CH}4:'70 ur Di J n n Ju (.. 9^73 YEAR BOOK of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Oldest Horticultural Society in America With Reports for 1947 Edited By •JOHN C. WISTER Secretary Issued from the office of THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 389 Broad Street Station Building, 1617 Pennsylvania Boulevard, Philadelphia 3, Pa. OBJECT AND PRIVILEGES OF THE SOCIETY The Society is a non-profit organization. Its object is to promote and encourage Horticulture and to create a love for, and interest in Plants and Flowers. It desires to increase its membership in order to extend its services to a greater number of persons, increase its influence and enlarge the scope of its activities. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP "Horticulture" — a. monthly gardening magazine for the amateur gardener. Consultant in Horticulture and Field Secretary. Lectures. Exhibitions presented by the Society. Displays in the Rooms. The Philadelphia Flower Show — one admission. Garden Visits. Horticultural Library — circulating privilege to members. Year Book. Members of this Society automatically become members of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania. Membership implies a forward-looking interest in the influence of horticulture on the individual, the home and the community, making life happier and richer. Annual Dues, $3.50 Toward the Endotvment Life Membership Fee, $50.00 May be paid in installments Sustaining Member, $1,000.00 Benefactor, $5,000.00 Patron, $10,000.00 Make Checks Payable to THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 389 Broad Street Station Building 1617 Pennsylvania Boulevard, Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania (Telephone: Rl+tenhouse 6-8352) 2 ■ THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Organized 1827 This Society welcomes gifts and bequests of money and it is hoped that all who desire to perpetuate its work will, in disposing of their property, include The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society among their beneficiaries. FORM OF BEQUEST I GIVE AND BEQUEATH TO THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICUL- TURAL SOCIETY FOR Name I Wish to Propose for Membership in the Society: Addr Nar Addr Nar Address I DO wish my name used in this connection. DO NOT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation TABLE OF CONTENTS Officers. Executive Council, Office Staff. 1947 „ „ _.. 6 Committees 7 Reports for 1947: Annual Meetino-. 1947 9 Membership Report 9 Displays in Rooms 10 President ;. 11 Secretary 12 Treasurer 14 Library Committee 16 Accessions — 1947 17 Periodicals 18 Lecture Committee 19 Garden Visits 20 Exhibition Committee 20 Extension Committee 21 Honorary Members 23 Membership List 24 Necrolog}^ 70 ILLUSTRATION Section of small back yard, screened for privacy. Philadelphia Flower Show. 1947. First Prize, Providence Garden Club. 5 OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President --, MR. C. FREDERICK C. STOUT Vice-Presidents MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL MR. JOHN C. WISTER MRS. ARTHUR H. SCOTT MRS. JOHN B. CARSON Honorary Vice-President MR. C. HARTMAN KUHN Secretary MR. JOHN C. WISTER Treasurer A'IR. H. GATES LLOYD, JR. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Term Ending December 31, 1948 MRS. E. PAGE ALLINSON DR. JOHN M. FOGG, JR. MR. FAIRMAN R. FURNESS MRS. ROBERT H. IRONS MR. H. GATES LLOYD, JR. MR. WILLIAM CLARKE MASON MR. BENJAMIN RUSH, JR. MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL MR. C. FREDERTC[v C. STOUT Ternn Ending December 31, 1949 MR. ALFRED M. CAMPBELL MRS. F. WOODSON HANCOCK, JR. MR. ALEXANDER MacLEOD DR. J. HORACE McFARLAND MR. J. LIDDON PENNOCK, JR. MRS. G. RUHLAND REBMANN, JR. MRS. ARTHUR H. SCOTT MR. THOMAS W. SEARS PROFESSOR E. I. WILDE Term Ending December 31, 1950 MR. W. ATLEE BURPEE. JR. MRS. JOHN B. CARSON MR. HAROLD GRAHAM MRS. J. NORMAN HENRY' MR. WILLIAM L. McLEAN, JR. MRS. CHARLES PLx\TT MRS. ALAN H. REED MRS. WALTER KING SHARPS MRS. IRVING WARNER MR. TOHN C. WISTER OFFICE STAFF MRS. CLAY T. BARNES, Membership Secretary MISS FANNIE A. ROOT, Executive Secretary MISS MARIA B. SAMUEL, Librarian and Exhibition Secretary MISS ANNE B. WERTSNER, Field Secretary and Horticultural Consultant COMMITTEES FOR 1947 The President, ex-officio, is a member of all Committees Executive Committee MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL, Chainnan MR. J. V. HARE MR. W. ATLEE ]iURPEE, JR. MR. JOHN C. WISTER Finance Committee MR C FREDERICK C. STOUT, Clumnnn, MR. FITZ EUGENE DIXON Mr! W. ATLEE BURPEE MR. JAY V. HARE MR. H. GATES LLOYD. JR. MR. BENJAMIN RUSH, JR. Library Committee MRS J NORMAN HENRY, Chainnan -MRS. EDWARD M. CHESTON MRS' E PAGE \LLINSON MRS. NATHAN HAYWARD MRS. ALAN H. REED i Lecture Committee MRS. CHARLES PLATT, Chairman DR. JOHN M. FOGG. JR. MRS. EDWARD M. CHESTON MR. JOHN C. WISTER Horticultural Committee MR. JOHN C. WISTER, Chairman MRS. EDWARD M. CHESTON MRS. BENJAMIN BULLOCK DR. JOHN M. FOGG, JR. MR. THOMAS W. SEARS Exhibition Committee MR. HAROLD GRAHAM. Chairman MR. J. V. HARE MRS. E. PAGE ALLINSON MRS. J. PACKARD LAIRD MR. W. ATLEE BURPEE, TR. MR. ALEX MacLEOD MISS ELEANOR W. DAVID MRS. ARTHUR H. SCOTT MR. HARRY WOOD Displays in Rooms Committee MRS. E. PAGE ALLINSON, Chairman MRS. HOWARD MASON CLARK MRS. C. LOUIS BORIE. 3rd MRS. ALBERT P. GERHARD MRS. JOHN B. CARSON MR. HARRY WOOD Editorial Committee MR. JOHN C. WISTER, Chairman MRS. ARTHUR H. SCOTT MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL Extension Committee DR. J. HORACE McFARLAND, Chairman MR. WILLIAM J. SERRILL MR. W. ATLEE BURPEE. JR. MRS. WALTER KING SHARPE MR. J. V. HARE PROFESSOR E. I. WILDE Membership Committee MRS. JOHN B. CARSON, Chairman AfRS. CHARLES PLATT MRS. E. PAGE ALLINSON MRS. G. RUHLAND REBMANN, JP MRS. J. EBERT BUTTERWORTH MR. HARRY WOOD Pension Committee MR. JOHN C. WISTER, Cliainiuxn DR. JOHN M. FOGG, JR. MRS. E. PAGE ALLINSON MRS. ALAN H. REED CL, ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was held on November 19, 1947, at 3 P. M., in the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, with 194 members present. Vice-President and Secretary, John C. Wister, presided, and welcomed the members. He expressed regret that the President, C. Frederick C. Stout, was absent due to doctor's orders. (It is the first Annual Meeting which Mr. Stout has not attended since he became President 18 years ago.) Announcement was made of election of the following members to the Executive Council : For three-year term (1948-1950), Mr. W. Atlee Burpee, Jr., Mrs. John B. Carson, Mr. Harold Graham, Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Mr. William L. McLean, Jr., Mrs. Charles Piatt, Mrs. Alan Reed, Mrs. Walter King Sharpe, Mrs. Irving Warner, and Mr. John C. Wister. For two-year term (1948-1949), Mrs. G. Ruhland Rebmann, Jr. For one-year term (1948), Mr. IT. Gates Lloyd, Jr. The Secretary reviewed briefly the events of the year. Two of the important events were the Membership Drive and the introduction of Horticultural Displays in the rooms of the Society. Reports of these activities were made as follows : MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE "As Chairman of the IVIembership Campaign, I am very glad to have this opportunity to thank the members of the Horticultural Society and the staff for their splendid help in this, the Membership Drive. "As you know, we are trying to raise the Society's membership to 5,000, and have made good strides, but have not as yet reached that goal. Today's membership is 4434. Since January, 1947, the Society has obtained 1125 new members, but has lost 172 through death and resig- nation, so the net gain is 953. It is interesting to know that 299 members have helped secure at least one new member, and that 35 have secured 5 or more new mem.bers. We are hoping that 1948 will see us well over our goal. Will yoti be so kind as to give me any suggestions or ideas as to how to accomplish this? We want your help. Remember — the cam- paign will continue and we hope we will have many close competitors for our 1948 prizes. "The Society is fortunate in these times to offer you more instead of less for our very modest dues. "On behalf of the Horticultural Society, it giA^es me great pleasure to award the following prizes : "First— Mrs. Edward J. Garra 32 Members Second — Mrs. James C. Bleloch .... 20 Members Third— Mrs. Karl Rugart 15 Members Fourth — Mrs. Ernest C. Drew .... 14 Members Fifth — Mrs. George A. Hewitt 13 Members Sixth— Mrs. Sidney Keith 11 Members . — Mrs. William Kurtz Myers 11 Members 9 "I would like to congratulate Mrs. Jacques L. Vauclain and Miss Eleanor David, who each brought in ten members, and Mrs. S. N. Magill and Mrs. Donald J. Marquis, with nine. "Respectfully submitted, "FRANCES T. CARSON, (Mrs. John B. Carson) ''Chairman." COMMITTEE FOR DISPLAYS IN THE ROOMS "The Society is constantly trying to give its members more and more of interest and assistance. With this in mind, it has instituted a new series of displays in the rooms. These take place about once a month — -usuall}^ on the third Wednesday — and are horticultural in character, although several members are asked each time to do arrangements for the decoration of the rooms and at Christmas time the exhibit is of Christmas decorations. "Various garden clubs are being asked to stage these exhibits and the Philadelphia Branch of the National Association of Gardeners and the Scott Horticultural Foundation are giving fine assistance. There is no competitive judging, but outstanding exhibits will be given recogni- tion and at the end of the year there will be a sweepstakes award for the most points given any club or individual, or both, if it is warranted. "The intent of these exhibits is twofold — educational and pleasur- able, and it is the hope of the Executive Council that they will be found to be both and that members will more and more come to see them and to use the rooms of the Society. This experimental year will prove their worth or lack of it. Every member of the Society, whether a member of a garden club or not, is invited to participate each time, and every member is urged to come and see. "Respectfully submitted, "MARY M. P. ALLINSON, (Mrs. E. Page Allinson) "Chairman/' Following the business part of the meeting, Mrs. J. Norman Henry presented a most interesting address, entitled "Recent Experiences in England and Scotland." Mrs. Henry had been invited long ago to lecture before the Royal Horticultural Society in London and at the Edinburgh Botanical Garden. She spent parts of the months of March and April, 1947. in Great Britain and had the opportunity to meet and to visit many famous botanists and horticulturists. She told of the difficulties of present-day life in England and Scotland, and of the horticultural events, flower shows, etc., which she attended. As there was no further business, the meeting, on motion, ad- journed. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT FOR 1947 We can look back upon 120 years of the existence of this Society. It is my pleasure first to extend greetings to all of our members and a most hearty welcome into our midst to all those who have joined within the past year. The year 1947, as it unfolded, turned out to be most interesting and most progressive. It was in the latter days of 1946 that the Society was obliged to move into the new quarters, which it now occupies. We have to express our deep appreciation and dianks to Mrs x\rthur H. Scott, who formed a small Committee to assist her and gave a Tea celebrating the event, which was attended by some three hundred of our members. Mrs. Charles Piatt loaned some exquisite flower paintings executed by herself, and Miss Wertsner attended to the arrangement of all the Christmas decorations. At the beginning of the year, Mrs. John B. Carson was elected as one of our Vice-Presidents. Mrs. Carson has been an active member for many years and she took the Chairmanship of the Committee that headed the Membership Drive, which turned out to be the most successful drive we have had, adding over eleven hundred new members. She has made a separate report to our members. The Society was further strengthened during the past year when Mrs. G. Ruhland Rebmann, Jr., of Haverford ; Mrs. Charles Piatt of Chestnut Hill, and Mr. H. Gates Lloyd, Jr., of Haverford (who is now our Treasurer ) were elected to the Executive Council. Due to our having had to move and also to the rising prices, it has been very difficult to live within our budget allotment. I am happy to say, in response to my letter, special contributions during the year amounted to $3,823.50, with the result that we have come through all these financially difficult times without a deficit in our treasury and without raising our dues, as at one time seemed inevitable. Because of rising prices, the magazine HORTICULTURE found it necessary to materially raise the price to us. Beginning in 1948, the magazine will appear once a month instead of having twenty issues a year. We have on the agenda plans to work out a retirement policy for our office staff, for which I have appointed a committee. I have also to acknowledge, and call your attention to, a further gift from Mr. H. Gates Lloyd, Jr.. and Mr. Richard W. Lloyd — the portrait of their mother, painted by Charles Hopkinson, of Boston. It is now hanging in our Library overlooking her horticultural library, which was also presented to us by her sons. Mrs. Lloyd took a great interest in our Library and was Chairman of that Committee up to the time of her death. The Library has also received three beautiful flower pictures, painted by the late Mrs. Isaac LaBoiteaux and presented by her daughter, Mrs. Thomas W. Drake. The Society has co-operated with the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania in advancing the interest in horticulture throughout the State. It v^as in 1945 that we joined with the Federation in holding the first course for Flower Show Judges, and each year since that time two such courses have been given. These courses are given each year in April and October and have proven most successful, I extend my congratulations and thanks to all the members of the standing committees and to all members of the office staff, whose com- bined efforts in a spirit of co-operation have brought about this splendid accomplishment. As we look out upon the world today we still see tumult in the great fight for Peace. More than two years have passed since the found- ing of the United Nations in San Francisco, whose main task was to establish a lasting Peace in the world, and still the East and the West are un-united in the spirit of proper co-operation that is the very mother of the spirit of Peace. I quote from a great philosopher, prodigious writer, traveler, and poet, Rudyard Kipling : "THE BALLAD OF EAST AND WEST" "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sk}' stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat ; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Bread, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, tho' thev come from the ends of the earth !" Strong men have come "Face to face" and still the world waits for its lasting Peace. C FREDERICK C. STOUT, President. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY FOR 1947 Last March, the Philadelphia Flower Show was resumed after its oiTiission during the war years. It was the highlight of 1947. Mrs. J. Gibsbn Mcllvain headed the Committee for our section, with Mrs. G. Ruhland Rebmann, Jr., Chairman, and Mrs. Homer Reed, Vice-Chair- man of the Schedule Committee. They obtained most gratifying results. During the Show, we held our Spring Luncheon, at which Lord Aber- conway, President of the Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain, was our guest of honor. During the last few months, our Women's Committee for the 1948 Flower Show has been hard at work on preliminary plans which include drawing up the schedule for our section. Mrs. Alan Collins, General Chairman, and Mrs. W. Beaumont Whitney, 2nd, Chairman of the Schedule Committee, and Mrs. Homer Reed, Vice-Chairman, are direct- ing the work. Through our co-operative agreement with the sponsors of the Show, our Life Members will, for the first time, receive a pass for the week. Annual Members will, as usual, receive a ticket good for one admission. 12 Another big event was the Chrysanthemum Show held in the Field House of Swarthmore College in November, and which is reported by Mr. Harold Graham, Chairman of the Exhibition Committee. The Library, Garden Visits and Field Secretary's Department pro- ceeded successfully, and a new project was undertaken in the form of Horticultural Displays in our rooms. Detailed reports of these activities are included in the Year Book. In addition to our own activities, we co-operated with the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania in two Judging Schools — one in April and one in October. These Schools are designed to raise the standard of exhibitors as well as to train competent judges and we believe they are accomplishing their purpose. The students do serious work and exami- nations are held in connection with each School. In connection with the Garden Club Federation, you may be inter- ested in learning some of the figures for this year of the national organ- ization with which it is associated. The National Council of State Garden Clubs, Incorporated, includes 4,500 clubs with a national membership of 175,000. Another organization made up of garden clubs is the Garden Club of America, the first national organization f formed in 1913), with 135 member clubs in 35 States, comprising 8,300 members. There is some overlapping of membership in the two organizations. A few of our office records for the year from December 1, 1946, to December 1, 1947, are as follows: We have had 865 visitors to the Library, out of a total of 2,058 persons who came to our rooms — exclu- sive of those who attended lectures and other special events in our quar- ters. Nineteen meetings were held in our Board Room by the Executive Council and various Committees of our Society, and 50 meetings were held by the Boards of other organizations with similar interests. A summary of the membership record for the year is as follows : Membership as of December 1, 1946 3465 Resignations (164) and deaths (48) during year 212 3253 New members added during year 1197 Membership as of December 1, 1947 4450 In giving reports for the year, every effort is made to inform mem- bers about policies. It is difficult to give too many details without con- fusion. If any items are not clear, members are requested to communica*-'^ with the Secretary either personally or by letter. Respectfully submitted, 13 JOHN C. WISTER, Secretary REPORT OF THE TREASURER STATEMENT OF CONDITION September 30, 1947 ASSETS Cash : General Fund — Girard Trust Company $10,841.88 General Fund— Petty Cash 200.00 $11,041.88 Life Membership Fund: Corn Exchange Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. 274.97 Library Committee Fund: Corn Exchange Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. 413.29 ■ — 688.26 — $11,730.14 Schaffer Fund Investments: Girard Trust Company, Trustee 282,817.09 Investments: Life Membership Fund $43,108.54 General Fund 27,497.22 Library Fund 74.00 — — 70,679.76 Equipment : Office Furniture, etc $1,877.81 Library Books 10,945.63 Portraits 6,265.00 Lecture Equipment 472.76 Field Secretary Equipment 321.40 19,882.60 Supplies: Medals on Hand 286.50 Prepaid Expenses 715.32 Total Assets $386,111.41 LIABILITIES None FUNDS Schaffer Fund $282,817.09 Life Membership Fund 43,383.51 General Fund 40,511.89 Appraisal Adjustment 13,227.99 Library Committee Fund 487.29 Special Contributions 5,008.51 Judging Course Fees Carried Over to Next Year 675.13 Total Funds $386,in.41 14 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Oc+ober I, 1946. to September 30, 1947 GENERAL FUND Receipts Income received from: Schaffer Fund— Girard Trust Co $9,194.64 Interest on Investments $3,507.33 Interest on Saving Funds 8.24 3,515.57 Dues 13,248.00 Special Contributions 3,823.50 Total Cash Receipts $29,781.71 Unexpended Balance First Judging Course 675.13 Total Income $30,456^ Expenditures of Committees Executive Committee $10,561.71 Lecture Committee 709.76 Exhibition Committee 3,736.20 Library Committee 3,657.69 Extension Committee 2,015.73 Horticultural Committee 39.05 Total Expenses $309.93 Net Income Judging Courses 270.88 Editorial Committee — Magazine "Horticulture" 3,967.75 Special Expenses 27.00 Expenditures Out of Special Contributions — Moving, Nevvf Equipment, Etc 2,062.16 Purchase of Securities : 40 shs. Philadelphia Electric $1,090.10 7 shs. Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey 544.12 20 shs. Texas Company 900.00 2,534.22 Total above Expenditures $29,311.27 Deduct : 1945-46 Prepaid Expenses $632.94 Decrease in Inventory 99.00 731.94 Total $28,579.33 Add: Advance for Postage — Lecture Committee $125.94 Advance for Postage— Judging Course . . . 125.93 Advance for Chrysanthemum Show 261.96 Advance for Hand Books 44.00 Advance for Mrs. Fisher's Lecture 73.25 Advance for Stationery 84.24 ■ 715.32 15 Total Cash Expenditures $29,294.65 Excess of Receipts Over Expenditures — General Account... 1,877.51 Advances for 1947-48 715.32 $1,162.19 Cash on Hand September 30, 1946 9,879.69 Cash on Hand September 30, 1947 $11,041.88 LIFE MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT Balance, October 1, 1946— Uninvested Cash $1,020.07 Transferred from General F"und Cash Account 1,570.00 — $2,590.07 Rccctbts ' 59 New Members 1946-47 $1,790.00 74 Old Members Paid in 1946-47 860.00 2,650.00 Realized from Sale of Securities: 15 shs. PubHc Service of New Jersey $348.39 8 shs. Delaware Power and Light 157.83 506.22 Total Cash to Be Accounted f or . $5,746.29 Disbursed for Purchase of : 25 slis. American Cyanamid Co $2,896.25 15 shs. Texas Company 916.49 35 shs. Container Corp 1,658.58 5,471.32 Balance September 30, 1947— Uninvested Cash $274.97 LIBRARY FUND Balance, October 1, 1946— Uninvested Cash $409.69 Receipts— Interest January 2, 1947 3.60 Balance, September 30, 1947— Uninvested Cash $413.29 Herr and Herr, Certified Public Accountants. H. Gates Lloyd, Jr., Treasurer. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1947 "America has everything," so it is said. No one can gainsay the fact that we in America do have a large portion of the good things that are in this world. Well, then we must share them. By so doing we give others, as well as ourselves, endless pleasure. We needs must grow a Peace Garden. The Victory Garden will be of greater use if it is followed by a Peace Garden and in it, as well as fruits and vegetables, let there be lots and lots of flowers, that we may help spread beauty over the world. With so much beauty can Peace be far behind? Come often to our Library and let our books help you to plan a Peace Garden. Respectfully submitted, MARY G. HENRY, Chairman (Mrs. J. Norman Henry). 16 Library records show that there were 855 books circulated among our members. Our thanks are extended to the following, who have gen- erously given books to the Library during 1947: M. Barrows & Co., Mrs. Charles Biddle, Mr. Rolfe E. Glover, Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Mrs. Henry S. Jeanes, Mr. H. Gleason Mattoon, Mrs. Stanley W. Root, Miss Maria B. Samuel, and Miss Anne B. Wertsner. LIBRARY ACCESSIONS. 1947 ALLWOOD, M. C. Carnations for everyman. 1931. AMERICAN RHODODENDRON SOCIETY. Rhododendon yearbook. 1947. BAILEY, L. H., ed. Principles of agriculture. 1901. BIDDLE & BLOM. Flower arrangement for everyone. 1947. BINGHAM M. T. Flora of Oakland Co., Michigan. 1945. COAIMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. My Pennsylvania. 1946. DEERE, lOHN. Soil conservation, n.d. DE SALiS, MRS. Floral decorations. 1891. FAIRCHILD, DAVID. World grows round my door. 1947. FISKE G. B., comp. Prize gardening. 1901. FREE, MONTAGUE. All about house plants. 1946. GOLDSMITH, M. O. Picture primer of indoor gardening, 1946. GREEN, S. B. Vegetable gardening, 2nd ed. rev. 1899. HAWKINS, L. A. More productive gardening, n.d. HENRY, M G. New lily from Southern Alabama. 1947. HIGGINS, VERA., ed. Some good garden plants. 1946. HILLHOUSE, L. P. House plants. 1897. HUME, H. H. Camellias in America. 1946. ISHIAIOTO, TATSUE. Art of flower arrangement. 1947 JENKINS, D. H. Around the garden. 1947. Laurie & KIPLINGER. Commercial flower forcing. 4th ed. 1947. McKELVEY, S. D. Yuccas of the southwestern United States. Part 2, 1947, MacNEIL & M.^cNEIL. Garden lilies. 1946. MORSE, J. E. New rhubarb culture. 1901. MORTON & MORTON. Fifty tropical fruits of Nassau. 1946. MUELLER, C. H. Bulbs for beauty. 1947. PAUL, WILLIAM. Rose garden. 9th ed. 1888. PHILLIPS, M. E. Perennial garden. 1934. PRESTON, ISABELLA. LiHes for every garden. 1947. ROBERTS, T. P. Farmstead. 1900. ROBERTS, I. P. Farmer's business handbook 1903. ROBINSON, WILLIAM. Gravetye Manor. 1911. ROCKWELL & GRAYSON. Complete book of flower arrangement. 1947. ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Lily Yearbook No. 10. 1946. ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Rhododendron Yearbook. 1946. SINNOTT, E. W. Botany; principles and problems. 4th ed. 1946. SKINNER, C. M. Nature in a city yard. 1897. STARR, I. M. H. Gardens of the Caribbees. 2v. 1903. STERN. F. C. Study of the Genus Paeonia. 1946. TABOR & KISTNER. Flower arranging for the American home. 1947. TATNALL, R. R. Flora of Delaware and the eastern shore. 1946. TAYLOR, NORMAN. Guide to the wild flowers. New ed. 1941. VAN DE BOE, L. Planning and planting vour own place. 1947. WATERMAN, C. H. Flora's lexicon. 1840. WATSON, J. F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 2v. 1844. WYMAN, DONALD. Arboretums and botanical gardens of North America. 1947 17 LIST OF PERIODICALS RECEIVED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1947 Addisonia. Agricultural Index. Alpine Garden Society. Bulletin. American Botanist. American Dahlia Society. Bulletin. American Delpliinium Society. Yearbook. American Fern Journal. American Forests. American Fruit Grower American Home. American Iris Society. Bulletin. American Orchid Society. Bulletin. American Peony Society. Bulletin. American Primrose Society. Quarterly. American Rock Garden Society. Bulletin. American Rose Annual. American Rose Magazine. Arnold Arboretum. Journal. Arnoldia. Audubon's Magazine. Australian Garden Lover. Bartonia. Begonian. Better Homes and Gardens. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Contributions. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Professional papers. Cactus and Succulent Journal. California Horticultural Society, Journal Canadian Horticulture. Castanea. Cornell Plantations. Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Desert. Eastern States Cooperator. Florist's Exchange. Florist's Review. Flower Grower. Forest Leaves. Frontiers. Garden Club of America. BuUetia Garden Glories. Garden Gossip. Gardener's Chronicle of America. Gardeners' Chronicle (English). Gardening, Illustrated. Hemlock Arboretum. Herbarist. Herbertia, Yearbook of the American Atnaryllis Society. Home Acres. Home Garden. Homes and Garden. Hortensia. Horticultural Society of New York. Monthly BuUetia Horticulture. House and Garden. House Beautihd. Iris Society fEnsjlish). Yearbook. Journal of Lleredtty. Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science. Landscape A rchitecture. Lexington Leaflets. Market Growe/s Journal. Minnesota Horticulturist. Missouri Botanical Garden. Bulletin. Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. Bulletin. Morton Arboretum. Bulletin of popular information. My Garden. National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. Bulletin. National Horticultural Magazine. Nature Magazine. New York Botanical Garden. Journal. Orchid Digest. Organic Gardening. Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers' News. Plant Life. Plants and Gardens. Rhodora. Royal Horticultural Society. Journal. Trees. Wild Flozver. Wisconsin Horticulture. Your Garden and Home. REPORT OF LECTURE COMMITTEE FOR 1 947 A series of four lectures on Tuesday afternoons and five Tuesday evening lectures comprised the lecture program of the 1946-47 season. The afternoon lectures were given in the Burgundy Room of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, and the evening course was presented in the rooms of the Society. The program was as follows : Afternoon Lectures — 3 P. M. December 3, 1946 — "Make Your Own Merry Christmas" (demonstrated and illustrated), Anne B. Wertsner. January 21, 1947 — "Plants and Their Significance in the Life of Man" (illus- trated), Dr. William J. Robbins. February 4, 1947 — -"Trial Grounds and Test Gardens" (illustrated), W. Ray Hastings. February 18, 1947— "This Green World" (illustrated), Rutherford Piatt. Evening Lectures — 7:30 P. M. January 21, 1947 — "The Small Garden" (illustrated), Anne B. Wertsner. January 28, 1947 — -"Gardening in the Shade" (illustrated), Gertrude M. Smith. February 4, 1947 — "Trial Grounds and Test Gardens" (illustrated), W. Ray Hastings. February 11, 1947— "Why Plants Grow Where They Do" (illustrated), Dr. Ruth Patrick. February 18, 1947 — "Small Fruits" (demonstration of Pruning), Estelle L. Sharp. The Lecture Committee was responsible also for the program at the Spring Luncheon, at which Lord Aberconway was the special speaker; and at the Annual Meeting, at which Mrs. J. Norman Henry gave a delightful talk. The lectures were open to members and their friends and the attendance, especially for the night talks, filled the room to capacitw On account of limited space and because we have many more members now than a year ago, the Committee has decided that attendance will h< restricted to members in the 1947-48 series. Respectfully submitted, DOROTHY FALCON PLATT, (Mrs. Charies Piatt). 1 9 Chairman GARDEN VISITS. 1947 Garden Visits were held on Saturday afternoons in May, 1947, as follows : Saturday, May 10 — Main Line Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederick C. Stout. Mrs. Walter C. Janney. Mrs. Lewis H. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier. Mr. and A'frs. A. J. Drexel Paul. Saturday, May 17 — Wyncote, Rydal and Jenkintown Mrs. Alan H. Reed. Mrs. E. G. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dannenbaum. Mr. and Mrs. J. Liddon Pennock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bachman. Saturday, May 24 — Vicinity of Chester Springs, Kinnberton and Pottstown Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alarik W. Myrin. Mr. Justice and Mrs. Owen J. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Everett G. Rodebaugh. The gardens were unusually interesting and beautiful, and gave much pleasure to the many members who visited them. The highest attendance, 703, was recorded on the first afternoon (as is generally the case). On the second afternoon, the high number was 628, and on the third day, 681. Members were allowed to bring one friend. On account of the diffi- culties involved in having the gardens visited by such large numbers of people, it will probably be necessary to make soine changes or restric- tions in the 1948 season. The Society is exceedingly grateful to the owners for opening their gardens to us, especially in these days when the problem of maintenance is so difficult. Respectfully submitted, JOHN C. WISTER, Chairman. 20 REPORT OF EXHIBITION COMMITTEE FOR 1947 Your Committee is pleased that it again has a Philadelphia Flower Show to report after a lapse of five war years. A beautiful and success- ful exhibition was held in the Commercial Museum, March 17th to 22nd. In our part of the exhibition, the classes calling for section of a garden and for section of a room with appropriate plant material were excep- tionally well done and interesting, and, of course, the dinner tables and other special flower arrangement classes were a mecca to many of the visitors. On November 7th, 8th and 9th, a spectacular Chrysanthemum show was staged in the Field House of Swarthmore College by our Society, with the splendid co-operation of the Scott Florticultural Foun- dation and the Philadelphia Branch of the National Association of Gardeners. Mr. Harry Wood of the Scott Foundation worked very hard to secure exhibitors in advance of the Show, and he and Miss Wertsner planned the lay-out and took the lead in staging the Show itself. An admission charge of fifty cents was charged for the first time to non-members. Members of the Society and of Swarthmore College were given free admission. The total attendance was 5,419. Receipts from sale of tickets amounted to $1,384.00 which, with a gift of $125.00 for prizes from the Bartlett Tree Company, made total receipts of $1,509.00. Expenses were $2,072.00 and although receipts did not equal this figure, it was a satisfaction to have a large part of the expenses covered. Chrysanthemums were at their peak, and large and small collec- tions in diversified settings made a stunning spectacle. A beautiful display of Orchids in a natural setting added variety and interest, and the many classes of Flower Arrangements attracted constant attention. An excellent exhibit of berried trees and shrubs, correctly labeled and staged by the Scott Horticultural Foundation and the Alorris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, was one of the highlights. This exhibit, which is staged each year in a difl^erent setting, has come to be known as one of the finest features of the Show. Respectfully submitted, HAROLD GRAHAM, Cltairmaru 21 REPORT OF THE EXTENSION COMMITTEE FOR 1947 In reporting for the Committee for which I have been responsible since its formation eleven years ago, I wish to emphasize the importance of the work of our Extension Secretary, Miss Wertsner. She has made the Society more representative of the Keystone State than merely of Philadelphia and its suburbs. Pennsylvania has not been stingy in her work for the American nation at any time. The fact that ]\Iiss Wertsner has told of Pennsyl- vania gardens and garden processes in 75 lectures in 13 states is addi- tional evidence in this direction. She has sung the Pennsylvania song with effect in Texas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Illinois, Michigan and the New England States. Always when she visited a community to lecture in it she looked up the best gardens in that community, and she did this in the course of almost 28,000 miles of travel during the year. Of course, radio audiences heard the story many times, but in direct contact there were 10,000 people attending the lectures. In her office work. Miss Wertsner has answered more than 500 horticultural inqui- ries, has attended 17 meetings, and written 7 articles for the garden periodicals. Miss Wertsner's work at the Philadelphia Flower Show in staging the Society's section and in staging the Chrysanthemum Show at Swarthmore were on a par with her other excellent horticultural endeavors. It is my feeling that the Society is to be heartily congratulated on the effective service done by Miss Wertsner in promoting gardening. Respectfully submitted, J. HORACE McFARLAND, Chairman. 22 THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY LIST OF MEMBERS As of December I, 1947 Members of the Society will confer a favor by giving the Secretary notice of any change which they may desire to have made in their addresses or of any inaccuracies in the spelling of names which may be found in this list. SUMMARY Honorary Members „ „ 28 Life Members 508 Annual Members „ 3914 Total Membership „.. 4450 HONORARY MEMBERS Elected 1937 Aberconway, Lord, Bodnant, Tal- y-cafn, N. Wales. 1931 Ames, Mr. John S., North Easton, Mass. 1930 Eailey, Dr. L. H., Ithaca, N. Y. 1932 DeLaMare, Mr. A. T., Box 100, Times Square Station, New York, N. Y. 1934 Evans, Dr. I._ B. Pole, C.M.G., Chief, Division of Plant Indus- try, Box 99^, Pretoria, South Africa. 1944 Fairchild, Mr. David, "The Kam- pong," 4013 Douglas Rd., Coco- nut Grove Station, Miami, Fla. 1931 Farrington, Mr. Edward I., 65 Church Street, East Wey- mouth 89, Mass. 1941 Fernald. Dr. M. L., Gray Herbar- ium, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. 1934 Hansen, Dr. N. E., Horticultural Dept., State College, Brookings, S. D. 1941 Harrow, Mr. Robert L., Director, Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, Ripley, Surrey, England. 1934 Hedrick, Prof. Ulysses P., N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Geneva, N. Y. 1940 King, Mrs. Francis, "Kingstree," South Hartford, N. Y. 1934 Merrill, Dr. E. D., Gray Herbar- ium, Cambridge, Mass. 1934 Moore, Sir Frederick W., Will- brook House, Rathfamham, Co. Dublin, Ireland 23 Elected 1934 Moore, Lady, Willbrook House, Rathfarnham, Co. Dubhn, Ire- land. 1932 Morrison, Mr. B. Y.. 821 Wash- ington Loan & Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. 1922 Pennell, Dr. Francis W., Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race St., Philadelphia 3. 1934 Pittjer, Dr. Henri F.. P. O. Box 255, Caracas, Venezuela, S. A. 1935 Preston. Miss Isabella, 5 Wake- field Drive, Lancaster, England. 1932 Rehder, Mr. Alfred, Arnold Ar- boretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1934 Saimders, Prof. A. P., Clinton, N. Y. 1934 Smith, Sir William Wright, Di- rector, Roi'al Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland. 1934 Stout, Dr. A. B., N. Y. Botani- cal Garden, Bronx Park, New York, N. Y. 1935 Ward, Captain F. Kingdon, Castle Hill House, Maidenhead, Berk- shire, England. 1931 Webster, Mr. Edwin S., 300 Mas- sachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. 1934 Wherry, Dr. Edgar T., D< -ot. of Botany, Univ. of Pa., Phila- delphia 4. 1934 White, Miss Elizabeth C, Wliites- bog, N. J. 1931 Wright, Mr. Richardson, Gravbar Bldg.^ 420 Lexington Ave,, New York, N. Y. LIFE AND ANNUAL MEMBERS Life Members are in Bold-Face Type Abbot, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Abbott, Miss Gertrude Abbott, Miss Julia B. Aberle, Mrs. Gustave C. Absteen, Miss Dora Acheson, Mrs. C. S. Acker, Mrs. Charles E. Adam, Mrs. J. N. Adams Mrs. James H. Adams, Mr. Percy Ahlfeldt, Dr. Florence E. Aitken, Mrs. John N. Albert, Mrs. John S. Albrecht, Mrs. G. P. Albrecht, Mr. H. Carl Albrecht, Mr. John, Jr. Alessandroni, Mrs. Lora K. Alexander, Mrs. Charles G. Alexander, Mrs. E. G. Alexander. Mrs. Maitland Alexander, Miss Nettie L. Allan, Mrs. J. Hamilton Allard, Mrs. A. R. Allen, Miss Ethel Allen, Mr. Fred H. Allen, Mr. John N. Allen, Miss Mary B. Allen, Dr. R. C. Alleva, Air. Fileno A. Alleva, Mr. Peter J. Allinson, Mrs. E. Page Allison, Mrs. A. Crawford G. Allison, Mrs. Elmer E. Allison, Miss Marjorie Allman, Mr. Alfred F., Jr. Almond, Mrs. H. B. Alteneder, Miss Bertha A. Alter, Mrs. Erwin O. Ambler, Miss Alice H. Ammerman, Miss Dorothy Amos, Mrs. Harry C. Anders, Mrs. Warren Z. ■ Anderson, Mrs. Forrest E. Anderson, Mrs. Francis T. Anderson, Mr^. H. I'.dward Anderson, Dr. Joseph VV. Anderson, Mrs. Robert Lee Andrews, Miss lilizabeth A. Andrews, Miss Katharine J. Andrews, Mrs Murray Andrews, Mrs. Norwood H. Andrews, Mrs. Schofield Andrussier, Mrs. I. Annand, Mr. George Annenberg, Mr. Walter Annett, Mr. Cecil B. Anspach, Dr. Brooke M. Apgar, Miss Mildred Apple, Mrs. Clarence E. Applegate, Mr. \V. H. Arader, Mr. Walter Graham Arbogast, Mrs. Fred W. Arcari, Mr. Andy Archer, Mrs. B. Kendall Archer, Mr. Evan Chandlee Archer, Mrs. Evan Chandlee Archer, Mrs. F. Morse Archer, Mrs. Georgina F. Archer, Mrs. Pierce Armstrong, Mrs. F. Wallis Armstrong, Miss Lillie E. Armstrong, Mr. William Armstrong, Mrs. William A. Arndt, Mrs. David B. Arnold, Mrs. M. E. Arrington, Mrs. Austin Arthur, Mr. B. D. Ash, Miss Florence Ashby, Mr. William Todd Ashton, Mrs. Leonard Aspden, Mrs. Norman L. Asplundh, Mrs. Carl H. Assenheimer, Miss Julia Atkinson, Mrs. M. F. Atkinson, Mr. S. Gayley Atkiss, Mr. Lincoln Atlee, Dr. John L., Jr. Atlee, Mrs. John L. 24 Atvvood, Mrs. Gilbert H. Atwood, Mrs. John C, Jr. Audenreid, Mrs. Lewis Austin, Mrs. J. Paul Avis, Miss Virginia L. Axelson Mr. Eric Ayers, Mrs. R. C. Ayres, Mrs Mahlon G. Bachman, Mrs. Charles R. Bachman Mr. Frank H. Bachman, Mrs. Frank H. Backus, Mrs. Harold Bacon, Mrs. Albert E. Bacon, Mrs. KUis W. Badger, Mrs. Daniel Baer, Mrs. B. F., Jr. Bailey, Mr. James B. Bailey, Mrs. James B. Bailey, Mrs. L. H. Bailey, Mrs. W. C. Baily, Mr. Albert L., Jr. Baily, Mrs. Samuel L., Jr. Bains, Mr. Edward Baird, Mr. Charles H. Baird, Mr. Thomas E. Baker Mrs. Chester L. Baker, Mrs. Florence S. Baker, Mrs. Joseph Leon Baker, Mrs. R. G. Baker, Mrs. Ray L. Baker, Mrs. Walter W. Balderston, Mrs. Robert W. Balderston, Mr. William Baldi, Mrs. Fred S. Balis, Mrs. C. Wanton Balis, Mrs. Mark E. Ball. Mrs. Herbert K. Ball, Miss Mary L. Ballenberg, Mrs. Gustave C. Ballinger, Mrs. Walter F. Baltz, Mrs. J. Herbert Bamford, Mrs. Melvin W. Bancroft, Mrs. J. Sellers Bancroft, Mrs. Wilfred Banes, Mrs. Walter D. Banham, Mrs. James Banta, Mrs. Walter L. Barba, Mrs. Charles E. Barber, Mr. Edwin L. Barclay, Miss Emily Barclay, Mrs. William L, Barcus, Mr. Gilbert L. Bardens, Mrs. George Baringer, Mrs. Milton F. Barker, Mrs. Henry S. Barker, Mrs Redwood Barker, Dr. T. Ridgway Barnard, Mrs. Everett P. Barnes, Mrs. A. C. Barnes, Mrs. Clay T. Barnes, Mrs. E. H. Barnes, Mrs. E. Y. Barnes, Mrs. Layton Barnes, Mrs. Webster Barr, Mrs. Everett L. Barr, Mrs. George W. Barr, Mr. Morris Abner Barrett, Miss Helen liarrett, Mrs. Rose P. Barrette, Mr. J. Roy W. Barrows, Mrs. Donald Byera Barrows, Mrs. Richard L. Bartle, Mrs. George K. Bartlett, Mrs. Lewis M. Bartlett, Mr. Raymond R. Bartol, Miss Mary Grier Barton, Mrs. Thomas C. Bartram, Mr. Frank M. Bartram, Miss Alary S. Bartschi, Mrs. Arnold Bary, Mrs. Constantinc Basehore, Mr. S. D. Bassett, Mr. F. Milton Bassctt, Mrs. George G. Bast, Mrs. A. Robert Bateman, Mrs. Thomas H. Bates, Airs. Clifford W. Battersby, Mrs. William D. Battle, Mrs. John Rome Battles, Mrs. William W. Battles, Airs. Winthrop H. Baugh, Mrs. Arthur P. Baur, Miss Marguerite Baur, Airs. Philip Bausher, Mr. Richard V. Bausher, Mrs. Solon D. Bausman, Mrs. J. V. B., Jr. Bawden, Mrs. J. Hollingshead 25 Baxter, Mrs. J. Barry Bayard, Miss Mabel Bayer. Miss M. E. Bazley, Mrs. J. Robert Bazzoni, Mrs. Charles B. Beadenkopf, Mrs C. Glen Beadenkopf, Miss Grace Beale, Miss Laura Lacy Beale, Mrs. Leonard T. Beath, Miss Betty Beattie, Miss Anne Beattie, Mrs. James H. Beatty, Mrs. Edward Fell Beatty, Mrs. George H., Jr. Beaudouin, Mr. Thomas Bebler, Mr. J. Russell Bechtold, Mrs. Charles B, Beck, Captain W. L. USN Ret'd Becker, Mr. Charles, Jr. Becker, Mrs. W. L. Bcckert, Mrs. Elmer H. Beckman, Mrs. Lester E. Becton, Mrs. George T. Beebe, Mrs. Lucius Beecroft, Mr. Allen McK. Beggs. Mrs. J. D. Behney, Dr. Charles A. Behre, Mr. Charles H. Behrend, Mrs. Bernard Behrer, Mr. Howard F. Beier, Mrs. George F. Bein, Miss Amelia E. Bein, Mr. Paul A. Beinhart, Mrs. E. G. Beitzel, Mrs. George B. Bell, Dr. Ben Tertius Bell, Mrs. Gibson Bell, Mr. Harold K. Bell Mrs. Louis P. Bell, Mr. R. W. Belmont, Mrs. L. A. Bencker, Mrs. Ralph B. Bender, Miss Georgia L. Benedict, Mr. George A. Benn, Mrs. James S. Benn, Mrs. James S., Jr. Benner, Mrs. Emma Jane Benners Mr. A. Eugene Benners, Mrs. A. Eugene Bennett, Miss Elizabeth Bent, Mrs. L. N. Bent, Mrs. Quincy Berger, Mr. John Berger, Mrs. Thomas W. Berger, Mrs. William C. Berry, Mrs. H. C. Berry, Mr. Harold J. Berry, Mrs Homer, H. Berta, Mrs. Joseph T. Berwind, Mrs. C. G. Besancon, Miss A. L. Best, Dr. Harry C. Best, Mrs. William H., Jr. Betner, Mrs. Thomas E. Bettle, Mrs. Griscom, Jr. Betz, Mrs. George V., Jr. Beury, Mrs. Charles E. Bicking, Mrs. S. Austin Biddle, Miss Alice Biddle. Mrs. Arthur Biddle, Mrs. Charles Biddle, Mrs. Charles J. Biddle. Mrs. Craig, Jr. Biddle, Mrs. Edward W. Biddle, Miss Helen Elsie Biddle, Mrs. Henry Canby, Jr. Biddle, Mr. Hugh Mcllvain Biddle, Mrs. Livingston L., Jr. Biddle, Mrs. Moncure Biddle. Mrs Nicholas Biddle, Mrs. Robert Biddle, Mrs. Robert III Bierlin, Mrs. William E Biggs, Mrs. John, Jr. Bikle, Mrs. Henry Wolf Bilhardt, Mr. John D. Birch, Mrs. Milton Birdsall, Mrs. Joseph C. Birkenbach, Mr. George A. Birkinbine, Miss Helen W. Birkinbine, Mr O. W. Bishop, Dr. Paul A. Bishop, Mrs. Richard E. Bispham, Miss Eleanore Bissell, Mrs. Alfred E. Bissell, Mrs, C. S. W. Bissell, Mrs. George P., Jr. Black, Mrs. Aria Robbin 26 Black, Mrs. James Black, Mr. John L. Black, Mrs. LeRoy V. Blackburn, Mrs. Hannah C. Blackburne, Miss Agnes C. Blackwood, Mrs R. T. Blagden, Mrs. A S., Jr. Blagden, Mrs. Benjamin Douglas S. Blair, Mr. George Blakeman, Mr. S. P. Blanc, Mrs. R. E. Bland, Mrs. Pascal Brooke Blatz, Mrs. William C. Blauner, Mr. Sidney H. Bleloch, Mrs. James Cameron Blessing, Mrs. Pauline Blewett, Mrs. George F. Bliem, Mrs. Charles H. Blinn. Mrs. Charles P. Boardman, Mr. Harry C. Boardman, Mr. Harrj- H. Boardman, Mrs. W. Hunter Boas, Mrs. Carl H. Bobbink, Mr. L. C. Bockius, Miss Rebecca A. Bodine, Miss Helen Bodine, Mrs. S. Lawrence Bodle, Miss Josephine Boenning, Mrs. H. Dickson S. BoL-nning, Mrs. William M., Sr. Boenning, Mrs. William M., Jr. Boericke, Mrs. Gideon Bcggess, Mrs. Helen M. Bohlen, Miss Catherine M. Bok, Mrs. Cary Bok, Mrs. Curtis Bond, Mrs. Edward L. Bond, Miss M. Florence Bond, Mrs. Sarah T. Bond, Mr. WilHam J. Bonnaffon, Mrs. Edmund W. Bonnell, Mrs. Henry H. Bonner,, Mr. J. A. Bonnet, Mrs. Frederic Borden, Mrs. E. Shirley Borden, Mrs. James B. Borer, Mr. Edward W. G. Borie, Mrs. C. Louis, III Borneman, Mr. John A., Jr. 27 Borton, Mrs. C. Stanley Borton, Mrs. George VV. Borzell, Mrs. F. F. Bostock, Mrs. Edward C. Bostock, Mrs. George M. Bothe, Mrs. Frederick A. Boudwin, Mrs. Helen Bowers, Mr. Frederick M. Bowker, Mrs. Anna E. Boyce, Mr. J. A. Boyce, Mrs. Robert A. Boyd, Mrs. Fisher L. Boyd, Mrs. John Boyd, Mrs. L. T. Boyer, Mrs. Calvin S. Boyer, Mr. Daniel B. Boyer, Miss Ruth M. Boynton, Mrs. Clark G. Brabson, Mrs. J. Z. Bracken, Mrs. James W. Bradley, Mrs. John A. Bradley, Miss R. Maude Bradley Mrs. Roland S. Bradley, Mrs. William H. Brady, Mrs. William H. Brandon, Mrs. W. T. Brandschett, Mrs. Katharine Brandt, Mrs. Charles R. Branin, Miss Dorothy A. Branin, Mrs. Paul B. Branson, Mrs. J. Howard Bray, Mrs. William McK. Brazier, Miss E. Josephine Brecht, Mrs. A. H. Break, Mrs. William R. Breen, Mr. J. Stanley Bregy, Mrs. Lawrence M. Brehman, Mrs. A. Balfour Brenneman, Mrs. J. E. Breuninger, Mrs. Edward Brewer, Mrs. F. N. Breyer Mrs. Henry W., Sr. Breyer, Mr. Henry W., Jr. Breyer, Mrs. Henry W., Jr. Brice, Mr. C. Fred Bricker, Miss Gertrude Briggs, Mrs. Elmer E. Briggs. Mr. Ernest Briggs, Mr. Loutrel W. Briggs, Mrs. Loutrel W. Bright. Mrs. Stanley Bright, Mrs. William Brink, Mrs. Gornelius P. Brinkley, Mrs. Charles E. Brinley, Miss Mary F. Brinton, Mrs. Clarence C. Brinton, Mrs. George F. Brinton, Mrs. James C. Brinton, Mrs. Joseph Hill Brinton, Mrs. Robert F. Brinton, Mrs. R. L. Briscoe, Dr. C. C. Britt, Miss Rose A. Britton, Mrs. George C. Broadhurst. Miss Miriam G. Brock, Mrs. John Penn Brock, Mrs. John W., Jr. Brockie, Mrs. Arthur H. Brodhead, Mrs. Truxtun R. Brokaw, Mrs. W. H. Brooks, Mrs. Paul Bromley, Mrs. Charles S. Bromlc}-, Mrs. Evelyn Bromley, Mrs. Henry S. Brooke, Mrs. Francis M. Broomall, Mrs. Harold S. Brown, Mrs Andrew V. Brown, Miss Anna Haines Brown, Mrs. Bernard Brown, Mr. C. F. Brown, Mrs. Charles A. Brown, Mrs. Clinton H. Brown, Mrs. E. H., Jr. Brown, Mrs. Edwin Hobart Brown, Mrs. Ellis Y., Jr. Brown, Mrs. Guy E. Brown, Mrs. H. I., Jr. Brown, Miss Helen M. Brown, Mrs. Henry I., Jr. Brown, Mr. Herbert Brown, Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mrs. H. Tatnall, Jr. Brown, Mrs. J. Howard Brown, Mr. J. Morris Brown, Mrs. Lawrance A. Brown, Mrs. Marvin L. Brown, Mrs. Medford J. Brown, Mrs. Paul T. Brown, Mrs. R. C. Brown, Mrs. Reynolds D., Jr. Brown, Mr. Robert E. Brown, Mrs. T. Wistar, 3rd Brown, Mrs. William Campbell, Jr. Brown, Mrs. William Findlay Brownback, Mr. J. H. Browne, Rev. Benjamin P., D.D. Browne, Miss Grace T. Browne, Mrs. Joseph M. Brownell, Miss Eleanor O. Browning, Mrs. Edward, Jr. Browning, Mrs. G. G. Browning, Mrs. H. G. Brubaker, Mrs. A. B. Bruffy, Mrs. H. L. Brumbach, Mr. William C. Bruner, Mrs. J. Millard Brunner, Mrs. Charles H. Brunner, Mrs. F. Sands Bryan, Mrs. C. K. Bryan, Dr. James E. Bryans, Mrs. H. B. Buchanan, Mrs. R. George, Jr. Buck, Mrs. C. Douglass Buck, Mrs. Stuart W. Buckelew, Miss Ellen Cannon Buckenham, Dr. J. E. Burnett Buckey, Mrs. E. M. Buckius, Mr. Robert B. Buckley, Mrs. Edward S., 3rd Buckman, Mrs. A. S. Budd, Mrs. Edward G. Budd, Mrs. Reginald M. Buehler, Miss Anna F. Buehlcr, Mrs. Louis G. Bullitt, Mrs. O. H. Bullock, Mrs. Benjamin Bullock, Mrs. Horace Bullock, Mrs. William Barker Bulmer, Miss Gladys Bulmer, Miss Laura Bunting, Mr. Clifton D. Bunting, Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Burdan, Mrs. C. C. Burge, Mrs. Rita Burkhard, Mr. W. Ed. Burleigh, Mrs. J. Paul Burleigh, Mr. William C. 28 Burman, Miss Marian W Burnett, Mrs. George L,. Burnett, Mrs. W. Emory Burnham, Mrs. E. Lewis Burns, Mrs. Eugene L. Burns, Mrs. Walter E. Burpse, Mr. David Burpee, Mrs. David Burpee, Mr. W. Atlee, Jr. Burpee, Mrs. W. Atlee, Jr. Burruss, Mrs. A. Sidney Burruss, Miss Katharine V. Burt, Miss Edith Brooke Burt, Miss M. Theodora Burton, Mrs. O. Donn Bury, Mr. Martin H. Bush, Mrs. H. F. Bush, Miss Iretta J. P. Bush, Miss Mary Lou Bush-Brown, Mr. James Bush-Brown, Mrs. James Bussoni, Mrs. Mahlon Butcher, Mrs. Harry K. Butcher, Mrs. Howard, Jr. Butcher, Miss Margaret Butler, Mrs. Edgar H. Butler, Mrs. Edward T. Butler, Miss Gertrude S. Butler, Mrs. Laurance Butler, Miss Margaret G. Butler, Mrs. William, Jr. Butterworth, Mrs. Harry W., Jr. Butterworth, Mrs. J. Ebert Butterworth, Mrs. Walter Butz, Mrs. Alverda S. Buzby, Mr. J. Ploward Byers, Mrs. J. H. Byers, Mrs. William C. Cabeen, Mrs. F. Von A. Cadbury, Miss Eleanor A. Cadbury, Mrs. William E. Cadman, Mrs. Cecil G. Cadot, Mr. Henry M. Cadwalader, Mr Charles M. B. Cadwalader, Mrs. John Cadwalader, Mrs. John, Jr. Cadwalader, Mrs. Lambert Cadwalader, Miss Sophia Calcott, Mrs. William S. Caldwell, Mrs. J. Emott Caldwell, Mrs. James H. Callen, Mrs. A. C. Gallery, Mrs. George Lewis Calvert, Mrs. Amelia S. Calves,, Mrs. Herbert E. Calwell, Mrs. Charles S. Cameron, Mrs. A. T. Cameron, Mrs. James R. Cameron, Mrs. S. P. Campbell, Mr. Alfred M. Campbell, Mrs. Alfred M. Campbell, Mr. Alfred M., Jr. Campbell, Mr. C. B. Campbell, Mrs. Charles L., Jr. Campbell, Mrs. Harris S. Campbell, Mrs. J. S. Campbell, Mr. William M. Campion, Miss Anna Louise Campion, Miss Mary Penn Canby, Mrs. Joseph O. Canby, Mrs. Joseph O. Candoni, Mrs. Blanche W. Canfield, Mr. J. M., Jr. Cannifif, Mr. F. S. Capp, Mr. Seth Bunker Caprano, Mrs. Mary A. Cardeza, Mr. T. D. M. Carey, Mrs. C. A., Jr. Carey, Miss E. A. Carey, Mrs. Joseph M., II Cargile, Mrs. Charles Carlson, Mrs. Thomas T. Carnwath, Mrs. James, Jr. Carnwath, Mrs. Robert Carofalo, Mr. Harry B. Carpenter, Mr. Aaron E. Carpenter, Mr. Arthur E. Carpenter, Mrs. Charles T. Carpenter, Mrs. R. R. M. Carrell, Mr. Franklin M. Carrere Miss Anna M. Carroll, Mr. E. A. Carroll, Mr. John P. Carson, Mr. Harold V. Carson, Dr. John B. Carson, Mrs. John B. Carson, Mrs. John T. Carson, Mr. Joseph 29 Carson, Mrs. Robert J. Carter, Mrs. Aubrey B. Carter, Mrs. J. B. H. Carter, Mrs. Louis M. Carter, Miss Mary P. Carver, Mrs. Charles Carver. Mrs.. Myrtle M. Carj^ Mrs. C. Reed Gary, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cary, Mrs. Frank W. Casanave, Mr. W. S. Case, Miss Elizabeth B. Casman, Mrs. Meyer L-. Cass, Mrs. Stew^art E. Cass, Mrs. William Cassatt, Mrs. Gardner Cassel, Miss Annie R. Cassell, Mrs. Harry E. Cassidy, Miss Frances Joy Castellan, Mrs. Carl A. Casto, Mrs. Theodore D. Catlin, Mrs. Sheldon Caveny, Mrs. Johnston P. Cawley, Miss .\nna L. Chafifee, Mrs. Carl H. Chambers, Mrs. David S. Chambers, Miss Mary B. Chambers, Mrs. William Edward Chance, Col. Edwin M. Chandlee, Mrs. Edward E. Chancllee, Mr. W. B. Chandler Mrs. B. W. Chandler, Mrs. George Chandler, Mrs. H. R. Chapley, Miss Mary Chaplin, Mrs. George C. G. Chapman, Mrs. Henr}' Chapman, Mrs. Joseph C. Chapman, Mrs. Philip J. Chariott, Mrs. E. A. Chase, Mrs. Clement E. Chase, Mrs. Randall Chase, Mrs. Samuel Hart Chauncey, Mrs. G. S. Chenery, Mrs. Charles M. Chesterman, Mrs. Frank E. Cheston, Mrs. Charles S. Cheston, Mrs. E. Calvert Cheston, Mrs. Edward M. Cheston, Mrs. James Cheston, Mrs. J. Hamilton Cheston, Mrs. Morris Chew, Mrs. Benjamin Chew, Mrs. Edward H. Chew, Miss Elizabeth B Chew, Mrs. J. Weer Chew, Mrs. Oswald Chew, Miss PhylHs G. Child, Mrs. William S. Childs, Miss Katherine Chillas, Miss Marie de a R. Chipman, Mrs. Charles Chipperfield, Mrs. J. A. Christenson, Mrs. Henrietta Christians, Mr. William F. Christman, Mr. Oliver Lewis Church, Mrs. Herbert Church, Mr. James Churchman, Mrs. W. Morgan Claflin, Mrs. Alma Clair, Mrs. Maurice Clark, Mrs. Charles Davis Clark, Mrs. Clarence H. Clark, Miss Darthela Clark, Mrs. Frederick L- Clark, Mrs. George R. Clark, Mrs. Horace L. Clark, Mrs. Howard Mason Clark, Mrs. J.H. Clark, Mrs. J. Normar Clark, },Irs. Sydney P. Clark, Mrs. Theobald F. Clarke, Mrs. A. Vinton Clarke, Mrs. C. W. E. Clarke, Miss Elizabeth Clarksoii, Mrs. J. lirnest D. Clattenburg, Mrs. A. Edwin Clay, Mrs. Curtis L. Clemens, Miss Emily A. Clemens, Miss Isabella C. Clemens, Mrs. Thomas J. Clemens, Mr. Walter A. Clement, Mrs. Allen B. Clement, Mrs. George H. Clement, Mrs. Harrison Clement, Mrs. J. S. Clement, Mrs. M. W. Clements, Mrs. Russell 30 Clerf, Dr. L. H. Clewell, Mrs. E. B. Clifford, Mrs. Henry Clifford. Miss Marion Cline, Miss Gertrude Clothier, Miss Caroline Clothier, Mrs. Isaac H., Jr. Clothier, Mrs. Morris L. Clothier, Mrs. William J. Cloud, Miss Beatrice M-P. Cloud, Miss Katharine M-P. Clynier, Mrs. John G. Coale, Miss Edith S. Coale, Mrs. James S. Coane, Mr. G. Lynn Coates, Mrs. E.. Osborne Coates, Mrs. George Morrison Ccates, Mrs. J.. Lloyd Cobb, Mrs. Marion C. Coburn, Mrs. Charles A. Coburn, Miss Jessie L. Cochrane, Miss Constance Cochrane, Mrs. John VV. Cocklin, Mrs. William H. Cohen, Mrs. J. Gershon Coho, Mrs. Eugene P. Coho, Mrs. Ralph W. Colahan, Miss Theresa B. Coiburn, Miss Ruth Colby, Miss A. L. Colby, Miss Maud Cole, Mrs. Kenneth Cole, Mrs. Percy J. Coleman, Mrs. G. Dawson Coles, Dr Charlesanna B. Coles, Mr, O. Hammond Coley, Mrs. Walter R. Coll, Mr. Frank Colley, Mrs. Robert H. Collingwood, Miss Jennie Collins, Mrs. Alan C. Collins, Mrs. Arthur J., Jr. Collins, Mrs. Charles P. Collins, Mrs. Lester Collins, Mrs. Philip S. Collins, Mr. Robert Collins, Mrs. William J. Combs, Mrs. W. S. Comfort, Mr. George B. Comfort, Miss Martha deF, Comly, Mrs. Edward T. Compton, Mrs. H. N. Connell, Mr. F. Van Buren Connelly, Mrs. A. C. Connelly, Miss Gladys Conner, Mrs. George C. Conner, Mrs. I. Walter, Jr. Conover, Mrs. Watson Conrad, Mr. Howard H. Conrad, Mrs. William Y. Converse, Mrs. Bernard T. Conway, Miss Florence H. Conwell, Mr. H. Ernest Conyngham, Mrs. William H, Cook, Mrs. Dwight Cook, Mrs. Gustavus W. Cook, Mrs. Homer C. Cooke, Mr. Frank H. Cooke, Mrs. Frank H. Cooke, Mrs. Jay Cooke, Mrs. Morris Llewellyn Coonel, Dr. Pauline Cooper, Mrs. C. Stuart Cooper, Mrs. Edward F., 2nd Cooper, Mrs. Irvin R. Cooper, Mrs. L. N. Cooper, Mrs. Milton C. Cooper, Mrs. Walter I. Copeland, Mrs. Lamont duPont Copp, Mrs. Dorothy Evans Cornells, Mr. Arthur Cornell, Mrs. John W., Jr. Cornman, Mrs. Ralph M. Cornogg, Mrs. Margaret S. Cornwell, Mrs. Daniel Cornwell, Mr. George W., Jr. Corson, Mrs. C. Russell Corson, Mr. Walter S. Cosier, Mrs. V. A. Costain, Mrs. Thomas B. Costello, Mrs. Edward G. Cota, Mrs. Norman D. Coulson, Mrs. Paul S. Coulter, Miss Margaret Coutant, Mrs. Russel S. Cowan, Mrs. Charles M. Cowell, Mr. Samuel K. Cowgill. Mr. A. G. Cox, Mrs. Townsend C. Coxe, Mrs. Daniel M. Coxe, Mrs. Henry B., Jr. Coxfiead, Mrs. William C. Craft, Mrs. E. Frank Craig, Miss Dorothy E. Craig", Mr. James A. Craig, Mrs. James W. Cram, Mrs. R. Vaux Crane, Mrs. A. Reynolds Crankshaw, Mrs. Clara G. Cranmer, Mr. Walter S. Cranmer, Mrs. Walter S. Craven, Miss Jessie T. Craven, Mr. William H. Craven, Mrs. William H. Crawford, Mrs. Alan Crawford, Mrs. J. P. Wickersham Crawford, Mrs. R. H. Crease, Mrs. Orland, Jr. Creasy, Mr. Luther P. Creese, Mrs. James Crellin, Miss Elizabeth E. Cresse, Mrs. G. Wadsworth Cresswell, Mrs. Charles T. Crews, Mrs. Maurice A. Crittenden, Mrs. William J. Crofoot, Mr. George E. Crompton.Mrs. George S. Crosby, Mrs. Albert V. Crosland, Mr. Frank S. Crosman, Mrs. Hall Maclay Crosman, Mrs. J. H., Jr. Cross, Mrs. Albert Cross, Mrs. Merryman Cross, Miss Rosamond Crossan, Mrs. Edward T. Crothers, Mrs. Samuel, Jr. Crowder, Mrs. Bella V. Crowder, Miss Emma A. Crcwninshield, Mrs. F. B. Crowther, Miss Edna M. Crowther, Mr. Robert W. Crozer, Mrs. George K., Jr. Crozier, Mrs. John E. Crump, Dr. Jean Cullen, Mr. Arthur B. Culver, Mrs. Theodore B. Cumming.s, Mrs. J. Howell, Jr. Curll, Mrs. Harold E. Curry, Mr. Samuel A. Curtis, Miss Antoinette Curtis, Mrs. Melville G. Curtis, Miss Ruth B. Cushman, Mrs. H. B. Custer, Mrs. Christopher R. C Cutler, Mrs. Mary McF. Cutler, Mrs. N. L. Daffron, Mrs. Robert E., Jr. Dahm, Mr. H. Raymond Daland, Mrs. Elliot Daley, Mrs. John F. Daly, Mrs. Edwin K. Dam, Mrs. Loring Dambman, Mr. C. Dana, Mrs. Arthur R. Dannenbaum, Mrs. Harry M Dannenberg, Mrs. Marion L. Darby, Mrs. Donald W. Darby, Mrs. James Douglas Darlington. Miss Isabel Darlington, Dr. Lewis W. Darrow, Mrs. Charles B. Dashiell, Mrs. Philip Thornton Davenport, Mr. Joseph J. Davenport, Mrs. Lewis Kirk Davenport, Mrs. M. W. David, Mrs. Edward W. David, Miss Eleanor W. Davidson, Mrs. William G. Davidson, Mrs. W. H. Davies, Mrs. John R., Jr. Davis, Mrs. Carroll P. Davis, Mrs. Cassatt Davis, Mrs. C. C. Davis, Mrs. Edward L. Davis, Mr. Fred H. Davis, Mr. H. Allan, Jr. Davis, Mrs. Howard B. F. Davis, Mrs. John M. Davis, Capt. Joseph T. Davis, Miss M. Carrie Davis, Mrs. Meyer Davis, Mrs. Robert Hare Davis, Mrs. S. Boyer Davis, Mrs. V. Ellis Davis. Mr. William G. 32 Davison, Mrs. Norman H. Davison, Mrs. William M., Jr. Davy, Mrs. Margaret C. Day, Mrs. Alan Lowther Day, Mrs. Frank Miles Day, Mrs. William L. Deacon, Miss Bessie Deacon, Mrs. G. H. Dean, Mrs. J. Simpson Dearden, Mrs. Edward C. Deaver, Mrs. J. Montgomery Debes, Mrs. Anna C. Debes, Mr. Victor A. deBraux, Mrs. George DeCairos, Mr. Silvano deCerkez, Mrs. Euphemia Grubb Dechert, Mrs. Philip Dechert, Mrs. Robert DeCoursey, Mrs. George E. Deemer, Mr. H. W. Scott Degerberg, Mr. Afred F. Degerberg, Mrs. George N. Degn, Mrs. William L. deGutierrez, Mrs. Emilia deHellebranth, Mrs. Roland T. DeLaCour, Mrs. Willis S. DeLangh, Mrs. William F. Delaplaine, Mrs. Henry Delaplaine, Miss Meribah Delpino, Mrs. Frank L. DeEuca, Mrs. Harriet A. Denckia, Mrs. C. Paul Denham, Mrs. W. B. Dennis, Mrs. Gerald M. Denis, Mr. Leonard DePuy, Miss Clara Derby, Mrs. Charles F. Derbyshire, Mrs. Roger C. Dershuck, Mrs. John R. DeSanno, Mrs. Albert P., Jr. Desborough, Mrs. E. A. Deschamps, Mr. Joe DeSchauensee, Mr. Rodolphe Meyer DeSchauensee, Mrs. Rodolphe Meyer Deshon, Mrs. Ralph Desmond, Mrs. John K. Detwiler, Mrs. Harry M. DeVaux, Miss Anna H. Devereux, Mrs. Antelo 33 Devan, Mrs. Dennis H, Devvar, Mrs. Arthur Dewees, Mrs. Lovett DeWolf, Mrs. Halsey Dick, Mrs. L. B. Dickey, Mrs. Charles D., Jr. Dickey, Miss Eloise P. Dickinson, Mrs. Everett H. Dickson, Miss Agnes MacA. Dickson, Miss Anna D. Dickson, Mrs. B. A. Dickson, Mrs. William T. Diebel, Mrs. Alfred H. Diemand. Mr. John A. Diener, Miss Edna M. Dieroff, Mr. William Dietrich, Mrs. Walter C. Dietrich, Mrs. Warren W. Dilks, Mrs. John H. Dill, Mrs. William A. Dillon, Mrs. Edward Saunders Dingley, Mr. Edward J. Dintenfass, Mrs. Benjamin Disston, Mrs. Hamilton Disston, Mrs. Hamilton R. Disston, Mr. Jacob S., Jr, Disston, Mrs. William Dithridge, Mrs. Edward B. Dixon, Mr. F. E. Dixon, Mrs. G. Dallas, Jr. Dixon, Mrs. John Shipley Dixon, Mrs. Widener Doak, Mrs. Charles B. Dodd, Mrs. Ernest W. Dodds, Mr. John H. Dodge, Mr. Donald D. Doering, Mrs. Andrew A. Dohan, Mr. David H. W. Dolan, Mrs. Brooke Dolan, Airs. George L. Dole, Mrs. Frank M. D'Olicr, Mrs. Franklin D'Olier, Mrs. Franklin, Jr. Doll, Mrs. Karl L. Donahowcr, Mrs. Clifford Donelson, Mr. Loren E. Donnaldson, Miss Helen Donnelly, Mr Arihur J. Donner, Mrs. William H. Donohue, Mrs. Julia B. Doolittle, Mr Fred J. Dooner, Mrs. Richard T. Doran, Miss Josephine L Dormon, Mr. Horace Paui Dormon, Mrs. Horace Paul Dorp, Mrs. Louis V. Dorrance, Miss Anne Dorrance, Mrs. Arthur C. Dorrance, Mrs. Jchn T. Dorsey, Mrs. Lewis M. Dort, Mrs. J. Cummings Dothard, Mrs. VV. L Dotson, Mrs. Alice Doughtery, Mrs. Daniel Doughten, Mr. William W. Doughty, Mrs. H. Emerson Douglass, Mrs. Lois H. Downes, Mrs. James R. Downs, Dr. T. McKcan Downs, Mrs. William Findlcy Doyle, Mr. Paul A. Doyle, Mr. Raymond E. Drabenstadt, Mr. George R. Draemel, Mrs. M. F. Drain, Mr. Charles S., Jr. Drain, Mrs. Charles S., Jr. Drake, Mrs. Harrj^ Draper, Mrs. J. A., Jr. Draper, Miss Madeleine Drayton, Mrs. Frederick R. Drew, Mrs. Ernest C. Drew-Bear, Mrs. Jessie Driemeyer, Mrs. G. Fred Drinker, Mrs. James B. Driscoll, Mrs. L. F. Dronin, Mr. Paul V. Drovin, Mr. George Albert Drovin, Mrs. George Albert Duane, Dr. William, Jr. DuBois, Mrs. W. L. Dudley, Mrs. E, Lawrence Duffield, Mrs. C. A. Dukes, Mrs. George Dulles, Mrs. Heatley C. Duncan, Dr. G. G. Dunlap, Mrs. James Ashmore Dunn, Mr. Roland L Dunning, Mrs. Leona K. duPont, Miss Aileen M. duPont, Mrs. Chichester duPont, Mrs. Edmond duPont, Mrs. Eugene duPont, Mrs. Francis Victor duPont, Mrs. H. B. duPont, Mr. H. F. duPont, Mrs. J. Austin duPont, Mrs. Lamont duPont, Mrs. Nicholas R. duPont, Mr. Pierre S. duPont, Mrs. William K. Durham, Mr. Walter K. Durnian, Mr. William Dursch, Mrs. Frank C. J. Dutton, Miss Edna L. Button, Mrs. William S. Dyer, Mrs. W. Wallace Eachus, Mrs. Homer Earle, Miss Elinor Earle, Lt. Comdr. George H., IV Earle, Mrs. Murray Earle, Mrs. Ralph Earle, Mrs. W. H. Earp, Miss Anne Tucker Easby, Mrs. Francis H. Easby, Mrs. William, Jr. Eastburn, Mrs. David Eastburn, Mr. Edward B. Eastman, Mrs. Carl B. Eastwood, Dr. Bertha L. Eaton, Mrs. James Madison Eaton, Mrs. William Wallace Eavenson, Mrs. Alban Ebeling, Mr. Robert W. Eberbach, Mrs. Joseph H. Ebling, Miss Emily R. Echols, Mrs. A. B. Eckert, Mrs. Samuel B. Edgar, Mrs. J. A. Edgar, Mrs. Robert F. Edgar, Mr. W. J. Edgcomb, Mr. Ervin R. Edgcomb, Mrs. Ervin R. Edgerton, Mrs. J. Russell Edinger, Mrs Earl E. Edmonds, Mrs. Franklin S. Edmonds, Mrs. George Edwards, Mrs. Edward Mitchell 34 Edwards, Mrs. John Edwards, Miss Lillian C. Edwards, Miss Mabel Elizabeth Edwards, Mrs. Parke E. Edwards, Mr. W. E. Edwards, Rev. William I. Ehle, Mrs. Archibald H. Ehret, Mrs. A. M., Jr. Ehret, Mrs. Harry S. Eikncr, Mrs. L. M. Eimerbrink, Mrs. John Eisenberg, Mr. H. H. Eisenbrey, Mrs. J. Kenton Eisenbrey, Mrs. John F. Eisenbrey, Mrs. R. Howard Eiscnmcnger, Mrs. Carl H. Eisinger, Mr. John Eisingcr, Mrs. John Elblc, Mr. Joseph Eldridge, Mr. George C, Jr. Eliason, Mrs. Hiram B. Elkins, Mrs. George W. Elkins, Mrs. George W., Jr. Elkins, Mrs. William Elkinton, Mrs. J Passmore Elliot, Mrs. Edward L. ElUott, Mrs. Frank, Jr. Elliott, Mrs. Harold H. Elliott, Mrs. John Dean Elliott, Mrs. V. L. Elliott, Mrs. William C. Elliott, Mrs. William J. Ellis, Mrs. Frank H., 2rd Ellis, Mrs. Gage B. Ellis, Mrs. Thomas S. Ellis, Mr. Thomas S., 4th Ellis, Mr. William G. Ellis, Mrs. William S. Ellison, Mrs. H. Howair', Jr. Else, Mr. Richard Ely, Miss Gertrude Ely, Mrs. Newbold Ely Mrs. VanHorn, Jr. Embery, Mr. William Emerick, Mrs. W. J. Emlen, Mrs. George W. Emlen, Mrs. Samuel Emmons, Mr. J. Grey, Jr. Engel, Mr. Edwin D. Engcl, Mrs. Gilson Colby England, Mr. Robert Engle, Mr. Howard C. Englehart, Miss Elizabeth Englerth, Mrs. Louis D. English, Mrs. Chancellor C. English, Mrs. O. Spurgcon Erdman, Mrs. Daniel Erdman, Mrs. Henry P. Erickson, Mrs. Roy J. A. Erskine Miss Helen Mar Erskine, Miss Madeline R. Ervin, Mrs. Carl Ervin, Mrs. Spencer Esherick, Mrs. Joseph Eshleman, Mrs. Benjamin Eshner, Mrs. A. A. Esler, Mrs. Lewis H. Espen, Mrs. Edward Esterheld, Mrs. Harry F. Esty, Mrs. Robert P. Ettinger, Mrs. A. A. Eurich, Mr. Fred Evans, Mr. D. F. Evans, Mrs. Dpvid Evans, Mrs. Elwyn Evans, Mrs. F. A. Evans, Miss Florence Evans, Mrs. Harold Evans, Miss Mary Evans, Mr. Nathaniel H. Evans, Mrs. Richard W. C. Evans, Mrs. ShepleA' W. Evaul, Mrs. J. W. Everett, Mrs. Robert Evert, Mrs. Brooks Evoy, Mrs. Charles H. Ewaldsen, Mr. Vagn Ewing, Mrs. George M. Ewing, Mrs. Samuel E., Jr. Exley, Miss Emily Eynon, Miss Eizabeth R. Fahnestock, Mrs. McCIure Fairbank, Mrs. H F. Fancourt, Mr.. E. J. Farenwald, Mr. Edward Faries, Mrs. C. T. Faries, Mrs. Robert Farnum. Mrs. H. W. 35 Farquhar, Mrs. Malcolm Fassitt, Mrs. John H. Faunce, Mrs. B. Warren Fauser, Mrs. J. E. Faust, Mr. Henry I. Faust, Miss Verna Fawcett, Mrs. J. W. Fearon, Mrs. Charles Fegley, Mrs. Nelson P. Fehrenbach, Mr. Otto Feidt, Mrs. Charles P. Feinstein, Mrs. Myer Felix, Mrs. Samuel P. Fell, Mrs. F. J., Jr. Fenley, Mrs. William Logan Fenninger, Mr. Carl W. Fenno, Mrs. George F. Fenton, Mrs. E. Miner Ferguson, Mrs. Bassettt Ferguson, Mrs. Frank M. Ferguson, Mrs. L. Kraeer Fernlej', Miss Frances Sabcna Fernley, Mrs. George A, Fernley, Miss Hattic M. Fernley, Mr. Thomas A., Jr. Ferris, Mrs. Raymond H. Ferwerda, Rev. Floris Fessenden, Mrs. Gladstone Fetchina, Mrs. Samuel Fetter, Mrs. Theodore R. Fettcrman, Dr. Faith S. Fettefman, Miss Gertrude Fetterman, Mrs. J. Gordon Fetzer, Mrs. Paul L. Field, Mrs. Hugh W. Fife, Mrs. Charles A. Finkelstein, Mrs. A. Finletter, Mrs. Frances V. Finn, Mrs. Clarence Fischer, Mrs. A. Karl Fischer, Mrs. A. Koerting Fischer, Mrs. Carl Fischer, Airs. Carl Fischer, Mr. Charles W. Fischer, Mrs. Henry G. Fischer, Mrs. William F. Fisher, Mrs. Philip B. Fisher, Mrs. Ricliard Fitler, Miss Rachael Fitzgerald, Mrs. Charles J. Fitzpatrick, Miss Florence K. Flagg, Mrs; H. W. Flagg, Mrs. S. Griswold Flanagan, Mrs. Arthur R. Flanagan, Mr. F. J. Flanagan, Mrs. John E., Jr. Flanigen, Mrs. Donald Fleer, Mrs. Stella Irene Fleisher, Mrs. Alexander Fleisher, Mr. Horace T. Flemming, Mrs. Edward H. Flemming, Mrs. Edwin J. Fletcher, Mrs. J. Gordon Fletcher, Mrs. Jane Gordon Fletcher, Mr. L. C. Fletcher, Miss Margie C. Fletcher, Mr. Stevenson W., Jr. Flick, Mrs. John B. Fligg, Mrs. James A. Flood, Mrs. T. Bromley Flower, Mr. A. T. Flower, Mrs. A. T. Flower, Miss Violet S. Flynn, Mrs. James J. Focht, Airs. Frank S. Foerderer, Mrs. Percival E. Fogg, Dr. John M., Jr. Follmer, Mrs. C. J. Folwell, Mrs. Nathan T. Folwell, Mrs. P. D. Folwell, Mrs. Robert C. Jr. Foote, Mrs. A. Giraud Force, Mrs. Elwood B. Ford, Mrs. Bruce Ford, Mrs. Carol D. Ford, Miss Frances L. Ford, Air. Richard V. Fornance, Mrs. Joseph Knox Forstall, Airs. Edward L. Forster, Mrs, H. Walter Forster, Mrs. I. G. Gordon Foster, Airs. E. L. Foster, Mrs. Frank B. Foster, Mrs. Frank B., Jr. Foster, Airs. H. A. Foster, Airs. John H. Foulke, Airs. Collin N. Foulke, Mrs. Jean Kane 36' Foulke, Mrs. Mary Foulke, Mrs. Thomas A. Foulke, Mrs. William G., 2nd Foulke, Mrs. William Bayard Foulkrod, Mrs. John J., Jr. Fountain, Mr. E. Lester Fowler, Mrs. Burton P. Fowler, Mrs. Helen K. Fownes, Mrs. William Clarke Fox, Mrs. C. F., Jr. Fox, Mrs. Cyril G. Fox, Mrs. Frank B., Jr. Fox, Mr. Henry C, Jr. Fox, Mrs. Holstein DeHaven Fox, Mrs. John E. Fox, Mrs. Joseph M., 2nd Fox, Mrs. \^'illiam Logan Fraim, Mrs. Clarence Fraley, Mrs. Bradford Fraley, Dr. Frederick Fraley, Mrs. Frederick Frame, Mr. Edgar G. Frame, Mrs. John M. Francis, Mrs. Frederic P. Francis, Mrs. James B. Franck, Mr. Chester S. Francke, Mr. William H. Franklin, Mrs. Walter S. Franzke, Miss Doris Jean Frazer, Mrs. John E. Frazier, Mrs. W. W., Jr. Frazier, Mrs. W. W., 3rd Frederick, Mr. William H., Jr. Fredericks, Mr. Thomas Freed, Mrs. Brita H. Freed, Mrs. Marie R. H. Freed, Mrs. Raymond M. Freeland, Aliss Mary H. Freeman, Mrs. Addison B. Freeman, Mrs. Harold A. Freeman, Mrs. Paul Freihofer, Mrs. C. Allbert Freihofer, Miss Helen M. Freihofer, Mrs. William J. French, Mrs. C. D. French, Mrs. Gordon R. French, Mrs. J. Hansel! French, Mr. J. Howard Frescoln, Mrs. Florence H. Frescoln, Mr.Lonard D. Frick, Mrs. George P. Frick, Mrs. John A. Fricke, Mrs. John E. Friedman, Mrs. Paul Friedman, Mrs. S. G. Friel, Mr. John Friend, Mrs. George S. Fries, Mrs. H. Maywood Fries, Mrs. William P. Frishkopf, Mr. Michael Fritsch, Mrs. H. C. Frommeyer, Mr. A. C. Fromuth, Mrs. August G. Fry, Mrs. Samuel R. Fry, Mrs. W. E. Frye, Mrs. R. G. Frontz, Mr. CHnton W. Fuguet, Mrs. Raymond Fuller, Mrs. Sara K. Fuller, Mr. W. D. Fuller, Mrs. W. D. Fuller, Mrs. William A. M. Fulweiler, Mrs. W. H. Funk, Mrs. Carl W. Fuqua, Mrs. W. F. Furness, Mr. Fairman R. Furness, Mrs. George Wood Gabel, Mrs. Arthur B. Galbraith, Mrs. William A. Galloway, Mrs. C. D. Galloway, Mrs. Hugh C. Gamble,Dr. James Alexander Gammon, Dr. George D. Gane, Mrs. John F. Garcin, Mrs. Edward H. Gardener, Skytop Club Gardiner, Mrs. Edward A, Gardiner, Mrs. John, Jr. Gardiner, Mrs. Joseph W., Jr. Gardiner, Mrs. William H. Gardner, Mr. G. S. Gardner, Mrs. G. S. Gardner, Mrs. Kirtland C. Gardner, Mr. L. R. Garra, Mr. Edward J. Garra, Mrs. Edward J. Garrett, Mrs. Thomas Cresson Garretson, Mrs. C. D. 37 Garrison, Mrs. Earl D. Garthly, Mr. George Gartrell, Miss Lucretia T. Gaskill, Mrs. Joseph H. Gassncr, Mr. John Gassner, Mr. R. F. Gatenby, Mr. John W. L. Gates, Mrs. Jay Gates, Mrs. Thomas S., Jr. Gateson, Mrs. Thomas Gearing Gaul, Mr. FrankHn P. Gaunt, Mr. William E., Jr. Gay, Mrs. Charles M. Gearhart, Mrs. Lester Geist, Mrs. Clarence H. Geiszel, Mrs. John H. Gentle, Mrs. James C. Genzlinger, Mrs. Irene M. Genzmer, Mrs. George V. George, Mr. C. Arthur George, Mrs. William D. Gerges, Mrs. Wesley R. Gerhard, Mrs. Albert Pepper Gertsley, Mrs. Isaac Gessel, Mr. J. Gest, Miss Elizabeth Gest, Miss Margaret R. Gest,...Mrs. William P. Getz, Miss Mabel Stull Getze, Mr. Edward Bioren, Jr. Gibb, Mrs. Walton Gibbon, Mrs. John H. Gibbon, Mrs. Samuel Y. Gibbons, Mrs. J. E. Gibbons, Mrs. Lewis W. Gibbs, Mrs. Benjamin Gibbs, Mr. George F., Jr. Gibbs, Mrs. Ralph A. Gibson, Mrs. John H. Gibson, Mrs. John J. Gibson, Mrs. J. Whitton Gibson. Miss Mary K. Gibson, Mrs. Samuel Gibson, Mr. Samuel J. Gilbert, Mr. Allen F. Gilbert, Mrs. John Gilbert, Mrs. Rollin Proctor Gilbert, Mrs. Samuel H. Gilbert, Mrs. W. R. Gilda, Mrs. Herman A. Gill, Mrs. A. Bruce Gill, Mr. John Gill, Mr, Logan B. Gillin, Mrs. James R. Gillispie, Mrs. Raymond L. Gilmore, Mrs. Alfred R. Gilmore, Mrs.. David M. Gilmnre, Mrs. John A. Gilmour, Mrs. Douglas W. Gilpin, Mr. John C. ^ Gilpin, Mrs. John C. Gilroy, Mrs. John Gimbel, Mrs. Ellis A. Gindcr, Mr. Willard R. Gipson, Mrs. Lawrence H. Givens, Mrs. Howard M. Glendinning, Mrs. H. Percival Glenn, Mr. Donald Glickman, Mrs. Samuel Glover, Mr. Rolfe E., Jr. Glover, Mrs. Rolfe E., Jr. Godfrey, Mr. Chester N. Goepp, Airs. R. Max, Jr. Goeringer, Mr. C. F. Goff, Mrs. Ethel P. Goff, Mrs. LeRby, 2nd Goheen, Mrs. John P. Gohm, Mr. William Grange Golding, Miss Carolyn E. Golding, Miss Mabel R. Goldsborough, Mrs. E. Lee, Jr. Goldsmith, Mrs. Maurice Goldstein, Mrs. M. S. Gonnella, Mr. John D. Gonsiorowski, Mr. K. Good, Mrs. Lloyd A. Goodall, Mrs. William Baily Goodfellow,Mrs. Arthur N. Goodman, Mrs. Samuel Goodwin, Mrs. Murdoch K. Gorby, Mrs. Elsie W. Gordon,Mrs. Thomas E. Gorham, Mrs. Charles E. Gorman, Mrs. Harry P. Goshorn, Mrs. C. B. Goshorn, Mr. H. Rook Goshow, Miss Mildred Gould, Mrs. Leo J. i 38 Gowen, Mr. James E. Grabosky, Mr. Louis B. Gracey, Mrs. George F. Graf, Mrs. John R. Graham, Mrs D?.vid T. Graham, Mr, Harold Graham, Miss Mary Wain Graham, Mrs. Warren C. Gransback, Mr. Harry H. Grant, Mrs. F. C. Grasselli, Mrs. C. A., II Greeby,Mrs. G. Raymond Green, Mr. C. R. Green, Mrs. Ethel G. Green, Miss Mary Seymour Green, Mrs. Raymond C. Greenbaum, Dr. Sigmund S. Greene, Mrs. H. R. Greene, Mr. Ryland W. Greene, Mrs. William Houston Greenhalgh, Mr. Paul J. Greenholt, Mr. Charles M. Greenwood, Mrs. Richard Greggs, Mr. Melvin Gribbcl, Mrs. John, 2nd Gribbel, Mrs. J. Bancker Gribbel, Mrs. W. Griffin Griffin, Mrs. Frank H. Griffin, Mr. Frederick R., Jr. Griffith. Miss Julia W. Griffith, Miss Mary F. Griffith, Mrs. Reynold S. Griffith, Mrs. Robert E. Griscom, Miss Gladys H. Griscom, Mrs. J. Milton Griscom, Mrs. William B., Jr. Grissinger, Mr. John S. Griswold, Mrs. Frank T. Grobler, Mrs. William Grcff, Mrs. John Charles Grcome, Mrs. Daingerficld M. Groome, Mrs. John C. Gross, Mrs. Henry Groton, Mrs. John M. Grnber, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Gruenbaum, Mrs. Theodore Grullemans, Mr. J. J. Grundy, Miss M. R. Grunewald, Mr. John Gubb, Mrs. Larry E. Guckes,Mrs. Louis W. Guckes, Miss Margaret Scott Guinn, Mr. Harper J. Gumbes, Mrs. Charles Wetherill Gummey, Miss Mary M. Gundesen, Mrs. Richard B. Gustafson, Mrs. Stanley Gustafson, Mrs. Walter I. Gustin, Mrs. Richard J. Gutman, Mrs. M. R. Guy, Mr. Herbert D. Gyorgy, Mrs. P. Haas, Mrs. Clarence Haas, Mrs. Hany J. Habbersett, Mrs. E. H., Jr. Hacker, Miss Elizabeth D. Hackcrt, Mrs. Viola Hackett, Mr. Robert G. Haddox,Miss Evelyn Hadley, Mrs. Arthur H. Haehnlen, Mrs. W. L. Hagar, Mrs. H. Howard Hagar, Mrs. H. M. Hagar, Mrs. M. Lavino Hagar, Mrs. Walter F., 3rd Hagenbach, Mrs. Allen W. Hagmann, Mr. Mark Hager, Mrs John C. Hagner, Mrs. Samuel D. Haimowitz, Dr. Bernard A. Haines, Mrs. Benjamin W. Haines, Mrs. D. Jansen Haines, Miss Edith Stokes Haines, Mrs. J. Burton Haines, Mrs. Verona J. Haines, Airs. William H., Ill Haines, Mrs. William Wister Hambleton, Miss Marjorie Hale, Miss Carrie M. Hale, Miss Lena L. Hale, Mrs. Stephen G. Hales, Mrs. Edward M. Halford, Mrs. John H. Hall. Miss Elizabeth Hall. Mr. H. F. Hall, Mr. Howard W. Hall, Mr. L. Earnest Hall, Miss Margaret 39 Hall, Mr. Peter P. G. Hall, Mr. Thomas H., Jr. Hallahan, Mrs. John P. Haller, Mrs. Donald E. Hallowell. Miss H. R. Hallowell, Mr s. Israel R. Hallowell Miss Martha Hallowell, Mrs. Roger Wharton Halsey, Mrs. Edward B. Halstead, Mrs. David Halteman, Mrs T. S, Haman, Mrs. Bessie B. Hamburger. Mrs. Nathan Hamer, Mrs. George F. Hamersly, Miss Emily N. Hammill. Mrs. Edward C. Hance, Mrs. James A. Hancock, Mrs. F. Woodson, Jr. Hand, Mrs. Joseph W. Hank. Miss Grace F. Hankele, Mr. Allen J. Hankele, Dr. Ethel R. Hannum, Mrs. John B. Hans, Mrs. Gerald Hansche, Miss Maude B. Hanson, Mrs. R. Kennedy Harbison, Mrs. Robert J.Jr. Hardcastle Miss Louise Hardesty, Mrs. Fred A. Hardt, Mrs. Frank M. Hardt, Mrs. J. William Hardwick, Mrs. A. W. Hardwick, Mrs. Gordon A. Hare, Miss Esther B. Hare, Mr. J. V. Hare, Mrs. J. V. Hare, Mrs. T. Truxtun Hare, Mrs. T. Truxtun, Jr. Harer, Mrs. Willard R. Hargesheimer, Mrs. T. S., Jr. Harjes, Mrs. F. H. Harkins, Mr. George W., Jr. Harley, Mr. John J., Sr. Harlow, Mrs. A. G. Harman, Mrs. Palmer Harney,Mrs. Thomas P. Harper, Miss Olive A. Harper, Mrs. William Ross Harrall, Mrs. C. William Harrar, Mrs. John J. Harrington, Mrs. A. M. Harrington, Mrs. Willis F. Harris, Mrs. Edson S. Harris, Mrs. Edwin R. Harris, Mr. H. Frazer Harris, Mrs. H. Frazer Harris, Mrs. J. Andrews, Jr. Harris, Mrs. J. Andrews, 3rd Harris, Mrs. J. Franklin Harris, Mrs. Joseph M. Harris, Mrs. Morrison Harris, Mrs. Richard C. Harris, Miss Viola A. Harris, Mr. William K. Harrison, Mrs. Charles C., 3rd Harrson, Dr. F. G. Harrison, Mrs. F. G. Harrison, Mr. George L. Harrison, Mrs. George L. Harrison, Mrs. Harry W. Harshaw, Mrs. David H. Hart, Mrs. Mary S. Hart, Mrs. William H. Hartley, Mrs. Thomas R. Hartman, Mrs. John Calvin Hartman, Mrs. Wilmer W. Harvey, Mr. Frederick W. Harvey, Mr. John, Jr. Harvey, Mrs. J. S. Curtis, Jr. Harvey, Mr. John S. C. Haskell, Mrs. Benjamin Haskell, Mr. Harry G. Haskins, Mrs. George L. Hassold, Mr. Carl F. R. Hassrick, Mrs. Romain C. Hastings, Mrs. Berkeley V. Hastings, Miss Ethel Hastings, Mr. John V., Jr. Hastings, Mrs. Willard S. Hatfield, Mrs. C. Alexander Hatfield, Dr. Charles J. Haug, Mr. John S. Haughton, Mrs. Richard Hauptfuhrer, Mrs. George J. Havens, Mrs. Collier Havey, Mrs. C. Lee Haviland, Mrs. A. M. Haviland, Mrs. B. D. 40 ITawkes, Mrs. T. G. Hawkins, Mrs. A. P. Hawlc}', Mr. Theodcre, Jr. Hawthorne, Mrs. F. M. Hawthorne. Mr... K. B. Hay, Mrs. Edward Xorthup Hayden, Mrs. Mary A. Haydock, Mrs. Horace VV. Hayes, Mr. Ralph S. Hayes, Mr. Rinaldo J. Hays, Mrs. Clifford E. Hays, Mrs. Raphael S. Hayward, Mrs. Nathan Hazard, Mr. Spencer P. Heacock, Miss Esther Heacock, Mr. James W. Heacock, Mrs Joseph Linden Heaps, Mr. Harry D. Heaton, Mrs. Harold J. Hebard, Mrs. Morgan Heck, Mrs. J. Holland Heckel, Mrs. James E. Heckscher, Mrs. J. G. Richard Heebner, Mrs. Charles Heebner, Mr. Henry R. Heebner, Mrs. Robert S. Heffner, Mrs. Harry E. Heiclc, Miss Anna E. Heim, Miss Christine Heinel, Mrs. J. Paul Heiser, Mrs. H. C. Heiser, Mr. Oliver R. Heisler,Mrs. Roland C. Heizmann, Mr. William A. Helbert, Mrs. George K. Heller, Mrs. Lewis W. Hcllerman, Mrs. Harry H. Hemmerich.Mr. Hugo Hemphill, Mrs. John M. Hemsley, Mrs. P. Williamson Henderson, Mrs. J. Malcolm Henderson, Joseph W. Henderson, Mrs. Samuel J. Henkels, Mr. John B., Jr. Henning, Miss Mary E. Henny, Mrs. George C. Henrie, A'Trs. John P. Henry, Mrs. Bayard Henry. Mr. L C. Henry, Mrs. J. C. Henrj', Mrs. James P. Henry, Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Miss Josephine De N. Henry, Mrs. T. Charlton Henson, Miss Hannah Henszey, Miss Beatrice Hepburn, Mrs. Charles J., Jr. Hepburn, Mrs. Helen R. Hepburn, Mrs. Philip R. Herbert, Mrs. Frank Herbert, Mrs. W. Granville Hergesheimer, Dr. L. H. Hergesheimer, Mrs. L. H. Heritage, Mrs. L Omar Herkness, Mrs. Lindsay C. Herlihy, Mrs. Thomas, Jr. Herman, Dr. Leon Herr, Mr. John P. Herr, Mrs. Philip C. I-Ierr, Mrs. William Herring, Miss L. K. Hershey, Mrs. John W. Hershey, Mrs. S. M. Hess, Miss Elizabeth Hess, Mrs. Joseph C. Hessenbruch, Mrs. Hermann M. Hesser, Mrs. Theodore M. Heuscher, Miss Hanna Hewitt, Mrs. George A. Hewson, Mrs. William Heyl, Mrs. John B. Heysham, Mrs. Theodore, Jr. Heyward, Mrs. R. B. Hibberd, Mrs. Ernest Hibberd, Miss Mary T. Hibberd, Mrs. Walter R., Jr. Hibbs, Miss Helen Hibbs, Mrs. Manton E. Hickman, Mrs. Howel! Hicks, Mrs. W. J. Hiers, Mrs. Glen Sefton Higgins, Mrs. Charles A. High, Mrs. John Higham, Mrs. Frederick G. Highley, Mrs. George N. Hightey, Mrs. Alary S. Hill, Mrs. Albert C. Hill, Mrs. Florence R. Hill, Mrs. Horace G., Jr. Hill, Mr. J. Bennett Hill, Mrs. Julian W. Hill, Mrs. Llewellyn G. Hill, Mrs. Mildred D. Hill, Mrs. Ralph Hill, Mrs. Roy L. Hilles, Mrs. Albert L. Hilles. Miss Elizabeth Hilles, Mr. Robert L. Hilles, Mrs. William S. Hilliard, Mrs. W. H. R. Hilsee, Mrs. Donald Ashcraft Hinchman, Miss Margaretta S. Hines, Miss Lillian A. Hinkson, Mrs. Joseph H. Hinkson, Mrs. J. H. Ward Hippel, Mrs. John F. E. Hippie, Mrs. Frank E. Hises, Mrs. Charles E. Hires, Mrs. Harrison S. Hires, Mrs. J. Edgar Hires, Miss Linda S. Hirst, Miss Rosalie Hitschler, Mrs. William J. Hoblitzelle, Mrs. Harrison Hodge, Miss Katharine C. Hodshon, Mrs. Alfred E. Hoehler, Mrs. George W. Hoelscher, Mrs. A. W. Hoerger, Mrs. Charles E. Hoff, Mrs. Leigh P. Hoffman, Mr. Benjamin R. Hoffman, Miss Emma Hoffman, Mrs. N. Fulmer, Jr. Hofheimer, Mr. Daniel Hogan, Mr. William J. Hogeland, Miss Helen B. Hogg, Miss Esther S. Hogue, Mrs. Robert M. Hoke, Mr. Oliver M. Holdsworth, Mrs. Robert M. HoUaday, Mrs. Charles B. Holland, Mrs. J. B. Hollerith, Mr. Richard Hollingsworth, Mrs. Charles B, Holingsworth, Mrs. Earle B. Hollingsworth, Mrs. L Pemberton P. Hollingsworth, Mrs. John P. 42 Holmes, Mrs. Ai'thur L. Holmes, Mr. K. S. Holmes, Miss Harriet F. Holmes, Mr. I. C. Holmes, Mrs. Lynwood R. Holmes, Miss M. Edna Holmes, Mr. Norman V. Homsey, Mrs. Samuel E Hood, Mr=. George Gowen Hook, Mrs. George T. Hoon,Mrs. Merle Russell Hoopes, Mrs. Albert Warfield Hoopes, Mrs. Arthur Hoopes, Mr. Macniillan Hoopes, Mrs. William Heyward Hopkins, Mrs. Thomas S. Hopkinson, Miss Emily G. Hopper, Miss Marie Louise Horn, Mr. John F. Hornor,Mrs. James C. Hornsby, Mr. W. Howard Horrocks, Mrs. Thomas S. Horst, Mrs. A. L. Hcrst, Mrs. George D. Horstmann, Mrs. William H. Horton, Mrs. H. B. Hoser, Mr. Charles F. Hoskins, Mrs. Albert L. Hostetter, Mrs. Harry B. Hottenstein, Mrs. David F. Houck, Mrs. Henry Floseholder, Mrs. George W. Housman, Mr. G. S. Houston, Mrs. David M. Houston, Mrs. George H. Houston, Mr. S. F. Houston, Mrs. Samuel Craig How, Mrs. Harold W. Howard, Mrs. Kenneth Howard, Mrs. Wilfred Howe, Mrs. George Howe, Mrs. L. Fielding Howe, Mrs. Paul Denkla Howell, Mrs. Cooper Howell, Miss Josephine F. Howell, Mrs. Lardner Howell, Mr. Samuel L. Howland, Mrs. Ralph B. Howland, Mrs. William H. Howson, Mrs. Richard Hoyt, Mrs. Albert M., Jr. Hubard, Mrs. Archibalc B. Hubbard, Mrs. Cortlandt V. B. Hubbard, Miss Helen B. Hubbuch, Mrs. Leo P. Huber, Mrs. John Franklin Hudson, Mrs. Henry Lea Hueber, Mrs. Joseph A. Huepfel, Mrs. Matt Huey, Mrs. Arthur B. Huff, Miss Emelie DeGalley Hughes, Mr. Charles G. Hughes, Mrs. Samuel B. Hull, Mrs. Lewis M. Hulme, Mrs. Alfred P. Hulme, Mrs. Arthur K. Hulme, Mrs. Thomas R. Hume, Dr. H. Harold Humphrey, Mrs. E. W. Humphreys, Miss Belle G. Humpton, Mrs. Charles F. Humrichouse, Mrs. L. M, Hundley, Mrs. J. Warren Hungerbuehler, Miss Alberta H. Hunneman, Mrs. William C. Hunsburger, Mrs. Ambrose, Jr Hunsburger, Miss Barbara A. Hunsberger, Miss Lienor V. Hunt, Mrs. Charles W. Hunt, Mrs. Daniel Lawrence Hunt, Mrs. Roy Arthur Hunt, Mrs. Willam Hunt, Mrs. WilHam T., Jr. Hunter, Mrs. Alexander Hays Hunter, Miss Ann Hunter, Mrs. Perry A. Hunter, Mrs. Robert J. Hunter, Mr. Robert W. Hurlcck, Mrs. W. S. T., Jr Hurst, Mrs. B. William Hurxthal, Mr. F. E. Huston, Miss Laetitia P. Hutchinson, Miss A. P. Hutchinson, Mrs. Joseph B. Hutchinson, Mrs. Morris Huthinson, Mrs. R. P. ^ Hutchinson, Mrs. Samuel Hutchinson, Mrs. S. Pemberton, Jr. 43 Hutchinson, Mrs. W. R. Huttinger, Mrs. E. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. Fred E. lannaccone, Mr. John Iddles, Mr. Alfred IHff, Mrs. Arthur R. IngersoU, Miss Anna Warren IngersoU, Mrs. C. Tared Ingersoll, Mrs. R. Sturgi;, Irelan, Mr. William H. Irons, Mrs. Robert H. Irvine, Mrs. James Irvine, Mrs. William Irwin, Mrs. Alexander D. Irwin, Mrs. Beyle Irwin, Mrs. Boyle, 4th Irwin, Mrs. Dunton J. Irwin, Mrs. George L. Irwin, Mrs. Jane F. Irwin, Mr. Samuel B. I,rwin, Mrs. V. H. Irwin, Mr. William H. Ivy, Mrs. Robert H. Jack, Mr. George B. Jack, Mrs. H. Wesley Jack, Dr. L. Foster Jack, Mr. Meredith M. Jenks, Mrs. Morton Jackson, Mrs. Albert Atlee Jackson, Mrs. George H. Jackson, Mrs. Joseph Gray Jackson, Dr. Mabel C. Jackson, Mrs. Milton C. Jacobs, Mrs. John Jacobs, Mrs. M. L. James, Mrs. John E., Jr. James, Mrs. William F. Jameson, Mrs. Mir/am B. Jamieson, Mrs. Robert Janeway, Mrs. A. S. Janney, Mr. Horace F. Janney, Mrs. Walter C. Jaquith, Mrs. F. M. Jarden, Mrs. Walter H. Jarden, Mrs. William H., Jr. Jarrett, Mrs. F. H. Jaspersen, Mrs. Fred F. Jeanes, Mrs. Henrj? S. Jeanes, Mr. Henry S., Jr. Jeanes, Mrs. Isaac V\'., II Jeanes, Mrs. VViliiani W. Jefferies, Mrs. William H. Jefiferys, Mrs. Edward M. Jeffords, Mr. Walter M. Jeffries, Mr. Joseph H. Jelinek, Miss Anne Jenkins, Miss Anna M. Jenkins, Mrs. A. Arthur Jenkins, Mr. Charles F. Jenkins, Mrs. Charles F. Jenkins, Mr. Eric H. Jenkins, Mr. Horace C. Jenkins, Mrs. H. Lawrence Jenkins, Mrs. Theodore F, Jenks, Mrs. Donald Jenks, Mrs. Horace H. Jenks, Mrs. John S. Jenne, Mrs. Lyle L. Jennings, Mrs. A. Merritt Jennings, Mr. W. S. Jennings, Mrs. William J., Jr. Jensen, Mrs. James A. Jensen, Mrs. John Jergenson, Mrs. Dorothy Jess, Mr. Gordon F. Jetter, Mrs. William F. Johns, Mrs. W. C. Johns, Mrs. Walter S. Johnson, Mrs. A. B., Jr. Johnson, Mr. Allan M. Johnson, Mrs. Barclay Johnson, Dr. Dorothy E. Johnson, Mrs. Eldridge R, Johnson, Mrs. Feniniore Johnson, Mrs. Howa:d Cooper Johnson, Mrs. John C. Johnson, Mrs. Lester B. Johnson, Miss Marian K. Johnson, Mr. Robert M. Johnson, Mrs. R. W. Johnson, Mrs. Seth Johnson, Mr. Stanley Johnson, Mrs. Theodore £. Johnson, Mrs. W. Keating Johnson Mrs. Walter J. Johnston, Mrs. Lyle T. Johnston, Mr. Robert Smith Joiner, Rev. Franklin Jones, Mrs. A. Howell, Jr. Jones, Mrs. Charles Alvin Jones, Mrs. Clifford B. Jones, Mrs. Edward Morris Jones, Mrs. Edward N. Jones, Mr. Franklin D. Jones, Mrs. George F. Jones, Mrs. George Milton Jones, Mrs. Henrj- W. Jones, Mrs. H. W. Jones, Mr. Henr}^ W. Jones, Mrs. Henry W. Jones, Mrs. Horace C, 2nd Jones, Mrs. J. Clifford Jones, Mrs. J. Edward Jones, Mrs. John Price Jones, Mrs. J. William Jones, Mr. Leo D. Jones, Mrs. Linda L Jones, Mrs. Livingston Jones, Miss Lona L Jones, Mrs. Ralph E. Jones, Mrs. Spencer 1 . Jones, Mrs. T. A. Jones, Mrs. W. Ernest Jones, Mrs. William G., Jr. Jordan, Mrs. Frederick Jordan,Mrs. T. Carrick Joslin, Mrs. Theodore G. Jung, xVIr. Carl W. Junkin, Mrs. George B. Kadel, Mr. D. M. Kaeser, Mr. Charles W., Jr. Kaighn, Mrs. Charles B. Kain, Mrs. Robert E. Kaltenbach, Mr. John E. Kalteyer, Mrs. Frederick J. Karper, Mrs. Charles Karr, Mrs. Joseph Karsner, Miss Eleanor Kassab, Dr. Joseph Katzenbach, Miss Myrtle Kaufman, Mrs. Frank M. Kaufman, Mrs. Walter F. Keady, Mrs. G. J. Kean, Mrs. John Scott Kearns, Mr. W. R. Keasbey, Miss M. Keating, Miss Elizabeth 44 I Keator, Mrs. John F., Jr. Keck, Mrs. Charles W. Keely, Mrs. Wallace M. Keen, Mrs. Carl T. Keen, Mrs. Frank A. Keen, Mrs. Kennard G., Jr. Keenan, Miss Mary R. Keenest, Mr. Esker L. Keeney, Miss Susan Dorothea Kehr, Mr. A. B. Keith, Mrs. Sidney Keller, Mrs. J. Walter Kelley, Miss Alice M. Kelley, Mrs. Edward Kellogg, Mrs. David R Kelly, Mrs. Frederick W. Kelly, Mr. Gregory C. Kelly, Mrs. Gregory C. Kelly, Mrs. John B. Kellj^ Miss Mary M. Kelly, Mr. Ralph Kemble, Mrs. Francis W. Kemper, Mrs. G. J. Kendall, Mrs. Paul Kendrick, Mrs. Murdoch Kenealy, Mr. John C. Kennard, Mrs. William Kennedy, Mrs. Albert E. Kennedy, Mrs. Arsie Lee Kennedy, Mrs. B. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Davidson Kennedy, Mrs. James W. Kennedy, Miss Katharine Kennedy, Mrs. Patrick J. Kennedy, Mrs. Ridgway, Jr. Kennedy, Mrs. Walter B. Kenrick, Mrs. J. S. Keown, Mrs. Robert Kent, Mrs. A. Atwater Kent, Mrs. Donald W. Kent, Mr. S. Krider Kent, Mrs. S. Leonard, Jr. Kerlin, Mrs. Ward Dix Kerr, Miss Alice Kerr, Miss Margaret Kerr, Mrs. S. Kissam Kessinger, Miss Esther Ketcham, Mrs. Edward K. Ketcham, Mrs. G. Walker Ketcham, Mr. Melville K. Ketcham, Mrs. Mildred H. Ketterlinus, Miss Eugenia Kiefaber, Mr. Frank G. Kieferle, Mrs. Charles J. Killhour, Mrs. W. B. Killian, Dr. Wayne T. Kind, Mrs. Philip Kinderman, Mrs. J. A. Kindig, Mr. Eli, Jr. King, Mrs. Albert F. A. King, Mrs. Charles F., Jr. Kirby, Mr. Amos Kirchmann, Mrs. Julian J. Kirk, Mrs. Frederick S. Kirk, Mrs. Henry E., Sr. Kirkland, Mr. Frederic R. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Miles W. Kirn, Mrs. Stanley C. Kirtland, Mrs. Philip Kissileff, Dr. Alfred Kistler, Mrs. C. Harold Kitchen, Mrs. Alfred P. Kittredge, Mr. Benjamin R. Klapp, Mrs. Wilbur P., Jr. Klauder Mr. George C. Klauder, Mrs. Joseph V. Klein, Mrs. Thomas Kleiner, Mrs. H. J., Jr. Kleinz, Mrs. J. Francis Kline, Mrs. Bennett C. Klinge, Mrs. F. H. M. Klopp, Mrs. John W. Klopsch, Mrs. F. T. Klose, Mrs. Henry C. Kneedler, Mrs. H. Martyn Kneedler, Mrs. Howard S., Jr. Knier, Mrs. James A. Knight, Mr. D. Allen Knight, Mrs. D. Allen Knight, Mrs. Fred II. Knight, Mrs. Harold Chew Knight, Miss Helen Knight, Miss Helen Knight, Mrs. Richard Kniskern, Mr. Philip W. Knowles, Mr. W. Irving Knowlton, Mrs. Philip B. Knox, Mr. William 45 Knup, Mrs. Jacob Koch, Mrs. Florenc • E. Koehler, Mrs. George F. Kohn, Mrs. Bernard A. Koliii, Mrs. Harr}- E. Kohn, Mrs. Irving Kohn, Mrs. Isidore Kolbe, Mrs. P. R. Koller, '\\r. William H. Kommer. Mr. John T. Konkle, Mrs. Afexonc F. Koons. Mrs. Lloyd O. Kopple. Mrs. H. N. Kortman, Mr. Harold E. Kratz, Mrs. Maxwell H. Kraus, Mrs. George J. Krause, Miss Idella M. Krause, Miss Laura Krauss, Mrs. Lee Krebs, Mrs. George /. Kress, Mrs. C. C. Kreuter, Mr. Frank H. Kriebel, Mrs. William F. Krisher, Mrs. L. C. Kriieger, Mrs. E. O. Krunibhaar, Mrs. C. H. Krunibhaar, Mrs. E. B. Kuch, Mr. Harry G. Kuemmerle, Mr. Clarence E. Kueii. Mrs. S. Eugene, Jr. Kuhn, Mr. C. Hartman Kuhn, Mrs. John, J-. Kupp, Mrs. Howard P. Kurtz, Mr. Albert Kurtz, Mrs. William F. Kutnow, Mr. J. M. LaBar, Mr. Frank S. ■ Lacey, Mr. J. Madison Lacey, Mrs. J. Madison Lacey, Mrs. M. R. Lackey, Miss Elizabeth S. LaDow, Mrs. Arthur C. Laessle, Mrs. Charles, Jr. Lafferty, Mr. Henry D. Lafferty, Mr. Paul N. Lafore, Mrs. J. A. Lahr. Mrs. George Laird. Miss Grace M. Laird, Mrs. J. I. Laird. Mrs. J. Packard Laird, Mrs. Walter J. Laird, Mrs. William Lakeman. Mrs. William Lamb, Mrs. Robert E. Lambert, Mr. Frederick A. Lambert, Mrs. Frederick A. Lammot, Miss Dorothy LaMotte, Mrs. F., jr. Lamphere, Mrs. Frank E. Lancaster, Miss Margaret Landenberger, Mr. C. H., Jr. Landenberger, Mr. Jesse H. Landis, Mrs. C. G. Landreth, Mr. Charles Hulse Landreth, Airs. S. Phillips Landt, Mrs. G. E. Lane, Mrs. O. E. Langdon, Mrs. H. Maxwell Langston, Mrs. Samuel M. Lantz, Mrs. Samuel F. Laplace, Mrs. Louis B. Lapp, Mr. Walter S. Lapp, Mrs. Walter S. Larson, Mr. W. I. Larzelere, Mrs. Walte- D. Laslocky, Mr. S. R. Lathrop, Mrs. William H. Latimer, Mrs. J. D. Latrobe, Mrs. Gamble Laughlin, Mrs. Carl D. Laughlin, Mrs. George M., Jr. Laughlin, Mrs. James B. Laughlin, Airs. Ledlie L Laverty, Mrs. Maris Alexander Lavino, Airs. E. George Lavino, Mr. Edwin M. Law, Airs. Edward Lawler. Mrs. James Lawson. Mr. Victor J. Lay, Mrs. Ethel H. Lay, Mr. J. Tracy Layton, Mrs. Alargaret J. Lea, Miss Elizabeth G. Lea, Mrs. Francis C. Lea, Mrs. James Febiger Lea, Mrs. Langdon Lea, Mr. A^anAntwerp Leach, Miss A. Adele 46 Leach, Mr. W ill Leas, Mrs. Frederick C. Leas, Mrs. LeRoy P. Leas, Miss Mabel Alice Lebo, Mrs. Ellerslie A. LeBoutillier, Mr>. B. Homer LeBoutillier, Mrs. Stephenson Lcddy, Mrs. \\ illiam Lederer, Mr. Donald F. Lee, Mrs. Alfred P. Lee, Mrs. Charles S. Lee, Mrs. Horace H. Lee, Mrs. Russell Morris Lee, Mrs. Wallace R. Lee, Mrs. Warren K. Leedom, Mrs. Charles Leeds, Mr. M. E. Leeds, Mrs. Alorris E. Leeds, Miss Sarah B. Leewright, Mrs. Thomas H. Lefco, Mrs. Arthur Legendre, Mr. Jacques L, Lehman, Mr. Harr}- A. Leibert, Miss E. Pauline Leibert Mrs. H. F. Leidy, Mrs D. D. Leighton, Mrs. Archibald O. Leighton, Mrs. Leon, Jr. Leiper, Mrs. James G., Jr. Leipheimer, Mrs. Sylvan Leissenring, Miss S. Louise Leitch. Mrs. John G. Lemmon, Mrs. William T. LeNoir, Mrs. Eugene F. Lentz, Mrs. Marshall H. Lentz, Mrs. William O. Leon, Mrs. Rene Leonard, Mrs. Raymond F. Leopold, Mrs. Howard C. Leopold, Dr. Irving H. Leopold, Mrs. Marshall S. Lester, Mrs. John A. Lever, Mrs. G. F. Levergood, Dr. Warren T. Levergood, Mrs. Warren T. Levering, Mrs. J. Walter Levis, Mrs. Norman VanPelt Levy, Mrs. Ernest S. Levy, Mr. Howard S. Levy, Mrs. Lionel Faraday Levy, Mr. Samuel H. Lewis, Mr. Christian B. Lewis, Mrs. Clifford, Jr. Lewis, Mrs. Edwin O. Lewis, Mrs. George M. D. Lewis, Mrs. George R. Lewis, Mr. George T. Lewis. Mr>. George T. Lewis, Mrs. Howard W. Lewis. Miss Jessie L. Lewis. Miss Mabel E. Lewis, Miss Minnie C. Lewis, Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. Scott Barr Lewis, Mrs. Thomas H. Lewis, Mrs. Wayne B. Lewis, Mrs. William Draper Lex, Mrs. Inez E. Libbon, Mrs. Frank Anthony Lichtenberger, Mrs. James B. Lichty, Mrs. S. Kendrick Liedtke, Mr. Rudolph F. Ligget, Mrs. J. Thomas Ligget, Mrs. Robert C. Lightwood, Mrs. Newman Lincoln, Mrs. George J., Jr. Lindsley, Mrs. Fanshawe Linn, Mrs. Walter Lintleman, Miss E. Helaine Linton, Mrs. M. Albert Linton, Mrs. W. Henry Linvill Mrs. A. S. Lippincutl, Mr>. Bertram Lippincott, Mr. C. Carroll Lippincott, Mr. George E. Lippincott, Airs. J. Lawrence Lippincott, Mr. Rowland Lippincott, Mrs. Walter H. Lippmann, Miss Florence B. Lisle, Mrs. Clifton Littell, Mrs. G. B. Little, Mrs. George L., Jr. Little, Miss Marian White Littleton, Mr. Arthur Littleton, Mrs. Arthur Livingston, Mr. C. I. Lizars, Mrs. Rawson G Lloyd, Mr. Harry A. 47 Lloyd, Mr. H. Gates Lloyd, Mr. Malcolm, Jr. Lloyd, Mrs. Malcolm, Jr. Lloyd, Mr. Richard W. Lloj'd, Mrs. William M, Lober, Mr. John C. Lock, Mrs. Edward Locke, Mrs. J, H. Locke, Mrs. Robert W. Loeb, Mrs. Adolf Loeb, Mrs. Howard A. Loesche, Mrs. William H. Logan, Mr. Robert R. Lohrke, Mrs. James L. Long, Mr. Bayard Long, Mrs. Lloyd E. Long, Mrs. Walter G. Longacre, Miss Florence E. Longaker, Mrs. Edwin P. Longaker, Mrs. Norris S. Longcope, Mr. H. Coulter, Jr, Longfield, Miss Dorothy Longmaid, Mrs. John Henry Longsdorf, Mrs. Paul W. Longshore, Mrs. W. A. Longstreth, Miss Anne Longstreth, Mrs. Howard Loos, Miss Fannj^ H. Loos, Mrs. Paul R. Lorimer, Mrs. Graeme Louchheim, Mrs. Joseph A. Louchheim, Mrs. Stuart F. Lovatt, Miss Kathryn E. Ldve, Mrs. Robert M. Levering, Mrs. Joseph S., Jr, Low, Mrs. Edna C. Low, Mrs. Howe Lowrie, Mrs. William A. Lowry, Mrs. John Loye, Miss Margaret R. Lucas, Mrs. Harry Nye Luce, Mrs. Sidney L. Luckenbach, Mrs. J. Lewis Ludes, Mrs. Joseph C. Ludington, Mrs. C. Townsend Ludlum, Dr, Seymour DeWitt Ludlum, Mrs. Seymour DeWitt Luft, Miss Ida M. Lukens, Mrs. Charles W. Lukens, Mrs. Hiram S. Lukens, Mrs. Lewis X., Jr. Lukens, Miss Mary L. Lukens, Mr. William W,, Jr. Luley, Mr. W. E. Lundy, Mrs. Frederic K. Lunney, Miss Anna M. R. Luria, Mrs. Herbert Luria, Mrs. William Lycett, Mrs. Edward H., Jr. Lycett, Miss Rebedba H. Lynch, Miss Florence S. Lynch, Mrs. Frank B., Jr. Lynch, Miss Marie E. Lyon, Mrs. LeRoy S. Lyon, Mrs. Percy S. Lyons, Mrs. A. Basil Lyons, Mr. Dolf L. Lyons, Mrs. Edna M. Lyons, Mr. John E. Lyons, Mrs. Peter J. Lyster, Mr. John C. McAdoo, Mrs. William N. McAllister, Mrs. J. Howard McAvoy, Mrs. Thomas B. McBride, Miss K. E. McCabe, Mrs. Thomas Bayard McCahan, Mrs. William J., Jr. McCandless, Mrs. Henry L McCarter, Mrs. Thomas N., Jr. McCarthy, Mrs. D. J. McCarthy, Mr. Arthur F. McCarty, Mrs. LaRue McClellan, Miss Margaret McClelland, Miss Helen G. McClintock, Mr. Gilbert S. McClintock, Miss Marguerite McCloskey, Mrs. John F. McClure, Mrs. Linwood D. McComas, Mrs. Ralph T. McConnell, Miss Dorothy McCormick, Miss Anne McCormick, Mrs. C. E. McCormick, Mrs. Henry B. McCormick, Mrs. R. M. McCormick, Mrs. iSeth T., Jr. McCormick, Mr. Stephen C. McCormick, Mrs. Vance McCown, Mrs. Allison E. 48 McCoy, Mrs. H. G. MacCoy, Mrs. VV. Logan McCrane, Mrs. Edna P. McCreary, Mrs. William H. McCreath, Mrs. Lesley McCreery, Mrs. Samuel MacCrindle, Mrs. Charles G. McCullough, Mrs. Edmund H. McCurdy, Mrs. F. Allen McCurdy, Mr. Harold R. McCurd}', Mr. J. Aubrey McCurdy Mrs. J. Aubrey McCurdy, Miss Mary C. McCurdy, Miss Mary M. McCurdy, Mrs. Wallace M. McDaniel, Miss Ada B. McDonnell, Mr. C. Ashton Macfarlan, Mrs. Douglas Macfarlan, Mrs. Gregor McFarand, Mrs. David M. McFarland, Miss Eizabeth B. McFarland, Dr. J. Horace McFarland, Mrs. Joseph, Jr. MacFarland, Mrs. W. J. MacFarland, Mr. Walter G., Jr. MacFarlane, Mr. Peter McFarlin, Mrs. J. Robert MacGeorge, Miss Beatrice MacGhee, Mrs. James F. McGill, Miss Mary E. McGovern, Mrs. J. B. McGowan, Mrs. James MacGowan, Miss Viola McGowin, Mrs. R, S. MacGregor, Miss Helen MacGregor-Frame. Mrs. K. MacGregor-Frame, Miss M. McHenry, Mrs. Edward O. McHenry, Dr. Margaret Mcllhenny, Mr. Henry P. Mcllvain, Mrs. Elizabeth Mcllvain, Mrs. F. Huston Mcllvain, Mrs. J. Gibson Mclvain, Mrs. J. Gibson, Jr. Mcllvain, Mrs. J. Gibson, 2nd Mcllvain, Mrs. M. Dickerson Mcllvain, Mrs. Walter B. Mcllvaine, Miss Frances Edge Mcllvaine, Mrs. Toh-: H. ■■■■ Mcllwain, Mrs. H. T. Mclntyre, Miss Edith I. Maclver, Mrs. Robert D. McKaig, Mrs. Edgar S. A'IcKay, ^Ir. Thoma> McKean, Mrs. Thomas McKee, Mrs. Howard McKee, Mrs. William M. McKeever, Mrs. William McKelvey, Mr. Francis McKenna, Mrs. William F. McKinley, Mrs. W. LeRoy McKinstry, Mrs. R. I. McKoy, Mrs. Thomas H., Jr. McLain, Mrs. Louis MacLaughlan, Mrs. James A. McLaughlin, Mrs. P. W. MacLean, Mrs. Norman McLean, Mrs. Robert McLean, Mr. William L., Jr. McL,ean, Mrs. William L., Jr. MacLeod, Mr. Alexander Macleod, Mrs. Cameron Macleod, Mrs. Cameron, Jr. McMichael, Mrs. Morton McMicking, Miss Elizabeth I. S. MacMillan, Miss Madeline MacMillan, Mr. William J. McMullan, Mrs. James McMullan, Mr. James F. McNabb, Mrs. George C. McNair, Mrs. M:ay B. McNeely, Miss Florence McNeill, Mr. John T., Jr. McNutt, Mr. Alexander McQuail, Mr. James A., Jr. McQuail, Mr. John H. McSorley, Mrs. Samuel L., Jr. McVey, Mrs. James L. Maas, Mr. Philip Maber Miss Katherine T. Macdonald Miss Betsy Machold, Mrs.- William F. Mack, Mrs. E. H. Mack, Dr. Warren B. Mackintosh,- Mr. David Macon, -.Mrs. B. Knox Maconachy, Mrs. J. G. Macormack, Mr. Charles 49 Madeira, Mrs. Crawford C. Madeira, Mrs. E. W. Madeira, Miss Elizabeth Magee, Miss Florence Ma,g"ee, Mrs. Francis W. Magee, Mrs. Harry W. Magee, Miss Jane I. Magee, Mrs. Joseph F. Mageoch, Mrs. Margaret Magill, Mrs. John T. MagiU, Mrs. S. N. Mahon, Mrs. William O. Mahony, Mrs. Leslie P. Maier, Mrs. Frank J. Makiver, Mrs. J. S. P. Makransky, Mrs. Murray Malcolm, Mrs. Marie L. Maiehorn, Mr. C. J, Maloney, Mrs. Clifton Mallon, Mrs. Joseph Mann, Mrs. George S, Mann, Mrs. Henry C. Mann, Mrs. Levis L. Mansley, Mrs. William T. Man waring, Mrs. Roy A. Maris, Mrs. Albert B. Marks, Mr. Charles B. Marks, Mrs. Charles B. Marks, Mrs. Titus G. Markus, Mrs. Norbert W. Marlowe, Mrs. A. L. Maroney, Mrs. John Herbert Marquis, Mrs. Donald J. Marr^ Mrs. Harold G. Marr, Miss S. A. Marsalis, Mrs. Thomas Marshall, Mrs Donnell Marshall, Mrs. Edward E. Marshall, Mrs. Edward W. Marshall, Miss Ethel Marshall, Mrs. J. T. W. Marshall, Mrs. John Marshall, Miss Sara T. Marshall, Mrs. Thomas F., 3rd Marshall, Mrs. Warren Marshall, Mrs. Wayne Marston, Mrs. Trowbridge Marter, Mrs. Oliver Martin, Mrs. /»rthur Martin, Mrs. Blake E. Martin, Mr. Carl N. Martin, Mrs. Carl N. Martin, Dr. Carl S. Martin. Mr. Edward J. Martin, Miss E. Gwen Martin, Mrs. John C. Martin, Mrs. Sydney E. Martin, Mr. W. H. Marx, Mr. John H. Mason, Miss Jane Graham Mason, Mr. Lindsay H. Mason, Miss Mary Taylor Mason, Mr. William Clarke Mast, Mrs. Ralph S. Master, Rev. Dr. Henry B. Master, Mrs. Henry B. Masters, Mr. William C. Mather, Mrs. Frank H. Mathias, Mrs. T. R. Mathieu, Mrs. Peter N. Matlawski, Mr. Adam Matthes, Mrs. Max Matthews, Mrs. W''alter T. Matthews, Mrs. Wesley Matthias, Mrs. Charles Mattoon, Mr. H. Gleason Matz, Mrs. A. K. Mauck, Mrs. F. F. Maull, Miss Edith B. Mauran, Mr. Frank Mauger, Mr. Louis S. Maury, Mrs. Austin G. Mayberry, Mrs. Harold Mayer, Mrs. Harry C. Mears, Mrs. Joseph E. Measey, Mr. William Maul Mechling, Mrs. B. Franklin Mechling, Mrs. Edward A. Mecray, Mrs. P. M. Medford, Mrs. W. Edward Mcdholdt, Mrs. H. A. Medinger, Mr. Charles Meehan, Mr. S. Mendelson Megargee, Mrs. Theodore B. Meinfelder, Mrs. Edmond L. Meininger, Mr. Horace B. Meirs, Miss Lucretia Meisenhelder, Mrs. E. W. 50 1 Mclcher, Mrs. Webster A. Mell, Mrs. P. H. Melling Mrs. O. Rodger Mellor Mrs. Clinton L. Meloney, Mrs. Joseph A. Melrath, Mrs. Mabel Mendenhall, Mr. John C. Mensch, Miss Helen M. Mercer, Mrs. James B. Mercer, Miss Madelon Mercer, Mrs. William R. Meredith, Mrs. Frank S. Merriman, Mrs. Louise W. Merritt, Mrs. James S., Jr. Merritt, Mrs. Morris Hill Mervine, Mrs. William G. Mery weather, Mrs. T. Maxwell Metz Mr. Louis C. Meyer, Mrs. Fred L. Meyer, Mrs. H. Conrad Meyers, Mrs. C. Harold M Mechell, Mr. Frank B. chell, Mr. F. J., Jr. chell, Mrs. Frank B. chell, Mr. Frank B., Jr. chell, Miss Marie C. chener, Mr. William J. ddleton, Mrs. Albert C. ddleton, Miss May A. ddleton. Miss Rena S. fflin, Mrs. E L. fflin, Mrs. Samuel Wright les, Mrs. Joseph Her, Mrs. Albert E., Jr. Her, Mrs. Arthur llcr, Mrs. Augustus J. Her, Mrs. Carey O. Her, Miss Catharine R. Her, Mrs. CHnton H. Her, Mr. Conrad H. Her, Mrs. David I. Her, Mrs. D. Yeakel Her, Mrs. E. WaHace Her, Mrs. F. M. llcr, Mrs. Franklin R. Her, Mrs. Giles P. Her, Mr. H. C. Her, Mrs. Harrison F. Her, Mrs. Henry H. Miller Mrs. J. Armstrong Miller, Mrs. John MiUer, Mrs. M. E. Miller, Miss Minerva V. MHler, Mrs. P. E. Miller, Mr. Paul V. R. MiHer, Mrs. Roy L. MiHer, Mrs. T. Grier MiHer, Mr. Walter P., Jr. Miller, Mrs.Wilfred H. Miller, Mrs. W. Kane MiHer, Mrs. WHUam E. G. Milne, Mr. John S., Jr. Milnes, Miss Hattie K. Minchin,Mrs. Lester W. Minkler, Mrs. W. E. Minor, Mrs. Charles L. Mirick, Mrs. Henry O. Misorech Mrs. John J. Mitchel, Miss Kathryn Mulford MitcheH, Mrs. Albert S. Mitchell, Mrs. Anne L. Mitchell, Mrs. Charles F. Mitchell, Mrs. George J. Mitchell, Mrs. Harbour Mitchell, Mrs. James F., Jr. Mitchell, Mrs. John J., Jr. Mitchell, Miss Mary B. Mitchell, Mrs. Robert B. Mitchell, Mrs. Robert M. Moffat, Mrs. Robert Y. Moffett, Miss Caroline T. Mohr, Mr. Albert O. Monaghan, Mrs. Paul Monet, Mr. Gilbert P. Moneta, Mrs. John L. Montelius, Mrs. R. C. Montgomery, Mrs. Gilbert McK. Montgomery, Mrs. Grenville D. Montgomery, Mrs. John B. Montgomery, Mrs. R. L. Montgomery, Mr. Sidney Montgomery, Mr. W. W., Jr. Montgomery, Mrs. W. W., Jr. Montgomery, Mrs. William B. Moore, Mrs. A. O. Moore, Mrs. Clark P. Moore, Mr. Frederick H. Moore, Mrs. H. McKnight Moore, Mi-b. Harold T. Moore, Mrs. Henry T. Moore, Mr. John Moore, Mrs. R. Edwin Moore, Mrs. S. Lloyd Moore, Miss Sara R. Moore, Mrs. Victor E. Moore, Mrs. William G. Moosmann, Mrs. R. A. Morgan, Mrs. Clinton W. Morgan, Mrs. Marshall S. Morgan, Miss Mary C. Morgan, Mrs. Randal Morgan, Mrs. Randal, III Alorgan, Mrs. Willard L. Morley, Miss Elizabeth Morris, Mrs. Caspar W. Morris, Miss Deborah Morris, Mrs. E. B., Jr. Morris, Mrs. Elliston P. Morris, Miss Elizabeth Canby Morris, Miss Ellen Morris, Mrs. Frederick W., 3rd Morris-, Mrs. Herbert C. Morris, Mrs. Henry P., 3rd Morris, Mrs. Hugh M. Morris, Mrs. J. Cheston Morris, Mr. Lawrence J. Morris, Mrs. L. Sussex Morris, Miss Mary W. Morris, Mrs. Steward G. Morris, Mrs. W. P. Morrison, Mrs. George L. Morse Miss Mildred Morse, Mrs. Richard C. Mortimer, Mrs. John Morton, Dr. George D. Mosheim, Mrs. Sadye G. Moss, Mrs. Charles V. Moss, Mrs. E. Moss, Mr. Frank H. Mott, Mrs. A. C, Jr. Motten, Mrs. Clement ' Mowda}', Mrs. Harold H. Moyer, Mrs. Allen B. Moyer, Mr. Alvin W. Moyer, Mrs. D. Bruce Mover, Mrs. William F. Muckle, Mrs. Craig W. Mueller, Mrs. x-Vrnold Muhlenberg, Miss Kate H. Mulford, Mr. William Mulhausen, Mrs. D. B. Mullen, Miss Nelle E. Muller, Mrs. John H. Munson, Mrs. George S. Munzer, Mrs. E. O. Murdock, Mrs. Harold V. Murphy, Mrs. Thomas R. Murray; Mrs. Fred A. Murtagh, Mrs. J. C. Musser, Mrs. Charles S. Mustin, Miss Alice Emily Mustin, Mr. Frank H. Fleer Mustin, Mrs. Gilbert B. Mustin, Mr. Gilbert B., Jr. Mustin, Mr. J. Burton Myers, Mr. C. N. Myers, Mrs. Joseph S. Mjers, Mrs. Laurence B. Myers Mrs. William Bunn Myers, Mrs. William Kurtz Myrin, Mrs. Alarik Myrin, Mr. H. A. W. Nabenhauer, Mr. Fred P. Naffin, Mrs. G. R. Nagle, Mr. Robert E. Nalle, Mrs. Richard T. Nassau, Mrs. William L., Jr. Naughton, Mrs. Thomas J. . Nauman, Mrs. Spencer G. Neall, Miss Adelaide W. Neall, Miss Margaret A. Neff, Mrs. H. Clifton Neher, Mrs. John Hutchins Nebrbas, Mr. George E. Neil, Mrs. Kathryn N. Neilson, Mrs. Edward S. Neilson, Mrs. Lewis Nemec, Mr. Joseph Nesbitt, Mrs. Abram, 2nd Ness, Mr. Curvin W. Neuber, Mrs. Fred W. Newbold, Miss Anna M. Newbold, Mrs. F. Eugene Newbold, Mrs. John daCosta, Jr Newbold. Mrs. John S. Newbold, Miss Margaret E. I.. 52 1 Newcomer, Mrs. S. S. NewhaU, Mrs. D. A. Newhall, Mrs. David NewhaU, Miss E. S. Newhall, Mrs. William Price Newkirk, Mrs. John B. Newkirk Mrs. Samuel F., Jr Newkirk Mrs. Walter M. Newnham, Mrs. Richard M. Newton, Miss Caroline Newton, Mr. Dorr E. Newton, Mrs. E. Swift Nicholas, Mrs. J. M. Nicholls, Mr. E. S. Nicholson, Mrs. Alfred Nicholson, Miss Edythe Nicholson, Mrs. J. W., 3rd Nicholson, Mr. L. A. Nicholson, Mrs. Percival NicoUs, Mrs. Frederick W. Nields, Mrs. John P. Niessen, Mrs. Leo Nisley, Air. Wilbur I. Nitterour, Mrs. Harry Nixon, Mrs. A. B. Nolan, Mrs. John W Nolde, Mrs. O. Frederick Nolt, Mr. Lloyd W. Noon, Mrs. John R. Norberg-, Mr. Rudolph C. Norris, Mrs. Charles C, Jr. North, Mrs. Margaret R. Norton, Mrs. Raymond W. Nuttall, Miss Florence Nutter, Mrs. C. Armel Nutting, Mrs. George C. Nye, Mrs. William David Oakford, Miss Elsie Oakfnrd, Mrs. Harry Knox Oakford, Mrs. James W. Oakley, Mrs. Thornton Oberholtzer, Mr. William R. Oberlin, Mr. R. L. O'Brien, Miss Marie E. O'Brien. Mrs. T. K. O'Donnell, Mr. Edward Oenslager, Mrs. Frank Oesterbo, Mr. Tames Ogden, ,Miss M. S. Ogden, Mrs. Aelson Ogelsby, Mrs. W". Porter Oglee, Mrs. Frank M. Ohler, Mrs. La Rue Ohlwiler, Mrs. D. Ralph Ohmer, Mrs. Ralph E. Okie, Mrs. Howard S. Oldach, Mr. John M. Olsen, Miss Eliza D. O'Malley, Mrs. Thomas R. O'Neill, Mrs. Elmer W. O'Neill, Mrs. Irene O'Neill, Mrs. W. Charles O'Neill, Mrs. W. Paul Ord, Mrs. Laird Orr, Dr. A. V. B. Orr, Mrs. C. H. Orr, Mrs. George P. Osborne, Miss Sara Ostheimer, Mrs. Alfred J., Ill Ostheimer, Miss Elizabeth G. Ott, Mrs. John R. Ott, Mrs. Lambert, Jr. Ourbacker, Mrs. George J. Overton, Mrs. Edwin T. Owens, Mr. Grafton R. Packard, Mrs. Frederick A. Packard, Mrs. F. R. Packard, Mrs. J. Francis R. Packard, Mrs. John H., 3rd Page, Mrs. Edward C. Page, Mr. L. Rodman Page, Mrs. Robert H. Page, Mrs. Robert Holmes, Jr. Page, Mrs. Walter Painter, Mrs. Herbert B. Pallatt, Mrs. Winfield D. Palmer, Mr. George Palmer, Mrs. Joseph E. Palmer, Mrs. V. C. Paneoast, Dr. Charles S. Pandazis, Mr. Peter A. Parish, Dr. Benjamin D. Park, Mrs. Richard G., Jr. Parker, Mrs Alan P. Parker, Mrs. Frank Parker, Mrs. J. Heber 5a. Parkhurst, Mrs. Charles W. Parry, Mrs. Henry C. Parry, Mrs. William B. Parsly, Mr. John Parsons, Mrs. J. Clarenc* Pa. sens. \iri. Lawrence Parsons, Mrs Lewis H. Parsons, Mrs. William E. Partenheimer, Mrs. John H. Paschall, Mrs. H. Morris Passmore, Mr. L. Alan, Jr. Passmore, Mr. S. Ralph Patience, Mrs. Louise F. Patterson, Miss Helen T. Patterson, Mrs. J. Edward Pattison, Mrs. Robert E., Jr. Patton, Miss Mary C. Paul. Mr. A. J. Drexel Pau\ Mrs. J. Folsom Paul, Mrs. Parry H. Paulson, Mr. Arthur Paulson Mrs. Paul M. Pawling, Mrs. Grace M. Paxson, Miss Bertha R. Paxson, Miss Elizabeth S. Paxson, Mrs. Henry D. Payne, Miss Helena A. Payne, Mrs. Julius \. Payne, Miss Margaret Belville Peace, Mrs. William S. Peacock, Mr. ' mos R. Peacock, Mr. C. H., Jr. PeaKe, Mr. Edwin D. Pearson, Mrs. Davis, 3rd Pearson, Mrs. Justin Pearson, Mr. Lawrence J. Pearson, Mrs. Stanley W. Pearson, Mrs. Stanley W., Jr Pase, Mrs Henry H. Peck, Mr. Frederick W. G. Peck, Mrs. Frederick W. G. Peck, Mrs. Staunton B. Peckham, Mrs. Wheeler H. Peirce, Mr. Robert F. Peirce, Mrs. Wilmot Grant, Jr Peirson, Mrs. Edwin J. Pemberton, Mrs. Clifford, Jr. Pennell, Mi>> Hdna .s. Penne'.l, Miss Elizaljeth S. Penncck, Mr. Charles F. Pennock, Mrs. George L. Penncck, Mr. J. Liddon Pennock, Mrs. J. Liddon Pennypacker. Mrs. Bevan A. Pepper, Mrs. Benjamin F. Pepper, Mrs. Franklin Pepper, Mrs. George W. Pepper, Mrs. George \\"., Jr. Pepper, Mrs. O. H. Perry Perkins, Mrs. Charles C. Perkins, Mrs. Ivan M. Perot, Mrs. T Morris, 3rd Pe:renct, Mrs. Orion Morgan Perris, Mrs. Norris M. Perry Mrs.. Henry Hillman Perry, Mrs. James DeWolf Perry, Mrs. Leslie D. Peters, Mrs. Fred C. Peters, Mrs. S. M. Felton Petrescu, Mrs. Ovid Pettus, Mrs. F. K. Petty, Mrs. David M. Pew, Mrs. J. Howard Pew, Mrs. John G. Pew, Mr. Joseph N. Pew, Mrs. Joseph N. Pfahler, Mrs. Alfred l. Pfahler, Dr. George E. Pfeiffer, Dr. Damon B. Phelps, Mrs. E. C. Phe'ps, Mrs. Sheffie'.d Phelps Mrs. W. E. Philler, Mrs. W. W. Phillips, Mrs. Charles M. Phillips, Miss Jean B. Pickard, Mrs. F. W. Pierce, Miss Blanche G. Pierce, Miss Dorothy E. Piersol, Mrs. George Morris Pierson, Mrs. W. S. Pietsch, Mrs. Albert G. Pile, Mr. Harold G. Pile, Mr. Wilson H. Pilling, Mrs. George Piatt, 3rd Pilling, Mrs. H. N. 54 Pillion, Mrs. T. Calvin Pinchot, Mrs. Gififord Pines. Mrs. Charles A. Piper, Mrs. Henry A. Pitcairn, Mrs. Raymond Pitcher, Mrs. Arnold E. Pitz, Airs. Henry C. Pitzonka, Mr. Walter VV. Piatt, Mrs. Charles Piatt, Mr. Floyd S. Piatt, Mrs. Henry Norris Piatt, Mrs. John O. Pleasants, Mrs. Howard S. Flumly, Mrs. George Plummer, Mrs. Harvey S. Plusch, Mrs. Herman A., Jr Poe, Mrs. Edgar Allan Poillon, Mrs. Arthur Pollock, Mr. Robert, Jr. Pollock Mrs. Roland D. Pollock, Mrs. Walter Pomeroy, Mrs. John Nevin Pomeroy, Mrs. William Pcol, Mrs. Irvin H. Pool, Mrs. Russell B. Poorman, Mrs. Philip M. Pope Mrs. Thomas W. Poppleton, Miss Lola I. Porter, Miss Elva Porter, Miss Luci]e Porter, Mrs. W. Hobart Porter, Mrs. William H. Porter, Mrs. William W. Pott, Mrs. H. Rudolph, Jr. Potter, Mrs. Woodburn Potts, Mr. Harrison I. Potts, Mrs. Horace Miles Potts, Miss L. F. Potts, Mrs. Walter F. Pough, Mrs. Harold B. Poultney, Mr. J. Livingston Powell, Mr. C. Frank Powell, Mrs. Humbert Borton Powell, Miss Mary Elizabeth Powell, Mrs. Ralph Powers, Mr. Thomas Harris Pratt, Mrs. Leonard C. Pratt, Mr. Richard Preston, Miss Frances Price, Mrs. Edward Price, Mr. Edward Trotter Price, Mrs. L Townsend Price, Mrs. Philip Price, Mrs. Robert K. Price, Mrs. William Fenton Prickett, Mrs. Baldwin Pn'ggemeier, Miss Elviera L. Prime, IV. rs. Alfred C. Prinz, Mrs. Hermann Pritchett, Miss Ida W. Prizer, Mr. William M., Jr. Prock, Mrs. Harry A Pruss, Mrs. John J. Pryer, Mrs. W. Cristy Pugh, Miss Anne J. Pugh, Miss Helen N. Pugh, Mrs. Joseph M. Pugh, Mrs. Myrtle C. Puis, Mrs. August H. Pursell, Mrs. B. Browr Purviance, Miss Julia Evelyn Putney, Mrs. Fitz L. Putt, Mr. R L. Putz, Mr. Alfred Pyke, Miss Mary Lee Pyle, Mr. Robert Quick, Mrs. Guy C, Jr. Quier, Mrs. Edwin A. Quinn, Mrs. Thomas Radbill, Mrs. Samuel Radclifif, Mr. Wayne W. Raesler, Miss Mildred E. Raine, Mr. Frederick Rainey, Mrs. Frederick Albert Ralston, Mr. Frank Fv. Ramsay, Miss Helen Ramsdell, Mrs. Sayre M. Ranck, Mrs. Lu her T. Randall, Mrs. Alexander Randall, Mrs. W'i liam A. Randolph, Miss Anna Randolph, Mr. K\an Randolph, Mrs. Evan Randolph, Mrs. Hampton C. Rankin, Mrs. Calvin H. Rapp, Mrs. Howard H. 55 Rapp, Dr. Ira Rasmussen, Mr. Alfred O. Rau, Dr. C. Fred Rauch, Mrs. Rudolph S. Ranch, Mr';. 'Iliomas M. Rausenberger, Miss Viola Ravenel, Miss Clare W. Rawle, Miss Louisa Ray. Mr. C, Paul, Jr. Raynor. Mr. William M. Rea, Miss Emit\- !'. Rea, Mrs. Robert VV. Read, Mrs. W. B. Re::l, Ad^rs.' Dennis B. Reath, Mrs. Benjamin Reath, Mrs. George Reath, Mrs.- Henry T. Reath, Mrs. J. Pancoast Reath, Mrs. Thomas Rebcr. Mks.-.I. Howard : • ' Rebman, Mr. Henry J. Rebmann, Mrs. G. R. Rebmann, Mrs. G. Ruhland, Jt. Rebmann, Mrs. Paul C. "".■•-■■■ Rebmann, Mrs. Walter -^ ■ ■ Reckefus, Dr. Charles H., ^T*' Redrew, Mrs. Oscar B. '•"■ Reed, Mrs. Alan H. ''^' Reed, Mrs. George, jr. "<' . Reed, Mr. Homer Reed, Mrs. William C. Reeder, Mr. William C. Rees, Mrs. James 1. Reese, Mrs. Charles Lee Reese, Mrs. D. Meredith Reese, Mrs. David P. Jr. Reese ,Mrs. John S., IV Reeve, Mrs. J. Stanley Reeve, Mrs. Percival J. Reeves, Mr. F. B. Jr. Reeves, Miss Mary T. Reeves, Mrs. S. K. Regan, Miss Eleanore M. Rehbaum, Mrs. B. Rehrer, Miss Jeanette Rehrig, Mrs. John C. Reid, Mrs. Arthur Reid, Mrs. Arthur P. Reid, Mrs. James S. Reilly, Mr. Edward I. Reilly, Mr. Garrett Rcinliart, Mrs. Charles A. Reinheimer, Miss Cornelia Reinhold, Mrs. John Reinicker, Mr. L. T. Reist, Mr. Irwin W, Reitz, Mrs. William W. Reivich, Mr. Philip Remer, Mrs. Daniel Remington, Mrs. George Renard, A-iiss Ella S. Rennison, Mrs. Harry E. Renvi^ick, Mrs. Eric H. Repplier, Mrs. Sidney J. Reustle, Mrs. Elmer F. Rhea, Mrs. Edwin M. Rheuby, Dr. Virginia Rhoads, Mrs. Brewster Rhcads, Mrs. Charles J. Rhoads, Mrs. Jay R. Rhoads, Miss Lydia A'Vistar Rhoads, Miss Mabel Gordon Rhoads, Mrs. Owen B. Rhoads, Miss Ruth Ely Ricci, Mrs. Armando T. Rich, Mr. Lewis D. Richards, Miss Helen E. Richards, Mrs. L. Harry, Jr. Richards, Mrs. Nicholas G. Richards, Mrs. Perry D. Richards, Miss Ruth Richardson, Mr. Artemas P. Richardson, Mrs. James M. Richardson, Mrs. Russell Richardson, Mrs. Tolbert N, Richter, Mrs. G. A., Jr. Ritcher, Mrs. William Rick, Mrs.. James, Jr. Rick, Mrs. John Rick, Mr. Whitner Rickard, Mrs. E. B. Ruldle, Mrs. Willism Ridgway, Mr. Caleb S., Jr. Rie, Mrs. Paul Riebe. Mr. Henry F. Riegel, Mr. Henry 56 Riegel, Mrs, Richard Rieger, Mrs. Katherine L. Rigby, Mrs. W. Hurlow Rigg, Mrs. Budd M. Rigg, Mrs. Charles A. Riley, Mrs. Horace B. Rinehart, Mrs. H. P., Jr. Rinehart, Mrs. H. R. Ringe, Mrs. John Henry, III Ringe, Mrs. Thomas B. K. Ripley, Mrs. Ellen M. Rismiller, Mrs. Charles Ristine, Mrs. Charles S. Ritchie, Mrs. C. L. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Leon H. Ritter, Dr. Frank G. Ritter, Mr. Fred R. Rittren, Mrs. James Bradford Rival, Mr. Thomas Rivinus, Mrs. E. Florens Roach, Mrs. F. Spencer Robb, Mrs. David B. Robb, Mrs. David M. Robbins, Mrs. George A. Robbins, Mrs. John A. Roberts, Mrs. Algernon B. Roberts, Mrs. A. C. Roberts, Miss Alice S. Roberts, Mrs. Bayard H. Roberts, Mrs. Clarence L. Roberts, Mrs. G. Brinton Roberts, Mrs. Herbert Allen Roberts, Mrs. Howard Sperry Roberts, Mrs. Isaac W. Roberts, Mrs. Mary S. B. Roberts, Mrs. Spencer Roberts, Mr. Thomas Roberts, Dr. W. R. Robertson, Mrs. Conway Robertson, Mr. Ernest Robertson, Mrs. Hugh Robertson, Mrs. James B. Robinson, Mrs. Alexander L. Robinson, Miss Lydia S. M. Robinson, Mrs. O. E. C. Robinson, Miss Rachel G. Robinson, Mrs. Sara M. Robinson, Mrs. V. Gilpin Robinson, Mrs. W. C. Robson, Mrs. A. Roy, Jr. Rockey, Mrs. Charles S. Rockwell, Mrs. Charles K. Roddy, Mrs. R. Lynn Rodebaugh, Mr. Everett G. Roden, Mrs. Lincoln, Jr. Rodgers, Miss Janet B. Rodman, Airs. J. Stewart Rogers, Miss Alice M. Rogers, Mrs. George C. Rogers, Mrs. George W. Rogers, Mrs. James S. Rohrer, Miss Grace M. Rohrer, Miss Lena H. Roma, Mrs. Frank Rondinella, Miss Gadys Ronon, Mr. Gerald Roop, Mrs. Albert B. Roosevelt, Mrs. Nicholas G. Root, Miss Fannie A. Root, Mr. Stanley W, Root, Mrs. Stanley W . Rorer, Miss Carolyn R. Rorer, Mrs. Herbert Cra\yley Rorer, Mrs. William H. Rose, Mrs. Albert R. Rose, Mrs. H. Wickliffe Rosen, Dr. Esther Katz Rosen, Mr. Walter J. Rosenau, Mrs. Leo M. Rosenbaum, Mr. Robert Rosenberger, Mrs. Randle C. Rosengarten, Mrs. Adolph G. Rosengarten, Mr. Frederic Rosengarten, Mrs. Frederic Rosengarten, Mrs. Harold Rosengarten, Mrs. J. Clifford Rosengarden, Mr. Joseph G., Jr. Rosengarten, Miss Katharine Rosenwald, Mrs. J., II Rosenwald, Mrs. Lessing J. Rosenwald, Mrs. Robert L. Ross Mrs. Adam A. Ross, Mrs, C. H. Ross, Mrs. Donald P. Ross, Mrs. John Ross, Mrs. John Edward 57 Ross, Mrs. Robert S. Ross, Miss Sophia L. Ross, Mrs. Thomas A. Ross, Mrs. T. Edward Rosseau, Mrs. Leon B. Rossell, Mrs. Axel Rossmassler, Mrs. Walter H. Rotan, Mrs. EUwood J. Rotan, Mrs. Samuel P. Roth, Mrs. A. G. Roth, Dr. George J. Rothensies, Mrs. Harry H. Rothermel, Mrs. P. F. Rothrock, Mr. Henry S. Rothschild, Mrs. Edwin Rowland, Mrs. Louis H. Royce, Mrs. Frank G. Rubel, Mrs. Donald C. Ruberg, Mrs. Morris Ruck, Mrs. George Ruckert, Mrs. Anne W. Ruff, Mrs. A. J. Rugart, Mrs. Karl Ruggieri, Mr. Jerry Rumley, Mrs. Mabel S. Rumpf Mrs. Francis John Rumpp, Miss Marie W. Rumsey, Miss Eleanore M, Runk, Mrs. J. Charles Rusby, Mrs. John Rush, Mrs. Alexander Rush, Mr. Benjamin Rush, Mrs. Benjamin Rush, Mr. Benjamin, Jr. Rush, Mrs. Benjamin, Jr. Rushton, Mrs. Robert Rusk, Miss Phyllis M. Russell, Dr. E. D. Russell, Mrs. John, Jr. Russell, Mrs. John C. Russell, Mr. John E. Russell, Mr. N. F. S. Russell, Mr. R. P. Rust, Mrs. Philip G. Saam, Miss C. Elsa Sackett, Mrs. Benjamin R, Sadler, Mr. W. P. Saeger, Mr. Armin L. Safford, Miss Dorothy B. Sailer, Mrs. Joseph Salley, Miss Annie C. Salmon, Dr. Leon T. Salom, Mrs. John S. Salom, Mrs. Pedro, Jr. Sampler, Mrs. Herbert C. Samtmann, Mr. Martin Samuel, The Hon. Bernard Samuel, Miss Maria B. Sangree, Mrs. Nathan B. Sanson, Mrs. Albert W. Sappington, Miss Frances Sargent, Mrs. Winthrop, Jr. Sarisohn, Mrs, Joseph Satterthwaite, Mrs. Edward M Saul, Miss Ethel M. Saunders, Mrs. W. L. Sautter, Mrs. Albert C. Savage, Mrs. Ernest C. Savage, Mr. Walter P. Sawin, Mrs. Ellen Q. Sayre, Mrs. Frank G. Scattergood, Mrs. Alfred G. Scattergood, Mrs. J. Henry Scattergood, Mrs. Joseph, Jr. Scattergood, Mr. T. Walter Schaefer, Mrs. A. O. Schaefifer, Mrs. R. C, Jr. Schaeffer, Mr. Robert L., Jr. Schaffer, Mrs. Henry Schafifer, Hon. William L Schaffer, Mrs. William I. Schaible, Miss Eleanor D. Schall Mrs. Elmer Jay Schau, Mrs. Ernest G. Schaub, Mrs. F. Carter Schearer, Mr. H. F. Scheetz, Mrs. Francis H. Scheffey, Mrs. Lewis C. Scheffler, Dr. W. Scheibner, Mrs. Lawrence F. Schekter, Mr. Yale L. Schell, Miss Carolina M. Schelling, Mr. J. E. Schenck, Mrs. William A. Schierenbeck, Mr. L. 58 Schilling, Mrs. Charles F. Schimpf, Mrs. Henry L., Jr. Schiro, Mrs. Sidney L. Sohlegel. Mrs. C. A. Schlichter, Mrs. W. A. Schmelz, Dr. Ella E. Schmidt, Mrs. Frederick W. Schmidt, Mrs. Owen B. Schmieder, Mrs. Amalia I. Schmieder, Mrs. Rudolf Schmierer, Mrs. Wilson A. Schmitz, Mrs. Joeseph, Jr. Schmucker, Miss Katherine M, Schnars, Mrs. C. E. Schneider, Mrs. Albert J. Schneider Mr. Harry Schnell, Mrs. Virginia H. Schoenemann, Mr. Alfons Schoenemann, Mrs. Alfons Schoettle, Mr. Edwin J. Schoettle, Mrs. Edwin J., Jr. Schoettle, Mrs. Karl R. Schofer, Mrs. Charles A. Schofield, Mrs. Ella H. Schraishuhn, Mrs. Charles A. Schreck, Miss Marion E. Schroeder, Mrs. Gilliat G., Jr. Schroeder, Mrs. Seaton Schuck, Dr. Leon H. Schuman, Dr. Edward A. Schumm, Mrs. Charles A. Schutt, Mrs. Harold S. Schwartz, Dr. J. Irving Schwebel, Mr. William C. Schwerman, Mr. W. J. Schwind, Mrs. J. C. Schwoebel, Mr. Richard Scofield, Miss Edith E. Scott, Miss Alice A. Scott, Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Mrs. C. Marshall Scott, Mrs. Donald, Jr. Scott, Mrs. E. R. Scott, Mrs. Earl S. Scott, Miss Florence B. Scott, Mrs. I. M. Scott, Mrs. J. Hutchinson, Jr. Scott, Dr. R. Douglas Scott, Mrs. S. Weston Scott, Mrs. Samuel B. Scott, Mr. Walter Scott, Mrs. William R. Scull, Mrs. William C. Scull, Mrs. William S. Scully. Mrs. C. Alison Scully, Mrs. J. P. Seabrease, Mrs. N. McLean Seal, Miss Margaret L. Sealey. Mrs. William Seaman, Mr. J. W. Sears, Mr. Thomas Warren Sease, Mrs. Virgil B. Seaton, Mrs. W. B. Seaver, Mr. Howard E. Seeger, Mrs. Edward B. Seeley, Mrs. Oscar Seelye, Mrs. Theodore Seese, Mr. Charles E. Seese, Mr. Wilbur H. Segl, Mrs. Walter E. Seibel, Mrs. C. J. Seibel, Mrs. Karl Selden, Miss Elizabeth Selfridge, Miss Harriet B. Sellers, Miss Agnes P. Sellers, Mrs. Howard Sellers, Mrs. William F. Seltzer, Mr. Charles J., Jr. Bemple, Mrs. Brooks Semple, Miss Helen Serrill, Mr. William J. Service, Mrs. Charles A. Seward, Mrs. Harold Sexton, Mrs. Richard H, L. Seyler, Mr. H. G. Shafer, Mrs. Francis Hazen Shaffer, Mrs. Thomas C. Shallcross, Mrs. Thomas, Jr. Shand, Miss Helen E. Shank, Mrs. J. Aliller Shannon, Mr. David J. Shannon, Mr. Ellwood M. Sharp, Miss Estelle L. Sharp, Mrs. Joseph W. Sharpe, Mrs. John S. Sharpe, Mrs. Walter King 59 Sharpless, Miss Anna E. Sharpless, Mrs. C. L. Sharpless, Mrs. S. F. Shaw, Mrs. John S. Shaw, Mr. Richard M. Shaeffer, Mrs. Daniel M. Shearman, Miss Margaret H. Sheble, Mrs. Frank J. Sheble, Airs. J. Howard, Jr. Shectz, Miss Ella M. Sheetz, Mrs. John W., Jr. Sheldon, Mr. Howard W. Sheldrake, Mrs. J. A. Shcllenberger, Mr. Robert M,, Jr. Shelly, Mrs. Isaac H. Shelton, Mrs. Claude Shepherd, Mrs. Samuel G. Shepler, Mrs. Charles H. Sheppard, Mrs. Walter Lee Sheridan, Miss Kathleen Sherman, Mrs. Francis J. Shermer, Mrs. George G. Sherrerd, Mrs. William D. Sherred, Mrs. Wlliam D., Jr. Shilcock, Mrs. C. J. Shimer, Miss Florence L. Shimp, Mrs. Alfred P. Shindel, Mrs. G. F. Shisler, Mr. Randolph E. Shoemaker, Miss Annie C. Shoemaker, Mrs. B. H., 2nd Shoemaker, Mrs. Edward C. Shoemaker, Mrs. Edwin Shoemaker, Mrs. George E. Shoemaker, Miss Helen Shoenberger, Mr. Fred C. Shoellenberger, Mrs. Clarence L. Shourds, Mrs. Carrie R. Shrader, Miss Dorcas Shriver, Mrs. Robert £. Shryock, Miss G. A. Shryock, Mrs. J. G. Shutz, Mrs. Sherman Shuman, Mrs. F. R. Shupp, Miss Mary R. Shute, Mr. E. L. Sibley, Mrs. Walter G. Sidebotham, Mr. John B., Jr. Siebrecht, Mrs. Frederick J. Sienkiewicz, Mrs. C. A. Sigel, Mrs. Louis Silver, Mrs. Arthur W. Silverio, Mr. C. F. Silverman, Mrs. Sidney Simon, Mr. David H. Simon, Mrs. Grant M. Simon, Mrs. Oscar Simpler, Mr. Ernest G. Simpson, Mr. Andrew Simpson, Miss Mary A. Sims, Mrs. Joseph P. Sims, Mrs. Mary S. Sinclear, Mr. John S. Singer, Mrs. Edward Ira Sinkler, Mrs. Arthur Sinkler, Miss Caroline S. Sinkler, Mrs. James M. R. Sinkler, Miss Julia U. Sinkler, Mr. Wharton Sinkler, Mrs. Wharton Sipple, Mrs. Ernest W. Sissung, Mr. Emile P. Sitterlejr, Mrs. George M. Skinner, Mrs. Earl A. Skinner, Mrs. H. W. Skinner, Mr, Henry T. Skinner, Mrs. James M. Slack, Mrs. Frederick W. Slack, Mrs. John F. Slade, Mrs. Alexander T. Slaughter, Mrs. H. B. Slaymaker, Mrs. S. E. Slifer, Miss Levina Sloan, Mrs. Ella B. Sloan, Mrs. Wesley Small, Dr. James C. Smalley, Mrs. A. P. Smaltz, Miss Elizabeth F. Smathers, Mrs. William F. Smiley, Mrs. Ruth H. Smith, Mrs. Allan B. Smith, Mrs. Arthur Dearborn Smith, Mrs. Charles Harper Smith, Mrs. Clarence D. Smith, Mrs. Claude C. Smith. Mrs. David B. 60 Smith, Mrs. duPont Smith, Mrs. Edward B., Jr. Smith, Mrs. Edward Wanton Smith, Miss Elizabeth W. Smith, Miss Emily Stewart Smith, Mrs. Frank W. Smith, Mrs. G. Allen Smith, Mrs. G. Lathrop Smith, Mrs. George L., Jr. Smith, Mrs. George Mark Smith, Mrs. Harrison Smith, Mrs. Harvey F. Smith, Mrs. Hersheed G. Smith, Mrs. I. H. Smith, Mrs. J. LeRoy Smith, Mrs. Kenneth C. Smith, Mrs. Lyon Smith, Mrs. M. John Smith, Mrs. Malcolm M. Smith, Mrs. Manning J. Smith, Miss Marie Smith, Miss Mary C. Smith, Mrs. Miller Kline Smith, Miss Muriel Smith, Miss Pauline Smith, Mrs. Richard J. Smith, Mrs. Richard N. Smith, Mrs. Stanton M. Smith, Mrs. Sylvester B. Smith, Mrs. Sylvester LeRoy Smith, Mrs. W. Evans Smith, Mrs. V\'. F. Snader, Mrs. E. Roland, Jr. Snape, Mrs. J. Roy Snead, Mr. Thomas S. Snedaker, Mrs. E. R. Snellenburg, Mrs. Harry, Jr. Snodgrass, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Snodgrass, Dr. L. E. Snow, Mrs. Philip L Snow, Mrs. Robert K. Snyder, Miss Margaret R. Snyder, Mr. Richard M. Snyder, Mrs. Roy Hammond, Jr, Solis-Cohen, Mrs. Hays Somers, Mrs. Lewis S. Somervell, Mrs. Charles Stuart Sonneborn, Mrs. Henry Sonneborn, Mrs. John G. Spackman, Mrs. G. Donald Spackman, Mrs. Horace B. Spaeth, Miss M. Elisabeth Spaeth, Mrs. William L. C. Spahr, Mrs.Boyd Lee Spahr, Mrs. Boyd Lee Spahr, Mrs. Murray H., Jr. Sparks, Mr. C. Alpin Sparks, Mrs. Carvel Speakman, Miss Elisabeth B. Spearey, Mr. Frank Spiegelhalter, Mrs. Andrew Spencer, Miss Sarah H. Sporkin, Mrs. Walton Spooner. Mrs. H. T. H. Springer, Dr. H. L. Spruance, Miss Edith Spruance, Mrs. Russell Spruance, Mrs. W. C. Sprunt, Mrs. J. Laurence Staats, Mrs. Clarence S., Jr. Stackpole, Mrs. A. H. Stahl, Mr. Silas Stailey, Mrs. Cassandra Musser Stanley, Mrs. Clarence Stanley, Mrs. Herbert R. Stanton, Mrs. C. R. Stapf, Mrs. John Starr, Mrs. Charles S. Starr, Mrs. Edward, Jr. Starr, Mrs. Isaac Tatnall Starr, Mr. James Starr, Mrs. Ja-mes Staufifer, Mrs. L Y. Stavely, Miss Margaret C. Stayton, Mrs. S. Herbert Stearne, Mrs. Allen M. Steckbeck, Dr. Walter Steeble Mrs. William Hill Steel, Mrs. A. G. B. Steel, Mrs. Alfred Steel, Mrs. Edwin D., Jr. Steele, Mrs. Donald M. Steele, Mrs. Lylburn H. Steele, Mrs. William Steffe, Mrs. Robert P. Stehle, Mrs. Charles 61 Stehley, Mrs! K. A. Stein, Miss Inge Steinmetz, Mrs. Edward B. Steinmetz, Mrs. Edward R., Jr. Steinruck, Mr. Charles F., Jr. Stem, Mrs. S. G. Stemple, Miss Florence C. Stengel, Mrs. Alfred Stengel, Mrs. Alfred, Jr. Stephens, Mrs. Lucie L. Stephenson, Mr. Robert C. Stephenson, Mrs. W. B. Sterline, Miss Ellen M. Sterling, Mrs. Paul Stern, Mrs. Daniel M. Stern, Mrs. Ellis E. Sternbergh, Mrs. J. H. Sterne, Mrs. Carl L. Sterrett, Mrs. Robert J. Steveis, Mrs. Graham Stevenson, Miss Edith Stevenson, Mrs. Markley Stevenson, Mrs. W. Wesley Stewart, Mrs. Charles H. Stewart, Mrs. Fred S. Stewart, Mr. W. A. Stewart, Mr. W. Plunket Stiefel, Mr. Frank C. ■=' ■ Still, Mrs. R. A. Stillwagon, Mrs. Oscar H. ■'•■ Stiteler, Mr. Fred D. Stiver, Mrs. William C. ■■' Stokes, Mrs. Charles P . Stokes, Mrs. E. Lowber Stokes, Mrs. Francis J. Stckes, Mrs. J. Bispham Stokes, Mrs. J. S. Stokes, Mrs. J. Tyson Stokes, Mrs. Joseph, Sr. Stckes, Mrs. S. Emlen Stone, Mrs. Lela S. Stone, Mrs. Mary E. Stoner, Miss Judith V. Stoner, Mrs. R. A. Storey, Mrs. Douglass D. Stose, Mrs. C, Willis Stottlemyer, Mrs. Donald E. Stout, iVxT. C. Frelerick C. Stout, Mrs. C. Freaerick C. Stout, Mrs. F. Sturgis Stout, Mrs. Morris A. Stradley, Mr. Leighton P. Strang, Mr. Andrew H. Stratton, Mrs. Isadora \\ . Brown Straub, Mr. Eester (j. Strawbridge, Mrs. Francis R. Strawbridge, Mrs. Ruth G. K. Strawbridge, Mrs. Welsh Strawbridge, Mrs. William J. Strayer, Mr. Franklin R. Strecker, Mrs. Daniel E. Streeper, Mrs. Margaret M. Street, Mrs. Edward T. Street, Mrs. Gerald Basil Strickler, Mrs. Herman C. Strode, Mrs. E. Palmer Strong, Mrs. George Vaughan Stroud, Mrs. Morris W., 3rd Stroud, Mrs. WilHam F. Strube, Mrs. Harry L. Strumia, Mrs. Max M. Stuart, Mrs. George H., 3rd Stuart, Mr. T. Walter Stuart, Mrs. T. Walter Stuart, Mrs. William H. Stuetz, Mrs. Paul K. Stull, Miss Evelyn Lewis Stunzi, Mrs. J. Jacques Styer, Miss Ardella G. Styer, Mr. J. F. Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas J. Sulzer, Mrs. G. H. Summerill, Mrs. Marie Mendenhall Summers, Mrs. Annis S. Summers, Mrs. Clarence Lynne Sumniey, Mrs. Thomas J. Sunstein, Mrs. Leon C. Suplee, Mrs. H. B. Supplee, Mrs. DeWitt Supplee, Mr. F. N. Price Supplee, Mrs. Sidney A. Supplee, Mrs. Walter B. Sussel, Mr. Arthr" T. Sutherland, Miss i/orothy C. Sutherland, Mrs. E. W. 62 Sutliff, Mrs. Robert L. Sutphin, Miss Marie C. Swab, Miss Nellie A. Swain, Mrs. Alexander M. Swan, Mrs. J. Fred Swanson, Mrs. F. R. Swanstrom, Mrs. K. A. Swartley, Mrs. H. C. Swartz, Mr. H. C. Sweeton, Miss Hannah M, Sweigard, Mrs. Joseph L. Sweigard, Mrs. William J. Swenej', Mrs. Maurice V. Sykes, Mrs. Walter R. Synnestvedt, Mr>. Arthur Taber, Mrs. Donald Taggart, Mrs. Paul Leidy T?itt, Mrs. Walter B. Talbutt, Mrs. James F. Taney, Mrs. John C. Tanger, Mrs. Charles Y. Tanner, Mrs. Lyle R. Tappen, Miss Margaret P. Tarburton,Mrs. C. Tatn?ll, Mrs. H. Chace Tattersfield, Mrs. Percival Tatuni, Mrs. Charles M. Tauber, Mrs. John A. Taulane, Mrs. Edward G., Jr. Taws, Mrs. Edward Town Tajdor, Mrs. Albert J. Taylor, Mrs. Alexander H. Taylor, Miss Bertha A. Taylor. Mrs. Francis R. Taylor, Mr. George R. Taylor, Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, Mrs. Howard W., Jr. Taylor, Miss Jean Taylor, Mrs. L. T. Taylor, Mr. Louis B. Taylor, Mrs. M. Harrison Taylor, Mrs. Mary Stockton Taylor, Mrs. Norman H. Taylor, Mr. R.. B. Taylor, Mrs. R. B. Taylor, Mr. W. H. Teaf, Mrs. E. Adrian Teahan, Mrs. Roscoe W. Teare, Mrs. Robert C. Teller, Dr. William H. Tenney, Mrs. Frank Terrell, Mrs. Harrison Terrasse, Mrs. George L. Terry, Miss Frances W. Thatcher, Miss Hazel F. Thayer, Mrs. Edmund Thayer, Mrs. G. C. Thayer, Mrs. John B., 3rd Thiele, Miss Marguerite E. Thilow, Miss Mary L. Thomas, Mrs. Arthur H. Thomas, Mrs. Clarence W. Thomas, Mrs. Edward Osgood Thomas, Mr. Ernest Thomas, Miss Estelle Thomas, Mrs. George, 3rd Thomas, Mrs. George L. Thomas, Mrs. Lowell S. Thompson, Mrs. Arthur W. Thompson, Mrs. Barry E. Thompson, Mrs. Charles I. Thompson, Mr. Horace E. Thompson, Miss Lilias MacCrea Thompson, Miss Laura Thompson, Mrs. Pearl G. Thompson, Mrs. Ray Thompson, Mrs. Rodniaii Ellison Thomson, Mr.s. F. (i. Thomson, Mr. Harry Xelson Thomson, Miss Helen Georgia Thomson, Mrs. Walter S. Thorington, Mrs. Richard W. Thornton, Mrs. George H. Thornton, Mrs. Henry M, Thornton, Mrs. S. S. Thorson, Mrs. J. K. Thun. Mrs. Ferdinand Tidball, Mrs. William Tiers, Mrs. Joseph Tillinghast, Mrs. Henry VV. Tillotson, Mr. Harry Stanton Tily, Miss Ethel H. Tily, Mr. Harry C, 2nd Tily, Mrs. Harry C, 2nd Tily, Mrs. L. Herbert Timanus. Mrs Caroline O. 63 Timanus, Mrs. Reba W. Timnis, Mrs. H. Rowland Tindle, Mrs. James R. Tingle, Miss Eleanor Tingle, Mr. Leamon G. Tinney, Mrs. Eric Earle Tippetts, Mrs. Charles S. Tish, Mrs. Harry E. Tissier, Mr. L. L. Titherington, Mr. Robert J. Tobin, Miss Mildred Muriel Toby, Mrs. S. T. Todd, Miss Anne H. Toerring, Miss Helen C. Tolan, Mrs. Clarence, Jr. Toiand, Mrs. O, J. Toland, Mrs. Robert Tompkins, Mrs. J. Kirby Tompkins, Mrs. Robert V. Tonkin, Mr. John Tonner, Mrs. William T. Torongo, Mrs. Albert H. Torpin, Mr. Richard, Jr. Torrey, Mrs. James C. Toulmin, Mrs. Harrry Tourison, Mrs. A. S., Jr. Tourison, Mrs. Sedgwick C. Tourison, Mr. William H. Tourison, Mrs. William H. Tower, Mrs. Charlemagne Towle, Mrs. Joseph H. Towi, Mrs. Edwin C. Tdwnsend, Mrs. Charles D. Townsend, Mrs. John Barnes Townsend, Mrs. John W., Jr. Townsend, Mrs. Joseph B., Jr. Tracy, Mrs. Alan R. Trainer, Mrs. Edward Trainer, Mrs, M. W. Trasel, Miss Marie L. Trask, Mrs. John E. D. Trautwein, Mrs. George K. Travis, Mrs. Elizabeth Trescher, Mrs. Robert L. Tressler, Miss Mary Helen Treyan, Mr. Martin Trimble, Mrs. Thomas Hooker Trivett, Mrs. Robert B,, Jr. Trnka, Mrs. Frank R. Troutman, Mrs. Albert C. Trowbridge, Mrs. Edmund G» True, Mrs. Rodney H, Truitt, Mrs. R. M. Trump, Mrs. Robert W. Trumpelman, Mr. George Tyron, Mrs. Charles Z. Tunnell, Mrs. F. Harold Tunnell, Mrs. lona Turner, Mrs. D. Norman Turner, Miss Grace E. Turner, Mr. Walter B. Turner, Mr. William R. Turville, Dr. C. S. Tutein, Mrs. Dexter A. Tuttle, Mrs. B. G. Tuttle, Mrs. J. H. Tuttle, Mrs. William Tweed, Miss Jean M. Twining, Mrs. Iredell Tyler, Miss Mary G. Tyson, Mrs. Carroll S., Jr. Tyson, Mrs. Charles R. Tyson, Miss Helen Uhler, -Mr. Homer Ulrich, Mrs. William Umholtz, Mr. Walter E. Umsted, Mrs. Ralph B. Underdown, Mrs. Edna R. Ungemach, Miss Dena D. Vail, Mrs. James G. Valentine, Mrs. George S., Jr Valentine, Mrs. H. S., Jr. Valentine, Mrs. John R. Valle, Mrs. I. Bodine Vallier, Mrs. W. Taylor VanCulin, Mrs. William T. VanDerslice, Mrs. Thomas L. VanderVeer, Mrs. J. B. VanDoren, Mr. Harold VanDusen, Miss Katharine P. VanDusen, Mrs. Lewis H., Jr VanHorn, Mr. RoUin W. Vanlstendal, Mrs. Fred R. vanKeuren, Mrs. J. P. ViinNieukerken, Mr. J. M. A'an Patten. Mrs. Morris D. 64 VanPelt, Mrs. David Van Pelt, Mrs, John VanSciver, Mrs. J. B., jr. VanSciver, Mrs. Lloyd VanSciver, Mrs. Russell Vare, Miss Katharine M. Vauclain, Mrs. J. L. Vaughan, Miss Helen T. Vaug-han, Mrs. Ira Vaughan, Mr. Thomas D. Vaux, Miss Emily N. Vaux, Mrs. George, Jr. Verga, Mrs. Eugene F. Verlenden, Miss Marj' Vernon, Mrs. E. Campbell Vick, Mr. Albert F. W., Jr. Violek, Mrs. M. Viti, Miss Marie H. Voegel, Mr. Edwin L. Voegelin, Dr. Adrian W' . Vodges, Miss Dorothy Vodges, Mrs. Hamilton Vodges, Mr. Jesse T. Vodges, Mrs. Jesse T. Vogel, Mrs. Adolph Vogel, Mrs. Ferdinand L. Vogel, Mr. Fred F. Vollrath, Mrs. D. C. Volz, Mr. Frank C. vonHiller, Mrs. Frederick vonKessel, Mr. R. H. vonMoschzisker, Miss Bertha vonStarck, Mr. Ernest R. Voorhees, Mrs. Theodore C, Wade, Mrs. Francis A. Wadlinger, Mrs. F. Raymond Wagner, Mrs. Charles W. Wagner, Mrs. Earl G. Wagner, Mrs. Jesse L. Wagonhurst, Mrs. H. D. Wainwright, Mrs. F. King Wainwright, Mrs. T. F. Dixon Walbaum, Miss Evelina C. Walbridge, Mrs. C. C. W.Tldman,Mrs. John L. IWalker, Miss Isabella Walker, Mrs. John White Walker, Mrs. Paul Walker, Mr,^. Thomas Newton Walker, Mr. Thomas P. Walker, Mrs. Thomas P. Walker, Mrs. William T. Walker, Mrs. William W. Walking, Dr. Adolph A. Walking. Mrs. Adolph A. Wall, Mr. Eugene W. Wallace, Miss Kate S. Wallace, Mrs. Malvin B. Wallace, Mrs. Nathaniel Wallbridge. Mrs. John Walleigh. Mr. J. Walter Wallem, Mrs. Axel B. Waller, Maj.-Gen. L. W. T., Jr. Wallis, Mrs. Allan D. Wallis, Mrs. Philip Walsh, Mrs. J. Edward Walsh, Miss Margaret M. Walter, Miss Helen J. C. Walton, Miss Dorothea Walton, Mrs. Finley L. Walton, Mrs. Georgia Bonnell Walton, Mrs. Henry F., Jr. Walton, Miss Olive V. Walton, Mr. W. W. Waltz, Dr. Arthur D. Wanamaker, Mrs. Ernest Wanamaker, Miss Louise Wanjek, Mrs. Emma Ward, Mrs. William, 3rd Warden, Mrs. C. A. Wardenburg, Mrs. F. A. Wardenski, Miss Helen M. Warner, Mrs. A. W. Warner, Miss Alice Warner, Mrs. Frederick H., Jr. Warner, Mrs. Irving Warner, Miss Tva B. Warner, Mrs. M. B. Warner, Mr. Maurice E. Warner. Mrs. William R., 3rd Warnock, Mrs. A. Degrauw Warriner, Mrs. Jesse B. Warriner, Mrs. Samuel D. War-riner, Mrs. Sarah Warrington, Mrs. William Edward Wartman, Mr. .\rthur H. 65 Warwick Mr. I'.dward Wash1)urn, Mrs. Loui.s M. Washburn, Miss Mildred 1". Wassell, Mrs. William S. ^Vasserman, Mrs. Hortensia L. Wasserman, Mrs. Joseph Waterer, Mr. Anthony Waterer, Mr. Harr}- M. Waterman, Mrs. Fred W., Jr. ^^'aters, Mrs. Anna P. Waters, Mrs. Edward A\'at-oiis, Mrs. Dana A. Watsdn, Mrs. Carl P>. Watson, Mrs. C. Xewbold Watson, Mrs. F. K. Watson, Mrs. John Warren Watson, Mr. Joseph Harold Watson, Mrs. William Newbold Watt, Miss Marjorie Watts, Miss Caroline Z. Watts, Mrs. G. Martin Brill. Watts, Mrs. William Walter Way, Mrs. Channing Way, Mrs. Frank T. Way, Mrs. John Wear, Mrs. Joseph ^\'. Wear, Mrs. William Potter Weaver, Miss Florence S. Weaver, Mrs. William M., Jr. Webb. Mr. Albert J. Webber, Mrs. Harold Weber, Mrs. Charles W. W^eber, Mr. Edmoind S. Weber, Mrs. John iWebster, Mrs. Harold S. Webster, Mrs. Maurice A. Webster, Mrs. William, Jr. Weidenbacher, Mr. R. h. WeihenmaA-er, Mrs. William J. Weinfield, Mrs. Benjamin S. Weisel, Mr. Oscar W. Weisenbach, Mrs. Fred A. Weiss, Mrs. Edward W^eldin, Mrs. Thomas T., Jr. Wells, Mr. Arthur B. Wells, Mrs. Warren M. Welsh, Mrs. C. Newbold Welsh, Mrs. Robert F. Welsh, Mr>. .Stanley A. Wendell, Mrs. Douglas Wendell, Mr. E. J. ^^'enricl^, Mrs. George A. Wertsner, Miss Anne B. Wertz, Mr. W. Clay Wesp, Mr. Clarence A. Wessels, Mr. A. M. West, Mr. Harold W. West, Mrs. Harry F. West, Mrs. J. M. West, Mrs. Walter H., Jr. West, Mrs. W^illiam T. Westcott, Mr. Earle V. Weston. Mrs. F. \\\ Wetherald. Mrs. Rober P. Wetherill. Mrs. John L. Wetherill, Miss Sara K. Wetherill, Mrs. W. Chattin Wetherill, Mrs. Webster K. Wetzel, Mrs. Carrol R. Wetzel, Mrs. Richard C. Weygandt, Mrs. Leslie G. Weyl, Mrs. Julius Wharton, Mrs. S. Brinton Wheeler, Mrs. Charles E. Wheeler, Miss Olive Wheelock, M-s. L. Ward. Jr. Wheelock, Mrs. Louis W. ^\■he^■]wrisl^t. Mrs. Robert Whelen. Mrs. T. Duncan Whipple, Mrs. Richard J. Whitaker, Mrs. Anthony H. Whitaker, Mrs. Clara P. Whitaker, Mrs. Howard F. Whitaker, Mrs. James L. Whitaker, Mr. Tristram Coffin Whitaker, Mr. Walter J. Whitall, Miss Matilda F. Whitby, Mrs. Louis B. White, Mrs. Allen Hunter White. Mrs. Barclay White, Mr. Edward J. White, Mrs. H. B. White, Mrs. J. Mercer White, Mrs. Karl K., Jr. \\'hite, Mrs. Miriam White. Mr. Rav Hill 66 1 White, Mrs. Robert V. White, Mrs. S. S., 3rd White, Mrs. Theodore B. White, Mrs. Thomas R., Jr. White, Mrs. W. W. White, Mrs. Waher Roads White, Mrs. William Whitehead, Mrs. C. P. Whitehurst, Mrs. Roland Whiteley, Mrs. George H., Jr. Whiting, Mrs. Allen E. Whitman, Mrs. Francis C. Whitmore, Mrs. L. M. Whitney. Mrs. George F. Whitney, Mrs. Harold VV. Whitney, Mrs. W. Beaumont, 2nd Whitsit, Mrs. L. A. Whitson, Mrs. Benjamin F. Whitson, Mrs. T. Barclay Whittaker, Mr. Charles G. Whittier, Mrs. Warren F. Why, Miss Marjorie T. Widdows, Miss Jane H. Widener, Mr. George D. Wiedemann, Mrs. Otto F. |Wiederhoid, Mr. I.ouis, Jr. Wiederhold, Mrs. Louis, Jr. Wiederseim, Mrs. Theodore E. Wiedersheim, Mrs. William A. Wiesner, Dr. E. E. Wilbor, Mrs. Otis Wilde, Prof. E. I. Wilder, Mrs. Theodore S. Wildman, Mr. Edward E. Wiley. Mr. Earl C. Wiley, Mrs. Ellen P. Wilford, Mrs. E. Burke Wilgus, Mrs. Russell H. Wilhelm, Mrs. Katharine Wilkening, Mrs. Carl Wilkerson, Mrs. Irene K. Wilkins, Mr. George W. Willaman, Mrs. J. J. Willard, Mrs. De Forest P. Willcox, Mrs. J. Taney Willco.x, Mrs. Mark Williams, Mrs. .\lbert J. Williams, Mrs. Alfred H. Williams, Mrs. Bradford Williams, Mrs. C. Fay William^. Mrs. C. H. Williams, Mr. David E. Williams, Mrs. Earl W. Williams, Miss Elizabeth D. Williams, Dr. Horace James Williams, Mrs. John C. Williams, Mrs. John G. Williams, Mrs. John R., Jr. Williams, Mrs. J. Randall, Jr. jWilliams, Mrs. LeRoi John Williams, Mrs. Myrtle C. Willian)s, Mrs. M. D. Williams, Mrs. Thomas S. Williamson, Mrs. John F. Williamson, Mrs. William C. Willing, Mr. Charles Willing, Mrs. Charles Willing, Mr. E. S. Wlilits. Mrs. M. X.. Jr. Wllloughby. Mr. Alfred S. Wills, Mrs. Frank A. Wilmerding, Mrs. David R. Wilson, Mrs. Alexander Wilson, Miss Beatrice A. Wilson, Miss Edith Wilson, Mrs. Ernest S. Wilson. Mrs. Florence W. Wilson, Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. George F. Wilson, Mrs. George H. Wilson, Mrs. Harold C. Wilson, Miss Helen Wilson, Mrs. John L. Wilson, Mr. John Windley Wilson, Mrs. Miriam D. Wilson, Mrs. Percy H., Jr. Wilson, Mrs. Ralph G. Wilson, Mrs. Reynolds D. Wilson, Mrs. Stanley E. Wilson, Mrs. Winfield S. Wimbrow, Mrs. David H. Windle, Mrs. W. Butler Winkler, Mrs. Alma Winokur, Miss Marie Winsor, Mrs. James D., Jr. Winters, ^Irs. Esther J. Wintersteen, Mrs. John Wirz. yirs. Henry M. 67 Wisdom, Mrn. Ruy H. Wismer, Mr. Russell Wistar Mr. Frederic Vaux Wistar, Miss Rebecca B. Wister, Mrs. Caspar Wister, Mr, John C. Wister, Mrs. L. Caspar Wister, Mrs. Lewis \\ . Wiswall, Mrs. Charles L. Witman, Miss Elsie F. Witmer, Mrs. Robert H. Witney, Mr. George W. Witney, Mrs. Laura V. Wolcott, Mrs. Darwin S. Wolcott, Miss Helen V. Wolcott, Mrs. Robert W. Wolf, Mrs. Benjamin Wolf, Mrs. Elias Wolf, Mrs. Eugene Wolfe, Mrs. Thomas Wolfenden, Mrs. T. T., Jr. Wolferth, Mrs. Charles C. Wolfif, Mrs. Donald G. Wolfif, Miss Ruth M. Wolfgram, Mrs. Irving Wolfinger, Mrs. Don L. Wollersheim, Mr. Andrew Woltemate, Miss Mab-1 E. Wood, Mrs. Alan D. Wood, Mrs. Arthur King Wood, Mr. Charles M. Wood, Mrs. Charles Martin Weed, Miss Dorothea Wood, Mrs. E. Stearns Wood, Mrs. Edward F. R. Wood, Mrs. Francis C. Wood, Mr. P^ranklin C. ^Vood, Mrs. George B. ^'^'ood, Mrs. George B. Wood, Mrs. George R. Wood, Mr. Grahame Wood, Mr. Harry Wood, Mrs. Howeird, Jr. Wood, Mr. James Brian AVood, Miss M. Estelle Wood, Miss Marion B. Wood, Mrs. R. D., 2nd Wood, Mrs. Richard D. Wood, Mrs. Richard D., Jr. Wood, Mrs. Robert F. Wood, Miss Sarah Keen Wood Mrs. T. B. Wood, Mrs. Thomas A. Woodall, Mrs. John Woodhouse, Mrs. S. W Woodroffe, Mrs. G. Henry Woods, Mrs. Ralph Woodward, Mrs. C. Wendell Woodward, Mrs. G. A. Woodwar'd, Mrs. George Woodward, Mrs. George, Jr. Woodward, Mrs. Samuel Woolman, Mr. Edward Woolman, Mrs. Edward Woolman, Mrs. Henry N, Woolmington, Mr. Edgar T» Woolston, Mrs. W. V. Wootten, Mrs. J. Francis Worrall, Miss Emma Worrall, Miss Laura K. Worrell, Mrs. Granville, II Worrell, Miss Harriet E. Worth. Mrs. George S Worthington, Mr. Hood Worthington, Mrs. J. Wyman Wriggins, Mrs. Charles C. Wright, Mrs. Harrison B. Wright, Mrs. I. O. Wright, Mrs. John Castle Wright, Miss Mary F. Wright, Mrs. Minturn T., Jr. Wright, Mrs. Philip H. Wright, Mrs. Randolph Wright. Mrs. Raymond D. B. Wright, Mrs. Robert C. Wright, Mr. Sydney L. Wright, Mrs. William Coxe Wright, Mrs. William E. Wrigley, Mrs Edward Wunderle,Mrs. Horace G. Wurts, Mrs. C. S. Wurts, Mrs. C. S., Jr. Wurts, Mr. John Wister Wynn, Mrs. J. M. Wynne, Mr. Thomas Elliott Yardley, Mrs. John L. M. Yardley, M!r. Mahlon Yarnall, Mr. F. H. 68 I Yates, Mr. Harry O., Jr. Yeager, Miss Anne Yeager, Mrs. Ernest M. Yeatman, Miss Georgina Pope Yerger, Mrs. Wilson S. Yerkes, Mrs Milton R. Yocum, Mrs. Howard H. Yohn, Mrs. John A. York, Mrs. Edward H., Jr. Young, Miss Mabel Chant Young, Miss Martha H. Young, Mrs. Willard Zantzinger, Mrs. Alfred Zantzinger, Mrs. C. C. Zebley, Mrs. John H , Jr. Zeisberg, Mr. Carl Zeisse, Mr. Richard William Zell, Mrs. John J. Zelley, Miss Grace S. Zieget, Miss Marcia Stuart Ziegler, Mrs. William D. Ziegler, Mr. William H. Ziesing, Mrs. Richard, Jr. Zimbalist, Mrs. Efrem Zimmerman, Dr. L. Wilbur IKminerman, Mrs. L. W. Zimmerman, Dr. Mason W. Zimmermann, Mrs. Graham Zimmermann, Mr. William Zimmermann, Mrs. William Zinsser, Mrs. John S. Zipf, Mr. Carl H. Zorn, Mrs. George Zuck, Mrs. Arthur P. Zag, Mrs Charles K. Zwallv, Mrs. E. L. 69 am HecroloijY The following is a list of the members of this Society whose deaths have been reported during the year. LIFE Mrs. John Hampton Barnes Mrs. James Wilson Carr Miss Helen Dougherty Mr. John A. Fritz Mr. O. A. Muller Mr. Thomas Newhall Mr. George Parmly Mrs. George D Rosengarten Mrs. D. Fitzhugh Savage Miss Frances Wood ANNUAL Dr. Peter H. Brearley Miss Jane Brinton Miss Margaret Brown Mrs. Edmund C. Grain Mr. Edward C. Dale Mrs. H. Craig Danby Mrs. Wayne Ridgway Donachy Mr. Houston Dunn Mrs B. Dobson Eastman Mrs. Howard S. Eckels Mrs. Chester N. Godfrey Mrs. Robert A. Griffith Mr. Arthur Hauenstein Miss Florence Henderson Mrs. Albert M. Hooven Mr. J. D. Latimer Mr. William S. B. McCaleb Mrs Bessie McRoberts Mr. M. P. Mills Mr. Simeon Nixon Mrs. Charles L. Patterson Mr. WilHam J. Peck Mrs. Samuel S. Pennock Mr. George S. Robbins Mrs. George S Robbins Mrs. Walton R. Romig Mr. Alfred A. Rust Mrs. Lewis Lawrence Smith Mr. Lee Sowden Mr. Morris A. Stout Mrs. Joseph B. Townsend Mrs. Swithin C. Walker Miss Hepsey Norris Wells Mr. W. A. Whittaker Mrs. Edward H. Worth 70