THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD RECORDS OF ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE Compiled by tiie Regional Bureaus of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature ; SUPPLEMENTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON By 1). Siiarf, II. M. Woodcock, Igerna B. J. Sollas, C. L. Boulenger, II. L. Hawkins, F. W. Edwards, II. B. Preston, W. T. Calman, W. L. Sclater, and R. Lydekker VOLUME THE FORTY-SIXTH BEING RELATING CHIEFLY TO THE YEAR DAVID SHARP, M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &c. Explorate solum : sic fit via certior ultra. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY; SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IN REGENT’S PARK M.DCCCCXI Papers and Memoirs intended for this work should be addressed to “The Editor of the Zoological Record, Zoological Society, Regent’s Park, London, N.W.” , It is earnestly requested that in the case of separately-printed copies of papers so forwarded, the original 'pagination may be indicated. 167 Insecta. Subject Index. — Ethology. Insects and Plants and Flowers. Pflanzen und Ameisen ira tro- pischen Mexiko ; Ross, 2453. tJber Blumenbesuch, Biologie, Verbreitung usw. der Bienen von Men- doza; Jorgensen, 1447. Wisconsin flowers and their pollina- tion; Graenicher, 1152. The color sense of the honey-bee : Is conspicuoasness an advantage to flowers? ; Lovell, 1746. Wahl der Futterblumen nach deren Zuckergehalt durch Bienen (Russ.); Soloviev, 2764. Rapport des Insectes, notamment des Lepidopteres, avec les fleurs des Asclepiadees et eti particular avec celle de 1’ Aranjia sericofera ; Kunckel d’ Her- culais, 1638 & 1639. Blumon und Insoktcn in Paraguay ; Sohrottky, 618. Bluraonstotigkoit dor Ilonigbicnc ; Werth, 3161. Bliitenbiologische Beobachtungen in Siid-Finland (Schwedisch) ; Sil6n, 2710. Forjicula and plants ; Stubbs, 2853: Wallis So Wright, 3084. Trifolium pratense f6cond6 par des abeilles ; Martinet, 1839. Der Einfluss der Heuernte auf das Leben der Insekten (Russ.); Kozev- nikov, 1609. v Weidenbewohnenden Psylla- Arten ; Sulc, 2852. Kieferninsekt Barbitistes sp. ; Torka, 2928. Maple insects, N. America ; Zimmer, 3236. Insectes parasites des Cistin^es ; Goury & Guignon, 1150. Les Chenilles des Helichrysum ; Chretien, 513. Galls. Gall of Oligotrophus lemeei ; Alder- son & Connold, 24. Die Zoocecidien der Insel Born- holm ; Bayer, 167. A mphibolips, galls of North America ; Beutenmiiller, 221. Holcaspis, galls of North American spp. ; Beutenmiiller, 224. Diastrophu3, galls ; Beutenmiiller, 225. Biorhiza, Philonix etc., North Ameri- can galls; Beutenmiiller, 226. Cynipidaz, North American galls; Beutenmiiller, 227. Lepidoptera and Cecid. galls, Toronto ; Brodie, 362, 363, 364, 365. Rhopalomyia gall on Artemisia; Cockerell, 539. Handbook of British galls ; Connold, 583. Swiss galls; Corti, 606. Recueilde figures originales, galles de Cynipides, la feu Giraud ; Darboux & Houard, 654. Agromyza-Cx&Wo auf Erythrinae ; Doctors van Leeuwen, 723. Cecid. galls on Solidago ; Felt, 873. Die Schaumzikade als Erregerin von Gallenbildungen ; Friederichs, 976. Rhenish galls; Grevillius & Nies- sen, 1177. Gall Aphis atriplicis; Hayhurst, 1266. Galls of Europe Vol. 2; Houard, 1376a: Kieffer, 1518. Chermes galls ; Patch, 2135. Gallen der Milben und Pflanzenlause (Russ.); Elenkin, 801a. Of Thymus and Arabis ; Perriraz, 2158. Nouvelle dipterocecidie des saules ; Peyerimhoff, 2167. Verbreitung der Kafergallen in Schlesien ; Schmidt, 2572. Baris laticollis Gallen an Ery - simum cheiranthoides ; Schmidt, 2574. Zoocecidien an Anchusa officinalis; Schmidt, 2575. Galls of Zambesi ; Tavares, 2899. Galls of Brazil ; Tavares, 2900. Galls of Gerez ; Tavares, 2901. Quercus pedunculata Cynipiden- gallen ; Wachtl, 3C59. Gall of Cecid. veronicae ; Wright, 3206. 168 Inaeeta. XII. Insecta. [1909] VARIATION AND AETIOLOGY. General. Mantidae Temperatur- und Verer- bungsversuohe ; Przibram, 2286. Parallel variation, Heliconius ; Kaye p. xciv Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Variation restreinte & un seul sexe ; Muschamp, 1992. Anomalous forms, Termes and Calotermes ; Sandias, 2529. Variation. Griinde des Melanismus (Russ.); Bachmetjev, 85. Ur3ache des Melanismus an Schmet- terlingen deslndustriegebietes ; Cornel- sen, 602. Entstehung der Malanose ; Bachmet- jew, 92. Zur konstitutionellen Pravalenz der Melanismen; Schroder, 2604. Kann Melanismus durch Rauch erzeugt werden ? ; Dieroff, 693. Konnen Melanismen bei Raupen und Faltern bedinglich korrespondieren ? ; Schroder, 2606. Wesen und Ursachen des Albinismus, Lepidopteren ; Prochnow, 2282. Albinos und Albinismus ; Schulze, 2635. Variabilit^du genre Notonecta (contri- bution h l’6tude de la notion d’espece) ; Delcourt, 669. Variations saisonnieres des Papil- lons de Ver a soie de P Ailante du Japon ; Andr6, 45. Im Verhaltnis zu den Phanomenen der Poecilandrie, der Poecilogynie und der individuellen Veranderliclikeit ; Grandi, 1157. Abweichende Korperbildung und Far- bung bei Lepidopteren des Gouv. Vologda (Russ.); Krulikovskij, 1631. Ursachen der Grossenunterschiede von Individuen derselben Insektenart ; Meissner, 1878. Apparition brusque del’h^redited’une variation chez Drosophila conjusa ; Delcourt, 671. Quelques cas de mutation, Qrapho- 6oma\ Bergevin, 197. V .riieren der Fliigelfarbung durch Temperatureinfliisse (Russ.); Solo- viev, 2765 & 2766. Temperature variation, F. atalanta ; Schmassman p. xcv Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Temperature experiments, pupae Pieris brassiccie ; Chapman, 495. Sunshine experiments, A. urticae ; Merrifield & Reuss p. xcv Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Vanessa urticae variation, feeding in darkness ; Manders p. 39 Entomologist 42. Ziichtung fremder Pieridenformen aus Hallischen Puppen ; Bandermann, 117 & 118. Variieren der Lange der Mundorgane bei verschiedenen Bienenrassen (Russ.) ; Afanasjev, 16. Variation, wing-length, Aporia ; Bachmetjew, 82 ,83, 84 & 89. Biometrische in russischer oder bul- garischer Sprache erscliiencne Arbeiten ; Bachmetjew, 90. Variabilitiit der Fliigelfarbe von Lymantria monachal Auel, 66. Anzahl der Flugelhaken bei Bienen und die daraus hervorgehenden Kon- sequenzen ; Bachmetjew, 91. Eucarabus ullrichi ; Pehr, 2148. ( Oarabus morbillosus und seine Formen ; Born, 298.) Farbungsvariation, Dyliscus margi- nalia; Blunck, 254. Die relati ve Haufigkeit der Varietaten von Adalia bipunctata ; Meissner, 1879. Mitt. 1 : Ueber das Variieren der Hummeln. T1 1 ; Vogt, 3047. Variation in Lep. ; Wolley-Dod, 3203. Farben varietaten von Faltern im Gouv. Viatka (Russ.); Krulikovskij, 1629. Aberrationen von Schmetterlingen in Central-Russland (Russ.); Jachon- tov, 1407. Replacement of color in Papilio 'ajax i Newcomb, 2042. Variations in wing scales, Anosia plexippus ; Allen, 31. 160 Insecta. Subject Index. V. urlicae, list and table of variation ; Raynor, 2320. Variation V. urticae and V. io ; Reuss, 2381 & 2382. Albino Thanaos tages Bemerkungen zum Albinismus ; Hoffmann, 1336. Saturnia pavonia with blank “eyes”; Bogue p. 159 Entomologist 42. Varr., Noctuidae of Dobr6e coll. ; Browne, 870. Melanie Acronycta menyanthidis ,* Porritt p. 216 Ent. Mag. 45. Cymatophora or ab. albingensis, Melanismus; Hasebroek, 1257. Variation, Nyssia lapponaria; Cockayne, 525. Abraxas grossulariata variation ; Porritt p. xciv Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Flugeldimorphismus, Psectra di- ptera ; Mjoberg, 1921. Variations chez quelques Tachi- naires ; Villeneuve, 3033. Variieren Odonaten (Russ.); Bar- tenev, 147. Farbungsvariationen bei Ortho - pteren; Wanach, 3091. Variability des Fliigelgefiders von Stenobothrus parallelus ; Pylinov, 2226. Carabid, Omphra, supplementary tibiae ; Longstaff p. lxxi P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Cardbus f monstrosen ; Bathammer, 2318. Gabelung einer Antenne Cardbus ; Spottel, 2782. Verlagerung d. Beine Cardbus catena- tus ; Scliatzmayr, 2540. Merkwiirdige Fiihlerbildung, Athous niger ; Biehl, 236. Pytho with two tarsi on one leg ; Champion p. lix Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Cas teratologique, Carabidae ; Le Cerf, 1703. Teratology. Teratologie des Coleopteres ; Bellevoye, 189. —Aetiology. Prothorakalfliigel, $ von Lasius- niger ; Wdnach, 3092. Fallc anormaler Fliigelbildung Rlio- palocera ; Schultz, 2629. Missbildung, Fiihler Biston hispi- darius ; Heinrich, 1283. Lep. with wings of the two sides different ; Green & South Entomologist 42 p. 224 cuts. Abnorme Raupen Saturnia pavonia ; Frings, 981. Abnormal Rerhiptera ; Kirkaldy, 1544. Hybrids. Ursache und Zweck der Kreuzungen und Aberrationen ; Mayer, 1857 . Hybriden und ihre Zucht; Kysela, 1653 Sind Hybriden-Eier unbefruchtet ? ; Englisch, 835. (Eine hybride Carabenform ; Born, 299.) Crossing Pieris napi and var. bryo- niae ; Harrison & Main, 1254. Katalog der Schwarmerhybriden l Denso, 681. Sphingidcs hybrides ; Denso, 679. Fertility des Sphingides europ^ens dans la deuxi&me generation; Denso, 680. Deilephila-Hybr'Aen ; Kysela, 1656- 1659. Hybrides, Smerinthus ocellatus populi; Newman p. lxxvi Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Kreuzung von Lasiocampa quercus mit var. alpina, und Winterzucht derselben ; Schmidt, 2570. Zuchtergebnis von Lym. hybr. (v. japonica dispar ? ), A 9 II. Inzucht gynandromorph) ; Brake, 328. Crossing races of Acidalia virgularia ; Prout p. vii P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Crossing races of Acidalia ; Prout & Bacot, 2285. Crossing hybrid Tephrosial Cockayne, 526. 17q Insecta. xn. Insecta. [1909] Heredity. Loi de Mendel, L6pidoptdres; Pictet, 2215. On the inheritance of aniline dye; Sitowski, 2722. Die Erscheinungen der Zeichnungs- v-ererbung bei Adalia bipunctata und ihren abb. ; Schroder, 2607. Heredity in Papilio dardanus cenea ; Poulton, 2269. Vererbungserscheinungen bei den polymorphen Weibchen von Papilio memnon; Jacobson, 1411. Argynnis valesina progeny; Joy p. 318 Entomologist 42. Heredity, forms of Hypolimnas misippus, ; Poulton p. xxxvi P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Bombyx mori sport of, hereditary behavior; Toyama, 29£5 & 2937. Heredity, races of silkworm ; Toya- ma, 2936. Markings on silkworms, heredity of (Japanese); Toyama, 2934. Abraxas grossulariata and var. lacti- color ; Doncaster p. xxxi P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Amixie regionale chez Notonecta glauca; Delcourt, 670. H6r6dit6 des maladies chez les versksoie; Conte, 5?5. Evolution. The Darwin Commemoration — thoughts — species; Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 181-185. Progressive species-formation ; Was- mann, 3111. Die Fliigellosigkeit mancher Insekten- weibchen eine Instanz fiir das Lamarck’sche Prinzip ? ; Meissner, 1875. Selection naturelle et protection, L6pidopteres ; Pietet, 2217. Variation in male genitalia and divergence of species ; Chapman, 492. Ueber den Ursprung der dulotischen, parasitischenund myrmekophilen Amei- •sen [Uebersotzung] ; Emery, 807 & 211b. Ursprung des sozialen Parasitismus, der Sklaverei und der Myrmekophilie bei den Ameisen ; Wasmann, 3109. Adaptation of aquatic insects to environment; Dalgliesh, 646. GEOGRAPHY or FAUNISTIC. General. Catalogue of Diptera Vols 4 & 5 ; KertSsz, 1509. Catalogue of Hemiptera Vol. 1 ; Eirkaldy, 1552. Die geographische Verbreitung der Tiere und die geologischen Perioden ; Klapalek, 1560. Ueber boreal-alpine Verbreitung von Tieren und eine unrichtige Behauptung inR. E. Scharffs „ European Animals"; Kolbe, 1597. Der meteorologische Einfluss auf Artenverbreitung und Rassenbildung bei den Insekten ; Meyer, 1896. Die Pendulationstheorie, Verbreitung der Insekten ; Schroder, 2605. Einfluss der Sonnenfleckperioden; Schuster, 2640. Abhangigkeit der Oolias edusa von der Sonnenfleckenperiode in Beziehung zur geographischen Verbreitung ; Sim- roth, 2719. Zur Kenntnis der Schildlauso und ihror Verbreitung ; Lindinger, 1732. Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge ; Pagenstecher, 2122. Distribution of S taphylinidae ; Eichel- baum, 800. Bemerkungen iiber die geographische Verbreitung der Mantodeen (Fangheu- schrecken); Werner, 3160. Gber die Verbreitung der Collem- bolen ; Wahlgren, 3079. Zoogeographisches, Coleopteren ; Roubal, 2490. Wind as a distributor of Goleoptera ; Sharp, W. E., 2680. Wide-ranging Lepidoptera ; Fletcher pf. xlv P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Moths 190 miles from land; Muir p. xxxviii P. ont. Soo. London 1909. 171 Insecta. Subject Index. — Geography. The importance of local ecological studies to entomology ; Johnson, 1453. Fundortsbezeichnung; Sokolar, 2760. Localities not known — Vide Ortho- ptera, Acridiidae, Hedotettix punctatus and Mazarredia indotata. — Gen. n. cf. Paragripopteryx in Perlidae. — ■ Lepido - ptera; Copaxa in Bombyces. In the next following cases localities have been omitted by the bureau and I have not been able to supply them : — No Indication of locality has been sent by the French bureau for the spp. n. of Pic Naturaliste 31 pp. 19-34 ; also in the cases of many other species. No locality sent by bureau — Planet, 2234-; Pseudolucanus sp. n. Olivier, 2096 ; Lampyrides 9 spp. nov., no localities sent by bureau. Arctic & Antarctic. Iceland vide Insular. Enderlein, 830; Die biologische Bedeutung der Antarktis und ihrer Faunengebiete. Enderlein, 831 ; Die Insekten des antarktischen Gebietes, 18 spp. n. Nielsen, 2052; The Insects of East Greenland, Dipt. Acalypt. 5 spp. n. Carpenter, 469 ; Arctic and Antarctic Collembola. Forel, 942 ; Fourmis antarctiques. Insular. Iceland. Neumann, 2035; Reise nach Island, Atheta sp. n. — Petersen, 2161 ; [ Trichoptera'] Iceland. — Collem- bola. Wahlgren, 3077 ; 3 spp. Azores. Ilymenoptera. Ghigi, 1090 ; Paururus sp. n. Madeira. Thysanoptera. Bagnall, 105 ; Leptothrips sp. n. Canary islands. Ilymenoptera. Sant- sohi, 2530 ; Formicidae ; and Santschi, 2533 ; Leptothorax sp. n. — Ilemiptera. Horvdth, 1373 ; lies Canaries, 1 1 spp. n., Tuponia , Tettigometra, Hyalesthes, Li- burnia, Erythroneura, Balclutha, Pen - thimia, Agallia and Philaenus. Cap Verde islands. Coleoptera. Clavareau, 516 ; Lema 2 spp. n. Hawaiian islands. Hymenoplera. Wheeler, 3173; Cerapachys sp. n. s Giffard, 1097; Odynerus. — Lepido - , ptera , Hampson, 1244; Euxoa sp. n. : Swezey, 2882; generic synopsis: Swezey, Omiodes sp. n. 2881 & 2883. — Heteroptera. Kirkaldy, 1545 ; Nabidae revision, spp. n. : Kirkaldy, 1549; Oechalia sp. n. : Homoptera, Kirkaldy, 1547 ; Conspectus of Fulgoridae, spp. n. : Coccidae, Kotinsky, 1608; Taka- hashia japonica. — Orthoptera, Borelli, 292 ; Anisolabis 2 spp. n. Society islands. Coccidae. Doane & Hadden, 720 ; 2 spp. n., Aspidioius and Parlatoria. , Tahiti. Ilymenoptera. Krieger, 1625 ; Echthromorpha sp. n. Taluit islands. Coccidae. Lindinger* 1732 ; Furcaspis sp n. Palau Ins. Ilymenoptera. Krieger, 1625 ; Ecthromorpha sp. n. Cocos-Keeling atoll. Insecta. Jones and others, 1464 ; list. Louisiade Arch. Lepidoptera. Hamp- son, 1244; Chionaema sp. n. Solomon islds. Coleoptera. Kerre- mans, 1502 ; Paracupta sp. n. — Lepido- ptera. Warren, 3106; Qeometridae spp. n., Dysphania, Anisogamia. Samoa. Termitidae. Silvestri, 2717 ; 2 spp. n., gen. n.— Orthoptera. Hold- haus, 1343 ; Kritisches Verzeichnis der Orthopteren, 9 spp. n. Fiji islds. Strepsiptera. Pierce, 2224; sp. n. — Ilymenoptera : Cockerell, 535 ; Prosopis sp. n. : Krieger, 1625; Echthro- morpha sp. n. — Neuroptera. Banks, 136; Hemerobiidae gen. n. — Diptera. Froggatt, 987 ; Dacus sp. n. — Hetero- ptera : Reuter, 2385 ; Gorpis sp. n. : Reuter, 2398 ; Adelphocoris sp. n. New Britain. Homoptera. Distant, ' 701 ; Tarundia sp. n. New Pomerania. Trichoptera. Ul- mer, 2977 ; Anisocentropus sp. n. Now Mecklenburg. Coleoptera. Ker- remans, 1502 ; Chrysodema sp. n. Lord Howe isld. Coleoptera. Lea, 1698 ; gen, n. Cryptorhynchides. New Caledonia. Coleoptera : Fauvel, 862; 3 spp. n., Scaphodius and Ditro- pidus : Horn, 1367; Vata sp. n. : 172 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [11)00] Leveill6, 1725; Leperina sp. n. — Hy- menoptera. Vachal, 2988; 3 spp. n., Megalyra, Poruon and Exothecus. — Diptera. Froggatt, 987 ; Dacus sp. n. — Heteroptera. Bergroth, 198; Tro- pidothorax sp. n. — Thysanoptera. Bag- nail, 105 ; Docessissophothrips sp. n. New Zealand Group. Insecta. Hud- son, 1393 ; Subantarcticislands general; 4 spp. n. 1394. — Coleoptera : Brown, 368; Subantarcticislands, many spp. n. : Broun, 366 ; Sphaeridiidae to Oedemeridae 44 spp. n. : Broun, 367 ; Curculionidae 50 spp. n., Anthribus 2 spp. n., Cossonidae 6 spp. n., Ceram- bycidae 7 spp. n., Aemona,Somatidia and Hybolasius, Chrysomelidae 10 spp. n. : Broun, 370 ; Chatham islands list 3 spp. n., Anchomenus, Mitophyllus and Ci- libe : Broun, 371 ; Cossonidae spp. n., genn. n. : Kerremans, 1502 ; Acmaeo- dera sp. n. : Shetlands. Mollenkamp, 1928; Lucanidaesp.xi. — Hymenoptera ; Cockerell, 534; Prosopis sp. n. : Ca- meron, 461; Auckland isds. 4 spp. n., I chneumonidae and Braconidae. — Le- pidoptera: Anon., 51, Hand-list pts. i & ii : Hamilton, 1239; Porina sp. n. : Hudson, 1394; Subantarctic islands 4 spp. n.— Meyrick, 1906 ; Sub- antarctic islands 8 spp. n. : Meyrick, 1907; 22 spp. n., Geometridae, Pyra- lidae, Pterophoridae, Tortricidae and Tineidae. — Diptera. Lamb, 1665; Subantarctic islands, list, genn. & spp. n.—Hemiptera : Reuter, 2398; Ony- chiliphora und Lygus 2 spp. n. : Kir- kaldy, 1551; annotated catalogue. — Homoptera. Kirkaldy, 1548; Cenclirea sp. n. — Perlidae. Enderlein, Auckland islands 814; gen. and sp. n. — Collem- bola. Carpenter, 470; Subantarctic islands Triacanthella sp. n. Falkland islands. Orthoptera. En- derlein, 828 ; Locusiidae gen. n. Juan Fernandez. Coleoptera . Champion, 488; Cossonidae novelties. Palaearctic Region. (a) Collectively. Coleoptera. No localities have been sent by the French bureau tor the species described in Echange 25. Barovsky, 143 ; Palaearktisches Asien, Lithophilus 0 spp. nn. (Russ.). Bernhauer, 212 ; Leptusa 4 spp. n. Desbrochers, 684; Curculionides 24 spp. n. Desbrochers des Leges, 686; Trois genres et quatre especes de Curcu- lionides. Fiori, 891 ; Additions to Catalogue. Fleischer, 901 ; Mandschurei Har- palus sp. n. Fleischer, 902 ; Anaspis, 3 spp. n. Formdnek, 946 ; Dobrudscha Brachysomus sp. n., Balearen Trachy- phloeus sp. n. Formdnek, 947 ; Nastus Revision, 1 1 spp. n. Jacobson, 1414 & 1417 ; KaferWest- europas u. Russlands (Russ.). Poppius, 2248; Micralymma. Reitter, 2361 ; 8 spp. n. Leistus, gen. n. Scaritinaruin, Anthobium, Choleva, Catops, Athous, Longitarsus and OtiorrhyncJius. Reitter, 2356; Persia Bhizotrogus 2 spp. n., Marocco Anoxia sp. n. Reitter, 2377 ; Die Kafer des Deut- schen [und Palaearctic] Reiches. Reitter, 2364; 0 spp. n., Scarites, Epuraea, Saprinus, Leucohimatium , and Cerocoma. Reitter, 2363 ; Scarabaeidae 1 1 spp. n. Reitter, 2366; Prosodes 15 spp. n., many subgenn. n. Reitter, 2368; 13 spp. n., Edaphus, Heterostomus , Mesothcs, Oliorrhyn- chus, Plinthus, Cryphiphorus , Trigo- noscelis, Tenebrionidae 2 genn. n. and Tryptera. Reitter, 2370; Thorictus 2 spp. n., Mesopotamia and Transcaucasus. Reitter, 2377 ; numerous spp. n. Sack, 2516; Corsica, Cyprus, Persia, Pamir, Bombyliidae 10 spp. n., genn. n. Semenov, 2660 ; Fundortsangaben. Stierlin, 2816; Sitones 3 spp. n., Cathormiocerus 3 spp. n. Suvorov, 2871 ; Chingan, Mongolia, N eodorcadion 5 spp. n. Strepsiptera, Pierce, 2224; spp. & genn. n. 173 Insecta. Subject Index. — Geography. Hymenoptera. Mongolia, China occ., Tibet, Ichneu- monidae spp. n. vide Asia. Emery, 810; Revision of Ponerinae. „ Mocs&ry, 1926; Siberia or. and W. Asia Tenthredinidae many spp. n. Strand, 2821 ; Halictus, 36 spp. n. Lepidoptera. Gillmer Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 259-261 & 286 ; recently described forms. Krulikovsky, 1630; 4 spp. n., lladcna, Melissoblaples, Choreulis and Oracilaria. Lucas, 1750; France et Algerie, Pyralidae 6 spp. n. Moltrecht & Kon, 1932; Der ost- palaarktischen, Beitrag. (Neuburger, 2034; Unbekinnte OoZiasabarten.) Pagenstecher, 2121; Verbreitungs- bezirke. und die Lokalformen von Parnassius a polio. Rebel, 2325 ; Algier Euplexia sp. n. and Karnten Gelechia sp. n. Sinegub,2721 ; Bestimmungstabellen f. d. russischen Schmetterlinge (Russ.). Neuroptera. Navds, 2012; Dilarini monograph, 6 spp. n. Weele, 3137; Korea Parachauliodes gen. n. N eochauliodes gen. n. Dipt era. Bezzi, 230 ; Empis 6 spp. n. Lichtwardt, 1727; Mediterranean and W. Asia Ncmcslrinidae 4 spp. n. Verrall, 3020; Palaoarctic Brachy- cera Catalogue. Hemiptera. Oshanin, 2105; Verzeichnis der palaarktischen Hemipteren. Pic, 2190 ; Habitats do quelques h<5mipteres. p80cidae. Enderlein, 812 ; 2 spp. n. Odonata. Forster, 921 ; N.E. Africa and West Asia. (b) Europe, collectively. Insecta, collectively. Kieffer, 1518; insectes gallicoles, many spp. n. Coleoptera. Bernhauer, 209 ; Sipalia 3. spp. n. Desbrochers, 683 ; Apion 9 spp. n. Lokay, 1743; Liosoma, sp. n. Netolitzky, 2033 ; Hohlon von Steier- mark und Dalmatien. Reitter, 2372 ; Tableau des Har- palini trad, par Carrot. Hymenoptera. Kieffer, 1516; Proclotrypidae 19 spp. n. Kieffer, 1523 ; Scelionidae 5 spp. n. Lepidoptera. Galvagni, 1056; Austria, Dalmatia, Adriatic islands, novelties, Semasia sp. n. Krone, 1626; Alps and Dalmatia Tineidae 3 spp. n. Diptera. Becker, 176; Livland and Corsica Tetanops 2 spp. n. Villeneuve, 3036 ; Phlebotomies pap- palasi. Aphaniptera. Rothschild, 2472; Switzerland and Basses Alpes Ctenopsyllus 2 spp. n. Hemiptera. Horvdth, 1372; Graphosoma d’Europe, Creta sp. n. Sulc, 2855 ; Psylla sp. n. Sulc, 2856 ; Katalog derPsyZZa-arten (Bohmisch) 2 spp. n. Orthoptera. Burr, 412; .West Europe synopsis continued. Wiinn, 3208 ; Mitteleuropa eingesch- leppte Hohlenheuschrecke. Zacher, 3218; Die Nordgrenze des Verbreitungsgebietes der Mantodea in Europa. 17*1 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1009] c) North Europe and Siberia. Iceland vide Insular. Insecta, collectively. Aurivillius, 70; Swedish Formicidat (Swedish). Bengtsson, 193; Central Sweden Entomological excursion in (Swedish). Jacobson, 1416 ; Transbaicalia. Poppius, 2264; Verbreitung Meeres- Kiisten lebenden Coleopteren und Hemipteren in Fennoscandia. Coleoptera. Thanatophilus sp. n. Saghalien vide Asia. Ericson, 841 ; Swedish Trichoptery- gidae. Ericson, 842 ; Rare Swedish (Schwedisch). Barovsky, 142 ; Irkutsk Bhagonycha sp. n. Barovskij, 145 ; Gouv. Tomsk Litho- philus spp. n. Haglund, 1231 ; New for Sweden. Heyden, 1315; Mongolei. Jakovlev, 1419 ; Transbaikal Spheno- ptera sp. n. Poppius, 2249 ; Staphylinidae 1 9 spp. n., Stenus, Trogophloeus, Euaesthetus Philonthus, Pseudoleptusa gen. n., A theta and Oxypoda. Sahlberg, 2519; Fur Finland neue Prionychus. Sahlberg, 2518; Finland Luperus circumjusus novelty. Semenov, 2657 ; Transbaikalien, Verbreitung der Cicindelini. Uyttenboogaart, 2986; Liste Dale- karlien Schweden. Hymenoptera. Nordenstrom, 2064; Parasitic Hy- menoptera S. Halland and Ostergot- land. Nordstrom, 2065 ; Prosalius suecicus neu fur Finland (Schwedisch). Sahlberg, 2520; Amasis amoena in Finland. Schneider, 2681 ; Arktisches Nor- wegen Hymenoptera aculeata. Strand, 2835; Siberia Prosopis sp. n. Tullgren,2958; Swedish Phytophaga (Swedish). Lepidoptera . Christie, 615; Iledemarken, Norway, list (Norweg). Forsius, 952; Macrolepidopterfauna des siidlichen Finlands. Luther, 1771; Acherontia atropae auf dem Lsuchtschiff Aransgrund im Finnischen Meerbusen. Meinhardt, 1864; Gouv. Jenisseisk, Heterocera (Russ.). Moltrecht, 1931 ; Amurland Li- menitis sp. n. Rebel, 2327 ; Ussurigebiet Trocto- ptera sp. n. Sahlberg, 2517 ; Madopa salicalis fiir Finland neu. Wahlgren, 3074; Butterflies from the oak-region of Varmland, Sweden. Triehoptera. Martynow, 1840; Sibirien, spp. n. Neuroptera. Mjoberg, 1922; Swedish Plani- pennia (Swedish). Mjoberg, 1923 ; Sweden, Hemerobius sp. n. Diptera. Frey, 965; Sarcophaga und Onesia Finlands. Frey, 967 ; Ctenophora pectinicornis in Finland. Frey, 966; Morellia simplex Fin- land. Hendel, 1290; Mongolia gen. n. Cordylurinae. Hendel, 1293 ; Amurland Tetanocera sp. n. Lundstrom, 1770; Beitrage Finlands Mycetophilidae 18 spp. n. Palm6n, 2123 ; Corynocera ambigua ,aus Finland (Schwedisch). Wahlgren, 3075; Swedish insect- fauna Aschua (Swedish). 275 Insecta. Subject Index. — N. Europe, Etc. — British Islands. Hemiptera. Poppius, 2247 ; Hemipteren-Fauna Nord- Russlands. Tullgren, 2655; Schwcdische Pem-, phiginen, 3 spp. n. Tullgren, 29656 ; Swedish scale-in- sects, Notes (Schwedisch). Plecoptera. Klardlek, 1555; Acroneuria sp. n. P80cidae. Reuter, 2388; Finlnndischo Copco- gnathen. Tullgren, 2954; Sweden, List 12 spp. new for. Epliemeridae. Bengtsson, 192 ; Scandinavia, Ephe- meridae 5 genn. n., 12 spp. n. Petersen, 2159; Norway gen. n. Odoncita. Valikangas, 2991 ; Odonaten Fauna Ivarminne. Ortlioptera. Haij, 1233; Swedish Tutrix. Reuter, 2387 ; Acridium aegyptium In Helsingfors. Tullgren, 2957 ; Sweden, Chelidura acanthopygia. (d) British Islands. The Fauna as a Whole. Insecta , collectively. Popular work; Thomas, 2919. Interesting species, Col. and Heteropt. figured ; Champion & Lloyd, 491. Galls of Great Britain ; Connold, 583. Coleoptera. Three novelties, Epipeda, Lathro- bium and Pityogenes ; Joy, 1479. Diestota testacea, novelty; Sharp, W. E. 2679. Myrmecopora sp. n.; Butler, 422. Calodera rufescens, novelty; Cham- pion, 486. Ocyusa dejecta , novelty; Newbery,. 2039. Ilomalota parens, novelty ; Cham- pion, 484. Ilomalota fussi, novelty ; Champion,. 485. Ilomalota scotica sp. n. ; Elliman,. 802. Bledius denticollis, novelty; Fryer,. 1038. Thinobius sp. n. ; Newbery, 2037. Omalium brevicolle , novelty; Joy,. 1477 ; cf. Sharp op. cod. pp. 135 & 214. Proteinus crenulatus, novelty ; Sharp,. 2675. Micropeplus caelatus, novelty; Jojr & Tomlin, 1480. Euplectus aubeanus and brunneus p Champion, 487. Anacaenaovata; Edwards, 794. Laccobius scutellaris, novelty ; Sharp,. , 2673. Trichopteryx intermedia thomsoni , novelty; Donisthorpe, 733. Scydmaenus barnevillei novelty, and long list from Scilly, Sunius lyonessius? Joy, 1476. Parnus, novelties ; Sharp, 2671. Parnus sp. n. ; Edwards, 796. Riolus sodalis, novelty ; Edwards* 792. Aphodius niger and A. sp. n. ; Sharp,. 2672. Melanophila acuminata, novelty Criocephalus etc. ; Champion, 489. Adrastus pallens Melanotus east- anipes, Athous hirtus ; Newbery, 2038. Rabocerus sp. n. ; Sharp, 2674. Anaspis hudsoni sp. n. ; Donis- thorpe, 534. Exechesops sp. n. in Kew Gardens; Sharp, W. E. 2678. Chalcoides, table, etc. ; Edwards, 793. Chaetocnema arida, novelty; Donis- thorpe, 736. Retrospect of 1908 ; Beare, 169. Localities of some rare species; Champion, p. 37 Ent. Mag. 45. 176 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Numerous localities for rare species ; Bedwell, pp. 163-165 Ent. Mag. 45. Miarus, the British ; Butler, 424. Hymenoptera. Ephialtes extensor, novelty; Morley, 1952. Theronia atalantae ; Morley p. 65 Entomologist 42. Proboloides, 2 spp. withdrawn ; Mor- ley, 1948. Braconidae , novelties from Marshall’s Collection ; Morley, 1946 & 1947. Pachylommatinae gen n. and Eu- phorus sp. n. ; Morley, 1945. Mymaridae 9 spp. n., gen. n. ; Enock,837. Proctotrypidae 7 spp. n. ; Kieffer, 1516. Eucoila sp. n. ; Kieffer, 1520. Tenthredinidae, tables and notes ; Morice,1942. Tetrastichus sp. n. ; Taylor, 2903. Lepidoptera. Sp. n. and gen. n., Hadeninae ; Hamp- , son, 1245. Depressaria putridella, novelty ; Sich, 2700. Illustrated work on Brit. Lep. ; Kirby, 1532. Variations de Lycaena astrarche, Grando-Bretagne ; Harrison, 1255. Oyaniris semiargus, extinction ; Chapman p. 133 Eat. lice. 21. Dale collection, notes on continued ; Walker, 3082. Castnia therapon in liot-house; Poul- ton, p. xxxiv P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Trichoptera. Limnophilus fuscinervis, novelty ; Morton, 1961. Neuroptera. Raphidia , distribution in Britain ; Lucas, 1755; Morley, 1950; and Porrittop. eod. p. 183. T)iptera. Three novelties, Onemacantha, Ecco- ptomerao,nd Pegomyia; Mallock, 1793. Gecidomyiidae spp. n. ; Kieffer, 1518. Oligotrophus lemeei, novelty ; Alder- son & Connold, 24. Epicypta trinotata, withdrawn; Jen- kinson p. 280 Ent. Mag. 45. Novelties, spp. n. ; Verrall, 3019. Phora, 45 spp. n. ; Wood, 3204. Setulia grisea, novelty ; Wainwright, 3080. Hermetia illucens introduced ; Aus- ten p. 809 P.Z.S. London 1908. Phora sp. n. ; Mallock, 1792. Spilogaster platyptera and Scatella stenhammeri, novelties; Grimshaw, 1196. M yexorista roseanae, novelty ; Collin, 571. Ilemiptera. Odontoscelis dorsalis, novelty ; Bed- well, 184. Gymus obliquus, novelty ; Butler, 423. Idiocerus rutilans, novelty ; Edwards, 791. Thysanoptera . Thrips sp. n. in hot-houses ; Bagnall, 99. Novelties, Megathrips sp. n. ; Bag- nall, 100. Gryptothrips dentipes, novelty ; Bag- nall, 101. Ghirothrips sp. n. ; Bagnall, 102. Odonata, Odonata in 1908 ; Lucas Entomologist 42 pp. 176-178. Odonata of the Dale collection ; Lucas, 1754. Orthoptera . Orthoptera in 1908; Lucas Ento- mologist 42 pp. 193-195. Collembola. Novelties ; Bagnall, 104. Papirius sp. n. and Sminthurus sp. n. ; Collinge & Shoebotham, 577 Gen. n. Gollemb. ; Collinge & Shoe- botham, 578. 177 Insecla. Subject Index. — Geography — British Islands. Collembola 7 novelties; Collinge & Shoebotham, 579. Local Lists. Insecta, collectively. Channel islands ; Luff, 1768. — Insects of Jersey ; Luff, 1769. Isle of Wight ; Morey Guide to Nat. Hist. Isle of Wight pp. 292-473. Sussex, various notes; Bloomfield, 250. Woolwich and West Kent; Tutt and others, 2971. Cambridgeshire short list; Edwards p. 90 Ent. Mag. 45. North Yorkshire Trichopierci and Perlidae ; Porritt p. 188 Ent. Mag. 46. Methven Moss; Wylie, 3212. Braemar, brief list; Lucas p. 282 Entomologist 42. Ireland; Johnson, 1461. Coleoptera. Cornwall, Scydmaenus poweri and Ceuthorrh. pilosellus ; Tomlin p. 15 Ent. Mag. 45. North Cornwall, long list, Cathor- miocerus etc.; Butler pp. 39 & 40 Ent. Mag. 45. Devon, Rhizophagus coeruleipennis ; de la Garde p. 165 Ent. Mag. 45. Plymouth; Keys pp. 13 & 14 Ent. Mag. 45. North Devon, AphtJi. nigriceps ; de la Garde p. 14 Ent. Mag. 45. Braunton, long list ; de la Garde pp. 86-88 Ent. Mag. 45. Isle of Wight, long list, many novelties; Donisthorpe pp. 272-276 Ent., Rec. 21. Isle of Wight, Cryptomorpha ; Beare p. 258 Ent. Mag. 45. New Forest, Bngous brevitarsis and Aphodius niger ; Champion p. 235 Ent. Mag. 45. Wareham Lytta vesicatoria ; Bankes p. 15 & Pickard-Cambridge p. 39 Ent. Mag. 45. Ha rewood forest, Tropideres sepicola ; Tomlin p. 187 Ent. Mag. 45. (s-11091 ;) Harewood forest, Cionus longicollis ; Tomlin p. 257 Ent. Mag. 45. Woking ; Champion p. 257 Ent. Mag. 45. Berkshire, Coelambus novemlineatus ; Tomlin p. 15 Ent. Mag. 45. Lundy island, novelties; Joy p. 110 Ent. Mag. 45. Herefordshire, long list ; Tomlin, 2925. Strood, Neuraphes rubicundus \ Wal- ker p. 136 Ent. Mag. 45. Medway, Telephorus darwinianus-i Waterhouse p. 214 Ent. Mag. 45. Cobham Park, Trimium ; Walker p. 136 Ent. Mag. 45. Sheerness, Emus hirtus ; Cameron p. 163 Ent; Mag. 45. Sussex, Bembid. 4-pustulatum ; Nicholson p. 214 Ent. Mag. 45. Ditchling, list, Apion etc. ; D oilman p. 43 & p. 232 Ent. Rec. 21. Witley, Molorchus minor, Newill p. 188 Ent. Mag. 45. Middlesex ; Dollman Ent. Rec. 21 p. 43. Kew, Anchomenus scitulus etc. ; Dollman p. 232 Ent. Rec. 21 : Riohmond, Scraptia ; Id. t.c. p. 232 : Ruislip A. livens ate. ; Id. t.c. p. 233. London, Cryptomorpha desjardinsi; Jennings p. 89 Ent. Mag. 45. Oxford, Calodera spp. and Neuraphes rubicundus ; Walker p. 136 Ent. Mag. 45. Cambridge ; Dollman Ent. Rec. 21 p. 44 & p. 231. Cambridge, Quedius scitus ; Nichol- son p. 136 Ent. Mag. 45. Royston, Molorchus minor ; Butler p. 214 Ent. Mag. 45. Wicken, list; Donisthorpe p. 231 Ent. Rec. 21. Norfolk, additions ; Edwards* 796. Crowcombe, Somerset, Quedius xanthopus; Nicholson p. 136 Ent. Mag. 45. Herefordshire, Cryptophagus eubde - pressus ; Tomlin p. 215 Ent. Mag. 45. Yorkshire novelties; Stainforth pp. 352 & 353 Naturalist 1909. d 21 178 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1009] Selby, Gracilia minuta; Musham p. 303 and Carter p. 322 Naturalist 1909. Wakefield, Anchomenus versutus; Carter p. 341 Naturalist 1909. „ Doncaster, Atomaria jimetarii ; Corbett p. 442 Naturalist 1909. Lancashire and Cheshire W. E. Sharp’s list; Bayford pp. 108-110 Naturalist 1909. Lancashire Gaenopsis waltoni ; Stan- den p. 84 Lancash. Natural. 2. Isle of Man, M yrmecopora brevipes ; Bailey p. 63 Ent. Mag. 45. Durham, Trogophloeus subtilis etc. ; Donisthorpe p. 231 Ent. Rec. 21. Derwent, Phizophagus coeruleipennis and Anommatus ; Bagnall Ent. Mag. 45 p. 14. Skiddaw, Leistus montanus ; Walsh p. 442 Naturalist 1909. Cumberland, long list; Britten Ent. Mag. 45 pp. 37 & 38. Cumberland, Meligethes subrugosus etc. ; Day p. 04 Ent. Mag. 45. Cumberland, long list ; Murray pp. 136-138 Ent. Mag. 45. Scotland, in moles’ nest; Beare & Evans, 170. Solway district, aquatic Col. ; Balfour>Browne,109. Edinburgh, Araeocerus; Evans p. 15 Ent. Mag. 45. Edinburgh, moles’ nests; Evans p. 88 Ent. Mag. 45. Haddingtonshire, Phloeophilus edwardsi ; Evans p. 15 Ent. Mag. 45. Scotland, mountains, also St. Kilda and outer Hebrides ; Joy, 1475. Scotland, Nethy Bridge, Gryptoce- phalus aureolus ; Ethel Maitland- Dougall p. 248 Ann. Scot. nat. hist. 18. Nethy Bridge, Orthoperus mundus and Ep. immunda ; Bagnall p. 14 Ent. Mag. 45. Ireland, additional records; John- son pp. 213 & 214 Irish. Nat. 18. Armagh, water-beetles; Johnson pp. 85 & 86 Ent. Mag. 45. Ireland, Valencia Island and Bull Rock; Joy, 1475. Leitrim, Rhagium bifasciatum ; John- son p. 55 Irish Nat. 18. Uymenoptera. Isle of Wight, Osmia xanthomelana ; Saunders p. 238 Ent. Mag. <5. — Pachy- lomma buccata ; Donisthorpe op. eod. p. 238. New Forest, Formiccxenus niti- dulus ; Arnold p. 278 Ent. Mag. 45. 'New Forest, Ceropales variegatus ; Hamm p. 138 Ent. Mag. 45. London district. Aculeata ; Stenton p. 279 Ent. Mag. 45. London, Sirex caudatus in ; Image p. xxix P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Norfolk; Atmore, 63. Norfolk, Tenthredinidae ; Bloom- field, 251. Yorkshire, Vespa crabro ; Naturalist 1909 p. 80. West Ay ton, Vespa ; Hey, 1310. Cheshire, Aculeata and Chrysidae ; Arnold p. 16 Ent. Mag. 45. Ulster and Connaught, Aculeata ; Orr p. 242 Irish. Nat. 18. Antrim and Down, Aculeata, short list; Orr p. 25 Irish Nat. 18. Lepidoptera. W. Cornwall, P. livornica ; Spiller p. 72 Ent. Rec. 21. Cornwall and Devon, trip ; Dannatt pp. 67-71 Entomologist 42. Devon L. corydon; Blathwayt t.c. p. 211 & p. 323. Exeter, Phryxus livornica ; Pope p. 236 Entomologist 42. Teignmouth, short list ; Rogers pp. 186 & 233 Ent. Rec. 21. Devonshire, Acrolita consiquana ; Clutterbuck p. 100 Entomologist 42, and Bankes t.c. p. 137. Devonshire, Daphnis nerii ; Herbert p. 260 Entomologist 42. Swanage, Dasypolia templi; Tatchell p. 137 Ent. Rec. 21 and Bankes t.c. p. 234. Sandown, list, novelties ; Prout Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 245-248 179 Insecta. Subject Index. -British Islands. Fa reham, Plusia moneta; Tarbat p. 185 Entomologist 42. Sussex, Oaiocala fraxini ; Jacobs p. ICO Entomologist 42. Sussex, probable occurrence of Tro- chilium audreni forme; Guermonprez Hastings East Sussex Nat. 1 p. 194. East Sussex, L. favicolor ; Jarvis p. 323 Entomologist 42. East Sussex, list; Raven pp. 237- 239 Entomologist 42. Horsham, short list; White, 3175. Eastbourne, Ocneria dispar ; Picbard-Cambridge p. 321 Entomolo- gist 42. Folkestone ; Bell p. 226 Ent. Rec. 21 . Kent, Ephestia semirufa; Bankes p. 259 Ent. Mag. 45. Kent, 1908 captures; Ovenden pp. 30-33 Ent. Rec. 21. Paddock Wood, V. antiopa ; Fro- hawk p. 260 Entomologist 42. Wateringbury, Alucitides; Goodwin Ent. Rec. 21 p. 207 Surrey, Dyschorisla suspecta; Sted- man p. 66 Entomologist 42. Haslemcre, list ; Oldaker p. 66 Ento- mologist 42. Epsom, brief list; Epsom Coll. Soc. Rep. 21 pp. 21-23. Berkshire, Rhopalocera ; Boulgers, 306. Marlborough, observations, 1£08 ; Meyrick, 1905. Bucks, list ; Carlier p. 285 Ent. Rec. 21. Warwickshire, Antithesia salicella ; Buxton p. 235 Entomologist 42. Rugby, captures 1908; Buxton, 426. Hertfordshire, 1 novelty ; Gibbs, 1092. London ; Sich p. 86 Ent. Rec. 21. Northamptonshire, Lep. of ; Wallis, 3083. Cambridge, Agriades coridon ; Keynes pp. 262-264 Ent. Rec. 21. Wicken Fen, Chrysophunus dispar introduced ; Verrall p. 151 Ent. Mag. 45. Wicken, Chrysophanus rutilus pur- posely introduced; Verrall p. 183 Entomologist 42. Stafford, Plusia moneta ; Bostock, 302b. Lincolnshire, Bapta bimaculata ; Stedman p. 66 Entomologist 42. Lincolnshire, Plusia moneta ; Coc- kayne p. 236 Entomologist 42. Yorkshire, Microlepidoptera; Porritt p. 399 Naturalist 1909. South Yorkshire ; Morley, 1944. Blackpool, P hr y x us li vomica; Shep- herd p. 283 Entomologist 42. Grange-over-Sands, Sterrha sacraria ; Morley p. 91 Ent. Mag. 45. Lonsdale and Barrow, Rhopalocera ; Morgan, 1940. Liverpool, Tortricidae ; Mansbridge Entomologist 1909 pp. 139-141. Cumberland, Eurymene dolabrata; Routledge p. 185 Entomologist 42. Glamorgan, Mamestra glauca and A. menyanthides ; Fleming p. 18 Ento- mologist 42. Anglesey, list; Baynes pp. 285 and 286 Entomologist 42. Dumfries, the capture of Melitaca didyma ; M’Gowan & Service, Dumfries Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. n. s. 20 p. 144. Rothiemurchus, Evetria resinella ; Bankes p. 259 Ent. Mag. 45. Inverness-shire, Selidosema erice- taria ; Baynes p. 235 Entomologist 42. Onich, Inverness ; Meldola p. 284 Entomologist 42. Ross-shire, long list ; Jackson pp. 115-117, 176-181 & 212-216 Ent. Rec. 21. Ross-shire, novelties ; Dorothy Jack- son Ann. Scott, nat. hist. 18 pp. 119 & 120 & 248. Westmeath, short list; Levingd p. 25 Irish Nat. 18. Trtehoptera. Wakefield, Limnophilus politus ; Porritt p. 40 Ent. Mag. 45. d 21—2 (n- 11091 j) 180 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Neuroptera. Nottinghamshire, Hemerobius incon - spicuus; Porritt, p. 01 Ent. Mag. 45. Diptera. Plymouth, local spp. ; Bracken, 826. New Forest, Muscids 3 spp. ; Poulton p. xxxiv P. ent. soc. London 1909. New Forest, Anomoea antica ; Adams p. 188 Ent. Mag. 45. Herefordshire, Eccoptomera microps ; Tomlin p. 40 Ent. Mag. 45. Scotland, list ; Carter p. 65 Ent. Mag. 45. Scotland, list ; Carter & Waterston, 472. Scotland, Anthrax paniscus ; Evans p. 166 Ent. Mag. 45. Fife Nemotelus uliginosus; Evans p. 186 Ann. Scott, nat. hist. 18. Dumbartonshire novelties; Malloch p. 40 Ent. Mag. 45. Perthshire, Dasyneura strobi ; Evans . p. 17 Ent. Mag. 45. Cork, Tachinidae 2 spp. ; Andrews p. lxxiv Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Aplianiptera. Scotland, list ; Waterston, 3123. Forth and Tweed, Histrichopsylla talpae; Evans p. 120 Ann. Scott, nat. hist. 18. Hemiptera, New Forest, Myrmecoris gracilis ; Saunders p. 271 Ent. Mag. 45. London district, Idiocerus ; Jennings p. 89 Ent. Mag. 45. Norfolk, additions ; Edwards, 797. Lancashire and Cheshire, Homoptera Cat., and additions to Heteroptera ; Whittaker, 3176. Lancashire, novelties; Whittaker p. 39 Entomologist 42. Odonata. Sussex, Somatochlora metallica ; Speyer, 2781. Epping forest in 1908 ; Campion & Campion Entomologist 42 pp. 7-10. Epping Forest ; Campion Entomolo- gist 42 pp. 293-293. Yorkshire, Libellula fulva ; Porritt p. 166 Ent. Mag. 45. Kerry, short list; Kemp Irish Nat. 18 p. 55. Wexford, Orthetrum coerulescens ; Moffat p. 24 Irish Nat. 18. Orthoptera. Cornwall, Periplaneta australasiae ; Rollason p. 41 Entomologist 42. Cupar, Panchlora nivea introduced I Brown p. 186 Entomologist 42. (e) Central and Eastern Europe Insecta, collectively. Schmitz, 2579; Hohlen von Maas- tricht und Umgegend. Bayer, 167 ; Zoocecidien der Insel Bornholm. Kieffer, 1517 ; Bitche long list. Knorzer, 1587; Mediterrane Tier- formen innerhalb der dcutschen Gren- zen. Meissner, 1870 ; Bemerkenswerte entomologische Ereignisse des Jahres 1908 in Potsdam. fMeunier, p. 221 Ann. Soc. sci. Bruxelles 33 p. 221 ; Turnich miocene Diptera and Fossor. Reichenau, 2343 ; Suddeutschland Scolia haemorrhoidalis and Ephippigera vitium. fSchuster, 2639; Zur Kenntnis der Flora der Saarbriicker Schichten und des pfalzischen Oberrotliegenden. Corti, 606; Contribution & l’etude de la c6cidiologie Suisse. (Frey-Gessner, 970; Die Sammel- stelle bei Etrembieres.) Ghidini, 1089a ; Ticino 3 novelties. Klapdlek, 1562; Ephemerida, Pleco- ptera, Susswasserfauna Deutschlands. Zacher, 3216 ; Entomologisches aus Istrien und Ungarn. Barovskij, 144 ; KreisNovaja Ladoga Gouv. St. Peterburg, Coleoptera, Hyme- noptera, Diptera, Derma toptera (Russ.). 181 Insecta. S object Index. — Central and East Europe., Coleoptera. Everis, 849 ; 6fce Liste von Arten und Varietaten, neu fur die nieder- landische Fauna. Guilleaume, 1222; Belgium 4 novel- ties.— Id. 1223; Belgium 2 novelties. Guilleaume, p. 311 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 ; Belgium 3 novelties. Bondroit, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 p. 191 ; Belgium 2 novelties. Guilleaume & Bondroit, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 pp. 235 and 236 ; Belgium 11 novelties. Guilleaume, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 p. 421 ; Belgium 2 novelties. Born, 302a; Monte Generoso. Calo- soma maderae. Bourgeois, 314 ; Alpes. Sharp, 2674 ; Evolona Rabocerus sp. n. Ahlwarth, 18; Mark Brandenburg Oyriniden. Fischer, 896; Niederrhein Pytho depressus. Gerhardt, 1081-1086; Neuheiten der schlesischen Kaferfauna. Gerhardt, 1083; Germany Steropus sp. n. Giebeler, 1096; Beitrag zur Kafer- faupa um Montabaur, Hessen-Nassau. Hubenthal, 1388; Erganzungen zur Thiiringer Kaferfauna: Hubenthal, 1390; Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen zur deutschen Kafer- fauna. Hubenthal, 1391 ; Kleine Bemer- kungen zur deutschen Kaferfauna. Kessler, 1510; Verzeichnis der in u. um Sommerfeld vorkommenden Cocci- nelliden. Koster, 1590 ; Hiesige Laufkafer. Kolbe, 1600; Beitrage zur schles- ischen Kaferfauna. fQuiel, 2300 ; baltic amber 2 spp. n. Anobiidae and Chrysomelidae . Reitter, 2376; Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands. Ross, 2457 ; Deliathis incana aus Yucatan im Hafen von Neufahrwasser bei Danzig. Schilsky, 2554; Catalogue of Col. of Germany. Schmidt, 2572;, Verbreitung der Kafergallen in Schlesien. Vorbringer, 3048; Ostpreussen Sam- melbericht 1908. Fleischer, 907 ; Moravia Pityophagus 2 novelties. Heikertinger, 1275; Wien Phyllo - treta sp. n. Heikertinger, 1276 ; Niederosterreich, Halticidae, novelties. Heikertinger, 1277; Oesterreich-Un- garn Phyllotreta 2 spp. n. Heikertinger, 1278 ; Kalabrien Ores- tia sp. n., Sannthaler Alpen Psylliodes sp. n. Heikertinger, 1279; Siid-Tirol, Chae - locnema sp. n. Hoffmann, 1334 ; Sammelreise nach Karntcn. Holdhaus, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 pp. (365)-(368); Grosslockners Exkur- sion. Meixner, 1881 ; Koralpe Spezialkafer und interessante Kafer. Molitor, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. (357); Bergamasker Alpen Sammel- reise. Rambousek, 2308; Coleoptera Boh- mens. Roubal, 2492; Rumaenien Atheta n. sp. Roubal, Tyl, Lukg & Zeman, 2494; Fauna Bohemica, Col. Schmidt, 2559; Hungary Aphddius sp. n. Solari, 2762; Moldavia, Curculioni- dae 7 spp. n. Bagkov, 155; Auftreten der Kafer im Gouv. Charkov (Russ.). Lufinik, 1761 ; Gouv. Stavropol Cara- bina. Lutschnik, 1772; S. E. Russia Ophonus sp. n. Zaicev, 3221 ; Gouv. Novgorod, Wasserkafer (Russ.). Hydroporus sp. n. IJymenoptera. Cockerell, 559; Denmark Halictus sp. n. 182 Instcla. XII. Insecta. [1909] Bondroit, 276; les fourmis de Bel- gique. Frey-Gessner, 96% Hym6nopteres du Valais. Frey-Gessnen, 974; Hymen. Hel- vetiae, Apidae cont. Habermehl, 1227 ; Germany and Switzerland Ichneumonidae 20 spp. n. Forel, 931 ; Vaud, Valais, Faune xerothermique des fourmis. Frey-Gessner, 969 ; Valais. Saunders, 2535 ; Bernese Oberland Aculeata. Alfken, 27 ; Apidenfauna von West- preussen, Beitrag. tCockerell, 558 ; Ooningen Andrena sp. n. fCockerell, 580; Baltic amber 13 spp. n. fCockerell, 531 ; 4 spp. n. Apidae Prussian amber. Dittrich, 712; Schlesien, Hymeno- pterologische Bemerkungen. Heyden, 1316; Xylocopa violacea schon vor 110 Jahren bei Mainz. Heymons u. Heymons, 1322 ; Hy- inenoptera, Siisswasserfauna Deutsch- lands. Muller, 1982; Sphex maxillosus in der Mark. Scherdlin, 2551 ; Alsace Formicidae, novelties, for Germany. Scherdlin, 2552; Elsass Verzcichnis der Ameisen. Schmidt, 2573 ; Verbreitung der Gallwespen in der niederschlesischen Ebene Nachtrag. Ulbricht, 2975; Germany Hygro- cryptus sp. n. Ulbricht, 2976; Ichneumoniden der Umgegend. Sustera, 2869 ; Bohmcns Hymeno- ptera. Dalla Torre, 648; Verzeichnis der Chalastogastren Tirols. Fulmek, 1044 ; Wien Stephanus serrator am Bisamberg. Kubes, 1635; Hymenoptera Bok- mens. Kokujev, 1592; Mittelrusslands, Aphidae Bestimmungstabellen (Russ.). Lepidoptera. Klocker, 1572; Danish Heterocera part 1. Slevogt, 2736 ; Bathen Cymatophora or ab. albingensis. Slevogt, 2737 ; Curland, Notizen. Slevogt, 2738; Beitrage zur Kenn- tnis der Krestowkas, Gouv. Orel. Snellen, 2752; Bemerkungen iiber niederlandische (Hollandiscli). Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, 619 ; Belgium 6 novelties. Bazzigher, 168; Verzeicliniss, Grau- biindens. Favre, 865 & 866; Valais, Micro • lepidoptbres. Gottrau, 1143; Fribourg, de 1876 k 1906. Keynes & Keynes, 1511 ; Switzerland, excursion. Miiller-Rutz, 1984 ; Switzerland Microlepidoptera. Miiller-Rutz, 1985; Kantonen St. Gallen, Appenzell und Thurgau, Klein- schmetterlinge, Verzeichnis. Muschamp, 1991; Fusio Erebia flavofasciata, etc. Page Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 77-83 ; excursion. Pictet, 2219; Caractdristique bio- logique de 1907. (Piingeler, 2289 ; Tephroclystia n. sp., Wallis. Rehfous, 2333 ; Valais, Liste. Tetley Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 53-55; Rhone valley excursion. Tutt Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 154 & 155; Landwasser Valley. — Id. t.c. pp. 158- 160; Fluela Pass.— Id. t.c. pp. 166- 169 ; Sus to Guarda. — Id. t.c. pp. 197- 201 ; Zernetz and Ofen Pass. — Id. t.c. p. 210 ; Muranza-Thal. — Id. t.c. pp. 225 & 226 ; Santa Maria to Munster. Tutt Ent. Record 21 pp. 1-3 ; Sertig- Thal, excursion. Tutt Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 110-113; Dischma-Thal. Brake, 329 ; Macrolepidopteren Osna- briicks und der Nachbargebiete. Dadd, 643 ; Falterformen aus Thiirin- gen. 183 Insecta. Subject Index. — Central and East Europe. Dadd, 644; Germany, Erebia and Lycaena. Gauckler, 1066 ; Neue Macrolepido- f itera fur Kirlsruhe bez. f. Baden. Gauckler, 1067; Lepidopteren-Rau- pen-Fauna des St. Michaelsberges Baden. Gillmer, 1109; Hamburg, Verzeichnis Beske besprochen. Gillmer, 1118; Aberrati ve Falter aus der Pfalz. Goltz, 1135; Fangpliitze alpiner Tagfaltor. Goltz, 1136 ; Stegania trimaculataim Elsass. Griebel, 1178; Die Lepidopteren- Fauna der bayerischen Rheinpfalz. Grunberg, 1218; L'lpidoptera Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands. Kabis, 1482 ; Badischen Beitrage. Landwehr, 1687 ; Senne bei Bielefeld, Agrotis molothina. Linstow, 1737 ; Uffeln’s Grossschmet- fcerlinge Westfalens, Bemerkungen. Meder, 1859; Thiiringen und Nord- deutschland, Colias edusa. Mitterberger, 1914; Salzburg Micro- lepidopteren. Richter, 2409; Umgegend Stettins. Schuster, 2643 ; Germany wieder- kehrenden ,,Tertiarzeit“. Siegel, 2704 ; Oberen Vogelsberg, Fangergebnisse. Spormann, 2783; Lemonia dumi in Pommern. Warnecke, 3097; Verbreitung von Chrysophanus virgaureae in Nordwest- Deutschland. Warnecke, 3098; Macrolepidopteren. Warnecke, 3100 ; Agrotis molothina Liineburger Heide, Verbreitung im Deutschland. Doleschall, 730 ; Brunner Umgebung, Verzeichnis. Dziarzynski, Jahresber. ent. Ver. Wien 19 p. 143; Umgebung Wiens. Forster, 920; Tirol Lepidopterolo- gischo Mittoilungon von einor Sammel- rciso. Gadolla, 1048; Steirischen Nym- phalidae. Gadolla, 1049 ; Steirischen Ly- caenidae und Hesperidae. Galvagni, 1057 ; Karawanken und Steiner-Alpen Sammeltage. Galvagni, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. (233) ; Niederosterreich Argynnis thore. Hirschke, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. (238) ; Oesterreich-Ungarn, Luperina bischoffi. Hoffmann, 1337 ; Derzeitigen Stand der Materialien zu einer mahrischen Lepidopteronfauna. Hoffmann, 1338; Macrolepidopteren des steirischen Ennstales. Hoffmann, 1340 ; Erebia arete. Hoffmann, 1342; Glocknergebietes. Kordesch, 1605; Der Naamtales Lycaenidenfauna. MenSik, 1887; Chrudimer Kreise Bohmen. Pieszczek, 2229 ; Judenburgin Steier- mark, in besonderer Seetaler-Alpen. Preissecker, 2277 ; Niederoesterreich novelties. Rebel, 2321 ; Croatien, Oreopsyche sp. n. Rebel, 2322 & 2323; Ostalpen Hip- telia sp. n. Rosa, 2453 ; Hungary Rhopalocera list. RuziSka, 2513 ; Chrudimer Kreise. Sheldon, 2681 ; Hungary Rhopalo- cera. Skala, 2732; Briinn, Nachtrag zur Doleschall. Sterneck, 2808 ; Prag Beitrag. Sterzl, 2809; Waldviertels in N.-Oe. Tutt, Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 228-230 ; Tyrol Rhopalocera. Blocker, 249 ; Gouv. Olonetz, Macrolepidoptera. Jachontov, 1407 ; Lepidopteren von Central-Russland und deren Aberra- tionen (Russ.). Krulikowsky, 1627 ; Verzeichnis, Gouvernements Kasan. Krulikovskij, 1628 & 1629; Gouv. Vjatka (Russ.). Krulikovskij, 1630; 3 spp. n., Hadena, Choreuti? and Gracilaria. 184 Inaecla. -ku. Insecta. Krulikovskij, 1631; Gouv. Vologda, Lepidoptera (Russ.). Krulikovskij, 1632; Uralsk Cara - drina sp. n. Krulikovskij, 1633 ; Gouv. Perm (Russ.). Krulikovsky, 1634; Gouv. Viatka und deren Aberrationen (Russ.). Kuznecov, 1662; Crimea Ilipparchia sp. n. Miller & Zubowskij, 1909 ; , Gouv. Bessarabien, Macrolepidoptera (Russ.). Sinegub, 2720; Russland, Lepidq- ptera (Russ.). Voroncovskij, 3053 ; Orenburg (Russ.). Trichoptera. Rousseau, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63 p. 236 ; Belgium 3 novelties. Felber, 867 ; Schweiz, Trichopteren. Ulmer, 2979; Thuringia, Heliconis sp. n. Ulmer, 2982; Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands. Dziedzielewicz, 784 ; Carpathians, gen. n. Limnophilidae. Neuroptera. Heymons & Heymons, 1321 ; Neuro- ptera, Susswasserfauna Deutschlands. Diptera. Dahl, 646; Germany 6 spp. n., Limosina and Tetraneurella. Kieffer, 1519; Germany Chirono - midae many spp. n. Kiefer & Thienemann, 1528 ; Westfalischen Chironomiden, many spp. n. Kleine, 1569 ; Laphria und Andreno- soma, Deutsch - Oesterreichischen Faunengebietes. Kramer, 1610 ; Germany Sarcophaga sp. n. Lange, 1688; Ober Erzgebirges, Syrphus sp. n. Riedel, 2412; Niederrhein, Diptero- logische Skizzen. Schroeder, 2608 ; Dipteren-Eauna Pommerns, Syrphidae. Speiser, 2777 ; Germany Culicidae . L1U09] Czizek, 639 ; Des Altvaters und des Tesstales. * Strobl, 2847; Austria Muacidae Acalypterae 22 spp. n. Vimmer, 3039; Bohmens Seltene Fliegen. Vimmer, 3038; Bohmens Dipteren. Czizek, 638; Die mahrischen Leptogaster und Dioctria. Townsend, 2933 ; Tachinidae gen. n. Aphaniptera. Oudemans, 2112; Holland Ischno- psyllus sp. n. Rothschild, 2476; Austria Cerato- phyllus 4 spp. n. Rothschild, 2477; Roumania Cerato- phyllus sp. n. Hemiptera . Schouteden, p. 422 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 ; Belgium Lepyronia coleoptrata novelty. Kuhlgatz, 1643; Rhynchota Suss- wasserfauna Deutschlands. Puhlmann, 2292 ; Cicadinenfauna Krefelds. Reichensperger, 2344 ; Interessante Hemiptera -Arten aus dem Rheinland. Gorka, 1140; Hungary Omorgius niloticus. §ulc, 2852 ; Siebenbiirgen Psylla sp. n. Kiridenko, 1536; Crimoa Iletcroptera (Russ.). Aphidao. Borner, 261 ; Vosges Phylloxera sp. n. Mordwilko, 1938; Russia Macro- siphum 2 spp. n. Thyaanoptera. Bagnall, 98 ; in hot-houses Brussels, 2 spp. n., Euthrips and Cephalothrips. Grevillius & Niessen, 1177 ; Physopus sp. n. Psoeidae. Heymons, 1318; Troctes sp. n. als Schiidling in Buchweizengriitze. 185 Insecta. Subject Index. — Central and East Europe — France, * - Perlidae. Enderlein, 818; Germany Isogenus sp. n. (Ris, 2419; Schweizerische Perliden.) Klapdlek, 1557; Austria, Capnia sp. n. • Ephemeridad. Petersen, 2159; Denmark Rhithro- gena sp. n. Dziedzielewicz, 784; Carpathians' Heptagenia sp. n. Odonata. fReis, 2353 ; Muschelkalk gen. n. Remkes, 2378 ; Des Hiilserbnichs. Ris, 2420; Odonata, Die Siisswas- serfauna Deutschlands. Puschnig, 2293; Karntnerische Li- bellenstudien. Barteuef, 146; Odonaten des nordl. Ural (Russ. -f engl. Res.). Bartenev, 147 ; Kars (Russ.). Voroncovskij, 3054 ; Orenburg, sp. n. (Russ.). Zograf, 3237; Don. Gebiete (Russ.). Orthoptera. Petersen, 2162 ; Danish. fHandlirsch, 1249; Altdorf Trias Pedinoblatta gen. n. Krauss, 1614; Germany Nemobius heydeni novelty. Werner, 3159; Austria. ’Holdhaus, 1344; Walouyki. Pylinov, 2295 ; Land der Donischen Kosaken (Russ.). Collembola. . Heymons u. Heymons, 1320 ; Collem- bola, Die Siisswasserfauna Deutsch- lands. (f) France. Insecta , collectively. Abot, 7; Deux insectes rares pour 1’ Anjou. fMeunier, 1890 ; Commentry Ste- phanien Paleodictyoptera sp. n. fMeunier, 1894; Commentry 8 spp. n., genn. n. Colcoptera. ^ , Abeille, 5 ; Provence Rhipidius sp. n. Agnus, 17 ; Coleopteres en partie nouveaux pour la France. Bedel, 183 ; Sainte-Menehould Listfed Carpentier, 471 ; Departement de la Somme Catalogue. Desbrochers, 685; France et Corse, Tychiides 5 spp. n. Deville, 689; Seine Staphylinidae pt, 1. Dubois, 750 ; Deux Leptura. Du Buysson, 753 ; France, Thyamis sp. n. Duchaussoy, 759 ; Normandie. Fauvel, 863 ; Stenus subglaber novelty. FormAnek, 945 ; Monte Viso Trachy- phloeus sp. Gavoy, 1072 ; Tarn Coleopteres Supplement. • Jeannel, 1427; Speonomus silphides cavemicoles pyreneens et sur leur dis- tribution g6ographique 1 sp. n. Jeannel, 1428 ; Trechus sp. n. Jeannel, 1430 ; Pyrenees Coleopteres cavernicoles nouveaux ou peu connus des. Lambertie, 1672 ; Liosoma pyreneum . Lambertie, 1673; Habitat des es- peces du Donacia de la Gironde. Lesne, 1719; Stephanopachys sub- striatus Payk. nouveau fran9aise. Peneau, 2159 ; Loire-Inferieure (suite). Peyerimhoff, 2170; Basses-Pyrenees, Trechus sp. n. Peyerimhoff, 2171 ; Basses-Pyrenees Coleopteres nouveaux pour. Pic, 2178 ; Pic, 2194 ; Hautes-Alpes en 1908. Pineau, 2230 ; Loire-Inferieure. Val6ry-Mayefc, 2980 ; L’Herault, Catalogue. Viturat et Fauconnet, 3043; Cata- logue analytique et raisonne de Sa6ne- et-Loire et des departements limitro- phes. 186 Insecla. XII. • Insecta. [1909] Hymenoptera. Pic, 2192 ; Ichneumoniens des Alpes fran9aises. Lepidoptera. Brown, 372 ; Note sur les Sacraria et les Sarathamnaria. Brown, 373; Note sur une mise au point de quelques especes m6ridionales de papillons encore mecon nies. Chapman, 494; S. France Gallophrys •sp. n. Chretien, 511; France 2 spp. n. Epiblema and Lila. Daydie, 664; Nouveaux ou peu connus de la faune girondine. Gibbs, 1091 ; Vosges, trip. Goury,1147 ; Fontainebleau Gelechia Tnaculatella. Joannis, 1441 ; Gelechia maculatella. Joannis, 1441a; Lepidopteres du Morbihan. Joannis, 1444 ; Vaucluse Sesia sp. n. Joannis, 1446 ; Vannes Scythris sp. n. Lucas, 1749 ; France, Psorosa sp. n. Oberthur, 2079; Vernet-les-Bains Sesia sp. n. Rondou, 2449; Nouveaux des Py- T6nees. Rondou, 2450 ; Hepialus pyrenaicus. Rothschild, 2474; Sesia andrenae- jormis k Chantilly. Rowland-Brown, 2505; Cantal and Lozere trip, Bhopalocera. Si6pi, 2706; Ocrisia robiniellae a Marseille. Sprongerts, 2784 ; Digne. Neuroptera. Navis, 2017 ; Puy-de-D6me, Hemero- > dromia gen. n. Diptera. Becker, 177 ; Digne und Dauphine, Dolichopodiden 3 spp. n. Blanchard, 246 ; Phlebotomus. Massonat, 1847; Pupipares, region lyonnaise. Villeneuve, 3035 ; France, Oonopidae : Melanosoma sp. n. Aphanipteva. Rothschild, 2477 ; Lautaret Cteno- phthalmus sp. n. Hemiptera. Lambertie, 1667. Lambertie, 1668; Notes. Lambertie, 1670 ; Nouveaux ou peu connus de la Gironde. Lambertie, 1674 ; Dispersion de deux especes d’Homopteres du departement de la Gironde. Lambertie, 1675 ; Phyllomorpha laciniata. Lambertie, 1676; Nuisibles et utiles H6mipt&res du sud-ouest de la France. Lambertie, 1677 ; Hemipteres nou- veaux pour la Gironde. Mar chal, 1805 ; Coccidae, Midi de la France et Corse. Mjoberg, 1920; France Aneurus tuberculatus. Royer, 2508; H6mipt6res nouveaux ou peu connus. Royer, 2510; Graphosoma. Odonata. Coulon, 611 ; Odonates du Mus6e d’Elbeuf, faune fran§aise. Orthoptera. Azam, 80 ; Orphania, nouveau pour la France. De Vichet, 687 ; Mante religieuse k Besan9on. fLeriche, 1717 ; Stephanoblatta houiller de Commentry. ( g ) South Europe and Mediter- ranean Basin. Insecta, collectively. Bariego, 140 ; Spain, list. Mercet, Bol. Soc. Aragon 8 p. 135; Moncayo list, Ghaetocnema sp. n. Nav&s, 2022; Aragon 3 spp. n., Perla, Stauroder us and Pamphagus. Navis, 2024; Teruel list, Mallorca Orthoptera. 187 Insecta. Subject Index. — South Europe and Mediterranean. Colcoptera. Fuente, 1040; Ciudad Real Pachy- brachys sp. n. Jeannel, 1429; Spain Cavernicolous Silphidae 7 spp. n., genn. n. Lauffer, 1695; Spain 2 spp. n., Steropus and Ceratophyus. Roubal, 2493; Spanien Philonthus sp. n. Schramm, 2589 ; Sierra de Gredos Dorcadion sp. n. Beffa, 185 ; Italy Note. Beffa, 186 ; Toscana omessi nel Catalogo del Bertolini. Bernhauer, 213 ; Italy Anthobium sp. n. Cecconi, 479 ; Isole Tremiti. Della Beffa, 672 ; Note coleotterolo- gicho. Ericson, 843 ; Kalabrien Pleryx sp. n. Fiori, 892 ; Italy Dasytes sp. n. Fleischer, 903 ; Capri Colon sp. n. Kniz, 1585 ; Adamello Helophorus sp. n. Leoni, 1714; Italy Appunti. Leoni, 1715 ; Italy Asida spp. n. Loden, 1738 ; Italy Polydrusus sp. n. Porta, 2252; Revisione dei Brachy- nini italiani. Reitter, 2373 ; Calabria Sphaerosoma 2 spp. n. Reitter, 2374; Italy 2 spp. n., Sitona and Orestia. Reitter, 2375 ; Italy 3 spp. n., Liodes, Agathidium and Sphaerosoma . Silvestri, 2712; Italy Chilocorus kuwanae. Vitale, 3042; Nuovi o rari per la Sicilia. Formanek, 945; Sardinia, Trachy- phloeus sp. n. Krausse, 1617 ; Nachtliches Kafer- lobcn in don Strasscn von Oristano, Sardinien. Deville, 690 ; Corsica Catalogue Placusa-Coccidula. Heikertinger, 1275; Corsica Aph- ihona sp. n. Breit, 342 ; Mallorca long list. Abeille, 2 ; Alg^rie 6 spp. n., Troglops and Halticidae. Deville, 688 ; North Africa IJydraena 2 spp. n. Da Buysson, 431 ; Algeria Gonochry sis sp. n. Escalera, 844; Melilla 2 spp. n. Globasida and Gracilasida. Escalera, 845; Marocco Meloidae 3 spp. n. Escalera, 846; Marruecos Zonabris 7spp.n. Normand, 2066 ; Tunis Geotibaep. n. Normand, 2067 ; Tunis Euthia sp. n. and Cephennium sp. n. Peyerimhoff, 2166; Revision des Eusiemnus du Nord africain. Peyerimhoff, 2169; North Africa Scydmaenus 4 spp. n. Peyerimhoff, 2172; Faune caver- nicole du Djurjura. Fleischer, 913 ; Herzegowina Stenus sp. n. Netolitzky, 2032; Bosnien-Herze- gowina Bembidium sp. n. Muller, 1980; Dalmatiae Georyssidae , Dryopidae, Heteroceridae et Hydro- philidae. Lokay, 1742; Montenegro Alophus sp. n. Muller, 1979 ; Karstgebietand Balkan 4 spp. n., Trechus, Bythinus and Aphaobius. Apfelbeck,53 ; Peninsulae balcanicae 13 spp. n. Hydroporus, Nargus, An - thopagvs, Hydraena, Anisoplia, lly- laia and Sphaerosoma . Breit, 343; Balkanhalbinsel Bembi- dion and Trechus spp. n. Roubal, 2489; Rumelien Danacaea sp. n. Rambousek, 2312; Bulgariens Sta- phylinidae (Bohmisch.) 3 spp. n., Thinobius, Ocyusa and Myrmecopora . Rambousek, 2309 ; Bulgarien Psela- phidae, Scymaenidae , 6 spp. n» Rambousek, 2310; Mazedonien Penetretus sp. n. Rambousek, 2311; Makedonien Bythinus n. sp. 188. Inaecta. XII, Insecta. [1909]. Schatzmayr, 2541 ; Makedonien, 9 spp. n., Carabidae and Oc.hthebius. Schatzmayr, 2542 ; Makedonien Cara- bidae 3 spp. n. Bembidium and Platy- nus. Alluand, 33 ; Eyptian mummies, Col. in. Ferrante, 883 ; Cairo Malthinus sp. n. Reitter, 2371 ; Cairo Cephisus sp. n. Sericoderus sp. n. ■Hartmann und Weise, 1258 ; Aegyp- ten, Halbinsel Sinai, Palastina und Syrien, Lixus sp. n. Crotch, 623; Sinai 1872 ?, especes nouvelles. Abellle, 4; Syrie, Aristus sp. n. Olivier, 2087 ; Lebanon Luciola sp. n. Reitter, 2357 ; Palestine Onthophilus sp. n. Pic, 2205 ; Alfcisids de la Turquie d’Asie et de P Europe m6ridionale. Reitter, 2354; Asia minor Hypulus sp. II. Ilymenoptera. Alfken, 28; Spain Nomada sp. n., Triest Halictus sp. n. Forel, 934; Spain Formicidae long list. Mercet, 1888; Spain Tachysphex 4 spp. n. Mercet, 1889; Spain Nysson 10 spp. n. Ferton, 884; Algeria Megachile 2 spp. n. P6rez, 2155 ; Varietes de Bourdons de la Corse. Krausse, 1619; Hummelfauna Sar- diniens und Corsicas. Lepri, 1716; Italy Sir ex sah, romana. Masi, 1843 ; Italy Chalcididae 6 spp. n. Silvestri, 2714; Italy introduced parasites. Trani, 2941 ; Naples Laelius sp. n. ■ Forel, 938; N. Africa and Italy, Formicidae list, 2 spp. n., Formica and Aphaenog aster. Santschi, 2533 ; Maroc, Tunisie, Syrie, etc., Leptothorax rottenbergi et especes voisines. Schulthess Rechberg, 2621 ; Pom- pilus sp. n. Tripolis und Barka. Santschi, 2531 ; Tunisie capturees en 1906 : Leptanilla. Santschi, 2530; Nouvelles fourmis, Egypte, Canaries, Tunisie. Morice, 1943 ; Syria Chrysidae list, 2 spp. n., Spinolia and Chrysis. Schmiedeknecht, 2576 ; Lebanon Spilochalcis sp. n. Emery, 809 ; Anatolia Formica sp. n. Lepidoptera. Rebel und Daub, 2329; 5 spp. n. Thargelia , Eucrostes, Nephopteryx, Bostra and Cybolomia. Wheeler, Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 248-253, and 281-285; Bhopalocera. Chapman, 493 ; Callophrys sp. n. Moraes, Broteria 8 p. 74 ; Minho long list. Rothschild, Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 153 and 154; Cintra shortlist. Lowe, Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 34-36 and 62-66 ; Spain. Kheil, 1513; Benasque shortlist. Ribbe, 2406; Andalusien Macro- lepidoptera. Rostagno and Zapelloni; 2465, Lepidoptera romanae ; Nymphalidae, Libytheidae , Erycinidae. Stefanelli,2799 ; Miscellanea d* Italia. Verity, 3017 ; Isola d’Elba. Mayer, 1858 Sizilien Sammelausflug. Schawerda, 2543; Sammelreisen in Bosnien und in der Herzegownia. Marchi, 1814; Ropaloceri del Tren- tino. Hoffmann, 1341 ; Adelsberg und Triest-Muggia, Ausflug. Bachmetjev, 87 ; Lepidopterenfauna Bulgariens (Russ.). Drenowsky, 742; Lepidopteren- Fauna des hochsten Teils des Zentral- Balkans. Chretien, 512; Biskra 5 spp. n. Eucrostis and Acidalia. Kheil, 1512 ; Spanish Guinea 4 spp. n., Stracena , Marbla, Aiteta and Acidalia. 189 Insecta. Subject Index. — South Europe and Mediterranean. (Piingeler, 2288 ; Sesia seitzi n. sp. Algerien.) Rothschild, 2483 ; Algeria 3 spp. n., Gleophana, Tkalpochares, Palpangula. Seitz, 2653 & 2654; Mauretanisches, Gatocala oberthuri, Orgyia dubia splen- dida. Sphing. Trautmann, 2945; Algeria Hyalina sp. n. Lucas, 1749; Tunisie, 4 spp. n., Ghi- lena, Acidalia , Platyles and Staudin- geria. Draiidt, 741 ; Egypt Eremobia sp. n. Joannis, 1442; Egypte Acosmetici sp. n. Joannis, 1443 ; Egypt Eublemma 2 spp. n. Culot, 635 ; Syria Syntom is sp. n. Homberg, 1353 ; Syria Acidalia sp. n. Strand, 2840 ; Eregli und Taurus. Rebel, Verb, z-b Ges. Wien 59 pp. (235) and (236); Trapezunt Lepido- pterenausbeute. Bohatsch, 265; 3 spp. r>., Leucoch- laena , Gnophos and Chesias aus RuSs. Armenien. Trichoptera. Navdi, 2013; Spain and Portugal . monograph. Navdi, 2014 ; Syria Hemerobius sp. n. Neuroptera. Navds,2019; Spain list of Chrysopa. Navds, 2013; Spain and Portugal, Neuroptera, 5 spp. n. Navds, 2015; Egyptshoitlist. Navds, 2020; Madrid, Myrmeleon sp. n., gen. n. near Hemerobius. Diptera. Hermann und Villeneuve, 1301 ; 5 spp. n., Systoechus, Habropogon, Dis- junqtio, Deulerammobia and 2 genn. n. Bombyliidae and Muscidae. Czerny und Strobl, 638; Spanische Dipteren, iii Beitrag, many spp. n., genn. n. Tavares, 2902 ; Spain Gecidomyiidae 3 spp. n. Villeneuve, 3034; Corsica Merodon sp. n. Corti,.6Q5; Italy 5 spp. n., gen. n. Oscinidae. Kieffer, 1521 ; Algeria Sciara 2 spp. n. Austen, 75 ; Cyprus Muscinae gen. n. Bezzi, 229 ; Syria and Egypt list 9 spp. n. Aphaniptera. Cobelli, 523 ; Trentino. Fulmek, 1045; Tripolis und Barka Pulex sp. n. Rothschild, 2477 ; Biskra gen. n. Hemiptera. Lindinger, 1732; Eur. mer. Aspi- diotus sp. n. Horvdth, 1371 ; Portugal Schizo- neura sp. n. Leonardi, 1712; Italy Goccidae 14 spp. n. Picco,2214; pro vincia di Roma. Marchal, 1808; Cochenilles du midi de la France et de la Corse, 4 spp. n. Stadler, 2793 ; Dalmatia, novelties. Schouteden, 2586; Morocco Ectri- chodia sp. n. Poppius, 2244; Sahara Atomophora sp. n. Lambertie, 1666; Hemipt&res re- cueillis en Tunisie par M. Blanc. Reuter, 2390 ; Sicily, Africa bor. and Syria, Reduviidae 3 spp. n. Ischnonyctes and Holotrichius. Reuter, 2393; Syria 2 spp. n., An- thocoris and Microphysa. Thysanoptera. Buff a, 397; Italy 2 spp. n., gen. n. Cobelli, 522; Trentino. Buffa, 396 ; Tunis Autothrips sp. n. Psocidae. Navds, 2013; Spain and Portugal monograph. Embiidae. Navds, 2013; Spain and Portugal Embia 3 spp. n. Enderlein, 829 ; Egypt gen. n.‘Jt 190 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1909] Plecoptera-Pcrlidae. Navds, 2020 ; Madrid Perlodes sp. n. Navds, 2014 ; Beyrouth gen. n. Odonala. Martin, 1837; Syrie, Psilocnemis sp. n., Anax immaculifrons. Orthoptera, Burr, 409; Marocco and S. Eur. Forficula 2 spp. n. Shelford, 2685; Spanish Guinea Blattidae 5 spp. n. Krauss, 1615 ; Dermaptera ur d Orthoptera aus Aegy pten , der Halbin sel Sinai, Palastina und Syrien, 2 spp. n. Pamphag us and Duronia. Apterygota. Berlese, 206 ; Protura 3 spp. n. Wahlgren, 3079 ; Egypt and Soudan, Collembola 13 spp. n., Thysanuru 2 spp. n. (b) Caucasus, West & Centr. Asia. Insecta , collectively.' Karawajew, 1485; Transkaspien, Myrmekophile Insekten, Thysanura sp. n. Kastanje, 1490; Syr-Darja und Turgai-Gebiets(Russ) . Coleoptera. Clermont, 521 ; Liste Transcaucasie. Ludnik, 1759; Gouv. Stavropol, Cicindelidae, Garabidae (Russ.). Ludnik, 1762; Gouv. Stavropol. Nccydalis major . Semenov, 2658; Ciscaucasia, Lae- mostenus sp. n. Kerremans, 1501 ; Perse et Asie mineure, Sphenoptera 15 spp. n. Kniz, 1585; Nordwest-Persien Och- thebius sp. n. Reitter, 2255 ; Persia Laccobius sp. n. Reitter, 2360 ; Persia Dila sp. n. Semenov, 2659 ; Persia Lampra sp. n. Zaitzev, 3223; Persia Sternolopkus sp. n. Semenov, 2656; Centr. Asia 8 8 spp. n., Taphoxenus, Stenolepta, Ago- nini gen. n., Crioceris, Qaleruca , Lepto- des and Pinophilus. Sumakov, 2858 ; Turkestan und Transkaspien. Sumakov, 2860; Centr. Asia Tagona sp. n. Suvorov, 2870 ; Centr. Asia and Mongolia Deracanthus 4 spp. n. Suvarov, 2872 ; Turgai-Gebiet Com- psodorcadion sp. ri. Suvorov, 2873 ; Turgai-Gebiet, Tem- norhinus sp. n. Suvorov, 2874; Transcaucasia, Dor- cadion sp. n. Barovskij, 145; Turkestan, Trans- caspia, Lithophilus 2 spp. nn. Fleischer, 904; Samarkand Limni - chus sp. n. Fleischer, 9C5 ; Turkestan Ebaeus sp. n. Fleischer, 911 ; Turkestan Atomaria sp. n. Fleischer, 906; Turkestan Styloso- mus sp. n. Fleischer, 912 ; Turkestan Hypera sp. n. Glazunov, 1130; Turkestan Platys- ma ( Derus ) 2 spp. n. Arrow, 59; Yemen Phaeochroussp. n, Wagner, 3069 ; Arabia Apion sp. n. Barovsky, 141 ; Serafschan, Buchara, Cantharis 2 spp. nn. Reitter, 2259; Buchara sp. n. SolsJcyia. Hymenoptera. Kokujev, 1593; Russisch-Asien, 7 spp. nn. Semenov, 2661 ; Kirgisensteppe and Turkestan occid. etc., Chrysididae. 9 spp. n. Karawajew, 1486; Transkaspien u. Turkestan, Formicidae spp. nn. Alfken, 30; Syr-Darja-Gebiet, Pro- sopis sp. n. Lepidoptera. Jachontov, 1406; Caucasus Rhopa - locera notes. 191 Insecla. Subject Index. — W.& Centr. Asia — Africa. Rebel, Vorh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 69 p. (231); Sinai Thargelia gigantea. John, 1461; Syr-Darja Epicnaptera sp. n. Triclioptera. Marty now, 1842 ; Kaukasus 9 spp. n. Martynow, 1841 ; Tibet, Tsaidam, spp. n. Ulmer, 2977 ; Centr. Asia Dolo- philodes gen. n. Diptera. Becker, 172 ; Persia and Arabia, Apoclea 6 spp. n. Hendel, 1288; Turkmenien Myennis sp. n. Hendel, 1295; Turcomania Chryso- myza sp. n. Austen, 76 ; Sokotra Muscinae gen. n. Aplianiptera. Wagner, 3071 ; Kaukasien, 1 gen. 2 spp. n. Ilemiptera. Poppius, 2250; Persia and Trans- caspian, Vachiria 3 spp. n. OSanin, 2102 ; Russ. Turkestan Naucoridae gen. nov. 1 sp. n. Orthoptera. Lugnik, 1760; Nordwestlicher Kau- kasus (Russ.). Stschelkanowzeff, 2849; 6 spp. n. Locustidae and Helioscirlus. Africa. For North Africa vide Palaearctic (g). Insecta, collectively. Enderlein, 832a; S. Africa, Menopon sp. n. and Anoplura gen. n. Filippi, 890; List of novelties of italian Ruwenzori expedition. Johnston, 1462; Liberia list. Coleoptcra. Arrow, 53; Rhodesia and adjacent, 10 spp. n., Sisyphus, Onitis, Apogonia, Eccoptocnemis, Leucocelis and Platy- dacne . Arrow, 68 ; Natal Plalychora sp. n- Arrow, 59 ; Phaeochrous 6 spp. n. Arrow, 60; Ruwenzori 10 spp. n.,. Popillia, Adoretus, Tmesorrhinay Glycyphana, Amblyscelis and Epi- lachna. Aurivillius, 71; Natal, Zululand Cerambycidae, 2 spp. n. B6nard, 191 ; Rhyssemus sp. n. Bernhauer,210 ; Ostafrika Hasumius 4 spp. n. Boileau, 268; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Lucanidae, 1 g. and sp. n. Borchmann,282 ; Lagriidae 19 spp. n. Borchmann, 284 ; Lagriidae 6 spp. n. Borchmann, 285; Kilimandjaro- Meru, Lagriidae 3 spp. n.,' Cantharidae 4 spp. n. Bourgeois, 308; Congo Lycides and Lymexylonides list. Bourgeois, 309 ; Congo fran9ai» Lycus sp. n. Camerano, 438; Uganda e Ruwen- zori. Clavareau, 516; Africa trop. and Transvaal Chrysomelidae 17 spp. n.» Sphondylia, Colobaspis, Crioceris , Lema, Qynandrophlhalma, Peplo - ptera, Cryptocephalus Colasposoma, Euryope and Chrysomela. Eichelbaum, 801 ; Gyrophaena sp. n. Fauvel, 864 ; 3 spp. n., Lispinus and Oxytelus. Felsche, 868; Abyssinia 3 spp. n* Oniticellus, Trcx and Rhyparus. Felsche, 869 ; Coprini 4 spp. n. Gymnopleurus, Sisyphus and Geo - trupes. Gahan, 1052; Abyssinie et Afriqufr orientale, Lamiidae 6 spp. n. Gahan, 1C 53 ; Ruwenzori 27 spp. n. Lycus, Melyris, Alaus , Lagria f Mylabris, Horia, Glytus, Sternotomis, Geroplesis, Phrystola, Phrynetopsis y Glenea, Dirphya, Phytoecia, Macro*, lopha, Colasposoma, Oides, Diacantha% Bonesia, Aulamorphus, Hemiphracta, Monolepta & Taphroderinae gen. n. Gestro, 1089; Natal Brachispa&p.n* Gillet, 1100; Sahara et regions voisines 3 spp. n., Gymnopleurus > Saproecius & Cheironitis. 192 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] ■ Gillet, 1101 ; Africa trop. Onitis 3 spp. n. Grouvelle, 1205; Afrique orientale et Haute-Vall6e du Nil, Georyssus et lleterocerus 7 spp. n. Grouvelle, 1206; Afrique orientale alleraande 22 spp. n., Nitidulidae, Colydiidae, Gucujidae , Monotomidae, Grypto phagidae. Grouvelle, 1207 ; Africa or. & mer. 44 spp. n., Nitidulidae, Colydiidae, Cucujidae, Monotomidae, Crypto - phagidae & Typhaea. Grouvelle, 1209; Kilimandjaro- Meru, Glavicornes 19 spp. n. • Grouvelle, 1210 ; Afrique orientale allemande, 14 spp.' n., Brachypterus, Cillaeus, Miligethes, Gyllodes, Ditoma, Laemophloeus & Europs. Hagedorn, 1229; Scolytidae 13 spp. n. Heller, 1285; Erythraea CWcwZicmi- dae, 3 spp. n., 2 genn. n. • . Hintz, 1326; German Africa Ceram- hycidae 17 spp. n. Horn, 1361 ; Trop. Africa, Dromica .3 spp. n. Horn, 1365 ; Katanga Dromica 2 spp. n. Kerremans, 1500 ; Somaliland 3 spp. n., Psiloptera, Chalcogenia & gen. n. near Bubastes. Kerremans, 1502; Africa trop. & mer. Buprestidae 9 spp. n. *" Kolbe, 1526; S.W. Africa Cory- thoderus sp. n. Kolbe, 1599; Ueber die Atren und TJnterarten der Dicranorhina und Ver- breitung. Kunckel d’Herculais, 1637 ; Afrique orientale anglaise Cetonides. Kuhnt, 1644; Congo Stephanocratcs sp. n. Lesne, 1724 ; Abyssinie, 5 spp. n. Lewis, 1726; Africa trop. & mer. Jlisteridae 7 spp. n. Maindron, 1789 ; Congo Cicindela sp. n. Maindron, 1790; Assinie Callisto- mimus sp. n. Marshall, 1820 ; Congo Curculionidae 6 spp. n., gen. n. Marshall, 1824; Ruwenzori Curcu- lionidae 7 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Moser, 1962; 4 spp. n., Pachnoda, Anoplochilus, Elassochiton & Amau- rina. Olivier, 2087 ; Angola Diaphanes sp. n. Olivier, 2091 ; Africa occ. Luciola sp, II. d’Orbigny, 2099; Congo Ontho «■ phagus sp. n. d’Orbigny, 2100; Especes nouvelles d’Onthophagides et Notes synony- miques. Pangella, 2124 ; Passalidi, Cetoniini, ed Elateridi dell’ Uganda e del Ruwen- zori. Peringuey, 2157 ; S. Africa Meloidae 29 spp. n., 7 genn. n. Pic, 2180 ; Congo 6 spp. n., Silidius, Lytta & Zonabris. Pic, 2181 ; Congo 2 spp. n., Hapalo- chrous & Zonabris. Pic, 2184 ; Hylophilus 5 spp. n. Pic, 2191 ; Africa 12 spp. n., Nemog- natha, Apalus & Zonabris. Pic, 2207 ; Dahomey & Natal Zonitomorpha 2 spp. n. Raffray, 2306 ; Abyssinia Conno- dontus sp. n. Schenkling, 2547 ; East Africa Trichodes sp. n. Schmidt, 2559 ; Aphodiini, 8 spp. n. • Schmidt, 2560 ; Aphodiidae 7 spp. n. Schonfeldt, £584; Kilimandjaro Meru, Brenthidae list. Schwartz, 2646 ; Elateridae many spp. n. Sicard, 2699 ; Rodolia sp. n. Spaeth, 2775; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Cassidae list, gen. n., 5 spp. n. Szombathy, 2894 ; Adelocera sp. n. Th6ry, 2911 ; Lac Rodolphe Bupres- tidae 4 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Wagner, 3064; Congo Apion 3 spp. n. Wagner, 3065 ; Africa trop. & mer. Apion 16 spp. n. 193 Insecla. Subject Index. — Geography — Africa. Warren, 3105; Trop. & S. Africa Geom,etridae 28 spp. n. & Epiplema 2 spp. n. Waterhouse, 3120 ; Ruwenzori Agrilus sp. n. Weise, 3145; Chrysomeliden und Coccitielliden aus Deutsch Zambesia, 2 spp. n., Monolepta & Blepharida. Weise, 3147; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Chrysomelidaelist, 5 genn. n., 88 spp. n., Goccinellidae list, 12 spp. n. Wellman, 3152; Angola Meloidac 12 spp. n. Wellman & Horn, 3155; Angola Cicindela sp. n. Hymenoptera. Andr£, 38 ; Congo Mulilla sp. n. & Da-sylabroides sp. n. Andr6, 39 ; S. Africa Mutillidae 6 spp. n. Andr6, 40; Siidafrika Mutillidae 6 spp. n. Bingham, 239 ; Ruwenzori 2 spp. n., Philanthus & Iphiaulax. Brauns, 322; Siidafrika Epeolus 2 spp. n. Brauns, 333 ; Siidafrikas Grocisa 4 spp. n. Brues, 385; S. Africa Scelionidae gen. n. Du Buysson, 431 ; Ilexachrysis sp. n. Cameron, 458; S. Africa gen. n. Meteor inae. Cockerell, 535; 2 spp. n. Nomioides & Nomia. Cockerell, 552 ; Benguella Megachile «p. n. Crosby, 621 ; Africa or. Chalicididae 9 spp. n. Du Buysson, 758; Monographic Belonogaster , 2 spp. n. Forel, 933 ; Formicidae 10 spp. n. Friese, 979; Kilimandjaro-Mer'u, Apidae List, 26 spp. n. Friese, 980 ; Apidae many spp. n. Kohl, 1591 ; Pemba isld. Sceliphron sp. n. Meunier, 1893 ; Zanzibar copal Alaptus sp. n. (n-11091 j) Meunier, 1895; Zanzibar copal My mar inae sp. n. Mocs&ry, 1926; Africa or. Tenthre- dinidae 4 spp. n. Peringuey, 2156; S. Africa Mutil- lidae 29 spp. n. Silvestri, 2716; Africa mer. Pros- paltella sp. n. Turner, 2965 ; Erythrea Plesia sp. n. Zivattari, 3228; Ruwenzori. Lepidoplera. Aurivillius, 69; Tropical and S. Africa, 39 spp, nn., Acraeat Diestogyna, Aphnceus, Imbrsia, Leucoperina gen. n., Phasicnecus, Tuerla, Chionopsyche gen. n., Beralade, Bombycopsis, Philo - terma, Leipoaxis, Ceratopacha gen. n., Schausinna gen. n., Trichopisthia gen. n., Catabeleda , Taragama, Pachypasa, Graspia gen. n., Odonotopacha gen. n., Pachymeta, Rhynchobombyx gen. n., Parameta gen. n., Stenophatna gen. n., Opisthodontia. Aurivillius, 72 ; Pemba isld. 2 spp. n. Pygaera & Homeomeria. Bastelberger, 156; Congo 3 spp. n., Thalera, Epigynopteryx & Xylopteryx. Bastelberger, 158; Africaor. Acidalia 3 spp. n. Bastelberger, 162; Angola Geo- melridae 4 spp. n. Bastelberger, 164 ; Gedmetridae 8 spp. n.,gen. n. Bethune-Baker, 218; Trop. Africa 42 spp. n., Oberonia , Notodontidae 2 gen. n., Gargetta, M arshalliana, Aletarbela, Miresa, Parasa, Narosa , Paraphanta, Leipaxais, Olapa, Euproctis, Laelia, Soloe, Estigmene , Borolia, W ester mannia, Hypothripa, Arcyothora, Ogovia, Ercheia, Ophiusa, Gapnodes, Diomea, Sarmatia, Hypena , Aegocera, Rhanidophora, Neglat Stemmatophora, Pilocrocis, Phry- ganodes, Sylepta and Glyphodes. Druce, 745; West Africa Hes- periidae 10 spp. n. Dudgeon, 764; W. Africa 3 spp. n., Acraea, Mycalesis & Lipteninae gen. n. Ehrmann, 799 ; Congo Papilio sp. n. Eltringham, 803 ; Cameroons Mima - craea sp. n. d 22 194 Iiisecta. XIT. Iiisecta. [1909] Fletcher, 916; S. Africa gen. n. Orneodidae. Griinberg, 1216 ; Africa or. 2 spp. n., Epiphora & Phalera. Hampson, 1244; 18 spp. n., Syn- tomidae, Arctiidae gen. n., Noctuidae. Hampson, 1246; Macro-Heterocera 63 spp. n. Hampson, 1247 ; Noctuidae Acronyc- tinae 33 spp. n. Heron, 1204; Ruwemori Rhopalo- cera 8 spp. n., Qnophodes, Acraea, Qharaxes, Uranothauma, Harpendyreus, Oxypalpus, Oeratrichia & Ghioneigia. Meyrick, 1900; Transvaal, Ptero- phoridae, Orneodidae, Tortricidae & Tineidae many spp. n., genni n. Schulze, 2630 ; Cameroon Charaxes sp. n. Schultze, 2631 ; Bemerkungen iiber Seitz Fauna africana von ,,Die Gross- schmetterlinge der Erde“, sowie Be- sprechung von neuen Tagfalterformen aus Kumerun. Strand, 2822 ; Obcr-Guinea und Sudan 6 spp. n., Papilio, Pieris, Epi- phora, Hylemera, Dasychira. Strand, 2823; Kilwezi, 4 spp. n., Aegocera & Beralade. Strand, 2824 ; Sambesi-Gebiet 9 spp. n., Sarangesa, Phasicnecus, Arcyophora , Noctuidae 2 genn. n., Polyocha, Cata- clystafo Oligochroides gen. n. Strand, 2825; 8 spp. n., Deilemera, Eohemera & Secusio. Strand, 2830 ; Amphicallia sp. n. Strand, 2831 ; Deutsch-Ostafrika 8 spp. n., Mylothrie, Lymantriidae gen. n., Acantharctia, Metarbela & Noc- tuidae. Strand, 2834 ; Africa or. Anaphe sp. n. Strand, 2836; Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, 9 spp. n., Gyrtogone, Boarmia, Eu- chloris, Oedaleosia, Amsacta, Talis, Tyndis, Noorda & Alavona. Strand, 2837 ; West Africa 4 spp. n., Acrojana, Trisulopsis & Scopariopsis genn. n. Strand, 2839 ; Africa or. Lycae- nesthes 3 spp. n. Strand, 2841 ; Deutsch-Ost-Afrika 4 spp. n., Cupido, Chalcidica, Eumeta & Boarmia. Strand, 2842; Delagoa Bay, Hes- periidae 2 spp. n., gen. n. Strand, 2^43; East Africa Thaumato - poea sp. n. Strand, 2844; Hylothris sp. n. Strand, 2846 ; East Africa Xantho- spilopteryx sp. n. Swierstra, 2885 ; S. Africa 3 spp. n., Leptoneura, Lycaena, Phasis. Swierstra, 2887 ; Check list Rhopa- locera. Swinhoe, 2888; Uganda 6 spp. n., Parnara, Galletaera, Lophochlora, Sy- nelis, Induna, & gen. n. Quadrifidae. Trimen, 2948 ; S. Africa Phyllo- campa sp. n. Trimen, 2949 ; E. Africa Pseudacraea sp. n. Walsingham, 3086 ; East Africa Orneodes sp. n. Weymer, 3166 ; Bombyces 10 spp. n.r Bunaea, Nudaurelia, Goodia, Ludia Jana & Gonobombyx. Wichgrai, 3177 ; Rhodesia Acraea 2 spp. n. Trichoptera. Ulmer, 2977 ; Cameroons Proto - dipseudopsis gen. n. Neuroptera. Banks, 134 ; S. Africa M yrmeleonidat gen. n. Kirby, 1533 ; Ruwenzori Palpares sp. n. Nav&s, 2011 ; Mantispa 4 spp. n. Diptera, Austen, 74 ; Gulicoides 3 spp. n. Austen, 75; Muscidae 3 spp. n.r gen. n. Austen, 76; blood-sucking flies,, descriptions & illustrations. Austen, 77 ; Ruwenzori 12 spp. n., Proagonistes, Asarcina, Senaspis, Megaspis, Dejeania, gen. n. near Chaetolyga, Dexia & Sarcophaga. Becker, 173 ; Afrique orientale, 28 spp. n. 195 Inaecta. Subject Index. — Geography — Africa. Becker, 178; Cameroons Culicoides sp. n. Graham, 1155; Ashanti Eretmapo- dites 4 spp. n. Speiser, 2778; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Oonopidae 3 spp. n. Speiser, 2779; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Orthorhapha list, 26 spp. n. Surcouf, 2863 ; Tabanus sp. n. Surcouf, 2865; Afrique occidentale Tabanus 6 spp. n. Surcouf, 2866 ; Chrysozona 2 spp. n. Surcouf et Ricardo, 2867 ; Etude monographique des Tabanides d’ Af- rique, Tabanus. Tavares, 2899 ; Zambesi Cecido- myiidae genn. et spp. n. Theobald, 2907 ; Ashanti Culicidae 33 spp. n., genn. n. Trag&rdh, 2939; Natal Phoridae gen. n. Aphaniptera. Rothschild, 2475; Sierra Leone Loemopsylla sp. n., S. Africa Ischno- psyllus sp. n. Waterston, 3124; S. Africa Cerato- phyllus sp. n. Hemiptera. (Breddin, 338; Neue Rhynchoten Amphithezia.) Distant, 701 ; S. Africa Ricaniinae 3 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Distant, 708; Gold coast Sahlber- gella sp. n. Distant, 711; Ruwenzori long list. Horv&th, 1374 ; Africa occ. Sirthenea 2 spp. n. Melichar, 1883; Ost-afrika, 17 spp. n., genn. n. Reuter, 2385; Kilimandjaro Gorpis sp. n. Reuter, 2393 ; 2 spp. n. Lasiochilus & Triphleps. Reuter & Poppius,, 2400 ; Nabidae 0 spp. n. Schmidt, 2668 ; Issides 6 spp. n. Schouteden, 2586 ; Africa trop. & Natal Reduviidae 24 spp. n. (n-11091 j) Aphidae & Coceidae. Marchal, 1807 ; 1’ Afrique occidentale 4 spp. n. Marchal, .1812; 1’ Afrique occiden- tale, Howardia gen.n., Aspidiotus sp. n. Marchal, 1813; Afrique occidentale. Tavares, 2899 ; Zambesi Aphis sp. n. Anoplura. Enderlein, 832 ; Haematopinus sp. n. Neumann, 2036 ; Haematopinus sp.n. Thysanoptera. Bagnall, 97 ; Urothrips n. gen. et n. sp. Buffa, 396 ; 4 spp. n. Psocidae. Enderlein, 817 ; Transvaal 2 spp. n., gen. li. Embiidae . Enderlein, 829 ; 3 spp. n. Termitidae. Silvestri, 2718; Spedisione al Ru- wenzori. Plecoptera. Enderlein, 820; Cameroons Ochtho- petina gen. n. Enderlein, 826; Transvaal Ochtho- petina sp. n. Klap&lek, 1554 ; Neoperla 4 spp. n. Klap&lek, 1561 ; 2 spp. n. Ephemeridae. Ulmer, 2981 ; Caenis sp. n. Odonata. Forster, 922; Cameroons 2 spp. n., gen. n. Kirby, 1533 ; Ruwenzori Libellulidae gen. n. Ris, 2417 ; W. Africa Libellulinae 2 spp. n., Micromacromia & gen. n. Ris, 2418 ; Abessinische Libellen SJflstedt, 2724; Kilimandjaro Meru. list, 2 gen. n., 10 spp. n. Zavattari, 3230 ; Ruwenzori. d 22—2 196 Insecta. -XU. insecta. [1909] Orthoptera. Bolivar, 272; Cameroons, Mazar- redia sp. n. Bolivar, 274; Erythrea Parasphena sp. n. Borelli, 291 ; Erythraea Anisolabis 2 spp. n. Borelli, 296; Dermaptera doll* Uganda e del Ruwenzori. Burr, 409; Forficulidae 4 spp. n., Hypurgus, Spongiphora, gen. n. Burr, 410 ; Congo Karschiella sp. n. Burr, 413; Africa trop. 2 spp. n., Labia & Labidura. Giglio-Tos,1099 ; Uganda e Ruwen- zori. Griffini, 1181 ; Africa trop. Phas- gonuridae 4 spp. n., Tetraconcha,Homo- coryphus, Hexacentrus & Anabropsis. Hancock, 1248 ; Africa trop. & mer. Tetriginae 7 spp. n. Karny, 1488; Ost-afrikanische, Ser- pusia sp. n., Chortoicetes sp. n., Oecan- thidae gen. n. Kirby, 1534; Ruwenzori Blattidae 2 spp. n. & Locustidae gen. n. Shelford, 2682; Africa trop. Blat- tidae 10 spp. n. Shelford, 2683; 8 spp. n., Oyna Phenacisma, Gynopettia & gen. n. Sjostedt, 2723; Congo Gratidia sp. n., E. Africa Taracliodes sp. n. Sjostedt, 2725; Kilimandjaro-Meru- Mantodea list, 16 spp. n. Sjostedt, 2726; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Phastnodea list, 16 spp. n. Sjostedt, 2727 ; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Gryllodea, 7 genn. n. 24 spp. n. Sjostedt, 2728; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Locustodeaiiat, 1 gen. n., 20 spp. n. Sjostedt, 2729; Kilimandjaro-Meru, Acridiidae list, 2 genn. n., 18 spp. n. Werner, 3158; Congo Mantidae 2 spp. n., gen. n. Madagascar and Mascarene Islands. Coleoptera . Alluaud, 34 ; Colpodea 21 spp. n. Gestro, 1080 ; Xiphiapa sp. n. Horn, 1369 ; Pogonostoma 2 spp. n.^ Moser, 1962 ; Anochilia sp. n. & Pygora sp. n. Schwarz, 2646 ; Elateridae spp. n. Sicard, 2697 ; Revision des Coccinel- lides, many spp. n. Th6ry, 2912 ; Bupreatidae 4 spp. n. Weise, 3144; Hispinen und Coccinel- liden, 23 spp. n. Hymenoptera. Forel, 933 ; Seychelles Solenopaia sp. n. Forel, 939 ; La faune malgaehe des fourmis et ses rapports avec les faunes de l’Afrique, de l’lnde, de 1* Australia etc. Kohl, 1591 ; Fossoria 7 spp. n. Krieger, 1625 ; Echthromorpha sp. n. Meunier, 1893 ; Copal, Litus sp. n. Meunier, 1895 ; M ymarinae sp. n. in copal. Zavattari, 3227 ; Reunion Mutilla sp. n. Lepidoptera. Aurivillius, 69; 3 spp. n., Cloatero- thrix, Pachymeta, Diplura. Aurivillius, 72; Madagascar & Co- moro islds., 6 spp. n., Gupido, Aganaia , Eilema, Lenyra & Galeaia. Bastelberger, 162 ; Derambila sp. n. Hampson, 1244; Rodriguez Cirphia sp. n. Hampson, 1247 ; Noctuidae, Tha - latha sp. n. Oberthtir, 2080 ; Polyptichus sp. n. Strand, 2825 ; Deilemera , sp. n. Strand, 2828 ; Gaatniidae gen. n. Trichoptera. Ulmer, 2977 ; Dipseudopaia sp. n. Ulmer, 2984; Madagaskar und den Comoren, Anisocentropus sp. n. Neuroptera. Navds, 2011 ; Mantiapa sp. n. Weele, 3135; 4 spp. n., Acan- thucliaia, Formicaleo & Leucochryaa. 197 Insccta. Subject Index. — Madagascar — Asta, Tropical and East. Diptera. Surcouf, 2864 ; Tabanides nouveaux. llemiptera. Bervoets, 215 ; Copal recent Aradus sp. n. Distant, 700; Fulgoridae gen. n. near Nilalohita. Distant, 710 ; Seychelles and neigh- bouring groups 16spp. n. Horv&th, 1374; Sirthenea sp. n. Reuter, 2385 ; Gorpis sp. n. Newstead, 2047 ; 2 spp. n., Lecanium &■ Aleurodes. Reuter & Poppius, 2400; Alloeo- rhynchus sp. n. Schmidt, 2568 ; Tylana sp. n. 8ohouteden,2586 ; M argasus 2 Bpp.n. Sulo, 2853 ; Psylla sp. n Tcrmitidae. Holmgren, 1351 ; 2 spp. n. Epliemeridae . Ulmer, 2984; Comoro islds. 2 spp. n., Centroptilum and Hagenulus. Odonnta. Ris,2417; Madagascar and Nossi B6, Callophlebia 2 spp. n. Orthoptera. Griffini, 1182 ; Gryllacris sp. n. Griffini, 1185; Mauritius Gryllacris sp. n. Griffini, 1191 ; Gryllacris 2 spp. n. Asia, Tropical & Eastern, Including Japan, Biluchistan, Afghanistan. For West & Centr. Asia vide Palaearctic (h.) ; for North Asia ricfe Palaearctic (c.) In8eda, collectively. Green, 1171; fauna of Sigiriya Rock. Maxwell-Lefroy, & Howlett, 1856; Indian insect life. Willey, 3186; Notes on a trip from Ambalantota to Hambegamuwa. Coleoptera. Annandale & Horn, 49; India, Ci- cindelidae list. Arrow, 57 ; Ceylon, China, Burma and India, 4 spp. n., Sisyphus, Drepano- cerus and Rhyparus. Arrow, 58; India Necrodes sp. n. Arrow, 59 ; India and Malay penins. 4 spp. n., Phaeochroops and Phaeo- chrous. Bernhauer, 213; Japan Anthobium sp. n. Boucomont, 303 ; Yunnan Enoplo - trupes sp. n. Champion, 488; China Dryotribus mimcticus. Csiki, 624 ; Tonkin Scaphidium sp. n. Ericson,.843 ; Japan Ptenidiumap. n. Felsohe, 889 ; India Gymnopleurtis. Fowler, 955 ; India and Ceylon Lan - guridae 12 spp. n., genn. n. Hagedorn, 1229; India and Burma Diamerus 2 spp. n. Hirano, 1328; Prefecture Chiba, (Japanese). Horn, 1360 ; Assam Gollyris sp. n. Janson, 1424; Burma and Ass^m 3 spp. n., Diceros and Taeniodera. Jordan, 1467 ; S. India Anthribidae 4 spp. n., Litocerus, Ilypseus, Disphae- rona and Dinectarius. Kerremans, 1502 ; Tonkin, India and Siam 3 spp. n. Chrysodema and Pkrixia. Kieseritzky, 1529 ; Saghalien Thana- tophilus sp. n. Lameere, 1678 ; Ceylon and Nicobar islds. Megopis 2 spp. n. Lewis, 1726 ; Nankin Carcinops sp. n. Maindron, 1790; Malabar and Yun- nan Pristomachaerus 2 spp. n. Moser, 1963; India, Tonkin, China, Formosa, Holotrichia and Brahmina 9 spp. n. Olivier, 2087 ; Tonkin and Siam 3 spp. n., Vesta, Lucernutaand Pleroptyx. Olivier, 2088 ; China Lampyridae 3 spp. n. Pic, 2182 ; Bengale Eurygenius sp. n. 198 Insecta. X1T. Insecta. Pic, 2200; India 4 spp. n., Tele- phones, Pyrochroa, Formicomus. and Hylophilus. Pio, 2201 ; Anthicus de Himalaya 2 spp. n. ; Pic, 2206 ; India Idgia sp. n. Raffray, 2306; Japan, Ceylon, Co- chin China, India, Pselaphidae 14 spp. n. Reitter, 2362 ; China Cardbus sp. n. . Ritsema, 2422; Medan Pachyteria sp. n. Schmidt, 2559 ; Aphodius 2 spp. n. Schmidt, 2530 ; Yunnan etc. Japan Aphodiidae 5 spp. n. Silvestri, 2716; China and Japan Chilocorus sp. n. Stebbing, 2797; India Scolytidae 15 spp. n. Stebbing, 2798; Himalaya Chrarn * esus sp. n. Szombathy, 2894 ; Assam and Shan- ghai Campsosternus 2 spp. n. Wagner, 3069; Formosa Apion 4 spp. n. Strepaiptera. Pierce, 2224; Japan, Siam, Annam, spp. n. Hymenoptera. Annandale, 48 ; Calcutta Alaptus sp. n. Buysson, 431 ; Japan, Tonkin, China, Bhutan, Chrysididae 6 spp. n. Cameron, 439a; India 15 spp. n., Apidae and Odynerus . Cameron, 440 ; India, Ichneumonidae 7 genn. n., spp. n. Cameron, 442 ; India Apidae 9 spp. n. Cameron, 447 ; Simla E vania sp. n. Cameron , 458; Himalaya Salius sp. n. Cameron, 459a ; Apidae and Eume- nidae spp. n. Cameron, 460 ; Ceylon undescribed Ichneumonidae and Braeonidae. Cockerell, 535 ; Baltistan Bombus sp. n. Cockerell, 555 ; Assam Habropoda sp. n. [1909] 537 ; Siam Mesotrichia Formosa Evaniidae Cockerell, sp. n. Enderlein, 816; 6 spp. n. Forel, 938 : Ceylon Camponotus sp. n. Kokujev, 1594 ; China occ., Mongolia, Tibet, Ichneumonidae spp. nn. Mocsdry, 1926; Japan, Tonkin and Malacca, Tenthredinidae 13 spp. n. Nurse, 2074 ; India 14 spp. n., Astata, Tachytes and Tachysphex. Silvestri, 2716; Japan Archenomus sp. n. Turner, 2966; India 2 spp. n., My- zine and Plesia. Wheeler, 3168; Formosa Polyrhacis sp. n. and Pheidole sp. n. Wickwar, 3184 ; rare Aculeata. Zavattari, 3226; Kashmir Eumenes sp. n. Cockerell, 534 ; China and Japan Halictus of. Lepidoptera. Bastelberger, 153 ; Formosa Qeo - metridae 3 spp. n. Bastelberger, 160 ; Formosa Oeo - metridae 36 spp. n. Bell, 188; India Bhopalocera of the plains of India and Hill Stations of the Bombay Presidency. Chapman, 496 ; India Zizera sp. n. Druce, 744; Formosa Phengaris sp. n. Ehrmann, 799 ; Burma and Japan Papilio 2 spp. n. Fletcher, 917 ; Ceylon Pterophoridae 3 spp. n. Floersheim, Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 160- 164 ; Ceylon in December, notes. Fruhstorfer, 1008 ; Formosa Chliaria sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1011 ; Siam Celaenor - rhinus sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1026 ; Formosa Satarupa sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1032 ; Formosa Cure t is sp. n. (Fruhstorfer, 1034; indomalavisohen Gebiet, Zendidia, Clerome.) 199 Insecta. Subject Index. — Asia, Tropical and East. Hampson, 1244; Ceylon Celama 2 spp. n., Formosa Ilemasp. n., Chionae- ma sp. n., Diacrisia sp. n., Agrotis sp. n., Singapore Pasteosia sp. n., Madras Asura sp. n., China Diacrisia sp. n., Mythimna sp. n., Kashmir 2 spp. n., Malay penins. Elusa sp. n. Hampson, 1247 ; Tibet, Noctuidae Acronycta and Daseochaeta , 2 spp. n. Hampson, 1247 ; India, China, Japan Formosa Noctuidae Acronyctinae 15 spp. n. Harcourt-Bath, 1253 ; Himalaya Pa- pilionidae perpendicular distribution. Joannis, 1443 ; China Eublemma sp. n. Kon, 1603 ; ostasiatischen. Manders, 1796; Ceylon Abaratha eiamica. Manson, 1799 ; Itidia Sphingidae new localities. Martin, 1834; Singapore Pieris melete. Matsumura, 1851 ; Formosa Rho- palocera. Matsumura, 1851 ; Japans Pieriden, 4 spp. n. Matsumura, 1853 ; Japans Danaiden utid Satyriden 4 spp. n. from Formosa. Matsumura, 1853 ; Formosa Sasakia sp. n. Meyrick, 1901 ; India Tineidae many spp. n. Meyrick, 1902; Eucosmidae many spp. n. Miyake, 1916; Japan Latirostrum sp. n. Miyake, 1917 ; Japan 3 spp. n., Diacrisia and Creatonotus. Oberthiir, 2078; Formosa 2 spp. n., Pieris and Phengaris. Swinhoe, 2888; India Celaenorhinus sp. n. Warren, 3106 ; Kashmir to Kago- shima 10 spp. n., Pharambara, Epiplema and Oeometridae. Witt, 3200 ; Nimar district Rhopalo * cera. N europtera. Nav&s, 2011 ; India and Japan M antispa 3 spp. n. Nav&s, 2012 ; India Dilarini gen. n. Nav&s, 2016 ; Japan Raphidia sp. n. Nav&s, 2021 ; Japan, Panorpidae 5 spp. nn. Weele, 3136 ; Burma Olyptobasis sp. P- Weele, 3137 ; 5 spp. n., Japan Sialis , China and India, Protohermes Hermes and gen. n. N eochauliodes , Korea vide Palaearctic. Diptera. Annandale, 47 ; India Diplonema sp. n. Austen, 75; India and Ceylon Mus- cidae 6 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Froggatt, 987 ; Ceylon Ceratitis sp. n. Hendel, 1293 ; Formosa Trigono- metopus sp. n., Hongkong Sepedon sp. n. Hendel, 1295 ; Formosa and Ceylon Chrysomyza sp. n. Kert6sz, 1537 ; Formosa Loxoneura sp. n. Kertdsz, 1538; Formosa Stratiomyi - idae gen. n. and Evaza sp. n. Lichtwardt, 1727 ; India, Burma, Ceylon, Formosa, N emestrinidae 5 spp. n. Lichtwardt, 1728; Westlichen Hima- laya, 3 spp. n. Pterodontia, Laphria, and Cuphocera. Pratt, 2274 ; Federated Malay States Tabanidae. Ricardo, 2407 ; India Tabanus 4 spp. n. Townsend, 2933 ; Tachina sp. n. Tlemiptera. Bergroth, 198; India, Aschistocoris sp. n., Euthetus sp. n., Tapinus sp. n. Breddin, 336 ; Ceylon 30 spp. n. Distant, 696 ; Bengal 2 spp. n., Val- leriola and Hilda. Distant, 698; India, Ceylon, Tenas- serim, and Burma, Lygaeidae 40 spp. n., genn. n. Distant, 699; India and Ceylon, 27 spp. n., Lygaeidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Phy- matidae, Aradidae, Hebridae, Hydro- metridae, Reduviidae, gen. n. 200 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Distant, 700; Malay penins. and Andaman islds., Fulgoridae spp. n., Lollius and Tempsa , 2 genn. n. Distant, 701 ; India gen. n. Ricani- inae. Distant, 702 ; India and Ceylon Capsidae 44 spp. n., genn. n. Distant, 703; India Tingitidae 18 spp. n. Distant, 704; India and Ceylon 28 spp. n., Metacan thus, Tingitidae gen. n., Aradus , Reduviidae 22 spp. n. and genn. n., Saida. Distant, 705; Nilgiri hills Gapsidae 4 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Distant, 706 ; China Cicadidae gen. n. Distant, 707 ; India Rihana sp. n., Ceylon Terpnosia sp. n. Distant, 709 ; Malacca Amissus sp. n. Kirkaldy, 1539 ; China Cicadidae & Cercopidae 4 spp. n. Kirkaldy, 1542; Malacca Cylindro- atethua sp. n. Kirkaldy, 1552 ; China Pentatomidae 2 spp. n. Kuwana, 1650 ; Japan Coccidae 8 spp. n. Montandon, 1934; India Geocoris sp. n. Reuter and Poppius, 2400 ; China & Afghanistan Nabidae 2 spp. n. Schmidt, 2561 ; India Mioscarta sp. n. Schmidt, 2564 ; Cambodia Cercopidae gen. n. Schmidt, 2568 ; Formosa Hemi- sphaerius sp. n. Coccidae . Green, 1164; India Kermcs sp. n. Green, 1166 ; India Margarodes. Green, 1173 ; Ceylon many spp. n. Termitidae. Oshima, 2106 ; Japan Termites (Japanese). Shiraki, 2694; Formosa & Japan 6 spp. n. Perlidae. Enderlein, 820; Tonkin & Sikkim 3 spp. n., Perla & Acroneuria. Enderlein, 826; Tonkin & Malacca, 2 spp. n., gen. n. Klap&lek, 1551; India & Malacca 3 spp. n. Klapalek, 1555; Tonkin Acroneuria sp. n. Klap&lek, 1558; Japan Perlinae . Odonata. Forster, 922 ; Japan Somatochlora sp. n. Martin, 1835; India, Japan, Tonkin, 7 spp. n., Austroaeschna, Calliaeschnar Jagoria, Periaeschna gen. n., Oyna- cantha. Orthoptera. Bolivar, 272; India, Assam, Burma, Acridiidae 6 spp. n., Eugavialidium , Mazarredia, Coptotettix, & Xistrella gen. n. Borelli, 293 ; Kashmir Forficulidae 2 spp. n. (Carl, 466 ; Neue Locustodeen von Ceylon und Borneo.) Hancock, 1248; India, Ceylon & Malay penins., Telriginae 8 spp. n. Shelf ord, 2682 ; Ceylon & Annam Anaplectoidea 2 spp. n. Shelford, 2686 ; India Epilampra sp. n. Collembola. Borner, 257 ; Japans Collembolen fauna, 30 spp. n. Asiatic Archipelago. Java to New Guinea, incl. Philippines. Insecta, collectively. Rouffaer and others, 2499; Neu- Guinea, H ijmenoptera & N europteroidea Listes. Coleoptera. Arrow, 58 ; Java Episcapha sp. n. Arrow, 59 ; Hybosorinae 6 spp. n. Csiki, 624 ; Sumatra Trochoideus sp. n., New Guinea Scaphidiidae 2 genn. n. Everts, 848 ; Sumatra Dascillidae 3 spp. n., genn. n. Felsche, 869; Now Guinea Lipavo- chrus sp. n. 201 Insecta. Subject Index. — Asiatic Archipelago. Fowler, 955 ; Borneo Languriidae sp. n. Hagedorn, 1229; Sumatra Scoly- tidae 3 spp. n. Horn, 1360 ; Borneo Cicindela 2 spp. n. Horn, 1363 ; Philippines Protkyma 2 spp. n. Kerremans, 1502 ; Buprestidae 8 spp. n. Lameere, 1678; Borneo & Sumatra Megopis 3 spp. n. Lewis, 1726; Tenimber Platylister sp. n., Borneo Platysoma sp. n. Mollenkamp, 1928; New Guinea Lucanidae 2 spp. n. Mollenkamp, 1929; Sumatra Aegiis sp. n. Moser, 1962; 6 spp. n. Tkaumasto- poeus, Clialcophasis and Protactia. Moser, 1963 ; Java Holotrichia 2 spp. n. & Dammerisld. Brahminn sp. n. Pic, 2206 ; Sumatra Idgia sp. n. Ritsema, 2421 ; Helota synopsis sp. n. Ritsema, 2423; Borneo Pachyteria sp. n. Ritsema, 2424; Java Adclotopus sp. n. Schmidt, 2559; Aphodiini 5 spp. n. Spaeth, 2776 ; Cassididae collected by the Dutch New Guinea Expedition 1907. Szombathy, 2894 ; New Guinea Elateridae 2 spp. n.. Bacon & Mono- crepidius. Weise, 3144; New Guinea Xiphispa sp. n. Strepsiptera. Pierce, 2224 ; Philippines sp. n. Hymenoptera. Andr6, 41 ; Java Mutilla 2 spp. n. Cameron, 441 ; Borneo Peramhly- notus sp. n. Cemeron, 443; Borneo 3 spp. n., Philomedes, Schizaspidia & Melapclma. Cameron, 444 ; Borneo Braconidae gen. n. Cameron, 445 ; Borneo Proctotry- pidae gen. n. Cameron, 446 ; Borneo Ichneumonidae 5 spp. n. Cameron, 447 ; Borneo Evania 2 spp. n. Cameron, 448; Borneo Nomadct sp. n. Cameron, 449; Borneo Mutilla 2 spp. n. Cameron, 453 ; Borneo Discolia sp. n. 6 Tiphia sp. n. Cameron, 451 ; Borneo Pompilus & Salius, 4 spp. n. Cameron, 452 ; Borneo Zeuthus sp. n- Cameron, 453 ; Borneo Ghalcididae 2 genn. n. Cameron, 454 ; Borneo Eucharinae 7 spp. n. Cameron, 457 ; Borneo 2 spp. n.,. Pison & Notogonia. Cameron, 459; Borneo Braconidae 12 spp. n. Cockerell, 534 ; Xmas island Lithur - gus sp. n. Cockerell, 535; Amboina Grocisa sp. n. , Enderlein, 821 ; Sumatra 2 spp. ri., Pseudagenia & Paragenia. Forel, 933 ; Labuan Gamponotue sp. n. Forel und Jacobson, 944; Java und Krakatau Ameisen 3 spp. n. Friese, 977 ; Neu-Guinea Bienen- fauna. many spp. n. Krieger; 1625; Echthromorpha 4 spp. n. Lange, 1689; New Guinea Tremex sp. n. Mocs&ry, 1926 ; Tenthrcdinidae 6 spp. n. Wheeler, 3168 ; Philippines 2 spp. n.* Iridomyrmex & Polyrhacis. Lepidoptera. Bastelberger, 165; Moluccas Ram- bara sp. n. Bethune-Baker, 219; ' New Guinea 3 spp. n., Morphotenaris, Candalides and Hypochrysops. 202 Insecta. XIL Insecta. [1909] Chapman, 496 ; Java Zizera sp. n. , Druce, 748; New Guinea 3 spp. n., Diacrisia , Nadata and Pterocyclophora. Druce, 749 ; Borneo Eublemma sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1009; New Guinea Danais sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1011 ; Celebes Celaenor- rhinus sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1014 ; Borneo and Nias 2 spp. n., Plastingia and Tagiades. (Fruhstorfer, 1036; Neue Amathu- eiinae.) Hampson, 1244; 4 spp. n., Hyalae- thea, Celama, Elusa . Kenrick, 1499; New Guinea Delias 10 spp. n. Lathy, 1692. New Guinea Mor- photenaris sp. n. Martin, 1832. Ceram Ideopsia sp. n. Martin, 1833. Java Terpander sp. n. Piepers & Snellen, 2221 ; Java Pieridae. Swinhoe, 2888; 10 spp. n., Hasora, Synegia, Hypochrosis, Loxotephria, Ec- tropis, Callidula , Cleis, Scopelodes, Hyblaea, Ophiusa . Warren, 3106 ; New Guinea Bordera sp. n. Weymer, 3165; Sumatra Tripura sp. n., Celebes Antheraea sp. n. Trichoptera. Ulmer, 2977 ; 3 spp. n., Borneo Dipseudopsis, Java Amphipsyche and Diplectrona. Ulmer, 2978 ; Java 6 spp. n. Neuroptera. Nav&s, 2011 ; Sumatra, Philippines, and New Guinea, M antispa 3 spp. n. Weele, 3137 ; Sumatra Hermes sp. n. Weele, 3138 ; Malay Archipelago, 12 spp. n., Planipcnnia and Panorpatae. Weele, 3139 ; Neuropteroidea der hollandischen Neu-Guinea-Expedition. Diptera. Banks, 128 ; Philippines Culicidae 4 spp. n. Brues, 384 ; Philippines Aphiochaeta 2 spp. n. Doctors van Leeuwen & Meyere, 723 ; Agromyza sp. n. Knab, 1574; Philippines 2 spp. n., Mansonia and Aedeomyia. ' Lichtwardt, 172 1; New Guinea Adriadops sp. n. Ludlow, 1763 ; Philippines 2 spp. n., Anopheles and Pseudouranotaenia. Ludlow, 1764; Philippines Oculio- myia sp. n. Ludlow, 1765; Philippines, novelties and 2 spp. n., Taeniorhynchus and Uranotaenia. Meyere, 1898; 2 genn. n., Culicidae and Milichiinae. ' Meyere, 1899 ; 6 spp. n. Ceratopogon, Culicoides & Phlebotomus. Stein, 2800 ; Javanische Anthomy- iden, 28 spp. n. Hemiptera. Banks, 129 ; Philippines 12 spp. n. Breddin, 336 ; Borneo Dysdercus, sp. n. (Breddin, 339 ; t)bersicht Micro- necta Arten.) Distant, 700 ; Sumatra & Gilolo Tylana 2 spp. n. Distant, 701 ; Aru Varda sp. n.. Coram Ricania sp. n., Borneo Pochazia 2 spp. n. Distant, 707 ; Philippines Rihana sp. n. Distant, 709; 14 spp. n., Poecilo - coris, Alcimocoris, Rhynchocoris, Embolosterna, gen. n.' near Oxylobus , Petillia, Carcinochelis , Tribelocephala, Cryptotympana, Prasia, Lembeja & Philagra. Horvdth, 1375; N. Guinea Clerada 2 spp. n. Kirkaldy, 1542 ; Philippines Ptilo- mera sp. n. Montandon, 1933 ; Sumatra Cerco * tmetus sp. n. Reuter, 2385 ; Nias isld. & New Guinea, Oorpis 2 spp. n. Reuter, 2399 ; Java Capsidae 5 spp. n. Reuter & Poppius, 2400 ; Nabidae 6 spp. n. 203 Insecta. Subject Index. — Asiatic Archipelago — Australia. Schmidt, 2531 ; Java, Sumatra & New Guinea, Cercopidae spp. n., Con- sidia, Thoodzata, Eoscarta & Noto- scarta. Schmidt, 2532; Borneo & Sumatra 2 spp. n.; Sudra & Parnsudra. Schmidt, 2533; Sumatra & Obi Cercopidae 2 genn. n. Schmidt, 2564 ; Cercopidae 2 genn. n., 7 spp. n. Schmidt, 2535; Sumatra Dalader sp. n. Schmidt, 2538 ; Issides 10 spp. n. Thysanoptera. Bagnall, 105; 7 spp. n. gen. n. Plccoptcra. Enderlein, 820; Java & Sumatta gen. n. 5 spp. n. Enderlein, 823; Java gen. n. Enderlein, 826 ; Borneo Ochthopetina sp. n. Klapdlek, 1554 ; Java, Borneo, Philippines, Neoperla 5 spp. n. «V Odonata. Martin; 1835; 5 spp. n., Amphiae- schna , Linaeschna gen. n., Platacantha gen. n. and Ileliaeschna. Martin, 1836; 2 spp. n. Onychogom- phus and Argiolestes. Ris, 2417 ; Libellulinae 2 spp. n., Celebes Lyriothemis , Borneo gen. n. Weele, 3140; Dutch New Guinea Exp., 1907, Lestes sp. n. Orthoptera. Bolivar, 272; Acridiidae 5 spp. n., Eugavialidium, Criotettix, Systolederus , Mazarredia, and Kraengia gen. n. Burr, 409 ; Lombok Eparchus sp. n., Borneo Opisthocosmia sp. n. Burr, 415 ; New Guinea Expedition, Hamaxus sp. n. Grifflni, 1179; Oryllacris 6 spp. n. Griffini, 1183; Sumatra Tympano- phoridae gen. n. Grifflni, 1185; Borneo Oryllacris sp. n. Griffini, 1189; N. Guinea Oryllacris 2 spp. n. Grifflni, 1192; New Guinea Orylla- cris 2 spp. n. Grifflni, 1195; New Guinea Orylla- cris 3 spp. n. Hancock, 1248; New Guinea islds. and Borneo Tetriginae 6 spp. n. Jordan, 1469 ; Forficulid on bat. Rehn, 2339; Sumatra 16 spp. n., genn. n. Shelford, 2682 ; Sumatra Areolaria sp. n., Borneo Pseudothyrsocera sp. n. Shelford, 2683; Borneo Methana 2 spp. n. Zacher, 3217 ; Locustidae 5 spp. n. 2 genn. n. Australia. Insecta, collectively. Clelani & Giles, 516a; N.W. Aus- tralia list. Coleoptera. Arrow, 59; 6 spp. n., Phaenognatha and Liparochrus. Blackburn, 243 ; Heteronyx many spp. n., Aneurystypus sp. n. Carter, 473 ; Tenebrionidae 19 spp. n. Champion, 488 ; Cossonidae novelties. Felsche, 869 ; Cape York Copto- dactyla 2 spp. n. Ferguson, 876 ; Psalidura 22 spp. n. Goudie, 1144; Victoria Carabidae annotated list. Lameere, 1679 ; Dorx and Pithanotes withdrawn. Lea, 1696; Curculionidae many spp., n. Lea, 1697 ; Australia and Tasmania, M alacodermidae revision, many spp. n. Lea, 1698 ; Cryptorhynchides spp. n. and genn. n. Lea, 1699; Austral, and Tasm. gen. n. Trichopterygidae. Lea, 1700 ; Curculionidae 13 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Lea, 1700a ; Curculionidae 9 spp. n., Catastygnus, Eniopea, Pachyura , Ha- plonyx, Sigastus, Lybaeba, Exithius and Pseudapries. 204 Insecta. xil. Insec ta. [1900] Lea, 1701 ; Queensland Belus sp. n. Pic, 2210 ; Paussoptinu s sp . n. Raffray, 2306 ; Pselaphidae 3 spp. n. Schmidt, 2680 ; Dialytes sp. n. Sloane, 2743 ; Cicindelidae 3 spp. n. Hymenoptera. Bingham, 238; Queensland Muti\- lidae 2 spp. n. Cockerell, 534; Apidae 2 spp. n., Hyleoides, Tetralonici. Cockerell, 535 ; Prosopis 5 spp. n. Friese, 977 ; Queensland, Anthidium f Megachile sp. n. Turner, 2964 ; Thynnidae 8 spp. n. Turner, 2965; Townsville Antho- bosca sp. n. Turner, 2966 ; Scolia and Campso- meris 4 spp. n. Wheeler, 3169 ; Victoria, Formicidae. Lepidoptera. Hampson, 1214; spp. n., Nola, Ohio- naema. Hampson, 1247 ; Noctuidae Acronyc- tinae 7 spp. n. Lyell, 1774 ; Victorian alps, list. Pfitzner, 2175 ; W. Australia Chara- gia sp. n. Turner, 2961 ; Noctuidae 25 spp. n. Waterhouse, 3122 ; Miletus 3 spp. n. Neuroptera. Banks, 136; Queensland Ilemero- biidae 10 spp. n., genn. n. Diptera. Coquillett, 598 ; Dacus sp. n. Hermann, 1300 ; Apiocera sp. n. Lichtwardt, 1727 ; Queensland Ne- mestrinidae gen. n. Aphaniptera. Rothschild, 2476 ; Echidnophaga sp. n. Rothschild, 2477 ; Parapsyllus sp. n. Hemiptera. Bergroth, 198; 3 spp. r., Spudaeus and Capyella, Tasmania Acantholybas sp. n. Bergroth, 201 ; Australia and Tas- mania 4 genn. n., Pentatomidae , Myo- dochidae and Reduviidae. Bergroth, 202 ; Choerocydnus sp. n. Distant, 701 ; Ricania 3 spp. n. Horvdth, 1374 ; Sirthenea sp. n. Horvdth, 1375 ; Clerada 2 spp. n. Jaeobi, 1409; 11 spp. n., gen. n. Reuter, 2398 ; Sidney Campsoscytus sp. n. Termitidae. Silvestri, 2717 ; genn. n., spp. n. Plecoptera. Enderlein, 826 ; gen. n. Odonata. Martin, 1835; Aeschninae 4 spp. n., Austroaeschna, Calliaeschna. Tillyard, 2920 ; Corduliinae, 5 spp. n., genn. n. Tillyard, 2921 ; Qomphinae 5 spp. n. Orthoptera. Grifllni, 1185; 2 spp. n. Paragrylla- cris and Camptonoius. Hancock, 1248 ; Tetrix sp. n. Shelford, 2683 ; Revision of Poly- zosteria group, 13 spp. n. Shelford, 2687 ; Blattidae 11 spp. n. North America. Insecta, collectively. fCockerell, 528 ; Tertiary Neuroptera and Trichoptera 4 spp. n. fCockerell, 529 ; Tertiary Orthoptera and Diptera 4 spp. n. fCockerell, 532 ; Colorado, Diptera and Hymenoptera 6 spp. n. fCockerell, 564 ; Colorado spp. n. Davis, 662 ; New Jersey. Harrington and others, Ottawa Nat. pp. 30 & 31, 50 & 76 ; Ottawa short list. Johnson, 1460 ; Labrador. Murtfeldt, 1989 ; Missouri 1908. fRohwer, 2431 ; Three new fossils from Florissant. 205 Insecta. Subject Index. — North America. fSellards, 2655 ; Permian insects Megasecoptera, Orj-ctoblattinidae and Protorthoptera, 43 spp. n. Sherman, 2690 ; North Carolina. Swinton, 2889; Canada, British in- sects in. Tucker, 2951 ; Apterous and ortho- pterous, Texas. Webster, 3132 ; Iowa. Worsham, 3205 ; Georgia. Coleoptcra. Aldrich, 26 ; Leptinolarsa decern - lineata. Bernhauer, 208; Aleocharini 24 spp. r. A theta. Blaisdell, 244; A monographic re- vision of the tribe Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, Lower California, and adj iceit islands ; numerous spp. n. Bowditch, 323 ; United States Pachy- brachys 34 spp. n. Casey, 474 ; United States 29 spp. n., Omus, Cicindela, Omophron, Blethisa, Pseudomorpha, Platycerus , Coenonycha , Phobetus , Dyscinetus, Ligyrus, Valgus, and gen. n. near Trigonopeltastes. Casey, 475; Studies in Buprestidae , many spp. n. Chagnon, 481; Labrador list. Chagnon, 482 ; Quebec Buprestidae. f Cockerell, 530; Eocene Wyoming Syntomostylus sp. n. Easton, 789; Fall river Massachu- setts list. Fall, 854 ; United States South-west and Lower California 14 spp. n., Can- thydrus, Scymnus, Bostrichus, Ataenius, Eburia, Metaleptus, Saxinis, Statira, Macrobasis, Cantharis, Anthonomus, Cryptorhynchus, Madarellus and Cos- sonus. Fall, 855 ; Ochodaeus 2 spp. n. Fall, 858 ; Diplotaxis, 50 spp. n. Fall, 857 ; Platycholeus sp. n. Fenyes, 874; California gen. n. Aleocharinae. Fenyes, 875 ; Aleocharinae 9 spp. n. Frost, 992 ; Framingham Mass. Gates, 1064; ^Massachusetts Rhyn- chites bicolor. Greene, 1176; Zophobas morio Florida. Hopkins, 1358;. Dendroctonus 6 spp. n. • Enab, 1578 ; Canada and U.S. Calli- grapha 3 spp. n. Knaus, 1583 ; Kansas additions 38 spp. and varr. Leng, 1710; Clerus sp. n. Manee, 1797 ; N. Carolina. Morris, 1958; Ontario collecting at flowers. Nunenmacher, 2068; 2 spp. n., Coc- cinella and Brachyacantha. Pierce, 2223; Curculionidae 12 spp. n. Schaeffer, 2537 ; Chiefly Arizona, 24 spp. n. Schaeffer, 2538 ; Cerambycidae 4 spp. n. Schaeffer, 2539 ; Florida 3 novelties. Scott; 2647 ; Disonycha Ohio.' Sherman, 2691 ; Labrador. Webster, 3130 ; Phytonomus. Wellman, 3151 ; Calospasta sp. n. fWiokham, 3181; Florissant, 7 spp. n. Strepsiptera. Pierce, 2224 ; many spp. n., genn. n. Hymenoptera. Beutenmiiller, 223 ; 3 spp. n., Rho- dites and Andricus. Beutenmiiller, 226 ; Philonix sp. n. Bradley, 327 ; California Evaniidae gen. n. and Foenus sp. n. Brues, 383 ; North Amerioa para- sitic Hymenoptera, 9 spp. n. Buysson, 431 ; California Holochry- sis sp. n. Cockerell, 533 ; Texas and Nebraska Apidae 6 spp. n. Cockerell, 636; Colorado Nomada sp. n. Cockerell, 538 ; United States Apidae 3 spp. n., Melissodes and Osmia. Cockerell, 540 ; New Mexico Perdita sp. n. 206 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Cockerell, 543 ; United States 3 spp. n., Golletes, Megachile, and a fossil f Melitta . Cockerell, 514 ; Goelioxya 3 spp. n. •[Cockerell, 545 ; Colorado two bees. Cockerell, 546 ; Diadasia sp. n. Cockerell, 551 ; Colorado and New Mexico, Nomada and Oamia, 5 spp. n. Cockerell, 553 ; Texas Tetralonia and Melissodes, 3 spp. n. Cockerell, 567 ; Emphoropaia sp. n. Crawford, 614; Ottawa Megoriamua sp. n. Crawford, 615 ; Florida Leucospia sp. n., Texas gen. n. Pteromalini. Crawford, 616 ; Maryland, new family of parasitic Hymen. Crawford, 617 ; U.S. Telraatichus 2 spp. n. Crosby, 622; New York 2 spp. n., Prodecatoma and Eurytoma. Ducke, 761 ; 2 spp. n., Epeoloidea and Dioxya. Qahan, 1050 ; Maryland Coelopiathia sp. n, Qirault, 1121 ; Camptoptera cata- logue 1 sp. n. Girault, 1123 ; Mymaridae gen. n. Girault, 1124 ; Aphelinua sp. n. Girault, 1125; The ohaloidoid para- sites of Eulecanium 3 spp. n. Girault, 1126 ; OUgosita sp. n. Girault & Sanders, 1128; Naaonia sp. n. Hertzog, 1307 ; Euceroa sp. n. Kieffer, 1515 ; Proctotrupidae 52 spp. n. Kieffer, 1520 ; Cynipidae 6 spp. n. Lovell, 1747 ; Oamia and Sphecodea, 3 spp. n. Lovell, 1748 ; The bees of Virginia — Prosopia, Sphecodea, 3 spp. n. MacGillivray, 1783 ; Synopsis of Scolioneurinae, 4 spp. n. MacGillivray, 1784; Galiroa 10 spp. n. and gen. n. near Phyllotoma. Macgillivray, 1785; New Jersey Poeciloatoma sp. n. and Schizocerua sp. n. Rohwer, 2432 ; U.S. Tenthredinidae 17 spp. n., Dolerua, Schizocerua, Hylo- toma, Macrophya, Eriocampa, Pachy - nematua, Amauronematua, Priatiphora and Euura. Rohwer, 2433 ; United States 5 spp. n., Pteronus, Blennocampa, Neochar ac- tus, Monophadnua and Labidia. Rohwer, 2434; United States Tcn- thredo 7 spp. n. Rohwer, 2435 ; Western U.S., 6 spp. n. Erythraapides, Tenthredo and Allan- tus. Rohwer, 2436 ; Western Macrophya, 8 spp. n. Rohwer, 2437 ; California 4 spp. n, Pericliata, Aphaniua and gen. n. Blen - nocampinae. Rohwer, 2438 ; Crabro 7 spp. n. Rohwer, 2439 ; Tachytea 6 spp. n. Rohwer, 2440 ; Wasps, 3 spp. n. Rohwer, 2441 ; Pailoglosaa sp. n. Rohwer, 2442 ; Foaaoria 4 spp. n . Rohwer, 2443 ; Trypoxylon 6 spp. n. Rohwer, 2444; Gryptocampua 4 spp. n. Rohwer, 2445; Foaaoria 40 spp. n., Proctotrypea and Lyaiphlebua 2 spp. n.- Rohwer, 2447; 6 spp. n. Hedychri- dium and Chryaia. t Rohwer, 2448 ; Geropalidae2 spp. n. Swenk, 2876 ; Anthophora 3 spp. n. Viereck, 3026 ; Andrena sp. n. Viereck, 3027 ; 6 spp. n. Helori- morpha, Pimpla, Cryptua and Sphe- codea. Viereck, 3028; United States 11 spp. n., Braconidae, Foaaoriaand Apidae, genn. n. Viereck, 3029 ; Texas Andrena 2 spp. n. Wheeler, 3170 ; Formicidae 10 spp. n. Wheeler, 3171 ; M yrmecocyatua sp. n. Lepidoptera. Bales, 106 ; Pickaway county list. Bastelberger, 158; Texas Tephrino- paia sp. n. Beutenm tiller, 222 ; Seaia 3 spp. n. 207 Insecta. Subject Index. — North America. Biederman, 235 ; Catocala sp. n. Bird, 240 ; New York Papaipema sp. n. Brehme, 340; New Mexico Anisota sp. n. Brehme, 341 ; New Jersey notes. Brimley, 355 ; N. Carolina, list. Busck, 417 ; United States Tineidae 13 spp. n., genn. n. Cook & Watson, 591 ; Texas Incisalia sp. n. Coolidge, 592 ; Santa Clara, Rhopa- locera supplement. Dyar, 770 ; New York Acrobasis sp. n. Dyar, 771; California and Florida spp. n., Selidosema, Stenaspilates, Ar- gyria, Hypopta and gen. n. Pyralidae. Forbes, 930 ; New England notes. Gibson, 1093 & 1026; Ottawa Psilo- corsis sp. n. Grossbeck, 1200 ; Arizona and S. California Oeometridae 7 spp n ,,Hydrio- mena, Coenocalpe, Tornos, Selidosema , Cleora and Stenaspilates. Hampson, 1247 ; Canada Acronycta sp. n. Minot, 1912; Massachusetts and Maine butterflies. Muttkowski, 1998, 1999; Wisconsin Lep. of. Muttkowski, 2000 ; Tineoidea. Pearsall, 2143 ; Catskill mts. 2 spp. n. Mesoleuca and Cleora. Pearsall, 2144; Arizona Stammodes sp. n. Pearsall, 2145; Oeometridae 13 spp. n. Reiff, 2347 ; Boston Zeuzera pyrina. Rothschild, 2482 ; Halisidota 2 spp. n. Rothschild, 2487 ; Oregon Hemi- hyalea sp. n., Colorado Halisidota sp. n. Sleight, 2735; New Jersey, Catocala herodias. Smith, 2748 ; Noctuidae 20 spp. n. Swett, 2878 ; Arizona and Colorado Hydriomena 6 spp. n. Taylor & Gibson, Canad. Ent. 41 p. 423 ; Canada Sphinx perelegans novelty. Tucker, 2953 ; Plano Texas inci- dental captures. Williams, 3190 ; Mt. Shasta region. Winn, 3197 ; Montreal Rhopalocera 2 novelties. Triclioptera. Banks, 132; 2 spp. n. Vorhies, 3C50; Wisconsin Tricho- ptera spp. n. etc. Neuroptera. fCockerell, 641 ; Florissant Palaeo- chrysa 2 spp. n. Nav&s, 2017 ; Psectra sp. n. Diptera. Aldrich, 25 ; Ottawa Rhagoletis sp. n. Back, 94 ; America, north of Mexico, Leptogastrinae and Dasypogoninae 2G spp. n. Banks, 131 ; Systropus sp. n. fCockerell, 527 ; Tertiary Diptera 6 spp. n. Cockerell, 539 ; Colorado, Rhopa- lomyia sp. n. fCockerell, 554; Miocene Colorado Bibio sp. n. fCockerell, 682 ; Florissant Miocene Olossina sp. n. fCockerell, 583 ; gen. and spp. Flo- rissant, Colorado, gen. n. Coquillett, 596; Texas Her metia sp.n- Doane, 719; California Tipula 3 spp. ri. Dyar, 773 ; Dublin, New Hampshire, Mansonia per turbans. Dyar & Knab, 778; Canada Aede* sp. n. Dyar & Knab, 779 ; Culex sp. n. Dyar & Knab, 781 ; Arkansas Aede» sp. n. Dyar & Knab, 782 ; Culicidae sp. n. Felt, 872 ; Cecidomyiidae 37 spp. n. Hendel, 1294 ; Colorado Oedopa sp. n. Hine, 1325; Asilus 23 spp. n. Johannsen, 1448; M ycetophilidae monograph, 12 spp. n. Johannsen, 1450; United Statea M ycetophilidae 6 spp. n. 208 Insecta. Ail. insecta, [1909] Johnson, 1455 ; Tipulidae 15 spp. n. Johnson, 1458 ; Trypetidae, distribu- tion in U.S. Euaresta sp. n, , New Jersey, p. 114. Ludlow, 1763 ; Anopheles perplexens withdrawn. Townsend, 2933 ; Tachinidae 6 spp. n., genn. n. Williams, 3188 ; Cecidomyia sp. n. Aphaniptera. Pox, 956 ; San Francisco. Fox, 957 ; Ceratophyllus sp. n. Fox, 958 ; Dolichopsyllns sp. n. Fox, 960 ; Odontopsyllus sp. n. Mitzmain, 1915 ; California list. Rothschild, 2475 ; California Cerato- phyllus 2 spp. n. Hemiptera. Ball, 112; United States 11 spp. n., Phlepsius, Eutettix and Scaphoideus. Ball, 113 ; California Jassidae 9 spp. n. Ball, 114 ; Jassidae 10 spp. n. Ball, 115; Fulgoridae 9spp. n. Banks, 135 ; U. S. Emesidae 7 spp. n. Berger, 196 ; Florida Aleyrodes sp. n. •[Cockerell, 554; Colorado Miocene 3 spp. n. Coreidae, Cydnidae and Ful- 'Qoridae. Hahn, 1232; Brood v Tihicen sep- tendecim Porter county, Indiana, during 1905. Heidemann, 1273; Tingitidae and Leptoglossus, 6 spp. n. Heidemann, 1274 ; Aradidae 2 spp. n. Johannsen, 1449; North American II enicocephalidae. Patch, 2137 ; United States Psylla sp. n. Reuter, 2386 ; Capsiden 49 spp. n. :&ulc, 2854 ; Colorado Trioza sp. n. Torre Bueno, 2932; European in America. Torre Bueno, Canad Ent. 41 p. 172 ; Van Duzee’ s Florida list. Van Duzee, 2993 ; Florida 29 spp. n. Van Duzee, 2995 ; 2 spp. n., Brachy- mena and Perigenes. Van Duzee, 2997 ; Heteroptera. Aphidae and Coccidae. Cockerell & Robbins, 569 ; 2 spp. n., Aspidiotus and Chionaspis. t Davidson, 655; California Aphid 5 spp. n. Davis, 657 ; Aphid 2 genn. and spp. n. Gillette, 1105 ; Aphis sp. n. Hayhurst, 1269 ; Hyalopterus sp. n. Patch, 2133 ; Pemphigus sp. n. Patch, 2139 ; Microparsus sp. n. Patch, 2141 ; Maine Chernies 3 spp. n. Severin & Severin, 2667 ; list of the Coccidae of Wisconsin. Wilson, 3196 ; Aphid, new records. Thyaanoptera. Hood, 1356 ; Phloeothripidae 2 spp. n. Hood, 1357 ; sp. n. Moulton, 1969; California Euthrips sp. n. Shull, 2696 ; U.S. 5 spp. n. Psocidae . Enderlein, 815; United States, 2 spp. n. Perlidae. KlapAlek, 1555; Acroneuria 10 spp. Klap&lek, 1559 ; United States Acro- neuria, sp. n. Odonata. •[Cockerell, 554; Miocene Colorado Enallagma sp. n. Martin, 1835; Florida, Tricanthagym sp. n. Williamson, 3191 ; Somatochlora sp. n. Williamson, 3192 ; Macromia 3 spp. n. Wilson, 3193 ; Mississippi valley. Orthoptera. Cockerell, 658; Diestrammena mar- morata in Colorado, p. 79. 209 Insecta. Subject Index. — Central America. Davis, 659 ; New Jersey Orchelimum sp. n. Davis, 663 ; New Jersey Cycloptilum sp. n. Hancock, 1248 ; TetriginaeZ spp. n. Hebard, 1270 ; December south Georgia. Hebard, 1271 ; Keeweenaw bay Mich. Hebard, 1272 ; Scapteriscus vicinus Georgia. fMatthew, 1854; New Brunswick shales 2 spp. n., gen. n. Morse, 1959 ; Massachusetts Me- lanoplus sp. n. Rehn, 2337 ; Diapheromera Mexico. Rehn & Hebard, 2341 ; New Mexico and western Texas, C spp. n. Rehn & Hebard, 2342 ; California and Nevada Acridiidae and Mantidae 6 spp. n. Walker, 3081 ; Northern Ontario Orthopt. with Nomotettix sp. n. Thysanura and Collembola. Jackson, 1408 ; Lepidocyrtus 2 spp. n. Silvestri, 2715; New York Eosen- tomon sp. n. Central America. Coleoptera. Arrow, 68 ; 3 spp. n. Ethelema and Mycotretus. Bowditch, 323 ; Mexico and Brit. Honduras Pachybrachys 3 spp. n. Casey, 474 ; Mexico Cicindela 3 spp. n. Casey, 475; Mexico and Honduras Buprestidae 3 spp. n. Champion, 490 ; Curculionidae many spp. n. and genn. n. Fall, 854 ; Lower California 11 spp. n. Grouvelle, 1204; Mexico Corticaria sp. n. Kerremans, 1502; Mexico Halecia sp. n. Kuhnt, 1647 ; Mexico Brachysphoenus sp. n. Olivier, 2092 ; Panama Megaloph- thalmus sp. n. (n-11091 j) Schmidt, 2530; Mexico Aphodius sp. n. Schubert, 2619; Mexico Staphylini - dae 20 spp. n. Spaeth, 2773 ; 2 spp. n., gen. n. near Chelymorpha. Spaeth, 2774 ; Ctenochira sp. n. and Omaspides sp. n. Weise, 3146 ; Mexico Hyperaspis sp. n. Strepsiptera. Pierce, 2224 ; Guatemala sp. n. Hymenoptera. Forel, 936; Guatemala Formicidae 7 spp. n. Kieffer, 1515 ; Nicaragua Aclista sp. n. Kieffer, 1522 ; Belize Macroteleia sp. n. Turner, 2965 ; Guatemala Typhoctes sp. n. Vachal, 2989; Mexico Diphaglossa sp. n. Viereck, 3028 ; Mexico Apidae gen. n. Wheeler, 3173; Mexico Formicidae 4 spp. n. Lepidoptera. Dyar, 771 ; Mexico 15 spp. n. Dyar, 774 ; Mexico Euclea sp. n. Hampson, 1244; spp. n., Syntomidae gen. n. Hampson, 1247 ; Noctuidae Acronyc - tinae 8 spp. n. Rothschild, 2482 ; Arctiinae spp. n., Hemihyalea , Amastus, Halisidola. Rothschild, 2485 ; Mexico and Costa Rica 6 spp. n., Robinsonia and Aulo- molis. Rothschild, 2487 ; Arctiidae 6 spp. n. Walsingham, 3085 ; Lavernidae and Gelechiidae, 30 spp. n., genn. n. Warren, 3104 ; Costa Rica Scotura sp. n. Diptera. Dyar & Knab, 778; Panama Culex sp. n. Dyar & Enab, 779; Panama Culex sp. n. d 23 210 Insecta . XII. Insecta. [1909] Dyar & Knab, 781 ; Panama Wyeo- myia 2 spp. n. Dyar & Knab, 782 ; Gulicidae spp. n. Hendel, 1287 ; Mexico Euxesta sp. n. Hendel, 1288; Mexioo Megalaemyia gen. n. Plerocallinae sp. n. i Hendel, 1294; Mexico Eumecoso • tnyia sp. n. Aphaniptera. Rothschild, 2477 ; Nicaragua Cerato- phyllus sp. n. Ilemipteva. Ball, 115 ; Mexico Fulgoridae gen. n. Breddin, 335; Yucatan Ochlerus sp. n. Cockerell & Robbins, 568 ; Nicaragua Mesolecanium sp. n. Horvdth, 1374 ; Costa Rica, Sir - thenea sp. n. • Reuter, 2396; Mexico Capsidae 35 spp. n. Schmidt, 2566; Costa Rica Diesto- stemma 2 spp. n. Schmidt, 2568 ; Costa Rica Thionia sp. n. Psocidae. Enderlein, 815 ; Mexico 3 spp. n. Plecoptera. Enderlein, 813 ; Guatemala Neoperla sp. n. Odonata. Calvert, 434 ; Neocordulia sp. n. Calvert, 435 ; Composition and eco- logical relations of fauna. Osburn, 2104; The Odonata of the Biologia Centrali- Americana. Orthoptera. Bolivar, 272 ; Mexico and Costa Rica, Acridiidae 2 spp. n. Bolivar, 274; Mexico Sphenarium sp. n. Borelli, 292; Forficulidae Mexico gen. n., 2 spp. n. Borelli, 294 ; Costa Rica Forficulidae 9spp.n. Rehn, 2336 ; British Honduras Oro- charis sp. n. Thyaanura. Silvestri, 2715; Mexico Japygidae 3 spp. n. Antilles. Inch Bermudas ; oxol. Trinidad. Coleoptera. Cameron, 439; Haiti Myrtnolamia sp. n. Champion, 488; Cuba Qononotus lutosus. Champion, 490 ; St. Vincent Curcu- lionidae Barina 6 spp. n., Cuba gen. n. Felsche, 869 ; Haiti Athyreus sp. n. Pic, 2199 ; Supplement k la liste des Col6opteres de la Guadeloupe. Raffray, 2306; Martinique Melba sp. n. Strepaiptera. Pierce, 2224 ; Santo Domingo sp. n. Hymenoptera. Cookerell, 535 ; Jamaica Augochlora sp. n., Tetrapediaap. n., Melissa azurea. Kieffer, 1515; Cuba Gamptopsilus sp. n. Lepidoptera. Hampson, 1244 ; Cuba Seripha sp. n. Hampson, 1247 ; Jamaica, Prodenia sp. n. and Galgula sp. n., Bahamas Haiti and Cuba Monodes 3 spp. n. Rothschild, 2482; Jamaica Ischno- campa sp. n. Rothschild, 2487 ; Jamaica Halisi- dota sp. n. Walsingham, 3085 ; Jamaica Cos- mopteryx sp. n. Warren, 3104; Dominica gen. n. near Bacheospila, Cuba Sericoptera sp. n. Trichoptera. Ulmer, 2977 ; Cuba Ghimarrha sp. n. Diptera. Dyar & Knab, 780 ; Cuba Gulex sp. n. Dyar & Knab, 782 ; Culicidae spp. n. Felt, 870 ; Cecidomyiidae 3 spp. n. Newstead, 2044; Jamaica disease* producing Diptera, A tylotus sp. n. 211 Insecta. Subject Index. — Antilles — South America. Hemiptera. Distant, 697 ; Dominica and Jamaica Tomaspis 2 spp. n Distant, 701 ; Epitemna marginata withdrawn. Lindinger, 1731 ; Jamaica Oymnaspis sp. n. Van Duzee, 2997 ; Jamaica Onco- peltus sp. n. Van Duzee, 2994; Bermudas short list, means of distribution. Odonata. Calvert, 436; Cuba and Porto Rico Lestes sp. n. Orthoptera. Grifflni, 1180 ; Jamaica and St. Vin- cent Oryllacris 2 spp. n. Rehn, 2338 ; Paroxya sp. n. South America, including Trinidad. Coleoptera. Arrow, 58; 2 spp. n., Lithophorus and Bothrideres. Arrow, 59; spp. n., Coelodes, Chat - todus, Hybochaetodus, Cryptogenius and Aclopus. Aurivillius, 68 ; . Peru and Bolivia Cerambycidae 18 spp. n. Bernhauer, 211 ; Staphylinidae 29 spp. n. * Bourgeois, 312 ; Minas Geraes Chau - liognathus sp. n. Br$thes, 346 ; Argentina Platypus 2 spp. n. Bruch, 378; Argentina Buprestidae 4 spp. n. Bruch, 379 ; Argentina Cerambycidae 11 spp. n. Bruch, 380; Melolonthini 9 spp. n., Philochloenia and Demodema. Champion, 490 ; JRhinanisus sp. n. Csiki, 624; Paraguay Anoplocerus sp. n. Fassl, 868; Kaferleben in West- Columbien. Felsche, 869; Coprini 13 spp. n., Dendropemon, Phanaeus , Athyreus and Brady cinetus. (n-11091 j) Gounelle, 1146; Goyaz Liste des C6rambycides, 106 spp. n., genn. n. Gounelle, 1146 ; Br^silienne Amphio- nycha sp. n. Hagedorn, 1229 ; Scolytidae 6 spp. n. Horn, 1362 ; Argentina Megacephala sp. n. Horn, 1368; Urugauy Megacephala sp. n. Kerremans, 1502 ; Brazil and Guiana Halecia 3 spp. n. Kuhnt, 1647 ; Brachysphoenus and Dichomorpha, 5 spp. n. Lameere, 1680 ; Pyrodes 4 spp. n. * Lewis, 1726 ; Argentina 4 spp. n., Saprinus and Euspilotus. Magalhaes, 1787 ; Brazil Dorcdtoma sp. n. Ohaus, 2085; Argentinien, Lametti- cornia 10 spp. n., genn. n. Ohaus, 2086; Chile Brachysternides 3 spp. n., gen. n. Olivier, 2087 ; 6 spp. n., Lucidota, Photinus and Photuris. Olivier, 2089 ; Lampyridae 13 spp. n. Olivier, 2091 ; Lucidota 4 spp. n. Olivier, 2092; Cayenne Calytocepha - lus sp. n. Olivier, 2094 ; Cordoba Dodacles sp. n. Olivier, 2095 ; Tucuman Photinus sp. n. Pape, 2127 ; Colombia Mesoptilius sp. n. Pic, 2179 ; Silis 2 spp. n. Pic, 2183; Bolivie Hylophilus 7 spp. n. Pic, 2186; Bolivia 4 spp. n., An- thicus and Tomoderus. Pic, 2209 ; 2 spp. n., Dromanthus and Hadrobregmus. Raflray, 2306 ; Pselaphidae 18 spp. n. Raifray, 2307 ; Argentina Pselaphi- dae 29 spp. n., genn. n. Schmidt, 2559; 2 spp. n. Aphodius and Ataenius. Schmidt, 2560 ; Aphodiidae 9 spp. n. Spaeth, 2773 ; 5 spp. n., Chelytnorpha and gen. n. d 23—2 212 Insecta. XI l. Inuecta. [1909] Spaeth, 2774 ; 22 spp. n. Wasmann, 3115 ; Brazil n. gen. Pae- derini. Hymenoptera. Andr6, 37 ; Mutillidae 4 spp. n.» Mutillidae of Argentina catalogue. Andr6, 44; Mendoza gen. incertae sedis, cf. Konowiella in Fossoria. Brdthes, 345 ; Buenos Aires Sphex 3 flpp. n. Brethes, 347 ; Pepsis 79 spp. n. Brdthes, 349 ; Mendoza and San Luis 4 spp. n. Notocyphus and Pompilus. Brdthes, 350; 25 spp. n., Ichneu- monidae, Braconidae, Chalcididae, Ody- nerus, Fossoria , Epeolus. Brgihes, 352 ; Heresiarchoides sp. n., Iphiaulax 2 spp. n., Sphex sp. n. Brethes, 354 ; the Chilian Pepsis. Buysson, 429 & 430; Mendoza, Chrysididae 3 spp. n. Du Buysson, 431 ; 8 spp. n. Megacan - thopus, Polybia and Synagris. Cameron, 455 ; Parasitic, Argentina 35 spp. n. Cockerell, 525 ; Patagonia Colletes sp. n. Ducke, 760; Amazons Vespidae 2 spp. n. Ducke, 761 ; Trop. S. America, Apidae 7 spp. n., Monobia sp. n., Fos- soria spp. n., Nitela , Anacrabro and Irenangelus, Ellampus sp. n. Ducke, 762 ; Ceara notes, Apidae 17 spp. n. Enderlein, 816 ; Evania and Se- maeomya, 3 spp. n. Ford, 936 ; Formicidae 8 spp. n. Holmberg, 1348; Argentina Coeli- oxys 6 spp. n. ' Iches, 1399 ; Les abeilles sauvages du Chaco austral et leurs produits. Jorgensen, 1447 ; Beobachtungen liber Blumenbesuch, Biologie, Verbrei- tung usw. der Bienen von Mendoza, 1 1 spp. n. Kieffer, 1515 ; Proctotrupidae 17 spp. n., genn. n. Kieffer, 1520 ; Gynipidae many spp. n., genn. n. Kieffer, 1522 ; Scelionidae 3 spp. n. Krieger, 1625 ; Brazil Echthromorpha sp. n. Mocsdry, 1926; Tenthredinidae 21 spp. n. Schrottky, 2610; Apidae 25 spp. n., Tr achy pus 4 spp. n., Ichneumonidae Braconidae and Chalcididae 4 spp. n. Schrottky, 2615 ; Paraguay and Argentina Aculeata 21 spp. n. Schrottky, 2618; Paraguay, Exoma- lopsis 2 spp. n. Strand, 2826 ; Paraguay 4 spp. n. Apidae and M utilla sp. n. Turner, 2964; Argentina and Chile Thynnidae 3 spp. n. Turner, 2967 ; MinasGeraes4spp.n., Spilothynnus, Scotaena and Anthobosca. Vachal, 2989 ; Apidae many spp. n. Lepidopteva. Bastelberger, 157 ; 10 spp. n., Ne- phodia, Nipteria and Hyalopola. Bastelberger, 158 ; 3 spp. Pityeja and Xanthyris. Bastelberger, 161 ; Brazil and Colom- bia Geometridae 2 spp. n., Dialephthis and gen. n. Bastelberger, 163; Colombia Geo- metridae 7 spp. n. Bastelberger, 165; Colombia and Peru 5 spp. n., Hydriomena, Jlyalopoda, llhodomena and Hammaptera. Brabant, 325 ; Guyane fran9aise Palindia sp. n. Dognin, 727; Cropia sp. n., Noto- dontidae 27 spp. n., Geometridae 9 spp. Pyralidae 7 spp. n. and gen. n., Gauris sp. n. Dognin, 728 ; Syntomidae 1 1 spp. n., Lithosianae 4 spp. n., Arctiinae 8 spp. n., Josiomorpha sp. n., Geometridae 21 spp. n., Palcinodes sp. n., Acraga sp. n. Druce, 743; Peru Yanguna sp. n. Druce, 746; Peru and Argentina, Theda 7 spp. n. Druce, 747 ; Colombia and Peru 4 spp. n., Langiieys, Miselia, Gonodes and Emarginea. Druce, 749; 30 spp. n., Bombiliodes, Napata, Correbia, Idalus, Automolis , 213 Insecta. Subject Index. — South America. Opharus, Macronoctua, Calymniodes , Oeroda, Mictochroa, Ohalenata, Tar ache Tarachidia, Erastrioides, Parangitia, Angitia, Paracodia , Ormiscodes, Pores- ta, Lepasta, Dicentria, and Meragisa. Dyar, 771; Venezuela Tmetoglene sp. n. Ehrmann, 799 ; 3 spp. n. Eudamus, Achlyodes and Sphingicampa. Fassl, 857 ; Colombia Anaea sp. n. Fruhstorler, 1015; Esp. Santo Zar- etes sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 1037 ; Amazons Adelpha sp. n. Hampson, 1244; 43 spp. n., Synto- midae , Arctiidae, Noctuidae, genn. n. Hampson, 1247 ; Noctuidae Acronyc- tinae 15 spp. m Mayrick, 1934; Bolivia and Peru Microlepidoptera 63 spp. n., 7 genn. n. Mos, 1987 ; Chanchamayo, trip. Moulton, 1971 ; Brazil, Burchell’s collection, Phyciodes 2 spp. n. Niepelt, 2053 ; Ecuador Papilio sp. n. Rothschild, 2482; Arctiinae 71 spp. n. Rothschild, 2485 ; Arctiidae about 100 spp. n. Rothschild, 2486 ; Peru Melittia sp. n. Rothschild, 2487 ; Arctiidae 99 spp. n. Schrottky, 2612 ; der Syntomidae Paraguays, Phoenicoprocta sp. n. Schrottky, 2614 ; Paraguay Eumeno- gaster sp. n. Stichel, 2811; Revision der Rio- dinidae spp. n. Warren, 3104; Epipleminae gen. h., Oeometridne about 90 spp. n. Weeks, 3134 ; Hesperiidae 3 spp. n. Weymer, 3165 ; Ecuador Dismorphia sp. n., Bogota Automeris sp. n. Weymer, 3166 ; Satyridae 2 spp. n. ; gen. n. Trichoptera. Ulmer, 2977 ; Colombia Triaenodes sp. n. Ulmer, 2980 ; Argentinische 4 spp. n. Ulmer und Thienemann, 2985; 2 spp. n., Rhyacophylax and Chimarrha. Neuroptera. Banks, 134 ; M yrmeleonidae, genn. and spp. n. Nav&s, 2011 ; 4 spp.n. Mantispa and gen. n. aff. Weele, 3137 ; 3 spp. n., Argentina Corydalus, Brazil and Colombia Chloro- nia. Diptera . Austen, 78 ; 2 spp. n., Rhaphiorhyn - chus and M ydas. Bezzi, 228 ; Townsendia sp. n. Bezzi, 231; aus Paraguay Iiaplomera sp. n. Brdthes, 348; Buenos, fam. nov. Brdthes, 352 ; Mendoza Chirono- midae gen. n. and T any tarsus sp. n., Tipula sp. n., Bombyliidae 3 spp. n., Empidae gen. n., Muscidae 6 spp. n. and gen. n. Dyar and Knab, 782 ; Trinidad Cu- licidae spp. n. Enderlein, 822 ; Brazil Olbiogaster sp. n. Enderlein, 824; Tierra del Fuego Borboridae gen. n. Hendel, 1287 ; Euxesta 12 spp. n. Hendel, 1288 ; Pterocallini 62 spp. n. Hendel, 1292 ; Peru Traginops sp. n. Hendel, 1294 ; TJlidiinae 14 spp. n. Kert6sz, 1506; Peru M ycetophilidae 4 spp. n. Platyura , Tetragoneura and Neoempheria. Kertesz, 1608; Peru Stratiomyidae genn. et Spp. n. Kieffer, 1514 ; Perou, Stenoxenus sp. n. Lutz, 1773 ; Tabaniden Brasiliens und einiger Nachbarstaaten, 18 spp. n.t genn. n. Roubaud, 2496 ; Perou Simulium sp. n. JSchrottky, 2617 ; Paraguay Simu- lium 3 spp. n. Tavares, 2900; Brazil Cecidomyii- dae genn. et spp. n. 214 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [1909] Wise, 3199 ; Brit. Guiana pernicious flies, short list. Aphaniptera. Rothschild, 2471 ; Chile and Argen- tina Stephanocircus 2 spp. n. Rothschild, 2477 ; Chile Parapsyllus sp. n. and gen. n., Buenos Aires Oerato - p hyllus sp. n. Rothschild, 2480 ; Chile Stephano- circus sp. n. Eemiptera. Bergroth, 199; Brazil Reduviidae gen. n. Breddin, 334 ; Arvelius 5 spp. n. Breddin, 335 ; Ochlerus 12 spp. n. (Breddin, 338; Neue Rhynchoten Brachystethus, Edessa, Sibaria.) Distant, 697 ; Cercopidae 32 spp. n. Enderlein, 819; Brazil Aleurodicus sp. n. Enderlein, 825 ; Aleurodidae gen. n. Horv&th, 1374 ; Sirthenea 3 spp. n. Lindinger, 1732 ; Chile Coccidae gen. n. Montandon, 1935 ; Peru and Bolivia Ambry sus 4 spp. n. Reuter, 2389; Argentina Gapsidae 2 spp. n., genn. n. Reuter, 2391 ; S. America incl. Chile, Gapsidae 4 spp. n., genn. n. Reuter, 2392; Brasilia Gapsidae 3 spp. n., Lampethusa, Horcias and gen.n. Reuter, 2393 ; Venezuela Antho- coridae 2 spp. n., genn. n. Reuter, 2398 ; Chile Gapsidae 5 spp. n. Reuter and Poppius, 2400 ; Nabidae 3 spp. n. » Schmidt, 2561 ; Colombia Hybos- c aria sp. n. Schmidt, 2566 ; Diestostemma 9 spp. n.. Schmidt, 2567; Ecuador, Phrictus sp. n. Schmidt, 2568 ; Issides 15 spp. n. Emhiidae. Enderlein, 829 ; 5 spp. n. Psocidae. Enderlein, 817 ; Ecuador 2 spp. n. Thysanoptera. Bagnall, 103 ; 2 spp. n., gen. n. Plecoptera. Enderlein, 813 ; Neoperla 6 spp. n. Enderlein, 826 ; 6 spp. n., genn . n. Ephemeridae. Petersen, 2159 ; Mendoza Glo'eon sp. n. Odonata. Calvert, 436 ; Neotropical region 64 spp. n. Forster, 922 ; 4 spp. n. gen. n. Martin, 1835 ; Aeschninae 11 spp. n. Subaeschna gen n., Gynacantha, Neu- raeschna and Staurophlebia. Orthoptera. Burr, 408 ; Peru Pyragra sp. n. Hanesck, 1248 ; Tetriginae 4 spp. n. Rehn, 2340; Brazil, Acridiidae spp. n., genn. n. Shelford, 2682 ; Blattidae 9 spp. n. III.— SYSTEMATIC. Neue Homologien zwischen Crus- taceen und Hexapoden. Die Beiss- mandibel der Insekten und ilire phylo- genetische Bedeutung. Archi- und Metapterygota ; Borner Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 100-125. The Orders of Inseota ; Sharp Ento- mologist 42 pp. 270-272 and Lucias t.c. p. 293. fA catalogue of the generic names based on American insects and arach- nids from the Tertiary rocks, with in- dications of the type species ; Cock- erell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 pp. 77-86. General work on Indian entomology ; Maxwell-Lefroy & Howlett, Indian Insect life xii -f 786 pp. 84 pis. 215 Insecta. Subject Index. — South America. — Systematic. COLEOPTERA. Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis efc auxilio W. Junk editus a S. Schenk- ling. Pars 2 : F. Borchmann, Nilionidae Othniidae, Petriidae, Lagriidae. Pars 3 : Alleculidae. Pars 5 : R. Gestro, Cupe- didae , Pctussidae Berlin (W. Junk) 1910 [1909] (32; 80; 31). 26 cm. 3 M. 7,50 M. 3 M. Aggiunte al Catalogo di Heyden, Reitter e Weise, Fiori Riv. Coleotter. ifcal. 7 pp. 22-26. Tableaux analytiques pour deter- miner les Col6optires de France, Gozis Rev. sci. Bourbon 21 pp. 31-49. Fauna Germanica ; Die Kafer des Deutschen Reiches, Band 2, Reitter pp. 392 40 Taf. Calwer, Kaforbuch, Schaufuss Lfg. 10-15 pp. 65-88 289-496 mit 12 Taf. Illustrierte Gattungs-Tabellen der Kafer Deutschlands [aus Calwer], Kuhnt Ent. Rdsch. 26 pp. 6 etc. Kleine Beobachtungen an schlesi- schen Kafem. [Zahlenverhaltnis der Geschlechter etc.], Gerhardt D. ent. Zs. p. 423. Biologische und zoogeographische Coleoptoren - Miszellen (Bohmisch), Roubal Cas. 0osk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 83-87. List of Coleoptera found in the Peninsula of Sinai. Annexe biblio- graphique et description des especes nouvelles, Bedel Abeille 31 pp. 49-55. Coleopteres (Biospeologica), Jean- nel Arch Zool. 1 pp. 447-532 fig. Katerlarven und Kaferpuppen aus Deutsch-Ostafrika, Eiohelbaum Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 173 etc. Contribution a l’etude du sang des Coleopteres, Holland e Arch. zool. 2 pp. 271-294 fig. Corrections et notes complementaires di verses, Pic Miscell. ent. 17 pp. 25-26. R6ponse h M. Pic, Barth e Misc. Ent. 17 p. 26. N’encombrons paR la nomenclature, Pio Eohange 25 pp. 175-176 183-184. Reflexions et notes diverses inspirees par quelques recents articles entomolo- giques, Pic T.c. p. 151. ClOINDELIDAE. Genera of Cicindelidao, commence- ment, Horn Gen. ins. 82a, 104 pp. 6 pis. Verbreitung und Stationen in Trans- baikalien, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 305-311. Annotated list of Indian Cicindelidae , Annandale & Horn 31 pp. and 1 pi. Life-histories and larval habits, Shelford J. Linn. Soc. 30 pp. 157— 184 & pis. xxiii-xxvi. Amblychila baroni longipes subsp. n., Casey p. 253 Canad. Ent. 41. Cicindela reticostata sp. n. Angola, Wellman & Horn Proc. Acad. Philad. 60 p. 509. — C. kerandeli sp. n. Congo, Maindron Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 108. — C. hewiti , spinicollis , spp. n., Borneo, p. 443, venus stuprata p. 446 and cribrata setopronotalis p. 447 subspp. n., Horn Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 53. — C. scitula p. 298, darwini , Port Darwin, queenslandica Cairns, pp. 299-300 spp. n., Sloane Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34. — C. snowi p. 269, levettei p. 270, boulderensis p. 271, diffracta p. 273, cochisensis, United States, filitarsis, p. 274, tumidifrons, aterrima, p. 275, Mexico, spp. n., longilabris nebraskana p. 268, nigrococrulea feminalis p. 269, snowi triplicans and 8. velutoidea p. 270, levettei tridens p. 271, depressula scapu- laris, senilis exoleta, p. 272, subspp. n., purpurea denverensis a distinct species p. 271, Casey Canad. Ent. 41. — C. circumdata ab. n. marthae , Barthe Misc. ent. 16 1908 p. 17. — O. cireumdata marthae var. n., moeurs, Puel Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 24-27. — C. ger- manica varr., Pasquet Rennes Bui. soc. sci. med. 18 pp. 61-76 av. fig. — C. maritima f. n. intermedia Deutschl, Lengerken Ent. Bl. 5 p. 187. — 0. silvatica var. n. obotritica, silvicola var. n. tatrica, paludosa varr. n. barcelonensis and toledana , litoi alis varr. n. dalmatina, tripolitana, istriensis and oranensis , Schulz Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 316-317. — Nervensystem der Larve, Groot Tijdschr. Ent. 52 pp. 294-296. Collyris compressicollis sp. n. Assam, Horn p. 445 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — Collyris spp. and Tricondyla cya - nea, Bohrgange der Larven (Hollan- disch), Dooters van Leeuwen Sala- tiga Cultuurgids 11 pp. 137-153 1 Taf. 216 Insecta. Xir. Insecta. [1909] Distypsidera volitans Macleay var. n. obscura, Sloane Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 p. 297. Dromica incrassata S.-Afrika, fundo- planata O.-Afrika p. 90, setosula Central Afrika p. 92, spp. n.,benni0.se7M subspp. n. angustata and crassereduda , Horn D. ent. Zs. 1909. — D. gracilis , dense- punctata , spp. n., eriksoni subsp. n. mesothoracica, Katanga ; Horn Ent. Rdseh. 26 p. 101. Iresia besckei subsp. n. aureorufa Espirito Santo, Horn Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 187. Megacephalabucephala sp. n., sobrina ab. n. phylogenetica Argentinia, Horn D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 284-286.— if. (Phaeoxantha) tremolerasi sp. n. Uru- guay, Horn p. 32 Rev. Mus. La Plata 16. Nickerlea sloanei and distipsideroides distinguished, Horn p. 444 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Omus mimus, borealis , p. 256, dunni p. 258 with subspp. n. regularis and maritimus, procerus p. 259 with subsp. n. parvicollis, blaisdelli p. 260, cribri- pennis p. 261, fraterculus p. 263, col- laris , compositus, tularensis, p. 265, spp. n.. United States, edwardsi lobalus p. 261, montanus lucidicollis, montanus brunnescens, p. 262, punctijrons degener p. 263, tularensis gracilior p. 266, subspp. n., Casey Canad. Ent. 41. Pogonostoma parallelum , basidilata- tum, spp. n., septentrionale subsp. n. auripennis, Madagaskar, Horn Soc. entomol. 24 pp. 89-90. Prothyma heteromallicollis p. 312, hopkinsi p. 313, Philippines, spp. n., Horn D. ent. Zs. 1909. Therates clavicornis subsp. n. *albo- obliquata Formosa, Horn Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 186. Vata gracilipalpis sp. n. New Cale- donia, Horn p. 188 T.c. Carabidae. Petites notes entomologiques, Planet Naturaliste 30 pp. 269-270 fig- Acardystus subg. n. von Harpalus (cupreus etc.), Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 172. Acupalpus mayeri sp. n. Vardarebene, Schatzmayr p. 40 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Adelotopus jacobsoni sp. n. Java, Ritsema Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 255. Aepys robini, bearing Laboulbenia marina, Picard Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 pp. 484-186. Agonodromius subg. n. von Agonum (A. 4 -punctatus etc.), Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 139. Agonum impressum ab. n. subsmarag- dinum, Reitter T.c. p. 140. Amara (Celia) krekichi p. 40, haydeni p. 41, spp. n., Macedonia, Schatzmayr Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — A. frivaldskyi n. n. pro proximo Friv. p. 358, Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 5 1907. Anchomenus chathamensis sp. n. Chatham Islands ; Broun Wellington Trans N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 147. Anophthalmus ; classification of, Peyerimhoff Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 258-261. Antagonaspis gen. n. near Tropido- pterus, sculptopunctata sp. n. Insel Neu Amsterdam, Enderlein D. Siidpolar- Exped. 10 H 4 pp. 488-489. Anthracus leonhardi sp. n. Vardare- bene, Schatzmayr p. 40 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Aphaenops proserpina sp. n. Pyre- nees, Jeannel Paris Bui. soo. ent. 1909 p. 17 fig. 1 p. 18. Aristus infans sp. n. Syria, Abeille p. 315 C. R. soc. biol. 67. Badister pici sp. n. Vardarebene, Schatzmayr p. 39 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Baudiicarabus subg. n. vide Carabus . Bembidium lamprinulum Kaukasus p. 107, haupti Araxestal p. 110, spp. n., punclulatum ab. n. lutzi Deutschland p. 114, var. n. bracleonoides p. 114, decorum var. n. munganasti, stephensi var. n. marthae, nitidulum varr. n. pseudonitidulum and lirykense p. 116, aeneum ab. n. psetidaeneum, lunulatum ab. n. submarinum, p. 122, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 19o8. — Bembidium ; Mikro-(Grund-)Skulptur, Netolitzky Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 pp. 1—10. — B. leon- hardi sp. n. Bosnien-Herzegowina, Netolitzky p. 43 T.c. — B. ( Peryphus ) eskilos, rebellum, spp. n., Macedonia, Schatzmayr p. 104 T.c. — B. kuchtae 217 Insecta. Systematic. — Carabidae. sp. n. Siid-Dobrudscha, Breit Wien Verh. Zool Bot. Ges. 59 p. 295. Blethisa columbica sp. n. N. America, Casey p. 277 Canad. Ent. 41. Brachinus chaudoirianus n. n. pro atripennis Chaud. p. 410, efllans subsp. apfelbecki n. n. pro orientalis Apf. p. 411, Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 6 1908. — B. bisignifer, Porta Ann. Museo zool. Napoli 3 No. 2 p. 1. Gallistominus alluaudi sp. n. Assinie, Maindron p. 274 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Calosoma maximowiczi subsp. n. sauteri Formosa, Born Soc. entomol. 24 p. 99. — G. splendidum Florida, S. Domingo, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 149. — f(7. calvini sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 126. Garabina ; from Gouv. Stavropol, LuOnik Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 351. Garabus ; Tableaux (suite), Latouge Echange 24 pp. 18 etc. ; Zur Mor- phologic und Chromologie der Caraben, SorolAr Ent. Rdsch. 26 pp. 16-17 22- 23 ; Zur verwandtschaftlichen Grup- pierung der Caraben, Rabe Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 169-171 ; — Carabus, Coulon Elbeuf Bui. soc. 27 pp. 79-100. — (Ghrysocarabus) , Barth e Misc. ent. 17 p. 41. — G. auronitens v. festivus ; purpureorutilans violaceo- purpureus, Barthe Misc. ent. 16 1908 p. 3. — G. auronitens, Lebensweise, Racen, Verbreitung, Pehr Carinthia 2 98 1908 pp. 13-21. — G. glabratus subsp. n. lapponicus Lappland, monilis subsp. n. unanensis Bosnien, violaceus subsp. n. vlascanus Walachei, Born Soc. entomol. 24 p. 129. — G. cancellatus brevituberculatus var. n. Boehm en, Roubal Cas. (5eske Spol. Entomolog. 1909. — G. corrugis Synonymie and Ver- breitung, Semenov p. 25 Rev. russ. ent. 9. — G. ( Baudiicarabus subg. n.) cychroi- des, Beschreibung, Ganglbauer p. 59 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — G. exaratus subsp. n. prahwei Terek-Gebiet, prometheus var. n. brianskii Kuban-Gebiet, Luo- nik Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 166-167. — G . helveticus Heer, Born Soc. entomol. 24 pp. 1-2 . — G. irregularis, Sokol A r Ent. Rdsch. 26 pp. 87-89. — G. mor- billosus var. n. lepitrei Marocco, Krausse Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 171. — C. morbillosus arborensis und C. genet hraussei, Krausse Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 213-214. — G. ( Cryptocarabus ) mun- ganasti sp. n. China, Reitter p. 70 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 28. — G. purpurascens var. n. viridilucens, Barthe p. 1 Misc. ent. 17. — C. scabnusculus, Bio- logie, Bluhweiss Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 28. — G. splendens jeani nov. ab., Clermont Echange 25 p. 123. — C. ullrichi. Born Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 45. Ghlaeniellus subg. n. von Chlaenius (vestitus etc.), Reitter Fauna Germ. 1 1908 pp. 185 & 187. Chlaeniomimus virescens Motsch. (as Atranus) — ( hybridus Rttr.), Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 26. Chlaenius reitteri n. n. pro violncei- pennis Reitt., Jacobson Kafer Russ- lands Lief. 4 1906 p. 315. Glivina ypsilon obliterata subsp. n. Centr. Asia, Sumakov p. 247 Rov. russo Ent. 8. — G. impressifrons , natural history, Phillits Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 85 pp. 13-28 figs. 5-13. Clivinaxis gen. n. Scatitinae, conici- collis sp. n. Ural, Reitter p. 53 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Clivinopsis Bed. = (Clivinaxis Rttr.), conicicollis Verbreitung p. 25, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9. Colliuris kashmirica n. n. pro bim- aculata Redtb. praeooc. p. 407, Jacob- son Kafer Russlands Lief. 6 1908. Colpodes alberti, suberbiei, p. 54, suavis, dialithus, sublaevis, caraboides , p. 55, vagus, ranavalonae, p. 56, ma- thiauxi, tanata, p. 57, benschi, emilii. bessoni, p. 58, rudis , murex, p. 59, montis, sicardi, cyanurus, p. 60, doliusr euleptus, p. 61, gallienii, lyanteyi, p. 62, spp. n., M adagascar, Alluaud Paris .Ann. Soc. ent. 78. Cymindis axillaris occidentalis n. n- pro marginata Luc., Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 6 1908 p. 404. Diachromus germanus ab. n. joulcli , Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 170. Diglymma castigalum sp. n. The Snares, Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 84. Eremosphodrus gen. n. Agonini p. 295, caspicus sp. n. Transcaspian p. 296, Semenov Rev. russe Ent. 8. Eucarabus ullrichi, Verbreitung und Rassen, Pehr Carinthia 99 p. 167. 218 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1909] Harpalus reichei n. n. pro ovalis Eeiche p. 382, tichonis n. n. pro ussurien- sis Tschitsch. p. 382, Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 5 1907. — H. (Amblystus) pseudoodes sp. n. Mandschurei, Flei- scher p. 240 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — H. pygmaeus ab. n. pygmaeolus, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 173. — Cf. Acardystus . Kenodactylus gen. n. near Aniso- dactylus p. 90, capito sp. n. Campbell isld. p. 91, Broun Subantarct. islds. N.Z. 1. Laemostenus tschitscherini sp. n. Caucasus, Semenov p. 313 Rev. russe Ent. 8. — L. (N eomelicharia subg. n.) holtzi sp. n. Makedonien, Sohatzmayr p. 42 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Lebia scapularis ab. n. insolita Syrien, Reitter Fauna Germ. 1 1908 p. 191. Leistus ( Acroleistus ) osseticus sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter p. 53 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — L. reitteri n. li. pro ellipticus Reitt., Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 4 1906 p. 259. Lionychus fleischeri nom. n. fur unicolor Fleischer nec. var. unicolor Heyd., Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 192. Lorocerinae, Rousseau Gen. ins. 86 3 pp. & 1 pi. Loxomerus ambiguus p. 92, fcssulatus p. 93, Auckland islds., spp. n., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New. Zealand 1. Mecodema hudsoni sp. n. The Snares, Broun T.c. p. 83. Molops boderoi sp. n. Athos, Schatz- mayr p. 41 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. N eomelicharia subgen. n. vide Lae- mostenus. Notiophilus strigifrons, pusillus and ■aquaticus, Champion p. 12 Ent. Mag. 46. — N. pusillus and hypocrita, Joy t.o. p. 13. Omophron limbatum ab. n. sokolari Wienerwald, Roubal Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 p. (373). — O. grossum p. 275, ellipticuin, brevipenne, p. 276, spp. n., United States ; Casey Canad. Ent. 41. Omcphroninae, Rousseau Gen. ins. 83, 5 pp. & 1 pi. Oodes thessalonicensis sp. n. Mace- donia, Sciiatzmayr p. 39 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — O. hahni sp. n. Taschkend, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 186. — O. desertus Beschreibung, hafni Rttr. subsp. von desertus , Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 25. Oopterus tripunctatus Auckland Isl. p. 87, marrineri p. &8,tarsalis,elongellus, p. 89, Campbell Isl., spp. n., Broun Subantarct. Islds. N.Z. 1. Ophonus sagowsJcii sp. n. S.-O.-Russ- land, Lutsohnik Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 108. Oreoplatysma nom. n. pro subgen. Agonodemus Reitt. praeocc., Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief 5 1907. Pamborinae, Rousseau Gen. ins. 85 3 pp. & 1 pi. Parasteropus subg. n. von Ptero- stichus ( illigeri Panz.), Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 153. Patrobus austriacus sp. n. Nieder- Osterreich., Reitter p. 133 T.c. Penetretus ( Deltomerus ) sterbai sp. n. Zentral-Mazedonien, Rambouser (5as. (5esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1909 p. 114. Percus ; Table of species, variation, distribution, Ganglbauer D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 97-105. Platynus ( Europhilus ) pirata sp. n. Athos, Sohatzmayr p. 104 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — P. assimilis ab. n. san- guinipes , Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 143. Platypterinus subg. n. von Pterostichus (P. ziegleri ), Reitter pp. 149 & 155 T.c. Platysma ( Derus ) innatum p. 266, with varr. transiliense and ferganense p. 267, aralense p. 268, spp. n., Turkes- tan, advena transcaspicum var. n. p. 266, Glazunov Rev. russe Ent. 8. — P. pop - piusianum n. n. pro insulicola Popp, p. 345, baeckmanni n. n. pro ochoticum Motsch. praeocc. p. 347, cristatum subsp. heydenianum pro cantnbricum Scliauf. p. 349, tschitscherinianum n. n. pro jessoense Tschitsch. praeocc. p. 351, Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 5 1907. Polystichus connexus and fas- ciolatus, identicita, Grandi Riv. Cole- otter. ital. 7 No. 1 p. 2-8 & No. 2-3 p. 25. Pristomachaerus yunnanus Yunnan p. 275, nair p. 276 Malabar, spp. n., Maindron Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. 219 Insecta. Systematic. — Dytiscidae, Etc. Promecognathinae, Rousseau Gen. ins. 84 4. pp. & 1 pi. Pseudomorpha castanea sp. n. Utah, Casey p. 278 Canad. Ent. 41. Pterostichus ( Steropus ) sudeticus sp. n. Deutschl., Gerhardt Breslau Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk. 2 p. 14 and D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 501. — P. ( Eurymelanius ) chy- daeas var. n. ronchettii Kaukasus, Reitter p. 54 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — P. dimidiatus abb. n. niger and sub- violaceus p. 273, P. ( Steropus ) galae- cianus sp. n. Spain p. 274, Lauffer Bol. Soo. ospan. 9. — P. kokeili ab. n. pulchripes, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 154. Scaritini ; Tableau de determination des Coleopteres d’Europe, comprenant la tribu des (trad, par A. Carret), Fleischer et Reitter Misc. ent. 15 (pag. sp6c. 34). Scarites (s. str.) kharonii sp. n. Jeru- salem, Reitter p. 99 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Stenochlaenius subg. n. von Chlaenius ( coeruleus etc.), Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 185. Stenolepta Iranscaspia Transcaspia sp. n., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 297. Sy nter alus gen. n. near Oo pier us, ovalis sp. n. pi. v fig. 1 The Snares ; Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 58. Tachys sexstriatus ab. n. guttifer , Reitter p. 125 Fauna Germ. I 1908. Taphoxenus humeralis Transcaspia sp. n., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 296. Trechus bescidicus sp. n. Bohmerwald, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 130. — T. subnotatus subsp. n. athonis, Schatz- mayr p. 104 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — T. (Anophthalmus) schmidti subsp. n. is- triensis, hirtus subsp. n. mayeri Na- bresina, p. 273, treulandi sp. n. Siid- steiermark p. 274 ; Muller Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — T. rambouseki sp. n. Siid- Bulgarien, Breit Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 295. — T. ( Duvalins ) jurjurae sp. n. Djurdjura p. 242, incola Algeria p. 277, Peyerimhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — T. mauritanicus sp. n. Jeannel Arch. zool. 1 p. 458. — T. apfelbeckianus nom. nov. pro brady- celloides Apf. praeocc. p. 297, T. diniensis subsp. peyerimkofli n. n. pro cautus Peyerim. praeocc. p. 301, Jacobson Kafer Russlands Lief. 4 1906. — T. bordei sp. n. Astut-6 Grotte } Peyerimhoff p. 206 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Zabrus dejeani n. n. pro piger Dej. praeocc. p. 366, Jacobson Kafer Russ- lands Lief. 5 1907. PAUSSIDAE. Uebor die Paussiden ; Muller Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 47-48 58-59 62-64 65-66. Paussus turcicus , bei Pheidole palli- dula Transkaspien ; Kara wa jew Rev. russ. ent. St. Peterburg 9 1909 p. 228. Dytiscidae. Dytiscidae e Oyrinidae del Museo zool. di Roma ; Masi Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 pp. 494-506. Sur le tarse des Dytiscides ; Cha- tanay Paris Diplome d’Etudes sup- erieures de la Faculty des Sciences 1909 11 pp. Recherche physiologique sur les Insects aquatiques II Digestion des larves de Dytique, d’Hydrobius etd’Hy- drophile; Portier Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 67 pp. 379-382. \Acilius florissantensis sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 127. Agabus inguttatus sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 223. — A. sharpi n. n. pro sibiricus Sharp praeocc. p. 430, Jacobson Kafer Russ- lands Lief. 6 1908. Canthydrus levis sp. n. Lower Cali- fornia, Fall p. 161 Canad. Ent. 41. Dytiscus marginalis, Stigmen, Alt Verh. D. zool. Ges. 19 pp. 95-97 and Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 793-799 ; Regenera- tionsversuche, Blunck Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 172-180 ; Farbungsvariation, Blunck T.c. pp. 337-345. Hydroporus lutzi sp. n. Podolieri, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 215. — II. bosnicus sp. n. Bsonia, Apfelbeck Sarajevo Glasn. ZemMuz. Bosn. Herceg. 21 pp. 495-504. — II. eugeniae sp. n. Gouv. Novgorod, Zaicev Rev. russ. erit. 9 pp. 63-64. — H. zaitzevi n. n. pro pecloralisJ. Sahib, praeocc., Jacobson p. 425 Kafer Russlands Lief. 6 1908. — 220 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] H. hopffgarteni distinct, Gerhardt p. 423 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Siettitia ; Abeille de Perrin Mar- seille Annu. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 p. lxxvi. Gyrinidae. Notizen iiber Gyriniden Mark Brand- enburg ; Ahlwarth Ent. Bl. 5 p. 214. Dineutes subspinosus var. n. nota- tipennis, Pic p. 153 Echange 25. Gyrinus urinator var. n. fulviventris Syrien, Reitter Fauna Germ. I 1908 p. 236. Hydrophilidae. Lebensgeschichte, Hydrophilidae ; MegujSar Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 pp. (278)— (287). Adolopus australis p. 223, tibialis p. 224, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Anacaena ; the British species, Edwards pp. 169-172 Ent. Mag. 45. Berosus a (finis, Variation, B. ( Eno - plurus) spinosus var. ?, Muller Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 456-485. Helophorus ( Atractelophorus ) gangl- baueri sp. n. Adamello, Kniz Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. (297). Hydraena ( Photkydraena ) pallidula p. 39, ( Hydraena s. s.) mouzaiensis p. 40, spp. n. N. Africa, Deville Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909. — H. ( Haenydra ) bosnica, homogyna, H. pachyptera, spp. n., Bosnien, Apfelbeck Sarajevo Glasn. Zem.Muz. Bosn. Herceg. 21 pp. 495-504. Hydrophilina ; analytische Tabelle der Gattungen ; Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 228-229. Hydrophilus sartus, Budapest, Reit- ter p. 110 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Hydrous-(Hydrophilus-) Biologie der Larve, Haupt Zs. Natw. Leipzig 81 p. 301-304. Laccobius sulcatulus sp. n. Persia, Reitter Ent. Bl. 5 p.80. — L. scutellaris ? of Motsch., Sharp p. 217 Ent. Mag. 45. Limnohydrobius gen. n. fiir Hydro- Hus convexus, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 357 & 360. Namostygnus gen. n. p. 98 near Cy - loma, rufipes sp. n. p. 99 Auckland Is!., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New. Zealand 1. N eosternolophus subgen. n. von Sterno- lopkus fiir artensis utid nitidulus , Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 228- 232. Ochthebius guerryi sp. n. Vardarebene, Schatzmayr p. 43 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — O. ( Hymenodes ) foveolatus subsp. ?, Muller Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 pp. 456-485. — O. ( Galobius ) zugmayeri sp. n. Nordwest-Persien, Kniz Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 p. (297). f Philydrus scudderi sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 127 1909. Sternolophus ; analytische Tabelle und Verbreitung der Arten pp. 228- 231, decens sp. n. Persia p. 231, notati- collis — solieri, punctulatus = solieri , elongatus — f rater — unicolor, pp. 231 & 232, 'comoriensis — Hydrophilus sp. ? p. 232 ; Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 8. Stapiiylinidae. Catalogue of the genera of Staphy- linidae, 815 in number with 11,801 species, Literature, early stages, dis- tribution etc., Eichelbaum Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 17 pp. 71-280. Acidota caucasica sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 185. Acrulia angusticollis sp. n. Kroatien, Reitter p. 194 T.c. Acylophorus jalapanus sp. n. Mexico, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 289. Agaricophaena subg. n. von Gyro- phaena ( boleti L.), Reitter' Fauna Germ. 2 p. 85. Ancyrophorus aureus var. n. rufi- cornis Gorz, Reitter p. 175 T.c. Antarctophytosus gen. n. fiir Phytosus atriceps Waterh., Enderlein D. Sud- polar Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 377. Antarctotachinus ge n. n. Tachyporinae, crozetensis sp. n. Crozet-Inseln, En- derlein p. 379-380 T.c. Anthobium stussineri Italia, japoni- cum Japan, spp. n., Bernhauer Soc. entomol. 24 p. 52. — A. zolotarevi sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter p. 55 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. 221 Insecta. S YSTEMATIC. — STAPH YLINIDAE. Anthophagus dinaricus sp. n. Bosnion, Apfelbeck Sarajevo Glasn. ZemMuz. Bosn. Herceg. 21 pp. 495-504. Apleranillus villosus sp. n. Algoria, Peyerimhoff p. 279 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Apteraphaenops ; position system a- tique et origine phylog6nique, Peyer- imhoff pp. 20-23 figs. T.c. Astenognathus subg. n. von Astenus (= filiformis etc.). Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 150. AHenus graecus Griechenland vele- biticus Kroatien p. 160, rufopaeus Len- koran, rutilipennis Ungarn, p. 151, spp. n., Reitter T.c. Atanygnathus nom. n. pro Tanyg- nathus Er., Jacobson Kaf. Russl. Lief, vii p. 521. V r Alheta geysiri sp. n. Island, Neu- mann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 777. — A. (Me- taxya) nigropicea Shigansk p. 35, prati- cola Ost-Sibirien, p. 37, A. ( Oreostiba ) lenense Lena p. 39, A. ( Traumoenia ) caviceps Shigansk p. 41, A. ( Philhygra ) tungusica p. 42, paludicola p. 43, Ost- Sibirien, A. ( Dimetrota ) granulifera Shi- gansk p. 45, spp. n., Poppius Hel- singfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 4. — X centropunctata California p. 515, angusticauda Alaska and Brit. Colum- bia, approximate , Massachusetts, p. 510 densissima p. 517 California, impressi- pennis Massachusetts, pseudoatomaria Maine, p. 618 opaciceps Massachusetts, militaris California, p. 519, frosti N.- Amerika, tubericauda, p. 520, Massachu- setts, unigranosa Delaware p. 521, met- lakatlana Brit. Columbia, sublucens California, obsoleticollis Colorado, p. 522, oregonensis Oregon, klimschi Opelousas, p. 523, klagesi p. 524 California, orientis Georgien, hampshirensis New Hamp- shire, p. 525, subpygmaea Massachu- setts, bakeri Pennsylvania, p. 526, flavi- cornis p. 527 Pennsylvania, continen- talis Iowa, Pennsylvania, bistriata Penn- sylvania, p. 528, spp. n., Bernhauer D. ent. Zs. 1909. — A. ( Halobrectha ) algophila p. 419, A. hilar is p. 420, A. (Dimetrota) laetula p. 421, neomexicana p. 422, nigrita, A. (Metaxya) subpolaris p. 423, U.S., spp. n., Fenyes Ent. News 20. — A. mulata n. n. pro myrme- cobia Kr. p. 547, hispanica nom. n. pro laevigata Ch. p. 651, Jacobson Kaf. Russ. Lief. vii. — A theta ernestinae var. n . curtii Doutschl., Hubentiial Ent. Bl. 5 p. 1 etc. — A.languida nnd longicolliat Kolbe Breslau Jahresh. Ver. Insekt- onk. H. 2 pp. 25-28. Baeostethus gen. n. Aleocharidae p. 90, cliiltoni sp. n. p. 97 pi. v f. 7 Campbell Isl., -Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1. Bledius miles sp. n. Argentinien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Bolitobius pygmaeus subsp. n. trans- versulus Kaukasus, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 105. Bryophacis subg. n. von Bryoporus (rufus Er.), Bryoporus strigellus sp. n. Madrid, Reitter p. 102 T.c. Calischnopoda subg. n. von Ischno- poda (exarata Er.), Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 73. Cephisus ferrantei sp. n. Cairo, Reitter p. 39 Bull. Soc. ent. Eygpte 1. Cryptobium palagonicum , opalescens, Argentinien, spp. n., Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225- 251. Deliphrosoma gen. n. fur Arpedium macrocephalum Epph., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 180. Diestota testacea , Sharp p. 269 Ent. Mag. 45. Dinarda; the forms, Wasmann Natur und Offenb. 55 pp. 321-346. Dinusina gen. n., gestroi Chile, bimaculata Argentinien, spp. n., Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Edaphus kaufmanni sp. n. Fiume, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 303. Euaesthetus frigidus sp. n. Lena, Poppius Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 4 p. 21. Eucnecosum subg. n. von Arpedium = brachypterum, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 186. Euphonus reitter i n. n. pro grandiceps Reitt., Jacobson Kaf. Russl. Lief, vii p. 495. Euryodma subg. n. von Aleochara (brevipennis Gr.), Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 pp. 23 & 24. Euryquedius subg. n. von Quedius (curtus), Reitter p. 108 T.c. 222 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Eurysunius subg. n. von Astenus ( — latus etc.), Reitter p. 149 T.c. Euvira testacea sp. n. Argentinien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soo. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Falagria pergracilia sp. n. Mexiko, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 287.— F. incerta sp. n. Bolivien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Falagriola gen. n. fur Falagria nigra p. 41, lutzi sp. n. Transkaspien p. 75, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2. Oeostiba praefixa sp. n. Tunis, Nor- mand p. 191 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — O. chlorotica navarica subap. n., de Peyerimhofe p. 225 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — O. bordei sp. n. Algeria, Peyerimhofe p. 278 T.c. Qnypeta boliviana sp. n. Bolivien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225- 251. Oyrophaena vosseleri sp. n. O.-Afrika, Eichelbaum Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p, 316. — O. bernhaueri n. n. pro puncti- collia Bernh., Jacobson Kaf. Russ. Lief, vii p. 533. — O. nana var. n. nigrivenlris Mahren, Fleischer p. 332 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ealobrechthina subg. n. zu Atheta, Bernhauer D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 519. Easumius erlli, ganglbaueri, p. 88, puncticollis , iringanus, Ostafrika, spp. n., Bernhauer p. 89 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Eeterothops mexicanus sp. n. Mexico, Schubert I), ent. Zs. 1909 p. 290. Eoliaua planus sp. n. Mexico, Schu- bert p. 295 T.c. Homalota scotica sp. n. Scotland, Elliman p. 33 Ent. Rec. 21. — H. parena, Champion p. 5 Ent. Mag. 45. — H. fussi, Champion p. 31 T.c. — H. dilaticornia in truffles, testaceipes in wasp’s nest, Joy p. 277 Ent. Mag. 45. Homoeuaa acuminata var. n. tomen- iosa Kaukasus, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 38. Hyperomma tendlum sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 227 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Lathrobium quadratum var. n. rufo- nitidum Lenkoran, ab. n. rufopacum Deutschland, p. 142, styliferum ,sp. n. Kaukasus p. 143, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2. — L. punctatum var. n. gracile Ost-Sibirien, Poppius Helsingfors Of- vers F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 4. — L. czwalinai n. n. pro decipiens Czwal. praeocc., Jacobson Kaf. Russl. Lief, vii p. 492. Leplusa carinata, cephalotes, Piemont, aaiiUica Asia Minor, duboisi Versailles, spp. n., puellaris subsp. n. knabli M. Pasubio, Bernhauer Soc. entom ol. 23 pp. 179-180. Lesteva longelytrata var. n. dorsalis Araxestal, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 184. Lispinodea americanua sp. n. Brasi- lien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Lispinus holosinua sp. n. Usambara, Fauvel p. 95 Rev. Ent. 27. — L. striclus sp. n. Brasilien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Medon apicipennia Brasilien etc., or- bicollis Argentinien, spp. n., Bern- hauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Megacronua mexicanus sp. n. Mexico, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 289. Megalops laevipennis, bolivianus, ges- troi, Bolivien, quadrimaculatus Brasilien, spp. n., Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Metoponcus lineatus sp. n. Mexiko, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 296. M icralymma ; Poppius Medd. Soo.* Fauna Fenn. 35 pp. 96-99. Microdota montandoni sp. n. Rumao- nien, Roubal Ohs. Oesko Spol. En- tomolog. 1909 p. 27. Mycetoporua reichei var. n. subpronus, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 102. Myrmecopora brevipes sp. n. England, Butler p. 29 Ent. Mag. 45. — M. ( Xenusa ) buresi sp. n. Bulgarien, Rambousek Vestn. Cesk6 Spol. Nduk. 1909 p. 19. Myrmecosaurus gen. n Paederinorum , solenopsidis sp. n. Brasilia, Wasmann Zool. Anz. 34 p. 765. Myrmedonia strigosipennis sp. n. Mexico, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 288. Ocalea fusca sp. n. Arizona, Fenyes Ent. News 20 p. 424. 223 Insecta. S YSTEMATIC. — STAPH YLINIDAE, Ocyusa ( Leptusina ) ferdinandicoburgi sp. n. Bulgarian, Rambousek VSstn. 0esk6 Spol. N&uk. 1909 p. 20. Omalium Venator sp. n. Campbell Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 98. — 0. flavipalpi p. 228, plant- marginatum p. 229, setipes p. 230, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Oxypoda pallidicornis Jakutsk p. 47, 0. ( Podoxya ) atratula Shigansk p. 49, coprophila Olekminsk p. 50, 0. ( Sphe - nomma) lenense Ost Sibirien p. 51, spp. n., Poppius Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet, Soc. 51 A No. 4. Oxytelus nitidus var. n. subnitidus Kaukasus, Rettter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 171. — O. crenaticollis, miriceps, spp. n., Usambara, Fauvel p. 96 Rev. Ent. 27. Paederomimus c.upreonitens, nigro- cyancus, Moxiko, spp. n., Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 294. Paederus altivagans nom. n. for alti- cola Fauv., Fauvel p. 95 Rev. Ent. 27. — P. flavocaudatvs sp. n. Bolivien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Palaminus boliviano, balzani, Bo- livien spp. n., Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Pardbemus subg. n. von Staphylinus ( = fossor Scop.), Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 118. Paradilacra subg. n. zu Atheta, Bernhauer D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 517. Pettochromonia subg. n. von Myrme- donia (ruficollis), Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 43. Philonthus aneora Transkaspien p. 125, rufimargo Armenisches Gebirge p. 128, uralensis Sudrussland p. 131, spp. n., Reitter T.c. — P. grandiceps, Tscheljabinsk p. 24, subnitens Lena S. 26, gpp. n., Poppius Helsingfors fvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 4. — P. fuentei sp. n. Spanien, Roubal Oas. 0esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1909 p. 100.— P. japonicus var. n. bernhaueri Kurilen, Roubal Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 373. — P. semicyaneus p. 290, laevi- ventris, discedens , p. 291, vagepunctalus , speculicollis, p. 292, crinitus, propor- tionalis, p. 293, Mexiko spp. n., Schu- bert D. ent. Zs. 1909. — P. bonariensis sp. n. Argentinien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soo. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Phyllodrepa alutacea sp. n. Circassien, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 193. Pinophilus turcomannum Transcas- pia p. 302, zarudnyi, Persia spp. n., zarud- nyi ab. n. fulviventris p. 303, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 8. — P. proximus Brasi- ilien, denticeps Montivideo, stvorii Ar- gentinien, spp. n., Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Polycharina subg. n. von Aleochara ( grisea Kr.), Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 pp. 22 28. Polystomaria nom. n. fur Polystoma Steph. nec Zeder, Reitter p. 22 T.c. Proteinus crenulatus and limbatusf Sharp p. 267 Ent. Mag. 45. Protopristus gen. n. Aleocharinae p. 225, minutus sp. n. New Zealand p. 226, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 8. Pseudoleptusa gen. n. near Atheta p. 34, fasciata sp. n. Lona p. 35, Pop- pius Helsingfors Ofvers F. Vet. Soc. 15 A No. 4. Quediini ; Schliissel der Coleopteren Bohmens. i Staphylinidae, Rambou- sek Oas. 0esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 37-55. Qnedius microphthalmus sp. n. Kau- kasus p. 109, rufipes var. n. lutzi Len- koran p. 115, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2. — Q. hilaris sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 226 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Rhopalocerina nom. n. pro Rhopalo- cera Ganglb. (subgen. von Atheta ), Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 55. Rhopalopherus gen. n., gestroi sp. n. Argentinien, Bernhauer Firenze BolL Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 226-251. Scopaeus curlipennis sp. n. Mexiko, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 295. Scymbalopsis gen. n. fur Scymbalium grandiceps, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 139. , Silusa densa, opaca, p. 418, spp. n. California, Fenyes Ent. News 20. Sipalia deubeli Siebenbiirgen, graeca Kephallenia, arazcooana Italia, in- sular is Sardinia, spp. n. ; Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 102-104. Staphylinus amoenus sp. n. Siidruss- land, falcifer ab. n. bonnairei Frank- 221 Intecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] reich, atronitidus sp. n. Cypern, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 122. Stenagria schneideri sp. n. Mexico, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 287. Stenus zoufali sp. n. Herzegowina with ab. n. matzenaueri, Fleischer Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 313 ; graci- lipes ab. n. wankai Horzegowina, Fleischer p. 110 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — S. thomsoni n. n. pro bipustulatus piaeocc., Jacobson p. 479 Kiifer Russlands Lief. 6 1908. — S. be.rn- hauerianus n. n. pro indubius Beinh. praeoec., Jacobson Kaf. Russl. Lief, vii p. 483. — S. taigae p. 11, simplici- ventris p. 13, Ost-Sibirien, S. ( Nestus ) jacuticus Aldan p. 16, S. ( Hypostenus ) re- pandus Ost-Sibiiien, Nord-Russland p. 19, spp. n., Poppius Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 4. — 8. auropubescens sp. n. Mexiko, Schu- bert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 296. — S. eurti - pennis sp. n. Brasilien, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225- 251. — *9. subglaber, Fauvei. p. 55 Rev. Ent. 27. Stilicus orbiculatus var. n. pktipennia Griechenland, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 149. Suniogaster subg. n. von A stenus ( = ampliventr’s Reitt.), Reitter p. 151 T.c. Sunius lyonessius sp. n. Scilly, Joy p. 54 Ent. Mag. 45. Symbiochara gen. n. Aleocharinae p. 325, lativentris sp. n. California p. 326, Fen yes Canad. Ent. 41. Tachinus maracandicus n. n. pro splen- dens Luze praeocc., Jacobson Kaf. Russ. Lief, vii p. 526. Tachyusa schuberti n. n. pro bicolor Schub., Jacobson p. 540 T.c. Tanygnathinus nom. n. fur Tanyg- nathus Er. nec. Wagl., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 105. Thinobius pallidus sp. n. England, Newbery p. 4 Ent. Mag. 45.— T. per- pusillus sp. n. Bulgarien, Rambousek Vestn. Oeske Spol. Nauk. 1908 p. 19. Thinocharis bernhauer i n. n. pro brevicornis Bernh. praeocc., Jacobson Kaf. Russl. Lief, vii p. 493. Trogophloeus ( Taenosoma ) lutipennis sp. n. Ost.-Sibirien, Poppius Helsing- fors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 4 P- 7. — T. smithi Bolivien, globulicollis, monachus, Argentinien, spp. n., Bern- hauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Typhlolinus subg. n. von Xantholinus = hungjricus Reitt., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 138. Zyras ater sp. n. Mexiko, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 288. — Z. silvestri sp. n. Paraguay, Bernhauer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 225-251. Pselapiiidae. Arhytodes gounellei p. 48, semisul- catus p. 49, spp. n., Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78. — A. brucld sp. n. Argentina, Raffray p. 82 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Arthmius barbicllinii sp. n. Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 21 fig. — A. ( Syrbatus ) bifurcatus p. 68, bruchi p. 69, spp. n. Argentina, Raf- fray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Arlicerus cylindricornis sp. n. Aus- tralia, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 50. Batrisocenus semipunctatus, ailatatus, spp. n., Japan, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 25. Batrisodes nipponensis p. 23, vulgaris p. 24, spp. n., Japan, Raffray T.c. Batristilbus gen. n. type Batrisus politus Sharp, Raffray fig. 4 p. 22 T.c. Bryaxis fossulata var. n. ochanensis Euboea, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 213. — B. (ex. Byihinus) japonica Sharp var. n. humilis p. 371, harmandi p. 38, sautezi p. 39, spp. n., Japan, Raffray Paiis Ann. soc. ent. 78. Byihinus comita s]i. n. Makcdonien, Rambousek Oas. Cosk6 Spol. En- tomolog. 1909 pp. 160-164. — B. neu - manni p. 277, issensis p. 279, spp. n. Dalmatia, Muller Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Bythobletus subg. n. von Bythimis ( = puncticollis etc)., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 214. Claviger montandoni in Rumiinien, Lebensweise, Heyden Ent. Bl. 5 p. 29. 225 Insecta. S rSTEMATIO . — PSELAPHIDAE. Connodonlus silveslrii sp. n. Abys- sinia, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 17. Ctenisis fasciculata p. 7ft, gracilis p. 80, spp. n. Argentina, Raffray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Ctenistes maindroni sp. n. Saigon, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 44. Decarthron torticorne sp. n. frazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 34. — D. binodosum p. 74, simplex, hirsutum, p. 75, rubripenne p. 76, spp. n. Ar- gentina, Raffray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Diplectellus subg. n. von Euplectus — puncticeps etc., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 207. Euphalepsus cavifrons sp. n. Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 26. Euplectellus subg. n. von Euplectus = hummleri, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 207. Euplectus metopiestus Lombardei p. 206, pharax Circassien p. 207, spp. n., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2. — E. slivensis, urumovi, spp. n. Bulgarien, Ram- bousek (5as. (Sealed Spol. Entomolog. 1909 pp. 16-24. — E. aubeanus, brunneus, synonymy, Champion p. 74 Ent. Mag. 45. — E. jure&eki Ramb. identisch mit erichsoni, Reitter p, 168 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Eupsenina gen. n. p. 35 voisin d’Eupsenius, fracticornis sp. n. Brazil p. 36, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78. Eurhexius rubripennis sp. n. Argen- tina, Raffray p. 67 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Faradayus gen. n. fur Pselaphoptrus banghaasi Reitt., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 217. Fustiger gounellei sp. n. Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 61. — F. elegans sp. n. Argentina, Raffray p. 83 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Garnba elongata and rugicollis Schauf., Raffray p. 63 T.c. Hamotoides ecitophilus sp. n. Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 46. Hamotus deplanatus sp. n. Brazil, Raffray p. 45 T.c. — H. argentinus sp. n. Argentina, Raffray p. 82 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. (n-11091 j) Itelicus semipunctatus sp. n. Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 21. Jubus crassipes sp. n. Brazil, Raf- fray p. 15 T.c. Lioplectus longulus, lenticornis , p. 65, simplex , bicolon , p. 66, capitatus p. 67, spp. n. Argentina, Raffray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Melba caviceps p. 16 Guiana, tem- poralis Martinique, clavata Brazil, p. 16, spp. n., Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78. Melbamima gen. n. voisin de Melba p. 17, clavicornis sp. n. Brazil p. 18 fig., Raffray T.c. Neotyrus vestitus sp. n. Argentina, Raffray p. 81 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Phalepsoides vagepunctatus sp. n. Brazil, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 27. Poroderus indus sp. n. India, Raf- fray p. 45 T.c. Pselaphaulax gen. n. fur Pselaphus dresdensis, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 217. Pselaphellus gen. n. p. 77, convexus, vestitus , p. 78, pallipes p. 79, spp. n., Argentina, Raffray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Pselaphomorphus bruchi sp. n. Ar- gentina, Raffray p. 62 T.c. Pselaphostomus gen. n. fur Pselaphus stussineri Reitt., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 218. Pselaphus fiorii nom. n. fur Pselaphus reitteri Fiori, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 218. — P. longifrons Australia, latifrons Ceylon, p. 41, japonicus p. 42 Japan, spp. n„ Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78. Pseudeupleclus gen. n. near Euplectus , antarcticus sp. n. Crozet-Inseln, En- derleiN P. Sudpolar Exped. 10 H. 4 pp. 383-384. Raxybis gen. n. p. 69, nodosa p. 70, frontalis p. 71, spp. n. Argentina, Raffray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Reichenbachia gounellei p. 29, obesa, S. America, antilope Japan, p. 30, spp. n., Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78. — R. festina p. 71, lutea p. 72, griseo- pubescens, argentina, p. 73, spp. n. Ar- gentina, Raffray Rev. Mus. La Plata 15, a 24 226 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Rhexius elegans sp. n. Brazil, Raf- fray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 18 fig. Rhynoscepsis richteri sp. n. Argentina, R affray p. 63 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Rybaxia tibialis p. 32 Australia, in- fuacata p. 33 Japan, spp. n., Raffray Paris Ann. soe. ent. 78. Sognorus croissandeaui, bei Messor reticuliventris, Karawajew Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 228. Tychus ; Phanoraenen der Poeci- landrie, der Poecilogynie und der in- dividuellen Veranderlichkeit, Grandi D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 537-550 2 Taf.— T. craasicornis sp. n. Japan, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 40. Triomicrua sublaevia sp. n. Japan, Raffray p. 31 T.c. Tyraphus nitidus sp. n. Japan, Raffray p. 43 T.c. Xybaris excelsa sp. n. Brazil, Raf- fray p. 28 T.c. SOYDMAENIDAE. The male organ, Peyerimhoff pp. 190-197 figs. Ann. Soc. ent. France 1909. Oephennium metasternale sp. n. Tunis, Normand p. 257 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — C. leonhardi sp. n. Bulgarien, Rambousek (3as. 6esk6 Spol. En- tomolog. 1909 pp. 16-24. Cladoconnua subg. n. von Euconnua = denticornia etc., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 226. Euconnus ( Tetramelua ) bulgaricus sp. n. Bulgarien, Rambousek 6as. 6esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1909 pp. 16-24. Euconophron subg. n. von Euconnua = promptua etc., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 226. Eustemnua sternalia subsp. n. spiniger Nord Afrique, Peyerimhoff Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 183. Euthia praeclara sp. n. Tunis, Nor- mand p. 256 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Ncurapkea carinatoides sp. n. Krain, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 224. — N. ( Paraphes ) parvulua sp. n. Bulgarien, Rambousek 6as. 6esk6 Spol. En- tomolog. 1909 pp. 16-24. Scydmaenua ( Eu8temmu8 ) laticepa, apinicomis, spp. n. p. 103, subsp. n. armiger , operosus, rernovena, punicus, p. 104, spp. n. Nord Afrique, Peyerim- hoff Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909. SlLPIIIDAK, ClAMUIDAE. Aclypea semenovi B. Jak. = calva Rttr., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 33. Agathidium labratum sp. n. Italy, Reitter Riv. Coleottei . ital. 7 pp. 209- 211. Anillochlamys gen. n. type Bathyscia tropica Ab. p. 471, bueni sp. n. Alicante p. 472, Jeannel Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Anisotoma anglica, characters, Joy p. 219 Ent. Mag. 45. Aphaobius manelci sp. n. Bulgarien, Muller p. 281 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Bathyacia asperata subsp. n. inter- media Pyrenees, Jeannel Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 figs. p. 19. Breuilia gen. n. type Bathyscia tri- angulum Sharp p. 467, cuneua p. 468, tibialis p. 469, spp. n. Spain, Jeannel Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Catops fuacoidea sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter p. 56 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — G. avivorua sp. n. Auckland Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 101. Gholeva zolotarevi sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter p. 55 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28.— O. nemoralis sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 230 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Clambua minutum and punctulum distinguished, Britten p. 251 Ent. Mag. 45. Colon sekerae sp. n. Lombardei, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 237. — C. purkynei sp. n. Capri, Fleischer p. 243 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Curvimanon subgen. n. of Colon, Fleischer p. 246 T.c. Hydnobius parallelus sp. n. Buchara, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 248. Leptinus teslaceus Mull. Habitat, Olivier Echange 25 p. 115. Liodes calcaratoides sp. n. Monte Pagano, Reitter Riv. Coleotter. ital. 7 pp. 209-211. Liodopria gen. n. fur Liodes signata Waltl., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 254. 227 Insecta. S YSTEMATIO. —HlSTERIDAE. N argus albanicus, balcanicus, Bosnien, Albanien, spp. n., Arfelbeck Sarajevo Glasn. ZemMuz. Bosn. Herceg. 21 pp. 405-504. Necrodes brevicollis sp. n. India, Arrow p. 190 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Necrophorus germanicus and liuma- tor, Bickhardt Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 73-76. — N. investigator — ( lalefasciatus Lewis), Arrow p. 191 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Oxelylrum Gistel, Arrow p. 191 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Platycholeus opacellus sp. n. Cali- fornia, Fall Psyche 16 p. 133. Ptomascopus morio Kr. =(carbun- culus Lewis), Arrow p. 190 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Silpha ; synonym ical notes, Arrow p. 190 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Speocharis gen. n. typo Balhyscia arcana Sch. p. 463, breuili p. 464, escalerai p. 465, minos p. 466, spp. n., Spain, Jeannel Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Speonomus stygius subsp. n. lisiphone p. 62, longicornis subsp. n. juxeensis p. 64, bcpmalei sp. n. p. 69, Pyrenees, Jeannel Abeille 31. — 8. rudauxi sp. n. Pyrenees, Jeannel Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 18. — 8. oberthuri sp. n. Guipuzcoa, Jeannel p. 470 Bol. Soc. ©span. 9. Thanotophilus Leach, Synopsis specie- rum, quae elytra tuberculis vel rugis ornata habent, sachalinicus sp. n. Sacha- lin, Kieseritzky Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 126-127. Trichopterygidae. List of Swedish Trichopterygidae y Ericson Entomol. Tidskr. 29 pp. 121- 125. Euryplilium fiachi sp. n. Bohmerwald, Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 271. Plenidium sp. n. Japan, Ericson Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 288. Pteryx ganglbaueri sp. n. Kalabrien, Ericson T.c. p. 288. Rodwayia gen. n. near Limulodes p. 14, ovata p. 1 5, occidentals, orientalis, minuta, p. 16, Australia and Tasmania, spp. n., Lea Tasmanian Nat. 1 1907 figs. SoAPIIIDIIDAE. Bir6nium gen. n. aft. Amalocerae, longipes sp. n. Nova Guinea, Csiki Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 341. Scaphidium perpulchrum sp. n. Ton- kin, Csiki T.c. pj 340. Scaphobaeocera gen. n. aft. Baeo- ceridii, papuana sp. n. Nova Guinea, Csiki p. 343 T.c. Synteliidae. Syntelia ; taxonomy, Arrow p. 484 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. HlSTERIDAE. Tableaux analytiques pour la de- termination des Coleopteres d’Europe ; Schmidt Misc. ent. 14 1906 pag. sp6c. 1-1615 1907 pp. 17-66. Atholister subg. n. von Ilister = bimaculatus etc., Reitter Fauna Geim. 2 p. 286. Atholus coalescens sp.n. Capo Colony, Lewis p. 298 Ann. Nat. Hsit. 4 Carcinops sinensis sp. n. Nankin, Lewis p. 299 T.c. Eucalohister subg. n. von Hisler = gratiosus etc., Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 283. Eudiplister subg. n. von Hisler — lugubris, Reitter p. 286 T.c. Eugrammicus minor sp. n. Congo, Lewis p. 295 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Euspilotus richteri, devius, spp. n. Argentina, Lewis p. 303 T.c. Exosternus angolae sp. n. Angola, Lewis p. 300 T.c. GnathoncUs nidicola characters, Joy p. 220 Ent. Mag. 45. Hisler marginipunctatus p. 297 and lineimargo p. 298, descriptions, H. siculus Tourn. to Atholus , Lewis p. 298 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — Id. scutellaris etc., Stellung, Muller p. 169 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Macrolister emarginatus sp. n. Congo, Lewis p. 297 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Merohister subg. n. von Hisler = ariasi , Reitter Fauna Germ. 2 p. 282. Nagelius gen. n. type Psiloscelis limatus, Lewis p. 294 with fig. p. 295 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. (n-11091 j) d 24 — 2 228 Inseda. xil. Insecta. [1909] Onthophilus bickhardti sp. n. Jerusa- lem, Eeitter Ent. Bl. 5 p. 180. Par atr opus congonis sp. n. Congo, Lewis p. 301 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Paromalus teres and deb Hi s Lee. to Isolomalus , Lewis p. 299 T.c. Platylister bandae sp. n. Tenimber, Lewis p. 293 T.c. Platysoma incurvatum sp. n. Sarawak, Lewis p. 293 T.c. — P. frontale , Seine- et-Marne, Hesbords Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 259. Saprinus aeratus sp. n. Argentina p. 301, 8. colombicus Kirsch to Euspi- lotus p. 302, Lewis Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — 8. stussineri sp. n. Thessaly, Reit- ter p. 99 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Teretriosoma saginatum sp. n. Centr. Africa, Lewis p. 292 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Zabromorphus pinguis sp. n. Congo, Lewis p. 296 T.c. TROGOSmDAE=TEUNOCHILIDAE. Acalanthis ; Clerus semimetgllicus F. and G. is an, Leveille p. 64 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Orynotna albosparsa sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 231 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Oymnochila varia = ( squamosa Murr.), Arrow p. 191 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Lepidopteryx Hope = {Leper ina), squamosa Gray — {decorata Er. ), Arrow p. 192 T.c. Leporina francoisi sp. n. New Cale- donia, Leveille p. 163 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1 909. Lophocateres pusillus = {nanus Olliff), Arrow p. 192 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Promanus subcostatus sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 232 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Nitidulidae. Axyra lata p. 310, pundatissima p. 311, spp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 15. — A. setosa Murr. and picea Boh., Arrow p. 191 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Brachypeplus permixtus sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 97. Brachypterus latipes sp. n. Dar-es- Salam, GnouVEhLE T,o, p. 1. Carpophilus extensus sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle T.c. p. 98.— C. opacus p. 127, bistigma p. 128, constrictus p. 130, Africa, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. — C. decipiens, Sciierdlin Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 290. Cillaeus eichelbaumi sp. n. Dar-es- Salam, Grouvelle Rev. ent, Caen 27 p. 6. Circopes africanus sp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 15. — C. peringueyi sp. n. Transvaal, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 148. Cryptarcha sjoestedti sp. n., Grou- velle Kilimandjaio-Meru Exp. 7 15 p. 323. — C. glabra sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 375. — G. latissima sp. n. Abyssinia, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 149. Cyllodes rufithorax sp. n. Dar-es- Salam, Grouvelle T.c. p. 10. Epuraea muhli, Muhl p. 37 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — E. drapeta sp. n. Transkas- pien, longula var. apicipennis nom. n. fur erichsoni , Reitter p. 101 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — E. { Micrurula ) kolbei sp. n. Afrique orientale, Grouvelle Rev. ent. 27 p. 99. — E. subelongata p. 131, weisei p. 132, Usambara, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Heterostomus dilutipes sp. n. Turke- stan, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 303. Lordites picta Macl. = ( glabricola Cand.), Arrow p. 191 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Megauchenia Macl. = {Ischaena Er.) and setipennis Macl. =(/. elongata Er.), Arrow p. 191 T.c. mimetes p. 313, incognitus p. 314, dilutus p. 315, aethiops p. 316, sjostedti p. 317, gloriosus p. 318, subcaendeus p. 319, splendens p. 320, spp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 15. — M. rubiginosus, ferruginasceriSy M. {Acanthogetes) ful- viduSy p. 9, spp. n. Afrique orientale, Grouvelle Rev. ent. 27. Metapria nom. n. for Micropria, perparva sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 105. Micrurula subopaca to Meligethes, Reitter p. 312 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Pallodes sjoestedti sp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 15 p. 2$9 insedta. Systematic. — Nitidulidae — AdImeridae. 322. — P. parvulus sp. n. Korogowc, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 106. Platy chora deplanata Murr. sp. n. Natal, Arrow p. 192 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. * Pria vicina p. 101, ochroleuca Dar-es-Salam p. 102, kolbei p. 103, Amani, spp. n., Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27. — P. oblita p. 134, rafjrayi p. 135, testacea p. 136, weisei p. 137, horni p. 139, fallax p. 140, mixta p. 141, pauli p. 142, vicina, oclirolcuca , p. 146, kolbei p. 147, Africa, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Promelopia bidenlata sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 375. Soronia decumana Texas, Schaeffer p. 375 T.c. Monotomidae. Europs kolbei sp. n. Amani, Grou- velle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 21. — E. multipunctatus sp. n. Amani, Grou- velle p. 118 T.c. Ixion alatus p. 186, horni p. 187, Africa, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. * Colydiidae. Bitoma picicorne sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 385 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — B. latiusculus Fairm. to Neotrichus, Arrow p. 193 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Bothrideres vittalus = {musivus and merus Pasc.), lobatus Pasc. =(versutus and servus Pasc.), B. simplex sp. n. Rio Janeiro, Sharp fide Arrow p. 194 T.c. Cephalopycnus nom. n. for Pycnoce- phalus Kr. nec Sharp, Arrow p. 193 T.c. Cerylon lanuginosum sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 113. — G. weisei p. 158, kolbei p. 159 Africa, recticolle p. 161 Madagascar, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Colobicus conjormis and parilis iden- tical, distribution, Arrow p. 193 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Coxelus elongatus p. 386, variegalus p. 387, bicavus p. 388, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ditoma brevicollis sp. n. Amani, Grou- velle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 1 1 . Ethelema gracilis sp. n. Panama, Arrow p. 194 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Gathocles obliquicostalus sp. n. NeW Zealand, Broun p. 388 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ldscotonus eichelbaumi sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 110. Lithophorus ornatus sp. n. —{succi- neus Sh. nec. Pasc.) Mexico, Arrow p. 194 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Micropius confusus sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 107. — M. reticulatus p. 151, raffrayi p. 153, Africa, Grouvelle T.c. Nematidium pascoei nom. n. for fili forme Pasc. nec Lee., Arrow p. 193 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Neotrichus filiformis sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 112. Prolarphius tricavus p. 389, posticalis p. 390, spp. n., Now Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Pseudobothrideres weisei sp. n. Africa or., Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 155. Pubala angusta sp. n. Dar-es-Salam, Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 111. Pycnomerus suteri p. 393, ruficollis p. 394, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3.— P. sophorae Sharp is Lyctue depressiusculus White, Arrow p. 194 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Sosylus sjoestedti sp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 15 p. 324. Symphysius gen. n. near Ulonotus, serralus, p. 391, lobifer p. 392, spp. n.. New Zealand, BhouN Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Triboderus africanus sp. n. Abyssinia, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 156. Xuthia merged in Bitoma , siccana Pasc. ={maura and rufina Pasc.), Arrow p. 193 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Xylolaemus africanus sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 108. Adimeridae, Riiysodidae. Adimerus and Monoedus , Arrow p. 195 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Coleopterorum Catalogus Pars 1, Rhy- sodidae, Gestro Berlin 1910 (1909) p. 11. 230 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] CUPESIDAE. ' fPriacma tesscllata, Le Cupes de l’ambre de la Baltique, Peyerimhofe Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 57. CUOUJIDAE. Hymciea Pascoe, referred to Cucuji- dae, Arrow p. 193 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Inopeplus grandis sp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 15 p. 327. Ipsaphes morosus distinguished from Platisus obscurus, Arrow p. 192 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Laemophloeus decoratus p. 13, lucidus p. 15, opaculus p. 16, divergens p. 17, patens p. 18, eichelbaumi p. 19, Amani, spp. n., Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27. — L. exornatus p. 167, mobilis p. 168, linearis p. 170, Africa, spp. n., Grou- velle T.c. — L. reitteri =(breviceps Sharp), Arrow p. 192 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Psammaecus excellens sp. n. Afrique orientale, Grouvelle Rev. ent. 27 p. 115. — P. marginicollis p. 181, grandis p. 183, excellens p. 185, Africa, spp. n., Grouvelle T. c. Silvanus oblitus sp. n. Dar-es-Salam, Grouvelle p. 116 T.c. Telephanus sharpi nom. n. for gracilis Sh. nec. Schauf., Arrow p. 193 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Cryptophagidae. Anther ophagus pallens and Bomb, muscorum, Cottam Lane. Nat. 2 p. 266. Alomar ia marginata sp. n. Turkestan, Fleischer p. 271 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Diphyllus fulvus p. 328, sjoestedti p. 329, spp. n., Grouvelle Kilimand- jaro-Meru Exp. 7 15. Olisonotha Jcolbei sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 122. Hapalips eichelbaumi sp. n. Amani, Grouvelle p. 119 T.o. Leucohimatium nigrosuturale sp. n. Turkestan, Reitter p. 101 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Micrambe varicolor p. 331, subinfus- cata p. 332, spp. n., Grouvelle Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 15. — M. eichelbaumi p. 122, Zanzibar ica p. 123, Africa or., spp. n., Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27. — M. goliath p. 189, convexa p. 190, minuta p. 191, per in- gueyi p. 193, Tcolbei p. 194, reitteri p. 196, dubia p. 197, punctata p. 199, hirta p. 200, zanzibarica , eichelbaumi, p. 203, Africa, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Tomarus eichelbaumi sp. n. Dar-es- Salam, Grouvelle p. 125 T.c. Latiiridiidae. Corticaria ( Melanophthalma ) nidicola sp. n. Mexique, Grouvelle Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 245. Mycetopiiagidae. Triphyllus pubescens sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 395 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Typhaea fusca sp. n. Africa or., Grouvelle Rev. ent. Caen 27 p. 205. Byturidae, Dermestidae. Ignotus aenigmaticus is Thelydrias contractus Motsch., Zaitzevp- 37 Canad. Ent, 41. Satorystia meschniggi Reitt., to Byturidae, Reitter p. 312 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Thoriotidae. Thorictus lebedewi Transkaulcasien, duplimargo Mesopotamien, spp. n., Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 317. — T. laticollis Transkaspien, Karawajew Rev. russ. ent. St. Peterburg 9 p. 228. Byrrhidae. Cyphonicus Sharp synonymous with Byrrinus Motsch., Arrow p. 195 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Limnichus pruinosus sp. n. Samar- kand, Fleischer p. 244 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Liochoria sumptuosa p. 103, longula p. 104, Auckland Isl., spp. n., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1. Morychus tumidellus sp. n. The Snares, Broun p. 102 T.c. Pedilophorus pulcherrimus sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 396 Ann. Nat Hist. 3. Parnidae = Dryopidae. Dry ops ( Parnus ) anglicanus sp. n. England, Edwards p. 218 Ent. Mag. 45. 231 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleoetera— Scarabaeidae, Etc. Riolus, the British species, Edwards pp. 76-78 T.c. Georyssidae, Heteroceridae. Georyssus bicolor p. 128, grant fer p. 130, iuberifer p. 131, alticosta p. 132, Africa spp. n. Grouvelle Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Heterocerus soudanicus p. 134, senna - rensis p. 136, 'parvus p. 137, spp. n. Africa, Grouvelle T.c. Luoanidae. Aegus schcnlclingi sp. n. Sumatra, Mollenkamp Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 69. Cardanopsis gen. n. near Figulus, bicolor sp. n., Boileau Kilim an djaro- Meru Exp. 7 17 figs. Cyclommalus eximius sp. n. Nova Guinea, Mollenkamp Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 3. Dorcus parallelus nanus subsp. n., Casey p. 278 Canad. Ent. 41. Eurytrachelus pectinicornis Nova Guinea, capricornis Shetlands Ins., spp. n., Mollenkamp Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 3 Mitophyllus reflexus sp. n. Chatham Islands, Broun Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 148. Neolucanus castanopterus var. n. ccphalotes Formosa, Mollenkamp Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 58. Odontolabis cuvera var. n. mandi- bularis, Mollenkamp p. 3 T.c. Platycerus peregrinus sp. n. Oregon, quercus angustus and q. iowanus subspp. n., Casey p. 280 Canad. Ent. 41. Pseudolucanus busignyi sp. n., p. 173 figs. 1 & 2, Planet Naturalist 31. Scarabaeidae. Classification of Lamellicornia, speci- ally of the Laparosticti, Arrow pp. 479-487 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Coprini. Acanthaphodius gen. n. near Apho- dius, bruchi sp. n. Rio Negro, Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24 p. 67. Aphodius ; synonymische Bemer- kungen, Notizen uber Aph.. fastigiatus und infuscatopennis , Schmidt Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 122, 123. — A. ( Mendidius ) adolfischmidti p. 76, A. tricornifrons , Uralsk, A. ( Pseudacrossus ) zurcheri Kleinasien, p. 76, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — A. bolassogloi Konig identisch mit turkestanicus Heyd., Reitter p. 110 T.c. — A. argenti- nensis Argentina, apertus Caffrarien, trimaculatus Weyns Prov. Orient., impolitus Ungarn, peringueyi sericeusf Senegal, magnificus Abessinien, planatus Deutsch Ost-Afrika, unicornutus Rho- desia, ritsemai Sikkim, javanus Batavia, nigellus Java, tecloformibus Manila, spp. n., Schmidt Loidon Notes Mus. 31 pp. 101-115. — A. furcatus Matto Grosso p. 10, segmentaroides Vorderin- dien p. 11, gilleti Kongo p. 11, infus- catopennis Argentinien p. 12, calvus S.- Afrika p. 19, bimaculosus Mexiko p. 19, spp. n., elegans var. n. expletus Yunnan p. 20, sordidus var. n. nigromaculalus Y fin. n an p. 20, biimpressus Paraguay p. 177, curvodilatatus p. 177, atroscu- tellatus S.-Afrika p. 188, nigrosulcatus Yunnan p. 189, spp. n„ Schmidt Soc. entomol. 23. — A. paykulli nov. n. pro A. tessulatus Payk. non Laich., Bedel Abeille 31 p. 56. Ataenius insolitus Senegal, scabrettus Venezuela, setosus Kongo, rethianus Sumatra, spp. n., Schmidt Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 116-120. — A. con - fertus sp. n. Lower California, Fall p. 162 Canad. Ent. 41. — A. angusti- collis Bolivia p. 20, punctatohirsutus Argentinia p. 36, imbricatoidea Argen- tina p. 36, perbrevitarsis Kamerun p. 43, transversariu8 Bolivia p. 43, spp. n., Schmidt Soc. entojnol. 24. Athyreus hastifer Rio Grande do Sul, tribuliformis Iquitos, similis Minas Geraes, tuber if er Pernambuco, cornicu- latus Venezuela, biceps Haiti, centroma- culatu8 Brasilia, spp. n., Felschb D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 759-764. Bolbochromus subgen. n. of Bolboceras type B. laelus Westw., Boucomont Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 117. Bradycinetus quinquedentatus sp. n. Argentinia, Felsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 764. Caccobius pseudolaevis p. 65, penta- gons p. 66, cavatus p. 67, multifidua p. 68, quadridens p. 70, spp. n. Afrique, Orbigny Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Ceratophyus martinezi sp. n. Spain, Lauffer p. 275 Bob Soc. espan. 9. 232 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Chaetodus exaratus sp. n. Brazil, Arrow p. 491 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Chironitis granulipennis sp. n. Mittel- persien, Reitter p. 80 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — 0. asbenicus sp. n. Sahara, Gillet Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 43,5. Coelodes fumipennis Amazons, puncti- pennis Ecuador, spp. n., Arrow Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909 p. 49. Gopris ; synonymy, sexes, etc., Gillet pp. 287-302 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Coptodactyla acuticeps, monstrosa, spp. n. Cap York, Eelsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 754. Corythoderus casperi sp. n. Siid- westafrika, Kolbe Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 59. Cryptogenius fryi sp. n. Petropolis, Arrow p. 501 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Dendropemon ganglbaueri Brasilia, fractipes Demerara, crenatostriatus Brasilia, ienuitarsis Paraguay, denti- collis Goyaz, spp. n., Felsche I), ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 755-758. Dialytes foveatus Japan p. 61, grant - * fer N. S. Wales p. 67, spp. n., Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24. Drepanocerus runicus sp. n. Burma, Arrow p. 93 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Enoplotrupes ( Qynoplolrupes ) latus sp. n. Yunnan, Boucomont Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 16. Euparia separata Paraguay p. 44, bitubericollis Argentinia p. 44, africana Malinde p. 54, spp. n., Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24. Geotrupes ; Notes on German species, Ohaus D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 105-111. — G. typhoeus Biologic, Lucas Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 36-39 & 55-59. — G. mutator var. n. fulvopubens Uralsk, Reitter p. 77 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 28. — G. geminatus, Schulz Ent. Bl. 5 p. 144. — G. aeneus sp. n. Senegal, Eelsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 765. Gymnopleurus • mopsus Pall. var. n. persianus, Reitter p. 79 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — G. puncticollis sp. n. Sahara, Gillet Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 434. — G. bicallosus India, asperrimus S. W. Afrika, spp. n„ Eelsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 751. Heliocopris cuneifer sp. n. L’Abyssinie, Lesne Mission en Ethiopie p. 106. Heptaulacus iniquus sp. n. Yiinnan, Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24 p. 20. Holocephalus Hope = i trichius Gill), Gillet p. 302 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Hybochaetodus gen. n. near Chaetodus, obscurus sp. n. Peru, Arrow p. 500 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Hybosorus rufulus, YSTEM ATIC. — §C A R A B A ElD A*. bisbicorni8 sp. n. Congo, (1’Orbigny p. 98 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — O. fossulatus p. 72, atricapillus p. 74, stuhlmanni p. 75, subsulcatus p. 76, nodieri p. 78, waterloli p. 79, miscellaneus p. 80, kassaicus p. 81, subdivisus p. 83, amplicornis p. 84, clilellarius p. 86, nigripennis p, 87, punctulatus p. 88, fuscatus p. 89, rugipennis, nudus, p. 91, angularis p. 92, minutissimus p. 94, rabellus p. 95, ornatulus p. 96, marshalli p. 97, umbilicatus p. 98, birugifer p. 99, latestriatus p. 100, decorsei p. 102, tigrinus p. 103, adspersus p. 105, cylindroidcs p. 107, miriceps p. 108, furcimargo p. 110, laticeps p. Ill, brevifrons p. 112, carinidorsis p. 113, picturatus p. 115, naevuliger p. 116, fungicola p. 117, politissimus p. 119, rasipennis p. 120, producticollis p. 122, medio fuscatus p. 124, quadricuspis p. 125, spp. n. Africa, choloderus var. n. limitans p. 127, amoenus p. 128. albicomus p. 129, mnculosus p. 131, parcepictus p. 132, horrens p. 134, horridus p. 135, pseudamoenus p. 136, seminitidus p. 137, nigropubens p. 138, sanguinolentus p. 140, airovittatus p. 141, binodosus p. .142, fiexifrons p. 145, deflexus p. 146, parifrons p. 147, aspericeps p. 148, convexus p. 149, proximus p. 150, gravoti p. 152, vassei p. 153, spp. n., bidens 01. var. n. purus , rufipenni8 d’Orb. var. n. xanihopterus, p. 154, subulifer p. 156, inermicollis p. 157, graniceps p. 158, burchelli p. 159, hericius p. 160, juncticornis p. 162, viridiaereus p. 163, atroaereus p. 164, numidicus p. 165, angulicornis p. 167, tesseratus p. 169, acutus p. 170, pollens p. 172, spp. n., Africa, O. ( Phalops ) gallanus var. n. hilarior, tricuspis p. 173, princeps p. 175, pyroides p. 177, densegranosus p. 179, spp. n. Africa, O. ( Proagoderus ) ramosicornis var. n. flammans p. 180, rarus var. n. viridicana p. 181, multicornis p. 182, tricornifrons p. 184, quadrituber p. 186, quadrispinosus p. 188, colmanti p. 191, subcoslntus p. 194, quadricostatus p. 195, speculatus p. 199, taymansi p. 200, biarmatus p. 201, O. ( Diastellopalpus ) gilleti p. 203, spp. n. Africa, Orbigny Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. — O. arizonensis sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 382. Oxyonms curvus Kamerun p. 54, aciculatus Carin Cheba p. 55, spp. n., Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24. Phaeochroops peninsularis Perak p. 492, opacicollis Tenasserim, mlpecula Mcntawei isld., p. 493, rattus Sumatra, niasianus Nias isld., p. 494, batuensis Bafcu, mentaweiensis Mentawei isld., p. 495, spp. n., Arrow Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Phaeochrous dissimilis Tenasserim, pallidus India, p. 496, arabicus Yemen, nitidus E. Africa, p. 497, mashunus Mashonaland p. 498, amplus, camerunen - sis, thomensis , W. Africa, p. 499, spp. n.. Arrow T.c. Phaeocridius, characters, Arrow p. 488 T.c. Phanaeus ignecinctus sp. n. Peru, Felsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 755. Pleocoma ; taxonomy, Arrow p. 483 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. — P. staff, trophi pi. v. f. 1 & p. 431, Ohaus I), ent. Zs. 1909. * Psammobius indefensus sp. n. Val- paraiso, Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24 p. 60. Rhyparus neumanni sp. n. Abessinia, Felsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 451. — P. nilgirensis sp. n. India, Arrow p. 94 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Rhyssemus rothschildi sp. n. Afi'ique orientale, Bj£nard Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 106 fig. p. 107. — R. sexcostatus sp. n. O.-Afrika, Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24 p. 61. Saproecius setosus sp. n. Sahara, Gillet Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 434. Saprosiles verecundus sp. n. Mentawei, Schmidt Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 121. Scarabaeus aegyptiorum , festivus, notes on, nigroaeneus var. n. intermedins , Gillet Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 191- 194. Sisyphus angulicollis Kamerun, biar- matus Usambara, spp. n., Felsche D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 752-763. — S. callosipea p. 517, gazanus p. 518, spp. n., Africa, Arrow Ann. „Nat. Hist. 3. — S. tarantula Ceylon p. 92, morio N. China p. 93, spp. n., Arrow Op. cit. 4. Sybacodes aureopilosus sp. n. Yunnan, Schmidt Soc. entomol. 24 p. 60. Trox demaisoni ist var. von trans- versus, Reitter p. 110 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — T. scaber = ( trisulcatus Curt.), Arrow p. 501 Tr. ent. Soc. London 234 Insecta. XII. Insecta. t 1909J 1909. — T. opacus sp. n. Uma, Felsche D. erit. Zs. 1909 p. 450. t T. antiquus sp. n. Colorado Ter- tiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 129. Xynophron Har. = (Mar axes Lew.), Lewis p. 304 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Olaphyrini. Aclopus ; systematic position, pp. 426-431, brunneus Er. p. 431, Ohaus D. ent. Zs. 1909. — A. robustus sp. n. Brazil, Arrow p. 507 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. . Phaenognatha angusla, iristis, p. 504, aequistriata, scutellata , p. 505, pusilla p. 506, spp. n. Australia, Arrow Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. — P. richteri sp. n. Buenos Aires, Ohaus D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 447. Melolonthini. Acylochilus gen. n. Leptopodidae p. 433, strumosus p. 434, ottia7ius p. 435, spp. n. Argentina, Ohaus D. ent. Zs. 1909. Anoxia zuercheri sp. n. Marocco, Reitter Ent. Bl. 5 p. 119. Apogonia ( Rhynchogonia ) minima sp. n. Congo, Arrow p. 519 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Castanochilu3 gen. n. Leptopodidae , bruchianus sp. n. Argentina, Ohaus 1). ont. Zs. 1909 p. 436. Chioneosoma sequent) i Rttr. == Rhizo- trogus Candidas Sem., Ch. kizilkumensis Rttr. = Rh. senex Sem., Ch. farinosa Rtt. = Rh. glazunovi Sem., Ch. molaris Rttr. = Rh. turcomanus Brenske, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 32. Coenonycha Clementina sp. n. San Clemente isld., Casey p. 281 Canad. Ent. 41. Brahmina adaequata Sikkim p. 475, foveata Tonkin p. 476, moluccana Dam- mer isld. p. 477, spp. n., Moser Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Burmeisteriellus mirabilis, Ohaus p. 437 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Demodema aulai p. 349, bonariensis p. 350, distincta p. 351, spp. n., Argen- tina, Bruch Rov. Mus. La Plata 16. Diplotaxis mimosae p. 22, bowditchi p. 25, villosa p. 26, hispida p. 29, fissi- labris , schafferi, p. 32, mentalis p. 33 conformis , residua , p. 34, tenebrosa p. 35, costulata p. 36, semifoveata, parvicollis, p. 38, levicoxa p. 39, dentella p. 41, belfragei p. 43, atlantis p. 44, sierrae p. 45, parallela p. 46, densicollis p. 52, macronycha p. 55, fimbriata p. 56, fossi- palpa p. 57, illustris p. 58, sulcatula p. 60, rufiola , acerba, p. 64, ingenua, plani- dens, p. 65, ambigua p. 66, cephalotes, marginicollis, p. 67, trementina p. 69, peninsularis p. 70, anthracina p. 71, maura, pinguescens, p. 72, basalis p. 73, lengii p. 74, thoracica, arcuata, p. 75, curvaticeps p. 77, abnormis p. 78, pumila p. 82, polita p. 83, errans p. 84, chiricahuae p. 86, levicosla p. 87, confusa p. 88, misella p. 91, spp. n., United States, Fall Trans. Amer. ent. Soc. 35. Eusoma aenealis sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 397 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Haplidia bodemeyeri sp. n. Kleinasien, Reitter 219. Heteronyx oodnadattae p. 24, de- claratus p. 25, tarsalis, griffithi, p. 26, suavis p. 27, tropicus p. 28, tenebrosus, incomptus, p. 29, umbrinus, dux, p. 30, firmus p. 31, frenchi p. 32, leai, calla- bonnae, p. 33, imitator p. 34, femoralis p. 35, luteolus, asperifrons, p. 36, queens- landicus p. 37, ponderosus p. 39, spissus p. 40, sexualis p. 41, coatesi p. 42, tas- tnanicus, quaesitus, p. 54, perkinsi p. 55, mundus p. 56, socius p. 57, metropoli- tanus, ingratus, p. 58, holhamensis p. 59, debilicollis p. 60, taeniensis p. 61, elon- gatus p. 62, crcmitu p. 63, nigrescens p. 64, a /finis p. 65, nubilis p. 66, elytrurus, copiosus, p. 67, orbus p. 68, interioris p. 69, sulcifrons, striatus, p. 70, sale- brosus p. 71, seriatus, car ter i, p. 72, comans p. 73, exectus p. 74, monticola, intermedins, p. 75, thoracicus p. 76, additus p. 77, blandus , prosper, p. 78, relictus p. 79, Australia, spp. n., Black- burn Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Holotrichia impressicollis China p. 468, madurensis India p. 469, formosana Formosa p. 470, longiusc-ula Annam, scutata China, p. 471, insectata p. 472, rugiceps p. 473, Java, carini/rons Sikkim p. 474, convexifrons Ceylon p. 475, spp. n., Moser Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Hoplia jakobsoni var. n. leonhardi Persien, Reitter p. 56 Ent. Ztg. Wien 235 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Scarabaeidae. 28.-—//. brunnipes, Du Buysson Misc. Ent. 17 pp. 12-14. Lachnoslerna georgiana sp. n. Georgia p. 382, L. lenta synonym of arlcansana p. 383, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. Lewisiella gen. n. near Odonlria p. 398, modesta p. 399, capito p. 400, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Melolontha hippocastani, vulgaris, Flugjahre, Ogievskij Lesoprom. vest. 11 pp. 197-204 209-214. — M. vulgaris, Larve Schadling von Fichtenscho- nungen, Gladilin Lesn. zurn. 39 pp. 509-583. — M. hippocastani Futter- pflanzen und Schaden der Larven an Kiefern, Ogievskij Trd. lesn. opytn. del. 16 pp. 1-84. gen. n. (Burin. & Berg ) Leptopodidac p. 438, veslila (Berg) p. 439, patagonica, bruchiana, p. 440, spp. n. Argentina and, Patagonia, Oiiaus D. ent. Zs. 1909. Odonlria praelatella sp. n. New Zea- land, Broun p. 400 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 — O. longitarsis sp. n. The Snares, Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 105. Philochloenia centralis p. 342, argen- tina p. 343, piottii p. 344, tucumana p. 345, ohausi p. 340, cuyana p. 347, spp. n., Argentina, Brucii Rev. Mus. La Plata 16. Phobetus centralis sp. n. California, Casey p. 282 Canad. Ent. 41. Polypdylla fullo, Lebensweise, Grund Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 67-68. Bhizotrogus leonhardi p. 118, pera- tratus p. 119, Persia, spp. n., Reitter Ent. Bl. 5. — Bhizotrogus solstitialis Artsteckung der Larven durch Micro- phtalma, KrasilISoik Kisinev Trd. Obsc. jest. 1 pp. 358-395 ; Futter- pflanzen und Schaden der Larven an Kiefern, Ogievskij Trd. lesn. opytn. del. 16 pp. 1-84. Tanyproctus persicola Mittelpersien p. 81, T. ( Tanyproctocera ) kriecheldoifi Kleinasien p. 80, spp. n., Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Rutelini, Adoretus sterbae sp. n. Kleinasien, Reitter p. 82 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28.— A. flavovittatus pi. vii f. 7 & p. 190, fuscovittatus p. 191, spp. n., Africa, Arrow Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Anisoplia auslriaca, fruticola., Bau der Larven, Golovianko Lesn. zurn. 39 p. 1342 fig. — A. auslriaca and P. horli- cola Ansteckung der Larven durch Microphtalma Krasilisoik Kisinev. Trd. Obsc. jest. 1 pp. 358-395. — A. aetolica Griechenland, bulgarica Bulgaria, imita- trix Turkei, spp. n., lata subspp. n. lamiensis Griechenland, macedonica, Apfelbeck Sarajevo Glasn. Zem. Muz. Bosn. Herceg. 21 pp. 495-604. Anomala ; Bau der Larven, Golo- vianko Lesn. zurn. 39 p. 1343 fig. Aulacopalpus fulvovirens sp. n. Chile, Ohaus Stettiner ent. Ztg. 71 p. 12. ftremophygus gen. n. philippii sp. n. Chile, Oiiaus Stettiner ent. Ztg. 71 pp. 21-22. Eunanus gen. n. Oeniatidae, murinus sp. n. Argentina, Oiiaus D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 442. Heterogeniales gen. n. Geniatidae, bonariensis sp. n. Argentina, Ohaus p. 444 T.c. Leucothyreus stempelmanni sp. n. Argentina, Ohaus p. 440 T.c. Phyllopertha horiicola, Schaden an Kiefern (Russ.), Ogievskij Trd. lesn. opyt. del. 16 pp. 1-84. Platycoelia simplicior sp. n. Argen- tina, Ohaus D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 441. Popillia runsorica sp. n. Ruwenzori, Arrow p. 190 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Bhizogeniates gen. n. ( = Bhizobia Dej.) Geniatidae, carbonarius sp. n. Argentina, Ohaus D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 445-446. Tribostethes germaini sp. n. Chile, * Ohaus Stettiner ent. Ztg. 71 p. 14. Dynastini. Cryptodontinen, ein verbindendes Glied zwischen den Dynastiden und den melitophilen Lamellicorniein, Kolbe Ent. Rdsch. 26 pp. 81-83. Aneurystypus pauxillus sp. n. Aus- tralia, A. collaris to Saulostomus, Black- burn p. 81 Tr. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Dynastes satanas sp. n. Bolivia, Moser D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 112 & pi. iii. Inaecia. fttl. insecta. — D. tityus subsp. n. corniger Texas, Sternberg Stettiner ent. Ztg. 71 p. 26. Dyscinetus punclicauda sp. n. Kansas, Casey p. 282 Canad. Ent. 41. Ligyrus subglaber sp. n. Arizona p. 383, bryanti synonym of laevicollis p. 384, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1. — L. calif ornicus, spissipes, spp. n.» United States, Casey p. 283 Canad. Ent. 41. Oryctes and Phyllognathus, cf. Idio- stoma in Coprini. — 0. boas ab. n. pro- gressiva O.-Afrika, Prell Zs. wiss. Insektcnbiol. 5 p. 214. — 0. nasicornis , Bau der Larven, Golovianko Lesn. zum. 39 p. 1342 fig. Pseudoryctes monstrosus, Blackburn, p. 80 Tr. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Pycnoschemacavifrons sp. n. L’Abys- sinie, Lesne Mission en Ethiopie p. 111. Cetoniini . Collections rocueillies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans l’Afrique orientalo anglaise, Kunckel d’Herculais Bui. museum Paris 1909 pp. 70-72. Amaurina vittipennis sp. n. Congo, Moser p. 323 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Anochilia moffartsi sp. n. Madagascar, Moser p. 314 T.c. Anoplochilus albofasciatus sp. n. E. Africa, Moser p. 321 T.c. Celidotella gen. n. near Heterocnemis, maithieseni sp. n. Persia, Reitter p. 83 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ceratorrhina manowensis distinct. Arrow p. 520 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Cetonia aurata, Liebmann Ent. Bl. 5 p. 214. Chalcopharis grandis sp. n. New Guinea, Moser p. 316 Ann.. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Diceros gracilis sp. n. Burma, Janson p. 225 Entomologist 42. Dicranorhina derbyana subsp. n. con- radsi Ukerewe Vietoria-Nyanza, Kolbe Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 134. Eccoptocnemis mashunus sp. n. Mash- onaland. Arrow p. 520 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. [1909] Elassochiton pilifera sp. n. Abyssinia, Moser p. 323 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Olycyphana ( Oametis ) tigrina sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 9 & p. 193, Arrow Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Qnorimus varjabilis var. n. seminiger, Pic p. 145 Echange 25. Qoliathus giganteus subsp. n. orien- tal! s, Moser D. ent. Zs. 1909. Leucocelis cobaltinus , ichthyurus, p. 521, opacipennis p. 522, spp. n., Africa, Arrow Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Pachnoda trimaculata Kr. sp. n. Usambara, Moser p. 320 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Potosia cyanescens abb. n. cupriflua and irnitatoria Alexandergebirge, Reit- ter p. 84 Ent. Ztg. Wiep 28. — P. in- certa boldyrevi subsp. n. Rossia merrid., Jacobson in Boldyrev Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 128. — P. afiinis abb. n. cyaneiven- tris and nonfriedi, Persia, seniiazurea Asia minor, cupreonigra Sardinia, Reit- ter Ent. Bl. 5 p. 182. — P. cuprea and aenea distinguished, Moser p. 320 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Protaetia viridana p. 317, nocturna p. 318, Philippines, nigrobrunnea hab. ? p. 319, spp. n., Moser T.c. Pygora octomaculata sp. n. Madagas- car, Moser p. 315 T.c. Jthoinborrhina unicolor formosana eubsp. n., Moser p. 313 T.c. Roplisa gen. n. near Trigonopel- tastes, floridana sp. n. N. America, Casey p. 284 Canad. Ent. 41. Stephanocrates bennigseni sp. n. Congo, Kuhnt D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 651. Taeniodera idolica Buima p. 225, in- dica Assam p. 226, spp. n., Janson Entomologist 42. Thaumastopoeus borneensis Kina Balu, moluccanus Dammer isld., spp. n., Moser p. 313 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Tmesorrhina runsorica sp. n. Ruwen- zori, Arrow p. 192 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Valgus minutus sp. n. Louisiana, Casey p. 283 Canad. Ent. 41. 237 Insecta. Systematic.— Buprestidae. Buprestidae. Buprestidae ; borings in trees, N. America, Burke Yearb. U. S. Dep. Agric. 1909 pp. 399-415 figs. 25-36. Studies in American Buprestidae , Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11 pp. 47-178. Acmaceodera princeps New Zealand p. 591, abyssinica Abyssinia p. 592, fahrei Cape Good Hope p. 593, affabilis Damaraland p. 594, spp. n., Kerremans Mon. Bupr. 3. Agrilomorpha p. 442, rothschildi sp. n. p. 443 fisr. 1, Th^ry Bull. Mus. Paris 1909. Agrilus continuatus sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 8 & p. 201, Waterhouse Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — A. knausi sp. n. Kansas, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 376. Anataxis gen. n. type Halecia gen - tilis Horn p. 170, Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Anthaxia salicis var. n. jacqueti, Pic p. 177 Echange 25. — A. bruchi sp,. n. Argentina, Bruch D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 748. Asamia gen. n., insolita sp. n. Lake Rudolph, Thery p. 439 Bull. Mus. Paris 1909. Brachys cephalica sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 377. Bubastoides gen. n. p. 438, argodi sp. n. Somaliland p. 439, Kerremans Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Buprestis maculipennis deficiens and fusiformis, inconstans scripta, subspp. n., p. 91, reducta, leporina, p. 92, contorta p. 94, spp. n., alternans conicicauda p. 93, laeviventris pugetana, subspp. n., diruptans p. 94, gravidula with subspp. torva and boulderensis p. 95, flavopicta p. 96, rubronotans, adonea, p. 97, histrio p. 98, spp. n., subornata punctiventris subsp. n. p. 99, violescens p. 99, acomana p. 100, morosa, fusca with subsp. sub- livida, p. 101, caliginosa, nigricans , p. 102, lyrata , adducta , p. 103, confluenta tessellata p. 104, rufipes virens p. 105, subspp. n., elongata p. 105, fulgens, p. 106, spp. n., fasciata fortunata subsp. n. p. 107, bistrinotata, angusta, p. 108, callida, fastidiosa with subsp. mediocris, p, 109, crenala with subsp. seditiosa , leviceps, p. 110, depressa, viridimicans, p. Ill, spp. n., ornata subspp. n. in- columis, oregona and obliqua , palruelis, graminea p. 113, saturata p. 114, B. ( Cypriacis subgen. n. p. 116) brevis p. 117, intricata p. 118, lateralis, N. America, fabulosa Mexico, p. 119, aemula, tacomae, nupta, p. 121, venusta, prospera, p. 122, affinis, adulans, p. 123, canadensis p. 124, obscura p. 125, B. (Stcreosa subgen. n. p. 126) cribripennis p. 127, N. America, spp. n., Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Chalcogenia argodi sp. n. Somaliland, Kerremans p. 439 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Chalcophora nigritula Transvaal p. 51 & pi. xxiii f. 5, damarana Damara land f. 6 & p. 53, spp. n., Kerremans T.c. — C virginiensis obliterata, lacuslris brevi- collis, subspp. n., Tiondurasica sp. n. Honduras, p. 79, angulicollis montana subsp. n., prominens, p. 80, iridescens p. 81, laurentica p. 82, parviceps p. 83, spp. n., N. America, Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Chalcophorella = ( Texiana Cas.), Kerremans p. 60 Mon. Bupr. 4. Chalcotaenia : gratiosissima sp. n. New Guinea, Kerremans p. 7 T.c. Chrysobothris bispinosa sp. n. Arizona Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 376. Chrysodema tonkinea Tonkin p. 540, indica India p. 544, celebensis Celebes p. 546, borneensis Borneo p. 564, theryi New Mecklembourg p. 578, spp. n. Kerremans Mon. Bupr. 3. Cinyra ( Spectralia subgen. n. p. 175), macilenta sp. n. Texas p. 176, Casey, Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Corydon aeneus sp. n. Argentinia, Bruch D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 749. Cyphosoma eibiricum var. n. inun- datum Uralsk, Reitter p. 100 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Cypriacis subg. n. vide Buprestis. Dicerca indurata p. 131, truncala, gracilis, p. 132, porcatula, innocua, sagax, p. 133, floridae, spp. n., soror regularis .subsp. n. p. 134, levettei, gaudens, p. 135, seriata, erosa, p. 136, abrupta p. 139, biangulata, inflatula, p. 140, pisciformis with subsp. longicauda , cupreola with subsp. filiola, p, 141, 238 Inaccta. XII. Iusecta. [1909] subaequalis p. 142, nigra p. 143, spp. n., divaricata incisa and limula subspp. n. p. 144, aestiva sp. n. Vermont p. 145, rustica p. 146, subcuprea with aubsp. pertinax, sulcalula, Vancouver i, p. 147, angusticauda, subargentea, p. 148, sever a spp. n., prolongata longipennis subsp. n., p. 149, callosa, rigida, p. 150, tetrica p. 151, spp. n., horni ampliata p. 153, punctulata pinorum p. 154, and crassi - collis hesperica, subspp. n., morio sp. n., p. 155, lugubris austera subsp. n. p. 157, acerba sp. n. p. 158, bifoveata mystica subsp. n., montana, p. 159, wickhami, stolida, p. 160, spp. n., N. America, Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. — D. amphibia Mars. = ( miranda Reitt.) Verbreitung, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 26. Oyascutus snoivi, cribriceps, pistorius , p. 62, acutangulus, pimalicus, amplus with aerata subsp. n., p. 63, egregius p. 64, fidelis, obesus, p. 65, with aeneo- viridis subsp. n., compactus with solidus subsp. n., cylindrinus, p. 66, debilis, tenuis p. 67, spp. n., United States, Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Halecia erosa Brazil p. 386, mexicana Chiapa p. 407, nana p. 409, lesnei p. 411, Guiana, spp. n., Kerremans Mon. Bupr. 3. Hippomelas brevipes Mexico, grossus, p. 56, with ro&ws/w-s subsp. n., serrulatus, planicauda, p. 67, cylindricus p. 58, II. (Pjrasinalia subgen. n.) angustus, metal- licus p. 59, United States, spp. n., Casey Broc. Acad. Washington 11. Iridotaenia niasica Nias isld. p. 463, nitidiceps Sumatra p. 467, spp. n., Kerremans Mon. Bupr. 3. Julodis vylderi p. 585, sjostedti p. 586, spp. n. Damaia land, Kerremans T.c. Lampetis confossipennis var. n. micro - stricta p. 440 vacheri sp. n. Madagascar p. 444, Thery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909. Lampra naaezhdae sp. n. Persia sept., Semenov p. 314 Rev. russe Ent. 8. Nanularia gen. n. near Cinyra p. 172, cupreofusca sp. n. California p. 173, Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Neojnlodis rothschildi sp. n. Lake Rudolph, Thery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 438. Paschyscelus oculatus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 377. Paracupta laevissima Solomon islds. p. 114 pi. xxiv f. 3, maindroni Gilolo p. 136 & f. 0, spp. n., Kerremans Mon. Bupr. 4. Parataenia acneonigra sp, n. Ho San Thomd, Kerremans p. 442 Mon. Bupr. 3. Phaenops cyanea var. n. viridescens, Pio p. 169 Echange 25. Phrixia fossulata Siam p. 588, cuprina Borneo p. 589, spp. n., Kerremans Mon. Bupr. 3. Poecilonota cupripes p. 168, parviceps p. 169, spp. n., U.S., Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Polybothris bouvieri sp. n. Madagas- car, Tiiery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 445. Polycesta peringueyi sp. n. S. Africa, Kerremans p. 590 Mon. Bupr. 3. Prasinalia subg, n. vide Hippomelas. Psiloptera ( Lampetia ) separata sp. n. Somali land, Kerremans p. 436 Ann. Soo. ont. Bolgiquo 53. Ptosima istria varr. n. quadrimaculata , viturati, maculiceps, notalicollis, signata, and aegyptiaca, Pic p. 161 Echange 35. — P. patagica Bruch to Tyndaris, Kerremans p. 595 Mon. Bupr. 3. Sicardia iristis sp. n. Madagascar, Thery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 447. Spectralia subg. n. vide Cinyra . Sphenoptera macra sp. n. Transbai- kalia, Jakolev Rev. russ. ont. 9 p. 1. — S. fossa p. 271, luristana p. 272, rang - nowi p. 273, Persia, cyaneoniger p. 275 Asia minor, interrupta Turkestan p. 276, uncta, profusa, Persia, p. 277, prava p. 278, quadrata, delicata, Asia minor, p. 279, subchalybea Turkestan p, 280, ostentalor Syria p. 281, subsulcata p. 282, clarescens, saxosa, Persia, p. 283, spp. n., Kerremans D. ent. Zs. 1909. — S. neglecta, cotton Sudan, King p. 42 pi. v. J. econ. Biol. 4. — S. ( Hoplistura ) roths- childi sp. n. Lake Rudolph, Thery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 440. Spinthoptera gen. n. near Psiloptera p. 71, convexa p. 72, ocularis , parva, p. 73, arizonica p. 74, insularis p. 75, spp. n., U.S., Casey Proc. Acad. Wash- ington 11. tftereosefsubg. n/vide Buprestis. 239 Insecta. Systematic. — Elateridae. Slernocera boucardi var. nov. rolhs- childi n. var., Thery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 138. Sticloccra gen. n. near Qyasculus , pollens, p. 69, laticornis p. 70, spp. n., U.S., Casey Proc. Acad. Washington 11. Taphroccrus argenlinus sp. n. Argen- tina, Brijch D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 750. Texania gen. n. near Chalcophora p. 84, serriger p. 85, bisinuata p. 86, spp. n., U.S., Casey Proc. Acad. Wash- ington 11. Trachys mathiauxi sp. n. Madagascar, Thery Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 446. Tylauchenia viltipennis sp. n. Argen- tinian Bruch D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 747. Euonemidae. Eucncmidae of the oastern states, with bibliography, Van Horn Wash- ington Proc. Ent. Soo. ll pp. 54-62 pi. iv figs. 3-4. Elateridae. Elateridenlarven als Fleischfresser, Pecirka Cas. 6esko Spol. Entomolog. 1908 p. 94-96. Adeloccra squamea sp. n. et var. n. obscura Afriquo orientale, Szombathy Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 118. Alans trifasciatus sp. n. Ruwenzoii pi. vi f. 5 & p. 205, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — .4. boreli, inf urnatus, pint, putridus, Szombathy Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 120. — A. patricius Florida, Cuba, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New. York 17 p. 149. Aphanobius peclinicornis sp. n. Mada- gascar, Schwarz Soc. entomol. 24 p. 131. Athous (Stenagostus) zurcheri sp. n. Kleinasien, Reitter p. 57 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — A. puncticollis var. n. ra- vouxi. Pic p. 105 Echange 25. — A. niger Merkwiirdige Fiiklerbildung, Biehl Intern, ont. Zs. 2 p. 249. Campsoslernus csikii Shanghai, orien- tal^ Assam, spp. n., Szombathy Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 120-121. Campylopsephus scitulus San Thom <5, limbatus Kamerun p. 117, confirms Congo p. 118, spp. n., Schwarz Soc. entomol. 24. Cardiophorus signatus var. u. nigri- thorax, Fuente p. 307 Bol. Soc. ospan. 9. — ■ C . scapulalus var. n. gafsana, Pic p. 153 Echango 25. — O. sordidulus , apicalis, Madagascar, unifasciatus Ka- merun, spp. n„ Schwarz Soc. entomol. 24 p. 130. Dorygonus impressifrons p. 118, sor- didus p. 122, spp. n., Madagascar, Schwarz T.c. Elastrus cinnamomeus, umbraticollis, spp. n., Madagascar, Schwarz p. 122 T.c. Elaler tristis var. n. amurensis , Pic p. 105 Echange 25. Eschalroxus holosericeus, anlicus var. n. discrepans Nouvelle Guinea, Szom- bathy Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 122-123. Lacon cinerascens, crassus, graci - lentus, gracilis, gragetensis sp. n. Nou- volle Guin6e, Szombathy p. 119 T.c. Ludius melancholicus var. n. cenisius, Pio p. 105 Echango 26. Meristus cr {status California, Szom- bathy Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 119. Monocrepidius biroi sp. n., pallipes, Nouvelle Guinee, Szombathy p. 123 T.c. — M. scissus Georgia p. 378, texanus Texas p. 379, spp. n., Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1. — M. similis nora. n. texanus Schaef., Schaeffer Ent. News 20 p. 436. Phedomenus maculatus sp. n. Mada- gascar, Schwarz Soc. entomol. 24 p. 122. ProHcrnon holosericeus var. n. semi- rufus, Pic p. 105 Echange 25. Psephus semirufus Kamerun p. 166, eplendens Goldkuste p. 181, seriatus Congo, semifuscus Kamerun p. 4, rugo- sipennis Congo p. 14, antennarius p. 46, seminiger, Kamerun, parvulus Congo, p. 77, Irapezicollis Kamerun p. 78, ovatus Congo, fusconiger, p. 87, sternalis, p. 92, Kamerun, diplotrichus Congo p. 93, ater Guinea p. 101, fusiformis, semipunctatus, infuscatus, p. 102, pueri- lis p. 103, Kamerun, splendidus Congo, julgidus, nigricollis , Kamerun, p. 109, spp. n., Schwarz Soc. entomol. 24. Rhinopsephus nigrifrons sp. n. Central Afrika, Schwarz p. 118 T.c. Semiotus spp., notes faunistiques, Szombathy Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 121-122. 240 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Cebrionidae, Rhipidooeridae. Cebrio ; larval food, Lesne Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 302. Sandalus latipennis, sp. n., Pio p. 133 Echange 25. Dasoillidae. Dascillocyphon gen. n. p. 10, major , minor, spp. n., Sumatra, pp. 11-12, Everts Tijdschr. Ent. 52. Dascillus cervinus larva, Carpenter p. 589 & pi. lv Econ. Proc. Dublin Soo. 1. Platydascillus gen. n. p. 6 suma- ranus sp. n. p. 7, Sumatra, Everts Tijdschr. Ent. 52. Malaoodermidae. Sur l’organisation des Col^opteres du groupe des Lampyrides, Olivier Paris C. R. ass. franc, avanc. sci, 37 pp. 573- 580. Revision of Australian and Tas- manian Malaoodermidae, Lea pp. 45- 251 & pis. ii-vi Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Aethra decorata var. n. circumcincta, Olivier p. 223 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — A. dejeani Brasilia, conserta Peru, spp. n., Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 071. Agasma Newm. referred to Oede- meridae, Lea p. 250 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Alecton diacoidalia var. n. improvitua, Olivier p. 221 Bull. Soo. ent. Fr. 1909. Allotaraua monstroaipea sp, n., Pia p. 179 Echange 25. Asilia pilicornia p. '401, ainuellua, granipennis, p. 402, interstitialis p. 403, apicalia p. 404, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Attalua analis, als Blutsauger, Wich- mann Ent. Bl. 5 p. 139. Atyphella brevis sp. n. Queensland, Lea p. Ill Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Balanophorus pictus p. 184, victorien- sis p. 185, ater p. 186, spp. n., Aus- tralia, Lea T.c. Callolroglops alfierii sp. n., Pic p. 185 Echange 25. Galochromua mastersi p. 104, dentipea, minor, p. 105, spp. n. Australia, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Galyptocephalus melanopierus sp. n. Cayenne, atipulicornis var. n. diffusus, Olivier p. 222 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — O. infaustus sp. n. Peru, Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 669. Gantharis ( Telephorus ) di verses, Pic Echange 25 p. 162-164. — G. var hummleri Pio, Fiori Riv. Coleottor. ital. 7 p. 129. — G. glazunovi Sorafschan p. 325, biliturata Buchara or. p. 326, spp. n., Barovsky Rev. russ. ent. 9. — G. ( Telephorus ) trimaculatus sp. n.. Pic Naturaliste Paris. 31 p. 19. — G. ( Tele- phorus) semiopaca sp. n. Indes, Pic Paris Bui. soo. ent. 1909 p. 37. — G. livida var. n. inscapularis, parnassica var. n. kalavrytana, C. ( Metacantharis ) semidiscoidalis sp. n., Pio p. 169 Echange 25. — G. ( Telephorus ) hash - mirensis sp. n., Pio p. 108 T.c. Garphurus pravus p. 199, fasciculatus p. 200, uncinatus p. 201, fossor p. 202, frenchi, strigicollis, p. 203, vigilans p. 204, variipennis p. 205, simulator, tri- imprcssus, p. 206, longipes, maculiven- tris, p. 207, pallidifrons p. 208, elegans, longus, p. 209, atricapillis, punctatus, p. 209, spp. n. Australia, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Chauliognathus obscurus p. 379, vit- tatus, p. 380, spp. n., Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1. — G. bruchi sp. n. Minas Geraes, Bourgeois p. 283 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Danacaea rambouselci sp. n. Rumelien, Roubal p. 341 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 28. — D. opulenta var. n. macedonica, dentati- thorax var. n. simplicithorax, Pio p. 113 Echange 25. Dasytes lombardus sp. n. Italy, Fiori Riv. Coleotter. ital. 7 p. 26. — D. abundans, bourgeoisi, p. 244, aus- traliae p. 245, granulipennis, sobrinus, p. 246, evanidus, wiburdi. p. 247, corti- carioides, amplicollis, p. 248, spp. n., Australia and Tasmania, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. — D. aurisetifer p. 404, anacharis p. 405, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Diaphanes nimbosus sp. n. Angola, Olivier p. 396 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — D. exsanguis sp. n. China, Olivier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 248. Discodon telephoroides, abdominale, spp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull., 1 p. 380. 241 Insecla. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Malacodermidae. Dodacles emissus sp. n. Cordoba, Olivier p. 294 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. — D. obscuricollis sp. n. Brasilia, Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 670. Drilus odcr Cochleoctonus ? Schmitz Eit. Rdsch. 25 p. 26. — D. concolor , metamorphosis, Rosenberg Ent. Mcdd. 3 1909 pp. 227-219. — D. flavcscens, Biologie, Schmitz Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. pp. 301-305. Dromanthus lateralis sp. n. Brazil, Pic p. 37 Rev. Mus. La Plata 16. Dumbrellia gen. n. for Calochromus brevicornis and pilosicornis Lea, Lea p. 99 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Ebaeus fischeri sp. n. Turkestan, Eleischer p. 244 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Hapalochrous simplicipes sp. n. Congo, Pic p. 193 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ilaplocncmus hibanensis sp. n., p. 99 Echango Pic 25. — II. beauprei sp. n., Pic T.c. p. 105. Helcog aster obliquiceps , niger, p. 222, a, ter, incisicollis, p. 223, basirufas, punctipennis , p. 224, tuberculifrons p. 225, rhyticephalus p. 226, sulciceps, simpliciceps, p. 227, bilobus p. 228, macnliceps p. 229, foveicornis, insular is, p. 230, t-tuberculalus p. 232, tropicus, nigriceps, p. 233, decipiens p. 234, •strigiceps, helmsi, p. 235, pulchripes p. 236, spinicollis p. 237, punciilobus, bacchanalis, p. 238, spp. n., Australia and Tasmania, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Heteromastix distortus, macleayi, p. 137, flavifrons p. 138, f rater, pallipes, p. 139, laticollis, decipiens, p. 140, tenuis, niger, p. 141, flavipennis p. 142, discoflavns, occidentals, p. 143, pera- bundans p. 144, nigripes, simplex p. 145, latus p. 146, geniculatus, imitator, p. 147, amabilis p. 148, inflatus p. 149, dolicho- ceplialus p. 150, spp. n. Australia and Tasmania, Lea T.c. Hypattalus mucronatus p. 174, flavi- ventris, dentipes, p. 175, calcaratus p. 176, distortipes, carteri , p. 177, cxilis, sordidus, p. 178, montanus p. 179, spp. n., Australia and Tasmania, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Idgia maindroni Travancore, longiss- ima Sumatra, spp. n., Pic p. 245 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — /. circumdata sp. n. Pic p. 160 Exchange 25 (n— 11091 ;) Laius alleni, armicollis, p. 161, sculptus p. 1 62, orlhodoxus p. 1 63, tarsalis p. 165, flavopictus p. 166, cavizornis p. 167, spp. n. Australia, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Lamprocera nigrans Brasilia, spreta Paraguay spp. n., Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 669. LamprorrJiiza splendidula, Lebens- geschichte u. Leuchtvermogen, Hollriol Innsbruck Ber. Natvv. Med. Ver. 31 pp. 167-230. Lampyris splendidula, Beleuchtung, Cork a Termt. Kozl. 41 p. 647. — L. noctiluca and splendidula, Leuchten, Weitlaner Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ces. 59 pp. 94-103. Lucernuta grata sp. n. Siam, Olivier p. 394 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Lucidota consors , supplex, p. 35, tristicolor , dissimilis, p. 36, spp. n. S. America, Olivier Paris Bui. Soc. ent. 1909. — L. pennata var. n. immaculata p. 223, Olivier T.c. — L. ornata p. 110, propingua p. Ill, spp. n., Olivier Rev. Sci. Bourbon, 1909. — L. probata p. 394, immemor, Peru, parilis, p. 395, serricornis p. 396, Ecuador, 'spp. n., Olivier Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Luciola praetermissa sp. n. Togo, Olivier Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 37. — L. ficta sp. n. China, Olivier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 249. — L. Icervillei sp. n. Lebanon, Olivier p. 398 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — L. platygaster sp. n* Queensland, Lea p. 110 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. — L. flavicollis, Armitage p. 28 Viet. Nat. i5. Lycus modestus pi. vi figs. 2 & 3, vittalus fig. 1 p. 202, L. ( Lycostomus ) runsoriensis f. 4 & p. 203, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Gaiian Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — L. fcerandeli sp. n. Congo fran9ais. Bourgeois Bui. Mus6um Paris 1909 p. 164 fig. Malachiini ; Ueber einige euro- paische Arten, Hubenthal L>. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 409-413. Malachius insignicornis p. 129, kruperi p. 137, spp. n., Pic Rohan go 25. Malthinus aegyptiacus sp. n. Cairo, Ferrante p. 26 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 1. — M. ( Progeneutes ) sahlbergi sp. n. Pic p. 137 Echange 25. — M. calaber sp. n., Pic p. 169 T.c. d 25 242 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Malthodes numidicus nom. n. p. 97 pro algiricus, Pic, simpliciventris, beauprei, longistylus , p. 97, monstrosus, nigrithorax, p. 98, spp. n., Pic Echange 25. — M. cochlearius, M. ( Podistrina ) escorialensis, spp. n., Pic p. 170 T.c. — M. demaisoni sp. n., Pic p. 177 T.c. Megalophthalmus gorhami sp. n. Panama, Olivier p. 223 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — M. jocosus sp. n. Peru, Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 672. Melyris monticola sp. n. Ruwenzori, pi. vi f. 6 & p. 204, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Metriorrhynchus apterus pi. ii f. 1, uniserialus, p. 72, cancellatus p. 73, simplicicornis, ramosus , p. 74, Iris- banensis p. 75, b'asiflavus, constricticollis , p. 76, obscuripennis p. 77, tnareolatus, nigrovittatus, p. 78, moerens p. 79, disconiger p. 80, ordinarius, ba{esi , p. 81, simsoni p. 82, gracilis p. 83, costicollis, diminutivus, p. 84, atricornis , militaris, p. 85, varipennis p. 86, heterodoxus p. 87, rufiroslris p. 88, opacus, tibialis, p. 89, Australia and Tasmania, spp. n.. Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Neocarphurus coatesi p. 212, sobrinus p. 213, spp. n. Australia, Lea T.c. Phaenolis riparius sp. n. Amazonas, Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 699. Phosphaenus hemipterus, Planet Naturaliste 31 pp. 186-188 198-200 fig. — Mannlichen Geschlechtsapparat, Weber D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 784-788. Photinus flaveolus p. Ill, perbrevis, ridorius, p. 112, spp. n., latreillei nom. n. = scintillans Latr. nec Say, Olivier Rev. Sci. Bourbon 1909. — P. bruchi sp. n. Tucuman, Bruch p. 50 Rev. Mus. La Plata 16. — P. bruchi sp. n. Tucuman, Olivier p. 396 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — P. pyralis herriihrende fluoreszierende Substanz, Coblentz Physik. Zs. 10 pp. 955- 956. Photuris verticalis p. 114, uncta p. 115, spp. n., Olivier Rev. Sci. Bourbon 1909. — P. unicolor sp. n. Peru, Olivier p. 397 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. f Podabrus wheeleri sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 128. Psilocladus suppletus, blanckardi, spp. n. Amazonas, Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 670. Pteroplyx bearni sp. n., Olivier p. 139 Echange 25. -P. validum sp. n. Siam, Olivier p. 397 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Pyrogaster margipallens sp. n., Olivier p. 114 Rev. Sci. Born bon 1909. Ehagonycha jakovlevi Irkutsk p. 293 sp. n., ab. n. smirnovi p. 294, Barovskij Rev. russ. ent. 8. — P. morio var. n. doctoris, lederi, transbaikalika, spp. n.. Pic p. 177 Echange 25.— R. hesperica var. n. georgi, aetolicn var. n. moreana , nigripes var. n. saturipennis, Pic p. 185 T.c. Selenurus v-flavus Queensland p. 127, append iculatus Tasmania p. 128, spp. n.. Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Silidius notatiihorax sp. n. Congo, Pic p. 96 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — S. binotatus sp. n., Pic p. 160 Echange 25. — S. rollei, diversicornis , spp. n., Pic p. 167 T.c. Silis abyssinica sp. n.. Pic p. 160 Echange 25. — S. le moulti p. 173, subnotata, robusiicollis, p. 174, longi- spina, notaticeps, p. 176, spp. n.. Pic T.c. — S. brasiliensis p. 179, haenschi , humeralis, p. 180, spp. n., Pic T.c. — S. latissima p. 6, vicina p. 7, spp. n., S. America, sulcata var. n. brevimaculala p. 7, Pic Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Telephorus alternatus p. 120, kershawi , inconstans, p. 121, nigroterminalis p. 122, immaturus p. 123, macro ps, curvipes, p. 124, spp. n., Australia, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Tenaspis acuta Brasilia, rufibasis Guyana, spp. n., Olivier I), ent. Zs. 1909 p. 672-673. Trichalus bifurcatus, semiatratus, p. 96, flabellicornis p. 97, griffithi p. 98, apiciflams p. 99, spp. n. Australia and Tasmania, Lea Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Trichoceblc convexa, schatzmayri, spp. n.. Pic p. 113 Echange 25. Troglops cultricornis sp. n., Algeria, Abeille p. 179 Bui. Soc. ent. France 1909. 243 Insecla. Systematic. — Cleridae — Tenebrionidae. Vesta enervis sp. n. China, Olivier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 248. — V. rustica, media , spp. n. Equador, Olivier I), ent. Zs. 1909 p. 072. — V. colonica sp. n. Tonkin, Olivier p. 394 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Zygia rubrolimbata sp. n. Pic p. 142 Echange 25. Cleridae. Notes sur la nomenclature des Clcricles, Lesne Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 200. Clems jouteli sp. n. Georgia, Leng J. Ent. Soc. New Yoik 17 p. 103.— C. semimetallicus vide T rogositidae. Hydnocera pusilla, nigrescens, tristis, spp. n., U.S., Schaeffer p. 381 Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1. M elaccina gen. n. near Parmius p. 407, ornata sp. n. New Zealand p. 408, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Phymatophaea lugubris p. 405, apicale p. 400, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun T.c. Trichodes penicillatus sp. n. O.-Afiika, SoheNkling D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 94. Lymexylonidae. Atractocerus, note on species and sexes, Bourgeois pp. 401-403 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ptinidae. Dorcaloma bibliophagum sp. n. Brazil, de Magalhaes p. 11 Rev. Sci. Paris 9. f Ernobius ? electrinus sp. n. baltischen Bernstein, Quiel Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 49. Eupadus brevispinus sp. n. Guade- loupe, Pic Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 170. Hadrobregmus incisicollis sp. n. Argen- tina, Pic p. 38 Rev. Mus. La Plata 16. Hedobia latithorax sp. n., Pic p. 108 Echange 25. — H. tricostata var. n. obscuricolor, Ptc p. 178 T.c. — H. pubescens, Nahrpflanze, Waciitl Zentr- Bl. Forstwes. 35 p. 58. Leptobia guadalupensis sp. n. var. n. subnitida, Pic Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 109. Microptinus lonyicornis sp. n., Pic Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 168. (n-11091 j) Mesolhes granulatvs sp. n. Kleinasien, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 303. Paussoptinus brevipennis sp. n. Aus- ralia, Pro Fauna Sudwest Australiens Lfg. 13p. 213. Pseudodorcatoma ornata var. n. semi- rufa, sericea, dufaui, spp. n., dufaui var. n. minuta , Guadeloupe, Pic Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 p. 109. Plilinus ; Lyclus retractus Walk, referred to this ; Arrow p. 194 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Ptinus poslicalus sp. n., Pic Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 169. Scymnuseutheca gen. n. p. 170 voisin de Pseudodorcatoma, apicalie sp. n. p. 171 Guadeloupe, Pic Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78. Sphaericus madecassus sp. n., Pic p. 108 Echange 25. Stagetus (Theca) pilula var. n. obscu- rior, Pic Autun Bui. soc. hist. nat. 21 p. 118. — S. (Theca) breviuscnla var. n. luteopubens. Pic p. 108 & p. 147 Echange 25. Xyletinus indicus sp. n., Pic, p. 146 T.c. Bostriciiidae, Lyctidae. Notes sur les Coleopteres terediles*. Lesne Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (347- 351). Boslrichus jasciculatus sp. n. Lower California, Fall p. 102 Canad. Ent. 41. Lyclus canaliculatus said to pierce lead, Littler p. 37 Entomologist 42. Stephanopachys subslrialns nouveau pour la faune fran^aise, Lesne Paris Bill. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 102-103. Tenebrionidae. A monographic revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the tribe Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, Lower California, and adjacent islands, Blaisdell Bull. II. S. Nation. Mus. 63 pp. i-xi & 1-524 pis. i-xiii. Adelium foveatum Tasmania, cuprescens Bardoc W. A., goudiei Sea Lake, sloaneii Blayney, spp. n.. Carter Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 pp. 147- 151. — A. hudsoni sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 411 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. d 25—2 244 Insecta XII. Insecta. [1909] Aethalides costipennis Cootamundra, marginicollis Birchip, decemcostata Gram pians, spp. n., Carter Proc, Linn. Soc, N.S.W. 34 pp. 135-138. Agasthenes gouiiei Sea Like, frenchi Murchison, stepheni Forbes, spp. n., Carter pp. 129-133 T.c. Apaais beplcgenoides sp. n., hoivitti Pasc. var. n. longicollis, Victorian Alps Carter pp. 145-146 T.c. Asida ; italiane, spp. n., Leoni Riv. Coleotter. ital. 7 pp. 142-189 & 211-225. Blciptoprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 154, Reitter Wien. ent. Z. 28. Brycopia cheesemani N.S.W., femorata Victoria, Carter Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 pp. 154-155. Byallius ovensensis Bright, mastersii Condobolin, spp. n.. Carter p. 139 T.c. Cardiothorax mimus Tambourine Mountain, carinatus Mount Garnet, spp. n , Carter pp. 141-143 T.c. Cilibe lateralis p. 408, smilhiana p. 409, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 3.-6’. sciragoides sp. n. Pitt’s island, Broun p. 148 Tr. N. Zeald. Inst. 41. Dichillus tenebrosus , bci Monomorium gracillimum und Pheidole pallidula, Transkaspien, Karawajew Rev. russ. ont, St. Peterburg 9 p. 229. Dilaleptoscelis sp. n, Persia, Reitter Eat. Bl. 6 p. 239. Dilopersina subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 131, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Diprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 125, Reitter T.c. Eleodes (Melaneleodes) ampla Western United States p. 53 pi. 10 f. 12, knausii New Mexico p. 67 pi. 4 f. 24, E. ( Litheleodes ) letcheri Nevada p. 133 pi. 3 ff. 5 & 6, E. ( E .) subpinguis Texas p. 247 pi. 5 f. 18, E. ( Blapylis ) tibialis Lower California p. 313 pi. 4 f. 16, snowii New Mexico and Colorado p. 317 pi. 4 f. 12, blanchardii p. 339 pi. 6 f. 1, fuchsii California p. 343 pi. 12 f. 9, neotomae p. 347 pi. 4 f. 2, hornii pp. 350-354 pi. 5 f. 15, hoppingii p. 368 pi. 6 f. 2 California, casey i Nevada and California p. 388 pi. 6 f. 3, E. ( Metablapylis ) dissimilis Arizona p. 398 pi. 5 f. 12, schwarzii Washington p. 406 pi. 5 f. 10, spp. n., Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. — /£. opaca life history notes, injury to grain pp. 332-336 pis. ix & x, Swenk J. Econ. Ent. 2. Eleodimorpha gen. n. Eleodiini p. 477, bolcaxt sp. n. California p. 479 pi. 6 ff. 11 & 12, Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Embaphion glabrum p. 457 ph 5 f. 14, contraction p. 460 pi. 5 f. 20, New Mexico, spp. n., Blaisdell T.c. Eury prosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 122. Olobasida mauritana sp. n. Metilla, Escalera p. 135 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Gracilasida ariasi sp. n. Metilla, Escalera T.c. Heteropromus subgen. n. Eleodes p. 179, Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Hypoprosodes subgon. n. ex gen. Prosodes, Reitter p. 164 'Ent, Ztg. Wien 28. Leptodes zubkovi Transcaspian p. 300, solieri ( = boisduvali Sol. nec. Zoubk.) p. 302, spp. n., Semenov Rev. russe Ent. 8. Leptodopsis suworowi Reitt. not distinct from tianshanici Sem., dis- tribution, Semenow pp. 27 & 28 Op. cit. 9. Lioprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 160, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Litheleodes subgen. n. Eleodes p. 114 Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Ly prosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Proso- des p. 128, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Megaprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 134, Reitter T.c. Meladiesia gen. n. Tcnebrionidae, miritarsis sp. n. Transkaspien, Reitter p. 309 T.c. Melaneleodes subgen. n. Eleodes p. 36, Blaisdell Bull.U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. \Meracantha lacustris sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 129. 245 Insecta. Systematic. — Tenebrionidae — Cistelidae. Meropersina, subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 130, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. M etablapylis subgen. n. Eleodes p. 301, distribution p. 302, Blaisdell Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus. 63. Oliprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 138, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ospidus pnropsoides sp. n. N. Queens- land, Carter Proc. Linn. Soc. 34 p. 128. Paraprosodes sub gen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 144, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Phaleria ornata varr., Heyden D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 486. Pimeliocnera gen. n. Tenebrionidae, gebieni sp. n. Buchara, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 310. Platyprosodcs subg9n. n. ex gen. Pro- sodes p. 162, Reitter T.c. Prosodella subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes , Reitter p. 153 T.c. Prosodes ; Revision der Arten, many subgenn. n. ; P. (Aulonoscelis) gnaptorina Turkestan p. 123, P. ( Diprosodes ) biformiopaca Buchara p. 127, P. ( Lyprosodes ) pseudaciculata Ostbuchara p. 120, P. ( Prosodoscelis ) dentimana Persien p. 130, P. ( Mero - persina) vermicnlosa Peisien p. 131, P. ( Dilopersina ) grouvellei Transcas- pian, p. 132, P. {Prosodura) peloroides Bucharei p. 134, P. ( Uroprosodes ) suturangula Buchara p. 143, P. ( Mega - prosodes) jardanus Buchara p. 135, P. ( Paraprosodes ) singularis Buchara p. 145, P. s. str. guadriimpressa Trans- kaspien p. 149, gebieni Samarkand p. 152, P. ( Blaptoprosodes ) brevicauda Taschkend p. 156, P. ( Pseudoprosodes ) pecirkana Turkestan p. 157, P. (Eury- prosodes) tri fossa sp. n. Turkestan p. 165, P. (Platy prosodes) helschkoi Turkestan p. 163, spp. n., Reitter T.c. Prosoriesies subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes , Reitter p. 123 T.c. Prosodiln subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes , Reitter p. 161 T.c. Prosodina. sub gen. n. ex gen. Pro- sodes, Reitter p. 124 T.c. Prosodopria subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes , Reitter p. 129 T.c. Prosodoscelis subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes , Reitter p. 129 T.c. Prosodura subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes , Reitter p. 133 T.c. Psammodes rcichei Metamorphosis and larval form, text figs, Mally Cape Town Agric. J. 1909. Pseudeleodes subgen. n. p. 146, Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Pseudhelops quadricollis the Snares, posticalis, p. 107, interruptus p. 108, Campbell Island, spp. n., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1. Pseudoprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes p. 156, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Seirotrana bimetallica sp. n. N.S.W., Carter Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 p. 153. Solskyia concavidorsis sp. n. Buchara, Reitter Ent. Bl. 6 p. 206. Statira colorata. sp. n. Lower Cali- fornia, Fat.l p. 165 Canad. Ent. 41. Steneleodes subgen. n. Eleodes p. 409, Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Styrus latior sp. n. N. S. Wales, Carter Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 p. 127. Tagona lata Transcaspia sp. n., Sumakov Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 245-246. Tricheleodes subgen. n. p. 138, Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Trigonoscelis pecirkana sp. n. Buchara, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 308. Trogloderus tuberculatus sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 490 pi. vi ff. 14 15, Blaisdell Bull. U. S. Nation. Mus. 63. Tryptera sparsicollis sp. n. Buchara, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 311. Uroprosodes subgen. n. ex gen. Prosodes, Reitter p. 138 T.c. Zophobas morio Florida, Greene Ent. News 20 p. 434. Cistelidae = Alleculidae. Altecula confusa fiir tenuis Fairm., fauveli fiir rugicollis Fauv., indica fiir brachydera Fairm., kanarensis fiir arcuatipes Fairm., macleayi fur flavi- cornis Mack, neglecla fiir tenuis Fairm., nomm. n., Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 240 Insecta. xi r. Insecta. [1909] p.. 714. — A. cinctipennis sp. n., cardoni nom. n. pro A. tenuis Fairm praeocc., Pic Naturaliste Paris 31 p. 19. — A. semeti sp. n. Pic p. 162 Echange 25. ' Asticostena pallidicolor sp. n. Pic p. 133 T.c. Bearnicistela gen. n. p. 139 voisin de Asticostena , lutcicolor sp. n. p. 140, Pic T.c. ' Cistela ou Pseudocistela borchmanni nom. n. pro subaenescens Pic 1908, Pic T.c. — C. limbatipennis sp. n., Pic p. 134 T.c. Gistelomorpha obscuriceps sp. n., Pic Naturaliste Paris 31 p. 17. — C. bisbino- tata sp. n., Pic p. 134 Echange 25. Homotrysis rufulicornis nom. n. fiir ruficornis Blackb., Boschmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 714. Hymenalia oxyopa sp. n., Pic p. 147 Echange 25. Isomira inridimetallicus sp. n., Pic p. 142 T.c. Microcislela rosinae Pic Abbildung, Reitter p. 102 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Mycetochara lecontei nom. n. fur gracilis Lee., Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 714. Neoatractus nom. n. fiir Atractus Lac., Borchmann p. 713 T.c. Prionychus striatipennis sp. n., Pic p. 114 Echange 25. Neocistela nom. n. fur Pseudocistela Blackb., Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 713. Simarus nom. n. fiir Ismarus Haag, Borchmann p. 713 T.c. Othniidae. Polypria zigzaga sp. n., Pic p. 148 Echange 25. Melandryidae. Doxozilora gen. n., punctata sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 412 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Hypulus bodemeyeri sp. n. Klein- Asien, Reitter Ent. Bl. 5 p. 50. Osphya bipunctata var. n. teslacei- thorax, Pic p. 121 Echange 25. Lagriidae, Adynata ruftcollis sp. n. Kongo, Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 84. — A. ruficollis sp. n. Congo, Borchmann Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 208- 218. ’ Eutrapela variabilis sp. n., Borch- maNN Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 14 p. 295. — E. assimilis sp. n. Natal, Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 85. Isocera nom. n. fiir Isotoma Blanch., Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 713. Lagria rugipennis sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 12 & p. 206, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — L. antennalis p. 293, sjostedli p. 294, spp. n., Borchmann Kilimand- jaro - Meru Exp. 7 14. — L. gestroi Fernando-Poo, etc., flavipes Kamerun, plagiventris Fernando-Poo, spp. n., Borchmanm Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 208-218.— L. corpulenta Kame- run p. 69, auricollis p. 70, bennigseni, plicatula , Uganda, p. 72, rothschildi p. 73, navicularis p. 74, aeneiceps p. 75, nigra O.-Afrika p. 77, graueri Uganda p. 78, erythrocephala Usambara p. 79, schenklingi Tiansvaal p. 80, spp. n., Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909.— L. amplicollis nom. n. fiii laticollis Kolbe, anntennata fiir distinclicornis Heyd., costatula fiir subcostata Fairm., partita fiir ruficeps Kolbe, BorchmaN D. ent. Zs, 1909 p. 714. Lagriostira fulva sp. n. Uganda, Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 82. Nemostira tenella Uganda p, 86, rufa Kamerun p. 87, spp. n., Boiichmakn 1). ent. Zs. 1909. — N. dichrocera sp. n. Kamerun, Borchmann Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 208-218. — N. fairmairei nom. n. fiir cribricollis Fairm., Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 714. Ponolagria denticollis Uganda p. 82, gracilis Kamerun p. 83, spp. n., Borch- mann T.c. — P. subaenea sp. n. Fernando Po, Borchmann Firenze Boll. Soc. En- tom. 40 pp. 208-218. Xenostethus gloriosus sp. n. Usam bara, Borchmann D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 88. Antiiioidae, Xylophilidae. Anthichomorphus rufithorax sp. n., Pic; Bui. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 251. Anthicus tobias var. bei Monomoriun salomonis Transkaspien, Karawaje\v 247 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleortera. Rev. russ. ent. St. Petcrburg 9 p. 229. —A. notatipennis p. 50, himalayanus p. 57, spp. n. Himalaya, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909. — A. germaini p. 254, indistinctus, bruchi vat. n. boliviensis, p. 255, spp. n., Bolivie, Pio Bui. Mus. Paris 1909. — -Anthicus lineaticeps sp. n.. Pic p. 252 T.c. — A. nigroterminatu * sp. n., Pic p. 100 Echange 25. — A. cuyabanus sp. n., Pic T.c. p. 109. — A. paganettii sp. n., Pic T.c. p. 114. — A. (I schyro palpus) mapirianus sp. n., Pic T.c. p. 117. — A. monlandoni sp. n.» Pic p. 171 T.c. — A. roseicollis var. n. porlalegrea, Pic p. 178 T.c. Eurygenius abdominally sp. n. Ben- gale, Pic Bui. museum Palis 1909 p. 109. Formicilla longicornis sp. n., Pic p. 108 Echange 25. Formicomus nobilis bei Formica fusca rufibarbis Transkaspieu, Karwvajeyv Rev. russ. ent. St. Peterburg 9 p. 229. — F. ( Antelephilus ) luteonotalus sp. n Indes, Pic Paris Bui. sec. ent. 1909 p. 38. Hylophilus ( Olotelus ) longissimus sp. n., Indes, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 39. — H. subcaeruleus p. Ill, nigripes, germaini, p. 112, robusticornis, boliviensis, latus, apilicornis, p. Ill, spp. n. Bolivie. Pic Bui. museum Paris 1909. — H. caroli p. 105, basilhorax, parricri , p. 110, madecassus, superbu-s, p. 107, spp. n. Africa, Pic T.c. — H. peregrinus sp. n., Pic p. 250 T.c.— H. {Olotelus) rosti sp. n„ Pic p. 118 Echange 25. — H. lemoulti sp. n., Pic p. 107 T.c. Macratria nankinea, opaciceps, spp. n., Pic p. 109 T.c. Notoxus excisus moldaviensis var. n., Pic p. .170 T.c. Tomoderns luberculalus, rugulosus, p. 251, singaporensis p. 252, spp. n., Pic Bui. Mus. Paris 1909. — T. ( Pseudotomo derus) germaini p. 253, boliviensis p. 254, spp. n., Bolivie, Pic Bui. Mus. Paris 1909. Mordellidae. Mceurs et metamorphoses des Coleo- p teres du groupe des Mordellides, Xambeu Naturaliste 30 pp. 249-251 272-273 284-285. tQAnaspis hudsoni sp. n. Scotland, Donisthorpe p. 00 & pi. iii Ent. Rec. 21. — A. frontalis ab. n. melichari Tatra, Fleischer p. 32 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — A. ( Silaria ) luteobrunnea Thessa- lien, A. maroccana, with ab. maculiceps Marocco, p. 241, stussineri Kalabrien p. 242, spp. n., Fleischer T.c. f Mordella lapidicola sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Wickham Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 130. Silaria 4t-maculata varr. n. subobli- terata and lateobscura, Pic p. 102 Echange 25. Rhipiphoridae. Macrosiagon bifasciatus var. n. re- ducta, signaticollis var. n. usambarensis, tucumanensis, p. 147, abyssinicus p. 148, spp. n.. Pic Echange 25. — M. bis- binotatus sp. n., Pic Naturaliste Paris 31 p. 30. Ancholaemus attenualus sp. n., Pio p. 34 T.c. Rhipidius boissyi sp. n. Provence, Abeille pp. 584 & 850 C. R. Soc. Biol. 67. Cantharidae (or Meloidae). Actenodia discrepans, sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1 p. 241 pi. xxiv fig. 129. — A. chryso- melina var. n. junodi, Pic p. 148 Echange 25. Apalus bipartilus sp. n. Africa, Pic Echange 25 p. 120. Calospasta schwarzi sp. n. California, Wellman Ent. News 20 p. 23. Cantharis elegantula p. 200, mima p. 204, spp. n. S. Africa, nitidula pi. Xxii figs. 0 6a pvllidipennis fig. 14, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1.— C. blaisdelli sp. n. Lower California, Fall p. 166 Canad. Ent. 41. Cerocoma bodemeyeri sp. n. Persien, Reitter p. 103 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Ceroctis vittata sp. n., Borchmann Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 14 p. 305. — G. karroensis sp. n. p. 212 pi. xxiv fig. 72, extrema p. 218 fig. 86, koranella p. 211, varr. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. Coryna matabelena var. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1 p. 236 pi. xxiv fig. 122. — C. apicicornis varr. n. lateconnexa and disversejuncta , Pic p. 148 Echange 25. 248 Insecta. XII. Insecta. f 1 909 J Cyaneolytta gen. n. p. 249 for pectoralis Gerst., subrugulosa Makl., subcoriacea Makl., signifrons Fahr. and var. n. delagoensis, p. 254, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. — C. pectoralis pi. xxii fig. 13, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. Decatoma derepla p. 224, digressa p. 22C pi. xxiv f. 100, disputabilis p. 226 fig. 98, hottentota p. 225 fig. 94, insolita p. 231 fig. Ill, johannis fig. 103, lyden- burgia fig. 102, rhodesiana p. 227 fig. 101, salisburiana fig. 99, umtalina p. 226 fig. 97, varr. n., namaqua p. 232 fig. 114, sobrina fig. 104, stellenboschiana p. 228 fig. 104, spp. n., S. Africa, Perin- guey T.c. Eletica cardinalis pi. xxii fig. 5, Peringuey T.c. Epicauta prolifica sp. n. Angola p. 619, canescens elunda var. n. p. 62C, Wellman Proc. Acad. Philad. 60. Horia nitida sp. n. Ruwen^ori pi. vi f. 13 & p. 208, GaiianTt. zool. Soc. 19. Iselma hoschimana metallescens p. 283, namaqua p. 281, planidorsia p. 284, okiepana, optata, p. 282, spp. n. S. Africa, brunneipes pi. xxii fig. 11, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. Lydus marrakensis sp. n. N, W. Africa, Escalera p. 243 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Lytta sifanica n. n. for tibetana Esch., Beschreibung, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 28. — L. ( Epicauta ) sheffieldi, L. neavei, spp. n., Congo, Pic p. 97 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — L. rubropectus nom. n, pectoralis Fairm. p. 618, Well- man Proc. Acad. Philad. 60. Macrobasis excors sp. n. Lower Cali- fornia, Fall p. 166 Canad. Ent. 41. Melo'e pallidicolor sp. n. Mogador, Escalera p. 248 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. — M. angulatus pi. xxii fig. 3, hottentotus fig. 4, Perinouey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afrio. 1. Mylabris ( Decatoma ) mubukucvsis sp. n. Ruwenzori, Gahan p. 207 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — Mylabris amatonga varr. n. p. 186 pi. xxiii fig. 7, irritans p. 195 figs. 34-36, kakamas p. 185 fig. 2, makalanga p. 196 figs. 40 41, namaqua p. 191 fig. 20, permutans p. 192 figs. 23 & 24, transiloria p. 185 fig. 4, vibex p. 195 fig. 37, vicaria p. 186 fig. 5, vul- garis p. 185 fig. 3, derosa p. 200 fig. 52, matubele p. 199 figs. 51 & 61, matop- poena p. 197 figs. 42 43 44, pertinax P- 197 fig. 47, versuta p. 188 fig. 11, spp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. — M. ( Actenodia ) deserticola p. 603, M. ( Decatoma ) chiyakensis with var. n. p. 605, elen- densis , temporalis p. 606, M. ( Mylabris ) chisambensis Angola p. 608, spp. n., haroldi nom. n. for muata Har. p. 610, my ops welwitschi var. n., pluvialis, p. 611, sibylae p. 612, tindila Angola p. 613, spp. n., tristigma tribuli subsp. n. Angola, Wellman Proc. Acad. Philad. 60. Nemognatha erythraea, francoisi, in- notaticeps,, p. 125, sinuati- pennis p. 126, spp. n. Africa, Pic Echange 25. — N. innotatiihorax sp. n. Pic p. 180 T.c. — N. capensis p. 288, intermedia, meraca, p. 289, spp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. Pleuropasta gen. n. type Calospasla mirabilis Horn, Wellman Ent. News 20 p. 20. Prionolytta gen. n. for Lytta binotaiai Pering. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa 1 p. 249. Rhampholyssa steveni var. n. plagi- collis Uralsk, Reitter p. 102 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Sitaris muralis var. n. flava, Hamm p. 277 Ent. Mag. 45. — *$'. notaticollis pi. 22 fig. 9, Peringuey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. Sitarobrachys buigasi sp. n. Marruecos, Escalera p. 240 Bol. Soc. espan. 9.— S. brevipennis $ und $ , Stahlberg p. 318 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28; Nachtrag zur Notiz Stahlberg, Reitter p. 318 t.c. Stenodera caucasica var. n. bisbinolata. Pic p. 130 Echange 25. Slcnoria gibbicollis sp. n., Borohmann Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 14 p. 305. Synhoria rhodesiana sp. n. S. Africa p.,175, hottentota pi. 22 fig. 2, Perin- guey Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1. Zonabris abdelkaderi p. 245, tahari , madani , p. 246, argenteopubescens p. 247, maelaini, rufipalpis, p. 248, igneo- pubescens p. 249, spp. n. Marruecos, 249 Insecta. Systematic. — CuroulionidaB. EscalerA Bol. Soc. espan. 9. — T. 16-punclata var. n. 1 5- punctata Turke- stan, Sumakov Jurjev Sitzb. Naturf. Ges. 17 p. 220. — Z. varians varr. n., Fuente p. 307 Bol. Soc. espan. 9; the varietal names, Fuente p. 430 T.c. — Z. sjoestedti sp. n., Borciimann Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 14 p. 303. — Z. kambovensis, neavei , severini, Z. ( ? Ceroctis) bunkeyana, p. 97, Z. ( De - gatoma) congoensis p. 98, sp$. n., Congo, dilloni var. n. sheffieldi, interna var. n. pluriinterrupta, p. 97, Pjo Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — Z. hollebekei sp. n. Congo, Pic p. 193 T.c. — Z. tricolor var. n. bisbireducta , transversalis varr. n. pustulifera and impulsata, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 105. — Z. sub- metalliceps , angustissima, rufonatata , convexior, bisseptemmaculata, p. 126, delagoensis, spp. n. Africa, trifurca var. n. subexclamationis p. 127, Pic Eehango 25. — Z. rugosissima sp. n., Pic p. 130 T.c. — Z. medioinsignata p. 166, manor - ensis, spp. n., Z. ( Ceroctis ) aurantiaca var. n. obockiana, p. 167, Pic T.c. — Z. var. persica= persicola sp. n., varians var. fuenthei = (varians Fuente), pozuelcnsis nom. n. pro var. A- punctata Fuente, p. 171 Pic T.c. — Z. florieni sp. n., orienlalis varr. n. birmanica and anticeinfasciata , Z. ( Decatoma ) mani- droni, sanghana, spp. n., p. 175, Pic T.c. — Z. apcrta varr. n. ostafricana , kochi, multi inter rupta, metallicus var. n. ad- ingriana, aliceae sp. n., p. 181 Pic T.c. — Z. brevicollis var. n. beav.prei, p. 185 Pic T.c. — Z. bizonota var. n. V. lutea, dilloni var. n. gundetana, tri- fasciata var. n. zholompana Pic T.c. p. 189. Zonitis sp. n., BorchmanN Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 14 p. 305. — Z. costalipennis sp. n., Pic p. 180 Echange 25. — Z. antennalis p. 621, prionocera, Z. ( Nemognatha ) posoka p. 622, spp. n., Angola, Wellman Proc. Acad. Philad. 60. Zonilodema gen. n. p. 284 pi. xxii figs. 10a b for Zonitispart, parenlalis sp. n. p. 286, viridipennis pi. 22 fig. 10, Peringtjey Trans. R. Soc. S. Africa 1. Zonitomorpha gen. n. for Zonitis sellata Fahr., transgressor p. 272 pi. xxii fig. 7a, sellata fig. 7, Peringuf.y Trans. R. Soc. S. Afric. 1 1909. — Z. arcuatipes sp. n., Pic p. 189 Echange 25. — 7j. natalensis p. 262, pou- illoni Dahomey p. 263, spp. n., sellata var. n. seminigra p. 262, Pic Bull. Soc.. ent. France 1909, Zonitoschema gen. n. for Z. coccinea Fabr., pulchella Per., cborina Fahr., saga Pering., poslicalis Pering., p. 274 pi. xxii fig. 8a, coccinea Fab. ( suaveola- Pering) pi. 22 fig. 8, Peringtjey Trans- R. Soc, S. Afric. 1. — Z. lalipennis sp. n.. Pic p. 180 Echange 25. Oedemeridae. Agasma, cf. Malacodcrmidae. Baculipalpus marilimus sp. n. New Zealand, BrouS p. 414 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Dolichopyga cinerea Motsch. sp. au- tonoma, Beschreibung, Semenov Rev- russ. ent. 9 p. 28. Pseudolychns ivallacei sp. n. Australia, Lea p. 8 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. — P. superbus var. n. reducta, Pic p. 146 Echange 25. — P. uniformis Pic var. n. nigriceps, Pic Naturaliste Paris 31 p. 19. Selenopalpus reclipes sp. n. New Zea- land, Broun p. 413 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3.. Pythidae. Rabocerus and Colposis p. 245, Rl bishopi Scotland p. 245, championi Evolona p. 246, spp. n., Sharp Ent. Mag. 45. Pyrociiroidae. Pyrochroa pubescens varr. n. notaticcps and rubricolor, Picp. 109 Echange 25. — P. rubriceps sp. n., Indes, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 38. CURCULIONIDAE. Coleopterocecidien der Insel Born- holm ; Bayer Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 104-120. Acalles breiti sp. n. Baleares, Solari e Solari Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 p. 258-281. — A. turbatus, razze, Meyer Riv. Coleotter. ital. 7 p. 61-71. — A. fuscidorsis p. 143, igneus p. 144, altus p. 145, albistrigalis , aterrimus, p. 146, praesetosus p. 147, robustus p. 148, flavisetosus p. 149, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — A. pici- ventris sp. n. Auckland Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 120. 250 Insecta. XII. Insecta. Acallorneuma mainardii Sardegna, doderoi Sicilia, spp. n., SoLARiet Solar r Firenze Boll. Soc. Entoni. 40 pp. 258- 281. Acamptopsis gen. n. Acamptina , encaustus Panama, pi. i f. 1, cubanus Cuba, spp. n., Champion p. 2 Biolx Centr. Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Achoperinus gen. n. near Achopera type infulatus Er., Lea Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 33 p. 724. Acrotychreus gen. n. near Tychreus type fasciculatus Lea, Lea T.c. p. 725. • A del gen. n. for crenatus Broun, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 170. Agastegnus bi-impressus sp. n. New Zealand, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 184. Alcides ; schadlich fur Cacao- mid Kapokpflanzen, Docters van Leeu- wen Salatiga Cultuurgids 11 pp. 396- 403 4 Textfig. Allaorua piciclavus sp.n. New Zealand, Broun Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 210. Allocorynus aloasoni distribution. Pierce Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 37, No. 1708 p. 326. Alophus malzenaueri sp. n. Monte Negro, Lokay 6as. &esk6 Spol. Ento- molog. 1908 p. 60. Allonomus gen. n. Holcorhinidarum, demaisoni sp. n. Turquio d’Asie, Des- brociiers Le Frelon 15 1907 p. 95. Ambates isthmicola pi. xxiii f. 12 & p. 481 Panama, lateralis St. Vincent p. 482, chaetopus Costa Rica f. 13 & p. 483, spp. n., Champion Biol. Centr. - Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Amnesia squamipunctata sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 350, Pierce Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1708. Amotus longipennis sp. n. California, Pierce p. 348 T.c. Amphiskirra gen. n. near Chamaep- sephis p. 63, umbricola sp. n. New Zealand p. 64, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Amphitmelus leggei pi. vii f. 15 & p. 227, planicollis f. 17, foveipennis f. 16, p. 228, spp. n. Africa trop., Marshall Tr. zool. Soc. 19. [1909] Anisarctus subg. n. type Elleschus infirmus, Desbroohers Le Frelon 15 1907 p. 115. Anopsilus = ( Balbus Pasc.) p. 415, bonvouloiri pi. xx f. 26, Champion Biol. Centr. Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Anthonomus tridens sp. n. Lower California, Fall p. 167 Canad. Ent. 41. — .4. grandis hibernation pp. 11- 100, f¥. 1-9, pi. i-x, tables i-xlvi, Hinds and Yothers U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent., Ball. 77. — A. pomorum, Entwicklung, Lebensweise, (Russ.), 2-te Aufl., Schrei- ner Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Cl. Upr. Zeml. St. Peterburg 2 14 p. 52 32 Figs. Aoromius subg. n. type Tychius 5-punclatus, Desbrochers Le Frelon 15 1907 p. Ill et 145. Aphocoelis gen. n. near Psepholax p. 137, versicolor sp. n. New Zealand, p. 138, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Apion ; des mitteleuropaischen Faun- engebietes, Wagner Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol. 5 pp. 1-6, 50-55 155-158.— Sy- nonymie, Wagner Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 123- 124. — A. incommodum n.n. fiir cora- cinum Beg.-Billc., leonense fiir langui- dum Boh., macropus fiir longimamim Sharp., macrothorax fiir longicolle Shaip., subglabratum fiir coerulescens Kirsch, billcocqui fiir alluandi Beg.-Billc., chilense fiir angustatum Phil., alternum fiir alternatum Dbrs., peculinre, fiii gibbosum Sharp., pseuddongatum fiir humerosum Dbrs., glabrirostre fiir niti- dirostre Beg.-Billc. pp. 766-767, pnncti- thorax nom. fiir puncticolle Beg.-Billc., falli fiir pyriforme Smith, rufobrunneum fiir pulium Beg.-Billc., moerens fiir tene~ bricositm Faust, andrewesi fiir pistillum Faust 1898, smithi fur aeneipenne Smith, p. 767, Wagner D. ent. Zs, 1909. — A. kayumbense, neavei, p. 98, A. ( Piezotrachelus ) atrocoer oleum p. 99, spp. n., Congo, Wagner Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — A. femoratum p. 194, casperi p. 195, A. ( Piezotrachelus ) kolbei p. 197, uncipes p. 198, figinii p. 200, particeps p. 201, ruspolii, erythreanum p. 202, compress icolle p. 203, A. flexi- rostre p. 205, grandaevum p. 206, orlhor- hynchum p. 207, plenum p. 208, A. ( Conapion ) chirindanum p. 209, A. tellinii , schroderi, p. 211, spp. n. Africa trop. &> mer., longicrus var. n. rugosi- '251 Insecla. Systematic. — Curculionidae. colic, p. 190, Wagner T.c. — <4. pictum , rufo-piceum, araneiforme, saulcri, For- mosa, arabicum Arabia spp. n., Wagner Soc. entomol. 24 pp. 26-27. — .4. Inoroderi, derelictum p. 85 ( $ ) et 90 ? , impressidorsum, flavinasus. p 86, mendax, ochroceras p. 87, helveticum p. 88, squamans , cavatum p. 89, spp. n., Desbrochers Le Frelon 15 1907. Apionidae, definition and constitu- tion, Wagner Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 pp. 431-433. Apotmetus gen. n. near Amphitmetus, montnnus sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 18, Marshall p. 229 Tr. zool. soc. 19. Araeoscapus ardens p. 64, eslrialus p. 65, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Asmaratrox gen. n. Laparoceridarum p. 235, A. coxalis p. 236, inirusus p. 237, Erythraa, spp. n., Heller Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Alhor gen. n. Ilylobiidae, arcijera sp* n. New Zealand, Broun p. 69 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Attarus gen. n. near Penlarthrum, p. 180, tristis sp. n. N. Zealand p. 181, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41. Auletes variipennis sp. n. S.-W.- Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2 p. 228. — A. rufipennis p. 327, viridis p. 328, California spp. n., Pierce Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1708. Baeorhynchodes gen. n. near Rhyn- c bodes p. 158, cristalus sp. n. New Zealand p. 159, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Balcininus niveopiclus sp. n. Queens- land., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33 p. 181. Baridius anlhracinus Boh. = Aulo. bans [ibis Lee.) p. 439, Champion Biol- Centr. Amer. 4 pt. 5. Baris laticollis, Schmidt Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 198. — B. carinivenlris sp. n. Algiria, Solari e Solari Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 p. 258- 281. — B. sinuatirostris pi. xxii f. 11 p. 460, spissirostris pi. xxiii f. I, regu- larise p. 461, occidua f. 2, fluctuosa pi. xxii figs. 13 & 14, p. 462, rugosissima f. 16, zapolensis, p. 463, durangoana f. 17 p. 404, rotundicollis f. 19, subrubra f. 20, cavernosa f. 21, p< 465, aspera pi. xxiii f. 3, tortilis f. 5, p. 466, inopina pi. xxiii f. 4, ceneopicca, p. 407, implana , fra- tuelis, p. 468, punctirostris, macraspis pi. xxii f. 24, p. 471, quadratipennis f. 25, prodita f. 26, p. 472, rubicundula f. 27 & p. 473, spp. n. Centr. America ; ingens Cas. pi. xxii f. 9, strenua Lee. f. 10, p. 459, sulcipennis f. 12 dis- tinguished from puncticollis Boh. p. 460, fervida Pasc. f. 15 & p. 462, caldaria Boh. pi. xxiii f. 6 & p. 468, aerea Boh. pi. xxii f. 22 & p. 469, seriatosetosa Sol. f. 23 & p. 471 ; Champion Biol. Centr. - Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Belinae, the genera with lists of species and pi. with 15 figs., Lea & Bo vie Gen. ins. 91 13 pp. & 1 pi. BelJca gen. n., spadicea sp. n. p. 180, for Pentarth. spadicea, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 179. Belus vide Macrobelus. Blosyrus seminilidus sp. n. Ruwen- zori pi. vii f. 1 3 & p. 227, Marshall Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Borophloens Woll. merged in Cos- sonus, Champion p. 42 Biol. Centr.- Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Bothynoderes punctiventris var. n. guyoti Sinai, HartMann Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 p. 122. Brachybaridius gen. n., immarginalus sp. n. Guatemala pi. xxii f. 29, Cham- pion p. 475 Biol. Centr. -Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Brachybaris mutila Boh. pi. xxii f. 28 = ( mexicanus Faust), Champion p. 473 T.c. Brachyeerinae, the genera with lists of the species, Bovie Gen. ins. 99, 38 pp. & 3 pis. Brachyarus laufferi sp. n., Des- brochers p. 1 Frelon 17. Brachysomus breiti sp. n. Do- brudscha, Formanek p. 29 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Bradypatae dilaticollis p. 66, inter - stitialis p. 67, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Busclcia gen. n. Barina, lecythidis sp. n. Panama pi. xxii f. 4, Champion p. 454 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Busckiella nom. n. for Busckia supra., Id. t.c. p. 497. 252 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Calyciforus excavatvs Woll. pi. iii f. 34, inaequalis sp. n. Mexico f. 35, Champion p. 77 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Ganonopsis sericeus Watcrh. var. n. obscurus Kerguelen p. 414, subsp. n. heardensis Heard-Inscl p. 4 08, Enber- lein D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4. Carphonotus ochrcipilis sp. n. Guate- mala pi. ii f. 7 & p. 39, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Gatapastus nivescens sp. n. Mexico pi. xxiii f. 29 & p. 494, Champion T.o. pt. v. Gatamrcus granulatus p. 156, mollis p. 157, durus , carinatic.eps, p. 158, Western Australia spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Gatastygnus amplipennis sp. n. N.S. Wales, Lea Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 Beih. 2 p. 194. Cathormiocerus syriacus, reilteri, rnaroc- canus, spp. n., Stierlin Misc. ent. 13 1905 pp. 4 etc. Catodryobius gen. n. Otiorhynchidae p. 108, vestitus p. 109, benhami , telricus, p. 110, erubescens p. Ill, grandis p. 112, Islds. near N. Zealand, spp. n., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1. Catolethrus Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. — • <3. sulcirostris sp. n. Lower California, Fall p. 169 Canad. Ent. 41— C. cylindripennis pi. ii f. 13 & p. 44, puncticeps f. 14, rugosus f. 15, subopacvs f • 19, p. 45, latirostris f. 18 & p. 47, hepburni f. 19 Sc p. 48, guatemaltecus p. 49, subcdrinatus, carinifer, p. 50, cavirostris p. 61 & f. 23, bi&ulcaius f. 24, planus f, 25, p. 52, planirostris f. 27 & p. 53, euryaspis f. 32 & p. 56, micraspis i. 33, rufonotatus f. 34, p. 57, latipennis pi. iii f. 1 , sargi f. 2, p. 58, bicolor f. 5 & p. 59, circumfusus f. 6 Sc p. 60, parvi- collis f. 7, aterrimus f. 8, p. 61, purulcnsis p. 62 ; flavovittalus f. 9 & p. 63, bifoveaius f. 11 Sc p. 65, irregularis f. 15 Sc p. 66, ocularis f. 16, duplicatus f. 18, p. 67, evanescens f. 20 Sc p. 68, nitidicollis f. 21, bigeminalus f. 22, p. 69, biviitnius f. 23 & p. 70, marcidus f. 25, caloldhroides i- 26, p. 71, convexirostris f. 27 Sc p. 72, spp. n. Centr. America ; depressi- collis Boh. f. 17 Sc p. 46, corticola Say f. 20 Sc p 48, xylophilus Boh. f. 21 & p. 49, silbermanni Boh. as Phloeo- phagus ) f. 22 & p. 51, semirufus Boh. f. 26 Sc p. 53, corticalis Fabr. f. 28 Sc p. 54, convexicollis Boh. f. 29, scrobiculato- stnatus f. 30, p. 55, perfidiosus Boh. L 31 & p. 56, latns Boh. pi. iii f. 3, aijaber Boh. f. 4, p. 59, segnis Faust f. 10 & p. 64, foveatus Boh. figs. 12 & 13 & p. 65, punctifrons Boh. f. 14 & p. 66, hcfniperdus Boh. f. 17 Sc p. 67, canali- culatus Fabr. f. 19, illigeri n.n. for canaliculatus Fabr. 1801, p. 68, thoracicus Boh. f. 24 & p. 70, spathula Boh. f. 28 & p. 72 ; Champion Biol. Centr.- Am er. Col. 4 pt. vii. Cryphiphorus wmJcae sp. n. Griechen- land, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 307. Gryptorhynchus lucanus sp. n. Lower California, Fall p. 168 Canad. Ent. 41. Cubicorrhynchus valgus sp. n. S.- W.-Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2 Jena p. 221. Cyanobaris gen. n., rufiventris sp. n. Mexico pi. xx f. 25, Champion p. 415 Biol. Centr. -Amer. Col. 4 p. 5. Cylas turcipennis, metamorphoses etc., Broun Tr. N. Zeald. Inst. 40 p. 262 pi. xxii. Gylindrccerus insularis sp. n. St. Vincent, Champion p. 487 Biol. Centr.- Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Cyrionyx albovarius Guatemala p. 484, albogvttatus St. Vincent p. 485, spp. n., Champion T.c. Cyrtobaris gen. n. p. 476, bigibba sp. n. Panama pi. xxii f. 32 & p. 477, Champion T.c. Gyrfolepis ( Aigelius ) gibbosus p. 93 Mediterranee, villosvs p. 94 Turquie d’Asie, spp. n., Debrochers Le Frelon 15 1907. Decilaus serialopundatus sp. n. W. Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33 p. 193. Deipyle gen. n. near Glyptobaris » induta Guatemala pi. xx f. 8, p. 402, seminuda Panama f. 9 Sc p. 403, spp. n., Champion Biol. Contr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Dendrodonomorphus parallelus Woll. pi. iii f. 32 & p. 76, Champion T.c. pt. vii. Deracanthus tianshanskyi Turkestan orient, pp. 253-265, turfanus Mongolia occid. p. 255, jacobsoni Semiretshje p. 256, jakcvlevi Tsaidam p. 257, spp. n., jakovlevi subsp. n. kozlovi Mongolia p. 259 ; Suvorov Rev. rues. ent. 8. Dereodus reticollis sp. n. Congo, Marshall p. 239 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Deretiosus blandus Cape York, aspraiilis Endeavour R .,hystricosus Cairns, spp.n., Lea Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 33 pp. 710-712. Desiantha nociva sp. n., malevolens n. var. vegrandis, Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 33 p. 174. Diastdhus Jlirtimanus sp. n. Mexico, Champion p. 487 Biol. Centr.- Amer. Pol. 4 pt. v. Diorymerus ruber sp. n. Mexico pi. xxiii f. 14, sulcatulus n.n. for sulcatus Ch., Champion p. 486 T.c. Disodontogenus gen. n. Galandrinae p. 231, wollastoni sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 19 & p. 232, Marshall Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Dolichobaris gen. n. p. 417, opaciceps pi. xx f. 29, schwarzi, spp. n., Centr. America, p. 418, Champion Biol. Centr. -Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. 254 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Dorytomus ; Europaeische, For- manek Cas. 6eske Spol. Entomolog. 1999 pp. 69-94, mit I. Taf. Drymaria gen. n. near Protolobus p. 56, cilipes sp. n. New Zealand p. 57, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Dryophthorus quadriccllis Guatemala pi. i £. 10, cocosensis Cocos isld., spp. n., Champion p. 8 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. — D. americanus Bed. is corticalis Payk., Champion p. 103 Ent. Mag. 45. Dryotribus mimeticus = ( Thalattodora insignis Perk.), Champion pp. 103 & 123 T.c. Ectemnorhinus viridis Waterh. var. n. grisescens, ab. n. laevicollis, p. 416, angusticollis Waterh. ab. n. carinatus p. 417, drygilskii sp. ri. p. 418, Kerg- nelen, Enderlein I). Siidpolar-Exped. 10 H. 4. Elleschodes inconstans sp. n. S.-W.- Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2, Jena, p. 227. — E. basipennis sp. n. W. Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33 p. 182. Elytrodon brevicollis sp. n., Desbro- chers p. 1 Frelon 17. Embolodes gen. n. Cneorhini p. 238, sternalis sp. n. Congo p. 239, Marshall Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Eniopea bivittata sp. n. N.S. Wales, Lea Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 Beih. 2 p. 196. Epamaebus ziczac, insular is, spp. n. S.-W.- Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2 Jena p. 226. Ephrycimis gen. n. near Ephrycus , pilistriatus sp. n. Lord Howe Is., Lea Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 33 pp. 722-723. Ephrycus brachystylus Forest Reefs N.S.W., erythrceus Swan River W. A., spp. n., Lea pp. 728-729 T.c. Erirhinus insignis p. 130, insolilus p. 131, spadiceus, castigatus, p. 132, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — E. dracophyllae sp. n. Auckland Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 118. Essolithnavillosa sp. n. S.-W.-Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2, Jena, p. 219. • Etheinaia griffithi sp. n. Tasmania, Lea Trans. R. Soo. S. Austral. 33 p. 172. Eucossonus rostralis sp. n. New Zea- land, Broun Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 188. Eugnomus antennalis p. 133, femoralis p. 134, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Euophryum gen. n. for Pen tar thrum part ; Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 159. Euops rudis p. 176, efjulgens, lateralis , p. 177, impuncticollis , flavomaculata, p. 178, Australia spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Euplatinus gen. n. Holcorhinidarum tigrcllus sp. n. Turquo d’Asie, Desbro- chers Le Frelon 15 1907 p. 93. — Euplatinus gen. n. p. 2, otiorkynchoides sp. n. p. 3, Desbrochers Frelon 17. Eutassa gen. n. p. 168 near Serico- trogus, fuscicollis p. 169 sp. n. New Zealand, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41. Exithius simulator, fumatus, spp. n, Australia, Lea Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 2 p. 202. Gaurocryphus gen. n. for Serico- trogus auricomus, Broun Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 185. Geraeus squamirostris pi. xxiii figs. 15 & 16, subinermis f. 17, p. 488, costatus f. 18 & p. 489, puerulus figs. 19 & 20, tonsus f. 21, p. 490 , tenuistrialus f. 23 & p. 491, spp. n. Centr. America ; penicellus Herbst. f. 22 & p. 491 ; Champion Biol. Ccntr.-Amor. Col. 4 pt. v. Getacalles favosus sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 157 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Glyptobaris spinigera pi. xx f. 11, solarii f. 12, p. 405, simplex f. 14 p. 406, spp. n., Centr. America, lecontei n.n. for rugicollis Lee. pi. xx f. 13, rugata Boh. f. 10, Champion Biol. Centr.- Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Gymnetrinae ; the genera and lists of the species with figs, of 15, Bovin Gen. ins. 92 20 pp. & 2 pis. Gymnobaris gen. n. p. 420, brevidens pi. xxi f. 1, planipedus, spp. n., Centr. America, p. 421, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Haplonyx {Aolles) trifasciatus sp. n. Australia, Lea Jahrb. Hamburg Anst. 26 2 p. 198. 255 Insecta. Systematic. — Curculionidae. Hatasu gen. n. near A miles, dorsale sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 141 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Heptarthrum gen. n. Gossonina, gibbipenne pi. i f. 23, p. 22, costatipenne f. 24, cordillerae f. 25, p. 23, spp. n. Centr. America, Champion Biol. Centr.- Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Heterexis gen. n. p. 113, Otiorhynchi- dae, sculptipennis sp. n. p. 114 Adams Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1. Ilimntium ruyicolle sp. n. Guatemala pi. 1 f. 26 & p. 24, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Hoplorrhinoides gen. n. Trypetina, dltaleae sp. n. Guatemala pi. i figs. 8 & 9, Champion p. 6 T.c. Hycanus frontalis sp. n. Auckland Isld., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 110. Hygrochus gran if er sp.n. New Zealand, Broun p. 58 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Hylobius ahietis , Verwandlung, Schaden, Bekiimpiung^ Pospelov Choziajstvo 4 pp. 152-165 199-207. Ilypera souvorovi sp. n. Turkestan, Fleischer p. 302 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Inophloeus quadricollis p. 53, laeli- ficus p. 54, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Isaniris cognatus sp. n. Congo, Marshall p. 239 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ischiomastus Kirsch = ( Lixomorplia Ch.), Champion p. 1 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Kentraulax gen. n. for Oreda murina , Broun p. 156 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Laemosaccinae, Bovie Gen. ins. 89 6 pp. & 1 pi. , Larinus leuzeae var. n. stachelinae, moeurs, etc., Bedel Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 260. — L’ethologie, ct parasites, Rabaud Feuille jeunes natural. 39 pp. 153-160. • Lasiobaris gen. n. p. 492 near Centri- nites, wickhami p. xxiii f. 25, yeminaia f. 26, spp. n. Mexico p. 493, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Lcpidobaris gen. n. near T'richobaris p. 408, acnisti pi. xx f. 17, opacipennis f. 18, p. 409, bifascicnlata f. 19, latis- quamis f. 20, p. 410, nitidipennis f. 21, p. 411, spp. n., Ccntr. America, Cham- pion T.c. Leptinobaris gen. n. near Microbar is, bidens sp. n. Panama pi. xx f. 27, Champion p. 416 T.c. Leplops fasciatns sp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Leptoschoenus maculalus Boh. pi. xxiii figs. 27 foveiceps p. 146, incurvus p. 147, taylori , castor, p. 148, pollux p. 149, Australia spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Nanobcais gen. n. p. 474, plambata pi. x“xii f. 30, retusa, spp. n. Centr. America p. 475, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Nanophyes maculipes, p. 83, flavulus habits p. 93, Buysson Rev. ent. 27. Nanophyinae ; Bo vie Gen. ins. 98 11 pp. & 1 pi. of 15 figs. Nanus ( Homaloxenus Woll.), N. uniformis = (II. dcntipes W.) p. 5, hispid us sp. n. Panama p. 6 & pi. i figs. 6 & 7, Champion Biol. Contr.- Amor. Col. 4 pt. vii. Nastus ; Revision, N. dcvians Armenion p. 187, albinae Circassicn, p. 191, heydeni Turkestan p. 193, lonyicornis Taschkend p. 199, lohayi Buchara p. 203, ulbolineatus Alexander- Gebirge p. 205, sulcifrons p. 206, latifrons p. 209, Alexandergebirge, mucoreus Semirjetschensk p. 210, cos- tatus Turkestan p. 211, helleri Buchara p. 213, spp. n., For'maneic Ent. Ztg. Wien 23. Nenoteratus gen. n. for Pentrarthrum part, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 161. Nicaeana infuscata sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 52 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Notaris acridulus coraicollis, merkli, Svnonymie, Formanek p. 31 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 28. — N. dalmatinus identisch mit Echinocnemus globicollis Fairm., Formanek p. 174 Ent. Ztg. Wien 23. 257 Iii8ecla. Systematic. - Curculionidae. Nyssonolus seriatus Cap. pi. i f. 21 & p. 20, Champion Biol. Centr. - Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Ocladius divers epunctalus p. 142, maculipes , rhodesinnus, camelus, p. 143 •spp. n„ Pic Echange 25. Odontobaris gen. n., planirostris sp. n. Mexico pi. xx f. 31, Champion p. 419 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Oligobaris gen. n., breviscntum sp. n. Panama pi. xxii f. 34, Champion p. 478 T.c. Oligopvs pettilvs Kirsch to Barina Champion p. 479 T.c. Omias fulgidus sp.* n. Sardinia, For- manek D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 624. Omoeacalles gen. n. near Acalles p. 150, perspicuus sp. n. New Zealand p. 151, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Omorophius nigrovnrius sp. n. S.-W. Austral., Lea in Michaclscn 2 Jena p. 224. Onias gen. n. near Acalles, latisul- catus, p. 153, otnatus p. 154, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Onychobaris senecta sp. n. Mexico p. 422, punctatissima pi. xxi f. 2, Cham- pion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Oocorynus gen. n. near Brachytemnus , corrosus sp. n. Panama pi. iii f. 33, Champion p. 76 T. c. pt. vii. Oreda cf. Kentraulax. Orthoris cylindrifer pi. xxiii f. 31 & p. 497, Champion Biol. Centr. Amer. ■Col. 4 pt. v. Osphilia ilcuthana ab. n. innotata Erythraa, Heller Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 238. Otiorrhynchus ronchettinus, forti- spinus, p. 304, ronchettii p. 305, spp. n. Caucasus, Otiorrhynchus alagoe- , sus Artberechtigung, p. 306, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — O. ( Tournieria ) teberdensis sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter p. 58 T.c. — O. luigionii Abruzzo, gari- baldinus Calabria, microphthalmus Ab- ruzzo, leonii Abruzzo, spp. n., Solari e So lari Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 258-281. — O. tuniseus sp. n„ henoni var. n. hipponensis. Pic p. 121 Echange 25. — O. anthracinus, rugulipennis and coenobita, sinonimia, Solari & Solari Annuario Museo zool. 3 No. 1 p. 1. — O. ligustri Partlienogenese, Wassiliew (n-11091 j) Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 29-31. — O. turca, Lcbensweise und Schaden in Novo- rossiisk, Silant.tev St. Petcrburg 1909 pp. 1—93 2 Taf. — O. gossipiipes und cantabricus, Heyden D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 609. Pachyderris gen. n. near Acalles , punctiventris sp. n., Auckland Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New. Zealand 1 p. 121. Pachyuta fasciata sp. n. Australia, Lea Jahrb. Hamb. Anst. 26 2 p. 197. — P. venusta p. 136, violacea, spp. n., rubicunda var. n. pilosa, p. 137, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Pactolotypus gen. n. near Pactola, striatus sp. n. pi. v fig. 5 Auckland Isl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 119. Pentarthrum dubitans p. 275, plant - colie p. 276, spp. n., Now Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — P. cylin - dricum pi. i f. 12 & p. 10, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Pliilides comans sp. n. Mexico pi. xxiii f. 11 & p. 481, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Phloeophagus merged in Rhyncolus , the species, Champion p. 121 Ent. Mag. 45. Phrynixus bicarinellus p. 61, ventralis p. 62, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Physobaris gen. n. near Pseudobaris, intricata pi. xxii f. 1, nodosa f. 2, spp. n. Centr. America, Champion p. 452 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Phytonomus ; spp. North America, distribution, Webster Ent. News 20 pp. 80-82. — P. murinus introduced into Utah from Europe, serious pest, life history and habits, remedies, pp. 148-153, Titus J. Econ. Ent. 2. — P. nigrirostris, natural history, N. America, Webster Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 85 pt. i 12 pp. 8 figs. — P. punctalus, natural history, Folsom pp. 83-92 Rep. Ent. Illinois 25. Pissodes validirostris and noxious spp., Mjobero Entomol. Tidskr. 30 pp. 243-264 figs. Platyonicus neavei sp. n. Congo, Marshall p. 240 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 53. d 26 258 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Plinthus gebiensis sp. n. Kaukasus, Reitter Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 307. Polydrosus pseudo -cervinus sp. n. Turquie d’Asie, Desbrochers Le Fre- lon 15 1907 p. 99. — P. intermedins sp. n. Italia, LOden Ent. Bl. 5 p. 80. — P. splendens sp. n. Valle Lucano, Solari e Solari Firenze Boll. Soc. Entora. 40 pp. 258-281. Polyphrades hartmeyeri p. 217, uni- formis p. 218, spp. n. S. W. Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2 Jena. Poropterus sulciventris p. 188, valgus p. 189, montanus p. 190, humeralis p. 191, carinicollis p. 192, Australia, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33. Proboscocoelus gen. n. near Aporo- lobus p. 55, sculpturatus sp. n. New Zealand p. 56, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Protogonum gen. n. for Pentarth. helmsianum, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 198. Proxyrades viridipictus sp. n. Queens- land, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33 p. 150. Psalidura cancellata, costipennis , ap- proximata, carteri, amplipennis, sublaevi- gata, amplicollis, sidcipennis , cuneicau- data, penchi, fLavosetosa, grandis, vario- losa, breviformis, metasternalis, hoscius- hoana, flavovaria, sloanei, cultrata, monticola, assimilis, perlata, spp. n. Australia, Ferqusen Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 pp. 538-583. Pselactus ferrugineus sp. n. New Zealand, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 212. Psepholax denticostatus sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 140 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Pseudacamptus gen n. Acamptina, plurisetosus sp. n. Mexico pi. i f. 2, Champion p. 3 Biol. Centr. Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Pseudapotrepus gen. n. Cossonina macrophthalmus sp. n. Guatemala pi. I f. 22, Champion p. 21 T.c. Pseudapries pediculosus sp. n. Aus- tralia, Lea Jahrb. Hamburg Anst. 26 2 p. 202. Pseudeucoptus gen. n. Cossonina, macrocephalus sp. n. Panama pi. i f. 31, Champion p. 27 Biol. Centr. -Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Pseudobaris biguttata pi. xxi f. 3 p. 427, disparilis f. 4, sexguttata f. 5, p. 428, niveoguttata f. 6, sinuosa f. 7, irre- gularis f. 8, p. 429, saturalis, sublip eata, p. 430, fraterculus, costrirostris f. 9, p. 431, oscillans i. 10, octonotata f. 11, p. 432, carinipeclus f. 12, fasciculaia f. 13, p. 433, multiguttata f. 14, leucostigma f. 15, p. 434, cylindricollis f. 16, naevius, p. 435, atilcana, f. 17, biolleyi, dentipes, f. 18, p. 436, binotata f. 21 & p. 438, guttifer p. 441, lucens f. 25, subparallela, p. 442, rugipennis, glabripennis, p. 443, mutabilis, perexigua , p. 444, subcaudata, gibbicollis f. 29, p. 446, subrugosa, minuscula, p. 447, scabrida, lucida figs. 30 & 31, p. 448, dividua f. 32, abrupta f. 33, p. 449, diversa p. 450, spp. n.» Centr. America ; tibialis Boh. f. 19 & p. 437, senescens Boh. f. 20 & p. 438, notata Boh. f. 32, undulata Say f. 23, p. 439, apicalis Boh. f. 24 & p. 440, stigmatica Sol. f. 26, acutipennis Say f. 27, p. 445, plicata Boh. f. 28 &p. 446 ; Champion Biol. Centr. -Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Pseudo pentar thrum lineifrons, angus- tulum, mexicanum, p. 15, planifrons, brevirostre pi. i f. 17, p. 16, inci&um, subcylindricum, p. 17, limbatum f. 18, depressifrons f. 19, atrum, p. 18, fovei- frons, tenue, p. 19, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion pt. vii T.c. Pterocolus ovatus, distribution. Pierce Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1708 p. 332. Rhinanisus peruanus Peru, hirti- pennis pi. if. 13 p. 11, ventralis f. 14, planatus f. 15 p. 12, tenuiculus, pili- cauda, p. 13, Centr. America, spp. n.r Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. — R. sulcirostris sp. n. New Zealand, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 173. — R. gracilis p. 277, elongatus p. 278, subconvexus p. 279, suturalis p. 280, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Rhinaria grandis sp. n. N. S. Wales, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 33 p. 171. Rhinoncus ; Metamorphose der pala- arktischen Arten, Smirnov Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 100-108. Rhynchites auratus , bacchus und. gi- ganteus, Biologie, Schreiner Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 6-14. — R. pauxillus, bacchus, giganteus, auratus, cupreus, aequatus und betuleti, Beschreibung, 259 Insecla. Systematic. — Curculionidae. Entwicklung, Lebensweise, Schadcn (Russ.), Schreiner Trd. b. entom. ucen. kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 2 14 1908 p. 52 32 fig. i. T. Rhiyncolus chiriquensis pi. iii f. 30, montivagus p. 74, spp. n. Panama, elumbis Boh. = ( fusiformis Woll.) f. 29 . Stierlinia gen. n. type Cathormioccrus syriacus Stierlin, Desbrochers p. 4 Frelon 17. Stilhoderma gen. n. near Eiratus p. 67, impressipenis sp. n. New Zealand p. 68, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Stilbodiscus gen. n. p. 117 near* Clypeorhynchus, setarius sp. n. p. 118 Campbell lsl., Broun Subantarct. Isl. New Zealafid 1. Slrophomorphus demaisoni sp. n. Turquie d’Asie, Desbrochers Le Fre- lon 15 1907 p. 96. Sympedius reclirostris sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 149 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. t Syntomoilylus (?) fertis sp. n. Wyom- ing Eocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 447 fig. 1. Systates calcaralus p. 239, rudis p. 240, spp. n., Congo, Marshall Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Tanymecus silonoides sp. n. Molda via, Solari e Sola ri Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 258-281. Tanysoma gen. n. for Pent. angusiumy Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 166. Temnorhinus heros sp. n. Turgai- Gebiet, Suvorov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 262. Teripelus gen. n* Oliorhynchidarum p. 233, subpilosus sp. n. Erythiaa p. 234, Heller Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. d 26—2 ' 260 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. Thaumastophasis Woll. taxonomy, Champion p. 123 Ent. Mag. 45. 7 heccsternus ; table, foveolatus, hir- sutus, maculosus, albidus, spp. n., Texas and New Mexico, Pierce U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1708 pp. 334-339. Thesius gen. n. near Inophloens p. 59, inophloeoides sp. n. New Zealand p. 60, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Timareta puncticollis p. 150, inter - mixta p. 151, inconstans, sivanseaensis, p. 152, nodipennis p. 153, duplicata p, 154, xanthorrhoeae p, 155, Australia spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 33. Titinia incisicollis sp. n. S.-W. Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2 Jena p. 215. Tomolips ; Champion p. 104 Ent. Mag. 45. — 7'. bicalcaratus Woll. pi. iii figs. 36 & 37 & p. 78, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. vii. Torilus gsn. n. near Acalles p. 151, griseicollis sp. n. New Zealand p. 152, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Torneuma andreinii Abruzzo, cham- pioni Corfu, spp. n., Solari e Solari Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom 40 pp. 258- 281. Torostoma gen. n. for Pentarth. apicale Broun, Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p; 163. Tosasies ; table of spp., globtilaris New Mexico, ovalis Texas, p. 345, spp. n., Pierce Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1708. Toura gen. n. for Pentarth. longirostre etc., Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 164. Touropsis gen. n. p. 158 for Pentarth. punctatus Broun, Auckland, Broun Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 158. Trachybaris gen. n. near Baris, caelata sp. n. Mexico pi. xxii f. 3, Champion p. 453 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. T rachy glyphus gen. n. for rugirostris Br., Broun Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 195. T rachy phloeocetus gen. n., cneorhi- noides sp. n., Desbrochers p. 3 Frelon 17. [1909] Trachyphloeus mamillosus sp. n. Monte Viso, Formaneic D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 625. — T. tenuipes sp. n. Balearen p. 30, Trachyphloeus vaiiegatus = ma- roccams Stierl.) p. 31, Formanek Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — T. aristatus and olivieri distinguished, Newbery p. 33 Ent. Mag. 45. Trepobaris perlonga pi. xx f. 33 p. 423, inornata, yucatana, p. 424, spp. n., Mexico, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Trichobaris soror (= vestiius $ Boh.) pi. xx f. 23 p. 413 sp. n., vestita pi. xx f. 2, pellicea f. 24, Champion T.c. Tychius longinasus sp. n. Turquie d’Asie, Desbrochers Le Frelon 15 1907 p. 108. — 7. immaculaticolliv p. 168, dimidiatirostris p. 187, seniculus p. 190, spp. n. France et Corse, curvirostris var. n. rasus p. 153, Desbrochers T.c. Tytthobaris gen. n. p. 475 near Pseu- dobaris , cavimanus sp. n. Guatemala p. 476 & pi. xxii f. 13, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Tytthomimus gen. n. near Micro- mimus, rubicundus pi. ii f. 6 p. 37, rufotestaceus, lineatocollis, p. 38, spp. n. Centr. America, Champion T.c. pt. vii. Unas gen. n. near Microtribus for piceus Br., Broun Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 194. Wollastonicis gen. n. near Notiomi- mctes , minutus sp. n. S.-W.-Austral., Lea in Michaelsen 2 Jena p. 231. Zaglyptoides gen. n. p. 495, ferru- gineus sp. n. St. Vincent p. 496, Cham- pion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. v. Zaglyptus 4 -guttatus sp. n. St. Vin- cent, Champion p. 495 T.c. Zeacalles lepidulus sp. n. New Zea- land, Broun p. 140 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. SOOLYTIDAE. Zur Systematik dor Borkonkafor ; Haoedorn Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 137-139 & 162-163. Die europaischen Borkenkafer und ihre Nahrungspflanzen in statistisch- biologischer Beleuchtung, Klein e Ber- liner ent. Zs. 53 pp. 2 13-232. Leben der Borkenkafer ; Cholod- kovsky Lesn. zurn. 39 pp. 429-451 8 fig. i. T. 261 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Brenthidae. Borkenkfifer-Notizen, WiCHMANijr Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 172-173. Die Ambrosia der Holzbohrkafer, Neger Ber. D. bot. Ges. 27 1909 pp. 372-309 1 Taf. Adiaeretus gen. n. p. 744, Cryphalidae, spinosus sp. n. Transvaal p. 745, Hage- dorn D. ent. Zs. 1909. Araptus camerunus sp. n. Kamerun, Haoedorn p. 743 T.e. Bothry perns gen. n. Ilylesinid., psaltes sp. n. Kamerun, Haoedorn p. 742 T.c. Chortastus schenlclingi, minimus, ser- rifer, spp. n., Kamerun, Haoedorn pp. 737-739 T.c. Chrarnesus globosus , aculeclavatus, spp. n. Argentinia, Haoedorn p. 742 T.c. — C. globulus sp. n. N.W. Himalaya, Stebbing Ind. For. Rcc. 2 pt. 1 p. 21. Dcndroctonus ; natural history, habits, etc. ; pi. iii f. 1, barberi pi. iii f. 2, convexifrons pi. iii f. 4 f. 3, arizoni- cus f. 5 p. 70 pi. iii f. 7 pi. iv f. 8, jefjreyi pi. iv f. 2 pi. v f. 11, enge.l- manni p. 71, United State3, borealis Alaska pi. v f. 16, murrayanae United States p. 72, spp. n., Hopkins Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. Techn. 17 pt. pp. xiii -f 164 pis. i-viii. Diamerus impar var. n. nanus Togo, tuberculatus Kamerun, luieus Sumatra, dissimilis Burma, aler Nilgiri Hills, caesius Sumatra, spp. n., Haoedorn D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 734-735. Eccoptogaster laevis, Biologisches, Wichmann Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 147-149 164- 165. Eurydactylus nom. n. fur Platydac- tylus Eichhoff, Hagedorn D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 733. Hexacolus bruchi Argentinia, banosus Ecuador, spp. n., Haoedorn p. 743 T.c. Hylastes himalayensis p. 2, longifolia p. 3, spp. n., India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1 pt. 2. Hylastinus obscurus natural history, Folsom pp. 92-96 Rep. Ent. Illinois 25. Hypothenemus concolor Kamerun, nanus Argentinia, spp. n., Haoedorn D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 744. Kissophagus jasciatus sp. n. O. Afrika, Haoedorn p. 737 T.c. Orthaspistes nom. n. fur Hypaspistes Haged., Haoedorn p. 733 T.c. Phleoborus ; Arten und Erganzung der Diagnosen einiger bekannter Phleotrupiden unter Beriicksichtigung der secundaren Geschlechtscharaktere, Strohmeyer Ent. Bl.’ 5 pp. 248-251. Phloeosinus zhobi p. 6, major p. 7, minor p. 8, spp. n. India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1 pt. 2. Pityogenes coni ferae sp. n. India, p. 18 Stebbing T.c. Platypus plicatus p. 225, Iriqnelrus p. 226, spp. n. Argentina, Brethes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 10. Poecilips ciliatus sp. n. O. -Afrika, Haoedorn D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 743. Rhopalopselion gen. n. Ilylesinidaey biiuberculatnm sp. n. Kamerun, Haoedorn p. 710 Scclytus rugulosus Feinde, Wolff Bromberg Mitt. Inst. Landw. 1 pp. 101-102. — S. major p. 9, minor p. 10, deodara p. 11, spp. n., India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1 pt. 2. Sphcerotrypes macmahoni sp. n. Balu- chistan, Stebbing p. 4 T.c. — S. barbatus sp. n. Sumatra, Haoedorn D. ent. Zs. 1 p. 739. Strombophorus gen. n. Hylesinidae , crenalus, cordatus, camerunus, spp. n. Kamerun, Haoedorn pp. 740-742 T.c. Tomicus ribbenlropi p. 13, longifolia p. 14, blandfordi p. 15, shoreae p. 16, assamensis p. 17, spp. n., India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1 pt. 2. Xyleborus coffeae, Wurth Salatiga Cultuurgids 10 1908 pp. 63-78. — X. dispar in Siidrussland, Gange, Nahrung der Larven, Mokrzecki Pro- gress. sadov. ogorod. 6 pp. 172 179-180 ; Bostrychus dispar , Noel Naturaliste pp. 109-110. Xylechinus nigrosetosus sp. n. Argentinia, Haoedorn D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 737. Xylocleptes, sp. n. (?), Knaus New York J, Ent. Soc. 17 pp. 72-73. Brenthidae. List of Kiliraandjaro Brenthidae , Schonfeldt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 16. 262 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Allagogus gen. n. Taphroderinae, brunneus sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 12, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Anthribidae. Anthribus leivisi p. 159, phUpotti p. 160, spp. n., New Zealand, Brcun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Arrecerus fascicuiatus breeding habits, bibliography, Tucker J. Econ. Ent. 2 pp. 373-381. Brachytarsus varivs and Coccidae, Tomlin p. 188 Ent. Mag. 45. Dinectarius ? basiplaga sp. n. India, Jordan p. 308 Nov. Zool. 16. Dispkaerona andreivesi sp. n. India, Jordan p. 308 T.c. Exechesops jordani sp. n. Kew gardens (? from Africa), W. Sharp p. 221 Ent. Mag. 45. Hypseus picticollis sp. n. India, Jordan p. 307 Nov. Zool. 16. Litocerus nilgiriensis sp. n. India, Jordan p. 307 T.c. Phaulimia lineata nilgiriensis subsp. n.f Jordan p. 308 T.c. Cerambycidae. Revision of Prionidae, part 12, Megopis, Lameere Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 pp. 135-170. Revision of Prionides, part 13, Derancistrines, Lameere Mem. Soc. Belgique 17 pp. 170. Revision of Prionidae , part 14, Nothophysis and Cacosceles, Lameere Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53 pp. 451- 465. Synonymy of Hope’s 1843 African species, Jordan pp. 309-312 Nov. Zool. 16. Abaroeus curvidens sp. n. Natal, Aurivillius Entomol. Tidskr. 29 p. 129. Acanthophorns longipennis Hope = ( megalops White,) Jordan p. 309 Nov. Zool. 16. Achryson unicolor sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle p. 599 fig. 7 Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. — A. unicolor sp. n. Argentina, Bhuoh: p. 203 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15 Aemona sublinealaTW&p. n. Now Zealand, Broun p. 281 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Agapanthia angusticollis var. n. suba- cuta, Pro p. 100 Echange 25. Alcyopis nigrovittata sp. n. Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 685. Aniphionycha nerisi sp. n. Bresil, Gounelle Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 83, fig. — A. temporalis , holmgreni , spp. n. Bolivia, Aurivtllius Ark. Zool. 5 No.lp. 11. Anaglyptus mysticus ab. n. bequaerti, Roubal D. ent. 7s. 1909 p. 562. — A. sexguttatus var. n. disjuncta, Pio p. 123 Echange 25. Anoploderma ( Eumysteria subg. n.) flabellifera p. 199, sp. n. Argentina, Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 1&. Appiila sericatula p. 649, melancholica p. 650, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. Soc. ent. 77. Archetypus frenchi = ( Utra nitida Jord.), Lameere p. 452 Ann. Soc. ont. Belgiquo 53. Atylostagma glabrum sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 99. Aulacopus orie?italis sp. n. Lindi, Hintz D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 556. Bomarion gen. n. voisin do Heterach- thes p. 674, lineatum, scansor, signati- penne p. 675, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 . Brothylus subpebzscens sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York, 17 p. 100. Cacosceles oedipus $ = ( Pithanotes falsus Newm.), Lameere p. 452 Ann Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Callichroma nigricans sp. n. Bolivia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 2. — C. afrum. L. = ( assimile Hope) p. 310, luteum and atripenne Hope to Mecaspis, igneicolle Hope = ( imitator Jord.), p. 311, Jordan Nov. Zool. 16. Callidium violaceum, natural history, Shoebotiiam J. econ. Biol. 4 pp. 114-123. Ceroplesis reticulata sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 11 & p. 211, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. 263 Insecta. S YSTEMATIC. — CER AMB YCID A E , Clostcromerus consimilis sp. n. Afriquc orient i,lo, 6! ah an Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 72. Clytm ( Perissus ) wollasioni sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 7 & p. 209, Gahan Tr. zool. Soe. 19. Goccoderus spedosus sp. n. Goyaz, Gounf.lle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 606. Gompsa arcufcrn , inconstans , spp. n. Goynz, Gounelle T.c. p. 669. Gompsoceridius subg. n. vide Com- psoceru s. Compsoccrus ( Gompsoceridius subg. n. p. 207), gounellei sp. n. Argentina p. 208, Bench Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Compsodorcadion androsovi p. 93 sp. n., var. n. birsukorum p. 95 Turgai-Gebiet, Suvorov Rev. russ. ent. 9. Coremia ferrutfinea 3p. n. Argentina, Bruch p. 213 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Crioclion gahani sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 609. Cupanoscelis gen. n. p. 618 j Ebvriini, heteroclita, clavipcs spp. n. p. 619, Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Gycnidolon gounellei sp. n. Argentina, Bruch p. 206 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Delialhis incana bei Danzig, Ross Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 201. Demagogies duchesnei sp. n. L’- Abyssinie, Lesne Mission en Ethiopie p. 105. Diammctphora auratopilosa sp. n. Argentina, Bruch p. 214 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Dirphya delecta sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 17 & p. 214, Gahan Tr. zool. ♦Soc. 19. Dityloderus ; characters amended, Gahan p. 210 T.c. Dorcadion ardoisi sp. n. Spain, Schramm p. 296 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. — -D. cineri/erum sp. n. Transcaucasia, Suvorov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 290. — D. apidpenne B. Jak. = ( d-sungaricum Pic.), Semenov p. 27 T.c. — D. ferruginipes sublimitum, kuldschanum pauli, rufo'jenum posticejunctum, escheric.hi podicedisjunclum, varr. n., Pic p. 99 Echangc 25. — D. mosqueru- lense var. n. glab rocosta turn p. 115, terolense var. n. moncayonensis, deman- dense var. n. mipubzns, p. 116, Nicolas Echange 25. Eburia rogersi Bate3 var. n. nigricans, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 618. — E. scmipubescens sp. n. Cali- fornia, Fall p. 163 Canaa. Ent. 41. Eburodacrys ebunAdes var. n. concolor p. 620, crassimana p. 621, seminigra tugubris, p. 022, vemorivaga p. 623, curialis p. 624, iuberosa, assimilis , p. 625, decipiens p. 626, flexuosa p. 627, costai p. 628, spp. n., longilineala var. n. gigas, granipennis, p. 629, sulfurifera p. 630, elcgantula p. 631, sanguinipes, notula, p. 632, campestris p. 623, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. Soc. ent. 77. Eetenessa ( Ectenessidia subgen. n.) p. 603 varians sp. n. with var. n. cyaneipennis p. 604, Govaz, Gounelle T.c. Ectenessidia subgen. n. cf. Eetenessa. Elaphidion ( Aneflus ) lengi sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 101. Enoploccrus gigas sp. n. Paraguay, Csiki Ann. 7 p. 343 Tab. vi. Entebbia bipunctata ? pi. vi f. 16 & p. 211, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Ethemon basale Burm. = diversi- penne Burm., Bruch p. 212 Rev. Mus, La Plata 15. Eumysteria subgen. n. vide Ano- ploderma. Eunida mixta, soda, p. 73, sv.btessel- lata p. 74, spp. n. Afrique orientale, Gahan Bui. museum Paris 1909. Euporus strangulates = ( chrysocollis Hope), Jordan p. 311 Nov. zool. 16. Eurymerus ocellatus p. 600, fenestratus p. 601, quadristigma p. 602, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Eusapia gen. n. p. 687 voisin de Grammicosum, rubiginosa sp. n. p. 688 Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Exocentrus sexseriatns sp. n. Zululand, Aurivillius Entomol. Tidskr. 29 1908 p. 129. 204 lnseda. XII. Insecta. Qlenea montivaga sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 15 & p. 213, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Glyptoscaphus bivittalus sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 660. Qnomidolon brethesi sp. n. Argentina, Bruch p. 204 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. — G. melanosomum var. n. maculi- cornis, bipartitum sp. n., p. 661, subebur- tieum var. n. pallidicauda, varians, rubriceps, p. 662, subrosum p. 663, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Halycidoctius philippi var. n. schulzi, Brucii p. 202 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Hammatochaerus rusticus sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 608 fig. 11. — H. viridipennis and glabri- collis Hope to Plocederus, piloncollis Hope to Domitia, Jordan p. 310 Nov. Zool. 16. Haruspex quadripudulatus sp. n., maculicornis var. pallida , p. 651, fulgidipennis p. 652 sp. n., rubignosus var. n. suturalis, castaneus sp. n., rubignosus var. n. apicalis , p. 653, ruficauda p. 654, tolitarius p. 655, spp. n., Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Heterachthes inustus p. 670, singularis p. 671, spp. n., corallinus var. n. chapadensis , bellus, p. 672, lefebvrei, sejunctus p. 673, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Hexoplon practermissum var. r. simplex, nigricolle, p. 657, gracile p. 658, cruciferum , uncinatum, p. 659, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Hilarolea ? aflinis sp. n. Peru, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 12. Hippopsis trianguli/era sp. n. Peru, Aurivillius T.c. Hybolasius varipes sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 284 Ann. Nat. Nist. 4. Hylotrupes bajulus des true ten r de poteaux telographiques, Henry Bull. Soc. Nancy 10 p. 139. Ibidion (Brydaeon) duplicatum p. 677, 7. supernotatum, personatum, p. 678, elegans , spp. n., var. n. zonata, p. 679, fairmairei, rubricatum, p. 080, spp. n., var. n. rabro-nigra, sipolisi, rurigena, p. 681, ruslicum p. 682, spp. n., var. n. binocularis, anguslicolla sp. n., p. 683, [1909J Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. Soc. ent. 77. Lamia textor, nuisible aux osiers,. Clement Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 p. 31. Leplura maculata ab. escudetr Lauffer p. 275 Bol. Soc. Esp. 9. Lissonotus andalgalensis sp. n. Argen- tina, Bruch p. 218 Rev. Mus. La. Plata 15. Macroscylus niger sp. n. Peru, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 12. Mallocera nicolai sp. n. Bolivia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 2. — M. ramosa p. 647, umbrosa, hilairei, p. 148, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris. Ann. soc. ent. 77. Mecometopvs tumulijer sp. n. Bolivia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 3. Megopis lansbergei Borneo p. 154, gahani Nicobar islds. p. 156, kolleri Sumatra p. 157, dohrni Ceylon p. 160, severini Borneo p. 161, spp. n., Lameere Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiquo 53. Metaleptus jemoratus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 384. — M. gracilior sp. n. Arizona, Fall p. 164 Canad. Ent. 41. Monohammus con/usor Kirby synonym of notatus Drury, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 111. — M. titillator synonyms, habits, life historv, Webb C.S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 58 Part 4. Myrmolamia fauveli sp. n. Haiti, Cameron p. 78 Ent. Mag. 45. Neoclytus slillaius sp. n. Bolivia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 4. Neodorcadion grumi, sp. n. pp. 80-82, leucotaenium var. n. leucogrammum pp. 82-83, ptyalopleurum pp. 84-85, morosum pp. 85-86, Mongolei, novitzlcyi pp. 87-88, spp. n., inalbaium p. 88 var. n., humcrale var. n. mogissemium pp. 88-89 Chingan-Gebirge, allaicum p. 89 Altai, chinganicum p. 90, spp. n„. chinganicum var. n. melancholicum pp. 91-92 Chingan-Gebirge, Suvorov Rev. russ. ent. 9. Neoeme gen. n. voisin de Oeme, bra- vieri, sobrina, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle. p. 595 Ann. soc. ent. Fr. 77. Nephalius flavipes sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle p. 641 T.c. 265 Insecta. Systematic. — Cerambycidab. ' 3 Nolhophysis ; revision pp. 451-461, caflra = ( Dorx pcntamera Newm.) p. 452, Lameere Ann. Soc. ont. Belgiquo 53. — N.johnstoni J & 9 pi. vi figs. 8 & 1) & p. 208, Gahan Tr. Zool. Soc. 19. Notorrhina muricala, Zoufal Ent. Bl. 6 p. 109. Nyssodrys albomaculata sp. n. Peru, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 10. Oberea ventralis sp. n. Afrique orientale, Gah/vN Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 75. Obrium vicinum, cicatricosum , spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 686. Octoplon ruficaudatum var. n. rufa p. 664, decoratum p. 665, unifasciatum p. 666, campestre p. 667, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Ocme gentilis p. 592, mcdesla , fissithorax, p. 593, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Oncideres cingulaius , natural history, Matheny Ohio Nat. 10 pp. 1-7 figs. Orthostomidius subgen. n. of Ortho- stoma for aulicus Thoms., Bruch p. 210 Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. Oxy pros opus spcciostis = ( Promeccs carbonarius Hope), Jordan p. 311 Nov. Zool. lb. Pachytcria nieuwenbuisii sp. n. Borneo, Ritsema Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 248. — P. melancholica sp. n. Medan, Ritsema op. cit. 31 p. 189. Pantonyssus nigriceps var. n. bitincta , Gounelle Paris - Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 646. Periboeum latericium p. 638, ravidum p. 639, occllatum, umbrosum , p. 640, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Perissomerus gen. n., hilairei sp. n. p. 684, var. n. bimaculata p. 685 Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Phantasis spinosa O. Africa, meri- dionalis S. W. Afrika, manowensis O. Afrika, luhuledcnsis , Lukuledi, grisea , O. Afrika, spp. n., Hintz D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 560-562. Phoebe spegazzinii sp. n. Argentina, Brucii p. 219 Rov. Mus. La Plata 15. Phrynetopsis kolbei sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 14 & p. 213, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Phrystola ellioti sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vi f. 18 & p. 212, Gahan T.c. Phycholaemus signaticollis Hope = (troberti Chevr.), Jordan p. 310 Nov. 16. Phytoecia vaga sp. n. Ruwenzori,. Gahan p. 215 Tr. Zool. Soc. 19. — • P. speciosa var. n. pictipennis, Pic p. 106 Echange 25. — P. drurei sp. n.* Pic p. 153 T.c. Plagithmysus perlcinsi, Giffard p. 87 Proc. Hawaii ent. Soc. 2. Pogonocherus ; table of North American, concolor sp. n. California ?, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 102. — P. alaslsanus sp. n. Alaska, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 385. Prosopocera grisea, jansseni, Togo, assimilis, minor, O.- Afrika, spp. n., Hintz D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 557-558. Protosphaerion gen. n. p. 634 voisin de Hypermallus , variabile p. 635, loreum, signalipenne, p. 636, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Psapharochrns orbifer sp. n. Peru, Aurivillius Ark. zool. 5 No. 1 p. 9. Pseudhammus rothschildi sp. n„ Afrique orientale, Gahan Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 73. Purpuricenus amoenis procerus Sem. — P. procerus Sem. bona sp., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 27. Pyrodes fryi p. 46, batesi p. 50, Ecuador, argodi p. 51, bourgoini p. 52, Colombia, spp. n., Lameere Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 17. Rhagium bifasciatum var. n. deyr oil eiy Pic p. 123 Echange 35. Saperda ( Argalia ) S-punctata var. n. 6-punctata, Reitter p. 57 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — 8. S-punctata ab. S-punctata identisch mit S-punctata Eleisch., Reitter p. 110 T.c. — S. praeusta , Noel Naturaliste 31 pp. 49-50. Sicyobius brousii, food plant, habits etc., Knaus New York J. Ent. Soc. 17 pp. 71- 72. Somatidia tvcbsleriana p. 281, heterar - thra p. 282, testacea, sericophora, p. 283, lineifera p. 284, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. 260 Inaecta. xn. Insecta. [1900] Sphaerion myrrheum sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 637. Sphagoeme aurivilln, bellarmini, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle p. 598 T.c. Stenaspis superba sp. n. Bolivia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 5. Stenocme gen. n. voisin do Oeme , iheringi sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle p. 597 Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Stenygra holmgreni sp. n. Peru, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 1 p. 5. Sternotom,is runsoriensis sp. n. Ruwen- zori pi. vi f. 10 & p. 210, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — S. principalis =( palini Hope), mirdbilis amabilis= ( subma - culata Kolbe), virescens = ( aglaura Kolbe), Jordan p. 312 Nov. zool. 16. Stizocera consobrina p. 642, phtisica p. 643, tricolor p. 644, plumbca p. 645, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Strongylaspis scobinatus Florida, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Schaeffer J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 149. Tetroplon aurivillii sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 656. Thecladoris gen. n. p. 616 voisin de Anoplomerus , tylotonoides sp. n. p. 617 Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Titanus giganteus, Le Moult Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 55. ( Toxotus suworovi Rttr. = Steno- chorus viitutus F. v. W., Vorbroitung, Semenov Rev. rues. ent. 9 p. 27.) Trachyderes richteri p. 215, argentinus p. 216, spp. n. Argentina, Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 15. — T. succinctus var. n. ioliviensis Bolivia, leptomenLS Peru, nigricornis Brasilien, Peru, flaviventris Peru, costatus Argentina, humeralis America, spp. n. Aurivillius Ark. zool. 5 No. 1 p. 6 Tragocephala ; Arteniibersicht, Ross Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 184-186. — • T. berchmansi, similis, probi, Togo, pretiosa, nyassica, O.-Afrika, spp. n., Hintz D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 558-559. Trumais gen. n. voisin de Ectenessa, rufula sp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle Paris Ann. Soc. ent. 77 p. 605. Xestia pubicornis p. 610, illex p. 611, rubro-maculata , atrata , p. 612, femorata p. 613, waterhousei p. 614 fig. 12, armata p. 615 fig. 13, cinnamomea p. 615 fig. 14, spp. n. Goyaz, Gounelle T.c. Xystrocera togonica sp. n. Togo, Hintz D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 556. Buuoiiidae. Bruchidius pygmaeus , Abot Angers Bui. soc. 38 p. 59 fig. Bruchus ( Laria ) indictis sp. n.. Pic p. 118 Echange 25. — B. crenatus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 385. Caryopemon giganteus sp. n.. Pic Naturaliste Paris 31 p. 34. Laria boudoni sp. n., Boudon Ann. fac. sci. Marseille 17 p. 20. Chrysomelidae. Mceurs et metamorphoses des Coleo- pteres de la tribu des Chrysomeliens, Xambeu Naturaliste 31 pp. 60-62 66- 68 80-81. Lebensweise einiger Halticinen, Hei- kertinger Wien Yerh. zool. bot. Ges. 59 pp. (26)-(28). Recherches du l’epoque d’eelosion des Altises, et sur la biologie et le caractere de quelques Thyamis Steph. de la faune de France; Du Buysson Misc. ent. 15 39 pp. Sur la ponte, ou los premiers 6tats, de divers Clytrido3, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 68-70. Nuptial colors, Knab Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 11 pp. 151-153 Acrothinium gaschkewitchi Metamor- phosis (Japanese), Nishi Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 100-103. Aeschrocnemis graeca var. n. obscuri- thoraxy Pic p. 145 Echange 25. Agelastica alni Lebensweise, Sciieid- TER’Ent. Bl. 5 pp. 89-92 & 104-109.— A. africana Jac. (as Morphosphaeroides), Gahan p. 221 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Antonaria hirsuta Jac. to Poecilo- morpha, Gahan p. 217 T.c. Apophylia similis sp. n., Weise Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 207. Aphthona wagneri sp. n. Korsica, Heikertinqer Wien Verh. ZoolBot. G03. 59 pp. (9)-(16). — A. diminuta sp. 267 Insecla. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Chrysomelidaf. n. Algeria, Abeille p. 180 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — A. subrufescens sp. n., Pic p. 156 Echange 25. — A. leibono- tensis, peregrina, p. 232, montivagci p. 233, spp n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Arnomus viridicollis p. 286, signatus p. 287, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Asbecesta Icibonotensis, pilifera, p. 204, niyripennis p. 205, spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Aspidomoi pha infuscata sp. n., Spaeth Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 13 p. 280. Atrichatus nitidulus sp. n. New Zea- land, Broun p. 286 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Aulacophcra olivicri, Froggatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. March 1909 4 pp. I pi. Aulamorplius variabilis pi. vii f. 5 & p. 222, Qaiian Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Badenis gen. n. near Eubrachys , prtrvula sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 182. Batonota illudens Svnonymie, SrAETH Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 364-397. Beiratia pusilla sp. n., Weise Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 215. Blepharida bodongi sp. n. D. S.-W. Afrika, Weise Arch. Natg. 75 p. 128. — B. (Blephari della) sjoestedti sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 219. Bonesia montana sp. n. Ruwenzori, Gahan p. 220 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Brachispa spinosissima sp. n. Natal, Gestro Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 pp. 197-204. Calliyrapha rhoda p. 83, rotvena p. 85, amelia p. 86, spp. n., N. America, Knab Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. Cassida sjoestedti p. 268, C. ( Odon - tionycha) kilimana p. 269, inornata p. 271, spp. n., Spaeth Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 13. — C. immersa sp. n. Sud-Amerika, Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Chaetocnema caesarauguslana sp. n. xMoncayo, Fuente p. 138 Bol. Soc. Aragon 8. — C. christinae sp. n. Slid Tirol, Heikertinger Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 369. — C. batophiloides sp. n. Algoria, Abeille p. 180 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — G. ( Plectroscelis ) impunctifrons , delagrangei , obscuripes, spp. n., p. 138, meridionalis var. in. corcyrica p. 139, Pic Echange 25. — C. semicaerulea var. n. semirujescens, C. gibbifrons sp. n., Pic >p. 155 T.c. — C. tunisea sp. n., Pic p. 162 T.c. — C. acutangula p. 222, lcibonotensis p. 223, spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Ghalcoides ; the British species, Edwards pp. 127-129 Ent. Mag. 45. Charidotis speculum nom. n. fur fulviventris Spaeth, Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Chelymorpha rufoguttala Peruvia p. 724, clathrala Brasilia p. 725, bivul- nerata Bolivia p. 726, quadrivillata Brasilia p. 727, spp. n., Spaeth D. ent. Zs. 1909. — Chelymorpha , cf. Phytec- toidea , Ogdoecosta , Stoiba , Zalrephina, Exestastica, Eutheria and Herissa. Chloroptcrns versicolor var. n. m- maculata, moldaviensis sp. n., Pic p. 179 Echange 25. Ghryscmela ( Ayeniosa ) ocelligera sp. n. Africa, Clavareau p. 392 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — C. sangvinolenta and gypsophilae, Sahlberg Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 35 p. 154. Coenobius sjoestedti, puncticollis, spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp- 7 12 p. 174. Colasposoma consimile sp. n. Ruwen- zori, Gahan p. 217 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — C. prasina sp. n. E. Africa, Clavareau p. 390 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — C. sjoestedti , monticcda spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 183. Colobaspis suturalis sp. n. Mozam- bique, Clavareau p. 377 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Coptocycla gangtbaueri sp. n. Brasi- lien, glabrata, 10 -punctata, Synonj^mie, Spaeth Verh. z,-b. Ges. Wien 59 pp. 364-397. Crepidodera ferruginea, Rupertsber- ger Zs. wiss..Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 403- 404. — C. magna p. 220, montivaga, viridipennis , sjoestedti, p. 221, spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Crioceris demohidovi Transcaspia p. 298 sp. n., ab. n. suhnaculata p. 299, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 8. — C. usam- barica Usambara p. 378, zonalis Congo p. 379, spp. n., Clavareau Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — C. 2-punctata var. n. 268 Insecta . XII. Insecta. [1909] bisbiconvexa, Pic p. 99 Echange 25. — C. bicruciata var. n. merkli, Pic p. 138 T.c. — C. asparagi parasitized by Tetra- stichus sp. n. ?, Fernald J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 278. Gryptocephalus biguttatus ab. n. orna- tus Krain, Roubal Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 373. — C. acrijer sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 168 pi. iv f. 3. — 0. delhaisei, seel- drayersi, spp. n., Congo, Clavareau p. 388 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — C. floribundus var. n. hustachei, Pic p. 99 Echange 25. — C. perrisi var. n. tvarioni, Pic p. 106 T.c. — C. apicalis varr. n. holtzi and hortolagiana, moraei var. n. bivittiger f Pic p. 131 T.c. — 0. bivulneratus var. n. ourgana, stschuckini var. n. chaffanjoni, Pic p. 137 T.c. — C. regalis varr. n. tournieri and dis- coviridis, cribratus var. n. biledjekensis, corsicus sp. n., Pic p. 153 T.c. — C. humm- leri sp. n., Pic p. 179 T.c. — C. flavicollis var. n. kelecsenyi, 14-maculatus var. n. magyarana , sexpustulatus var. n. lim- batipennis, frenatus var. n. notatithorax, Pic p. 186 T.c. — C. tibialis, mceurs, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 138- 141. — C. sinnatus ponte et premiers 6tats larvaires. Pic Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 pp. 63-65. Ctenochira costaricensis Costarica, gut- tula, marginata, Peru, spp: n., Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364- 397. Dactylispa hospes, madagassa, fulvi- frons, signicornis, ambarum, humilis, provida, sicardi, basicornis , spp. n. Madagascar, Weise Arch. Natg. 75 p. 112-117. Dermoxanthus alternans sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 189. Derocrepis race caucasica var. n. laterufa, Pic p. 178 Echange 25. Diacantha vicina, nigronotata pi. vii figs. 3 & 4 p. 219, spp. n. Ruwcnzori, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Dibolia breviuscula sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 236. — D. theresae p. 145, vaulogeri p. 146, spp. n., timida var. n. oranensis p. 147, Pic Echange 25. Diorhabda persica var. n. disconigra, Pic p. 131 T.c. Discnycha ; habits, bibliography, spp. Ohio, quinquevittata life cycle, figs. 1-4, Scott Ohio Nat. 9 pp. 423-430. — D. mellicottis, economic notes, Chittenden- U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 82 Part 3 pp. 29-32. Ditropidus opacicollis sp. n. Nouvelle- Caledonie, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 152. Donacia ; Epoques devolution et habi- tat dans le departement de la Gironde, Lambertie Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 pp. cxxxviii-cxxxii. — D. crassipes Em- bryonalentwicklung, Hirschler Zs. wiss. Zool. 92 pp. 627-744 5 Taf. — D. sahlbergi Varietat von bactriana, Suma- kow Jurjev Sitzb. Naturf. Gse. 17 p. 221. — Donacia transcaucasica Sum. = gracilicornis Jac., Vorbreitung, dicho- tomische Tabelle fiir die benacharten Arten, Sumakov Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 p. 206. Eastcourtiana biformis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 203. Epithrix judaea var. n. testaceipcs , Pic p. 226 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — E. aeihiopica sp. n., Weise Kilimand- jaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 222. Entomoscclis adonidis Schiidling dor Rubenfelder in Bessarabien, Krasili- §<3ik Bessar. selisk. choz. 1909 pp. 462- 475. Eremiella gen. n. p. 228 near Phygasia, rubra p. 229 pi. iv. f. 5 sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Eubrachys. meruensis p. 178, soror p. 179, niiidipennis p. 180, turbata p. 181, spp. n., Weise T.c. Eucolaspis plicatus sp. n. New Zea- land, Broun p. 285 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Eurylegna gen. n. near Phygasia , fulva sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 228. Euryope costata p. 390, wellmani p. 391, Benguela, spp. n. jacobyi n. n. = ( discicolhs Jac. 1897), Clavareau Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Eutheria gen. n. fur Chclymorpha piperata Burm., Spaeth D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 723. Exestastica gen. n. fiir Chelymorpha ignobilis Boh., Spaeth p. 721 T.c. Exosoma monticola, meruensis p. £C0, kibonotensis, persimplex p. 201, spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Galeruca lacericollis sp. n. Trans- caspia, Semenov p. 299 Rev. russo Ent. 8. 209 Insecta. Systematic. — Chrysomelidae. Gynandroplithalma zonalis sp. n. Congo, Clavereau p. 385 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Macroplea piligera Weise = ( Hae - mania incostata Pic), Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 27. Haltica fulgens sp. n., Weise Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 226. Hemiphracta jacobyi sp. n. Ruwen- zori, Gahan p. 222 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Hcmixantha maculata sp. n., Weise Kilirnandjaro-Moru Exp. 7 12 p. 210. Herissa gen. n. fur Chelymorpha pantherina Boh., Spaeth D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 724. Hermaeophaga kibonotensis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 220. Hippuriphila modeeri var. n. prescu- tellaris , Pic p. 155 Echange 25. Ilybosinota gen. n. near Laccoptera for Cassida turrigera Boh., Spaeth Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 13 p. 282. Idacantha excavata sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 196. Jamesonia meruensis p. 230 pi. iv f. 6, piciventris, testacea, p. 231, spp. n., Weise T.c. Laccoptera montivaga sp. h., Spaeth Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 13 p. 284. Lampedona sjoestedti sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 227 pi. iv f. 1. Lefevrea costulata, kibonotensis, spp. n., Weise p. 153 T.c. Lema seeldrayersi p. 380, striata, Congo, bravai, p. 381, democratica p. 382, Cap Verde islds., moffartsi p. 383, Jiaasi p. 384, Congo, spp. n., Clavareau Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — L. semi- striata p. 150, kibonotensis p. 157, gularis p. 158, verticalis p. 159, Africa, Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Leptinotarsa deceynlineata, economic, Popenoe U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 82 Part 1. Leptispa madagassa [sp. n.] Mada- gascar, Weise Arch. Natg. 75 p. 111. Lcucastea sjoestedti p. 101 pi. iv f. 10, anteyiyiata p. 162, spp. n., Weise Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Lina popnli, parasitee par Meigenia bisignata, Rabaud Feuillo jeunes natu- ral 39 p. 101. Liniscus usambaricus, substriatus, spp . n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 180. Longitarsus apicalis auf Alectofo- lophus ayigustifolius alpinus, Heiker- tinger Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 290. — L. ellipticus sp. n. Turkestan, Reitter p. 57 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. — Tj. meruensis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro Mom Exp. 7 12 p. 235. Luperodes obscuricornis sp. n., Weise p. 198 T.c. Lnperus angular ius p. 288, scutellaris, lewisi, p. 289, axyrocharis, palialis, asperelhis, p. 290, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Tjypnea costata sp. n., Weise Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 227. Macrolenes bimaculata varr. n. im- maculata , gallica, trimaculata and quad- rimaculata, Schulz Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 323. Macrolopha quadrimaculata sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 1 & p. 210, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Maliogia maculata sp. n., Pio Natura- listo Paris 31 p. 34. Mantura ( Balanomorpha ) subelongata , henoni, spp. n., Pic p. 138 Echange 25. Megalognatha merueyisis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 202. Mclasoma 20-punctata var. n. miniata Deutschl., Auel Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 318. Melitonoma diligens p. 164, mandi- bularis p. 165, spp. n., Weise Kilimand- jaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Melixanthus sjoestedti p. 172, vittu- latus p. 173. spp, n., Weise, T.c. Menius simplex sp. n., Weise T.c. p. 189. Mesomphalia congener Synonymie, Spaeth Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 364-397. Mimastroides usambarica Weise to Platyxaniha , Gahan p. 224 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. 270 Insecta . XII. Insecta. [1909] Monolepta (Candezea) pallida , vicina, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Gahan p. 223 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — M. ( Candezea ) mendica p. 209, advena p. 210, vivida p. 211, M. sjoestedti, stcrnalis, p. 212, mil- tinoptera, ciliata p. 213, meruensis p. 214, spp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 12. — M. anxia sp. n. I). S.W. Africa, Weise Arch. Natg. 75 p. 127. Nisotra suahelorum sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 218. Ochrosis corcyrea sp. n.. Pic p. 145 Echange 25. — 0. sibirica sp. n., Pic p. 155 T.c. Ogdoecosta gen. n. for Ghelymorpha pt. p. 718, matris Costa Rica p. 728, sagitta Mexico p. 730, spp. n., Spaeth D. ent. Zs. 1909. Oides pallidipennis sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. vii f. 2 & p. 218, Gahan Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Omaspides andicola Peruvia, convexi- collis Costa Rica, flavofasciata Peruvia, spp. n., Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Gos. 59 pp. 304-397. Omolina gen. n. near Linaeidcu, sjoc - stedti sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 192. Omoplata iheringi, multisinuata , Brasil, spp. n., Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Ootheca kibonotensis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 199. Orestia sierrana var. n. parallela Spanien, RifiiTTERp. 103 Ent. Ztg Wien 28.— O. calalra sp. n. Kalabrien, Hei- rertinger Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 69 p. 361. — O. brevis sp. n. Syria, Pic p. 226 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — O. sierrana var. n. subparallela pro parallela Reitt praeocc., parallela var. n. delagrangei, Pic p. 155 Echange 25. — O. semijanthina sp. n. Calabria, Reitter p. 87-89 Riv. coleotter. ital. 7. Oxynodera bernhaueri, ganglbaueri, holdhausi, mandli, S. America, spp. n., Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Pachybrachys obscuricolor sp. n. Spain, Fuente p. 308 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. — P. terminalis var. n. martini , Pic p. 186 Echange 25. — P . brunneus , wickhami, p. 238* discoideus, marginatus, p. 239, jacobyi p. 240, mellitus p. 241, densus , coloradensis, p. 242, minor , lodingi , p. 243, punctatus, marginipennis, p. 285, arizonensis p. 286, United States balsas, peckii, p. 287, Contr. America, signatus p. 288, sanrita p. 289, snowi , crassus, p. 290, cylindricus p. 291, tumidus p. 292, nubilus p. 312, longus , proximus, p. 313, nero, sevier, p. 315, truncatus p. 314, laevis, texanus, p. 316, pusillus, United States, punclicollis Mexico, p. 317, rotundicollis p. 318, atomus p. 319, proximus p. 320, altered to confusus p. 365, varians p. 321, croftus, laevicollis, p? 322, United States, spp. n., Bowditch Canad. Ent. 41. Peploptera schenklingi Transvaal p. 386, puncticollis Erythrea p. 387, spp. n., Clavareau Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — P. meruensis sp. n., Weise Kilimand- jaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 163 pi. iv f. 1. Peronycha gen. n. fur Hispa suhiner- mis Fairm., Weise Arch. Natg. 76 p. 112. Phaedon pyritosus var. n. alutaceus Turkestan, Fleischer p. 271 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — P. cochlear iae, starkes Auf- treton, Koree Prakt. Bl. Pflanzenbau 6 1908 pp. 92-95 129-132. Phyllotreta austriaca sp. n. Wien, Heikertinger Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. (9)— ( 16). — P. judaea Pic, balcanica, ganglbaueri, Oesterreich- Un- garn, spp. n., Heikertinger Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. (290)-(295). — P. hemipoda sp. n. Algeria, Abeille p. 180 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — P. tunisea sp. n., Pic p. 145 Echange 25. — P. ruficollis var. n. ininterrupta , laetivittata var. n. bisbinotata, ru(itarsis var. n. beauprei. Pic p. 156 T.c. — P. ochripes var. n. burdigalensis. Pic p. 178 T.c. — P. nemorum var., Elliman p. 40 Ent. Mag. 45. — P. vittula, Schaden, Bekampfung (Russ.), Vasiljev Chozi- ajstvo 4 pp. 677-680 and Vest, sacharn- promysl. Kiev. 10 pp. 564 & 597-601. Phytodecta pallida larva, Donis- thorpe p. 208 Ent. Rec. 21. — P. vari- abilis mimicry etc., Chapman p. 186 Ent. Mag. 45. Phytodectoidea gen. n. for Chely- morpha part, Spaeth D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 718. Physonota lutarella Synonymie, Spaeth Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 364-397. 271 Insecta. S YSTEMATIO. — CHR YSOMELID AE, EROTYLIDAE. Platyxantha impressa p. 216, P. ( Hap - lotes) sjoestedti p. 217, spp. n., YVeise Kilimandjaro-Moru Exp. 7 12. Podagrica palUdicolor sp. n., Pic p. 154 Echange 25. — P. kibonotensis sp. n., Weise Kiliraandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 218. Poecilaspis bruchi, 8-plagiala, rude- punctata, sanguined, S. America, spp. n., Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Promccispa gen. n. Hispinae, vocll- Jcowi sp. n. Madagascar, Weise Arch. Natg. 75 p. 112. f Protanisodera gen. n. near Anisodera glaesi sp. n. Bernstein, Quiel Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 50. Pseudocolaspis laeta sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 185. Pscudomesomphalia boliviana, calli- zona , fasciculosa, schneideri, spp. n., S. America, schaumi var. n. immar- ginata Surinam, Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Psylliodes rambouseki sp. n. Sann- thaler Alpen, Heirertinger Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. (361)-(364). — P. augustalisi sp. n., Pic p. 147 Echange 25. — P. montana sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 223. Saxinis hornii sp. n. Lower Cali- fornia, Fall p. 165 Canad. Ent. 41. Scaphodius bifasciatus, pictipennis, spp. n. Nouvelle-Caledonie, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 151. Scelodonta kibonotensis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p. 177. Sebaethe elongata, meruensis, spp. n., Weise p. 234 T.c. Semaia gen. n. Cassididae, compulsa sp. n. Columbia, Spaeth Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 364-397. Sjoestedtinia gen. n. p. 205 near Khasia, montivaga p. 206 pi. iv f. 9 sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12. Sphaeroderma macrostoma p. 236, nigrum, amplicolle p. 237, diluticolle p. 239, spp. n., Weise T.o. Sphondylia basilas sp. n. Usambara, Clavareau p. 377 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Spilophora aequatoriensis Synonymy, Spaeth Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 364-397. Stcnellina meruensis sp. n., Weise Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 12 p, 208. Stenomanlura subgen. n. ex gen. Man- tura, Heikertinger Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 pp. (369)-(372). Stoiba gen. n. fur Chelymorpha flavicottis Boh., Spaeth D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 720. Stylosomus nigrifrons sp. n. Turkestan, Fleischer p. 245 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28, — S. nigrifrons sp. n. niloticus varr. n. tovrnieri and multinotata, tamariscis varr. n. andalusica, nigronotata, palli - dicolor and Irifasciata, weberi var. n. amoenus. Pic p. 154 Echange 25. Thelyterotarsus regeli var. n. trans- caspica, Pic p. 131 Echange 25. Thyamis peyerimhofji, cribripennisY spp. n., Algeria, Adeille p. 181 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — T. caninae sp, n., Du Buysson Misc. ent. 15 1907 pi 1. — T. livida nom. n. pro livens Rey, Du Buysson p. 27 T.c. — T. caninae sp. n., Du Buysson Rev. Sci. Bourbon 1908 p. 87. Timarcha metallica ab. n. wendleri Bosnien, Fleischer p. 32 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Xiphispa latirostris sp. n. Antsianaka, Gestro Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 pp. 197-204. — X. papuana sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Arch. Natg. 75 pi 119; Zatrephina gen. n. fur Chelymorpha imperialis Guer. p. 720, meticulosa sp. n, Brasilia p. 731, Spaeth D. erit. Zs. 1909, Erotylidae incl. Helotidae and Languriidae. The genera of Erotylinae with lists of the species, Kuhnt Gen. ins. 88 139 pp. & 4 pis. The genera of Languriidae and lists of the species, Fowler Gen. ins. fasc. 78 45 ppi & 3 pis. Acropteroxys gracilis pl.iii f. 7 & p. 35, Fowler T.c. Amblyscelis nigripennis sp. n; Ruwen- zori, Arrow p. 196 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Anadaslus ceylonicus sp. n. Ceylon p. 31 , praeustHs Cr. pi. iii fi. 5*> Fowler Gen. ins. 78. 272 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Amblyopus rubens to Neotriplax, ‘tinctipennis Lac. = (praepositus Walk.), Arrow p. 196 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Aulachochilus subrotunda and 4- pustulatus, Arrow p. 196 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Brachysphaenus ( Iphiclus ) nigromacu- latus Mexico p. 27, B. (Barytopus) plani- pennis Surinam p. 29, parallelus Peru, . ent. Zs. 1909 p. 210. Trichiosoma lucorum L, Ueborliegen, Meissner Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 72. Waldheimia chalybea Celebes, nigri- ventris Brasilia, pictipennis Peru, spp. n., Mocsary Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 11. — W. chalybea Celebes, nigriventris Brasilia, pictipennis Peru, spp. n., Mocsary pp. 125-136 T.c. Xiphydria ruficeps sp. n. Sibiria or., Mocsary p. 39 T.c. — X. ruficeps sp. n. Sibiria orientalis, MocsAry pp. 125- 136 T.c. LEPIDOPTERA. The goographioal distribution of Lepidoptera ; Paqensteoher Jena pp. ix + 451 & 2 maps. Morphologic der skandinavische Schmetterlingseier; Peyron Stock- holm, Vet.-Ak. Handl. 44 No. 1 pp. 1-304 10 pis. & 232 figs. Annotated catalogue of Lepidoptera of Morbihan, Brittany ; Joannis Ann. Soc. ent. France 77 pp. 689-838 & pi. xv. Charakteristik der Lepidopteren- fauna Bulgariens, Bachmetjev Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 278-289. Lepidopteren von Russland, Sinegub Moskva 1909 pp. 1-108 3 Taf. The family tree of moths and butter- flies traced in their organs of sense ; (Continuation) ; Swinton Soc. entomol 23 pp. 148-150 156-158. Tableaux analytiques illustr^s pour la determination des Lepidoptsres de France, de Suisse et de Belgique ; Andre Misc. Ent. 14 1906 pag. sp6c. 129-136 ; 15 1907 pp. 137-152. Iconographie des Chenilles (suite) ; Goossens Levallois-Perret Ann. assoc, natural. 14 1909 (3-12). Rhopalocera. I Ropaloceri del Trentino, Sud- Tirol ; March i Trient xiii +190. Nymphalidae Lycaenidae and Hes- periidae der Steiermark ; Gadolla Graz Mitt. Natw. Vor. Steiorm. 45 pp. 441-443 & 450-455. Papilionidae. Elevational distribution of Hima- layan Papilionidae, Harcourt-Bath pp. 195-206 Entomologist 42. Doritis apollinus aurantiaca nov. aberr., Culot p. 271 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Eurycus cressida subsp. n. insularis, Fruhstoreer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 3. Iphiclides ajax larva, Floersheim p. 113 Ent. Rec. 21. Laertias philenor larval habits, Floersheim p. 146 & p. 157 Ent. Rec. 21. Leptocircus meges subspp. n. pessinus Palawan, pallidus Tonkin, annamiticus Annam, niasicus Nias ; curius subspp. n. magistralis China, tutationis Java etc., Fruhstorekr Soo. ontoraol. 24 p. 68. Ornithoptera ; Verbreitung und Lebensgewohnheiten, Werner Pro- metheus 20 pp. 811-813. — Ornithoptera, Stephan Natur. u. Offenb. 55 pp. 513- 529. leones Ornithopterorum, pts. 18 & 19, Rippon. Papilio ; polymorphism of some eastern, Jordan pp. 1-3 P. ent. Soc. London 1909. — Papilio ; Lebensweiso und Zucht, Rothke Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 69- 73. — P. boolae sp. n. Boola, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 Bd 1 p. 307.— P. echo Burma, ilcusa Japan, p. 85, potamonia- nus Congo p. 86, spp. n., Ehrmann Canad. Ent. 41. — P. neyi sp. n., euryleon anatmus f. n. punctata, Ecuador, Nie- pelt Berliner ent. Zs. 54 pp. 103-105. — 307 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenoptbba — Lbpidopteba. P. agestor subsp. n. matsumurae For- mosa, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 282. — P. agestor subspp. n. cresconius and agestorides , veiovis subsp. n. aris- tyllos, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 100. — - P. alexanor ab. latefasciata, Culot B. Soo. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 266 ; P. alexanor ab. cincta, Muschamp Bui. Soc. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 168.-P. androgeus subsp. n. bagous Brasilia, Fruhstorfer in Kooh-Griinborg 2 p. 357. — P. antheus ab. n. schefJJ.eri 0. Afrika, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 I p. 367. — P. aegeus bcatrix var. n. Queensland, Waterhouse Viet. Nat. 25 p. 118. — P. dardanus var. n. dorippoides , Trimen p. 554 Tr. ent. Soo. London 1908. — P. machaon, habits, Floersheim Ent. Record 21 pp. 14-17. — P. machaon v. convexifasciatus und v. concavifasciatus, Cuno Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 14 ; P. machaon v. convexifasciatus und concavifasciatus, Synonymie, Galvagni Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 209-210 ; P. machaon varr., Reiff Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 216-217 ; P. machaon ab. n. sphyroides Europa, benesignata Rossia or., Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 109. — P. memnon, Metamorphose, Polymorphismus, Verer- bung der weiblichen Farbe, Jacobson Tijdschr. Ent. 52 pp. 125-157; P. perrhebus ersten Stande, Schrottky D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 pp. 133-134. — P. paris f. n. gemmifera, subspp. n. tissa- phernes , majestatis , splendidior , Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 22.— -P. podalirius ab. n., Blachier Bui. Soc. Lep. Geneve 1. p. 376. — P. polyctor subsp. n. . thrasy - medes Formosa, Fruhstorfer Soo. entomol. 24 p. 121. — P. polyxenes , life history and habits, pp. 20-24 ff. 5, 6, Chittenden U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 82 Part 2. — P. rex var. n. arnoldi Africa, Richelmann Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 102. — P. ulysses nom. n. roths- childianus , eurypylus subsp. n. aloricus, gabinus jason subspp. n. nanus, appa- lejus & autronicus, antiphates subspp. n. linga & paetus, aristeus subspp. n. pedo & parmatinus, delesserti subsp. n. sacer- dotalis, labienus nom. n., Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22. — P. demetrius subsp. n. lenocinius , rhetenor subspp. n. turi- ficator and publitius, protenor subsp. n. sulpitius, bootes subsp. n. rubricundus, palinurus subspp. n. nymphodorus tubero and nilcagoras, peranthus subspp. n. fannius and kinesias, lorquinianus subsp. n. apollodorus, pericles subspp. n. hekaton, hermogenes and olympiodorus, ulysses subspp. n. physkon, oxyartes, (n-11091;) cugenius and taxiles, gyas subsp. n. aribbas, payeni subsp. n. ciminius, euchenor subspp. n. scribonius and hip - potas, f. n. mago, rumanzowius subspp. n. ciris and spinturnix, ambrax subspp. n. mazaios and akames, pitmani subsp. n. leptopsephus, polytes subspp. n. pas- sienus, falcidius, nicomachus, vigellius, messius, neomelanides, f. n. cyroides , rubida, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22. Parnassiun mnemosyne varr. n. p. 2, apollo subsp. n. escalerae p. 9 and sub- stilnlus p. 10, imperalor intermedins subsp. n. p. 19, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — P. apollo subspp. n. maximilianus Deutschl., ancile Deutschl., cetius Aus- tria, ottonius Austria, leovigildus Digne, guadarramensis Spanien, piedemontanus Piemont, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 150-151 ; P. apollo subspp. n. luitpoldus, ancile, Deutschl., cetius, otto- nius Osterreich, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 161 ; P. apollo f. n. as - turiensis Hispania, Pagenstecher Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 209. P. apollo var. n. suaneticus Kaukasien, Arnold Ent. Zs. 23 p. 160 ; P. apollo subsp. n. silesianus Riesengebirge, Marschner Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 72. — P. apollo , cetius and albus, Galvagni Wion Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 20 pp. 147- 162. — P. apollo ab. n. ponsoni, Culot Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 167 ; P. apollo ab. n. rufadilatata, Lacreuze Bui. Soc. Lcp. Geneve 1 p. 383 ; P. apollo ab. n. novarae, Blachier Bui. Soc. Lep. Geneve 1 p. 376 ; P. apollo, wenig bekannte Formen, Frings Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 217-218 ; P. apollo im Jura, Pagenstecher Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 185-190. — P. appollonius narynus, Fruhst., McDonnough Ent. Zs. 22 p. 179. — P. bremeri ab. n. flavo- maculata, Moltrecht Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 184-185. — P. delius var. n. ruck- beili, discobolus var. n. tancrei, p. 108, actius var. n. urumtsiensis p. 109, Deckert Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909. — P. delius, Hoffmann Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 19 pp. 63-84. — P. mnemo- syne, Hoffmann Ent. Jahrb. 19 pp. 129-131. — P. mnemosyne var. n. cas- siensis, Siepi Ann. Mus. Marseille 12 p. 5. — P. mnemosyne ab. n. hahichi Hochschwab, Bohatsch Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 19 p. 135 pi. — P. mnemo- syne abb. n. taeniata and arcuata, Hirschke Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 2Q p. 133. — P. mnemosyne subsp. n. 4 29—2 08 Insccia. XII. Insecta. [1909] craspedontis. Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 192 ; P. mnemosyne u. a. abb., Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 54 pp. (38)- (41) Taf. 1. — P. mnemosyne vom Vogels- berg, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 124. — P. phoebus barthae n. ab., Hirschke Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 19 p. 127. — P. phcebus ab. n. graphica Ortler, Hirschke p. 137 T.c. Pieridae. The Pieridae of Java, general work, including early stages, habits, etc. Part i ; Piepers & Snellen assisted by Fruhstorfer pp. xxiv + 66 & 4 pis. Neues iiber die Genitalorgane der Pieriden ; Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 198-201. Anthocharis tagis bellezina and A- belia distinguished, Wheeler p. 151 Ent. Rec. 21. Aporia crataegi meinhardi ab. n. Tomssk, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 270 ; colona f. n. Viatka, Kruli- kovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 293 ; Periodisclics Auftreten, Fiedler Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 69 ; in Oester- reich-Ungarn und Serbien, Variability der Flugellange, Bachmetjew D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 655-660 ; in Sophia Variabilitat der Flugellange, Bach- metjew Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 110-113 141-147 186-196; A. crataegi , Stephan Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol. 5 pp. 168-169. Appias tsurui , yayeyamana, kawa- kamii, spp. n. Japan, Matsumura Ent. Zs. 23 p. 87-88. Belenois westwoodi variation, zochalia var. n. ochracea, Heron p. 168 Tr. Zool. Soc. 19. Colias aurora ab. n. obscura, Mol- Recht Ent. Zs. 22 p. 184. — C. chryso- tkeme sibirica ab. n. malmyrhensis Viatka, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 296. — G. edusa ab. n. nigrofasciata Ober-Oesterreich, Maurer Wien Jahr- ber. Entom. Ver. 19 p. 31 ; in Thiir- ingen und Norddeutschland, Meder Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 26-27 ; und Sonnenfleckenperiode, Simrotii Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 63-65 ; C. edusa, Jahn Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 255. — C. myr- midone abb. n. irinae & sophiae Rossia orient., Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 110 ; Formen, Schawerda Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 19 pp. 85-126 ; Variation, Pieszczek Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 20 pp. 43-131 ; ab. n. pieszczehi Judenburg, Predota Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 20 p. 141. — O. pliicomone ab. pupillata, Rehfous p. 261 ; ab. blachieri, Culot p. 265 ; C. edusa $ ab. pupillata, Reverdin p. 170 ; Geneve Bui. Soc. L6p. 1. Delias fuliginosus p. 176 pi. vi f. 1, pratti f. 2, heroni f. 3, p. 177, baheri f. 4 p. 178, dixeyi f. 5, boihwelli f. 6, p. 179, caroli pi. rii f. 1, rothschildi figs. 2 & 6, p. 180, castaneus f . 3, jordani f. 7, p. 181, spp. n., New Guinea, Kenrick Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — D. patrua var. n. formo- sana, Matsumura Ent. Zs. 23 p. 92. Dismorphia niepelti sp. n. Ecuador, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 26. Euchloe cardamines ab. n. kutukovi Gouv. Perm., Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 265 ; in Val Pellice, Gay Moni- tore zool. ital. 20 p. 83. — E. Neue Art oder Abart ? Slevoot Soc. entomol. 24 p. 62. — E. sara early stages, Coo- lidge & Newcomer p. 45 Canad. Ent. 41. Gon. rhamni gynandr., Gronemeyer Ent. Zs. 23 p. 32. Huphina nama var. n. koannania Japan, Matsumura Ent. Zs. Stuttgart 23 p. 88. Leptidia (= Leucophasia Stph.). Culot Bui. Soc. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 246. — L. sinapis ab. n., Blachier Bui. Soc. Lep. Geneve 1 p. 377 ; L. ab. erysimi, Culot Bui. Soc. L£p. Geneve 1 p. 369. Mylothris sulphureocinda sp. n. O. Afrika, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 109. — M. ruandana sp. n., Strand Soc. entomol. 24 p. 42. Pieris; spp., larvae, Forbes Psyche 16 pp. 71-73 text-figs. 1-9. — Pieris ; Zuchtung fremder Pieridenformen aus Hallischen Puppen, Bandermann Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 135-136 and Ent. Zs. 22 p. 226. — P. moltrechti sp. n. Formose, Obertmjr Paris Bui. soo. ent. 1909 p. 48. — P. brassicae, Ver- wandlung, Pfurtscheller Aus d. Natur. 5 pp. 513-528 ; mit exotischer Lebensweise, Martin Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 163 ; in India, Peile p. 269 J. Bombay Soc. 19 ; singulier pr£juge, Marchal Feuilles jeunos natural. 39 p. 71. — P. daplidice var. n. jackontovi (iii. Gener.), Krulikovskij Mater, faun. flor. Russ. 309 Insecta. S YSTEMATIO. — IjEPIDOPTERA — N YMPHALIDAE. 9 p. 57. — P. manni early stages, habits and characters, Powell Ent. Rec. 21 pp. 37 etc. pi. iv ; manni , Frings Soc. entomol. 24 p. 73 ; P. manni f. n. asta Dalmatia, and rossi f. n. farpa Roma, rapae leucosoma f. n. vaga Smyrna, rapae f. n. atomaria Dalmatia, Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 41-42. — P. manni and rapae distinguished, J structures, Re verdin p. 149 & pi. xiii Ent. Rec. 21. — P. melete var. n. malay- ica Singapore, Martin Ent. Zs. 23 p. 161. — P. napi subspp. n. adalwinda, leovigilda, nesis, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 88 ; var. n. basinigra, Harwood p. 40 Entomologist 45 ; abb. n., Schima p. (376) Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 ; P. napi, Hemmerling Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 42-43 54-55 63- 64 70-72. — P. rapae subspp. n. micipsa, lysicles, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 88. — P. rubrobasialis ab. n. lathyana O. Afrika, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 110. — P. severina ab. n. sigerrensis, frobeniusi sp. n., Sigirri, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 Bd 1 pp. 305-306. Styx infernalis to Erycinidae ; Jor- dan p. xi P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Teracolus infumatus var. n. seineri Zambesi, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 1 p. 378. — T. elgonensis var. n. glauningi Kamorun, Schultzr Soo. ontoinol. 24 p. 19. Terias punctissima sp. n. Japan, Matsumura Ent. Zs. Stuttgart 23 p. 88. Danaidae, Ithomiidae, Acraeidae, Heliconiidae. Acraea zambesina sp. n. Portug. Ostafrika, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 1. — A. rhodesiana p. 240, intermedia p. 241, spp. n. Rhodesia, violarum subspp. n. urnbrata Rhodesia p. 242 & gracilis Mashunaland p. 243, anacreon subsp. n. speciosa Angola p. 245, onerata f. n. umida Rhodesia p. 246, Wichgraf Berliner ent. Zs. 53. — A. amicitiae sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. v f. 11 & p. 148, Heron Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — A. pseudepaea sp. n. W. Africa, Dudgeon p. liii P. ent. Soc. London 1909. — A . asboloplintha subsp. n. ru- bes cens, Trimen p. 547 Tr. ent. Soo. 1908. — A. uvui ab. n. interruplella O. Afrika, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 106. — A. chlio ? , Neave p. 171 Ent. Mag. 45. Amauris ochleides var. n. comorana Aurivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd 2 pp. 309-384. Anosia plexippus variations in wing scales, pp. 402-406 pis. xx-xxii, Allen Ent. News Philad. 20. Danaida chrysippus var. n. ? orientis, Aurivilius Reise Ostafrika Bd. 2 pp. 309-348. . Danais aglea subsp. n. maghaba Formosa, p. 116, werneri sp. n. Nova Guinea, eryx subspp. n. furius Java and maenius Sumatra, p. 117, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 23. Danais, Euploea ; Duftorgane der weiblichen Schmetterlinge nebst ( Beitragen zur Kenntnis der Sinnes- organe auf dem Schmetterlingsflugel und der Duftpinsel der Mannchen; Freiling Zs. wiss. Zool. 92 pp. 210- 290 6 Taf. — Migration in India, An- drewes p. 271 J. Bombay Soc. 19. Eueides tales subsp. n. calathus Ecua- dor, ricini subsp. n. insulanus Trinidad, Stichel Soc. entomol. 23 pp. 178-179. Heliconius melpomene timireta f. n. peregrina Ecuador, Stichel Soc. en- tomol. 23 p. 178. — H. melopmene aglaope ff. n. fraterna and gratiosa, erato estrella f. n. rothschildi , Eouador, Niepelt Berliner ent. Zs. 54 pp. 100— 107. — H. numatus-isabellinus inter- media nov. form. &nd fusca nov. ab., p. 459, sylvana-sylvana sticheli nov. form. p. 460, ethylla-metabilis depuncta n. f., anderida-fornarina bou- vieri n. f., p. 461, burneyi oberthuri n. f., and jeannae n. var. burneyi -jeannae reducta n. f., doris-delila atbina n. f. p. 462, Boullet & Le Cerf Bull. Mus. Paris 1909. Ideopsis classica sp. n. Ceram, Martin D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 155. Melinaea pardalis subsp. n. madeira, Moulton p. 604 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Planema alicia, invalid, Eltrtngham p. Ixviii P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Tithorea bonplandii subsp. n. faba, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 1-35. Nympiialidae. Melinda , Mycalesis, Cymothoe, Abbildungen, Grunbero D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 642 2 Taf., and Diestogyna , Acraea, pp. 775-776 Taf. xi. 310 Inaecta. &n. Insecta. [1909] Les papilles de la trompe des Nym- phalinae, Guyenot Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 p. 697-699. Adelpha delphicola sp. n. Amazonas, Fruhstorfer in Koch-Grunborg 2 p. 358. — A . isis subsp. n. pseudagrias Sta. Catharina, tizona subsp. n. tizo- nides, salmoneus subsp. n. emilia, Columbia, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 28 pp. 40-41. Aglais urticae list of varr., with table, 30 abb. n. from Essex, Raynor pp. 4-8 Ent. Record 21, and abb. p. 106 t.c. Anaea rosae sp. n. Columbia, Fassl Soc. entomol. 24 p. 81. Apatura fulva chrysolora f. n. pseudo- pallas, fulva subsp. n. setia Formosa, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 23 p. 40. — A. subcaerulea var. n. formosana, Moltrecht p. 131 T.c. — A. Bastard - zwitter, Borggreve Zool. Beob. 50 p. 83. Araschnia levana and prorsa, habits, Reuss p. 204 Ent. Rec. 21 ; Ab. Rangnow Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 32 pi. i f. 13. Argynnis aglaia Aberration, Kysela Polyxena 1. — A. amathusia, Nieder- osterreich, Preissecker Verh. Z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 231. — A. aphirape var. ossianus, Sahlberg Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 35 pp. 67-71. — A. eugenia im Gouv. Jenisseisk, Altai, Mongolei, Meinhardt Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 148. — A. euphrosyne varr. n. phaenna Transcaucasia pp. 285-286 dia, Saisonvarietat p. 286, aglaja var. n. auxo Ciscaucasia adippe var. n. thalestrim Causasus p. 287 paphia Hitzevarietiit p. 288, Jachontov Rev. russ. ent. 8. — A, euphrosyne, Var., Rrulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 241. A. ino var. achasis falsch fur acharis, Ramme Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 319. — A. laodice, life-history, Frohawk p. 49 pi. ii Entomologist 42 ; structure of larval hairs, Chapmann p. 118 T.c. ; Frohawk p. 258 t.c. ; Entwicklungs- geschichte, Gillmer Soc. entomol. 24 pp. 28-31 33-36 ; Ueberwinterung des Eies oder der Raupe, Gillmer Soc. entomol. 24 p. 113. — A. maja subsp. n. chrysobarylla, amathusia subspp. n. blachieri and jugurtha, dia subspp. n. leonina and setania, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp.. 20-21. — A. pales arsilache Alpenformen, Heinrich Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 6. — A. pales ab. n. deflavata, Wagner Ent. Zs. 23 p. 17. — A. pales subspp. n. brogotarus and palustris, euphrosyne subspp. n. rusalka and densoi, daphne subsp. n. nikator, Fruhstorfer Intern, out. Zs. 3 pp. 112-113. — A, dia var. n. disconota, pahia buileri nom, n. pro paphioides Viutka, Krulikovsky Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 298. — A. paphia, melanotische Formen, Schultz, Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 317 & 322-323. — A. thore Niederosterreich, Galvagni Verh. Z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. (233). Aterica galene extensa subsp. n., Heron p. 153 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Basilarchia archippus var. n. lanthanis Cook & Watson p. 77 pi. v Canad. • Ent. 41. Brenthis selene ab., Bird p. 218 Ent, Rec. 21. Gethosia cydippe subspp. n. cenchrites coronilla, praestabilis, myrina f. n. melancholia, mindanensis subsp. n. fesliva, Fruhstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70 pp. 209-238. Char axes opinatus sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. v f. 7 & p. 156, Heron Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — C. superbus sp. n. Kamerun, Schultze Soc. entomol. 23 p. 172. — C. neanthes and zoolina, var. n., Poulton pp. lxiv-lxx Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908 ; neanthes var. n. phanera, Jordan p. lxix t.c. — G. zoolina progeny, Leigh p. xlix P. ent. Soc. London 1909. — C. varenes var. n. comoranus, Aurivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd. 2 pp. 309-348. Girrochroa aoris, Hermaphrodit, Voelschow Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 4. Didonis biblis subspp. n. nectanabis and sisygambis S. America, Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 23 p. 41. Diestogyna schultzei p. 2, conjungens p. 3, N. W. Kamerun, acutangula p. 4, Uganda, spp. n., Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5. Dryas paphia, oviposition, larval hibernation, Newmann p. lx. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908. Ergolis pagenstecheri pi. v f. 6 form. n. aurantiaca f. 5, Heron p. 154 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Eriboea narcaea var. n. formosana, Moltrecht Ent. Zs. 23 p. 132. 311 Insecta. S YSTEM ATIC. — N YMPHALID AE. Eunica sydonia subsp. n. poppaeana, caelina subsp. n. alycia, pomona f. n. pomptata, norica subsp. n. occia, bechina subspp. n. medellina & chorienes, volumna subsp. n. intricate, , cinara subsp. n. oreandra, taurione subsp. n. fasula, Fruhstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 pp. 209-238. Euripus robustus subsp. n. myrinoides, Fruhstorfer pp. 209-238 T.c. Eurytela hiarbas and dryope, relations, Leigh p. xxxv P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Euthalia teuta subsp. n. salpona, Fruhstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 pp. 209-238. Ilamanumida daedalus larva, Trimen p. 2 & pi. i f. 1 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Jsodema formosanum f. n. nmhratilis Formosa, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 23 p. 40. Kallima buxtoni subsp. n. trebonia , Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 228- 231. — K. inactus, habits, (Japanese), Nawa Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 4-8. Limenitis Camilla subsp. n. prodiga, sibilla subspp. n. glorifica, pudlula , Fruhstofer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 94. — L. populi ab. monochroma , Gillmer Breslau Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk. 1909 p. 37. ; ab. n. frnhstorferi Rossia orient., Krulikovski.t Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 111. — L. cximia sp. n. Amur, Mol- trecht Ent. Zs. 22 p. 184. f Lithodryas nom. n. for IAthopsyche Scudd., Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 79. Melitaea athalia ab. alba ; Rehfous Bui. Soc. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 202 ; allies, discussion continued, Wheeler Ento- mologist 42 pp. 4 etc. etc. ; ab. jelineki , Joukl 6as. 6eske Spol. Entomolog. 1908 p. 25. — M. cinxia ab. ccrnyi , phoebe ab. guertleri, Joukl pp. 96-100. T.c. — M. didyma var. n. bosphorana, Dulot Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 166 ; ab. n. pieszczeki Steiermark, Skala Ent. Jahrb. 19 p. 136 ; Ab., Pieszczek Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ber. 20 pp. 43- 131. — M. phoebe var. n. sextilis Cir- cauoisia, Jachontov Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 285. Mynes guerini subsp. n. ogulina, geoffroyi subsp. n. eugenius, Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 228-231.— M. guerini subspp. n. opaline Neu- Guinea, atinia Neu-Guinea, turturilla Waigiu, geoflroyi subspp. n. sestia Neu-Guinea,' scatinia Waigiu, Fruh- storfer Soc. entomol. 24 p. 92. Neptis agatha ab. n. lativittata Boola, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 Bd i p. 305. — N. themis subsp. n. ilos Amur, sankara subsp. n. segesta Omi-Shan, Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 23 p. 42. Phyciodes burchelli p. 100, pedrona p. 103, spp. n., Brazil, Moulton Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Polygonia c-album life-history, broods, Newmann pp. lxxxviii-ic Proc. ent. Soc. London 1908; ab., Keynes & Keynes p. 102 . 367, 319 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Bombyces. Aemilia brunneipars sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 360 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Aganais comorana sp. n. Comoren, Aurivllius Reise Ostafrika Bd 2. p. 336. Aglia tau, ab., Kysela Polyxena 1 ; im November, Cornelsen Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 249. Aglaope infausta, parasite, Seabra p. 131 Bull. Soo. portug. 3. Agoreci oclcendeni , citrinotincta, boett- gtri , klagesi , p. 290, semivitrea , nigro- striata, p. 291, S. Amorioa, scliausi Contr. America p. 290, spp. n. Phalaena pellucida Sepp. is a Bituryx not Agorea, p. 291, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Agylla brunneostriata p. 353, sangui- viita p. 354, spp. n., Peru, Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Albarracina korbi subsp. n. bang- haasi Algeria, Rothschild Ent. Zs. 23 p. 142. Amastus hampsoni Ecuador, pseudo- collaris Chiriqui, p. 214, steinbachi, drucei, dognini , p. 215, rufescens p. 216, S. America, spp. n., Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — A • a/finis, erebelloides, p. 278, pseuderebella, umber , childi, p. 279, S. America, flavicauda Centr. America p. 278, spp. n., hyalina orien- tals subsp. n. p. 279, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — A. fulvizonata sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 358 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Amaxia a/finis pi. v f. 15, pulchra f. 16, rufobasalis f. 19, spp. n., S. Amer- ica, pardalis parva subsp. n. f. 17, Rothschild p. 34 Nov. Zool. 16. Ammalo conslellata sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 221 Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique 63. — A. helops and allies, variation and forms, trujillaria Dogn. is valid, klagesi sp. n. Amazons, Rothschild p. 205 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Amphicallia quagga sp. n. O. Afrika, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 101. Amsacta flavicosta sp. n. Sierra Leone, Hampson p. 362 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — A. impia, sp. n. O. Afrika, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 109. Anadiasa leucocyma sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 31 & p. 131, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Anaphe dempwoljfi sp. n. 0. Afrika, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 191. Anaphosia aurantiaca sp. n. Trans- vaal. Hampson p. 355 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Anisota neomexicana sp. n. New Mexico, Breiime p. 324 Canad. Ent. 41. Antaxia affinis sp. n. Peru. pi. iv f. 20 p. 26, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Antheraea fickei sp. n. Celebes, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 21. Anthrocera exulans ab. pulchra, Mus- champ p. 227 Ent. Reo. 21. Aphyle albipicta sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 219 Ann. Soo. ent. Bolgiquo 63. — A- aflinis sp. n. S. America, pi. iv f. 12, Rothschild p. 24 Nov. Zool. 16. Apisa metarctioides pi. iv f. 3 & p. 104, Hampson Tr. zool. 19. Apluda incincta sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 25 & p. 132, Hampson T.o. Arctia caja, Trutzstellung, Dampf Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 242-244 ; Frisst Schmetterlingsflugel, Fiedler Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 285 ; ab. n. clarki, Tutt p. 88 & pi. v Ent. Rec. 21. — A . flava immaculata, Schmidt Ent. Zs. 23 p. 141. Arctianae of Japan, revision, Miyake Tokyo Bull. Coll Agrio. 8 pp. 153-174. Areomolis persimilis sp. n. S. America p. 270, rhodographa peruviana subsp. n. p. 269, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — A. basalis pi. v figs. 20 & 21, alboapicalis pi. vii f . 29, griseata pi. v f . 32, ockendeni figs. 23 & 24, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild T.c.. Arniocera imperials var. n. labor ensis 0. Afrika, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 108. Asura fulvimarginata sp. n. Madras, Hampson p. 357 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Attacus edwardsi pupation, Watson p. 106 Entomologist 42. — A . orizaba , ovo-Zucht, Nadbyl Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 164. Autochloris patagiata sp. n. Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 pp. 19-20. Automeris subobscura sp. n. Bogota, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 31. Automolis albescens pi. v f. 26, favil- lacea f. 28 p. 36, ochracea f. 29, meta- crinis f. 27, fasciipuncta f. 31, nigro- punctata f. 32, p. 37, bicolor figs. 34 & 35, 320 Inaecta. XU. Insecta. [1009] aureogrisea f. 36, prumaloides f. 38, cruenta f. 39, p. 38, pseudidalus pi. vi f. 14, propinqua f. 2, apiciplaga f. 3, fLavonotata f. 4, p. 39, carmesina figs. 5 & 6, pseudopraemolis i. 1, luteorosea pi. v f. 40, ockendeni f. 41, p. 40, sub- flammans pi. vi f. 11, subtruncata f. 12, hyalina pi. v f. 33, griseipennis pi. vi figs. 7 & 8, p. 41, niveomaculata pi. vi f. 21, uniform is f. 26, klagesi pi. v f. 43, p. 42, cingulata pi. vi f. 24, pseuda- meoides, p. 43, luteola pi. vi f. 9, per- aimilis f. 25, p. 44 with subsp. mar- ginata figs. 22 & 23, brunnescens f. 19 with subsp. unicolor f. 10, griseonitens f. 27, p. 45, alboatra f. 30, semicostalis f. 31 with subsp. apicalis, p. 46, rosen- bergi f. 35 p. 47, intermedia f. 37, reticu- lata f. 38, p. 48, S. America, ardesiaca pi. vi f. 28 p. 46, underwoodi f. 34 p. 47, Costa Rica, spp. n., docis Hubn. pi. vii figs. 30-41 p. 42, godmani Dr., sypilus Cr., p. 43, garleppi inversa pi. vi f. 17 subsp. n., buckleyi harterti f. 15 and whitfordi subspp. n., p. 44, packardi saturata pi. vi f. 33, vitrea borealis pi. vii f. 3 V. occidentals f. 4 and meridionals f. 1, p. 47, subspp. n., Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — A. testacea, elissoides, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild p. 270 T.c. — A. multicolor , virescens, p. 224, felderi p. 225, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — A. rhodocyma sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 357 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — A. rosa sp. n. Colombia, Dbuce p. 458 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Axiopoeniella gen. n. type Utethseia laymerisa Grand., Stb^nd p. 357 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Azatrephes fuliginosa pi. v figs. 8-12 sp. n. Amazons, discals Walk. f. 14, Rothschild p. 33 Nov. Zool. 16. Baritius sannionis, flavescens, eleu- theroides, p. 209, venata, S. America, schausi Trinidad, p. 210, peculiars Venezuela p. 225, spp. n., Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — B. sannionis grandis subsp. n., Rothschild p. 275 Nov. Zool. 16. Belemnia mygdon marthae subsp. n., Rothschild p. 295 T.c. Beralade interjecta sp. n. Siidafrika, Aubivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 11. — B. slrigi fascia sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 39 & p. 132, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — B., African species ; niphoessa, bistrigata, p. 372, pulla p. 373, spp, nM prompta var. n. rufotincta p. 374, O. Afrika, Stband Arch. Natg. 75 1. Bertholdia ockendeni pi. vii f. 16> rubromaculata f. 17, grisescens f. 18» steinbachi f. 19, spp. n., S. Amorioa* Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Bituryx hoffmannsi, mathani, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild T.c. Blera rubiginosa sp. n. Fr. Guiana, DogNin p. 83 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. Bombiliodes simulans sp. n. Cayenne, Dbuce p. 457 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Bombycopsis brunnea sp. n. Nyassa- land, Aubivillius Ark. Zool. 6 No. 5 p. 12. Bombyx mori var. hereditary be- haviour, Toyama Zs. indukt. Abstam- mgslehre 1 pp. 179-188 ; influence de la sexualite sur la nutrition, Vaney et Maignon Trav. Lab. 6tud. soie 13 pp. 35-40 ; La muscardine, Conte et Levbat Trav. Lab. etud. soie 13 pp. 61-72 fig. ; Les maladies du ver a soie. La grasserie ; Conte et Levbat Trav. Lab. 6tud. soie 13 pp. 41-60 fig. ; Romarques sur I’h6r6dit6 des maladies, chez les vers k soie, Conte Paris C. R. ass. franc, a vane. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2° Partie 1908 pp. 622-623 ; Zwitter, Engel Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 123. — B. quercus, Noel Naturaliste 31 p. 71. — B. rubi Biologie de la Chenille, Pictet Bui. Soc. L6p. Geneve 1 p. 354 etc. Boriza lignosa sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Doqnin p. 83 Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique 53. Brachartona catoxantha, early stages, Pba,tt Bull. Dep. Agric. Fed. Malay 4. Brahmaea catenaria, Gbunbebg pi. xi f. 5 & p. 776 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Bunaea cyrene sp. n. Nyassa-See, Weymeb D. ent. Zs. Iris 22. p. 1. Gacostatia flaviventralis sp. n. Colom- bia, Dognin p. 215 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Calesia nigriventris sp. n. Madagaskar, Aubivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd. 2 p. 343. Callidula nernoga sp. n. New Guinea, Swinhoe p. 94 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Callosamia Carolina life history notes, Jones Ent. Nows 20 p. 49 pis. iii iv. 321 lnsccta. Systematic. — Lepidopter v — Bombyoes. Calonotos triplaga sp. n. Amazons, Hampson p. 346 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Carathis klagcsi Amazons, australis St. Catharina, spp. n., Rothschild p. 209 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — C. ockendeni, a/finis, spp. n., Peru, Rothschild p. 274 Nov. Zool. 16. Casphalia Wlk. (= Zaracha Wlk.), Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 pp. 185-190. Castrim sordidior sp. n. S. America pi. vii f. 5 p. 48, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Catabeleda violascens sp. n. Mashona- land, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 15. Celama mesolherma p. 349, rufhnixta, dentilinea, p. 350, Ceylon, phoeocraspis Nigeria p. 351, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Geratopacha gen. n. Typus Lasio- campa koellikeri Dew., magna sp. n. Sierra Leone, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 6 No. 5 pp. 13-14 f. 45. Cerura tricuspis transiens f. n., Viatka, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 302. Chalcidica rauana sp. n. O. Afrika, Strand Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 130. Glialia kunckclii Hcylaerts et son parasite Monodontomcrus phormio, Kunckel Sc Heylaerts Nouv. arch. Mus6um Paris 10 1908 pp. 25-232 av. fig. Charagia jordani sp. n. W. Australien, Pfitzner D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 138. Ghilena oberthuri sp. n. Tunis, Lucas Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 71. Ghionaema formosana Formosa, as- ticta Queensland, p. 355, phacocraspis Louisiade Arch. p. 356, spp. n., Hamp- son Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Ghionopsyche gen. n., montana sp. n. Dcutsch Ostafrika, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 10—11 f. 44. Ghiromachla subg. n. vide Deilemera. Ghrysopsyche leucostigma sp. n. Ru- wenzori pi. iv f. 21 & p. 131, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Ghrysostola atridorsata sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 347 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Gijuna locuples metamorphosis, (Japanese), Nagano Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 311-315. (n-11091 j) Gleis atata sp. n. Ke isld., Swinhoe p. 95 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Closlerothrix sikorae Madagaskar, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 21- 22. Gnethocampa ; the type, Chapman p. 230 Ent. Rec. 21. — G. pityocampa in Galicia, Garcia-Varela p. 192 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Cnidocampa flavescens life history, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington il pp. 162-170 pi. xiv. Gomacla senex, Niedero3terreich, Preissecker Verh. z.-b. Ge3. Wien 59 p. (231) ; ab. fumosa, Bankes p. 60 Entomologist 42. Gopaxa anestios sp. n. patria incerta, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 33. Gorrebia flavata sp. n. Colombia, Druce p. 458 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Gosmosoma notosticta Colombia, phoc- nicophora Fr. Guiana, spp. n., Dosnin p. 214 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Cossus cossus, Biologie, Schaden, Bckampfung in Russland, Schreiner Trd. b. entom. ucen. kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 6 3 1908 pp. 1-23 -f 1 10 fig. i. T- Graspia gen. n. naho Crinocraspeda Hampson, wahlbergi f. 48 Deutsch S.W. Africa, marshalli Mashonaland, igneo - cincta Angola, spp. n., Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 20-21. Greatonotus koni sp. n. Japan, Miyake Tokyo Bull. Coll. Agric. 8 pp. 153-174. Gricula andrei n.n. for zuleika Westw. p. 301, larva and subsp. n. p. 303, trijenestrata subspp. n. pp. 305 & 306 Jordan Nov. Zool. 16. — Gricula, Zucht, Enolisch Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 120. Cybosia mesomelia var. n. flava Steiermark, Preissecker Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 p. 231. Cyrtogone trefurthi O. Afrika, came - runensis Kamerun, spp. n., Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 107. Dasychira trapezimaculata sp. n. Africa, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 Bd 1 p. 311. Dasylophia roberta sp. n. Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 26. — D. russula sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 78 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiquo 53. d 30 322 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Deilemera ; revision with subgenn. n. CJiiromachla and Podomachla p. 326 and numerous abb. n., transitella p. 336, arieticornis p. 346, Africa, virgo Mada- gascar, ugandicola, p. 348, camerunica p. 361, Africa, spp. n., Strand Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Delphyre roseiceps sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 217 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Demolis flavithorax sp. n. Amazons, Rothschild p. 269 Nov. Zool. 16. Dendrolimis (!) pint, aberratives $ , Marschner D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 140. Diacrisia arctichroa sp. n. New Guinea, Druce p. 347 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — D. rhodophilodes Formosa, neuro- grapha W. China, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — D. simanensis , moltrechti, spp. n., Japan, Miyake Tokyo Bull. Coll. Agric. 8 p. 153-174. — D. inaequalis, habits (Japanese), Mukogawa Konch. Sek. 13 p. 365-368. — D. melanodisca pi. iv figs. 5 & 6 & p. 105, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Dicentria florella sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 466 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — D. simplex sp. n. Paraguay, Dognin p. 80 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Dicranura vinula var. fennica, Rein- berger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 27 ; var. n. fennica , Schultz Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 287 ; paraseiti, Martelli Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 pp. 239-260 12 fig. Diospage scmimarginata , steinbachi, violitincta, p. 295, engelkei p. 296, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Diota reticulata sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 35 & p. 117, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Diplura affinis sp. n. Madagaskar, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 N. 5 pp. 28- 29. Dixophlebia holophoea sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 346 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Dycladia xanthobasis sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 346 T.c. Ecpantheria andromela sp. n. Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 pp. 20-21. — E. indecisa Walk., Iciies Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclimat. 55 1908 pp. 346-347. Eilema urvilinea p. 340, voeltz- kowi , nigr ciliata, p. 341, spp. n. Mada- gaskar, Aurivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd. 2. Elaphrodes gen. n. near Phalera , nephocrossa sp. n. Ituri forest, Bethune- Baker p. 423 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Eligma narcissus, die orsten Stiindo, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 183. Elysius felderi, terraoides, spp. n., Peru, Rothschild p. 275 Nov. Zool. 16. — E. castanea p. 226, fuliginosus , tricyphoides, pseudotricypha, p. 227, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — E. pseudodryas p. 210, ammaloides , atrobrunnea , magniftca, p. 211, terranea p. 212, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild T.c. Emarginea niphoplaga sp. n. Colom- bia, Druce p. 346 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Enydra Wlk. und Ithanidophora Wllgr., zwei verschiedone Gattungen, Strand D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 667-668. Eohemera obscurascens, sulphur eo- vittata, spp. n., Africa, Strand p. 353 Ann. Soc. out. Bolgiquc 53. Epicnaptera alice sp. n. Syr-Darja, John p. 175 Entomologist 42. Epiphora magdalena sp. n. Usambara, Grunberg D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 130. — E. boolana sp. n. Boola, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 Bd 1 p. 308. Epitoxis albicincta pi. iv figs. 1 & 2 & p. 104, Hampson Tr. zool. Soo. 19. Eriostepta beata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 219 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. — E. fulvescens sp. n. S. America pi. iv f. 28 p. 27, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Estigmene ochr comar ginata sp. n. Centr. Africa, Bethune-Baker p. 429 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Eucereon metaloba p. 348, perstriata p. 349, spp. n., Peru, Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Euchloris ochrclla sp. n. O.-Afrika, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 108. — E. difjficta metamorphosis (Japanese), Nagano Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 91-93. Euclea vericrux sp. n. Mexico p. 156, larva p. 157, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. 323 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Bombyoes. Euloplionotus characters p. 8, myrme- leon sexes and larva pi. i f. 3 & p. 9, Trimen Tr. ont. Soc. London 1909. Eumenogaster pseudopolybia sp. n. Paraguay, Schrottky D. enfc. Zs. Iris 22 p. 135. Eumeta ngarukensis sp. n. O.-Afrika, Strand Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 130. „ Euprepria ozrtzen . lutescens , and cremonai abb. n., Culot p. 271 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Euproctis croceisticta pi. iv f. 44 & p. 116, melalepia f. 43 & p. 117, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — E. mediosquamom sp. n. Congo, Bethune-B \ker p. 428 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Eupseudosoma grand is pi. iv f. 23, albescens f. 25, spp. n., S. America, aberrans Schaus f. 24, Rothschild p. 20 Nov. Zool. 16. Exaereta ulmi, in Sudtirol, Wagner Ent. Zs. 22 p. 208. Qargetta concolora sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 424 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Gastropacha guerci folia var. n. sibirica Tomsk, Semiretsclije, Kruli- ROVSKiJ Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 111. Gisara complicata p. 82, albolimbata p. 83, spp. n., S. America, Dognin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Gonobombyx vespertilio sp. n. O.- Afrika, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 20. Gonodes obliqua sp. n. Colombia, Druce p. 346 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Gonotrephes gen. n. Hyntomidae type Thyrarctia jriga Druce. Hampson p. 348 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Goodia or tens sp. n. Rmvenzori pi. iv f. 42 & p. 129, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — G. septiguttata sp. n. O.-Afrika, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 14. Halisidota ockcndcni Agualani, affinis Mexico, p. 216, hyalinipnncta, punctata, S. America, p. 217, pseudocarye Arizona, terranea, oblonga, setosa, p. 218, oruboides, similis, p. 219, S. America, spp. n., Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — II. cinnamomea, baritioidcs, S. America, flavescens Sonora, albipuncta , p. 221, nubilosus, hoffmannsi, bomby- cina, p. 222, S. America, anapheoides (n-11091 j) p. 223 Chiriqui, spp. n., Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — II. tucumana, distincta, affinis , p. 280, falacroides , subterranea, p. 281, dinellii, bricenoi , p. 282, steinbachi p. 283, underwoodi with subsp. orientalis, p. 284, jonesi, venezuelensis , batesi, pseudoconiata, p. 286, stuarti, liparoides, aurantiaca, p. 287, lacteogrisea, stipulata, nebulosa, con- tempta, p. 288, pterostomoides, hadenoi- des, maassen ', muscosa, rufocinna - momea, p. 289, S. . America, moeschleri Jamaica ]p. 280, fvliginosa Mexico p. 282, oslan Colorado p. 283, schausi Centr. America with subspp. n. p. 284, cuneipuncta Mexico p. 287, spp. n., maculata texana subsp. n. p. 279, falacra Dogn. and seruba H.-S. synonymy p. 281, cinctipes and inter - lineala confusion unravelled p. 282, tesselhris meridionalis subsp. n. p. 286, Rothschild Nov. zool. 16.— H. carye- inixta Neum. =( pseudocarye Rothsch), Rothschild p. 299 T.c. — H. mclano- proctis, viireata, spp. n., Peru, Hampson p. 359 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — H. obvia sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 221 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Heliadinidia flavivena sp. n. Colom- bia, Dognin p. 222 T.c. Hemihyalea ochracea Chiriqui, tcslacea Mexico, tristis, brunne-scens, p. 213, fusca p. 214, S. America, spp. n.,. Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — II. argillacea Oregon, fuscescens Costa Rica, p. 277, battyi Colombia p. 278, spp. n., erganoides peruviana subsp. n., cornea and mansueta etc. distinguished, p. 277, Rothschild Nov*. Zool. 16. Hepialidae ; Popular notes on, Winn Canad. Ent. 41 pp. 89-93. Hepialus armoricanus from Tibet, OberthiJr p. 250 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — II. pyrenaicus, Rondou Tou- louse Bui. soc. Raraond 3 pp. 37-40. Heterocampa viridiflava p. 80, nor- mula p. 81, spp. n., S. America, Dognin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Hippia albopicta, viridans, spp. n. S. America, Dognin p- 78 Ann. Soo, ent. Belgique 53. 1 lolomelina cyana sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. ^22 Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique 53. Holophaea endoleuca sp. n. Colom- bia, Dognin p. 214 T.c. <130-^2 324 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Homoeomeria nivea sp. n. Ins. Pemba, Aueivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd 2 p. 338. Hoplitis phyllocampa sp. n. Durban, p. 4 pi. i f. 2 with larva, Trimen Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Hyalaethea bivitreata sp. n. Tenimber, Hampson p. 344 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Hyaleucerea leucoproda sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 217 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Hyalina lucasi sp. n. Algeria, Traut- mann Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 316. Hylemera melusine sp. n. Sigirri, Strand Aroh. Natg. 75 Bd 1 p. 310. Hylophila prasinana, Bildung des Cocons, Haverhorst Tijdschr. Ent. 62 pp. 14-18. Hyparpax perophoroides (?), larva, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 171. Hyperthaema hoffmannsi sp. n. Amazons, Rothschild p. 223 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Hyphantria atripes sp. n. Gold coast, Hampson p. 362 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Hypocladia parvipuncta sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 347 T.c. Hyponerita ockendeni with subsp. posterior p. 298, garleppi, similis, persimilis, p. 299, spp. n., S. America, viola borealis subsp. n. p. 298, Roth- schild Nov. Zool. 16. — H . sardanapalus 1)1. vii f. 21, grandis f. 20, spp. n., Peru, Rothschild T.o. — //. viola sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 220 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — H. rhodocraspis sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 364 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Hypopta francesca sp. n. Florida, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington lip. 29. Uyposhada gen. n. Lithosianae type Scoliacma pelopis Beth-.Bak., Hampson p. 352 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Imbrasia truncata sp. n. Congostaat, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 6- 8. Idalus viridis sp. n. Peru, Druce pt 458 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — /. lutescens pi. iv f. 8, irregularis f. 9, simplex f. 10, p. 23, salmonaceus f. lip. 24, spp. n., 5. America, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. llema rubrescens sp. n. Formosa, Hampson p. 353 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Ino budensisy Niederosterreich, Preis- secker Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 231. Ischno ampa hemihyala sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 358 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — I. brunneilincta so. n. Peru, Roth- schild p. 276 Nov. Zool. 16. — /. fhccosa p. 212, serdidior p. 220, Perii, griseila p. 228 Jamaica, spp. n. Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Jana caesarae p. 16, agrippa p. 18, O.-Afrika, spp. n., Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22. Josiom^rpha flammata sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 223 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. Laelia beni p. 428, kitchingi p. 429, spp. n., Trop. Africa, Bethune-Barer Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Lamprostola endochrysis sp. n. Colom- bia, Dognin p. 218 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Langucys nigropuncta sp. n. Colombia, Druce p. 345 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Lasiocampa quercus vtr. alpina Winterzucht derselben, Schmidt Ent. Zs. 20 pp. 79-80 ; gynandromorph, Gillmer Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 31. LasioscJes gen. n. Syntomidae, . erythrozonata sp. n. Panama, Hampson p. 345 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Leipoaxis fuscofasciata, Congogobiot, obscura Gaboon, spp. n., Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 12-13. — L. ituria sp. n. Africa, Bethune-Baker p. 428 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Lemonia taraxaci terranea subsp. n., Rothschild p. 7 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — L dumiy Pommern, Spormann Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 190. Lenyra heckmanniae sp. n. Mada- gaskar, Aurivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd 2. Lepasta argentilinea sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 466 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Leucoma atricosta sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 34 & p. 116, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Leucoperina gen. n. nahe Hyaloperinat atroguttata sp. n. Congostaat, Auri- villius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 8-9. 325 Insecta. S YSTEM ATIC. IjEPIDOPTERA BOMB YCES. ■ Liparis monacha Hautungen, Entwicklungsdauer, Calmbach Ent. Zs. 23 p. 102. Ludia servatia sp. n. Kamerun, Weymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 14. Lycomorphodes flavipars sp. n. Colom- bia, Hamfson p. 356 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — L. hemicrocea Colombia, coccipyga Curayoa, spp. n., Dognin p. 218 Ann. Soo. out. Bolgiquo 53. Lymantria monaclia aus dcin Ei, Boin Intorn. ent. Zs. 3 p. 10 ; Abnormi- tat, Auel Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 43 & pi. if. 11 ; Variability der Fliigel- farbe, Auel Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 158-163 183-186; Bilateral- gynandro morph, Noack Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 140 ; Lebensweise und Bekamp- fung, Sedlaozek ZentrBl. Forstwes. 35 pp. 145-164 193-212 241-261 ; L. monacha, Bohmcn, Sridnko (3as, Cesk6 Spol. Entomolog 1909 p. 98; hybrids, Brake Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 156-158. Lysana parvipuncta, oculata, spp. n., 5. America, Dognin p. 76 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Macrothylacia rub Zucht, Gadolla Graz Mitt. Natw. Ver. Steierm. 45 p. 443. Malacosoma neustria, ponte, chrysali- des multiples, Postel Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 90. Malocampa albimacula sp. n. Fr. Guiana, DognIn p. 82 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Manoba atripuncta sp. n. Nigeria* Hamtson p. 355 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Marbla azami sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Kheil p. 493 Mem. Soc. espan. 1. Marslialliana nvbifera sp. n. Nairobi* Bethune-Baker p. 425 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — M. arcifera sp. n. E. Africa pi. iv f. 64 & p. 133, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Marthula albopunctata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 77 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Melesse peruviana pi. vii figs. 7 & 8 p. 48, klagesi f. 11, flavipuncta figs. 13 & 14, quadripunctata f. 15, incon- spicua f. 28, p. 49, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — M. drucei, hebetis, sordida, p. 271, hampsoni, punctata, pusilla, nigromaculata, p. 272, columbiana, surdus, albogrisea, p. 273, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild T.c. Meragisa rufipuncta sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 467 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Metarbela endomela obliqualinea, spp. n. Trop. Africa, Bethune-Baker p. 425 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — M. pagana sp. n. O. Afrika, Strand D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 118. Mctarctia phaeoptcra Congo, pumila Uganda, spp. n., Hampson p. 344 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — M. pulvena pi. iv f. 4, flaviciliata f. 40, Hampso p. 104 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Metareva endoscota n. Peru, Hampson p. 354 Ann. Na t Hist. 4. Methysia melan' ta sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 347 T.c. Metopolophota gen. n. N olodontidae, epipephila sp. n. Ituri forest, Bethune- Barer p. 424 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Miresa melanosticta sp. n. Nandi, B .thune-Baker p. 426 T.c. Nadata gigantea sp. n. New Guinea, Druce p. 347 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Napata boettgeri sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 457 T.c. Narosa nephochlodropis Uganda p. 426, hedychroa, tnlinea, Congo, p. 427, spp. n., Bethune-Baker Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Neaxia ockendeni pi. iv f. 26 p. 26, klagesi f. 27 p. 27, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. zool. 16. — N. costari- censis Costa Rica, kennedyi Minas Geraes, spp. n., Rothschild p. 269 T.c. Neidalia dognini sp. n. Peru, Roth- schild p. 22 T.c. Neoarctia beanii larva, Gibson p. 400 Canad. Ent. 41. Neritos griseotincta p. 291, rosacea, affinis, hampsoni, granatina, inequalis, p. 292, persimilis, triangularis , andro - coniata, p. 293, lavandulae with subsp. meridionalis , perversa, drucei, p. 294, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — N. onytes and psamas distinguished, Rothschild p. 299 T.c. - — N. abdominalis Amazons p. 228, steinbachi Bolivia p. 229, spp. n., Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Nola mesoscota Transvaal p. 351, achromia Queensland p. 352, spp. n., 320 Insect a. XII. Insccta. [1909] Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — N. attnilalis, early stages, Ad kin Proc. S. London ent. Soc. 1909 p. 41 pis. xi & xii. Nudaurelia phidias p. 5, richehnanni p. 0, O.-Afrika, amathusia p. 8, pales p. 12, Kamerun, spp. n., YVeymer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22. Nyslalea multiplex sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 74 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ochrodota similis, tessellata, p. 206, brunnescens, atra, affinis, p. 207, spp. n. S. America, Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — O. funebris sp. n. Huanuco, Rothschild p. 225 T.c. . Ocneria dispar, Zwitterbildung, Zieprecht Natw. Wochenschr. 24 p. 250. — O. monacha, L. in Ostpreussen, Bohm D. Forstztg 24 pp. 1002-1006, 1023-1026 1043-1047 1081-1087 1102- 1104 ; Bekampfung in Polen, Necajev Zap. lean, Suvalksk. Kr. 2 2 pp. 1-9. Odontopacha gen. n., fenestrata sp. n* Deutsch Osfcafrika, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 22 f. 49. Odozana patagiata sp. n. Bolivia, Dognin p. 218 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Oedaleosia frontalis sp. n. O.-Afrika, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 109. Olapa makala sp. n. Congo, Bethune- Baker p. 428 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — O. melanocera sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 33 & p. 110, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19 Opharus palmer i sp. n. Colombia, Druce p. 459 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — O. auraniiacus p. 212, albotestaceus, albescens, p. 223, fasciatus p. 224, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — O. intermedius, hampsoni, decrepidoides, spp. n., S. America, p. 276, astur subspp. n. cubensis and arizonensis p. 277, nexa and pimctularis distinguished p. 276, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Opisthodontia arnoldi sp. n. N.W Kamerun, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 6 p. 28. Oreopsyche bird sp. n. Croatien, Rebel Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 344. — O. angustella invasion de Chenilles, Pierre Rev. sci. Bourbon. 22 pp. 66- 69 av. fig. Oreta calida , metamorphosis, Japanese, Nagano Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 222-225. Ormiscodes mota sp. n. Colombia, Druce p. 465 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Pachydota dru.ei p. 273, affinis, peruviana, punctata, p. 274, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. zool. 16. — P. rosenbergi sp. n. Ecuador, Rothschild p. 208 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Pachymeta robusta, purpurascens , Mashonaland, P. (?) clarki Natal p. 23, P. (?) nyassana Nyassaland, P. argenteo- guttata Sudafrika, p. 24, simplex p. 25 Madagaskar, spp. n., Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5. Pachypasa nigr scens p. 18 Congo - gebiet, rohdei p. 18 Kamerun, auriflua p. 19 Sierra Leone, P.(?) fulgurata p. 19 Congo, spp. n., Aurivillius T.o. Palueomolis gen. n. Arctianae p. 362, purpurascens sp. n. Peru p. 363, Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Parameta gen. n. near Pseudometa, umbrina sp. n. Kuilu, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 26-27 f. 50. Paranerita aurantiipennis p. 219, odorata, purpurascens, p. 220, spp. n., Amazons, Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — P. rosacea with subsp. occidentalis, irregularis, polyxenoides, peruviana, p. 297, suffusa with subsp. trinitatis p. 298, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — P. klagesi sp. n. Amazons pi. vii f. 22 p. 51, Rothschild T.c. Paraphanta rufilinea sp. n. Uganda, Bethune-Baker p. 427 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Paraplocia gen. n. fur Lithosia imparepunctata Oberth, Aurivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd 2 p. 336. Parasa charopa sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 426 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Parasemia plantaginis Lokalform, Schawerda Wien JalirBer. Entom. Yrer. 19 pp. 85 126. Parevia mathani sp. n. Amazons, Rothschild p. 270 Nov. zool. 16.— P. maculata sp. n. Amazons pi. v f. 25 p. 36, Rothschild Nov. zool. 16. 327 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Bombyces. Pasteosia orientalis sp. n. Singapore, Hampson p. 354 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Pdocliyta affinis Ecuador p. 210, bicolor p. 225, atra , brunnescens, p. 226, Santo Domingo, spp, n., Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Pelosia muscerda f. n. concolor, Schulte Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 183-184. Pentobesa ? falsimonia sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 75 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Pericallia matronula, Langenback Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 136. Perimagia gen. n. fur Pristoceraea alba Rothschild, Strand D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 536. Phaegorisla agarisloidcs var. n. inter- rupt a Boola, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 Bd 1 p. 310. Phaio acquiguttata Colombia, quadri- guttata Ecuador, spp. n., Dognin p. 216 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Phalera princei sp. n. Usambara, GbOnberg I>. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 131. Phasicnecus bipunctatus sp. n. Congo - gebiet, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 9 f. 42. — P. livingstonensis sp. n. Zambesi, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 1 p. 379. Phastia rufolineata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 84 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Pheia discophora sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 213 T.c. Philoterma media, fusca, spp. n., Nyassaland, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 12. Phoenicoprocta flavipida sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 345 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — P. analis sp. n. Paraguay, Schrottky D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 123. Phryganopsis hemiphaea sp. n. Uganda, Hampson p. 353 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Platysamia cynthia in Europa, Meder Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 27. Podomackla subgen. n. vide Deile- tnera. Poresta striata p. 465, albonotala p. 466, fcpp. n., Peru, Druce Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — P. striolata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 77 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Porina annulata sp. n. Queenstown, Hamilton Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 48. Praemolis schausi sp. n. Amazons pi. iv f. 23 p. 52, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Proelymiotis apicenotata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 76 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Proschaliphora albida sp. n. Transvaal, Hampson p. 364 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Prumala alinda sp. n. Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 20. — P. intensa sp. n. Amazons p. iv f. 19 p. 51, Rothschild Nov. zool. 16. — • P. ockendeni, affinis, similis, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild p. 268 T.c.— * P. indistincta pi. iv f. 14, submarginalis f. 16, p. 24, flavicollis f. 15, incisa f. 17, * sordida f. 18, p. 25, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild T.c. Pseudalus aurantiacus pi. vii figs. 25 & 26, strigatus f. 24, spp. n., S. America, leos occidentalis subsp. n. f. 27, Roth- schild T.c. Pseudometa castanea sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 28 & p. 130, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Pseudopharus hades sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 221 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Psychidae ; Revision der deutschen Gattungen, Linstow Berliner ent. Zs. 54 pp. 89-102 & pi. ii ; Zahlebigkeit von Psychidenraupen, Trautmann Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 177 ; La psyche- stomoxelle, Nokl Naturaliste Paris 30 p. 274. Pygaera voeltzlcoivi sp. n. Ins. Pemba, Aurivillius Reise Ostafrika Bd 2 p. 336. Pygardia pterygostigma sp. n. Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 21. Ramesa macrodonta sp. n. Africa pi. iv f. 38 & p. 119, Hampson Tr. Zool. Soc. 19. Rhanidophora septipundata sp. n. Congo, Bethun e-Baker p. 435 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Rhescynthis erytkrinae premiers etats du, Raymond Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 56 pp. 425-428. 328 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1902] Rhynchobombyx gen. n. near Pcichymeta, nasvta sp. n. Congogebiet, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 2f-26. Rhynchopyga steniptera sp. n. Br. Guiana, Hampson p. 346 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Rhyparia purpurata var. n. barteli, Krulikovskij Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 9 p. 171. Rifargia maculata , grandimacula, p. 85, spontiva, incisura, p. 86, exarmata p. 87, spp. n., Fr. Guiana, Dognin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Robinsonia marginata pi. iv f. 1, suffusa f. 3, multimaculata f. 5, p. 21, similis f. 7, S. America, punctata Huatuxco f. 6, p. 22, spp. n., Roth- schild Nov. Zool. 16. Ruanda gen. n. near Crorema, , aetheria sp. n. O.-Afrika, Strand I), ent. Zs. Iris 22 pp. 111-113. Salluca virens sp. n. Brit. Guiana, Dognin p. 79 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Saturnia carpini, Cottam Lane. Nat. 2 p. 30. — S. pavonia, Ab., Kaufmann Ent. Zs. 22 p. 182 ; Abnorme Raupen, Frings Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 Bot.-zool. Ver. p. 65; L’oeuf, Mus- CHAMr Geneve Bull. Soc. lepidopt. 1905 p. 37. — S. pyri, Ebendorff Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 159. — S. pyri ab. n. invittata , ab. n. fulvescens, f. n. subdiaphana, spini ab. n. fusca, ab. n. contigua, ab. n. oblilescens, ab. n. microph- thalmica,i.n. subhyalina , pavonia ab. n. flavomaculatu , ab. n. dcfl'xa , ab. n. ochreofasc'ata, ab. n. decorata , ab. n. taturatior, ab. n. erythrina, ab. n. angustata, ab. n. conversa , ab. n. defasciata, ab. n. indentata, ab. n. reduda, ab. n. malcropis , Schultz Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 36-38. — S. pernyi , habits (Japanese), Nagaoka Rep. Japan Sericultural Ass. 203 pp. 15-17. Saturniidae in Japan (Japanese), Niwa Rep. Japan Sericultural Ass. 206 pp. 15-17. — Notes on the parasites, Fiske & Thompson J. Econ. Ent. 2 pp. 450-460. Saurita hemiphaea sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dogmn p. 215 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Schausinna gen. n. Typus Lasiocampa dementis Schaus, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 14 f. 46. Schizura apicalis (?), larva, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 104. Scopelodcs anthda sp. n. Java, Snvinhoe p. 95 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Secusio sansibarensis sp. n. Africa, Strand p. 355 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Seirardia metaxanlha sp. n. Trans- vaal, Hampson p. 363 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Sericaria inori , Entwicklung des Riickengefasses, Verson Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 313-316. — S. inori nuova razza, Pasoualis Venezia Atti 1st. von. 68 pp. 323-335. Seripha plunibeola sp. n. Cuba, Hampson p. 356 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. \ Setina ramosa v<.r. n. catherineir Oberthfr Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 291. Siccia atri guttata sp. n. Angola, Hampson p. 356 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Skaphita crocea sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 80 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Soloe distida sp. n. Uganda, Bethune-Bakf.r p. 429 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Somabracftys, larval peculiarities, Jordan p. 331 Nov. Zool. 16. Sphecosotna mdapera sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 213 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Sphingicampa smithii sp. n. Brazil, Ehrmann p. 87 Canud. Ent. 41. Spilosoma mendica, bilateral- gynandromorph, Booklet Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 96. Stenilema gen. n. Lithosianae p. 352, aurantiaca sp. n. Abyssinia p. 353, Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Stenophalna gen. n., marshalli sp. n* Mashunaland, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 27-28. Stenosaura gen. n. p. 119 Notodon- tidae for impeiita Walk., figured pi. iv f. 45, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Sthenopis thule , metamorphoses Swain e Canad. Ent. 41 pp. 337-343 pi. x. Stidzaeras gen. n. Ardianae type strigifera Druce, Hampson p. 364 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. 329 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Noctuidae, Slracena bolivari sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Kheil p. 492 Mem. Soc. espan. Syntarctia jasciata p. 227, russus p. 228, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Syntomis triangulata sp. n. Beyrouth, Culot p. 271 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — S. alicia var. n. apicalis O.- Afrika, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 109. Taragama supcrba p. 15 Cameroon, cibyssinica p. 16 Abyssinien, congoense p. 16, gamma p. 17, Congo, spp. n., Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5. — T. in- dicus p. 148 pi. vi fig. 1, cndulosa p. 157 pi. ix fig. 2-3, spp. n., Conte Trav. Lab. etud. soio 13. — T. diplocyma sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 30 & p. 130, Hamp- son Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Teracotona flavipennis ab. n. rufi- pennis O.-Afrika, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 115. Tessellarctia distincta sp. n. Amazons, Rothschild p. 207 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Tetraplileps rup.ceps sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 36 & p. 133, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Thaumetopoea apologetica sp. n. O.- Afrika, Strand Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 196. — T. processionea, Reinberger In- tern. ent. Zs. 2 p. 269. Trichopisthia gen. n. Typus Lasio- campa monteiroi Druce, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 p. 15 f. 47. Tricypha nigrescens sp. n. Paraguay, Rothschild p. 275 Nov. Zool. 16. Tripura vo'zi sp. n. Sumatra, Wey- mer D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 25. Trisulopsis gen. n. fur Trisula clathrata Griinb., Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 141. Tuerla (Mis a) ruspina sp. n. Franz. Congo, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 5 No. 5 pp. 9-10 f. 43. — T. insulicola sp. n. Trinidad, Hampson p. 365 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Turuptiana afflnis, ocJcendeni, p. 296, bricenoi p. 297, spp. n., S. America, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Volgarctia Alpli., Synonym mit Pal- parctia, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 274. Xanthospilopteryx limbomaculata sp* n. O.-Afrika, Strand Soc. entomol. 24 p. 108. Zana trifasciala sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 37 & p. 118, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Zatrephes rosacea pi. iv figs. 29 & 30* p. 27, lclagesi f. 31, variegata f. 32, flavipuncta f. 33, irrorata f. 34, p. 28,. crvciata f. 35, rufescens , ocJcendeni f. 36, p. 29, brunnea, griseorufa f. 37, binotata f. 38, p. 30, bilineata f. 39, foliacea figs.. 41-43, snbfJ.avescens pi. v f. 1, p. 31,. gigantca f. 2, albescens f. 3, nitida f. 5, miniata f. 6, p. 32, sublutcscens f. 7 p. 33, spp. n., S. America, bilineata rufobrunnea subsp. n. pi. iv f. 40 p. 31, Rothsciitld Nov. Zool. 16. Zeuzera pyrin a , Biologie, Scliaden, Bekampfung in Russland (Russ.), Schreiner Trd. b. entom. ucen. kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. St. Petcrburg 6 3 190& (1-23 -f- 1 mit 10 fig. i. T.). Zygacna ; new forms, Dziurzynski Wion JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 19 pp. 135- 136; Variationen, Dziurzynski T.c. p. 143; Zygaenay palaearktischen Arten, Dziurzynski Berliner ent. Zs. 53 ^ pp. 250-253 ; Raupen, Dziur- zynski Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 64-65 ; Z. purpuralis, Tratjtmann Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 295 ; exulans, dunkle Stiicke, Trautmann Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 296 ; Zygaena, Kopula, verschiedenen Arten, Meder Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 27 ; as- tragali abb. n. jlara and flavcola Schwa- bische Alb, Kaufmann Ent. Zs. 2£ p. 121 ; carniolica var. n. rliodeophaict Modling, Schawerda Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 326 ; jucunda, segre- gata ab. n. simplex, pheretes ab. n. minor and ab. n. pupillata etc. ; Mu- schamp Bui. Soc. Lep. Geneve 1 p. 366- 369. Noctuidae. Catalogue of Noctuidae', Acronyctinae pt. 2 ; Hamtson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Part i of an iconography of European Noctuidae has been issued by Culot of Geneva. Bestimmungstabellen fur die Noctui- den Russlands Lief iii (Russ.), Sinegub. pp. 1-160 18 cm. 0,35 Rub. The genitalia of d Noctuidae , British species, Pierce 100 pp. & 32 pis. Liver- pool 1909. — Review, Chatman Ento- mologist 42 pp. 102-104. Neues Sinnesorgan am Abdomen der Noctuiden, Deegenf.r Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 27 pp. 631-650 1 Taf. 330 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1909] Aboricornis chrysopepla pi. iv f. 12 & p. 106, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Acantholipes ochrota sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 23 & p. 113, Hampson T.c. Acopa incana pi. cxxxii f. 29 & p. 411, perpallida f. 30 & p. 412, Hampson Cat. Lep. Plial. 8. . Acosmctia arida sp. n. Egypte, Joannis Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 70. — A. tenuipennis sp. n. Formosa p. 412 & pi. cxxxiii f. 1, arida f. 2 & p. 414, Hampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Acronycta albiorbis Travancore p. 74, albistigma Japan pi. cxxv f. 12 & p. 93, spp. n.f incretata n. n. for increta Butl. p. 109, cyanescens Canada pi. cxxvi t. 6 & p. 129, pulverosa Japan ( = pruinosa Leech nec Guen.) f. 9 & p. 133, app. n., chionochroa n. n. for lepusculina Sm. & D. nec Guen. f. 13 & p. 136, metaxantha sp. n. W. China pi. cxxvi f. 17 & p. 139 ; iheodora pi. cxxiv f. 9 & p, 62, mansueta f. 10 & p. 63, hemi- levca f. 11 & p. 64, vinnula f. 12 & p. 65, paupercula f. 13 & p. 66, lepctita f. 14 & p. 67, parallela f. 15, albarufa f. 16, p. 68, connecta f. 17 & p. 69, exilis f. 18 & p. 70, modica f. 19, ovata f. 20 p. 71, haesitata f. 21 & p. 72, hasta f. 22 & p. 73, marmorata f. 23 & p. 74, crenulata f. 24 & p. 76, fragilis f. 25, litvrata f, 26, p. 77, brumosa f. 27 & p. 78, inclara f. 28, clarescens f. 29, p. 80, minella f. 30 & p. 81, superans f. 31 & p. 82, subochrea I. 32 & p. 83, noctivaga pi. cxxv f. 1 & p. 84, carbonaria f. 2 & p. 85, afjlicta f. 3 & p. 86, hamamelis f. 4 & p. 87, increta f. 5, retardata f. 6, p. 88, caesarea i . 7 & p. 89, impleta f. 8, illita f. 9, p. 90, pruinosa f. 10 & p. 91, consanguis f. 11 & p. 92, albistigma i. 12 & p. 93, cato- caloida f. 13 & p. 95, quadrata i. 14, strigulata f. 15, p. 101, thoracica f. 16 & p. 102, laetifica f. 17 & p. 103, lobeliae f. 18 & p. 104, manitoba f. 19, furcifera i. 20, p. 105, maxima f. 21 & p. 112, iria f. 22 & p. 113, taurica f. 23 & p. 115, eldora f. 24 & p. 118, tritona f. 25 & p. 119, falcula f. 26, elizabeta f. 27, p. 120, revellata f. 28 & p. 121, grisea f. 29 & p. 122, funeralis f. 30 & p. 124, morula i. 31 & p. 125, transversata f. 32 & p. 126, tota pi. cxxvi f. 1, radcliffei f. 2, p. 127, felina f. 3 & p. 128, frigida f. 4 & p. 129, pacifica f. 6, interrupta f. 7, p. 130, spinigera f. 8 & p. 131, cana- densis f. 10, Cinderella f. 11, p. 135, lepusculina f. 12 & p. 136, populi f. 14 & p. 137, similana f. 15, gastridia f. 16, p. 138, nigricans f. 18, emaculata f. 19, p. 140, impressa f. 20 & p. 141, distans f. 21 & p. 142, edolata f. 22, lithospila f. 23, p. 143, barnesi f. 24 & p. 144, perdAa f. 25, extricata f. 26, p. 145, rubricoma f. 27, centralis f. 28, p. 148, tiena f. 29, bicolor f. 30, p. 150, betulae f. 31, americana f. 32, p. 151, hesperida pi. cxxvii f.l & p. 152, dactylina f. 2 & p. 154, insita f. 3, innotata f. 4, p. 155, othello f. 50 p. 156, longa f. 6, sperata f. 7, p. 157, cretata f. 8 & p. 160, Hamp- son Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. — A. alni, Zucht, Gadolla Graz. Mitt. Natw. Yer. Steierm. 45 p. 443. — A. pontica Vor- kommen in Mittelouropa, Fisoiier Ent. ltdsch. 26 p. 29. — A. megacephala, oino dunklo Abart, Warnkcke Ent. Zs. 23 p. 129. — A. aceris food -plant, Sioh p. 237 Entomologist 42. Acroria mexicana sp. n. Jalapa p. 278 pi. cxxix f. 4, denterna f. 3 & p. 277, diminuta f. 5 & p. 279, Hampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Acroriodes gen. n. for diplolopha Dr., Hampson p. 279 T.c. Agriopodes gen. n. p. 38, typo Moma fallax , geminata p. cxxiii f. 27 & p. 39, tybo f. 28, viridata f. 29 p. 40, Hampson T.c. Agrotis elaeopis pi. iv f. 7 & p. 106, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — A., for- mosensis sp. n. Formosa, Hampson p. 369 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — Agrotis ; Entwicklungsstillstand oder Somraer- ruho, Hanonow Berliner ent. Zs. 63 pp. 295-296. — A. cinerea, Biologie, Srdi'nko (!)as. (*tesk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1909 pp. 153-158. — A. constanti, Mceurs et metamorphoses, Brown Paris Ann. soc. ent. 78 pp. 1-4 fig. — A . corticea, Z wit ter, Ramme Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 313. — A. cursoria, Formen, Riesen Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. (5). — A. latens. Biologic und Zucht, Srdjnko Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 259 ; Biologie, Srdi'nko Cas. Cesk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 p. 87. — A. lucipeta Lebensweise und Zucht, SrdInko Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 89-90 95 ; Biologie, Srdi'nko C’as. Cesko Spol. Entomolog. 1909 p. 4. — A . margaritacea, SrdInko Oas. Ceske Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 55-58. — A. molothina in der Senne, Landwehr Ent. Zs. 23 p. 128 ; Verbreitung ini Deutschland, Wabnecke Ent. Zs. 23 p. 90. — A . peterseni nom. n. pro evers- manni, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 331 Insecla. Systematic. — Noctuidae. 8 p. 272. — A. segetum Biologic, Bcschrei- bung, Parasiten, Futterpflanzon, Be- kampfung in Russland, Rassikov Trd. b. entom. ucen. kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 6 5 pp. 1-122 4 Taf. ; Schaden und Auftreten in Siidrussland, Ei, Merkmale der Raupe und Puppe, Schreiner Selisk. ehoziain 24 p. 935 etc. ; Schaden an Runkelruben, Vasiljev Vestn. sach. promysl. 10 pp. 565-570 ; Dauer dor Metamorphose, Plug, Bekampfung, Pospelov Vestn. sacharn. promysl. 10 pp. 130-135 172-177 ; im Gouv. Charlkov, Lebensgeschichte, Genera- tioncn etc., KurdInmov Charlkov 1908 p. 31 ; A. segetum, trifolii , Verwandlung, Zeit des Auftretens, Schaden, Bekamp- fung im Gouv. Kiev, Pospelov Choziajstov 4 pp. 152-165 199-207. Aileta escalerai sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Kheil p. 494 Mom. Soc. espan. 1. Amiana continent pi. cxxxvi f. 25 & p. 539, niama f. 26 & p. 540, Hampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Amphidrina pexicera sp. n. Cape Colony p. 295, glaucistis pi. cxxix f. 7 & p. 296, spaelotidia f. 8 & p. 297, Hampson T.c. Andropolia illepida pi. ccxvii f. 30 & p. 200, pulverulenta f. 31 & p. 201, pallifera f. 32 & p. 202, dispar pi. cxxviii f . 1 & p. 203, ochracea f. 25, olorina f. 29, p. 204, aedon f. 5 & p. 205, extincta f. 8 & p. 206, maxima f. 32 & p. 207, acera f. 4 & p. 208, Hampson T.c. Avxjitia albirufa sp. n. Peru, Bruce p. 464 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Antaplaga subfumosa sp. n. Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 25. Anumeta and Palpangula synonymy, distinguished from Melipotis , John p. 116 Rev. russe Ent. 9. Anydrophila gen. n. for part of Pal- pangula, John Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 123- 125. Arcyophora clathrimaculata, piperi- tella, spp. n., Zambesi, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 1 p. 380. Arcyothora mesonephele sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 431 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ariathisa semiluna pi. iv f. 13 & p. 107, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — A. chionopasta pi. cxxxi f. 22 & p. 393, heterogama pi. cxxxii f. 17 & p. 404, adelopa f. 23 & p. 407, spp. n., Aus- tralia ; pelosticta pi. cxxxi f. 22 & p. 383, endesma f. 23 & p. 384, cornuta f. 24, euchroa f. 25, p. 385, amathodes f. 26 & p. 386, tortisigna f. 27 & p. 390, chrysospila f. 28 & p. 391, paragypsa f. 29, gypsina f. 30, p. 392, paratorna f. 31 & p. 393, cyanoloma pi. cxxxii f. 1, callimora f. 2, p. 394, etoniana f. 3, hydraecioides f. 4, p. 395, marginalia f. 5 & p. 396, microspila f. 6, atmoscopa f. 7, p. 397, confinis f. 8, poliocrossa f. 9, p. 898,porphyrcscensi. 10, bistrigulai. 11, p. 399, capularia f. 12 & p. 400, atra f. 13 & p. 401, microdes f. 14 & p. 402, alrisquamata f. 15, cryphaea f. 16, p. 403, monochroa f. 180 & p. 404, adel- phodes f. 19, leucosticta f. 20, p. 405, interferens f. 21, flexirena f. 22, p. 406, nycteris f. 24 & p. 407, basisticha f. 25, siriolata f. 26, p 408, acallis f . 27, melano - grapha f. 28, p. 409 ; Hampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Athetis melanopis p. 301 pi. cxxix f. 10, nephrosticta f. 11 & p. 303, polio- strota f. 13 & p. 304, foveata p. 307, gonionephra p. 315 & f. 22, S. Africa, leucosticta E. Africa p. 323 & f. 26, longi- ciliata Assam p. 324 & f. 28, melano- sticta E. Africa p. 342 pi. cxxx f. 10, flavipuncta f. 11, croceipuncta f. 12, p. 343, heliastis p. 348 & f. 18, S. Africa, anomoeosis E. Africa f. 19 & p. 349, leuconephra f. 21 & p. 350, melanopis f. 23 & p. 351, melanephra p. 352 & f . 25, S. Africa, flavitincta p. 316 & f. 29, stygia p. 357 & f. 30, Punjab, aeschria Cape Colony p. 358 & f. 31, hyperaeschra E. Africa p. 364 & pi. cxxxi f. 1, spp. n., chionopis n. n. for leucopis Hamps. p. 299, albipuncta pi. cxxix f. 9 & p. 300, rufipuncta f . 12 17 & p. 243, latijascia f . 18 & p. 247, ornithogalli (N-11091 ;) f. 19 & p. 248, praefica f. 20 & p. 250, mamma f. 21 & p. 251, Hampson T.c. Prometopus albistigma pi. cxxxi f. 6 & p. 368, horologa f . 7 & p. 369, nodyna f. 8 & p. 370, Hampson T.c. — P. passalota sp. n. Birchip, Turner Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 34 p. 342. Prorachia gen. n. for Thalpochares daria Dr., Hampson p. 230 Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Prothrinax gen, n. for Aleptina luleomedia Sm., Hampson p. 225 T.c.: Proxenus dissimilis Japan pi. cxx'xiii f. 15 , hennia f. 22 & p. 436, tristis f. 23 & p. 437 ; Hampson T.c. Plerocydophora pratti sp. n. New Guinea, Druce p. 348 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Remigia pectinata sp. n. Ruwenzori, pi. iv f. 32 & p. 110, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Renia exserta Ontario, lilosalis New' York, spp. n., p. 70, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 17. Ruacodes gen. n. for Hadena tela Sm., Hampson p. 537 Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Sarmatia indenta sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 433 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Saroptila gen. n. milichias , megalo - sara, spp. n., Kuranda, Turner Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 pp. 353-354. Sarrothripa abstrusa sp. n. Kuranda, Turner p. 334 T.o. Scopariopsis gen. n. near Diparopsis p. 141, viridigrisea , grisea, Kamerun, pallidegrisea Ost. - Afrika, spp. n.. p. 145, Strand Ent. Rdsch. 26. Senta maritima Lebensweist, Rangnow Berliner ent. Zs. 54 pp. 64- 67. Simplicia rectalis, ii Generation und Zucht vom Ei, Hasebrock Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 167-168. Simyra henrici pi. cxxvii f. 13 & p. 176, colorada f. 14 & p. 177, conspersa f. 16 & p. 179, albicosta sp. n. Madras d 31 338 Insecla. ' XII, Insecta. p. 178 pi. cxxviif . 15, Hampson CeL Lep. Phal. 8. <<{ , Spodoptera unibraculata pi. cxxviii f. 22 & p. 252, Hanson T.o. Stauropidea gen. n. p. 269 for Antachara auperba Dr., persimilis sp. n. Costa Rica and Trinidad, p. 270, Hampson T.c. Stibadium psama thochromum p. 22, c renulosum, concinnum, p. 23, spp. n., Mexico, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washing- ton 11. in' Strigiphlebia gen. n., flavirena sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 283 Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Stygiathethis gen. n. for Radinacra mus Hamps:, Hampson p. 444 T.c. Taeniocampa rorida Naturgeschichte, Gerwien Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 12 - 14 ; Eizucht, Siegel Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 31. — T. stabilis var. n. dalmatica, Wagner Ent. Zs. 23 p. 18. — T. occluna New Mexico p. 64, quinque- fcisciuta U.S. and Canada p. 65, spp. n.. Smith J. New York Ent. Soc. 17. Tarache micropia Parana, ochrochroa Brazil, spp. n., Druce p. 462 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — T. xuthosoma, pinodes, Port Darwin, Turner Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 34 pp. 349-350. — T. niphogona sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 17 & p. 109, Hampson Tr. Zool. Soc. 19. Tarachidia aemibrunnea sp. n. Para- guay, Druce p. 462 Ann, Nat. Hist. 3. Tetanolita grata California p. 68, fulata p. 69 Pennsylvania, spp. n.. Smith J. New York Ent. Soc. 17. Thalatha malagassica sp. n. Madagas car p. 42, ececei pi. cxxiii f. 30 & p. 44, psorallina f. 31 & p. 45, cebeae f. 32 & p. 46, melaleuca n. n. for Tarache kebeae Beth.-Bak. pi. cxxiv f. 2 & p. 48, Hampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Thalpocharea deaerti sp. n. Algeria, Rothschild Ent. Zs. 23 p. 142. Thargelia gigantea sp. n. Sinai, Rebel Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh.p. 132. Thyaa dicoela Cairns, crimnopaata Townsville, spp. n., Turner Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 34 p. 346. Timora diarhoda sp.. n. Transvaal, Hampson p. 366 Ann, Net, Hist. 4. [1909] Toxocampa lusoria ab. fuaca, Kysela Polyxena 1. Trichestra serrata Kashmir, reni- puncta, p. 372, melanochra p. 373, goniophora p. 374, Peru, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Troctoptera nymphula sp. n. Ussuri- gebiet, Rebel Wien Yerh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 p. 375. Thyatirodea gen. n. for Thyatira godalma Schaus, Hampson p. 282 Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Ugana gen. n, Quadriftdae p. 97, piana sp. n. Uganda p. 98, Swiniiob Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Westermannia ochreoplaga sp. . n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 430 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Xylina nasar, atara, p. 62, Arizona, spp. n., Smith J. New York Ent. Soc. 17. Xylinissa pulverea sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 388 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Xylomoea didonea pi. cxxxvi f. 24 & p. 536, Hampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 8. Xylomyges ochrea sp. n. Peru pi. cxxix f. 1 & p. 273, peruviana pi. cxxviii f. 31, sunia p. cxxix f. 2 & p. 274, Hampson, T.c. — X. argus California, nicalia Washington, p. 66, tantiva Arizona p. 67, spp. n., Smith J. New York Ent. Soc. 17. Xyloatola olivata sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 16 & p. 108, Hampson Tv- Zool. Soc. 19. Zethes tephraea sp. n. Kuranda, Turner Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 34 p. 348. Zophochroa psoloessa sp. n. Kuranda, Turner p. 353 T.c. Geometridae. (Incl. Uraniidae, Epiplemidae and Cymatoph oridac.) Abraxas consputa sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 181.— A. groasulariata, 18 abb. n. England, Raynor pp. 270-272 Ent. Rec. 21 ; Var., Sperring p. 197 with cut Ent. Rec. 21. Achlora erina and discipuncta to Miantonota, Warren p. 81 Nov. zool. 16. 339 Instcta. S Y3TEMATIC. — GbOMETRIDAE, * Acidalia; synonymy and applica- tion, Prout pp. 3 & 4 Entomologist 42. — A. displicitala sp. n. Spanish Guinoa, Kheil p. 494 Mom. Soc. cspan. 1. — A . balestraria sp. n. Tunis, Lucas Paris Bui. soc. ent. • 1909 p. 72.— A. lobariap. 30, seabraria p. 44,bucepha- laria p. 45, spp. n., Biskra, Chretien Naturaliste Paris 31. — A. holliata sp. n. Syria, Homberg p. 229 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — A. mascula p. 318, tremula , obliquisignata, Usambara Mo- zambik, p. 319, spp. n.y Bastelberger D. ent. Zs.. 1909.— .4. immorata var. n. porasa Viatka, Krulikovsky Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 310. Aeschropteryx ansorgei ab. n. julvi- tincta, Warren p. 120 Nov. Zool. 16. Aids farracearia ab. n. pallescens Formosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 178. — A. rubicundajiyberniata, psittacata, spp. n. Formosa, Bastel- berger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 33. Anapalta immixta sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 228 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — A. subtrita sp. n. Peru, p. 91, acerbata abb. n. perscripta and variegata p. 90, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Anisogamia subjasdata sp. n. Solomon islds., Warren p. 124 T.c. Anisopteryx aescularia urshumnria var. n. Gouv. Viatka, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 242. Anomphax gen. n. Qeometrinae for Omphax gnoma Butl., Warren p. 74 Nov. Zool. 16. Antharmostes fusdmargo sp. n. Congo, Warren p. 112 T.c. Anthyperythra sabulosa sp. n. For- mosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. Aplodes delicatula sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 87 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Bapta and Lomographa, synonymy, Prout p. 280 Entomologist 42. Bassania extremata distinct not var. of amethytala, goleta Ddgn. (as Crocallis) (annuli f era Warr. == fortis Warr.), Warren p. 107 Nov. Zool. 16. Berberodcb commaculata, fasdata, spp. n., S. America, Warren p. 95 T.c. Boar mi a exterritorialis sp. n. O.- Afrikar, StranP Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 108. — B. uhligi sp. R. O. -Afrika, Strand Intern. (n-11091 j) ent. Zs. 3 p. 129. — B. scortca, nubeculosa, semiusta, spp. n. Formosa, Bastel- berger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 33.— B, crepuscu- lar ia var. n. pallidaria Viatka, Kruli- kovsky Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 313. — B. repandata , Adkin Proc. S. London Entom. Soc. 1909 pp. 1-4. Bordeta bursadoides sp. n. New Guinea with ab. uniannulata , WARREN p. 127 Nov. Zool. 16. Brachyprota ? trigonata sp. n. Colom- bia, Dognin p. 226 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Bupalus piniarius, Zwitter, DziuR- zynski Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 159. Calicha fumosaria ab. n. fulvifusa Formosa, BASTELBEfeoER D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 179. Callipseu-stes subsignata , pullaria Dogn. (as Hyperetis) == ( parambicola Warr.), peninsulata , Warren p. 101 Nov. Zool. 16. Callitaera distorta sp. n. Uganda^ Swinhoe p. 92 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Cambogia obscura, lilacea , spp. n,, Colombia, Dognin p. 229 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Capasa insularis sp. n. . Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. Catascia alcides sp. n. Kassai riv., Warren p. 119 Nov. Zool. 16. Catoria multipunctata sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 232 Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique 53. Cheimatobia brumata Schaden, Bio- logie, Bekampfung in Russland, Schreiner Trd. b. entom. uc. Komi Gl. Upr. Zeml. 6 2 pp. 1-14 2 Fig. i T. Chesias korbi sp. n. Russ. Armenien, Bohatsch Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 19 p. 163. Chloroctenis conspersa sp. n. Dar-es- Salaam, Warren p. 114 Nov. Zool. 16. Chloromiza rufaria sp. n. Angola, Warren p. 120 Nov. Zool. 16. Chrostobapta gen. n. for Macaria deletaria Moore, Warren p. 127 Nov. Zool. 16. Chrysocraspeda nigribasalis sp. n. Natal, Warren p. 112 Nov. Zool. 16. Cicada therniochroa sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 63 & p. 129, Hampson Tr. zool. d 31—2 340 lnaecla. XII. Insecta. [1909] Soc. 19. — 0. ochreivittata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. — C. suffumata ab. porrittii , Porritt p. 64 Entomologist 42. Cleora takenaria sp. n. Catskill mts., Pearsall p. 119 Canad. Ent. 41. — C. agrestaria p. 193, fragilaria p. 194, spp. n., California, Grossbeck Canad. Ent. 41. Coenocalpe and Stamnodes separated, components, Pearsall p. 366 Canad. Ent. 41. — (7. franckata sp. n. Arizona, Pearsall Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 11 p. 130. — C. elegans sp. n. Arizona, Geossbeck p. 154 Canad. Ent. 41. Comibaena biviaria sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 60 & p. 126, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Conolophia macvlata subsp. n. rubri- fusa, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 281. Cophocerotis subrosea sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 92 Nov. Zool. 16. Craspedia atnmentaria sp. n. Afrika, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 101. — C. protubcrans sp. n. Durban, Warren p. 113 Nov. Zool. 16. Cymatophora or ab. albingensis, Hasebroek Ent. Rdsch. 26 pp. 51-53 and Slevogt Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 134. — C. tenebrosa sp. n. Tucuman, Warren p. 100 Nov. Zool. 16. Cymopsia interlineata Borg to Devaro- dea, Warren p. 100 T.c. Dcrambila marginepundata Angola, larula Madagaskar, spp. n., Bastel- berger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 281. Dialephtis bicurvata sp. n. Columbia, Bastelberger p. 267 T.c. Dichorda uniformis sp. n. Trinidad, Warren p. 75 Nov. zool. 16. Drepanodca neoselena sp. n. Auckland Isl., Meyrick Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 70. Dyscia. strigosissima sp. n. Angola, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 281. Dysephyra lutea sp. n. Ecuador, Dognin p. 89 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Dysphania flavicorpua p. 123, semi- julva p. 124, spp. n., Solomon islds., Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Edropis discolor sp. n. Sumatra, Swinhoe p. 93 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — E. subflava p. 33, coalescens p. 39, spp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 33. Egybolis vaillantina ab. n. vittatula O. Afrika, Strand Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 130. Elphos mollrechii sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 179. Ematurga atomaria var. n. trans- alpinaria Ober-Italien, Frings Soc. entomol. 24 p. 77 ; ab. n. meinhardi Semiretschje, Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 273-274. Emmesomia formosana sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. Emmiltis quadrifasciata sp. n. O.- Afrika, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 101. — E. kagiata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 172. Ennomos subsignaria swarms, Broad - well p. 392 Canad. Ent. 41. E pigynopteryx deformis sp. n. Durban, Warren p. 120 Nov. Zool. 16. — E. bipundaria sp. n. Congo, Bastel- berger p. 441 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Epiplema confuscata, rotunda , spp. n., Sierra Leone, Warren p. 110 Nov. Zool. 16. — E. flavida sp. n. Malay penins., Warren p. 123 T.c. Epirrhantis pulvcrata var. n. palli- daria, Wendlandt Ent. Zs. 22 p. 222. Epirrhoe formosicola sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. — E. submarginata sp. n. Srinagar, Warren p. 126 Nov. Zool. 16. Erateina staminifera, rustica, spp. n. Columbia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 82. Erebochlora decolor sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 227 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ereunetea curvifera p. 115, flava> semifumida, p. 116, spp. n., W. Africa, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Erilophodes arana ab. n. fumipennis , Warren p. 109 T.c. Eualloea gen. n. near Neocrasia subbifasciata sp. n. Peru with var. suffusa, Warren p. 75 T.c. 341 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Geometridae. Eucrostes halimarici p. 18, rhoisarta p. 30, spp. n. Biskra, Chretien Naturaliste Paris 31. — E . desertoria sp. n. Sinni, Rebel Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 137. Eupithecia ; Dietze Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 174-175; Synonymy of North American, Taylor pp. 425-428 Canad. Ent. 41. — E. miserulata characters and synonymy, Swett p. 396 Canad. Ent. 41. — E. exudata p. 120, promulgata p. 121, albigrisata p. 122, jortunata p. 123, conceptata p. 124, quakerata p. 125, limnata p. 126, usurpata p. 127, classicata p. 128, spp. n., U.S., Pear- sall Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 11. Euxanthis straminea var. n. wiatkensis. Krulirovskij Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 9 p. 208. Gelasma dealbata sp. n. Peru, sub- rufescens var. n. pollens, Warren p. 76 Nov. Zool. 10. — G. punctilinea sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Bounin p. 88 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Geometra papilionaria ab. n. alba Deutschl., Gillmer Soc. entomol. 24 p. 42. Gladela nom. n. for Sympherta Hulst, Grossbeck Ent. News 20 p. 353. Gnophos mucidaria var. n. lust tana pi. xii figs. 16-27, Mendes Broteria 8 p. 69. — G. obscuraria f. n. atra , Linstow Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 239. — G. caelibaria Var., operaria Var., Pieszczek Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 20 pp. 43-131. — G. puengeleri sp. n. Alai Geb., Bohatsch Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 19 p. 163. — G. ainuaria sp. n. Formosa, Bastelbebger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 33. Gonodela cretiguttata sp. n. Angola, Bastelberqer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 281. Grjostega indentata, longicomata, tri- cristata, spp. n., Amazons, Warren p. 96 Nov. Zool. 16. Halioscia ruptimacula sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 77 Nov. Zool. 16. Ilammaptera sphagnicolor sp. n. Peru, Bastelberqer Soc. entomol. 24 p. 66. Hemerophila curta sp. n. Durban, Warren p. 119 Nov. Zool. 16.— II. dbruptaria ab. barcimonaria, Hom- Rerg Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 88. — H. japygiaria var. n. fidelensis pi. xiii figs. 1-6, Mendes Broteria 8 p. 71 ,* Stando, Dannehl Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 19- 20. — II. serraria Stande, Dannehl Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 75-77. Hemistola annuligera sp. n. Srinagar, Warren p. 125 Nov. Zool. 16. Hemitliea decipiens sp. n. S. America, Warren p. 77 T.c. Heterephyra decor ata, just linen, spp. n., Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 88 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Heterolocha biplagiata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberqer Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. Heterusia prusioides p. 229, amila , jragilis , p. 230, spp. n., Colombia, Dognin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — H. ephestris ab. n. Integra, Warren p. 92 Nov. Zool. 16. Ilyalopola bifasciata sp. n. Peru, Bastelbebger Soc. entomol. 24 p. 66. — II. panopaeoides sp. n. Peru, Bastelberqer D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 137. Hybernia marginaria Zwitter, Muller Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 124. Hydata radiata p. 77, scripturata p. 78, spp. n., Peru, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Hydriomena densata sp. n. Arizona, Grossbeck p. 153 Canad. Ent. 41. — II. baYnesata p. 229, cochiseata p. 230,. chiricahuata , Arizona, glenwoodata, p.. 231, edenata p. 232, Colorado, spp. n., Swett Canad. Ent. 41. — H. regulata sp. n. Arizona, Pearsall Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 11 p. 131. — II. ranulodes sp. n. Columbia, Bastelbebger Soc- entomol. 24 p. 66. Hymenomima mediorasa sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 90 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ilypenorhynchus permarmorata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberqer Ent. Zs- 23 p. 34. Hypochrosis mimaria sp. n. Sumatra,, Swinhoe p. 92 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — H. glaucaria pi. iv f. 62 & p. 123, maculifera f. 53 & p. 124, spp. n- Ruwenzori, Hampson Tr. zool. Soo. 19. Ilyposidra mixtilinea sp. it. W. Africa, Warren p. 121 Nov. Zool. 16. Icterodes fumigata, taiwanica, spp. n.. Formosa, Bastelberqer Ent. Zs.. 23 p. 33. 342 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Jnduna pura sp. n. Uganda, Swinhoe p. 94 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Iridoplecta differens sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 77. . Ischriopteris illineata with var. tri- maculata p. 101, mediosecta p. 102, obfuscata, multistrigata, p. 103, spp. n., S. America, pronubata J p.102, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. ‘ Josia cinnulata sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 223 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — •/. discrepans sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 70 Nqv. Zool. 16. — J. biflammata sp. n. Columbia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 82. Lar$ntia heteromorpha pi. iv f. 01, chlordstola f. 02, spp. n., Ruwenzori, Hampson p. 128 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — L. niveiplaga sp. n. Formosa, Bastel- berger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. — L. infidaria ab. n. migrofasciata, Wagner Ent. Zs. 23 p. 18. — L. bulgariata Raupe, Pungeler Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. (238). — L. dilutata var. sand- lergi, Massenflug am Kola-Fjord, Derjugin Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 130. — L. ferrugatd, ab., Meissl Wien JahrBer. Entom. Vcr. 19 p. 7 ; L. ferrugata ab. n. georgi Sehneeberg, Meissl Wien Jahr- Ber. Entom. Yer. 19 p. 47. — L. juni- perata ab. n. kardakovi Viatka, Kruli- 3COVSK.IJ Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 273. — L. kollariaria, Hoffmann Ent. Zs. 22 p. 205. — L. lugubrata ab. rt. denigrata Deutschl., Gillmer Soc. entomol. 24 p. 42. — L. rivata ab. n. inexpedata (an sp. divcrsa) Gouv. Vjatka, Kruli- kovskij Muter, faun. flor. Ross. 9 pp. 149-151. — L. serraria ab.,RANGNO^v Berliner ont. Zs. 54 p. (51) pi. i f. 9. Leptolopha gen. n. type Lissochlora fianlimes, nigri punctata, p. 78, permagna p. 79, spp. n., Peru, jlavilimes ab. n. decorata p. 78, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Leuciris amplimargo, latimargo, spp. • n., Peru, Warren p. 97 T.c. Lissochlora albilineata, L.1 marcida, spp. n., S. America, Warren p. 79 T. c. Lobogonodes gen. n. fur Hypenor- rhinchus permarmorata Bastelb., Bas- telberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 108. Lomographa languida, perampla, rufi- frons, spp. n., Peru, Warren p. 94 Nov. Zool. 16. Lophochlora annuligera sp. n. Uganda, Swinhoe p. 94 Ann. Nat. ftist. 3. Loxaspilates arrizanaria sp. n. For- mosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. Loxolephria padanga sp. n. Sumatra, Swinhoe p. 93 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Lozogramma imitata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. Luxiaria amasa ab. n. melanops Formosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 170. Lygris incxpectatci, $ (Russ.), Kruli- kovskij Rev, russ. ent. 9 p. 313. Macaria trizonaria pi. iv f. 47 & p. 120, atriclathrata f. 48 & p. 121, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Melanoscia siderato var. n. intensa, Dognin p. 232 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Melochlora discata Peru, tenuis Trini- dad, spp. n., affinis ab. n. abscondita, Warren p. 80 Nov. Zool. 16. Alesoleuca walkerata sp. n. Cat&kill mts., Pearsall p. 119 Canad. Ent. 41. — M. actuata sp. n. Arizona, Pearsall Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 11 p. 129. Miantochora ochreomacidata sp. n. Congo, Warren p. 121 Nov. Zool. 16. Miantonota consimilis sp. n. Peru, erina ab. n. disjuncta, Warren p. 81 T.c. Microgonia subcana with ab. obf uscata sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 107 T.c. Microloxia herbaria Fabr. = (Ne- moria paularia Mooschl. =» Lissochlora intacta Warron), Warren p. 82 Nov. Zool. 16. — M. ruhripunctata sp. n. Kagoshima, Warren p. 125 T.c. Mimomanes subpulchra sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 92 T.c. Mimomiza fulvipennis sp. n. Srinagar, Warren p. 128 T.c. Mychonia graphica ab. n. fleximargo, Dognin p. 232 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiquo 53. Myrioblephara semifascia sp. n. For- mosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. Stutt- gart 23 p. 39. Nasusina opinata sp. n. Arizona, Pearsall Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 11 p. 119. Negla iturina sp. n. Africa, Bethune- Baker p. 435 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Nematocampa perfusa sp. n. Columbia, Bastelberqer Intern, ont. Zs. 3 p. 83. 343 Insecta. Systematic. — Geometridae. Nemoria brunneifrons sp. n. Ruwen- zori pi. iv f. 59 & p. 120, Hamfson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Neofidonia signata sp. n. Fr. Guiana , Dognin p. 89 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Nephodia incanata Brasilia p. 132, triangulifera Columbia p. 133, albi- taenia, obscuriorata Peru p. 134, spp. n., Bastelberger D. ont. Zs. 1909. Nesipola gen. n. near Racheospila, impunctnta sp. n. Dominica, Warren p. 82 Nov. Zool. 16. Nipleria crypsiscia p. 230, eccentrica p. 231, spp. n., Colombia, Dognin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — N. obeliscata sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 100 Nov. Zool. 16. — N. iridescens p. 134, subfvligata , Peru, variolata Venezuela, perspersata Peru, p. 135, subatra Columbia, p. 130, spp. n., Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. 1909. Nothabraxas conspersa sp. n. E. Africa, Warren p. 115 NoY. Zool. 16. Nothoterpna gen. n. near Pseudo- terpna, crassisquama sp. n. Angola, Warren p. Ill T.c. Nothopteryx nom. n. for Trichoptcryx Hb., Protjt p. 157 Ent. Rec. 21. Nothypsa gen. n. near Pitthea p. 110, confluens, flaviventer , leonina , impletn, p. 117, ossicolor p. 118, spp. n., W. Africa, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Numeria lilacina sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 33. — N. pulveraria var. n. saturaria B.-H. i. 1., Wagner Ent. Zs. 23 p. 18 ; pulveraria var. saturania — ab. passetii Th. Mieg., Gauckler Ent. Zs. 23 p. 121. Nychiodes lividaria var. n. dalmatina, Wagner En. Zs. 23 p. 18. Nyssia lapponaria variation, Coo’ kayne pi. v & p. 109 Entomologist 42. Odontopera arida subsp. n. albigutlu- lata Formosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 22 p. 175. — O. insulata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 77. Oenoptila camptogrammata sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 104 Nov. Zool. 16. Oenothalict purpurea ab. n. olivata Columbia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 83. — O. plagiata Peru p. 104, vestita Tucuman p. 105, spp. n., Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Omiza lubricata Warr. =»' ( Hypo - chrosis hiresia Sw.), Swinhoe p. 92 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Oospila longiplaga, minor ata, nasuta, p. 83, semiviridis p. 84, spp. n., S. America, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Ophthalmophora consequa p. 97, curvi- linea p. 98, spp. n., Peru, contrariatd ab. n. orbata p. 98, Warren T c. Opisthoxia cinerea , fosteri, spp. n., S. America, Warren p. 99 T.c. — O. gloriosa sp. n. Columbia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 82. Organopoda julvistriga sp. ri. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. . Oricia augusta , dominula , p. 70, fulva, imitatrix , projecla, p. 71, scissa p. 72, spp. n., S. America, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Osteodes perviltata sp. n. Ruwenzorl pi. iv f. 46 & p. 120, IIampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Palcinodes perstrigata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 232 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Panthera pardalaria ab. n. obliterata , Warren p. 100 Nov. Zool. 16. Paracomistis sterrhidopsis sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 232 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Paralophia viridilineata sp. n. For- mosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 77. Patruissa sternaria abb. n. plagicosta and insulata, Warren p. 128 Nov. Zool. 16. Perizoma obscurala lividata spp. n, Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 39 & 77. — P. curvisignata sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 91 Nov. Zool. 16. — P. exangulata sp. n. Srinagar, Warren p. 127 T.c. Perusia complicata ab. n. plena , Warren p. 108 T.c. Phacochlaena biorbiculata sp. n. Ama- zons, Warren p. 72 T.c. Phasiane glarearia ab. n. lutea Deutschl., Gillmer Soc. entom. 24 p. 59. Phibalapteryx calligraphata, Raupe, Pungeler Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien 59 p. 238).— P. lapidata larva, Chapman p. 209 Ent. Rec. 21. 314 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Photoscotosia insularis subsp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. Pisoraca leonaria Wlk. ab. n. macu- lata Congo, Bastelberqeb Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 101. Pitthea internata, thalassina. spp. n., Africa trop., Warren p. 118 Nov. Zool. 16. Pityeja fulvida, tigridata, spp. n. Peru, Warren p. 93 T.c. — P. mangifica sp. n. Peru, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 317. Plateoplia gen. n. type Tephrinopsis ochriciliata Warr., Warren p. 120 Nov. Zool. 16. Plegapteryx viridia sp. n. Durban, Warren p. 122 T.c. Poecilalcis ochrolaria sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. Polypoetes cistrinoides, decorata, p. £24, sublucens, Colombia, leucocrypta Venezuela, p. 225, spp. n., Doonin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. — P. vidua sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 72 Nov. Zool. 1G. Prasinocyma xanthopera sp. n. Congo, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 101. Prdblepsis attenuata sp. n. India, Warren p. 126 Nov. Zool. 16. Prohydata benepida sp. n. Amazons, Warren p. 84 T.c. Prostoma stabilis sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 105 T.c. Psaliodes albifulva sp. n. Peru, War- ren p. 91 T.c. Pseudhemithea gen. n. near Hemithea, detrita sp. n. Angola, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 281. Psilephyra gen. n. near Ephyra, bilineata sp. n. O. Afrika, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 101. . Psilocerea stidigramma pi. iv f. 54, craspigonia f. 55, p. 124, curvimargo f. 56 & p. 125, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Hamp- son Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Psodos quadrifaria var. n. stenotaenia Glocknergebiet, Schwingenschuss Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 69 p. (330). Psyra matsumurai sp. n. Formosa* Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. Racheolopha heteromorpha p. 84, ladecinda, ladeguttata, lunicinda, p. 85, microspila, jontalis, p. 86, spp. n., S. America, trilunaria ab. n. obsolescens p. 86, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Rambara dentiscripta sp. n. Molukken, Bastelberger Soc. entomol. 24 p. 65. Rhodochlora albipunda p. 87, tri- fasciata, ustimargo, p. 88, spp. n., Peru, bruneipalpis abb. n. minor and rufaria p. 87, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Rhodomena fassli, multangulata, spp. n., Colombia, Dognin p. 226 Ann. Soc. (ent. Belgique 53. — R. coronata, sphace- lata, bryodes, Peru, spp. n., Bastel- bergek Soc. entomol. 24 p. 06. Rhombochlora gen. n. noar Rachco- lopha, granulata sp. n. Amazons, Warren p. 89 Nov. Zool. 16. Scotopteryx delitescens sp. n. Formosa , Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 39. Scotura subcoerulea sp. n. Colombia, Dognin p. 225 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — S. intermedia , fusciceps with var. n. obstruda, p. 73, longigutta, S. America, leucophleps Costa Rico, p. 74, spp. n., fulviceps ab. n. quadripunda, p. 73, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Selidosema pulchella sp. n. Arizona Grossbeck p. 156 Canad. Ent. 41. — S. insaria sp. n. Florida, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 27. — S . leucelaea sp. n. New Zealand, Meyriok Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 p. 6. — S. luni- gera, Srdinko 6as. 6eskd Spol. Ento- molog. 1908 p. 18. Semiothisa stramineata sp. n. O. Afrika, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 101. — S. intaminata sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 91 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Sericoptera discolor Peru, insularis Cuba, p. 108, reduda Amazons p. 109, spp. n., Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Somatina fungifera sp. n. Congo, Warren p. 113 T.c. — 8. discata sp. n. Hainan, Warren p. 126 T.c. Spargania rufitaeniata sp. n. Colom- bia, Dognin p. 228 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Stamnodes splendorata sp. n. Arizona, Pearsall p. 367 Canad. Ent. 41. Stegania triamculata mit ab. cog- nataria im Elsass, Goltz Ent. Zs. 23 p. 100. 345 Insect a. Systematic. -^Geometridar— Pyraltdae. Stenalcidia viridigrisea sp. n. Colum- bia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 82. — S. plexilinet sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 90 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Stenaspilales levisaria sp. n. Arizona. Grossbeck p. 190 Canad. Ent. 41 — S. metzaria sp. n. California, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 11 p. 27. Stenoplastis eximia sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 74 Nov. Zool. 16. Sympliytophleps gen. n. Epipleminae, lalifascia sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 09 T. c. Syndromodes fleximargo sp. n. Angola, Warren p. 112 T.c. Synegia secunda sp. n. Sumatra, Swinhoe p. 91 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Synegiodes ornata sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 pp. 34 40. Synelis acutangula sp. n. Uganda, Swinhoe p. 94 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Tachyphyle flaccida p. 89, fuscicosta p. 90, spp. n., S. America, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Tephrinn oleochroa sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 49 & p. 122, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Tephrinopsis sordidula Sp. n. Texas, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 316. Tephroclystia dissertata sp. n. Wallis, Pungeler Soc. Entomol. 20 1905 p. 138. Tephronia sepiaria var. n. lepraria Ungarn and nigra Bozen, Rebel Wien Polyxena 4 p. 2. Tephrosia bistorta and crepuscularia crossing etc., Cockayne p. 125 & pis. xi & xii Ent. Rec. xxi. Terina chrysoplera sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iv f. 58 & p. 120, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — T. latifascia Walk, to Pitthea, Warren p. 118 Nov. Zool. 16. Terpna diff evens sp. n. N. India, Warren p. 124 T.c. Thalera violetta sp. n. Congo, Bastel- berger p. 441 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Thera sororcula sp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 34. Therina fiscellaria var. n. peccataria Massachusetts, Swett Psyche 16 p. 96. Thyatira batis ab. n. derosea, Maurer Wien Jahrber. Entom. Ver. 20 p. 41. Thysanopyga deprivata p. 105, longis- tria, spp. n., Peru, suffecta ab. n. dis- tincta, p. 106, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. Tornos ereclarius sp. n. Arizona,. Grossbeck p. 155 Canad. Ent. 41. Trichozoma gen. n. near Isodiscodes- Warr., picaria sp. n. Columbia, Bastel- berger Intern, ent. Zs. 3 p. 83. Triphosa inconspicua, lugens, spp. n. Formosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 23 p. 77. Urapteryx samhucaria ab. n. cuspi- daria, Bird p. 235 Ent. Rec. 21. Va'ena, characters, V. eaclioides = ( Ciropteryx ochreata Holl.), Warren p. 122 Nov. Zool. 16. Venusia , Euchoeca and Hydrelia ; taxonomy, Prout pp. 93 & 94 Canad. Ent. 41. — V. charidema sp. n. Auckland Isl., Meyrick Subantarct. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 70. Xanthorhoe oxyptera pi. ii fig. 23 p. 67, orophylloides pi. ii fig. 12 p. 68,. Campbell isld., spp. n., Hudson Sub- antarct. Isl. New Zealand 1. Xanthyris involuta Amazons p. 317. supergressa Columbia p. 318, spp. n. Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. 1909. Xylopteryx prasinaria sp. n. Ruwen- zori pi. iv f. 57 & p. 125, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — X. ? albicurvata sp. n. Congo, Bastelberger p. 442 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Zamarada chrysothyra pi. iv f. 50 & p. 122, phaeozona f. 51 & p. 123, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — Z. dentigera, dilucida , p. 114, ex- quisita, spp. n., W. Africa, flavicosta: ab. n. regularis , p. 115, Warren Nov. Zool. 16. — Z. scintillans, glareosa, plana r spp. n. O. Afrika, Bastelberger In- tern. ent. Zs. 3 pp. 100-101. Zanchlorhacos gen. n. Orthostixiinae^ nigrivenata sp. n. Brasilia, Bastel- berger op. cit. 2 p. 267. Pyralidae, Thyrididae. Acrobasis feltella sp. n. New York. Dyar p. 214 Proc. Ent. Soc. Washing- ton 11. Aglossa pinquinalis im Darm, Raupe. Ackermann Natw. Wochenschr. 24 pp. 43-45. 346 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Ancylolomia palpella var. n. sovinslcyi Rossia mer., Caucasus sept., Kruli- kovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 113. Aphomia sociella ab. n. rufinella, Krulivovskij Rov. russ. ont. 8 p. 274. Argyria consortalis sp. n. Florida, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 28. Autocodes simplicialis ; metamorpho- sis, Muir pp. xl-xliv P. ent. Soc. London 1909. Bostra Isneucheri sp. n. Sinai, Rebel Karlsruhe Yerh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 140. Cataclysta sambesica sp. n. Zambesi, Strand Arch. Natg. 75 1 p. 384. — 0. lemnata var. n. confirmata, Kruli- kovskij Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 9 p. 191. CrambiLS saristes p. 8, aulistes , meli- tastes, p. 9, Invercargill, spp. n., Mey- riok Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41. — C. Itortuellus var. n. uralellus Rossia orient., Krulikovskij Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 113.— G. Iucellu3 ab. n. atrax Grado, Galvagni Wien Mitt. Ver. Univ. 7 p. 237. — C. tristellus ab. n. obscoenellus, Krulikovskij Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 9 p. 182. Cybolomia guyoti sp. n. Sinai, Rebel Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Yer. 21 Abh. p. 142. Emmatheudes lentistrigalis sp. n. Africa trop. pi. iv f. 65 & p. 134, Hamp- son Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Eupilocera gen. n., gravidalis sp. n. Fr. Guiana, Dognin p. 53 Ann. Soc. ont. Belgique 53. Olyphodes aniferalis sp. n. Ruvvenzori pi. iv f. 68 & p. 136, Hampson Tr. zool. Soc. 19.— G. incomposita sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 437 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Haimbachia gen. n. type Crarnbus placidellus Haimbach, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 28. Heterogr aphis hollelto, mdbillella , spp. d. Tunis, Lucas p. 231 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Iesta gen. n., lisetta sp. n. Florida, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 29. Kasania gen. n. pro Nymphula Bankes pp. 198-201 237 pulchellus , angustus , p. 79, spp. n., Australia, Banks Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. Chauliodini nov. trib. Sialidarum , Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 250. Chloronia meridionalis sp. n. Brasil. bogotana Columbia, Weele p. 252 T.c. Chrysocerea gen. n. near Chrysopa » jacobsoni sp. n. Java, Weele op. cit. 31 p. 75. Chrysopa jacobsoni, crassoneura, splendida spp. n. with subspp. n. lucas- seni and tirnorensis, Malay Archipelago, Weele pp. 65-74 T.c. — C. formosa var. n. laletana Hispania, NavAs D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 793. — C. perla Larve, McDun- notjgh Berlin 1909 p. 48 ; Bau des Darms und seiner Anhange, McDun- notjgh Arch. Natg. 75 I pp. 313-360 5 Taf. Corydalus primitivus sp. n. Argentine Republic, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 251. — C. cornuta, larva tracheae, Hilton Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 pp. 46-57 pis. viii-xii. Ctenochauliodes gen. n. type Chau- liodes nigrovenosus , Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 263. Dilar kolbei Andalusia p. 19, corsicus Corsica p. 20, algericus Argel p. 22, corcyraeus Corfu p. 26, syriacus Syria p. 28, lineolatus Turcomania p. 29, spp. n., Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 7 No. 10. Dimares preliosa sp. n. Peru, Banks J. New York Ent. Soc. 17 p. 1. Echthromyrmex orientalis, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 19. f Eobanksia gen. n., bittaci formis sp* n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 p. 384 figs. 8-9. \Eomerope gen. n. tortrici formis sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 381 figs. 1—7, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27. f Eomeropinae sublam. n., Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 p. 364. Episalus zephyrinus, Weele Notes Mus. Leiden 31 p. 28. 358 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Formicaleo madagascariensis p. 03 pi. ii f. 2, voeltzkowi p. 05 pi. ii fig. 3, spp. n. Madagascar, Van deb Weele Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42. — F. schaed - leri sp. n. Kissq* near Timor, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 23. Fuentenus lusitanicus sp. n. Portugal, Navas p. 44 Mem. Ac. Barcelona 7 No. 17. Olyptobasis spinicornis sp. n. Burma, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 245. Hemerobius suecicus sp. n. Sweden, Mjoberg Entomol. Tidskr. 30 p. 170 fig. — H. sp. n. Barcelona, NavAs Broteria 7 p. 23. — H. lauius sp. n. Syria, NavAs op. cit. 8 p. 104. Hemerodromia gen. n. near Hemero- bius p. 215, buyssoni sp. n. Puy-de- Dome p. 217, Navas Ann. Soc. sci. Bruxelles 33. Hermes sumatrensis Sumatra, selysi Sylhet and Assam, spp. n., maculifera subsp. n. tonhinensis Tonkin, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 255. Leptopanorpa longicauda sp. n. Java, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 11. Leucochrysa voeltzJcowi sp. n. Mada- gascar, Van deb Weele Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42 p. 07 pi. ii fig. 4. — L. abnormis subsp. n. javanensis, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 81. Lidar meridionalis var. n. picta, NavXs p. 30 Mem. Ac. Barcelona 7 No. 17. Macroleon gen. n. typo Myrmelcon validus MoLachl., Banks J. New York Ent. Soc. 17 p. 4. Mantispa vassei Mozambique p. 4» haugi Congo, loanga Loango, p. 5» natalica Pinetown, finoti , p. 0, mariae p. 7, Madagascar, maindroni India, bouchardi Sumatra, p. 8, luzonica Philip- pines p. 9, harmandi Nipon p. 10, tvag- neri Brazil, moulti Guiana, p. 11, pasteuri New Guinea p. 12, spp. n., Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 7 No. 10.— M. manca subsp. n. papuana New Guinea, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 92. — M. luzonensis n.n. for luzonica Nav., Navas Bol. Soc. Aragon 8 p. 150. — M . pagana, Lambertie Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 p. cv. Mcgalomina gen. n. acuminata sp. n. Australia, Banks Prop. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 £.78. t Meropinae subfam. n., Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 p. 384. Micromus ; notes on Malayan species, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 53- 55. — M. jroggatti nom. n. fqr australis Erogg., Banks Proc. Ent. Soc. Washing- ton 11 p. 77. Myiodactylus nebulosus, Weele Lei- den Notes Mus. 31 p. 47- Myrmelcon ; Gestalt und Nest der Larve, Averin Shorn, stud, Kruz. liub.-prir. Chark. Univ. 1 pp. 34-52. — M. laufferi sp. n. Escorial, Navas Rev. Ac. Madrid 7 p. 374.— M. sagax subspp. n. sumatrensis, celebensis , papuensis , Malay Archipelago, acer subspp. n. novae-guineae , giloloensis, javanensis , sumatrensis , niasicus , Malay Archi- pelago, Weelf. Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 34-46. Nallachivs ten. n. for Dilar preston i MacL., Navas p. 50 Mem. Ac. Barce- lona 7 No. 17. Neochauliodes gen. n. p. 259, khasianus Assam, koreanus Korea, obscurus India, spp. n. ; sinensis subspp. n. occidentalis Western China and meridionalis Southern China, sundaicus subsp. n. borneensis Borneo, pp. 259-262, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30. Neoneuromus gen. n. Planipennia for sikkimmensis etc., Weele p. 252 T.c. Nepal gen. n. Dilarini, harmandi sp. n. India, also Dilar Jiornei MacLachl., NavXs p. 45 Mem. Ao. Barcelona 7 No. 17. Nesohon gen. n., braunsi sp. n. S. Africa, Banks New York J. Ent. Soc. 17 p. 4. N euromini, nov. trib. Sialidarum , Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 250. Niremberge gen. n. near Hemerobius . limpida sp. n. Spain, Navas p. 377 Rev. Ac. Madrid 7. Nothochrysa evanescens subspp. , n. ludekingi, javanica, everetti, Malay Archi- pelago, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 77-78. Notiobiella gen. n. type unita- externa, stigmatica, p. 80, obliqua, Aus, trnlia, pretiosa Fiji Islands, p. 81, spp. n., Banks Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash- ington 11. 359 lnsecla. Systematic. — Diptera. Osmylus ; notes on Malayan species, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 48- 52. t Palaeochrysa concinnula, ferruginea, spp. n., Miocene Florissant, Cockerell p. 218 Canad. Ent. 41. Palpates paucimaculata sp. n. Ruwen- zori, Kirby p. 62 Trans, zool. Soc. 19. Panorpa communis, Meissner Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 97. — P. naevia p. 273 fig., limbata p. 274 fig., spp. n. Nipon, NavAs Rev. russ. ent. 9. — P. muelleri with n. subsp. ungaranensis , pi, jacobsoni spp. r., Java, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 6-10. Panorpodes notata sp. n. Nippon, NavAs Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 274 fig. Parachauliodes gen. n. typo Chau- liodes japonicus McLachl., continentalis sp. n. Korea, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 259. Paraglenurus gen. n. near Glenurus, typo Myrmeleon scopifer , p. 29, borne'cn- sis sp. n. Borneo p. 30, Weele op. cit. 31. t Phenacopsyche gen. n., vexans sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 pp. 385-387 figs. 10-12. Platyneuromus gen. n., type Cory- dalis socor Hag., Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 252. Protochauliodes gen. n. type Chau- liodes cinerascens Blanch., Wteele p. 258 T.c. Protohermes davidi sp. n. China, Weele p. 254 T.c. Protosialis gen. n., type Sialis ameri- cana, Weele p. 263 T.c. Pseclra diptera , Dimorphisnius sowohl als ? , Mjoberg Ark. Zool. 6 No. 5 ; dipteres Exemplar aus dem Gouv. St. Peterburg, sp. ? aus dem Gouv. Irkutsk, Adelung St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 pp. xliii-xlvi. — P. buenoi sp. n. N. America, NavAs p. 218 Ann. Soc. sci. Bruxelles 33. Pseudojormicaleo gen. n. near Formi- caleo , jacobsoni sp. n. Java, subsp. n. wctlerensis, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 25-27. Psychobiella gen. n., sordita sp. n. Australia, Banks p. 79 Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. Raphidia liarmandi Sp. n. Japan, p. 144, adanana p. 146', NavAs Bol. Soc. Aragon 8. — R. maculicollis pupa etc., Lucas p. 129 pi. iv Entomologist 42. — Notes on British, Porritt Ento- mologist 42 pp. 141-143. f R. exhumata sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 73. — R. mortua sp. n. Colorado Tertiary, Rohwer Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 533. Rexavius gen. n. Dilarina for Dilar nietneri and japonicus, NavAs p. 48 Mem. Ac. Barcelona 7 No. 17. Sialis japonica sp. n. Japan, Weele Leiden Notes. Mus. 30 p. 264. Sisyra brunnea p. 76, punctata p. 77, spp. n., Australia, Banks Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. Sympherobius tcnellus p. 25, con- spersus, gratiosus, p. 26, venusius , venosus, p. 27, Spain, spp. n., NavAs Brotcria 7. Tomaiares pardalis , Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 31 p. 17. DIPTERA. Catalogue of Diptera , Vols. 4 & 5, Oncodidae to Omphralidae, by KertIpsz Budapest 1909. Diptera bracht.cera, or British flies Vol. v., Yerrall. Includes classifica- tion pp. 3-30, metamorphoses (by- Sharp) pp. 31-39, and, as supplement of 34 pp., a list of the palaearctic species of the ten families ir eluded in this Volume. Trophi of Diptera, homologies, bear- ing on taxonomy ; Wesche J. R. micr. Soc. 1909 pp. 1-16 & pis. i-iv. Meigen’s genera of 1800 not accept- able, Virrall p. 772 Brit, flies 5. Meigen’s Erstlingsarbeit fiber Dip- teren ; Hendel Ent. Ztg Wien 28 pp. 33-36. Notes dipterologiques ; Villeneuve p. 43-45 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. ■; 3G0 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Seltene Fliegen Bohmens ; aucli solche, welche in den Gehausen und Larven einiger bohmischen Schmet- terlinge parasitaer leben ; Vimmer 6as. <3esk6 Spol. Entom. 1909 pp. 64-06. Affinities of forms found in tropical copal with palaearctic forms ; Meunier Bruxelles Ann. Soc. Scient. 33 p. 141. Blood-sucking Diptera, tables ; Sergeant Paris 1909 305 pp. Les Dipteres parasites des cavites naturelles chez I’homme ; Haute- feuille Amiens Bui. soc. linn. 18 1907 pp. 81-90. M6canisme de la synthase des impressions lumineuse3 recueillies par les youx composes des Bipt^rcs ; Viqier Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 pp. 1221-1223. CeCI DOXIl IIDA E. Dipterocecidien der Tnsel Bornholm ; Bayer Wien Vcrh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 104-120. Arnoldia quercicola, dryophila , nervi- cola, plicans , p. 21, tympanifex p. 22, pantcli, baldratii, p. 23, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Asphondylia calaminthae p. 3, celsiae p. 6, lupulinae p. 14, frauenfeldi, phlomidis, p. 15, rutae p. 26, swaedae, proxima, p. 30, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer "T.o. — A. solani sp. n. Zambesi, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 170.^— A. attenuatata sp. n. West Indies, Felt Ent. News 20 p. 300. — A. sulphured sp. n. pi. i f. 1 Bnzil, Tavares Broteria 8 p. 14. — Asphondylia ; Neger Berlin * Ber. 3). bot. Ges. 26a p. 735-754 1 Taf. Asynapta mangiferae sp. n. West •Indies, Felt Ent. News 20 p. 299. Baldratia vesicu l )sa,dumo&ae, wa Idorft, nitida, spp. n., p. 286 N. America, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Bruggmanniella gen. n. p. 19, brasili- >ensis sp. n. p. 20 pi. i f. 2 Brazil, Tavares Broteria 8. Calodi plosis gen. n., parinarii sp. n. pi. viii figs. 2-8 Zambesi, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 165. Caryomyia gen. n. allied to ' Hormomyia, type Cecidomyia tubicola O. S., antennata, consobrina, similis, inanis, spp. n., p. 292, N. America, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Cecidomyia thomasi sp. n. Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 4. — C. resinicoloides sp. n. California pp. £- 3 pi. i life-bistory etc., Williams Ent. News 20. — C. destructor , Beschreibung, Lebenswoise, Parasiten, Bekampfung, Deriokidov Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 4 10 1908 pp. 26 -f 1 2 Taf. — C. sp., infesting Arundinaria simoni (Japanese), Nawa Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 320-324. Cincticornia pustulata, simpla, globosa> podagrae, spp. n., Massachusetts, p. 291> Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Clhiodi plosis betonicae p. 3, cirsii p. 0, tetrahit p. 9, spinulosa p. 10, utrobi p. 17, boleti p. 19, biorrhizae p. 20, breviseta p. 21, crassistigma p. 27, sublevis p. 29, trifolii p. 31, trotteri p. 32, longiventris, massalongoi, p. 34, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz. 26. — C. spirae sp. n. Massachusetts, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 293. — C. equestris, Encck pp. 217-219 Entomologist 42. Compiodiplosis gen. n., luteo-albida sp. n. pi. ii f. 2 Brazil, Tavares Broteria 8 p. 14. Coutarinia asperulae p. 2, trotteri > coryli, p. 0, erigeronis p. 7, galii, gei, p. 9, galeobdolontis p. 12, lamii, lathyri p. 13, lepidii,lilii, mastagonis, lonicerae, p. 14, tremulae p. 18, minima p. 22, amenti p. 23, ribis p. 25, rubicola p. 26, cucubali p. 28, symphyti, tragopogonis , p. 30, crispans p. 31, vincetoxici p. 34, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — C. sorghicola life-history pp. 116-118 pi. vii, Herick Ent. News 20. Cystiphora leotitodontis p. 14, scor- zonerae p. 27, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Dasyneura maritima , p. 288, gemmae , radifolii, corticis, toweri, aroviaticae , p. 289, spp. n.,N. America, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. -7). leguminicola pi. ii figs. 1-3 p. 46, trifolii p. 99 figs. 4-8, Folsom Rep. Ent. Illinois 215.— IK strobi, Evans p. 17 Ent. Mag. 45. Delodiplosis gen. n. p. 157, copaibae sp. n. Zambesi pi. vii tig. 8—1 2 p. 158, Tavares Broteria 7. Diplosis punicei galls, Brodie p- 159 Canad. Ent. 41. Oeodiplosis gen. n., ranunculi sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 24 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. 361 Insectd. Systematic. — Diptera. Guarephila gen. n., albida sp. n. pi. ii f. 7 Brazil, Tavares Broteria 8 p. 18. Harmandia pustulans sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 18 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Hormomyia billoti, frireni, hieronymi , p. 5, kneuckeri p. 6, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer T.c. Janetielln genislae sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 9 T.c. Lasioptera umbelliferarum sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 28 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — L. anonae sp. n. Zambesi, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 141. — L. clarkei , riparia , danihoniae, galeopsidi s, virginica , spirceafolia, cassiae, p. 287, murtfeld - tiana p. 288, spp. n., N. America, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. — L. urvilleae sp. n. Brazil, Tavares Broteria 8 p. 26. Lestodiplosis winnertziae p. 8, conyzae p. 12, inclusae p. 16, ranunculi p. 25, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Lobodiplosis spinosa sp. n. West Indies, Felt Ent. News 20 p. 301. Lopesia gen. n., parinarii sp. n. pi. viii figs. 9-13 Zambesi, Tavares Broteria Lisboa 7 p. 163. Lopesiella gen. n. p. 145, combreti sp. n. p. 148 Zambesi, Tavares T.c. Mayctiola calamagrostidis , bifida , spinulosa, p. 3, nordei p. 9, spp n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — M. destructor on Agropyron repens , Hayhurst J. Econ. Ent. 2 pp. 231- 234. Mendesia joannisiella sp. n. pi. fig. 4 Lusitania, Mendes Broteria 8. Meunieriella nom. n. for Meunieria Rubs, Kieffer p. 35 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Microdiplosis gen. n., zambezensis sp. n. pi. viii fig. 1, Zambesi, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 155. N eolasioptera menthae , ambrosiae, spp. n. N. Amorica, p. 288, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Oligotrophus szepligetii p. 2, loewianus p. 4, tympanifex p. 6, fagineus p. 7, gnaphalii p. 9, peyerimhofi p. 27, ulmi p. 31, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — 0. lemeei gall. Alder- son & Connold p. 202 Ent. Mag. 45. — O. sp., nouvelle dipteroc6cidie des saules, Peyertmiioff Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 42-43. Perrisia acaciae, tympani, vitrina , p. 1, aquilegiae, alpestris, asperularum , astericola, astragalorum, p. 2, berberidis, bunellae, p. 3, campanularum, szepligetii , cecconiana, p. 4, carpesii, ruebsaameni, milli, centaureae , clematidis, cucubuli , p. 6, bursifex, cytisi, daphnephila, dianthi , vagans, erigeronis , alpicola , socialis, euphorbiarum, coni f ex, p. 7, telrahit p. 8, genistarvm, scorpii, rosifex, gentianae, nervicola, p. 9, hyssopi p. 10, corniculata p. 12, lathyri , pratensis , silvestris, p. 13, xylostei, excavans , loti, mimosae, p. 14, fructicola, palustris , columnae, p. 15, pirolae p. 17, polygalae , bistortae, populnea, p. 18, panteli , libera, malpighii, p. 21, tubularis p. 22, traili, auricomi, rhododendri, ribicola, p. 25, pierreana p. 26, salviae p. 27, senebrierae, subterranea, zannonii , p. 28, rostrupiana, filipendulae, granu- lata, holosteae, p. 29, silvicola, tamari- cina, teucriicola, tiliae, p. 30, ulicis , gallica, ulmivola, vitisidaea, anglica, Valerianae, verbasci, p. 31, spicatae p. 32, zillae p. 34, spp. n. Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Polystepha terminaliae sp. n. pi. vii fig. 5 Zambesi, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 152. Phabdophaga amenticola sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 27 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — R. strobiloides p. 249, siliqua p. 251, cornu p. 252, galls and parasites, Brodie Canad. Ent. 41. — R. elymi, rileyana, p. 289, latebrosa, caulicola , hirticornis, p. 290, spp. n., N. America, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Rhopalomyia hispanica p. 277, navasi p. 278, spp. n. Spain, Tavares Bol. Soc. Aragon 3. — R. koehliae sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 12 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — R. betheliana sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 150 Canad. Ent. 41. — R. castaneae sp. n. Massachusetts p. 291, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Sackenomyia viburnifolia, paqkardi, spp. n., Massachusetts, p. 290, Felt J. Econ. Ent. 2. Stefaniella salsolae sp. n. Spain, Tavares p. 276 Bol. Soc. Aragon 3.— S. cecconii sp. n. Italy, Kieffer p. 2. Bull. Soc. Metz 26. 362 Jnsectu. Xll. Insecta. [1009] Stenodiplosis bitensis sp. n. Bitche, Kieffer p. 35 T.c. Stephodiplosis gen. n .,lanneae sp. n Zambesi, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 140. Zalepidota , sp. n. Brazil, Tavares Broteria 8 p. 24. Mycetopijilidae. The genera of Mycetophilidae with lists of species, figures of wings and some structural details, Johannsen Gen. ins. 93 121 pp. & 7 pis. Mycetophilidae of North America, monograph, Johannsen Bull. Agric. exp. Sta. Maine 172 276 pp. & 3 pis. Allocotocera, flavescens sp. n. Wis- consin, Johannsen p. 72 Gen. ins. 93. Anatella silvestris sp. n. New York, Johannsen p. 91 T.c. Apemon gen. n. type Platyura pectoralis Coq., Johannsen p. 20 T.c. — A. nigriventris sp. n. Selkirk Mts., Johannsen Bull. Agric. Exp. Maine 172 p. 245. Asindulum brevimanum var. n. his- panicum Alicante, Strobl Wien Verh.- ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 128. Auina anomala var. r. flavohalterata Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 129. Brachycampia barbata p. 26, nigro- fusca p. 27, Fennia, spp. n., Lundstrom Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fennia 32 No. 2. Ceroplatus militaris sp. n. Ithaca, Johannsen Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine 172 p. 237. Coelosia truncata sp. n. Fennia, Lundstrom He'singsfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fennia 32 No. 2 p. 18. Gordyla volucris sp. n. New York, Johannsen p. 101 Gen. ins. 93. — C. fusca, Anatomie der Larve, Vimmer 6as. d'esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1909 pp. 148-153. Dziedzickia nom. n. for Hertwigia Dz., Johannsen Gen. ins. 93 p. 44. Exechia fimbriata p. 47, crucigera p. 48, nigrofusca p. 49, parva p. 50, exigua p. 52, bispinosa p. 53, Fennia, spp. n., Lundstrom Helsingfors Acta Soc, Fauna et FI. Fenn. 32 No. 2. — . Qontqyiinata larva, Pastejiuk Oas. esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 27-31. Fungivora collineola sp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4 p. 36. •\Lasiosoma mircmdula sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 p. 53. Lcia Meig. = ( Glaphyroptera Winn.), Johannsen Gen. ins. 93 p. 76. Lycoria bibionea p. 31 fig. 1-2, isarthria p. 32 fig. 3, zalampra p. 34, spp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4. Macrocera geminata sp. n. Ithaca, Johannsen Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine 172 p. 272. Megophthalmidia, sp. n. Washington State, Johannsen p. 89 Gen. ins. 93. Meunieria nom. n. for 1 Villistoniella Meun., Johannsen p. 87 T.c. Mycetopliila jreyii p. 58, autumnalis p. 60, quadra p, 61, Fennia, spp. n., Lundstrom Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 32 No. 2. Neoempheria nigriceps sp. n. Fennia australis, Lundstrom Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fauna 32^ No. 2 p. 15. — A7, striata , larva, Pastejrik Oas. 0esk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 27- 31. — N. amphiphaia sp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4 p. 35 fig. 5. — N. apicalis sp. n. Peru, Kebtesz Aam. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 140. Opistholoba ocellata sp. n. New York, Johannsen p. 126 Gen. ins. 93. Palaeo platyura aldrichii sp. n. Washington State, Johannsen p. 10 Gen. ins. 93. — P. johnsoni sp. n. Burlington, Johannsen Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine 172 p. 226, Phronia nigripalpis p. 40, fimbriata p. 47, Fennia australis, spp. n., Lund- strom Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 32 No. 2. PlaVyura czernyi sp. n. Algeciras, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 128. — P. setiger p. 252, mimula p. 255, nigrita p. 256, moesta p. 259, moerens , genualis, p. 262, scapularis p. 263, N. America, spp. n., Johannsen Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine 172. — P. argenteotomentosa, forcipata, spp. n., Peru, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 137-140. Psilosciara gen. n. type Sciara membranigera Kieffer p. 246 Bui). Soc. ent. Franco 1909. 363 Tnsecla. Systematic. — Diptera — Mycetophilidaf. — Chlronomidae. Rondaniella nom. n. for Leia Meig., Johannsen Gen. ins. 93 p. 66. Sciara nivicola p. 246, nivala p. 247, spp. n. Algeria, KiefeVer Bull. Soc. cnt. France 1909. Symmerus lenis n. n. for zonata Gigl.-T., Johannsen Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine 172 p. 229. Tetragoneura 'peruana sp. n. Peru, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 141. t T. peritula sp. n. Colorado Eocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 pp. 63-54. Trichonta bifida p. 31, trifida p. 32, conjungens p. 33, subfusca p. 35, Fennia spp. n. Lundstrom Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 32 No. 2. Trichosia quadristrigata sp. n. p. 127 Monistrol, Strobl Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 69. ClIIRONOMIDAE. Dio Metamorphose der Chirono- miden, Eine Bitte um Mitarbeit, Thienemann Bonn Verh. nathist. Ver. pp. 201-212. Early stages of Chironomidae ; Mundy, Leicester 1909 56 pp. & 8 pis. Bezzia hydrophila sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 32. — B. hydrophila sp. n. Dortmund, Kieffer p. 38 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Ceratopogon flavipes var. n. flavi- ventris Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 130. — G. stinmlans Java and Sumatra salmi , vexans, Sumatra, spp. n., Meyere Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 197. Chironomus brevimanus, cognatus, p. 63, versicolor, sanguineus, gregarius, pentatomus, distans, interruptus, per- currens , p. 54, pentatomus, polytomus , bryozoarum p. 55, signatus, p. 56, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — C. percurrens, polytomus, bryozoarum, signatus, cognatuS, versi- color, sanguineus, gregarius, interruptus, distans, pentatomus, spp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 pp. 30-36. — C. multiannulatus sp. n. Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 131. Cricotopus fuscipes, parvulus, longi- palpis, petiolatus, brevipalpis, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer p. 45 Bull., Soc. Metz 26. — C. fuscipes , longipdlpis, brevipalpis, parvulus , petiolatus, spp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss 37 pp. 31 32 36. Culicoides ; figures of African, Austen pp. 3-8 pi. i Africa blood- sucking flies. — C. habereri sp. n. Kamerun, Becker Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 289. — G . grahamii p. 280, brucei p. 282, milnei p. 283, spp. n., Africa, Austen Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — G. pungens sp. n. Sumatra, Meyere Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 200. Dactylocladius tubicola, semivirens , spp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munstey Jahresber ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 32. — D. semivirens tubicola, spp. n., Germany Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 48. Diamesa fissipes, prolongata, thiene- manni, hygropetrica, spp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 33. — D. hygropelricra , ihienemanni, prolongata, p. 40, fissipes p 41, spp. n. Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. lsocladius gen. n., albipes sp. n. Germany, Kieffer T.c. p. 44. — 1. albipes sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 36 Jsoplasus bimaculatus sp. n. German^, Kieffer Bull. Soo. Metz. 26 p. 43. Johcinnseniella inermis , dentala, spp. n., Germany, Kteffer p. 38 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — J. dentata, inermis, spp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 32. Metriocnemus bifidus sp. n. Germany Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 48. — M: bifidus sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 33. Orthocladius pedestris sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer T.c. p. 32. — O. pedvstris rivulorum, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 48. Paradiamesa gen. n., andina sp. n. Tupungato, Brethes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 86. P rochironomus gen. n., pallidus sp. n Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 53. — P. pallidus sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. '30. Prodiamesa praecox, ichtyobrota, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer p. 39 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. 364 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. Psedrocladius dorsalis sp. n. Germany, Kieffer T.c. p. 47. — P. dorsalis sp. n. Deustchl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 31. Psectrotanypus gen. n. p. 42, longicalcar, brevicalcar, spp. n., Germany p. 43, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — P. brevicalcar sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p 36. Stenoxenus dimorphus sp. n. Perou, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 46. T any pus bifurcatus p. 41, sagittalis, distans, pectinatus, serratus, p. 42, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — T. bifurcatus, sagittalis , serratus, pectinatus, distans, spp. n., Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 pp. 31-34. Tanytarsus stratiolis, gregarius, iner - mipes, roseiventris, longimanus, p. 50, longicollis, virens, lauterborni, penta- poda, lapidicola, p. 51, raptorius, brevicalcar, p. 52, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — L. lauter- borni, raptorius, longimanus, longicollis, stratiotis, pentapoda, virens, gregarius , spp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 pp. 30- 33. — T. tupungatensis sp. n. Mendoza, Br^thes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 87. Thienemannia gen. n. near Metrio- cnemus, gracilis sp. n. Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 49. — T gracilis sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 p. 33. Trichocladius fuscus, flavus, halo- philus, p. 46, fossarum p. 47, spp. n., Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26. — T. fuscus, fossarum, halophilus, spp. n., Deutschl., Kieffer Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 pp. 31 34. CULIOIDAE. Notes on the oriental catalogue ; Meigen’s names of 1803 ; Brunetti pp. 121 & 122 Canad. Ent. 41. Culicidi studi e ricerche ; Galli- Valerio e Rochaz-de-Jongh Roma Atti Soc. studi malaria 9 1908 pp. 1-9 ; 10 pp 1-5. Moustiques en Grc ce ; Cardamatis Roma Atti Soc. studi malaria 8 1907 pp. 171-181 2 fig. — Moustiques ano- pheles en Gr£ce, Cardamatis Roma [1909] Atti Soc. studi malaria 9 1908 pp. 119- 124 2 fig. Stechmiicken Culicidae, Speiser Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 pp. 389-397. Deux larves carnassieres ; Gendre Paris Bull. soc. pathol. exot. Z P- 147- 150. Larves d’Hydrachnides parasite des Culicides, Bruyant Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 pp. 706-707. Culicidae of the Gold Coast, native names, etc., Graham Colon. Off. London No. 1723 pp. 14-23. Moustiques qui vivent dans l’eau sal£e, Clerc Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 pp. 12C-121. Modification experimentale d’une habitude hereditaire chez un moustique, Sergent Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 pp. 108-110. Aedeomyia catasticta sp. n. Philippine Is., Knab Ent. News 20 p. 387. Aedes pagetonotum Canada, pazosi Cuba, spp. n., Dyar & Knab Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 52 pp. 253-255. — A. sansoni sp. n., Alberta, Dyar & Knab p. 102 Canad. Ent. 41. — A. thibaulti sp. n. Arkansas, Dyar & Knab Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 174. Aedimorphus punciothoracis p. 4, albotaeniatus p. 5, Ashanti, spp. n., Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237, Anopheles punctipennis var. — (per- plexens Ludl.), Ludlow p. 293 Canad. Ent. 41. — A. perplexens hab. Philip- pines not JS. America p. 21, formosus sp. n. Philippines p. 22 Ludlow Canad. Ent. 41. Bancroftia persephassa sp. n. Cuba, Dyar & Knab Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 52 p. 254. Banksinella chrysothorax, taeniaros- tris, p. 13, punctocostalis p. 14, Ashanti, spp. n., Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237. Bathosomyia gen. n. p. 9, abnormalis sp. n. p. 10 Ashanti, Theobald T.c. Calvert ia gen. n. for Chagasia sp., Ludlow p. 22 Canad. Ent. 41. Calvertina nom. n. for Calvertia Ludl., Ludlow p. 234 T.c. 365 Insecla. Systematic. — Culicidae. Culex pseudoannulioris ornatothora- cis, p. 15, nigrocostalis, chloroventer. p. 16, pallidothoracis, p. 17, Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 17. — C. drymoecius p. 42, leucarthrius p. 43, spp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 10 4 — C. taytayensis p. 545, argentinotus p. 547, Rizal spp. n., Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4. — C. pipiens pi. ii f. 4, quinquefasciatus pi. i f. 1, q. dipseticus fig. 3, comitatus sp. n. California p. 35 pi. i f. 2, restuans pi. ii f. 5, salinarius p . iii f. 7 similis pi. iii f. 8, s. lachrimans f. 9, proximus sp. n. Panama p. 38 pi ii, f. 6, Dyar & Knab Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. — C. ignobilis sp. n. Cuba, Dyar & Knab, Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington lip. 39. — C. lactator loquaculus var. n., p. 254, elocutilis Panama, vindicator, dictator, Dominica, p 255, peccator Arkansas, revocator Jamaica, reflector Panama, p. 256, abominator Southern United States, spp. n., C. redactor nom. n. for Mochlostyrax jamaicensis Grabham, deceptor Florida, incriminator Mississippi, falsificator, p. 257, invocator, Cuba, duplicator Santo Domingo, p. 258, spp. n., lachrimans nom. n. for aikenii D. & K. p. 259, Dyar & Knab Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect, Q. 52. — C. trachycampa sp. n. Panama, Dyar & Knab p. 101 Canad. Ent. 41. — C. cyaneus Fabr. = Sabethes locuples Rob. Desv., Knab Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 155. — C. perturbans New Hampshire Smith p. 425 Ent. News 20. — G. fowUri D’Eram. to Gra- hamia, microannulatus Th. = ( rolandi D’Emm.), Theobald p. 297 Ann. trop. Med. 2. Culicada fuscopalpalis, mediopun c- inta, Ashanti, spp. n., Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 18. Culicelsa accraensis sp. n. p. 19 with fuscus var. n. p. 20 Ashanti, Theobald T.c. Culiciomyia uniformis sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald p. 8 T.c. Deinocerites pseudes Panama, tetras- pathus Guatemala, troglodytus Trinidad, Dyar & Knab Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 52 p. 260. Dendromyia argenteoventralis p. 24, affinis p. 25, Ashanti, spp n., Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237. Dinanamesus gen. n. near Deino- cerites, spanius sp. n. Panama, Dyar & Knab p. 259 T.c. Eretmapodites oidipodeios p. 86, leucopous p. 88, chrysogaster p. 157, melanopous p. 158, spp. n., Ashanti, Graham Entomologist 42. Eumzlanomyia gen. n., inconspicuosa sp. n., Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 10. Grabhamia spencer ii hab. doubtful, Ludlow p. 22 Canad. Ent. 41. Grahamia gen. n., trichorostris sp. n- Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 23. Harpagomyia gen. n. near Aedes p. 165, splendens sp. n. Java myrmeco- philous p. 167, Meyere Tijdschr. Ent. 52. Hodgesia cuptopous sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 26. Kerteszia micgregori sp. n. Basilan Isl., Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 548. Limatus cacophrades Panama, methy- sticus Costa Rica, spp. n., Dyar & Knab Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 52 p. 226. Lutzia bigotii , eggs, Jennings p. 49 Canad. Ent. 41. Mansonia perturbans New Hamp- shire, Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washing- ton 11 pp. 145-149. — M. chrysogona sp. n. Phillippine Is., Knab Ent. News 20 p. 386. Melanoconion urichii Coq. to Carrollia Dyar & Knab p. 101 Canad Ent. 41. Mucidus grahamii sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 2. Myxosquamus gen. n., confusus sp. n. * Ashanti, Theobald p. 7 T.c. Myxomyia ludlowii, Banks Philip- pine J. Sci. (B. Medical Sciences). 3 pp. 335-341 ; life-history pp. 519- 524, description pp. 524-526 habits of the adult pp. 526-528, Banks Philippine J. Sci. (B. Medical Sciences) 2 1907 pp. 613-535. — M. rossii, Ueber- trager Malaria , Vogel Genesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 49 pp. 685-595. — M. rossii, Uebertrager von Malaria, Vogel Geneesk. Tijdschr Ned. Ind. 49 pp. 584- 595. 366 Inaecla. XII. Insecta. Neopecomyia gen. n., uniannulata sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 12. Nemteadina gen. n. type aboricollis D’Emra., Theobald p. 297 Ann. trop. Med. 2. Oculiomyia julleri sp. n. Philippines, Ludlow p. 97 Canad. Ent. 41. Pectinopalpus gen. n., fuscus sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 11. Protomelanoconion gen. n., jusca sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald p. 20 T.c. Pseudanourotaenia parangensis sp. n. Philippines, Ludlow p. 24 Canad. Ent. 41. Reedomyia bipunctata sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 5. Stegomyia jasciata et Culex pipiens Biologie de, Legendre Paris Bull, soc. pathol. 2 p. 425-127. — 8. apicoar- qe.ntea sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237 p. 3. Stenoscustus gen. n. p. 7. africanus sp. n. p. 8, Ashanti, Theobald T.c. Taeniorhynchus ? aureosquammatus sp. n. Philippines, Ludlow p. 234 Canad. Ent. 41. Poxorhynchites phytophygus sp. n. Ashanti, Theobald Colon. Oft. Misc. London 237 p. 1. Uranotaenia bilineata, apicotaeniata, p. 21, ornalus , bimaculata , p. 22, Ashanti, spp. n., Theobald Colon. Off. Misc. 237. — XJ. powelli sp. n. Philippines, Ludlow p. 235 Canad. Ent. 41. Worcesteria grata, food habits, Sajo Terrat. Kozl. 41 p. 113. Wyeomyia nepenthicola sp. n. Ben- guet, Banks Philippine J. Soi. 4 p. 550. — IF. pandora, onidus, p. 261, pantoia, * symmachus , abrachys, p. 262, euethcs, chrenta, Panama, antoinelta Florida, j). 263, conchita Cuba, drapetcs, earn, Trinidad, p. 204, cacodela, agyrtes, hapla, Panama, p. 265, spp. n„ Dyar & Knab Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Col- lect. Q. 52. — IF. intonca, rolonca, Panama, spp. n., p. 173, Dyar & Knab Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. PSYOHODIDAE. Diplonema superstes sp. n. Kurseong, Annandale Calcutta J. As. Soc. Beng. 4 1908 p. 353. [1909] Pericoma nubila larva, Thienemann p. 65 Ann. Biol, lacustre 4. Phlebotomus ; natural history. How lett Indian sandflies 3 pp. ; Blan- chard Arch, parasit. 13 pp. 303-310. — P. pappatasi, Blanchard Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 192-195 ; Villeneuve t.c. p. 195 ; pappatasi = dubosqi N.-L., Picard p. 165 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — P. duboseqi, Austen pp. 9-21 pi. i f. 4 African blood-sucking flies.-— P. perturbans p. 201, angustipennis p. 202, spp. n. Java, Meyere Tijdschr. Ent. 52. Psychoda legnothisa sp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4 p. 44. SlMULIIDAE, OliPIINEPIIILIDAE. Orphnephila testacea, metamorphoses pp. 69-74, taxonomy, distribution etc. pp. 74-81, Thienemann Ann. Biol, lacustre 4. Simulium ; the African, Austen pp. 22-35 pi. i figs. 5-8 African blood- sucking flies. — S. escomedi sp. n. Perou, Houbaud p. 428 Bull. Soc. pathol. exot. 2. — S. inexorabile, paranense, para- guayense, Paraguay, spp. n., Schrottky Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 63.— S. columbacensis biologie et systeme di- gestif, Georgewitch Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 pp. 640-542 fig. — S. nobile, female, Meyere Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 203. Bibionidae. Bibio pyrrhonotus sp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro Meru Exp. 10 4 p. 37. ■\B. atavus sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell p. 173 Entomologist 42. Eupcitenus atcr Mactp, wing figured, Coquillett Ent. News 20 p. 106. Philia disagra sp. nM Speiser Kili- mandjaro-Moru Exp. 10 4 p. 39. Plecia ephippium p. 38, erubescens p. 39, spp. n., Speiser T.c. Scatopse cingulipes sp. n. Algeciras Strobl Wien Yerh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 124. Tipulidae. Aeshnasoma gen. n. near Tipula p. 115, rivertonensis sp. n. New Jersey p. 116 pi. xvi figs. 13-15, Johnson Proc. Soc. Boston 34. 367 Insecta. S YSTEMATIC. DlPTERA . Dicranomyia trinotata larva, Thiene- mann p. 64 Ann. Biol, lacustre 4.— D. clivicola p. 46, tangentialis p. 47, spp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4. — D. annulata sp. n. Auckland Is- lands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 129. Ephelia czernyi sp. n. Algeciras, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 140. Limnobia xanthoptcra motamorphosis, PastejrIk Oas. (3csk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 27-31. — L. fallax sp. n. New Jersey, Johnson Proc. Boston Soc. 34. p. 125. Limnophila claduroneura sp. n., Spei- ser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4 p. 52 fig. 9. — 1 . alleni p. 126 pi. xvi fig. 18, irrorata p. 127 fig. 17, spp. n., U.S., Johnson Proc. Boston Soc. 34. f L. meunieri nom. n. { gracilis Meun.), Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 p. 58. Limonia rhizosema p. 48 fig. 6-7, miosema p. 50, orcsitropha p. 51 fig. 8, spp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4. Megistocera bicauda sp. n., Speiser p. 53 T.c. Oropeza sayi nom. n. for Tipula annulata Say non Linn6 p. 118, similis pi. xv fig. 4, dorsalis p. 119 pi. xv fig. 6, venosa p. 120 fig. 9, albipes fig. 12, subal'npes p. 121 figs. 5 & 11, obscura p. 122 figs. 7 & 10, spp. n., U.S., obscura var. n. polita p. 122 fig. 8, Johnson Proc. Boston Soc. 34 Pachyrrhina lundbechi sp. n. East Greenland, Nielsen Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. Hefte 29 pp. 363-104.— P. analis var. n. escorialensis , cdstellana var. n. croceivcntris, crocata var. n. semiflava , scalaris var. n. flavirostris, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 134. — P. quincunx p. 62, bistri- punctata p. 64, spp. n., Speiser Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4. Rhpidia bryanti sp. n. Massachu- setts p. 123 pi. xvi fig. 20, Johnson Proc. Boston Soc. 34. Scamboneura distigma sp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4 p. 54. Tipula albostriala p. 138, jativensis p. 137, longidens p. 139, nitidicollis p. 136, villeneuvii p. 135, Spain, spp. n.. Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. — T. asbolodes p. 57 fig. 10-11, eume- cacera p. 58, capnioneura p. 59 fig. 12- 13, alphaspis p. 60 fig. 14-15, spp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 4. — T. williamsii p. 17, silvestra , quaylii , p. 18, spp. n., California, with vestigial wings, Doane Psyche 16. — T. perlongipes nom. n. for filipes Walker non. Fabr. oropezoides , p. 131; jejuna p. 132, spp. n., U.S., Johnson Proc. Boston Soc. 34. — T. andina sp. n. Men- doza, BriVthes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 88.' — T. lunata, larva, Brocher p. 42 Ann. Biol, lacustre 4. — T. tri- vittata larva and pupa, Greene Ent. News 20 p. 289 pi. xii. | T. heeriana nom. n. (lineata Heer), Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 p 58. — T. (?) hepialina sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 285 fig. 4. Zaluscodes gen. n. Limnobiidae, aucJc- landicus sp. n. Auckland Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 130. Riiyphidae.. OJhiogastcr quinquefasciata sp. n. Brasilia, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 71 p. 65. Rhyphus undulatus sp. n. Auckland Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zea- land 1 p. 131. STRATIOMYIDAE, ScENOPINIDAE. Dcrmatina new divisional name for Scenopinidae and Mydaidae, Verrall Brit, flies 5 p. 41. The Stratiornyidae of Great Britain, Verrall Brit, flies 5 pp. 51-229. Caenocephalus, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 386. Craspedometopon gen. n., frontale sp. n. Formosa, Kertesz p. 373 Taf. viii figs. 3 4 10 T.c. Culcua ; Gattung und simulans, Kertesz p. 369 Taf. viii fig. 5 & 8 T.c. Diplephippium amphicenlrium, Ker- Tfrsz p. 380 Taf. viii figs. 7 9 & 13 T.c. Eudmeta ; Gattung und Arten, Kertesz pp. 387-389 Taf. viii fig. 1 T.c. Evaza nigripennis sp. n. Formosa, Kertesz p. 372 T.c. Hermctia hunteri sp. n. Texas, Co- qutllett p 212 Canad. Ent. 41. 308 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Hermione ( Oxycera ) trispila sp. n. Syria, Bezzi Broteria 8 p. 39. Hoplodonta ( Odontomyia ) viridula forma viridula , Kleine Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 100-109 113-115. Hypselophorum gen. n. Verw. mit Cyphomyia, cyphomyioides sp. n. Peru, KertIcsz Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 381 Taf. viii figs. 2 11 & 12. Lyprotemyia gen. n. Verw. mit Cynipimorpha, formicaeformis sp. n. Peru, Kertesz p. 391 Taf. ix fig. 1 T.c. Odontomyia laufleri sp. n. Pardo, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 291. — O. azurea sp. n. Afrique orientale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 113. Oxycera nigripes sp. n. Scotland, Verrall p. 93 Brit. flie3 5. Pachygaster minutissima to Zabrachia , Bezzi p. 132 D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. Pedinocera gen. n., longicornis sp. n. Peru, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 392 Taf. ix figs. 2 3 & 11. Popanomyia gen. n. femoralis sp. n. Peru, Kertesz p. 393 Taf. ix figs. 12- 14 T.c. Ptecticus aurifer Formosa, Kertesz p. 389 taf. ix fig. 4 T.c. Rosapha ; Gattung und Arten, Ker- Tfcsz pp. 376-380 Taf. viii figs. 6 Taf. ix 6-10 T.c. Vittiger gen. nM schnusei sp. n. Peru, Kertesz p. 395 T.c. Wallacea Dol. ; Gattung und Arten, tibialis sp. n. Formosa, Kertesz pp. 382-386 Taf. ix figs. 16-19 T.c. Tabanidae. Tabanidae ; Biologie, Beschreibung, Bekampfung (Russ.) 4-te Aufl., Port- schinsky Trd. b. entom. ucen. kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 2 8 1908 pp. 1-52 21 fig. i. T. Illustrations and descriptions of African Tabanidae. Austen pp. 36- 135 pis. ii-ix African blood-sucking flies. Atylotus jamaicensis sp. n. Jamaica, Newstead p. 465 Ann. trop. Med. 3. Austenia gen. n. type Haematopota bvllatifrons Austen, Surcouf Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p 454. Bombylopsis gen. n. p. 646, pseudo- analis S. Paulo p. 647, leonina S. Paulo, p. 648, spp. n., Lutz Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10. Bouvierella gen. n. p. 176, notata p. 177, proximo p. 179, brunnea p. 180, variegata p. 181, cincta p. 183, flava p. 184, spp. n., Madagascar, Surcouf Bui. Mus. Paris 1909. Chrysops fusciapex p. 684 S. Paulo, uruguayensis p. 687 Uruguay, bivit- tatus p. 688 Entrerios, brevifascia p. 689 Chaco de Sta. Fe, ecuadorensis p. 690 S. Antonio de Curaray, spp. n.» Lutz Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10. — O. fixissimus, flavocinctus, dispar , Pratt Calcutta J. Trop. Vet. Sci. 4 pp. 390- 392. — O. brimleyi S wing fig., Greene Ent. News 20 p. 302. Chrysozona vulnerans p. 455, pellucida p. 457, spp. n. Africa, Surcouf Bull. Mus. Paris 1909. Epipsila gen. n., eriomeriodes sp. n. S. Paulo, Lutz Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10 p. 649. Erephopsis flavicrinis S. Paulo p. 633, nigricans Espirito Santo p. 637, brevi- stria S. Paulo p. 643, pubescens S. Paulo p. 644, spp. n„ Lutz T.c. Esenbeckia nigricorpus p. 662 Sta. Catharina, clari p. 663 S. Paulo, dubia p. 665 Argentinia, biscutellata p. 666 Paraguay, spp. n. Lutz T.c. Haemato'io'a atomaria, rubida and unizonata , Pratt Calcutta J. Trop. Vet. Sci. 4 pp. 390-392. lonopis gen. n. p. 650, foetterlei sp. n. p. 651, Rio de Janeiro, Lutz Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10. Methoria gen. n. type Pangonia zig-zag Macq., Surcouf Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 257. Neopangonia gen. n. p. 651, pusilla sp. n. p. 652 S. Paulo, Lutz Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10. Pangonia sulcata sp. n. pi. ix f. 32 Syria, Bezzi Broteria 8 p. 41. Phaeoneura gen. n., Lutz Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10 p. 645. Potisa gen. n. type Haematopota pachycara Bigot, Surcouf Bull. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 454. Rhinomyza alveolata p. 185, maculate t p. 187, spp. n. Madagascar, Surcouf T. c. 369 Insecla. S YSTEMATIC. — DlPTERA. Tabanus distingucndus sp. n. Britain p. 371, sudeticus var. per plexus p. 399, Verrall Brit, flies 5. — T . bromius var. n . flavofemoratus Escorial, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot, Ges. 59 p. 292. — T. paradoxus Lebensweise, Bait p. 339 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — T. fumifer, opatus, minimus , partitus and vagus, Pratt Calcutta J. Trop. Vet. Sci. 4 pp. 390-392. — T. mesnili sp. n. Africa, Surcouf Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 77. — T. marmorosus p. 351, pluto p. 352, canescens, roubaudi, p. 353, varians p. 354, irroratus p. 355, spp. n. Africa occ., Surcouf T.c. — T. roubaudi p. 155, ignotus p. 223 & pi. iii, spp. n. Africa, Surcouf Etud. mor. Taban. — T. khasi- ensis p. 487, leucohirtus p. 488, bical- losus p. 489, nemocallosus p. 490, spp. n., Ricardo Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — T. haimovitchae sp. n. Madagascar, Sur- couf Bui. Mus. Paris 1909 p. 174. parahippi pl.xvi fig. 1, hipparionis fig. 2, spp. n., Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 28 p. 07. Leptidae. Atherix dispar p. 42, erythraspis p. 43 pi. ix fig. 8, spp. n., Syria, Bezzi Bro- teria 8. Atrichops gen. n. for Atherix crassipes Meig., Verrall p. 291 Brit, flies 5. Olutops singularis , Johnson Psyche 16 p. 132. Leptis guadarramensis sp. n. p. 166, lineola var. n. andalusiaca, Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 167. f L. florissantina sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer J Sci. 27 p. 58. — L. mystaceaeformis sp. n. Mio- cene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 20 p. 69. Tiierevidae. t Psilocephala hypogaea sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. p. 68 pi. xvi fig. 3 3a. — P. scudderi sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p 10 pi. i fig. 3. Thereva nobilitata, larva and pupa, Collinge J. econ.f Biol. 4 pp. 14-18 pi. iv. — T. albovittata p. 294, laufieri , xestomyzina , p. 168, spp. n., apicalis subsp. n. hispanica, Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 170. — (n-11091 j) * T. seminitida sp. n. Afriquo oriental©, Becker Bui. museum Baris 1909 p. 115. Asilidae. Leptogastrinae and Dasypogoninae of N. America, Back Trans. Amer. Eni. Soc. 35 pp. 437-400 pis. ii-xii. Ablautus rufotibialis sp. n. Texas, Back Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 35 p. 182. Apoclea autumnalis Arabia p. 286, continuata Persia p. 287, aperta Persia p. 291, plurisetosa Persia p. 293, arabica Arabia p. 294, spp. n., Becker Berliner ent. Zs. 53. Asilus lucentinus, p. 164, nevadensisr p. 163, quadriapiculatus p. 161, vari~ spinus, p. 160, variipennis, p. 162, Spain, spp. n., chrysiles var. n. nigrofemoralus p. 163 Madrid, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. — A. occidental is p. 147 pi. xxii f. 7, auricomus p. 148 ff. 8 & 9, piceus ff. 10 & 11, montanus p. 149,. ff. 12 &' 13, albicomus , lepidus, ff. 16 & 16, willistoni , p. 160, angustipennis,. latipennis, p. 152, spp. n., flavofemoratus nom. n. p. 153, coquillettii, terminalis?. p. 155, brevicomus p. 156, maneei p. 158 johnsoni p. 159, spp. n., snowii nom. n. p. 160, rubicundus p. 162, erythocnemiusr. calif ornicus pi. xxiii f. 36, p. 164, caco- pilogus p. 165, limpidipcnnis p. 167,. spp. n. Colorado, fuscatus nom. n. p. 168, Hine Ann ent. Soc. Amor. 2. — f A. peritulus sp. n. Miocene Colorado,. Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 69. Cophura fallei sp. n. Colorado p. 378 pi. viii f . 5, Back Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 35. Cyrtopogon alleni p. 261, pulcher p. 274, rufotarsus p. 275, spp. n., U.Q.,. Back T.c. Deromyia perplexa sp. n. New Mexico- p. 360, Back T.c. Dicolonus sparsipilosum sp. n. Mon- tana p. 247 pi. ix f. 2, Back T.c. Dioctria vera sp. n. Califorina p. 266, Back T.c. — j D. (?) florissantina Ckll. n. comb. p. 254, Cockerell Ann. Ent. Soo. Amer. 2. Erax ; spp. eastern United States, synonymy, Johnson Psyche 16 p. 32. Habropogon spissipes sp. n. Sinai, Hermann Karlsruhe Verh natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 151. d 33 370 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Holopogon dusmetii p. 156, fiavotibia- Us p. 157, spp. n., Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. — H. atripennis p. 312 pi. xi f. 1, snowi p. 316 f. 2, um- brinus p. 317, spp. n., U.S., Back Trans. : Aiper. Ent. Soo, 35, * Laphria nigrohirsuta sp. n. Kashmir, Liohtwardt D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 125. Leptogaster atridorsalis p. 159, schaef- ftri Texas p. 170, spp. n., U.S., Back Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 35. ' f Microstylum (?) destruction sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 p. 254-255 pi. xxviii f. 2. ‘ Neoitamus armatus sp. n. Afrique orientale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 114 Neolaparus lugubris sp. n. Afnqpo orientale, Becker p. 114 T.p. f Nicocles miocenicus sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 p. 255. Paritamu8 gen. n. for Itamus sect, B Loew, Verrall p, 679 Brit, flies 5. Proagonistes praedo sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iii f. 2 & p. 87, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Protophanes nigrotinclus sp. n. Afrique ' orientale, Becker Bui. Mus6um Paris 1909 p. 114. Saropogon coquilletlii sp. n. New Mexico p. 348, Back Trans. Amer. Ent. Soo. 35. Stenopogon inermipes p. 292, taboardae p. 155, spp. n., Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. — S. (Scleropo- gon) cinerascens sp. n. Texas, Back Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 35 p. 208. Stichopogon schineri var. ? n. alba- setosus Granada, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 158. — S. abdominalis Florida p. 332, fragilis New Mexico p. 334, spp. n., Back Trans. Amer. Ent. ( Soc. 35. , ’ Towhsendia fiebrigii sp. n. Paraguay, Bezzi Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 628 fig. 1. — T. niger New Jersey p. 175, pulcher- rima Texas p. 177, spp. n., Back Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 35. Willistonina gen. n. type Habropogon ■bilineatus pi. iv f. 5 & vii f. 3, Back T.c. p. 337 MyDAIDAE, AriOOERIDAE, Pantopiithalmidae. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Apioceri- den, Nebst Bemerkungen fiber die systematische Stellung der Mydaiden und Asiliden ; Hermann D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. pp. 104-122 1 Taf. Apiocera vulpes sp. n. Queensland, Hermann D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. p. 108. Mydas praegrandis sp. n. Brazil, Austen p. 130 Nov. zool. 16. Rhaphiorhynchus rothschildi sp^ n. Bolivia, Austen p. 129 T.c. , Ripidosyrma gen. n. for braunsi Mel., Hermann D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. p. 104 & pi. Aobooeridae. Ogcodes, Mundoffnung , Wandol- leck Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 549-553. — Suppositious larva in egg-bag of Epcira, Collin p. 97 Entomologist 42. Oncodes clavatus sp. n. Afrique orientale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 113. Pterodontia kashmirensis sp. n. Hima- laya, Lichtwardt D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 124. Bombyliidae. Ueber das Gehause einiger Bom- byliidae, Vimmer Cas. Ceske Spol. Entomolog. 1909 pp. 24-27. f Alepidophora gen. n. p. 54, pealei sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 65, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27. Anthracamoeba gen. n. near Spopgo- slylum p. 515, obscura sp. n. Persia p. 516, Sack Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30. Anthrax circumdatus Mg. var. n. Algeciras, niphoblebtus var. n. castel- lanus Escorial, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 146. — A. {Argyro- inoeba) sp. n. Syria, Bezzi Broteria 8 p. 46.^ — A. angulata p. 89, mendozana p. 90, Mendoza, spp. n., Brethes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19. Argyramoeba maculosa Pamir p. 626, heteropyga Corsika p. 531, polystigma Cyprus p. 534, spp. n., Sack Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30. Astrophanes andinus sp. n. Mendoza, Brethes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 91. 371 Insecla. Systematic — Diptera — Empidae, Etc. ..Bombylius senex,. var. n. violaceipes Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 148. — B. ,, terminatus , spp, n. Afrique orientile, Becker Bui. Museum Baris 1909 p. 115. Ghalcamoeba gen. n. fiir Anthrax virgo Egger p. 522, monacha sp. n. Persia p. 523, Sack T.c. • ‘ Chionamoeba gen. n. fiir Bibio hivea Rossi p. 543, semirufa sp. n. Persia p' 545, Sack Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30. Glirysamocha gen. n. near Spongosty- lum p. 510, vulpina sp. n. Persia p. 517, Sack T.d. Gyrtosia fldvorufa bp. n. Spain, Strobl Wieri Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 151. Leucamoeba gen. n. fiir Bibio aethiops Fab. p. 520, flava sp, n* Asia minor p. 521, Sack Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30. t Lithocosmus gen. n., coqvilletti sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 71 pi. xvi fig. 4. f Megacosmus gen. n„ mirandus sp. n. Miocene Colorado p. 11 pi. i fig. 1, Cockerell T.c. lf ,^Melanderella gen. n., glossalis sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell T.c. p. 70. Molybdamoeba gen. n. fiir Anthrax tripunctatu Wied., Sack Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30 p. 519. f Pachysystropus gen. n. p. 56, rohweri sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 57 fig. 1, Cockerell Amer. J. Sob 27. Phthiria ladeipennis sp. li. p. 151, pulicaria var. n. major p. 150 Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. ' ! Psamalamoeba gen. n. fiir Anthrax isis Meig, p. 530, Candida sp. n. Persia p. 538, Sack Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30. l:J' Satyrarhoeba gim. n. fiir Anthrax etrusca Fab., Sack T.c. p. 517. Sinaia gen. n. fcneuckeri sp. n. Sinai, Hermann Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 149. Spongostylum flavesems p. 512, flavi- pennep. 513, sordidum, ,p. 514, spp. n. .Persia, SAck Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 30. Systoechus hiveus sp. n. Sinai, Her- mann Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 ■Abfi. p. 150. / Systropus arizonicus sp. n. Arizona, Banks Ent. News 20 p. 18. (n-11091 .. j N em estrinipae , , •; ; • > Atriadops weslwaodi sp. n. NoU Guinea, Lichtwardt D. ent.. Zs; 1909 p. 650. Ceylonid gen. n„ magnified sp. ni Ceylon, Lichtwardt p. 640 T.c. HirmonCura austeni Assam, ochracea, Burma* opaca Himalaya cingulata India, coffeata Ceylon, brunhea Ceylon* orientalis Formosa, spp. n., Lichwardt pp. 643-345 T.c. - Nernestrina nitidissima sp. n. Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 144.— N. nigrovillosUS' Hispania. p. 114, hermanni Algeria p. 116, persicus Persia p. 119, kirtus Turkestan p. 121: spp. n., Lichtwardt D. ent. Zs. 1909/ Neorhyncliocephalus gen. n, near Rhynchocephalus, Lichtwardt p. 51$ t.c. . ; . . . ‘ ; Nycterimorpha gen. n. near Nycleri* myia, speiseri sp* n. Queensland, Lichtwardt p. 648 T.c. Nyderimyia gen. n. fiir Trichopsidea dohrni Wand., Lichtwardt p. 648 T.c; Stenopteromyia gen. n. fiir N ernes - irinus botivari Strobl, LichtwaRdt p. 509 T.c. Empidae. Microphgna; n£w divisional name for Empidae and Dolichapidae,, Verrall Brit, flies 5 p. 41. t ' Empidae , sex-relations of various species, Hamm pp. 157-162 Ent. Mag. 45, . . ... , ,, m Anacrostichus subgen. n* zu Empis, Bezzi D. enti Zs. 1909 Beih. p. 93. Afgyrandrus subgen. n. ip Empis, Bezzi p. 100 T.c. CoptophUbia snbgen. n. zu Empis , Bezzi p. i00 T.c. Drapetis flavicollis , sp. n. Afrique orientale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 116. . ; • ‘ Elgphropeza antennata sp. n. Afrique orientaie, Becker p. 1 15 T.c. _.r . ■ Empis ; divided* pp. 85 . etc,, ; E. albifrons : nom. n. fui^ papa Loew, loewiana nom. n. dimidiata , p. 9i, can- casica Kaukasus, testidulata Kreta, p. 92, mdapleuralis . Sarepta p. 93, spp., n .y tipsoma nom- n. fiir inf umata Becker p. 99, leptomqrion Alpen p. 102, ' ! ' d 33 — 2 372 Insccta. XII. Insecta. [ 1 900] corcyrica Korfu, coracina Frankreich, p. 103, spp. n., Bezzi D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. — E. algecirasensis, dusmetii , spp. n., Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 173 T.o. — E. spirijera p. 54, specularis p. . 55, Lebanon, spp. n., Bezzi Broteria 8. — E. opaca sex-rela- tions, Hamm pp. 132-134 Ent. Mag. 45. — E. spectabilis habits, McAtee Ent. News 20 p. 359. Haplomera schroitkyi sp. n. Paraguay, Bezzi Ent. Ztg Wien 28 p. 319. Hemerodromia oratoria var. n. ca'a- luna Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 178. — H. praecatoria, metamorphosis, Brocher p. 44 Am.. Biol, lacustre 4. Helerempis gen. n., mcndozana sp. n. Mendoza, Br^thes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 92. Hilara czernyi p. 176, escorialensis , p. 175, marginipennis , p. 176, pseudo - cornicula , p. 174, spp. n., cinereomicans var. n. trigemina, Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 175. — II. lucidifrons gp. n. Afriquo orientale, Becker Bui. Musduin Paris 1909 p. 116. Lissempis subgen. n. zu Empis, Bezzi D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. p. 99. Microphorella subgen. n. vide Micro- phorus. Microphorus ; taxonomy, Micro- phorella subg. n. p. 25, Becker Ent* Ztg Wien 28. Polyblepharis subgen. n. for Empis , Bezzi D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. p. 95. Rhamphomyia hipila p. 171, pseudo - crinila p. 170, Spain, spp. n., Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59.— R. empidijormis sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Becker Bui. Mus6um Paris 1909 p. 116. — R. sulcata Fall, und cinerascens Meig., Kleine Soc. entomol. 24 p. 65. Tachydromia pseudo-exigua , pseudo - unguiculata, spp. n., Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 181. Tetraneurella leckeri sp. n. Deutschl., Dahl Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 362. Xanthempis subgen. n. zu Empis , Bezzi D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. p. 88. Dolicuopidae. Asyndetus aurocupreus, late-interrup- tus , Spain, spp. n., Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 190. Aphrosylopsis gen. n., lineatus sp. n. Bounty Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 132. Aphrosylus fuscipennis sp. n. Alge- ciras, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 193. Chrysotus kerguelensis sp. u. Ker- guelen, Enderlein D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 435. Diaphorus gredleri subsp. n. flavo- maculatus Spain, Strobl Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 191. Dolichopus immaculatus sp. n. Dau- phine, Becker Ent. Ztg Wien 28 p. 323. — D. laufferi sp. n., aratriformis var. ? n. eciliata, Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 184. Epithalassius czernyi sp. n. Tarifa, Strobl p. 192 T.c. Hercostomus laufferi nom. n. fiir Dolichopus laufferi Strobl, nigrohaltera - tus sp. n. Chartreuse, Becker p. 324 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Micromorphus albosetosus sp. n. Alge- ciras, Strobl Wien Vorh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 189. Neurigona biflexa sp. n. Algeciras, Strobl p. 183 T.c. Orthochile barbicoxa sp. n. Granada, Strobl p. 186 T.c. Scellus ; Bestimmungeliste p. 325, gallicanus sp. n. Lautaret p. 326, Becker Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Rchoenophilus pedestris sp. n. Mac- quarie Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 132. Sciapus albovittatus sp. n. Algeciras, Strobl Wien. Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 183. Teuchophorus longipilus p. 187, tenue- marginatus p. 188, spp. n., Spain, Strobl T.c. Phoridae. Aphiochaela banksi p. 5 fig. 1, curti- neura p. 6 fig. 2, Philippines, spp. n.„ Brues J. New York Ent. Soc. 17. Ghaetonura gen. n. ior.Phora pt. viz. urbana etc., Malloch p. 26 Glasgow Natural. 1. Conoprosopa gen. n. Phoridarum , scutellata sp. n. Afriquo occidentale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 121. 373 Insecta. Systematic. — Dipt era — Syrphidab. Cryptopteromyia gen. n., jeanssoni sp. n. Natal, Tragardh Zool. Jahrb. Jotia Syst. 28 pp. 328-329 ; Thauma - toxena Br. ot Bom. und Termitodeipnus Enderl., Tragardh T.c. pp. 329-347 1 Taf. Phora ( Aphiochaeta ) fumata sp. n. Scotland, Malloch p. 35 Ent. Mag. 45. — P. crassipes p. 24, armata, rudis, affinis, p. 25, aequalis, flavescens , longi- seta , rivalis , p. 26, surdifrons, parva, mallochi , glabrifrons , p. 27, propinqua, uliginosa, p. 28, collini p. 29, obscuri- pennis , conformis, p. 113, humilis, alti- colella, hortensis , p. 114, nigripes, un- guicularis, barbulata, beckeri, p. 115, fungivoia, albipennis, p. 116, altifrons , pleuralis, p. 117, di versa, variabilis, subpleuralis, p. 118, frontalis , infra - posita , vernalis, p. 119, cilipes, scutel- laris, p. 120, tumida, denotata , p. 192, discreta, fusca, angusta, p. 193, hirti- ventris, derasa, p. 194, sublumida, nudi- ventris, p. 195, spp. n., Britain, Wood Ent. Mag. 45. Spiniphora gen. n. for Phora dorsalis Beck, etc., Malloch p. 26 Glasgow Natural. 1. Stenophora gen. n. for Phora uni - spinosa etc., Malloch p. 27 T.c. Trupheoneura gen. n. for Phora pal - posa etc., Malloch p. 27 T.c. Woodia gen. n. for Phora gracilis Wood, Malloch p. 28 T.c. Platypezidae. \Cattimyia (?) hypolitha sp. n. Color- ado Eocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 27 pp. 57-58. Pipunculidae. Pipuncnlus argyrostictus sp. n. Mon- istrol, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 210. Syrphidae. Asarcina amoena pi. iii f. 4 & p. 88, punctifrons f. 5 & p. 89, spp. n., Ruwen- zori, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — A. angustata sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Becker Bui. Mus6um Paris 1909 p. 116. Ghilosia limbicornis sp. h. Spain, rnralis var. n. nevadensis , p. 199, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Gos. 69. — fC. miocmica sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer.. Mus. 26 p. 72 pi. xvi fig. 5 5a. , Cnemodon ; revision of the Swedish, qnthracimus Zett. and ruficornis Zett. = julvimanus Zett., morincllus and vitri - pennis now for Swodcn, Wahloren Entomol. Tidskr. 30 p. 126. Chrysogaster chalybeata var. n. coeru- lea, p. 207, hirtella var. n. claripennis p. 208, Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. Helophilas interruptus sp. n. Camp- bell Island, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand i p. 133. Merodon podagricus sp. n. Corsica, Villeneuve p. 338 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. — M. geniculatus p. 203, unguicornis p. 205, spp. n., aeneus var n. unicolor p. 202, spinipes var. n. obscuritarsis p. 201, Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Gos. 69. Megaspis bulligera sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iii f. 8 & p. 91, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Melangyna quadriinaculata habits, Alderson p. 166 Ent. Mag. 45. Mdanostoma in fusca turn sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 117. Microdon mutabilis larva, Donis- thorpe p. 18 & pi. ii Ent. Record 21. Myiolepta difformis sp. n. Madrid, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 200. Pelecocera pruinosomaculata var. n. escorialensis Escorial, Strobl Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 p. 196. Pipizetta heringii var. n. hispanica Spain, Strobl p. 208 T.c. . Senaspis elliotii pi. iii f. 7 sp. n. Ruwenzori, aesacus Walk. f. 6, Austen p. 90 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Simoides descendens sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 117. Sphaerophoria scripta var. n. scutel- lata, Portevin Ann. Ass. Levallois- Perret 14 p. 25. Sphegina limbipcnnis sp. n. Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ge3. 59 p. 195. Syrplius junghausi sp. n. Doutschl., Lange Annaberg Ber. Ver. 12 p; 55. — 8. willistoni sp. n. Miocene Colorado. Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. .20 p. 9 374 Insccta. X If. Insecta. fig. 1. — St. aphidopsidis sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 pp. 253-254 pi. xxviii fig. 4. COKOI'IDAE Conops pliuchus p. 26, miuchus p. 27, 0. ( Phyaocephala ) diyitatus p. 28, spp. n., Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 3. Melanosoma mundum sp. n. Spain, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot, Ges. 59 p. 260. — M. rubripes sp. n. France, Villeneuve Feuille jeunes natural 39 p 153. Zodion perbellum sp. n, Speiser Kiliinandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 3 p. 29. Oestridae, Masarygidae. Substances li^motoxiques secretees ar les larves d’CEstres, Weinberg ar.'s C. R.soc. biol. 65 1908 pp. 75-77. Physiologie de 1’appareil respiratoire des larves d’CEstres: PoRTiER Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 pp. 568-571. Cephenomyia ; Hoffmann 1 Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 natw. Abt. pp. 21-25. — O. Geschlechtszahlen ; Fringe & Nussbaum p. 25-31 T.c. Hypoderma bovis, larval ethology ; Sorensen Entomol. Tidskr. 29 1908 jip. 65—120. Maaarygua gen. n. of fara. n. Masary- gidae p. 441 , planifrons sp. n. Buenos Aires p. 442, BrLtuks An. Mus. Buenos Aires 10. Ithinoestrua purpureas, Parasit der Pferde und Menschen, Bau der Larve, Schutzfarbung, Portschinsky Trd. b. entom. ucen. kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 6 6 1908 pp. 1-41 1 Taf. u. 9 fig. i. T. Muscidae Calyptratae. Bionomics of house-flies ; Hewitt Q. J. microsc. Sci. 54 pp. 347-114 pi. xxii. Organes rudimentaires des larves des Muscides ; Pantel Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 148 pp. 107-110. Sur l’unification du nombre de seg- ments dans les larves des Muscides ; Pantel Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 pp. 233-236. Notes synonymiques sur quelques Dipteres ; Villeneuve D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 677-679, [1909] Zur Kenntnis des weiblichen Gesch- lechtsapparates ; Cholodkovsky Zs, wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 333-337. Tachinaires i Variations, Ville- neuve p. 333 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Investigations on the life-fiistory of some muscoidean flies parasitio on insecto ; Nielsen Ent. Medd. 2 R. 4 l)isp. pp. 1-126 w. 4 plates. Debut de la phagocytose muscq- laire; P£rez Bordeaux Proc.-verb. soc. sci. phys. nat. 1909 pp. 25-26. Sur la metamorphoses des muscles chez les Muscides ; Perez Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 pp. 1472-1474 & 1791- 1793. Musculature de l’intestin moyen des Muscides pendant la metamorphose ; Perez Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 pp. 43C-r 38. Second cas de myase hypo derm ique dans le Morbihan ; Topsent Arch, parasit. Paris 13 pp. 483-189 fig. Sur la myase des voies urinaires ; Chevrkl Arch, parasit. 12 pp. 369-450. Andesimyia gen. n. near Distichina , scutella sp. n. Mendoza, BRETHES .An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 97: Anisia cinerea sp. n. Mendoza, Brethes p. 100 T.c. Anthomyia liyoscyami var. n. nigri- cornis Sud-Spanien, Strobl Y^ien Verh- ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 242. — A . spreta life- history, Lucas p. 241 pi. vi Entomolo- gist 42. — A. radicum, larva, etc., Hewitt Q. J. microsc. Sci. 54 p. 355 pi. xxii figs. 2 & 3. Araba czernyi sp. n. Spanien, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 231. Atylomia loewii var. n. nitidijrons Spain, Strobl p. 222 T.c. Bdellolarynx gen. n. near Haematobia T sanguinolentus sp. n. India and Ceylon, Austen p. 290 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Calliphora flavipes sp. n. Auckland Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zea- land 1 p. 134. — Q. erythrocephala, larva etc., Hewitt Q. J. microsc. Sci. 54 p. 358 pp. xxii figs. 8-12. Campylocera unicolor sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 118. Chrysomyia macellaria, ‘ Jamaica, Newetead p. 462 Ann. trop. Med. 3. 375 Insecta. Systematic. — Muscidae. Goenosia dealbata var. ri. puncli - ventris Alicante, Strobl Wien Verb. ZoolBofc. Ges. 59 p 245. — G. gigas sp. n. Afrique occidental, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 118. — C. anipila sp. n. Java, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 268. — G. filipennis p. 138, fumi- pennis p. 139, Campbell Islands, spp. n.. Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1. Gordyligaster septentrionalis sp. n. Maryland, Townsend p. 250 Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Gordylnbia, les larves parasites ; Gedoelst Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 1 pp. 596-600. Gosmina claripennis p. 60 pi. ix f. 39, Bezzi Broteria 8. Crossocosmia sericariae, Hibernation , of Maggot (Japanese), Akashi Rep. Japan Sericultural Ass. 207 p. 1-3. Guphocera tricolor sp. n. Himalaya, Liohtwardt D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 126. Cyclolqphrys gen. n., anser sp. n. Russia, Townsend p. 246, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Czernya gen. n. ex a IT. Micropalpus , longirostris sp. n. Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 217. Dejeania wollastonii sp. n. Ruwenzori pi. iii f. 9 & p. 93, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Deuterammobia maculosa sp. n. Sinai, Hermann Karlsruhe Verh.'natw. Yer. 21 Abh; p. 156. Dexia inappendiculata sp. n. Ruwen- zori pi. iii f. 11 & p. 97, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Disjunctio guyoli sp. n. Sinai, Her- mann Karlsruho Verh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 155. Echinomyia ( Laufferia subg. n.) fulvi- cornis sp. n. Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 219. Eucelatoria gen. n. for Tachina armigera Coq., Townsend p. 249 Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Eudoromyia , type is magnicornis Zctt., Townsend p. 244 Canad. Ent. 41. Eumasicera gen. n., coccidella sp. n. U.S., Townsend Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 p. 249. Eupeleteria, typo is Echinomyia fera, Townsend p. 244 Canad. Ent. 41. Gesneriodes nom. n. fur Gesnerin, Villeneuve p. 47 Ent. Ztg. Wien 2$« $ Olossina ; in Deutsch. Ostafrika, Steudel Kol. Rdsch. 1909 pp. 713r- 749 ; Olossina , Infection naturclle do la trompe ; Roubaud Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 1 1908 pp. 564-568 ; ihre verheerendo Tatigkeit, Kurchhoff Natw. Wochenschr. 24 pp. 145— 153. — G. palpalis conditions do viyi- parite et dc vie larvaire, Roubaud Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 pp. 195- 197 ; bionomicp, Hodges Sleeping sickness bureau 28 pp. ; distribution,. Neave J. econ. Biol. 4 p. 109 ; -Rou- baud These Fac. sci. Paris pp. 280 av. fig. — f G. osborni sp. n. Miocene Floris- sant, Cockerell p. 128 Nature 80. . Graphogaster vestita Rond. varr:: lit. andatusiaca and nigriventris , Spam; Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 223. Graphomyid vittata p. 206 sp. n. Java, mellina p. 207, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. f>2. Haematobia sanguisugens sp. n. India, Austen p. 288 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ilebecnema nitens sp. n. Java, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 223. Homalomyia canicularis, pp. 354 & , 355, larva pi. xxii f. 1, Hewitt Q. j. microsc. Sci. 54. Ilylemyia coarclata destructive to wheat, Fryer & Fryer p. 134 Ent, Mag. 45 ; Nord de la France, Marchal. Paris Bull. soc. ent. 1909 p. 196. Laufferia subgen. n. vide Echinomyia. Limnophora appropinqvans p. 244,' tonsa p. 245, cadnca p. 247, sublilis p. 249, distincta p. 251, spp. n., Java, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52. — L. las,io- phthalma sp. n. Auckland Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 135. Lispa geniseta p. 256, pallitarsis p. 259, flavicornis p. 260, biviltata p. 262, spp. n., Java, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 62.' , — L. sinensis destroying Culicid larvae, Atkinson J. trop. Med. 12 p. 255. Lucilia sericata, sheep maggot, Mac- - dougall Trans. Highland Agric. Soc. 1909 42 pp. Lyperosia pundigera sp. n. Uganda, Austen p. 285 Ann. Nat. Hist 3 ; Austen pp. 160-162 pL xiii /. 103 African blood-sucking flies. , 376 Insect a. [1909] X I r. Insecta. Macquartia maculifemur sp. u. Spain, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 214. . Meigenia bisignata parasite de Lina, Rabaud Feuille jeunes natural. 39 p. 101. . Meldnochila insularis sp. n. Campbell Island, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 137. Microphtalma longifacies, Parasit \schadlicher Lairellicomier, KrasilIscik Kisinev Trd. Obsc. jest. 1 pp. 358-395. Mikia aterrima sp. n. Thuringen, £Strobl AVien A^erh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 220. Musca pollinosa p. 211, nigrithorax p. 212, inferior p. 213, spp. n., Java, ■AStein Tijdschr. Ent. 52. — M. domestica . and allies, relations to disease ; Hewitt Q. J. microsc. Sci. 54 pp. 347-414 pi. xxii. — Japanese house fly, Metamor- phosis and habits of, (Japanese), Ko- fi a yashi Dobuts Z. 21 pp. 335-341. Muscina longicomia sp. n. Java, ( Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 221. — M. stabulans, Hewitt Q. J. mieroso. Sci. 54 p. 300. Mydaea tuberculifacies p. 226, surgens p. 227, impur p. 229, pectinipes p. 230, latitarsis p. 232, dolosa p. 235, nitidi- ventris, pallitarsis, p. 236, macvliventris p. 237, ruficoxa , nervosa , p. 240, cognata p. 241, spp. n., Java, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52. Myexorista roseanae, host etc., Collin p. 1 Entomologist 42. Ophyra cadaverina, physiology, Tanol Arch. ges. Physiol. 130 pp. 1-54. Parachaeta ; Townsend p. 250 Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Paragermaria gen. n., autumnalis sp. m. Masscliusetts, Townsend p. 247 T.o. Paralimnophora gen. n., depressa, p. 136, indistincta p. 137, spp. n., Enderby a-nd Antipodes Islands, Lamb Subant. Xsl. New Zealand 1. Pareudora ; type is praeceps, Towns- end p. 244 Canad. Ent. 44. Pegomyia conformis, Anatomie der Larven, Vimmer Cas. Ceske Spol. Entomolog. 1909 p. 113; P. rutila sp. n. Java, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 266. Phaonia nepcnthincola sp. n. Java, ISti'IN p. 222 T.o. Phasmophaga gen. n. p. 243, anten- nalis Wisconsin, meridionalis Texas, spp. n., p. 244, Townsend Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Philaematomyia gen. n. near Musca p. 295, insignis sp. n. p. 298 India, Africa, Sokotra and Cyprus, Austen Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 ; Austen pp. 136- 141 pi. xiii figs. 96 & 97 African blood- sucking flies. Phorocera metallica sp. n. Afriquo Occidents le, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 117. — P. serriventris, life- history, AVesche J. Quek. Cl. 10 pp. 451 & pi. xxxvi. Plagia hilfii var. n. sinaica, Hermann Karlsruhe Verb. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 157. Pollenia rudis dans Allolobophora chlorotica ; Keilin C. R. soc. biol. 67 pp. 201-203. Pseudomintho microptera sp. n. Syria, Bezzi Broteria 8 p. 59. Pseudophorocera brunnescens sp. n. Afriquo ocoidontale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 117. Pygophora maculipennis sp. n. Kra- katau, Stein Tijdschr. Ent. 52 p. 271. Rondania ; Synonymie, Villeneuve p. 337, dispar var. n . alpina Col. du Lautaret, p. 338, A^illeneuve Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Rhynchomyia ruficeps var. n. tran- sients Spain, Strobl Wien A^erh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 234. Rileyella gen. n. type Tachina aletiae Riley, Townsend p. 249 Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Rhinia tristriata sp. n. Afrique occi- dentale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 118. Sarcophaga schultzei sp. n. Doutschl., Kramer Ent. Rdsch. 26 p. 83. — S. notatipennis pi. iii f. 12 p. 98, inae- qualis f. 13 & p. 99, spp. n. Ruwenzori, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. — S. carnaria maggot living on dead silkworms (Japanese), Niwa Rep. Japan Seri- cultural Ass. 209 p. 21. Saundersia rnarginalis, discalis, Men- doza spp. n., Brethes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 95. Sericophoromyia gen. n. near Chaeto- lyga p. 95, claripilosa sp. n. Ruwenzori 377 Insecta. Systematic. — Acalyptratae. pi. iii f. 10 & p. 96, Austen Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Selulia grisea and allies, Wain- wright p. 275 Ent. Mag. 45. Sisyropa hemerocampae sp. n. District of Columbia, Townsend Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 p. 248. Sphecapatoclea gen. n., excisa sp. n. Sinai, Hermann Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Vcr. 21 Abh. p. 155-156. Stomatomyia acuminata var. n. si- naica, Hermann Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 157. Stomoxys ; the african, Austen pp. 141-159 pi. xiii African blood-sucking flies. — S. lirnbata p. 292, pusilla p. 293, pulla p. 294, spp. n., India, Austen Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — S. calcitrans, larva, etc., Hewitt Q. J. microsc. Sci. 54 p. 356 pi. xxii figs. 4-6 ; S. calcitrans et le b6tail argon tin, Iches Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 56 pp. 104-111. Stygeromyia sanguinaria sp. n. Africa, Austen p. 286 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Slyloneuria ; Svnonymie, Ville - neuve p. 337 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Tachina japonica sp. n. Japan, Townsend Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 p. 247. Trichophora matulivenlris sp. n. Men- doza, BriVthes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 99. Trichopticus (?) curmpes sp. n. Auck- land Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 138. Trypiocera (Actia) villeneuvii sp. n. Elche, Strobl Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 221. Vibrissina flavocalyptrata sp. n. Men- doza, Bretiies An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 p. 94. Muscidae acalyptratae. Swedish insect fauna, Aschiza ; Wahl- GREN Entomol. Tidskr. 30 pp. 1-86 figs. Genera of Pyrgotinae and lists of the species, IIendel Gen. ins. 79 33 pp. & 1 pi. Acidia alata sp. n. Afriquc occiden- tals, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 119. — A. jratria, life history and habit3 pp. 9-13 ff. 1 & 2, Chittenden U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 82 Part 2. Aciura sexfissata sp. n. Afrique occi- dentale, Becker Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 119. Acrosticta ; Bestimmungstabello der Arten ; A. ruficauda Peru, A. profunda Bolivia, spp. n., p. 248, Hendel Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Adapsila coaretata pi. i f. 7 & p. 14, Hendel Gen. ins. 79. Agromyza infumata, leucoptera, p. 264, xanthocera p. 263, Spa'n, spp. n., Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59. — A. distantinervis , argenteolunulata , p. 294, A. beckeri, monfalconensis, p. 295, A. ( Domomyza ) flavocingulata, p. 296, spp. n., Austria, Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — A. erythrinae sp. n., Galle, Docters van Leeuwen & Meyere Salatiga Cultuurgids 11 pp. 227-240 1 Taf. Allophylopsis gen. n. Helomyzidae p. 142, punctata sp. n. p. 143 The Snares, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 . Anacampta unimaculata sp. n. Es- corial, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 250. Anastrepha ; specie, Bezzi Portici Boll. Lab. zool. agr. 3 pp. 280-286 2 fig. Anatalanta crozetensis sp. n. Crozot Inseln p. 400, aptera Eat. var. n. gracilis , Kerguelen, Enderlein p. 430 D. Sudpolar Exped. 10 H. 4. Antrops gen. n. Borboridae , trunci- pennis sp. n. Feuerland, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 225-230. Asimoneura gen. n. ex aff. Euribiidae ( Trypetidae ), stroblii sp. n. Monistrol, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 253. Aspistomella gen. n. Ulidiinae, lobio- ptera Bolivia, p. 264, heteroptera Peru p. 266, spp. n., Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Athyroglossa brunnimana sp. n. Spain, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 269. Axiologina gen. n. Ulidiinae. , A. ferrum-equinum sp. n. Peru, Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 268. Baeopterus gen. n. Phycodromidae p. 141, robustus sp. n. p. 142 Campbell & Ewing Islands. Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1. 378 lnsecta. XII. Insecta. [1900] Balioptera paganetlii sp. n. Schlesien, Stbobl p. 293 Ent, Ztg. Wien 28. Blepharoptera serrata, Anatomic der Larven, Vimmer 6as. Cosk4 Spol. Ento- molog. 1909 pp. 109-113. Borboridae, passengers on Scarabaeus, Fletcher p. xlvi P. ent. Soo. London 1909. Borborus fuscanus sp. n. Afrique oceidentale, Becker Bui. mus4um Paris 1909 p. 120. . Bothrometopa gen. n. Pterocallini,. . gumma sp. n. Peru, Hkndel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 66 ; p. 39, Hendel Gen, ins. 96. Bromophila caffra pi. figs. 26 & 27 & p. 28, Hendel Gen. ins. 79. Galycopteryx moseleyi Eat. var. n. minor Heard-Insel, Enderlein D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 469. Gampylocera brevicornis pi. i figs. 10- 12 & p. 16, Hendel Gen. ins. 79. Genchrometopa gen. n. Ulidiinae , G. curvinervis sp. n. Peru, Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 251. Geratitis ; specie, Bezzi Portici Boll. Lab. zool. agr. 3 pp. 273-280 1 fig. — G. striata sp. n. Ceylon, Froggatt Parasitic and injurious insects p. 111. Geratomyza semivittata sp. n. Monfal- cone, Stbobl p. 297 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ghaetopsis j Eestimmungschlussel, p. 255, praeceps, mucronata Brasilien, p. 255, G. ( Stenomyia ) laticauda Para- guay, angusta Brasilien, p. 256, spp. n., Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Chlorops quadrimaculata sp. n. Algeciras, Czerny Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 p. 285. — G. anthracopha- goides p. 285, grandicornis p. 286, pallifrons p. 287, spp. n. Austria, Stbobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ghondrometopum gen. n. Pterocallini, circuatum sp. n. Peru. Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 9 ; p. 9, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Ghrysomyza africana nom. n. fur clausa Karsch 1887, chalybea Turk- menien, longicomis Formosa & Ceylon, spp. n., Hendel Zool. Anz. 84 pp. 615— 621. Goelopa debilis,. iiigrijrons, spp. n. Campbell & Macquarie Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zealand 1 p. 140. . Coniosternum nigrohirtum sp. n. Spain, Czerny Wion Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 248. Coscinum gen. n. Pterocallini, clavipcx sp. n. Poru, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 68 ; p. 41, clavipes pi. iv figs. 75-77, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Crassiseta ; Zugehorigkeit zu Elachi- ptera, Becker p. 95 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — G. tuber culif era, trapezina, Italia, strobli Spagna, spp. n„ Corti Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 (1908) 1909 pp. 121-162. Cyrtomostoma gen. n. Pterocallini , gigas sp. n. Bolivia, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 64; p. 37, gigas pi. iv. figs. 67-69, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Dacus ; specie, Bezzi Portici Boll. Lab. zool. agr. 3 pp. 287-313 1 fig. — D. frenchi, ornatissima , New Caledonia curvipennis Fiji, spp. n., Froggatt Parasitic and injurious insects pp. 92- 93.— D. cpqualis sp. n. Gosford N. S. Wales, Coquillet Proe. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 794. Dasymetopa ochracea p. 21, fumi- pcnnis, septempunctata p. 22, sordida p. 23, nigropunctata p. 24, stigma p. 25, luteipenms p. 78, fenestrata p. 79, Bolivia, Peru, spp. n., Hendel I), ent. Zs. 1909. — D, ochracea Hend. pi. ii figs. 35 & 36 & p. 33, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Diasleneura laticeps pi. figs. 20 & 21 & p. 24, Hendel Gen. ins, 79. Dichromyia sanguiniceps, pi. figs. 28- 30 & p. 30, Hendel T.c. Discocerina tricolor sp. n. Spain, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 268. Ditaenia stroblii sp. n, Spain, Czerny p.255 T.c. Elachiptereicus gen. n. Chloropinarum p. 119, bistriatus sp. n. p. 120 Afrique oceidentale, Becker Bui. museum Paris 1909. Elapata gen. n. Pterocallini, remipes sp. n. Peru, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 64 ; p. 33, remipes pi. iv figs. 04-66 Hendel Gen. ins. 90. Euaresta subpura sp. n. New Jersey, Johnson Psyche 10 p. 114. 379 tnsecta. Systematic.---Diptera — Acalyptratae. Fjuinecosomyia gen. ri.' Ulidiinae p. 269 type Epiplatea gracilis Coq.? lacteivittnta sp. n. p. 270 Mexiko, Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wierl 28. Eumorphomyia tri punctata pi. figs. 15 & 16 & p. 20, Hendel Gen. ins. 79. Eupyrgota scioldd pi. figs. 13 & 14 & p. 19, Hendel T.c. Eurina chloropoides sp. n. Monfal- cone, Strobl p. 284 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Euiropha nitidifrons sp. n. Tarifa, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 284. Euxesta bilimeki Mexico, acuta , arcuata , geminata, insol ita, lunata, schnusei , stigma , Peru, maculata, lacleipennis, Bolivien, acuticornis Paraguay, obliquestriatd. wettsteini , Brasilion, spp. n., schineri nom. n., Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 7 pp. 151- 172. Fucellia pictipennis sp. n. East Greenland, Nielsen Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. Hefte 29 pp. 363-404. Gampsocera inornata sp. n. Italia. Corti Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 121-162. Gdoemyia stylata pi. figs. 17-19 & p. 22, Hendel Gen. ins. 79. Geomyza buliogadra, sanjerdiriandi , Spain spp. ii., Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 281. Glenantke nigripes sp. n. Bobadilla, Czerny p 270 T.c. Goniaea gen. n. Pterotallini , fovedlata sp. n. Bolivia, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 71. Goniacola nom. n. fur Goniaea Hendel 1909, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 114; p. 44, foveolata pi. iv. figs. 82 & 83, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Hydrellia punctum sp. n. Afrique occidental, Becker Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 120. Icaridion gen. n. Phycodromidae p. 140, nasutum sp. n. p. 141, Campbell Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zea- land 1. Lasiochaela gen. n. typ. pubescens Thai., Corti Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 121-162. Lautania atbofnaculata sp. n. Ad- mont, Strobl p. 283 Ent. Ztg. Wieh 28. Lauxaniinae ; Metamorphose, Mei- jere Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 152- 155. Leria limbinervis sp. n. Escorial, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ge3. 59 p. 274. Limneria deichmanni sp. n. East Greenland, Nielsen Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. Hefte 29 pp. 363-404. Limnia siichospila sp. n. Monistrol, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 257. Limosina pseudonivalis p. 369, longi- setosa p. 370, parapusio p. 371, mpn- nervis p. 374, nigricornis p. 375, brevispina p. 376, spp. h. t>eutschl., Dahl Borlin SitzBor. Gos. natf. Frcundo 1909. — L. claviventris p. 299, monfalconensis p. 300, Monfalcono, spp. ri., Austria, Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. k • Listriomastax gen. n. Phycodromidae p. 396 , litorea sp. n, p. 398 Possession- Insel, Enderlein D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4. Loxoneura formosae sp. n. Formosa, Kert£sz Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 337. , Megalaemyia gen. n. Pterocclllini p. 3, elsae p. 4, punctulata p. 5, albo i striata p. 6, bestifer Bolivia & Peru p. 7, fenestellata Mexico, costalis , p. 8, radiata- Bolivia, marginata Peru, p. 72. spp. n., Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 Beih. ; p. 7* type elsae Hend., Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Mcgdglossa nervosa sp. n. Afrique Occidents le, Becker Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 118. Microneurum brevi verve p. 287, securiferum p. 288, Admont, spp. n., Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Miiocordylura gen. n . Cordylurinae p. 778, longifacies sp. n. Mongolei p. 782, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909. Myennis tricolor Turkmenia p. 11, nigra Peru p. 12, appendiculata p. 14, zebra , Brasilia, p. 15, cyaneiventris Bolivia p. 73, spp. n., Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 ; pi. i figs. 15-17, scutellaris Wied. pi. ii figs. 24 & 25, Hendel p. 13 Gen. ins. 96. 380 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Myrmernorpha Luf., abgelehnter Gattungsname, brachyptera, Becker p. 91 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ochthera setigera sp. . n. Algeciras, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ge3. p. 271. Oedopa ascriptiva sp. n. Colorado, Hendel p. 267 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ophthalmoptera gen. n. Pterocallini longipennis p. 69, bipunctata Bolivia p. 70, elegans Peru p. 83, spp. n., Hendel D. ent Zs. 1909; p. 43, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Oscinella deficiens sp. n. Afrique occidentalo, Becker Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 120. Oscinis xanthopyga p. 290, beckeri p. 291, spp. n., Austria, Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Paragorgopsis clathrata p. 59, schnusei p. 60, cancellata, mailed, Bolivia & Peru, p. 61, spp. n. Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 ; P. mallea Hend. pi. iii figs. 57-60 & p. 29, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Parallelomma hispanicum sp. n. Algeciras, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 247. Paraphyola gen. n. ZJlidiinae, an- gustifrons, crucifera, spp. n. Peru, Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Philhygria nubeculosa sp. n. Admont, Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 292. Phytomyza longicornis sp. n. Algeciras, Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 265. — P. flavofemorata Berechtigung ; acuminata , czernyi p. 298, spp. n., Austria, Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — P. xylostei, Tragardh Zs. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 5 pp. 301-304. Piophila casei , Allessandrini Arch, parasit. 13 pp. 337-382 ; Maden, Krausse Zs. wiss. Inscktenbiol. 5 pp. 394-398. Platyparea pceciloptera Schrenk aux environs de Paris, Lesne Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 pp. 197-200. Polyteloptera gen. n. Vlidiinae , apo- iropa sp. n. Braeilien, Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 263. Polytocus gen. n. Dryomyzidae p. 144, spinicosta sp. n. p. 145, Auckland Islands, Lamb Subant. Isl. New Zea- land 1. Prosactomilichiu gen. n. p. 170, myr- mecophila p. 171, brevirostria p. 172, spp. n., Java myrraecophilous, Meyere Tijdschr. Ent. 52. Pselaphephila arctica sp. n. East Greenland, Nielsen Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. Hefte 29 pp. 363-404. Pseudotephritis vau Say pi. ii figs. 40 & 41 & p. 24, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Psila nigromaculata sp. n. Admont, Strobl p. 284 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Pterocalla angustipennis Bolivia p. 32 , reticulata Peru p. 33, plumitarsis Bolivia p. 36, striata p. 37, oculata Peru p. 39, nitidiventris Paraguay p. 75, punctata p. 76, radiata Bolivia p. 77, spp. n., Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 ; P. plumitarsis Hend. pi. ii figs. 37 & 38 & p. 19, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Plerocallinae ; the genera with lists of the species, Hendel Gen. ins. 96 50 pp. & 2 pis. Pleroccnna gen. n. Pterocallini p. 41, acutipennis p. 43, stylata p. 44, fene,strata p. 45, nigripennis p. 46, clari fascia p. 47, angulata p. 48, colorata p. 49, ferruginea p. 50, Peru & Bolivia, ochracea, bifasciata, Peru, p. 51, interrupia p. 52, irifasciata p. 53, furcuta p. 54, picea p. 55, nigripes p. 56, Bolivia, spp. n., Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909. — P . fencstrata Hend. pi. ii f. 44 & p. 24, Hendel Gen. ins. 96 vide etiam Sympaectria. Jlhagoletis intrudens sp. n. Ottawa, Aldrich p. 70 Canad. Ent. 41. Ehyparella gen. n. Pterocallin i , decern - punctata, p. 26, novempunctata p. 79, Bolivia, spp. n., Hendel 1). ent. Zs. 1909 ; p. 35, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Sapromyza beraudi sp. n. Lebanon, Bezzi Broteria 8 p. 62. Scatophaga nigripalpis sp. n. East Greenland, Nielsen Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. Hefte 29 pp. 363-404.— 8. stercoraria larval structure, habits, Shipley Proc. zool. Soc. 1909 pp. 323- 325 & pis. xlv & xlvi. fSciomyza florissantensis sp. n. Mio- cene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 11 pi. i fig. 2. Sepedon violaceus sp. n. Hongkong, Hendel p. 86 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. 381 lnsecta. SYSTEMATIC.-^-ArilANlPTERA. Siopa gen. n. Ulidiinae, longicornis sp. n. Peru, Hendel Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 253. Sipklopteryx gen. n. near Anatalanta, p. 401, antarctica sp. n. p. 403 Crozet- Inseln, Enderlein J). Sudpolar Exped. 10 H. 4. Siphonella duinensis p. 288, alpigena p. 289, spp. n., Austria, Strobl Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — S. stroblii sp. n. Monis- trol, Czerny < Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 p. 288. Slrobliola gen. n. Chloropidae p. 289, albidipennis sp. n. p. 290 Spain, Czerny T.c. Sympaectria subgen. n. zu Piero - cerina, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 41; Hendel p. 25 Gen. ins. 96. Terpnomyia gen. n. Plerocallini, angustifrons. p. 17, latifrons p. 18, bicolor p. 80, Bolivia & Peru, costalis p. 81, nitens Bolivia p. 82, spp. n., Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 ; p. 29, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Tetanocera amurensis sp. n. Amur- gebiet, Hendel p. 86 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Tetanops sintenisi Livland p. 97, corsicana Korsika p. 98, spp. n„ Becker Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Thryptochaeta tristis nom. n. fur punctum Meig., Czerny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 69 p. 279. Toxura longipalpis pi. figs. 24 & 25, variegata, figs. 22 & 23, p. 26, Hendel Gen. ins. 79, Traginops clathrata sp. n. Peru, Hendel p. 52 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Trigonometopus monochacta sp. n. Formosa, Hendel p. 85 T.c. Trypeta lernei sp. n. Europe, Kieffer p. 6 Bull. Soc. Metz 26. Xanthacrona phyllochaeta sp. n. Para- guay, Hendel D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 74. — X. bipustulata Wulp pi. i f. 21 & p. 16, Hendel Gen. ins. 96. Pupipara. African Iiippoboscidae ; Austen African blood-sucking flies pp. 162- 178 pi. xiii. Contribution & l’6tude des Pupipares; Massonnat Ann. Univ. Lyon 128 p. 356 fig. These fac. sci. Lyon. Variations des yeux composes chcz les Pupipares ; Massonnat Paris C. R. ass. franc, avanc. sci. 36 2® Partie pp. 610-614. Hippobosca struthionis var. n. mas- saica, Speiser Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 3 p. 30. Ornithoctona erythrocephala, New- stead p. 467 Ann. trop. Med. 3. Ornithomyia lagopodis, Shipley pp. 321 & 322 & pis. xliii & xliv Proc. zooL Soc. 1909 ; on Syrnium aluco, Evans p. 65 Ent. Mag. 45. Trichobius parasiticus , Newstead- p. 468 Ann. trop. Med. 3. APHANIPTERA. Aphaniptera del Trentino ; Cobelli Wien Verh. Z. B. Ges. 59 p. 6. Bestimmungstabelle der Gattungen der Suctoria (Hollandisch), Oudemans Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 pp. 321-326. Aphaniptera ; table of certain blood- sucking ; Sergent Ins. piq. du sang Paris 1909 305 pp. List of Suctoria in the Leyden Museum ; Oudemans Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 201-206. Morphology ; Oudemans pp. 277- 282 & 306-314 Ber. Nederl. ent. Ver, 2. The segmented head, morphology* ontogeny and phylogeny of the Order, with new classification ; Oudemans Nov. Zool. 16 pp. 133-158 pis. xi & xii. Ueber den systematischen Wert der weiblichen Genitalorgane ; Oudemans Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 730-736. List of Aphaniptera of California, with hosts ; Mitzmain pp. 197-204 Canad. Ent. 41. A parasite found on a flea; Fox Ent. News 20 p. 216 1 f. Siphonaptera f ur 1903. [Jahres- bericht] ; Wandolleck Arch. Natg- 70 Bd 2 H 2 1904 [1909] pp. 961-964. ‘ 382 Insecla. -Ml. Insecta. [ l 909 J Amphipsylla gen. n. pro Typhlopsylla sibirica, sqJielhornihovi Transkaukasien auf Cricetulus phaeus spp. n., Waoner Tiflis Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4 pp. 194-202. Oacnopsylla gen. n. near Ceralo- phyllus, mira sp. n. Biskra p], xi figs. 9 11 & 12, Rothschild p. 65 Nov. zool. 16. Ceratophylliis flaveolus p. 57 pi. ix i . 6, phaidius f. 8, frontalis figs, 1-5, p, 58, turbidus f. 7 p. 59, spp. n., Austria, Rothschild T,c. — C. laeviceps Trans- kaukasien auf Oefbillus caucasicus sp. n.» Wagner Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 pp. 194-202. — C. rossi sp, n. S. Africa, Waterston p. 271 & pi. v Ent. Mag. 45. — C. multidentatus sp. n. California from nest of Neotoma, Fox Ent. News 20 p. 107 figs. — C. enoplus p. 53 pi. viii f. 6, ponerus p. 54 f. 5, spp. n., California, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. — C. grapliis Nicaragua p. 62 pi. x figs. 3 & 4, lasius Buenos Aires p. 63 pi. x f. 6 & pi. xi f. 10, danubianus Roumania p. 65 pi. x f. 5, spp. n., Rothschild T.c. — C. niger sp. n. (undescribed) California, Fox Ent. News 20 p. 10. — 0. gallinulae p. 325, (J & $ pi. xlvii, Shipley Proc. zool. Soc. 1909. C.eratopsyllus fasciatus pique l’homme, Gauthier & Raybaud Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 pp. 859-860. Corypsylla gen. n undescribed, or - riatus sp. n. undescribed. Fox Ent. News 20 p. 11. Ctenoparia gen. n. near Macropsylla p. 66, inopinata sp. n. Chile p. 67 pi. x figs. 7 & 8, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 16. Otenophthalmus nivalis sp. n. Lautaret p. 68 pi. xi figs. 13 & 14, Rothschild T.c, ’* * , ■ , \ \ . Ctanopsyllus fallax Engadino p. 185 & pi. i f. 2, sobrinus Basses Alpes p. 186 & f. 3, spp. n., Rothschild Ent. Mag. 45. — G. sibirica Wagn. to Palaeopsylla Rothschild p. 68 Nov. Zool. 16. Dermatophilus penetrans, Oviedos, account of, Rothschild p. 61 T.c. Dolichopsyllus bluei sp. n. California from Putorius xanthogenys , Fox Ent. News 20 p. 195 fig. Echidnophaga myrmecobii sp. n. Australia, Rothschild p. 57 Noy. Zool. lo. /,,. ' • Hectopsylla, psittaci , in , Holland, Oudemans ^ Beij. Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 p. 333. Ischnopsyllus scitulus sp. n. S. Africa, Rothschild p. 55 pi. viii figs. 1 & 2] Nov. Zool. 16. — /. schmitzi sp. n. Holl. Limburg, Oudemans Tijdschr. Ent. 52 pp. 96-108 1 Taf. ; Oudemans Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 736-741. Loemopsylla vigetus sp. n. Sierra Leone, Rothschild p. 53 pi. viii figs. 3 & 4 Nov. Zool. 16. Nydendopsylla ; revised pp. 25-28 & pi, i, eusarca major subsp. n. p. 27, Rothschild Entomologist 42. — Nycteridopsylla'; Merkmale, Oudemans Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 pp. 326-328. Odontopsyllus xvymani sp. n. Cali- fornia from Microtus californicus , Fox Ent. News 20 p. 241 pi. x. i Parapsyllus coxalis Chile pi. x figs. 1 $ 2, australiaQus longicornis J. and R. 1908) W. Australia, spp. n., Roth- schild Nov. Zool. i6 p. 62. * Pulex tripolitanus sp. n. Tripolis, Fulmek Zool. JahrbVSyst. 28 p. 289. — P. cheopis auf Schiffsratten und Schiffsmausen, Fromme Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 52 Originale pp. 243-248 1 Taf. Pygiopsylla robinsoni , male, Oude- •mans Leiden Notes Mus. 31 pp. 195- 200. Stepbanocircus wolffhuegeli p. 8 & pi. i f. 1 Argentina, ivolffsohni p. 9 & figs. 2 & 3 Chile, spp. n., Rothschild Ent. Mag. 45.— S. ivolffsohni sp. n. Chile, Rothschild Revist. cliilena 13 p. 181. •! Typhlopsylla . spedabilis and sylyatica to Ctenopsyllus , Rothschild p. 184 Ent. Mag. 45.— T. sibirica to Amphi- psylla , Wagner p. 201 Mitth. Kauk. Mus. Tiflis 4. ( > Xenopsylla Glink. = ( Loemopsylla Rothsch.), cheopis R .=(pachyaromyidis G.), Rothschild p. 132 Nov. Zool. 16. — Xenopsylla1 brasiliensis Bak. (as Pnlcx) =— (vigetus Rothsch.), Rothschild p. 332 T.c. 383 I nsecta. •Systematic. — Hemiptera — Pentatomidae. HEMIPTERA. Hemipterous phylogeny, Torre Bueno Canad. Ent. 41 pp. 310-312; The hymettopterous parasites of Rhynchota , Morley Zoologist 1909 pp. 213 etc. (Neue Rhynchoten (Vorlaufige Dia- gnosen), Breddin Soc. Entomol. 20 190.') pp. 12 26-27.) Heteroptera. Verzeichnis der polaarktischen Hemi- pteren etc. Bd. I, Lief III., Oshanin, Ann. Mus. zool. i4 Beilage pp. 587- 1087. Pentatomidae. Catalogue of Hemiptera, 1, lists of food-plants, nomenclature, etc., not recorded in detail below, except for genn. n. & spp. n., Kirkaldy pp. xl-f '■ 392.— For list of n. spp. & varr. proposed, see his p. 383. Alcimocoris marapoJcensis sp. n. Borneo, Distant p. 386 pi. x f. 3 Tr. ent. Soo. London 1909. Amirantea gen. n. near Oadarscamn p. 30, gardineri sp. n. Seychelles p. 31 pi. v f. i, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 13. Amissus testaceus sp. n. Malacca p. 388 XII. Insecta. Discocephalessa subg. n. of Platy- carenus, Kirkaldy T.c. p. 215. Dryadocoris nom. n. Holcostethus Stal, Kirkaldy p. 47 T.c. Embolosterna unicolorus sp. n. Borneo, Distant p. 388 & pi. .x f. 4, London Tr. ent. Soc. 1909. Euronotias subg. n. of Poecilometis Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 189. Eurydema rotundicollis var. n. berthae, Royer p. 198 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Eusarcoris taprobanensis sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 275 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Oeotomus subrotundus sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 264 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Graphosoma ; cas de mutation, Bergevin Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 43-17. — G. semipunctatum var. n. furciferum, Royer p. 210 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — G. creticum sp. n. Europe, semipunctatum varr. n. anceps and subacpuale, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 143-150 6 figs. Hawaiicola subg. n. vide Oechalia Hermolaus horni p. 271, latiusculus p.. 272, spp. n., Ceylon, Breddin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Kaflraria nom. n. for Gonopsis Stal, Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 248. Ladistes mediator sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 260 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 68. Leliga subg. n. of Gellia, Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 250. Leprosomatessa nom. n. for Lepro - soma Baer., Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 225. Liotropis contaminatus on Opuntia fulgida, Osborn Ent. News 20 p. 177. Loxa florida sp. n. Florida, Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9 pp. 156- 157 fig. Mahea gen. n. Acanthosomatinae , sexualis sp. n. Seychelles pi. iv figs. 4 & 7, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 13 p. 32. Menida ceylanica sp. n. Ceylon, histrio var. n. dilutior, Breddin p. 280 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Metonymia nom. n. for Dalsira St&l, Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 244. [1909] Mormoschema gen. n. neir Mormoidea p. 269, for Tolumnia immaculata Dist., Breddin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Murgantia histrionica, biological notes, Smith J. Econ. Ent. 2 pp. 108- 114. Mycterizon gen. n. for Dunnius bellus Dist., Breddin p. 279 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ochlerus communis p. 616 Brasilia, signorcti p. 617 Cayenne, bistillatus p. 618, profanus p. 619, Peru, rusticus p. 620 Brasilia, cotylophorus p. 621 Peru, handlirschi p. 622 Yukatan, dentijugis p. 623 Colombia, bergrothi p. 625 Brasilia, tenuicornis p. 626 Venezuela, notntulus p. 627 Brasilia, incisulus p. 628 Venezuela, stylutatus p. 629 Peru, spp. n.» Breddin Berlin SffzBer. Ges. natf. Fr. 1909. Oechalia ( Haivaiicola subgen. n.) kaonohi sp. n. Hawaii, Kirkaldy Proc. Hawaii Ent. Soc. 2 p. 83 pi. ii f. 1. Orsilochides subg. n. of Chelysoma , Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 366. Neodine gen. n. for Calaulax, Kir- kaldy Cat. Hem. p. 218. Paraegaleus subg. n. Aegaleus, Kir- kaldy Cat. Hem. p. 134. , Paraschistus subg. n. Euschistus, Kirkaldy p. 63 T.c. Pcntatoma Idliformis sp. n. Yunnan, Kirkaldy p. 368 T.o. Piezostern ias subg. n. of Piezo - sternum, Kirkaldy p. 348 T.c. Platistus gen. n. iov A elia spiniceps , Kirkaldy p. 238 T.c. Plautia minor sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 277 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Podisus H.*S., its composition, list, Van Duzee pp. 370 & 371 Canad. Ent. 41. Poecilocoris croesus sp. n. Nias islds. p. 385 & pi. x f. 1, Distant Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Rhynchocoris bicolor sp. n. Borneo p. 387 & pi. x f. 3, Distant Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Rio subg. n. Nczara, Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 116. 385 Insecta. S YSTEMATIC. HEMIPTERA — COREIDA E, ETC. Sanganus gen. n. near Oxylobus , jenseni sp. n. Borneo pi. x f. 6, Distant p. 389 Tr. ent Soc. London 1909. Scutellera brevirostris sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 258 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Sepina seychellensis sp. n. Seychelles p. 31 pi. iv f. 3, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 13. Spudaeus aculeatus sp. n. Queensland, Bergroth p. 184 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ihyreocoris montanus sp. n. IT. S., Van Duzee Ent. News 20 p. 23L— T. pulicarius American forms, Van Dlzee p. 369 Canad. Ent. 41. Tingania gen. n. near Anchises p. 328, dimorpha sp. n. Tasmania p. 329, Bergroth D. ent. Zs. 1909. Tolumnia horni sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 269 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Xosoplax subg. n. of Deroplax , Kirkaldy Cat. Hem. p. 281. COREIDAE, LyGAEIDAE & PYRRHOCORIDAE. Lygaeidae, usage of family name, Bergroth p. 405 Canad. Ent. 41. The names proposed to supplant Lygaeidae , Distant p. 317 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. The name Lygaeidae ; equestris Fabr. is the type of Lygaeus, Banks p. 418 Canad. Ent. 41. Abanus gen. n. near Lethaeus, coloratws sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 493 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Abulfeda gen. n. near Euscopus p. 495, punctatus sp. n. Ceylon p. 496, Distant T.c. Acanthocephala nasula — ( femorata Fabr.), Kirkaldy Canad. Ent. 41 p. 30. Acantholybas kirJcaldyi sp. n. Tas- mania, Bergroth p. 185 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Acanthomia insignis pi. ii f. 7 & p. 77, Distant Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Adauctus gen. n. near Diniella, cupreus sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 492 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Aethalotus indicatus sp. n. Tenasserim, Distant p. 318 T.c. (n-11091 j) Agunga fulgida sp. n. Calcutta, Distant p. 334 T.c. Antilochus amorosus sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 296 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Aphanus dudgeoni, ornatulus, p. 336, bengalensis p. 337, suratensis p. 338, spp. n., India, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — A. persicellus n. n. for Pachymerus horridus Jak., Kirkaldy". p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Arenocoris = (Pseudophloeus =. Spathocera), Kirkaldy p. 30 Canad.. Ent. 41. Armatillus Dist. is Pyrrhochoridae- not Pentatomidae, Distant p. 345 Ann.. Nat. Hist. Artheneis Spin. = ( Nysius Dali.),. helvetica H.-S. = ( lineata Costa),.. Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Aschistocoris bombaeus sp. n. Bom- bay, Bergroth p. 185 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Aspilocoryphus ? modestus sp. n... Bombay, Distant p. 320 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. AtJcinsonianus gen. n. near Abdo~ lominus p. 343, reticulatus sp. n. Sikkim, p. 344, Distant T.c. Baclozygum gen. n. near Thaumasto-~ coris p. 332, depressum sp. n. Tasmania p. 333, Bergroth D. ent. Zs. 1909. Belonochilus lcoreshanus sp. n. Florida,.. Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9 pp. 165-166. Boudicca nom. n. for Pseudophloeus auctt., Kirkaldy p. 30 Canad. Ent. 41. Cenaeus semiflavus pi. ii f. 10 & p.„ 79, Distant Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Chauliops nigrescens sp, n. India,. Distant p. 328 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — - C. bisontula pi. i fig. 4a, sp. n. Palawan,. Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 573. Clerada bipunctata, setulosa , Nova Guinea, ferruginea, laticollis, Australia,- spp. n., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 622-625. Cletus hoplomachus sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 291 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — C. signatus Walk. = (bipunctata Westw.), bipunctatus H. S. = ( pugnator — armatulus Br.), Kirkaldy p. 3Q> Canad. Ent. 41. d 34 386 Inaccta. XII. Insecta. [1009] Gonsivius gen. n. near Arocatus p. 320, collinus sp. n. Simla p. 321, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Goriscus stalianus n. n. for Alydus dentines St&l, Kirkaldy p. 30 Canad. Ent. 41. # Corizus unicolor Crimea, distinct species (Russ.), Kiri<3enkg Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 236. — G. lateralis, life-history, Hambleton Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 p. 272 pi. xxix. Gymus bellus sp. n. Florida, Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9 p. 167 fig. G. breviceps = (Cymodema exiguum Horv.), Van Duzee p. 372 Canad. Ent. 41. Dalader sumairensis sp. n. Sumatra, •Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 p. 368. Dermatinus erebus sp. n. India, Distant p. 360 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Diniella bengalensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 334 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Dinomachus indicus sp. n. India, Distant p. 491 T.c. Dysdercus micropygus p. 299, luteolus , Ceylon, megalopygus Borneo, p. 300, spp. n., Breddin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — D. ortus sp. n. Seychelles, Distant p. 36 pi. iv f. 13 Tr. Linn. Soc. 13. — D. ellanorae sp. n. Palawan, Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 578. — D. pretiosus pi. ii f. 11 & p. 79, Distant Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Epibomius gen. n. near Sadoletus p. 328, pusa sp. n. Bengal p. 329, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Eremocoris naini sp. n. India, Distant p. 494 T.c. Esmun gen. n. near Dinomachus, typicus sp. n. Bombay, Distant p. 330 T.c. Eucosmelus mimicus sp. n. Pegu, Distant p. 332 T.c. Euhemerus gen. n. near Dinomachus , latus sp. n. Bombay, Distant p. 331 T.c. Euscopus albatus sp. n. Bombay, Distant p. 496 T.c. — E. indecorus var. n. siigmaiicus, Breddin p. 297 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Euthetus pulcherrimus sp. n. Bombay, Bergroth p. 186 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Qeocoris dubreuilli sp. n. India p. 128, thoracicus var. n. wickhami p. 129, Montandon Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Gonsalms spinosus sp. n. Calcutta, Distant p. 344 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Heterogaster semicolon Fieb. = ( affinis H.-S.), Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41 Holopte.rna wollastoni pi. ii f. 14 & p. 74, affinis f. 15 & p. 75, Distant Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Hypselopus intermedins sp. n. Sey- chelles, Distant p. 34 Tr. Linn. Soc. 13. India glebula sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 299 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ischnodemus erebus, atromaculatus, spp. n., Bombay, Distant p. 326 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — I. the North American, Van Duzee pp. 374 & 375 Canad. Ent. 41. — rufipes p. 167, badius p. 168, lobatus p. 169, spp. n., Florida, Van Duzee Bull. Soc. Buffalo 9. — I. slossoni Florida p. 233, conicus Texas p. 234, spp. n., Van Duzee Ent. News 20. f Jadera ? interitn sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell p. 171 Entomolo- gist 42. Leptocorisa lepida sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 293 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Leptoglossus ashmeadi sp. n. Florida, Heidkmann Bull. Soc. Buffalo 9 p. 237 fig. Lua gen. n. near Rhaptus p. 342, tartarea sp. n. Ceylon and Minikoi p. 343, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Lygaeus pandurus var. n. tetricus lies Canaries, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 291. — Lygaeus simla , cous, spp. n., India, Distant p. 319 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — L. ugandicus n. n. for Holopterna affinis Dist., Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Macropes raja, singularis, p. 323, uniformis p. 324, privus, thoracicus, p. 325, spp. n., India and Ceylon, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Manatanus gen. n. near Lua p. 494, montanus sp. n. Simla p. 495, Dista,nt T.c. 387 Inaecta. Systematic. — Hemittera — Coreidae, Etc. Maramaldus gen. n. near Eucosmetus, admistus sp. n. India, Distant p. 333 T.c. Mcrocoria ; synonymy, Klrkaldy p. 30 Canad. Ent. 41. Mygdonici montana pi. ii f. 16 & p. 76, Distant Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Naudarensia manipurensia sp. n Manipur, Distant p. 339 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Neolethaeus gen. n. near Lethaeus , typicus sp. n. Burma, Distant p. 340 T.c. Nerthus gen. n. near Artemidorua p. 327, dudgeoni sp. n. India, p. 328, Distant T.c. Ninyas deficiens Leth. ==» ( strabo Dist.), Montandon p. 130 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Nysius minor, lacustrinus , p. 321, melanicus p. 322, spp. n., India, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — N. cargadosensis sp. n. Cargados Islds. p. 34 pi. iv f. 6, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 13. Oncopdtus spectabilis sp. n. Jamaica, Van Duzee Ent. News 20 p. 233. — O. bergianus n. n. for stalii Berg, Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Oriterus amacanus n. n. for varicornia YVestw., Kirkaldy p. 388 T.o. Orthaea heotropicalis n. n. for serripes Fabr., Kirkaldy p. 31 T.c. Oxycarenus pallens = ( collaris M. & R.), Kirkaldy p. 31 T.c. Pachygrontlia bicornuta pi. i fig. 5a, sp. n. Palawan, Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 574. Pamera emersoni sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 491 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Pamerana gen. n. near Pamera p. 331, cuneata sp. n. Calcutta p. 332, Distant T.c. Pendulinus spinulicollis sp. n. Ceylon, BreddiN p. 287 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Perigenes costalis sp. n. Ohio, Van Duzee p. 373 Canad. Ent. 41. Petillia ornaticornis sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 284 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — P. picturata sp. n. Nias isld., Distant p. 390 Tr. ent. Soc. 1909. (n-11091 j) Phyllomorpha ; biology, Reuter pp. 264-268 Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1909 : Moeurs et les m6tamorphoses ; Jeannel Paris Bull. soc. ent. 1909 pp. .282- 286 : nouvelles stations, Lambertie Bordeaux Act6s soc. linn. 72 p. cxlvii. Physopelta variana sp. n. Ceylon ( =limbata Br. nec. St.), Breddin p. 295 Ann; Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Pe.r1cimc.rua nicobarenaia sp. n. Nic6- bar islds., Distant p. 322 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Plectropodci hi color Hagl. =* ( Holo - pterna ellioti Dist.) p. 75 & pi. ii f. 13, Distant Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Psilolomia gen. n. near Hoplolomia p. 292, brevitibiali8 sp. n. Ceylon p. 293, Breddin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ptochiomera antennata sp. n. Florida and Arizona, Van Duzee Bull. Soc. Buffalo 9 p. 172. Pygaeus pallidua — ( Cligenea minutus Bergr.), Van Duzee p. 374 Canad. Ent. 41. Pyrrlbocoria = ( Astemma Lep. & S.), Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. — P. apterus , kannibalischo Geliiste, Meissner Soc. entomol. Steglitz 24 p. 140. Rhypcirochromu8 maculipennis Curt. = ( praetextatus H.-S.), Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Riptorlua nipponcnsia n. n. for 11 -clcivatus Thunb., Kirkaldy p. 30 T.c. Sadoletua paUescena sp. n. Calcutta, Distant p. 329 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Scolopocerua to Centroscelinde, Van Duzee p. 372 Canad. Ent. 41. Scopiastea ruficollia pi. ii f. 2 sp. n. Palawan, Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4p. 571. Sephina grayi sp. n. Florida, Van Duzee Ent. News 20 p. 232. Stalagmoatethua, complex synonymy, Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Stenophthalmicus piclua = fajou- menais Costa 1878, Montandon Napoli Annuario Museo zool. 2 p. 1. Teutates gen. n. near Arrianua, aculpturatua sp. n. Calcutta, Distant p. 335 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. d 34—2 388 Insecta. xil. Insecta. [1909J Tropidothorax neocaledonicus sp. n. New Caledonia, Bergroth p. 189 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Tyrrheneia nom. n. for Artheneis auctt., Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. XJlmicolor nom. n. for Arenocoris Fieb., Kirkaldy p. 30 T.o. XJailanua gen. n. near Eremocoris, burmanicus, p. 341, denotatua p. 342, spp. n., Burma, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Vzza gen. n. near Poeaniius p. 338, karenia sp. n. Burma p. 339, Distant T. o. Xyrophoreus gen. n. .near Midis, tonsor sp. n., Ceylon, Breddin p. 283 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Tingitidae. Atheas insignia p. 232 fig., exiguus p. 233 fig., mimeticus p. 234 fig., au8troriparius p. 235 fig., spp. n. U. S., Heidemann Bull. Buffalo Soc. 9. Aidoneus gen. n. type of new division p. 122, dissimilis sp. n. Bengal p. 123, Distant Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. Axiokersos gen. n. type of new division p. 121, ovalis sp. n. Calcutta p. 122, Distant T.c. Belenua gen. n. for part of Phyllonto- chila, angulatua Tenasserim, p. 116, bengalenaia India p. 117, spp. n., Distant T.c. Brederibachius consanguineus Tenas- eerim p. 118, ddineatus , annandalei, p. 119, humeralis p. 120, India, spp. n., Distant T.c. Cadmilos gen. n. near Galeatus p. 113, retiarius sp. n. Punjab p. 114, Distant T.c. Compseuta lefroyi sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 113 T.c. Corythuca floridana sp. n. Florida, Heidemann Bull. Buffalo Soc. 9 p. 236 fig. Elasmognathus nepalensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 120 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. Jannaeus gen. n. near Celantia, cuneatua sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 118 T.c. Phatnoma costalis sp. n. Tenasserim, Distant p. 113 T.c. Becaredus gen. n. near Phatnoma , rex sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 361 T.c. Stephanitis sordidus sp. n. Tenas- serim, Distant p. 114 T.c. Teleonemia marginata sp. n. Assam, Distant p. 121 T.o. Urentius olivaceus Ceylon, sentis Bombay, f 115, euonymua Ceylon p. 116, spp. n., Distant T.c. * Berytidae. Berytidae a subfam. of Lygaeidae Van Duzee p. 372 Canad. Ent. 41. Gapydla lobulata sp. n. Australia, Bergroth p. 188 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Jalysus perdavatus sp. n. Florida, Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9 pp. 163- 164. Metacanthns liharnatua sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 360 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Phymatidae. Carcinochelis ornatus sp. n. Borneo p. 391 & pi. x f. 9, Distant Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Qlossopelta lineolata sp. n. Assam, Distant p. 496 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Auadidae. Acantharadua gen. n. p. 579 giganteus sp. n. pi. ii f. 8 a p. 580 Palawan, Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4. Aneurus tuberculatus, France, Mjoberg Entomol. Tidskr. 30 p. 266 ; MjOberg Ark. Zool. 5 No. 11 pp. 1- 14. Aradus madagascariensis sp. n. Mada- gascar copal, Bervoets p. 280 Bull. soc. ent. France 1909. — A. dignatus, antemis- sus, spp. n., Bengal, Distant p. 362 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — A. borealis sp. n. United States, Heidemann Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 190 fig. 4. — A. montivagus n. n. for planus Fabr. 1803, Kirkaldy p. 30 Canad. Ent. 41. Mezira tenuicornis sp. n. Simla, Distant p. 497 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. 389 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Beduviidae, Etc. Nannium pusio sp. n. Ohio, Heide- mann Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 pp. 189-190 fig. 3. Neurodcnus weberi p. 581, antennatus p. 582, Palawan spp. n.. Banks Philip- pine J. Sci. 4. Gerridae. CylindrostetTms viltipes sp. n. Malacca , Kirkaldy p. 389 Canad. Ent. 41. IJalobates orientalis sec. Kirkaldy, Distant p. 95 Canad. Ent. 41. Microvelia albomaculala p. 499, kumaonensis , diluta, p. 600, annandalei p. 501, spp. n., India, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ptilomera luzonica sp. n. Philippine?, Kirkaldy p. 89 Canad. Ent. 41. Velia osborniana n. n. for brunnea Osb., Kirkaldy p. 31 T.c. Hebridae. Hebrus bengalensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 497 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Merragata pallescens sp. n. India, Distant p. 498 T.c. Timasius gen. n. p. 498, splendens, atratus , spp. n., India, p. 499, Distant T.c. ReduviidAE (inch Nabidae & Emesidae.) Monographia Nabidarum orbis terres- tris, pars prior ; Reuter & Poppius Acta Soc. sci. fenn. 37 No. 2. Acanthaspis ( Plynus ) limbatus p. 408, A. tanganyikae, reuteri, altered to revierianus p. 422 t.c., p. 409, varicolor Africa trop., berensbergi Natal, p. 410, spp. n., Schouteden Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — A. distanti sp. n. Palawan, Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 584. Allaeorhynchus collaris sp. n. India, Distant p. 374 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique S3. — A. grandis New Guinea p. 35 fig. 6, jasciaticollis Madagascar p. 39, plebejus, nobilis , p. 43, divergens p. 45, Africa, spp. n., Reuter & Poppius Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 37. Apiomerus incisus H.-S. = (geni- culatus Er.), Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Apocaucus gen. n. p. 506 near Tribelocephala, laneus sp. n. Himalaya p. 507, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ariatonabis gen. n. p. 48, pulcher sp. n. Montawei p. 49 fig. 7, Reuter & Poppius Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 37. Bagauda decorus sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 301 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Barce uhleri sp. n. North Carolina, u. var. n. brunnea New York and Virginia, annulipes p. 47, fraterna p. 48, Banks Psyche 16. Bardesanes gen. n. near Caunus p. 363, signatus sp. n. Burma p. 364* Distant Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Callilestes pictus sp. n. Cameroon?, Schouteden p. 417 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Calphurnia gen. n. near Ploiariola p. 502, reticulata, C. ? aberrans , p. 503, spp. n., Ceylon, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Cleptria ? usanibarica p. 413, G. neavei Congo p. 414, spp. n., Schoute- den Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Coranopsis dispar sp. n. Erythrea, Schouteden p. 415 T.c. Coranus neotropicalis n. n. for bimacu- latus Fabr., Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Dmesa choctaioana n. n. for brevi- pennis Dohm, Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Edmetocoris Idugi , trimaculatus (altered to trinotatus p. 422 t.c.), bima - culatus (altered to biguttatus p. 422) E. Africa, p. 412, ornatus Congo p. 413 (altered to ornatellus p. 422), spp. n., Schouteden Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Edrichodia dubia sp. n. Marocco, problematica Gerst. to Maraenaspis , Schouteden p. 414 T.c. Elymas gen. n. Emesiinae, presentans sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 504 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Emesa longipes, brevicoxa sp. n. California, Banks Psyche 16 p. 48. — E. longipes Wickham p. 255 Ottawa Nat. 22. Epirodera bengalensis sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 364 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Gardena fasciata sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 505 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. ' 390 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Oorpis albicans Nias isld. p. 426, subtilis Fiji islds. p. 427, sordida New Guinea, cincticrus Madagascar, p. 428, apicalis Kilimandjaro p. 429, spp. n., Reuter Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Oraptocleptes St. = ( Amaurosphodrus St. 1866), Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Guionius gen. n. near Labidocoris p. 367, indictus sp. n. Assam p. 368, Distant Ann- Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Harpactor maeandrus sp. n. Tenas- serim, Distant p. 369 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — II. ornalellus pi. ii f. 12 & p. 80, Distant Tr. zool. Soc, 19.— Ii. xosanus n. n. for tibialis St&l, Kirkaldy p. 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Harpagocoris superbus sp. n. Africa, Schouteden p. 417 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Henricohahnia badgleyi sp. n. Assam, Distant p. 373 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Holotrichius putoni sp. n. Syria, Reuter Helsingfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 16 p. 10. Irantha germana sp. n. Ceylon p. 305 = ( armipes Dist. nec. St.), javanica = ( Scipinia horrida Dist.), p. 306, Breddin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Ischnonyctes pallipes Sicilia p. 3, annulipes Africa borealis p. 4, spp. n., Reuter Helsingfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A No. 16. lsdegardea gen. n. near Reduvius , melanocephalus sp. n. Calcutta, Distant p. 365 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Isocondylus pungens H.-S. = ( elon - gatus Lep. and S.), Kirkaldy p, 31 Canad. Ent. 41. Khafra ugandica sp. n. Uganda, Sqhouteden p. 411 Ann. Soc. ont. Belgique 53. Lisarda pida sp. n. Erythrea, Schouteden p. 407 T.c. Loboplusius gen. n. Zelinae p. 418, repandus sp. n. Goyaz p. 419, Bergroth Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Luteva arizonensis sp. n. Arizona, Banks Psyche 16 p. 45. Lutevula gen. n. near Luteva, lutea sp. n. Ceylon, Breddin p. 303 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Macracanthopsis nigripes, hampsoni , spp. n., India, Distant p. 37 1 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — M. nigritibialis sp. n. Palawan, Banks Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 588 pi. i f. 7a. Margasus varelai, spinosus, spp. n. Madagascar, Schouteden p. 416 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Mascaregnasa gen. n. Ectrichodiinae p. 37, typica sp. n. Seychelles p. 38 pi. iv f. 9, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 13. Monogmus subgen. n. von Sirthenea , Horvath Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 P- 306. Myocoris Burm. = (Cosmonyttus St. 1866), Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Nabis mussooriensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 374 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — N. longicollis China p. 14, aviyoti Senegal p. 17, afghanicus p. 22, spp. n.„ Reuter & Poppius Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 37. Nagusta singalensis sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 373 Aim. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. N eotropiconyttus nom. n. for Amauro- sphodrus Stal 1872, Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Notocyrtus flavolineatus = ( dorsalis Gray), Kirkaldy p. 31 T.c. Occamus gen. n. near Alcmena , typicus sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 372 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Oncocephalus aterrimus sp. n. Travancore, Distant p. 363 T.c. Opisthoplatys cor nut us sp. n. India, Distant p. 506 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Pagasa signatipennis Colombia p. 26, costalis p. 29, juscipennis fig. 5 p. 30, Argentina, spp. n., Reuter & . Poppius Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 37. Pantoleistes comes sp. n. E. Africa, Schouteden p. 417 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Patago patagonicus n. n. for obsoletus Bl., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. Peirates niger H.-S. = ( unicolor H.-S. = strepitans Ramb.), Kirkaldy p. 32 T.c. Phemius tuber culijer =5 ( tibialis Westw.), Kirkaldy p. 32 T.c. Phonergates maculatus sp. n. Cameroons, Schouteden p. 408 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. 391 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Reduviidae — Anthocoridae. Phonolibes vicinus Congo, bimaculatus (altered to bicolor p. 442 t.c. ) Ery threa, spp. n., Schouteden p. 415 T.c. Phorticus vitlicollis Celebes p. 52, fuliginosus New Guinea p. 55, pusillus Africa or. p. 56, fasciatus , pygmaeus , p. 57, New Guinea, exiguus Africa, ochraceus New Guinea, p. 58, spp. n., Reuter & Poppius Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 37. Ploearia anak sp. li. India, Distant p. 505 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — Ploiaria texana sp. n. Toxas, Carolina Hcr-Sohf., p. 44, Banks Psyche 16. Ploeariodes und Ploeariola distinkte Gattungen, Bergroth Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 324. — Ploiariodes errabunda Say, tuberculata New York and Virginia, calijornica p. 46, spp. n., Banks Psyche 16. — Ploiariola mixta p. 501, poliia p. 502, spp. n., Ceylon, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Ploiariopsis hirticornis sp. n. North Carolina, Banks Psyche 16 p. 44. PloeogaHer gesana n. n. for geniculatus Lep. and S., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41, Reduviolus nesiotes p. 65, pele, nubicola, procellaris p. 67, kaohinani, paludicola , lolupe, p. 68, Hawaiia, spp. n., subrujus var. n. melemele p. 64, Kirkaldy Proc. Hawaii Ent. Soc. 2. — R. myrmicodes , mimicry, Kirkaldy pp. 53-55 Proc. Hawaii ent. Soc. 2. Reduvius wellmani Benguela, fraier E. Africa, spp. n., Schouteden p. 408 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53.- — R. dclicalula sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 364 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — R. osiris n. n. for dorsalis St., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. — R. renterianu8 n. n. for reuteri Horv., Kirkaldy p. 388 T.c. — R. personatus, larva, Jeffrey p. 280 Ent. Mag. 45. Rhynocoris amazulu n. n. for inter - ruptus St., hovanus n. n. for nigripes Reut., Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Scadra militaris p. 366, atricapilla p. 367, spp. n., Assam, Distant Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Schottus Icandyensis sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 368 T.c. Sirthenea atrocyanea Madagascar, laevicollis N. S. Wales, leonina Africa occ., ocularis, plagiata , Brasilia, rapax Africa occ., suturalis Paraguay, vidua Costa Rica, spp. n., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 pp. 365-368. Vide etiam Monogmus. Smiliopus gen. n. near Orthocnemis p. 334, compressipes sp. n. Victoria p. 335, Bergroth D. ent. Zs. 1909. Sphedanolesihes badgleyi, bovoringi p. 369, himalayensis, rubecula, p. 370, spp. n., India, Distant Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — S. xanthopygus pi. i fig. 6 a, sp. n. Palawan, Banks Philip- pine J. Sci. 4 p. 587. Spiniger lepeletierianus n. n. for ater L. and S., circumcinctus n. n. for limbatus L. and S., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. Sycanus croceovittatus, meta- morphoses, eggs, etc., Kershaw pp. 241-249 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Tapinus reuteri sp. n. Bombay, Bergroth p. 189 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Tribelocephala orientalis sp. n. Dar-es- Salaam, Schouteden p. 407 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — T. gigantea sp. n. Nias isld. p. 392 & pi. x f. 10, Distant Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Vachiria annulipes S lidos t- Per sien, p. 5, oshanini p. 6, similis p. 10, Trans- caspien, spp. n., Poppius Helsingfors Ofvers. F; Vet. Soc. 61 A. No. 20. Xestonyitus nom. n. for Cosmonyttus Stal 1872 nec 1866, Kirkaldy p. 388 Canad. Ent. 41. Anthocoridae, Ceratocombidae (vacant), Henicocephalidae. Henicocephalidae ; table of North American spp., Johannsen Psyche 16 p. 2 pi. i. Anthocoris albidipennis sp. n. Syria, Reuter Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 26 p. 1. Dolichiella gen. n. p. 6 Anthocoridae , pilosa sp. n. Venezuela p. 7, Reuter T.c, Lasiochilus ( Dilasia ) triimpressus sp. n. Assinia, Reuter p. 3 T.c. Microphysa basalis sp. n, Palaestina,, Reuter p. 2 T.c. Opisthypselus gen. n. p. 4, punctati- collis sp. n. p. 5 Venezuela, Reuter T.c. 392 Insccta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Triphleps heynei sp. n. Naguela, Reuter p. 4 T.c. Capsidae. Poeciloscytus Verbreitung und Bio- logie der Arten, Schumacher Zs. wisa. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 341-348 38C-390. Synopsis der deutschen Blind wanzen (Hemiptera heteroptera, Fam. Capsi- dae). T1 XII. (Div. Cyllocoraria), Hueber Stuttgart Jabreshefte Ver. 85 pp. 171-240. Adelphocoris lineolalus, Schaden an IZuckerriiben, Eiablage, Futterpflanzen, Bekampfung, Vasiljev Vestn. sacharn. -promysl. Kiev 10 pp. 270-344. — A. lateralis sp. n. Fidschi-Inseln, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 183-186. Alda gen. n. near Lygus p. 4, fusci- pennis p. 6 sp. n. Rio Janeiro, Reuter .Helsingfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. Ho. 25. Alepidia gen. n. generi Pilophorus -affinis, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 75. Antiphilus gen. n. p. 521, amicus sp. n. India p. 522, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Apollodotus gen. n. praefectus sp. n ■ Ceylon, Distant T.c. Aretas gen. n. p. 450, imperatorius sp. n. Ceylon p. 451, Distant T.c. Aribalus gen. n., regulus sp. n. India, Distant p. 521 T.c. Armachanus nilgiriensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 60 Entomologist 42. Atomophora macrophthalma sp. n. .Sahara, Poppius p. 234 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Atradotomus hesperius California p. ' 78, albidicoxis Arizona p. 79, spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36. Calocoris rama sp. n. Darjiling, Distant p. 511 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — ‘ C. hipundatus var. n. picticollis lies -Canaries, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 293. — C. neotropicalis n. n. for ^bimaculatus Fabr., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. — C. pinicola n. n. for pinus Uhl., Kirkaldy p. 390 T.c. Camptobrochis vittatus sp. n. Java, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 187-190. — C. exornatus p. 516, qualis p. 517, spp. n., India, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — C. ( Euarmosus ) nigrita p. 55, fulvescens, nitens, Nord-Amerika, p. 56, validus California et Nevada p. 58, spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36. Camptochilella gen. n. Lygidae p. 167, signaticeps p. 168 sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. Caulatops agavis sp. n. Arizona, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 No. 2 p. l.—r-C. cyaneipennis sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 155. Ceratocapsus castaneus sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 174. — C. setosus sp. n. D.C. et Pa., Reuter Acta Soc, Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 70. Chlamydatus uhlerianus sp. n. — ( Agalliastes signatus Uhl.), Kirkaldy p. 390 Canad. Ent. 41. Cinnamus gen. n. p. 441, rhinoceros sp. n. Ceylon p. 442, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Compsoscylus gen. n. Cyllocoraria, rufovittatus sp. n. Sidney, Reuter Ann. Hofmus. Wien 22 p. 183-186. Coranus neotropicalis misprint for Calocoris n., Kirkaldy t.c. p. 390. Cyclidolon gen. n. ex. aff. Monalocoris p. 162, cerinum p. 163, sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. Cyrtocapsus intermedins sp. n. Wis- consin, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 No. 2 p. 2. — C. rostratus sp. n. Chile, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 180-182. Cyrtopeltis simplex California , melanocephalus Texas, spp. n., (Div. Cremnocephalaria n. div. p. 64), Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 63. Dichroocoris gen. n. Bryocoraria p. 155, coendeipennis sp. n. Mexiko p. 156, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. Dichroosytcus suspeclus sp. n. W. et Ms., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36, p. 37. Diophantus gen. n. literatus sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 510 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Druthmarus gen. n. p. 452, magni- cornis sp. n. Ceylon p. 453, Distant T.c. 393 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Capsidae. Ebutius gen. n. p. 440, bellus sp. n. Sikkim p. 441, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Elthemus gen. n. p. 451, conspicalus, dominus , p. 452, spp. n., Ceylon, Distant T.c. Eccritotarsus and Pycnoderes , com- ponents, Reuter p. 160 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 22. Europiella gen. n. generi Aphaeno- phyes aflinis p. 83, concinna p. 84, umbrina p. 85, California, spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36. Eurychildla gen. n., pallida sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 159. Eurychilopterella gen. n. generi Cam- ptobrochis aflinis p. 59, luridula sp. n. D.C. et N.Y. p. 60, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36. Eurylomala gen. n., Reuter Helsing- fors Ofvers. F. Yet. Soc. 51 A. No. 24 p. 2. Euryscytophora gen. n. p. 1, lateralis sp. n. Brasilia p. 2, Reuter Helsing- fors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 25. Euslictus gen. n. in der Nahe des Megacoelum, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 35. Oarganus flavovarius sp. n. Argentina, Reuter Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 13 p. 13. Gismunda modesta sp. n. Darjiling, Distant p. 518 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Hadronemidea gen. n. ex aff. Hadro- nema p. 172, esau sp. n. Mexiko p. 173, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 . Haiti cus nigricornis sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter p. 171 T.c. — H. luteicollis sur Clematis vitalba , Goury Feuille jeunes natural. 39 p. 234. Harpedona sanguinipes sp. n. Darji- ling, Distant p. 441 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Helopeltis , schadlich fur Kina, Roepke Salat iga Cultuurgids 11 pp. 255-271. Heterocordylus malinus sp. n. N.Y. •et 111., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 71. Heterocoris dilatatus Beschreibung, Reuter Ann. Hofmus. Wien 22 p. 147. Heteroscytus gen. n. div. Restheniariat Reuter Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 13 p. 16. Hoplomachidea gen. n. a genera Hoplomachus, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 75. Horcias fallax sp. n. Pennsylvania, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 42. — H. rufinervis sp. n. Chile, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 180. — H. (?) vittiger sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter p. 167 T.c. — H. modestus sp. n. Rio Janeiro, Reuter Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 25 p. 3. Hyalopeplus clavatus sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 509 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4f. Hyaloscytus elegantulus var. n. javanus , Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 187-190. Hyo’idea grisea sp. n. Pilophoraria (div. n.) California, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 73. Hyporhinocoris gen. n. div. Cyllocora- ria p. 18, tomentosus sp. n. Argentina, p. 19, Reuter Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51. Jornandes (?) intermedins varr. n. pallidipennis and scutellaris, Mexiko, Reuter W’ien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 175. Kangra ravana n. n. for Capsus antennalus Kirb., Kirkaldy p. 390 Cand. Ent. 41. Lampethusa collaris sp. n. Rio Janeiro, Reuter Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 25 p. 2. Lampsophorus gen. n. p. 6, caesareus sp. n. Colombia p. 8, Reuter Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 24. Leucopoecila bilimehi sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 179. Lomatopleura instabile sp. n. N. America, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 72. Lygidea mendax New York, morio California, spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 47. Lygus ostensus p. 511, patrius, annandalei , costatus , p. 512, gemellus p. 513, Valerius, devinctus , p. 514, spp. n., India, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — L. vicarius p. 168, L. ( Paralygus ) plagifer p. 169, spp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. — L. plebejus sp. n. Neu-Seeland, Reuter T.c. p. 183- 394 Inaecta . xii. Insecta. [1909] 186. — L. ornaticollis, schmiedeknechtii, Java, vittulicollis Batavia, spp. n., Reuter T.c. pp. 187-190. Macrotylus amoenus sp. n. Connecti- cut, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 75. Megacoelum insignia p. 444, tibialis, pervalidum, p. 445, straminipes, mus- sooriensis, p. 446, brunettii, India, marginandum, p. 447, patruum p. 448, Ceylon, spp. n., Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Mesomiris gen. n. div. Miraria p. 4, curtulus sp. n. Maryland p. 5, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36. Microphyllus gen. n. a genere Phylus , Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 76. Monalocoris hesperius sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 162. Monalocorisca simplex sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter T.c. p. 163. filonalonion bothrocranum sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter T.c. p. 151. Myochroocoria gen. n. div. Plagiog- naiharia p. 76, griseolus sp. n. Texas p. 77, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36. My stilus antrami p. 443, manni p. 444, spp. n., Cachar, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Neella gen. n. Bryocoraria f iir Eccrito- tarsua cucosmus St&l, etc., Reuter p, 152 Ann. Hof. Mus. Wien 22. Nicostratua princepa sp. n. Nilgiri Hills, Distant p. 60 Entomologist 42. — N. diversua sp. n. Orissa, Distant p. 520 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Notolobus gen. n. Bryocoraria, f iir Capsus dimidiatus Gudr. M6n., Reuter Wien Ann. NatHist. Hofmus. 22 pp. 147-149. Nyctclla lunulifera sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter p. 175 T.c. Oncerometopus rectanguli ferns , sp. n, Mexiko, Reuter p. 171 T.c. Opistheuria gen. n. ex aff. Platyty- lelli, Reuter p. 170 T.c. Orizaba gen. n. Plagiognatharia p. 176, luridipennis sp. n. Mexiko, p. 177, Reuter T.c. ■ Orthotylus nigripes Nevada p. 08, liguttaiya Colorado p. 69, . spp. n., RStotfER, Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36.-t* O. euchloris sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 174. Oxychilophora gen. n. Capsaria, O. marginicollis sp. n. Neu-Seeland, Reuter p. 183-186. T.c. Pachymeroccnts gen. n. div. Bryoco- raria, Reuter Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 51. A. No. 13 p. 2. Pachyneurhymenus gen. n. Bryo- coraria, pallidolimbatus sp. n. Chile, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 180-182. Pacorus gen. n., politus sp. n. India, Distant p. 517 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Paracalocoris heidemanni West- Virginia, mnltisignatus Columbia, spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 40. Paraprdba fasciolata sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 173. Philostephanus gen. n. near Mega- coelum, vitaliter sp. n. Simla, Distant p. 449 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Phytocoriq guttatus p. 163, modestus p. 164, moesticolor p. 165, spp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. — P. politus Nevada p. 21, consper- sipes Washington p. 22, mimctulus Maryland, fenesiratus , p. 24, fumatus p. 25, subnitidulus Washington et Maryland p. 26, heidemanni New- Mexico p. 27, bakeri California, xnttatus New York, p. 28, angustulus West Virginia p. 29, canescens California, lineatus Rifle Oil. p. 30, palmeri Quinze Lk., antennalis Washington p. 32, lasiomerus Gold River p. 34, spp. n. Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36.—* P. helvelicus n. n. for albofasciaius Fieb., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. Pilophorus schwarzi sp. n. California, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 74. Plagiognathus occipitalis sp. n. Chile, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 180. — P. moe.rena Wyoming, confusus Nevada, spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 80. Plesiodemidea gen. n. Plagiognatharia , fusciceps sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 177. Poeciloscytus elegans California p. 60, basivittis Pikes Peak p. 61, spp. n.» Reuter Acta Soo. So. Fenn. 36. 395 Ihsecia. S YSTEMATIC. — H EMIPTER A — CAFSIDA E, EtO. Proboscidocoris flavicornis sp. n. Chile, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 180-1 82. — P. malayus sp. n. Java, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 pp. 187-190. Prodromus cune.atus sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 453 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Psallus (?) breviceps sp. n. Texas, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 78. — P. minutulus sp. n. Mexiko p. 175, sparsus nom. n. fur Lygua sparsus Dist. p. 176, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. Pseudoxenelus gen. n. genori Cyllo- coris affinis, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 66. Pycnoderes monliculifer p. 160, obliquatus p. 161, spp.n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. — P. quadrima- culatus, Reuter p. 147-149 T.c. — P. dilatatus sp. n. Md. et W., Reuter Aota Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 No. 2 p. 3. Reathenia menanochra = melanochra auctt., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. Rhodoclia geri. n. Myrmecophyaria p. 58, convictionis sp. n. Nilgiri hills p. 59, Distant Entomologist 42. Rhinacloa incerta, melanotelus, pallida , spp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 178. Sahlbergella theobroma sp n. W. Africa, Distant p. 252 Entomologist 42. Sahlbergia sivgularis — (gen. ? longi - cornis Grah.), Poppius p. 162 Ent. Mag. 45. Sapinniua gen. n. p. 615, fidelis sp. n. Ceylon p. 516, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Saturniomiris papuanus n. n. for Iristis Walk., Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. Silanus gen. n. p. 519, praefectus sp. n. Ceylon p. 520, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Sisynas Iwibaticollis sp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22 p. 156. Sixeonotua luieiceps sp. n. Texas, Reuter Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 36 No. 2 p. 4. — 8. moestus , morio , rubellus, p. 168, strigalifrons p. 159, spp. n. Mexiko, Reuter Wien Ann. Hofmus. 22. Stechua gen. n. p. 449, libertua sp. n. Ceylon p. 450, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Stenoparedra gen. n. p. 8, obscvra p. 11, tenuicornis p. 12, spp. n. Chile, Reuter Helsingfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 51 A. No. 24. Teratocoria caricia n. n. for longi- cornis Uhl., Kirkaldy p. 390 Canad. Ent. 41. Thaumaturgua gen. n. p. 618, typicns sp. n. India p. 619, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Thermua gen. n. p. 614, adumbralus sp. n. Ceylon p. 615, Distant T.c. Tichorhinua pelagicua n. n. for O. mutabilia White, Kirkaldy p. 32 Canad. Ent. 41. Trigonotylua confuaua sp. n. Maryland, Reuter Helsingfors ActA Soo. Sc. Fenn. 36 p. 6. . Tropidosteptea plagifer , commissuralis* Canada spp. n., Reuter Acta Soc. Sc., Fenn. 36 p. 51. Tuponia longipennia sp. n. Tdneriffej. HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 294. Zalmunna gen. n. p. 442, dux sp. n. Ceylon p. 443, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Zaratu8 gen. n. near Zosippuar repandua sp. n. Nilgiri hills, Distant p. 59 Entomologist 42. Zonodorua gen. n. p. 522, gubernator sp. n. Ceylon p. 523, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Saldidae. Saida inconstana India, fletcheri Ceylon, p. 376, puaana India p. 376, spp. n., Distant Ann. Soc. ent. Belgi- que 53 . Valteriola ctcindeloidea sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 40 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Hydrocorisae. Pulsatile orgdn in legs of Ranatra and Notonecta, Brocher pp. 33-41 Ann. Biol, lacustre 4. Ambry sua horvathi Peru p. 323, colombicua Ibagua p. 324, nitidulm Mexico p; 326, ochraceua Bolivia, peruvianiia Peru, p. 329, spp. n. Montandon Bull. Soc. Bucarest 17. 396 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. Amorgius niloticus Ungam, Gorka Termt. Kozl. 41 p. 454. Buenoa spp., notes on distribution sind taxonomy pp. 74-77, Bueno -J. New York Ent. Soc. 17. Cercotmetus asiaticus var. n. longi- Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 p. 265- Tartesaus occidentalia sp. n. W.-Austr., Jacobi p. 342 in Michaelsen 2. Teitigonia dorsisignata and rubescens, position doubtful, Fowler p. 322 Biol. Centr.-Amor. Rhynch. Homopt. 2. Tettigoniella bimaculuta sp. n. Ost- Afrika, Melichar 6as. (3esk6 Spol. Ento- molog. 1908 p 1-15. Typhlocyba rubricata sp. n. Florida, Van Duzee Bull. Soc. Buffalo p. 229. — Typhlocyba, two species (Japanese), Takahashi Tokyo Sangyo Sinpo Seri- cultural Journal 199 p. 19-22. PSYLL1DAE. Einleitung in das Studium, synop- tische Tafel und Artensynonymenkata- log der Gattung Psylla, irn palaearktis- chen Gebiete (Bohmisch) ; bulc Vestn. Ceske Spol. Nauk 1909 pp. 46 2 Tab- |t)ber das Schicksal der Archipsylli- den ; Handlirsch Zool. Anz. 35 pp. 233-240. Psylla ; weidonbowohnende, Synony- mio, klapaleki sp. n. Siebenbiirgon, Sulo Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 17. — P. ptarmicae sp. n. Europe, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 26 p. 2. — P . pyrarboris, corcontum spp. n., Bohmen, Sulc Vestn. 6eske Spol. N&uk 1909 p. 46. — P. spartii, spartiicola sp. n., Sulc Rozpr. teske Ak. Frant. Jos. 1907 p. 8. — P. lemurica sp. n. Madagaskar,SuLC Cas.Cesk6 Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 77-82. — P. floccosa sp. n. Maine, Patch p. 301 pi. ix Canad. Entom. 41. 403 Insecta. Systematic. — Aphid ae, Etc. Trioza cockerelli sp. n. Nord-Amerika, Oekonom. Bedeutung, Sulc (5as. Oeske Spol. Entomolog. 1909 pp. 102-109. Aleurodidae. The genera of Aleurodidae and lists of the species, Quaintance Gen. ins. 87 11 pp. and 2 pis. Aleurodes voeltzkowi sp. n. Madagas- kar, Newstead Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 355. Aleyrodes nubifera sp. n. Florida pp. 08-71, Berger Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. Florida 97. — A. nubifera distribution pp. 173-174, cilri ( = A . aurantii Mas- ked) p. 174, Quaintance Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agric. Ent. No. 12 Pt. 9. — • A.howardi on Florida orange, Back J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 448^ — A. vitrinellus Ckll. described, Cockerell Ent. News 20 p. 215. Aleurodicus conspurcalus sp. n. Bra- silia, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 pp. 282-284. Paraleyrodes gen. n. pp. 169-170 type Aleurodicus persece, ff. 35 & 36, Quaintance Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. No. 12 Pt. 9. Udamoselis gen. n. pigmentaria sp. n. S. -America, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 230-233. AmiDAE. Studies on Aphididce , 2, Davis Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. pp. 30-42 pis. v-vii. Plant louse notes ; Gillette J. Econ. Ent. 2 pp. 351-358 pi. xii, and pp. 385- 388 pi. xiii. Die zyklische Fortpflanzung der Pflanzenlkuse ; Mordwilko Biol. Cen- tralbl. 29 pp. 82-96, 97-118, 147-160, 164-182. Hemipterocecidien der Insel Born- holm ; Bayer Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 pp. 104-120. Some new records of Aphididae in North America, Wilson J. Econ. Ent. 2 pp. 346-350 figs. 7 & 8. Aphid technique, Hayhurst Ent. News 20 pp. 255-2C0. Die Blattlause des Efous, der Fuchsie und des Salats ; Petri Natur u. Kul- tur 6 pp. 587-595, 625-628, 656-660, 690-696. Acanthockermes quercus , studi, Grassi Rend. Acc. Lincei 18 1° Sem. pp. 537- (n-11091 j) 540 ; Uovo d’inverno, Fo\ Rend. Aoc. Lincei 18 1° Sem. pp. 640-541. Aphis ; on cattle, Collinoe J. Cooper Lab. 1 p. 51. — A. tavaresi sp. n. pi. xvi figs. 1 & 2 Zambesi, Del Guer- cio Broteria 7 p. 143. — A. viburnicola sp. n. Colorado, Gillette Ent. News 20 p. 280 pi. xi. — A. saliceti, Ooge- nese und Spermatogenese, Baehr Arch. Zellforschg 3 pp. 269-333 4 Taf. — A. atriplicis habits, parasites etc., Hayhurst Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2 pp. 95-99 pi. xv. — A. maidi-radicis Forbes, distribution, food plants, life history complete and in detail, descrip- tions of the various instars of vivi- parous and oviparous generations pp. 123-137, tables i-iv and ff. 31 & 32 ; analytical bibliography pp. 137-144 ; maidis Fitch distribution, food plants, life history, descriptions of all the instars of the viviparous generation, pp. 144- 151, tables vii-ix, f. 33 ; analytical bibliography pp. 151-156, Davis Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. No. 12 Pt. 8. Aphrastasia pectinatae , Zs. wiss Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 349-353 & 373- 380. Brachycolus ballii, Gillette Ent. News 20 p. 119. Callipterus flabellus, Gillette p^ 120 pi. viii T.c. — C. trifolii, Folsom pp. 103- 106 pi. iii figs. 5 & 6 Rep. Ent. Illinois 25. Chernies ; Die neueren Ergebnisse und Aufgaben der Chermes -Forschung (Zusammenfassende Ubersicht) ; Zool. Zentralbl. 16 p. 694-673.— N. American spp., Patch Bull. Maine Agric. exp. Sta. 173 pp. 277-308 figs. 108-145. — C. pinifoliae p. 136, abietis, similis, galls, floccus consolidate lariciatus, p. 137, spp. n., Maine, Patch Psyche 16. — C. pinifoliae and abieticolens synonymy, abietis , synonymy, Patch Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine Bull. 171. — C. pini, Lesailes non gallicoles, Marchal Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 pp. 229-230.— Biologie und Systematik der Chermesiden ; Borner Biol. Centralbl. 29 pp. 118-125, 129-146. Cladobius rufulus sp. H. California, Davidson J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 300. Qillettea gen. n. fur Chermes cooleyi Gillette, Borner Zool. Anz. 34 p. 504. Hyalopterus aquilegice-flavus (Kittel), p, 107 pi. i figs. 1-8, dactylidis sp. n. d 35—2 404 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Massachusetts p. 109 figs. 9-14, Hay- hurst J. Ent. Soc. New York 17. Idiopterus gen. n. compared to Dre- panosiphum, p. 198, nephrelepidis sp. n. Illinois on ferns in greenhouses p. 199 pi. xxvii fE. 9-15, Davis Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Lachnidi italiani ; Guercio Redia 5 pp. 173-359 con 32 fig. 12 tav. Lachnus pini-radiatce p. 299, occi- dentalis p. 300, spp. n., California, Davidson J. Eeon. Ent. 2. Longistigma gen. n. for Lachnus caryae, caryae = ( longistigma Mon. = platanicola Ril.) description, Wilson pp. 385-387 Canad. Ent. 41. Macrosiphum ; Synopsis und Besch- reibung der Arten, pisi Lebensweise, Entwicklung, Bekampfung, cholodkov- skyi , portschinskyi, auf Spiraea, spp. n., Mordvilko Tra. b. entom. ucen.Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 8 3. — M. orthocarpus sp. n California, Davidson J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 304. — M. pisi naturul history, Folsom pp. 60-82 pi. iii figs. 1-4 Rep. Ent. Illinois 25. Microparsus gen. n. near Macrosi- phum p. 337, variability sp. n. Maine p. 338 pis. xxviii & xix, Patch Ent. News 20. Pachypappa lactea sp. n. Schweden, Tullgren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 14 fr. 69 f. 22-25. Pemphiginae ; Systematik, Tull- gren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 14. Pemphigus tessellata Fitch, life c}Tcle, Patch J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 35. — P. coweni to Phyllaphis, the forms, Gillette pp. 41-45 Canad. Ent. 41. — P.bumeliae und poschingeri, Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 836-842 and 34 pp. 741-748.— P. borealis p. 142 f. 67-69 sp. n., lichtens- teini p. 148 f. 70-72 nom. n. for bur- sar ius Passerini, Schweden, Tullgren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 14. — P. venafuscus sp. n. Maine, Patch Ent. News 20 p. 319 pi. xvii. Phylloxera foae sp. n. Vosgesen, Bor- ner Zool. Anz. 34 p. 26. — P. quercus, osservazioni,BoNEiaLiRenci. Ace. Lineei 181° Som. pp. 705-712 ; and T.c. pp. 25- 30. — P. vastatrix, Grassi e FoA Rend. Ace. Lineei 18 2° Sem. pp. 161-169. Phylloxerinae ; ricerche, Grassi Rend. Acc. Lineei 18 1° Sem. pp. 657- 661 ; quistioni collegantisi con lo studio di esse, Grassi pp. 520-528 T.c. ; Grassi pp. 417-422 T.c. Phymatosiphum gen. n. near Drc- panosiphum p. 196, monelli sp. n. Missouri on Aesculus p. 197 pi. xxvii fi'. 1-8, Davis Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Prociphilus cratcegi sp. n. Schweden, Tullgren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 14 p. 96 f. 44-48. Schizoneura lanigera , Schaden und Bekampfung im Kaukasus, Rollov Kavkazsk Choz. 1909 2 pp. 1-4; Le- bensgeschichte und Bekampfung, Goethe Berlin 1909 24 pp. ; life- history, habits, Collinge J. Cooper Lab. 1 pp. 28-37 ; metamorphosis (Japanese). Kadomai Konch. Sek. 13 pp. 8-12. — S. lusitanica sp. n. S. Fiel, Horvath Broteria 7 p. 132. Sipha flava from Chaitophorus, ac- count, habits, life-history of the vivi- parous and oviparous generations, de- scriptions of instars, pp. 156-167, tables x-xiv, f. 34 ; analytical bibliography pp. 167-168 ; Davis Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. No. 12 Pt. 8. Siphocoryne conii sp. n. California, Davidson J. Econ. Ent. 2 p. 304. Siphonophora pisi, ulmariae caraganae , Beschreibung, Auftreten der Genera* tionen, Futterpflanzen (Russ.), Cholod- kovsky Trd. b. entom. ucen. Korn. Gl. Upr. Zeml. St. Peterburg 8 1 pp. 15 8 fig. i. — Siphonophora rosarum An- atomy, pt. i ; Grove Parasitology 2 pp. 1-28 pi. i. Toxoptera graminum, natural history. Hunter & Glenn Bull. Univ. Kansas 9 No. 2 vii -f- 221 pp. ; life-history and natural enemies, pp. 67 87 pi. xiv, map, Webster Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Cocoidae. Catalogue of recently described Coc - cidae, 2 ; Sanders Tech. - Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Part 3 pp. i-ii & 33-60. The Coccidae of Ceylon, pt. iv, pp. 251-343 and pis. xciv-cxxxii, Green (dated 1909 but perhaps not published till 1910). 405 Insccta . S YSTEM ATIC. — CoCCID AE. Beitriigo z.ur Konntnis der Schild- iause und ihrer Vcrbrcitung, Lindinoer Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. pp. 105-110 147— 152 220-225. Contribution a I’etude des Coccides de l’Afrique occidentale ; Marchal Paris M6m. soc. zool. 22 pp. 165-182 av. fig. Zur Anatom ie der Cocciden ; Sulc Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 104-172. The identity and synonymy of some of our soft scale- insects, Sanders J. Econ. Ent. pp. 428-448 pis. 10 & 20. The Hymenoptera parasites of Coc- c idcie, Morley Entomologist 42 p. 254 •&c. Standards of the number of eggs laid by Coccidae, Giratjlt Ent. News 20 p. 355. Aclerda distorta sp. n. Ceylon, Green Coccidae Ceylon p. 200 pi. cxi. Antonina phragmitis sp. n. Midi do la France, Marchal Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 148 p. 172. Aspidiotus ; ArchenomnS parasite of : Marchat. p. 144 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. — A. ( Evaspidiotus ) labia larum sp. n. Midi de la France, March ad Paris C. R.^Acad. sci. 148 p. 872. — A. ( Hemi - berlesia) trabuti sp. n., Marchal Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 59. — A. ( Hemi - berlesia) vuilleli sp. n. Africa occ., Marchal p. 587 C. R. Soc. Biol. 68. — A. privignus sp. n. Italien and Grechen- land, Lindinoer Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol 5 p. 151. — A. elaeidis sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Marchal Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 69. — A. arctostaphyli sp. n. California, Cockerell & Robbins J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 104 fig. 1.— A. hcrculaneus sp. n. Society islands, Cockerell & Hadden p. 298 Canad. Ent. 41. Asterolecanium cxiguum p. 315 pi. cxviii figs. 6-11, rubrocomalum p. 316 pi. cxix, tenuissimum p. 318 pi. cxx figs. 1-4, udagamac p. 319 figs. 5-9, Havociliatum p. 323 pi. cxxii figs. 1-5, pndibundum p. 323 figs. 6-10, ceri- fcrum p. 324 pi. cxxiii, coronatum p. 327 pi. cxxiv, tumidum p. 330 pi. cxxi figs. 6-10, thespesiae p. 331, pi. cxxii figs. 1-5, lineare but changed in appendix to lanceolatum p. 336 pi. cxxviii, spp. n., ceriferum var. prominens p. 326, miliaris longum p. 339, varr. n., Ceylon, Green Coccidae Ceylon. — A. pasanice sp. n. Japan, Kuwana & Cockerell J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 152 pi. vii fig. 1-6. Gerococcus ornatus p. 306 pi. cxv, albospicatus p. 308 pi. cxvi, roscas p. 310 pi. cxvii, Ceylon, spp. n.. Green Coccidae Ceylon. — G. muratae to Sole- nophora, Cockerell p. 55 Canad. Ent. 41. Ceronema koebeli sp. n. Ceylon, Green Coccidae Ceylon p. 256 pi. xevi. Ceroplastes vuilleti sp. n., africanus var. senegalensis sp. n., uvariae sp. n., Afrique occidentale, Marchal Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 68. Ceroplastodes chiton p. 287 pi. cix, vire.scens p. 288 pi. cx, Ceylon, spp. n.. Green Coccidae Ceylon. Chionaspis vuilleti sp. n. Afrique occidentale, Marchal Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 69. — G. etrusca sp. n. Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 5 p. 150-192. — G. kin - shinensis sp. n. Japan p. 155 pi. ix figs. 34-37, Kuwana J. Ent. Soc. New York 17. — G. sassceri sp. n. California, Cockerell & Robins J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 105 fig. 2. Coccus muiri n.n. for luberculatus Kot., Kotin3KY p. 37 Proc. Hawaii Ent. Soo. 2. Dactylopius, eyes, Krecker Zs. wiss. Zool. 93 pp. 73-89 1 Taf. — D. virgatus var. n. madagascariensis, Newstead Reise Ostafrika pp. 349-356. Diaspis (Adiscodiaspis) ericicola sp. n. Midi de la. France, Marchal Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 p. 871. — D. pentagona, Bouvier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 pp. 336-347 ; notizie, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agr. 8 Mem. 5 pp. 1- 12 ; parasites, Iches Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 p. 182. Eulecanium cecconii sp. n. Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 5 p. 150-192. Fagisuga gen. n., triloba sp. n. Chile, Lindinoer Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 107. Furcaspis oceanica sp. n. Taluit Inseln, Lindinoer p. 149 T.c. Gymnaspis clusiae sp. n. Jamaika, Lindinoer D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 153. [1909] 400 Insecla. XII. Insecta. Hemiberlesia cecconi sp. n. Italia, Leonardi Fortici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 5 p. 150-192. H ouard ia gen. n. Lecaniidae , trog- lodytes sp. n. W. Africa, Marchal p. 86 C. R. Soc. Biol. 66. Icerya seychellarum var. n. cristata, Newstead Reise Ostafrika 2 pp. 349- 356; I, seychellarum — {okadae Kuw.), Cockerell p. 55 Canad. Ent. 41. lnglisia chelonioides sp. n. Ceylon, Green Coecidae Ceylon p. 283 pi. cvii. Kermes bacciformis sp. n. Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 4 p. 1-44. — K. himalay- ensis sp. n. India, Green p. 10 Ent. Mag. 45. Lecaniodiaspis aZadirachtae p. 298 pi. cxii, malaboda p. 300 pi. cxiii, spp. n. Ceylon, Green Coecidae Ceylon. Lecanium nicotianae sp. n. Madagas- kar, Newstead Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 352.— L. ( Coccus ) fukayai, ochnacece, spp. n. Japan, Kuwana J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 154 pi. vii. — L. du Rohinia, Marchal Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 pp. 2-5. — L. corni, Be- kampfung, Quanjer Tijds. Planten- ziekten 15 pp. 100-127 1 Taf. Lecanopsis mirmecophila sp. n. Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 5 p. 150-192. Leucaspis ephedrae sp. n.s Marchal Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 59. Lichtensia japonica sp. n. Japan, Kuwana J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 152 pi. viii ligs. 16-27. Matsucoccus gen. n. for Xylococcus matsumurae, Cockerell p. 56 Canad. Ent. 41. Mesolecanium perditulum sp. n. Ni- caragua, Cockerell & Robins p. 150 Canad. Ent. 41. •(• Monophlebus trivenosus to Ceroputo, Cockerell p. 100 Entomologist 42. Mytilaspis ( Lepidosaphes ) buzenensis p. 155 pi. ix figs. 38-41, uniloba p. 156 figs. 42-45, spp. n., Japan, Kuwana J. Ent. Soc. New York 17. — M. ficifolii, sp. n. Italia, Berlese Atti R. 1st. in- coragg. Napoli 55 1904 Mem. 12 pp. 1-5, Neolecanium crustuliforme sp. n. Ceylon, Green Coecidae Ceylon p. 252 pi. xciv. Orthezia martellii sp. n. Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agr. 8 Mem. 4 p. 1-44 Parlatoria cinerea sp. n. Society islands, Hadden p. 299 Canad. Ent. 41. Phenacoccus graminicola, formicarum, spp. n., Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 4 p. 1-44. Pollinia ceylonica sp. n. Ceylon, Green Coecidae Ceylon p. 341 pi. exxx. Protopulvinaria longivalvata sp. n. Ceylon, Green T.c. p. 254 pi. xcv. Pseudococcus myrmecarius, longipes, cycliger , spp. n., Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 4 p. 1-44. — P. platani male, Vaney et Conte Paris C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci. 36 2° Partie pp. 620-622. — P. tri- folii, Folsom pp. 117-123 Rep. Ent. Illinois 25. Pulvinaria ihespesiae p. 259 pi. xcvii, cellulosa p. 262 pi. xeix, ixorae p. 266 pi. ci, Ceylon, spp. n.. Green Coecidae Ceylon. Ripersia libera, sardiniae, inquilina , hypogea, spp. n., Italia, Leonardi Portici Ann. Scuola sup. agric. 8 Mem. 5 p. 150-192. TaJcahashia citricola sp. n. Japan, Kuwana J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 153 pi. viii. — T. japonica , Kotinsky p. 72 Proc. Hawaii ent. Soc. 2. Targionia alni sp. n. Midi de la France, Marchal Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 148 p. 872. AN0PLURA or ELLIP0PTERA The genera of Anoplura, Dalla Torre Gen. ins. 81 22 pp. and 1 pi. Antarctophthirus lobodontis sp. n. Antarktis, Enderlin D. Siidpolar. Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 476. 407 Insecla. Systematic. — Anoplura — Thysanoptera. Haematopinus phacochoeri sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Enderlein Kilimand- jaro-Meru Exp. 11 2 p. 7 fig. — II. noto- phallus sp. n. O. Afrika, Neumann Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 2. Hybophthirius gen. n. near Haemato- pinus, orycteropodis sp. n. S. Afrika, Enderlein Jena Denkschr 14 p. 79. THYSANOPTERA. Thysanoptera dol Trentino ; Cobelli Wien. Verh. Z. B. Ges. 59 pp. 1-5. Thysanoptera in hot-houses Brussels, Bagnall pp. 171-176 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Adinothrips gen. n. p. 332, longi- cornis sp. n. Venezuela p. 333 pi. xlvi, Bacnall J. Linn. Soc. 30. Adiaphorothrips gen. n. near Macro- thrips p. 536, simplex sp. n. Borneo p. 537 and pi. xiv figs. 23 & 24, Bagnall Tr, Newcastle Soc. 3. Aleurodoihrips gen. n. type Crypto - thrips fasciapennis. p. 228 figs. 1 & 2, Franklin Ent. News 20. Allothrips megacephalus J , Shull, Ent. News 20 p. 228. Amphibolothrips gen. n., grassi sp. n. Roma, Buffa Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 p. 193 3 fig. Anactinothrips, gen. n. p. 329, mein- erti sp. n. Venezuela p. 330 pi. xlvi figs. 1-7, Bagnall J. Linn. Soc. 30. Anaphothrips orchidaceus sp. n. hot- houses in Britain and Ireland, Bagnall p. 33 Ent. Mag. 45. — A. striatus J, p. 224 Shull Ent. News 20. Autothrips simplex sp. n. Tunisi, Buffa Redia 5 fasc. 2 pp. 157-172. Baliothrips basalis sp. n. Michigan p. 224 f. 5, Shull Ent. News 20. Beheloihrips gen. n., latus sp. n. Isola del Giglio, Buffa Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 p. 193-196. Cephalothrips spinosus sp. n. hot- house Brussels, Bagnall p. 174 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Chirothrips similis sp. n. England, Bagnall p. 34 J. econ. Biol. 34. Dicaiothrips gen. n., bottegii sp. n. Boran Galla, Buffa Redia 5 pp. 157- 172. — D. malayensis pi. xiv f. 4 and p. 525, denticollis f. 5 and p. 527, spp. n. Nias, Bagnall Tr. Newcastle Soc. 3. Docessissophothrips monstrosus sp. n. New Caledonia, Bagnall T.c. p. 538 pi. xiv f. 25. Elaphrothrips gen. n., unijormis sp. n. Guinea portoghese, Buffa Redia 6 pp. 157-172 1 tav. Evthrip3 longipennis sp. n. hot- houses Brussels, Bagnall p. 173 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 63. — E. citri sp. n. California p. 119 pi. viii, Moulton Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agric. Ent. No. 12 Pt. 7. — E. pyri , Moulton U.S. Dept. Agric. Ent.. Bull. 80 Part 4. Heterothrips salicis sp. n. Michigan p. 220 f . I , Shull Ent. News 20, Leplothrips gen. n. type as'f.ersus Hinds, Hood p. 249 Ent. News 20. — L. flavicornis sp. n. Madeira, Bagnall Tr. Newcastle Soc. 3 p. 528- and pi. xiv figs. 6-8. Lioihrips major sp. n. Eritrea, Buffa Redia 5 pp. 157-172. Megathrips nobilis sp. n. England* Bagnall p. 130 Ent. Mag. 45. Orinothrips gen. n., inermis sp. n, Ighibirei, Buffa Redia 5 pp. 157-172. Pannrothrips gracilis , Bagnall Tr. Newcastle Soc. 3 p. 524 pi. xiv figs. 1-3. Phloeothrips similis p. 533 pi. xiv figs. 15-19, longitubus p. 534 and figs. 20 & 21, spp. n. Java, Bagnall T.c. — P. maculatus sp. n. Michigan, Hood Ent. News 20 p. 250 f. 1. Phyllothrips umbripennis sp. n. Illi- nois and Michigan, Hood T.c. pp. 30- 32 f. 3 & 4. Physopus basicornis Reuter sp. n. Deutschl., CiiEViLLius Begleitwort zu Zoocecidia et Cecidozoa Lfg. 4 Nr. 76-100 p. 17. Plectrothrips collaris sp. n. Nias, Bagnali, Tr. Newcastle Soc. 3 p. 531 & pi. xiv figs, ii-xiv. Polyommatotkrips gen. n. ex Hetero - thrips silvesirii Buffa 1908, Buffa Redia 5 pp. 157-172. 408 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [190!?] Scirtothrips gen. n. near Anapho - thrips, ruthveni sp. n. Michigan, p. 222 figs. Shull Ent. News 20. Trichothrips tridentatus p. 226, brevicruralis p. 227, Michigan spp. n., Shull T.c. — T. smithi sp. n. Illinois, Hood Ent. News 20 pp. 29-30 f. 1,2. Thrips hrachycephala sp. n. Ker- guelen, Enderlein D. Sfidpolar- Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 441. — T. juniperina Linn., Bagnall p. 39 J. econ. Biol. 4. Uroihrips gen. n. Urothripidae fara. n., paradoxus sp. n. German East Africa, Bagnall Ann. Mus. Hung. 7 p. 125 pi. iii. Zygothrips jordani sp. n. Nias, Bag- hall Tr. Newcastle Soc. 3 p. 530 and pi. xiv figs. 9 & 10. PSOCIDjE or PS0C0PTERA. Copeognathen (Erste Reihe) (Biospeo- logica, xi), Enderlein Arch. Zool. 1 pp. 533-539 fig. List of Swedish Copeognalha ; Tull- <3 ren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 8. t)ber einige finlandische Copeog- nathen ; Reuter Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 35 pp. 204-210. fZur Kenntnis fruhjurassischer •Copeognathen und Coniopterygiden und fiber das Schicksal der Arcliipsylli- • den ; Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 770- '776. Caecilius mexicanus, podacrophaeus, spp. n., Mexico, Enderlein Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 p. 329-339. Dasydemella gen. n., silvestrii sp. n. Mexico, Enderlein p. 32S-339. T.c. Oraphopsocus mexicanus sp. n. Mexico, Enderlein p. 329- 339 T.c. Harpezoneura gen. n. near Amphip- - socus , mutifurcata sp. n. Transvaal, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 p. 270. Leptopsocus exiguy,8 Reut. an ex- treme aberration of Pterodela pedicu- laria, Tulloren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 8 i. 1. p. 10. Monocladellus gen. n. near Polyp - socus p. 266, ohausianus sp. n. p. 267 Ecuador, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70. Myrmicodipnella gen. n., aptera sp. n. U.S.A., Enderlein Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3 p. 329-339. Nymphoscopus troglodyta sp. n. p. 536 f. 9-11 & 13-14, var. n. algericus p. 538, Enderlein Arch. zool. 1. Polypsocus nervulosus sp. n. Ecuador, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 p. 269. Prionoglaris gen. n. p. 533, stygia sp. n. p. 534 fig. 1-8, Enderlein Arch, zool. 1. Psocus major Kolbe=? Ps. sexpunc- tatus, Tullgren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 8 p. 6. Trichadenotecnum gen. n. typ. sex- punctatum, Enderlein Portici Ball. Lab. zool. 3 p. 329-339 4 fig. Tricladdlus nom. n. ffir Tricladus Enderl. 1906, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70, p. 273. Trocles corrodens sp. n. Berlin, ? imported, Heymons I), ent. Zs. 1909 p. 452. — T. transvaalensis sp. n. Trans- vaal, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 p. 272. — T. prenolepidis sp. n. Cali- fornia, Enderlein Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 p. 329-339. MALL0PHAGA or LIP0PTERA. Ooniodes tetraonis structure, natural history, Shipley P.Z.S. 1909 pp. 309- 319 and pis. xl & xli. Lipeurus lepturus p. 453, prioni p. 454, spp. n. Kerguelen, Enderlein D. Sfidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4. Menopon spiniger sp. n. S. Afrika, Enderlein Jena Denkschr. 14 p. 80. — M. lemniscatum sp. n. Kerguelen, Enderlein D. Sfidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 456. Nirmus cameratus , Shipley Proc. zool. Soc. 1909 p. 319 and pi. xlii. 409 Insecta. Systematic. — Mallophaga, Etc. Pelmatocerandra gen. n. fur Nirmus setosus Gicbol, Enderlein D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 449. Ricinus fuscolaminulatus sp. n. Ker- guelen, Enderlein I). Siidpolar-Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 447. ISOPTERA or TERMITIDAE. Escherich’s neue Termitenstudie ; Wasmann Biol. Centralbl. 29 pp. 216- 224. Anatomic, Verwandtschaftsbezie- hungon otc. dor Termitcn ; Holmgren Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 44 No. 3 pp. 1-215. Inzucht bci Termiten ; Holmgren Biol. Centralbl. 29 pp. 125-128. Isoptera ; Silvestri in Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens, hrsg. v. W. Michaelsen u. R. Hartmeyer Bd. 2 Lfg 17 Jena 1909 pp. 279-314, mit 6 Taf. Termes e Calotermes : forme gine- coidi ed anomalie ; Sandias Palermo Giorn. Sc. nat. econ. 26 pp. 131-136. Calotermes koshunensis sp. n. For- mosa, Shiraki Trans. Entom. Soc. Japan 2 pp. 229-242. Coptotermes formosanus sp. n. For- mosa, Shiraki pp. 229-242 T.c. — C. michaelseni sp. n. W.- Austral., Silvestri in Michaelsen 2 p. 293. Drepanotermes gen. n. fur Termes perniger Froggatt, Silvestri p. 295 T.c. Eutermes nitobei sp. n. Formosa, Shiraki Trans. Entom. Soc. Japan 2 pp. 229-242. — E. apiocephalus p. 306, cccasus p. 307, spp. n. W. -Austral., Silvestri in Michaelsen 2. Ilamitermes helerognathus, obeuntis, spp. n., W. -Austral., Silvestri p. 301 T.c. Hodotermes ahngerianus etc., Bauten in Central-Asien, Soldaten and Arbeiter, Karawajew Rev. russ. ent. 9 pp. 159- 162. Microcerotermes distinctus Austral, p. 305, perafjinis Samoa p. 304, spp. n., Silvestri in Michaelsen 2. — M. ? kauderni sp. n. Madagaskar, Holmgren Ark. Zool. 5 No. 13 p. 6. Mirotermes baculiformis sp. n. Mada- gaskar, Holmgren p. 12 T.c. — M. kraepelinii sp. n. W. -Austral., Silvestri p. 298 in Michaelsen 2. Monodontermes gen. n., harlmeyeri, p. 299, perarmatus p. 300, spp. n. W.- Austral., Silvestri T.c. Prorhinotermes gen. n. p. 286, ino- pinatus sp. n. p. 287 Samoa, Silvestri T.c. Psalidotermes gen. n. fur Termes ferox Froggatt, Silvestri p. 296 T.c. Sckedorhinotermes gen. n. fur Rhino termes intermedins Brauer p. 289, di- morphus Desn. subsp. n. robustior Bis- marck-Archipol p. 292, Silvestri T.c. Termes formosana n. sp. Formosa, Shiraki Trans. Entom. Soc. Japan 2 p. 229-242. — T. speratus and flavipes in Japan, former in Formosa, Oshima Dobuts. Z. 20 1908 (512-517). EMBI0PTERA or EMBIIDAE. Calamaclostes gen. n. near Embia, aTbistriolatus sp. n. Ecuador, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 35 p. 188. Donaconethis gen. n. near Embia , abyssinica Eritraea ehrenbergi Eegypten, spp. n., Enderlein pp. 176-178 T.c. Embia duplex , cephalotes, p. 50, silvanoi p. 51, Spain and Portugal, spp. n., Navas Broteria 7. — E. vossleri O. -Africa p. 181, collariger Eritraea p. 182, flavicollis Bolivia p. 184, ad- spersa p. 185, tenuis p. 186, Bolivia, spp. n., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 35. Monotylota gen. n. near Embia , Enderlein p. 188 T.c. Oligotoma bicingillata sp. n. Brasilia, Enderlein p. 191 T.c. 410 lnsecta. XII. Insecta. PLECOPTERA or PERLIDAE. Systematische Bemerkungen ; Kla- palek pp. 230-232 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Acroneuria fulva, stigmatica, jouklii, spp. n., Klapalek Rozpr. Ceske Ak. 1907 p. 28. — Acroneuria, Klapalek p. 226 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — Bestimmungs- schliissel der nord-amerikanischen Ar- ten ; A. ampla Tonkin, brevicauda, N. America, spp. n., Klapalek Prag. Bull. Ac. Franc. Jos. 14 pp. 234 etc. — A. ampla Tonkin, brevicauda , evoluta Prov., Klapalek Prag Rozpr. £esk6 Ak. Frant. Jos. 1909 p. 21. — A. nobilitata sp. n. Tonkin, Endeblein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70 p. 346. — A. graci- lenta sp. n. Brasilia, Endeblein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 397. Anacroneuria gen. n. for Neoperla End. nec Needh., Klapalek p. 228 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Aucklandobius gen. n. near Notoperla , complementarius sp. n. Auckland-Inseln, Endeblein D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 680- 682. Capnia conica sp. n. Austria, Kla- palek 6as. (3eske Spol. Entomolog. 1909 p. 101. Chloroperla ; Synonymie, Klapalek p. 228 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Etrocorema gen. n., E. ahenobarba sp. n. Perak, Klapalek Ent. Ztg Wien 28 p. 222. Euryplax gen. n. p. 225, E. ochro - stoma sp. n. Malacca p. 226, Klapalek T.c. Qripopteryx tigrina var. n. hyalini - pennis Peru, Endeblein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 415. Hemacroneuria gen. n. near Acro- neuria, violacea sp. n. Tonking, Endeb- lein p. 395 T.c. Isogenus aemulum sp. n. Riesenge- birge, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70 pp. 239-244. Isoptena gen. n. fur Isopteryx serri- cornis Pictet, Endeblein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 414. Javanita gen. n., Klapalek p. 224 Ent. Ztg Wien 28. Kaminuria quadrala , bolivari, spp. n., KlapXlek Rozpr. 6eske Ak. Frantv Jos. 1907 p. 13-17. [1909] Kiotina pictetii, angusta, spp. n., Klapalek p. 28 T.c. Lerpa subgen. n., beraudi sp. n. Syria, Navas Broteria 8 p. 102. Macrogynoplax gen. n. near Ochlho- petina, guayanensis sp. n. Guayana, Endeblein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 403. Neoperla ; analytische Ueber>icht der Arten; laticoUis,N.nigricauda,N. excisa , N. dubia, Afrika, p. 218, N. indica India p. 219, N. rubens, mitis, Java, N. variejata, N. furcifera, N. naviculata, Borneo, p. 221, spp. n., Klapalek Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. — N. geniculata, nipo- ncnsis, Klapalek Rozpr. 6?skd Ak. Frant. Jos. 1907 pp. 24-28. — N. sjocstedli p. 55 Kilim and jaro, africana p. 56 Kamerun, spp. n., Klapalek Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 3. — N. guate- malensis Guatemala p. 161, ohausiana Ecuador p. 164, pistacina Ecuador p. 166, hieroglyphica Ecuador p. 167, schmid ti Ecuador p. 169, pehlkei Columbia p. 170, apicalis Columbia p. 174, spp. n., coslalis var. n. fuscicosta Brasilia p. 178, Enderlein SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909. — N . buliviensis Bolivia, ang usticollis Columbia, laticeps Brasilia spp. n., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 408- 410. Niponiella gen. n., limbatella sp. n.t Klapalek Rozpr. <3esk6 Ak. 1907 p. 28. Notoperla gen. n. fur Antarctoperla fuegiana Enderl., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 416. Ochthopetina gen. n. p. 324, aer- pennis p. 325, violaris Java p. 327, sumatrana Sumatra p. 331, laminulata Java p. 333, conradti Kamerun p. 335, fulgescens Borneo p. 337, minutissima Sumatra p. 341, camerunensis p. 343, didita p .345 Kamerun, spp. n., Ender- lein Stettiner ent. Ztg 10. — O. nigro- geniculuta Malakka, borneensis Borneo, iransvaalensis Transvaal, spp. n., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 400-402. Oyamia gibba, seminiqra, spp. n., Klapalek Rozpr. 6eske Ak. Frant. Jos. 1907 pp. 21-24. Paragnetina tinctipennis, Klapalek pp. 17-19 T.c. Paragripnpleryx gen. n. near Qripo- pteryx, klapaleki sp. n. loc. ?, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 416. 411 Insecta. Systematic. — Plecoptera, Etc. Paranoioperla gen. n. near Notoperla, auslralica sp. n. Australia, Endkrlein p. 416 T.c. Perla Jcheili sp. n. Husesca, NavAs Bol. Soc. Aragon 8 p. 100. — P. ccmilimbata Tonkin p. 347,' sikki- mensis Sikkim p. 349, spp. n., En- derlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 70. — P. lugubris McLachl. ine. sedis, KlapAlek Rozpr. 0esk6 Ak. Frant. Jos. 1907 p. 28. — P. internata, quebecensis, hiero - glyphica, attenuate, calif or nica, caroli - nensis, KlapAlek op. cit. 1909 p. 21. — P. marginata , Bsgattung, Riesen Berliner ent. Zs. 54 p. 37. Petlodes ( Dictyopleryx ) bicolor sp. n. Madrid, NavAs p. 372 Rev. Ac. Cien Madrid 7. Tetropina gen. n., T. larvate sp. n. Borneo, KlapAlek Ent. Ztg. Wien 28 p. 223. Togoperla ; T. Umbria, tennina, KlapAlek Rozpr. (3esk& Ak. Frant. Jos. 1907 pp. 19-21. Tropidogynoplax gen. n. near Ochtho- pelin, fuscipes sp. n. Java, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg 71 p. 141. U damocercia gen. n. fur Leuclra ant- arctica. Enderl., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 34 p. 418. EPHEMEROPTERA or EPHE- MERIDAE. Ephemerida, Plecoptera, KlafAlek Sihswasserfauna Deutschlands, H. 8 pp. 1-32 ; 33-95. Ueber die Metamorphose, La Batjme SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 pp. 137-153. Die Tracheenkiemen der Ephemeri- den ; Borner Zool. Anz. 33 pp. BOG- 823. Morphologie der Kiemen der Larven, Durken Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 449-464. Arthroplea gen. n. near Ecdyurus p. 17, congener p. 18 sp. n. Sweden, Benotsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. 5 Afd. 2 No. 4. Caenis ? sjoestedti sp n. Kilimand- jaro, Ulmer Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 2 p. 53 fig. Centroptilum bicorne sp. ri. Como ten, Ulmer Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 366. Chitonopliora gen. n. near Ephemerella p. 6, aurivillii, mucronata, p. 8, spp. n., Sweden, Benotsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. 5 Afd. 2 No. 4. Clo'eon joergenseni, brunneum , spp. n. Mendoza, Petersen D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 551. Ecdyurus joernensis sp. n. Sweden, Benotsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. 5 Afd. 2 No. 4 p. 19. Ephemerata vulgata, Dalgleish pp. 264-269 Zoologist 1909. Ephemerella lactala sp. n. Sweden, Benotsson1 Lund Univ. Arsskr. 5 Afd. 2 No. 4 p. 6. Euphyurus gen. n. near Blasturus , albitarsis nom. n. for Ephemera hyali- nata Zett. p.p. and vitreata Zett. Benotsson p. 4 T.c. Hagenulus turbinatus sp, n. Comoren* Ulmer Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 367. Heptagenia nigrescens sp. n. Car- pathians, Dziedzielewicz Cas. Ceske Spol. Entomolog. 1908 pp. 21-25. Polameis gen. n. near Metamonius p. 13, elegans, minor, p. 15, spp. n Scandinavia, Benotsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. 5 Afd. 2 No. 4. Phithrogena haarupi sp. n. Danemark, Petersen D. ent. Zj. 1909 p. 555. Siphlurella gen. n. near Siphlurus, thomsoni, p. 11, oblita p. 13, spp. n., Sweden, Bengtsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. 5 Afd. 2 No. 4. Siphlurus zetterstedti p. 9, spinosus, latus, p. 10, spp. n., Sweden, Benotsson T.c. Sparrea gen. n. near Ghirotoneles , norvegica sp. n. Norwegen, Petersen D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 554. 0D0NATA or PARANEUR0P- TERA. The genera and species of Libellulinae pt. i ; Ris Coll. Selys 9 120 pp. and 1 pi. Les Odonates ; Martin Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 pp. 431-434. 412 Insecta. xil. Insecta. [1909] Odonata, Ris Dis Susswasser fauna Deutschlands H. 9 pp. iv 17. Beobachtungen fiber die Odonaten- Fauna bei Tvarminne (Finhisch), Valikangas Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 35 p. 74 etc. Odonaten des Donischen Gebiotos, Zograf Moskva Trd. Krufc. izsl. russ. prir. 4 pp. 94-96. Abessinische Libellen, gesammelt von Dr. Eduard Riippell ; Ris Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 40 pp. 21-27. Odonata, N.E. Africa and W. Asia, Forster Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 1907-08 Abb. p. 120. The Odonata of the Mississippi Valley ; Wilson Proc. U. S. nat. Mus. 36 No. 1692 pp. 653-671. The composition and ecological rela- tions of the odonate fauna of Mexico and Central America, Calvert Proc. Acad. Phildaelphia 60 pp. 460-491 tables and pi. xxvi. Contributions to a knowledge of the •Odonata of the Neotropical region, ex- clusive of Mexico and Central America 3, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6, pp. 73-280 pis. i-ix. We give below only the new forms of this paper. Ponte des Odonates ; Pierre Rev. sci.. Bourbon. 21 pp. 1-11 50-54 ; 22 <6-13 29-44. Cordulia metallica Eierablage ; Torka Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 p. 405. Eiablage der Libellen ; Uffeln Zs. Aviss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 68-69. Monograph of the larvae of European Odonata , Rousseau Ann. Biol, lacustre 3 pp. 300-366. Observations on the development of Agrionidae ; Balfour-Browne Proc. 200I. Soc. 1909 pp. 253-285 & pis. xxxiii & xxxiv. Hydrachnid parasites, Campion & Campion Entomologist 42 pp. 242-246. Acanthagrion gracile ablutum p. 164, gracile ascendens p. 165, subspp. n., cuyalae pp. 166-167 with subspp., chararum p. 170 pi. v figs., chaco'ense Brazil p. 172 fig. 90, chirihuanum p. 173 figs. 93 & 94, Brazil, spp. n., Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Accaphila gen. n. Libellulidae p. 59, eudoxia sp. n. Ruwenzori p. 60, Kirby Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Aeschna meruensis sp. n. Meru, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 1 p. 32 pi. if. 8 13 14 ii. f. 10 11. Agrion armatum, vernale, pulchellum Farbenvarietat, (Russ.), Bartenev Moskva Trd. Kruz. izsl. russ. prir. 4 p. 72. — A. armatum, nymph, Petersen D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 654. Amphiaeschna perampla sp. n. Java and Borneo, Martin p. 115 Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Amphiagrion andinum sp. n. Bolivia, Forster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 231. — A. titicacae sp. n. Peru, p. 203 pi. vi figs. 118-120, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Archaeophlebia gen. n. for Neophlebia martini, Ris p. 55 Coll. Selys 9. Argia fosteri Paraguay p. 128 pi. iv fig. 58, gerhardi Bolivia p. 130 fig. 60 with nigrior subsp. n. p. 132, Jeokama Peru p. 132 fig. 71, hasemani Brazil p. 137 fig. 59, tamoyo p. 139 fig. 73, smithiana p. 140 fig. 64, thisma p. 141 fig. 75, chapadae p. 146 fig. 76, botacudo p. 148 fig. 63, tupi p. 150 fig. 78, sub- apicalis p. 151 fig. 79, Brazil, iralai Paraguay p. 153 fig. 65, spp. n., Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Argiolestes gen. n., sidonia sp. n., Martin Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 195-207. Austroaeschna alrata p. 95 & pi. iv f. 16, aspersa p. 96, Australia, inter - sedens Khasia hills p. 101 & f. 14, forcipata Queensland p. 102, spp. n., Martin Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Austrocordulia gen. n. near Oxy - gastra, refracta sp. n. Endeavour River, Tillyard Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 33 p. 744. Austrogomphus melaleucae N.S.W. , bifurcatus Atherton, comilatus Cook- town, manifestus, doddi, Kuranda, spp. n., Tillyard op. cit. 34 pp. 241- 249. Anstrophya gen.' n. near Neophya, mystica sp. n. Kuranda, Tillyard op. cit. 33 pp. 738-739. Brechmorhoga praedatrix p. 250, heteronycha p. 251 pi. ix fig. 147, spp. n., Brazil, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 Calliaeschna lugubris, acntifrons, p. 110, masoni p. Ill & pi. iii f. 12, India, conspersa N. S. Wales p. 112, spp. n., Martin Coll. Selys Aeschnines. 413 Insecta, Systematic. — Odonata. Callophlebia inlet pjsila Madagascar p. 68, mayanga Nossi-bo p. 69, spp. n., Ris Coll. Selys 9. Calopteryx virgo Farbenvarietat, splendens var: n. tschaldirica, Bartenev Moskva Trd. Kruz. izsl. russ. prir. 4 p. 69. — C. splendens var. hyalinn, Martin p. 2 13 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909; nordl. Ural, Bartenef Bull. Soc. Oural. nat. 29 p. 144. Cklorocnemis cyanura sp. n. Kamerun, Forster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 234. Cornacantha gen. n. p. 166 for cornuta Forst., Martin Coll. Selys Aescknines. Diargia gen. n. near Argia p. 154, bieellnlata sp. n. Brazil p. 155 pi. iv figs., Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Diphhbia lestoides life-history, Till- yard Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 34 pp. 370-383 figs. Diplacina smaragdina fulgens p. 96, bolivxri militaris p. 99, subspp. n., Ris Coll. Selys 9. Dorocordulia errans sp. n. Brazil (?) p. 225 p!. vii fig. 131, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Enallagma ovigerum sp. n. Colombia p. 159 pi. vi fig. 123, Calvert T.c. ■\E. mortuella sp. n. Colorado Mio- cene, Cockerell p. 172 Entomologist 42. Eothemis gen. n. p. 70, zygoptera sp. n. W. Africa p. 71, Ris Coll. Selys 9. Euthore fasciata inlactea subsp. n. Peru, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 p. 91. Gomphoides hesperus Ecuador p. 215 pi. vii fig. 125, viridipleuris Paraguay p. 217 fig. 126, camposi Ecuador p. 219 fig. 217, spp. n., Calvert T.c. Gomphus davidi var. Orenburg i var. n., V oroncovsktj Izv. Orenb. otd. russ. geogr. Otso. 21 p. 119. — G. vulgatissi - mus nordl. Ural, Bartenef Bull. Soc. Oural. nat. 29 p. 143. Gymnacantha usambarica sp. n. Usam- bara, SjSstedt Kilim and jaro- Meru Exp. 14 1 p. 36 pi. ii f. 1.— G. adela p. 174, tenuis p. 175, auricularis p. 176, salyrus p. 177, S. America, saltalrix Tonkin p. 194, spp. n., Martin Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Gynothemis gen. n. near Macro- themi8, venipunctata sp. n. Brazil pL x fig. 146, p. 256, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. f Handlirschia gen. n., gelasii sp. n. Muschelkalk Deutschl., Reis Mu.ichen Abh. Ak. WTss. phvs. Kl. 23 p. 659. Heliaeschna uninervulata Borneo p. 163, gladiostyla Celebes p. 166, spp. n., Martin Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Hetaerina fuscibasis Brazil p. 81 pis. i & ix, charca Bolivia p. 86 pi. i, spp. n., Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Heteragrion inca Peru p. 108 pi. iii fig. 38, fla vidor sum Bolivia p. Ill pi. iii fig. 41, Calvert T.c. Homothemi8 gen. n., meruensis sp. n* Meru, S.T03TEDT Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 1 p. 12 pi. ii f. 14. Ihylaeoiliemis gen. n. p. 63, dementia sp. n. Borneo p. 64, and Telralhemis= fruhstorferi Karsch, Ris Coll. Selys 9. Janoria pryeri sp. n. Japan, Martin p. 134 Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Lcptetrum quadrimciculcdum Varietat (Russ.), Bartenev Moskva Trd. Kruz. izsl. russ. prir. 4 p. 67. Leptobdsis vacillans guianae and ccuadorica subspp. u., mammilaris sp.. n. Brazil, p. 201 pi. vi figs. 112 etc.,. Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Lestes risi sp. n. Dutch New Guinea, Weele Nova Guinea 9 p. 23. — L. scalaris Cuba p. 93 pi. i, lipupillalus p. 95 pis. i & ii, mediorufus p. 97 pi. i, paulistus p. 99 pis. i & ii, dichrostigma p. 102 pis. i & ii, quadristrialns p. 104 pis. i & ii, Brazil, spp. d., Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Linaeschna gen. n., polli sp. n. Borneo, Martin p. 136 Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Lyriolhemis eurydice sp. n. Celebes, Ris p. 105 Coll. Selys 9. Macromia wabzshensis p. 374 fig. 4, alleghaniensis p. 376, australensis p. 381, spp. n., U.S., Williamson U. S. Nation Mus. Proc. 37 No. 1710. Macrothemis uniseries p 252, capilala’ p. 253, declivata p. 254 pi. vii fig. 1 37— 138, griseofrons , lutea, p. 255, spp. n., Brazil, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Melaleptcbasis cornicauda sp. n. Bra- zil p. 199 pi. vi figs. 110 & 111, Calvert T.c. 414 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1909] Micrathyria didyma laevigata subsp. n. Colombia p. 231, dythemoides p. 232 pi. vii fig. 135, spinifera p. 234 fig. 134, Surinam, spp. n., ocellata denliens subsp. n. Brazil p. 230 fig. 130, catenata p. 237, athenais p. 238, longifasciata p. 240, macrocercis p. 242 fig. 136, Brazil, spp. n., Calvert T.o. Microvnacromia afra sp. n. Came- roon s, Ris p. 75 Coll. Selys 9. Mombagrion gen. n. near Ischnura, ■gracile sp. n. Usambara, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 1 p. 44 pi. ii f. 17. Neocordulia longipollcx sp. n. Costa Rica, Calvert Ent. News 20 p. 409 figs. Neuraeschna harpy a, claviforcipata pi. vi f. 24, p. 206, dentigera p. 207, rostrifera p. 208, spp. n. S. America, Martin Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Ola gen. n. for Nannopklebia horni Kiiig., Ris p. 61 Coll. Selys 9. Onychogomphus supinus subsp. n. nigrolibialia Kilimandjaro, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 1 p. 23 pi. ii. f. 6. — O. capitatus sp. n. Celebes, Martin Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 195-207. s Ophiogomphus bellicosus sp. n. Oren- burg, Voroncovskij Orenburg Izv. Orenb. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 21 p. 1 16- 118. Orthemia aequilibria p. 245, ambirufa, ambinigra, p. 246, spp. n., Brazil, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Oxyagrion, characters, evanescens p. 179 pis. iii & viii, divaricatum p. 181 pi. iii figs. 47 & 48, hempeli p. 182 figs. 52 & 53, impunctatum p. 188 figs. 56 & 57, Brazil, spp. n., Calvert T.c. Pentaphlebia gen. n. near Oalopteryx p. 211, stahli sp. n. p. 213, Forster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62. Periaeachna gen. n., magdalena sp. n. Tonkin, Martin p. 157 Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Peristicta aeneoviridia sp. n. Paraguay p. 211 pi. vi fig. 124, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Petalura gigantea life history, Till- yard Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 34 pp. 256-267 pi. xxiv. Platacantha gen. n., foersteri sp. n. Malay Arch., and Triacanthagyna dirup- ta Karsch., Martin p. 154 Coll, Selys Aeschnines. Platycnemis pennipea Pall. var. n . cyaneostrisata Karnten, Puschnig Ca- rinthia 2 98 1908 pp. 87-101. Podogomphua meruenaia p. 25 pi. ii f. 4 Moru, kilimandjaricua p. 26, m- gripea p. 27, apecioaua p. 28 pi. ii f. 5 Kilimandjaro, spp. n., Sjostedt Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 1. Progomphua recticarinatus sp. n. Brazil p. 213 pi. vii fig. 128, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Pronomaja gen. n. near XJracia p. 225, mimetica sp. n. Surinam p. 226, Forster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62. Pseudagrion grande p. 45 pi. ii f. 20 a-c, kilimandjaricum p. 47 pi. ii f. 18, spp. n., punctum subsp. n. massaicum p. 48 Kilimandjaro, Sjostedt Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 14 1. Pseudocordulia gen. n. near Oom- phomacromia, circularis sp. n. Kuranda, Tillyard Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 33 pp. 742-3 figs. Psilocnemia kervillei sp. n. Syria, Martin p. 214 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Pyrrhosoma nymphula, varr. fulvipes , melanotum and lincolniensis, Campion & Campion pp. 178-180 Entomologist 42. t Reisia nom. n. for Handlirschia Reis, Handlirsch p. 81 Abh. Ges. Niirnberg 18. Bhionaeschna gen. n. near Aeachna p. 220, maita sp. n. p. 221 Peru, FOrster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62. Skiallagma simulacrum sp. n. Brazil p. 176 pi. v figs. 95 & 96, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Somatochlora uchidai sp. n. Japan, Forster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 233. — S. ; spp., maefotona sp. n. Minnesota p. 78, Williamson Ent. News 20. — S. metallica , Speyer pp. 227-233 Ent. Mag. 45. Staurophlebia gigantula sp. n. Ama- zons, Martin p. 211 and pi. vi f. 23 Coll. Selys Aeschnines. Subaeschna gen. n. p. 152, francesca sp. n. Surinam, p. 153, Martin T.c. Synthemis olivei Cooktown, clavicu- lata Kuranda, spp. n., Tillyard Proo, Linn. Soc. 33 pp. 747-749. 415 Insecta. Systematic. — Odonata, Palaeodictyoptera. Telebasis carmesina p. 191 pi. v fig. 100, sanguinalis p. 192 fig. 101, coccinata p. 193 fig. 103, carminita p. 194 fig. 102, spp. n., Brazil, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Tramea huanacina sp. n. Bolivia p. 229, loetoii var. n. petaurina Neu-Guinea p. 230, Forster Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62. Tricanthagyna needhami sp. n. Florida, Martin p. 149 Coll. Selys Aeschnines. f Typus (non Tupus ) Sollards, Sel- lards p. 161 Amor. J. Sci. 1909. Uracis ovipositrix pi. ix fig. 145, ovata p. 227, spp. n., Brazil, Calvert Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. tPALAEODICTYOPTERA. and other extinct Orders. Archaeacriditis gen. n. bruesi sp. n. Stephanien de Commentry, p. 39, elegantissima sp. n. Stephanien de Commentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 45 & 75. Archaeocompsoneura gen. n. Plaly - pteridae, superba sp. n. Commentry Stephanien, Meunier p. 139 Ann. Soc. sci. Bruxelles 33. — A. superba sp. n. Stephanien de Commentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 41 fig. 1. Artinsha gen. n. Lemmatophoridae p. 103, clara , medialis , gracilis, pecla, 105, major, extensa, p. 106, spp. n. ansas Permian, Sellards Amer. J. Sci. 1909. Atava gen. n. Lepiidae, ovata sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 157 f. 3, Sellards T.c. Delopterum gen. n. Protorthoptera Delopteridae fam. n., minutum, elonga- tum, p. 108 f. 20, latum p. 169 f. 17, spp. n., Kansas Permian, Sellards T.c. Esca nom. n. for Therates Sellards, Sellards p. 151 T.c. Espira gen. n. Probnisidae, obscura sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 160 f. 13, Sellards T.c. Estadia gen. n. Lemmatophoridae , elongata, arcuata, tenuis, spp. n. Kansas Permian, p. 166, Sellards T.o. Gilsonia gen. n., titana sp. n., p. 37 figs. Stephanien de Commentry, Meu- nier Bui. Museum Paris 1909. Homalophlebia perrieri sp. n. Com- mentry Stephanien, Meunier p. 140 Ann. Soc. sci. Bruxelles 33. — H. perrieri sp. n. Stephanien de Com- mentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 47. Horates gen. n. Liomopteridae, elonga - tus sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 158 f. 2, Sellards Amer. J. Sci. 1909. Lecoplerum gen. n. Probnisidae, deli- cosum sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 161, Sellards T.c. Lecorium gen. n. Lemmatophoridae, elongatum sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 167 f. 26, Sellards T.c. Lectrum gen. n. Lemmatophoridae, anomalum sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 167 f. 28, Sellards T.c. Lemmatophora gen. n. Lemmato- phoridae fam. n. Protorthoptera, typa p. 162 f. 24, delicosa, anomala, hirsuta , elongata , p. 163, spp. n., Kansas Per- mian, Sellards T.c. Lepium gen. n. Protorthoptera Lepii- dae fam. n. elongatum, reticulatum, spp. n. Kansas Permian, Sellards pp. 154- 160 T.c. Liomopterum gen. n., Protorthoptera Liomopteridae fam. n., ornatum exlensum, spp. n. Permian Kansas, Sellards p. 157 T.c. Lisca gen. n. Lemmatophoridae, min- uta sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 163 f. 21, Sellards T.c. Mecus nom. n. for Scopus Sellards, Sellard p. 151 T.c. Misthodotes nom. n. for Dromeus Sellards, Sellards p. 151 T.c. Opter gen. n. Megasecoptera , brong- niartii sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 151 f. 7, Sellards T.c. Orta gen. n. Ortadae fam. n. Protortho- ptera, ovata sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 168 f. 23, Sellards T.c. Prisca gen. n. Lemmatophoridae , fra- gile sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 167 f. 22, Sellards T.c. 416 Jnsecta, Xll. Insecta. [1009] Prdbnis gen. n. Protorthoptera Prob- nisidae fam. n., speciosa If. 10 11, coriacea , spp. n. Kansas Permian, Sellards pp. 159 & 160 T.c. Prosaites gen. n. Lemmatophoridae, compact as , secundus, spp. n. Kansas Permian, p. 167, Sellards T.c. Pursa gen. n. Oryctoblattinidae, ovata sp. n. Kansas Permian, pp. 153- 154 f. 4, Sellards T.c. Recter (non Rekter), Sellards p. 151 T.c. Sindon gen. n. Oryctoblattinidae, speciosa sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 154 f. 1, Sellards T.c. Stemma gen. n. Ortadae , elegans, extensa , spp. n. Kansas Permian, p. 168, Sellards T.c. Slenodictya gaudryi sp. n. Com- mentry Stephanien, Meunier p. 139 Ann. Soc. sei. Bruxelles 33. — S. gau- dryi sp. n. Stephanien de Commentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 42 fig. 2. Stinus gen. n., Probnisidae, brevi- cubitalis sp. n. Kansas Permian p. 161 f. 9, Sellards T.c. Stoichus gen. n. Probnisidae, elegans, p. 160, arcuatus, minor, tenuis , p. 161, spp. n. Kansas Permian, Sellards T.c. Urba gen. n. Delopteridae, punctata sp. n. Kansas Permian, p. 169, Sel- lards T.c. 0RTH0PTERA. Forfioulidae. Classification of the Dermaptera ; Burr D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 320-328 and pi. iv. Ueber Dermapteren, 6. Aufsatz, zur Biologic europaischerOhrwiirmer ; Ver- hoeff Biol. Centralbl. 29 pp. 578-586 605-616. Anechura calciatii sp. n. Kashmir, Borelli Torino Boll. Musei zool. an at. 24 No. 603. Anisolubis andreinii Adi Ugri, tellinii Eritrea, spp. n., Borelli Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 3-9. — A. eteronoma , aporonama, spp. n., Hawaii, Borelli Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 p. 314-328. Archidux gen. n. near Neolobophora p. 123, adolji sp. n. Centr. Africa p. 124, Burr Ann. Nat.Hist. 4. Arixenia gen. n., esau sp. n. Borneo on bat, p. 313 pis. xvi-xviii, forming Arixeniidae fam. n. p. 323, Jordan Nov. Zool. 16. Borellia gen. n. for Anisolabis part. Burr p. 325 D. ent. zs. 1909. Brachylabis femandezi, montana, spp. n. Costa Rica, Borelli Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 611. — B. cinc- ticollis G'erst. to Psalis, Burr p. 255 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Chaetospania paederina Gerst. (as For/icula) = (longiana Borg = esca- lerae Burr), Burr p. 256 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3, Chelidura acanthopygia in Sweden, Tullgren Eatomol. Tidskr. 29 p. 140. Chelisoches dilyanus sp. n. Samoa, Holdhaus Wien Denkschr. Ak. 84 pp. 537-562. Dendroiketes gen. n. for Apachys cor- ticinus, Burr p. 321 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Elaunon erythrocephalus = ( Cheli- soches pulchellus Gerst.), Burr p. 257 Ann. Hat. Hist. 3. Eparchus cruentalus sp. n. Lombok, BupR p. 115 op. cit. 4. Esphalmeninac nom. n. for Gonola- bidae Verh., Burr p. 250 op. cit. 3. Esphalmenus gen. n. type Forficula lativentris Phil., Burr p- 251 T.c. Forficula riffensis Marocco p. 119, ignota S. Europe p. 120, spp. n., Burr Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. — F. auricularia abnormal forceps, Lucas p. 194 Ento- mologist 42. — F. lesnei, habitat etc., Finot pp. 152-154 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1909. Hamaxus papuensis sp. n. Dutch New Guinea, Burr Nova Guinea 9 p. 16. Homotages gen. n. for Anechura feae> Burr p. 327 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Hypurgus kuhlgatzi sp. n. W. Africa, Burr p. 116 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Karschiella neavei sp. n. Congo, Burr p. 96 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. 417 Insccta. Systematic. — Blattidae. Labia borelli sp. n. Victoria-Nyanza, Burr Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 40 pp. 175-181. — L. orac-divitis , cyanes- cens, spp. n. Costa Rica, Borelli Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 611. — L. rechingeri sp. n. Samoa, Hold- hatts Wien Denkschr. Ak. 84 pp. 557- 562. — L. nigrella Dubr. = ( myrmeca Burr = fasciata Borm.), Burr p. 127 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Labidura f.ginii sp. n. Eritrea, Burr Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 4 pp. 175- 181. Litkinus gen. n. for Pseudochelidura analis. Burr p. 327 D. ent. Zs. 1909. Mixocosmia gen. n., tristani sp. n. Costa Rica, Borelli Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 611. Opisthocosmia nieuwenhiusi sp. n. Borneo, p. 118, forcipata Haan = ( erroris Burr) p. 127, Burr Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Paracosmia gen. n., silvestrii , dugesi, spp. n., Messico, Borelli Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 p. 314-328. Proreus clegans ? — (Aptcrygida lingua Burr), Burr p. 256 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — P. fuscipennis Haan = (iS 'pongiphora rubriceps Burr), Burr p. 128 op. cit. 4. Psalis gagatina Kl. = ( Oarcinophora robusta Scudcl.), Burr p. 126 T.c. — P. cincticollis Gerst. = ( picina Kirb.), Burr p. 113 T.c. Pxeudolabis burri sp. n. Kashmir, Bor- elli Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 603. Pyragra brunnea sp. n. Peru, Burr p. 254 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Sparatta lobata, sp. n. Costa Rica, Borelli Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 611. Sphingolabix ; history ancl synonymy; Burr pp. 125 & 126 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. i S pongiphora dissimilis sp. n. Costa Pvica, Borelli Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 611. — S. 4-maculaia Stal = (Forficula protensa Gerst.), Burr p. 256 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. -8. scliubotzi Centr. Africa p. 121, geslroi W. Africa p. 122, spp. n., Burr op. cit. 4. — S. nitidipennis = ( Chaetospania juppiter Burr), insignia St&l = {geayi Burr), Burr p. 127 T.c. Tristanella gen. n., luberculaia, biacu- leata, spp. n. Costa Rica, Borelli Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 61 1 , (n-11091 j) Hemimeridae. Hcmimerus ; Insckt Plazenta ; Hey- mons Verh. D. zool. Gcs. 19 pp. 97-107. Hemimcrus talpoides and hanseni, characters and distribution, Carpenter pp. 254-257 and pi. iv Ent. Mag. 45. — II. talpoides anatomy, Jordan pp. 327- 330 pi. xviii Nov. Zool. 16. Blattidae. Revision of the old-world Blaltinae belonging to the Polyzoster ia group ; Siielford pp. 253-310 Tr. oat. Soc. London 1909. Recherches anatom iques, histolo- giques et physiologiques sur les organes appendiculaires de l’appareil repro- ducteur femelle ; Bordas Ann. sci. nat. Zool. 9 pp. 71—121. Structure histologique de la sperm a- th&que des Blattes, Bordas Paris C. R. Acad sci. 148 pp. 520-522. Periplaneta orientalis, fonctions phy- siologiques des glandes arborescentes des femelles, Bordas Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 pp. 533-535: glandes calcige.ies annexees k l’appareil genital femelle, Bordas Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 pp. 22-24. Les cristaux de la Blatte, Hallez Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 pp. 317-318. The nuclear components of the sex cells ; Morse Arch. Zellforschg. 3 pp. 483-520 3 Taf. (Blattes myrmecophiles ; Bolivar Mitt. Schweis. Entom ol. Ges. 11 1905 pp. 134-141.) Anamesia ivalkeri sp. n. N. S.' Wales, Siielford p. 301 Tr. ent. Soc. London- 1909. Anaplccta biafrae sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Shelford p. 477 Mem. Soc. espan. 1. — A. bolivari sp. n. Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 611. Anaplecloidea modesta Ceylon, notata Annam, spp. n., Siielford 1909 p. 611 T.c. Anchoblatta gen. n. near Blatta, peruana sp. n. Peru, Siielford p. 620 T.c. Anareolaria gen. n. near Areolar ia,- b livari sp, p, Kamerun, Shelford p. 662 T.c, d 36 418 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Areolaria sumatrana sp. n. Sumatra, Shelford p. 621 T.c. Blatta montana sp. n. Ruwenzori, Kirby p. 63 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Geratinoptera ensifera sp. n. Australia, Shelford Fauna Sudwest Australiens 2 Lfg 9 p. 130. — C. sheljordi nom. n. for castanea Shelf., Gaud ell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 112. Gosmozosteria froggatti p. 295, glor- iosa p. 297, spp. n„ Australia, Shelford Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Gutilia melanesiae sp. n. Torres Straits, Shelford p. 29 T.c. Derocalymma gigantea sp. n. 0- Afrika, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 623. Deropeltis brevipennis sp. n. Ery- thraea, Shelford p. 619 T.c. Desmozosteria gen. n. near Zonio- placa , michaelseni, rufescens, Australia spp. n., Shelford Fauna Sudwest Aus- traliens 2 Lfg. 9 p. 139. — D. grosse - punctata sp. n. Australia, Shelford p. 303 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Dyscologamia wollastoni sp. n. Ruwen- zori, Kirby p. 63 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Epilampra annandalei sp. n. India, Shelford Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 3 p. 127. — E. structilis sp. n., Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 178 fig. 1. Euzosteria gen. n. type Polyzosteria subverrucosa White, Shelford p. 262 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Evea gen. n. near Parapleda , kalk- manni sp. n. Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 622-623. Qyna castanea p. 317, peringueyi p. 318, sculpturata , aetola, p. 319, incommoda p. 321, hyalina p. 324, spp. n. Africa, Shelford Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Oynopeltis neavei sp. n. Rhodesia Shelford p. 326 T.c. Homoeogamia subdiaphana mohaven- sis subsp. n. California p. 415, Rehn and Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. lpisoma coleoptratum $ , Shelford p. 480 Mem. Soc. espan. 1. Ischnoptera escalerae sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Shelford p. 478 T.c. f/. brunneri sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 76, Isoniscus scaber sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Shelford p. 481 Mem. Soc. espan. 1. Karnyia gen. n. fur Htjposphaeria burri Karny, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 623. Loboptera maculicornis sp. n. Samoa, Holdhaus Wien Denkschr. Ak. 84 pp. 537-562. Meihana magna p. 307, hosei p. 309, spp. n. Borneo, Shelford Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Oxyhaloa minima sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Shelford p. 480 Mem. Soc. espan. 1. ■j Palaeoblattina bouvieri sp. n. St6- phanien de Coinmentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 49. Paramethana buyssoni sp. n. O-Afrika, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 618. -j Pedinoblatta gen. n. near Hongaya p. 80, stromeri sp. n. Trias A1 dorf p. 81, Handlirscii Abh. Ges. Niirn- berg 18. Periplaneta stygia sp. n. Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 619. Phenacisma semialata sp. n. Rhodesia, Shelford p. 325 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Phyllodromia phryne, bolivari, Kamerun, denticulata Peru, incon- spicua Brasilia, maculiventris, flora, peruana , Peru, dido Bolivia, spp. n., Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 613-616. Platyzosteria ruficeps p. 134, curiosa p. 135, morosa, conjuncta, p. 136, variegata p. 137, hartmeycri p. 138, Australia spp. n., Shelford Fauna Sudwest Australiens 2 Lfg. 9. — P. ferox p. 273, perplexa p. 277, rufipes p. 278, spenceri p. 284, aposematica p. 288, spp. n. Australia and Tasmania, Shelford Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Polyzosteria viridissima sp. n. N. S. Wales, Shelford p. 262 T.c. Pronauphoeta gen. n. near Nau- phoeta, nigra sp. n. Kamerun, Shel- ford D. ent. Zs. 1909 p. 621. f Protoblattina gen. n., bouvieri sp. n. f 7 Stephanien de Commentry, Meu- nier p. 48 Bui. Museum Paris 1909. Pseudogyna gen. n. near Gyna, intermedia sp. n. Rhodesia, Shelford p. 325 Tr. ent, Soc. London 1909, 419 Insecta. Systematic. — Blattidae — Mantidae. Pseudophyllodromia boliviensis Bo- livia, albomaculata Peru, spp. n., Shel- ford D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 617-618. Pseudothyrsocera bicolor sp. n. Borneo, Shelford p. 612 T.c. Scabina gen. n. for Pehnatosilpha antipoda Kirby, Shelford p. 305 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. pStephanoblatta fciyoli sp. n., Leriche Ann. Soc. geol. 37 p. 38 pi. i. Slylopygn michaclseni sp. n. Australia, Shelford Fauna Sudwost Austmliens 2 Lfg. 9 pp. 143-149. Tcmnopteryx desertce sp. n. Texas, Rehn and Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. p. 116 fig. 1. Theganopteryx jantastica sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Shelford p. 476 Mem. Soc. espan. 1. Zonioploca pallida sp. n. Australia, Shelford Fauna Sjdwest Australiens 2 Lfg 9 pp. 143-149. Piiasmidae. f Aedaeophasma acadica sp. n. Lower Cordaite shales New Brunswick, Matthew p. 117 pi. i f. 1 Trans. R. Soc. Canada iii 3 sect. iv. f A rchacophasma gen. n., grandis sp. n. Lower Cordaite shales New Brunswick, Matthew p. 1 19 pi. i f. 2 T.c. Aplopus mayeri , inheritance and pro- tective behavior, pp. 239-245 IT. 1-3, Stockard Biol. Bull. 16 pp. 239-245 figs. 1-3. Bacillus gallicus, capture du male, BfcRENGUiER Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1909 pp. 73-75 av. fig. ; Paris Bull, soc. ent. 1909 p. 234. Ceratites sub gen. n. of Diapheromera , type D. covillece, Rehn and Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61 p. 126. Diapheromera ; key p. 125, covillece sp. n. Texas p. 126 figs., Rehn and Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61, vide etiam Ceratites. — D. jemorata , follicular epithelium from the ovary, Marshall, Arch. Zellforschg 3 pp. 627-643 2 Taf. — D. ( Ceratites ) tamaulipensis sp. n. Mexico, Rehn Ent. News 20 p. 212 figs. Dixippus morosus, Podjapolsky pp. 277-281 Rev. russe Ent. 8 ; Wach- stum der Larven, Verhalten, Futter in der Gefangenschaft, PodjapolTsky Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 277-281 ; Meiss- ner Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 14-21, 55-61, 87-95 ; Meissner Intern, ent. Zs. 3 pp. 44, 50-51. Gratidia congoensis sp. n. Kongo, Sjostedt Entomol. Tidskr. 30 p. 269 fig. — G. massaica p. 80 fig. 1, gravninis , sicca , p. 81, cylindrica p. 82, albida p. 82 fig. 2, Icibonotensis p. 83 fig. 3, postspinosa p. 84 fig. 4, tenuis p. 85 fig. 5, polila p. 86, flavescens p. 87, furcifer p. 87 fig. 7, montivaga p. 88 fig. 8, silvcepluvialis p. 88 fig. 9, excisa p. 89, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 17. Pachymorpha meruensis sp. n., Sjos- tedt p. 79 T.c. Phasma graveolens King — Aniso- inorpha buprestoides Stoll, Gaud ell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 111. Phyllium crurijolinm , natural history, Leigh Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 pp. 103- 113 pi. xxxviii. Pseudosermyle tenuis sp. n. Texas, Rehn and Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61 p. 121 fig. 2-4. Xylica Jcilimandjarica sp. n., Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru. Exp. 17 p. 78. Mantidae. Mantodea ; geographische Verbrei- tung ; Werner Wien Verh. Zool Bot. Ges. 59 pp. 70-81. Mantis religiosa, Nordgrenze des Ver- breitungsgebietes, Zacher Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 134-135. Some oothecae of Mantidae ; Shel- ford pp. 509-514 and pi. xvii Tr. ent. Soc. London 1909. Aufzucht, Farbwechsel und Re- generation der Gottesanbeterinnen. {Mantidae), iii ; Temperatur- und Vererbungsversuche, Przibram Arch. EntwMech. 28 pp. 561-628 3 Taf. Un reptile chasso et tue par un insecte, Mourgtje Feuille jeunes natural 39 p. 87. Citharomanlis gen. n., near Parairi- dopteryx p. 184, falcata sp. n. Sumatra p. 185 figs. 8-9, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26. 420 lnseda. XII. Insecta. [1909] Danuria kilimandjarica Sp. n., Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 3 p. 72 pi. iv fig. 4 4a-b. Entella meruensis, kilimandjarica, p. 66, fiavicornis p. 57, fuscipes p. 58, usambarica p. 58 pi. iv fig. 8, spp. n., Sjostedt T.c. Qalinthias meruensis p. 09 pi. iv fig. 7, usambarica p. 60 pi. iv fig. 6, spp. n., Sjostedt T.c. Oonypeta coslalis sp. n. Congo, Werner p. 131 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Hierodula athene sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 180 figs. 2-4. Hoplocorypha nana sp. n., SjOstedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 3 p. 62. Ischnomantis usambarica sp. n., Sjostedt p. 65 pi. iv fig. 1. T.c. Miomantis affinis p. 63, kilimand- jarica, planivertex, p. 64, spp. n., Sjo- stedt T.c. Oxypilus meruensis sp. n., SjOstedt p. 67 pi. iv fig. 9 T.c. Paracilnia gen. n., neavei sp. n. Congo, Werner p. 131 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Stagmomantis calif ornica sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 416 ft. 1 & 2, Rehn arid Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. ' Tarachodes nigricoxa sp. n. Deutsch Ost Afrika, Sjostedt Entomol. Tidskr. 30 p. 270. — T. usambarica sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 3 p. 52 pi. iv fig. 5 5a. Toxodera pluto sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 182 fig. 5-7. Gryllidae. Myrmecophila ; Schimmer Zs. wiss. Zool. 93 pp. 409-534 3 Taf. Anaxipha kilimandjarica p. 120 pi. v fig. 1-2, straminea p. 121 pi. v fig. 16, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 5. Arachnocephalus meruensis sp. n., Sjostedt p. Ill T.c. Callogryllus gen. n. near Oryllodes, kilimandjaricus sp. n., Sjostedt p. 105 pi. v fig. 9 T.c. Cavernacris gen. n. near. Voeltzkovia p. 116. microps p. 117 pi. v fig. 14 14a sp. n., Sjostedt T.c. Crystallomorpha gen. n., near Hemi- phonus p. 209, sumatrensis sp. n. Sumatra p. 209 figs. 30-31, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26. Oycloptiloides p. 109 gen. n. near C ycloptilum, meruensis p. 110 pi. v figs. 15 a b sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 17 5. Cycloptilum squamosum sp. n., Davis J. Ent. Soc. New York 17 p. 187. Cyrloxipha vadschaggae sp. n., Sj6- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6 p. 121. Ectatoderus kilimandjaricus p. 107 pi. v fig. 3-4, rufoniger p. 108 pi. v fig. 6, ochraceus p. 108 pi. v. fig. 5 5a, bimaculatus p. 109 pi. v fig. 7 7a, spp. n., Sjostedt T.c. Oryllodes massaicus p. 101, super- ciliosus p. 103, spp. n., Sjostedt T.c. — O. insularis sp. n. Samoa, Holdhaus Wien Denksohr. Ak. 81 pp. 537-562. Gryllotalpa vulgaris, Entwicklungs- geschichte dcs Darmdrusenblattes, Nus- baum und Fulinski Zs. wiss. Zool. pp. 306-348 2 Taf. Qryllus meruensis sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 5 p. 98. — O. armatus p. 173, alogus p. 174, measure- ments, Rehn and Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61. — O. campestris , Kas- tralion und ilire Folgeerscheinungen, Recjen Zool. Anz. 31 pp. 477-478. Kiiimagryllus gen. n. near Calypto- trypus p. 122, ochraceus p. 123 pi. v fig. 8 sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 17 5. Montigryllus gen. n. p. Ill near Ectccous, silv lepluvialis p. 112 pi. v fig. 10 11, affinis p. 113 pi. v fig. 12, spp. n., Sjostedt T.c. Nemobius heydeni var. n. rhenanus, Krauss D. ent. Zs. 1909 pp. 137-148. — N. massaicus p. 97, niveipalpus p. 98, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 5. — N. grandis sp. n. Samoa, Holdhaus Wien Denkschr. Ak. 81 pp. 537-562. Oecanthus fasciatus, courting, Jensen p. 25 cut Canad. Ent. 41. — O. niveus, oviposition p. 113, quadripunctatus a var. of nigricornis p. 114, Houghton Canad. Ent. 41. — O. spp., mating habits, Houghton Ent. News pp. 274-279. — O. quadripunctatus oviposition, Jensen Ent. News 20 p. 25 pi. ii. 421 Insecta. Systematic. — Locustidae. Opilionacris gen. n. near Arachnopsis p. 115, kilimandjarica p. 116 sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 5. Orochctris latifrons sp. n. British Honduras, Rehn Ent. News 20 p. 211 1 f. Paragryllodes gen. n. Oecanihidarum, borgerti sp. n. Amani, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 478. Phaeophilacris usanibarica sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 5p. 113. Bpeluncacris gen. n. p. 114 near Phaeophilacris, lucifuga p. 115 pi. v fig. 13-13a sp. n., Sjostedt T.c. Tridactylus usambaricus sp. n., Sjo- stedt p. 96 T.c. Trigonidium massaicum sp. n., Sjo- stedt p. 119 T.c. Locustidae. Recensio Conocephalidarum in A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptcra by W. F. Kirby contentarum, Karny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 23-28 Aglaothorax sierranus sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 476 ff. 15-19, Rehn and He hard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. Agroecia aberrans sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 204 fig. 26. Amblycorypha huasteca , Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 168. Anabropsis rehni sp. n. Congo, Grifeini p. 24 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Anthracites montium p. 140 pi. vi figs. 11 12, kilimandjaricus p. 141 pi. vi figs. 13-15, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6. Arnobia pilipes , d appendages, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 192. Ateloplus macros celus sp. n. Texas’ Rehn & Hebard Proc, Acad. Phila- delphia 61 p. 169 fig. 17. Barbitistes sp., Kicferninsekt, Torka Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 217-220. — * B. constrictus uud Leplophyes al'wvittata , Baer Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 136— 137. Caniptonotus swinhoei sp. n. Australia and Tasmania, Griffini Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 47 fasc. 4 pp. 300-338. Cymatomera orientalis sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 200 figs. 22-23. Dibelona o Oryllacris amoricano> Griffini Redia 5 pp. 186-192. Dieslrammena marmorata in Mittol- europa, WONn Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 5 pp. 82-87 113-120 163-166. Dolichopoda euxina, Lebensbedingun. gen und Verbreitung, Sugurov Tiflis Izv. Kavk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 19 p. 270. DysmorpJui obesa d , Griffini p. 105 Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Ephippigera ; biologie des Ephip- pigeres ; Pieron Feuille jeunes natural. 39 pp. 142-143. Eiemus nigrifacies p. 145, kibono- tensis, kilimandjaricus , falcijer, p. 146, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6. Eurycorypha meruensis sp. n., Sj6- stedt p. 134 pi. vi fig. 6 T.c. Gampsocleis ; spezifische Merkmalo p. 333, glabra Gouv. Tobolsk p. 335, sowinskyi Baikalsee p. 337, caudata Jakutsk p. 338, kraussi Gouv. Per and Sibirien p. 339, spp. n., kraussi baica- lensis subsp. n. p. 340, christiniei sp. n. Siklussuri-Gcbiet p. 343, Adelung St. Petcrburg Ann. mus. zool. 14. Gelatopoiidion gen. n. near Gelatopoia, conjungens sp. n. Sumatra, Zacher Zool. Anz. 34 p. 373. Gryllacridae di varie collezioni, Griffini Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 pp. 1-17. Gryllacris ; da Stal, revisione e osser- vazioni, Griffini Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 48 pp. 70-102. — Revisiono di alcuni tipi di Pictet et Saussure, Griffini Monitore zool. ital. 20 pp. 105- 113. — Revisione di alcuni tipi descritti da Brunner, Griffini pp. 186-192 T.c. — Alcune specie, Griffini Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 47 pp. 173-184. — G. meruensis p. 144, kilimandjarica p. 145, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6. — G. lemur sp. n. Madagaskar p. 68, postica Walk. p. 66, Griffini Ent. Ztg Wien 28. — G. dyak Borneo, mauritiana Mauritius, spp. n., Griffini Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 47 fasc. 4 pp. 300- 338. — G. dimidiata subsp. n. capucina p. 141, ligala oubspp. n. divisa and 422 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] humeralis, pp. 144-146, gestri p. 147, purarica p. 150, diluta p. 152, spp. n. Nova Guinea, Griffini Zool. Jahrb. Jena Syst. 28. — G. larvata sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 207 fig. 27-29.— G. doriae, d’albertisi, spp. n., navicula subsp. n. novae guineae, Nova Guinea, Griffini Soc. entomol. 24 pp. 49-51. — 0. hor- vdihi sp. n., with subsp. decolor, hyalina, var. n. timbangica, Nova Guinea, kuthyi Sumatra sp. n., punctipennis var. n. confluens Amboina and erimae N. Guinea, hantusi Borneo, G. ( Papno - gryllacris) biroi, vidua, Nova Guinea, spp. n., Griffini Ann. Mus. Hungar. 7 pp. 307-336. — G. longstaffi Jamaica p. 367, sancti-vincentii St. Vincent p. 370, spp. n., Griffini Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — G. bedoti sp. n. Madagascar p. 381, basaliatrata nom. n. ( =atrata Brunner 1888 = basalis Kirby 1906) Indes orientales p. 384, pardalina Gerst. Indes orientales p. 389, mannae sp. n. Madagascar p. 391, atriceps Brunner Madagascar p. 394, san- guinolenta Brunner Madagascar p. 397, auriculata Krauss Java p. 399, ablula Br. Guatemala Moxiquo p. 401, picta Br. Amerique centrale p. 402 ; Griffini Rev. Suisse Zool. 17. — G. kirbyi, giulia- nettii, spp. n., Nova Guinea, Griffini Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 3 pp. 207-215. — G. scripta, addenda, Navas Bol. Soc. Aragon 8 p. 103. — G. certa nom. n. for incerta Tepper, Caudell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 114. — G. laela var. o exemplaro anomalo, Griffini Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 N. 597 pp. 1-14 1 fig. — G. rubrinervosa, Grif- fini Redia 6 pp. 183-186 1 fig. f£r. mutilata sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 28 p. 284 fig. 2. Habetia ; Karny Wien Verb. Zool- Bot. Ges. 59 pp. 23-28. Hexacentrus karnyi sp. n. Tangan- yika, Griffini p. 21 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Holochlora prasina sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 193 fig. 16-17. Homocoryphus lemairei sp. n. Tan- ganyika p. 18, assimilis subsp. per- similis p. 20, Griffini Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. — H. harti nom. n. fiir diversus, Karny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 23-28. Hormilia elegans, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 167. Idiarthron atrispinus, habits, Cau- dell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 40. Idionotus brevipes p. 209 pi. vii f. 3, Walker Canad. Ent. 41. Isophya adelungi sp. n. p. 57, acu- minata p. 59, Kaukasus, Stsciiel- kanowzeff Vaisava Izv. Univ. 1909 6-8. Isopsera scalar is sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 195 fig. 18. Lanistci and Plastocorypha not dis- tinct, Grtfftni p. 15 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Licola Walk. ( =Bugajus Brunner)=s Sia Giebel 1861, L. couloni Saussure synonym of Sia ferox Giebel, Caudell p. 114 Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. Meconema varium and galls, Tiiurnall p. 38 Entomologist 42. Miogryllus saussurei New Jersey, notes on hearing, Davis Ent. News 20 p. 138. Monticolaria gen. n. near Leptophyes, meruensis p. 128 pi. vi fig. 1-ld, kili- mandjarica p. 129 pi. vi fig. 2 & 2a, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6. Mortoniellus gen. n. Tympanophoridae p. 107, karnyi sp. n. Sumatra p. 108, Griffini Ent. Ztg. Wien 28. Orchelimum pulchellum sp. n. New Jersey, Davis p. 33 Canad. Ent. 41. — O. crusculum synonym of O. fidicinium Rehn and Hebard, Davis Ent. News 20 p. 138. Orphania scutata Werner 1903 nec Br., identisch mit Poecilimon ornatus Schmidt, Werner Wien JahrBer. Entom Ver. 19 pp. 49-61. — O. zacharovi sp. n., StscLelkanowzeff Varsava lzv. Univ. 1909 6-8 pp. 47-49.— O. scutata ; Azam Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1099 pp. 92-95. \Pa\cBorelinia maculata p. 285 fig. 3, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 28. Pantecphylus cerambycinus subsp. major , Griffini p. 14 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. 423 Insecta. Systematic. — Locustidae — Acridiidae. Pantolepta Jcilimandjarica sp. n., SjOstedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6 p. 1 32 pi. vi fig. 5. Papuogryllacris subgen. n. zu Gfryl- lacris, Griffini Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 140. — Papuogryllacris vide Gryllacris. Paragryllacris shelfordi sp. n. Aus- tralia, Griffini Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 47 pp. 300-338. Parudenus gen. n. near Heteromallus, falklandicus sp. n. Falklandsinseln, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 35 p. 158. Peronura montivaga sp. n., Sjostedt Kilim andjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6 p. 129 pi. vi fig. 3 3a-b. Plangiopsis schoutedeni $ , Griffini p. 10 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53. Plastocorypha nigrifrons subsp. cabrai, Griffini p. 17 T.c. Platycleis fusca, Russland, Pylinov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 23. Plegmatoplera meruensis sp. n.t Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 6 p. 130 pi. vi fig. 4-4c. Poecilimon a.ffinis, brunneri, Russ- land, Pylinov Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 20. — P. schmidti zolotarewi subsp. u. p. 49, distinctus sp. n. p. 50 f. 2, ballcanicus p. 51, flavesccns tereclcensis subsp. n. p. 52 f. 3, geoldschajcus p. 53 f. 4, zavadslcji p. 56 f. 5, spp. n., Kaukasus, Stschelkanowzeff Varsava Izv. Univ. 1909 6-8. Pseudorhynchus calamus sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 28 p. 203 figs. 24-25. Reknia; characters of the females, Caudell Psyche 16 p. 94. Rhaphidopkora caligulata Malayischer Archipel p. 370, sumatrana Sumatra, cultrifer , Sumatra, p. 371, spp. n., Zacher Zool. Anz. 34. — R. rechingeri sp. n. Samoa, Holdiiaus Wien Denk- schr. Ak. 84 pp. 537-562. Scandalon gen. n. near Ametrus, ridiculum sp. n. Battakhochflache, Zacher Zool. Anz. 34 p. 272. Spada and Habelia Synonymic, Karny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 23-28. Tetraconclia ( Tellidia ) banzyvilliana sp. n. Congo, Griffini p. 11 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 53, Teulhras pallidus Walk., Synonymic und Beschreibung, Holdiiaus Denk- schr. Ak. Wien 84 p. 537-562. Thamnotrizoh apterus Tym panales Sinnesorgan, Regen Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Abt. Ill 117 1908 pp. 487-490. Thaumatoxcnia gen. n. aberrant, leggei sp. n. Ruwenzori, Kirby p. 65 Tr. zool. Soc. 19. Tinianthes superbus p. 196, quad . ratus p. 198 figs., Sumatra, spp. n., Rehn Bull. Amor. Mus. 26. Tylopsis meruensis p. 134, dispar p. 135, spp. n., Sjostedt Kiliinandjaro- Meru Exp. 17 6. U deopsylla socorrensis not a Phrixo- cnemis, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 172. Xiphidion nicht identisch mit Aniso- ptera, Karny Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 pp. 23-28. — X. meruense p. 138 pi. vi fig. 7, Tcilimandjaricum p. 138 pi. vi fig. 8, merumontanum p. 139 pi. vl fig. 9, 9a-b, lcibonotense p. 139 pi. vi f. 10, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 17 6. Zaprochilus gen. n. for Prochilus Brulle, Caudell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 114. Acridiidae. The genera of Pyrgomorphinae and lists of the species, Bolivar Gen. ins. 90 58 pp. and 1 pi. Ei r der Schadlichen Arten, Rossikov Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 4 5 p. 16. Locusts in S. Africa ; Fuller 2nd Rep. S. Afr. Locust Bur., 86 pp. Abisares viridipennis var. n. azurea , Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 188. Acridium brachypterum, dilatatum, Bolivar p. 402 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. — A. albomarginatum, Haij p. 47 Ent. Ztg Wrien 28. — A. ( Cyrtacanthacris ) magnificum var. n. orientalis p. 187, julvum p. 187 pi. vii fig. 11 sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7. — A. (Cyrtacanthacris) stercorarium sp. n. Samoa, Holdiiaus Wien Denk- schr. Ak. 84 pp. 537-562. Aeolacris bella sp. n. Rio Purus, Rehn (J. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 114 figs. 3-5, 424 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Ageneotettix sierranus sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 429 ff. 9 & 10, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. Aiolopua longicornis p. 169, meruensis p. 170, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 17 7. Apnorisa gen. n. for Pnorisa part, Bolivar p. 294 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Berengueria gen. n. Truxalinae, Bo- livar p. 296 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Oalliptamus meruensis sp. n., Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 192 pi. vii fig. 16. Callonotacris gen. n. Taeniopodae p. 128, lophophora sp. n. Chapada p. 129 figs. 15-18, Reiin U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 pp. 128-139. Calloptenopsis speciosa sp. n., Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 193 pi. vii fig. 17. Campylacantha lamprotata sp. n. Texas, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 157 figs. 12-14. Chortoicetes roemeri sp. n. Amani, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 479. Ghrysochraon kilimandjaricus sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 161 pi. vii fig. 4-5. Gircotettix splendidus sp. n. California p. 456 if. 13 & 14, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. Gladonotella gen. n. p. 395 for Clado- notus beccarii Bol., Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Goptotettix problematicus sp. n. Assam, Bolivar p. 402 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. — G. parvulus sp. n. Zambesi, Hancock p. 421 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Gordillacris apache sp. n. New Mexico, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Phila- delphia 61 p. 139 figs. 10-11. — C. grinnelli sp. n. California p. 425 f. 8, Rehn & Hebard T.o. Goryacris gen. n. near Gatreus, di- versipes sp. n. Brazil, p \ 111-114 figs. 1-2, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661. Grimisus lobatus sp. n. Amazons, Hancock p. 403 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Criotettix angulatus sp. n. Dorey isld., Hancock p. 399 T.c. — G. lombokensis sp. n. Lombok, Bolivar p. 396 Bol. Soc. espan. 9, Deroimema lentiginosum Scudder synonym of Trimerotropis gracilis Thomas, Caudell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 113. Desmoptera sundaica sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 188 figs. 12-13. Duronia laticornis sp. n. Palastina, Krauss Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 Abh. p. 118. Elaeochlora humilis p. 124 figs. 11-12, pulchella p. 126 figs. 13-14, spp. n., Brazil, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661. Encoptolophus robustus sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 435 if. 11 & 12, Rehn & He- bard Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. Eoscyllina gen. n. Scyllini p. 186, inexpectata sp. n. Sumatra p. 187 figs. 10-11, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26. Eugavialidium flavopictum Calcutta p. 394, bedoti Java p. 395, feae Burma p. 396, spp. n., Bolivar Bol. Soc. espan. Euparatettix pilosus sp. n. India, Hancock p. 409 Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Euprepocnemis coerulipes sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 189. Froggattia gen. n. for Hyalopteryx australis Walk., Bolivar p. 288 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Gastrimargus volkensi sp. n., Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 172 pi. vii fig. 6. Gignotettix gen. n. near Gladonotus p. 397, burri sp. n. Ceylon p. 398 and pi. xxii f. 5, Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Iladrotettix mundus Scudder to Tri- merotropis, Caudell p. 112 Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. llalmatcttix gen. n. Butrachideac p. • 424, cristinotus sp. n. Brazil p. 425, Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Hedotettix punctatus hab. unknown, angustatus Borneo, spp. n., Hancock p. 422 T.c. Helionolus gen. n. near Draconata, mirabilis sp. n. Pernambuco p. 121-124 figs. 8-10, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No, 1661, 425 Insecta. Systematic. — Acridiidae. Helioscirtus tichomirovi sp. n. Trans- kaukasien, Stschelkanowzeff Var- saVa Izv. Univ. 1909 6-8 pi. 40-43 fig. 1. Hesperotettix brevipennis New Jersey, Rehn Ent. News 20 p. 104. lleteropternis hilimandjarica sp. n., Sjostedt Kiliraandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 174. Iloloarcus gen. n. for pt. of Piezo- iettix, altinotus sp. n. Aru isld. pi. xxii f. 2, p. 392, Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Ilomalosaparus sordidatus sp. n. Oha- pada, Reiin U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 155 figs. 36-37. Inusia bonitensis sp. n. Pernambuco, Rehn T.c. p. 139 figs. 24-25. Jamesonia gen. n. Truxalinae for dimidiata Bol., Bolivar p. 292 Bol. Soc. cspan. 9. Jodacris furcillata sp. n. Chapada, Reiin U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 147 fig -. 30-31. Kaloa gen. n. Truxalinae for tabelli- fera Bol., Bolivar p. 290 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Kirbyella gen. n. Truxalinae, Bolivar p. 289 T.c. Krae.ngia gen. n. near Tripctaloccra p. 393, apicalis sp. n. Celebes p. 394, Bolivar T.c. Kraussella gen. n. for Stcthophyma •amabile Krauss, Bolivar p. 292 T.c. Kuthya gen. n. for Duronia part, Bolivar p. 291 T.c. Lamellitettix pluricarinatus sp. n. Ceylon, Hancock p. 404 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Lcptomerinthoprora aequalis sp. n. Bahia, Reiin U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. .36 No. 1661 p. 150 figs. 32-33. Leva gen. n. for Gymnobothrus part, Bolivar p. 292 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Lophotettix gen. n. p. 388, Lopho- iettigiae sect. n. p. 387, brevicristatus pi. xxii fig. 1 & p. 338, alticristatus p. 389, spp. n. Brazil, and Nephele unicrista Hanc., Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Machaeropoles gen. n. Vilernae , ros- tratus sp. n. Chapada, p. 152 figs. 34-35, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661. (n-11091 j) Martinella gen. n. Truxalinae , Boli- var p. 293 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Matusia hoebelei sp. n. Pernambuco, Reiin U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 142 figs. 26-27. Mazarredia dorrea sp. n. Dorey isld., Hancock p. 405 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. — M. javanica Java, indotata hab. ?, silckimensis India, p. 398, oph- thalmica “ Sibs S.E.P.,” laticeps Assam, africana Camcroons, p. 399, spp n., Bolivar Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Mclanoplus harrisii sp. n. Massa- chusetts, Morse Psyche 16 p. 12. — M . herbaceus synonymy and variation, p. 162, calidus figs. 15-16, Rehn & He- bard Proc Acad. Philadelphia 61. Meruana gen. n. p. 181 near Mctapa, nyuki p. 182 pi. vii fig-. 9-10 sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7. Micronotus dubius sp. n. America trop., Hancock p. 423 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Morphopus folipes sp. n. Mashona- land, Hancock p. 402 T.c. Morsea californica tamalpaisensis subsp. n. California p. 421 ff. 3 & 5, Reiin & Hebaro Proc. Acad. Philad. 61. Nemoletlix saussurei sp. n. Orizaba, Bolivar p. 402 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Nesoteltix gen. n. samoensis sp. n. Samoa, Holdhaus Wien Denschr. Ak. 84 pp. 537-562. Nomotettix borealis sp. n. Ontario, Walker p. 173 pi. vii f. 1 Canad. Ent. 41. — N. validus p. 415, arcticus with var. obtusus p. 416, spp. n. N. America, Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Oedipoda coerulescens und miniala, oertlich isolierte Fundplatze, Schuster Ent. Rdsch. 26 pp. 70-71 ; Bemerkung dazu Kheil t.c. p. 90. — O. migratoria chemischen Zusamraensetzung der Wanderheuschrecke, ihrer Eier und der noch ungeflugelten Brut; Schroeder Zs. Pflanzenkrankh. 19 pp. 13-18 1 Taf. Omoceslus rufipes var. n. rufitarsis, Navas p. 101 Bol. Soc. Aragon 8. Opeia imperfecta, variability, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 137. d 37 420 Insecta. [1909] XII. Insecta. Orphulella losqmqtensis nom. n. for walkeri Brunn., |0audell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington il p. 113. Ori/hotettix gep. n. p. 4Q5, obliguifrons sp. n. Borneo pi. xxii f. 0 & p. 406, Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Qxyphyllum gen. n. near Xerophyllum, pennatum sp. n. India pi. xxii f. 3, p. 393, Hancock T.c. Oxya serrulata var. n. minor, Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 196. Oxybleptella pulchella sp. n. Chapada, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 136 figs. 21-23. Pamphagus nugatorius sp. n. Teruel, Navas p. 102 Hoi. Soc. Aragon 8. — P. kneuckeri sp. n. Libanon, Krauss Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Yer. 21 Abli. p. 114. Paraduronia gen. n. for part of Paraphloeoba, Bolivar p. 289 Bol. Soc. espan 9. Paraleuas fruter sp. n. Chapada, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 144 figs. 28-29. Parascopcis chapadensis sp. n. Brazil, Rehn p. 159 figs. 38-39 T.c. Parasphena meruensis sp. n., Sjo- stedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 179 pi. vii figs. 7-8. — P.carincita sp. n. Erythrea, Bolivar p. 28 Gen. ins. 90. Paralettix marshalli (Jape Town, shel- jordi Perak, spp. n., Hancock p. 411 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Paropomala ; key, Rehn & Hebard J?roc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 133. Paroxya bermudensis sp. n. Bermuda, Rehn Ent. News 20 p. 343. Phorenula gen. n. Truxalinae , Boli- varr p. 296 £oll. Soc. espan. 9. Phrynotettix verruculatus, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 156. Piezotettix truncatus sp. n. Morty isld., Hancock p. 391 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Platypterna (Ochrilidia) nyuki sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 160. Pnorisa montium sp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7 p. 164. Polychitonacris nom. n. for Poly- sarcus Saussure, Rehn U. S. Nation- Mus. Proc. 36 No. J661 pi 162. Polychitonacris synonym of Pycno - sarcus Bolivar, Gaud ell p. 112 Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11. Prostethophymu gen. n. Truxalinae , Bolivar p. 295 Bol. Soc'. espan. 9. Prototettix africcenus sp. n. Rhodesia,. Hancock p. 417 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Pseudarcyptera gen. n. for A. carvalhoi Bob, Bolivar p. 295 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Pseudochirista gen. n. for Chirista part, Bolivar p. 291 T.c. Psoloessa texana variability p. 144,. Stircipleura mesccilero Rehn synonym p. 145, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61. Quilta pulchra sp. n. Sumatra, Rehn Bull. Amer. Mus. 26 p. 90 figs. 14-15. Rhaphotittha nyuki p. 168, meruensis p. 169, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 17 7. Rytinatettix gen. n. type Prototettix fossulatus Bob, Hancock p. 418 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Scabritettix biolleyi sp. n. Cariblanca, Bolivar p. 401 Bob Soc. espan. 9. Scaria ferruginea Brazil p. 425, brevis Ecuador p. 426, spp. n., Hancock Tr- ent. Soc. London 1908. Scrpusia pygmaea sp. n. Amani, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 479. Sjostedtiu gen. n. Truxalinae, Bolivar p. 291 Bob Soc. espan. 9. Sphencirium bruneri sp. n. Mexico* Bolivar p. 10 Gen. ins. 90. Staurodcrus intricatus sp. n. Huesca* Navas Bob Soc. Aragon 8 p. 101. Stenobothrus parallelus Variabililiit des Eliigelgeiiders, PyliNOV Rev. russ. ent. 9 p. 17. $umbu gen. n. Truxalinae, Bolivar p. 289 Bob Soc. espan. 9. Systolederus sp. n. Singapore, Han- cock p. 401 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. — S. carli sp. n. Lombok, Bolivar p. 397 Bob Soc. espan. 9. -j Tceniopodites gen„ n. Acridiince, pardalis sp. n. Colorado Miocene, p. 283 iig. 1, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 28. 427 Insecta. Systematic. — Thysanura — Collembola. Telrix ; Swedish forms, varr. n., Haij Entomol. Tidskr. 30 pp. J 81—191 pi. ii-iii. ; Ontario forms, Walker Canad. Ent. 41 pp. 174 & 175. — T. longipennis p. 412 with var. mutabilis p. 413 Aust. alia, americana with var, dimorpha North America p. 414, spp. n., Hancock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Tettiella gen. n., arcuata, p. 419, conofrons p. 420, spp. n. S. Africa, Hancock T.c. Tettilobus gen. n. p. 395, spinifrons sp. n. Ceylon p. 39G & pi. xxii f. 4, also Cladonotus interruptus Bol., Han- cock T.c. Thericles Icongoni p. 151 pi. vii figs. 1— 2, tvigga p. 153 pi. vii fig. 3, spp. n., Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7. Thoradonta gen. n. near Mazar redia p. 407, dentata Penang, spinata Africa trop. pi. xxii f. 7, p. 408, spp. n., Han- cock Tr. ent. Soc. London 1908. Tier a gen. n. Truxnlinae, Bolivar p. 294 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Tomonotus aztecus, Lactista boscanus Rehn synonym, Rehn & Hebard Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 61 p. 149. Tropinotus attenuatus sp. n„ Chapada, Rehn U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1661 p. 118 fig. 0-7. Truxalinae ; tabic of the genera, with numerous new, Bolivar pp. 285- 290 Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Uganda gen. n. Truxalinae, Bolivar p. 290 T.c. Usambilla gen. n. near Lentula p. 191, olivacea p. 193 sp. n., Sjostedt Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 17 7. Xistrella gen n. near Xislra p. 400, dromadaria sp. n. Sikkim p. 401, Bolivar Bol. Soc. espan. 9. Zaphyllonotum gen. n., type Chori- phyllum foliatum Hancock, Caudell Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 11 p. 113. Zoniopoda mimicula sp. n. Chapada, Reiin U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1001 p. 132 figL 19-20. THYSANURA and PR0TURA. Ordo Myrientomata = Protura Sil- vestri, treated as Myriapoda [but we record the new forms below] ; Berlese Redia 6 pp. 1-182. Acercntomon microrhinus sp. n. Italia , Berlese Redia 6 pp. 1-182. Acerentulus perpusillus sp. n. Italia, Berlese Redia 6 fasc. 1 pp. 1-182. Anajapyx mexicanus sp. n. Messico, Silvestri Rend. Acc. Lincei 18 1° Sem. p. 7. Eosentomon wheeleri sp. n. New York, Silvestri p. 8-10 T.c. — E. ribagai sp. n. Trentino, Berlese Redia 6 fasc. I pp. 1-182. Lepisma escherichi sp. n. im Nest von Messor excursionis p. 230 Text!, i & ii, persica im Nest von Myrmecocystus bicolor, Tetramorium caespitum, For- mica fusca rufibarbis, Beschreibung p. 232 Transkaspien, Karawajew Rev. russ. ent. 9 1909 [1910]. Lepismina aurisetosa sp. n. Egypt, WaklgRen Res. zool. exped. Egypt Pt. 3 No. 15 p. 21 fig. Projapyx incomprehensus sp. n. Syn. Japyx sp. Wahlgren 1901, Silvestri Rend. Acc. Lincei 18 1° Sem. pp. 7-8. Prosapteron gen. n. indicum sp. n. Malabarkiiste, weitl. Indien, Schepo- tieff Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 121. Symphylurinus gen. n., grassii sp. n., Syn. Projapyx stylifer Silv. non Cook, Silvestri Rend. Acc. Lincei 18 1° Sem. pp. 3- 8. Thermobia cincta sp. n. Egypt, Wahl- gren Res. zool. exped. Egypt Pt. 3 No. 15 p. 23 fig. COLLEMBOLA. Systematik der Collembolen ; Wahl- gren Res. zool. exped. Egvpt Uppsala Pt. 3 No. 15 pp. 37-67. Collembola, Heymons & Heymons Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands H. 7 pp. 1-10. Collembola from South Orkney is- lands, paper reprinted (cf. Zool. Rcc. 1907) ; Carpenter Rep. Voy. Scotia 5. List of Collembola found on snow and ice ; Latzel Carinthia 2 pp. 145- 173. 42S Insccta. XII. Insecta. [1909] Achorutes japonicus, pterothrix, spp. . n. Japan, Borner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 107. — A. viaticus. Carpenter p. 377 Subantarct. Islds. N. Zealand 1. Amerus gen. n., normani sp. n. Berk- liampstead. Colling e & Shoebotham J. Econ. Biol. 4 1909 p. 47 pi. vi. Gremastocephalus bicinctus sp. n., aflinis var. n. concolor, Japan, Burner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 123. Oryplopygus reagens p. 408, tricuspis p. 459, spp. n., Antarktische Inseln, Enderlein D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 4. Gyphoderus sudanensis p. 18, ter- mitum p. 19, arcuahis p. 20, spp. n. White • Nile, Wahlgren Res. zool. exped. Egypt Pt. 3 No. 15 figs. Dicyrtoma chloropus var. n. pallens Japan, Borner SitzBer, Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 129. Dicyrtomina leptothrix sp. n. Japan, Borner p. 128 T.c. Entomobrya villosa, striatella, ame- thystina, stenonyx, sauteri , spp. n., corticalis var. n. a/finis, Japan, Burner p. 110-120 T.c. Frisea nigroviolacea sp. n. Kerguelen, Enderlein D. Siidpolar- Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 458. Homaloproctus gen. n. Poduridae, sauteri sp. n. Japan, Burner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 105. Hypogastrura reticulata sp. n. Japan Borner p. 100 T.c. Isotoma bituberculata p. 5 figs. 5-8, lineata p. 0 figs. 9-10, spp. n., Egypt, Wahlgren Res. zool. exped. Egypt Uppsala Pt. 3 No. 15. — 1. negishina, carpenteri, occulta, pinnata, gracilliseta, spp. n. Japan, Borner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 pp. 108-113. Lepidocyrlus incoloratus p. 8, pul- chellus p. 9, jaeger&kioldi p. 10, trae- gaardhi p. 11, obtusus p. 14, flagellatus p. 16, decem-oculatus p. 17, spp. n. Egypt and Soudan, Wahlgren Res. zool. exped. Egypt Pt. 3 No. 15 figs. — L. sanguineus p. 531 & p. 537, luteus p. 533 & p. 538, Ohio spp. n., Jackson Ohio Nat. 9. Odontclla thauma sp. n. Japan, Borner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 106. Papirius carpenteri sp. n. Stourport, Colling e & Shoebotham J. Econ. Biol. London 4 p. 11 pi. iii figs. 8-12. Podura ; Biologie, Prochnow Ent. Zs. 22 p. 191. Pogonognathus becheri sp. n. Japan, Borner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 115. Proisotoma lamelligera sp. n. Japan, Borner p. 108 T.c. Protaphorura granulata, conjungens, spp. n. Japan, Borner pp. 103-104 T.c. Pseudachorutes niloticus sp. n. Egypt, Wahlgren Res. zool. exped. Egypt Uppsala Pt. 3 No. 15 p. 3 figs. 1-4. Pseudosira gigantea sp. n. Japan, Burner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 p. 122. Ptenolhrix corynophora sp. n., den - ticulata var. n. catenata, setosa varr. n. picta and janthina, Japan, Burner pp. 130-132 T.c. Ptenura bimaculata sp. n. Japan, Burner p. 121 T.c. Pteronychella gen. n. near Isotoma, perpulchra sp. n. Japan, Borner p. 113 T.c. Sinella myrmecophila, in Wohnzim- mern, Reuter p. 171 Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 35. Sminthurinus fenestratus sp. n. Japan, Burner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 j). 124. — 8. granulosus sp. n„ Crozet- Inseln, Enderlein 14. Siid- polar Exped. 10 H. 4 p. 409. Sminthurus biflavopunctatus sp. n. Berkhamsted, Collinge & Shoe- botham J. Econ. Biol. London 4 p. 9 pi. iii figs. 1-7. — S. sensibilis, serrulatus spp. n. Japan, Burner SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 pp. 126-127. Sphyrothera multifasciata var. n. ornata Japan, Burner p. 126 T.c. Tomocerus cuspidatus sp. n. Japan, Burner p. 114 T.e. Triacanthella alba sp. n. Campbell Isl., Carpenter Subantarct. Isl. New Zea- land 1 p. 378. XIII. PROCHORDATA inch ENTEROPNEUSTA ARHANQED BY I. B. J. SOLLAS CONTENTS PAGE J. Titles 2 II. Subject-Index . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General . . . . . . . . «». . . . . 4 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ethology . . . . , . . . .... . . 5 Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Distribution, in space and time . . . . . . . . 5 III. Systematic Index . . . . . . . . . . G Tunicata . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 Cephalochordata . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Enteropneusta . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (n-11091 c) d 38 2 Proch, XIII. Prochordata. [1909] I.— TITLES. [Anon.] Sur le developpement des fentes branchiales et des canalicules de Weiss-Boveri chez l’Amphioxus. (Note preliminaire.) Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (126-151).' 1 Boeke, J. lets over den bouw van liet centraalzenuwstelsel by A mphioxus lanceolatus. [Etwas iiber den Bau des Centralnervensystems von Amphi- oxus lanceolatus .] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. ser. 2 6 2 1909 (87-88). 2 Brfiment, Ernest vide Chatton, Edouard. Caullery, Maurice. Reoherches sur les synascidies du genre Colella et con- sideration sur la famille des Distomidae. Bui. sci. France-Belgique Palis 42 1909 (1-59) fig. 3 Chatton, Edouard. Une ascidie fix6e dans la peau d ' Holothuria tubulosa Gm. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (25-27) fig. 4 Daum6zon, Georges. Contribution & 1* etude des Synascidies du golfe de Marseille. Bui. sci. France-Belgique Paris 42 1909 (269-432) fig. 5 Daumezon, G. Liste des Synascidies du golfe do Marseille. Paris C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2# Partie 1908 (589-591). 6 Daum6zon, G. vide Gerber, 0. Dawydoff, C. Beobachtungen fiber den Regenerationsprozess bei den En- teropneusten. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 93 1909 (237-305) 4 Taf. 7 Duboscq, O. vide Leger, L. Gerber, C. et Daumezon, G. Rela- tions entre la resistance des prdsures et la tomp6ruturo des organismes qui les secretent. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (196-197). 8 Gerber, C. et Daumezon, G. La presure des Ascidies. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (193-195). 9 Gilchrist, J. D. F. On two new species of Ptychodera (P. proliferans and P. natalensis). Cape Town Ann. S. Afrio. Mus. 6 1908 (207-212). 10 Goldschmidt, Richard. Die Amphi- oxides- Formen. (Deutsche Sfidpolar- Expedition 1901-1903, Bd 11, III, H. 2.) Berlin (G. Reimer) 1909 (231-241) Taf. 35 cm. 11 Goodrich, E. S. On the structure of the excretory organs of Amphioxus. Parts 2, 3 & 4. London Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. 1909 64 (185-205) pis. 11- 16. 12 Graf. Forschungsreise S.U.S. “Planet” 1906-7 4 Biologie 1909 Plankton unteisuchungen (115-198). 13 Grieg, M. J. In : Due d’ Orleans : Croisiere Oceanographique dans la mer du GrSnland folio 1907. Ascidies. (506 & 534.) 13a Hartmeyer, R. Tunicata (Mantel- tiere). Begonnen v. Oswfald]. See- liger. (H. G. Bronn’s Klassen u. Ord- nungen des Tierreichs, Bd 3, Suppl., Lfg 81-85 & 86-87.) Leipzig (C. F. Winter) 1909 (1281-1424 & 1425- 1488). 26 cm. 14 Hartmeyer, R. Dio systematisclie Stellung tier Gattung Olandula. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1908 (144-150). 15 Hartmeyer, R. Abgeanderte Art- namen einiger Ascidien. Berlin Sitz- Ber. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 (225-227). 16 Hartmeyer, R. Zur Terminologie der Didemnidao. Berlin SitzBor. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 (575-581). 17 Hartmeyer, R. Tunicata fiir 1907 mit Nachtriigcu. | Jahresbcricht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 74 Bd 2 H. 3 1908 [1910] x (1-16). 18 3 Proeh. Titles. 5000 Heider, Karl. Zur Entwieklung von Dalanoglossus clavigarus Dcllc Chiajo. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (095-704). 19 Hubrecht, A. A. W. Early onto- genetio phenomena in Mammals and their bearing on our interpretation of the phylogeny of the vertebrates. Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. London 1908 53 (1-183). 20 Julin, Ch. Les embryons dc Pyro- soma sont phosphorescent^ ; les cel- lules du testa (Calymnocytes de Sa- lensky) constituent les organcs lumineux du Cyathozoide. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (80-82). 21 Kemna, Ad. Octacnemus. Une ascidie mego phage. Ann. Soc. roy. zool. et malacol. Belgique 41 1900 (20 pp.). 22 Kesteven, H. Leighton. Studies on Tunicata. No. 1. Svdney N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. 34 1909 (276-295) pis. xxv-xxvii. 23 Lahille, F. Tableau diehtomique dcs principaux genres et des principales especes de Tuniciers qu’on peut re- contrer sur les cotes de France. Natura- liste Paris 31 1909 (36-38 46-48 58-59). 24 Lohmann, H. Die Gchiiuso und Gallertblasen dor Appendicularien und ihre Bedeutung fur die Erforschung des Lebens im Meer. Verh. D. zool. Ges. Leipzig 19 1909 (200-239). 25 Lohmann, H. Copelata und Thalia- cea. (Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, hrsg. v. W. Michaelsen u. R. Hartmeyer. Bd 2, Lfg 10.) Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (143-149). 26 MacBride, E. W. The formation of the layers in Amphioxus and its bearing on the interpretation of the early onto- genetic processes in other vertebrates. London Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. 1909 54 (279-345) pis. 18-21. 27 Martini, E. Studien liber die Kon- stanz histologischer Elemente. I. Oikopleura longicauda. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 92 1909 (563-626) 3 Taf. 28 Martini, E. Studien liber die Kon- stanz histologischer Elemente. II. Fritillaria pellucida. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 94 1909 (81-170) 3 Taf. 29 Martini, E. Ueber die Segmentierung des Appendicularienschwanzes. Verh. D. zool. Ges. Leipzig 19 1909 (300-307). 30 MatzdorfF, Carl. Tunicata fur 1906. [Jahresboricht.] Arch. Natg. Borlin 73 Bd 2 II. 3 1907 [1909] x (1-19). 31 Morey, F. Guide to the natural history of the Isle of Wight. 8vo. 1909. Tunicata (474). 32 Neumann, Gunther. Mitteilung liber eine neue Pyrosomenart der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition, nebst Bemerkungen liber die Stockbildung und das Wandern der Knospen bei Pyrosoma. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (654-671 ). 33 Neumann, Gunther. Mitteilung iiber einige neue Pyrosomen-Art der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 33 1909 (792-794). 34 Neumann, Giinther. Mitteilung liber einige neue Pyrosomen- und Doliolum- Art der Deutschen Slidpolar-Expedi- tion. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 33 1909 (794- 797). 34a Neumann, G. Tunicata (Mantel- tiere). Bcgonner v. Osw[ald] Seeliger. (H. G. Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Tierreichs, Bd 3, Suppl., Abt. 2, Lfg 1-3.) Leipzig (C. F. Winter) 1909 (1-48) Taf. 26 cm. 35 Peter, Karl. Eine Defektbildung bei eincr Larvo von Phallusia mamillata. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 27 1909 (02- 70). 36 Pizon, Antoine. Ascidies d’Amboine. Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 16 (195-240) 6 pis. 37 Pizon, Antoine. Le stolon genital des Diplosomes (Ascidies composees) ; son evolution au cours de la regression partielle et de la displanchtomie des Ascidiozoides. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (304-305). 38 Ritter, Wm. E. Halocynthia johnsoni n. sp. A comprehensive inquiry as to the extent of law and order that pre- vails in a single animal species. Ber- keley IJniv. Cal. Pub. Zool. 6 1909 (65-114) pis. vii-xiv. 39 Route, Louis, fitude sur les formes premieres de la notocorde et sur les affinites naturelles des Chordes. Arch, zool. Paris ser. 4 10 1909 (447-546). 40 Schepotieff, Alexander. Aborranto Wurmer Enteropneusta fiir 1906. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 73 Bd 2 H. 3 1907 [1909] xiv f. (1-16). 41 4 Proch. XIII. Prochordata. Seeliger, Oswald vide Hartmeyer, R. Sluiter, C. Ph. Die Tunicaten der Siboga Expedition. II. Die mero- somen Ascidien. Uitkomsten op zool., bo tan., ocean., geol. gebied, verzameld in Nederl. Indie 1899-1900 aan boord H.M. Siboga onder commando van Luit t-z G. F. Tydeman, uitgegeven door Max Weber. [R6sultats des expedi- tions zool., bo tan., ocean., geol., ent re- prises aux Indes Neerl., en 1899-1900 k bord du Siboga sous le commande- ment de G. F. Tydeman, publies par Max Weber.] Monogr. 58b (Livr. 45). Leide (E. J. Brill) 1909 (112) 8 Taf. 33 cm. 42 Spengel, J. W. Pelagisches Vorkom- mon von Enteropneusten. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (54-59). 43 Studnidka, Franz Karl. Verglei- chende Untersuchungen liber die Epi- dermis der Vertebra ten. Anat. Hcfte Wiesbaden Abt. I 39 1909 (1-267) 15 [8] Taf. 44 Tanner, F. L. Report of Section for Marine Zoology. Guernsey Trans. Soc. nat. Sci. 1908 (282-285). 45 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. General. Tunicata (Manteltiere) Seeliger ; Neu- mann, 85. Tunicata (Manteltiere) ; Hartmeyer, 14. STRUCTURE. Nephridium, Amphioxus ; Goodrich, 12. Studien iiber die Konstanz histolo- gischer Elemente, i. Oikopleura longi- cauda ; ii. Fritillaria pellucida ; Mar- tini, 28 & 29. Die Gehause und Gallertblasen der Appendicularien ; Lohmann, 25. Ueber die Segmentierung des Ap- pendicularienschwanzes ; Martini, 30. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Epidermis der Vertebra ten ; Stud- nifika, 44. Lo stolon g6nital des Diplosomes (Ascidies composes) ; son Evolution au cours de la regression partieile et [1909] de la displanclitomie des Ascidiozoides ; Pizon, 38. Cen train ervensystem von Amphioxus lanceolaius (Hollandisch) ; Boeke, 2. Contribution k l’dt-ude des Synasci- dies du golfe de Marseille ; Daum6zon, 5. Halocynthia johnsoni n. sp. Anatomy and merism ; Ritter, 39. PHYSIOLOGY. La pr^sure des Ascidies; Gerber & Daumgzon, 9. Relations entre la resistance des p insures et la temperature des orga- nismes qui les s^cretent ; Gerber & Daum6zon, 8. Die Gehause und Gallertblasen der Appendicularien und ihre Bedeutung fur die Erforschung des Lebens im Meer; Lohmann, 25. DEVELOPMENT. Nephridium, larval Amphioxus ; Goodrich, 12'. Formation of layers, Amphioxus ; MacBride, 27. Les embryons de Pyrosoma sont phosphorescents ; les cellules du testa (Calymnooytos do Salousky) constituent les organes lumincux du Cyathozoi’de ; Julin, 21. Studien iiber dio Konstanz histo- logischer Elemente. I. Oikopleura longicauda. II. Fritillaria pellucida ; Martini, 28 & 29. Sur le ddveloppement des fentes branchiales et des canalicules de Weiss- Boveri chez Y Amphioxus. (Note pre- liminaire) ; Anon., 1. Die Amphioxides- Formen ; Gold- schmidt, 11. Etude sur les formes premieres de la notocorde et sur les affinites naturelles des Chordes ; Roule, 40. Beobachtungen iiber den Regenera- tionsprozess bei den Enteropneusten ; Dawydoff, 7. Blastogenesis and regeneration from peduncle, Distomidae ; Caullery, 3. 5 Proch. Subject Index. 5027 Cormogenesis et blastogenesis, Synas- cidies ; Daum^zon, 5. Eine Defektbildung bei einer Larve von Phallusia mamillata ; Peter, 36. Mitteilung iiber eine neue Pyroso- menart del Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedi- tion, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Stockbildung und das Wandern der Knospen bei Pyrosoma ; Neumann, 34. Zur Entwicklung von Balanoglossus clavigerus Delle Chiaje ; Heider, 19. ETHOLOGY. Les embryons de Pyrosoma sonfc phos- phorescent^ ; les cellules du testa (Ca- lymnocytes de Salensky) consitutent les organes lumineux du Cyathozoide ; Julin, 21. Pelagischcs Vorkommcn von Entero- pnouston ; Spengel, 43. Biology of Distomidae ; Caullery, 3. General biology of Ascidians in Gulf of Marseilles ; Daum6zon, 5. Une ascidie fixee dans la peau d ' Holo- thuria tubulosa ; Chatton, 4. Commensalism, between Ciona in- teslinalis and Amphiporus sp. ; Tanner, 45. Die Gehause und Galleitblasen der Appendicularien und ihre Bedeutung fur die Erforschung des Lebens im Meer ; Lohmann, 25. Quantitative study of plankton, in- cluding Tunicata, Atlantic and Indian Oceans ; Graf, 13. Ilalocynthia johnsoni n. sp. Adapta- tion to environment ; Ritter, 39. EVOLUTION. Ueber die Segmentierung des Ap- pendicularienschwanzes ; Martini, 30. Halocynihia johnsoni. Statistics of variation ; Ritter, 39. Amphioxus and the phylogeny of the vertebrates ; Hubrecht, 20. GEOGRAPHY. European Seas. Tableau dichtomique des principaux genres et des principiles especes de Tuniciers qu’on peut rencontrer sur les cdtes de France ; Laliille, 24. Gulf of Marseilles Ascidiae com- positae. 6 spp. n. 2 var. n. ; Daum6zon, 5. Liste des Synascidies du golfe de Marseille ; Daum6zon, 6. Isle of Wight, Records of Tunicata found off coast ; Morey (quoted from Garstang), 32. South African coast, Ptychodera 2 spp. n. ; Gilchrist, 10. Indian Ocean. Pyrosoma, sp. n. ; Neumann, 33. Pyrosoma and Doliolum spp. n. ; Neumann, 34a. Malay Archipelago. Ascidies d’Amboine 6 spp. n. ; Pizon, 37. Malay Archipelago, Die merosomen Ascidien 84 spp. n. ; Sluiter, 42. Pacific Ocean. Sidney, Australia, Polyclinidao 1 sp. n. ; Kesteven, 23. New Holland and Santa Cruz coasts, Colella 2 spp. n. ; Caullery, 3. Fremantle, Fritillaria sp. n. ; Loh- mann, 26. Tasmania, Ascidiae 3 sp. n. ; Kesteven, 23. America. California, Ilalocynthia n. sp. ; Ritter, 39. Atlantic Ocean. S. Atlantic, Pyrosoma sp. n. ; Nou- mann, 34. Greenland Seas, Ascidians 2 spp. ; Grieg, 13a. Arctic. Spitzbergen Seas, Ascidians 4 spp.; Grieg, 13a. Antarctic Doliolum sp.. n. ; Neu- mann, 34a. 6 Proch. XIII. Prochordata. III.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Chordata, natural affinities, Rgulk Arch. zool. Paris ser. 4 10 p. 447. (I) TuNIOATA = UltOOHORDATA. Tunieata (Manteltiere), Hartmeyer (H. G. Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Tierreichs, Bd 3, Suppl. Lfg 81-87) Leipzig 1909 pp. 1281-1488. Tunieata fur 1906, Matzdorff Arch. Natg. 73 Bd 2 H. 3 1907 [1909] x pp. 1- 19. Tunieata fiir 1907 mit Nachtriigen. [Jahresbericht], Hartmeyer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 2 H. 3 1908 [1910] x pp. 1- 16. Abgeanderte Artnamen einiger Asci- dien, Hartmeyer Berlin SitzBer. Ges. naft. Freunde 1909 pp. 225-227. Merosome Ascidien der Siboga Ex- pedition, Sluiter Rdsult. Explor. Si- boga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) p. 112. Liste de3 Synascidies du golfe de Marseille, Daum£zon Paris C. R. ass. fran?. a vane. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2* Partio 1908 pp. 589-591. Tableau dichtomique des principaux genres et des principales especes de Tuniciers qu’on peut rencontrer sur les cote3 de France, Laiiille Natura- liste Paris 31 pp. 36-38 46-18 58-59. Une ascidie fixde dans la peau d 'Holothuria tubulosa Gm., Chatton Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 pp. 25-27 fig. Amaroucium nordmanni var. n. m- grescens p. 291, tridentatum p. 292, spp. n. Golf de Marseille, Daumezon Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42, mediterraneumn. n. fiir cristallinum D. Valle, Hartmeyer Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen p. 1467, crateriferum , profundum, altarium, spp. n., Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 103-106. Aplidium multiplicatum, depressum, spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Re- sult. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 58b (Livr. 45) pp. 101-102. Ascidia venosa Mull, synonymy, Hartmeyer Berlin SitzBer. Ge3. natf. Freunde p. 227. Ascidiella opalina McGillivray, sy- nonymy, Hartmeyer Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde p. 227. [1909] . Atopogaster tropicum sp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Rdsult. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 66b (Livr. 45) p. 107. Botryllocarpa n. n. fiir Protobotryllus Piz, Hartmeyer in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen p. 1484. Botrylloides mediterraneum sp. n. Golf de Marseille, Daumezon Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42 p. 297. Caesira alder i nom. n. fiir incon- spicua Aid. u. Hanc., immunda nom. n. fiir sordida Sluit., Hartmeyer Klass. u. Ordnungen Tier. Bd 3 Suppl. Lfg. 81-85 pp. 1323-1324. Oolella incerta New Holland p. 10, perrieri Santa Cruz p. 33 spp. n., Caul- lery Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42. Corella valentinae sp. n. Hobart Tas., Kesteven Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 34 p. 286 fig. Gystodites variabilis, rufus, semi- cataphractus spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Rdsult. Expl. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 28-30. Dendrodoa gregaria sp. n. Hobart Tas., Kesteven Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 34 p. 291 fig. Didemnoides crassum sp. n. p. 288 Golf de Marseille, Daumezon Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42. Didemnopsis profundus sp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Rdsult Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) p. 44. Didemnum ; synonymy, Hartmeyer Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde p. 580. — D. gottschaldti n. n. fiir asperum Gottsch., canum n. n. fiir candidum D. Valle, lahillei n. n. fiir gelatinosum Giard., par dale n. n. fiir maculatum Gottsch., novae-seelandiae fiir niveum Nott, frondescens n. n. fiir ramosum Herdm., Hartmeyer in Bronn’s Klas- sen und Ordnungen p. 1449-1450. — D. fucatus, tenebricosum, tabulatum, recurvalum, trmorensis, fuscum , caesium, dispersum, digestum, dealbatum, mak- ropnous, fragilis, chartaceum , cuspida- tum, membranaceum, albopunctatum, jedanensis, reticulatum, fralernum, mon- tosum, semifuscum, ramosum, maean- drium , elongatum, spongioides spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Rdsult. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 47-67. — D. inaequilobatum sp. n. 7 Proch. Systematic. , 5031 Golf do Marseille, DaumIszon Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42 p. 285. Diplosomoides triangulum, triforme , tropicum, cuculliferum spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 66b (Livr. 45) pp. 86- 90. Distoma ; systematic position, Dau- mIszon Bui. sci. France-Belgique Paris 42 1909 p. 422. — D. tridentatum var. n. posidonicola Golf do Marseille, Dau- MtfzoN Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42 p. 280. Doliolum resistibile sp. n. Antarktis, Neumann Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 794-797. Eudistoma sluiteri n. n. fiir molle Sluit., Hartmeyer in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen p. 1488. Fritillaria abjornseni sp. n. Fre- mantle, Lohmann Fauna Siidwest Aus- tralians Bd. 2 Lfg. 10 p. 147. Glandula, systematische Stellung, Hartmeyer Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 144-150. Glossoforum sundaicum sp. n., Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Result Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) p. 97. Halocynthia johnsoni sp. n. California pp. 67-69, pi. 7, anatomy pp. 69-75 pis. 8 9 11-14, variation pp. 75-78 table 1 pi. 10, Ritter W. E. Borkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 6 1909. Leptoclinum ; synonymy, Hart- meyer Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde p. 581. — L. papyraceum, simile, discrepans, perspicuum, varium, sub- viridis, calificiformc, multifidum, mar- moratum, spp. n. Malay Archipelago,' Sluiter Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 75-84. — L. virens n. n. fiir viride Herdm., Hart- meyer in Bronn’s Klassen und Ord- nungen p. 1456. — L. protectum sp. n. Golf de Marseille, Daumezon Bui. sci. France-Belgique 42 p. 286. Molgula mortoni, sp. n. Hobart Tas., Kesteven Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 34 p. 289 fig. Morchellium intercedens sp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) p. 108. Nephtheis malayensis, centripetens , faciformis spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter T.c. pp. 36-39. Octacnemus ; uno ascidio megophage* Kemna Ann. soc. roy. zool. et malacol. Belgique 41. Oikopleura longicauda, Konstanz lii- stologischer Elemente, Martini Zs. wiss. Zool. 92 pp. 563-626. Pandocia pizoni n. n. fiir pedunculata Piz, Hartmeyer in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen 3 suppl. p. 1484. Phallusia arenosa nom. n. fiir sabulosa Sluit., conifera nom. n. fiir spinosa Sluit., corallophila nom. n. fiir sulcata Sav., Hartmeyer T.c. p. 1404. — P. virginea (Mull.), synonymy, Hart- meyer Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde p. 227. Polycarpa erecla p. 202, ovata p. 211, pedunculata p. 216, picteti p. 207 spp. n. Amboina, Pizon Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 1908. Polycitor signiferus, gitboviridis, mi- niaceus, segmentatus, mollis, glaucus- arenaceus, violaceus, spirifer, discolor, torosus, loricaius, ianthinus, amplus, coalitus, multiperforalus, scaber, regu- lars, spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Slui- ter Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 5-27. Polyclinum globosum, circulatum, mi- kropnous, crater , tabuhsum spp. n., Malay Archipelago, Sluiter pp. 92-90 T.c. — P. jacksonianum n. n. fiir fuscum Herdm., sphaeroides n. n. fiir globosum Ritt., insulinde n. n. fiir globosum Sluit., psammiferum n. n. fiir sabulosum Sluit., Hartmeyer in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen 3 suppl. p. 1461. — P. vascu- losum sp. n. Amboina, Pizon Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 1908 p. 223. Polysyncraton diibium, marmoratum, rufum, ocellalum, nigropunctaium spp. n., Malay Archipelago, Sluiter C. Ph. Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 69-74. Protobotryllus viridis sp. n. Amboina, Pizon Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 1908 p. 234. Pyrosoma triangulum Indie p. 792, ovalum p. 794 Siid-Atlantik, spp. n., Neumann Zool. Anz. 33. — P. verticilla- tum Indik, op. cit. 34 p. 654. Pyura sguamata sp. n., Antarktik, p. 1337, aculeata nom. n. fiir echinata Ritt. p. 1339, pallida f. n. japonica, Japan, p. 1340, fructuosa nom. n. fiir polycarpa Sluit., roseola nom. n. fiir 8 Proch. XIII. Prochordata. [1909] rosea Sluit., acanthifera nom. d. fur spinifera Herdm., p. 1341, Hart- meyer Klassen Ordnungen Tierreichs Bd. 3 Suppl. Lfg. 81-85. Sidneioidcs , gen. n. typo tamaramae , sp. n. Pam. Polyclinidae Sydney, Kes- teven Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 34 p. 277 fig. Sigillina caerulea sp. n. Malay Archi- pelago, Sluiter Result. Expl. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) p. 31. Tethyum Jcupfferi nom. n. fur villosum Kupff., Hartmeyer Klassen Ordnun- gen Tierreichs Bd. 3 Suppl. p. 1360. Trididemnum ; synonymy, Hart- meyer Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde p. 580. T. granosum, planum spp. n. Malay Archipelago, Sluiter C. Ph. Result. Explor. Siboga Monogr. 56b (Livr. 45) pp. 41-42. (2) Cephalociiordata. Amphioxus ; depelopment in relation to phylogony of vertebrates, Hubreciit London 2. «T. Micr. Sci. 53 1908 pp. 1- 183. — Structure of excretory organs, Goodrich Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. 1909 54 p. 185. — Formation of layers, Mac- Bride London Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. 54 p. 279. — Developpement des fentes branchiales et des canalicules de Weiss- Boveri, Anon. Anat. Anz. 34 pp. 126- 151. — A. lanceolatus, Centralncrven systom. Bo eke Amsterdam Work. Gen. Nat. Gcnoos. Hcelk. 6 2 pp. 87-88. l)io A mphioxides-Pormon, Gold- schmidt I). Sudpolar-Exp. Bd 11 iii H. 2 pp. 231-241 1 Taf. (3) Enteropneusta. Balanoglossus clavigerus Delle Chiaje, development, Heider Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 695-704. Qlandiceps , pelagic occurrence, Spen- gel Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 54-59. Ptychodera, Beobachtungen iiber den Regenerationsprozess bei den Entero- pneusten, Dawydoff Zs. wiss. Zool. 93 pp. 237-305 4 Taf. — P. capensis sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist Cape Town Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 17 p. 172. — P. natalensis p. 209, proliferans p. 208, spp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 pp. 207-212. Aberranto Wurmor [Entcropnousta] liir 1906. [Jahresbericht], Schepotieff Arch. Nutg. 73 Bd. 2 H. 3 1907 [1909] xiv f. pp. 1-6. XIV. VERTEBRATA (GENERAL) i.e complementary to Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, and Pisces ARRANGED BY D. S II A R P CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 II. Subject Index : — General = 5203 .. .. .. •• . . . . 6 Structure = 5207 6 Physiology = 5211. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Development = 5215 .. .. .. .. .. 8 Ethology = 5219 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Variation and Evolution = 5223 .•* . . .. .. 9 Geography = 5227 . . . . . . . . . . . • 9 Taxonomy = 5231 . . .. .. .. .. .. 10 e 1 (n-11091 a) 2 Vert , Xivf Vertebrata, [1909] I.— TITLES. Agar, W. E. On an embryonic ap- pendage of the claws of the Amniota, probably of an adaptive nature. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (373-380). 1 Ariens Kappers, 0. U. Weitere Mit- teilungen beziiglich der phylogeneti- schen Verlagerung der motorischen Hirnnervenkerne. Der Bau des auto- nomen Systemes. Folia neuro-biol. Leipzig 1 1908 (157-172). 2 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Die Phylo- genese des Rhincncephalons, des Corpus striatum und der Vorderhirnkommis- suren. Unter Mitwirkung v. W. F. Tbeunissen. Folia neuro-biol. Leipzig 1 1908 (173-288) 3 Taf. 3 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Weitere Mit- teilungen iiber Neurobiotaxis. Folia neuro-biol. Leipzig 1 1908 (507-534). 4 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Weitere Mit- teilungen iiber Neurobiotaxis. ii. Die phylogenetische Entwickelimg des horizontalen Schenkels . des Facialis- wurzelknies. Folia neuro-biol. Leipzig 2 1908 (255-261). “ 5 Ariens Kappers, C. U. und Vogt, H. Die Verlagerung der motorischen Ob- longatakerne in phylogenetischer und teratologischer Beziehung. Neurol. Central bl. Leipzig 27 1908 (958-964). 6 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Over de phylo- genese van het Corpus striatum. [Ueber die Phylogenese des Corpus striatum.] Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congres 12 1909 (297-312). 7 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Phylogene- tische Verlagerungen der motorischen Oblongatakerne, ihre Ursache und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Verlauf der intra- medullaren Wurzelfasern. Compte- rendu lor Congr&s international de Psy- chiatric 1908 (478-484). 8 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Ueber struc- turelle Gesetze im Bau des Nerven- systems. Arch. Psychiatrie Berlin 44 1908(1193-1196). 9 Bean, Robert Bennett. [Review of Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German of Dr. Robert Wiedersheim by W. N. Parker. 3d. ed.] Philippine J. Sci. Manila (B. Medical Sciences) 3 1908 (189-190). 10 Baum, Hermann vide Ellen berger, Wilhelm, 24. Boeke, J. Die motorische Endplatte bei den hoheren Arertebraten, ihre Ent- uickelung, Form und Zusammenhang mit dor Muskelfaser. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (193-226) 1 Taf. 11 Brass, Arnold. Das Affen-Problem. Professor E. Haeckel’s Darstellungs- und Kampfesweiso j sachlich dargelegt nobst Bemerkungen iiber Atmungsor- gane und Korperform der Wirbeltier- Embryonen. 2. [umgearb.] Aufl. Leipzig (Biol. Verlag) 1909 (88) 4 Taf. 23 cm. 12 Braus, H. Imitationen im Knochen- system, auf Grund embryonaler Trans- plantation. Verh. Ges. D. Natf. Leip- zig 80 (1908) II 2 1909 (516-517). 13 Bugnion, E. et Popoff, N. La signi* fication du faisceau spermatique. Arch- Sci. Phys. Geneve 4 22 1906 (497-500). 14 Buijtendijk, F. J. J. Ueber die Er- regungsleitung im Kaltbliiterherzen. Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Ser. 211 1908(52-60). 15 Burgi, Oskar. Blinddarm und Wurm- fortsatz bei den Wirbeltieren. Schweiz. Arch. Thierheilk Zurich 47 1905 (173— 194). 16 Champy, Christian. Sur la structure de la cellule absorbante de l’lntestin. I. Les mitochondries de la cellule intes- 3 Vert. Titles. 5200 tinalo. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (029-630). 17 Cords, Elisabeth. Dio Entwickclung dor Paukcnhohle von Lacerla agilis. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom schall- leitenden Apparat der Wirbeltiere. Anafc. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. I 38 1909 (223-310) mit 2 [lj Taf. 18 D6nari6. Observations nouvellessur quelques animaux de la Savoie disparus ou en voie de disparition. Chamb6ry Bui. soc. hist. nat. ser. 2 11 1906 (121-134). 19 Diamare, V. Sulla composizione del- l’uovo in rapporto a questioni biologiche. Napoli Rend. Ass. sc. Ser. 3 15 1909 (319-331). 20 Dittrich, Hermann vide Ellen berger, Wilhelm. Doello-Jurado, M. Essai d’une divi- sion biologique des Vert6br6s. Buenos Aires An. Soc. Cient. Argentina 65 1908 (189-219). 20a fDollo, Louis. The fossil verte- brates of Belgium. New York N.Y. Ann. Acad. Sci. 19 1909 (99-119) pis. iv-x. 21 Durand. Rapports de la plevre avec la cago thoraciquo chez les Vert6brds adriens. Toulouse Bui. soc. hist. nat. 42 1909 (33-96). 22 Edinger, Ludwig. Einfiihrung in die Lehre vom Bau und den Verricb- tungen des Nervensvstems. Leipzig (F. C. W. Vogel) 1909 (V + 190) 1 Taf. 26 cm. 6 M. 23 Ellenberger, W., Baum, H. und Dit- trich, Hermann. Handbuch der Anato- mie der Tiere fur Kiinstler. Bd IV. Anatomie von Hirsch, Reh und Ziege. Leipzig (Dieterich) 1909 (28) 8 Taf. 26 x 32 cm. 24 Fraipont, Julien. Mammifdres, Reptiles, Amphibiens et Poissons. Coll. Selys Fasc. 32 1907 (1-79). 26 Friedentbal, Hans. Haarparasiten und Haarbau als Hinweise auf Bluts- verwandtschaft. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. hatf. Freunde 1909,(379-383). 27 Fuchs, Hugo. Betrachtungen iiber die Schlafengegend am Schddel der Quadrupeda. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (113-167). 28 Flcischmann, A. Die Kopfregion der Amnioten. Morphogenetische Studien. (4. Forts.) Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 89 1909 (31-82). 29 Flcischmann, A. Der Cervicothorax dor AmnioTon. Topogonetisclie Studien. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (366- 445). 30 Gaillard, C. vide Lortet. Gaskell, W. H. On the evolution of the vertebrate central nevous system. Compte rendu ler Congrds international de Psychiatric 1908 (38-45). 31 Golgi, C. Di una minuta partico- laritii. di struttura dell’ epitelio della muccosa gastrica ed intestinale di alcuni Vertebrati. (Riassunto.) Moni- tore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (50-52). 32 [GnrviC, Aleksandr.] rypBHUT., AaeKcanflpT.. AuiacT* h ouepK-i, 3M- 6piojiorin iiosboiiouiimxt. h ueJioBhKa. Aonoflii. iiepeB. ctl HhMeiW. [Atlas und Orundris8 der Embry ologie der Wir- belthiere und des Menschen. Vervollst. Uebers. a. d. Deutsch. des gleich. Autors.] SLJPeterburg 1909 (2 -H 340) 69 Taf. 18 cm. 33 Hatschek, B. Studien zur Segment- theorie des Wirbeltierkopfes. [2. Das primitive Vorderende des Embryos.] Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (497- 525) 2 Taf. * 34 Hatschek, B. Studien zur Segment- theorie des Wirbeltierkopfes. 3. Mitt.: Ueber das Akromerit und iiber echte Ursegmente bei Petromyzon. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 40 1909 (480-499) 2 Taf. 35 Held, Hans. Die Entwicklung des Nervengewebes bei den Wirbeltieren. Leipzig (J. A. Barth) 1909 (ix + 378) 63 Taf. 28 cm. 30 M. 36 Held, Hans. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau des Ohrlabyrinthes der Wirbeltiere. II. Zur Entwicklungs- gescliichte des Cortischen Organs und der Macula acustica bei Saugetieren und Vogeln. Leipzig Abh. Ges. Wiss. math, phys. Kl. 31 1909 (193-294) 18 Taf. 37 Hoenig, Toni. Beitrage zur Hohlen- kunde Bohmens. Graz Mitt. Hohlenkde. 2 1909 (12-15). 38 Hoffmann, Ludwig. Welche Ziich- tungsgrundsatzo lassen sich aus den Einrichtungen zur Forderung der Tier- ziichtung in England feststellen ? Diss. Giessen. Heide i. H. (o. V.) 1909 (iv + 4 Vert. XIV. Vertebrata. 151). 24 cm. Auch als H. 4 der Arbei- ten d. D. Ges. f. Zfichtungskunde. Hannover (M. u. H. Schaper) 1909. 39 Hubrecht, A. A. W. Die Saugetieron- togenese in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere. Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (v + 247). 24 cm. 7 M. 40 Jaekel, O. Ueber die Klassen der Tetrapoden. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909(193-212). 41 Johnston, J. B. The central nervous system of Vertebrates. Ergebn. Zool. Jena 2 1909 (1-170). 42 Kolmer, Walther. t)ber einen sekretartigen Bestandteil der Stab- ohenzapfenschicht der Wirbeltierretina. Vorl. Mitt. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 129 1909 (35-45) 1 Taf. 43 Krauss, Friedrich. Ueber die inter- zellularen Verbindungen im Chorda - Gewebe. Erwiderung auf eine von F. H. Studnicka veroffentlichte Abhand- lung: „Die Natur des Chorda-Ge- webes“. (Anat. Anz. Bd 34, Nr. 3 u. 4, 1909). Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (139-142). 44 Laveran, A*, et Pettit, A. La viru- lence des trypanosomes des Mammiffrres peut-elle etre modifide apres passage par des Vertdbres k sang froid ? Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (329-332). 45 Leliivre, Aug. et Retterer, Ed. Struc- ture de la fibre musculaire du squelette des Vertdbrds. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (602-605). 46 Livini, Ferdinando. Istogenesi del tessuto connettivo. Seconda comuni- cazione preliminare. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (225-227). 47 Lortet et Gaillard, C. La faune mo- mifide del’ancienne Egypte et recherches anthropologiques (3e, 4° et 56 series). Arch. Musdum hist. nat. Lyon 10 1909 (p. sp6c. 1-336). 48 Lubosch, W. Besprechung einer neuen Theorie der Licht- und Farben- empfindung nebst einem Excurs fiber die stammesgeschichtliche Entstehung des Wirbeltierauges. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (146-153). 49 Lucas, A. H. S. and Le Souef, W. H. Dudley. The animals of Australia. Mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Melbourne and London 1909 8vo. (xi + 327) 1 pi. 50 [1909] fLydekker, R. Vertebrate palaeon- tology in 1908. Sci. Progr. London 3 1909(450-471). 51 Maignon, F. Influence du sexe et des saisons sur la glycogdnie chez le chien, le cobaye, le pigeon et la carpo. Paris C. R. ass. fran9. avanc. sci. (Lille) 1908 (88). 52 Muller, Erik. Om den morfolo- giska riktningen i anatomien jamto ett bidrag till extremitetemas morfologi hos ryggradsdjuren. [On the morpholo- gical tendency in anatomy with a contribution to the morphology of the limbs of the vertebrata.] Hygiea, Stockholm Festband 1908 1 No. 5 (63) pis. [Nowikoff, M. M.] Hobiikobt>, M. M. HscjiliAOBaHia o xpameBofi h kocthoh TKaHaxi). [Untersuchungen fiber das Knorpel- und Knochengewebe.] Mosk- va 1909 (iv + 157) 8 Taf. 26 cm. 54 Otto, Hugo. Ueber Stimmausserun- gen der Tiere bei grossem Schmerze. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (306-308). 55 Papin, Louis. Sur le mode de dis- parition du rdseau veineux “cardino- renal” chez les Mammiferes. Arch, zool. Paris ser. 5 1 1909 (Notes et Revues xiii-xviii. Pappenheim, A. Einige interessante Tatsaclien und theoretische Ergebnisse der vergleichenden Leukozytenmor- phologie. Folia haematologica Leipzig 8 1909 (604-563). 56 Pardi, Francesco. Per la storia e la migliore conoscenza dei clasmatociti di Ranvier. Pisa Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Mem. 25 1909 (59-86) 1 tav. 58 Parker, W. N. vide Wiedersheim. Pettit, A. vide Laveran, A. Pi6ron, Henri. Contribution a 1’ etude des ph6nom5nes sensoriels et du com- portement des Vert6br6s inferieurs. Bui. inst. psych, intemat. Paris 8 1908 (321-327); discussion: MM. Hachet- Souplet, Giard, Bayon, Mile Drzewina. 69 [Poliakov, P. A.] IIojihkob'b, II. A. Ochobli rHCTOJiorin ci> BJieMeiiTaMH eM- 5piojioriii HejiOBkKa h no3Bono,THLix'i>. 4acTb BTopaa. Bun. 1. MunijocKonH- HecKaa aiiaTOMia h eMdpioJioria opra- hobt> H CHCTeMrL. [Grundlagen der Histo- 5 Vert. Titles. 5200 logie und Elemente der Embryologie des Menschen und der Wirbeltiere. 2-ter Teil. Lief. I. Mikroskopische Ana- tomie und Embryologie der Organe und Systeme.] Jurjev 1900 (609-1184). Lief, ii (1185-1820). 24cm. 6.00 Rub. 60 Policard, A. Notes histophysiolo- giques sur la cellule hepatique. I. Les formations filamenteuses de la cellule hdpatique de la Grenouille. Modifica- tions pendant la digestion. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (362 etc.). 61 Poll, Heinrich. Zur Lehre von den ’ sekundiiron Soxualcharaktcren. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 (331— 358) 2 Taf. 62 Popoff, N. vide Bugnion, E. Rawitz, Bernhard. Neue Metlioden zur Untersuchung des Zcntralnerven- systems dor Vertcbraten. Zs. wiss. Milcrosk. Leipzig 26 1900 [1910] (337- 352) 1 Taf. 63 Regaud, Cl. Sur les formations mito- chondriales de diverses espdces cellu- laires. 1° dans le rein de Couleuvre ( Tropidonotus viperinus) et de Gre- nouille ( Rana viridis) ; 2° dans l’estomao du Chien. (R6sum6e.) Dis- cussion M. d’Hardivillier. C. R. ass. anat. Paris 10 (Marseille 1908) Nancy 1908 (15-20). 64 Retterer, Ed. et Lelidvre, A. Struc- ture du myocarde de quelques Vertebres infdrieurs. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (746-749). 65 Retterer, Ed. vide Lelievre, Aug. Ribbing, L. Die Unterschenkel- und Fussmuskulatur der Tetrapoden und ihr Verbal ton zu dor entsprechendon Arm- und Handinuskulatur. Lund Univ. Arsskr. N. F. 6 Afd. 2 No. 5 [= Fysiogr. Sallsk. Handl. N.F. 20 No. 5] 1909 (1-158). 66 Rogenhofer, Alois. Die Fauna der altagyptischen Mumiengraber. Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 ((130)- (133)). 67 Roule, Louis. £tude sur les formes premieres de la notocorde et sur les affinit6s naturelles des Chordes. Arch, zool. Paris ser. 4 10 1909 (447-546). 68 Salvi, G. Origine e significato delle arterie dell’ arto addominale. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (74-75). 69 Scheunert, A. Verdauung. IV. Besonderheiten der Verdauung bei Tieren mit mehrhohligen Magen (Wie- derkauer), Kaltbltifcem und Vogeln. [In: Handbuch der Biochemie . . . hrsg. v. Carl. Oppenheimer. Bd 3, 2. Halfte.] Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (153- 170). 70 Scbiefferdecker, P. Ueber Muskeln und Muskelkeme. Verh. Ges. D. Natf. Leipzig 80 (1908) II 2 1909 (518-521). 71 Schiefferdecker, P. Muskeln und Muskelkerne. Leipzig (J. A. Barth) 1909 (ix + 317). 24 cm. 10 M. 72 Schimkewitsch, W. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbel- tiere. Nach d. vermehrten russ. Ausg. ins Deutsche fibertragen u. bearb. v. H. N. Maier u. B. W. Sukatschoff. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart) 1910 [19091 (xi + 652). 27 cm. 18 M. 73 Scblater, S. [vielmehr Gustav]. Zur Frage vom Ursprung der Chordaten nebst einigen Bemerkungen zu den friihesten Stadien der Primaten-Em- bryogenese. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (33-48 & 65-81). 74 Schumkow, K. G. Zur Morphologie der Gitterfasem der Leber. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (287-295). 75 Sommer, A. und Spee, F. Qraf v. All- gemeine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. Jahresber. Anat. Jena N.F. 14 (1908) T1 2 1909 (201-262). 76 Spee, Ferdinand Qrafv. vide Sommer, Alfred. Sterzi, Giuseppe. II sacco endolinfa- tico. Ricerche anatomiche ed em- briologicho. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (446-490) 3 Taf. 77 * Studnidka, Franz Karl. Verglei- chcnde Untcrsuchungen fiber die Epi- dermis der Vertebraten. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. I 39 1909 (1-267) 15 [8] Taf. 78 Studnidka, F. K. Die Natur des Chordagewebes. Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Friedrich Krauss (Archiv ffir mikroskopische Anatomie, Bd. 73.) Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (81-91). 79 Studnidka, F. K. Zu der },Erwi- derung“ von Friedrich Krauss auf meine Mitteilung fiber „Die Natur des Chor- dagewebes“. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (580-582). 80 6 Vert. XIV. Vertebrata. Theunissen, W. F. vide Ariens Kap- pers, 3. Trinci, G. Sulle questioni concernenfci ledifferenze morfologiche dei cromoso- mi di uno stesso nucleo. Osservazioni nei Vertebrati. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (54-55). 81 Vialleton, Sur les arcs visceraux et leur rfile topographique chez les Ver- t6br6s. Arch. anat. microsc. Paris 10 1908 (1-122) 3 pis. 82 Vitali, Giovanni. L’articolazione man- dibolare negli Anfibi, nei Rettili e negli Uccelli. Note anatomoembriologiche. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (207-224). 83 Vogt, H. vide Ariens-Kappers, 6. [Voskoboinikov, M. M.] BocKotfoii- hhkobtj, M. M. MeiaMepia oceBoft nacTH nepena. [Die Metameris des axialen Teil des Schadels.] Moskva, Dnevn. xii. Sjezda russ. jest. vra6. 1909-1 9 lOg. [Prot.] 1910 (288). 84 Wiedersheim, Rob. Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. Fiir Studie- rende bearb, 7., vielfach umgearb. u. stark verm. Aull. des ^Grundriss der vergl. Anatomie der Wirbeltiere". Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (xx + 936) 1 Taf. 26 cm. 21 M. 85 Williston, S. W. The faunal relations of the early vertebrates. J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 1909 (389-402) tab. 87 t^elizko, J. V. Diluviale Fauna von Wolin in Siidbohmen. Prag Bull. Ac. Sci. Franc. Jos. 14 1909 (147-162). 88 Zimmermann, Anton. Zur Kenntnis des elastischen Gewebes bei den nie- deren Wirbeltieren. Diss. Tubingen. Wurzburg (Druck v. C. J. Becker) 1909 '(35) 1 Taf. 22 cm. 89 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — For full Iieferenee go to Titles. COMPREHENSIVE and GENERAL. 5203 Mikroskopische Anatomie und Em- bry ologie des Menschen und der Wir- beltiere. (Russ.); Poliakov, 60. The faunal relations of the early ver- tebrates. With plate showing geological range of air-breathing vertebrates; Williston, 87. [1909] •[Vertebrate palaeontology in 1908; Lydekker, 51. Biological arrangement of Vertebrata ; Doello-Jurando, 20a. STRUCTURE. 5207 General. Studien zur Segmenttheorie des Wirbeltierkopfes, 3. Mitt., ueber das Akromerit und iiber echte Ursegmente bei Petromyzon ; Hatschek, 35. The morphology of vertebrate limbs ; Muller, 53. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Ana- tomie der Wirbeltiere ; Schimkewitsch, 73. Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbel- tiere ; Wiedersheim, 85. Handbuch der Anatomie der Tiere fiir Kunstler ; Bd IV. Anatomie von Hirscb, Reh und Ziege ; Ellenberger, Baum und Dittrich, 24. Review of Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German of Dr. Robert Wiedersheim by W. N. Parker. 3d. ed. ; Bean, 10. Histology. (Vide eliam Nervous system, etc.) Differenze dei cromosomi di uno stesso nucleo; Trinci, 81. Die Verlagerung der motorischen Oblongatakeme in phylogenetischer und teratologischer Beziehung ; Ariens- Kappers, 6. Verlagerungen der Oblongatakeme ; Ariens-Kappers, 8. Die Natur des Chordagewebes ; Stud- nidka, 79. Zu der „Erwiderung“ von Friedrich Krauss auf meine Mitteilung iiber „Die Natur des Chordagewebes' ‘ ; Studnibka , 80. Ueber die interzellularen Verbindun- gen im Chorda -Gewebe ; Krauss, 44. Les mitochondries de la cellule intes- tinale ; Champy, 17, Sur les formations mitochondriales de di verses especes cellulaires. 1° dans le rein de Couleuvre ( Tropidonotus viper inus) et de Grenouille ( Rana viridis) ; 2° dans l’estomac du Chien (R6sum6e); Discussion M. d’Hardivil- lier ; Regaud, 64. 7 Vert. SuBJEof Index. 5207 Una minuta particolaritk di struttura fapparato reticolare endocellulare] del- 1’epitelio della muccosa gastrioa ed intes- tinal© ; Golgi, 32. Struktur der Elemente der Knochen und Knorpel (Russ.) ; Nowikoff, 54. Zur Morphologic der Gitterfasern der Leber; Schumkow, 76. Clasmatociti di Ranvier : contributi alia loro storia e conoscenza ; Pardi, 68. Zur Kenntnis des elastischen Ge- webes bei den niederen Wirbeltieren ; Zimmermann, 89. Structure du myocarde de quelques Vertebras inferieurs ; Retterer et Le- liSvre, 65. Tegument, Skeleton. Embryonic appendage of the claws of tho Amniota, probably of an adaptive nature; Agar, 1. Verglcichende Untersuch ungen fiber die Epidermis der Vertebraten ; Stud- niSka, 78. Haarparasiten und Haarbau als Hinweise auf Blutsverwandtscbaft ; Friedenthal, 27. Imitationen im Knochensystem, auf Grund cmbryonaler Transplantation ; Braus, 13. t)ber die Schlafengegend am Schadel der Quadrupeds ; Fuchs, 28. % Die Kopfrcgion der Amnioten. Mor- phogenetische Studien, (4. Forts.); Fleischmann, 29. Ueber die Klassen der Tetrapoden ; Jaekel, 41. Knorpel- und Knochengewebe (Russ.); Nowikoff, 54. L’articolazione mandibolarenegli An- fibi, nei Rettili e negli Uccelli; Vitale, 83. Nervous System and Sense-organs. Einffihrungin die Lehre vom Bau und den Verrichtungen des Nervensystems ; Edinger, 23. The central nervous system; John- ston, 42. Evolution of vertebrate central ner- vous system ; Gaskell, 31. Neue Methoden zur Untersuchung des Zentralnervensystems l er Verte- braten ; Rawitz, 63. Phylogenetischen Verlagerung der motorischen Himnervenkeme. Der Bau des autonomen Systemes ; Arigns Kappers, 2. Die Phylogenese des Rhinencephalons, des Corpus striatum und der Vorderhim- kommissuren ; Ariens Kappers, 3. Neurobiotaxis ; Arigns Kappers, 4. Neurobiotaxis, ii, Die phylogenetisclie Entwickelung des horizontalen Schen- kels des Facialis wurzelknies ; Ariens Kappers, 5. Phvlogenese des Corpus striatum (Rollandisch) ; Arigns Kappers, 7. Ueber structurelle Gesetzo im Bau des Nervensystems ; Arigns Kappers, 9. Die motorische Endplatte bei den hoherenVeretbraten, ihre Entwickelung, Form und Zusammenhang mit der Mus- kelfaser; Boeke, 11. Die Entwicklung des Nervengewebes bei den TV irbeltieren ; Held, 36. Besprechung einer neuen Theorie, der Licht- und Farbenempfindung nebst einem Excurs iiber die stammesge- schichtliche Entstehung des Wirbel- tierauges ; Lubosch, 49. Die Entwickelung der Paukenbohle von Lacerta agilis ; Cords, 18. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau des Ohrlabyrinthes der Wirbel- tiere. ii. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Cortischen Organs und der Macula acustica bei Saugetieren und Vogeln ; Held, 37. t)ber emen sekretartigen Bestand- teil der Stabchenzapfenschicht der Wir- beltierretina ; Kolmer, 43. 11 sacco endolinfatico ; Sterzi, 77. Myology. Die Unterschenkel- und Fussmus- kulatnr der Tetrapoden ; Ribbing, 66. Structure de la fibre musculaire du squelette des Vert6br6s; Leligvre et Retterer, 46. Muskeln und Muskelkeme; Schief- ferdecker, 71 & 72. 8 Vert . XIV. Vertebrata. [1909] Alimentary System. Blinddarm und Wurmfortsats bei den Wirbeltieren; Burgi, 16. Blood. Tatsachen und theoretische Ergeb- nisse dor verglcichcndon Leukozyten- morphologie; Pappenheim, 67. • Circulatory and Respiratory Organs. Sur les arcs visc6raux et leur role topo- graphique chez les Vert6br6s ; Vialle- ton, 82. Arterie dell’ arto addominale ; Salvi, 69. Sur le mode de disparition du r6seau veineux “cardino-r6nal” chez les Mam- mi feres ; Papin, 56. Rapports de la pl^vre avec la cage thoracique chez les Vertebras aeriens ; Durand, 22. Reproductive Organs. Sex Characters. Zur Lehre von den sekundaren Sexual- charakteren ; Poll, 62. m Signification du faisceau sperma- tique ; Bugnion et Fopofi, 14. PHYSIOLOGY 5211 Verdauung. iv. Bosondorhoiten dor Verdauung bei Tieron mit mehrhoh-' ligen Magen (Wiederkauer), Kaltbliitern undVogeln; Scheunert, 70. Les formations filamenteuses de la cellule hepatique de la Grenouille ; Modifications pendant la digestion ; Policard, 61. Einwirkung ausserer Einfliisse auf der Bau der Zellen der Knochen in Knorpcl. (Russ.); Nowikoff, 54. Influence du sexe et des saisons sur la glycog^nie chez le Chien, le Cobaye, le Pigeon et la Carpe ; Maignon, 52. Rapports de la plevre avec la cage thoracique chez les Vert6bres aeriens ; Durand, 22. Erregungsleitung im Kaltbliiterher- zen; Buijtendijk, 15. ' DEVELOPMENT. 5215 Grundriss der Embryologie. (Russ. ) ; Gurvid, 33. Die Siiugetiorontogonoso in ihror Bo- deutung fiir die Phylogenie der Wirbel- tiere ; Hubrecht, 40. Allgemeiuo Entwicklungsgeschiclite der Wirbeltiere ; Sommer und Spee, 76. Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsge- scliichte der Wirbeltiere. In Verbindung mit Bles . . . [u. A.] hrsg. v. Efranz] Keibel. H. 9 : Grosser und Tandler, Vanellus cristatus. Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (vi + 85) 3 Taf. 36 cm. Studien zur Segmenttheorie des Wir- beltierkopfes. Das primitive Vorde- rende des Embryos ; Hatschek, 34. Ursprung der Chorda ten nebst Be- merkungen zu den friihesten Stadien der Primaten-Embryogenese ; Schlater, 74. Formes premieres de la notocorde, et affinites naturelles des Chord6s ; Roule, 68. Die Kopfregion der Amnioten, Mor- phogenetische Studien, (4. Forts.); Fleischmann, 29. Imitationen im Knochensystem, auf Grand embryonaler Transplantation ; Braus, 13. Atmungsorgane und Korperform der Wirbelthier-Embryonen ; Brass, 12. Embryonic appendage of the claws of the Amniota, probably of an adaptivo nature; Agar, 1. Die Entwicklung des Nervengewebes bei den Wirbeltieren ; Held, 36. Der Cervicothorax der Amnioten, Topogenetische Studien ; Fleischmann, 30. II sacco endolinfatico ; Sterzi, 77. Istogenesi del tessuto connettivo ; Livini, 47. Histogenese der Knorpel- und Kno- chenelemente (Russ.); Nowikoff, 54. Composizione chimica dell’ uovo in rapporto a questioni biologiche ; Dia- mare, 20. ETHOLOGY. 5219 Stimmau8serungen der Tiere bei grossem Schmerze ; Otto, 55. 9 VerU Taxonomy. 5231 Phenomenes sensoriels, et comporte- ment des Vertebres infcrieurs ; Pi6ron, 59. Beitrage zur Hohlenkunde Bohmens ; Hoenig, 38. La virulence des trypanosomes des Mammiferes peut-elle etre modifiee a pres passage par des Vertebres a sang froid ? ; Laveran et Pettit, 45. AETIOLOGY AND VARIATION. 5223 Ursprung der Chordaten nebst Be- merkungen zu den friihesten Stadien der Primaten -Embry ogenese ; Schlater, 74. Excurs ubor die stammcsgcschicht- liche Entstchung des Wirbcltierauges ; Lubosch, 49. Die Saugcticrontogcnese in ihrer Bcdeutung fur die Phylogenie der Wir- beltiere ; Hubrecht, 40. Das Affen-Problem ; Brass, 12. Phylogenetische Entvvicklung des Schadels (Russ.); Vaskoboinikov, 84. GEOGRAPHY. 5227 North Wales Vertebrata ; Forrest, 25. f The fossil vertebrates of Belgium ; Dollo, 21. Vertebrata of Belgium ; Fraipont, 26. fDiluviale Fauna von Wolin in Siid- bohmen; Zelizko, 88. Beitrage zur Hohlenkunde Bohmens; Hoenig, 38. Observations nouvelles sur quelques animaux do la Savoio disparus ou cn voie do disparition ; D6nari6, 19. Die Fauna der altagyptischen Mu- miengraber; Rogenhofer, 67. La faune monJifiee de l’ancienne Egypte et recherches anthropologiques (3e, 4e et 5e series); Lortet et Gaillard, 48. Australian Fauna ; Lucas & Le Sougf, 50. TAXONOMY. 5231 Glassification according to method of reproduction; Doello-Jurado, 20a. Ueber die Klassen der Tetrapoden ; Jaekel, 41. Beitrage zur Hohlenkunde Bohmens ; Hoenig, 38. e 2 (n-11091 a) XV. PISCES ARRANGED BY C. L. BOULENGER 4 CONTENTS PAGE I. . . 3 II. Subject Index • • • • 23 General Work, Economics Etc. = 5403 23 Structure =5407 . . 23 Physiology=5411 .. . . 25 Devel opment = 54 1 5 . . 26 Ethology = 5419 27 Variation and Aetiology: = 5423 .. 29 Distribution =5427 . . • • • • 30 Recent • • • • 30 Fossil . . 33 III. Systematic = 5431 • • • • 33 Teleostei . . 34 Plectognathi • • • • 34 Pediculati • • • • 31 Acanthopterygii . . • • • . 34 Anacanthini • • • • 37 Percesoces 37 Catosteomi • • • • * J 37 Haplomi . . • • ,38 Apodes • • 38 Symbranchii : 38 Ostariophysi , , 88 Malacopterygii . . . . 41 (n- 11091 6) e 3 2 PAGE Ganoidei . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Holostei . . . . . . .... . . . . 42 Chondrostei . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Arthrodira .. .. .. .. .. .. ..42 Ostracodernii . . . . . . . . . . 43 Chondropterygii . . . . . . . . . . 43 Holocephali . . . . . . . . . . 43 Plagiostomi . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Cyclostomi . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3 Pisces . Titles. 5400 I.— TITLES. [Aleksandrov, K. P.] AJiOKcan/moBT,, K. 1 T. PmGojiobctbo bt, tfaccefiirfe Bo;irn BMiue CapaTOBa. Bun. 1. PlKjojiob- CTBO BT, 1. CMOTpnxeJlbCKOMT, paiioH'k Hbji;. ,Z{enapT. 3eMJie,zvh>ihi. [Die Fi- scherei im Flussgebiet der Wolga oberhalb Saratow. Lief. 1. Die Fischerei ira 1-ten Inspektionsrayon. Herausgeg. vom Depart, fiir Acker- bau.] St. Peterburg 1909 (2 -f- 98) 4 Kart. 25 cm. 1 Allen, E. J. Mackerel and sunshine. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 8 1909 (394-406). 2 Allen, William F. Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the tail region of Lepisosteus. Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia Pa. 8 1908 (49-87). 3 Allison, Edith M. vide Cockerell, T. D. A. Annandale, N. Report on the Fishes taken by the Bengal Fisheries Steamer “ Golden Crown.” Part I. Batoidei. Mem. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 2 No. 1 1909 (1-58) pis. i-v appendix. 4 Anthony, R. filevage du Zeugopterus punctalis Bl. an laboratoire maritime de Saint-V aast-la-IIougue. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (1156-1158). 5 Apstein, Carl. Die Bestimmung des Alters pelagisch lebender Fischeier. Berlin Mitt. D. Seefischereiver. 25 1909 (364-373). 6 Ayers, Howard and Worthington, Julia. The finer anatomy of the brain of Bdellostoma dombeyi. 1. The acustico -lateral system, Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia Pa. 8 1908 (1-16) 8 pis. 7 Barbieri, Ciro. Neuromeri e somiti metaotici in embrioni di Salmonidi. Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 47 (185-257) 2 tav. 8 (n-11091 b ) Baudouin, Marcel. Mode d’attaque du Spratt ( Clupca spratta) par le Lernacenicus sprattae Sow., Copepodo parasite de l’oeil de ce poisson. Paris C. R. ass. fran - Callaway, Otis vide Cockerell, T. D. A. C6p&de, Casimir. Observations et remarques sur la nourriture de la sardine. Paris C. R. ass. frang. avanc. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2® Partie 1908 (774-778). 49 C6p6de, C. La Myxosporidiose des Anguillcs dans les eaux douces, saumatres et salves du Boulonnais. Boulogne Bui. soc. Acad. 8 1908 (17- 24). 50 C6p6de, 0. Contribution k l’6tude de la biologie de la sardine ( Alosa sardina Risso). Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (54-56). 51 6 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Chaine, J. Observations sur l’ap- pareil urinaire de la Vive. ( Trachinus draco L.) Bordeaux Proc. verb. soc. sci. phys. nat. 1909 (5-6). 52 Chatton, Edouard. Un ami be, Amoeba mucicola n. sp. parasite des branchies des Labres, associe a une Trichodine. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (690-692). 53 Chaudhuri, B. L. Description of two new species of Caranx from the Bay of Bengal. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 3 pt.ii 1909 (141-143). 54 Cligny, A. Sur un nouveau genre de Z6id6s. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (873-874). 55 Cockerell, T. D. A. The Cyprinid subfamily Ghrondrostominae. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (209-210). 56 Cockerell, T. D. A. The scales of the Cobitid and Homalopterid fishes. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (205-207). 57 Cockerell, T. D. A. On the validity of the North American Cyprinid genus Notemigonus. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (211-213). 58 Cockerell, T. D. A. The nomen- clature of the American fishes usually called Leuciscus and Rutilus. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (215-217). 59 Cockerell, T. D. A. A fossil gar- pike from Utah. Scienco New York N.Y. N. Ser. 29 1909 (796). 60 Cockerell, T. D. A. and Allison, Edith M. The scales of some American Cyprinidae . Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (157-163) pi. 61 Cockerell, T. D. A. and Callaway, Otis. Notes on scales of fishes. The herbivorous Cyprinidae. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (121- 123). 62 Cockerell, T. D. A. and Callaway, O. Observations on the fishes of the genus Notropis. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (189-196). 63 Cockerell, T. D. A. vide Evermann, B. W. Cole,* E. J. A monograph on the general morphology of the Myxinoid fishes, based on a study of Myxine. Part III. Further observations on the skeleton. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 46 1909 (669-681). 64 Collett, R. Fiske indsamlede under „Micliacl Sars’s“ Togter i Nordhavet 1900-1902. [Fische wiihrend der Falirten des „Michael Sars“ im Nord- meer 1900-1902 gesammelt.] Rep. Norw. fish. Bergen 2 No. 3 (1909) (151) pis. i-ii. 65 Condorelli, Mario e Perrando, G. G. Notizie sul Carcharodon carchanas catturato nelle acque di Augusta, etc. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. Ser. 2 IQ 1909 (164-183). 6Q CoquidS. La peclie a la Morue. Bui. Inst. oc6an. Monaco 153 1909 (24 p.). '67 Crettiez, T. De la culture del’ Omble- Chevalier. [Salvelinus umbla I*.] du lac Leman. Metis et hybrides de ce salmonide. Bui. Suisse Peche 8 1908 (4-7 26-29). 68 Dahl, Knut. The scales of the herring as a means of determining age, growth and migration. Rep. Norw. fish. Bergen 2 No. 6 (1909) (36) pis. i-iii. 69 Dahl, Knut. Vor kundskab om aalens forplantning og vandringer. [Unsere Kenntnis von der Fortpflan- zung und den Wanderungen des Aals.] Bergen Naturen 33 1909 (20-29). 70 Damas, D. Contribution h la biologic des Gadidcs. Kobenhavn Proc. -verb. Explor. Mer 10 1909 (1- 277) 21 pis. 71 Damiani, Giacomo. Su alcuni rari Scombridi dell’isola d’Elba. Rias- sunto. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. Ser. 2 10 1909 (104-116). 72 Danois, E. Sur la presence de Gobius pictus Malm en France. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (86). 73 Demelle, A. vide Grynfeltt, E. [Derjugin, K. M.] ^epioriuri., K. M. Crpoeiiic h pa3Binie ruieucBaro noaca h rpyAHMx/i. nJiaBHHKOB'i. y koctiicteixt. puoi>. [Der Bau und die Entwickelung des Schultergurtels und der Brust- flossen bei Teleostiern.] St. Peterburg Trav. labor, zool. 20 - Trav. Soc. nat. 39 4 1909 (1-148) 7 Taf. 74 •J it'1’ ' 7 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Diamare, Vincenzo. Sui rapporti della vena porta e delle arterie splanc- nicho in Scyllium catulus o Torpedo marmorata. Contributo all’anatomia splancnica negli elasmobranchi. Nota riassuntiva. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (522-559). 75 Dietz, P. A. Mededeeling over t Myotomen bij Tcleostei. [Ueber den Bau der Myotomen der Teleostei.] Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dicrk. Ver. Sor. 2 11 1909 (xxv-xxvii). 76 Dollo, Louis. Los Poissons Voiliers. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 27 1909 (419-438). 77 Dollo, L. Cynomacrurus piriei, poisson abyssal nouveau recueilli par T Expedition Antarctique Nationale Ecossaise. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 29 1909 (31G-326). 78 Dollo, L. Nematonurus lecointei , poisson abyssal de la “ Bclgica ” rctrouve par 1’ Expedition Antarctique Nationale Ecossaise. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 29 1909 (488-498). 78a Dollo, L. Les Teleosteens a ven- trales abdominales secondaires. Wien Vcrh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 ((135)- (140)). 79 Downey, Hal. The lymphatic tissue of the kidney of Polyodon spathula. Folia haematologica Leipzig 8 1909 (415-406) 1 Taf. 80 Droogleever Fortuyn, A. B. Over de motorische facialis- en abducens-kern von Lophius piscatorius. [On the motor facialis- and abductor-nucleus of Lophius piscatorius .] Amsterdam Vcrsl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 17 1909 (905-908) 1 pi. (Dutch) ; Am- sterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 12 [1909] (44-47) 1 pi. (English). 81 Drouin de Bouville, R. Influence des variations thermiques brusques sur les oeufs, alevins et jeunes sujets de Salmonides. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (259-261). 82 Drouin de Bouville, de. Maladie des abces du Barbeau (Myxoboliasis tuberosa). Nancy Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 3 9 1908 (1909) (525-548). 83 Drzewina, Anna. Leucocytes h granulations acidopliiles dans le sang des Poissons teleosteens. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (514-516). 84 Drzewina, Anna. Epithelium et glandes de la Torpille. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (570-571). 85 Drzewina, A. La prehension des aliments par les Poissons. Bui. inst. p3ych. internal. Paris 8 1908 (328- 330). 86 Duncker, Georg. Pisces, T1 1 : Syngnathidae. (Die Fauna Siidwest- Australiens, lirsg. v. W. Michaelseti u. R. Hartmeyor. Bd 2, Lfg 15.) Jona (G. Fischer) 1909 (233-250). 87 Durbin, Marion Lee. A new genus and twelve new species of Tetragono- pterid Characins. (Reports on the Expedition to British Guiana of the Indiana University and the Carnegie Museum 1908 No. 2.) Pittsburg Pa. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909 (55- 72)., 88 Eastman, Charles Rochester. Mylo- stomid palatal dental plates. Cam- bridge Mass. Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coli. 52 1909 (259-269) i-iii. 89 Eastman, C. R. Mylostomid dental plates. Science New York N.Y. 29 1909 (997-998). 90 Eckstein, K. Pisces fiir 1900, 1901. [Jahresberichto.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 71 Bd 2 ft . 1 1905 [1909] IV (72 + 92). 91 Eckstein, K. Pisces fiir 1902-1905. [Jahresberichte.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 72 Bd 2 IT. 1 1906 (1909) IV (1-114 1-112 1-134 1-136). 92 Eglit, P. I. vide Lobcdinccv, A. A. Ehrenbaum, E. Eier und Larven von Fischen. T1 2. [In : Nordisches Plankton, Lfg 10.] Kiel u. Leipzig (Lipsius & Tischer), 1909 (217-413 + I-IV). 93 Eidsvaag, Edvard. Havtemperatur og Fiskeri. [Meerestemperatuf und Fischereien.] Bergen Norsk Fisket. 28 1909 (396-401 428). 94 Eigehmann, Carl II. Preliminary descriptions of new genera and species of tetragonopterid characins. (Zoo- logical results of the Thayer Brazilian expedition.) Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52 1908 (91-106). 95 8 Piacea. XV. .Pisces. [1900] Eigenmann, Carl H. Some new genera and species of fishes from British Guiana. (Reports on the Expedition to British Guiana of the Indiana University and the Carnegie Museum 1908. No. 1.) Pittsburg Pa. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909 (4-54). 96 Eigenmann, Carl H. The fresh- water fishes of Patagonia and an examination of the Archiplata-Arch- helenis theory. Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1896-1899 ; Prince- ton N.J. 3 (Zoology) 1909 (225-374 with tabs, fig.) fold, map pis. xxx- xxx vii. 97 Elmassian, M. Une nouvelle coccidie et un nouveau parasite de la tanche. Arch. zool. Paris (s6r. 5) 2 1909 (229- 270). 98 [Emeljanenko, P.] EMejibaueHKO, II. Onpefl'hjieHie Boapacxa pu6w. [Die Bestimmung des Alters bei Fischen.] Naturfreund St. Peterburg 4 1909 (149- 153). 99 Engel, Heinrich. Die Ziihne am Rostrum der Pristiden. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Anat. 29 1909 (51-100) 4 Taf. 100 Engmann, P. Betrachtungen zu W. Kohlers ^Untersucliungen fiber das Schaumnest und den Schaum- nestbau der Osphromeniden/* Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (87- 91). 101 Evans, W. The Deal fish or Vaag- maer, Trachypterus arcticus (Brfinn), on the coast of East Lothian. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (20- 22). 102 Evermann, Barton Warren and Cockerell, Theodore D. A. Descrip- tions of three new species of Cyprinoid fishes. Washington D.C; Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (185-187). 103 Evermann, Barton Warren and Goldsborough, Edmund Lee. Notes on some fishes from the Canal Zone. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (95-103). 104 Evermann, Barton Warren and Nichols, John Treadwell. Notes on the fishes of Crab creek, Washington, with description of a new species of trout. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Sqc. 22 1909 (91-94) pi. 105 Evermann, Barton Warren and Radcliffe, Lewis. Notes on a Cyprino- dont ( Orestias agassizii) from central Peru. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (165-170). 106 Evermann, Barton Warren vtiHe Jordan, David Starr. Fage, Louis. Etude dc la variation chez le rouget ( Afullus barbatus L., M. surmuletus L.). Arch. zool. Paris s6r. 5 1 1909 (389-445). 107 Fatio, Victor. La bouviere “Rhodeus amarus ” a Geneve. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 20 1906 (680-686). 108 Fatio, V. Hybride de Squalius caoedanus et Alburnus alborella du lac de Lugano. Locarno Boll. Soc. tic. Sci. Nat. 2 1905 (9-14) 1 Tav. 109 [Faussek, V. A.] $ayceKi>, B. A. Ot- jioJKeiim ryanmia y nayK0Brb (Ara- neina). [Ueber die Ablagerungen des Guanins bei den Spinnen (Araneina).] St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. Sc/ Ser. 8 24 3 1909 (58) Taf. i-iv. 110 Favaro, Giuseppe. Pisces (Fische). [Forts.] (H. G. Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Tierreichs, Bd 6, Abt. 1, Lfg 29-31.) Leipzig (C. F. Winter) 1909 (439-486) Taf. Ill Fibich, Stanislaw. Choroby ryb. [Les maladies des poissons.] Okoln. ryb. Krakow 1909 (62-75 132-142 N 178-185 231-239). 112 Fibich, St. Choroby infekcyjne ryb. [Les maladies contagieuses des pois- sons.] Przegl. weter. Lwow 24 1909 (85-88 117-121). 113 Fiebiger, Josef. Ueber Coccidien in der Schwimmblase von Qadus- Arten. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung.) Wien Ann. NatHist. Hof mus. 22 1907-1908 (124- 128). 114 Fiebiger, J. Ueber Protozoen als Parasiten der Fische. Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 ((32)-(48)). 115 Fiebiger, J. 3. Jahresbericht des Institutes ffir Fisclikrankheiten an der Wiener Tierarztlichen Hochschule. Oest. FischereiZtg Wien 6 1909 (6-8). 116 Findeis, Guido jun. Kann man Seewasser-Karpflinge ( Cyprinodon fas- ciatua) an Sfisswasser gewohnen ? Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (65- 67). 117 9 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Aus der Schutz- zone von Sempach. Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Gcs. Aarau 87 1905 (67-59); Arch. Sci. Phys. Gen&ve C. R. 87 Sess. 1904 (67-09) ; Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 18 1904 (370-372). 118 Forbes, Stephen A. On the general and interior distribution of Illinois fishes. [Reprint, with minor changes, of a chapter in the introduction to “The fishes of Illinois” by S. A. Forbes and R. E. Richardson.] Ur- bana Bull. III. Lab. Nat. Hist. 8 1909 (381-437) maps. 119 Forel, F. A. La peche du Leman. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 22 1906 (188-189). 120 Fowler, Henry W. A new species of fish of the genus Atopichthys, with notes on New Jersey fishes. Phila- delphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 1909 (406-408). 121 Fowler, H. W. A synopsis of the Gyprinidae of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 (1908)1909 (517-553) pi. xxvii. 122 Fowler, H. W. The fishes of New Jersey. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum Trenton 1905 1906 (35-477) pi. 123 Fowler, H. W. A supplementary account of the fishes of New Jersey. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum Trenton 1906 1907 (251- 350) pi. 124 Fowler, H. W. Further notes on New Jersey .fishes. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum Trenton 1907 1908 (120-189) pi. 125 Fowler, H. W. Note on some New Jersey fishes. Science New York N.Y. 29 1909 (79). 126 Fowler, H. W. Notes on fishes at Corson’s Inlet, New Jersey. Science New York N.Y. 29 1909 (544). , 127 Fowler, H. W. Fundulus lucine again in New Jersey. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (526). 128 Fowler, H. W. . The smooth hound, and some other fishes in New Jersey. Science New York N.Y. N. Scr. 30 1909 (815). 129 Franz, Viktor. Die Eiproduktion der Scholle ( Plewonectes platessa L.), (Arb. d. D. wiss. Kommission f. d. intern. Meeresforschung. B. 11.) Wiss. Mecresunters. Kiel (N.F.) 9 Abt. Helgoland 1909 (58-141) 9 Taf. 130 Franz, V. Die Scholle, ein Nutzfisch der deutschen Meere. Meereskunde Berlin 3 H. 12 1909 (1-37). 0,50 M. 131 [Fritsch und Kafka, I.] xbpnwB h Kafjma, I. KpaTKoe naciaB- jienie kt* panioiiajibiioMy panBefteiiiio KapnoB'B. [Kurzc Anleitung zur rationellen Karpfenzucht.] Uebers. a. d. Deutsch. von E. Grimm unt. d. Red. u. mit Anmerk. v. 0. A. Grimm. St. Peterburg 1909 (32). 26 cm. 132 Fritsche, Ernst. Die Entwicklung der Thymus bei Spinax niger. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 35 1909 (85-93). 133 Fuhrmann, 0. La Piscicultura negli Stati Uniti. Relazione. Riv. mens. Pesca Napoli 11 1909 N. 1-2-3 (51- 64) N. 7-8 (160-164). 134 Fuhrmann, O. Scleropages for- mosum und fiber Phreatobius ci- sternarum. Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Aarau 88 1905 (50-51); Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 20 1906 (578-579). 135 Fuhrmann, 0. Ueber die Entste- hung des Neuenburger-, Murtner- und Bieler-Sees nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Fischereiverhaltnisse derselben. Schweiz. Fischereiztg Pfaffikon 12 1904 (192-199). 136 Fuhrmann, 0. Un cas d’hermaphro- disme chez un vengeron, Leuciscus rutilus, du lac de Neuchatel. Neu- chatel Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 36 1908-09 1910 (82-85). 137 Garstang, Walter. The distribution of the plaice in the North Sea, Skagerak and Kattegat, according to size, age and frequency. Kobenhavn Rap. et proc. -verb, explor. mer. 11 1909 (1-133) 6 pi. and 6 figs. 138 Gast, Reinhard. Die Entwickelung des Oculomotorius und seiner Ganglien bei Selachier-Embryonen. Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel Berlin 19 1909 (269-444) 5 Taf. 139 Gauss-Gar&dy, Viktor v. Unsero Makrele in neuer biologischer Beleuch- tung. Oest. FischereiZtg Wien 6 1909 (169-170). 140 10 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1900] Gensoul, J. Note sur deux poissons hybrides, Gardon et Breme bordeliere. (Leuciscus rutilus et Blicca bjcerknci. Gardon et Rotengle Leuciscus rutilus et Scardinius erythrophthalmus). Autun Bui. soc. sci. nat. 21 1908 (Proc.-verb. 107-109). 141 Giacomini, Ercole. I corpi post- branchiali nelle cieche e nelle Anguille adulte. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (88-92). 142 Giacomini, Ercole. II sistema interre- nale e il sistema cromaffine (feocromo) nelle Anguille adulte, nelle cieche e nei leptocefali. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (92-93). 143 Giacomi, Ercole. II sistema interre- nale e il sistema cromaffine (feocromo) in altre specie di Murenoidi. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (237- 245). 144 Giaja, Jean. Sur l’ablation de la vessie natatoire des poissons. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (125-120). 145 Gibson, W. T. The development of the hypochord in Raid batis ; with a note upon the occurrence of the epibranchial groove in amniote em- bryos. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (407- 428). 146 Gilchrist, J. D. F. & Wardlaw- Thompson, W. Description of fishes from the Coast of Natal. Pt. 2. Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 1909 (213- 279). 147 Gill, Theodore. The millers-thumb and its habits. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 52 1908(101-116). 148 Gill, T. N. Angler fishes : Their kinds and ways. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. 1908 1909 (565-015). 149 Gill, T. N. Origin of fresh-water faunas. [Abstract.] Report of the Eighth International Geographic Con- gress Washington D.C. 1904 1905 (617). 150 Gill, T. N. The selachians admitted as a distinct class. Science New York N.Y. 291909(193-194). 151 Godon, J. Contributions a la faune des Vertebres de la region du Nord. Fcuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (83-84 142). 152 Goldsborough, Edmund Lee vide Evermann, Barton Warren. Goodrich, E. S. A Treatise on Zoology. Edited by Sir Ray Lankester, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D. F.R.S. Part IX. Vertebrala Craniata (First Fascicle : Cyclostomos and Fishes). London 1909. 153 G[rieg], J. Legemstempcraturen hos fiske og andre sjodyr. [Die Ivor- pertemperatur bei Fischen und an- deren Meertieren.] Bergen Naturen 33 1909 (286-287). 154 Gronwall, K. A. vide Mailing, C. Gross, Otto. Transplantations- Versuclie an Hartgebilden des Integu- ments und der Mundsclileimhaut bei Tcleostiern und Amphibien. Basel Phil. Diss. 1905-06 (88). 8vo. 155 Grynfeltt, E. Sur le sphincter de l’iris chez quelques Teleosteens. C. R. ass. anat. Paris 10 (Marseille 1908) Nancy 1908 (102-104). 156 Grynfeltt, E. et Demelle, A. Re- cherches anatomiques et histologiques sur l’opercule pupillaire des Poissons. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy 18 1908 (119- 135). 156a Gunther, Albert C. L. G. Andrew Garrett’s Fische der Siidsee, beschrie- ben u. redigirt. II. 8. (Journal des Museum Godelfroy, H. 16.) Hamburg 1909 (i-iv 261-388) 20 Taf. 157 Gunther, A. The typo of Exocoetus exiliens (L. Gmel). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (147-149). 157a Guitel, Frdddric. Sur' l’cxpulsion dee ceufs chez V Enteiums acquareus Linne. Arch. zool. Paris ser. 4 9 1908 (N. et R. xxiv-xxix). 158 Gulia, Giovanni. Sur la decouverte du Cephaloptera giorna Rtasso dans les eaux maltaises. Paris llul. soc. zool. 34 1909 (7-8). Discussion : M. Pellcgrin. 159 Gulia, Giovanni. Addition & la faune ichthyologique maltaise. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (191-192). 160 Guyenot, E. Contribution a 1’ etude anatomique et physiologique de la vessie natatoire des Cyprinides. Be- sancon Mem. soc. hist. nat. 1905 (39). 161 Guydnot, £mile. Les fonctions de la vessie natatoire des poissons teleo- 11 Pisces. Titles. 5400 st£ens. Bui. sci. France-Bclgique Paris 43 1909 (203-297). 162 Haempel, 0. Einiges zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Schwimmblase beim Aal und den Ren ken. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (381-384). 163 Haempel, 0. Einiges zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Schwimmblase beim Aal und den Rcnken. Oest. FischereiZtg Wien 6 1909 (219-220). 164 Hamling. «T. G. Recently-discovered fossils from the Lower' and Upper Devonian Beds of North Devon. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 40 1908 (276- 280). 165 Hammarsten, Olof. Ueber den Ncrvus collector bci den Tclcostiern. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (677-679). 166 Hankinson, T. L. Fish of Walnut lake. In : Hankinson, T. L. A biological survey of Walnut lake, Michigan. Lansing Mich. 1908 (1 OS- 216). 167 Hankinson, T. L. Data on stomach contents of fish taken in Walnut lake. In : Hankinson, T. L. A biological survey of Walnut * lake, Michigan. Lansing Mich. 1908 (244-251). 168 Haseman, J. D. Campostoma brevis. Indianapolis Ind. Proc. Acad. Sci. 1905 1906(161-163). 169 Hatschek, B. Studien zur Segment- theorie des Wirbeltierkopfes. [2. Das primitive Vorderende des Em- bryos.] Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (497-525) 2 Taf. 170 Hatschek, B. Studien zur Seg- menttheorie des Wirbeltierkopfes. 3. Ueber das Akromerit und fiber echte Ursegmente bei Petromyzon. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 40 1909 (480-499) 2 Taf. 171 Hefford, A. E. The proportional distribution of the sexes of plaice in the North Sea. Kabenhavn Rap. ct proc. -verb, explor. mer 11 1909 (135- 176) 1 Chart. 172 Helland-Hansen, B. Statistical research into the biology of the had- dock and cod in the North Sea. Koben- havn Rap. et proc. -verb, explor. mer 10 1909 (1-62). 173 Hendricks. Ueber den Reusenap- parat an den Kiemenbogen des Riesen- haies. (Selache maxima Cuvier.) Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 1909 med. natw. Ges. Minister (31-37). 174 Herwerden, M. van. Zur Magen- verdauung der Fische. Hoppe- Seylers Zs. physiol. Cliem. Strass- burg 56 1908 (453-494). 175 Herwerden, M. van. Zuurafscheiding en enzymwerking in de maag van visRchon. [Saurcsckretion und En- zymwirkung im Magcn von Fischen.] Utrecht Onderz. Physiol. Lab. Ser. 5 9 1908 (15-58). ' * 176 Hoek, P. P. C. Jbftijd van den zalm af te leiden uitmfe structuur der schubben. [On thgs age of salmon to be deduced from the structure of the scales.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 18 1909 (432-450) 2 pis. (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 12 1909 (485-502) 2 pis. (English). 177 Hoek, P. P. C. Wat het interna- tionale onderzoek der zee ons reeds geleerd heeft. [Ueber dasjenige, was die internationale Meeresuntersuchung uns schon gelehrt hat.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. Ser. 2 6 2 1909 (118-135). 178 Hofer. Der Apron. Aspro vulgaris Cuv et Val. — Aspro apron Sieb. [Be- schreibung, Verbreitung etc.] Schweiz. Fischereiztg Pfaffikon 16 1908 (2-7). 179 Hofer. Die Fischfauna des europai- schen Russlands. Schweiz. Fischerei- ztg Pfaffikon 17 1909 (71-75 91-95 166-171). 180 Hofer. Glarncrischo Gewasser und ihre Fische. Schweiz. Fischereiztg. Pfaffikon 17 1909 (261-264). 181 Holt, E. W. L. and Byrne, L. W. Preliminary note on some fishes from the Irish Atlantic Slope. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist; London 3 1909 (279-280). 182 Hooper, D. Analysis of the oils produced by certain Indian Rays and other aquatic vertebrates. Mem. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 2 1909 (Appendix). 182a Houssay, Fr6deric. Sur les condi- tions hydrodynamiques de la forme chez les poissons. Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 148 1909 (1076-1078). 183 12 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Houssay, Fr. Carenes et Poissons. Stabilisation par les nageoires. Rev. gen. sci. Paris 20 1909 (617-624). 184 Houy, Reinhard. Beitrage zur J£enntnis der Haftscheibe von Echeneis. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Anat. 29 1909 (101-138) 4 Taf. 185 Huitfeldt-Kaas, Hartvig. Hoorfor udvandre Fiskene fra Gstensjovandet ? [Eine Massenauswanderung von Siiss- wasserfischen aus dem Gstensjosee bei Christiania.] Bergen Norsk Fisket. 28 1909 (257-263). 186 Hussakof, L. A new goblin shark, Scapanorhynchus jordani, from Japan. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (257-262) pi. xliv. 187 Hussakof, L. The systematic relationships of certain American Ar- throdires. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (263- 272) pi. xlv. 188 Iches, Lucien. Un Ichthyomdtre nouveau. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 1908 (184-186). 189 Jacino, Antonino. Uovo e larva di Trachypterus. Archivio zool. Napoli 3 fasc. 4 1909 (479-482) 1 tav. ,190 Jaekel, Otto. Fischreste aus den Mamfe-Schipfern. [In : Beitrage zur Geologie von Kamerun, bearb. v. C. Guillemain.] Berlin Abh. geol. Landes- anst. (N.F.) H. 62 1909 [1910] (392- 398) 1 Taf. 191 Jarvi, T. H. Beobachtungen uber die Grosse und das Alter der Aale in Binnengewassern Finlands. Hel- singfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn 35 1909 (218-221). 192 Jarvi, T. H. t)ber das Vorkommen des Aales im Wassersysteme des Kymi-Flussea (Finland). Helsingfors Medd. Soo. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (222-226) Karto. 193 Jarvi, T. H. Ein Fall von Herma- phroditismus bei Lota vulgaris Cuv. Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (226-227). 194 Jarvi, T. H. Die kleine Marane Goregonus albula L., als der Zwischen- wirt des Dibotricephalus latus L. in den Seen Nord-Tawastlands (Fin- land). Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 J 909 (62-67 mit 2 Fig.) ; Helsingfors Fisk. Tidskr. Finl. 17 1908 (250-257 mit 2 Fig.). [5419J. ' 195 Jarvi, T. H. Maiti-ja matipitoisia mateita. [Hermaphroditische Exem- plare von Lota vulgaris.'] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (61-62). 196 Jarvi, T. H. Ankeriaittemme elama uusimpain tutkimusten valossa. [Das Leben der finlandischen Aale im Lichte der neuesten Forschungen.] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (89-101). 197 Johnston, Mary S. On a new speci- men of the Jurassic Ganoid fish Pleuropholis Icevissima, Egerton. Geol. Mag. London 6 1909 (309-311). 198 Johnstone, J. Report on experi- ments with marked fishes during the year 1908. Liverpool Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 23 1909 (117-126). 199 Johnstone, J. Plaice measurements made during 1908. Liverpool Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 23 1909 (127-136). 200 Johnstone, J. Internal parasites and diseased conditions of fishes. Liverpool Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 23 1909 (189— 202). 200a Joly de Sailly. Les 6chelles a pois- sons dans les eaux de Belgique. Paris Bui. soc. cent, aquicult. 21 1909 (173— 182 205-215). 201 Jones, F. W. The fauna of Cocos- Keeling Atoll, collected by F. Wood Jones. London Proc. Zool. Soo. 1909 (132-160). 202 Jordan, David Starr. Ichthyology. [Record, second half of 1908.] Amer. Nat. New Yoik N.Y. 43 1909 (560- 567). 203 Jordan, David Starr and Evermann, Barton Warren. Descriptions of three new species of Cisco, or Lake Herring ( Argyrosomus ), from tho Great Lakes of America ; with a note on tho species of Whitefish. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. I). S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1662 1909 (165-172). 204 Jordan, David Starr and Richardson, Robert Earl. A catalogue of the fishes of the island of Formosa or Taiwan, based on the collections of Dr. Hans Sauter. Pittsburg Pa. Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 1909 (159-204) pis. lxiii-lxxiv. 205 13 Pisces. Titles, 5400 Jordan, David Starr and Snyder, John Otterbein. Description of a new whitefish ( Coregonus oregonius ) from McKenzie river, Oregon. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1677 1909 (425- 430). 206 Juday, Chancey and Wagner, George. Dissolved oxygen as a factor in the distribution of fishes. Madison, Trans. Wis. Acad. Soi. 16 1908 (17-22). 207 [Jurinskij, T.] IOpuHCiutt, T. Otf- sopi. BeceiinnxTj (fmnonorHHecKHXTb hb- aeniii npnpoflH bt. BoctoahoA CnGnpn bt, 1905 h 1906 ro^axTj. [Uebersicht der phanologischen Frfihjahrserschei- nungen in Ostsibirien in den Jahren 1905 u. 1906.] Irkutsk Izv. Vost. Sib. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 38 1907 [1909] (32-63). 208 Kafka, I. vide Fritsch. Kkmada, T[akezo]. Nishin nagashi- ami gyogyo shiken. [Experiments on herring fishery.] Tokyo Suisan Koshujo Shiken Hokoku [Report of the Fisheries Institute] 5 1909 (1-15). 209 Kammerer, Paul. Fische im See- wasseraquarium und ihre Gewohnung an Sfisswasser. (II. III.) Bl. Aqua- rienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (166-168 179-182). 210 Kampen, P. N. van. Aantcckeningen omtrent de visschcrij van Sumatra en Riouw. [Bemerkungen fiber die Fischerei von Sumatra und Riouw.] Buitenzorg Meded. Dep. Landb. Med. Visscherij-Station 3 1909 (1-29). 211 Kampen, P. N. van. Overzicht der hulpmiddelen bij de zeevisscherij van Java en Madoera in gebruik. [Ueber- sicht der Hilfsmittel ffir die Meeres- fischerei, wie sie auf Java und Madura benutzt werden.] Batavia Mededee- lingen Visscherij-station 1 1908 (1-32). 212 [Knipowitsch,N. M.] KnnnoBnnT., H. M. Omen, o patfoTaxi, bt. BajuificKOMT. Mopt H. M. KHHnoBHAa h 0. A. IlaB- jiOBnna jiIstomt. 1908 r. no codupaniro MopCKofi $aynLi ;pa 3oojiornnecKaro Mysea IlMnepaiopCKofi AKa^eMin HavKT>. [Rapport sur les collections zoologiques faites pour le Musee Zoologique de 1’Academie Imp. des Sciences par N. M. Knipowitsch et S. A. Pavlovic dans la mer Baltique durant l’et6 1908.] St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 1909 (0131-0245) av. une carte. 213 Kbhler, W. Etwas vom Steinbeisser ( Gobitis taenia L.). Bl. Aquarien- kunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (517-521). 214 Kollmann, Eugene. Sur quelques r6sultats des recherches entreprises par 1’ Association internationale pour 1’ exploration de la mer du Nord. Rev. sci. Paris s6r. 5 10 1908 (141-145). 216 Koningsberger, J. C. [Verslag over visscherij in Nederlandsch Indie.] [Be- richt fiber Fischerei in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien.] Jaarboek Departement v. Landbouw Nederl. Indie Batavia 1907 1908 (51-62). 216 Koutschine, I. B. vide Kucin, I. B. [KuCin, I. B.] Kyann-B, H. B. Ma- Tepiajibi no pwdoBOACTBy n pbi6ojiob- CTBy bt. YpajibCKOMT. Kpak. I. IlepM- CKoe 3aypaJibe. [Materiaux sur la pisciculture et la pgche dans la contr^e de l’Oural. I. Partie transouralienne du gouv. de Perm.] Ekaterinburg Bull. Soc. Oural. nat. 28 1909 (47-121 + 1-xliii). 217 Kunstler, J. Amiurus nebulosus et Eupomotis gibbosus. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 1908 (238-244). 218 Laloy, L. La coulcur des poissons et selection naturelle. Rev. sci. Paris s6r. 5 8 1907 (809-810). 219 Lambe, Lawrence M. The fish fauna of the Albert shales of New Brunswick. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. Ser. 4 28 1909 (165-174). 220 Landmark, A. Unglaks i Fjord. [Junger Lachs in norwegischen Fjor- den.] Bergen Norsk Fisket. 28 1909 (102-104). 221 Lanzi, Luigi. Osservazioni sopra certi elementi della lamella di rivesti- mento degli embrioni di alcuni Tele- ostei. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (174-179) 1 tav. 222 Lanzi, L. Ricerche sui primi mo- menti di sviluppo degli Olostei (o Euganoidi) Amia calva Bonap. e Lepidosteus osseus L. Con speciale riguardo al cosldetto ispessimento prostomale. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (292-306) 4 tav. 223 14 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Lanzi, L. Ricerche sui primi mo- ment! di sviluppo di alcuni Teleostei. Con speciale riguardo al valore del cosidetto ispessimento prostomale. Ar- chivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (307-358) 4 fig. e 5 tav. 224 [Lawrow, S. D.] JlaBpoBT^ 0. K'b Boupocy 0 IIHTttllill BOJIJKCKHX'L pu6rL. [Ueber die Nahrung der Wolga-Fische.] Kazan! Trd. Obsc. jest. 42 1 1909 (1-85 + 2). ‘ 225 [Lebedincev, A. A. u. Eglit, P. J.] illefieAHHiieB'b, A. A. h 9rjmn,, II. H. YcnliiuHLie pesyjibTaTU pasBeAenia panyuiKH ( Coregonus albula) Brf> Ka- 3enH0Mrb 03epii HecTOBO, HoBropoACKoft rydepnin. [Erfolgreiche Versuclie mit der Zucht der kleinen Marane ( Core - gonus albuUi) in dem faskalischon See Pestowo, Gouv. Novgorod.] Nikolsk Fischzucht St. Peterburg 12 1909 (1-88 mit 2 Karten). 226 Le Fort, Raymond. Le sandre commun ( Leuciopercus-sandra- P erca leucioperca). Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 56 1909 (22-30). 227 L6ger, Louis. La costiase et son traitement chez les jeunes alevins de truite. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1284-1286); Ann. Univ. Gre- noble Paris 21 1909 (437-440). 228 Leltevre, Aug. vide Retterer, Ed. Leonhardt, E. E. Die sinnliclicn Wahrnelimungen der Fische. Natur u. Haus Stuttgart 17 1909 (252-255 261-266 283-287). 229 Leriche, Maurice. Note sur les Poissons paleocenes et eocenes des environs de Reims (Marne). Lille Ann. soc. geol. 37 1909 (229-265). 230 Leriche, M. Premiere note sur les Poissons carboniferes du nord de la France. Lille Ann. soc. g6ol. 37 1909 (266-281). 231 Levy, M. Einige Versuche fiber das Verhalten des gemeinen Stichlings ( Qasterosteus aculeatus) gegen Koch- salz-, Glaubersalz- und Bittersalz- losungen. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (333-334). 232 Lo Bianco, Salvatore. La pesca della “Fragaglia” nel Golfo di Napoli durante gli anni 1906-1909. Riv. mens. Pesca Napoli 11 1909 (1-44). 233 [Lonnberg, Einar.] Nagra for* svenska faunan nya fiskar. [Some fishes new to the fauna of Sweden.] Fauna och Flora Uppsala 3 1908 (llS- HS) pis. 234 Lubosch, W. Anpassungserschei- nungen bei der Verkalkung des Sela- chiovknorpols. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (1-8). 235 Ltihe, Max. Ueber einen grossen Welsfang. Konigsberg Sclir. physik. Ges. 49 (1908) 1909 (387-388). 236 Lupu, Helene. Regeneration de 1’ epithelium intestinal du Cobitus fos- silis. Arch. zool. Paris ser. 4 9 1908 (417-428). 237 Luther, Alexander. Ueber Triaeno- phorus robustus Olsson und Henneguya zschokkei Gurley als Parasiten von Coregonus albula aus dem See Sapso- jarvi. Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (58-59). 238 Luther, A. [Hermafroditiska exem- plar af Lota vulgaris.] [Hermapliro- ditisches Exemplar von Lota vulgaris.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (227 ; deutsch. Ref. 330). 239 Maclaren, M. Account of a fight between a Whale and a Sword-fish. London Froc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (100). 240 Mader, C. Recherches sur la sar- dine du golfe de Gascogne. Arcachon soc. sci. station zool. 12 1909 (125- 276). 241 Maier, H. N. Neue Beobaehtungen fiber das Horvermogen der Fische. [Aus : Allg. Fischereiztg Mfinchen 1909.] Arch. Hydrobio]. Stuttgart 4 1909 (393-397). 242 Maier, H. N. Beobaehtungen fiber das Horvermogen der Fische. (Vorl. Mitt.) Allg. Fischereiztg Mfinchen 34 1909 (125-128). 243 [Maksimov, N.] MaKCHMOBi., H. J[Ba BHji,a Tripterygium imi* Hep Haro Mopa. [Zwei Tripterygium- Arten aus dem Schwarzen Meere.] Charikov Trav. Soc. nat. 42 1907-1908 [1909] (59-63). 244 Mailing, C. et Gronwall, K. A. A fauna in the Lias of Bornholm (Danish). Kjobenhavn Medd. Geol. 15 1909 (271-312) 2 pis. and French summary. 245 Mawas, J. vide Policard, A. 15 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Mayeihofer, Franz. Untcrsuchungen iihcr die Morphologie und Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Rippensystcms dcr urodelcn Amphibicn. Wien Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. 17 1908-09 (309-358) 2 Taf. 246 Mayerhofer, F. Farbenwechselver- suche am Hechte ( Esox lucius L. ). Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 28 1909 (546-560) 1 Taf. 247 Mazzarelli, Giuseppe. L’epizoozia ; degli Agoni [ Alosa ] del Lago di Lu- gano nella primavera del 1908. Con- tribute alia conoscenza della pseudo- difterite ittica. Riv. mens. Pesca Napoli 11 1909 (79-100). 248 Mazzarelli, Giuseppe. Pesce-gatto ( Amiurus nebulosus) e Persico-sole (Eupomotis gibbosus). Riv. mens. Pesea Napoli 11 1909 N. 4-5-6 (114- 115); N. 7-8 (165-167 257-259 con- tin ua). 249 McCulloch, Allan R. Studies in Australian fishes. Sydney N.fe.W. Rec. Austr Mus. 6 1 909 (315-321) 250 McIntosh. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. No. xxxi. 1. On a young stage of Cfadus luscus with bold transverse bars of pigment. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Lon- don 3 1909 (153-150). 251 Meek, Alexander. The encephalo- meres and cranial nerves of an embryo of Acanthias vulgaris. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (473-475). 252 Meek, Seth Eugene. New species of fishes from tropical America. Chi- cago III. Field. Columb. Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 7 1909 (207-211). 253 Miichin, E. A. Observations on the Flagellates parasitic in the blood of freshwater fishes. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (2-30) pis. i-v. 253a [Mitropoliskij, S.] Mniponojibcidii, 0. 0 xoA'fe h Hepecrh cejib,n,H bt» fleJibT'h BoJirn Becnoio 1909 rofla. [Ue- ber den Zug und das Laichen der Haringc im Wolgadelta im Friihjahr 1909.] Vest, rybopromysl. St. Peter- burg 24 1909 (596-598). 254 Morgera, Arturo. . Riccrcho sulla glandola od il canalo di Loydig noi maschi di Scyllium. Archivio zool. Napoli 4 1909 (180-193) 1 tav. 255 Mourgue, Marcel. Sur Blennius cagnota dans la Garonne. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (87). 258 Muller, G. Ucber das Vorkommen des Sternrochens an der Riigenschen Kiiste. Greifswald Mitt. natw. Ver. 40 (1908) 1909 (61). 257 Murakawa, H. vide Okamura, K. Muratet, L. vide Salrages, J. [Murzajev, B. B.] Myp3aeB73, B. B. no noBOfly cMepTiiocTH pbi(fr> BrB Bepx- hcmt> Oaept bl r. PeBejilj. [Ueber die Sterblichkeit unter den Fischen des Oberen Sees in Reval.] Vestn. obsc. gigieny St. Peterburg 45 1909 (241-250). 258 Natoli, R. II Persico sole nelle acque della Svizzera insubrica. Lo- carno Boll. Soc. tic. Sci. Nat. 2 1905 (28-33). 259 Neveu-Lemaire, Maurico. Sur la pr6scnce d’uno larvo do ligulc ( Ligida simplicissima) dans la cavit6 cranienne d’une tanchc ( Tinea vulgaris). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (88-89). 260 Newman, H. H. The question of viviparity in Fundulus majalis. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (769-771). 261 Nichols, John Treadwell. A note on the dolphins {Coryphaena equisetis and Coryphaena hippurus). New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (131-133). 262 Nichols, John Treadwell vide Ever- mann, B. W. Nicolas, Ch. Remarques sur quel- ques poissons dits veneneux. Paris Bulletin de la societe de pathologie exotique 2 1909 (214-216). 263 Nicoll, W. A contribution towards a knowledge of the Entozoa of British marine fishes. Part II. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (1-25) pi. 264 [NikiSin, V. G.] Hhkhihhht., B. T. Kt> Bonpocy o nnui/b pufrb. [Zur Frage fiber die Nahrung der Fische.] Astra- chani Arb. Ichth. Labor. 1 1 1909 (1- 44). 264a Ninni, E. Qucstioni di Pesca. Pesca *del pesce novello. Sull’uso doi “ teloni.” Riv. mens. Pesca Napoli 11 1909 (116-119). 265 16 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] F Nitsche, Hinrich. Die Sfisswasser- fische Deutschlands, ihre Kennzeichen, Fortpflanzung, Verbreitung und wirt- schaftliche Bedeutung. Im Auftrage des Deutschen Fischereivereins ge- meinfasslich kurz zusainmengestellt. 4. . . . neubearb. u. verm. Aufl. v. Walter Hein. Berlin (D. Fischerei- verein) 1909 (83) Taf. 27 cm. 266 Nordenson, J. W. Die Nerven und Gefasse der paarigen Flossen von Qadus callarias L. Ark. Zool. Stock- holm 6 No. 6 1909 (22 pp.) 1 pi. 267 Nordgaard, O. Lidt om Guld- flyndrens Vandringer i Trondhjems- fjorden. [Ueber die Wanderungen der Goldbutte im Drontheimfjord.] Ber- gen Norsk Fisket 28 1909 (275-278). 268 [Novikov, M. M.] [Hobhkob'b, M. M. rucTOJiorHHecKoe cipoeiiie kocth y Orthagoriscus mola. [Der histologiscke Bau der Knochen von Orthagoriscus mola.] Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910 [ProtJ 1910 (286-287). 269 Nusslin, O. Die wissenschaftliclie Bedeutung der Koregonen-Larven. Karlsruhe Verb. natw. Ver. 22 (1908-09) 1910 Abh. (86-100). 270 Nufer, Walther. Die Fische des Vierwaldstattersees und ihre Parasiten. Luzern Mitt. natf. Ges. R. 5 (1-232) 4 Taf. 271 Nufer, W. Dio Fische des Vier- waldstatteraces und ihre Parasiten. Basel Phil. Diss. 1905-06 (234 + 2) 8° S. H. a. d. Festschrift z. Jubilaums- feier d. 50 jahrigen Bestehens d. Naturfosch. Ges. in Luzern. 272 Ogilby, J. Douglas and McCulloch, Allan R. A Revision of the Australian Orectolobidae. Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 42 1909 (264-299) pis. xlii- xliii. 273 Okamura, K. and Marukawa, H. Katsuo gyojo chosa hokoku. [Report on researches about the fishery ground of Qymnosarda affinis.] Tokyo, Suisan Koshujo Shiken Hokoku [Re- port of the Fisheries Institute] 5 1909 (1-18). 273a Oppenheimer, Josef. Der Malm der Schwedenschanze bei Briinn. Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestUng. 20 1907 (221-271) 3 Taf. 274 [Ostrovskich, P.] OctpObckhx'l, II. Kt. Bonpocy o ptidojiOBCTB'fe h pu6o- npoMtmiJieHHocTH Ha ckBepL Ennceii- CKOii rydepniii. [Der Fischfang und das Fischereigewerbe im Norden des Gouv. Jenisseisk.] Vest. rybo- promysl. St. Peterburg 24 1909 (160- 181 205-225). 276 Parker, W. A. Fossil Arthropoda and Pisces from Middle Coal measures of Sparth, Rochdale. Rochdale Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. 9 1908 (64-76). 276 Parker, W. N. and Burlend, T. H. On the efferent ducts of the testis in Chimaera monstrosa. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (331-336). 277 Parona, Corrado. La Selache maxima nei mari italiani. Riv. mens. Pesca Napoli 11 1909 (64). 278 Parona, Corrado. Esistono gli Ostracionidi nel Mediterraneo ? Ge- nova Atti Soc. ligustica sc. nat. geogr. 20 1909 (49-57). 279 Patterson, A. H. Fauna and Flora of Norfolk. Additions to Part IV. Fishes (Sixth List). Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (844-847). 280 [Pavlovskij, Eug.] HaBJiOBCKifi, E. Kt> Bonpocy o kojkhlix'b (haobhtbix'i,) jKejieaaxT, H'kKOTopux't puffo,. [Zur Frage fiber die (giftigen) Hautdrfisen einiger Fische.] St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. stances 40 1 1909 (109- 126 -}- deutsch. R6s. 138). 281 Pawlowsky, E. Ein Bcitrag zur Kenntnis der Hautdrfisen (Giftdrfisen) einiger Fische. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (314-330). 282 Pawlowsky, E. Zusatz zum Artikel „Ueber die Giftdrfisen der Fische“. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (413). 283 [Pawlowsky, E.] llaBJiOBCKiii, E. Eqaaitia acejicaLi haobiitux'l [Sur les glandes cutanes des poissons veni- meux.] St. Peterburg Izv. voen.- med. Akad. 18 1909 (22-42 161-182 308-319 443-452) Taf. i-iii. 284 Pellegrin, J. Sur la faune ichthyo- logique du lac Tchad. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1343-1345). 285 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur la faune ichtliyologique du lac Victoria. Paris C. R. Acad, sci 149 1909 (166-168). 286 17 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur un poisson parasite nouveau du genre Vandellia. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (1016- 1017). 287 Pellegrin, Jacques. Poissons d’eau douce de Formose. Description d’une espece nouvelle de la famille des C yprinidae. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (202-276). 288 Pellegrin, Jacques. Poissons du Congo recueillis par la mission d’6tude de la maladie du sommcil. Bui. Mus6um Paris 1908 (205-207). 289 Pellegrin, Jacques. Characinides ainericains nouveaux de la collection du Museum d’histoire naturelle. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (342-347). 290 Pellegrin, Jacques. Collections re- cueillics par M. E. Haug dans l’Ogooue. Listc de poissons et descriptions d’une espece nouvello (2e Note). Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (347-349). 291 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur un grand poisson percolde peu connu du golfe de Californie (Epinephelus rosaceus Streets). Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (349-352). 291a Pellegrin, Jacques. Characinides am^ricains nouveaux de la collection du Museum d’Histoire naturelle. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (12-14). 292 Pellegrin, Jacques. Collections re- cucillies par M. E. Haug dans l’Ogooue (Poissons). Bui. Muslum Paris 1909 (00-08). 293 Pellegrin, Charles. Characinides du Bresil, rapportes par M. Jobert. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (147-153). 294 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur le Prochilo- dus insignis Schomburgk. Bui. Mu- seum Paris 1909 (153-150). 295 Pellegrin, Jacques. Description d’un Barbus nouveau du Sahara. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (239-240). 296 Pellegrin, Jacques. Poissons de la Komadougou et du lac Tchad recoltes par la mission Tilho-Gaillard. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (240-245). 297 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur l’habitat des Barbus deserti Pellegrin (Lettre de Cor tier). Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (412). 298 Pellegrin, Jacques. Diagnoses pre- liminaires de Poissons nouveaux de l’Afrique orientale anglaise recueillis (n-11091 b) par M. Ch. Alluaud. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (156-159). 299 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur une collec- tion de poissons recueillis par le Dr. Wiirtz en Guinee fran9aise. Paris Bui. soc. philom. s6r. 9 10 1908 (124- 135). 300 Pellegrin, Jacques. Note comple- mentaire sur une seconde collection de Poissons recueillis par M. E. Haug & Ngomo (Ogoou6). Paris Bui. soc. philom. s6r. 10 1 1909 (44-53). 301 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur une scconde collection de Poissons recueillis par M. E. Haug k Ngomo (Ogoou6). Paris Bui. soc. philonl. ser. 9 10 1909 (184- 190). 302 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur un grand poisson pcrcolde peu connu du golfe de Californie. Paris C. R. ass. fran9- avanc. sci. 38 (Lille) 1908 (80-81). 303 Pellegrin, Jacques. Poissons des pecheries de la c6te occidentale d’Afri- que. Paris C. R. ass. fran9- avanc. sci. 38 (Lille) 1909 (125). 303a Pellegrin, Jacques. Les poissons d’eau douce de Madagascar. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 1908 (48-62). 304 Pellegrin, Jacques. Les Poissons d’eau douce de la Guyane franyais. Rev. colon. Paris 1908 (577-591); et Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 58 1909 (179-185 219-227 271-274 303-312). 305 Pellegrin, J. Sur une race mon- strueuse de Perches dauphins observee en Seine a Port-Villez. Paris Bui. soc. cent, aquicult. 20 1908 (42-46). 306 Pellegrin, Jacques. Sur un cas d’occlusion buccale chez le Hotu. Paris Bui. soc. cent, aquicult. 20 1908 (87-89). ' 307 Pellegrin, J. L’aquarium d’ Amster- dam. Paris Bui. soc. aquicult. 21 1909 (21-23). 308 Pellegrin, Jacques. La faune du lac Tanganyika. Rev. sci. Paris s6r. 5 9 1908 (680-684). 309 Pellegrin, Jacques. Poissons (2e M6moire). Mission des pgcheries de la cdte occidentale d’Afrique. Bor- deaux Actes soc. linn. 72 1909 (76- 102). 310 Perrando, G. G. vide Condorelli, M. e 4 18 Pisces, XV. Pisces. [1909] Petersen, C. G. J. On the larval and postlarval stages of some Pleuro- nectidae ( Zeugopterus , Arnoglossus, Solea). Kobenhavn Medd. Havunders. Serie Fiskeri 3 Nr. 1 1909 (1-18) 2 pis. (34 x 27). 311 Pictet, Arnold. Contribution 4 T6tude histologique du tube digestif des poissons cyprinoides. Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 17 1909 (1-76) pi. ii. 312 Pietschmann, Viktor. Ichthyologi- sche Ergebnisse einer Reise ins Barents - meer. Wien Ann. HatHist. Hofmus. 22 1907-1908 [1909] (293-307). 313 Plelin, M. Was ist eigentlich ein Fisch ? Schweiz. FisCherztg Pfaffikon 15 1907 (154-167 212-214). 314 Policard, A. et Mawas, J. Mito- chondries et oils vibratiles. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (35-36). 315 Pregl, Fritz. Ueber die Eihiiute von Scyllium stellare Giinth. und ihre Abbauprodukte. Hoppe-Seylers Zs. physiol. Chem. Strassburg 56 1908 (1-10). 316 Priem, F. Etude des Poissons fossiles du bassin parisien. Paris (Masson) 1909 (144) fig. et 5 pis. 25 cm. 15 fr. 317 Radcliffe, Lewis vide Evermann, B. W. Rauther, Max. Das Kopulationsor- gan von Clinus. [In : L. Scliultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse in Sfid- afrika. Bd 3, Lfg 2.] Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 15 1909 (467-476). 318 •Raveret-Wattel, C. Une excursion aux pecheries de Commachio (Italie). Paris Bui, soc. nat. acclim. 54 1907 (376-392). 319 Redeke, H. C. Bericht fiber die hollaendischen Arbeiten zur Natur- geschichte der Gadiden in den Jaliren 1902 bis 1906. (German) Kgbenhavn Rap. et proc.-vorb. explor. mcr. 10 1909 (1-25). 320 Redeke, H. C. Over eenige uitkom- sten van het internationaal onderzoek der zee. [Ueber einige Resultate der internationalen Meeresuntersuchung.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Reelk. Ser. 2 6 2 1909 (105-112) 1 Taf. 321 Redeke, H. C. Bericht fiber die hollandische Schollenfischerei und fiber die Naturgeschichte dei Scholle in der sfidlichen Nordsee. Helder Verb. Onderz. Zee 2 1909 (3-63) 1 Karte. 322 Regan, C. T. Exhibition of two species of Char ( Salvelinus grayi and S. maxillaris). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (98). 323 Regan, C. T. Exhibition of sketches of, and remarks upon colour-changes in, some fishes in the New York Aqua- rium. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (130). 324 Regan, C. T. A collection of fishes made by Dr. C. W. Andrews, F.R.S., at Christmas Island. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (403-406) pis. lxv and lxvi. 325 Regan, C. T. A revision of the fishes of the genus Elops. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (37-40). 326 Regan, C. T. On the anatomy and classification of the Scombroid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (66-75). 327 Regan, C. T. The classification of Telcostcan fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (75-86). 328 Regan, C. T. The Char ( Salvelinus ) of Great Britain. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (111-122). 329 Regan, C. T. Descriptions of three new freshwater fishes from South America presented to the British Museum by Herr J. Paul Arnold. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (234-235). 330 Regan, C. T. Description of a new Cichlid fish of the genus Heterogramma from La Plata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (270). 331 Regan, C. T. A new specific name for an Orectolobid shark. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (529). 332 y ' Regan, C. T. The species of throe- 1 spined Sticklebacks ( Oastrosteus ). Aim. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (435- 437). 333 Regan, C. T. Descriptions of new marine fishes from Australia and the Pacific. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (438-449). 334 Regan, C. T. The Char of Ireland. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (3-6). 335 19 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Reichard, Adolf C. Die deutschen Vcrsuche rait gezcichneten Schollen. II. Berichfc. (Arb. d. D. wiss. Kom- mission f. d. internat. Meeresforschung. B. 10.) Wiss. Meeresunters. Kiel (N.F.) 9 Abt. Helgoland 1909 (1-57) 9 Taf. 336 Reisowa, Karolina. Szczg,tek p§- cherza plawnego u narybka Golomianki. ( Comephorus baicalensis Pall.). [Le rudiment de la vessie natatoire chez l’alevin du Comephorus baicalensis Pall.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (97-104). 337 RSpdssy, Miklos. Edesvizi halaszat es halgazdasag. [Siisswasserfischerei und Fischwirtschaft.] Budapest 1909 (502) 2 Taf. 23 cm. . 1 Krone. 338 Retterer, Ed. et Leli^vre, Aug. Musculature intestinale de la Tanche ( Tinea vulgaris Cuv.). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (571-574). 339 Retzius, Gustaf. Zur Kenntnis der Spermien der Elasmobranchier. [ In : Retzius, Biolog. Untersuchungen, N.F., XIV.] Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (79- 88) 2 Taf. 340 Reuss, Hans. Die Wirkung der Kohlensaure auf Fische. Miinchen Ber. biol. Versuchstat. 2 1909 (89- 142). 341 Reynolds, S. II. Fish teeth and spines from the Carboniferous Lime- stone of the Bristol district. Bristol Proc. Nat. Soc. 2 1908 (41-43). 342 Richardson, Robert Earl vide Jordan, David Starr. Robertson, M. Notes on an Ichthyo- sporidian causing a fatal disease in Sea-Trout. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (399-402) pis. lxii-lxiv. 343 Romer, F[ritz]. Die Wanderungen der Fische. Frankfurt a. M. Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 40 1909 (101*-105*). 344 Roth, Wilhelm. Das Schaumnest- problem. Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 '(218-220 279-281 297-300). 345 Roth, W. Ueber das glcichzeitige Vorkommen verschiedener Aussen- schmarotzer auf einem und demselben Fisch. Nebst einer kurzen Mitteilung iiber einen bisher nicht beschriebenen Fischparasiten. Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (571-572 687-590 601-603). 346 (n-11091 V) Roth, W. [tJber e. Rundwurm im Darm der Ellritzo.] Wochcnschr. Aquarienk. Braunschweig 6 1909 (673- 375). 347 Roule, L. Notes ichthyologiques : Les Triglid6s de la M4diterran6e. Systematique stricte. Arch. zool. Paris s6r. 4 9 1908 (iv et R. xvii-xxiv). 348 Ruysch, G. J. E. Experimenten over Otolithenverschuiving. [Experi- mente fiber OtolithenVerschiebung.] Utrecht (P. den Boer) 1909 (166). 25 cm. 349 Sabraz^s, J. et Muratet, L. Ob- servations sur le sang de la Torpille ( Torpedo marmorata Risso). Folia haematologica Leipzig 6 1908 (167- 170). 350 SabrazSs, J. et Muratet, L. Absence d’ autoagglutination des hematies dans les preparations du sang d 'Anguilla vulgaris contenant des trypanosomes. Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 1909 (xliii). 351 Sabrazds, J. et Muratet, L. Vitality du Trypanosoma anguillae dans le sang du coeur a pres la mort de cet animal. Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 1909 (xliii-xliv). 352 Sabiazds, J. ot Muratet. Observa- tions sur lo sang do la torpille. Bor- deaux Actes soc. linn. 72 1909 (cxiii- cxviii). 353 Sabrazds, J. et Muratet, L. Try- panosome de la torpille. Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 1909 (cxvii-cxix). 354 Ssemundsson, Bjarni. Oversigt over Islands Fiske, med Oplysninger om deres lorekomst, vigtigste biolo- giske Forhold og okonomiske Betyd- ning. [A textbook on the Icelandic fishes.] Kobenhavn Skrifter Havun- ders. Nr. 5 1909 (1-140) 1 Chart. 25£ x 17). 355 Smmundsson, Bjarni. Fiskirann- saknir 1908. [Icthyological researches 1908.] Reykjavik Andvari 34 [1909] (114-153). 358 Sanzo, L. Uova e larve di Auxis bisus , Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (79-80). 357 Sauvage, H. E. Contribution k 1’ etude du peritoine des Pleuronectes. Autun Bui. soc. sci. nat. 21 1908 (1-7). 358 e 4 — 2 20 Piscta. Xv. Pisces. [Savrov, N.] IIIaBpoBTb, H. 3ria- neiiie pa3JiHBa Apauca pa itaBKaBCKOH pLldonpOMUIIUiemiOCTH II MiipU Kri> h xt iiaHjrytiiHCMy iicuojiL30Baiiiio. [Ucber die Bedeutung des Austrctons dea Araxes fur daa kaukasischo Fiseheroi- ewerbe und die Maasnalimen zu seiner eaten Ausniitzung.] Vest, rybo- promysl. St. Peterburg 24 1909 (1 18— 160 189-204). 359 Schlesinger, Gunther. Der sagitti- forme Anpassungstypus nektonischer Fische. Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 ((140 )— (156)). 360 Schlesinger, G. Zur Phylogenie und Ethologie der Scombresociden. Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 (302-339). 360a Schmidt,' Johs. The distribution of the pelagic fry and the spawning regions of the Gadoids in the North Atlantic from Iceland to Spain. (Eng- lish) Kobenhavn Rap. et proc.-verb. explor. mer. 10 1909 (1-229) 10 Charts. 361 Schmidt, Johs. Remarks on the metamorphosis and distribution of the larvae of the eel ( Anguilla vulgaris Turt.). Kobenhavn Medd. Havunders. Serie Fiskeri 3 Nr. 3 1909 (1-17) 1 PI. and 1 Chart (34 x 17). 362 Schmidt, Johs. On the occurrence of Leptocephali (larval Muraenoids) in the Atlantic w. of Europe. Koben- havn Medd. Havunders. Serie Fiskeri 3 Nr. 6 1909 (1-19) w. 2 PI. and 1 Chart (34 + 27). 363 Schmidt, Johs. On the distribution of the freshwater eels ( Anguilla ) throughout the world. Kobenhavn Medd. Havunders. Ser. Fiskeri 3 Nr. 7 1909 (1-45) 1 Chart (34 x 27). 364 Schmidt, Johs. Ferskvandsaalenes ( Anguillula ) Udbredelse i Verden I. Det atlantiske Ocean og tilgrsensende Omraader. [The distribution of the freshwater eels ( Anguillula ) in the world.] Kobenhavn Vid. Selsk. Skr. Ser. 7 8 1909 (119-178) 1 pi. 365 Schnec. Ein gefahrlicher lisch des hiesigen Meeres. Arch. Schiffshyg. Leipzig 13 1909 (168). 366 Schneider, Guido. Ueber das Wachs- tum der Aale {Anguilla vulgaris Flem.) in den Gewassern Schwedens. Koben- havn Pub. explor. mer. 46 1909 (1-18). 367 [1909] Schneider, G. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in den Schreibershofer Seen vorkommenden Fische. Riga Korr. bit. Naturf. Vcr. 62 1909 (73- 81). 308 Schubert, Richard. Has Fischloben der alten Wiener Meero. Urania Wien 1 1908 (101-102). 369 Schubert, R. J. Ueber Fischoto- lithen aus dem sardinisclien Miocan. Wien Verh. Geol. RchsAnst. 1907 (341- 343). 370 Schubert, R. J. Weitere Fischoto- lithen aus dem sardinisclien Miocan und aus dem Pliocan von Bologna. Wien Verh. Geo. RchsAnst. 1907 (393- 395). . 371 Scott, A. Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Liverpool Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 23 1909 (111-116). 372 Sederov, Slavko. Farbenwechsel- versuche an der Bartgrundql (Ne- machilus barbatula L.). Arch. Entw- Mech. Leipzig 28 1909 (629-660) 2 Taf. 373 Sellheim, H. Ueber die FiscKerei in den Lemsal’schen Seeen. Balt. Wochenschr. Jurjev 1909 (309-312). 374 Smith, Burnett. Note on the Miocene drum fish — Pogonias multi- dentatus Cope. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. Ser. 4 28 1909 (275-282). 375 dniezek, Jan. Tarliska i rozwoj w^gorza. [Le developpement des anguilles. | Okoln. ryb. Krakow 1909 (324-329). 376 Snyder, John Otterbein. Descrip- tions of new genera and species of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu islands. Washington D.C. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. Smithsonian Inst. 36 No. 1688 1909 (597-610). 377 Starks, Edwin Chapin. The scom- broid fishes. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (572-574). 378 Steche, Otto. Die Leuchtorgane von Anomalo'ps katoytron und Photo- bleyharon palpebratus, zwei Ober- flachenfischen aus dem Malaiischen Archipel. Ein Beittag zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Leuchtorgane der Fischo. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 93 1909 (349-408) 3 Taf. 379 21 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Stejneger, Leonhard. R0iren og den skotsk-norske landbro. [Salve- linus alpinus und die schottisch-nor- wegische Landbriicke.] Bergen Na- turen 33 1909 (52-59 128). 380 Stewart, F. H. Comparison of the Fish fauna of the north and the south faces of the great Himalayan range. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 3 1909 (121- 123). 381 Strand, Embrik. Pisces fiir 1906. [Jahresbcricht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 73 Bd 2 H. 1 1907 [1909] iv (1-86). 382 StudniCka, F. K. Zur Losung der Dentinfrage. I Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten v. Iv. v. Korff (Ergebn. d. Anat. Bd 17) und V. v. Ebner (Anat. Anz. Bd 34, No. 13-14). Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (481-502). 383 Suomalainen, E. W. Kaksi elaintie- tcollista tiedonantoa. [Zwei zoologischo Notizen.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 36 1909 (87-88; Deutsches Ref. 330). 384 Supino, Felice. Sviluppo larvale e biologia dei pesci delle nostre acque dolci. I. Esox Indus. Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 48 1909 (197-218) 2 tav. 385 Tanaka, Shigeho. Descriptions of one new genus and ten new species of Japanese fishes. Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 27 Art. 8 1909 (1-27) pi. 386 Tanaka, S. Fish fauna of Lake Biwa. Annot. Zool. Jap. Tokyo 7 1908 (1-15). ' 386a Tanaka, S. On a small collection of tide-pool fishes from Misaki, with descriptions of two new species. Annot. Zool. Jap. Tokyo 7 1908 (17-26). 387 Tanaka, S. Descriptions of eight new species of fishes from Japan. Annot. Zool. Jap. Tokyo 7 1908 (27- 47). " 388 Tanaka, S. Notes on freshwater fishes from the Province of Shinano, Japan. Annot. Zool. Jap. Tokyo 7 1909 (125-138). 389 Tanaka, S. Gifu-san gyorui yoho. [Preliminary report on the fishes of Gifu.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 1909 (62- 67). * 389a Tanaka, S. Shinshu san tansuigyo mokuroku. [A list of the < freshwater fishes of Prov. Shinano.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 1909 (288-29 1J.^ * 390 Tesch, J. J. Eier und Larven einiger im Friihjahr laichenden Fische, be- sonders der siidlichen Nordsee. Helder Verh. Onderz. Zee 2 1909 (3-44) 1 Karte. 391 Thomson, W. vide Gilchrist, J. D. Thumm, Johannes. Pelmato- chromis subocellatus (Gthr.). Bl. Aauarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (813- 816 829-832). 392 Tould, Franz. Eine jungtertiare Fauna von Gatun am Panamakanal. Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 1908 [1909] (673-760) 4 Taf. 393 Townsend, C. H. Pollution of streams — An appeal to anglers. New York N.Y. Rep. Zool. Soc. 12 (1907) 1908 (97-103). 394 Traquair, R. H. On fossil fish- remains collected by J. S. Flett, M.A., D.Sc., from the Old Red Sandstone of Shetland. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 46 1909 (321-329) 2 pis. . 395 Tretjakoff, D. Nervus mesence- phalicus bei Ammocoetes. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (151-157). 396 Tretjakoff, D. Das Nervensystem von dmmocoefes. 1. Das Ruckenmark. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 73 1909 (607— 680) 3 Taf. 397 Tretjakoff, D. Das Nervensystem von Ammocoetes. II. Gehirn. Arch, mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (636-779) 9 Taf. 398 Trois, Enrico Filippo. Sopra un interessante esemplare di Salmonide pescato in prossimita della spiaggia del Lido di Venezia. Venezia Atti 1st. ven. 68 1908-09 (27-31). 399 Trois, E. F. Sopra l’anormale colorazione della pelle osservata in un esemplare mutilato di Lophius piscatorius proveniente dalle pescherie di Arcachon. Venezia Atti 1st ven. 68 1908-09 (43-45). 400 Trois, E. F. Contributo alia cono- scenza di forme di metacromatismo os- servate in pesci raccolti nclla laguna di Venezia. Venezia Atti 1st. von. 68 1908-09 (113-115). 401 Trois, E. F. Appunti sopra un esemplare di Luvarus imperialis Raf. comparso sul noptro mercato. Venezia Atti 1st ven 68 parte 2 1908-09 (609- 611)( 4024 22 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Tsehermak, Armin v. Physiologi- sche Untersuchungen am embryonalen Fischherzen. Wien SitzBer Ak. Wiss. Abt. Ill 118 1909 (17-115) 2 Taf. 403 Tschernoff, N. D. Ueber den Ban des Gehororgans von Exocoetus. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (91-94). 404 Tysowski, A. Stosunek narz^du shichu do pQcherza plawnego u ryb sledziowatych. [Zur Kenntnis des Gehororganes und seiner Beziehungen zur Schwimmblase bei den Clupeiden.] Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1909 (45— 74). 405 Vayssidre, A. Note sur un ceuf double de Squale. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (872-873). 406 Vayssidre, A. Note zoologique et anatomique sur quelques Trachy- pterus pris dans le golfe de Marseille de 1874 k 1908. Ann. fac. sci. Mar- seille 17 1908 (121-128). 407 Vitfciguerra, D. Sur l’opportunit6 d’une exploration oc6anographiquo de la M6diterran6e dans l’intdrfit des peches maritimes. Bui. Inst. oc6an. Monaco 138 1909 (10). 408 Vogel, Richard. Die Entwickelung des Schultergfirtels und des Brust- flossenskelettes der Forelle ( Trutta fario). Jenaische Zs. Natw. 45 1909 ^499-544) 3 Taf. 409 Volz, W. L’appareil de respiration et de circulation du Monopterus java- Xiensis Lac. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 20 1905 (580-581). 410 [ Voskoboinikov, M. M.] Bocuodoff- hiikob'l, M. M. O MeiaMepin Bucpe- paJibHaro CKeJieTa. [Ueber die Meta- merie des Visceralskeletts.] Moskva Dnevn. xii. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910 g. [Prot.] 1910 (287-288). 411 Wagner, George. Notes on the fish fauna of Lake Pepin. Madison Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 16 1908 (23-37). 412 Wagner, George vide Juday, Chancey. Walter, E. Das Gesetz vom Mini- mum und das Gleichgewicht im Wasser. Einige allgemeine Betrachtungen aus dem Gebiete des Stoffkreislaufes im Wasser in seiner Anwendung auf die Fischereiwirtschaft. Arch. Hydro - biol. Stuttgart 4 1909 (339-366). 413 Weber, A. Recherches sur quel- ques stades du d6veloppement de coeur de la Raie. C. R. Ass. anat. Paris 10 (Marseille 1908) Paris 1908 (10-14). Weber, Max. Eine neue Art von Macrorhamphosus und Revision dieses Genus. Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Ser. 2 11 1909 (71-79). 414 Weber, M. Diagnosen neuer Eische der Siboga-Expedition. Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 1909 (143-169). 415 Weed, Alfred C. vide Bean, Barton A. Werner, Franz. Reptilien, Batra- chier und Fische von Tripolis und Barka. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 27 1909 (595-646) 1 Taf. 416 Widakowich, Victor. Ueber einen Musculus sphincter uterorum bei Tor- pedo ocellata und fiber das Hymen der Plagiostomen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1908 (352-370). 417 Wigg, T. J. Notes on the Herring fishery of 1908. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 v. 763. 418 Willey, A. The occurrence of Sole- nostoma off the coast of Ceylon. Spol. Zeylan. Colombo 6 pt. xxiii 1909 (102-107) 1 pi. Willey, A. Observations on the nests, eggs and larvae of Ophiocephalus striatus. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 pt. xxiii 1909 (108-123) 2 pis. 419 Winterstein, Hans. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fischatmung. Arch, ges. Physiol. Bonn 125 1908 (73-98). 420 Woodward, A. Smith. On fossil fish-remains from Snow Hill and Seymour Islands. (Wissenschaftl. Ergebnisso der Schwed. Sfidpolar- Exped. 1901-1903 3 Lief. 4.) Stock- holm 1908 (4) 1 pi. 27 cm. 421 Worthington, Julia vide Ayers, Howard. Zacharias, Otto. Die nattirliche Nahrung der jungen Wildfische in Binnenseen. Uns. Welt Godesberg 1 1909 (389-394). 422 Zanichelli, Wilfrido. Sullo sviluppo dello scheletro viscerale della trota { Salmo fario L.). Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (239-255). 423 23 Pisces. Q eneral — Structure. 5407 Zugmayer, E. Descriptions of four new Cyprinoid fishes from] High Asia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (432-435). 424 IL— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL WORKS, ECONOMICS, Etc. 5403 Pisces (Fische). (H. G. Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Tierreichs) ; Favaro, 111. A Treatise on Zoology. Edited by Sir Ray Lankester. Part IX. Verte- brata Craniata (First Fascicle: Cyclo- stomes and Fishes ; Goodrich, 153. Die Susswasserfische Deutschlands, ihre Kennzeichen, Fortpflanzting, Ver- breitung und wirtschaftliche Bedeu- tung ; Nitsche, 266. Icthyological researches 1908 (Ice- landic); Ssemundsson, 356. Record of papers on ichthyology of the second half of the year 1908 ; Jordan, 203. Pisces fur 1902-1905. [Jahres- berichte.] ; Eckstein, 92. Pisces fiir 1906 ; Strand, 382. L’aquariumd’ Amsterdam ; Pellegrin, 308. Sfisswasserfischerei und Fischwirt- schaft. (Ungarisch) ; Rdp&ssy, 338. La pgche du Ldman ; Forel, 120. Les dchelles k poissons dans les eaux de Belgique; Joly de Sailly, 201. Einige Resultate der internationalen Meeresuntersuchung. (Hollandisch) ; Redeke, 321. Sur quelques r&sultats des recherches enterprises par 1’ Association inter- national pour 1’ exploration de la mer du Nord ; Kollmann, 215. Das Gesetz vom Minimum und das Glcichgewicht im Wasser. Einige allgemeine Betrachtungen aus dem Gebiete des Stoffkreislaufes im Wasser in seiner Anwendung auf die Fischerei- wirtschaft ; Walter, 413. Meerestemperatur und Fischereien (Norweg.); Eidsvaag, 94. Anleitung zur rationellen Karp- fenzucht (Russ.); Fritsch u. Kafka, 132. La peche k la Morue ; Coquidd, 67. Questioni di pesca ; pesca del pesce novello ; l’uso dei teloni ; Ninni, 265. Pesca della “ Tragaglia ” [pesce no- vello] nel Golfo di Napoli ; Lo Bianco, 233. Piscicultura negli Stati Uniti ; Fuhr- mann, 134. Fischerei und Fischreichtum im nordl. Teil des Gouv. Jenisseisk (Russ.); Ostrovskich, 275. Heringsfischerei im Kaspischen Meere (Russ.); Borodin u. Suvorov, 31. Fischerei im F’lussgebiet der Wolga (Russ.); Aleksandrov, 1. Fischzucht und Fischfang im Gouv. Perm (Russ.); Kudin, 217. Uebersicht fiber die auf Java und Madoera benutzte Hilfsmittel fiir die Meeres fischerei. (Hollandisch) ; Kam- pen, 212. Bericht fiber Fischerei in Nieder- landisch Ost-Indien. (Hollandisch) ; Koningsberger, 216. filevage du Zeugopierv.s punctalis Bl., au laboratoire maritime de Salnt- Vaast-la-Hougue ; Anthony, 6. Notes on the Herring fishery of 1908 ; Wigg, 418. Fische als Moskitentilger in Suri- nam. (Hollandisch) ; Bolten, 27. Die Bestimmung des Alters pelagisch lebender Fischeier ; Apstein, 6. STRUCTURE. 5407 General Anatomy. Anatomy of Cyclostomes and Fishes ; Goodrich, 153. Anatomy of the Scombroid fishes ; Regan, 327. Tegumentary system. The scales of the herring ; Dahl, 69. Notes on the scales of fishes. The herbivorous Gyprinidae ; Cockerell and Callaway, 62. Cohilidae , scales ; QQCjkereU, 57. 24 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Cyprinidae, scales ; Cockerell and Allison, 61. Hautdriisen bei Fischen (Russ.); Pawlowsky, 284. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Haut- drfisen (Giftdriisen) einiger Eische; Pawlowsky, 282. Zusatz zum Artikel “ Ueber die Giftdriisen der Fische ” ; Pawlowsky, 283. Bau der Giftdriisen (Russ. -f deutsch. R6s.); Pavlovskij, 281. Zell- und Kernbau in Giftdriisen (Russ.); Pawlowsky, 284. Die Zahne am Rostrum der Pristiden; Engel, 100. Bau der Kiemenfalte (Russ.); Be- lousov, 18. Die sogenannten Hornfaden und die Flossenstrahlen der Fische ; Brohl, 39. Nervous System and Sense Organs- The finer anatomy of the brain of Bdellostoma dombeyi. 1. The acustico- lateral system ; Ayers and Worthington, 7. Das Nervensystem von Ammocoetes. 1. Das Riickenmark ; Tretjakoff, 397. Das Nervensystem von Ammocoetes. 2. Geliirn; Tretjakoff, 398. Cellule dorsali o posteriori nel mi- dollo spinale di Petromyzon marinus ; Beccari, 17. The encephalomeres and cranial nerves of an embryo of Acanthias vulgaris ; Meek. 252. Motor facialis- and abductor- nucleus of Lophius piscatorius ; Droogleever Fortuyn, 81. Ueber den Nervus collector bei den Teleostiern ; Hammarsten, 166. Experimented Untersuchungen fiber die Segmentalstruktur der motorischen Nervenplexus ; Braus, 38. Rapporti del fascicolo longitudinale posteriore con i nuclei di origine dei nervi oculomotore e trocheare nei Teleostei ; Beccari, 16. Nervus mesencephalicus bei Ammo- coetes ; Tretjakoff, 396. Nervenendigungen in den Muskeln (Russ.); Bglousov, 18, Die Nerven d. paar. Geflossen von Gadus callarias ; Norderson, 267. Sur le sphincter de l’iris chez quel- ques Tdleosteens ; Grynfeltt, 158. Recherches anatomiques et histo- logiques sur Popercule pupillairc des poissons ; Grynfeltt et Demelle, 156a. Anatomy of the olfactory organ of Teleostean fishes ; Burne, 46. Ueber den Bau des Gehororgans von Exocoetus ; Tschernoff, 404. Zur Kenntnis des Gehororganes und seiner Beziehungen zur Schwimmblase bei den Clupeiden (Polish) ; Tysowski, 405. Aiimentary System. Mouths and teeth of the Indian Torpedinidae ; Annandale, 4. Histologie du tube digestif des Cyprinoides ; Pictet, 312. Epithelium et glandes de la Tor- pille ; Drzewina, 85. I^es fonctions de la vessie natatoire des poissons t61<$ost6ens ; Guy6not, 162. Die Schwimmblase der Malaco- pterygii ; Beaufort, 15. Contribution & l’6tude anatomique et pliysiologique de la vessie natatoire des Cyprinides; Guyenot, 161. Einiges zur Anatomie und Physio- logie der Schwimmblase beim Aal und den Renken ; Haempel, 164. Le rudiment de. la vessie natatoire chez l’alevin du Comephorus baicalensis, Pall. (Polish) ; Reisowa, 337. Myology and Osteology. Myotomen der Teleostei. (Hollan- disch) ; Pietz, 76. Musculature intestinale do la Tanche ( Tinea vulgaris Cuv.); Retterer et Loltevre, 339. Elastic ligaments of fishes ; Burne, 44. Histologischer Bau der Knochen bei Orthagoriscus mola (Russ.); Novikov, 269. Anpassungserscheinungen bei der Verkalkung des Selachierknorpels ; Lu- bosch, 235. Skeleton of Myxixie j Cole, 64. 25 Pisces. Struoiure, Physiology. 5411 Metamerie des Visceralskeletts (Russ.); Voskoboitiikov, 411. Ossa faringee di Labridi ; Brunati, 41 Bau des Schultergurtels und der Brustflosscn der Tclcostei (Russ.); Derjugin, 74. Die Entwickelung des Schultergurtels und des Brustflossenskelettes der Forelie (Trutla fario) ; Vogel, 409. Zur Losung der Dentin frage ; Stud- nifika, 383. Mylostomid dental plates ; East- man, 90. Vascular and Respiratory Systems. Observations sur le sang de 1a. tor- pille ; Sabrazds et Muratet, 353. Observations sur le sang de Torpedo matmorata Risso ; Sabrazls et Muratet, 350. Leucocytes a granulations acido- philes dans le sang des poissons teleo- s teens; Drzewina, 84. Quelques observations sur la cir- culation cmbryonnairo chez les T£16o- steens ; Borcea, 30. Rccherches sur quelques stades du d6vcloppcment du coeur dc la Raie ; Weber, 413a. Physiologische Untersuchungen am embryonalen Fischherzen ; Tscher- mak, 403. Sui rapporti della vena porta e delie arteric splancniche in Scyllium catulus e Torpedo marmorata. Contributo all’ anatomia splancnica negli elasmo- branchi ; Diamare, 75. Die Gefasse der paar. Geflossen von Gadus callarias ; Nordenson, 267. Distribution of the subcutaneous vessels in the tail region of Lepisosteus ; Allen, 3. L’appareil de respiration et de circulation du Monopterus javanensis Lae ; Volz, 410. Ueber den Reusenapparat an den . Kiemenbogen des Riesenhaies ( Selache maxima, Cuvier) ; Hendricks, 174, Excretory and Reproductive Organs. Observations sur 1’appareil urinaire de la Vive. ( Trochinus draco L.); Chaine, 52. The lymphatic tissue of the kidney of Polyodon spathula ; Downey, 80. On the efferent ducts of the testis in Chimaera monstrosa ; Parker and Bur- lend, 277. Glandula e canale di Leydig nei maschi di Scyllium ; Morgera, 255. Zur Kenntnis der Spermien der Elasmobranchier ; Retzius, 340. Das Kopulationsorgan von Clinuf, Rauther, 318. Ueber einen Musculus sphincter uterorum bei Torpedo ocellata und iiber das Hymen der Plagiostomen ; Wida- kowich, 417. Note sur l’origine des cellules libres trouv6es dans P Epithelium ut6rin d’ Acanthias vulgaris, R. avant le debut de l’hystolyseepitheliale ; Blaizot, 25. Other Organs. Contribution h l’6tude du p^ritoine des Pleuronectes ; Sauvage, 358. Fiirbung des Peritoneum durch Ab- lagcrung von Pigmenten bei den Tdeo- stei (Russ.); Foussek, 110. Die Entwicklung der Thymus bei Spinax niger ; Fritsche, 133. Corpi postbranchiali in Anguilla ; Giacomini, 142. Sistema interrenale e sist. cromaffine in Anguilla ; Giacomini, 143. Die Leuchtorgane von Anomalops katoplron und Photoblepharon po.lpe- bratus, zwei Oberfiachenfischen aus dem Malaiischen Archipel. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Leuchtorgane der Fische ; Steche, 379. PHYSIOLOGY. 541 1 General, Function of special organs. Korpertemperatur bei Fischen (Nor- weg.); Grieg, 154, 26 Piacea. XV. Pisces. Olfactory organ of Teleostean fishes ; Burne, 46. Funktion der giftigen Hautdrfisen Russ.); Pawlowsky, 284. Giftdruson, deren Wirkung (Russ. + dcutsoh. R6s.); Pavlovski], 281. Elastic mechanisms in fishes ; Burne, 44. Zur Magenverdauung der Fische ; Herwerden, 175. Sauresekretion und Enzymwirkung im Magen von Fischen. (Hollandisch) ; Herwerden, 176. Les fonctions do la vessie natatoire des poissons tdldostdens ; Guydnot, 162. Einiges zur Anatomic und Physio- logic der Schwimmblase beim Aal und den Renken ; Haempel, 164. Contribution & l’etude anatomique et physiologique de la vessie natatoire des Cyprinidds ; Guydnot, 161. On the changes in the bloodserum of sharks after bleeding; Buytendijk, 47. Beitr&ge zur Kenntnis der Fischat- mung ; Winterstein, 420. Constitution of urine of sharks with normal and increased diuresis ; Buy- tendijk, 48. Dissolved oxygen as a factor in the distribution of fishes; Juday and Wagner, 207. Cardnes et Poissons. Stabilisation par les nageoires ; Houssay, 184. • Colour-changes in some fishes in the New York Aquarium ; Reian, 324. Analysis of the oils produced by certain Indian Rays and other aquatic vertebrates ; Hooper, 182a. Die Leuchtorgane von Anomalous kaloptron und PhcAoblepharon pal- pebrat'us, zwei Oberflachenfischen aus dem Malaiischen Archipel. Ein Bei- trag zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Leuchtorgane der Fische ; Steche, 379. Experimental. Die Wirkung der Kolilensaure auf Fische ; Reuss, 341. Einige Versuche fiber das Verhalten des gemoinen Stichlings (Oaaterosteus aculeatua) gegen Kochsalz-, Glauber- [1909] sak- und Bittersaklosungen ; Levy, 232. Kann man Seewasser - Karpflinge {Cyprinodon fasciatus) an Sfisswasser gewohnen ? ; Findeis, 117. Fische im Seowassoraquarium und ihre Gewohnung an Sfisswasser ; Kam- merer, 210. Physiologische Untersuchungen am embryonalen Fischherzen ; Tscher- mak, 403. Experimente fiber Otolithenverschie- bung. (Hollandisch) ; Ruysch, 349. Transplantations-Versuche an Hart- gebilden des Integuments und der Mundschleimhaut bei Teleostiern und Amphibien ; Gross, 155. Influence des variations tliermiques brusques sur les oeufs, alevins et jeunes sujets de Salmonides ; Drouin de Bouville, 82. Farbenwechsel versuche an der Bart- grundel ( Nemachilus barbatula L.); Sederov, 373. DEVELOPMENT. 5115 General Embryology. Le developpement des anguilles ; Sniezek, 376. Die Fortpflanzung des Aals (Norweg.); Dahl, 70. Primi momenti di sviluppo di Arnia calva e Lepidosteus osseus , con riguardo al cosldetto ispessimento prostomalo ; Lanzi, 223. Primi momenti di sviluppo di alcuni Teleostei ( Saliho lacustris , Perea flu- viatilis), con riguardo al cosidetto ispessimento prostomale ; Lanzi, 224. Studien zur Segmenttheorie des Wir- beltierkopfes. 3. Mitt. : Ueber das Akromerit und fiber echte Ursegmento boi Petromyzon ; Hatsehek, 171. Sur les masses mdsodermiques inter- mddiaires et leurs derives chez les Teleosteens ; Borcea, 28. Lamella di rivestimento di embrioni di alcuni Teleostei ; Lanzi, 222. Studien zur Segmenttheorie des Wir- beltierkopfes. [2. Das primitive Voi - derende des Embryos] ; Hatsehek, 170. 27 Pisces. Development, Ethology. 5419 Eicr und Larven von Fischen ; Ehrenbaum, 93. Eier und Larven einiger Fische der sudlichen Nordsee ; Tesch, 391. Uova e larve di Auxisbisus; Sanzo, 357. Uovo e larva di Trachyplerus ; Jacino, 190. Organogeny. The development of the hypochord in Raid batis, with a note upon the occurrence of the epibranchial groove in amniote embryos ; Gibson, 146. Neuromeri e somiti metaotici in embrioni di Salmonidi ; Barbieri, 8. Der Kopf eines Embryos von Ch lamy- doselachus und die Segmentierung dos Selachierkopfcs ; Brohmer, 40. The encephalomercs and cranial nerves of an embryo of Acanthias vulgaris ; Meek, 252. Die Entwickelung des Oculomotorius und seiner Ganglien bei Selachier-Em- bryonen ; Gast, 139. Scheletro viscerale di Salmo fario, sviluppo ; Zanichelli, 423. Embryonale Entwicklung des Schul- tergiirtels und der Brustflossen der Teleostii (Russ.); Derjugin, 74. Die Entwickelung des Schultergur- tels und des Brustflossenskelettes der Forelle ( Trutta fario) ; Vogel, 409. Quelques observations sur la cir- culation embryonnaire chez les Teleo- stdens ; Borcea, 30. Recherches sur quelques stades du d6veloppement du cceur de la Raie ; Weber, 413a. Sur 1’origine du coeur, des cellules migratrices et des cellules pigmentaires chez les T£16ost6ens ; Borcea, 29. Die Eritwicklung der Thymus bei Spinax niger ; Fritsche, 133. Post-embryological. Die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung der Koregonen -Larven ; Niisslin, 270. On the larval and postlarval stages of some Pleuronectidae ( Zeugopterus , Arnoglossus, Sq\w) ; Petersen^ 311. Bericht iiber die hollaendischen Ar- beiten zur Naturgeschichte der Gadiden * in den Jahren 1902 bis 1906; Redeke, 320. Contribution & la biologie des Gadi- des; Damas, 71. Young stage of Gadus luscus ; M’Intosh, 251 „ Sviluppo larvale e biologia di Esox Indus ; Supino, 385. Remarks on the metamorphosis and distribution of the larvae of the eel ( Anguilla vulgaris Turt.); Schmidt, 362 On the occurrence of Leptocephali (larval Muraenoids) in the Atlantic w. of Europe ; Schmidt, 363. Ueber das Wachstum der Aalo (Anguilla vulgaris, Flem.) in den Gewassern Schwcdons ; Sohneider, 367. Die Bestimmung des Alters pelagisch lebender Fischeier ; Apstein, 6. Schuppen und Otoiithen als Merk- male fur das Alter (Russ.); Emel- janenko, 99. Age of salmon and structure of scales. (English) (Dutch) ; Hoek, 177. The scales of the hex ring as a means of determining age, growth and migra- tion ; Dahl, 69. Regeneration. Regeneration de l’epith6lium intes- tinal du Gobitus fossilis ; Lupu, 237. Regeneration einer Flossenstrahls bei Scorpaena porous (Russ.); Paw- lowskjr, 284. Sur l’ablation de la vessie natatoire des poissons ; Giaja, 145. ETHOLOGY. 5419 General. Resultate der internationalen Meeres- untersuchung. (Hollandisch) ; Hoek, 178. Zur Phylogenie und Ethologie der Scombresociden ; Schlesinger, 360a. Quelques faits biologiques relatifs aux poissons comestibles des cotes de l’Algerie ; Bqunhiol, 37. 28 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Angler fishes : Their kinds and ways ; Gill, 149. The millers-thumb and its habits ; Gill, 148. Naturgeschichte von Pleuronectes platessa ; Redeke, 322. Statistical research into the biology of the haddock and cod in the North Sea ; Helland-Hansen, 173. The distribution of the plaice in the North Sea, Skagerak and Kattegat, according to size, age and frequency ; Garstang, 138. The proportional distribution of the sexes of plaice in the North Sea ; Hefford, 172. Das Leben der finlandischen Aale in der Licht der neuesten Forschungen. (Finnisch) ; Jarvi, 197. Habits of herring in Japanese waters. (Japanese) ; Kamada, 209. Contribution a l’6tude de la bio- logie do la sardine ( Alosa sardina Risso) ; C6pdde, 51. Recherches sur la sardine du golfe de Gascogne ; Mader, 241. Unsere Makrele in neuer biologischer Beleuchtung ; Gauss-Gar&dy, 140. Mackerel and sunshine ; Allen, 2. Account of a fight between a Sword- fish and a Whale ; Maclaren, 240. Dissolved oxygen as a factor in the distribution of fishes; Juday and Wagner, 207. Die sinnlichen Wahrnehmungen der Fisclie ; Leonhardt, 229. Beobachtungen fiber das Horver- mogen der Fische ; Maier, 243. Neue Beobachtungen fiber das Hor- vermogen der Fisclie ; Maier, 242. Food. La prdhension des aliments par les poissons ; Dtzewina, 86. Data on stomach contents of fish taken in Walnut lake ; Hankinson, 168. Die natfirliche Nahrung der jungen Wildfische in Binnenseen ; Zacharias, 422. Nahrungstiere verschiedenep Fische (Russ.); NikiSin, 264a, Den Fischen der Wolga zur Nahrung dienende Tiere (Russ.) ; Lawrow, 225. Observations et remarques sur la nourriture de la sardine ; C6p£de, 49. Parasites. Internal parasites and diseased con- ditions of fishes ; Johnstone, 200a. Die Fische des Vierwaldstattersees und ihre Parasiten ; Nufer, 271. Jahresbericht des Institutes ffii Fischkrankheiten an der Wiener Tier- arztlichen Hochschule ; Fiebiger, 116. Ucbcr das gloich/.eitige Vorkommen verschicdener Ausscnschmarotzcr auf einem und demselben Fisch. Nebst einer kurzen Mitteilung fiber einen bisher nicht beschriebenen Fischpara- siten ; Roth, 346. Sur la presence d’une larve de ligule (Ligula simplicissima) dans la cavit6 cranienne d’une tanche ( Tinea vul- garis) ; Neveu-Lemaire, 260. Entozoa of British marine fishes ; Nicoll, 264. tJber e. Rundwurm im Darm der Ellritze ; Roth, 347. Ueber Triaenophorus robustus Ols- son und Henneguya zschokkei Gurley als Parasiten von Coregonus albula aus dem See Sapsojarvi ; Luther, 238. Ueber Protozoen als Parasiten der Fische; Fiebiger, 115. Un amibe, Amoeba mucicola n. sp., parasite des branchies des Labres, associ6 & une Trichodine ; Chatton, 53. Parasitic flagellates of the blood of freshwater fishes ; Minchin, 253a. Ueber Coccidien in der Schwimm- blase von (?adw alarms caudofasciatus, natalis p. 405 ; melanosoma p. 406, spp. n. Christmas I., Regan Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 pi. lxvi figs. 3-6. — S. crenulatus sp. n. Malayischer Archipel, Weber Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 144. Haliophis malayanus sp. n. Aru, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 145. Petroscirtes fluduans sp. n. Malayi- scher Archipel, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 146. Triplerygium nikolskii pp. 59-60 sp. n. Schwarzes Meer, nasus Risso pp. 61-62 Beschreibung, Maksimov Charikov, Trav. Soo. nat., 42, — T. c illionyrni, fasciatum , gymnauchen spp. n. Malayischer Archipel, Weber Lei- den Notes Mus. Jentink 31 pp. 147- 149. Carapus sagamianus sp. n. Tanaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 7 p. 40. Zoarchias glaber p. 38, negledus p. 24 spp. n. Japan, Tanaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 7. GOBIESOOIDAE. A&pasma laticepJuila sp. n. Seven Islands of Izu, Japan, Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 27 p. 25. — A. misakia sp. n. Japan, Tanaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 7 p. 22. Nototiieniidae. ■fNotothenia sp. Tertiary, Antarctic, Woodward Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Sud- polar Exp. 3 Lief. 4 pp. 1-4. Dactylopteridae. Dadyloptena gilberti sp. n. southern Japan, Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1688 pp. 604-605. Triglidae. Les Triglid^s de la M6ditorran6c. Syst6matique stricte, Roule Arch, zool. 9 1908 pp. iv et R. xvii-xxiv. COTTIDAE. Cottus haitej Dyb., Berg St. Peter- burg Mem. Ac. sc. 24 9 Taf. iii. SCORPAENIDAE. Scorpaena durbanensis sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 236. 35 Pisces. Aoanthopterygii. 5431 Gobiidae. Eleotris pleurops sp. n. Lower Niger, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 42. Gobius pictus Malm en France, Danois Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 8G. Gobius ophthalnicus, triangularis, vil- losus , cavifrons, uronema, notonema, longimanus spp. n. Malay ischer Archi- pel, Weber Leider. Notes Mus. Jen- tink 31 pp. 150-154. — ft?, gatunensis sp. n. Otolith, Panama, Jungtcrtiar, Tould Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 p. G91. Gobius ( Oxyurichthys ) occidental is sp. n. Portuguese Guinea, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 431. Gobioides ansorgii sp. n. Portuguese Guinea, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 431. Expedio gen. n. near Luciogobius p. GOG, type parvulus sp. n. central Japan pp. 606-607, Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36, No. 1G88. Inn gen. n. near Luciogobius p. 607, type Jcoma central Japan pp. 607-608, ama central Japan pp. G08-609, spp. n. Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36, No. 1688. Ctenogobius Tcurodai, Icatonis spp. n. Japan, Tanaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 7 p. 27. Glossogobius abacopus sp. n. Formosa, Jordan and Richardson Pittsburgh Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 pp. 200-201 pi. lxxiv. Zonogobius boreus sp. n., central Japan, Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1G88 pp. 605-606. Gallogohius centrolepsis sp. n. Malayi- scher Archipel, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 157. Sicydium japonicum n. sp. Tosa and Wakayama Japan, Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 27 pp. 1-27 pi. Quisquilius profundus , macro- phlhahnnb, spp. n. Malayisohcr Archipel, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 pp. 155, 156. Pleuronectidae. Solea senegalensis Kaup. var. n. m'baoensis cote occidentale d’Afrique, Pellegrin Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 p. 83. — S. persimilis sp. n. Neu- Pommern, Gunther J. Mus. Godefroy H. 16 p. 346. Trulla itina sp. n. Okinawa, Snyder Washington Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 pp. 600-610. Zeidae. Parazenopsis gen. n. voisin de Zenop- sis p. 873, argenieus sp. n. p. 874, Ci-igny Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148. CoRYI’IIAENIDAE. Coryphaena equisetis and G. hip- purus compared, Nichols Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 pp. 131-133 fig. SCOMBRIDAE. Anatomy and classification of the Scombroid fishes, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 pp. 66-76. The Scombroid fishes, Starks Science New York 30 pp. 572-574. ■\Pelamys (?) palacoccena sp. n. Leriche Lille Ann. soc. geol. 37 p. 247 pi. v fig. 8. Carangidae. Caranx hullianus sp. n. Sydney, McCullock, Sydney Rec. Austr. Mus. 6 p. 310 fig. — G. guplae pp. 141-142 fig., auricoronac pp. 142-143 fig., Bay of Bengal, Chaudhuri Rec. Ind. Mus. 3 pt. ii. Scaridae. Gallyodon bowersi pp. 602-603, oedema Okinawa pp. 603 spp. n., Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No.- 1688. Pseudoscarus garretti, Kingsmill-In- seln, p. 306, roslratus, Gesellschafts- Inseln, p. 31 5,godeffroyi, Gesellschafts- Inseln, p. 326, brevifilis, Tahiti, p. 327, spp. n. Gunther J. Mus. Godefroy H. 16. — P. natalensis sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist Sc Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 250. ]’Scaroidcs gen. n. gatunensis sp. n. Panama Jungtcrtiar, Tould Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 p. 687. Labridae. Chaerops natalensis sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 25 30 Pisces. XV. Pisces— Acantiiopterygii. [1009] Chaeropsodes gen. n. pictus sp. n. •S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Capo Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 260. Hemipteronotus evides sp. n. Formosa, Jordan and Richardson Pittsburg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 190 pi. lxxii. Platyglossus vicinus sp. n. Kir.gsmill- Inseln, Gunther J. Mus. Godefroy H. 16 p. 267. Julis whitmii sp. n. Gesellschafts Inseln, Gunther J. Mus. Godefroy H. 16 p. 291. Pomacentridae. Abudefduf richardsoni pp. 600-601, rex pp. 601-602 Okinawa spp. n., Sny- der Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1688. Ciciilidae. Paratilapia bayoni, polyodon spp. n. Uganda, Boulenger Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 4 pp. 3-4 figs. Gichlasoma biocellatum sp. n., Rio Negro, Regan Ann. Mag. Nut. Hist. 3 p. 234. — O. pundalum p. 210, frontale pp. 210-21 1 spp. n. Costa Rica Meek Chioago Field Columbian Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 7. Tilapia perrieri sp. n. p. 158, stanleyi Boulenger var. n. uniformis p. 159, L’Afrique orientale Pellegrin Paris Bui. soo. zool. 34. Astatotilapia nigretcens sp. n. L’Afri- quo orientale Pellegrin Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 157. Pclmalochromis subocelhdus (Gthr.) Thumm Bl. Aquarienkunde 20 pp. 813- 816 829-832. H eterogramma pleurotoenia sp. n. La Plata, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 270. Chaetodontidae. Holacanthus albofasciatus n. sp. Japan Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 27 Art. 8 pp. 1-27, pi. — H. lunatus sp. n. British Guiana, Blosser Pittsburgh Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909 p. 299 pi. xii fig. 1. Mullidae. TJpeneus natalensis sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afrio. Mus. 6 p. 229. Parupeneus andreivsii sp. n. Christ- mas I., Regan Proo. Zool. Soo. 1909 p. 403 pi. lxv. Sl'AIUDAE. 8 'coloptis eriomma sp. n. Formosa, Jordan and Richardson Pittsburg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 188 pi. lxx. Dentex robinsoni sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 226. t Dentex (?) tardinensis sp. n. Leriche Lille Ann. soc. geol. 37 p. 254 pi. vi fig. 12-13. Gantharus microlepis, simus spp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 231. Chrysophrys pugicephalus sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 234. t Pagellus remensis sp. n. Leriche Lille Ann. soc. geol. 37 p. 249 pi. vi fig. 9-11. SOIAENIPAE. Pogoniaa multidenlatus, pharyngeal teeth compared with P. cromis , Micro- pogon undulatiis, Gynoscion nebuloaus , Smith Amer. J. Sci. 28 pp. 275-280 fig. 1-13. PseudotoUthus brunneolus sp. n. For- mosa, Jordan and Richardson Pitts- burg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 191 pi. ixxi. jf liquet galunensis sp. n. Otolith, Panama Jungtertiiir, Toula Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 p. 688. Serranidae. Epinephelus rosaceus Streets, du golfc de Californie, Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1908 pp. 343-352. — E. modesius sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 218. Bodianus stellatus sp. n. British Guiana, Blosser Pittsburg Ann. Car- negie Mus. 6 pp. 297-298 pi. x. Ghcilodipteruu subulatus sp. n., Ma- layi.vcher Archipel, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 164. A pogon brevicaudatus, argyrogastcr, tubulatus, bilacininlus, spp. n., Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 pp. 158- 161, 37 Pisces. AoANTHOrTERYGII — CATOSTEOMI. 5431 Siphnmia gen. n. near Apogon, tubifer sp. n. Timor, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 108. Rhabdamia gen. n. near Apogon, clupeiformis , cypgelurus. spp. n. Malayi- scher Archipel, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 pp. 165- 1G7. Apogonichthys nrtfae sp. n. Okinawa Snyder Washington Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1088 pp. 509-000. — A. melampodus sp. n. British Guiana, Blosser Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 pp. 296-297. Foa fstulosa, longimnna , spp. n. Malayischer Archipel, Weber Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 pp. 162-163. Cirrhites murrayi sp. n. Christmas I. Regan Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 p. 404 pi. lxvi fig. 6. ANACANTH1NI. Gadidae. Gadus luscus, ‘description of young stage, M’Intosh Ann Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 153. — G. callcirias var. n. navaga aus dem Barentsmeer, Pjetschmann Wien Ann. NatHist. Hof mus 22 pp. 293-307. Bregmaceros nllanticus subsp. n. ja- ponicus Japan, Tanaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 7 p. 27. Maoiiuridae; f Macrurus gatunen-sis sp. n. Otolith, Panama Jungtertiiir, Toula Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 p. 691. Cynomacrurus gen. n. near Malacca- ccphalus, pirici sp. n. Aulartic, Dot.lo Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 29 p. 316. Nematonurus lecointci rediscovered, Dollo Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 29 p. 488. PERCESOCES. OrillOCEPHAUDAE. Ophiocepkalus striatus, nests, eggs and larvae, Willey Spolia Zeylan. 6 pi. xxiii pp. 108-123,2 pis. SrilYUAENIDAE. iSphyraena africana sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 256. Atiierinidae. Menidia hatcheri sp. n. Patagonia, Eigenmann Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1896-1899 3 (Zoology) p. 281 pi. xxx vii fig. 4. SCOMBRESOCIDAE. Scombresocidae ihre Phylogenie und Ethologie, Schlesinger Wien Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 59 pp. 302-339. Exocoelus exiliens L. Gmel., dercrip- tion of the type specimen, Gunther Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 147. CATOSTEOMI. Syngnatiiidae. Pi sees, T1 1 : Svngnathidae, Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens, Duncker Jena 1909 pp. 233-250. Siphostoma yoshi sp. n. Tanegashima, Japan, Snyder Washington Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1688 pp. 597- 598. Ichthyocampus galei sp. n. Queens- land, Duncker t.c. p. 240. Ichthyocampus nox sp. n. Riu Kiu Is., Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 1688 p. 598. Urocampns giinlhcri sp. n. W. Austral, Duncker t.c. p. 242. Microphis occllatus sp. n. Okinawa and southern Japan, Snyder Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 36 No. 16S8 pp. 598- 599. So LEN OSTOM 1 DA E . Solcnostoma lacinialum sp. n. Ceylon, Willey- Spolia Zeylan. 6 pt. xxiii pp. 102-107. Solcnostomus lepiosoma sp. n. Japan, Tanaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 7 p. 27. Centriscidae. Macrorhamphosus schotcli sp. n„ West-Atlantik, Weber Holder Tijd- schr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. (Ser. 2) 11 p. 77. Gastrosteidae. Gastrosteus hologymnus Italy p. 436, santac.-annae California p. 437, spp. n., Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. 38 Pisces, XV. Pisces— Haplomi. [1909] HAPLOMI. Cyprinodontidae. Cyprinodon dearborni sp. n. Curaoao, Meek Chicago Field Columbian Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 7 p. 208. Rivulus breviceps p. 49, holmiae p. 60, waimacui p. 60, stagnatus pp. 50- 51, lanceolatus p. 51, fre.natus p. 61, spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909. Orestias agassuii, Evermann and Radoliffe Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 107-170. Acanthophacelus melanzonus pp. 51- 52, bifurcus pp. 52-53, spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909. Tomeurus gen. n. p. 53, gracilis sp. n. British Guiana, pp. 53-54, Eigenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909. Poecilia heteristia sp. n. Para, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p, 235. — P. caudata sp. n. Costa Rica, Meek Chicago Field Columbian Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 7 1909 pp. 209-210. Kneriidae. Kneria cameronensis sp. n. S. Ca- meroon, Boulengeii Cat. Freshwater Fishes Africa 1 p. 17 i. SOOPELIDAE. Lcslidium japonicum sp. n. Tanaka Annul. Zool. Jap. 7 p. 27. Esooidae. Esox reicherti Dvb., Berg St. Peter- burg Mem. Ac. sc. 24 Taf. iii. APODES. Anguillidae. Leptoccphalus edenurus sp. n. For- mosa, Jordan and Richardson Pitts- burg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 pp. 171— 172 pi. lxvi. — L. r os trains, holti , synopbranchi pinnati, hyoproroides, latus spp. n. Atlantic n. of Europe, Schmidt Kobenhavn Medd. Havunders. 3 Nr. 0 pp. 1-19. Anguilla Fortpflanzung und Wandc- rungfn (Norweg.) Dahl Bergen Na- turen 33 pp. 20-29. — A. roslrata (Le Sueur) proper name of American eel, Bean Science New York 29 pp. 871- 872. Mnrcenickthys godeffroyi sp. n. Queensland, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 439. Ophichthus evcrmanni sp. n. For- mosa, Jordan and Richardson Pitts- burg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 p*. 172 pi. Ixvii. Atopichthys phillipsi sp. n. New Jersey, Fowler Philadelphia Proc. Acad". Nat, Sci. 61 pp. 40G-407, 1 f. Muraenidae. Muraena monostigma sp. n. Tahiti Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 438. Gymnomurazna polyspila p. 43S ; fasciolata, supraforata p. 439 ; spp. n. Pacific, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. V Gymnothorax leucostigma sp. n. For- mosa, Jordan and Richardson Pitts- burg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 pp. 174- 175 pi. lxviii. SYMBRANCII II. Symbrunchus afer sp. n. Portuguese Guinea, Boulenuer Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 430. Oheilobranchus parvulus sp. n. Syd- ney, McCulloch Reo. Austr. Mus. 6 p. 310 fig. OSTA1MOPHYS1. Loricariidae. Lithogenes gen. n. near Plecoslomus p. 6, villosus spo n. British Guiana, pp. 0-7, Eigenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Corymbophancs gen. n. allied to • Rhinelepis , p. 5, andersoni sp. n. British Guiana, pp. 5-0, Eigenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Otocinclus arnoldi sp. n. La Plata, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 234. Loricaria microdon pp. 7-8, griseus pp. 8-9, stewarti pp. 9-10, submargi - Hiatus pp. 10—11, spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. 39 Pisces. OsTARiopnysi. 5431 SlLURIDAR. Glorias jaensis sp. n. South Cameroon, Bou lender Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 188. Rhamdia nasuta sp. n. Costa Rica, Meek Chicago, Field Columbian Mus. Rub. Zool. Ser. 7 p. 207. Amphilius nigricaudalus sp. n. L’Ogdoue Pellegrin Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 07. — A. nigricaudalus sp. n. p. 47, var. n. muUipunctata p. 48 fig. 2 p. 50 Ngomo (Ogdou6) Pel- legrin Paris Bui. soc. philom. 1. Gephyroglanis tilpoi sp. n. Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 243. Auclicnoglanis macrostoma sp. n. L'Ogooue, Pellegrin Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 07. — A . macrostoma sp. n. Ngomo (Ogooue) Pellegrin Paris Bill. soc. philom. 1 p. 48 fig. 1, p. 50. Pygidium guianensis sp. n. British Guiana, Eioenmann Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909 pp. 11-12. Hatcheria gen. n., p. 248, patagonien- 818 sp. n. Patagonia, pp. 250-251. pi. xxxiii fig. 2 ; pi. xxxiv fig. 1 and la, Eigenmann Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1890-1899 3 (Zoology). Vandellia wieneri sp. n. Pellegrin Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 p. 1010. Cyprinidae. A synopsis of the Cyprinidae of Pennsylvania, Fowler Philadelphia Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 pp. 517-553 pi. xxvii. Labeo weeksii sp. n. Upper Congo, Boulenger Cat. Freshwater Fishes Africa 1 p. 310. Capocta ( Plerocapoeta ) ruwenzorii sp. n. L’Afrique orientale, Pellegrin Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 166. Barbus alluaudi sp. n. L’Afrique orientale, Pellegrin Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 157. — B. deserti sp. n. Sahara, Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1909 pp. 239 and 412. Schizothorax tibetanus, ladaensis, man - tanus, spp.n. Asia,ZuGMAYER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 433. Campostoma brevis sp. n. Indiana, Haseman Indianapolis Proc. Acad. Soi. 1905 pp. 161-163. Macrhybopsis subgen. n. of Hybopsis for H. gelidus , Cockerell and Allison Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 162. Notropis spp., scale characters, Cockerell and Callaway Washing-' ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 189-190, text fig. — N. lcendalli Maine p. 180, universitatis Colorado p. 187, spp. n., Evermann and Cockerell Washing- ton Proo. Biol. Soo. 22. — N. Jceimi sp. n. Pennsylvania, Fowler Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 pp. 533-535 pi. xxvii. Coccogenia subgen. n. of Notropis for N. coccogenis (Cope) Tennesseo Cockerell and Callaway Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 190-191. Acheilognathus shimazui sp. n. Japan, Tanaka Anuofc. Zool. Jap. 7, pp. 1-15. V '/ Rhodeus tanago, miobuta spp. n. Japan, Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 27 Art. 8 pp. 1- 27 with pi. Barilius lujae sp. n. Congo, Boulen- ger Cat. Mus. Luxembourg 1909 p. 9. Gymnostomus barbatulus sp. n. For- mose, Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 203. Candidia gen. n. for Opsariichthys barbatus Regan, Jordan and Richard- son Pittsburg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 169. Aspiorhynchus sartus sp. n. Asia, Zugmayer Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 432. Richardsonius thermophilus sp. n. Oregon : scale figured, Evermann and Cockerell Washington Proo. Biol. Soo. 22 pp. 185-186, fig. 1. Margariscus subgen. n. of Richard- sonius type margarita, Cockerell Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 217. Temeculina subgen. n. of Richard- sonius, type orcutti, Cockerell Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 216. Cobitidae, scales, Cockerell Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 205-207. ^ Diplophysa labiata subsp. n. herzen- steini russ. Turkestan, Berg St. Pet6r- burg Ann. mus. zool. 14 pp. 10-11. 40 Pisces, i XV. Pisces — Ostariopiiysi. [1909] ClIARAOINIDAE. Micralestes urotaenia sp. n. S. Ca- meroon, Boulenger Cat. Freshwater Fishes Africa 1 p. 228. Petersius pulcker p. 237, spilopterus p. 239, spp. n. Africa, Boulenger Cat. Freshwater Fishes Africa 1. Brycon bicolor sp. n. Amerique, Pellegrin Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 12. Holobrycon gen. n. type Brycon pesu Muller & Troschel, Eigenmann Pitts- burg Ann. Carriegie Mus. 6 p. 33. Triurobrycon gen. n. type Brycon lundii Liitken, Eigenmann Ann. Car- negie Mus. 6 p. 33. Bryconamericus heteresthes p. 105, stramineus p. 105, boops p. 105, brevi- ceps pp. 105-106, Brazil ; peruanus ricae Costa Rica p. 106, spp. n.; Eigen- mann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52. — B. hyphesson sp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 pp. 32-33. Poecilocharax gen. n., bovalii sp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Car- ncgio Mus. 6 pp. 34-35. Poecilobrycon gen. n. p. 43, type P. harrisoni p. 43, auratus pp. 43-44, erythrurus pp. 44-45, ocellatus pp. 45-46, spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Creagrutus melanzonus sp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 pp. 30-32. Carnegiella geD. n. type Gastero- pelecns strigatus Gunther, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 p. 13. Pterodiscus gen. n. near pelecus p. 12, P. levis sp. n. Para, p. 12, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Moan khans i % latissim us pp. 101-102, jamesi p. 102, comma p. 102, justac p. 102, mclogr ammus pp. 102 103, australe p. 103, barbouri p. 103, dich- rourus subsp. n. intermedins spp. n., p. 103, lepidurus subsp. n. laius p. 103, lepidurus subsp. n. iqae pp. 103-104, lepidurus subsp. n. gricilimus p. 104 ; cotinho p. 104, ceros pp. 104-105, spp. n„ Brazil, Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. — M. browni pp. 13-15, shideleri pp. 15-16, spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Gymnocorymbus gea. n. resembling Moenkhausia p. 93, type G. thayeri sp. n. Brazil pp. 93-94, Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. Creatochanes gracilis sp. n. Brazil. Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52 p. 106. Brycochandus gen. n. near Creato- chanes, type B. durbini sp. n. Brazil. Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52 p. 106. Plienacogaster megalostictus pp. 28- 30, microstictus p. 30, spp. n. British Guiana; Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Phygocentrus bilineatus sp. n. British Guiana ; Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 pp. 47-4S. Pristella aubynei sp. n. British Guiana ; Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 pp. 24-25. Telragonoplerus gobbicervix sp. n. Bresil, Pelleorin Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 152. Poptella gen. n. nearest Fowlerina, type Tetragonopterus longipennis , Eigenmann, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. Ctenobrycon gen. n. resembling As- tyanax type Tetragonopterus haux- tvellianus Cope, Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52 p. 94. Astyanax regani sp. n. Costa Rica, Meek Field Columbian Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 7 pp. 207-208. — A. guianensis pp. 16-17, essequibensis pp. 17-18, mutntor pp. 18-19, mucronatus pp. 19- 20, abranioides pp. 21-22, potaroensis pp. 22-24, spp. n. British Guiana; Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. — A. asymmetricus p. 94, symmctricus p. 95, zonatus p. 95, anterior p. 95, bourgeti pp. 95-96, spp. n. ; bimacu- latus var. n. borealis p. 96 ; janeiroensis p. 96, goyacensis p. 96, brevirhinus pp. 96-97, git on p. 97, spp. n. ; albeolus nom. n. for 4- oerstedii Meek not Kroyer, p. 97 ; fasciatux subsp. n. parahybae pp. 97-98, scabripinnis subsp. n. intermedins, p. 98 ; multidens p. 98, gracilior p. 98, spp. n., Brazil ; Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. 41 Pisces . OsTARIOrilYSI, MALACOrTERYG 1 1 . 5431 Cynopotamus bipunciatus Ameri- quc, Pellegrin Bui. museum Paris 1909 p. 13. Dcuterodon pinnatus sp. n. British Guiana, pp. 25-27, potaroensis pp. 27-28, spp. n. British Guiana ; Eigen- mann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. — D. pedri pp. 98-99, parahybae p. 99, spp. n. Brazil ; Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. II amigr animus cocruleus pp. 99-100, levis p. 100. spp. n. Brazil; Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. — II. erythrozonus pp. 55-58, rodwayi 58-00, iota pp. 60-01, orthus pp. 61-62, cylindricus pp. 62-64, analis pp. 64-65, spp. n., British Guiana; Durbin Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Ilyphessobrycon subgen. n. ( Hemi - grammas) type II. compressus (Meek), p. 100 ; II. compressus subsp. n. mil- ler i Guatemala p. 100 ; serpae p. 100, copelandi p. 101, bcnlosi p. 101, Brazil ; panamensis p. 101, Panama ; mela- zonalus p. 101, Brazil, spp. n. ; Eigen- mann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. Ilyphessobrycon minor pp. 65-66, rosaccus pp. 67-68, minimus pp. 68-69, cos pp. 69-71, strictus pp. 71-72, spp. n. British Guiana; Durbin Pitts- burg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909. Dermalocheir gen. n. near Ilyphesso- brycon, p. 55, D. catablepta sp. n. British Guiana, pp. 55-56 ; Durbin Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Thayeria gen. n. near Hcmigrammus p. 94, typo T. obliquus sp. n. Brasil p. 94, Eigenmann Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 52. Pristella gen. n. near Hcmigrammus, type Holopristes riddlei Meek, Eigen- mann t.c. p. 99. Psellograrnmus gen. n. allied to Ilemigrammus type II. kennedyi Eigen- mann, Eigenmann t.c. p. 96. Chirodon arnoldi sp. n. Mexico, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 497. Chcirodon gorgonae sp. n. Canal zone, Evermann and Goldsborough Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22, pp. 99-101 text figs. 1-3. (n-11091 b) Champsoborus gen. n. allied to* Mcsoborus Pellcgrin, pellegrini sp. n.. South Cameroon, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 187. Anostomo'ides gen. n. voisin de- Anostomus atrianalis sp. n. Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 346. Characidium brevizostre sp. n. Pelle- gein Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 345.. — C. laterals p. 36. vinloni pp. 36-37,. blennioidcs pp. 37-38, zebra pp. 38-39,. pellucidnm pp. 39-40, pteroidcs p. 40,. pp. 40-41, spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie- Mus. 6. Jobcrtina subgen. n. (in gen. Chara- cidium) p. 152, Characidium ( Jobcrtina )' interruptum sp. n. p. 151 Bresil,. Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1909. Ilemiodus quadrimaculalus, argent eus^ spp. n. Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 344. Nannostoimis marginalus pp. 41-42,. minimus p. 42, simplex pp. 42-43,. spp. n. British Guiana, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6. Archicheir gen. n. near Nannoslomus p. 46, A. minutus sp. n. British Guiana,, pp. 46-47 ; Eigenmann t.c. Prochilodus Jcneri nom. n. ( = Prochilo - dus insignia ) Pellegrin Bui. Museum* Paris 1909 pp. 153-156. Curimatns ( Curimaldla ) alburnus Mull et Trosch var. n. caudimaculata Brasil, Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 19091 p. 150. — C. aureus sp. n. Pellegrin. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 343. MALACOPTERYGII. . Malacoptervgii, Sclrwimmblase (HoD landisch), Beaufort Leiden 1908 p- 132 1 Taf. Alepocephai.idae. Aleposomus watasii sp. n. Sagami Sea, Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. »Sci. 27 pp. 1-27 pi. Salmonidae. Salmo eremogenes sp. n., Washington,. Evermann and Nichols Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 93-94 pi. + iL e 6. 42 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1909] Salvelimis, revision of British species, y racillimus p. 115, inframunflus p. 116, maxillaris p. 117, mallocM p. 118, Jonsdnlei p. 119, spp. n. Great Britain, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8. — S. . 679-680, spp. n., off Charleston, S. C., in deep water, Bean and Weed Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation Mus. Proc. 36. Myliobates nieuhojii (Bloch and Schnieder) var. n. cornifera Annan- dale Mem. Ind. Mus. 2 No. 1 f>p. 51- 53 pi. ii fig. 4. 44 Pisces. XV. Pisces — Cyclostomi. CYCLOSTOMI. Ammocoetes , Gehirn, Tretjakoff Arch. mikr. Anat. 74 (pp. 636-779 9 Taf. Das Nervensystem von Ammocoetes. 1. Das Ruekenmark, Tretjakoff Arch. mikr. Anat. 73 pp. 607-680 3 Taf. Ammocoetes, Nervus mesencephalicus, Tretjakoff Anat. Anz. 34 pp. 151-* 157. [1909] Petromyzon, Akromerit unci echte Ursegmente, Hatsciiek Morph. Jahrb. 40 pp. 480-499 2 Taf. Petromyzon fluviatilis, Embryolierz,. Tscjhermak Wien Sitzber. Ak. Wiss. 118 pp. 17-115. Myxine, skeleton, Cole Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 46 p. 669. Bdellostoma dombeyi acustico-lateral system, Ayers and Worthington Amer. J. Anat. 8 1908 pp. 1-16 8 pis. XVI. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA ARRANGED DY 0. L. BOULENGER CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . . . ■ • 2 II. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and Miscellaneous=5603. . . . . . 18 Anatomy=5607 .. .. .. .. .. ..19 Physiology =5611 .. .. .. .. .. ..21 Development =56 15 .. .. .. .. ..21 Ethology =56 19 23 Variation, Teratology, Heredity, Evolution =5623 .. 24 Faunae=5627 .. .. .. .. .. ..24 Actual . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 24 Fossil . . . . . . 26 III. Systematic =5 631 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reptilia . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Lacertilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fythonomorpha . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ophidia . . . . . . * 29 Ichthyosauria . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Plesiosauria . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Crocodilia .... . . . . . . . . 32 Dinosauria . . . . . . . . 32 Chelonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Theromorpha . . . . . . . . . . 32 Rhyncocephalia . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Incertae sedis . . . . k. . . . . . . . 33 Batrachia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ecaudata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^33 Caudata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Apoda .. .. .. .. .. ..34 Stegocephala . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 (n-11091 d) e 7 2 Bept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] I.— TITLES. Abel, 0. Neuere Anschauungen iiber den Bau und die Lebensweise der Dinosaurier. Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 ((1 17)— (123)). 1 Ahrend, W. Ein Pall von Behar- rung im Larvenstadium bei der Knob- lauchskrote. Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 1909 Ber. bot.-zool. Ver. (43-44). 2 Aim6, Paul. Figures de division dans les nucl6oles des grandes cellules de l’organe de Bidder chez Bufo calamita. 4C. R. Ass. anat. Paris 10 (Marseille 1908) Paris 1908 (134-138). 3 Aim6, P. et Champy, Christian. Note sur l’ablation de 1’organe de Bidder du Crapaud. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (181-182). 4 Alexeieff, A. Les Flagell6s parasites de l’intestin des Batraciens indigenes. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (199-201). 5 Allard, H. A. Notes on some salamanders and lizards of north Georgia. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (122-124). 6 Allard, H. A. Notes on two common turtles of eastern United States. [Glemmys guttatus and G. insculptus.'] Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (453- 454). 7 Anderson, R. J. The epiphyses of long bones (chiefly in Sauropsids). R,ev. Brit. Ass. London 1908 1909 (745- 746). 8 Andersson, Lars Gabriel. Ueber einige Hylainbates -Formen Kameruns. Wiesbaden Jafyrb, Ve^. 62 1909 (103-110), 9 Andrews, C. W. On some new Steneosaurs from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (299-308 384) pis. 10 Andrews, C. W. On some new Plesiosauria from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (418-429). 10a Arldt, Th. Die Stegocephalen und ihre Stellung unter den Wirbeltieren. Natw. Rdsch. Braunschweig 24 1909 (353-355). 11 Athanasiu, J. et Dragoin, J. Sur la migration de la graisse dans le corps de la Grenouille pendant les quatre saisons. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (135-137). 12 Auer, Erwin. Ueber einige Kroko- dile der Juraformatjon. Palaeonto- graphica Stuttgart 65 1909 (217-294) 5 Taf. 13 Babdk, Edward. Ueber die Onto- genie des Atemzentrums der Anuren und seine automatische Tatigkeit. Unter Mitwirkung von R. Vinar. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 127 1909 (481-506). 14 Babdk, E. PfispSvky ku vseobecno fysiologii nervov6 ziskan6 pfi vyz- kumu chromatick6 cinnosti kozni u obojzivelniku. [Beitraege zur all- gemeinen Physiologic der Nerven- thatigkeit, erworben bei der Priifung der chromatischen Hautfunktion der Amphibien.] 6as. Lekaf. 6esk. Prag 1909(1388-1390). 15 Babdk, E. und Kiihnovd, M. tlber den Atemrhythmus und die Onto- genie der Atembewegungen bei den Urodelen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn *30 1909 (444-476), 16 3 RepL Titles. 5600 Biichler, Emil. Giftschlangen in der Schweiz. St. Gallen Jahrb. Natw. Ges. 1906 1907 (35-40). 17 Barbier, Henri. Sur la faune erpeto- logique de Pacy-sur-Eure. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (236;. 18 Barbier, H. A propos de Bombina- tor pachypus var. br wipes Ch. Bonap. ct Blasius. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (162). 19 Barbour, Thomas. Corrections re- garding the names of two recently described Amphibia Salientia. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (89). 20 Barbour, T. On the true status of the genus Cacopoides. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.. 61 1909 (401— 405) pis. xvii-xviii. 21 Barbour, T. Some new South American cold-blooded vertebrates. Cambridge Mass. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 1909 (47-52) pis. iv-v. 2la Barbour, T. Notes on Amphibia and Eeptilia from eastern Asia. Cam- bridge Mass. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 1909 (53-78) pis. vi-vii. 22 Bassetta, A. et Branca, A. Recher- ches sur la k&ratinisation. — Sur la structure ot le d6veloppcmcnt des formations corn^es vestibulaires chez Alytes obstetricans Wagler. J. anat. physiol. Paris 44 1908 (249-2'70) 2 pis. 23 Bataillon, E. Le role de l’eau exterieure dans la fecondation et les premiers stades du developpement chez Rana fusca. Paris C. K. Acad, sci. 148 1909 (1418-1421). 24 Bataillon, E. Contribution ft l’ana- lyse exp^rimentale des processus do fecondation chez les Amphibiens. Paris C. R, Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1551-1553). 25 Bataillon, E. L’impr^gnation hete- rogene sans Amphimixie nucleaire chez les Amphibiens et les Echino- dermes (& propos du recent travail de H. Kupelwieser). Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 28 1909 (43-48). 26 Baumeister, Ludwig. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologie der Rhino- phiden. Integument, Driisen der Mundhohlo, Augen und Skeletsystem, (n-11091 d ) Basel Phil. Diss. 1907-08 (IV + 104) 4 Taf. 8vo. 26a Baygei, I. A. Gady i plazy Galicyi z uwzglgdnieniem ich geografieznego rozmieszczenia. [Die Reptilien und Amphibien Galiziens mit Berucksichti- gung ihrer geographischen Verbreitung.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (263-285). 27 Bayger, I. A. Lacerta agilis L. var. Dzieduszycki m (z jedng rycing w tek^cie.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (286- 289). 28 Beddard, F. E. Some notes on the muscular and visceral anatomy of the batrachian genus Hemisus, with notes on the lymph-hearts of this and other genera. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 1909 (894-934). 29 [Bedriaga, I. V.] Eeflpara, H. B. BeMiioBOflHLiH h iipecMLiKaioiniacff. [Amphibia und Reptilia.] In : Wissen- schaftlicho Resultate der von N. M. Przewalski nach Centralasien unter- nommenen Reisen. Herausgegeben von der Kais. Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Zoologischer Theil, Bd III, Abth. 1. Lief. 3 [Lacertilia]. St. Petersburg 1909 (279-502^ mit Taf. v-vii (Russ. u. Deutsch.) 33 cm. 39 [Berg, L.] Eepn,, H. 0 HaxoJK- flpniii Pelobates juscus Laur. bt> Tio- MeilCKOMT> y. [Le Pelobates juscus Laur., trouv6 dans le district de Tioumen, gouv. de Tobolsk.] St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (iii-iv). 31 [Berg, L.] Coronella austriaca Laur. H3'B 3an. OndiipH. [Sur la Coronella austriaca Laur., trouv6e dans le district de Kourgan, gouv. do Tobolsk.] St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (iv). 32 [Bianchi, V.] EiaHKii, B. Reptilia ii Amphibia C.-IIeTepfiyprCKOii ry6ep- HiH. [Aper§u sur les Reptiles et les Amphibiens du gouv. de St. P6ters- bourg.] St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (131-135). 33 Billard, G. Immunite naturelle du Lerot commun ( Eliomys nitela' Wagner) contre le venin de la Vipere. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1907 (90-91). 34 Blanc, Marius. Sur les reptiles de Provence. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (192). 35 e 7—2 [1909] XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. 4 Rept. Boettger, O. Die Aeskulapschlange ( Coluber longissimus Laur.) im Boh- merwald und die Zornnatter ( Zamenis gemonensis Laur.) im Bohmerwald, in don Kleinen Karpathen, Siid-Steicr- mark und Karnten. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (341-342). 36 [Bogoliubov, N. N.] EorojnodoB'L, H. H. 06t> ocTaTKaxi* ,nByxT> upecMLntaio- lHHXCH (Cryptodidus simbirskensis n. sp. h Ichthyosaurus stdeodon n. sp.), HaflfleHtiBix'L npo(f)ec. A. II. naBJioBtiMT, Ha BojhIj, B'B OiiMdupcKHX'i. Me3030il- HHXTb OTJio;KeHmxrb [Sur quelques restes de deux reptiles ( Cryptoclidus simbirskensis n. sp. et Ichthyosaurus steleodon n. sp.), trouv^s par Mr. lo Profes. A. P. Pavlow sur les bords de la Volga, dans les couches mesozoiques de Simbirsk.] Ann. geol. miner. Nova -Alexandria 11 1-3 1909 (42-61 + res. fran9- 61-64) av. pi. ii. 37 [Bogoliubov, N. N.] EorojnodoBrb, H. H. 0 nopTJiaiiflCKHX't HXTio3aBpaxrb. [Ueber die Portland- Ichthyosaurier.] Moskva Dnovn. XII. SjSzda russ. jest. vra6. 1909-1910 g. [Prot.] 1909 (143-144). 38 Bolkay, Istvdn. A magyarorszagi bekak larvai. [Die Larven der in Ungarn einheimischen Batrachier.] Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. Budapest 7 1909 (71-117) Taf. i-ii. 39 Bolkay, Istvan. A b6kalarvdk vis- szaszerzo erejdrfil. [t)ber die Re- gencrationskraft dcr Froschlarven.] Termt. Kozl. Budapest 41 1909 (616- 617). 40 Bolkay, Istvan. A khinai beka ( Rana chinensis) systematikai ert6ke. [Der systematische Wert von Rana chinensis .] Allatt. Kozlem. Budapest 8 1909 (53-68) Taf. viii. 41 Bouet, G. Sur deux liemocytozoaires pigment6s des reptiles. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (43-45). 42 Bouet, G. Sur quelques trypano- somes des Vert6br6s a sang froid de l’Afrique occidentale fran9aise. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (609-611). 43 Boulenger, G. A. A list of the freshwater fishes, batrachians and reptiles obtained by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner’s expedition to the Indian Ocean. London Trans. Linn. Sqo. 12 J909 (291-300) pi. xl. 44 Boulenger, G. A. Zoological Results of the Ruwenzori Expedition, 1905- 1906, Pt. iii, Pisces, Batrachia, and Reptilia. London Trans. Zool. Soc. 19 1909 (237-252) pis. viii & ix. 44a Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new species of Lacerta from Persia. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 1909 (934-936) pi. lxvii. 45 Boulenger, G. F. Description of a new Lizard of the genus Acantho- dactylus from Syria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (188-189). 46 Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of four new frogs and a new snake discovered by Mr. H. Sauter in For- mosa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (492-495). 46a Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of three new frogs discovered by Dr. P. Krefft in Usambara, German East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1909 (496-497). 46b Boulenger, G. A. On a second col- lection of reptiles, batrachians and fishes made by Dr. E. Bayon in Uganda. Genova Ann. Mus. Civ. Ser. 3a 4 1909 (302-307). 46c Boulenger, G. A. List of reptiles collected by Capt. G. Ferrari at Jumbo, Lower Juba. Genova Ann. Mus. Oiv. Ser. 3a 4 (303-309). 46d Boulenger, G. A. List of reptiles and batracians collected by Capt. U. Fer- randi at Bardera. Genova Ann. Mus. Civ. Ser. 3a 4 1909 (310-311). 46e Branca, A. vide Bassetta, A. Braus, H. Gliedmassenpfropfung und Grundfragen der Skeletbildung. I. Die Skeletanlage vor Auftreten des Vorknorpels und ihre Beziehung zu den spateren Differenzierungen. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (155-301) 3 Taf. 47 Brodrick, Harold. Note on casts of Dinosaurian footprints in the Lower Oolite at Whitby. Rep. Brit. Ass. London 1908 1909 (707-708). 48 Broili, F. Systematische und biologisclie Bemorkungen zu dcr per- mischen Gattung Lysorophus. Anat. An?, Jena 33 1908 (290-298). 49 5 Rept. Titles. 5600 Broili, F. Ncuo Ichthyosauriorrcsto aus tier Krcido Norddcutschlands und das Hypophyscnloch bci Ichthyo- sauricrn. Palaeontographica Stuttgart 55 1909 (295-305) 1 Taf. 50 Broili, F. Ein Dicynodontierrest aus der Karooforraation. N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart 1908 I (1-15) 1 Taf. 51 Broom, R. Exhibition of the skulls of two S. African fossil reptiles — Lycosuchus vanderrieti and Bauria cynops. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909(079). 52 Broom, R. On the skull of Tapino- cephalus. Geol. Mag. London 6 1909 (400-402). 53 Bryan, B. Notes on the habits of the Blind-worm and Common Lizard. Trans. N. Staffs. F. C. 42 1908 (74-81). 54 Bukowska, Jadwiga. Ein Bcitrag zur goschlechtlichen Differenzierung bei Urodelcn. ( Amblystoma mexi- canum.) Diss. Berlin (Druck v. E. Ebering) 1909 (31) 1 Taf. 23 cm. 55 Burne, R. H. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, certain elastic mecha- nisms in fishes and reptiles. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (201-204). 56 Calmette, A. Les Serpents veni- meux et leurs venins. Rev. sci. Paris s6r. 5 11 1909 (705-712). 67 Calmette, A. L’h^molysine des venins des serpents. Bui. Inst. Pas- teur Paris 5 1907 (193-200). 58 Carini, A. Sur une hemogregarine du Leptodactylus pentadactylus. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 2 1909 (460-469 471). 59 Carini, A. Sur une h6mogregarine du Caiman latirostris Daud. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 2 1909 (471-472). 60 Carruccio, Antonio. Esemplari di Vipera ammodytes del Montenegro donati al Museo zoologico di Roma da S. M. la Regina Elena. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (278-286). 61 Case, E. C. The dorsal spines of Chameleo cristatus, Stuch. Science New York N.Y. N. Ser. 29 1909 (979). 62 Catouillard, G. Sur un trypanosome du gecko commun de Tunisie. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (804-805). 63 Catouillard. Sur uno h6mogr6garino d’ Acanthodaclylus boskianus. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis 4 1909 (145-146). 64 Cecconi, Giacomo. Intorno al nutrimento dell’ Agama slellio L. To- rino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 1909 N. 598 (1-2). 65 Champy, Christian. Mitochondries et corps chromatoldes des sperma- togonies des anoures. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (215-217). 66 Champy, C. La r6duction chroma- tique chez les Batraciens anoures. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (303-305). 67 Champy, C. Sur la d6g6nerescence des spermatogonies chez la Grenouille verte ( Rana esculenta). C. R. ass. anat. Paris 10 (Marseille 1908) Nancy 1908 (139-143). 68 Champy, C. vide Aimd, Paul. Chubb, E. C. The batrachians and reptiles of Matabeleland. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (590-597). 69 Conor, A. Sur une hemogregarine rencontr^e chez Acanthodactylus par - dalis. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis 4 1909 (143-144). 70 Cords, Elisabeth. Die Entwickelung der Paukenhohle von Lacerta agilis. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom schall- leitenden Apparat der Wirbeltiere. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. I 38 1909 (223-310) 2 [1] Taf. 71 Corti, A. Contributo alia cono- scenza degli elementi granulosi delle ghiandole cutanee di Triton cristatus. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (68-70). 72 Cox, L. H. Exhibition of a living specimen of the Amblystome. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (599). 73 Dahms, Paul. Ueber das Vorkom- men der Sumpfschildkrote in West- preussen. Wanderer Ostpr. Elbing 6 1909 (70-72). 73a Dahms, P. Weitere Mitteilungen fiber das Vorkommen der Sumpfschild- krote, Emys europaea Schweigg., in Westpreussen. Danzig Ber. bot.- zool. Ver. 31 1909 (143-162). 74 6 Rtpt. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] Dehant, G. Note sur V EuprtSctus montanus, Urodele apneuraone carac- tdristique de la faune corse. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (413-414). 75 Dehant, G. vide Phisalix, Mine. Dendy, A. The intracranial vascular system of Sphenodon. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 200 B 1909 (403-420) pi. xxxi. 76 Dendy, A. The intracranial vasular system of Sphenodon. (Abstract.) London Proc. R. Soc. 81 1909 (290- 291). 76a Deniker, J. et Laffitte, J. P. Autour du Diplodocus. Nature Paris 37 2® sem. 1909 (221-223). 77 [Dinnik, N. Ja.] #hhhhk,l, H. H. HLcKOJibKO cjioBri> no noBO#y HaxoiK- aeiim Ha KaBKa3'fc itpacnodpioxoil iitep- jhhkh H neCHOHHHn.M. [Bemerkungen tiber den Fund von Bomhinator igneus und Pelobates fuscus im Kau- kasus.] Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 1909 (259-261 -f deutsch. Rds. 262). 78 Divine, Julia. Ueber die Atmung der Herzen von Kroten und Froschen. Bern Med. Diss. 1905-06 (46). 8vo. 79 Dragoin, J. vide Athanasin, J. Dustin, A. P. Contribution a l’dtude du thymus des reptiles. Cellules dpithdlioides, cellules myoides et corps de Hanel. Arch. zool. Paris sdr. 5 2 1909 (23-427). 80 Eiife, 0. Edm. Seltene Laub- froscho in der Gefangenschaft. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 60 1909 (208- 212) 1 Taf. 81 Fahr, Aenny. Meine Chamaeleone. Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (801-803 817-818). 82 Fischer-Siegwart, H. Les colonies de crapauds au printemps. Arch. Sci. Phys. Gendve (4) 22 1906 (373-374) ; Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Aarau 89 1906-07 (74-75 77-78). 83 Fitz-Simons, F. W. On the toxic action of the bite of the Boomslang or South African Tree-Snake ( Dispho - lidus typus). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1909 (271-278). 84 Fleissig, Julius. Zur Anatomie der Nasenhohle von Cryptobranchus japonicua. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (48-54). 85 Fletcher, T. Bainbrigge. Notes on snakes from Diyatalawa, Ceylon. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 5 pt. 18 1908 (98- 101). 86 Floericke, Kurt. Kriechtiero und Lurche Deutschlands. 4. Aufi. [Po- pular.] Stuttgart (Franckh) [1909] (112). 21cm. 87 Fowler, Henry W. The amphibians and reptiles of New Jersey. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum Trenton 1906 1907 (23-250) pi. 88 Fowler, H. W. A supplementary account of New Jersey amphibians and reptiles. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum Trenton 1907 1908 (190-202) pi. 89 Fraas, E. Rana hauffiana n. sp. aus den Dysodilschiefern des Randek- ker Maares. Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 1909 (1-7). 90 Franga, Carlos. Sur une hdmo- gregarine do Lacerta ocellata en Tunisie. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis 4 (139-142). 91 Franca, C. Sur un hdmatozoaire nouveau de Psammodromus algirus. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 1 1908 (595- 596). 92 Frangois-Franck, Ch. A. Etudes de mdcanique respiratoire compared. Les mouvements et pressions respira- toires des Batraciens. I : Etat gdndral de la question. Donndes de technique graphique et chronophotographiquo. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (663- 666). 93 Frangois-Franck, Ch. E. Etudes critiques et expdrimentales sur la mdcanique respiratoire comparde des Reptiles. II, Lacertiliens fissilingues (Lezard ocelle). Arch. zool. Paris sdr. 4 10 1909 (547-615). 94 Fraser, T. R. and Gunn, J. A. The action of the venom of Sepedon hcemachates of South Africa. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London 200 B 1909 (241-269). 95 Fraser, T. R. and Gunn, J. A. The action of the venom of Sepedon hcema- chutes of South Africa. London Proc. R. Soc. B 81 1909 (80-81). 96 7 Rept. Titles. 5600 Fuchs, Hugo. Ueber die morpho- logische Bedoutung der Sacralrippen. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (349-360 6261. 97 Fuhrmann, 0. Quelques cas d’herm- aphroditisme chez Bufo vulgaris. (C. R. Soc. helv. Sci. nat.) Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 28 1909 (499-500). 98 Furlotti, A. Ricerche sullo gliian- dolo cutanco del Tritono crcstato. Monitorc zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (70-74). 99 Gay, G. Sulla coda mostruosa delle lacertole. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (84). 100 Geyer, Hans. Die Umwandlung des Axolotl in die landbewohnendo Form. Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 ^370-373 413-415). 101 Y Gilmore, Charles W. A new rhyn- chocephalian reptile from the Jurassic of Wyoming, with notes on the fauna of “ Quarry 9.” Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 37 No. 1698 1909 (35-42) pi. xi. r / * 102 V 1 Gilmore, Charles W. Osteology of ( the Jurassic reptile Camptosaurus, with a revision of the species of the genus, and descriptions of two new species. Washington D.C. Smith- sonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1666 1909 (197-332) fig. 1-48 pi. vi-xx. 103 Godon, J. Contributions a la faune des Vert6br6s de la region du Nord. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (83-84 142). 104 Goggio, Empedocle. Studi speri- mentali sopra larve di Anfibi anuri (Sviluppo indipendente di due por- zioni separate per mezzo di un taglio). Parte 3*. Pisa Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Memorie 25 1909 (21-58). 106 Gough, L. H. The South African species of Agama. Lacertilia. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 1 pt. i 1909 (183-194) pis. xvii-xxiv. 107 Graper, Ludwig. Ueber eine drei- schwanzige Eidechse mit sieben Schwanzskeleten. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 27 1909 (640-659) 1 Taf. 108 Green, E. E. Note on the death of a cooly from snake-bite. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 5 pt. 18 1908 (103). 109 Green, E. E. The bite of the “ Brah- miny Lizard ” Spolia Zeylan. Co- lombo 5 pt. 18 1908 (104). 110 Green, E. E. Another fatality from snake-bite. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 pt. 18 1908 (104). Ill Green, E. E. Arboreal habit of the “ Kabaragoya ” ( Varanus salvator , Laur.). Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 pt. xxiii 1909 (131). 112 Green, E. E. Action of cobra venom on its own body. Spolia Zeylan Colombo 6 pt. xxiii 1909 (134). 113 Grochmalicki, Jan. Ueber Miss- bildungen von Salamanderlarven im Mutterleib. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 28 1909 (181-209) 2 Taf. 114 Gross, O. Transplantations-Ver- suche an Hartgebilden des Integuments und der Mundschleimhaut bei Teleo- stieren und Amphibien. Basel Phil. Diss. 1905-06 (88). 8vo. • 115 Gu6rin-Ganivet, J. Note sur la presence de Tropidonotus natrix Lin. dans l’eau de mer. Bui. mus. oc6an. Monaco n° 132 1909 (2). 116 Hagmann, Gottfried. Die Rep- tilien der Insel Mexiana, Amazonen- strom. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 28 1909 (273-504) 1 Taf. 117 Haller, B. Hber die Hypophyse niederer Placentalier und den Saccus vasculosus der urodelen Amphibien. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (812- 843) 2 Taf. 118 Harms, W. Versuche fiber Be- schleunigung der Regeneration durch aktive Bewegung. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (374-379). 119 Harms, W. Ueber den Einfluss des Hungers auf die Wirbelsaule der Tritonen. Verh. D. zool. Ges. Leipzig 19 1909 (307-312). 120 Hay, Oliver P. Dr. Williston on “ The fossil turtles of North America.” Science New York N.Y. 29 1909 (341- 342). 121 XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] 8 Rept. Heine, Leopold. Akkomodation des Schildkrotenauges. Miinchener med. Wochenschr. 56 1909 (45). 122 Hennemann, W. Uober dio Berg- eidechse ( Lacerta vivipara Jacq.) im Sauerlande. Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (39- 41). . 123 H6relle, F. d* et Seidelin. Sur deux microfilaires du sang des Ser- pents. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (409-411). 124 Heritsch, Franz. Jungtertiare Trionyx reste aus Mittelsteiermark. Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 59 1909 (333-382) 2 Taf. 125 Hickling, G. British Permian foot- prints. Manchester Mem. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. 53 1909 No. 22 (1-24) pis. i-iv. 126 Hiczel, Heinrich. Zur Kenntnis der intrauterinen Entwickelung von Salamandra atra. Jenaische Zs. Natw. 45 1909 (1550) 3 Taf. 127 Hirzel, H. Zur Kenntnis der intrau- terinen Entwickelung von Salamandra atra. Zurich Phil. Diss. II. S. Jena 1909 S.-A. aus der Jena ZeitA Natur- wissenschaft 45 N.F. 38 1909 (2 + 56). 3 Taf. 22 cm. 127a Hochstetter, F. Beitrage zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der europaischen Sumpfsehildkrote ( Emys lutaria Mar- sigli). 2. Die ersten Entwicklungs- stadien der Lungcn und die Bildung der sogenannten Nebengekrose. Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Mat. Nat. Kl. 84 1909 (111-161) 4 Taf. 128 Holland, William Jacob. Deino- suchus hatcheri, a new genus and species of crocodile from the Judith river beds of Montana. Pittsburg Pa. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 1909 (281- 294). 129 Huene, F. v. Skizze zu einer Sy- stematik und Stammesgeschichte der Dinosauriern. Centralbl. Min. Stutt- gart 1909 (12-22). 130 Hulanicka, R. O zakonczeniach nerwowych w skorze iaby jadalnej (Rana escul.). [Recherches sur les terminaisons nerveuses dans la peau de Rana escul.] Krakow Rozpr. Akad. Urn. 9 B 1909 (215-226). 131 Hulanicka, R. O zakohczeniach nerwowych w skorze zaby jadalnej. ( Rana escul.) [Recherches sur les terminaisons nerveuses dans la peau de Rana e-scitZ.] Krak6w Bull. Intern. Acad. 1909 2e Sem. (687-689). 132 Hurter, Julius and Strecker, John K. jun. The amphibians and reptiles of Arkansas. St. Louis Mo. Trans. Acad. Sci. 18 1909 (11-27). 133 Itkonen, Toivo. Pohjoisia kyykaar- meloytoja. [Nordliche Funde von Pelias herns L.] Luonnon Ystavii Helsingfors 13 1909 (115). 134 Jacob, E. Zur Pathologie der Urodelen und Anuren. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (628-638). 135 Jaekel, O. Ueber die Klassen der Tetrapoden. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (193-212). 136 Jennison, G. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some fertilized eggs from a pair of Seba pythons. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (392). 137 Jockisch, II. R. Einiges iiter un- sere deutschen Amphibien. Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (153- 166). 138 Jones, F. W. The fauna of Cocos- Keeling Atoll, collected by F. Wood Jones. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (132-160). 139 [Jurinskij, T.] IOpHHCKifi, T. 06- 3opi> Becennux'L $eiiojioniHiiCKHX'i> jib- jieiiitt lipHpOAiJ in> BocTOHiioil On6npu BTb 1905 h 1906 roflax'b. [Uebersicht der phanologischen Friihjahrserschei- . nungen in Ostsibirien in den Jahren 1905 u. 1906.] Irkutsk Izv. Vost.- Sib. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 38 1907 [19091(32-63). 140 Kammerer, Paul. Vererbung erzwungener Fortpflanzungsanpas- sungen. III. Mitt. : Dio Nach- koraraen der nicht brutpflegenden Alytes obstetr leans. Arch. Entw.- Mech. Leipzig 28 1909 (447-545) mit 2 Taf. 141 Kammerer, P. Coluber longissimus im Bohmerwald, Zamenis gemonensis im Bohmerwald, Wienervvald, den klcincn Karpathen, Siid-Steiermark und Karnten. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 27 1909 (647-660). 142 9 Rept. Titles. 5600 Kammerer, P. Zwei Beitragc zur Gcwohnhcitslehre (Ethologic) der Mauereidechse. [1. Instinctabande- rungen in d. Art, wie sie ihren Feinden entflieht. 2. Aufenthaltsorte.] Wo- chenschr. Aquarienk. Braunschweig 6 1909 Beilage Lacerta (4 7-8 11-12 16 18-20). 143 Kammerer, P. Die Rolle der Wasser- nattern ( Tropidonotu*) an Teichufern. Fischereiztg Neudamm 12 1909 (605- 608). 144 Kampen, P. N. van. Die Amphi- bienfauna von Neu-Guinea, nach der Ausbeute der niederlandischen Siid- Neu-Guinea Expeditionen von 1904- 1905 und 1907. Nova Guinea, Resul- tats de 1’ expedition scientifique neer- landaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1907 sous les auspices du Dr. H. A. Lorentz Vol. 9 1909 Leide (E. J. Brill) (31-49) 1 Taf. 145 Kampen, P. N. van. Das Vorkom- men von Rana hosii Blgr. auf Java. Buitenzorg Bull. Dep. Agric. Indes Neerl. 25 1909 (1-2). 146 Kampen, P. N. van. Liste der Amphibien des Indischen Arch i pels im Museum zu Buitenzorg. Buiten- zorg Bull. D6p. Agric. Indes Neerl. 25 1909 (3-9). 147 [KaSdenko, N. Th.l Kaiucuico, H. 0. ra/jM, codpaiiHLixT, cpejpieaoiaTCEUiMH 3KcrieAnniaMH npo(f). B. B. Oanoaum- Koaa bt* 1902-6 ii 1908 it. [Les rep- tiles et amphibiens prisdans les expedi- tions^ 1902-6, 1908 du Prof. V. V. Sapoznikov dans l’Asie centrale.] St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (119-130). 148 [KaSCenko, N. Th.] Kamefwo, H. 0. HAOBUTtia 3M'fen sanafliioil CnOiipn h TypuecTaHa. [Die giftigen Schlangen von West-Sibirien und Turkestan.] Jestestv. i geogr. Moskva 14 1909 3 (38-44). 149 Kastchenko, N. Th. vide Kascenko, N. Th. Kemp, S. W. Lacerta vivipara on Scariff Island, Co. Kerrv. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (26). ‘ 150 Kielland, Alexander. Klapper- slangens klapren. [Das Klappern der Klapperschlange.] Bergen Naturen 33 1909 (190-191). 151 Kdhlef, W. Zur Kenntnis der Laichform des Schlammtauchers (Pelo- dytes punclatua). [Nebst Bemerkun- gen v. P. Kammerer u. W. Wolters- torff.] Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (154-155 186). 152 Krauss, Friedrich. Ueber die inter- zellularen Verbindungen im Chorda- Gewebe. Erwiderung auf eine von F. K. Studnicka veroffehtliche Ab- handlung : ,,Die Natur des Chorda- Gewebes“. (Anat. Anz. Bd 34 Nr. 3 u. 4 1909.) Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (139-142). 153 KuhnovA, M. vide Babak. Kuroiwa, Hfisashi]. Riukiu retto no okahebirui. [Terrestrial snakes of Loochoo Islands.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 1909 (84-88). 154 [Laister, A.] JlaftcTept, A. Ha- xojK^enie jieonap/ioBaro iiojioBa na KaBKa8h. [Coluber leopardinus im [nordli’chen] Kaukasus.] Jestestv. i geogr. Moskva 14 1909 2 (67-68). 155 [Laister, A. F.] JlaftcTepT, A. Hoblih ^aniiLm no repneTOJioriH Tep- CKoil 06jiacTii. I-IF. [Ueber einige neue herpetologische Funde im Terek- Gebiet.] Tiflis Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4 1909 (209-213 + dcutsch 214-217). 156 Laister vide etiam Leister. Lamport, Kurt. Ueber cinen Fund der Sumpfschildkroto in Wiirttemberg. Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 1909 (270-274). 157 Lane, H. H. Alligator mississip- piensis in Oklahoma. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (923-924). 158 Laqueur, Ernst. Ueber Teilbildun- gen aus dem Froschei und ihre Post- generation. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 28 1909 (327-367) 3 Taf. 159 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Sur une hemogregarine de Pituophis melano- hucas. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (94-97). ' 160 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Sur une h6mogr6garine du Python sebai. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1142-1146). 161 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Sur le rdle de Iiyalomma cegyptirum dans la transmission de Hcemogregarina mauri - tanica. Paris C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci. (Lille) 1909 (135). 162 10 Rept, XYI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Contribu- tion a I’ etude des h6mogr6garines de Lacerta ocellata Daud. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 2 1909 (295-298). 163 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Contribu- tion it l’6tude des h6mogr6garincs de Clemmys leprosa et de Ghelodinn longicollis. Paris Bull. soo. path, exot. 2 1909 (377-380). 164 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Contribu- tion it l’Atude des h6mogr6garines de quelques sauriens d’Afrique. Nouveau proced6 de recherche des kystes de multiplication de3 h6mogregarines. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 2 1909 (506-514). . 165 Laveran et Salimbeni. Sur une h6mogr6garine de Tupinambis teguixin, L. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (132-134). 166 L6caillon, A. Sur quelques faits relatifs k l’6thologie et a la physiologie des Batiaciens, en particulier du triton cret6 ( Triton cristatus Laur.). Bui. inst. psych, internat. Paris 8 1908 (142-144). Discussion : MM. Perrier, Pieron. 167 Le Cerf, P. Sur la mue deTrogono- phis wiegmanni Kceng. Ann. ass. nat. Levallois-Perret 14 1909 (33-34). 168 L6ger, M. vide Mathis, C. Lehrs, Philipp. Studien iiber Abstammung und Ausbreitung in den Pormenkreiscn der Gattung Laccrta und ihrer Verwandtcn. Zool. Jalirb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 28 1909 (81-120) 1 Taf. 169 [Leister, A.] JIaiicTep'B, A. K'b Bonpocy o reorpai^imecKOMT. pacnpo- CTpaneniH Vipera renardi Christoph, h Viper a berus L. btj npeftkjiaxTb KaB- Kaaa. [Zur Prage iiber die geogra- phische Verbreitung von Vipera renardi Christoph, und Vipera berus L. im Bereiche des Kaukasus.] Charikov Trav. Soc. nat. 42 1907-1908 [1909] (65-69). 169a Leister vide etiam Laister. Lesage, J. Adaptation sexuelle ostdologique chez Leptodactylus ocella- tus . Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (463- 464). 170 Lesage, J. et Solanet, E. Sur les oaract^res et la frequence de Haemo- gregarina leptodactyli dans le sang des grenouilles de 1’Argentine. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (295-296). 171 Lindsay -Johnson. Ein Versuch zur Klassifizierung der Siiugoticre, Reptilicn und Amphibien in Pamilicn und Ordnungen nach den ophthalmoskopi- schon Erscheinungen des Augenhinter- grundes und dem wahrend des Lebens auftretenden Grade der Exophorie.' Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Preunde 1909 (249-265) 3 Taf. 172 Loeper, li. U. v. Beobachtungen iiber die Reptilien- und Amphibien- fauna Hinterpommerns. Bl. Aquarien- kunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (655-657). 173 Loomis, P. B. Turtles from the Upper Harrison beds. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. Ser. 4 28 1909 (17- 26). 174 Loyez, Mile Marie. Sur la formation de la graisse dans 1’ oocyte d’un Saurien Tejus monitor Merr. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (225-227). 175 Luhe, Max. Sumpfschildkrote in Ostpreussen. Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 (1908) 1909 (386-387). 176 Luhe, M. Die Kreuzotter auf der kurischen Nehrung und die Verschlep- pung von Tieren durch pflanzliche Materialien. Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 1909 (54-55). 177 Manceaux, L. H6mogr6garines de Zamenis hippocrepis et Zamenis al- girus. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis 3 1908 (186-189). 178 Marchesini, Rinaldo. Sulla natura e sulla funzione dei cromatofori della Rana. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (286-299) 1 tav. 179 Marcucci, Ermete. Della inserzione mediale del muscolo gran pettoralo in alcuni Sauri. Archivio zoologico Napoli 3 fasc. 4 1909 (445-451) 1 tav. 180 Marcus, Harry. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Gyinnophionen. III. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kopfes. T1 1. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 40 1909 (105-183) 3 Taf. 181 Massaglia. Sur les moyens naturels de defense de certains Vert6br6s k sang froid contre le Trypanosome du 11 Rept. Titles. 5600 Surra ( Trypanosoma evansi). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (510-518). 182 Mathis, C. et L6ger, M. Sur un nouveau trypanosome des Serpents du Tonkin. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (572-574). 183 McClendon, I. F. Cytological and chemical studies of centrifuged frog eggs. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 27 1909 (247-257) 2 Taf. 184 Meade-Waldo, G. Description of a new species of toad from Sumatra. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 1909 (786-788) pi. xli. 185 M6hely, Lajos. Materialien zu einer Systematik und Phylogenie der muralis- ahnlichen Lacerten. Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. Budapest 7 1909 (409- 021) Taf. x-xxv. 186 Melsheimer, M. Zur Entwicklung des Feucrsalamanders, Salamandra ma- culosa Laur. Munster Jahrcsbcr. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (37- 38). 187 Melsheimer, M. Zum Biss der Kreuzotter, Pelias berus (L.). Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (38-39). 188 Michailow, Sergius. Das intracar- diale Nervensystem des Frosches und die Methode von Ramon y Cajal. Intern. Monatschr. Anat. Leipzig 25 1908 (351-372) 1 Taf. 189 Mietens, Harald. Entstehung des Blutes bei Bufo vulgaris. Jenaische Zs. Natw. 45 1909 (299-324). 190 Miller, Newton. The American toad {Bufo lentiginosus americanus , Le Conte). A study in dynamic biology. Amer. Nat. New York N.Y. 43 1909 (641-068 730-745). 191 Mocquard, F. Descriptions de quelques Reptiles et d’un Batracien nouveaux de la collection du Museum. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (259-262). 192 M611er, Friedrich v. Urogenital- verbindung bei Emys lutaria und Lacerta agilis. Nachtrag. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (769-770). 193 Moiti6. Pronephros chez les Batra- ciens. Paris C. R. Ass. fran$. avanc. sci. (Resumes) Lille 1909 (125). 194 Moodie, Roy L. The morphology of the vertebrate sacral rib. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (361-364). 195 Moodie, R. L. The Microsauria. ancestors of the Reptilia. Geol. Mag. London 6 1909 (216-220). 196 Moodie, R. L. New or little known forms of Carboniferous Amphibia in the American museum of natural history. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (347-367) pis. lviii-lxv. 197 Moodie, R. L. Carboniferous air- breathing vertebrates of the United States national museum. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1696 1909 (11-28) pis. iv-x. 198 Moodie, R. L. A contribution to a monograph of the extinct Amphibia of North America. New forms from the Carboniferous. J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 1909 (38-82). 199 Mourgue, M. Le Psammodrome d’ Edwards ( Psammodromus hispanicus ), son aire de dispersion dans le Sud-Est. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (125-126). 200 Mourgue, M. Observations sur Pelobalcs cultripcs dans Vaucluse. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (163-164). 201 Mourgue, Marcel. Catalogue rai- sonne de la faune erpetologique des environs de Sainte-C6cile Serignan, Orange, Vaucluse. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (178-182). 202 Mourgue, M. Notes additionnelles sur les Reptiles de Vaucluse. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (215). 203 ' Mourgue, M. Sur la ponte du Lacerta viridis et L. ocellata. Feuilh jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (237). 204 Mourgue, M. Sur Coronella aus- triaca. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (237). 205 Mourgue, M. Note d’un cas de t&ratologie sur un t6tard d ’ Alytes obstetricans. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (237). 206 Mourgue, M. Les vip^res du Veil- toux. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (70-71). 207 12 Bept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] Mourgue, M. Observations sur Bombinator pac.hypus var. brevipes Ch. Bonap. et Blasius. Eeuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (139-141). 208 Mourgue, M. Capture de Chelone imbricata en rade de Marseille. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (144). 209 Mourgue, M. Coluber elegans. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (144) 210 Mourgue, M. Vari6t6s du Lizard des murailles. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (250). 211 Mourgue, M. Phyllodactyle d’Eu- rope aux environs de Marseille. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (250). 212 Mozejko, B. Ein interessanter Fall von Anomalie der Aortenbogen bei einer Buna esculenta. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (476-477). 213 Muller, Lorenz. Vorlaufige Mit- teilung iiber ein neues Chamaleon und einen neuen Gecko aus Kamerun. Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 1909 (111-115). 214 Muller, R. Ueber die Nerven- versorgung des Magendarmkanals beim Frosch durch Nervennetze. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 123 1908 (387-405) 1 Taf. 215 Muratet, L. vide Sabraz&s, T. Namiye, M. Taiwan-san dokuja. [A poisonous snake from Formosa ( Trimeresurus gramineus).] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 1909 (266-207). 215a Nieden, Fritz. Reptilia und Am- phibia fiir 1904 u. 1905. [Jahres- fcerichte.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 72 Bd 2 H. 1 1906 [1909] III (1-80 1-90 zweite u. dritte Zahlung). 216 Nieden, F. tlber westafrikanische Hylambaies-Arten nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art. Arch. Natg. Berlin 75 Bd I 1909 (361-306). 217 [Nikoliskij, A. M.] HnitoJiLCKiil, A. M. HoBuh bhjvl raflioKH KaBKasa : Vipera kaznakoviap. n. (IIpeAB. coodm, ) [Eine neue Vipern-Art aus dem Kau- kasus : Vipera kaznakovi sp. n. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung. )] Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 1909 (173 ; deutsch.174). 218 [Nikolski, A. M.] HmcojiLcidii, A. M. HoBue ajib KaBKaaa bhali npecMLi- KaioiUHXCfl. [Novae species reptilium e Caucaso.l Tiflis Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4 1909 (301-306). 219 Nopcsa, Franz Baron. Zur Kenntnis der fossilen Eidechsen. Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestUng. 21 1908 (33-62) 1 Taf. 220 Nussbaum, A. Ueber Epithelfasern in der Oberhaut der Daumenschwiele bei Bana fusca. Anat. Hefte Wies- baden Abt. I 39 1909 (269-306) 1 Taf. 221 Nussbaum, M. Zur Mechanik der Eiablage bei Bana fusca und Bana esculenta. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 124 1908 (100-111). 222 Nussbaum, M. ttber die Bezie- hungen der Keimdriisen zu den se- kundaren Geschlechtscharakteren. (Be- merkungen zu J. Meisenheimer’s ,,Ex- perimentelle Studien zur Soma- und Gesclilechts-Diflerenzierung". ) Arch, ges. Physiol. Bonn 129 1909 (110-112). 223 Okajima, K. Ueber das Hyobran- chialskelett von Onychodactylus. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (182-185). 224 Okajima, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Sinnesorgane von Onychodactylus. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 94 1909 (171— 239) 2 Taf. 225 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. The epidermis of an iguanodont dinosaur. Science New York N.Y. 29 1909 (793- 795). 226 Otto, Hugo. Sclilangen am Nieder- rhein. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (47-54). 227 Palmer, William. Description of a new species of leatherback turtle from the Miocene of Maryland. Wash- ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1669 1909 (369-373) pi. xxxi. 228 Papin, L. Note sur la structure de l’amygdale pharyngienne des Cro- codiliens. Paris C. R. Acad. sei. 148 1909 (62-64). 229 Paris, P. Les reptiles du centre de la France et principalement de la Cote-d’Or. Monit. horticult. Paris 31 1907 (226-227). 2^) Pearless, S. H. Snakes of Badulla. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 pi. xxi 1909 (54-55). 231 13 j Kept. Titles. 5600 Pellegrin, Jacques. Description de cinq Lezards nouveaux des hauts plateaux du P4rou et de la Bolivie, appartenant au genre Liolcemus. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (324-329). 232 Pellegrin, J. Reptiles du Soudan recoltes par la Mission Tilho-Gaillard. Description d’une espece nouvelle. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (413-415). 233 Pellegrin, J. Reptiles et Batrachiens r6colt6s par M. Ch. Alluaud en Egypto et au Soudan 6gyptien. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (203-205). . 234 Pellegrin, J. Sur une collection de Lizards de l’Afrique occidentale. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (241-245). 235 Peracca, M. G,. Rettili ed Anfibi. Spedizione al Ruwenzori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia, Parte Scientifica, Vol. I. Milano (Hoepli) 1909(165-180). 236 Pettit, A. vide Laveran, A. Phisalix, Mme. M. Immunite naturelle des serpents contre les venins des Batraciens et en particulier contre la salamandrine. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (857-860). 237 Phisalix, Mme. M. Action physio- logique du venin muqueux des Batra- ciens et en particulier des Discoglossidae. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (306-310). 238 Phisalix, Mme. M. Immunity naturelle des serpents contre les venins des Batraciens et en particulier contre la Salamandre. Bui. museum Paris 1909 (132-136). 239 Phisalix, Mme. M. et Dehaut, G. Action physiologique du venin muqueux d’un Batracicn, le Discoglossus pictus. Bui. Mu86um Paris 1908(302-304). 240 Phisalix, Mme. M. et Dehaut, G. Action physiologique du venin muqueux d’un Batracien anoure le Pelobates fuscus. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (285-287). 241 Plimmer, H. G. Exhibition of the stomach of a Boa suffering from gas- tritis, and of the stomach and intestines of a Cobra suffering from gastro- enteritis. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909(1). 241a Policard, A. Notes histophysio- logiques sur la cellule h6patique. I. Les formations filamenteuses de la cellule hepatique de la Grenouille, Modifications pendant la digestion. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (352-352). 242 Police, Gesualdo. Caso di melanismo in una Vipera nel mezzogiorno d’ Italia. Napoli Annuario Museo zool. n. s. 3 N. 6 1909 (1-3). 243 Police, Gesualdo. Di un caso di morte per il morso di una vipera melanica [Vipera bents ] nelle province napoletane. Napoli Boll. Soc. nat. 22 (1908) 1909 (110-118). 244 Poll, Heinrich. Mischlinge von Triton cristatus Laur. und Triton vulgaris L. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 29 1909 (30-31). 245 Prestele. Ueber Befruchtungs- dauer bei den Tritonen. Bl. Aqua- rienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (507-609). 246 Rabaud, Et. A propos d’un tetard monstrueux d’ Alytes obstetricans. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (258-259). 247 Regaud, Cl. Participation du chon- drosome & la formation des grains de segregation dans les cellules des tubes contournes du rein (chez les Ophidiens et les Amphibiens). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (1034-1036). 248 [Riabinin, A.] Ph<5hhhht>, A. Jl,Ba lIjie3io8aBpa nai. ropw h M-tna Ebpo- neftCKOft rocciii. [Zwei Plesiosaurier aus den Jura- und Kreideablagerungen Russlands.] St. Peterburg Mem. com. gSolog. N. Ser. 43 1909 (1-36 + deutsch 37-49) 5 Taf. 249 Robertson, Muriel. * Haematozoa from some Ceylon reptiles. Rep. Brit. Ass. London 1908 1909 (743- 744). 250 Rollinat, Raymond. Note sur deux Serpents albinos. Paris Mem. soc. zool. 22 1909 (143-145). 251 Rooy, Nelly de. Reptilien (Eidech- sen, Schildkroten und Krokodile). Nova Guinea, R&sultats de 1’ Expedi- tion scientifique neerlandaise k la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann. Leide (E. J. Brill) 5 1909 (375-383) 2 Taf. 31 cm. 252 Roule, Louis. Sur les Amphibiens du genre Euproctus G4ne. Paris C. R. ^cad. sci. 449 1909 (1092-1094). 253 14 Kept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] Roule, L. La variation et la speci- fication des Tropidonotus d’ Europe. Arch. zool. Paris ser. 5 2 1909 (Notes et revues 1-xvii). 254 Roux, Jean. Distribution g£ogra- phique des amphibiens dans rArchi- pel Indo-Australien. (C. R. Soo. h61v. Sci. nat.) Arch. Sci. phys. Gendve 28 1909 (494-495); Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Aarau 92 vers 1909 Bd. 1 (223-224). 255 SabrazSs, J. et Muratet, L. Le sang de l’axolotl. Granulations de cyto- plasma ; origine nucleaire. Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 72 1909 (407-410). 258 Sabraz^s, J. et Muratet, L. Le sang de l’axolotl. Granulations du cytoplasme : origine nucl6olaire. Folia haematologica Leipzig 6 1908 (171- 173). 257 Salimbeni vide Laveran. Schmacker, B. Nachtrag zu Prof. Dr. O. Boettger’s Arbeit „Neue Frosche und Schlangen von den Liukiu-Inseln“. (vergl. 36. Jahres- bericht des Offonbacher Vereins f. Natk. 1895 pag. 101 ff.) Offenbach Ber. Ver. Natk. 43-50 (1901-1909) 1909 (237-238). 258 [Schmalhausen, I. I.J HlMajibray36Hrb, II. H. Pa3BHTie CKejieia KOHennocTeii Salamandrella keyserlingii. [Ueber die Entwicklung der Skeletts der Extremitaten von Salamandrella key- serlingii.'} Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910 [Prot.] 1910 (289-290). 259 Schmalz, P. . Eine weisse Kaul- quappe. Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (464). 260 Schmidt, Wilhelm J. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Parietalorgane der Sau- rier. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 92 1909 (359-426) 1 Taf. 261 Schreitmtiller, Wilhelm. Beob- achtungen iiber den Kampf zwischen Kreuzotter und Igel. Bl. Aquarien- kunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (772-774 789-791). Schreitmtiller, W. Einiges iiber Liebesspiele und Begattung von Triton torosus Eschscholz Wochenschr. Aquarienk. Braunschweig 6 1909 Beilage Lacerta (102-104). 264 Schuberg, A. Uebei; das Vorkom- men von Zellverbindungen in der Haut von Ichthyopsis glutinosus (L.). Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (33-35). 265 Schwarz, Hugo. Ueber die Wirbel- saule und die Rippen holospondyler Stegocephalen ( Lepospondyli Zitt.). Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestUng. 21 1908 (63-105). 266 Schweizer, R. Die Reptilien- und Amphibienfauna Basels. Wochenschr. Aquarienk. Braunschweig 6 1909 Bei- lage Lacerta (76 78-79). 267 Schweizerbarth, Elise M. v. Der rotfleckige Feuersalamander (Salarnan- dra maculosa Laur. var. coccinea). Bl. Aquarienkunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (382-385) 1 Taf. 268 Seeley, H. G. On a fossil reptile with a trunk from the Upper Karroo rocks of Cape Colony. Rep. Brit. Ass. London 1908 1909 (713). 269 Seeley, H. G. On distinctions in dentition between the fossil reptiles classed as Cynodontia and Gom- phodontia. Rep. Brit. Ass. London 1908 1909 (714). 269a Seidelin vide H6rolles, F. d’. . Siebenrock, F. Synopsis der rezen- ten Sehildkroten, mit Beriicksichtigung der in historischer Zeit ausgestorbenen Arten. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Suupl. 10 1909 (427-618). 270 Siebenrock, F. Ueber die Berechti- ging der Selbstandigkeit von Ster- nothaerus nigricans seychellensis Sie- benr. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (359— 362). 271 Siebenrock, F. Homopus bergeri Ldh., eine Testudo-Art aus der Qeo- mefnca-Gruppe. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (623-625). 272 ^Sieglbauer, Felix. Zur Anatomie 262 Yder Schildkrotenextremitat. Arch. Schreitmiiller, W. Einiges iiber Ansiedlungsversuclie in der Dresdener Umgebung mit Salamandra atra Lau- renti (Mohren- oder Alpensalamander). Bl. AquarienkunJp Stuttgart 20 1909 (335-386), 263 Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1909 (183-280) 4 Taf. 273 Snessarew, Paul. Ueber die Ner- venfasern des Rhinencephalon beim Frosche. J. Psychol Leipzig 31 1908 (97-125) 5 Taf, 274 15 Rept. Titles. 5600 Sdderberg, Rudolf. Berattelse ofver en resa genom Skiine i zoologiskt syfte under maj och juni manader 1907 [spec, for studium af groddjurcns fore- komst.J [Account- of a zoological journey in Scania during May and June, 1907, esp. for studying the occur- rence of the Batrachians.] Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Arsbok 1908 (247-278). 275 Solanet, E. vide Lesage, J. Sordelli, Ferdinando. Note su alcuni Vertobrati del Musco civico di Milano : Dcscrizione di due Tarta- rugho gigantesche. Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 47 1909 (280-299). 276 Spemann, H. Neue Versuche am Wirbeltierauge. Wurzburg SitzBer. physik. Ges. 1908 [1909] (76-77). 277 Stadelmann, Heinrich. Sonnenstrah- lungsversuche am Chamaleon. Arch, ges. Physiol. Bonn 129 1909 (89-98). 278 Steck, Leo. Der Stimmapparat des Hemidactylus garnoti Dum. et Bibr. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Geckoti- den. (Reise von Dr. Walter Volz.) Bern Phil. Diss. 1907-08 (ii + 26 S.) 2 Taf. 279 Stejneger, Leonhard. Batrachians and Reptiles [of the Princeton Univer- sity expeditions to Patagonia, 1896- 1899]. Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1896-1899. Princeton N. J. 3 (Zoology) 1909 (211-224). 280 Stejneger, L. Description of a new snake from Panama. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1681 1909 (457-458). 281 Stejneger, L. Generic names of some Chelyid turtles. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (125-127). 282 Sternfeld. Die Schlangen Kameruns. (Die Fauna der deutschen Kolonien, hrsg. vom Zool. Museum Berlin. Reihe I. Heft 1.) Berlin (R. Friedlander & S. in Komm.) 1909 (iv + 28) 1 Karte. 23 cm. 283 )+ Sternfeld, Richard. Reptilia und Amphibia fur 1906. ' [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 73 Bd 2 H. 1 1907 [1909] iii (1-50). 285 Strecker, John K. jun. vide Hurter, Julius. StudniCka, F. K. Zu der „Erwide- rung“ von Friedrich Krauss auf meine Mitteilung liber ,,Die Natur des Chordagewebes.** Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (680-582). 286 Studnidka, F. K. Die Natur des Chordagewebes. Beraerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Friedrich Krauss (Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomie, Bd. 73). Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (81- 91). 287 [iugurov, A. M.] IHyryjpoBT,, A. M. Maiepiajiij km repneTOJiorm KaBKaaa : JKepjiaiiKa ( Bombina bombina L.) bi» KaBKaacKoil repneToc^aynb. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Herpetologie des Kaukasus : Bombina bombina L. zur kaukasischen Fauna gehorig.] Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 1909 (153-164; deutsch 155-156). 288 Tarapani, Helena. Zur Entwicke- lungsgeschichte des Hyobranchialske- lettes von Salamandra atra Laur. und Triton alp2stria Laur. Jonaische Zs. Natw. 46 1909 (57-110) 6 Taf. 289 Tarapani, H. Zur Entwickelungs- geschichte des Hyobranchialskelettes von Salamandra atra Laur. und Triton alpestris Laur. Zurich Phil. Diss. II. S. Jena 1909. S.-A. aus Jena Z. fur Naturwissenschaft. 45 N. F. 38 (2 + 54) 6 Taf. 22 cm. 290 Terni, Tullio. Sulla presenza di ovociti neU’interiore di un’ampollatesti- colare di Spelerpes ( Geotriton ) fuscus. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (296-299). 291 Tornier, G. Reptilia, Reptilien. — Amphibia, Lurche. [In : Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands, hrsg. v. Brauer. H. 1.] Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (64-65 66-89). 292 Sternfeld. Die Schlangen Togos. (Die Fauna der deutschen Kolonien, hrsg. vom Zool. Museum Berlin. Reihe II. Heft 1.) Berlin (R. Friedlander & S. in Komm.) 1909 (iv + 29) 1 Karte. 23 cm. 284 Tornier, G. Wie war der Diplo- docus carnegii wirklich gebaut ? Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freundo 1909 (193-209) 1 Taf. 293 Trinci, Giulio. Sulla esistenza di un paraganglia cardiaco e di un para- 16 Kept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] ganglio carotico (glandula carotica) nei Rettili. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (286-290). 294 Turner, 0. H. The behavior of a snake. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (663-564). 295 Unthank, H. W. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a skull of Sphenodon with abnormal nasal region. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (666). 296 Ussoff, S. A. Stomadaeum-Ekto- chorda (das vordere Ende der Chorda). Vergleichend-embryologische Studien des axialen Skelettes.) [III. Holo- blastii. Amphibia.] Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (168-176). 297 Vaillant, L6on. Observations faites, au Museum d’Histoire naturelle, sur de jeunes crapauds communs a la p^riode ultimo de la metamorphose (V® p^riode de Duges). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (11-12). 298 Versluys, J. Ein grosses Parasphe- noid bei Dermochelys coriacea Linn. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Anat. 28 1909 (283-294). 299 Versluys, J. Die Salamander und die urspriinglichsten vierbeinigen Land- wirbeltiere. Natw. Wochenschr. Jena 24 1909 (33-42) 299a Victoroff, Konstantin. Zur Kennt- nis der Veranderungen des Fettge- webes beim Frosche wahrend des Winterschlafes. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 125 1908 (230-236). 300 Viguier, G. La struoturo du corps thyroide du Gecko ( Tarcntola mauri- tanica L.). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (1064-1065). 301 Viguier, S. Recherches sur le corps thyroide de Gecko ( Tarentola mauri- tanica L.). Bibliogr. anat. Nancy 19 1909 (92-97). 302 [Viktorov, Konstantin.] Bhktopobt., KoHCTaHTHirB. Ofix HBM'hiieniaxTj jkh- poBott TKann Jiarymnu bo Bpeiia aiiMneii cnaatcH. [Ueber die Veranderungen des Fettgewebes beim Frosche wah- rend des Winterschlafes.] Kazan! Zap. veterin. Inst. 26 1909 (143-149). 303 Vitali, Giovanni. L’articolazione mandibolare negli Anfibi, nei Rettili e negli Uccelli. Note anatomoem- briologiche. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (207-224). 304 Vogt, W. Ueber riickschreitende Veranderungen von Kernen und Zellen j unger Entwicklungsstadien von Triton cristatus. (Vorl. Mitt.) Marburg SitzBer. Ges. Natw. 1909 1910 (109- 124) 1 Taf. 305 Wall, F. Remarks on some little known Indian Ophidia. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 3 1909 (145-150). 306 Wall, F. Remarks on some forms of Dipsadornorphus. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 3 1909 (151-155). 307 Wall, F. A popular treatise on the common Indian snakes. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (87-106). 308 Wall, F. A new colour variety of Macclelland’s coral snake ( Callophis macclellandi) and extension of the habitat of this species. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (266). 309 Wall, F. Notes on two casualities from the sawscaled .viper ( Echis cari- nata). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (266-267). 310 Wall, F. Remarks on snake notes in the last Journal (No. 4. Vol. XVIII). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (267-209). 311 Wall, F. A popular treatise on the common Indian snakes. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (287-298) 2 pis. 312 Wall, F. Notes on snakes from the neighbourhood of Darjeeling. Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (337- 357) pi. 313 Wall, F. Extension of the habitat of the common Kukri snake ( Simotes arnensis). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (532-533). 314 Wall, F. Discovery of a second specimen of the rare snake Oligodon elliotti. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (533). 315 Watson, D. M. S. On some reptilian tracks from the Trias of Runcorn (Cheshire). London Q. J. Geol. Soc. 65 1909 (440). 316 Watson, D. M. S. On some reptilian remains from the Trias of Lossiemouth (Elgin). London Q. J. Geol. Soc. 65 1909 (440). 317 17 Rept. Titles. 5600 Watson, D. M. S. A preliminary note on two new genera of Upper Liassic Plesiosaurs. Manchester Mem. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. 54- 1909 pt. i (1-28). 317a Weber, A. Etude de la torsion de l’ebauche cardiaque chez Rana escu- lenta. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy 18 1908 (136-141). 318 Weber, A. Alterations des fibres musculaires strides sous l’influence des Sarcosporidios. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 68 1909 (500-508). 319 Weiss, Robert. Studien an den Bowman’ schen Driisen des Frosches. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 130 1909 (507-520) 1 Taf. 320 Werner, Franz. Rcptilia exkl. Geckonidae und Scincidae. (Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, hrsg. v. W. Michaelsen u. R. Hartmeyer. Bd 2, Lfg 16.) Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (251-278) 2 Taf. 321 Werner, F. Reptilia und Amphibia fiir 1903. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 72 Bd 2 H. 1 1906 [1909] iii, (1-70 erste Zahlung). 322 Werner, F. Reptilien, Batrachier und Fische von Tripolis und Barka. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 27 1909 (595-646) 1 Taf. 323 Werner, Franz. Neue oder seltnere Reptilien des Musee Royal d’Histoire naturelle de Belgique in Brussel. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 28 1909 (263- 288). 324 Werner, F. t)ber neue oder seltene Reptilien des Naturhistorischen Mu- seums in Hamburg. Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 (1908) Beih. 2 1909 [1910] (205-247). 325 Werner, F. Beschreibung neuer Reptilien aus dem Kgl. Naturalien- kabinett in Stuttgart. Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 1909 (55- 63). 326 Wiedemann, M. Die Spitzkopf- eidechse ( Lacerta oxycephala Dumeril u. Bibron). Bl. Aquarienkunde Stutt- gart 20 1909 (733-736). 327 Wieland, G. R. Revision of the Protostegidae. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. Ser. 4 1909(101-130). 328 (n-11091 d ) Wieland, G. R. A new armored saurian from the Niobrara. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 1909 (250- 252). 329 Willey, A. Miscellaneous Records : Callophis trimaculatus. Spolia Zey- lan. Colombo 5 pt. 20 1908 (186). 330 Willey, A. Notes on a trip from Ambalantola to Hambegamuwa. Spolia Zejdan. Colombo 6 pi. xxi 1909 (49- 53) 1 pi. 331 Williston, S. W. New or little known Permian vertebrates. Tre - matops, new genus. J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 1909 (636-658). 332 Williston, S. W. The skull and extremities of Diplocaulus. Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 22 1909 (122- 131) 6 pis. 333 Wintrebert, Paul. Essai sur le d6terminisme de la metamorphose chez les Batraciens. Paris C. R. ass. frang. avanc. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2« Partie 1908 (741-764). 334 Wintrebert, P. Sur la possibility d’obtenir une forme intermediate entre 1’ axolotl et Famblystome. Paris C. R. ass. fran9- avanc. sci. 37 (Clermont- Ferrand) 1908 [1909] (562-573); 38 (Lille) 1909 R6sum6s (84). 335 Wintrebert, P. Sur la presence h l’6tat indigene en France de Visco- glossus pictus Orth. Paris C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci. 38 (Lille) 1908 Resumes (83-84). ‘ 336 Wintrebert, P. Sur l’anatomie compare du demi-amblystome bran- chi6, do l’axolotl et de l’amblystome. Paris C. R. ass. fran9- avanc. sci. 38 (Lille) 1909 (127). 337 Wintrebert, P. Sur la sensibilite primitive et la conductibilite centripete anerveuse du tegument chez les larves des Batraciens. Paris C. R. ass. fran9. avanc. sci. 38 (Lille) 1909 (127-128). 338 Wintrebert, P. Sur les effets bien- faisants d’un milieu radifere faible- ment radioactif sur la metamorphose de Salamandra maculosa et sur la germination et la pousse du Lolium perenne. Paris C. R. ass. fran9- avanc. sci. 38 (Lille) 1909 Resumes (128-129). 339 e 8 18 Reyt. [1909J XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. Wintrebert, P. Sur le d^terminisme de la metamorphose chez les Batra- ciens. X : Une demi-m£tamorphose exp6rimentale. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (415-417). 340 Wintrebert, P. Sur le d6terminisme de la metamorphose chez les Batra- ciens. XI : Les caracteres anatomi- ques du demi-amblystome & branchies. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (540- 551). 341 Wintrebert, P. Sur le d^terminisme de la metamorphose chez les Amphi- biens. XII. L* evolution du vomer et du pterygopalatin chez Amblystoma tigrimim. XIII. La disparition du palatin et la transformation du vomer chez la Salamandra maculosa Laur. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 68 1909 (178-180 300-302). 342 Woltersdorff, W. Ueber Polls Ba- starde zwischen Triton cristatus Laur. und Triton vulgaris L. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 33 1909 (850-857); Bl. Aqua- rienkunde Stuttgart 20 1009 (373— 379). 343 Wolterstorf, W. Ueber einen Albino von Salamandra maculosa Laur. (Feuersalamander.) Bl. Aquarien- kunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (379-382). 344 Woodward, S. Note on a Chelo- nian skull from the Purbeck beds of Swanage. Dorchester Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. Cl. 30 1909 (143-144). 345 Wunderer, Hans. Boitriigo zur Biologie und * Entwicklungsgeschichte des Alpensalamanders (Salamandra atra Laur.). Zool. Jabrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 28 1909 (23-80). 346 Young, Robert T. The occurrence of Bufo columbiensis east of the Rocky mountains. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 1909 (298). ;347 Youngman, Wm. A specimen of Rana temyoraria with abnormal repro- ductive organs. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (301-303). 348 Yung, Emile. Variations de lorn gueur de l’intestin chez les grenouilles. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 21 1906 (535-536). 349 Zimmermann, Rud. Die Sumpf- scbildkrote Emys orbicularis (L.) im Kofligreich Sachsen ynd ihr Vopkom- men westlich von der Elbe iiberhaupt. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (55-59). 350 Zimmermann, R. Zur Schlangen- fauna von Rochlitz i. S. Wochenschr. Aquarienk. Braunschweig 6 1909 Bei- lage Lacerta (81-83 85-86). 351 Zschokke, F. Die Reptilien der Schweiz. Aarau Mitt. Natf. Ges. 10 1906 (xvi-xviii). 352 Zuckerhandl, E. Zur Anatomie und Morphologie der Extremitatenar- terien. Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Abt III 116 1907 (459-730) 6 Taf. 353 Zugmayer, Er.'ch. Beitrage zur Herpetologie von Zentral-Asien. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 27 1909 (480-508). 354 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS. 5603 General. Reptilia und Amphibia fur 1903 ; Werner, 322. Reptilia und Amphibia fur 1904 u. 1905; Nieden, 216. Reptilia und Amphibia fiir 1906 ; Sternfeld,' 285. Kriechtiere und Lurcho Deutsch- lands [Popular.] ; Floericke, 87. A popular treatise on the common Indian Snakes ; Wall, 308. Beitrage zur Biologie und Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Alpensalamanders ( Salamandra atra Laur.); Wunderer, 346. Anatomie und Physiologie der Rhino- phiden. Integument, Driisen der Mundhohle, Augen und Skeletsystem ; Baumeister, 26a. Stimmapparat des Hemidactylus gar- noti (Anatomie der Geckotiden) ; Steck, 279. Fat-bodies of Hemisus and Xenoyus ; Beddard, 29. 19 Rept, Subject Index. 5607 STRUCTURE. 5607 General. Sur 1’ anatomic compare du demi- amblystome branchi6, de l’axolotl et de l’amblystome ; Wintrebert, 337. Anatomy of Hemisus ; Beddard, 29. Integument. The epidermis of an iguanodont dinosaur ; Osborn, 226. Ueber Epithelfasern in dcr Oberhaut der Daumenschwiele bei Rana fusca ; Nussbaum, 221. Ghiandole cutanee di Triton cristatus ; Corti, 72. Ghiandole cutanee di Triton cristatus ; Furlotti, 99. Ueber das Vorkommen von Zell- verbindungen in der Haut von Ich- thyopis glutinosus (L.) ; Schuberg, 265. Cromatofore della Rana , natura . e funzione ; Marchesini, 179. The dorsal spines of Chameleo cris- tatus, Stuch ; Case, 62. Das Klappern der Klapperschlange (Norweg.); Kielland, 151. Recherches sur les terminaisons ner- veuses dans la peau de Rana ; Hula- nicka, 132. Sur la sensibilit6 primitive et la conductibilit6 centripete anerveuse du tegument chez les larves des Batra- ciens ; Wintrebert, 338. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Uber die Hypophyse niederer Pla- centalier und den Saccus vasculosus der urodelen Amphibien ; Haller, 118. Beitrago zur Kenntnis der Parie- talorgane der Saurier; Sclunidt, 261. Ueber die Nervenfasern des Rhinen- cephalon beim Frosche ; Snessarew, 274. Zakoiiczeniach nerwowych w skorze £aby jadalnej (Rana escul.) (z 1 tablica). Recherches sur les terminaisons ner- veuses dans la peau de Rand (Polish) ; Hulanicka, 131. Ueber die Nerven-Versorgung des Magendarmkanals beim Frosch durch Nervenhetze; Muller, 215. (n-11091 d) Das intracardiale Nervensystem des Frosches und die Methode von Ramon y Cajal ; Michailow, 189. Untersuchungen uber die Sinnesor- sane von Onchodactylus ; Okajima, 225. Zur Anatomie der Nasenhohle von Gryptobranchus japonicus ; Fleissig, 85.' Ein Versuch zur Klassifizierung der Saugctiere, Roptilien und Amphibien in Familien und Ordnungen nach den ophthalmoskopischen Erscheinungen des Augenhintergrundcs und dem wah- rend des Lebens auftretenden Grade der Exophorie ; Lindsay- Johnson, 172. Myology. Musculature of Hemisus ; Beddard, 29. Myologie der Schildkrotenextremi- tat ; Sieglbauer, 273. Muscolo grande-pettorale in alcuni Sauri : sua insersione mediale ; Mar- cucci, 180. Elastic mechanisms in snake3 ; Burne, 56. Osteology. Osteology of the extinct Amphibia of North America ; Moodie, 199. Osteology of the Microsauria, an- cestors of the Reptilia ; Moodie, 196. Osteology of new genera of Biitish Plesiosaurs ; Watson, 317a. Ostelogv of new genera of Plesio- sauria ; Andrews, 10a. Osteology of the Jurassic reptile Gamptosaurus ; Gilmore, 103. Osteologie von Peloneustes philar- chus\ und Gimoliosaurus bernardi t ; (Russ, x Deustch) ; Riabinin, 249. The skull and extremities of Diplo- caulus ; Williston, 333. The skull of the Dinocephalian, Tapinocephalus ; Broom, 53. Osteology of skull of Steneosaurs ; Andrews, 10. Abnormal skull of Sphenodon ; Un- thank, 296. e 8—2 20 Repl. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] Em grosses Parasphenoid bei Der- mochelys coriacea Linn; Verslu^s, 299. Sur le d^terminisme de la m6ta- morphose chez les Amphibiens. XII. Involution du vomer et du pterygo- palatin chez Amblystoma tigrinum. XIII. La disparition du palatin et la transformation du vomer chez la Salamandra maculosa ; Wintrebert, 342. L’articolazione mandibolare negli Anfibie nei Rettili e negli Uccelli; Vitali, 304. Distinctions in dentition between the Cynodontia and the Gomphodontia ; ' Seeley. 269a. Ueber das Hyobranchialskelett von Onychodactylus ; Okajima, 224. Hyobranchialskelett* von Salaman- dra atra und Triton alpestris ; Tara- pani, 290. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hyobranchialskelettes von Sala- mandra atra Laur. und Triton alpestris Laur; Tarapani, 289. Epiphyses of long bones in Saurop- sids ; Anderson, 8. Ueber die Wirbelsaule und die Rippen holospondyler Stegocephalen (Lepospondyli Zitt.); Schwarz, 266. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der Sacralrippen ; Fuchs, 97. The morphology of the vertebrate sacral rib ; Moodie, 195. Extremitatenskelett von Salaman- drella keyserlingii (Russ.); Schmal- hausen, 259. Adaptation sexuelle osteologique chez Leptodactylus ocellatus ; Lesage, 170. Ueber den Einfluss des Hungers auf die Wirbelsaule der Tritonen ; Harms, 120. Alimentary System, Ductless Glands. Abdominal viscera of Hemisus ; Bed- dard, 29. Notes histophysiologiques sur la cellule h£patique. I. Les formations filamenteuses de la cellule h6patiquo de la Grenouille. Modifications pen- dant a digestion ; Policard, 242, Contribution k l’6tude du thymus des reptiles. Cellules epith61ioides, cellules myoides et corps de Hanel ; Dustin, 80. Recherches sur le corps thyroide de Gecko ( Tarentola mauritanica Lin) ; Viguier, 302. La structure du corps thyroide du Gecko ; Viguier, 301. Paraganglio cardiaco e paraganglio carotico (glandula carotica) ; Trinci, 294. Circulatory and Respiratory Organs. Le sang de l’axolotl. Granulations du cytoplasme : origine nucldolaire ; Sabrazes et Muratet, 257. Etude de la torsion de l’ebauche cardiaque chez Rana esculenta ; Weber, 318. Ein interessanter Fall von Anomalie der Aortenbogen bei einer Rana esculenta ; Mozejko, 213. Intracranial vascular system of Sphenodon ; Dendy, 76a. Zur Anatomie und Morphologie der Extremitatenarterien ; Zuckerkandl, 353. Lymph-hearts and sacs of Hemisus, Xenopus and Rana guppyi ; Beddard, 29. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der europaischen Sumpfsehildkrote ( Emys lutaria Narsigli). 2. Die ersten Entwicklungsstadien der Lungen und die Bildung der sogenannten Neben- gekrose ; Hochstetter, 128. Note sur V Euproctus montanus, Urodele apneumone caracteristique de la faune corse ; Dehant, 75. Urinogenital Organs. Pronephros chez les Batraciens ; Moiti6, 194. Urogenitalverbindung bei Emys lu- taria und Lacerta agilis ; Moller, 193. Participation du chondrosme a la formation des grains de segregation dans les cellules des tubes contournes du rein (chez les Ophidiens et les Am- phibiens) ; Regaud, 248. Figures de division dans les nucl£oles des grandes cellules de Torgane de Bidder chez Bufo calamita ; Aim6, 3. 21 Rept. Subject Index. —Development. 5615 A specimen of Rana tem,poraria with abnormal reproductive organs; Youngman, 348. Hermaphroditisme, Bufo vulgaris ; Fuhrmann, 98. PHYSIOLOGY. 5611 Sur quelques faits relatifs & l’etho- logie et h la physiologie des batra- cicns, en particulier du triton cr6t6 ( Triton cristatus Lacor.); L6eaillon, 167. Beitrage zur allgemeinen Physiologie der Nerventhatigkeit, erworben bei der Priifung der chromatischen Haut- funktion der Amphibien ; (Czechisch) ; Bab&k, 15. Sur la sensibility primitive et la conductibilit6 centripyte ancrveuse du tygument chcz les larves des Batra- ciens ; Wintrebert. 338. Akkomodation des Schildkrote- nauges ; Heine, 122. Ueber den Einfluss des Hungers auf die Wirbelsaule der Tritoncn ; Harms, 120. Notes histophysiologiques sur la cellule hypatique. I. Les formations filamenteuses de la cellule hypatique de la Grenouille. Modifications pen- dant la digestion ; Policard, 242. Atmung der Herzen von Kroten und Froschen ; Divine, 79. Ober den Atemrhythmus und die Ontogenie der Atembewegungen bei den Urodelen ; Bab&k und Kiihnovd, 16. fitudes de mecanique respiratoire comparee. Les mouvements et pres- sions respiratoires des Batraciens. I : Etat g4nyral de la question. Donn- yes de' technique graphique et chro- nophotographique ; Fran?ois-Franck, 93. Etudes critiques et expyrimentales sur la mycanique respiratoire com- parye des Reptiles. II, Lacertiliens fissilingues (Lezard ocelli); Francois- Franck, 94. Zur Mechanik der Eiablage bei Rana fusca und Rana esculenta ; Nussbaum, 222. Ueber die Beziehungen der Keim- dr usen zu den sekundaren Geschlecht- scharakteren ; Nussbaum, 223. Note sur P ablation de l’organe de Bidder du Crapaud ; Aim6 et Champy, 3. Sur la migration de la graisse dans le corps de la Grenouille pendant les quatre saisons ; Athanasiu et Dragoin, 12. Veranderungen im Fettkorper des Frosches beim Winterschlaf (Russ.); Viktorov, 303. Zur Kenntnis der Veranderungen des Fettgewebes beim Frosche wahrend des Winterschlafes ; Victoroff, 300. Sur les moyens naturels de dyfense do certains Vcrtybrys & sang froid. contro le Trypanosome du Surra ( Trypanosoma evansi ); Massaglia, 182. Action physiologique du venin mu- queux des Batraciens et en particulier des Discoglossidae ; Phisalix, 238. Action physiologique du venin mu- queux d’un Batracien anoure le Pelo- bales fuscus ; Phisalix et Dehant, 41. L’hymolysine des venins des serpents ; Calmette, 58. Action of cobra venom on its own body ; Green, 113. Sonnenstrahlungsversuche am Cha- maleon ; Stadelmahn, 279. DEVELOPMENT. 5615 General. Zur Entwicklung des Feuersalaman- ders, Salamandra maculosa Lairr ; Melsheimer, 187. Zur Kenntnis der intrauterinen Ent- wickelung von Salamandra atra ; Hirzel, 127. Intrauterine Entwickolung von Sala - mandra atra ; Hirzel, 127a. Ueber riickschreitende Veranderun- gen von Kernen und Zellen junger Entwicklungsstadien von Triton cris - tatus ; Vogt, 305. 22 Rept. [1909] XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. Ovum and Oogenesis; Spermato- genesis. Sur la formation de la graisse dans l’oocyte d’un Saurien Tejus monitor Merr; Loyez, 176. Ovociti in testicolo di Spelerpes (Geotriton) fuscus ; Terni, 291. Mitochondries et corps chroma- toides des spermatogonies des anoures ; Champy, 66. Sur la d6g6n6rescence des sperma- togonies chez la Grenouille verte ( Rana esculenta) ; Ghampy, 68. Ueber Befruchtungsdauer bei den Tritonen ; Prestele, 246. Embryology and Organogeny. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gym- nophionen. III. Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte des Kopfes. T1 1. ; Marcus, 181. Gliedmassenpfropfung und Grund- fragen der Skeletbildung. I. Die Skeletanlage vor Auftreten des Vor- knorpels und ihre Beziehung zu den spateren Differenzierungen ; Bra us, 47. Stomadaeum-Ektochorda (das vor- dere Ende der Chorda). Vergleichend- embryologische Studien des axialen Skelettes. [III. Holoblastii. Amphi- bia] ; Ussoff, 297. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hyobranchialskelettes von Salamandra atra Laur. und Triton alpestris Laur. ; Tarapani, 289. Embryonale Entwicklung des Ex- tremitatenskeletts der Urodela (Russ.) ; Schmalhausen, 259. Entsteliung des Blutes bei Bufo vulgaris; Mietens, 190. Ueber die Ontogenie des Atemzen- trums der Anuren und seine auto- matische Tatigkeit ; Bab&k, 14. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte v der europaischen Sumpfschildkrote (Emys lutaria Marsigli). 2. Die ersten Entwicklungsstadien der Lungen und die Bildung der sogenannten Neben- gekrose ; Hochstetter, 128. Die Entwickelung der Paukenhohle von Lacerta agilis. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom sehallleitenden Apparat der Wirbeltiere ; Cords, 71. Experimental and Regeneration. Studi sperimentali sopra larve di Anfibi anuri. Sviluppo indipendente di due porzioni separate per mezzo di un taglio. Parte 3ft ; Goggio, 106. Contribution a l’analyse exp6ri- mentale des processus de f6condation chez les Amphibiens ; Bataillon, 26. L’impr^gnation hdt6rogdne sans am- phimixie nucl6aire chez les Amphi- biens ; Bataillon, 26. Le role de l’eau ext^rieure dans le fecondation et les premiers stades du developpement chez Rana fusca ; Ba- taillon, 24. , Cytological and chemical studies of centrifuged frog eggs ; McClendon, 184. Ueber Teilbildungen aus dem Fro- schei und ihre Postgeneration ; Laqueur, 159. Essai sur le d^terminisme de la mdtamorphose chez les Batraciens ; Wintrebert, 334. Sur les effets bienfaisants d’un milieu radifere faiblement radioactif sur la metamorphose de Salamandra macu- losa ; Wintrebert, 339. Sur le determinisme de la meta- morphose chez les Batraciens. X : Une de mi -metamorphose experimental; Wintrebert, 340. Sur la possibilite d’obtenir une forme intermediaire entre l’axolotl et l’am- blystome ; Wintrebert, 335. Hyla arborea L. Regenerations- kraft. Bolkay, Termt. Kozl., 41, pp. GIG- 617, 40. Versuche iiber Beschleunigung der Regeneration durch aktive Bewegung ; Harms, 119. Ueber eine dreischwanzige Eidechse mit sieben Schwanzskeleten ; Graper, 108. Neue Versuche am Wirbeltierauge ; Spemann, 277. 23 Rept. Subject Index— Ethology. 5619 Transplantations- Vereuche an Hart- gebilden des Integuments und der Mundschleimhaut bei Teleostiern und Ampkibien ; Gross, 115. Metamorphosis and Postembryonic. Larven der Batrachier Ungarns ; Bolkay, 39. Ein Fall von Beharrung im Larven- stadium bei der Knoblauchskrote ; Ahrend, 2. Sur l’anatomie compare du demi- amblystome branchi6, de 1’ axolotl et de l’amblystome ; Wintrebert, 337. Sur la possibility d’obtenir une forme intermydiaire entre l’axolotl et l’am- blystome ; Wintrebert, 835. Sur le dyterminisme de la myta- morphose chez les Batraciens. XI : ' Les caractyres anatomi^ues du demi- amblystome k, branchies ; Wintrebert, 341. Sur le dyterminisme de la mytamor- phose chez les Amphibiens. XII. Devolution du vomer et du pterygo- palatin chez Amblystoma tigrinum. XIII. La disparition du palatin et la transformation du vomer chez la Salamandra maculosa Laur. ; Wintre- bert, 342. Ein Beitrag zur geschlechtlichen Differenzierung bei Urodelen ; Bu- kowska, 55. Die Umwandlung des Axolotl in die landbewohnende Form ; Geyer, 101. Observations faites, au Musyum d’Histoire naturelle, sur de jeunes crapauds communs & la pyriode uitime de la mytamorphose ; Vaillant, 298. ETHOLOGY. 5619 Zwei Beitrage zur Gewohnheitslehre (Ethologie) der Mauereidechse ; Kam- merer, 143. Bujo lentiginosus americanus, spawn- ing habits and seasons, habits and food, hibernation, enemies ; Miller, 191. Notes on habits of two common turtles of eastern United States. [Glemmys guttatus and C. insculptus .] ; Allard, 7 Habits of the Blind-worm and Com- mon Lizard ; Bryan, 54. The behaviour of a snake; Turner, 295. Arboreal habit of the “ Kabara- goya ” ( Varanus salvator Laur.) ; Green, 112. Agama stellio : suo nutrimento ; Oecconi, 65. Einiges uber Liebesspiele und Be- gattung von Triton torosus Eschscholz ; Schreltmtiller, 264. Sur la ponte du Lacerta viridis et L. ocellata ; Mourgue, 206. Zur Kenntnis der Laichform des Schlammtauchers ( Pelodytes puncta - tus) ; Kohler, 152. Beobachtungon liber den Kampf zwischen Kreuzotter und Igel ; Schreit- m tiller, 262. Immunity naturelle des serpents contre les venins des Batraciens et en particulier contre la salamandrine ; Phisalix, 237. Action physiologique du venin mu- queux d’un Batracien, le Discoglossus pictus ; Phisalix et Dehaut, 240. The bite of the “ Brahminy Li- zard”; Green, 110. Les Serpents venimeux et leurs venins ; Calmette, 67. Biss der Kreuzotter ; Melsheimer, 188. Toxic action of the bite of the South- African Tree-Snake ; Fitz-Simons, 84. Notes on two casualties from the saw-sealed Viper (Echi carinata) ; Wall, 310. Note on the death of a cooly from snake-bite ; Green, 109. Another fatality from snake-bite ; Green, 111. Immunite naturelle du Lerot commun ( Eliomys nitela Wagner) contre le venin de la Vip£re ; Billard, 34. Sur deux microfilaires du sang des Serpents ; Hyrelle et Seidelin, 124. Hgematozoa from Ceylon reptiles ; Robertson, 250. Sur deux hemocytozoaires pigmentys des reptiles ; Bouet, 42. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] £4 Rept. Sur un h^matozoaire nouveau de Psammodromus algirus ; Franga, 92. Contribution k l’6tude des hemo- gr6garines de Clemmys leprosa et de Chelodina longicollis ; Laveran et Pettit, 164. Contribution a l’6tude des hemo- gr^garines de quelques sauriens d’Afri- que ; Laveran et Pettit, 165. Sur une h^mogregarine du Lepto- dactylus pentadactylus ; Carini, 59. Sur une hemogr^garine du Caiman latirostris Daud. ; Carini, 60. Sur une h6mogr6garine de Pituophis melanoleucas ; Laveran et Pettit, 160. Sur une h6mogr6garine du Python sebai ; Laveran et Pettit, 161. Sur une hemogr^garine de Tupi- nambis teguixin, L. ; Laveran et Salimbeni, 166. Sur une h6mogr6garine d ' Acan- thodactylus boskiamus ; Catouillard, 64. Sur uno h6mogr6garine roncontreo chez Acanthodac-tylus pardulis ; Conor, 70. Sur les caract^res et la frequence de Haemogregarina leptodactyli dans le sang des grenouilles de 1* Argentine ; Lesage et Solanet, 171. Hemogregarines de Zamenis hippo- crepis et Zamenis algirus ; Manceaux, 178. Sur une h6mogr6garine de Lacerta ocellata en Tunisie ; Franga, 91. Sur le role de Hyalomma cegyptirum dans la transmission de Haemogregarina mauritanica ; Laveran et Pettit, 162. Sur quelques trypanosomes des Ver- t6bres k sang froid de l’Afrique occi- dental frangaise ; Bouet, 43 Sur un nouveau trypanosome des serpents du Tonkin ; Mathis et L6ger, 183. Sur un trypanosome du gecko com- mun de Tunisie ; Catouillard, 63. Les Flagell6s parasites de Pintestin des Batraciens indigenes ; Alexeieff, 6. Gastritis and gastro-enteritis in Snakes ; Plimmer, 241a. Zur Pathologie der Urodelen und Anuren; Jacob, 135. VARIATION, TERATOLOGY, HEREDITY, EVOLUTION. 5623 Vari6t6s du L6zard des murailles ; Mourgue, 211. Melanismo in Viper a berus subsp. aspis ; Police, 243. Ueber einen Albino, von Salamandra maculosa Laur. ; Wolterstorf, 344. Eine weisse Kaulquappe ; Schmalz, 260. Note sur deux Serpents albinos ; Rollinat, 251. Ueber Missbildungen von Salaman- derlarven im Mutterleib ; Grochmalicki, 114. A propos d’un tetard monstrueux d' Alytes obstetricans ; Rabaud, 247. Note d’un cas de t6ratologie sur un tetard d’ Alytas obstetricans ; Mourgue, 205. Coda mostruosa delle lacertole ; Clay, 100. Mischlinge von Triton cristatus Laur. und Triton vulgaris L. ; Poll, 245. tlber Polls Bastarde zwischen Triton cristatus Laur. und Triton vulgaris L. ; Wolterstoff, 343. Vererbung erzwungener Fortpflan- zungsanpassungen. III. Mitt. : Die Nachkommen der nicht brutpflegender Alytes obstetricans ; Kammerer, 141. Systematik und Phylogenie der mu- raZi s-ahnlichen Lacerten ; M6hely, 186. Studien iiber Abstammung und Aus- breitung in den Formenkreisen der Gattung Lacerta und Verwandten ; Lehrs, 169. Die Salamander und die urspriing- lichsten vierbeinigen Landwirbeltiere ; Versluys, 299a. The Microsauria, ancestors of the Reptilia ; Moodie, 196. FAUNAE. 5627 A. Actual. Europe. Sweden, Batrachia occurr.; Soderberg, 275. 25 Rept. Subject Index. — Geography. 5627 Mitteilungen iiber das Vorkommen der Sumpfschildkrote, Emys europaea Schweigg., in Westpreussen ; Dahns, 74. Beobachtungen iiber die Reptilien- und Amphibienfauna Hinterpommerns ; Loeper, 173. Sur les reptiles de Provence ; Blanc, 35. Les reptilos du centre de la France et principaloment de la C6to-d’Or; Paris, 230. Catalogue raisonne de la faune erpetologique des environs de Sainte- Cecile Serignan, Orange, Vaucluse ; Mourgue, 202. Reptilien der Schweiz ; Zschokke, 352. Note sur YEuproctus montanus , Uro- dele apneumone caracteristique de la faune corse ; Dehant, 75. Die Reptilien und Amphibien Ga- liziens mit Beriieksichtigung ihrer geographischen Verbreitung ; Bayger, 27. Gouv. St. Petersburg, Amphibia , Reptilia (Russ.); Bianchi, 33. Kaukasicn, Reptilia 2 spp. nn. ; Nikolski, 219. Kaukasus, Verbreitung von Vipera (Russ.); Leister, 169a. Nordwest-Kaukasien, Vipera sp. n. ; Nikolisklj, 218. Asia and Malay Archipelago. Asia Minor, Zamenis rhodorhachis var. n. ; Werner, 324. Syria, new lizard of the genus Acan- thodactylus ; Boulenger, 46. Zentral-Asien, Herpetologie ; Zug- mayer, 354. Centralasien, Reptilia , Amphibia , spp., subsp., varr. nn. ; Ka§8enko, 148. Turkestan, Westsibirien, Gift- schlangen (Russ.) ; Kagdenko, 149. Turkestan sin., Mongolia, Tibet, Phrynocephalus spp. n. ; Bedriaga, 30. Eastern Asia, new reptiles ; Werner, 327. Eastern Asia, Amphibia and Rep- tilia ; Barbour, 22. Loochoo Islands, Snakes (Japanese); Kuroiwa, 154. Formosa, new species of Tropido- notus ; Boulenger, 46a. Formosa, four new frogs ; Boulenger, 46a. Formosa, Trimeresurus gramineus ; Namiye, 215a. Ceylon, Notes on snakes from Diyatalawa ; Fletcher, 86. Indian Snakes, a popular treatise ; Wall, 308. Himalayas, a new colour variety of Macclelland’s coral Snake ( Callophis macclellandi) and extension of the habit of this species ; Wall, 309. India, distribution of little-known Ophidia ; Wall, 306. Darjeeling, notes on snakes; Wall, 313. Persia, new species of Lacerta ; Boulenger, 45. Seychelles and Aldabra, new ba- trachians and reptiles ; Boulenger, 44. Cocos-Kooling Atoll, list of reptiles collected ; Jones, 189. Amphibien des Indischen Archipels im Museum zu Buitenzorg; Eampen, 147. Sumatra, new species of Bufo ; Meade- Waldo, 185. Sumatra, Calamaria linnaei var. n. ; Werner, 324. Rana hosii auf Java ; Kampen, 146 Africa. Africa, Mabuia spp. n. ; Werner, 324. Tripolis und Barka, Reptilien und Batrachier; Werner, 323. Egypte et Soudan 6gyptien, Reptiles et Batraciens rdcoltes par M. Ch. Alluaud ; Pellegrin, 234. Soudan, Reptiles rdcoltds par la Mission Tilho-Gaillard, description d’une esp&ce nouvelle ; Pellegrin, 233. 26 Rept. XVI. Reptilia Somaliland, collections, Lygosoma spp. n. ; Boulenger, 46d & 46e. Uganda, collection of reptiles and batr&chia ; Boulenger, 46c. Ruwenzori expeditions, reports on Reptiles and Antphibia ; Boulenger, 44a ; Peracca, 236. East Africa and Madagascar, new Snakes ; Werner, 326. German East Africa, three new frogs ; Boulenger, 46b. Matabeleland, list of * reptiles and batrachians ; Chubb, 69. S. Africa, Agama 13 spp. rede- scribed, 6 spp. figured ; Gough, 107. Westafrikanische H ylambates- Arten nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art; Nieden, 217. Afrique occidentale, sur une collec- tion de Lizards ; Pellegrin, 235. Kamerun, neue Sauria ; Miiller, 214. Die Schlangen Kameruns ; Stern- feld 284. Hylambates- Formen Kameruns ; An- dersson, 9. Die Schlangen Togos ; Sternfeld, 284. North America. Colorado, Bufo columbiensis, eastern slope of Continental Divide; Young, 347. North Georgia, notes on some sala- manders and lizards ; Allard, 6. Arkansas, amphibians and reptiles ; Hurter and Strecker, 133. New Jersey, amphibians and rep- tiles ; Fowler, 88. A supplementary account of New Jersey amphibians and reptiles ; Fow- ler, 89 Central and South America. Panama, Mesopeltis longifrenis sp. n. ; Stejneger. 281 South America — new reptiles ; Wer- ner, 324. and Batrachia. [1909] South America, new cold-blooded vertebrates ; Barbour, 21a. Brazil, new reptiles ; Werner, 326. Amazonenstrom, Die Reptilien der Insel Mexiana ; Hagmann, 117. P6rou et Bolivie, cinq lizards nou- veaux des hauts plateaux ; Pellegrin, 232. Patagonia, batrachians and reptiles of the Princeton University Expedi- tions ; Stejneger, 280. Australasia, New Guinea, etc. Australasia, new reptiles; Werner, 324. Fauna Sudwest-Australiens, Reptilia exkl. Geckonidae und Scincidae ; Wer- ner, 321. Archipel Indo-Australien, distribu- tion geographique des amphibiens ; Roux, 255. Neu-Guinea-Expedition, 1903, Rep- tilien ; Rooy, 252. Neu-Guinea Expedition, 1907, Am- phibien ; Kampen, 145. fB. Fossil. General. Zur Kenntnis der fossilen Eidech- sen; Nopcsa, 220. Cainozoic. Jungtertiare Trionyx reste aus Mit- telsteiermark ; Heritsch, 125. Miocene of Maryland, f Psephophoms sp. n. ; Palmer, 228. Miocene of Wyoming, Turtles from the Upper Harrison beds ; Loomis, 174. Mesozoic. Cretaceous, revision of the Proto - stegidae ; Wieland, 328. Cretaceous, new armored saurian from the Niobrara ; Wieland, 329. Cretaceous, Deinosuchus hatcheri , a new genus and species of crocodile from the Judith river beds of Montana ; Holland, 129. 27 Repl. Systematic. — Reptilia. 5631 Neue Ichthyosaurierreste aus der Kreide Norddcutschlands und das Hypophyscnloeh bei Ichthyosauriern ; Broili, 50. j U Obere Kreide des^Gouv. Charlcov, Cimoliosaurus bernardi ; Riabinin, 249. Jurassic, osteology of the reptile Camptosaurus, with a revision of the species of the genus, and descriptions of two new species ; Gilmore, 103. Jurassio of Wyoming, new rhyn- chocephalian reptile ; Gilmore, 102. Ueber einige Krokodile der Jura* formation ; Auer, 13. Ichthyosaurier des Portland von Russland (Russ.) ; Bogoliubov, 38. Purbcck bods of Swanago, cholonian skull ; Woodward, 345. Oxford clay of Peterborough, new genera of Plesiosauria ; Andrews, 10a. Oxford Clay of Peterborough, new Steneosaurs ; Andrews, 10. Oxford clay Gouv. Simbirsk Cryp- toclidus sp. n., Ichthyosaurus sp. n. ; Bagoliubov, 37. Unterer Oxford des Gouv. Kostroma, Peloneustes philarchust; Riabinin, 249. Lower Oolite at Whitby, casts of Dinosaurian footprints ; Brodrick, 48. Upper Liassic of Whitby, new genera of Plesiosaurs ; Watson, 317a Trias of Runcorn (Cheshire), rep- tilian footprints ; Watson, 316. Trias of Lossiemouth (Elgin), rep- tilian remains ; Watson, 317. Upper Trias of S. Africa, exhibition of skull of Bauria cynops ; Broom, 52. Palaeozoic. British Permian footprints ; Hickling, 126. Systematische und biologische Be- merkungen zu der permischen Gattung Lysorophus ; Broili, 49. Carboniferous air-breathing verte- brates of the United States national museum ; Moodie, 198. Carboniferous, new or little-known Amphibia in the American museum of natural history ; Moodie, 197. Carboniferous of N. America, new forms of Amphibia ; Moodie, 199. III.— S YSTEMATIO. 5631 GENERAL WORKS. Zur Fauna der Amphibien und Reptilen des Terek- Gebiets ; Laister Tiflis, Mitt. Kaukas. Mus., 4, 1909, pp. 209-217. Notes on Amphibia and Reptilia. from eastern Asia, Barbour, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4, 1909 pp. 53-78, pi. 6-7. Reptiles et Batraoiens r6oolt6s par M. Ch. Alluaud en Egypte et au Soudan 6gyptien, Pellegrin, Paris, Bui. soo- zool., 34, pp. 203-205. Rettili e Anftbi della spedizione al Ruwenzori, Peraoca, Sped. Ruwen- zori, Parte scientifica, Vol. 1, pp. 165- 180. Reptiles and batra chians of Mata- beleland, Chubb Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (590-597). Notes on some salamanders and lizards of north Georgia, Allard, Science 30 pp. 122-124. Karroo beds, exhibition of skull of Lycosuchus vanderrieti ; Broom, 52. REPTILIA. . K*11™ formation, S. Africa, dcscrip- Uber neue odor SGitene Reptilien tion of skull of Tapmocephalus ; deg Naturhistorischen Museums in Broom, 53. Hamburg, Werner, Hamburg. Jalirb. Upper Karroo of Cape Colony, new wiss. Anst., 26 pp. 205-247. reptile with a proboscis ; Seeley, 209. Reptiles du Soudan r<$colt6s par la Permian, new or little-known verte- Mission Tilho-Gaillard. Description brates, Trematops, new genus ; Wil- d’une esp&ce nouvelle, Pellegrin, liston, 332. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1909 pp. 413-415. 28 Kept. [1909] XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. Reptilia exkl. Geckonidae und Scin- cidae, Webneb, Die Fauna Siidwest- Australiens 1909 pp. 256-278, 2 Taf. LACERTILIA. ClIAMAELEONTIDAE. Chamaeleon ellioti, rudis figured, Boulengeb Trans. Zool. Soc. 19 p. 244 pi. viii. — C. camerunensis sp. n., Kamerun, Mulleb Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 103. Ampiiisbaenidae. Ichthyophis glutinosus (L.), Vorkom- men von Zellverbindungen in der Haut, Sckubebo Zool. Anz. 34 pp. 33-35. Trogonophis wiegmanni Koeng, la mue. Le Cebf Ann. ass. nat. Levallois- Perret 14 pp. 33-34. Soinoidae. Mabuia dolloi S. Africa, polylepis Afrika, spp. n., Webneb Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 269. — M. madagascariensis sp. n. Mocquabd Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 260. Lygosoma meleagris figured, Boulen- geb Trans. Zool. Soc. 19 p. 243 pi. viii. — L. euryotis sp. n. Neu Caledonien, Webneb Zool. Jahrb., Syst. 28 p. 271. — L. dubium Yokohama, buchneri Kamerun, carolinarum Carolinen, spp. n. ; Webneb Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Nattk. 65, pp. 61-63. — L. sphenopi- forme p. 308, productum p. 310 spp. n. Africa, Boulengeb Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 4. Ablepharus saposhinkovi sp. n. Tian- schan, KaSOenko St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 p. 126-127. Scclotes gardinen sp. n. Seychelles, Boulengeb Trans. Linn. Soo. 12 p. 298. Sepsina valhnllae sp. n. Seychelles, Boulengeb Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 299. Tribolonotus gracilis sp. n. Neu Guinea, Rooy Nova Guinea 5 p. 381. Laoertidae. Lacerta, Abstammung und Aus- breitung in den Formenkreisen, Lehbs, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 pp. 81-120, 1 Taf. — L. agilis var. n. kurtuana Asia centr. Ka§6enko St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 p. 125-126. — L. chlorogaster sp. n. Persia, Boulengeb Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 936 pi. — L. caucasica, sp. n. ; saxicola Evcrm. subspp. n. armeniaca, bithynica, gracilis , var. n. brauneri ; M£hely Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 7 pp. 442-614, Taf. xiii-xxv. Eremiast Uebersicht der asiatischen Arten, Bedbiaga Przewalski, Am- phibia u. Reptilia, Abth. 1, Lief. 3 pp. 600-502. Acanthodactylus grandis sp. n. Syria, Boulengeb Nnn Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 188. Anquidae. Diploglossus resplendens sp, n. Bo- livia, Babboub Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. p. 50, pi. 4. Iguanidae. Liolaemus alticolor sp. n. Bolivia, Babboub Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 p. 51, pi. 5. — L. micropholis sp. n. Chile, Webneb Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 268. — L. hatcheri sp. n. Patagonia, Stejnegeb, Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1896-1899 3 (Zoology) pp. 218-219. — L. pantherinus p. 324, pulcher p. 325, mocquardi p. 326, variabilis p. 327, spp. n., varr. n. requii nevini p. 327, courtyi , bolivianus sp. n. p. 328, Pellegbin Bui. Museum Paris 15. Diplolcemus bibronii, distinct from darwinii Stejnegeb Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1896-1899 3 (Zoology) pp. 221-222. Agamidae. Agama tarimensis sp. n. Kliotan, Zugmayeb Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 493. — A. aculeala mirr. redescr. p. 191 fig. pi. xix figs. 1, 2 ; armata, Peters ; p. 190 ; anchietai, Boo. p. 187 ; atra Daud. p. 192 pis. xxii-xxiv ; atricollis Sm. p. 186 pis. xvii-xviii ; brachyura Boul. p. 188 pi. xix. figs. 1, 2 ; colo- norum Daud. p. 184 ; hispida L. p. 188 pi. xx. figs. 3 & 4 ; var. distanti ( hispida ) Boul. p. 139 pi. xxi. figs. 1 & 3 ; holubi , Boo. p. 193 ; kirki Boul. p. 185 ; 29 Rept. Systematic. — Reptilia. 5631 mossambica p. 185 ; planiceps p. 184 ; pulclidla. Boc. p. 191 Gough Ann. Trans v. Mus. 1 pt. 3. Physignathus eraduensis sp. n. W.- Austral., Werner t.c. p. 275. Phrynocephalus stolizlcai pp. 279- 282 Kaschgar, forsythi Anders, pp. 282- 297, Taf. iv, fig; 15 ; v, fig. 2, 2a-d, Chines. Turkestan, Besohreibung, cilia- ris pp. 297-302, Taf. v, fig. 1, la-b Edsin-gol, putjatai pp. 302-306, Taf. v, fig. 5, 6a-b Kukn-nor, arcdlazii pp. 307-311, Taf. v, fig. 7, 7a-b Dsohun- garei spp. n., versicolor Strauch pp. 311— 338, Taf, iv, fig. 7, 8 ; v, fig. 4, 0, 11 ; vi, fig. 3, 3a-c ; ix, fig. 13 Chines. Centralasien, Besohreibung, acutirostris pp. 339-346, Taf. iii, fig. 8 ; vi, fig. 2, 2a-d sp. n., Ebi-nor, Kuldschn. — koslovi Tian-Sohau sp. n. pp. 346- 353, Taf. vi. fig. 9, 9a-c, candivolvulus Pall. Russ. Turkestan pp. 353-370 Taf. vi, fig. 4, 4a-d, 5, 5a-b, afjinis Strauch Ordos pp. 370-381, Besohrei- bung, blanfordi Nan-Schau pp. 381- 389 Taf. vi fig. 1, la-c, potanini Chuar.- Che, Ordos pp. 389-397 Taf. vi & fig. 7, 7a-b, guentheri Edsin-gol pp. 397- 404 Taf. vi fig. 8, 8a-b, spp. n., fron- talis Str. Ordos pp. 404-412 Taf. ix Fig. 7, 7a, Besohreibung, carinilabris Chuan-Che pp. 412-420 Taf. vi fig. 10, lOa-b, grum-grzimailoi Tian-Schan pp. 420-427 Taf. vi fig. 6, 6a-b, vii fig. 6 spp. n., przewalskii Strauch Ala-Schan pp. 427-438 Taf. ix fig. 14, kuscha- kcwitschi Bedr. Sergiopol pp. 438-445 Taf. vii fig. 2, 2a-b, Besohreibung, vlaugalii Strauch Tibet pp. 446-495 Taf. iv fig. 3 9 : v fig. 9 ; vii fig. 1, la-o, 3, 3a, 4, 4a~c, 5, 7, 7a, 8, 8a, 9, 9a-b ; ix bis 8, 8a, 10, 11, 12, Besohreibung, rddac Kuku-nor p. 495- 500 Taf. v fig. 10, lOa-b, sp. n., Bed- riaga Przewalski Amphibia und Rep- tilia Abth 1, Leif, 3. — P. helioscopus var. n. saposhnikovi Asia centr. p. 122, subsp. n. levis Asia centr. p. 122-123, Kasoenko St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. nat., 14. — P. erythrurus sp. n. Tibet, Zugmayer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 504. Pygopodidae. Aprasia brevirostris sp. n. W. -Aus- tral. Werner t.c. p. 266. Uropeltidae. ZJroplatvA guntheri sp. n. Mocqitard Bui. museum Paris 1908 p. 259. Geokonidae. Diplodadylus pulcher Steindachner var. n. dorsotaenigta Afrique occiden- tal, Pellegrin Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 p. 242. — D. weileri sp. n. Kamerun, Muller Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 p. 113. — D. pachyurns Australien, stenurus Queensland, spp. n.; Werner Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 267. Hemidactylus garnoli Dum, Stimmap- parat ; Steok, Bern. Phil. Diss. 1907- OS Naumburga S. 1908 pp. ii -f 26, 2 Taf. — Ii. gardineri sp. n. Seychelles Boulenger Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 296. Goniurosaurus hainanensis rede- scribed and figured, Barbour Proc.New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 61-62, pi. 7, f. 7. PYTHONOMORPHA. f Dolichosaurus longicollis , Nopcsa Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestUng. 21 1908 pp. 33-62. fAdriosaurus suessi Seeley, Nopcsa Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestUng. 21 1908 pp. 33-62. ^Coniosaurvs crassidens, Nopcsa Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestUng. 21 1908 pp. 33-62. * OPHIDIA. A popular treatise on Common Indian Snakes, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 No. 2, 1909 pp. 287- 298, 2 pis. Snakes, terrestrial, of Loochoo Is. (Japanese) Kuroiwa Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 pp. 84-88. Die Schlangen Kameruns. Reihe I. Heft. 1 Sternfeld Berlin 1909 pp. iv + 28, mit 1 Karte. Die Schlangen Togos. Fauna der deutschen Kolonien, Reihe II, Heft. 1 Sternfeld Borlin 1909 pp. iv + 29 1 Karte. Typhlopidae. Typhlops oligolepis, sp. n. Nagri Valley, Darjeeling, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 pp. 339-340. — T. microcephalus sp, n. Madagascar, 4 30 Rept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1909] Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 60. — T. lorenzi Insel bei Borneo, steinhausi Kamerun spp. n. ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 209. Glauooniidae. Olauconia merkeri sp. n. O.-Afrika, Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 61. Boidae. Python spilotes var. n. macrospila (ohne Fundort), Werner Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 274. COLUBRIDAE. Anoplohydrus gen. n. (Colybridae aglyphae), aemulans sp. n. Sumatra, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 214. IJophidium gracile sp. n. Mooquard Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 261. Tropidonotua d’ Europe variation et sp6cifioation Roule Arch. zool. 2 Notes et revues pp. 1-xvii. — T. scmteri sp. n. Formosa, Boulenoer Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 495. Pseudoxenodon stejnegeri rede- scribed and figured Barbour Proo. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 67-68, pi. 7, f. 8. Helicops schistosus var. n. ander- sonii , India, Wall Rec. Ind. Mus. 3 pt. ii p. 146. Gantonophis gen. n. near Opiaiho- tropis, praefrontalia sp. n„ China, Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ven. Natk. 65 p. 57. Streptophorus aubtesaellatus p. 215, oxynotua p. 216, Costarica spp. n. ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 Boih. 2. Rhabdotophia gen. n. noar Pseudo- xyrhopaa, aubcauddlis sp. n., Mada- gaskar; Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 58. Stenorhabdium gen. n., temporale sp. n. O.-Afrika; Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 pp. 59-60. Lamprophia longicauda sp. n. loc. inc. Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 216. Zamenis rhodorhachis var. n. tessel- Icita Asia Minor, Werner Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 277. Coluber schmidti sp. n. Transoau- casia orient., Nikolski Tiflis Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4 pp. 303-306. Herpetodryas carinatus var. n. flavo- picta Ecuador, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 220. Dendrophia elf renis sp. n. Ceylon, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 221. Oastropyxis orientnlis sp. n. O.- Afrika, Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 55. Leptophis vertebralis sp. n. Brasilia, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 221. Dromicus w-nigrum sp. n. Haiti, Werner Hamb. Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 Beih. 2 p. 222. Liophis bolivianus Bolivia p. 222, rehi Brasilia p. 223, spp. n. ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26. Rhadinaea praeornala sp. n. Brasilia, Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 58. — R. binotata Brasilia p. 223 frenata Paraguay p. 224, spp. n. ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26. Oligodon pulcherrimus sp. n. Sumatra, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 227. Holarchus nesiolis redescribed and figured, Barbour Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4p. 71, pi. 7, ff. 5, 6. Oligodon melaneus, sp. n. Tindharia, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soo. 19, No. 2 pp. 349-350 pi. Prosymna variabilis sp. n. China. Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 57. Arrhylon dolichurum sp. n. Ala- bama ? Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 224. Gontia sdielkovnikovi sp. n., Kreis Leukoran, Nikolski Tiflis Mitt. Kau- kas. Mus. 4 pp. 301-302. Atractus bocki sp. n. Bolivia, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 p. 228. Calamaria ornata sp. n. Sumatra, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss, Anst, 26 p. 229. 31 Rept. Systematic. — Reptilia. 5631 Calamaria linnaei var. n. multi - lineata Sumatra, Werner Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 278. Dipsadomorphus reticulatus sp. n. O.-Afrika, Werner Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 65 p. 55. — D. heddomei p. 152, andamanensis p. 153, spp. n. India, Wall Rec. Ind. Mus. 3 pt. ii pp. 153-154. Leptodira tripolitana sp. n. Tripolis, Werner Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 pi. 619. Oxyrhopus rhombifer var. n. inaequi- fasciata Paraguay p. 230, doliatus var. n. aequifasciata Guatemala p. 231 ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26. Philodryas boulengeri loo. ? p. 232, lineatus Argentinia p. 233, spp. n. ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. w. Anst. 26. Erythrolamprus labialis Eouador p. 237, mentalis Guatemala p. 238, spp. n. ; Werner Hamburg Jahrb. w. Anst. 26 Boih. 2. Homalo cranium hofjmanni sp. n. Guatemala, Werner Hamburg Jahrb. w. Anst. 26 p. 239. Elapops heterolepis sp. n. Moc- quard Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 261. Pseudeohis denisonioides sp. n. W.- Austral., Werner t.o. p. 258. Bungarus niger sp. n. Tindharia, Wall Bombay J Nat. Hist. Soo. 19 No. 2 p. 355. Callophis macclellandi var. n. nigri- venter Kasauli, W. Himalayas, W-all Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 No. 1 p. 266. Trimeresurus gramineus from For- mosa, Namiye Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 pp. *266-267. AmBLYCETRALIDAE. Leptognathus maxillaris sp. n. Mexiko, Werner Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 28 p. 270. — L. praeornata Venezuela p. 240, boli- viano, Bolivia p. 240, temporalis Ecua- dor p. 241, spp. n. ; Werner Ham- burg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 26 Beih. 2. Mesopeltis longijrenis sp. n., Panama, Stejneger, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proo. 36 pp. 457-458. VlPERflXAE. Vipera Tcaznakovi sp. n. Nordwest- Kaukasien, NikolisKij Tiflis Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4 pp. 173-174. Athens woosnami figured, Boulen- ger Trans. Zool. Soc. 19 p. 246 pi. ix. . Atractaspis nigra sp. n. Soudan, Pellegrin Bui. Museum Paris 1909 p. 414. ICHTHYOSAURIA. f lohthyosauria dos russischen Port- land, Phylogeny, Bogoliubov Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-19l0g. [Prot.], 1909, pp. 143- 144. f Ichthyosaurus steleodon Oxford day Simbirsk sp. n. Bogoliubov, Ann. g6ol. miner., 11, 1-3, pp. 50-61, 63-64 pi. ii f. 6-10. — 7. brunsvicensis sp. n. Kroide bei Hannover, Broili Palaeon- tographioa 55 p. 266. f Ophthalmosaurus of. Thyreospondylus russischer Portland, Bogoliubov Mos- kva, Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest, vrac. 1909-1910g. [Prot.], 1909, pp. 143-144. PLESIOSAURIA. f JAicrodeidus gen. n. for Plesio- saurus homalo8pondylus Owen, Watson Mem. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 54 pt. i p. 4. ■\Sthenarosaurus gen. n. Plesiosauria, datvlcinsi sp. n. Upper Lias, Whitby ; Watson Mem. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 54 pt. i p. 13. ■ \Simolestes gen. n. near Thaumato- saurus vorax sp. n. Oxford Clay of Peterborough, Andrews Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 424. f Trideidus gen. n. near Murceno- saurus, seeleyi sp. n. Oxford Clay of Peterborough, Andrews Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 418. \Picrodeidus gen. n. for Murceno- saurus bclodis Seeley, Andrews Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 421. ■\Cryptodidus simbirshensis Oxford day Simbirsk sp. n., Bogoliubov, Ann. geol. miner., 11, 1-3, pp. 45-50, 62-63, pi. ii f. 1-4. 32 Kept. [1909] XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. •\Peloneustes philarchus Unt. Oxford Gouv. Kostroma, Osteologie ; Ria- binin St. Peterburg Mem. com. geolog. 43, pp. 1-49 5 Taf. u. 5 Textf. f Gimoliosaurus bernardi Ob. Kreide Gouv. Charkov, Osteologie ; Riabinin, St. Peterburg, M6m. com. g6ol., 43 pp. 1-49 3 Taf. u. 5 Textf. CROCODILIA. f Steneosaurus leedsi, nasutus, duro- brivensis, obtusidens spp. n. Oxford Clay, Peterborough, Andrews Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 299. •j 'Stenosaurus larteti var. n. kokeni , teleosauroides sp. n. Oxford Clay von Fletton, Auer Palaeontographioa 55 pp. 217-294, 5 Taf. t Deinosuchus gen. n. hatch eri sp. n. Montana, Cretaceous, Holland Pitts- burg, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6 pp. 281- 294, text fig. 1-16. DINOSAURIA. Skizze zu einer Systematik und Stammesge^chichte der Dinosaurier, Huene Centralbl. Min. 1909 pp. 12-22. ■ \Sauropoda Lebensweise, Abel. f Diplodocus, Deniker et Laffitte, Nature Paris 37 pp. 221-223, fig. — Diplodocus carnegii, Tornier Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 pp. 193-209, 1 Taf. ■\Camptosaurus, osteology pp. 204- 266, fig. 2-35, description and revision of spp. pp. 269-297, fig. 36-47, pi. 7- 17, geographical and geological dis- tribution pp. 297-301, fig. 1, 48, pis. vi, xx, restoration pp. 301-302, p). xviii, xix, dispar pp. 270-276, fig. 36, 37, pis. x-xv, xviii, amplus pp. 276- 278, fig. 38, pi. vii-ix, inedius pp. 278- 279, nanus pp. 280-285, fig. 39-42, pi. xiv, prestwichii (Hulke) pp. 285- 289, fig. 43, leedsi pp. 289-290, fig. 44, valdensis p. 291, inkeyi pp. 291-292, depressus western United States, Ju- rassic pp. 292-295, fig. 45-47, brotvni Wyoming, Jurassic pp. 295-297 pi. xiv, spp. n., Gilmore Washington Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 No. 1666. f Hierosaurus gen. n., sternbergii sp. n. Kansas, Niobrara, Wieland Amer. J. Sci. 1909 pp. 250-252, ff. l-7a. CHELONIA. Zur Anatomie der Schildkrotenex- tremitat, Sieglbauer Arch. Anat. Physiol. Anat. Abt. 1909 183-280 4 Taf. Synopsis der rezenten Schildkroten, mit Beriicksichtigung der in histori- scher Zeit ausgestorbenen Arten, Sie- benrock Zool. Jahrb. 27 Suppl. 10 pp. 427-618. Dr. Williston on “ The fossil turtles of North Amerioa,” Hay, Science 29 1909 pp. 341-342. Revision of the Protostegidae. With bibliography. Wieland Amer. J. Sci. 1909, pp. 101-130, ff. 1-12. f Protostega Cope, 1872, pp. 102-103, gigas 1872, Niobrara, p. 103, advena Hay 1908, Niobrara, p. 103, potens Hay 1908, Niobrara, p. 103, P. (Arche- Ion ) marshii Wieland (1900), Pierre Cretaceous, pp. 103, 110-111, f. 5. P. copci sp. n. Kansas, Niobrara, pp. 103, 104-110, ff. 1-4, Wieland t.c. f Archelon Wieland, 1896. p. 103. ischyros Wieland, 1896, Pierre Cre- taceous, pp. 103, 111-128, ff. 6-12, pi. ii-iv, Wieland t.c. Batrachemys nom. n. for Rhinemys Boulenger nec Wagler ; type nasuta (Sohweigger), Stejneger Washington Proc. Biol. Soc., 22, p. 126. \Psephophorus calvertensis sp. n., Maryland, Miocene, Palmer Smith- sonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 pp. 370-372, pi. xxxi. •j- Testudo arenivaga Hay described, pp. 19-21, fig. 1-4, brevisterna sp. n„ Wyoming, Miocene, pp. 21-25, fig. 5-8. undabuna sp. n. Wyoming, Miocene, pp. 25-26, fig. 9, Loomis Amor. J. Sci. 28. \Trionyx hoernesi , peneckei , sophiae, siegeri, spp. n. MittelsteiermarkTertiar, Heritsch Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 59 p. 378. THEROMORPHA. • fCynodontia and Gomphodontia, differences in dentition, Seeley Rep. Brit. Ass. 1903 p. 714. 33 Kept. Systematic. — B atr acii r a . 5631 f Dicynodon seeleyi sp. n. Karoo, Broili N. Jahrb. Min. 1908, I, pp. 1- 15, 1 Taf. f Kannemeyeria gen. n. proboscoides sp. n. Upper Karoo of Cape Colony, .'Seeley Rep. Brit. Ass. 1908 p. 713. f Tapinocephalus n'Jierstoni Owen, -skull figured, Broom Geol. Meg. 6. p. 400. RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. Sphenodon, intra-oranial vasoular sy- stem, Dendy Proo. R. Soo. 81 p. 290. t Opisthias gen. n., related to Spino- ■don p. 35, rants sp. n., Wyoming, Jurassic pp. 35-38, fig. 1, Gilmore Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 37. INCERTAE SEDIS. f Isodectes punctulatus Cope, rede- scribed. Moodie Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 37 pp. 11-16, pi. iv-v. BATRACHIA. The Scanian Batrachia : Soderberg1 Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Arsbok, 1908, pp. 247-278. ECAUDATA. Ranidae. Rana guppyi, structure of the lymph- hearts, Beddard Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 930. — R. hosii, Vorkommen auf Java ; Kampen, Buitenzorg, Bul- letin D6p. Agric. Indes N6erl., 25, pp. 1-2. — R. chinensis ; systcmatischer Wert. Bolkay Allatt. Kozlem. 8, pp. 53-68, Taf. viii. — R. nutti figured, Boulenger Trans. Zool. Soc. 19 p. 240 pi. viii. — R. adenopleura p. 492, sauteri p. 493 spp. n. Formosa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. — R. bachtyana Asia centr. sp. n. Kascenko, St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 p. 129-130. — R. novae-guineae sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Kampen Nova Guinea 9, p. 37. f Rana hauffiana sp. n. Dysodilschie- fern des Randecker Maares, Fraas Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 PP ' 1“7 , (n -11091 d) Phrynobcitrachus Jcrefftii sp. n. Ger- man East Africa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 496. Arthroleptis xenodactylus sp. n. Ger- man East Africa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 496. Sooglossus sechellensis Bttgr. figured, Boulenger Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 294 pi. 40. Nesomantis gen. n. allied to Soo- glossus, thomasseli sp. n. Seychelles, Boulenger Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 293. Rhacophorus robustus sp. n. Formosa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 494. Hylambates tessmanni sp. n. W.- Afrika, Nieden Arch. Natg., 74, I, p. 365. — H. vermiculatus sp. n. Ger- man East Afrioa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. H st. 4 p. 497. Prostherapis boulenger i nom. n. for P. femoralis Barbour preoc. by P. femorcilis Blgr., p. 89 ; Barbour, Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22. f Engystomatidae. Microhyla hainanensis redes cri bed, Barbour Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 57-58. — M. steinegeri sp. n. Formosa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 p. 494. Xenorhina bidens sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Kampen Nova Guinea 9 p. 39. Sphenophryne albopunctata sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Kampen Nova Guinea 9 p. 42. Chaperina ceratophihalmus sp. n. Neu-Guinea,. Kampen Nova Guinea 9 p. 43. Hemisus guttatum, muscular and visceral anatomy, Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 894. Cystignathidae. Phanerotis novae-guineae sp. n. Neu- Guinea Kampen Nova Guinea 9 p. 36. Paludicola bufonina , description of tadpole, Stejneger Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 1896-1899 (Zoo- logy) P- ^16. e 9 34 Bept. t b Batr, XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia [1909] Hylidae. . f Ilyla hayii sp. n. Brazil, Barbour Pioc. New Eng., Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 51-52, pi. 5 — H. rhacophorus, sanguinolenta spp. n. Noii-Guinea, Ivampen Nova Guinea 9 pp. 32, 33. Bufonidae. Bufo lentiginosus americanus, habits, etc., Miller Amer. Nat. 43 p. 641. — B. columbiensis , eastern slope of Continental Divide, Colorado, Young, Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 p. 298. — B. bankorensis redescribed and figured, Barbour Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 55-56, pi. 6. — B. viridis var. n. unicolor Asia centr. (Russ. + lat. Diagn.), KaScenko St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 p. 128.- — B. val- hallae sp. n. Sumatra, Meade-Waldo, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1908, p. 786, pi. xli.— B. chevalieri sp. n. Mocquard Bui. Mus6um Paris 1908 p. 262. Dl800GL0SSIl)AE. Discoglossus pictus Orth, presence a l’etat indigene en France, Wintre- bert, Paris C. R. ass. frau9- avanc. sci., 38, (Lille;, Resumes pp. 83-84. Alytes obstetricans, Vererbung erz- wungener Fortpflanzungsanpassungen, Kammerer Arch. Entw-Mech., 28, pp. 447-545, 2 Taf. Aglossa. Xenopus Icevis, occurrence of pos- terior lymph-hearts, Beddard Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 924. CAUDATA. Triton cristatus Laur. und T. vulgaris L., Mischlinge, Poll, Biol. Centralbl. 29 pp. 30-31. — T. cristatus Laur. und T. vulgaris L. Bastarde, Woltersdorff Zool. Anz., 33, pp. 850-857 ; Bl. Aqua- rienkunde, 20, pp. 373-379. Salamandra maculosa Laur. var. n. coccinea, Deutschland, Schweizer- barth Bl. Aquarienkunde 20 p. 382. Salamandrella keyserlingii Extremi- tatenskelett, Schmalhausen, Moskva Dnevnik XII. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-19 lOg. [Prot.] 1910 pp. 289-290. Euproctus Gen6, Roule Paris, C. R.- Acad, sci., 149, pp. 1092-1094. — E. montanus , Urod61o apnoumonc caracte- ristique de la faune corse, Dehant Paris C. R. soc. biol., 67, pp. 413-414. Oncliodactylus, Sinnesorgane Okajima Zs. wiss. Zool., 94, pp. 171-239, 2 Taf. Cryptobranchus japonicus, Anatomie der Nasenhohle, Fleissig, Anat. Anz., 35, pp. 48-54. Lysoropiiidae. •j Lysorophus tricarinatus, cranium etc., Broili Anat. Anz. 33 pp. 290- 298. APODA. Hypogeophis , Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kopfes. T1 1, Marcus Morph. Jahrb. 40 pp. 105-183, 3 Taf. Praslinia gen. n. cooperi sp. n. Seychelles, Boulenger Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 292. STEGOCEPIiALA. Die Stegocephalen und ilire Stellung unter den Wirbeltieren, Arldt Natw. Rdsch. 24 pp. 353-355. ■\Microsauria, ancestors of the Rep- tilia, Moodie Geol. Mag. 6 p. 216. f Tuditanus walcotti sp. n., Ohio Carboniferous, Moodie Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 No. 1696, pp. 16-19, pi. vi fig. 1-2,. pi. vii. — T. minimus pp. 56-61, fig. 10, sculptilis Pennsylvania Carboniferous, pp. 61-63, figs. 11-12, spp. n., Moodie J. Geol. Chicago Bl. 17. \Erpetosaurus gen. n. p. 348, type Tuditanus radiatus Cope p. 347, tuber- culatus pp. 348-349, pi. lviii, acuti- rostris pp. 349-351, pi. lxi fig. 1, spp. n. Moodie New York Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26. \Macrerpeton gen. n. for Tuditanus huxleyi Cope, Moodie J. Geol. Chi- cago 111. 17 pp. 72-73, fig. 17. ■\Odonterpcton gen. n. T uditanidae p. 19, genotype O. triangularis sp. n., Ohio Carboniferous pp. 19-21, pi. vi, fig. 3, Moodie Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37. 35 Rcpi. Batr. Systematic. — Batraciija . 5631 f Eoserpcton gen. n. for Ceraterpelon tenuicorne Cope, Moodie J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 pp. 76-79, fig. 20. f Stegops gen. n. for Ceraterpelon divaricatum Cope ( S . divaricata), Moodie J. Geol. Chicago Jll. 17 p. 79 fig. 21- 22. f Ichthyerpeton squamosum sp. n. Ohio Carboniferous, Moodie J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 pp. 69-72. Krpdosaurus minuius sp. n., Penn- sylvania Carboniferous, Moodie Smith- sonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 pp. 21-23, pi. viii, fig. 1. \Diceratosaurus pundolineaius Cope, description of second specimen, Moodie Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 37 pp. 25-26. — D. laevis pp. 63- 67, figs. 13-14, robustus Ohio, Carboni- ferous, pp. 67-69, fig. 15, spp. n.,MooDiE J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17. f Saufopleura longidenlala sp. n., Car- boniferous, Moodie J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 pp. 74-76, figs. 18-19. f Saurerpeton gen. n. for Sauro- pleura latithorax Cope, Moodie J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 p. 80, fig. 23. f Diplocaulus skull and extremities, Williston Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 22 pp. 123-131, 6 pi. f Tremnirops gen. n. milleri sp. n. Texas Permian ; the nearly complete osteology, with restoration of skeleton, Williston J. Geol. Chioago 111. 17 pp. 637-658, figs. 1-6. f Ophiderpetontidae fam. n. ex Aisto- poda, Schwarz Wien Beitr. Pal. Geol. OestlJng. 21 1908 pp. 63, 105, t Dolichosoma Huxley, Wirbel u. Rippen, Schwarz t.c. p. 63. f Micrerpeton gen. n. caudatum sp. n. Illinois Carboniferous, Moodie J. Geol. Chicago 111. 17 pp. 39-51. figs. 1-6. XVII. AVES ARRANGED BY W. L. SCLATER, M.A. CONTENTS PAG I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General — 5803 . . . . 69 History . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Biography. . . . . . . . . . 69 Treatises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Institutions, Collections . . . . . . . . . . 70 Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . ..70 Economics.. .. . ., .. .. .. ..71 Bird-protection .. .. .. .. .. .. 71 Aviculture, Acclimatisation (including Falconry) . . 71 Nomenclature .. .. .. .. .. ..72 Structure — 5807 : — External characters . . . . . . . . . . 72 Nervous system and Sense organs . . . . . . 73 Myology . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Osteology . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Alimentary, Circulatory, and Respiratory Systems, Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Physiology = 5811 .. .. .. .. ..73 Development = 5815 .. .. .. .. ..74 Ethology = 5819 . . . . , . . . . . . . 75 General . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Food habits . .. .. .. . . .. 76 Migration.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 Flight, Phenology , . . . . . . . . . 79 Parental relations .. .. .. .. .. 79 Sexual relations . . . . . . ; . . . . . 79 Nidification . . . . . . . . . . 79 Oology 80 Voice .... . . . . . . . . . . 81 Psychology .. .. .. .. .< ..81 Colour and Moulting . . . . . . i . . . 81 Parasites (including Pathology and Mortality) . . 82 (n-11091 g) e 10 PAGE Variation and Aetiology = 5823 Variation . . , , • Teratology Hybrids . . Heredity Evolution Extinct birds ... . , Geography = 5827 General Palaearctic Region Ethiopian Region Indian Region Australian Region Neotropical Region Nearctic Region . . Antarctica. . Systematic : — Struth io ni formes .. 90 Casuariiformes .. 96 Dinornithiformes . . .. 96 Tinamiformes .. 90 Galliformes . . 96 Turniciformes . . 98 Pteroclidiformes . . .. 98 Columbiformes .. 98 Opisthocomiformes .. 99 Ralliformes .. 99 Podicipedifovmes . . .. 100 Oolymbiformes .. 100 Sphenisciformos . . .. 100 Procellariiformes . . .. 100 Alciformes. . .. 101 Lari formes .. 101 Oharadriiformes . . .. 101 Gruiformes .. 103 Ardeiformes .. 103 P h oenicopteri formes .. 104 Anseriformes . . 104 Pelecani formes . . .. 106 Oathartiformes .. 106 Accipitriformes , . .. 106 Strigiformes .. 108 Psittaciformes .. 109 Coraciiformes .. 109 Trogones .. Ill Coccyges . .. Ill Scansores . . .. 112 Piciformes # # .. 112 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84. 84 91 91 92 93 94 94 3 PA.GE Passeriformes .. .. .. . . .. ..113 Eurylaemidas .. .. .. .. .. ..113 Menuridas . . . . . . . . . . ..113 Formicariidae .. .. .. .. .. ..113 Dendrocolaptidas .. .. .. .. ..113 Tyranmdas .. .. .. .. .. ..114 Pipridae. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 Cotingidae .. .. .. .. .. ..114 Phytotomidae .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 Pittidas . . . . . . . . . . . . ..115 Ilirrmdinidae .. .. .. .. .. ..115 Muscicapidas .. .. .. .. .. ..115 Campopliagidae .. .. .. .. . . U6 Pycnonotidas .. .. .'. .. .. .. 116 Timeliidae . . . . . . ..... ..117 TroglodylJd® 117 Cinclidae. . .. .. .. .. .. ..117 Mimidaa .. .. .. .. .. ..118 Turd idie .. ..118 Sylviidee .. .. .. .. .. ..119 Vireomdas . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Ampelidae .. .. .. .. .. ., 121 Artamidas .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 PrionopidaB .. .. .. .. .. ..121 Laniidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Paridas . . . . . . . . . . . . ..122 Regulidas .. .. .. .. .. ..122 Sittidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 CerthiidaB .. .. .. .. .. ..122 Zosteropidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Dicasidas . . . . . . . . ... . . 123 Nectariniidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Meliphagidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Mniotiltidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Drepanidfe . . . . . . . . . . ..124 Motacillidas .. .. .. .. .. ..124 Alaudidas .. .. .. .. .. ..124 Fringillidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Ccerebidas . . . . . . . . . . ..127 Tanagridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Ploceidse . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Tcteridas . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Sturnidas 128 Eulabetidas 128 Uriolidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Dicruridas .. .. .. .. .. ..128 Paradiseidas .. .. .. .. .. ..129 PtilonorhynchidaB .. ... .. .. .. 129 Corvidas . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 (n-11091 g) e 10—2 4 Aves. XVII Aves [1903] I. — TITLES. Abbott, Clinton G. The Black- throated Green Warbler ( Dendroica virens) as a nesting species on Long Island, N.Y. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (80-81). 1 Adam, J. C. “ The Raven Wys.” Edinburgh Trans. F. Nat. Soc. 6 1909 (152-163). 2 [Aleksandrov, L. D.] AjieiicaHflpoBTb, 31. 0 npojierb h BLicunKax't ay- neJieii. [Ueber den Durchzug und das plotzliche Auftreten der Doppelschnep- fen.] Ochotn. vest. Moskva 9 1909 (355-356). 3 Alexander, B. [Description of a new Parrot from West Africa.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (74). 4 Alexander, B. [Description of Bra- dypterus earner unensis, sp. nov. from the Peak of Cameroon.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (19-20). 5 Alexander, C. J. Marsh-Warbler in Kent. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (159— 160). 6 Alexander, C. J. & H. G. On a plan of mapping migratory birds in their nesting areas. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (322-326) ; also Nature London 80(113). 7 Allan, C. W. Doves nesting on the ground. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (523-524). 8 Allen, Francis H. Breeding of the Mockingbird near Boston. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (433-434). 9 Allen, G. M. Fauna of New Eng- land ; No. 11. List of the Aves. Boston Mass. Occ. Papers Soc. Nat. Hist. 7 1909 (10 -f 230). 10 Allen, Glover M. vide Townsend, Charles W. Allen, J. A. The habitat groups of North American birds in the American museum of natural history. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (165-174) pis. i-iv. 11 Allen, J. A. An American’s views of Bird Migration. British Birds London 3 1909 (12-19). 12 [Alpheraki, S. N.] AjufmpaKH, 0. H. Em,e o jiutL irran^ npoiwL B'kxpa. [Nochmals iiber das Fliegen der Vogel gegen den Wind.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 12 (3-9). 13 Alphonsus, B. Migration of birds in St. Joseph county, Ind., from March 1 to May 30, 1909. Notre Dame Ind. Midland Naturalist 1 1909 (47-49). 14 American Ornithologists’ Union Committee. Fifteenth supplement to the American ornithologists’ union check-list of North Ameiican birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (294- 303). 15 Ammann, Josef. Die Vogel der Hochalpen-Region und ihre Lcbens- weise. Natur u. Ollcnb. Munster 65 1909 (577-599). 16 Andersen, J. C. New Zealand bird- song. Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 1909 (422-428). 17 Anderson, P. Bird notes from Tirce. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh 1909 (51). 18 Anderson, Rudolph M. Nesting of the Bohemian Waxwing ( Bomlycilla garrulus). Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (10-12). 19 Anderson, R. M. Northward range of Ammodramus lecontei. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (80). 20 Anderson, R. M. Breeding of Den- droica striata at Great Slave lake. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (80). 21 Andreev, V. D. et Bianchi, V. Contribution k la faune ornitliologique 5 Aves. Titles, 5800 du district Ustsysolsk gouv. Vologda. St. Petersburg Bull. Ac. Sc. 1909 (1181) [Russian]. 22 Andreucci, A. Nuovo habitat tos- cano della Lycos monedula (Linn.) (ex. Gesn.). Avicula Siena 13 (1-4). 23 Anfrie, E. Le Puffin gris ou fuligi- neux. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (116). 24 [Anon.] l)r. R. Bowdler Sharpe. [Obituary notice.] Nature London 82 1909 (253-254).' 25 [Anon.] Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on the importation of plumage prohibition bill together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendices, (x -f- 47). London 1908. 26 Aplin, O. V. Notes on the ornitho- logy of Oxfordshire, 1908. Zoologist London 13 1909 (321-329). 27 Aplin, O. V. Little Bittern in Oxfordshire. Zoologist London 13 1909 (468-469). 28 Aicangali, Alceste. Osservazioni sulla cheratoialina. Pisa Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Pro. verb. 18 1908-09 (17-21). 29 Aictander, H. Iagttagelser af Stevns Fugleverden 1884-1909. [Ob- servations on the birdlife on Stevns [Denmark] during the years 1884- 1909.] Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 4 1909 (1-15). 30 Arnold, E. C. The Eastbourne Crumbles. Zoologist London 13 1909 (64-70). 31 Arnow, Isaac F. The Masked Duck — A correction. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (189). 32 Arrigoni degli Oddi, Ettore. Osser- vazioni sulla [discussa] comparsa di un Occhione del Senegal nel Vicentino. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (203-206). 33 Arrigoni degli Oddi, E. [Letter on the occurrence of the White-fronted Goose (Anser albijrons) in Italy. Ibis London 1909 (562-563). 34 Artobolewski, W. Cyanistes pleslcei (Cab.) — Nistvogel im Gouvernement Kiew. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (77-78), 35 [Artobolewski, W.] ApTodojieBciuit, B. Phylloscopus viridanus (Blyth.) B’B IleHBeHCKOMT, y^B^k. [Phyllo- scopus viridanus (Blyth. ) im Pensaschen Kreise.] Kiev Zap. Obsc. jest. 21 1909 1 (213-223, deutsch. Res. 224- 227). 36 Astley, H. D. On four well-known thrushes of North America. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (99-108). 37 Astley, H D. • The hardihood of Gardiner Bower Birds. Avicult. Mdg. 7 1909 (156-158). 38 Astley, H. D. The Hermit Thrush ( Turdus pallasi) and Wilson’s Thrush (Turdus fuscescens). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (177-183). With coloured plate. 39 Astley, H. D. A rare hybrid Aus- tralian Grassfinch ( Neochmia phaeton x Bathilda ruficauda). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (199). 40 Astley, H. D. Nesting of Red capped Parralceets ( Porphyrocephalus spurius ) and a hybrid Stanley-Rosella. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (291- 294) 41 Astley, H. D. Townsend’s Flycatcher or Solitaire ( Myiadestes tovmsendi). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (319- 321). 42 Astley, H. D. Nesting of the Magpie Tanagcr ( Gissopis leveriana). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (323-325). 43 Astley, H. D. The Abyssinian Love- Bird. ( Agapornis taranta). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (23-24). 44 Atkins, W. R. The Osmotic pres- sures of the blood and eggs of Birds. Dublin Sci. Proc. R. Soc. 12 1909 (123- 130). 45 Attewell, H. E. The “ Mosquito Hawk ” or Jamaica Give-me-me-bit [Chordeiles virginianus minor]. Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (96-98). 46 Aubert vide Simond. Aulmann, Georg. Die Mundrachen- wand der Vogel und Sauger. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (34-82) 4 Taf. 47 [Averin, V.] ABepmrb, B. 3nMHift IipOJierb ^p03,H0B,I> - pa6HHHHK0BT>, 6 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] T urdus 'pilaris. [Winterflug von Kram - metsvogeln ( T urdus pilaris).'} Shorn, stud. lam. liub. pris. Chark. Univ. Charikov 1 1909 (74-76). 48 [Averin, V.] ABepHH'L, B. 0 noa- BJieniii po30Baro CKBOjma ( Pastor roseus L.) bt» npefthjiax't XapBKOBCKOii ry- depniH. [Ueber das Erscheinen der Rosenstaares ( Pastor roseus L.) im Gouv. Charkov.] Shorn, stud, kruz. Hub. pris. Chark. Univ. Charikov 1 1909(70-71). * 49 B. T. R. Obituary — E. H. Aitken. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (640-542). 50 Bacon, B. The Cotton-teal ( Nettapus coromandelianus) in the Konkan, Western India. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (264). 51 Baer, W. Untersuchungsergebnisse von Mageninhalten sachsischer Vogel. Omith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (33-44). 52 Baer, W. Ein dcutschcr Wiirgfalko. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 84 1909 (196-198). ' 53 ^ Bahr, P. H. On the supposed “ colour-change ” and the spring moult of the Black-headed Gull. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (105-111) 6 text- figures. 54 Bailey, F. M. The Nesting of the bar-headed goose {Anser indicus) in Tibet. . Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (367-369) pi. 55 Bailey, F. M. A nest of Archibuteo hemiptilopus (Himalayan rough-legged buzzard) from Tibet. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soe. 19 1909 (523) figure. 56 Bailey, Mrs. F. M. Handbook of birds of the western United States including the Great Plains, Great •Basin, Pacific Slope and Lower Rio Grande valley. With 33 full-page plates by L. A. Fuertes and over 600 cuts. 3rd ed. revised. Boston and New York (Houghton Mifflin) 12mo. (xc + 614). 57 Bailey, H. H. Northern breeding limit of the Chuck-wills-widow. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (306). 58 Bailey, Vernon. Birds known to eat the boll weevil. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agric. Biol. Surv. Bull. No. 22 1905 (1-16) tab. 59 Baker, E. C. S. The Indian Ducks and their Allies ; with 30 coloured plates, by H. Gronvold, G. E. Lodge, and J. H. Keulemans. I vol. (xi + 292). Bombay and London (Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.’) 1908 1. 8vo. 60 [Balabin, V. I.] EajiadmrB, B. H. Krn opmiTOJiorm JJoiiCKOfi odjiacm. Kpoiimneirb dojibiuoil. [Zur Ornitho- logie des Don-Gebietes. Der grosse Brachvogel ( Numenius arquatus L.).] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (180-182). 61 [Balabin, V. I.] BaJiadumb, B. IL IILranKa. [Die rote Brandente, Tadorna cornuta .] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (194-196). 62 Bales, B. R. The status of the y Amercan Barn Owl ( Strix pratincola) in Pickaway country, Ohio. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909(35-38). 63 Bales, B. R. The brown stain occa- sionally seen on the feathers of wild- ducks. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (221-223). 64 Baltz, Carl. Die Wachtel ( Goturnix communis). Zs. Jagdschutzver. Berlin 14 1909 (357-359, 367-368). 65 Bamberg, Otto. Aus der ostasia- tischen Mongolei. [Oologisches.] Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (33-36 52-56). 66 Bamberg, Otto. Dr. Otto Ottosson. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (59). 67 Bamberg, Otto. Uber neue palae- arktische Formen. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (100-102 117-118 137-138). 68 Banfield, E. J. The confessions of a beachcomber — scences and incidents in the career of an unprofessional beachcomber in tropical Queensland. With a map and 53 illustrations. [Chapter on birds of Dunk Island, Queensland, pp. 92-128.] London (Fisher Unwin) 1908 8vo (xii -f- 336). 69 Bangs, O. Notes on some rare or not well-known Costa Rican birds. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (29-38). 70 Bangs, Outram vide Thayer, John E. Bannerman, D. A. [Description of Muscicapa somaliensis sp. nov. and note on Sylviella gaikwari ]. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (20-21). 71 7 Aves. Titles. 5800 Barber-Starkey, F. Some nesting habits of the Wood-lark, as observed in North Devon. Brit. Birds London 8 1907 (7-11) 1 plate and 2 photographs. 72 Barber-Starkey, F. Peculiar nesting site of Mallard. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (243-244). 73 Barfurth, Dietrich. Experimentelle Untersuchung liber die Vererbung der Ilyperdactylie bei Huhnern. Mitt. 2 : Der Einfluss des Vatcrs. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 27 1909 (653-661) 1 Taf. 74 Barnard, C. A. [Nests of] the Fairy Martin ( Petrochelidon arid). Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (92) pi. vi. 75 Barrington, R. M. A new British and two new Irish Birds [Locustella certhiola, Emberiza pusilla, Acrocepha- lus streperus .] Dublin Sci. Proc. R. Soc. 12 1909 (18-20). 76 Barrington, R. M. Little Gull (Larus minutus ) in Co. Meath. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (99, 183). 77 Barthos, Gyula. Nehany adat az egereszolyv taplalkozasahoz. [Einige Daten zur Nahrung des Mausebus- sardes.] Aquila Budapest 15 1908 (307- 308). 78 Batchelder, Charles Foster. The Newfoundland hairy woodpecker. Cam- bridge Mass. Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 1908 (37-38). 79 Bates, G. L. Field-notes on the birds of Southern Kamerun, West Africa. Ibis London 1909 (1-74) pis. i & ii. 80 Bates, G. L. [Letter on young of Parmoptila woodhousii .] Ibis London 1909 (383). 81 Bates, G. L. [Description of Lobotus oriolinus, sp. nov. from Kamerun.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (14-15). 82 Bates, G. L. [Description of Melig- nomon robustus. Parisoma holospodium and Pedilorhynchus brevirostris, spp. nov. from Kamerun.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (26-28). 83 Bates, G. L. [Description of the hitherto unknown male of Othyphantes batesi Sharpe.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 26 1909 (41). 84 Batschi, G. Vogelzug in Braila (Rumanien). Aquda Budapest 16 1909 (312-313). 85 Bau, Alexander. Neue Beobach- tungen seltener Vogelarten Vorarlbergs. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (150- 151). 86 Bau, Alexander. Notizen zum Brut- geschaft des Zwergfliegenschnappers. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909(153-154). 87 Bauer, 0. Eine grudelnde Birlc- henne. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (217-218). 88 Bauer, O. vide Hocke, H. Baxter, E. V. Bird notes from the Isle of May for the year 1908. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (5-20). 89 Baxter, E. V. vide Rintoul. Beauchamp, P. de. [Sur une in- clusion dans un oeuf de poule.] Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (20-21). 90 Beaufort, L. F. de. Twee vogel- verzamelihgen van Sumatra. [Zwei Vogelsammlungen von Sumatra.] Am- sterdam Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 6 1909 (8-15). 91 Beaufort, L. F. de. Birds from Dutch New Guinea. Nova Guinea. R6sultats de 1’ Expedition scientifique neerlandaise k la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1903, sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann. Leide (K J. Brill) 5 1909 (389-420) 31 cm. 92 Beauquesne, Baron de. Rencontres fortwites. — La mareque du Chili [Mareca sibilatrix]. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (75-76). 93 Beaux, O. de. Die kurzschnabelige Gans ( Anser brachyrhynchus Baill.) in Italien. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (53-56). 94 Bedford, Duchess of. Nesting results at Woburn. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (36-37), 97 Beaux, Oscar de. Keine Anser brachyrhynchus in Italien. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (85-87). 95 Bedford, Duchess of. Some autumn bird notes from the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (3-5). 96 8 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Bedford, Duchess of. The bill of the Great Northern Diver. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (387). 98 Bedford, Duchess of. The longevity of birds. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (78-79 115-117). 99 Beebee, C. W. Ecology of the Hoatzin [Opisthocomus cris tutus]. New York Zoologica 1 1909 (45-66) figs. 11- 19. 100 Beebee, C. W. An ornithological reconnaissance of northeastern Vene- zuela. New York, Zoologica 1 1909 (67-114) figs. 21-37. 101 Beebe, C. William. Rare birds in the New York zoological park. Science New York N.Y. 30 1909 (668-669). 102 Beeston, T. J. The birds of the Stour valley. Worcester Trans. Nat. Cl. 4 1909 (114-117). 103 Begbie, Arundel. The injury-feigning habits of parent birds. Bombay J. Nat, Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (531-532). 104 Behm, Alarik. Fortpflanzung des Kolkraben (Gorvus corax L.), der Habichtseule ( Syrnium uralense (Pall.),) und des Uhus ( Bubo bubo (L.) ) in der Gefangenschaft. Zool. Beob. Frank- furt a. M. 50 1909 (225-229). 105 Begs, Karl. [4 Bruten bei Turdus merula.] Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (94-95). 106 Behrens, K. Bcitrage zur Vogelfauna von Bielefeld und Umgegend. Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 1909 Bot.- zool. Ver. (50-65). 107 [BSllajev, V. G.] EkjmeB'L, B. F. HatfjiiofteHie 3a poctomt> mojio;i1i>ix'i> rycefi npn nojih30BaHin hmh hckjikhh- TeJibHo nofliioranaro uopwa. [Beobach- tungen fiber das Wachstum junger Ganse, welche sich ausschlieslich von Grasfutter nahren.] Pticevodn. choz. Moskva 11 1909 (242-244). 108 Belogolowy, J. Zur Entwickelung der Kopfnerven der Vogel. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie des Nervensystems der Wirbeltiere. Moskva Bull. Soc. Nat. 1908 1909 (177-537) 9 Taf. 109 B6nard, C. Dans l’oc6an glacial et en Nouvelle-Zemble. Paris (Michel) (192; avifaune 150-152) [1909] 8vo. 110 Bennett, F. M. A tragedy of migra- tion [in the Florida Keys]. Bird- Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 1909 (110-113). Ill Bennett, R. A method of mounting Birds’ Eggs. London Mus. J. 8 1909 (299-301). 112 Benson, C. W. Some Swiss birds observed at the Rhone Glacier, Kleine Scheidegg, and Macolin, Jura Bernoise, in 1909. Zoologist London 13 1909 (393-396). 113 Bent, A. C. A bird photographer’s outfit. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 1909 (101-107) 3 figs. 114 Berger, A. In Afrikas Wildkammern als Forscher und Jager. Berlin (P. Parey) 1910 [1909] (xvi -f 431 mit 40 Taf. u. 1 Karte). 25 cm. Geb. 14 M. 115 Bergtold, W. H. The Little White Egret ( Egretta candidissima) in New Mexico. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (76). 116 Bergtold, W. H. Mexican Goldfinch (Astragalinus psaltria mexicanus) in Colorado. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (79). 117 Bergtold, W. H. Albino robins. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (196- 198). 118 Berlepsch, Hans Graf von. Ueber eine neue Gattung [Snethlagea] aus der Famille der Tyrannidae. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (104-107). 119 Berlepsch, Hans Freiherr von. Jahresnotizen der Vcrsuchs- und Musterstation fiir Vogelschutz auf Schlossgut Seebach, Kreis Langensalza. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (266-270). 120 Berry, C. The birds of Lendalfoot. Glasgow Nat. 1 1909 (5-23). 121 Berry, C. Jottings from my note- book. Glasgow Nat. 1 1909 (35-38). 122 Berry, W. Gadwall in Fifeshire. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 (49, 116). 123 Bertram, C. vide Parrot, Carl. Bessere, Freiherr L. von. Ueber das Briiten des Krammetsvogels in Bayern. D. Jager Mfinchcn 31 1909 (298-300). 124 9 Aves. Titles. 5800 Besserer, L. Freiherr von. Einiges vora Vogelzug. D. Jager Munchen 31 1909 (345-346). 125 Besserer, Freiherr v. Ornitholo- gische Beobachtungen aus Agypten. Miinchen Verh. ornith. Ges. 9 (1908) 1909 (53-67). 126 Betham, R. M. The nesting of the Brahminy Duck ( Casarca rutila). Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (751- 752). 127 Betts, Norman de W. Brown Creepers nesting near St. Louis. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (434-435). 128 Bezier, T. Sur un Tichodrome echelette, Tichodroma muraria Lin., capture en Ille-et-Vilaine. Rennes Bui. soc. sci. med. 17 1908 (86-88). 129 Bezier, T. Quelques remarques sur l’Emeu de la Nouvelle Hollande, k propos d’un sujet offer t au Mus6o do Rennes par M. Ch. Jallot, Ing6nicur agronoine, propri6taire ft Beaulieu, (Mayenne.) Rennes Bui. soc. sci. med. 17 1908 (91-94). 130 [Bianchi, V.] EiaHKH, B. HacTaB- jreiiia fljm codiipania BooJiornaecKiixT. Kojuieimift V. HficTpyKijia jtjra co- dnpaHia ninn.'b, hxt. shivb n rHli31nrb. [Anleitungen zum Sammeln zoologischer Objekte V. Anweisung zum Sammeln der Vogel, ihrer Eier und ihrer Nester.] Herausgeg- vom Zoologischen Museum der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften. St. Peterburg 1909 (i -f- 44 -f 2). 25 cm. 131 _ _ . K [Bianchi, V.] EiaHKH, B. Ornert o KoMMan/i.HpoBK'h bt> KaMHaTKy bt> 1908 ro/jy. [Rapport sui une mission scientifique a la Kamstchatka en 1908.] St. Peterburg Bull. Ac. Sc. N. Ser. 1909 (23-52). 132 [Bianchi, V.] EiaHKH, B. KpaTidn od3opT> aBn(j)ayiiLi KoMaH,n;opcKHXT> ocTpoBOBTj. [Aper$u de la faune ornithologique des lies Comandores.] St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 1909 (48-76). 133 [Bianchi, V.] Biaimn, B. 3aM'hTKn no opmiTOJiornqecKoft noMennjiaryph. I. K'l Boupocy o npaBHJibiioMT, Jiaxmi- ckomt. po.noBOM'b HasBaHiw rarapT., Urinator Lacepede, 1799. [Apergu sur la nomenclature ornithologique. I. Sur le nom generique des plongeons, Urinator Lacepede, 1799.] St. Peter- burg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 1909 (136— 139). 134 [Bianchi, V.] EianKH, B. Ciihcok'b irrnn;T>, codpaHULixib II,. K. rjiasyHOB- bimij bt, C. IleTepdyprcKoii rydepHin h xpaHHmHXCH BrL SooJiorHaecKOM'b Ka- dHHerfc HMiiepaTopcKaro C.-IIeTep- dyprcKaro YHiiBepciiTeia. [Liste des oiseaux receuillis par D. K. Gla- sunow dans le gouvernement de St. Peters bourg et conserves au Cabinet Zoologique de l’Universite Impdriale de St. Pdtersbourg.] St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 1909 (169-179). 135 [Bianchi, V.] Eiaaitn, B. Kt> aBH- <|)ayH'b ycTba p. Odn n npHJi'feiKauun nacTH noJiyocTpoBa TaMajnb. [Quelques contributions a la faune ornithologique de l’embouchure du fleuve Ob et de la partie adjacente de la peninsule Tamal, Siberie occidcntale.] St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 1009 (iv-vi). 136 Bianchi, V. vide Andreev, V. D. Bickerton, W. Notes on Birds ob- served in Hertfordshire during the year 1907. Watford Trans.. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. 14 1909 (63-80). 137 Bieber, C. vide Seeger, J. H. W. Birchley, S. W. British birds for cages, aviaries and exhibition. 2 vols., 234 pp. and many plates. London 1909 8 vo. [review Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 pp. 76-77]. 138 Bird, M. C. H. The average weight of Snipe. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (312). 139 Blaauw, F. E. [Breeding of the Golden-eye ( Clangula glaucion) in captivity.] Ibis London 1909 (188- 189). 140 Blackwelder, Eliot. Summer birds of Iron county, Michigan. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (363-370). 141 Blackwood, G. C. Parasitic habits of the Black-headed Gull. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (117). 142 Bladen, W. W. Bird Notes (1907-8), chiefly taken at Stone. Stafford Rep. Trans. N. S. F. Cl. 43 1909 (83-95). 143 Blaizot, L. Etudes sur la spiroch6- tose des poules produite par Sp. gallinarum (virus somali). La maladie chez les poussins. I. Modifications de la virulence du parasite par passages 10 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] directs. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (421-423 447-449). 144 Blake, Sidney F. Unusual records for Massachusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (198-199). 145 Blano, J. Notes ornithologiques. Chalon-sur-Saone Bui. soc. sci. nat. 35 1909 (3-4). 146 Blanchard, R. Cotylorhipis furnarii (del. Pont.). Nouveau genre de Teniades [chez le Fournier ( Funarius rufus )]. Arch, parasit. Paris 13 1909 (477-482) fig. 147 Blathwayt, F. L. Lincolnshire Gul- leries ( Larus ridibundus). Zoologist London 13 1909 (139-144). 148 Bloomfield, E. N. Annual notes on the local fauna [of the Hastings dis- trict]. Hastings & E. Sussex Nat. 1 1909 (186-191). ' 149 Blount, M. The early development of the Pigeon’s egg, with special refer- ence to polyspermy and the origin of the periblast nuclei. J. Morph. Phila- delphia Pa. 20 1909 (1-64). 54 figs. 150 Boas, I. E. V. Lidt om Staeren, saerlig om dens okonomiske Betydning. [About the utility and harmfulness of Sturnus vulgaris.'] Kjobenhavn Haven 9 1*909 (89-93). 151 B[oe]ttg[e]r, [O.] Die lateinischen Namen unserer deutschen Vogel III. [Betr. Hartert, Vogel d. palaarkt. Fauna.] Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (178-181). 152 B[oe]ttg[e]r, [O.] Briitet der Wiesen- pieper ( Anthus pratensis (L.) ) im Untermaingebiet ? Zool. Beob. Frank- furt a. M. 50 1909 (311). 153 Bonar, H. N. Hawfinch in East Lothian. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 (48). 154 Bonhote, J. L. Migration notes from North Holland. Ornia London 13 1909 (162-173). 155 Bonhote, J. L. [Exhibition of a hybrid Duck containing the blood of the following species — Anas boscas, A. poecilorhyncha, A. superciliosa, and Dafila acuta.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (96) also London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (598-599). 156 Bonhote, J. L. The Giza Zoological Gardens. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (268-273). 157 Bonhote, J. L. vide Nicoll. Bonner jee, Gobin Lai vide Phillott, D. C. Bonorai, A. La straordinaria inva- sione doi Crocieri nell’ estate del 1909. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (35-37). 158 Bonomi, A. Ornitologi defunti — Dott. Eugenio Ray. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (117-118). 159 Bonomi, P. Dalla Sardegna, Avi- cula Siena 12 1909 (62-66 87-90). 160 Booth, H. B. The changing distribu- tion of the Long-tailed Titmouse in the West Riding. Naturalist London 1909 (55-57). 161 Booth, H. B. Paucity of Redwings in the West Riding. Naturalist London 1909 (78-79). 162 Borrer, C. [The Northern Willow- Wren ( Phylloscopus trochilus evers- manni) in Norfolk.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (58). 163 Borrer, C. and Witherby, H. F. Northern Willow-wren in Norfolk. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (342-343). ' 164 Botezat, E. Die sensiblen Nerven- endapparate in den Hornpapillen der Vogel im Zusammenhang mit Studien zur vergleichenden Morphologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (449-468). 165 Botezat, Eugen. Fasern und End- platten von Nerven zweiter Art an den gestreiften Muskeln der Vogel. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (396-398). 166 Boussac, Hippolyte. Identification de quelques oiseaux represents dans les monuments pharaoniques. Natura- liste Paris 30 1908 (105-107 179-181 230-231 242-243 252-254 276-277 285) ; 31 1909 (29-30 48-49 62-63 106-108, 156-157 161-163 191 206-207 216 230- 231 237-238 263-266 277-278). 167 Boussac, P. -Hippolyte. Lo pigeon dans l’ancienne Egypte. Nature Paris 37 1909 2U sem. (264-268) fig. 168 Bouteillier, R. S. Bird migration 1908, observations made on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (149-150). 169 Bowdish, B. S. Ornithological mis- cellany from Audubon wardens. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (116-128). 170 11 Aves. Titles. 5800 Bowles, J. H. Three new records for the state of Washington and one for Oregon. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (200). 171 Bowles, J. H. Notes on Parus rufes- cens in Western Washington. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (55-67). 172 Bowles, J. H. vide Dawson, W. L. Boxberger, Georg von. Friihlings- beobachtungen aus Marburg a. L. [Phanologisch.] Gefied. Welt Magde- burg 38 1908 (197-199 205-20G). 173 Boxberger, Georg von. Brutnotizen zur Ornis Marpurgensis aus dem Jahre 1908. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1908-09 (129-132 144-148 161-162). 174 Boxberger, Leo v. Ueber die natiir- liche Begrenzung der palaarktischen Ornis. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (134-139). 175 Boxberger, Leo v. Aus Deutsch- Siidostafrika. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (178-180). 176 Boxberger, Leo v. Ueber Brutplatz und Eier zweier ostafrikanischer Eis- vogel ( Halcyon albivenlris orientalis Ptrs. und. Alcedo semitorquata Sw.). Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (21-22). 177 Boxberger, Leo v. Weitcre Beitrage zur Fortpflanzung des Graufischers Geryle rvdis L. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19, 1909 (51-52). 178 Braislin, William C. Notes concern- ing certain birds of Long Island, New York. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (314-316). 179 [Brander, V.] Flyttfaglarna [i Fin- land]. [Die Zugvogel in Finland.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (109, 133) 3 1908 (31 95 123 157 373). 180 [Brander, V.] Markt kraka. [Mit Marke versehene Krahe.] F. Jakttidn, Helsingfors 2 1907 (168 196). 181 [Brander, V.] Sallsynt alfagel [albinos]. [Albinos von Harelda hiemalis L.]. F Jakttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (195). 182 [Brander, V.] En blakraka [i Pih- tipudas socken]. [ Goracias garrula L. im Kirchspiel Pihtipudas, Finland). F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (196). 183 [Brander, V.] [Tva exemplar af storskarfven fran s6dra Finland.] [Zwei Exemplare von Phalacrocorax carbo aus Sud-Finland.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (291). 184 [Brander, V.] Storskarfven ( Phala- crocorax carbo L.). [ Phalacrocorax carbo L.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (22-28) 2 Fig. 185 Bfrander], V. Hvarfor flyga vissa faglar i regelbundet ordnade skaror ? [Warum fliegen gcwisse Vogel in regel- miissig geordnetcn Haufen ?] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (73-79 176-182). 186 [Brander, V.] Markt ripa. [Mit Marke verschenes La^o/nts-ExempIar.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (92). 187 [Brander, V.] Hvit kr&ka. Svala med hvita vingar. [Wcisse Krahe. Hirundo urbica mit weissen Fliigeln.) F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (264). 188 B[rander], V. Sjalfhjalp hos faglar. [Selbsthilfe bci Vogeln.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (321-326) Fig. 189 [Brander, V.) En brefdufva, [forsedd med marke]. [Mit Marke versehene Brieftaube.) F. Jakttidn Helsingfors 3 1908 (335). 190 [Brander, V7| [Fynd af rosenstaren i Finland.) [Funde von Pastor roseus in Finland.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (337 374). 191 [Brander, V.] Sallsynta faglar. [Seltene Vogel.] F. Jakttidn. Helsing- fors 4 1909 (67 94-95 210 275 303 336 337 370). 192 [Brander, V.] Flyttfaglarna ar 1909. [Die Zugvogel in Finland im Jahre 1909.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 (68 94 126 155 211 337). 193 B[rander], V. Aterblick pa jaktaret 1908-1909. [Riickblick auf das Jagdjahr 1908-1909.) F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 (361-364). 194 Braun, Fritz. Tiergeographische Fragen, das propontische Gebiet be- treffend. I. Beitrage zur Ornis der rumelischen und bithynischen Halbin- seln. (Kgl. Gymnasium zu Marien- burg. Wiss. Beil. z. Progr. Ostern. 1908.) Alarienburg (F. Grossnick) 1908 (44). 20 cm. 195 12 Avea. XVII. Aves. Braun, Fritz. Bemerkungen zur Ornis Konstantinopels. J. Ornitk. Leipzig 57 1909 (83-88). 196 Braun, Fritz. Vom Gesange der Vogel. Eine Entgegnung auf die Arbeit des Dr. Plascek in der “ Gef. Welt ” Jahrgang 1908. No. 25 II. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (212-222). 197 Braun, Fritz. Die Ornis der Marien- burg. Danzig Ber. bot.-zool. Ver. 31 1909 (124-128). 198 Brewer, Mrs. Ernest. The Carolina Wren ( Thryothorus ludovicianus ) at Falmouth, Maine. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909,(82). 199 Brewster, William. Barrow’s Golden- eye in Massachusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (153-164). 200 Brewster, William. Something more about Black Ducks. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (175-179). 201 Brewster, William. A recent instance of the occurrence of the White Pelican ( Ptlecanus erythrorhynchoa) in Massa- chusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (185-186). 202 Brewster, William. The European Widgeon ( Mnreca penelope) in Rhode Island. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (186-188). . 203 Brewster, William. Snow geese in Massachusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (188-189). 204 Brewster, William. Occurrence of the Whimbrel (Numenius -phaeopus) oft the coast of Nova Scotia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (190-191). 205 Brewster, William. Evening Gros- beaks again in Massachusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (194). 206 Brewster, William. Prothonotary Warbler taken on the coast of Maine. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (309). 207 Brewster, William. Breeding of the Louisiana Water-Thrush ( Seiurus mota- cilla) in Berkshire county, Massachu- setts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (310-311). 208 Brewster, W. Eggs of the Flicker ( Colaptes auratus luteua) found in an odd place. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 (73-74). 209 [1909] Brimley, H. H. North Carolina notes. • Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (436-437). 210 Broberg, C. A. Skjuten storskarf. [Geschossenes Exemplar von Phala- corax carlo L.] F. Jakttidn. Helsing- fors 3 1908 (29). 211 Brock, S. E. The Black-headed Gull as a persecutor of the Lapwing. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (117). 212 Brefgger, A. W. Vistefundet en aeldre stenalders Kjokkenmodding fra Jaederen. Stavanger (102) 5 pis. 1908 [cf. Ibis 1909 p. 362]. 213 Brook, E. J. The value of failures. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (159- 160). 214 Brook, E. J. The breeding of the Black Lory, ( Ghalcopsittacus ater). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (28-29). 215 Brooks, Allan. Some notes on the birds of Okanagan, British Columbia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (60-63). 216 Brooks, Allan. Three records for British Columbia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (313-314). 217 Brooks, [Earle A.]. List of birds found in West Virginia ; in Report West Virginia State Board Agric. for quarter ending Dec. 31 1908 1909 (65) 4 pis. 8vo. 218 Brooks, Earle A. Notes from West Virginia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (84-85). 219 Brown, Frank A. The Cardinal at Ipswich, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (194-195). 220 Brown, Nathan Clifford. The Spruce Partridge in the White mountains. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (428- 429). 221 Brown, Nathan Clifford. Note on the Red Crossbill and the Pine Finch in South Carolina. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (432). 222 Bruce, W. S. [edited by]. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of S. Y. “ Scotia ” during the years 1902, 1903 and 1904. Vol. IV. Zoology. Part I. Zoological Log. (1-103), 33 pis and 2 maps, Edinburgh 1908 4to. 223 13 Aves. Titles. 5800 Brampt, E. Sur une nouvelle spiro- ch6tose des Pollies du S6n6gal produite par Spirochaeta neuveuxi n. sp. Paris, Bui. soc. path. exot. 2 1909 (285-288). 224 Brumpt, E. Existence d’une spiro- chetose des Poules a Spirochaeta gallinarum dans le pays Somali. Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (174-176). 225 Brumpt, E. et Foley. Existence d’une spiroch^tose des Poules h Spiro- chaeta gallinarum R. Bl., dans le Sud- Oranais. Transmission do cctto maladio par persicus. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (132-134). 226 Bryan, W. A. Some birds of Molokai. Honolulu, H. I., Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 4 1908 (43-86) map and 7 illustr. 227 Buchner, W. Nordseetauchor bei Cothen. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (142-143). 228 Bucknill, J. A. On the Ornithology of Cyprus. Ibis London 1909 (669- 613). 229 Bunyard, P. F. On the eggs of the Tree Pipit. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (335-339). 230 Bunyard, P. F. Number of eggs laid by Terns. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (198-199 223). 231 Burg, G. von. Die vertikale Ver- breitung tier Nistvogel im schweize- rischen Jura. (380-1500 Meter fiber dem Meere.) Ornith. Monatschr. Mag- deburg 34 1909 (460-470).. 232 Burg, Gustav von. Ueber den Zug der Vogel durch die Schweiz. Ornith. Beob. Bern. 3 1904 (1-5 17-18 33-35 49-52 65-67 81-83); 4 1905 (1-4). 233 Burg, G. von. Die Graumeisen in der Schweiz. Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. 90 1907 (72-73). 234 Burg, G. de vide Fatio, V. Burnett, W. L. An early Colorado Ornithologist — William G. Smith. Con- dor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (197-199) portrait. 235 Burns, F. L. Alexander Wilson — v. The completion of the American Ornithology. vi. His nomenclature, vii. Biographies, Portraits and a Bibliography of the various editions of his works. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (16-35 132-151 165-186). 236 Burns, F. L. Audubon correspon- dence. A letter from Audubon to Harlan, describing a supposed new species {i.e., Polyborus cheriwayi ]. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (103— 104). 237 Burns, F. L. Nidification of the worm-eating Warbler [Helmitherus ver- mivorus ]. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (104-105) 1 fig. 238 Burrell, H. Young Stone-Plovers ( Burhinys grallarius) and shingle. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (150) pi. xiv. 239 Burrell, H. Blue Wrens nesting in Ivy. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (34-35) pi. ii. 240 Burton, F. M. Notes on Rooks. Naturalist London 1909 (146-148). 241 Butler, A. G. Foreign Birds for cage and aviary. Part I. The smaller foreign birds. London n.d. (1-207). 242 Butler, A. G. The soft parts of the Blue-naped Coly. Avicult Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (94-96). 243 Butler, A. G. More about the Moun- tain-chat ( Saxicola monticola). Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (131-133). 244 Butler, A. G. An unrecognized Amazon ( Amazona hagenbecki). Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (198-199). 245 Butler, A. G. The Pintailed Non- pareil ( Erythrura prasina). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (296-298). 246 Butler, A. G. Morality in Birds. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (325- 329). 247 Butler, A. G. The genus Nymphicus. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (62-63). 248 Butler, A. G. Moral and Mental attributes in birds. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (65-68). 249 Butler, A. G. vide Gurney, G. H. Butler, A. L. Contributions to the Ornithology of the Soudan. No. iii. On Birds collected by Captain E. P. Blencowe in the Bahr-el-Ghazal Pro- vince. Ibis London 1909 (72-90). 250 14 A vea. XVII. Aves. [1909] Butler, A. L. Contributions to the Ornithology of the Sudan. No. iv. On Birds observed on the Red Sea Coast in May, 1908. With appendix containing corrections to previous con- tributions. Ibis London 1909 (389- 406). 251 Butler, A. L. [Letter concerning a Stork killed on the Blue Nile with a “ Rossitten Vogelwarte ” ring on its leg.] Ibis London 1909 (386-387). 252 Butler, A. W. An addition to the Birds of Indiana [ Zonotrichia querula]. Indianapolis Ind. Proc. Acad. Sci. 1908 1909 (49). 253 Butterfield, W. R. An early work on bird-migration. Zoologist London 13 1909 (71-73). 254 Butterfield, E. P. Breeding of Coal- Tit in Wilsden District. Zoologist London 13 1909 (75). 255 [Buturlin, S. A.] EyTypjiHH'B, 0. A. HiiTepecnua naxoflKH. [Interessante Fundo.] NaSa ochota St. Petcrburg 1909 2 (57-64). 256 [Buturlin, S.] EyTypjiHH'B, 0. Uh~ TepecHUH HaxoflKH. [Interessante Funde.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 11 (85-90). ' 257 [Buturlin, S. A.] EyTypjiHHB, O. A. O noaerh nTHn;i> npoTHBB Biirpa. [Ueber don Flug der Vogel gegon den Wind.] Na§a ochota St. Peterburg 1909 4 (33-51). 258 [Buturlin, S.] EyrypJiHHB, O. 06o- ramenie pyccKOii (paynti. [Eine Bereicherung der Fauna Russlands.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 8 (59-63). 259 [Buturlin, S.] EyTypjiHHB, 0. Eipe ipa cjiOBa o deKacoBH^HOMB BepeTeH- HKK'h. [Noch einige Worte iiber Pseudoscolopax taezanowskii Verr.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 12 (121-122). 260 Buturlin, S. A. Den Herrn Jagern zur Beachtung ! [Durchzug von Syrrhaptes paradoxus .] N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 4 1908 (300-301). 261 Buturlin, S. A. Pseudoscolopax taezanowskii (Verr.) am Irtysch. Or- nith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (3). 262 Buturlin, S. A. Rostratula capensis L. im Ussuri-Gebiet. Omith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (155). 263 Buturlin, S. A. und Harms, M. Stur- nus balcanicus n. sp. Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (56-57). 264 Buxton, M. L. A trip to Spain, April, 1008. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (667-677). 266 Cajal, S. R[amon y]. Les ganglions terminaux du nerf acoustique des oiseaux. J. Psychol. Leipzig 13 1908 (214-230) 1 Taf. 266 Calinescu, J. vide Mezinescu, D. Campbell, A. G. The Flame-breasted Robin ( Petroeca phoenicea) : a Mono- graph. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (122- 130). 267 Campbell, A. G. The genus Parda- lotus. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (22-23). 268 Campbell, A. J. Annotations. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (142-148). 269 Campbell, A. J. Camp-out on Philip Island. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (207-210) pi. xviii. 270 Campbell, B. Old dovecots (Scot- land). Edinburgh Trans. F. Nat. Soc. 6 1909 (96-107) pis. vi-vii. 271 Campbell, D. C. Glossy Ibis in Cos. Donegal and Derry. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (256). 272 Cardamatis, Jean P. Observations sur les micro filaires, trypanosomes et h^matozoaires chez les Oiseaux en Gr6ce. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 2 1909 (268). 273 Cardamatis, J. P. Le paludisme des oiseaux en Grece. fitude biologique et histologique du parasite de Danilew- sky. Centralb. Bakt. Jena Abt. 1 52 1909 (351-368) pis. i-ii. 274 Carini, G. Note per un vocabolario ornitologico Bresciano. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (68-69 92-96). 275 Carr, J. W. Nottinghamshire bird notes. Zoologist London 13 1909 (113). 276 Carruccio, Antonio. Cenno illustra- tive sovra un fagiano venerato, Syr - maticus reevesi J. E, Gray .donato da S. M. il Re Vittorio Emanuele III al Museo Zoologico della R. University 15 Aves. Titles. 5800 di Roma. Roma Boll. Soo. zool. ital. 10 1909 (274-277). 277 Carter, 0. S. Crossbills at Louth. Naturalist London 1909 (280). 278 Carter, C. S. vide Walker, H. Carter, T. Re Amytis varia, Carter. Viet. Nat. Melbourne 26 1909 (95). 279 Cary, Merritt. New records and important range extensions of Colorado birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (180-185). 280 Cary, Merritt. A correction. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (312). 281 Castellain, A. List of birds and flowers of Bath and its neighbourhood observed in the year 1907. Bath Proc. Nat. Hist. F. Cl. 11 1909 (164- 185). 282 Caster, Gustav. Wandern imsoror Standvogcl. Sanct Hubertus Cothen 27 1909 (174-177). 283 Castle, W. E. Color variation among domesticated animals. American Bleeders’ Association Report Washing- ton D.C. 4 1908 (172-180). 284 Cavazza, Filippo. Nota intorno a , una incursione e nidificazione della Loxia curvirostra L. nell’Emilia. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (462 - 470). 285 Cave, C. J. P. Alpine Swift in Pem- brokeshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (381-382). 286 Ceppi, Louis. Observations sur les mceurs et la reproduction du coucou cendre ( Guculus canorus). Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 1908 (497-505). 287 Cerva, Frigyes. A Ratal golyak itatasa a feszekben. [Das Tranken der jungen Storche im Nest.] Aquila Budapest 15 1909 (311-31S>). 288 Chaignon, H. de. Note pur la perdrix grise des Pyrenees {Pf'irdix drier ea charrela). Autun Bui. soc. hist. nat. 19 1906 (Proc.-verb. 42-^45). 289 Chaignon, H. de. {*lur une Perdrix a plastron. Autun B*ul. soc. hist. nat. 20 1907 (Proc.-verb. 3,5-37). 290 Chandler, L. G. /Red-browed Tree- creeper. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (OI- OS). I 291 I Chapel, Fernand de. Les migrations des Oiseaux. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 56 1909 (409-411). 292 Chapel, F. de. Un peu plus de lumiere sur les migrations. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (41-43). 293 Chapman, A. On safari ; big-game hunting in British East Africa with studies in bird-life. (xvi 340) London 1908 $vo. 294 Chapman, F. M. Camps and cruises of an Ornithologist. With 250 photo- graphs from Nature by the author, (xvi -f- 432) New York 1908 8vo. 295 Chapman, F. M. The feud of the Crows and the Owl. Bird-Lore Harris- burg Pa. 11 1909 (4-6). 296 Chapman, F. M. The Habitat Groups of North American birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Now York N.Y. Amcr. Mus. Nat. Hist. Leaflet No. 24 1909 (46). 297 Charlemagne, E. W. vide Scharleman. Charnley, J. R. and Heathcote, W. H. The birds of the Ribble Estuary. Lancs. Nat. 2 1909 (18-20 153-157 211-212 231-232). 298 Charruaud, A. A propos du pape de Noumea ( Erythrura psittacea). Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (58-60). 299 Charruaud, A. Le diamant mer- veilleux ( Po'cphila mirabilis) et le moineau de Gould ( Ghloebia gouldiae). Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (106-110 120-124). 300 Charvilhat. Prodrome d’une faune du Puy-de-Dome (Oiseaux). Rev. sci. Bourbon. Moulins 21 1908 (102-126). 301 Chernelhaza, S. C. von. Beitrage zur Nahrungsfrage unserer carnivoren Vogeluelt. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (145-165). 302 Cherrie, Geo. K. A spring record for Bicknell s Thrush on Long Island. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (196). 303 Cherrie, G. K. New birds from the Orinoco Region and from Trinidad. Brooklyn N.Y. Mus. Inst. Arts Sci. Bui. 1 1909 (387-390). 304 Cheux. Observations sur l’arrhAe de plusieurs oiseaux faites h la Bau- mette, pr&s Angers, de 1874 1908. Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. 17 1907 (115), 10 Aves. XVn. Aves, [1909] also Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1907-1908 (259). 305 Chigi, Francesco. Notizie comple- mentari sulla incursione del Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.) nell’ Europa orientale nell* anno 1908. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (164-156). 306 Chigi, Francesco. Intorno al Mela- nonyx brachyrhynchus (Baillon) e ad un esemplare riferibile a.questa specie colto nella provincia di Roma. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (157-163). 307 Chigi, Francesco. Caratteri sessuali e fasi evolutive nel pijmaggio de\Y Anas boscas L. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (223-232). 308 Chigi, Francesco. I generi ,An?er Brisson e Melanonyx But. RoUiticho e aggiunte. Roma Boll. Soc. z . ital. 10 1909 (450-453). 809 Chisholm, A. H. Wood-Swallows ,v. Honey-eaters. Emu Melbourr. 8 1909 (219-220) ; 9 1909 (32-33). 310 Chlebovsky. Aberration von Oorww frugilegus in Mahren erlegt. Oruith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (154). 31 1 Christian, E. J. Notes on the Black - tailed Native-Hen ( Microtribonyx trails). Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (95- 97). 312 Christiansen, N. Kraekerfinken ( Fringilla montifringilla) som Dansk ynglefugl. [The Brambling breeding in Denmark.] Kjobcnhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909 (C0-C1). 313 Chubb, C. [Description of Troglo- dytes cobbi sp. nov. from the Falkland Isles.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (15-16). 314 Chubb, C. vide Sharpe, R. B. Chubb, E. C. On the Birds of Bula- wayo, Southern Rhodesia. Ibis Lon- don 1909 (140-172). 315 Chubb, E. C. On birds collected between Bulawayo and the Tegnani River. Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 1909 (67-72). 316 Clarke, W. E. On the occurrence of Eversmann’s Warbler ( Phylloscopus borealis (Blasius) ) at Fair Isle : an addition to the British Fauna. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (1-2); also Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (310). 317 Clarke, W. E. Little Bunting and other birds at Sule Skerry [Orkney Isles]. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1909 (48). 318 Clarke, W. E. The birds of Fair Isle. iv. Report on observations made during the year 1908. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (69- 75). 319 Clarke, W. E. On the occurrence of Briinnich’s Guillemot in the Firth of Forth. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1909 (75-76). 320 Clarke, W. E. The occurrence of Phylloscopus borealis , not P. viridanus at Sule Skerry : a correction. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 ( 1 14— 115). 321 Clarke, W. E The recent remark- able visitation of Crossbills. Ann. Soot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (215- 217). 322 Clarke, W. E. Ruddy Sheld-Duck at Sule Skerry, Orkney. Ann. Scot. Nai. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (247). 323 01. i’ke, W. E. The chicks of the Sant hvling. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (33-3 i pi. ii. 324 Clarke, W. G. Bird -life of the meres. N >rwich Trans Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (747- 764). 325 GVrcfce, W. J. vide Wade. dieland, T. B. Notes on several birds found at Strelley river (Pt. Hed- land. Marble Bar Road), N.W. Aus- tralia Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (155- 156). 326 Clekuid, J. B. and Johnston, T. H. Descriptions of new Haemoprotozoa from bird i in New South Wales, with a note on tuo resemblance between the speriW tuzoa of certain Honey eaters (Earn.', Melipkagidae) and Spiroehaete- trypariosumos. .Sydney .T. Proc. R. S. N.S.W. 48 1909 (75-96) pis. i-ii. 327 Clodium G. oi nithologischer Be- richt iibe. MeekiooLiirg (und Liibeck) fiir das Jam 1908 Giistrow Arch. Ver. Natg. 63 H 9 (94 - H>7) 2 Taf. 328 Clyne, R. Red-breasted Flycatcher and other Bi.ds at the Butt of Lewis. Ann. Scot. N • His - . Edinburgh 1909 (48). 329 17 Aves. Titles. 5800 Coburn, F. Marsh- Warbler breeding in Worcestershire. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (167-159). 330 Cockell, N. F. Notes on breeding the Jungle Bush-Quail. ( Perdicula asiatica.) Avieult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (234-235). 331 Cocks, A. H. Memoir of Thomas Southwell. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (173-178) pi. xi. 332 Cole, C. F. Notes on the Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike. ( Graucalus melanops, Latham.) Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (164- 155). 333 Cole, Leon J. The destruction of birds at Niagara Falls. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (63-65). 334 Cole, Leon J. Carolina Wren ( Thryo- thoms ludovicianus) in Rhode Island. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (81- 82). 335 Cole, Leon J. The tagging of wild birds as a means of studying their movements. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (137-143). 336 Cole, L. J. The Crow a menace to Poultry raising. Ann. Rep. Rhode Island Agric. Exper. Station 21 1909 (312-316). 337 Colo, Li, Francesco. Contributo alia conoscenza delle glandole del condotto uditivo esterno negli Uc- celli. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (335-343). 338 Colthrup, C. W. Eggs of the Cuckoo. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (424). 339 Congreve, W. M. Rare birds in Pembrokeshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (377-378). 340 Conte, A. Une variation brusque. Les poules k cou nu. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (255-257). 341 Cook, L. C. The Lyre bird at Poo- wong. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (220- 221). 342 Cooke, Wells W. Some new birds for Colorado. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (314). 343 Cooke, Wells W. The birds of Colorado — Third supplement. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (400-422). 344 Cooke, W. W. The Migration of Flycatchers [ Tyrannidae ]. 8th paper. (N-11091 g) Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 1909 (12- 14). t 346 Cooke, W. W. The migration of Vireos. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 1909 (78-82 118-120). 346 Cooke, W. W. The migration of North American Sparrows. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 1909 (254-260). 347 Corbett, H. H. Common Scoter at Doncaster ; Cream coloured variety of the House Sparrow ; Glossy Ibis near Doncaster. Naturalist London 1909 (441). 348 Cornwall, E. M. Notes on birds found breeding near Mackay, north Queensland. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (138-141) pi. xii. . 349 Cory, C. B. The birds of the Lee- ward Islands, Caribbean Sea. Chicago 111. Field Mus. Pub. Ornith. ser. 1 1909 (193-266) map. 350 Cory, C. B. The birds of Illinois and Wisconsin. Chicago 111. Field Mus. Publ. Zool. ser. 9 1909 (1-764). 351 Cottam, R. The pugnacity of a Swan in defence of nest. Lancs. Nat. n.s. 2 (71). 352 Cowan, W. Little Bittern in Orkney. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (58). 353 Craig, W. The voices of pigeons regarded as a means of social control. Amer. Journ. Sociology 16 1908 (86- 100): [cf. Auk 1910 (98)]. 354 Criddle, N. How the English Spar- row is adapting itself to new condi- tions of life. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (23-25). 355 Grossman, A. F. Birds seen at Cumminin Station, Western Australia. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (84-90). 366 Crouch, L. W. and Turner, E. L. Large clutches of eggs of the Great Crested Grebe. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (60-61). 367 Csiki, E. Positive Daten iiber die Nahrung unsererVogel. — Sechste Mittei- lung. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (139— 144). 358 Csorgey, T. Der praktische Vogel schutz in Ungam in den Jahren 1908- 1909. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (179— 223) pis. v-vi. 359 e 11 18 Aves. XVII. Ayes. [1909] Csorgey, T. Ein Kukukjunges im Zimmerfenster. Aquila Budapest 16 (277-279). 360 Cummings, B. P. Ornithological notes from North Devon. Zoologist London 13 1909 (253-255). 361 Cummings, B. F. Notes on the fauna of Lundy Island. Zoologist London 13 1909 (441-446). 362 Currie, A. J. Nesting of the long- tailed grass -warbler ( Laticilla burnesi) in the Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (258-259). 363 Currie, A. J. The rufous-backed sparrow ( Passer pyrrhonotus) nesting in the Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (259-260). 364 Currie, A. J. Local birds’ migration. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (265). 365 Daehne. Schmetterlingsfeinde aus der Klasse der Vogel. Zs. Naturw. Stuttgart 81 1909 (184-187). 366 Daguin, E. Note sur une femelle de T6tras hy bride. Paris Rev. Fr. d'Orn. 1 1909 (76). 367 Dahl, Svend. Peder Syvs Opteg- nelser om danske Fugle. [Notes on danish birds by a naturalist, Peder Syv, of the 17 th century.] Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909 (100-112). 368 Dalgliesh. Familiar Indian Birds. 2nd ed. London 1909 8vo. 369 Damiani, G. Un’ invasione di Cro- cieri all’ Isola d’Elba. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (60-62). - 370 Dant, Carl. Der Siidzug des Seiden- schwanzes (Ampelis garrulus L.) im Winter 1903-04. Ornith. Beob. Bern 3 1904 (36-38). 371 Dant, Carl. Der Herbstzug in Bern im Jahre 1905 unter namentlicher Beriicksichtigung der Segler und Schwalben. Ornith. Beob. Bern 4 1905 (161-166 178-180). 372 Dant, Carl. Der Alpensegler Cyp- selus melba L. Neuere Bericlite iiber die Berner Kolonie. Ornith. Beob. Bern 5 1906 (1-5 17-22 23-39). 373 Dantschakofl, Wera. t)ber die Ent- wicklung des Knochenmarks bei den Vogeln und iiber dessen Veranderungen bei Blutentziehungen und Ernahrungs- storungen. Arch. mikr. Anat. . Bonn 74 1909 (855-926) 2 Taf. 374 Davenport, C. B. Inheritance in pedigree breeding of poultry. Ameri- can Breeders’ Association Report Washington D.C. 3 1907 (26-33). 375 Davis, W. T. A colony of Hermit Thrushes at Yaphank, Long Island, N.Y. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (435-436). 376 Dawson, W. L. and Bowles, J. H. The birds of Washington ; a complete scientific and popular account of the 372 species of birds found in the State, illustrated by more than 300 original half-tones of birds in life, nests, eggs, and favourite haunts, from photo- graphs by the author and others, together with 40 drawings in the text and a series of full-page color- plates by Allan Brooks. Seattle (The Occidental Publishing Co.) 2 vols. 1909 (xviii + 998) 4to. 377 Deane, Ruthven. Some original manuscript relating to the history of Townsend’s Bunting. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (269-272). 378 Deane, Ruthven. Additional record of the European Widgeon ( Mareca penelope) [in Illinois]. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (304). 379 Deane, Ruthven. Third record of the Purple Gallinule ( Ionornis mar- tinica) in Illinois. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (305). 380 Deane, Ruthven. The Passenger Pigeon. — Only one pair left. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (429). 381 Deane, Walter. Asio wilsonianus in Shelburne, New Hampshire. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (78). 382 Dearborn, N. Catalogue of a collec- tion of birds from British East Africa. Chicago 111. Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. Ser. 1 1909 (141-190). 383 Delaurier, A. Observations sur la conservation et l’Movage de quelques oiseaux d’Asie. Paris Bui. soc. nat. aoclim. 54 1907 (371-375). 384 Denman, A. A little-known pose of the kagu (Rhinochetus jubatus). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (51-52). 385 Dennis, D. W. and Petry, W. C. Notes and. photographs of the develop- 19 Aves. Titles. 5800 ment of a buzzard. Indianapolis Ind. Proc. Aoad. Sci. 1905 1900 (01-69). 386 Detmers, Erwin. Aus dor Brutsaison 1908. [Lingen a. d. Ems.J Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (35-43). 387 Detmers, Erwin. Lie Ueberkreuz- regel in der Vogelwelt. Ornith. Monat- schr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (428-432). 388 D ’Evelyn, F. W. The Tragedy of the Whistling Swans at Niagara Falls. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (92-94). 389 De Vine, J. L. Capture of an American Eider at Chicago. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (426). 390 Dewar, Douglas. The birds of India. [Reprinted with author’s corrections from J. R. Soc. Arts, London, LVII, 1908.] Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. 1908 1909 (617-639). 391 Dewar, D. The Paradise Flycatcher. ( Terpsiphone paradisi.) Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (200-263). 392 Dewar, D. Nesting habits of the Baya [ Ploceus baya ]. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (627-634). 393 Dewar, D. vide Ussher, R. J. Dewar, J. M. Notes on the feeding- habits of the Dunlin ( Tringa alpina). Zoologist London 13 1909 (1-14). 394 Dewar, J. M. Field notes on the “ powder-down ” of the Heron. British Birds London 2 1909 (285-289). 395 Dietz, Eugen. Die Echinostomiden der Vogel. Diss. Konigsberg i. Pr. (Druck v. R. Leupold) 1909 (40). 23 cm. ; Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (180-192). 396 Dijussieu. Mceurs de la becasse. Autun Bui. soc. hist. nat. 19 1906 (proc. -verb. 258-260). 397 Dille, Fred. M. Notes of occurrence and nesting of certain species additional to the * Birds of Colorado.’ Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (86-88). 398 Dionne, C. E. Quclqucs notes sur la migration de nos oiseaux. Nat. Canad. Quebeo 36 1909 (177-179). 399 Distant, W. L. Obituary : Thomas Southwell. Zoologist London 13 1909 (364-356) portrait. 400 Dixon, J. A life history of the Northern Bald Eagle [ Ilaliae'etus leuco- (n-11091 g) cephalns alascanus ]. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 1909 (187-193). 401 Dobbrick, L. Circaetus gallicus (Gm. ) Brutvogel Westpreussens. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (208). 402 Dobbrick, L. Zum Brutgeschaft von Muscicapa parva (Bechst.). Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (163). 403 Domeier, H. Sterna hirundo oder macrura ? Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (164). 404 Donner, Eugen. Etwas uber Schuss- wunden bei Vogeln. Ornith. Monat- schr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (322-331). 405 Doming, Henrik. A vetesi varjak es az idojaras. [Die Saatkrahen und die Witterung.] Aquila Budapest 15 1908 (316). 406 Dove, H. S. [Notes on Wood- Swallows, Cuckoos and Owls in Tas- mania.] Nature Notes London 20 1909 (127-128 146-147). 407 Dove, H. S. Wood-Swallows clus- tering. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (30). 408 Dove, H. S. West Devonport (Tas.) notes. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (37- 38). 409 Dresser, II. E. Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area. Parts 13-18 1908-1909 (429- 636) 24 pis. London 4to. 410 Dresser, H. E. On the Occurrence of Pseudoscolopax laczanowskii in Western Siberia. Ibis London 1909 (418-421) pi. viii. 411 Dresser, H. E. [On the name of the White-spotted Bluethroat.] Ibis London 1909 (561). 412 Dresser, H. E. [Exhibition of and remarks on skins and eggs of Pseudo- scolopax taczanowskii (Verr.)] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (60-61). 413 Dresser, II. E. [Note on the eggs of Numenius tenuirostris, Oallinago megala, and Numenius arquatus linea- tus from Siberia.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (38-39). 414 Drummond, J. Birds on Kapiti Island. Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 1909 (30-32). 415 e 11—2 20 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Dubois. Comment on doit envisager le type du Buceros sharpii de Elliot. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (129-133). 416 Dubois, A. De la sp^cificite des Merula fuscata et naumanni. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (33-34). 417 Dubois, A. Reflexions sur l’esp&ce en ornithologie. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (113-115). 418 Dubois. A. Steganopodes fam. Pelecanidae in Wytsman’s Genera Avium. 7th part (4) 1 plate Brussels 1907 4to. 419 Dubois, A. Picariae fa'm. Musco- phagidae in Wytsman’s Genera Avium. 8th part (9) 2 plates Brussels 1907 4to. 420 Duerden, J. E. The domesticated ostrich in South Africa. Pretoria J. S. Afrie. Ornith. Union 5 1909 (5-16) ; also Cape Town Rep. S. Afrie. Ass. 6 1909 (155-161). 421 Duesberg, J. Ueber Chondriosomen und ihre Verwendung zu Myofibrillen beim Hiihnerembryo. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (123-127) 1. Taf. 422 Duffaut. Le loriot. Toulouse Bui. soc. hist. nat. 41 1908 (68-70). 423 Duncalfe, A. H. Nesting of the Nightingale ( Baulias luscinia) on the borders of Staffordshire and Shrop- shire. Zoologist London 13 1909 (28- 29) . 424 Duncalfe, A. H. Nesting of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker ( Dendro - copus minor) and the Great Spotted Woodpecker {D. major) in Stafford- shire. Zoologist London 13 1909 (29- 30) . 425 Dwight, J[onathan], jun. The Blue- bird ( Sialia sialis) in Qucbeo. Auk Cambridge Mass 26 1909 (83). 426 Dwight, Jonathan, jun. The sin- gular case of the Black Duck of North America. • Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (422-426). 427 Dwight, J. The popular names of birds. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (43-45). 428 Dybowski, B. Notatki naukowe. [Notices scientifiques.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (508-512). 429 Eckardt, Wilh. R. Ueber die Ent- stehung des Vogelzuges. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (32-42). 430 Eckardt, Wilh. R. Ueber die Griinde der Entstehung des Vogelzuges. Natur u. Kultur Munchen 6 1909 (528-531). 431 Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy. The Meadowlark in Maine, and other notes. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (430- 432). 432 Eifrig, G. Birds observed at Ottawa, Ontario, winter 1908-9. Ottawa Nat. 22 1909 (262-265). 433 Eifrig, G. The Prairie Warbler {Dendroica discolor) in northern On- tario and other notes. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (113-115). 434 Eifrig, G. Winter birds of New Ontario, and other notes on northern birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (55-59). 435 Eifrig, G. The Grasshopper Sparrow at Ottawa, Ontario. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (432). 436 Eifrig, G. The Prairie Warbler {Dendroica discolor) in northern On- tario. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (432-433). 437 Eifrig, G. Additions to the list of birds of Allegany and Garrett counties, western Maryland. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (437-438). 438 Ekman, Sven. Ett bidrag till s&ng- svanens liistoria i Skandinavien. [A contribution to the history ol Gygnus cygnus in Scandinavia.] Fauna ocli Flora Uppsala 3 1908 (292-297). 439 Eldred, E. J. H. The Great Bustard, observations and remarks on some in captivity and attempts to domesti- cate them. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (727-731). 440 Elliot, D. G. Remarks on the species of the genus Rheinardtius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 4 1909 (242-243). 441 Elliott, J. S. Notes on the nesting of the Sparrow-Hawk {Accipiter nisus). Zoologist London 13 1909 (467-468). 442 Ellis, G. W. and Gardner, J. A. The origin and destiny of cholesterol in the animal organism. Part iv. The cholesterol contents of eggs and 21 Aves. Titles. 5800 chicks. London Proc. R. Soc. B81 1909 (129-132). 443 Ellison, A. Bird-life in a spring snowstorm. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (301-304). 444 Elton, H. B. Amputation of Lap- wing’s toes by means of wool. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (281). 445 Emmrich, P. Beitrag zur Verbrei- tung des Zwergfliegenfangers. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (307). 446 Engholm, V. A. Anteckningar fr&n sjon T filter n och omncjd under fi.r 1907. [Notes from the T&kern-lalce and its environs during 1907.] Sauna och Flora Uppsala 3 1908 (83-87). , 447 Etoc, G. Lcs oiseaux do Sranco, lcurs ooufs ct lours nids. I’aris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (53-57 78-84). 448 Etzel, Theodor. Albinismus beim Star. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (25-27). 449 [Evans, A. H.J Biographical notices of the Original Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union, of the principal Contributors to the first series of “The Ibis” and of the Officials. Ibis London Jubilee Supplement Vol. 1909 (71-232). 450 Evans, H. M. On the earliest blood- vessels in the anterior limb buds of birds and their relation to the primary subclavian artery. Amer. J. Anat. Baltimore Md. 9 1909 (281-319). 451 Farmborough, P. W. [Letters re- Farn, A. B. Phylloscopus sibilatrix. Zoologist London 13 1909 (28). 458 Fasey, W. A. Nesting of the Blue- winged Grass Parakeet ( Neophema venusta). Avicult Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (357-358). 459 Fassbender, Jean. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen betr. Variationen der Kanarien vogel. St. Gallon Jahrb. Natw. Ges. 1904 1905 (54-56). 460 Fawcett, J. W. Crossbills in Durham. Naturalist London 1909 (441). 461 Fatio, V. Quelques colonies d’oiseaux aquatiques. Arch. Sci. Phys. Gendvo (4) 20 1906 (381-385). 462 Fatio, V. et Studer Th. Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. Ve Livrai- son : Roitelets et Pouillots. VI® Livraison : Calamohcrf iens ; 61abor£e par G. de Burn;. Gen5ve 8vo 1908 1909 (671-816 817-974) 1 carte. 463 Feilden, H. W. Some Sussex Ravens. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (279-280); 3 1909 (27-28). 464 Feilden, H. W. Ravens as scaven- gers. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (57- 58). 465 Felger, A. H. Wild Turkeys ( Melea - gris gallopavo) in Illinois. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (78). 466 Evans, R. M. The birds of Paradise. Plymouth Ann. Rep. Trans. Inst. 14 1906 (269-282). 452 Evans, W. The food of the Common Eider. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (165-167). 453 Evans, W. vide Gould. ^vry, G. d\ Classification des Oiseaux de France. Naturaliste Paris 31 1909 (150-152 163 165 175- 178 189-190 200-202 217-219 227- 228). 454 Ewald, J. R. Das Augenschwingen der Vogel. Arch, exper. Path. Leipzig SupplBd 1908 (164-170). 455 Felger, A. H. Colorado notes. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (85-86). 467 Felger, A. H. Wild Turkey ( Melea - gris gallopavo) [near Denver, Colo.] Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (191). 468 Felger, A. R. Annotated list of the water birds of Weld, Morg n and Adams counties, Colorado, south to the first sectional line below the fortieth parallel. Auk Cambridge Mass. 23 1909 (272-291) 3 maps. 469 Feltgen. Ornithologisches aus dem Jahre 1908. Luxemburg Bull. Mem. Soc. Nat. 1908 1909 (435-438). 470 Falconieri di Carpegna, Guido. Sulla [Fenenko, N. I.] $eneHKO, H. I. cattura di un Cursorius gallicus Ad. Aquila minuta OpeJTB KapJMKT. TeMHHH. nelle spiagge romane. Roma Boll. [Aquila minuta .] Mater, faun. flor. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (236-238). 456 Ross. Moskva 9 1909 (251-257). 471 22 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Festa, E. Nel Darien e nelT Ecuador. Diario di viaggio di un naturalista. Torino [Unione Tip. -Edit rice] 1909 8 vo (xvi + 397). 472 Finch, W. C. Note on partial leucosis in a hen. Biometrika Cam- bridge 7 1909 (234-236). 473 Finley, William Lovell. American birds, studied and photographed from life. Illustrated from photographs by Herman T. Bohlman and the author. New York (Scribner) 1907 (xvi + 256). 474 Finley, W. L. Some bird accidents. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (181- 184) 3 figs. 475 Finn, E. The water fowl of India and Asia. 2nd ed. Calcutta (Thacker Spink) 1909 8vo (x +121). 476 Finn, F. Aviculture at the Zoo. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (249- 252 294-296 329-330 358). 477 Ffinn], F. A notable importation. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (362- 363). 478 Finn, F. Stray notes on Indian Birds. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (263-267 299-301 331-332 352-356). 479 Finsch, O. Vogelarten welche sowohl in West Siberien els in Afrika beobachtet wurden. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (lxxix-lxxxviii). 480 Fischer, Anton. Aus der Oberpfalz. Zs. Oologie Berlin 10 1909 (123-124). 481 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Has Rackelwild in der Schweiz. Ornith. Jahrb. Ilallein 20 1909 (223-228). 482 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Das Leben der Stadtschwalbe Chelidon urbica Boie. Aus einem Manuscript : Bestand und Biologie unserer Vogel welt zu Anfang des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Aarau Mitt. Natf. Ges. 10 1905 (1-54). 483 Fischer-Siegwart, [H.]. Quelques raret6s ornithologiques des environs de Zofingue. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 24 1907 (510-511); Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Aarau 90 1907 (73-74 97- 98). 484 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Der Mausebussard Buteo vulgaris Leach. Seine Biologie und Verbreitung in der Schweiz. Tierwelt Aarau 18 1908 (15-16 26-27 39-40 67 79-80 94-95 109-110 125 157 174-175 193-194 211-212). 485 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Der Schlan- genadler und der Zwergadler und ihre Verbreitung in der Schweiz. Girca'etus gallicus Gm. und Aquila pennata Gm. Schweiz. Bl. Ornithol. Zurich 32 1908 (68 81 93-94 106-107). 486 F[ischer]-S[igwart], H. Anas boscas L. 1738, falschlich boschas. Die Wild- ente. Die Stockente. Die Spiegelente. Schweiz. Bl. Ornithol. Ziirich 32 1908 (425-426 439-441 451-452 466 477 500-501 513 o26 538-039 561-562 573- 574 585-586 596-597 621-622 633- 635 647 659 671-673 684-686). 487 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Die Reiher- kolonie bei Schotz in Kanton Luzern. ' Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 92 pt. 1 1909 (229-232). 488 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Das Wau- wylermoos als Nistgebiet des grossen Braclivogels, Numenius arcuatus L. (Grand Courlis). Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 92 pt. 1 1909 (233-239); also Arch. Sci. Phys. Genbvo 28 1909 (497-499). 489 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Eine Invasion des Fichtenkreuzschnabels in der Schweiz im Jahre 1909. Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 92 pt. i 1909 (240-245) ; also Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 28 1909 (495-496). 490 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Nistorte seltener Vogel in der Schweiz. Ornith. Beob. Bern 6 1908 (148-154). 491 Fisher, Walter T. vide Taylor, Thorne C. Fletcher, Miss J. A. Bird notes and migration notes from Cleveland, Tas- mania. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (210— 214 218) and 9 (79-83 95). 492 Hoericke, Kurt. Jahrbuch der Vogelkunde. Bd 2 : Die Forschungs- ergebnisso und Fortschritto der palaark- tischen Ornithologio im Jahre 1908. (Kosmos-Jahrbiicher.) Stuttgart (Kos- mos) 1909 (130). 25 cm. 493 Floericke, Kurt. Die Kanarischen Inseln und ihre Vogelwelt. Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 1909 (xl~ xliii). 494 Focke, W[ilhelm] 0[lbers]. Dr. Gustav Haitlaub. Bremen Abh. natw. Ver. 19 1909 (485-508). 495 Foley vide Brumpt, E. 23 Avee. Titles, 5800 Forbes, H. 0. The identity of certain large birds on Egyptian Vases. Nature London 82 1909 (38). 490 Forbin, V. L’oiseau-mouche dans son habitat. Nature Paris 37 1909 2° sem. (311-315). 497 Ford, H. W. Birds of Yackandandah Creek valley between Yackandandah and Kiewa, Victoria. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (24-26). 498 For el, F. A. Les mouettes du Leman. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci Nat. (5) 41 1905 (17-21). 499 Forel, F. A. Denombrement des mouettes du Leman. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 24 1907 (511-512); Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. Aarau 90 1907 (74 98-99). 500 Forrest, H. E. Nightingale breeding in Shropshire. Zoologist London 13 1909 (74-75). 501 Forrest, H. E. Smew in Mont- gomeryshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1939 (311). 502 Forrest, R. E. Lesser Spotted Wood- pecker breeding, and Hoopoe occur- ring, in Merioneth. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (343). 503 Forrest, H. E. Velvet Scoter in Shropshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (345). 504 Forrest, H. E. Bed variety (P. montana) of the Common Partridge. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (345-346). 505 Forrest, H. E. Chaffinch breeding in winter. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (381, 424). 506 Fortune, R. A birdland tragedy. Naturalist London 1909(111-112). 507 Fortune, R. vide Walker, H. Foster, N. H. Observations on the weights of Birds’ eggs. Irish Nat. Dublin 1909 (216-219). 508 Fowler, W. W. Bonelli’s Warbler in Switzeiland. Zoologist London 13 1909 (241-244). 509 Fowler, W. W. Little Owl in noith- west Oxfordshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (280). 610 Fox, R. H. Birds in “ A guide to the Natural History of- the Isle of Wight” edited by Frank Morey. (497-528) Newport 1909 8vo. 511 Franca, C. Le Professeur Barbosa du Bocage 1823-1907. £loge histo- rique prononc6 k la stance solonnolle on 2 Mai 1908. Lisbourne Bull. Soc. Port. Sc. Nat. 2 1908 (141-194) por- trait. 512 Franz, Victor. Das Vogelauge. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Anat. 28 1909 (73-282) 5 Taf. 513 Franz, V. Versuch einer biologischen Wiirdigung des Vogelauges. Verh. D. zool. Ges. Leipzig 19 1909 (324-336). 514 Frenkel, B. Die Kleinhirnbahnen der Taube. Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1909 No. 6 (123-147) pis. v-vii. 515 Friedrich, C. L. H. Die Vogel des Riesengebirges. Wanderer Hirschberg 11 1908 (118-119 129-132). 516 Friedrich, C. L. Harald. Die Vogel des Riesengebirges. [Forts.] Wan- derer Hirschberg 12 1909 (19-21 35- 37 116-119 130-132). 517 Fritsch, Ant[on] vide Simek, [Milos]. Froggatt, W. W. Die Frage des Vogelschutzes in Australien. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (224-229). 518 Fulton, R. [Letter on 3 New Zea- land Birds.] Ibis London 1909 (384-5). 619 Funccius, Theodor. Der Prothorax der Vogel und Sauger. (A. Pleisch- mann, Der Cervicothorax der Amnioten. I.) Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (370-445) 3 Taf. 520 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri. Descrip- tion et figuration de deux Mammiferes et d’un Oiseau monstrueux (Agneau synote, Chevreau opodyme et Goeland polydactyle. ) Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 42 1907 (295-297). 521 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri. Note sur un oeuf double de poule domestique. Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 42 1907 (299-300). 522 Gadeau de Kerville, H. Notes sur les radiographies de huit vertebras mon- strueux (Faisandeau pelvadelphe, Pous- sin d^radelphe, Poulet pelvadelphe, Canetons metopage et derodyme). Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 44 1909 (285-292) 6 pis. 523 Gadow, H. Through Southern Mexico, being an account of the travels of a. naturalist* with over one hundred 24 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] and sixty full page and other illustra- tions and maps. London 1908 8vo (xvi + 628). 524 Gaillard vide Lortet. Gallenkamp, W. vide Parrot, C. Galloway, A. R. Canary breeding. A partial analysis of records from 189 1— 1909. Biometrika Cambridge 7 1909 (1-42) 6 pi. 525 Ganfini, C. Sulle trasformazioni che subsice l’ovaio destro degli uccelli ( Qallus ) durante la vita embrionaria. Archivo ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (14-26). 526 Ganske, H. Wanderfalk und Wald- kauz in einem Horste briitend. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (73-75). 527 Gardner, J. A. vide Ellis. Garling, Max. Ornithologische Strei- fereien in der Mark. Gefied. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909, (11-12 20-21 27- 29 35-36 43-44 52-54). 528 Garvens-Garvensburg, Wolfgang von. Die Pelikaninsel auf dem Indian-River in Florida. Aus d. Natur Stuttgart 5 1909 (413-416). 529 Gechter, Heinrich. Beobachtete Vogel auf der hamburgischen Nord- seeinsel Neuwerk mit Beriicksichti- gung der Witterungsverhaitnisse. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (295-300 313-320 345-352). 530 Geisenheyner, L. Wirbeltierfauna von Kreuznach unter Beriicksichtigung des ganzen Nahegebietes. T1 3, 2. Halfte : Vogel. (Wiss. Beil. z. Progr. d. kgl. Gymnasiums zu Kreuznach Ostern 1908.) Kreuznach (Druck v. F. Harrach) 1908 (59-109). 20 cm. 531 Gengler, J. Vogel wanderungen. Natur u. Offenb. Munster 55 1909 (616- 621). 532 Gengler, J. Ornithologisches vom Vierwaldstatter See und von der Gott- hardstrasse. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (24-46). 533 Gengler, J. und Kawelin, Eugen. Die Vogel von Koselsk und Umgebung. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (165- 191). 534 Gengler, J. vide Parrot, C. Gengler, J. vide Taschenherg, Qttq. [Gerasimov, D.] repacnMOBT>, O BLiBOflK'k jiOMaiimeii nrauibi /Kejiaeaiaro nojia. [Ueber die Aufzucht von Hausgefliigel von bestimmtem Go- schlecht.] Solisk. choziain St. Peterburg 24 1909 (145-146). 535 Germain, R. et Oustalet, E. Cata- logue des oiseaux do la Basse-Cochin- chine. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 52 1905 (169-184); 54 1907 (43-51 83- 86 148-154). 536 G. H. La Grue du Roi sur les bords du Leman. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (232). 537 Ghidini, A. II passo dei Crocieri nel Canton Ticino. Crocieri nell’ Italia meridionale. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (96 97). 538 Ghidini, A. Saggio di una Biblio- grafia Ornitologica Ticinese (1905 in- cluso). Boll. Soc. Ticinese Sci. Nat. 3 1906 (92-101). 539 Ghigi, A. Richerche di sistematica sperimentale sul genere Oennaeus Wagler. Bologna Mem. Acc. Sc. 6 1909 (133-174) map and 2 pis. 540 Ghigi, Alessandro. Sul processo di mutazione nel Oennaeus Swinhoii. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909. (95-96). 541 Giannelli, Luigi. Contributo alio studio dello sviluppo del pancreas negli Uccelli. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 7 1909 (533-677) 5 tav. 542 Giannelli, Luigi. Ricerche sullo sviluppo della milza nel polio. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (4-13). 543 Gibson, C. G. Birds observed be- tween Kalgoorlie and Eucla, W.A. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (71-77). 544 Gibson, R. E. The cotton teal (Nettapus coromandelianus) in Sind. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (263-264). 545 Gifford, E. W. The Mourning Dove (Zenaidura carolinensis) in captivity. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (84- 85). 546 Giglioli, II. H. An ornithological coincidence, Mature London §0 1909 (188). 547 25 Aves. Titles. 5800 Giles, G. W. Common Snipo (Qalli- nago coclestis) in Travancoro in April. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (749-750). 548 Gill, H. Albino snipe. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (525). 549 Gilman, M. F. Among the Thrashers in Arizona. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (49-54). 559 Gi'man, M. F. Some Owls along the Gila river in Arizona. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 1909 (145-150) 5 figs. 551 Gilman, M. F. Nesting notes on the Lucy Warbler. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (166-168). 552 Gilroy, N. Number of eggs laid by Terns. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (129- 130 222-223). 553 Gilroy, N. Notes on the nesting of the Goosander. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (400-405). 554 Gladstone, H. S. Red Grouse and Black Grouse hybrids. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (425). 555 Gladstone, H. S. The Woodcock. Dumfr’es Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 20 1909 (35-49) pi. 556 Glascock, L. C. Colour variety of India i house crow. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (522). 657 Godman, F. du C. A monograph of the .Petrels. (Order Tubinares.) Part IV 1909 (233-296) pis. lxvii- lxxxiv London 4to. 558 Goebel, H. Die Eier von Sterna fluviatilis und Sterna macrura Naum. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1908 (139-144). 559 Goebel, H. Ueber Schwarzdrossel- eier. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (195- 196). 560 Goebel, H. Bestimmungstabelle fur Eier von Chelidonaria urbica und Cotyle riparia, resp. Lanius excubitor und Lanins minor. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (1-4 19-21). 561 Goebel, H. Sterna fluviatilis und macrura. [Eier.] Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (23-24). 562 Goebel, H. Vergleichende Mass- und Gewichtstabclle fur Eier von Astur palumbarius und Aquila pen- nata s. minuta, Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (36-41), 563 Goebel, H. Ueber Eier von Anas boschas und Anas acuta. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (83-87). 564 Goebel, H. Ueber Milvus milvus- und M. korschun-eier. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (113-114). 565 Goeldi, E. A. Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus and Pipra caelesti-pileata, a question of priority little to my taste. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 (77-84 Portuguese 85-91 English). 566 Goeldi, E. A. Microtrogon, new generic name proposed for Trogon ramonianus Des Murs. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 (92-93 Portuguese 94-95 English). 587 Goldschmidt, N. vide Werber, E. T. Goodale, H. D. Sox and its relation to the barring factor in poultry. Scionco New York N.Y. 29 1909 (1004- 1005). 688 Gorka, Sandor. A madarak legzsak- jainak elettani feladata. [t)ber die physiologische Aufgabe der Luftsacke der Vogel.] Termt. Kozl. Budapest 41 1909 (364-365). 569 Gould, F. H. C., Evans, W. and others. The irruption of Crossbills. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (123-125). 570 Gounelle, E. Contribution 4 l’dtude de la distribution gfo^raphique des Trochilides dans, le Bresil central efc oriental. Ornis London 13 1909 (173— 183). 571 Gounelle, E. Description d’une nouvelle espece de la famille des Trochi- lidae. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (17). 572 Grabham, O. Oystercatcher nesting 4 at Spurn. Naturalist London 1909 (307-308) 2 figs. 573 Grabham, O. The colony of Little Terns at Spurn Point, Yorkshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (317-321) pi. vii and 4 photographs. 574 Grandidier, G. Description d’uii Oiscau nouveau ( Monias Benschii E. O. ct G. G.) de Madagascar. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (1090-1092). 575 Grant vide Ogilvie-Grant. Green, E. E. Mr. Drieberg’s note on crows (ibid. p. 68). Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 5 pt. 18 1908 (103). 575 26 Aves. XVII* Aves. [1909] Green, E. E. Pugnacity of the drongo. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 . pt. 23 1909 (130-131). 577 Gregory, Mrs. A Stanley Crane. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (83-85)- 578 Greppin, L. Versuch eines Beitrages zur Kenntnis der geistigen Fahigkeiten unserer einheimischen Vogel und Notizen iiber deren Verbreitung in der Umgebung Solothurns. Solothurn Mitt. Natf. Ges. 3 1906 (3-206). 579 Greppin, L. Versuch eines Beitrages zur Kenntnis der geistigen Fahigkeiten unserer einheimischen Vogel. Ornith. Beob. Bern 6 1908 (6-8 33-35 49-52 65-09 81-86 97-100 113-116 129-132 145-148 161-164). 580 Greschik, Jeno. Uj adatok az erdei pinty taplalkozasahoz. [Neue Daten zur Nahrung des Buchfinken.] Aquila Budapest 15 1908 (310). 581 Greschik, E. Das massenhaftere Erscheinen der Kreuzschnabel in Un- garn im Sommer 1909. Aquila Buda- pest 16 1909 (299-305). 582 Greschik, E. Ornithologisches aus der „Szepesseg“. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (305-306). 583 Grieg, James A. Storfuglens nu- vaerende udbredelse i Sondre Bergen - lius amt. [Jetzige Verbreitung der Waldhiihner in S. Bergenhus Amt, Norwegen.] Bergens Mus. Aarb. 1909 No. 12 (12). 584 G[rieg] J. A. Rustanden. [ Gasarca casarca im Norwegischen.] Kris- tiania Norsk Jaegerf. Tidssk. 38 1909 (171-173). 585 Grimaldi, A. Crocieri in Calabria. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (97). 586 Grinnell, Joseph. The birds [Alexan- der expedition to Alaska]. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 1909 (181-244). 587 Grinnell, Joseph. Three new song sparrows from California. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 1909 (265-269). 588 Grinnell, Joseph. A new cowbird of the genus Molotlirusf with a note on the probable genetic relationship of the North American forms. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 1909 (275-281). 589 Grinnell, J. The Little Brown Crane in California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (128-129). 590 Grinnell, J. A collection of birds from Forty-mile, Yukon territory, Canada. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (202-207). 591 Grinnell, J. A bibliography of Cali- fornia Ornithology. Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 5 Santa Clara Cal. 1909 (166) 8vo. 592 Grobbels, Fr. Ueber Flug und Gesang von Alauda arvensis und Anthus trivialis. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (114-117). 593 Grober, J. Ueber Massenvcrhalt- nisse am Vogelhorzen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 125 1908 (507-521). 594 Grobler. [Kreuzung von Raben- u. Nebel-Krahe.] Wild u. Hund Berlin 15 1909 (501). 595 Gromier. Le Loriot (Oriolus oriolus). Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (66-72) 596 Gross vide Griitzner. Grosser, O. und Tandler, J. Nor- mentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kiebitzes ( Vanellus cristatus Meyer). (Normentafeln zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. Hrsg. v. F. Keibel. H. 9.) Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (vi + 58) 3 Taf. 36 cm. • 597 Grossmann. Weitere biologische Beobachtungen fiber den Sommer- habicht (Astur brevipes Sev.) aus der Bocche di Cattaro. Ornith. Jalnb. Hallein 20 1909 (218-223). 598 Grote, Georg August. Zuchtwahl und Eiproduktion. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (49-51 65-68). 599 Grote, Herrmann. Briefliche Be- richte aus Ostafrika. Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (21-24). 600 Grote, Hermann. Briefliches aus Ostafrika. II. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (103-106). 601 Grote Hermann. Ornithologische Skizzen vom unteren Rovuma. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (147-149). 602 Grote, Hermann. Oologische No- tizen aus Ostafrika. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (70-71). 603 27 Aves. Titles. 5800 Grutzner, H. Der Specht im Schilf- walde. Ornith. Monatsber. Magdeburg 34 1909 (246-247). — Bemerkung dazu v Gross, t.c. (306). 604 Gunning, J. W. B. Description of two new species of birds in the Trans- vaal Museum. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (173-174). 605 Gunning, J. W. B. On a new species of Cossypha from West Pondoland. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (174). 606 Gurney, G. H. Notes on a collection of birds made in British East Africa. Ibis London 1909 (484-532). 607 Gurney, G. H. Natural History experiences in British East Africa. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (696- 726). 608 Gurney, G. H. Some short notes on Centropus superciliosus in captivity. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (119— 122) 1 text-fig. 609 Gurney, G. II. and Butler, A. G. The Blackwinged Hangnest (Icterus giraudi). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (196). 619 Gurney, J. H. Ornithological Report for Norfolk (1908). Zoologist London 13 1909 (121-138) pi. ii. 611 Gurney, J. H. and Southwell, T. Fauna and Flora of Norfolk. Addi- tions to Part XI. Birds. (Fifth List). Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (847- 851). 612 Guyer, Michael F. The spermato- genesis of the domestic guinea-fowl. (Numida meleagris dom.) Anat. Anz. Jena 84 1909 (502-513) 2 Taf. 613 Guyer, Michael F. The spermato- genesis of the domestic chicken (Callus gallus dom.). Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (573-580) 2 Taf. 614 Guyer, Michael F. Sur le sexe des hybrides dans la famille des Pha- sianidae. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (642-644). 615 Guyer, F. La livr6e du plumage chez les hybrides de pintade et de poule. Bui. mus6um Paris 1909 (3-6). 616 Haag, Ferd. Ueber die Elfenbcin- move (Pagophila eburnea). Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (137-139 163-164). 617 Haag, Ferd. Ei-Missbildungen. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 19 1909 (43- 44). 618 Haag, F. Plattschnabliger Wasser- treter ( Phalaropus fulicarius L.). Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (102-104). 619 Haagner, A. A note on the black- faced love-bird (Agapornis nigrigenis). Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 1909 (16-18) pi. i. 620 Haagner, A. Miscellaneous notes. Pretoria J. S. Afric. ornith. Union 5 1909 (87-90). 621 Haagner, A. Descriptions of two new species of Flycatchers from Portu- guese South-east Africa. Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (179-180). 622 Haagner, A. Description of a new Warbler of the genus Cisticola. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (197). 623 Haagner, A. K. A revision of the South African species of Cisticola (GrassWarblers). Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (227-232). 624 Haagner, A. Descriptions of two new species of birds from the Boror District of Portuguese East Africa. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (233-234). 625 Haas, Fritz. Die Vogelfauna des Talkustensees (Wiirtt.). Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a.M. 50 1909 (24-25). 626 Haase, O. Besog hos stortrapperne. [A visit to Otis tarda.] Kjobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909 (55-60). 627 Hadley, P. B. Notes on the behavior of the Domestic Fowl. Amer. Nat. Boston Mass. 43 1909 (669-676) 1 fig. 628 Hadley, P. B. Studies in Avian coccidosis. I. White diarrhea of chicks. II. Roup of fowls. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena Abt. 1 50 1909 (348-353). 629 Hadley, P. B. Regarding the value of the Van Gieson and the Romano w- sky malarial stains for the detection of Coccidia. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena Abt. 1 52 1909 (147-150). 630 Hagen, Werner. Die Brandgans als Brutvogel des lubeckischen Gebietes. Ornith. Monatsber, Berlin 17 1909.(109- 110). 631 28 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909J Hagen, Werner. Von der ,,Versen- kungsbefahigung“ der Schwimmvogel. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (110-111). 632 Hagen, W. Die Nachtschwalbe ( Gaprir/culgus europaeus) in der Umgeb. von Liibeck. Ornith. Monatschr. Mag- deburg 34 1909 (194-196). 633 Hagen, Werner. Eriihacus cyanecu- lus (Wolf) in Lubecks Umgebung. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (432-434). 634 Hagen, W. Die bei Liibeck beobach- teten Anthus-Arten. Giistrov Arch. Ver. Natg. 63 1909 (112-116). 635 Hagendefeld', M. Zum Vogelzug auf der Insel Sylt. [1906.1 Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (161-165). 636 Hagendefeldt, M. Seltene Beobacli- tungen von Sylt. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (459). 637 Hahn, Hermann. Experimentelle Studien iiber die Entstehung dcs Blutes und der crsten Gofiisso bpim Huhnchen. I. Toil. Intraembryonalo Gefilsse. Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 27 1909 (337-433) 3 Taf. 638 Hahn, W. L. Bird Notes. Amer. Midi. Nat. Notre Dame Ind. 1 1909 (118-120). 639 Hall, H. vide Kempsey. Hall, R. Notes on the migration of A pus ( Micropus ) paci ficus, Lath. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (148-149) pi. xiii. 640 Hall, R. Notes on the Magpie (Gymnorhina leuconota). Emu Mel- bourne 9 1909 (16-21). 641 Hall, R. Variation in Tricho- gbssus, Vig. and Hors. Emu Mel- bourne 9 1903 73-74). 642 Hall R. Notes on Ducks. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (77-79). 643 Hallgren, C. A. Om kornsparfven. [On the corn-bunting.] Fauna och Flora Uppsala 3 1908 (40-42). 644 Hamilton, A. Handlist of the birds inhabiting New Zealand and those birds from other countries that have been observed in New Zealand as occa- sional visitors. Wellington Dominion Museum (Qovt, Printer) 1909 8vo. (19). Hamilton, J. S. Observations on migratory birds at Komatipoort. Pre- toria J. S. Afric. ornith. Union 5 1909 (19-22). 646 Hamilton, J. S. Notes upon some South African birds observed during a journey through Portuguese Nyassa- land. Pretoria J. S. Afric. ornith. Union 5 1909 (72-80). 647 Hammling, Julius. Nachtigall und Sprosser. Ornithologische Beobach- tungen aus der Umgegend von Posen. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (129-138). 648 Hanitsch, R. Guide to the Zoo- logical Collections of the Raffles Museum, Singapore. With 21 plates. Singapore 1908 (1-112) [Birds pp. 15- 35 pis. ix-xiii]. 649 Hanko, Bela. Keresztcsoru hamvas varjii. [Kreuzschnabelige Nebelkrahe.] Potf. Termt. Kozl. Budapest 41 1909 (75-76). 650 Hank6, B61a. Adatok a madarak Fabricius-fdle mirigy6nek alak- 6s 61et- tan&hoz. [Boitrage zur Morphologic und Physiologic der Bursa Fabricii der Vogel.] Allatt. Kosl. Budapest 8 1909 (74-82 111-119). 651 Hanna, W. C. The White-throated Swifts on Slo ver Mountain [California] ; with one photo. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (77-81). 652 Hantzsch, B. Masse und Gewichte von Jagdfalkeneiern aus Island. Falco Halle 5 1909 (4-5). 653 Hardy, John H., jun. Capture of the European Widgeon ( Mareca pene- lope) in New Hampshire. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (304). 654 Hardy, John H., jun. vide Townsend, Charles W. Harlow, R. C. The Little Blue Heron in New Jersey. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (189-190). 655 Harlow, R. C. The Yellow Rail at Salem, New Jersey. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (190). 656 Harlow, Richard C. Breeding of the Louisiana Water-Thrush ( Seiurus mota- cilla) in Philadelphia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (195-196), 657 29 Aves. Titles. 5800 Harlow, tlichard C. Wilson’s Snipo (Oallinago delicata) wintering in Penn- sylvania. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (305). 658 Harlow, Richard C. The Lesser Yellow-legs ( Totanus flavipes) in Center county, Pennsylvania. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (305). 659 Harms, H. Motacilla flava raddei subsp. nov. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (2). 660 Harms, M. Emberiza schoeniclus zarndnyi subsp. nov. Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (1-2). 661 Harms, M. vide Buturlin, S. A. Harper, E. W. The Verditer Fly- catcher. ( Stoparola melanops.) Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (277-279) coloured plate. 662 Harrington, H. H. The birds of Burma. Rangoon (Gazette Press) 1909 8vo (viii -j- 134) [cf. Ibis 1909 p. 703]. 663 Harrington, H. H. A list of the birds of the Bhamo district, Upper Burma. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (107-128 299-313). 664 Harrington, H. H. Some Rangoon Birds. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (358-366). 665 Harris, J. A. A noto of the Prairie- dog Owl, which resembles the rattle snake’s rattle. Amer. Nat. Boston Mass. 43 1909 (754-755). 666 Hartert, Ernst. Die Vogel der palaarktischen Fauna. Systematische Uebersicht der in Europa, Nord-Asien und der Mittelmeerregion vorkommen- den Vogel. H. 5. Berlin (R. Fried- lander & S.) 1909 (513-640). 25 cm. 667 Hartert, Ernst. Ober eine neue Form von Pteroclurus exustus. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (183). 668 Hartert, Ernst. Einige Steinschmat- zerformen. Falco Halle 5 1909 (33-36). 669 Hartert, E. On some recently dis- covered African birds. Nov. Zool. Tring 16 1909 (333-335) pis. 14 15. 670 Hartert, E. [The resident British race of the Song-Thrush.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (54-55) ; also Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (340- 342). 671 Hartert, E. [Descriptions of new birds.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (9-10). 672 Hartert, E. [A pus andecolus dinellii, a correction.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (16). 673 Hartert, E. Tarsiger ivdicus for- mosanus subsp. nov. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (32-33). 674 Hartert, E. and Venturi, S. Notes sur les oiseaux de la Republique Argen- tine. Nov. Zool. Tring 16 1909 (159- 267) pis. 2 3. 675 Hartley, E. A. H. Peculiar colora- tion in a Lovebird. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (175). 676 Haughton, W. H. [Migration of Swallows, etc., in the Red Sea.] Ibis London 1909 (189-190). 677 Hautefeuille. Ent6rite vermineuse 6pidemique des Pigeons. Amiens Bui. soc. linn. 19 l' 908-9 (429-431). 678 Headley, F. W. The meaning of birds’ songs. Brit. Birds London 3 1909(221). 679 Heathcote, W. H. vide Charnley, J. R. Hedin, N. Fra Anholt. [From Anholt Island.] Kjobcnhavn Ornith. Tids. 4 1909 (21-23). 680 Hegyfoky, J. Der Vogelzug und die Witterung im Friihling des Jahres 1908. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (129- 138). 681 Heilmann, G. Darwin som ornitolog. [Darwin as an ornithologist.] Kjoben- havn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909 (61-67). 682 Heinroth, M. Ein Zuchtversuch mit dem Heuschreckensanger, Locustella naevia (Bodd.). Gefied. Welt Magde- burg 38 1909 (313-315 321-322 329- 330 337-338). 683 Heinroth, O. Beobachtungen bei der Zucht des Ziegenmelkers (Capri* mulgus europaeus L.). J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (56-83) 4 Taf. 684 Heinroth, O. Ein lateral hermaphro- ditisch gefarbter Gimpel. (Pyrrhula pyrrhula europaea Vieill.) Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1909 (328- 330). 685 30 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Held, H. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau des Ohrlabyrinthes der Wirbeltiere. ii. Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte des Cortischen Organs und der Macula acustica bei Saugetieren 'und Vogoln. Leipzig Abh. Ges. Wiss. 31 1909 (193-294) Taf. 1-18. 686 Hellmayr, 0. E. Avos fur 1900. [Jahrosbericht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 73 Bd 2 H. 1 1907 [1909] II (1-144). 687 Hellmayr, C. E. Description d’une nouvelle espece du genre Calospiza. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (49-50). 688 Hellmayr, C. E. Notes sur quelques oiseaux de l’Amerique tropicale. i. Description d’une nouvelle espece de Fourmilier. [ Formicivora iheringi ]. ii. Sur une nouvelle espece de Picucule [ IJylexetastes uni for mis]. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (98-101). 689 Hellmayr, C. E. [Three new species and subspecies.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (05-67). 690 Hellmayr, 0. E. [Bucco noanamae sp. nov.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (21-22). 691 Hellmayr, C. E. vide Lorenz, L. v. Helm, F. Ornitliologische Beobach- tungen in und bei Chemnitz. Chemnitz Ber. natw. Ges. 17 (1907-09) 1909 (108- 123). 692 Helms, O. Et Trade af Fuglelivct i Kobenhavn. [Migration of Larus ridibundus at Copenhagen.] Keben- havn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909 (141-144). 693 Helms, O. Alexander Kielland og fuglene. [Alexander Kielland and the birds.] Kjobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 4 1909 (16-20). 694 Henderson, J. An annotated list of the birds of Boulder country, Colorado. Boulder Univ. Colo. Stud. 6 1909 (219- 242). 695 Henderson, J. T. Brambling in West Sutherland. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (47-48). 696 Hennemann, W. Ornitliologische Beobachtungen im Sauerlande im Jahre 1907. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (46-58). 697 Hennemann, W. Ornithologisches von Fohr 1908. Ornith. Monatsehr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (74-77). 698 Hennemann, W. Ornith ologische Beobachtungen im Sauerlande im Jahre 1907. [Aus : Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein.] Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (41-50). 699 Hennemann, W. Eino spate Brut der Gartengrasmiicke ( Sylvia simplex Lath.). Ornith. Monatsehr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (441). 700 Hennemann, W. und Lindner, Fr. [Auffallend friihe Anlcunft der Turm- segler 1909.] Ornith. Monatsehr. Mag- deburg 34 1909 (277). 701 Hennicke, Carl R. Ueber die Raub- seeschwalbe, Sterna tschegrava Lepech. Ein Naturdenkmal auf der Insel Sylt. Ornith. Monatsehr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (198-199) 2 Taf. 702 Hennicke, Carl R. Der Was3erstar. Ornith. Monatsehr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (271-272) 1 Taf. 703 Hennicke, Carl R. Der Kormoran. Natur u. Haus Stuttgart 17 1909 ( 1 19— 123). 704 Henning er, W. F. The American Golden Plover ( Charadrius dominions) in Ohio in autumn. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (77). 705 Henninger, W. F. Another Ohio record for Oidemia deglandi. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (189). 706 Henninger, W. F. Spring migration in middle western Ohio. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (99-102). 707 Henninger, W. F. Abnormal colora- tion of the Scaup Duck. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (102). 708 Henninger, W. F. Bird notes from middle western Ohio. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (219-221). 709 Henninger, W. F. and Jones, L. The Falcones of North America. Wilson Bulletin Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (77-94 205-218). 710 Henry, G. Notes sur des poussins de trois especes d’astrilds nes en cap- tivite. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (13-15). 711 Henry, G. Note sur la caille naine de Chine ( Excalfactoria chinensis). Priori te en faveur de la France de sa reproduction en captivit6. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (43-45). 712 31 Avea. Titles. 5800 Herlofson, N. B. Fasancr og rov- fuglfangst. [Fasanen im Dronthei- mischen Norwegen.] Kristiania Norsk Jregerf. Tidssk. 38 1909 (42-40). 713 Herman, 0. Eine Skizze der Tatig- keitder koniglich Ungarischen Ornitho- logischen Centrale. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (i-xlvii) Tab. A-D. 714 Herman, O. In Mcmoriam. The correspondence between Alfred Newton and Otto Herman. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (xlviii-lxxviii). 715 Herman, O. and Owen, J. A. Birds useful and birds harmful. Illustrated by T. Coorgey. Manchester (University Press) (viii + 388) many illustr. 1909 8 vo. ” 716 Herrick, Harold. Late flight of Woodcock (Philohela minor) on Long Island, N.Y. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (77). 717 Hersey, L. T. and Rockwell, It. B. An annotated list of the birds of the Barr Lake district, Adams county, Colorado. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (109-122) 6 figs. 718 Hesse, E. Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen in der Umgegend von Leipzig wahrend des Jahres 1907. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (1-32). 719 Hesse, Erich. Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen in der Umgegend von Leipzig wahrend des Jahres 1908. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (322-305). 720 Hewitt, C. G. An inquiry into the feeding habits of British Birds. Lon- don Rep. Brit. Ass. 1908 1909 (734-735). 721 Heyder, R. Sommerbeobachtungen an den Teichen von Wermsdorf, Kgr. Sachsen. Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (281-287). 722 Heyder, Richard. Weitere ornitho- logische Beobachtungen an den Teichen bei Wermsdorf: Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (424-428). 723 Heyder, Rich, vide Zimmermann, Rud. Hilgert, Carl. Avifauna von Ingel- heim a. Rhein. (Forts.) Falco Halle 5 1909 (40-48 49-53). 724 Hill, G. F. Birds of Invcrloch (Vic.). Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (221-223). 725 Hocke, H. Dr. Karl August Bolle. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (190). 726 Hfockel, H. M. Kuschel. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (17-18). 727 Hocke, H. Ueber Saatkrahen in Brandenburg. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (20-29 41-42). 728 Hocke, H. t)ber Trappen, Otis tarda L. in Brandenburg. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (104-107 119-120). 729 Hocke, H. Der Abendfalke Ccrch- neis vesper tina (L.). D. Jagerztg. Neudamm 53 1909 (827- 830 844-845) ; Bemerkung dazu v. O. Bauer. t.c. 54 1909 (56-57). 730 Hocke, H. Ueber die Wanderungen unserer YVildtauben. Natur u. Haus Stuttgart 17 19094 (378-380). 731 Hocke, H. Ueber die Drosseln Brandenburgs. Gcfied. Welt Magde- burg 38 1909 (190-197 204-205). 732 Hocke, H. Ueber den Heuschrecken- siinger, Locustella naevia (Bodd.). Gefied. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (265- 206). * 733 Hoffmann, Kurt Otto. Ornitholo- gische Reiseerinnerungen aus den bal- tischen Provinzen Russlands. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (331- 335). 734 Hofstetter, Chr. Der Herbstzug der Vogel im bernischen Emmental im Jahr 1906. Ornith. Beob. Bern 6 1908 (138-142). 735 Holden, R. A. Nesting of Die Spotted-backed Weaver. ( Hyphan - tornis spilonotus.) Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (33-35). 736 Home, W. M. L.‘ Pintail ( Dajila acuta.) in Baltistan in July. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (750). 737 Hope, L. E. Roller in Cumberland. Zoologist London 13 1909 (150). 738 Hope, L. E. and Thorpe, D. L. The Bean Goose on the Solway. Zoologist London 13 1909 (350-352). 739 Hope, L. E. vide Thorpe. Hopf. Etwas vom Anpassungs- vermogen von Specht und Wiirger. Aus d. Natur Stuttgart 4 1909 (765- 766). 740 Hopfner, M. vide Seeger. 32 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Hopwood, J. C. Occurrence of the Spoonbill ( Platalea leucordia ) in Lower Burma. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (261). 741 Horn, A. vide Sassi, Moriz. Hornaday, W. T. Camp-fires on desert and lava. With 72 illustrations, etc., by Godfrey Sykes. [Chapter on birds of north-west Sonora, Mexico, pp. 316-328.] London (Laurie) (xx-f- 366) [1908] 8vo. 742 Horsbrugh, B. R. Birds of a Bloem- fontein Garden. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (244-246). 743 Horsbrugh, B. R, Levaillant’s Barbet ( Trachyyhonus cafer). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (337-338) coloured plate. . 744 Horsbrugh, C. B. A journey to British New Guinea in search of Birds- of-Paradise. Ibis London 1909 ( 197— 213). 745 . Horsfall, Bruce. European Starling nesting at Princeton, New Jersey. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (430). 746 Horwood, A. R. Variation in birds’ eggs. Selbourne Mag. London 20 1909 (102-105 113-115 133-138 153-157). 747 Horwood, A. R. Moral superiority among Birds. Nature London 80 1909 (40). 748 Horwood, A. R. Variation in birds’ eggs. Selbourne Mag. London 20 1909 (102-105 113-115 133-138 153-157). 749 Howard, H. E. The British Warblers. A history with problems of their lives. Parts 3 4 [separate paging to each species and many plates and photo- gravures] London large 8vo 1909. 750 Howarth, E. Sale of Great Auk’s Egg. London Mus. J. 8 1909 (293). 751 Howe, F. E. Among the birds of north-western Victoria. Emu Mel- bourne 8 1909 (130 -138). 752 Howe, F. E. The Pilot bird ( Pycnop - Ulus (ioccosus). Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (41-43). 753 Howe, Reginald Heber, jun. A curious influx of southern herons to New Jersey. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (76). 754 Howell, Arthur H. Agelaius 'pfoxni- ceus fortis in Louisiana. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (192). 755 Howell, Arthur H. Notes on the summer birds of northern Georgia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 ( 1 29— 137). 758 Hoyberg, H. M. Untersuchungen fiber die Immunitat der Vogel gegen die Muskeltrichinose. Zs. Thiermed. Jena 12 1908 (26-33). 757 Hugues, A. Nidification du Roitelet hupp6 dans le Gard. Nimes Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. 34 1907 (19-20). 758 Hugues, A. Le jefine chez le Mar- tinet. Nimes Bui. soc. 6tud. sci. nat. 35 1908 (74-75). 759 Hugues, A. Couleur des yeux d’Oiseaux Albinos. Nimes Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. 35 1908 (75-76). 760 Hunter, W. The Lapwing. Dum- fries Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 20 1909 (185-199). 761 Hvivensalo, K. J. Krahe aus Vogel- warte Rositten, in Finland getotet. (Fin.) Luonnon Ystavii Helsingfors 11 1907 (136). 762 Ibarth. Serinus serinus bei Danzig. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (4-5). 763 Ibarth. Ornithologisches vom Ge- stade der Danziger Bucht. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (43). 764 [Iljinskij, P.] TLibHHCKiii, IT. O npojierh cafliKH. [Ueber den Durchzug des Steppenhuhns.] Ochotn gaz. St. Peterburg 35 1909 (359). 765 Imparati, E. Uccelli del Ravennate. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (49-60 73-87 105-115). 766 Ingersoll, A. M. The only known breeding ground of Creciscus coturnicu- las. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (123-127) 2 figs. 767 Inglis, Chas. M. Note on the slaty- blue flycatcher ( Cyornis leucome- lamirus) and the common ruby- throat ( Calliope camtschatkensis in TirlnP. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (259). 768 Inglis, Chas. M. Occurrence of the peewit ( Vanellus vulgaris) in Tirhut. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (262). 769 33 Aves. Titles. 5800 Inglis, Chas. M. On the occurrence of certain birds in the Darbhanga district, Tirhut. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (522). 770 Inglis, C. M. vide Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Ingram, C. The birds of Manchuria. Ibis London 1909 (422-469) pi. viii (map). 771 Ingram, C. Supplementary list of the birds of the Alexandra District, Northern Territory, S. Australia. Ibis London 1909 (013-618). 772 Ingram, C. [On a new' species of Hcmipode.] London Bull. Brit. Or- nith. Cl. 23 1909 (65). 773 Ingram, C. [On a new swbspecies of Pnocpyga.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (96-97). 774 Ingram, C. My Japanese Rose- Finchcs ( Uragus sanguinolentvs). Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (241-243). 775 Ingram, C. Red variety ( P . mon- tana) of the Common Partridge. Brit. Birds London 2 1909(311-312). 776 Israel, Wilhelm. Der Specht im Schilfwalde. Ornith. Monatschr. Mag- deburg 34 1909 (28-30) 1 Taf. 777 Iverson, W. Monchsgrasmiicken iiberwintern zuweilen im sudliehen Norwegen. Gefied. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (7). 778 J[acob], J. R. Notes on birds of the neighbourhood [of Clifton] from Sept., 1908-Sept. 1909. Clifton Coll. Rep. Sci. Soc. 1 1909 (22-23). 779 Jacobi, A. Ein Vorkommen dcs Bergrebhuhns Perdix perdix var. montana Briss. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (50-52). 780 Jackson, S. W. In the Barron river valley, North Queensland. Field observations in the Tinaroo and Atherton scrubs with photographs by the author. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (233-283) pis. xx-xl. 781 Jackson, S. W. Descriptions of nests and eggs of five species of birds found in the Atherton district, North Queensland. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (283-285). 782 Jackson, S. W. Description of the nest and eggs of the WThite-bellied (k-11091 g) Thickhead ( Pachycephala lanioides). Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (106) pi. vii. 783 Jardine, E. R. Occurrence of the pink-headed duck ( Rhodonessa caryo - ‘phyllacea) in Burma. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (264). 784 Jewett, Stanley G. Some birds of Baker county, Oregon. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (5-9). 785 [Johansen, G. E.] IoraiiaerrL, T. O. ITtiium OoMuph'ii.jT it TypKCCTftiia. [Dio Vogel des Scmiretschje und des Turkestans.] Tomsk Izv. Univ. 22 1909 (1-36) 2 Taf. 786 Johansen, Herm. Vollstandiger Albino von Scolopax gallinago Linn. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (138). ' 787 Johansen, Herm. Eine albinotische Krickente. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (139). 788 Johansen, Herm. Partieller Al- binismus bei Pyrrhula. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (140). 789 Johns, C. A. British Birds in their haunts. Edited, revised and annotated by J. A. Owen. Illustrated with 64 coloured plates (256 figures) by W. Foster, (xxv -f- 326) London 1909 8vo. 790 Johnson, W. The Wood-cock. Selbourne Mag. London 20 1909 (13- 16). 791 Johnston, J. H. New genils (Cle- landia) of bird-cestodes. Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 43 1909 (139-147) figs. 792 Johnston, T. H. vide Cleland, J. B. Jolly, J. Sur une dispostion speciale de la structure de ganglions lym- phatiques chez les oiseaux. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (499-502). 793 Jolly, J. Sur le developpement des ganglions lymphatiques du canard. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (684-686). 794 Jolly, J. Sur le tissu lymphoide des oiseaux. C. R. ass. anat. Paris 10 Marseille 1908 Paris 1908 (176-182). 795 Jones, F. W. The fauna of the Cocos- Keeling Atoll, collected by F. Wood Jones. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (132-160). 796 e 12 34 Aves . XVII. Aves. [1909] Jones, H. On the eclipse plumage of the female New Zealand Sheldrake. ( Casarca variegata ). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (61). 797 Jones, K. H. Notes on some birds observed on the Trans-Siberian Rail- way Line. Ibis London 1909 (406-41 3), 798 Jones, L. June with the birds of the Washington Coast. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (1-15) 11 illustr. 799 Jones, L. The birds of Cedar Point and vicinity. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (55-76 115-131 187-204) 2 maps 9 figs. 800 Jones, L. New records for middle northern Ohio. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (158-160). 801 Jones, L. vide Henninger, W. P. Jordans, Ad. von. [Aberrant gefarbte Rauchscliwalbe.] Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (5). 802 Jourdain, F. C. R. The eggs of European Birds. Pt. 3 (161-240) 13 plates. London 1909 8vo. 803 Jourdain, F. C. R. [Eggs of Larus audouini .] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (39-40). 804 Jourdain, F. C. R. Death of Dr. E. Rey. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (202-203). 805 Jourdain, F. C. R. Rough notes on Derbyshire Natural History. Zoolo- gist London 13 1909 (106-112). 806 Jourdain, F. C. R. Weitcre Bei- triige zur Kenntnis der Eier von Larus audouini Payraud. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (139-143). 807 Jourdain, F. C. R. and Read, R. H. [Birds’ eggs from Corsica.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (22-23). 808 Judd, Sylvester D. Birds of a Mary- land farm ; a local study of economic ornithology. Washington D.C. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Biol. Surv. No. 17 1902 (1-116) pi. 809 Judd, Sylvester D. The bob white and other quails of the United States in their economic relations. Washingt ton D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Biol. Surv. Bull. No. 21 1905 (1-66) pi. 810 Judd, Sylvester D. The grouse and wild turkeys of the United States and their economic value. Washing- ton D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Biol. Surv. Bull. No. 24 1905 (1-55) pi. 811 Jukes, •). E. C. On the existing close time ” for birds and animals in the Bombay Presidency. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 (216-219). 812 Julius, V. A. Habits of babblers ( Orateropus striatus). Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 pt. xxiii 1909 (131-132). 813 [Jurinskij, T.] IOpiiHCKia, T. Od- sop't Beceimux'fc (fteHOJiornuecKiix'b aBJteniH npnpoAU bt>Boctouiioh Ondiipn bt> 1905 ii 1906 rOAaxTj. [Uebersicht der phanologischen Friihjahrsersohei- nungen in Ostsibirien in den Jahren 1905 u. 1906.] Irkutsk Izv. Vost.- Sib. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 38 1907 [1909] (32-63). 814 [Karamsin, A. N.] KapaM3nnrb, A. H. JtodaBjieHie kt, CTaTi/h „ ilTHnjLi Eyry- pycJiaucKaro, conpeji,'hjibHLix'L ct> ijhm'b uacTeii ByryjibMHHCKaro, EyayjiyK- CKaro yha^OBT., OaMapcKoii rydepiiin, n BejiedefiCKaro y$HMCi;otf rydep- nin.u [Ergiinzung zum Aufsatz ,,Pie Vogel des Kroisos BugwruBlaup-Bugu- lirnin, Busuluk (Gouv. Samara) und Belebei (Gouv. Ufa).] Mater, faun, flor. Ross. Moskva 9 1909 (274-284). 815 [Kar&jev, S. A.] KapheBrb, C. A. O npiiuinrh uajieTauia lrnm/b na ripoBo- Jioity. [Ueber die Ursaclie des Aufilie- gens der Vogel auf Draht.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (109-111). 816 Karrig, O. Vom weissscliwanzigen Seeadler (Ilalia'etus albicilla). Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (108- 170). 817 Kawelin, Eugen vide Gengler, J. [Kaygorodoff, D. N. von.] Kafiropo- ^oB'b, Jl,. H. OpiiHTO(|»ayua napica JlhcHaro HncTirryTa. (8a ji,ee>iTnjunle 1897-1907 rr.) [Die Ornithofauna im Park des Forstinstituts bei St. Peters- burg im Dezennium 1897-1907.] St. Peterburg Izv. lesn. Inst. 18 1908 (69- 84, deutsch. Res. 84) 1 Tab. 818 Kayser, C. Mathias Rausch. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (123-133). 819 Kelham, H. R. Field-Notes on Vultures and Eagles. Ibis London 1909 (413-418). 820 35 Ares. Titles, 5800 Kelso, J. E. H. Bird notes from the Tyrol. Zoologist London 13 1909 (78-80). 821 Kempsey, E., Nelson, T. H., Hall, H. and Whitaker, J. Glossy Ibises in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire andDevon- shire. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (229- 230). 822 K6raudel, J. Sur quelques hemato- zoaires observes au Congo [chez les oiscaux]. Paris Bui. Soc. Path. exot. 2 1909 (204-209). 823 Kinnear, N. B. The Indian three- toed kingfisher ( Ceyx tridaclyla ) at Matheran. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (749). 824 Kirchner, A. Remarques sur la migration des hirondelles de fenetre ( Ghelidon urbica L.). Besan9on Mem. soc. d’em. Doubs 8th ser. 3 1909 (432- 440). 825 Kirkman, F. B. The meaning of birds’ songs. Brit. Birds London 3 1909(121 184). 826 Kleinschmidt, O. Oorvus nueijraga. Berajah Halle 1909 (1) Taf. 827 Kl[einschmidt], O. Aberration von Erithacus domesticus. Falco Halle 5 1909 (5-0). 828 K[leinschmidt], O. Die Unterschei- dung von Zug- und Standvogeln bei dcr Schwarzamsel ( Turdus vernus). Falco Halle 5 1909 (12 -13). 829 Kleinschmidt, 0. Fringilla caelebs gengleri form. nov. Falco Halle 5 1909 (13). 830 Kleinschmidt, O. Der Forraenkreis des Adlerbussards. Falco Halle 5 1909 (14). 831 Kleinschmidt, O. Fringilla monti- fringilla subcuncolata form. nov. Falco Halle 5 1909 (14). 832 Kl[einschmidt], O. 1st die Lofielente (Anas clypeata) in Deutschland fast so gut wie ausgestorben ? Falco Halle 5 1909 (14-15). 833 Kl[einschmidt], O. . Flugbreite des Secadlcrs. lalco Halle 5 1909 (15). 834 Kl[einschmidt], O. Ueber Mistel- drosseln. Falco Halle 5 1909 (15-10). 835 Kleinschmidt, O. Beschreibung ncuer Forinen. Falco Halle 5 1909 (19-22). 836 (n-11091 g) Klfeinschmidt], O. Fliickigers Sara- mclroisen in Algerien. [iv. Alauda cristata.] Falco Halle 5 1909 (24-27). 837 Klfeinschmidt], O. Laubvogelzug im Mansfelder Seekreis. Falco Halle 5 1909 (44-40). 838 Klinge, M. Kunstig redeplads for Traeloberen (Oerthia familiaris). [Arti- ficial preservation.] Kjobenhavn Or- nith.Tids. 3 (149-151). 839 Klugh, A. B. A remarkable migra- tion of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (115-110). 840 Knape, Ernst. Ueber die Entwick- lung der Hornhaut des Hiihnchens. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (417-424). 841 Knauer, Friedrich. Vogelzugfragen. Jagd u. Wild Wien 1 1909 (145-149 164-168 178-182). 842 Knowlton, F. H. Birds of the World ; a popular account ; with a chapter on the anatomy of birds by F. A. Lucas, the whole edited by R. Ridgway. New York (Holt) (xiv + 874) 16 col. pis. and 236 illustr. 1909 8vo. 843 Koch, Rudolf. Ornithologische Notizen. Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (61-62). 844 Koch, Wilhelm. Ornithologischo Beobachtungcn im nordlichen Teile der Liineburger Heide i. J. 1908. Gefied. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (284- 285 291-293 300-302 307-308). 845 Kollibay, Paul. Nachtrage zur Vogelfauna Preussisch-Schlesiens. Or- nith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (192-202). 846 Kollibay, Paul. 1st Lanius meri- dionalis Temm. in Deutschland vorge- kommen ? Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (278-279). 847 Kollibay, Paul. Eine vergleichende Besprechung der rheinischen und schle- sischen Vogelfauna. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (223-226). 848 Konigl. Ung. Ornith. Centr. Zugs- daten aus Holland. 111. Bericht. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (230-237). 849 Koningsberger, J. C. De vogels van Javaen hunne economische beteekenis. ii. [Die Vogel von Java und ihre okonomische Bedeutung. ii.] Buiten- e 12-2 36 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] zorg Meded. Dep. Landb. 7 1909 (1-87) 52 Taf. 850 Koorders, S. H. Kleine bijdrage tot de kennis der endozoische zaden- yerspreiding door vogels op Java, op grond van een door den Heer Barthels op den Pangerango en bij Batavia bijeengebrachte collectie. i. [A brief contribution to the knowledge of en- dozoio seed distribution by birds in Java, based on a collection made by Mr. Barthels on the Pangerango and near Batavia, i.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 18 1909 (40-49) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 12 1909 (108-116) (English). 851 Kolthoff, Gustaf. En for Sveriges fauna ny fagel. [ Fuiigula nyroca, new for the Swedish fauna.] Fauna och Flora Uppsala 3 1908 (52). 852 [Kovalevskij, S.] KoBajieBCicm, 0. Oot. oprairfc fltixania nTiin,rB. [Ueber das Atmungsorgan der Vogel.] Arch, veterin. nauk St. Peterburg 39 1909 (665-694). 853 Krause, G. Oologia universalis palaearctica. Lief 48-49. Stuttgart (Fritz Lehmann) 4 p. 4 pis. [1909] 4 to. 854 Krabbe, T. N. Saarede fugle som Budbringere. [Wounded birds as message bearers.] Kjobenliavn Ornith. This. 3 1909(19-55). 855 Krohn, H. Die Gebirgsbachstelze, Motacilla boarulu L., als neuer Brut- vogel in Schleswig-Holstein. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (301- 303). 856 Krohn, H. Ueber das Ei und das Briiten von Spheniscus (L.). Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (229-232). 857 Kiinckel d’Herculais, J. Le deplace- ment de rhomme dans l’espace com- pare avec celui des Oiseaux et des Insectes. Paris 0. R. ass. franc, avanc. sci. 37 (Clermont-Ferrand) 1908 [1909] (622-625). 858 Kunze, Fritz. Einige Notizen iiber die Siiugetier- und Vogelfauna von Deutsch-Siidwestafrika. Gesammelt 1906-1907. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909(11-20). 859 Kuroda, Nfaganori]. Amerikahidori. [Anas americana.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 1909 (145-140). 860 Laguesse, E. Preuve experimentale du balancement dans les ilots endo- crines du Pigeon. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (94-96). 861 Lamb, C. Nesting of the Xantus Murrelet as observed on Los Coronados Islands, Lower California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (8-9). 862 Lampe, Ed. Katalog der Vogel- sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Wiesbaden T1 IV : Gaviae, Tubinares, Plataleae, Herodiones, Ste- ganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcae et Im- pennes. Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 62 1909 (68-102). 863 Langtry, R. L. A summer Fieldfare in Co. Down. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (207). 864 Lapicque, Louis. Le poids de l’encephale dans les differents groupes d’Oiseaux. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (408-412). 865 Lapicque, Louis et Lapicque, Mine Marcelle. Consommations alimen- taires d’oiseaux de grandeurs diverses en fonction de la temperature exterieure. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (289-292). 866 Lapicque, Louis et Lapicque, Mme Marcelle. Consommation alimentaire des petits Oiseaux aux temperatures eiov6cs. Paris 0. R. soe. biol. 67 1909 (337-339). 867 Lapicque, L. et Petetin, J. Fer du foie chcz quelques oiseaux, partlcu- lierement chez le canard. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (844-845). 868 La Riboistere, J. de. Le rapport du poids du foie au poids du corps chez les oiseaux. Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 148 1909 (1794-1796). 869 La Touche, J. D. D. The collection of birds in the Shanghai Museum. Shanghai J. China R. As. Soc. 40 1 909 (69-107). 870 Laubmann, Alfred. Ueber Farb- varietaten bei Pious viridis L. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (112-113). 871 Laubmann, Alfred. Dber Schnabel- missbildung bei Corvus frugilegus L. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (168-169). 872 37 Aves. Titles. 5800 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Sur un h6mamibe de Melopelia teucoptera. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1900 (952- 954). 873 [Lavrov, S.] JlaBpoBT,, 0. OncTeMa- TH^ecKiil KaTajion> noBBOHOunbix-b jkubothlixt. BooJiornuecKaro Myseu IImii. Ka3ancKaro yHHBepcmeTa. HacTb II. IIthuli (Aves). ^odaBJieHie. [Systematischer Katalog der Wirbel- tiere des Zoologischen Museums des Kais-Universitat Kazan. II. Teil. Aves. Nachtrag.] Kazan! Zap. Univ. 76 1909 12 (1-35). 874 [Lavrov, S.] JIaBp0Brb, O. BneuaT- Jikma h HayuHBie pe3yjibTaTbi jilmmro nyiemecTBia no EHHceucKoft TyH^pk. [Eindriicke und wissenschaftliche Er- gebnisse eines Sommerreise in die Jenissei- Tundra.] Kazan! Trd. Obsc. jest. 41 1909 4 (1-31). 875 Lawson, H. [Wood-chat’s nest in Oxfordshire.] Oxford ltep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soo. for 1908, 1909 (51). 876 L6caillon, A. Sur la segmentation parthenogenetique de l’ceuf des oiseaux. Paris 0. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (52-53). 877 L6caillon, A. Sur la presence de spheres attractives et de centrosomes dans les cellules issues de la segmenta- tion parthenogenetique de l’oeuf de la poule et sur les caracteres de ces forma- tions. Paris 0. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (64-66). 878 Lgcaillon, A. Sur la segmentation de l’ceuf non feconde du paon ( Pavo cristatus L.). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (143-145). 879 L6caillon, A. La segmentation parthcnog6netique chez la Poule qui ne s’ost jamais accouplde. Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (966-968 1053-1055). 880 Leege, Otto. Sturmmove und Eidergans, neue Brutvogel der siid- lichen Nordseeinseln. Ornith. Monat- schr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (69-74). 881 Leege, Otto. Der Memmert, eine neue Vogelfreistiitte in der Nordsee. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (105-123). 882 Leege, Otto. Albinismus bei Bernicla. Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (202). 883 Leege, O. Pichtenkreuzschnabel- Invasion 1909. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (369-370). 884 Leege, O. Phylloscopus trochilus eversmanni (Bp.). Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (371-372). 885 Leege, Otto. Die Vogelkolonie auf Langeoog. Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (449-454). 886 LGger, M. et Mathis, C. Leucocytozoon de la Perdrix du Tonkin. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 23 1909 (740-743) pi. xix. 887 L6ger, M. vide Mathis, 0. Leigh, A. G. vide Ticehurst. Leiper, R. T. Description of Filaria mavis n. spj from the Thrush. Zoolo- gist London 13 1909 (337-339). • 888 Lelidvre, A. et Retterer, E. Struc- ture des muscles lisses des oiseaux. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (449-452). 889 L[enny], F. Thomas Southwell, F.Z.S., M.B.O.V. in mcmoriam. Lon- don Mus. J. 9 1909 (189-191). 890 Leone, Nicola de. Notizie ornito- logiche : — Mostruosita osservate nel becco di alcuni uccelli. Ipocromatismo ed ipercromatismo. Catture interes- santi. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (126-128). 891 Leone, Nicola de. Nidificazione del Lodolaio ( Falco subbuteo) nel- l’Abruzzo. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (129-131). 892 Leone, Nicola de. II Falco feldeggi (Schleg.) nel FAbruzzo. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (132-141) 1 lig. 893 Le Roi. Bemerkungen liber einigG neuere westdeutsche Lokalfaunen. Or- nith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (65- 70). 894 le Roi, O. Ornithologische Notizen. [Ob Spechte od. Meisen Schilfstengel anschlagen. U rinator arcticus, Fuligula stelleri in Deutschland ?]. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (368- 369). 895 Le Souef, D. Description of a new Shrike Robin. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (70-71) pi. 3. 896 Le Souef, D. The White Oological collection. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (90-91) pis. 4-5. 897 38 Aves. XVII. Aves, [1909] Letacq, A.-L. Note sur un falcinelle eclatant ( Falcinellus igneus Gray) tue a Saint-Ouen-de-la-Cour (Orne) et sur une Buse pattue ( Buteo lagopus Briinn) tude dans la foret de Perceigne (Sarthe). Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 42 1907 (8-10). 898 Letacq, A.-L. Concernant trois Oiseaux observes dans l’Orne. Rouen BuJ. soc. amis sci. nat. 44 1909 (243). 899 Levander, K. M. Tierphanologische Beobachtungen in Finland, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1900, 1890. Bidr. F. Vet. Soc. Helsingfors 64 1907 (173-193 319-330 337-300 301-381 383-425). 900 Levander, K. M. [Pastor roseus in Finnland.] Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (5-0). 901 Lie-Pettersen, O. J. Rodstruben (Erithacus rubecula L.). Bergen • Naturen 33 1909 (114-123). 902 Lie-Pettersen, O. J. Bastardnatter- galen (Hypolals hypolais). Bergen Naturen 33 1909 (147-154). 903 Lindner, Adolf. Die Nacbtigall im Freien und als Stubenvogcl. Geficd. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (0-7 12-13 21-22 29-30 30-37). 904 Lindner, Adolf. Meine ornitholo- gischen Beobachtungen in den Jaliren 1908 u. 1909. [Breslau.] Vortrag. . . Gefied. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (316- 318 326-327). 905 Lindner, Fr. Eine fur Deutschland wohl neuo Anpassung von Golumba oenas L. Ornith. Monatsber. Magde- burg 34 1909 (320-322). 906 Lindner, Fr. Eine neue interessante Anpassung : Die Hohltaube nistet in Erdholen und Felsenspalten. Uns. Welt Godesberg 1 1909 (409-472). 907 [_ Lindner, Fr. w'deHennemann. Lintia, Denes. Adatok Delinagyar- orszag avifaunajahoz. [Beitrage zur Avifauna von SUdungarn.] Dci- magy. Termt. Fiiz. Temesvar 33 1909 (190-199). 908 , Lintia, Denes. Fogoly mimicry. [Rebhuhnmimicry.] Aquila Budapest i5 1908 (306). 909 Lintia, D. Meine ornithologische Studien-exkursion in die Dobrudscha. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (156-178). 910 Linton, G. B. Further notes from San Clemente Island. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 1905 (193-194). 911 Lodge, R. B. Bird hunting through Wild Europe. With 124 illustrations, from photographs by the author. Lon- don (Culley) (333) 124 illustr. [1908] 8vo. 912 Loeffel, C. Allerlei voin Storch. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (12-13). 913 Loer. Die normale Korperwarme, Atem- und Pulszalil der Vogel unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung unseres Hausgefliigels. Berlin (R. Schoetz) 1909 (20) 4 Taf. 23 cm. 1 M. 914 Loer. Ueber den Einfluss des Alters auf die Korperwarme bei Gansen und Enten. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 128 1909 (555-559). 915 Loer. Korpertemperatur beim Gefliigel. D. tieriirztl. Wochenschr. Hannover 17 1909 (698-700). 916 Loer. Dio Bluttemperaturen der Vogel. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (417-420). 917 Lonnberg, Einar. ’Notes on birds collected by Mr. Otto Bamberg in Southern Transbaicalia and Northern Mongolia. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 5 No. 9 1909 (1-42) figs. 918 Lonnberg, Einar. Nagra fynd af subfossila vertebrater. [Some finds of subfossil vertebrates.] Ark. Zool. Stockholm 6 No. 3 1909 (1-28) 11 Text figs. English summary 26-28 ; also Fauna och Flora Uppsala 4 1909 (254-270) figs. 919 L[onnberg], E. Nagra ord om Sand- wichsoarnes fagelvilrld. [Birds of the Sandwich-islands.] Fauna och Flora Uppsala 3 1 908 (43 -48). 920 Lons, Edmund. Die Sinne der Vogel. Weidmann Braunschweig 40 1909 (824- 825). 921 Lons, Hermann. Dio Erhaltung un- serer Tier welt. (Diirer-Bund. 45. Flugselirift zur asthetischen Kultur.) Miinchen (Druck v. Kastner & Callwey) 1909(11). 24 cm. 922 Lons, Hermann. Die Veranderung unserer Vogelwelt. Natur u. Erzielig Stuttgart 1901-10 (78-82). 923 Loos, Kurt. Erfreuliches und Un- erfreuliches fiber den Uhu in Bohmen. 39 Aves . Titles. 5800 Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (162- 153). 924 Loos, Curt. Ein Beitrag zur Frage iiber die Ernahrung des Waldkauzes. f Syrnium oluco]. Ornith. Beob. Bern 6 i908 (72-78). 925 Lorenz, L. v. und Hellmayr, 0. E. Ein Beitrag zur Ornis Siidarabiens. Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 71 1 halb- band 1907 (103-121)1 pi. 926 Lorenz, Th. Phasianus shawi (Ell.) subsp. nova chrysomeloides. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (171-172). 927 Lortet et Gaillard. La faune momi- fiee de l’ancienne Egypte et recherches anthropologiques (3e, 4e et 5e series). [Oiseaux, pp. 95-99, 145-158]. Arch. Museum hist. nat. Lj^on 10 1909. 928 Loudon-Lisden, Baron Harald. Vorlaufiges Verzeichnis dcr Vogel dor russischcn Ostsecprovinzcn Estland, Livland und Kurland. St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (192-222). 929 Loudon, Harald von. Isolierte Auerhiihner. N. Balt. Weidm.-bltr Riga 5 1909 (302). 930 Lowe, P. R. Notes on some Birds collected during a cruise in the Carib- bean Sea. Ibis London 1909 (304-347). 931 Lowe, P. R. Winter habits of the Blackcap and mating for life. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (79-81). 932 Lowe, P. R. The meaning of birds’ songs. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (183-184). 933 Lowieser, E. Merops apiasler L.- Kolonie am Plateau in Titel. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (307-308). 934 [Lucanus, Friedrich von. Vogelzug- beobachtungcn in Rositten.] J. Or- nith. Leipzig 57 1909 (226-229). 935 Lucas, F. A. vide Knowlton, F. H. Ltiderwaldt, H. Beitrag zur Ornitho- logie des Campo Itatiaya. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 27 1909 (329- 360). 936 Liihe. Vogelzugsversuche. Konigs- berg Schr. phvsik. Ges. 49 (1908) 1909 (385-386). ' 937 Liihe, M. Albinismus bei Saugetieren und Vogeln Ostpreussens. Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 1909 (48-54). 938 Liihe, M. Eine Saatkrahenkolonie im Weichbilde der Stadtkonigsberg. Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 1909 (174-177) 1 Taf. 939 Lynes, II. Observations on the migration of birds in the Mediterranean. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (36-61 69- 77 99-104 133-160). 940 Maodonald, K. Tho white-winged Wood-duck ( Asarcornis scutulata) in Tenasserim. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (263). 941 Macfarlane, R. Notes on the Mammals and Birds of Northern Canada in “ Charles Mair’s Through tho Mackenzie Basin.” (287-448). Toronto (William Briggs) 1908 8vo. 942 MacGregor, A. Tho Cuckoo. Perth Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci 5 1909 (30-34). 943 Mack, A. E. A bush calendar. With forty-two illustrations from Nature. Sydney (Angus and Robert- son) 1909 8vo (vi + 110). 944 Mackeith, T. T. Notes on the birds of West Renfrewshire (Caldwell dis- trict) 1908. Zoologist London 13 1909 (228-231). 945 Mackie, A. C. Birdnotes at Wells- next-the-sea. Nature Notes London 20 1909 (20-22). 946 Macoun, J. and Macoun, J. M. Catalogue of Canadian birds. Canada Department of Mines Geological Survey Branch (1-761) [2nd ed.] Ottawa 1909 8vo. 947 Macpherson, A. H. Notes on London Birds in 1908. Selbourne Mag. London 20 1909 (42-43). 948 Macpherson, H. B. The home-life of a Golden Eagle, photographed and described. London (Witherby) 1909 8vo (46) 32 pis. 949 Madar&sz, Julius von. Contribution to the Mongolian Ornis with descrip- tion of some new species. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. Budapest 7 1909 (175-178) pi. iv. 950 Madarasz, Julius. Adatok a vad- ludak termeszetrajzahoz. [Zur Natur- geschichte der Wildganse.] Ann. Hist. 40 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1900] Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. Budapest 7 1909 (302-30G) Taf. v. 951 Madarasz, J. Ueber einen neuen Dickfuss Oedicnemus csongor. Budap. Aroh. zool. 1 1909 (11-12) figs. 1-3. 952 Magaud d’Aubusson. Excursions ornithologiquos aux Ties d’Ycu ct d’016ron. Naturalistc Paris 31 1909 (101-103). 953 Magrath, H. A. F. Bird notes from Murree and the Galis. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (142-155). 954 Magrath, H. A. F. The jungle crow ( Oorvus mcicrorhynclius). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (256-258). 955 Magrath, H. A. F. Bird Notes from Dunga Gali. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (753-755). 956 Magrath, H. A. F. vide Whitehead. Mailliard, J. Nest of the Dusky Poor* will (Phalaeno ptilus nuttalli call- fornicus). Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (45-47). 957 Mailliard, J. Nest of the California bi-colored blackbird. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 1909 (127-128). 958 [Malychin, N.] MaJiuxium, H. IIojieT'L ii BbicLiriKH flynejiefi. [Der Zug und das plotzliehe Auftreten der Doppelschnepfcn.] Ochotn. vestn. Moskva 9 1909 (279-281). 959 Manders, N. The Colombo crow ( Gorvus splendens) ; a case of the sur- vival of the fittest. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 1909 (130). 960 Miintyvaara, Einari. Eraiden muut- tolintujen tulo- ja lahtoajat Suojiir- vella v. 1909. [Ankunft- und Abzug- daten einiger Zugvogel in Suojiirvi, Finland, 1909.] Luonnon Ystava Hel- singfors 13 1909 (216-217). 961 Marble, Richard Merrill. Notes from Crawford Notch, N. H. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (437). 962 Marquand, E. D. Report of the Ornithological Section. Guernsey Rep. and Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. 1908 1909 (437-440). 963 Marquand, E. D. The Guernsey dialect names of birds, fishes, insects, etc. Guernsey Rep. and Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. 1909 (512-531). 964 Marriner, G. R. The Kea : a New Zealand Problem, including a full description of this very interesting bird, its habitat and ways, together with a discussion of the theories ad- vanced to explain its sheep-killing propensities (1-152). Christchurch N.Z. 1908 8vo. 965 Marriott, C. H. The study of Bird life. Its difficulties. Dumfries Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 20 1909 (145-157). 966 Marshall, G. A. K. Birds as a factor in the production of mimetic resem- blances among butterflies. London Trans. Ent. Soc. 1909 (329-383). 967 Masefield, J. R. B. Nesting of the Nightingale ( Daulias luscinia) in Staf- fordshire. Zoologist London 13 1909 (75). 968 Masefield. Aves. Stafford Rep. Trans. N.S. F. Cl. 43 1909 (70-75). 969 Masse, F. L’instinct chez la Foulque [Fulica atra ]. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909(10-12). 970 Masse, F. L’utilitarisme et ses exceptions chez l’oiseau. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (116-119). 971 Mathews, G. M. [Nomenclature of Australian Parrots.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (24). 972 Mathews, G. M. [Description of 2 spp. nov.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (24). 973 Mathews, G. M. [Description of Amytornis whitei and additions and corrections to the “ Hand -list to the Birds of Australasia.”] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (34). 974 Mathews, G. M. Malurus dulcis (Lavender-flanked Wren), sp. nov. Emu Melbourne 8 1909(113-114) pi. B 975 Mathews, G. M. On the birds of North-West Australia. With field notes by the Collector J. P. Rogers. Emu Melbourne 9 (1-16 53-65) 976 Mathews, G. M. Black tailed God wit. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (28). 977 Mathews, G. M. The birds of the Alexandra District, Northern Terri- tory. Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (65-69). J 978 41 Aves . TitlesJ 5800 Mathews, G. M. Additions to tho “ Handlist of the Birds of Austra- lasia.” Emu Melbourne 9 1909 (92). 979 Mathews, R. O. Nesting of tho Snipe in Wiltshire. British Birds London 3 1909 (28-29). 980 Mathis, C. et L6ger, M. Microfilaire de la Poule. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (407-409). 981 Mathis, C. et L6ger, M. Trypano- some de la Poule. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (452-454). 982 Mathis, C. et L§ger, M. Leucocy- tozoon de la Poule. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (470-472). 983 Mathis, C. et L6ger, M. Recherches sur le Leucocytozoon de la Poule. Periodicite des formes sexu6es dans le sang. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (688-690). 984 Mattingley, A. H. E. In the heart of the Malice. Viet. Nat. Melbourne 26 1909 (64-77). 985 Mattingley, A. H. E. Thermometer- bird or Mallee-fowl ( Lipoa ocellata). Part ii. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (114- 121) pi. xi. 986 Matys, W. Entwicklung und Topo- graphic der Muskulatur der Orbita bei Vogeln. T1 1. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1908 (321-351) 3 Taf. 987 McAtee, W. L. The horned larks and their relation to agriculture. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agric. Biol. Surv. Bull. No. 23 1905 (1-37) pi. text fig. 988 McClymont, J. R. The geographical distribution of the land-birds of the Banda Islands. (Cont.) Zoologist London 13 1909 (330-336). 989 McGregor, R. C. A manual of Philippine Birds. Part I. Galliformes to Eurylaemiformes. Manilla P.I. (Bureau of printing)19098vo(x -f 412). 990 McGregor, R. C. A collection of birds from Northern Mindanao. Philip- pine J. Sci. Manilla P.I. 4 1909 (67-77). 991 McGregor, R. C. Philippine ornitho- logical literature, II. Philippine J. Sci. Manilla P.I. 4 1909 (79-86). 992 McKechnie, F. B. Dendroica dis- color and Dendroica vigorsi in eastern Massachusetts in winter. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (195). 993 McKechnie, F. B. Massachusetts bird notes. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (199-200). 99.4 Mearns, E. A. Additions to the list of Philippine birds, with descrip- tions of new and rare species. Wash- ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 1909 (435-447). 995 Mearns, E. A. A list of birds collected by Dr. Paul Bartsch in the Philippine Islands, Borneo, Guam and Midway Island, with descriptions of three new species. Washington D.C. Smith- sonian Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 1909 (463-478). 996 Medlicott, W. S. Curious nesting site of a Wood-warbler. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (380-381). 997 [Medvgdev, A.] MeAB'bflein,, A. Op- HHTOJioninecKaHHaxojiKa. [Ein ornith- ologischer Fund.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 7 (46). 998 Meerwarth, H. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt. 2te Folge. Vogel. Leipzig [1909] 8vo (viii + 696). 999 Menegaux, A. American Egrets as victims to fashion. Zoologist London 13 1909 (245-252). 1000 M6n6gaux, A. Sur le nid des four- niers ( Furnarius, Vieill. ). Bui. museum Paris 1909 (6-12). 1001 M§n6gaux, A. Collections d’oiseaux de Cuba, acquise par le laboratoiro d’ornithologie du Museum. Bui. Museum Paris 1909 (237-239) et Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (21-32). 1002 M6n6gaux, A. Lc nid du founder. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (141-143). 1003 M6n6gaux, A. Description, mensura- tion et etiquetage des specimens en ornithologie. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. bh 1908 (401-417). 1004 M6n6gaux, A. La vie des cormorans dans l’Antarctique. Naturaliste Paris 31 1909 (65-66). 1005 M6n6gaux, A. Questions de mor- phologic et de psychologie cliez les oiseaux. Bui. inst. psych, interna t. Paris 7 1907 (427-440). 1006 42 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] M6n6gaux, A. Sur la presence d’un Dendrocygna arcuata a Aigues-Mortes (Gard). Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (57). 1007 Men6gaux, A. litude d’une collec- tion d’oiseaux provenant de la Bolivie et du P6rou meridional. Paris Bui. soc. pliilom. ser. 10 1 1909 (205-229). 1008 Menzel, F. Die Vogelwelt von Helm- stedt (Herzogtum Braunschweig) und Umgebung. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (85-117). 1009 Menzel, F- Das Briiten des Tannen- hehers im Harze. Berajali Halle 1909 (4-6) Taf. 1010 Meschinelli, Luigi. Contribuzione all’ Avifauna italiana. Cattura ai un esemplare di Oedicnemus senegalensis Sw. nel Vicentino. Venezia Atti 1st. ven. 68 1908-09 (65-68). 1011 Mesdag, T. M. Bijdrage tot de ont- wikkelingsgeschiedenis van de struc- tuur der hersenen bij het kipembryo. [Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hirnstructur beim Embryo des Hiihnchens.] Groningen (M. de Waal) 1909(153) ll Taf. 25 cm. 1012 Meves, Friedr. Ueber Neubildung quergestreif ter Muskelf asern nach Beo b - achtungen am Hiihnerembryo. (Vorl. Mitt.) Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 ( 161— 165). 1013 Meyer, Otto. Das Leben der Vogel jm Urwald Neu-Pommerns. Natur u. Ollenb. Munster 55 1909 (464-475). 1014 Meyer, W. Zur Vogel-Pauna des Bismarck-Archipels. Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (33-38). 1015 Meyrick, H. The Lesser Redpole ( Liiiotc rufescens) at Hampstead. Zoologist London 13 1909 (270). 1016 Mezincescu, D. Leucocytozoon zie- manni et trypanosomes chez l’Epervier ( Falco nisus). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (328-329). 1017 Mezincescu, D. Evolution des Ookinetes d’Haemo proteus dans l’in- testin des Moustiques. Paris C. It. soc. biol. 66 1909 (329-330) fig. 1018 Mezincescu, D. et Calinescu, J. Spirillose des poules et Argas peraicua en Roumanie. Paris Bui. Soc. Path, exot. 2 1909 (292-293). 1019 [Michalovskij, S. O.] MHxajioBCtriii, H. O. 0 cxpoenm h nicxoreHexH- necKOM'L pa3BiiTin acejieaiicxaro ace- Jiy^aa y hthivb. [Ueber den Bau und die histogenetische Entwicklung des Driisenmagens bei den Vogeln.] Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest, vrac. 1909-1910g. [Prot.] 1910 (181). 1020 Michalovsky, J. Zur Prage iiber funktionelle Aenderungen in den Zellen des Driisenmagens bei Vogeln. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (257-275). 1021 Mierzejewski, L. Beitrag zur Ent- wicklung des Lymphgefasssystems der Vogel (Vorliiufige Mitteilung). Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1909 No. 7 (472- 481) 4 figs. . 1022 Millais, J. G. The natural history of British Game Birds. London 1909 (1-142) 18 pis folio. 1023 Millais, J. G. [Hybrid Grouse.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (51-52) ; also Brit. Birds London 2 ’ 1909 (384-387) with plate. 1024 Millais, J. G. [Erythrism in the Red Grouse and an example of a female Black Grouse assuming male plumage.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (40-41). 1025 Miller, C. W. An experiment in the colonization of the House Martin. Worthington Soc. Study Bird Life Bull. No. 1 1909 (12) 4 pis. [cf. Auk 26 p. 446]. 1026 Miller, Loye Holmes. Pavo call- fornicus, a fossil peacock from the Quaternary asphalt beds of Rancho La Brea. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. 5 1909 (285-289) pi. xxv. 1027 Miller, Loye Holmes. Teratornis a new avian genus from Rancho La Brea. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. 5 1909 (305-317) figs. 1-11. 1028 Miller, Richard P. Actodromas fuscicollis in Philadelphia county, Pa. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (4z7- 428). 1029 Miller, W. De W- The races of the Parula Warbler ( Compsothlypia ameri- cana). Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (309-310). 1030 Miller, W. De W. The rank of certain groups of birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (313). 1031 43 Aves. Titles. 5800 Moffat, C. B. The use of domed nests. Irish Nat. 18 1909 (161-1GG). 1032 Momber, C. A. Morals and Birds. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (47-50). 1033 Monahan, G. J. Occurrence of the Baikal or clucking teal ( Nettion for- mosum) in north Behai*. Bombay J. Nat, Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (526). 1034 Monck, E. F. B. Redstart in Sussex. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (5G). 1035 Montagu, E. [Sabine’s Gull and hybrid Fuligula farina X F. nyroca .] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (103-104). 1036 Montell, Justus. Harfaglar pa Lapplandsbesok. [ Upupa epops in Lappland.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (346). 1037 Montell, Justus. Ung smadopping {Podiceps .fluviatilis [Tunst.] — Podi - ceps minor [Gmel.]) fran norra Enon- tekis. [Podiceps fluviatilis [Tunst.] Podiceps minor [Gmel.])aus dem(nord- liclien Teil des Kirchspiels Enontekis.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (142- 143). 1038 M[ontell], J. I Muonio ofvervin- trandc krakor och raka. [In Muonio, Lappland, ubervvinterndo Excmplare von Corvus cor nix und C. frugilegus .] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (193). 1039 Montell, Justus. Nagra under som- maren 1908 i vastra Lappland obser- ver ade sallsyntare faglar. [Einige im Sommer 1908 im westlichen Lappland bcobachtcte seltcnere Vogel.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (404). 1040 Montell, Justus. Hen tilltankta nationalpark inkring Pallastunturi och dess fagelfauna. [Her um den Palla- stunturi geplante Nationalpark und dessen Vogelfauna.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 ( 10-17 ). 1041 Morley, J. Ornithological notes from Scarborough. Zoologist London 13 1909 (78). 1042 Morris, Robert O. Rare birds near Springfield, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (84). 1043 Morris, Robert O. The Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) near Springfield, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (306-307). 1044 Mortensen, H. Chr. C. Teal ( Anas crecca L. ) in Winter. Kobenhavn Nath. Medd. 1908 1909 (127-139). 1045 Mortensen, H. C. C. Fangst af staere til maerkning. [Capture of starlings for marking.] Kjobenhavn Ornith. Tid. 3 1909 (85-100) fig. 1-10. 1046 Mortensen, Th. Fuglelivet paa do dansk-vestindisko 0er. [Bird life on the Banish West Indian islands.] Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909 (151-161). 1047 Mourgue, Marcel. Une nouvelle espece d’alouette pour la France. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (87). 1048 Mourgue, M. Oiseaux interessants du departement de Vaucluse. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (92-95). 1049 Mullens, W. H. Some early British Ornithologists and their works. vi. Thomas Pennant (1726-1798). vii. John Ray (1627-1705) and Francis Willoughby (1635-1672). viii. Thomas Berwick (1753-1828) and George Mon- tagu (1751-1815). ix. William Mac- gillivray (1796-1852) and William Yarrell (1784-1853). British Birds London 2 1909 (259-266 290-300 351- 361 389-399) with portraits. 1050 Muller, Fr. Motacilla boarula. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (143). 1051 Munsterhjelm, Carl. “ Sorgtjadern ” i norra P’inland. [Tetrao urogallus lugens in Nord-Finland.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (257-258). 1052 Myers, H. W. Notes on the habits of Phainopepla nitens. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 1909 (22-23). 1053 Myers, H. W. Nesting habits of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (131-134). 1054 Nagy, Jeno. Sziklafalon feszkelo horifecskek. [An der Felsenwand briitende Hausschwalben.] Aquila Budapest 15 1908 (31 1 ). 1055 Nagy, Jeno. Corvus frugilegus L. es Colaeus monedula (L.) mint idojosok. [Corvus frugilegus L. und Colaeus 44 Aves. xvn. Aves. [1909] monedulo (L.) als Witterungsanzeiger.] Aquila Budapest 15 1908 (315). 1056 Natorp, Otto. Die Vogelwelt in der Umgebung von Rosclikowitz. (Eine Lokal Ornis aus dem Osten Schle- siens.) Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (86-92 133-141 145-159 177- IS3 218-232 249-266) Taf. 1057 Neave, S. A. On some new species of birds from Katanga, Congo Free State. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 4 1909 (129-130). 1058 Neave, S. A. [Description of gen. et spp. n.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (24-25). 1059 Nehrkorn, A. Ei von Phonygama jamcsi Shp. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (44- 45). 1060 Nelson, E. W. A new thrush from Mexico. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soo. 22 1909 (49 -50). 1061 Nelson, T. H. vide Kempsey. [Nesteroff, P. V.] IlecTcpoirL, 11. B. Maiepiujiu ^jui opiiumiioriiuecKofi (|)uynu MniiycuncKaro icpan h ypmi- xaficuofi 3cm jih. [Zur Kcnntnis der ornithologischenFauna der Minussinsk- Gegend und des Urjanchai-Landes.] St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 40 2 1909 (97-187, deutsch. Res. 188- 190) 1 Karte. 1062 Neubaur, Rudolf. Ueber Nistgele- genheit der Rauchscliwalbe {Hirundo rustica). Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (172-173). 1063 Neumann, O. Die geographischen Formen des Hagedasch-lbis. Ornis, London 13 1909 (190-196). 1064 Neumann, # [O.] [New subsp. of Shrike.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (53-54). 1065 Neumann, Oscar. Neue Formen von Pterocles. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909(152-155). 1066 Newman, T. II. Bartlett’s Bleeding- Heart Pigeon ( Phlogoenas crinigera). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (225- 234) 4 pis. 1067 Newstead, A. Black Grouse $ (Tetrao telrix). Zoologist London 13 1909 (77). 1068 Newstead, A. Ornithological records for Chester and North Wales since January, 1908. Zoologist London 13 1909 (78). 1069 Newstead, 11. The food of some British Birds. J. Board Agric. London Suppl. 15 No. 9 1908 (viii + 87) ; Review Brit. Birds 2 1909 (315-316). 1070 Nicholson, F. Geographical distribu- tion of Birds. (Genus Macronyx Swainson.) Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 53 1909 No. 24 (1-11). 1071 Nicoll, M. J. Contributions to the Ornithology of Egypt. No. ii. Birds of the Province of Giza. Ibis London 1909 (285-302 471-484 623-649) pi. iv. 1072 Nicoll, M. J. [ Muscicapa semitorquata in Egypt.] Ibis London 1909 (714) ; also London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (28). 1073 Nicoll, M. J. Some notes on the Pipits (Anthus) which occur in the Hastings district. Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. 1 1909 (181-185). 1074 Nicoll, M. J. [White collared Fly- catcher in Egypt.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (93). 1075 Nicoll, M. J. [ Alseonax latirostris and Hirundo rufula .] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (93). 1076 Nicoll, M. J. On rare or little-known Egyptian birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (99-100). 1077 Nicoll, M. J. The Brown Flycatcher ( Muscicapa latirostris. Raffles) in Kent. A new British Bird. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (112-113) photograph. 1078 Nicoll, M. J. The Red -lumped Swallow in Kent. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (122-123). 1079 Nicoll, M. J. Additions to the list of wild birds which have visited the Giza Zoological Gardens. Cairo Scient. Journ. 3 1909 (247-250). 1080 Nicoll, M. J. and Bonhote, J. L. On two new subspecies, Qalerida cm- iota moeritica and Passer dornesticus niloticus from Egypt and note on the first record of Locustella luscinioides fusca from the same place. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (101-102). 1081 Nicoll, M. J. and Ticehurst, N. F. The first British example of the Red- throated Pipit. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (278-279). 1082 45 Aves. Titles, '5800 Nietsch, Viktor. Ueber den Vogel- flug. Graz Mitt. Natw. Ver. Steierm. 42 (1905) 1906 (82- 98) 2 Taf. 1083 Nilsson, R. t)ber Milvus milvus- eier. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (141). 1084 Noble, H. Common Terns on Holy- head Skerries. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (90-91). 1085 Noc vide Simond. Noggler, Jos. vide Schaffer, Alex- ander. Noorduyn, C. L. W. De wilde kanarie en zijn kleurverandcring. [Der wilde Kanarienvogel und seine Far- benanderung.] Album del Natuur Haarlem 1909 (240-242). 1086 North, A. J. Nests and eggs of birds found breeding in Australia and Tas- mania. Australian Museum Special Catalogue No. 1 vol. 2 part 3 (235-380) pis. A13 Bxii Bxiii Sydney 1909 4to. 1087 North, Alfred J. Notes on the nesting site of Gerygone personata Gould. Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austr. Mus. 6 1909 (184-188) pi. lvii. 1088 North, Alfred J. Description of the female with nest and eggs of the cinnamon -chested ground thrush (Gin- closoma marginatum , Shurpo). Sydney N.S.W. Roc. Austr. Mus. 6 1909 (322- 324) pi. xcii. 1089 North, A. J. Notes on Newton’s Bower- bird, Prionodura newtoniana do Vis, and the Tooth-billed Bower-bird, Scenopoeetes dentirostris Ramsav. Vic. Nat. Melbourne 25 1909 (160-168) pis. vii viii. 1090 North, A. J. Note on somo living examples of Psephotus dissimilis. Viet. Nat. Melbourne 25 1909 (175-176). 1091 North, A. J. Description of a new species of Acanthiza from Western Australia. Viet. Nat. Melbourne 26 1909 (55-56). 1092 Norton, Arthur H. The Lesser Snow Goose ( Chen hyperborca nivalis ) in Gorham, Maine. Auk Cambridge Mass. 261909(304). 1093 Norton, Arthur H. The present status of the Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) near Portland, Maine. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (307-308). 1094 Norton, Arthur H. Another Hoary Redpoll ( Acanthis liornemanni exilipes) at Westbrook, Maine. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (308). 1095 Norton, Arthur H. Bickncll’s Thrush ( Ilylocichla aliciae bicknelli) in Cumberland county, Maine. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (312). 1096 Norton, Arthur H. The food of several Maine Water-birds. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (438-410). 1097 Norton, E. S. On the decrease in weight of Birds’ eggs duiing incuba- tion. Ibis London 1909 (137-140). 1093 Oates, Eugene W. Note on the Chinese crimson horned pheasant ( Tra- gopan tcmminclci). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (260-261). 1099 Oberbeck, H. Zur Fleckenfarbe der Vogeleier. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (169-172 185-188). 1100 Oberholser, Harry C. A revision of the kingfisher genus Ramphalcyon ( Pelargopsis ). Washington D.O. Smith- sonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 35 1909 (657-680). 1101 Oberholser, H. C. A new Great Horned Owl from Venezuela, with notes on the names of the American forms. Brooklyn N.Y. Mus. Inst.1 Arts Sei. Bull. 1 1908 (371-374). 1102 O’Brien, E. Nidifioation of the Sarus crano ( Qrus antigonc). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (6241. 1103 Ogilvie, F. M. [Golden-eye killed in Suffolk, probably Clangula islan - dica .] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (63-65). , 1104 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. On a collec- tion of Birds from Western Australia. With field-notes by Mr. G. C. Short- rid^. Ibis London 1909 (650-689) pi. ix. 1105 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [Hybrid Grouse.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (58 59). 1106 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [On a new species of Nuthatch from Quelpart Isle, S. Corea.] London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 23 1909 (59). 1107 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [On a new species of Crocojnis.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (67-68). 1108 46 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [Descriptions of spp. nov.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 23 1909 (72-73). 1109 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [Sp. nov.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 23 1909 (73-74). 1110 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [Spp. nov. from the Ruwenzori Expedition.] Lon- don Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (94). 1111 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [Spp. nov. from Peak of Cameroon.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (12-13). 1112 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [The external sexual and juvenal characters of the Woodcock.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (34- 38). 1113 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. The Northern Marsh-Titmouse in England. A new British Bird. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (277-278). 1114 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. and Inglis, C. M. On a new species of bush- quail ( Microperdix ) from Goalpara, Assam. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (1-3) 1 pi. 1115 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [Edited by] Report on the immigrations of summer residents in the spring of 1908 : also notes on the migratory movements and records received from lighthouses and light-vessels during the autumn of 1907. By the committee appointed by the British Ornithologists’ Club. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 24 1909 (1-235). 1116 [Ognev, S.] Ornein., O. Oiihcok'l rrfHivh ii3i> O&iacTii BoiicKa JTon cicaro. [Verzeichnis der Vogel aus dem Gebiet der Donschen Kosaken.] Moskva Trd. Kruz. izsl. rus3. prir. 4 1909 (148-149). 1117 [Ognev, S. I.] OrHeB't, C. II. Ma- Tepiam Kri> opiiHTOfJjayn'h OMOJieiiCKoii rydepmu. [Beilriige zur Ornithofauna des Gouvernements Smolensk.] Mater, faun. flor. Ross. Moskva 9 1909 (285- 352). 1118 Ohler, C. W. Der Einfluss des Geschlechtslebens der Tiere, insbeson- dere der Vogel auf die Epidermoidal- gebilde der Haut. Bern Vet.-med. Diss. 1904-05 (35) 8vo. 1119 Oldham, C. Early nesting of the Great Crested Grebe. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (30-31). 1120 Olivier, Ernest. La Perdrix de mon- tagne. Rev. sci. Bourbon Moulins 21 1908 (56-59) fig. 1121 Ollivier, Francis-Marie. Invasion de becscroistfs en 1909. Paris Bill, soc. zool. 34 1909 (250-251). 1122 Olshausen, A. Kritik der Exner’- schen Theorie des Zitter- oder Schwirr- fluges. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 123 1908 (433-453). 1123 Oort, E. D. van. Birds from south western and southern New Guinea. Nova Guinea. Resultats de l’expedi- tion scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee. Vol. ix. Zoologic. Livr. 1 (51-107) pi. iii Leide 1909 4to. 1124 Oort, E. D. van. On New-Guinea birds, ii. Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30 1909 (225-244). 1125 Oort, E. D. van. On Gerygone and Eurylaimus species from Java and from Sumatra. Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 1909 (207-210). 1126 Oort, E. D. van. Report on birds from the Netherlands received from 1 September 1908 till 1 September 1909. Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 1909 (211-220) 1 pi. 1127 Oort, E. D. van. Ueber Xanthomelus ardens. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (72). 1128 Orfeuille, d\ Les Cailles de la Bibie. Paris Bui. soo. nat. acclim. 56 1909 (257-264). 1129 Ormezzano, Q. Nidification do la becasse en Saone-et-Loire. Autun Bui. soc. hist. nat. 19 1906 (Proc.- verb. 119-120). 1130 Osburn, P. I. Notes on the birds of Los Coronados Islands, Lower California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (134-138) 1 fig. 1131 OSburn, P. I. The nesting of the Heermann Gull. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909(151-154). 1132 Osgood, Wilfred H. Biological in- vestigations in Alaska and Yukon territory. Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna No. 30 1909 (1-96) pis. i-iv. 1133 Osmaston, B. B. Strange behaviour of cortain birds when in possession of 47 Aves. Titles. 5800 strong smelling insects. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1009(752-753). 1134 Osmaston, B. B. The supply of water to young birds in the nest. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (753). 1135 Otto, Benno. Oologische Notizen. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (3-4) 1136 Otto, Hugo. Sind die Schwarzam- selti (Turdus meruln) niitzlich oder schadlich ? Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (110-112). 1137 Otto, Hugo. Zunahme und Abnahme dor Vogel [Reg.-Bez. Dusseldorf.] Zs. Ornith. Stettin 33 1909 (54 -56). 1138 Oustalet, E. vide Germain. Owen, D. E. and Vaughan, A. G. [Kite protection in Wales.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (88-93). 1139 Owen, J. A. vide Herman, O. Owen, J. A. vide Johns. [PaiSoskij, I. K.] Hanoctdii, I. K. Maiepiam no Bonpocy o ceJibCKO- xoji.aiicTBeiiHOM'B ' 3Hanenin irnnyb. [Beitrage zur Frage iiber die Bedeu- tung der Vogel fur die Landwirtschaft.] Cherson [Landschaft des Gouv. Cher- son] 1909 (1 + 59). 27 cm. 1140 Paessler, R. Bcitriigo zur Ver- bicitung der Seovogel. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (99-103). 1141 P[alm6n], J. A. Tysk brefdufva fangad i Finland. [In Finland gefan- gene deutsche Brieftaube.] F. J akttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (83) • and Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 11 1907 (69). 1142 P[alm£n], J. A. Miirkt finsk-tysk kraka. [Mit Marke versehene, finnisch- deutsehe Krahe.] F. Jakttidn. Hel- singfors 3 1908 (228). 1143 Palmer, T. S. The Black Rail \Cre- ciscus jamaicensis) in the District of Columbia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909(190). 1144 Palmer, T. S. The Black Rail in Maryland. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909(427). 1145 Palmer, William. Instinctive still- ness in birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (23-36), 1146 Pangburn, Clifford H. The Carolina Wren ( Thryothorus ludovicianus) at New Haven, Conn. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (195). 1147 Pangburn, Clifford H. Unusual dates for some birds at New Haven, Conn. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (198). 1148 Papin, A. De la protection des petits oiseaux. Angers Bui. soc. etud. sci. 37 1908 (1-18). 1149 Paris, Paul. Sur le martinet noir {Apus apus) cn captivity. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1908 [1909] (147). 1150 Paris, Paul. Note sur le nid du rouge-gorge (Erythacus rubicola). Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1908 [1909] (148). 1151 Paris, P. Les dates &’arriv6e et de depart des hirondelles ( Ilirundo rus- lien Linn6) dans lo D6partemont de la Cdto-d’Or. Pans Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (12-13). 1152 Paris, P. Notes pour servir h, l’or- nithologie du Ddpartement de la Cote- d’Or. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (36-40). 1153 Paris, P. Un curieux nid de Chelidon. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (77-78) 1 fig. 1154 Paris, P. Anomalies observes chcz quelques oiseaux do la C6tc-d’Or. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Oin. 1 1909 (102-105). 1155 Parkin, T. [British example of Turdus atrigularis .] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (57-58). 1156 Parkin, T. Black-throated Thrush in Kent. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (378-380) photograph. 1157 Parkin, T. Among the nesting boxes at Westfield Place, Sussex, May 30th, 1908. Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. 1 1909(178-180). 1158 Parrot, C. Materialien zur ba.yeri- schen Ornithologie vi. Sechster Beob- aclitungsbericht aus den Jahren 1907 und 1908 nebst einer Zusammenstellung wiirttembergischer Vogelzugsdaten aus dem Jahre 1908. Unter Mitwirkung von C. Bertram, J. Gengler, W. Gallen- karnp [u. A.] . . . Miinchen Verh. ornith. Ges. 9 (1908) 1909 (68-227) 3 Tab. 1159 48 Avea. XVII. Aves. Parrot, 0. Der Zwergfliegenschnap- per in Slid bay erp. fin : C. Parrot, Materialien zur bayerischen Ornitho- logie vi.] Munchen Verh. ornith. Ges. 9 (1908) 1909(226-227). 1160 Parrot, C. Bericht fiber eine von Dr. E. Zugmayer in Chinesisch- Turkestan, Westtibet und Kaschmir zusammengebrachte Vogelsammlung. Miinchen Verb, ornith. Ges. 9 (1908) 1909 (228-266). 1161 Paschtschenko, S. Vogelzug.sbeob- achtungen aus Jaroslav. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (313-315). 1162 Passig, Hans. Ornithologisohes Allerlei. 1909. [Wittenberge.] Ge- liod. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (394- 395 402-403 411). 1163 Paterson, D. R. vide Proger. Paterson, J. Report on Scottish Ornithology for 1908. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (193- 214). 1164 Paterson, J. Notes on the Eagles of Ayrshire. Glasgow Nat. 1 1909(28- 32). 1165 Paterson, J. Burns on Trees and Birds. Glasgow Nat, 1 1909 (38-49). 1166 Paterson, J. The return of summer birds to the “Clyde” Area in 1908 and 1909. Glasgow Nat. 1 (70-73). 1167 Patrizi-Montoro, Filippo. Materiali per una Avifauna della provincia di Roma. Con note del Dott. Giuseppe Lepri. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 1909 (3-103). 1168 Patten, C. J. The migratory move- ments of certain shore birds as observed on the Dublin coast. Naturalist London 1909 (49-52 83-86) ; also London Rep. Brit. Ass. 1908 1909 (731 -732). 1169 Patten, C. J. Dimorphism in the eggs of Turdus Natuialist London 1909 (275-277) 1 fig. 1170 Patten, C. J. The ornithology of Skerries, Co. Dublin. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (185-202). 1171 Patterson, A. H. Some mud-flat bird-notes. Zoologist London 13 1909 (208-212). 1172 Patterson, A. H. Some migration notes from Yarmouth. Zoologist London 13 1909 (469-470). 1173 [1,909] Patterson, A. H. Natural History notes from Yarmouth. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (755-762). 1174 Patterson, J. T. Gastrulation in the Pigeon’s egg — a morphological and experimental study. J. Morph. Phila- delphia Pa. 20 1909 (65-124) 10 pis. 21 figs. 1175 [Pavlov, S.] ITaBJioB'B, 0. HafluBiia Hyqejrn h co6npanie ophhtojiofh- qecKHxa. KoJiJieKiUH. [Das Ausstopfen und das Sammeln von Vogeln.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (25-29 61 66). 1176 [Pavlov, S.] IIaBJioBrL, 0. HatfiiBua qyqejnb n cofiupaiiw opuiiTOJioniqe- ckiix'l Rojuieunm. Oicoim. fl)as Aus- stopfen und das Sammeln von Vogeln.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 4 1909 (83-87 169-172 201-205). 1177 [Pavlov, S. T.] ITaBJioB'B, 0. T. BkJiLia raJiKH. [Weisse Dohlen.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (182). 1178 Pearl, R. and Pearl, M. D. Data on variation in the comb of the do- mestic fowl. Biometrika Cambridge 6 1909 (420-432). 1179 Pearl, Raymond und Surface, Frank M. Is there a cumulative effect of selection ? Data from the study of fecundit}' in the domestic fowl. Zs. indukt. Abstammungslehre Berlin 2 1909(257-275). 1180 Pearson, Leonard S. Breeding of the Least Bittern ( Ardetta eiilis) in Chester co., Pa. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (426-427). 1181 Penard, F. P. and Penard, A. P. De vogels van Guyana (Suriname, Cayenne en Demarara). Paramaribo (Wed. F. P. Penard) n.d. (xliii -f- 587). 25 cm. 1182 P6neveyre, F. Protection dcs oiseaux insectivores. Chron. Agrie. Lausanne 18 1905 (134-137). 1183 Pennock, 0. J. Early nesting of the Barn Owl (,4Juco yratinc.ola) in Dela- ware. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (305-306). 1184 Pennock, C. J. Late records for Siskins (Spinus pinus) in Chester county. Pa. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (308). 1185 49 Ave* . Titles. 5800 Perreau, G. A. My Indian Aviary. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (88-92 122-129) 1 plate 2 text-figs. 1186 Perreau, G. A. The Cinnamon Tree- sparrow ( Passer cinnamomeus). Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (201-205). 1187 Pershouse, Stanley. On the habits of birds when danger — supposed or otherwise — threatens their nests. Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (528- 530). 1188 Petersen, O. G. Fra Notitsbogen. Smaa ornithologisko mcddclclser. [From my note-book. Ornithological jottings.] Kjobcnhavii Ornith. Tids. 3 1909(127-140). 1189 Petetin, J. vide Lapicque, L. Petit, L. Cas d‘ albinism e ct varietcs de coloration chez les 6cureuils et difieronts oiseaux. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (32-35). 1190 Petry, W. C. vide Dennis. Pettit, A. vide Laveran, A. Philippi, F. Dos aves nuevas de Chile [ Pelecanus landbeclci and Syl- viothorhynchus fasciolaius .] San- tiago de Chile Bol. Mus. Nac. 1 1909 (63-65) fig. 1191 Phillipps, R. The Coach-whip Bird. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (85- 88). 1192 Phillipps, R. Further notes on the Black-cheeked Lovebird ( Agapornis nigrigenis). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (148-156). 1193 Phillipps, R. The Ruby-throated Bulbul. ( Rubigula dispar ), with reference to some kindred species. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (215- 219 236 -240). 1194 Phillipps, R. The Pied Rock-Thrush ( Monticola saxahlis). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (279-286 311-319). 1195 Phillipps, R. Breeding of the Blue- breasted Waxbill ( Estrilda angolensis). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (339- 350). 1196 Phillipps, R Breeding of the Quail Finch ( Orlyoosyiza polyzona). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (37-47). 1197 Phillott, D. C. The Baz-Nama-yi Nasiri. A Persian Treatise on Fal- conry translated. London (Quaritch), (n-11091 g) (xxi v 195) 1908 8vo [cf. Ibis 1909 p. 707]. 1198 Phillott, D. C. Note on the Drum in Falconry. Eastern hoods for Hawks. Calcutta J. As. Soc. Beng. 4 1908 (159-166) pis. 9-14. 1199 Phillott, D. C. Note on the Pere- grino Falcon [ Falco peregrinus). Cal- cutta J. As. Soo. Beng. 4 1908 (259- 265). 1200 Phillott, D. C. and Bonnerjee, Gobin Lai. Hindustani-English Vocabulary of Indian Birds. Calcutta J. As. Soc. Beng. 4 1908 (55-79). 1201 Picchi, C. La Loxia curvivostra, Linn, avvertita per la prima volta all’ Isola di Capri e qualche nota sul- l’invasione di questo vccello in alcune provincie italiane nel 1909. Avieula Siena 12 1909 (103-105). 1202 Picquenard, C. A. A propos de la presence du Tichodroma muraria on Ille-et-Vilaine. Rennes Bui. soc. sci. med. 18 1909 (104-105). 1203 Plimmer, H. G. Report on deaths which occurred in the Zoological Gar- dens during 1908. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (125-129). 1204 Pocock, R. I. The display of the cock Ostrich. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (286-291) 2 photographs. 1205 [PogorSellskij, V. A.] IIoropjKejib- ciriii, B. A. Ha urn pLakocth. 3. PajiKa- Ajib6iinocrb. [Unsere Seltenheiten. 3. Dohlen-Albinos.] Moskva Dnev. zool. Sada3 1909 (181-183). 1206 Pohlman, A. G. The circulation of mixed blood in the embryo Mammal and Bird, etc. Indianapolis Ind. Proc. Acad. Sci. 1908 1909 (201-208). 1207 Polatzek, Johann. Die Vogel der Canaren. (Fortsctzung u. Schluss.) Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (1-24 117-134). 1208 Polatzek, Johann. Die Vogel der Canaren. (Nachtrage und Scblussbe- merkungen.) Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (202-210). 1209 [Poliakov, G. I.] IIojijikobt., T. Id. Kri> opHiiTOJiornnecKoil (jjayirfe Mockob- CKOii ry6. Colymbus arcticus L. [Zur Ornithofauna des Gouv. Moskau. Colymbus arcticus L.] Mater, faun. flor. Ross. Moskva 9 1909 (258-273). 1210 e 13 50 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] [Poliakov, G. I.] riojiSKOBT., F. H. Kb opHHTOJiornqecKOli (j)ayHk Mockob- ckoB rySepHin. IIoMhcb Meatfly Kpac- IIOrOJlOBLIM'i H 6'iiJIOI Jia3blM,3> HUpKaMH. Aythya ferina Linn. X Nyroca nyroca Giild. [Zur Ornithofauna des Gouv. Moskau. Ein Bastard zwischen Aylhya ferina L. u. Nyroca nyroca Giild.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 4 1909 (262- 264). 1211 Poliakoff, G. J. Zur ornithologischen Fauna des Moskauer Gouvernements. Neues iiber die Vogel der Gruppe (Ordo) Palmipedes. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (573-587). 1212 [Pomerancev, D. V.] IIoMepaHijeB'B, Jl. B. H3CJirh,flOBania no Bonpocy o nnnt'k HacLKOMoa.a.HUS'B imm'L. [Un- tersuchungen iiber die Nahrung der insektenfressenden Vogel.] Moskva Dnevn. xii. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910g. [Prot.] 1910 (278). 1213 Ponebsek, Janko. Das Steppen- huhn in Krain. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909(214-217). 1214 PonebSek, Janko. Weitore Boitriigo zum Vorlcommen des Hausrotschwanz- chens in Krain. Falco Halle 5 1909 (37-42). 1215 Poole, M. The development of the subdivisions of the pleuro-peritoneal cavity in birds. London Proe. Zool. Soc. 1909 (210-235). 1216 Portier, P. Determination de la pression osmotique du sang et des liquides internes des Vertebras des contrees polaires arctiques. Paris O. It. soc. biol. 62 1907 (627-630). 1217 Pousar, Volter. Masse und Gewicht der Eier von Buteo buieo (L.). Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (5-6). 1218 Pousar, Volter. Masse und Gewichte der Eier von Turdus merula , T. 'pilaris und T. iliacus L. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (132-136). 1219 Preble, E. A. A biological investi- gation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie Region. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna No. 27 1908 (574, birds 251 500) 25 pis. 1220 Proger, T. W. and Paterson, D. R. Ornithological Notes. Cardiff Trans. Nat. Soc. 41 1909 (51-53). 1221 Purtscher, Alfred. Ein Vogel- Moliikaner. Der Bartgeicr. Sohweiz. Bl. Ornithol. Zurich 28 1904 (459-460 471-472 483-484 495-496). 1222 Py craft, W. P. A book of Birds. London 1908 8vo (viii + 155). 30 pis. 1223 Pycraft, W. P. On a fossil bird from the Lower Pliocene. [Anthus bosniaslcii .] London Proe. Zool. Soc. 1909 (368-370) text-fig. 47. 1224 Pycraft, W. P. On the tail-feathers of the Dabchick. Ibis London 1909 (469-471) text-fig. 10. 1225 Pycraft, W. P. [Skull of Palaeocorax moriorum , and remarks on the tail feathers in Podicipes fluviatilis.) Lon- don Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (95-96). 1226 Pycraft, W. P. On the Pterylosis of the Black -throated Diver. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (93-98). 1227 Pycraft, W. P. The colour of the mouth of the nestling Waxwing. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (121-122). 1228 Pym, F. A. O. A list of the birds of the Kaffrarian Frontier. Pretoria J. S. Afric. ornith. Union 6 1909 (9 I'- ll 3). 1229 Quinet. A propos du travail de M. Otto Herman. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. roy. malac. 43 1908 (63-103). 1230 Radcliffe, H. Delmd. Intelligence in birds. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (526-527). 1231 Ralfe, P. G. Manx ornithological notes. 1905-1908. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (215-218). 1232 Ransom, B. H. The Taenoid Ces- todes of North American birds. Wash- ington D.C. Smiths. Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Bull. No. 19 (141) 1909. 1233 Rao Khengarji. The lesser flamingo ( Phoenicoptera minor) in Cutch. Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (262). 1234 Raspail, Xavier. Sur Penlevement des ceufs d’oiseaux par la pie. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1908 [1909] (149-151). fig. 1235 Raspail, X. Le corbeau freux au point de vue de son utility. Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (2-9). 1236 Raspail, X. Sur deux cas d’apoplexie ohez les oiscaux. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn 1 1909 (72-76). 1237 Titles. 5800 Rawlings, F. C. Sooty Tern near Barmouth. Zoologist London 13 1909 (438). 1238 Ray, M. S. Birds of tho Big Basin ; with three photographs by 0. J. Heine- mann. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (18-22). 1239 Read, R. H. vide Jourdain. Reboussin, R. Nidification du Grebe hupp6 (Podiceps cristalus Lin.) sur l’6tang de Boisvinet (Loir-et-Chcr). Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (60-63). 1240 Reboussin, R. Retour de l’hiron- delle de fenetre a sa nidification primitive. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (119-120). 1241 Rechenberger, Arthur. Ornitholo- gisches aus Annabergs Umgebung. Atinaberg Ber. Ver. Natk. 12 (1904- 1909) 1909 (67-80). 1242 Reed, C. A. Bird Guide. Part 2. Land birds east of the Rockies, from Parrots to Bluebirds. Worcester Mass. (C. K. Reed) 1909 3£ x 5£ in. (223). 1243 Reed, H. D. and Wright, A. H. The Vertebrates of the Cayuga Lake basin, N.Y. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 48 1909 (370-469, Aves 409- 453) pis. xvii-xx maps. 1244 Reichenow, Anton. Die jagdbaren Vogel [D.-Ostafrikas]. (Die Fauna der deutschen Kolonien, hrsg. vom Zool. Museum Berlin. Reiho III.' Heft 1.) Berlin (R. Friedlander & S. in Komm.) 1909 (iv + 109). 23 cm. 1245 Reichenow, Ant. Aves, Vogel. [In: Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands, hrsg. v. Brauer. H. 1.] Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (16-63). 1246 Reichenow, Anton. Neue Formen. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (108). 1247 [Reichenow, Anton. Berichtigungen zum Katalog der Sammlung v. Er- langer.] J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (233-236). 1248 [Reichenow, Anton. Pyromelana leuconota sp. n.] J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (604). 1249 Reichenow. Cryptolopha minulla (Rchw.). Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (24). 1250 (n-11091 g) Reichenow. Neue Vogelarten. Or- nith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (41-42). 1251 R[ei]ch[eno]w. Pyromelana leu- conota n. sp. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (72). 1252 Reichenow. Neue Arten. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (87-88). 1253 Reichenow. Neue Arten von Kamerun. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (140). 1254 Reid, Mrs . Breeding of the African Gre3r Parrot in captivity in Madeira. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (129- 130). 1255 Reinecke, O. Notes on the American Woodcock. Buffalo N.Y. Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci. 9 1909 (136-148) 11 figs. 1253 R6thi, L. Untersuchungen fiber die Stimme der Vogel. Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Abt. Ill 117 1908 (93-109). 1257 Retterer, E. vide Lelievre, A. Retzius, Gustaf. Die Spermien der Vogel. [In : Retzius, Biolog. Unter- suchungen, N.F., XIV.] Jena (G. Fischer) 1909 (89-122) 9 Taf. 1258 Reuter, Enzio. [Albinotisk fiirg- varietet af Fringilla coelebs.] [Albino- tische Farbenvarietat von Fringilla coelebs .] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (193, deutseh. Ref. 329). 1259 Reuter, F. Sterna jluviatilis oder Sterna macrura ? Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (9-10). 1260 R§v6sz, Geza. Ujabb kiserletek a madarak szinerzdsdrol. [Neuere Ex« perimente fiber die Farbenempfindung der Vogel.] Potf. Termt. Kozl. Buda-. pest 41 1909 (70-73). 1261 Rey, E. Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung des v irtschaftlichen Wertes der In- sekten fressenden Vogel. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (25-26). 1262 Rey, E. Wird das Vogelei mit dem stumpfen oder mit dem spitzen Ende voran gelegt ? Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (237-239). 1263 Richards, G. Cliff climbing for Prairie Falcon eggs. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 19\)9 (164-166) 2 figs. 1264 e 13—2 52 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1909] Richards, T. W. Notes on Alba- trosses and other pelagic birds in Australian waters. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (1-8). 1265 Richards, T. W. Nesting of Diomedea nigripes and D. immutahilis on Mid- way Islands, Rawaian Islands. Con- dor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (122-123). 1266 Richardson, N. M. Report on the first appearances of Birds, etc., in Dorset during 1908. Dorchester Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. C. 30 1909 (238-249). 1267 Richet, C. Des rapports entre la surface de l’aile et le poids du corps chez les oiseaux (Pigeons). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (902-903). 1268 ’ Richet, Charles et Richet, Ch. (fils). Rapport entre la surface des ailes, la surface du corps et le poids chez les Oiseaux. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (443-444). 1269 Richmond, Charles W. A reprint of the ornithological writings of C. S. Rafinesque. Parts 1 and 2. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (37-55 248-262). 1270 Fidgway, Robert. New genera, species and subspecies of Formicariidae, Furnariidae and Dendrocolaptidae. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (69-74). 1271 Ridgway, Robert. Hybridism and generic characters in the Trochilidae. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (440- 442). 1272 Ridgway, R. vide Knowlton, F. H. Riley, J. H. On the name of the Antillean killdeer. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (88). 1273 Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. . Black Redstart in the Tay Area. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 49). 1274 Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. Nesting of the Gadwall in Scotland. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (184). 1275 Roberts, N. Pyromelana oryx and its nesting parasites. Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 1909 (16-18) ; also Nature London 80 1909 (295). 1276 Roberts, Thos. S. The Prairie Falcon ( Falco mexicanus) in western Minnesota. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (191-192). 1277 Roberts, Thomas S. A study of a breeding colony of Yellow-headed Blackbirds ; including an account of the destruction of the entire progeny of the colony by some unknown natural agency. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1 909 (371-389) pis. v-xvi. 1278 Robinson, H. C. On a new species of Gyornis from the mountains of the Malay Peninsula. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 2 1909 (163-164). 1279 Robinson, H. C. The birds at present known from the mountains of the Malay Peninsula. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 2 1909 (164-222). 1280 Robinson, H. C. Notes on birds new to, or rare in, the Malay Peninsula. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 41909(129-133). 1281 Robinson, H. W. The occurrence of the Bean Goose in Cumberland [and the] Nesting of the Wigeon in Cumber- land. Zoologist London 13 1909 (270- 272). 1282 Robinson, H. W. Note on the moulting of the Great Northern Divers. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (50-51). 1283 Robinson, II. W. Fork-tailed Petrels in Orkney. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (118). 1284 Robinson, H. W. Leach’s Fork- tailed Petrels in Cumberland and Lancashire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (282). 1285 Robinson, H. W. Food of the Red- breasted Merganser. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (311). 1286 Robinson, H. W. The food of the Common Eider. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (344). 1287 Robinson, H. W. Notes on the breeding of the Common and Sand- wich Terns. Brit. Birds London 3 1909(169-171). 1288 Rockwell, R. B. The history of Colorado Ornithology ; with two maps. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (24- 32). 1289 Rockwell, R. B. The use of Magpies’ nests by other birds. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 11 1909 (90-92) 1 fig. 1290 53 Aves* Titles. 5800 Rockwell, R. B. vide Hcrscy, L. J. Rodriguez, J. J. Catalogo de las Avos do Guatemala. An. Mus. San Salvador 4 1909(3-9 71-81). 1291 Rohne, Marius. Stseren. [The harmfulness of Sturnus vulgaris. ] (Danish) Kobcnhavn Haven 9 1909 (133-134). 1292 Rorig, G. Magen- und Gewollunter- suchungen heimischer Raubvogol. Berlin Arb. biol. Anst. 7 1909 (473-520). 1293 Rose, G. Birds of Ayrshire. Kil- marnock Ann. Ramb. Soc. 5 1907 (55- 80) 2 pis. • 1294 Rosenkrantz, H. Turdus varius Pall. Guldrosscl, ny for Danmarks Fauna. [T. varius new to the Danish fauna.] Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909(113-114) 1 pi. 1295 Ross, E. D. A polyglot list of birds in Turki, Manchu and Chinese. Cal- cutta Mem. As. Soc. Bong. 2 1909 (253- 340). 1296 Rossler, E. Ornithologische Beob- aehtungen aus der Umgegend von Zagreb wahrend dcs Jahres 1907. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (59-66 159-163). 1297 Rossler, E. Ornithologische Beob- achtungen aus der Umgegend von Zagreb wahrend des Jahres 1908. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (420-424). 1298 Rotlie, H. H. Vom Turmsegler. ( Apus apus.) Sanct Hubertus Cothen 27 1909 (250-251). 1299 Rothschild, W. Description of a new Bird from Africa. Ibis London 1909 (690-691) pi. x. 1300 Rothschild, W. [New species and subspecies.] London Bull. Brit. Or- nith. Cl. 23 1909 (102-103). 1301 Rothschild, W. [New species of Arboricola and egg of Megalapteryx huttoni.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (7-9). 1302 Rothschild, W. [. Mthopyga seheriae owstoni subsp. n. | London Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 25 1909 (32). 1303 Rothschild, L. W. Unusual birds in Hertfordshire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (309). 1304 Rothschild, L. W. Noto sur lo Gypacte et les Aigles criards. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (105-106). 1305 Russ, Karl. Der Graupapagei. Seine Naturgeschichte, Pflege, Abrich# tung und Ziichtung. 2. ganzl. neu- bearb. u. verm. Aufl. Magdeburg (Creutz) 1909 (vii 4* 108) 1 Taf. 20 cm. 1306 Ryan, James. The purple-rumped sunbird. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 5 1908 (110-111). 1307 Ryan, James. Further notes on the birds of Dimbula. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 5 1908 (109-110). 1308 Sage, Jno. H. The Black Gyrfalcon in Connecticut. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (429-430). 1309 Sajovic, G. Ornithologika fur das Jahr 1908. Laibach Carniola 2 1909 (50-53). 1310 Salvadori, T. Uccelli in II Ruwen- zori. Parte Scientilica. S.A.R. il Principe Luigi Amedeo di Savoia duca degli Abruzzi. Vol. i. Zoologia (155-163). Milano 1909 8vo. 1311 Salvadori, T. Piccola collezione di uccelli del Congo. Genova Ann. Museo Civ. st. nat. ser 3 4 1909 (320-326). 1312 Salvadori, T. Nota intorno al Oarrulus melanocephalus Gene. Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 24 No. 607 1909 (1-2). 1313 Salvadori, T. Note on Corvus neglectus of Schlegel. Ibis London 1909 (134-137). 1314 Salzmann, E. Ornithologisches aus der Umgebung Gothas, 1907. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (192- 194). 1315 Salzmann, E. Winterbeobachtungen am Steinsperling und Anderes. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (357- 367 406-414). 1316 Sandberg, A. The fauna of the Barotse valley (cont.). Bulawayo Proc. Rhod. Sci. Ass. 8 1908 (94-98). 1317 Sandland, P. T. More new foster- parents. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (150- 151). 1318 Sandman, J. A. [ Phalaropus hyper - boreus L. i Finska viken.] [Phalaropus hyperboreus L. im Finnischen Meer- 54 A vea. XVII. Aves. [1909] busen.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (167 ; Deut. Ref.-329). 1319 Sapsworth, A. D. The Peregrine Falcon on the Yorkshire cliffs. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (52-55 127-128) 2 photographs. 1320 Sarudny, N. Berielitigung. Ornith. Monatsbcr. Berlin 16 1908 (163). 1321 I Sarudny, N. Oinclus tenuirostris korrejewi subsp. nov. Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (19-20). 1322 Sarudny, N. Budytea citreoloides iranica subsp. nov. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (20-21). 1323 Sarudny, N. Ueber einen interessan- ten Pieper aus Turkestan. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (38-41 72). 1324 Sarudny, N. Anthus pratensia enigmaticus subsp. nov. aus dem rus- sischen Turkestan. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (56). 1325 Sarudny, N. Mitteilung liber cine neue Form des syrischen Spechts (Dendrocopus syriacus milleri subsp. nov.). Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1C09 (81-82). 1326 Sarudny, N. Kann man den Turke- stanischen M yiophoneus temmincki (Vigors) als typische Form ansehen ? Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (166-168). 1327 Sarudny, H. [wohl statt N.] Cinclus leucoguatcr triznae subsp. nov. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (180-181). 1323 Sarudny, N. vide etiam Zarudny. Sass, Baron F. Allerlei aus der diesjahrigen Horstsaison. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 4 1908 (386-387). 1329 Sassi, Moritz. Bemerkungen zu einigen von Herrn Nissl in Abessinien gesammelten Vogelspezies. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (84-85). 1330 Sassi, Moriz. Liste der von A. Horn (Wien) in Zentralafrika gesam- melten Vogelbalge. Mit Bemerkungen von A. Horn. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (106-109). 1331 Sassi, Moriz. Bemerkungen zu den von E. Weisko in Britisch-Neu-Gpinca und Nord-Queensland gesammelten Vogelbalgen. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (365-383). 1332 [Satunin, K. A.] OaTyimun, K. A. Typaqrs. [Das Frankolin.] Ochotn. vestn. Moskva 9 1909 1 (9-10) 2 (10-12). 1333 [Satunin, K. A.] OaTyimirp, K. A. 0‘iepun lipwpoAU Kauuaaa. VTI. Oueicypobi ua uepiuimy Aimix,i»-;faurn B'L xpedrk Arpnji.arL. [Skizzen zur Naturbeschreibung des Kaukasus. VII. Eine Excursion auf den Gipfel des Aschich-dasch im Gebirgszuge Agridag.] Jestestr. i geogr. Moskva 14 1909 7 (1-17). 1334 Saunders, A. A. The nesting of the Broad-tailed Hummingbird. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (197). 1335 Saunders, H. A list of British Birds revised to July 1907. London (Gurney & Jackson) 1907 8vo (32). 1336 Saunders, W. E. Winter birds at Point Pelee. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (46-50). 1337 Saunders, W. E. The rapid exter- mination of the Bald Eagle. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (116-117). 1338 Saunders, W. E. Notes on the birds of Durham, Out. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (132-133). 1339 Saunders, W. E. The Sharp-shinned Hawk migration. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (156-160). 1340 Saunders, W. E. Rare birds at Point Peleo. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (100- 102). 1341 Saunders, W. E. The third specimen of the summer Tanager ( Piranga rubra) for Canada. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (308-309). 1342 Saunders, W. E. The Acadian Fly- catcher in Ontario. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (430). 1343 Saunders, W. E. Summer birds of the southern edge of western On- tario. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 21 1909 (152-155). 1344 Savile, L. H. The black-capped king-fisher ( Halcyon pileata) in the Thana District. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (260). 1345 Sawyer, E. J. A special bird- blind. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 1909 (71- 73) 1 fig. 1346 55 Aves. Titles. 5800 Saxtorph, Sylvester. Trask af Hejrens Liv. [Life history of Ardea cinerea .] Kobenhavn Ornith. Ticls. 3 1909 (144-149). 1347 Schafer, E. A. van- dringer. [Obersetzung.] [Der Vogel- zug Obersetzung.J Bergen Naturen 33 1909 (106-114). 1348 Schaffer, Alexander P. Omitholo- gisches aus Mariahof vom Jahre 1907. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (63^71). 1349 Schaffer, Alex, und Noggler, Jos. Ornithologische Beobachtungen in Mariahof 1908. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (210-214). 1350 [Schalow, Hermann. Vorkommen von Lanius meridionalis im Harz ? ] J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (229-230 236). 1351 [Soharleman, E. W.] IIIapjioMaii j., 0. B. (JlIHCOK'L IITMUL OKpOCTIlOCTOfl KiCBa. [Die Vogel der Umgebung von Kiev.] Kiev Zap. Obsc. jest. 21 1909 1 (183-207 + deutsch. Res. 208-211) [N.B. Die Separata dieser Arbeit tragen den Autornamen Charlemagne.] 1352 Schenk, Jakab. Eiiggclek ,,Az urali bagoly tomeges megjelenese Magyar- orszagon 1906-07 telen “ ezimu korlemenvemhez. [Anhang zu meinem Artikel „Das massenhafte Erscheinen der Uraleule in Ungarn im Winter 1906-1907.“] Aquila Budapest 15 1908 (323-325). 1353 Schenk, Jakab. A pasztormadar megjelenese hazankban. [Das Er- scheinen des Rosenstares in Ungarn.] Potf. Termt. Kozl. Budapest 41 1909 (111-114). 1354 Schenk, Jakab. Az urali bagoly teli megjelenese hazankban. [Dio Wintcrerscheinung der Uraler Eule in Ungarn.] Termt. Kozl. Budapest 41 1909 £1 17-119). 1355 Schenk, Jakab. A madarvonulas kis6rleti vizsgalata 6s eredmenyei. [Experimentelle Untersuchung und Ergebnisse des Vogelzuges.] Termt. Kozl. Budapest 41 1909 (311-322 353- 364). 1356 Schenk. Der Vogelzug in Ungarn im Eriihjahre 1908. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (1-128). 1357 Schenk. Bericht uber die Vogel- markierungen im Jahre 1909. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (245-276). 1358 Schenk, J. Das Erscheinen und Briiten des Rosenstares in Ungarn im Jahre 1909. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (294-299). 1359 Schenk, J. Gezeichneter weisser Storch in Italien. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (310-311). 1360 Schenk, Jakob. Der Friihjahrszug des weissen Storches in Ungarn. Vor- trag. . . J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (89-98) 1 ICarte. 1361 Schlosser, Max. Die Baren- oder Tischoferhohle im Kaisertal bei Kuf- stein. Unter Mitwirkung von F. Birkner und H. Obermaier. Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. 24 1909 (385-506) 5 Taf. [Vogel pp. 436- 437]. 1362 Schltiter, Willy. Ein weisser Jagd- falko als Oast auf der Insel Sylt. Ealoo Hallo 6 1909 (17-19) 1 Taf. 1363 Schmidt, R. Die Einweihung des Museum Heineanum in Halberstadt am 23. Sept. 1909. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (121-123). 1364 Schmitz, Ernst P. Letzto Tagebuch- Notizen aus Madeira. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (58-63). 1365 Schmitz, Ernst. Von Jerusalem nach Latrun. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (7-9). 1366 Schmitz, Ernst. Oologische Tage- buchnotizen aus Palastina 1909. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909-10 (97-99 114- 117 129-132145-148). 1367 Schmitz, E. P. Albinismiis und Melanismus in der Vogelwelt Madeiras. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (49-50). 1368 Schmitz, Ernst. Oologische Tage- buchnotizen aus Madeira. Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (181-182 188-189). 1369 Schmitz, Ernst. Briiten der Madeira- taube ( Columba trocaz* Hein.) in Ge- fangenschaft. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (22-23). 1370 Schmitz, Ernst. Vorlaufiger Sammel- bericht aus Palastina. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (68-70). .1371 Schnee, A. G. vide Schummer, A. A. Schnorr v. Carolsfeld, Ed. Ornitholo- gische Beobachtungen im Eriihjahr 56 Aves. XVIT. Aves. [1909] 908. Miinchen Verh. ornith. Ges. 9 (1908) 1909 (45-52). 1372 Schulz, G. E. F. Natur-Urkunden* Biologisch erlauterte photographische Aufnahmen frei lebender Tiere und Pflanzen. Heft 1. Vogel. Berlin (Paul Parey) 1908 1. 8vo (1-20) Taf. i- xx. 1373 [Schulze, M. u. Andere. Zum Vor- kommen der Loffelente in Deutschland.] D. Jagerztg. Neudamm 53 1909 (779- 780). 1374 [Schummer, A. A. and Schnee, A. G.] IIIyMMepii, A. A. n Hliiee, A. T. KpaTKiii nepe*ienb nin^h OKpecmocTeft r. KieBLi. [Shortlist of birds of the vicinity of Kiev.] Herausg. v. d. Ges. d. Naturfr. in Kiev. Kiev 1909 (43 Russ, and Engl.). 23 cm. 1375 Schiipbach, P. Beitrage zur Ana- tomie und Physiologie der Ganglien- zellen im Zentralnervensystem der Taube. Bern Med. Diss. 1905-06 (38) 1 Taf. 2 fig. 8 vo. 1376 Schuster, Ludwig. Die Verbeitung der Turtel taube ( Turtur turtur) im Vogels berg. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (181-182). 1377 Schuster, Wilhelm. Unsere ein- heimischen Vogel. Nach ihrem wirt- schaftlichen Wert (Nutzen und Scha- den) beurteilt u. beschrieben. Mit einer Einleitung v. Paul Werner. Anschliessend das neuo deutsche Reichsvogelschutzgesetz vom 30. Mai 1908 mit Erklarungen u. Erlauterungen. Gera-Reuss (Heimatvcrl.) [1909] (xii-f- 116) 32 Taf. 21 cm. 1378 Schuster, Wilhelm. Die Vogel des Offenbacher Museums. Offenbach Ber. Ver. Natk. 43-50 (1901-1909) 1909 (1-55). 1379 Schuster, Wilhelm. Die Feststellung der Zugperioden des sibirischen Tannen- hahers und Simroths Pendulations- theorio. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 33 1909 (833-836). 1380 6chuster, Wilhelm. Schwalbenster- ben 1909. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 35 1909 (93-95). 1381 Schuster, Wilhelm. Der konserva- tive ‘Art-Eigensinn der Vogel. Uns. Welt Godesberg 1 1909 (132-142). 1382 Sclater, P. L. Increased fertility of the domestic fowl. Ibis London 1909 (192-193). 1383 Sclater, P. L. Remarks on the prac- tice of attaching “ Authorities ” to the scientific names of animals. Ibis London 1909 (347-350). 1384 Sclater, P. L. [Obituary, Mr. W. H. Hudleston.] Ibis London 1909 (350- 355). 1385 Sclater, P. L. [More marked Storks captured on migration.] Ibis London 1909 (567). 1386 Sclater, P. L. A short history of the British Ornithologists’ Union. Ibis London Jubilee Supplement Vol. 1909 (19-64). 1387 Sclater, P. L. [Agapornis nigri- gznis.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (11). 1388 Sclater, P. L. [Commoner birds in Jamaica.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (70 71). 1389 Sclater, P. L. Picariae fam. Coliidae in Wytsman’s Genera Avium. 6th part. Brussels 1906 4to. (6) 1 pi. • 1390 Sclater, P. L. Picariae fam. , Qal- bulidae in Wytsman’s Genera Avium. 10th part. Brussels 1909 4to. (7) 1 pi. 1391 Scott, H. H. Memoir on the Wedge- tailed Eagle, Uroaetus audax (Latham). A study in Avian Osteology. Victoria Museum Launceston Tasmania 8vo (1-16) 2 pis. 1392 Scovell, R. H. Mortality of Birds during migration. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (78-79). 1393 Seabra, A. F. de. Aves da explora9iio de Fr. Newton em Angola, subsidios para o conhecimento da destribui9ao geographica das aves d’ Africa Occi- dental. Porto Ann. Sci. nat. 9 1905 (153-159). 1394 Seabra, A. F. de. Vertebrados en- viados da Zambezia (Africa Oriental) pelo missionario Rev. Luft Lopes. Aves. Broteria Lisboa 8 1909 (92-98). 1395 Seabra, A. F. de. Mammiferes et Oiseaux captures par le Dr. Pereira do Nascimento dans l’Afrique Occi- dentale. Lisbonne Bull. Soc. Port. Sc. Nat. 2 1908 (41-44). 1396 Seeger, Joh. Hch. Willy, Hopfner, M. und Bieber, C. [ Eudytes septen- trionalis in Mitteldeutschland.] Or- nith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (203-205). 1397 57 Aves. Titles. 5800 Selous, E. An observational diary on the nuptial habits of the Blackcock ( Tetrao tctrix) in Scandinavia and Eng- land. Zoologist London 13 1909 (401- 413). 1398 Semon^ E. Notes critiques sur les trochilides. i. Sur les Lampornis hen- dersoni Cory et prevosti Lesson. Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (9-10) pi. ; ii. Sur le Thalurania coelina Bourcier et le Sapphironia luminosa Lawrence, t.c. (65-65). 1399 Serle, W. Early appearance of the Swift. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1909 (183). 1400 Service, R. Bird notes. Dumfries Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 20 1909 (125- 131). 1401 Seth-Smith, D. .Foreign birds at the London Cage-bird Association’s Show. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (108- 112). 1402 Seth-Smith, D. Notes on my visit to Australia. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (133-140 161-165 209-214 256- 260) and 3rd. ser. 1 1909 (24-28). 1403 Seth-Smith, D. Notes on the Crystal Palace Bird Show. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (167-172). 1404 Seth-Smith, D. The Rainbow Bunt- ing. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (220-221). 1405 Seton, E. T. The birds of Manitoba, [in] A handbook to Winncpcg and the Province of Manitoba prepared for the 79th annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1909. Winnepcg (Publ. by the Local Executive Committee) 1909 sm. 8vo (birds pp. 191-227). 1406 Sharpe, R. B. A Handlist of the Genera and Species of Birds. Vol. v. London (Printed by order of the Trustees) [of the British Museum] 1909 (xx + 694) 8vo. 1407 Sharpe, R. B. A note on Molpastes magrathi Whitehead. Ibis London 1909 (302-304) pis. v vi. 1408 Sharpe, R. B. [ Iiimantornis white- sidei sp. nov.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 1909 (19).. 1409 Sharpe, R. B. and Chubb, C. Notes on a collection of Birds from Sandakan, N.E. Borneo. Ornis London 13 1909 (137-161). 1410 Shaw, W. A. The Birds of North- amptonshire and neighbourhood. Re« port for 1907. Northampton J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 14 1908 (178-181). 1411 Shaw, W. A. The birds of North- amptonshire and neighbourhood : Re- port for 1908. Northampton J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 15 1909 (19-21). 1412 Sheldon, Charles. List of birds observed on the upper Toklat river nearMt. McKinley, Alaska, 1907-1908. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (66-70). 1413 Sheldon, H. H. Notes on some birds of Kern county. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (168-172). 1414 Sheppard, T. A- A list of, and notes on, birds collected and observed in the district of Beira, Portuguese S.E. Africa. Pretoria 3. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 1909 (24-49). 1415 Shipley, A. E. The ectoparasites of the Red Grouse ( Lagopus scoticus). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (309- 334) pis. xxxv-xlvii. 1416 Shipley, A. E. Internal parasites of birds allied to the Grouse. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (363-368). 1417 Shipley, A. E. The Tape-Worms (Cestoda) of the Red Grouse ( Lagopus scoticus.) With a note by Wm. By- grave, M.A. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (351-363) pis. lvi-lx. 1418 Shipley, A. E. The Thread-Worms (Nematoda) of the Red Grouse ( Lagopus scoticus). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (335-350) pis. xlviii-lv. 1419 Shortridge, G. C. vide Ogilvie-Grant. Shufeldt, R. W. Osteology of Birds. [Accipitrcs (5-168) pis. 1-16 ; Oallinac (169-248) pis. 1-8 ; Anseres (249-344) pis. 1-2 ; Coccystes glandarius (345- 357).] Albany Univ. N.Y. St. Educ. Dept. Mub. Bull. No. 130 1909 (381). 1420 Shufeldt, R. W. On the comparative osteology of the Passerine bird Arach - nothera magna. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (527-544) pi. Ixviii. 1421 Sich, H. L. Notes on a hybrid Grassfinch ( Aidemosyne modesta X Peophila personata). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (166-167). 1422 Siddall, C. K. Notes on the breeding of the Great Tit. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (186-187). 1423 58 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Pii Sikes, F. H. Ornithological eccen- tricities. Rochester Nat. 4 1909 (49- 59). 1424 Silver, A. Dartford Warblers. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (30-32). 1425 Simek [Milos] und Fritsch, Ant. Ornithologische Notizen aus der Umge- bung von Riva und Arco (Siid-Tirol). Omith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (143- 148). 1426 Simond, Aubert et Noc. Sur 1’exi- stence de la Spirillose des poules a la Martinique. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 (714-716). 1427 Simons, Aug. Ornithologische Beob- achtungen im Jahre 1908. [Phano- logisch, Westphalen.] Munster Jahres- ber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (50-51). 1428 Smalley, F. W. Iceland Falcon in Scotland. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (310-311). 1429 Smalley, F. W. Diseases in young Black-headed Gulls and Common Terns. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (201-202). 1430 Smalley, F. W. Notes on the seasonal change in the plumage of thb Great Northern Diver ( Golymbus glacialis). Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (139-144) pi. iii. 1431 Smalley, F. W. White-throated Sparrow ( Zonotrichia albicollis) at the Flannan Isles, Scotland. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (246-247). 1432 Smallcombe, W. A. Downy Wood- pecker ( Dendrocopus pubescens) in Gloucestershire. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (382). 1433 Smith, A. P. Observations on some birds found in southern Mexico. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (57-64). 1434 Smith, C. B. The display of the Monal Pheasant. Avicult. Mag. Brigh- ton 7 1909 (160). 1435 Smith, C. B. Notes on Willow- Grouse (Lagopus lagopus). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (252-256). 1436 Smith, C. B. Sundhani [i.e., Red- necked Pbalerope], Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (309-311) 1 photo- graph. 1437 Smith, C. B. The turning of the Turnstone. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (58-60). 1438 Smit\ G. A naturalist in Tasmania. Oxford 1909 (1-152) 8vo. 1439 Smith, J. Lindsay. Occurrence of the Baikal or Clucking Teal ( Nettion formosum ) in the Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (525). 1440 Smith, Middleton. Habits and northern range of the resident birds of Point Barrow. Report of the Eighth International Geographic Con- gress Washington D.C. 1904 1905 (641-646). 1441 Smith, W. W. On the nesting habits of Rhipidura flabellifera. Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 1909 (1-4). 1442 Snethlage, E. Sobre uma colleccao de Aves do Rio Purus. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 (43-76) map. 1443 Snethlage, E. Novas especies de Aves amazonicas das collec9oes do Museu Goeldi. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 (437-448). 1444 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. C. E. G. J. Baron. Avifauna neerlandica, lijst der tot dusverre in Nederland in wilden staat waargenomen vogelsoorten. [Avifauna neerlandica, Liste der bis jetzt in den Niederlanden im wilden Zustande beobachteten Vogelarten.] Leeu warden (Meijer & Schaafsma) 1908 (160) 12 Taf. 25 cm. 1445 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Baron. Eenige aanvullingcn van mijno avi- fauna neerlandica. [Einige Ergtin- zungen zu meiner Avifauna neerlan- dica.] Amsterdam Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 6 1909 (64-69). 1446 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Baron. Over een paar kleine zendingen van Usland. [Ueber ein Paar kleiner Vogelsendungen von Island.] Amster- dam Versl. Sled. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 6 1909 (56-64). • 1447 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Baron. Ornithologie van Nederland, waarne- mingen van 1 Mei 1908 tot en met 30 April 1909. [Ornithologie der Niederlande, Beobaclxtungen vom 1 Mai 1908 bis incl.. 30 April 1909.] Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Ser. 2 11 1909 (126-137) ; Amsterdam Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 6 1909 (15-26). 1448 59 Aves. Titles. 5800 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Ornithologischo Notizen aus Holland. I. Mai 1907-30. April 1908. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (17-19). 1449 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Ornithologischo Notizen aus Holland fiir den Zeitraum 1. Mai 1908-30. April 1909. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (177-180). ' 1450 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. vide Werner, W. Sfouthwell], T. Wild Bird Protec- tion on the Norfolk Coast. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1909 (852-855). 1451 Southwell, T. vide Gurney. Speiser, P. Ektoparasiten des Fregattvogels ( Fregata aquila). [In : Deutsche Siidpolar- Expedition 1901- 1903, Bd 10, H. 4.] Berlin (G. Reimer) 1909 (529 -532). 35 era. 1452 Speiser, P. Ektoparasiten der Vogel. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (100-104). 1453 Spruce, R. Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes. Edited by A. R. Wallace. [Migration of the Wood-Ibis ( Tantalus loculator) pp. 373-376.] 2 vols. London (Macmillan) 1908 8 vo [cf. Ibis 1910 p. 212]. 1454 St. Quintin, W. H. The reported Great Bustard in Yorkshire. Zoologist London 13 1909 (113). 1455 St. Quintin, W. H. The Waxwing. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 ( 115— 119) 2 pis. 1456 St. Quintin, W. H. Nesting notes from Scampston for 1908. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (147-148). 1457 St. Quintin, W. II. The Gargeny breeding in East Yorkshire. Natura- list London 1909 (38). 1458 Stansell, S. S. S. Birds of Stony Plain, Alberta. Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 (125-127). 1459 Stansell, Sidney S. S. Birds of central Alberta. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (390-400). 1460 Stappers, L. Oiseaux [dans — Due D’Orl6ans. La revanche de la Ban- quise. Un etd de derive dans la mer de Kara Juin-Sept-embre 1907]. Paris (Plon) 1909 4to (Oiseaux pp. 260-262). 1461 Steavenson, R. vide Walker, H. St6phan, P. Lcs divisions do matura- tion dans lcs organes gdnitaux des Hybrides. Paris C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2® partie 1908 (687-690). 1462 Stephens, F. Notes on the California Black Rail. [ Creciscus coturniculus .] Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (47- 49). 1463 Stephenson, T. The Crossbill migra- tion. Naturalist London 1909 (398). 1464 Stephenson, T. Glossy Ibis at Whitbv. Naturalist London 1909 (441-442). 1465 Stoll, F. E. Grosstrappen in Kur- land. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 4 1908 (466). 1466 Stoll, F. E. Die Kiistenornis der Insel Oesel. Riga Korr.-blt. Naturf. Ver. 52 1909 (101-130). 1467 Stone, Witmer. A review of the genus Piaya Lesson. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 (1908) 1909 (492-501). 1468 Stone, W. The birds of New Jersey [in] Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum 1908 1909 (11- 347 409-419) pis. 84. 1469 Stonham, C. The birds of the British Islands. With illustrations by Lilian M. Medland. In twenty parts. Pts. 13- 15. London (Grant Richards) 1909 (515-650) pis. 198-250. 33 cm. 1470 Stonham, C. On the foot-pads of the young of the Green Woodpecker. Ibis London 1909 (619) text-fig. 11. 1471 Stout, G. Yellow-browed Warbler in Dumfriesshire in Spring. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 ( 1 82— 183). 1472 Stubbs, F. J. The Use of Wind by Migrating Birds. Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 53 1909 No. 15 (1-9). 1473 Stubbs, F. J. Red Grouse, Heather and Crowberry. British Birds London 3 1909 (86-88). 1474 Stubbs, F. J. The meaning of bird’s songs. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (155- 156). 1475 Stubbs, F. J. Magpie marriages. Lancs. Nat. n.s. 2 (14-15). 1476 60 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Stubbs, F. J. The song of the Red- wing. Lancs. Nat. n.s. 2 (39-41). 1477 Stubbs, F. J. The Dotterel near Oldham. Lancs. Nat. n.s. 2 (76). 1478 Stubbs, F. J. Birds on the Lanca- shire Coast. Lancs. Nat. n.s. 2 (83). 1479 Stubbs, F. J. The Dunlin near Oldham. Lancs. Nat. n.s. 2 (243-248). 1480 Studer, Th. vide Fatio, V. Sude, M. Storchnestergeschichten aus der Wetterau. Gefied. Welt Magde- burg 38 1909 (71). 1481 Sude, M. Ornitliologische Notizen aus der Wetterau. Gefied. Welt Magdeburg 38 1909 (166-167). 1482 Sundvik, Ernst Edv. Fosforsyra i frukterna lios Arctostaphylus uva ursi. [Phosphorsaure in den Frficliten von Arctostaphylus uva ursi.] Hel- singfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (89-90, deutsch. Ref. 328 346). 1483 Suolahti, Hugo. Die deutschen Vogelnamen. Eine wortgeschichtliclie Untersuchung. Strassburg (K. J. Triibner) 1909 (xxxiii -f- 540). 24 cm. 1484 S[uomalainen], E. W. Englanti- laincn kirjokyyhkynon tavattee Suo- messa. [Englische Brieftaube in I in- land gefunden.] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (48^9). 1485 Suomalainen, E. W. Kaksi cliiintic- teellista ticdonantoa. [Zwei zoolo- gischc Notizen.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (87- 88, deutsches Ref. 328). 1486 Suomalainen, E. W. [Syrnium lapponicum Sparrm. Eteta-Suomessa.] [Syrnium lapponicum Sparrm. in Sfid- Finland.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (4, deut- sches Ref. 329). 1487 Surface, F. M. vide Pearl, R. [Suschkin, P. P.] OyniKiim,, II. II. Tl^a HaripaBJieum Bapian,iii oupacKii y xmnHUX'b nTHn.Tb. [Zwei Richtungen im Variieren der Farbung bei den Raubvogeln.] Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910g. [Prot.] 1910 (283). 1488 Swartli, H. S. Distribution and molt of the Mearns Quail, with frontis- piece, map and three photos. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (39-43). 1489 Symons, Ileugh S. Sarus crane (Qrus antigone) in Salsette. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (261). 1490 Symons, Hough S. Occurrence of the lesser florican or likh ( Sypheotis aurita) in the Konkan, Western India. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (261). 1491 Tandler, Julius vide Grosser, Oskar. [Tarnani, I. K.] Tapnann, II. K. 0 nepeJieTk nepenejiOBT>. [Ueber den Zug der Wachteln.] Ochotn. vestn. Moskva 9 1909 (354-355). 1492 Tasclienberg, O. Historische Notizen fiber das Vorkommen einiger Vogel in Deutschland. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (335-340) ; Be- richtigung v. [Joseph] Gengler, t.c. (372). 1493 Taverner, P. A. Two Michigan records. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (83). 1494 Taylor, E. L. Notes from Cape Colony. Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 1909 (81-87). 1495 Taylor, Thorne C., Woods, Hubbard and Fisher, Walter T. Capture of a Bald Eagle ( Haluviitus leucocephalus) near Chicago, 111. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (191). 1496 Taylor, Walter P. An instance of hybridization in humming-birds, with remarks on the weight of generic characters in the Trochilidce. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (291-293). 1497 Tenison, W. P. C. The stiff-tailed duck ( Erismatura leucocephala) near Nowshera. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (264). 1498 Tenison, W. P. C. Flamingos in the N.W. Frontier Province. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (525). 1499 Ternier, L. Rapport sur le congres international de la chasse de Paris 1907. Ornis London 13 1909 (183-190). 1500 Ternier, L. Les canards sauvages, blancs, bariol&3 et metis. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (18-20 34-36 50-53). 1501 61 Aves, Titles. 5800 Teschemaker, W. E. Tho nesting of tho Cinnamon Tree-Sparrow.. Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (205-208). 1502 Teschemaker, W. E. Nesting of Pelzeln’s Saffron Finch ( Sycalis pel- zelni). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (298-299). 1503 Teschemaker, W. E. Nesting of the Rufous-backed Mannikin (Spermestes nigriceps). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (321-323). 1504 Teschemaker, W. E. Nesting of Jordon’s Accentor ( Tharrhaleus jer- doni). Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (359-362). 1505 Teschemaker, W. E. Nesting of the Blue Grosbeak. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 1 1909 (64-65). 1506 Thanner, Rudolf von. Falco bar- barus auf Tenerife. Ornith. Jalirb. Hallein 20 1909 (148-150). 1507 Thayer, G. H. Concealing-coloration in the animal kingdom. An exposition of the laws of disguise through color and pattern : being a summary of Abbott H. Thayer’s discoveries. New York (Macmillan Co.) 1909 4to (xix+ 260) 73 pis. col. textillustr. 1508 Thayer, John E. Eskimo Curlew ( Numenius borealis) taken at Newbury- port, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (77). 1509 Thayer, John E. Capture of the Ruff ( Pavoncella pugnax) at Seabrook, N.H. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (77). 1510 Thayer, J. E. Some rare birds and sets of eggs from the Cape region of Lower California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11.1909(10-11). 1511 Thayer, J. E. Limonites ruficollis [first record] in Alaska. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (173). 1512 Thayer, John E. and Bangs, Outram. Descriptions of new birds from central China. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52 1909 (137-141). 1613 Thayer, John E. and Bangs, Outram. Description of a new subspecies of the Snowy Heron. Cambridge Mass. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 1909 (39 41). 1514 Thielemann, R. Wandorfalkonzug im Golf von Mcxiko. Falco Halle 5 1909 (1-3). 1515 Thienemann, Gustav. Weisso Bus- sarde als Wintergaste. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (340- 342). 1516 Thienemann, J. viii. Jahresbericht (1908) der Vogel warte Rossitten der Deutschen Ornithologischen Gesell- schaft. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (384-502 mit 3 Kart.). 1517 Thienemann, I. Vogclwartc Rossit- ten. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (24-25 70-71). 1518 Thienemann, J. Vogel warte Ros- sitten. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (117-118). 1519 Thienemann, J. Vogelwarte Ros- sitten. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (150-152 181-182). 1520 Thienemann, J. Bcricht fiber cine in der Nacht vom 16. zum 17. Oktober 1908 fiber Ostpreussen hinweggegan- gene aussergewohnlich starke Zugwelle von Waldschnepfen ( Scolopax rusti- cola). D. Jagerztg Neudamm 54 1909 (73-75 92-94 107-108 124-125 140- 142 156-157). 1521 Thienemann. Uebcr die Resultate, wclcho von der Vogelwarte Rossitten mit markierten Nebelkrahen und Laeh- moven bisher erzielt wurden. Konigs- berg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 (1908) 1909 (402-408). 1522 Thienemann. [Marked Stork killed in S. Africa.] Ibis London 1909 (387). 1523 Thijsse, Jac. P. Octoberdagen cn -nachten op Terschelling. [Oktobertage und -Nachte auf Terschelling, Beobach- tungen fiber das Vogelleben.] Levende Natuur Amsterdam 13 1908 (148-151 161-164 182-185). 1524 Thompson, H. C. Tasmanian notes. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (153-154). 1525 Thomson, A. L. Marking birds : notes on tho work at tho Rossitten Station. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (362-367). 1526 Thorpe, D. L. and Hope, L. E. Natural History record bureau (1908) ; the Museum, Carlisle. Zoologist London 13 1909 (187-194). 1527 62 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1909 Thorpe, D. L. Oedicnemus scolopax n Cumberland. Zoologist London 13 1909 (197-198). 1528 Ticehurst, C. B. The Greenland Wheatcar ( Saxicola oenanthe leucorrhoa (Gmelin) ). Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (271-273). 1529 Ticehurst, C. B. The Wood-pigeon “ Diphtheria.” The results of the second “ British Birds ” enquiry. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (213-214). 1530 Ticehurst, C. B. and Leigh, A. G. On the down-plumage and mouth- coloration of nestling birds. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (151-154). 1531 Ticehurst, N. F. A history of the birds of Kent. London 1909 (lvi-f-558) 24 pis. map. 8vo. 1532 Ticehurst, N. F. Crossbills in Scot- land and England. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (82-83). 1533 Ticehurst, N. F. Starlings’ nesting sites. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (118-120). 1534 Ticehurst, N. F. vide Nicoll. Ticehurst, N. F. vide Witherby. Tinker, A. D. The Carolina Wren in Washtenaw county, Michigan. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (434). 1535 Tippetts, K. B. A Heath Hen quest [ Tympanuchus cupido]. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 11 (244-248). 1536 Tischler, F. Dor Girlitz in Ost- preussen. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (82-83). 1537 Tischler, F. Branta ruficollis (Pall), in Ostpreussen erlegt. Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (113). 1538 Tischler, F. Der Wiirgfalke (Falco sacer Gm.) in Ostpreussen. Ornith. Monatsclir. Magdeburg 34 1909 (279- 280). 1539 Tischler, F. Zur Vogelwelt des Kinkeimer Sees. i. Nachtrag. Ornith. Monatsclir. Magdeburg 34 190.9 (239- 241). 1540 Tischler, F. Neue Brutplatze von Parus borealis in Ostpreussen. Falco Halle 5 1909 (22-23). 1541 Tischler. Die Verbreitung einiger Vogelarten in Ostpreussen. Konigs- berg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 1909 (313— 320 ». 1542 Todd, W. A. Bird notes from a London suburb. Selbourne Mag. 20 1909 (214-218). 1543 Todd, W. A. Some ornithological notes from north-east Surrey. Zoolo- gist London 13 1909 (231-233). 1544 Todd, W. E. Clyde. A new warbler from the Bahama islands. Washing- ton D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (171- 172). 1545 Toepel, A. Nutzen des Neuntoters. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (306-307). 1546 Toepel, A. [Friihe Ankunft der Schwalben 1909.] Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (276). 1547 Tower, C. J. H. Osprey in Essex. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (383). 1548 Townsend, Charles W. Some habits of the English Sparrow ( Passer domes- ticus). Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (13-19). 1549 Townsend, Charles W. The position of birds’ feet in flight. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (109-110). 1550 Townsend, Charles W. Labrador notes. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (201). 1551 Townsend, Charles W. The use of the wings and feet by diving birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (234- 248). 1552 Townsend, Charles W. A Carolina Wren ( Thryothorus ludovicianus) in- vasion of New England. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (263-209). 1553 Townsend, Charles Wendell. The birds. In: Grenfell, W. T. and others. Labrador : The country and the people. New York (Macmillan) 1909 (374-390). 1554 Townsend, Charles W[endell] and Allen, Glover M. List of the birds of Labrador. With brief annotations. In : Grenfell, W. T. and others. Labrador : The country and the people. New York (Macmillan) 1909 (469-479). 1555 Townsend, Charles W. and Hardy, John H., jun. A note on the English Sparrow ( Passer domesticus). Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (78-79). 1556 63 Aves. Titles. 5800 Trevor-Battye, A. Some Great Bustards. Avlcult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (184-192). 1557 Trevor-Battye, A. The Water Rail in Hampshire. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909(196-198). 1553 Trotter, Spencer. The geological and geographical relations of the land-bird fauna of north-eastern America. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (221-233). 1559 Trotter, Spencer. An inquiry into the history of the current English names of North American land birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (346- 363). 1580 Trumbull, J. Ringed Plover 700 miles from land. Irish Nat. Dublin 181909(27). 1581 Tryon, H. The Spine-tailed Swift ( Ghaetura caudacuta) and its food. Quconsl. Nat. Brisbano 1 1908 (38-39). 1632 Tryon, H. On birds observed during the excursion to Sankcy’s scrub, 8th August, 1908. Quecnsl. Nat. Bris- bane 1 1908 (56-58). 1583 Tryon, H. vide Weatherill, W. E. Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Der Zug des Steppcn- huhnes, Syrrhaptes paradoxus, nach dem Westen 1908 ; mit Beriicksichti- gung der friiheren Ziigo. Hcrmanstadt Verh. Mitt, sicbenb. Ver. Naturw. 58 1909 (1-41). 1534 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Ueber palaearktische Formen. xiv. Carduelis carduelis rumaeniae subsp. nov. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 20 1909 (76-77). 1585 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Bibliographia ornitho- logica salisburgcnsis. (Die ornitho- logischo Literatur Salzburgs.) Salz- burg Mitt. Ges. Salzb. LdKde. 49 1909 (179-194). 1566 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Victor Ritter von. Uber den heurigen Massen- zug des Kreuzschnabcls. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (169-171). 1567 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Vorlaufiges iiber den heurigen Steppenhuhnerzug. Nach- trag 1-3. Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (53-59 199-202 434-440). 1568 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Ankunfts- und Abzugs- daten bei Hallein (1908). V. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (272- 276). 1569 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Grosser Kreuzschnabelzug. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (441). 1570 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Von meinem Mauerscgler- paar (Apus apus L.) 1909. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (441— 442). 1571 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Ritter von. Ornithologische Kollek- taneen aus Oesterreich-Ungarn. (Aus Jagdzeitungen und Tagesblattern. XVIII. 1908.) Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (199-207 233-242). 1572 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Victor Ritter von. Leben und Trciben des Tannenhehers. Skizze aus den Alpen- landern Oesterreichs. Berajah Halle 1909 (1-3). 1573 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Victor Ritter von. Der Zug des Rosenstars, Pastor roseus (L.) im Jahre 1908. Falco Halle 5 1909 (8-12). 1574 [Tugarinov, A.) TyrapmiOBT,, A. O irJlKOTOpMXTj IIOBLIX'L H phftKHX'B ITTH- u,axi> EnHceficKoii rydepiiin. [Ueber einige neue und seltene Vogel des Gouv. Jenisseisk.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 11 (95-99). 1575 Tulloch, J. S. Long-eared Owls near Lerwick, Shetland. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1909 (115). 1576 Tur, Jan. DosWiadczenia nad wplywem promicni radu na rozwoj kaezki (Anas dom). [Experiences sur l’influence exercee par les rayons du radium sur les embryons du canard (Anas dom).] Warszawa Spra. Tow. Nauk. 2 1909 (95-116). L1577 Turner, E. L. Ruffs in Norfolk. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (29-30). 1678 Turner, E. L. A remarkable inci- dent in the life-history of the Water- Rail. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (65- 68) plates 3-10. 1579 Turner, E. L. vide Crouch. 64 'Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Turner, H. J. Aves [in] A survey and record of Woolwich and West Kent, edited by C. H. Grinling, T. A. Ingram, M.A., LL.D., and B. C. Polkinghorne, B.Sc. F.C.S. Woolwich (Labour Representation Printing Co.) 1909 8vo (birds pp. 237-255). 1580 Tusch, P. Interessante Beobach- tungen. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 5 1909 (396). 1581 Tyler, J. G. Some notes from Fresno county, California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (81-84). 1582 [Usakov, V. E.] ymaKOB'L, B. E. BliJiua KyponaTKH. [Die weissen Reb- hiihner.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 1909 1 (90-100). 1583 [USakov, V. E.] ymaK0B7>, B. E. Majiuii KpoHiunem* ( Numenius tenui- rostris Viell.). [Numenius tenuirostris Viell. [im Gouv. Tobolsk].] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 1909 2 (92-95). 1584 [Usakov, V.] ymaK0BT>, B. Typnairt h oxora iia noro. [Uober Fuligula fusca und deren Jagd.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 12 (67-71). 1585 [USakov, V.] yiuaKOBrf>, B. Emo o 6eKacoBiiAHOMri) BepcTemiHK'k [Wei- teres uberden bekassinenartigen Was- serlaufer.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909(160-161). 1586 Ussher, R. J. A list of Irish birds, showing the species contained in the National Collection. National Museum of Science and Art Dublin 1908 8vo (54). 1587 Ussher, R. J. Birds seen from the “Helga” off the south-west coast. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (80). 1588 PF Ussher, R. J. Some unrecorded birds of prey. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (100). 1589 Ussher, R. J. Nests of land-birds in holes on marine islands. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (159). 1590 Ussher, R. J. and Dewar, D. The use of domed nests. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 (223-224). 1591 ► Vallon, G. Escursioni ornitolo- giche nel Friuli. Avicula Siena 12 1909 (4-19 25-34). 1592 Vasse, G. Trois ann6es de chasse au Mozambique. Ouvrage illustr6 de 55 gravures tiree hors texte et d’une carte. Paris 8vo. (1-192) 1593 Vaucher, M. A. Note sur le Cir- caetus gallicus (Gmelin). Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (84-86). 1594 Vaughan, A. G. vide Owen. [Velizanin, A.] BeJimKaHiiiTB, A. HoBoe o 5eKacoBH,niioMrL BepcTemiHK'k. [Neues iiber den bekassinenartigen Wasserlaufer.] Nasa ochota St. Peter- burg 1909 3 (115-121). 1595 Venables, E. P. The Burrowing Owl (Cunicularia hypogaea). Ottawa Nat. 22 1909 (261). 1596 Venturi, S. vide Hartert. Verner, W. My life among the wild birds in Spain. London (John Bale Sons & Danielsson Lmt.) 1909 8vo. (xvi -f- 468) 23 cm. 1597 Verrill, A. E. and Verrill, A. Hyatt. Notes on the birds of San Domingo, with a list of the species, including a new hawk. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 1909 (352-366). 1598 Victor, F. M. Ornithophaenologische Tagebuch-Notizen aus Latrun. Aquila Budapest 16 1909 (238-244). 1599 [Viktorov, Konstantin.] BiiKTopoB'B, KoHCTaiiTHii'B. OxJiaiKftaiomee ^kilcTBie B03,nyxoiiocHiJX'i> riojiocTeii y [Ueber die abkiihlende Wirkung der Luftsaeke bei den Vogeln.] Kazani Zap. veterin. Inst. 26 1909 (454-475). 1600 Visher, Stephen Sargent. A list of the birds of western South Dakota. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (144- 153). 1601 Visher, S. S. The capture of the Red-eyed Cowbird ( Tangavius ceneus involucratus) in Arizona. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (307). 1602 Vitali, Giovanni. L’articolaziono mandibolare negli Anlibi, noi Rettili e negli Uccelli. Note anatomoembrio- logiche. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (207- 224). 1603 Viton, L. De la destruction des petits oiseaux dans le sud-ouest [de France]. Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 1909 (86-87). 1604 Voigt, A. Dr. Eugene Rey, Nachruf. Ornith. Monatschr. Magde- burg 34 1909 (454-459). 1605 65 Aves. Titles. 5800 Voigt, A. Excursions buch zum Studium der Vogelstimmen. Prak- tische Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Vogel nach ihrem Gesange. 5. verm, u. verb. Aufl. Leipzig (Quelle & Meyer) [1909] (326). 19 cm. 1606 Voigt, W. Ornithologische Beobach- tungen vom Mittelmeer. Wien Mitt. Oest. RchsBd. Vogelk. 9 1909 (91-93). 1607 Volz, Walter. Gber die Ornithologie dor Sandwich-Inscln. Ornith. Boob. Bern 4 1905 (98-102). 1608 Volz, Walter. Ucbcr die Lalangano ( Collocalia fuciphaga Thunb.). Ornith. Beob. Bern 4 1905 (145-153). 1609 Volz, Walter. Ornithologische Rei- seskizzen aus Sierra Leone. Ornith. Beob. Bern 6 1908 (36-40 53-56 69- 72 86-89 100-103 116-118). 1610 Vries, T. G. de. Aves Frisicae. Lijst van Fricschc vogclnamen. [Aves Friesicae, Liste der friesischen Vogel- namen.] Amsterdam Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 6 1909 (28-56). 1611 Waase, Karl. Systematische Ueber- sicht der Vogelwelt des Kreises Ruppin. (Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Heimat- kunde.) Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 1909 (155-160 173-177 190-194). 1612 Wade, E. W. and Clarke, W. J. The Peregrine Falcon on the Yorkshire cliffs. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (85- 86). 1613 Wade, E. W. On the status of the Stone Curlew in Yorkshire. Naturalist London 1909(11-16). 1614 Wad6n, D. J. Meddelande fran Lill- Hiitis jaktvardsomrade for ar 1906. [Mitteilung liber das Jagdrevier Lill- Hiitis im Jahre 1906.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 2 1907 (246-248). 1615 Wad6n, D. J. Meddelande fran Lill- Hiitis jaktvardsomrade for ar 1907. [Mitteilung iiber das Jagdrevier Lill- Hiitis im Jahre 1907.] F. Jakttidn.- Helsingfors 3 1907 (43-47). 1616 Wad6n, D. J. Meddelande fran Lill- Hiitis jaktvardsomrade for 1908. [Mitteilung iiber das Jagdrevier Lill- Hiitis im Jahre 1908.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 (83-86 102-105). 1617 Waite, E. R. [Aves, pp. 551-584 in] The subarctic islands of New Zealand. Reports on Zoology etc. . . of the (n-11091 g) islands lying to the south of New Zea- land based mainly on observations and collections made during an ex- pedition in the Government Steamer Hinemoa (Capt. J. Bollous) in Novem- ber 1907. Wellington N.Z. (Pub. by the Philosophical Institute of Canter- bury) 2 vols 1909 sm. 4to. 1618 Walker, H., Carter, C. S., Steavenson, R. and Fortune, R. The Crossbill migration. Naturalist London 1909 (344). 1619 Walpole-Bond, J. Notes from Sussex. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (370-377). 1620 Walpole-Bond, J. Pochard nesting in North Kent. Brit. Birds London 2 1909(383-384). 1621 Walpole-Bond, J. The Lesser Red- poll in Sussex. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (20-25). ' 1622 Walpole-Bond, J. The Redstart in Sussex. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (26). 1623 Waniczkdwna, Helena. Przyczynek do histologii workoW powietrznych u ptakoW. [Contribution a l’histologie des sacs a^riens chez les oiseaux.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (1-38). 1624 Warren, Edward R. Concerning Thryomanes beioicki crypius in Colo- rado. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (311-312). 1625 Warren, E. R. Notes on the birds of south-western Montrose county, Colorado. With one map. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (11-17). 1626 Warren, R. Some bird-notes from Ballina. Zoologist London 13 1909 (227-228). # 1627 Wasmuth, P. Aufzahlung aller bisher fur Estland festgestellten Vogel- arten nebst neuen Beitragen zur Kennt- nis der ornithologischen Fauna Est- lands. Riga Korr.-blt. Naturf. Ver. 52 1909 (29-72). 1628 Watt, H. B. Bibliography of London Birds. Zoologist London 13 1909 (15- 16). 1629 Weatherill, W. E. Description of a new Pseudogerygone from south-east Queensland. Qucensl. Nat. Bris- bane 1 1908 (74-75) ; also Emu Mel- bourne 9 1909 (26-28). 1630 e 14 00 Aves. XVII. Aves. W[eatherill], W. E. and Tryon, H. Ornithology [of an] excursion to Bulwer, Moreton Island, 12th-14th September, 1908. Queensl. Nat. Bris- bane 1 1908 (67-69). 1631 Weber, J. A. The Virginia and Sora Rails nesting in New York City. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (19-22). 1632 Weber, J. A. Capture of the Short - billed Marsh Wren ( Cistothorus stel- laris) on Long Island, N.Y. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (82). 1633 Weber, J. A. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ( Polioptila ccerulea) in Washington county, N.Y. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (82-83). 1634 W[ecksell], J. A. Variksen albinos- muoto. [Albinos-Form von Gorvus cornix .] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (47-48). 1635 Wehrmann, Sarah. Sur Faction pathogene des Helminthes d’oiseaux. Arch, parasit. Paris 13 1909 (204-238). 1636 Weibull, V. Hvor mange Unger faar Musvaagen (Buteo vulgaris) fly- vende. [Researches on the- number of fully developed young in Buteo vulgaris .] Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 1909(161-162). 1637 Weigold. Eine Saxicola stapazina auf Helgoland erlegt ! Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 1909 (113). 1638 Weigold. Kreuzschnabel-Invasion auf Helgoland. D. Jagerztg Neudamm 53 1909 (603-604) ; Bemerkungen dazu v. Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen u. Otto Hesse, t.c. (665-666). 1639 Weigold, H. Zur diesjahrigen Kreuz- schnabelinvasion. D. Jagerztg Neu- damm 54 1909 (345-347). 1640 Weinland, D. E. Einige Tatsachen zum Vogelscliutz. Ornith. Monatsclir. Magdeburg 34 1909 (287-291). 1641 Wells, C. H. Little Owl breeding in Derbyshire. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (84). 1642 Wemer, Paul. Friihzeitige Ankunft der Turmschwalben (Apus apus (L.)). Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (370-371). 1643 Wemer. Tabelle iiber Ankunft einiger westf[alischer] Brutvogel. Vogelfreund Munster 5 1909 (51). 1644 [1909] Wemer, Paul. Ueber Gelege und Nester des griinfussigen Teichhuhns, Gallinula chloropus L. Vogelwelt Munster 5 1909 (86-87). 1645 Wenninger, F. J. The economic value of birds. Notre Dame Ind. Amer. Midi. Nat. 1 1909 (105-109). 1646 Wenzel, Karl. Bernhard Christian Otto, Pommerns friihester Ornitho- loge. Zs. Ornith. Stettin 33 1909 (17- 20 33-36 50-54). 1646a Werber, E. J. und Goldschmidt, W. Regeneration des Schnabels bei der Hausgans ( Anser cinereus) und bei der Hausente (Anas boschas). Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 28 1909 (661-677) 1 Taf. 1647 Werner, Otto. Der Urubu ( Cathartes urubuV ieill.) Wien Mitt. Oest. RclisBd. Vogelk. 9 1909 (27-28 36-38). 1648 Werner, Otto. Die im Staata Santa Catharina lebenden Drosseln. Wien Mitt. Oest. RchsBd. Vogelk. 9 1909 (113-116 122-124). 1649 Werner, W. Ueber Blaukehlchen und Coldhahnchen. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (45-46 56-59). 1650 Werner, W. Der Waldlaubsanger, Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bchstn.). Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (87-90); Be- merkung dazu v. R. Snouckaert van Schauburg, t.c. (109-110). 1651 Wessner, P. Cebirgsstelze bei Jena. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (277-278). 1652 Wetmore, A. Fall notes from Eastern Kansas. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (154-164). 1653 Weyher, Ch. Oiseaux et Aeroplanes. Rev. gen. sci. Paris 19 1908 (974-978). 1654 Wharton, William P. The Clapper Rail in Essex county, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (76-77). 1655 Whitaker, J. vide Kempsey. White, H. L. [Nesting habits of Corcorax .] Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (150). 1656 White, S. A. Narrative of the Ex- pedition promoted by the Australian Ornithologists’ Union to the Islands of Bass Strait. Emu Melbourne 8 1909 (195-207) pis. 15-17. 1657 67 Aves. Titles. 5800 Whitehead, C. H. T. On the birds of Kohat and Kurram, Northern India. With an introduction by Major H. A. F. Magrath. Ibis London 1909 (90-134 214-286) pi. iii map. 1658 Whitehead, C. H. T. Additions and Corrections to the “ Birds of Kohat.” Ibis London 1909 (620-623). 1659 Whitlock, F. L. Notes on birds observed on the Pilbarra Goldfield, North-Western Australia. Emu Mel- bourne 8 1909 (173-194). 1660 Whymper, C. Egyptian Birds ; for the most part seen in the Nilo valley. London (A. & C. Black) 1909 (x + 221) 51 col. plates. 22 cm. 1661 Wichtrich, Paul. Zum Tode Dr. Eugene Bey’s. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 1909 (145-147). 1662 Widmann, O. A second record for the Fulvous Tree-duck ( Dendrocygna fulva) taken in Missouri. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 26 1909 (304). 1663 Widmann, 0. Summer birds of Shaw’s Garden. St. Louis Mo. Rep. Missouri Botan. Garden 20 1909 (41— 80) pi. 1. 1664 Wiemeyer, B. Ornithologische No- tizen aus Warstein in Westfalen. Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 1909 Bot.-zool. Ver. (47-50). 1665 Wiemeyer, B. Botanische und Zoologische Notizen aus Lembeek, Kreis Recklinghausen. Munster Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 37 (1908-09) 1909 (51-53). 1666 Wigand, Paul. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung und Charakteristik der Spechte. Bern Phil. Diss. 1905-06 (30) 8vo. 1667 Willard, F. C. Nesting of the Arizona Junco. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (129-131). 1668 Willard, F. C. The Flammulated Screech Owl. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (199-202). 1669 Willett, G. Bird notes from the coast of San Luis Obispo county. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (185- 187). 1670 Williams, A. The White Wagtail {Motacilla alba) in County Dublin. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1909 ‘(121-122). 1671 Williams, E. M. Vergleichend anato- mische Studien fiber den Bau und die Bedeutung der Oliva inferior der Saugetiere und Vogel. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien Leipzig 17 1908 (118-149). 1672 Wilson, D. W. Bird-life in early Scottish literature. Edinburgh Trans. F. Nat. Soc. 6 1909 (141-149). 1673 Wilson, R. S. and H. W. The Stock-Dove ( Columba oenas Linn.) in the Clyde area. Glasgow Nat. 1 1909 (101-110). 1674 Wilson, W. Albino Carrion Crow in Yorkshire. Naturalist London 1909(131). 1675 Winge, Herluf. Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1907 ; 25 Aarsberetning om danske Fugle. [The birds at the Danish lighthouses in 1907, 25th annual report.] Kobenhavn Nath. Medd. 1908 1909 (45-121) 1 Chart. 9 1676 Witherby, H. F. [Birds from Egypt.] London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 1909 (97). 1677 Witherby, H. F. Irish birds. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (276). 1678 Witherby, H. F. Bulwer’s Petrel in Sussex. Brit. Birds 2 1909 (282-283)' with photo. 1679 Witherby, H. F. Two Norfolk Levantine Shearwaters. Brit. Birds London 2 1909 (313). 1680 Witherby, H. F. Marking birds. The “ British Birds ” scheme. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (4-6). 1681 [Witherby, H. F.] The irruption of Crossbills. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (162-163 190-194 226-228) pi. 13 map. 1682 Witherby, II . F. Marking birds. Progress of the “ British Birds ” scheme. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (179-182 219-220). 1683 Witherby, H. F. Sequences of plumages in British Birds, i. Intro- ductory. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (209-212). 1684 Witherby, H. F. and Ticehurst, N. F. On the more important additions to our knowledge of British Birds since 1899. Brit. Birds 2 1909 (267-270 305-308 327-334 368-375 406-421). 1685 Witherby, H. F. vide Borrer. e 14—2 (n-11091 g) G8 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1900] Witherington, G. Snipe perching. Brit. Birds London 3 1909 (59). 1686 Wolcott, B. Ii. An analysis of Ne- braska’s fauna. Proc. Nebraska Or- nith. Union 4 1909 (25-55) 6 pis. (cf. Auk 26 p. 447). 1687 Woltag. Einiges liber die Vogel- fauna Ostafrikas. Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 1909 (55-56). 1688 Wood, J. Claire. Pine Siskins and winter Bobolinks. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (192-193). 1689 Wood, J. Claire. First appearance of the Sanderling in the vicinity of Detroit. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (427). 1690 Wood, Norman A. Notes on the occurrence of the Yellow Rail in Michigan. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (1-5). 1691 Woodruff, F. M." The birds of the Chicago Area. Chicago Bull. Acad. Sci. No. 6.1907 (222) 12 pis. 1692 Woods, Hubbard vide Taylor, Thorne C. Wormald, H. The Californian Quail. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (145- 147) pi. 1693 Wormald, H. Colour of Redpolls in confinement. Avicult. Mag. Brighton 7 1909 (359). 1694 Wormald, H. A tame Snipe and its habits. Brit. l3irds London 2 1909 (249-258) 8 figs. 1695 Workman, W. H. Bird, notes from the Tyrol. Zoologist London 13 1909 (30-32). 1696 Wright, A. H. vide Reed, H. D. Wright, H. W. Birds of the Boston Public Garden. A study in migration, With an Introduction by Bradford Torrey and illustrations. Boston and New York (Houghton Mifflin) 1909 12mo (xx + 238). 1697 Wright, Horace W. A nesting of the Blue- winged Warbler in Massa- chusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 26 1909 (337-345). 1698 Wright, H. W. An ornithological trip to Los Coronados islands, Mexico. Condor Hollywood Cal. 11 1909 (96- 100) 3 figs. 1699 Wurm, W. Kritische Naturge- schichte des Auerwildes. Ein Ver- machtnis an die Naturforschung und an das veredelte Weidwerk. Berlin (P. Parey) 1909 (95). 20 cm. 2,50 M. 1700 Wurm. Zur Wasseramselfrage. Ornith. Monatschr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (304-305). 1701 Wymetal, Friedrich. Die Elster ( Pica pica L.) in den Akazienwaldchen von Bratelsbrunn in Sfidmahren. Briinn Ber. Lehrerklubs f. Naturkde. 9 1907 u. 1908 1909 (51-55). 1702 Yngve-Sjostedt. Von der sehwedi- schen zoologischen Kilimandscharo -Ex- pedition. Die Vogelwelt der Steppen- seen. D. KolZtg Berlin 26 1909 (432- 433). 1703 [Zarudny, N.] 3apy^Htifi, H. Opnn- TOJiornqecKia 3aM'kTKii. [Ornitholo- gische Notizen.] Nasa ochota St. Peter- burg 3 1909 12 (122-123). 1704 [Zarudny, N.] 3apynnbm, H. SaM'liTKa o xyriejib ( Gallinago major Gm.) hbtj TypaecTana. [Notiz fiber die Doppelschnepfe (Gallinago major Gm.) aus Turkestan.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (12-13). 1705 [Zarudny, N.] 3apy«nufi, H. Upe^* BapuTejibiiaa 3aM'kTKa o H'hKOTopbixrb (J)a3anaxrb H3T> oacceilHa AMy-JJapbH. [Vorlaufige Mitteilung fiber einige Fasanen aus dem Gebiet des Amu- Darja.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (127-129). 1706 [Zarudny, N.] 3apy/uiLiti, H. 3a- wliTKa o noBOMrb Bii/t'fc (^a3a»a. [Notiz fiber eine neue Fasanenart.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (141-143). 1707 [Zarudny, N.] 3apy^Hbifi, H. 3a- MhTKa oorb (Jiasaiiax-b h3t, 4>epraiibi. [Bemerkung fiber Fasanen aus Ferg- hana.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 3 1909 (352-353). 1708 Zarudny, H. vide etiam Sarudny. Zdobnitzky, Franz. Das Winter leben unserer Corviden (insbesondere von Corvus frugilegus L.) in der weiteren Umgebung Brtinns. Brfinn Zs. Mahr. LdMus. 7 1907 (98-124). 1709 Zdobnitzky, Franz. Beitrag zu einer Ornis der Brfinner Umgebung. II. Teil. Brfinn Zs. Mahr. LdMus. 9 1909 (176-276). 1710 69 Avea. Subject Index. — Biography, Etc. 5803 Zdobnitzky, Franz. Beitrag zu einer Ornis der Brunner Umgebung. I. Teil. Gesaramelte Beobachtungen aus den Jahren 1900-1908. Briinn Mitt. Komm. naturw. Durchf. Mahrens. Zool. Abt. 1908 Nr. 14 (GO). 1711 Zedlitz, O. Graf. Ornithologische Beobachtungen aus Tunesien, speziell dem Chott-Gebiete. J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (121-211 241-322) 1 Karte. 1712 Zelizko, J. V. v Diluvialni fauna od Volyne v jiznfch Cechach. (Aves p. 12). Prag Rozpr. Oeske Ak. Frant. Jos. Trida 2 18 1909 art. No. 9 (1-15); Diluviale Fauna von Wolin in Sud- bohrnen [Aves pp. 158-159]. Prag. Bull. Ac. Sci. Fran?. Jos. 14 1909 (147- 162). 1713 Zimmermann, Bud. Einige Beobach- tungen liber die gefiederten Feinde der Larchenminiermotte. Ornith. Monat- schr. Magdeburg 34 1909 (352-357). 1714 Zimmermann, Rud. Ornithologische Wandertage in der Levvitz. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 5 1909 (142- 149 167-175). 1715 Zimmermann, Rud. Ein Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Bcdeutung des Hiihnerhabichts. Zs. Ornith. Stettin 33 1909 (66-68). 1716 Zimmermann, Rud. Ein Beitrag zur Bewertung des Hiihnerhabichts. Bayr. Forstztg Niirnberg 16 1909 Nr. 28(1-3). 1717 Zimmermann, Rud. & Heyder, Rich. Notizen zur Rochlitzer Ornis 1908. Zs. Oologie Berlin 19 1909 (10- 12 24-26). 1718 Zimmermann, Th. Ueber die Vogel- welt der Halbinsel Hela. Vortrag. . . J. Ornith. Leipzig 57 1909 (98-100). 1719 Zollikofer, Ernst. tjber einen in- teressanten Brutort des Gansesagers ( Mergus merganser L.) in der Schweiz. St. Gallen Jahrb. Natw. Ges. 1904 1905 (219-238). 1722 Zwiesele, H. Die Eulen Wiirttem- bergs. Ornith. Beob. Bern 5 1906 (5-8). 1721 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — For full Reference, vide Titles. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL 5803 History. A short history of the British Or- nithologists* Union ; Sclater, 1387. Die Forschungsergebnisse und Fort- schritte der paliiarktischen Ornitho- logie im Jahre 1908 ; Floericke, 493. • Notes on Danish birds by a natura- list, Peder Syv, from the 17 th century. (Danish.); Dahl, 368. Identification de quelques Oiseaux representes sur les monuments phara- oniques ; Boussac, 167. A reprint of the ornithological writings of C. S. Rafinesque ; Rich- mond, 1270. The history of Colorado Ornithology ; Rockwell, 1289. Bird-life in early Scottish Litera- ture ; Wilson, 1673. Old dovecots in Scotland ; Camp- bell, 271. Burns on trees and birds ; Paterson, 1166. Biography. Biographical notices of the Original Members of the British Ornithologists’ Union, of the principal Contributors to the first series of “ The Ibis ” and of the Officials ; Evans, 450. Some early British Ornithologists and their works, viz. — Thomas Pennant, John Ray, 'Francis Willoughby, Thomas Bewick, George Montagu, Williarrf Macgillivray, and William Yarrell ; Mullens, 1050. E. H. Aitken, obituary notice ; B[ ], 50. Audubon correspondence. — A letter from Audubon to Harlan, describing a supposed new species afterwards named Polyborus cheriwayi ; Burns. 237. Barbosa du Bocage, obituary and bibliography of his works ; Fran?a, 512. Dr. Karl August Bolle ; Hocke, 726. Dr. Otto Otiosson ; Bamberg, 67. 70 Aves, XVII. Aves. 11900] Darwin as an ornithologist ; Heil- mann, 682. Dr. Gustav Hartlaub ; Focke, 4S5. Hudleston, W. H. Obituary Notice ; Sclater, 1385. Alexander Kielland and the birds ; Helms, 694. M. Kuschel ; Hocke, 727. Alfred Newton and his correspon- dence with Otto Herman ; Herman, 715. Bernhard Christian Otto, Pommerns t friihester Omithologie ; Wenzel, 1646a. Mathias Rausch ; Kayser, 819. Dr. Eugene Rey, Todes-anziege ; Wichtrich, 1662. Dr. Eugene Rey, Nachruf ; Voigt, 1605. Death of Dr. E. Rey ; Jourdain, 808. Dott. Eugenio Ray — Ornithologi defunti ; Bonomi, 159. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe ; Anonymous, 25. William G. Smith (1841-1900) — an early Colorado ornithologist ; Burnett, 235. Memoir of Thomas Southwell ; Cocks, 332. Thomas Southwell, obituary ; Dis- tant, 400. Thomas Southwell, F.Z.S., M.B.O.V., in memoriam ; Lenny, 890. Alexander Wilson, biographical no- tice ; Burns, 236. General Treatises. Handlist of the genera and species of Birds. Vol. V, completing the work and containing Families xxiii- xlviii (Zosteropidae-Streperidae) of the Passeres ; Sharpe, 1407. A Book of Birds ; Pycraft, 1223. Birds of the world — a popular account ; Knowlton, 843. Bibliography. Aves for 1906, Jaliresbericht ; Hell- may r, 687. A bibliography ot London birds ; Watt, 1629. Bibliographia ornithologica salis- burgensis ; Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, 1566. A bibliography of the Ornithology of Canton Ticino, Switzerland i Ghi- dini, 539. A bibliography of California Ornitho- logy ; Grinnell, 592. Philippine ornithological literature ; McGregor, 992. Institutions and Collections. Katalog der Vogelsammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Wies- baden. Tl. IV : Gaviae, Tubinares, Plataleae, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcae et Impennes ; Lampe, 863. Die Vogel des Offenbacher Museums ; Schuster, 1379. Die Einweihung des Museum Heine- anum in Halberstadt am 23. Sept. 1909; Schmidt, 1364. Berichtigungen zum Katalog der Sammlung v. Erlanger; Reichenow, 1248. Katalog der im Museum der Univ. Kazan befindlichen Vogel (Russ.); Lavrov, 874. The habitat groups of North Ameri- can birds in the American museum of natural history ; Allen, 11. Guide to the Zoological Collections of the Raffles Museum, Singapore, [Birds, pp. 15-35] ; Hanitsch, 649. Thecollection of birds in the Shanghai Museum ; La Touche, 870. Eine Skizze der Tiitigkeit der konig- lich Ungarischen Ornithologischen Cen- trale ; Herman, 714. Technique. Description, mensuration et eti- quetage des specimens en ornitliologie ; Menegaux, 1004. Sammeln und Ausstopfen der Vogel. (Russ.); Pavlov, 1176, 1177. Anweisung zum Sammeln der Vogel, ihrer Eier und ihrer Nester (Russ.); Bianchi, 131. A method of mounting Birds’ Eggs ; Bennett, 112. 71 Aves. Subject Index. — General. 5803 A special form of bird- blind de- The American Crow a menace to scribed; Sawyer, 1346. Poultry raising ; Cole, 337. A bird photographer’s outfit ; Bent, Minor notices. — Boas, 151 ; Raspail, 114. 1236; Rohne, 1292 ; To ep el, 1546. Economics. Unsere einheimischen Vogel. Nach ihrem wirtschaftlichen Wert (Nutzen und Schaden) beurteilt u. beschrieben ; Schuster, 1378. Birds useful and birds harmful ; Herman & Owen, 716. Economic Value of Birds ; Wen- ninger, 1646. The food of some British Birds ; Newstead, 1070. Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung des wirtschaftlichen Wertes dcr Insckten frcssendcn Vogel ; Rey, 1262. Einigc Bcobachtungen fiber die gcfie- derten Feinde der Larchenminiermotte ; Zimmermann, 1714. Untersuchungsergebnisse von Magen- inhalten sachsischer Vogel; Baer, 52. Nutzen und Schaden der Vogel in landwirtschaftlicher Hinsicht. (Russ.); PaCoskij, 1140. ' Vogel als Vertilger von Insekten (Russ.); Pomerancev, 1213. • Vogel von Java und ihre okonomische Bedeutung. (Hollandisch) ; Konigs- berger, 850. Ein Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung des Huhnerhabichts ; Zim- mermann, 1716, 1717. Sind die Schwarzamseln ( Turdus merula) nfitzlich oder schadlich ? ; Otto, 1137. Birds known to eat the boll weevil ; Bailey, 59. Birds of a Maryland farm ; a local study of economic ornithology ; Judd, 809. The bobwhite and other quails of the United States in their economic relations ; Judd, 810. The grouse and wild turkeys of the United States and their economic value; Judd, 811. The horned larks and their relation to agriculture ; McAtee, 988. Bird- Protection. Report of the International Congress of Sport held at Paris in 1907 with the resolution passed regarding bird pro- tection ; Ternier, 1500. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on the importa- tion of plumage prohibition bill ; Anonymous, 26. Reports on Wild Bird protection on the Norfolk Coast ; Southwell, 1451. Account of efforts made to protect the kite in Wales ; Owen & Vaughan, 1139. Do la protection des petits oiseaux ; Papin, 1149. Protection des oiseaux insectivores ; P6neveyre, 1183. Die Erhaltung unserer Tierwelt ; Lons, 922. Jahresnotizen der Versuchs- und Musterstation ffir Vogelschutz auf Schlossgut Sec bach, Kreis Langensalza; Berlepsch, 120. Der Memmert, eine neue Vogelfrei- statte in der Nordsec ; Leege, 882. Einige Tatsachen zum Vogelschutz ; Weinland, 1641. Die Frage des Vogelschutzes in Australien ; Froggatt, 518. Der praktische Vogelschutz in Un- garn in den Jahren 1908-1909 ; Csorgey, 359. Ornithological miscellany from Audu- bon wardens ; showing the results of bird protection on the coasts of the United States ; Bowdish, 170. American Egrets as victims to fashion ; Menegaux, 1000. On the existing “ close time ” for birds and animals in the Bombay Presidency; Jukes, 812. Aviculture and Acclimatisation (including Falconry). Foreign Birds for cage and aviary. Part i. The smaller foreign birds ; Butler, 242. 72 Avu. XVII. Foreign Birds exhibited at the London Cage -bird Association’s Show ; Seth-Smith, 1402. Notes on the Crystal Palace Bird Show ; Seth-Smith, 1404. British birds for cages, aviaries and exhibition ; Birchley, 138. Aviculture at the London Zoological Gardens ; Finn, 477. The value of failures in Aviculture ; Brook, 214. Notes sur des poussins de trois esp&ces d’astrilds nes en captivit6 ; Henry, 711. Fortpflanzung des Kolkraben ( Gorvus corax L.), der Habielitseule (Syrnium uralense (Pall.)) und des Ulius ( Bubo bubo (L.) ) in der Gefangenschaft ; Behm, 105. The Giza Zoological Gardens near Cairo ; Bonhote, 157. The domesticated ostrich in South Africa; Duerden, 421. Breeding of the African Grey Parrot in captivity in Madeira ; Reid, 1255. Plans and description of an Indian Aviary ; Perreau, 1186. Rare birds in the New York zoo- logical park ; Beebe, 102. Notes on my visit to Australia with accounts of the Australian Zoological Gardens and of birds observed ; Seth- Smith, 1403. Akklimatisation von Fasanon im Drontheimischen, Noryvegen (Norweg. ) ; Herlofson, 713. The Baz-Nama-yi Nasiri. A Persian treatise on Falconry, translated ; Phil- lott, 1198. Falconry in the east, on the use of the drum and on hoods for hawks ; notes on the Peregrine ; Phillott, 1199, 1200. Minor notices. — Astley, 37-44; Blaauw, 140; Brook, 215; Cockell, 331; Eldred, 440; Pasey, 449; Finn, 478 ; Gifford, 546 ; Gregory, 578 ; Gurney, 609-10 ; Harper, 662 ; Henry, 712; Holden, 736; Horsbrugh, 744; Ingram, 775 ; Newman, 1067 ; Paris, 1150; Perreau, 1187 ; Phillips, 1192- 1197; Russ, 1306; Seth-Smith, 1405; Smith, 1436-7 ; St. Quintin, 1456-7 ; Aves. [1909] Teschemaker, 1502-6 ; Trevor-Battye, 1557 ; Wormald, 1693-5. Nomenclature, Fifteenth supplement to the Ameri- can ornithologists’ union check-list of North American birds ; American Ornithologists’ Union Committee, 15. Proposed changes in the rank in classification among North American birds; Miller, 1031. The popular names of birds in the United States ; Dwight, 428. An inquiry into the history of the current English names of North American land birds ; Trotter, 1560. Dio lateinischen Namen unserer deutsehen Vogel III ; B[oe]ttg[e]r, 152. Die deutsehen Vogelnamen. Eine wortgeschichtliche Untersuchung ; Suo- lahti, 1484. The Guernsey dialect names of birds ; Marquand, 964. Liste der friesischen Vogelnamen. (Hollandisch) ; Vries, 1611. Vocabulary of bird names used in Brescia, Italy ; Carini, 275. A polyglot list of birds in Turki, Manchu and Chinese ; Ross, 1296. A Hindustani-English Vocabulary of * Indian birds; Phillott & Bonnerjee, 1201. Reflexions sur I’cspeco en ornitho- logie ; Dubois, 418. Remarks on the Practice of attach- ing “ Authorities ” to the Scientific Names of Animals ; Sclater, 1384. On the name of the Antillean kill- deer ; Riley, 1273. Minor notices. — Bianchi, 134 ; Dres- ser, 412 ; Goeldi, 566 ; Mathews, 972. STRUCTURE. 5807 External Characters. On the down-plumage and mouth- coloration of nestling birds ; Ticeliurst & Leigh, 1521. Sequences of plumages in British Birds ; Witherby, 1684. 73 Aves. Subject Index. — Structure — Physiology. 5811 The Pterylosis of the Black- throated Diver ; Pycraft, 1227. On the Tail-feathers of the Dabchick ( Podicipes fluviatilis ); Pycraft, 1225, 1226. The Foot-pads of the Young of the Green Woodpecker ; Stonham, 1471. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Le poids do Penc^phalc dans les differents groupes d’Oiseaux ; Lapicque 865. Die kleinliirnbahnen der Tau be ; Frenkel, 515. Anatomie und Physiologie der Gang- lienzellen im Zentral-nervensystem der Taube ; Schiipbach, 1376. Vcrgleichcnd anatomische Studien liber den Bau und die Bedeutung der Oliva inferior der Saugetiere und Vogel; Williams, 1672. Fasern und Endplatten von Nerven zvveiter Art an den gestreiften Muskeln der Vogel ; Botezat, 166. Die sensiblen Nervenendapparate in den Hornpapillen der Vogel im Zusam- menhang mit Studien zur vergleichen- den Morphologic und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane ; Botezat, 165. Sur le developpement des Ganglions lymphatiques du Canard ; Jolly, 794. Sur une disposition speciale de la structure de ganglions lymphatiques chez les Oiseaux ; Jolly, 793. Das Vogelauge ; Franz, 513, 514. Ueber die Entwicklung der Horn- haut des Hiihnchens ; Knape, 841. Les ganglions terminaux du nerf acoustiquo des oiseaux; Cajal, 266. Glandole del condotto uditivo esterno degli Uccelli ; Colo, 338. • Myology. Entwicklung und Topographie der Muskulatur der Orbita bei Vogeln ; Matys, 987. Structure des muscles Iisses des oiseaux ; Lelievre et Retterer, 889. Ueber Chondriosomen und ihre Ver- wendung zu Myofibrillen beim Htihner- embryo ; Duesberg, 422, Osteology. Osteology of the Accipitres, Gallinae and Anseres ; Shufeldt, 1420. The comparative osteology of the Passerine bird Arachnothera magna ; Shufeldt, 1421. Osteology of the Wedge-tailed Eagle ( Uroaetus audax ); Scott, 1392. L’articolazione mandibolare negli Anfibi, nei Rettili e negli Uccelli; Vital!, 1603. Alimentary, Circulatory, and Respiratory Systems, Blood. Cheratoialina nell’ epitelio del gozzo di Columba ; Arcangeli, 29. Zur Frage iiber funktionelle Aende- ritngen in don Zcllen des Driisenmagens bei Vogeln; Michalovsky, 1021. Histologisches Bau der Driisenmagen- zellen (Russ.) ; Michalovskij, 1020. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Phy- siologie der Bursa Fabricii der Vogel. (Ungarisch) ; Hanko, 651. Ueber Massenverhaltnisse am Vogel- herzen ; Grober, 594. Bau des Atmungsorgans der Vogel. (Russ.) ; Kovalevskij, 853. Anatomie der Luftsacke. (Russ.); Viktorov, 1600. Contribution a l’histologie des sacs aeriens chez les oiseaux (Polish) ; Waniczkowna, 1624. The embryology and adult anatomy of the septal subdivisions of the pleuro- peritoneal cavity in birds ; Poole, 1216. Ober die Entwicklung des Knochcn- marks bei den Vogeln und iiber dessen Veranderungen bei Blutentziehungen und Ernahrungsstorungen ; Dantscha- koff, 374. Sur le tissu lymphoide des Oiseaux ; Jolly, 795. PHYSIOLOGY. 5811 Determination de la pression osmo- tique du sang et des liquides internes des Vertebres des contrees polaires arctiques ; Portier, 1217. 74 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1009] The osmotic pressures of the blood and eggs of Birds ; Atkins, 45. Des rapports entre la surface de Paile et le poids du corps, chez les oiseaux (Pigeons) ; Richet, 1268 ; Richet et Richet, 1269. Oiseaux et Aeroplanes ; Weyher, 1654. Le deplacement de l’homme dans l’espace compare avec celui des Oiseaux et des Insectes; Kunckel d’Herculais, 858. . Kritik der Exner’schen Theorie des Zitter-oder Schwirrfluges ; Olshausen, 1123. Preuve exp^rimentale du balance- ment dans les ilots endocrines du Pigeon; Laguesse, 861. Consommations alimentaires d’oi* seaux de grandeurs diverses en fonc- tion de la temperature exterieure ; Lapicque et Lapicque, 866. Consommation alimentaire des petits Oiseaux aux temperatures 61e- vees ; Lapicque et Lapicque, 867. Die normale Korperwdrme, Atern- und Pulszahl der Vogel unter beson- derer Berucksichtigung unseres Haus- gefliigels ; Loer, 914. Ueber den Einfluss des Alters auf die Korperwarme bei Gansen und Enten ; Loer, 915. Korpertemperatur beim Gefliigel ; Loer, 916. Die Bluttemperaturen der Vogel ; Loer, 917. Fer du foie chez quelques oiseaux, particulierment chez le canard ; La- picque et Petetin, 868. Le rapport du poids du foie au poids du corps chez les oiseaux ; La Riboisiere, 869. Atmungsmechanismus der Vogel (Russ.); Kovalevskij, 853. Die Luftsacke als Abkiihler der Kor- portemperatur (Russ.) ; Viktorov, 1600. "Dber die physiologische Aufgabe der Luftsacke der Vogel. (Ungarisch); Gorka, 569. Das Augenschwingen der Vogel ; Ewald, 455. Etwas iiber Schusswunden bei Vo- geln ; Donner, 405. Beeinflussung des Gesclilechts durch das Alter der Eltern beim Huhn, (Russ.); Gerasimov, 535. Einfluss des Geschleclitslebens der Tiere auf die Epidermoidalgebilde der Haut; Ohler, 1119. The cholesterol contents of eggs and chicks ; Ellis & Gardner, 443. Weight of eggs, decrease during incubation ; Norton, 1098. Regeneration des Schnabels bei der Hausgans {Anser cinereus ) und bei der Hausente {Anns boschas ); Werber und Goldschmidt, 1647. DEVELOPMENT. 5815 Normentafel zur Entwicklungsge- schichte des Kiebitzes ( Vanellus cris- tatus Meyer.); Grossel und Tandler, 597. Spermatogenesis in the domestic guinea-fowl {Numidia meleagris dom .); Guyer, 613. Spermatogenesis of the domestic chicken ( Qallus gallus dom.); Guyer, 614. Die Spermien der Vogel; Retzius, 1258. The early development of the Pigeon’s egg, with especial reference to polyspermy and the origin of the periblast nuclei; Blount, 150. Gastrulation in the pigeon’s egg — a morphological and experimental study; Patterson, 1175. Sur la segmentation parthenogene- tique de l’ceuf des oiseaux; Lecaillon, 877. Sur la presence de spheres attrac- tives et de centrosomes dans les cellules issues de la segmentation partheno- genitique de l’ceuf de la poule et sur les caracteres de ces formations ; Lecaillon, 878. Sur la segmentation de l’ceuf non feeonde du paon {Pavo cristatus L.); Lecaillon, 879. La segmentation parthenogenetique chez la Poule qui ne s’est jamais accouplde ; Lecaillon, 880. Les divisions de maturation dans les organes genitaux des Rybrides ; Stephan, 1462. 75 Aves, Subject Index. — Development — Ethology. 5819 Experiences sur 1’ influence cxcrc6e par les rayons du radium sur les em- bryons du canard ( A nas dom.). (Polish) ; Tur, 1577. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hirn- structur beim Embryo des Hiihn- chens. (Hollandisch); Mesdag, 1012. Zur Entwickelung der kopfnerven der Vogel ; Belogolowy, 109. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Cortischen Organs und der Macula acoustica bei Saugetieren und Vogeln ; Held, 686. Ueber die Entwickelung der Horn- haut des Huhncliens ; Knape, 841. Sviluppo del pancreas negli Uccelli ; Giannelli, 542. Sviluppo della milza in Oallus domes- ticus ; Giannelli, 543. Trasformazioni dell’ ovario destro.del Cf alius domesticus durante la vita embrionaria; Ganfini, 526. Die Mundrachenwand der Vogel und Sauger ; Aulmann, 47. 'Embryonale Entwicklung und Funk- tion der Driisenmagenzellen (Russ.); Michalovskij, 1020. Experimentelle Studien iiber die Entstehung des Blutes und der ersten Gefasse beim Hiihnchen. I. Teil. Intra- embryonalo Gefasse; Hahn, 638. The earliest blood-vessels in the anterior limb buds of birds and their relation to the primary subclavian artery; Evans, 451. Entwicklung und Topographie der Muskulatur der Orbita bei Vogeln ; Matys, 987. Ueber Neubildung quergestreifter Muskelfasern nach Beobachtungen am Huhnerembryo ; Meves, 1013. Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Lymph- gefasssystems der Vogel ; Mierzejewski, 1022. Der Pro thorax der Vogel und Sauger ; Funccius, 520. The embryology and adult anatomy of the septal subdivisions of the pleuro- peritoneal cavity in birds ; Poole, 1216. The circulation of mixed blood in the embryo Mammal and Bird, etc. ; Pohlman, 1207. Decrease in weight of eggs during incubation ; Norton, 1098. Sur une inclusion dans un oeuf do poule ; Beauchamp, 90. Wachstum junger Giinse (Russ.); Beliajev, 108. ETHOLOGY. 5819 General. Camps and cruises of an ornithologist chiefly in North America ; Chapman, 295. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt. Vogel ; Meerwarth, 999. Jottings from my note-book; Berry, 122. Ornithological jottings from my note-book; Peteisen, 1189. Ornithological eccentricities ; Sikes, 1424. Notices scientifiques ; Dybowski, 429. Bird hunting through Wild Europe ; Lodge, 912. Lebensgewohnheiten der Vogel auf der Insel Oesel ; Stoll, 1467. Biologisches iiber die Vogelwelt auf Terschelling im Oktober, iiber den Ein- fluss des Leuchtturmlichtes auf die Vogel u.s.w. (Hollandisch) ; Thijsse, 1524. Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen in der Umgegend von Leipizg wahrend des Jahres 1908 ; Hesse, 719, 720. Life among the wild birds in Spain ; Verner, 1597. Vogelleben in der Jenissei — Tundra (Russ.); Lavrov, 875. Ornithophaenologische Tagebuch- Notizenaus Latrun, Palestine; Victor, 1599. Notes, chiefly on the habits, of Indian Birds ; Finn, 479. American birds, studied and photo- graphed from life ; Finley, 474. The Habitat Groups of North American birds in the American Museum of Natural History; Chapman, 297. Habits and northern range of the resident birds of Point Barrow ; Smith. 1441. 76 Aves. XVII. Aves. A bush calendar ; migration and nesting notes from the district round Sydney, Australia; Mack, 944. Notes and photographs of Antarctic Birds ; Bruce, 223. La vie des cormorans dans l’Antarc- tique ; M6n*gaux, 1005. The British Warblers. A history with problems of their lives; Howard, 750. Corvus frugilegus L. und Colaeus monedula (L.) als Witterungsanzeiger. (Ungarisch u. Deutsch); Nagy, 1056. Das Winterleben unserer Corviden (insbesondere von Corvus frugilegus L.) in der weiteren Umgebung Briinns ; Zdobnitzky, 1709. A study of a breeding colony of Yellow-headed Blackbirds [Xantho- cephalus xanthocephalus ] ; including an account of the destruction of the entire progeny of the colony by some unknown natural agency; Roberts, 1278. Etwas vom Anpassungsvcrmogen von Specht und Wiirger; Hopf, 740. Ob Spechte oder Meisen Schilfstengel anschlagen ; le Roi, 895. Field-notes on Vultures and Eagles ; Kelham, 820. Contributions to the life history of Ardea cinerea (Danish); Saxtorph, 1347. Habits of “ mudflat” birds ; Patter- son, 1172. Die vertikale Verbreitung der Nist- vogel im schweizerisclien Jura. (380- 1500 Meter iiber dem Meere); Burg, 232. The longevity of birds ; Duchess of Bedford, 99. Birds as protectors of big game ; Chapman, 294. Birds as a facto'r in the production of mimetic resemblances among Butter- flies ; Marshall, 967. Bird-life in a spring snowstorm ; Ellison, 444. Von der „Versenkungsbefahigung“ der Schwimmvogel; Hagen, 632. The study of bird life and its diffi- culties; Marriott, 966. [1909] Wounded birds as message bringers ; Krabbe, 855. The use of the wings and feet by diving birds. [With bibliography] ; Townsend, 1552. Food-habits. An inquiry into the feeding habits of British Birds ; Hewitt, 721. The food of some British Birds ; Newstead, 1070. Positive Daten iiber die Nahrung unserer Vogel; Csiki, 358. Magen- und Gewoliuntersuchungen heimischer Raubvogel; Rorig, 1293. Untersucliungsergebnisse von Magen- inhalten sachsischer Vogel ; Baer, 52. Beitrage zur Nahrungsfrage unserer carnivoren Vogel welt ; Chernelhaza, 302. List of birds known to capture and devour butterflies; Marshall, 967. Schmetterlingsfeinde aus der Klasse der Vogel ; Daehne, 366. Arctostaphylus uva-ursi food of Tetrao ; Sundvik, 1483. Nahrung der Vogel aus der Klasse der Insekten (Russ.); Pomerancev, 1213. On seeds found in the stomachs of Javanese birds and their influence on distribution ; Kooders, 851. The food of several Maine Water- birds; Norton, 1097. Minor notices. — Barthos, 78 ; Cerva, 288 ; Dewar, 394 ; Evans, 453 ; Gres- chik, 581 ; Loos, 925 ; Robinson, 1286- 1287. Migration (General). Les migrations des Oiseaux ; Chapel, 292, 293 Einiges vom Vogelzug ; Besserer, 125. Gber die Entstehung des Vogelzugesr; Eckardt, 430, 431. Vogelwanderungen; Gengler, 532. Vogelzugfragen ; Knauer, 842. Vogelzugsversuphe; Liihe, 937 An American’s views on bird migra- tion ; Allen, 11. 77 Aves. Subject; Index. — Ethology. 5819 Expcrimcntolle Untcrsucliung und Ergebnissc des Vogelzuges (Un- gariscb); Schenk, 1356. Discussion on criticism of Otto Herman’s work and views on migra- ton ; Quinet, 1230. Migration (Regional Observations). Report on the immigration of summer residents in the spring of 1908 : also notes on the migratory movements and records received from lighthouses and light-vessels during the autumn of 1907. By the committee appointed by the British Ornitholo- gists’ Club; Ogilvie-Grant, 1116. Migration in Norfolk in 1908 ; Gurney, 611. Migration notes from Yarmouth ; Patterson, 1173, 1174. Report on Scottish Ornithology and Migrations for 1908 ; Paterson, 1164. Migration notes and dates in Scot- land; Clarke, 318 ; Clyne, 329. Return of summer birds to the Clyde area in 1908 and 1909 ; Paterson, 1167. Bird movements and migration in Dumfriesshire; Service, 1401. Migration notes from the Isle of May, Firth of Forth, Scotland, for 1908 ; Baxter, 89. Observations on migrants at Fair Isle, between Orkney and Shetland ; Clarke, 319. Migratory movements of certain shore-birds as observed on the Dublin coast; Patten, 1169. Migration notes at Ballina, Ireland ; Warren, 1627. Observations sur l’arrivee de plu- sieurs oiseaux faites k la Baumette, pres Angers, de 1874 a 1908; Cheux, 305. Eine Zusammenstellung wurttem- bergischer Vogelzugsdaten aus dem Jahre 1908 ; Parrot, 1159. Ta belle uber Ankunft einiger west- falischer Brutvogel; Wemer, 1644. Zum Vogelzug auf der Insel Sylt, 1906 ; Hagendefeldt, 636. Ankunfts- und Abzugsdaten bei Hallein (1908); Tschusi zu «Schmid- hoffen, 1569. Der Vogelzug in Ungarn in Friih- jahrel908; Schenk, 1357. Der Vogelzug und die Wittorung im Friihling des Jahres 1908 in Ungarn; Hegyfoky, 681. Ornithologisches aus Mariahof in Stiermark vom Jahre 1907; Schaffer, 1349; Schaffer u. Noggler, 1350. Zug der Vogel durch die Schweiz ; Burg, 233. Herbstzug in Bern 1905. Segler u. Schwalben ; Dant, 372. Herbstzug der Vogel im bernischen Emmental 1906 ; Hofstetter, 735. Migration Notes from North Hol- land ; Bonhote, 155. Zugsdaten aus Holland ; Konigl. Ung. Ornith. Centr. 849. The birds at the Danish lighthouses in 1907, 25th annual report. (Danish) ; Winge, 1676. Der Vogelzug (Norwcg.); Schafer, 1348. Vogelzug in Braila, Rumanien ; Batschi, 85. Observations on the migration of birds in the Mediterranean ; Lynes, 940. Die Zugvogel in Finland. (Schwc- disch) ; Brander, 180. Tierphanologische Beobachtungen in Finland 1903-1906 and 1896; Levan- der, 900. Ankunft- und Abzugdaten einiger Zugvogel in Suojarvi, Finland, 1909 (Finnisch); Mantyvaara, 961. Zwei zoologische Notizen. (Fin- nisch): Suomalainen, 1486. Phanologische Beobachtungen an Vogeln der Umgebung von St. Peters- burg (Russ.) ; Kaygorodoff, 818. Vogelzugbeobachtungen aus Jaros- lav; Paschtschenko. 1162. Ankunft einiger Vogel, Nisten und Ausflug der Jungen in Ostsibirien (Russ.); Jurinskij, 814. Observations on migratory birds at Komatipoort; Hamilton, 646. Irregular migration and abnormal breeding times of birds in the Punjab ; Currie, 365. 7& Avea, xvn. Aves. * Birds of the Boston Public Garden. A study in Migration ; Wright, 1697. Unusual dates for some birds at New Haven, Conn.; Pangburn, 1148. Migration of birds in St. Joseph country, Ind., U.S.A., from March 1 to May 30, 1909 ; Alphonsus, 14. Spring migration in middle western Ohio ; Henninger, 707. Migration observations on Sable Isle, Nova Scotia ; Bouteillier, 169. Autumn migration of the Sharp- shinned Hawk and other birds at Point Pelee, Ont. Canada ; Saunders, 1340. Migration of Single Species. Der Zug des Steppenhuhnes, Syrr- haptes paradoxus nach dem Westen 1908; Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, 1564, 1568. Wanderung von Syrrhaptes para * < doxus ; Buturlin, 261. Ueber die Wanderungen unserer Wildtaubon; Hooke, 731. Englischo Brieftaubc in Finland ge« if unden. (Finnisch); Suomalainen, 1485. Migration of Larus ridibundus during Tthe winter at Copenhagen (Danish); Helms, 693. Zug der Doppelschnepfen in Russland •(Russ.); Malychin, 959. Der Friihjahrszug des weissen Stor- ches in Ungarn ; Schenk, 1361. A remarkable migration of Yellow- bellied Sapsuckers at Kingston, Ont. on April 17th; Klugh, 840. The Migration of Flycatchers [Tyran- midae] ; of Vireos ; of North American Sparrows ; Cooke, 345, 346, 347. Migration of Swallows etc. across the Red Sea ; Haughton, 677. La migration de hirondelles de fenetre ( Ghelidon urbica ); Kirchner, *25. Migratory movements of Petroeca phoenicea in Australia; Campbell, 267. The Crossbill irruption in England ; Witherby, 1682. Invasion de becs-croises on* 1909; OUivier, 1122. [1909] Kreuzschnabel-Invasion ; Weigold, 1639, 1640. Grosser Kreuzschnabelzug; Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, 1537, 1570. Fichtenkreuzschnabel-Invasion 1909 ; Leege, 884. Der Zug des Rosenstars, Pastor rosru ? (L.), itn Jahre 1908; Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, 1574. Die Feststellungs der Zugperioden des sibirischen Tannnehahers und Simroths Pendulationstlieorie ; Schuster, 1380. Bird Marking. VIII. Jahresbericht (1908) der Vogel- warte Rossitten der Deutschen Or- nithologischen Gesellschaft ; Thiene- mann, 1517. Ueber die Resultate, welche von der Vogelwarte Rositten mit markierten Nebelkrahen und Lachmoven bisher erzieltwurden ; Thienemann, 1522. Vogelwarte Rossitten ; gezeiclinete Schwalben u. Storche; Thienemann, 1520. On the work at Rossitten Station in marking birds ; Thomson, 1526. Vogelzugbeobachtungen in Rossit- ten ; Lucanus, 935. A Stork ( Giconia alba) killed on the Blue Nile with a Rossitten Vogelwarte ring on its leg ; Butler, 252 ; others killed in the Kalahari, S. Africa and Syria Thienemann, 1518, 1519,1523; others in Natal and Palestine ; Sclater, 1386. Marked White Stork taken in Italy ; Schenk, 1360. Bericht iiber die Vogelmarkierungen im Jahre 1909 ; Schenk, 1358. Mit Marke versehenes Lagopus- Ex- emplar. (Schwedisch) ; Brander, 187. Mit Marke versehene Krahe. (Schwe- disch); Brander, 181. Mit Marke versehene, finnisch- deutsche Krahe. (Schwedisch) ; Pal- m6n, 1143. Starlings captured for marking in Denmark ; Mortensen, 1046. On marking live birds for recording migratory movements ; Witherby, 1681 ; progress of the scheme ; Witherby, 1683. 79 Aves. Subject Index. — Ethology. 5819 The tagging of wild birds as a means of studying their movements; Cole, 336. Migration (Miscellaneous), An early work on bird-migration issued anonymously in 1703; Butter- field, 254. On a plan of mapping migratory birds in their nesting areas ; Alexander, 7. Zug der Vogel gegen den Wind (Russ.); Alpheraki, 13. The use of wind Dy migrating Birds ; Stubbs, 1473. A tragedy of migration in the Florida keys ; Bennett, 111. * » Wandern unserer Stand vogel ; Caster, 283. Minor notices. — Alexandrov, 3 ; Damiani, 370 ; Dant, 371 ; Gould, 570 ; Greschik, 582 ; Henneman, 701 ; Hvivensals, 762 ; Iljinskij, 765 ; * Paris, 1152 ; Stephenson, 1464 ; Tamani, 1492 ; Toepel, 1547 ; Tschusi,, 1567 ; Walker, 1619 Flight. Ueber den Vogelflug; Nietsch, 1083. Warum fiiegen gewisse Vogel in regelmassig geordneten Haufen (Schvvedisch); Blander], 186. Hohe der Fluges, Abhangigkeit von der Windrichtung (Russ.); Buturlin, 258. Auffliegen des Vogel auf Draht (Russ.); Karejev, 816. The position of birds’ feet in flight ; Townsend, 1559. Parental Relations. The supply of water to young birds in the nest ; Osmaston, 1135. Tragen der Jungen beim Flug durch VValdschnepfen; Tusch, 1581. Observations sur la conservation et I’Mevage de quelques oiseaux d’Asie; Delaurier, 384. Instance of parental sagacity in the Paradise -Duck ( Casarca variegata) of New Zealand ; Fulton, 519. Instance of sagacity in defence of her nest of the New Zealand Dotterel ( Gharadrius bicinclus) ; Fulton, 519. Minor notice. — Cottam, 352. Sexual Relations. An observational diary on the nuptial habits of the Blackcock in Scandinavia and England ; Selous, 1398. The sexual display of the Monal Pheasant ; Smith, 1435. Die Ueberkreuzregel in der Vogel- welt ; Detmers, 388. Zuchtwahl und Eiproduktion ; Grote, 599. Beobachtungen bei der Zucht des Ziegenmelkers ( Caprimulgus europaevs L.); Heinroth, 684. Zeit der Balzens einiger Vogel in Ostsibirien (Russ.); Jurinskij, 814. Paedogencsis of Motacilla citreo- loides in Koliat ; Whitehead, 1658. Nidification. Photographs of nests and eggs ; Schulz, 1373. The use of domed nests; Moffat, 1032 ; Ussher and Dewar, 1591. Aviculture and nesting notes at Scampston Hall, Yorkshire ; St. Quintin, 1457. Among the nesting boxes at West- field Place, Sussex; Parkin, 1158. Nesting results at Woburn, chiefly cranes; Duchess of Bedford, 97 Ins Gouv. Kiev nistende Vogel; Scharleman, 1352. Nests and eggs of birds in the Bhamo district. Upper Burma ; Harrington, 664. Illustrated monograph of Australian birds, nests, and eggs ; North, 1087. Notes on birds breeding near Mackav, N. Queensland ; Cornwall, 349. Descriptions of nests and eggs of five species of birds found in the Ather- ton district, N. Queensland; Jackson, 782. Nests and eggs of Argentine birds; eggs of many species figured; Harteit & Venturi, 675. 80 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Nests and eggs of the birds of Illinois and Wisconsin ; Cory, 351. Notes of occurrence and nesting of certain species additional to the ‘ Birds of Colorado.’ [By W. W. Cooke, 1897] ; Dille, 398. The nests and eggs of the birds of Washington State, U.S.A. ; Dawson & Bowles, 377. Eggs and nest of the Mallee-fowl (Lipoa ocellata) ; Maltingley, 986. The Virginia and Sora Rails nesting in New York City ; Weber, 1632. Ueber das Ei und das Briiten von Spheniscus demersus (L.); Krohn, 857. Nest und ei von Numenius tenui- rostris (Russ.); Usakov, 1584. Nidification of the Sarus crane ( Qrus antigone) in Gujerat ; O’Brien, 1103. Peculiar nesting site of the Mallard ; Barber-Starkey, 73. Nest von Fuligula fusca (Russ.); USakov, 1585. The nesting of the bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) in Tibet ; Bailey, 55. Wanderfalk [ Falco peregrinus'] und Waldkauz [Syrrium aluco ] in einem Horste briitend ; Ganske, 527. Ghalcococcyx lucidus reverts to nest building ; Fulton, 519. Sur le nid des fourniers ( Furnarius , Vieill.); M6n6gaux, 1001, 1003. Nest and eggs of Cinclosoma mar- ginatum ; North, 1089. Association of nest of Qerygone per- sonata with wasp’s nest ; North, 1088 Nest und Eier von Phylloscopus viridanus ; Artobolewski, 36. Nesting of the Bohemian Waxwing ( Bombycilla garrulus) ; Anderson, 19. Neue Brutplatze von Parua borealis in Ostpreussen ; Tischler, 1541. Nesting parasites of Pyromelana oryx ; Roberts, 1276. Nesting habits of the Baya (Ploceus baya) in India ; Dewar, 393. The use of Magpies’ nests by other birds in Colorado ; Rockwell, 1290. Minor notices. — Begs, 106 ; Besserer, 124; Betham, 127; Brewster, 209; Bunyard, 230; Crouch, 357; Dresser, 414; Elliott, 442; Etoc, 448; Gilroy, 554; Goebel, 559, 560, 562-565; Howarth, 751; Jackson, 783; Kel- ham, 820; Lindner, 1906 -7; Medlicott, 997; Myers, 1054; Neubaur, 1063; Nilsson, 1084; Oldham, 1120; Paris, 1151, 1154; Pousar, 1219; Richards, 1266; Robinson, 1288; Smith, 1442; Stubbs, 1476; Sude, 1481; Ticehurst, 1534; Ussher, 1590; Weibull, 1637; Werner, 1645; White, 1656. Oology ('See also under Nidification), Variation in birds’ eggs ; Harwood, 747,749. Zur Fleckenfarbe der Vogeleier ; Oberbeck, 1100. Wird das Vogelei mit dem stumpfen oder mit dem spitzen Ende voran gelegt ? ; Rey, 1263. Observations on the weight of birds’ eggs ; Foster, 508. Ei-Missbild ungen ; Haag, 618. Oologia universalis palaearctica. Lief. 48-49 ; Krause, 854. Eggs of the Birds of Europe. Parts 13- 18 1908-1909; Dresser, 410. Eggs of European birds; Jourdain, 803. Oologische Notizen ; Otto, 1136. Oologische Tagebuchnotizen aus Madeira ; Schmitz, 1369. Exhibition of a collection of birds’ eggs from Corsica ; Jourdain & Read, 808. Zeit der Eiablage einiger Vogel in Ostsibirien (Russ.); Jurinskij, 814. Aus der ostasiatischen Mongolei. [Oologisches] ; Bamberg, 66. Oologische Tagebuchnotizen aus Palastina 1909 ; Schmitz, 1367. The White Collection of Australian eggs ; Le Souef, 897. Nest and eggs of Argentine birds, with two plates of eggs ; Hartert & Venturi, 675. Some sets of eggs from the Cape Region of Lower California ; Thayer, 1511. SI Aves. Subject Index. — Ethology. 5819 Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eier von Larus audouini Payraud ; Jourdain, 804, 807. Number of eggs laid by Term; Gilroy, 553 ; Bunyard, 232. B.schreibung und Abbildung der Ei ?r von Astur nisus and Aquila clanga ; Sass, 1329. Masse und Gewicht der Eier von Buteo buteo (L. ) ; Pousar, 1218. Bcstimmungstabclle fur Eier von Chelidonaria urbica und Cotyle riparia, ,res. Lanins excubitor und Lanins minor ; Goebel, 531. Ei von Phonygama jamesi Shp; Uehrkorn, 1060. Dimorphism in the eggs of Turdus musicus ; Patten, 1170. Voice. Excursionsbuch zum Studium der Vogelstimmen ; Voigt, 1606. Untersuchungen liber die Stimme der Vogel; R6thi, 1257. Vom Gesange der Vogel. Eine Entgegnung auf die Arbeit des Dr. Plascek; Braun, 197. The meaning of birds’ songs ; Kirk- man, 826 ; Stubbs, 1475 ; Lowe, 933 ; .Headley, 679. The notes of birds in the Murree hills, N. India ; Magrath, 254. The songs of New Zealand birds ; Andersen, 17. Minor notices. — Grobbels, 593 ; Stubbs, 1477. Psychology (se Angola, birds collected by Dr. P. do Nascimento ; Seabra, 1398. Sfid-arabiens, ein Beitrag zur Ornis ; Lorentz & Hellmayr, 926. Red Sea Coast of the Soudan ; list of birds observed ; Butler, 251. Bahr-el-Qhazal, Soudan, list of birds ; Butler, 253. Abcssinien, Bemerkungen zu einigen von Herrn Nisscl gesammelten Vogel- spezies ; Sassi, 1330. British East Africa, Catalogue of a Collection of birds made by C. E. Akeley for the Field Museum, Chicago ; Dearborn, 383. British East Africa ; notes on a collection of birds ; Gurney, 607, 608. British East Africa, studies in bird life ; Chapman, 294. Ruwenzori, birds of the Duke of Abruzzi’s expedition; Salvadori, 1311. Deutsch-Ostafrika, die jagdbaren Vogel; Reichenow, 1245. Deutsch-Oitafrika, Liste der von A. Horn gesammelten Vogelbalge; Sassi, 1331. Ostafrikas, Einiges fiber die Vogel- fauna ; Woltag, 1688. Ostafrika, oologische Notizen ; Grote, 603. Ostafrika, briefliche Berichte ; Grote, 600, 601. Dcutsch-Siidostafrika, nesting notes ; Boxberger, 176. Deutsch-Ostafrika, die . Vogelwelt der Steppenseen ; Yngve-Sjostedt, 1703. Rovuma-fluss, Deutsch-Ostafrika, ornithologisches Skizzen ; Grote, 602. Mozambique, hunting-notes ; Vasse, 593. Portuguese Nyassaland, notes on birds observed ; Hamilton, 647. Beira district, Portuguese S.E. Africa, annotated list of birds ; Sheppard, 1415. Zumbo, Portuguese East Africa, list of birds; Seabra, 1395. Barotse valley, Rhodesia, bird-fauna ; Sandberg, 1317. Rhodesia, on birds collected between Bulawayo and the Tegwani river ; Chubb, 316. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia ; anno- tated list; Chubb, 315. Deutsch-Sfidwestafrilca, einige No- tizen fib:r die Vogelfauna; Kunze, 859. Bloemfontein, S. Africa ; birds ob- served in a. garden; Horsbrugh, 743. Cape Colony, notes on some birds; Taylor, 1495. Kaffrarian Frontier, Cape Colony, annotated list ; Pym, 1229. Minor notices. — General, Ogilvie- Grant, 1111, 1112; Reichenow, 1247, 1249-1254 ; German East Africa, Box- berger, 177 ; South Africa, Gunning, 605 606; Haagner, 620 625 ; Hamil- ton, 646. INDIAN REGION. India, account of its birds; Dewar, 391. India, the Ducks and their allies ; Baker, 60. India, the Water Fowl; Finn, 476. India, familiar Indian birds; Dal- gliesh, 369. Northern India, nesting of vultures and eagles ; Kelbam, 820. Kohp t and Kurram, N. India, list of birds; Whitehead, 1658, 1659. 92 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Murree hills and Hazara distr., N. India, bird notes ; Magrath, 254, 258. Darbhanga district, Tirhut, on certain birds of rare occurrence; Inglis, 768, 769, 770. Dimbula, Ceylon, further notes on birds ; Ryan, 1308. Burma, handbook of the avifauna ; Harrington, 663. Rangoon, notes on some birds ; Harrington, 665. Bhamo district, Upper Burma, a list of the birds ; Harrington, 664. Basse-Cochinchine, catalogue des oiseaux; Germain & Oustalet, 536. China, on the collection of birds in the Shanghai Museum ; La Touche, 870. Malay Peninsula, notes on new or rare birds from ; Robinson, 1279, 1281. Mountains of the Malay Peninsula, list of birds at present known ; Robin- son, 1280. Malay Peninsula, guide to the bird collection of the Raffles Museum at Singapore ; Hanitch, 649 Sumatra, zwei Vogelsammlungen (Hollandisch) ; Beaufort, 91. Cocos-keeling Atoll, bird fauna ; Jones, 796. Java, Vogel von, und ihre okono- mische Bodcutung (Hollandisch) ; Koningsberger, 250. Sandakan, N.E. Borneo ; notes on a collection of Birds ; Sharpe and Chubb, 1410. Philippine Islands. A manual of Philippine Birds ; McGregor, 990. Philippine Islands, additions to the avifauna and descriptions of new species ; Mearns, 825. Northern Mindanao, Philippine Isles, on a collection of birds ; McGregor, 991. Philippine Islands,. Borneo, Guam end Midway Bland, list of birds col- lected by Dr. Paul Bartsch with de- scriptions of new forms ; Mearns, 996. Minor notices. — India, Bacon, 51 ; Bailey, 55 ; Currie, 363-5 ; Gibson, 545 ; Giles, 548 ; Kinnear, 824 ; Mona- han, 1034; Ogilvie-Grant, 1115; Rao Khengarji, 1234 ; Savile, 1345 ; Smith, 1440; Symonds, 1490-1; Tenison, 1498-9 ; Burma, Hopwood, 741 ; Jar- dine, 784; Macdonald, 941. AUSTRALIAN REGION. Banda islands, geographical distribu- tion of land- birds ; McClymont, 289. Dutch New Guinea, list of birds collected by the Arthur Wichmann expedition ; Beaufort, 22. New Guinea, notes on birds ; Oort, 11£5. New Guinea, birds of southern and south-western districts collected by Koch and Lorentz ; Oort, 1124. New Guinea ; a journey in search of Birds-of-Paradise ; Horsburgh, 745. Britisch-Neu-Guinea und Nord- Queensland, Bemerkungen zu dem von E. Weiske gesammelten Vogel- balgen ; Sassi, 1332. Neu-Pommern, das Leben der Vogel im Urwald ; Meyer, 1014. Bismarck- Archipel, zur Vogel -Faun e ; Meyer, 1015. Australia, Additions to the “ Hand- list of the Birds of Australasia ” ; Mathews, 974, 979. Australia, nests and eggs of birds found breeding ; North, 1087. Australia, account of a visit to the Commonwealth and of birds observed there both feral and in captivity ; Seth-Smith, 1403. Australian waters, notes on alba- trosses and other pelagic birds ; Richards, 12C5. Western Australia ; on a collection of birds, with field-notes by Mr. G. C. Shortridge; Ogilvie-Grant, 1 1C 5. Kalgoolie and Eucla, W. Australia, annotated list of birds observed be- tween these two points ; Gibson, 544. Cumminin Station, W. Australia ; list of birds seen ; Crossman, c58. Strelley river, N.W. Australia, notes on birds observed ; Cleland, 326. Wyndham, N.W. Australia, on a collection of birds with field-notes; Matbews, 976. 93 Aves. Subject Index. Geography. 5827 Pilbarra Goldfield N.W. Australia, annotated list of birds observed ; Whitlock, 1660. Alexandra district, Northern Terri- tory, supplementary list of birds ; Ingram, 772. Alexandra distr. Northern Territory, list of birds ; Mathews, 978. Barron river valley, N. Queensland, fbld observations illustrated by 40 plates; Jackson, 781. Mackay, N. Queensland, notes on breeding birds ; Cornwall, 349. Dunk Island, Queensland, bird notes ; Banfield, 69. Bulwer, Moreton Island, Queensland, bird-notes; Weatherill & Tryon, 1631. Sankeys scrub, Brisbane, notes on birds observed ; Tryon, 1533. Sydney, nesting and migration dates ; Mack, 944. Victoria, bird-life in tho “Mallee” district ; Mattingley, 985. North-western Victoria, annotated li3t of birds observed ; Howe, 752. Yackandandah, Victoria, observa- tions on the birds ; Ford, 498. Inverloch, Victoria, list of birds noted ; Hill, 725. Islands of Bass Strait, account of birds observed on the Austr. O.U ’s expedition; White, 1657. Tasmania, a few stray notes on birds; Smith, 1439. Tasmania, bird-notes ; Thompson, 1525. Cleveland, Tasmania, bird-notes ; Fletcher, 492. West Devonport, Tasmania, bird- notes ; Dove, 409. New Zealand, handlist of the birds ; Hamilton, 645. New Zealand, songs of native birds ; Andersen, 17. Kapiti Island, NevV Zealand, account of native birds; Drummond, 415. Subarctic islands of New Zealand, avifauna ; Waite, 1618. Sandwich-islands, the avifauna ; lonnberg, 920. Sandwich-Inseln, fiber die Omitho- logie ; Volz, 1608. Molokai, Hawaian Islands, bird notes ; Bryan, 227. Minor notices. — Campbell, 267, 270 ; Chandler, 291; Christian, 312; Cook, 342; Hall, 640-643; Marriner, 965; Mathews, 972-979 ; North, 1090-1092 ; Ogilvie-Grant, 1109-1110; Weatherill, 1630. NEOTROPICAL REGION. Argentine Republic, critical and field notes on nidification ; Hartert & Venturi, 675. Bolivia and southern Peru, on a collection of birds brought back by the Crequi-Montfort mission ; Menegaux, 1008. Brazil, descriptions of 16 new species and subspecies ; Snethlage, 1444. Central and eastern Brazil ; geo- graphical distribution of the Humming birds; Gounelle, 571. Staate Santa Catharina, Sfidbra- silien, die lebenden Drosseln ; Werner, 1649. Rio Purus, Brazil, on collections of birds ; Snethlage, 1443. Campo Itatiaya, Staat Rio de Janeiro; Beitrag zur Ornithologie ; Luderwalt, 936. Guiana, a handbook on the birds of the English, French and Dutch colonies [Dutch]; Penard, 1182. North-east Venezuela, an ornitho- logical reconnaissance and list of birds observed ; Beebee, 101. Darien and Ecuador, diary of a naturalist ; Festa, 472. Costa Rica, notes on some rare or not well-known birds ; Bangs, 70. Guatemala, list of birds ; Rodriguez, 1291. Mexico, a naturalist’s travels ; Gadow, 524. Morelos, southern Mexico, bird ob- servations ; Smith, 1434. Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Los Testigos, Cariaco Peninsula, Los Her- manos, Blanquilla, Swan Isles, Grand Cayman Isle, all in the Caribbean Sea ; notes on birds observed; Lowe, 931. 94 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Leeward Islands, Caribbean Sea, a list of the birds ; Cory, £50. Danish West Indies, bird life ; Mortensen, 1047. Jamaica, remarks on the commoner birds; Sclater, 1389. San Domingo W.I., notes on the birds, with a list of species ; Verrill & Verrill, 1598. Cuba, collections d’oiseaux, acquise par le laboratoire d’omithologie du Museum ; M6n6gaux, 1002. Minor notices. — Cberrie, 304; Hell- mayr, 688-691 ; Nelson, 1061 ; Ober- holser, 1102 ; Philippi, 1191 ; Spruce, 1454 ; Todd, 1545. NEARCTIC REGION. General. North America, Bird Guide. Fart 2. Land birds east of the Rockies, from Parrots to Blue birds ; Reed, 1243. North-eastern America, the geological and geographical relations of the land- bird fauna ; Trotter, 1559. North America, the Falcones ; Hen- ninger & Jones, 710. North America, camps and cruises of an ornithologist ; Chapman, 225. Alaska. East central Alaska and Yukon Terri- tory, bird fauna ; Osgood, 1133. South-eastern Alaska, birds of the 1907 Alexander expedition; Grinnell, 587. Point Barrow, Alaska, habits and northern range of the resident birds ; Smith, 1441. Upper Toklat river, Alaska ; list of birds observed ; Sheldon, 1413. Minor notice. — Thayer, 1512. Canada. Canada, catalogue of Canadian birds ; Macoun, 947. Northern Canada, notes on birds ; Macfarlane, 942. Yukon territory, bird-fauna ; Os- good, 1133. Forty-mile, Yukon Territory, on a collection of birds ; Grinnell, 591. Athabasca -Mackenzie region, a bio- logical investigation with a list of the birds; Preble, 1220. British Columbia, three new records ; Brooks, 217. Okanagan, British Columbia, notes on avifauna ; Brooks, 216. Central Alberta, avifaunal Jist; Stansell, 1460. Stony Plain, Alberta, list of birds observed; Stansell, 1459. Manitoba, list of the birds ; Seton, 1406. Point Pelee, Ontario, winter birds observed ; Saunders, 1337. Point Pelee, Ontario, notes on rare birds observed ; Saunders, 1341. Durham, Ontario, notes on birds observed; Saunders, 1339. South-west Ontario, summer bird notes ; Saunders, 1344. New Ontario, notes on winter birds ; Eifrig, 435. Ottawa, Ontario, winter birds ob- served ; Eifrig, 433. Quebec, migration notes, autumn 1909 ; Dionne, 399. Labrador, list of the birds ; Town- send, 1554; bird notes; Townsend, 1551 ; annotated list ; Townsend and Allen, 1555. Minor notices.— Mackenzie, Ander- son, 21 ; Ontario, Eifrig, 434, 436, 437 ; Sanders, 1342-3 ; Quebec, Dwight, 426 ; Nova Scotia, Bouteillier, 169 ; Brew- ster, 205. United States: General. United States, American birds studied and photographed from life ; Finley, 474. Western United States, Handbook of the birds ; Bailey, 57. New England, List of the Aves ; Allen, 10. Eastern United States. Crawford Notch, N.H., bird-notes; Marble, 962. 95 Aves. Subject Index. Geography. 5827 Massachusetts, bird notes ; McKech- nie, 994. Massachusetts, unusual records ; Blake, 145. Boston, Mass., birds of the Public Garden ; Wright, 1697. Springfield, Mass., rare birds re- corded ; Morris, 1043, 1044. Long Island, N.Y. Notes concerning certain rare birds ; Braislin, 179. Cayuga Lake basin, N.Y., account of the Vertebrates (Aves pp. 409-453) ; Reed & Wright, 1244. New Jersey, list of the birds of the State; Stone, 1469. Maryland, birds of a Maryland farm ; a local study of economic or- nithology; Judd, 809. Allegany and Garrett cos., Maryland, additions to the list of birds; Eifrig, 438. West Virginia, list of birds found in the State; Brooks, 218; notes on rare birds ; Brooks, 219. North Carolina, bird-notes; Brimley, 210. Northern Georgia, notes on the summer birds ; Howell, 755. Minor notices. — Me., Brewer, 199 ; Brewster, 207 ; Eckstorm, 432 ; Norton, 1093-1097 ; N.H., Brown, 221 ; Deane, 382; Hardy, 654; Thayer, 1510; Mass., Allen, 9 ; Brewster, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208 ; Brown, 220 ; McKech- nie, 993 ; Thayer, 1509 ; Wharton, 1655; Wright, 1698; R.I., Brewster, 203 ; Cole, 335 ; Conn., Pangburn, 1147; Sage, 1309; N.Y., Abbott, 1; Cherrie, 305 ; Davis, 376 ; Herrick, 717; Weber, 1632; N.J., Harlow, 655-6; Horsfall, 746; Howe, 754; Pa., Harlow, 657-9 ; Miller, 1029 ; Pennock, 1185; Pearson, 1181; Del., Pennock, 1184; Md., Palmer, 1145; D.C., Palmer, 1144 ; S.C., Brown, 222 ; Fla., Garrens, 529. Middle United States. Cedar Point, Erie co., Ohio, account of the birds ; Jones, 800. Middle northern Ohio, new records ; Jones, 801. Middle western Ohio, bird notes ; Henninger, 709. Iron county, Michigan, annotated list of summer birds ; Blackwelder, 141. Indiana, bird-notes ; Hahn, 639. St. Joseph Co., Ind., migration of birds from March 1 to May 30, 1909 ; Alphonsus, 14. Illinois and Wisconsin, avifauna with keys, descriptions of plumages, nests and eggs and many illustrations ; Cory, 351. Chicago area, account of the birds ; Woodruff, 1692. Western South Dakota, a list of tho birds; Visher, 1601. Nebraska, an analysis of the bird fauna ; Wolcott, 1687. Eastern Kansas, fall notes ; Wet- more, 1653. St. Louis, Mo. Summer birds of Shaw’s Garden ; Widmann, 1664. Minor notices. — Ohio, Bales, 63 ; Henninger, 705-6 ; Mich. Taverner, 1494 ; Tinker, 1535 ; Wood, 1689-91 ; Ind., Butler, 253 ; 111., Deane, 379-80 ; De Vine, 390; Felger, 466; Taylor, 1496; Minn., Roberts, 1277; Mo., Betts, 128 ; Widman, 1663 ; La., Howell, 755. Western United States. Colorado, third supplement to the “Birds of Colorado ” with biblio- graphy ; Cooke, 344. Colorado, four new birds for the State ; Cooke, 343. Colorado, notes of occurrence and nesting of certain species additional to the “ Birds of Colorado ” ; Dille, 398. Colorado, new records and important range extensions for the State ; Cary, 280, 281. Colorado, records of rare birds ; Felger, 467. Boulder co. Colorado, annotated list of the birds ; Henderson, 6£5. Weld, Morgan and Adams counties, Colo., annotated list of the water birds ; Felger, 469. t)6 A vea. XVII. Aves. [1909] Barr Lake district, Colorado, anno- tated list of birds ; Hersey & Rockwell, !718. South-west Montrose county, Colorado, notes on the birds ; Warren, 1626. Gila river, Arizona, notes on the occurrence in New Mexico U.S.A., Bergtold Auk 26 p. 76 ; E. candidis- sima brewsteri subsp. n. Mexico, Thayer & Bangs Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 39-41. Tigrisoma marmorata , egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 247. Ardetta minuta, occurring in Oxford- shire, Aplin Zoologist 13 p. 468 ; in Orkney, Cowan, Brit. Birds 3 p. 58. — A. pulchra Hume, a resident tropical race in the Malay Peninsula district from A. sinensis, Robinson J. Fed. Malay Mus. 4 p. 131. — A. exilis, breed- ing in Chester co., Pa. Pearson Auk 26 p. 426. — A. involucris, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi! Nov. Zool. 16 p. 247. ORDER PHOENICOPTERIFORMES. Phoenicopterus , identified on Egyp- tian vases, Forbes Nature 82 p. 38. — P. roseus, on the Cabul river, N.W. Frontier Province, India, Tenison J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 525. — P. minor, occurrence in Cutch, Rao Khengarji Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 262. ORDER ANSER1FORMES. The Indian Ducks and their allies by E. C. Stuart Baker ; with 30 plates. London and Bombay 292 pp. 1908 8vo. The Waterfowl of India and Asia, by Frank Finn. Calcutta 1909 8vo. The brown stain occasionally seen on the feathers of wild ducks, Bales Wilson Bull. 21 p. 221. Notes on some Australian ducks. Hall Emu 9 pp. 77-79. Zur Naturgeschichte der Wildganse, Madarasz Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 7 pp. 302-306 Taf. v. Gygnus cygnus, its history in Scandi- navia, Ekman Fauna och Flora Upp- sala 3 p. 292. — C. columbianus, de- struction of large numbers at Niagara Falls, D’Evelyn Avicult. Mag. T p. 92. — C. olor, pugnacity in defence of nest, Cottam Lancs. Nat. 2 p. 71. Plectropterus gambensis & P. nigerr their intergradations, Haagner J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 p. 88. Asarcornis scutulata, in Tenasserim, Macdonald Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 263. Rhodonessa caryophyllacea occurrence in Burma, Jardine Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 264. Nettapus coromandelianus, in Sind, Gibson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 263 ; in the Konkan, Western India, Bacon t.c. p. 264. Chen hyperborea nivalis, in Gorham, Maine, Norton Auk 26 p. 304. — Chen sp. ? in Massachusetts, Brewster £uk 26 p. 188. Anser cinereus. Regeneration des, Schnabels, Werber & Goldschmidt Arch. EntwMech. 28 pp. 661-677 1 Taf.; A. domesticus Wirkung des Futtcrs auf das Wachstum, Blliajev Pticevodn. choz. 11 pp. 242-244. — A. neglectus , Farbung des Schnabels, Madarasz. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 7 pp. 302-306 Taf. v ; Anser sp. {neglectus ?) subfossil in boulder-clay, Sweden, Lonnberg Ark. Zool. 6 No. 3 p. 17. — A. albifrons, on its occurrence in Italy, Arrigoni degli Oddi Ibis 1909 p. 562. — A. brachyrhynchus, in Italien, Beaux Ornith. Monatsber. IT pp. 53 85 ; Melanonyx brachyrhynchus , 105 Aves. Systematic. colto nella provincia di Roma, Chigi Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 pp. 157- 163. Melanonyx , genus not separable from Anser, Chigi Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 pp. 450-453. [ Eulabia ] Anser indicus, nesting in Tibet, Bailey Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 367. Branta bernicla, Albinismus, Leege Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 202. — B. rujicollis, in Ostpreusson erlegt, Tisoh- ler Ornith. Monatsbor. 17 p. 113. Dendrocygna fulva, second record in Missouri, Widman Auk 26 p. 304. — D. arcuata, a Aigues-Mortes, (Gard), Menegaux Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 57. Tadorna tadorna, als Brutvogel des lubeckischen Gebietes, Hagen Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 109-110; T. cornula Lobensgowohnheiten, Brutpflego etc. Balabin Semja ochotn. 1909 pp. 194- 196. Casarca casarca in Norwegen, Grieg Kristiania Norsk Jaegerf. Tidssk. 38 pp. 171-173 ; C. rutila, nesting habits in Chinese Turkestan, Betham Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 751 ; Tadorna casarca, occurrence at Sule Skerry, Orkney, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 247. — C. variegata, parental sagacity, Fulton Ibis 1909 p. 384 ; on the eclipse plumage, Jones Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 61. Anas boscas, nesting in a tree, in England with figure, Barber-Starkey Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 243 ; les varietes blancs, barioles et metis, Ternier Rev. Fr. Orn. 1 pp. 18-20 34-36 50-53 ; in der Schweiz, Fischer- Sigwart Schweiz. Bl. Ornith. 32 pp. 425-126 439-141 ; Eicr, Goebel Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 83-87 ; Regeneration des Schnabels, VV erber & Goldschmidt Arch. EntwMech. 28 pp. 661-677 1 Taf.; variationi sessuali e evolutive, Chigi Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 2 10 pp. 222-232 ; A. boschas , A. poecilorhyncha, A. super - ciliosa and Dafila acuta, note on a hybrid containing blood of these spe- cies, Bonhote Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 96 ; also Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 p. 598. — A. rubripes Brewster, and A. rubripes tristis ncm. n. will in future be the correct names for tho Red-legged Black Duck and the Black Duck of North America, Brewster Anseriformes. 5831 Auk 26 pp. 175-179;, A. rubripesT question of the distinction of tho two northern races of the Black Duck, Dwight Auk 26 pp. 422-426. — A. cristata alticola subsp. n. Lake Poopo, Bolivia, Menegaux Bui. soc. philom. 10th ser. 1 p. 224. Chaulelasmus streperus , in Fifeshire- Scotland, Berry Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 pp. 49 116 ; Anas streperus , second Scottish nesting record, Rintoul. and Baxter Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 184. Mareca penelope , occurrence inRhodo- Island, Brewster Auk 26 p. 186 ; in Illinois, Deane t.c. p. 304 ; in New Hampshire, Hardy t.c. p. 304. — Anas americana, in Japan, Kuroda Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 p. 145. — M. sibilatrixy. killed near Peronne, France, Beau- quesne Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 75. Nettion formosum, occurring in north Behar, Monahan Bombay J.. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 526 ; in Lyallpur distr. Punjab, Smith t.c. p. 525 ; Anas glocitans , in Krosnojarsk, Tugarinov Nasa ochota 3 11 pp. 95-96. — N. crecca, albino, Johansen Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 139 ; Anas creccar in winter in Denmark, Mortensen Kobenhavn Nath. Medd. 1908 p. 127. Dafila acuta, in Baltistan in July,. Home Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19> p. 750 ; Anas acuta, Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 82-87. Querquedula circia, breeding in east Yorkshire, St. Quintin Naturalist London 1909 p. 38. * [Spatula] Anas clypeata, ist es in Deutschland fast so gut wie ausges- torben ? Kleinschmidt Falco 5 pp. 14— 15 ; zum Vorkommen in Deutschland Schulze D. Jagerztg 53 pp. 779-780. [ Netta ] Fuligula rufina, unrecorded but not uncommon in Egypt, Nicoll. Ibis 1909 p. 638. [Aythya] Fuligula jerina, nesting in North Kent, Walpole-Bond Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 383 ; F. jerina x F. nyroca, exhibition of this hybrid,. Montagu Bull. Brit. Ornith. Gl. 23. p. 104. — F. nyroca, new for Sweden,. Kolthoff Fauna och Flora 3 1908* p. 52 ; N. nyroca x A. jerina, in Gouv. Moskau, Beschreibung, Poliakov Semja ochotn. 1909 pp. 262-264. 106 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] [ Fuligula ] Marila marila, abnormal coloration, Henninger Wilson Bull. 21 p. 102. Clangula glancion, breeding in cap- tivity, Blaauw Ibis 1909 p. 188. — C. islandica, remarks or an example probably referable to this species, killed in Suffolk, Ogilvie Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 63 ; in Massachusetts, compared with C. clangula americana, Brewster Auk 26 pp. 153-164. Harelda hiemalis, albinos, [Schwe- disch], Brander F. Jakttidn. 2 p. 195. (Edemia nigra, at Doncaster, Corbett Naturalist 1909 p. 441. — (E. jusca, in Shropshire, Forrest Brit. Birds 2 p. 345 ; Fuligula jusca, Aufenthalt und Nisten im Gouv. Tomsk, USakov Nasa ochota 3 12 pp. 67-71. — (E. deglandi, another Ohio record, Henninger Auk 26 p. 189. [ Heniconetta ] Fuligula stelleri, vom Maine bei Frankfurt, le Roi Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p^ 369. Somateria dresseri, taken at Chicago, De Vine Auk 26 p. 426. — S. molissima, food habits, Robinson Brit. Birds 2 p. 344 ; Evans t.c. 3 p. 165 ; Brut- vogel der sudlischen Nordsee inseln, Leege Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 69. Nomonyx dominicus, example re- ported from Georgia, found to be a Lesser Scaup, Arijow Auk 26 p. 189. Erismatura leucocephala, occurrence near Nowshera, Bombay, Tenison Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 264. Merganelta berlepschi sp. r. Tucu- man, Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 244. Mergus albellus, first record for Montgomeryshire, Forrest Brit. Birds 2 p. 311 ; first record for Egypt, Nicole Ibis 1909 p. 638. [ Merganser ] Mergus merganser, an interesting brooding ground in Switzer- land, Zollikoeer St. Gallon Jahrb. Natw. Ges. 1904 1905 pp. 219-238 ; nesting habits in Sutherlandshire, Gilroy Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 400. — M. serrator, crabs in crop and gizzard Robinson Brit. Birds London 2 p. 311. ORDER PEL1CA.NIFORMES. Phalacrocorax, la vie dans 1’Antarc- tique, M!enegaux Naturaliste Paris 31 p. 65. — P. carbo, zwei Exomplare aus Sud-Finland, [Schwedisch], Brander F. Jakttidn. 2 p. 291 ; t.c. 3 pp. 22- 28 2 Fig. ; geschossenes Exemplar in Finland, Broberg t.c. p. 29 ; Leben- weise, Hennioke, Natur u. Haus 17 pp. 119-123. — P. atriceps, photographs and notes, Bruce Scientific Results Voy. Scotia Zool. figs. 17 20 22 52. Sula serrator, a rookery photographed on Cat Isle, Bass Straits, White Emu 8 pi. 17. — S. capensis, habits near Cape Town, Taylor J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 p. 84. — S. cyanops, S. sula & S. piscator, colours of soft parts and breeding habits on Los Hermanos Isles, Caribbean Sea, Lowe Ibis 1909 pp. 324-5. Fregata aquila, observations on breeding habits and colouration, Lowe Ibis 1909 pp. 326 333 ; Ektoparasiten, Speiser D. Siidpolar Exped. Bd. 10 H. 4 pp. 529-532. Pelecanus, review of the family, Dubois in Wytsinan’s Genera Avium pt. 7 pp. 1-1 1 plate. — P. crispus, in Kreis Krasnojarsk, Tugarinov Nasa ochota 3 1 1 p. 96. — P. juscus, auf dem Indian-River in Florida, Garvens- Garvensburg Aus d. Natur 5 pp. 413- 416. — P. erythrorhynchos, recent occur- rence in Massachusetts, Brewster Auk 26 p. 185. — P. landbechi sp. nov. Chile, Philippi Santiago de Chile Bol. Mus. Nac. 1 p. 63. ORDER C ATH ARTI DIFORM ES. [ Gatharistes ] Cathartes urubu, Lebens- weise, Werner Wien Mitt. Oest. RchsBd. Vogelk. 9 pp. 27-28 36-38. Cathartes aura, notes and photo- graphs of the development, Dennis & Petry Indianopolis Proc. Acad. Sci. 1905 p. 61 illustr. ORDER ACCIPITRI FORMES. The Falcones of North America, Henninger & Jones Wilson Bull. 21 pp. 77-94. Magen- und Gewolluntersuchungen heimischer Raubvogel, Roriq Berlin Arb. biol. Anst. 7 pp. 473-520. Ontogenetische und spaltende Varia- tion bei Raptatores, Susohkin Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910 g. [Prot.] 1910 p. 283. 107 Aves. Systematic. — Pelicaniformes -Acoititriformes. 5831 Qyp'j fulvuSi fir it record from Corsica, Jotjrdain & Read Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 23. Otogyps calvus, nesting in the Himalayas, Kelham Ibis 1909 p. 417. Neophron perenoplerus, nesting near Gibraltar, Kelham Ibis 1909 p. 413. Milvago chimachima, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 237. Circus melanoleucus, Unterschiedo von C. cyaneus , Buturlin Nasa ochota 3 11 p. 85-86. Astur palumbarius, killed near Chalon - sur-Soane, Blanc Chalon-sur-Soane Bui. soc. sci. nat. 35 1909 p. 3 ; wirt- schaftliche Bewertung, Zimmermann Bayr. Forstztg. Niirnberg 16 1909 nr. 28 pp. 1-3 und Zs. Ornith. 33 p. 66 ; Mass- und Gewichtstabelle fiir Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 36-41. — A. brevipes, Lebensweise aus der Bocche di Cattaro, Grossmann Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 218-223 ; Accipiter brevipes, first occurrence in Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 629. Accipiter nisus, nesting notes, Elliott Zoologist 13 1909 p. 467 ; Astur nisus, FAev, Sass N. Balt. Weidm.- blt. 4 p. 387 ; Falco nisus, Leucocyto- zoon ziemanni et trypanosomes chez l’Eporvicr, Mezinoescu Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 pp. 328-329. — A. velox autumn migration at Point Pelee, Ont. Saunders Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 pp. 156- 160. Buteo hemilasius u. B. jerox, Formen- kreis, Kleinschmidt Falco 5 p. 14. — B. buteo, als Wintergaste, Tkienemann Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 340-342 ; Vorkommen u. Lebensweise auf den Canaren, Polatzek Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 202-210 ; Masse und Gewicht der Eier, Pousar Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 5-6 ; B. vulgaris, on the number of full- developed young, WeIbull Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 p. 161 ; food, BartHos Aquila 15 1908 pp. 307-308 ; Biologie und Verbreitung in der Schweiz, Fischer-Sigwart Tierwelt Aarau 18 1908 pp. 15 26 39 67 etc. — B. swainsoni, in Michigan. Taverner Auk 26 p. 83. — Buteo borealis alascensis subsp. n., Alaska, Grin n ell Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 pp. 211-212. — Buteo tropicalis sp. n., San Domingo, Verrill Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 pp. 357 358. Qypaetus barbatus, utile ou nuisible ? Rothschild Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 106 ; Lebensweise, Purtsoher Schweis. Bl. Ornithol. Zurich 28 1904 pp. 459-460 471-472 483-484 495-496; nesting and other habits in the Himalayas, Kelham Ibis 1909 p. 415. Uroactus audax, memoir on the osteology, Scott Launceston Tasmania pp. 1-16 8vo. Aquila verreauxi, habits in the Cape district, Capo Colony, Taylor J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 p. 81. — A. chry- saetus, home-life in Scotland photo- graphed and described, Macpherson London 1909 sm.4to ; past and present occurrence in Ayrshire, Paterson Glasgow Nat. 1 pp. 28-32. — A. clanga, Eier, Sass N. Balt. Weidm.-Blt. 4 1908 p. 386. Archibuteo lagopus, occurrence in Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 628 ; als Wintergaste, Thienemann Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 340-342 ; Buteo lagopus, tuee dans la foret de Perceigne (Sarthe), Letacq Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat.42 1907 p. 8. — A. hemipti- lopus, on a nest from Tibet, Bailey Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 523. [Eutolmactus] Nisacius fasciatus, nosting near Gibraltar, Kelham Ibis 1909 p. 413. — Aquila pennala, Mass- und Gewichtstabelle fur Eier, Goebel, Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 36-41; Verbreitung in der Schweiz, Fischer-Sigwart Schweiz Bl. Ornithol. Zurich 32 pp. 68 81 93 106 ; A. minuta, Flugbewe- gungen, Junge, Fenenko Mater, faun, flor. Ross. 9 pp. 251-257 f. 1-2. Circaetus gallicus, Verbreitung in der Schweiz, Fischer-Sigwart Schweiz Bl. Ornithol. Zurich 32 pp. 68 81 93 106 ; the question of its breeding in Cote- d’Or., France, VaucherRcv. Fr. d’Orn. 1 pp. 84-86; Brutvogel Westpreussens, Dobbrick Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p: 208. Spizaetus nepalensis, extends to Malay Peninsula, Robinson J. Fed. Malay Mus. 4 p. 133. Ilaliaetus albicilla, past and present distribution in Ayrshire, Paterson Glasgow Nat. 1 pp. 28-32 ; Vorkom- men in Mecklenburg, Karrig Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 168 ; Flugbreite, 108 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1900] KLEiNSOHMii^r Falco 5 p. 15. — H. leucocephalus , its rapid extermination in Ontario, Saunders Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 pp. 1 1C— 1 17 ; captured near Chicago, 111., Taylor Woods & Fisher Auk 26 p. 191. — H . leucocephalus alas- canus, life history and nesting habits, Dixon Condor 11 p. 187. Milvus milvus, Eier, Nilsson Zs. Oologie 19 p. 141 ; M. ictinus, efforts at protection in Wales, Owen & Vaughan Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 pp. 88-93 ; M . milvus & M. korschun, Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie 19 p. 113. — M. aegyptius , migration movements in S. Kamerun, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 11. Falco peregrinus, nesting in York- shire cliffs, Sapsworth Brit. Birds 3 1909 pp. 52 127 ; Wade & Clarke t.c. p. 85 ; use in falconry in India, Phillott J. As. Soc. Beng. 4 pp. 259- 265 ; als Gast auf der Insel Sylt, Schluter Falco 5 pp. 17-19 1 Taf. ; Masse und Gewichte von eiern aus Island, Hantzoh t.c. pp. 4-5 ; Zug im Golf von Mexico, Thielemann t.c. pp. 1-3 ; F. peregrinus und Syrnium aluco in einem Horste brutcnd, Ganske Zs. Oologie 19 p. .73. — F. peregrinus rudolphi subsp. r., Japan, Klein - schmidt Falco 5 p. 19. — F. barbarus, auf Tenerife, Thanner Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 148-150. — F. feldeggi, in Abruzzo, Leone Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 10 pp. 132- 141 1 fig. — F. subbuteo, sua modifica- zione nelP Abruzzo, Leone t.c. pp. 129- 131 1 fig. [Hierofalco] Falco islandicus, killed in Scotland, Smalley Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 310. — F. rusticolus obsoleius, in Connecticut, Sage Auk 26 p. 429. — F. sacer, ein deutscher Wurgfalke, Baer Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 196 ; in Ostpreussen, Tisckler Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 279. — F. mexicanus, nesting near Littleton, Colo., Richards Condor 11 p. 164 2 figs. ; in western Minnesota, Roberts Auk 26 p. 191. Cerchneis cenchris, appearance at Szepesseg, Hungary, Greschik Aquila 16 p. 305. [Frythropus] Cerchneis vespertina, lebensweise, Hocke D. Jageiztg 53 pp. 827-830 844-345. Pandion haliaetus, in Essex, Tower Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 383. \Teratornis gen. n. ( Teratornithidae fam. r.), merriami sp. n. California, Quaternary, Miller Berkeley Uni v. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. 5 1909 pp. 205- 317. ORDER STRIGIFORMES. Some Owls along the Gila river Ariz. U.S.A., Gilman Condor lip. 145. Asio otus, occurs near Lerwick, Shet- land in February, Tullock Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 115. — A. wilsonianus , in Shelburne, N.H., Deane Auk 26 p. 78. Bubo bubo, in Gefangenschaft, Behm zool. Beob. 50 p. 225 ; in Bohmen, Loos Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 152-153. — B. virginianus scotinus SLbip. e„ Cai- cara, Venezuela, and notes on the names of the American forms, Ober- holser Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 371. — B. ascalaphus desertorum, occurrence near Cairo, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 625. [-Scops] Pisorhina scops bascanica subsp. n., Semiretschje, Turkestan, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 22 p. 25. — Otus steeri sr. r., Tumindao isle, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 437. [PsiZoscops] Otus flammeola nesting in Huachuca mts. Ariz., Willard Condor lip. 199 4 figs. Syrnium aluco, Ernahrung in der Schweiz, Loos Ornith. Beob. Bern 61908 pp. 72-78. — S. uralense, in Gefangen- schaft, Behm Zool. Beob. 50 p. 225 ; Wintererscheinung in Ungarn, Schenk Termt Kozl. 41 pp. 117-119 ; Massen- liaft in Ungarn, Schenk Aquila 15 190S pp. 323-325. — Strix occidentalis cau- rium, record for Brit. Columbia, Brooks Auk 26 p. 313. [ Scotiaptex ] Syrnium lapponicum, in Siid-Finland (Finnisch), Suomalainen Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 p. 4 ; Deutsches Ref. p. 329. Athene noctua, in Oxfordshire, Fowler Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 280 ; first record of breeding in Derbyshire, Wells Brit. Birds London 3 1909 p. 84. — A. noctua spilogaster, first one seen in the Sudan, Butler Ibis 1909 p. 401. — Strix athene saharae subsp. n., Sahara, Kleinsohmidt Falco 5 p. 19. 109 Aves. Systematic. — Strigiformes — Coraciiformes. 5831 Speotyto hypogaca, has a noto roscm- bling tho rattlosnake’s rattle, Harris Amor. Nat. 43 p. 754 ; Cunicularia hypogaea, habits in British Columbia, Venables Ottawa Nat. 22 1909 p. 201. Olaucidium sjostedti, nesting and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 13. Strix pratincola, status in Pickaway co. Ohio, Bales Wilson Bull. 21 p. 35 ; Aluco pratincola , early nesting in Delaware, Pennock Auk 26 p. 305 ; in British Columbia, Brooks t.c. p. 313. ORDER, PSITTACIFORMES. Nestor notabilis, its habitat, habits and its sheep-killing propensities, Mar- riner, The Kea, a New Zealand pro- blem. Christchurch N.Z. 1908. Chalcopsittacus aler, breeding in cap- tivity, Brook Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 28. Lorius cyananchen viridicrissalis subsp. n. Humbolt Bay, New Guinea, Beaufort Nova Guinea 5 p. 403. Trichoglossus, specific variation, Hall Emu 9 p. 83. Cyclopsitla desmarestii intermedia subsp. n., Now Guinea, Oort Notes Loidon Mus. 30 p. 229. Licmclis nasica Tomm., should bo L. tenuirostris Kuhl, Mathew Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 24. Conurus aeruginosus tortugensis subsp. i). Tortuga Isle, p. 220, and C. neoscenus sp. n. Margarita Island, p. 243 West Indies, Cory Field Miis. Publ. Ornith. 1 1909. [Amazona] Ohrysotis guildingi , danger of extinction in St. Vincent W.I., XiOWE Ibis 1909 p. 308. — C. rothchildi, comparisons and criticisms, Lowe Ibis 1909 p. 330. — A. hagenbecki, a hitherto unrecognized species of Russ recalled, Butler Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 198. Psittacus erythracus, breeding in captivity in Madeira, Reid Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 129 ; Naturgeschichte, Pflego, Abrichtung und Ziichtung, Russ 1909 pp. vii -f- 108 1 Taf. — P. princeps, sp. n., Princes Isle, West Africa, Alexander Bull. Brit. Ornith. <31. 23 p. 74. Prioniturus malindangensis sp. p. Mindanao, Philippine I., Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 437. Agapornis cana , peculiar coloration assumed in captivity, Hartley Avi- cult. Mag. 7 p. 175. — A. taranta, in captivity, Astley Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 23 coloured plate. — A. nigri- genis, breeding and other habits in captivity, Phillipps Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 148 ; exhibition and remarks, SclaterBuII. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 11 ; note on, Haagner J. S. Afric. Orn. Union 5 p. 16 pi. 1. Platycercus flaviventris Temm., should be P. browni Kuhl, and P. browni Temm., should be P. venustus Kuhl, Mathew Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 24. Porphyrocephalus spurius, nesting in captivity, Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 291. Psephohis cucullatus, sp. n., Pine Creek, N. Australia, doubtfully distinct from P. dissimilis. North Viet. Nat. 25 pp. 175-6. Neophema venusta, Temm., should be N. chrysostomus Kuhl, Mathew Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 24 ; nesting in captivity, Fasey Avicult. Mag. 7 р. 357. Nymphicus cornuius & N. uvaeensist avicultural notos, Butler Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 02. ORDER CORACIIFORMES. Sub-Order Coraciae. Coracias garrulus, occurrence in Cumberland, Hope Zoologist 13 p. 156; im Kirchspiel Pihtipudas, Finland, Brander F. Jakttidn. 2 p. 196. Sub-Order Halcyones. [ Pelargopsis ] Ramphalcyon Reichen- bach, proper name for Pelargopsis Gloger nom. nud. p. 659, R. capensis (Linnaeus), proper name for Pelar- gopsis fraseri Sharpe, pp. 663-664, R. с. isoptera subsp. n., Sumatra, pp. 671- 673, R. c. nesoeca subsp. n., Sumatra, pp. 674-575, R. c. cyanopteryx subsp. n., Sumatra, pp. 676-677, R. c. hydrophila sub3p. n., Singapore I., pp. 677-678, Oborholser Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 35 pp. 657-580. — R. capensis smithi subsp. 110 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] n. Masbate Isle, Luzon, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 466. Oeryle rudis, Fortpflanzung, Box- berger Zs. Oologie 19 p. 61. Alcedo semitorquata, Brutplatz und Eier in Ostafrika, Boxberger Zs. Oologie 19 pp 21-22. Oeyx tridactyla, at Matheran, W. India, Kinnear Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 749. Glytoceyx rex imperator ,• subsp. n., southern Dutch New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea 9 p. 79 Leide 1909. Halcyon badius, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 23. — H. pileata, in the Thana district, Bombay, Savile Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 260. — H. albiventris orientalis, Brutplatz und Eier in Ostafrika, Boxberger Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 21-22. — H. toriu sp. n,, Bismarck-Archipel, Meyer Ornith. Uonatsber. 17 p. 34. Sub-Order Bucerotes. [ Bycanistes ] Buceros sharpii, sur lo type, Dubois Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 pp. 129-133. Sub Order Upupae. Upupa epops, in Merioneth, Forrest Brit. Birds 2 p. 343 ; in Lappland, [Sohwedisch], Montell F. Jakttidn. 2 p. 346. — U. epops major , rediscovery of this subspecies in Egypt, Niooll Ibis 1909 p. 483 and Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 23 p. 100. — U. epops salurata subsp. r„ Transbaicalia, LOnnbkrg Ark. zool. 5 No. 9 p. 29 ; also Bambero Zs. Oologie 19 p. 137. Sub Order Meropes. Melittophagus gularis australis, egg described, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 24. Merops apiaster, colony near Titel, S. Hungary, Lowieser Aquila 16 p. 307. — M. albicollis, habits in Kamerun, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 24. Sub -Order Caprimulgi. Ghordeiles virginianus minor, habits in Jamaica, Attewell Avicult. Mag. ,7 1909 p. 96. Hy drops alis furcifer, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 224. Eleothreptus anomalus , egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 225. Phalaenoptilus nuttalli californicus eggs and nesting site, Maillard Condor 11 p. 45 fig. Gaprimulgus parvulus, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 22 5.~Antrostomus carolinensis, breed- ing north of James river Va., Bailey Auk 26 p. 306. — G. europaeus, Zucht, Heinroth J. Ornith. 57 pp. 56-83 4 Taf. ; in der Umgeb. von Lfibeck, Hagen Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 194. — G. batesi, habits, eggs and coloured plate, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 25 pi. i. — G. ruwenzorii, sp. n. Ruwenzori, C. Africa, Ogilvie-Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 94. Sub-Order Cypseli. Gollocalia fuciphaga , auf Java, Volz Ornith. Beob. Bern 4 1905 pp. 145- 153. — G. fusciphaga capnitis subsp. n China and G. inopina sp. n. China, Thayer and Bangs Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 pp. 139-140. — G. francica, eggs and nesting habits in N. Queensland, Campbell Emu 8 p. 146. — G. bartschi sp. n. Guam, Pacific Ocean, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 476. Ghaetura caudacuta, in Bezirk Jenis- seisk, Tugarinov Nasa ochota 3 11 pp. 97-98 ; its food in Queensland, Tryon Quoonsl. Nat. 1 p. 38. Aeronantes melanolencus, nesting on Slover mountain, California, Hanna Condor 11 p. 77. Gypselus melba, occurring in Pem- brokeshire, Cave British Birds 2 1909 p. 381 ; neuere Berichte fiber die Berner Kolonie, Dant Ornith. Beob. Bern 5 1906 pp. 1-5 17-22 33-39.— G. apus, early appearance in Scotland, Serle Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 183 ; young living away from nest, Hugues Nimes Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. 35 p. 74 ; curious death, Fortune Naturalist London 1909 p. Ill ; auffallend frfihe Ankunft in 1909, Hennemann & Lind- ner, Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 277 ; Aptis apus, en captivite, Paris Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1909 p. 147 ; frfihs- zeitige Ankunft, Wemer Ornith - Monatschr. 34 p. 370 ; von mcinem Ill Aves. Systematic— Coraciiformes — Coccyges. 5831 Mauerseglerpaar, Tsohusi zu Soiimid- hoffen Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 441- 442 ; Lcbonswoiso, Rothe Sanct Hu- bertus 27 pp. 250-251. — A. pacificus, migration movements in Siberia, Hall Emu 8 p. 148 pi. 13. — C. affinis, Ver- breitung im Kaukasus, Satunin Jes- testv. i geogr. 14 7 pp. 6-7. — A. ande- colus dinellii, correction in original description, Hartert Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 25 p. 16. Sub-Order Trochili. Geographical distribution of the Humming-birds in central and eastern Brazil, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 pp. 172-183. An instance of hybridization in humming-birds, with remarks on the weight of generic characters in the Trochilidae, Taylor Auk 26 pp. 291- 293. Hybridism and goncrio characters in the Trochilidae. [With reference to an article by Walter P. Taylor.], Ridqway Auk 26 pp. 440-442. L’oiseau-mouche dans son habitat, Forbin Nature Paris 37 2° sem. pp. 311-315 fig. Pha'etornis gounelli, habits, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 181. Gampylopterus largipennis, habits and distribution, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 181. [ Agyrtria ] Polyerata cyaneotincta sp. n., Columbia, Gounelle Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 17. [Lepidopyga] Sapphironia luminosa Lawr. probably a synonym of Thalu- rania coelina Bourcier, Simon Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 pp. 65^-66. Thalurania glaucopsis, T. waterloni and T. eriphyle , distribution in Brazil, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 181. — T. furcata intermedia , subsp. n. Rio Tocantins, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 438. Lampornis hendersoni and L. pre- vosti, critical notes, Simon Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 9. Chrysolampis mosquitus, distribution in Brazil, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 181. Augasles superbus et A. lumachellus habits and distribution in Brazil, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 182. Ileliactin cornulus, habits in Brazil, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 181. Selasphorus platycercus, nesting in Montana, Saunders Condor 11 p. 197. Stephanoxis delalandei, distribution in Brazil, Gounelle Ornis London 13 1909 p. 183. Sub-Order Colii. Review of the family Coliidae , Sclater in Wytsman’s Genera Avium pt. 6 pp. 1-6 1 plate. Oolius nigricollis nigriscapalis, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 21. — C. macrurus, coloration of “ soft parts’* Butler Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 94. ORDER TROGONES. Prionotelus lemnurus, exhibited at the London Cago-bird Association’s Show and figured, Seth -Smith Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 111. Trogon melanocephalus illaetabilis subsp. n. Bolson, Costa Rica, Bangs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 30. Microtrogon gen. n., proposed for Trogon ramonianus Des Murs, Goeldi Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 pp. 92- 95. ORDER COCCYGES. Sub-Order Musophagi. Review of the family Muscophagidae> Dubois in Wytsman’s Genera Avium pt. 8 pp. 1-9 2 plates. Turacus zenkeri, nesting and. eggs. Bates Ibis 1909 p. 13. Sub-Order Cuculi. Cuculus canorus, habits of a fully fledged young bird, Macgregor Perth Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. 5 1909 p. 30; note on eggs, Coltiirup Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 424; observations sur les moeurs et la reproduction, Ceppi Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 1908 pp. 497— 605 ; young one reared in window of a country house near Budapest, Csorgey Aquila 16 p. 277 ; Farben- variotiitaus dom Ussuri-Gebiet, Butur- lin Nasa ochota 3 11 pp. 88-89.— G. gabonensis , habits and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 15. 112 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Chalcococcyz basalts a parasite on Acanthiza uropygialis, Sandland Emu 8 p. 150 ; habits and occurrence in Tasmania, Dove Selboume Mag. 20 1909 p. 127. — C. lucidus, reverting to nest building, Fulton Ibis 1909 p. 384. Centropus monarchus, habits, nesting and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 13. — O. ■senegalensis, in South Africa, Chubb Ibis 1909 p. 153. — G. super ciliosus, notes on habits in captivity with a fig., Gurney Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 119. Piaya, review of the genus, P. cayana caucae sub;p. n. Rio Cauca, Columbia pp. 499-500, P. cayana boliviana, subsp. n. Yungas, Bolivia p. 501, Stone Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 pp. 492-501.— P. cayana obscura subsp. d. Rio Purus, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi S 1909 p. 65. ORDER SCANSORES. Sub-Order Indicatores. Indicator stictithorax and I. coni - rostris , habits, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 15. Melignomon robustus, sp. v. Cameroon, Bates Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 26. Sub-Order Capitones. Gymnobucco peli, specific characters, •habits and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 17. [ Heliobucco ) Gymnobucco bonapartei, specific characters, habits and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 17. Barbatula leucolaema and B. subsul- phurea, habits and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 18. Trachyphonus cafer, habits in cap- tivity with coloured plate, Horsbrugh, Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 337. Sub- Order Rhamphastides. Pteroglossus reichenowi sp. n. Monte Alegre, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 439. ORDER PICIFORMES. Sub-Order Galbulae. Review of the family Galbulidae, tSoLATER in Wytsman’s Genera Avium pt. 10 pp. 1-7 1 plate. Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus v. G. innotatus, question of priority, Goeldi Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 85. Sub-Order Buccones. Bucco noanamae , sp. n. Western Columbia, Hellmayr Bull. Brit. Or- nith. Cl. 25 p. 21. Sub-Order Pici. Oolaptes auratus luteus, eggs in an odd place, Brewster Bird-Lore 11 p. 73. Gecinus viridis, on foot pads present in the young bird, Stonham Ibis 1909 p. 619 text-fig. 1 1 ; Picus viridis, Farbenvarietaten, Laubmann Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 112-113. Chloronerpes paraensis sp. n. near Belem, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 440. [Oampothera] Dendromus efulensis, figure of nest and description of eggs. Bates Ibis 1909 p. 20. Sphyropicus varius , a remarkable migration at Kingston, Ont. on April 17th, Klugh Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 p. 115. Dendrocopus major mongolus subip. n. N. Mongolia, Lonnberg Ark. zool. 5 No. 9 p. 24 f. 9. — D. syriacus milleri subsp. n. Beludschistan, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 81. — Dryobales vil- losus terrae-novae sub3p. n., Newfound- land, Batch elder Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 4 pp. 37-38. — Dendrocopus pubes - cens, shot in Gloucestershire, Small- combe Brit. Birds London 2 1909 p. 382. — D. minor, breeding in Merio- . neth, Forrest Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 343. — D. minor and D. leuconotus, notes on subspecies occurring in Manchuria, Ingram Ibis 1909 pp. 450 451. — D. minor and D. major, nesting in Stafford- shire, Duncalfe Zoologist 13 1909 p. 29. Picoides americanus fumipectus subsp. n., Alaska, Grinnell Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 pp. 217-218. Yungipicus siasiensis sp. n. Siasi isle, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 438. Picus martins, im Schilfwalde, Israel Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 28-30 1 Taf. ; Grutzner t.c. pp. 246-247 ; Gross t.c. p. 306. 113 Aves. Systematic. — Piciformes — Passeriformes. 5831 Picumnus cirrhatus tucumanus subsp. n. Tucuman, Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 229. — P. olivaceus harterti subsp. n. Ecuador, Hellmayr Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 67. V erreauxia africana , habits and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 19. lynx torquilla mauretanica, subsp. n. Algeria, Rothschild Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 23 p. 103. ORDER PASSERIFORMES. Eurylaemidae. Eurylciimus javanicus harterti subsp. n. Sumatra, Oort Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 209. MenuiudAe. Mcnura superba, nesting habits at Poovvong, Viet., Cook Emu 8 p. 220. Formicariidak. Thamnophilus gilvigaster dinelli, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 221. — Dysithamnus capitalis squamosus, subsp. n. Rio Tocantins, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 442. — T. huberi sp. n. Rio Tapajos, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 441. Megastictus gen. n., type Myrmeciza margaritata Sclater, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 69. Myrmopagis gen. n., type Myrmo- thera axillaris Vieillot, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 69. Formicivora iheringi sp. n. Bahia State, Brazil, Hellmayr Rov. Fr. d'Orn. 1 p. 98. — F. cano-fumosns sp. n. Las Barrancas, Venezuela, Cherrie Bui. Mus. Brooklyn 1 1909 p. 387. — F. melanogastra bahiae subsp. n. State of Bahia, Brazil, Hellmayr Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 65. Myrmorchilus gen. n., type Myio- thera strigilata Maximilian, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 69. Gymnopithys purusianus sp. nov. ? Rio Purus, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5 1909 p. 59. — Anoplops bcrlepschi sp. n., Rio Tapajos, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 443. — A. rufigula pallidus (n-11091 g) subsp. n. Caura river, Venezuela, Cherrie Bull. Mus. Brooklyn 1 1909 p. 390. Myrmelastes goeldii, sp. n. Rio Purus, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5 1909 p. 57. — Myrmeciza zele- doni, Guayabo, Costa Rica, M. berlepschi Chimbo, western Ecuador, spp. n. Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 74. Myrmoderus gen. n., type Myiothera loricata Lichtenstein, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 70. Ilylophylax gen. n., type Conopophaga naevioides Lafresnaye, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 70. Phaenostictus gen. n., type Phlegopsis macleannani Lawrence, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 70. Grallaria macularia berlepschi subsp, n. Rio Guama, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 443. Oropezus gen. n., typo Grallaria rufula Lafresnaye, Ridgway Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 70. Ilylopezus gen. n., type Grallaria perspicillata Lawrence, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 71. Dendrocolaptidae. Furnarius rufus rujus, on the nest, Menegaux C. R. soc. biol. 66 pp. 141- 143 ; et Bui. museum Paris 1909 pp. 6-12 fig. Sylviothorhynchus fasciolatus, sp. n. Victoria, Chile, Philippi Santiago de Chile Bol. Mus. Nac. 1 p. 65. Leptastlienura aegithaloides, berlepschi subsp. n., Jujuy, Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 210. Synallaxis albescens hypoleuca subsp, n. Natd Cocl6, Panama, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 73. Phoporchilus gen. n., type Formici- vora speciosa Salvin, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 69. Schoeniophylax gen n., type Sylvia phryganophila Vieillot, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 71. Siptornis steinbachii sp. n. Prov. Salta, Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 213. Acrorchilus gen. n., type Synallaxis erythrops Sclater, Ridgway Washington e 17 114 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Proc, Biol. Soc. 22 p. 71, A. erythrops griseigularis subsp. n., San Antonio, Rio Cali, Columbia, .Ridgway t.c. p. 72. Phaceloscenus gen. n., type Anumbius striaticollis D’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 71. Driodistes gen. n., type Thripophaga sclateri Berlepsch, Ridgway Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 71. Automolus cervinigularis hypophaeus subsp. n. Guayabo, Costa Rica (Rio Reventazon), Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 72. Bhopodites gen. n., type Philydor rufo-brunneus Lawrence, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 72. Hylodistes gen. n., type Philydor virgatus Lawrence, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 72. Premnornis gen. n., type Margarornis guttata Lawrence, Ridgway Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 71. Hylexetastes uniformis sp. n. Madeira river, Brazil, Hellmayp. Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 100. Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus berlepschi subsp. n. Rio Purus, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5 1909 p. 54. Picolaptes a (finis negledus subsp. n„ Coliblanco, Costa Rica, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 73. Xiphorhynchus f lavigaster yucata - nensis subsp. n. Temax, Yucatan ; X. pundigula insolitus subsp. n. Cascajal, Code, Panama ; X. lacrymosus ros- tratus subsp. n. Rio Dagua N. W. Colum- bia, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 73. — X. multostriatus sp. n. Rio Tocantins, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 444. Campy lorhamphus chapmani sp. n., locality unknown, Ridgway Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 74. Dendrocolaptes validus costaricensis , subsp. n. Laguaria, Santa Maria de Dota, Costa Rica, Ridgway Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 73. — D. hoffmannsi, sp. n. Rio Madeira, Brazil, Hellmayr Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 60. Tyrannidae. The Migration of Flycatchers, Cooke Bird-Lore 11 pp. 12-14. Taenioptera cinerea & T. coronatus, eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 189. Knipolegus cabanisi, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 192. Euscarthmus iohannis sp. n. Rio Purus, E. zosterops minor subsp. n. Rio Tocantins, E. griseipedus sp. n. Rio Tocantins, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 pp. 145-140. Snethlagea gen. n. fur Euscarthmus zosterops minor Snethl., Berlepsch J. Ornith. 57 pp. 104. Hapalocercus fiaviventris & H. sclateri, eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 196. Serpophaga munda , egg figured, Har- tert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 197. — Serpophaga pallida sp. n, Rio Tocantins, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 440. Mionedes rufiventris, new to tho Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 200. Inezia gen. n. for Capsiempis caudata Salvin, Cherrie Bull. Mus. Brooklyn 1 1909 p. 390. Phyllomyias sclateri, new to the Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 200. Myiobius erythrurus hellmayri subsp. n. Para, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 444. Empidonax virescens, in Ontario, Saunders Auk 26 p. 430. Pifridae. Pipra caelesii-pileala v. P. exquisita, question of priority, Goeldi Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 85. — P. f ascii - cauda purusiuna subsp. n. Rio Purus, Brazil, Snethlage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 447. Cotingidae. Pachyrhamphus polychropterus poly- chropterus, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 205. — P. marcidus sp. n. Las Barrancas, Vene- 115 Aves. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 zuela, Cherrie Bull. Mus. Brooklyn 1 1909 p. 389. C ephalopterus ornatus, first importa- tion alive to England, Finn Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 362. Phytotom i dae. Phytotoma rutila & P. rara, eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 206. Pittidae. Pitta schneideri sp. n. N.W. Sumatra? Hartert Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 9- Hirundinidae. Chelidonaria urbica, nesting habits, Nagy Aquila 15 1908 p. 311 ; Chelidon \irbica, migrations, Kirchner Besangon Mem. soc. d’em. Doubs 8th ser. 3 pp. 432-440 ; un curieux nid, Paris Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 77 ; das Lcbcn der Stadtschwalbe aus einen Manu- skript, Fischer-Sigwart Aaran Mitt. Natf. Ges. 10 pp. 1-54; Hirundo urbica, nesting in natural cliffs in the north of France, Reboussin Rev. Fr. d Orn. 1 p. 119 ; 6. urbica und Cotyle riparia, Bestimmungstabelle fiir Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 1-4, 19-21. Ilirundo ruslica, marked Swallows at Rossitton, Thienemann Ornith. Monatsbor. 17 pp. 150-152 181-182 ; critical remarks on subspecies occurring in Manchuria, Ingram Ibis 1909 p. 437 ; dates d’arrivee et de depart dans le Departement de la C6te-d’Or., Paris Paris Rev. Fr. d’Ornith. 1 p. 12 ; ueber Nistgelegenheit, Neubaur Or- nith. Monatschr. 34 p. 172 ; friihe Ankunft 1909, Toepel t.c. p. 276 ; aberrant gefiirbte, Jordans Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 5 ; Schwalbenster: . ben 1909, Schuster Zool. Anz. 35 pp. 93-95. — H. rujula, second recorded British example killed in Kent, Nicoll Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 93 and Brit. Birds 3 p. 122. — II. gordoni & II. nigrita , habits in Kamerun, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 27. — Hirundo sp. ? migra- tion across Red Sea, Haughton Ibis 1909 p. 189. Progne subis, an experiment in the colonization. Miller Worthington Soc. Study Bird Life Bull. No. 1 1909 pp. 1-12 4 pis. (n-11091 g) Petrochelidon arid , nests photo- graphed, Barnard Emu 9 p. 92 pi. 6. Psalidoprocne nitens, nesting habits and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 28. Muscicapidae. Alseonax latirostris , first recorded British example killed in Kent, Nicoll Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 93 ; also Brit. Birds 3 p. 112. Bradornis sylvia sp. n., Rio Campo, Kamerun, Reichenow Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 17 p. 42. Muscicapa somaliensis sp. n., N. Somaliland, Bannerman Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 20. Poedilorhynchus stuhlmanni earner u- nesis, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 30. — P. brevirostris, sp. n. Cameroon, Bates Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 28. [Ilydymela] Muscicapa atricapilla semitorquata, first record from Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 473 ; correction of mistake, Bull. B.O.C. 25 p. 28 and Ibis 1909 p. 714. — M. collaris, first record from Egypt, Nicoll Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 93. [Siphia] Muscicapa parva, occurrence at Butt of Lewis, Scotland, Clyne Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist; 1909 p. 48 ; Boitrag zur Verbreitung, Emmrich Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 307 ; in Sudbayorn, Parrot Miinchen Vorh. ornith. Ges. 9 p. 226 ; Brutgeschaft, Bau Zs. Oologie 18 pp. 153-154 ; .Dobbrick t.c. p. 163 ; first record from Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 473. Cyornis tickelliae glaucicomans subsp. n., China, Thayer and Bangs Cam- bridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 p. 140. — C. peninsularis sp. n. Perak, Malay Peninsula, Robinson J. Fed. Malay. Mus. 2 p. 163. [ Digenea ] Cyornis leucomelanurus, in Tirhut, Inglis Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 259. Niltava lychnis sp. n., China, Thayer and Bangs Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 p. 141. Petroeca phoenicea habits and migra- tory movement, Campbell Emu 8 pp. 122-130. Poliomyias, Gattungsmerkmale, Buturlin Nasa ochota 3 11 pp. 87-88. e 17—2 116 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Qtrygone modiglionii jacobsoni subsp. n., Java, Oort Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 31 p. 209. [ Pseudogerygone ] Qerygone -per sonata nest associated with that of a wasp, North Rec. Austr. Mus. 6 p. 186. — P. cantator sp. n. Moreton Bay, Queens- land, Weatherill Queensl. Nat. 1 1908 p. 74 ; also Emu 9 p. 26. Cyanoptila cumatilis sp. n., China, Thayer and Bangs Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 p. 141. Lioptilus rufocinctus , figured, Har- tert Nov. Zool. 16 p. 334 pi. 15 fig. 3. Polioptila coerulea, inWashington Co. N.Y., Weber Auk 26 pp. 82 83. — P. dumicola, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 163. Parisoma holospodium, sp. n., Cameroon, Bates Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 25. Baiis sheppardi, sp. n. Portuguese S.E. Africa, Haagner Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 1909 p. 179. Diaphorophyia graueri, figured, Har- tert Nov. Zool. 16 p. 334 pi. 15 figs. 1- 2. Smithornis camerunensis and S. zen- keri, habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 31. Trochocercus vivax sp. n. Katanga, Congoland, Neave Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) 4 1909 p. 129. Rhipidura flab ellif era, nesting habits, Smith Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 41 pp. 1-4 — R. albolimbata lorentzi subsp. n„ Hellwig Mts. New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea IX. p. 85 Leide 1909. — R. tricolor, occurrence in Melbourne Botanical Gardens, Seth Smith Avi- cult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 214. Terpsiphone paradisi, general habits, Dewar Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 260. — Tchitrea viridis & T. rufo-cinerea , nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 pp. 32-33. Elminia longicauda, eggs in Kamcrun, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 32. Rhinomyias ruficauda mindanensis subsp. n. Pantar, Mindanao, Philip- pines, Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 439. Myiagra sp. ind. an M. nitida Gould, description of $ , Oort Nova Guinea ix p. 86 Leide 1909. Machaerirhynchus nigripectus har- terti subsp. n. New Guinea, Oort Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30 p. 235. Cryptolopha minulla (Rchw.), a cor- rection, Reiohenow Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 24. — C. camerunensis, sp. n.. Peak of Cameroon, Ogilvie-Grant Buli. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 13. — C. malindangensis , sp. n. Malindang mt., Mindanao, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 440. Arses telescophthalmus harterti, subsp. n., southern New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea ix p. 86 Leide 1909. Stoparola melanops, habits in the Himalayas with coloured plate, Harper Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 277. Sheppardia gen. n. formed for Sheppardia gunningi sp. n. nr. Beira, Portuguese S.E. Africa, Haagner Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 1909 p. 180. Pseudocalyptomena gen. n. of un- certain affinities, probably an aberrant Flycatcher ( Muscicapidae ) but with resemblances to Galyptolema (Eurylae- midae) formed for reception of the singlo new species — P. graueri, from near Russisi, north of Lake Tanganyika, Rothschild Ibis 1909 p. 590 pi. x. Campopiiagidae. Grancalus melanops, feeding habits near Melbourne, Cole Emu 8 p. 154. Lobotus oriolinus, sp. n., Cameroons Bates Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 14. Pyononotidae. Chloropsis flavipennis, in Mindanao P.I. McGregor Philippine J. Sci. 4 p. 74. Criniger sylvicultor sp. n., Katanga, Congolapd, Neave Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) 4 1909 p. 130. [Bleda] Phyllostrephus damans, P. viridescentior, P. simplex, P. flavigula & P. orientalis, systematic position, habits, nests and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 55. [Eurillas] Andropadus virens and A. ejulensis, habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 58. Molpestes intermedins & M. leuco- genys, supposed hybrids in Kohat, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 111. — M. magrathi , J/. intermedins, and M. inter * 117 Aves. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 medius x leucogenys, hybrids discussed and figured, Sharpe Ibis 1909 p. 302. Pycnonotus goiavier sulucnsis subsp. n. Sulu Isle, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 470.— P. gabo- nensis, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 00. Rubigula dispar, from Java, habits in captivity, Phillipps Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 215. Timeuidae. Orthonyx temminchii victor iana subsp. n. New Guinea, Oort Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30 p. 234. Cinclosoma marginatum, female, nest and eggs, North Sydney Rec. Austr. Mus. 6 p. 322 fig. Pycnoptilus floccosus, its domestic economy, Howe Emu 9 p. 41. [Trochalopterum] Ianthocincla affinis oustaleti, subsp. n. Yunnan, I. rujogularis assamensis, subsp. n. Assam, /. r. occidental is, subsp. n. N.W. Himalaya, 1. lineatum grisecentior, subsp. n. N.W. Himalaya, I. 1. gilgit, subsp. n. Gilgit, Kaschmir, IIartert Vogel palaarkt. Fauna H 5 pp. 633-636. [Argya] Crater opus caudatus altiros - tris subsp. n., Fao, Persian Gulf, IIartert Vogel palaarkt. Fauna H 5 p. 623. Crateropus striatus, habits in Ceylon, Julius Spolia Zeylan. Columbo 6 p. 131. Calamanthus Tiowei, subsp. n., Vic- toria, Australia, Mathews Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 24. Pseudotharrhaleus malindangensis sp. n. Malindang mt., Mindanao, Philip- pines, Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 441. Graueria vittata, figured with note on structural characters and systematic position, Hartert Nov. Zool. 16 p. 334 pi. 14 fig. 2. Alcippe harringtoniae sp. n. Upper Burma, Hartert Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 10. Myiophoneus iemmincki, kann man den Turkestanischen als typische Form ansehen, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 166-168. Brachypteryx malindangensis sp. n. Malindang mt., Mindanao, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 441. Troglodytidae. Thryothorus ludovicianus, ' in Rhode Island, Cole Auk 26 p. 81 ; at Fal- mouth Me., Brewer t.c. p. 82 ; at New Haven, Conn., Pangburn t.c. p. 195 ; invasion of New England, Townsend t.c. pp. 263-269 ; in Wash- ington co. Mich. Tinker t.c. p. 434. Thryomanes bewicki cryptus, probably not in Colorado, Warren Auk 26 p. 311 ; Cary t.c. p. 312. Cistothorus stellaris, captured on Long Island, N.Y., Weber Auk 26 p. 82 ; new record for Colorado Cary t.c. p. 184. — C. platensis tucumanus subsp. n., Tucuman, Argent. Repub. Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 163. — C. platensis platensis, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 163. Troglodytes cobbi sp. n., Falkland Isles, Chubb Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 15. [Anorthura] Troglodytes parvulus, breeding habits in Cyprus and dis- cussion of subspecific differentiation, Buoknill Ibis 1909 p. 605. — T. taly - shensis But. = T. parvulus hyrcanus Zar. et Lond., Zarudny Nasa ochota 3 12 p. 122. Catherpes mexicanus conspersus, record for Brit. Columbia, Brooks Auk 26 p. 314. Microcerculus pliilomela, M. daulias, and M. luscinia, probably indistin- guishable, Bangs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 34. Pnoepyga albiventris Jormosana, subsp. n., Central Formosa, Ingram Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 96. ClNOLIDAE. Cinclus aquaticus , zur Wasseramsel- frage, Hennicke Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 271 Taf. ; Wurm t.c. p. 304. — C. melanogaster note on occurrence and sub-specific differentiation in Cyprus Bucknill Ibis 1909 p. 586. — C. leucogaster triznae subsp. n„ Tur- kestan, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 180. — C. tenuirostris korrejewi 118 Aves, XVII. Aves. subsp. n. Semiretschje-Gebiets, Tur- kestan, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 19. — C. biedermanni sp. n., Altai, Reiohenow Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 41.. Mimjdae. Mimus polyglottos, breeding near Boston, Allen Auk 26 p. 433. ToxOstoma palmeri , T. bendirei, T. lecontei and T. crissale, habits in Arizona, Gilman Condor 11 pp. 49-54. Turdidae. Verzeichnis der siidbrasilianischen Arten, Werner Wien Mitt. Oest. RchsBd. Vogelk. 9 pp. 113-116 122- 124. Ueber die Drosseln Brandenburgs, Hocke Gefied. Welt 38 pp. 196-197 204-208. Platycichla venezuelensis air a , subsp. n. Margarita Island, Venezuela, Cory Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. 1 p. 251. Myiadestes sibilans , danger of ex- tinction in St. Vincent W.I., Lowe Ibis 1909 p. 308. — M. townsendi, habits in captivity, Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 319. Phaeornis erithra sp. n. Molokai, Hawaian Islands, Bryan Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 4 p. 43. [Merula] Turdus merula^ mating with T. musicu Berry Glasgow Nat. 1 p. 35 ; sind sie nutzlich oder schad- lich ? Otto Zool. Beob. 50 pp. 110- 112; Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie 18 pn. 195-196; Masse und Gewichte der Eier, Poussar Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 132- 136 ; vier Bruten, Begs Zs. Oologie 19 p. 94 ; Unterscheidung von Zug- und Stand vogeln, Kleinschmidt Falco 5 pp. 12-13. — T. vernus [i.e., merula ] hispaniae subsp. n., Malaga, Klein- schmidt t.c. p. 22. — Planesticus fumi- gatus aquilonalis subsp. n. Aripo, Trinidad, Cherrie Bui. Mus. Brooklyn 1 1909 p. 387. — Turdus cardis lateus subsp. n., China, Thayer and Bangs Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 p. 140. — T. pelios saturatus, nest and eggs. Bates Ibis 1909 p. 73. [Semimerula] Turdus fuscater amoenus , eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 162. [1909] Qeocichla wardi, at Dimbula, Ceylon, Ryan Spol. Zevlan. 5 p. 109. [ Oreocichla ] Turdus varius, new to the Danish fauna, Rosenkrantz, Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 3 p. 113. Turdus viscivorus, on tho subspecific races, Kleinschmidt Falco 5 pp. 15-16 ; T. arboreus pseudohodgsoni subsp. n. Taschkent, Kleinschmidt t.c. p. 20. — Turdus pilaris, occurrence in Co. Down in summer, Langtry Irish Nat. 18 p. 207; ueber das Bruten in Bayern, Besserer D. Jager Munchen 31 p. 298 ; Masse und Gewichte der Eier, Pousar Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 132-136; Wintermassenflug im Gouv. Charkov, Averin Shorn, stud. Kruz. liub. pris. Chark. Univ. 1 pp. 74-76. — T. atrigu- laris, 3rd record for Great Britain, Parkin Brit. Birds London 2 p. 378 ; example killed in Kent exhibited, Par- kin Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 57. — Merula fuscata and M. naumanni, their specific distinctions, Dubois Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 33. — T. alpestris, first noted from Cyprus, Buoknill Ibis 1909 p. 584. — T. migrator ius, habits in cap- tivity and in a wild stato, Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 pp. 99-108 ; Merula migratoria, a continuous series of ' albinos observed through several years, Bergtold Auk 26 pp. 196-198. — Planesticus migratorius caurinus subsp. n. Alaska, Grinnell Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 pp. 241-243. Hylocichla aliciae biclcnetti , in Cum- berland co. Me. Norton Auk 26 p. 312 ; a spring record on Long Island, N.Y., Cherrie t.c. p. 196. — H. guttata pallasi, a colony on Long Island, N.Y., Davis Auk 26 p. 435. — Turdus pallasi , T. fuscescens, and T. mustelinus, habits in captivity and in a wild state, Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 pp. 99-108 177-183 pi. — T. iliacus, song, Stubbs Lancs. Nat 2 p. 39 ; Masse und Gewichte der Eier, Pousar Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 132- 136; paucity in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Booth Naturalist London 1909 p. 78 ; first noted from Cyprus, Buoknill Ibis 1909 p. 584 ; first record from Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 286. — T. musicus, dimorphism in the eggs, Patten Naturalist London 1909 p. 275. — T. philomelos clarkei subsp. n. England, for the resident British race of the Song-Thrush, Hartert Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 54. 119 Aves. Systematic. — Turdidae — Sylvjidae. 5831 Monticola saxatilis, breeding habits and moult in captivity, Philliits Avicult. Mag. 7 pp. 279-286 311-319. Accentor collar is, first Scottish example taken on Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 73. — A. rufilatus, nest and eggs in N.W. India, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 224. Tliarrhaleus jerdoni, nesting in cap- tivity, Teschemaker Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 359. — T. tetricus sp. n. Mongolia, Madarasz Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 7 pp. 175-176 Plate iv fig. 1. [Phoenicurus] Ruticilla phoenicurus, a rare breeder in Sussex, Walpole- Bond Brit. Birds 3 p. 26 ; Monck t.c. p. 56. — R. titys, in the Tay Area, Scotland, Rintoul and Baxter Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 49 ; weitere Beitrage zum Vorkommen in Krain, Ponerser Fftlco 5 pp. 37-42. Cyanecula succica leucocyanea, critical noto on this subspecies, Dresser Ibis 1909 p. 561. — Erithacus cyaneculus, in Liibecks Umgebung, Hagen Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 432-134 ; E. cyanecu- lus und E. suecicus in Brandenburg, Werner Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 45 56. Addon luscinia, im Freien und als Stubenvogel, Lindner Gefied. Welt 38 pp. 6 12 21 29 36 ; Daulias luscinia, nesting on the borders of Staffordshire and Shropshire, Duncalfe Zoologist 13 p. 28 ; Forrest t.c. p. 74 ; Mase- field t.c. p. 75. — Erithacus luscinia u. pliilomela, ornithologiscbe Beobach- tungen aus der Umgegend von Posen, Hammling Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 129-138. Erithacus rubecula ethology, Lie- Pettersen Bergen Naturen 33 pp. 114- 123 ; note sur le nid, Paris Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1909 p. 148 ; Aberration, Kleinschmidt Faico 5 pp. 5-6. Calliope camtschatlcensis, in Tirhut, Inglis Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 259. [Ianthia] Tarsiger indicus formosanus subsp. n. Central Formosa, Hartert Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 32. Xenocopsychus ansorgei, figured with note on its systematic position and generic characters, Hartert Nov. Zool. 18 p. 333 pi. 14 fig. 1. Cossypha heuglini occidentals subsp. n. Tanganjika, Reichenow J. Ornith. 57 p. 108. — C. haagneri gp. n. Pondo- land, S. Africa, Gunning Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 1 p. 174. Alethe akeleyae sp. n. Mt. Kenya, British East Africa, Dearborn Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. 1 p. 170. [Cercomela] Myrmecocichla melanura, first record from Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 290. Saxicola oenanthe, nesting in burrows on a stack off the west coast of Ireland, Ussher Irish Nat. 18 p. 159. — S. oenanthe argentea subsp. n. Bura, Transbxicalia, Lonnberg Ark. Zool. 5 No. 9 p. 22 u. Bamberg Zs. Oologie 19 p. 101. — 8. leucorrhoa, first record in Italy, Giglioli Nature 80 p. 188 : its migratory movements through the British Isles, Ticehurst Brit. Birds 2 p. 271. — S. aurita and melanoleuca , in Siidungarn, I.intia D61magy. Tormt. Fiiz. 33 pp. 196-198. — S. capistrata , nest and eggs in tho Kurram valley, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 217. — S. monticola, colour-phases and notes on breeding, Butler Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 131. — S. halophila, first record from Egypt, Nicoll Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 23 p. 100. — 8. leucurus riggenbachi subsp. n. Rio de Oro, Nord- Africa, Hartert Faico 5 p. 36. — 8. deserti, first example from Norfolk, Gurney 6 Southwell Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 p. 847. — S. melanoleuca and S. leucopygia, notes on near Port Sudan,. Butler Ibis 1909 p 398. — S.stapazina, auf Helgoland erlegt ! Weigold Or- nith. Monatsber. 17 p. 113. Catharus mexicanus smithi subsp.. n. Tamaulipas, Mexico, Nelson Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 49- 50. Sialia sialis, occurring at Tadousac, Quebec, Dwight Auk 26 p. 83. Sylviidae. List of species in Switzerland, Fatio et Studer, Cat. Ois. de la Suisse, Geneve, pts. 5 6. [. Agrobates ] Addon familiaris , nest and eggs at Kohat, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 117. — Ac. familiaris Iranscaspica nom. no v. pro Ac. familiaris deserticola, , Buturlin Nasa ochota 1909 2 p. 58. Locusiella luscinioides, first Scottish example taken on Fair Isle, Clarke 120 Aves. . XVII. Aves. [1900] Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 73. — L. luscinioides fusca, first record from Egypt, Nicoll & Bonhote Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 102. — L. certhiola, new to British Avifauna, picked up dead at Rockabill Light-house, Ireland, Barrington Dublin Sci. Proc. R. Soc. 12 p. 18 ; notes on plumage of Man- churian examples, Ingram Ibis 1909 p. 430. — L. naevia , Zuchtversuch, Hein- roth Gefied. Welt 38 pp. 313 321 329 337 ; Hooke t.c. pp. 265-266. Acrocephalus palustris, breeding in Worcestershire, Coburn Brit. Birds 3 p. 157 ; in Kent, Alexander t.c . p. 159. — A. streperus, now to Ireland’s fauna, killed at Rockabill Lighthouse, Barrington Dublin Sci. Proc. R. !Soc. 12 p. 19. Heliolais kirbyi, sp. n. Boror, Portu- guese E. Africa, Haagner Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 1 p. 233. Gisticola, revision of the South African species, Haagner Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 1 1909 p. 227 ; C. pretoriae, sp. n. Pretoria, Haagner t.c . p. 230. —■ — 0. erythrops, habits, nest and eggs. Bates Ibis 1909 p. 67. — Hemipteryx minuta, sp. n. Zoutspansberg, Trans- vaal, Gunning Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 p. 174. — O. cinnamomeiceps, sp. nov. i$. Africa, Haagner Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 1909 p. 197.- — C. carruthersi sp. n., Ruwenzori, C. Africa, Ogilvie- 'Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 94. — 6. zedlitzi sp. n., Erythraea, Reiche- :now Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 17 p. 42. Laticilla burnesi, nesting in the Punjab, Currie Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 258. Brady pterus camerunensis sp. n., Peak of Cameroon, Alexander Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 19. — B. msiri sp. n., Katanga, Congoland, Neave Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 25. — B. pondoensis sp. n. Pondoland, S. Afric., Haagner J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 p. 90. Calamonastes katangae sp. n., Katanga, Congoland, Neave Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) 4 p. 130. Hypola'is hypola'is, ethology Lie- Pettersen Bergen Naturen 33 pp. 147— 154. Sylvia cinerea , life history with coloured plate and photogravures. Howard British Warblers pt. 4 1909 ; in South Africa, Chubb Ibis 1909 p. 158. — S. simplex , eine spate Brut, Hennemann Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 441. — S. hortmsis, S. atricapilla and S. nisoria, abundance during migration near Port Sudan, Butler Tbis 1909 pp. 396-397 ; S. curruca, life history with coloured plate and photogravure, Howard British Warblers pt. 4 1909. — S. atricapilla , life history with coloured plate and photogravures, Howard British Warblers pt. 3 1909 ; winter habits and mating for life, Lows Brit. Birds 3 p. 79 ; im winter zuweilen ira sud- lichen Norwegen, Iverson Gefied. Welt 38 p. 7. — S. subalpina, second British example occurs in Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 72. Melizopliilus undatus , avicultural notes, Silver Avicult. Mag. 1 p. 30 ; Sylvia undata toni subsp. n., Biskra, Algeria, Hartert Vogel pa- laarkt. Fauna H. 5 p. 602. — S. undata dartfordiensis, Latham’s name revived for the British and north-western French subspecies, Hartert Vogel palaarkt. Fauna H. 5 p. 601. [Herbivocula] Lusciniola schwarzi , life history and coloured plate, Howard British Warblers pt. 3 1909 ; in Kreis Krasnajarsk, Tugarinov Nasa ochota 3 11 p. 97. Phylloscopus sibilatrix , wintering in Cornwall, Farn Zoologist 13 p. 28 ; curious nesting site, Medlicott Brit. Birds 2 p. 380 ; Lobonswciso, Werner Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 87-90. — P. sibilatrix erlangeri , nom. nov. for P. s. flavescens, Hartert Vogel palaarkt. Fauna H. 5 p. 516. — P. fitis, Zug im Mansfelder Seekreis, Kleinschmidt Falco 5 pp. 44- 46. — P. trochilus eversmanni, occurs regularly on migration in Norfolk, Borrer Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 58 ; also Borrer & Witherby Brit. Birds 2 p 342 ; Vorkommen, Leege Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 371-372. — P. bonelli, habits in Switzerland, Fowler Zoologist 13 p. 241. — P. tristis, life history with coloured plate, Howard British Warblers pt. 4 1909. [ Reguloides ] Phylloscopus proregulus, life history with coloured plate, Howard British Warblers pt. 3 1909. — P. subviridis, nest and eggs in 121 Aves. S YSTEMATIC. — SYLVIIDAE, VlREONIDAE. 5831 Kohat, India, Whitehead Ibis 1900 p. 124. — P. superciliosus, in Dumfries- shire, in spring, Stout Ann. Scot. Nat, Hist. 1909 p. 182. [ Acanthopneuste ] Phylloscopus borealis, occurrence at Fair Isle, an addition to the British Fauna, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 pp. 1, 114; also Brit. Birds 2 1909 p. 310. — P. viridanvs, life history and coloured plate, Howard British Warblers pt. 4 1909 ; im Gouv. Kiev, Nestbau, Eier, Gefieder, Artobolewski Kiev Zap. Obsc. jest. 21 pp. 2 13-223 -f-deutsch. Res. pp. 224- 227; im Krasnojarsk,TuGARiNOV,Nasa ochota 3 11 p. 90. Acanthiza australis North, must be recognized as valid, Mathews Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 34. — A. leighi sp. n., Lithgow, New South Wales, Ogilvie-Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 73. — A. whitlocki sp. n„ Lake Way, W. Australia, North Viet. Nat. 25 p. 55. Sericornis arfaTciana nouhuysi subsp. n. New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea pt. 9 p. 90 Leide . 1909. — 8, balstoni sp. n. Bernier Isle, Western Australia, Ogilvie-Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 72 ; figured, Ibis 1909 p. 677 pi. 9 fig. 1. Dryodromas pearsoni sp. n., Ka- tanga, Congoland, Neave Ann. Mag. N. H. (8; 4 p. 130. Sylviella batesi* nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 72. Parmopfila woodhousli, nest and eggs, coloured plate, colour of inside of mouth, Bates Ibis 1909 pp. 67 383 pi. 2. Scotocerca inquieta, note on nomen- clature and coloured plate, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 296 pi. 4. [Aeorms'] Horeites flavolivacea intri- cate subsp. n., China, Hartert Vogel palaarkt. Fauna H. 5 p. 533. [jBwroesm] Prinia bairdi, habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 69. — P. gracilis yemenensis subsp. n., Aden, Hartert Vogel palaarkt Fauna H. 5 p. 609. M alums cyaneus, nesting in Ivy, Burrell Emu 9 p. 34 pi. 2. — M. dulcis sp. n. South Alligator River, N. Aus- tralia, Mathews Emu 8 p. 113 pi. B. — M. bernieri , sp. n. Bernier Isle, Western Australia, Ogilvie-Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 72 ; figured Ibis 1909 p. 676 pi. 9 fig. 2.—M. lorentzi sp. n„ New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea pt. 9 p. 91 Leide 1909. Amytornis striatus whitei subsp. n., N.W. Australia, Mathews Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 34. — Amytis varia Carter, perhaps identical with A. macrura, Carter Viet. Nat. 26 p. 95. VlREONIDAE. The migration of Vireos, Cooke Bird-Lore 11 pp. 78-82 118-120. Pachysylvia muscicapina griseifrons • sub3p. n., Rio Tapajoz, Brazil, Snetblage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 p. 447. Cyclorhis viridis viridis , egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 167. Amtelidae. Ampelis garrulus, general notes on habits with coloured plates of birds and egg, St. Quintin Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 115; colour of the nestling’s mouth, Pycraft Brit. Birds 3 p. 121 ; Siidzug im winter 1903-1904, Dant Ornith. Beob. Berne 3 1904 pp. 36- .38 : occurrence at Bannu N.W. India, most southern rocord, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 133 ; Bomby cilia garrulus , nest and eggs on the Slave river, Canada, Anderson Auk 26 pp. 10-12. Phainopepla nitens , habits in Cali- fornia, Myers Condor 11 p. 22. Artamidae. Artamus superciliosus, a honey-eater, Chisholm Emu 8 p. 219, 9 p. 23. — A. sordidus , mustering for migration in Tasmania, Dove Nature Notes 20 p. 127. — A. tenebrbsus, clustering at the roosting place, Dove Emu 9 p. 30. Prionopidae. Grallina picata, note on habits near Melbourne, Seth-Smith Avicult. Mag. 7 pp. 161 213 fig. Fraseria ocreala, habits and song, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 29. [Rhectes] Pitohui aruensis nigripectus, subsp. n. et P. incertus sp. n. New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea pt. 9 pp. 93-4 Leide 1909. 122 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1909] Laniidae. Oymnorhina leuconota, nesting and other habits in S.E. Australia, Hall Emu 9 pp. 16-21. — G. longirostris , de- scription of eggs, Campbell Emu 8 p. 143. Strepera graculina, eggs and nesting habits, Campbell Emu 8 p. 145. Lanius excubitor und L. minor, Be- stimmungstabelle fiir Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 1-4 19-21. — L. meri- dionalis , Vorkommen in Harz, Scha- low J. Ornith. 57 pp. 229 236 ; in Deutschland, Kollibay Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 278. Phoneua pomeram s, nest in Oxford- shire, Lawson Oxford Rep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1908 p. 51. [] Lanius collaris, Variabilitat in Russisch-Asien, Buturlin Nasa ochota 1909 2 pp. 60-64. [Enneodonus] Lanius collurio, nutzen, Toepel Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p 306. — L. collurio velizhanini subsp. n, Semipalatinsk, Buturlin Nasa ochota 1909 2 p. 64. [ Chlorophoneus ] Laniarius graueri and Ij. rubiginosus rudolfi, sexes alike in plumage, Hartert Nov. Zool. 16 p. 335. Nicator chloris, nest and eggs. Bates Ibis 1909 p 34. — N. chloris laemocyclus subsp. i), Beni, W. Africa, Reichenow J. Ornth. 57 p. 108. Pomatorhynchus australis frater, habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 33. — Harpolestes australis ansorgei subsp. n.. North Angola, Neumann Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 53. Pachycephalvs lanioides, nesting and other habits in N.W. Australia, Camp- bell Emu 8 p. 143 ; nest and eggs, Jackson Emu 9 p.*106 pi. 7. Ilyloterpe apoensis basilanica sub3P. n. Basilan, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 442. Eopsaltria jacksoni sp. n. Herberton range N.S.W., Le Souef Emu 9 p. 70 pi. 3. Paridae. [Poecile] Parus borealis , a new British bird, Ogilvie-Grant Brit. Birds 2 p. 277 ; Brutplatze in Ost- preussen, Tisobler Falco 5 pp. 22-23. — P. rufescens, nesting and other habits, in Washington State, Bowles Condor 11 p. 55. — P. tunkanensis sp. n. Mongolia, Madarasz Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 7 p. 177. [ Periparus ] Parus britannicus, breed- ing in the Wilsden district, Yorkshire, Butterfield Zoologist 13 p. 75. Parus, enumeration of species occur- ring in Switzerland, Burg Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. 90 p. 72. — P. major, breeding habits, Siddall Brit. Birds 3 p. 186. — P. . major artatus subsp. n. China, Thayer and Bangs Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 p. 140. [Pentheres~\ Parus fasciiventer tan- ganjicae subsp. n. Tanganyika, Reiohe- now Ornith. Monatsbcr. Berlin 17 p. 42. Cyanistes pleskei, Nistvogel in Siid- russland, Artobolewski Ornith. Jalirb. 20 pp. 77-78. Aegithaliscus leucogenys, nest and eggs in the Kurram valley, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 107. Aegithalus caudatus, its changing dis- tribution in the West Riding of York- shire, Booth Naturalist London 1909 p. 55. Anthoscopus ssaposhnikoivi sp. n. Balchasch, Central Asien, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 22 pp. 10-12 pi. i. — A. robertsi, sp. n. Boror, Portuguese E. Africa, Haagner Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 p. 233. Regulidae. List of the species in Switzerland, Fatio et Studer, Cat. Ois. de la Suisse. Geneve, pt. 5. Regulus cristatus, nidification dans le Gard, S. France, Hugues Nimes Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. 34 1907 p. 19. — It. regulus und It. ignicapillus, in Brandenburg, Werner Zs. Oologie 19 p. 57. Sittidae. Sitta bedfordi, sp. nov. Quel part Isle, S. Corea, Ogilvie-Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 59. Certiiiidae. Certhia familiaris, artificial preserva- tion in Denmark, Klinge Ornith. Tids. 3 p. 149. — G. familiaris americana. 123 Aves. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 nesting near St. Louis, Betts Auk 26 p. 434. — C. talyshensis But. —C. jamiliaris persica Zar. et Lond., Zarudny Nasa ochota 3 12 p. 123. Salpornis riggenbachi sp. n. Kamerun, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 140. Tichodroma muraria, taken in Ille- et-Vilaine, France, Bezier Rennes Bui. soc. sci. mod. 17 p. 8G ; Pioque- nard op. cit. 18 p. 104 ; in Abruzzo, Leone Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 2 10 p. 128. Climacteris erythrops, a resident in S.E. Victoria, Chandler Emu 9 p. 94. — Climacteris wellsi sp. n., Clifton Downs, West Australia, Ogilvie-Grant Ibis 1909 p. 664. Zosteropidae. Zosterops arabs, from south Arabia, figured, Lorenz & Hellmayr Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 71 p. Ill fig. 2. — Z. goodfellowi malindangensis subsp. n. Lebo mt., Mindanao, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 443. — Z. shortridgii and. Z. balstoni spp. n Rabbit Isle, Albany, and Carnarvon, W. Australia, Ogilvie-Grant Ibis 1909 p. 663 — Z. usambarae sp. n. Usarabara, Ostafrika, Reichenow Or- nitli. Monatsber. Berlin 17 p. 42. Dic/eidae. Pardalolus, the species and their nesting habits, Campbell Emu 9 pp. 22-23 .— P. pallida sp. n. De Grey river dist. N.W. Australia, Campbell Emu 8 p. 142. Neotariniidae. [ Iledydipna ] Nectarinia muellert , from south Arabia, figured, Lorenz & Hellmayr Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 71 p. Ill figs. 3 4. Aethopyga seheriae owstoni subsp. n., Nauchau Isle, S. China, Rothschild Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 32. [Leptocoma] Arachnechthra zeylonica, habits, Ryan Spolia Zeylan. Columbo 5 p. no. [ Hermotimia ] Cinnyris aspasia subsp. n. ? New Guinea, Beaufort Nova Guinea Leide 5 p. 419. Cinnyris chloropygius, habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 64. [ Cyanomitra ] Chalcomitra obscuray habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 61. Cyrtostomus jugnlaris mindanensis and C. j. woodi subspp. n. Zamboanga, Min- danao and “ Three Islands,’ Sibutn Isle, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U.S.. Nat. Mus. 36 pp. 443-444. Arachnothera magna, comparative osteology, Shufeldt Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 p. 527. Anthrcptcs rcichenoivi , sp, n. , Portuguese East Africa, Gunning Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 p. 173. Meliphagidae. Melithreptus chloropsis whitlocki subsp. n.. Western Australia, Mathews Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 24. Certhionyx occidentalis sp. n., Car- narvon, West Australia, Ogilvie-Grant Ibis 1909 p. 658. Ptilotis carteri, discussion of specific distinction, Ogilvie-Grant Ibis 1909 p. 655. [Ptiloprora] Ptilotis erythropleura lorentzi, subsp. n. New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea pt. 9 p. 95 Leide 1909. Entomiza cyanotis griseigularis subsp. n., New Guinea, Oort Nova Guinea pt. 9 p. 95 Leide 1909. Mniotiltidae. Helmitherus vermivorus, nidification. Burns Wilson Bull. 21 p. 104. Pronotaria citrea, on the coast of Maine, Brewster Auk 26 p. 309. Vermivora pinus, nesting in Massa- chusetts, Wright Auk 26 pp. 337-345. — F. luciae , nesting notos in Arizona, Gilman Condor 11 p. 166. [Parnla] Compsothlypis americana usneae, in Delaware, Miller Auk 26 p. 309. Dendroica ruficapilla obscura subsp. n., Los Roques, West Indies, Cory Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. 1 p. 217. — D. virens, a nesting species on Long Island, N.Y., Abbott Auk 26 pp. 80- 81. — I). striata, breeding at Great Slave Lake, Anderson Auk 26 p. 80. — D. discolor, occurring in northern Ontario, Eifrig Ottawa Nat. 23 1909 p. 113 ; also Auk 26 p. 432. — D. discolor and D. vigorsi, in eastern Massachusetts in 124 Aves . XVII. Aves. [1900] winter, McKeohnie Auk 26 p. 195. — D. flavescens, sp. n. Bahamas, Todd Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 171. Seiurvs motacilla, breeding in Berk- shire co. Mass., Brewster Auk 28 p. 310 ; breeding in Philadelphia, Harlow t.c. p. 195. Basileuterns bivittatus bivittatus, new to the Argentine, Hartert and Ven- turi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 167. Drepanididae. Drepanorhamphus funereus , status and efforts to obtain on Molokai (Hawaian Islands), Bryan Occ. Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 4 1908 p. 43. Motacillidae. Motacilla alba, migratory movements in Co. Dublin, Williams Irish Nat. 18 pp. 121-122. — M. boarula, als neuer Brutvogelin Schleswig-Holstein, Ivrohn Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 301-303 ; auch Muller t.c. p. 143. — M. sulfurea, bei Jena, Wessner Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 277. — M. citreola, first record from Egypt, Niooll Ibis 1909 p. 300. — M. citreoloides , brooding in immature plumage, Whitehead Ibis 1909pp. 241, 621. — Budytes citreoloides iranica subsp. n., Persia, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 20. — M. flava, note on the various subspecies on the Red Sea Coast, Butler Ibis 1909 p. 391. — M. flava raddei subsp. n., Transcaspia, Harms Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 2. Anthus , on the species found near Lubeck, N. Germany, Hagen Gustrow Arch. Ver. Natg. 63 p. 112; records of the rarer species occurring near Hastings, Sussex, Nicoll Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. 1 1909 p. 181. — A. trivialis, eggs and their variation, Bunyard Brit. Birds 2 p. 335; Flug und Gesang, Grobbels Ornith. Monats- bor. 17 pp. 114-117. — A. pratensis , im Untermaingebiet, Boettger Zool. Beob. 50 p. 311. — A. pratensis enig- maticus subsp. n. russischen Turkestan, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 56. — A. cervinus, the first undoubted British example, Niooll & Ticehurst Brit. Birds 2 p. 278 ; from Fair Isle, not previously recorded from Scotland, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 72. — A. bertheloti, in Italy, Giglioli Nature 80 p. 188. — A. spinoletta blakis- toni, first record from Egypt, Witherby Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 97. — A. japonicus hdrmsi subsp. n. Taschkent, A. maculatus berezoioskii subsp. n. S.W. Gansu, Sarudny Ornith. Monats- ber. 17 pp. 40-41 72. — A. hellmayri nom. nov. for A. chii auct., Tucuman, Argentine Repub., Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 165. — A. correndera, A. lulcscens lutescens and A. furcatus furcatus, eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 pp. 164-5. — A. camerunensis, sp. n. Peak of Cameroon, Ogilvie-Grant Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 12. — |A. bosniaskii, sp. n. Lower Pliocene beds of Gabbro nr. Leghorn, Pycraft Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 p. 368 text-fig. 47. Macronyx, geographical distribution of the species of the genus, Nicholson Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester 53 No. 24 pp. 1-11. Alaudidae. Otocorys alpestris, its relations to agriculture, MoAtee Bull. Biol. Surv. Washington No. 23 pp. 1-37 plate. Alauda arvensis, Flug und Gosang, Grobbels Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 114-117. — A. arvensis cantarella, first record from Egypt, Witherby' Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 97. [ Alaudula ] Calandrella minor minor, occurrence near the Giza pyramids, Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 480. — G. minor heinei, first record from Egypt, Witherby Bull Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 97. — G. minor nicolli subsp. n., Nile delta, Hartert Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 9. Galerida cristata, in Algerien, Klein - sohmidt Falco 5 pp. 24-27. — Galerita cristata moeritica, subsp. n., Fayum, Egypt, Nicoll & Bonhote Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl 23 p. 101. — Alauda isabel- lina, new to avifauna of France, Mourgue Feuille jeunes natural. 39 p. 87. [Lullula] Alauda arborea, nesting habits observed in N. Devon, Barber- Starkey Brit. Birds 3 p. 7 pi. 1. Fringillidae. The migration of North American Sparrows, Cooke Bird-Lore 11 pp. 254- 260. 125 Aves. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 Hesperiphona vesperlina, again in Massachusetts, Brewster Auk 28 p. 194. Coccoihrnustes vulgaris, occurrence in East Lothian, Scotland, Bonar Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 48 ; C. vulgaris vulgaris, occurring in Egypt, WitHerby Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 98. [Cyanocompsa ] Guiraca cyanea, nest- ing in captivity, Teschemaker Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 04. — G. cyanea argentina and G. glaucocaerulea, eggs figured, Har- tert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 174. Sporophila leucoplera aequatorialis subsp. n , Mexiana, Brazil, Sneth- lage Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1909 p. 448. — Spermophila rufucollis, S. hypo- xantha, S. melanocephala melanocephala, eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 175. Cardinalis cardinalis, at Ipswich, Mass., Brown Auk 26 p. 194. Saltator similis, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 173. Fringilla coelebd, breeding in winter, Forrest Brit. Birds 2 pp. 381, 424 ; albinotische Farbenvarietat (Schwe- disch), Reuter Medd. Soc. Fauna et FJ. Fenn. 35 pp. 193 329 ; food, Gre- soiiik Aquila 15 1908 p. 310 ; occur- rence at Kohat, first record for India, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 231. — F. coelebs gengleri sub3p. n., England, Kleinschmidt Falco 5 p. 13. — F. montifringilla, occurrence in West Sutherland, Scotland, Henderson Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 47 ; breeding in Denmark, Christiansen Ornith. Tids. 3 p. 60. — F. monti fringilla sub- cuneolala subsp. n. Kobe, Japan, Kleinschmidt Falco 5 p. 14. Carduelis carduelis rumaeniae subsp. n. Rumaenien, Tschusi zu ScHmid- hoffen Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 76-77. [Spinus] Chrysoniitris spinus, first record for Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 474. — S. pinus, near Detroit in winter, Wood Auk 26 p. 192 ; late records in Chester co. Pa., Pennock t.c. p. 308 ; in South Carolina, Brown t.c. p. 432. Astragalinus psaltria mexicanus, in Colorado, Bergtold Auk 26 p. 79. Linaria linaria, retaining their rose colour in confinement, Wormald Avi- cult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 359. — Linota rufescens, a resident in Sussex, Wal- pole-Bond Brit. Birds 3 p. 20 ; Alex- ander t.c. p. 56 ; breeding at Hamp- stead, Middlesex, Meyrick Zoologist 13 p. 270. — Acanthis hornemanni exi- lipes, at Westbrook, Me., Norton Auk 26 p. 308. [Monti fringilla] Leucostide brunnei- nucha, in Krasnajarsk, Turgarinov Nasa ochota 3 11 pp. 98-99. — M. cognata sp. n. Mongolia, MadarAsz. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 7 p. 176 Plate iv figs. 2-3. [Erythrospiza] Pyrrhula githaginea,. neu fur Vorarlberg, Bau Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 150-151. Petronia petronia, Winterbeobach- tungen, Saltzman Ornith. Monatschr. 34 pp. 357-367 400-414. Passer domesticus, cream coloured variety, Corbett Naturalist London 1909 p- 441 ; habits in Boston U.S.A.r Townsend Auk 26 pp. 13-19 ; varia- tions in specimens from England and from New England, Townsend & Hardy Auk 26 pp. 78-79 ; its adapta- tion to new conditions in Manitoba, Criddle Ottawa Nat. 22 1909 p. 23. — P. domesticus niloticus subsp. n„ Nile valley, Nicoll & Boniiote Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p< 101.— P. pyrrlio- notus, nesting in the Punjab, Currie Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 259. — P. cinnamomeus, habits in the Himalayas, Perreau Avicult. Mag. 7 1909 p. 201 ; nesting in captivity Teschemaker t.c. p. 205. — P. griseusr nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 54. Serinus serinus, bei Danzig, Ibath Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 4 ; in Ost- preussen, Tischler t.c. pp. 82-83. — Serinus cgnarius, Farbenanderung, Noorduyn Album der Natuur 1909 pp. 240-242. Sycalis pelzelnii, nesting in captivity, Teschemaker Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 298. Loxia curvirostra, the irruption of 1909, Gould & Evans, Brit. Birds 3 p. 123 ; Witherby t.c. pp. 162 194 226 pi. 13 map ; occurrences in Great Britain in 1909, Ticehurst Brit. Birds 3 p. 82 ; in Durham, Fawcett Natura- list 1909 p. 441 ; in Whitby district, Stephenson t.c. p. 398 ; its migra- tions, Walker and others t.c. p. 344 % at Louth, Carter t.c. p. 280 ; the 126 Aves, XVII. Aves. recent visitation in Scotland, Clarke -Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 215 ; invasion en 1909, Ollivier Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 pp. 250-251 ; Invasion auf Helgoland, Weigold D. Jagerztg. 53 p. 603 ; iiber den heurigen Massen- zug, Tchusi zu Sohmidhoffen Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 169-171 ; grosser Kreuzschnabelzug, Tschusi zuSchmid- iioffen Ornith. Monatschr. 34 p. 441 ; Invasion 1909, Leegk Ornith. Monat- schr. 34 pp. 369-370 ; zur dies- jahriger Kreuzschnabelinvasion, Wei- gold D. Jagerztg 54 pp. 345-347 ; the invasion of Crossbills in Switzer- land in 1909, Fischer-Sigwart Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 92 pt. 1 pp. 495- 496 ; movements and appearance in Hungary in summer 1909, Gresobik Aquila 16 pp. 299-305 ; in Sudungarn, Lintia Delmagy. Termt. Fiiz. 33 p. 199 ; the Italian invasion, Bonomi Avicula 12 pp. 35-37 ; the invasion in Elba, Damiani t.c. pp. 60-62 ; in the Swiss canton Ticino and in S. Italy, Ghidini t.c. pp. 96-97 ; in Calabria, Grimaldi t.c. p. 97 ; in Capri, Picchi, t.c. p. 103 ; incursione e nidificaziono nell’ Emilia, Cavazza Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. Ser. 2 10 pp. 462-470 ; in South Carolina, U.S.A., Brown Auk 26 p. 432. — L. curvirostra sitkensis sub3p. n., Alaska, Grinnell Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 pp. 223-225. — L. rubrifasciita L. curvirostra, Ognev Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 9 pp. 333-335.— L. bifasciala, in Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 71. Pyrrhula europaca, partieller Albinis- mus, Johansen Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 140 ; ein lateral hermaphroditisch gefarbter Gimpel, Heinroth Berlin S. B. Ges. nat. Fr. 1909 pp. 328-330. — P. steer i sp. n. Bliss mt., Mindanao, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 445. Uragus sanguinolentus, obtained alive in Japan and taken to England, Ingram Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 241. Emberiza schoeniclus zarudnyi subsp. n., Kuldscha, Chinese Turkestan, Harms Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 1. — E. pusilla, new to Norfolk, Gurney Zoologist 13 p. 124 ; at Sule Skerry, Orkney Isles, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 48 ; new to Ireland’s fauna, killed at Rockabill Light-house, [1909] Barrington Dublin Sci. Proc. R. Soc. 12 p. 18. — E. rustica , occurs in Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 71. [ Miliaria ] Emberiza miliaria , in Sweden, Hallgren Fauna och Flora 3 1908 pp. 40-42. — M. calandra cau- casica nom. n. fur M. c. minor praeocc., Buturlin Nasa ochota 3 11 p. 90. — E. calandra buturlini subsp. n. ilum. Kastek, Turkestan, Johansen Tomsk Izv Univ. 22 p. 20. Fringillaria arabica, from south Arabia figured, Lorenz & Hellmayr Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 71 p. 109 fig. 1. Spiza townsendii original MSS. field notes of John K. Townsend, Deane Auk 26 pp. 269-272. [ Coturniculus ] Ammodramus savan- narum australis, at Ottawa, EifRIG Auk 26 p. 432. — A. savannarum in- tricatus, notes on habits and occur- rence in San Domingo, Verrill Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 pp. 362-363. Ammodramus lecontei, ranging north to Great Slave Lake, Anderson Auk 26 p. 80. [Haemophila] Aimophila rufescens hypaethrus, subsp. n. Cerro, Sta. Maria, Costa Rica, Bangs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 37. — A. ruficeps, nest- ing habits at Los Angelos, Cal., Myers Condor 11 pp. 131-134 2 figs. Poospiza torquata, egg figured, H ar- tery Sc Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 178. Junco phaeonotus palliatus, nesting in the Huachuca mts., Ariz., Willard Condor 11 p. 129 1 fig. Zonotrichia querula , an addition to the birds of Indiana, Butler Proc. Acad. Sci. Indiana 1908 p. 49. — Z., albicollis, occurrence at the Flannan Isles, Scotland, Smalley Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1909 p. 246. Brachyspiza canicapilla, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 177. Melospiza melodia maxillaris subsp. n., California, pp. 265-267, M. melodia gouldii subsp. n., California, pp. 267- 268, M. melodia saltonis subsp. n., California, pp. 268-269, Grinnell Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 1909. 127 Aves. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 [Passerina] Cyanospiza leclancheri, from Mexico as a cage bird, Seth- Smith Avicult. Mag. 7 pp. 220-221. Embernagra platcnsis, ogg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 1G p. 179. [Coryphospiza] Donacospizct albifrons, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 180. Pseudochloris olivasccns berlepschi subsp. n. Pulacayo [Bolivia ?], Mene- oaux Bui. soc. philom. 10th ser. 1 p. 212. Plirygilus alaudinus venturii subsp. n. Tucuman, Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 180. [Charitospiza] Tiaris tortugensis sp. n. Tortuga Island, West Indies, Cory Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. 1 p. 221. Paroaria capitata, egg figured, Har- tert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 182. Arremon flcivirostris polionotus, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 172. Buarremon citrinellus, eggs figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 172. CoEREBIDAE. Cocrebct saccharina, danger of extinc- tion and melanism of this form, Lowe Ibis 1909 p. 309. — C. laurac, melanism, Lowe t.c. p. 320. — C. lowii sp. n., Los Roques Isand, p. 217, and C. ferryi sp. n., Tortuga Island, p. 221, in the West Indies, Cory' Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. 1 1909. Ta'nagridae. Calospiza palmeri sp. n. Choco, Columbia, Hellmayr Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 p. 49. Spindalig multicolor, habits, occur- rence, etc., in San Domingo, Verrill Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 61 p. 363. Pircinga rubra, third record for Canada, Sanders Auk 26 p. 308. Chlorospingus julvigularis, now to the Argentine, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 172. Cissopis leveriana, nesting in cap- tivity Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 323. Plooeidae. [Coliostruthus] Coliuspasser albono- tatu .s, description of hitherto unknown female, Haaoner J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 5 p. 89. Pyromelana flammiceps, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 49. — P. oryx, its nesting parasites, Roberts J. S. Afric. Union 5 p. 16. — P. leuconota sp. n., Kiwu-See. Deutsch Ostafrika, Reiohenow Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 72 ; und J. Ornith 57 p. 504. [Lepidopygia] Spermestes niyriceps , nesting in captivity, TesoHemaker Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 321. Paludipasser gen. nov. allied to Spermestes formed for type Paludi- passer locustella sp. n.. Lake Bang- weolo, Neave Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 25 p. 25. Ortygospiza poly zona, breeding in captivity, Phillipps Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 37. Lagonosticta graueri sp. n., Lake Tanganyika, Congoland, Rothschild Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 102. Sporaeginthus amandava, occurs in August in tho Giza Zoological Gardens, Niooll Ibis 1909 p. 475 ; breeding in Egypt, Nicoll Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 99. Muniaspectabilis, new to New Guinea, Beaufort Nova Guinea 5 p. 420. Aidemosyne modesta, note on hybrid with Peophila personata, Sich Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 166. Po'ephila mirabilis, a plumage varia- tion of Chloebia gouldiae, Charruaud Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 pp. 106-110 120- 124. Erythrura prasina, avicultural notes, Butler Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 296. — E. psittacea, breeding in captivity, Char- ruaud Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 pp. 68-60. Neochmia phaeton, hybrid with Bathilda ruficauda, Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 199. Estrilda angolensis, breeding in cap- tivity, Phillipps Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 339. — E. atricapilla, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 52. 128 Aves. XVII. Malimbus cqssini, M. coronatus and M. malimbicus, structure, habits and nest, Bates Ibis 1909 pp. 39-42. — M. gracilirostris sp. n. Awakubi, W. Africa, Reich enow J. Omith. 57 p. 108. [Sycobrotus] Ploceus bicolor , habits, nests and eggs. Bates Ibis 1909 p. 42. [Phormoplecles] Ploceus dorsomacu- latus, habits, nests and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 43. Othyphantes batesi , description of hitherto unknown male. Bates Bull. Brit. Omith. Cl. 25 p. 41. [ Heterhyphantes ] Ploceus niqricollis, habits, nets and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 43. Melanopteryx nigerima, habits, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 46. [Hyphantornis'] Ploceus cucullatus, habits nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 44. — H. spilonotus, nesting in cap- tivity, Holden Avicult. Mag. 1 1909 p. 33. Ploceus baya, nesting habits, Dewar Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 pp. 627- 634. Amblyospiza saturata, nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 48. ICTEItIDAE. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, near Detroit, in winter, Wood Auk 26 p. 192. Tangavius aeneus involucralus, first record in Arizona, Visher Auk 26 p. 307. Molothrus ater artemisiae subsp. n., Nevada, and the genetic relationships of the North American forms of the genus, Grinnell Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 5 pp. 275-281 figs. 1-6. Agelaius phoeniceus fortis, in Louisiana, Howell Auk 26 p. 192. — A. gubernator calif ornicus, nesting in California, Mailliard Condor lip. 127. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus , a study of a breeding colony, and an account of their destruction by an unknown natural agency, Roberts Auk 26 pp. 371-389 pis. 5-16. Sturnella magna, status near Port- land, Me., Norton Auk 26 p. 307 ; Aves. [1909] breeding in Maine, Eckstorm t.c. p. 430. Icterus giraudi, introduction as a cage bird, Gurney and Butler Avi- cult. Mag 7 p. 196. Holoquiscalus orquillensis sp. n. Or- quilla. West Indies, Cory Field Mus. Publ. Ornith. 1 p. 227. Sturnidae. Sturnus vulgaris, unusual nesting sites, Ticehurst Brit. Birds 3 p. 118 2 text figures ; its utility and harm- fulness, Boas Kjobenliavn Haven 9 Pi 89 ; Rohne t.c. p. 133 ; Albinismus, Etzel Zool. Beob. 50 p. 25 ; near Springfield, Mass., Morris Auk 26 p. 306 ; nesting at Princeton N.J., Horsfall t.c. p. 430. — S. vulgaris purpurascens, first occurrence in Egypt, Nicoll Ibis 1909 p. 480. — S. balcanicus sp. n., Walachei, Buturlin & Harms Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 56. Pastor roseus, breeding in Hungary, Schenk Aquila 16 p. 294 and Potf. Termt. Kozl. 41 pp. 111-114; in Sud- ungarn, Lintia Delmagy. Termt. Fuz. 33 pp. 198-199 ; Zug im Jahro 1908, Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen Falco 5 pp. 8-12 ; neu fur Vorarlborg, Bau, Ornith. Jahrb. 20 pp. 150-151 ; in Finnland, Levander Ornith. Monats- ber. 17 pp. 5-6 ; in Finland, Brand er F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 pp. 337 374 ; im Gouv. Charkov, Averin Shorn, stud. Kruz. Hub. prir. Chark. Univ. 1 pp. 70-71. Eulabetidae. Lamprocolius s'plendidus glaucovirens and L. pur pur deeps, habits nest and eggs, Bates Ibis 1909 p. 38. Spreo torquatus sp. n., Kamerun, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 140. Oriolidae. Oriolus oriolus, life history in France, Gromier Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 pp. 66-72 ; O. galbula, habits in France, Duffaut Toulouse Bui. soc. hist. nat. 41 1908 p. 68. Dicruridae. Dicrurus balicassius mindorensis subsp n., Halcon mt., Mindoro, Philip- 129 Aves. Systematic.— Passeriformes. 5831 pines, M earns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 447. — D. sharpii nest and eggs Bates Ibis 1909 p. 37. [Dicruropsis] Chibia cagayanensis sp. n„ Cagayan, Sulu Isle, Philippines, Mearns Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 36 p. 447. Buchanga leucopygvilis, pugnacious habits. Green Spolia Zeylan. 6 p. 130. Paradiseidae. A journoy to Now Guinea in search of live Birds of Paradise, Horsbrugk Ibis 1909 pp. 197-213. The birds of Paradise, Evans Ply- mouth Ann. Rep. Trans. Inst. 14 p. 269. Phonygama jamesi, Ei, Nehrkorn Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 44. Manucodia ater, trachea figured, Oort Nova Guinea 9 p. 104. Amblyornis subalaris and A. inornata , hardihood and other habits in cap- tivity, Astley Avicult. Mag. 7 p. 156. Xanthomelus ardens, figured and redescribed, Oort Nova Guinea 9 p. 100 pi. iii ; note on specific characters, Oort Ornith. Monatsber. 17 p. 72. Ptilonoruynchidae. Prionodura newtoniana , habits, nest and eggs, North Viet. Nat. 25 pp. 160- 168 pi. 7. Scenopoeetes dentirostris, birds, young in nest, playground, figured, Jackson Emu 8 pis. 21-23 ; habits, nest and eggs, North Viet. Nat. 25 pp. 160-168 pi. 8. Corvidae. Trypanocorax frngilegus, habits in Yorkshire, Burton Naturalist London 1909 p. 146 ; Corvus frugilegus, au point de une de son utilite, Raspail Rev. Fr. d’Orn. 1 pp. 2-9 ; Witterungs- anzeiger, Nagy Aquila 15 p. 315 ; Dorning t.c. p. 316 ; a nesting colony in Konigsberg, Luhe Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 p. 174 ; in Branden- burg, Hooke Zs. Oologie 19 pp. 26-29 41-42 ; Aberration, Chlebo vsk^ Or- nith. Jahrb. 20 p. 154 ; Schnabelmiss- bildung, Laubmann Ornith. Monatsber. 17 pp. 168-169 ; Winterleben, Zdob- nitzky Briinn Zs. Mahr. Ld. Mus. (n-11091 g) 7 pp. 98-124; wintering in Muonio. Lapland, [Swedish], Mont ell F. Jakttidn. 3 p. 193. Corvus corax, ancient inland breeding places in Sussex, Feilden Brit. Birds 2 p. 279 and 3 p. 27 ; as scavangers, Feilden t.c . p.57 ; nesting in Scotland, Adam Edinburgh Trans. F. Nat. Soc. 6. p. 152 ; in der Gefangenschaft, Behm Zool. Beob. 50 p. 225. — C. corax x C. cornix, Kreuzung, Grobler Wild u. Hund 15 p. 501. — C. macrorhynchus , movements and partial migrations in northern India, Magrath Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 pp. 256-258.— C. cornix, ueber die Resultate, welche von der Vogel warte Rositten, bisher erzielt wurden, Thienemann Konigs- berg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 p. 402 ; Kreuzschnabel, HanKo Potf. Termt. Kdzl. 41 pp. 75-76 ; Albinos-Form (Finnisoh), Weoksell Luonnon Ystliva 13 p. 47 ; wintering in Muonio, Lapland, [Swedish], Montell F. Jakttidn. 3 p. 193. — C. corone, albino in Yorkshire, Wilson Naturalist Lon- don 1909 p. 131 ; aus Vogelwarte Rositten, in Finland, getotet, Hviven- salo Luonnon Ystiiva Helsingfors 11 p. 136. — C.splendens, colour variation, Glascock Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 522 ; note on food habits in Ceylon, Green Spolia Zeylan. 5 p. 103 ; a case of the survival of the fittest, Manders t.c. p. 130. — C. americanus, feud with the Barred Owl, Chapman Bird-Lore 11 p. 4 ; a menace to Poultry raising, Cole Ann. Rep. Rhode Isl. Agric. Exper. Station 21 p. 312. ■\Palaecorax moriorum, a fossil Raven from Chatham Isle, New Zealand, Pyoraft Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p.95. Colaeus monedula, Wittorungsan- zeiger, Nagy Aquila 15 1908 p. 315 ; Lycos monedula, nuovo habitat toscano, Andreucoi Avicula 13 p. 1 ; C. monedula, totaler u. partieller Albinis- mus, Pogor2el!skij Moskva Dnevn. zool. sada 3 pp. 181-183 ; C. monedula, Albinos, Pavlov Semja ochotn. 1909 p. 182. — Corvus neglectus, synonymy and discrimination, Salvadori Ibis 1909 pp. 134-7. Nucifraga caryocatactes , die Fest stellung der Zugperioden und Simroths Pendulationstheorie, Schuster Zool. e 18 130 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1909] Anz. 33 pp. 833-836 ; Lebensweise in der Alpenlandern Oesterreichs und das Briiten im Harze, Rleinsohmidt TsOKUSI ZU SOHMIDHOFFEN U. MENZEL Berajah 1909 pp. 1-6 2 Taf. — N. hemispila macella subsp. n., China, Thayer & Bangs Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 52 p. 140. Pica pica, pairing habits, Stubbs Lancs. Nat. 2 p. 14 ; Lebensweise in den Akdzienwaldsclien von Siidmahren, Wymetal Briinn Ber. Leliresklubs. f. Naturkde 9 pp. 51-55 ; Weisegeflugelte Form ein Altersmerkmal, Buturlin Nasa ochota 1909 2 p. 57 ; P. rustica, sur l’enlevement des ceufs d’oiseaux par la pie, Raspail Paris Bui. soo. zool. 33 p. 149 fig. ; in Kohat, India, Whitehead Ibis 1909 p. 105. — P. sericea, now to Burma and nesting habits, Harrington Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 108. — P. bottanensis, great intelligence, Radcliffe Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 p. 526. Oarrulus glandarius bambergi subsp. r. Ibizik, N. Mongolia, Lonnberg Ark. Zool. 5 No. 9 p. 12. — O. brandti, critical remarks on examples from Manchuria, Ingram Ibis 1909 p. 446. — O. brandti ussuriensis subsp. n. Ussuri-Gebiet, Buturlin Nasa ochota 3 pp. 86-87. — O. melanocephalus Gene, note on the type locality, Salvadori Torino Boll. Mus. zool. anat. 24 No. 607 pp. 1-2. Cyanocorax cyanomelas, egg figured, Hartert & Venturi Nov. Zool. 16 p. 188. Corcorax melanorhamphus, two females lay in one nost, White Emu 8 p. 150. XVIII. MAMMALIA ARRANGED BY R. LYDEKKER ' CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 II. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General = 6003 : — Treatises, Text-books . . . . . . . . . . 43 Institutions, Collections . . . . . . . . . . 43 Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Structure = 6007 General and Comparative . . . . . . . . 44 Histology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Tegument . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 44 Nervous system and sense-organs . . . . . . 45 Myolog}' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Osteology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Dentition . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 47 Alimentary system .... . . . . . . 47 Circulatory and respiratory system . . . . . . 47 Excretory organs. Special glands . . . . . . 48 Organs of reproduction . . . . . . . . . . 48 Physiology = 6011 : — General and miscellaneous . . . . ... . . 49 Regeneration , . , , . , , , . . . • 50 (n-11091 f) q 19 2 PAGE Development = 6015 : — Ovum, oogenesis, spermatogenesis . . . . . . 50 Embryology . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Post-embryonal . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Ethology = 6019: — General .. .. .. .. .. . . ..51 Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Habits (of species) . . . . . . . . . . 51 Sexual relations . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Colour, Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Variation and Aetiology = 6023 : — Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Teratology . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Heredity .. .. .. . . .. .. ..53 Crosses and Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . 53 Geography = 6027 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Europe == d and da to dm . . . . . . 53 Scandinavia, etc. da . . . . . . . . . . 53 Russia in Europe db . . . . . . . . . . 53 German empire dc . . . . . . . . 53 Holland, Belgium dd . . . . . . ... 54 British Islands de . . . . • . . . . . . 54 France df . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Spain and Portugal dg . . . . . . 54 Switzerland di . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Balkan Peninsula dj . . . . . . 54 Greece dl . . . . . . . . . . 54 Mediterranean islands dm . . . . . . . . 54 Asia = e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Asiatic Russia ea . . . . . . . . . . 54 China, etc. eh . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Japan, etc. ec . . . . . . . . . . 55 Cochin China, etc. ed . . . . . . . . . . 55 British India ef.. . . . . . . . . 55 Malaya, etc. eg . . . . . . . . 55 Persia eh . . .... . . . . . . 55 Arabia, Asiatic Turkey ei . . . . . . , . 55 Africa and Madagascar — f . . . . . . . . 55 North America = g . . . . . . . . 56 Central and South America, Antilles = h . . . . 56 Australasia and Southern Ooeau = i . . . . . . 56 o [II. Systematic =(3031 : — PAGE Primates . . . . .... . . . . . . 57 A. Anthropoidea . . . . . . . . . . 57 Hominidae . . . . . . . . . . 57 Simiidae . . . . . . . . . . 57 Cercopithecidae . . . . . . . . . . 57 Cebidae and Hapalidae . . . . . . 58 ». Lemuroidea . . . . , . . . . . . . 58 Cliiroptera . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 58 Pteropodidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Rhinolophidae . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Nycteridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Vespertilionidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Embnllonuridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Phyllostomatidae. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Insectivora . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Galeopithecidae . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Macroscelididae, Tupaiidae . . . . . . . , 60 Talpidae . . . . . . , . . . . . 60 Soricidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Erinaceidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Chrysochloridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Extinct families . . . . . . . . . . „ . 60 “ Proglires ” .. .. .. .. .. ..61 Carnivora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 A. Ciirnassidentia . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Felidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Viverridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Ilysenidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Oanidae . , . . , . . . . . . . 61 Ursidae , . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Mustelidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Procyonidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 b. Pinnipedia . . . . . . . . . . 63 c. Oreodontia . . . . . . . . . . 63 Rodentia Sciuridae Castoridae, Gliridae Jacnlidae . . Muridae Spalacidae.. Bathyergidae, Geomyidae Octodontidae Caviidae Leporidae, Ochotonidae . . (n-11091/) .. 64 .. 64 .. 65 .. 65 .. 65 .. 67 .. 67 .. 67 .. 67 .. 67 e 19—2 4 Ungulata PAGK 68 a. Artiodactyla 68 Bovidae 68 Antilocapridae, Giraffidae . . 70 Cervidae 70 Tragulidae 71 Camelidae 71 Merycoidodontidae . . 71 Suidae, Anthracotheriidae, Entelodontidae. . 71 b. Perissodactyla . . 71 Equidae 71 Rhinocerotidae, Tapiridae . . 72 c. Hyracoidea, Typotheria 72 d. Proboscidea 73 Sirenia 73 Cetacea 73 Edentata 74 Marsupialia 74 Monotremata 75 5 Mam. Titles. 6000 I.— TITLES. r fAbel, 0. Cetaceenstudien. i. Mitteilung : Das Skelett von Eurhino- delphis cocheteuxi aus dem Obcr- miozan von Antwerpen. Wion Sitzber. It. Akad. Wiss, 98 1909 (241-253) Taf. 1 fAbel, O. Cetaccenstudien. ii. Mitteilung : Der Schadel von Sauro- delphis argentinus aus dem Pliozan Argentinas. Wien Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss 98 1 909 (256-277 ) Taf. 2 Abel, 0. Bau und Geschichte der Erde. Wien u. Leipzig 1909 (viii + 220). 3 Abney, George. The Balance of Nature, and Modern Conditions of Cultivation : a Practical Manual of Animal Foes and Friends. London 1909 (xlv + 278). 4 Adams, Lionel E. Some notes on the breeding-habits Of the Common Mole. Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 54 1909 No. 2 (1-9). 5 Addison, W. H. F. vide Loeb, Leo. Agar, W. E. On an embryonic appendage of the claws of the Am- niota. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (373- 380). 6 Albrecht, Michael. Eigentiimlich- keiten im Geschleehtsleben der Hunde. Wochenschr. Tierheilk. Miinchen 52 1908(561 etc.). 7 Alezais. Les faisceaux d’origine du 116chisseur perforant des doigts. Bibliogr.anat. Nancy 18 1908(162-165). 7a Allen, Glover M. and Barbour, Thomas. A new Marsupial from Netherlands New Guinea. Cambridge Mass. Proc. New England Zool. Club 4 1909 (43-46) pi. iii. 8 Allen, J. A. Osgood’s revision of the Mice of the genus Peromyscus . Amer. Nat. Lankester Pa. 43 1909 (633-639). 9 Allen, J. A. Mammals from British East Africa, collected by the Tjader Expedition of 1906. New York N.Y. Bull. Aracr. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (147-175). 10 Allen, J. A. The White Bear of South-western British Columbia. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (233-238). 11 Allen, J. A. Further notes on Mam- mals from the Island of Hainan, China. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, 26 1909 (239-242). 12 Allen, J. A. Mammals from Shen-si Province, China. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (425-430). 13 f Ameghino, Florentino. Le Dipro- tohomo platensis, un precurseur de 1’ Homme du Pliocene Inferieure de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires An. Mus. Nac. 19 1909 (107-209). 14 Ameghino, F. L’avant-premiere dentition dans le Tapir. Buenos Aires An. Mus. Nac. 20 1909 (1-30) pis. i-iv. 15 Ameghino, F. Una nueva especie de Tapir ( Tapirus spegazzinii, n. sp.). [A new species of Tapir, etc.] Buenos Aires An. Mus. Nac. 20 1909 (31-38) pis. v-viii. 16 Ancel, P. et Bouin, P. Rut et corps jaune chez la Chienne. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (365-367). 17 Ancel, P. et Bouin, P. Sur la fonc- tion du corps jaune. Methodes pre- liminaires. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (454-456). 18 6 Mam. Ancel, P. et .Bouin, P. Sur la fonetion du corps jaune. Action du corps jaune vrai sur la glande mam- maire. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (605-607). 19 Andersen, Knud. Note on the genus Acerodon, with a synopsis of its species and sub-species, and descriptions of four new forms. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (20-29). 20 Andersen, K. On the characters and affinities of “ Desmalopex ** and Pteralopex. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (213-222). 21 Andersen, K. A new species of Pteropus from the Loyalty Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (233). 22 Andersen, K. Two new Bats from the Solomon Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (266-270). 23 Andersen, K. On the Fruit-bats of the genus Dobsonia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (528- 533). 24 Anderson, Malcolm P. Description of a new Japanese Vole. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (317 318). 25 Andersson, Lars Gabriel. Unter- suchungen fiber die Entstehung der ausseren Genitalorgane und des Afters bei den Nagetieren. Ark. Zool. Stock- holm 5 No. 4 1909 (1-230). 26 Andrews, C. W. On the fauna of Christmas Island. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (101-103). 27 •[Andrews, C. W. Mandible of a new species of Tetrabelodon. Geol. Mag. London decade 5 6 1909 (347- 350). 28 Andrews, Roy C. Observations on the habits of the Finback and Hump- back Whales of the Eastern North Pacific. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (213-226). 29 Andrews, R. C. Further notes on Eubalaena glacialis. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (273-275) pis. xlvi-1. 30 [Anikiev, Ars. P.J AHmueB-L, Ape. II. Marepiajiu Kri> Bonpocyo6rbo,npaBOBaiiiu Venae anonymae sin. n pa3BiiTie gl. Thymus y KpoTa n y Koiukh. [Bei- [1909] • trage zur Frage fiber die Bildung der Venae anonymae sin. und die Entwick- lung der Gl. thymus bei dem Maulwurf und der Katze.] St. Peterburg Izv. voen.-med. Akad. 19 1909 (3-15). 31 Anon. K'l Bonpocy oot> aKiaimaTH- saitin ropHLix'L nopoAi> npyrniaro pora- Taro CKOTa b b M'kcTtiocTHx'L HH3Jienimro xapaKTepa. [Zur Frage fiber die Akklimatisation von Gebirgsrassen des Hornviehs in Niederungen.] Kiev Izv. Univ. 49 1909 10 (iii + 79). 32 Anthony, R. Le Mesoplodon de la Hongrie (2 novembre 1908). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909 (461 462); et Bui. Mus6um Paris 1909 (405-407). 33 Anthony, R. A propos du Meso- plodon 6choud au Havre en 1825. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (536 537). 34 Anthony, R. A propos des carac- teres de V Hemibradypus ( Scceopus ) torquatus, 111. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1908 (162-167). 35 Anthony, R. Recherches anato- miques sur les Bradypes arboricoles ; le squelette du Paresseux k collier ; ses rapports morphologiques avec celui des autres Bradypes. Paris Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. ser. 9 9 1909 (157-285) pis. i-vi. 36 fAranzadi, Telesforo de. Lot ultimos descubrimientos del Hombre fosil en Europa. [The latest discoveries of fossil Man in Europe.] Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. 'Nat. 9 1909 (316-324) pi. iv. 37 Arcangeli, A. Einige histologische Beobachtungen fiber das Deckepithel des Oesophagus beim Meerschwcin- chen. (Mit besonderer Berficksichti- gung des Keratohyalins. ) Uebers. v. C. Mfiller. Monatshefte Derm. Hamburg 47 1908 (297-316). 38 fArcelin, F. D6couverte de Mam- miferes Quaternaires k SolutrA Lyon Ann. Soc. Linn. 55 1909 (151-153). 39 Argaud. Sur quelques particularites structurales de la glande azygos chez le Bceuf. Paris C. R. ass. fran§. avanc. sci. 37 (Clermont-Ferrand) 1908 (561- 562) 1909. 39a jArldt, Th. Fossilo Pferde Nord- amerikas. Natw. Rdsch. Braun- schweig 24 1909 (457 458). 40 XVIII. Mammalia. 7 Mam. Titles. 6000 Aschoff, L. Ueber den Glykogen- gelialt des Reizleitungssystems des Saugetierherzens. Nach Untersu- chungen des Horrn Dr. Nagayo. Verb. D. path. Ges. Jena 12 1908 (150-163) Taf. 41 Assheton, Richard. Professor Hub- recht’s paper on the early ontogenetic phenomena in Mammals ; an apprecia- tion and a criticism. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. London 54- 1909 (221-277). 42 Athias, M. Les ph&nomdnes do division do l’ovule dans les follicules de De Graaf en voie d’atresie chez le Lerot ( Eliomys quercinus [L.]). Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (1-23). 43 Auer, Karl von. Das Ansprechen des Elch-Geweihs. N. Balt. Weidm.- blt. Riga 4 1908 (77-79). 44 Aulmann, Georg. Dio Mundrachcn- wand dcr Vogel und Stiugcr. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (34-82) pis. iv-vii. * 45 Ayrapaa, Selma. Hillerin levene- misesta Kotkassa ja sen ymparistossa. [t)ber das Vorkommen von Foetorius yutorius in der Gegend von Kotka, Finland.] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (114). 46 fBach, Franz. Zur Kenntnis obermiocaner Rhinocerotiden. Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 1909 (761— 776) Taf. 47 fBach, F. Die tertiaren Landsau- getiere der Steiermark. Graz Mitt. Natw. Ver. Steierm. 45 1909 (60-127). 48 Bagshawe, L. V. Tigers and their prey. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (253). 49 Bailey, F. M. Note on a young Tibotan Gazelle. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (521 622). 60 Balducci, Enrico. Di una nuova specie de Iiylochoerus, P Hylochoerus gigliolii. Firenze Pubbl. R. 1st. Stud. Super. 1909 (1-15) pi. 51 Ballowitz, E. Zur Kenntnis der Spermien der frugivoren Chiropteren und der Prosimier mit Einschluss von Chiromys madagascariensis , Desm. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (275-286). 62 Bdn, Jeno. Fejlodesi rendelleness^g szarvasmarha hu velynyilasan. [Ent- wicklungsabnormitat an der Scheide- olTnung des Rindes.] Allatorv. L. Budapest 32 1909 (352 353). 53 Bangs, Outram. List of *the Mam- mals of Labrador. In Grenfell’s Labrador : The Country and the People. New York 1909 (458-468). 54 •Barbier, Camille le. Esquisse sur la peche dans le province de Tulear. Ann. Mus. Col. Marseille ser. 2 6 1908 (1-33). 55 Barbour, Thomas vide Allen, Glover M. Bardeleben, Karl von. Ueber bila- terale Asymmetrie beim Menschen und bei hoheren Tieren. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (2-72). 56 Barnabd, Valentino. Sulla ripro- duzione delle cellule interstiziali del testicolo. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. ser. 2 10 1909 (459-461). 67 Barrier et Lecaplain. Les articula- tions k “ ressort ” des Equid6s. C. R. Assoc. Anat. 9 Nancy 1907 (66-72). 57a Barski, Kazimierz. Wi^zadla mied* nicy u konia. [Les ligaments du bassin du Cheval.] Przegl. weter. Lwow 1909 (206-215). 57b Bassal, L. vide Cluzet, J. f Bate, Miss Dorothea M. A. A new Artiodactyle from Majorca. Geol. Mag. London decade 5 6 1909 (385- 388). 58 Baudouin, C. Das Lernen des Hundes nach Versuchen mit der Pawlowschen Speichelmethode. Berlin 1909 (1-48). 59 Bauer, Ernst. Formen und Farben des Edelhirschgeweihes. Verh. pomm. Forstver. Stettin 1909 (85-94) 1910. 60 Bauer, Julius. Vergleichend anato- mischo Untorsuchung dcr hinteren Riickenmarkswurzcln der Saugetiere nebst Bemerkungen zur tabischen Hinterstrangserkrankung. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien Leipzig 17 1908 (98-117). 61 fBaume, Wolfgang La. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der fossilen und sub- fossilen Boviden, mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der im Westpreussichen Provinzial- Museum zu Danzig befind- lichen Reste. Danzig Schrift. Nat. Ges. ser. 2 12 1909 (45-80) Taf. i-vii. 62 Baumgart, Martin. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber Mus raitus und 8 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] Mus decumanus und fiber die Ursachen der Verdrangung der Hausratte durch die Wanderratte, Dresden 1904 (1- 96) 2 Taf. 63 Beccari, Nello. Le ghiandole subor- bitali nella Qazella dorcas. Monit. zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (1-10). 64 Beccari, N. Sullo sviluppo delle ghiandole sudoripare e sebacee nella Pecora. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (271-291) 2 tav. 66 Beddard, Frank E. Contributions to the anatomy of certain Ungulata, including Tapirus, Hyrax and Antilo- capra. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (160-197). 66 Beddard, F. E. On some points in the structure of Galidia elegans, and on the postcaval veins in Carni- vores. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (477-496). 67 Beddard, F. E. On the postcaval vein and its branches in certain Mam- mals. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (496-526). 68 Beddard, F. E. On some points in the structure of the Lesser Anteater ( Tamandua tetradactyla), with notes on the cerebral arteries of Myrmeco- phaga and on the postcaval of Oryctero- pus. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (683-703). 69 Beddard, F. E. Notes upon the anatomy of Monkeys of the genus Pithecia. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (928-943). 70 Bell, E. T. (1) On the occurrence of fat in the epithelium, cartilage, and muscle fibres of the Ox. (2) On the histogenesis of the adipose tissue of the Ox. Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia Pa. 9 1909 (401-438) 2 pis. 71 Bell-Marley, II. W. Hunting the Hump-back Whale ( Megaptera longi- mana) in Natal waters. Zoologist London ser. 4 12 1909 (54-63). 72 Belz, Erich. Physiologische und klinische Beobachtungen fiber die Rumination. Giessen 1909 (1-93). 73 Bemmelen, J. F. Van. Ueber den Unterschied zwischen Hasen- und Kaninchenschaedelen. Leiden Onder- zoek. Zool. Lab. Rijksuniversit. Gronin- gen 1 1909 (1-139). 74 Bender, Otto. Die Halsorgane von Orycteropus afer (Pallas) und Ta- mandua tetradactyla , L. : Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Schlund- und Kehlkopfes der Sauge- tiere. Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 16 1909 (373-400). 75 Bennett. Notes on Monotremes. Queensland Nat. Brisbane 1 1909 (105). 75a Berezowski, Andrzej. Przyczynek do badafi nad ro£nicami rasowemi w budowie jajnika swini domowej. [Les differences dans la structure de l’ovaire chez les diff6rentes races suines.] Wszechswiat Warszawa 28 1909 (109- 111). 76 Berger, A. In Afrikas Wildkam- mern als Forscher und Jager. Berlin 1909 (xvi x 431) 40 Taf. 77 Bernhardt, Ludwig. Feststellung der Zahl der Samenfaden im Sperma des Hengstes. Berliner tierarztl. Wochenschr. 1908 (793 794). 78 , Berstein, Berthe. A propos d’un cas d’ut6rus bicornis septus chez Macacus rhesus. Geneve Thdse m6d. 1908(1-33). 79 Bertelli, Dante. I condotti ed i fora- mini della mandibola nei Mammiferi. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 (155-229) 4 tav. 1909. 80 Bezold, Friedrich. Gehororgan des erwachsenen Wales. In Bezold, Ueber die funktionelle Priifung des menschl. Gehororgans, 3. ' Wiesbaden 1909 (66-69). 81 Biach, Paul. Zur Tierahnliclikeit im menschlichen Rfickenmarke. Neu- rol. Centralbl. Leipzig 27 1908 (507- 511). 82 [Bianehi, V.] EiaiiKH, B. 3aMliTKii o MJieKOimTaioiniixa., Bo^mniixoi bt» dopuroBoii noJioct, ]luTomx)(|)CKaro yba/i.a Menyiy ^epeBUUMii Jle&uicui u Hep nan Jlaxra. [Aper9u sur les Mam- miferes qui se trouvent aux environs des villages Lebiaji6 et Tscliernaja Lakhte, distr. P6terhof du gouv. de St. Petersbourg.] St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (107-118). 83 Billard, G. Immunite naturelle du Lerot commun ( Eliomys nitela, Wagner) contre le venin de la Vipdre. Paris C. It. soc. biol. 67 1907 (90 91). 84 9 Mam. Titles. eooo Birkner, F. vide Schlosser, Max. t[Bjalynicki-Birula, Th. A.] Bjijili- HHUKift-EHpyjiH, 0. A. FHCTOJiorw- ucckui h MHKpoxHMiiueciuH iiatfjnofleiiifl uajp tkelhhmh Eepe30BCKaro MaMOiua. [Histologische unci mikrochemische Be- obachtungen an den Geweben des Maramuts von der Beresovka.] Wiss. Erg. ein. v. cl. K. Ak. d. Wiss. zur Ausgrab. d. i. J. 1901 a. d. Beresovka gefund. Mammutkaclavcrs ausgcriist. Exped. Bel. 2. St. Peterburg 1009 (1-20) Taf. 85 Blanford, N. R. Wild Pigs’ lairs in the rains. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (254). 86 Bley, Fritz. Das Erstlingsgeweih des Elches. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 5 1909 (169-173). 87 Blttntschli, H. Versuch einer Phylo- genese der Granulationcs Riachnoi- dcales (Pacchioni) bci clcn Primatcn. Verh. Ges. D. Natf. Leipzig 80 ii 1909 (363 364). 88 Boas, J. E. V. Der Fuss der Car- nivoren. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (524-538). 89 Boas, J. E. V. Nogle Bemsork- ninger om Rovdyrenes Fod. [Some remarks on the foot of Carnivora.] Kjobenhavn Dansk. Viclensk. Selsk. Forh. 1909 (181-194). 90 Boas, J. E. V. Egern-Skiaelning. Injury to the bark of fir . and pine trees caused by Sciurus vulgaris. Kobenhavn Tids. Skov. 21 1909 (101- 103) 3 pi. 91 Boeke, J. De menschelijke anatomie in hare verhouding tot vergclijkende anatomie en ontwikkclingsgeschicdenis. [Die menschliche Anatomie in ihrem Verhaltnis zur verglcichendcn Anato- mie und Entwicklungsgeschichte.] Lei- den 1909 (1-41). 92 Boettger, O. vide Zimmermann, Rud. [Bogomolez, A. M.] EoroMOJieu.'B, A. M. Kt> c[)H3ioJioriH na^noueuHLixT, 5KeJie3T>. CynpapenoTOKCHHM [Zur Physiologic der Glandulae suprarcnales. Die Suprarenotoxine.] Russ, vrac St. Peterburg 8 1909 (872-878). 93 [Boldyrev, F. N.] Eoji,hi.ipobt>, . H. HoBbitt cnocod'L H3CJib^0BaHia oinpa- BJienih mimeBapniejiLnaro npnGopa h pe3yjiLTaTH, flocrarHyTLie ct, ero no- moiubio. [Eine neue Methode zUr Untersuchung der Funktionen des Ver- dauungsapparatus und die vermittelst derselben erzielten Resultate.] Russ, vrac St. Peterburg 8 1909 (1337-1341). 94 , Bolk, L. Over de ligging en ver- schuiving van het foramen magnum bij de Primaten. [On the position and displacement of the" foramen magnum in the Primates.] Amster- dam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afcl. K. Akad. Wet. 18 1909 (62-78) ; Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 12 1909 (362-377). 95 Bolk, L. Over de helling van het foramen magnum bij de Primaten (2K mededeeling over do vergelijkende craniologie der Primaten). [On the slope of the foramen magnum" in Primates (2nd Paper on the compara- tive craniology of Primates).] Amster- dam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afcl. K. Akad. Wet. 18 1909 (551-560); Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 12 1909 (525-534). 96 Bonhote, J. Lewis. On a small collection of Mammals from Egypt. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (788- 798). 97 Bonne, C. vide Soulie, A. f[Borissjak, A. A.] BopHCHK-i,, A. A. O iioblixt. iiaxoflicaxT, MJicKonmaio- IUHXT, B'b CapMaTCKHXT, OTJIOBCCIliHX?, CeBacTOiiOJifl. [Ueber neue Sauge- tierfunde in der sarmatischen Schicht von Sevastopol.] Moskva Dnevn. xii. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909-1910 (264- 265). 98 Bouin, P. et Ancel, P. Sur le folli- cule de de Graaf mur et la formation du corps jaune chez la Chienne. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (314-316). 99 Bouin, P. et Ancel, P. Sur la fonction du corps jaune. Action du corps jaune vrai sur l’ut6rus. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (505-507). 100 Bouin, P. et Ancel, P. Sur la fonction du corps jaune (4e Note pre- liminaire). Demonstration experi- mentale de Taction du corps jaune sur l’uteru8 de la glando mammaire. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (689- 690). 100a Bouin, P. vide Ancel, P. Branca, A. Sur le developpement du vestibule des fosses nasales. C. R. ass. anat. Paris 10 Nancy 1908 (187— 192). 100b 10 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] Brander, V. Algstatistik for kv 1907. [Elchstatistik fiir das Jahr 1907. ] E. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (102-104). 101 Brander, V. Om harens liiten. ft)ber die Lauten des Hasen.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 3 1908 (182-185). 102 Brander, V. Fjallrafvar i sodra Finland. [Ganis lagopus in Siid- Finland.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 (36 94). 103 Brander, V. Algstatistik for ar 1908. [Elchstatistik fiir das Jahr 1908.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 (134-136). 104 Brander, V. R&djuren a Karelska naset. [ Cervus capreolus auf dem Isthmus Karelicus.] F. Jakttidn. Helsingfors 4 1909 (275 303). 105 Brandes-Halle, G. Zur Anatomie von Lemur ccitta. Verh. Ges. D. Natf. Leipzig 80 2 1909 (196 197). 106 Brasil, L. Les C6tac6s du Mustfe d’Histoire naturello do Caen. Caen Bui. soc. linn. s6r. 6 1 1909 (157-261). 107 Brasil, L. Sur le Mesoplodon bidens 6chou6 au Havre en 1825. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (479 480). 108 Brasil, L. Un dernier mot sur le Mesoplodon echoue au Havre en 1826 : reponse k M. Anthony. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (656 657). 109 Brasil, L. et Pennetier, G. Le Zebre du Museum d’histoire naturelle de Rouen ( Equus burchelli pococki). Caen Mem. Soc. Linn. Normand. 23 1909 (97- 117) pis. vi vii. 110 Brass, Arnold. Das Affen-Problem. Professor E. Haeckel’s Darstellungs- und Kampfesweise sachlich dargelegt nebst Bemerkungen liber Atmungsor- gane und Korperform der Wirbeltier- Embryonen. Leipzig 1909 2. Aufl. 1909(1-88). Ill Brauer. Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands, Berlin, 1909. Mammalia von P. Matschie (1-14). 112 Braun, Max. Das Skelett eines Weiss wales ( Delphinapterus leucas Pall.). Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 1908 (409-412) 1909. 113 fBraun, M. Eine riesige Elchschau- fel. Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 51 1908(412 413) 1909. 114 Brewster, William. The Otter in eastern Massachusetts. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 29 1909 (551-555). 115 Brinkmann, August. Ueber das Vorkommen von Hautdrusenorganen bei den anthropomorphen Affen. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (513-520). 116 [British Museum.] Guide to the AVhales, Porpoises and Dolphins (Order Cetacea) in the Department of Zoology. British Museum (R. Lydekker) London 1909 (1-47). 117 Brockman, Drake, R. E. vide Drake- Brockman, R. E. Brodmann, K. Beitriige zur liisto- logischen Lokalisation der Grosshirn- rinde. vii. Mitt. : Die cytoarclii- tektonische Cortexgliederung der Ilalb- affen (Lemuriden). J. Psychol. Leipzig 10 ErgH. 1908 (287-334) 9 Taf. 118 Broek, A. J. P. van den. Beschou- wingen over den descensus tcsticulo- rum. [Betraclitungen iiber den Descensus tosticulorum.] Amsterdam Work. Gen. Nat. Genccs. ifoolk. ser. 2 6 2 1909 (89-91). 119 Broman, lvar. Untcrsuch ungen iiber die Embryonal- Entwicklung der Pinni- pedia. In Deutsche Sudpolar-Exped. 11 Zool. Berlin 1909 (245-268) Taf. xxviii-xxxii. 119a Broom, R. On the organ of Jacobson in Orycteropus. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (680-683). 120 •[Broom, R. On a large extinct species of Bubalis. London Ann. S. African Mus. 7 1909 (279 280). 121 tBroom> R. On evidence of a large Horse recently extinct in South Africa. London Ann. S. African Mus. 7 1909 (281 282). 122 Broom, R. On the milk-dentition of Orycteropus. London Ann. S. African Mus. 5 1909 (381-384). 123 Broom, R. Observations on the development of the Marsupial skull. Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. N. South Wales 34 1909 (195-219) pis. x-xvi. 124 Broom, R. Some observations on the dentition of Chrysochloris, and on the tritubereular theory. Ann. Natal. Gov. Mus. London 2 1909 (129-139) pi. ii. 125 11 Mam. TrfLES. 6000 \ ' Broom, R. On the homology of the Mammalian alisphenoid bone. Rep. S. African Assoc. Ad. Sci. Cape Town 1907 (114 115) 1908. 126 Brown, Arthur Erwin. The tuber- culin test : with notes on the tem- perature of Mammals. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (81-90). 127 Bruce, William S. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. “ Scotia.” Edinburgh 4 Cetacea 1909. 128 Bruntz, L. vide Spillmann, L. Burki, E. Die Synovialgruben des Rindes. Schweiz. Arch. Thierheilk Zurich 47 1905 (263-265). 129 Burne, R. H. Notes on the viscera of a Walrus ( Odobaenus rosmarus). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (732- 738). 130 Burne, R. H. A gland upon the ear- conch of Dasypus maugei. J. Anat. Physiol. London 43 1909 (312 313). 130i Burton, R. G. The fear of Man in Wild Animals. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (276-279). 131 Cabrera, A. Un nuevo Rhinolophus filipino. [A new Philippine Rhinolo- phus.] Madrid Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 9 1909 (304-306). 132 fCalvin, Samuel. Aftonian Mam- malian fauna. Bull. Gcol. Soc. Amer. New York N.Y. 20 1909 (341-356) pis. xvi-xxvii. 133 Camerano, Lorenzo. Ricerche in- torno al Colobus occidentals Rochebr. e ad altre specie affini. Spedizione al Ruwenzori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia. Parte scientifica 1 Milano 1909 (1-66). 134 Camerano, L. Osservazioni intorno al Fells pardus subsp. ruwenzorii Camer. Spedizione al Ruwenzori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia. Parte scientifica 1 Milano 1909 (89-110). 134a Camerano, L. Osservazioni intorno al Buffelus caffer subsp. radcliffei , Oldf. Thomas. Spedizione al Ruwen- zori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia. Parte scientifica 1 Milano 1909 (139-144). 135 Camerano, L. Osservazioni intorno all’ Equus quagga subsp. granti, Winton. Spedizione al Ruwenzori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia. Parte Scientifica 1 Milano 1909 (145- 154). 136 . Cancarte, Rene. La placentophagic. Paris Bui. soc. nat. acclim. 55 1908 (460-470). 137 Carlsson, Frdulein Albertina. Die Macroscelididae und ihre Beziehungen zu den fibrigen Insectivoren. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst. Jena 28 1909 (349 400). 138 Carraro, Arturo. Ueber Hypo- physisverpflanzung. Arch. Entw- Mech. Leipzig 28 1909 (169-180) Taf. 139 Carrau, A. vide Jolly, J. Carruccio, Antonio. Sullo Stam- becco dei Pirenei e sulla memoria del Prof. L. Camerano intorno agli Stam- becchi delle Alpi. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. ser. 2 10 1909 (184-201). 140 Carruccio, A. Sovra una fra le piu pregiate specie del gen. Pteromys. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. ser. 2 10 1909 (267-273). 141 Carruthers, Douglas. The Arabian Oryx. Field London 114 1909 (422). 142 Carruthers, D. ’ Severtzoff’s sheep from Russian Turkestan. Field Lon- don 114 1909 (623). 143 Carruthers, D. The Big Game of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai. Field London 114 1909 (U.35). 144 Castle, W. E. Colour-variation among Domesticated Animals. Amer. Breeders’ Assoc. Rep. Washington D.C. 4 1908 (172-180). 145 Castle, W. E. and Little, C. C. The peculiar inheritance of pink eyes among Coloured Mice. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 30 1909 (313-314). 146 Cavazza, Filippo. Studien fiber die in Italien vorkommenden Wieselarten der Untergattung Arctogale. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (582-603). 147 Cavazza, F. Sulle Donnole e sul- l’Ermellino in Italia. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. ser. 2 10 1909 (256-264). 148 Cavriani, Carlo. Le razze Gonza- ghesche di Cavalli nel Mantovano e la loro influenza sul puro inglese. Rassegna Contemporanc-a Roma 2 fasc. 3 1909 (117-132). 149 12 Mam. XVirr. Mammalia. [1909] Cesa-Bianchi, Domenico. Di alcune particolarita di struttura e dei feno- meni di secrezione del corpo luteo. Intern. Monatschr. Anat. Leipzig 25 1908 (1-43) 1 Taf. 150 Cesaresco, Countess Evcnlyn Mar- tinongo. The Place of Animals in Human Thought. London 1909 (1- 377) pis. 151 Chappellier, A. Follicules pluri- ovulaires et deg^nerescence ovulaire chez la Souris blanche. Paris C. It. soc. biol. 66 1909 (543-545). 152 Chapin, James vide Miller, W. DeW. Charbonnier, H. J. vide Pudge, C. K. Chubb, E. C. On Mammals from the Upper Zambesi River. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (33- 36). 153 Chubb, E. C. The Mammals of Matabeleland. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (113-125). 154 Chubb, E. C. A new Elephant- Shrew from Johannesburg. Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. Pretoria 1 1909 (181). 155 Chubb, E. C. List of Vertebrates collected by Messrs. F. P. Mennell and E. C. Chubb in the Matopo Hills, Matabeleland. Bulawayo Proc. Rhodes. Sci. Assoc. 8 1908 (60-63). 156 Cleland, J. Burton. Diurnal varia- tions in the temperatures of Camels. Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. N. South Wales 34 1909 (268-271). 157 Cluzet, J. et Bassal, L. De l’action des rayons X sur revolution de la mamelle pendant la grossesse. J. anat. physiol. Paris 44 1908 (453-469) 2 pis. 158 jCockerell, T. D. A. A fossil Ground- Sloth in Colorado. Colorado Univ. Stud. 6 1909 (309-312) pi. 159 Collett, R. Hjorte i Norge ( Cervus elwphus atlanticus), nogle biologiske Meddelelser. [Norwegian Deer, bio- logical notes.] Bergens Mus. Aarbog 1909 No. 6 (1-31) 2 pis. 160 Collett, R. A few notes on the Whale Balaena glacialis and its capture in recent years in the North Atlantic by Norwegian whalers. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (91-98) pis. xxv-xxvii. 161 Collett, R. Sicista subtilis found in Norway in 1907 and 1908. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (379-381). 162 Collett, R. Sicista subtilis in Nor- way. 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Paris 11 1907 (64-268). 169 Coulter, Calvin B. The early develop- ment of the aortic arches of the Cat, with especial reference to the presence of the fifth arch. Anat. Rec. Phila- delphia Pa. 3 1909 (578-592). 170 fCourty, G. et Hamelin, L. Geo- logic du Bassin de Paris. Paris C. R. Ass. frang. Avanc. Sci. 1908 livraison ^apart (1-65). 171 Coyle, Ray E. The development of the auditory ossicles in the Horse, with a note on their possible homo- logues in the Lower Vertebrates. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 29 1909 (582- 600) 6 pis. 172 (Cugunov, V. N.] Hyryuoin., B. II. AiioMUJiin Moueuoro iiyuijpu y lcopomj. [Eine Anomalie der Harnblase bei 13 Main. ♦ Titles. 6000 einer Kuh.] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (358). 173 Cunningham, D. J., Waterston, David, Thomson, R. B., Hepburn, David and Brown, R. N. Rudmore. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. “ Scotia.” Edinburgh 4 Otariidae and Phocidae 1909. 173a Cutore, N. Di una particolare formaziono prepineale nel Bos taurus. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (230-236) 1 tav. 174 Davies, H. S. Malayan variety of the Sambhur ( Cervus unicolor). Bom- bay J. Nat, Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (253 254). 175 . Decoppet, M. Importance forestiere de l’Ecureuil. Chron. Agric. Lausanne 18 1905 (359-361 431-434). 176 Dederer, Miss Pauline H. Com- parison of Ccenolestes with Polyprot- odonta and Diprotodonta. Amer. Nat. Lancaster P. A. 43 1909 (616-618). 177 D6nari6. Observations nouvelles sur quelques Animaux de la Savoie disparus ou en voie de disparition. Chambery Bui. soc. hist. nat. ser. 2 11 1906 (121-134). 178 fDeniker, J. Nouvelle trouvaille de Mammouth en Sib6rie. Nature Paris 37 1909 (284). 179 [Depfiret, Charles. Tho Trans- formations of the Animal World (a translation of “ Les Transformations du Monde Animal.” London (Internat. Scient. Ser.) 1909 (xvi 4- 360). 180 fDep^ret, C. L’ evolution des Mam- miferes tertiaires ; importance des mi- grations. Epoque pliocene. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 148 1909 (140 -143). 181 De Vis, C. W. On a new species of Wombat. Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 5 1900 (14). 182 Deyrolle, Etienne. Les Paresseux. Naturaliste Paris 31 1909 (105 106). 183 •[Dietrich, W. Neue Riesenhirsch- rcste aus dem schwabischen Diluvium. Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 1909 (132-161) 3 Taf. 184 Dilg, Carl. Beitrage zur Kentniss der Morphologie und postembryonalen Entwicklung des Schadels bei Manatus inunguis, Natt. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (83-145) pis. viii-xiii. 185 Dinnik, N. Kaukasische Stein- bocke odor Ture. N. Balt. Weiden-blt. Riga 4 1908 (2-8 25-28 50-54 73-77 105-109 121-125). [Translation of No. 187.] 186 [Dinnik, N. Ja.] H. H. KaBKa8CKie KaMennue kosjii.i hjih T,ypM. [Die kaukasischen Steinbocke oder Ture.] Mater, faun. flor. Ross. Moskva 9 1909 (1-47). 187 [Dinnik, N.] JIhhhhkt., H. Yhhu- TO/Kenie Kpyimoft khuh h nynmaro 8Bbpa bt> ropaxri> KydancKoft odJiacm [Uebcr die Vernichtung des Ilochwildes und des Rauchwildes in den Bergen des Kuban-Gebietes.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (219-223 241-244). 188 Dixon, Joseph. A new Harvest- Mouse from Petaluma, California. Ber- keley Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 5 1909 (271-273). 189 [Dizderew, P.] ^H3AepeB7>, II. Kt> Bonpocy o rucTOJiornuccKOMT* CTpoenin HaAnouennuKOB B y KOMaimuixT, mjicfco- nniaiomnx'L. [Zur Frage fiber den histologischen Bau der Nebennieren bei den Haustieren.] Jurjev Zs. wiss. u. prakt, Veterin. med. 3 1 1909 (1- 137) 1 Taf. 190 Dollman, Guy. On Mammals col- lected by Mr. S. A. Neave in Katanga, Congo Free State. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (350-354). 191 Dollman, G. Six new species of Aotus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (199-204). 192 Dollman, G. A new species of Presbytis, allied to P. rubicundus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (204 205). 193 Dollman, G. A new species of Fossa from Central Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (306 307). 194 Dollman, G. Two new” species of Colobus from Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (474-476). . 195 Dollman, G. New Mammals from British East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (549-543). 196 fDollo, L. The fossil Vertebrata of Belgium. New York Rep. Ann. Acad. Sci. 19 1909 (99-119) pis. vii-x. 196a 14 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia1. [1909] fDoss, Bruno. Ueber einigo neo- lithische Funde bei Sezlock in Liv- land. Riga Korr.-blt. Naturf. Ver. 52 1909 (83-90). 197 Draseke, J. Zur Kenntnis des Hyraciden-Gehirns. [In : Reise in Ostafrika v. A. Voeltzkow. Bd 4.] Stuttgart 1909 (267-277). 198 Drake-Brockman, R. E. The [Big- Game] Fauna of Abyssinia. Journ- Soc. Preserv. Wild Fauna London 5 1909(110-113). 199 Drake-Brockman, R. E. On a new species and a new subspecies of the genus Madoqua and a new subspecies of the genus Rhyncho tragus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (48-51). 200 Dubois, Eug. vide Selenka, M. Dubreuil, G. et Regaud, Cl. Action du male sur le rut et l’ovulation chez la Lapine. iii. Acceleration du^rut par la cohabitation avec le male. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (139- 141). 201 Dubreuil, G. et Regaud, Cl. Sur les relations fonctionnelles des corps jaunes avec l’uterus non gravide. iii. Etats successifs de 1’ uterus, chez le meme sujet, aux diverses phases de la p&riode pr6gravidique. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (413-415). 202 Dubreuil, G. et Regaud, Cl. Sur les follicules ovariens h6morragiques et sur le mecanisme de la dehiscence des follicules. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (828-830). 202a Dubreuil, G. vide Regaud, Cl. Duesberg, J. Note complementaire sur la spermatogenese du Rat. Arch. Zellforschg Leipzig 3 1909 (553-562). 203 Durand, S. vide Jammes, L. Dybowski, B. 0 zybach anormal- nych w uz^bieniu zwierzfjt ssyeych. [Pri la dentoj malnormalaj en dento- statoj de l’sucbestoj.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (39-57). 204 Dybowski, B. O palcach nadlicz- bowych u zwierz^t ssg,cych. [Pri la fingroj supernombraj de l’sucbestoj.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909 (58-71). 205 [Dzavachov, G. A.] J^KaBaxOBT., T. A. CaniTTajiBHun pa3p'h3Tb nepena pa3M4>- iiLixr£> ode3LBHrB ( ho cpaijneiiiio crB JteMy- ])Hji,aMii h HeJiOBljKOM'i.. [Coupe sagit- tate du crane de diff4rents Singes, en comparaison avec les Lemurides et les Races Humaines.] St. Peter- burg Bull. Ac. Sc. s6r. 6 1909 (687- 711). 206 E. B. C. Gibt es Leporiden ? Schweiz. Bl. Ornithol. Zurich 32 1908 (356- 358 373 374). 207 Ebner, V. Ueber scheinbare und wirkliche Radiarfasern des Zahnbeines. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (289-309). — Entgegnung darauf v. K. v. Korff. Ebenda 35 1909 (257-280). 208 Eckstein, Karl. Wintervorrate der Erdmaus, Arvicola agrestis. Nach Beobaohtungen von E. Forster. Natw1. Zs. Landw. Stuttgart 7 1909 (586- 588). 209 Edinger, L. Ueber die dem Oral sinne dienenden Apparate am Gehirn der Sauger. D. Zs. Nervenheilk. Leipzig 36 1908 (151-160). 210 Eiffe, O. Edm. Kreuzung von Polarhund und Dingo. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (312 313). 211 Ekman, Sven. t)ber die Artselbstan- digkeit des Lemmus lemmus (Linn6) gegeniiber Lemmus obensis (Brants). Naturwissenschaftl. Untersuch. des Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland geleitet von Dr. Axel Hamberg 4 Lief 2 Stockholm 1908 (125-132). 212 fElbert. Ueber seine Urmensch- Expedition auf Java. Bonn SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1908 1909 med. natw. Ges. Munster (51-53), 213 Elliot, D. G. Descriptions of ap- parently new species and subspecies of Cebus, with remarks on the nomen- clature of Linnaeus’s Simia apella and Simia capucina. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (227-231). 214 Elliot, D. G. Descriptions of ap- parently new species and subspecies of Monkeys of the genus Callicebus, Lagothrix, Papio, Pithecus , Cerco- pithecus , Erythrocebus, and Presbytis Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (244-274). 215 Elliot, D. G. Descriptions of new species of Monkeys of the genera Cercopithecus and Papio. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (304- 306). 216 15 Mam. Titles. 6000 Elliot, D. G. Oh Simla sphinx, Linnceus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (417 418). 217 Elze, Curt. Zu den ,,Bemerkungen iiber den Haeckel-Maurer’schen Baren- embryo mit Stachelanlagen“ von K. Toldt jun. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (568-572). 218 [Emeljanov, I. V.] EMejibffHOBrb, H. B. OycjiHKrb, ero BpejjoHocmui jvtaTejib- nocTb ii npieMbi 6opi>6bi crb tihmts. [Der Ziesel, seine schadliche Tatigkeit und die Mittel ihn zu bekampfen.] Juzn.-russ. selisk.-choz. gazeta Chari- kov 11 1909 (7-8). . 219 Evans, G. H. Do animals die a natural death ? Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (273-276). 220 Ewart, J. C. The possible ancestors of the Horses living under domestica* tion. London Proc. R. Soc. ser. B. 81 1909 (392-397). 221 Faber, F. C. Die Krankheitcn und Parasiten des Kakabaumcs. Berlin Arb. biol. Anst. 7 1909 (193-343). 222 Fambach. Geweihe und Gehorn : ein kritisches Referat. Zs. natw. Stuttgart 81 1909 (225-264). 223 Favaro, Giuseppe. Contributi alio studio dell’istologia comparata e dell’istogencsi delle pleure. Intern. Monatschr. Anat. Leipzig 26 1909 (301-409) 3 Taf. 224 Fenton, L. The Kathiawar Lion. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (4- 15). 225 Fernandez, Miguel. Beitrage zur Embryologie der Giirteltiere. 1. Zur Keimblatterinversion und spezifischen Polyembryonie der Mulita ( Tatusia hybrida, Desm.) Morph. Jahrb. Leip- zig 39 1909 (302-333) 4 Taf. 226 Festa, E. Chirotteri e Insettivori. Spedizione al Ruwenzori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia. Parte scientifica 1 Milano 1909 (75- 88). 227 Festa, E. Rosicanti. Spedizione al Ruwenzori di S. A. R. il Principe L. Amedeo di Savoia. Parte scienti- fica 1 Milano 1909 (111-138). 228 fFiedler, Hermann. Ueber Sauge- tierreste aus Braunschweigischen Torf- mooren nebst einem Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der osteologischen Geschlechts- charaktere des Rindschadcls. Berlin 1907 (v -f 61) Taf. 229 Fischer, Emil. Zwolf schwarze Wildkaninchen. Gera Jahresber. Ges. Natw. 51-52 1908-09 (115) 1910. 230 Fischer, H. t)ber funktionelle Anpassungam Fledermausmagen. Arch, ges. Physiol. Bonn 129 1909 (113-137). 231 Fisher, A. K. The economic value of Predaceous Birds and Mammals. Washington D.C. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1908 (187-194) pis. i-iii 1909. 232 Forgeot, E. Sur quelqucs disposi- tions des ganglions h^molymphatiques des Ruminants. Paris C. R. ass. fran$. avanc. sci. 37 1908 (560-561)1909. 233 Forrest, H. E. The origin of British Wild Cattle. Shrewsbury Trans. Caradoc F. Cl. 4 1909 (la- 10a) pis. iiia-iva. 233a Forsius, R. Dubbel-ombryo af Sus scrofa domestica. [Doppel- Embryo von Sus scrofa domestical Helsingfors Medd. Socj Fauna et FI. Fenn. 35 1909 (137 138). 234 Fortier, E. Note sur des Veaux monstrueux. Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 42 1907 (23 24). 235 Franz, V. Das Auge von Oryctero- pus afer (Pallas). Jena Denksehr. med. Ges. 15 1909 (401-415) 2 Taf. 236 Frets, G. P. Ueber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule von Echidna hystrix. T1 2. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (335-365). 237 Frets, G. P. Ueber den Plexus lumbo-sacralis, sein Verbreitungs- gebiet und die Beziehungen zwischen Plexus und Wirbelsaule bei den Mono- tremen nebst vergleichend-myologi- schen Bemerkungen. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 40 1909 (1-104). 238 Frets, G. P. Ueber die Varietaten der Wirbelsaule und ihre Erblichkeit. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (105-120). 239 Freudenberg, Franz. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Tietpsyche, Hund. Psych. Stud. Leipzig 36 1909 (434- 435). 240 Friedenthal, Hans. Haarparasiten und Haarbau als Hinweise auf Bluts- verwandtschaft. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Naturfor. Fr. 1909 (379-383). 241 16 Mam . XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] Fritz, F. Uber einen Sinnesapparat am Unterarm der Katze nebst Bemer- kungen iiber den Bau der Sinus vagus. Zeits. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 92 1909 (291- 305). 242 Fritze, Ad. Nachtrag zum Katalog der Saugetiersammlung des Provin- zial-Museums zu Hannover. Han- nover Jahrb. ProvMus. 1908-1909 (87- 94). 243 fFritze, A. Die Montierung des Riesenhirsch-Skeletts im Provinzial- Museum zu Hannover. Hannover Jahrb. ProvMus. 1908-1909 (95). 244 Fuchs, H. Ueber cjie Entwickelung einiger Deckknochen (Vomer, Ptery- goid, Maxillare) bei Saugetieren (und ihr Verhaltnis zum Knorpelskelette). Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (85- 104) Taf. 245 Funccius, Theodor. Der Prothorax der Vogel und Sauger. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 39 1909 (370-445) 3 Taf. 246 Fuschlberger, Hans. Der ,.Brunft- sehrei“ des Rehbockes. Wild u. Hund Berlin 15 1909 (517-519). 247 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri. Nou- velles experiences sur les Lapins domestiques prives d’une conque auri- culaire. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (57-59). 248 Gadeau de Kerville, H. Description et figuration de deux Mammiferes monstrueux (Agneau synote, Che- vreau apodyme). Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 42 1907 (295-297). 249 Gaillard, C. vide Lortet, E. Gates, R. R. A litter of hybrid Dogs. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 29 1909 (744-747). 250 Gerhardt, Ulrich. Ueber das Vor- koramen einos Penis- und Clitoris- knochons bei Hylobatiden. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (353-358). 251 Gerhardt, U. Das Kaninchen ; zugleich eine Einfuhrung in die Orga- nisation der Sauggtiere. Mit e. Vor- • wort v. H. E. Ziegler. (Monographien einheimischer Tiere. Hrsg. v. H. E. Ziegler u. R. Woltereck, 2.) Leipzig 1909 (vi + 307) Taf. 252 Geyr von Schweppenburg, H. Freu herr vide Roi, O. le. Ghidini, Angelo. I Myoxidi tici- nesi. Locarno Boll. Soc. tic. Sc. Nat. 2 1905 (50-56). 253 Ghidini, A. Ein Steinbock aus den rhiitischen Alpen, Diana Geneve 1909 (68). 254 Giard, A. Conflit d’instincts chez une Musaraigne. v Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (163). 255 tGidley, James Williams. Notes on the fossil Mammalian genus Ptil- odus. Washington D.C. Smithsonian. Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 1909 (611— 626) pi. lxx. 256 fGilbert, J. Z. Ancestors of our Whales. [Description of fossils found at Los Angeles, Cal.] Los Angeles Bull. Soo. Cal. Acad. Sci. 7 1908 (20- 22) pi. 257 Girard, Pierre. Influence de la domestication sur le poids de l’ence- phale. Bui. inst. psych, internat. Paris 8 1908 (340-344). 258 tGirardot, Albert. La faune pr6- historique de la Franche - Comt6. Besan?on Mem. Soc. Em. Doubs. ser. 8 1 1906 (263-329) 1907. 259 fGirtanner. Riesenhirsch und Rie- senalk. St. Gallen Jahrb. Natw. Ges. 1906 (32-35) 1907. 260 Giuffrida-Ruggeri, V. Die Ent- deckungen Florentino Ameghinos und der Ursprung des Menschen. Globus Braunschweig 94 1908 (21-26). 261 fGlauert, Ludwig. A new species of Sthenurus. London Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 65 1909 (462) abstr. 262 Goppert, E. Ueber die Entwick- lung von Varietaten im Arterien- system. Untersuchungen an der Vordergliedmasse der weissen Maus. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 40 1909 (268- 410) 7 Taf. 263 Goldman, E. A. Five new Woodrats of the genus Neotoma from Mexico. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (139-140). 264 Goldman, E. A. vide Nelson, E. W. Goldschmidt, Waldemar. Ueber das Fehlen der Pleurahohle beim afrikanischen Elefanten. Morph. Jabrb, Leipzig 40 1909 (265-267). 265 17 Mam. Titles. 6000 Gorjanovili-Kranberger. Der vor- . Auiac'b h onepicb dm- OpioJioriH uosBOHOUHLix'b h ueaoB'feKa. ^ouojih. HepeB. ctj HbiweitK. [Atlas und Grundriss der Einbryologie der Wirbelthiere und des Menschen. Ver- vollst. Uebers. a. d. deutsch. des gleichen Autors.j St. Peterburg 1909 (2 -f 340). 283 Haberfeld, Walther. Zur Histologie des Hinterlappens der Hypophyse. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (98-104). 284 Hachet-Souplet, P. Les Chiens sauveteurs et la zoopedie. Bui. inst. psych, internat. Paris 7 1907 (451- 460). 285 [Haeckel, Ernst.] Fckkojil, D. llpoHcxoiK^enie uejfOB'hica. J^oiaa^T. npouiiT. na 4. Meac^yu.. Kourp. booji. bt> KoMopnji.JK'h. IlepeB. crb 10-ro hb,h. I. F. AiiiKHHa3H. [Ueber unsere ge- genwartigen Kenntnisse vom Ursprung des Menschen. Vortr., geh. auf d. 4-ten intern. Zoologenkongress zu Cam- bridge.] St. Peterburg 1909 (1-80). 286 Hafner, Bruno. Die Entwicklung der Lage.und Anordnung des Schweine- und Wiederkauerdarmes. Arch. Entw- Mech. Leipzig 28 1909 (49-103) 2 Taf. 287 Hagedoorn, Arend L. Inheritance of yellow colour in Rodents. Berkeley e 20 18 Mam. XVIil. Mammalia. [1909] Cal. Univ. Cal. Pub. Physiol. 3 1909 (95-99). 287a Hagenbeck, C. Beasts and Men, being Carl Hagenbeck’s Experiences for Half a Century among Wild Animals. [Translation of work quoted in Record for 1908, No. 332]. London 1909 (xiii + 299). 288 fHagmann, Gottfried. Ueber dilu- viale Murmeltiere aus dem Rhein- gebiet und ihre Beziehungen zu den lebenden Murmeltieren Europas. Strass- burg Mitt. geol. Landesanst. 6 1909 (369-394) 2 Taf. 289 Hal&sz, Armin. Hermaphroditismus csikoban. [Hermaphroditismus bei einem Fiillen.] Alla tor v. L. Budapest 32 1909 (102-103). 290 Haldane, R. C. Whaling in Scot- land for 1908. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist, Edinburgh 70 1909 (65-69). 291 Haller, B. Die phyletische Stel- lung der Grosshirnrinde der Insekti- voren. Jena Jenaische Zs. 45 1909 (279-297) pi. xxvi. 292 Haller, B. Die phyletisoho Ent- faltpng der Sinnesorganc der Sauge- tierzunge. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (368-467) 3 Taf. 293 Haller, B. tjber die Hypophyse niederer Placentalier und den Saccus vasculosus der urodelen Amphibien. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (812- 843) 2 Taf. 294 Hamann, Otto. Die Ab3tammung des Menschen. Einc Darstellung der neueren Ergebnisse der Anthropologic. Godesberg-Bonn 1909 (1-64) 4 Taf. 295 Hamelin, L. vide Courty, G. Hari, Paul. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der chemischen Warmeregulation der Saugetiere. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 130 1909 (90-111). 296 Hdri, P. Der respiratorische Gas- wechsel der winterschlafenden Fleder- maus. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 130 1909 (112-133). 297 jHarle, Edouard et Stehlin, H. G. Une nouvelle fauna de Mammiferes des Phosphorites du Quercy. Paris Bull. soc. geol. France s6r. 4 9 1909 (39-52). 298 Hartig, Rolf. Vergleichende Unter- 8uchungen iiber die Lippen- und Backendriisen der Haussaugetiere und des Affen. Leipzig 1907 (iv + 79). 299 Harvier, P. et Morel, L. Topo- graphic du tissu parathyroldien chez le Chat. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (837-839). 300 Hase, P. und E. von. Wa,s erzwang den dauernd aufrechten Gang der Menschen ? Prometheus Berlin 21 1909 (145-150). 301 Hasse, C. Fragen und Probleme auf dem Gebiete der Anatomie und Physiologie der Lymphwege. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1909 (327-330). 301a fHasse, Georges. Un Marsupial dans l’argile de Boom. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. Zool. et Malac. Belgique 44 1909 (77 78). 302 fHaupt, 0. Elephas primigenius , Bl., aus den Diluvial-Schottern von Mainflingcn a. M. Darmstadt Notizbl. Ver. Erd. K. scr. 4 29 1908 (95-104) pi. iv. 302 [Hay, Oliver P. The geological and geographical distribution of some Pleis- tocene Mammals. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 30 1909 (890-893). 303a. Heck, L. tlber die erste Echidna- Ziichtung im Berliner Zoologischen Garten. Verh. Ges. D. Natf. Leipzig 80 2 1909 (197 198). 304 Heck, L. Lebendo Bilder aus dem Reiehc der Tiere : Augcnblicksauf- nahmen nach dem lebenden Tier- bestande des Berliner Zoologischen Gartens. Leipzig 1909 (1-200). 3C5 Heilborn, Edwin. Fuchs, Schakal und Wolf. Vergleichende Morpho- logic des Schadels. Bern 1905 (1-46) 3 Taf. 306. Heinrich, G. Die Entwicklung des Zahnbeins bei Saugetieren. Arch, mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (781-811) 2 Taf. 3Q7 Held, Hans. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau der Ohrlabyrintlies der Wirbeltiere. Leipzig Abh. Ges. Wiss. 31 1909 (193-294) 18 Taf. 308 Heller, Edmund. A new Rodent of. the genus Oeorychus. Washington D.C. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. 52 1909 (469 470) pi. Iv; 309) 19 Mam. Titles. 6000 Heller, E. Two new Rodents from British East Africa. Washington D.C. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. 52 U09 (471 472) pi. lvi. 310 Heller, E. Mammals of the 1907 Alexander Expedition to South-eastern Alaska. Berkeley Calif. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 5 1909 (245-264). 311 Heller, O. Die neusten Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Hundswut. Bern. Mitt. Natf. Ges. 1905 (xxvii-xxxvi). 312 Henneberg, Bruno. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ohrmuschel. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (121-122) und Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. 1 40 1909 (95-147) 2 Taf. 313 Hennings, Curt. Die Saugetiere Deutschlands, ihr Bau, ihre Lebens- weise und ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeu- tung. Leipzig 1909 (1-174). 314 Hennings, C. Mammalia fur 1904. Arch. Natg. Berlin 71 2 Hft. 1 1909 (1-132). 315 Hepburn, David. Scottish Ant- arctic Expedition ; Observations on the anatomy of the Weddell Seal ( Leptonychotes weddelli). Edinburgh Tr. R. Soc. 47 1909 (57-63) pi. 316 fHermann, Rudolf. Die Rehge- horne der geologisch-palaontologischcn Sammlung des Westpreussischen Pro- vinzial-Museums in Danzig’ mit be- sondcrer Bcriicksichtigung hyperplasti- scher und abnormer Bildungen. Danzig Schrift. Nat. Ges. ser. 2 12 1909 (81-' 101 ) pi. viii. 317 fHescheler, Karl. Der Riesenhirsch. Neujahrsbl. Nat. Ges. Zurich 1909 3 (1-41) 2 Taf. 318 Hescheler, K. Vorfahrenreihe des Pfercles. St. Gallon Jahrb. Natw. Ges. 1906 1907 (29-32). 319 Heuer, George. The development of the fymphatics in the small intestine of the Pig. Amer. J. Anat. Phila- delphia Pa. 9 1909 (95-118). 320 Heyne, Hugo. Beitrage zur Anato- mie des Ciliarmuskels bei Katze, Hund und Kaninchen. Jena 1908 (1-40). 321 Hilzheimer, Max. Neigen inselbe- wohnendo Siiugeticro zu einer Ab- nahmo der Korpergrosse ? Arch. Rass. u. Gesell. Biol. Leipzig 3 1909 (305-321). 322 (n 11091/) fHilzheimer, M. Wisent und Ur im K. Naturalienkabinett zu Stutt- gart. Mitt. k. Natkab. Stuttgart 1909 (243-269) pis. vi-vii. 323 Hilzheimer, M. Was ist Equus equiferus Pallas ? Natw. Wochenschr. Jena 24 1909 (810-812). 324 fHilzheimer, M. Wie hat das Mammut ausgesehen ? Aus d. Natur Stuttgart 5 1909 (455-463). 325' f Hinton, Martin A. C. On the fossil Hare of the ossiferous fissures of Ight- ham, Kent, and on the recent Hares of the variabilis group. Dublin ScL, Proc. R. Soc. ser. 2 12 1909 (225-265> pi. xv. 326 Hocke, M. Beitrage zur verglei- chenden Histologie des Pankreas der wichtigsten Haussaugetiere (Hund, K&tze, Sehwein, Schaf, Ziege, Rind, Pferd) mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des ,,Ausfiihrenden Apparates“ und der Pankreasinseln. Zurich 1907 (1-126). 327 fHoffmann, A. Saugetierreste aus einigen Braunkohlenablagerungen Bos- niens und der Herzewina. Sarajevo Wiss. Mitt. Bosn. Herceg. 11 1909 (558-571); 327a Holding, R. E. The Horns of the St. Kikla Four-horned Sheep. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (98-100). 328 Holl, M. Ueber Furchcn und Win- dungen der Scheitcl-Hinterhauptgegend an den Gehirnen der Affen der neuen Welt. Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Abt. 3 117 1908 (9-90) 6 Taf. 329 Hall, M. t)ber bisher unbekannte Bildungen im hintersten Inselgebiet- des Menschen- und Affenhirns. Wien Sitzber. Ak. Wiss. Abt. 3 118 1909 (129-178) 4 pis. 330 Holl, M. Die Entwicklung der Bogenwindung an der hinteren Insel des Menschen- und Affenhirns. Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 118 Abt. 3 1909 ’ (265-371) 2 Taf. 331 Hollister, N. Two new Bats from the South-western United States. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (43 44). 332 Honda, Yugoro. Gehororgan des Hunde3. Erlangen 1909 (1-20). 332a Hooper, David. Fat of the Hima- layan Bear, Ursus torquatus, Wagner. e 20—2 20 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia [1909] Calcutta J. & P. As. Soc. Beng. 4 1908 (33 34). 332b Hornaday, W. T. Fortpflanzung der Schneeziege (Capra montana) im Zoo- logischen Garten zu New York. Zool. Bcob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (20-22). 333 Howell, Arthur H. Description of a new Bat from Nickajack Cave, Tennessee. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (45-48). 334 Howell, A. H. Notes on the dis- tribution of certain Mammals in the South-eastern United States. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (55-68). 335 Huber, Friedrich. Der Ductus thora- •cicus von Pferd, Rind, Hund und ■ Schwein. Dresden 1909 (1-66) 4 Taf. 23 cm. 336 Hubrecht, A. A. W. Die Sauge- tierontogenese in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere. Jena 1909 (v + 247). 337 Inouye, Michio. Ueber die Harn- kanalchen des Rindes und des Tiimm- lers. In : Untersuchungen tiber Bau und Entwickelung der Niere, hrsg. von K. Peter. Jena 1909 1 (361-448) 1 Taf. 338 Ivanov, Jordan. Contribution a l’etude les glandules parathyroi'des ehez les Rongeurs (Cobaye et Mulot). G end vo 1905 (1-30) pi. 339 Jaaskeliiinen, Yiljo. Lisiti naalitic- toihin Karjalasta. [Funde von Canis iagopus in Karelen.] Luonnon Ystavii Helsingfors 13 1909 (118). 340 tJackson, J. Wilfrid. Notes on the ’bone caves of Grange and district. Lancashire Nat. Darwen ser. 2 2 1909 (45-46 85-90). 341 tJackson, J. W. On the discovery of the remains of Lemmings in Dog Holes, Warton Crag. Lancashire Nat. Darwen ser. 2 2 1909 (227-229). 342 Jaeger, Alfred. Ueber die Umwand- lung von Leberzellbalken in selbstan- dige Gallencapillaren. Arch. Entw- Mech. Leipzig 28 1909 (35-42). 343 Jaekel, 0. Entgegnung an Herrn G. Steinmann. [Betr. Abstammung der Sauger.] Centralbl. Min. Stutt- gart 1909 (706-709). 344 [Jakimov, V. L. und Kohl, Nina.] Hkhmobtb, B. JI. ii KoJib, Hima. Ktb Bonpocy o cocTaB-k KpoBii Jioiuafleii paBJinuHbixa. nopojvi.. [Zur Frage fiber die Zusammensetzung des Blutes bei Pferden verschiedener Rassen.J Archiv. veterin. nauk St. Peterburg 37 1907 (563-589) ; Monatshefte Tierheilk. Stuttgart 21 1909 (116-146). 345 tJameson, H. Lyster. On a sub- fossil Hare from a cave-deposit at Godwan River. Pretoria Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 1 1909 (195 196). 346 Jameson, H. L. On a collection of Mammals from South Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (455-474). 347 Jammes, L. et Durand, S. Sur les modifications des cavit6s sereuses chez quelques Mammiferes (Elephant d’Asie et Dauphin commun). Toulouse Bui. soc. hist. nat. 41 1908 (xviii-xx). 348 Jensen, Adolf S. Okapien og Guden Set. The Ocapi and the deity Set. [The head of the ancient Egyptian deity Set is not that of Ocapia but of Camelopardalis .] K^benhavn Maaneds- magasinet 1809 (825-830). 349 Jentink, F. A. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Fauna von Sfid-Afrika ; Ergeb- nisse einer Reise von Prof. Max Weber im Jahre 1894 ; Mammalia. -Zool. Jahrb.-Systemat. Jena 28 1909 (239- 262). 350 f Jochelson, Waldemar. Some notes on the traditions of the natives of North-eastern Siberia about the Mam- moth. Amer. Nat. Lancaster Pa. 43 1909 (48-50). 351 Johnson, H. Lindsay. Ein Versuch zur Klassifizierung der Saugetiere, Reptilien und Amphibien in Familien und Ordnungen nach den opthalmo- skopischen Erscheinungen des Augen- liintergrundes und dem wahrend des Lebens auftretenden Grade der Exo- phorie. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1£ 09 (249-265). 352 Jolly, J. Variations de l’hemo- globine, du nombre des globules rouges et de la valeur globulaire aux differentes periodes de la vie chez le Rat blanc. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (136-139). 253 Jolly, J. Sur quelques points de la morphologic du sang Studies par l’observation de la circulation dans 21 Mam. Titles. 6000 1’aile do la Clmuve-sour's. Arch. anal, microsc. Paris 11 1907 (94-109). £64 Jolly, J. et Carrati, A. Sur 1c d6- veloppement des ganglions lymphati- ques des Mammiferes. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 67 1909 (040-643). £55 Jordan, H. E. The shape of the red blood-corpuscles. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (406-412). £53 Joris, H. De l’existence d’une glande infundibulifdrc cliez les Mammi- fcrcs. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy 17 1908 (282-288). £63a Joseph, H. Histologische Beobach- tungen am Anthropoidenovarium. Wien Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. 18 1909 (83-112) Taf. £57 Jubin, Leon. La fourbure du pied duCheval. Lyon 1908 (1-68). 353 Julitz, Curt. Osteologie und Myo- logie der Extremitaten und des Wickel- schwanzes vom Wickclbaren, Cerco - leptes caudi volvulus, mit besonderer Bcriicksichtigung dcr Anpassungscr- scheinungen an das Baumleben. Arch. Natg. Berlin 75 1909 Bd 1 (143-188) 6 Taf. 359 [Jurinskij, T.] IOpHHCKifi, T. OOnop'L Beccmmx'L (f)eiiojioniuecKHXrj> HBJieiiifi npnpojp.i bi» BoctohiioH Ontfiipn bt> 1905 h 1{X)6 roftaxT,. [Uebersicht dcr phenologischcn Fruhjahrserschci- nungcn in Ostsibirien in den Jahrcn 1905 u. 1906.] Irkutsk Izv. Vost.- Sib. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 38 1907 (32-63) 1909. 360 Kappeli, J. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologie der Ovarien von wildlebenden und gezahmten Wieder- kauern und Schweinen. Landw. Jahrb. Schweiz. Bern. 22 1908 (53-129) 6 Taf. 361 [Kalius, A. I.] KajiiouiT., A. I. MaccoBoe riepecejienie GFjiok'b. [Eine Massenwanderung von Eichhornchen.] Nasa ochota St. Peterburg 3 1909 11 (114). 362 [KafCenko, N. Th.] Kamemco, H. O. Ciiiicoiv'L jicTyunxT. MLimeU, coOpau- nux’B B. JI. BiauKii bt> IleTepOyprcKoli h TBepcKofi ryGepniiix'L. [Liste des Chauve-souris trouv^es par V. L. Bianchi dans les gouv. de St. Peters- bourg efc de Tver.] St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 14 1909 (vi vii). 363 Kazzander, Julius. Zur Biologie der Talpa europaea. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (394-399). 364 Keen, J. H. Caribou in the Queen Charlotte Islands. Ottawa Nat. 22 1909 (260). 3C5 fKeller, C. Die ausgestorbene Fauna von Kreta und ihre Bezie- hungen zur Minotaurus-Sage. Zurich Vierteljahrsclie Nat. Ges. 54 1909 (424-435). 366 Keller, C. Ein Hausticrrelikt ayf den Balearcn. Aus dcr Natur Leipzig 4 1909 (524-531). 367 Keller, C. Gibt es einen Hund ? Wissen und Leben Zurich 1 1907 (33— 40). 368 Keller, Otto. Die Antike Thier- welt. Leipzig 1909 (xii + 434) 3 pis. 369 [Kercelli, Ssrgei.] Kepn,eJiJiH, C. MaTepiajiu rjih irnyuenia ojreneBOflCTBa bl BojiMiieaeMejibCKoft Tyujiph Apx- anrejibCKoil ry(5(3rmin. [Beitrage zum Studium der RenntierzuCht in der Tundra Bolschaja Zemlja, Gouv. Archangelsk.] Vorl. Mitt. Arch, veterin. nauk St. Peterburg 39 1909 (817-935). 370 Kermauner, F. Pseudohermaphro- ditismus masculinus beim Schwein. Monatschr. Geburtsh. Berlin 27 1908 (375-377). 371 Kershaw, J. A. Notes on the Hairy - nosed Wombat, Phascolomys latifrons, Owen. Melbourne Victorian Nat. 26 1909 (118 119). 372 Kinnear, N. B. Measurements of some of the horns in the collection of the Bombay Natural History Society. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (184-209). 373 Kirchner, A. Die vordere Epiphyse und der untere Tuberositaskern der Tibia beim Menschen und in der Saugetierreihe. Die Tuberositas tibiae des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1908 (237-320). 374 Kirkham, W. B. Maturation of the egg of the White Mouse. New Haven Conn. Trans. Acad. Arts Sci. 13 1909 (65-87). 374a Klaatsch, Hermann. Die neuesten Ergebnisse der Palaontologie des Menschen und ihre Bedeutung fur 22 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] das Abstaramungsproblem. Z3. Ethn. Berlin 41 1909 (537-584 683) 4 Taf. 375 Klinkhardt, Werner. Das Kanin- chen : Zeigleich eine Einfiihrung in die Organisation der Silugetierc. 2 Leipzig 1909 (vi + 307). 376 Kloss, C. Boden. The Primates, Carnivores, and Ungulates of the Peninsular Region. Singapore J. Straits Br. R. Asiat. Soc. 1909 No. 33 (1-47). 377 fKnotek. Die Reste des Rot- und Damwilies in Griechenland und den anderen Balkanliindern. Wild u. Iiund Berlin 15 1909 (581-584). 378 Knottnerus-Meyer, Tlieodor. Geburt eines Zwillingspaares von Hamadryad arabicus, Thos. Berlin Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1909 (84). 379 Knottnerus-Meyer, T. Mammalia fur 1906. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg. Berlin 73 2 1907 (1-166) 1909. 380 Koch, J. v. Ueber die Fortpflanzung des Alpen-Murmeltieres. Jagd u. Wild Wien 1 1909 (113 114). 381 Konig, Clemens. Das gemeine 43chnabeltier, Ornithorhynchus ana - tvnus. ' D. Jagerztg Neudamm 54 1909 (11-14 28-30 43-45 60-62 78- 79 90-92 108-110 125-128). 382 Konig, C. Die Ausriistung des Schnabeltieres. Aus d. Natur Stutt- gart 4 1909 (689-696). 383 Kohl, Nina vide Jakimov, V. L. [Koiranskij, M.] Koilpaiicui/I, M. rcpMa([)poAHTH3Mi> y K03LI. [Hcrm- aphroditismus bei einerZiege.] Veterin. zizni Moskva 1909 (277). 384 Kolbe, H. Die Siidpolarkontinent- theorie nebst Bemerkungen iiber tier- geographische Verhaltnisse auf der Siidhemisphare. Naturwis. Wochen- schr. ser. 2 8 1909 (449-454). 385 Kolster, Rud. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Embryotrophe. IV. Zur Kenntnis des Chorionepithels. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. 1 40 1909 (149- 178) 4 Taf. 386 Korff, K. vide Ebner, V. [Kovalevskij.S. N.] KoBajieBCKiii, C. H. llpodjieua noJiOBb na ociiOBaiiiii oiiLiTOBL npon3BOJibnaro bjimiim na nojn> 3apoALiiiia MJieuoriiiTaioiuiiXT*- llpe/iBapirrejibiioe coodmenie. [Das Ssxualitatsproblem auf Grund von Versuchen willkiirlicher Einwirkung auf den Geschlecht des Embryos bei Saugetieren. Vorl. Mitt.] Charikov O.-r. Inst, vdterin 9 2 1909 (1-45). 387 fKowarzik, R. Der Moschusochs im Diluvium Europas und Asiens. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 33 1908 (857-861). 888 tKowarzik, R. Dcr Moschusochs im Diluvium von Europa und Asia. Briinn Verh. nat. Ver. 47 1908 (44-59). 389 Kowarzik, R. Resultate einer zusam- menfassenden Bearbeitung der Mono- tremen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 35 1909 (213-215). 390 [Kozevnikov, G.] Ko:KeBHinvOBrB, R Hepiibiii saan,'!.. [Ein schwarzer Hase.] Ochotn. vest. Moskva 9 1909 (134). 391 [Kracht-Palejev, P. N.] KpaxT'n- najrkeBT>, IT. H. MaTepiajiu kt> yueuiio o nepe^Heii dpLiHceuuoft apiepin (Arteria mesenterica anterior s. su- perior hom.) y ^OManinnxi* MJieKO- nuTaionuixi, JKHBOTiiuxrJ>. [Beitrage zur Lehre von der vorderen Mescnter- ialarterie (Arteria mesenterica an- terior s. superior Hom.) bei den Haus- Saugetieren.] Aus dem anat. Kabinet des Veterinar. Inst, in Charkow. Chari- kov 1908 (1-44) 4 Taf. und Charikov C.-r. Inst, vdter. 9 3 1909 (1-44) 4 Taf. 392 ^ Kraemer, H. Die Griinde der Ent- stehung rassoncharakteristischer Mass- unterschicdc an Knochcns besondors am Metacarpus des Pferdcs. Bern Mitt. Natf. Ges. 1906 (vii-xi). 393 [Kryzanovskij.] KpuiKanoBCKiil, BecbMa pi/iKoe ypo^CTBO y TeaeiiKa. [Eine selir seltene Misbildung des Kalbes.] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (463-464). 394 Kiikenthal, W. Untersuchungen an Walen. Jena Jenaisch. Zeits. 45 1909 (545-588) pis. xlii-xlix. 3S5 Kurchhoff, D. Mitteilungen iiber die Rassen der wichtigsten Haus- tiere in Afrika. I. Das Pferd. II. Das Rind. Tropenpflanzer Berlin 11 1907 (550-559 630-636); 12 1908 (129-135 328-335 524-531). 396 Kurchhoff, D. Mitteilungen iiber die Rassen der wichtigsten Haustiere in Afrika : 3 S chafe, Ziegen, Esel. Titles. 6000 23 yMam. Tropenpflanzer Berlin 13 1909 (222- 228). 397 [KuliCickij, N. K.] Kyjibqimkiii, H. K. Glandula lacrimalia praeparotidea j irlucoTopi.ix'b rpbrayiiOBb. [Ueber die Glandula lacrimalis praeparotidea bei ■einigen Nagern.] Moskva Dnevn. xii. Sjezda russ. jest. vrac. 1909- 1910(179-181). 398 Kunze, Fritz. Einige Notizen iiber die Saugetier- und Vogelfauna von Deutsch-Sudwestafrika. Gesammelt 1906-1907. Zool. Bcob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (11-20). 399 Kwietnieweki, Casimir. Zur Ent- wickelung der Wolffschen und Miiller- schen Gange bei den Nagetieren. Anat. Anz. Jena 35 1909 (240-256). 400 La Baume, Wolfgang vide Baume, Wolfgang La. fLalanne, G. Glouton grav6 sur bois do Rcnno. Bordeaux Actos Soc. Linn. 62 1908 (381 382). 401 Lane, H. H. Some observations on the habits and placentation of Tatu novcmcinctum. Norman Ok. Univ. Oklahoma Research Bull. 1909 (1-18). 402 Lane, H. H. A suggested classifica- tion of Edentates. Norman Ok. Univ. Oklahoma Research Bull. 1909 (21-27). 403 Lantz, David E. Coyotes in their economic relations. Washington D.C. Dept. Agric. Biol. Surv. Bull. No. 20 1905 (1-28). 404 Lantz, D. E. The Brown Rat in the United Spates. Washington D.C. Dep. Agric. Biol. Surv. Bull. No. 33 1909 (1-55). 405 Lantz, D. E. Use of poisons for destroying noxious species. Washing- ton D.C. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1908 (421-432) 1909. 406 Laville, A. Mustela vison dans la Manche. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (250). 407 Leboucq, Georges. Contribution a l’6tude do l’histogeneso de la retine chez les Mammiferes. Arch. anat. microsc. Paris 10 1909 (555-605) pis. xvii-xix. 408 L6caillon, A. Sur la structure qu’acquiert le canalicule seminifere de la Taupe commune ( Talpa europaea) apr&s’ la p6riode de reproduction. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (664- 666). 409 LGcaillon, A. Sur les cellules inter- stitielles du * testicule de la Taupe ( Talpa europaea , L.) consid6r6 en dehors de la periode de reproduction. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 66 1909 (599- 601). 410 Lecaplain vide Barrier. Leche, Wilhelm. Zur Frage nach der stammesgeschichtlichen Bedeutung des Milchgebisses bei den Saugetieren : i. Mitteilung. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst. Jena 28 1909 (449-456) pi. ix. 411 Le Hello, P. Actions musculaires locomotrices. J. anat. physiol. Paris 44 1908 (65-80). 412 Lelidvre, A. et Retterer, E. Struc- ture des h6matics des Mammiferes adultcs. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909(67-71). 413 Lelidvre, A. et Retterer, E. Struc- ture du myocarde chez les Mammi- feres. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (811-814). 414 Lelievre, A. vide Retterer, E. Le Souef, W. H. Dudley vide Lucas, A. H. S. Letacq, A. L. Note sur un Vison tu6 a Boissy-Maugis (Orne). Rouen Bui. Soc. Amis. Sci. Nat. 44 1909 (242 243). 415 Levi, Giuseppe. Contributi alia conoscenza del condrocranio cerebrale dei Mammiferi. Monit. zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (159-174) tav. 416 Levi, G. Studi anatomici ed em- briologici sull’osso occipitale. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 7 1908 (615-696) 7 tav. 1909. 417 [Lialin, A. N.] JDuwirb, A. H. O nponopu,LH opranoBrb MeABl^T,. [Ueber die Proportionen der. Organe beim Barerf.] Ochotn. gazeta Moskva 37 1909 (42). 418 Lier, Eduard Henri Benjamin van. Over de interfibrillaire stof in de lederhuid bij zoogdieren. [Ueber die interfibrillare Substanz in der Leder- haut bei Saugetieren.] Utrecht 1909 (1-86). 419 Little, C. C. vide Castle, W. E. 24 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1900J [Liubeneckij,G. A.] JlrodeHeu.KiH,!1. A. Kt> Boupocy o cbh3h Me;i;fly npeflcep- fliaMH h a;eJiy,noHKaMH cepAaa MJieKO- HHTaiouiHXTb. [Zur Frage uber den Zusammenhang zwischen den Vorhofen und den Kammern des Saugetierher- zens.] Kazan! Zap. Univ. 76 1909 (1-131) 6 Taf. 420 [Liubeneckij, G. A.] Jliodenemuft, F. A. Kt> Bonpocy o cbiisii wea^y npe«- cep;uaMu ii acejiyjioqKaMH cepuma MJieuo- nnTaioinnxrL. Il3T> cl>n3iojiorHqeCKod jiadopaT. II. Ka3ancKaro Yhhb. [Zur Frage iiber den Zusammenhang zwisch- en den Vorhofen und den Kammern des Sfiugetierherzens. Aus dem pliysio- logischen Laboratorium der Kais. Uni- versitat Kazan.] Kazan! Med. zurn. 1908 (1-14) 2 Taf. 421 Lloyd, R. E. The races of Indian Rats.' Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 3 1909 (1-100) pis. i-vi. 422 Lloyd, R. E. The relation between fertility and normality in Rats. Cal- cutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 3 1909 (261-265). 423 Loeb, Leo und Addison, W. II. F. Beitriige zur Analyse des Gewebe- wachstums. II. Transplantation der Haut des Meerschweincliens in Tiere verschiedener Species. Arch. Entw- Mech. Leipzig 27 1909 (73-88). 424 Lonnberg, Einar. A study of the variation of European Beavers. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 5 No. 6 1909 (1-16). 425 Ldnnberg, E. Contribution to the knowledge of the anatomy of the Ruminants. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 5 No. 10 1909 (1-23). 426 t Lonnberg, E. Nigra fynd af subfossila Vertebrater. [Discoveries of subfossil Vertebrates.] Ark. Zool. Stockholm 6 No. 3 1909 (1-28). 427 Ldnnberg, E. . Taxonomic notes about Palearctic Reindeer. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 6 No. 4 1909 (1-18). 428 Lonnberg, E. Om Rename och deras Lefnadsvanor. [On Reindeer and their mode of life.] Forhandlin- garna infor Skiljedomstolen af 1909 1 Renbetesfragan. Afdelning 1 Svensk Inlaga No. 3 Uppsala 1909 (1-197). 429 Loewenthal, N. Nouvelles recherches sur la glande sous-orbitaire. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy 18 1909 (257-269). 430 Loisel, Gustave. Rapport sur une mission scientifique dans les jardins- et etablissements zoologiques publics' et prives des Etats-Unis et du Canada, et conclusions generates sur les jardins zoologiques. Nouv. Arch. Miss. Sci. Paris 16 1908 (217-406) pi. i-v. 431 Loisel, G. Influence du sexe mah dans I’h6redit6du pelage chez le Lapni. Paris C. R. ass. fran9. a vane. sci. 36 (Reims 1907) 2e partie 1908 (683-687). 432 Lorenz, v. L. Ueber die a Is ,,Scha- kale“ bezeichneten Wildhunde. Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 53 1909 (82-84). 436 Lortet, E. et Gaillard, C. La Faune momi feeder Ancienne Egypte: Canides. Lyon Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. 10 1909 (259-294). 434 Lucas, A. H. S. and Le Souef, W. H. Dudley. The Animals of Australia ; Mammals, Birds, Reptiles. Melbourne 1909 (xi + 327). 435 Liihe, M. Albinismus bei Sauge- ticrcn und Vogeln Ostpreussens. Kon- igsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 50 1909' (48-54). 436 |Lull, Richard S. The evolution of the Elephant. Washington D.C_ Smithsonian Rep. 1908 (641-675) pis. i. ii 1909. 437 Lydekker, R. On a new race of Deer from Sze-chuen. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (588-590) pi. lxix. 438 Lydekker, R. On a Stag from Sikhim. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (599 600). 439 Lydekker, R. On the skull-characters of the Southern Sea Elephant. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (600-606). 440 Lydekker, R. On the skull of a Black Bear from Eastern Tibet, with* a note on the Formosan Bear. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (607-610). 44t Lydekker, R. On a spotted Tsaine from Siam. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (668 669). 442 Lydekker, R. Note on the Cetacean Sotalia borne'ensis. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (883). 443 Lydekker, R. Indian Buffaloes. Country Life London 26 1909 (679- 681). 444 25 Mam. Titles. 6000 Lydekker, R. The Big Sheep of the Thian Shan. Field London 113 1909 (117). 445 Lydekker, R. The Wild Sheep of Asia Minor. Field London 113 1909 (242). 446 Lydekker, R. A spotted Tsaine. Field London 113 1909 (329). 447 Lydekker, R. The Wild Goats of the Caucasus. Field London 113 1909 (376). 448 Lydekker, R. The Tana Giraffe. Field London 113 1909 (814). 449 Lydekker, R. Holmvvood’s Rhino- ceros. Field London 114 1909 (193). 450 Lydekker, R. Variation in White- bearded Gnu. Field London 114 1909 (586). 451 Lydekker, R. Scvertzoff’s Wild Sheep. Field London 114 1909 (663). 452 Lydekker, R The Ssa-Elephant of the Falklands. Field London 114 1909 (1172 1173). 453 Lydekker, R. vide British Museum. Lyon, Marcus Ward. Remarks on the Insectivores of the genus Gymnura. Washington D.C. Smithson. Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 1909 (449-456) pis. xxxiv-xxxvii. 454 Lyon, M. W. Additional notes on Mammals of the Rhiolinga Archi- pelago, with descriptions of new species and a revised list. Washington D.C. Smithson. Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 1909 (479-491) pi. xxxix. 455 Lyon, M. W. A new Squirrel from Direction Island, ‘South China Sea. Washington D.C. Smithson. Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 36 1909 (509-510). 453 Lyon, M. W. The authority for the name Nycticebus menagensis. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (89). 457 Lyon, M. W. and Osgood, Wilfred Hudson. Catalogue of the type- specimens of Mammals in the United States National Museum, including the Biological Survey Collection. Wash- ington D.C. Smithson. Inst. Nat. Mus. Bull. 62 1909 (x + 325). 453 McNeill, Major Malcolm. [Big game of] Western China and Eastern Tibet. Journ. Soc. Preserv. WildT Fauna London 5 1909 (106-109). 459“ fMaillieux, Eug. Note sur la faune des cavernes a ossements des environs-, de Couvin. Bruxelles Bull. Soc. g6oL 22 1908(48-51). 46(b [Makarevskij, A. N. und Petrusevskij,. V. D.] MaKapeBCKiii, A. H. n Ileipy- uieBCKiii, B. JX. ObBepiiuft OJienb jip- Maimiee aaiBOTiioe noJiapiiLixi, cipan-L.. Oiibiri, HByucum ero.) UpfUIOHJ. KTv BhcTiniKy 0<5mecTBeimoft Beieptmapiti 1909 r. [Das Renntier als Haustier- dcr Polarliinder. (Versuch eines- Studiums des3clben.) Beilage zunu Messager de medecine veterinaire sociale- 1909.] St. Peterburg 1909 (viii + 76)> 9 Taf. 46 1) Malesani, Amelio. Contfibuto alio- studio della rigenerazione della mu- cosa gastrica. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 (359-374) tav. 1909. 462, Malsburg, Karol. Histolo^iczny problemat hodowlany. [Das histolo- gische Problem der Zuchtung.] Roczn- roln. Krakow 4 1909 (1-115). 46& Marcailhou-d’Aym6ric, H. Noto sur le Desman des Pyrenees. Autun Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. 20 1907 C. R. (112-114). 46* Margier, E. Note sur le Desman des Pyren6es. Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 39 1909 (70). 465>‘ Marinesco, M. G. vide Sala, Guido. Marquordt, Hans. Untersuchun- gen iiber Altersveranderungen an der Driisenschleimhaut des Pferdemagens. Bockenem 1909 (1-35) 8 Taf. 46& fMartelli, Alessandro. Note geolo- gicho e palcontologicho sul travertino- di Ascoli Piceno. Riv. ital. paleont. Perugia 14 1908 (97-102). 467 Martensen, Max. Ein Fall von heterogener Doppelbildung bei eineim Hunde. Borna-Leipzig 1909 (1-84) 4 Taf. 468: ■[Martin, Henri. La faune Mous- terienne de la Quina. Paris C. R. Ass. fran, B. 0. Krh Bonpocy o pa3MHoa;eiiiH KJiliTOKTj BrL aMiiioTHtrecKOM,i> Dnirrejiiii MJieKO- miTaioiUHX'B. [Zur Frage iiber die Fortpflanzung der Zellen im Amnion- epithel der Siiugetiere.] St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. 40 1 1909 (87-136) Taf. 473 Matschie, Paul. Eine Art der Gat- tung P ter opus von der Insel Pemba. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Nat. Freunde 1909 <482-486). 474 Matschie, P. Mammalia, Sauge- tiere. In : Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands. Jena 1909 (1-14). 475 Malschie, P. Allorlei aus der Geschichto der Einhufer. 'Monatsliefte natw. Unterr. Leipzig 2 1909 (296-310). 476 Matschie, P. vide Brauer. ■[Matthew, W. D. The Carnivora a,nd Insectivora of the Bridger Basin, Middle Eocene. New York N.Y. Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 9 1909 (291- 567) pis. xlii-li. 477 ■[Matthew, W. D. Observations upon the genus Ancodon. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (1-7). 478 ■[Matthew, W. D. Patagonia and the Pampas Cenozoic of South America ; a critical review of the correlations of Santiago Roth, 1908. New York N.Y. Ann. Acad. Sci. 19 1909 (149-160). 478a ■[Matthew, W. D. and Cook, Harold J. A Pliocene fauna from Western Nebraska. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (361- 414). 479 Matthew, W. D. vide Osborn, H. F. Mauss, Theodor. Die faserarchi- tektonische Gliederung der Gross- hirnrindo bci den niederen Alfen. J. Psychol. Leipzig 13 1908 (263-325) 5 Taf. 480 Mayer, Andr6 et Rathery, F. R. Recherches sur I’histo-physiologie de la secretion urinaire chez les Mammi- feres. Arch. anat. microsc. Paris 11 1909 (134-166) pi. v. 481 jMayet, Lucien. Les Mammiferes Miocenes du centre de la France. Paris C. R. Ass. frai^. Avanc. Sci. 37 1908 (626-633) 1909. [The n. spp. quoted are nomina nuda ; they are described elsewhere.] 482 tMayet, L. Etude sommaire des Mammiferes fossiles des Faluns de la Touraine, proprement dite. Ann. Univ. Lyon ser. 2 Sci. Med. 26 1909 (1-72): 483 Mead, C. S. The chondrocranium of an embryo Pig. Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia Pa. 9 1909 (107-210) 4 pis. 484 Mearns, E. A. vide Osgood, W. H. Meissner, M. E. Mammalia fur 1905. Arch. Natg. Berlin 71 2 1 1909 (1-120) zwcite Zahlung. 484a M6n6gaux, A. La nourriture des Paresseux. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1909(159-161). 485 M6n6gaux, A. La nourriture des Paresseux d’apres les observations de M. et Mme. Geay, voyageurs du Museum d’Histoire naturelle. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (337-340). 486 M6n6gaux, A. A propos d’Hemi- bradypus mareyi, Anth. = Bradypus ( Scceopus ) torquatus (111.). Paris Bull. soc. zool. 34 1909 (27-32). 487 M6n6gaux, A. Squelette du membre postericur de Bradypus ( Scaeopus ) torquatus 111. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (797-799). 488 M6n6gaux, A. Contribution a F etude des Edentes actuels, famille des Bradypodides. Paris Arch. Zool. Exper. ser. 5 1 1909 (277-344) pis. iii-vi. 489 MenGgaux, A. Quelques faits nou- veaux de la biologie des Paresseux. Rev. sci. Paris ser. 5 11 1909 (523-527). 490 M6n6gaux, A. Sur lo peu d’im- portanco systematique du caractere tiro de la presence ou de l’absence du foramen sus-6picondylien. Paris Bull. Soc. Philom. ser. 10 1 No. 3 1909 (1-8). 491 27 Mam. Titles. 6000 tMerriam, John C. The occurrence of Strepsicerine Antelopes in the Tertiary of North-western Nevada. Berkeley Calif. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bull. Dept. Zool. 5 1909 (319-330). 492 fMerriam, J. C. The skull and dentition of an extinct Cat closely allied to Felis atrox, Leidy. Berkeley Calif. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bull. Dep. Geol. 5 1909 (291-304) pi. xxiv. 493 Metzorer, B. Beitriigo zur Mor- phologie und Physiologie einiger Ent- vvicklungsstadien der Speicheldriisen der carnivoren Haustiere, vornehmlich der Katze. Basel Verh. Natf. Ges. 20 1909 (38-54). 494 Michaelis, Ad. Alf. Stammt der Mensch vom Affen ab ? Gemein- verstiindliche Descendenz - Theorie. Langensalza 1909 (xiv -f- 203) 2 Taf. 495 Milldn, Francisco Aranda. Nota sobre seis casos de monstruos dobles. [Notes on six cases of doublo monsters. 1 Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 9 1909 (206-211). 496 Miller, Gerrit S. The Mouse-Deer of the Rhio-Linga Archipelago : a study of specific differentiation under uniform environments. Washington D.C. Smithson. Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 37 1909 (1-9) pis. 1-3. 497 Miller, G. S. A now Carnivore from British East Africa. Washington D.C. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. 52 1909 (485-487). 498 Miller, G. S. The generic name Nycteris. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (90). 499 Miller, G. S. Note on the Vesper - tilio oxygnatlius of Monticelli. Napoli Ann. Mus. Zool. ser. 2 3 No. 3 1909 (1 2). 500 Miller, W. De W. and Chapin, James. The Allegheny Cave Rat at Newfound- land, N. J. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (88). 501 [Milutin, W.] Mhjiiothh'b, B. Hacjib- £0Banie . Kocmoii TKaim bt, iio.m- pn30BaimoMi> CBbib. [Untersuchung des Knochengewebes im polarisierten Lichte.] St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. C. R. seances 38 1 1907 (187-190). 502 Mintzlaff, Max. Leber, Milz, Magen und Pankreas des Hundes. Dresden 1909 (1-103) 2 Taf. 503 [Mislavskij, A. N.] MncjiaBCidft, A. H. MaiepiajiM kte» riicTOJiorm cjioiic- tibixt, TpyfaaTbixT, (MepoKpnnoBMXTE,) Hcejie3i» ko;kh MJieKoniiTaiominxrb. TKe- jie3iiCTLiii annapan> kojkh noAtfopoflKa KpoJiHKa. [Beitrage zur Histologie der zusammengesetzten tubulosen Drii- sen (Merokrindrusen) in der Haut der Saugetierc. Der Driisenapparat in der Kinnhaut des Kaninchens.] Kazan! Zap. Univ. 76 1909 (1-78) 3 Taf. 504 Mitchell, P. Chalmers. The ears of an Elephant from British East Africa. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (667, 668). 505 Mitchell, P. C. Note on the Mishmi Takin. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (741). 506 Mitchell, P. C. Notes on a young Walrus ( Odobcenus rosmarus) recently living in the Society’s Gardens. Lon- don Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (730-732) pi. lxxvi. 507 Mockel, Oskar. Die Venen des Kopfes des Pferdes und ihre Varia- tionen. Dresden 1909 (1-85). 508 Mosch, Oskar. Sur la domestica- tion du Loup. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve ser. 4 22 1906-07 (371-372); Verh. Schweiz. Natw. Ges. 89 1906-07 (72-73). 509 Moll, J. M. Die puerperale Involu- tion des Uterus vom Mauhvurf ( Talpa europaea L.). Wiesbaden 1909 (1-107) 15 Taf. 510 Morel, L. vide Harvier, P. Morgan, Camillo. Der Hund : Seine Abstammung und Geschichte* seine gegenwartigen Rassen, seine Zuchtung . . . (Monographien un- serer Haustiere, hrsg. v. Kosmos, Bd 3.) Stuttgart 1909 (1-39). 511 Morgan, T. H. Breeding experi- ments with Rats. Amer. Nat. Lan- caster Pa. 43 1909 (182-185). 512 Moscati, Ermanno. Sulla presenza, sulla costituzione e sulla probabile funzione delle ghiandole a gomitolo annesse alia pelle del Cane. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 7 1909 (519-532). 513 28 Mam. XVIIT. Mammalia. [1909} Mouchet, Aime. Vaisseaux lym- pliatiques du cceur chez 1’ Homme et lea Mammiferes. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (254 255). 514 Mourgue, M. Note aur le H6risson d’Europe. Feuillo jeunes natural. Paris 38 1908 (87). 515 fMourlon, M. D6couverte d’osse- ments do Mammouth dans le limon de Freeren, pr&s do Tongres. Bruxelles, Bull. Soc. geol. 22 1908 (5-9). 516 fMourlon, M. Sur la d6couverte de VElephas antiquus au Kattepoel, a Schaerbeek-les-Bruxelles, dans un depot rapporte au Quaternaire moseen. Bruxelles Bull. Soc. g6ol. 22 1908 (327- 333). 517 fMiihlberg, F. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Karte der Umgebung von Aarau. Aarau Mitt. Natf. Ges. 11 1909 (1-86). 518 Mulon, P. Sur les corps gras des cellules renales. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (434-435 458-459). 519 Namiye, Motokiohi. , Okinawa oyobi Amami-Oshima no sho-jurui ni tsuite. [On small mammals of Okinawa and Amami-Oshima Islands.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 21 1909 (452-457) pi. 520 [Nassonov, N. V.] HacoiiOBT,, H. B. IIpeABapHTeJibHoe coodmeme o hobojti. BiiA'h 6apana Ovis laristanica ii3i> lOJKiiOil Iiepcin. [Note prMiminaire sur une nouvelle espece du Mouton sau- vage, Ovis laristanica , de la Perse meridionalc.] St. Peterburg Bull. Ac. sc. 3 1909 (1179-1180). 521 Nelson, E. W. The Rabbits of North America. Washington D.C. Dept. Agric. Div. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna No. 29 1909 (1-314) pis. i-xii. 522 Nelson, E. W. and Goldman, E. A. Eleven new Mammals from Lower California. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (23-28). 523 Neuville, Henri vide Rothschild, Maurice de. Nevermann, Ludwig vide Frosch, Paul. fNewton, E. T. Hamster remains from the Norfolk Forest Bed. Geol. Mag. London decade 5 6 1909 ( 1 10— 113). 524 Noack, Th. Haustiere der Altai- Kalmiicken. I. Hundo und Katzen. II. Schafe und Rinder. III. Pferde. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (683-695 750-760 783-787). 525 [Novikov, M. M.] PIobiikobt., M. M. Kt> Bonpocy o ana^eiiiit aMiiTOTinrec- uaro JvLjieuia. [Zur Frago iiber die Bedeutung dcr amitotischen Teilung.} Moskva Dnevn. XII. Sjezda russ. jest, vrac. 1909-1910 (157 158). 528 Novikov, M. M. Untersuchungen iiber die Structur des Knochens. Zeits. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 92 1909 (1- 50). 527 Obermaier, H. vide Schlosser, Max. Ohm, Johannes. Die Lehre vora Zahnalter [der Pferde]. Zs. Veterinark. Berlin 20 1908 (356-365). , 528 fOlcott, Theodore F. A new species of Teleoceras from the Miocene of Nebraska. Amer. J. Sei. New Haven Conn. ser. 4 28 1909 (403 404). 529 fOlivier, Ernest. La machoire du Rhinoceros de Billy. Moulins Rev. Ssi. Bourb. 22 1909 (126-129) pi. 530 Olivier, E. llhinopoma microphyl- lum en Tunisie. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (148). 531 Olivier, E. Variation de la couleur chez quelques animaux sauvages. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (60-63). 53& Orleans, S. A. R. le Due d\ Croi- sidre Ocdanographique dans le mer du Gronland. Bruxelles 1907 (567 -f v). 533: Orleans, S. A. R. le Due d\ A travers la Banquise. Paris 1907 (iv + 349). 534* Ormezzano. Rat fauve ou Alexan- drin. Autun Bui. soc. hist. nat. 19 1906 Proc.-verb. (119 120). 535 fOsborn, Henry Fairfield. Cenozoic Mammal Horizons of Western Nortli America, with faunal lists of the Tertiary Mammalia of the West by William Diller Matthew. Washington D. C. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 361 1909- (1-138). 536 fOsborn, H. F. New Carnivorous Mammals from the Fayum Oligocene^ Egypt. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (415-424). 537 fOsborn, H. F. Coincident evolu- tion through retrogradations and Hue- 29 Mam. Titles. 6000 tuations (3rd paper). Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 27 1908 (749-752). 538 fOsborn, IT. F. Tho feeding-habits and affinities of Moeritherium and Palaeomastodon. Nature London 81 1909 (139 140). 539 Osgood, Wilfred H. The status of ■Sorex merriami with description of an allied new species from Utah. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 22 1909 (51-53). 540 Osgood, W. H. Revision of the Mice of the American genus Peromyscus. Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna No. 28 1909 (1-285) 8 pis. Reviewed by E. A. Mearns. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 30 1909 (119-121). 541 Osgood, W. H. Biological Investi- gations in Alaska and Yukon Territory. Washington D.C. Dept. Agric. Div. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna No. 30 1909 (1-96) 5 pis. 542 Osgood, W. H. The Big Game of Alaska. Nat. Geog. Mag. Washing- ton D.C. 20 1909 (624-636) pis. 543 Osgood, W. H. A peculiar Bear from Alaska. Chicago Field Mus. Publ. Zool. 10 1909 (1-3). 544 Osgood, W. IT. vide Lyon, M. W. [Osipov, A.] OcimoBT*, AjieKchfi. Pa3BefleHiii kpojihkob'l. [Die Kanin- chenzucht zu industriellen und wirt- schaftlichen Zwecken.] DerevnTa St. Peterburg 13 1909 (163-168 211-215 266-270 322-323 370-373 415-418 474- 479 520-522). 5*5 [Osipov, A.] OcHnoBi>, A. PaBBejtemH KpojiHKOBT) etc. [Die Kaninchenzucht zu industriellen und wirtschaftlichen Zwecken.] Schluss. Derevma St. Peterburg 13 1909 (570-584). 546 Osten-Sacken, M. Eine gehornte saugende Ricke. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 5 1909 (419). 547 Oswald, Felix. Tho degeneration of ■armour in animals. Science Progress London 1909 (122-134). 548 Otto, Hugo. Beobachtungcn an verwilderten Hunden. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (176-178). 549 Ourcel, P. vide Bouin, P. Paoli, Angelo. Caso di anomalia nella sesta e settima vertebra cervi- calo di un Cavallo. Moni. zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (237-242). 650 Papin, Louis. Sur le mode de dis- parition du r&seau veineux “ cardino- renal”- chez les Mammiferes. Arch, zool. Paris ser. 5 1 1909 Notes et Revues (xiii-xviii). 651 Pardi, Francesco. Musculi tensores fasciae cruris. Pisa Atti Soc. tosc. sc.iiat. Proc. verb. 18 1908-09 (38-48). 552 Pardi, F. Ancora sopra il significato delle cellule vasoformative di Ranvier. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 1909 (98-115) tav. 553 Paris, Paul. Un cas de reproduction du Ouistiti ( Hapale jacchus). Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 1909 (147). 554 f[Pavlova, M. V.] IlaBJioBa, M. B. O TpeTnquwx7> MJieKOHHTaioinHXT. Becca- patfiH, XcpconcKott h flp* ry<>- [Uebcr die tertiaren Saugctiere Bessarabicns und des Gouv. Cherson u. a. m.] Moskva Dnevn. xii. Sjezda russ. jest, vrac. 1909-1910 (265). 555 Pearless, S. H. Birth of a Loris. Spolia Zeylan. Colombo 6 1909 (134). 553 Pennetier, G. vide Brasil, L. Pensa, Antonio. Ossorvazioni sulla morfologia dei vasi linfatici degli arti nei Mammiferi. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (379-394). 557 Penttinen, Juho. Tammihuri Kar- jalassa. [Eliomys quercinus in Kare- len.] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (152). 553 Peter, Karl. Die Nierenkanalchen des Menschen und einiger Saugetiere. In : Untersuchungen iiber Bau und Entwickelung der Niere, hrsg. von K. Peter. Jena 1909 H. 1 (3-358) 7 Taf. 559 Peters, J. Ueber Blutlinien und Verwandtschaftszuchten nach Erhe- bungen der ostprcussischcn hollandcr Herdbuchgessellschaft. Arb. D. Ges. Ziichtgsk. Hannover H. 3 1909 (1—13) Taf. 580 fPeterson, O. A. A revision of the Entelodontidae. Pittsburgh Pa. Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 1909 (41-156) pis. liy lxii. 561 30 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1900] fPeterson, 0. A. A new genus of Carnivores from the Miocene of Western Nebraska. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 29 1909(620 621). 562 Petit, L. Cas d’albinisme et vari6t6s de coloration chez les Ecureuils et diff6rents Oiseaux. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 34 1909 (32-35). 583 PetruSevskij, V. D. vide Makarevskij, A. W. fPiaz, G. Dal. Sui Vertebrati delle arenarie mioceniche di Bell^no. Padova Atti Acc. Ven,-trent. ser. 2 5 1909 (106-120). 584 Piper, Stanley E. The Nevada Mouse Plague of 1907-08. Washington D.C. Dep. Agric. Fauna Bull. No. 352 1909. 505 Piper, S. E. Mouse-plagues, their control and prevention. Washington D.C. Yearbook Agric. Dept. 1908 (301- 310) pis. xxi-xxv. 536 f Pira, Adolf. Studien zur Geschichte der Schweinerassen inabesondcro der- jenigen Schwedens. Zool. Jahrb. Jena 1909 Suppl. 10 (233-426). 587 Poche, Franz. Macrorhinus oder Mirounga ? Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (319). 538 Pocock, R. I. On the skulls of Leopards. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (204-209). 569 Pocock, R. I. Description of a new form of Ratel ( Mellivora ) from Sierra Leono, with notes upon the described African forms of this genus. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (394- 398). 570 Pocock, R. I. Photographs of Bur- chell’s and Wahlberg’s Quaggas. Lon- don Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (415-419). 571 Pocock, R. I. On a new Monkey. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (545 546). 572 Pocock, R. I. On the colours of Horses, Zebras, and Tapirs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (404- 415). 573 Pocock, R. I. On the agriotype of Domestic Asses. Ann. Slag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (523-527). 574 Pocock, R. I. Ward’s Zebra. Field London 114 1909 (889). 575 [Pogorzeliskij, V. A.] noropaceJiL- CKiu, B. A. Hanoi piftKOCTii. Hepnuii B0JiKrb. [Unsere Seltenheiten. Der schwarze Wolf.] Moskva Vest, zool. sada 2 1909 (112-114). 576 Pohl, Lothar. Ueber das Os penis der Mustelidae. Jenaische Zs. 45 1909 (379-394). 577 jPohlig, Hans. Ueber zwei neue altplistocane Formen von Cervus. Berlin Monatsber. D. geol. Ges. 1909 (250-253). 578 Pohlman, A. J. The circulation of mixed blood in the embryo Mammal and Bird, and in the adult Reptile, Amphibian, and Fish. Indianopolis lnd. Proc. Acad. Sci. 1908 (201-208) 1909. 578a Policard, A. Notes histophysiologi- ques sur la cellule hepatique : sur certaines formations colorables par riiematoxyline ferrique dans la cellule h6patiquo des Mammiferes. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (465-469). 579 Police, Gesualdo. II Olobicephalus melas, Traill, del Museo Zoologico della R. Univ. di Napoli. Napoli Ann. Mus, Zool. ser. 2 3 No. 8 1909 (1-8). 580 Polinski, W. Przyczynek do asy- metryi czaszki waleni (Cetacea). [Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Asymmetrie des Walschadels.] Kosmos Lwow 34 1909(1124-1138). 530a [Polumordvinov, D.] IIojiyMop^Bii- H0Brl», J],. 0 POJIU IiepBlILIX'B KHrBT0K'J» cepjpta. [Ueber die Rolle der Nerven- zellen des Herzens.] Kazani Zap. Univ. 76 1909 (1-13). 531 fPontier, G. La faune quaternaire de la vallee de l’Aa. Lille Ann. Soc. geol. 36 1907 (347-355). 532 fPontier, G. Note a propos d’un Elephas antiquus de Tilloux. Lille Ann. Soc. geol. 36 1907 (356-360). 533 [Popov, D.D.] HonoB'B, JI. CpaB- HijTeabiio-aiiaTOMHnecKoe H3CJi'ii;i,0Baiiie MaTomb odeaBimn. (lieauTpoiionAHbixTb)* nejiOBkKa n iKiiBOTHUX'B. [Yerglei- chend-anatomische Untersuchung des Uterus der nichtanthropomorphen Alien, des Menschen und der Tiere.J Russ, vrac St. Peterburg 8 1909 (809- 814 851-855). 584 31 Mam. Titles. 6000 [PoruCikov, D.] llopyuiiKOivL, JI,. MaTepiajiti k-l yueniio o reMOJiiiM(|miH- TiecKiiXT. jicejieaaxx. icpyrmaro poraiaro CKora ii obou’l. [Beitrtigo zur Lohro von den haemolymphatischen Driisen der Rinder und Schafe.J Charikov C.-r. Inst, veterin. 9 2 1909 (47-68). 535 Pdyhonen, Mayu. Miten hilleri saapui Ilaminaan. [ Foetorius putorius in Fredrikshamn, Finland.] Luonnon Ystiiva Helsingfors 13 1909 (109-111) 536 Priemel, Kurt. Gcburt einer Kegel- robbe, Halichoerus grypus, Nilss. £ool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 59 1909 (213 214). 537 Prince, E. E. The Pronghorn Ante- lope. Ottawa Nat. 23 .1909 (41-46). 538 Protheroe, E. The Handy Natural History: Mammals. London 1909. 539 Punnett, R. C. On the alleged influence of lecithin upon the deter- mination of sex in Rabbits. Cam- bridge Proc. Phil. Soc. 15 1909 (92 93). 590 tQuackenbush, L. S. Notes on Alaskan Mammoth-expeditions of 1907 and 1908. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26 1909 (87-130) pis. xvii-xxv. 591 Quix, F. H. Over het gehoororgaan der Japansche Dansmuis. [tlber das Ilororgan der japanischen Tanzmaus.] Amsterdam Wer#Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. ser. 2 6 2 1909 (83 84). 592 Rabl, Hans vide Schaffer, Josef. [Rasevig, V. A.] Pa3eBiin>, B. A. Maji0H3CJi'h^0BainiLie 3Bhpn Poccin. XI. KaBKaacidfi OyrpiicToporiii tj p'B ^HUiiHKa. ( Capra dinniki, Sat.) [We- nig bekannte Saugetiere Russlands. XI. Capra dinniki, Sat.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (39-42). 593 [Rasevig, V. A.] PaaeBnn,, B. A. Majiqn3CJrh,noBaHiiLie n pl^icie bbFph • Poccin. XIII. Ojienb dyxapcidft. [Wenig bekannte und seltene Sauge- tiere Russlands. XIII. Cervus bactria- niis . ] Semja ochotn. Moskva 4 1909 (209-211). 594 [Rasevig, V. A.] PaseBiin,, B. A- ACHMMOTpitt (JlOpMLl pOrOB'L IC03yJIH. [Eine Asymmetric des Geweihes beim Reh.] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (143). 595 [Rasevig, V. A.] PaaeBurT,, B, A. Kosyjm ^eprancKaa, Capreolus pygar - gus, var. ? [Das Reh der Ferghana, Capreolus pygargus, var. ?] Semja ochotn. Moskva 1909 (160). 596 Rathery, F. R. vide Mayer, Andr6. Raudnitz, R. W. Kurze Zusam- menstellung der chemischen Zusam- mensetzung und der Eigensohaften der verschiedenen Milcharten. \In : Handbuch der Milchkunde. Hrsg. von Paul Sommerfeld.J Wiesbaden 1909 (833-835). 597 Rauther, Max. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Urogenitalsystems der Saugetiere. Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 15 1909 (417-466) 3 Taf. 596 Rawitz, Bernhard. Das Zentral- nervensystem der Cetaceen. II. Die Medulla oblongata von Phocaenct communis (Cuv.) Less, und Ba - laenoptera rostrata Fahr. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Morpho- logic der Oblongata der Sauger. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 73 1909 (306- 389) Taf. 599* Reagan, Albert B. Animals of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. In- dianapolis, Ind. Proc. Acad. Sci. 1908 (193-199) 1909. 600> Regaud, Cl. et Dubreuil, G. Action du male sur le rut et l’ovulation chez la Lapine. I : Le voisinage prolonge, sans accouplement, est insuffisant pour provoquer l’ovulation. II : Observa- tions sur le rythme genital. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (501-503 661- 673), 601 Regaud, Cl. et Dubreuil, G. Obser- vation d’oeufs de Lapin k deux germes, contenus dans une enveloppe commune s6cret6e par l’oviducte. Paris C. R. acad. sci. 148 1909 (1279-1281). 602 ■[Reinhardt, Ludwig. Die weitaus altesten bisher gefundenen Menschen- reste. Natwis. Wochenschr. Jena ser. 2 8 1908 (323-329). 608 Retterer, Ed. et LeliSvre, A. Struc- ture du muscle uterin du Cobaye a. quelques stades fonctionnels. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (282-285). 604 Retterer, E. et Lelidvre, A. Mitose et amitose lors de la r6novation de I’ uterus apres le part. Paris (5. R. soc. biol. 66 1909 (602-605). 605 '32 Mam. XVIIi. Mammalia. [1009] Retterer, E. et Leli6vre, A. Origine •«t transformations des cellules qui, .apr&s le part, contribuent a la renova- tion de la muqueuse uterine. Paris dans le cas d’une alimentation soit naturelle soit composee do biscuits.] Roczn. roln. Krakow 4 1009 (355-410). 627a Rothschild, Baron Maurice de et Renville, Henri. Remarques sur 1’ Okapi. Paris C. R. acad. sci. 149 1909 (693-695). 628 Rothschild, Hon. Walter. Nasua vittita Tsch. Nov. Zool. Tring 16 1909 (333) pi. i. 629 [Rubaschkin, W. J.] PyoauiKHH't, B. H. O nponcxoacfleuiH nojioBWX'L KJi'fe- toict* y MJieKOiiHTaioiUHX'h. [Ucbsr die Herkunft der Geschlechtszollen bei ■den Saugetieren.] St. Pcterburg Trd. •Obsc. vrac. 76 1909 (442-444). 630 Rubaschkin, W. Ueber die Ur- geschlechtszellen bei Saugetieren. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. 1 39 1909 (603-652) 4 [2] Taf. 631 Rudge, C. King and Charbonnier, H. J. The Mammals of the Bristol district. Bristol Proc. Nat. Soc. ser. 4 2 1909 (55-60). 632 Russo, Achille. Azione di alcuni sagenti chimici sulle cellule del tubo seminifero del Coniglio. Monit. zool. ital. Firenze 20 1909 (64-67). 633 Russo, A. Sulla cromolisi delle cellule della granulosa durante il di- giuno e sul suo significato nella diffe- renziazono sessuale delle ova dei Mammi- feri. Catania Atti Ace. Gioen. 86 Mem- 12 & 13 1909 4 pis. 634 fRutten, L. M. R. Die diluvialen Saugetiere des Niederlande. Utrecht und Berlin 1909 (1-116) 2 Taf. und 2 Karten. 635 Rynberk, G. van. Die neueren Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiolo- gic des Kleinhirns der Saugcr. Folia Neuro-Biologica Leipzig 1 1907 (46- 62) 1908 (403-419). 636 fRzehak, A. Oncophora- Schichten bei Briinn. Wien Verh. Geol. Rchs- Anst. 1908 (336-337). 637 Sabanejew, L. L. vide Shitkow, B. M. (k- 11091/; Sabbath, Wolfgang. Zur Histologie der vorderen Wurzeln des Riicken- marks der Sauger. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien Leipzig 17 1908 (176-189). 638 Sacerdotti. Les plaquettes des Mam- miferes ct le serum antiplaquettique. Arch. ital. Biol. Pisa 52 1909 (153-179). 639 Sachs, Ernest. Eine vergleichende anatomische Studie des Thalamus opticus dcr Siiugetiere. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien Leipzig 17 1908 (280-306). 640 Sagadiilas, Franz. Anatomische und histologische Untersuchungen iiber das Ovarium von Lepus timidus. Bern 1908 (1-20). 641 Sala, Guido. Ueber die Regenera- tionserscheinungen im zentralen Ner- vensystem. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (193-199) Taf. 642 f [Salensky, V. V.] Bajiencfuii, B. B. MiiKpocKornniecidJi iiBCJii^OBaiiia irh- KOTopi»ix7> oprauoH'i. MaMoma, iiatfjuui- iiaro na p. EepeaoBK'h. [Mikrosko- pische Untersuchungen einiger Organe des an der Beresovka gefundenen Mammuts.] Wiss. Erg. ein. v. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. zur Ausgrab. d. i. J. 1901 a. d. Beresovka gefund. Mam- mutkadavers ausgeriist. Exped. Bd. 2. St. Peterburg 1909 (21-35) Taf. ii-vi. 643 tLSalensky, V. V.] Oajienctdft, B. B. Bn;toBLie BoojioniHecfde iipiiBHaKii Ma- Moma. | Ueber die zoologischen Species- merkmale des Mammuts.] Wiss. Erg. ein. v. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. zur Ausgrab. d. i. J. 1901 a. d. Beresovka gefund. Mammutkadavers ausgeriist. Exped. Bd. 2 St. Peterburg 1909 (36-40) Taf. vii. 644 Sand, G. Et Bidrag til Belysning af Borslyngningens setiologi og pato- genese. (On the aetiology and pato- genesis of the “ torsio uteri.”) [Ob- servations on the position of the uterus in the Cow before and during pregnancy.] Kobenhavn Mdskf. Dyrl. 21 1909 (49-68). 645 Sarasin, Fritz. Uber die Geschichte der Tierwelt von Ceylon. Act. Soc. Ilelv. Sci. Nat. Lausanne 1909 1 ( 1 17— 138). 646 Sarasin, Paul. Schutz den Walen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 35 1909 (216-217). 647 « 2) 34 Mam , XVIII. Mammalia. [1000] [Satunin, K. A.] CaTyiiHirB, K. A. Maiepiajiu kt> iio3naniio MJieiioniiTaio- jhhx'b KaBKa3ci KaBica3CKaro Kpaa h 3aKacniii- CKOff odjiacTii. XII-XVI. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Saugetierfauna Kau- kasiens und Transkaspiens. xii-xvi.] Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 1909 (2G9- 300). 649 [Satunin, K. A.] OaTy tinnrb, K. A. ayna KaBKaaa. [Die Fauna des Kaukasus.] Forts. Ochotn. gazeta Moskva 37 1909 (4). 650 Satunin, K. A. Ueber einen neuen Ziesel aus Nordpersien ( Cynomys con - color hypoleucos Satun. subsp. nova). St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 14 1900 (1-4). 651 [Satunin, K. A.] CaTyHini'B, K. A. OuepKH npnpo,HBi KaBKa3a. VII. 9kc- Kypcia na Bepmmiy Anmx'B-flam'B b'b xpedrh ArpHAara.. [Skizzen zur Natur- beschreibung des Kaukasus. VII. Fine Excursion auf dem Gipfel des Aschich-dasch im Gebirgszuge Agridag.] Jestestv. i geogr. Moskva 14 1909 7 (1-17). 652 [Satunin, K. A.] CaTyHiiH'B, K. A. 3Brkpn Pocciii. JIoiioji Herne : Poat> Capra — Ko3JiH. [Die jagdbaren Sauge- tiere Russlands. Erganzung : Die Gattung Capra.'] Prir. i ochota Mos- kva 37 8 1909 Beilage (1-16). 653 [Satunin, K. A.] CaTyimiiT., K. A. AMypcida Jiicnofl kot'l. [Der Amur- Waldkater.] Ochotn. vest. Moskva 9 1909 (148-150). 654 Satunin, K. A. Ueber die Verbrei- tung der Hyaenen in Russland. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 4 1908 (385- 386). 655 [Satunin, K. A.] CaTyHiiH'B, K. A. Kt> CHCTCMaTHKli ceMeiiCTBa Felidae. [Zur Systematik der Familie Felidae .] Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4 1909 (218- 256). 653 Satunin, K. A. vide, Turkin, N. V. Saxlund, M. A. E. Gjeten og Skogen. [Die Ziege und der Wald.] Kristiania Tidssk. Skogbr. 17 1909 (76-78). 657 Schache, Julius. Vcrgleichende Histologische Untcrsucliungon iibor den Bau der Gallengiinge und Beitrage zur vergleichenden Histologie der Leber der Haussaugetiere. Zurich 1908 (1- 105). 658 Schachtscliabel, Arthur. Der Nervus facialis und trigeminus des Rindes unter vergleichsweiser Beriicksichti- gung der gleichnamigen Nerven des Menschen und der Haussaugetiere. Leipzig 1908 (1-69) 4 Taf. 659 Schaffer, Josef und Rabl, Hans. Das thyreo-thymische System des Maulwurfs und der Spitzmaus : I. Teil, Morphologie u. Histologie. Wien Sitz- Ber. Ak. Wiss. Abt. iii 117 1908 (551- 650) 4 Taf. und 118 1909 (217-269) 2 Taf. 660 Scharff, R. F. On the Irish Horse and its early history. Dublin Proc. R. Irish Ac. 27 ser. B 1909 (81-86). 661 [Scharff, R. F. On the evidences of a former land-bridge between Europe and North America. Dublin Proc. R. Irish Ac. 28 ser. B 1909 (1- 28). 662 fScharff, R. F. On an early Ter- tiary land -connection between North and South America. Amer. Nat. Lankaster Pa. 43 1909 (514-531). 663 Scharff, R. F. On the occurrence of a speckled Otter in Ireland. Irish Nat. Dublin 18 1908 (141 142) pi. ii. 664 Schlater, S. Zur Frage vom Ursprung der Chordaten nebst einigen Bemerkun- gen zu den friihesten Stadien der Primaten-Embryogenese. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (33-48 65-81). 665 fSchlosser, Max, Birkner, F. und Obermaier, H. Die Baren- oder Bischoferhohle im Kaisertal bei Kuf- stein. Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. 24 1909 (385-506) 8 Taf. 666 Schmaltz, Reinhold. Anatomie des Pferdes. graphische Myologie. (vii + 2) 30 Taf. Schmid, Johannes. I Entwicklungsgeschichte Atlas der T1 2, Topo- Berlin 1909 667 Beitrag zur der Eiliaute 35 Mam. Titles. 6000' von Muscardinus avellanarius. Ans- bach 1902 (1-23) 2 Taf. 668 Schmidt, Bruno. Uebcr Vererbungs- crschcinungen bcim Rirnle : an dcr Hand von Untersuchungen in einigcn Herden, die der “ Herdbuchgesell- schaft zur Verbesserung des in Ost- prcussen geziichteten Hollander Rind- viehes ” angehoren. Konigsberg 1909 (1-59). 669 Schmitt, Rudolf. Das Ncrvensystcm von Troglodytes niger. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 i909 (286 287). 670 Scholtz, K. Einblicke in das Seelenleben des Pferdes. Karlsruhe Verh. natw. Ver. 21 (1907-08) 1909 SitzBer. (11-13). 671 Schrauth, Otto. Beitrage zur Ent- wieklung des Nefczbeutels, dcr Milz und des Pankreas beim Wiederkauer und beim Schwein. Borna-Leipzig 1909 (1-82) 4 Taf. 672 Schreitmiiller, Wilhelm. Beobach- tungen iiber den Kampf zwischen Kreuzotter und Igel. Bl. Aquarien- kunde Stuttgart 20 1909 (772-774 789-791). 673 Schubert, Friedrich. Beitrage zur Anatomic des HorzenR dcr Haussduge- ticro. Dresden 1909 (1-95). 674 Schulte, H. von W. and Tilnoy, F. A note on the organisation of the venous return with especial reference to the iliac veins. Anat. Rec. Phila- delphia Pa. 3 1909 (555-577). 675 Schumacher, Siegmund von. Die seg- mentale Innervation des Saugetier- schwanzes als Beispiel fur das Vorkom- men einer ,,kollateralen Innervation“. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden Abt. 1 40 1909 (47-94) 2 Taf. 676 Schumann, Paul. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Histologie des End- darmes und des Uberganges des Mittel- clarmes in den Enddarm der Haus- saugetiere. Dresden 1907 (iv 84) 4 Taf. 677 Schuster, Lu/hvig. Vom Eiclihorn. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (107-108 308). 678 Sohuster, Wilhelm. Die Hauskatze. Abstammungsgeschichte, Lebenswcise und Charaktereigenschaftenjmit einem Blick auf ihre Verwandtschaft mit Wildkatzer, Falbkatze u. a. Ihre Bezie- (it-11091 /) hung zu Kunst, Dichtung, Philosophic, ihro Rolle im geistigen Leben der Volkcr. Mit Einleitung v. Edm. Klein. Stuttgart 1909 (1-69). 679 Schwalbe, G. Uebsr die Richtung der Haare bci Saugetieren, speziell beim Menschen. Miinchener med. Wochenschr. 56 1909 (315-316). 680 Schwalbe, G. Ueber die Richtung der Haare bei den Halbaffen. [In : Reise in Ostafrika v. A. Voeltzkow. Bd 4.] Stuttgart 1909 (207-266) 4 Taf. 681 Schwalbe, G. Kohlbrugge, Die morphologische Abstammung des Menschen. Kritisch besprochen. Glo- bus Braunschweig 93 1908 (341-346). 682 Schwarz, Ernst. t)ber zwei mit. Trichosurus vulpecula verwandte Ku- sus. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (625 626). 683 Schweder, G. Altes und Neues vom Moschusochsen. Riga Korr.-blt. Na- turf. Ver. 52 1909 (192-195). 684 Schweitzer, Georg. t)ber die Lymphgefasse des Zahnfleisches und der Zahne beim Menschen und bei Saugetieren. iii. Topographie. iv. > Feincrer Bau bei Siiu^etioren, nebst Beitriigen zur Kenntnis dcr foincren Blu tgcfiiss vertci lu ng in dcr Zahnpulpa und Zahnwurzelhaut. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 74 1909 (927-999) Taf. 685 Schweyer, Paul. Der Schadel des Inuus speciosus japanensis, sein Variationskreis und Zahnbau. AnthrO- pologisch - zoologische Untersuchung. Munchen 1909 (1-192). 686 Schwyter, H. Die Gestaltverande- rungen des Pferdefusses infolge SteL lung und Gangart. Bern 1906 (viii -f 136). 687 Seabra, A. F. de. Description des types d’albinisme existants dans les col- lections du Museum dfe Lisbonne. Lisbonne Bull. Soc. Port. Sci. Nat. 2 1908 (1-5) 1909 (256-263). 688 Seabra, A. F. de. Sur quelques variet4s de Y Herpes tes ichneumon. Lisbonne Bull. Soc. Port. Sci. Nat. 2 1909 (285-287). 689 Seabra, A. F. de. Note sur quelques Mammiferes de l’Afrique occidentale captures par Fr. Newton en 1905 et appartenant au Museum d’Histoire ’ e 21—2 36 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] Naturelle de Porto. Coimbra Ann. Ac. Poly tech. Porto 4 1909 (1-3). 690 Seabra, A. F. de. Vertebrados enviados da Zambszia (Africa Oriental) pelo missionario Rev. Luiz Lopes : Mammiferos. [Vertebrates sent from Zambcsia (East Africa) by the Mis- sionary Rev. Luiz Lopes : Mammals.] Broteria Lisboa 8 1909 (91 92). 691 Seeberger, Adolf. Ueber aussere Korpermasse und deren Beziehungen zu Grosse und Entwicklung von Lunge und Herz b3i zwei verschiedenen Schafrassen. Jahrb. wiss. Tierzucht Hannover 4 1909 (lxxiv-oxv). 692 [Seidalin,] CefiAajnnrb. repwaff)- po^HTH3Mrb y K03LI. [Hermaphroditis- mus einer Ziege.] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (665 666). 693 Seilli&re, Gaston. Sur la digestion de la xylane chez les Mammiferes. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 66 1909 (691- 693). 694 fSelenka, M. und Dubois, Eug. Die fossilen Zahne von Trinil. Amsterdam Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen. ser. 2 26 1909 (398-401). 695 Senft, Max. Myologie der Vorder- extremitaten von Hapale jacchus, Cebus macrocephalus und A teles ater. Bern 1907 (1-42) 21 Taf. 693 Sergi, Quirino. Contributo alio studio dei solchi e dei giri cercbrali nel Gatto domestico. Roma Ric. Lab. anat. norm. 14 1908-09 (213-241) 1 tav. 697 Seton, Ernest Thompson. Life Histories of North American Animals ; an Account of the Mammals of Mani- toba. New York N. Y. 1809 2 vols. 698 Seton, E. T. The Biography of a Silver Fox. London 1909. 699 fSheppard, Thomas. Bison skull at Kelsey. Hull Mus. Publ. No. 60 Quart. Rec. Add. No. 28 1909 (10 11). 700 Shitkow, B. M. und Sabanejew, L. L. Ueber Ovis heinsii, Sewertz., und iiber den Bau der Horner der Wildschafe. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. f. Syst. 28 1909 (457-472). 701 Shortridge, G. C. An account of the geographical distribution of the Marsupials and Monotremes of South- west Australia, having special reference to the specimens collected during the Balston Expedition of 1904-7. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (803-848). 702 Shufeldt, R. W. Americanische Hirsche. Natur und Haus Stuttgart 17 1909 (234-236). • 703 Si6pi, P. Un Herisson nouveau pour la France ; Erinaceus algirus vagans. Feuille jeunes natural Paris 1909 (24-26). 704 Siffre. Presence sur une mandibule de Gorille d’une quatrieme molaire. Paris Bull. mem. soc. antlir. ser. 5 10 1909 (81-82). 705 fSimoens, G. Decouverte d’un Mammouth a Bruges. Bruxelles Bull. Soc. geol. 22 1908 (2-5). 706 ■[Sinclair, J. W. Typotheria of the Santa Cruz beds. Princeton N.J. Rep. Princeton Univ. Exped. Pata- gonia 1896-9 6 1909 (1-110) pis. i-xi. 707 Sinel, J. The Reptilia, Batrachia and Mammalia of the Channel Islands : their origin and modification by isola- tion. Guernsey Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. 1908 (466-478) 1909. 708 [Sisiktorov, L.] IIIiniiimTopoB'b, JI. Y po/yniBOCTb rojiOBbi TejieiiKa (mnaoirb CT> X060T006pa3HbIMrb IipiIJI.aTKOM'b). [Misbildung des Kopfes bei einem Kalb (Cyklop mit riisselformigem Aus- wucha).] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (666). 709 Sivers, Fr. von. Vertriigt sich dans Elchwild mitintensiverForstwirtschaft? N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 4 1908 (18- 21 39-41). 710 [Skriabin, K. I.] Ciipaoinrb, K. II. Kb KasyncTHK/k anoMajiifi blimchh y KOpOBT). [Zur Kasuistik der Misbildun- gen des Kuheuters.] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (757-759). 711 [Skriabin, K. T.] Cupa^Hm,, K. II. Dicephalus et rhachischisis — ftBOHiioe KOMdimaiuoiiHoe ypo,n,cTBO TejieiiKa. [Dicephalus et rhachischisis — eine dop- pelte Kombinationsmisbildung eines Kalbes.] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (341). 712 Smith, Miss Helen W. On the development of the superficial veins of the body wall in the Pig. Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia Pa. 9 1909 (439- 462). 713 37 Mam. Titles. 6000 Snopek, Fr. Vorkommen von Bi- bcrn auf den Herrschaftcn des R'och- und Erzstiftcs Olmiitz. Zschr. deutsch. Ver. Gescli. Mahrens & Schlesiens. 13 1909 (219-221). 714 Sobotta, Johannes. Zur Entwickelung der Maus (Keim blatter, Allantois, Ei- haute etc.). Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (129-133). 715 Soli, U. Contribution a la connais- sance de la fonction du thymus chez le Poulet et chez quelques Mammif:res. Arch. ital. biol. Fisa 51 1909 (353-370). 715 i Sommerfeld, Alfred. t)ber die Ent- wicklung der Magendriisen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1909 (373-400) 2 Taf. 715’j Sordelli, Ferdinando. Note su alcuni Vertebrati del Museo civico di Milano : il Quagga ( Equus quagga, (find.). Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 48 1909 (35-42) 1 tav. 716 [So§estvenskij, N. A.] CoinecTnen- civiii, H. A. llouepeuiio-iiojiocaTaji MycKy.iaiypa iiiin;eBo,na jiouiaAii. llpeji,B. cooom. [Die quergestreifte Muskulatur des Schlundes beim Pferde. Vorl. Mitt.] Miss. med. vet. soc. St. Peter- burg 21 1909 (78'2-783). 717 Souli6, A. ct Bonne, C. Contribu- tion h I’etudc do l’apparcil branchial ct des arcs aortiqucs chez les Matnmi- feres : Les cinq arcs branchiaux et les six arcs aortiques de l’embryon de Taupe. J. . anat. physiol. Paris 44 1908 (20-45). 718 Speyer, Artur. Zur Lebensgeschichte der Steinbockformen. Waidmannsheil Klagenfurt 29 1909 (335-340 357-362 379-383 404-408). 719 Spillmann, L. et Bruntz, L. Les n6phrophagocytes des Mammiferes. Nancy Bui. Soc. Sci. ser. 3 10 1909 (135-138). 720 Spillman, W. J. Color-factors in Mammals. Amer. Breeders’ Assoc. Rep. Washington D.C. 4 1908 (357- 359). 720a Staderini, Rutilio. Intorno alia eminentia saccularis e al suo signifi- cato morfologico. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol. Firenze 8 (116-126) 2 tav. 1909. 721 Staudinger, Wilhelm. Verglei- chende Untersuchungen am Skelette der quartaren und rezenten Wild- rinder Europas : cin Beitrag zur Urgeschichto der Hausrinder. Hallo a. S. 1909 (1-36). 722 fStefanescu, G. Camila fosila din Romania es te stramosa Cam lelor Dromeden si Camila Salbatica din Africa. [Fossil Camels in Rumania and their relationship to African Camels.] Bucuresti Anal. Ac. Romana 31 No. 4 1909 (1-9) 3 pis. 722a Stehlin, H. vide Harle, E. Steinmann, G. Zur Abstammung der Siiugcr. Berlin Zeits. Indust. Abstamm. u. Vei;erbungslehre 2 1909 (65-90). 723 fSternberg, C. H. The Life of a Fossil Hunter. New York 1909 (xiii p. 286). 724 Stigind, Gaft. C. H. The Game of British East Africa. London 1909 (xi + 310). 725 Stone, Witmcr. The Mammal-t of New Jersey. Ann. Rep. New Jersey State Mus. Trenton 1907 (33-110) pi. 1908. 726 Stracker, Oskar. Die Plica longitu- dinalis duodeni beim Menschen und bei Tieren. Wien Sitzber. Ak. Wiss. 118 Abt. 3 1909 (375-437) 2 Taf. 727 Strassberger, Oswald. Zum Artikcl ,, Lamas als Nutztiero fiir dcutscho Landwirte und Kolonisten.“ Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (22 23). 728 [Strazesko, N. D.] OrpaiKecKO, H. Jl. O iiepio/piqecKHX'jb K0Jie6anmxT> npoB- aroro AaBJieum, 3aBiicaiunxT. on, jtknTejibH octh cep^pa. [Ueber die periodischen Schwankungen des Blut- druckes in Abhangigkeit von der Tiitigkeit des Herzens.] Kiev 1908 (1- 36). 729 Strubell, Alexander. Die Immunitat des Igels gegen echte Toxine, seine Widerstandsfahigkeit gegen banale Gifte. Miinchener med. YVochenschr. 53 1909 (2524-2526). 730 Stubbs, F. J. Leislcr’s Bat in Longdendale. Lancashire Nat. Dar- wen ser. 2 2 1909 (152). 731 jStuder, Th. Schadel eines Hundes aus einer prahistorischcn Wohnstatto der Hallstattzeit bei Karlstein, Amts- gericht Reichenhall. Bern Mitt. Natf. Ges. 1807 (155-168). 732 3S Mam, XVIIL Mammalia. [1909] Suomalainen, E. W. Vielakin naa- leja, Rusakkojanis. [Funde von Canis lagopus und Lepus europaeus in Fin- land.] Luonnon Ystava Helsingfors 13 1909 (49-50). 733 Sweet, Miss Georgina. The eyes of Ohrysochloris hottentota and C. asia- tica. Q. J. Micr. Sci. London 53 1909 (527r537) pi. vi. 734 [T., A.]. JdooJiorHqeciria Mejioqu. fZoologische Miscellen.] Ochotn. V&t. Moskva 9 1909 (234 235). 725 Teidoff, Edgar.' Unsere einheimi- -schen Mausearten und ihre Bekiimp- fung. N. Balt. Weidm.-blt. Riga 4 1908(404-407). 736 Thomas, Oldfield. A new Rat from -Guatemala. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909(669 670). 737 Thomas, O. Some Mammals from N.E. Kimberley, Northern Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (149-152). 738 Thomas, O. On Mammals collected in Turkestan by Douglas Carruthers. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909(247-266). 739 Thomas, O, On the N. Australian Rats referred to the genus Mesembrio- mys. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (372-374). 740 Thomas, O. New species of Para- doxurus of the P. philippinensis , group, and a new Paguma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (374- 377). 741 Thomas, 0. New species of (Ecomys , and Marmosa from Amazonia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (378-380). 742 Thomas, O. The generic arrange- ' ment of the African Squirrels. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (467-475). 743 Thomas, 0. New African small Mammals in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (98-112). 744 Thomas, O. A new Gibbon from Annam. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (112 113). 745 Thomas, 0. Two new Mammals from N. Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (197 198). 746 Thomas, O. Notes on some South American Mammals, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (230-242). 747 Thomas, 0. Four new African Squirrels. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (476-479). 748 Thomas, 0. A collection of Mam- mals from northern and central Mant- churia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (500-505). 749 Thomas, O. New African Mammals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (542-549). 750 Thomas, 0. and Wroughton, R. C. On a collection of Mammals . from western Java presented to the National Museum by Mr. W. E. Balston. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (371-392). 751 Thomas, O. and Wroughton, R. C. Two new Macaques from W. Java. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (380 381). 752 Thomas, O. and Wroughton, R. C. Diagnoses of new Mammals collected by Mr. H. C. Robinson in the Malay Peninsula and Rliio Archipelago. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 3 1909 (439-441). 753 Thomas, O. and Wroughton, R. C. Diagnoses of new Mammals collected by Mr. H. C. Robinson in the Islands of the Straits of Malacca. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (534- 536). 754 Thomas, O. and Wroughton, R. C. Mammals from the Rhio Archipelago collected by Messrs. H. C. Robinson, C. Boden Kloss and E. Seimund, and presented to the National Museum by the Government of the Federated Malay States. Kuala Lumpur J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 4 1909 (99-128). 755 Thomson, Robert B. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition : Os- teology of Antarctic Seals. Edinburgh Tr. R. Soc. 47 1909 (187-201) pi. 753 Tilney, F. vide Schulte, H. von W. Tokarski, Julian. Przyczynek do znajomosci organow szcz^itkowych w j^zyku i podj^zyku ssycych. [Organes rudimentaires dans la langue et l’hypoglossis des Mammiferes.] Stanislawow Sprawozd. dyrekcyi gim- nazyum 1 1909 (28). 757 39 Mam. Titles. 6000 Toldt, K. IJeber den vermeintlichen Barenembryo mit Stachelanlagen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 34 1909 (606 607). 758 Toldt, K. Studien iiber das Haar- kleid von Vulpes vulpes L. nebsfc Be- merkungen iiber die Violdriise und fiber den Haeckel-Maurerschen Bar- enembryo mit Stachelanlagen. Wien Ann. Nat.Hist. Hofmus. 22 1909 (197- 269) 3 Taf. 759 Toldt, K. Betrachtungen iiber das Haarkleid der Saugetiere. Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 59 1909 (271-277). 760 fToula, Franz. Diluviale Saugetier- reste vom Gesprengberg, Kronstadt in Siebenburgen. Wien Jahrb. Geol. Rchs. 59 1909 (575-614) pis. xv xvi. 761 Trautmann, Alfred. Die Muskulatur in den Dunndarmzotton der Haustiere. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 1909 (113-125). 762 Trautmann, A. Bcitriigo zur ver- gleichcnden Histologic des Diinn- darmes der Haussaugetiere. Zurich 1907 (viii + 158) 7 Taf. 763 Trautmann, A. Die makroskopis- chen Verhaltnisse der Hypophyse einiger Sauger. Arch. Tierheilk. Berlin 35 1909 (615-637). 764 Tregarthen, J. C. The Life Story of an Otter. London 1909 (1-186). 765 Trinchieri, Giuseppe. Ricerche in- torno alia distribuzione deH’elemento muscolare nell’esofago del Cane. Bio- Jogica Torino 2 No. 12 1909 (1-12). 766 Trouessart, E. L. Le Takin Budor- cas taxicolor du Tibet. Nature Paris 37 1909 (115-117). 767 Trouessart, E. L. Les Kangourous grimpeurs ou dendrolagues. Nature Paris 37 1909 (391-392). 768 Trouessart, E. L. Les grandes chasses dans l'Afrique Equatoriale. Rev. Sci. Paris 47 1909 (227-237). 769 Trouessart, E. L. Le Rhinoceros •blanc du Soudan ( Rhinoceros simus ■cottoni). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1909 (198-200) pis. xxix-xxxi. 770 Trouessart, E. L. N eotelracus ■sinensis, a new Insectivoreof the family Erinaceidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (389-391). 771 True, Frederick W. Observations on living White Whales ( Delphina - 2) ter us leucas) ; with a note on the dentition of Delphinapterus and Steno * delphis. Washington D.C. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. 52 1909 (325-330) pi. xxiii. 772 ' fTrue, F. W. A new genus of fossil Cetaceans from Santa Cruz Territory, Patagonia ; and description of a mandible and vertebrae of Pro- squalodon. Washington D.C. Smithson. Miscell. Coll. 52 1909 (441-456) pis. xliii-xlvi. 773 True, F. W. Occurrence of the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) on the New Jersey coast. Science New York N.Y. ser. 2 29 1909 (790 791). 774 fTrue, F. W. A further account of the fossil Sea Lion, Pontoli ? magnus, from the Miocene of Oregon. In W. H. Dali's Miocene of Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon. Washington D.C. Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof." Papr. 59 1909 (143-148) pis. xxi-xxiii. 775 [Tshirvinsky, N.] HnpBimcKift, H. PaaBniie KocTuua, y OBenT. npa nop- MajitHLix'B ycJioBiaxi>, ripn nejtocTaTon- homtj nHTaniii n nocji'fe KacTpaitin caMiroBrb Bi, pamieMT> Bospacib. [Le developpement du squelette chez les Moutons dans les conditions normales, dans les conditions de nutrition in- suflisante et apres la castration pr£- coce des males.] Kiev Ifcv. politechn. Inst. 9 1 1909 (1-304) 7 Taf. 776 Tur, Jan. Observations sur la perversion de l’instinct maternel. Bui. sci. France-Belgique Paris 43 1909 (477- 480). 777 [Turkin, N. V. und Satunin, K. A.] Typuim'b, H. B. n CaTynHirb, K. A. 3B'hpu Pocciii. [Die jagdbaren Siiuge- thiere Russlands.J Prir. i ochota Mos- kva Pramie 1807 12 (891-914). 778 . Turner, Sir WTlliam. The skeleton of a Sowerby’s Whale ( Mesoplodon biden s) j stranded at St. Andrews, and the morphology of the manus in Mesoplodon, Hyperoodon and the Del- phinidae. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 29 1909 (687 -720). 779 Turowski, Herbert. Ueber das Ver- halten der korpcrl. Elemente zu ein- andcr ini normalen Rinderblut, Berlin 1908(1-40). 780 Ungdr, Adolf. A bivalyok albiniz- musarol. [tlber den Albinismus dpr 40 Mam. XVili. Mammalia. [1003] Bfiffel.] Allatorv. L. Budapest 32 1909 (638-640). 781 [Valedenskij, V. A.] BaJieAHHCKm, B. A. MaTepiajibi Bonpocy o npucy- TCTBill II M'liCTOHaXOlK/l.eHill HepBHLJXrB y3JioBT> bi. jKejiyuicaxTb cep/ma hEko- Topuxrb MJieKoniiTaiouuiXTb. [Beitrage zur Frage fiber die Anwesenlieit und die Lage.von Nerven-Knoten in den Herzkammern ciniger Saugetiere.J Tomsk Izv. Univ. 34 1909 (1-62) 2 Taf. 782 Vali, Erno. Adatok a ha/.ai rag- csalo emlosok hangvezeto keszfilekenek ismeretehez. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Gehorappa rates der Nagetiere Ungarns.] M. Orv. A re hi v. Budapest 10 1909 (135-160) 6 Taf. 783 Valikangas, Ilmari. Rusakkojanik- sen levenemisestaEtela-Savossa. [Uber das Vorkommen von Lepus enropaaus in Sfid-Savo.] Luonnon Ystava Hel- singfors 13 1909 (114). 784 Van der Stricht, O. La structure de l’ceuf des Mammiferes (Chauve- souris) Vesperugo nochilci. Troisieme partie : Toocyte k la fin du stade d’accroissement, au stade de la matura- tion, au stade de la fdcondation et au debut de la segmentation. Bru- xelles, Mem. Acad. roy. 4to. ser. 2 2 1909 (1-176) 7 pis. 715 Van der Stricht, O. La structure de l’oeuf de Chienne et la genese du corps jaune. C. R. Ass. Anat. Paris 10 Nancy 1908 (1- 9). 715a Vasse, William. Three Years’ Sport in Mozambique; translated from the French by R. & H. M. Lydekker. London 1909 (xiv + 164). 786 Vastarini, Cresi G. Una differenza istologica non ancora rilevata tra il vaso afferente e il vaso effe rente del glomerulo renale dei Mammiferi. Anat. 'Anz. Jena 34 1909 (94-105). 787 Veit, O. Uber dus Vorkommen von Vornierenrudimenten und ihre Bczie- liungen zur Urnicre beim Menschen. Marburg SitzBer. Ges. Natw. 19C9 (193-223). 788 Venning, F. E. W. Habitat of the Chinese pangolin ( Manis aurita). Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19 1909 (254- 256). 789 [Vergilesov S. V.] BeprnjiecoBTb, 0. B. Ki> Mop^ojioriii nanajia rpyAiiaro npoTona n ero pacmiipeiiia y MJieKO- nmaioiniix'i.. [Zur Morphologic des Anfanges des Ductus thoracici uncli seiner Erweiterung bei den Saugetiercn.] Tomsk Izv. Univ. 35 1909 (1—32 > 3 Taf. 790 Vermeulen, N. A. Die Tuba audi- tiva beim Pferde und ihre physiolo- gische Bedeutung. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 40 1909 (411-479) 2 Taf. 791 Virchow, Hans, Uber die Wirbel- siiule des Schimpansen. Berlin Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1809 (265-290). 792 Virchow, H. Die sagittale Flexion am Hinterhauptsgelenk von Siiuge- tieren. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1809 (418-437). 792a Virchow, H. Uber die Riiekcn- muskeln cines Schimpanse. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat Abt,. 1909(137-174). 79a Virchow, H. Bczahnungspraparat& nach Form, erliiutert an einem sole hen, des Rehbockes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Leipzig Anat. Abt. 1809 (281-293). 794: Voit, Max. Ueber einige neuere Ergebnisse am Primordialcranium der Saugetiere. Anat. Anz. Jena 34 ErgH. 1909 (139-147). VcS [Voitichov, V.] BoiItiixob'l, B. Codojiii Bri> iieBOJik. (lloiiLiTKa iixri>. pa3BeAenin. [Die Zobel in der Gefan- genschaft. Ein Vereuch dieselben zu ziichten.j Naturfreund St. Peterhurg 4 1909 (108-116). 796. ' -[[Vollosov. .6, K. A.] Bojijiocobhh'b, K. A. PacKOiiKii Oaiira-iopaxcaaro Ma- MOiiia B'B 1908 r. [Excavation du Mam- mouth de Sanga-jurach en 1C08.J St. Peterbunr Bull. Ac. sc. ser. 2 1900 (437-458). 797 Vosseler, J. Der Silbcrgraue Erd- w ii hie r ( Georychus cinereo -argen la lus ), in der Gefangcnschaft. Zool. Beob.. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (33-35). 798'. Wad6n, D. J. Sentida kamp me Han. iilgtjurar. [Spiiter Kampf zwisclicn, mannlichen Elchen.] F. Jaktbdn. Helsingfors 3 1807 (61). 799- Wagner, Richard. Histiologhche und anatomische Untersuchungen fiber die mannlichen Geschlechtsorgane, ins- besondere den Penis von Felis dome- stica. Dreader* 1809 (1-55) 2 Taf. 8C& 41 Mam. Titles. 6000> Wahnlund, Aarni. Ilvita ekorrar. [Weisse Exemplare von Wroughton, R. 0. East African forms of Arvicanthis cibyssinicus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (536-539). 828 Wroughton, R. C. New Muridae from British East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 4 1909 (539- 542)- 829 Wroughton, R. C. vide Thomas, O. __ t Wrubievskij, K.] BpydjieBCKifi, K. M. ItdCbMO H3rI» EhjIOBhjKCKOfi Hymn. {Brief aus dem Wald von Belovez.] Mess. med. vet. soc. St. Peterburg 21 1909 (286-288 364-369 383-386). °830 fWiirtenberger, O. Fossilien aus TKa o rieuax'B. [Bemcrkung fiber die Hyaenen.] Semja ochotn.' Moskva J.909 (115-117). 836 fZdarsky, A. Die miocane Sauge- tierfauna von Leoben. Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 53 1909 (245-288) 3 Taf. 837 Zell, Tli. 1st der Hund von Hause aus ein Tagtier oder Nachttier ? Wild u. Hund Berlin 15 1909 (241-244). 838 Ziehen, Th. Zur Kenntnis des Faserverlaufs im Gehirn von Oryc- teropus. Jena Denskchr. med. Ges. 15 1909 (477-510). 839 Zimmermann, A. Az Ehrlich-fele durva szemecskes, u. n. hizosejtek elofordulasa tengeri malacz ( Oavia cobxya) szerveibm. [Uber das Vor- kommen der Ehrlich’schen grobkorni- gen, sogenannten Mastzellen in den Organen des Meerschweinchens ( Cavia cobaya).] Kozlem. az osszeh. 61et-es kort. kor. Budapest 8 1909 (i-ii). 840 Zimmermann, A. A kutya ujjainak idegagairol. [Hber die Nervenzweige der Zehen des Iiundes.] Kozlem. az osszeh. 61et-6s kort. kor. Budapest 8 1909 (65-78). 841 Zimmermann, A. Adatok a ezarvas- maslia tejmirigyenek szovettanahoz, kiilonos tekintettel a magoszlasi ala- kokra. [Beitrage zur Histologie der Milchdrfise des Rindes, mit besonderer Rficksicht auf die Kernteilungsfiguren.] Kozlem. az osszeh. elet-6s lcort. kor. Budapest 8 1909 (131-148). 842 Zimmermann, A. A 16 esudi- zfiletenek szalagai. [t)ber die Bander des Fesselgelenkes beim Pferde.] Alla- torv. L. Budapest 32 1909 (321-327). 843 Zimmermann, Rud. Weiteres fiber das Vorkommen des Siebenschlafers (Myoxus cjlis) im Konigreich Sachsen. Zool. Bcob. Frankfurt a. M. 50 1909 (108-110 281) ; Bemcrkung dazu v. O. Boettger. t.c. (309). 844 [Zitkov, B. M.] 7KiiTKOBrL, B. M. OhBepnuii oaeiib, KaKrb ftOManmie ;kh- BOTtioe. [Das Renntier als Haustier.] SelLk. choz. i lesov. ^t. Peterburg 69 1909(211-283). 815 Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Morphologic des Musculus ischiocaudalis (iii. Bei- trag). Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Abt. iii 117 1908 (125-130) Taf. 846 43 Mam. Subject Index. 6003 Zuckerkandl, E. Ueber den Jacob- son’sehen Knorpet und die Ossifikation new Arvicanthis ; Wroughton, 828. Ruwenzori, list ; Camerano, 134- 136 : Festa, 227 & 228. Tana Valley, new Giraffe ; Lydekker, 449. Brit. E. Africa, • new Mammals ; Dollman, 196 : new Muridae ; Wrough- ton, 829 : new Otocyon ; Miller, 498 : new Rodents ; Heller, 309 : new fossil Equus ; Ridgeway, 616. Pemba. I., new P ter opus ; Mat- schie, 474. S. & E. Africa, new Tree-Mice and Gerbil ; Wroughton, 826. Transvaal, new Elephant-shrew ; Chubb, 155 : new fossil Hare ; Jame- son, 346. Zambesia, list ; Seabra, 691 : list and new Georychus ; Chubb, 153. Mozambique, Big Game, etc. ; Vasse, 786. South Africa, list and n. spp. ; Jameson, 347 : small Mammals ; Jentink, 350 : new Prehistoric Harte- beest & Horse; Broom, 121 & 122. Matopo Hills, list ; Chubb, 156. Matabililand, list ; Chubb, 154. 56 Mam , XVIII. Mammalia. Deutsch-Siidwestafrika, Saugetier- fauna ; Kunze, 399. Central Africa, new Colobi ; Doll- man, 195. Congo, new Uylochoerus ; Balducci, fct. Katanga, list ; Dollman, 191. Sierra Leone, new Ratel ; Pocock, 570. Lake Chad, new Monkey ; Pocock, 572. Madagascar, new Fossa ; Dollman, 194. North America. g North and 8. America, early con- nection ; Scharff, 663. North America, Tertiary Mammal horizons of the West, with list ; Osborn, 535 : Distribution of Pleistocene Mam- mals ; Hay, 303a : new Eocene Car- nivora and l'nscctivora ; Matthew, 477 : Hares ; Nelson, 522 : now Muskrats ; Hollister, 332. Alaska, Big Came ; Osgood, 543 : list and n. sp. ; Osgood, 542 : Alaska, S.E., list and new spp. ; Heller, 311 : Grinnell, 277. Queen Charlotte Is., Caribou ; Keen, 365. Labrador, list ; Bangs, 54. United States, S.W., new Bats ; Hollister, 332 : S.E. ; Howell, 334. Manitoba, life-histories of Mammals ; Seton, 698. Kansas (?) new Tetrabelodon ; An- drews, 28. Nevada, new Pliocene Antelopes ; Merriam, 492. Olympic Peninsula, Washington, list ; Reagan, 600. New Jersey, list ; Stone, 726. Nebraska, new Miocene Carnivore ; Peterson, 532: new Miocene Camel; Cook, 167 : new Miocene Proboscidean, 168, new Miocene Teleoceras ; 01- cott, 529 : new Pliocene species ; Matthew & Cook, 479. Iowa, Aftonian Mammal fauna ; Calvin, 133. Colorado, list ; Warren, 806. [1909] Wyoming, faunal horizons of Wa- shakie formation ; Granger, 267a. Montana, new Ptilodus ; Gidley, 256 Utah, new Shrew ; Lyon, 458. Colorado, list ; Warren, 806 : new Chipmunk, 807 : new Ground-Sloth ; Cockerell, 159. Tennessee, New Bat ; Howell, 334. California, new Mammals; Nelson and Goldman, 523 : new Mouse ; Dixon, 190 : new extinct Felts ; Merriam, 493. Mexico, new Woodrats ; Goldman, 264. Central and South America, Antilles. J* South America, notes and n. spp. ; Thomas, 747 : new Monkeys ; Elliot, 215 : new Douroucolis ; Dollman, 192. Guatemala, list; Rodriquez, 620: new Rat ; Thomas, 737. Amazonia, new Rat and Opossum ; Thomas, 742. Tueuman, new Tapir ; Ameghino, 16. Patagonia, Tertiary list and horizons ; Matthew, 478a : new Tertiary Ceta- cean, True, 773. Australasia and Southern Ocean, i Australia, Mammal-fauna ; Lucas & Le Souef, 435 : new species and genus, Jerboa-Rats ; Thomas, 781. N. Australia, list and new spp. ; Thomas, 738 : new Rat and Kangaroo ; Thomas, 746. S.W. Australia, distribution of Mar- supials and Monotremes ; Shortridge, 702. Queensland, new Wombat ; De Vis, 182. Murchison district, new Opossum ; Schwarz, 683. Christmas I., extermination of fauna ; Andrews, 27. Crozet & Macquarie Islands, new Saa-Elephants ; Lydekker, 440; Solomon Islands, new Bats ; Ander- sen, 23. 57 Mam . Systematic. 6031 Loyalty Islands, new P ter opus ; Andersen: 22. Papua, new Bats ( Dobsonia ) ; An- dersen, 24 : new Bandicoot ; Allen and Barbour, 8. Antarctica, former extent and fauna ; Kolbe, 385. III.— S Y S T E M A T I C. 6031 Primates. Embryogenese, Schlatf.r, Anat. Anz., 34, p. 33 ; Specimen, I^allowitz, t.e., p. 275 ; Colour- perception in Monkeys, Watson, Journ. Comp. Neurol. & Pyschol. 19, p. 1 ; Insula cerebri, Hole, Wien, Sitzber. Ak. Wiss., 118, p. 129; Gliederung der Grosshirnrinde, Mauss, J. Psychol., 13, 1908, p. 263 ; origin of upright posture in Man, Hase, Prometheus, 21, p. 145 ; Palaontologie des Menschen und Abstammungsproblem, Klaatsch, Zs. Ethn., 41, p. 537 ; Der vordere ITnterkiefcrabschnitt des altdiluvialen Menschen in Verhaltnis zum Unter- kiefer des rezenten Menschen und Anthropoidcn, Gorjanoviu-Kram- berger, Zs. indukt. Abstammgslehre, I. p. 411 ; Entvvicklung der Bogen- windung en der hinteren Insel des Gehirns, Hole, Wien, Sitzber. Ak. Wiss., 118, Abt. 3, p. 265;" Foramen magnum, Bolk, Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 12, pp. 362, 525, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet.,. 18, pp. 62, 551 : Phylogcnese der Granulationes arachnoideales, Blunt- schli, Verh. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 80, p. 363 ; additional incisors, Weg- ner, Zeits. Morph. Anthrop., 12, p. 353 ; Lippen und Backendrusen, Hartig, No. 299 ; Phylogenetische Entwicklung des Schiidels, Dzavachov, St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc., 1909, p. 687 ; Bau und Histologie, Uterus, Popov, Russ, vrac., St. Peterburg, 8, p. 809 ; Hautdriisenorganen bei den anthropomorphen Affen, Brinkmann, Anat. Anz., 34, p. 513 ; Spermien bei anthropoiden Affen, Retzius, Ark. Zool., 6, No. 8. A. — Anthropoidea. Hominidae. f Diprolhomo platensis, sp. n., (?) Ter- tiary, Buenos Aires, Ameghino, Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac., 19, p. 107. Homo (f ) mousteriensis hauseri, sub- sp. n. Tertiary, Moustier, Dordogne, Keaatsch vide etiam Reinhardt, Nat wis. Woehsenchr., ser. 2, 8, p. 323 ; (t) primigpnius, etc., notes, Aranzadi, Bol. Soc/Esp. Hist. Nat., 9, p. 316. f Pithecanthropus . eredus, Zahno (?), Selenka und Dubois, Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen., ser. 2, 26, p. 398 ; notes, Elbert, Bonn, Sitzber. Ges. Natk., 1908, 1909, med. natw. Ges., Munster, p. 51. SlMIIDAE. Anthropopithecus gorilla , presence d’une quatrtemc molaire, Siffre, Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anthr., ser. 5, 10, p. 81. Iiylobates, Penis- und Clitoriskno- chens, Gerhardt, Anat. Anz., Jena, 35, p. 353 ; gabriellae, sp. n., Anam, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 112. Simia und Iiylobates, Histologie des Ovariums, Joseph, Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 18, p. 183. Troglodytes niger, vertebral column, Virchow, Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1909, p. 265 ; Nerven-system, Schmitt, Anat. Anz., 34, p. 286 ; Riickenmus- keln, Virchow, Arch. Anat. Physiol., Anat. Abt., 1909, p. 137. C ERCOriTIIECI DAE. Cercopithecus ascanius whitesidei, Cent. Congo, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 513 ; tantalus alex- andri , Lake Chad, Pocock, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 545 ; insolitus, N. Nigeria, p. 258, tantalus griseistictus, Monbuttu, p. 259, rubellus, Fort Hall, p. 261, sticticeps, Equatoria, silaceus, B. E, A., p. 263, princeps, Nepanga Forest, p. 304, Elliot, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4; spp. & subspp. n. Colobus graueri, p. 474, ellioti, p. .475, spp. n., Central Africa, Dollman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4. Erythrocebus formosus, Uganda, p. 264, albigenis, E. Sudan, p. 265, spp. n., Elliot, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4. 58 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] Iiamadryas arabicus, birth of twins at Hannover, Knottnerus- Meyer, Berlin, Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr., 1909, p. 84. Inuus speciosus, cranial variation, Schweyeji, No. 686. Macaca mordax, p. 380, resima, p. 381, spp. n., W. Java, Thomas & Wroughton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3. Macacus rhesus. Uterus bicornis, Bernstein, No. 79. Papio tessellatum, Uganda, nigeriae, N. Nigeria, p. 247, brockmani , Somali- land, p. 248, planirostris, Fan, p. 305, spp. n., Elliot, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4. Pithecus antedates Macacus , p. 250, littoralis, Folder, p. 250, brachyurns, Hainan, p. 251, validus, Cochin China, p. 252, alacer, Kundur I., p. 253, karimoni, Karimon I., p. 254, laetus, Tingi I., p. 255, dollmani , Changi I., p. 256, bintangensis, Bintang I, p. 257, spp. n., Elliot, Am. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4. Presbytia cristuta pullata , Rhio Arch., ser. 8, 3, p. 439, obscura carbo, Lang- kawi I., Malacca, 4, p. 564, Thomas and Wrotjghton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ignitus, N. Borneo, Dollman, ibid. 4, p. 204; nudifrons, Borneo, p. 266, mela- mem, Burma, p. 267 , rubigcna, Malacca, p. 268, dilecta, Selangor, p. 270, mar- garita, Anam, crepuscula, Burma, p. 271, c. ivroughtoni, Siam, p. 272, lania, Chumbi Valley, p. 273, Elliot, t.c. ; spp. et subsp. n. Simia sphinx, Linn. = Mandrill, & Papio sphinx, Auct. = P. papio, Elliot Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 417. Cebidae and Hapalidae. Brain, Holl, Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., Abt. iii, 117, p. 9; Hapale iacchus, cas de reproduction, Paris, Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, p. 147 ; Myo- logio der Vorderextremitaten, Hapale, Oebus und Ateles, Senft, No. 696; Schwanzmuskulatur von Hapale, Cebus und Ateles , Wolff, No. 822. Aotus roberti, Brazil, p. 199, nigriceps, senex, Peru, p. 200, gularis, Ecuador, p. 201, lanius, Colombia, p. 202, microdon, Ecuador, p. 203, spp. n., Dollman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8 4. Callicebus paenulatus sp. n. Ecuador, Elliot, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 244. Cebus capucinus nigripeclus, subsp. n., Colombia, p. 229, malitiosus , sp. n., Colombia, p. 230, notos on. Simia capucinus & C. apella, Linn., p. 227 ; Elliot, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 26. Lagothrix thomasi, Peru, p. 245, ubericola, Amazonia, p. 246, spp. n., Elliot, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4. Pithecia, anatomy, Bedpard, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 928. B— Lemuroidea. Cytoarchitektonische Cortexgliede- rung der Halbafien, Brodmann, J. Psychol., 10, ErgH. 1908, p. 287. Richtung der Haare bei den Halb- affen, Schwalbe, No. 681. Oalago braccatus albipes, subsp. n., Elgon distr., Dollman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 549. Lemur catta, carpal vibrissae, Brandes-Halle Verh. Ges. D. Natf., 80, 2, p. 196. Loris, breeding in captivity, Pear- less, Spol. Zeylan., 6, p. 134. Nycticebus menagensis (Lydekker) 1893 technical name of Philippine Slow Lemur, Ly'on, Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc., 22, p. 89. CHIROPTERA. Notes on British, Whitaker, Na- turalist, 1909, p. 71, of Ruvvenzori, Festa, No. 227 ; Spermien, Ballowitz, Anat. Anz., 34, p. 275 ; oeuf, Van der Stricht, Bruxelles, Mem. Acad. roy. 4to., ser. 2, 2, p. 1 ; des Kaukasus, Satunin, Tiflis, Mitt. Kauk. Mus., 4, p. 279 ; circulation du sang dans l’aile, Jolly, Arch. anat. mjscrosc. 11, p. 94; Funktionelle Anpassung am Fledermausmagen, Fischer, No. 231 ; Gouv. St. Petersburg und Tver, Biancki, St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 14, p. vii. 59 Mam. Systematic. 6031 Pteropodidae. Accrodon madcloli alorensis , gilvus, Lesser Sunda Is., liumilis, Talar t Ids., p. 25, jubatus mindanensis, Min- danao, p. 26, spp. efc subspp. n., An- dersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3. Cynopterus ( Niadius ) harpax, sp. n., Selangor, Thomas & Wroughton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3, p. 439. Desmalopex = Pteropus, Andersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3, p. 233. Dobsonia sumbana, Sumba I., p. 531, crenulata, Ternate, praedatrix, Duke of York Gp., inermis, San Chris- tobal, nesea, Solomon Gp., p. 532, spp. n., Andersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4. Plerdlopex, characters, p. 218, anceps, sp. n., Bougainville I., Solomons, p. 2(36, Andersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3. Pteropus auratus , Loyalty Is., An- dersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3, p. 233 ; ( Spectrum ) voeltzkowi, Pemba I., Matschie, Berlin, Sitzber. Ges. Nat. Freunde, 1909, p. 486 ; hypomelanus robinsoni, Rubia I., Malacca, Ander- sen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 534 ; spp. ct subsp. n. Rousettus kempt , Mt. Elgon, TiIomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 543 ; shortridgei, Java, ThojIas & Wrough- ton, Abstr. P. Z. S. 1909, p. 19, and Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 374 ; spp. n. Rhinolopiiidae. Hipposiderus demissus, sp. n., E. Solomon Is., Andersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 3, p. 268. Rhinoloplius canuti, Java, Thomas & Wroughton, Abstr. P. Z. S. 1909, p. 18, & Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 378 ; anderseni, Philippines (? Luzon), Ca- brera, Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 9, p. 306, spp. n. ; ferrum-equinum Merk- male der Kaukasischen Exemplare, Satunin, Tiflis, Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4, pp. 279, 295. Nyoteridae. Nycteris, Borkhausen, 1797, replaces Lasiurus,,G ray, 1831. Miller, Wash- ington, Proc. Biol. Soc., 22, p. 90. Otonycteris cinereus, sp. n., Persian Baluchistan, Satunin, Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus., 4, 1909, pp. 281, 297. Petalia , Gray, 1838, replaces Nycteris , Geoffroy, 1803, Miller, Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc., 22, p. 90. # Vespertilionidae. Chalinolobus rogersi, sp. n., N. Aus- tralia, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3, p. 150. Miniopterus medius, Java, Thomas & Wroughton, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 382 ; breyeri, Transvaal, Jameson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 471 ; spp. n. Myotis capitaneus, micronyx. Lower California, Nelson & Godman, p. 28, occultus , California, Hollister, p. 43, bayleyi \ New Mexico, Hollister, p. 44, grisescens, Tennessee, Howell, p. 46, Washington, P. Biol. Soc., 22, spp. n. Pipistrellua leisleri in Lancashire, Stubbs, Lancashire Nat., ser. 2, 2, p. 152. Scotoecus albigula, sp. n., Mt. Elgon, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 544. Vespertilio oxygnathus, note, Miller, Napoli, Ann. Mus. Zool., ser. 2, 3, No. 3, p. 1 ; murinus aus Ciskaukasien, Satunin, Tiflis Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 4, pp. 282, 298. Emballonuridae. Rkinopoma microphyllum en Tunisie, Olivier, Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 34, p. 148. Taphozous hildegardae, sp. n., Mom- basa, Thomas, Ann. Mag., Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 99. Phylici., ser. 4, 28, p. 183. f M oeritherium & Palceomastodon , habits & affinities, Osborn, Nature, 81, p. 139. f Tetrabelodon dinotheroides , sp. n., !?; Loup Fork Beds, Kansas, Andrews, Geol. Mag., decade 5, 6, p. 347. SIRENIA. Manatus, Zunge, Gudernatsch, Morph. Jahrb., 40, p. 184; inunguis , skull-development and distribution, Dilg, ibid., 39, p. 83. *' \Trachypleurotherium , g. n„ Cre- taceous, Para, Dilg, Morph. Jahrb. 39, p. 90. CETACEA. Habits, Finwhales & Humpbacks, Andrews, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. (n-11091 /) Hist., 26, p. 213 ; whaling in Scotland, Haldane, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 70, p. 65 ; popular account, vide British Museum ; Gehororgan, Bezold, No. 81 ; Cetacea of Madagascar, Barrier, Ann. Mus. *Col. Marseille, scr. 2, 6, p. 1 ; in Caen Museum, Caen, Bull. Soc. Linn., s6r. 6, 1, p. 157 : Miocene of Belluno, Piaz, Atti Acc. Ven-trent., ser. 2, 6, p. 106 ; carpus. Turner, Edinburgh, Proc. R. Soc., 29, p. 687 ; hair-rudiments, Kukenthal, Jenaisch. Zcits., 45, p. 546 ; Asymmetric dcs Walschadels, Polinski, Kosmos, Lwow, 34, p. 1124; Zentralnervensystem, ii. Medulla oblongata von Phocaena communis und Balaenoptera rostrata , Rawitz, Arch. mikr. Anat., Born, 73, p. 306 ; ancestral Whales, Gilbert, Bull. Soc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 7, p. 20 ; Schutz den Walen, Sarasin, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 35, p. 210. Balazna glacialis, structure and cap- ture, Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 81. Delphinapterus leucas, habits and dentition, True, Smithson. Miscell. Coll., 52. p. 325 ; skelett, Braun, Konigsbersr, Schr. pliysik. Ges., 49, p. 409. Delphinus delphis & Tursiops lursio compared and figured, Kukenthal, Jenaisch. Zeits., 45 p. 560, pis. xliv- xlvi. Eubalcena glacialis notes, Andrews Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26, p. 273. f Eurkinodelphis cochetcuxi, skeleton, Abel, Wien, Sitzber. k. Akad. Wiss. 29, p. 241. Globicephalus melas del Museo di Napoli, Police, Napoli, Ann. Mus. Zool., ser. 2, 3, No. 8 p. 1. Megaptera longimana, hunting in Natal Waters, Bell-Marley, Zoologist, ser. 4, 12, p. 54 ; hoops , malformed foetus, Guldberg, Kristiania, Skr. Vid. Selsk. 1908, No. 12. Mesoplodon bidens, skeleton, Turner, Edinburgh, Proc. R. Soc., 29, p. 687 ; on French coast, Anthony, Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 149 p. 461 ; Bui. Museum, Paris, 1909, p. 405 ; bidens et scy- chellensis , Brasil, C. R. Soo. biol., 67, pp. 479 & 656, Anthony, t.c. p. 536. Orcinus orca, on New Jersey coast. True, Science, New York, N.Y.. ser. 2, 29, 1909, (790-791). e 24 74 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1909] ■J Plesiocetus and Squalodon in Danish Tertiary, Winge, Kjbbenhavn, Nath. Medd., 1909, p. 1. \Proinia, g. n., , for P. patagonica, sp. n.. Tertiary, Patagonia, True, Smithson. Miscell. Coll. 52, p. 441. •j Prosqualodon australis, additional remains. True, Smithson. Miscell, Coll., 52, p. 447. iSauroddphis argentmus, skull, Abel, Wien, Sitzber. k. Alcad. Wiss., 98, p. 250. Solatia borneensis, colour, Lydekker, Proc. Zool. Soo., 1909, p. 883. Tursiops iursio, an der livlandischen Kiisto, Greve, N. Balt. Weidm.-blt., lliga, 5, p. 375. • \Ziphiodelphis , g. n. (no sp. named), Miocene, Belluno, Piaz, Atti Acc. Yen. -trent., ser. 2, 5, p. 108. EDENTATA. Classification, Lane, Univ. Okla- homa Research Bull., No. 2. liradijpodidae , nourriture, Mene- gaux, Bull. Museum, Paris, 1908, p. 337 ; Paresseux, Deyrolle, Naturaliste, Paris, 31, p. 105 ; bio- logie des Paresseux, Menegaux, Rev. sci., Paris, ser. 5, 11, p. 523. Bradypus , osteology & habits, Mene- gaux, Arch. Zool. exper. ser. 5, 1, p. 277 ; torquatus , distinctive char- acters, Anthony, Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, p. 102, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., ser. 9, 9, p. 157 ; squelette, membre posterieur, Menegaux, Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 148, p. 797. Hemibradypus mareyi, Anth., = Bradypus torquatus (111.), Menegaux. Paris, Bui. soc. zool. 34, p. 27. Mavis aurita , habitat, Venning, Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc., 19, p. 254. • [Mylodon , sp., Pleistocene, Colorado, Cockerell, Colorado, Univ. Stud., 6, p. 309. Myrmcophaga, cerebral arteries, Bed- dard, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 683. Oryctaropus, Auge, Eranz, Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 15, p. 401 ; Gehirn, Ziehen, t.c., p.477 ; Halsorgane und Tamandua, Bender, Jena, Denk- schr. med. Ges., 15, p. 373; milk- dentition and affinities, Broom, Ann. S. African Mus. 5, p. 381 ; Jacobson’s organ, Broom, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 680, postcaval, Beddard, t.c., p. 683. Tamandua, anatomy, Beddard,. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 683. Tatu novemcinctum, placentation and' young. Lane, LTniv. Oklahoma Re- search Bull., No. 1. Tatusia, Embryologie Keim- bliitterinversion und spezifischen Poly- embrvonie Fernandez, Morph. Jahrb.,, 39, pi 302. MARSUPIALIA. Skull-development, Broom, Proc.. Linn. Soc., N. South Wales, 34, p. 195 ; distribution in S. W. Australia, Short- ridge, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 803. •(•Marsupial in Oligocene of Boom, Hasse, Ann. Soc. Zool. et Malacr Belgique 44, p. 77 [probably Oyno- dictis]. ‘\Bolodon, Owen, = Plagiaulax, Falc.y Gidley, U. S. Nation. Mus. Proe. 36, p. 612. Ccenolestes, not Diprotodont, De- derer, Amer. Nat., 43, p. 616. •(• Ohirox, Cope — Ptilodus, Cope, Gidley, U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc., 36, p. 612. Dasyurus hallucalus exilis, subsp. n., N. Australia, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 3, p. 152. Dcndrolagus, notes, Trouessart, Nature, Paris, 37, p. 391. | Diprotodon associated in W. Aus- tralia with remains of living Kan- garoos, Woodward, Geol. Mag., de- cade 5, 6, p. 210. Marmosa emiliae, sp. n., Para, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 3, p. 379. Peradorcas concinna canescens, subsp. n., N. Australia, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 4, p. 198. Phascolomys latifrons in New South Wales, Kershaw, Victorian Nat., 26, p. 118; gillespiei, sp. n., Queensland, De Vis, Ann. Queensland Mus., No. 5, 1900, p. 14. 75 Mam. Systematc. 6031 \P Modus, a Marsupial, dentition and osteology, p. Gil, gracilis, sp. n. Tertiary, Montana, Gidley, U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc., 30. f Sthcnurus, sp. n., Pleistocene, W. Australia, Glauert, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 05, p. 462. Suillomeles , g. n., p. 43, for S. hispida, sp. n., Dutch New Guinea, p. 54, At, lew & Barbour, Proc. Now England Zool. Club. 4. [Tho authors accept division of Peramcles into Isoddon, Perameles & Echymipcra.'] Trichosurus vulpecula ruficollis, subsp. n., Murchison district, Schwarz, Anat. Anz., 34, p. 026 ;] v. hypo - leucus (Wayn.), Stirling Range,’ S. W. Australia, also subsp. MONOTREMATA. Habits, Bennett, Queensland Nat. 1, p. 105; distribution in S. W. Aus- tralia, Shortridge, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1909, p. 803 ; Ausrustung, Konig,. Aus d. Natur, 4, p. 689 ; Plexus lumbo- sacralis, Frets, Morph. Jahrb., 40, p. 1 .. Resultate einer zusammenfassenden Be- arbeitung der Monotremen, Kowarzik, Zool. Anz., 35, p. 213. Echidna, Entwicklung der WirboR siiulc, Frets, Morph. Jahrb., 39, p. 335 ; hystrix, breeding in Berlin, t Heck,. Verh. Ges. D. Natf., 80, 2, p?i197 Niere, Zarnik, Wurzburg; Sitz. Ber. physik. Ges., 1909, p. 44. Ornithorhynclms anatinus, notes, Konig, D. Jagerztg. Neudamra, 54*. p. 11. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS WITH TITLES OF THE JOURNALS. Aarau , Milt. Natf. Gcs. ... Aarsb. Norges Fishe- ries’, Bergen Aarsb. off. Foranst. Landb Kristiania Abeille, Paris A bh. geol. Spccialkartc Els.-Lothr., Strassburg Acireale, Rend. Mem. Acc. Zelatiti Actes Museum hist, nat., Rouen Adelaide , S. Aust., Mem. R. Soe. Adelaide, S. Anst., Pros. R. Soe. Adelaide, S. Aust., Trans. R. Soe. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Agricul- tural Coll., Bull. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Arizona ; Tucson, Bull. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Califor- nia, Berkeley, Bull. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Califor- nia, Berkeley, Cir. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Cali- fornia, Sacramento, Bull. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Cali- fornia , Sacramento, Rep. Agrie. Exp. Sta., Colo- rado, Fort Collins, Bull. (N— 11091 s) Mitteilungen der aargauischcn naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft. Aarau. 8vo. Aarsberetning vedkommend Norges Fiskerier, Bergen. Aarsberetning angaaende de offentlige Foranstaltninger til Landbrugets Fremme. Abeille (1’). Sec. Bedel, Paris. [inAgul.] Abhandlungen zur geologisclien Special- karte von Elsass-Lothringen. Strass- burg. [2-3 H. jahrl.] Rendiconti e Memorie della R. Acca- deniia degli Zelanti, Acirealo. Actes du Museum d’histoire naturelle. Rouen (Seine-lnferieure). [irregul.] Memoirs of the Royal Society of South Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of S. Australia, Adolaido. Transactions of the Royal Society of S. Australia, Adelaide. Agricultural Experimental Station. Agricultural College. Bulletin. University of Arizona. Arizona Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Tucson. Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station of California, Berkeley. Bulletin. Agricultural Experimental Station. California, Berkeley. Circular. University of California Publications, College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station, Sacramento. Bulletin. University of California publications. Report of work of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California, Sacramento. Agricultural Experiment Station of Colorado, Fort Collins. Bulletin. 1 Svvi. 2 Nor. 1 Nor. 2 Fr. 1 Ger. 1 It. 5 Fr. 3 S. Aus, 5 S. Aus. 6 S. Aus. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S.. — U.Sv — U.S. — U.S. e 25 2 Agric. Exp. St a., Colorado, Fort Collins, Rep. Agric. Exp. Star, Connecti- cut, Slorrs, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Coimell (Jniv., Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Florida, Jacksonville, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Illinois, Springfield, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta.., Illinois, Urbana, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Kansas, Manhattan, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Ken- tucky, Lexington, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Minne- sota, St. Anthony Park, Bull. : Agric. Exp. Sta., Montana, Bozeman, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Montana,. Bozeman, Rep. Agric. Exp. Sta., Nebraska, Lincoln, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Nevada, Reno, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., New Hampshire, Durham, Tech. Bull. Agricultural Experiment Station of Colorado, Fort Collins. Report. Agricultural Experimental Station. Con- necticut, Storrs. Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University. Bulletin. Bulletin of the Experiment Station of Florida at the State Agricultural College, Jacksonville. University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Springfield. Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station of Illinois, Urbana. Bulletin. Agricultural Experimental Station. Kansas, Manhattan. Bulletin. Agricultural Experimental Station. Kentucky, Lexington. Bulletin. Agricultural Experimental Station. Minnesota, St. Anthony Park. Bulle- tin. Agricultural Experimental Station. Montana, Bozeman. Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station, Montana, Bozeman, lioport. Agricultural Experimental Station. Nebraska, Lincoln. Bulletin. Agricultural Experimental Station. Nevada, Reno. Bulletin. Agricultural Experimental Station. New Hampshire, Durham. Technical Bulletin. Agric. Exp. Sta., New Jersey, New Brunswick, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., New Mexico , Las Cruces, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., New York, Ithaca, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Ohio, Columbus, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Washing- ton, Pullman, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., West Virginia, Morgantown, Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta., Wiscon- sin, Madison, Bull. Agric. Gaz., Sydney, N.S.W. Agricultural Experimental Station. New Jersey, New Brunswick. Bulle- tin. New Mexico College of Agriculture and the mechanic Arts. Agricultural Experiment Station, Las Cruces. Bulletin. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Ithaca, New York. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Columbus. Tech- nical Series. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Pullman, Washington. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Morgantown, West Virginia. Agricultural Experimental Station. Wisconsin, Madison. Bulletin. Agricultural Gazette, Sydney, N.S.W. ... — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. 1 N.S.W 3 Ayric. Journ. Ind.} Calcutta Agric. Led., Calcutta Akad. Ert., Budapest A Itvarium , M oskva . . . Alabama, Bull. Geol.Surv., . University P.O. .. Albany, N.Y., Trans. Alb. Tnst. Albany Untv., N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull. Albany Univ., N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Mem. Albany Univ., N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Rep. Allatorv. L., Budapest .. Allatt. Kiizlem., Budapest... Ally. Fischereiztg, Munchen Ally. Forslzlg, Frankfurt a. M. Ally. Zs. Ent., Neudamm Alnwick, Proc. Berwicks. Nat. Cl. Allcnbnry, Mitt. Osterland... Amer. Geol.. Minneapolis-, Minn. (N-l 1091s) . The Agricultural Journal of India. Cal- cutta. Agricultural Ledger, Calcutta ... Akademiai Ertesi to, Budapest. [Akademi- scher Anzeiger, Budapest.] AKBaplyMT. KOMHaTHbiH pacienia. CoopiiHirr, H3,n,aBaeMi>iii Mockobckhmt> OtfmecTBOMT, JIiotfHTejiefi aKBapiyMa h KOMHaTHBi.vij pacTeinfi. MoCKBa [L’aquarium et les plantes d’apparte- ment. Recueil edit6 par la Society des Amateurs d’aquariums et des plantes d’appartement. Moscou]. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Alabama, University P.O. Transactions of the Albany Institute, Albany, N.Y. New York State Education Department. New York State Museum Bulletin, Albany, N.Y. New York State Education Department, New York State Museum Memoirs, Albany, N.Y. New York State Education Department. New York State Museum Annual Re- port, Albany, N.Y. Allatorvosi Lapok, Budapest. [Tier- arztliche Blatter, Budapest.] Allattani Kozlem^nyek, Budapest. [Zoo- logische Mittheilungen, Budapest.] Allgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung, red. v. Hofer u. Weigelt. Munchen. [£ monatl.] Allgemeine Forst- und Jagd-Zeitung, hrsg. v. Lorey. Frankfurt a. M. [monatl.] Nebst Supplement : Jahres- bericht liber Verolfentlichungen und wichtigere Ereignisse im Cebiete des Forstwesens etc. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Entomologie, hrsg. v. Schroeder u. Lehmann. Neudamm. monatl.] History arid Proceedings of the Berwick- shire Naturalists’ Club, Alnwick. Etc., etc., etc. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlandri, hrsg. v. d. naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Osterlandes zu Altenburg. Alten- burg. [2 jahr.] American Geologist, Minneapolis, Minnesota. — Ind. 1 Ind. — Hun. — Rus. 1 U.S. 7 U.S. 4 U.S. 5 U.S. 6 U.S. — Hun. 32 Hun. 24 Ger. 25 Ger. 34 Ger. 2 U.K. 38 Gen 13 U.S. e 25—2 4 Amer. J. Anat., Phila- delphia, Pa. Amer. J. Physiol., Boston , Mass. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y. Amer. Nat., New York, N.Y., or Lancaster , Pa. [foi'mcrly Boston, Mas s.] Amer. Ornith., Worcester, Mass. Amiens, Bui. soc. apicidt. Somme Amiens, Bui. soc. linn. .. Amiens, Mem. soc. linn. ... Amsterdam, Bijdr. Dierk. Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen. Amsterdam, Verh. K. Akad. Wet., 2* Sect. Amsterdam, Vcrsl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Werk. Gen. Nat. Gences. Ueelk. An. cient. Parag., Asun- cion An. Mus. Chile, Santiago ... The American Journal of Anatomy, published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Philadelphia, Pa. [includes Proc. Ass. Amer. Anat.] 14 U.S. American Journal of Physiology, Boston, Mass. 17 U.S. American Journal of Science, New Haven. Conn. 19 U.S. The American Museum Journal. Ameri- can Museum of Natural History. New York, N.Y. 554 U.S. The American Naturalist, New York, N.Y., or Lancaster, Pa. 21 U.S. American Ornithology. For the Home and School. Worcester, Mass. 570 U.S. Bulletin de la societe d’apiculture de Somme. — Fr. Bulletin de la societe linneenne du nord de la France. Amiens (Somme), [mensuel.] 28 Fr. M^moires de la Societe linneenne. Amiens. 920 Fr. Bijdragen tot de dierkunde uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Zoologisch ge- nootschap Natura Artis Magistra te Amsterdam, Leiden. — Hoi. Proceedings of the Sections of Sciences, Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen, Amsterdam. 8vo. 3 Hoi. Tiidschrift van het Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap. Amsterdam. 8vo. 4 IIol. Vcrhandelingon der Koninklijko Aka- dotnie van Wetenschappen, 2° Sectio (Natuurhistorische Geologische en Medische Wetenschappen), Amster- dam. 8vo. 6 Hoi. Verslag en Mededeelingen der ornitho- logische Vereeniging, Wageningen. — Hoi. Verslag der Vergaderingen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam. 8vo. 7 Hoi. Werken van het Genootschap ter bevor- dering der Natuur-, Genees- en Heel- kunde, Amsterdam. 8vo. 08 Hoi. Anales cientificos Paraguayas, Asuncion. — Para- guay. Anales del Museo nacional de Chile. Publicados por orden del Gobierno de Chile. Primera Seccion Zoologia. ' Santiago. — Chile. 5 An. Mus. La Plata, Buenos Aires An. Mus., Mexico An. Mus., Montevideo An. Mus. Mae., Buenos Aires An. Mus., San Salvador ... Auat. Anz., Jena Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden ... Angers, Bui. soc. hud. sci. Angl. For8cli., Heidelberg... Annaberg, Bcr. Vcr. Nath. Ann. ass. not:, Lemllois- Pcrret Ann. biol. lacustre, Bruxelles Ann. Bot., Oxford ... Ann. Knt. Soc. Amer., Columbus, Ohio Ann. Fae. Sci., Marseille ... Ann. gtog., Paris ... Ann. giol. Balkan., Bel- grade Ann. geol. minSr., Novo- Aleksandrija A nn. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest Ann. Tiyg. colon., Paris Ann. igiene, Roma Anales del Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires. Anales del Museo nacional de Mexico ... Anales del Museo nacional de Monte- video, Montevideo. Anales del Museo nacional do Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Anales del Museo nacional, organo oficial del Instituto del inismo nombre, San Salvador. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Centralblatt fur die gesammte wissenschaftliche Anatomic, hrsg. v. v. Bardeleben. Jena, [zwanglos.] Nebst Erganzungs- heften. Anatomische Hefte, hrsg. v. Merkel u. Bonnet. Wiesbaden. J. Abth. : Arbeiten aus anatomischen Instituten. [5 H: jahrl.] 2. Abth. : Ergebnisse aer Anatomie und' Entwicklungs- geschichte. [jahrl.] Bulletin de la society d’&udes scienti- fiques d’Angers (Maine-et-Loire). [annuel.] Anglistische Forschungen. Hrsg. v. T. Hoops. Heidelberg, [zwangl.] Bericht des Annaberg-Buchholzer Vereins fiir Naturkunde. Annaberg. [5 jahr.] Annales de l’association des naturalistes. Levallois-Perret. Annales de Biologie Lacustre, Bruxelles. Annals of Botany, Oxford Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille (Bouches du Rhone). Annales de geographic. Dir. Vidal de la Blache, Gallois et de Margerie. Paris, [bimestr.l Annales geologiques de la p^ninsule Balkanique, Belgrade. EiKeroflHHK'B no reoJiorifi h MHHepa- Jiorift Poccifi. HoBO-AjieKcan^pia [Annuaire geologique et mineralogique de la Russie. Novo- Alexandria]. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, Budapest. Annales d’hj^gi^ne et de medecine coloniales. Paris, [trimestr.] Annali d’ Igiene speriraentale, Roma . . . — Argent. — Mex. — Uru- guay. — S. Amer. — Salvador. 40 Ger. 41 Ger. 33 Fr. — Ger. 47 Ger. — Fr. — Bel. 4 U.K. — * U.S. 50 Fr. 52 Fr. — Servia. — Rus. 34 Hun. 56 Fr. 11 It. 0 Ann. Itiat. ocean., Monaco Ann. Inst. Pasteur , Paris... A nn. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don Ann. Mus. Congo, Bruxelles Ann. Mus., Marseille Ann. Natal Qovt. Mus., London Ann. Natphilos., Leipzig ... A nn. paUont., Paris Ann. Queensland Mus., Brisbane Ann. Rep. Oeol. Surv. Ind., . Calcutta Ann. eci. nat.(Zool .), Paris Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh Ann. Transvaal Mus., Pretoria Ann. Trop. Med., London ... Ann. Univ. Grenoble, Paris Ann. Univ., Jassy Ann. Univ., Lyon .... Annaberg, Ber. Ver. Natk. Annales de Plnstitut oeeanographigue de Monaco. Monaco. Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur. Dir. Duclaux. Paris, [mensuel.] Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London, j ]£tat independant du Congo. Annales du Musee du Congo, publiees par ordre du Secretaire d’etat. Serie II. Zoologie. (Bruxelles. 4to.) Annales du Musee de Marseille, Mar- seille. ; Annals of the Natal Government Museum, London. ; Annalendqr Naturphilosophie. Leipzig. Annales de Paleontologie jpubliees sous la direction de Marcellin Boule. Paris. ' Annals of the Queensland Museum, Brisbane. ; Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. Annales des sciences naturelles, paraSt en deux parties : 1° Zoologie et Paleontologie, compre- nant l’anatomie, la physiologie, la classification et l’histoirenaturelle des animaux. Dir. E. Perrier. Paris. [12 numeros par an.] Annals of Scottish Natural History, Edinburgh and London. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, Pre- toria. Printed at the Government Printing and Stationery Office. 24£ cm. x 151 cm. Annals of tropical medicine and para- sitology. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Lon- don and Liverpool. 8vo. Annales de P University de Grenoble, publics par les Faculty de droit, des sciences et des lettres, et par l’ecole de medecine. Paris, [trois numeros par an.] Annales scientifiques de l’Universite de Jassy, Jassy. Annales de P University. Lyon (Rhone), [in-ygul.] . Bericht des Annaberg-Buchholzer Verems fill* Naturkunde. Annaberg. [5 jahrl.] — Monaco. 60 Fr. 7 U.K. — BeL — Fr. — S. Afr. 1285 Ger. — Fr. — Qnsl. 2 Ind. 77 Fr. 8 U.K. — S. Afric. * — U.K. 81 Fr. — Fr. 82 Fr. 47 Ger. 7 Annie Viol., Paris Annie psychol. , Paris Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo .. Antanan. Ann. Appalachia, Boston , Mass. Apunt. Hist. Nat., Buenos Aires AquUa, Budapest Arh. D. Oes. Ziichtgsk., Hannover Arh. hirnanat , Inst. Zurich, Wiesbaden Arh. Kasp. Exp., St. Peter- hurg Arh. neurol. Inst. Wien , Leipzig 1 Arcachon, Trav. soc. sci. station biol. Arcachon , Trav. soc. sci. station zool. Arch. anal, microsc., Paris Arch. Anat. Physiol., Leip- zig Arch. Anthr., Braun- schweig Arch. Anthr. Schlesw.- Holst., Kiel Annue biologique. Dir. Yves Delage. Paris, [annuel.] [bibliogr.] Ann^e psychologique, pub. par A. Binet. Paris, [annuel.] Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. European languages. Tokyo, Japan. Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine, Antananarivo. Appalachia, Boston, Mass. Apuntes de Historia natural. Buenos Aires. 8vo. Aquila, Budapest Arbeiten der Deutschen Gesellscbaft fur Ziichtungskunde. Hrsg. v. d. Arbeit- statte fur die Sammlung und Verwer- tung ziichterisclier Erfakrungen. Hannover, [zwangl.] Arbeiten aus dem hirnanatomischen Institut in Zurich. Hrsg. v. C. v. Monakow. Wiesbaden. [zwangl.] TpyflM KacniiicKofi 0KcneflTmiH 1904 rofla. C.-rieTep6ypn> [Arbeiten der Kaspischen Expedition im Jahre 1904. St. Peterburg]. Arbeiten aus dem neurologischen In- stitute (Institut fiir Anatoraie und Physiologie des Centralnervensystems) an der Wiener Universitat. Hrsg. v. II. Obersteiner, Leipzig u. Wien, [zwanglos.] Soci6t6 scientifique et Station biologique 5 d’Arcachon (Gironde). Travaux des Laboratoires, Paris. Society scientifique et Station zoo- logique d’Arcachon (Gironde). Tra- vaux des Laboratoires. Paris, [annuel.] Archives d’anatomie microscopique. Dir. Ranvier et Henneguy. Paris, [triinestr.] Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, hrsg. v. His und Engelmann. Leipzig. 1. Anatomische Abtheilung u. d. T. : Archiv fiir Anatomie und Entwick- lungsgeschichte, hrsg. v. His. 2. Phvsiologische Abtheilung u. d. T. : Archiv fiir Physiologie, hrsg. v. Engelmann. [jede Abth. 2 monatl.] Archiv fiir Anthropologie, hrsg. v. Ranke. Braunschweig. [£ jahrl.] Archiv fiir Anthropologie und Goologie Schleswig-Holsteins und der benach- barten Gebiete, hrsg. v. Mestorf u. Haas. Kiel. [1 H. jahrl.] 84 Fr. 87 Fr. 1 Jap. — Madag. 25 U.S. — S. Am. 3 Hun. — Ger. — Ger. — Rus. — Ger. — Fr. 106 Fr. 107 Fr. 52 Ger. 53 Ger. 54 Ger. 8 Arch. Augcnheilk., TPics- haden Archiv fur Augenheilkunde, hrsg. v. Knapp u. Scnweigger. Wiesbaden. [8 BI. jahrl.] 56 Ger. Arch. Balnc other ., Ilcdle ... Archiv der Balneotlierapie und Hydro- therapie, lirsg. v. Muller. Halle, [zwanglos.] 57 Ger. Arch. Viol., Baris- Bruxelles Archives de Biologie. R6d. E. Van Beneden et Oh. Van Bambeko. Paris* Bruxelles, [trimestr.] 109 Fr. Arch. Biont ., Berlin Archiv fiir Biontologie. Hrsg. v. d. G esellschaf t naturf orschender F re unde in Berlin. Berlin, [zvvangl.] — - Ger. A rch. Derrnat. Syph ., Wien Archiv fiir Derma tologie und Syphilis. Red. v. F. J. Pick. Wien und Leipzig, [monatl.] 24 Ger. Arch. EntwMcch ., Leipzig Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, hrsg. v. Roux. Leipzig, [i jahrl.] CO Ger. Arch, exper. Bath., Leipzig Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologic und Pharmakologie, red. v. Naunynu. Schmiedeberg. Leipzig. [9 — 12 H. jahrl.] 61 Ger. Arch. gcs. Bhy&iol., Bonn ... Archiv fiir die gesainnUe Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere, hrsg. v. Pfliiger. Bonn. [48 H. jahrl.] 63 Ger. Arch. Gesch. Natu., Leipzig Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Natur- wissenschaften und der Technik. Hrsg. v. K. V. Buohka, H. Stadler, 0. Schaefer, K. Ludhoff. Leipzig, [zwangl.] — Ger. Arch. Ilydrohiol., Stuttgart Archiv fiir Hydrobiologio und Plankton- kunde. (N. F. der Forschungs- berichte a, d. biolog. Station zu Plon.) Hrsg. v. 0. Zacharias. Stuttgart, [i jahrl.] — Ger. Arch. Hyg., Milne hen Archiv fiir Hygiene, hrsg. v. Buchner etc. Munchen. [8 H. jahrl.] 69 Ger. Arch. Inst. Pasteur, Tunis Archives de l’lnstitut Pasteur de Tunis. Tunis. — Fr. Arch. ital. blol., Torino ... Archives italiennes de biologie, Torino... 16 It. Arch. Min. Chir ., Berlin ... Archiv fiir klinische Chirurgie, hrsg. v. v. Bergmann, Gussenbauer u. Korte. Berlin. [8 H. jahrl.] 71 Ger. Arch. Landcsk. Sachsen, Halle Archiv fiir Landes- und Volkskunde der Provinz Sachsen, hrsg. v. Kirch- hoff. Halle, [jahrl.] 73 Ger. J rch. Laryng., Berlin Archiv fiir Laryngologie und Rhino- logie, hrsg. x. Frankel. Berlin. [3.-4 II. jahrl.] 74 Ger. A rch. Math. Naturv ., Kris - tiania j Archiv for Mathematik og Naturviden- skab, Kristiania. 3 Nor. 5) Arch. mihr. Anat., Bonn ... Archiv fui* mikroskopisclie Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, hrsg. v. Hertwig, la Valette St. George u. Waldoyer. Bonn. [4-8 H. jahrl.] 77 Ger. Arch. miss. set. lift., Paris ♦ Archives des missions scientifiques et litt^raires. Paris. [irr^gul.] 125 Fr. Arch. Mas., Rio de Janeiro Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. — Braz. Arch. Museum hist, nal ., Lyon Archives du Museum d’histoire naturelle. L^on (Rhone). 126 Fr. Arch. Natg.. Berlin Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, hrsg. v. Hilgendorf. Berlin. [6 H. jahrl.] 78 Ger. Arch. Natw. TADarchf. Bohmen , Prag Archiv der Naturwissenschaftlichen Landesdurcliforsclnmg von. Bohmen. Prag. [zwanglos.] 26 Aus. A rch. Ohrenhcilh., Leipzig Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde, hrsg. v. Troltsch etc. Leipzig. [7 H. jahrl.] 79 Ger. Arch., parasit ., Paris Archives do parasitologie. R&l. R. Blanchard. Paris, [trimestr.] 129 Fr. Arch. path. Anat., Berlin ... Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fiir klinische Medicin, lirsg. v. Virchow. Berlin, [monatl.] 80 Ger. Arch. Philos., Berlin Arcliiv fiir Philosophic. 1. Abth, : Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philosophic. 2. Abth. : Archiv fiir systematische Philosophic. Berlin. [8 H. jahrl.] 82 Ger. Arch.physih. 'liter ., Berlin Archiv fiir physikalisch-diatetische Therapie in aer iirztlichen Praxis, hrsg. v. Ziegelroth. Berlin, [monatl.] 83 Ger. Arch. Protisterihunde, Jena Archiv fiir Protistenkunde, hrsg. v. F. ScliaudiniL. Jena. 1284 Ger. Arch. Psychia trie, Berlin ... Archiv fiir Psychiatrie und Nerven- krankheiten, red. v. Jolly. Berlin. [3-4 H. jahrl.] 85 Ger. Arch. R. Inst. Bad., Lisboa Archivos do real Instituto bacteriologico Camara Pestana, Lisboa. — Por. Arch. Ra8senbiol., Leipzig \jr idler Berlin ] Archiv fiir Rassen- und Gesellschafts- biologie einschliesslich Rassen- und Ge8ellschaftshvgiene. Hrsg. v. A. Ploetz. Leipzig. [2 monatl.] — Ger. Arch. sc. biol., St. Peter- burg ApxHBi, 6ioJiorn,iecKHX'b nayitt,. C.- IleTepdyprt [Archives des sciences biologiques. St.-Petersbourg]. 4 Rus. Arch. Belli ffshyg., Leipzig... Archiv fiir SchilTs- und Tropenhygiene, hrsg. v. Mense. Leipzig. [| monatl.] 86 Ger. Arch. Sci.Phys., Gcnhve ... Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. Gen&ve, Lausanne et Paris. 8vo. 10 Swi. Arch. Thierhcilh., Berlin'... Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Thierheilkunde, hrsg. v. Jlammann etc. Berlin. [2 monatl.] 87 Ger. 10 Arch, veterin. nauk , St. Peterburg Arch. Zell f orach j, Leipzig Arch, zool., Paris ... Archives polon. Viol, med., Licdw Archivio fiaiol., Firenze ... ApxHB'jj BeTepiiHapiiuxii nayKL. 0.- ITeTepdypnb [Archives ties sciences v&4rinaires. St.-P6tersbourg]. Archiv fiir Zellforschung, hrsg. v. R. Goldschmidt. Leipzig, [zwangl.] Archives de zoologie expdrimentale et g^n&rale. Fond. H. de Lacaze- Dutliiers (avec “ Notes et Revue ”). Paris, [trimestr.] Archives polonaises des Sciences biolo- giques et m&licales, red. H. Kadyi, Lwow. 8vo. [irregular.] Archivio di iisiologia, Firenze Archivio ital. anat. embriol., Firenze Archivio italiano d’anatomia e d'embrio- logia, Firenze. Archivio sc. med., Torino ... Archivio per le scienze mediche, Torino Archivio zool., Napoli Archiv. Za., Miinchen Ark. Zool., Stockholm Aschaffenburg, Alitt. natw. Ver. Astracham , Arb. Ichlh. Lab. t Augsburg, Ber. natw. Ver. Auk, Cambridge , Mass. Aua d. Heimfit, Stuttgart... Ana d. Natur, Leipeig [friiher Stuttgart ] Aua d. Posener Lande, Liaaa i. P. Archivio zoologico, Napoli Archivalische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. durch das Bayerische Allgemeine Reichs- archiv in Miinchen. Miinchen. [zwangl.] Arkiv for zoologie utgifvet af K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien i Stockholm. 8vo. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins zu Aschaffenburg. Jena, [zwanglos.] Tpy^u HxTioJioniHecKofl JlatfopaTopiii YnpaBJieuiH KacniftCKO-BojnKCKiix'L pLldHUXt II T'k’JblJLIX'b IipOM UCJIOB'b. AcTpaxanb. [Arbeiten des Ichthyo- logischen Laboratoriums der Kaspi- Yolgaschen Fischerei-Verwaltung in Astrachan ] Bericht des naiunvissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Schwaben und Neuburg, friiher naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg. Augsburg [mehr jahr.] The Auk (American Ornithologists’ Union), Cambridge, Mass. Aus der Heimat. Organ des deutschen Lehrer-Vereins fiir Naturkunde. Stuttgart. [2 monatl.] Nebst Beilage : Schriften des deutschen Lehrervereins fiir Naturkunde. [jahrl.] Aus der Natur. Zeitschrift fiir alle Naturfreuiide. Hrsg. v. W. Sclioe- nichen. Leipzig. monatl.] Aus dem Posener Lande. Blatter fiir Heimatkunde. Hrsg. v. P. Beer. Lissa i. P. [£ monatl.] 5 Rus. — Ger. 130 Fr. 61 Pol. 272 It. 273 It. 22 It. 275 It. — - Ger. — Swe. 91 Ger. — Rus. 96 Ger. 29 U.S. 100 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. A us d. Scliwarzw., Stuttgart Austin, Bull. Univ. Tex. ... Austin, Cont. Zool. Lab. Univ. Tex. A ustin, Trans. Texas Acad. Sci. Aulun, Bui. 8oc.hist. nat.... Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat. Avicula, Siena Avicult. Mag., Brighton ... Aviculteur, Paris Avignon, Mem. Acad. Bagnh'es dc Bigorre, Bui. soc. Ramond Balt. Weidm. Bit., Riga ... Balt. Wochcnschr., Jurjew Baltimore, Md., Johns Hop- kins Univ. Cir. Baltimore, Md., Mem. Biol. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Md., Proc. Ass. Amer. Anat. Baltimore, Md., Stud. Biol. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Trans. Md. Acad. Sci. Bamberg, Ber. natf. Ges. ... Barcelona, Bol. R. Ac. Cs. Barcelona, Mem. R. Ac. Cs. Barrow, Rep. Nat. F. Cl. ... Aus clem Schwarzwald. Blatter des wiirttembergisclien Schwarzwald- Vereins. Stuttgart, [monatl. 2 H.] Bulletin of the University of Texas. Austin, Texks. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the. University of Texas, Austin. Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science, Austin. Bulletin de la soci^t^ d’histoire natu- relle. Autun (Sa6ne-et-Loire). Bulletin de la soci6t6 des sciences historiques et naturelles de l’Yonne. Auxerre (Yonne). Avicula, giornale ornitologico italiano, Siena. The Avicultural Magazine, beirig the Journal of the Avicultural Society for the study of foreign and British birds, Brighton. Aviculteur (1’). Dir. de Perpigna. Paris, [mensuel.] Memoires de I’Acad^mie de Vaucluse. Avignon (Vaucluse). [trimestr.] Bulletin de la soci6t6 Ramond. Bagneres de Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrenees) Tou- louse. [trimestr.l Baltische Weidmannsblatter. Riga Baltische Wochenschrift. Jurjew Johns Hopkins University Circulars, Baltimore, Md. Memoirs from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more} Md. Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists. [Included in Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md.] Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md, Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Science, Baltimore. Bericht der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft in Bamberg. [3 jahr.] Boletfn de la Real Academia deCiencias y Artes de Barcelona. Barcelona. Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona. Report and Proceedings of the Barrow Natur&lists’ Field Club, Barrow-in- Furness. 8vo. 102 Cer. — U.S. 30 U.S. 32 U.S. 149 Fr. 152 Fr. 27 It. 18 U.K. 156 Fr. 157 Fr. 159 Fr. — Rus. 12 Rus. 36 U.S. 37 U.S. 556 U.S. 38 U.S. 39 U.S. 111 Ger. — Spain — Spain 21 U.K. 12 Basel, Abh. Schweiz. Pal. Ges. Basel, Verb. Natf.Ges. ... Bastia, Bui. soc. sci. hist, not. Batavia , Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. ... Bath, Proc. Nat. Hist. F. Cl. Bayr. Forstztg, Niimberg... Beitr. Anal. Ohr, Berlin ... Beitr. chem. Physiol., Braunschweig Beitr. Qeophysik, Leipzig ... Beitr. klin. Chir., Tubingen Beitr. Nath. Preussen, Konigsberg Beitr, path. Anat., Jena ... Belfast, Pep. Nat. F. Cl. ... Belfast, Rep. Nat. Hist. Phil. Soc. Beoglirad, Spom. Srpska Ak. Ber. Fischereiver. Ostpr., Konigsberg Abliandlungen der schweizerischen palaontologischen Gesellschaft. Me- moires de la Soci6t6 paleontologique suisse. Basel und Genf. 4to. Verhandlungeu der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Basel. 8vo. Bulletin de la societe des sciences historiques et naturelles de la Corse. Bastia (Corse), [mensuel.] Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Neder- landsch-Indie uitgegeven door de Vereeniging ter bevordering der Geneeskundige Wetenschappen in Nederlandsch-Indie, Batavia. 8vo. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Neder- landsch-Indie uitgegeven door de Koninklijke natuurkundige Vereeni- ging, Batavia. 8vo. Proceedings of the Bath Natural Hi- story and Antiquarian Field Club, Bath. Bayprische Foist- und Jagd-Zeitung. Niirnberg. £36 H. jahrl.] Beitrage zur Anatomie Physiologie, Pathologic u. Therapie des Ohres, der Naso u. des Halses. Hrsg. v. A. Passow u. K. L. Schaffer, Berlin, [zwanglos.] Beitrage zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie. Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Biochemie, hrsg. von F. Hofmeister. Braunschweig, [zvvang- los.] Beitrage zur Geophysik, hrsg. v. Gerland Leipzig. [1-2 H. jahrl.] Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie, red. v. Brans. Tubingen. [7-8 H. jahrl.] Beitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens, hrsg. v. d. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg. Konigs- berg. [zwanglos.] Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie, red. v. Ziegler. Jena. [6 H. jahrl.] Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists’ Field Club, Belfast. Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast. Srpska Kraljevska Akademija. Spo- menik. Beoghrad. Berichte des Fischerei-Vereins fiir die Provinz Ostpreussen. Konigsberg. [zwanglos.] 2 Swi. 11 Swi. 161 Fr. 10 Hoi. 11 Hoi. 22 U.K. 118 Ger. — Ger. 1258 Ger. 129 Ger. 132 Ger. 135 Ger. 137 Ger. 24 U.K. 26 U.K. — Servia 142 Ger. 13 Ber. ophtludm. Ges., Hri [Bibliothkque geolo- gique russe. St.-Petersbourg]. 13 Rus. Bidr. F. Vet. Soc., Helsing- fors Bidrag till kannedom ora Finlands Natur och Folk. Utgifna af Finska Veten- Bkaps-Societeten. Helsingfors. 8vo. 3 Fin. Bienenuirtli8ch.'Centralbl., llannover Bienenwirthschaftliches Centralblatt, red. v. Lehzen. Hannover. [1 monatl.] 223 Ger. Biochem. Zs., Berlin Biochemi8che Zeitschrift, red. v. C. Neuberg. Berlin, [zwauglos.] — Ger. Biol. Bull., Wood's Iloll , Mass. Biological Bulletin Marine Biolo- gical Laboratory, Wood’s Holl, Mass. 535 U.S. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig [fr Uher Berlin ] Biologisches Centralblatt, hrsg. v. Rosenthal. Leipzig. [£ monatl.] 226 Ger. Biol. Centr.-Amer., London Biologia Centrali-Americana, London. 4to. 27 U.K. Biologica , Torino Biologica, Raccolta di Scritti di Biologia, Torino. — It. Biometrika, Cambridge Biometrika, Cambridge 437 U.K. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa 48 U.S. Birmingham, Proc. Nat. Hist. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society, Birmingham. 28 U.K. Bishop Auckland, Trans. Weardale Nat. F. Cl. Transactions of the Weardale Natu- ralists’ Field Club, Bishop Auckland. 438 U.K. Bl. Aguarienkuhde, Stutt- gart [friiher Magdeburg ] Blatter fur Aquarien- und Terrarien- kunde, hrsg. v. Kurt Poenicke. Organ des Internationalen Bundes der Aquarien- und Terrarienfreunde. Stuttgart, [woch.] 227 Ger. Blackheath, Trans. West Kent Nat. Hist. Spc. Transactions of the West Kent Natural History, Microscopical and Photo- graphic Society, Blackheath. 30 U.K. Board Agric. Leaf., London Board of Agriculture Leaflets, London. 4to. — U.K. Boh com. parasit. agric., Mexico Boletfn de la Comision de parasitologia agricola de Mexico. — Mex. Bol. Mas. Goeldi, Para Boletin do Museu Goeldi de Historia natural e ethnographia (Museu para- ense), Pard. — Braz. Bol. Mus. Mexico ... Boletfn del Museo nacionalde Mexico ... — Mex. Boll. >lss. Med. Triest, Triest Bollettino della Associazione Medica Triestina (Selbstverlag). — Aus. Boll. N aluralista^ Siena ... Bollettino del Naturalista, Siena 33 It. Bologna, Mem. Memorie dell’ Accademia delle scienze dell’ Istituto, Bologna. 42 It. 1C Bologna, Bend. Acc. sc. ... Bombay, J. Asiat. Soc. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bonn, SitzBer. Get. Nath — Bonn, Verb, nalhisi. Ver.... Bordeaux, Actes toe. linn.... Bordeaux, Mem. toe. sci. phys. nat. Bordeaux, P roc. -verb. soc. linn. Bordeaux, Proc.-verb. soc. tci. phys. nat. Boston, Mass., Mem. Arncr. Acad. Arts Sci. Boston, Mass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Boston, Mass., Occ. Paprs. Soc. Nat. Hist. Boston, Mass., Proc. Arncr. Acad. Arts Sci. Boston, Mass., Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. Bot. Centralbl., Beihcfte, Dresden Bot. Gaz., Chicago, 111. Bot. Jalirb., Leipzig Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud. Boulogne-sur-mer , Bui. Soc. a cad. ' Rendiconti dell’ Accademia delle scienze dell’ Istituto, Bologna. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay. Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinisclien Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heil- kunde zu Bonn. Bonn. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rhein- lande. Westfalens u. d. Reg.-Bez. Osnabriick. Nebst Sitzungs- berichten der niederrheinisclien Ge- sellschaft fur Natur- und lleilkunde zu Bonn. Bonn. [jahrl. in je 2 Half ten.] Actes do la soei Neerl. Sci. Soc. Roll. Haarlem, Bull. Kolon. Mus. Haarlem, Nat. Verb, Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Habana, An. Ac. Cs. Halifax Nat. Halifax, N.S. , Proc. and Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci. Halle, Abh. natf. Ges. Halle, Leopol'dina ... Halle, Nova Acta Leop. ... Hamburg, Abh. natw. Ver. Hamburg, Jahrb. iciss. Anst. Hamburg, Verh. natw. Ver. Hamburg, Verh. Ver. natw. Unterh. Report and Transactions of the Guern- sey Society of Natural Science, Guernsey. Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Giistrow. [jahrl.] Archives du Mus£e Teyler. Haarlem. 8 vo. Archives N^erlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles publics par la Society Hollandaise des Sciences, Haarlem. 8vo. 'Bulletin van het Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem, Amsterdam. 8vo. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. Haarlem. 4to. Anales de la real Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. The Halifax Naturalist and Record of the Scientific Society, Halifax. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, N.S. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. Halle, [zwanglos.] Leopoldina. Amtl. Organ der kais. Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen deut- schen ' Akademie der Naturforscher, Halle. Leipzig. [15 Nrn jahrl.] Nova Acta academiae caesar. Leopol- dino-Carolinae naturae curiosorum. Abhandlungen der kaiserl. Leopol- dinisch-Carolinischen deutschen Aka- demie der Naturforscher, Halle. Leipzig, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Abhandlungen aus deni Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. vom natur- wissenschaftlichen Verein in Ham- burg. [zwanglos.] Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissen- schaftlichen Anstalten. Hamburg, [jahrl.] Nebst Beiheften. Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins in Hamburg-Altona. Hamburg, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir natur- wissenschaftliche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg. Hamburg. [3 jahrl.] 146 U.K. 537 Ger. 21 Hoi. 22 Hoi. 23 HoL 24 Hoi. — Ha van. 147 U.K. 13 Can. 542 Ger. 546 Ger. 548 Ger. 550 Ger. 553 Ger. 559 Ger. 560 Ger. 35 Tlandl. Ned. Nat. Geneesh. Congres Hannover, Jahrb. Prov.Mus. Hannover, Jahresber. nat- hist. Gee. Harvard Psych. Stud., Boston, Mass. Harz, Magdeburg ... Hastings and E. Sussex Nat.' Hastings, Mus. Publ. Hastings Nat. v. Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. Havre ( Le ), Bui. soc. gSol.... Hedwigia, Dresden Heidelberg, Mitt. geol. Landesanst. Heidelberg, Verh. natliist. Ver. Heimat, Kiel Helder, Jaarb. onderz. zee Helder, Tijdsclir. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Helder, Verh. Onderz. Zee... Helios , Berlin Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. (n-11091 s) Handelingen van het Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres. 8vo Jahrbuch des Provinzial-Museuras zu Hannover. Hannover, [jahrl.] Jahresbericht der n a tur h is tor i schen Gesellschaft zu Hannover. Hannover, [mehrjahr.] Harvard Psychological Studies. Ed. by Hugo Munsterberg. Boston and New York. Der Harz. Vereinsblatt des Harzklubs. Magdeburg, [monatl.] Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist, being the Journal of the Hastings and St. Leonard’s Natural History vSociety. Hastings. Publications of the Hastings Museum ... Bulletin do la soci^te g^ologique de Normandie. Le Havre (Seine- Inf^rieure). [trimestr.] Hedwigia. Organ fiir Kryptogamen- kunde, red. v.* Hieronymus. Dresden. [2 monatl.] Mittheilungen der grossherzoglich ba- dischen geologischen Landesanstalt, hrsg. im Auftr. des Ministeriums des Innern. Heidelberg, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-me- dicinisclien Vereins zu Heidelberg. Heidelberg. [1-2 H. jahrl.] Die Heimat. Monatsschrift des Vereins zur Pflege der Natur- und Landes- kunde in Schleswig-Holstein, red. v. Lund. Kiel, [monatl.] Jaarboek van het Rijksinstituut voqr het onderzoek der zee. Helder. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dier- kundige Vereeniging, Leiden. 8vo. Verhandelingen uit het Rijksinstituut voor het onderzoek der see, Helder. Helios. Abhandlungen und Mittheilun- gen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt a. 0. Berlin, [jahrl.] Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Helsingfors. 8vo. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. Helsingfors. 4to. 26 Hoi, — Ger. 563 Ger. — U.S. 571 Ger. — U.K. — U.K. 371 Fr. 573 Ger. 574 Ger, 575 Ger. 577 Ger. — Hoi. 27 Hoi. — Hoi. 579 Ger 1 Fin.. 2 Fin. e 27—2 30 Helsingfors , Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. Helsingfors, Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. Hermanstadt, Verh. Mitt, siebenb. Ver. Naturw. Hertford, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Hildburgliausen, Sclir. Ver. meining. (Jesch. Hildeshcim, Mitt. Roeiner- Mu8. Himmcl u. Erde, Leipzig ... Hobart, Proc. R. Soc. Tas- mania Hod. drob., Lwow ... llof, Ber. Ver. Nath. Holmesdale, Proc. Nat. Hist. Cl., London Honolulu, Exp. Sta., Hawai- ian Sug. PL Ass., Div. Ent ., Bull. Honolulu, H.T.,Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mua. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii Ent. Soc. Hoppe-Seylers Zs. physiol. Chem., Strassburg Horsham, Rep. Christ's ILosp. Nat. Hist. Soc. Hull Mus. Publ Hull, Trans. Geol. Soc. Hull, Trans. Sci. F. Nat. Cl. Hund, Wien Hyg. Rdsch., Berlin Meddelanden af Sooietas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Helsingfors. 8vo. Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Socie- teteus Forhandlingar. Helsingfors. 8vo. Verhandl ungen und Mittheilungen des siebenlriirgischen Vereins fur Natur- wissenschaften in Hermanstadt. See Watford, Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Scliriften des Vereins fiir sachsen- meiningische Geschichte und Landes- kunde. Hildburgliausen. [zwanglos.] Mittheilungen aus dem Roemer-Museuin zu Ilildesheim. [zwanglos.] llimmel und Erde. lllustrirte natur- wissenschaftliche Monatsschrift, red. v. Schwahn. Leipzig, [monatl.] Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Hodowca drobiu, fed. J. Szpilman, Lwow. 4 to. [monthly.] Berichtdes nordoberfrankisclien Vereins fur Natur , Geschichts- uiul Landes- kunde. Hof. [mehrjahr.] Proceedings of the Holmesdale Natural History Club, London. 4to. Division of Entomology. Bulletin. Re- port of the work of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association. Honolulu. Occasional Papers of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethno- logy and Natural History. Honolulu, Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomo- logical Society. Honolulu. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fiir physio- logische Ohemie, hrsg. v. Kossel. Strassburg. [monatl.] Report of the Christ’s Hospital Natural History Society, Horsham. Hull Museum Publications Transactions of the Hull Geological Society, Hull. Transactions of the Hull Scientific and Field Naturalists’ Club, Hull. Der Hund. Unabhiingige kynologische Zeitschrift fiir Osterreich-Ungarn. Herausgeg. v. Franz Xaver Pleban. Wien. [> monatl ] Hygienische Rundschau, hrsg. v. Fraen- kel etc. Berlin. [^ monatl.] 22 Fin. 26 Fin. 18 Hun. — U.K. 581 Ger. 583 Ger. 585 Ger. — Tasm, 10 Pol. 586 Ger. 149 U.K. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. 587 Ger. — U.K. — U.K. 153 U.K. 155 U.K. 130 Aus. 591 Ger. 37 11 ygiea, Stockholm ... Ifygiea. Medicinsk och farmaceutisk manadsskrilt utgifven af Svenska Lakare-sallskapet. Stockholm. 8vo. 10 Swe. Ibis, London The Ibis (a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology), London. 8vo. 156 U.K. Ind. Amer. Midi. Nat., Notre Dame, Indiana The American Midland Naturalist, devoted to Natural History, primarily that of the Prairie States. Published by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. [Bi-Monthly.] — U.S. Ind. For., Allahabad — ( not fixed) Indian Forester, Allahabad 16 Ind. Ind. For. Mem. Calcutta ... Indian Forest Memoirs. Calcutta. [The publication will be divided into several series c.f. Climatic series, Botanic series, etc. — Ind. Ind. For. Dec., Calcutta ... The Indian Forest Records, Calcutta ... — Ind. Ind. Med. Gaz., Calcutta . . . Indian Medical Gazette, Calcutta 18 Ind. Indiana , Dep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis Report of the Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources, Indianapolis. 166 U.S. Indianapolis , Ind.., Proc. Acad. Sci. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Indiana jolis. 169 U.S. Innsbruck, Ber. Natw. Med. Ver. Berichte des Natunvissenschaftlich- Medizinischen Vereines in Innsbruck. Innsbruck. [jahrl.J 138 Aus., Innsbruck, Zs. Ferd. des Ferdinandeums fur Tirol und Vorarlberg. Innsbruck. [jahrl.J 140 Aus. lnsehlcnbbrsc, Leipzig Insekten-Bbrse. Internationales Wochen- blatt der Entomologie, red. v. Frankenstein. Leipzig, [wbcli.] 662 Ger. Int. Q., Burlington, Vt. The International Quarterly. Burling- ton, Vt. — U.S. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben Internationale entomologische Zeit- Kcbrift Hrsg. unter Mitarbeit be- deutender Entomologen. Guben. [woch.] — Ger. Intern. Monatsclir. Anat., Leipzig Internationale Monatssehrift fur Ana- tomie und Physiologie, hrsg. v. Anderson etc. Leipzig, [monatl.] 668 Ger. Intern. Dev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig Internationale Revue der gesamten Hvdrobiologie und Hydrographie. Hrsg. v. B. Ilelland-Mansen etc. Leipzig, [jahrl 6. Hefte.] — Ger. Inverness, Trans. N. Ass. Transactions of the Northern Associa- tion of Literary, etc., Societies, Inverness. 8vo. 159 U.K. Inverness, Trans. Sci. Soc. F. Cl. Transactions of the Inverness Scientific Society, etc., Inverness. 8vo. 160 U.K. Iowa City, Ioica, Bull. Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State Univer- sity of Iowa City. 170 U.S. 38 Ioua Geol. Surv., Des Moines Ioua Geol. Surv. Monogr., Des Moines Irish Nat., Dublin Irliutsh, Izv. Voat.-Sib. Otd. Puss. Geogr. Ob§6. Ithaca, N.Y.,CornellUniv. . Bull. Sci. J. Agric. Sci., Cambridge.. . J. agricult, tropic., Paris ... J. Anat. Physiol., London J. anat. physiol., Paris ... J. Biol. Chem., New York, N.Y. J. Board Agric., London ... J. Comp. Neur. Psych., Granville, Philadelphia J. Conch., Leeds J. conchyliol., Paris J. Cooper Lab., Bevkham- sted J. econ. biol., London J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H. J . Essex Lab., Chelmsford J . Exp. Med., New York ... J. Exp. Zool.f Philadelphia, Pa. J. Fed. Malay Mus., Kuala Lumpur Iowa Geological Survey, Des Moines ... Iowa Geological Survey, Monographs, Des Moines. Irish Naturalist (a monthly Journal of General Irish Natural History), Dublin. HsB’hcTiaBocTOHiio-OHtJupcKaro OTAhjia IlMnepaTopcnaro pyccKaro Teorpa- (JmaecKaro OdipecTBa. IIpayTCKT. [Bulletin de la Section pour la Sib^rie orientale de la Societe Imperiale russe de Geographie. Irkoutsk]. Cornell University Bulletin. Science. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cam- bridge. Journal d’agriculture tropicale. Dir. Vilbouchevitch. Paris, [mensuel.] The Journal of Anatomy and Physio- logy (normal and pathological), Lon- don. 8vo. Journal de l’anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de l’homme et des animaux. Dir. Mathias Duval. Paris, [bimestr.] The Journal of Biological Chemistry, New York City. Journal of the Board of Agriculture, London. The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, Denison University, Granville, Philadelphia. The Journal of Conchology, Leeds. 8vo. Journal de Conchyliologie, public sous la direction de M. II. Fischer. Paris, [trimestr.] The journal of the Cooper Research Laboratory. Berkhamsted. The Journal of Economic Biology, London. Journal of Economic Entomology ; offi- cial organ of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Concord, N.H. The Journal of the Essex Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford. 8vo. Journal of Experimental Medicine, New York. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, Philadelphia, Pa. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums, Kuala Lumpur. 171 U.S. 172 U.S. 161 U.K. 58 Rus. 175 U.S. — U.K, 879 Fr. 162 U.K. 388 Fr. — U.S. 161 U.K. 185 U.S. 168 U.K. 393 Fr. — U.K. _ U.K. — U.S. 170 U.K. — U.S. — U.S. — Straits Settle- ments. 39 t 7. Geol.} Chicago , III. J . Hygiene, London J. inf. diseases, Chicago ... J. Maine Ornith. Soc., Port- land J. Malac., London ... J. Med. Res., Boston, Mass. J. Morph., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Ornith., Leipzig... J. Path. Bad., Edinburgh J. Physiol., Cambridge J. physiol, path, gen., Paris J. Psychol., Leipzig J. R. Army Med. Corps, London J. Trop. Med., London J. West Austral. Soc., Perth Jaarb. Mijmo. Nedt Ind ., Batavia Jagd. u. Wild, Wien Jahrb. Kinder! teilk., Leip- zig Jalirb. Mikrosk., Bamberg.. Jahrb. Pfianzenkrankh., St. Peterburg Jahrb. Philos., Paderborn... Journal of Geology. (University of Chicago), Chicago, 111. The proposed Journal of Hygiene, (D. J. S. Haldane.) London. The Journal of infectious diseases, Chicago. The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, Portland, Me. Journal of Malacology, London. 8vo. ... Journal of Medical Research. Con- tinuation of the Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Boston, Massachusetts. Journal of Morphology, Philadelphia, Pa. Journal fiir Ornithologie, hrsg. v. Reichenow. Leipzig, [j jahrl.] Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, Edinburgh and London. The Journal of Physiology, London and Cambridge. 8vo. [Includes Pro- ceedings of the Physiological Society.] Journal de physiologic et de pathologic g^n<$rale. Dir. Bouchard et Chauveau. Paris, [bimestr.] Journal fur Psychologic und Neuro- logic. Zugleich Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus. Red. v. Brodmann. Leipzig, [zwanglos.] Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. London. Journal of Tropical Medicine, London ... Journal of the West Australian Natural History Society, with which is incor- porated the Mueller Botanical Society. Perth (W. Austr.). Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, uitgegeven door het Ministerie van Kolonien, Batavia. 8vo. Jagd und Wild. Wien ... Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde und physische Erziehung, red. v. Heubner. Leipzig. [8 H. jahrl.] Jahrbuch fiir Fortschritte rnikro- skopischer Technik. Hrsg. v. R. H. France. Bamberg, [jahrl.] BojrfesHH pacTeniii. 0.-IIeTep6ypri> [Jahrbiicher fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten. St. Peterburg]. Jahrbuch fiir Philosophic und spekula- tive Theologie. Hrsg. v. E. Commer. Paderborn. [£ jahrl.] 101 U.S. 171 UX — U.S. 550 U.S. 172 U.K. 559 U.S. 186 U.S. 596 Ger. 176 U.K. 177 U.K. 410 Fr. — Ger. — U.K. 181 U.K. — W. Aus. 29 Hoi. — Aus. 608 Ger. — Ger. — Rus. — Ger. 40 Johrb. scliles. Forstvcr., Breslau Jahrb. Vogclschutz, Berlin... Jalirb. wiss. Tierzuclit, Hannover Jahresber. Anat., Jena ... Jahresber. forstl.-phan. Stut., Berlin Jahresber. Physiol., Stutt- gart Jahresber. Ver. angew. Bot., Berlin J aroslavli, Mem. Soe. Nat. Jassy , Bui. Soe. Med. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. Jena , Mitt, geogr. Ges. Jenaiaehe Za. Natw. Jestestv. i geogr., Moskva ... Jezeg. geol. i miner. ,Varsava Johannesburg, Trans. Geol. Soe. S. Africa Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. Baltimore, Md. Journ. Forest. Suisse, Berne Jahrbuch des scldesischen Forstvereins, hrsg. v. Schirmacher. Breslau, [jahrl.] Jahrbuch des internationalen-Frauen bundes fiir Vogelsehutz (deutsche Al> teilung) Berlin, [jahrl.] Jahrbuch fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Tierzucht einschliesslich der Ziichtungsbiologie. Hrsg. v. Muller. Hannover, [jahrl.] Jahresberi elite iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomieund Entwicklungsgeschichte, hrsg. v. Schwalbe. Jena, [referirend, jahrl.] Jahresbericht der forstlich-phanologi- sclien Stationen Deutschlands. Berlin, [zwnnglos.] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie, hrsg. v. Hermann. Stuttgart, [referirend, jahrl.] Jahresbericht der Vereinigung der Vertreter der angewandten Botanik. Berlin, [jahrl.] TpyAU HpociiaBCKaro ecTecTBenno- HCTopHHecKaro OtfmecTBa. Hpo- CJiaBJit [Memoiies de la Societe des naturalistes de Jaroslav. Jaroslav}. Bulletin de la Societe des Medecins et Naturalistes de Jassy. Jassy. Denkschriften der medicinisch-natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Mittheil ungen der geographisclien Ge- sellschait liir Thtiringen zu Jena. Jena, [jahrl.] Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissen- sclmft, hrsg. v. d. medicinisch-natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Jena. [4 H. jahrl. ] EcTecTB03tiaHie h Feorpatjtia; nayqito- nonyjiapiiLiH n neAai oriiqecKii! atyp- najirb. MocKBa [Sciences naturehes et geographic ; journal scientilique- populaire et pedagogique. Moscou]. EateroAHHKi* no reojiorin n Munepa- jiorin Poccin. BapmaBa [Annuaire de la geol ogle et de la mineralogie de Russie. Varsovie]. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin. Baltimore, Md. Journal forestier suisse. Berne. 8vo. 618 Ger.. — Ger. — Ger. 622 Ger. 628 Ger. % 640 Ger.. — Ger. 413 Rus. — Fr. 647 Ger. 648 Ger. 650 Ger. 67 Rus* 68 Ruse 8 S. Afr. — U.S. 52 Swi. 41 Jurjev , Acta Unit. J urjev, Arch. Naturk. L.-E.-u. Kurl. Jurjev, Sitzb. Naturf.-Ges. Jurjev , Zs. Veterin. med. ... J uSn.-ru88. srlisk. choz. gazeta, Charihov Kairni Z ., Kyoto ... Karlsruhe , Mitt. Ver. Tliier- arzte Karlsruhe , Vcrli. natw. Ver. Kavhazsk. Selish. Choz., Tijlis Kazaivi , Med. &urn ... Kazant, Trot. Ob§£. jest. ... Kazant, Trd. Obsc. jest. ... Kazant, Trd. Ob§ c. pcelo- vod. Yqeiibm SanrtcKit IlMiiepaToncKaro lOpi.GBCKarO y HHB6pCHTCTa. lOpbeBT, [Acta et connnentationes Imperialis Universitatis Jurjevensis (olim Dor- patensis)]. Archiv fur die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth- und Kurlands. Herausgegeben von der Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesell- schaft. Jurjev. I. Mineralogische Wissenschaften, Chemie, Physik und Erdbeschreibung. II. Biologiscbe Naturkunde. IT poToicojibi OtfmecTBa ecTecTBortcribi- Taiejied rip it IlMiieparopcKOMt IOpb- eBCKOM'b y HHBepCHTeT'Jj. lOpbeBJb [Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher- Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Jurjevv], >Kypnajib n ay quoit n npaKTiiqecKoit BeTepniiapiioft MCAHgHHbi. JOpbeBb [Zeitschrift fiir wissenselmftliche uud praktischc Veteriniirmedizin. Jurjev]. IO/Kiio-pyccKancoJibCKo-xoonitcTBeiiiiaa rasera. lla/t. XapbicoBCKaro 0(5me- CTBa CeJIbCKllX'b X03IieB b. XapbKOBT* [Journal d’agriculture de la Russie meridionaie. Kharkov]. Kairni Zasslii (Conchological Magazine). Kyoto. Mittheilungen des Vereins badischer Thieriirzte. Karlsruhe, [monatl.] Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins in Karlsruhe. Karls- ruhe. [mehrjahr.] KaBKascKoe cejibcnoe xo3hhctbo. Th<|)- Jincij [ficonomie rurale du Caucase. Tiflis]. KasaiicKiii MeflimiiHCKift Jitypiia.n.. Ka3aiib [Journal medical de Kazan. Kazan], llpoTOKOJibi aac'hjtaHiii OtfmecTBa ecie- CTBOHcnbiTaiejieft npit IlMiiepaTop- cicoMb KaaancKOM'b ymiBepcHTeTB. Ka3arib [Proces-verbaux des seances de la Societe des naturalistes del’Uni- versite Imperiale de Kazan. Kazan.] TpyflM OOmecTBa eciecTBoticnbiTaTe- jieit npti IlMiiepaiopcKOMi. Ka3an- cKOM'b y imBepcHTerh. Kaaaiib [Travaux de Ja fSociete des natura- listes de PUiiiversite Imperiale de Kazan], Tpy^bi Ka3aHCKaro OtfmecTBa nqeao- BOACTBa. KasaHb [Travaux de la Societe d’apiculture de Kazan. Kazan]. 73 Rus. 74 Rus. 79 Rus;. — Rus_ 80 Rus,. — - Jap. 680 Gen. 681 Gen. 414 Rus. 85 Rus,. 415 Rus.. 88 Rus. — Rus. 42 Kazam, Zap. XJniv. Kazani , Zap. veterin. Inst. Kent. Mag., Maidstone Keiv Bull., London Khartoum, Hep. Wellcome Res. Lab. Kiel, Schr. natw. Vev. Kiev, Izv. politechn. Inst. ... Kiev, Izv. TJniv Kiev, Zap. Obhc. jest. Kilmarnock , Ann. Ramb. Soc. Kingston , Ann. Inst. Jamaica Kingston, J . Inst. Jamaica KiSinev, Trd. Ob&6. jest . .. K jobenhavn, Archiv Pharm. Cliem. K jobenhavn, Ber. Biol. Stat. Kjdbenhavn, Danm. Geol. Under 8. Kjdbenhavn, Ent. Medd. ... Kjdbenhavn, Geogr. Tids. ... KjdbciJiavn , Haven yqemaji SaimcKH IInnepaTopcKaro Ka3ancKaro y HHBepcmeTa. Ka3aHb [M4moires scientifiques de l’Uni- versite Impdriale de Kazan]. y^eHLia 3amiCKH Ka3ancKaro BeTepn- Hapnaro IlHCTHTyTa. Ka3aiib [M4- moires scientifiques de l’lnstitufc veterinaire de Kazan. Kazan]. The Kentish Magazine, Maidstone Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Royal Gardens, Kew. Report of the Wellcome Research Labora- tories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. Department of Education, Sudan Govt. Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur Schleswig-Holstein. Kiel, [jahrl.] IIsB'hcTia KieBCKaro uoJimeKHHaecKaro IIncTiiTyTa IlMiiepaTopa Aaea- caa^pa II. KieBT> [Bulletin de lTn- stitut polytechnique de l’Empereur Alexandre II. Kiev]. y HHBepCIITCTCKia H3BliCTia. KieBT> [Bulletin de l’Universite Imp4riale de Kiev]. 3anncKH KieBcttaro OtftnecTBa ecTe- CTBOiicnLiTaTejieft. KieBi> [M4moires de la Society des Naturalistes de Kiev]. Kilmarnock Glenfield Ramblers Society Annals. Annals of the Institute of Jamaica, Kingston. Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, Kingston. Tpyjpj Eeccapadcnaro OdmecTBa ec- TeciBOHC Hu raTCJi eii w Jiiodtrrejiefi ecTecTB03nania. Khiuhhgbi, [Tra- vaux de la Society de Bessarabie des naturalistes et des amateurs des sciences naturelles. Kichinev], Arcliiv for Pliarmaci og Chemi, Kjdben- havn. Beretning fra den danske biologiske Station, Kjobenliavn. Danmarks geologiske Undersogelser, Kjdbenhavn. Entomologiske Meddelelser, Kjdben- havn. Geografisk Tidsskrift, Kjdbenhavn Haven. Medlemsblad for de samvir- kende danske Ilaveselskaber, redigeret af Carl Mariboe, Kjdbenhavn. 90 Rus. 91 Rus. 184 U.K. 185 U.K. — Egypt 691 Ger. 416 Rus. 94 Rus. 100 Rus. — U.K. — W. Ind. — W, Ind. — Rus. 25 Den. 1 Den. 8 Den. 6 Den. 7 Den. — Den. 43 Kjdbenhavn, Tiosp. Tid. ... Hospitalstidende, Kjdbenhavn ... . 9 Den. Kjdbenhavn, Mdskf. Dyrl.... Maanedsskrift for Dyrlaeger, Kjdbenhavn 12 Den. Kjdbenhavn, Medd. Geol. ... Meddelelser fra dansk geologisk Forening, Kjdbenhavn. 15 Den. Kjobenliavn, Medd. Gronl. Meddelelser ora Gronland, Kjdbenhavn 16 Den. Kjdbenhavn, Medd. Tlavun- ders. Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersogelser, Kjdbenhavn. — Den. Kjdbenhavn, Nath. Medd. ... Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra natur- historisk Forening, Kjdbenhavn. 18 Den. Kjobenliavn, Ornilli. Tids.... Dansk ornithologisk Forenings Tids- skrift, redigeret af 0. Helms. Kjdben- havn. — Den. Kjdbenhavn, Skrifler Jlavunder8. Skrifter udgivne af Kommissionen for Havundersogelser, Kjdbenhavn. — Den. Kjdbenhavn, Tids. Landbr. Plant eavl. Tidskrift for Landbrugets Planteavl. Hovedorgan for Statens Forsog og Undersogelser verdrorende Markens Avlsplanter, Kjdbenhavn. — Den. Kjdbenhavn, Tids. Skov. ... Tidsskrift for Skovvsesen, Kjdbenhavn... 33 Den. Kjdbenhavn, Vid. Selsk. Overs. Oversigt over det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhand- linger, Kjdbenhavn. 19 Den. Kjdbenhavn, Vid. Selsk. Skr. Det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. Naturvidenskabe- lig og mathematisk Afdeling, Kjdben- havn. 20 Den. Klaqenfurt, Jahrb. Nat.- Mist. LdMns. Karnten Jahrbuch desNaturhistorischen Landes- Museums von Karnten. Red. v. Karl Frauscher. Klagenfurt. [jahrl.] 146 Aus. Kleinwelt, Bamberg Die Kleinwelt. Zeitschrift der Deutschen mikrologischen Gesellschaft zur Ver- breitung wissenschaftlicher Bildung. Hrsg. v. R. H. France, Bamberg, [monatl.] — Ger. Klin. Jahrb., Jena Klinisches Jahrbuch, hrsg. v. Fliigge u. v. Mering. Jena. [2-4 H. jahrl.] 694 Ger. Klin. Monatsbl. Augen- heilk., Stuttgart Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheil- kunde, hrsg. v. Zehender. Stuttgart, [monatl.] 695 Ger. Knowledge and Sci. News, London Knowledge and Scientific News, Lon- don. 187 U.K. Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges. Schriften der physikalischokonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg. [jahrl.] 702 Ger. Kozlem. az osszeh. elet. Kart. Kor., Budapest Kozlemenyek az osszehasonlfto elet- ^s Kortan Korebdl, Budapest. [Mit- theilungen aus dem Gebeite der vergleichenden Physiologie und Pathologie, Budapest.] — Hun. 44 Kolozavar. Orv.-termt. Krt, Kol. Rdsch. Berlin.., Konch. Sek., Gifu KorrBl. D. Ges. Anthr ., Miinchen Kosmos, Lwow Koamoa , Stuttgart Krakdtv , Bull. Intern. Acad. Krakoto, Rozpr. Akad. B. ... Krakow, Spraw. Korn, fizijogr. Krasnoyarsk, Izv. Krasn. otd. Russ. Geogr. Ol>s6. Krefeld, Mitt. Ver. Natk. ... Kristiania , Fork. Vid. 8ehk. Ertesito az erdelyi Muzeumegylet orvostermeszettudomanyi szakasz- talyaboh [Sitzungsberichte der Medi- zinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Sec- tion des Erdelyi Muzeumegylet (Siebenbiirgisclier Museumverein).] I. Orvosi szak. [Medizinische Abtheilung.] II. Termeszettudomdnyi szak. [Na- turwissenschaftliche Abthei- lung.] Koloniale Rundschau. Monatsclirift fiir die Interessen unserer Schutzgebiete und ihrer Bewohner. Hrsg. v. E. Yolisen. Berlin, [monatl.j Konchu Sekai (The Insect World). Japanese language. Gifu, Japan. Kcrrespondenzblatt der deutschen Gesell- schait fiir Ant.hropologie, Ethno- logie und Urgeschichte. Miinchen. [nionatl.] Kosmos, czasopismo Polskiego Towa- rzystwa przyrodnikow im. Kopernika, red. B. Radziszewski, Lwow. 8vo. [monthly.] Kosmos. llandweisor fiir Naturfreunde. IL sg. v. Kosmos. Stuttgart, [monatl.] Bulletin International de l’Academie des Sciences de Cracovie, classe des Sciences mathematiquesetnaturelles ; red. J. Rostafihski, Cracovie. 8vo. [monthly.] Rozprawy Wydzialu Matematyczno- Przyrodniczego Akademii Umiej^t- nosci, Dzial B, nauki biologiczne, Krakdw. 8vo. [monthly.] Sprawozdanie Komisyi fizyograficznej, obejmujijce poglgxl na czynnosci doko- nane w ciggu roku . . ., oraz Matery- aly do fizyografii krajowej, Krakow. 8vo. [annual.] Il3BhcTiji KpacnoapcKaro no^-OTA'hjia BocTOuno-CiiSupcKai o OTALaa IlMne- paiopcKaro Pyccuaro Feorpatjniuec- itaro OdipecTBa. KpacnoapcKri> [Bul- letin de la sub-division Krasnoiarsk de la section de la Siberie orientale de laSociete Imperiale Russe de Geo- graphic. Krasnoiarsk]. Milteilungen des Yereins fiir Natur- kunde in Verbindung mit dem Stadtischen natunvissenschaftlichen Museum zu Krefeld. [zwangb] Forhandlinger i Yidenskabsselskabet i Kristiania. 8 Hun. — Ger. 10 Jap. 312 Ger. 21 Pol. - Ger. 11 Pol. 15 Pol. 17 Pol. 418 Rus. — Ger. 12 Nor. 45 Kristiania, Norsk Jaeger f. Tidssk. ^orsk Jaeger og Fiskerforenings Tids- skrift, Kristiania. 15 Nor. Kristiania , Skr. Vid. selsk. Skrifter udgivne a£ Videnskabsselskabet i Kristiania. 17 Nor. Kristiania, Tidssk. norsk. Landb. Tidsskrift for det norske Landbrug, Kristiania. 20 Nor. Kristiania, Tidssk. Skogbr. Tidsskrift for Skogbrug, Kristiania 21 Nor. Laibach, Mitt. MusVer. Krain Mitteilongen des Museal-Vereines fur Krain. Red. v. Oskar Gratzy Edlen von VVardengg. Laibach. [2 monatl.] 156 Aus. Lancet, London Lancet, London 188 U.K. Lancs. Nat..., The Lancashire Naturalist; a Monthly Journal. Conducted by M. W. VV. Western. Darvven, bancs. — U.K. Landw. Jalirh., Berlin Landwirthscbaftliche Jahrbiicher, hrsg. v. Thiel. Berlin. [2 monatl.] Nebst Erganzungs-Banden. 723 Ger. Landw. Jahrb. Schiceiz, Bern. Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. Bern. 8vo. 51 Swi. Landw. Versuchstat., Ber- lin Die landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs- Stationen. Organ fur naturwissen- schaftlicbo Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Landwirthschaft, hrsg. v. Nobbe. Berlin. [2 monatl.] 725 Ger. Landw. Wochenschr., Halle Landwirthschaftliche Wochenschrift fur die Provinz Sachsen. Amtsblatt der Landwirthschaftskammer. Halle, [woch.l 727 Ger. Lansing, Hep. Mich. Acad. Sci. Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, Lansing, Mich. 565 U.S. Lausanne, Bui. Soc. Sci. Bulletin de la Societe vaudoise des 60 Swi. Nat. sciences naturelles. Lausanne. 8vo. Lawrence, Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull. The Kansas University Science Bulletin. Lawrence, Kan. [In- cludes Kansas University Quarterly.] 555 U.S. Leeds, Trans. Geol. Ass. ... Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association, Leeds. 194 U.K. Leeds, Trans. Nat. Cl. Transactions of the Leeds Naturalists’ Club, Leeds. 8vo. 195 U.K. Leeds, Trans. Yorks. Nat. U. Transactions of the Yorkshire Natura- lists’ Union, Leeds. 8vo. 196 U.K. Le Frelon,Chateauroux ... Le Frelon, journal d’entomologie descrip- tive, exclusivement consacre a P etude des coleopteres d’Europe et des pays voisins. Chateauroux. 22 5 cm. — Fr. Leicester, Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, Leicester. 198 U.K. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink Notes from the Leyden Museum, edited by F. A. Jentink, Leiden. 8vo. 33 Hoi. Leiden, Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Sammlungen des Geologischen Reichs- museums in Leiden. Leiden. 8vo. 35 Hoi. 46 Leipzig, Abh. Gea. Wiss. .. Leipzig, Ber. Gea. Wiss. .. Leipzig, Mitt. Ver. Erdk. .. Leipzig, SitzBer. natf. Gea. Leipziger Biencnztg Lean. &um., St.-Peterburg . . Lesoprom. veat., St. Peter- burg Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique IMge, Mem. Soc. roy. sci. . . . Liegnitz, Mitt. Geach. Ver.... IAeatal, Tatigkeitsb. Natf. Gea. Lille, Ann. soc. g&ol. Lille, MSm. aoc. g&ol. Lille, M6m. aoc. aci. agricult. Lincoln, Nebr., Trana. Amer. Microac. Soc. Lincoln , Nebr.,Univ. Stud. Abhandlungen der kgl. sacksischen Ge- sellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leip- zig. [jahrl.] Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der kgl. sacksischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leipzig. [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Mittheilungen des Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Leipzig. Leipzig, [jahrl.] Sitzungsberichte der naturforsehenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Leipzig. [2 jahr.] • Leipziger Bienenzeitung, red. v. Liedloff. Leipzig, [monatl.] HhcHoil acypnajn,. C.-IIeTep(5ypri, [Journal forestier. St.-P4tersbourg] JI'hcOlipOMtmiJieHHllH B'fcCTHHK'B. 0.- ITeTep6yprrb [Messager de l’industrie forestiere. St.-Petersbourg]. Annales de la Societe g^ologique de Belgique (Li£ge). Parait irreguliere- ment. M&noires de la Societe royale des sciences de Li6ge, Bruxelles. Mitteilungen des Geschichts- und Alter- tums-Vereins fiir die Stadt und das Fiirstentum Liegnitz. Liegnitz. [zwangl.] Tatigkeitsbericlit der naturforsehenden Gesellschaft Baseband, Liestal. Annales de la soci6t4 g^ologique du Nord. Lille (Nord). [bimestr.] M&noires de la Soci4t6 geologique du Nord. Lillo (Nord). M&noires de la soci4t6 des sciences, de l’agriculture etdes arts. Lille (Nord). [trimestr.] Transactions of the American Micro- scopical Society, Lincoln, Nebr. University Studies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Lincoln, Stud. Zool. Lab., Univ. Nebr. Studies from the Zoological Laboratory. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Linz, JahrBer. Mua. Franc. Carol. Liaboa, Com. Trab. Geol. ... Jahresbericht des Museums Francisco- Carolinum. Nebst der . . . Liefe- rung der Beitrage zur Landeskunde von Osterreich ob der Enns. Linz, [jahrl.] Communica9oes dos Trabalhos geolo- gicos de Portugal, Lisboa. 738 Ger. 739 Ger. 742 Ger. 744 Ger. 750 Ger. 111 Rus. 112 Rus. 110 Bel. 116 Bel. — Ger. — Swi. 420 Fr. — Fr. 427 Fr. 198 U.S. 199 U.S. 203 U.S. 173 Aus. 10 Por. 47 Lisboa, J. Sci Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, Physicas e naturaes, publicado pela Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 11 Por. Lisboa, Mem. R. Acad Sci. Memorias da real Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa. 13 Por. Lisbofme, Bid. Soc. Port. Sc. Nat. Bulletin de la Soci4te Portugaise des Sciences naturelles. Lisbonne. — Port. Listij Chcm., Prag Listy ChemickA Organ Chemick^ Spolecnosti ; Spolek ChemicM Cesk^ch. Red. J. Ma§in,E. Votocek. Praha. [Chemische Blatter. Organ des Vereines Tschechischer Chemiker.] [10 H. jahrl.j 175 Aus. Liverpool , Bull. Mvs. Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums, Liverpool. 8vo. 200 U.K. Liverpool, J. Oeol. Ass. ... Journal of the Liverpool Geological Association, Liverpool. 201 U.K. Liverpool, Proc. Geol. Soc. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, Liverpool. 204 U.K. Liverpool, Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the Literary and Philo- sophical Society of Liverpool, Liver- pool. 205 U.K. Liverpool, Proc. Nat. F. Cl> Proceedings of the Liverpool Natu- ralists’ Field Club, Liverpool. 8vo. 206 U.K. Liverpool, Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society, Liver- pool. 207 U.K. Liverpool, Rep. Lancs. Ent. Soc. Annual Report of the Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society, Liverpool. — U.K. Liverpool, Rep. Sci. Stud. Ass. Annual Report of the Liverpool Science Students’ Association, Liverpool. — U.K. Liverpool, Thomson-Yates Lab. Rep. Thomson-Yates Laboratories Reports, Liverpool. 209 U.K. Locarno, Boll. Soc. Tic. Sci. Ndt. Bolletino della Societa ticinese di Scienze Naturali, Locarno (Impr. A. Pedazzini). - Swi. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, London. 8vo. 215 U.K. London, Bull. Imp. Inst. ... Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. (Issued as a quarterly supplement to the Board of Trade Journal.) — U.K. London, Geog. J. ... Geographical Journal (Royal Geo- graphical Society), London. 218 U.K. London, J. City Coll. Sci. Soc. Journal of the City of London College Science Society, London. 226 U.K. London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. Journal of the Linnean Society, London (Zoology). 234 U.K. London, J. Qilek. Microsc. Cl. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, London. 235 U.K. 48 London, J. R. Agric. Soc.... London , J. R. Inst. Pub. Tilth. London, J. R. Microse. Soc. London, J. Ti'ans. Vic. Inst. ■London, Monogr. Paloeont. Soc. London, Mus. J. ... London, Obit. Not. R. Soc.... London, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, Proc. Geol. Ass. ... London, Proc. Geol. Soc. v. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc. London, Proc. Linn. Soc. ... London, Proc. Malac. Soc. London, Proc. R. Inst. London, Proc. R. Soc. London, Proc. S. Loud. ' Ent. Nat. Ilist. Soc. London, Proc. Zool. Soc. ... London, Q. J. Geol. Soc. ... London, Rep. Brit. Ass. ... London, Rep. S. E.U. Sci. Soc. London, Trans. City Nat. • Hist. Soc. London , Trans. Ent. Soc. ... London, Trans. Linn. Soc... London, Trans. Zool. Soc... Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, London. Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health, London. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, London. Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, London. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society, London. The Museums Journal, the organ of the Museums Association, London. Obituary notices of the Fellows of the Royal Society, London. Philosophical Transactions of the London Royal Society. Proceedings of the Geologists* Asso- ciation, London. Proceedings of the Linnean Society, London. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London. London. 8vo. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London. Proceedings of the London Royal Society. Proceedings of the South London Ento- mological and Natural History Society, London. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, London. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. London. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London. Report and Transactions of the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies. Tunbridge Wells and London. Transactions of the City of London Entomological and Natural History Society, London. Transactions of the Entomological Society (includes Proceedings), Lon- don. 8vo. Transactions of the Linnean Society, London. 4to. Transactions of the Zoological Society, London. 236 U.K. — U.K. 240 U.K. 246 U.K. 252 U.K. 390 U.K. — U.K. 254 U.K. 257 U.K. — U.K. 260 U.K. 261 U.K. 265 U.K. 267 U.K. 449 U.K. 271 U.K. 272 U.K. 276 U.K. 422 U.K. 281 U.K. 283 U.K. 288 U.K. 297 U.K. 40 Los Angeles, Bull. So. Cal. Acad. Set. Lontli, Trans. Lincoln. Nat. U. Loiciec pols., Warszawa ... Liibeck , Mitt, gcogr. Ges. ... Liincburg, Jahreshefte natw. Ver. C Lund, Univ. Arsskr. Luonnon Ystava, Helsing- fors Luxembourg, Bull. Men. Soc. Nat. Luxembourg, Pub. Inst. ... Luzern, Mitt. Natf. Ges. ... Lyon, Ann. soc. agricult. ... Lyon , Ann. soc. linn. Lyon, Bui. soc. antlir. Lyon, Mem. Acad. sci. bel- tit. M. Orv. Archiv., Budapest... Macon, Bui. soc. sci. nat. ... Madras, Govt. Mus. Bull. ... Madrid, Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid, Bol. Com. Map. Geol. Madrid, Bol. Soc. Esp. j Hist. Nat. | (N-l 1091s) Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists’ Union, Louth. 8vo. Lowiec polski, dvvutygodnik po6\vi$cony myMiwstwu, red. J. Sztolcman, War- szawa. 8vo. [fortnightly.] Mittheilungen der geographischen Gesellschaft und des naturhistorischen Museums in Liibeck. Liibeck. [2-3 H. jahrl.] Jahreshefte des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur das Fiirstenthum Liine- burg. Liineburg. [3 jahr.] Acta Universitatis Lundensis. — Lunds Universitets Ars-skrift. Lund. 4to. Luonnon Ystava. Helsingfors. 8vo. Bulletins Mensuels. Societe des Natur- alistes luxembourgois. [Luxembourg.] Publications de l’lnstitut grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturelles et mathematiques, Luxem- bourg. Mitteilungen der natui forschenden Ge- sellschaft in Luzern. Luzern. 8vo. Annales de la societe d’agriculture de Lyon (Rhone), [trimestr.] Annales de la soci6t<$ linn^enne. Lyon (Rhone), [annuel.] Bulletin de la soci^t^ d’anthropologie de Lyon. Dir. Paulet. Lyon (Rhone), [annuel.] Memoires de l’Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon (Rhone). Tannuel.] Magyar Orvosi Archivum, Budapest. [Archiv der ungarisclien Aerzte, Buda- pest.] Bulletin de la Societe des sciences naturelles de Macon (Saone et Loire). Madras Government Museum Bulletin, Madras. Actas de la Sociedad espanola de Historia natural, Madrid. Anales de la Sociedad espanola de Historia natural, Madrid. Boletfn de la Comision del Mapa Geologico, Madrid. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Madrid. 204 U.S. 299 U.K. 24 Pol. 760 Ger. 763 Ger. 14 Swe. 20 Fin. — Bel. — Lux. 65 Swi. 443 Fr. 442 Fr. 445 Fr. 458 Fr. 2L Hun. 928 Fr. 20 Ind. — Spain. — Spain. — Spain. — Spain. e 28 50 Madrid, Mem. Com. Map. Geol. ■■■>■■■ Madrid, Mem. Soc. Esp: Mat. Nat. Magdeburg, Abh. Mas. Natk . Magdeburg, Jahresber. natw. Ver. Magy. ore. termv. nagygy. evk. Malaria, Leipzig ... Man. Conch. Philadelphia, Pa. Manchester, Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. • Manchester, Notes Mus. ... Manchester, Pep. or Trans. . Microsc . Soc. ' • ! Manchester, . Stud. Biol. Owens Coll. Manchester, ! Trans. Geol. Soc.. Manila , P.L, Dept. Int. Bur. Govt. Lab. [Pub.] Mannheim, Jahresber. Ver. Natk. . Mans ( Le ), Bui. soc. agri- cult. sci. Marburg, Schr. Ges. Natio. Marburg, SitzBer. Ges. Natw. ; Marcellid, Avellinq... Marlborough j Pep. Coll. ’ Nat. Hist. Soc. ‘ Memorias de la Comision del Mapa ; Geologico, Madrid. Memorias de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Madrid. Museum fiir Natur- und Heimatkunde zu Magdeburg. Abhandlungen und Berichte lirsg. v. A: Mertens. Magde- burg. [zwanglos.] Jahresber icht und Abhandlungen des riaturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Magdeburg. Magdeburg, [zwanglos.] A magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgalok nagygyiileseinek evkonyvei. Malaria, Internationales Archiv fiir die Lander deutscher Sprache. Hrsg. v. 1 C. Mense. Leipzig. [3 monatl.j Manual of Conchology. By H. A. Pilsbry. Philadelphia, Pa. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Man- chester Literary and Philosophical . Society, Manchester. Notes from the Manchester Museum, Manchester. Report and Transactions of the Man- chester Microscopical Society, Man- chester. 8vo. Studies in Biology from the Biological Department of the Owens College, Manchester. Transactions of the Manchester Geo- logical and Mining Society, Man- chester. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Government Laboratories. [Publica- tions.] Manila, P.L Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Natur- kunde zu Mannheim. Mannheim, [mehrjahr.] Bulletin de la societe d’agriculture, sciences et arts de la Sarthe. Le Mans (Sarthe). [trimestr.] Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beforde- rung der gesammten Natur wissen- schaften zu Marburg. Marburg, [jahrl.] Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften in Marburg. Mar- burg. [zwanglos.] Marcellia, Rivista internazionale di Cecidologia, Avellino. Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society, Marlborough. 8vo. — * Spain. — - Spain. — Ger. 764 Ger. . 1 Hun. — Ger. — u.s. 302 U.K. — U.K. 312 U.K. 308 U.K., 310 U.K. — U.S. 768 Ger. 464 Fr. 770 Ger. 771 Ger. 293 It. 315 U.K. 51 Marseille , Aiin, Soc :■ sci. Provence Maryland (fyeol. Surv.^ Baltimore i Mater. faun. { jflor. Ross., Moskva I Mater, geol. Kavkaza, Tiflis ; I ' Mater. geol.\ Ross., St. Peterburg j Math.-natw. per. Ungarn, Leipzig [ Math.-natw. Ungarn , Leip- zig | Math. Termt.\ Rrt., Buda- pest * Math. Termti Kozlem., Budapest j Med. Klinik, Berlin [u.Wien Med.-natw. Arch., Berlin ... j Medan, Meded stat. . . Deli-Proef- Annales de la Soci6t6 des sciences natu-, relies de Provence. Marseille. " ’ ’ 1 Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore. MaTepiajiLi kt» no3naHiio (fjaynbi h cf)JiopM PoccittcKoft IlMnepin. MocicBa [Materiaux concernant l’^tude de la faune ef; de la flore de l’ Empire de Russie. Moscou]. MaTepiajrbi no reoJioriii KaBKa&a. ThAjihct* [Materiaux pour la geologic du Caucase. Tiflis]. * . Maxepiajiu fljia reoJiotiH !Poccin. G.- lleTepdypn. [Materiaux pour la geo- logie de la Russie. St.-PetersbourgJ. < Mathematische und naturwissenschaft- liche Berichte aus Ungarn. [jahrl.] Mathematische und naturwissenschaft- liche Berichte aus Ungarn. Leipzig. Mathematikai 6s Term^szettudomdnyi Ertesitd, Budapest. [Mathematischer und naturwissenschaft- licher Anzeiger, Budapest.] Mathematikai es . Termiszettudomanyi Kozlemenyek, Budapest. [Mathematische u. naturwissenschaft- liche Mittheilungen, Budapest.] mvVi'r’< Mediziniscbe Klinik. Wochenschrift fiir praktische Arzte. Hrsg. v. Th. Axenfeld etc. Berlin j [u. Wien], [woch.] '■ v 1 Medizinisch - naturwissCnschaftliches Archiv. Zeitschrift fiir diegemeinsamen Forschungsergebnisse d^r klinischen Medizin und ihrer ges^mten Nach- bargebiete. Hrsg. v. F.j Henke etc. Berlin. [ZWangl.] I .* Medan, Mededeelingen Deti-Proefstation. Fr.. .. . i 219 U.S. ll5vRus. ft Au ; •116 Rua, , V>*. > , • 117 Rua. •r ■* f— Ger. ; ^ Ger.' ’ 4 - 11 Hun,v“ X2 ; Hun.v j a ,?•. vfi — Ger. — Ger. Medd. Geogr. Foren. Finl., Helaingfor ? Meded. Vissc'i.\ Uelder Media, Pa., 1 roe. Delaware Co. Inst. Sci. Medye., Warszawa... Meereskunde Berlin Meddelanden af Geografislfa Foreningen i Finland. Helsingforsi 8vo. • Mededeelingen over Vjs$cherij , uitge- geven door Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, Holder. 8vo. | _ , Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science, Mejlia, Pa. MeJycyna, red. Sadowskii, Warszawa. 8vo. [weekly.] J Meereskunde. Samuilung yolkstiimlicher Vortrage zum Verstandnis der natio- nalen Bedeutung von Meer und See- wesen. Berlin, [monjatl.] 21 Fin. V 37, HoL tr.s. • 25 Pol. — Ger. (n-11091 a) e28 — 2 52 Meissen, Mitt. Isis... Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Viet. Melbourne, Trans. R. Soc. Viet. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta Mem. Geol. Surv. U. K., London Mem. Ind. Mus., Calcutta ... M&m. Mus. Belgique, Bruxelles Menu- Mus. Goeldi, Para ... Mende, Bid. toe. agricult — Meriden, Conn., Trans. Sci. A 88. Mess. med. veterin. soc., St. Peterburg Met. Zs., Braunschweig Metz, Bui. soc. hist. nat. ... Mexico, Bol. Inst. Geol. . . . Mexico, Mem. Soc. Ant. Alzate Michigan, Rep. Geol. Surv., Lansing Microgr. pripar., Paris ... Mikrokosmos, Stuttgart Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. Natunvissenschaftliehe Gesellscbaft ,,Isis“ in Meissen. Mitteilungen aus den Sitzungen des Vereinsjahres. [jahrl.] Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Melbourne. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, London, Glas- gow, etc. Memoirs of the Indian Museum. Calcutta. Royal d’histoire naturelle de Belgique, Bruxelles. Memoriae do Museu Goeldi (Museu paraense) de historia natural e ethnographia, Para. Bulletin de la soci4te d’agriculture, industrie, sciences et arts du d^parte- ment de la Loz&re, Dir. A. Monteils. Mende (Lozere). Transactions of the Meriden Scientific Association, Meriden, Conn. BLcthukt, ofiinecTBennott BeTepnnapin. C.-IleTep6ypn> [Messager de Mede- cine vetlrinaire sociale. St.-Peters- bourg]. Meteorologische Zeitsclirift. Hrsg. im Auftrage der k. k. osterreichischen Gesellscbaft fur Meteorologie und der Deutschen meteorologischen Gesell- schaft. Red. v. J. Hahn und G. Hell- mann. Braunschweig, [monatl.] Bulletin de la society d’histoire naturelle de Metz. Metz, [unbestimmt.] Boletin del Instituto Geol<5gico de Mexico. Memorias de la Sociedad Cientifica “ Antonio Alzate.” Mexico. 8vo. Reports of the Michigan Geological Survey, Lansing. Micrographe (le) preparateur. Dir. 'Tempere. Paris. [bimestr.J Mikrokosmos. Zeitschrift zur For- derung wissenschaftlicher Bildung hrsg. v. d. Deutschen mikrologischen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart. [Hefte jahrl.] Atti della Society italiana di scienze naturali, e del museo civico di Storia naturale, Milano. — Ger. 9 Viet. — Viet. 22 Ind. 327 U.K. — Ind. — Bel. — Brazil, 487 Fr. 226 U.S. — Rus. — Ger. — Ger. — Mex. — Mex. 230 U.S. 493 Fr. — Ger. 102 It. 53 Milano, Mem. 1st. lomb. ... Memorie doll’ Istituto lorabardo di scienze e letters, Milano. 104 It. Milano, Mem. Soe. ital. sc. nat. Memorie della Society italiana di scienze naturali, Milano. 95 It. Milano, Rend. 1st. lomb. ... Rendiconti dell’ Istituto lombardo di scienze e letters, Milano. 106 It. Milwaukee, Bull. W?8. Nat. Hist. Soe. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society, Milwaukee. 235 U.S. Minneapolis, Bull. Minn. Acad. Nat. Sei. Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, Minneapolis. 247 U.S. Minneapolis, Oce. Paprs. Minn. Acad. Nat. Sei. Occasional Papers of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, Minneapolis. 249 U.S. Minnesota Bull.Geol. Surv., St. Paul Bulletin of the Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey, St. Paul. 251 U.S. Minnesota Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep., St. Paul The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. The Geology of Minnesota. Final Report. St. Paul, Minn. 154 U.S. Misc. ent., Narbonne Miscellanea entoraologica. Revue ento- mologique international e (edition fran^aise). Narbonne (E. Barthe, 4dit.). [mensuel.] — Fr. Missoula, Bull. Univ. Mont. Bulletin University of Montana. Missoula, Mont. 552 U.S. Missouri Rep. Geol., Jefferson City Biennial Report of the State Geologist, Jefferson City, Mo. 259 U.S. Mitt. I). Schutzgeb., Berlin Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten. W issenscbaftliche Beihefte zum deutschen Kolonial- blatt, hrsg. v. Danckelmann. Berlin. [£ jahrl.] 803 Ger. Mitt. D. Weinbauver., Mainz Mitteilungen des deutschen Weinbau- Vereins. Mainz, fmonatl.] — Ger. Mitt. Gesch. Med., Hamburg Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. Hrsg. unter Red. v. W. A. Kuhlbaum, M. Neuburg, K. Sudhoff. [£ jahrl.] — Ger. Mitt. nordfries. Ver. Meimatk., Muslim. Mitteilungen des nordfriesisden Vereins fur Hematkunde und Heiraatliebe. Husum. [jahrl.] — Ger. Mitt. philomath. Ges., Strassburg Mitteilungen der philomatischen Ge- sellschaft in Elsass-Lothringen. [zwangl.] — Ger. Mitt. Weinbau , Geisenheim Mittheilungen iiber Weinbau und Keller- wirthschaft, hrsg. v. Goethe. Geisen- heim. [monatl.] 810 Ger. Mitt. zooL Stat. Neapel, Berlin Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Berlin. [£ jahrl.] 811 Ger. Modena , Atti Soe. nat. mat. Atti della Societa dei naturalisti e mate- matici, Modena. 107 It. Modena, Mem: Abe. « : ... ■ ] Mon. Rev:} London ... Monatsbl. Post, Leipzig 1 i Monatschr. Oeburtsh., Berlin - Monat8chr. * Ohrenheilk ./ Berlin Monatschr. : 1 Paychiatrie , Berlin ‘ ^ ' • Moriatshefte Berm., Ham- burg Monat8hefte nfitw. Unterr., Leipzig Monat8hefte Tierheilk., Stuttgart MonHfte Math. Phys., Wien , Monit.liorticult., Paris Monitore zool.ital Firenze Mons, Mem. Soc. sci. arts lettres du Ilainaut Montan. Rdach., Wien Montbeliard, Mem. soc. 6mul. Montpellier, M 6m. see. sci. Acad. sei. let. [ • . Montreal, Canad. Ree. Sci. . i-.V !’!;•: i ■ ; • ■„ Morph. Jahrb ., Leipzig ... Moskva, Ann) Inst, agron. Memorie della R.Aecademia, di scienze, : letter© ed arti, Modena. Monthly Review, London ‘ Monatsblatter fur Po9t und Telegraphie. Leipzig, [monatl.] Monatsschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie, hrsg. v. Martin u. Saen- ger. Berlin, [monatl.] Monatsschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde, hrsg; v. Gruber etc. Berlin, [monatl.] Monatsschrift fur Psychiatric 1 und Neurologie, hrsg. v. Wernicke u. Ziehen. Berlin, [monatl.] Monatshefte fiir praktische Dermato- logie, red. v. Unna u. Taenzer. Ham- burg. [£ monatl.] Nebst Ergan- zungsheften. Monatshefte fiir den naturwissenschaft- lichen Unterrichtaller Schulgattungen, Hrsg. y. B. Landsberg u. B. Schmid. Leipzig, [monatl.] Monatshefte fiir praktische Tierheil- kunde, hrsg. v. Frolmer u. Kitt. Stuttgart, [monatl.] Mcnatshefte fiir Mathematik und Physik. Mit Unterstiitzung des hohen k. k. Ministeriums fiir Kultus und Unter- richt berausgegeben von G[ustav] v[on] Escherich und L[eopold] Gegenbauer. Wien, [zwanglos.] Moniteur d’horticulture, arboriculture, viticulture, sciences, arts et industries horticoles. Dir. L. Chaur6. Paris, [bi-mensuel.] 11 Monitore zoologico italiano, Firenze... M&noires et publications de la Societe des scieuces, des arts et des lettres du Hainaut (Mons). Montanistische Rundschau. 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St.- Petersburg]. 344 U.K, . ; .Wu;, 279 U.S. ’ . , (.,y .v,v 284' tJ.SV' . .346 ,U-.K. 286 U.S. 321 U.S. 329 r U.S. v ^95 U.S. . 296 U.S.' . 299 U.S, 410 b.s; 317 U.S. 319 U.S. 320 U.S., . 322 U.S. „ r 327 U S. • — U.S. 33l U.S. ' . 334 U.S. 1 — U.S. 546 Fr. 164 Rus. 60 Nimea, Bid. soc. etud. sci. nat. Norges geol. Und., Kris- tiania Norsk Landm., Kristiania Northampton, J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Norwich, Trans. Nat. Soc. Nottingham, Trans. Nat. Soc. Nouv. arch. miss. sci. litt., Paris Nouv. arch. Museum , Paris Nov. Zool ., Tring Novo-Alexandrija, Zap. Inst, selisk. choz. Niimherg, Ahh. nathist. Ges. Niimherg, Mitt, nathist. Ges. Nymegen , Pec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. Nyt Mag. Naturv., Kris- tiania Ochotn. gazeta, Moskva Ochotn. vest., Moskva Odessa , Mem. Soc. Nat. . . . Ost. Bot. Zs., Wien Oest. FischereiZtg, Wien . . . Bulletin de la society d’etudes dea sciences naturelles. Nimes (Gard). [mensuel.] Norges geologiske Unders^gelse, Kris- tiania. Norsk Landmansblad, Kristiania Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Northampton. Transactions of the Norfolk and Nor- wich Naturalists’ Society, Norwich. 8vo. Transactions of the Nottingham Natu- ralists’ Society, Nottingham. 12mo. Nouvelles archives des Missions scienti- fiques et litteraires. Paris. Nouvelles archives du Museum. Paris. [2 vols. par an.] Novitates Zoologicae, Tring. 8vo. 3anncKH HoBO-AjieKcanflpifiCKaro Hh- CTHTyia cejiLcuaro xo3flilciBa n jiF- coBOflCTBa. HoBO-AjieKcan.npia [M4- moires de l’lnstitut agronomique et forestier a Novo-Alexandria]. Abhandlungen der naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. [zwang- los.] Mitteilungen der naturhistorischen Ge- sellschaft zu Niirnberg. Niirnberg. [monatl.] Recueil des travaux botaniques N^er- landais, public par la Society Botanique N^orlandaise. Nimegne (Macdonald). Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, Kristiania. OxOTiuiHLa ra3eTa. MocKBa [Journal de chasse. Moscou]. 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[rnehrjahr.] 887 Ger. Ohio Geol. Surv. Bull., Columbus Geological Survey of Ohio Bulletin. Columbus, Ohio. — U.S. Ohio Nat., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Naturalist. (Biological Club, Ohio State University), Columbus, Ohio. 348 U.S. Okdln. Ryb., Krakdw Okolnik, organ Ivrajowego Towarzystwa Rybackiego w Krakowio, red. F. Wilkosz. 8vo. [once in two months.] 31 Pol. Orenburg, Izv. Orenb. Otd. Russ. Geogr. ObS6. HbbLctm OpentfyprcKaro OTAbjtallMue- paTopcKaro pyccaaro Feorpafjm^e- caaro OdutecTBa. Open(5ypn, [Bul- letin de la Section d’Orenbourg de la Societe Irap^riale russe de Geo- graphic. Orenbourg]. 184-Rus. Ornis, London Ornis, London i — U.K. Ornis, Paris Ornis, Paris — Fr. Ornith . Jahrb., Hallein ... Ornithologisches Jahrbuch. Organ fiir das palaarktische Faunengebiet. Herausgeg. v. Viktor Ritter von Tschusi zvi Schmidhoften. Hallein. [2 nionatl.] 271 Aus. Ornitli. Monatsber., Berlin Ornithologische Monatsberichte, hrsg. v. Reichenow. Berlin; [monatl.] 892 Ger, Ornith. 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Padova, Atti Mem. Ace. .. Padova, Bull. Soc. ven.- trent. Pad. Wdrte, Osterwieck . . . Pal. Ind., Calcutta... . . \! < Palaeoritographica, Stutt- gart Paleontogr. Itatica, Pisa ... Palermo, Atti Ape. .... Palermq, >\Giorn. sc. nat. econ. Pam. fizyogr., Warszawa . . . Papier fabrikant, Berlin ... Paramaribo, Bull. Landb. W eist-Indie Parasitol., Cambridge Pams, Ann. soc. Pnt, > - ... Paris, Bid. mem. soc. anut:> Annual Report of Department of Marine ;y> 3 Can; and Fisheries of Dominion of Canada, Ottawa. Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Reports of the Director, Ottawa. 11 Can. Report of the Oxfordshire Ashmolean Natural History Society, Oxford. 356 U.K. Transactions of the Oxford University Junior Scientific Club, Oxford. 8vo. 361 U.K. Annuario della Stazione bacologicaK Padova. -.128 It. Atti dell’ Aceademia scientifica veneto- 130 It. trentina-istriana, Padova. , Atti e Memorie dell* Aceademia di 129 It. scienze, lettere ed arti, Padova. ; c; ; - Bullettino della Society veneto-trentina di scienze naturali, Padova. 131 It. Padagogische Warte. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Padagogik, Lehrer- fortbildung, Konferenzwesen, Tages- -T- Ger/' fragen und padagogische • Kritik. t ,r v Hrsg. v. K. 0. Beitz u. Ad. Rude. Osterwieck. [\ monatl.] Memoirs of tire Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Cal- cutta. (Being figures and descrip- 25 Ind. tions of the organic remains procured ...•.MV. V __ .-r during the progress of the Geological * Survey of India.) Palaeontographica. Beitrage zur Na- turgeschichte der Vorzeit, hrsg. v. Zittel. Stuttgart. [2-3 H. jahrl.] 898 Ger. , Paleontografia Italica, Pisa 132 It. Atti dell’ Aceademia di scienze, lettere ed arti, Palermo. 134 It. , Giornale della Societa di scienze naturali ed economiche, Palermo. 137 It. Pami^tnik fizyografiezny, wydawey W. Wroblewski i B. Znatowicz, War- szawa. 4to. [annual.] 32 Pol. Der Papier-Fabrikant. Zeitschrift fin- die Papier-, Pappen-, Holz-, Zell- und Strohs tolf-Fabrikation. Berlin. . ,i i-r Ger, ; [Monats- und Wochenausg.] v Bulletin Inspectie van den Landbouw in West-Indie, Paramaribo. 8vo. — Hoi. Parasitology, a supplement to the Journal of Hygiene. Cambridge. — U.K. Annales de la societe entomologique de France. Paris, [trimestr.] . 574 Fr,,r,i Bulletin et m&noires de la societe. ana- .576 tomique de Paris, [mensuel. 63 Path, Bui. mem.soc. anthr. i - >1 ’ Paris, Bui. Soc. agricult . . Paris\ Bui. sbc. cent, aqui- cult. Paris, Bui. soc. ent. Paris, Bui. soc. gSol. Paris, Bui. soc.nat. acclim. Paris, Bui. Soc. path. exot. Paris , Bui. soc. philom. ... Pari 8, Bui. soc. zool. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci. Paris, G. R. t ass. j rang . avanc. sci. Paris G. ’ R . cong. soc. sav. Paris, G. R. soc. biol. Paris, Mem. Acad, sci, Paris, M6m. soc. g£ol. Paris, Mim. soc. zool. Paris, Rev. Fr. d'Orn. Passau, Ber. natw. Ver. ... t • Piela, J ekaterinoslav Pcelovod., Viatka ... Bulletin et memoires de la , soci^te , , d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris, [bimestr.] Bulletin des seances de la sooi^t4 nationale d’agriculture de France, Paris, [mensuel.] Bulled d de la soci4t6 centtale d’aquicul- ture et de peche. G4r. SenquOs. Paris. Bulletin de la soci£t6 entomologique de France. Paris, [mensuel.] O Bulletin de la soci£t6 g^ologique de France. Paris, [mensuel.] Bulletin de la soci^td nationale d’acclima- tation de France (revue des sciences naturelles appliqu^es). Paris, [men- suel.] / Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologic exotique. Paris (Masson). 26 cm. Bulletin de la societd philomatique de Paris, [trimestr.] Bulletin de la soci6td zoologique de France. Paris, [mensuel.] Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de i’Acad&nie des sciences. Paris, [hebdomad,] Comptes rendus de l’association fran- paise pour l’avancement des sciences. Paris. 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Pdelovod. £izm, Viatka Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Bull., Harrisburg Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Div. Zool. Mon. Bull., Harrisburg Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Div. Zool. Q. Bull., Harrisburg Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. j Hep., Harrisburg \ Penzance, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. Penzance, Trans. H. Geol. Hoc. Cornwall Perpignan, Bui. soc. agric. sci. Perth, Bull. Geol. Surv. W. Austral. Perth, Proc. E. Scot. Soc. Perth, Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. Petevmanns geogr. Mitt., Gotha Petrus Camper, Bijdr. Anat., Haarlem Pfalz. Heimatk., Kaisers- lautern Pflanzer, Tanga ... Pharm. Weekbl., Amster- dam Philadelphia, Cont. Zool. Lab. Univ. Pa. 61 HHeJiOBOAHaa jkh3hi>. Banca [L’api- culture. Journal illustr^ de l’apicul- ture progressive. Viatka]. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bulletin. Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Department of Agri- culture. Division of Zoology. Monthly Bulletin. Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Department of Agricul- ture. Division of Zoology. The Zoological Quarterly Bulletin. Harris- burg, Pa. Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Harris- burg, Pa. Transactions of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Penzance. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, Penzance. Bulletin de la society agricole, scienti- fique et litteraire des Pyr6n£es- Orientales. Perpignan (PyiAndes- Orientales). [trimestr.] Bulletin of the Geological Survey, Perth, Western Australia. Proceedings of the East of Scotland Union of Naturalists’ Societies, Perth. 8vo. Transactions of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science, Perth. Peiermanns geographische Mittheilun- gen aus Perthes’ geographischer Anstalt. Gotha, [monatl.] Nebst Erganzungs-Heften . Petrus Camper, Nederlandsche Bijdragen tot de Anatomie, Haarlem. 4to. Pfalzische Heimatkunde. Monatschrift fiir heimatliche Archaologie, Anthro- pologie, Geographie, Geologie und Botanik sowie verwandte WTissen- schaften. Schriftl. Ph. Eauth. Kaiserslautern, [monatl.] Der Pflanzer. Ratgeber fiir tropische Landwirtschaft unter Mitwirkung des Biologisch-Landvvirtschaftl. Instituts Amani, hrsg. durch die „Usambara- Post“. Tanga, [i monatl.] Pharmaceutisch Weekblad voor Neder- land, Amsterdam. 8vo. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. — Rus. — U.S. - U.S. — U.S. — U.S. 364 U.K. 365 U.K. 630 Fr. — W. Aus. 366 U.K. 367 U.K. 904 Ger. 44 Hoi. — Ger. — Ger. 45 Hoi. 379 U.S. Philadelphia, Pa., J . Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Pa., J., Frank. Inst: Philadelphia, Pa., Pvoc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Journal of tlie Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadel- phia, Pa. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Proceedings of tho Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadel- phia, Pa. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philippine J. Sci., Manila, P.I. Physik. Zs., Leipzig Pietermaritzburg, Rep. Geol. Surv. Nat. Zidul. Pisa, Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Pisa, Proc. verb. Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Pittsburg, Pa., Ann. Car- negie Mus. Pittsburg. Pa., Mem. Car- negie Mus. Plodovodstvo, St. Peterburg Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. Plymouth, Rep. and Trans. Devon Ass. Polit.-anthr. Rev., Leipzig.. Pop. Astr., North field, Minn. Pop. Sci. Mon:, Neio York, N.Y. Port of Spain , J. Trinidad Cl. (n-11091 s) Transactions of the American Entomo- logical Society, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, Pa. The Philippine Journal of Science, Bureau of Science of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P.I. Physiknlische Zeitschrift, hrsg. v. Riecke u. Simon. Leipzig. [4 monatl.] Report of the Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand, Pietermaritzburg. Atti della Society toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Process! verbali della Society toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Pitts- burg, Pa. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania. IIJIOJI.OBOACTBO. OpraiTB pocciiicKaro otfmecTBa ruioflOBOflCTBa. O.-IIeTep- Oypr’B [Organe de la Societe russe de culture fruitiere. St.-Petersbourg]. Journal of the Marine Biological Asso- ciation of the United Kingdom, Plymouth. Report and Transactions of the Devon- shire Association, Plymouth. 8vo. Politiseh-anthropologische Revue. Mo- natsschrift fur das soziale und gei- stige Leben der Volker. Leipzig, [monatl.] Popular Astronomy, Northfield, Minn ... Popular Science Monthly, New York, Journal of the Trinidad Field Natu- ralists’ Club, Port of Spain. 307 U.S. 369 U.S. 371 U.S. 372 U.S. 361 U.S. 375 U.S. 37G U.S. — U.S. 920 Ger. — S. Af. 26 It. 154 It. 388 U.S. 389 U,S. 195 Rus. 374 U.K. 376 U.K. — Ger. 391 U.S. 392 U.S. — W. In. e 29 66 Port of Spain , Proc. Inst. Trinidad Portici , Ann. Scuola sup. agric. Portici , Boll. Lab. zool Portland , Me., Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. Portland, Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. Porto, Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, Annuario Ac. Polyt. Porto, Rev. Soc. Ribeiro ... Posen, Zs. D. Ges. Wisa. ... Postelsia, $t.Paul, Minn.... Potf . Termt. Kozl., Buda- pest Pozsonyi Orv.-termt. Egyl. Kbzlem. Prag, Abh. Bohm. Ges. Wise. * Prag, Abh. Lotos ... Prag, Ber. Versstat. Zucker- Ind. Prag, Bull. Ac. Sci. Franq. Jos. Prag, das. Geske Spol. Entomolog. Proceedings of the Victoria Institute of Trinidad, Port of Spain. Annali della Scuola superiors di agri- coltura. Portici. Bollettino del Laboratio di Zoologia general© e agragria della R. Scuola superior© d’Agricultura in Portici. Portici. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, Portland, Me. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, Portland. 8vo. Annaes de Sciencias Naturaes, Porto, publicado por A. Nobre. Annuario da Academia polytechnica do Porto. Revista de Sciencias naturaes e sociaes, orgao das Trabalhos da Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro, Porto. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kunst und Wissenschal't in Posen. Zeitschrift des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins, hrsg. v. Pfuhl. Posen, [zwanglos.] Postelsia : the Year Book of the Minne- sota Seaside Station. St. Paul, Minn. Potfuzetek a Termdszettudomdnyi Kozlonyhoz, Budapest. [Beiblatter zu den naturwissenschaft- lichen Mittheilungen, Budapest.] A Pozsonyi Orvos-Termeszettudomdnyi Egyesiilet Kozlemdnyei, Pozsony. [Verhandlungen des Vereins fur Natur- und Heilkundo zu Pozsony (Pressburg), Pozsony.] Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Natur- wissenschaftlichen Klasse der Konig- licli Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Prag. [zwanglos.] Abhandlungen des Deutschen Natur- wissenschaf tlich-Mediz inischen V er- eines fur Bohmen „Lotos.“ Prag. [zwanglos.] Bericht der Versuchsstation fiir Zucker- Industrie in Prag. [jahrlich.] Academie des Sciences de l’Empereur Pran9ois Joseph I. Bulletin Inter- national. Prag. Casopis (3eske Spolecnosti Entomo- logickd. [Acta Societatis Entomo- logiche Boheniiae.] Prag. [zwangl.] — W. In. 152 It. — It. 395 U.S. 377 U.K. 16 Por. — Por. — Por. — Gor. — U.S. 13 Hun. — Hun. 283 Aus. 284 Aus. — Aus. 289 Aus. — Aus. 67 Pirag, 6as. Math. Fys. Prag, JahrBer. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, Bozpr. 6eshe Ah. Frant. Jos. Prag, SitzBer. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, SitzBer. Lotos Prag, Vestn. Geshe Ah. Frant. Jos. Prag, Vestn. (Jeshe Spot. Nauh Praht. Bl. Pflanzenbau, Stuttgart Praht. Foratwirt Schweiz, Davos-Platz Pretoria , J. S. Afric. Ornitli. Union Preuss. Jahrb., Berlin Prir. i ochota, Moshva Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., Washington, D.G. [ formerly Easton, Pa.] Progress, sadov. ogorod ., St. Peterburg (Sasopis pro PSstovdni Mathematiky a Fysiky. Red. Augustin Pdnek a vyddva Jednota (Sesk^ch Mathe- matiku. Praha. [Zeitschrift zur Pflege der Matliematik and Physik. Herausgegebfcn vom Vereine Tschecli- ischer Mathematiker]. [5 H. jahrl.] Jahresbericht ‘ der Kon[iglich] Boh- mischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- scbaften. Prag. [jahrl.] Rozpravy (3eske Akademie Cisafe FrantiSka Josef a pro V&dy, Sloves- nost’ a UmSnf. Praha. [Abhandlun- gen der Tschechischen Kaiaer Franz Josefs- Akademie fur Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kunst]. [zwanglos.] Sitzungsberichte der Koniglich Boh- mischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissen- schaftliche Klasse. Prag. [jahrl]. Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Natur- wissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Ver- eines fiir Bohmen „ Lotos" in Prag. Prag. [jahrl.] VSstnik (5esk4 Akademie Cisare Fran- ti§ka Josefa pro V6dy, Slovesnost’ a Umgnl. Praha. [Anzeiger der Tschechischen Kaiser Franz Josefs- Akademie fiir Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kunst.] [9 H. jahrl.] VSstnik Krdlovsk6 Cesk6 Spolecnosti Nduk. Trida Mathematicko-PHrodo- vgdeckd. Praha. Praktische Blatter fiir Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz, hrsg. v. L. Hilte. Stuttgart, [monatl.] Der praktische Forstwirt fiir die Schweiz. Davos-Platz. 8vo. ' Journal of the South African Ornitho- logists’ Union, Pretoria. Preussische Jahrbticher. Hrsg. v. H. Delbriick. Berlin, [monatlich.] IIpHpO,na H OXOTa (IIpHJIOJK. Oxot- hhhbh ra3eia). MocKBa [Nature et cliasse (avec suppl. “Journal cyn6- g^tique ”). Moscou]. Proceedings of the Amer. Ass. for the Advancement of Science. Washing- ton, D.C. lIporpecciiBiioe caflOBOflCTBO h oropotf- imuecTBO O.-IIeTepSypn. [Horti- culture progressive et industrie potagere. St. P&ersbourg]. 290 Aus. 294 Aus. 302 Aus. 305 Aus. 306 Aus. 312 Aus. 313 Aus. 931 Ger. 75 Swi. - S.A. — Ger. 200 Rus. 138 U.S. — Rus. (n-11091 0 e 29 — 2 68 Prometheus, Berlin Prostejov, Vestn. Kl. Prir. Providence, R.I., Bull. Roger Williams Park Mus. Providence, R.I., Monogr. Tfoger Williams Park Mus. Przegl. filoz., Warszawa .. Przegl.lek., Krakow Przegl. iceter., Lwoio Psov. i ruSejn. ochola, Moskva Psych. Rev., NeivYork, N.Y. Psych. Stud. , Lei pzig Psyche, Boston, Mass. Pticevodn. choz., Moskva .. Q. J. Microsc. Sci., London Queensland Agric. J., Bris- bane Queensl. Nat. Brisbane Raleigh, North Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull. Reading , Rep. Lit. Sci. Soe. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta ... Prometheus. Illustrirte Wochenschrift fiber die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, In- dustrie und Wissenschaft, hrsg. v. Witt. Berlin, [woch.] VSstnik klubu prirodovSdeekiho. [Mit- theilungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Klubs. Prossnitz.] Roger Williams Park Museum. Bulle- tin. Providence, R.I. Providence, R.I., Monogr. Roger Williams Park Mus. Przegl^d filozoficzny, red. W. Weryho, Warszawa. 8vo. [quarterly.] Przeglgd lekarski, red. A. Kwa6nicki, Krakow. 4to. [weekly.] Przegl^d weterynarski, red. S. Kr61i- kowski, Lwow. 8vo. [monthly.] IIcoBaa h py;Keiinaa oxoTa. MocKBa [La chasse k courre et h P arret. Moscou]. Psychological Review, New York, N.Y. Psychische Studien. Monatliche Zeit- schrift, vorziiglich der Untersuchung der wenig gekannten Phanomene des Seelenlebens gewidmet, red. v. Maier. Leipzig, [monatl.] Psyche. (Entomological Club), Boston, Mass. llTMjeBOAHoe xoaaiicTBO. MocuBa [Oisellerie. Moscou]. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London. 8vo. Queensland Agricultural Journal, Bris- bane. The Queensland Naturalist. The Organ of the Field Naturalist’s Club and its branches. Brisbane, H. Pole & Co. Bulletin of tKe North Carolina Geological Survey, Raleigh. Report and Proceedings of the Reading Literary and Scientific Society, Reading. Records of the Indian Museum, Calcutta Redia, Firenze ... Redia, Giornale d’Entomologia, Firenze. Regensburg, Ber. natw. Ver. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlichen (f r iiher zoologisch-mi ner alogi schen) Vereins zu Regensburg. (Forts, des Correspondenzblattes.) Regensburg. [2 jahr.] 938 Ger. 535 Aus. — U.S. — U.S. 42 Pol. 43 Pol. 45 Pol. /7204 Rus. 405 U.S. 942 Ger. 404 U.S. 205 Rus. 381 U.K. — Qnsl. — Qnsl. 340 U.S. — U.K. — Ind! 297 It. 949 Ger. G9 Reims, Bui. soc. set. nat. ... Rennes, Bui. soe. set. m6d. Rep. Austr. Ass., Adelaide, N.8.W. Rep. Evolution Comm. Roy. Soc., London Rep. Norw. fish., Bergen ... Ris. camp, act., Monaco ... Rev. Argent., Buenos Aires Rev. chilena, Valparaiso ... Rev. colon., Paris ... Rev. crit. paleozool., Paris Rev. Ent.f Caen Rev. gen. marine march., Paris Rev. g6n. set., Paris Rev. ide'es, Paris ... Rev. Inst. Parag., Asuncion Rev. Jard. zool ., Buenos Aires Rev. Med., Sao Paulo Rev. Med. Suisse Rom., Geneve Rev. Mu8., La Plata, Buenos Aires Rev. Mils., Sao Paulo Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg Bulletin de la societe d’etude des sciences naturelles de Reims (Marne), [trimestr.] Bulletin de la socidtd scientifique et mddicale de l’Ouest. Rennes (Ule-et- Vilaine). [trimestr.] Report of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of science. Adelaide, N.S.W. Report of the Evolution Committee of tne Royal Society. London. Report on Norwegian fishery and marine investigations. Bergen. 8vo. [irregul.] R^sultats des campagnes scientifiques de S. A. le Prince de Monaco, Monaco. Revista Argentina de Historia natural, Buenos Aires. Revista chilena de historia natural. Organo del museo de Valparaiso. Valparaiso. Revue coloniale. Ministers des colonies. Paris, [bimestr.] Revue critique de paleozoologie. Dir. Cossmann. Paris, [trimestr.] Revue d’Entomologie. Red. A. Fauvel. Caen (Calvados), [mensuel.] Revue gdndrale de la marine marchande, publication hebdomadaire illustrde. Dir. L. Muller. Paris. Revue gdudrale des sciences pures et apjpliqu^es. Dir. L. Olivier. Paris, [bi- mensuel.] Revue (La) des Idees, Paris. Etudes de critique generale, t, 1, 1904. 25 cm. [mensuel.] Revista del Instituto Paraguayo. Asun- cion. Revista del Jardin Zoologico de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aiies. Revista Medica de Sao Paulo (Brazil). Sao Paulo. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande. Geneve. 8vo. Revista del Museo de la Plata, Buenos Aires. Revista do Musai Paulista, publicada por H. von Ihering, Sao Paulo. PyccKoe DmoMo.iorHnecKoe OdoaptHie. C.-lleTepdypn> [Revue russe d’Ento- mologie. St. P^tersbourg]. 654 Fr. 658 Fr. — N.S.W. — U.K. — Nor. — - Mon. — Argent. — Chile. 675 Fr. 678 Fr. 683 Fr; 690 Fr. 693 Fr. — Fr. — S. Am — Argent. — Brazil. 80 Swi. — - Argent. — Brazn. 209 Rus. 70 Rev. set. Bourbon}. , Mou]\ns Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais et du Centre de la France. Moulins (Allier).' [mensuel.] 750 Fr. Rev. set. IAmoua ., Limoges Revue scientifique du Limousin. Limoges (Haute-Yienne). [mensuel.] 752 Fr. Rev. sci. nat. ouest, Paris , Tours Revue des Sciences naturelles de 1’ Ouest. Paris, Tours, [trimestr.] 748 Fr. Rev. sci., Paris ... Revue scientifique de la France et de l’&ranger. Dir. Cli. Richet. Paris, [hebdomad.] 749 Fr. Rev. Soc. Sci., Sdo Paulo ... Revista da Sociedade scientifica de Sao Paulo (Brazil). Sao Paulo. — Brazil. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve ... Revue suisse de Zoologie. Annales de la Soci^te zoologique suisse et du Mus4e d’histoire naturelle de Genkve. Geneve. 8vo. j 83 Swi. Reykjavik, Andvari ... Andvari Timarit bins islenzka thjod- vinafjelags, Reykjavik. 35 Den. Rhodora, Boston, Mass. ... i r-Uvf • Rliodora. Journal of the New England Botanical Club, Boston, Mass. 408 U.S. Riga, Arb. Naturf.-Ver. ... Arbeiten des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. 210 Rus. Riga, Korr.A)lti Naturf.- Ver. Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher- Vereins zu Riga. 213 Rus. Rio de Janeiro, Bol. Comm, geogr. Minas Geraes Boletim da Commisao geographica e geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro. — Brazil. Riv. coleottor. ital., Came- rino Rivista coleottorologica italiana, Camerino. 299 It. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia Rivista di fisica, matematica e scienze naturali, Pavia. 164 It. Riv. ital. paleont., Perugia [ formerly Bologna ] ‘Rivista italiana di paleontologia, Perugia 167 It. Riv. nat.f Siena ... Rivista italiana di scienze naturali, Siena. 168 It. Riv. Mens. Pesca , Milano ... Rivista mensile di Pesca. Milano — It. Rochdale, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. Transactions of the Rochdale Literary, etc., Society, Rochdale. 8vo. 394 U.K. Rochelle (La), Ann. soc., sci. nat. Acad, bel.-let. Annales de la section des sciences naturelles de l’Academie des Belles- lettres, sciences et arts de la Rochelle (Charente-Inf^rieure). [annuel.] 770 Fr. Rochester Nat. Rochester Naturalist, Rochester 395 U.K. Rochester, N.Y., Proc. Acad. Sci. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science, Rochester, N.Y. 411 U.S. Roczn. roln., Krakow Roczniki nauk rolniczych, red. Stef. Jentys. Krakow. 8vo. — Pol. Roma, Atti Acc. Nuovi Lincei Atti delF Accademia pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei, Roma. 189 It. Roma, Atti Soc. romana antrop. Atti della Society romana d’antropo- logia, Roma. 190 It. 71 Roma , Atti Soc. studi malaria Atti della Societa per gli studl della malaria, Roma. 191 It. Roma , Boll. Comitato geol.... Bollettino del R. Comitato geologico, Roma. 192 It. Roma , Boll. Soc. geol. ital. Bollettino della Society goologica italiana, Roma. 197 It. Roma , Boll. Soc. zool. ital. Bollettino della Society zoologica italiana, Roma. 264 It. Roma , Mem. Ace. Lincei ... Memorie della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Roma. 203 It. Roma, Mem. Acc. Nuovi Lincei Memorie dell’ Accademia pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei, Roma. 204 It. Roma, Mem. Soc. XL Memorie della Society italiana delle scienze, detta dei XL, Roma. 208 It. Roma , Rend. Acc. Lincei ... Rendiconti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Roma. , 209 It. Roma, Ric. Lab. anat. norm. Ricerche del laboratorio di anatomia normale della R. University, Roma. 211 It. Rostock, Mitt. geol. Landes - anst. Mittheilungen aus der grossherzoglich mecklenburgischen geologischen Lan- desanstalt. Rostock, [jahrl.] 959 Ger. Rostock , SitzBer. hatf. Oes. \ Sitzungsberichte der naturforsfchenden Gesellscliaft zti Rostock. Anhang zum Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Rostock. 1293 Ger. Rouen, Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. Bulletin de la society des amis des sciences naturelles de Rouen (Seine- Inf^rieure). [semestr.] 774 Fr. Rovart. L., Budapest Rovartani Lapok, Budapest. [Entomo- logische Blatter, Budapest.] 14 Hun. Rugby, Rep. Sch Nat. Hist. Soc. Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society, Rugby. 397 U.K. Russ. Geogr. Ob§c.... EteBbcTia IlMnepaiopcKaro pyccKaro Peorpa^nuecKaro OdmecTBa. G.-IIe- Tep6ypn> [Bulletin de la Societe Im- perials russe de Geographic. St.- Petersbourg]. 261 Rus. Russ. Ochota, St. Peterburg PyccKaa oxoia. C.-IIeTep6ypn> [La chasse russe. St. Petersburg]. — Rus. Russ, pcelovod. listok, St. Peterburg I PyccKifi nuejiOBO^Htift jihctokt*. 0.- rieTepdypnb [Journal russe d’api cul- ture. St.-PetersbourgJ. 227J&us. Russ, sudocliod., St. Peter- burg PyccKoe cy^oxoACTBo. C.-IIeiep6ypn> [La navigation russe! St.-Petersbourg]. — Rus. Russ. Vra6, St. Peterburg. . . Pyccnift Epam>. 0.-IIeTep6yprT» [Le medecin russe. St.-Petersbourg]. 377 Rus. S. E.Nat., Tunbridge Wells The South Eastern Natttralist, Tun- bridge Wells. 8vo. 401 U.K. Sadovod, Rostov-Don .., Ca^OBOJtT>. Poctobt, Ha, JXOHy [Horti- culteur. Rostov-Don]. — Rus. 72 Sdemann, Leipzig ... St. Dizier, Mem. soc. let. isci. St. Gallen, Jahrb. Natw. Cles. St. John's, N.B., Bull. Nat. Flist. Soc. New Brunsio. St. Louis, Mo., Trans. Acad. Set. ' St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. St. Peterburg, Ber. Siiss- icaaserat. Naturf.-Ges. ■St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Se. , ’ ; St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. gfalog. St. Peterburg, Bull, labor, biol. * St . Peterburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. St. Peterburg, Izv. Lean. Inst. St. Peterburg, Izv. voenn.- med. Akad. Der Saemann. Monatsschrift fur patla- gogische Reform. Schriftl. C. Gotze Leipzig, [monatl.] Memoires de la society des lettres, sciences, arts, de ragriculture et de l’industrie de St. Dizier (Haute- Marne). [annuel.] Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen natur- wisseuschaftlichen Gesellscliaft. St. Gallen. 8vo. Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick, St. John’s, New Brunswick. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. EaceroAHHKi* 3ooJiornuecKaro My3ea IlMnepaTopcKoft AKafleMia Haya^. C.-IIeTepdyprh [Annuaire du Musee zoologique de l’Acaddmie Imperial© des Sciences. St.-Petersbourg]. Tpyflu npLcuoBOAHOfl dioaontaecKoil CTanDjn IlMnepaTopcKaro O.-IIeTep- dyprcKaro OdutecTBa eciecTBOHcuuT- aiejiefi. O.-lleTepdypn. [Berichte der biologischen Siisswasserstation der Kaiserlichen Naturforscher-Ge- sellschaft zu St. -Petersburg]. Il3BliCTia IlMiiepaTopcKOfl Ana^eMm Haym.. O.-llexepdypnb [Bulletin de l’Academie Impdriale des Sciences de St.-Peteisbourg]. IlaBtcTiH reoJiornqecKaro KoiimcTa. 0.-IleTepdypri> [Bulletin du Comite g^ologique. St.-Petersbourg]. IIsB'hcTia C.-IIeTepdyprcKoft diojiorn- aecnoil JiadopaTopifi. O.-IIeTepdypri. [Bulletin du laboratoire biologique de St.-Petersbourg]. Tpyjtbi pyccnaro 3iiTOMOJi0rHaecKaro OdmecTBa bt> O.-IIeTepdypiij [Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. St.-P4tersbourg]. HaBiciia C.-IIeTepdyprcKaro JILcaaro IlncTHTyTa. C.-IIerepdypri. [Bul- letin de l’lnstitut forestier de St.- Petersbourg]. H3BLcTia IlMuepaTopcKO^ BoeHHo-we- ftm;HHCKof! AKa^eMiH. C.-IIeTep- dypn> [Bulletin de l’Acad&nie Im- periale medico-militaire. St.-Pdters- bourg]. — Ger. 787 Fr. Ill Swi. 29 Can. 414 U.S. 248 Rus. 250 Rus. 251 Rus. 252 Rus. 254 Rus. 256 Rus. 257 Rus. 2G3 Rus. 73 St. Peterhurg , Joum. hot. ... St. Peterhurg, Mem. Ac. Sc. St. Peterhurg , Mem. Com. geol. St. Peterhurg , Scripta hot.... St. Peterhurg , Trav. laborat. zool. St. Peterhurg , Trav. Mus. geol. Ac. sci. St. Peterhurg , Trav. Soc. nat. St. Peterhurg , Trd. geol. muz. Akad. Nauh St. Peterhurg, Trd. Obs6. vrac. St. Peterhurg, Verli. Russ, mineral. Ces. EoTaunqecKifi Hcypnajn>, iia^aBaeMtitt OTyvkjiemeM'b OoTanuKH HMnepaiop- cicaro O. rieiepdyprcKaro OflmecT- Ba ecTecTBOHCUMTaTejieft. [Journal botanique, edition do la Section do Botanique de la Soci^te Imperiale des naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg]. BanHCKH IlMnepai’opcKoii AKa^eMin Haytci, no (J)H3HK0-MaTeMaTHnecK0MV OTjvbJieniio. O.-IIeTepdyprB [Me- moires de P Academic Imperiale des Sciences. Classe des sciences physiques et mathematiques. St.- Petersbourg]. TpyAM Feojioi HuecKai o KoMHTeia. 0.- Ileiepdypr'B [Memoires du Comity geologique. St.-Pytersbourg]. EoTanitnecKiff BanncKH. HB^anie Hm- nepaTopcfcaro O.-IleTepdyprcicaro y h itBepcnieTa. O.-lleTepdypr'B [Scripta botanica*; publics par J’Uni- versite Imperiale de St.-Pytersbourg]. PatfoTu iiponoBe/tennbiH Bri» Jiatfopa- Topinxi* BOOJiornqecKaro h bootomh- qecKaro Ka6inieT0BT> Hsmepaiop- CKaro C.-lIeiep6yprcKaro Ynnsep- cineia, Btin. 4 [Travaux accomplis aux laboratoires de zoologie et zoo- tomie de 1’ University Imp. de St.- Petersbourg]. Tpyflu reoJioriiqecKaro Myaen nweim lleipa BeJinnaro npn Him. Ana^. Hayin.. 0. -IIeTep6ypn» [Travaux du Musee geologique Pierre le Grand pres l’Academie Imperiale des sciences. St.-Petersbourg]. Tpyjtu IIimepaTopcKaro C.-IIeTep6ypr- CKaro OtfmecTBa ecTecTBOHcnuiaTe- Jieft. 0.-IIeTep<5ypn> [Travaux de la Sociyte Imj^riale des naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg]. v. St. Peterburg, Trav. mus. geol. Ac. sci. Tpyflu otfmecTBa pyccKHxq, Bpaqeft. G.-HeTep(5ypn> [Travaux de la So- ci4te des medecins russes. St.- pytersbourg]. 3anncKH IlMnepaiopcKaro C.-IIeTep- tfyprcKaro MHHepajioniqecKaro o 6- mecTBa. C.-IIeTep6ypri> [Verhand- lungen der russischen Minera- logischen Gesellschaft. St.-Peters- bourg]. — Hus. 266 Rus. 267 Rus. 282 Hus. — Rus. — Rus. 284 Rus. 288 Rus. 290 Rus. 74 St. Peterburg, I 7 eat. ObM. Sadov. St. Peterburg , Zap. Russ. Oeogr. ObS6. St. Peterburg , Zurn. Min. Narodn. ProsvHi. Salatiga, Bull. alg. Proef- 8tat. i v ... Salzburg , Mitt. Ges. Salzb. LdKde Sanct Hubertus, Cothen . . , . San Francisco, Cal., Occ. Paprs. Acad. Sci. San Francisco, Mem. Cal. Acad-. Sci. j San Francisco,-. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. s San Francisco, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. Zool. Sangyo Sh., Tokyo ... Santiago, Act. Soc. Chile ... Santiago, Ann. Univ. Chile Santiago de Chile, Bol. Mus. Nac. Santiago, Verh. Ver. Chile Sao Paulo, Bol. Comm, geogr. Sapporo, Transt Nat. Hist. Soc. i Bfe3 thhktj IlMnepaTopcKaro poccifi- CKaro OoipeciBa ca^OBOflCTBa. 0.- HeTep6yppi> [Messager de la Society Imperials russe d’horticulture. St.- Petersbourg]. 3anwcKH IlMnepaTopcKaro pyccKaro reorpatfwnecKaro OdmecTBa. 3 cepin: 1) no odineft reorpa$i&; 2) ciaTH- CTHut ; 3) OTHorpaqnih C.-Heiep- 6yprt [Memoires de la Society Imperiale russe de Geographic. En 3 series : 1) geographie g^n^rale ; 2) statistique ; 3) ethnographie. St.- Petersbourg]. 7Kypnajn> MniincTepcTBa napo/tnaro npoCB'femeflia. 0.-IIeTep6ypri> [Jour- nal du Ministere de l’instruction publique. St.-Petersbourg]. Algemeen proefstation te Salatiga. Bulletin. Malang. A. T. Jahn. 8vo. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fiir Salz- burger Landeskunde. , Salzburg, [jahrl.] Sanct IJubertus. Wocbentliche illust- rirte Zeitschrift fur Jagd, Ilunde- zucht, Fisclierei und Naturkunde, red. v. SchefHer. Cothen. fwdcli.] Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Zoology. San Francisco, Cal. , Sangyo Shinpo. [Sericultur^l Journal.] Tokyo. . Actes de la Societe scientifique du Chile, Santiago Anales de la Universitad de Chile, Santiago. Boletin de Museo Nacional de Chile Verhandlungen des deutschen wissen- schaftlichen Vereins zu Santiago (Chile). Santiago. Boletim da Commisao geographica e geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society. Sapporo. — Rus. 291 Rus. 295 Rus. — Hoi. 340 Aus. 977 Ger. 419 U.S. 423 U.S. 424 U.S. — U.S. — Jap. . — Chile. — Chile. — Chile. ’ — Chile. — Brazil. — Jap. Sarajevo , Glasn. ZemMuz. Bosn. Herceg. Sarajevo , TFiss. Mitt. Bosn. Tlerceg. Saratov , Sadovod ... Saratov, Trd. Ob§&. jest. ... Shorn, stud, hiolog. Kru&., Odessa Shorn. stud.KruS. Ituh.prir. Cliarik. Univ., Gharikov S chaff hausen , Mitt. SehiVeiz. Entomol. Ges. j Schles. Badertag, Tteinerz . . . Schneeherg , Mitt, tries. Ver. Schwalbe , Wien Schweiz.-Arch. Thierheilk., Zurich Schweiz’: BienenZtgf Aarau Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Urednik K. Hormann. Sarajevo. [Anzeiger des Landes- nmseums fur Bosnien und die Hercegovina.] [| jahrl.] Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina. Herausgegeben vom Bosnisch-Herce- govinischen Landes-Museum. Red. v. Moritz Hoernes. Wien, f jahrl.] OapaTOBCKift OaflOBOfl'B. ^Kypnaju. OapaTOBCKaro 06mecTBa Oa;tOBO,n- CTBa. CapaTOBT> [ L’horticulteur de Saratov. Saratov]. Tpjflti OapaTOBCKaro 06n;ecTBa ec- TecTBOijcm.iTaTe.nefi h JiiodHreaeii ec- TecTB03HaHia. CapaTOBt [Travaux de Ja Societe des naturalistes de Saratov], OdopunKT. CTy/temecKaro tfioaonme- CKaro KpyatKa npn HMnepaTopcKOMi. HOBOpOCCifiCKOMB Y tniBepcHTeTh. Oflecca [Recueil du cercle biologique des etudiants de 1’ University Im- perial d’Odessa. Odessa]. OdopimK-i. cTyflennecKaro KpyjKKa jiio- 6HTeJieii npiipoflu npa IlMnepaTop- CKOMT. XapbKOBCKOMT. Y HUBepCHTeTfi XapbKOBi, [Recueil des travaux du cercle des amateurs d’histoire naturelle 1’ University de Chnrkov], Mitteilungen der schweizeriichen ento- mologischen Gesellschaft. Bulletin de la Society entomologique suisse. Schaffhau8en. 8vo. Der schlesische Badertag und seine Verhandhtngen. Reinerz. [jahrl.] Mittheilungen des wissenschaftliclien Vereins (vonnals naturvviss. Vereins) fur Schneeherg und Umgegend. Schneeherg. [zwanglos.] Die Schwalbe. Berichte des Komitees fiir ornithologische Beobachtungs- Stationen in Osterreich. Heraus- gegeben von der Ornithologischen Sektion der k. k. Zoologisch-Botani- schen Gesellschaft in Wien. Red. v. Ludwig Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau. Wien. [2 jahrl.] Schweizer-Archiv fiir Thierheilkunde. Zurich. 8vo. . Schweizerische Bienenzeitung. Aarau. 8vo. 341 Aus. 342 Aus. — Riis. 235 Rus. — Rus. — Rus. 69 Swi. 984 Ger. 992 Ger. 348 Aus. 85 Swi. 88 Swi. 76 Schweiz. Bl. Geaundhtapfl., Zurich Schweiz. Bl. Omithol., Zurich Schweiz. Fiachereiztg, PfdjQikon Schweiz. Wochenschr. Chem., Ziirich Sehiceiz. Zeitachr. Forst- wesen, Bern Schweizerische Blatter fur Gesund- heitspflege. Zugleich Korrespondenz- blatt fiir ortliche Gesundheitsbe- horden. Zurich. 8vo. Schweizerische Blatter fiir Ornithologie und Kaninchenzucht. Zurich. 4to. Schweizerische Fischereizeitung. Pfaffi- kon. 8vo. Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Chemie und Pharmacie. Journal suisse de chimie et de pharmacie. Zurich. 8 vo. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir das Forstwesen. Bern. 8vo. Sci. Mem. Med. Ind., Cal- cutta Sci. Progr., London Science , Neu) York, N.Y. ... Scientific Memoirs by the Medical Officers of the ‘Army of India, Cal- cutta. Science Progress in the Twentieth Cen- tury. A quarterly journal of scienti- fic work and thought. Edited by N. H. Alccck and W. G. Freeman. London. Science, Now York, N.Y. Scranton, Pa., Lackawanna Inat. Sci. Ser. Selisk. choziain, St. Peter- burg Seliak. choz. i leaovodalvo, St. Peterburg Semja ochotn., Moskva Semur, Bid. aoc. aci. hist, nat. Severn, choz., St. Peterburg ’a Gravenhage, Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. ’a Gravenhage, Tijdschr. Ent. Shanghai, J . China R. As. Soc. Shrewsbury, Rec. (or Trans.) Caradoc F. Cl. Scientific Series. Lackawanna Insti- tute of History and Science, Scranton, Pa. CejibCKifi xo3JinnrL. O.-IIeTepdyprb [L’Agronome. St.-Petersbourg]. CejibCKoe xosaflCTBO h jiLcoboactbo. C.-Heiepdyprb [Economie rurale et forestiere. St.-Petersbourg]. CeMba OXOTHIiKOBrb. OxOTHHaitt HJI- aycTpupoBamiufi JKypnajrb. MocKBa [La famille des chasseurs. Journal de chasse illustr^]. Bulletin de la society des sciences historiques et naturelles. Semur en Auxois (Cote d’Or). [annuel.] CbBepnoe xobshctbo. C.-IIeTep6yprb [Agriculture du Nord. St.-Plters- bourg]. Entomologische Berichten uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie uitgege- ven door de Nederlandsche entomolo- gische Vereeniging, ’s Gravenhage. 8vo. Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Shanghai. Record of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club, Shrewsbury. 90 Swi. 91 Swi. 93 Swi. 104 Swi. 105 Swi. 27 Ind. — U.K. 429 U.S. 431 U.S. 237 Rus. 238 Rus. — Rus. 803 Fr. 436 Rus. — Hoi. 49 Hoi. — China 403 U.K. 77 Shrewsbury, Trans. Shropsli. Archceol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siena, Atli Ace. fisiocritici Singapore, J. Straits Asiat. Soc. Sioux City, Iowa, Proc. Acad. Sci. Skand. Arcli. Physiol., Leipzig Soc. entomol.r Stcglitz- Berlin Soc. Entomol., Zurich Southampton, Proc. Hants F. Cl. Southport, Pep. Soc. Nat. Sci. Spclunca, Paris Sperimentale , Firenze Spolia Zeylan., Colombo ... Springfield, III., Bull. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. Stavanger, Mus. Aarsb. ... Stein d. Weisen, Wien Stepnoje pcelov., Novocer- hash Stettiner ent. Ztg ... Stimmen Maria * Laach, Freiburg i. B. Stirling, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Stockholm, Biol. For. Fbrh. Stockholm, Geol. For Fork. Stockholm, Sv. Qeol. TJnders. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Shrewsbury. 8vo. Atti dell’ Accademia dei tjsiocritici, Siena. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Singapore. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences and Letters of SiouT City. Sioux City, Iowa. Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologie, hrsg. v. Tigerstedt. Leipzig, [monatl.] Societas entomologica. Steglitz-Berlin [14 tagig ] Societas entomologica. Zurich. 4to. ... Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, Southampton. Report of the Southport Society of Natural Science, Southport. 8vo. Spelunca, Bulletin et Memoires de la socidt^ de sp414ologie. Dir. Martel. Paris, [trimestr.l Lo Sperimentale, Firenze Spolia Zeylanica. Issued by the Colombo Museum, Ceylon. Colombo. Bulletin of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, Springfield, 111. Aarsberetning for Stavanger Museum, Stavanger Der Stein der Weisen, Hartleben. [24 H. jabrl.] CienHoe nuenoBOflCTBO. HoBonep- KaccKrb [L’apiculture dans la steppe. Novocerkask]. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung, red. v. Dohrn. Stettin, Berlin, [monatl.] Stimmen aus Maria- Laach. Freiburg i. B. [10 H. jahrl.’J Nebst Erganzungs- Heften. Transactions of the Stirling Natural History, etc., Society, Stirling. 8vo. Biologiska Foreningens Forhandlingar. Stockholm. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm forhandlingar. Stockholm. 8vo. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Serien A. liartblad med beskrifnin- gar. Serien B. Ofversigtskartor, Special- kartor. Serien C. Afhandlingar och uppsat- ser. 404 U.K. 212 It. — Ind. — U.S. 1005 Ger. — Ger. 110 Swi. 406 U.K. 407 U.K. 806 Fr. 215 It. — Ind. 435 U.S. 26 Nor. — Aus. — Rus. 1016 Ger. 1017 Ger. 409 U.K. — Swe. 23 Swe. 35 Swe. 78 o Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Arshok Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Ofvers. Stone, Rep. N. Staff. F. Cl. Strasshurg, Mitt. geol. Landesanst. Stratford, Essex Nat. Studi sassaresi, Sassari ... Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. Stuttgart, Mitt. geol. Aht. stat. Landesarnt. Sudd, landw. Tierzucht, Milnchen Sudd. Monatshefte, Munchen Suffolk, Proc. Inst. Archceol. Nat. Hist. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academicus Srsbok. Stockholm. 8vo. Kong], Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademiens Handlingar. Stockholm. 4to. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps- Akade- miens forhandlingar. Stockholm. 8vo. Annual report and transactions of the North Staffordshire Naturalists’ Field Club, and Archaeological Society, Stone. Mittheilungen der geologisclien Landes- anstalt von Elsass - Lothringen. Strassburg. [jahrl.] Essex Naturalist (Essex Field Club), Stratford. Studi sassaresi, Sassari Jahreshefte des^ Vereins fur vater- landische Naturkunde in Wurttem- berg. Stuttgart, [jahrl.] Mitteilungen der geologisclien Abteilung des kgl. wurth. statistischen Landes- amtes. Stuttgart, [zwangl.] Siiddeutsche landwirtschaftliche Tier-- zucht. Organ suddeutscher Ziichter- vereinigungen. Hrsg. v. Vogel. Munchen u. Leipzig, [woch.] Siiddeutsche Monatkhefte. Hrsg. v. W. Weigand. Munchen. [monatl.] Proceedings of Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History. Suisan Clio, lid., Tokyo ... Sydney, N.S.W., J. R- Soc. Sydney, N.S.W., Mem. Austr. Mus. Sydney } N.S.W., Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S. Wales Sydney, N.S.W., Proc. Linn. Soc. Sydney, N.S.W., Ttec. Austr. Mus. Sydney, N.S.W., Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S. Wales TaSkent, Izv. Turk. Otd. Russ. Geogr. 0bs6. Suisan Chosa Ilokoku (Reports of the Fisheries Bureau). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. The Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society, Sydney, N.S.W. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney, N.S.W. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney, N.S.W. Records of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney, N.S.W. H3BicTm TypuecTaHCKaro oivt'fejia Hm- nepaiopcKaro pyccnaro Feorpa^n- necKaro 06uu.ecTBa. TauiKeirn, [Bulletin de la Section du Turkestan de la Soci6t6 Imperiale russe de Geo- graphic. Tachkent]. — Swe. 40 Swe. 41 Swe. 410 U.K. 1019 Ger. 123 U.K. 258 It. 1021 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 412 U.K. 17 Jap. 3 N.S.W. 4 N.S.W. 5 N.S.W. 6 N.S.W. 7 N.S.W. 8 N.S.W. 301 Rus. 79 Tasmanian Nat. . 4 . Taunton, Proc. Somerset. Archceol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Termt. Kozl., Budapest Teysmannia, Batavia Tharander forstl. Jahrb. ... Ther. Monatshefte , Berlin Thiir. Monatsbl., Eisenach. . . Tidslir. Jag. Fish., Helsing- fors Tierwelt, Aarau Tiflis, Izv. Kavk. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Obsc. Tiflis, Mitth. Kavk. Mus. ... Tiflis, Zap. Kavk. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Ob§£. Tijdschr. Veearts., Utrecht Tijdschr. plantenziekten, W a gening en T abolish, Jezcg. Muz. Tdkyd, Bull. Coll. Agric. .. Tokyo, Chishits. Z. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci. Tasmanian Naturalist ... Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Taunton. Termeszettudomdnyi Kozlony, Budapest. [N aturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungen, Budapest.] Teysmannia, Batavia Tharander forstliches Jahrbuch, hrsg. v. Kunze. Berlin, [jiihrl.] Therapeutische Monatshefte, lirsg. v. Liebreich. Berlin, [tnonatl.] Thiiringer Monatsblatter. Verbands- Zeitschrift des Thuringerwald-Ver- eins. Eisenach, [monatl.] Tidskrjft for Jagare och Fiskare. Hel- singfors. 8vo. Die Tierwelt. Zeitung fur Ornithologie, Gefliigel- und Kaninchenzucht. Aarau. 4to. UteBbcria KaBKa3CKaro OT^FjiaHMnepa- TopcKaro pyccKaro Feorpa^nuecKaro OdmeCTBa. TjkJijihc'B [Bulletin de la Section Caucasienne de la Societe Imperials russe de Geographic. Tiflis]. HBB-fedia KaBKa3CKaro My3ea. Th<|)- jihct» [Mittheilungen des Kaukasi- schen Museums. Tiflis]. BanncKH KaBicaacKaro OTjvfcjia IlMnepa- TopcKaro pyccKaro reorpacjmuecKaro 06mecTBa. TikJwihct. [Memoires de la Section Caucasienne de la Society Imperials russe de Geographic. Tiflis]. Tijdschrift voor Veeartsenijkunde en Veeteelt, Utrecht. 8vo. Tijdschrift over plantenziekten (Wage- ningen). Parait six fois par an. . EjKeroflTiHKT. To6oJibCKaro My3ea. To- d0Jii»CKT> [Annuaire du Mus£e de Tobolsk]. . The Bulletin of the College of Agricul- ture, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan. European languages. . Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Journal of the Geological Society of Tokyo). J apanese language. . . The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan. European languages. — TaS. 418 U.K. 16 Hun. — Hoi. 1039 Ger. 1042 Ger. 1053 Ger. 30 Fin. 114 Swi, 307 Rus. 309 Rus. 314 Rus. 51 Hoi. 315 Rus. 21 Jap. 23 Jap. 28 Jap. 80 Tokyo, Mitt. ost. Ges. Tokyo, Nip. Konch. Kw. Ho. Tokyo, Nip. No. Kio. Ho. ... Tokyo, Nip. Sanrin. Kw. Z. Tokyo, Nip. Sanslii Kw. Ho Tokyo, Proc. Dept. Nat. Hist. Tomsk, Izv. TJniv. ... Topeka , Trans. Kan. Acad. Sei. Torino, Atti Ace. ae. Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat. Torino, Qiorn. Ace. med. . . Torino, Mem. Ace. sc. Toronto, Proc. Canad. Inst. Toronto, Hep. Ent. Soc. Ont. Toronto, Stud. Univ. Biol. Ser. Toronto, Stud. Univ. Geol. Ser. Toronto, Stud. Univ. Physiol. Ser. Toronto, Stud. Univ. Psychol. Ser. Toronto, Trans. Canad. Inst. Toulouse, Bid. soc. hist. nat. Mittheilungen der ostasiatischen Gesell- schaft. German language. Tokyo, Japan. Nippon Konchugakkwai Kwaiho. [Trans- actions of the Entomological Society of Japan.] Tokyo. Tokyo, Dai Nippon No Kwai H5. (Journal of the Agricultural Society of Japan). Dai Nippon Sanringaku Kwai Zasshi (Journal of the Society of Forestry of Japan). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo, Dai Nippon Sanshi Kwai Ho. (Journal of the Japanese Sericultural Association.) TokyS, Proceedings of the Department of Natural History, Tokyo Imperial Museum. Il3BhcTia IlMnepaTopcKaro ToMcaaro yHHBepcH'reTa. Tomckt. [Bulletin de P University Imperials de Tomsk.] Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Topeka. Atti della It. Aecademia delle science, Torino. Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia e di anatomia comparata della R. Univer- sity Torino. Giornale della R. Aecademia di medicina, Torino. Memorie della R. Aecademia delle scienze, Torino. Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, Toronto. Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, Toronto. Studies from the University of Toronto, Biological Series. Studies from the University of Toronto, Geological Series. Studies from the University of Toronto, Physiological Series. Studies from the University of Toronto, Psychological Series. Transactions of the Canadian Institute, Toronto. Bulletin de la societe d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). [tri- mestr.] 35 Jap. — Jap. — Jap. 37 Jap. — Jap. — Jap. 316 Rus. 446 U.S. 220 It. 224 It. 226 It. 228 It. 330m . — Can. 36 Can. — Cau. 38 Can. 37 Can. 40 Can. 815 Fr. 81 Toulouse, Bui. soc. Ramond Toulouse , Bui. soc. sci. phys. nat. Bulletin de la societe Ramond. Ba- gneres de Bigorre (Hautes-Pyr4n6es) Toulouse, [trimestr.] Bulletin de la societe des sciences physiques et naturelles de Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Toulouse , Bui. stat. pise, hydrobiol. Bulletin de la station de pisciculture et d’hydrobiologie de TUniversity de Toulouse. Toulouse. Toulouse, Mfan. Acad. sci. inscrip. Trans. Ainer. Microsc. Soc., Chicago, III. Trans. San Diego Acad. Nat. Sci. [San Diego, Cal.] Trav. Lab. 6tud. soie, Lyon Trav. Lab. geol., Grenoble Trav. mem. Fac. Lille Trav. Sect, geolog. Cab. S. M. I., St. Peterburg Trav. sect. Troiclt.-Kiachl. Russ. Geogr., St. Peter- burg ou Mosltva Trav. LJniv., Rennes Trd. B. entom. Ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml., St. Peter- burg Trd. B. entom. Ucen. Kom. M. Zeml., St. Peterburg Minioires de l’Acad&nie des sciences, inscriptions et belles lettres de Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). [annuel.] Transactions of the American Micro- scopical Society, Chicago, 111. Transactions of the San Diego Academy of Natural Sciences. San Diego, California. Travaux du Laboratoire d’^tudes de la soie, fonde par la Chambre de com- merce de Lyon par la commission administrative. Lyon. Travaux du laboratoire de geologie de T University de Grenoble. Grenoble. Travaux et memoires des Facultes de Lille (Nord). Tpy/tu reojiornnecKoft nacm Katfuneia Ero IiMnepaTopcKaro Be-nnnecTBa. C.-lIeTeptfyprj. [Travaux de la Sec- tion g^ologique du Cabinet de Sa Majeste Imperiale. St.-Pytersbourg.] Tpy/tu TpoimKocaBCKo-KaxTinicKaro OTA’feji. llpiiaMypcKaro oiftluia Hm- nepaTopCKaro pyccKaro reorpatfmne- CKaro 06mecTBa. * C.-IIeTep6ypro> hjih MocKBa [Travaux de la subdivi- sion de Troizkosavsk-Kjachta de la Section du territoire de P Amour de la Societe Imperiale russe de Geographic. St. Petersbourg ou Moscou]. Travaux scientifiques de T University de Rennes, Rennes. [Reprinted from Rennes Bull. soc. sci.] See No. 444 (following journal) ... Tpy/tu Eiopo no BHTOMOJiorin ynenaro KoMHieia MnimcTepcTBa 3eMJie/vfejiiH n FocyAapcTBermHX'L HMyinecTBT>. C.-UeiepSyprij [Travaux du Bureau entomologique du Comite scientifique du Ministers d’Agriculture et des Domaines. St.-Petersbourg.] 159 Fr. 817 Fr. — Fr. 822 Fr. 198 U.S. — U.S. — Fr. — Fr. 834 Fr. 319 Rus. 155 Rus. — Fr. — Rus. 444 Rus. e 30 (n-11091 s) 82 Trd. Kavk. Selkovodatv. at., Tiflis Trd. lean, opytn. delu, St. Peterburg Trd. Troick.-Kiacht. Otd. Ruaa. Geogr. Oba&., Moskva Trencsen m. terrnt. tars, evk. Trieste, Boll. Soc. Adricit. Sci. Nat. TpyAbi KaBKa3CK0ii mejiKOBOACTBeH- Hofi CTaHijiii. Th^jihct. [Travaux de la station Caucasienne sdricicole. Tiflisl. TpyAu no JiiciioMy onuTHOMy a^ iy Brb JPocciii. 0.-IIeTepdypn> [Mittei- lungen aus dem forstlichen Versuehs- weseiL Russlands. St. Peterburg]. TpyAU TpoHu,KocaBCKaro-KaxTHH- CKaro OTA'bjieniH UpHanypcKaro OTA^Jia IlamepaTopcKaro pyccnaro reorpa^Haeckaro OdmecTBa. MocKBa [Travaux de la subdivision de Troickosavsk-Kjachta de la Section du territoire de 1* Amour de la Societe Imperials russe de Geographic. Moscou]. Trencsen megyei termeszettudomanyi tarsulat evkonyvei. Trencsen. [Jahr- buch des Trencsiner naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereins, Trencsen.] Bollettino della Societk Adriatica di Scienze Natural) in Trieste. Red. Antonio Valle. Trieste, [irregol.] Tromsfi Mua. Aarah. . . . Aarshefter fra Troms0 Museum, Troms0. Trondhjem, kgl. Vid. aelak. Skr. Truro , J. R. Inat. Corn- wall Tubingen, Arb. path. Inat. Tubingen, Bl. Albver. Tuft's College, Mass., Tuft' 8 Coll. Stud. Det kongelige norske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Trondhjem. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro. Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der patho- logischen Anatomie u. Bakteriologie aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institut zu Tubingen, hrsg. v. v. Baumgarten. Braunschweig, [zwang- los.] Blatter des schwabischen Albvereins. Tubingen, [monatl.] Tuft’s College Studies. (Scientific Series.) Tuft’s College, Mass. Turkest. aelisk. choz., Ta&kent Turkeat. VSd., Ta&kent. ... Dim, Jahreahefte Ver. Math. Um8chau, Frankfurt a. M. TypnecTaHCKoe ceabctcoe xo3aficTBO TaiHKeHTT> [Agriculture du Tour- kestan. Taclikent]. TypnecTaiiCKm BhAOMocm TauiKeHT'b [Bulletin de Turkestan. Tachkent]. Jahreshefte des Vereins ffir Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften zu Ulm. [unbestimmt.] Die Umschau. IJebersicht fiber die Fortschritte und Bewegungen auf dem Gesammtgebiet der Wissen- scliaft, Technik, Litteratur und Kunst, hrsg. v. Bechhold. Frankfurt a. M. [woch.l 320 Rus. — Rus. 155 Rus 17 Hun. 376 Aus. 27 Nor. 28 Nor. 420 U.K. 1059 Ger. 1060 Ger. — U.S. — Rus. 328 Rus. 1066 Ger. 1068 Ger. 83 Uns. Welt, Godesberg Unsere Welt, lllustrierte Monatschrift zur Forderung der Nature rkenntnis. Hrsg. v. Keplerbund. Godesberg. [monatl.] ^ Ger. Unterrichtsbl. Math., Berlin Unterrichtsblatter fur Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. v. Schwalbe u. Pietzker. Berlin. [2 [monatl.] 1071 Ger. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst. ... Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. Edited by Hj. Sjogren. Upsala. 8vo. 55 Swe. Upsala , Soc. Seient. Acta ... Nova acta Regise Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Upsala. 4to. 58 Swe. Urania , Wien Urania illustrierte popular-wissenschaft- liclie Wochenschnft redigiert von Albert Edlen von Obermaj^er, Alfred Till und Heinrich Jaschke. Wien. (Konegen.) — Aus. Urhana, Bull. III. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, Urbana ana Champagne. 448 U.S. Urhana , Stud. Univ. Ill . ... University Studies. University of Illinois. Urbana. 451 U.S. Utrecht, Onderz. Physiol. Lab. Onderzoekingen gedaari in het physio- logisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Utrecht. 8vo. . 54 Hoi. VarSava, Izv. Univ. BapuiaBCKia yHHBepcHTOTCKifi H8B'h- CTifl. BapiuaBa [Bulletin de 1’Uni- versit^ Imp^riale de Varsovie]. 331 Rus. VarSava, Bab. zool. kab. Univ. PatfoTti H3i> BOOJiornHecKaro Katfn- neia BapmaBcicaro YHHBepcirreTa. BapuiaBa. [Travaux du cabinet zoologique de l’LJniversit^ de Var- sovie. Varsovie.] — Rus. Varsava, Trav. soc. nat. Proc. verb. reun. gen. Tpyflti BapmaBcnaro OdmecTBa eciecT- BOHcnuTaTenefl. IIpotokojiu odmaro codpaHifl. BapuiaBa [Travaux de la societe des naturalistes de Varsovie. Proc&s-verbaux de la reunion g4n6rale]. 336 Rus. Varsava, Trd. ObSc. jest. ... Tpy^ti BapmaBCKaro OdmecTBa eciecT- BOHcntiTaTeJiett. BapuiaBa [Travaux de la Soci4t4 des naturalistes de Varsoviel. 336 Rus. VendSme, Bid. soc. archiol. sci. Bulletin de la soci£t6 arch^ologique, scientifique et litt&raire du Venddmois. Vendome (Loir-et-Cher). [trimestr.] 843 Fr. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven. Atti del R. Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Venezia. 235 It. Venezia, Mem. 1st. ven. Memorie del R. Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Venezia. 236 It. Verh. D. KolKongr., Berlin (n-11091 s) Verhandlungen des deutschen Kolonial- kongresses. Berlin. — Ger. e 30 — 2 84 Verh. D. otol. Ges., Jena ... Verli. D. path . Ges., Berlin Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig Verh. Gea. D. Natf., Leip- zig Verh. Kongr. inn. Med., Wiesbaden . Verh. pomm. Forstver., Stettin Verh. Schweiz. Natf. Ges., Aarau Vermont , Hep. Geol., Mont- pelier Versailles, Mem. soc. sci. nat. VerSchr. GorresGes., Coin... Versl. Sta'at Ned. Zee- vissch., ’s Gravenhage Verhandlungen der deutschen otologi* schen Gesellschaft. Jena, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen der deutschen patho- logischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, [jalirl.] Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologi- schen Gesellschaft. Leipzig, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deut- scher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Leipzig, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen des Kongresses fur innere Medicin. Wiesbaden, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen des pomraerschen Forst- vereins. Stettin, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Aarau, Basel etc. 8vo. Report of the State Geologist on the Mineral Industries and Geology of certain areas of Vermont. Montpelier. Memoires de la societe des sciences naturelles et medicales de Seine-et- Oise. Versailles (Seine-et-Oise). [trimestr.] Gorres - Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft im katholischen Deutsch- land. Verein8sclniften. Coin. [3 H. jahrl.] Verslag van den Staat derNederlandsche Zeevisscherijen, ’s Gravenhage. 4to. Vest. ob§6. gigieny, St. Peterburg V&st. 0bS6. ptelovod., St. Peterburg Vest. rybopromySl., St. Peterburg Vest, saehai'n. promysl., Kiev Vest. sadov. plodov. ogorodn., St. Peterburg BhCTHHKTb OfimeCTBeHHOfi THlieHU, cy- jtednoii h npaKTunecKOfi Me/tHii,HHU. C.-IIeTep6ypivt [Messager d’hygiene publique et de medecine legale et usuelle. St.-Petersbourg]. BLcthmk^ pyccKaro odipeciBa lmejio- BO^CTBa. 0.-HeTep6yprri> [Messager de la Societe russe d’apiculture. St.- Petersbourg]. B'feCTHHK’i pudOnpOMLIIUJieHHOCTH ; op- rarrn Pyccitaro OdmeciBa pudoBOfl- ciBa h pudojiOBCTBa. 0. -Ilerepdypnb [Messager du commerce de poissons ; organe de la Socidte russe de pisci- culture et de peche. St.-Peters- bourg]. BLcthhkt. caxapHoa npoMLinuiennocTH. KieB^b [Messager de l’industrie du sucre. Kiev]. B'fccIHHK'B Ca^OBO^CTBa, UJIOAOBOJtCTBa h oropofl,HHHecTBa. u.-lIexepdypr,B [Messager d’horticulture, de culture fruiti&re et potagere. St.-P4ters- bourg]. 1080 Ger. 1081 Ger. 1082 Ger. 1083 Ger. 1076 Ger. 1089 Ger. 116 Swi. 585 U.S. 847 Fr. 1094 Ger. 56 Hoi. 343 Rus. 344 Rus. 354 Rus. 355 Rus. — Rus. 85 Vest. selisk. choz., Moskva BfecTnuKb ceJibCKaro xoanitcTBa. MocKBa [Messager d’agriculture. Moscoul. 356 Rus. Vest, vino del., St. Peterburg BicTHHicT, BHHOfl'fcjtifl. C.-lIeTep6ypFi> [Messager de viticulture. St. Peters- bourg]. 357 Rus. Vest, znan., St. Peterburg... BfecTHHK'L BHanm. C.-IIeTeptfyprB [Messager des sciences. St.-Peters- bourg.] — Rus. Veterin. vra&, St. Peter- burg Beiepimapubift BpaTt. C.-IIeiep- 6ypn> [Le veterinaire. St. Peterburg]. — Rus. Veterin. zizm, Moskva BeTepHnapitaa JKnonb. MocKBa [Vie veterinaire. Mosco.u], — Rus. V lath a, Pamtatn. hnizka Viatk. gub. IlaMHTnaH KHHacKa BaTCKoii rytfepnin. Banta [Almanach du gouveraement de Vjatka. Vjatka]. — Rus. Viet. Dept. Mines Bull. Geol. Surv., Melbourne Victoria, Department of Mines. Bulle- tins of the Geological Survey, Mel- bourne. — Viet. Viet. Dept. Mines Mem. Geol. Surv., Melbourne Victoria, Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria. Melbourne. — Viet. Viet. Dept. Mines Pee. Geol. Surv., Melbourne Victoria, Department of Mines. Records of the Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne. — vict. Viet. J. Dept. Agrie., Mel- bourne Journal of the Department of Agricul- ture, Victoria. Melbourne. 23 Vict. ♦ Viet. Nat., Melbourne The Victorian Naturalist. Melbourne ... 19 Vict. Vladimir, Trd. ObM. Inib. jest. Tpy/tbi BjiaflHMipcKaro OOiuecTBa jiio- 6HTejiefi ecTecTBoanania. Bjia^HMipT. [Travaux de la Societe des amateurs des sciences natureJles de Vladimir, Vladimir! — Rus. V ogelfreund, Munster i. W. „Vogelfreund“ Monatschrift zum Schutze und zur Erforschung der heimischen Vogel welt. Munster i. W. [monatl.] — Ger. Vogelivelt, Munster i. W. ... „Vogelwelt“ Monatschrift zum Schutze und zur Erforschung der heimischen Vogelwelt. Organ des Rhein-Westf- Lipp. Vogelschutz- und Kanarien- zuchter-Verbandes. Munster i. W. [monatl.] — Ger. Vortr. EntwMech., Leipzig Vortrage und Aufsatze uber Entwicke- lungsmechanik der Organismen. Hrsg. v. W. Roux. Leipzig, [zwangl.] — Ger. W. Amcr. Sei., San Diego, Cal. West American Scientist, San Diego, Cal. 454 U.S. Wageningen, Meded. Hoog. Land. Tuin Boschbouus. Mededeelingen van de Ryks Hoogere Land- Tuin- en Boschbouwschool en van de daaraan Verbonden Insti- tuten ; onder redaktie van hot bestuur dezer inrichting. Wagenin- gen. Veenman. 8vo. — Hoi. 86 Waidmannsheil, Klagen- furt Wanderer , Hirschberg Wanderer Ostpr., Elbing ... Warszawa, Spraw. Tow. Nauk Warwick, Proc. F. Cl. Washington, D.G., Bull. Phil. Soc. Washington , D.C., Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric . Bur. Anim. Indust. Washington, D.G., Bull. V. 8. Dept. Agnc. Div. Biol. Surv. Washington, D.C., Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. Washington, D.G., Bull. U. S. Fish Com. Washington, D.G., Carnegie Inst. Pub. Washington, D.G., Carnegie Inst. Year Book Washington, D.C., Cir. V. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Anim. Indust. Washington, D.C., Cir. V. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Washington, D.C., Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. Washington, D.C., Dept. Comm. Lab. Bur. Fish. Doc. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. Bull. U. 8. Qeol. Surv. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. U. S. Qeol. Surv. Monogr. Waidmannsbeil. Illustrierte Zeitschrift fur Jagd, Fischerei, Schiitzen- und Hundewesen. Red. v. Friedrich Leon. Klagenfurt. [£ monatl.] Der Wanderer im Riesengebirge. Organ des Riesengebirgs-Vereins. Hirsch- berg. [monatl.] Wanderer durch Ost- und Westpreussen Illustrierte Monatschrift zur Pflege heimatlicher Interessen. Bundeszeit- schrift des Verkehrsverbandes fur Ost- und Westpreussen. Elbing. [monatl.] Sprawozdania Towarzstwa Naukowego Warszawskiego. [Proceedings of the Scientific Society in Warsaw. Warsaw.] Proceedings of the Warwickshire Natu- ralists’ and Archaeologists’ Field Club, Warwick. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. Bulletin, (J. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C. Bulletin, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Division of Biological Survey, Washington, D.C. Bulletin, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Division of Entomology, Wash- ington, D.C. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, Washington, D.C. Carnegie Institution Publication. Wash- ington, D.C. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Year Book, Washington, D.C. Circular, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C. Circular. U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Division of Entomology, Wash- ington, D.C. Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D.C. Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Fisheries Document. Washington, D.C. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Department of the Interior. U. S. Geo- logical Survey. Monographs, Wash- ington, D.C. 398 Ger. 1102 Ger. — Ger. i — Pol. 424 U.K. 456 U.S. 457 U.Si 459 U.S. 462 U.S. 467a U.S. — U.S. 468 U.S. 469 U.S. 474 U.S. — U.S. — U.S. 516 U.S. 483 U.S. 87 Washington, D.C. Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr8. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv. Washington, D.C., George Washington LJniv. Bull. Professional Papers. Department of the Interior. U. S. Geological Sur- vey. Washington, D.C. Department of the Interior. Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. The George Washington University Bulletin. Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., Mem. Nation. Acad. Set. Memoirs of the National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., Proc. Acad. Sci. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. , Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, D.G., Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, D.G., Rep. U. S. Com. Fish. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Cont. Knowl. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Col- lect. Q. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Bull. Washington, D.C. , Smith- sonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Rep. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Sp. Bull. W ashington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Rep. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. Washington, D.C., Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Washington, D.C., Treas. Dept. Pub. Elth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Ilyg. Lab. Bull. Washington, D.C., TJ. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Report of the Commissioner, Wash- ington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Wash- ington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Quarterly, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. U. S. National Museum. Bulletin, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. U.S. National Museum. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. U. S. National Museum. Special Bulletin, Washing- ton, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Re- port of the Board of Regents, Wash- ington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. -U. S. National Museum. Proceedings, Washington, D.C. Technical Series. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomo- logy, Washington, D.C. Treasury Department, U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Bulletin. Washington, D.C. U. S. Department ^ of Agriculture. Bureau of Biological Survey, North American Fauna, Washington, D.C. - u.s. ; 482 U.S. i — U.S. 486 U.S. 486a U.S. 488 U.S. 489 U.S. 493 U.S. 496 U.S. 497 U.S. 498 U.S. 492 U.S. 501 U.S. 602 U.S. 500 U.S. 505 U.S. — U.S. 510 U.S. 88 Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Biol. Surv. Bull. Washington, D.G., U. S. Dept. Agric. Bar. Ent. Bull. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric. Farm. Bull. Washington, D.O., U. S. Dept. Agric. Off. Exp. Sta. Bee. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric. Rep. Bur. Anim. Indust. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Int. Bull. Geol. Surv. Washington, D.O., U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Atlas Geol. Surv. Washington, D.G., Year- book U. S. Dept. Agric. Watford, Trans. Herts Nat. Hist. Soc. Weidmann, Braunschweig... Wellington Coll., Ann. Rep. Nat. Sci. Soc. Wellington, Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. Wernigerode, Schr. natw. Ver. West lnd. Bull., Barbados West Virginia, Morgan- town, Pub. Geol. Surv. Wien, Abh.Geol.RclisAnst. Wien, Abh. ZoolBot. Ges. ... Wien, Aim. Ak. Wias. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Biological Survey. Bulletin. Washington, D.C. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin. Washington, D.C U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bul- . letin of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D.C. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmer’s Bulletin, Washington, D.C. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. Experiment Station Record, Washington, D.C. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Department of the Interior. Geological Atlas of the United States. U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Yearbook of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Watford and St. Albans. Der Weidmann. Blatter fur Jager und Jagdfreunde, red. v. Dr. L. Staby. Braunschweig-Charlottenburg. [woch.] Annual Report of the Wellington College Natural Science Society, Wellington. 8 vo. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, Wellington. Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Harzes in Wernigerode. Wernigerode. [zwanglos.] West Indian Bulletin, the Journal of the Imperial Agricultural Department for the West Indies, Barbados. Publications of the West Virginian Geological Survey, Morgantown. Abhandlungen der k. k. Geologischen Reichs-Anstalt. Wien, [zwanglos.] Abhandlungen der k. k. Zoologisch- Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Red. v. Anton Handlirsch. Wien, [zwanglos.] Almanack der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien, [jahrl.] 459 U.S. 462 U.S. 540 U.S. 508 U.S. 511 U.S. 512 U.S. 516 U.S. 517 U.S. 529 U.S. 148 U.K. 1106 Ger. 425 U.K. — N.Z. 1112 Ger. — W. In 531 U.S. 404 Aus. 405 Aus. 407 Aus. 89 Wien , Ann. Natllist. Ilof- mus. Wien, Anz. Ah. Wtss. Wien, Arh. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng. Wien, Denkachr. Ah. Wise. Wien, Jdhrb. Geol. Rchs- Anst. Wien, JahrBcr. Entom. Ver. Wien, JahrBcr. Ver. Adria Wien, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. Wien, Milt. Ost. RchsBd. V ogelh. Wien, Mitt. Polyxena Wien, Sclir. Ver. Verhr. Natic. Kcnntn, Annalen des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hof museums. Redig. von Franz Steindachner. Wien, [4 jahrl.] Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. [27 H. jahrl.] Arbeiten aus den Zoologischen-Insti- tuten der Universitat Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest. Herausgeg. v. Karl Grobben und Berthold Hatschek. Wien, [zwang- los.] Beitrage zur Palaontologie und Geo- logie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Mitteilungen des Palaon- tologischen und Geologischen Insti- tutes der Universitat Wien. Her- ausgegeben mit Unterstiitzung des hohen Ministeriums fur Kultus und Unterricht von Viktor Uhlig und Gfustav] von Arthaber. Wien, [i jahrl.] Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien, [zumindest jahrl.] Jahrbuch der k. k. Geologischen Reichs- Anstalt. Wien. [4 jahrl.] Jahresbericht des Wiener Entomologi- schen Vereines. Wien, [jahrl.] Jahresbericht des Vereines zur Forde- rung der natunvissenschaftliehen Erforschung der Adria. Wien, [jahrl.] Mitteilungen des Naturvvissenschaft- lichen Vereines an der Universitat Wien. Jahrlich 8-10 Nummern, Selbstverlag. Mitteilungen des Oslerreichischen Reichsbundes fiir Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz in Wien. Wien, [monatl.] Mitteilungen des entomologischen Vereins Polyxena. Wien, [monatl.] Schriften der Vereins zur Verbreitung Naturwissonschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien. [Nebentitel :] Populare Vortrage aus alien Fachern der Natunvissenschaft. Herausgegeben. vom Vereine zur Verbreitung Natur- wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien. Wien. [jahrl. bezw. in zwanelosen Heften.] 408 Aus. 409 Aus. 411 Aus. 415 Aus. 420 Aus. 425 Aus. 430 Aus. — Aus. — Aus. 447 Aus. — Aus. 471 Aus. 90 Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. .. Wien , Verb. Geol. Rcbs- Anat. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. Wiesbaden, Jabrb. Ver. Natk. Wild a. Ilund, Berlin Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio Wilts. Archeeol. Mag., Devizes Wisconsin, Madison, Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. Wiss. Meeresuntera.,Kid... W ocbenscbr. Aquarian- kunde, Braunschweig Wocbenscbr. Thierheilk., Miincben Wood's Roll, Mass ., Mar. Biol. Lab. Lect. Woolhope, Trans. Nat. F. Cl. Worcester, Trans. Nat. Cl. Wr Klin. 1 idsch., Wien ... Wr Klin. Wocbscbr., Wien Wr Med. Wocbscbr., Wien Sitzungsberichte der Kaiser-lichen Akaaemie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien, [in 4 Abteilungen, zwanglos.] Verhandlungen der k. k. Geologischen Reichs-Anstalt. Wien. [18 H. jahrl.] Verhandlungen der k. k. Zoologisch- Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Red. v. A[nton] Handlirsch. Wien. [10 H. jahrl.] Jahrbiicher des nassauischen Vereins fur Naturkunde. Wiesbaden, [jahrl.] Wild und Hund, red. v. Stahlecker. Berlin, [woch.] Wilson Bulletin. (Wilson Ornitho- logical Club.) Oberlin, Ohio. The Wiltshire Archasological, and Natu- ral History Magazine, Devizes. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin. Madison. Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchun- gen, hrsg. v. d. Commission zur wis- senschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel u. der Bio- logischen Anstalt auf Helgoland. Kiel, [zwanglos.] Wochenschrift fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde. Hrsg. v. W. Wolterstorff. Braunschweig, [woch.] Wochenschrift fiir Thierheilkunde und Viehzucht, hrsg. v. Albrecht und Goring. Miinchen. [woch.] Marine Biological Laboratory. Bio- logical Lectures, Wood’s Holl, Mass. Transactions of the Woolhope Natu- ralists’ Field Club, Hereford. 8vo. Worcester. The transactions of the Worcestershire Naturalists’ Club. [Established 1847.] Wiener Klinische Rundschau. Organ fiir die gesamte praktische Heilkunde sowie fur die Interessen des arztlichen Standes. Red. v. F. Obermayer und Karl Kunn. Wien, [wochentl.] Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. Organ der k. k. Gesellschaft der Arzte in Wien. Red. v. Alexander Fraenkel. Wien, [wochentl.] Wiener Medizinisclie Wochenschrift. Red. v. Heinrich Adler. Wien, [wochentl.] 472 Aus. 477 Aus. 479 Aus- 1121 Ger. 1123 Ger. 347 U.S. 426 U.K., 534 U.S. 1127 Ger. — Ger. 1136 Ger. 536 U.S.. 427 U.K. — U.K. 495 Aus.. 496 Aus.. 499 Aus. 91 Wr. Urania, Wien... W szeehSwiat, Warszawa ... Wurzburg, SitzBer. physik. Ges. Wurzburg, Verh. physik. Ges. Yorks. Proc. Geol. Polyt. Soe. York, Rep. Phil. Soc. Zagreb, Rad. Jugoslav. Ah. Zap. lesn. Suvalsk. okr., Suvalki Zap. Ob86. seltsk. choz. Ju&n. Ross., Odessa Zaragoza , Bol. Soe. Arag.... Zdrowie, Warszawa Zentralbl. inn. Med., Leip- zig ZentrBl. Forstwes., Wien... ZentrBl. Physiol., Wien ... Zool. Ann., Wurzburg Zool. Anz., Leipzig... Urania, illustrierte popularwissenschaft- liche Wochenschrift redigiert von Albert Edlen von Obermayer, Alfred Till und Heinrich Jaschke. Wien. (Konegen.) Wszech^wiat, tygodnik poSwi^conv naukom przyrodniczvm, red. Br. Znatowicz, Warszawa. 4to. [weekly.] Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch- medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurz- burg. W iirzburg. [jahrl. in z wangl. H.] Verhandlungen der pliysikalisch-medi- cinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. Wurzburg, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geologi- cal and Polytechnic Society, Halifax. Annual Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. York. 8vo. Rad Ju^oslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. [Transactions of the South Slav Academy of Art and Science.] Zagreb. 3anncKit ji’fccHiiHHX'B CyBaJicnaro 0- Kpyra. CyBaJiKH [M&noires des forestiers du district de Suvalki]. 3anncKH HMnepaTOpCKaro otfmecTBa cejibcicaro xo3aflcTBa JOacnofi Poccin. Oflecca [Memoires de la Soci4t6 Im- perials d’Agronomes de la Russie m£ridionale. Odessa]. Boletin de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales, Zaragoza. Zdrowie, red. W. Janowski, Warszawa. 8vo. [monthly.] Zentralblatt fiir innere Medicin, red. v. Unverricht. Leipzig, [woch.] Zentralblatt fiir das gesamte Forstwesen. Organ der k. k. Forstlichen Versuchs- anstalt. Herausgegeben von Josef Friedrich. Wien, [monatl.] Zentralblatt fiir Physiologie. Unter Mit- wirkung der Physiologischen Gesell- schaft zu Berlin una der Morpho- logisch - Physiologischen Gesellschaft zu Wien herausgegeben von Siegmund Fuchs und J. Munk. Wien und Leip- zig. [2 wochentl.] Zoologische Annalen. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte der Zoologie. Hrsg. von Max Braun. Wurzburg. Zoologischer Anzeiger, hrsg. v. Carus. Leipzig. [2-3 Nrn monatl.] Aus. 57 Pol. 1140 Ger. 1141 Ger. 430 U.K. 431 U.K. — Croat. — Rus. 380 Rus. — Spain 59 Pol. 280 Ger. 506 Aus. 510 Aus. — Ger. 1148 Ger. 92 Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M. Zool. Garten , Frankfurt a. M. Zool. Jahrb., Jena Zool. Jahresber., Berlin ... Zool. Fee., London Zool. Zentralbl., Leipzig ... Zoologica, Stuttgart Zoologist, London ... Zs. allg. Physiol., Jena ... Zs. angeiv. Mikrosk., Leipzig Zs. Augenheilk., Berlin Zs. Biol., Munchen... Zs. biol. Techn., Strassburg Zs. Ent., Breslau Zs. Entwlehre, Stuttgart ... Zs. Ethn., Berlin Z 8. exper. Path., Berlin ... Zoologischer Beobachter. Organ der zoologischen Garten Deutschlands. Hrsg. v. d. Neuen zoologischen Ge- sellschaft. Frankfurt a. M. [monatl.] Der zoologische Garten, hrsg. v. d. neuen zoologischen Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt a. M. [monatl.] Zoologische Jahrbiicher, hrsg. v. Spen- gel. 1. Abth. fur Anatomie. 2. Abth. fiir Systematik. Jena. [Die Abth. 4 H. jahrl.] Nebst Supple- mented Zoologischer Jahresbericht, hrsg. v. d. zool. Station zu Neapel. Berlin, [referirend, jahrl.] The Zoological Record, London... Zoologisches Zentralblatt, hrsg. v. Schuberg. Leipzig, [referirend, 26 Nrn jahrl.] Zoologica. Original-Abhandlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Zoologie, hrsg. v. Chun. Stuttgart. [3-4 II. jahrl.] The Zoologist, London. 8vo Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Physiologie, hrsg. v. Max Verworn. Jena, [unbestimmt.] Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Mikroskopie und klinische Chemie, hrsg. v. Marpmann. Leipzig, [monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir Augenheilkunde, red. v. Kuhnt u. v. Michel. Berlin, [monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, hrsg. v. Kiihue u. Voit. Miinchen. [£ jahrl.] Zeitschrift fiir biologische Technik und Methodik. Hrsg. v. M. Gildemeister. Strassburg. Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie, hrsg. vom Veroin fiir schlesische Insoktenkunde zu Breslau. Breslau, [jahrl.] Zeitschrift fiir den Ausbau der Ent- wicklungslehre. Hrsg. v. R. H. France. Stuttgart, [jahrl 12 Hefte.] Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, red. v. Bar- tels etc. Berlin. [2 monatl.] Nebst : Nachrichten iiber deutsche Alter- thumskunde. Zeitschrift fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie. Hrsg. L. Brieger etc. Berlin, [zwanglos.] — Ger. 1150 Ger. 1151 Ger. 1152 Ger. 435 U.K. 1149 Ger. 1153 Ger 434 U.K 1279 Ger. 1157 Ger. 1160 Ger. 1168 Ger. — Ger. 1180 Ger. — Ger. 1181 Ger. — Ger. 93 Zs. Fischerei, Berlin Zeitschrift fur Fischerei und deren Hilfswissenschaften, hrsg. im Auftrage des Deutschen Fischerei-Vereins von P. Schiemenz und F. Fischer. Berlin. 1280 Ger. Zs. Fleischhyg., Berlin Zeitschrift fiir Fleisch- und Milclihy- giene, red. v. Ostertag. Berlin, [monatl.] 1183 Ger. Zs. Forstw ., Berlin Zeitschrift fur Forst- und Jagdwesen. Berlin, [monatl.] 1184 Ger. Zs. Qeburtsh., Stuttgart ... Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gyna- kologie, hrsg. v. Olshausen u. Hof- meier. Stuttgart. [6 H. jahrl.] 1186 Ger. Zs. Hyg., Leipzig ... Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infektions- krankheiten, hrsg. v. Koch. u. Fliigge. Leipzig. [8 H. jahrl.] 1193 Ger. Zs. Eymenopter., Teschen- dorf Zeitschrift fiir systematische Hymeno- pterologie und Dipterologie, hrsg. v. Konow. Teschendorf bei Stargard. [2 monatl.] 1194 Ger. Zs. indukt. Abstammgs- lehre, Berlin Zeitschrift fiir induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre. Hrsg. v. C. Correns u. a Berlin, [zwangl.] — Ger. Zs. Infehthranhh. Uaustiere Berlin Zeitschrift fiir Infektionskrankheiten, parasitare Krankheiten und Hygiene der Haustiere. Hrsg. v. R. Ostertag. Berlin, [zwangl.] — Ger, Zs. Jagdschutzver., Berlin... Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Jagdschutz - Vereins sowie der deutschen Versuchs - Anstalt fiir Handfeuerwaffen. Berlin. 827 Ger. Zs. him. Med., Berlin Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin,red. v, v. Leyden u. Klemperer. Berlin. [15 H. jahrl.! 1199 Ger. Zs. Landw. VersWes., Wien Zeitschrift fiir das Landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Osterreich. Vom k. k. Ackerbauministerium subven- tion iertes Organ fiir wissenschaftliche Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Landwirtschaft und der landwirt- schaftlichen Gewerbe. Red. v. E. Meissi etc. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, [monatl.] 520 Aus. Zs. Laryng., Wurzburg Zeitschrift fiir Laryngologie, Rhinologie und ihre Grenzgebiete. Hrsg. v. F. Blumenfeld. Wiirzburg. [2 monatl.] — Ger. Zs. LehrmWes ., Wien Zeitschrift fiir Lehrmittelwesen und padagogische Literatur. Herausge- geben v. Franz Frisch. Wien. [10 H. jahrl.] — Aus. Zs. Min., Stuttgart... Zeitschrift fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie. Hrsg. v. R. Zim- mermann. Stuttgart, [monatl.] — Ger. Zs. Morph., Stuttgart Zeitschrift fiir Morpliologie und Antliro- pologie, hrsg. v. Schwalbe. Stuttgart, zwanglos.] 1213 Ger. 94 Zs . Natw., Leipzig ... Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen. Leipzig. [2 monatl.] 1214 Ger. Zs. Oologie, Berlin Zeitschrift fiir Oologie. Organ fiir Wissenschaft und Liebhaberei. Berlin. 1308 Ger. Za. Ornith., Stettin Zeitschrift fur Ornithologie und prak- tische Gefliigelzucht. Organ des Ver- bandes der ornithologischen Vereine Pommerns. Stettin, [monatl.] 1218 Ger. Zs. Pflanzenkrarikh., Stutt- gart Zeitschrift fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten, hrsg. v. Sorauer. Stuttgart. [2 monatl.] 1222 Ger. Za. Philoa., Leipzig Zeitschrift fiir Philosophie und philo- sophische Kritik, hrsg. v. Falcken- berg. Leipzig. [4 jahrl.] 1223 Ger. Za. Philos. Pad., Langen - aalza Zeitschrift fiir Philosophie und Pada- gogik, hrsg. v. Fliigel u. Rein. Langensalza. [2 monatl.] 1224 Ger. Za. Psychol., Leipzig Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Physiolo- gic der Sinnesorgane, hrsg. v. Ebbing- haus und Kdnig. Leipzig. [18 H. jahrl.] 1229 Ger. Za. Thiermed ., Jena Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin, red. v. Albrecht etc. Jena. [2 monatl.] 1234 Ger. Zs. Untera. Nalirgamittel, Berlin Zeitsclirift fiir Untersuchung der Nah- rungs- und Genussmittel, hrsg. v. v. Buchka etc. Berlin, [monatl.] 1237 Ger. Za. Veterinark., Berlin ... Zeitschrift fiir Veterinarkunde mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Hygiene, red. v.’Grammlich. Berlin, [monatl.] 1244 Ger. Zs. wise. Inaektenbiol., Berlin Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche In- sektenbiologie. Friiher : Allg. Zs. Ent. Hrsg. v. C. Schroder. Berlin, [monatl.] — Ger. Za. wisa. Uikroak., Leipzig Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikro- skopie und mikroskopische Technik, hrsg. v. Behrens. Leipzig. [£ jahrl.] 1248 Ger. Za. wiaa. Zool., Leipzig Ziirich, Abh. Schweiz, pal. Oea. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoo- logie, hrsg. v. Kolliker u. Ehlers. Leipzig. [8 H. jahrl.] v. Basel, Abh. Schweiz pal. Ges. 1249 Ger. Zurich, Mitt. Schweiz. Forstl. Verauchaw. Mitteilungen der schweizerischen Cen- tralanstalt fiir das forstliche Versuchs- wesen. Zurich. 8vo. 123 Swi. Zurich, Neujahrbl. natf. Neujahrsblatt der Naturforschenden Ge- sellschaft in Zurich. 4to. — Swi. Zurich, Vierteljahrach. Natf. Oea. Vierteljahrschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. Ziirich und Miinchen. 8vo. 125 Swi. 95 %um. nejrop. psichiatr. imeni Korsakova, Moskva JKypHajn. neftponaTOJiorin h ncnxiaT- pm HMenn 0. 0. KopcanoBa. MocKBa [Journal de n6vrologie et de psy- chiatric public en memoiro de S. S. Korsakoff. Moscou]. 393 Rus. Zurn. ObS6. Hub. komn. rast., St. Peterburg JKypriajirb OtfigecTBa jiro^HTeneit kom- iiaTHHXTb pacTenift h aKBapiyMOBT.. O.-IIeTepdypr'B [Journal de la Soci4te des Amateurs de plantes et d’aquariums. St.-P6tersbourg]. 394 Rus. Zwickau, Jahresber. Ver. Natk. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Natur- kunde zu Zwickau. Zwickau, [jahrl.] 1253 Ger. The numbers in the right-hand column are those used in the General List of Journals relating to all sciences which is 'published by the Inter- national Catalogue of Scientific TAterature as a separate volume. INDEX TO NAMES OF NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA RECORDED IN THIS VOLUME (INCLUDING NEW NAMES FOR GENERA PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED). ^ Abanus, Distant, Ins. 385 Abulfeda, Distant, Ins. 385 Acamptopsis, Champion, Ins. 250 Acanthaphodius, Schmidt, Ins. 231 Acantharadus, Banks , Ins. 388 Acanthoparyphium, Dietz, Verm. 31 Acardystus, Reitter, Ins. 216 Accaphila, Kirby, Ins. 412 Achoanomphalus, Lindholm, Moll. 77 Achopcrinus, Lea, Ins. 250 Acidopsilus, Kieffer , Ins. 299 Acrorchilu3, Ridgway, Aves. 113 Acroriodes, Hampson, Ins. 330 Acrotychreus, Lea, Ins. 250 Acrunocciella, Marty now, Ins. 355 Actinothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 407 Acylochilus, Ohaus, Ins. 234 Adauctus, Distant, Ins. 385 Adel, Broun, Ins. 250 Adenomeris, Ribaut, Arachn. Myr. 51 Adiaerctus, Hagedorn, Ins. 261 Adiaphorothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 407 Adoxotoma, Simon, Arachn. 35 Aeshnasoma, Johnson, Ins. 366 Aetherastis, Meyrick, Ins. 349 Afakia, Kirkaldy , Ins. 397 Agalm aster, Schdndorf, F.chin. 42 Agaricophaena, Reitter, Ins. 220 Agenora, Cameron, Ins. 293 Agnievella, Cossmann, Moll. 61 Agonodromius, Reitter, Ins. 216 Agriopodes, Hampson, Ins. 331 Aidoncus, Distant, Ins. 388 Albulina, Tutt, Ins. 314 Alda, Reuter, Ins. 392 Alepidia, Reuter, Ins. 392 Alcpidophora, Cockerell , Ins. 370 Aleurodothrips, Franklin, Ins. 407 AllagogU3, Gab an, Ins. 262 Alloionema, Hartlaub, Coel. 17 Allophylopsis, Lamb, Ins. 377 Alteuthella, Scott, Crust. 44 Altonomus, Desbrochers, Ins. 250 Ambrocharis, Sicard, Ins. 273 Amerus, Collinge k Shoebotham, Ins. 428 Amidostomum, Railliet k Henry, Verm. 41 Amiran tea, Distant, Ins. 383 Ammodiscoides, Cushman, Prot. 50 Amphibolothrips, Buff a. Ins. 407 Amphimetra, Clark, Echin. 47 Amphipsylla, Wagner, Ins. 382 Amphiskirra, Broun, Ins. 250 Amphitrochilia, Cossmann, Moll. 61 Ampullariella, Raspail, Moll. 61. Amurus, Atlems, Arachn. Myr. 51 Anabolioides, Martynow, Ins. 355 Anacroneuria, Klapalek, Ins. 410 Anacrostichus, Bezzi, Ins. 371 Anact-inia, Annandale, Coel. 25 Anactinothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 407 Anaphoidea, Girault, Ins. 300 Anardis, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 51 Anareolaria, Shelf ord, Ins. 417 Anataxis, Casey, Ins. 237 Anchieta, Navas, Ins. 357 AnchistrOtos, Brian, Crust. 45 Anchoblatta, Shelf ord. Ins. 417 Ancylotropus, Cameron, Ins. 296 Anderssonia, Strebel, Moll. 76 Andesimyia, Brtthes, Ins. 374 Andiorrhinus, Cognetti, Verm. 54 Angustella, Waagen, Moll. 83 The total number of names in this index is 1,820, distributed as follows : — Protozoa, 36; Pori f era, 9; Coelenterata, 2G ; Eehinodermata, 68; Vermidea,Q(y, Brachiopoda, 5; Bryozoa, 53; Mollusca, 83; Crustacea, 99; Arachnida, 47; Myriopoda, 66 ; Insecta, 1138 ; Prochordata, 2 ; Pisces, 42 ; Reptilia and Batrachia, 21 ; Ares, 23 ; Mammalia, 33. The total last year was 1,854. (x-11091 t) e 31 9 Anillochlamys, Jeannel , Ins. 226 Anisarctus, Desbrochers, Ins. 250 Ankistroxenus, Attems, Arachn. Mvr. 51 . / Annandaliella, Hirst, Arachn. 28 Anomphax, Warren , Ins. 339 Anoplohydrus, Werner, Rept. 30 Anoplosnastus, Schmidt, Ins. 400 Anoplostethus, Schmidt, Ins. 400 Anostomoldes, Pdlegrin, Pisces 41 Anoxylabis, Kieffer, Ins. 300 Antagonaspis, Endcrlein, Ins. 216 Antarctophytosus, Enderlein, Ins. 220 Antarctotaohinus, Enderlein, Ins. 220 Anthracamoeba, Sack, Ins. 370 Antillaster, Lambert, Echip. 29 Antillochimaera, Tanaka, Pisces 43 Antiphilus, Distant, Ins. 392 Antrops, Enderlein , Ins. 377 Anydrophila, John, Ins. 332 Aoromius, Desbrochers, Ins. 250 Apachnas, Distant, Ins. 397 Apemon, Johannsen, Ins. 362 Aphocoelis, Broun, Ins. 250 Aphrosylopsis, Lamb, Ins. 372 Aphypia, Melichar, Ins. 397 Apnorisa, Bolivar, Ins. . 424 Apocaucus, D istant, Ins. 389 Apollodotus, Distant, Ins. 392 Apotmetus, Marshall, Ins. 251 Archaeacriditis, Meunier, Ins. 415 Archaeocompsoneura, Meunier, Ins. 415 Archaeophasraa, Matthew, Ins. 419 Archaeophlebia, Bis, Ins. 412 Archichauliodes, Wedele, Ins. 357 Archichcir, Eigenmann , Pisces 41 Arohiconioptoryx, Enderlein, Ins. 357 Archidux, Burr, Ins. 416 Arctogeophilus, Attems, Araclin. Myr. 49 Arctoscala, Dali, Moll. 62 1 Aretas, Distant, Ins. 392 Argiolestes, Martin, Ins. 412 Argyrandrus, Bezzi, Ins. 371 Aribalus, Distant, Ins. 392 ' : Aristerus, Simon, Arachn. 32 Aristochiton, Thiele, Moll. 60 Aristonabis, Beuter & Poppius. Ins. 389 Arixenia, Jordan, Ins. 416 Artemonopsis, Germain, Moll. 77 Arthroplea, Bengtsson, Ins. 44 Arthropoma, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 20 Arthropsyllus, Sars, Crust. 45 Artinska, Sdlards, Ins. 415 Artopoetes, Chapman, Ins. 314 Asamia, Thiry , Ins. 237 Asaphistis, Meyrick, Ins. 348 Asiraoneura, Czerny, Ins. 377 Asmaratrox, Heller, Ins. 251 Aspidelectra, Levinsen, Brach. Brjr. 20 Aspidothyri3, Diener, Brach. 10 Aspistomella, Hendd, Ins. 377 Astacopsidrilus, Goddard, Verm. 54 Astenognathus, Beitter, Ins. 221 Astrothrombus, Clark, Echin. 45 Atanygnathus, Jacobson, Ins. 221 Atava, Sellards, Ins. 415 Ateleonotus, Cameron, Ins. 293 Atholister, Beitter, Ins. 227 Athor, Broun, Ins. 251 Atkinsonianus, Distant, Ins. 385 Atrichops, Verrall, Ins. 369 Attarus, Broun, Ins. 251 Aucklandella, Cameron, Ins. 293 Aucklandobius, Enderlein, Ins. 410 Auriga, Kirkaldy, Ins. 383 Austenia, Surcouf, Ins. 368 Austrocordulia, Tillyard, Ins. 412 Austroleon, Banks, Ins. 357 Austrophya, Tillyard, Ins. 412 Axiokersos, Distant, Ins. 388 Axiologina, Hendd, Ins. 377 Axiopoeniella, Strand, Ins. 320 Baden is, Weise, Ins. 267 Baelozygum, Bergroth, Ins. 385 Baeopterus, Lamb, Ins. 377 Baeorhynchodes, Broun, Ins. 251 Baeostethus, Broun, Ins. 221 Baikaliella, Lindholm, Moll. 62 Balaenanemertes, Burger, Verm. 36 Balanometra, Clark, Echin. 47 Bardesanus, Distant, Ins. 389 Barton ius, Ortmann, Crust. 31 Barytclphusa, Alcock, Crust. 29 Bathmostomum, Baitliet & Henry, Verm. 41 Bathosomyia, Theobald , Ins. 364 Bathycalanus, Sars, Crust. 45 Bathypectinura, Clark, Echin. 45 Bathypontia, Sars, Crust. 45 Batillipes, Bichters, Arachn. 45 Batrachemys, Stejneger, Rept. 32 Batristilbus, Baftray, Ins. 224 Baudiicarabus, Ganglbauer, Ins. 216 Bdellolarynx, Austen, Ins, 374 Beamys, Thomas, Mamm. 65 Bearnicistela, Pic, Ins. 246 Bebelothrips, Buff a, Ins. 407 Belenus, Distant, Ins. 388 Belinuropsis, Matthew, Arachn. 9 Belka, Broun, Ins^ 251 Bengalichtliys, Annandale, Pisces' 43 Benthomisophria, Sars, Crust. 45 Bephratoides, Brues, Ins. 296 Berengueria, Bolivar, Ins. 424 Bicellarina, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 20 3 Biollcyana, Distant, Ins. 397 Birkmania, Viereck, Ins. 278 Bironium, Csiki, Ins. 227 Blanfordiceras, Cossmann, Moll. 92 Blaptoprosodes, Reitter , Ins. 244 Boerias, Kirkaldy, Ins. 383 Bolbochromus, Boucomont , Ins. 231 Bolbosoma, Porta , Verm. 43 Bomarion, Gounelle, Ins. 262 Bombylopsis, Lutz, Ins. 368 Bonhourella, Grqvier, Verm. 52 Bonneviella, Broch, Coel. 17 Borcllia, Burr, Ins. 416 Bormetella, Cossmann, Moll. 62 Bothrinia, Chapman, Ins. 314 Bothriomolus, Hallez, Verm. 30 Bothrometopa, Hendel, Ins. 378 Bothrophoria, Felix, Cool. 25 Bothrycaria, Sicard, Ins. 273 Bothryperus, Hagedorn, Ins. 261 Botryllocarpa, Hartmeyer, Prochord. 6 Boudicea, Kirkaldy, Ins. 385 Bouviorclla, Surcouf, Ins. 368 Brachybaridius, Champion, Ins. 251 Brachycephalapis, Viereck, Ins. 278 Brachygnathus, Hussakof, Pisces 43 Bradycalanus, Scott, Crust. 45 Brasiliicola, Kirkaldy, Ins. 383 Breuillia, Jeannel, Ins. 226 Bruggmanniella, Tavares, Ins. 360 Brunella, Smith, Crust. 45 Bryochandus, Eigenmann, Pisces 40 Bryophacis, Reitter, Ins. 221 Bubastoides, Ker remans, Ins. 237 Bugularia, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 20 Bunduica, Jacobi, Ins. 397 Bunodaster, Verrill, Echin. 43 Busas, Jacobi , Ins. 397 Busckia, Champion, Ins. 251 Busckiella, Champion, Ins. 251 Bythobletus, Reitter, Ins. 224 Caberiella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 20 Caberoides, Canu, Brach. Bry. 20 Cadmilos, Distant, Ins. 388 Caementella, Borgert, Prot. 53 Caenocholax, Pierce , Ins. 275 Caenopsylla, Rothschild, Ins. 382 Cainocreadium , Nicoll, Verm. 3) Calamaclostes, Enderlein, Ins. 409 Caleucoola, Kieffer, Ins. 302 Calischnopoda, Reitter, Ins. 221 Callogryllus, Sjustedt, Ins. 420 Callonotacris, Rehn, Ins. 424 Calloplax, Thiele, Moll. 60 Callosphecodes, Friese, Ins. 278 Callostracuna, Smith, Moll. 63 Calmania, Bouvier, Crust. 33 Calocarcinus, Caiman , Crust. 29 (n- 11091 0 Calodiplosis, Tavares, Ins. 360 Calofigites, Kieffer, Ins. 302 Calophasidia, llampson. Ins. 332 Calphurnia, Distant, Ins. 389 Calvertia, Ludlow, Ins. 364 Calvertina, Ludlow, Ins. 364 Calvetina, Canu, Brach. Bry. 20 Calyptomma, Tatter sail, Crust. 34 Camptochilella, Reuter, Ins. 392 Candidia. Jordan & Richardson, Pisces 39 Canthocalami8, Scott, Crust. 46 Cantonophis, Werner, Kept. 30 Capillaster, Clark, Echin. 47 Capsellina, Penard, Prot. 49 Cardanopsis, Boileau, Ins. 231 Caridillus, Bergroth, Ins. 383 Carnegiella, Eigenmann, Pisces 40 Carobius. Banks, Ins. 357 Caryojnyia, Felt, Ins. 360 Casebla, Emerton, Arachn. - 31 » Castanochilus, Ohaus, Ins. 234 Catadryobius, Broun, Ins. 252 Cataglypsus, Kirkaldy , Ins. 383 Catalexis, Walsingham, Ins. 350 Catanopsobius, Sliveslri, Arachn. Mvr. 49 Cataschisma, Branson , Moll. 63 Catenoscala, Dali, Moll. -63 Cavernacris, Sjostedt, Ins. 420 Celidaus, Lea, Ins. 252 Celidotella, Reitter, Ins. 236 Cenchrometopa, Hendel, Ins. 378 Cenometra, Clark, Echin. 48 Centhrarthra, Hampson, Ins. 332 Cepedella, Poyarkoff, Prot. 63 Cephalochrysis, Semenov, Ins. 292 Cephaloidophora, Mavrodiadi, Prot. 56 Cephalomutilla, Andre, Ins. 285 Cephalopycnus, Arrow, Ins. 229 Ceratites, Rehn & Hebard, Ins. 419 Ccratonotus, Sars, Crust. 46 Ceratopacha, Aurivillius, Ins. 321 Ccrbussouia, Wilhelmi, Verm. 30 Cercobaris, Champion, Ins. 252 Cerogenes, Horvath, Ins. 397 Ceryerda, Simon, Arachn. 33 Ceylon ia, Lichlwardt, Ins. 371 Chabertia, Railliet & Henry, Verm. 41 Chaeropsodes, Gilchrist & Thompson, Pisces 36 Chaetonura, Mallocli, Ins. 372 Chaetophilopcia, Verhoeff, Crust. ■ 38 Chagosia, Walker, Crust. 40 Chalcamoeba, Sack, Ins. 371 Chalcidopterella, Enderlein, Ins. 296 Chalcobaris, Champion, Ins. 252 Chalcobombus, Cockerell, Ins. 279 Chalcopsis, Kirkaldy, Ins. 383 e 31—2 4 Champsoborus, Boulenger, Pisces 41 Chariaster, Loriol, Echin. 43 Charitopella, Crosby , Ins. 297 Chaunocephalus, Dietz, Verm. 31 Cheilopora, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Cheopsia, Fourteau, Echin. 31 Chilenophilus, Atlems, Arachn. Myr. 49 Chimetopon, Schmidt , Ins. 397 Ckionamoeba, Sack, Ins. 371 Chioneigia, Heron, Ins. 317 Chionopsyche, Aurivillius, Ins. 321 Chiromachla. Strand, Ins. 321 'Chitonophora, Benglsson, Ins. 411 ■Chlaeniellus, Reitter, Ins. 217 Chlamydina, Cossmann, Moll. 63 Ohlorometra, Clark, Echin. 48 <3ioerorrhynchus, Champion, Ins. 252 Chondrometopum, Hendel, Ins. 378 ^Chiostobapta, Warren, Ins. 339 Chrysamoeba, Sack, Ins. 371 Chrysobaris, Champion, Ins. 252 Ohrysoceraea, Weele, Ins. 357 Ohuneola, Woltereck, Crust. 42 Oibolocrinus, Weller, Echin. 48 Cimoliocentrum, Cossmann, Moll. 63 Cinnamus, Distant, Ins. 392 Citharomantis, Rehn, Ins. 419 Cladoconnus, Reitter, Ins. 220 Cladonotella, Hancock, Ins. 424 Claremontia, Rohwer, Ins. 304 Clathrolima, Cossmann, Moll. 84 Clathrorthalicus, Strebel, Moll. 78 Clelandia, Johnston, Verm. 34 Cleruchus, Enoch, Ins. 300 Clivinaxi8, Reitter, Ins. 217 Cloeophora, Dietz, Verm. 32 Olypeolus, Broun, Ins. 252 Coccogenia, Cockerell & Callaway, Pisces 39 ‘Cocculinella, Thiele, Moll. 64 Coenothele, Simon, Arachn. 29 Colobometra, Clark, Echin. 48 Columnaria, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Com actinia, Clark, Echin. 48 Comanthina, Clark, Echin. 48 Comatilia, Clark, Echin. 48 Oominia, Clark, Echin. 48 Comissia, Clark, Echin. 48 Oommatica, Meyrick, Ins. 350 ■Compsoceridius, Bruch, Ins. 263 Compsodiplosis, Tavares, Ins. 360 Compsoscytus, Reuter, Ins. 392 Conocladus. Clark, Echin. 45 Conoprosopa, Becker, Ins. 372 'Consivius, Distant, Ins. 386 Copocentra. Meyrick, Ins. 350 Coptophlcbia, Bezzi, Ins. 371 Coquillettapis, Yiereck, Ins. 279 Cordylosoma, Roth, Prot. 63 Cornacantha, Martin, Ins. 413 Cornucopina, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Coryacris, Rehn, Ins. 424 Corymbophanes, Eigenmann, Pisces 38 Oorypsylla, Fox, Ins. 382 Coscinum, Hendel, Ins. 378 Cosmetira, Hartlaub, Cool. 17 Cosmiometra, Clark, Echin. 49 Costicella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Cotylorhipis, Blanchard , Verm. 34 Couthouyella, Barisch, Moll. 64 Craspedometopon, Kertesz, Ins. 367 Craspedometra, Clark, Echin. 49 Craspia, Aurivillius, Ins. 321 Crassisoma, Alessandrini, Verm. 41 Crateripora, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Oremopalpus, Strand, Ins. 333 Crepidacantha, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Cribricella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Crinometra, Clark, Echin. 49 Crossoura, Moberg & Segerberg, Arachn. 7 Crotalometra, Clark, Echin. 49 Cryptopelta, Clark, Echin. 45 Cryptopteromyia, Trdgrrdh, Ins. 373 Crystallomorpha, Rehn, Ins. 420 Ctenobrycon, Eigenmann, Pisces 40 Ctenochauliodes, Weele, Ins. 357 Ctenoparia, R thschild, Ins. 382 Ctenoplectrella, Cockerell, Ins. 279 Cupanoscelis, Qounelle, Ins. 263 Curvimanon, Fleischer, Ins. 226 Cyaneolytta, Firinguey, Ins. 248 Cyanobaris, Champion, Ins. 253 Cyatliopria, Kieffer, Ins. 300 Cyclidolon, Reuter, Ins. 392 Cycloptiloides, Sjiistedt, Ins. 420 Cyclotaphrys, Townsend, Ins. 375 Cylindrotelphusa, Alcock, Crust. 29 Cynomacrurus, Dollo, Pisces 37 Cynortina, Banks, Arachn. 38 Cyphanza, Cameron, Ins. 293 Cyphocallipus, Verhoeff, Arachn. Myr. 51 Cypriacis, Casey, Ins. 237 Cyrtobaris, Champion, Ins. 253 Cyrtomostoma, Hendel, Ins. 378 Cystopelta, Petlerd & Hedley, Moll. 78 Cytheromorpha, Hirschmann, Crust. 53 Czernya, Stroll, Ins. 375 Dactylobatus, Bean & Weed, Pisces 43 Dactylonephthj'a, Thomson & Simp- son, Coel. 22 Daetylophrya, Collin, Prot. 64 Baldorfia, Rathbun, Crust. 29 Daphaenodon, Peterson, Mamin. 62 Dascillocyphon, Everts, Ins. 240 Daseochaefca, Warren, In3. 333 Dasydemella, Enderlein, Ins. 408 Datames, Horvdth, Ins. 383 Deinosuchus, Holland, Rept. 32 Deipyle, Champion , Ins. 253 Deliphrosoma, Reitler, Ins. 221 Delodiplosis, Tavares, Ins. 300 Delopatagus, Koehler , Echin. 32 Delopterum, Sellards, Ins. 415 Dendrites, Kirkaldy , Ins. 383 Dondrobeania, Levinsen, Braoh. Bry. 21 Dendroiketcs, Burr, Tns. 416 Dermatocheir, Durbin, Pisces 41 Desidiopsis, Fage, Arachn. 34 Desmotetrapedia, Schrottky , Ins. 279 Desmozosteria, Shelf or d. Ins. 418 Diaprograpta, Simon, Arachn. 33' Diargia, Calvert, Ins. 413 Dicaiothrips, Buff a, Ins. 407 Dichagnostus, Jaekel, Arachn. 7 Dichelyne, Jdgerskibld, Verm. 42 Dichomorpha, Kuhnl, Ins. 272 Dichranochirus, Simon, Arachn. 38 Dichrometra, Clark, Echin. 49 Dichroocoris, Reuter, Ins. 392 Dicopus, Enock, Ins. 300 Dictyaster, Stefanini, Echin. 33 Dilopersina, Reitler, Ins. 244 Dimorphozoum, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 21 Dinanamesus, Dyar & Knab, Ins. 365 Dindinga, Distant, Ins. 397 Dineta, Ooddard, Verm. 56 Dinogeophilus, Silvestri, Arachn. Myr. 49 Dinognathus, Hussakof, Pisces 43 Dinomyia, Martynov), Ins. 355 Dinusina, Bernhauer, Ins. 221 Dioscoma, Meyrick, Ins. 351 Diophantus, Distant, Ins. 392 Diphthcrocome, Warren, Ins. 333 Diphthcrogaster, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 49 Diplagnostus, Jaekel, Arachn. 7 Diplectellus, Reitler, Ins. 225 Diprosodes, Reitter, Ins. 244 Diptychochilus, Doncieux, Moll. 64 Dirhabdophallus, Pocock, Arachn. Myr. 51 Discocephalessa, Kirkaldy, Ins. 384 Disodontogenus, Marshall, Ins. 253 Dissoceros, Sicard, Ins. 273 Dissodontaspis, Kieffer, Ins. 303 Dissoxylabis, Kieffer , Ins. 300 Dolichiella, Reuter, Ins. 391 Dolichobaris, Champion, Ins. 253 Dolichochile, Viereck, Ins. 279 Dolophilodes, Ulmer , Ins. 355 Donaconethis, Enderlein, Ins. 409 Dorycallipus, Verhoeff, Arachn. Myr. 51 Dorydiscus, Carnevale, Prot. 54 Doryphacus, Carnevale, Prot. 54 Doxozilora, Broun, Ins. 246 Drepanocephalus, Dietz, Verm. 32 Drepanotermes, Silvestri, Ins. 409 Drevermannia, Richter, Arachn. 7 Drioctistes, Ridgway, Aves 114 Druthmarus, Distant, Ins. 392 Dryadocoris, Kirkaldy, Ins. 384 Drymaria, Broun, Ins. 254 Dryoperia, Coolidge, Ins. 351 Dumbrellia? Lea, Ins. 241 Duratopsis, Melichar, Ins. 401 Dzieduszychia, Siemiradski, Brach. 11 Dziedzickia, J ohannsen, Ins. 362 Ebutius, Distant, Ins. 393 Echinochasmus, Dietz, Verm. 32 Echinoparyphium, Dietz, Verm. 32 Echinopsyllus, Sars, Crust. 47 Echinorhynchotaenia, Fuhrmann, Venn. . 34 Echinosoma, Porta, Verm. 43 Echinostephilla, Lebour, Verm. 32 Ecphorella, Forel , Ins. 290 Ectemnonotum, Schmidt, Ins. 400 Ectenessidia, Gounelle, Ins. 263 Ectrapezidera, Fowler, Tns. 272. Edentula, Waagen, Moll. 85 Eifelaster, Schbndorf, Echin. 43T Ektyodoryx, Lundbeck, Por. 7 Elachiptereicus, Becker, Ins. 378 Elaphogonus, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 51 Elaphrodes, Bethune- Baker, Ins. 322 Elaphrothrips, Buff a. Ins. 407 Elassoctenus, Simon, Arachn. 33 Electrapis, Cockerell, Ins. 280 Elenchoides, Pierce, Ins. 276 Eleodimorpha, Blaisdell, Ins. 244 Eliotia, Vayssibre, Moll. 76 Elthomus, Distant, Ins. 393 Eltolada, Cameron, Ins. 297 Elymas, Distant, Ins. 389 Emballotheca, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 22 Embola, Walsingham, Ins. 351 Embolodes, Marshall, Ins. 254 Enaesius, Enock , Ins. 300 Encolpotis, Meyrick, Ins. 351 Engelia, Tornquist, Echin. 34 Entomolestes, Matthew, Mamm. 60 Eobanksia, Cockerell, Ins. 357 Eofulgurella, Cockerell, Ins. 397 Eomerope, Cockerell, Ins. 357 Eoscyllina, Rehn, Ins. 424 Eoserpeton, Moodie, Rept. 35 Eothemis, Ris, Ins. 413 Epharmottomena, John, Ins. 333 6 Epliry<;mus,.Leo, Ins. 254 ;’\'' Epibactra, Meyrick , Ins. 348 Epibomius, Distant , Ins. 380 Epilanguria, Fowler , Ins, 272 Epipsila, Lutz, Ins. 308 Epixorus, Thomas, Mamm. 64 Eremiella, Weise, Ins. 268 Eromophygus, Ohaus, Ins. 235 Eremos, Moberg & Segerberg, Crust. 53 Eremosphodrus, Semenov, Ins. 217 Ereunetes, Stewart, Verm. 56 Ergasiloides, Sars, Crust, 47 Erina, Ganu, Brach. Bry. 22 Erineda, Busch, Ins. 351 Eritarbes, Walsingham, Ins. 351 Erpetosaurus, Moodie, Rept. 34 Erythmelus, Enoch, Ins. 300 Esca, Sellards, Ins. 415 Esmun, Distant, Ins. 386 Esphalmenus, Burr, Ins. 416 Espira, Sellards, Ins. 415 Estadia, Sellards, Ins. 4 1 5 Etapata, Hendel, Ins. 378 Ethelomorus, Richardson, Crust. 38 Ethiopica, Hampson, Ins. 333 Etrocorema, Klapalek, Ins. 410 Ettchellsia, Cameron, Ins. 205 Eualloea, Warren, Ins. 340 Eucalohister, Reitter , Ins. 227 Eucelatoria, Townsend, Ins. 375 Euchaetomeropsis, Tattersall, Crust, 34 Eucheliplum a, Topsent, Por. 7 Eucnecosum, Reitter, Ins. 221 . Euconophron, Reitter, Ins. 226 5 , Eucyclotropis, Cossmann, Moll. 65 Eudactylopus, Scott, Crust. 47 Eudiplister, Reitter, Ins. 227 Euhemerus, Distant, Ins. 386 Euhiracia, Melichar, Ins. 397 Eukrohnia, Ritter- Zdhony, Verm. 45 Eumasicera, Townsend, Ins. 375 Eumecosomyia, Hendel , Ins. 379 Eumelanomyra, Theobald , Ins. 365 Eumysteria, Bruch, Ins. 263 Eunanus, Ohaus, Ins. 235 Euophryum, Broun, Ins. 254 Eupachymerium, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 49 Euparyphium, Dietz, Verm. 32 Eupeltidium, Scott, Crust. 48 Euphyurus, Bengtsson, Ins. 411 Eupilocera, Dognin, Ins . 346 Euplatinus, Desbrochers, Ins. 254 Euplectellus, Reitter, Ins. 225 Eupsenina, Raffray, Ins. 225 Eurocidaris, Mortensen, Echin. 35 Euronotias, Kirkaldy, Ins. 384 Europiella, Reuter, Ins. 393 Eurychilella, Reuter, Ins. 393 Euryohiloptorella, Reuter, Ins. 393 Eurycielodes, Sars, Crust. 48 Eurydactylus, Hagedorn, Ins. 261 Eurylogna, Weise, Ins. 268 Eurylomata, Reuter, Ins. 393 Euryodma, Reitter, Ins. 221 Euryplax, Klapalek, Ins. 410 Eurypleuromcris, Verhoeff, Arachn. Myr. 52 Euryprosodes, Reitter, Ins. 244 Euryquedius, Reitter, Ins. 221 Euryseytophora, Reuter, Ins. 393 Eurysiphonella, Haas, Por. 6. Eurystomella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 22 Eurysunius, Reitter, Ins. 222 Eusapia, Qounelle, Ins. 263 Eustictus, Reuter, Ins. 393 Eutanycormus, Cameron, Ins. 297 Eutassa, Broun, Ins. 254 Eutheria, Spaeth, Ins. 268 Eutrombidium, Verdun, Arachn. 42 Eutyporhachis, Pocock, Arachn. Myr. 52 Euxerus, Thomas, Mamm. 64 Euzosteria, Shelf ord, Ins. 418 Evea, Sh elford, Ins: 418 Exagonocyclina, Checchia-Rispcli, Prot. 50 Exestastica, Spaeth, Ins. 208 Expedio, Snyder, Pisces 35 Fagisuga, Lindinger, Ins. 405 Falagrioia, Reitter, Ins. 222 Faraday us, Reitter, Ins. 225 Faseioletta, Garrison, Verm. 32 Faxonius, Ortmann, Crust. 31 Fintona, Cameron, Ins. 294 Foraminella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 22 Forbcsiaster, Loriol, Echin. 43 Fortunia, Distant, Ins. 397 Frireniella, Kiefjer, Ins. 303 Froggattia, Bolivar, Ins. 424 Fusiulus, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 32 Gaidiopsis, Scott, Crust. 48 Galapagosana, Distant, Ins. 398 Galboa, Distant, Ins. 402 Garyops, Banks, Arachn. 37 Gaurocryphus, Broun , Ins. 254 Gclatopoiidion, Zacher, Ins. 421 Geodiplosis, Kieffer, Ins. 360 Gephyristis, Meyrick, Ins. 351 Gervillella, Waagen, Moll. 86 Gesneriodes, Villeneuve, Ins. 375 Gidleya, Cossmann, Mamm. 69 Gignotettix, Hancock , Ins. 424 Gillettea, Burner, Ins. 403 Gilsonia, Meunier, Ins. 415 Girthiccras, Diener, Moll. 93 ‘ Girtyocoelia, CosSmann, Moll. 65 1 Gladela, Qrossbeck, Ins. 341 Globidiuni, Neumann, Prot. 56 • Globite phusa, Alcock, Crust. 20 Glyphilanguria, Fowler, Ins. 272 ; Glyphoperidium, Route, Coel. 20 Glyphostylum, Route, Coel. 26 Glyphotonga, Schmidt, Ins. 398 ' Glyptapis, Cockerell, Ins. 280 Glyptometra, Clark, Echin. 50 Goenycta, Hampson, Iris. 334 Goniaea, Hcndel, Ins. 379 Goniaeola, Hcndel, Ins. 379 Goniodiscaster, Clark, Echin. 43 Gonodes, Hampson, Ins. 334 Gonotrephes, Hampson, Ins. 323 Gortania, Cossmann, Moll. 05 Graham ia, Theobald, Ins. 365 Grandioculus, Cossmann, Moll. 65 Grantilla, Row, Por. 6 Graphidium, Railliet & Henry, Verm. 42 Graphidostrepfcus, Brolemann, Arachn. Myr. 52 Gregoryaster, Lambert, Echin. 35 Guarephila, Tavares, Ins. 361 Guorinclla, Chevreux , Crust. 40 Guionius, Distant, Ins. 390 Gymnobaris, Champion, Ins. 254 Gyninocorymbus, Eigenmann, Pisces 40 Gymnopharus, Sicard, Ins. 273 Gynotherriis, Calvert, Ins. 413 Gypsosaris, Meyrick, Ins. 352 Hadronemidea, Reuter, Ins. 393 Haemassia, Hampson , Ins. 334 Haem ilia, t$imon, Arachn. 29 Haimbachia, Dyar, Ins. 346 Halictophilus, Pierce, InS. 276 Halictostylops, Pierce, Ins. 275 Halitrepes, Bigelow, Coel. 18 Halmatottix, Hancock, Ins. 424 Halobrechthina, Bernhauer, Ins. 222 Halophiloscia, Verhoeff, Crust. 38 Halysisis, Norman, Brach. Bry. 22 Handlirschia, Reis, Ins; 413 Handlirschogryllus, Cossmann, Moll. 66 Hansenella, Chevreux, Crust. 40 Hapalodectes, Matthew, Mamtn. 63 Haplothysanus, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 52 Haristacus, Cameron, Ins. 294 Harmomastix, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 52 Harpagomyia, Meyere, Ins. 365 Harpagophora, Attemx, Arachn. Myr. 52 Harpendyreus, Heron, Ins. 31 5 Harpezoneura, Enderlein, Ins. 408 Hatasu, Broun, Ins. 255 Hatcheria, Eigenmann, Pisces 39 Hawaiicola, Kirkaldy, Ins. 384 Heim bra, Cameron, Ins. 297 Helgicirrha,, Hartlaub, Coel. 18 Helicochetns, Attems, Arachn. Myr. 52 Heliconis, Dziedzielewicz, Ins. 355 Heligmosomum, Railliet & Henry , Verm. 42 ' • 5 V Heliondtus, Rehn, Irts. 424 Hemacronouria, Enderlein * Ins. 410 Hemadas, Crawford, Ins. 297 Hemerodtomia, Navas, Ins. 358 HemiBeptella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry: 22 Heptarthrum, Champion, Ins. 255 Heresiarchoides, Brcthes, Ins. 294 Herissa, Spaeth, Ins. 269 Herpetocyprella, Daday , Crust. 53 Hestimodema, Simon, Arachn. 33 Heterempis, Brethes, Ins. 372 Hetcrexis, Broun, Ins. 255 Heteroclypeus, Lambert, Echin. 30 Heterocrasspedum, Verhoeff, Arachn. Myr. 52 Heteroflustra, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 22 Heterogeniates, Ohaus, Ins. 235 Heteroglyphus, Foa, Arachn. 44 Heterometra, Clark, Echin. 50 Heteropromus, Blaisdell, Ins. 244 Heteroscytus, Reuter, Ins. 393 Heterotrombidium, Verdun, Arachn. 42 Hiallides, Richardson, Crust. 38 Hierosaurus, Wieland, Rcpt. 32 Himanteriella, Chalande & Ribaut, Arachn. Myr. 52 Himasthla, Dietz, Verm. 32 Hincksiella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 23 Hippopodina, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 23 Hirsulina, Tutt, Ins. 315 Holistophallus,'jSh7i>69 , >' Stenotoura^ Broun, Ins. 259 , ' Stephanodes, Enoch, Ins. 302 i Stephanometra, Clark, Echin. 53 ' Stephanophiala, Nicoll, Verm. 33 : ' Stephanoteuthis, Berry, Moll. 95 ' Stephodlplosis, Tavares, Ins. 362 Stereosa, Casey, Ins. 238 Stethynium, Enock, Ins. 302 ' Sthenarosaurus, Walton, Rept. 31 Stictocera, Casey, Ins. 239 Stiotometeoms, Cameron, Ins. 290 Stidzacras, Hampson, Ins. 328 Stierlinia, Desbrochers, Ins. 259 Stilboderma, Broun, Ins. 259 . Stilbodiscus, Broun, Ins. 259 Stinus, Sellards, Ins. 416 Stiremetra, Clark, Echin. 53 ■ ’ Stoiba^ Spaeth, Ins. 271 Stoichus, Sellards, Ins. 416 Stolella, Annandale, Brach. Bry. 25 Strigiphlebia, Hampson, Ins. 338 Strobiiola, Czerny, Ins. 381 Strom bophorus, Hagedorn, Ins. 261 Strotometra, Clark, Echin. 53 Studeriotes, Thomson & Simpson, Coel. 24 Stygiathethis, Hafnpson, Ins. 338 Stylocapsa, Principi , Prot. 55 Stylohyalina, Kirk, Por. 8 Subaeschna, Martin , Ins. 414 Submargarita, Strebel, Moll. 73 Suillomeles, Allen & Barbour, Mamrm 75 Sumba, Bolivar, Ins. 426 Suniogaster, Reitter, Ins. 224 Sussaba, Cameron, Ins. 285 Suturgana, Osanin, Ins. 396 Symbiochara, Fenyes, Ins. 224 Sympaectria, Hendcl, Ins. 381 Symphvlurinus, Silveslri, Ins. 427 Symphysius. Broun, Ins. 229 Symphytophleps, Warren, Ins. 345 Syndcsmogenus, Atlems, Arachn. Myr. 55 Synteratus, Broun, Ins. 219 Syringium, Principi, Prot. 55 Syringospira, Kindle, Brach. . 12 Systolederus, Hancock, Ins. 426 Tachidiella, Sars, Crust. 51 Tachyblaston, Martin, Prot. 64 TaeniopoditGs, Cockerell , Ins. 426 Talavera, Peckham, Arachn. 37 Tanygnathinus, Reitter , Ins. 224 Tanysoma, Broun, Ins. 259 Taoga, Cameron, Ins. 299 Taona, Distaiit, Ins. 397 Taphrostoma, Canu, Brach. Bry. 25 1G Tapinothelella, Strand, Arachn, 34 Technophorus, Branson, Crust. 28 Tegella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 25 Temeculina, Cockerell , Pisces 39 Temelucha, Meyrick, Ins. 354 Teratobaikalia, Lindholm, Moll. 73 Teratoneura, Dudgeon, Ins. 316 Teratophthalma, Stichel, Ins. 314 Teratornis, Miller, Aves 108 Teripelus, Heller, Ins. 259 Ternidens, Railliet & Henry, Verm. 43 Terpnomyia, Hendel, Ins. 381 Tetrachlora, Schrottky, Ins. 283 Tetropina, Klapalek, Ins. 411 Tetrorchis, Bigelow, Coel. 20 Tettiella, Hancock, Ins. 427 Tettilobus, Hancock, Ins. 427 Teutates, Distant, Ins. 387 . Texania, Casey, Ins. 239 Thaumastochiton, Thiele, Moll. G1 Thaumatoxonia, Kirby, Ins. 423 Thaumaturgus, Distant, Ins. 395 Thayeria, Eigenmann, Pisces 41 Thecacineta, Collin, Prot. 64 Thecladoris, Gounelle, Ins. 266 Thorinopsilus, Kicffer, Ins. 302 Therm us, Distant, Ins. 395 Thesius, Broun, Ins. 260 Thienemannia, Kieffer, Ins. 364 Thioscelis, Meyrick, Ins. 354 Tholopora, Gregory, Brach. Bry. 26 Tholus, Strebel, Moll. 82 Thonastica, Simon, Arachn. 31 Thoradonta, Hancock, Ins. 427 Thyatirodes, Hampson, Ins. 338 Thymebatis, Brethes, Ins. 295 Tiaropsidium, Torrey, Coel. 20 Ticra, Bolivar, Ins. 427 Timasius, Distant, Ins. 389 Timoconia, Strand, Ins. 317 Timodema, Ball Ins. 399 Tim on a, Hartlaub, Coel. 20 Timorella, Gerth, Por. 7 Tingania, Bergroth, Ins. 385 Titane , Budde-Lund, Crust. 39 Tomaspisina, Distant, Ins. 401 Tomeurus, Eigenmann, Pisces 38 Torilus, Broun, Ins. 260 Torostoma, Broun, Ins. 260 Toura, Broun, Ins. 260 Touropsis, Broun, Ins. 260 Toxoplasma, Nicolle & Manceaux , Prot. 61 Trachybaris, Champion, Ins. 260 Trachyglyphus, Broun, Ins. 260 Trachyortalicus, Strebel, Moll. 82 Trachyphloeocetus, Desbrochers, Ins. 260 T rachy pleurotherium , Dilg, Mam m . 73 Trachytrema, Simon, Arachn. 30 Tragolemur, Matthew, Mamm. 60 Trematrops, Williston, Kept. 35 Trichadenotecnum, Enderlein, Ins. 408 Tricheleodes, Blaisdell, Ins. 245 Trichiobaikalia, Lindholm, Moll. 73 Trichogonatopus, Kieffer, Ins. 302 Trichopisthia, Aurivillius, Ins. 329 Trichozoma, Bastelberger, Ins. 345 Trioladellus, Enderlein, Ins. 408 Tricleidus, Andrews, Rept. 31 Triconus, Herouard, Echin. 29 Trimeraster, Schondorf, Echin. 44 Trioxocera, Pierce, Ins. 275 Tripoceratium, Kofoid , Prot. 63 Tristanella, Borelli, Ins. 417 Trisulopsis, Strand, Ins. 329 Triurobrycon, Eigenmann, Pisces 40 Trochiliopora, Gregory, Brach. Bry. 26 Troclioechinus, Loriol, Echin. 42 Tropidogynoplax, Enderlein, Ins. 411 Tropidopathes, Silberfeld, Coel. 24 Tropiduchodes, Schmidt, Ins. 399 Trumais, Gounelle, Ins. 266 Trupheoneura, Malloch, Ins. 373 Tubiporella, Levinsen, Brach. Bry. 26 Tydemanella, Scott, Crust. 51 Typhlocareinops, Rathbun, Crust. 30 Typhlocaris, Caiman, Crust. 34 Typhlodrilus, Baldasseroni, Verm. 54 Typhlolinus, Reitter, Ins. 224 Tyrrheneis, Kirkaldy, Ins. 388 Tytthobaris, Champion, Ins. 260 Tytthominus, Champion, Ins. 260 Udamocercia, Enderlein, Ins. 411 Udamoselis, Enderlein, Ins. 403 Ugana, Swinhoe, Ins. 338 Uganda, Bolivar, Ins. 427 Uintasorex, Matthew, Mamm. 60 Ulmicolor, Kirkaldy , Ins. 388 Umagilla, Wahl, Verm. 31 Unas, Broun, Ins. 260 Undinula, Scott, Crust. 52 Uranomys, Dollman, Mamm. 67 Urba, Sellards, Ins. 416 Urochordeuma, Silveslri, Arachn. Myr. 55 Uroprosodes, Reitter, Ins. 245 Urothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 408 Usambilla, Sjostedl, Ins. 427 Usilanus, Distant, Ins. 388 Uzza, Distant, Ins. 388 Vacciniina, Tutt, Ins. 316 Valentinia, Coolidge, Ins. 354 Vanhornia, Crawford, Ins. 295 Vespacxenos, Pierce, Ins. 275 Vibilioides, Chevreux, Crust. 42 Villania, Till, Moll. 95 Vittiger, Kerlesz, Ins. 368 17 Volutaxiella, Strebel, Moll. 76 Vouastia, Raspail, Moll. 76 Watersia, Levinscn, Brach. Bry. 26 Willistonina, Back, Ins. 370 Wollastonicis, Lea, Ins. 260 Woodia, Malloch, Ins. 373 Xanthempis, Bezzi, Ins. 372 Xenochoerus, Zdarsky, Mamm. 71 Xenuraega, Tatter sail. Crust. 37 Xestobetliylus, Cameron, Ins. 302 Xestonyttus, Kirkaldy, Ins. 391 Xiphocaridina, Bouvier , Crust. 34 Xistrella, Bolivar, Ins. 427 Xosoplax, Kirkaldy . Ins. 386 Xyrophoreus, Breddin, Ins. 388 Xystopyge, Altems, Arachn. Myr. 65 Zaglyptoides, Champion, Ins. 260 Zalmunna, Distant, Ins. 395 Zaluscodes, Lamb, Ins. 367 Zanchlorachos, Bastelberger, Ins. 345 Zaphyllonotum, Caudell, Ins. 427 Zaprochilus, Caudell, Ins. 423 Zaratus, Distant, Ins. 395 Zatrephina, Spaeth, Ins. 271 Zeuctodesmus, Pocock, Arachn. Myr. 55 Zeuglopora, Maplestone, Brach. Bry. 26 Ziphiodelphis, Piaz, Mamm. 74 Zonitodema, Peringuey, Ins. 249 Zonitomorpha, Peringuey, Ins. 249 Zonitoschoma, Peringuey, Ins. 249 Zonodorus, Distant, Ins. 395 Zoomyxa, Elmassian, Prot. 48 Zschokkeella, Ransom, Verm. 36 Zschokkella, Auerbach , Prot. 59 Zyzomys, Thomas, Mamm. 67 (n-11091 t) e 32 This preservation photocopy was made and hand bound at BookLab, Inc. in compliance with copyright law. The paper, Weyerhaeuser Cougar Opaque Natural, meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39. 48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Austin 1994 I--"'.' > ,'W J