H., Arundel Farm, Horsham. Passmore, Mrs. Benjamin J., Malvern. Passmore, Mr. L. Alan, Jr., Bryn Mawr Ave., P. O. Box 247, Penn Valley, Narberth. Patterson, Mrs. Alexander E., "Seven Acres," Paoli. Patterson, Mrs. Charles L., Fair Hills Farm, Chadds Ford. Patterson, Mrs. E. B., 6529 Rogers Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Patterson, Mrs. J. Edward, 42 W. Wal- nut Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Patterson, Mrs. William T., Bethlehem Pike, Ambler. Paul, Mr. A. J. Drexel, Radnor. Paul, Mrs. E. Smith, 536 Ogden Ave., Swarthmore. Paul, Mrs. J. Folsom, School of Horti- culture, Ambler. Paulson, Mr. Arthur, 2644 Island Road, Philadelphia, Paulson, Miss Frances E., 7209 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia. Paxson, Miss Bertha R., 8764 Frank- ford Ave., Holmesburg. Paxson, Miss Elizabeth S., 126 Hill- dale Road, Lansdowne. Paxson, Mr. Henry D., Jr., Holicong. Paxson, Mrs. Henry D., Jr., Holicong. Payne, Miss Helena A., 4400 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Payne, Mrs. Julius A., 1324 Hillside Road, Wynnewood. Payne, Miss Margaret Belville, 124 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown. Payne, Mr. W. Guy, 2104 Market St., Pottsville. Peace, Mrs. Philip, Haverford. Peace, Mrs. William S., Rydal. Pearson, Mrs. Charles H., Box 96, Downingtown. Pearson, Mr. Edward M., 43 W. La- Crosse Ave., Lansdowne. Pearson, Mrs. Edward M., 43 W. La- Crosse Ave., Lansdowne. Pearson, Mrs. Edwin, 106 Jefferson Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Pearson, Miss Kathryn F., 234 Summit Ave., Jenkintown. Pearson, Mr. Lawrence J., Serpentine Lane, Wyncote. Pearson, Mrs. S. D., 421 Moody Ave., New Castle. Pearson, Miss Sara S., 234 Summit Ave., Jenkintown. Pease, Mrs. Henry H., 2307 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Peck, Mrs. Frank C, 29 E. Benezet St., Chestnut Hill. Peck, Mrs. W. T., Cheyney. Peck, Mr. William J., 220 Washington St. Pittston. Peckham, Mrs. Wheeler H., The Lodge, Skylands Farm, Sterlington, N. Y. Peirce, Mrs. Frederick, 370 Aubrey Road, Wynnewood. 59 Peirce, Mr. Robert F., 1234 Perkiomen Ave., Reading. Peirson, Mrs. Edwin J., Virginia Ave., Phoenixville. Peirson, Mrs. Walter, Jr., King of Prussia Road, Radnor. Pelton, Mrs. Clifford Livingstone, Lansdale. Pemberton, Mrs. Clifford, Jr., R. D. 4, Norristown. Pemberton, Mrs. Henry, Jr., Prospect Ave., Chestnut Hill. Pemberton, Mrs. Ralph, Paoli. Pennell, Miss Elizabeth S., Hildemere Gardens, Waw^a. Penniman, Mrs. Josiah H., 4037 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Pennington, Mrs. A. G., Radnor. Pennock, Mrs. A. J., 21 N. Highland Ave., Lansdow^ne. Pennock, Mrs. Anna C, 35 Violet Lane, Lansdowne. Pennock, Mr. George L., 165 W. Essex Ave., Lansdowne. Pennock, Mrs. George L., 165 W. Essex Ave., Lansdowne. Pennock, Mr. J, Liddon, 1514 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pennock, Mr. Samuel S., 1612 Ludlow St., Philadelphia. Pennock, Mrs. Samuel S., Lansdowne Court, Lansdowne. Pennock, Miss Virginia L., 135 Lans- downe Court, Lansdowne. Pennypacker, Mrs. Bevan A., 6636 Mc- Callum St., Germantown. Pennypacker, Mrs. I. A., 31 Wyoming Ave., Ardmore. Penrose, Miss Valeria F., 152 W. Penn St., Germantown. Pepper, Mrs. Franklin, Crefield St., Chestnut Hill. Pepper, Mrs. George W., Devon. Pepper, Mrs. George W., Jr., St. Davids Road, St. Davids. Pepper, Mrs. O. H. Perry, Ithan. Pepper, Mrs. William, Melrose Park. Perkins, Mrs. Charles C, Box 82, Bryn Mawr. Perkins, Mrs. T. H. Dudley, Moores- town, Burlington Co., N. J. Perkins, Mrs. Wilkins J., The Kenil- worth, Germantown. Perrott, Mrs. Raymond F., 3119 Mid- vale Ave., Philadelphia. Perry, Mrs. Henry Hillman, Merion Ave., and Gulph Road, Bryn Mawr. Pershing, Mrs. E. J,, Penllyn. Pettingill, Miss Betsey E., 415 E. Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. Petty, Mrs. David M., 1900 Paul Ave., Bethlehem. Pew, Mrs. Arthur E., Jr., Springbrook Farm, Bryn Mawr. Pew, Mrs. Edgar, Stoneylawn, Villa Nova. Pew, Miss Ethel, Roberts Road and Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr. Pew, Mrs. J. Howard, Ardmore. Pew, Mrs. John G., P. O. Box 23, Moy- lan. Pf aelzer, Mrs. Frank A., S. E. cor. 70th Ave. and City Line, Oak Lane. Pfahler, Mrs. Alfred E., Whitehorse Road, Paoli. Pfahler, Dr. George E., 6463 Drexel Road, Overbrook. Pfahler, Mrs. George E., 6463 Drexel Road, Overbrook. Pfeiffer, Mrs. Damon B., Box 13, Mea- dowbrook. Phelps, Mrs. Sheffield, 765 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, N. J. Phelps, Mr. W. E., Guyencourt, Del. Phillippe, Mrs. B. Pemberton, Box 14, Devon. Phillips, Mrs. Joseph L., Torresdale. Pickard, Mrs. F. W., Old Mill Road, Greenville, Del. Pickford, Mrs. Albert W., 206 Clwyd Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Pilling, Mr. Charles J., 42 Windemere Ave., Lansdowne. Pilling, Mrs. H. N., 326 N. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne. Pilling, Mr. W. S., 229 W. Upsal St., Mt. Airy. Pinchot, Mrs. Gifford, Milford. Pinder, Mrs. Elizabeth S. B., 173 2d Ave., Phoenixville. Pitcairn, Mrs. Harold F., Bryn Athyn. Pitcairn, Mrs. Raymond, Bryn Athyn. Piatt, Mrs. Charles, Prospect Ave., Chestnut Hill. Piatt, Mr. Charles, Jr., Morris Road, Ambler. Piatt, Mrs. Henry Norris, Laverock, Chestnut Hill. Piatt, Mr. J. C, Waverly. Piatt, Mrs. John 0., Paoli. Piatt, Mrs. William J., R. D. 4, Nor- ristown. Pleasants, Mrs. Elizabeth W., Room 607, 1600 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pleasants, Dr. Henry, Jr., 18 W. Chestnut St., West Chester. Pleasants, Mrs. Henry, Jr., 18 W. Chestnut St., West Chester. Plumly, Mrs. George, 2812 Midvale Ave., Philadelphia. Plummer, Mrs. William T., Bleddyn Road, Ardmore. Poe, Mrs. Edgar Allan, 8765 Mont- gomery Ave., Chestnut Hill. Poillon, Mrs. Arthur, 401 N. Front St., Harrisburg. Poley, Mr. Corson, Salem Road, Bur- lington, N. J. Polk, Mrs. William D., "Hornblende," Kennett Square. Pollock, Mrs. Roland D., P. 0. Box 4310, Chestnut Hill. Pollock, Mrs. Walter, 7721 St. Martins Lane, Chestnut Hill. 60 A Pomeroy, Mrs. John Nevin, 219 Pel- ham Road, Mt. Airy. Pool, Mrs. Russell B., Oak Park, Lans- dale. Porter, Miss Catherine B., 2215 Rit- tenhouse St., Philadelphia. Porter, Miss Elva, 424 Owen Road, Wynnewood. Porter, Mrs. Harry T., 318 W. John- son St., Germantown. Porter, Miss Henriette E., Valley Green Road, Whitemarsh. Porter, Miss Lucille, Hopewell, N. J. Porter, Mrs. W. Hobart, Woodleave Road, Bryn Mawr. Porter, Mrs. William W., Valley Forge. Potts, Mrs. Charles E., 313 E. Lan- caster Ave., Wayne. Potts, Mr. Harrison I., 1006 Westview Ave., Mt. Airy. Potts, Miss Helen R., 901 Swede St., Norristown. Potts, Mrs. Horace Miles, 1008 W. Hortter St., Mt. Airy. Potts, Mrs. Walter F., 5128 Larch- wood Ave., Philadelphia. Potts, Mr. William M., Glen Moore, Chester Co. Poultney, Mr. E. C, Box 381, Gwy- nedd Valley. Poultney, Mr. J. Livingston, Bryn Mawr. Powell, Mrs. Humbert Borton, Wil- lowdale Farm, Devon. Powell, Miss Mary Elizabeth, P. 0. Box 7569, Ardmore. Powell, Mrs. William A., 748 S. High- land Ave., Merion Station. Powers, Mr. Thomas Harris, 1st St., Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. Pratchett, Miss Hulda L., 7 Tyson Ave., Roslyn. Pratt, Mr. Richard, Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia. Price, Mr. Edward Trotter, Spotts- wood Farm, Broad Axe, Montgom- ery Co. Price, Mrs. Eli Kirk, 129 Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut Hill. Price, Miss M. Elizabeth, New Hope, Bucks Co. Price, Mrs. William Fenton, 229 Cen- tral Ave., Hatboro. Price, Mrs. William W., Rose Valley. Prichett, Mrs. W. B., 6205 German- town Ave., Philadelphia. Prime, Mrs. Alfred C., Darby Road, Paoli. Prince, Mrs. David Chandler, 150 Guernsey Road, Swarthmore. Prince, Mr, John W., R. D. 3, New- town. Pritchett, Miss Ida W., 523 Old Buck Lane, Haverford. Pugh, Miss Anne J., 315 Clwyd Road, Cynwyd. Pugh, Mrs. Charles E., R. F. D., Mal- vern. Pugh, Mrs. Joseph M., Golf House Road, Haverford. Purnell, Miss Maude, Carson College, Flourtown. Pusey, Mrs. Joseph M., 2200 Shall- cross Ave., Wilmington, Del. Putnam, Mrs. Earl B., 1926 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Putney, Mrs. Fitz L., Meadowbrook. Putz, Mr. Alfred, 1306 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. Pye, Mr. James H., 21 Newfield Way, Bala-Cynwyd. Pyle, Mr. Robert, Conard & Pyle Co., West Grove. Pyle, Mrs. Robert C, 3d, Herford Place, Lansdowne. Quier, Mrs. Edwin A., 701 Centre Ave., Reading. Raiguel, Miss Ellen M., 217 W. Mich- igan Ave., Deland, Fla. Raine, Mr. Frederick, E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Ramsdell, Mrs. Sayre M., Willow Brook Farm, Churchville. Randall, Mrs. Alexander, Laughlin Lane, Chestnut Hill. Randolph, Miss Anna, 218 W. Chest- nut Ave., Chestnut Hill, Randolph, Mr, Evan, Seminole and Chestnut Aves., Chestnut Hill. Randolph, Mrs. Evan, Seminole and Chestnut Aves., Chestnut Hill, Rasmussen, Mr. Alfred 0., 103 Horti- cultural Bldg., Pennsylvania State College, State College. Rasmussen, Mr. Seren, care Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Rosemont, Rau, Dr, C, Fred, Rydal. Ranch, Mrs. Rudolph S., Villa Nova. Ravenel, Miss Clare W., 2100 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Rawle, Miss Louisa, Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr. Rawson, Mrs. Edmund G., 15 Llanfair Rd., Ardmore. Ray, Mrs. James G., York Road, Hat- boro. Rea, Mrs. Francis M., 8th and Church Sts., North Wales. Read, Mrs. Charles N., Elkins Park. Read, Mrs. W. B., Conshohocken. Reath, Mrs. Benjamin, The Welling- ton, 19th and Walnut Sts., Philadel- phia. Reath, Mrs. George, Valley Green Road and Stenton Avenue, White- marsh, Reath, Mrs. Theodore W., Pont Read- ing House, Ardmore. Reath, Mrs. Thomas, Jr., Box 4357, Chestnut Hill. Reber, Mrs. J. Howard, 135 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Rebmann, Mrs. G. R., 216 Glenn Road, Ardmore. 61 Rebmann, Mrs. G. R., Jr., Millbrook Lane, Haverford. Rebmann, Mrs. Paul C, 130 St. Georges Road, Ardmore. Rebmann, Mrs. Walter, Rolling Road, Bryn Mawr. Reckefus, Dr. Charles H., Jr., 506 N. 6th St., Philadelphia. Redding, Mrs. D. V., 6214 Jefferson St., Overbrook. Redrow, Mrs. Oscar B., 9 W. Button- wood St., Wenonah, N. J. Reed, Mrs. Alan H., Hall Road, Wyn- cote. Reed, Mrs. J. C., Pres. The Milton Garden Club, Milton. Reeder, Mr. William C, 1312 S. 57th St., Philadelphia. Rees, Mrs. James I., R. D. 1, Bridge- port. Reese, Mrs. Charles Lee, 16th and Brinckle Ave., Wilmington, Del. Reeve, Mrs. J. Stanley, Haverford. Reeve, Miss Laura, 2222 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Reeve, Mrs. Percival J., 225 Washing- ton Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Reeves, Miss Eleanor M., 519 W. Wal- nut Lane, Germantown. Reeves, Mrs. F. B., Jr., Blue Bell. Reeves, Mrs. Horace A., 519 W. Wal- nut Lane, Germantown. Reeves, Mrs. S. K., 220 Pembroke Ave., St. Davids. Regester, Mr. Fred T., 1312 S. 51st St., Philadelphia. Rehbaum, Mrs. B., 6929 N, 12th St., Philadelphia. Rehfuss, Miss Helena G., 7330 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia. Reiff, Mrs. E. Paul, 228 Derwen Road, Merion Station. Reilly, Mr. Garrett, Rosemont. Reinheimer, Mrs. Louis, 1524 Poplar St., Philadelphia. Reinicker, Mr. L. T., 340 Hickory Lane, Haddonfield, N. J. Reitzel, Mrs. F. S., 512 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore. Remer, Mrs. David, 341 Aliens Lane, Mt. Airy. Reynolds, Mrs. J. N., Mount Rose Rd., Princeton, N. J. Rhoads, Mrs. Charles J., Bryn Mawr. Rhoads, Mrs. Brewster, Huntingdon Valley. Rhoads. Mrs. Edwin M., 11 Fairview St., Boyertown. Rhoads, Mrs. Jay R., 2 E. Newfield Way, Cynwyd. Rhoads, Mrs. Logan, 2031 Locust St., Philadelphia. Rhoads, Miss Lydia Wistar, 152 School House Lane, Germantown. Rhoads, Mr. William E., Moorestown, N. J. Rhoads, Mrs. William E., P. 0. Box 90, Moorestown, N. J. Rich, Mr. Lewis D., 4820 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia. Richards, Miss Helen E., 809 Swede St., Norristown. Richards, Mrs. L. Harry, Jr., 3210 W. Penn St., E. Falls P. O. Richards, Mrs. Perry D., Ill Glenn Road, Ardmore. Richards, Mrs. Robert H., 2102 Park- way, Wilmington, Del. Richards, Mrs. Samuel Bartram, 1811 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Richardson, Mr. Charles E., Fishers Rd., Bryn Mawr. Richardson, Mrs. E. Stanley, 320 W. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Richardson, Mrs. Edgar S., Berks Co. Trust Bldg., Reading. Richardson, Mr. Frederick, 421 E. Lancaster Ave., St. Davids. Richardson, Mrs. Tolbert N., W. School House Lane, Germantown. Richmond, Miss Jean M., 1411 S. Broad St., Philadelphia. Rick, Mrs. James, Jr., 930 Centre Ave., Reading. Rick, Mrs. John, "Orchard Hill," West Leesport. Riddle, Mrs. William, 106 S. Cam- bridge Avenue, Ventnor City, N. J. Ridgway, Mrs. William H., 524 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville. Rieger, Mrs. H. G., 3425 Warden Drive, East Falls. Riehm, Mr. George W., 2319 Fuller St., Philadelphia. Rigby, Mrs. W. Hurlow, Bobbin Mill Road, Media. Rigg, Mrs. Charles A., 217 E. Broad St., Burlington, N. J. Rightei', Mr. C. Arthur, 6524 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia. Righter, Miss Jane, Dublin Road, Greenwich, Conn. Riley, Mr. Charles, 4911 Parkside Ave., N. Wynnefield. Ristine, Mrs. Charles S., Strafford. Ritchie, Mrs. C. L., Germantown Pike, Chestnut Hill. Riter, Mrs. Michael M., Jr., 119 Glenn Road, Ardmore. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Leon H,, 6 College Lane, Haverford. Ritter, Dr. Frank G., 1513 Mitten Building, Philadelphia. Ritter, Mr. W. H., 5424 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia. Rivers, Dr. R. N., Lansdale. Rivinus, Mrs. E. Florens, 416 W. More- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Robb, Mrs. Henry B., The Barclay, E. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Robbins, Mrs. Edw. C, Valley Road, Paoli. Robbins, Mrs. George A., Butler Pike, Ambler. 62 Robbins, Mr. George S., Rose Lane, Haverford. Robbins, Mrs. George S., Rose Lane, Haverford. Roberts, Mrs. A. C, Kimberton. Roberts, Mrs. Algernon B., Bryn Mawr. Roberts, Miss Alice S., R. D. Box 133, Willow Grove. Roberts, Mrs. Brinton Page, Cedar Hill Farm, Media. Roberts, Mrs. Edward, Carnarvon, Paoli. Roberts, Mr. G. Brinton, Bala. Roberts, Mrs. G. Brinton, Bala- Cynwyd P. O. Roberts, Mrs. Isaac W., Bala-Cynwyd. Roberts, Miss Jane L., 6439 Cherokee St., Mt. Airy. Roberts, Mrs. Mary S. B., "Robea-No- gal," Moorestown, N. J. Roberts, Mrs. T. Williams, Pencoyd Farm, Bala-Cynwyd. Roberts, Mr. Thomas, care Mrs. Ed- ward Morrell, Torresdale. Roberts, Mrs. William H., Wynderly, Moorestown, N. J. Robertson, Mrs. Charles L., Dalton. Robertson, Mr. Isdale, 1501 W. 10th St., Wilmington, Del. Robertson, Mr. William, 238 Lenoir Ave., Wayne. Robins, Mrs. William B., 38 E. Penn St., Germantown. Robinson, Mr. Anthony W., 780 Col- lege Ave., Haverford. Robinson, Mr. C. C, 2nd, 611 Fayette Title & Trust Bldg., Uniontown. Robinson, Mrs. Edward W., Robin Hill Farm, Phoenixville. Robinson, Mrs. Frank R., 3635 Old York Road, Philadelphia. Robinson, Miss Lydia S. M., Paoli. Robinson, Miss Myra, 110 Blooming- dale Apts., Wayne. Robinson, Mrs. 0. E. C, 407 N. Eas- ton Road, Willow Grove. Robinson, Mrs. V. Gilpin, 312 Balti- more Ave., Clifton Heights. Robinson, Mrs. William Farr, Gwynedd Valley. Robison, Mrs. H, K., 3018 Midvale Ave., East Falls. Rodeback, Miss Ella A., 413 9th St., Upland, Delaware County. Rodgers, Mrs. Robert S., 523 Orkney Road, Govans, Baltimore, Md. Rodman, Mrs. J. Stewart, 524 Manor Road, Wynnewood. Roehm, Mrs. Mary J., 515 Hamilton St., Norristown. Rogan, Mrs. John M., 313 St. Davids Road, Wayne. Rogers, Mrs. James S., 854 Buck Lane, Haverford. Rogers, Mrs. Richard, Sumneytown. Rogers, Mrs. Theodore Beauclerc, 3rd, Newtown Road, Devon. Roma, Mrs. Frank, 60 W. Allen Lane, Mt. Airy. Root, Miss Fannie A., 8427 Prospect Ave., Chesnut HilL Root, Miss Mary L., 631 E. Levering- ton Ave., Roxborough. Root, Mr. Stanley W., 8427 Prospect Ave., Chestnut Hill. Root, Mrs. Stanley W., 8427 Prospect Ave., Chestnut Hill. Root, Mrs. William T., Valencia, But- ler Co. Rorer, Miss Carolyn R., 43 W. Logan St., Germantown. Rosen, Dr. Esther Katz, 239 W. Allen Lane, Mt. Airy. Rosenbaum, Mr. Robert, 8105 Brook- side Road, Elkins Park. Rosenbluth, Mr. Edwin M., Walling- ford. Rosengarten, Mrs. Adolph, St. Davids. Rosengarten, Mrs. Frederic, Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Rosengarten, Mrs. George D., Hilldale Farms, Malvern. Rosengarten, Mr. J. C, Villa Nova. Rosengarten, Mrs. J. Clifford, Villa Nova. Rosengarten, Mr. Joseph G., Jr., 1520 Locust St., Philadelphia. Rosenwald, Mrs. Lessing J., Abington. Ross, Mrs. Adam A., 424 Montgomery Ave., Haverford. Ross, Mrs. C. H., 421 W. Johnson St., Germantown. Ross, Mrs. Donald P., Montchanin, Del. Ross, Mrs. Henry A., Huron St. and Moreland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Ross, Mrs. Henry S., 190 Lawnside Ave., Collingswood, N. J. Ross, Mrs. John R., 256 W. Summit Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Ross, Mrs. Joseph, 6503 Wissahickon Ave., Mt. Airy. Ross, Miss Sophia L., 8014 Crefeld St., Chestnut Hill. Ross, Mrs. T. Edward, 119 Bleddyn Road, Ardmore. Rossell, Mrs. Axel, Devon. Rossmassler, Mrs. Walter H., 423 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown. Rotan, Mrs. EUwood J., "Old Oak Farm," Valley Forge. Rotan, Mrs. Samuel P., E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Roth, Mrs. William H., 447 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mt. Airy. Rothe, Mr. Max H., 7142 German- town Avenue, Mt. Airy. Rothe, Mr, Richard, Limekiln Pike and Church Road, Glenside. Roubaud, Mrs. E. C, 548 Montgomery Ave., Haverford. Rowland, Mrs. Louis H., Berwyn. Royce, Mrs. Frank G., "Half Acre Hill," R. F. D. No. 1, Media. 63 Royer, Miss Mary N., R. D. No. 2, Ephrata. Ruberg, Mrs. Morris, 504 Runnymede Ave., Jenkintown. Rudley, Mr. William I., 721 Girard Ave., Philadelphia. Rudolph, Mrs. Oscar D., 120 Spring- field Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Rudolph, Mr. Packard D., 120 Spring- field Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Rue, Mrs. Howard S., Fisher Road, Bryn Mavvr. Rugart, Mrs. Karl, 612 Bryn Mawr Ave., Penn Valley, Narberth P. O. Ruhnka, Mr. Roy, Wynnewood. Rumpp, Mr. H. C, 5th and Cherry Sts., Philadelphia. Rumpp, Miss Marie W., 5710 Wissa- hickon Ave., Germantown. Rupert, Mrs. Charles G., "Sedgley," Wilmington, Del. Rush, Mr. Benjamin, 1600 Arch St., Philadelphia. Rush, Mrs. Benjamin, West Chester. Russell, Dr. Evans D., Ephrata. Russell, Mrs. John, Jr., Rosemont. Russell, Mrs. William, 435 W. Penn St., GermantovkTi. Rust, Mr. David, 1010 Fayette St., Conshohocken. Saam, Miss C. Elsa, 8203 Forest Ave., Elkins Park. Sack, Mr. Richard A., 34 Morton Ave., Ridley Park. Sackett, Mrs. Benjamin R., 6109 Wayne Ave., Germantown. Sackett, Mrs. Franklin Page, 410 Love Lane, Wynnewood. Sadtler, Mrs. Samuel S., Stenton Ave. & Meadowbrook Lane, Chestnut Hill. Sailer, Mrs. Randolph, 441 W. Carpen- ter Lane, Germantown. Sallade, Miss Florence D., 50 N. Wakefield Road, Norristown. Salmon, Dr. Leon T., New Hope, , Bucks Co. Salom, Mrs. John S., Devon. Saltus, Mrs. Rollin S., Jr., Villa Nova. Samuel, Miss Maria B., 2015 Pine St., Philadelphia. Samuel, Mrs. Snowden, St. Davids Ave., St. Davids. Sanson, Mrs. Albert W., 5826 Wood- bine Ave., Overbrook. Sappington, Miss Frances, 1304 W. Ontario Street, Philadelphia. Sargent, Mrs. Winthrop, Jr., Haver- ford. Sartain, Miss Harriet, Dean, The School of Design, Broad and Master Sts., Philadelphia. Saul, Mrs. Maurice Bower, Moylan- Rose Valley. Saunders, Mrs. W. B., 5930 City Line Ave., Overbrook, Saunders, Mrs. W. L., Idlewild Farms, Bryn Mawr. Savage, Mr. Charles C, Jr., Brierhill, Ambler. Savage, Mrs. D. Fitzhugh, 4249 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia. Savage, Mrs. Ernest C, E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Savage, Miss Pauline deT., 622 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Savage, Mr. Walter P., 2416 W. 78th Ave., Philadelphia. Savidge, Mrs. Frank R., Box 217, Devon. Savidge, Mrs. Mary M., Ill Mont- gomery Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Sawtelle, Mrs. W. 0., Glynwynne Rd., Haverford. J Saylor, Mrs. Kate L, Fallsington, I Bucks Co. * Sayre, Mrs. Frank G., 3026 Midvale Ave., East Falls. Scatchard, Mr. William, 3911 Henry Road, East Falls. Scattergood, Mrs. Alfred G., "Aw- bury," East Germantown. Scattergood, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., Walnut and Lafayette Sts., West Chester. Scattergood, Mr. T. Walter, 75 N. Owen Ave., Lansdovsme. Scattergood, Mrs. Thomas, 3515 Pow- elton Ave., Philadelphia. Schaefer, Mrs. Frederic, 1045 Devon Road, Pittsburgh. Schaeffer, Mr. Robert L., Jr., 32 N. 8th St., Allentown. Schaffer, Hon. William I., Haverford. Schaffer, Mrs. William I., Haverford. Scheetz, Mrs. Francis H., "Old Gulph House," Ardmore. Scheetz, Mrs. William C, 433 Bryn Mawr Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Scheffey, Mrs. Lewis C, Merion and Rockland Roads, Merion. Schenck, Mrs. William A., R. F. D. 2, Phoenixville. Schick, Miss Elma H., 1905 Pine St., Philadelphia. Schick, Mr. Leo E., 5430 Saul St., Philadelphia. Schierenbeck, Mr. L., Curren Terrace, Norristown. Schlacks, Mrs. Charles H., Bryn Mawr. Schlichter, Mrs. W. A., 204 N. Clifton Ave., Aldan. Schmelz, Dr. Ella E., 228 S. 45th St., Philadelphia. Schmidt, Mrs. Charles E., 7837 York Road, Elkins Park. Schmidt, Mrs. Frederick W., Spring Mill Road, Villa Nova. Schmidt, Mrs. Helena K., Ashwood Rd., Villa Nova. Schmitt, Mr. Xavier E. E., 6145 Vine St., Philadelphia. Schneider, Mr, Herbert C, 803 E. Washington Lane, East German- town, 64 i Schoettle, Mr. Edwin J., 533 N. 11th St., Philadelphia. Scholder, Mrs. Kate, 221 E. Sedgwick • St., Mt. Airy. Schoneman, Mrs. R. A., 6429 Drexel Road, Overbrook. Schorr, Mrs. George J., 1006 Sharp- less St., Philadelphia. Schrack, Mrs. Welling G., Jr., 108 N. Lincoln Ave., Wenonah, N. J. Schultz, Mr. Elmer K., The Cam- bridge, Alden Park, Germantown. Schumacker, Mrs. H. J., 1204 Wake- ling St., Frankford. Schumann, Dr. Edward A., 15 Pel- ham Road, Mt. Airy. Schutt, Mrs. Harold S., 2204 Grant Ave., Wilmington, Del. Schwarz, Mrs. W. T., 343 Sycamore Ave., Merion Station. Schwind, Mrs. J. C, Brandywine Hills, Wilmington, Del. Scott, Miss Alice A., Haverford. Scott, Mrs. Arthur Hoyt, Todmarden Farm, Brookhaven Road, Media. Scott, Mrs. E. R., 110 W. Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore. Scott, Mrs. Edgar, Green Valley Road, Bryn Mawr. Scott, Mr. Edwin R., 110 W. Mont- gomery Ave., Ardmore. Scott, Miss Florence B., Box 119, Wynnewood. Scott, Mrs. Henry P., Delaware City, Del. Scott, Mrs. Henry P., Jr., 8 Red Oak Road, Wilmington, Del. Scott, Mrs. John C, "Hillcrest," Bryn Mawr. Scott, Mr. Joseph M., 137 Hewitt Road, Wyncote. Scott, Mrs. Robert M., 117 W. Miner Street, West Chester. Scott, Mrs. Samuel B., 1 Norman Lane, Chestnut Hill. Scott, Mr. Walter, Rydal. Scott, Mrs. William R., 5439 North- umberland St., Pittsburgh. Scudder, Mrs. Townsend, 3d, 415 Thayer Road, Swarthmore. Scull, Mrs. J. F., 32 Bala Ave., Bala- Cynwyd. Scull, Mrs. William C, Bryn Mawr. Scull, Mrs. William S., Mayfair House, Lincoln Drive and Johnson St., Germantown. Sealey, Mrs. William, Langhome. Sears, Mr. Thomas Warren, Girard Trust Bldg., S. Penn Square, Phila- delphia. Seeds, Mrs. Joseph R., 151 W. School Lane, Germantown. Seeler, Mrs. Edgar V., Dengleton Farm, Newtown Square. Seeley, Mrs. Oscar, S. Valley Road, Paoli. Seelye, Mrs. Theodore, Box 202, Ambler. Selden, Miss Elizabeth, 408 W. Second St., Oil City. Sellers, Miss Agnes P., Langhorne. Sellers, Mrs. Horace W., 1832 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sellers, Mrs. Howard, "Shadowbrook," P. 0. Box 249, Wynnewood. Seltzer, Mr. Charles J., Jr., Rose Val- ley. Semple, Miss Helen, "Helen's Tower," Ithan. Senat, Mrs. Mary E., 27 Glenolden Ave., Glenolden. Senter, Mrs. Ralph T., Lancaster and Bowman Aves., Overbrook. Serrill, Mr. William J., Haverford. Serrill, Mrs. William J., Haverford. Service, Mrs. Charles A., City Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Sessler, Mrs. Charles, 697 Hazelhurst Road, Merion Station. Seth, Mrs. Harry V., Cascade and N. Hillcrest Roads, Springfield, Media P. 0. Severn, Mrs. William B., Jr., Brook- wood Farm, Wayne. Sewall, Mr. Arthur W., 1311 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sewall, Mrs. Arthur W., 1311 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sewell, Mrs. Robert, Rydal. Seyler, Mr. H. G., Weiser Park. Shafer, Miss Lillian, 6814 N. Carlisle St., Philadelphia. Shaffer, Mrs. Philip C, Jr., 2962 N. 12th St., Philadelphia. Shallcross, Mrs. Thomas, Jr., 720 Hazelhurst Ave., Merion. Shand, Miss Helen E., 226 Upland Way, Wayne. Shank, Mr. Christian, 20 W. Turnbull Ave., S. Ardmore. Sharp, Mrs. Allison, "Greystone," Creighton Road, Villa Nova. Sharp, Miss Estelle L., Berwyn. Sharp, Mrs. Joseph W., Berwyn. Sharp, Mrs. Marie B., Pembroke Ave., St. Davids. Sharp, Miss May, 726 Nottingham Road, Wilmington, Del. Sharp, Mrs. Walter P., Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr. Sharpe, Mrs. John S., Haverford. Sharpe, Mrs. Walter King, 124 Nor- land Ave., Chambersburg. Sharpies, Mrs. Francis W., 1922 Pine St., Philadelphia. Sharpless, Miss Anna E., R. D. 5, West dlGStci". Sharpless, Mrs." S. F., 1919 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Shaw, Mrs. C. D., Jr., 719 Alexander Ave., Drexel Hill. Shaw, Mr. Reuben T., 1327 Real Es- tate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia. Shaw, Mr. Richard M., Box 3, Rose- mont. 65 Sheafer, Mrs. Arthur W., 1443 Ma- hantongo St., Pottsville. Sheas, Mr. Jerome J., Valley Forge. Sheas, Mrs. Mathilde, Valley Forge. Shebie, Mrs. Frank J., 311 Roumfort Road, Mt. Airy. Shebie, Mrs. J. Howard, Jr., Rydal. Sheehan, Mrs. William C, Pelham Court, Germantown. Sheetz, Miss Ella M., 2341 E. Susque- hanna Avenue, Philadelphia. Sheldrake, Mrs. John, 514 East Lever- ington Ave., Roxborough. Shelton, Mrs. Frederick H., 1830 S. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Sherrerd, Mrs. Henry D. M,, 41 Chew's Landing Road, Haddonfield, N. J. Sherrerd, Mrs. William D., Jr., 41 Lapsley Rd., Merion Station. Shideler, Mrs. Margaret B., 1020 Raub St., Scranton. Shields, Mrs. L. H., 341 W. Barnard St., West Chester. Shimer, Miss Florence L., Riegelsville. Shinn, Miss Marian, 121 States Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Shober, Mrs. Samuel L., Jr., Louella Ave. & Orchard Way, Wayne. Shoemaker, Miss Amalia I., 8203 For- est Ave., Elkins Park. Shoemaker, Mrs. B. H., 2d, 523 Church Lane, Germantown. Shoemaker, Mrs. Edward C, 904 De- Kalb St., Norristown. Shoemaker, Mrs. Edwin, Brookside, Paoli. Shoemaker, Mrs. William H., 913 S. 48th St., Philadelphia. Shrigley, Mr. Arthur, Lansdowne Ave. and Scottdale Road, Lansdowne. Shryock, Miss G. A., The Town House, 19th & Spruce Sts., Philadelphia. Shuman, Mrs. Ada, Country Club , Heights, Lancaster. Shupp, Miss Mary R., 725 S. High- land Avenue, Merion. Shute, Mr. E. L., Line Lexington P. 0. Sibley, Miss Florence, 1937 Panama St., Philadelphia. Sibley, Mrs. Walter G,, Meadowbrook. Sichel, Mrs. John, 6635 McCallum St., Philadelphia. Siebrecht, Mrs. Frederick J., 46 Lin- coln Ave., Lansdowne. Sigel, Mrs. Frederick, Westover House, McEwensville. Sigel, Mrs. Louis, 8216 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Sill, Mrs. James J., Wyncote. Silver, Mrs. John A., Spring Lane, Roxborough. Simon, Mrs. Jay, 518 Arbutus St., Germantown. Simon, Mrs. Oscar, 7209 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia. Simon, Mrs. Stephen J., Green Hill Farms, Overbrook. Simpson, Mr. Andrew, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore. Simpson, Miss Mary A., 116 W. Miner St., West Chester. Simpson, Mrs. Percy, Overbrook. Sinclair, Mrs. Donald B., 140 Hodge Road, Princeton, N. J. Sinkler, Miss Caroline S., 1604 Locust St., Philadelphia. Sinkler, Mrs. Francis W., Bryn Mawr. Sinkler, Mr. Wharton, Elkins Park. Sinkler, Mrs. Wharton, Elkins Park. Sinnickson, Miss Adaline, 105 Broad- way, Salem, N. J. Skean, Mrs. Albert, 8 S. Pembroke Ave., Margate, N. J. Skinner, Miss Anna C, Germantown Hospital, Germantown. Skinner, Mrs. H. W., 248 Lincoln Way, . E., Chambersburg. Skinner, Mrs. James M., 7309 Huron Lane, Mt. Airy. Slade, Mrs. Alexander T., Wynnewood. Slater, Mr. S. E., 209 West End Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Slaymaker, Mrs. S. E., Harrison Road, Ithan. Slifer, Miss Levina, 4250 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Small, Mrs. Francis, Llanfair & Wister Rds., Ardmore. Smaltz, Miss Elizabeth F., 22 E. Sedg- wick St., Mt. Airy. Smaltz, Mrs. John H., 32 E. Sedgwick St., Mt. Airy. Smedley, Mrs. Ernest, 32 Downing Ave., Downingtown. Smedley, Mr. Samuel L., Newtown Square, Delaware Co. Smedley, Mr. William Henry, Church and Tacony Sts., Frankford. Smith, Mrs. C. Elmer, "Brockie," York. Smith, Mrs. C. Morton, 1718 Locust St., Philadelphia. Smith, Mrs. Charles Harper, Davis Grove Road, Hatboro. Smith, Mrs. Clarence D., 810 Pine St., Philadelphia. Smith, Mrs. Donald Mennel, Valley Farm, R. D. 2, Jeannette. Smith, Miss Elizabeth, Gwynedd Val- ley. Smith, Miss Elizabeth Haupt, Box 113, Flourtown. Smith, Miss Elizabeth W., 131 Mont- gomery Ave., Bala-C3mwyd. Smith, Miss Emily Stewart, Booth Lane, Haverford. Smith, Mrs. Frederic J., 1202 DeKalb St., Norristown. Smith, Mrs. Harry F., Benn Bara, Fort Hunter, R. D., Harrisburg. Smith, Mrs. Herbert T., Box 9, River- ton, N. J. 66 J Smith, Miss Hinda, 1714 N. Aberdeen St., Philadelphia. Smith, Mrs. G. Lathrop, Haverford Gables, Apt. A. 1, Haverford. Smith, Mrs. Geoffrey S., Fort Wash- in^on. Smith, Mrs. Harrison, Radnor and Clyde Roads, Bryn Mawr. Smith, Mrs. Herbert Aubrey, 147 Fernbrook Ave., Wyncote. Smith, Mr. Horace E., Glyn-Wynne Road, Haverford. Smith, Mrs. Horace E., Glyn-Wynne Road, Haverford. Smith, Mrs. I. H., 156 Mayland St., Germantown. Smith, Mrs. Ira A., 828 W. Main St., Norristown. Smith, Mrs. J. LeRoy, 329 N. Owen Ave., Lansdowne. Smith, Mrs. John Story, Gwynedd Valley. Smith, Mrs. Lewis Lawrence, Straf- ford, Chester Co. Smith, Mrs. M. Anna, 101 Congress St., Newtown. Smith, Mrs. Malcolm M., 71 E. Church Rd., Elkins Park. Smith, Mrs. Manning J., 103 W. More- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Smith, Miss Maria W., P. O. Box 405, Bryn Mawr. Smith, Mrs. Mary F., Box 21, Beth- ayres. Smith, Miss Muriel, 5409 Angora Ter- race, Philadelphia. Smith, Miss Pauline, 341 W. Lan- caster Ave., Haverford. Smith, Mrs. Richard J., 4401 Marvine Ave., Drexel Hill. Smith, Mrs. Robert C, 215 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Smith, Miss Ruth C, 18 E. Walnut Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Smith, Mrs. S. Fahs, "Eltham," York. Smith, Mrs. W. Gordon, 530 Manor Road, Wynnewood. Smith, Mr. W. Hinckle, Bryn Mawr. Smith, Mrs. Walter Karsner, 839 E. Wharton Road, Glenside. Smith, Mrs. Wikoff , Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr. Smith, Mrs. William Roy, 140 Radnor Road, Bryn Mawr. Smith, Mrs. William Watson, 5325 Wilkins Ave., Pittsburgh. Snedaker, Mrs. E. R., "Breezewood," Wyncote. Snodgrass, Mrs. Elizabeth M., Rhawn & Veree Rd., Fox Chase. Snow, Mr. Stanley C, 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Snyder, Mr. Albert F., 631 S. 4th St., Camden, N. J. Snyder, Mr. John M., Elkins Park. Snyder, Mrs. John M., Elkins Park. Solis-Cohen, Mrs. D. Hays, N. W. Cor. City Line and Mountain Ave., Oak Lane. Solis-Cohen, Mrs. J., Jr., 709 Rambler Road, Elkins Park. Somervell, Mrs. Charles Stuart, 601 River Bank, Riverton, N. J. Sommer, Miss Elvira, 17th & Susque- hanna Aves., Philadelphia. Sommers, Mrs. J. Harry, "Bady-Ruel," Raynham Road, Merion. Sonneborn, Mrs. John G., 5019 Penn St., Frankford. Sowden, Miss Harriet, The Fairfax Apts., Wayne Ave. and School Lane, Germantown. Sowden, Mr. Lee, 3823 The Oak Road, Philadelphia. Spackman, Mrs. G. Donald, Hill Farm, Coatesville. Spaeth, Mrs. William L. C, 5000 Jack- son St., Frankford. Spahr, Mrs. Murray H., Jr., Curwen Road & Ithan Ave., Rosemont. Speakman, Miss Elisabeth B., Apt. A 8, Argyle Court, Ardmore. Speight, Mrs. H. E. B., 603 Elm Ave., Swarthmore. Spencer, Mrs. Edward E., 100 7th St., Riverton, N. J. Spiegelhalter, Mrs. Andrew, R. F. D. 3, Wilmington, Del. Spooner, Mrs. H. T. H., 106 S. 38th St., Philadelphia. Sprogell, Miss Elizabeth Lewis. Lin- coln and Edgemont Sts., Media. Spruance, Miss Edith, 2427 W. 16th St., Wilmington, Del. Spruance, Mrs. W. C, 2507 W. 17th St., Wilmington, Del. Stafford, Mrs. William H., Clwyd Road, Cynwyd. Stahl, Mrs. B. Franklin, 746 Panmure Road, Haverford. Stanger, Mr. W. B., Clayton, N. J. Staples. Mrs. Edwin H., 440 W. Dur- ham Rd., Philadelphia. Stark, Mrs. Francis J. C, 314 Pem- broke Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Starke, Mr. William, Box 4391, Chest- nut Hill. Starr, Mrs. Charles S., Haverford. Starr, Mrs. Isaac Tatnall, Laverock, Chestnut Hill. Starr, Mr. James, 1324 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Starr, Mrs. James, Belfield, German- town. Stead, Mr. Robert, 1817 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. Stearne, Mrs. Allen M., 4748 Castor Road, Frankford. Steeble, Mrs. William Hill, 8008 Cre- feldt St., Chestnut Hill. Steel, Mrs. A. G. B., Sugar Loaf, Chestnut Hill. Steel, Miss E. J., 6023 Drexel Road, Overbrook. 67 Steele, Miss E. M., Wood-Norton, Apt. C-5, Germantown. Steele, Mrs. Edward A., 8212 St. Mar- tin's Lane, Chestnut Hill. Steele, Mrs. Lylburn H., Curren Ter- race, Norristown. Steele, Mrs. William, 126 Maple Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Stehl, Mrs. Felix, Towanda. Stem, Mrs. S. G., Rolling Road, Bryn Mawr. Stengel, Dr. Alfred, Maloney Bldg., 36th and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia. Stengel, Mrs. Alfred, Newtown Square. Stephens, Mrs. Lucie L., Moylan-Rose Valley. Stephenson, Dr. Ruth, 37 Westview Ave., Germantown. Sterling, Mrs. Philip, 433 E. Sedgwick St., Mt. Airy. Sterrett, Mrs. Robert J., 4630 Hazel Ave., Philadelphia. Stetson, Mrs. Jane H., 6300 Greene St., Germantown. Stevenson, Mr. Robert L., P. 0. Box 168, Stone Harbor, N. J. Stewardson, Miss E. P., 8611 Mont- gomery Ave., Chestnut HilL Stewardson, Miss M. M,, 8611 Mont- gomery Ave., Chestnut Hill, Stewart, Mrs. Charles H., St. Davids. Stewart, Mrs. Francis T., 311 S. 12th St., Philadelphia. Stewart, Miss Nanna W., 755 Phila- delphia Ave., Chambersburg. Stewart, Mrs. Thomas S., 1532 Pine St., Philadelphia. Stewart, Mr, W, Plunket, Unionville. Stiefel, Mr, Frank C, 305 Woodside Ave., Narberth. Stiteler, Mr, Fred D., 665 N, 63d St., Philadelphia, Stites, Mrs, Fletcher W., Box 103, Bala-Cynwyd, Stit2el, Miss Isabella L, 159 Hermitage St., Manayunk, Stockett, Mrs, B, H., 1423 Mahantongo St., Pottsville, Stoddart, Dr. Frances S. Janney, 301 Highway, Riverton, N. J. Stokes, Mrs, Charles P., "Lane's End," Narberth. Stokes, Mrs. F. J., Jr., 1681 Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Stokes, Mrs. Francis J., 629 Church Lane, Germantown. Stokes, Mr. Henry W., Media. Stokes, Mrs. J. Stogdell, Spring Valley Farm, Huntingdon Valley P, O, Stokes, Mrs. J. Tyson, Media. Stokes, Mrs. James M., 840 Golf View Rd., Moorestown, Burl. Co., N. J. Stokes, Mrs, S. Emlen, Moorestown, N. J. Stokes, Mr. Walter P., Moorestown, N.J, Stokes, Mrs. William Standley, Ber- wyn. Stone, Mrs. Harold Barton, Glen and Hilltop Roads, Baederwood, Jenkin- town. Stoner, Miss Judith V., Drexel Hill. Storey, Mrs. Douglass D., "Oakland," Carlisle. Stork, Mrs. Theophilus B., 600 Church Lane, Germantown. Stormfeltz, Mrs. Elvira K., 502 Harri- son St., Ridley Park. Stotesbury, Mrs. E, T,, Whitemarsh Hall, Chestnut Hill, Stott, Miss Jennie, 8049 Cresco Ave., Holmesburg. Stout, Mrs. A, L., 403 W, School Lane, Germantown. Stout, Mr. C. Frederick C, 2nd & Erie Sts., Camden, N. J. Stout, Mrs. C. Frederick C, 214 Glenn Ave,, Ardmore, Stout, Mrs. F. Sturgis, Righters Ferry Road, Cynwyd. Stout, Mr. Morris A., 37 E, Gowen Ave,, Mt. Airy. Stout, Mrs, Morris A., 37 E. Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. Strachan, Mr. Charles, "Woodcrest," Radnor. Strassburger, Mr, Ralph B,, Gwynedd Valley. Strassheim, Mr. W. A., 107 N, 6th St., Philadelphia, Stratton, Mrs, Leslie Pembroke, 71 Euclid St,, Woodbury, N, J. Straub, Miss Betty, 465 Monastery Ave., Roxborough. Strauss, Mrs. M. H,, 1425 Hamilton St., Allentown. Strawbridge, Mrs. Frederic H., W. Moreland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Strawbridge, Miss Louise, Cheltenham Road, Chestnut Hill. Strawbridge, Mrs. Ruth G. K., 901 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia. Strayer, Mr. Franklin R., Box 492, West Chester. Street, Mrs. Gerald Basil, 1901 Green- hill Ave., Wilmington, Del. Stritzinger, Mrs. B, F,, 556 Hamilton St,, Norristown. Stritzinger, Mrs. Lewis G., 520 Hamil- ton St., Norristown. Strogen, Mr. Edward M., 306 Wood- bine Ave., Narberth. Stroh, Miss Elizabeth L., R. D. 2, Sunbury, Stroman, Mrs. C, M,, 21 W. Upsal St., Philadelphia. Strong, Miss Elizabeth, Villa Nova. Stroud, Mr. Edward A., 508 S. 41st St., Philadelphia. Stroud, Mrs. William D., County Line Road, Villa Nova, Stuart, Mrs. George H., 3d, Villa Nova. Stuart, Mrs. William H., 443 Carpen- ter Lane, Mt. Airy. 68 i Stuebner, Mrs. Erwin A., Merion Square Rd., Gladwyne. Stuetz, Mrs. William A., 334 E. Phil- Ellena St., Mt. Airy. Styer, Miss Ardella Gould, 309 Forest Ave., Ambler. Styer, Mr. J. F., care J. J. Styer & Son, Concordville. Sulzer, Mrs. G. H., Cheyney. Summers, Mrs. Clarence Lynn, War- wick Road, Wynnewood. Sunstein, Mrs. Leon C, Spring Heather, Elkins Park. Supplee, Mrs. A. I., 1016 Fayette St., Conshohocken. Supplee, Mrs. Walter B., Levering Mill Road and Lodges Lane, Bala- Cynwyd. Supplee, Mrs. William L., care of H. Longstreth, Haverford. Surbeck, Mr. Otto, 18 W. Broad St., Millville, N. J. Sussel, Mrs. Arthur J., S. E. Cor. 18th & Spruce Sts., Philadelphia. Sutherland, Miss Hilda E., Box 98, Rydal. Sutphin, Miss Marie C, 405 Noble Road, Jenkintown. Sutro, Mrs. Paul W., 7700 Navajo St., Chestnut Hill. Swab, Miss Jennie E., 105 S. Lynn Blvd., Upper Darby. Swanson, Mrs. F. R., 1650 Sheridan Lane, Norristown. Swartley, Mr. H. C, R. D. 3, Phoenix- ville. Swartley, Mr. John C, 110 Harvey St., Germantown. Sweeney, Mrs. Stephen B., 25 Rose- lawn Ave., Lansdowne. Sweet, Mr. George W., 212 W. 24th St., Chester. Sweeton, Miss Hannah M., Sunny View, Colonial Village, Wayne. Sweetser, Mr. George A., 36 Forest St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Sweney, Mrs. Maurice V., 6378 Over- brook Ave., Overbrook. Sykes, Mrs. Charles H., 334 Llandrillo Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Symington, Mrs. Donald, Darlington, Md. Synnestvedt, Mrs. Arthur, Bryn Athyn. Taeffner, Mrs. John H., 4924 Greene St., Germantown. Taggart, Mrs. Paul Leidy, 621 W. Cliveden Ave., Mt. Airy. Talbot, Mrs. Walter LeMar, 605 W. Phil-Ellena St., Mt. Airy. Talimer, Mrs. Bernard, The Warwick, 1701 Locust St., Philadelphia. Talmon, Miss Carrie M., 3551 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Tanger, Mrs. Charles Y., 318 N. Presi- dent Ave., Lancaster. Tappen, Miss Margaret Putnam, 4226 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia. Tarburton, Mrs. C, 220 Volan St., Merchantville, N. J. Tatnall, Mrs. H. Chace, Whitemarsh. Tatnall, Mrs. Samuel A., 503 Hans- berry St., Germantown. Tattersfield, Mrs. Percival, 6807 Lin- coln Drive, Mt. Airy. Taylor, Miss Alice, St. Davids. Taylor, Miss Bertha A., 72 Linden Taylor, Mr. Charles D., 4786 Oak Ter- race, Merchantville, N. J. Taylor, Mrs. Fred W., 239 Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. Taylor, Mrs. George B., 150 W. 6th St., Erie. Taylor, Mrs. Herbert K., 8211 Cedar Road, Elkins Park. Taylor, Mrs. Jackson, 374 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville. Taylor, Miss Jean, 110 E. Moreland Ave., Chestnut Hill. Taylor, Mrs. John, 427 N. New St., Bethlehem. Taylor, Mrs. M. Ross, 312 Penn Road, Wynnewood. Taylor, Mr. Roland L., Treweryn House, Gwynedd Valley. Taylor, Miss Stella H., 70 Linden Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Taylor, Mr. W. H., Ashbridge Farm, R. D. 3, West Chester. Taylor, Mrs. William J., 1825 Pine St., Philadelphia. Terrasse, Mrs. George L,, 545 Nar- berth Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Terry, Miss Frances W., Whitehall Hotel, Haverford. Thayer, Mrs. Edmund, Haverford. Thayer, Mrs. G. C, Villa Nova. Thayer, Mrs. Jeanes, Beaumont Road, Devon. Thayer, Mrs. John B., Redwood, Haverford. Thayer, Mrs. John B., 3d, Gray's Lane, Haverford. Thiele, Miss Marguerite E., Orthodox St. and Frankford Ave., Frankford. Thilow, Miss Mary L., Roberts Rd., Rosemont. Thoma, Miss Mathilde C, 5281 Ger- mantown Ave., Germantown. Thomas, Mrs. Alice M., Rydal. Thomas, Mrs. Arthur H., Haverford. Thomas, Mr. Bertram M., 338 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Thomas, Mrs. Edward Osgood, 525 Cedar Lane, Swarthmore. Thomas, Miss Estelle, 623 W. Main St., Norristown. Thomas, Mrs. Frank Wister, 27 E. Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy. Thomas, Mrs. George, 3d, "Whitford Game," Whitford. Thomas, Miss Lillie V. C, R. D. 1, Langhorne. Thomas, Miss Marjorie N., 548 Mont- gomery Ave., Haverford. 69 Thomas, Mrs. Samuel Hinds, Torres- dale. Thompson, Mrs. Arthur W., "Dun- woodie," W. Chestnut Ave., Chest- nut Hill. Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth D., 1008 Wilde Ave., Drexel Hill. Thompson, Mrs. H. Eastburn, Jr., 5016 Schuyler St., Germantown. Thompson, Mrs. Henry B., Greenville, Del. Thompson, Mr. Horace E., 5016 Schuyler St., Germantown. Thompson, Mrs. Robert W., Haver- ford. Thompson, Mrs. Rodman Ellison, Devon. Thompson, Mrs. Walter G., 218 W. Susquehanna Road, Abington. Thomson, Miss Anne, Bryn Mawr. Thomson, Mrs. Clarke, Newtown Square. Thomson, Mrs. F. G., Devon. Thomson, Miss Helen Georgia, 301 Chestnut Road, Glenside. Thomson, Mrs. Walter S., Roberts Road, Rosemont. Thorn, Mrs. C. W., 7 E. Ridley Ave., Ridley Park. Thornton, Mrs. S. S., Exeter Road, Haverford. Thrasher, Mrs. W. W., 6472 Over- brook Ave., Philadelphia. Tidball, Mrs. William, Wallingford. Tiedeck, Mr. Harry J., 63 N. Ever- green Ave., Woodbury, N. J. Tilden, Mrs. Marmaduke, Skippack Pike, Blue Bell. Tillinghast, Mrs. Henry W., Crescent Road, Wyncote. Tily, Miss Ethel H., 121 Montgomery Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Tily, Mrs. Harry C, 2d, 32 Overhill Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Tily, Mrs. L. Herbert, 42 Overhill Road, Cynwyd. Timanus, Mrs. J. Herbert R., 102 W. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill. Tindle, Mrs. James R., Valley Forge Farm, Valley Forge. Tobin, Mrs. J. W., 37 Princeton Road, Cynwyd. Todd, Mr. H. Arnold, Doylestown. Todd, Mrs. Leon E., Stokes Rd., Med- ford Lakes, N. J. Toerring, Miss Helen C, 6399 Wood- bine Ave., Overbrook. Tolan, Mrs. Clarence, Jr., 215 Upland Way, Wayne. Tomlinson, Mrs. Eden S., 319 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Tomlinson, Mrs. W. W., Medford Road, Wynnewood. Tongue, Mrs. James, 147 E. Mt. Pleas- ant Ave., Mt. Airy. Tonkin, Mr. John, "Compton," Chest- nut Hill. Tonner, Mrs. William T., Glen Foerd, Torresdale. Toogood, Mrs. Ernest T., 316 S. 21st St., Philadelphia. Torpin, Mr. Richard, Jr., 313 Ash- bourne Road, Elkins Park. Torrance, Miss Lois, 68 W. Johnson St., Gerinantown. Torrey, Mrs. James C, "Cedarmount," Meeting House Road, Jenkintown. Torrey, Mrs. W. Edward, 203 West Ave., Jenkintown. Totten, Mrs. John F., 830 Stanbridge St., Norristown. Toulmin, Mrs. Harry, Haverford. Tower, Mrs. Charlemagne, Lowry's Lane, Rosemont. Town, Mrs. Edwin C, 200 N. Nar- berth Ave., Narberth. Townend, Mrs. Mae, Twin-Spruce, Dallas, near Wilkes-Barre. Townsend, Mr. B. F., care DeHaven & Townsend, 1513 Walnut St., Phila- delphia. Townsend, Mrs. Charles D., "Babiole," Muirfield Road, Bryn Mawr. Townsend, Mr. Edward Y., 813 Mont- gomery Ave., Bryn Mawr. Townsend, Mrs. John Barnes, Radnor. Townsend, Mr. John W., Bryn Mawr. Townsend, Mrs. Joseph B., Swedesford Road, Paoli. Trainer, Mrs. M. W., 20th & Chestnut Sts., Chester. Trasel, Miss Marie L., Haverford. Trask, Mrs. John E. D., 2024 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Travilla, Miss Florence, 308 W. Miner St., West Chester. Troutman, Mrs. Albert C, 421 N. Main St., Butler. True, Dr. Rodney H., c/o Morris Ar- boretum, Meadow Brook Lane, Chestnut Hill. Tryon, Mrs. Charles Z., Rose Lane, Haverford. Tull, Miss Margaret E., 112 E. Wal- nut Lane, Germantown. Tunnell, Mr. Donald S., 251 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown. Turner, Mrs. J. R., 304 Florence Ave., Jenkintown. Turner, Mrs. James V. P., 16 Mac- Pherson St., Mt. Airy. Tuttle, Mrs. J. H., County Line, Bryn Mawr. Tuttle, Mrs. William, 363 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. Twining, Mrs. Iredell, Hatboro R. D. Tyler, Mrs. George F., "Indian Council Rock," Newtown, Bucks Co. Tyler, Mrs. Joseph Beck, 2 Park St., Riverton, N. J. Tyler, Mrs. Lester D., 27 Tenmore Road, Haverford. Tyler, Miss Mary G., 327 N. Lans- downe Ave., Lansdowne. 70 Tyler, Mrs. Sidney F., Jr., Rydal. Tyson, Mrs. Carroll S., Jr., 8811 Towanda St., Chestnut Hill. Tyson, Mrs. T. M., 400 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Ueland, Miss Elsa, Carson College, Flourtown. Umsted, Mrs. Ralph B., 315 Pelham Road, Germantown. Ullom, Mrs. J. T., 160 Carpenter Lane, Germantown. Vail, Mrs. James G., Front and West Sts., Media. Valle, Mrs. I. Bodine, The Cosmopoli- tan Club, 1616 Latimer St., Phila- delphia. Van Benschoten, Mrs. M. R., Old Court House Rd., New Hyde Park, Long Island, N. Y. VanBibber, Mrs. Arthur E., Argyle House, Echo Valley Farms, Valley Forge. Vander Bogert, Mr. J., Box 586, Salis- bury, Md. Vanderslice, Mrs. Charles M., 602 S. Main St., Phoenixville. VanDeventer, Mrs. Harry B., Rose- mont. VanDusen, Mrs. Lewis H., Jr., 326 Woodley Rd., Merion. Van Keuren, Mrs. J. P., 21st and Providence Aves., Chester. VanLear, Mrs. J. Findlay, 1701 Green- hill Ave., Wilmington, Del. Van Nieukerken, Mr. J. M., Serpentine Lane, Wyncote. Vansant, Mr. Joseph A., Lafayette Hill, Montgomery Co. VanSciver, Mrs. Joseph B., Bethlehem Pike and Lynnebrook Road, Chest- nut Hill. Van Sciver, Mrs. Russell, 1006 West- view St., Mt. Airy. tVare, Miss Katharine M., 350 W. Allen Lane, Mt. Airy. Vauclain, Mrs. J. L., Buck Lane, Ha- verford. Vauclain, Mr. Samuel M., 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia. Vaughan, Mrs. Cecil H., 24 Simpson Road, Ardmore. Vaughan, Mrs. Charles P., 58th St. and City Ave., Philadelphia. Vaughan, Mrs. Ira, Green Hill Farms, Overbrook. Vaux, Mrs. George, Jr., Bryn Mawr. Verlenden, Miss Mary, 99 E. Green- wood Ave., Lansdowne. Verner, Mrs. William R., 326 Louella Ave., Wayne. Vick, Mr. Albert F. W., 136 Bentley Ave., Cynwyd. Viele, Mrs. B. C, Wyncote. Vincent, Mrs. Anna M., 325 Arch St., Philadelphia. Violek, Mrs. M., 900 Concord Ave., Drexel Hill. Vlachos, Mrs. William, 215 Vassar Ave., Swarthmore. Vogdes, Miss Dorothy, 347 Llandrillo Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Vogdes, Mr. James M., 1306 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. Vogdes, Mr. Jesse T., 347 Llandrillo Road, Cynwyd. Voigt, Mr. Max, Medford Lakes, N. J. Vom Hofe, Mrs. L. H., 127 Longue Vue Drive, Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh. von Kessel, Mrs. R. H., Dresher Ar- cade, Lansdale. Wadlinger, Mrs. F. Raymond, Stockton Road, Meadowbrook. Wagner, Mrs. Earl G., Righters Mill Road, Narberth. Wagner, Mrs. Edward S., 532 Lafay- ette Road, Merion Park, Merion. Wagner, Mrs. George Ellwood, 6612 Emlen St., Mt. Airy. Wagner, Mrs. Jesse L., 152 N. 6th St., Reading. Wagner, Mr. John, School House Lane, Germantown. Wagner, Miss Viola E., 204 S. Union St., Kennett Square. Wainwright, Mrs. F. King, Bryn Mawr. Wainwright, Mrs. T. F. Dixon, "Tamarack Hill," Gwynedd Valley. Walbaum, Miss E. C, "Glyn Ython Farm," Ithan. Walbridge, Mrs. C. C, Elbow Lane and McCallum St., Mt. Airy. Walker, Mrs. Arthur M., Gwynedd Valley. Walker, Mrs. I. C, 1202 DeKalb St., Norristown. Walker, Miss Isabella, 40 Jacoby St., Norristown. Walker, Mrs. John White, Meadow- brook. Walker, Mr. Thomas P., Ill E. Sedg- wick St., Mt. Airy. Walker, Mrs. Thomas P., Ill E. Sedg- wick St., Mt. Airy. Walker, Mrs. William T., 117 E. Cen- tral Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Walker, Mrs. William W., 354 Syca- more Ave., Merion. Wall, Mr. Eugene W., 310 Rosemore Ave., Glenside. Wall, Mrs. Joseph J., Sycamore Mill, Media. Wallace, Miss Kate S., 123 Walnut St., Jenkintown. Walleigh, Mr. J, Walter, 110 Linwood Ave., Ardmore. Waller, Mrs. L. W. T., Jr., Meadow- brook. Wallis, Mrs. Allan D., "Annandale," King Road, Malvern. Wallis, Mrs. Philip, 310 Clwyd Road, Cynwyd. Walnut, Mrs. T. Henry, 1 Lehman Lane, Germantown. 71 Walter, Mr. C. S., 817 Seneca St., Bethlehem. Walter, Miss Helen J. C, 105 Runny- mede Ave., Wayne, Del. Co. Walter, Mrs. Sargent, 403 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore. Walton, Mrs. Alvin M., Torresdale. Walton, Mrs. Georgia Bonnell, St. Davids. Walton, Mr. Henry D., 109 W. 2nd St., Moorestown, N. J. Walton, Miss Olive V., R. D. 4, Norris- town. Waltz, Dr. Arthur D., 635 Edmonds Ave., Drexel Hill. Wampler, Mr. Merle J., 7009 Sellers Ave., Bywood, Upper Darby. Wanamaker, Miss Louise, 290 N. Highland Ave., Merion. Wann, Mrs. G. S., 11 Chelten Road, Brookline, Upper Darby P. O. Ward, Mrs. T. J., Merion. Warden, Mrs. C. A., Haverford. Wardle, Mrs. William R., 3129 Queen Lane, East Falls. Ware, Mr. Romaine B., Bridgeton, N. J. Warner, Mrs. Frederick H., Jr., 110 St. Paul's Road, Ardmore. Warner, Mrs. Irving, 1109 Broome St., Wilmington, Del. Warner, Miss Iva B., Malvern. Warner, Mrs. M. B., 421 Meadow- brook Ave., St. Davids. Warner, Mr. Maurice E., Cassatt Ave., Berwyn. Warner, Miss Mildred S., 1211 Strat- ford Ave., Melrose Park. Warner, Mrs. William R., 3rd, R. D. 1, Norristown. Warnock, Mrs. A. Degrauw, LeBoutil- lier Road, Paoli. Warren, Mrs. Frank B., 264 S. 46th St., Philadelphia. Warren, Mrs. George Peirce, 327 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore. Warren, Mr. H. S., 409 Strathmore Road, Brookline, Upper Darby P. O. Warriner, Mrs. Jesse B., The Drake, 1512 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Warriner, Mrs. Samuel D., 250 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Warrington, Mr. Theodore B., 7743 Ardleigh St., Chestnut Hill. Wartman, Miss Helen F., 6627 N. 17th St., Philadelphia. Washburn, Mrs. Louis M., 17 St. Asaph's Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Wasserman, Mrs. Joseph, Wissa- hickon Ave. and Hortter St., Mt. Airy. Waterer, Mr. Anthony, 714 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Waterer, Mr. Harry M., 714 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Waterman, Mrs. Fred W., Jr., 326 Gardner St., Johnstown. Waters, Mrs. Edward, Woodmont. Watson, Mrs. F. R., Montgomery Ave., Chestnut Hill. Watson, Mrs. Frank C, Providence Road, Media, R. D. 3. Watson, Mr. Joseph Harold, 6601 Quincy St., Germantown. Watson, Mrs. Joseph Harold, 6601 Quincy St., Germantown. Watson, Mrs. L. V. G., 3936 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Wattles, Mr. W. P., 301 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood. Watts, Miss Caroline Z., R. D. 4, West Chester. Way, Mrs. Channing, N. High St., Way, Mrs. John, "The Knoll," Lans- downe. Wayne, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., 8200 St. Martin's Lane, Chestnut Hill. Weaver, Miss Florence S., 208 Sum- mit Ave., Jenkintown. Webb, Mrs. Walter, "Caswallen," West Chester. Webster, Dr. A. B., Aubrey Road, Wynnewood. Webster, Mrs. Lydia P., R. D. 2, Conshohocken. Webster, Mr. T. Ellwood, Rosemont. Webster, Mrs. William, 218 Cameron Road, Willow Grove. Weeks, Mrs. Horace F., Rosemont. Weidel, Mrs. H. F., 701 S. Latches Lane, Merion. Weihenmayer, Mr. H. W., 1621 Dia- mond St., Philadelphia. Weihenmayer, Mr. William J., Rydal. Weihenmayer, Mrs. William J., Rydal. Weir, Mrs. H. R., 438 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. Weir, Mr. James, 20 W. Sharpnack St., Germantown. Weir, Mrs. James, 671 Meeting House Road, Jenkintown. Weitzenfeld, Mr. Jacob J., 18 S. Lynn Blvd., Highland Park, Upper Darby. Wells, Mr. Arthur B., Box 13, Bryn Athyn. Wells, Miss Hepsey Norris, 1112 Wal- lace St., Philadelphia. Wells, Mrs. Warren M., West Valley Road, Strafford. Wells, Mrs. William B., 1320 Mahan- tango St., Pottsville. Welsh, Mrs. Herbert S., Elbow Lane, Mt. Airy. Wendell, Mr. E. J., Wayne. Wenger, Mrs. Morris, 1320 Montgom- ery Ave., Rosemont. Wentz, Mr. Walter E., Jr., 19 W. Bal- timore Ave., Media. Wertsner, Miss Anne B., 79 Herman St., Germantown. Wertsner, Mrs. George S., 79 Herman St., Germantown. Wesp, Mr. Clarence A., 856 E. Ritten- house St., Philadelphia. 72 Wesp, Mrs. Clarence A., 856 E. Rit- tenhouse St., Philadelphia, Wessels, Mr. A. M., 9253 Germantown Ave., Chestnut Hill. West, Mrs. Harry F., Plymouth Meet- ing. West, Mrs. J. M., Pinetown Rd., Fort Washington. West, Mrs, William T., 276 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood. Weston, Mrs. F, W., 309 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood. Wetherald, Miss Dorothy, 4033 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia. Wetherill, Mrs. Francis M., 3012 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia. Wetherill, Mr. Giles P., Hyper-Humus Co., 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Wetherill, Mr. S. P., 1402 Morris Bldg., Philadelphia, Wetherill, Miss Sara R., 215 W. 24th St., Chester. Wetherill, Mrs. W. Chattin, Box 4381, Chestnut Hill. Wetherill. Mrs. Webster K., 220 Glenn Road, Ardmore. Wetzel, Mrs. Richard C, Tulpehocken Farms, R. F. D. 1, Sinking Springs. Weyl, Mrs. Julius, Elkins Park. Whan, Mrs. Samuel W., Canterbury Farms, Blue Bell, Montg. Co. Wheaton, Mrs. T. C, 516 High St., Millville, N. J. Wheeler, Mrs. Andrew, "Le Chatelet," Ardmore. Wheelock, Mrs. L. Ward, Jr., Enter Kine, Grays Lane, Haverford. Wheelock, Mrs. Louis W., Park & Har- vard Aves., Swarthmore. Wheelwright, Mr. Robert, 18 Summit St., Chestnut Hill. Whelen, Mrs. T. Duncan, 5641 Over- brook Ave., Philadelphia. Whitaker, Mr. Tristam Coffin, 5343 Greene St., Germantown. Whitall, Miss Matilda F., 159 Dela- ware St., Woodbury, N. J. White, Mrs. Allen K., 137 N. Harris- burg Ave., Atlantic City, N, J, White, Miss Blanche D., 1537 N. Gratz St., Philadelphia. White, Mrs. Charles D., 138 N. Har- risburg Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. White, Mrs. Edward, Jr., 1322 Wake- ling St., Frankford. White, Mr. Edward J., 9th and West- moreland Sts., Philadelphia. White, Mrs. Errol, Moylan-Rose Val- ley. White, Miss Frances M., 525 Walnut Lane, Swarthmore. White, Mrs. Howard, 120 Hilldale Road, Lansdowne. White, Mrs. John Beaver, Spring Mill Road, Villa Nova. White, Miss Margaret G., 1530 Spruce St., Philadelphia, White, Mrs. R. H., 304 Pembroke Road, Cynwyd. White, Mr. Ray Hill, Alden Park Manor, Germantown. White, Mrs. Ray Hill, Alden Park Manor, Germantown. White, Mrs. Thomas Raeburn, Pen- llyn. White, Mrs. W. W., 722 Greenhill Ave., Wilmington, Del, White, Mrs. Walter Rhoads, Wakefield Manor, Westtown. White, Mrs. William, Cheswold Lane, Haverford. Whitesell, Mrs. James Earl, 92 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne. Whiting, Mrs. Allen E., Waterloo Road, Devon. Whitman, Mrs. Ezra B., "Inafield," Meadowbrook. Whitney, Mrs. W. Beaumont, 2nd, 56 W. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Whitridge, Mrs. Roland Barker, 135 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Whittaker, Mr. W. A,, Secretary, The Rutledge Horticultural Society, P. 0. Box 255, Rutledge. Whitwell, Mrs. George E., Montgomery & Bowman Aves., Merion Station. Wick, Mr, Norbert A., "Willow Gates," Mt. Alverno Road, R. D. 2, Media. Widdows, Miss Jane H., 450 W. Chest- nut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Widener, Mr. George D,, Chestnut Hill. Widener, Mr. Joseph E., Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia. Wiederhold, Mr, Louis, Jr., 401 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia. Wiederseim, Mr. William Caner, Ab- ington. Wigton, Mrs. Frank H., Gray's Lane and Mill Creek Road, Ardmore. Wilbur, Mrs. Rollin Henry, "Old Stone House," St. Davids, Wilcox, Mrs. Thomas L., 1 W. Chest- nut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Wilde, Prof. E. I., Dept. of Horticul- ture, The Pa. State College, State College. Wildes, Mrs. Harry Emerson, The Idlewildes, Valley Forge. Wildman, Mrs. Franklin B., Jr., Gwynedd Valley. Wiley, Mr. Earl C, Box 48, Lionville. Wiley, Mrs. Ellen P., 509 Montgomery Ave., Haverford. Wiley, Mrs. Maurice W., 306 E. Cen- tral Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Wilford, Mrs. E. Burke, 300 Linden Lane, Merion. Wilford, Mrs. Jonathan S., Windrush Harbor Farm, Oxford, Talbot Co., Md, Wilkening, Mrs. F, W., Box 215, Penn Valley, Narberth P. O. Wilkins, Mr. George W., 138 Hilldale Road, Lansdowne. 73 Willard, Mrs. deForest P., 633 Wins- ford Road, Bryn Mawr. Willauer, Miss Jessie M., Stockertown. Willcox, Mrs. J. Taney, Wawa. Willcox, Mrs. William J., St. Davids. Williams, Mr. Alfred H., Providence Road, Wallingford. Williams, Mrs. Churchill, "Spring Meadow Farm," Gardenville, Bucks Co. Williams, Mrs. David E., P. O. Box 32, Bala-Cynwyd. Williams, Miss Elizabeth D., Box 86, Haverford. Williams, Mrs. Heberton F., Stanwick Road, Moorestown, N. J. Williams, Mrs. J, Randall, Jr., Wynne- wood. Williams, Mr. John, 227 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth. Williams, Mr. Parker S., Provident Trust Bldg., 17th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Williams, Mrs. Thomas S., Jenkin- town. Williamson, Mrs. William C, Latham Park, Oak Lane. Willing, Mr. Charles, Hillcrest Ave., Chestnut Hill. Willing, Miss Dorothy, The Barclay, 18th & Rittenhouse Sts., Philadel- phia. Willing, Mr. E. S., Bryn Mawr. Willing, Mrs. E. S., Bryn Mawr. Willing, Mrs. J. Kent, Ithan. Willits, Mrs. M. N., Jr., 609 W. Hort- ter St., Mt. Airy. Wills, Mr. F. A., 1523 N. 26th St., Philadelphia. Willson, Mr. Thomas A., 1113 Reading Blvd., Wyomissing. Wilson, Mrs. C. Colket, Wilson Farm, Paoli. Wilson, Dr. Elizabeth D., 2043 Apple- tree St., Philadelphia. Wilson, Mrs. Florence W., 13th and - Potter Sts., Chester. Wilson, Mrs. George, Old Gulph and Hagy's Ford Roads, Penn Valley, Narberth P. O. Wilson, Mrs. George F., 100 Pennsyl- vania Ave., Easton. Wilson, Miss Helen, 1509 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Wilson, Mrs. John L., 309 Wellington Road, Jenkintown. Wilson, Mrs. John Lewis, Montgomery Inn, Bryn Mawr. Wilson, Mr. John Windley, 1341 Diss- ton St., Philadelphia. Wilson, Mrs. P. Pratt, Ambler. Wilson, Mrs. Reynolds D., 1320 Dela- ware Ave., Wilmington, Del. Wilson, Mrs. Stanley E., 135 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Wilson, Mrs. W. Reynolds, Springmill Road, Villa Nova. Windle, Mrs. W. Butler, Virginia Ave., West Chester. Winship, Mrs. Charles T., 40 Mont- clair Drive, Atlanta, Georgia. Winsor, Mrs. James D., Jr., Ardmore. Wintersteen, Mrs. A. H., 142 Gray's Lane, Haverford. Wirz, Mrs. Henry M., Wallingford. Wismer, Mr. Russell, Washington and Franklin Aves., Norristown. Wistar, Miss Rebecca B., 3515 Powel- ton Ave., Philadelphia. Wister, Mr. John C, Wister St. and Clarkson Ave., Germantown. Wister, Mrs. L. Caspar, Wynnewood. Wister, Mrs. Lewis W., 53 E. Logan St., Germantown. Wister, Mr. Owen, Bryn Mawr. Wister, Mrs. William Rotch, 1112 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Wohlert, Mr. A. E., Narberth. Wolcott, Mrs. Darwin S., Colonial Vil- lage, Wayne. Wolcott, Miss Helen V., 601 Elm Ter- race, Riverton, N. J. Wolcott, Mrs. Robert W., Downing- town. Wolf, Mrs. Albert, Hotel Warwick, 1701 Locust St., Philadelphia. Wolf, Mrs. Alfred, Blue Bell. Wolf, Mrs. Benjamin, 250 S. 17th St., Philadelphia. Wolf, Mrs. Elias, Spring Run Farm, Dresher. Wolf, Mrs. Louis, Elkins Park. Wolff, Mrs. Otto, Jr., 242 W. Hortter St., Germantown. Wonsetler, Mrs. Howard, 619 W. Main St., Norristown. Wood, Mrs. Alexander C, Jr., River- ton, N. J. Wood, Mr. Charles M., 808 Philadel- phia Ave., Chambersburg. Wood, Mrs. Charles Martin, 222 Gray's Lane, Haverford. Wood, Mrs. Clement Biddle, Consho- hocken. Wood, Miss Dorothea, "Forge Hill." Wawa. Wood, Mrs. E. R., Richland, N. J. Wood, Mrs. E. Stearns, 2127 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Wood, Mrs. Edward F. R., N. W. cor. Prospect Ave. and Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. j Wood, Miss Frances, Hillcrest and E. ■ Germantown Aves., Chestnut Hill. ^ Wood, Mrs. Francis C, 422 Penn Road, Wynnewood. Wood, Mrs. George B., 329 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood. Wood, Mrs. George B., 513 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Wood, Mrs. George R., 436 Vernon Rd., Jenkintown. Wood, Mr. Harry, 329 Cornell Ave., Swarthmore. 74 Wood, Mrs. Howard, Jr., Consho- hocken. Wood, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., R. D. 1, Hat- boro. Wood, Miss Marion B., Cbnshohocken. Wood, Mrs. R. D., 2nd, 104 W. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill. Wood, Mrs. Richard D., Wawa. Wood, Mrs. Richard D., Jr., 337 S. Smedlev St., Philadelphia. Wood, Mrs. Robert F., 237 Forrest Ave., Narberth. Wood, Miss Sarah Keen, 4326 Osage Ave., Philadelphia. Woodall, Mr. John, R. R. 5, Easton, Talbot Co., Md. Woodall, Mrs. John, 227 Washington Lane, Jenkintown. Woodbridge, Mrs. J. Lester, 524 Ar- butus St., Mt. Airy. Woodcock, Mrs. Floyd, 2575 Hillcrest Rd., Drexel Park. Woodhouse, Mrs. S. W., 1015 S. 48th St., Philadelphia. Woodring, Mrs. W. G. B., 2924 Gordon St., Allentown. Woods, Mrs. Ralph, Rydal Road, Noble. Woods, Mrs. William, 2 Lehman Lane, Germantown. Woodward, Mrs. C. Wendell, 523 Jar- den Road, Chestnut Hill. Woodward, Mrs. George, Chestnut Hill. Woodward, Mrs. Samuel, 1900 Ritten- house Square, Philadelphia. Woodward, Mr. W. S., 1009 Lindale Ave., Drexel Hill. Woolman, Miss Anna, 21 N. Highland Ave., Lansdowne. Woolman, Mr. Edward, Panmure Road, Haverford. Woolman, Mrs. Eldward, Panmure Road, Haverford. Woolman, Miss Helen E., 601 River Bank, Riverton, N. J. Woolman, Mr. Henry N., 132 St. George's Road, Ardmore. Woolman, Miss Josephine T., 121 Glenn Road, Ardmore. Woolman, Mrs. Walter Keen, 701 River Bank, Riverton, N. J. Worrall, Miss Laura K., 127 W. State St., Kennett Square. Worth, Mrs. Edward H., Claymont, Del. Worth, Mrs. George S., Wayne. Wright, Mrs. Alfred W., 52 E. Elm St., Norristown. Wright, Mrs. Davis H., 155 Long Lane, Stonehurst, Upper Darby. Wright, Mrs. Harrison B., "Ithan Derlwyn," Radnor. Wright, Mrs. John Castle, 44 Lincoln Ave., Lansdowne. Wright, Miss Mary F., 538 Locust Ave., Germantown. Wright, Mrs. Minturn T., 130 W. Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill. Wright, Mrs. Minturn T., Jr., White- marsh Road, Chestnut Hill. Wright, Mrs. Philip H., 228 Kent Road, Ardmore. Wright, Mrs. Randolph, 1011 Swede St., Norristown. Wright, Mrs. Raymond D. B., 300 W. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Wright, Mrs. Robert C, Haverford. Wright, Mr. Sydney L., Jr., Ends- meet Farm, Glenside. Wright, Mrs. William E., 204 State St., Harrisburg. Wright, Mrs. Witney, Rose Lane North, Haverford. Wrigley, Mrs. Edward, 3337 W. Queen Lane, Germantown. Wunder, Mrs. Clarence E., Dodd's Lane, Ardmore. Wunderlee, Mrs. Horace J., Rydal. Wurts, Mrs. C. S., 926 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Wynn, Mrs. J. M., Wayne. Yarnall, Mr. Charlton, Newtown Square. Yarnall, Mrs. Charlton, Devon. Yarnall, Mrs. Stanley R., 5337 Knox St., Germantown. Yarr, Mrs. Alexander, R. F. D. 1, Allentown P. 0., N. J. Yates, Mr. Harry O., Jr., Camden Co. Vocational School, Merchantville, N. J. Yeatman, Miss Georgina Pope, 520 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Yeatman, Mrs. Pope, 520 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill. Yerger, Mr. John A., 1401 Arch St., Philadelphia. Yerger, Mrs. Wilson S., 7312 Elbow Lane, Mt. Airy. Yerkes, Miss Emily R., 5536 Wayne Ave., Oermantown. Yerkes, Mr. Milton R., Ill Pennsyl- vania Ave., Bryn Mawr. Yerkes, Mrs. Milton R., Ill Pennsyl- vania Ave., Bryn Mawr. Yocom, Miss Mildred L., Gramacy Gardens, Douglassville, Berks Co. Yocom, Mrs. Thomas Corson, 321 Cyn- wyd Road, Bala-Cynwyd. Yocum, Mrs. Howard H., 6936 Green Hill Rd., West Park Sta. York, Mrs. Edward H., Jr., Ithan. Young, Mr. John Welsh, Oreland. Young, Mrs. Richard N., Radnor. Young, Mrs. Willard, 307 Springhill Ave., Wilmington, Del. Zahn, Mr. Charles E., Drexel and Owen Aves., Lansdowne. Zantzinger, Mrs. C. C, 8500 Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Zantzinger, Mr. C. C, Jr., Orchard Lane, Ithan. 75 Zell, Mrs. John J., 129 Hastings Ave., South Ardmore, Upper Darby. Zerby, Mrs. J. H., Jr., 1441 Howard Ave., Pottsville. Zieget, Mrs. Julius, 132 Edgewood Road, Ardmore. Zieget, Miss Marcia Stuart, 132 Edge- wood Road, Ardmore. Ziegler, Mr. William H., 7427 Boyer St., Philadelphia. Zierdt, Mr. Charles H., 1834 N. Camac St., Philadelphia. Zimmerman, Miss Anna W., The Hedges, Rydal. Zimmerman, Dr. Mason W., Rydal. Zimmermann, Mrs. Graham, 307 W. Springfield Ave., Chestnut Hill. Zimmerman, Mr. W. F., 1601 Sheridan Lane, Norristown. Zimmermann, Mr. William, P. O. Box 156, Wyncote. Zimmerman, Mrs. William, P. O. Box 156, Wyncote. Zipf, Mr. Carl H., 135 Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr. Zorn, Mrs. George, 522 Hampshire Road, Drexel Hill. Zug, Mrs. Charles K., 329 W. More- land Ave., Chestnut Hill. Zullinger, Mrs. A. H., Spruce Hill Court, 4400 Spruce St., Philadelphia. 76