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Neural Adaptations in the Visual Pathway of Certain Heliconiine Butter- flies, and Related Forms, to Variations in Wing Coloration. By S. L Swihart. Figures 1-8 1 2. Preliminary Studies on The Isolation of Pterins from the Wings of Heli- coniid Butterflies. By John Baust. Text-figures I-IV 15 3. Underwater Sound Production by Captive California Sea Lions, Zalophus calijornianus. By Ronald J. Schusterman, Roger Gentry & James Schmook. Plates I-V. 21 Zoologica is published quarterly by the New York Zoological Society at the New York Zoological Park, Bronx Park, Bronx, N. Y. 10460, and manuscripts, subscriptions, orders for back issues and changes of address should be sent to that address. Subscription rates: $6.00 per year; single numbers, $1.50, unless otherwise stated in the Society’s catalog of publications. Second-class postage paid at Bronx, N. Y. Published June 23, 1967 1 Neural Adaptations in the Visual Pathway of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies, and Related Forms, to Variations in Wing Coloration1 S. L SWIHART Department of Biology N. Y. State University College Fredonia, New York 14063 (Figures 1-8) [This paper is a contribution from the William Beebe Tropical Research Station of the New York Zoological Society at Simla, Arima Valley, Trinidad, West Indies. The station was founded in 1950 by the Zoological Society’s Department of Tropical Re- search, under Dr. Beebe’s direction. It comprises 250 acres in the middle of the Northern Range, which includes large stretches of government forest reserves. The altitude of the research area is 500 to 1800 feet, and the annual rainfall is more than 100 inches. [For further ecological details of meteorology and biotic zones, see “Introduction to the Ecology of the Arima Valley, Trinidad, B.W.I.” by William Beebe, Zoologica, 1952, 37 (13) 157-184. [The success of the present study is in large meas- ure due to the cooperation of the staff at Simla, especially of Jocelyn Crane, Director. The author particularly wishes to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Dr. Donald R. Griffin, Dr. Michael Emsley, and Mr. John G. Baust], Introduction THE EXPERIMENTS which form the basis of this paper were stimulated by the well-known responsiveness of butter- flies to visual stimuli of various colors. Behav- ioral observations of this phenomenon include those of Eltringham ( 1933), Ilse ( 1 937 ) . Mag- nus (1956), and most particularly those of Crane (1955, 1957). Supported by grants (GB-2331 and GB-4218) from the National Science Foundation. Crane’s demonstration of the responsiveness of Heliconius erato to orange-red stimuli in feed- ing and courtship behavior prompted a series of experiments designed to determine the physio- logical basis of this special sensitivity to long wavelengths. These experiments (Swihart, 1963, 1964, 1965) have demonstrated that: (1) the visual system of H. erato includes at least two types of receptors, one maximally sensitive to blue-green and the other peaking in the red (ca. 620 m^); (2) the receptors interact with each other producing an electroretinogram (ERG) waveform with a distinct color component; (3) specific neural pathways are associated with these receptors. Recordings from the internal chiasma, medulla interna, and the vicinity of the optic nerve demonstrate a spectral sensitivity which indicates a particularly close association between the red receptors and the main pathway of information to the brain. The behavioral sensitivity of this species seems, therefore, to be related not to any special modification of the receptors, but rather to the development of pathways which “selected” the output from those receptors which transduced information with special biological significance. The basic hypothesis emanating from these observations was that there was a selective ad- vantage in developing neural mechanisms which demonstrate disproportionate sensitivity to the basic wing coloration, presumably because of the role played by such colors in releasing court- ship behavior. This hypothesis invited testing by 1 2 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 conducting experiments on forms other than erato , which possessed different wing coloration, to determine how general this mechanism might be, and the degree of adaptive flexibility afforded by such a system. This paper reports the pre- liminary results of such a comparative study. Methods and Materials Standard electrophysiological techniques were employed. Intact organisms were rigidly mount- ed with plasticene as previously described (Swi- hart, 1963, 1964). Evoked potentials were re- corded from the optic lobe with a semi-micro (ca. 500 kohm), 3M KC1 filled, glass electrode. On the basis of previous experiments (Swihart, 1965), a technique was developed for placing the electrode almost directly into the medulla interna, via a minute hole in the posterior (occi- put) region of the head. Usually only very small additional movements of the electrode were re- quired to obtain the long-latency, negative polarity, response characteristic of the medulla interna (see fig. 15, Swihart, 1965). In order to ascertain that the preparation was continuing to yield “normal” responses to photo- stimulation, ERGs were recorded simulta- neously with a sub-corneal steel electrode. Ex- periments were terminated if there was any change in the ERG waveform. Potentials were amplified with Grass P6 D.C. amplifiers, displayed on a Tektronix four beam 564 oscilloscope, and photographed with a Grass C-4 camera for subsequent measurement. Photostimulation was accomplished with a laboratory constructed stimulator which, auto- matically, sequentially introduced a series of 15 narrow-band interference filters into an optical system, and provided a 100 msec, stimu- lus at each wavelength, at a preset and con- stant interval, usually about one minute. The stimulus duration was chosen as the shortest which would ensure production of all the com- ponents of the ERG (Swihart, 1964). Preparations were aligned so that the stimu- lating beam, focused by a microscope objective, illuminated nearly an entire eye. The beam axis was perpendicular to the center of the cornea. Histological studies which have been conducted on a number of the forms selected for this study (Morpho, Agraulis, H. sarae, and H. erato), and physiological experiments involving the stimulation of small portions of the eye (of H. erato), have not demonstrated any anatom- ical or physiological differentiation between various regions of the eye. Peak transmission points of the interference filters were fairly uniformly spaced throughout the visible spectrum from 404 m,u. to 709 m/x. Through the use of a specially-ground, color- compensating filter, and sandwiched gelatin fil- ters, the stimulus energy at each wavelength was held constant (± 20%) as determined with an Eppley thermopile. Equipment was not available for making small, calibrated adjustments in stimulus inten- sity, hence “spectral sensitivity” (threshold en- ergy) curves were not attempted, rather the electrical magnitude of the response to a stand- ard stimulus of about 5 x 103 microwatts/cm2 was determined. Spectral efficiency curves were constructed by running through the series of 15 filters three times for each preparation. The magnitude of the response to a particular stimulus was eval- uated as a percentage of the largest response to any filter in that particular series. The per- centage responses to the three successive series were then averaged to produce the curve for a single preparation. The technique of recording the amplitude of the response, seemed justified since the magnitude of the medulla interna response demonstrates a nearly linear relation- ship to the log of the intensity of stimulation, within the range of intensities studied. In this range, a tenfold increase in white light intensity, produces an increase in response magnitude of about 30%. Experimental material was normally captured in the wild and maintained in large outdoor insectaries. This technique permitted the selec- tion and testing of only healthy animals. Wing spectral reflectance characteristics were measured with a Bausch & Lornb “Spectronic 20” spectrophotometer with reflectance attach- ment. This equipment measures the reflectance of an area approximately 2 mm x 8 mm. Only specimens which appeared to be newly emerged were used for such determinations. It will doubtlessly be noted that the number of specimens of each species investigated is fre- quently very small. It is hoped that this will be understood as related to certain problems which were encountered, including: (1) the physical difficulty of capturing healthy specimens of cer- tain elusive and rare species, notably Philae- thria and Morpho; (2) the extremely delicate nature of these organisms which results in their entering a state of “shock” if handled roughly. This condition is evidenced by abnormal be- havior, including strong positive phototaxis, and highly aberrant evoked potentials, usually ac- companied by very large (ca. 5 mV) low-fre- quency spontaneous discharges; (3) the neces- sity of limiting the observations to only those individuals which produced strong “day” type electroretinograms (Swihart, 1963); (4) the problems in placing the micro-electrode into the 1967] Swihart: Neural Adaptations of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies 3 intact organism in such a manner that it reaches the very limited region near the medulla interna, which yields the long-latency negative poten- tials, without inducing operative trauma, and its resultant massive spontaneous activity. Six species of butterflies were selected for this study. All belong to the family Nymphalidae. Four are members of the subfamily Heliconii- nae, while the Morphinae is represented by one form ( Morpho), and the Nymphalinae by Vic- torina. Studies were begun on Heliconius same be- cause of its fairly close relationship with the subject of previous experiments, H. erato. In Trinidad, erato is a small black butterfly (2Vi" wingspread) with bright red spots on the fore- wings. H. sarae is, in many respects, a very similar butterfly, with the most obvious differ- ence being the substitution of a pair of bright yellow bands on each forewing. In addition there is a moderately strong blue irridescence on the hind wings. Heliconius ricini was chosen because it offered an “intermediate” color pattern to sarae and erato. In ricini, the black “base” color of the wings is broken by forewing yellow bands (as in sarae ) , but a large red hindwing spot is also present. H. sarae and ricini are the most closely related of the forms tested. Both belong to the same species-group as discussed by Emsley (1965). The third form chosen, Agraulis vanillae, was selected because its color pattern is similar to that of a number of other primitive Heliconiinae. That is to say, the wings are predominantly bright orange in color. Even a cursory glance at the variety of wing color patterns characteristic of the Heliconiinae demonstrates a single basic plan. This is a long- wavelength color with a contrasting dark brown or black. It can be seen that the aforementioned forms are representative of this basic pattern. However, for purposes of investigating the phy- siological adaptations of the visual pathway, it seemed desirable to investigate forms with an unusual wing coloration. Initially, it was hoped that studies could be made on the rare, pre- dominantly green heliconiine, Philaethria dido; however, only a single healthy specimen of this species was obtained, and observations were ex- tended to the very similarly marked nymphalid. V ictorina steneles. Finally, to further extend the variety of wing colors, observations were made on the blue- winged Morpho peleides. The results of the observations on each species will be considered separately. Results Heliconius sarae thamar Hubner A total of eight individuals that were tested yielded acceptable responses, i.e., long-latency negative potentials. A ninth individual produc- ing such responses became erratic before the experiment was completed; however, its per- formance in the early stages of the experiment gave a clear indication of its sensitivity. It was found that the spectral efficiency curves produced by these individuals were far from be- ing identical to each other. Examination of the curves revealed that they could be separated into two distinct types, with each category being fairly homogeneous. Figures 1 and 2 show these two types of curves. Four individuals demon- strated a sensitivity peak in the orange-red por- tion of the spectrum (ca. 620 m^); the remain- der were maximally sensitive to green. In spite of the small sample size, the differ- ences between these two curves is so great that there is no statistical basis for doubting that they represent two distinct populations. Thus, for example, one obtains by comparing the per- centage responses at a single wavelength (523 nr/t) , at value of 4.78, with a n = 7*. The proba- bility that the responses represent different popu- lations is thus greater than 0.995. If this analysis is carried to additional points on the spectra, no reasonable doubt can remain. The red-sensitive curve peaks at 620 mp, and in this respect is very much like the responses recorded from erato. However, there is a dif- ference between the two forms in their sensi- tivity to shorter wavelengths. Thus, the response of sarae to stimulation with short wavelengths is, on the average, considerably greater than erato (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows the spectral reflectance curves of the erato red pigment, and the sarae yellow. It can be seen that the yellow color could ac- tually be described as “blue negative,” since it actually reflects about the same amount of red as does the erato pigment. If one, therefore, con- siders the difference between these colors in terms of a greater reflectance of mid and short- er wavelengths, there is a parallel in the differ- ences between the reflectance and spectral effi- ciency curves in the two forms. which is an approximation of a longer formula giv- en by Welch (1947). 4 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 100" 90" 80" 70" iu c n z o CL CO LU tr 60- 50" z (UJ o QC UJ OL 40" 30" 20" 10' • 0 I I I V— -i— ■ I I i- I I- r" I H 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 WAVE LENGTH IN MJJ Figure 1. One of the two types of spectral efficiency curves found to be characteristic of Heliconius sarae. Mea- surements were based upon the magnitude of long-latency, summated potentials of negative polarity in the vicinity of the medulla interna. See text for details of technique. Vertical bars indicate the limits of observed variability between individuals, i.e., the maximum and minimum responses to any given wave- length. Illustration is a semi-diagramatic representation of the dorsal surface: unshaded portions corre- spond to the areas of yellow pigmentation. Shaded area represents the distribution of near black wing pigmentation. Unless otherwise noted, all subsequent diagrams are to the same scale. The other type of spectral efficiency curve was recorded with the same frequency as the red-sensitive one (four of each, with the pre- viously mentioned ninth being red sensitive). It would appear that the sensitivity of these or- ganisms was largely determined by the green- sensitive receptor system with a slight and vari- able skew produced by the presence of the red system. At this time it is impossible to identify the factors which contribute to the differences be- tween these two types of individuals. All the organisms were tested at approximately the same time of day (late morning), and demon- strated similar “day” type electroretinograms. Three males and one female yielded the red- sensitive curve, while three females and one male produced the green curve. The age of the individuals was not known since they were all wild caught specimens. It should be remembered, however, that be- havioral observations on butterflies have demon- strated rather dramatic shifts in the colors to which they will respond, depending upon their physiological state. Thus, Ilse (1937) showed that while Pieris brassiccie selected red, yellow or blue colors in its feeding behavior, it became specially responsive to the color green when in- volved in egg-laying behavior. It may well be that such shifts in spectral sensitivity represent a measurable index of the rather abstract con- cept of "physiological state.” Heliconius ricini (L.) A total of eight specimens of this species pro- 1967] Swihart: Neural Adaptations of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies 5 100-r 90- « Id CD 2 O CL CD LU CC 80- " 70- - 60- • 50 uj 40 o QC a 30' 20- • 10- * 0 L-h 400 H. erato -I i i I I t i I - I I I - 450 500 550 600 650 700 WAVE LENGTH IN MJJ Figure 2. Alternate type of spectral efficiency curve that may be recorded from Heliconius sarae which demon- strates far greater sensitivity to long wavelengths than does the curve in Figure 1. Also included in the figure, for purposes of comparison, is the comparable average spectral efficiency curve recorded from four individuals of the species Heliconius erato (dot-dash-line). Also figured is the distribution of red pigmention in the forewings of H. erato. duced acceptable responses. In spite of the fact that the wing coloration of this form can be considered to be intermediate between sarae and erato (i.e., has both red and yellow mark- ings), the responses were entirely similar to sarae. Thus three of the individuals yielded spectra peaking in the red (Fig. 4) (620 m/x), with no significant differences from the sarae red-sensitive curve. One of the specimens tested was most interesting in that the nature of its response changed during the course of the ex- periments. The responses to the initial filter series indicated a maximum sensitivity to red. A gradual change took place, without any ap- parent change in the waveform of the response, so that by the time the organism was stimulated by a fourth series of filters, the response was plainly maximally sensitive to green light. The remainder of the organisms tested pro- duced the non-specific green-sensitive curve. Agraulis vanillae vanillae (L.) Five specimens of this primarily orange-col- ored butterfly produced acceptable responses. The averaged responses of these individuals pro- duced a curve which is distinctively different from any which had been previously recorded (Fig. 5). In many respects, this spectrum can be considered to be entirely intermediate be- tween the two sarae spectra. Thus, Agra it I is demonstrates a curve peaking in the orange, less sensitivity to short wavelengths than the sarae green curve, and less sensitivity to long wave- lengths than the sarae red curve. These differ- ences are so great that there is little or no over- lap of even those responses demonstrating the 6 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 Figure 3. Spectral reflectance characteristics of various heliconiine wing pigments as measured against a magne- sium carbonate standard. Intact wings were mounted on a nonreflective backing before being inserted into the spectrophotometer. No differences in reflectance exist between similar appearing areas in the various species, e.g., erato and ricini red are identical. greatest variance from the mean in most of the aforementioned portions of the spectrum. It will be noted that, like erato, only a single type of response was recorded from this species. Philaethria dido dido Clerck and Victorina steneles (L.) It was hoped that observations could be made on the green-winged heliconiine Philaethria as it would provide a form with a markedly differ- ent wing coloration. Unfortunately, not a single wild specimen could be obtained. Several eggs were located, however, and a single healthy specimen was raised in the laboratory. Testing of this individual did indeed produce responses showing a distinctive peak in the green. Regret- tably, no additional specimens were available to confirm these observations. Because of the shortage of Philaethria, it was decided to make observations on the remarkably similar nympha- lid Victorina. These forms are so similar that they can be easily confused. The resemblance is much more profound than mere superficial appearance. Both forms have developed their green coloration by a most interesting technique. In the green areas of the wings, the scales are either much reduced, or missing, and the pig- mentation is within the wing membranes. The coloration itself appears to be due to the pres- ence of two pigments. One of these absorbs in the blue (i.e., appears yellow) and can be ex- tracted with ether, leaving an insoluble blue compound behind (Fig. 6). It seems likely that this unusual wing coloration is due to haemo- lymph pigments (Hackman, 1952) since Vic- torina’s blood and eggs are both bright grass- green. Four specimens of Victorina were tested and found to resemble Philaethria in visual mecha- nisms as well as in pigmentation. Figure 7 shows 1967] Swihart: Neural Adaptations of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies 7 100" 90" 80" 70" iLl z 60" o CL CD C 50" t— 2 40" o cr S 30“ 20" 10" 0 L=4 i 1 I — f -I ■" * I -i - I I i — i - 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 WAVE LENGTH IN MJU Figure 4. One of the two spectral efficiency curves characteristic of Heliconius ricini. Note the great similarity to Figure 2. The other type of curve is similar to the same “green-sensitive” curve illustrated in Figure 1. Unshaded areas of illustration correspond to the distribution of the yellow pigment, while the lightly shaded area represents the hind-wing red spots. the luminosity curve produced by these indi- viduals which clearly peaks at about 565 mp.. There can be no doubt that this curve is dis- tinctly different from the green-sensitive curve of sarae. At virtually every wavelength longer than the 565 m/x maximum, the Victorina re- sponses are so greatly reduced that there is very little, if any, overlap with even those sarae show- ing the greatest deviation from the mean. The curve recorded from the single Philae- thria was entirely similar to that produced by Victorina, and fell well within the limits of Vic- torina variability. Morpho peleides insularis Fruhstorfer It was considered advisable to make tests on a form with a primarily blue wing coloration. Since there is no such heliconiine in Trinidad, it was decided to utilize the large blue-violet morphine Morpho peleides. This butterfly is well known to show a special sensitivity to the color blue. For many years, professional collectors have used this fact to assist in the capture of this elusive species, with its highly prized iridescent physical coloration. Two specimens of this species were fully tested for spectral efficiency. The electrical re- sponses produced by these organisms were found to be so different from the responses of the heliconiine that direct comparison is diffi- cult. The electroretinograms show none of the complexities, described in detail for erato (Swi- hart, 1964) . The waveform consists of a B wave, followed by a uniform, sustained negativity dur- ing illumination. All the ERG components usu- ally associated with the red-sensitive receptor, such as the “dip” following the B wave, and “off” effect, are totally absent. 8 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 100- * 90- 4 80- * 70- * iij to z o CL- IO Ll) a: 60- • 50-' ijj 40- * o cc £ 30- • 20- • 10- • 0 - WAVE LENGTH IN MJJ Figure 5. Single type of spectral efficiency curve recorded from five specimens of Agraulis vanillae. This species is a nearly uniform orange color (light shading), with numerous small black (unshaded) spots on the wings. These differences in the ERG waveform are reflected in differences in evoked potentials, as recorded with micro-electrodes. Unlike the heliconiine, it was found that the evoked poten- tials were generally directly proportional in magnitude to the size of the ERG. The spectral efficiency of these effects, as measured by the ERG B wave magnitude, is indicated by Figure 8. The skew of this curve towards the blue, with its peak at about 485 m/x is both obvious and strikingly different from the curves produced by the heliconiine. Two additional specimens of this species were tested in the course of work preliminary to the experiments which form the basis of this report. Full spectral efficiency curves, as determined by the standard technique, were not calculated for these individuals. They did, however, appear to demonstrate the same ERG waveform and great sensitivity to short wavelengths. Discussion It is unfortunately true that the fundamental mechanisms of color vision remain largely un- explained. This lack of knowledge is particu- larly apparent in the case of invertebrates, where even the method of coding color information has not been identified as has been done for certain vertebrates (e.g., Wagner et al., 1960; Muntz, 1962). Recent microelectrode studies (e.g., Horridge et al., 1965) have revealed a vast complexity in discharge patterns in the insect visual pathway. There is, however, some question as to the ade- quecy of such single fiber techniques to record from those fibers most intimately involved in the highest forms of behavior. There can be no doubt that these techniques tend to select large- diameter fibers. Such neurons have been repeat- edly demonstrated to be associated with flight or escape reactions, and hence can hardly be 1967] Swihart: Neural Adaptations of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies 9 Figure 6. Reflectance characteristics of the green wing areas of Philaethria dido and Victorina steneles. Since the scales are much reduced, or absent in these regions, they are quite translucent and reflect poorly. Be- cause of this fact, the wing reflectance was measured with a white backing. This technique increased the height of the curve without altering its shape. Solid line illustrates the characteristics of the natural wing coloration. Dot-dashed line indicates the reflectance of the wings after being extracted with ether. Dashed line indicates the transmittance of the yellow-colored extract. The height of this curve was ad- justed by plotting % transmittance. 2 considered as representative. For these reasons semi-microelectrodes have been employed in the current study, as it seems not unlikely that a “summated” response reflects the nature of the nervous activity with somewhat less bias. In this connection, it should be remembered that it was demonstrated (Swihart, 1965) that there are fibers with discharge patterns related to the magnitude of such summated potentials. Thus, the curves presented in this report reflect the discharge frequency (and hence the total number of spikes per stimulus of standard dura- tion) of at least some of the neurons in the visual pathway. Recently, Goldsmith (1965) has given evi- dence that spectral sensitivity curves derived from summated (ERG) potentials must be carefully interpreted if screening pigments are present. Such problems are not encountered in the genus Helicortius, where the only pigmenta- tion appears to be a nearly black substance, lo- calized in granules within the iris pigment cells. In the case of Agraulis and Victorina there is a light orangish pigmentation within the cor- neal cuticular layer. Tflis pigmentation does not appear to penetrate to the deeper layers of the eye, and hence probably could not produce the effects described for Musca. However, the role of such accessory pigments deserves further in- vestigation. A careful analysis of the techniques employed in these experiments may suggest that they lack 10 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 100' 90' 80 70' Ld CO z 60' o CL CO £ 50' UJ 40' o QC £ 30* 20' 10' 0 WAVE LENGTH IN MJJ Figure 7. Spectral efficiency curve recorded from four specimens of Victorina steneles. The single specimen of Phi- laethria dido demonstrated a similar sensitivity. Lightly shaded areas of illustration represent the distribu- tion of the green coloration, as opposed to the dark brown-blackish pigmentation. some of the controls commonly employed in the investigation of primary visual events. It must be remembered that this is primarily a com- parative study and that the techniques employed on one form were identical to those used on the others. Thus, while it may not be possible to interpret the results as representative of photo- pigment absorption spectra, they are indicative of real differences which exist between closely related forms. It is reasonable to enquire as to the origin of these differences. Analysis of the magnitude of the electroretino- grams, in a method analagous to that described in this paper, produces spectral efficiency curves with no significant differences between the vari- ous Heliconiinae. In every case the curves re- sembled that described for H. erato (Swihart, 1963). This fact strongly suggests that the varia- tions between forms cannot be related to dif- ferences in the nature of the photopigments. Alternatively one might suggest that the vari- ations in sensitivity are due to differences in the relative numbers of several different types of re- ceptors, (e.g., Calliphora; Autrum & Burkhardt, 1961). However, an explanation based upon such a rigid mechanism seems inconsistent with the type of variability observed in sarae and ricini. For such reasons, it seems most reasonable to interpret the observed variations in the sum- mated responses to various colors, as a neural phenomenon. Turning to a consideration of the spectral efficiency curves themselves, we find a most in- teresting series in the responses of Agraulis, sarae and erato. In considering these forms, it is worth noting that casual behavioral observations 1967] Swihart: Neural Adaptations of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies 11 IOOt 90- 4 80- * 70- • UJ CO z o CL CO UJ oc 60- • 50-' LU O cr UJ CL 40- * 30-' 20-* 10-' 0 - WAVE LENGTH IN MJJ Figure 8. Average spectral efficiency curve derived from two specimens of Morpho peleides, as determined by the ERG B-wave magnitude. Very little variability between the individuals was observed. Illustration is at re- duced scale. Central (hatched) areas of wings is iridescent blue, with contrasting brown-black margins. by the author have indicated that consistently stronger behavioral responses to specific colors are produced by the species with the red and orange markings. In the case of sarae, attempts to demonstrate a behavioral sensitivity to yellow or red have, as of this time, produced no posi- tive responses in courtship (Crane, pers. com.). This condition would seem to have a physio- logical correlate in the existence of the two types of spectral efficiency curves recorded from this form, as opposed to the uniformity which char- acterizes the two other species. It would appear that considerable significance can be attached to the variability between in- dividuals producing each of the two different sarae curves. Each of the curves demonstrates a highly asymmetric distribution of the degree of variability, which would hardly be expected on the basis of a “normal” distribution of vari- ance. The most likely interpretation of these curves would seem to be that the green-sensitive curve reflects the activity of a visual system re- sponding primarily to the sensitivity of a blue- green sensitive receptor, with a small and vari- able contribution by a red-sensitive system. On the basis of such an interpretation, the short wavelength portion of this curve (400-525 m/x) would probably reflect a portion of the inherent sensitivity of the receptor system. Conversely, the red-sensitive curve illustrates a high degree of variability only at wavelengths below 525 m/x. This would seem to imply that the system is re- sponding primarily to a red-sensitive receptor (maximum 620 m p.) , with a small and variable contribution by the blue-green system. These two maxima observed in sarae are the same as those reported for erato (Swihart, 1964). By comparison, the single type of spectral efficiency curve characteristic of Agraulis dem- onstrates a fairly uniform variability through- 12 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 out the spectrum. This would seem to indicate that the mechanism is not “dominated” by a single receptor system, but rather reflects the neural summation of the activity in several re- ceptor types. Indeed, the peak of such a curve may not correspond to any specific type of re- ceptor, but, rather, indicate a region where the overlapping sensitivity of two receptors “sum- mates” to produce an “artificial” peak. It is, therefore, interesting to note that the peak of the Agraulis curve lies midway between the maxima of the two receptors postulated for sarae and erato. Extending our analysis to the other forms studied, we find that ricini is similar in all re- spects to sarae. This is not particularly surpris- ing when one considers both the extremely close phylogenetic relationship between the two forms (Emsley, 1965) and the basically similar wing coloration (i.e., forewing yellow bands) . Turning to the two similar green forms, Phi- laethria dido and Victorina steneles, we find sev- eral significant differences from the species pre- viously considered. First is the rather obvious shift in the peak from the 528 m/x region to about 570 niju. The very small variance between individuals at the peak of the curve suggests that this is probably due to a difference in receptors rather than a mechanism such as that postulated for Agraulis. The second remarkable feature of the Vic- torina curve is the extremely attenuated response to long wavelengths. It seems most unlikely that the orange color of the cornea could be respon- sible for the diminished responsiveness to long wavelengths. While it is possible that this por- tion of the curve represents the sensitivity of the receptors, it seems much more probable that some other mechanism is involved (e.g., inhi- bition by a red receptor system). It is difficult to extend the preceding type of analysis to Morpho, since the responses of this form (ERG and neural) are so different from the preceding forms as to make a direct comparison difficult, if not impossible. Regardless of the final interpretation of the nature of the visual mechanisms of this form, it is clear that virtually all the recorded responses demonstrate a maxi- mum sensitivity to the blue portion of the spec- trum. It is obvious that this organism must pos- sess a blue-sensitive receptor. The question is, therefore, whether this represents a unique type of receptor. The neural responses of the other forms have given but little indication of any special sensitivity to short wavelengths. Only Victorina’s neural spectral efficiency curve dem- onstrates the type of variability between indi- viduals which could be interpreted as being clearly indicative of the activity of a blue sensi- tive system. On the other hand, spectral effici- ency curves based upon the ERG B-wave dem- onstrate a rather considerable sensitivity to short wavelengths. This is true even in the case of the primarily red-sensitive erato (Swihart, 1963). It seems possible, therefore, that such a system may be fairly commonly distributed among the Nymphalids; however, evolutionary adaptation has resulted in its contributing little or nothing to the excitation of the information pathway in the vast majority of species where the primary wing coloration is in the long wavelength por- tion of the spectrum. To conclude this discussion, it is interesting to speculate as to the evolutionary forces which have contributed to the development of the weak and variable responses characteristic of the forms with the yellow forewing bands, i.e., sarae and ricini. In considering this problem, one must remember that there are two important factors which have played a role in the development of butterfly wing coloration. These are: protective (warning or mimetic) coloration and the con- servative force of sexual selection. These two forces are frequently antagonistic. In fact, the opposing pressures of these two factors are believed (Brower, 1963) to have produced the multiple cases of sexual dimorphism in wing coloration found in butterflies. As previously noted, many of the primitive Heliconiinae are primarily orange in color. This coloration appears to be due to a pterin pigment (Baust, 1967). A small modification of this molecule has produced the erythropterin pig- mentation found in the red spots of erato, etc. It seems not unlikely that this refinement of the chromophore, which has produced a coloration with greater purity, has allowed the refinement of highly specific behavior patterns based upon the releasing value of this striking color. On the other hand, the yellow pigmentation of sarae and ricini represents the development of an entirely new type of pigment (an amino acid, Brown, 1965) probably in response to some other pressure. It is certain that these forms have not lost the ability to synthesize a pterin pigment since almost all the Heliconiinae demonstrate minute red spots at the base of the forewing. Employment of the yellow pigment vice the red is hard to explain in terms of sexual selection since the low color purity of this pig- ment would make an inherently poor sign stimu- lus. On the other hand, the yellow reflects about 207% more light in the visible spectrum than does the red. It seems certain this more brilliant pigmentation is considerably more effective as warning coloration. The species has had to ac- 1967] Swihart: Neural Adaptations of Certain Heliconiine Butterflies 13 commodate to this increased emphasis on warn- ing coloration with a lessened dependence on wing coloration as a courtship releaser. This change appears to be reflected in the less specific neural adaptation of the visual pathway to the organism’s wing coloration. It must be admitted that many of the ideas which have been put forth must remain in the category of speculation. To some extent, this seems to be an inherent penalty for attempting to penetrate the perceptual world of another species. Summary Specimens of six species of butterflies were examined using standard electrophysiological techniques. Spectral efficiency curves were con- structed for each species. For five of the species, this was done on the basis of the magnitude of long-latency, negative polarity, summated po- tentials, associated with the activity of higher order neurons in the vicinity of the medulla interna. Two species with yellow forewing spots (Heli- conius sarae and H. ricini) produced similar re- sults, i.e., individuals yielded one of two types of curves, one a non-specific curve peaking in the green, and another peaking in the red, with a shape very similar to the spectral reflectance of the yellow wing pigmentation. The orange butterfly, Agraulis vanillae, produced a single type of curve peaking in the orange. The two green butterflies, Philaethria dido and Victorina steneles, produced curves peaking in the green. The blue butterfly, Morpho peleides, produced very different electrical responses. The electro- retinogram did not demonstrate the components, which in the preceding forms, are associated with a red-receptor system. The spectral effici- ency curve based upon Morpho’ s ERG B-wave demonstrated a maximum in the blue. On the basis of these observations, and pre- vious studies of a form with red markings (Heli- conius erato), it is suggested that butterflies pos- sess a neural mechanism which “selects” the output from various receptors in such a manner so as to make the visual system respond maxi- mally to stimulation with colors approximating the wing pigmentation. References Autrum, H. & D. Burkhardt 1961. Spectral sensitivity of single visual cells. Nature, 190: 639. Baust, J. G. 1967. The isolation of pterins from the wings of heliconiine butterflies. Zoologica, 52: 00-00. Brower, L. P. 1963. The evolution of sex-linked mimicry in butterflies. Proc. XVI Int. Cong. Zook, 4:173-179. Brown, K. S. 1965. A new L-cc amino acid from lepidoptera. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87:4202-4203. Crane, J. 1955. Imaginal behavior of a Trinidad butterfly, Heliconius erato hydra Hewitson, with special reference to the social use of color. Zoologica, 40:167-196. 1957. Imaginal behavior in butterflies of the fam- ily Heliconiidae: changing social patterns and irrelevant actions. Zoologica, 42:135- 145. Eltringham, H. 1933. The Senses of Insects, Methuen. London. Emsley, M. G. 1965. Speciation in Heliconius (lep. Nymphali- dae): Morphology and geographic distri- bution. Zoologica, 50:191-254. Goldsmith, T. H. 1965. Do flies have a red receptor? J. Gen. Phys- iol., 49:265-287. Hackman, R. H. 1952. Green pigments of the hemolymph of in- sects. Arch. Biochem. Biophysics, 41:166- 174. Horridge, G. A., J. H. Scholes, S. Shaw & J. Tunstall 1965. Extra cellular recording from single neu- rons in the optic lobe and brain of the locust. In The Physiology of the Insect Central Nervous System, Ed. J. E. Tre- herne and J. W. Beament, Academic, New York. Ilse, D. 1937. New observations on responses to colors in egg-laying butterflies. Nature, 140:544. Magnus, D. B. 1956. Experimental analysis of some “overopti- mal” sign-stimuli in the mating behavior of the fritillary butterfly Argynnis paphia L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae.) Proc. Tenth Inter. Cong, of Ent., 2:405-418. Muntz, W. R. 1962. Effectiveness of different colors of light in releasing positive phototatic behavior of frogs, and a possible function of the reti- nal projection to the diencephalon. J. Neurophysiol., 25:712-720. Swihart, S. L 1963. The electroretinogram of Heliconius erato (Lepidoptera) and its possible relation- ship to established behavior patterns. Zoo- logica, 48: 155-165. 14 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 1 1964. The nature of the electroretinogram of a tropical butterfly. J. Ins. Physiol., 10:547- 562. 1965. Evoked potentials in the visual pathway of Heliconius erato (Lepidoptera) . Zoolog- ica, 50:55-62. Wagner, H. G., E. F. MacNichol & M. L. WOLBARSHT 1960. The response properties of single ganglion cells in the goldfish retina. J. Gen. Physiol., 43, Suppl. 45-62. Welch, B. L. 1947. The generalization of “Students” problems when several different population vari- ances are involved. Biometrika, 34:28-35. 2 Preliminary Studies on The Isolation of Pterins from the Wings of Heliconiid Butterflies1 John G. Baust2 Department of Biology State University College Fredonia, New York (Text-figures I-IV) [This paper is presented as a portion of a series of studies on the Heliconiid butterflies which have been supported by the National Science Founda- tion and organized by Jocelyn Crane. The focal point of these studies has been the William Beebe Tropical Research Station of the New York Zoo- logical Society at Simla, Arima Valley, Trinidad, W.I. The station was founded in 1950 by the Zoo- logical Society’s Department of Tropical Research under the late Dr. Beebe’s direction. [The success of the present study is in great part due to the invaluable aid rendered by both Miss Crane, director, and Dr. M. G. Emsley, who so graciously contributed many of the specimens needed. The author is particularly indebted to Dr. Jerome H. Supple, Department of Chemistry, and Dr. Stewart L Swihart, Department of Biology, both of the State University College, for their ad- vice and keen interest in the study. The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the gifts of sam- ples of erythropterin, xanthopterin and rhizopterin from Dr. E. L. Rickes, Merck and Co., Inc., Rah- way, New Jersey], Introduction PTERINS HAVE BEEN isolated from a variety of organisms, e.g., Tschesche & Vester (1955) isolated erythropterin from Mycobacterium lacitcola, Lecercq (1950) and Supported by grant #GB-4218 from the National Science Foundation. 2The author’s present address is the Department of Physiology, Downstate College of Medicine, State Uni- versity of New York, Brooklyn, New York. Schopf & Becker (1933) from Hymenoptera, Goto (1963) from Amphibia, and Forest & Mitchell (1954) from Drosophilia, to mention but a few. Pterins have also been isolated from the wings and eyes of various Lepidoptera (Pfleiderer, 1962; Schopf & Becker, 1933). However, these studies have been limited to a few moths and butterflies of the family Pieridae. Essentially, this was due to the fact that it has been generally believed that pterins existed only within these groups of Lepidopterans (Ford, 1947; Ziegler-Giinder, 1955) . As a result of this study, however, it has been demonstrated that at least two Heliconiid butterflies contain pterins as their principle wing pigment. Analysis of the red wing patches of Heli- conius erato adanis, a black, neo-tropical butter- fly with two distinct red spots, has led to the identification of erythropterin (Text-fig. I). Its chemical structure has been described by Purr- man & Eulitz (1948), Fieser & Fieser (1963), and Tschesche & Korte (1951), and its proper- ties by Fox (1953) and Albert (1954). A sec- ond pterin has been detected in the wings of the orange Heliconiid, Colaenis julia, but has not yet been identified. Methods and Materials The red pigmented regions of the wild caught Heliconius erato were removed. They were then defatted with ethyl ether in a Soxhlet apparatus, and the pigment extracted in a crude form with methanolic HC1, evaporated and redissolved in 15 16 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 2 COOH ERYTHROPTERIN TRICYCLIC FORM Text-fig. I. The proposed bicyclic and tricyclic structures of erythropterin. methanol. Since only minute quantities of the pigment were contained within the wing portions used, identification was initially limited to paper chromatographic techniques. Whatman filter paper #1 was used, and chromatograms were run in a butanol: acetic acid: water (4:1:5) solvent system. Ultra violet and visible spectra of the above samples were recorded on a Beckman DK-2 Spectrophotometer. Results Initial experiments demonstrated that the physical and chemical properties of the pigment extract were consistent with those commonly attributed to pterins (Cromartie, 1958). The pigment was found to be insoluble in cold water and most organic solvents, was degraded by oxidation, and was melted with difficulty. It was soluble in most acidic and basic media. These observations suggested a more precise identifi- cation on the basis of paper chromatography and spectrophotometric comparisons with known pterin samples. Chromatograms of the crude pigment ex- tracted with methanolic HC1 yielded two fluor- escent spots with the previous mentioned solvent mixture. The first had a pink fluorescence and an Rf value of 0.33. These results were then compared with chromatograms obtained from what is believed to be pure erythropterin (Table 2):i. The chromatograms of the known and un- known material were found to be identical in R, values and in fluorescence for both sets of spots. The erythropterin’s lower spot compared favorably with the value obtained by Good & Johnson ( 1949) . The wing pigment and erythropterin spots were analyzed spectrophotometrically, while separately and individually eluted with methanol from the paper. Strikingly similar spectra were obtained in both the visible range (350-550m /x) and in the ultra violet range (230-350 m,u.) for all spots. The principle peaks were at approx- imately 272, 458, and 490 m/r (Table 1 and Text-figs. I & II). It should be noted that the up- per and lower spots resulted in all but identical spectra, with only minor differences within the visible range. The lower erythropterin spot (Good & Johnson, 1949) is thought to be the bicyclic form, while the upper spot may be a tricyclic isomer. A second Heliconiid, Colaenis julia, was in- vestigated briefly in an attempt to determine the nature of its pigment. The spectral and chrom- atographic data (Table 2) obtained from this study showed that the orange color is due essen- tially to a pterin. The structure of this particular :lBoth the rhizopterin and xanthopterin samples were compared in the same manner as the erythropterin and wing pigment. 1967] Baust: The Isolation of Pterins 17 c o U) — E CD c fd c CD o CD Q_ o i I ■ ■ ■ I — — — L— — — i^— a— — — a 250 300 350 400 450 500 5 50 wave length in mu Text-fig. II. Ultra violet-visible spectra of the pigment extracted from H: erato with methanolic HC1 and analyzed in a methanol solvent. Refer to Table I for numerical data for acid-base additions. Table 1 . Ultra Violet and Visible Spectra* (CH3OH solvent) Methanolic HCi extract Erythropterin 273 270 Neutral** 458 459 480 481 490 490 235 235 Plus 5% 285 285 NaOH 462 463 485 485 499 498 272 270 Plus 5% 459 457 HC1 480 492 490 *wave length in m/x **This is the respective order of the additions of NaOH and HC1. Table 2. Relative R( Values of Pigments Studied. (Solvent —Butanol: Acetic Acid: Water, 4:1:5) Compound Rr Value H. erato pigment (extracted with 0.10 (lower) 0.33 (upper) methanolic HCI ) Erythropterin 0.10 (lower) 0.33 (upper) Colaenis pigment (extracted with methanol) 0.53 Rhizopterin 0.49 Xanthopterin 0.39 pterin is as yet undetermined. Both its UV and visible spectra are quite similar to those of the erythropterin and the H. erato extract. How- ever, relative intensities of the individual peaks 18 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 2 Text-fig. III. Ultra violet-visible spectra of the erythropterin sample dissolved in methanol. Refer to Table I for numerical data and for acid-base additions. are quite different. Also, the R( of this particular pterin is 0.55 as opposed to 0.10 and 0.33 for the erythropterin forms. Chromatographic and spec- trophotometric comparisons with samples of rhizopterin and xanthopterin yielded dissimilar results. Heliconius sara, a black Heliconiid with two yellow bands on each forewing, was also ex- amined. Its yellow pigment is known to be a new L-cc -amino acid (Brown, 1965). However, it was checked in order to determine whether or not a pterin was also contributing to the yellow color. The resulting data were quite dis- similar to those obtained from the H. erato or C. julia specimens. The chromatographic and spectrophotometric data were identical to those of Brown and no indication of a pterin was found. Conclusion From the above data it can be concluded that erythropterin exists as a pigment within at least one Heliconiid butterfly. Also, there is no reason to doubt that it exists in other members of the same family since many have the same distinct red coloration on various portions of the body. The pigment is no doubt located on the walls of canals in the scales as it is in pierid butterflies (Ziegler-Gunder, 1955). The spectrum of the pigment extract is iden- tical with that of the erythropterin. The fact that two spots appear on chromatograms both with the erythropterin and the methanolic HCI ex- tract seem to indicate that this is probably not the case. There is good indication that an equil- ibrium exists between the two forms of this pig- ment. Tschesche & Barkmeier (1955) and Fieser & Fieser (1963) have suggested that erythropterin may exist in equilibrium with a tricyclic form (Text-fig. I) . Excellent support for such an equilibrium is found in the fact that when individual chromatogram spots were eluted and re-run, two spots were again obtained. Both had the same Rf values and the same fluor- 1967] Baust: The Isolation of Pterins 19 Text-fig. IV. Ultra violet-visible spectra of the pigment extracted from Colaenis julia with methanol. escence as did the original sample. A second and less likely explanation is related to the rel- atively unstable nature of pterins. It might be possible to assume that certain changes in or the loss of portions of a side chain or group might cause a change in Rr without a corres- ponding effect upon the UV spectra (Nawa, Goto, et al., 1964) . When comparing the visible spectra of Text- figures II and III, it is obvious that a discrepancy exists in regard to one of the principle peaks (480 m/x) . When the neutral H. erato pigment is made alkaline, the 480 peak shifts out but returns upon acidification as expected. The erythropterin, however, does not do this. The 480 peak shifts out with the addition of alkali but fails to return upon acidification. This is attributed to the fact that approximately equal quantities of acid were added to the solutions of erythropterin and pig- ment extract. It was later realized that excess acid was needed to cause a complete re-shift. An unidentified pterin has been detected in the orange wings of Colaenis julia. It possesses all the properties of pterins, has a spectra similar in shape but not intensity to that of erythropterin but has a different Rf. References Albert, A. 1954. The Pteridines. Fortschr Chem. Org. Naturstoffe. 1 1: 350-403. Brown, K. S. 1965. A new L-cc -amino acid from Leptdoptera. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 87: 4202. Cromartie, R. I. T. 1958. Insect Pigments. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 4: 59-56. Fieser, L. F., & M. Fieser 1963. Topics in Organic Chemistry. Reinhold, New York. 20 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 2 Forest, H. S., & H. E. Mitchell 1954. Pteridines from Drosophila I. Isolation of a yellow pigment. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 76: 5656. Ford, E. B. 1947. A murexide test for the recognization of pterins in intact insects. Proc. Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond., (A), 22: 72-76. Fox, D. L. 1953. Animal Biochromes and Structural Colors. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Good, P. M., & A. W. Johnson 1949. Paper chromatography of pterins. Nature, 63: 31. Goto, T. 1963. Uber die Verundderungen der Pterine in den Entwichlungstadien von einem Frosch, Rhacophorous schlegchii var. arborea. Ja- pan Jour. Zool., 14: 68-81. Lecercq, J. 1950. Occurrence of pterin pigments in Hymen- optera. Nature, 165: 367. Nawa, S., M. Goto, S. Matsuura, H. Kakizawa, & Y. Hirata 1954. Studies on pteridines. Jour. Biochem., 41: 657-660. Purrman, R., & F. Eulitz 1948. Uber die Fluglpigmente der Schmetter- linge. XVI Zur Kenntnis des Erythropterin. Ann. Phys. Lpz., 559: 169-174. Schopf, C., & E. Becker 1933. Occurrence of pterins in wasps and butter- flies. Ann., 507: 266-296. Tschesche, R., & H. Barkmeier 1955. Pteridines. XI. Furanopteridine, a contrib- ution to the constitution of erythropterin. Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 88: 976-983. Tschesche, R., & F. Korte 1951. The synthesis of erythropterin. Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 84: 77-83. Tschesche, R., & F. Vester 1953. Erythropterin from Mycobacterium lacti- cola, Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 86: 454-459. Ziegler-Gunder, J. 1956. Pterine: Pigmente und Wirkstoffe im Ter- reich. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 31: 313-349. 3 Underwater Sound Production by Captive California Sea Lions, Zalophus californianus Ronald J. Schusterman Roger Gentry & James Schmook Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California (Plates I-V) Introduction Thus far, it has been shown that the Cali- fornia sea lion, Zalophus californianus, produces two types of underwater sounds —clicks, or short-duration sound pulses, and barks (Poulter, 1963; Schevill, Watkins & Ray, 1963). In contrast, the bottlenose porpoise pro- duces a wide variety of sounds— clicks, whistles or squeals, barks (Evans & Prescott, 1962), and “cracks” (Caldwell, Haugen & Caldwell, 1962). Although the clicks are used for echolocation by the porpoise (Kellogg, 1961; Norris, 1964), there is evidence indicating that a variety of whistles have emotional and communicative sig- nificance. Some whistle contours and the crack- ing sounds have been said to be associated with distress or fright reactions (Caldwell et al., 1962; Lilly, 1962). Underwater clicks by Zalophus have been re- ported to occur usually when an animal was in the final stages of searching for food (Poulter, 1963; Schevill et ah, 1963) or for an object signalling food (Evans & Haugen, 1963; Schus- terman, 1966). Most of these tests have limited the range of behavior to those involved in feed- ing activities. In order to determine whether Zalophus is capable of emitting a greater variety of underwater signals and calls than had been previously reported, several California sea lions were monitored while swimming freely under a number of stimulus conditions. Procedure and Apparatus All observations and recordings were made while animals were swimming untethered in an oval tank constructed of redwood, measuring 15 feet by 30 feet and 6 feet deep, and filled with 82 kiloliters of fresh water. Recordings of the underwater sound productions by Zalophus were made under the following conditions: (a) conspecific social interaction; (b) orientation to a mirror; (c) fleeing from a human observer. Underwater sounds were continuously mon- itored by a Channel Industries 275 hydrophone (20 Hz to 150 kHz) and an Ampex 2044 ampli- fier-speaker system (65 Hz to 13 kHz). Vocal signals were periodically recorded on a Uher 4000-S tape recorder at 7.5 inches/second (40 Hz to 20 kHz). Spectographs of the evoked signals were made, using the Kay 661 sonograph. Either of two analyzing bandpass filters (narrow or wide) may be used with the Kay sonograph. The wide- band filter has an effective bandwidth of 300 cycles, and the narrow-band filter has an effec- tive bandwidth of 45 cycles. The analysis used is indicated on each of the spectrographs pre- sented. The use of this method for the analysis of biological sounds has been described by Borror (1960). Recorded Sounds Clicks. — Our preliminary analysis indicates 21 22 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 3 that Zalophus produces a great variety of click patterns. Although most of the click trains have a duration of 2 seconds or less, many trains last as long as 23 seconds with pauses of less than 0.5 second. The click repetition rate may vary from less than 5 per second to 70 or 80 per second, all within a given click train (separation between clicks of 0.5 second or less). Plate I is a spectrograph of clicks produced by one sea lion while play-fighting with another sea lion. When the tape which produced this spectrograph was replayed, we noted that a pop- ping sound seemed to be superimposed on the clicks. This is indicated on the graph, we believe, by the great variation in the frequency pattern. Such a sound pattern is highly distinctive and has been produced by only one of the animals (Cathy) . It is important to note that clicking sounds were never emitted at fairly regular intervals by any of the animals under any of the free-swim- ming conditions. This is in marked contrast to the behavior of the bottlenose dolphin, which is reported to emit “exploratory” pings every 15 to 20 seconds. Such periodic signal emission has been suggested as the sonar equivalent to “glancing” in the field of vision (Kellogg, 1961 ) . Barks.— This form of underwater vocalization has most of its energy below 3500 Hz, although some energy may be found at frequencies as high as 8000 Hz. There is little variation in the dur- ation of any given bark; they generally last from 200 to 300 milliseconds. Barks are sometimes preceded by a series of clicks, as shown in Plate II. The sounds shown in this plate were pro- duced by a two-year-old male Zalophus while it was fleeing from the experimenter, who was attempting to drive the animal out of the testing tank. During the experimenter’s initial attempts, the animal swam rather rapidly while producing long trains of clicks. As the action became more intense, the clicks shifted into a series of barks. Whinny .—A spectrograph of this vocalization is shown in Plate III. It was frequently produced by a 3.5-year-old female Zalophus (Bibi) during an aggressive encounter. For lack of a better term, we have called it the “whinny” sound, since it sounds a little like a horse neighing. This vocalization is often preceded by clicks or a growl sound. The whinny sound typically lasts for about 1.5 seconds and may be repeated three or four times in succession. This whinny sound may be the female counterpart of a male bark. However, contrary to another report (Bonnot, 1951), we have heard females bark both in air and submerged. Buzzing.— A characteristic “buzz" sound from a sea lion in a social situation is depicted in Plate IV. This vocalization may actually be a series of discrete sound pulses which occur so rapidly that they take on a buzzing quality. Bang or Crack.— This sound has thus far been produced by two of our California sea lions (a male and female). The sound was first heard when Bibi was confronted with its mirror image and was repeated several times over a period of days, usually under the same circumstances. Plate V shows a pair of these high-energy “bang” sounds. The sound, which has always been associated with extremely rapid swimming, appears quite loud and mechanical to the human ear, and, as the spectrograph shows, it is a broad- band pulse with a rapid onset. Apparently, from the description of Caldwell et cil. (1962), Zal- ophus’ “bang” sound is very similar to high- energy “crack” sounds produced by Tursiops truncatus under conditions of fright. We have recently heard similar sounds produced by Steller’s sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus) while per- forming on an underwater visual discrimination task. Sound Production Mechanisms Careful observations of Zalophus while it was in the act of emitting underwater clicks have indicated some movement in the area of the throat or larynx; such movement appeared less pronounced when the animal was silent. These preliminary observations implicating the laryn- geal area as the underwater sound-producing site of Zalophus have been supported by experi- mental evidence (T. C. Poulter, 1965). Using a triangulation technique, Poulter found that the site of underwater barking was the vocal cords on the anterior portion of the larynx and that the apparent point of origin of underwater clicks was posterior to the vocal cords. All of the underwater vocalizations that have been described can apparently be produced with the mouth and nostrils closed and therefore with- out the emission of bubbles, or with the mouth and nostrils partially opened and with the emis- sion of bubbles. Moreover, clicks may be pro- duced in air with the mouth closed or with the mouth wide open. Barking sounds seem to show the same basic frequency-intensity structure in air and under water. However, clicking in air is usually less intense and much less frequent than under water. Although no systematic attempt has yet been made to measure the intensity of Zalo- phus' underwater clicks, there has been no diffi- culty in monitoring these sounds even when the background noise was considerable and the ani- mal was as far as 5 to 6 meters from the hydro- phone. It is not clear how the “bang” sound of Zalo- 1967] Schusterman, Gentry & Schmook: Zalophus californianus 23 pints is produced, i.e., whether it is made by the sea lion’s vocal apparatus, by jaw-clapping, or by some other mechanism such as the front flip- pers causing an underwater cavitation as they are thrust together and then parted during initia- tion of a very rapid swim. Discussion Thus far, all of the underwater sounds pro- duced by captive California sea lions have had a pulsed structure and appear to be wholly or partly a function of social or investigatory re- sponsiveness. The shifting from clicking to bark- ing or to a whinny sound under conditions of either extra-specific or conspecific intimidation suggests that these calls form a single system of vocalization which changes as a function of the level of physiological arousal (Duffy, 1957), with barking indicative of a higher level of arousal than clicking. This notion is similar to that held by Andrew (1962, 1964), who has developed the concept of “stimulus contrast” to account for the vocalization of chicks and non- human primates. Although there are certain similarities be- tween the sonar signals of the porpoise ( Tur - siops truncatus) and the clicks of Zalophus cali- fornianus, there are also great differences. Whereas the clicks of the porpoise are very nar- row columns of “noise” having their greatest energy up to 30 kHz, with components of lesser intensity reaching 170 kHz (Kellogg, 1961; Norris, 1964), those sampled from Zalophus thus far often contain at least traces of har- monics and have their greatest energy at 500 Hz to 4000 Hz, with possibly weak components ex- tending to higher frequencies. Furthermore, re- garding the porpoise, Norris reports that “dur- ing fine discriminations where sight is impos- sible, the environment is literally saturated with tiny plosive clicks, up to 500-600 per second,” (Norris, 1964, p. 320). Such rapid pulsing has not been consistently produced by Zalophus. Summary Spectrographs are presented of underwater sounds made by captive sea lions (Zalophus californianus) under the following conditions: (a) social interaction; (b) orientation to a mir- ror, and (c) fleeing from the experimenter. These animals produce a variety of vocal utterances and sounds, including varying patterns of clicks, barks, “whinny” sounds, “bangs,” and buzzes. All sounds thus far recorded and analyzed have a pulsed structure with dominant frequencies ranging from 500 Hz to 4 kHz. The sounds ap- pear to be wholly or partly a function of the social and investigatory responsiveness of the sea lion. Bibliography Andrew, R. J. 1962. The situations that evoke vocalization in primates. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 102: 296- 315. 1964. Vocalization in chicks, and the concept of “stimulus contrast.” Anim. Behav. 12: 64-76. Bonnot, P. 1951. The sea lions, seals and sea otter of the California coast. Calif. Fish and Game 37: 371-389. Borror, D. J. 1960. The analysis of animal sounds. In: Animal Sounds and Communication, edited by W. E. Lanyon and W. N. Tavolga, Wash- ington, D.C., Amer. Inst, of Biol. Sci.: 26-37. Caldwell, M. C., R. Haugen & D. K. Caldwell 1962. High-energy sound associated with fright in the dolphin. Science, 137: 907-908. Duffy, E. 1957. The psychological significance of the con- cept of “arousal” or “activation.” Psychol. Rev. 64: 265-275. Evans, W. E. & R. Haugen 1 963. An experimental study of the echolocation ability of a California sea lion. Zalophus californianus (Lesson). Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci.. 62: 165-175. Evans. W. E. & J. H. Prescott 1962. Observations of the sound production ca- pabilities of a bottlenose porpoise: a study of whistles and clicks. Zoologica 47: 121- 128. Kellogg, W. N. 1961. Porpoises and Sonar. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press. Lilly, J. C. 1962. Distress call of the bottlenose dolphin: stimuli and evoked behavioral responses. Science 139: 1 16-1 18. Norris, K. S. 1964. Some problems of echolocation in ceta- ceans. In: Marine Bio-Acoustics, edited by W. N. Tavolga. New York: Pergamon Press: 317-336. Poulter, T. C. 1963. Sonar signals of the sea lion. Science 139: 753-755. 24 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52: 3 1965. Location of the point of origin of the vo- calization of the California sea lion, Zalo- phus californianus. Proc. Second Ann. Conf. Bio-Sonar, Menlo Pk., Calif.: Stan- ford Research Institute: 41-48. Schevill, W. E., W. A. Watkins & C. Ray 1963. Underwater sounds of pinnipeds. Science 141: 50-53. SCHUSTERMAN, R. J. 1966. Underwater click vocalizations by a Cali- fornia sea lion: effects of visibility. Psy- chol. Rec. 16: 129-136. EXPLANATIONS OF PLATES Plate I. Spectrograph of clicks emitted by a 3-year-old fe- male California sea lion (Cathy) while play-fighting with another sea lion (narrow band). Plate II. Spectrograph of clicks and barks produced by a 2- year-old male (Tommy) while fleeing from the ex- perimenter (wide band). Plate III. Spectrograph of Bibi’s “whinny” vocalization pro- duced during an aggressive encounter with another California sea lion (narrow band). Plate IV. Spectrograph of a “buzzing” sound emitted by Cathy while swimming with another California sea lion (narrow band). Plate V. Spectrograph of two "bang” sounds produced by a 3-year-old California sea lion (Bibi) while orienting to a submerged mirror. (ZALOPHUS CALIFORNIANUS SCHUSTERMAN, GENTRY & SCHMOOK PLATE I TIME — seconds SCHUSTERMAN, GENTRY & SCHMOOK PLATE II FREQUENCY kHz — rooJ-^oiOT-vioo — pooJ-P>cn. x a u p C >s = £ OQ <, 5tf CQ * ^ 03 < ~ u. § 2 R o o C a. ^ a. O 0Q R R O a. 5 o U c o O. £ o U £ "3 ~ Q £ 2 «a c o 2 Si U o »• V. W O) ■a S-a S £ £ o t-n a c ►> & ■2 ° S| 2 i o a T3 » + X> "3 X! S- 5 3 >> 3 S ° m SQ2 £ ^ D — I-H K"*"* CO r> 3 ta 3 -O ca T3 S' 3 2 ca X. JS + * i) 3-2 3 >> S O (D D OX) OX) T3 T3 TD *0 C C c3 «s <-> a) a> <5 03 03 SQQ22 0) jo ■§ 2 s +i + +i Manus rub 1 Manus rub + dactyl slide + dactyl slide Heel-and-ridge with taps + heel-and-ridge Interlace with taps -(- interlace 1967] Crane: Combat and Its Ritualization in Fiddler Crabs ( Ocypodidae ) 65 os UJ Q a * o D 03 O £ H Z w w H u ca c« os w H Z a o u z w c o ft a crt O O «H 2 0 O -C £ * 2 8 5 § -o X) c c on X 3 e 3 o o c W . -a O- D > 2-g I H P u < 1> g? -J c/3 3 D H D s * <3 Ci. <3 g 5* * X o3 *p* 73 ^ -a g d o cd O hJ X £ 2 g E x G > * 'O S B CD "O j5 2 >> -C JO < ex >" >> £■ 03 T3 a >> 3 > O >- 03 s X ^ (J § < 03 s c o CX £ o U c o a E o O "5- a > ■2 ^ £ s ^ 0-0 U O a . oj ■o S« s £ s o ^ a - - jo ft 2 C/5 C/5 3 3 C C Cd 03 2 2 jo-§ D U a- C/5 C 3 03 c g 03 s + 03 03 (N 70 73 C o> ^ X 73 X X d *— < cr> *— i C/5 — c/5 3 >>3 5 S S SQS >» s. I-1 £ 03 O T3 fc c 3 3 ^ 03 4-> , 3 O 2 os £ ^ s + a> co cS cd (N - 03 3 « D- S ++I X 73 3 X U. C/5 C/5 — 33 S u S Q -o > •2^0 3 — 03 Sou c « C S3 73 •- S + + X ON Manus rub 1 1 at y’s burrow Manus rub + dactyl slide Dactyl slide + heel-and-ridge Heel-and-ridge with taps with taps Interlace + interlace 66 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52:6 Table VII. U. rapax. Divisions of 104 Combats of Known Duration. Intensity Duration Less Than 20 Secs. Duration More T han 60 Secs. Total With force Fully ritualized With force Fully ritualized Low 10 35 0 0 45 High 4 46 4 5 59 Total 14 81 4 5 104 were composed of manus rubbing alone and al- ways appeared wholly ritualized. The remaining 59 combats (57%) each in- cluded one or more high intensity components, usually preceded by manus rubs. Eight (less than 14%) included forceful endings; about five- sixths (83%), therefore, were wholly ritualized. As will be evident in the following sections, the figures of greatest interest are those in the duration divisions within high-intensity combat. Here 50 (85%) of the combats were of short duration, and of these 4(8%) ended forcefully. In contrast, of the 9 (15%) long combats, 4 also ended forcefully, but the percentage (44% ) was much higher. Seven of the 9 long combats had mutual com- ponents; 3 of these 7 had forceful endings, in- cluding the eviction of a burrow holder by an aggressive wanderer. Both of the evictions in the sample came at the end of a long fight. Six of the long combats involved an aggressive wan- derer, a proportion roughly in agreement with wanderers’ occurrence in the combat sample. Finally, 8 (88%) of the 9 long fights were heteroclawed— a very different proportion from the 50% characteristic of the sample. In summary, in a sample of 104 combats all but 9 lasted less than 20 seconds. Each of these 9 lasted more than a minute and contained high- intensity components. Proportionately more of these long combats occurred between right- and left-clawed crabs, more had mutual components, and more ended forcefully than did short combats. F. Postcombat Behavior After most encounters between rapax males, the opponents promptly resumed their precom- bat activity. Aggressive wanderers passed on through the population, instigating new combats and engaging in other activities, as already de- scribed (p. 53). Burrow holders, returning with equal completeness to all their former activities, first resumed waving. Almost one quarter of all encounters suffi- ciently observed, however, were followed by detectable changes in behavior. Of all observed combats, both opponents were watched long enough in 148 examples to form a suitable basis for an examination of such changes and of com- bat composition when subsequent changes did not occur. These alterations in behavior were of two kinds: either the aggressiveness of an ag- gressive wanderer was reduced or there was an appreciable delay in the resumption of waving by a burrow holder. Reduction of aggressiveness in a wanderer and delayed waving by the burrow holder never followed the same combat, nor was waving ever delayed by both opposing burrow holders. Table VIII breaks down the 148 combats where subsequent behavior was observed into a number of potentially relevant subdivisions. The first column, headed “Result,” divides the group into those with behavior unchanged, waving delayed, or aggression reduced. In the second column, “Combat Class,” the opponents’ phases and relative size are indicated, as in previous tables, as well as, where necessary, the instigator and the site of the combat. Under “General Combat Composition” selected characteristics are isolated; these show the relative prevalence of low- and high-intensity combats, forceful components, tapping, and mutual components. It seemed that one or more of these aspects of combat might be correlated with behavior changes or the lack of them. However, no clear- cut correlation emerges. For example, neither tapping nor mutual components preclude either a delay in resumption of waving or reduced ag- gression; similarly, forceful endings are not necessarily followed by subsequent behavior changes. Nevertheless, certain trends are indi- cated. The information given by the table, in addition to the more limited data on combat duration (pp. 63, 66; Table VII), form the bases for the remainder of this section. Class 1. Combats not followed by a detectable change in behavior— The 112 combats in this class comprise three-fourths of all in the sample; 1967] Crane: Combat and Its Ritualization in Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae) 67 x o w J CQ S. H a a. a o IS 3 .s E H < M S o U a s & £ _r o ^ i-j -ti Oh 00 cd £ £ ^ c nj c c O o a a a a o ° c & -S u (L) — < oo cd a ^ >> T. "O cd « £ CJ CO CO co O w a & £ 2 % § 'f fe fe oj 2 2 p 2 n\ ’’7s § o7 < < 3 3 m oa 73 * 3 3 2 co < 1 S s s >> a> -o a I ~ X < 5 03 03 CO = O C ™ O- uh cd co cd cd X2 •& jg a o 3 a c CO -O cd 3 co uii 'a c ^ X JX II £ || 5 c* ^ co *3 £ =« g < cd PC CQ CQ 00 w c o a-$ t £ % 5 =3 > X) CO ^ O C 1/5 3 « , 7£ g t-H QJ H— • _H . G T1 m <*> ‘P _2 ^ co c a> c =3 « $ £ <, cd ^ >, o ' jy O 43 J2T3 w 68 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52:6 61% were of high intensity. Force was detected in about 12% of all combats in the class; there- fore, 88% were fully ritualized; forceful ends occurred in about 5%. Tapping was present in more than 21% of the total, never in combats where forceful ends occurred; where only high- intensity combats were counted (since tapping normally occurs only then), the percentage with tapping was 35%. Mutual components were noted in about 30%. Short combats, lasting less than 20 seconds, formed 95% of the total in a duration sample of 86 in this class. Class 2. Combats followed by a delay in re- sumption of waving— Fourteen of the 26 ex- amples in this class were between an aggressive wanderer and a burrow holder; 9 were between two burrow holders where the larger was the instigator; and 3, with the instigator question- able, occurred near a territorial boundary be- tween burrow holders. These 26 combats form almost 18% of all combats in the sample. Wav- ing was usually delayed by a crab at his own burrow following combat with a larger indi- vidual, either wanderer or neighbor. When a smaller crab was the instigator at the burrow of a larger crab, no postcombat waving delay oc- curred. Of the 26 delays, 24 lasted less than two minutes; the longer exceptions were by dispos- sessed crabs and are described below. The short delays included some subsequent behavior as- sociated with combat, such as a number of the total withdrawals. Forceful components took place in a total of 15% of the class as follows: pushing occurred in two low-intensity fights between burrow holders; two high-intensity combats, both be- tween a large aggressive wanderer and a smaller burrow holder, resulted in eviction of the bur- row holder. Because of the theoretical interest of these two fights certain combat and postcombat details are pertinent. Both included taps; one showed mutual components; neither ended in a physical upset; the duration of each was more than one minute. After the first dispossession, the wanderer descended the burrow, then emerged and began waving. Meanwhile, the former occupant assumed the low posture and moved off giving no response to the threats of neighbors. Eventually he retired down an empty burrow some six feet away, where he plugged the mouth and remained at least until the next low tide. In the second example the wanderer descended the burrow after the occupant left, emerged within a few seconds, and then aban- doned it to continue his precombat behavior as a continuing aggressive wanderer. Meanwhile, the evicted burrow holder had been circling around in the low posture; as soon as the wan- derer left, this crab resumed possession, de- scending briefly, emerging and waving prompt- ly. The entire delay, in addition to the combat’s 1.5 minutes, lasted 2.4 minutes, in contrast to the indefinite delay in waving following the first eviction. Throughout Class 2 tapping was absent in all fights with forceful ends except in the two just described, which ended in eviction. Tapping was present in 25% of the remainder, or almost 50% of those of high intensity without force. Mutual components were absent in low-intensity combats but present in 27% of those of high intensity, including one of the evictions, and in 15% of the entire class. Short combats formed 67% of the total in a duration sample of 15. Class 3. Combats followed by a reduction in the aggressiveness of a wanderer— Of the 90 combats between an aggressive wanderer and a burrow holder, 10 (11%) were followed by reduced aggressiveness. These 10 combats were distinguished as follows: In 40% the wanderer was the smaller crab; 60% were of high inten- sity and included all combats in which force was detected; these forceful endings occurred in 83% of high-intensity combats or 50% of the total in the class. Taps were included in 40% of the total, most of them in combats with force- ful ends. Mutual elements appeared in 20% of the combats, all high-intensity, with and without forceful ends. Short combats formed 83% of the total in a duration sample of 6. Comparison of combat characteristics in rela- tion to subsequent activities— When the above classes of combat are compared, five points emerge that seem noteworthy in spite of the small samples. First, in combats followed by the reduced aggressiveness of a wanderer, forceful endings were more numerous than in combats either not followed by behavior changes or with a subsequent delay in resumption of waving. Second, long combats were most numerous in the class followed by delayed waving, less so among those resulting in reduced aggression, and rare among encounters with no detectable results. Third, mutual components were rela- tively fewer in combats followed by changes in behavior. Fourth, tapping was usually absent from encounters with forceful endings; this absence is probably correlated with the fre- quently prompt cessation of combat after tap- ping. When tapping did occur in the course of a fight ending forcefully, subsequent behavior was changed. Finally, after combat any changes in behavior were usually shown by the smaller crab. Summation— because this study was made en- tirely in the field among unmarked crabs, few 1967] Crane: Combat and Its Ritualization in Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae) 69 hints of summation were observed. I have in fact obtained reliable notes on the subject in only seven pairs of combats. Two of these in- volved examples where the actor’s behavior changed following the second encounter; in each the encounter was less intensive than the first and the change consisted in reduced aggressive- ness of a wanderer. When marked crabs are adequately observed, it seems certain they will show that summation plays a part in the effects of combat. V. Combat in Species of Uca Other Than U. rapax Combat has now been filmed in fifteen species of Uca in addition to U . rapax. These species are scattered widely throughout the genus. The re- sults are predictably inadequate, because no spe- cial effort has yet been made to record the vari- ous patterns in species other than rapax. As stated earlier it is only recently that the complex nature of fighting and its morphological special- izations have become apparent. Hence, the lack of a filmed record of any particular component by no means precludes its existence. Data on combat in Indo-Pacific and eastern Pacific species recorded only in field notes have been omitted from this paper. The observations were made before the importance of ritualized fighting was realized and at a period when my attention was concentrated on display. During those years all combats appeared too similar to deserve full attention, in an essentially com- parative study of species, since time in the field was always limited. Several statements can, however, now be made with relative assurance in comparing combat in other species with that in rapax. First, the Indo- Pacific species listed in Table IX, with the ex- ception of three species in the old, informally Table IX. Basic Components of Combat in Uca So Far Recorded on Motion Picture Film. (Note: Minor elements are omitted because of insufficient data. Species are arranged in systematic order, in accordance with a revision in preparation; the closest relations of U. lactea are American species, as indicated.) Manus Manus Dactyl Heel- and- Heel- and- Inter- Region Species (Uca) Push Rub Slide Hollow Ridge Tapping lace Indo-Pacific dussumieri ( Milne-Edwards) X X X coarctata (Milne-Edwards) X X urvillei (Milne-Edwards) X X X Dactyl only bellator (Petiver) X tetragonon (Herbst) X No vocans (Linnaeus) X X X No chlorophthalmus (Milne-Edwards) X Dactyl only inversa (Hoffman) X Dactyl only W. Africa tangeri (Eydoux) X X X America maracoani (Latreille) X X insignis (Milne-Edwards) X rapax (Smith) X X X X Dactyl & pollex X cumulanta Crane X X X X Dactyl & pollex X inaequalis Rathbun X Indo-Pacific lactea (deHaan) X X X X Dactyl & pollex America deichmanni Rathbun X X 70 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52:6 named “broad-fronted group,” show more ten- dency to forceful fighting with less ritualization. The three exceptions are chlorophthalmus, in- versa, and lactea. Second, the highly ritualized heel-and-ridges of the New World crabs are represented in some Indo-Pacific species by a lifting and gripping motion differing from that in rapax as follows: The pollex with its large distal or subdistal teeth either grip in or do not usually pass beyond ap- propriate hollows near the base of the pollex. This position is in contrast to the rubbing and tapping against the oblique ridge characteristic of rapax , cumulanta, chlorophthalmus, and in- versa. The dactyl, however, holds in all a posi- tion similar to that in rapax, against the outer part of the manus. Only in broad-fronted lactea has the pollex been seen to make a series of taps in the hollow at the inner base of the pollex. Several species typically shift from low to high intensity in a manner different from that of rapax. In tangeri, maracoani , insignis, and in- aequalis the chela tips are turned downward, the mano-carpal joint raised, and the chelae en- gaged in this position, after which they swing once more to the horizontal. In all the other species in which high-intensity encounters were filmed, the chelae engaged in the horizontal po- sition, usually at the end of a manus rub. The variation in dactyl slides is great, as in rapax. Whereas the detailed study of rapax makes it possible to state the normal position of the dactyl during a slide, in other species the paucity of material and lack of information on individual social situations make any further statements unproductive. VI. Discussion Two challenging aspects of fiddler combat are the obscurity of its functions and the complexity of its ritualizations. As long as the functions of fighting remain uninvestigated its ritualizations can be only superficially understood. Because of the new data presented, however, it seems timely to comment on possible functions for combat and to suggest reasons for its ritualiza- tion. The section continues with preliminary re- marks on the possible origins of the components and on comparisons with combat in other ani- mals. It closes with suggestions for further re- search. A. Functions of Combat in Uca A general discussion of territoriality in fiddler crabs lies beyond the scope of this paper. Here the subject will be mentioned only to the extent necessary to give a frame of reference for the consideration of combat. In this genus the territoriality of breeding males appears to be not at all concerned with the optimum distribution of the population in respect to the food supply. Only males in the display (waving) phase, during which mating takes place, behave aggressively toward individ- uals in the vicinity of their occupied burrows, and then only toward males in the aggressive wandering phase or toward trespassing neighbor males. Aggressive wanderers, in contrast, neither wave, mate, nor remain near a particular bur- row. The territories of the displaying crabs are not scattered equally through the population, nor are they usually to be found in food-rich locations. Burrows of displaying crabs are often, in- stead, concentrated in slightly higher, drier parts of the intertidal zone, where food is less abun- dant. Here males in other phases are few or ab- sent. Moreover, crabs in the display phase feed little in comparison with others, and when they do so, they often move temporarily to the richer, lower levels. Females in breeding condition in some species occupy burrows close to those of waving males; in others, receptive females move actively through the displaying portion of the population; after mating, while the eggs are de- veloping, females usually inhabit burrows closer to the low-tide levels than those of any section of the population except the very young. It appears rather that territoriality in Uca is concerned directly and indirectly with reproduc- tion. An advantage of territories on higher ground may be that the displaying crabs are there more conspicuous. This could obviously be of importance not only in attracting receptive females but in the mutual visual stimulation of waving males. Again, the drier substrate may transmit more effectively the vibration signals of courtship. Finally, and probably importantly, territories on higher ground are uncovered by the tide for longer periods daily, thus giving more time for courtship; at least in the tropics receptive females are never abundant in any population of waving males and courting time is short at best. It must be emphasized, however, that displaying males in a given species by no means always gather into a lek-like formation; very often they are scattered, although in clear sight of one another, throughout the greater part of a population. The relative breeding suc- cess of individual males with burrows in differ- ent locations remains wholly to be investigated. Possible explanations of fighting remain far from clear. It is unsurprising that each crab com- ing into territorial and display phases acquires a burrow in a spot appropriate for display and mating. But, for two reasons, there appears to be no need to obtain such a burrow through 1967] Crane: Combat and Its Ritualization in Fiddler Crabs ( Ocypodidae ) 71 combat. First, all fiddlers of both sexes and of all ages except the very young can dig new bur- rows quickly and efficiently. Yet they do so only in emergencies brought on by predators or by an inrushing tide. In contrast, when a large crab evicts a small one, he enlarges the burrow suit- ably, with neither hesitation nor hurry. Further- more, few areas are so crowded that there does not appear to be ample space, empty and unde- fended, among displaying males where new bur- rows could be dug. Second, and probably more important, in all displaying populations that I have adequately observed, empty burrows are plentiful among those of displaying individuals. They have been abandoned by crabs not at the time in a burrow- holding phase; as the tide recedes, these crabs simply dig their way to the surface and go else- where. Yet an aggressive wanderer, unless his aggressiveness has been reduced by a fight with a burrow holder, either pays no attention to these empty burrows, or pokes into them with chel- iped or ambulatories, briefly and superficially; then he moves on. These empty burrows always appear to be considerably more numerous than are the wanderers, so that no difficulty in en- countering such a hole seems to be involved. Although occasionally an aggressive wanderer stops slightly longer at a burrow occupied by a nondisplaying crab, any attempt to dig out such a crab is rare and little effort is expended. I have never knowingly seen a combat between a crab that is not in display phase and a wanderer, or between two wanderers. In fiddler crabs no harems are maintained and single females seem never to be direct causes of intermale combat. Occasionally a male even abandons an advanced courtship, attracted by a combat between two other males. The immediate goal of an instigator does not in fact seem to be the taking over of a suitable burrow as a center for display or a direct com- petition for females. Rather, the apparent aim is a combat with a displaying male. The combat itself, as has been described in detail for rapax, is usually fully ritualized, with no apparent component of force; in most cases it results in no detectable change in the subse- quent behavior of either crab. One or the other withdraws his claw from contact with that of his opponent; the aggressive wanderer resumes his progress through the population, threatening and entering into new combats; the burrow holder promptly resumes display, its intensity undi- minished. In one such rapax combat in nine, however, a wanderer’s aggressiveness was re- duced; in one in 45, the burrow holder was dis- possessed and the wanderer took over. Less intensive observation of other advanced species have yielded corroborative observations: The wanderer’s behavior is similar and only rarely is there a detectable result. In those instances where a wanderer actually takes over a burrow he sometimes assumes the display phase at once; more often, he does not wave, but shortly aban- dons the burrow and moves on, his aggressive ness maintained and his territorial drive still in abeyance. With these figures in mind it seems likely that combat may sometimes either advance or retard the assumption of territorial and waving phases by the wanderer. Summation, as suggested on p. 68, may well play a part here that the field techniques in use could only suggest. Combat, then, may serve as a mechanism for ensuring that suitable burrows for display are not taken over by males in subbreeding condition; never- theless, the availability of empty burrows, noted above, forms an obvious argument against this view. The function of combat will now be examined from the point-of-view of the burrow holder. If this displaying crab is not vigorous enough or sufficiently motivated to fend off an aggressive wanderer, he may be in an inadequate condition for breeding and should not, from the point of view of selection, be left in a position to attract receptive females. Yet many vigorous burrow holders, in other species as in rapax, withdraw partly or wholly from an incipient combat, even in the frequent instances where the approaching wanderer is the smaller crab; then the burrow holders resume waving and courting promptly and strongly when the wanderer has departed. The role of this withdrawal behavior in the pat- tern of combat remains puzzling. After combat, however, one rapax in six de- lays waving, while one in 45 loses his burrow, with a consequent postponement of resumed display. These relative numbers agree well with impressions received in numerous more casual observations of combat in other species. In examining the possible selective values of fighting and its ritualization a distinction should be kept in mind between these two visible results —namely reduced aggressiveness and delayed waving. Since all burrow holders are in the dis- play phase and, as part of that phase, in a threat- ening and fighting mood toward both aggressive wanderers and trespassing neighbors, it seems that a postcombat reduction in aggressiveness by a wanderer normally would result only if he were not ready for territorial-display-mating be- havior. In that case the “loss” of a combat would be a selective advantage. On the other hand, a reduction of display time for a burrow holder 72 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52:6 through prolonged combat would be a disad- vantage. A reasonable suggestion, therefore, appears to be that the ultimate value of combat, regardless of the role of ritualization, lies in preventing suboptimal males from wasting the breeding time of the population by attracting receptive females. This explanation does not, however, account for all the facts. It takes no account of combats, almost all fully ritualized and resulting very rarely in waving delays, between vigorous burrow holders. Again, the function of down- pushes remains unexplained. Here one burrow holder, far from endeavoring to take over the burrow of his neighbor or at least to dig the oc- cupant out and engage him in combat, simply thrusts him forcefully underground before re- turning to his own burrow and resuming display. When viewed as a whole it seems that the function of combat may lie primarily in stimu- lating and synchronizing mating behavior. As in so many other groups of animals where such an effect is suspected, proof awaits work in endocrinology and neurophysiology. Similarly in need of the attention of physio- logists are two strong impressions that recur during fieldwork on Uca. One is that combat may serve to release tension in the actively court- ing section of the population. The other impres- sion, particularly compelling when one is watch- ing ritualized mutual encounters, is that combat appears often to be in progress for its own sake. The attention of a third crab is sometimes drawn to a nearby combat; he may then either interrupt or engage one of the participants after the end of the first encounter. Even more suggestive are the sequences of high ritualization discussed be- low. B. The Question of Adaptive Values of Combat Ritualization As shown in previous sections, a large major- ity of combats in Uca rapax show no detectable element of force and hence may be termed fully ritualized. More casual observations on other species indicate that ritualization is similarly prevalent throughout the genus. In searching for the selective advantages of ritualization the im- mediate effects of individual combats have proved unilluminating. As is well known, even the most violent fights in Uca practically never result in physical damage; no injury at all was ever seen in rapax. It seems, therefore, that a protective function, which has been considered obvious in the ritualized encounters of many well-armed animals, is not now of importance in fiddler crabs. Again, the data in this paper on rapax give no evidence that ritualized encounters are any more likely than the uncommon forceful fights either to promote or to prevent behavior changes in an opponent. This is true in general both of reductions in the aggressiveness of a wanderer and of delays in resumption of waving by a burrow holder. The only apparent advantage of ritualization in rapax seems, rather, to lie in the shortening of combats. The counts so far made indicate clearly that ritualized encounters are not only far more numerous than those including com- ponents of force but also that they are shorter, most lasting less than 10 seconds. In contrast, forceful fights continuing more than one minute are usual. This is true whether or not a forceful combat results in subsequent visible behavior changes for either crab. While this difference in duration appears to have no obvious importance for an aggressive wanderer, the shortening of combats through ritualization may well be a selective advantage through its effects on bur- row holders. This suggestion is based on both the ecology and the mating behavior of Uca. Since they court only during low tide, and are usually further restricted by other requirements, both meteorological and physiological, their periods for courtship and mating are limited. Combat and courtship cannot proceed simultaneously and, in Uca, the combats of males seem to hold no attraction whatever for females. Therefore it seems clear that, by shortening combats, ritual- ization ensures that courtship opportunities are minimally reduced. It may be that an important factor in waving display lies in its stimulating effect on other males, or in the synchronizing of breeding ac- tivities. Here, too, a shortening of each combat would advantageously shorten the time during which one or two wavers did not contribute to the communal effect. One characteristic of ritualized combat be- comes increasingly apparent with continued ob- servation. This consists in the leisurely, formal- ized, and wholly unforceful cooperation some- times apparent between the two opponents. A highly ritualized encounter in rapax may run about as follows. An instigator, whether wan- derer or neighbor, approaches a burrow holder. A rub by one or both crabs, outer manus against outer manus, usually follows. Next, the instiga- tor sometimes holds perfectly still while his op- ponent slowly eases his chela into the actor’s slide position; the two crabs may then reverse the role, the shift being accomplished slowly, without fumbling, and with the apparent coop- eration of the crabs. In a few moments they may 1967] Crane: Combat and Its Ritualization in Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae) 73 progress to a similar alternation of heel-and- ridging or, in heteroclawed encounters, to an alternation of heel-and-ridging with interlaces. In other examples a single opponent may be the actor throughout, the second crab holding him- self quietly. When the actor breaks off, both crabs move apart and resume their pre-encoun- ter activities. Observation of these encounters gives a strong impression that they provide one or both crabs with satisfactions that are not concerned in direct goals, such as taking over a burrow or evicting a trespasser; the activity itself seems to serve as the goal. We know nothing at all yet about the means of conferring satisfaction— whether through the performance of the mo- tions, or through the reception of associated sensory stimuli. If ritualization does indeed operate selectively through shortening combats and thus providing more time for courtship, then an obvious pres- sure would be toward even shorter ritualized encounters. Ultimately the action might be re- duced to a token touch of mani or single rubs of ridges by briefly overlapping chelae. This trend is not apparent. According to our present knowledge, the socially advanced species have the largest repertoire of combat actions and the most extensive structural specializations for high-intensity encounters. If ritualization shortens combats, then further elaboration could nullify the effect. Occasional prolonged encoun- ters in rapax, fully ritualized and elaborately mutual, suggest that this process may prove to be a factor in current evolution. C. Derivation of Components Too little comparative work has yet been done to discuss the comparative ethology of combat in Uca. Nevertheless it seems worth- while to suggest two basic derivations that may be kept usefully in mind during future studies. It seems likely that high- and low-intensity components have been derived from different sources. These are, respectively, from forceful fighting itself and from the fronto-lateral threat gesture common to most crabs. If the direction of evolution has been, as seems apparent, the reduction of forceful combat through ritualiza- tion, one logical point for the application of a deterrent would be immediately before the grip. The high-intensity components all appear to have originated directly from unritualized force- ful grips. All take place with the two claws partly or wholly in a position for grasping each other; when, rarely, a ritualized encounter pro- ceeds to a grip, little or no change in basic claw position is made. Unsurprisingly, specializations appear to have been added one in front of an- other, the interlace of rapax being perhaps the closest now known to the original fighting grip. The ultimate ritualization, then, would be logic- ally the low-intensity manus rub. However, the manus rub seems most credibly to have evolved from the warding-off lateral threat gesture, which is almost universally present in crabs. But threat gestures in many animals are themselves certainly to be under- stood as ritualizations of fighting, where a weapon, impressive size, or other potential ad- vantage is exhibited, usually with exaggeration or embellishment. By these criteria, the threat gestures of crabs, including Uca , qualify as ritualized fighting. It seems that in Uca , how- ever, manus rubbing is a further ritualization derived from a basic threat posture. D. Comparisons with Ritualized Combat in Other Animals The ritualizations of combat through threat displays are of course endlessly varied among animals, perhaps culminating in the displays of sound, color, and movement in many territorial birds. In fiddler crabs parallels are close. In encounters where two individuals come ac- tually into contact, however, comparisons are far less satisfactory. Checked point by point with Uca combat, the harmless poking and heaving of fighting beetles or the ritual butting and kick- ing of ungulates are simple, coarse, and slow while the associated structures seem relatively unspecialized. A search of the literature has not yet yielded, even among deer, an apt compari- son. It seems that no buck rubs a certain antler prong gently against a different prong, suitably shaped, on his opponent’s armature, then holds still while the other gets into position and rubs in turn and, finally, passes on to a further step in the sequence. Schaller’s ( 1967) detailed com- parative study of combat in eight Indian ungu- lates indicates no such refinements. There seems to be in fact not even a rough analogy to perhaps the highest Uca specialization of all, where adaptations exist even to the different require- ments of opponents with the ritualized weapon on the same or opposite sides of their bodies. In other decapod crustaceans it seems certain that many spines and ridges, that have been as in Uca of purely taxonomic interest, will prove to be as functional as in fiddlers, and perhaps in similar fashion. E. Areas for Further Research The following aspects of Uca combat partic- ularly need attention before the wider implica- tions of the subject can be investigated. 74 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52:6 1 . Sensory aspects— It is not yet known wheth- er the rubs and taps of combat are perceived by the crabs and, if so, which senses are involved. Acoustic elements will probably prove to be part of the pattern of fiddler combat as in their other types of social behavior; I have heard rasps and clicks during examples of each of the compo- nents. It seems likely, however, that tactile sen- sations are also important. For that reason the term “stridulation” has not been used in this contribution. 2. N europhysiological and hormonal aspects of phase and of behavioral changes following combat— These basic problems are more than ready for investigation. They should be under- taken in a laboratory adjacent to wild popula- tions, or at least in one equipped with a large crabbery. This specialized terrarium should in- clude provisions for artificial tides; for controlled salinity, temperature, and light; for a substrate natural for the species, changed at suitable in- tervals; and for frequent restocking. In short, adequate results could not be obtained from fiddlers in finger bowls. 3. Duration of individual combats— The data in the present paper on the timing of combats are particularly inadequate in view of the tenta- tive conclusion that the primary function of rit- ualization in rapax is the shortening of combat. In future work on all species, the behavior asso- ciated with combat should certainly also be timed. 4. Combat at night and underground— The occurrence and form of encounters at night and in burrows need examination. The deep pits at the pollex base that in some Indo-Pacific forms apparently serve as “brakes,” and are often marked by puncture wounds, are represented in rapax and its relations respectively by slight de- pressions and faint scratches. No gripping has ever been seen in rapax in this position; perhaps such a grip is used only when an intruder enters an occupied burrow. Observation burrows can be devised in the laboratory. 5. Mathematical analysis— The distinctness of components in most combats at first glance makes a mathematical approach to combat analysis seem feasible and attractive. But suc- cess in such undertakings is endangered by a number of pitfalls. Quantitative analysis could be misleading unless based on accurate, detailed knowledge of the full combat repertory and its related behavior in the selected species, and on influences of seasonal and other rhythms. The principal threats to the significance of conclu- sions include: the difficulty of observing the ex- act beginnings of combats; the partial distinctions between homoclawed and heteroclawed encoun- ters; the existence of mutuality and the difficul- ties in distinguishing it; the hard-to-gauge degree of basic aggressiveness in contrast to the coop- eration sometimes apparent; the need for definite establishment of the phases of the opponents; the frequent irregularities in combats involving aggressive wanderers; and the difficulty of assess- ing the effects of summation. 6. Marked crabs in a fenced wild population— Many of the difficulties listed could be reduced by fencing a suitable intertidal area, large enough to give wanderers space to move about normally. 7. Comparative ethology — Contrary to my earlier conclusions, it is now clear that interspe- cific distinctions in combat behavior are numer- ous enough to make their comparative study highly rewarding. While the differences are not nearly as striking as in display there is no ques- tion but that they both illumine evolutionary trends in species groups and show most interest- ing steps in the development of combat ritualiza- tion. 8. Instigation and frequency of combat— The conditions leading to combat between individ- uals and controlling its frequency in a popula- tion deserve the closest attention. Most of the following factors, all virtually uninvestigated, will probably prove pertinent: precombat threat behavior, length of time since phase of each opponent began, age, individual variation, semi- lunar and other rhythms, population density, and infra-specific differences. VII. Summary This contribution concerns a field study of combat between male fiddler crabs. Except for preliminary comparisons with a few other spe- cies, the report is based on several hundred com- bats observed in a population of Uca rapax (Smith) in Trinidad. Descriptions of the various aspects of the subject were derived from between 104 and 180 examples watched or photographed in sufficient detail for each purpose. The combat pattern in rapax shows seven dis- tinct components, five of them highly ritualized and each of the five associated with particular morphological specializations. The frequency of three of the components is related to the juxta- position of the large claws: when one crab has the claw of the right side enlarged and his op- ponent that of the left, the components tend to be different from those observed when both crabs have the large claw on the same side. Most combats last only a few seconds and infrequently include the unritualized components of force; when they do so, the fights are often longer and may last several minutes. Two or more ritualized elements, usually performed in a fixed sequence, 1967] Crane: Combat and Its Ritualization in Fiddler Crabs ( Ocypodidae ) 75 compose most encounters. In each component one crab rubs and sometimes taps with teeth on his own claw a tuberculated ridge or other par- ticular structure on the claw of his opponent. Many combats are mutual in the sense that each crab performs at least one of the components; sometimes the same component is performed by each crab in turn. The sensory aspects of ritual- ized combat have not yet been investigated. Combats divide sharply into two categories. The first takes place between an aggressive wan- derer and a burrow holder in the display phase; its components are often irregular; practically all combats ending in forceful grips and upsets belong in this category. In the second, the op- ponents are two neighboring burrow holders; irregularities and force are both uncommon. The relative size of the opponents is a factor in the development of combats and in various asso- ciated activities. The great majority of combats, whether wholly ritualized or not, result in no detectable change in the behavior of either crab. Each opponent continues either to wander aggres- sively or to wave beside his own burrow. Only twice, both after long fights, was a burrow holder dispossessed by an aggressive wanderer with an associated indefinite delay in further waving and, therefore, courting activity. One combat in nine results in a reduction of aggressiveness by the wanderer; one in six is followed by a very short delay in waving resumption by a burrow holder. Combat does not appear to be concerned, even indirectly, with the food supply; it neither involves nor attracts females; it appears to be unnecessary for the securing of suitable burrows as display centers and mating sites. It is suggested, therefore, that the functions of combat must be sought in indirect physiolog- ical needs connected with reproduction, such as stimulation or the release of tension. It is further suggested that the principal selective advantage of ritualization lies not in the prevention of physical injury or of loss of display phase but rather in the shortening of combats. In this way less of the brief time suitable for courtship is lost in fighting. VIII. References Altevogt, R. 1957a. Untersuchungen zur Biologie, Okologie und Physiologie Indischer Winkerkrabben. Zeit. Morph, u. Okol. Tiere 46: 1-110. 1957b. Beitrage zur Biologie und Ethologie von Dotilla blanfordi Alcock und Dotilla myc- tiroides (Milne-Edwards) (Crustacea De- capoda). Zeit. Morph, u. Okol. Tiere 46: 369-388. 1962. Akustische Epiphanomene im Sozialver- halten von Uca tangeri in Sudspanien. Ver- hand. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 22: 309-315. 1964. Ein antiphoner Klopfkode und eine neue Winkfunktion bei Uca tangeri. Sonder. Zeit. Naturwiss. 24: 644-645. Baerends, G. P. 1950. Specializations in organs and movements with a releasing function. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 4: 337-361. Beer, C. G. 1959. Notes on the behaviour of two estuarine crab species. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 36: 197-203. Blest, A. D. 1961. The concept of ritualisation. In W. H. Thorpe and O. L. Zangwill (Eds.), Cur- rent problems in animal behaviour. Cam- bridge University Press, London and New York. 424 pp. Bovbjerb, R. V. 1960. Behavioral ecology of the crab, Pachygrap- sus crassipes. Ecology 41: 668-672. Crane, J. 1957. Basic patterns of display in fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, Genus Uca). Zoologica 42: 69-82. 1958. Aspects of social behavior in fiddler crabs with special reference to Uca maracoani (Latreille). Zoologica 43: 113-130. 1966. Combat, display and ritualization in fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, Genus Uca). In A discussion on ritualization of behavior in animals and man, organized by Sir Julian Huxley. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. No. 772; Vol. 251: 213-226. Dembowski, J. 1925. On the “speech” of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator. Travaux Inst. Nencki 3: 1-7. Guinot-Dumortier, D. & B. Dumortier 1960. La stridulation chez les crabes. Crustace- ana 1: 117-155. Hagen, 'H. O. v. 1962. Freilandstudien zur sexual -und- Fortp- flanzungsbiologie von Uca tangeri in An- dalusien. Zeit. Morph, u. Okol. Tiere 51: 611-725. Hiatt, R. W. 1948. The biology of the lined shore crab, Pachy- grapsus crassipes Randall. Pacific Science 2: 135-213. Hinde, R. A. 1966. Animal behavior. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 534 pp. 76 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [52:6 Huxley, J. S. 1914. The courtship-habits of the great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus ) with an addi- tion to the theory of sexual selection. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 491. 1966. Introduction. In A discussion on ritualiza- tion of behaviour in animals and man, organized by Sir Julian Huxley. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. No. 772; Vol. 251: 249-271. Huxley, J. S. et al. 1966. A discussion on ritualization of behaviour in animals and man, organized by Sir Julian Huxley. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. No. 772; Vol. 251: 247-526. Lorenz, K. Z. 1941. Vergleichende Bewegnugstudien an Anti- nen. J. fur Ornithol. 83: 137-213, 289-413. 1964. Ritualized fighting. In J. D. Carthy and F. J. Ebling (Eds.), The natural history of aggression. Academic Press, London and New York. 39-50. 1966a. On aggression. (Trans, by Marjorie Kerr Wilson.) Harcourt, Brace & World, New York. 306 pp. (Originally published, 1963, under the title Das Sogenannte Bose. Bor- otha-Schoeler, Vienna.) 1966b. Evolution of ritualization in the biological and cultural spheres. In A discussion on ritualization of behaviour in animals and man, organized by Sir Julian Huxley. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. No. 772; Vol. 251: 273-284. Pearse, A. S. 1912. The habits of fiddler-crabs. Philippine J. Sc. D, 7: 113-133. Reese, E. S. 1964. Ethology and marine zoology. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 455-488. Salmon, M. 1965. Waving display and sound production in the courtship behavior of Uca pugilator, with comparisons to U. minax and U. pugnax. Zoologica 50: 123-149. Salmon, M. & J. F. Stout 1962. Sexual discrimination and sound produc- tion in Uca pugilator Bose. Zoologica 47: 15-19. SCHALLER, G. B. 1967. The deer and the tiger: a study of wildlife in India. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 370 pp. SCHONE H. & H. SCHONE 1963. Balz und andere Verhaltensweisen der Mangrovekrabbe Goniopsis cruentata Latr. und das Winkverhalten der eulitoralen Brachyuren. Zeit. fur Tierpsychologie 20: 641-656. Thorpe, W. H. 1966. Ritualization in ontogeny. I. Animal play. In A discussion on ritualization of behav- iour in animals and man, organized by Sir Julian Huxley. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. No. 772; Vol. 251: 311-319. Tinbergen, N. 1952. “Derived” activities; their causation, bio- logical significance, origin and emancipa- tion during evolution. Quart. Rev. Biol. 27: 1-32. 1953. Social behaviour in animals. Methuen and Co., Ltd., London. 150 pp. Tweedie, M. W. F. 1954. Notes on grapsoid crabs from the Raffles Museum Nos. 3, 4 and 5. Bull. Raffles Mus. Singapore (25) : 118-127. Verwey, J. 1930. Einiges fiber die Biologie ost-indischer Mangrovekrabben. Treubia 12: 169-261. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE Plate I Combat in Uca rapax (from 16-mm. motion picture film). See text, pp. 57—59. Fig. 1. Tap following a heel-and-ridge in homo- clawed combat. The actor is the crab on the right. His dactyl is striking the heel of his opponent’s manus while his pollex is free. Fig. 2. Same combat as in Fig. 1. Alternate stroke showing the actor’s pollex against his op- ponent’s invisible oblique ridge, on inner side of manus. Fig. 3. Interlace in a heteroclawed combat. The actor is on the right. The teeth near his dactyl’s base are starting to rub down- ward against the ridges of his opponent’s inner manus, which parallel the dactyl’s base. Fig. 4. Same, near end of downward stroke of rub. CRANE PLATE i FIG. 1 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 FIG. 2 COMBAT AND ITS RITU ALIZATION IN FIDDLER CRABS (OCYPODIDAE) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UCA RAPAX (SMITH) [1967] Zoologica: Index to Volume 52 79 Numbers in parentheses are the series numbers of papers contain- ing the tables, figures, or plates listed immediately following. Numbers in bold face indicate text-figures. A Agraulis vanillae, 2, 3, 5-6, CO 5, 11-12, 13 B Butterflies. See Agraulis vanillae ; Heliconius ricini; Heliconius sarae; Morpho peleides; Philaethria dido ; Pterins; Victorina steneles; Wing coloration C Colaenis julia, 15, (2) Table II, 16-18, 19, (2) 4 Combat and its ritualization. See Fiddler crabs E Erythropterin, 15, (2) 1, 16, (2) Tables I— II, 18, (2) 3, 19 See also Pterins F Fiddler crabs, combat and its rit- ualization: Uca rapax, 49-77, (6) 1-3, (6) Tables I-IX, (6) PL I adaptive values, 72-73 associated activities, 60-62, (6) Table IV behavior components, mor- phological specializations, 57-60, (6) 2-3 categories, 62-63, CO Tables V-VI characteristics of opponents, 55-56, (6) Tables I— III comparison with other ani- mals, 73 definitions, 52-55 derivation of components, 73 duration of combats, 63-66, (6) Tables V-VI functions, 70—72 further research, areas for, 73-74 postcombat behavior, 66-69, (6) Table VIII terminology, 52, (6) 1 species other than U. rapax, 69-70, (6) Table IX Fish schools, survival value, 25-40 definitions, 25-27 environment, influence of : olfaction, 31 INDEX ontogenetic change, 31—32 sound production and pre- vention, 29—31 visibility and transparency of water, 27-29 prey and predator, relative size, 34—35 structure and size of schools: enormous schools, problem of, 32-34 shape of schools, 32 H Heliconius erato, 1—2, 3, 4, 6, ( 1 ) 3, 10-11, 12, 13, 15-16, (2) Tables I— II, (2) 2, 18 Heliconius ricini, 3, 4—5, CO 3-4, 10, 12-13 Heliconius sarae, 2, 3—4, CO 1-3, 5, 7, 10-11, 12-13, 18 L Longevity of Naja naja philip- pinensis. See Venom extrac- tion M Morpho peleides, 2, 3, 7—8, COB, 12, 13 N Naja naja philippinensis, longev- ity under stress of venom ex- traction, 41-47, C5) Tables I— III, C5) 1-3 See also Venom extraction P Philaethria dido, 2, 3, 6-7, CO 6—7 12 13 Pterins, 15-20, CO Tables I— II, C2) 1-4 Colaenis julia, 15, CO Table II, 16-18, C2) 4, 19 Heliconius erato, 15-16, CO Tables I— II, C2) 2, 18 Heliconius sara, 18 See also Erythropterin S Schools, fish. See Fish schools, survival value Sound production, underwater, Zalophus caliiornianus, 21- 24, C3) Pis. I-V recorded sounds: bang or crack, 22, C3) PL V barks, 22, C3) PL II buzzing, 22, C3) PL IV clicks, 21-22, C3) Pl. I whinny, 22, C3) PL III sound production mechanisms, 22- 23 spectrographs, 23, C3) Pis. I-V Spectral efficiency curves, 2, 10-12, 13 Agraulis vanillae, 5, CO 5, 10-12, 13 Heliconius erato, 10-12 Heliconius ricini, 5, CO 4, 13 Heliconius sarae, 3-4, CO 1-2, 10-12, 13 Morpho peleides, 7-8, COB, 12, 13 Philaethria dido, 6, 7, CO 7, 12, 13 Victorina steneles, 6-7, C O 7, 12, 13 Spectral reflectance characteristics, 2 Heliconius erato, 3, CO 3 Heliconius ricini, CO 3 Heliconius sarae, 3, CO 3 Philaethria dido, 6, CO 6 Victorina steneles, 6, CO 6 Spectrographs. See Sound produc- tion U Uca rapax, combat and its rituali- zation, 49-77, C6) 1—3, CO Tables I-IX, C6) Pl. I See also Fiddler crabs V Venom extraction, longevity under stress of: Naja naja philippinensis, 41-47, C5) Tables I— III, CO 1-3 collection of venom, 42 adverse affect, 45, CO Tables I-II, C5) 1-3, 47 controls, 44, CO Tables II, 47 death rate and time of year, 44, C5) 3, 46, 47 schedules, effects of, 42-43, C5) Table I, C5) 1 time acquired, 44, CO Table III, 46-47 feeding, 42 housing, 42 Victorina steneles, 3, 6-7, C 1 ) 6-7, 12, 13 W Wing coloration, neural adapta- tions to in butterflies, 1-14, Cl) 1-8 See also Spectral efficiency curves; Spectral reflectance characteristics Z Zalophus calif ornianus, 21—23, C3) Pis. I-V NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY GENERAL OFFICE 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10020 PUBLICATION OFFICE The Zoological Park, Bronx, N.Y. 10460 Fairfield Osborn President Laurance S. Rockefeller First Vice-President OFFICERS Henry Clay Frick, II Robert G. Goelet Vice-President John Elliott Secretary David Hunter McAlpin Treasurer Eben W. Pyne Assistant Treasurer SCIENTIFIC STAFF William G. Conway General Director ZOOLOGICAL PARK William G. Conway . Director & Curator, Birds F. Wayne King . . Associate Curator, Reptiles Hugh B. House Chairman & Charles P. Gandal Veterinarian Associate Curator, Mammals Lee S. Crandall . . . General Curator Emeritus Grace Davall . . Assistant Curator, Mammals & Zoological Park Consultant <6 Birds William Bridges Curator of Publications Emeritus Victor H. Hutchison . . . Research Associate in John M. Budinger . . . Consultant, Pathology Herpetology David W. Nellis Mammalogist Joseph Bell .... Associate Curator, Birds James G. Doherty Mammalogist Donald F. Bruning Ornithologist AQUARIUM Ross F. Nigrelli Director Nixon Griffis .... Administrative Assistant Christopher W. Coates . . . Director Emeritus Robert A. Morris .... Associate Curator Louis Mowbray Research Associate in Field Biology GENERAL Edward R. Ricciuti . . Editor & Associate Curator, Publications Elysbeth H. Wyckoff . . . Production Editor Dorothy Reville Photo Librarian Sam Dunton . Photographer OSBORN LABORATORIES OF MARINE SCIENCES Ross F. Nigrelli . . . Director and Pathologist Harry A. Charipper . . Research Associate in Martin F. Stempien, Jr. . . . Assistant to the Histology Director & Bio-Organic Chemist Kenneth Gold Marine Ecologist George D. Ruggieri, S.J. . . . Coordinator of Myron Jacobs Neuroanatomist Research & Experimental Embryologist Klaus Kallman Fish Geneticist William Antopol . . . Research Associate in Vincent R. Liguori Microbiologist Comparative Pathology John J. A. McLaughlin . Research Associate in C. M. Breder, Jr. . . . Research Associate in Planktonology Ichthyology Martin P. Schreibman . . Research Associate in Jack T. Cecil Virologist Fish Endocrinology Eva K. Hawkins Algologist INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN ANIMAL BEHAVIOR [Jointly operated by the Society and The Rockefeller University, and including the Society’s William Beebe Tropical Research Station, Trinidad, West Indies] Donald R. Griffin .... Director & Senior Fernando Nottebohm . . . Research Zoologist Research Zoologist George Schaller Research Zoologist Peter R. Marler . . . Senior Research Zoologist Thomas T. Struhsaker . . . Research Zoologist Jocelyn Crane . . . Senior Research Ethologist C. Alan Lill Research Fellow Roger S. Payne Research Zoologist O. Marcus Buchanon . . . Resident Director, Richard L. Penney .... Research Zoologist William Beebe Tropical Research Station EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Fairfield Osborn Chairman William G. Conway Donald R. Griffin Edward R. Ricciuti Lee S. Crandall Hugh B. House Ross F. Nigrelli Peter R. Marler ZOOLOGICA SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 53 • 1968 • NUMBERS 1-8 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY The ZOOLOGICAL PARK, New York NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Zoological Park, Bronx, N. Y. 10460 OFFICERS Fairfield Osborn Laurance S. Rockefeller Robert G. Goelet Chairman of the Board of Trustees President Executive Vice-President Henry Clay Frick, II Chairman of the Executive Committee John Pierrepont Vice-President Howard Phipps, Jr. Treasurer Eben w Pyne Secretary Assistant Treasurer Edward R. Ricciuti Editor & Curator, Publications & Public Relations Joan Van Haasteren Editorial Assistant EDITORIAL COMMITTEE William G. Conway Lee S. Crandall Donald R. Griffin Robert G. Goelet Chairman F. Wayne King Hugh B. House Peter R. Marler Ross F. Nigrelli William G. Conway General Director ZOOLOGICAL PARK William G. Conway . . . Director & Curator, Ornithology Hugh B. House .... Curator, Mammalogy Grace Davall . . Assistant Curator, Mammals & Birds Walter AufFenberg . . Research Associate in Herpetology Joseph Bell . . Associate Curator, Ornithology F. Wayne King .... Curator, Herpetology Joseph A. Davis, Jr Charles P. Gandal Veterinarian Lee S. Crandall . . . General Curator Emeritus & Zoological Park Consultant William Bridges . Curator of Publications Emeritus John M. Budinger . . . Consultant, Pathology Ben Sheffy Consultant, Nutrition James G. Doherty Mammalogist Donald F. Bruning Ornithologist Scientific Assistant to the Director Ross F. Nigrelli . . Christopher W. Coates Nixon Griffis . . . AQUARIUM Director Robert A. Morris Curator Director Emeritus U. Erich Friese Assistant Curator Administrative Assistant Louis Mowbray . Research Associate in Field Biology OSBORN LABORATORIES OF MARINE SCIENCES Ross F. Nigrelli . . Director and Pathologist Martin F. Stempien, Jr. ... Assistant to the Director & Bio-Organic Chemist George D. Ruggieri, S.J. . . . Coordinator of Research & Experimental Embryologist William Antopol . . . Research Associate in Comparative Pathology C. M. Breder, Jr. ... Research Associate in Ichthyology Jack T. Cecil Virologist Jay Hyman Harry A. Charipper . . Research Associate in Histology Kenneth Gold Marine Ecologist Eva K. Hawkins Algologist Myron Jacobs Neuroanatomist Klaus Kallman Fish Geneticist Vincent R. Liguori Microbiologist John J. A. McLaughlin . . Research Associate in Planktonology Research Associate in Fish Endocrinology Martin P. Schreibman Research Associate in Comparative Pathology INSTITUTE FOR RESEACH IN ANIMAL BEHAVIOR [Jointly operated by the Society and The Rockefeller University, and including the Society's William Beebe Tropical Research Station, Trinidad, West Indies] Donald R. Griffin .... Director & Senior Research Zoologist Peter R. Marler . . . Senior Research Zoologist Jocelyn Crane . . . Senior Research Ethologist Roger S. Payne Research Zoologist Richard L. Penney .... Research Zoologist Fernando Nottebohm . . . Research Zoologist George Schaller Research Zoologist Thomas T. Struhsaker . . . Research Zoologist C. Alan Lill Resident Director O. Marcus Buchanan . . . Resident Director, William Beebe Tropical Research Station Contents Issue 1. April 15, 1968 PAGE 1 . Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus). I. Evidence from Thermoregulatory Behavior. By Francis H. Fay & Carleton Ray. Plates I-IV; Text-figures 1-2 1 2. Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus) . II. Evidence from Physiological Characteristics. By Carleton Ray & Francis H. Fay. Text-figures 1-9 19 3. Thermoregulation of the Pup and Adult Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Lession), in Antarctica. By Carleton Ray & M. S. R. Smith. Plates I-II; Text-figures 1-8 33 Issue 2. July 19, 1968 4. The Pentastomes, Waddycephalus teretiusculus (Baird, 1862) Sambon, 1922 and Parasambonia bridgesi n. gen., n. sp., from the Lungs of the Australian Snake, Pseudechis porphyriacus. By Horace W. Stunkard & Charles P. Gandal. Text-figures 1-6 49 5. Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. Porcel- lanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) from the West Coast of Tropical America. By Janet Haig. Text-figures 1-2 57 Issue 3. November 29, 1968 PAGE 6. Observations on the African Bushpig Potamochoerus porcus Linn, in Rhodesia. By Lyle K. Sowls & Robert I. Phelps. Plates I-II; Text- figures 1-8 75 7. The Breeding Biology of the Male Brown Bear (Ursus arctos). By Albert W. Erickson, Harland W. Moosman, Richard J. Hensel, & Willard A. Troyer. Plates I-IX; Text-figures 1-2 85 Issue 4. March 19, 1969 8. Host and Ecological Relationships of the Parasitic Helminth Capillaria hepatica in Florida Mammals. By James N. Layne. Plate I; Text-figures 1-4 107 Index to Volume 53 123 ZOOLOGICA SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 53 • ISSUE 1 • SPRING, 1968 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY The ZOOLOGICAL PARK, New York Contents PAGE 1. Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus). I. Evidence from Thermoregulatory Behavior. By Francis H. Fay & Carleton Ray. Plates I-IV; Text-figures 1-2 1 2. Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus) . II. Evidence from Physiological Characteristics. By Carleton Ray & Francis H. Fay. Text-figures 1-9 19 3. Thermoregulation of the Pup and Adult Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Lesson), in Antarctica. By Carleton Ray & M. S. R. Smith. Plates I-II; Text-figures 1-8 33 Erratum: Fall- Winter, 1967, Zoologica was Issue 3-4 containing papers 5 and 6, not Issue 3. Zoologica is published quarterly by the New York Zoological Society at the New York Zoological Park, Bronx Park, Bronx, N. Y. 13460, and manuscripts, subscriptions, orders for back issues and changes of address should be sent to that address. Subscription rates: $6.00 per year; single numbers, $1.50, unless otherwise stated in the Society’s catalog of publications. Second-class postage paid at Bronx, N. Y. Published April 15, 1968 1 Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus). I. Evidence from Thermoregulatory Behavior. Francis H. Fay1 and Carleton Ray2 (Plates I-IV; Text-figures 1-2) Introduction THE walrus is one of a group of pinnipeds typically associated with the ice front in northern seas, but like most of the others, it is by no means restricted to the front. Some walruses occur as much as 1 ,000 miles south of it in summer and some as much as 500 miles north of it in winter. Within this range, the walrus resides chiefly in the shallow waters of the continental shelf, where its food of mollusks and other benthic invertebrates is obtained at depths of 80 meters or less (Vibe, 1950). The area occupied by these mammals on a year- round basis thus comprises parts of two marine zoogeographic zones, the Arctic and the Boreal or subarctic (Ekman, 1953; Zenkevitch, 1963), but does not include the full extent of shallows in either one. The failure of walruses to occupy all of the shoals and inshore waters of the Arctic Zone seems to be clearly a matter of their in- ability to penetrate regularly into the polar ice- pack or to obtain food in some areas where mollusks are scarce (Fay, 1957) . Their occupa- tion of only the northern part of the Boreal Zone may be due to restrictions imposed by the climate, which varies from subarctic in the iBiologist, Arctic Health Research Laboratory, Pub- lic Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, College, Alaska. 2Department of Pathobiology, School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Formerly, Curator, New York Aquarium, New York Zoological Society, Coney Island, New York. northern part to low temperate in the south. A correlation between the southern limit of the walrus’ range and isothermal lines was noted more than a century ago by von Baer (1838, fide Allen, 1880:91), and we find this to be generally true today. The majority of these ani- mals occurs in areas where monthly mean air temperatures are from —15 to +5°C, and only a few vagrants range south of the 10°C isotherm at any time (Text-fig. 1). In the study reported here, we set out to test the theory of a southern climatic boundary, not by comparing distribu- tion with thermal conditions, but by examining the behavioral and physiological responses of walruses to subarctic and temperate climates. In this paper we report on the behavioral aspects of the study; the physiological findings are re- ported separately (Ray & Fay, 1968). The material presented here is of two kinds. First are descriptions of the postures and other physical adjustments of walruses that affect the amount of exposed surface area and could in- fluence the rate of heat loss from the body to the ambient. Second is a quantitative compari- son of the weather when the animals were out versus in the water. Walruses spend about as much time out of the water as in it, and the frequency and duration of their lying out seem to be affected by the weather conditions at the time (Shuldham, 1775, fide Allen, 1880:67; Hayes, 1867:404; Nikulin, 1947). Since their presence in or out of the water may depend also on the normal alternation of activity and rest, we have included an investigation of the normal activity rhythm. 1 2 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 90°E Text-fig. 1. The north polar region, showing the present distribution of walruses in summer in relation to the minimum extent of the permanent ice pack and the isotherm of 10° C mean air tempera- ture for July. Materials and Methods Information on the behavior of free-living walruses was obtained mostly by Fay during the period 1952 to 1965, in the vicinity of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, just south of Bering Strait. In the course of approximately 400 hours spent hunting walruses with the Eskimos of that area, at least 1,190 adults, subadults, and juve- niles were seen, plus many calves not included in the counts. More than 8,000 others were seen during aerial surveys of the Bering Sea. Most of these animals were sighted during the daytime, between 0800 and 1600 hours, when more than four-fifths of them were lying out on ice floes; the rest were swimming or feeding in the water. Although the Eskimos’ objective during the hunts was to kill the animals for food, observa- tion of undisturbed animals was usually possible for several minutes before the shooting occurred. In that time, behavior of potential thermoregu- latory value was observed. Most of the field observations were made in May, when the Pacific walrus population was 1968] Fay & Ray: Influence of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. 1. Thermoregulatory Behavior 3 concentrated in the northern end of the Bering Sea. The behavior of the animals in that time and place is assumed to have been representative of their responses to weather slightly warmer than the mean for their year-round environment. Observations in the vicinity of St. Lawrence Island during January to March provided some indications of the reactions to the coldest weather to which walruses are ordinarily ex- posed in the Bering Sea region; the island is the northern limit of their range at that time (see Brooks, 1954). For observation during the warmest weather in summer, Fay went to Round Island (58° 30' N, 160° W), Bristol Bay, Alaska, the southernmost area regularly occupied by Pacific walruses in that season. About 1,500 males were observed there during a four-day visit at the end of June, 1958. The data obtained in the field on the activity rhythm and reactions to weather were mostly notations of the time, location, and number of animals seen in (swimming) or out (resting) of the water. Only those animals that were un- disturbed were counted; alarmed walruses in- variably took refuge in the water. These notes were later correlated with meteorological data recorded by us or by personnel of a nearby weather station. The data were biased to the extent that it was usually not possible to observe the animals during periods of extremely stormy weather. Our information on the behavior of walruses in captivity was obtained from 1957 to 1963, principally by Ray at the New York Aquarium. The animals from which most of the informa- tion was obtained were an adolescent male, probably of Greenlandic origin, and a juvenile female from the Bering Sea. Both had been in captivity since infancy. Data on their activity rhythm and reactions to weather were obtained in 1960, during a six-month period of close sur- veillance. At that time, the male was about five years old, and the female was about one year old. At regular intervals each day, notations were made whether each animal was in the water or hauled out on its resting platform, and these were correlated with hourly weather re- corded by the U. S. Weather Bureau, 17 Battery Place, New York City. The weather records were less applicable than on-site micrometeoro- logical data would have been, but the conditions described by them were similar to the general weather at the aquarium. One notable excep- tion to this was wind velocity; winds were stronger and more frequent at the Battery than at the aquarium, and within the sheltering walls of their enclosures the animals were further removed from the effects of all but strong winds. From January 18 to May 30, notations on activity were made several times daily between 0800 and 1600 hours and, after May 30, also at 0200, 0600, and 2200 hours. At 0800 hours daily, throughout the six-month period, a nota- tion was made also of the presence or absence of feces on each animal’s resting platform. Since the animals seldom defecated on the platforms except when they stayed out for an hour or more beforehand, we used this as an index of their having spent some time out of water during the night. In June and July, when both this index and their regular nighttime observations were recorded, they showed close agreement. The captives were kept in separate, walled enclosures about 20 meters apart and were visu- ally, but not acoustically or olfactorily, isolated from each other. Since vocal communication between them was rarely detected, and since neither animal was sexually mature, we are con- fident that any intercommunication that did occur did not seriously influence their behavior. The male’s enclosure also held three gray seals, Halichoerus grypus, but the walrus was domi- nant over these and virtually unaffected by their presence. Neither did the presence of human spectators seem to distract either animal to the extent that its activity rhythm was affected. Al- though the spectators were not ignored while the walruses were swimming, the animals were largely oblivious to all human activity when they hauled out to rest.’ The aquarium was open to the public from 1000 to 1700 hours daily to May 30 and from 1000 to 2200 hours thereafter. The only significant human influences on the be- havior of the animals during that time were the daily feedings; each animal usually hauled out on its resting platform when the keeper arrived with the food at 1 030 to 1100 hours and 1 5 30 to 1600 hours. Spot observations were recorded at those times each day before feeding. The juvenile female was one of 21 individuals obtained at St. Lawrence Island between 1958 and 1963. All of these were very young animals when captured, ranging in age from newborn to three or four weeks old. They were held in pens on the island for up to two weeks before being transferred by aircraft to the aquarium. In that time, we obtained information on their reactions to the local weather and, in a few cases, to a wide range of experimentally imposed thermal conditions. Comparative information on their reactions to hot summer weather was obtained after their arrival in New York. 4 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 Results Regulation of Surface Exposure in Air Four methods were used by walruses to regu- late exposure of their body surface and appen- dages to the ambient while at rest out of water. These were huddling, posture, fanning, and se- lection of substrates. These will be considered separately, though they often occurred simul- taneously. Huddling. Of nearly 10,000 walruses seen by us from small boats and aircraft, less than three per cent were alone; the rest were in groups of from two to several hundred. The mean size of the groups tended to be smallest when the ani- mals were in the water, larger when they were on ice, and largest when they were on land (Table I). One characteristic of each group resting on Table I. Group Size of Wild Pacific Walruses in Relation to Their Location.3 No. of Animals Location No. of No. of per Group Animals Groups Range Mean In water 339 94 1- 50 3 On ice 6274 388 1-600 16 On land 3254 21 1-850 155 a From unpublished data obtained by J. W. Brooks, K. W. Kenyon, A. Thayer, and F. H. Fay during aerial surveys and observation from small boats, Bering Sea, 1952 to 1962. ice or land was the intense mutual contact be- tween its members, which lay . . huddling like swine, one over the other” (Cook, 1822:680). This is at once apparent to anyone seeing a rest- ing herd for the first time (Plate I), and it has been mentioned many times previously in ac- counts by naturalists and other explorers of arctic regions (e.g., see review by Allen, 1880: 107-121, 178-180). In captivity, also, walruses show a high degree of gregariousness and thig- motaxis; when two or more of those that we studied were kept in the same pen, they almost invariably slept huddled together. We estimated that the usual extent of contact in groups, both in the field and in the aquarium, was about 20 per cent of the total body surface per animal. The degree of mutual contact within groups did not appear to vary seasonally, with latitude or with air temperature or other weather condi- tions. Herds on the beach at Round Island in June, under clear skies and in 14°C air, were apparently as tightly packed as those on the ice in January when the sky was cloudy and air as cold as— 19°C. In the aquarium, also, the ani- mals huddled together to sleep, regardless of whether they were cold, warm, or hot; under the warmest conditions, both the wild and the cap- tive animals showed signs of heat stress. In the field, we observed another type of hud- dling, characteristic of mother-and-calf pairs, which we called “brooding” in as much as it seemed to be of benefit to the calf alone. In this case, there were distinct variations in the degree of contact that seemed to be adaptively related to the weather. For example, we noticed at first that very few calves were in evidence during the chilliest days, but in sunny weather with little or no wind they were frequently seen standing or lying on the ice beside the mother. Subsequently, we discovered that in cold weather the calf was usually situated against the mother’s breast, be- tween her forelimbs, and so completely con- cealed and sheltered that its presence was not detected until the mother became alarmed and began to flee. Calves in this position were esti- mated to have at least 50 per cent of their body surface in contact with that of the adult. When removed from this maternal shelter and exposed alone to the chilly weather, the calves reacted by seeking protection from the wind, huddling against any warm body or low-conductance ma- terial, assuming a “fetal” position, and shiver- ing violently. They were obviously chilled and we concluded that the warmth derived from maternal brooding was an important and, pos- sibly, essential component of their environment. In our experience, weather severe enough to bring about these responses occurred, on the average, in at least three out of four days during the calving season (April-May), and sometimes lasted for ten days at a time. Posture and fanning. By varying their pos- ture and the position of their appendages, wal- ruses at rest are capable of controlling the amount of exposed surface area. Maximum ex- posure is attained by sprawling on the back with head and neck extended and flippers out- stretched and spread. Minimum exposure is ef- fected by assuming the “fetal” position, with head drawn in, back arched, and flippers pressed tightly against the body. From comparative pho- tographs of one calf in both positions (Plate II) , we estimate that the amount of surface exposed in the fetal posture is only about three-fourths as much as in the sprawling posture. That pos- tural regulation of exposed surface is influenced by ambient temperature was determined experi- mentally. Four newly captured calves, each in a separate wooden crate, were exposed to an in- 1968] Fay & Ray: Influence of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. 1. Thermoregulatory Behavior 5 crease of 3 or 4°C every 15 minutes. At the lowest temperature, about 1°C, each animal assumed an extreme fetal position with occa- sional violent shivering. As the temperature was raised, each became more relaxed and paid less attention to keeping its appendages against the body. At 10°C, the animals became fully relaxed and lay either on the back or side; at 15°C they began to sprawl and extend their appendages; at 18°C they became restless and began fanning intermittently with their flippers; at 20°C they were so restless that the experiment was terminated. The postural adjustments of isolated wild adults in relation to air temperatures were simi- lar to those of the experimental calves. There was clearly a trend to fetal postures at low temperatures (Plate III, fig. 5) and to sprawling at high temperatures, but it was usual to find a wide variety of postures under the latter condi- tions (Plate III, fig. 6). We found that the fetal posture was almost always assumed when the animals first emerged from the water and was maintained for some time, even when the air temperature was relatively high. In air warmer than 10°C, the emergent animals usually relaxed to a more or less sprawling position after about 30 minutes, or when their skin became dry. We assume that the change in posture reflected a change in the rate of heat loss per unit of sur- face, i.e., in relation to evaporative cooling. Fanning by walruses in the aquarium was often seen when ambient temperatures were higher than 20°C but rarely at lower tempera- tures. In general, fanning animals were visibly hyperemic and hot to the touch, indicating rapid dissipation of body heat. Fanning and super- ficial hyperemia were seen also in the herds at Round Island, where they were lying in the sun in 13 to 14°C air (Plate IV, fig. 7). We did not see fanning or hyperemia in animals on the ice, even when air temperatures were as high as 7°C, but J. J. Burns (personal communication) saw fanning by some adult males when the tem- perature was about 8.5°C (Plate IV, fig. 8). Selection of substrates. A group of three newly captured calves, held in an outdoor pen with a floor of snow, had access to a 1-meter- square piece of plywood and approximately equal areas of canvas and of fresh skin from an adult walrus. The group elected to sleep hud- dled on the wood, rather than on the snow or other materials, and their persistent use of it indicated that they found it preferable, perhaps because of its lower conductance and specific heat. Pieces of plywood were then provided to several younger calves in separate pens, and these also were consistently used as beds, in preference to the ice and snow of the pen floor. A positive response in cold weather to sub- strates of low conductivity and specific heat was suggested also by the behavior of the captives in New York. When they hauled out to rest in the winter, they clearly avoided snow-covered sur- faces, and the female selected a wooden pallet rather than an adjacent concrete platform. The male walrus had only a wooden platform on which to lie. Probable selection of substrates by free-living walruses was noticed only under the warmest conditions at Round Island. Several times, rest- ing animals were observed to grope about with their hind flippers and, on touching a damp, shaded rock, to press the spread flippers firmly against it, as if aware of its coolness. Although the temperature of the damp rocks in shade was only 1 or 2°C lower than that of the air, they were distinctly cooler to the touch because of their high specific heat and conductivity. Influence of Weather on Emergence The opinion that walruses prefer to haul out in sunny weather was expressed by Shuldham ( 1775, fide Allen, 1880:67) and Hayes (1867:404), based on their observations of the animals under natural conditions. We formed the same opinion, independently, from our in- itial nonsystematic observations of both wild and captive animals and noted, furthermore, that they seemed to stay in the water during windy or stormy weather. The latter was noticed also by Nikulin (1947) and Mansfield (1958:115). These opinions were tested quan- titatively by means of a sampling system, in which periodic spot-observations of the activi- ties of captive walruses were recorded by impartial observers and correlated with meteoro- logical data, supplied by the Weather Bureau. Inasmuch as the emergence of the animals and the duration of their exposure to weather might be governed also by regular daily and seasonal cycles of activity, the data were analyzed first for evidence of activity rhythms. Activity rhythm. Other than an opinion ex- pressed by some Eskimos to Loughrey (1959:39) that walruses feed mostly early in the morning and haul out to rest in the remainder of the day, there is no published information available on the normal alternation of rest and activity in these animals. We obtained an estimate of the mean daily activity rhythm of wild walruses by compiling a series of data on several thousand that were sighted in the Bering Sea in the months of January to June, 1952 to 1960 (F. H. Fay, 6 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 K. W. Kenyon & A. Thayer, unpublished). A comparable estimate for walruses in captivity was obtained from more than 1,000 spot-obser- vations of the two juveniles in the New York Aquarium. January to July, 1960. Animals sighted in the water were considered to have been “active;” those sighted on land or ice were considered as “inactive.” The relative number of active animals per unit of time was found to show a general circadian rhythm in both the natural and the artificial environments (Text- fig. 2). The animals tended to be most active in the forenoon and evening and to haul out most often in early morning and early in the after- noon. The respective proportions of walruses in and out of the water suggested that the wild animals were less active in the daytime and more active at night than were the captives, perhaps because of differences in their feeding times. We did not detect any significant changes in the mean circadian rhythm per month, from January to July, except in the intensity of ac- tivity. In both the wild walruses and those in captivity, more time was spent in the water in January than in any other month (Table II). The wild animals were out of the water most often in February and March, at the height of the mating season (Fay, unpublished); the cap- tives were out most in March and April. From April to July, the captives hauled out with in- creasing frequency at night and decreasing fre- quency in the daytime. Activity in relation to weather: captive wal- ruses. Four kinds of meteorological data were utilized for comparison of the weather when the animals were out of the water (inactive) with that when they were in the water (active). These were: air temperature, sky cover (in- versely proportional to insolation) , precipitation rate and wind velocity (Table III). Since, in a Text-fig. 2. Comparative patterns of activity rhythms of wild and captive walruses, based on the percent- age of occurrences of animals sighted in the water per hour. 1968] Fay & Ray: Influence of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. 1. Thermoregulatory Behavior 7 Relative Activity Table II. of Walruses per Month. Locality and Time Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Wild walruses, Bering Sea Daytime, total sighted 323 261 10124 4569 5891 648 Daytime, per cent active 77 4 14 22 29 39 Captive walruses, N.Y. Aquarium . . Daytime, total observations 46 103 142 122 136 239 149 Daytime, % when active 93 89 74 63 76 79 81 Nighttime, total observations .... 25 54 57 45 60 59 38 Nighttime, % when active 76 91 75 62 52 59 47 Table III. Comparison of Monthly Mean Weather when Captive Walruses Were out of the Water with That when They Were in the Water. Wind, Mean Mean 30 mph Month No. of Mean Temp. Daytime Precip., or More Observations (°C) Sky Cover3 mm/hr (% Occur.) Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In January 77 ~ 3 "43 2.1 2.4 83 69b 0 .18 0 21 February 11 92 2.2 3.0 81 60b .13 .43b 27 38 March 37 105 2.7 0.7b 44 58b .13 .80b 11 19 April 45 77 11.3 10.9 52 59 .29 .42 11 13 May 33 129 15.2 16.5b 56 60 .13 .90 0 8 June 102 259 20.1 21. lb 51 56 .62 .51 2 4 July 74 169 21.8 22.3 41 54 .19 2.86 0 2 3 Expressed as per cent of total sky obscured by clouds; inversely proportional to isolation. bP < .05. preliminary analysis, we found the correlations of activity and weather to be unaffected by the circadian rhythm, all of the data were treated equally. Monthly means were compared by ap- propriate statistical tests; dilferences, when P < .05, were considered as significant. Water temperatures during the six-month period, from mid-January to mid-July, ranged from 4 to 1 8°C, respectively. During January and February, the animals stayed in the water most of the time (Table II), and on the few occasions when they did haul out, the weather was slightly cloudier and cooler but less windy than when they were in the water. High winds, 13.4 meters per second (30 mph) or stronger, occurred very frequently in both months and were correlated to a significant de- gree with the sunniest weather. March was actually a cooler month than Feb- ruary, though there were more sunny days. The male was out during the day more often than in any other month; the female still remained in the water most of the time. The weather when either of them was out was warmer, sunnier, drier, and less windy than it was when they were in the water. High winds were still correlated with sunny weather, but they occurred less often than in February. In April, the female was out of the water more often than the male during the day, and this relationship persisted through July. The daytime weather while either of them was out was slightly warmer and sunnier than when they were in the water, but about equally wet and windy. By May, both animals were out less frequently during the day and more frequently at night. When they were out of the water in the daytime, the weather was slightly sunnier and less windy, but cooler and drier than when they were in the water. In this and the succeeding month, the high winds occurred with cloudy skies. The tendency toward hauling out less fre- quently by day and more frequently by night increased through June and July. In both months, the weather when the animals were out Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 of the water in the daytime was slightly sunnier; in both the day and the night it was less windy but cooler and about as rainy as when they were in the water. Consistently, throughout the six-month pe- riod, the animals tended to avoid exposure to high winds, irrespective of the other conditions at the time. In addition, they showed a negative response to precipitation, especially in the cool- er months, and a consistent affinity for sunshine during March to July, i.e., when it was strong enough to have a distinct warming effect. They evidently were not influenced by “trace” amounts of precipitation, but greater amounts were clearly avoided. Precipitation of 0.5 mm/hr or more occurred about three times more often when they were in the water than when they were out. Neither animal was out of the water in precipitation greater than 0.5 mm/hr except in June, one of the warmest months. Mean air temperatures when the animals were “out” were at no time greatly different from those when they were “in” the water. The slightly lower temperatures when they were out in January-February apparently were related to the greater sky cover (= less insolation); the higher temperatures when they were out in March-April apparently were related to the less- er sky cover (= greater insolation). From May to July, air temperatures were not correlated with the amount of insolation, and in those months both animals continued to haul out in the sunnier weather but in slightly cooler air than when they were in the water. During sunny days in summer, when air temperatures rose to 25 °C or more, they spent most of their time in the water, rarely hauling out for more than an hour at a time. They tended to haul out mostly at night in the warmest months. Though they apparently became acclimatized to a certain de- gree to the temperate climate, they consistently avoided exposure to the greatest solar and at- mospheric heat by escaping to the water. Activity in relation to weather: wild walruses. Our data from walruses sighted in the field are less extensive than those from the captives, but they also suggest an avoidance of high wind in cold weather, irrespective of the sky cover (Table IV). In January, all the animals sighted when winds were 4 mps (10 mph) or stronger were in the water, whereas most of those sighted during lower wind velocities were on the ice. Winds up to 9 mps (20 mph) seemed not to deter the animals from hauling out in air at —7 to 6°C in May, even under overcast skies; indeed, in that month we saw more walruses on the ice in windy weather than when it was calm. In June at Round Island, also, most of the ani- mals resting on a windward beach during a squall with 10 to 12 mps winds and rain (air 12°C) were little affected. Though they were appreciably more restless than they had been earlier in the day in more moderate weather, they showed no clear signs of withdrawing into the sea ( 10°C). The highest rate of emigration from the beaches of Round Island occurred dur- ing the warmest afternoon (air 14°C, wind 0 to 2 mps, sky clear), and we interpreted this as an indication of intolerance of excessive heat, mostly from intense solar radiation. Table IV. Comparative Weather when Free-living Walruses Were Sighted out vs. in the Water Near St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea. Month Animals Sighted No. % Out Air Temp. (°C) Sky Cover Occurrence of Precip. Wind Velocity (mps) January 10 0 -27 clear none 11-13 January 25 0 - 8 clear none 9 January 11 0 -26 clear none 4 January 3 33 -23 clear none 0-2 January 25 100 -19 overcast none 0-2 January 6 100 -12 overcast none 0-2 January 25 100 - 3 overcast snow 0-2 March 5 0 - 1 clear fog 0-2 May . . 310 97 2,3 clear none 4-7 May . . 418 87 1,2 clear none 2-4 May . . 96 44 —2 to 2 clear none 0-2 May 58 98 -7 to 2 overcast none 4-9 May 58 95 —2 to 6 overcast none 2-4 May . . 261 90 -5 to 3 overcast none 0-2 June 3 0 4 clear none 0-2 1968] Fay & Ray: Influence of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. I. Thermoregulatory Behavior 9 Discussion The physical environment of pinnipeds com- prises parts of both the hydrosphere and the atmosphere, with, in some cases, nearly equal amounts of time spent in each. The aquatic por- tion is usually the more uniformly cold and stable; the atmospheric portion is relatively un- stable and heterogeneous and, at times, can be either colder or warmer than the sea. The home- otherm that inhabits both must possess unusual thermoregulatory versatility. Reports from many sources make it clear that this requirement is met in pinnipeds not only by physiological means but by extensive behavioral adjustments as well. For example, in cold or stormy weather, northern fur seals, Callorhinus, huddle together or withdraw into the sea (Bartholomew & Wilke, 1956; Fay, unpublished); Weddell seals, Lepto- nychotes, seek sunshine and shelter from the wind (Smith, 1965; Ray & Smith, 1968); gray seals, Halichoerus, avoid snow-covered surfaces (Waters, 1965), and Steller sea lions, Eume- topias, remain in the water (Kenyon & Rice, 1961). In warm weather, fur seals, Callorhinus and Arctocephalus, seek shade and moisture, expose areas of bare skin, and fan with their flippers (Bartholomew & Wilke, 1956; Paulian, 1964); monk seals, Monachus, make wallows in the damp sand or lie in the shade of a bush or cave (Kenyon & Rice, 1959; van Wijngaar- den, 1962) ; elephant seals, Mirounga, and South American sea lions, Otaria, may escape the heat altogether by staying in the water (Laws, 1956; Vaz-Ferreira & Palerm, 1961). Some of these tactics may considerably extend the thermal comfort zone well beyond the capacity of phy- siological mechanisms alone; others, such as es- cape into the water, indicate that the limits of the comfort zone have been exceeded. We assume that adult walruses, like other polar pinnipeds (Irving & Hart, 1957; Davidov & Makarova, 1964), are fully adapted for ther- moneutral existence in icewater, even while at rest, for they spend the greater part of their life there and may remain immersed for several days or weeks at a time. They are capable of sleeping in the water and frequently do so, yet at certain times they seem more inclined to rest in air than in the ostensible comfort of the sea. While out of the water or in anticipation of hauling out, they are notably selective of weather conditions, generally seeking exposure to sunshine and avoiding exposure to high winds and precipita- tion. In addition to their selection of the more favorable thermal conditions, usually warmer than the sea, they employ heat-conserving be- havior in all but the warmest weather. The usual result is a relatively high, stable temperature in the skin and appendages (Ray & Fay, 1968), and we think that this is the principal benefit derived from hauling out. The tissue most affect- ed by it is the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Whereas, it is about as cold as the water during immersion, it can become 30°C warmer following emergence. Since epidermal mitosis in pinnipeds probably occurs only at relatively high tissue temperatures (Feltz & Fay, 1967) and, perhaps, only when the animals are inac- tive or asleep (Bullough, 1962; Bullough & Ry- tomaa, 1965), growth and regeneration of the skin, as in the molt and healing of wounds, may be feasible only when the animals are at rest out of the water. This is not a new theory (Laws, 1956; McLaren, 1958), but it is presented here in a new context, with new support. We feel that it could help to explain the conservative, thermo- philic behavior of walruses and other polar pin- nipeds when in air, in contrast to their apparent comfort in the usually colder sea. The principal behavioral adjustments of wal- ruses that favor the conservation of body heat when at rest in air are huddling, fetal posture, and basking in the sunshine. Huddling may have special significance for the calves, which possess less than half as much physical insulation (hair and blubber) as other arctic pinnipeds of com- parable size. For the first two or three months after birth, thermal compensation for their de- ficiencies seems to be derived principally from contact with their mother ( “brooding” ) . We con- sider brooding by walruses as the behavioral analogue of the woolly coat of young phocid seals, in that it provides warmth and insulation for the young animals while their blubber layer is developing (Davydov & Makarova, 1964; Ray & Smith, 1968). The young walrus also remains mostly in the atmosphere during this critical period, and the mother remains there with it. On many occasions, we observed that the cows with very young calves were extremely hesitant to take the calves with them into the cold water when threatened by hunters, whereas those with older calves showed virtually no hesitancy at all. The huddling of adult walruses at rest has been recognized in a general way for a long time, but its potential contribution to thermal economy evidently has not been considered be- fore. Among the Pinnipedia other than walruses, gregariousness is common during the pupping, mating, and molting periods, but huddling is un- common. It seems significant that the walrus, the most polar of the otarioid seals and the most sparsely haired of all the pinnipeds, is also the most thigmothermal. By extensive mutual re- duction of surfaces exposed to the cold air and substrate, the huddling walrus herd becomes a 10 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 heat-exchanging and heat-conserving unit with an advantage for arctic living. However, the per- sistence of thigmotactic behavior under all ther- mal conditions may place a limit on the amount of climatic heat that can be tolerated. Huddling is disadvantageous in warm weather, for it se- verely obstructs the dissipation of heat from the body. By changing posture, the walrus is capable of regulating the amount of exposed surface and, thereby, of controlling the rate of heat loss. In contrast to huddling, posture is adjusted accord- ing to the ambient thermal conditions. The fetal posture ( minimal exposure of surface) is clearly a reaction to cold that has potential value for conservation of body heat, whereas sprawling, with extension of the appendages, undoubtedly helps to accelerate cooling by exposing the great- est surface area for dissipation of heat. When very warm, walruses increase the convectional heat loss from their body by fanning, usually with one or both of the foreflippers. These are small relative to body size but have a large sur- face-to-volume ratio and can accommodate a large volume of blood probably at a high flow rate. The capacity of the hind flippers for trans- ferring heat to the environment is enhanced also by evaporation when they become wetted by the animal’s watery excrement. We frequently no- ticed also that the fore and hind flippers were damp in the absence of any extrinsic supply of moisture, but we were unable to determine the source of the dampness. Sweat glands were not found in any tissues from the bare flippers, though they were abundant in skin from the hairy parts of the body (Fay, unpublished). Basking is another effective means for con- serving body heat, largely by acquiring heat from solar radiation. We assume that the dark surface of the walrus’ body absorbs radiant heat about as well as a black body, and that the short hair serves to retain it somewhat better than a bare surface. The hair may function also as a baffle, protecting against excessive convectional heat loss in all but the windiest weather. Walruses in captivity at mid-latitudes showed an affinity for sunshine from March to July but tended to avoid prolonged exposure during the warmest months, when the insolation was about twice as strong as that in their native habi- tat. The calves were more inclined to expose themselves to it than were the juveniles, per- haps because of their smaller size and less effec- tive thermoregulatory system. However, we observed, as did Reventlow (1951), that their greater exposure seemed to be the cause of a granular condition of the skin, tentatively iden- tified as solar keratosis (cf. Mackie & Mackie, 1963). This occurred during the molt, in June, after the hair was shed and the skin was unprotected from the direct rays of the sun. In our animals, an acne-like condition often oc- curred with it, possibly due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts by an excess of keratin (van Scott, 1959). The ultimate behavioral response to thermal conditions of the atmosphere is withdrawal into the water (“escape”). With increasingly cold weather, escape is preceded by the extreme fetal posture and intense shivering; with increas- ing warmth, it is the normal successor to sprawl- ing and fanning. We believe that the range of conditions under which escape does not occur includes but slightly exceeds the “comfort zone.” That is, we think that escape is not induced until the animals become uncomfortably hot or cold. Walruses that were acclimated for a year or more to the temperate climate of New York showed the escape reaction mostly when air temperatures were lower than 0°C or higher than 25 °C, given sunshine, light winds, and a wet concrete substrate on which to rest. Newly cap- tured calves, on a dry, wooden substrate in shade, were comfortable in still air only at tem- peratures between 5 and 18°C, and even after acclimation to warm weather in New York for 2 weeks, they tended not to lie out in air warmer than 20°C. Wild adults on ice may occasionally tolerate air as cold as — 35°C with strong winds (Freuchen, 1935), but in our opinion, this is more the exception than the rule. Whereas the majority of those seen by us were on ice when air temperatures were higher than — 20°C with little or no wind, nearly all were in the water when the air was colder or the winds were stronger. The upper threshold of air tempera- ture that induces wild adults to escape or remain in the water seems to be between 10 and 15°C, given sunshine, light winds, and a damp, rocky substrate or ice. Summary and Conclusions 1. The influence of climate on the distribu- tion of walruses was investigated by observing their behavioral reactions to weather in the natural arctic and subarctic environment and in the temperate climate at the New York Aquar- ium. Walruses spend a large proportion of their time out of the water and are, therefore, exposed to conditions of the atmosphere nearly as often 1968] Fay & Ray: Influence of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. I. Thermoregulatory Behavior 11 as to those of the hydrosphere. Whereas they can sleep in the water in apparent comfort, they usually haul out on ice or land to sleep, espe- cially during the spring and summer. 2. When at rest out of the water, they are highly gregarious and tend to huddle together at all times. This mutual reduction of exposed surface is advantageous for conservation of heat in cold weather, but it is a deterrent to their haul- ing out or remaining out when the weather is warm. Exposure of surface area is regulated also by the sleeping posture, which is adjusted for minimal exposure in cold and maximal ex- posure in warm weather. 3. Walruses are most active in the water at night and generally haul out to rest in the day- time. In doing so, they usually seek exposure to sunshine and avoid high winds and heavy pre- cipitation. Their tolerance of wind and pre- cipitation increases with rising air temperatures and increasing insolation, while their affinity for sunshine seems to remain unchanged. However, they evidently cannot tolerate for long the in- tense solar radiation in summer at mid-latitudes, and the young may be adversely affected by it. 4. The principal benefit derived from their hauling out to sleep seems to be the warming of their peripheral tissues, which may require heat and physical inactivity to fulfill their growth and reparative functions. Sustained warmth of the skin and appendages may be especially im- portant for the molt, healing of wounds, and the development and survival of the newborn young. 5. When the weather is excessively cold or hot, the animals withdraw into the relative com- fort of the sea after brief exposure or refrain from hauling out altogether. Thus, the upper and lower limits of their thermal tolerance are recognizable from this escape reaction. These limits may be expected to vary seasonally and, perhaps, with age, sex, reproductive status, health, and individuality. 6. The average limits of thermal tolerance of adult Pacific walruses while at rest in air seem to be between —20 and +15°C, given light winds, moderate insolation, and a cool, damp substrate on which to lie. Colder and warmer conditions may occasionally be tolerated, but only for short periods. 7. The highest air temperatures and most in- tense insolation received in coastal areas at the southern edge of the Pacific walrus’ present range tend to induce the escape reaction. Warm- er conditions, such as are found farther to the south, could be expected to discourage them to a greater extent from hauling out during the day in the spring and summer months, when they would ordinarily spend the most time out of the water. We feel that the conflict with their normal feeding, molting, and calving schedules could be sufficient to deter them from extending their range southward under present climatic conditions. Acknowledgments The bulk of the data on which this study is based was gathered in the course of zoonotic disease investigations for the Arctic Health Re- search Center (Fay) and in collecting and cura- torial activities for the New York Aquarium of the New York Zoological Society (Ray). Field work was supported in part also by grants from the Arctic Institute of North America, under contractual agreements with the Office of Naval Research. Transportation during some portions of Fay's field work was provided by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We were assisted in the field by James W. Brooks of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Karl W. Kenyon of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Charles Young of the New York Aquarium, K. Richard Zinsmann of the Arctic Health Research Center, and Steven A ningayou, Winfred James, LawrenceKulukhon, and Vernon K. Slwooko of Gambell, Alaska. Facilities for the temporary holding of captive calves were provided in Seattle by Edward John- son of the Woodland Park Zoo. K. W. Kenyon and Averill Thayer, Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife, supplied some unpublished data, and the keepers of the New York Aquarium assisted with the acquisition of data from some of the captive animals. James W. Brooks and John J. Burns of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, M. Woodbridge Williams of the National Park Service, and K. W. Kenyon pro- vided some of the photographs. A draft of the manuscript was reviewed by Drs. Laurence Irving and L. Keith Miller of the University of Alaska, Dr. A. W. Mansfield of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Dr. Victor B. Scheffer of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and Dr. Robert L. Rausch of the Arctic Health Research Center. To each of these individuals and agencies, we express our very sincere appreciation. 12 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 Literature Cited Allen, J. A. 1880. History of North American pinnipeds; a monograph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea- bears, and seals of North America. U. S. Geol. Geog. Surv. Territories, Misc. Publ. No. 12. Baer, K. E. Von 1838. Anatomische und zoologische Untersuch- ungen fiber das Wallross (Trichechus ros- marus) und Vergleichung dieses Thieres mit andern See-Saugethieren. Mem. Acad. Imper. Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1837, ser. 6, 4:97-236. Bartholomew, G. A., and F. Wilke 1956. Body temperature in the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus. J. Mamm., 37 (3): 327-337. Brooks, J. W. 1954. A contribution to the life history and ecology of the Pacific walrus. Alaska Cooperative Wildl. Research Unit, Special Rept. No. 1. Bullough, W. S. 1962. Growth control in mammalian skin. Na- ture, 193 (4815): 520-523. Bullough, W. S., and T. Rytomaa 1965. Mitotic homeostasis. Nature, 205 (4971): 573-578. Cook, J. 1822. Voyages round the world performed by Captain James Cook, F.R.S. J. Robins & Co., London. Davydov, A. F., and A. R. 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Smith 1968. Thermoregulation in the Weddell seal. Zoologica, 53 (1): 33-48. Reventlow, A. 1951. Observations on the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) in captivity. Der Zoologische Garten (NF), 18 (5/6): 227-234. Scott, E. J. Van 1959. Significance of changes in pilosebaceous units in acne and other diseases. In, S. Rothman, (Ed.), The human integument, normal and abnormal, pp. 113-126. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Washington. Smith, M. S. R. 1965. Movements of the Weddell seal in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. J. Wildl. Mgt., 29: 464-470. Vaz-Ferreira, R., and E. Palerm 1961. Efectos de los cambios meteorologicos sobre agrupaciones terrestres de Pinni- pedios. Rev. Facul. Humanidades & Cien- cias, Univ. de la Republica (Montevideo), 19: 281-293. Vibe, C. 1950. The marine mammals and the marine fauna in the Thule District (northwest Greenland) with observations on ice con- ditions in 1939-41. Medd. om Gr0nl., 150 (6): 1-115. Waters, W. E. 1965. Grey seal haulouts at St. Kilda. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 145: 158-160. WlJNGA ARDEN, A. VAN 1962. The Mediterranean monk seal. Oryx, 6 (5): 270-273. Zenkevitch, L. 1963. Biology of the seas of the U.S.S.R. Inter- science (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), New York. 14 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1: 1968] Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4, Fig. 5. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES Plate I Herd of adult female walruses resting on an ice floe off Cape Lisburne, Alaska, sum- pIG mer, 1937. Photo by M. Woodbridge Wil- liams. Herd of male walruses resting on Round Island, Bristol Bay, Alaska, June 27, 1958. Photo by Karl W. Kenyon. Plate II Walrus calf resting in “fetal” position with near minimum exposure of body sur- face. New York Aquarium, June 18, 1961. Same calf, a few minutes later, in sprawl- ing position with near maximum exposure of body surface and appendages. Note huddling calves in background. Plate III Adult female walrus sleeping in the “semi- fetal” position. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, May 16, 1959. Air temperature at the time was 3.5°C, the wind about 7 mps, and the sky was clear. 6. A group of male walruses that had recently emerged from the water. Round Island, June 27, 1958. Note fetal posture of the animal at center. Air temperature 13°C, wind 1 mps, sunny with a high, thin over- cast. Photo by Karl W. Kenyon. Plate IV Fig. 7. Herd of male walruses resting in the after- noon sun. Round Island, June 24, 1958. Note the animal sprawled on the rock at center and the abundance of outstretched flippers, many of them fanning (arrows). Air temperature 14°C, wind about 1 mps, sky clear. Photo by James W. Brooks. Fig. 8. Two male walruses resting in the sprawl- ing posture with flippers extended and spread, Bering Strait, May 18, 1963. The animal at left was fanning. Air tempera- ture 8.5 °C, wind calm, sky clear. Photo by John J. Burns. FAY ft RAY PLATE 1 FIG 1 FIG. 2 THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF WALRUSES, ODOBENUS ROSMARUS (LINNAEUS). I. EVIDENCE FROM THERMOREGULATORY BEHAVIOR. FAY & RAY PLATE II FIG. 3 FIG. 4 THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF WALRUSES, ODOBENUS ROSMARUS (LINNAEUS). I. EVIDENCE FROM THERMOREGULATORY BEHAVIOR. FAY a RAY PLATE III FIG. 5 FIG. 6 THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF WALRUSES, ODOBENUS ROSMARUS (LINNAEUS). I. EVIDENCE FROM THERMOREGULATORY BEHAVIOR FAY & RAY PLATE IV FIG. 7 THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF WALRUSES, ODOBENUS ROSMARUS (LINNAEUS). I. EVIDENCE FROM THERMOREGULATORY BEHAVIOR. 2 Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Walruses, Odobenus ros- marus (Linnaeus). II. Evidence from Physiological Characteristics. Carleton Ray1 and Francis H. Fay2 (Text-figures 1-9) Introduction The principal objective of this and the fore- going study (Fay & Ray, 1968) was to test the theory first expressed by von Baer ( 1838) that walruses are prevented by warmer climates from extending their range southward. The rationale was that walruses are closely adapted to the environment they occupy; that they are highly mobile and could readily move farther southward; that no physiographic bar- riers prevent them from doing so, therefore they must be inhibited by nonadaptation to some physical or biotic factors of the more southerly environments. Upon comparing the principal physical and biotic characters of their range with those of areas immediately to the south, we con- cluded that climate was the most probable re- strictive factor. We and others have observed that, under certain conditions, walruses and some other pinnipeds seem to be sensitive to extremes of atmospheric and solar heat. The influence of climate on the distribution of animals has usually been evaluated indirectly by correlating climatological data with the altitudi- nal or latitudinal range of species (see review by Allee, et al., 1949) . We have taken a more direct iDepartment of Pathobiology, School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Bal- timore, Maryland. Formerly, Curator, New York Aquar- ium, New York Zoological Society, Coney Island, New York. 2Biologist, Arctic Health Research Laboratory, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, College, Alaska. course by examining the specific reactions of in- dividual animals to climatic and microclimatic conditions. Walruses are adapted to the water of the polar sea, which in terms of cooling power is one of the coldest environments on earth. That they are highly efficient at conservation of body heat is indicated by their ability to sleep in the cold water. However, they also spend a large part of their time out of the water, where they are exposed to a greater variety of thermal con- ditions, the warmest and coldest of which evoke behavioral signs of thermal stress, considered in our previous paper. In this paper we report some physiological responses associated with the ob- served behavior. The physiological thermoregulation of pin- nipeds has been studied in recent years principal- ly by Irving and associates (Irving, et al., 1935; Scholander, 1940; Scholander, et al., 1950a, 1950b; Irving & Hart, 1957; Hart & Irving, 1959; Irving, et al., 1962), largely using restrained animals to facilitate measurement of physiologi- cal characteristics. These animals were exposed mostly to controlled environments, adequately described by ambient temperatures alone. The results indicated the animals’ capability for main- taining a constant internal temperature exclu- sively by physiological means, but they did not describe the total thermoregulatory responses of the free-living animal nor take into considera- tion the complex thermal conditions of the na- tural environment. In this study, we worked mostly with animals that were free to react to weather in their natural environment or in their quarters at the New York 19 20 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 Aquarium. In doing so, we hoped to gain insight into the interrelationships of behavior and phy- siology in thermoregulation, particularly as they interact near the upper limits of the “tolerance zone.” This zone is defined as comprising the range of weather conditions tolerated by pin- nipeds while at rest in air. When its limits are exceeded, the animals withdraw to the water (Fay & Ray, 1968) . Materials and Methods The wild animals studied were 14 adult and subadult Pacific walruses, O. r. divergens (500 to 1560 kg), in the vicinity of St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea, and Round Island, Bristol Bay, Alaska. Data on captive animals were ob- tained from a juvenile male Atlantic walrus, O. r. rosmarus (age four to five years, weight 500 to 600 kg), and a young female Pacific walrus (age one month to two years, weight 54 to 254 kg) at the New York Aquarium. Data from calves were obtained from 1 1 newly captured animals (ages one day to two months, weights 59 to 73 kg) at Gambell, Alaska, at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, and at the New York Aquar- ium, Coney Island, New York. All data from wild adults and subadults were obtained from animals that were at rest when killed by rifle, mostly during the course of an Eskimo hunt. Data from juveniles and calves were obtained on living animals while they were at rest and free to respond behaviorally to the ambient conditions. Rectal temperatures were taken at depths of 15 to 20 cm with mercury rectal thermometers or Weston dial thermom- eters that had been standardized at 37°C. All other temperatures were taken with the latter. Subsequent checks against telethermometers (YSI) showed close agreement with Weston thermometers, the chief difference being time to reach equilibrium. Body skin temperatures were measured on the lateral, ventral, or dorsal as- pect, whichever was driest and most distant from the substrate. Flipper temperatures were taken on the webbing of the rear flippers about midway between the tarsals and the tip. Breathing and heart rates were counted on resting animals, mostly coincident with measure- ments of skin temperature. Breathing was observable by nostril action, sound, or chest infla- tion. Heart action was detected visually or by axillary palpation. Data from wet and dry animals were treated separately. In all cases, ambient weather was recorded at the site and level of the animal and at the same time as physiological or behavioral observations. Results Internal Temperatures The mean body core temperature (thoracic cavity) of ten subadult and adult walruses in an ambient temperature range of —1 to 14°C was 36.6°C, or about 1.2°C lower than the mean for terrestrial mammals of a similar size (Morrison & Ryser, 1952). Rectal temperatures of the same walruses were nearly identical to the core temp- eratures (Table I). The rectal temperatures of calves were significantly higher than those of the subadults and adults, averaging 37.5 °C. Some of the highest temperatures were measured in teeth- ing calves in temperate climates, and it is con- ceivable that temperatures were elevated as a result of that condition. We also suggest that the warmer conditions of captivity induced higher rectal temperatures, but our data from calves in cold conditions are too few to show this. A diurnal fluctuation of body temperature also was suggested. The mean rectal temperature of five calves in midmorning was 38.2 ± 0.29°C, where- as in the same calves in late afternoon it was 37.8 ± 0.18°C. Table I Internal Temperatures of Resting Walruses at Air Temperatures of —1 to 25°C Age of Animals Thoracic No, Temperature °C Observations Range Mean ± S.E.m Rectal Temperature °C Range Mean ± S.E.m 1-6 months 36 35.3-39.0 37.5 ± 0.13 1 37.0 1-3 years la 36.2 > 5 years 10 34.0-38.0 36.2 ± 0.42 10 34.0-38.0 36.6 ± 0.32 aData from Rausch, unpublished. BODY SKIN °C BODY SKIN °C 1968] Ray & Fay: Influences of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. II. Physiological Characteristics 21 Temperature of the Skin When Wet The body surface and flippers of moderately active animals during immersion were 1 to 3°C warmer than the water (Text-fig. 1 A) . This find- ing is in accord with those of other workers (Irving & Hart, 1957; Hart & Irving, 1959; Ray & Smith, 1968) and indicates that, whether re- strained or not, pinnipeds are usually about as cool on the body surface as the water in which they are immersed. For at least five to 10 minutes after emerging WATER °C from the water, the walruses remained cool on the body surface, usually within 8°C of the water temperature, provided that the water was cooler than 10°C and the air cooler than 20°C. The body surface warmed more rapidly when air and water temperatures were high, and the tempera- ture of the flippers rose faster and more errat- ically than did that of the body skin (Text-fig. IB). Within an hour after emergence, the skin of the body and flippers was usually dry and had attained a relatively stable temperature, most Text-fig. 1. Temperatures on the skin of the body and rear flipper web of walruses: (A) in water — • — and immediately after emergence into air O . (B) in air within 10 minutes O and within 20 minutes — A — after emergence. 22 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 40- emerge almost dry completely dry 35- .A flipper web rr 3 30- I- < oc. lii a. s UJ -AIR #C r eoo^ 25- / -WATER °C 20- 10 20 30 40 TIME MINUTES 50 60 Text-fig. 2. Example of the rate of warming of the body skin and rear flipper web of a captive juvenile female walrus from the time of emergence into air until the skin was dry. Text-fig. 3. Temperatures of the dry skin of the body and rear flipper web of newly captured calves and wild adult walruses at rest in air. • A = newly captured calves. O A = wild adults. Curves de- limit the usual upper limits of temperature. BODY SKIN 1968] Ray & Fay: Influences of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. II. Physiological Characteristics 23 often higher than that of the air. The role of the flippers in the dissipation of heat is indicated by the high temperatures attained by them, espe- cially in air warmer than body skin tempera- ture. (Text-fig.2) . Temperature of the Skin When Dry At air temperatures from 0°C, to about 15°C, the temperature of the dry skin on the body of wild calves and adults was usually higher than 20°C but rarely higher than 32°C (Text-fig. 3). The latter seemed to be an upper “limit,” beyond which the skin temperature ordinarily did not rise. Thus, the skin/air temperature curve of wild walruses flattens out to a “plateau” in the range from near freezing to about 15°C; at high- er air temperatures, the curve again rises steeply. This plateau was evident also in the captive wal- ruses at the New York Aquarium, within a higher range of ambient temperatures (Text-figs. 4-5) and has not been noticed previously in pin- nipeds, perhaps because it does not occur in restrained animals or occurs in them over a narrower range of ambient temperatures (cf. Irving & Hart, 1957) . It was detected recently in unrestrained Weddell seals (Ray & Smith, 1968), and we have also observed it in other unre- strained pinnipeds at rest (unpublished). Eleva- Text-fig. 4. Temperatures of the dry skin of the body and rear flipper web of a juvenile female walrus at the New York Aquarium. Curves delimit the usual upper limits of temperature. Text-fig. 5. Temperatures of the dry skin of the body and rear flipper web of a juvenile male walrus at the New York Aquarium. Curves delimit the usual upper limits of temperature. 24 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 tion of skin temperature above the 32°C plateau coincided in calves and adults with the first be- havioral signs of heat stress (Fay & Ray, 1968). Under most conditions, the flippers were somewhat warmer than the surface of the body and showed an even greater tendency for sus- tained high temperature over a wide range of air temperatures (Text-figs., 3-5). In air warmer than 0°C, the flippers were usually between 30 and 37°C; they were cooler than 25°C only when wet or in contact with ice or snow. Brief, spon- taneous fluctuations of 5 to 6°C in flipper tem- perature were detected at ambient temperatures lower than 10°C, and fluctuations of 2 or 3°C were occasionally detected at higher air tem- peratures. The temperature of the calves’ flippers rose above the 37°C level only in air warmer than about 15°C, i.e., at or about the same ambient temperatures in which the skin of the body ex- ceeded the 32°C plateau and signs of heat stress first appeared. The occurrence of flipper tem- peratures of 38 and 39°C might have been indic- ative of rising internal temperature, such as could occur with increased metabolism or in- adequate dissipation of heat. Calves resting in air warmer than 15°C and adults in air warmer than 10°C showed a dis- tinct reddish cast on the body and flippers, in contrast to the normal pallor of animals under cooler conditions. Pale adults killed when the air was —20 to 5°C were usually cool to the touch and their skin and flippers scarcely bled at all when slashed. Reddish adults killed in air of 13 to 14°C were contrastingly hot to the touch and bled profusely when slashed. When these hot animals were thoroughly bled out, their skin be- came as pale as the cool animals’, demonstrating that the redness and heat were due to vasodila- tion and the resulting hyperemia. This hyper- emic condition has often been called sunburn in popular literature. The contrast between hyperemic and ischemic animals was especially noticeable at Round Island, where most of the animals were in a nearly hairless stage of their annual molt. When in the 10°C water, the lightly pigmented adults appeared nearly white, whereas they became reddish after lying out on the beach for an hour or more. When these reddish animals were chased back into the water, their skin at once regained its pallor. Breathing and Heart Rates Both breathing and heart rates appear to be highly variable, even in resting calves. Minimum breathing rates in calves exposed to stepwise in- creases of still air temperature in shade declined from 16 per minute at — 1°C to 4 per minute at 15°C, and rose again to 7 per minute at 18°C (Text-fig. 6). These rates include brief periods of apnea, especially prevalent at 10 to 18°C, and each point in the graph represents the mean of several counts. We did not notice panting under any conditions. Minimum heart rates in the same animals declined from 119 to 52 per minute in the same temperature range, though rates as high as 133 per minute were recorded at about 15°C. Lacking any special equipment for measuring heart rates, we were usually un- able to determine them at ambient temperatures lower than 5°C or even 10°C due to the animals’ frequent violent shivering. Since these were ani- mals destined for display at the aquarium, we did not expose them to temperatures higher than 19°C, at which they already appeared distressed. Temperature Gradients in the Skin and Blubber Temperatures of the tissues were measured at several depths up to 20 cm in a few adults im- mediately after they were killed. Some of these animals were dry and on land or ice; others were wet and on ice. Relatively steep temperature gradients were indicated in most cases, and these were taken up mainly in the skin and blubber (Text-fig. 7) . Their lengths, taking the inner end point to be 0.5 °C lower than the deep thoracic temperature (Irving & Hart, 1957), ranged from near 0 cm to about 15 cm. Compared with the gradients measured in smaller pinnipeds (Hart & Irving, 1959), these were much longer and were not correlated in the same way with the internal temperature-skin temperature differ- ence. We assume that these dissimilarities were due to the greater thickness of the walrus’ skin and blubber, which should be expected to ac- commodate a longer gradient if the tissues are effective as insulation. The shortest gradient amounted to virtually no gradient at all. This was measured in an adult male lying on a rocky beach in sunshine when the air was 14°C (Text-fig. 71). The surface and cutaneous tissues of this specimen were about as warm as the interior of its body. Under similar conditions but without sunshine, two other adults had surface temperatures 5 to 7°C lower than that of the body core (Text-figs. 7G, H). We at- tribute the greater superficial warmth of the first animal to solar radiation. For example, a mercury thermometer and a Weston dial ther- mometer exposed to the sun registered 22 and 34°C, respectively, and the surface of a walrus cadaver nearby was 40.5 °C. Thus, the length of gradient is not purely a function of air temperature. We were not equipped to measure tempera- ture gradients in the living calves and had no opportunities otherwise to determine the form of 1968] Ray & Fay: Influences of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. II. Physiological Characteristics 25 Text-fig. 6. Heart and breathing rates of newly captured walrus calves with relation to ambient still air temperature in shade. such gradients. Although the calves were about twice as large as young harbor seals, such as those used by Irving and Hart ( 1957) , the thick- ness of their insulation (skin and blubber) was about the same. Therefore, we assume that the temperature gradients in their tissues were com- parable to those of the seals, since gradient length seems to be as much a function of the thickness of the insulation as of the internal tem- perature-skin temperature difference. Discussion Correlation of Thermoregulatory Behavior and Physiology The walrus is a homeothermic mammal with an internal temperature of about 36.6°C, prob- ably intermediate between those of other small- er and larger pinnipeds (Bartholomew, 1954; Bartholomew & Wilke, 1956). We assume that this temperature is maintained in a balance be- tween heat production and heat loss and that the production of metabolic heat is usually at the basal level in resting walruses, whether in or out of the water. The loss of heat is closely regulated by vasomotor and behavioral means, within the limits imposed by the animal’s surface-to-volume ratio and amount of physical insulation (hair, skin, and blubber). We have described in the previous paper the behavioral adjustments that walruses make in response to their thermal en- vironment, and we report here some indices of their physiological adjustments. Most of our in- formation was obtained from very young ani- mals, up to one or two months old. From their behavior alone, it was clear that these infants 26 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 Text-fig. 7. Temperature gradients in the superficial tissues of adult wild walruses within a few minutes of death. Skin and blubber thicknesses at the site of measurement are drawn to scale (thinner-skinned animals are females). Air temperatures within 1 meter of the body are indicated by open circles to the left of each section. A-D were wet and E-I were dry animals. were not yet fully adapted to even the moderate cold of the arctic springtime, but that they had about the same tolerance of heat as the adults. By correlating their physiology and behavior (Text-fig. 8), we obtained a useful model with which the adults’ reactions could be compared. The calves resting in air at —1 to 3 or 4°C assumed a tense fetal posture (minimum expo- sure of surface) and shivered violently (Text- fig. 8 ) . At the same time, the temperature on the surface of the almost-dry to dry body ranged from 7 to 30°C and similarly on the flippers from 22 to 37°C. Breathing and heart rates were the highest recorded at any temperature, and an elevated metabolic rate was also indicated by the intense shivering. Adults under similar condi- tions showed comparable skin temperatures but were clearly more comfortable and relaxed. We have seen that adult walruses readily ex- pose themselves to air temperatures as low as — 20°C with light winds (Fay & Ray, 1968), and they are known to lie in the open occasionally in much colder weather (Freuchen. 1935). The calves continued to shiver intermittently up to an ambient temperature of 7 or 8°C but only occasionally at temperatures of 10°C or more. Their posture became more relaxed, and there was a significant decline in the breathing rate. Between 10 and 15°C, they became fully relaxed and lay on their back or sides with flip- pers limp and away from the body. Adults under comparable conditions behaved in the same way, and their skin temperatures, like the calves’, were sustained at 25 to 32°C; the flippers of the calves were sustained at 30 to 37 °C, i.e., near or at the temperature of the body core. Breathing rates of the calves declined to the lowest recorded levels at an air temperature of about 15°C, and minimum heart rates occurred at 18 to 20°C. The calves, in general, became restless at the latter temperatures, sprawling for maximum exposure of surface and fanning with the fore flippers. At this point also, skin and flipper temperatures rose above the previously sustained levels, indicating a major increase in heat output and, we think, of heat production. Ultimately, when air temperatures reached more than 20°C the calves “escaped" into the water, where they sometimes resumed their sleep. The behavioral reactions of adult walruses 1968] Ray & Fay: Influences of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. 11. Physiological Characteristics 27 under comparably warm conditions were virtu- ally the same as those of the calves. Sprawling and fanning were observed when they lay out in air at 8.5°C with intense midday insolation and no wind (latitude 66°, mid-May), and at 14°C. with afternoon sun and 2-mps breeze (latitude 58°, mid-June). Conditions warmer than the latter are uncommon in the walrus’ range but common to the south of it, where insolation is more intense and air temperatures generally higher. The captive juveniles, with a history of one to five years’ exposure to the temperate climate of Coney Island, New York, responded behavior- ally in a pattern comparable to the calves’. They did not haul out often in air cooler than 3 or 4°C or warmer than 25°C, and when they did emerge under these conditions, they stayed for only a short time, usually returning to the water before their skin dried off. However, under most conditions, their skin was cooler than that of the calves, and in no case did their skin or flipper temperatures rise above the usually sustained levels. We assume that these differences reflect physiological maturation and acclimatization to temperate climate, with more efficient conserva- tion of heat in cold weather and better dissipa- tion of heat when the weather was warm. Text-fig. 8. Correlation between characteristic physiological and behavioral responses of newly cap- tured walrus calves and ambient still air temperatures in shade. 28 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 Limits of Thermoneutrality and Thermal Tolerance Without actual measurements of metabolic rates, we could not determine the exact limits of thermoneutrality in either the calves or the adults, but the indirect evidence was strongly suggestive of some general parameters. From the calves’ highly variable skin and flipper tem- peratures, high breathing and heart rates, and, especially, intensive shivering at still air tem- peratures of 5°C and lower, we estimate that the lower limit (= critical temperature) of their thermoneutral zone was probably about 5°C. Their shivering alone was indicative that metab- olism was increased above the basal rate. For adults, the critical temperature is assumed to be much lower, but we do not know how low. Judg- ing from their ostensible comfort at air tem- peratures near — 20°C with light wind, we are confident that they can withstand at least that much cold without elevation of their metabolism. We estimate that the upper limit of thermo- neutrality for the nonacclimatized calves was at or near 18°C in still air and shade. This was based on analogy with other homeotherms, in which minimum breathing and heart rates occur usually at or near the upper limit of thermo- neutrality (e.g., Bartholomew & Fludson, 1962; Hudson & Brush, 1962; Hudson, 1965), and elevated body temperatures are correlated with increased metabolism (e.g. Graham et al., 1959; McNab & Morrison, 1963). Elevation of body temperature in the walrus calves was indicated by the rise of flipper temperature above 37 °C at air temperatures over 18°C, for the flippers could not have become warmer than the normal body core unless the core temperature itself had risen. Also possibly indicative were the high rectal temperatures recorded occasionally from calves introduced to temperate climate. The upper limit of thermoneutrality for adults is unknown but is believed to be similar to that of the calves. This is suggested principally by their comparative behavior (Fay & Ray, 1968). Adults at the southern edge of their geographic range in summer, in 14°C air with sunshine and light breeze, showed signs of heat stress (hyper- emia, sprawling, restlessness, fanning) compar- able to those in calves in still air and shade at 18°C or more. The added heat from the sun in that situation was equivalent to at least an addi- tional 10°C of air temperature and was only partly counterbalanced by the breeze. From their behavior, we judged that the majority of these animals would not have tolerated much warmer weather. A high proportion of them had already withdrawn into the sea. The general scheme, as we envision it, of wal- ruses’ reactions to the thermal climate in air is shown in Text-fig. 9. Here, the scale of thermal conditions (abscissa) is necessarily vague be- cause individual animals will be influenced not only by air temperature but by wind, solar radia- tion, moisture, and the conductivity of the sub- strate. These combine to present an “effective” temperature that could not be considered in de- tail here (cf. Ray & Smith, 1968). Their reactions may also vary with individual and seasonal differences in acclimatization, the thickness of their insulation, their maternal status, the molt, and their general physical and nutritional condition. Molting animals seem to be more sensitive to cold and less sensitive to heat than any others; cows with newborn calves and sick or exhausted animals tend to be least sensitive to either. Tolerance will vary also with the number of animals in the group. Large herds can be expected to tolerate more intense cold than isolated animals because of their huddling and mutual improvement of the microclimate, Conversely, huddling groups will be less tolerant of heat because of their reduced surface area. Indeed, the gregariousness and persistent hud- dling of walruses may be among the most influ- ential factors determining the limits of their thermal tolerance. The limits of tolerance are shown as being somewhat wider than the estimated limits of thermoneutrality. This is based mainly on the reactions of the calves, in which escape evidently was not induced until the metabolism had risen above the basal level. In the captive juveniles and the adults, the two zones may have coin- cided exactly. We believe that wild walruses usually avoid exposure to conditions outside of their thermoneutral zone and that the principal function of the escape reaction is the withdrawal from unfavorable conditions. Whereas the at- tainment of thermoneutrality may often be feasi- ble in air, it probably is always feasible in the water in healthy animals due to the normal con- dition of vasoconstriction. The question of why walruses haul out at all, if they can sleep in the water with minimum production of heat, may be answered by con- sidering the metabolic requirements of their skin. For conservation of body heat during im- mersion, the skin is permitted to cool to about the same temperature as the water and is largely deprived of blood due to vasoconstriction. The epidermis, which comprises the outermost layer, in direct contact with the medium, is most affected. At the low temperatures normally sus- tained during immersion, the epidermis is evi- dently in a semidormant state and is incapable of performing its growth and reparative func- 1968] Ray & Fay: Influences of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. II. Physiological Characteristics 29 TOLERANCE ZONE Brooding ESCAPE Very Cold Cold C©@! Warm Very Warm WEATHER/ CLIMATE Ho! Text-fig. 9. Schematic representation of dry skin temperature and its relation to the tolerance zone and metabolic rate of walruses at rest in air. The critical physiological limits are not known for the walrus, nor are the exact points of escape with response to extreme low temperature. Thermoneutrality is pre- dicted within the entire tolerance zone and is considerably extended in calves by maternal brooding (Fay & Ray, 1968). Acclimatization has the effect of shifting these predicted responses. tions (Feltz & Fay, 1967). The optimum tem- perature for epidermal growth seems to be near 30°C, which is attainable in the skin of polar pinnipeds only when exposed to the air. By means of behavioral regulation of their surface area and its exposure to the air, walruses are capable of sustaining the required skin tempera- ture under a wide variety of climatic conditions. This is reflected in the plateauing of the skin/ ambient temperature curve in the upper half or more of the zone of thermoneutrality. The highest dry skin temperature on the body 30 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 during thermoneutrality is about 32°C. When this temperature is exceeded, walruses become restless, begin fanning, and ultimately withdraw into the water. We have seen that this occurs, mostly in huddling walruses, even in the rela- tively cool climate at the southern edge of the walrus’ range, and we believe that warmer cli- mates would be intolerable for this reason alone. Provided that these animals would retain their usual pattern of diurnal rest and nocturnal ac- tivity, as well as their tbigmotactic and helio- philic behavior, we are confident that they could not reside in comfort at lower latitudes in sum- mer. Walruses exposed to temperate climates while in captivity successfully avoided hyper- thermia during the warmest weather by hauling out only so long as they were cooled by evapora- tion, or by hauling out at night. (Fay & Ray, 1968). However, because of their diurnal feed- ing schedule in captivity, they were not as closely bound to the normal activity rhythm. Some an- cestral walruses evidently lived in warmer cli- mates than their modern descendants ( Ray, 1960; Mitchell, 1961, 1962), and the morphol- ogy of at least one of these suggests that it led a more pelagic existence. Summary and Conclusions 1 . The influence of climate on the distribution of walruses was investigated by measuring some parameters of physiological thermoregulation in unrestrained animals at rest, under natural and controlled conditions at ambient temperatures from —1 to 25 °C. Data were obtained on the temperatures of the body core, skin, and hind flippers and on the breathing and heart rates and temperature gradients. Some comparative data 't/e re obtained from young walruses that were reared in captivity in a temperate climate. 2. Internal temperatures of wild adults and calves were relatively labile, ranging from 34 to 39°C. Rectal temperatures of calves may have fluctuated in response to several factors, includ- ing teething, high air temperatures, and time of day. The mean rectal temperature of ten sub- adults and adults under natural conditions in —1 to 14°C air was 36.6°C. 3. Skin temperatures on the body during im- mersion were within 3°C of water temperature but rose rapidly to higher levels after emergence and drying. In general, the flippers warmed more rapidly than the skin of the body and attained somewhat higher temperatures. 4. The skin and flipper temperatures of calves in still air and shade did not rise continuously with increasing ambient temperature, but leveled off between air temperatures of 0 and 15°C and then rose again under warmer conditions. The upper limit of skin and flipper temperatures in the plateau were about 32 and 37°C, respec- tively. 5. The breathing rates of calves were highest at air temperatures near 0°C. They declined to a minimum at 15°C and rose again at 18°C. Brief periods of apnea were most common in air warmer than 10°C. The minimum heart rate oc- curred at 18°C. 6. Temperature gradients in the skin, blubber, and outer muscles were about five times longer than those in young harbor seals under com- parable conditions. This difference was corre- lated with the greater thickness of the skin and blubber in the walruses. Gradient length is as much a function of the thickness of insulation as of the internal temperature-skin temperature difference. It is not a function of air temperature when the walrus is dry and is affected by other factors such as insolation. 7. The estimated lower limit of thermoneu- trality (critical temperature) of the calves in still air and shade is about 5°C; in adults it is prob- ably lower than — 20°C. Adults are assumed to be thermoneutral when at rest in the water. 8. The estimated upper limit of the zone of thermoneutrality for isolated calves and adults is about 18°C in still air and shade or its equiva- lent under natural conditions. Animals in these or warmer conditions showed elevated skin, flipper, and body temperatures, as well as cuta- neous hyperemia, restlessness, and fanning. Ulti- mately, they avoided further hyperthermia by withdrawing into the water. 9. The weather in spring and summer at the southern edge of the walrus’ geographic range is often warm enough to induce hyperthermia and withdrawal to the water at a time when basking may be particularly important, especial- ly during annual molt. Without physiological acclimatization and some major alterations of their more stable behavioral characteristics, such as diurnal inactivity, heliophilism, and huddling (which are adaptive for cold climates and not for warmth), walruses probably would not or could not occupy areas with warmer weather. 1968] Ray & Fay: Influences of Climate on Distribution of Walruses. II. Physiological Characteristics 3 1 Acknowledgments The bulk of the data on which this study is based was gathered while collecting and per- forming curatorial duties for the New York Aquarium of the New York Zoological Society (Ray) and in the course of zoonotic disease in- vestigations for the Arctic Health Research Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Fay). Field work was also supported in part by grants from the Arctic Institute of North America, under contractual agreements with the Office of Naval Research. Transportation during one part of Fay’s field- work was provided by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We were assisted in the field by James W. Brooks of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Karl W. Kenyon of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Charles Young of the New York Aquarium, K. Richard Zinsmann of the Arctic Health Research Laboratory, and Stephen Aningayou, Winfred James, Lawrence Kulukhon, and Vernon Slwooko of Gambell, Alaska. We were also assisted at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, by Edward Johnson. At the New York Aquarium we were assisted by Head Keeper Charles Young and his men. Dr. Robert L. Rausch of the Arctic Health Research Labo- ratory supplied some unpublished data. A draft of the manuscript was reviewed by Drs. Lau- rence Irving and L. Keith Miller of the Uni- versity of Alaska, Dr. A. W. Mansfield of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Dr. Victor B. Scheffer of the Bureau of Commercial Fisher- ies, and Dr. Robert L. Rausch of the Arctic Health Research Laboratory. To each of these individuals and agencies, we express our sincere appreciation. Literature Cited Allee, W. C., A. E. Emerson, O. Park, T. Park and K. P. Schmidt 1949. Principles of animal ecology. W. B. Saun- ders Company, Philadelphia. Baer, K. E. von 1838. Anatomische und zoologische Untersuch- ungen liber das Wallross ( Trichechus ros- marus) und Vergleichung dieses Thieres mit andern See-Saiigethieren. Mem. Acad. Imper. Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1837, Ser. 6, 4:97-236. Bartholomew, G. A. 1954. Body temperature and respiratory and heart rates in the northern elephant seal. J. Mammal., 35(2) : 2 1 1-2 18. Bartholomew, G. A., and J. W. Hudson 1962. Hibernation, estivation, temperature regu- lation, evaporative water loss, and heart rate of the pigmy possum, Cercaertus nanus. Physiol. Zool., 35(1) : 94- 107. Bartholomew, G. A., and F. Wilke 1956. Body temperature in the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus. J. Mammal., 37(3): 327-337. Fay, F. H., and Carleton Ray 1968. Influence of climate on the distribution of walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus). I. Evidence from thermoregulatory be- havior. Zoologica, 53(1): 1-18. Feltz, E. T., and F. H. Fay 1967. Thermal requirements in vitro of epi- dermal cells from seals. Cryobiology, 3(3): 261-264. Freuchen, P. 1935. Mammals. Pt. II. Field notes and bio- logical observations. Rept. Fifth Thule Exped., 2(4-5) :68-278. Graham, N. Me C., F. W. Wainman, K. L. Blax- ter and D. G. Armstrong 1959. Environmental temperature, energy me- tabolism, and heat regulation in sheep. I. Energy metabolism in closely clipped sheep. J. Agric. Sci., 52:13-24. Hart, J. S., and L. Irving 1959. The energetics of harbor seals in air and in water with special consideration of sea- sonal changes. Can. J. Zook, 37:447-457. Hudson, J. W. 1965. Temperature regulation and torpidity in the pigmy mouse, Baiomys taylori. Phy- siol. Zook, 38(3) :243-254. Hudson, J. W., and A. H. Brush 1964. A comparative study of the cardiac and metabolic performance of the dove, Zen- aidura macroura, and the quail, Lophortyx californicus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 12(2): 157-170. Irving, L„ and J. S. Hart 1957. The metabolism and insulation of seals as bare-skinned mammals in cold water. Can. J. Zook, 35:497-511. Irving, L., L. J. Peyton, C. H. Bahn, and R. S. Peterson 1962. Regulation of temperature in fur seals. Physiol. Zook. 35(4) :275-284. 32 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1: 1968] Irving, L., O. M. Solandt, D. Y. Solandt, and K. C. Fisher 1935. The respiratory metabolism of the seal and its adjustment to diving. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 7(1): 137-15 F. McNab, B. K„ and P. Morrison 1963. Body temperature and metabolism in sub- species of Peromyscus from arid and mesic environments. Ecol. Monog., 33(1): 63-82. Mitchell, E. D., Jr. 1961. A new walrus from the Imperial Pliocene of southern California: with notes on odo- benid and otariid humeri. L. A. County Mus. Contrib. in Science, No. 44. Mitchell, E. D., Jr. 1962. A walrus and a sea lion from the Pliocene Purisima formation at Santa Cruz, Cali- fornia: with remarks on the type locality and geologic age of the sea lion Dusig- nathus santacruzensis Kellogg. L. A. County Mus. Contrib. in Science, No. 56. Morrison, P. R., and F. A. Ryser 1952. Weight and body temperature in mam- mals. Science, 1 16(3009) :23 1-232. Ray, Carleton, and M. S. R. Smith 1968. Thermoregulation of the adult and pup Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli ( Lesson ) , in Antarctica. Zoologica, 53(1): 33-48. Ray, Clayton 1960. Trichecodon huxleyi (Mammalia: Odo- benidae) in the Pleistocene of southeast- ern United States. Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool., Harvard, 122(3) : 129-142. Scholander, P. F. 1940. Experimental investigations on the respi- ratory function in diving mammals and birds. Hvalradets Skrifter, No. 22. Scholander, P. F., R. Hock, V. Walters, and L. Irving 1950a. Adaptation to cold in Arctic and tropical mammals and birds in relation to body temperature, insulation, and basal meta- bolic rate. Biol. Bull., 99(2) : 259-27 1 . 1950b. Body insulation of some Arctic and tropi- cal mammals and birds. Biol. Bull., 99(2) : 225-236. 3 Thermoregulation of the Pup and Adult Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Lesson), in Antarctica. Carleton Ray1 and M. S. R. Smith2 (Plates I-II; Text-figures 1-8) Introduction Some phocid seals are the most polar of marine mammals and live in the thermally most difficult of environments for homeo- therms. They are confronted with extreme prob- lems of heat conservation in the coldest of seas and with problems of heat dissipation when hauled out on the ice to pup, molt, or rest. Their thermoregulation, therefore, illustrates some im- portant facets of mammalian adaptation. The Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Lesson), is typically an inhabitant of the shore and fast ice of Antarctica, frequenting the most southerly open water, leads, or access holes. It probably lives at the lowest mean environmental temperature of any mammal on a year-around basis. The water of its environment is almost always close to the freezing point even in sum- mer, when air temperatures rarely rise above 5°C. Its biology has been reviewed by Wilson (1907), Lindsey (1937), Bertram (1940), Sapin-Jaloustre ( 1952) , Scheffer ( 1958) , Mans- field (1958), King (1964), and Smith (1965, 1966). Recently, attention has been turned to its underwater biology, for instance, Littlepage (1963), Ray and Lavallee (1964), Kooyman iDepartment of Pathobioiogy, School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Bal- timore, Maryland. Formerly, Curator, New York Aquarium, New York Zoological Society, Coney Island, New York. 2 Department of Zoology, University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Formerly, Zoology Department, Uni- versity of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. (1965), Schevill and Watkins (1965), and Ray (1965, 1966, 1967 ) . The species is an ideal sub- ject for field study. Previous work on the thermoregulation of pinnipeds, such as the important studies of Irving and Hart (1957) and Hart and Irving (1959), has for the most part emphasized phys- iological aspects in restrained animals: the skin/ ambient temperature regression, the metabolic rates, the definition of thermoneutrality, and the establishment of critical temperature limits. Fay and Ray (1968) and Ray and Fay ( 1 968 ) have used a somewhat different approach in which behavioral and psysiological mechanisms were considered simultaneously in wild and unre- strained captive walruses. Their remarks and methods apply here: in sum, that wild animals rarely expose themselves for prolonged periods to conditions where critical limits apply; that a “tolerance zone” in which thermoneutrality is maintained is more applicable for animals in nature; that behavior (including “escape”) and physiology are mutually responsible for the de- limiting of this zone; and that a study of the unrestrained animal helps to reveal the relation- ship between physiology and behavior. In the present study we report on work done almost solely on unrestrained Weddell seals in the field in Antarctica in an effort to delimit the tolerance zone of the Weddell seal. In addition, some years ago it was suggested to one of us (Ray) by L. Irving (pers. comm.) that one aspect of pinniped thermoregulation had been ignored: the physiological change that the 33 34 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 lanugo-clad, almost blubberless, mostly terres- trial pup undergoes to become a more thinly haired, thick-blubbered, amphibious postlanugo animal. Since that time, the work of Davydov and Makarova (1964) has appeared, in which pup harp seals, Phoca groenlandica, were sub- jected to metabolic tests. It was shown that metabolism decreases directly with the accumula- tion of subcutaneous fat and increases the toler- ance of lower water temperatures. In the present study, we have dealt with the Weddell seal prin- cipally in air and have utilized almost identical methods for pups, juveniles, and adults on the assumption that the changes in the insulative layers from birth to weaning are responsible for no less significant changes in behavioral and physiological thermoregulation. In contrast with Davydov and Makarova, we have not utilized an experimental approach, but rather an ecological one. As in Fay and Ray’s work, we have paid particular attention to adaptations for heat dis- sipation near the upper tolerance limits, partly owing to difficulties of observation in cold or inclement weather. Material and Methods Data were gathered almost entirely from wild and penned animals in Antarctica. Wild animals were easily accessible by tracked vehicle from McMurdo Station. Penned animals were two adult females and their pups that were netted and airlifted by helicopter to wood-slatted, 5- by-5 meter pens placed on the sea ice 0.5 kilo- meter west of McMurdo Station. During the spring season when most of our work was done, Weddell seals were mostly gathered in rookeries or smaller nonbreeding groups from Scott Base, Hut Point Peninsula, to Cape Royds: i.e., between 77° 33' and 11° 52' south latitude, and 165° 5’ and 166° 53' east longitude. Temperatures are not so extreme as they are in the interior of the continent, but are more so than in similar arctic latitudes, owing to higher velocity winds of colder temperatures from the south polar plateau. Physiological measurements were made on slightly disturbed or undisturbed animals except for thermal gradients in the superficial tissues of adults, which were taken immediately after death from animals killed for other purposes (dog food, specimens) . A few observations were also made for comparative purposes on captives that were returned to the New York Aquarium, but no physiological data from them are indi- cated on our graphs. Skin samples were taken in the field and returned to New York for tanning and study. Respiratory and heart rates were taken visually, or, in the case of the latter, oc- casionally by means of a Cambridge Trans- Scribe electrocardiograph. Temperatures were taken with a six-channel Yellow Springs tele- thermometer; the most efficient probe proved to be a 20-gauge hypodermic type, which stabilized rapidly. A few temperatures were taken with Weston thermocouples when the telethermom- eter was not available. Rectal temperatures were taken on 15- to 30-cm penetration unless other- wise specified. One pup was kept crated for a time in front of the biological laboratory for metabolic tests. When the gut was empty, the pup was sealed for one to two hours in a sheet-steel chamber, 1-by- l-by-2-meters, from which air samples were tak- en from two heights with 10-cc syringes through rubber stoppers in the chamber. Gas analyses were made with a Scholander 0.5-cc analyzer (Scholander, 1947) . Orientation and behavior studies were made visually from the ground and from the air. Aerial photography was used most to determine orien- tation to the sun. In an effort to standardize, we made ex- tensive tests to determine the best location on the seal’s body for the taking of skin tem- peratures. In all cases, unless otherwise speci- fied, temperatures are those from the dry body or flipper perpendicular to the sun, or, if in cloudy weather, farthest from the ice surface. This minimized the effects of dampness and vasoconstriction. Data from wet animals were treated separately. In a few cases, we were able to take skin temperatures from submerged or recently emerged animals to note the extent of vasoconstriction upon exposure to ice water. For every physiological measurement, micro- environmental weather data were taken. Being cognizant that ambient shade temperature is not the only parameter of weather that affects ther- moregulation, we have used “effective tem- perature” (cf. Eagan, 1964, & Folk, 1966), calculated here as follows: the black-bulb tem- perature in still air was taken in the seal’s micro- environment as a measurement of insolation, and from this temperature one degree centigrade for every mile per hour of wind was subtracted. There was a slightly better alignment of data when using effective rather than ambient tem- peratures (Text-figs. 1-4), but the major advan- tage was that effective temperature gives a more realistic environmental parameter when insola- tion and/or wind are strong. For instance, Fay and Ray ( 1968) have shown that insolation and wind act independently of ambient temperature in influencing behavioral thermoregulation. 1968] Ray & Smith: Thermoregulation of Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Lesson), in Antarctica 35 The dotted lines drawn on the graphs of Text- figs. 1-4 are our estimates of maximal skin temperatures in air. It is neither practical nor realistic to use statistical methods (i.e., regres- sions) in this work since “plateau" limits of temperature during vasodilation (Ray & Fay, 1968), not “average” skin temperatures, are probably more meaningful in adaptation. Results Internal Temperatures Only five measurements were made rectally but indications are that the internal temperature of the Weddell seal is close to 37°C. Three rectal temperatures of penned pups were all 37°C. The importance of adequate penetration into the rectum is illustrated by other two temperatures taken in adults: 5°C circumanally and 28°C upon only 7.5-cm penetration. Both of these animals were lying on ice in subfreezing air. Thermal gradients (Text-fig. 7) also indicate a core temperature at or very near 37°C, as in- dicated by deep blubber and muscle measure- ments near this temperature. Temperature of the Skin When Wet We had few opportunities to obtain surface temperatures on swimming, wild Weddell seals (Table I). One slightly active adult in the water five temperatures as high as 11°C. The highest skin temperatures were obtained upon emer- gence into air of the warmest effective tem- perature, in agreement with data obtained for walruses by Ray and Fay (1968). Temperature of the Dry Fur and Skin For adults, temperatures of the outer fur sur- face and the skin were taken from the same lo- cation on the body. For pups, the same applies, but the 2.0-2.5-cm thickness of the lanugo made possible the additional measurement of fur tem- peratures 1 cm beneath the surface. For both adults and pups, the skin temperatures of the flippers were taken at the flipper tip and on the membrane halfway to the tip from the ankle. Adult fur-surface temperatures were usually not more than about 10°C higher than effective temperatures until about freezing, when the gradient was greater (Text-fig. 1 ). Fur tempera- tures rose as a straight regression with effective temperatures. Skin temperatures were consider- ably higher than fur temperatures. None was below freezing, but some were as low as 0 to 7°C at effective temperatures of —13 to — 21 °C. Skin temperatures did not rise as a straight regression with effective temperatures, but reached a pla- teau of about 34°C at effective temperatures over — 13°C. Pup fur-surface temperatures were similarly Table I Skin Temperatures of Weddell Seals When in Water or Just Emerged Effective Air Temperature Water Temperature Skin Temperature Flipper Temperature Remarks -6.0 2.5 8.5 Adult, just emerged -2.5 -2.0 Adult, in water 11.0 20.0 18.0 Adult, recently emerged -19.0 10.0 2.0 Pup, just emerged -19.0 -2.5 -1.0 Pup, just emerged 11.0 23.0 16.0 Pup, just emerged of an access hole had a skin temperature a frac- tion higher than the supercooled — 2.5°C water, confirming the data of Irving and Flart ( 1957 ). Just under the ice surface, the water temperature was —1.9°, in which case the water/skin gradient would be slightly smaller. We were able to obtain data from five just- emerged animals (Table I). All animals tested had been out of water less than five minutes and most about a minute, yet skin temperatures rose in that short time to a maximum of 23 °C and flipper temperatures to 18°C in air of effec- low at low effective temperatures but did not rise as fast as those of adults (Text-fig. 2). We attribute the presence of fur-surface tempera- tures lower than the effective temperatures (in the upper range) to the fact that their fur was often slightly damp from melted snow. The fur temperature a centimeter below the fur surface was considerably higher than the fur-surface temperature. Skin temperatures were almost al- ways high, plateauing at about 34°C at effective temperatures from —20 to 10°C. The flipper tip temperature of adults and pups 36 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 Text-fig. 1. Temperatures of the dry fur surface (— T) and skin (= x) of adult Weddell seals at rest in air. EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE »C Text-fig. 3. Temperatures of the flipper tip of adult (= T) and pup (— •) Weddell seals at rest in air. The flipper tip was often wet or damp. Text-fig. 2. Temperatures of the fur surface (= •), fur 1 cm beneath the surface (= o) and dry skin (= x) of pup Weddell seals at rest in air. Text-fig. 4. Temperatures of the dry flipper web of adult (= t) and pup (= •) Weddell seals at rest in air. 1968] Ray & Smith: Thermoregulation of Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Lesson), in Antarctica 37 rose as straight regressions with effective tem- perature (Text-fig. 3). The temperature at the tip of the flipper descended to — 4°C at an effec- tive temperature of — 13°C and rose to 30°C at an effective temperature near freezing. The flip- per tip of both adults and pups was often damp with melted snow, urine, or excrement. The flip- per membrane of adults and pups was similar to the body skin temperature, reaching plateaus of about 34°C at effective temperatures over -15°C (Text-fig. 4). Data were also obtained for skin temperatures from the base of the flipper (ankle) and the pelvic region (hip) in an effort to establish a gradient from flipper tip to body. However, these results were indistinguishable from each other and from temperatures of the body skin and flipper web and so are not figured. Vasoconstriction for body skin, where tem- peratures would not rise to plateau levels, might occur at effective temperatures below about — 13°C for adults and — 15°C or lower for pups. Our estimated slopes, shown by dotted lines on Text-figs. 1-4, indicate that skin temperatures might not descend to 0°C until effective tempera- tures of at least — 30°C are attained, but data at these low effective temperature levels are not available. Breathing and Heart Rates Our few data, all from resting animals, are presented in Text-figures 5 and 6. It is immedi- ately apparent that pups had higher breathing and heart rates than adults, reflecting higher me- tabolic rates as well. For adults, the average heart rate was 56 per minute and the average breathing rate was 7.8 per minute. For pups, these rates were 123 and 16.3, respectively. It was noted that marked bradycardia occurred when the breath was held and that both rates were highly irregular. Heart rates taken by aid of an electrocardiograph were relatively high ow- ing to the disturbance caused to the animal. We were unable to demonstrate a correlation of these rates with effective temperature, as for walruses in Ray and Fay (1968), though it is possible that pup heart rates were minimal at about — 5°C effective temperature. ADULT 30 uj 20-1 3 oc UJ CL < n * SO < Ixt a: m "r" t r -20 -SO EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE °C Text-fig. 5. Breathing rates of adult and pup Weddell seals at rest in air. 38 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 1 . ADULT ! 50- iii s- |llO ^ TENACATITA B.Tx MANZANILLO^ SIHUATANEJO°-\0 ACAPULCO' DULCE R.J PORT ANGELES PORT GUATULCO SANTA CRUZ B. TANGOLA-TANGOLA B GULF OF FONSECA (CONCHAGUITA ISL .. LA UNION MEANGUERA ISL .. MONYPENNY P*T. POTOSI R.. FARALLONE ISL. GULF OF (ALCATRAZ ISL., CEDflO ISL . NEGRITOS ISL., SAN JUAN DEL SUR_r.^-JL s PORT PARKER y ?C”TA\ MU RC l EL AGO B. ‘XoSh-'A*, POTRERO GRANDE B.^ PORT CULEBRA- BRAXILITO B. PIEDRA BLANCA NICOYA 0ALLE NAS B . JASPER ISL. PUNTARENAS - ) GULF OF DULGE (-Wi)., EASTERN E X P E D PACI FIC T I O N S N E V/ YORK ZOOLOGICAL^ SOCIETY SHORE COLLECTING STATIONS UVITA 1 PEARL 1 i V o B J / PAR IDA7 f '■BAHIA ( ° ISL. / HONDA \ L- COI BA ISL. ) ~ (hann.bal •*»«) V ^ GORGONA ISL.*/ ™ J > GA L APAGOS IS. N ECUADOR PERU Text-fig. 1. Shore collecting stations of the Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. For exact locations of associated dredge stations, refer to Zoologica, vol. XXII, no. 2, and vol. XXIII, no. 14. 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 59 pedition form the subject matter of the present report. In general, the style of presentation fol- lows that of Garth (1959, 1961, 1966), who reported on part of the brachyuran crabs col- lected by the expedition, the intertidal brachy- gnaths having been dealt with earlier by Crane (1947). The material has been deposited in the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History; in this re- port the AMNH catalog number referring to each lot is indicated in parentheses. A few speci- mens from the group studied before 1960 were donated to the Allan Hancock Foundation, and these are identified (AHF) in the text. Ecological Considerations Porcellanid crabs are usually conspicuous members of the coral community in tropical seas. Most species are not obligate commensals with corals, but may be found in a variety of habitats that offer concealment. Nevertheless certain species are predominantly coral dwell- ers and have only rarely been found in other situations: in the eastern Pacific these include Petrolisthes glasselli, Petrolisthes polymitus, Pachycheles biocellatus, Pachycheles vicarius, and several others. Some species, on the other hand, are generally found under stones in the littoral or have been dredged from various kinds of substrates, but occasionally turn up among crabs and other animals taken from coral heads. Petrolisthes edwardsii and Pisidia magdalenensis are examples. Of the 36 species of porcellanids from the Eastern Pacific Zaca Expedition, 18, or 50 per cent, were collected from corals. Crane (1947, pp. 88-89) reported that “More than 50 heads of coral, ranging in diameter from six inches to more than two feet, were carefully hammered open and their inhabitants collected.” The best locality for this type of collecting, as far as the Porcellanidae were concerned, was Sihuate- nejo Bay, where 14 species were recovered from corals in the intertidal zone. Eleven species were collected from intertidal corals at Jasper Island; ten at Uvita Bay; at least nine at Port Parker; and eight at Port Culebra. At Port Guatulco, eight species were found in corals obtained by diving in W2 fathoms. Crane (1947, p. 87) enumerated nine habitat zones for the intertidal brachygnathous Brachy- ura of the 1937-1938 expedition. Petrolisthes zacae, described herein, was found living on mud among mangroves; otherwise the coral hab- itat zone was the only one specified for the Por- cellanidae of the expedition. Thirteen species not collected in the latter zone were probably from “stones near midtide levels,” “stones near low-tide levels,” or “tidepools.” Dredged species included Petrolisthes robso- nae and Polyonyx confinis, from mud and man- grove leaves in 3 fathoms; and Porcellana can- crisocialis, Porcellana paguriconviva, and Pisidia magdalenensis, chiefly on sand, mud, crushed shell, and rock substrates in 2Vi to 30 fathoms. Among the species collected was an obligate commensal, Minyocerus kirki, which lives in as- sociation with sea stars and serpent stars. Por- cellana cancrisocialis and Porcellana paguricon- viva, free-living over a rather wide bathymetric range, are frequently found with various species of large hermit crabs in their shells; three P. paguriconviva from the Eastern Pacific Zaca Expedition were associated with a hermit crab of unknown identity. Geographical Considerations As a result of the present study, the known range of Pachycheles crassus is extended from Balboa, Panama, to Sihuatenejo Bay, Mexico. Smaller northward range extensions include Petrolisthes tridentatus from Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, to San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua; and Pachycheles calculosus and Megalobrachium festai from Acapulco to Sihuatenejo Bay, Mex- ico. Petrolisthes robsonae is reported from La Union, El Salvador, the first precise locality for the species north of Panama although it was recorded earlier from an unspecified area in Mexico. Petrolisthes galapagensis is reported from the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, the first mainland record for the species. Petrolisthes lewisi is recorded from the Gulf of California south to Ectfador, but with a wide gap in its known distribution. Since the two pop- ulations in this discontinuous range are recog- nized as subspecies, it may be assumed that they meet somewhere in the intermediate area, which is now narrowed with the extension of Petro- listhes lewisi lewisi southward from Tequepa Bay to Tangola-Tangola Bay, Mexico, and of P. 1. austrinus northward from Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, to the Gulf of Fonseca. In the present report, several species are noted for the first time from certain countries visited by the Zaca. These records may be listed as follows: New to Mexico: Pachycheles crassus. New to El Salvador: Petrolisthes robsonae. New to Nicaragua: Petrolisthes agassizii, P. edwardsii, P. nobilii, P. tridentatus, P. tonsorius, P. lewisi austrinus, Neopisosoma mexicanum, and Pachycheles trichotus. 60 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2 New to Costa Rica: Petrolisthes galapagensis, Pachycheles chacei, Megalobrachium garthi, and M. tuberculipes. Systematic Considerations Two new species, neither of which is yet known from any other source, are represented in the collection of Porcellanidae from the Zaca Expedition (1937-1938). One of these, Poly- onyx confinis, has already been treated (Haig, 1960) ; the other, Petrolisthes zacae, is described in the present report. Sixty-five eastern Pacific porcellanid species are now recognized as members of the Panamic faunal province, which extends from the head of the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Guaya- quil, Ecuador, and includes a number of outly- ing islands. Of these tropical species, fifteen ap- pear to be restricted to the Gulf of California or to the Cocos and Galapagos Islands, areas not visited by the Zaca. The expedition obtained 36 of the remaining 50 species, or 72 per cent of the total. Restriction of Synonymies For each species a reference is given to the recent revision of eastern Pacific Porcellanidae (Haig, 1960), which may be consulted for all earlier references. Pertinent works published since 1960 are also cited. Otherwise, the synony- mies are restricted to the following references: the work containing the original description of the species; that first citing the name in its pres- ent combination; and those containing the origi- nal descriptions of its junior synonyms. For Petrolisthes armatus and Megalobrachium poeyi, species that occur in the Atlantic Ocean as well as the Pacific, junior synonyms with an Atlantic coast type locality are not cited. Systematic Discussion Family Porcellanidae Petrolisthes agassizii Faxon Petrolisthes agassizii Faxon, 1893, p. 174. Haig, 1960, pp. 24, 32, pi. 20 fig. 4; 1962, p. 174. Range.— From Mazatlan, Gulf of California, to Utria Bay, Colombia. Shore to 5 fathoms. Material Examined.— 17 specimens from 4 sta- tions: Mexico Tangola-Tangola Bay, December 8-13, 1937, intertidal in coral, 1 male (12596). Nicaragua Corinto, December 28, 1937-January 7, 1938, intertidal, 1 male, 3 females (12597). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal 1938, 6-2 V2 fathoms, rocks, 5 males, 6 females (12598). Port Parker, Station 203, D-10, January 22, 1938,6-214 fathoms, rocks, 5 males, 6 females (12598). Measurements.— Males 5. 3-6. 5 mm., oviger- ous females 6. 1-8.5 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Corinto in late December or early January, and from Port Parker in late January. Remarks— The male specimen collected inte- tidally at Port Parker was reported by Haig (1960, p. 257). Petrolisthes edwardsii (Saussure) Porcellana edwardsii Saussure, 1853, p. 366, pi. 12 fig. 3. Petrolisthes edwardsii Stimpson, 1858, p. 227. Haig, 1960, pp. 24, 33, pi. 21; 1962, p. 175. Range.— From Santa Maria and Magdalena Bays, outer Baja California, and Los Frailes, Gulf of California, to La Plata Island, Ecuador. Isabel, Tres Marias, Revillagigedo, and Gala- pagos Islands. Shore to 20 fathoms. Material Examined— 53 specimens from 12 stations: Mexico Chamela Bay, November 17-20, 1937, inter- tidal, 3 males (12599). Tenacatita Bay, November 20, 1937, inter- tidal, 4 males, 5 females, 3 young (12600). Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 2 females, 1 young (12601). Port Angeles, December 1, 1937, intertidal, 3 males, 2 females ( 1 2602 ) . Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in IV2 fathoms, coral, 1 young male, 2 young females, 2 young (12603). Tangola-Tangola Bay, December 8-13, 1937, intertidal in coral, 2 males (1 young), 1 female (12604). Nicaragua Corinto, December 28, 1937-January 7, 1938, intertidal, 2 females (12605). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?) , 9 males, 4 females ( 1 1788) . Port Parker, Station 203, D-10, January 22, 1938, 6-214 fathoms, rocks, 2 females (12606). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal from coral, 1 female (12607). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male (12608). 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 61 Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, low tide under stones, 3 males (12609). Measurements— Males 3.8-12.0 mm., nonovi- gerous females 4. 2-8. 6 mm., ovigerous females 5.3-10.0 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Tenaca- tita and Sihuatenejo Bays in November, from Corinto in late December or early January, and from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January. Remarks— A specimen from Chamela Bay is parasitized by a bopyrid. The material collected intertidally at Port Parker was recorded by Haig (1960, p. 258). Petrolisthes glasselli Haig Petrolisthes glasselli Haig, 1957a, p. 33, pi. 8 figs. 1-3; 1960, pp. 24, 39, pi. 20 fig. 2; 1962, p. 176. Chace, 1962. p. 623. Range— From Cape San Lucas, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Gorgona Island, Colombia. Isabel, Tres Marias, Revillagigedo, Galapagos, and Clipperton Islands. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— 284 specimens from 5 stations: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 1 male, 3 females (12610). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in IV2 fathoms, coral, 1 male, 1 female (12611). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?), 97 males, 121 females, 39 young (11786). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal in coral, 4 young (12612). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 8 males, 9 females (12613). Measurements.— Males 4.1-10.0 mm., nonovi- gerous females 4. 0-7. 8 mm., ovigerous females 5. 2-9. 6 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihuate- nejo Bay in November, from Port Guatulco in December, from Port Parker in January, and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks.— This species, which has rarely been found except in association with corals, is the only eastern Pacific Petrolisthes with two epi- branchial spines on either side of the carapace. The specimens from Port Parker were pre- viously reported by Haig (1960, p. 262). Petrolisthes polymitus Glassell Petrolisthes polymitus Glassell, 1937, p. 81, pi. 1 fig. 1. Haig, 1960, pp. 25, 41, pi. 22 fig. 1; 1962, p. 176. Range.— From Espiritu Santo Island, Gulf of California, to La Libertad, Ecuador. Tres Marias and Galapagos Islands. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— 13 specimens from 4 sta- tions : Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 1 female (12614). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in IV2 fathoms, coral, 2 males, 5 females (12615). Costa Rica Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 2 males, 1 female (12616). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male, 1 female (12617). Measurements.— Males 4.0-5.0 mm., nonovig- erous female 4.8 mm., ovigerous females 3.3- 4.9 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihuate- nejo Bay in November, from Port Guatulco in December, from Jasper Island in February, and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks— This species was originally de- scribed from a single specimen collected in the Gulf of California during the 1936 Templeton Crocker Expedition. It was taken over a wide geographical area during various cruises of Velero III and Velero IV. Petrolisthes haigae Chace Petrolisthes marginatus, Haig, 1960, pp. 25, 47, pi. 20 fig. 1. Not P. marginatus Stimpson. Petrolisthes sp., Haig, 1962, p. 177. Petrolisthes haigae Chace, 1962, p. 620, text- fig. 1. Range— From Guaymas Bay, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Isabel, Tres Marias, Revillagigedo, Galapagos, and Clipper- ton Islands. Shore to about 10 fathoms (excep- tionally to 22 fathoms) . Material Examined.— 525 specimens from 10 stations: Mexico Tenacatita Bay, November 20, 1937, inter- tidal, 1 female (12618). Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 14 males, 26 females (12619). Acapulco, November 25-29, 1937, intertidal, 2 males, 7 females (12620). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-14, December 6, 1937, 4 fathoms, coral, 1 male (12621); D- 62 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2 15, December 6, 1937, diving in IV2 fathoms, coral, 21 males, 35 females, 1 young (12622). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?) , 1 10 males, 146 females ( 1 1780) . Port Parker, Station 203, D-9, January 22, 1938, 1 V2-4 fathoms, coral, 2 males, 1 young (12623). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal in coral, 90 specimens (12624). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 18 males, 13 females (12625). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 16 males, 17 females (12626). Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, low tide under stones, 1 male, 3 females (12627). Measurements.— Males 2. 6-9. 5 mm., nonovig- erous females 2. 4-7. 4 mm., ovigerous females 3. 5-9.2 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Tenaca- tita Bay, Sihuatenejo Bay, and Acapulco in No- vember, from Port Guatulco in December, from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January, from Jasper Island in February, and from Uvita Bay and Bahia Honda in March. Remarks.— This species occurs abundantly throughout its range. Chace ( 1962) showed that it is distinct from Petrolisthes marginatus Stimp- son, a closely related west Atlantic form. The specimens collected intertidally at Port Parker were reported by Haig ( 1960, p. 267) as Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson. Petrolisthes armatus (Gibbes) Porcellana armata Gibbes, 1850, p. 190. Petrolisthes armatus, Stimpson, 1858, p. 227. Haig, 1960, pp. 25, 50, pi. 19 fig. 2; 1962, p. 178. Range.— From Puerto Pehasco and San Felipe, Gulf of California, to Independencia Bay, Peru. Galapagos Islands. Shore to 10 fathoms. Also occurs in western and eastern Atlantic. Material Examined.— 32 specimens from 5 stations: Nicaragua Near Potosi River, Gulf of Fonseca, Decem- ber 23-25, 1937, intertidal, 5 males, 7 females (12628). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal, 6 males, 7 females (12629). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal, 3 males (12630). Cedro Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 12- 13 or 21-22, 1938, intertidal, 1 male, 1 female (12631). Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, low tide under stones, 1 male, 1 young female (12632). Measurements.— Males 2.6-11.7 mm., non- ovigerous females 3.9-5. 5 mm., ovigerous fe- males 4. 5-7. 3 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Gulf of Fonseca in December, from Port Parker in Jan- uary, and from Cedro Island in February. Petrolisthes nobilii Haig Petrolisthes nobilii Haig, 1960, pp. 25, 55, pi. 1, pi. 18 fig. 3. Range.— From Cabeza Ballena, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Isabel Is- land. Intertidal zone. Material Examined— 16 specimens from 7 sta- tions: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal under stones, 1 male (12633). Port Angeles, December 1, 1937, intertidal, 1 female ( 12634) . Tangola-Tangola Bay, December 8-13, 1937, intertidal, 2 males, 2 females (12635). Nicaragua Corinto, December 28, 1937-January 7, 1938, intertidal, 1 male, 1 female (12636). San Juan del Sur, January 9-12, 1938, inter- tidal, 2 males, 2 females (12637). Costa Rica Ballenas Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, February 25- 26, 1938, intertidal, 1 female (12638). Colombia Gorgonilla Island, March 30, 1938, intertidal under rocks, 1 male, 1 female (12639). Measurements— Males 6.7-10.4 mm., non- ovigerous female 4.3 mm., ovigerous females 5.6-10.4 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Port An- geles and Tangola-Tangola Bay in December, from Corinto in late December or early January, from San Juan del Sur in January, from Ballenas Bay in February, and from Gorgonilla Island in March. 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 63 Petrolisthes zacae, new species (Text-fig. 2) Types.— Female holotype, AMNH Cat. No. 12640, from Ballenas Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, February 25 or 26, 1938, intertidal in mangrove mud. One male and one female, paratypes, AMNH Cat. No. 12641, same data as holotype. Measurements.— Female holotype, length 8.6 mm., width 7.8 mm. Male paratype, length 5.0 mm. Ovigerous female paratype, length 7.8 mm. Diagnosis.— Carapace finely rugose; no su- praocular spine; a single epibranchial spine; front broad, with three shallow lobes. Carpus of chelipeds about two and a half times as long as wide, inner margin with three narrow, wide-set Text-fig. 2. Petrolisthes zacae. Holotype: a, carapace; b and c, chelipeds; d, e, and f, left walking legs 1, 2, and 3, respectively; g, dactyl of left first walking leg. Paratype: h, basal segment of right antennule; i, right third maxilliped. (Scale a-f = 4 mm.; g, h = 2 mm.; i = 3 mm.) 64 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2 teeth, outer margin with four similar teeth; chela long and slender, its outer margin spinulate. Merus of walking legs with a few spines on upper margin; dactyl with a single movable spinule on lower margin. Description.— C arapace finely rugose, espe- cially along lateral and posterolateral margins; dorsal surface flat, regions not strongly indicated except for hepatics, which lie at a level below that of rest of carapace, and protogastric lobes. Front broad, flat or very faintly concave, with three shallow, rounded lobes, median one broad- er and more produced than laterals. No suprao- cular spine. Orbits shallow, strongly oblique; outer orbital angle subrectangular and some- times produced into a minute spinule. A well- developed epibranchial spine. No hairs on dorsal surface of carapace; lateral portion with very short hairs. a series of long, slender, rather evenly spaced spinules, more than 20 in number in the holo- type, not developed on the proximal fourth of the palm nor on the outer margin of the pollex. Fingers smooth on dorsal surface, curved and crossing at tips; outer margin of dactyl with a ridge, produced into a sharp spinule at point where the finger curves sharply inward and crosses under pollex. A short, thick pubescence on lower inner side of fingers, on dactyl extend- ing more than halfway to tip. Outer margin of chela with a fringe of very fine hairs, not obscur- ing row of spinules. Walking legs transversely rugose, and with a few very fine, scattered hairs on margins. Merus with a posterodistal spine on legs 1 and 2, none on leg 3; anterior margin with a few spines (well- developed in female specimens, weakly devel- oped in the small male), as follows in Table I: Table I Spinulation of Walking Legs Legs Holotype 2 8.6 mm. Paratype 2 7.8 mm. Paratype $ 5.0 mm. Leg 1 (left) 4 3 2 Leg 1 (right) 3 3 2 Leg 2 (left) 3 3 2 Leg 2 (right) 3 (leg missing) (leg missing) Leg 3 (left) 2 (leg missing) (leg missing) Leg 3 (right) 2 (leg missing) 2 First movable segment of antenna with a strongly projecting, rounded, spine-tipped lamel- lar lobe; second granular, slightly produced at proximal end of anterior margin; third smooth; flagellum without hairs. Outer maxilliped and antennule as shown in Text-figure 2. Chelipeds subequal. Merus lightly rugose; armed on inner margin with a strong pointed tooth; two spines on dorsal surface near outer margin, one at distal and the other near proxi- mal end of segment. Carpus nearly two and a half times as long as wide; dorsal surface nearly smooth, evenly convex; armed on inner margin with three low, narrow, wide-set teeth (the most distal one not developed in the small male para- type), their edges finely crenulate; outer margin with four similar teeth, the most distal one bifid and placed at outer distal angle, the proximal two placed slightly on dorsal surface. Chela long and slender, smooth, evenly convex; outer mar- gin crenulate, some of the crenulations in the form of short, close-set spinules; on dorsal sur- face just to the inside of the crenulated margin, Carpus with anterodistal spine well developed on leg 1, obsolescent or absent on legs 2 and 3. Propodus long and slender; two movable spin- ules on lower margin in addition to the usual posterodistal pair. Dactyl long and slender; a “thumblike” projection about halfway along lower margin, tipped with a movable corneous spinule; lower margin otherwise unarmed. (The spinule and the corneous fixed claw are paler in color than indicated in Text-fig. 2 d-f.) Remarks— Petrolisthes zacae is allied to a small group of species, including P. armatus (Gibbes) , P. nobilii Haig, and P. robsonae Glassell, in which the carapace is not transversely striate; there are low, wide-set teeth on the inner margin of the carpus of the cheliped; and the anterior margin of the merus of the walking legs is armed with only a few spines. It differs from all of them by a combination of several characters, and particularly by the form of the dactyl of the walking legs. As far as I am aware, the structure of the dactyl in this species is unique among porcellanids of genus Petrolisthes. Assuming 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 65 that the types were collected in a situation typical for the species, it is probably an adaptation for living in mud. Petrolisthes robsonae Glassell Petrolisthes robsonae Glassell, 1945, p. 227, text-fig. 3. Haig, 1960, pp. 25, 57, pi. 18 fig. 2. Range— Mexico (specific locality not known) to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Material Examined.— ha Union, Gulf of Fon- seca, El Salvador, Station 199, D-21, December 27, 1937, 3 fathoms, mud, mangrove leaves, 2 males, 1 female (12642). Measurements— Males 6.5 and 7.0 mm., non- ovigerous female 5.3 mm. Remarks— An unusual characteristic of this species is its ability to withstand great changes in salinity (Haig, 1960, pp. 58-59). It has been collected at both ends of the Panama Canal, its occurrence on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Panama probably being due to an accidental in- troduction. It is also reported from Bellavista, Panama City; Guayaquil, Ecuador; and an un- specified locality in Mexico. With the discovery of specimens among the material collected by the Zaca during the 1937-1938 expedition, La Union becomes the northernmost precise local- ity known for the species. Petrolisthes gracilis Stimpson Petrolisthes gracilis Stimpson, 1858, p. 227 (nomen nudum); 1859, p. 74. Haig, 1960, pp. 28, 79, pi. 27 fig. 2. Range.— From Santa Maria Bay, Baja Cali- fornia, and Punta Penasco and San Felipe, Gulf of California, to Tangola-Tangola Bay, Mexico. Tres Marias Islands. Shore; rarely to 25 fathoms. Material Examined— 6 specimens from 3 sta- tions: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal under stones, 1 male, 2 females (12643). Port Guatulco, December 2-7, 1937, inter- tidal, 1 male ( 12644) . Tangola-Tangola Bay, December 8-13, 1937, intertidal, 2 males (12645). Measurements.— Males 2. 6-3. 9 mm., oviger- ous females 2.7 and 4.3 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihua- tenejo Bay in November. Remarks— Except for a single specimen col- lected at Tangola-Tangola Bay by the Velero III, Petrolisthes gracilis has not been known south of the Gulf of California. I suggested (Haig, 1960, p. 81) that the Tangola-Tangola Bay record might be erroneous. However, the speci- mens taken by the Zaca confirm the presence of the species in southern Mexico. Petrolisthes tridenfatus Stimpson Petrolisthes tridentatus Stimpson, 1858, p. 227 ( nomen nudum)', 1859, p. 75, pi. 1 fig. 4. Haig, 1960, pp. 29, 81, pi. 25 fig. 4. Range.— From Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, to Puna Island, Ecuador. Intertidal. Also occurs in western Atlantic. Material Examined .—18 specimens from 5 stations: Nicaragua San Juan del Sur, January 9-12, 1938, inter- tidal, 1 male, 3 females (12646). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?), 3 males, 2 females (11834). Cedro Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 12-13 or 21-22, 1938, intertidal, 3 males ( 12647) . Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal, 2 males, 3 females ( 12648) . Ballenas Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, February 25- 26, 1938, intertidal, 1 female (12649). Measurements.— Males 3. 9-6.1 mm., nonovig- erous females 3.8 and 4.0 mm., ovigerous fe- males 3. 6-4. 5 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from San Juan del Sur and Port Parker in January, and from Gulf of Nicoya in February. Remarks— One of the specimens from Port Parker was reported by Haig (1960, p. 287). The range of the species is now extended slightly northward from Salinas Bay to San Juan del Sur. Petrolisthes galapagensis Haig Petrolisthes galapagensis Haig, 1960, pp. 28, 84, pi. 2, pi. 25 fig. 2. Range.— Galapagos Islands. Shore to 2xh fa- thoms. Material Examined.— Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, February 22-25, 1938, in- tertidal, 4 males, 5 females (12650). Measurements— Males 4. 2-6. 3 mm., nonovig- erous females 5. 0-5. 5 mm. Remarks— The above record is the first for the species outside the Galapagos Archipelago. In the Galapagos it frequently occurs with its close relative Petrolisthes tonsorius Haig, and the two species were encountered together at Jasper Island as well. They are best distinguished by the form of the cheliped: in P. galapagensis the margins of the carpus are subparallel, while 66 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2 in P. tonsorius the inner carpal margin is pro- duced into a strong lobe. Petrolisthes tonsorius Haig Petrolisthes tonsorius Haig, 1960, pp.28, 85, pi. 3, pi. 26 fig. 1. Range— From Cape San Lucas, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Santa Elena Point, Ecuador. Revil- lagigedo, Cocos, and Galapagos Islands. Shore to 10 fathoms. Material Examined— 36 specimens from 6 stations: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal under stones, 1 female (12651). Port Angeles, December 1, 1937, intertidal, 2 males (12652). Tangola-Tangola Bay, December 8-13, 1937, intertidal, 4 males, 8 females, 2 young (12653). Nicaragua Corinto, December 28, 1937-January 7, 1938, intertidal, 1 male (12654). San Juan del Sur, January 9-12, 1938, inter- tidal, 1 female (12655). Costa Rica Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal, 12 males, 5 females (12656). Measurements.— Males 4. 1-9.3 mm., nonovig- erous females 3. 8-6. 2 mm., ovigerous females 3. 6-8. 3 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihua- tenejo Bay in November, from Tangola-Tangola Bay in December, and from Gulf of Nicoya in February. Petrolisthes holotrichus Nobili Petrolisthes holotrichus Nobili, 1901, p. 14. Haig, 1960, pp. 29, 102, pi. 29 fig. 4. Range— From Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, to La Libertad, Ecuador. Intertidal. Material Examined.— A specimens from 2 sta- tions: Costa Rica Ballenas Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, February 25- 26, 1938, intertidal, 1 female (12657). Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, low tide under stones, 3 females (12658). Measurements. — Nonovigerous female 2.9 mm., ovigerous females 3. 8-5.0 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Gulf of Nicoya in February and from Bahia Honda in March. Petrolisthes platymerus Haig Petrolisthes platymerus Haig, 1960, pp. 29, 108, pi. 4, pi. 29 fig. 3. Range— Known only from Port Parker, Costa Rica, and Taboguilla Island, Panama. Intertidal. Material Examined.— Ballenas Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, February 25-26, 1938, in- tertidal, 1 male (12659). Measurements.— Male 4.5 mm. Remarks.— This species was previously known from only 14 specimens collected at two locali- ties. It may have been overlooked by most col- lectors because of its small size. The largest in- dividual on record is the 5.2 mm. holotype, while egg-bearing females range from 3. 5-4.9 mm. Petrolisthes ortmanni Nobili Petrolisthes ortmanni Nobili, 1901, p. 16. Haig, 1960, pp. 27, 112, pi. 23 fig. 3. Range— From Puerto San Carlos, Gulf of California, to Lobos de Afuera Islands, Peru. Tres Marias Islands and Cocos Island. Shore to 3Vi fathoms. Material Examined.— 57 specimens from 7 stations: Mexico Tenacatita Bay, November 20, 1937, inter- tidal, 1 male (12660). Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 2 males, 4 females (12661). Port Guatulco, December 2-7, 1937, inter- tidal, 1 female (12662). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in IV2 fathoms, coral, 10 males, 8 females (12663) . Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?), 11 males, 13 females (11831). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 3 males, 3 females (12664). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male (12665). Measurements.— Males 2. 6-5. 6 mm., nonovig- erous females 3. 2-4. 7 mm., ovigerous females 3. 6-6.6 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihua- tenejo Bay in November, from Port Guatulco in December, from Port Parker in January, and from Gulf of Nicoya in February. Remarks.— The specimens from Port Parker were reported earlier by Haig (1960, p. 303). Petrolisthes lewisi lewisi (Glassell) Pisosoma lewisi Glassell, 1936, p. 287. 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 67 Petrolisthes lewisi Haig, 1957b, p. 7 (not new records nor all of synonymy). Petrolisthes lewisi lewisi, Haig, 1960, pp. 27, 113, pi. 23 fig. 1. Range.— From Carmen Island, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Tequepa Bay, Mexico. Isabel and Tres Marias Islands. Shore to 3 fathoms. Material Examined— 11 specimens from 3 stations: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal under stones, 3 females (12666). Port Guatulco, December 2-7, 1937, inter- tidal, 2 males, 1 female (12667). Tangola-Tangola Bay, December 8-13, 1937, intertidal, 4 males, 1 female (12668). Measurements.— Males 5. 0-5. 8 mm., nonovig- erous females 3.0 and 5.8 mm., ovigerous fe- males 4. 3-5.4 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Sihua- tenejo Bay in November and from Tangola- Tangola Bay in December. Remarks— The known range of Petrolisthes I. lewisi is now extended southeastward from Tequepa Bay to Tangola-Tangola Bay. Petrolisthes lewisi austrinus Haig Petrolisthes lewisi austrinus Haig, 1960, pp. 27, 115, pi. 5, pi. 23 fig. 2. Range.— From Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, to Santa Elena Point, Ecuador. Intertidal. Material Examined— 5 specimens from 2 sta- tions: Nicaragua Near Potosi River, Gulf of Fonseca, Decem- ber 23-25, 1937, intertidal, 1 male (12669). Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, low tide under stones, 1 male, 3 females (12670). Measurements— Males 4.5 and 5.5 mm., non- ovigerous females 2.6 and 4.7 mm., ovigerous female 3.3 mm. Breeding. — Ovigerous female from Bahia Honda in March. Remarks— The known range of subspecies austrinus is extended northwestward from Sali- nas Bay to Gulf of Fonseca. The area of contact of the two subspecies of Petrolisthes lewisi, which has yet to be determined, lies somewhere between the latter locality and Tangola-Tangola Bay. Petrolisthes hiams Nobili Petrolisthes hians Nobili, 1901, p. 17. Haig, 1960, pp. 26, 121, pi. 22 fig. 3. Pisosoma flagraciliata Glassell, 1937, p. 82, pi. 1 fig. 2. Range— From Santa Maria Bay, outer Baja California, and Guaymas, Gulf of California, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Isabel, Tres Marias, and Revillagigedo Islands. Shore to 4 fathoms (exceptionally to 18 fathoms). Material Examined— I'M specimens from 8 stations: Mexico . Tenacatita Bay, November 20, 1937, inter- tidal, 1 male (12671). Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 40 males, 44 females (12672) . Acapulco, November 25-29, 1937, intertidal, 5 males, 4 females (12673). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in Wz fathoms, coral, 4 males, 2 females (12674). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?), 7 males, 3 females (11835) . Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal in coral, 4 males, 6 females (12675). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male (12676). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 8 males, 8 females (12677). Measurements.— Males 1.6-5. 3 mm., nonovig- erous females 2. 0-3. 9 mm., ovigerous females 1. 9-5.1 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Sihua- tenejo Bay and Acapulco in November, from Port Guatulco in December, from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January, and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks.— Two ovigerous females from Si- huatenejo Bay were parasitized by a bopyrid. The specimens from Port Parker were previous- ly reported by Haig (1960, p. 309). Pisosoma flagraciliata, a synonym of Petro- listhes hians, was based on material collected in the Gulf of California during the 1936 Temple- ton Crocker Expedition. Neopisosoma mexicanuim (Streets) Pachycheles mexicanus Streets, 1871, p. 225, pi. 2 fig. 1. Neopisosoma mexicanum, Haig, 1960, pp. 124, 127, pi. 30 fig. 2. Range.— From Mazatlan, Gulf of California, to Santa Elena Point, Ecuador. Galapagos Is- lands. Shore to 10 fathoms. Material Examined— Corinto, Nicaragua, De- 68 Zoological New York Zoological Society [53: 2 cember 28, 1937-January 7, 1938, intertidal, 1 female (12678). Measurements.— Ovigerous female 4.4 mm. Remarks— N eopisosoma dohenyi Haig, which occupies much the same area as N. mexicanum and has been collected with it at Mazatlan and Acapulco, was not taken during the Zaca expedi- tion. Pachycheles chacei Haig Pachycheles chacei Haig, 1956, pp. 7, 9, pi. 1; 1960, pp. 134, 135, pi. 31 fig. 3. Range— From San Jose, Guatemala, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. 1-4 fathoms. Also Atlantic coast of Panama and Colombia. Material Examined.— 23 specimens from 2 stations: Costa Rica Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male, 2 females (12679). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 9 males, 11 females (12680). Measurements.— Males 2. 4-4. 7 mm., oviger- ous females 2.7-5. 2 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Gulf of Nicoya in February and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks.— The Costa Rican specimens col- lected by the Zaca bridge a considerable gap in the known distribution of the species, which has not been reported previously from the area be- tween Acajutla, El Salvador, and Isla Verde, Panama. Pachycheles calculosus Haig Pachycheles calculosus Haig, 1960, pp. 135, 136, pi. 10, pi. 31 fig. 4. Range— From Acapulco, Mexico, to La Li- bertad, Ecuador. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— Sihuatenejo Bay, Mex- ico, November 24, 1937, intertidal in coral, 2 males ( 12681 ) . Measurements.— Males 4.5 and 4.7 mm. Remarks.— The range of this species is now ex- tended northwestward from Acapulco to Sihua- tenejo Bay. Pachycheles crassus (A. Milne Edwards) Porcellana ( Pachycheles ) crassa A. Milne Ed- wards, 1869, p. 128, pi. 26 fig. 12. Pachycheles crassus, Haig, 1957b, p. 5; 1960, pp. 134, 141, pi. 31 fig. 1, text-fig. 4. Range.— From Balboa, Panama, to Gorgona Island, Colombia. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— Sihuatenejo Bay, Mex- ico, November 24, 1937, intertidal in coral, 2 males, 1 female (12682). Measurements.— Males 3.9 mm. long, 4.8 mm. wide and 4.8 mm. long, 6.3 mm. wide, ovigerous female 5.6 mm. long, 7.9 mm. wide. Remarks.— Pachycheles crassus was previous- ly known from only nine specimens collected at five localities. The Zaca material shows the marked broadening of the carapace, particularly in females, that is characteristic of the species. The known range is now considerably ex- tended northwestward, from Balboa to Sihua- tenejo Bay. Pachycheles biocellatus (Lockington) Petrolisthes (P isosoma) biocellatus Lockington, 1878, pp. 396, 403. Petrolisthes (P isosoma) gibbosicarpus Locking- ton, 1878, pp. 396, 402. Pisosoma aphrodita Boone, 1932, p. 53, text- figs. 17-18. Pachycheles biocellatus, Glassell, 1937, p. 84. Haig, 1960, pp. 134, 144, pi. 32 fig. 1. Chace, 1962, p. 619. Range.— From Espiritu Santo Island, Gulf of California, to La Plata Island, Ecuador. Isabel, Tres Marias, Revillagigedo, Clipperton, and Galapagos Islands. Shore to 13 fathoms. Material Examined— 112 specimens from 7 stations: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 22 males, 18 females (12683). Acapulco, November 25-29, 1937, intertidal, 1 male, 1 female (12684). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in Wi fathoms, coral, 1 male, 1 female (12685). Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?), 16 males, 11 females, 5 young (11830). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal in coral, 14 males, 16 females (12686). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male, 3 females (12687). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male, 1 female (12688). Measurements— Males 2. 6-7.0 mm., nonovi- gerous females 3. 0-5. 5 mm., ovigerous females 2. 8-7. 9 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihuaten- 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 69 ejo Bay and Acapulco in November, from Port Guatulco in December, from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January, from Gulf of Nicoya in February, and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks.— The specimens from Port Parker were recorded earlier by Haig (1960, p. 315). The species was collected in the Gulf of Cali- fornia during the 1936 Templeton Crocker Ex- pedition. Pachycheles vicarius Nobili Pachycheles vicarius Nobili, 1901, p. 19. Haig, 1960, pp. 134, 147, pi. 32 fig. 2. Range.— From Acajutla, El Salvador, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— A3 specimens from 5 stations: Costa Rica Port Parker, January 12-23, 1938, intertidal (in coral?), 7 males, 10 females, 1 young (11832); 1 male, 1 female (AHF). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal in coral, 3 males, 3 females (12689). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male, 1 female (12690). Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 9 males, 5 females (12691). Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, intertidal, from Pocillopora coral, 1 male (12692). Measurements.— Males 2. 8-6. 4 mm., nonovi- gerous females 3. 2-5. 2 mm., ovigerous females 3. 8-6. 2 mm. Breeding. — Ovigerous females from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January, from Gulf of Nicoya in February, and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks.— The Port Parker specimens were recorded and one of them illustrated by Haig (1960, p. 317, pi. 32 fig. 2). Pachycheles spinidactylus Haig Pachycheles spinidactylus Haig, 1957a, p. 31, pi. 7 figs. 1-4; 1960, pp. 134, 153, pi. 33 fig. 2. Range.— From Santa Maria Bay, outer Baja California, and Cape San Tucas, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Port Utria, Colombia. Isabel Island. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— 16 specimens from 3 stations: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 6 males, 7 females (12693). Costa Rica Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 female (12694). Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 male, 1 female (12695). Measurements.— Males 4. 9-7. 9 mm., oviger- ous females 3. 5-8. 4 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Sihuaten- ejo Bay in November, from Port Culebra in Jan- uary, and from Gulf of Nicoya in February. Pachycheles panamensis Faxon Pachycheles panamensis Faxon, 1893, p. 175. Haig, 1960, pp. 134, 155, pi. 33 fig. 1; 1962, p. 182. Pachycheles sonorensis Glassell, 1936, p. 291. Range— From Tiburon Island, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Isabel Island. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— 58 specimens from 4 stations : Mexico Tenacatita Bay, November 20, 1937, inter- tidal, 1 male, 1 female (12696). Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 25 males, 27 females, 2 young (12697). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-14, December 6, 1937, 4 fathoms, coral, 1 young female (12698). Costa Rica Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 female (12699). Measurements.— Males 3. 2-8.0 mm., nonovi- gerous female 9 mm., ovigerous females 3. 6-9.1 mm. Breeding.— Ovigerous females from Tenaca- tita and Sihuatenejo Bays in November and from Uvita Bay in March. Remarks.— Material of this species was col- lected in the Gulf of California during the 1936 Templeton Crocker Expedition and reported by Glassell (1937) as Pachycheles sonorensis. Pachycheles trichotus Haig Pachycheles trichotus Haig, 1960, pp. 134, 157, pi.’ 12, pi. 32 fig. 3. Range.— Known only from Acajutla, El Sal- vador, and Isla Verde, Panama. Probably inter- tidal. Material Examined.— Corinto, Nicaragua, De- cember 28, 1937-January 7, 1938, intertidal, 1 male ( 12700) . 70 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2 Measurements— Male 3.8 mm. long, 4.1 mm. wide. Remarks— The single specimen collected by the Zaca agrees very closely with the only speci- mens previously known, the male holotype from Isla Verde, Panama, and two ovigerous females from Acajutla, El Salvador. The Corinto male is smaller than the three types, which are nearly identical in size: Male holotype: 4.7 mm. long, 5.4 mm. wide. Ovigerous female paratype: 4.7 mm. long, 5.3 mm. wide. Ovigerous female paratype: 4.8 mm. long, 5.3 mm. wide. Minyocerus kirki Glassell Minyocerus kirki Glassell, 1938, p. 430, pi. 31. Haig, 1960, p. 193, pi. 37 fig. 1, text-fig. 8; 1962, p. 185. Range. — From Punta Penasco and San Felipe, Gulf of California, to Realejo, Nicaragua. Shore to 13 fathoms. Material Examined— 12 specimens from 3 stations: El Salvador Cutuco, Gulf of Fonseca, December 21, 1937, 1 male, 3 females (AHF). La Union, Gulf of Fonseca, Station 199, D-7 to D-16, December 27, 1937, 5-6 fathoms, 12 males, 12 females, 24 young (AHF). Nicaragua Monypenny Point, Gulf of Fonseca, Station 199, D-5 and D-6, December 24, 1937, 4-7 fathoms, 9 males, 11 females (AHF). Measurements— Males 2. 9-3. 8 mm., nonovi- gerous females 3. 5-3.7 mm., ovigerous females 3. 1-5.5 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from all three localities in the Gulf of Fonseca. Remarks— All the material listed above was reported by Haig (1960, p. 334) and is in the collections of the Allan Hancock Foundation. Specimens of Minyocerus kirki have been re- ported living as commensals with sea stars, Luidia Columbia (Gray) and Luidia phragma H. L. Clark. Of specimens collected by the Zaca, those from Cutuco were “around mouth of sea star” and those from La Union and Monypenny Point “on serpent stars and sea stars.” As I have already noted (Haig, 1960, pp. 195 and 196), the sea star was probably Luidia foliolata Grube and the serpent star either Amphipholis platydisca Nielsen, Ophiothrix spiculata Le- conte, or Ophiolepis grisea H. L. Clark. Porcellana cancrisocialis Glassell Porcellana cancrisocialis Glassell, 1936, p. 292. Haig, 1960, pp. 198, 200, pi. 38 fig. 2, text-fig. 9(2); 1962, p. 187. Range— From Santa Maria Bay and Point Tosco, outer Baja California, and Punta Pen- asco, Gulf of California, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Isabel Island. Shore to 54 fathoms. Material Examined.— 14 specimens from 5 stations : Mexico Tenacatita Bay, Station 183, D-2, November 21, 1937, 30 fathoms, muddy sand, 1 male, 1 female (12701). 17 miles southeast by east of Acapulco, Sta- tion 189, D-l, November 29, 1937, 20 fathoms, sandy mud, algae, 2 males, 1 female, 1 young (12702). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-ll, December 6, 1937, 5 fathoms, gray sand, crushed shell, 1 male (12703). Costa Rica Port Parker, Station 203, D-2, January 20, 1938, 10 fathoms, shelly sand, algae, 2 females (12704). Port Culebra, Station 206, D-l, January 30, 1938, 14 fathoms, sandy mud, 2 males, 3 females (12705). Measurements.— Males 3. 7-6.9 mm., nonovi- gerous females 3.7 and 4.1 mm., ovigerous fe- males 4.5-8. 6 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Acapulco in November and from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January. Remarks.— Specimens of this species have fre- quently been found living in association with hermit crabs, but there is no evidence that this was the case as far as the Zaca material is con- cerned. The species was collected in the Gulf of California by the 1936 Templeton Crocker Ex- pedition (Glassell, 1937). Porcellana paguriconviva Glassell Porcellana paguriconviva Glassell, 1936, p. 293. Haig, 1960, pp. 198, 203, pi. 38 fig. 1, text- fig. 9(3); 1962, p. 185. Range.— From Magdalena Bay, outer Baja California, and Punta Penasco, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Taboga and Taboguilla Islands, Pan- ama. Shore to 50 fathoms. Material Examined.— 9 specimens from 4 sta- tions : Mexico Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-2, December 4, 1937, 3 fathoms, sand, 1 male, 1 female (12706). 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 71 Costa Rica Port Parker, Station 203, D-2, January 20, 1938, 10 fathoms, shelly sand, algae, 1 female (12707); D-13, January 22, 1938, 7-9 fathoms, shells, algae, 1 male (12708). Port Culebra, January 24-31, 1938, intertidal, 2 males, 1 female (12709). Panama Bahia Honda, Station 222, D-2, March 18, 1938, 4-8 fathoms, rocks, dead coral, 1 male, 1 young female (12710). Measurements— Males 3.2-8. 1 mm., nonovi- gerous female 3.0 mm., ovigerous females 7.3- 8.2 mm. Breeding. — Ovigerous females from Port Guatulco in December and from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January. Remarks— According to an accompanying note, the specimens from Port Culebra were found “on body of giant hermit inside shell.” The “giant hermit” may have been Petrochirus californiensis Bouvier, a large species with which the types of Porcellana paguriconviva were asso- ciated. However, the identity of the hermit crab cannot be confirmed at this time because the pagurids from the 1937-1938 Zaca Expedition have not been located, according to Jocelyn Crane. Porcellana paguriconviva was collected in the Gulf of California by the 1936 Templeton Crocker Expedition (Glassell, 1937). Pisidia magdalenensis (Glassell) Porcellana magdalenensis Glassell, 1936, p. 295. Pisidia magdalenensis, Haig, 1960, p. 209, pi. 38 fig. 4, text-fig. 10; 1962, p. 187. Range— From Santa Maria Bay, outer Baja California, and Petatlan Bay, Mexico, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Shore to 25 fathoms. Material Examined .—87 specimens from 8 stations: Mexico Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-2, December 4, 1937, 3 fathoms, sand, 1 male, 2 females (12711); D-ll, December 6, 1937, 5 fathoms, gray sand, crushed shell, 1 male ( 12712) ; D- 16, December 7, 1937, 10 fathoms, sand, 1 male (AHF) . Nicaragua Corinto, Station 200, D-l, December 29, 1937, 6V2 fathoms, mangrove leaves, 1 female (12713); D-6, December 29, 1937, 2Vi fath- oms, mangrove leaves, 4 males, 1 female (12714); D-14, January 5, 1938, 3 fathoms, mangrove leaves, 1 male, 1 female (AHF); D- 27 to D-30, January 7, 1938, 3 fathoms, 18 males, 23 females (12715). Costa Rica Port Parker, Station 203, D-2, January 20, 1938, 10 fathoms, shelly sand, algae, 4 males, 1 female (12716); D-4, January 22, 1938, 7 fath- oms, gravel, algae, 1 female (AHF); D-7, Jan- uary 22, 1938, 9-5 fathoms, shells, algae, 2 males, 2 females (12717); D-13, January 22, 1938, 7-9 fathoms, shells, algae, 2 males, 3 fe- males (12718). Port Culebra, January 24-31, intertidal in coral, 2 males (12719). Port Culebra, Station 206, D-l, January 30, 1938, 14 fathoms, sandy mud, 1 female (12720) . Cedro Island, Gulf of Nicoya, Station 213, D-7 and D-9, February 13, 1938, 4-6 fathoms, mud, sand, crushed shell, 4 males, 5 females (12721). Golfito, Gulf of Dulce, Station 218, D-5, March 9, 1938, 6 fathoms, mangrove leaves, mud, shells, 1 male, 3 females (12722). Panama Bahia Honda, Station 222, D-2, March 18, 1938, 4-8 fathoms, rocks, dead coral, 1 male, 1 female (12723). Measurements— Males 2. 5-4. 4 mm., nonovi- gerous females 2. 2-3.0 mm., ovigerous females 2. 2-4.0 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Port Gua- tulco in December, from Corinto in late Decem- ber and early January, from Port Parker and Port Culebra in January, from Gulf of Nicoya in February, and from Gulf of Dulce and Bahia Honda in March. Remarks.— A portion of the material from Port Guatulco, Corinto, and Port Parker was reported earlier by Haig (1960, pp. 338, 339). Megalobrachium poeyi (Guerin) Porcellana poeyi Guerin, 1855, pi. 2 fig. 4. Megalobrachium poeyi, Benedict, 1901, p. 136, pi. 3 fig. 8. Haig, 1960, pp. 213, 214, pi. 16 fig. 4, pi. 39 fig. 1; 1962, p. 188. Range.— From Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, to San Francisco near Panama City, Panama. Shore to 25 fathoms. Also occurs in western Atlantic. Material Examined.— 3 specimens from 2 sta- tions: Costa Rica Cedro Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 12- 13 or 21-22, 1938, intertidal, 1 male (12724). 72 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2 Panama Bahia Honda, March 13-19, 1938, low tide under stones, 1 male, 1 female (12725). Measurements.— Males 3.5 and 3.7 mm., non- ovigerous female 5.9 mm. Remarks.— Although widely distributed in the Caribbean area, this species appears to be con- fined to Costa Rica and Panama on the Pacific coast, where only 13 specimens are reported, in- cluding the three cited above. Megalobrachium garth! Haig Megalobrachium garthi Haig, 1957a, p. 39, pi. 10 figs. 1-5; 1960, pp. 213, 220, pi. 16 fig. 7, pi. 39 fig. 4. Range.— From Turner Island, Gulf of Cali- fornia, to Port Utria, Colombia. Tres Marias Islands. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined.— 8 specimens from 4 sta- tions: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 3 males, 1 female (12726). Port Guatulco, Station 195, D-15, December 6, 1937, diving in IV2 fathoms, coral, 2 males (12727). Costa Rica Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 1 female ( 12728) . Uvita Bay, March 2-4, 1938,’ intertidal in coral, 1 female (12729). Measurements.— Males 3. 9-6.0 mm., nonovi- gerous female 2.8 mm., ovigerous females 5.0 and 5.1 mm. Breeding— Ovigerous females from Sihuat- enejo Bay in November and from Gulf of Nic- oya in February. Remarks.— The specimens from Costa Rica are the first to be reported from the wide geo- graphical area between Tangola-Tangola Bay, Mexico, and Secas Islands, Panama. Megalobrachium festai (Nobili) Porcellanides festae Nobili, 1901, p. 21. Megalobrachium festai. Haig, 1960, pp. 213, 226, pi. 16 fig. 10, pi. 40 fig. 3. Range— From Acapulco, Mexico, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Shore to 4 fathoms. Material Examined— Sihuatenejo Bay, Mex- ico, November 24, 1937, intertidal in coral, 4 males, 4 females (12730). Measurements.— Males 2. 0-3. 8 mm., nonovi- gerous females 3. 5-4. 3 mm., ovigerous female 2.2 mm. Remarks.— Until now only 49 specimens of Megalobrachium festai have been recorded, 41 of which were taken from sponges dredged off Acapulco by the Velero IV. Material was col- lected at three localities in Mexico and one each in El Salvador and Ecuador. The known range of the species is now ex- tended northwestward from Acapulco to Sihuat- enejo Bay. Megalobrachium tuberculipes (Lockington) Pachycheles tuberculipes Lockington, 1878, pp. 396, 404. Megalobrachium tuberculipes, Haig, 1960, pp. 213, 227, pi. 16 fig. 1 1, pi. 40 fig. 4. Range— From Punta Penasco and San Felipe, Gulf of California, to Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador. Shore to 10 fathoms. Material Examined.— A specimens from 2 sta- tions: Mexico Sihuatenejo Bay, November 24, 1937, inter- tidal in coral, 1 male (12731). Costa Rica Jasper Island, Gulf of Nicoya, February 22- 25, 1938, intertidal in coral, 3 males (12732). Measurements.— Males 2. 6-3.0 mm. Remarks.— This species seems to be best adapted for concealment in sponges. The speci- mens collected at Gulf of Nicoya by the Zaca Expedition are the first to be recorded between Acapulco, Mexico, and Pearl Islands, Panama. Polyonyx confinis Haig Poly onyx confinis Haig, 1960, pp. 233, 234, pi. 17, text-fig. 12(3) . Range— Known only from Corinto, Nicar- agua. Material Examined. — Corinto, Nicaragua, Station 200, D-14, January 5, 1938, 3 fathoms, mangrove leaves, male holotype (AHF 3817), 1 female paratype (AHF). Measurements— Male holotype 2.7 mm. long and 3.6 mm. wide, ovigerous female paratype 2.4 mm. long and 3.6 mm. wide. Remarks.— This species, which is known only from the two types collected by the Zaca, was described by Haig ( 1960) . Both types are housed in the Allan Hancock Foundation. Acknowledgments I wish to express my thanks to Jocelyn Crane, Department of Tropical Research, New York Zoological Society, for making the porcellanids from this expedition available for study; and to Dr. Dorothy E. Bliss and Dr. Arnold Ross, Department of Living Invertebrates, The Amer- 1968] Haig: Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) 73 ican Museum of Natural History, who arranged for the shipping of the collection to the Allan Hancock Foundation and provided catalog num- bers and other information. Literature Cited Benedict, J. E. 1901. The anomuran collections made by the Fish Hawk expedition to Porto Rico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., Pt. 2, 20:131-148, pis. 3-6. Boone, Lee 1932. The littoral crustacean fauna of the Gala- pagos Islands. Part II. Anomura. Zoo- logica 14:1-62, text-figs. 1-19. Chace, F. A., Ir. 1962. The non-brachyuran decapod crustaceans of Clipperton Island. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. 113:605-635, text-figs. 1-7. Crane, Iocelyn 1947. Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXXVIII. In- tertidal brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of tropical America with spe- cial reference to ecology. Zoologica 32: 69-95, text-figs. 1-3. Faxon, W. 1893. Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California ... by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, during 1891 . . . VI. Preliminary descrip- tions of new species of Crustacea. Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool. Harvard 24: 149-220. Garth, I. S. 1959. Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLIV. Non-in- tertidal brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of tropical America. Part 1: Brachygnatha Oxyrhyncha. Zoologica 44:105-126, pi. 1, text-figs. 1-2. 1961. Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLV. Non-in- tertidal brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of tropical America. Part 2: Brachygnatha Brachyrhyncha. Zoologica 46:133-159, pi. 1, text-figs. 1-2. 1966. Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLVI. Oxysto- matous and allied crabs from the west coast of tropical America. Zoologica 51: 1-16, text-figs. 1-2. Gibbes, L. R. 1850. On the carcinological collections of the United States, and an enumeration of species contained in them, with notes on the most remarkable, and descriptions of new species. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 3:167-201. Glassell, S. A. 1936. New porcellanids and pinnotherids from tropical North American waters. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 8:277-304, pi. 21. 1937. The Templeton Crocker Expedition. IV. Porcellanid crabs from the Gulf of Cali- fornia. Zoologica 22:79-88, pi. 1. 1938. New and obscure decapod Crustacea from the west American coasts. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 8:411-454, pis. 27-36. 1945. Four new species of North American crabs of the genus Petrolisthes. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 35:223-229, text-figs. 1-4. Guerin- Meneville, F. E. 1855. In R. de la Sagra, Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba. Vol. 8, Atlas de Zoologia. Crustaceos, Aragnides e In- sectos. Paris. Pis. 1-20. Haig, Janet 1956. The Galatheidea (Crustacea Anomura) of the Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedition with a review of the Porcellanidae of the western north Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atl. Exped. Rpt. 8:1-44, pi. 1. 1957a. Four new porcellain crabs from the east- ern Pacific. Bull. South. Calif. Acad. Sci. 56:31-41, pis. 7-10. 1957b. The porcellanid crabs of the Askoy ex- pedition to the Panama Bight. Amer. Mus. Novitates ( 1865): 1-17. 1960. The Porcellanidae (Crustacea Anomura) of the eastern Pacific. Allan Hancock Pac. Exped. 24:1-440, pis. 1-41, text-figs. 1-12. 1962. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific expedition 1914-1916. LXXIX. Porcel- lanid crabs from eastern and western America. Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk Naturh. Foren., 124:171-192, text-figs. 1-5. Lockington, W. N. 1878. Remarks upon the Porcellanidea of the west coast of North America. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, 2:394-406. Milne Edwards, A. 1869. In A. G. L. de Folin and L. Perier, Les fonds de la mer. Etude intemationale sur les particularites nouvelles des regions sous-marines 1:128-130, pi. 26. Paris. Nobili, G. 1901. Viaggio del Dr. Enrico Festa nella re- pubblica dell’Ecuador e regioni vicine. Decapodi e stomatopodi. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino 16 (415): 1-58. 74 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 2: 1968] Saussure, H. de 1853. Description de quelques crustaces nou- veaux de la cote occidentale du Mexique. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. Ser. 2, 5:354-368, pis. 12-13. Stimpson, W. 1858. Prodromus descriptionis animalium ev- ertebratorum . . . Pars VII. Crustacea Anomura. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 10:225-252. 1859. Notes on North American Crustacea, no. 1. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 7:49-93, pi. 1. Streets, T. H. 1871. Descriptions of five new species of Crus- tacea from Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 23:225-227, pi. 2. NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY GENERAL OFFICE PUBLICATION OFFICE 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10020 The Zoological Park, Bronx, N.Y. 10460 OFFICERS Fairfield Osborn Laurance S. Rockefeller Eben W. Pyne President First Vice-President Assistant Treasurer Howard Phipps, Jr. Henry Clay Frick, II Secretary Robert G. Goelet Vice-President Edward R. Ricciuti Elysbeth H. 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Plates I-IX; Text-figures 1-2 85 Manuscripts must conform with Style Manual for Biological Journals (American Institute of Biological Sciences). All material must be typewritten, double-spaced. Erasable bond paper or mimeograph bond paper should not be used. Please submit an original and one copy of the manuscript. Zoologica is published quarterly by the New York Zoological Society at the New York Zoological Park, Bronx Park. Bronx, N. Y. 10460, and manuscripts, subscriptions, orders for back issues and changes of address should be sent to that address. Subscription rates: $6.00 per year; single numbers, $1.50, unless otherwise stated in the Society’s catalog of publications. Second-class postage paid at Bronx, N. Y. Published November 29, 1968 © 1968 New York Zoological Society. All rights reserved. 6 Observations on the African Bushpig Potamochoerus porcus Linn, in Rhodesia Lyle K. Sowls1 and Robert J. Phelps2 (Plates I-II; Text-figures 1-8) Introduction ALTHOUGH the African bushpig is wide- ly distributed and locally abundant it is one of the continent’s least known large mammals. Its elusive habits and the fact that it feeds mostly at night make it better known by its trail of damaged crops than by its appearance. Consequently, except for records on museum specimens which are relatively scarce, very little factual information has been published on this mammal. This paper is an attempt to bring together most of the existing knowledge of the bushpig and to add new information based largely on experience with animals raised in captivity. Methods of Study In November, 1962, farmers in the Salisbury area of Rhodesia were asked through radio and newspapers to notify us of any young bushpigs found in the area. Seventeen young bushpigs, taken from six litters, were obtained in this way and held in captivity for periods of 13 to 26 months. Of this group all but two survived and flourished. At the beginning these animals were weighed and measured and their teeth examined at weekly intervals. As they became larger they were weighed and measured only once monthly. 'Arizona Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Univer- sity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. ^Agricultural Research Council of Central Africa, Pax House, Salisbury, Rhodesia. To obtain skulls from pigs of known age the animals were sacrificed at various ages between 1 3 and 26 months. Several farmers in the Salisbury, Mazoe, and Concession areas, where there are relatively high bushpig populations, cooperated by gathering weights and measurements of bushpigs killed. One hundred and thirty-seven skulls in the Bula- wayo Museum were examined to obtain infor- mation on tooth eruption, presence or absence of premolars, and reliability of the extension of the maxilla for sex determination. Findings Dentition and Replacement Normal Dentition.— The total number of teeth for a normal bushpig can vary from 40 to 44 according to the following formula: Incisors = 3 ; Canines l ; Premolars 3 or 4 ; T T 1 or 4 Molars 3 X 2 = 40, 42 or 44 T Ninety-two skulls of adults were examined. Of this number, 73, or 79.3 percent, had 42 teeth; 16, or 17.4 percent, had 40 teeth; and only 3, or 3.2 percent, had 44 teeth. For purposes of our study we numbered the teeth as shown in Text-figure 1. This drawing represents the most common situation where the upper first premolars, but not the lower, are present. The tusks or canine teeth of the bushpig are 75 76 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 Text-fig. 1. Normal dentition of the African bushpig and system of labeling individual teeth. not nearly as long and conspicuous as those of the warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus). The lower canine is generally larger than the upper and is sharpened by wearing action against the upper canine. Measurements were obtained of both upper and lower tusks of both males and females. Upper tusks of 23 males averaged 20.4 mm. and of 14 females 17.4 mm. These figures were (t = 1 .41 Tab. t. 05 for 35 d. f. = 2.03) not significantly different. However, the lower tusks of 29 males which averaged 47.5 mm. in length were found to be significantly longer than 16 lower tusks of females which averaged 41 .4 mm. in length (t=5.79, Tab. t .01 for 43 d. f.=2.69) . Order of Eruption and Replacement of Teeth, — At birth the bushpig normally has all four tem- porary canines and the upper and lower third incisors. The third premolar is the next tempo- rary tooth to erupt in both the upper and lower jaw. The first incisor in both jaws follows at nearly the same time as the fourth temporary premolar. The second premolar follows this. The last temporary tooth to erupt is the second in- cisor. By 15 to 17 weeks the temporary denti- tion is complete. At this time the first permanent tooth to erupt is the first lower molar, followed shortly by the first upper molar. At about 43 to 45 weeks the permanent canines begin to ap- pear. The upper canines appear about two weeks ahead of the lower. The ages at which the various teeth first appeared in the 15 captives are sum- marized in Table I. Weights and Measurements Only meager information on the size of wild bushpigs has been published. A review of the weight and body measurement data found in the literature is summarized in Table II. Table III gives the weights and standard measurements for ten wild bushpigs examined in Rhodesia during 1962 and 1963. The field-dressed weight is that of the head, skin, and body after heart, lungs, and other viscera have been removed. Growth No data have been published on the growth rate of wild, free-ranging bushpigs. In 1962 and 1963 we were able to raise 15 bushpigs from a few weeks of age, when they were taken from the nest. Weights and standard measurements were taken at periodic intervals. These animals were given canned milk and water when very young and slowly transferred to a commercial- 1968] Sowls and Phelps: Observations on the African Bushpig 77 Table I Tooth Development of the African Bushpig as Determined by Periodic Examinations of Captive Animals Temporary Teeth ( Age at Tooth Eruption in Weeks) No. Animals Range Mean Permanent Teeth ( Age at Tooth Eruption in Weeks) No. Animals Range Mean Upper Jaw Incisors, 1st 9 7-9 7.7 2 71-75 73.0 2nd 10 11-17 13.8 1 95 3rd In at birth Canines In at birth 12 36-49 43.6 Premolars, 1st No temporary tooth 13 30-41 33.1 2nd 12 9-15 11.8 3 71-78 74.4 3rd 9 4-6 5.0 3 4th 9 8-12 9.8 3 Molars, 1st No temporary tooth 13 21-26 24.5 2nd No temporary tooth 5 56-68 61.0 3rd No temporary tooth Lower Jaw Incisors, 1st 9 3-7 5.5 2 72-75 73.5 2nd 10 9-14 10.8 1 88 3rd In at birth Canines In at birth 10 45-53 47.8 Premolars, 1st No temporary tooth none 9 ? 2nd 7 11-16 12.8 3 71-78 74.4 3rd 9 4-6 5.0 3 4th 8 8-12 9.6 3 Molars, 1st No temporary tooth 14 20-26 22.8 2nd No temporary tooth 4 56-68 63.0 3rd No temporary tooth Table II Weights and Body Measurements of Bushpigs as Described in the Literature Area of Collection A pprox. Age Sex Weight (lbs.) Head & Body Shoulder Hind Height Foot Ear Tail Reference S. Africa Adult M 50.5 10.5 6.0 14.7 Shortridge (1934) Kenya M 51.0 10.5 5.5 14.0 Zambia F 171 47.4 25.5 10.2 6.8 15.5 Ansell (collector), Bulawayo Museum S. Africa M 51.1 8.9 12.4 Roberts (1951) M 250 Shortridge (1934) F 200 235 Shortridge 1934 from Kirby Zambia M 175 Robinette ( 1963) from Ansell F 135 F 122 Robinette (1963) from Benson type hog feed given twice daily. Text-figure 2 shows the rate of gain of males and Text-figure 3 gives the rate of gain of the females. An approxi- mate rate of growth is represented by the curved line which has been drawn by inspection. When they were first obtained animals were kept in small pens about ten feet square, at a rate of four or five animals per pen. At about four months of age all 15 bushpigs were placed in one large pen with a total area of about 900 square feet, of which about 30 percent was sheltered. Growth curves were not plotted beyond the 50-week mark. Several factors made the data after this age less reliable. As the animals were sacrificed the number of values obtained for the 78 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 o O w Q O a Pi S o « &. a. S in u PQ a d « £ ;* Q O 03 D Z w 72 o .5 o 53 ^ 53 TJ >. ca -o OJ O 53 PQ >S 9) ^ k| ■« -i -c - ^ bo ~~ ^ C- > » 4- £ id ' H O O V. <50 Ci. ^ ^ C o' -2 ? o 2; -2 7 ^ o 8 E 73 o « "O O o c ^ d 2^2 « cd c3 q££ St O 00 r4 vo ^ ^ Tt hiriroh in in O © — < o VO vo © M (N ro VO n o h oo *-* oo o o ^ ^ n t on [i. n. S n. 5. S Ph 3 T3 < a .2 .2 8 90 T3 C/3 ^ M C r£ O w u S3 T3 < in (N in vo S£ =3 T3 < 3 JD C3 .S2 ‘w ’— - a> <3 70 CO o u JO WEIGHT IN POUNDS WEIGHT IN POUNDS 1968] Sowls and Phelps: Observations on the African Bushpig 79 170 r- 150 - 130 - '/.■ ■ ./ /: " ' ■ • • / • MALES S _l I I 1 I I 1 L_ -J 1 I 1 L. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AGE IN WEEKS Text-fig. 2. Rate of gain in weight of cap- tive male bushpigs. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AGE IN WEEKS Text-fig. 4. Rate of increase of head and body length, tail length, and ear length in captive male bushpigs. tive female bushpigs. various ages became fewer and fewer; of the 15 animals obtained only four were females; the effects of the experimentation with trypanosomi- asis were not known. Although the bushpig is a highly social animal and individuals appeared to be compatible, unequal gain in weight and gen- eral growth were probably caused by crowding, especially when the animals were over one year of age. Text-figures 4 and 5 show the rate of increase in length of ear, tail, and length of head and body and Text-figures 6 and 7 give the rate of increase in hind foot length and shoulder height. Both sexes showed a rather uniform rate of Text-fig. 5. Rate of increase of head and body length, tail length, and ear length in captive female bushpigs. growth during the first year of life and gained weight at the rate of about two pounds per week. Some indication of the meaning of the growth rates can be obtained by comparing them with the weights and measurements of wild animals. Old adults (Tables II and III) have been found to vary in weight by about 40 pounds. Two wild animals determined to be yearlings by the tooth eruption pattern weighed nearly the same as cap- tive animals at the age of one year. The increase in head and body measurements formed a steep curve until about 40 weeks. Com- LENGTH IN INCHES LENGTH IN INCHES 80 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 .!/■ ■ ■ SHOULDER HEIGHT :/ MALES T iiii i i i i i i i — i — i — i — i — i — i 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AGE IN WEEKS Text-fig. 6. Rate of increase of height of shoulder and length of hind foot in cap- tive male bushpigs. the captive animals and showed the least varia- tion of all measurements. The length of the tail among wild specimens was found to vary by about 30 percent. The flattening of the curve at about 50 weeks for the small number of captive individuals on which data were obtained apparently means that these particular individuals had already reached adult tail length. Lens Weight as an Index to Age.— Among the Suidae and related forms, lens weight as an index to age has been studied in the warthog Phacochoe- rus aethiopicus by Child, Sowls, and Richardson (1965) and the collared peccary Pecari tajacu by Richardson (1966). Data on the lens weights of the bushpig are scarce. However, we are showing the weight-age relationship for the 12 sets of lenses from the captive bushpigs in Text-figure 8. The lens weight plotted is the average for the two lenses which were oven-dried and weighed to the near- est milligram. Text-fig. 7. Rate of increase of height of shoulder and length of hind foot in cap- tive female bushpigs. parisons with the figures on wild animals indicate that this measurement continues until much later in life than the 90 weeks which is represented by the oldest animals in Text-figures 4 and 5. Shoulder height in both sexes began to decline in rate of increase among captive animals at about 30 weeks, and like the length of head and body did not show a definite flat curve at the 90 weeks at which the oldest animals were sacrificed in these investigations. Like the length of head and body the height at shoulder continues to in- crease slightly after 90 weeks. The length of hind foot and ear were the earliest to show a leveling off of the curve among Text-fig. 8. Lens weight-age relationship in 1 1 specimens of bushpig. Determining Sex from the Skull.— The male bushpigs can be distinguished from the female by a dorsal extension of the maxilla which ex- tends from the base of the canine (PI. I, Figs. 1 & 2). This process has been described by Roberts (1951), Shortridge (1934), and other writers. Of the 92 adult skulls examined in this study the record described all skulls with the process as males and all without it as females ex- cept one, which we suspect was incorrectly la- beled. Reproduction Breeding Season and Litter Size.— Only mea- ger information on reproduction in bushpigs ap- 1968] Sowls and Phelps: Observations on the African Bushpig 81 pears in the literature. Asdell (1964) gives the gestation period as four months. Phillips ( 1926) says that in South Africa there is no definite breeding season and that litters generally num- ber four. Fitzsimmons (1920), however, gives midsummer (December and January) as the period of parturition in South Africa. Shortridge ( 1934) quotes Kirby, who gave the same period and says litters are made up of five to six young. In Zambia, Ansell (1960a) says that records of recently born young are from October to March and that the litter sizes range from two to six with three to four the most common. Among the specimens of bushpigs in the col- lection of the National Museum of Rhodesia at Bulawayo are 14 very young animals as follows: three from the same litter taken in Zambia on December 21, 1959, which were apparently col- lected when only a few weeks old; two from one litter collected by W. F. H. Ansell on February 10, 1950; three from one litter collected by B. O. Williams from Turk Mine in Rhodesia in July 1960, which according to the tooth pattern and measurements had apparently been born in March; three collected together at Nagupande, Rhodesia, on November 25, 1962; one collected near Salisbury on January 7, 1963, which was estimated to be about two weeks old; one from Zambia collected on January 25, 1961; and one collected by W. F. H. Ansell on March 30, 1956. The records on time of parturition and litter size obtained in this study are given in Table IV. Most of the farmers to whom we talked in the Mazoe-Salisbury-Concession area believed that most of the young bushpigs in that area were born between late November and about Febru- ary 1. We conclude that in Rhodesia the prin- cipal parturition season is the same as Ansell has described for Zambia with the largest number of animals being born in November, December, and January. This period is during the summer rainy season when the food supplies and the young animals’ chances for survival would be the best. This same type of timing of the parturi- tion season and rainfall has been described by Sowls (1964) for another swinelike animal, the collared peccary. One female in the captive herd gave birth to three young on November 30, 1964, at the age of 103 weeks. The mating in this instance, based on the four-month gestation period, would have occurred about August 1. At this time the sow was 86 weeks old. The sow makes a large nest of grass for the young. These nests remain for many months in the heavy woodland and resemble a small weathered haystack. Most of the young that were captured for us were taken from the nests by African farm hands. Ansell refers to these nests as bowers. Table V gives the weight and measurements of five young from two litters that were obtained Table IV Birth Dates and Litter Size for Individual Litters ... Litter Reference or Date of Birth Size Observer Concession, Rhodesia 11-23-62 7 Keats Mazoe, Rhodesia 11-23-62 ? Wheeler 12-2-62 4+ Edwards 12-10-62 4+ Bothma 1-9-63 ? Douglas Table V Weight and Measurements for Newly Born Bushpigs Date Sex Est. Age in Days Weight (Grams) Head & Body Flesh measurements mm. Hind Shoulder Foot Ht. Tail Ear 11-27-62 F 4 days 710 260 78 178 94 45 M 880 260 74 174 96 51 12-6-62 M 877 242 72 162 102 46 F 849 232 72 165 99 50 M 679 230 67 148 90 40 82 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 by us when about four days old. At birth the young have longitudinal yellowish or white stripes on a brown background (see PI. II, Fig. 3). The color of individual litters varies con- siderably. Some pigs are much darker than others and have less distinct stripes. The stripes slowly disappear as the animals grow and the coat becomes reddish. Little evidence of stripes remains after 24 weeks of age. Behavior No detailed studies on the behavior of the bushpig have been made. Roberts (1951), Short- ridge (1934), Phillips (1926), Ansell (1960b), and other writers all describe the bushpig as a gregarious animal. The herd size has been de- scribed by various writers as containing from four to 20 pigs. Unlike the warthog, which is strictly diurnal, the bushpigs feed almost entirely at night. Dur- ing the daytime they seek refuge in the tall grass and brush where they remain until darkness. Ansell (1960b) says, however, that in remote country they commonly move about in the day- light when undisturbed. In captivity young bushpigs become extremely tame but tend to become dangerous as they reach maturity. Among the captives which we raised we found that injured animals were persecuted by their pen mates; the injured pigs had to be separated from the others when cuts or open sores appeared on their bodies. Bushpigs and Trypanosomiasis No detailed information is available on the species of trypanosomes that may be carried by bushpigs. Some of the animals kept in the cur- rent study were infected with a trypanosome, fatal to domestic pigs, by inoculation of blood from a heavily infected domestic pig. Not all the bushpigs became positive for trypanosomes and those that did apparently were not affected seri- ously. The trypanosomes could no longer be de- tected in blood smears taken a few weeks after initial infection. This information was given to the authors in a personal communication from P. McKenzie. Bushpigs infected with trypanosomes, even if only for a short time, act as carriers of the disease, and the frequency with which they are fed on by tsetse flies determines the importance of the animals in the epidemiology of trypanoso- miasis. In Rhodesia, Glossina morsitans orientalis Vanderplank and Glossina pallidipes Aust are the major tsetse species. G. morsitans orientalis falls into the group feeding mainly on suids and bovids (Weitz, 1962), based on information de- rived from identification of blood meals obtained from flies in the field. Available information in- dicates that suids provide 36.1 percent of the meals of G. morsitans orientalis, and of the total suid blood meals 14 percent are from the bush- pig (Weitz, 1962). G. pallidipes falls into the group classed as feeders mainly on bovids (Weitz, 1962). Suid meals comprise 29.9 per- cent of the total meals taken by this fly, and of the suid meals 41 percent are from the bushpig (Weitz, 1962). The importance of bushpigs in the diet of tsetse in Rhodesia is established by this data, and in other parts of Africa there are tsetse species which are more partial to bushpig blood. All the tsetse infested country in Rhodesia falls in the range of distribution of the bushpig (Smithers, 1966), and the ranges of the two major tsetse species are almost identical. Control of tsetse by elimination of preferred host species is attempted in some areas of Rhodesia, and bushpigs are one of the animals hunted. In January, 1965, and April, 1964, four of the captive animals were used for experimental work with trypanosomiasis. Blood samples from bush- pigs inoculated with trypanosomes revealed short periods of infection from which the animals recovered, and weight curves did not appear to be affected by the treatment. Further details on this phase of study will be reported by Phelps and Roth. Food Habits No detailed study of the foods taken by the bushpig has been made. Fitzsimmons (1920) says that in South Africa they take roots, bulbs, and fruits. Shortridge (1934) agrees but adds that they devour reptiles, eggs, and birds and tells of one instance where the carcass of a bush- buck was eaten by bushpigs. Roberts (1951) says that the normal diet of the bushpig is roots and edible vegetable matter. Phillips (1926) gives a rather extensive list of plants eaten by bushpigs in South Africa. He lists seven species of ferns, nine species of monocotyledons, eight species of dicotyledons, and 26 species under forest tree fruits. In agricultural areas surrounded by brushy timber the bushpig makes domestic crops a large part of his diet. Maize, groundnuts, and field peas are heavily taken by bushpigs in Rhodesia as the fruits become mature. Control of Bushpigs Because of their fondness for agricultural crops they are classed as a major pest in the maize growing area of Rhodesia. In these areas farmers find it necessary to control the bushpig by what- ever means possible. The animals destroy far 1968] Sowls and Phelps: Observations on the African Bushpig 83 more of the crop than they can eat (Roberts, 1951), and being largely nocturnal in habit, they are not easy to hunt by conventional methods. The most successful method of hunting the ani- mals is the use of dogs to track them to their lairs which are generally in dense thickets. Even when located, the bushpig is not easy to kill, and can be a formidable adversary. Shotguns are the most useful weapon in hunting the animals, the range at which shooting is done being only a matter of yards. Trapping has not been found to be very effective against bushpigs (Roberts, 1951), and once a trap has been located the animals will make wide detours around it. Bush- pigs will sometimes eat carrion (Smithers, 1966) and large animal carcasses are sometimes poi- soned in areas infested with bushpigs. The ani- mals may occur very close to settled areas, pro- vided some thick cover remains in gullies or on hill slopes. In such areas enough manpower may be available to organize drives, and this method of hunting sometimes achieves a degree of suc- cess. Acknowledgments We wish to thank the many people who helped us with this study. We want to especially thank Patrick Maratos of Concession who helped gather data. Also William Keats and Richard Peak of Concession, Mr. Wheeler of Mazoe, Mr. Edwards of Salisbury, Mr. Newmarsh of Salis- bury, and Mr. Bothma of Umtali who furnished us with young bushpigs. We want to thank R. H. N. Smithers, Director of the National Museum of Rhodesia for his assistance. Also Graham Child, Curator of Vertebrates of the National Museum, who assisted us and allowed us to use data on the museum collections of bushpigs. We wish to also thank E. B. Edney, Head, Zoology Department of the University College of Rho- desia and Nyasaland, for furnishing space to raise young bushpigs. We appreciate the help of Moses Nyamuremba, Michael Katere, and Shad- rack Mushambande who cared for the animals. We wish to acknowledge the National Science Foundation for financial assistance on part of the project. Literature Cited Ansell, W. F. H. 1960a. The breeding of some larger mammals in Northern Rhodesia. Proc. Zoo. Soc. Lon- don, 134 (2 ) : 25 1-274. 1960b. Mammals of Northern Rhodesia. The Government Printer, Lusaka. Asdell, S. A. 1964. Patterns of mammalian reproduction. Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 670 pp. Child, G., L. K. Sowls, and G. L. Richardson 1965. Uses and limitations of eye-lens weight for ageing wart hog. Arnoldia (Rhodesia) Series of Misc. Pub. Nat. Mus. of South- ern Rhodesia, 1 (39): 1-2. Fitzsimmons, F. W. 1920. The natural history of South Africa. Vol. III. Longmann, Green & Co., London. 278 pp. Phillips, John F. V. 1926. “Wild pig” (Potamochoerus choeropota- mas ) at the Knysna: notes by a natural- ist. South African Jour, of Science, 23:655-660. Richardson, Gary L. 1965. Eye lens weight as an indicator of age in the collared peccary ( Pecari tajacu). Unpub. M.S. thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson. 38 pp. Roberts, Austin 1951. The mammals of South Africa. The Mam- mals of S. Africa Book Fund, Capetown, Central News Agency. 700 pp. Shortridge, G. C. 1934. The mammals of South West Africa. Wil- liam Heinemann, Ltd., London. 779 pp. Smithers, Reay H. N. 1966. The mammals of Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi. Collins, London. 159 pp. Sowls, Lyle K. 1964. Reproduction in the collared peccary ( Pecari tajacu ). In Comp. Bio. Reprod. in Mammals. The Academic Press, London and New York. 155-172. Weitz, B. 1962. The feeding habits of tsetse ( Glossina ) species. W.H.O. Report on Trypanosomi- asis. 84 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES Plate I Fig. 1. Frontal portion of female bushpig skull. Fig. 2. Frontal portion of male bushpig skull showing upward extension of maxilla. Plate II Fig. 3. Young bushpigs two days old. Fig. 4. Adult male captive bushpig. SOWLS & PHELPS PLATE I FIG. 1 FIG. 2 OBSERVATIONS ON THE AFRICAN BUSHPIG POTAMOCHOERUS PORCUS LINN. IN RHODESIA SOWLS & PHELPS PLATE II FIG. 4 OBSERVATIONS ON THE AFRICAN BUSHPIG POTAMOCHOERUS PORCUS LINN. IN RHODESIA SOWLS & PHELPS PLATE II FIG. 3 OBSERVATIONS ON THE AFRICAN BUSHPIG POTAMOCHOERUS PORCUS LINN. IN RHODESIA 7 The Breeding Biology of the Male Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)1’2 Albert W. Erickson,3 Harland W. Mossman,3 Richard J. Hensel,4 and Willard A. Troyer4 (Plates I-IX; Text-figures 1-2) Introduction The BREEDING BIOLOGY of the brown bear is known in only a general way. Breeding occurs in the spring, usu- ally in late May or June, and its timing does not appear to vary significantly between wild or cap- tive animals or throughout the wide expanse of the species distribution (Dathe, ’61; Dittrich and Einsiedel, ’61; DeVoto, ’53; and Murie, ’44). The female exhibits a period of heat extending up to two weeks and is polygamous. During this time coital activity is recurrent but is interrupted by days of nonbreeding (Dittrich and Kron- berger, ’63) . The age of puberty is unknown in the male bear, but among female captives is usually at- tained at three and a half years. The gestation period in captivity has been reported as varying between 194 and 278 days (Dittrich and Kron- berger, ’63) . Despite this disparity, a large body of evidence shows whelping to occur regularly in late January and early February regardless Reference to the brown bear here refers collectively to the various so-called species of North American brown and grizzly bears, and to the European and Eur- asian brown bears. Recent taxonomic reviews conclude that all of these are simply subforms of Ursus arctos L. (Pocock, ’32; Erdbrink, ’53; Couturier, ’54; and Rausch, ’62). Supported in part by U.S.P.H.S. training grant 5TI-GM-723-04. 3Anatomy Department, University of Wisconsin Med- ical School, Madison 53706. Dr. Erickson’s present address is James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455. 4Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak, Alaska 99615. Mr. Troyer’s present address is Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai, Alaska. of when breeding occurs. Explanation for this is that bears of the genus Ursus have a delayed implantation wherein the fertilized eggs develop to the blastocyst stage and lie quiescent in the uteri for a long period of time. Implantation oc- curs about the same time in all specimens re- gardless of when breeding occurs (Wimsatt, ’63; and Dittrich and Kronberger, ’63). Normally the delays last slightly over half of the gestation period and macroscopic embryos are not visible until about the time of winter denning. The cubs are born in an immature state during the so- called hibernation period. Litters vary from one to four cubs but are usually two or three. Beyond breeding observations, the only spe- cific information known to us on the reproduc- tive biology of the male bear is a report by Dit- trich and Kronberger (’63) on the histology of the testes and epididymides of two captive bears killed in August and October, respectively. On the basis of spermatogenic activity and epidi- dymal sperm observed in both animals, they concluded that male brown bears retain repro- ductive capability at least through October. Methods and Procedures The testes, epididymides, and vasa deferentia of 127 brown bears were collected in Alaska between May 20, 1961, and November 1 1, 1964. The majority of the specimens were from Ko- diak Island, but specimens were obtained also from other areas of the state, particularly from the Alaska Peninsula (Table I). Most of the bears were killed by sport hunters. Additional specimens were obtained from bears killed as nuisances or by unilateral castrations of live- trapped bears. 85 86 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 Table I Results of Examinations of Testes, Epididymides, Testis Tubules Location Specimen Date Skull 4 Age- Testis 3 Activity4 Number Meas. (Years) Wt. (Gms.) Diam. (/r) State Kodiak Is. 14N 4-7-64 19% 1.2e 9.7* NF, G 36M 5-4-62 18.2 95 NF, G 12M 5-7-62 19% 2.3e 17.2 113 NF, G 8N 5-8-64 20% 2.3a 11.8 NF, G 47M 5-11-63 22% 2.3e 15.0* NF, G 49M 5-13-62 21% 2.3e 19.0* NF, G 5M 5-14-62 24.0 112 NF, G 57M 5-19-63 19% 1.3e 11.0 NF, G 26M 5-19-62 20% 2.3e 19.4 95 NF, G 43N 5-19-64 21% 2.3e 16.7* NF, G K44 5-20-62 2.3a 6.3* 86 NF, G 65M 5-21-63 19% 1.3e 10.0* NF, G Anchorage E306 7-14-63 11.0* 83 NF, G Kodiak Is. 40N 10-7-64 15.0* 81 NF, G 49N 10-7-64 10.2* NF, G 71M 10-8-63 21% 2.7e 10.2* NF, G 2M 10-10-62 20% 2.7e 16.0 75 NF, G 3M 10-10-62 20% 2.7e 13.9 94 NF, G 31A 10-11-61 233/io 2.7a 20.1 NF, G 4M 10-12-62 21.9 118 NF, G 67A 10-12-63 2013/1g 11.7 81 NF, G 32A 10-17-61 23i/io 2.8a 19.2 NF, G K97 10-17-63 21% 2.8a 16.5* NF, G 34MK 10-19-61 22.9 NF, G 75M 10-19-63 24.2* NF, G 47N 10-22-64 20 2.8e 23.1* 109 NF, G 20M 10-25-62 15.8 123 NF, G 52N 10-29-64 2.8e 20.8* 97 NF, G 18M 10-31-62 21% 2.9e 16.3 1 14 NF, G 46N 11-2-64 19.0 1.9e 6.5* 54 NF, G 5 ON 1 1-2-64 23% 2.8k 15.8* NF, G 5 IN 11-3-64 20 2.9e 13.2* 96 NF, G 8M 11-5-62 22% 2.9e 22.1 NF, G 10M 11-8-62 20% 2.9e 15.1 NF, G a For explanation of number designations see Table II. Table II Results of Examinations of Testes, Epididymides, Testis Tubules Location Specimen Date Skull1 Age 2 T estis 3 Height of Activity4 Number Meas. Yrs.: Months \yt. (Gins.) Diam. (ft) Epithel (/i) State Kodiak Is. 36N 5-7-64 42.5* SN 59M 5-11-63 36.0* S, G 13N 5-18-64 21% 3.3e 33.4 124 NF, G 21M 5-22-62 22 3.3e 25.6 196 35 SN 56M 5-24-63 43.0* 173 39 FS, A E042 5-25-61 24.5 30.8 187 S, G Paxson E258 9-16-62 20.0 18.8 123 32 NF, G Kodiak Is. 62A 10-4-62 22'/ic 3.9e 31.9* 154 51 SN, G 32N 10-5-64 2215/iq 3.9e 46.0 A, FS 3 ON 10-7-64 24% 4.9e 34.6* SN, G 72M 10-9-63 24 4.9e 27.3 NF, G 9M 10-10-62 33.9 180 38 SN, G 73M 10-14-63 29.1 125 57 S, G 74M 10-17-63 25% 4.9e 21.4 NF, G Legend for Tables I, II, III 1 Skull measurements: Length (occipital protuberance to margin of incisor) + width (outer edges of zygomatic arches). 2 Age: k = known age marked animal; a = approximate known age marked animal; e = estimated age. 3 Testis weight: testis + epididymis + vas deferens. The weights marked with an asterisk are preserved weights plus 10% (the mean weight loss between fresh and preserved specimens). 4 Spermatogenic activity: FS = free sperm; SN = sperm nuclei or heads in Sertoli cells; S = primary or secondary spermato- cytes; A = abnormal forms shed into lumen; G = Edematous (giant) cells in germinal epithelium or in lumen. NF = No formed elements other than giant cells. 1968] Erickson, Mossman, Hensel, and Troyer: Breeding Biology of the Brown Bear 87 and Vasa Deferentia of Infantile Brown Bears3 Intertubular Area Epididymis Vas Deferens General9 Character Cytoplasmic Abundance0 Vacuolation7 Diam. (p) Height of Epithel (p) Lumen8 Contents Coagulum9 Cytoplasmic10 Droplets Lumen8 Contents Coagulum9 Cytoplasmic1 Droplets FI E + + + E + + 4" 4" + IF + A, H 178 48 E + + E N + IF + A, H 196 50 E + + E + + + + FI + A, H 150 47 E + + + + E + + + + FI + A, H E + + + E + + + IF + A, H E + + E + + IF + 4“ A, H 271 62 E + + + + E + + 4" FI + N FI + A, H 123 36 E + + + N E FI + A, H E + + E + + + FI + N 169 60 E + + + E FI + N E E FI + A, H E N + E FI + A, H 176 51 E N N E N N FI + N E E FI + N E E I + A, H 180 46 E + N FI + N 194 57 E + + E N + FI + A, H E N N E + + + + IF + A, H 205 51 E N N E N + IF + A, H 206 E + + N E + N IF + + A, H E E IF + + A, H E E IF + A, H E E FI + A, H 159 55 E, A + + IF + A, H 215 E + + + E, D N N IF + A, H 122 33 A +++ + FI + A, H 173 37 E N + E N + FI + + A, H 150 35 E + + + IF + A, H E + + E N N IF + A, H 206 E + + N E + + N FI + A, H E, D N + FI +' A, H E, D N N and Vasa Deferentia of Prepuberal Brown Bears Tntertubular Area Epididymis Vas Deferens General5 Character Cytoplasmic Abundance0 Vacuolation7 Diam. (p) Height of Epithel (/i) Lumen8 Contents Coagulum9 Cytoplasmic11 Droplets 1 Lumen8 Contents Coagulum9 Cytoplasmic10 Droplets E E I + A, H A, S + + + + E, A, S + 4“ 4" IF + A, H E, A + + N E + + + FI + A, H 182 45 A + N A + + "b I + + A, H 224 68 S, A + + + + + S, A + + N IF + A, H 194 A FI + A, H IF + A, H 224 57 E + + E N + IF + A, H A, S A, S N N FI + L 159 47 A + + A N + IF + A, H E E FI + L 248 66 E, A + + + E, A + N IF + + A, H 167 E + + + E, D N N IF A, H 5 General character of intertubular tissue: FI = more fibrous tissue than interstitial tissue; IF = more interstitial tissue than fibrous tissue; I = predominantly interstitial tissue. 0 Leydig cell cytoplasmic abundance: + = low; -f— (- = med.; | | | = high. 7 Leydig cell vacuolation: N = little or none; A = abundant small vacuoles; L = large and small vacuoles; H = vacuoles highly vesicular (frothy). 8 Lumen contents: S = apparently viable sperm; A = immature and abnormal forms; D = degradation products of tract; E = empty; several entries indicate differences between ducts in order of decreasing occurrence. 9 Prevalence of coagulum in epididymis and vas deferens: N = little or none; + = low; + + = medium; +++ = abundant. 10 Cytoplasmic extrusions of epididymis and vas deferens: N = little or none; + = low; +■)- = medium; + + + = abundant. 88 Zoological New York Zoological Society [53: 3 Table III Results of Examinations of Testes, Epididymides, Location Specimen Number Date Skull 1 Me as. Testis 3 W t. (Gms.) Testis Tubules Height of Diam. (n) Epithel (/t) Activity4 State Kodiak Is. 41M 4-2-63 29 94* 285 95 FS 42M 4-18-63 26% 83* 271 solid FS 22M 4-22-62 23% 49 187 solid FS 42N 4-28-64 25% 58* FS 34N 5-1-64 60* FS 44M 5-2-63 90* FS 16M 5-4-62 28% 98 276 76 FS 45M 5-4-63 28% 47* FS 1M 5-4-62 28% 95 262 95 FS 33N 5-5-64 28%0 85* FS 43M 5-5-63 28% 84* FS 31N 5-6-64 27% 110* FS 13M 5-7-62 26% 77 209 57 FS 31M 5-8-62 89 257 76 FS 46M 5-9-63 26% 46* FS 28M 5-10-63 79 FS 33M 5-10-62 27% 97 259 83 FS Alaska Pen. E231 5-10-62 72 74 FS, A Kodiak Is. 61M 5-11-63 28% 86* FS Alaska Pen. E305 5-11-64 92 90 FS, A 1396 5-12-64 76* 80* 266 59 FS Kodiak Is. 7M 5-13-62 76 268 76 FS, A 15M 5-14-62 27 70 218 83 FS 6M 5-15-62 29 100 228 66 FS 40M 5-15-62 27% 94 218 66 FS 48M 5-15-63 28% 77 FS 53M 5-15-63 28 121* 237 83 FS 9N 5-16-64 71* FS 11M 5-16-62 67 FS 14M 5-16-62 29% 56 228 66 FS Alaska Pen. 3093 5-16-64 52* FS Kodiak Is. 54M 5-16-63 27 65* FS Alaska Pen. 3094 5-16-64 45* FS Kodiak Is. 24M 5-17-62 22% 73 200 47 FS 34M 5-17-62 28% 91 180 59 FS 3N 5-18-64 28% 111 FS 55M 5-18-63 26% 48* FS Alaska Pen. 3099 5-18-64 70* FS 1968] Erickson, Mossman, Hensel, and Troyer: Breeding Biology of the Brown Bear 89 and Vasa Deferentia of Sexually Mature Brown Bears3 Imerlubular Area Epididymis V as Deferens General5 Cytoplasmic Height of Lumen8 Coagulum9 Cytoplasmic10 Lumen8 Cytoplasmic1 Character Abundance6 Vacuolation1 Diam. (/r) Epithel (t<.) Contents Prevalence Droplets Contents Coagulum9 Droplets I + + + L 268 64 S N + S, A N + I + + 4- L 262 67 S, E + + S + + IF + N 253 62 S, A, E + + + A, S + N I ++ L S, A + + + + I + 4- 4- L S S I ++ A s s I 4- 4- 4- L 279 70 s N + s N + IF + A s s + + + I + 4~ A 271 66 S, A, E N + + + S, A N + I ++ A S N + S N N I +++ A s N + IF + A s S I H — 1 — L, H 275 63 s N + S N N I ++ L 307 59 S, A N + + S N + I + 4~ + L s N + + S + + I + 4- 4- L, H s N + + s N + I 4- 4" 4~ L, H 319 47 S, E N + + s N + I ++ L, H S + + + I + + + L, H S + + + s N + I 4- + 4~ L, H 317 64 S, A + + + + + S, A N + I +++ L, H 326 66 S, A N + S, D N + 4~ I +++ L, H 323 80 S, A N + + + S, A N +++ I + + + L, H 262 49 S, A N + + S, A N ++ I + + + A, H 279 59 S, A + + 4“ + S, A + N I + + L, H 360 64 S + + + S, D, A N N I + + + L S N N S + N I ++ A, H 342 71 S, A + + + + S, A + 4~ 4~ I +++ L S N + S + 4- I + + A, H 234 59 S + + + s N + IF + A, H 224 53 S, A, E -j- + S, A N + I ++ L, H S + + + s I +++ L s N N s N + I 4- + A, H 243 59 s + + I + A, H 234 63 E, S + + + + E, S N ++ I +++ L 317 51 S, E + + + N S N N I 4 — 1 — b L, H S + N s N N I + + + A, H s + + s N N I +++ A, H s N N s N N Table 111 continued on next page. 90 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 Table III (continued) Results of Examinations of Testes, Epididymides, Location Specimen Number Date Skull 1 Me as. T estis3 fVt. (Gms.) Testis Tubules Height of Diam. (/r) Epithel in) Activity4 State Kodiak Is. 4N 5-19-64 48* FS 15N 5-19-64 59* FS 30M 5-19-62 251/2 78 265 76 FS 41N 5-19-64 73 FS 5 1M 5-19-63 26% 92* 247 66 FS 64M 5-19-63 27% FS 27M 5-20-62 24% 64 216 59 FS 23M 5-22-62 27% 97 218 58 FS 50M 5-22-63 27% 80* 266 82 FS 52M 5-22-63 29% 113* 264 83 FS 17M 5-23-62 26% 70 230 66 FS 35M 5-23-62 28% 89 269 67 FS 58M 5-23-63 69* 253 65 FS 32M 5-24-62 28% 78 246 76 FS 37M 5-24-62 28% 87 263 75 FS 38M 5-24-62 28% 86 243 FS 19M 5-25-62 27% 83 294 77 FS, A 39K 5-25-63 87* FS 63M 5-25-63 27% 52* FS 39M 5-28-62 28 85 FS 29M 5-29-62 27 96 285 83 FS 68M 5-30-63 26% FS 62M 5-31-63 27% FS Alaska Pen. E252 5-?-63 FS Kodiak Is. 60M 6-1-63 52* FS 66M 6-12-63 84* FS Alaska Pen. 1812 7-14-63 52* 253 77 FS 1820 7-17-63 84* 276 76 FS 1825 7-18-63 68* 247 76 FS 1827 7-19-63 78* 237 59 FS, A 1831 7-21-63 52* 209 60 FS, A Kodiak Is. 78M 8-3-63 53* 206 66 A, FS 69M 10-1-63 25% FS, A 70M 10-2-63 263/8 FS 42A 10-17-62 2215/ig 54* 184 44 FS, A 48N 11-4-64 22% 55* FS, A 55N 11-10-64 28% 81* 199 47 SN, A Kodiak Is. 54N 11-10-64 28% 56* 169 53 SN, A 3 For explanation of number designations see Table II. 1968] Erickson, Mossman, Hensel, and Troyer: Breeding Biology of the Brown Bear 91 and Vasa Deferentia of Sexually Mature Brown Bears3 Intertubular Area Epididymis V as Deferens General0 Character Cytoplasmic Abundance6 Vacuolation1 Diam. (p) Fleight of Epithel (p) Lumen8 Coagulum8 Cytoplasmic10 Contents Prevalence Droplets Lumen8 Contents ( Coagulum9 Cytoplasmic1 Droplets IF + + A, H S N N s N N 1 + + + L, H S N N s N N I + + + A, H 267 52 S, A N + s N + IF + + A, H S N + s N N I + + + L, H 293 63 S, E N + s N + I + + A, H S N N s N N I + + A, H 253 59 s + + + s + + I + H" + L, H 275 68 s + + + + I + A, H 360 71 s + + s N + I + + + L 333 56 s + + N s N N I + + + L 325 67 s N + s N N I + 4~ + A, H 317 63 s + + s N + I + + A, H 298 64 s N + I +++ A, H 309 71 s N + s N N 1 ++ A, H 326 71 S, E + + s N + I +++ L, H 288 64 S, A + + + S, A N + I +++ L, H 355 74 S, A N N s N N I + ~b A, H s + + s N + I + + + A, H s N + s N N I + + A, H S, A N C s N N I + + + L, H 271 62 s N + s N + I A, H S, E 1 ++ + L, H S N N s N N I + + A, H S N N I + A, H S N N S, D N N I +++ L 262 62 S N N s N N I + + A, H 271 63 s N + s N N I ++ + A, H 261 66 s N + I + + A, H s N + E, S N + I + + A, H S, E N N E, S N N I ++ A, H 253 66 S, A + + S, A N N IF + A, H 224 64 S, A, D + + S, A S s I ++ A, H 234 59 S, D, A N + IF H — b A, H A, S + + A, D, S N N I + + L 215 59 A, D, S + + N A, D, S N N IF ++ A, H 262 39 A, S, D + + + E, A, D, S N N 92 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 The reproductive tracts of six bears were of known approximate age as established on the basis of returns from animals live-trapped and marked as cubs or yearlings (Troyer, et ah, ’62) . The remaining specimens were estimated as to sexual status on the basis of skull sizes, and testicular weight and histological comparisons with the known-age animals. Male reproductive tracts were removed, the testes dissected free from the tunica vaginalis, and the epididymides and proximal segments of the vasa deferentia left in contact with the testes (PI. I, figs 1-3). When possible the testes were weighed fresh; otherwise, the fixed weight was determined and adjusted to the fresh weight (Table II). The specimens were fixed in 10 per- cent formalin and stored in 70 percent ethyl alcohol. Histologic sections of all specimens were prepared from the body of the epididymis together with the underlying portion of the testis and the adjacent portion of the vas deferens, where available, and from other areas of the reproductive tract for representative specimens. Sperm morphology and maturation were de- termined by examining sperm taken from vari- ous areas of preserved epididymides and vasa deferentia. The sperm were stained in a 1 per- cent solution of osmium tetroxide and the ana- tomical features of whole preserved sperm were then studied and measured with the light and electron microscope. The data available for the specimens studied are listed in Tables I to III. The specimens were classed as being infantile, prepuberal, or sexu- ally mature as determined from histological find- ings. Infantile specimens exhibited little or no spermatogenic activity. Prepuberal specimens showed some spermatogenesis but not to a sexu- ally functional state. Sexually mature bears rep- resented one of three reproductive states: (1) preseasonal— namely animals recovering from a nonbreeding period; (2) sexually active— bears in or near full breeding condition; or (3) post- seasonal— animals showing spermatogenic de- cline following the breeding season. Included for each specimen, if available, are the collection date, an age classification, body weight, testicular weight, the combined length plus zygomatic width of the skull, and the his- tologic classification of the testis, epididymis, and vas deferens (Tables I to III). Observations Estimates of Age and Reproductive State Reliable procedures for estimating the ages of bears are not available. Nonetheless the speci- mens included in this study were readily identi- fied as infantile, prepuberal, or adult on the basis of testicular histology. It early became ap- parent, too, that skull sizes and testicular weights might also provide useful criteria for determin- ing the reproductive maturity of bears and for estimating their approximate ages, at least in younger animals. As seen in Text-figure 1 and Tables I to III, the size of the brown bear’s testis appears to be directly correlated with the size of the skull and thus, presumably, with age. Although there are individual and seasonal variations, it will be noted that single testes of mature specimens range upward in weight from approximately 50 gms; those of infantile bears weigh approximate- ly 25 gms or less. The limited known-age speci- mens available (Table I) suggested that the in- fantile group included bears to three years and occasionally older. The sexually mature speci- mens were presumably four or more years of age. The testis weights of presumed prepuberal bears based on histological examination were found to fall roughly between those of the in- fantile and sexually mature animals but over- lapped each group slightly (Text-fig. 2 and Tables I to III). The overlap is attributed to the different ages at which individual male bears at- tain sexual maturity. Dittrich and Kronberger (’63) have reported similar variations in the time of sexual maturity in the female brown bear. Most male bears apparently attain prepuberty in their fourth year and became sexually mature at approximately four and one half years of age. Presumably, as judged by the widely divergent skull sizes of prepubal bears a few attain this state in their third year and others not until their fifth year (Tables I to III and Text-fig. 1). The four sexually mature specimens with skulls mea- suring only 22 and 23 inches in length plus width and separate from the remaining mature ani- mals, and the five infantile bears with skulls in the same size range and separate from the re- maining infantile specimens, provide further evi- dence that the age of puberty is quite variable among male bears (Text-fig. 1). The relative age and sexual status of bears may also be judged with fair accuracy from the skull (Tables I to III and Text-fig. 1). Animals with combined skull length and width measure- ments exceeding 241A inches are quite assuredly sexually mature specimens exceeding four years of age. Conversely, specimens with skulls mea- suring less than 22 inches are, generally, imma- ture. Between these limits is a group of bears of mixed sexual status, the majority presumably be- ing prepuberal animals in their fourth year of life (Tables I to III and Text-fig. 1). While paired testes were obtained from only a few bears, there was no indication that signi- TESTIS WEIGHTS IN GRAMS TESTIS WEIGHTS IN GRAMS 1968] Erickson, Mossman, Hensel, and Troyer: Breeding Biology of the Brown Bear 93 130 no 90 70 50 30 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SKULL LENGTH PLUS WIDTH IN INCHES Text-fig. 1. Testis weights of brown bears as a function of skull size. 130 no 90 70 50 30 10 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO — rvif*) — cvjfO — oam-cxjrQ — aifO—airo — cMfO — Mco APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DATE CHRONOLOGY TESTIS WEIGHTS OF BROWN BEARS AS A FUNCTION OF SEASON TESTIS WEIGHTS OF BROWN BEARS AS A FUNCTION OF SKULL SIZE • INFANTILE ® PREPUBERAL o MATURE o o o ® ® ® ® 1 t * • •••:«*• • ® ® o o o O o ft)c o 00 °o °f>P Jo o o o ° °°^<9 Text-fig. 2. Testis weights of brown bears as a function of season. 94 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 3 ficant differences existed between left and right testicular weights in the brown bear (Table III). The heaviest testis weighed 121 gms. The mean testis weight was 80 gms for the sexually mature bears, 31 gms for the prepuberal bears, and 12 gms for the infantile bears. There were, however, seasonal variations in the testicular weights of bears. Among sexually mature specimens heavi- est testes occurred during the breeding season in May and June (Table III and Text-fig. 2) . Testi- cular weights were then approximately one-third greater than during the fall postbreeding season, and conceivably at least twice as heavy as at the time of maximum testicular regression in mid- winter. The decline in weight is in large measure attributable to shrinkage of the seminiferous tubules during the nonbreeding season (Table IV). A similar condition has been reported in the black bear (Erickson and Nellor, ’64). In contrast to the spring to fall testicular weight decline in the adult bear, an opposite condition occurs in the infantile bear. Here, fall testicular weights exceed spring weights presumably be- cause the infantile bear realizes substantial body growth during the spring to fall period. It fol- lows, therefore, that the fall testes of this sexual class would weigh more since, as was shown in Text-figure 1, a positive correlation exists be- tween the body size and the testicular weight of bears. There is a suggestion, nonetheless, that the seminiferous tubules of the infantile bear under- go slight shrinkage during the postbreeding sea- son as in the mature animal (Table IV). In contrast to both the infantile and adult bear, the testes of prepuberal bears remain es- sentially constant in weight from spring to fall (Text-fig. 2). This is presumably due to slight shrinkage of the seminiferous tubules following the breeding season in the spring, but this is ac- companied by some compensatory growth of the body as a whole (Table III and compare PI. Ill, fig. 12 and PI. IV, fig. 19). Gross Features of the Male Reproductive Tract Grossly the reproductive tract of the male brown bear differs only in relative size from that described for the black bear (Erickson and Nellor, ’64). The species has a well-developed os penis which measures up to eight and one-half inches in length in older bears and, as in the black bear, the penis is capable of extrusion from its sheath only with the attainment of sexual maturity. The testes are scrotal from infancy and are held closely to the body except in the adult animal during the breeding season. They are then further removed from the body due apparently to relaxation of the scrotum and their enlargement through vascular engorgement and tubule hypertrophy (Table IV, and PI. I, figs. 1 and 2). Concomitant with the attainment of sexual maturity the tip of the scrotum becomes bare and very darkly pigmented. The hair-free patch is reduced in size and less obvious in late fall animals due principally to scrotal shrinkage. However, once sexual maturity is attained com- plete refurring of the patch apparently does not occur since it was observed in bears killed from April through November. This character is thus a useful one for identifying sexually mature bears. Table IV Testis Tubule and Epididymal Duct Measurements of Brown Bears as Related to Age and Season .05), but both species differ significantly from P. gossypinus (P < .005). Florida mice and cotton rats tended to be more heavily infected than cotton mice (Text- fig. 1). The difference in severity of infections between P. gossypinus and the other species is significant (P < .05), but P. floridanus and Sig- modon do not differ significantly in the propor- tions of light, moderate, and heavy infections. With one exception, all infections of C. hepa- tica observed in this study were localized in the liver as is typical. However, one cotton rat with a massive early infection of the upper hepatic lobes also had scattered adult worms in the mesentery of the spleen and a “knot” of worms about 14 -inch in diameter in the mesentery adjacent to the liver. The worms at the latter site appeared to be dead and in the process of becoming calcified. No ova were observed when teased fragments of the worms were examined microscopically. Infected livers of P. floridanus differed mark- edly in appearance from those of the other species. Even in the case of the lightest infec- tions, the livers of Florida mice became prom- inently lobulated, contrasting greatly with the normally smooth surface of the organ (PI. I, fig. 1). Although the liver of one heavily infected cotton rat had a slightly lobulated appearance, all other infected livers of Sigmodon and cotton mice were normal in appearance except for the presence of lesions. Ecological distribution. Infected mice were recorded from five (hammocks, pine-oak wood- lands, scrub, swamps, and ruderal) of the nine floridanus gossypinus Text-fig. 1. Severity of infections of C. hepatica in three Florida rodent species. 112 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 4 •2 'S. a O u- o w u z w Q u z & 3 T3 <. C o •ts o c .§) Z S o % >< o ^Z & J2 Z z d c S o 'C. cd O *-z 22 c o * « J o VO O OO O q i i o O i ° o 6 m o d o rd »/n */n o r"H o "d- o r- | | i ° rd 1 1 i V O "d- rd ON o VO | | o i ^ T“l T_H rd l/n 1 1 i o p O © cd q 1 1 o i ° m O o »/n m o 1 o o (N m | | _ i ° CO i i VO O rd O vo r- | | i— i ON 1 N *— i cn 00 1 1 o o 1 ^ 00 © 1 1 o | p r- 1-H i— I rd o o i ^ rd ° 1 1 O I 1 1 1 1 1 1 VO i 00 */n ra i | 1 1 1 on cs 1 1 1 1 O o 1 9 ° 1 1 ° 1 1 ^ o 'd* T_ 1 o o 1 ^ rd O | | ° 1 1 ^ VO l 2 O 1 Cd m VO o ^t 1 | Tt- T3 cd 1 rd rd | 1 C/5 > rd (D 1 C/5 *”• | ^ Js Cd c/5 ^3 1 -C -a O ON 00 tn cn cd *o u T3 ojj 0- ^ — ' C/5 o . c i— < m 1 C C i) O c z~: c ^ £ -f2 | | | | x: X c >,J3 cd O 42 2 2 Of) On > >s > On > On > On > o o H-J a® j= M) cd X, u Of) o o E ^ Swamp Levy 2 hJ GO 55 r- v- ■ ^ BX cd w ^ •a X 3 1 ^ 55 K " Typical scrub vegetation but with slash instead of sand pine as noted in text. 1968] Layne: Host and Ecological Relationships of the Parasitic Helminth Capillaria hepatica in Florida Mammals 113 major habitat categories sampled (Table 2). In- cluding all mammals obtained from all habitats combined, over-all infection rates were 0.3% in hammocks, 1.1% in pine-oak woodlands, 26.0% in scrub, 2.0% in swamps, and 1.1% in ruderal situations. The data thus reveal a strong pre- ponderance of infections in scrub habitats. This indication of habitat specificity in the occurrence of C. hepatica is further strengthened when the data are examined in greater detail. All non- scrub habitats from which infected animals were collected were located within dispersal distance of scrubs with moderate to high incidence of C. hepatica. Data from a locality in Levy County (Levy —19) that was studied over an eight-year period provide a particularly clear example of the close correlation between the occurrence of C. hepa- tica and scrub environments. The scrub vegeta- tion at this site was restricted to a slightly ele- vated area and graded abruptly into surround- ing low bayhead and marsh habitats (Te-xt-fig. 2) . Of the 418 mammals examined from this area, 46% of those collected in the scrub were in- fected as compared to only 2% from the adja- cent habitat types. It is also likely that the infected animals from the adjoining habitats had acquired their infections in the scrub. Table 3 summarizes data on prevalence of Capillaria in the three rodent species at all sta- tions in which infections occurred in at least one of the species. The incidence of infections is strongly correlated with the extent to which a species occurs in scrub and its general abun- dance in this habitat. The data also indicate con- siderable intraspecific variation in infection rates within a given habitat type. Such variability tends to be greater in Sigmodon and P. gossy- pinus that in P. floridanus, with the last species also exhibiting consistently higher infection rates. There also appears to be some tendency in at least the Florida mouse and cotton rat for infection rates at different stations to vary in the same direction. Geographic differences in infection rates in different species or populations of the same species are not apparent from the present data. There was as much variation in inter- and intra- specific infection rates between stations 1, 3, 10, 19, and 28 in Levy County, all of which are within 5 miles of one another, as between those in different parts of the state. Multiple samples from the same station show yearly fluctuations in incidence of Capillaria. However, there is some evidence from two P. floridanus scrub populations sampled over an eight-year period that infection levels in a given population may vary within relatively narrow limits for a considerable span of time (Text-fig. 3). The two populations in question are located only about 5 miles apart, yet are separated by unsuitable habitat. 100— i so— % — 4 0— 20— 7*V/ 4k. -*■ 0 s SCRUB L F G S F G S Text-fig. 2. Relationships of habitats at station Levy- 19 and host species composition in each. Corre- sponding data on infection rates given in text. Density of stippling indicates degree of soil moisture; vertical scale somewhat exaggerated. Symbols: F — P. floridanus, G = P. gossypinus, S = Sigmodon hispidus. Levy 10 Levy 19 Text-fig. 3. Prevalence of C. hepatica infections in adult P. floridanus in two nearby scrub habitats from 1957 to 1964. Samples examined each year are given in parentheses following year. Sex and age differences in infections. Table 4 gives the sex and age distribution of C. hepatica in infected host populations. The age classes used for the two Peromyscus species are based on pelage features. Mice assigned to the juvenile age class were still in the full gray juvenile pel- age and showed no sign of molt on the dorsum. Individuals undergoing the dorsal phase of the postjuvenile molt were regarded as subadults, while mice in which the postjuvenile molt had been completed were assigned to the adult class. Approximate chronological ages corresponding to these pelage phases are under 6 weeks for juveniles, 6 to 13 weeks for subadults, and over 14 weeks for adults (Layne, 1966; Pournelle, 1952). Age classes of cotton rats were based on body weight as follows: juvenile, less than 40 g; subadult, 40-70 g; and adult, above 70 g. A relationship between age and infection rate is evidenced by all species. No parasitized juve- niles were found in any species, although sam- ples of this age class are admittedly small. Adult infection rates are significantly higher (P < .05) than those of subadults in both Florida Table IV Sex and Age Differences in Capillaria hepatica Infections Species Age class Male N N ex. inf. % Female N N ex. inf. % Total N N ex. inf. % P. floridanus Juvenile 10 0 0 16 0 0 26 0 0 Subadult 40 9 22.5 28 4 14.3 67 13 19.4 Adult 236 98 41.5 262 91 34.7 498 189 38.0 P. gossypinus Juvenile 4 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 Subadult 3 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 Adult 37 12 32.4 26 4 15.4 63 15 23.8 Sigmodon Juvenile 17 0 0 11 0 0 28 0 0 Subadult 19 3 15.8 33 2 6.1 52 5 9.6 Adult 57 16 28.0 52 23 44.2 109 39 35.8 1968] Layne: Host and Ecological Relationships of the Parasitic Helminth Capillaria hepatica in Florida Mammals 115 mice and cotton rats. An age effect in infection rate also appears to persist into the adult class of P. floridanus. Thirty-one nonparasitized males from infected populations had a mean weight of 28.2 g, while mean weight of 28 parasitized males was 35.0 g. Corresponding values for 37 noninfected females and 12 infected females were 29.5 g and 34.7 g respectively. It thus ap- pears that infections are more prevalent in older adults, assuming at least a rough correlation be- tween weight and age in these field populations. With the exception of adult cotton rats, more males than females in each species and age group had C. hepatica. Although the differences are not statistically significant (P > .05) in any case, they are suggestive and may reflect larger activ- ity ranges in males than females. Seasonal variation in infections. Monthly in- fection rates in adult P. floridanus, P. gossy- pinus, and Sigmodon from one extensively sam- pled scrub locality (Levy— 19) are shown in Text- fig. 4. The graphs are based on composite sam- ples representing eight years of collecting and thus reveal only average trends. In the Florida mouse, infections appear to be relatively low during the winter months and to increase during summer and early fall. Al- though the data are limited, a similar seasonal trend is suggested for P. gossypinus. Peak levels of infection in Sigmodon, however, appear to come in the spring, although incidence during the winter months tends to be low as in the case of the two Peromyscus species. Relationship between incidence and host den- sity. Population levels and infection rates in two scrub populations of P. floridanus are compared in Table 5. The number of mice captured per 100 trap-nights is employed as the index of Text-fig. 4. Seasonal variation in adult infection rates at a single scrub station (Levy- 19). Table V Relationship Between Population Level and Incidence of C. hepatica in Adults of Two P. floridanus Populations Station 10 Station 1 9 Pop. index Adult Pop. index Adult Month and (mice/100 Inf. rate Month and (mice/100 Inf. rate year trap-nights) N (%) year trap-nights) N (%) Jan. 1961 49* 12 16.6 May 1960 20* 10 70.0 Jan. 1962 53* 2 0 May 1961 28* 17 70.5 May 1963 6* 7 85.7 Feb. 1959 48** 10 0 Feb. 1961 91* 6 0 July 1957 5* 4 100.0 May 1957 26** 36 2.8 Aug. 1960 17* 14* 9 80.0 75.0 July 1961 7 May 1961 24* 7 14.3 Apr. 1962 51* 9 0 Oct. 1960 21* 11 66.6 May 1963 16* 8 62.5 Sept. 1961 2* 1 100.0 Aug. 1958 38** 10 10.0 Dec. 1960 17* 9 70.0 Aug. 1960 23* 5 0 Dec. 1962 10* 5 62.5 *Trapline with 2 traps/station **100 ft. grid, 1 trap/station 116 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 4 mouse abundance. The combined data for the two localities suggest a negative correlation be- tween host abundance and degree of parasitism in this species. Station 10, with an over-all popu- lation index of 42 mice per 100 trap-nights, had a mean infection rate of 10%, as compared to station 19 with a mean population index of 14 and an adult infection rate of 78%. A similar relationship is evident within each population when comparison is made between abundance and infection rates at the same season in differ- ent years. Discussion This study indicates that Capillaria hepatica is a relatively localized and uncommon parasite of Florida mammals, yet probably is rather widely distributed in the state. While records were ob- tained from only three of the 22 counties in which collecting was done, these localities are widely separated, Levy and St. Johns Counties being located on opposite sides of the northern part of the peninsula and Highlands County in the south-central part of the state. Levels of infection previously reported in rodents in North America vary greatly (Table 6), although variations in sampling techniques and methods of reporting results make critical com- parisons and interpretations difficult. In general, the present data suggest that the parasite occurs with greater frequency in Rattus, particularly urban populations, than in native species. Com- pared to other native rodents, the incidence of C. hepatica in the three Florida species is rela- tively high. This is particularly true of P. flori- danus and Sigmodon. The greater infection rate given for the Florida mouse in this paper com- pared to that reported earlier (Layne & Griffo, 1961) is due to additional collecting of this species being concentrated in areas with higher rates of infection. This in itself illustrates the Table VI Reported Infection Rates of C. hepatica in North America Rodents Species Locality Incidence, per cent Source Sciurus niger Louisiana 3.7 McQuown, 1954 Peromyscus maniculatus Ontario 9.4 Freeman & Wright, 1960 P. maniculatus * Washington “virtually all” Dalquest, 1948 P. floridanus Florida 2.9 Layne & Griffo, 1961 P. floridanus Florida 15.4 Present study P. gossypinus Florida 6.3 Present study Sigmodon hispidus Florida 10.5 Present study Clethrionomys gapperi Ontario 2.8 Freeman & Wright, 1960 Ondatra zibethicus Louisiana less than 10-ca. 50 Penn, 1942 0. zibethicus Maine 17+ Meyer & Reilly, 1950 O. zibethicus Michigan 3 Ameel, 1942 Mus musculus Maryland 4 Luttermoser, 1938 Rattus norvegicus Quebec 6 Firlotte, 1948 R. norvegicus Maryland 85.6 Luttermoser, 1936 R. norvegicus Maryland 47.9 Shorb, 1931 R. norvegicus Maryland 53.3 Calhoun, 1962 (semi-wild) R. norvegicus Maryland 35 Habermann et al, 1954 (semi-wild) R. norvegicus Maryland 94.1 Davis, 1951 R. norvegicus New York 73.5 Herman, 1939 R. norvegicus Pennsylvania <30 Herman, 1939 R. norvegicus North Carolina 2.6 Harkema, 1936 R. norvegicus Washington, D. C. 77 Price, 1931 R. norvegicus (396) Panama 12 Calero et al, 1950 -f R. rattus (4) "Parasite not identified in paper but from description almost assuredly C. hepatica. 1968] Layne: Host and Ecological Relationships of the Parasitic Helminth Capillaria hepatica in Florida Mammals 117 problems involved in attempting to assess the real significance of differences in incidence values given by various authors. Herman (1939) noted that few of the infected Rattus norvegicus examined from the New York Zoological Park had the entire liver affected by lesions and that in only 14% was more than half of the organ involved. Luttermoser (1936) similarly observed that infections in Baltimore rats were of low intensity. Assuming generally comparable criteria of extent of infection in the above and present studies, both Florida mice and cotton rats appear to have a greater propor- tion of heavy infections than Rattus. Dalquest (1948), presumably referring to C. hepatica. stated that virtually all P. maniculatus collected on Jones Island in the San Juan Island group off the coast of Washington had greatly swollen livers with a yellow, crystalline appearance. This description would appear to fit the category of heavy infection as used in this study. These limited data suggest that native rodents may tend to acquire more intense infections of C. hepatica than Rattus. An earlier study (Layne & Griffo, 1961) re- vealed C. hepatica to be almost entirely confined to populations of the Florida mouse living in scrub or similar habitat types. The present data, representing numerous other potential host spe- cies and more extensive locality and habitat sam- pling, provide further confirmation of a highly restricted ecological distribution for this parasite in Florida. All of the infected specimens of the three host species were collected in scrub or simi- lar habitats or from other habitats located near scrub from which infected animals could readily disperse. The over-all incidence of infection in each species also is clearly correlated with the ex- tent to which it is found in scrub habitats. Of the three species, the Florida mouse is most charac- teristic of scrub and has the highest incidence of C. hepatica. Cotton mice and cotton rats occur more commonly in other habitats. In the present study, cotton rats were more abundant in scrub than cotton mice. In addition, live trapping data from permanent study plots indicated that cot- ton rats living in scrub tend to be more sedentary than cotton mice, many of the latter trapped in this habitat appearing to be transient individuals. This may explain the relatively low incidence and intensity of C. hepatica infections in P. gossypinus even from scrub stations with un- usually high incidence of the parasite in P. flori- danus and Sigmodon populations. The pronounced habitat specificity of C. hepa- tica in Florida is not evident in other parts of the species’ range. Rather, the great ecological diversity represented by its known hosts in North America (Table 1) and elsewhere together with its extensive geographic range suggest broad en- vironmental tolerance. Furthermore, specific in- formation on habitat relationships in other parts of the range indicates that, unlike the case in Florida, the parasite tends to have higher pre- valence in more moist habitat types (Freeman & Wright, 1960; Pavlov, Skrjabin et al., 1957, cited from Freeman & Wright, 1960). The basis of the marked restriction in the ecological distribution of C. hepatica in Florida is far from clear. Among the factors that might be involved are distribution of suitable hosts, substrate characteristics, host population dy- namics, methods of egg-release and dissemina- tion, and feeding habits of potential hosts. There does not appear to be any strong cor- relation between the ecologic distribution of C. hepatica and mammalian hosts in Florida. The wide variety of known hosts of this parasite in- dicate that any of the small rodents involved in this study would serve as a suitable host. Moreover, the species often found infected in scrub or similar habitats also commonly oc- curred singly or in combination in other habitat types from which C. hepatica was only rarely or never recorded. In a number of cases such habitats were actually continuous with scrub with a high incidence of the parasite. It is possible that scrub soils provide better conditions for survival or embryonation of eggs released from livers of the host than those of other habitats included in this survey. In view of the wide geographic range of the parasite and the variety of its recorded hosts, it does not seem likely that substrate conditions would have such an important influence on its ecologic dis- tribution in Florida. Furthermore, if substrate conditions are so critical, it is difficult to recon- cile the evidence for preferences for moist con- ditions in other parts of the range with high incidence in very sandy, highly drained soils in Florida. The picture is further complicated by the fact thatC. hepatica appears to be completely absent from longleaf pine-turkey oak woodlands which are also characterized by sandy, well- drained soils, although there are important struc- tural and chemical differences between the soils of these habitats and true scrub. Freeman & Wright (1960) believed that popu- lation density played an important role in deter- mining the incidence of C. hepatica in small rodents in a local area in Ontario. Although host population level may be an important factor influencing establishment or persistence of C. hepatica in certain habitats included in this study, there is no convincing evidence that it is a major cause of the observed habitat distribu- 118 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 4 tion of the parasite. Scrub and related habitat types in which infections occurred did not con- sistently support higher populations of small rodents than other habitats from which infec- tions were never reported; nor does there seem to be any significant correlation between host abundance and infection rate at different sta- tions in scrub habitat. In fact the data suggest an inverse relationship. On the other hand, small rodents are often scarce in longleaf pine-turkey oak woodlands, and although other aspects of the habitat might be suitable for C. hepatica, the low host density might make establishment and maintenance of the parasite difficult. Opposed to this argument, however, is the fact that some of the scrub habitats and the single slash pine- turkey oak woodland station studied over a period of several years at times had populations as low or lower than some longleaf pine-turkey oak stations yet maintained relatively high levels of C. hepatica infections. Possibly the interval of host scarcity is the critical factor in this situ- ation; evidence indicates that periods of contin- uous low population density may be considerably more prolonged in longleaf pine-turkey oak habitats. Laboratory studies on the life cycle of C. hepatica, reviewed by Freeman & Wright (1960) and Wright (1961), indicate that infections are acquired through ingestion of infective ova re- leased from the liver of another host through cannibalism, predation, or natural death and decomposition. Ova freed through decomposi- tion of the liver require a longer period for embryonation and have lower viability than those passed through the alimentary tract of another animal. Although little is known of the actual details of the life cycle under natural conditions, it is logical to assume that cannibalism and predation are the most important of the commonly ac- cepted egg-disseminating mechanisms. Freeman & Wright (1960) concluded that cannibalism in communal winter nests, rather than predation, was the chief source of infections in deer mice in Ontario, although their evidence was entirely cir- cumstantial and subject to other interpretations. Cannibalism does not appear to be an impor- tant egg-releasing mechanism in Florida mam- mals. Field data provide no evidence of com- munal nesting or cannibalism in any of the three host species, nor is there any reason to suppose that if these phenomena were common they would be more prevalent in scrub than other habitat types in which the species are found. This leaves predation as the more likely method of egg-dissemination. All other things being equal, higher predation levels would seem to contribute to maintaining C. hepatica in a small mammal population by insuring a continuous supply of infective ova. Present data are far too limited to allow defini- tive conclusions concerning relative predator abundance in the various habitats sampled. How- ever, casual observations gave the impression that potential small mammal predators such as bobcats, foxes , raccoons, opossums, skunks, feral pigs, snakes, and birds of prey tended to be more common in scrub than in many of the habitats studied. In fairness, it should be noted that predator sign was probably more easily ob- served in scrub than in some of the other habitats studied. As in the case of rodent population levels, however, abundance of potential pre- dators was by no means associated only with scrub habitats and thus cannot fully explain the high incidence of C. hepatica there. Further- more, as some of the scrubs with high incidence of C. hepatica were small, many of the verte- brate predators occurring there probably ranged over other habitat types in the vicinity, thus providing opportunity for wider dispersal of ova from infected rodents eaten. Certain aspects of the feeding behavior of Florida mice, cotton mice, and cotton rats in scrub seemed to be more specific to this habitat type than the factors mentioned above. The two Peromyscus species are essentially granivorous in their dietary whereas the cotton rat is typically herbivorous. However, field observations indi- cate that all three species have generally similar feeding habits when living in scrub. Acorns ap- pear to be an important food source in scrub. They are generally abundant in late fall and early winter and decline steadily through winter and spring. The rodent populations follow the same annual cycle of abundance and decline. As mast supplies become scarce in late winter and spring, there is much evidence of digging by the rodents for food. This behavior would seem to increase the probability of exposure to infective ova in the soil. A preliminary attempt to obtain actual evi- dence for this hypothesis in a scrub habitat (Levy —19) with an unusually high level of C. hepatica was unsuccessful. Fifty soil samples from the surface to a depth of about 2 inches were col- lected, many from within and around pits dug by foraging mice, and examined microscopically for ova. In addition, feces and stomach contents of 30 P. floridanus, the species with the highest incidence of infections at this station, were also surveyed for eggs in the hope that the presence of ingested eggs together with food remains would provide some clue to the source of infec- tions. No ova were detected in either case. 1968] Layne: Host and Ecological Relationships of the Parasitic Helminth Capillaria hepatica in Florida Mammals 119 None of the above factors seems adequate alone to account for the narrow habitat speci- ficity of C. hepatica. It is possible, therefore, that the ecologic distribution of C. hepatica is due to a particular combination of such factors which has a much higher probability of occurrence in scrub than other habitat types. This set of condi- tions might include 1) substrate suitable for survival of ova, 2) sufficiently stable and high enough populations of potential host species to insure continuance of the cycle of parasitism, 3) an abundant enough supply of small mammal predators to insure an adequate supply of infec- tive ova, and 4) host foraging behavior conduc- ive to exposure to ova. Although this explanation is more consistent with the present data than a single factor model, it is still difficult to con- ceive of an interaction of a number of factors being responsible for the sharply delimited hab- itat distribution of C. hepatica. Thus, although such a combination of conditions as noted above may be generally prerequisite for the occurrence of the parasite, some additional feature unique to scrub and related habitats may actually be the critical factor permitting its establishment and maintenance. Such a factor may be the presence of some invertebrate species, most likely an insect, in scrub habitats which may play a key role in the transmission of the parasite. It may supplement or replace vertebrate predators as the chief egg releasing and disseminating agent through feed- ing on dead mice or on feces of predators which have eaten infected mammals. It may increase probabilities of accidental ingestion of C. hepa- tica eggs by potential hosts simply by contribut- ing to broader dispersal of infective eggs in the soil through its feces, or may be an even more effective agent in maintaining the host-parasite cycle through actually inhabitating and contam- inating the nests of rodents. It is also possible that mice might acquire infections directly by feeding on the insect, particularly in times of food shortage. The suggestion of seasonal vari- ation in incidence of infections shown by the present data is of interest in this connection. In all host species, peak levels tend to occur in the spring or summer months and low rates during the winter months. Higher incidence thus corre- lates with both a period of food scarcity in which rodents might take more insects and warm weather favoring insect activity. With the exception of a study by Momma (1930), the possible role of insects or other in- vertebrates in dissemination of ova of C. hepa- tica appears to have been ignored. Momma ex- perimentally demonstrated that flies exposed to C. hepatica eggs both ingested and picked them up on the body and that the ova embryonated normally after passage through the intestine of the insect. He concluded that high summer and low winter infection rates in Rattus norvegicus in urban areas of lapan, together with low inci- dence of eggs (in only 5 of 503 specimens examined) in intestines of cats used for rat ex- termination, was evidence that flies were the primary method of egg dissemination. Summary A total of 2,254 specimens of 27 species of Florida mammals was examined for infections of the liver-inhabiting nematode Capillaria hepa- tica (Bancroft, 1893). Collections were made in 22 counties of the state and in nine major habitat types. Infections were recorded in three rodents, Peromyscus floridanus, P. gossypinus, and Sig- modon hispidus, from three widely separated localities. P. gossypinus constitutes a new host record for the parasite and Sigmodon a new record for Florida and the southeastern U.S. generally. Over-all incidence of infection was 15.4% in P. floridanus, 6.3% in P. gossypinus, and 10.5% in Sigmodon. Prevalence in P. floridanus, P. gossypinus, and Sigmodon from stations posi- tive for infections in any species was 34.2%, 14.8%, and 21.1%, respectively. Severity of infections was greater in P. floridanus and Sig- modon than in P. gossypinus. Infections were largely restricted to scrub and related habitats, the rare occurrences in other major habitat types in most cases being explain- able on the basis of dispersal of infected animals from scrubs. The basis of the narrow habitat specificity of the parasite in Florida, which is not apparent in other parts of its range, is un- known. Such factors as host distribution, sub- strate conditions, host and predator population levels, and feeding habits of hosts do not, either singly or in combination, appear to adequately account for the marked restriction of the para- site to scrub environments; and the possibility of some insect being the key factor is suggested. In all three host species, infection rates were greater in older age classes, and in all age groups males tended to have a higher infection rate than females, although these differences were not sta- tistically significant. Although seasonal variation in infection rates was not pronounced, incidence tended to be low in all species during the winter months, with peak levels occurring in spring in Sigmodon and summer in the Peromyscus spe- cies. Population levels and incidence of parasit- ism in two scrub populations exhibited an inverse relationship. 120 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [53: 4 A summary of North American host and locality records of C. hepatica is provided. Acknowledgments This research was supported by grant E-3730 from the U.S. Public Health Service. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following indi- viduals for their valuable help and advice during the course of the study: Dale E. Birkenholz, James V. Griffo, Jr., William Wenz, William O. Wirtz, II, and Dolores Smoleny. Literature Cited Ameel, D. 1942. Two larval cestodes from the muskrat. Trans. Anrer. Microsc. Soc., 69:267-271. Brown, J. H, and G. D. Roy 1943. 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LAYNE PLATE 1 FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FIG. 3 HOST AND ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF THE HELMINTH CAPILLARIA HEPATICA IN FLORIDA MAMMALS [1968] Zoologica: Index to Volume 53 123 Numbers in parentheses are the series numbers of papers contain- ing the tables, figures, or plates listed immediately following; num- bers in bold face indicate text- figures; names in bold face indi- cate new genera, species, or sub- species. B brown bear, male breeding biology of, 85-105, (7) 1-2, (7) Pis. MX bushpig, African (Rhodesia) observations on, 75-84, (6) Tables I-IV, (6) 1-8, (6) PI. I C Capillaria hepatica host and ecological relation- ships in Florida mammals, 107- 122, (8) Tables I-VI, (8) 1-4, (8) PI. I ecologicaldistribution, 111-113 host and geographic distribu- tion, 111 methods and materials, 107- 111 relationship between inci- dence and host density, 115- 116 seasonal variation in infec- tions, 115 sex and age differences in infections, 114-115 Crustacea: Anomura. 57-74, (5) Table I, (5) 1-2 considerations: ecological, 59 geographical, 59-60 systematic, 60 restriction of synonymies, 60 systematic discussion, 60-72 Megalobrachium festai (Nobili), 72 M. garthi Haig, 72 M. poeyi (Guerin), 71-72 M. tuberculipes (Lockington), 72 Minyocerus kirki Glassell, 70 Neopisosoma mexicanum (Streets). 67-68 Pachychelces biocellatus (Lockington), 68-69 P. calculosus Haig. 68 P. chacei Haig, 68 P. crassus (A. Milne Edwards), 68 P. panamensis Faxon, 69 P. spinidactylus Haig, 69 P. trichotus Haig, 69-70 P. vicarius Nobili, 69 Petrolisthes agassizii Faxon, 60 P. armatus (Gibbes), 62 P. edwardsii (Saussure), 60- 61 P. galapagensis Haig, 65-66 INDEX P. g lasselli Haig, 61 P. gracilis Stimpson, 65 P. haigae Chace, 61-62 P. hians Nobili, 67 P. holotrichus Nobili, 66 P. lewisi austrinus Haig, 67 P. lewisi lewisi (Glassell), 66- 67 P. nobilii Haig, 62 P. ortmanii Nobili, 66 P. platymerus Haig, 66 P. polymitus Glassell, 61 P. robsonae Glassell, 65 P. tonsorius Haig, 66 P. tridentatus Stimpson, 65 P. zacae, new species, 63-65, (5) Table I, (5) 2 Pisidia magdalenensis (Glassell), 71 Polyonyx confinis Haig, 72 Porcellana cancrisocialis Glassell, 70 P. paguriconviva Glassell, 70-71 L Leptonychotes weddelli (Lesson) thermoregulation of pup and adult, in Antarctica, 33-46, (3) Table I, (3) 1-9, (3) Pis. I ll breathing and heart rates, 37 effect of insolation on fur and skin, 40 internal temperatures, 35 material and methods, 34-35 metabolic rates, 38 role of behavior, 40 temperature of dry fur and skin, 35-37 temperature of the skin when wet 35 thermal gradients in superfi- cial tissues, 38-40 O Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus) influence of climate on distribu- tion of; evidence from physio- logical characteristics, 19-32, (2) Table I, (2) 1-9 breathing and heart rates, 24 correlation of thermoregula- tory behavior and physiolo- gy, 25-27 internal temperatures, 20 limits of thermoneutrality and thermal tolerance, 28-30 materials and methods, 20 temperature gradients in skin and blubber, 24-25 temperature of skin dry, 23-24 wet, 21-23 influence of climate on distribu- tion of: evidence from thermo- regulatory behavior, 1-14, (1) Tables I-IV, (1) 1-2, (1) Pis. I-IV activity in relation to weather captive walruses, 6-8 wild walruses, 8 activity rhythm, 5-6 huddling, 4 materials and methods, 2-3 posture and fanning, 4-5 selection of substrates, 5 P Parasambonia bridgesi n. gen., n. sp„ 49-56, (4) 1-6 differential diagnosis, 50 discovery and naming of, 49 new genera, 50 specific description, 50-54, (4) 1-6 pentastomes, 49-56, (4) 1-6 porcellanid crabs, 57-74, (5) Table I, (5) 1-2 Potamochoerus porcus Linn., 75- 84, (6) Tables I-V, (6) 1-8, (6) Pis. 1-11 behavior, 82 control of. 82-83 dentition. 75-76 determining sex from skull, 80 food habits, 82 growth, 76-80 lens weight as index to age, 80 methods of study, 75 reproduction, 80-82 trypanosomiasis, 82 weights and measurements, 76 Pseudechis porphyriacus, 49 S seal, Weddell thermoregulation of pup and adult, 33-46, (3) Table I, (3) 1-9, (3) Pis. I II snake, Australian pentastomes from lungs of, 49- 56 U Ursus arctos, 85-105, (7) Tables I-IV, (7) 1-2, (7) Pis. MX estimates of age and reproduc- tive state, 92-94 gross features of male repro- ductive tract, 94-95 histology of male reproductive tract infantile bear, 95-96 prepuberal, 96 methods and procedures, 85-92 sexually mature bear fully active, 97 postseasonal, 97-98 redevelopment phase, 96-98 W Waddycephalus teretiusculus, 49 walrus, influence of climate on distribution of: physiological characteristics, 19-32, (2) Table I, (2) 1-9 thermoregulatory behavior, 1-14, (1) Tables I-IV, (1) 1-2 NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Zoological Park, Bronx, N. Y. 10460 Fairfield Osborn Chairman of the Board of Trustees John Pierrepont Treasurer OFFICERS Laurance S. Rockefeller President Henry Clay Frick, II Vice-President Eben W. Pyne Assistant Treasurer Robert G. Goelet Executive Vice-President Chairman of the Executive Committee Howard Phipps, Jr. Secretary Edward R. Ricciuti Editor & Curator, Publications & Public Relations Joan Van Haasteren Editorial Assistant EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Robert G. Goelet Chairman William G. Conway F. Wayne King Lee S. Crandall Hugh B. House Peter R. Marler Donald R. Griffin Ross F. Nigrelli William G. Conway General Director ZOOLOGICAL PARK William G. Conway . . . Director & Curator, Charles P. Gandal Veterinarian Ornithology Lee § Crandall . . . General Curator Emeritus Hugh B. House .... Curator, Mammalogy <£ Zoological Park Consultant Grace Davall . . Assistant Curator, Mammah william Bridges . Curator of Publications Emeritus Walter Auffenberg . . . Research Associate in John M. Budinger . . . Consultant, Pathology Herpetology Ben Sheffy Consultant, Nutrition Joseph Bell . . Associate Curator, Ornithology James G. Doherty Mammalogist F. Wayne King .... Curator, Herpetology Donald F. Bruning Ornithologist Joseph A. Davis, Jr Scientific Assistant to the Director AQUARIUM Ross F. Nigrelli Director Robert A. Morris Curator Christopher W. Coates . . Director Emeritus U. Erich Friese Assistant Curator Nixon Griffis .... Administrative Assistant Louis Mowbray . Research Associate in Field Biology OSBORN LABORATORIES OF MARINE SCIENCES Ross F. Nigrelli . . . Director and Pathologist Harry A. Charipper . Research Associate in Martin F. Stempien, Jr. . . . Assistant to the Histology Director & Bio-Organic Chemist Kenneth Gold Marine Ecologist George D. Ruggieri, S.J. . . . Coordinator of Eva K. Hawkins Algologist Research & Experimental Embryologist Myron Jacobs Neuroanatomist ....... . , . _ , . . . Klaus Kallman Fish Geneticist William Antopol . . . Research Associate in Vincent R. Liguori Microbiologist Comparative Pathology John J. A. McLaughlin . . Research Associate in C. M. Breder, Jr. ... Research Associate in Planktonology Ichthyology Martin P. Schreibman . . Research Associate in Jack T. Cecil Virologist Fish Endocrinology Jay Hyman Research Associate in Comparative Pathology INSTITUTE FOR RESEACH IN ANIMAL BEHAVIOR [Jointly operated by the Society and The Rockefeller University, and including the Society’s William Beebe Tropical Research Station, Trinidad, West Indies] Donald R. Griffin . . . Peter R. Marler . Jocelyn Crane . Roger S. Payne . Richard L. Penney Director & Senior Research Zoologist Senior Research Zoologist Senior Research Ethologist . Research Zoologist . . Research Zoologist Fernando Nottebohm . . . Research Zoologist George Schaller Research Zoologist Thomas T. Struhsaker . . Research Zoologist C. Alan Lill Resident Director O. Marcus Buchanan . . . Resident Director ,‘ William Beebe Tropical Research Station . . vyi/ Q X^OSVAV^ W /X'5*’ — - '^2^' o X^/OSV^X M O X^OSV^X 2 «J 2 -J 2 _t 2 s saiavaan libraries Smithsonian institution NoiiniusNi nvinoshiiins saiavaai 2 Z £ 2 f“ ... 2 00 rn XXTcJX rn n^dcX w ^ fE to — to _ to _ N INSTITUTION NOIlOillSNI NVINOSHilWS S3IHVHan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE 2 . v to 2 _ to 2 « . CO 2 v- < ^ s .< 2 ..< <&\ ... =2 < ^v. 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