THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD FOR 1888; BEING VOLUME THE TWENTY-FIFTH OF THE RECORD OF ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE. EDITED BY FRANK E. BEDDARD, M.A., F.Z.S., LONDON : GURNEY & JACKSON, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.XC. Communications, Papers, and Memoirs intended for this work should be addressed sohly to “ Tiie Editor of the Zoological Record, Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park, London, N.W.” It is earnestly requested that in the case of separately-printed copies of papers so forwarded, the original pagination be indicated. London : Printed by Simmons & Botten, la. Shoo Lftue, E.C. PREFACE. >- The Zoological Record for 1888 lias been prepared, under Mr. Beddard’s editorship, on nearly the same plan as the previous volume. The Committee appointed by the Council of this Society to superintend the publication for the year 1889-90, consists of Mr. F. Du Cane Godman, F.R.S., Dr. Gunther, F.R.S., Prof. A. Newton, F.R.S., Mr. Osbert Salvin, F R.S., Mr. Howard Saunders, and the President and Secretary. It is very desirable, in the opinion of the Committee, that the Record should be issued before the close of the year following that to which it relates. This has not been accomplished in the present case, but the Committee have made such arrangements as they believe will enable it to be done in future years. P. L. SCLATER, Secretary , Zoological Society of London, 3, Hanover Square, London, W. bill February , 1890. EDITOR’S PREFACE. Tiie staff of the Recorders has Undergone some alteration, owing to the retirement of Dr. Fowler and Prof. Sollas. Their places have been taken by Mr. P. Chalmers Mitchell, Mr. 0. H. Latter, and Mr. C. Warburton. Mr. Mitchell has recorded the Vermes for the present volume ; Mr. Latter the Echinodermata and Spongia ; and Mr. Warburton the Crustacea and Protozoa. Mr. Arthur Thomson found himself unable to continue recording the last-mentioned group and Ceelenterata. Mr. Hoyle has supplied the Record of the Ccelenterata , in addition to those of the groups which he recorded in the last volume. FRANK E. BEDDARD. LIST OF THE ABBREVIATED TITLES OF THE PRINCIPAL JOURNALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES WHICH CONTAIN ZOOLOGICAL PAPERS. A Magyar A/cad. Evlc'dn, — A Magyar tudonniuyos Akad<$mia dvkotiyvei. Abh. Ah. Berl. — Abhandlungen der koniglich Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. (Also SB.) Abh. buyer. Ah. — Abhandlungen der mathematisch physikalischen Classe der k. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). (Also SB.) Abh. bohm. Ges. — Abhandlungen der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe der k. bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). (Called also Rozpravy tridy mathematicko-pnrodovedeck^ kr&lovske fceskd spolecnosti nauk.) (Also SB.) Abh. Ges. Getting. — Abhandlungen der k. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Abh. Ges. Halle — Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle. (Also Ber.) Abh. Ges. Hamb. — Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissen- schaften herausgegeben vom naturw. Verein in Hamburg. Abh. Ges. Isis— Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft ‘ Isis’ in Dresden. (See SB.) Abh. Ges. Konigsb. — Abhandlungen der k. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Preussen (Konigsberg). (Also SB.) Abh. naturf. Ges. Gorlitz — Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zu Gorlitz. *Abh. naturh. Ges. Niirnberg — Abhandlungen der naturhistorisclien Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. (See J.B.) Abh. sdchs. Ges. — Abhandlungen der k. siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Leipzig). (Also Ber.) Abh. schles. Ges. — Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft f. vater- ldndische cultur (Breslau). (Also JB.) Abh. schw. pal. Ges. — Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paliiontogra- phischen Gesellschaft (BMe). * Those periodicals marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer published. Vlll LIST 01’ ABBREVIATIONS. Abh. Stnck. Ges. — Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenber- gischen naturforschenden Gesellschaf t (Frankfort). (Also Ber.) Abh . Ver. Brem. — Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom naturwissensehaft- lichen Yerein zu Bremen. Anh. zool. Mus. Dresden — Abhandlungen und Berichte des k. zoologischen, etc., Museums iu Dresden. Act. Ac. Bordeaux — Actes de PAcad&nie nationale des sciences belles lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Act. Ac. Cordob. — Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la republica Argentina en Cordoba (Buenos Ayres). Act. Lund. — Acta Universitatis Lundensis (Lund). (Called also Lunds Universitets Arsskrift.) Act. Soc. Fenn. — Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicaa (Helsingfors). Act. Soc. Jlelv.—Actoa de la Socidtd helvdtiquo dos Sciences naturellos (Called also Verhandl. d. schweiz. Naturforsch. Gesells.). Act. Soc. Jura. — Actes de la Socidtd Jurassienue d’dmulation. Act. Soc. L. Bord. — Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux.' (Also Comptes rendus.) Act. Upsala. — Acta Universitatis Upsalensis. (Called also Upsala Uni- versitets Arsskrift.) Aid — C. 0. Waterhouses Aid to the Identification of Insects (Janson : London). Alb. Nat. — Album der Natuur (Harting : Haarlem). Am. Geol. — The American Geologist (Calvin et alii : Minneapolis). Am. J. Sci. — American Journal of Science and Art. (New Haven.) Am. Micr. J. — American Monthly Microscopical Journal (Hitchcock : Washington). Am. Nat. — American Naturalist (Philadelphia). Anat. Anz. — Anatomische Anzeiger (Bardeleben : Jena). An. Mus. B. Aires — Anales del Museo nacional, Buenos Aires. An. Mus. Costa Rica — Anales del Museo Nacional-Republica de Costa Rica (San Josd). An. Mus. La Plata — Anales del Museo-La Plata (Buenos Ayres). An. Mus. nac. Mexico — Anales del Museo nacional de Mexico. An. Soc. Arg. — Anales de la Sociedad cientifica Argentina (Buenos Aires). An. Soc. Esp. — Anales de la Sociedad Espauola de Historia Natural (Madrid). Ann. Acc. aspir. Nat. — Annali dell’ Accademia degli aspiranti Naturalisti (Naples). Ann. Ent. Belg. — Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique (Brussels). Ann. Geol. univ. Paris — Annuaire gdologique universel-Revue de geologie et paldontologie (Carey & Douville). Ann. HofmuseumWien — Annalen des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (von Hauer : Wien). Ann. Lomb. Venet. — Annali di Scienze del regno Lombardo-Venetiano. Ann. Mai. — Annales de Malacologie (Servain : Paris). Ann. Micrograph. — Annales de Micrograph ie (Miguel : Paris). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. IX Ann. Mu8. Belg. — Annales du Musee royal d’histoire naturelle Belgique (Brussels). Ann. Mus. Genov. — Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Genoa). Ann. Afus. Marseille — Annales du Mus6e d’Histoire Naturelle de Marseille. Zoologie (Marion : Marseilles). Ann. N. H. — Annals and Magazine of Natural History (London). Ann. N. Yorh Ac. — Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Ann. Sci. gdol.— Annales des Sciences gdologiques (Hubert & Milne- Edwards : Paris). Ann. Sci. Nat. — Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Paris). Ann. Soc. Agric . Lyon — Annales de la Soci6t<$ d’Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle, et Arts utiles de Lyon (Lyons & Paris). Ann. Soc. Brux. — Annales de la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles (Brussels). Ann. Soc. Char. — Annales de la Socidt6 des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente Inferieure (== Academie de la Rochelle). Ann. Soc. Em. Vosges — 1 Annales de la Society d’Emulation du D^parte- ment des Vosges (Epiual). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. — Annales de la Society entomologique de France (Paris). Ann. Soc. geol. Belg. — Annales dele Soci6t6 G6ologique de Belgique (Li£ge). Ann. Soc. geol. Nord — Annales de la Societe geologique du Nord (Lille). (Also Memoires.) Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (n.a.) — Annales de la Soci4t6 Linn^enne de Lyon. Nouvelle s6rie. ■ Ann. Soc. mal. Belg. — Annales de la Soci6t6 malacologique de Belgique (Brussels). Ann. Soc. Mod. — Annuario della Society dei Naturalisti di Modena. (See Atti.) Ann. Univ. Toscane — Annali delle University Toscano (Pisa). Anz. Ah. Wien — Anzeiger det mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (Vienna). Appalachia — Appalachia : the Journal of the Appalachian Mountain Club. (Boston). Arb. Inst. Wurzb. — Arbeiten aus dem zoologisch-zootomischen Institut in Wurzburg. Arb. z. Inst. Wien — Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Uni- versitat Wien (Vienna). Arb. z. Inst. Graz — Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institut zu Graz (Leipsic). Arch. Anat. Phys. — Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie (His, Braune, & Du Bois Reymond : Leipzig). Arch. Biol. — Archives de Biologie (Van Beneden & Van Bambeke : Ghent). Arch. f. Anthrop. — Archiv fiir Anthropologie : Zeitschrift fur Naturge- schichte und Urgeschichte des Menschen (Brunswick). Arch. f. math, og Nature . — Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab (Worm-Muller, G. O. Sars, Kristiania). X LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. Arch.f. Nat. — Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. Neue Folge (Berlin). Arch.f. Thierheilk. — Archiv fur Thierheilkunde. Arch. ges. Phys. — Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere (Pfliiger : Bonn). Arch. Ital. Biol.— Archives Italiennes de Biologie ; Revues, Rdsumds, Reproductions des travaux scientifiques Italiens (Emery & Mosso : Turin). Arch. mikr. Anat. — Archiv fur mikroskopische Auatomie (Bonn). Arch. Miss. sci. — Archives des Missions scientifiques qt litteraires (Paris). Arch. Mas. Lyon — Archives du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. Arch. Mas. R. Jan. — Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Arch. Mus. Teyl. — Archives du Musee Teyler (Haarlem). Arch. Nat. Liv.— -Archiv fiir die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth-, und Kurlands (Dorpat). Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen — Archiv fiir naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen (Prag). Arch. Neerl. — Archives N6erlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles (Bosscha : Haarlem). Arch. Phys. — Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique (Brown- S^quard : Paris). Arch. Sci. nat. — Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles (Geneva). Arch. slav. Biol. — Archives slaves de Biologie (Meudolssohn-Ricliet : Paris). Arch. Ver. Mccklenb. — Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturge- schichte in Mecklenburg. Arch. Zeemvsch Oenoots. Wetensch. — Archief. Yroegere en latere Mede- deelingen voornamelijk in Betrekking tot Zeeland uitgegeven door het Zeeuwsch Geuootschap der Wetenschappen (Middelburg). Arch. Z. expkr. — Archives de Zoologie expdrimontale et gdneralo (Paris). Atti Acc. Oioen. — Atti dell’ Accademia Gioenia di Scienze uaturali (Catania). Atti Acc. Napoli — Atti della R. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e mate- matiche. Atti Acc. Palermo — Atti della R. Accademia di scienze, lettere 6 belle arti di Palermo (Palermo). Atti Acc. Pontaniana — Atti dell’ Accademia Pontaniana (Naples). Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei — Atti dell’ Accademia Pontificia de’ nuovi Lincei. Atti Acc. Tor.— Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin). Atti 1st. Nap. — Atti del R. Istituto d’incorraggiamento alle Scienze Naturali economichi e technologiche, &c., di Napoli (Naples;. Atti 1st. Venet. — Atti del R. Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere et arti, &c. (Yenice). Atti {Mem. Rend.) Acc. Rom. — Atti (Memorie : Rendiconti) della R. Accademia dei Lincei (Rome). Atti {Mem.) Soc. Tosc. — Atti (Memorie) della Societa Toscana di Scienze naturali residente in Pisa. Atti Mus. civico Trieste— Atti del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste. XI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS'. Atti (Rend. Mem.) Soc. Mod. Mem. — Atti (Memorie : Rendiconti) della Society dei Naturalisti di Modena. Atti Soc. Ital. — Atti della Society Italiaua di Scieuze naturali (Milan). Atti Soc. Ven.-Trent. — Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentina di Scienze naturali residente in Padova (Padua). (Also Bull.) Atti Univ. Genova — Atti della R. universita di Genova. Auk — The Auk. A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology.' (Continuation of the Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club.) Ausland — Das Ausland (Stuttgart). Beitr. Morphol. Morphog. — Beitrage zur Morphologie und Morphogenie (Gerlach: Stuttgart). Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-TJng. — Beitrage zur Palaantologie Oestcrreich- Ungarn’s und des Orients (Mojsisovics & Neumayr : Vienna). Beitr. Russ. Reiches (2) — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russicheu Reiches und der angrerzenden Lander Asiens. Neue Folge (Schrenck & Maximowics : St. Petersburg). Ber. Freiburg Gcs.— Berichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frei- burg (Freiburg, i Br.). Bergens Mns. Aarsber — Bergens Museum Aarsberetning (Bergen). Ber. Ges. Ohemn. — Boricht der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. Ber. Ges. Halle — Bericht liber die Sitzungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. (Also Abhandl.) Ber. Ges. Hanau — JB. wetter. Ges. Ber. Komm. wiss. Unters. deutsch. Meere — Bericht der Kommission zur Untersuchung der deutschen Meere. Ber. Naturf. Arlzte — Amtliche Bericht deutscher Naturforscher und Artzte. Ber. naturf. Ges. Bamberg — Bericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bamberg. Ber. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg — Bericht des Naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg. Ber. natur. Ver. Passau — Bericht des naturhistorischen Yereins in Passau. Ber. naturw. Ver. Regensburg — Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins in Regensburg. (Formerly CB.). Ber. Oberhess. Ges. — Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde (Giessen). Ber. Offenb. Ver. — Bericht uber die Thatigkeit des Offenbacher Yereins fiir Naturkunde (Offenbach-on-the-Main). Ber. Primarsch. Bohm.-Leipa — Bericht der Primarschule in Bohmisch- Leipa. Ber. Sachs. Ges. — Bericht ueber die Yerhandlungen der koniglicheu Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft in Leipzig. (Also Abhandl.) Ber. Senck. Ges. — Bericht der Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesell- schaft im Frankfurt am Main. (Also Abhandl.) Ber. St. Gall. Gess. — Bericht fiber die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (St. Gallen). XU LIS'i; OF ABBREVIATIONS. Ber. Ver. Augsburg — Bericht des naturhistorischen'Vereins, Augsburg. Ber. Ver. Gassel — Berichte des Yereins fur Naturkunde zu Cassel. Ber. Ver. Fulda — Bericht des Yereins fur Naturkunde in Fulda. Ber. Ver. Pass. — Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins in Passau. Berl. Monats. — Berliner Monatshefte. B. E. Z. — Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Bill. htiut. Etudes. — Biblioth&que de l’6cole des hautes Etudes. Section des Sciences Naturelles (Paris). Bibl. univ. — Bibliotheque universelle et Revue Suisse (Geneva). (See Arch. Sci. Nat.) Bibl. Zool. — Bibliotheca Zoologica (Leipsic). Bidr. Finl. Nat. — Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands Natur och Folk (Helsingfors). Bih. So. Ah. Handl. — Bihang till K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (Stockholm). Bijdr. Dierk. — Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (Amsterdam). Bijdr. Taal-} Ac., Ned. Indie (4) — Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. 4d® Volgreeks (The Hague). Biol. Centralbl. — Biologisches Centralblatt (Rosenthal : Erlangen). Biol, for en. — Biologiska foreningens forhandlingar. Verhandlungon des Biologischen Vereins in Stockholm. (Figerstedt : Stockholm.) Bol. Ac. Arg. — Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la Republica Argentina (Cordoba). Bol. Mus. la Plata — Boletin del Museo la Plata (Buenos Ayres). Boll. Com. Geol. — Bollettino del R. Comitato geologico d’ltalia (Roma). Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino — Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Torino. Boll. Nat. — Bollettino del naturalista Collettore, Allevatore, Coltivatore (Brogi, Siena). Boll, scient. — Bollettino scientifico (Maggi, Zoja, & Giovanni : Pavia). Boll. Soc. Adr. — Bollettino della Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali (Trieste). Bol. Soc. geogr. Lisboa — Boletim da Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa (Lisbon). Boll. Soc. Ital. Micr. — Bollettino della Societa italiana dei Microscopisti (Acireale). Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. — Bollettino della Societa geologica Italiana (Rome). Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli — Bollettino della Society di Naturalisti di Napoli. Bot. Centralbl. — Botanisches Centralblatt. Referentes-Organ fiir das Gesammtgebeit der Botanik des In- und Auslandes (LTlhwein & Behrens : Cassel). Bot. Z. — Botanische Zeitung (Halle). Brit. Med. J. — British Medical Journal (London). Bull. Ac. Belg. — Bulletin de P Academic Royale des Sciences, des lettres, et des Beaux Arts de Belgique (Brussels). (Also Mem.) Bull. Ac. Hippone — Bulletin de l’Academie d’Hippone (B6ne). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Xlll Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. — Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (New York). 0 Bull . Brooklyn Soc. — Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society (New York). Bull. Brookville Soc. — Bulletin of the Brookville Society of Natural History (Brookville, Indiana, U.S.A.). Bull. Buff. Nat. Club — Bulletin of the Buffalo Naturalists’ Club (Buf- falo, N.Y.). Bull. Bussey Inst. — Bulletin of the Bussey Institution (Boston). Bull. Chicago Ac. Sci. — Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Bull. Denison Univ. — Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University (Granville, Ohio). Bull. Hep. Agric. Ent. — U.S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Bulletin (Washington). Bull. Des Moines Ac. — Bulletin of the Des Moines Academy of Sciences (Des Moines, Iowa). Bull. Ent. Ital. — Bullettino della SocietaEntomologia Italiana (Florence). Bull. Ess. Inst. — Bulletin of the Essex Institute (Salem, U.S.A.). Bull, hebdom. Ass. sci. Fr. — Bulletin hebdomadaire de 1' Association Scientifique de France. Bull. Illin. Lab. N. II. — Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. (Normal, Illinois.) Bull. Inst. Nat. Genevois — Bulletin de l’institut nationale Genevois. Bull. Minnesota Acad. — Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Bull. Mosc. — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 imp^riale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Bull. Mus. Belg. — Bulletin du Mus6e Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique (Brussels). Bull. Mus. C. Z. — Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative ^oology of Harvard College (Cambridge, U.S.A.). Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick — Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick (St. John’s, N.B.). Bull. New York Mus. Nat. Hist. — Bulletin of the New York State Museum of Natural History (Albany). Bull. Pttersb. — Bulletin de l’Academie Imp&iale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash. — Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Wash- ington. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. — Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique (Giard : Paris). Bull. Sedalia Soc. — Bulletin of the Sedalia Natural History Society (Sedalia, Mo.). Bull. Soc. Ac. Brest — Bulletin de la Socidt4 Academique de Brest. Bull. Soc. Acclim. — Bulletin mensuel de la Soci6t4 nationale d’Acclima- tation de Paris (Paris). Bull. Soc. Angers — Bulletin de la Soci£t<$ d’^tudes scientifiques d’Angers (Angers). Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Lyon— Bulletin de la Societe d’Anthropologie de Lyon. 1888. [vol. xxv.] b 2 IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Bull. Soor Anthrop , Par. — Bulletin de la Societe d’Anthropologie de Paris. Bull. Soc. Belg. Micr. — Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Microscopie (Brussels), Bull. Soc. Beziers — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 d’^tude des Sciences naturelles de Beziers. Comptes rendus des Seances (Beziers). Bull. Soc. Borda-Dax — Bulletin de la Societe de Borda (Dax). Bull. Soc. Colmr * — Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire naturelle de Colmar. Bull. Soc. Dinan. — Bulletin de la Society des Naturalistes Dinantais (Dinant). Bull. Soc. Put. Fr , — Bulletin des stances de la Societe entomologique de France (Paris) (See Ann,.), Bull. Soc. ittud. sci. Paris — Bulletin de la Society d’Etudes scientifiqucs de Paris. Bull. Soc. FinisUre — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 d'dtudes scientifiques du Finistere (Morlaix). Bull. Soc. Geogr. — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 de Geographie (Paris). Bull. Soc. giol. — Bulletin de la Society g6ologique de France (Paris). Bull. Soc. L. Bruxelles — Bulletin de la Society Royal Linneenne de Bruxelles. Bull. Soc. L. Nord France — Bulletin de la Soci6te Linneenne du Nord de la France (Amiens). Bull. Soc. L. Norm. — Bulletin de la Socidt6 Linneenne de Normandie (Caen), Bull. Soc. mal. Fr. — Bulletin de la Societe malacologique de France (Paris). Biull. Soc. mal. Ilal. — Bullettino della Societa malacologica Italiana (Pisa). Bull. Soc. Metz — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 d’histoire naturelle de Metz (formerly du Bepartement de la Moselle). Bull. Soc. Murith. — Bulletin des travaux do la Socidtd Murithienno du Yalais (Neufchiitel), Bull. Soc. Nancy — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 des Sciences de Nancy (Paris). Bull. Soc. Neuchatel — Bulletin de la Socidt6 des sciences naturelles de Neuchatel. Bull. Soc . Philom. — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Philomathique de Paris. Bull. Soc. Bouen — Bulletin de la Societe des Amis des Sciences Naturelles de Rouen (Rouen). Bidl. Soc. Sarthe — Bulletin de la Socidtd d’ Agriculture, des Sciences, &c., de la Sarthe (Le Mans). Bull. Soc. Saone — Bulletins de la Socidt6 des sciences naturelles de Saone- et-Loire (Chalons sur Saone.) (Also Mem.) Bull. Soc. Savoie — Bulletin de la Society d’histoire naturelle de Savoie (Chambery). Bull. Soc. Sci . Phys. Nat. Toulouse — Bulletin de la Society des sicences physiques et naturelles de Toulouse (Toulouse). Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere — Bulletin de la Societe de Statistique des Sciences naturelles, &c., du D6partement de l’lsere (Grenoble). Bull. Soc. Sud-Est — Bulletin de la Society des Sciences naturelles du Sud- Est (Grenoble). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XV Ball. Soc. Toulouse — Bulletin de la Soci6te d’Histoire NatUfelle de Tou- louse. Bull. Soc. Vaud. — Bulletin de laSoci£t6 Yaudoise deS Sciences Naturelles (Lausanne). Bull. Soc. Ten. - Trent. — Bullettino della Society Yeneto-Trentina di Scienze naturali (Padua). (Also Atti.) Bull. Soc. Yonne — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 des Sciences historiques et naturelles de l’Yonne (Auxerre). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. — Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Zoologique de France (Paris). Bull. JJ. S. Fish Comm. — Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission (Washington). Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. — Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey (Washington). Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. — Bulletin of the United States National Museum (Washington). Bull. Washb. Coll. — Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History (Topeka, Kansas). Canad. Ent. — Canadian Entomologist (Saunders : Montreal). * Canad . Nat. — The Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science (Montreal). Can. Rec. — Canadian Record of Science. Cardiff Nat. Soc. — Cardiff Naturalists’ Society. Report and Transactions (Cardiff). CB. Baht. Parasit. — Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde. OB. Gcs. Anthrop . — Correspondenzblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, &c. (Brunswick). CB. Iris — Correspondenz-Blatt des Entomologischen Yereins Iris zu Dresden. CB. med. Wiss. — Centralblatt fur die medicinischen Wissenschaften (Berlin). CB. Ver. Regensb. — (Now Ber.). CB. Ver. Rheinl. — Correspondenz-Blatt des naturhistorischen Yereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens (Bonn). (Also Verb. & SB.) CB. Ver. Riga — Correspondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Yereins zu Riga. Cellule — La Cellule. Recueil de Cytologie et d’histologie generate (Carnoy, Gilson, & Denys : Lierre & Gand). Chrysanthemum — The Chrysanthemum: a Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East (Yokohama). Circ. deutsch. Fisch. Ver. — Circulare des deutschen Fischerei- Yereins (Berlin). Cist. Ent. — Cistula Entomologica (Janson : London). cComm. Acc. Peter sb. — Commentarii Academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae (St. Petersburg). Comm. Ateneo Brescia — Common tari dell’ Ateneo di Brescia. Conch. Mittheil. — Conchologische Mittheilungen (Martens : Cassel). °Congr. Sc. — Congres Scientifique de France. XY1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Contr. E. M, Mua. Geol. Princeton— Contributions from the E. M. Museum of Geology, Princeton College, TJ.S.A. (Scott & Osborn). C.R. — Comptes rendus dea Stances hebdomadaires de l’Acaddmie des Sciences (Paris). CM.As8.Fr.Sci. — Compte-rendu de i’Association Fran^ais pour l’avance- ment des Sciences. C.ll. ent. Belg. — Comptes rendus des Seances de la Soci4t4 entomologiquo de Belgique (Brussels), CM. Soc, Biol. — Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Seances et Memoires de la Society de Biologie (Paris). CM. Soc. L.Bord. — Comptes Rendus de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. (Also Actes.) Van. Selsk. S/cr.— K. Danske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (Copen- hagen). Benk. Ak. Wien — Denkschriften der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (Vienna). (Also SB.) Deutsche e. Z. — Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift (Kratz : Berlin). E. Mus. Lund. — E museo Lundii En Samliug Af Afhandlinger (Liktken : Kjobnhavn). Ent. — The Entomologist (London). Ent. Am. — Entomologica Americana (Brooklyn). Ent. M. M. — The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine (London). Ent. Med. — Entomologiske Meddeldser udgivne af Entomologisk Fore- ning ved Fr. Meinert Copenhagen. Ent. Nachr. — Entomologische Nachrichten (Karsch : Berlin). Ent. Tidskr. — Entomologisk Tidskrift, pa foranstaltande af Entomologiska Foreuingen i Stockholm (Spangberg : Stockholm). Ertes. math, termeszett. — Ertesito a mathematikai 4s termeszettudomauzi ooztdlyok kozlonye (Budapesth). &rt. Term. Kor. — ^rtekez4sek a termdszettudomdnyok kordbol, Magyar tudom&nyos Akaddmia [Memoirs on Natural Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences] (Budapesth). Ess. Nat. — See Tr. Ess. Club. Etudes d'Ent. — Etudes d’Entoraologie, Faunes Entomologiqnes, Descrip- tions dTnsectes nouveaux ou peu connus (C. Oberthur : Rennes). Eckon. Erd. Muz. — Evkonyvek erddlzi muzeumegylet (Kolozsvar = Klausenberg). Feuill. Nat. — Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes (Dollfus : Paris). Field — The Field (London). For. & Str. — Forest and Stream. Fork. Selsk. Chr. — Fordhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Forh.Sk. Naturf. — Fordliandlingar vid de Skandinaviska Naturforskarnes. Gard. Chron.— The Gardener’s Chronicle (London). Garner — The Garner and Science Recorders’ Journal (Ramsay : Wal- worth). LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. XVII Gef. Well — Die gefieclerte Welt: Zeitschrift fur Vogelliebhaber, -zuchter und -handler (Russ : Berlin). Geogr. JB. — Geographisches Jahrbuch (Gotha). Geogr. MT. — Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes’ geographischer Anstalt (Gotha). Geol. Mag. — Geological Magazine (Woodward: London). Giorn. Sci. Palerm. — Giornale di Scienze naturali ed economiche di Palermo. Goteborg Bandl. — Goteborgs kongl. vetenskaps och vitterhets samhalles Handlingar. Helios — See Mon. MT. Ver. Naturw. Franlcfurt-a-0 . Hist. Berwick Nat. Club — History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club (Alnwick). Hor. Ent. Boss. — Horse Societatis Entomologicee Rossicse(St. Petersburg). Humboldt — Humboldt: Monatsschrift fiir die gesammten Naturwissen- schaften (Stuttgart). 76/8— The Ibis (Sclater & Saunders : London). 0 Ind . Ann. — The Indian Annals aud Magazine of Natural Sciences (An Illustrated Monthly) (Murray : Bombay & London). Ins. Life — Insect Life (Washington). Isvest. Mo sc. TJniv. — Isvestiya imperatorskova obshchestva hyubitelei Estestvoznauiya, Antropologi i Etnografii Sostoyashova, pre Mos- kovskom Universitet. J. Ac. Philad. — Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia. J. Agric. Soc. India — Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultura Society of India (Calcutta). J. Anat. Phys. — Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (London). J. A. S. B. — Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). J. A. S. ( Bombay ) — Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. A. S. ( Ceylon ) — Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. A. S. {China) — Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. JB. Ah. Amst. — Jaarboek van de k. Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). (Also Verhondl.) JB. M ijnwezen — Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost- Iudie (Amsterdam) JB. geol. Beichsanst. — Jahrbuch der k.-k. geologischeu Reichsanstalt (Vienna). (Also Verhandl.) JB. Hamb. — Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen Anstalten. JB. Karpath . Ver. — Jahrbuch des ungarisclieri Karpathen-Vereins (Kes- mark). JB. k. Akad. Erfurt — Jahrbhcher der Koniglichen Akademie gemeiunut- ziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Xviii LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. JB. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. — Jahrbuch der koniglich preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin. JB. mal. Ges. — Jahrbuch der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft (Kobelt : Frankfort). JB. Mineral. — Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaeon- tologie (Leonard & Geinitz : Leipzig). JB. Mijnwezen Nederl. Indie — Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen van Nederl. Oost Indie (Amsterdam). JB. Mus. Kdrnt. — Jahrbuch des naturhistorischen Landesmuseums von Karnthen (Klagenfurt). JB. nass. Ver. — Jahrbuch des nassauischen Yereins fur Naturkunde (Wiesbaden). JB. nat. Ges. Niirnberg (? continuation of Abhandl.). JB. Preuss. gbol. Landes- Anstalt — Jahrbuch der Koniglich Preussischen geologischen Landes- Anstalt (Berlin). JB. sieb. Kurpath. Ver. — Jahrbuch des siebenbiirgischen Karpathen- Yereins (Hermannstadt). JB. Tharand. Ges. — Jahrbuch der Tharanden forstlichen Gesellschaft (Dresden). J. Ber. Annab. Ver.— Jahresbericht des Annaberg-Buchholzer Yereins fur Naturkunde (Annaberg). J. Ber. Ges. Graub.— Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubiindens (Chur). J.Ber. Ges. Hannov. — Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Hannover. J. Ber. k. Bohm. Gess. Wiss.— Jahresbericht der koniglich Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. J. Ber. Laurent. Arnsberg — Jahresbericht uber das koniglichen Laurenti- anum in Arnsberg. J. Ber. Pollichia — Jahresbericht der Pollichia eines naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins der Rheinpfalz (Durkheim a. d. Hart). J. Ber. schles. Ges.— Jahresbericht der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vater- landische Cultur (Breslau). (Also Abhandl.) J. Ber. sclileswig. Ges. — Jahresbericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft in Schleswig. J. Ber. Ver. Braunschw. — Jahresbericht des Yereins fur Naturwissen- schaft jsu Braunschweig (Brunswick). J. Ber. Ver. Elsass-Lothr. — Jahresbericht des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins von Elsass-Lothriugen (Barr). J. Ber. Ver. Frankfurt — Jahresbericht des physikalischen Yereins zu Frankfurt-am-Main. J. Ber. Ver. Magdeburg — Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen der naturw. Yereins in Magdeburg. J. Ber. Ver. Osnabr. — Jahresbericht des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins zu Osnabriick. J. Ber. Ver. Zwickau — Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Zwickau. J. Ber. west/. Ver. — Jahresbericht der zoologischen Section des westfa- lischen provinzial- Yereins fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst (Munster). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XIX J. Ber. wetter. Ges. — Jahresbericht der wetterauischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde (Hanau). J. Ber. Wiirttemb. Ver. Handelsgeogr. — Jabresbericht des Wiirttember- giseben Yereins fiir Handelsgeographie (Stuttgart). J. Bomb. N. H. Soc.— Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (Aitken Sterndale : Bombay). J. Gincinn. Soc. — Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. J. Coll. Sci. Japan — Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan (T5kyo). J. Comp. Med. — Journal of Comparative Medicine and Surgery (Conklin & Porter : New York). J. de Conch . — Journal do Conch yliologie (Crosse & Fischer : Paris). J. de VAnat. Phys.— Journal de I’Anatomie et de la Physiologie (Pouchet : Paris). J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. — Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (Raleigh, N.C.). Jen. Z. Nat. — Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft, herausgegeben von der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. J. f. 0. — Journal fiir Ornithologie (Cabanis: Leipzig). JH. Ver. Luneb. — Jahreshefte des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins fiir das Fiirstenthum Liineburg. JH. Ver. Wurtt. — Jahreshefte des Yereins fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg (Stuttgart). J. L. S. — Journal of the Linnean Society ; Zoology (London). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association (London & Plymouth). J. Morph. — Journal of Morphology (Whitman & Allis : Boston, U.S.A.). J. Microgr. — Journal de Micrographie (Pell^tan : Paris). J. Micr. & Nat. Sci.— Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science. (The Journal of the Postal Microscopical Society. A. Allen : London & Bath.) J. Northampt. Soc. — Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. — Journal of the New York Microscopical Society (New York). J. of Conch. — Journal [formerly Quarterly Journal] of Conchology (London). Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. — Johns Hopkins University Circulars (Balti- more). J. Physiol. — The Journal of Physiology (Foster : Cambridge). J. Quek. Club. — Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (London). J. R. Agric. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society (London). J. R. Asiat. Soc.— Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (London). J. R. Inst. Cornwall — Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (Truro). J. R. Micr. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society (London). J. R. Geol. Soc. Ireland — Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland (London, Dublin, & Edinburgh). XX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. J. R. Soc. N. S. W. — Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (Sydney). J. Soc. Lisb. — Jorual de Sciencias, &c.} da Academia de Lisboa (Lisbon). J. Soc. Arts — Journal of the Society of Arts (London). J. Trenton Soc. — Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society (Trenton, N.J.). J. Tr. Viet. Inst. — Journal of the Transactions of the Yictoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain (London). Jaarb. Univ . Leiden — Jaarboekder Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden (Leiden). ^Kosmos — Kosmos: Zeitschrift fur einheitliche Weltauschauung auf Grund der Entwickelnngslehre. Kosmos Lemberg — Kosmos : Lemberg. L'Ab. — L’Abeille (De Marseul : Paris). La Nature — La Nature, Revue des Sciences, &c. (Tissandier : Paris). Le Nat. — Le Naturaliste (Deyrolle : Paris). Leopoldina — Leopoldina : Amtlichen Organ fur der k. Leopold-Carol. deutsch. Acad. Leioisham Ass. — Lewisham and Blackheath Scientific Association. Lotos — Lotos, Jahrbuch fur Naturwissenschaft im Auftrage des Vereines ‘Lotos’ (Prague). Lunds Univ. Arsskrift. — Lunds Universitets JLrsskrift. (Also Act. Lund.) Maandbl. Natuurw. — Maandblad voor naturwetenschappen (Amsterdam). Madras Journ. — The Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Mai. Bl. — Malakozoologische Blatter (Clessin : Cassel). Math. Nat. Ber. Ung.— Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Be- richte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akad. d. Wiss. und der K. Ungar. naturwiss. Ges. herausgegeben von Baron R. Eotvos, &c. (FrOhlich : Buda-Pest). Math . naturw. Mitt. — Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungen Tubingen (ed. Boklen). Math. term, j&rtes. — Mathematikai 4s termeszettudomdnyi Ertesito (Gyula : Buda Pesth). Math. term. koz. — Mathematikai 4s term4szettudomdnyi kozlem4nyek (Buda-Pest). Med. World. — Medical World. Med. Soc. Fenn.— Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (Helsingfors). Mel. biol. — M41anges biologiques tires du Bulletin de l’Acad4mie Imp4riale des Sciences de St. Petersburg. Mim. Ac. Amiens —M4moires de l’Academie des sciences, des lettres, et des arts d’ Amiens (Amiens). Mini. Ac. Aix — M4moires de l’Acad4mie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts, et Belles-lettres d’Aix (Aix en Provence). Mem. Ac. Barcel. — Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias de Barcelona. LI8T OF ABBREVIATIONS. xxi Mem. Ac. Belg. — Memoires de l’Acad^mie royal des Sciences, des lettres, et des beaux-arts de Belgique (Brussels). (Also Bull.) Mem. Acc. Bologn. — Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell’ Istituto di Bologna. Mem. Ac. Caen — Memoires de l’Academie nationale des Sciences, Arts, et belles-lettres de Caen. (Formerly Bulletin.) Mem. Ac. Dijon — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Arts, et belles- lettres de Dijon. Mem. Ac. Lyon — Memoires de l’Acad^mie des Sciences, Belles-lettres et Arts de Lyon (Lyon). Mem. Ac. Madrid — Memorias de la real Academia de ciencias exactas fisicas, y naturales de Madrid (Madrid). Mem. Ac. Metz. — Memoires de l’Academie de Metz. Mem. Acc. Mod. — Memorie delle Regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti in Modena. Mem. Ac. Montp. — Memoires de la Section des Sciences de l’Acad&nie des Sciences et lettres de Montpellier. M6m . Ac. PUersb. (7) — M<5moiros de 1’ Academic impdriale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 7me sdrie. M6m. Ac. Rouen— Precis analytique des travaux de l’Acaddmie des sciences, belles-lettres, et arts de Rouen (Rouen). Mem. Ac. Savoie — Memoires de l’Acaddmie des Sciences, Belles-lettres, et Arts de Savoie (Chambery). (Also Comptes Rendus.) Mem. Ac. Set. — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences (Paris). Mem. Ac. Sci. Lisboa — Memorias da Academia real das Scienciasde Lisboa. Mem. Acc. Tor. — Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin). Mdm. Ac. Toulouse — Mdmoires de l’Acaddmie des Sciences, &c., de Tou- louse. Mem. Ac. Vaucluse — Memoires de l’Acaddmie de Yaucluse (Avignon). Mem. Am. Ac. — Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston). Mem. Boll. Soc. geogr. Ital.— Memorie (Bollettino) della Society geografica Italiana (Rome). Mem. Bost. Soc. — Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. Mem. California Acad. — Memoirs of the California Academy. Mem Gour.Ac. Belg. 4to. — Memoires Couronnes et Memoires des Savants Etrangers publies par l’Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique. Mem. Cour. Ac. Belg. 8vo. — Ibid. 8vo. Mem. hist. nat. Empire Chinois — Memoires concernant l’histoire naturelle de l’Empire Chinois par des peres de la compagnie de J6sus (Shanghai). M4m. Inst. Genbv. — Memoires de l’Institut national Gen6vois (Geneva). Mem. 1st. Lomb. — Memorie del R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze (Milan). Mem. 1st. Venet. — Memorie del R. Istituto Yeneto di Scienze, &c. (Yenice). Mem. Lidge — Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Li£ge. Mem. Mus. C. Z.— Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College (Cambridge, U.S.A.). XXII LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Mem. Nat. Ac. Sci. — Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences (Washington). Mem.-pris. Ac. Sci. — Mdmoires pr6sent<$s par divers savants a l’Acad6mie des Sciences de l’institut de France (Paris). Mem. Soc. Abbeville — Memoires de la Society d’emulation d’ Abbeville. Mem. Soc. Angers— Memoires de la Society nationale d’agriculture, sciences, et arts d’Angers (Angers). Mem. Soc. Aube — Memoires de la Society Acad^mique d’agriculture, des sciences, arts, et belles-lettres du ddpartement de PAube (Troyes & Paris). Mem. Soc. Biol. — (See G.R.) M4m. Soc. Bord. — Memoires de la Soci6t6 des Sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. M6m. Soc. Cannes — Mdmoires de la Socidt6 des Soiences naturelles et historiques des lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Cannes et de PArron- dissemente de Grasse (Cannes). Mem. Soc. Cherb. — Memoires de la Soci6t6 nationale des Sciences natu- relles et math6matiques de Cherbourg. Mdm. Soc. im. Doubs. — Memoires de la Society d’^mulation du Doubs (Besan^on). M&m. Soc. Qeol. — Memoires de la Socidte G6ologique de France (Paris) Mem. Soc. Hainault — Memoires et publications de la Soci6t6 des Sciences, des Arts, et des Lettres du Hainault (Mons). M6m. Soc. Hist. Nat. — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences naturelles de France. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. — Memorie della Societe Italiana di scienze naturali (Milan). Mem. Soc. Lille — Memoires de la Socidt6 de l’agriculture et des arts de Lille. Mdm Soc. L. N. Fr. — Memoires de la Society Linneenne du Nord de la France (Amiens). Mini. Soc. Maine et Loire — Memoires de la Soci6t6 Acad^mique de Maine et Loire (Angers). Mem. Soc. Manch. — Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophi- cal Society (London). Mem. Soc. Neuchatel— Memoires de la Soci6t6 des sciences naturelles de Neuchatel. M6m. Soc , Oise — Mdmoires de la Soci«St6 Acaddmique d’archtSolo du sciences et arts du d^partement de POise. Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. — M6moires de la Societe de Physique et d’His- toire Naturelle de Geneve. Mem. Soc. Saone — Memoires de la Soci6t6 des sciences naturelles de Sa6ne- et-Loire (Chalon-sur-Saone). (Also Bulletin.) Mem. Soc. Seine & Oise — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences naturelles et m^dicales de Seine-et-Oise (Versailles). Mem. Soc. Zool, — Mdmoires de la Soci6t6 Zoologique de France (Paris). Mem. Univ. Tokio — Memoirs of the Science Department, Tokio Daigaku (University of Tokio). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXlll Midden-Sumatra — Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en orderzoekingen des Sumatra-Expedite uitgerust door het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1877-1879, beschreven door de Leden der Expedite onder Toezicht van Prof. P. J. Yeth. Part iv. Natuurlijike Historie (Brill : 1884, 8vo). Mid. Nat. — The Midland Naturalist (Badger & Harrison : London & Birmingham). Mon. MT. Ver. Franhfurt-a.-O. — Monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwissen- schaftlichen Yereins des Regierung-Bezirkes, Frankfurt-an-der-Oder (Huth : Berlin). (Now Helios.) Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist. — Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Paris, Leipsic, London). Month. P. Am. Ent. Soc.— Proceedings of the Monthly Meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia (issued with TV. Am. Ent. Son.). Morph. JB. — Morphologisches Jahrbuch : eine Zeitschrift fur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte (Gegenbauer : Leipzig). MB. Akad. Berlin — (See SB., &c.) MT. anthrop. Ges. Wien — Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesell- schaft in Wien (Yienna). MT. deutseh. Fisch. Ver. — MT. embr. Inst. Wien ( n.s .) — Mittheilungen aus dem embryologischen Institute der k. k. Universitat in Wien. New series (Schenck : Yienna). MT. Ges. Bern — Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaf t in Bern. MT. Ges. Ostasien’s — Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaf t fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasien’s (Yokohama). MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden — Mittheilungen aus dem kon. mineralogisch- geologischen und prsehistorischen Museum in Dresden. MT. Munch, ent. Ver. — Mittheilungen der Miinchener entomologischeu Yereins. MT. orn. Ver. Wien — Mittheilungen des ornithologischen Yereins in Wien (Vienna). MT. Osterlande — Mittheilungen ans dem Osterlande (Altenberg). MT. schw. ent. Ges. — Mittheilungen der schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaf t (Schaff hausen). MT. Thurgau. Ges. — Mittheilungen der Thurgauischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft (Frauenfeld). MT. ung. geol. Anst. — Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der kon, un- garischen geologischen Anstalt (Buda-Pest). MT. Ver. Steierm. — Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereine fur Steiermark (Gratz). MT. Vorpomm. — Mittheilungen aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Yereine von Neu-Yorpommern und Riigen (Griefswald). MT. z. Stat. Neap. — Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station in Neapel (Leipzig). j N. Act. Ups. — Nova Acta R. Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis (Upsala). XXIV LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. N. Acta Ac. L.-C . Nat. cur. — Nova Acta Academic Cms. Leopoldino- Carolinee Germanise Naturae curiosorum (Leipzig). (Also Verhand- lungen der h. Leop. Carol, deutschen Acad. d. Natur/.) *N. Ann. sci.nat. Bologna — Nuovi annali della scienze naturali Bologna. N. Arch. Mm. — Nouvelles Archives du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris). N. Denk. schwr.Oes. — Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. (Also Nou - veaux Mem. de la Soc. Helv. des Sciences Naturelles.) N. Mem. Soc. Helv. — Nouveaux Memoires de la Society Helvetique des Sciences naturelles (Lausanne). N. Mem. Soc. Imp. Moscou— Nouveaux Memoires de la Society Imperial des Naturalistes de Moscou. N. Saggi Acad. Padova — Nuovi saggi della R. Accademia di scienze lettere ad arti in Padova. ®N. Z. J. Sci. —The New Zealand Journal of Science (Dunedin). Nachr. Ges. Gotting. — Nachrichten von der k. Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften und der Georg Auguste Universitat zu Gottingen. Nachr. mol. Ges . — Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft (Frankfort). Nat. Canad. — Le Naturaliste Canadien (Provancher : Cap Rouge, Quebec). Nat. Hist. J. — The Natural History Journal and School Reporter (Lou- don and York). Nat. Hist. N. — Natural History Notes (Rowbotham : London). Nat.- Hist. Tr. North Durham — Natural-History Transactions of North- umberland, Durham, and Newcastle-on- Tyne (London & Newcastle). Nat. Mex. — La Naturaleza (Mexico). Nat. Sicil. — II Naturalista Siciliano : Giornale di Science Naturali (Ragusa : Palermo). °Nat. Tide. — Naturhistorik Tidsskrift (Schiodte : Copenhagen). Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. hut. — Natuurkun lig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Indie (Batavia). Nat. Ver. Haarlem — Natuurkundige Yerhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappig der Wetenschappen te Haarlem (Haarlem). Nat. Ver. Utrecht — Natuurkundige Verhandelingen Provinciaal Utregtsch genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Utrecht). Natur — Die Natur : Zeitung zur Yerbreitung naturwissenschaftlichen Kenntniss und Naturauschauuug fiir Leser alle Stiinde. Organ des deutschen Humboldt-Verein (Midler : Halle). Naturalist — The Naturalist : Journal of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union, &c. A Monthly Journal of Natural History for North of England (Roebuck & Clarke : London & Leeds). Nature — Nature (London). Natur/orscher — Naturforscher ; Wochenblatt zur Yerbreitung der Fort- schritte in den Naturwissenschaften (Sklarek : Berlin). Naut. — The Nautilus (Pilsbry & Averell : Philadelphia). Nor. Selsk. Skr. — K. Norske Yideuskabers Selskabs Skrifter (Thrond- hejm). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXV Notes Leyd. Mas. — Notes from the Royal Zoological Museum of the Netherlands at Leyden (Jentink). Notizbl. Ver. Erdlc. Darmstadt — Notizblatt des Yereins fur Erdkunde zu Darmstadt. Nouv. et faits — Nouvelles et faits divers (De Marseul : Paris). Nunq. Ot. — Nunquam otiosus (Schaufuss : Dresden). Nyt. Mag. Naturv. — Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne (Christiania). (Efv. Ah. Fork. — (Efversigt af k. Yetenskaps Akademiens Forhaud- lingar (Stockholm). C Efv . Finsha Fork. — CEfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps Societetens For- handlingar (Helsingfors). Onderz. Phys. Lab. TJtrecht — Onderzoekingen gedaan en het physiolo- gisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Orn. & Ool. — Ornithologist & Oologist (Pawtucket, R. I.). Ornis — Ornis : Internationale Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Ornithologie (Blasius & Hayek : Yienna). Orvos-termesz. j£rtcsU(i. — Orvos-tormeszettudom&nyi Ertesito (Kolozsvar = Klausenberg). Orers. Dan. SelsJc. — Oversigt over det k. Danske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger (Copenhagen). P. Ac. Philad. — Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. P. Am. Ac. — Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston). P. Am. Ass. — Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. P. Am. Micr. Soc. — Proceedings of the American Society for Micro- scopists. P. Am. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia). P. A. S. B. — Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). P. Bath. N. H. Soc. — Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. P. Belf. Soc. — (See Report.) P. Biol. Soc. Washington — Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. P. Birmingh. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. P. Birmingh. Soc.- (See Report.) P. Bost. Soc. — Proceedings of tho Boston Society of Natural History (Boston, U.S.A). P. Bristol Soc. — Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the Philosophical Society, Cambridge. P. Canad. Inst. — Proceedings of the Canadian Institute (Toronto). P. Chest. Soc. — Proceedings of the Chester Society of Natural Science. XXVI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. P. Colorado Soc. — Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society (Denver). P. Cottesw. Nat. F. C. — Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists* Field Club (Gloucester.) P. Davenport Ac. — Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences (Davenport, Iowa). P. Dorset Field Club — Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club (Sherborne). P. E. Soc. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. P. Folkestone Soc. — Proceedings of the Folkestone Natural History Society. P. Geol. Ass. — Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (London). P. Hnlmesdale Nat. Hist. Club — Proceedings of the Holmesdale Natural History Club (London). P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. — Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Sydney). P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. — Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society. P. Liverp. Field Club — Proceedings of the Liverpool Naturalists’ Field Club. P, Liverp. Soc. — Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. P. Nebraska Ass. — Proceedings of the Nebraska Association for the Advancement of Science. P. Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. — Proceedings of the Newport Natural History Society. * P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. — Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. P. N.-Scot. Inst. — Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova-Scotian Institute of Natural Science (Halifax, N.-S.). P. Phil. Soc. Glasg. — Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. — Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. P. R. Geogr. Soc. — Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society (London). P. R. Inst. — -Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (London). P. R. Irish Ac. — Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). P. R. Soc. — Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). P. R. Soc. Edinb. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. P. R. Soc. Queensl. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland (Brisbane). P. R. Soc. Tasm. — Papers and Proceedings and Reports of the Royal Society of Tasmania (Hobarton). P. R. Soc. Viet. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Yictoria (Mel- bourne). P. Soc. Manch. — (See Mem.) P. Somerset. Soc. — Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. New series (Taunton). LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. XXVll P. Tr. Croydon Nat. Hist. Club — Proceedings9iandj Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club (Croydon). P. U. S. Nat Mus. — Proceedings of the United^States National Museum (Washington). P.-v. Soc. Mai. Belg.— Proces-verbaux des*s6ances de la Soci6t6 malacolo- gique de Belgique (Brussels). P.-v. Soc. Tosc. — Processi verbali della Society Toscana di Scienze naturali (Pisa). P. Warwick. Club — Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists’ and Archaeologists’ Field Club (Warwick). P. Z. S. — Proceedings of the Zoological Society (London). Pal. Abh. — Palooontologische Abhandlungen (Dames & Kaysei : Berlin). Palceontogr. — Palaeontographica : Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vor- welt (Cassel). Pal. Ind. — Palaeontologia Indica. (4to)~ Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India (Calcutta). Pal. Soc. — Monographs of the Palaeontological Society. Pam. Alcad. umiej. wydz. przyr. Krakau — Pamietnik Akademii Umiejetnosci w Krakowie. Wydzial matem. przyr (Cracow). Pam. Fizjogr. — Pamietnik Fizjograficzny (Warsaw). Papilio — Papilio : the Organ of the New York Entomological Club, devoted exclusively to Lepidoptera (H. Edwards : New York). Phil. Tr.— Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London). Preisschr. Jablonovsk. Oesells. Leipsig — Preisschriften gekront uud herausgegeben von der furstlich Jablonovski’ schen Gesellschaft zu Leipsig. Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci.— Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences (San Francisco). Prodr. Zool. Viet. — Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria (McCoy : Melbourne). Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan— Protokol zasyedanie obschestva estestvois- petateleyi pre imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitetye. Prot. Soc. Nouv. Buss. — Protocol de la Society des Naturalist es de la Nouvelle Russie (Odessa). p^c^—Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. Published by the Cambridge Entomological Club (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.). Publ. Inst. Luxemb. — Publications de l’lnstitut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Q. J. Geol. Soc. — Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (London). Q. J. Micr. Soc. — Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (Lankester et alii : London). Bad jugoslav. alcad. — Rad jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (Zagreb). [Transactions of the South Slav Academy of Science and Art.] Bee. Geol. Surv. Ind. — Records of the Geological Survey of India (Calcutta). Bee. Z. Suisse - Recueil Zoologique Suisse^Fol : Geneva & B&le). xxviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Rend. Acc. Nap. — Rendiconto dell’ Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e mate- matiche (Sezione della Societa reale di Napoli). llend. 1st. Bologna — Rendiconti delle sessioni della R. Accademia delle scienze dell’ Istituto di Bologna. llend. 1st. Lombardo — Rendiconti del Real Istituto Lombardo di Scienzi e letteri (Milan). Hep. Belfast Field Olub — Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists’ Field Olub. °Rep. Birm. N. H. Soc. — Report [and Transactions] of the Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society. (Now in Mid. Nat.) Hep. Brighton Soc. — Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society (Brighton). llep. Brit. Ass. — Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Hep. Cornell Univ. Stat. — Report of the Department of Entomology of the Cornell University Experiment Station (Comstock : Ithaca, N.Y.). Hep. Cormvall Polytechn. — Reports of the Royal Poly technical Society of Cornwall. Hep. Dep. Agric. & Rep. Ent. — Report of the Entomologist. From the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture (Washington). IPp. Dulwich Col. Soc. — Annual Report of the Dulwich College Science Society (Dulwich). llep. E. Soc. Out. — Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario. llep. Fish. Scotl. — Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland (London, Edinburgh, & Dublin). Hep. Geol. Surv. Canada — Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey and Museum of Canada (Montreal). llep. Ins. Jilin. - Annual Report of the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois (Springfield). Rep. Ins. N. York — Annual Report of the Injurious and other Insects of New York (Lintner : Albany). Rep. Leicest. Soc. — (See 2'r.) Rep. Marlb. Coll. Soc. — Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society. Rep. N. Stafford F. Club — Report of the North Stafford Field Club. Rep. N. Y. Mus. — Annual Report of' the New York State Museum of Natural History (Albany). Rep. & P. Belfast N. II. Soc. — Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. Rep. Penzance Soc. — Report and Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Rep. Plym. Inst. — Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society (Plymouth). Rep. Rugby Soc. — Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society. Rep. Tv. Devon Ass. — Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, &c. (Plymouth). LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. xxix Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. — Report of the United States Entomological Commission (Washington). Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm. — Report of the Commissioner, United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries (Washington). Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. — Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (Washington). Rep. Wellington Soc. — Report of the Wellington College Natural Science Society (Wellington Coll.). Rep. Winchester Soc. — Report of the Winchester College Natural History Society (Winchester). Rep. W. Kent Soc. — Papers and Reports, &c., of the West Kent Natural History, Microscopical, and Photographic Society (Greenwich). Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. — Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philo- sophical Society. Rev. Biol. — Revue biologique du Nord de la France (Barrois, Hallez, Moniez : Lille). Rev. Cien. Madrid — Revista de los progresos de las Ciencias exactas, fisicas, y naturales (Madrid). Rev. Cient. Univ. Venezuela — Revista cientifica mensual de la Universidad de Venezuela (Caracas). Rev. d'Ent. — Revue d’Entomologie, public par la Soci6t6 Fran^aise d’Entomologie (Fauvel : Caen). Rev. mens. Ent. — Revue mensuelle d’Entomologie pure et appliqu^e (Doukhtouroff : St. Petersburg). Rev. Montp. — Revue des Sciences naturelles (Montpellier). Rev. Quest, sci. — Revue des Questions scientifiques (Brussels). Rev. Sci. — Revue Scientifique de la- France et de l’Etranger (Paris). Rev. Sci . Bourb. — Revue Scientifique du Bourbonnais et du centre de la France (Olivier : Moulins). Rev. Sci. Nat. — Revue des Sciences Naturelles (Dubreuil : Paris). Rev. Soc. Porto — Re vista da Societa de Instruc9ao de Porto (Oporto). Rev. Tierheilkunde — Revue fur Tierheilkunde und Tierzucht (Vienna). Rev. Tr. Sci. — Revue des Travaux Scientifiques (Paris). Rev. Zool. — Revue Zoologique. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. — (Now Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli.) Rochester Nat. — The Rochester Naturalist (Rochester). Rov. Lapoh — Rovartani Lapok [Entomological Leaves] (G. Horvath : Budapest). Rozpraw Wydz. matem.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. — Rozprawy i Sprawozdania z posiedzeu Wydzialu matem.-przyr. Akademii Umiejetnosci. [Trans- actions of the Academy of Sciences, Krakau.] S. E. Z — Stottiner entomologische Zeitung (Dohrn : Stettin). Seimm. Geol. Mus. Leid. — Sammlungen des Geologischen Reichmuseums in Leiden. SB. Ak. Berlin— Sitzungsberichte der koniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (formerly Bericht and Monatsbericht). (Also Abhandl.) 1888. [VOL. XXV.] 13 3 XXX LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. SB. Ah. Wien — Sitzungsberichte der mathematische-naturwissenschaft- lichen Classe der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna). (Also Denhschriften.) SB. layer. Ah. — Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich),. (Also Abhandl.) SB. biihm. Ges. — Sitzungsberichte der k. bohmiseben Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). (Also Abhancll.') SB. Ges. Dorp. — Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Dorpat (Dragendorff : Dorpat). SB. Ges. Isis — Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der naturwissen- schaftlichen Gesellschaft ‘ Isis ’ (Dresden). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Ges. Konigsb. — Sitzungsberichte der k. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Preussen (Konigsberg). (See Schr. Ges. Konigsb.) SB. Ges. Leipzig— Sitzungsberichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. SB. Ges. Marb. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. SB. Ges. Morph. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Morphologie und Physiologie in Miinchen (Munich). SB. Ges. Wiirzb. — Sitzungsberichte des physikalisch-medicinischen Gesell- schaft zu Wurzburg. (Also Verh.) SB. Jen. Ges.-- -Sitzungsberichte der Jenaischen gesellschaft fur medicin- und-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Jena (Jena). SB. nat. Fr. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freund e zu Berlin. SB. niederrhein. Ges. — Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesell- schaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde (Bonn). (Published with Verh. & CB. Ver. Bheinl.) SB. Soc. Erlangen — Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-medicinischen Societat zu Erlangen. SB. z.-b. Wien — Sitzungsberichte der zoologiscli-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna). (Also Verh.) Schr. Ges. Danz. — Neueste Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Danzig (Danzig). Schr. Ges. Konigsb. — Schriften der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesell- schaft zu Konigsberg in Preussen. Schr. gesammt. Naturw. Marburg — Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Befor- derung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Schr. Nat. Ver. Schleswig — Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereius fur Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel). Schr. Ver. Harzes — Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Harzes in Wernigerode. Schr. Univ. Kiel — Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel. Science — Science (Dali : Cambridge, Mass.). Sci. Goss.— Science Gossip (Taylor : London). Sci. Mem. — Scientific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army of India (Simpson : Calcutta^. Science Obs. — Science Observer (Boston Scientific Society, U.S.A.). -LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXXI Sci. P. JR. Dubl. Soc.— Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) — The Scientific Transactions of the Ro^al Dublin Society. Second Series. Scot. Nat. — The Scottish Naturalist (Trail : Perth). Sem. Mddic. — La semaine medicale. Smiths. Gontrib. Knowledge — Contributions to Knowledge by the Smith sonian Institution (Washington). Smiths. Misc. Coll. — Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington). Soc. Ent. — Societas Entomologica. Soc. Agricole Pyrbn.-orient. — Soci^te Agricole Scientifique et Litt6raire des Pyr6n6es-orientales (Perpignan). Soc. Sci. Vitry - Soci6t<$ des Sciences et Arts de Yitry la Francis (Arcis sur Aube). Sprawozd. Kom. fizyjogr. — Sprawozdanie Komisyi fizyjografiezn^j, &c. (Cracow). Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. — Studies at the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). 0 Stud . Micr. Sci. — Studies in Microscopical Science (Cole : London). Sv. Ak. Handl. — K. SVenska Yetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (Stock- holm). Tag. Deut. Nat. Vers. — Tageblatt der Yersammlung deutscher Natur- forscher und Aertzte. Taprobanian — The Taprobanian (Nevill : Bombay). Tijdschr. Ent. — Tijdschrift voor Entomologie (The Hague). Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) — Tijdschrift van de Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (The Hague and Rotterdam). Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. — Naturkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie (Batavia). Timehri — Timehri : being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana (Quelch : Demerara). Termes Kozlony — Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony kiadja a k. magyat termeszett. T&rsulat (Budapest). Term, fuzetek — Term^szetrajzi fuzetek : kiadja a magyar remzeti Museum (Journal of Zoology, &c., edited by Hungarian Museum at Buda- pesth). Tr. Albany Inst— Transactions of the Albany Institute. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia). Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. — Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia). Tr. A. S. Japan — Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan (Yoko- hama). Tr. Barrow Nat. Field Club— Transactions of the Barrow Naturalists’ Field Club. Tr. Camb. Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Tr. Cardiff Nat Soc— (See Rep. Tr. Cardiff Nat. Soc.) XXX11 LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. Tr. Conn. Ac. — Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences (New Haven). Tr. Cumberl. Westmorl. Ass. — Transactions of the Cumberland and West- moreland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science (Goodchild : Carlisle). Tr. Devon Asa.— (See Rep. Tr. Devon Ass.) Tr. Dumfries Nat. Hist. Soc. — The Transactions and Journal of Proceed- ings of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Dumfries). Tr, Edin. Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Tr. Edinb. Nat. Soc. — Transactions of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists’ and Microscopical Society. Tr. Ess. Club = Ess. Nat. — Essex Naturalist : being the Journal, Transactions, and Proceedings of the Essex Field Club (Buckhurst Hill). Tr. E. Kent Nat. Hist. Soc. — Transactions of the East Kent Natural History Society (Canterbury). Tr. E. Soc. — Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. ° Tr. Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Tr. Hertf. Soc.— Transactions of the Hertfordshire. Natural History Society and Field Club (Watford). Tr. Kansas Ac. — Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (Topeka). Tr. Leicester Soc. — Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philo- sophical Society (Leicester). Tr. L. S. (2) — Transactions of the Linnean Society, London. Second series. Tr. L. S. New York — Transactions of the Linnean Society of New York. Tr. Leeds Nat. Club— Transactions of the Leeds Naturalists’ Club. Tr. Manch. Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. Tr. Manch. Micr. Soc. — Transactions of the Manchester Microscopical Society. Tr. Middlesex Soc.-^-Transaetions of the Middlesex Natural History and Science Society. Tr. Newbury Club— Transactions of the Newbury District Field Club. Tr. Norw. Soc. — Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society (Norwich). Tr. Notts. Soc. — Transactions of the Nottingham Naturalists’ 'Society. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. — Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (New York). Tr. N. Z. Inst. — Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute (Wellington). Tr. Odont. Soc. — Transactions of the Odontological Society. Tr. Ottawa Nat. Club — Transactions of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club. Tr. & P. Perthsh. Soc. — Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science (Perth). Tr. JR. Irish Ad. — Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). Tr, S. African Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society (Cape Town). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. xxxiii Tr. R. Soc. Canada — Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (Montreal). Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. — Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. — Transactions and Proceedings ahd Report of the Royal Society of South Australia (Adelaide). Tr. R. Soc. Viet. — Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of Victoria. Tr. Shropshire Soc. — Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Shrewsbury and Oswestry). Tr. Stirling Soc. — Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Tr. St. Louis Acad. — Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. °Tr. Tyneside Club — Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field Club (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Tr. Wisconsin Acad. — Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (Madison). (Also Bulletin.) Tr. Woolhope Nat. — Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club (Hereford). Tr. Yorlcsh. Union — Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union (London & Leeds). Tr. Z. S. — Transactions of the Zoological Society (London). Trav. Ac. Reims — Travaux de 1’ Academe nationale de Reims (Reims). Trav. Inst. Zool. Lille — Travaux le l’lnstitut Zoologique de Lille et de la Station maritime de Wimereux (Lille). Trav. Lab. Ilistol. — Travaux du Laboratoire d’Histologie du College de France, Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes (Ranvier : Paris). Trav. Soc. Univ. Kharkow — Travaux de la Soci6t6 des Naturalistes a l’Universite Imperiale de Kharkow. Trencsen term. egy. — 1 Trencs^n inegzei termeszettudomanyi egysulet (Trencsin). Troms'6 Mus. Aarsh. — Tromso Museum’s Aarshefter. Trudui Kazan. Univ. — Trudui obschtchestva estestvoespytatelei pre emperatorskom Kasanskom Universitet. Trudui Kharltoff Univ. — Trudui obschtchestva ispytatelei prihody pre imp. Kharkovakom uuiversitet (Kharkoff). Trudui Russ. Nat. — Trudui sezda russkich estestvoespytatelei. Timdui St. Petersburg Nat. — Trudui sanct Petersburgkova obschtchestva estestvoespytatelei. Uebers. Arb. schlcs. Ges. Breslau — Uebersicht dor Arbeiten und Verhand- lungen des schlesischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Breslau. Unters. Nat. — Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere (Moleschott : Giessen). Upsala Univ. Arsslcrift— Upsala Universitets Arsskrift (Upsala). (Also Act. Upsala.) Xxxiy UST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Vannin Lioar. — Yannin Lioar. Published quarterly for the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Kermode : Ramsey). Verh. Ak. A mat. — Verhandelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen (Amsterdam). (Also/R.) Verh. Batav. Genoots. — Yerhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en wetenschappen (Batavia) (1880). Verh. geol. Reichsanst. — Verhandlnugen der k.-k. geologischen Reichsan- stalt (Vienna). (Also JB.) Verh. Qes. Basel — Yerhandlungen der naturforschenden Geseilschaft in Basel (Bale). Verh. Ges. W'drzb. — Yerhandlungen der physikalisch - medicinischen Geseilschaft zu Wurzburg. (Also SB.) Verh. k. Leopold. Carol. Akad. Naturf. — (See N. Act. Ac. Leop. Carol. Nat. cur.) Verh. naturw. Ver. Karlsi'uhe — Yerhandlungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins in Karlsruhe. Verh. siebenb. Ver. — Yerhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbur- gischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften (Hermannstadt). Verh. Ver. Briinn. — Yerhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins in Brunn. Verh. Ver. Hamb. — Yerhandlungen des Vereins fur naturwissenschaft- liche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg. Verh. Ver. Heidelb. — Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medicinischcn Vereins zu Heidelberg. Verh. Ver. Bresbut'g — Yerhandlungen des Vereins fur Natur- und Heil- kunde zu Presburg. Verh. Ver. Rheinl. — Yerhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalen (Bonn). (Also CB.) Verh. z.-b. Wien — Yerhandlungen der Kaiserlichen-koniglichen zoologisch- botanischen Geseilschaft in Wien (Vienna). (Also SB.) Versl. Ak. Arnst. — Verslagen en Mededeelingen der k. Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). Viet. Nat. — Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne). Vid. Medd. — Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Fore- ning (Copenhagen). Viert. Ges. Zurich — Yierteljahrschrift des naturforschenden Geseilschaft in Zurich (Wolf : Zurich). Wesley Nat. — The Wesley Naturalist. Monthly Journal of the Wesley Scientific Society (Dallinger et alii : London). West Am. Scientist — The West American Scientist (San Diego). Wiedomosci z nauk przyrod. = Materialen zu dem Wissensohaften (Warsaw). Wien. ent. Z. — Wiener entomologische Zeitung (Vienna). Wilt. Mag. — The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (Devizes). York. Phil. Soc. — Yorkshire Philosophical Society Annual Report (York). Young Nat. — The Young Naturalist (Morley : Huddersfield). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XX.XV Z. Biol. — Zeitschrift fur Biologie (Miinchen). Z. Ent. Brest. — Zeitschrift fur Entomologie ( Z. Ferdinand. Tirol Vorarlberg — Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Yorarlberg (Innsbruck). Z. f. Ethnol. — Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie (Bastian & Hartmann : Berlin). Z.f. Thiermed. — Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin und vergleichende Patho- logie). Z. geol. Ges. — Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft (Berlin). Z. ges. Orn. — Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Ornithologie (Von Madar&sz : Budapest). Z. Naturw. — Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften. Original Abhand- lungen und Berichte herausgegeben im Auftrage der naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen (Brass : Halle-a-S.). Z. wiss. Geogr. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Geographic (Kettler : Lahr, in Baden). Z. wiss. 3fikr. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroscopie und fiir mikroscopische Technik (Berens : Braunschweig). Z. wiss. Zool.— Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie (Kolliker & Ehlers : Leipzig). Zapiski Kiev. — Zapiski Kievskova Obshtchestva Estestvoespytatelei (Kieff). Zopisld Novoross. Obsch. Estestv. — Zapiski novorossiysche Obshtchestva estestvoespytatelei (Odessa). Zool. — The Zoologist (Harting : London). Zool. Ana. — Zoologischer Anzeiger (Carus : Leipzig). Zool. Bcitr. — Zoologische Boitrago (Schneider : Breslau). Zool. Qart. — Der Zoologische Garten (Noll : Frankfort). Zool. Jahrb. — Zoologische Jahrbiicher (Spengel : Giessen). Zool. JB. — Zoologischer Jahresbericht (Mayer & Giesbrecht : Berlin). Zool. Mag. — The Zoological Magazine (Tokyo). Zool. Rec. — The Zoological Record (Beddard : London). An asterisk prefixed to a quotation signifies that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. CONTENTS GENERAL SUBJECTS. By J. Page Text Books, General Works, and Essays . . ■> 1 Theory of Evolution : General 7 Environment 14 Heredity 15 Arthur Thomson, M.A., F.R.S.E. Pago Special Subjects : Protoplasm and the Cell . . 18 Oogenesis 22 S permatogenesis 28 Sex and Reproduction . ... 30 MAMMALIA. By R. Introduction 1 The General Subject 2 Faunas 23 Special Structures, Develop- ment, &c 24 Special Work 25 Primates 25 Carnivora 26 Insectivora 33 AVES. By A. H. Introduction 1 The General Subject 3 Carinatse 49 Passeres 49 Picariso 67 Psittaci 71 Striges - . . . 72 Accipitres 73 Steganopodes 75 Herodiones 76 Odontoglossse 77 Anseres 77 Columbse 78 GallinaB 86 Opisthocomi 88 Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. Chiroptera 35 Rodentia 36 Ungulata 41 Sirenia 54 Cetacea 54 Edentata ...... * t ... . 57 Marsupialia 58 Monotremata 63 Incertse sedis 64 Evans, M.A., F.Z.S. Fulicarise 88 Alectorides 89 Limicolse 89 Gaviae 91 Tubinares 92 Pygopodes 93 Impennes 93 Crypturi 93 Ratitse 94 Immanes >.•*..* 94 Apteryges 94 Megistanes .......... 94 Rhese 94 Struthiones 95 Formas sedis incertse 95 XXXVlll CONTENTS. REPTILIA and BATRACHIA. By G. A. Boulenger. Page General 1 Faunae 2 Palaeontological 5 Reptilia 6 Lacertilia 6 Rhyptoglossa 11 Pythonomorpha 11 Ophidia 11 Ornithosauria 16 Dinosauria 17 Emydosauria 18 Page Chelonia 19 Ichthyosauria 21 Plesiosauria 21 Rhynchocophalia 22 Theromorpha 22 Incertae sedis . . 22 Batraciiia 22 Ecaudata 23 Caudata 27 Apoda 28 Stegocephala 28 PISCES. By G. A. Boulenger. General Faunae Palaeontological . . Palaeichthyes ... Ichthyotomi . . Chondropterygii Selachoidei . . Batodei . . . . Holocephala . . . Ganoidei 1 3 5 6 6 6 7 9 10 10 Teleostei Acanthopterygii . . A. Pharyngognathi. Anacanthini Physostomi Lophobranchii . . , Plectognathi . . . . Cyclostomata Leptocardii Incertae sedis 13 14 20 21 23 29 29 29 30 30 TUNICATA. By Prof. W. A. Herdman, D.Sc., F.L.S. .Gist of Publications . . 1 Phylogeny 3 Anatomy . . 2 Systematic 4 Physiology . . 3 Larvacea 4 Development . . 3 Thaliacea 4 Geographical Distribution . . . 3 Ascidiacea 5 MOLLUSOA. By W. E. Hoyle, M.A., F.R.S.E. List of Publications .... (Gastropoda) Heteropoda . . . 68 Anatomy and Physiology . . . 32 „ Prosobranchiata . 69 G eographical Distribution . . . 43 „ Polyplacophora. . 77 Cephalopoda . . 55 „ Aplacophora . . . 77 Pteropoda . . 56 Scaphopoda 78 Gastropoda Pulmonata . . . . 57 Pelecypoda 78 BRACHIOPODA. By W. E. Hoyle, M. A., F.R.S.E. List of Publications . . . . . . 1 Inarticulata 4 Text-Books, Anatomy. &c. . . 4 Articulata 5 Geographical Distribution . . . 4 POLYZOA. By W. E. Hoyle, M.A., F.R.S.E. List of Publications .... . . 1 Eupolyzoa 6 Anatomy and Physiology . . . 4 Entoprocta 6 G eographical Distribution . . . 5 Ectoprocta 6 Classification . . 6 Cyclostomata 7 Yermiformia . . 6 Ctenostomata 8 Cheilostomata 8 CONTENTS. XXXIX CRUSTACEA. By Cecil Warburton, B.A. Page List of Publications 1 Systematic 11 Podophthalmia 12 Decapoda 12 Edriophthalmia 16 Isopoda 16 Trilobita 17 Amphipoda 17 Merostomata 21 Eurypteridae 21 Branchiopoda 21 Phyllopoda 21 Page Cladocera 22 Lophyropoda 22 Ostracoda 22 Copepoda 22 Anchoracephala 23 Cirrhipedia 23 Morphology . . 23 Physiology 26 Classification 27 Palaeontology 28 Geographical Distribution ... 28 ARACHNIDA. By R. Innes Pocock. Titles of Faunistic Papers . . Distribution , . 1 . 3 Solpugidea Pseudoscorpiojiidea . General Systematic . 4 . 4 Phalaugidea Acaridea Aratieidea . 4 Pycnogonida Palpigradi . 13 Tardigrada , Pedipalpi . 13 Gigantostraca Scorpionidea . 14 MYRIOPODA. By R. Innes Pocock. Anatomy, Physiology, &c . . . 1 List of Faunistic Publications. 2 Distribution 3 Chilopoda . Diplopoda . . Protracheata 15 15 16 16 24 25 25 3 4 5 INSECTA. Introduction 1 I. Titles 2 II. Anatomy and Physiology 62 111. Faunistic and Palaeontology 66 By D. Sharp. IV. Economic 81 V. Bibliography.Nomenclature, Biography 83 VI. Systematic 85 The General Sub- Pago ject 85 Cicindelidae . . . 85 Carabidae Haliplidae and 86 Dytiscidae. . . . 93 Gyrinidae 94 Ilydropliilidae . . 94 Platypsyllidae. . . 96 Staphylinidae . . . 96 Pselaphidae . . . . 100 Paussidae 102 Scydmaenidae . . . 102 (a.) COLEOPTERA. Page Silphidae and Sphaeriidae . . . 103 Trichopterygidae and Scaphidiidae 104 Histeridae 105 Phalacridae .... 107 Nitidulidae .... 108 Trogositidae ... 108 Colydiidae and Rhysodidae . . . 109 Cucujidae .... 109 Cryptophagidae, Lathridiidae, and Mycetophagidae 110 Page Thorictidae, Der- mestidae, and Byrrhidae . . . 110 Parnidae, Georys- sidae, and He- teroceridae ... 1 1 1 Lucanidae Ill Scarabaeidae . ... 112 Buprestidae .... 124 Throscidae, Monom- midae, Eucnem- idae 126 Elateridae . . . . 127 xl CONTENTS. (a.) coleoptera — continued. Page Page OebrionidaB, Rhi- pidoceridts, aud Dascillidae . . . 129 Telephoridae (Malacodermidae) 129 Oloridae 132 Ptinidae 132 Bostrichidae and Oioidae 132 Tenebrionidae . . 133 Cistelidae 138 Othniidae and Nilionidae .... 141 Melandryidae . . . 141 Pythidae 141 LagriidaB 141 Pedilidas, Anthi- c i d as, and Pyrochroidas . . 142 Mordellidae, Rhi- pidophoridas . . 142 Cantharidas. . . . 142 GEdemeridae ... 143 Curculionidae . Page . . 143 Scolytidae . . . Brenthidae . . . . 153 Anthotribidae, Bruchidae. . . . 154 Cerambycidae . . . 154 Chrysomelidae . . 160 Languriidae . . . . 170 Erotylidae. . . . . 170 Endomychidae . . 173 Coccinellidae . . . 173 Corylophidae . . . 174 The General Sub- ject 175 Aculeata Apidae 175 Vespidas .... 178 Crabronidas . . 179 Mutillidas . . . 185 Formicidaa . . . 185 (b.) Hymenopteua. Terebrantia Chrysididae. . . 186 Ichneumonidae . 187 Braconidae ... 196 Evaniidae .... 198 Chalcididae . . . 198 Proctotrupidae . 200 The General Sub- ject 206 Rhopalocera Papilionidaa . . 206 Pieridae .... 208 Danaidas .... 210 Acraeidae .... 211 Heliconiidt© . . 211 Nymplialidas . .211 Morphidae ... 215 Satyridae .... 215 . Elymniidae . . . 218 Erycinidae ... 218 Lycasnidas . . . 222 Hesperiidae. . . 226 Heterocera Sphingidae . . . 229 jEgeriidas, Thy- rididae, Hete- rogynidas . . 230 The General Sub- ject 279 Cecidomyiidae . . 279 Mycetophilidae . . 281 Simuliidaa and Bibionidaj . . . 282 (c.) Lepidoptera. Heterocera Castniidas, Uraniidse, and Agaristidae. . 231 Chalcosiidae, Pe- ricopidaB, Eus- cheraidae, Hi- mantopteridoe 231 Zygocnidao, Syn- toraidae .... 231 Arctiidae . . . . 233 Lithosiidae and Hypsidae . . . 234 Nycteolidae, Nyctemeridae, Caliidulidae. . 235 Liparidae .... 235 Psychidae .... 237 Notodontidae . . 237 Limacodidae, Drepanulidae 238 (d.) Diptera. Culicidae and Chironomidae . 282 Orphnephilidae & Psychodidae . . 283 Tipulidae 283 Stratiomyiidae . . 284 Terebrantia MymaridaB and Pelecinidan . . 202 Cynipidae. . . . 202 Sessiliventres Siricidae .... 203 Tenthredinidae. 203 Heterocera Saturniidae,En- dromidae, Ce- ratocampidae 239 Lasiocampidse and Bomby- cidae 240 ZeuzeridoB, IIo- pialidae. ... 241 Cymatophoridae 241 Noctuidae. . . . 242 Deltoidae .... 250 Geometridae . . 251 Pyralidae, Sicu- lodidas .... 259 Crambidoe . . . 264 Tortricidae ... 272 Tineidae .... 273 Pterophoridae, Alucitidae . . 278 Tabanidae 285 Leptidse 285 Asilidae 285 Midaidae and Nemestrinidae . 286 Bombyliidae . . . 286 CONTENTS. xli Page Therevidae and Cyrtidae .... 286 Empidae 286 Dolichopodidae . . 287 Syrphidae 287 Couopidae and CEstridse .... 289 Tachinidae .... 289 Dexidaeand Sarco- phagidae .... 292 The General Sub- ject 297 Hemiptera — Ile- teroptera . . . 297 Pentatomidae . . 297 Coreidae 298 Lygaeidae and PyrrhocoridaB 299 Tingitidae. . . . 300 Aradidas .... 301 Capsidae 301 Cimicidae and AnthocoridaB. 302 The General Sub- ject 310 Trichoptera . . . 310 Neuroptera-Plani- pennia 311 The General Sub- ject 317 Forficulidae .... 317 (d.) diptera — continued. PftgO Muscidae 29 { Anthomyiidae . . . 294 Helomyzidae, Scio- myzidae 294 Ortalidae, Trypet- idae 295 Lonchseidae, Sa- promyzidae, He- teroneuridaB . . 295 (e.) Rhynchota. ( Hemiptera — He- teroptera) Saldidas .... 303 EmesidaBjRedu- viidae, andNa- bidae 303 Hydrometridae, Naucoridae, Nepidae, No- tonectidae . . 303 (f.)NEUROPTERA. Pseudo -N europtera3 1 3 Thysanura ... 313 Mallophaga .... 314 Thysanoptera . . . 314 Termitidae .... 314 (g.) Orthoptf.ra. Blattidae 317 MantidaBand Phas- matidae 318 Page EphydridaB, Droso philidae 295 Oscinidae 295 Agromy zidae, Bor- boridae ..... 296 Phoridae 296 Hippoboscidae . . 296 (Aphaniptera) . . 296 Hemiptera — Ho- moptera . . . 304 Cicadidas .... 304 Fulgoridaa . . . 305 Cercopidae . . . 306 Membracidae . . 306 Jassidae 306 Psyllidae .... 307 Aphididae . . . 307 Coccidap and Aleurodidas . 308 (Anoplura) .... 309 Psocidae . . , Perlidae . . . . . . 315 Ephemeridae . . . 315 Odonata . . . , . . 316 GryllidaB 318 Locustidae .... 319 Acridiidae .... 324 ECHINODERMATA. By O. H. Latter, B.A. List of Publications 1 Subject Index 9 Classification 10 Systematic . 11 Holothuroidea 11 Echinoidea 12 Crinoidea 13 Ophiuroidea 15 Asteroidea 16 xlii CONTENTS. VERMES. By P. Chalmers Mitchell, M.A. , Page Introduction 1 List of Publications 2 References. Systematic Classi- fication 17 Gasterotricha 17 Enteropneusta 17 Chaetopoda 17 Archiannelida 23 Gephyrea 23 Hirudinea 23 Page Rotifera 23 Nemertea 24 Trematoda 24 Cestoda 25 Turbellaria 25 Chaetognatha 26 Nematoda 26 Acanthocephala 27 List of References. Subject Matter. Classification ... 27 CCELENTERATA. By W. E. Hoyle, M.A., F.R S.E. List of Publications 1 Anatomy and Physiology ... 11 Geographical Distribution . . . 14 Ctenophora 17 Ilydrozoa 17 Anthozoa 26 H. Latter, B.A. Systematic 6 Ilexactinellida 6 Demospongiae 6 SPONGIiE. By O. List of Publications 1 Subject-Index 4 Classification 5 PROTOZOA. By Cecil Warburton, B.A. List of Publications ...... 1 Systematic 9 Gymuomyxa 10 Corticata 13 Morphology and Life-History . 16 Physiology and Development . 19 Palaeontology 20 Classification 21 Geographical Distribution . . 21 Index to Genera and Subgenera described as New, &c. Gen. Sub. 1 ZOOLOGICAL RECORD FOR 1888. GENERAL SUBJECTS.* BY J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., F.R.S.E. (A.) (n.) PLAN OF RECORD. Text-Books, General Works. Theory of Evolution. 1. General. 2. Environment. 3. Heredity. (c ) Special Subjects. 1. Protoplasm and the Cell. 2. Oogenesis. 3. Spermatogenesis. 4. Sex and Reproduction. (a.) text-books, general works, and essays (not including monographs). The most important works here recorded, apart from re-editions like those of Ecker, Huxley & Martin (Howes & Scott), Marshall & Hurst, Foster, aud Wiedersheim, series like those of British Museum Catalogues or Bronn’s “ Thierreichs,” and articles like those of Geodes and Lankester, are probably those of Agassiz, Duval, Hertwig, Lang, McKendrick, Neumayr, Ranvier, Yogt & Yung, and Zittel. By itself, as a zoological monument for the year, is Hatchett Jackson’s edition of Rolleston’s Forms of Animal Life. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the work referred to. 2 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘ Blake,’ in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Bull. Mus. C. Z., vols. xiv & xv. Separately, Boston & New York : 8vo, vol. i, xxii & 314 pp., 194 figs. ; vol. ii, 220 pp., figs. 195-545. Yol. ii gives an account of the characteristic deep-sea types, and includes great wealth of illustration, with many full-page plates. In vol. I chapters on history of deep-sea work, on the relations of American and West Indian fauna, on deep-sea and pelagic fauna, on submarine deposits, on the physiology of deep-sea life. Badoureau, A. Coup d’ceil sur les sciences. Leur moyeus d’investiga- tion, leur histoire, leur objet, leur utilite. Rev. Sci. xlii, pp. 34-41. °Baer, K. E. von. Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere. Beo- bachtung und Reflexion. Th. n (Schlussheft) herausgegeb. von L. Stieda. Konigsberg : 4to, v & 317-400 pp. The end of the unfinished work (1828-37). Ball, Y. Further Notes on the Identification of the Animals and Plants of India which were known to early Greek authors. P. R. Irish Ac. 3rd ser. I, pp. 1-9. Beard, J. The old Mouth and the new. A study in Vertebrate Morphology. Anat. Auz. iii, 1888, pp. 15-24. The hypophysis represents the old mouth and its innervation. Beaunis, H. L’evolution du systeme nerveux. Rev. Sci. xlii, pp. 257- 263, 360-368, & 757-764. °Blanchard, E. La vie des 6tres animus. Paris: 18mo, xvi & 296 pp. 0 Blanchard, R. Traits de Zoologie mddicale. Partie 3 (fin du Tome i). Paris : 8vo, pp. 481-808, illustr. ®Boas, J. E. Y. Laerebog i Zoologien. Kjobenhavn : 8vo, 570 pp., 354 figs. ^Bogdanow, A. Medizinskaja Zoologija. Medicinische Zoologie. ir. Die Embry onalblatter und die Anlage der primaren Organe. (Rus- sian.) Moscau : 8vo, xiv & 409 pp., 2 pis. Brass, A. Kurzes Lehrbuch der normalen Histologie des Menschen und typischer Thierformen. Leipzig: 8vo, viii & 484 pp., 210 figs. ° . Die niedrigst.en Lebewesen. Ihre Bedeutung als Krankheits- ereger, ihre Beziehung zum Menschen und den ubrigen Organismen und ihre Stellung in der Natur. Leipzig : 8vo, 66 figs. Brauer, A. Die arktische Subregion. Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Yerbreitung der Thiere. Zool. Jahrb. iii, 2, pp. 189-308, 1 pi. British Museum Catalogues. See — Mammalia (Marsupialia and Mono- tremata) (Oldfield Tiiomas) ; Aves (Sclater, P. L., Sharpe, R. Bowdlf.r) i Reptilia, Fossil (Lydekker, R.) j Mnllusca , Cephalopoda (Foord, A. H.). TEXT-BOOKS, GENERAL WORKS, ANP ESSAYS. Gen, Sub, 3 Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. See — Mammalia (Leciie, W.); Aves (Gadow, IIs.) ; Rcptilia (Hoffmann, 0. K.); Vermes (Pagensteciier, A.), Arthropoda (Gerst^ecker) ; Protozoa (Butschlt, 0.). Bruiil, C. B. Zootomie aller Tierklassen fur Lernende, nach Autopsien skizziert. (Illustr. durch 200 Taf. mit nahe 4000 Fig. Atlas in 50 Lief.) Lief. 40. Wien : fol., Taf, 157-1 GO, 4 pis., 22 pp. text. [See Mollusca.] Challenger Reports. See — Mammalia , Seals, Turner, W. Tunicata , Herdman, W. A. Mollusca : Pteropoda, Pelseneer, P. ; Hetero- poda, Smith, E. A. Crustacea : Anomura, Henderson, J. R. ; Macrura, Spence-Bate, O. ; Amphipoda, Steering, T. R. R. Echinodermata : Crinoidea, Carpenter, P. H. Vermes : Phoronis buskii , W. K. McIntosh. Entozoa, Linstow, O. von. Ccelenterata : Actiniaria, Hertwig, R. ; Siphonophora, Hasckel, E. ; Hydroida, Allman, G. J. Porifera : Tetractinellida, Sollas, W. J. Chambers’ Encyclopaedia. Edinburgh and London. Yol. 1. A-Bean, 824 pp. ; Yol. II. Be-Cat, 828 pp. Yarious zoological articles — Ant, Bee, Biology, Bird, Brain, &c. laneri. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 613-670, 2 pis. The anatomy and histology of the ovary ; the maturation of tho ova ; the transitional “lid” of A. Mfiller; the enp-like expansion of the germinal vesicle to form the “ pole-plasma.” Several spermatozoa enter, and only at the cupola of the animal pole of the ovum. Only one really penetrates into the ovum, but the others persist, for a time, in a space beneath the cupola. The formation of the two polar bodies. The details of fertilisation are described. Born, G. Ueber die Furchung des Eies bei Doppelbildungen. J. Ber. schles. Ges. lxv, pp. 79-90. Conditions of segmentation in ova which give rise to double monsters. SPECIAL SUBJECTS* G&U Sub. 23 Boveri, Tn. Zeilen Studien. Heft n. Jen. Z. Nat. xxii, pp. 685-882, 5 pis. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1880, ii, pp. 220-223. Review by 0. Zaciiarias, Biol. Centralbl. viii, 18, pp. 545-548. Review by 0. Zaciia- rias, of former Heft (see 1887), Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 17-19. There is no special “ bouchon d’impregnation,” nor micropyle. Poly- spermy is very rare, and only occurs when the ova are weak. Carnoy’s type of ovum (with two chromatin elements) is always fertilized by a spermatozoon with two chromatin elements, and there is a similar corre- spondence whon tho ovum contains only one chromatin olomout (in van Beneden’s type). The nuclei of ovum and spermatozoon are followed till they form the first segmentation spindle. The entire achromatin spindle-figure is due to the cell-substance. The cell-substance consists of a homogeneous matrix and a fine network, between the meshes of which lies, inter alia , a specific granular or filamentous substance — the archoplasma. The archoplasmic threads centred in protoplasmic centrosomata or central corpuscles behave like mu sole- fibrils. “ The movement of the nuclear elements is solely and wholly tho result of the contraction of the attached fibrils, and their final arrangement into an equatorial plate is the result of the equal action of the two archoplasmic spheres exerted through the said fibrils.” The equatorial plate stage is a condition of rest, par excellence , in the life of the cell. It is interrupted by the action of a new factor — the longitudinal splitting of the chromatin elements. The author seeks to justify his regarding this as “an independent expression of life, a reproductive act in the chromatin elements.” . Ueber den Anteil dos Spermatozoon an der Teilung des Eies. SB. Ges. Morph, iii, pp. 151-164. ° . Ueber den Anteil des Spermatozoon an der Teilung des Eies. Miinchener med. Wochensohr. xxxv, 10, p. 172, also Nos. 14 & 15. 0 . Ueber partielle Befruchtung. Op. cit. xxxv, pp. 570-572 & 613. Cunningham, J. T. Remarks on some Teleosteali Ova and their Development. Rep. Brit. Ass. Iviii, pp. 703 & 704. °Detmer, W. Ueber Richtungskorper. Humboldt, vii, 3, pp. 107 & 108. Dostoiewsky, A. Eine Bemerkung zur Furcbung der Eier der Ascaris megaloccphala. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 646-648. Faussek, Y. Ueber die embryonale Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Afterspinne ( Phalangium ). Biol. Centralbl. viii, 12, pp. 359- 363. The reproductive cells in .all probability originate directly from the yolk-cells, and afford another instance of early insulatiou from the general somatic cells. Fiedler, K. Ueber Ei- uud Samenbildung bei Spongilla Jluviatilis. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, 1, pp. 85-128, 2 pis. History of the ovum, and its follicle of appressed adjacent oells. The peripheral migration of the nucleus in maturation ; the spindle figures not yet observed. 24 Oen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECT^. Fleisciimann, A. Die Entwicklung des Eies von Echinocardium cov- datum. Op. cit. xlvi, 2, pp. 131-142, 1 pi. Discussing especially the segmentation. Garnault, P. Recherches sur la structure et le d6veloppement do l’oeuf et de son follicule chez les Chitonides. Arch. Z. exp6r. (2) vi, 1, pp. 83-116, 2 pis. Ovum arises from germinal epithelium lining ovary ; its only mem- brane is formed from the modification of sister-cells ; the inclosing vitel- line masses do not take part in forming the nuclei of the membrane ; the expansion and contraction of the vitelline masses — the highest known expression of amoeboid activity in the ovum. . Sur la structure des organes gcnitaux, Povog6neae et les premiers stades de la f6condation chez 1 'Helix asjiersa. C.R. cvi, pp. 675-678. Some minute anatomy. The follicle formed from the cells of the germinal epithelium. Polar globule formation described. The spermato- zoon penetrates the ovum at a vitelline expansion or cone of attraction. . Sur la signification des globules polaires d’apres Weismann. Rev. Sci. x-ii, pp. 576-578. . Sur les phenomenes de la fecondation chez V Helix aspcrsci et V Avion empiricorum. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 731-736. 0 . Contribution h l’utude de la morphologic de l’oeuf et du follicule. Gaz. hebii. sc. med. Bordeaux, ix, pp. 392-394. 0 . Sur la structure et le developpement de Pceuf et de son follicule. Act. Soc. L. Bord. xli, pp. 16, 17, 73, & 74. Haacke, Vi. [See Weismann, A., and Heredity.] Henning, II. Die erston Entwiokolungs-vorgiingo im Fliogenei und freio ICcrnbildung. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 289-337, 4 pis., 3 cuts. Especial reference to free nuclear formation. Tho history of the nutrient cells. A few observations on polar globules. In most cases of fertilisation four spermatozoa seem to enter the ovum, but the super- numeraries break up. Hektwig, 0. [See General.] Hertwig, R. Weitere Yersuche fiber Bastardirung und Polyspermie. SB. Ges. Morph, iv, pp. 10-13. [C$f. Mfincheuer med. Wochenschr. xxxv, 13.] Hickson, S. J. On the Sexual Cells and Early Stages in the Develop- ment of Millepora plicata. Phil. Trans, clxxix, b, pp. 193-204, 2 pis. Both male and female elements arise in the ectoderm of the cceuosarcal canals, but migrate into the endoderm. The subsequent modifications ; the apparently active agency of the spermatoblasts in the formation of sporosacs ; the pseudopodial stalk of the ovum ; the formation of two polar globules ; tho process of fertilisation ; tho apparent outward migration of nuclear elements in the fertilised ovum j &c. ‘ » SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub . 25 Hoffmann, 0. K. Ueber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der sogen- annten “ freieu ” Kerne in dem Nahrungsdotter bei den Knochen- ftschen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, 4, pp. 517-548, 1 pi. Ischikawa, C. Ueber die Herkunft der weiblichen Geschlechtszellen bei Podocoryne carnea , Sars. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, 4, pp. 621-625, 6 figs. — —. [See Weismann, A.] Kastschenko, N. Zur Frago fiber die Herkunft der Dotterkerne im Selachierei. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 253-257, 1 pi. Several nuclei in unsegraented egg. Korotneff, A. de. Contribution a l’dtudes des Hydraires. Arch. Z. exp6r. vi, pp. 21-31, 2 pis. The ovum of Myriothela arises from a primordial cell of ectodermic origin, which gives origin to over twenty secondary germinal elements. One of these forms the germinal vesicle, the others disappear, but form tho formative plasma, while the nuclei of vitelline colls afford a third nutritive contribution to the common mass of the ovum. The malo elements arise like the ova. Korschelt, E. Zur Bildung der Eihfilleu, der Mikropylen, und Chorion- anhangen in den Insekten. N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. li, pp. 183- 252, 5 pis. The formation of the chorion in insect ova is entirely similar to the formation of the cuticle in the adult skin. (Expression of adult diathesis in ovo.) Kultsciiitzky, N. Die Befruchtungsvorgange bei Ascaris megalo- cephala. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, 4, pp. 567-593, 2 pis. . Ueber die Eireifung und die Befruchtungsvorgange bei Ascaris marginata. Op. cit. xxxii, pp. 671-682, 2 pis. Of. Review by O. Zaciiarias, Biol. Ceutralbl. viii, 12, p. 367. . Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung fiber die Befruchtungsvorgange bei Ascaris megalocephala. SB. Preuss. Akad. 1888, ii, iii, pp. 17-21. (1) As to formation of polar bodies, agrees in the main with Boveri, but two achromatic spindle figures are seen lying beside one another. (2) Modifications of the spermatozoon. It does not seem as if the whole chromatin went to the formation of the male pronucleus. (3) The for- mation of two similar pronuclei, with originally very different com- ponents, shows that the process is something sui generis. (4) Three pronuolei may occur, perhaps due to the entranco of a binucleate sper- matozoon. (5) The karyokincsis of each pronucleus is independent ; fusion was not observed. (6) The essence of fertilisation consists in the process by which the sperm-nucleus— an element foreign to the ovum — is modified into an essentially inseparable element, a nucleus of the same. Lameere, A. Sur des oeufs anormaux de V Ascaris megalocephala. Bull. Ac. Belg. xv, 6, pp. 980-984, 1 pi. 26 Gen . Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 0Laulani6, — . Sur l’origine commune et le role variable de l’epithe* lium germinatif et des cordons sexuels dans l’ovaire. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, 1. Leydig, F. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des thierischen Eies im unbefruch- teten Zustande. Zool. Jahrb. iii, 2, pp. 287-432, 7 pis. i. Description of ova of worms, Crustaceans, spiders, myriopods, insects, fishes, amphibians, mammals. II. The origin of the ovum ; the nucleus ; the yolk ; the vitelline membrane ; the membrana granulosa ; the follicular cells : the reproductive and somatic cells. Liebermann, — . Embryochemische Untersuchungen. Arch. ges. Phys. xliii, pp. 71-152, 3 figs. (1) Some constituents of hens’ eggs; (2) metabolism of egg during hatching ; (3) chemistry of embryo. LOwentiial, N. Notiz fiber die Protoplasmastruktur der Kornzellen des Eierstockes. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 65-68, 4 figs. . Zur Kenutniss des Keimfleckes im Urei einiger Safiger. T. c. pp. 363-373, 7 figs. McICendrick, J. G. [See Cell.] Nagel, W. Das meuschliche Ei. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, pp. 342-423, 2 pis. The primordial ovum and primary follicle, "the subsequent growth of these, and the conditions of maturity. In the mature ovum : (1) the epithelium ; (2) the zona pellucida ; (3) a perivitelline space ; (4) a narrow, clear, cortical zone of the vitellus ; (5) a broader, finely granular, protoplasmic zone ; (6) a central deutoplasmic zone ; and (7) the germinal vesicle and spot. Platner, G. Die erste Eutwicklung befruchteter und partheuogeue- tischer Eier von Liparis dispar. Biol. Centralbl. viii, 17, pp. 521-524. In the parthenogenetic ova, two polar nuclei were formed, of which the first again divided. Boux, W. Zur Frage der Axenbestimmung des Embryo im Froschei. Op. cit. viii, 13, pp. 399-413. Byder, J. A. On the resemblance of the primitive Foraminifera and Ovarian Ova. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 73. Strasburger, E. [See Cell.] °Yejdowsky, F. Entwickelungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Heft I. Reifung, Befruchtuug, und die ersten Furchungsvorgange des lihynchelmis-'Eies. Prag : 8vo, 166 pp., 10 pis., 7 cuts. . Also in Bohemian. Preisgekronte Schriften. J. Ber. k. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag : No. i, 154 pp., 10 pis. Virchow, H. Ueber die physikalisch zu erklarenden Erscheinungen, welche am Dotter des Hfinnereies bei der mikroskopischen Unter- Buchung sichtbar werden. SB. Preuss. Akad. 1888, xxxvii, pp. 979-981. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 27 Waldeyer, W. Ueber Karyukinese und ihre Beziehungen zu den Bcfruchtuugsvorgangen. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 1-12 2, 14 cuts. A history of research on fertilisation, &c. , with bibliography, from Martin Barry’s observations (1840) to those of Boveri (1888). Weismann, A. Ueber die Zahl dcr Richtungskorper und uber ihre Bedeutung fur die Ycrerbung. Jena : 1887, v & 75 pp. [(7/. Zool. Rec. xxiv.] Biol. Centralbl. viii, 4, pp. 123 & 124. Review by W. Haacke. , & Ischikawa, C. Ueber die Bildung der Richtungskorper bei tierischen Eiern. Ber. Freiburg Ges. iii, pp. 1-44, pis. i-iv, Cf. Biol. Centralbl. viii, 4, pp. 124-126. Review. , & . Weitere Untersuchungen zum Zahlengosetz der Richtuugs- korper. Zool. Jahrb. iii, 3, pp. 575-610, 4 pis. . Das Zahlengesetz der Richtungskorper und seine Entdeckung. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 490-506. ~, & Ueber partielle Befruchtung. Ber. Freiburg Ges. iv, 1, pp. 51-53; cf. Nachtrag. Heft 2; Translation, Nature, xxxviii, pp. 329 & 330. In Moina paradox a it seemed as if a spermatozoon united not with the entire ovum, but with one of the four segmeutal cells ; but this inter- pretation of the observed facts is withdrawn. , & . Ueber die Befruchtungserscheinungen bei den Dauereieru von Daphniden, Biol. Centralbl. viii, 14, pp. 430-436. The term “ partielle Befruchtung ” withdrawn, and replaced by Neben- Kopulation.” ° . Ueber Zahl und Bedeutung der Richtungskorperchen. Natur- forscher, xxxi, pp. 56 & 57. Whitman, C; O. [See Cell.] 0 •. The Eggs of Amphibia. Am. Nat. xxii, 261, p. 857. Zaciiarias, O. Ueber Abweichungen vom Typus bei Konjugation der Geschlechtskerne. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 48-53. . Ueber die Bildung der Richtungskorper bei tierischen Eiern. T. c. pp. 401-403. Report of recent researches. . Review of Th. Boveri. Zellen-Studien, Heft I (1887). Biol. Centralbl. viii, 1, pp. 17-19. -. Zum Befruchtungsvorgauge bei Ascaris megalocephala. Op. cit. viii, 12, 367 pp. On Kultschitzky’s researches. 28 den. Suh. tilflNiiiiUL subjects. [Zacharias, 0.] Ueber partiello Befruchtung. T. c. p. 368. — — . Die feiuern Yorgaiige boi dor Befruchtung dos tierischen Eies, Opx cit. vii, 21, pp. 659-662. Besides the normal process of fertilisation, it frequently happens in the ovum of Ascaris that the sperrmnucleus divides into two ; each half unites with half of the female pronucleus, and each product of union assumes nuclear (pronucleus-like) form. 3 . Sperm atoge n esis. Ballowitz, E. Untersuchungon iiher die Struktur der Spermatozoen, zugleicli ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom feinern Bau der contraktilen Elemente. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 401-473, 5 pis. The minute structure described in detail : the structure of the lash, the fibrillar character of the axial filament, the development of the spiral fringe, the nature of the head. cBergonzini, 0. Coutributo alio studio della spermatogenosi nei Yerte- brati. La Rassegna sc. med. Modena, iii, 7, pp. 337-344. ° . Contribuzione alio studio della spermatogeuesi. Atti. Soc. Mod. Mem. vii, pp. 62-69. Biondi, D. Ueber die Entwickelung der Samenfaden beim Menschen. J. Ber. schles. Ges. lxv, pp. 35-38. Bolles-Lee, A. La spermatog6n&se chez les Ch^tognathes. Cellule, iv, 1, pp. 107-133, 2 pis. “ Polyplasts,” from division of original male and female cell, bccomo free in coelome, completely segment into spermatocytes grouped round a blastophore. The ‘Nebenkern.’ Sperms have procephalic filament, tail, and undulatory membrane. In the “ polyplast ” the head is turned outwards, the accessory nuclear body inwards, or towards the blastophore. °Brazzolo, Floriano. Recerche sulla istologia normale e patologica del testicolo : nota li, La cariocinesi nel testicolo normale. Bologna : 4to, 23 pp., 1 pi. (Ex Mem. Acc. Bologn. ix.) VON Ebner, Y. Zur Spermatogenese bei den Siiugethieren. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, pp. 236-292, 3 pis. Resumption of the author’s investigations of seventeen years ago. The history and terminology of the subject. The relation of the basal nuclei of the spermatoblasts to the cells of Sertoli and the spermatogonia of v. la Valette St. George. The true spermatogonia are the cells of the peripheral layer ; these grow into spermatocytes ; each of the latter divides into four spermatides ; numerous spermatides become associated with a follicular cell, and form a spermatogemma. Special subjects. Geh. Sub. 29 [von Ebner, Y.] Nachtrag “zur Spermatogenese bei den Saugethieren.” Op. cit. xxxi, 3, pp. 424 & 425. Historical note on an overlooked research by Sertoli. Fiedler, K. Ueber Ei- und Samenbilduug bei Spongilla jluviatilis. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, 1, pp. 85-128, 2 pis. The division of the nucleus of the original male cell ; one half rich, the other poor, in chromatin ; the former divides into spermatozoa. Gilson, 0. Etude compare de la spermatogdn&so chez les Arthro- podes. Troisi&me partie. — Conclusions. Cellule, iv. pp. 351-446, 1 pi. (xvi). General review of previous results. Previous generalisations dis- cussed and rejected, but no other proposed. Beyond distinguishing three stages of cell-multiplication and differentiation, the author maintains the impossibility of formulating any law of spermatogenesis* Hickson, S. J. [See Oogenesis.] Jensen, O. S. Mitteilungen fiber die Struktur der Samenkorper bei Siiugotieren (reportod by 0. Zacharias). Biol. Contralb). vii, 21 , pp. 062-664. Koehler, R. Recherches sur la double forme des spermatozoides chez le Murcx brandaris et le M. trunculus. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, 1, pp. 101— 150, 2 pis. . Sur la double forme de spermatozoides chez les Murex brandaris et trunculus et le developpement de ces spermatozoides. C.R. cvi, pp. 299-301. IColossow, A. Beitrag zur Frage von der Entwicklung der Samenfadeu bei Saugethieren. CB. med. Wiss. xxvi, pp. 562-565. Korotneee, A. Bsitriigc zur Spermatologie. Arch. mikr. Auat. xxxi, 3, pp. 334-341, 1 pi., and Biol. Centralbl. vii, pp. 683 & 684. The main steps in the process in Alcyonella fungosa conform with the stages emphasized by v. la Yalette St. George. The author compares a spermatozoon to “ a free-living, highly specialised muscle-cell.” Massart, J. Sur Tirritabilit^ des spermatozoides de la grcnouille. Bull. Ac. Belg. xv, 5, pp. 750-754. Preliminary to a future demonstration of how sensitiveness to_ touch aids in the penetration of the spermatozoon into the ovum. ^Niepsincj, G. Untorsuchungen iibor die Entwicklung und den feinston Bau der Samenfiiden einiger Saugetiere. Verb. Ges* Wfirzb. xxii, 2, 2 pis. PreNANT, A. Observations cytologiques sur les 414ments s^minauA deS Gasteropodes pulmones. Cellule, iv, 1, pp. 137-^177, 2 pis* Especially the history of the “ nebenkern,” from its first appearance in the resting spermatogonium to its share in forming the spiral filaments in the spermatozoon. 30 Gen , Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Prenant, A.] Observations cytologiques sur les elements seminatix deS Reptiles. Cellule, iv, 1, pp. 181-197, 1 pi. [Cf. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, 1.] In spermatogonia, seminiferous or germinative cells, the “ nebenkem ” appears as a granular crescent in the protoplasm. Its history is traced in the nematoblasts and spermatozoa, the parts of w hich are elaborately described. Note sur la structure des spermatozoides chez l’homme. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, 12. Robert, E. Sur la spermatog^nese chez les Aplysies, C.R. cvi, pp. 422-425. Two different modos of spermatogenesis exhibited by the same species. Sabatier, A. Sur les formes des spermatozoides do PElddone musqude. T. c. pp. 954-956. Sanfelice, F. Spermatogenese des Vertebres. Arch. Ital. Biol, x, 1, pp. 69-122, 1 pi. . Spermatogenesi dei Yertebrati. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, ii, 1, pp. 42-98, 3 pis. Virtually a constant type in Vertebrata ; in Mammals and Saurojpsida spermatoblasts form spermatozoa plus expulsive and nutritive products, in Amphibians and Selachians the spermatoblasts form only spermatozoa ; Amphibian spermatogenesis is a median type ; the germinal cells — fixed cells of Sertoli, “ cellules de soutien” of Merkel — represent the matrix of the spermatic epithelium ; both chromatic and achromatic portions of the spermatozoa have nuclear origin ; &c. 4. Sex and Reproduction . Balbiani, E. G. Recherches expdrimentales sur la m^rotomie des Infusoires cilies. Contribution a l’etude du role physiologique du noyau cellulaire. I Partie. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, 1, pp. 1—72, 2 pis. Barfurtii, D. Die Regeneration des Ampliibienschwanzes. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 403-405. Barroih, Tii. Remarquos sur le dimorphism® sexuol chez quclqucs amphipodes du genre Mcera. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, 2, pp. 57-59. Bergendal, D. Mannliche Copulationsorgane am ersteu abdominalen Somite einiger Krebsweibchen. CEfv. Ak. Forh. xlv, No. 5, pp. 343- 346. Boclenger, G. A. On the “Nursing” habits of Dendrobates, as observed by A. Kappler. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 454 & 455. The young tadpoles gather round and suck on to the parent. Brady, H. B. Note on the Reproductive Condition of Orbitoliies com* planata var. laciniata. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 693-697, 1 pi. Inter ididi notes on the possible sexual dimorphism of Foraminifera . SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 31 Breton, Pii. Developpement artificiel de l’instinct matcrnel chez lea Chapons. Rev. Sci. xlii, p. 811. Brooks, W. K. The Life History of Epenthesis McCradyi (n. sp.). Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. iv, 4, pp. 147-1 G2, 3 pis. Buds grow as if parasitically from the reproductive organs of the Medusa , and the blastostyles bear Medusa buds. •. A New Method of Multiplication in Hydroids. Op. cit. vii, pp. 29 & 30. What seems to bo a very peculiar process of modified budding in a species of Oceania. [See Ccelenterata.] . Notes on the Ratio between Men and Women. T. c. p. 30. cFokker, A. P. Untersuchungen iiber Heterogeuese. Heft in. Gron- ingen : 8vo, pp. 87-155, 4 pis. Geodes, P. [See Evolution.] The antithesis between the nutritivo and reproductive factors in evolution. Goeiilert, V. Die Schwankungen der Geburtenzahl nach den vers- chiedenen Tageszeiten. Biol. Centralbl. vii, 23, pp. 725-727. . Die Schwankungen der Geburtenzahl nach Monaten. Op. cit. viii, 11, pp. 342-352. Grorben, C. TJeber den Entwicklungscyklus von FhyUoxera vasialrix. Op. cit. viii, 13, p. 413. Gruber, A. Weitere Beobachtungen an vielkernigen Infusorien. Ber. Freiburg Ges. iii, pp. 58-G9, 2 pis. Preceding the division of Holosticha scutellum , the numerous nuclei unite, and a small accessory nucleus appears, as if from the fusion of previously invisible elements. The small nucleus divides first, then the larger, with distinct nuclear figures. As division is being accomplished the nuclear divisions go on apace, and the accessory elements are finally lost. 0 . Sexuelle Fortpflanzung und Konjugation. Humboldt, vii, 1, pp. 3-7. IIatschek, B. Ueber die Bedeutung der geschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung. Biol. Centralbl. vii, 21, pp. G64-66G. [ty. Prag. Med. Wochschr. No. 46, 1887.] The fundamental process is assimilation. Sexual reproduction, or fer- tilization, in which Weismann finds the source of variation, must be regarded as a counteractive to disadvantageous variability — a rectifying process. . On the significance of sexual reproduction. [Trans.] Ann. N. H. 1888, pp. 163 & 1G4. Ischikawa, C. [See Weismann, A.] cJanke, H. Die willkurliche Hervorbringung des Geschlechts bei Menschen und Haustieren. 2 vermehrte Aufl. Neuwied : 8vo. 32 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Joliet, L. Etudes anatomiques et embryogeniques sur . le Pyrosoma giganteum, suivies de recherches sur la faune de Bryozoaires de Roscoff et do Menton. Paris : 8vo, 112 pp., 5 pis. A posthumous publication of papers, containing, inter alia, “Observa- tions sur la Blastogeneso et la Generation alternanto clioz los Salpos et los Pyrosomes,” pp. 97-102. Karsten, H. Parthenogenesis und Generationswechsel in Tier- und Pflanzenreiche. Berlin : 8vo, 53 pp., 9 figs. (sop. Abdr. aua “ Die Natur y‘). ®Kennel, J. von. Ueber Teilung und Knospung der Tiere. Dorpat : Festrede, 4to, 26 pp. °KlSClT, E. H. Zur Geschlechtsenstehung beim Menschen. Humboldt, vii, pp. 297-299. Lang, A. Ueber den Einfluss der festsitzenden Lebensweise auf die Tiere, und fiber den Ursprung der ungeschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung durch Teiiung und Knospung. Jeua : 8vo, 166 pp. An important discussion of the relation between sedentary habit and various modes of asexual reproduction. Le Conte, J. Significance of Se*. Letter to Science, xi, 275, pp. 229 & 230. (1) Notos that in 1879 & 1880 ho had published a suggestion that sexual reproduction was a source of variation, “such mixing produces more plastic nature ” &c. [So Treviranus, even]. (2) Differs from Weis- maun as to virtual identity of the nuclear substance in spermatozoon and ovum. (3) Refers to passage in which he has forestalled Hatschek’s theory (q. v.). Lo Bianco, S. Notizie biologicho riguardanti specialmente il poriodo di maturity sessuale degli animali del Golfo di Napoli. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 385-440. A valuable compendium of facts on periods of sexual maturity. Lucas, A. H. S. On the production of Colour in Bird’s Eggs. Tr. R. Soc. Yict. xxiv, 1 (1887), pp. 52-60. Mantegazza, P. Anthropologisch-kulturhistorische Studien fiber die Geschlechtsvorhaltnisse des Menschen. 2 Aufl. (From the Italian.) Jena : 8vo, 1883, ix & 384 pp. Maupas, E. Recherches experimentales sur la multiplication des Infu- soires cilies. Arch. Z. exp^r. vi, 1, pp. 165-277, 4 pis. Rate of reproduction varies greatly in different forms, with quality and quantity of food, with alimentary adaptation, and temperature, but also with constitution. Conjugation does not strengthen or accelerate division; but without it the members of an insulated family degenerate, become old, die ; it is essential to the life of the species. Details of this senile degeneration. The immortality of the Protozoa is dismissed as fan- ciful. The sexual character of the micro-nucleus is emphasized. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Suh. 33 [Maupas, E.] Sur la conjugaison des Yorticellides. C.R. cvi, pp. 1607- 1610. The varied origin of the small sized individuals in different species of Vorticellci and Carchesium ; the phenomena of conjugation ; in both large and small conjugates there are hermaphrodite (micro) nuclear elements with equivalent and complementary functions. °Mazzarelli, G. F. Sur I’influence du male dans la production de quelques anomalies on monstruosites. J. Microgr. xii, pp. 380-38*2, Meehan, T. Contributions to the Life-Histories of Plants. No. hi. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 391-393. Botanical, but of general import. “ Varying measures of heat influ- ence the separate sexes,— the smaller measure influencing the male, while the female still continues to rest.” Dichogamy thus arises. MObius, K. Das Flaschentierchen ( Folliculina ampulla). Biol. Central bl. vii, pp. 721-723. Tho peculiar budding process, in which the young form (like a Meta- zoon germ) remains until mature connected with the parent by a strand. ^Nansen, F. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. for 1887 (1888), 34 pp.,2 pis. Myxine glutinosa is ordinarily a protandric hermaphrodite. Till tho body is about 32 cm. long it is a male, and after that it produces ova. In its reproductive relations, Myxine Eeems to be in a transition stage, still seeking the mo3t profitable mode. Plate, L. Studien fiber Protozoen. Zool. Jahrb. iii, 1, pp. 135-200, 3 pis. On conjugation of Paramcecium , &c. Platner, G. [See Oogenesis.] Bogenhofer, A. Ueber die bisher beobachteten Fallo von Bastardir- ungen bei Schmetterlingen. SB. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, 3, p. 73. Sbeliger, O. Die Enstehuug des Generationswechsels der Salpen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxii, pp. 399-414. *Strubell, A. Untersuchungen fiber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Rfiben - Nematoden, Ileterodera schachtii , Schmidt. Bibl. Zool. (Leuckart & Chun) ir. Cassel : folio, 52 pp , 2 pis. First larval forms are Nematode-like, free-living in the earth ; the second (also without sexual characters) become parasitic, sessile, and plump ; in this state the females remain, while the males become mobile. This curious history compared with that of EchinorhyncJtus, and paralleled with that of some Coccidce. Tichomiroff, A. Androgynie bei den Vogeln. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 221-228. Two opposing sex-forces in all unisexual animals, of which one in very variable degrees predominates. 84 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Ticjiomiroff, A.]. Nochmals iiber Parthenogenesis bei Bomhyx mori. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 342-344. Verson, E. Ueber Parthenogenesis bei Bomhyx mori. T. c. pp. 263 & 264. Wagner, W. La Hue des Araigndes. Ann. Sci. Nat. vi, pp 281-393, 4 pis. Inter alia} general discussion of moulting, regeneration, with interest- ing notes on the reproductive phenomena. Weismann, A., & Isciukawa, C. [See Oogenesis.] Ueber die Bildung der Richtnngskorpcr bei tierischen Eiern. Per. Freiburg Ges. iii, pp. 1-144, 4 pis. Qf. Biol. Centralbl. viii, 4, pp. 124-126. Review'. Mamm. 1 MAMMALIA. BY R. Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. Exclusive of a number of names proposed by Heude, which do not b appear entitled to take a place in the list, the following table shows the number of new generic and specific names recorded during 1888, a few of the latter being, however, those omitted from an earlier volume : — NEW GENERA. RECENT. FOSSIL. NEW SPECIES. RECENT. FOSSTL. 32 7 25 161 60 101 In addition to these, three generic names have been proposed to replace preoccupied ones. The number of new generic and specific names proposed for fossil forms is much less than in the preceding year ; but there is an increase of fifteen in the number of new specific terms applied to existing Mammals. The most remarkable feature of the year, in this respect, is, however, the comparatively large number of new genera among living forms. Thus, of the seven new generic terms proposed during the year all but one indicate entirely new forms, of which the most interesting appear to be Pteralopex among the Chiroptera , Eupetaurus in the Sciuridce, and Deomys in the Muridce. A form which is, however, likely to prove of far more interest is the new Australian Mammal, to which a name has not as yet beon applied. The large number of new recent species is extensively made up of Soricidce and Muridce. The most startling feature among fossil Mammals is the discovery that the bones of the feet on which the presumed Edentate genus Macro- therium was founded are really referable to the Perissodactylate genus Chalicotkerium. Of considerable interest from a distributional point of view is the discovery of remains of Orycteropus in one of the islands of the Turkish Archipelago. 1888. [vol. xx y. ] c 1 2 Mcimm. MAMMALIA. Among the more important works and memoirs which have appeared during the year, the following may be especially mentioned : Blan ford’s Mammals of India, of which the first part has appeared, is an extremely important work from every point of view. A work which will have many points of connection with the one last mentioned is the description by Buchner of the Mammals collected by Przewalsky in Central Asia, of which the first part has been published during the year. Turner’s Report on the Seals collected by the * Challenger,’ is also a work which cannot be passed over. From a systematic point of view the most important volume of the year is Thomas’s British Museum Catalogue of Marsupials aud Monotremes. In respect of fossil Mammals, attention may be especially directed to the following works, viz. : Cope’s Fauna of the Puerco Eocene; Forsyth-Major’s preliminary description of the Fossil Mammals of Samos ; Osborn’s Mesozoic Mammals ; Rutimeyer’s Comparison of the Mammals of the Swiss Siderolites with those of the American Eocene; Schlosser’s Tertiary Carnivora of Europe ; and Weithofer’s Monograph of new mammals from the Pikermi beds. The beautiful plates illustrating Filiiol’s Monograph of Lophiodon are also especially worthy of notice. I.— THE GENERAL SUBJECT.* Allen, H. The Distribution of the Colour Marks of the Mammalia. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 84-105. After a long discussion, the author concludes that “ mimeticism ” and “ natural selection ” are not sufficient to have caused the colour-markings of the Mammals ; illustrating this opinion by the suggestion that JEluro- pus has been unable to change its black feet and black orbital rings, although these appear out of harmony with the rest of its colouration. Alzheimer, A. Uber die Ohrenschmalzdriisen. Verb. Ges. Wurzb. xxii, art. 8, 20 pp., 2 pis. The nerves of these auricular glands are described in certain Mammals in the course of this paper. Armas, J. A. de. La Zoologia de Colon y de Los Primeros Explora- dores de America. Havana : 1888, 8vo, 185 pp. Pp. 14-100 are devoted to the Mammals of the district round Colonia, Uruguay, which are arranged under 165 specific headings ; many of these so-called species are, however, usually regarded merely as varieties. Austen, E. E. Natural History in Southern Germany. Rep. Rugby Soc. 1887, pp. 29-40 (1888). Gives a popular account of the Mammals of this district. * An asterisk prefixed to the quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 3 Ball, V. Further Notes on the Identification of the Animals and Plants of India which were known to early Greek Authors. P. R. Irish Ac. (3) i, pp. 1-9. Some additional observations regarding the identification of the Tiger with the Martikhora are added ; and it is suggested, from the occurrence of Hyaena crocuta in the Pleistocene of Madras, that the Krokottas may possibly refer to the existence of that species in India during the pre- historic period, rather than to the African race. Baur, G. On the Quadrate in the Mammalia. Q. J. Micr. Soc. xxviii, pp. 169-180. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] Concludes that the Sauropsidan quadrate is contained in the zygomatic process of the squamosal of Mataimals. Beauregard, H. Considerations sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammi- feres. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 230-233. . Deuxieme Note sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammiferes. T. c. pp. 259-261. Criticizes the observations of Lataste (infra, p. 12), and concludes that the true molars belong to the first, and not the second, dentition. Beddard, F. E. [See Didelphyidce.'] Bellonci, J. Ueber die centrale Endigung des Nervus Opticus bei den Yertebraten. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 1-46, pis. i-viii. Pp. 19-26 are devoted to the consideration of these organs in the Afammalia , as represented by the Rodentia , lnsectivora , and Chiroptera. Bielz, E. A. Die Fauna der Wirbelthiere Siebenbiirgens, &c. Verh. siebenb. Yer. xxxviii, pp. 15-120. The list includes 75 species of Mammals, but this comprises introduced and domesticated forms like the Guinea-pig, Cat, Buffaloe, Horse, &c. Bimar, — . Recherches sur la Distribution des Vaisseaux Spermatiques chez les Mammiferes et chez 1’Homme. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 265-273, pi. xi. A notice of the distribution of the testicular artery in various groups of Mammals. Blanforq, W. T. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma — Mammalia , pt. i. London & Calcutta: 8vo, 250 pp.,71 woodcuts. This fasciculus is the first part of a general work descriptive of the whole of the recent Vertebrata of the British Indian Possessions, which is to be completed in seven volumes. The present part treats of the orders Primates , Carnivora , and lnsectivora. The classification followed is based on that of Flower, although in many cases a larger number of generic divisions are admitted. Each species is fully described, and in many cases either the skull or the external form is illustrated by a woodcut. The number of species includes 27 Primates , 73 Carnivora , and 33 lnsectivora. In the j Felidce the name Felis nebulosa is taken to supersede F. toacroceliSy while a large number of forms are grouped as synonyms of F. bengalensisy and F. isabellina is regarded as inseparable from F. lynx. In the Viver - 4 Mamm. MAMMALIA. ridce the genus Viverricida is adopted, and a number of excellent illus- trations are given of the palate and dentition of Paradoxurus and allied genera, the name Herpestes mungo being adopted for the common Mun- goose. The Canidce are split up into Cams, Cyon, and Vulpes ; the common Fox being termed Vulpes alopex, and being taken to include V. montanuSf of Blyth. The true Musteloids are divided into Mustela and Putorius ; while in the Lutrines, Lutra nair is identified with L. vulgaris, and the genus . Aonyx abolished. AElurus is, for jihe first time, placed in the Procyonidce. The Ursidai are divided into Ursus and Melursus, the name U. torquatus being adopted for the Hima- layan Black Bear. Among the Insectivora it may be remarked that the Indian Soricidce are arranged under the genera Soriculus , Crocidura , Anurosorex , Chimarrogale, and Nectogale. Reviewed in Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 422-424 ; and in Zool. (3) xii, pp. 395-400. [Blanford, W. T.] [See also Chiroptera.'] Blauw, F. E. Resultate und Beobachtungen aus der Tierplege. Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 3-5, 68-72, & 130-132. These observations on animals in captivity relate, so far as Mammals are coucerned, to Catoblepas gnu, Hyrax cupensis , and Ceroulus reevesi. Bonnet, — . Die stummelschwanzigen Hunde im Hinblick auf die Vererbuug erworbener Eigenschaften. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 584-606. Observations on cases where the cutting of the tail had become here- ditary in Dogs, with conclusions to be derived therefrom. Born, H. Ueber die Bildung der Klappen, Ostien, und Scheidewande im Saugetierherzen. T. c. pp. 608-612, woodcuts. Describes the formations of valves and partitions in the Mammalian heart. Bouvier, E. S. Nouveaux Mammif&res Fossiles de Sansan et du Quercy. LeNat. 1888, pp. 149 & 150, 168 & 169, woodcuts. A paper illustrative of Filliol’s new fossil Mammals from the deposits mentioned. The first part notices Mustela larteti (see p. 32), Lantano- therium (see p. 34), and P latu[y]prosopos (see p. 52), with a figure of the jaw of the latter; while in the second part we have figures of the type mandibles of Adapts angustidens (see p. 26), Amphitragulus quercyi and crassus , and Choilodon elegans (see p. 52). Brauer, A. Die arktisohe Subregion ; Ein Boitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der Thiere. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Abth. f. System, pp. 189- 308, pi. vii. In the course of this article the distribution of the following Mammals is discussed, viz.: Rangi/er tarandus, Ocibos moschatus, Lepus variabilis, My odes torquatus and obensis, Ursus maritimus , Canis lagopus, Gulo borealis, Mustela erminea, and Canis lupus. Puchner, E. Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N. M. Przewalski nach Central- Asieu Unternommenen Reisen, — Zoologischer Theil. i. Saugethiere, pt. i, pp. 1-48, pis. i-v. This part includes Rodents belonging to the family Sciuridcc. The GENERAL SUBJECT. Hamm. 5 species described are Pteromys volans , Tamias pallasi, Spermophilus erythrogenys (pis. i & iv, 1-3), 8. alaschanicus (n. sp., pi. ii, fig. 1), S. mongolicus, S. obscurus (n. sp., pis. ii & iv, 7-9), S. eversmanni (pi. iv. 4-6), Arctomys himalayanus , A. robustus , A. dichrous (pis. iii & iv, 11-14) It also includes figures of the skulls of two new species of Gerbillus ( G. przewalskii and G. roborowslcii ), of which the description will appear in a later part. [See Sciuridce .] Burmeister, C. V. Relacion de un Viaje a la Gobernacion del Chubut. An. Mus. B. Aires, iii, pp. 175-252. A list of Patagonian Mammals is given on pp. 239 & 240. Campbell, A. J. Fauna of King Islaud. — Mammalia. Viet. Nat. iv, pp. 135 & 136. Records 1 Rodent, 5 Marsupials, and 2 Monotremes, together with a Seal and a Dolphin, in the adjacent seas. King (or King’s) Island is off the coast of Tasmania. Capellini, G. [See Elephant! da and Physeteridce.] Carlini, A. de. Vertebrati della Valtellina. Ann. Soc. Ital. xxxi, pp. 17-90. In this synopsis of the Vertebrate fauna of Valtellina, in the province of Sondrio, Italy, 27 species of Mammalia are enumerated, viz., 4 Chir- optera, 3 lnsectivora , 9 Carnivora , 10 Rodentia , and 1 Artiodactyle. Catalogue of the Zoological Collection obtained by N. M. Przewalsky during his Journey in Central Asia. St. Petersburg : 1887. Text, 12mo, 34 pp. ; atlas, 4to, with 11 photographic plates. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] This work is written in Russian, and has no author’s name. The atlas contains figures of skulls, and stuffed specimens of a large number of Mammals arranged in groups In the text these forms are catalogued under their scientific names, a number of the scientific names being new. Since, however, there is no authors name, and at least many of the new species have no diagnosis, these names must be regarded merely as MS. ones, and accordingly are not quoted. Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Vertebrate Fauna of the Puerco Series. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvi, pp. 298-361, pis. iv & v. After reviewing the opinions as to the serial position of the Puerco Eocene, and previous descriptions of its fauna, the author gives a com- plete list of the fauna, followed by descriptions of new species. The Mammals include 10 species of Multituberculates, 37 Tillodontia ( Tamidontia ) ; 50 of Creodonta- ; 3 provisionally referred to Lemuroidea ; 23 of Condylarthra ; and 2 of Amblypoda. A notice of this paper by its author, in Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 161-163. [See Proviverridce and Periptychidce.’] . [See also Topinard, p. 20, and Primates , Carnivora, Podentia , Amblypoda , Artiodactyla, and Suidce.'] 6 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Cornet, J. Note sur le Pretendu Proatlas des Mammif&res et de Hatteria punctata. . Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xv, pp. 406-420, pi. Adduces arguments to show that the so-called proatlas is not a distinct vertebra, illustrations being given from a number of Mammals. Davis, J. R. A. A Text-Book of Biology, comprising Vegetable and Animal Morphology and Physiology. London: 8vo, 462 pp., 158 illustrations. Pp. 318-360 are devoted to the Rabbit. Dawkins, W. B. [See Procyonidce.'] Debierre, C. Des Anomalies des Muscles Coexistantes et Corre- latives des Anomalies des Nerfs. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 86-90. Records instances in various Mammals where these two features are associated. De Vis, C. W, [See Nototheriidce , Diprotodontidce , and Macropod idee.'] Dobson, G. E. [See Soricidce.] Dogiel, A. Ueber das Verhalten der nervosen Elemente in der Retina der Ganoiden, Reptilien, Vogel, und Saugetiere. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 133-143, woodcuts. A portion of this paper is devoted to the nerves of the Mammalian retiua. Dollo, L. Sur le Proatlas. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Abth. f . Anat. pp. 433-446. In this memoir the author controverts the opinions of J. Cornet (supra) as to the non-existence of a proatlas in Manis and other Mammals, and supports the original view of Albrecht. Drew, J. Notes on a Difficulty in Evolution. P. Cottesw. Nat. F. C. 1888, pp. 285-288. Argues that since Amphibia, Sauropsida , and Camelidai have elliptical blood-corpuscles, the most primitive Mammals ought to be Cameloids ; and as this is not the case, evolution is untrue. Durand, J. P. La Genese naturelle des Formes Animales. Rev. Sci. xli, pp. 741-752, woodcuts. Concludes that Terrestrial Mammals have for their immediate ancestors viviparous Enaliosaurs, the former existence of which has now been proved. Duval, M. Les Placentas Discoides en Gdndral, h, propos du Placenta des Rongeurs. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 675 & 676. A preliminary note, partly discussing the question of the identity of the discoidal placenta of the Rodents with that of the Primates, in the course of which some observations are deduced from the study of Frommel’s plates of the placenta of Myotus (p. 35) ; and also treating of the homology and origin of the placenta generally, . Les Placentas Disooides, T. c. pp. 729-733. In this paper a letter from E, van Beneden is quoted, in which the latter confirms the views of the author as to the homology and origin of the placenta. GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm . 7 Eimer, G. H. T. Ueber die Zeichnung der Tiere, pt. vi. Humboldt, vii, pp. 173-181) woodcuts. A continuation of the paper quoted in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. b. In this part figures are given of Viverra, Galidictis, Rhabdogale, Mephitis , Mellivora , Melesf Gulo , Procyon, &c., with a discussion on their colouration. Falchi, F. Sur l’Histogenese de la Retine et du Nerf Optique. Arch. Biol. Ital. ix, pp. 382-399, pi. An elaborate mOmoir on the histological development of the retina and optic nerve of Mammals, in which it is shown that in some cases the development of this nerve is the same in the young as in the adult, while in others the papilla retains the capsular hyaloid artery. Filhol, H. Description de quelques Mamtnif&res Nouveaux trouvds A Sansan (Gers.). Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 24-32. Describes a new genus of lnsectivora, a new Mustela , and a new genus of Artiodactyla. [See Tupaiidce , Mustelidce, and Cervidce.'] . Mammif6res Fossiles Nouveaux dos Phosphorites du Quercy. T. c. pp. 10-18. Describes 1 new species of Adapis, 2 of Amphitragulus , 1 of Ilyraco- therium , and a new genus of Artiodactyla. [See Lemuridce , Cervidce, and Lophiodontidce.'] . [See also Felidce, Tapiridoe, and Anoplotheriidce.] Flescii, M. Ueber die Deutung der Zirbel bei den Saugetieren. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 173-176. Suggests that the pineal gland of Mammals is not a rudimental organ, and advances other considerations as to its origin and use. Forsyth-Major, C. J. Faune Mammalogiche dell’ isole di Kos e di Samos. P.-v. Soc. Tosc. 1888, pp. 272-275. A letter recording the occurrence in Kos of a Mammalian fauna like that of the Upper Pliocene of the Val d’Arno, and in Samos of one closely allied to that of the Pikermi beds of Greece. . Sur un Gisement d’Ossements Fossiles dans l’lle de Samos, con- temporain de Page de Pikermi. C.R. cvii, pp. 1178-1181. A fuller account of the Pliocene Mammals of Samos mentioned in the preceding memoir. A number of Carnivores and Ungulates identical with those of Pikermi are mentioned ; in addition to which are a new genus of Manidce , a new species of Orycteropus, and a new genus of Giraffidce are named. [See Giraffidce, Manidce, and OrycAeropodidce.~\ Gadow, H. On the Modifications of the First and Second Visceral Arches, with especial reference to the Homologies of the Auditory Ossicles. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp . 451-486, pis. lxxi-lxxiv. In regard to the homology of the quadrate in the Mammalia , tbe author summarizes as follows, viz. : — c< The quadrate gradually loses its articu- lation with the mandible ; the latter gains a new, outer, articulation with the squamosal ; the quadrate acts entirely as a tympanic frame. Incus 8 Mamm. MAMMALIA. and malleus fuse sometimes with each other, and lean on to the parotic region. The masticating region is doubly concavo convex. — Monotremata” “ The quadrate is converted into the principal part of the tympanic frame, viz., annulus tympanicus. The mandible has lost its con- nection with the quadrate, and the masticatory joint is a single concavo- convex one, the convexity belonging to the mandible. — Monodelphia .” Gaudry, A. [See Ungulata and Rhinocerotidce .] Gaup, E. Anatomische Untersuchungen uber den Nervenversorgung der Mund- und Nasenhohlendriisen der Wirbelthiere. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 437-489, pi. xix. Pp. 481-485 are devoted to the consideration of these organs in Mammals ; and the memoir concludes with a long summary of the results of the author's observations. Gegenbaur, 0. Ueber Polydactylie. T. c. pp. 394-406. Concludes that polydactylism is merely a malformation, and not an atavistic feature. Giglioli, E. H. Note iutorno agli Animali Yertebrati raccolti dal Conte Boutourline e dal Dr. Leopoldo Traversi ad Assab e nello Scioa negli anni 1884-1887. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 5-73. These collections were obtained from N E. Africa. The Mammals comprise 5 Anthropoid Primates , 8 Carnivores, 5 Bovidai} 1 Phacochcerus , 2 Hyrax, 6 Rodents, and 1 Bat. Guida del R. Istituto Geologico di Bologna. Bologna : 1888, 12mo, 74 pp., woodcuts. Brief mention is made of the more important fossil Mammalian remains preserved in the Museum at Bologna, with figures of the skeleton of iScelidotherium and other specimens. Haacke, W. Ueber die Enstehung des Saugetiers. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 8-16, 2 woodcuts. Discusses the bearing of the oviparous production of the Monotremata on the origin of the Mammals. Figures are given of the mammary organs in Echidna. Hartmann, K. Die Saugethiere. In G. Neumayer’s Anleitung zu Wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen in Einzel-Abhand- luugen. 2 vols., 8vo. Berlin : ii, pp. 328-362. Chiefly devoted to directions for collecting and preserving Mammals. Heape, W. [See Talpidce .] Heilprin, A. The Geological Evidences of Evolution. Philadelphia : 1888, 8vo, 99 pp., illustrated. A considerable portion of this work is devoted to the progressive evolution of the Mammalia from the Eocene to the present day. Reviewed by T. G. Bonney, in Nature, 1888, pp. 50 & 51. Hertwig, 0. Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Jena : 8vo, 507 pp., woodcuts. A general text-book of Vertebrate embryology. GENERAL SUBJECT* Matrim. 9 Herzfeld, P. Ueber das Jacobsou’sche Organ des Merischen find der Saugethiere. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Abth. f. Anat. pp. 551-574, pis. xxiii & xxiv. Describes and figures these nasal glands in a number of Mammals, and gives certain conclusions as to their functions and homology. It is con- tended that Ruysch’s gland in the human subject is not the same as Jacobson’s gland. HOnigschmied, J. Kleine Beitrage betreffend die Anordnung der Geschmacksknospen bei den Saugethieren. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 190-200. The taste-corpuscles are described in Felis, Ursvs, Fquns, Sus, Cricetus and Miis ; then follow the conclusions to be derived therefrom, the paper ending with a criticism on previous observations. Hofmann, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Saugethiere aus den Miocan- schichten von Yordersdorf, bei Wies, in Steiermark. JB. geol. Reich- sanst. xxxviii, pp. 77-82, pi. i. Describes from the Miocene of Styria remains of the following species, viz., Lutra valetoni , Mastodon angusiidens , Palaiomeryx eminens , Amphi- iragulus boulangeri, Ilyomoschus crassus (Dorcatherium navi), and a species of Rhinoceros, with figures of the mandible of the first, third, and fourth. Lydekker’s identification of Amphitragulus pomeli with A. hovlangeri is confirmed. The named species comprise some from the Sansan and others from the St. G6rand-le-Puy stage of the French Miocene. . Beitrage zur Saugethierfauna der Braunkohle des Lebitschberger bei Gamlitz in Steiermark. T. c. pp. 547-561, pis. vii-x. Describes and figures remains of the following Mammals from the Middle Mioceue of Styria, viz., Mustela gamlitzensis, Antilope cristata , Palceomeryx bojani , P. furcatus, Hyomoschus crassus, and Hyotherium soemmerringi. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Die erste Anlage des Hypoblasts bei den Sauge- tieren. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 906-912, woodcuts. A reply to E. van Beneden concerning the hypoblast in Mammals. Humphreys, J. The Suppression and Specialization of Teeth. P. Birmingh. Phil. Soc. vi, pp. 137-161. Commences with a description of the serial divisions of Mammalian teeth, and attributes their variation to the following causes, viz. : lateral •compression, elevation of basal ring or cingulum, union of denticles, plication of margins, bifurcation of roots, and production of accessory roots. A general survey is then given of the numerical variation of the teeth in different groups, and the paper concludes with tables illustrative of the same. Hutu, E. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der markischen Fauna. MT. Yer. Frankfurt-a-O. vi, pp. 13-16, 30-35, & 53-57. The first part is devoted to the consideration of the Carnivores, the second to the Rodents, and the third to the Ungulates, found in the province in which Berlin stands. 10 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Inglis, J. Tent Life in Tigerlaud. 2nd ed. London : 8vo, 366 pp., pis. Coutains a sporting account of several Indian Mammals. Jaccard, A. Sur les Animaux Y6rtebrds Fossiles de TEtage CEningien du Locle. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel, xvi, pp. 52-57. The following Mammalian genera are recorded from theCEningen beds in the valley of the Locle, viz , Machcerodus, A mphicyon , Mastodon , Dino- therium , Listriodon , Rhinoceros, Hy other ium, Palveomeryx , Gervus (?), and A ntilope. Jackson, W. H. Rolleston’s Forms of Animal Life. A Manual of Comparative Anatomy, with Descriptions of Selective Types. Oxford : 8vo, 937 pp., illustrated. The anatomy of the Common Rat and of the Rabbit is described and figured, and there is a discussion on the affinities of Rodents (pp. 38-45). The general characters of the Mammalia are described in a separate section (pp. 359-371). Jentink, F. A. Catalogue Syst6matique des Mammiferes (Rongeurs, Insectivores, Cheiropteres, Edentes, et Marsupiaux). Leiden: 1888, 280 pp. A catalogue of the forms of the orders mentioned contained in the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas. No descriptions or refer- ences to names are given. . On a Collection of Mammals from East Sumatra. Notes Leyd. Mus. xi, pp. 17-30. Considers that the fauna of this district is closely related to that of Borneo. Records 49 species, of which one is new. The Sumatran Elephant is regarded as specifically distinct from the Indian, [See Sciuridce.] . Zoological Researches in Liberia. A List of Mammals collected by J. Biittikofer, O. F. Sala, and F. X. Stampfli, Op. cit. x, pp. 1-5& & 8. pis. i-iv. This paper treats altogether of 90 species of Mammals, comprising 13 Primates (l new), 11 Carnivora , 4 Insectivora (3 new), 17 Chiroptera ( 2 new), 25 Rodentia (2 species 1 genus new), 16 Ungulata, 1 Sirenia , and 3 Edentata. The plates comprise a frontlet of Terphone ( Terpone ) longi- . ceps , Cephalopus doria and skull, and Dendrohyrax dorsalis (plate lettered stampflii ). The Cuvierian orders Ruminuntia and Pachydermata are retained. The genus Ghceropsis is retained for the Liberian Hippo- potamus, and it is suggested that there may be more than one species included in Hippopotamus amphibius. The Chimpanzee is included in Simia. [See Oercopithecidce , Soricidce , Pteropodulce , Vespertilionidce, and Myoxidce .] ^Jordan, D. S. A Manual of the Vertebrate Animals of the Northern United States. 5th ed. Chicago : 1888, 12mo. GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 11 Kempen, 0. Van. Sur une S&rie de Mammiferes et d’Oiseaux d’Europe Presentant des Anomalies ou des Varies de Coloration. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 103-108. Records albinism in the following Mammals, viz., Melcs taxus , Talpa cw'opcea, Erinaceus europceus, Mm rattus , M. decumanus , M. mitsculus, Arvicola amphibius , Lepus timidus, L. cuniculus , and Mustela foina ; some of these also exhibiting other abnormalities in colouration. Kerville, H. G. de. Faune de la Normandie. — Mammiferes. Bull. Soc. Rouen, ii, pp. 117-246, pi. i. A classified synopsis of all the Mammals now inhabiting Normandy, which comprise 13 Bats, 7 Insectivores, 14 Rodents, 12 Carnivores, 3 Ungulates, and 11 Cetaceans, or a total of 60. Crocidura leucodon is added in the appendix, on pp. 233 & 234, thus bringing up the number of species recorded in the text from 59 to 60, if this form is really distinct from C. araneus. The plate illustrates the external form of Mustela lutreola. Killian, G. Uober die Bursa und Tonsilla Pharyfigea. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 618-711, pis. xxv & xxvi, and woodcuts. The first part is devoted to the pharyngeal bursa, in the course of which (pp. 658-663) this organ is described in several Mammals. The second part treats of the tonsils, in which pp. 673-686 are devoted to these organs in Mammals. Klaatsch, H. Zur Morphologie der Tastballen der Siiugethiere. T. c. pp. 406-435, pis. xvii & xviii. An elaborate description of the tactile corpuscles on the palmar aspect of the mauus and pes in the various groups of Mammals. Traces back the linear system found in the human hand to the Marsupials. Koken, E. Ueber die miocanen Saugethier-Reste von Kieferstadt in OberBchlesien, und fiber Ilycenarctos minutas , Schlosser MS. SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 44-49, figs. 1 & 2. Makes some general remarks on the Mammals of the Miocene of Upper Silesia, and describes and figures remains of a new species of Hycenarctos. [See TJrsidce.~\ . [See also Glyptodontidce.’] Kollmann, J. Handskelett und Hyperdactylie. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 515 — 529, pi. ii. A part of this paper is devoted to the consideration of the structure of the hand and foot in Mammals. It deals especially with the question as to whether “ hyperdactylism ” and “ hyperphalangism ” are to be regarded as acquired or atavistic characters. Kostanecki, K. von. Zur Kenntniss der Tubenmuskulatur und ihrer Fascien. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 479-592. Lankester, E. R. Article " Zoology.” Encycl. Brit. 9th ed. xxiv , pp. 799-820. Ou pp. 812 & 813 the following arrangement of the Mammalia is proposed : — 12 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Class Mammalia. Grade 1. Monotrema. Grade 2. Ditrema. Branch a. Marsupialia. Orders — 1. Baryopoda ; 2. Rhizophaga ; 3. Macropoda ; 4. Carpophaga ; 5. Feclimana ; 6. C'antharo- phaga ; 8. Edentula. Branch b. Placentalia. Sub-branch a. Typidentata. Orders — 1. Proinsectivora ; 2. Insectivora ; 3. Carnivora ; 4. Ungulata ; 5. Amblypoda ; 7. Sirenia ; 8. Toxodontia ; 9 . Rodentia ; 10. Proboscidea ; 11. Hyracoidea ; 12. Chiroptera ; 13. Pro - simice ; 14. Si mice. Sub-branch 5. Edentata. Orders — 1. Bradypoda ; 2. Effodientia. Lataste, F. Analyse Zoologique de Pelotes de Rejections de Rapaces Nocturnes. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 471-518. An analysis of the “ castings” of Owls has shown that these consist much more largely of the remains of Soricidce than of those of Muridce , from which it is inferred that Owls are not beneficial to agriculture and horticulture, as had been supposed. . Des Dents Exceptionnellement Monophysaires chez les Mammi- f&res Diphyodontes. CR. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 37-41. In this memoir the term monophysaires is applied to teeth like the true molars of Diphyodonts, which have no predecessors ; while teeth having such predecessors are termed diphyosaires. Instances a young Rabbit, in which there are teeth regarded as the milk-predecessors of the large incisors. Also a skull of Phocu grcenlandicat showing throe milk incisors, the milk-canine, and the last three milk-molars; it being stated that the first and second incisors are usually not developed. In the Badger it is stated that there are four milk-molars. The question is then discussed as to the homology of the first cheek-tooth of the Dog, Pig, &c., and the conclusion is reached that it is a premolar. The loss of the milk-incisors in Rodents is considered to support the view that the milk-teeth are the elder. >. Des Deux Dentitions, de Lait ou Permanente, des Mammiferes, Quelle est la Dentition Primitive. T. c. pp. 59-61. Disputes the arguments of W. H. Flower and 0. Thomas [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 55], that the milk-dentition is the elder, and concludes that the most primitive Mammals were diphyodont, having inherited their milk-teeth from Reptiles or Amphibia. « . Considerations Positives sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammi- feres. T. c. pp. 203-206. A further discussion on the subject of the previous paper. Considers that a diphyodont dentition is the typical one, and adopts the opinion GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamin. 13 that the true molars are serially homologous with the premolars, and not with the milk-molars. [Lataste, F.] Encore sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammiferes. T. c. pp. 475-480, 496-501, & 537-540. Comments on the criticisms of Beauregard (supra, p. 3), and supports the generally adopted opinion as to the serial homology of the true molars. The embryological arguments are next discussed ; and attention is directed to the serial homology of the incisors of Rodents and the teeth of Cetacea , which are referred to the permanent series. In conclusion, it is noticed that while the true molars of Diphyodonts develope from front to back, the premolars appear in the reverse direction, but the incisors in the same direction as the molars ; and it is argued that this affords import- ant evidence as to the homology of the teeth in cases of reduced dentition. [See also Rodentia.~\ Leciie, W. Saugethiere (Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen, vol. vi, pt. 5), 30th and 31st (1888) — Mammalia. . [See also Marsupialia and Dermoptera .] Lemoine, V. Sur quelques Mammiferes carnassiers recueillis dans PEocene inferieur des environs de Reims. C.R. cvi, pp. 511 & 512. . Notices certain jaws and teeth of Mammals from the Lower Eocene of Rheims, some of which are regarded as allied to Proviverra ; while one is compared to Spalacotherium, and made the type of a new genus, Tricus- diudon. Leydig, F. Pigraente der Hautdecke und der Iris. Verh. Ges. Wiirzb. xxii, art. 9, 25 pp. Reference is made to several Mammals in the course of this memoir. Loewentiial, N. Zur Kenntnis des Keimfleckes im Ureie einiger Sauger. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 363-373, woodcuts. Observations on a method of showing the presence of the germinal spot in the Mammalian ovum, with a discussion of its characters. Lutken, C. II. Menneskelevninger i Brasiliens Huler og i de Lundske Samlinger. E. Mus. Lund, en Samliug af Afhandinger. i, art. iv. In this article (which has a summary in French) on the occurrence of human remains in the Brazilian cave-deposits, mention is made of a number of the Mammals of the same deposits. Lustig, A. Sulle Cellule Epitheliali nella Regioue Olfattiva degli Embryoni. Atti Ac. Tor. xxiii, pp. 324-333. Lydekker, R. Note on the Nomenclature of Three Genera of Fossil Mammalia. Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 384. Notices the substitution by Trouessart of JElurictis for the preoc- cupied 2Elurogale ; proposes to adopt Stylacodon in place of Stylodon , which is likewise preoccupied ; but sees no grounds for replacing jffiluropsis by Huplogale. . [See also Ursidcc.] 14 Mamm. MAMMALIA. °Magini, J. Neuroglia e Cellule Nervose nei Feti. Atti dell xii Congresso medico. Padua : 1888. : — — . Nouvelles Recherches Histologiques sur le Oerveau du Foetus. Atti Ac. Line, iv, pp. 760-7G3, and Arch. Biol. Ital. x, pp. 384-387. Observations on the cerebral histology of various foetal Mammals. Magitot, — . Sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammiferes. CR. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 261-263. A criticism on Beauregard’s view ( supra. , p. 3) that the true molars belong to the first dentition, which is considered to be incorrect. Makowsky, A. Der Loss von Brunu,und seine Einschliisse an diluvialen Thieren und Meuschen. Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxiv, pp. 207-243, pis. i-vii. The fauna described comprises Man, Eiephas primigenius , Rhinoceros antiquitatis ( tichorhinus)) Equus cahallus , Bison priscus , Alces machlis (pal matus), Cervus (Megacevos) giganteus ( hibernicus ), C. elaphus , Capre- olus caprea , Ursus spelceus , Hycena striata (prisca), Canis (Lupus) spelceusy Canis ( Vulpes ) lagopus, Meles taxus, and Castor fiber. The paper is illustrated with figures of a lower molar and atlas vertebra of Eiephas primigenius, an antler of Alces , cranium of Hycena , and several human skulls. Martin, K. Neue Wirbelthierreste vom Pati-Ajam ruf Java. Samm. Geol. Mus. Leid. (1) iv, pp. 87-116, pis. xi & xii, and JB. Mijnwzen. Nederl. Indie, xxvii, pp. 20-48, pis. xi & xii. Describes and figures Elephant and other Mammalian remains from the later Tertiaries of Java. The forms mentioned are Mastodon sp., Eiephas ( Stegndon ) trigonocephalus , E. (S.) bombifrons , E. namadicus, E. hysudricus , Bos sp., and Cervus sp. Merriam, 0. H. Remarks on the Fauna of the Great Smoky Mountains; with description of a New Species of Red-Backed Mouse (Evotomys carolinensis). Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxvi, pp. 458-460. Briefly alludes to the Mammals of this area, and describes the Mouse mentioned (see Muridce). -. [See also Canidce and Vespertilionidce .] Milne Edwards, A. [See Fhalangeridce.~\ Mi v art, St. G. On the possibly Dual Origin of the Mammalia. P. R. Soc. xliii, pp. 372-379. Commences with a discussion of the characters of the rudimental teeth of Ornithorhynchus, which are considered to be totally unlike those of any Reptile, and not very near to those of any other Mammal. Attention is then directed to the possibility of the Sauropsidan features shown by the Monotremes being due to reversion and degradation ; but this is con- sidered to be improbable, as the characters of the pectoral girdle are too similar in the two groups. It is finally suggested that the Monotremes are a comparatively late offshoot from the Sauropsidan stock ; while all other Mammals may have been derived from primitive forms more or less closely related to the Amphibia. [See Pour/roN, p. 63.] GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamin. 15 Moquin-Tandon, G. Morphologie des Glandes Mammaires. Bull. Soc. Toulouse, 1887, pp. 1 & li. An abstract of a paper recording the homology of the mammary glands and their distribution in the different orders. Moreno, F. P. Informe Preliminar de Los Progresos del Museo La Plata, durante el Primer Semestre de 1888. Boll. Mus. La Plata, 1888, pp. 1-35. A preliminary report on the work of the La Plata Museum, contain- ing a description of a number of species of Tertiary Mammals from S. America, of which 28 are regarded as new. Also mentions certain exist- ing species, of which 1 is described as new. [See Octodontidcc, Ohinchil- lidce , Caviidce, ElephantidcCy Typotheriidm, Equidce , Macraucheniidce, Cervidce , Physeteridm , Megatheriidce , and Glyptodontidce .] Mott, F. Microscopical Examination of Clarke’s Column in Man, the Monkey, and the Dog. J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 479-497. It is concluded that Clarke’s column is limited in Man, the Monkey, and the Dog, to those regions of the spinal cord which have been shown to give rise to the fiuo medullated fibres of the visceral-vascular system in the Dog. Nathusius, A. [See Bovidce.] Nehring, A. Ueber den Character der Quartiirfauna von Thiede bei Braunschweig. JB. Mineral, 1889, i, pp. 66-98. [Extract published in advance in 1888.] Commences with the horizons of tho various ossiferous deposits, followed by a list of the farina, which comprises 28 species of Mammals, and con- cludes with criticisms upon the observations of Wollemann and others. . Ueber die Diluvialfaunen von Westeregeln und Thiede. SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 39-44. Criticizes the observations of Pohlig and Wollemann upon this subject, and concludes that the former has confounded the faunas of two distinct periods. . Yorlaufige Entgegnung auf Wollemann’s Abhandlung fiber die Diluvialsteppe. T. c. pp. 155-166. Further criticisms on the same subject. . [See also Canidce , Bovidce , and Suidce.~\ Nicolas, A. Surquelques details relatifs a la Morphologie des Elements Epitheliaux des Canalicules du Corps du Wolff. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 337-339. Describes certain peculiarities in the epithelium of the Wolffian bodies of the Pig, Rabbit, and Sheep. Niessing, G. Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklung und den feinsten Bau der Samenfaden einiger Saugethiere. Yerh. Ges. Wfirzb. xxii, art. 2, 29 pp., 2 pis. Observations on the development of the seminiferous tubes of a number of Mammals ; the results of the author’s observations being summed up at the conclusion of the memoir. 16 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Noack, T., in Zool, Gait, xxix, pp. 283-285, replies to the criticisms of E. Schaff. [See p. 19.] Osborn, H. F. The Relation of the Commissures of tho Brain to the Formation of the Encephalic Vessels. P. Am. Ass. for 1887, p. 262. [Abstract.] The author suggests an hypothesis to account for the constant feature of the division of the embryonic brain into four swellings or vesicles. . The Nomenclature of the Mammalian Molar Cusps. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 926-928. Proposes a series of terms for the cusps found in the upper and lower teeth of the tritubercular type, which are mentioned under the heading of the next paper. . The Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from tho Tritu* bercular type. T. c. pp. 1067-1079, pi. xxv. After mentioning the importance of the tritubercular type of molar structure from a morphological point of view, and referring to its frequent occurrence in the Mammals of the Puerco Eocene, and its persistence in several existing groups, the author proceeds to divide the stages of “ Trituberculy ” into the (i) Haplodont, a modification of which is represented by Dromotherium , (n) Triconodont, and (in) Tri- tubercular types. The following terms are then proposed to replace those in general use for the cusp3 of Mammalian molars, viz. : — Upper Molars. Antero-internal cusp = Protocone Postero- „ „ or 6th cusp = Hypocone Antero-external „ = Paracone Postero- „ „ = Metacone Anterior intermediate cusp = Protoconule Posterior „ ., = Metaconulo Loioer Molars. Antero-external cusp = Protoconid Postero- ,, „ = Hypoconid Antero-internal or 5th cusp = Paraconid Intermediate or antero internal cusp (in quadritubercular molars) = Metaconid Postero-internal cusp = Entoconid. The three cusps of Triconodon are considered to represent those of Spalacotherium , which clearly correspond to those of the “blade” of the tritubercular lower carnassial. The paper closes with observations as to the evolution of the cusps in various groups, and the transition from a tritubercular to a quadri- tubercular type. . The Mylohyoid Groove in the Mesozoic and Recent Mammalia. T. c. pp. 75 & 76. Mentions those genera in which this groove has been examined by the author, and concludes that its absence or presence is not of much im- portance in classification. GENERAL SUBJECT. Hamm. 17 [Osborn, H. T\] [See also Chalicotheriidce, Marsupialia, and Didelpliyidce.] Pansini, S. Du Plexus et des Ganglions propres au Diaphragme. Arch. Biol. ltal. x, pp. 259-266. Observations on certain peculiarities in the histology of the phrenic nerve and its plexuses. Paterson, A. M. On the Fate of the Muscle-Plate, and the Develop- ment of the Spinal Nerves and Limb-Plexuses in Birds and Mammals. Q. J. Micr. Soc. xxviii, pp. 109-130, pis. vii & viii. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] This paper is divided into one section on the fate of the muscle-plate, and into a second on the growth and development of the spinal nerves. The conclusions respecting Mammals are summarized at the end. Pavlow, M. [See Ungulata.'] Perrier, E. Le Transformisme. Paris : 1888, 12mo, 344 pp., woodcuts. Pp. 386-340 are devoted to the origin of the Mammalia , and the mutual relations of the different orders. Piersol, G. A. Uber die Entwicklung der embryonalen Schlund- spalten und ihre Derivate bei Saugethieren. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 155-189, pis. xvi & xvii. An important memoir on the development and homology of the visceral clefts and arches of Mammals, in which the conclusions reached are stated at length at the end. The chief illustrations are taken from the Rabbit. The conclusions are also given in SB. Ges. Wiirzb. 1888, pp. 85 & 86. ' Poiilig, H. [See Elephantidce.] Poulton, E. B. [See Felidce and Ornithorhynchida ?.] Probst, J. [See Physeteridoe.] Rae, J. Notes on Some of the Birds and Mammals of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Territory, and of the Arctic Coast of America. J. L. S. xx, pp. 136-145. Observations are given on the habits of Lepus america?iust L. glacialis , and Myodes hudsonicus. Ramsay, E. P. [See Marsupialia.'] Reichenow, A. Handworterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie und Ethnologie, vol. v. Breslau : 1888, 8vo, 640 pp., woodcuts. Contains notices of many Mammalian genera, of which the first letter is L, M, or N. . [See also Bovidce.] Retterer, E. Note sur la Structure de l’lris chez les Mammif&res, C R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 319-323. The main conclusion arrived at is that cellular fibres occur only in the sphincter of the iris, which is regarded as a single muscle, and the only one in the iris. [See also DebierrE. — Hominidoe, , p. 26.] 1888. [vol. xxv.] c 2 18 Mcmm. MAMMALIA. [Retterer, E.] Origine et Evolution des Amygdales chez les Mammi- feres. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 1-80 & 274-360, pis. i, ii, xii, & xiii. This memoir treats in great detail of the origin and development of the tonsils in different Mammals, giving at the conclusion along summary of the author’s conclusions. Rex, H. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Saugerleber. Morph. J.B. xiv. pp. 517-617, pis. xx-xiv. An elaborate contribution to the study of the structure and morphology of the Mammalian liver, with illustrations showing the homology of the various lobes, and the distribution of the vascular system in different groups. Riviere, E. Sur la Faune a les Osseraents Humains des Baumas de Bails et de la grotte Saint-Martin (Alpes Maritimes). C.R. eviii, pp. 763 & 764. Records remains of various species of Mammals found in association with those of Man. cRodler, A. Verbreitung und Geschichte der Seesaugethiere. Vienna : 1888. A summary of the history of the Pinnipeds, Sirenia, and Cetacea , with an account of their present distribution. Roth, S. Boobachtungou iibor Eiistchung und Altor dor Pampasfor- ination in Argentinien. Z. geol. Ges. xl, pp. 375-464. Discusses the ages of the various ossiferous deposits of Argentina, giving lists of the species of Mammals obtained therefrom. Rudinger, N. Ueber die Abflusskanale der Endolymphe des inneren Ohres. SB. bayer. Ak. 1887, pp. 455-476, pis. iii-v. Describes and figures the general relations, histology, and development of the ductus endolymphaticus, or aquaeductus vestibuli ; the illustrations being chiefly taken from the Gat. ROtimeyer, L. Ueber einige Beziehungen zwischen den Saugetliier- stammen Alter und Neue Welt. Abh. schw. pal. Ges. xv, 63 pp., 1 pi. The first section of this memoir is devoted to a general discussion of the principles of classification, and more especially as regards Ungulates ; while the second describes Mammalian remains from the Swiss siderolites, which afford additional evidence of the close relationship existing between the faunas of the Old and New Worlds, some of the former being described as new species. In the first part it is considered that Cope has laid too much stress on carpal and tarsal structure in his classification of the Ungulates, and that the Condylarthra cannot be regarded as a group of equal value with thg Diplarthra ( Perissodactyla -f- Artiodactyla). The upper molars of the Condylarthra are termed Trigonodont, while the .name Zygodont is proposed to include both the Lophodont and Selenodont types of the more specialized Ungulates. In the second part the forms described comprise Ccenopithecus , Adapist Phenacodus , Protogonia) and Meniscotheriurn ( errorini Meniscodon) ; especial attention being directed to the importance of the occurrence of Phenacodus in Europe in relation to GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 19 the origin of the Horse. [See Lemuridce , Phenacodontidce, and Menis- cotheriidcv .] A Criticism by E. D. Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 831-835. Salvadori, T. Le Date della publicazione della “ Iconografia della Fauna Italica” del Bonaparte, ed Indice delle specie illustrate in detta opera. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, pp. 1-25. Sardemann, E. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Thranendriise. Ber. Frei- berg Ges. iii, pp. 95-125. A general survey of these organs in the various orders, concluding with a discussion as to their origin, and their relations to the ocular glands of other Vertebrates. Sciiaff, E., in Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 59 & 60, criticises T. Noack’s observations on Galictis vittata and Sus leucomystox given in the paper cited in the second of the two papers quoted in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 11. On pp. 346-348 an answer is given to a reply by Noack (q.v.). Schlosser, M. TTeber die Beziehungen der ausgestorbenen Saugetier- faunen und ihr Verhaltuiss zur Saugetierfauna der Gegenwart. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 582-600 & 609-631. The author considers that we may look upon Central Europe and N. America as the two great central points from which the Tertiary Mam- malian fauna has spread. A summary is then given of the chief char- acters of the Mammals of the different Tertiary horizons of Europe, America, and Asia ; and the relations of extinct to existing types are subsequently more fully discussed. It is considered that Ungulates are descended from primitive Carnivorous types, and that the Condylarthra represent the transitional forms. Seeley, H. G. [See pp. 63 & 64.] [See also Carnivora .] Sim roth, H. Zur Kenntniss der Azorenfauna. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, i, pp. 179-234. A few Mammals, mostly introduced, are mentioned at the commence- ment of this paper. Thomas, O. Diagnosis of New Malayan Mammals. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 407-409. Describes 1 new variety of Hylomys, and 1 new species of Sciurus, and 2 of Mus. [See Erinaceidcv, Sciuridce, and Mur idee.'] . Diagnosis of Six New Mammals from the Solomon Islands. Op. cit. i, pp. 155-158. Describes a new genus and species of Pteropodidce , a new species of the type genus of the same, a new genus and species of Rhinolophidce , and 3 new species of Mus. [See Pteropodidce , Rhinolophidce , and Muridce.] . List of Mammals obtained by Mr. G. F. Gaumer on Cozumel and Ruatan Islands, Gulf of Honduras. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 129. Records 5 species from the former and 6 from the latter island. . On a Collection of Mammals obtained by Emin Pasha in Equa- torial Africa, and presented by him to the Natural History Museum T. c. pp. 3-17, pis. i & ii. Records 39 species, comprising 3 Primates , 8 Carnivora , 1 Insectivora, 3 20 Mamm . MAMMALIA. Chiroptera , 22 Rodents (1 new), 1 Hyracoulea (new), and 1 Edentata • Of the 28 species from Monbuttu, 16 are W. African ; while of the others, 5, although found iu other districts, also occur in W. Africa, 5 are either peculiar to or only otherwise known from neighbouring Central African localities, 1 is Abyssinian, and l previously known frojn Natal. This shows that the forest fauna of the W.est extended across Africa as far as 28° East long., and still further some distance North. [See Anomaluridee and Hyracidce.] [Thomas, O.] On the Mammals of Christmas Island. T. c. pp. 532-534. Records 1 Crocidura, 1 Pteropus , and 2 Mus, of which 1 is new. [See Murid ce.] . On the Small Mammals of Duval County, South Texas. T. c, pp. 443-450. The list includes 17 species, of which 4 are Insectivora , 3 Chiroptera , and the remainder Rodentia. . The Mammals of the Solomon Islands, based on the Collection made by Mr. C. M. Woodford. T. c. pp. 470-484, pis. xx-xxii. This paper gives an account of a second collection made by Mr. Wood- ford in the Solomon Islands ; and also gives a complete list of the Mammals known to occur in the group. The total number of species is 22, of which 17 are Chiroptera , 4 Rodentia , and 1 Marsupialia. Figures are given of the head and skull of Pteropus and Pteralopex , of the nose- leaf of Anthops, and of the skull and feet of 3 species of Mus. 1 new species of Pteropus is described from the Duke of York Archipelago. [See Pteropodidce , Rhinolophulce, and Mur idee.'] - . [See also Marsupialia and Didelphyidce.] Topinard, P. Les Demises Etapes do la Gendalogie de l’llomme. Rev. Anthrop. (3) iii, pp. 298-332. This paper commences by discussing the systematic relations of the Primates , and considers that the Lemuroidea are rightly included therein. The question is then discussed whether Man is derived from the Anthro- poidea or Lemuroidea, and it is concluded that neither of these groups are the ancestral stock, which should be sought among the Ungulate Condy- larthra, such as the Phenacodontidce. This memoir is reviewed by E. D. Cope, in the Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 660-663, wherein the following arrangement of the so-called order Taxeopoda is proposed Order Taxeopoda. Suborder i. Hykacoidea. — Earn. Hyracidce. „ II. Condylarthra. — Fams . Periptychidce^Phenacodontidce, Meniscotheriidce. „ ill. Daubentonoipea.— Fams. Chiromyidce, Mixodectidce. „ iv. Quadrumana. — Fams. Adapidce , Anaptomorphidie , Tarsiidce , Lemur idee, Cebidce, Cercocebidce. ,, V. Anthropomokpiia. — Fams. Simiidce , Horninidee. GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamin. 21 ToRNlER, G. Dio Phylogenese des terminalen Segraentes der Saugethier- Hindergliedmassen. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 223-328, pis. xi & xii. A very elaborate memoir on the structure and development of the distal portion of the hind limbs of Mammals, especial attention being directed to the mutual relations of the astragalus and calcaueum. Tourneux, F. L’Organe de Rosenmuller (epoophore) et le Parovarium (paroophore) chez les Mammiferes. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 169-192, pi. viii. A careful description of the foetal organ of Rosenmuller, or epoophoron, as displayed in the Sheep. New terms are proposed for the canals found in this structure. True, F. W. Guide to a Collection Illustrating the Families of Mam- mals in the Ohio Yalley Exposition, 1888. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, Appendix, pp. 1-26. . [See also Geomyidce .] Turner, W. Comparison of the Convolutions of the Seals and Walrus with those of the Carnivora and of Apes and Man. »J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 554-581. After comparing the cerebral convolutions in these groups, it is con- cluded that the smooth-brained lower Primates could not have been derived from the Carnivora , or at least from Carnivora which had acquired convoluted brains, since such convolutions would be unlikely to disappear. If the higher Primates have been derived from lower Primates , then the hemispheres of the former, with their complex convolutions, have been evolved from a smooth- brained stock, and not from an animal with a brain like that of a Dog or Seal. Accepting this, it is not sur- prising to find that the mode of arrangement of the convolutions in the Primates differs from that obtaining in the Carnivora. . [See also Lemuroidea and Pinnipedia .] TYRRELL, J. B. Catalogue of the Mammalia of Canada, exclusive of the Cetacea. P. Canad. Inst, xxiv, pp. 66-91. The list comprises 12 Ungulates, 35 Carnivores, 48 Rodents, 20 Insectivores, and 6 Chiroptera. Vacek, M. Ueber neue Funde von Saugethierresten aus dem Wies-Eibis- walder Kohlenreviere, Yerh. geol. Reicfisanst. 1888, pp. 308-313. Describes several Mammalian remains from the Middle Miocene of Eibiswald, but more especially a skull referred to Rhinoceros sansaniensis . This skull appears to have had but a single horn, and therefore indicates the distinctness of R. sansaniensis from the Lower Pliocene R. schleier- macherij with which it has generally been identified, Van Bembeke, [See Delphinidce.] Yan Beneden. [See Chiroptera.'] Yirohow, H. Ueber das Riickenmark der Anthropoiden. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 509 & 510. First observes that the difference in the spinal marrow of individuals 22 Mamm. MAMMALIA. of different ages belonging to a single species is greater than between equal aged individuals of distinct species ; and then proceeds to notice the distinctive features of this structure in several types. Yogt, 0., & Speciit, F. The Natural History of Animals (Class Mammalia) in Word and Picture. Translated by G. G. Chisholm. 2 vols. London : 4to, illustrated. Waszkiewicz, P. Zur Frage fiber die Beziehungen zwischen der Zalil der Fasern in den Nervenstammen und dem Korpergewicht bei Saugethieren. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 206-208. A discussion concerning the relation between the number of fibres in the nerve trunks and the bodily weight of Mammals. Weber, M. Mededeelingen over Zoogdieren. Bijdr. Dierk. 1888, pt. v, 16 pp., 2 pis. A memoir divided into three sections. The first describes a Mono- treme allied to Proechidna bruijnii, but with four digits, giving figures of the skull and feet ; the second has remarks, accompanied by a plate, on Canis jubatus ; while the third contains tables of the weight of a number of Mammals. Weitiiofer, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna von Pikermi bei Athen. Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vi, pp. 227-292, pis. x-xix. An important memoir, based on the results of excavations in the Plio- cene beds of Pikermi, conducted, in 1887, by MM. Neumayr and Tausch, and also oil specimens from the same deposits preserved in the Hof- museurn at Vienna. The Mammals described and figured comprise 1 Mustela (new), 1 Hycenarctus (new), 2 Machan'odus (l new), 2 Fells (1 new), 1 Dinotherium , 1 Hip par ion, 1 Rhinoceros , 1 Giraffa = Camelopardalis (new), 1 ProtragelaphuSy 1 Helicoceras (new gen.), and 1 Antilope (?), [See Mustelidcdy Ursidce) Felidae , Equidce, Girajfidce , and Bovidce]. . [See also Hycenidce and Proboscidean Wilckens, M. Alcuni Osservazioue sulla Fauna delli Ligniti di Casteani e di Montebamboli (Torcana). Boll. Com. Geol. (2) ix, pp. 363-368. Gives a summary of the Mammalian fauna of these Tuscan Miocene beds. Also adds a description of some remains of Enhydriodon campanil ; refers the jaw described by Meneghini as Amphicyon laurillardi to a new species of Hycenarctos , and describes a new Mustela and Antilope. [See Ursidce , Mustelidce , and Bovidce.] ■ . [See also Equidoe.~\ Williams, A. Pathology and its Relation to Evolution. Sci. Goss. 1887, pp. 80-82, 99-192, & 124-126, woodcuts. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] In this memoir abnormalities occurring in certain Mammals, such as the presence of a centrale in the manus of a Baboon, and a lateral meta- podial in the Horse, are described as atavistic features. Windle, B. C. A. The Pectoral Group of Muscles. P. R. Soc. xlv, pp. 99 & 100. An abstract of a paper which attempts to explain the morphology of GENERAL SUBJECT. FAUNAS. Mamm. 23 the pectoral group of muscles, and is based on the dissection of more than 60 Mammals and the description of others. A synopsis of the conclu- sions reached is given. [Windle, B. C. A.] [See also Procyonidcc.] Worth, R. N. The Cattedown Bone Cave. Rep. Plym. Inst, x, pp. 10-38, pis. & woodcuts. Gives a list of the species of Mammals, of which remains are found in these caves, and describes and figures two human lower jaws and crania. The Wild Animals of British India. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 361-367. Gives the number of examples of various species of Mammals destroyed in a single year ; and also the number of human beings killed by wild animals. II. — FAUNAS. A. — Recent. France. See Kerville, p. 11 (Normandy). Germany. See Austen, p. 2 ; Bielz, p. 3 ; Huth, p. 9. Italy. See Carlin i, p. 5. Arctic Regions. See Brauer, p. 4. Central Asia. See BOciiner, p. 4. India. See Blanford, p. 3. Africa. See Giglioli, p. 8 ; Thomas, p. 19. Sumatra. See Jentink, p. 10. North America. See Merriam (Smoky Mts.), p. 14 ; Thomas (Texas), p. 20. Honduras. See Thomas, p. 19. South America. See Armas, p. 2 ; Burmeister, p. 5 ; Roth, p. 18. Australasia and Oceania. See Campbell (King Is.), p. 6 ; Ramsay (Queensland), p.60; Thomas (Christmas Is.),p.20, and (Solomonls.),p.20. B. — Fossil. Europe. See Sciilosser, p. 27. British Is. See Worth, p. 23. France. See Filiiol, p. 7; Lemoine, p. 13 ; Riviere, p. 18. Switzerland. See Jaccard, p. 10. Germany. See Makowsky, p. 14 ; Neiiring, p. 15. Italy. See Weithofer, p. 30 ; Wilckens, p. 22. Greece. See Weithofer, p. 22. Silesia. See ICoken, p. 11. Styria. See Hofmann, p. 9. llos and Samos. See Forsyth-Major, p. 7. Java. See Martin, p. 14. North America. See Cope, p. 5. South America. See Moreno, p. 15. MAMMALIA. 24 Mamm. III.— SPECIAL STRUCTURES, DEVELOPMENT, &c. Abnormalities. Colour . — See Kempen, p. 11. General. — See Williams, p. 22. Muscular. — See Debierre, p. 6. Polydactylism. — See GegenbauR, p. 8 ; Poulton ( Felidce ), p. 29. Respiratory .— See Howes ( Rodentia ), p. 37. Vascular. — See Carpentier ( Hominidce ), p. 25. Dentition. — See Beauregard, milk and permanent, p. 3; Cope, (Am- blypoda ) p. 44, ( Carnivora ) p. 27, ( Hominidce ) p. 25, ( Rodentia ) p. 36; Humphreys, p. 9 ; Lataste, milk and permanent, p. 12, ( Canulce ) p. 31 ; Magitot, milk and permanent, p. 14 ; Neiiring ( Suidce ), p. 54 ; Osborn^ p. 16 ; Poulton (Ornithorhynchidce) , p. 63. Dermis, Epidermis, &c. ( excluding teeth). — See Fjelstkup ( Delphin - idee), p. 57 ; KOlliker, nails ( Hominidce ), p. 26 ; Lustig, olfactory epithe- lium, p. 13 ; Van Bembeke, epidermal follicles ( Delphinidce ), p. 57 ; Smith ( Equidce ), p. 47. Development. — See Bieiiringer ( Muridce ), p. 36 ; Bonnet, allantois ( Artiodactyla ), p. 48; Born, heart, p. 4; Boulart, placenta ( Artiodactyla ), p. 48 ; Duval, placenta, p. 6 ; Frommel, placenta ( Chiroptera ), p. 35 ; Giacomini (Rodentia), p. 36 ; Heape (Talpidcc), p. 34; Hubiiecut, hypoblast, p. 9 ; Kiebel ( Erinaceidce ), p. 33 ; Kolliker, nails ( Hominidce ), p. 26 ; Lustig, olfactory epithelium, p. 13 ; Masius, placenta (Rodentia), p.37 ; Morton (Echididce), p. 63 ; Nicolas, Wolffian bodies, p. 15 ; Osborn, foetal membranes (Did elphy idee), p. 62 ; Piersol, visceral clefts, p. 17 ; Ryder, placenta (Rodentia), p. 37 ; Tourneux ( Bovidce ), p. 50, organ of Roseumuller, p. 21 ; Turner, placenta (Lemuridce), p. 26 ; Van Beneden, placenta, &c. ( Chiroptera ), p. 36. Rar.— Soo ltd dinger, p. 18 ; and Alzeimer, p. 2. EYE.TT-See Debierre, iris (Hominidce), p. 26 ; Dogiel, retina, p. 6 ; Falchi, retina, p. 7 ; Sardemann, glands, p. 19 ; Retterer, iris, p. 17. Glands —See Alzeimer, p. 2 ; Beddard (Did elphy idee), p. 62 ; Gaup, nasal and oral, p. 8 ; Herzfeld, nasal, p. 9 ; Killian, tonsilar, p. 11 ; Leciie, mammary (Marsupialia), p. 58 ; Moquin-Tandon, mammary, p. 15; Mqussu, parotid (Bovidce), p. 50; Retterer, tonsils, p. 18; Sarde- mann, ocular, p. 19 ; Van Bambeke, follicular (Delphinidce), p. 57. Heredity. — See Bonnet, p. 4 ; Poulton (Felidce), p. 29. Muscles. — See Kelly (Ursidce), p. 31; Kostanecki, p. 11 ; Ruge, facial (Primates), p. 25; Windle, pectoral, p. 23, and (Procyonidce), p. 32. Nerves, Brain, &c. — See Bellonci, optic nerve, p. 3 ; Flesch, pineal body, p. 7 ; Honigschmied, taste-corpuscles, p. 9 ; Klaatsch, tactile- corpuscles, p. 11 ; Leche, hypophysis cerebri (Insectivora), p. 33 ; Magini, p. 14 ; Mott, spinal cord, p. 15 ; Osborn, brain, p. 16 ; Pansini, phrenic, p. 17 ; Paterson, development of spinal nerves, p, 17; Stowell, glosso- pharyngeal (Felidce), p. 29; Theodor, brain ( Pinnipedia ), p. 28; Tucker- man, taste-bulbs ( Suidce ), p. 54, (Muridce) p. 40, (Musteliclce) p. 32; Turner, convolutions, p. 21, pineal body, p. 28 ; Virchow, spinal oord, p. 22. STRUCTURES, DEVELOPMENT, ETC. — SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 25 Osteology. — See Cornet, proatlas, p. 6 ; Dollo, proatlas, p. 6 ; Lebancq (Cetacea), p. 55 ; Kollmann, p. 11 ; KUkenthal (Cetacea), p. 55. Urinogenital Organs. — See Bimar, testicular vascular systom, p. 3 ; Chapman ( Hycenidce ), p. 30 ; Loewenthal, ovum, p. 13 ; Martin, Wolf- fian bodies (Bodentia), p. 37 ; Nikssing, seminiferous tubes, p. 15 ; Nico- las, Wolffian bodies, p. 15 ; Prenant, spermatozoa, p. 26. Vascular System. — See BimaR, testicular, p. 3 ; Carpentier, abnormalities ( Hominidm ), p. 25 ; Rojecki, arteries (Primates), p. 25. Viscera. — See Pansini, nerves of diaphragm, p. 17; Young & Robin* son ( Hyamidce ), p. 30. IV.— SPECIAL WORK. (Fossil species and genera are indicated by a t.) 1. PRIMATES. For the Indian species see W. T. Blanford, supra , p. 3. Ruge, G. Untersuchungen fiber die Gesichtsmuskulatur der Primaten. Leipsic : 1887, 4to, 130 pp., 8 pis. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] An elaborate memoir, with numerous illustrations of the facial muscles of the Primates , Rojecki. F. Note sur la Disposition des Troncs Arteriels des Membres chez les Singes du Genre Macaque consid^res par rapport a ceux des Singes Anthropomorphes et de PHomme. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 281-284. A comparison of the course of the arteries of the limbs in the groups mentioned. I. ANTHROPOIDEA. a . Hominidm. Carpentier, — , & Bertaux, — . Anomalie des Systemes de la Veine Cave Inferieure et des Veines Azygos, observee chez un Homme Adulte. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 339 & 340. Records, in a subject aged 37, the absence of the vena cava inferior, of which the fuuction is performed by the azygos vein ; and also the com- plete independence of the portal system. Cope, E. D. On the Tritubercular Tooth in Human Dentition. J. Morph, ii, pp. 1-24, pis. i & ii. Instances are recorded of the occurrence of one or more abnormal upper molars, with tritubercular crowns, which are regarded as a rever- sion to tho dentition of Eocene Lemuroids, like Anaptomorphus ; these abnormal teeth being especially common among the Esquimaux, and the Sclavic, French, and American branches of the European race. It is argued that this constitutes an important confirmation of the author’s view that the Hominidce are directly descended from the Lemuroidea apart from the other Anthropoidea. 26 Alamm» MAMMALIA. DebierrE. C. Sur le Muscle de PIris de 1’Homme. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 361 & 362. A comment on the conclusions of Retterer (p. 17) with regard to the muscle of the iris, in which the author mainly agrees with that writer. Harrison, A. The Palatal Ruga) in Man. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 254-272, woodcuts. Notes and figures the variations occurring in these rugae, and records their connection with disease. KOlliker, A. Die Entwicklung des menschlichen Nagels. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 129-154, pis. xiii-xv. An elaborate memoir on the development of the human nails. Re- viewed by Q. Durand, J. de l’Anat. Pbys. xxiv, pp. 260-263. Prenant, A. Note sur la Structure des Spermatozoides chez 1’Homme. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 288-290. In this communication the author points out that certain peculiarities described by Jensen [see Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamin, p. 7] in the sperma- tozoa of many Mammals also occur in those of Man. b. Cercopithecidjj. Cercopithecua stampfiii , u. sp., F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 10, Liberia. II. LEMUROIDEA. Turner, W. An Additional Contribution to the Placentation of the Lemurs. P. R. Soc. xliv, pp. 277-282. Describes the placentation of several genera, and concludes, from the megallantoid and non- deciduate character of the placenta in the Lemurs, that these animals should constitute a distinct order — the Prositnii. a. Lemuridj:. t Gcenopithecus lemuroides : the dentition redescribed and figured by L. ROtimeyer, Abh. schw. pal. Ges. xv, p. 30, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2, by whom it is regarded as allied to the American Pelycodus. t Adapts parisiensis ( duvernoyi ) : the dentition described and figured by Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 36, pi. i, figs. 3 & 4. iAdapia angustidens, n. sp., II. Filiiol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 10-12, Quercy Phosphorites, France ; figured by E. L. Bouvjer, Lo Nat. 1888, p. 168, fig. 3. 2. OAPNIVORA. For the Indian species, see W. T. Blanford, supra , p. 3. Allen, H. The Oceipito-temporal Region in the Carnivora. Science, xi, p. 71. States that the post-tympanic described by the author as occurring iu Ursus above the squamosal and opisthotic, is probably also present in SPECIAL WORK.' Mamm. 27 Ampfiicyon, Dinictis , and Archcelurus. Also observes that the characters of the tympanic ring afford specific characters in the Felidce, and ate of importance in other groups. Cope, E. D. The Mechanical Origin of the Teeth of the Carnivora. P. Am. Ass. 1887, pp. 254-257 (1888). Considers that the most primitive type of tooth was a simple cone ; next there arose fore-and-aft cusps, as in Triconodon ; and it is argued that the effect of pressure would be to thrust these cusps in the upper jaw to the outer side, and in the lower jaw to the inner side of the main cusp? from which a trituberculate tooth would result. The origin of the sectorial teeth of the Carnivora Vera from a tritubercular tooth of this type is then traced, and considered to be due to the pressure of one tooth against the other, the location being due to the position of the masseter muscle. The tubercular teeth of the Dogs and Bears are regarded as of less specialized type than the sectorials. Placzek, B. Wiesel und Katze, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Haus- thioro. Vorh. Vor. Briinn. xxvi, pp. 124-191. An elaborate memoir, divided into two sections. The first is devoted to the history of Cats and Weasels among the ancients ; the second to that of the present day. Schlosser, M. Die Affen, Lemuren, Chiropteren, Insectivoren, Mar- supialier, Creodonten, und Carnivoren der Europaischen Tertiars. Pt. ii. Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vii, pp. [1-162], 225-386, pis. vi-ix. This important memoir is the continuation of the one noticed in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 14, and is devoted to parts of the European Tertiary Carnivora , with their relations to existing forms and to those from the American Tertiaries. It is proposed to classify the Carnivora Vera as follows : — A. Hypomycteri. 1. Cercoleptidce. 4. JEluridai. 2. Procyonidce. 5. Ursidce (Amphicyonidai, p. 61). 3. Mustelidce. 6, Canidai, 7. Protelidce . 8. Arctictidce. 9. Viverridce. 10. Cynictidai. B. Epimycteri. 11. Suricatidce. 12. Cryptoproctida). 13. Nimravidce. 14. Felidce. 15. Hycenidce. Of these families, Nos. 3, 5, and 8 are treated of in this part. The memoir commences with a discussion of previous classifications and the proposed amendments thereon, after which the families are systematic^, ally doscribod. A number of now generic and speciflo names are pro? posed, the forms included by Filhol in Cynodictis being broken up info several genera, and the Mustelidce also much divided, Stenoplesictis and Palceoprionodon, which have been previously referred to the Viverridce , are placed in the Mustelidce. Ceplialogale is taken to include several of 28 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Filhol’s Cynoclictia. Flesiogale, which is referred to the Mustelidce, differs from all others in having three lower molars. [See Ganulce , Ursiclce , Mustelidce']. Reviewed by E. D. Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 1019 & 1020. Scott, W. B. Origin of American Carnivora. P. Am. Ass. 1887, p. 258. An abstract of this paper summarizes its conclusions as to the relations of the American Tertiary forms, in which it is concluded that Amphicyon represents an extremely generalized type. I. PINNIPEDIA. Balkwill, F. H. On the Geographical Distribution of Seals. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 401-411. A summary of the chief family characters of Seals, together with an account of the distribution of living forms and a list of the species. Harrison, A. J. Remarks about Seals. P. Bristol Soc. (2) v, pp. 290-297. A popular account of some points in the structure and the habits of Seals. Lebouq, H. Recherches sur la Morphologie de la Main chez les Pinni- pedes. Stud. Mus. Zool. Dundee, i, pp. ii & 1-8, pi. & woodcuts. The author concludes that the flippers of the Pinnipeds are not an intermediate step in the development of those of the Cetacea ( q.v .). Philippi, R. A. Berechtigung der Syuonymie von Otaria philippii , Peters, &c. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, i, pp. 116-118. Criticizes and amends Burmoister’s synonymy of the species. In Zool. Cart, xxix, pp. 310-313, the same writer has observations on various species of Otaria ; see also p. 3 15 of same volume. Theodor, F. Das Gehirn des Seehundes ( Phoca vitulina). Ber. Frei- berg Ges. iii, pp. 72-94, pis. viii-x. An elaborate memoir, illustrated with eight views of the brain of this Seal. It is concluded that the difference between the brain of the Pinni- pedia and Carnivora Vera is so marked as to indicate that these two groups must have been differentiated at an early Tertiary epoch. Turner, W. The Pineal Body ( Epiphysis cerebri) in the Brains of the Walrus and Seals. J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 300-303. The pineal body is found to be unusually large in the Walrus, and, to a somewhat less extent, in the Seals ; and the bearing of this feature on the pineal eye of Reptiles is then discussed. . Report on the Seals. Rep. Voyage ‘ Challenger 1 Zcol. vol. xxvi pt 68, 240 pp., 10 pis., & woodcuts. This part consists of a description of the skeletons of the Seals collected during the ‘ Challenger’ Expedition ; of a revised classification of the Pinnipedia ; of a description of the brains of the Elephant-Seal aud Walrus, and a comparison with those of other Carnivora and the SPECIAL WORK. Marti rn. 29 Primates ; concluding with observations on the anatomy of the viscera of the Elephant-Seal. An elaborate appendix, by W. C. S. Miller, is devoted to the myology of the suborder. The species described and figured are named as follows, viz. : Macrorhinus leoninus , Leptonychotes weddelli , Otaria j abata , Ar otocephalus gazella , A. australis. For Seal-fishery, see Southwell, Cetacea , p. 55. a. Phocijd.®. Seals occurring in the Essex Blackwater are noticed by E. A. Fitch, Tr. Ess. Club, ii, p. 3. JIalichoerus grypus : note on a living specimen in Berlin, by H. Nehring, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 7 & 8. II. CARNIVORA VERA. b. Felid/e. CleRici, E. Sopra alcune specie di Felini della Caverna al Monte delle Gioio presso Roma. Boll. Comm. Geol. (2) ix, pp. 149-1G7, pi. iv. Describes and figures jaws of two forms of Felis from cave-deposits near Rome, which are referred to F. leo (= Hyperfelis verneuili, Indes), and F. catus (= F. minima , Indes). Inverarity, J. D. Unscientific Notes on the Tiger. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, pp. 143-154, 3 pis. An account of some of the habits of the Tiger, with figures of animals killed and partly eaten by the same. Nehring, A. Ueber Hans- und Wildkatzen. Humboldt, vii, pp. 1 39— 141, woodcut. A popular account of the relations between wild and domestic Cats of various regions. Poulton, E. B. Observations upon Polydactyle Cats. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1888, p. 707 ; title only quoted. From an abstract published in the Times , it appears that the author, in continuation of previous researches, was able to place before the section a record of the families down to the tenth generation. The family originated from a cat named “Punch,” which had six toes on each foot. This peculiarity appeared, with more or less modification, in a large number of its descendants, some of these having as many as seven toes on each foot, thus possibly indicating an ancestry with even more digits. Stowell, T. B. The Glossopharyngeal Nerve in the Domestic Cat. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxv, pp. 89-94, & pi. The Accessory Nerve in the Same. T. c. pp. 94-99, & pi. The Hypoglossal Nerve in the Same. T. c. pp. 99-104, & pi. Describes and figures the course of these nerves. Eusmilus bidentatus : H. Filhol, Bull. Sod. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 129— 134, describes a skull of this species from the Quercy Phosphorites, under the name of Macharodus bidentatus. 30 Mamm. MAMMALIA. t Mac ficer oclus schlosseri, n. sp., A. Weithofer, Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vi, p. 238, pi. xi, figs. 1-7, Pliocene, Greece. iMachcerodus aphanistus ( leoninus ) : tarsal bones described and figured by Weithofer, t.c. p. 241, pi. x, figs. 12-14. Fells concolor: J. Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 1 & 2, describes a fossil skull from faeds on the Kaskashia river, Illinois. Felis pardus : J. Menger, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 231-233, gives an instance of a long fast endured by an Indian Leopard. t Felis liodon, n. sp., A. Weithofer, Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vi, p. 242, pi. xi, fig. 8, Pliocene, Greece. C. HYAINIDiE. Chapman, H. C. Observations on the Female Generative Apparatus of Hyaena crocuta. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 189-191, pis. ix-xi. Explains the remarkable resemblance existing between the external generative organs of the male and the female of the Spotted Hyaena. Weithofer, K. A. Die fossilen Hyaenen des Arnothales in Toskana. Anz. Ak. Wien, 1888, pp. 201 & 202. Records 3 species from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Yal d’Arno, viz. : II. topariensis , Major, alliod to IT. perrieri ; II. rohusta (n. sp.), allied to II. arvernensia ; and II. crocuta. Yodng, A. H., & Robinson, A. Anatomy of Hyaena striata. Part i. J. Anat, Phys. xxiii, pp. 90-105, woodcut. This first part of the paper is devoted to the consideration of the viscera, which are compared with those of II. crocuta. t Hyaena rohusta , n. sp., K. A. Weithofer, l. c ., Pliocene, Italy. d. VlVERRID^E. Jentink, F. A. On Helogale parvula, Sundevall. Notes Leyd. Mus. xi, pp. 31-33. Considers that H. undulata is identical with this species. Puiggener, J., An. Soc. Esp. xvii, Acta pp, 93-95, discusses Trouessart’s identification of Heapcsles vriddrinytonii , Cray, with //. ichneumon. Sclater, W. L. Remarks on Paradoxurus. P. A. S. B. 1888, pp. 124 & 125. Notices a specimen of P. jerdoni , and another of P. macrodus, from Malacca ; considers that P. niger is identical with P. hermaphroditus ( musanga ). iPalceoprionodon minutus , n. sp., fiCHLOSSER, t. c. [supra, p. 27] p. 371, Quercy Phosphorites ; placed by its founder in the Mustelulce. SPECIAL WORK. Marnm. 31 e. Canids -f Ursid^. Flower, W. H. Article, “ Wolf.” Encycl. Brit. 9th ed. xxiv, pp. 628 & 629. D. Gronen, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 237-241, has notes on the Wolf in Russia. B. Langkavel, t. c. pp. 364-373, gives observations on the Wolves of North America. <:?Landrin, A. Traite sur le Chien. Paris : 1888, 12mo. Lataste, F. Le Premiere Premolaire du Chien est elle monophysaire ou diphysaire ? Le Nat. 1888, pp. 21 & 22. Concludes that this tooth is really a successional one. Sleeman, W. Wolves Nurturing Children in their Dens. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 87-98. [See also p. 221 of same.] A reprint of a pamphlet published in 1852. P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 1 & 2, gives a list of 36 species of Canis living in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. Canis jubatus : figured by M. Weber, Bijdr. Dierk. 1888, pt. v, pi. ii ; skull described by H. Neiiring, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 4-7. Canis lupus : notes on its chase in Russia given by L. Leseble, in Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, pp. 913-917. Canis ( Vulpes ) macrotis, n. sp., C. H. Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Wash, iv, pp. 135-138, S. California. + Pachycynodon, n. g., M. Scttlosser, t. c. [supra, p. 27] p. 253. Type, Cynodictis crassiroslris , Filh., Qucrcy Phosphorites. f Pachycynodon Jilholi , n. sp., Schlosser, t. c. p. 254, ibid. iPseudamphicyon , n. g., Schlosser, t. c. p. 301. Types, Cynodictis crassidens and Amphicyon ambiguus. Filhol, Quercy Phosphorites. \Pseudamphicyon lupinus , n. sp., SciilosSEr, t. c. p. 303, Bohnerz, Ulm. + Ilycenarctos anthracitis, n. sp., A. Weithofer, Boll. Com. Ital. (2) ix, p. 268. Type, Amphicyon laurillardi , Meneghino, Miocene, Tuscany. t Ilycenarctos minutus , n. sp., E. Koken {ex Schlosser), SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 44-49, figs. 1 & 2, Miocene, Silesia. + Ilycenarctos atticus , n. sp., A. Weithofer {ex Dames), Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vi, p. 231, pi. xii, figs. 1 & 2, Pliocene, Greece. t Ilycenarctos, sp. : an ulna from the Indian Siwaliks described and figured by R. Lydekker, Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. xxi, pp. 145 & 146, fig. 1. Kelly, A. Notes on the Myology of Ursus maritimus. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 141-154. Describes the most noteworthy characters in the myology of the limbs of a female. Oustalet, E. L’Ours Noir d’Amerique. La Nature, 1888, pp. 168-170, 218, 219, 250, & 251, pi. A popular illustrated account of the American Black Bear. 32 Alamm. MAMMALIA. /. Pkocyonid^. Dawkins, W. B. On Ailurus anglicus, a new Carnivore from the Ked Crag. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, pp. 228-231, pi. x. Describes and figures a fragment of a mandible with last true molar from the Red Crag, which is referred to the genus JElurus , a mandible of the recent M. fulgens being figured for comparison. +J£[d?]/urws anglicus, n. sp., W. B. Dawkins, l. c., Pliocene, England. Windle, B. C. A. On the Limb Myology of Procyon cancrivorus and of the Ursidce. J. Anat. Phys. xxiii, pp. 81-89. A preliminary account of the chief features of the myology of this species of Procyon. g. Mostelidjj. T. Speedy has popular notes on Stoats and Weasels in Tr. Edinb. Nat. Club, ii, pp. 166-173. Tuckerman, F. The Tongue and Gustatory Organs of Mephitis mephitica. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, pp. 149-168. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] A detailed account of the structure and distribution of the taste-bulbs in this species. . On the Gustatory Organs of Putorius vison. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 941 & 942. A brief description of the chief histological features of the taste-organs of this species. Meles taxus : an account of its structure and habits, with a figure, given by J. E. Hartincj, Zool. (3) xii, pp. 1-13, pi. i. Mustela niurtes : Landois, J. Ber. westf. Yer. 1888, pp. 10 & 11, has observations (with measurements) on a young individual. C. F. Wiephen, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 313, records albinoid individuals of this species and M. foina. Putorius lutreolus : figured by H. G. de Kerville, vide supra , p. 11, and described and figured by E. Olivier, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 241-243. t Mustela paheuttica. n. sp., A. Weitiiofer, Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vi, p. 226, pi. x, figs. 1-11, Pliocene, Greece. t Mustela larteti, n. sp., H. Filhol.BuII. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 25-30, Miocene, Sansan (Gers). t Mustela majori , n. sp., A. Weithofer, Boll. Com. Ital (2) ix, p. 366, Miocene, Tuscany. Galictis vittata. [See Sciiaff, supra , p. 19.] iPlesiocyon typicus, n. g. & sp., Schlosser, t. c. [supra, p. 27] pp. 117 & 118, Quercy Phosphorites; = Oynodictis dulius, Filhol, the specific name being considered inappropriate. The following forms are included by their founder in this family, although several of them have been referred to the Feluhe : — SPECIAL WORK-. Mamm. 33 \H aping ale, n. g, Schlosser, t. c. p. 372. Types, Procelurus tnedius, P.julieni , var. prisms, and Plesictis mutata, Filhol, Quercy Phosphorites. \Stenogale , n. g., Schlosser, t. c. p. 375. Types, Plesiogale gracilis and Pseudalurus intermedins, Filhol, Quercy Phosphorites. t Stenogale avrelianensfc , n. sp., Schlosser, t. c. p. 377, Miocene, France. \ Pseudictis gimtiana[us ], n. g. & sp., Schlosser, t. c, p. 379, Mid. Miocene, France. Ill— CREODONTA. h. P ROVIVERRIDAC. I Onychodectes tisonensis, n. g. & sp., E. D. Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvi, pp. 317 & 318, Peurco Eocene, U S. A. \ Mioclcenus bathygnathas, n. sp., CorE, t. c. p. 321, ibid, f Mioclcenus pentacus , n. sp., Cope, t. c. p. 325, ibid. + Mioclcenus gaudrianus, n. sp., CorE, t. c. p. 326, ibid. t Miochmus lydchheriams , n. sp., Cope, t. c. p. 328, ibid. + Mioclcenus filholianus, n. sp., Cope, t. c. p. 329, ibid. \ Mioclcenus floverianus , n. sp., CorE, t. c. p. 330, ibid. + Mioclcenus turgidun cuius, n. sp., CorE, t. c. p. 334, ibid. iMioclcemts zittdianus , n. sp., Cope, l. c., ibid. \ Chriacus prisons, n. sp., CorE, t. c. p. 337, ibid. iChriacus schlosserianus, n. sp., Cope, t. c. p. 338, ibid. t Chriacus ruetemeyeranvs, n. sp., Cope, t. c-. p. 340, ibid-. t Chriacus stenops, n. sp , Cope, t. c. p. 341, ibid. + Chriacus inversus, n. sp., Cope, L c-. p. 342, ibid. t Triisodon biculmiiiatus, n-. sp., CoPE, p. 343, ibid. 3. IN SECT I von A. For the Indian species, see W. T. Blanford, supra, p. 3. I. INSECTIVOIIA VERA. a. Erinaoeid^e. Leche, W. Ueber einige Entwicklungsstadien der Hypophysis Cerebri. Verh. Ver. Biol. Stockh. i, pp. 53-57, woodcuts; Describes a peculiarity in the development of the hypophysis cerebri in Erinaceus europams , which is unknown irt ally other* Mammals; Kiebel, F. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Igels (j Erinaceus turopoeus'). Anat. Anz, iii, pp. 631-637, woodcut. Gives a detailed description of the development of the Hedgehog, with a figure showing the mode of formation of the amnion and allantois. Erinaceus europceus , Miss Abbs, Nat;-Hist; Tr; North Durham, x, pp. 214-218, has notes on young specimens; 1888. [vol. xxv.] c 3 34 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Hylomys suillus , n. var. dorsalis , O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (G) ii, p. 407, Mt. Kina Balu, N. Borneo. b. Tupaiida:. iLantanotherium sansaniense , n. g. & sp., II. Filiiol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 25 & 26, Miocene, Sansan (Gers.). c, Talpidac. Heape, W. The Development of the Mole ( Talpa europcea ): Stages E to J. Stud. Morph. Lab. Cambridge, iii, pp. 105-146, pis. xiii-xv. A continuation of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec. xxiii, Mamm. p. 17. Talpa europcea. Landois, J. Ber. westf. A"er. 1888, p. 12, notices a parti- coloured specimen. J. Southwell, Zool. (3) xii, pp. 21 & 22, has notes on its habits. W. H. Watson, t. c. p. 387, records a white specimen from Scotland. R. Canestrini, Bull. Soc. Yen.-Treut. iv, p. 84, describes a white example from Padua. Condylura cristata , recorded by W. B. Evehmann, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 359, from Indiana. d. SORICIDA3. Dodson, G. E. Descriptions of two New Species of Indian Soricidce. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 427-429. Describes 2 new species of Crocidura, belonging to the so-called sub- genus Pachyura ( vide infra). Jentink, F. A. On the Shrews from the Malayan Archipelago. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, pp. 161-167. Gives a list of all the previously described species of Shrews from this region, and describes 6 new species. Pachyura is recognized as a genus ( vide infra). Crocidura fuliginosa, n. var. trichura , Dobson, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 532, Christmas I. Crocidura leucogenys , n. sp., G. E. Dobson, Ann N. H. (6) i, p. 428, India (Ajmir). Crocidura dayi , n. sp., Dobson, l. c. India (Madras). Crocidura mackloti, n. sp., F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 164, Timor. Crocidura brunnea , n. sp., Jentink, l. c., Java and Sumatra. Crocidura neglecta , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. p. 165, Sumatra. Crocidura vosmeeri , n. sp., Jentink, l. c., Banka. Crocidura ( Pachyura ) muelleri , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. p. 166, Timor. Crocidura ( Pachyura ) unicolor, n. sp., Jentink, l. c., Ternate. Ch'ocidura buettikoferi , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. p. 47, Liberia., Crocidura stampflii , n. sp., Jentink, l. c., Liberia. Crocidura ( Pachyura ) megalura , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. p. 48, Liberia. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm . 35 II. DERMOPTERA. Leciie, W. Ueber die Saugethiergattung Galeopithecus . Sv. Ak. Handl. xxi, pt. xi, pp. 1-92, pis. i-v, 1886 (volume dated 1884-1885). [Omitted from previous Records.] An important memoir on the structure and seiial position of Galeo - pithecus , illustrated with plates of the myology, &c. 4. OIIJROVTERA. Blanford, W. T. Notes on Indian Chiroptera. J. A. S. B. lvii, pp. 260-272. Contains notes on the nomenclature, distribution, &c., of several species of Indian Bats, all of which are incorporated in the “Manual of Indian Mammalia ” (supra, p. 3). The generic term Hipposiderus is adopted in place of Phyllorhina , and Xantliarpyia instead of Cynonycteris. The paper concludes with a list of 55 species of Chiroptera given by Jerdon, and the amended nomenclature proposed, several of these names being reduced to the rank of synonyms. The name Rhinolophus tragatus , adopted by Jerdon, is retained for the Indian Bat commonly identified with R. ferrum-equinum. I. MEGACHIROPTERA. a. PTEROPODIDiE. Ptcralopex atrata , n. g. & sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 155, Solomon Is. Figured, P. Z. S. 1888, pis. xx & xxi. Pteropus woodfordi, n. sp., Thomas, t . c. p. 156, ibid. Figured, P. Z. S. 1888, pis. xx & xxi. Pteropus coronatus , n. sp., Thomas, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 471, pis. xx, fig. 2, & xxi, figs. 2 & 3, Duke of York Archipelago. Epomnphortis veldlcampii , n. sp., F. A. Jentink. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 51, Liberia. II. MICROCHIROPTERA. h. Rhinolophid^:. Anthops oruatus , n. g. & sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 156, Solomon Is. Nose-leaf figured, P. Z. S. 1888, pi. xxii, fig. 1. c. VeSPERTILIONIDjE. °Frommel, R. Ueber die Eritwickelung der Placenta von Myotas murinus. Wiesbaden : 1888, 8vo, illustrated. True, F. W. Note on Vesperugo hesperus (Allen). P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 515. Refers Scotophilus hesperus , Allen, to the genus Vesperugo , and con- siders that V. merriami , Dobson, is identical. The locality given by Dobson is amended. 30 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Tuckerman, F. Observations on the Gustatory Organs of the Bat ( Veapertilio subulatus). J. Morph, ii, pp. 1-G, pi. i. This paper describes and figures in detail the taste-organs in the tongue of this Bat. Van Ben EDEN, E. De la Fixation du Blastocyste it la Muqueuao Uterine chez le Murin (Vespertilio murinus). Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xv, pp. 17-27. The long list of conclusions at which the author arrives are summed up on p. 26 of his memoir. The plate, of which an explanation is given on p. 27, has never been issued (see p. 263 of same volume). . De la Formation et de la Constitution du Placenta chez le Murin (V. murmas). T. c. pp. 351-364. As in the preceding memoir, the author’s conclusions as to the placen- tation of this Bat are summed up under several headings. Vesperugo stampjlii , n. sp., F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 54, Liberia. Vespertilio mystacinus : notes and figures of British examples of this species given by J. E. Harting, Zool. (3) xii, pp. 161-166 & 441, pis. ii & iii. Recorded by T. A. Coward, t. c. p. 223, from Cheshire. Vespertilio ciliolabrum , n. sp., C. H. Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, iv, pp. 1-4, W. United States. Nyctophilu8 microtia , n. sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 226, New Guiuea. 5. RODENTIA. Bi EII RINGER, — . Ueber die Umkehruug der Keimbliitter bei der Scheermaus (Arvicola amphibius , Desm.). Arch. Anat. Phys. 1888, Anat. Abth. pp. 279-286, pi. xvii. An account of the mode of inversion of the foetal-membranes in Arvicola. Cope, E. D. The Mechanical Causes of the Origin of the Teeth of the Rodentia. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 3-13, 9 woodcuts. The Rodents are considered to be derived from Tillodonts (Ta3uiodonts), allied to Psittacotherium of the Puerco Eocene, and consequently that their incisors correspond to the second of the typical series. It is then argued that the large size of the incisors has originally caused a backward thrust in the mandible, which has resulted in the disappearance of the postglenoid process, and the capability of a fore-and-aft motion. This has been accompanied by changes in the insertion of muscles, and the gradual development of the present type of skull and dentition. Figures are given of skulls of Rodentia , Tillodontia , and Multituberculata. Giacomini, C. Sur le Canal Neurenterique et sur le Canal Anal dans les Vesicules Blastodermiques du Lapin. Arch. Biol. Ital. x, pp. 273- 294, pi. Observations on the histology of these canals in the Rabbit. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 37 Howes, G. B. Rabbit with an Intranarial Epiglottis, with a Suggestion concerning the Phylogeny of the Mammalian Respiratory Apparatus. J. Anat. Phys. xxiii, pp. 263-272, woodcut. Describes two instances of this abnormality in the Rabbit, and records cases of its occurrence in other groups of terrestrial Mammals. Suggests that it may be a reversion to an aucestral type. Lataste, F. Enveloppe Vagiuale et Yaginite Exfoliante des Rongeurs. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 705-707. . Euveloppe du Bouchon Vaginal des Rongeurs. T. c. pp. 732 & 733. . Matiere du Bouchon Vaginal des Rongeurs. T. c. pp. 817-821. These three papers treat of a peculiar organ, termed the vaginal plug, found in the Rodent vagina, and describe its structure, homology, secretions, &c. . Notes sur Diff^rentes Especes de l’Ordre des Rongeurs observes en Captivity. Ac. Soc. L. Bord. (4) x, pp. 321-406, pis. ix-xi, and (5) i, pp. 202-301. A continuation of the memoir quoted in Zool. ReG. xxiv, Mamm. p. 32. This part has an elaborate history of the habits of the following forms, viz.: Eliomys dry as, Muscardinus avellanarius, Gerbillus (Pachyuromys) duprasi, G. hirtipes , G. ( Dipodillus ) campestris , G. simoni , Meriones shavri , M. longifrons , Cricetus cricetus , Mus ( Lemniscomys ) barbarus , M. sylcaticus , and M. musculus. Figures are given of Gsrbillus duprasi, G. hirtipes , and G. simoni, together with a plate of their skulls. Martin, E. Ueber die Anlage der Urniere beim Kaninchen. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1888, Anat. Abth. pp. 109-123, pi. vii. Observations on the mode of formation and structure of the Wolffian bodies in the Rabbit. Masius, J. De la Genese du Placenta chez le Lapin. Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xvi, pp. 317-325. The author concludes that the placenta of the Rabbit is of foetal origin, formed by the allantoid villosities which ramify in a tissue derived entirely from the epiblast of the embryo, and that the maternal blood consequently circulates in a mass of epiblastic tissue of foetal origin. Ryder, J. A. Vestiges of Zonary Decidua in the Mouse. Am. Nat. xxi, pp. 1037 & 1038. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] The data seem to show that the primitive type of placentation was more diffuse than in existing Myomorphous Rodents, and throw light on the derivation of a discoidal from a zonary placentation. Vice, W. A. The Teeth in the Order Rodentia. Tr. Leicester Soc. 1888, pp. 16-19. A brief summary of the chief features of Rodent dentition. Winge, H. The article quoted in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm., p. 32, appears, with a summary in French, in the complete volume of the serial, under date 1888, although the copy quoted is dated 1887. 38 Mamm . MAMMALIA. I. RODENTIA SIMPLICIDENTATA. a. Anomalu ridas. Anomalurus chrysophcenus , n. sp., A. Dubois, Bull. See. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 23 & 24, Landana, W. Africa. Anomalurus pusillus [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamin, p. 32] figured by O. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1888, pi. i. b. SciURlDiE. Taylor, W. E. Local Variations in the Colours of a few Nebraska Flying Squirrels. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 744 & 745. Describes specimens confirming the observations of Coues and Allen as to the local variation in colour of Sciuropterus volucella. Thomas, 0. On Eupetaurus , a new form of Flying Squirrel from Kashmir. J. A. S. B. lvii, pp. 256-260, pis. xxii & xxiii. Describes aud figures a flying Squirrel, distinguished from all other members of the family by its hypsodontism, occurring in N.W. Kashmir. Also has some remarks on Hypsodontism (vide infra). Sciuropterus hageni , n. sp., F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. xi, p. 26, E. Sumatra. Eupetaurus cinereust n. g. & sp., O. Thomas, J. A. S. B.lvii, pp. 256-260, pis. xxii & xxiii, N.W. Kashmir. Sciurus concinnus , n. sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 407, Isabella, Basilan, Phillipines. Spermophilus eipthrogenys , figured by E. Buchner, Wisseuschafi Result. Przewalksi Reisen ( suprd} p. 4), Zool. Theil. Saugeth. pt. i, pis. i & iv, figs. 1-3 (skull). Spermophilus alaschanicus) n. sp., BOciiner, t. c. p. 11, pi. ii, fig. 1, Alaschau, Central Asia. Spermophilus obscurusf n. sp., Buchner, t. c. p. 17, pi. ii, fig. 2, and pi. iv, fig. 7-9 (skull), Ganssu, Central Asia. Spermophilus eversmanni , skull figured by Buchner, t. c. pi. iv, figs. 4-6. Spermophilus beldingit n. sp., C. H. Merriam, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, pp. 317-321, woodcut (advance copy), California. Arctomys dichrous , figured by Buchner, t. c. pi. iii, and skull, pi. v, figs. 11-14. Cynomys ludovicianus : W. Haacke, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 321-329, has notes on its habits, with a figure. c. Castori da:. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, A. Renseignements sur les Castors du Rhone. Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, pp. 321-324. Notes on three Beavers captured in the Rhone, together with obser- vations on the habits of these animals. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 39 d. Myoxidjs. Myoxus glis : C. Coester, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 359-364, has obser- vations on its habits in captivity. Myoxus Quercinus : the paper by F. Helm, quoted in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 33, is translated in Zool. (3) xii, pp. 14-16. Muscardinus avellanarius : A. Muller, t. c. pp. 247 & 248, describes its condition and woight during hybernation. Graphiurus nay tglassii , n. sp., F. A. JENTINK, Notes Loyd. Mus. x, p. 38, Liberia. Cluviglis a-assicaudatus, n. g. & sp., Jentink, l. c. p. 41, Liboria. o. Mumim Forsytji-Major, C. J. Sulla Conformazione dei Molare nel genere Mus, e sul Mus meridionalis di Costa e Mus orlhodon , Hensel. P.-v. Soc. Tosc. 1888, pp. 129-145. Firstly, Mus meridionalis is described ; this is followed by a discussion on the characters of the molars in European species of Mus, after which those of M. meridionalis are compared. Finally, the Pleistocene M. orthodon is described, and considered to belong to the M. sylvaticus group. Huet, J. Sul* une nouvelle Espece de Rat de Landana, cote occideu- talo d’Afrique. Le Nat. 1888, pp. 143 & 144, woodcuts. Describes and figures a Rat, undor the name Golunda campance , from W. Africa. Hutton, F. W. Note on the Rat that Invaded Picton in 1884. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xx, p. 48. After an examination of several skulls, considers that the Rat in question should be referred to Mus maorium. Lataste, F. Le Pachyuromys , et ses moeurs. Le Nat. 1888, pp. 181, 182, & 191-193, woodcuts. A descriptive article, with figures of this Rodent. Thomas, O. Article, ‘‘Vole.” Encycl. Brit., 9th ed. xxiv, pp. 277 & 278. A brief account of the genus Arvicola, with special reference to the British species, and a figure of the dentition of A. amphibius. . On a New and Interesting Annectant Geuus of Muridce, with Remarks on the Relations of the Old- and New-World Members of the Family. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 130-135, pi. v. Describes, with figures of the skull and dentition, a Murine from the Lower Congo, under the name of Deomys , which presents characters connecting the Murines with the Cricetina It is concluded that the genus Jlesperomys, which, on the ground of priority, is not entitled to stand, must be merged in Cricetus. 40 Mamin , MAMMALIA. [Thomas, O.] Description of a New Genus and Species of Rat from New Guinea. T. c. pp. 237-240, 2 woodcuts. Describes a new I$a^ under the name Chiruromy s, characterized by its prehensile tail and the complexity of its dentition. Figures are given of the skull, dentition, a,nd payt of the tail (vide infra). Tuckerman, F. The Tongue and Gustatory Organs of Fiber zibethicus. J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 135-141, pi. vii. An account of the taste-bulbs and papillae in this Rodent. Mus imperator , n. sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p% 157, Solomon Is. Figured, P. Z. S. 1888, pi. xxii, figs. 2 & 3, Mus rex , n. sp., Thomas, l. c. ibid, figured, f. Z. S. 1888, pi. xxii, figs. 4 & 5. Mus praetor, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 158, ibid. Figured, P. Z. S. 1888, pi. xxii, fig. G. Mus alticola , n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 408, Mt. Kina Balu, N. Borneo, Mus infraluteus, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 409, ibid. Mus nativitatis, n. sp., Thomas, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 533, Christmas Is. Chiruromy s forbesi, n. g. & sp., O. Thomas, t. c. pp. 237-240, figs. 1 & 2, New Guinea. Golunda campance , n. sp., J. IIuet, Le Nat. 1888, pp. 143 & 144, wood-, cuts, W. Africa. Gerbillus przewulskii, n. sp., E. Buchner, Wissenschaft. Result. Przewalski. Reisen (supra, p. 4). Zool. Theil.-Saugeth. pt. i, pi. iv, figs. 10-14 (skull), Central Asia. Gerbillus roborowskii , n. sp., Buchner, t. c. pi. v, figs. 1-10 (skull), ibid. Gerbillus ( Pachyuromys ) duprusi , figured by F. Lataste, Act. Soc. L. Bord. (4) x, pi. ix, G . hirtipes , by the same, pi. x, and also G. ( Dipo - dillus) sitnoni , pi. x. Deomys ferruginous, n. g. & sp., O. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 130, pi. v, Lower Congo (vide supra). Cricetus (Hesperomys) anthonyi , n. sp., C. H. Merkiam, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, iv, pp. 5-8, New Mexico. Myodes torquatus : A. Nehrinq, SB. nat. Fr, 1888, p. 83, proposes to adopt the generic name Misothermus for this species. Arvicola ceconomus recorded by A. Nehring, i. c. pp. 80-85, from the Ploistocene of Germany. Its right to distinction from A. ratticeps discussed and confirmed. Other Pleistocene Rodents also noticed. Arvicola ( Myonomes ) longicauda , n. sp., C. H. Merkiam, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 934 & 935, woodcut, Dakota. Arvicola austerus , n. var. minor , C. H. Merriam, t. c. pp. 598-G01, Minnesota and Dakota. Woodcut of skull and dentition. Arvicola pallidus , n. sp., Merriam, t. a. pp. 702-7U5, Dakota. Wood- cut of skull and dentition. Arvicola glareolus : recorded by J. Sutton, Zool. (3) xii, p. 23, from Durham ; by R. P. Harper, l. c.t from Yorks ; by W. Finch, l. c., from Notts ; by F. Head, t. c. p. 24, from Sussex ; and by M. Browne, t. c. p. 65, from Leicester. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm, 41 Evotomys dawsoni, n. sp., 0. H. Merriam, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 650 & 651, Canada. Woodcut of teeth. Evotomys carolinensis , n. sp., Merriam, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxvi, p. 460, Roan Mountain, N. Carolina. /. GrEOMYIDiE. True, F. W. Description of Geomys personatus and Dipodomys coin- pnctus , two New Species of Rodents from Padre Island, Texas. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, pp. 159 & 160. Geomys personatus , n. sp., F. W. True, t. c. p. 159, Padre 1., Texas. Dipodomys compact us, n. sp., True, t. c. p. 160, ibid. g. OcTODONTITLE. iCtenomys formosus , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 15, Tertiary, S. America. + Myopotanius australis , n. sp., Moreno, l. c., Tertiary, S. America. Lonelier es guiarnv , n. sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 326, British Guiana. See also Timehri (2) ii, pp. 382 & 383. h. HystkiciDjE. Hystrix cristata : its distribution in Spain discussed by Adame, Aun. Soc. Esp. xvii, pp. 118-121. i. Chinchillidje. t Lagoslomus cingustidens, n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 15, Tertiary, S. America. f Lagostomus intermedius, n. sp., Moreno, l. c., Tertiary, S. America. j. OaYIID^3. t Ilydrochcerus lydelckeri , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 16, Tertiary, S. America. II. RODENTIA DUPLICIDENTATA. lc. LeI’ORIDjE. Lepus timidus : K. Eckstein, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 345 & 346, notices abnormal colouration ; J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, Zool. (3) xii, pp. 259 & 260, records the birth of five young in one litter. G. UNGULATA. Gaudry, A. Sur les Dimensions Gigantesques de quelques Mammiferes Fossiles. C.R. evii, pp. 309-311, and La Nature, 1888, pp. 401-404, woodcuts. Discusses the height of certain Proboscideans, and concludes that Dino - 42 Mamm. MAMMALIA. theriuni giganteum was the largest, next to which was Elephas antiquus , then E. meridionalh , Mastodon ohioticus ( americanus ), and E. primigenius. In La Nature a figure is given of JJinotherium and Elephas primigenius. Neiiring, A. Ueber den Eiufluss der Domestication auf die Grosse der Thiere, namentlich fiber Grossenunterscheide zwischen wilden und zahmen Grunzochsen ( Poephuyus grunniens). SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 133-141, Gives measurements of different portions of the skeleton of wild and domesticated Yaks. Paylow, M. Etudes sur l’Histoire Paleontologique des Ongules — pt. ii. Le Dev&oppement des Eqaidce , pt. iii. The Rhinouerotidoi and Tapir idee. Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 135-182, pis. i & ii. A continuation of a previous paper [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 37]. The second part gives a general review of previous writings regarding the evolution of the Equidce (including Palceotheriidce, &c.), followed by a discussion on the same subject, in the course of which some interesting observations are made on foot-structure and. on the alleged atavistic characters of the milk-molars. It is considered that Hipparion is not the ancestor of Equus. The third part discusses the Rhinocerotidue and Tapiridas in a much briefer manner. One plate illustrates the dentition of the Equidie and allied families ; while ihe second is devoted to the foot-structure of Anchitherium and Hipparion. This memoir is reviewed by Cope, in Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 448 & 449, where a new generic term is proposed [see Equida j]. I. PROBOSCIDEA. Arcelin, A. Le Mammouth et le Deluge. Rev. Quest. Sci. xii, pp. 38-C7. A review of tho work by Howorth noticed in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 38, with certain objections to the theories there propounded. Duges, A. El Parto de una Elefauta. Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 43 & 44, pi. v, figs. 1-3. Describes the birth of an Elephant-calf in captivity. Weithofer, K. A. Einige Bemerkungen fiber den Carpus der Pro- boscidier. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 5U7-510. Criticises Cope’s description of the Proboscidean carpus, and shows that in some cases there may be a certain amount of alternation of the bones of the proximal and distal rows. The relations of the Proboscidea to the other Ungulate suborders are then discussed ; and the paper con- cludes with some supplemental notes on the carpus of Elephas africanus) E. indicusj and E. primigenius. e. Elefhanti da:. For the fossil Elephants of Java, see Martin, supra , p. 14. II. Pohlig, SB. niederrhein. Ges. 1888, p. 40, has observations on remains of D\yarf Elephants from Sicily, and proposes to refer them to a race of SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 43 Elephas priscus , Pohlig ( non Goldfuss), as E. ( priscus ) falconer e, Pohlig Busk). See also SB. Yer. Rheinl. 1888, p. 4(3. Burmeister, H. Bericht fiber Mastodon antium. SB. Ak. Berlin, pp. 717-7211, and Math, naturw. Mitt, vi, pp. 465-477. Points out the confusion which has been made between Mastodon andium and M. humboldti , and describes skulls of both species in the Museum at Buenos Ayres. Proposes to amend the spelling of the former to M. antium. [There is the earlier name, M. cordillerunt. — R. L.] Buciienau, F. Mainmat-Stosszahn aus der Weser bei Nieuburg. Abb. Yer. Brem. x, pp. 159 & 160 Describes an unusually large tusk of a Mammoth from the valley of the Weser. Caldeii6n-y- Arana, S. Nota sobre la Existencia del Elephas antiquus en Andalucia. An. Soc. Esp. xvi, Acta, pp. 45-50 ; see also pp. 30-32. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] Refers remains from the Pleistocene of Andalusia, which have been considered to belong to E. armeniacus , to E. antiquus , and notices some of the chief characters of that and allied species. . Existencia del Elephas ( meridionalis ) trogontherii , Pohlig, en Sevilla. Op. cit. xvii, pp. 32-34. Records molars of this form from Seville. Capellini, G. Sui Resti di Mastodon arvernensis recentemente scopcrti a Spoleto, Pontremoli e Castrocaro. Mem. Ac. Bulogu. (4) ix, 10 pp., 2 pis.; also Rend. 1st. Bologn. 1888, pp. 87-89. Describes and figures molars from the two localities mentioned. Fisiier, O. On the Occurrence of Elephas meridionalis at Dewlish, Dorsetshire. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, pp. 818-821. Describes molars and other remains of Elephauts from a high-level valley deposit at Dewlish, which are referred to the above mentioned species. Woodcuts are given of two molars. Ladriere, — . Decouverte d’un Silex TailR et d’une Defense de Mam- mouth a Vitry-en- Artois. C.R. cvi, pp. 513 & 514. Records a Mammoth’s tusk found in association with worked flints. Lennier, G. Notes sur des Debris d’Elephants Fossiles trouves dans la Seine-Inferieure. Bull. Soc. Geol. Norm. xi. pp. 26-31, pis. ii-vii (1886). [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiii.] Describes and figures molars and tusks of Elephas primigenius , and also molars of other species from the Pleistocene of various localities in the Departments mentioned. Pohlig, II. Monographic dor Elephas antiquus , Falc., ffihrenden Tra- vertine Thfiringens, Hirer Fauna und Flora. Parti. Nova Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liii, pp. 1-259, pi. i-x, and numerous zincographs. This elaborate memoir gives a full account of the author’s previously published views as to -the classification and number of species of the Elephants. The first section gives a summary of previous work, and the 44 Mamm. MAMMALIA. geological and geographical distribution of Elephas antiquus ; while the second section is devoted to the dentition and craniology of that species. A remarkable genealogical table is given on p. 257, in which all existing Ungulates and the Sirenians are derived from a hypothetical, and perhaps Cretaceous, ancestor, for which the name Prototapirus is proposed, the Hyracoidea , Perissodactyla , and perhaps the Dinotheriidce , being directly derived from this type ; while an intermediate form termed Hydrotapir us is provisionally suggested for the direct stock of the Sirenia, and a second, under the name of Hyolapirus , for that of the Artiodactyla and Elephantidce. t Eleplias primiyenius : J. A. Brown, P. Geol. Ass. x, pp. 3G 1-372, records remains associated with flint implements at Southall. See also Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 317-319. t Elephas americanus : molar from silicified beds of coral in Florida, recorded by H. T. Woodman, Tr. N. York Ac. vi, p. 59. t Elephas meridionalis , var. trogontherii : a molar from Seville, in Spain, described by H. Pohlig, SB. Niederrhein. Ges. 1888, p. 19, and SB. Yer. Rheinl. p. 19. Elephas a/ricanus : a large tusk exhibited by E. G. Loder, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 87. t Mastodon bonariensis, n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 18, Tertiary, S. America. II. AMBLYPODA. Cope, E. D. On the Mechanical Origin of the Teeth of the Amblypoda. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxv, pp. 80-88, woodcuts. Proposes terms for the different methods by which mastication is accomplished in various groups; aud then suggests a theory to account for the type of dental structure occurring in the Amblypoda. III. HYRACOIDEA. a. Hyracidac. Dendrohyrux emini [Zool. Rec. 3xiv, $£amm. p. 39], figured by 0. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 15, pi, ii. Dendrohyrux dorsalis , figRred by F, A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, pi. iv (lettered stampjlii). IV, CONDYLARTHRA. U. PERIPTYCHIDAi. + Haploconus corniculatus , n. sp., E. D. Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvi p. 349, Puerco Eocene, U.S.A. fPeriptychus brabensis, n. sp., Cope, t. c. p. 354, ibid. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 45 c. Phenacodontidac. iPhencicodus europaiue, n. sp., L. ROtimeyer, Abb. schw. pal. Ges. xv, p. 38, pi. i, figs. 5-9, Eocene, Switzerland, t Protogonia cartieri , n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c, p. 50, pi. i, fig. 10, ibid. d. Meniscotheriidju. t Meniscotherium (errorim, Meniscodon) sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. scbw. pal. Ges. xv, p. 50, Eocene, Switzerland. V. TOXODONTIA. e. Toxodontimd. t Toxodon antiquus , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 14, Tertiary, S. America. t Toxodon giganteus , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 15, ibid, i Toxodon vogti , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 18, ibid. f. TyPOTHERIIDjE. t Pachyrucus elongatas, n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mns. La Plata, 1888, p. 14, Tertiary, S. America. YI. PERISSO DACTYL A . (J. TaPIRIDjE. Filhol, H. Description d’nn Nouveau Genre de Mammifere Fossile.* Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 56-58. + Palceotapirus douvillei , n. g. & sp., H. Filhol, l. c., Middle Eocene, Buschweiiler (Bas-Rhin.). Also Mem. Soc. Geol. (3) v, art. 1, pi. xix, fig. 4. h. Lophiodontid/E. Filhol, H. Description d’une Nouvelle Espece de Lnphiodon ( L . lepto- rhynchus). Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, p. 33 & 34. • . Observations concernant le Faune des Mammiferes Fossiles d’Argenton (Indre). T. c. pp. 44-48. Records remains of several Perissodactyles from these deposits, some of which are referred to Lophiodon , and others to Hyracotherium , Pachy- nolnphus , and Hyracbym. The remains referred to the latter genus are ident.fied with some of those described as Lophiodon minor , and are regarded as identical with //. intermedin a, Filhol. . Etude sur les Vertdbres Fossiles de Issel (Aude). M4m. Soc. Geol. (3) v, art. 1, 188 pp., 21 pis. The first chapter is devoted to a detailed description of the skeleton of Lnphiodon. In the second chapter the species of that genus found at 46 Mamin. MAMMALIA. Issel are described, which comprise L. isselensis , L. tapirotheriumy and L. occitanus. The third chapter gives an elaborate comparison of all the known forms from other localities with those from Issel, 3 species being new. In the fourth chapter we have descriptions of the species of Pachy- nolophns found at Issel, of which P. parvulus is new. In chapter five there is a brief notice of a Creodont Carnivore ; while the eud of the memoir has a resume of the conclusions derived from the Mammals. The plates illustrate the dentition and osteology of Lophiodoi >, Pachynolo- phus , &c. t Hyracotherium cayluxi , n. sp., Filiiol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 16 & 17, Quercy Phosphorites, France. t Hyracotherium argentonicum , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 47, Mid. Eocene, Argenton (Indre). t Lophiodon leptorhynchus , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. pp. 33 & 34, Low. Eocene, Pepieux (Herault) ; Mem. Soc. Geol. (3) v, art. 1, pi. xx, figs. 7-11. t Lophiodon munieri , n. sp., Filiiol, Mem. Soc. Geol. (3) v, art. 1, p. 154, pi. xvi, figs. 1 & 2, Low. Eocene, Soissonais. \Lophiodon subpyrenaicus , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 158, Eocene, Sibrac. t Lophiodon cesserasicus , u. sp., Filhol, t. c. pp. 158 & 159, Mid. Eocene, Conques (Aude). t Pachynolophus argentonicus , n. sp., Filiiol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, p. 47, Mid. Eocene, Argenton (Indre) ; also Mdm. Soc. Gdol. (3) v, art. 1, pi. ix, figs. 1, 5. t Pachynolophus parvulus, n. sp., Filiiol, M6m. Soc. Geol. (3) v, art. 1, pp. 170 & 171, pi. xii, figs. 6-9, Mid. Eocene, Issel (Aude). t Hyrachyus priscus. Protapirus pri&cus, of the Quercy Phosphorites, is transferred by Filiiol, Ann. Sci. Gdol. xvii, art. 2, to this genus. [Omitted from Zool. Rec, xxii.] fHyrachyus douvillei , Filiiol, wrongly recorded in Zool. Rec. xxii, Mu mm. p. 41, as Protupirus douvillei , Miocene, St. G6rand-le-Puy, France. t FJyrachyus zeilleri, n. sp., Filhol, Ann. Sci. Gdol. xvii, art. 2, p. 16, pi. vi (1885), Eocene, Selles-sur-Cher, France. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxii.] t Hyrachyus intermedius , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 16, pi. vi, ibid. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxii.] Filiiol, H. Description d’un Nouveau Genre de Mammifere trouve a Cesseras (Hdrault). T. c. pp. 58 & 59. Describes a mandible which is considered to indicate a form inter- mediate between Lophiodon and Hyrachym. t Cesserasictis antiqua[us ], n. g. & sp., H. Filiiol, l. c., Eocene, Cesseras (Hdrault). See also Mem. Soc. Geol. (3) v, art. 1, pi. xix, fig. 3. i. Eqoid^j. d’Orcet, — . Notes pour servir a l’Histoire du Cheval en Amerique. Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, pp. 877-893, 950—964 , 1036-1049, & 1 109— 1127. A history of the introduction jmd development of the Horse in America. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm . 47 Flower, W. II. Article “ Zebra.” Encycl. Brit. 9th Ed. xxiv, p. 772. A brief account of the II species of Zebra, with figures of E. zebra and E. burchelli. Smith, F. Histology of the Skin of the Horse. J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 142-153. This paper is stated to be the first iu which the minute structure of the skin of the Horse has been fully worked out. Steel, J. H. The nearest Allies of the Horse. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, pp. 82-98. A description of the family and species of Equirfce, together with general remarks on their structure, affinities, and habits. Tourneux, F. Sur la Participation des Canaux de Wolff a la Constitu- tion de l’Extremitd Infdrieure du Vagin chez le Foetus de Cheval. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 379-381. Discusses tho relations of tho Wolffian bodies to tho vagina in tho fmtus of the Horse. Weir, J. J. Equine Mules in Paris. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 102 & 103. Briefly describes several hybrid Equines. Weithofer, A. Ueber ein Vorkommen von Eselsresten in der Ilohle “ Pytina-jama.” Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii, pp. 7 -14, pi. ii. Describes and figures remains of a species of Wild Ass from a cave near Gabrowitza, Kustenland (Istria). Wilckens, M. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Pferdegobisscs, mit Riicksicht auf die fossilen Equiden von Maragha in Persien. N. Acta. Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. Iii, pp. 259-284, pis. ix-xv. Describes the general structure of the teeth in the Equidre, and has special observations on the incisors of the Hipparions of Maragha, which are compared to the milk incisors of Equus. Equus caballus : W. Hartwig, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 118& 119, records the occurrence of stripes on the limbs of Norwegian examples. t Equus australis , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 14, Tertiary, S. America. iEquus rectidens , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 18, Tertiary, S. America, t Hipparion gracile : remains from the Pliocene of Greece described and figured by A. Weithofer, Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. vi, p. 245, pis. xiii-xv. t Hippodactylus, n. g., E. D. Core, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 449. Tjpo, IHp- parion antilopinum , Falc. & Caut., Pliocene, India. j. Riiinocerotid^. Boule, M. L 'Elasmotherium. Le Nat. 1888, pp. 139-142, pi. A popular article on the Elasmothere, with a plate giving a restoration of the animal during life. 48 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Gaudry, A., & Boule, M. Mat6riaux pour l’Histoire des Temps Quaternaires. Fasc. iii — L ’Elasmotherium. Pp. 83-104, pis. xvi-xix. Describes and figures a nearly entire skeleton of Elasmotherium 8ibiricnm in the Paris Museum [see Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 42], and shows that its characters are essentially Rhinocerotic. The dentition of Rhinoceros antiquitatis ( tichorhinus ) is figured on pi. xvii, for comparison. t Rhinoceros antiquitatis ( tichorhinus ) : dentition figured by A. Gaudry & M. Boule (op. cit .), pi. xvii. t Rhinoceros sansaniensis : recorded by M. Vacek (suprch o. 21) as dis tinct from R. schleiermacheri. t Elasmotherium sibiricum, vide Gaudry & Boule, op. cit. h. Titanotheriiile (= Menodontid^e). 0. 0. Marsh, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1888, pp. 706 & 707, has notes on the skeleton of Brontops robustus. l. Chalicotherudje. In Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 728 & 729, H. F. Osborn notices a remarkable discovery by H. Filiiol, showing that the phalangeals on which the sup- posed Edentate genus Macrotherium was founded really belong to Chalico - therium. It is concluded that the latter genus must remain in the Perissodactyla, among which it must be regarded as an aberrant form allied to the American Palceosyops. m . Macraucheniid.e, t Macrauchenia formosa , d. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 13, Tertiary, S. America. t Macrauchenia intermedia , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 14, Tertiary, S. America. VI. ARTIODACTYLA. Bonnet, R. Ueber die Entwicklung der Allantois und die Bilaung des Afters bei den Wiederkauern und fiber die Bedeutung der Primi- tivriune und des Primitivstreifs bei den Embryouen der Siiuge- tiere. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 105-126, woodcuts. An elaborate paper on the development of the allantois and the forma- tion of the anus in the Ruminauts, concluding with a general discussion on the primitive streak and primitive groove in Mammals generally. Boulart, B. Note sur le Placenta du Cervus mexicanus. C.R. Sots de Phosphate de Chaux du Querey. BulL Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 143-147. Describes a mandible referred to the Anoplotheriulai , which is regarded as indicating a new genus named Uphelognatos [? Uphelognathus , R. L.] quercyi. t Uphelognatos [? Uphelognathus'] quercyi , n. g. & sp., H. Filhol, op. cit Quorcy Phosphorites. iTctrusclenodon kowalevslcii, M. Sen loss Eli, Morph. JB. xii, pp. 45 & 134, pi. vi, fig. 5 (I860), Quercy Phosphorites, France. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiii.] r. Anthracotheriida5. Neumayr, M. Hyopotamus- reste von Eggenburg. Yerh. geol. Reichs- anst. 1888, pp. 283-285. . Records remains of Hyopotamus from the Lower Miocene of Eggenburg, in Lower Austria. s. SuidjE -f- Dicotylir®. For the Swine of China see P. Heude, supra, p. 49. Cope, E. D. On the Dkotylincc of the John Day Miocene of North America. P. Am. Phil. Sog. xxv, pp. 62-79. States that all the species from these beds which have been referred to Dkotyles are really distinct, the last premolar being unlike the true molars. Omitting the doubtful genus Thinohiyus, the American and European Middle Tertiary genera may be arranged as follows: — Dicotylince , with simple premolars : Lower canine received into a deep pit in upper jaw ; canine with triangular section; 3 upper premolars . Chainohyus. Like the last, but 4 upper premolars .... Bothrolahis. Canine with oval section, lower one not received into pit in upper jaw Hyotherium. 5 species are described, 2 of which are referred to a new genus, which is taken to include Hyotherium amerieanum. Duges, A. Platygonus alemanii , nobis , Fossil Cuaternario. Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 16-18, pis. i & ii. ^Describes aud figures the palate, mandible, and limb-bones of a large Peccary from the Pleistocene of Mexico. N eiiring, A. Die Altersbestimmung des Sch warzwildes, nach dem Gebiss und nach dem Gewicht. Deutsch. Jager.-Zeit. x, 13 pp., 5 woodcuts. Gives characters derived from the dentition and the weight by which the age of individuals of the wild Sus scrofa can be determined. The figures are the same as in the next paper, in which fuller details are given. 54 Mamm. MAMMALIA. [Nehring, A.] Ueber die Form der unteren Eckzahne bei den Wild- schweinen, sowie uber das sog. Torfschwein ( Sus palustns , Rfiti- meyer). SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 11-16, woodcut. Discusses and figures the contour of the lower canine in various existing Suidce ; and concludes that Sus palustris is merely a variety of S. scrofa. . Ueber die Gebissentwicklung der Schweine, inbesouders fiber Yerfrfihungen und Verspatungeu derselben, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Schadelform frfihreifer und spatreifer Schweine. Landw. Jahrb. 1888, 54 pp., 15 woodcuts. An elaborate account of the development of the dentition of the domestic and wild races of Sus scrofa , with figures of the different stages, and tables giving the date of appearance of the individual teeth. It is shown that while there is a great general constancy in the date of the teeth-changes, yet there are races having a tendency either to an accelera- tion or retardation of this development. Figures are given showing cranial peculiarities in these two races. Observations are also recorded in the skull and dentition of other species of the genus. Reviewed in Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 237-240, by W. Wilckens, and in Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 190-192. Sanson, A. Sur l’Origine des Cochons Domestiques. J. de PAnat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 201-213. A reply to the conclusions arrived at by Nohring in the papers cited above. It is concluded that the Pigs termed Sus celticus , S. ibericus, and S. scrofa are absolutely specific types ; and that while the two first have been domesticated, the third has remained wild. Consequently, domestic swine are not wild swine that have been tamed. Tuckerman, F. Note on the Papilla foliuta and other Taste Areas of the Pig. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 69-73. Describes the structure of the taste-bulbs in the tongue of the Pig. Sus leuoomystax. [See Schaff, supra , p. 19.] t Plutygonus alemanii, n. sp., A. Duges, vide supra , Pleistocene, Mexico, t Bothrolabis suhcequans , n. g., E. D. Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxv, pp. 66 & 67 ; type, Palceoohcerus subcequans , Cope, Miocene, U.S.A. + Bothrolabis rostratus, n, sp., Cope, t. c. p. 77, ibid. + Hyotherium scemmerringi , described and figured by A. Hofmann (supra, p. 9), from Styria, 7. sirenia. a. HALITHERIIDiE. iDesmotylus hesperus , n. g. & sp., O. C. Marsh, Am. J, Sci. (3) xxxv, pp. 94-96, woodcut, Tertiary, California. 8. CETACEA. Bolaw, H. Walthiere. In G. Neumayer’s Anleitung zu Wissenschaft- lichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen in Einzel-Abhandlungen. Berlin ; 8vo, 2 vols, ii, pp. 363-372. Directions for preserving specimens of Cetaceans, and hints for the SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 55 observations which should be recorded, together with notes on their distribution. Caton, J. D. The Californian Gray Whale ( Bhacheanectes glaucus , Cope). Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 509-514. A sketch of the habits of this Whale. Cocks, A. H. The Finwhale Fishery off the Lapland Coast. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 201-208. Observations on this fishery, with a record of the number of specimens killed. Flower, W. H. Article, “ Whale.” Encycl. Brit. 9th ed. xxiv, pp. 523- 526 ; with an appendix on Whale Fisheries, by R. Gray, pp. 526-528. This article is illustrated with woodcuts of 5 species of Whales, and after a general introduction as to the systematic position of the order, gives a classified account of the larger forms, together with a briefer notice of some of the smaller Odontoceti. The appendix on Whale Fishery describes the vessels and implements employed, and the method of hunting ; followed by an account of the fisheries of particular regions. Keibel, F. Die Entwickelungsvorgange am hinteren Ende des Meer- 8chweinchenombryos. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1888, Anat. Abth. pp. 407-430, pis. xxiii & xxiv. A memoir on the development of the hinder extremity of Porpoises, especially noticing the mode of formation of the anus, the development of the allantois and urinary bladder, and of the caudal part of the Wolf- fian bodies. Kukentiial, W. Ueber die Hand der Cetaceen. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 638-646 & 912-916, woodcuts. Discusses the embryology of the manus of Globioceplialus, and con- cludes therefrom that the theory that its “ hyperphalangism ” is due to an adaptive segmentation of tissue lying distal of the normal third phalangeal is untenable. Further indicates an analogy between the Cetacean manus and that of the Ichthyopterygia. Leboucq, H. Ueber das Fingerskelett der Pinnipedier und der Cetaceen. Op, cit. iii, pp. 530-534. Considers that the Cetacea are most nearly related to the hypothetical Promammalia , and that their “ hyperphalangism ” is an original and not an acquired character, since the fcetus has more of these bones than the adult. Probst, J. Ueber die Ohrenknochen fossiler Cetodonten aus derMolasse von Baltringen, O. A. Laupheim. JH. Ver. Wtirtt. 1888, pp. 46-63, pis. i & ii. Describes and figures a number of tympanic and periotic bones of small Odontoceti from the Miocene of Baltringen, which are not, however, generically determined, Southwell, W Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1887. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 121-128. A summary of the results obtained by the whalers and sealers of 1887. bC) Mamm. MAMMALIA. I. MYSTACOCETI. a. Balasnidac. Bouvier, E. L. Lea Rorquals des Mers du Nord. Le Nat. 1888, pp. 44-48, woodcuts. A popular account of the Rorquals of the North Sea, with their parasites. Struthers, J. Some Points in the Anatomy of a Megaptera longimana. J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 109-125, 240-282, 441-460, & G29-656, pis. v, vi, & x-xii, and xxiii, pp. 124-163, pi. vi. An elaborate memoir (of which the first part was published in 1887) dealing in dotail with the anatomy of this Whale. The first part gives a figure of the external form of the entire animal, while the other plates illustrate the anatomy. The second part deals with the limbs. The third part, which is divided into twro sections, treats of the vertebral column. The second section of this third part treats of the cervical vertebrae, ribs, sternum, and chevrons, with figures of the altas and first ribs and sternum. The fourth part is reserved for 1889. Balcenoptera borealis. W. Crouch, Tr. Ess. Club, ii, pp. 41 & 46, describes and figures an example stranded at Tilbury, Essex, in 1887, and mentions another stranded in the Humber, in 1884. In Rochester Nat. 1888, pp. 361-366, the same writer describes and figures another specimen, stranded in the Medway in 1888, the note on the Tilbury example being partly reproduced. Extracts from the article in Rochester Nat. are given in Zool. (3) xii, pp. 460-468. Balanoptera rostrata : F. H. Balkwill, Rep. Plym. Inst, x, pp. 120- 122, woodcuts, describes a female caught off the Scilly Isles, and figures its otic bones, together with those of Grampus griseus. II. ODONTOCETI. b. Physeteridac. Capellini, G. Rostro di Dioplodon nelle Sabie Marnose Grigie della Farnesiua sotto Monte Mario. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. vii, pp. 21-22. Mentions the rostrum of a Ziphoid Cetacean allied to forms from the English Red Crag. Pouchet, G. Note sur Involution des Dents du Cachalot. C.R. Soc. Biol. (2) v, pp. 503 & 504. Observations on the dentition of a foetal cachalot, supplemental to those previously made by the author. On pp. 558 A 559 of the same volume the author reaves some remarks on photographs of a cachalot. Wall, W. S. History and Description of the Skeleton of a New Sperm Whale in the Australian Museum, with some Account of a New Genus of Sperm Whales called JjJuphysetes. Sydney : 1887, 8vo, 65 pp., 3 pis. A reprint by the Australian Museum of a paper published in 1851, SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 57 containing a description and figures of the skeletons of Physetes macro- cephalus ( Cetodon australis) and Kogia breviceps ( Euphysetes grayi). Hyperoodon rostratus : M. Bailey, Naturalist, 1888, p. 114, records the stranding of a living example, at Flamborough, on March 13th ; T. South- well, Zool. (3) xii, p. 387, mentions two females stranded in Norfolk. f Hyperoodon burmeisteri , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 22, S. America. C. Squalodontid;e. Davis, J. W. On Fossil-Fish Remains from the Tertiary and Cretaceo- Tertiary Formations of New Zealand. Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, pt. i, pp. 1-48, pis. i-vii. In the course of this memoir the author describes a tooth from the Lower Tertiary referred to a new species of Squalodon. f Squalodon serratus , n. sp., J. W. Davis, t. c. p. 46, pi. vii, fig. 9, Tertiary, Now Zealand. d. Delphinid;e. F.telstrup, A. Hudens Bygning hos Globioceplxalm melas. Vid. Medd. 1887, pp. 227-235, pi. viii (1888). An account of the histology of the skin of the Black Fish. Also given in Zool. Anz. 1888, pp. 11-15, under the title of “ Ueber den Bau der Haut bei Globioccphalus melas.” Lutken, C. H. Critical Studies upon some Odontoceti of the Genera Tursiops , Orca , and Lagcnorhynchus. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 179-186. A translation of the memoir noticed in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamin, p. 50. Van Bambeke, C. Sur des Follicules rencontres dans TEpiderme de la Machoire superieure chez le Tursiops iursio. Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xv, pp. 505-514, pi. Describes and figures the follicular glands of the upper jaw of this Dolphin. Tursiops tursio : a specimen stranded in Kiroudbrightshire, recorded by W. Jeffery, Zool. (3) xii, pp. 346 & 347. 9. EDENTATA, a. Orycteropodidji. t Oryitcropus gaudryi , n. sp., C. J. Forsyth Major, C.R. cvii, p. 1180, Low. Pliocene, I of Samos. b. MAN1DA5. + Palmomanis neas , n. g. & sp., Forsyth-Major, C.R. cvii, p. 1180, Low. Pliocene, I of Samos. 58 Mamm. MAMMALIA. C. BrADYPODIOE. Langkavel, B. Aphorism fiber Faultiere, Bradypus. Zool. Gait, xxix, pp. 18-23. Describes the specimens in the Hamburg Museum, with some general remarks on the group. d. Megatheriidji:. t Megatherium gaudryi , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 12, Tertiary, S. America. t Megatherium filholi , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 17, ibid. iMylodon martinii, n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 12, ibid. \Mylodon ( Lestodon ) garrachicoi , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 11, ibid. \ Scelidotherium australe , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 11, ibid. t Scelidotherium elegans, n. sp., Moreno, l. c. ibid. t Scelidotherium pozzii, n. sp., Moreno, l. c. ibid. e. Glyptodontid^. Koken, E. Eleutherocercus. Ein Neuer Glyptodont aus Uruguay. Abh. Ak. Berl. 1888, pp. 1-28, pis. i & ii. Describes and figures part of the terminal tube of the caudal sheath of a large Glyptodont from the Pleistocene of Uruguay, characterized by the presence of large foramina between the scutes, from which it is pre- sumed that bristles grew. Preliminary notice in SB. Ak. Berl. x, p. 309. iGlyptodon petalifcrus, n. sp., E. D. Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 345 & 346, Tertiary, Texas. t Eleutherocercus setifer , n. g. & sp., E. Kohen, t. c., Pleistocene, Uruguay. iProho[plo]phoru8 uustralits , n. sp., F. P. Moreno, Bol. Mus. La Plata, 1888, p. 8, Tertiary, S. America, t Uoplophorm for moms , n. sp., Moreno, l. c.} ibid. \Puiiocht\Ji\us trouessarti , n. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 9, ibid. iDcedicurus copei, u. sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 10, ibid. 10. MARSUPIALIA. Leche, W. Ueber Mammarorgane und Marsupium bei einigen Beutcl- thieren, besonders bei Myrmecobius. Verh. Biol. Ver. Stockh. i, pp. 34-39, 2 woodcuts. Considers that the marsupium of the Marsupials corresponds with that of Echidna ; and that a complete sphincter marsupii is wanting in the male of Myrmecobius. Lendenfeld, R. Bilder aus australischen Urwald. Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 14-18, 65-68, & 225-231. In this series of papers on the structure and habits of Australasian Mammals, the first part is devoted to the Monotremes, tlio second to the Wombats, the third to Macropus giganteus. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 59 Osborn, H. F. The Structure and Affinities of the Mesozoic Mammalia. J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 186-265, pis. viii & ix, 30 woodcuts, This elaborate memoir, after some introductory matter, commences with a description of 'the British forms, which is followed by a long section devoted to the classification and zoological relationships of all the known forms ; and a third describing the origin and succession of the teeth. The following is the classification adopted : — A. — First Group. Subord. Multituberculata. Fam. Plagiaulacidae. Microlcstes, Plagiaulax, Ctenacodon , Ptilodus, Neoplagiaulax , Meniscoessusj and perhaps Thylacoleo. Fam. Bolodontidae. Bolodon , Allodon , and perhaps Chirox. Fam. Tritylodontidae. Tritylodon , Triglyphus. Fam. POLYMASTODONTIDAE. Poly mastodon. Incertgs Sedis — Stereognathus. B. — Second Group. Order. Protodonta. Fam. Dromotiieriid^e. Dromotherium , Microconodon. Subord. Prodidelpjiia. Fam. Triconodontidae. AmphilesteSy Amphitylus , Tricojtodon, Priacodon. Phascolotherium , Tinodon. Spalacotheriurn, M enacodon. Fam. Amphitheriidae. Amphitherium , Dicrocynodon , Docodonf Enneodon. Peramus. Fam. Peralestidae. Peralestes, Peraspalax , Paurodon. Fam. Kurtodontidas. Kurtodon. Subord. Insectivora Primitiya. Fam. Amblotheriidae. Amblotherium , Achyrodon. Fam. Stylacodontidae. Stylacodon , Phascolestes, Dryolestcs , Asthenodon. Incertaa Sedis — Laodon. The relationship of the Multituberculata to the modern Diprotodontia is discussed, and also their alleged affinity to the Monotremata ; and it is considered uncertain whether they are to be regarded as a branch of the Monotreme or of the Marsupial stock. In Group B, the Triconodontidce are regarded as certainly Marsupials, the Amphitheriidcc probably, and the Kui'todontidcc possibly so, but their characters are considered sufficiently 60 Afamm. MAMMALIA. marked to indicate a distinct suborder. The Stylacodontidce (and pre- sumably the Amblotheriidce) are provisionally referred to the Inseetioora. This memoir is reviewed in Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 723 & 724 ; and also in Nature, xxxviii, pp. G11-G14 [see Amphitheriidue.']. [Osborn, H. F.] Additional Observations upon the Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 292-301. This paper is supplemental to the preceding, and makes considerable amendments thereon. The chief amendments are as follows, viz. : — A reconsideration of the dentition of Amyhilestes, Amphitylus , and Phasco- lotherium , in which it is shown that the latter probably had premolars. The identity of Leptocladus with Peramus ; and probably that of Pera- lestes with Spalacotherium. It is further considered that Peraspalax, Amblotherium, Achyrodon , Phascolestes, Stylodon, Stylacodon> and Kurtodon are closely allied, and represent at most two or three generic types, thus leading to the abolition of the families Kurtodontidce and Amblotheriidce , and the close identity of forms referred above to the two suborders Prodidelphia and Inseetioora Primitiva. Amphilestes , Phascolotherium , Triconodon , and probably Amphitylus have a triconodont, and all the others a tritubercular dentition. . A review of Mr. Lydokker’s Arrangement of the Mesozoic Mam- malia. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 232-235. Criticizes the arrangement adopted in part of the British Museum Catalogue of Fossil Mammals [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 10]. Concludes that the Multituber culata are not Diprodonts. Points out certain errors and misdeterminations. Ramsay, E. P. Notes on the Fauna of the Bellenden-ker Ranges (Queensland). P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 1295-1299. The first instalment of a paper in which six Marsupials are described, of which two are new. [See Phalcingeridce and Dasyuridce.'] Stirling, E. C. A New Australian Mammal. Nature, xxxviii, pp. 588 & 589. Reprinted in Zool. (3) xii, pp. 424 & 425. Describes a small mole-like Mammal from Australia. It is described as being burrowing, with a marsupium, but no epipubic bones. The teeth are compared to the figures of those of Amphitherium. Thomas, 0. Catalogue of the Marsupiulia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum. Loudon : 8vo, pp. xiv & 402, 28 pis. “ This volume contains the descriptions of 151 species of Marsupials, and 3 of Monotremata , in addition to 12 recognizable varieties of the former and 2 of the latter, making a total of 1G8 definable forms.” Two new specific and two new generic terms are proposed, one of the latter being to replace a preoccupied name. Figures of the external form of several species recently described by the author are given, as well as those of the skulls, dentition, muzzles, feet,&c., of numerous types. [See Phas- colomyiclce, Phalanyeridcet Macropod idee, Peramelidie , Dasyuridce , and Didelphyidce.~\ SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. Cl Zirtz, A. Uebor cin Neues Saugethier aus Australien. Zool. Anz. 1888, pp. 647 & 648. Another notice of the new Australian Mammal recorded by Stirling (supra). I. DIPROTODONTIA. a. PHASCOLOMYID,E. Phascolomys mitchelli : this name adopted by 0. Thomas, Cat. Marsup. Monotrem. B. M. p. 218, to supersede P. platyrhinus. b. NoiOTHERIIDyE. De Yis, C. W. Note on the Genera Zygomaturus and Nototlierhim. P. R. Soc Queensl. v, pp. 111-116, pi. Discusses the reference of a humerus by Owen to Nototherium, and con- cludes that this is incorrect. The cranium described by Macleay as Zygomaturus , and identified by Owen with Nototherium , is regarded as distinct, and it is suggested that the humerus in question may be referable to that form. Figures are given of the premolars of Noto- therium, and of an allied form termed Owenia ; while a larger premolar of the upper jaw is figured and referred to Zygomaturus. t Nototherium clunense , n. sp., C. W. De Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 1065-1070, pi. xxxviii, Pleistocene, Queensland. Premolars figured by same, P. R. Soc. Queensl. v, plate facing p. 116. t Owenia grata , n. g. & sp., C. W. De Vis, P. R. Soc. Queensl. v, plate facing p. 116, Pleistocene, Queensland. [Preoccupied. — R. L.] c. Diprotodontid^?. DeYis, C. W. On Diprotodon minor , Huxley. P. R. Soc. Queensl. v, pp. 38-44. Considers that the upper premolars figured by Huxley, and referred by Owen to Nototherium , certainly belong to Diprotodon , and indicate a dis- tinct form which is not the female of D. australis. d. PHALANGER1D2E. Milne-Edwards, A. Note sur une Espece Nouvelle du Genre Dactyl opsila. Centenaire Mem. Soc. Philom. 1888, pp. 173°-177,° pis. xv & xvi. Describes a species of this genus from South New Guinea, charac- terized by the extreme elongation of the fourth digit of the manus (vide infra). Phalangista johnstoni, n. sp., E. P. Ramsay, P. L. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 1297 & 1298, Bellenden-ker Range, Queensland. Dromicia lepida , n. sp., O. Thomas, Cat. Marsup. Monotrem. B. M. p. 142, Tasmania. 62 Mamm. MAMMALTA. Phalanger orientalis , n. var. breviceps , O. Thomas, t. c. p. 204, New Britain and Solomon Is. Dactylopsila palpator , n. sp., A. Milne-Edwarps, op. cit., South New Guinea. Petaurus breviceps , n. var. papuanus , Thomas, t. c. p. 158, Papua. Petauroules , n. n., Thomas, t. c. p. 163, to replace Petaurista. Pseudochirus occidentals, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 174, Western Australia. P.forbesi , figured t. c. pi. i. Owen, R. Description of the Skull of an Extinct Carnivorous Mammal of the size of a Leopard ( Thylacopardus australis , Ow.), from a recently-opened Cave near the ‘Wellington Cave’ Locality, New South Wales. P. R. Soc. xlv, p. 99. Only the title given. e. Macropohim:. + Triclis oscillans , n. g. & sp., C. W. De Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 8, pi. i, Pleistocene, New South Wales. Dendrolagus fulvus, n. sp., C. W. De Vis, “ Brisbane Evening Observer,” Queensland. Regarded by Thomas, Cat. Marsup. Monotrem. B. M. p. 96 & 97, as probably a variety of D. lumholtzi. Caloprymnus, n. g., 0. Thomas, t. c. p. 114. Type, Bettongia campestris. II. POLYPROTODONTIA. /. Dasyuridas. Dasyurm gracilis , n. sp., E. P. Ramsay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 1296 & 1297, Bellenden-ker Range, Queensland. Sminthopsis , n. n., 0. Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) iv, p. 503 (1887), to replace Podabrus. g. Peramelidas. Peragale leucura , figured by O. Thomas, Cat. Marsup. Montrem. B. M. pi. ii. h. Didelphyid;e. Osborn, H. F. Observations upon the Foetal Membranes of the Opossum. P. Am. Ass. 1887, pp. 261 & 262 [abstract]. Describes a female with young in vtero shortly before birth. The function of the yolk-sack placenta is inferred to be the transmission of the secretions of the utricular glands to the embryo, by means of the umbilical vessels. The function of the allantois is either respiratory, or for the absorption of the fluid secreted in the uterine cavity by the utricular glands. Didelphys dimidiata : F. E. Beddard, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 353-355, SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 63 describes and figures a sternal gland resembling that of Myrmecobius [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamin, p. 55]. Didelphys {Micourevs) lepida , n. sp., 0. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 158, Peruvian Amazons. Figured, Cat. Marsup. Monotrem. B. M. pi. iii, fig. 1. Didelphys ( Peramys ) scalops, n. sp., Thomas, l. c., Brazil. Figured, t. c. pi. iii, fig. 2. Didelphys ( Peramys ) iheringi, n. sp., Thomas, op. cit. p. 159, Rio Grande do Sul. Figured, t. c. pi. iv, fig. 2. Didelphys {Peramys) henseli , n. sp., Thomas, l. c.ibid. Figured, t. c. pi. iv, fig. 1. i. Amphjtheriid/e. (Employed in the sense noticed in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 55.) \Amphitylus oweni, n. sp., H. F. Osborn, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 192, Lower Jurassic, England. tj Vicrocynodon, n. n., Osborn, op. cit. p. 263. To replace Diplocynodon , Marsh [preoccupied]. IN CERT ML SEDIS. MULTITUBERCULATA. A note on this group given by E. 1). Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 12, with woodcut, suggesting their affinity with the Monotremata. [See also Osborn, supra , p 59.] 11. MONOTREMATA. See 0. Thomas, Catalogue of Marsupialia and Monotremata in the British Museum {supra, p. 59). In this work one species of each of the three general Omithorhynchus , Echidna , and Proechidna is admitted, the last-named genus being only adopted with hesitation. Seeley, H. G. On the Nature and Limits of Reptilian Character in Mammalian Teeth. P. R. Soc. xliv, pp. 129-141. In the course of this paper the author gives his reasons for regarding the horny oral plates of Omithorhynchus as representing true teeth in course of degeneration. a. ORNITHORHYNCHIDiE. Omithorhynchus anatinus : a note on the manner of suckling, as observed in very young specimens, is given in Sci. Goss. 1887, p. 68. R. Lendenfeld, supra , p. 58, has notes on its habits. Poulton, E. B. The True Teeth and the Horny Plates of Ornitho- rhyncus. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxix, pp. 9-48, pis. ii-iv. Describes and figures the microscopic structure of the teeth and horny plates, and shows that they are totally distinct. Mivart’s hypothesis of the dual origin of Mammals {supra, p. 14) is discussed, and considered untenable ; while Seeley’s suggestion ( suprd ) that the horny plates are degenerate teeth is likewise disposed of. Cope’s suggestion of the Monotrematous affinity of the Multituberculata is also noticed. 04 Mamm. MAMMALIA. b EohidnidjE. Morton, A. Notes ou the Egg of the Echidna sctosa. P. R. Soc. Tasin. 1887, p. 290, pi. xlv. Describes and figures a broken egg and the contained embryo. Proechidna bruijnii : skull figured by M. Weber, Bijdr. Dierk. 1888, pt. v, pi. i ; and an allied form described, having four in place of three digits ( vide supra , p. 22). INGERTjE SED1S. Tricuspiodon , n. g., V. Lemoine, C.R. cvi; p. 512, Lower Eocene, Rheims. Seeley, H. G. On Parts of the Skeleton of a Mammal from Triassic Rocks of Klipfontein, Fraserberg, S. Africa ( Theriodesmus phi[y'\larchus'). Phil. Tr. 1888, pp. 141-155, pi. xxvi. Fully describes and figures the pectoral limb on which this genus and species was founded [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 36], The carpus is considered to have three centralia, with a conjoint scaphoid and lunar. The specimen is regarded as indicating a generalized Mammal, with affinities to several orders, but which cannot be referred to any existing order. It is referred to the group or subclass which Cope terms Buno- theria , but not to any of the described orders. It is contrasted with Tritylodon , which is described as a Bunotheroid Rodent ; while the present specimen is stated to indicate a Bunotherian with affinities to the Lemuroidea and Carnivora. Aves i A V E S. 13Y A. II. Evans, M.A., F.Z.S. During tho year 1888 the steady increase of morphological investigation, which has characterized ornithology in Common with other branches of Zoology for several years past, has at length reached a pitch far higher than any previous attempt had carried it. The magnificent work of Furbringer, published by the Society Natnra Artis Magistra of Amster- dam, even if it prove not to make an epoch, at least marks a resting- place whence future enquiries will be carried on with renewed vigour, and must be regarded as unquestionably the most remarkable ornitho- logical work of the past twelvemonth. Such details as our space will allow, and especially the systematic results arising from the author’s long-continued labours, are given under his name, and it is greatly to be regretted that the abstract contributed by his friend and fellow-worker to ‘Nature ’ (13th and 20th December, 1888), has not been reproduced in such a form as would have rendered it accessible to all English-reading Ornithologists ; but it must be borne in mind that FCrbRinger’s treat- ment of the subject is by no means limited to the Class Aves, and that very valuable observations on other groups of Vertebrates, having an important bearing on General Morphology, are included in his two massive volumes. Nor is this the only subject o£ importance incidental to the year: for of great interest, in a different direction, is the recent invasion of Syrrhaptcs — more extensive than that of 1863 — which has been duly chronicled in a large number of papers to be found under TterocVidas ; but we yet await a full account of the movement from Dr. R. Blasius and Professor Newton. Another excellent piece of work must not be omitted in this connec- tion— that of Portis on the Fossil Birds of Italy (which, strictly speaking, bolongs to a former year) ; wliilo tho Anatomical papors by Beddard, Gadow, Lucas, the two Parkers, and Siiufeldt— not forgetting FOr- bringer as above — are noteworthy. Of the Catalogue of the Birds iu the British Museum, two volumes have appeared, Sclater treating of the Oligomyodce , and SiiarRE of the 1888. [vol. xxv.] c 5 aVes. & Aves . Fringillidce. E. Bartlett has commenced a Monograph of the Ploceidte and Fringillidce ; and Menzbier is incorporating Severzoff's notes in his ‘ Ornithologio da Turkestan,’ of which the first part has been issued. Lastly, Reich enow has given us a study of the Geographical Regions from an ornithological point of view, E. P. Ramsay a Tabular List of Australian Birds, and E. Newton a list of those of the Mascareno Islauds, including the Seychelles. The following works have advanced a stage : — Giglioli & Manzeli.a (Iconografia dell’ Avifauna Italica) ; Godman & Salvin (Biologia Centrali-Americana) ; Lord Lilford (Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands) ; Sharpe & Wyatt (Monograph of the Family of Swallows) : whereas those of Bolder (History of the Birds of New Zealand), Siiarpe (Continuation of Gould’s Birds of New Guinea), and A. Newton (Articles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica) have reached their conclusion. In the periodical literature of the year Cory issues the final part of his Birds of the West Indies ; Pelzeln & Lorenz that of their Types of the Ornithological Collection at Vienna j Hargitt continues his Notes on Woodpeckers, and Vian his Monograph of the Ptilojjcecles , Suudval ; while C. W. de Vis gives us a ‘ Glimpse of the Post-tertiary Avifauna of Queensland,’ in a paper of considerable importance. Oology is represented by the articles of K utter, Campbell, and North, with two parts of Sundman’s ‘ Eggs of Finnish Birds.’ The attention of Explorers seems this year to have been fairly evenly divided between the different regions. The chief works published during the past year, as far as they relate to Geographical Areas, &c., may be found under the names below ; while reference should also be made to Bartlett, Beddard, Bendikk, Berlepsch, Coues, Elliot, Froude, IIamonyille, Hargitt, Harting, Lataste, Marey, A. Newton, Norman, W. K. & T. J. Parker, Reichenow, Ridgway, Salvin, Sclater, Seeboiim, Sharpe, Sharpe & Wyatt, Shufeldt, Tegetmeier, and de Vis. Pai.uEAECTIC Region : Biauchi (Russia), A. Chapman (Spain), Chernelh&za (Hungary), J. Cordeaux (Britain), De-Carlini (Italy), Dorries (Siberia), Giglioli & Manzella (Italy), Guillemard (Cyprus), J. H. Gurney, Jun., Harvie-Brown & Buckley, Irby, Lilford (Britain), Lovassy (Hungary), Mansel-Pleydell (Britain), Menzbier (Turkestan), Meyer & Helm (Germany), Middendorf (Russia), Nikolski (Central Asia), Olphe-Galliard (W. Europe), Picaglia (Italy), Pleske (Turkestan), Reid (Teneriffe), Salvadori (Italy), Sandor (Hungary), Saunders (Britain), Schiavuzzi (Adriatic), Seebohm (Liu-Kiu Is., Siberia, &c.), Simroth (Azores), Stejneger (Japan), Suudman (Finland), Sundstroin (Sweden), Taczauowski (Poland, Corea), Tristram (N. Pole), Tscliusi (Austro-Hungary & Germany), Tschusi& Dalla Torre (Austro-Huugary), Winge (Denmark), Zarudnoi (Russia). Ethiopian: Bocage (St. Thomas I.), Buttikofer (Liberia, Congo, THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves $ S.W. Africa), Giglioli (Assab and Shoa), Hartlaub (Central Africa), Koenig (Tunis), Muller (Congo), E. Newton (Mascarene Is.), Salvadori (Shoa), Shelley (E. and Equat. Africa, Bucerotkhe of Region), Sousa (St. Thomas I., Angola), Tristram (E. Africa). Indian : Blasius (Palawan), W. W. Cordeaux (Cashmere), Hume (India), Lister (Christmas I., Indian Ocean), Oates (Burma), Sharpe (Palawan, Borneo, Perak), Steere (Phillippines), Trutat (China). Australian : Broadbent (Australia), Bullor (New Zealand), Campbell (Australia), Finsch (New Zealand and New Guinea), Gould [Sharpe] (New Guinea), North (Australia), Ogilvie-Graut (Pacific), E. P. Ramsay (Australia), Sharpe (Pacific), Stejucger (Pacific), Woodford (Pacific). Nearctic : Beckham, Bendire, Brewster (U.S.), Chamberlain (Canada), Downes (Nova Scotia), Evermaun, Goss, Merrill, Ridgway, W. E. D. Scott (U.S.), Turner (Labrador), Shufeldt (U.S.). Neotropical : Berlepsch (S. and Central America), Brewster (Centra America), Burmeister (S. America), Cory (West Indies), Godmau & Salvin (Central America), Herrera (Mexico), Lawrence (Central America), Philippi (Chili), Ridgway (S. and Central America), llidloy (Fernando Noronhn), Salvin (Central America), Sclater & Hudson (Argentine Republic), Withington (Argentine Republic), Zelcdon (Costa Rica). For extinct species see : Portis, De Yis. For anatomical, morphological, physiological, and pathological papers, including those on flight, see : Alleu, Beard, Beddard, Bellonci, Bignon, Bronn [Gadow], Buchet, Cazin, Cope & Kingsley, Corin & Beneden, Cornil & Toupet, Coues, Dalla Torre, Fiirbriuger, Gaiow, Gaupp, Gasch, Hacker, Jensen, Liebermanu, Lucas, Mackay, Mall, Marcacci, Mazzarelli, Mehnert, Newberry, W. K. & T. J. Parker, Ramon y Cajal, Regalia, Saint-Remy, Sanfelice, Sangalli, Shufeldt, Stamati, Suttou, Trowbridge, Yirchow, Walker. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. With Titles of Separate Works and of the more Important Papers published in Proceedings of Societies, &c. Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1886. By J. A. Harvie-Brown, J. Cordeaux, R. M. Barrington, A. G. More, & W. Eagle Clarke. Ninth Report. Edinburgh: 1888, 8vo, 175 pp. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 3.] Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr. TiiIselton Dyer (Secre- tary), Professor Newton, Professor Flower, Mr. Carrutiiers, and Mr. Sclater, appointed for the purpose of reporting on the present state of our knowledge of the Zoology and Botany of the West India Islands, and taking steps to investigate ascertained deficiencies in the Fauna and Flora. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1888, pp. 437- 464 [28 pp. sep.]. [See Sharp, D.] AYES, xi. Jahresbericht (1886) des Ausschusses fiir Beoba'clitiingsstatioiien detv Vogel Deutschlands. J. f. O. 1888, pp. 313-571. \_Cf \ Zool. ReC xxiv, Aves, p. 3.] °Japanese Ornithology. Illustrated by a series o£ 130 hand-coloured engravings of the Birds and Foliage, by nativo Japanese artists. Tokio : 1887, 2 vols., fol. The birds are represented flying, sitting, fighting, eating, fishing, divings * , A series of 60 hand-coloured origiual drawings of Japanese Birds, on 12 plates, by native Japanese artists. Tokio : 1887, 4to. Aitken, E. H. The Natural History of a Voyage from Liverpool to Bombay. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, pp. 238-241. A few notes on Birds are given. Albarda, H. Ornithologie van Nederland waarnemiugen in 1886. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) ii, pp. 10-17. A Elen, J. A. Visitors’ Guide to the Collection of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History. New York : 1888, 8vo. On the Structure of Birds in relation to Flight, with special reference to recent alleged discoveries in the Mechanism, of the Wiug. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. vii, pp. 89-100. [See Coues, E., Lucas, F. A., Newberry, J. S., Trowbridge, W. P., and cf. Zool. Bee. xxiv, Aves, p. 22, subnom. Newberry, J. S.] — — . [See also Faxon, W., Tityra nigriceps , n. sp. ( Coting idea), Ammo - dramus maritimus peninsuhe} A. m. sennetti , n. subspp. ( Fringillidco ), Symphemia (Scolopacidcv).'] Altum, E. Ueber Federklcider und Mauser maucher Vogel. J. f. O. 1888, pp. 109-111. Aelin, O. V. Ornithological Notes from the Norfolk Coast. Zool. 1888, pp. 131-135. ArEvalo, J. [See Syrrhaptes ( Pteroclidai ).] Atkinson, E. D. [See Demiegretta (Ardeidce).] Backhouse, J. [Jun.] Notes on, and Additions to. the Avifauna of Upper Teosdale. Naturalist, 1888, pp. 79 & 80. Bailey, V. Report on somo of the Results of a Trip through Parts of Minnesota and Dakota. Ann. Rep. Dop. Agricult. [U.S.] 1887, pp. 426-454. Chiefly on damage done by “ Blackbirds ” ( Icteruke ) to corn crops, as far as Birds are concerned. [See Fisher, A. K.] BaldaMus, E. [See Hoffman, A.] Barnes, H. E. Nesting in Western India. J. Bomb. N. II. Soc. iii, pp. 205-224, pi. [eggs, see Elanus , Spilornia ( Falconidai )]. -. [See also Ilirundinidcu, Cypselidcu.'] * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. AveS 5 Barrington, R. M. [Soe Mascicapa (Mnscioapidce), Puffinus (Pro* cellariidce ).] Bartlett, E. A Monograph of the Weaver-Birds, Ploceidce , and Arboreal and Terrestrial Finches, Fringillidce . Pts. i & il. Maidstone: 1888, era. 4to, pagin. discont,, 12 pis., for which see the families. Basedow, H. v. Psycliologische Bilder aus der Vogelwelt, MT. orn. Yer, Wien, 1888, pp. 4 & 5. . Beitrage zur Ornithologie Thiiringens. T. c , pp. 65 & 66, *— ■. [See also Gallinago (Scolopacidce),] Beard, J. Morphological Studies. II. — The Development of the Peripheral Nervous System of Vertebrates. (Part i, Elasmotranchii and Aves.) Q. J. Micr. Sci. 1888, pp. 153-227, pis. xvi-xxi. Section ii treats of the chick of the common fowl, Beciier, E. F. Some Cold-Weather Notes from Ouzerat. J* Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, pp. 114-117. . Hot-Weather Notes in the Central Provinoes. T. c , pp. 134-137. Both of these papers treat chiefly of Birds. Beckham, C. W. Birds of South-western Texas. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 633-696. A list of 283 species, with short notes. The writer’s researches were made in Bexar, Bee, and Nueces Counties, and he considers the district to be a great meeting-point of eastern and western forms. He compares his list with those of Dresser, Sennett, N. C. Brown , and others. Beckwith, W. E. Notes on Shropshire Birds. Tr. Shropshire Soc. xi [1888], pp. 223-238 & 387-402. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 4.] Beddard, F. E. Notes on the Visceral Anatomy of Birds. No. it. — On the Respiratory Organs in certain Diving Birds. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 252-258, 2 cuts. [Of. Zool. Rec. xxii, Aves, p. 4.] On examiniu g Fratercula arclica, Eudyptula minor, Spheniscits demersus, and Rhampliastos ariel, the author found that the oblique septum was covered for a considerable area with a layer of muscular fibres, a point which had been established by Filhol in the case of Eudyptes, and, to a less degreo, by Huxley in that of the Duck. Comparing with these facts the structure of the viscera in the Crocodile, he deduces that “ the entire fibrous expansion which arises from the vertebral column and extends over the anterior face of the stomach, liver, &c., in the Croco- dile represents both the oblique septa and the omentum in the bird*” (which are to be derived from it), and that “ the oblique septum of Birds has been produced by a vertical fold of this fibrous expansion.” . [See also Striges, Ardeidw (anat.).] 0 Avea. AYES. Belloncj, J. Ueber die oentrale Endigung des Nervus opticus bei den Vertebra ten. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 1-46, pis, i-viii, 4 cuts. [4 vea, pp, 16-18 ( Passer , Parus, Gallus, Columba), pi. v, 1 cut.] Belt, A. Birds of the Ealing District. Rep. Ealing Soc. 1887-88, pp. 12-18. Bendire, 0. E, Notes on a Collection of Birds’ Nests and Eggs from Southern Arizona Territory. P. U. S, Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 551-558. There are several objects of interest, see especially Psultriparus (Par idee). . [See also Peuccea ( Fringillidce ), Polioptila (Sylvikhe), Sphyrapicus gen. ( Piddai ), Glaucidium ( Striges ).] Beneden, A. y. [See Corin, G.] Bennett, K. H. [See Pachycephala ( Laniidce ).] Berlepsch, H. v. [See Synalluxis coryi ( Dendrocolaptidce ), Myrmeciza houcardi ( Formicariidce ), Myiobius ridgivayi ( Tyrannidce ), Basileuterus godmani ( Mnioliltidce ), n. spp., Buarremon simplex, n. sp., Eucometis spodocephala pallida , E. s. stictothorax, E. cristata affinis, n. subspp. (Tanagridce), Campylorhynchus zonatus costaricensis ( Troglodytidce ), Icterus gularis yucatanensis (Icieridce), Certhia mexicana albescens ( Certhiidce ), n. subspp., Cyclorhis ( Vireonidce ).] Beste, W. Ornithologisches aus der Cap-Colonie. Ornis, 1888, pp. 667-670. Bianchi, V. Biologische Notizen iiber die im Sommer 1884 bei Uschaki (Gouvernement Nowgorod) beobachteten Vogel. Beitr. Russ. Reiches (3) iv, pp. 189-275. A useful paper, giving dates not only of capture of specimens, but also of taking of nests, of eggs in various stages, of young in different plumages, &c., with full details. The notes are preceded by a description of the country, and are followed by a table showing each bird’s status in the country. Bignon, Fanny. Recherches sur les rapports du systSme pneumatique de la t6te des Oiseaux avec le systeme d6pendant de l’appareil pulmonaire. O.R. Soc. Biol. 1888, pp. 357-360. From the case of the Pelican the authoress draws the following con- clusions, laying special stress on the last, while the first seems to be new : 1, That the cervico-cephalic sacs are to be found in that bird; 2, That the cranial cellules in connection with these sacs are highly developed ; 3, That the pneumatic system communicates with the pulmonary, by means of the vertebral sacs. . [See also Psittaci.'] Blasius, W. Die Vogel von Palawan. Ornis, 1888, pp. 301-323. This paper is based on collections made by Herr and Frau Platen at Puerto-Princesa, and contains 130 species and subspecies, 8 of which are new to science, 6 of them being originally described in the THIS GENERAL SUBJECT, Aves 7 Braunschweigische Anzeiger of various dates. [See Syrnium wieplcenl ( Striges ), Prioniturus platenoe ( Psittaci ), Siplxia ramsayi , & platence (.1 hiscicapidce), Ilyloterpc plateni ( Laniklce ), PrionocJiilus plateni ( Dicccida •), Turnix haynaldi ( ), n. spp., Carpophaga aenea palawanensls , n. subsp. (Co^TwfoV/te).] [Blasius, W.] Die Vogel von Gross-Sanghiu (mit besondereu Beriick- sichtigung der in den Jahren 188G und 1887 von Herrn. Dr. Platen uud dessen Gemahlin bei Manganitu auf Gross-Sanghir ansgefuhrten ornitholog. Forschungen) nebst einem Anhange iiber die Vogel von Siao. T. c. pp. 527-G46, pis. iii & iv. A very full arid olaborato paper, containing an account of tbe position and nature of the islands, of the various explorers and their discoveries, and of the separate species of Birds, the number of which is now raised to 71 for Great Sanghir and is 40 for Siao. Those which are peculiar or especially rare are naturally treated at greatest length, and several new species and subspecies are included, already described in the Braunschweigische Anzeiger. [See Ninox macroptera (Singes), Zosterops nclirlcorni ( Meliphagidce ), pi., Criniger platence ( Pycnonoiida ?), pi., Eudy - namis mindanensis savghirensis (Cuculidce), Chcdcoplmps indica sanghir- ensis ( Columbidce ), n. spp. & subspp., Macropygia ( Columbidcc ), Ilerodias ( Ardeulce ).] Bligii, S. [See Ilirundo ( Hirundinidce ), Motacilla ( Molacillidce ).] Bocage, J. v. Barboza du. [Birds from St. Thomas I., W. Africa, seut by F, Newton (10 species).] J. Sci. Lisb. xlvii [1888], pp. 148-150. [See Phceospiza thomemis (wrongly supposed to be) ri. g. & sp. (Fringillidce).~\ . Sur quelques Oiseaux de Pile St. ThomA Op. oil, xlviii [1888], pp. 211-215. An account of a fresh collection from F. Newton. 12 speoies are noticed, including Cinnyris neivtoni and Prinia molleri \of. Zool. Reo. xxiv, Aves, pp. 5, 50, & 57]. . [24 species of Birds from St. Thomas I., W. Africa, sent by F. Newton.] T. c. pp, 231 & 232. [See Scops scapidatus (Striges), Amblyospiza concolor ( Ploceidce ), n. spp., Columba arquatrix thomensis ( Columbidce ), n. subsp.] For former papers, cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 5. Bonjour, S. Note sur quelques variations observees dans le plumage d’oiseaux Europeens. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [xiii], pp. 193-199. 20 species are considered. °B0rjesson, G. O. Saliskapet smafoglarnas Vanner. Goteborg : 1888. Bos, R. Aenderungen in Nestbau der Vogel in baumlosen Gegenden Biol. Centralbl. [1888] viii, p. 320. Brewster, W. Notes on the Birds of Winchendon, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Auk, 1888, pp. 386-393. A list of species is given, followed by good notes on the breeding, &c., of the rarer kinds. AYES. [Brewster, W'] [See Otophones mcleodi , n. g. & sp. ( Caprimulgidce ), Ardea bahamensis, A.virescensfrctzari ( Arcleklce ), Hcematopus frazari ( Gharadriidw ), Columba fasciata vioscce ( Cohmhidai ), Megascops asper8U8i M, vinaceu8} Olaucidium gnoma hoskinsi ( Striges ), Empi- donax cineritius , Mitrephanes phccocerctis tenuirostris (Tyrannidce) , Icterus wagleri castaneopectus ( Icterldce), Ilcemophila mcleodi , 1I% cahooni (Fringillidce) , Troglodytes cahooni ( Troglodytidce ), Dendrceca (estiva sonorana , n. spp. & subspp. ; Eegulus ( Sylviidce ), Cistothorus ( 7Vo^/oJ2/^VZ an Essex Gullery, with notes on the Birds frequenting the marshes round Tollesbury. Ess. Nat. 1888, pp. 193-198. Fitzgerald, R. D. [Junr.] [See Sphecotheres ( Oriolidw ), Gampopliaga ( Ga mpophaguhe ) . ] French, C. Notes on the Zoology of Lake Albacutya District. Yict. Nat. v [1888], pp. 35-42. Several notices of Birds are included. Froude, W. On tho Soaring of Birds. P. R. Soc. Edinb. 1887-88, pp. 256-258. The author states there must be an upward current of air, probably produced, in certain cases, by the alternating heights of the rising and falling wave. FOrbringer, M. Uutersuchungen zur Morphologic und Systematik der Yogel, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Stutz- und Bewegungs- organe. Amsterdam : 1888, 2 vols., fol., xlix & 1751 pp., 30 pis. (Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, Afl. xv, 1 & 2). [ Cf \ Gadow, II., infra.'] Tho general character of this important work has been indicated in our opening paragraph. It consists of two parts ; the first, which is THE GENERAL SUBJECT* Aves 15 Special, contains 837 pages, and is devoted to a minute description of the bones, nerves, and muscles of the Bird’s shoulder-girdle— the result of the examination of many hundreds of specimens of all kinds. In the second and more General part, the author remarks that the study of the morphology of Aves well repays the labour, not because the Class exhibits any great or fundamental variety, but because in it several organic systems reach a height not elsewhere attained — small groups of Birds often presenting much differentiation of organs, and thereby render- ing it possible to judge of the significance of the respective differences. The origin and development of particular structures, the formation of joints, the nature of sesamoid bodies, the connection of muscles with the nervous system, their variability, and the shifting of the limbs along the vertebral column are discussed from a very general point of view ; and this last (the retrogression of the limbs) is shewn to have reached its highest degree in Birds, and especially in large Birds. The same con- sideration applies, as might be expected, to the muscles which move the limbs, and the Ncubildung (an untranslatable word in this sense) is attempted to bo explained. Passing to more particular topics, the author remarks that small Birds show more primitive and simpler con- ditions of structure than their larger allies. The first Birds were probably smaller than Arcliceopteryx , and the study of the smaller members within given groups promises to throw the most light on their phylogeny. In the second part of the second volume the taxonomic value of the various characters of all the organic systems is criticized, and a selection of 48 of them, not, of course, of equal value, as presented by the 90 families into which the class is divided, is tabulated. The result shews that those offered by the bill, feet, and oil-gland are comparatively worthless, while pterylosis is never to be neglected. Then follows a disquisition on oology, after which osteological characters are considered, especially in regard to the discovery of a unit for measurement, on the existence of which the author’s labour seems to throw doubt. The anterior portion of the sternum is shewn to be noteworthy ; but more important still is the maxillo-palatal structure, though Huxley’s taxonomy based on this [cf. Zool. Rec. iii, pp. 46-49] seems to be artificial, as the numerous exceptions, ascertained by later researches, go to prove. In some cases the hyoid bones afford good characters. The extent of the coraco-scapular angle depends inversely on the development of the humeral muscles, as is shewn in a tabular form. The difficulty of determining the homologies of the constituents of the pelvis is then considered, but with unsatis- factory results, though the subject is evidently one of promise. Here there is no space for more than allusion to the chapters treating of Palaeontology and Geographical Distribution ; but a peculiarly important feature of this work is to be found in the two plates giving lateral views of the supposed ancestral tree of the Class, and three others representing &s many sections through this ideal tree at different epochs. The Classi- fication adopted as the result of all this unparalleled labour is shewn in the following scheme, reduced to the minimum of detail ; and cannot but compare favourably with other plans that it has been the duty of the Recorder of Aves to set forth from time to time 16 Aves. AVES. I. Sub-olassis SAtfRURiE. Ordo Archornitiies. Sub-ordo Arcliceopieryg formes. Geus Archceopteryges. II. Sub-classis ORNITHURiE. Ordo. Sub-ordo. Stuuthiorn iTiifiS. Struthio?i formes. Rheornitiies. Rheiformes. Hippalectrvor- Gasuari formes. N1TIIES. Intermed. S.-O. AUpy or nitk formes. Intermed. S.-O. Palamede formes. Pelargornithes. A nseri/ormes. Podicipit formes . Ciconiformes . Intermed. S.-O. Procellariformes. Iutermed. S.-O. Aptenodyt formes. Geus. Struthiones. Rhece. Casuarit = Dromccus-\- Casu- arius -f- Dromornis. JEpyornithes. Gastornithesy Anseres s. Lam- mellirostres. Enaliornithes, Hesperornithes Golymbo-Podicipites. Phcenicopteriy Pelargo- Ilerodii, Accipitres , Ste- ganopodes. Proccllarice s. Tubinares. A ptenodyles s. Inipennes. Intermed. S.-O. Ichthyornithformes. Ichthyornithcs. C 1 1 A R a DR I OR N IT1 1 es. GhuradriiJ ormes Intermed. S.-O. Gruformcs. Intermed. S.-O. Redl formes. Alegtorornithes. A ptery gif ormes. Crypturiformes . Galli/ormes. Intermed. S.-O. Coliimbf ormes. Intermed. S.-O. Psittacif ormes. Coracornithes. Goccyg formes. Laro-Limicohe , Parra t Othles PurypygcVy incl. llhinochctus, Aptomis : Grues = Grus P sophia -f- Cariama. Fulicariee = Helioniis -f- Rulliclce : Hemipodii ••= Mesites -f- II emipodiidai- Apteryges = Apteryx -f- Dinornis. Grypturi. Galli = Gal lake -j- Opistho- comidce. Pterocletes. Colunibce. Psittaci. Coccyges = Musophagidce -J- Cuculidce. Intermed. Gens Galbulce} incl. Bucconidce • Pico - Passeriformes. Pico- Passer es t Pici. \ Passercs. Macrocliires. Colii. Intermed. Geus Trogones. II alcyonf ormes. Haley ones ) Bucerotes iucl. Upupa-Meropes . Intermed. Gens Todi. Coraciiformes. Coracice, Oaprimulgi, Striyes. GadeaU de Kerville, II. De la Coloration asymetriquo des yeux cbez certains Pigeons metis. Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1888, pp. 261-264. The writer’s object is to show that the difference of pigmentation in the eyes is often due to cross-breeding. TllE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 17 [Gadeau de ICerville, IT.] [See also Singes.] Gadow, H. The Morphology of Birds. Nature, xxxix, Nos. 993 & 999, pp. 150-152 & 177-181 [13 and 20 Dec , 1888]. An admirable extract of Furbringer’s great work (supra, p. 14), con- cisely setting forth its author’s researches and their results, to which We have been greatly indebted for the brief notice already given of it. So far as we are aware, it is the only attempt yet made to make known more generally the enormous extent and the particular bearing of his laborions investigations. Its republication in a more accessible form is a thing greatly to be desired. . Remarks [1] on the Numbers and [2] on the Phylogenetic Development of the Remiges of Birds. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. G55-6G7. Part i. contains a comprehensive examination of the number and size of the primaries, with tables of the results, which are given separately for Wallace’s groups (a, b, c, d) of Passei'cs. The author finds evideuce of the gradual reduction in number of the functional quills, but considers it of little value for classification. In Part II he discusses Wray’s discovery that oue or two rows of greater under wing-coverts were originally situated on the dorsal side of the wing, and its appli- cation to the cases of the Ratitce and Spheniscidce ; he also refers to Furbringer’s explanations of the number of scale-like feathers on the wing in the latter family, though disagreeing with that writer’s views; and, finally, states his own ideas on phylogenetic development, which lead to the conclusion that Ffirbringer is right in considering the Ratitce to bo descendants of Birds with the power of flight, and that, on anatomical grounds, the Spheniscidce should not be separated from the Carina tee. . [Bronn, H. G.]. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Fortgesetzt von Dr. Hans Gadow in Cambridge. Sechster Band, iv. Abtheilung. Vogel: Aves (Gehirnnerven [contd.], Der Kopftheil des sympathis- chen Nervensystems, Riickenmarksnerven, Das Sehorgan oder Auge, Das Geruchsorgan, Das Gehororgan, Diffuse Sinnesorgane, Integu- ment oder System der ausseren Haut. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Lieferung, pp.367, 368, & 385-512, pis. xli — xlvi [Structur des Gehirns ; Gehirn; Kopf- und Riickenmarksnerven ; Schulternerven - Geflecht ; Das Auge ; Nase, Ohr und diffuse Sinnesorgane], 6 cuts. Gautp, E. Anatomische Untersuchungen fiber die Nervenversorgung der Mund- und Nasenhohlendrfisen der Wirbelthiere. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 43G-489, pi. xix. [Birds, pp. 471-481.] GaSCH, F. R. Beitrage zur Vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens der Vogel und Reptilien. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, pp. 119-152, pis. xi & xii. The author treats of the heart in the cases of Natatores , Grallatores , Gallinacei, Columbines , Scansorcs, Passeres , Raptatores , Cursores ; pi. xi refers to Cygnus musicus and Ciconia alba. 1888. [vol. xxv.] o 6 18 Aves. AVtiS. Gerhard, J. The Birds of the Stonyhurst District. [Reprinted from the u Stonyhurst Magazine,” July, 1888.] A useful local list, with map of neighbourhood (10 miles radius). Giglioli, E. H. Note intorno agli Animali Yertebrati raccolti dal Conte Augusto Boutourliue e dal Dr. Leopoldo Traversi ad Assab e nello Scioa negli anni 1884-1887. Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 5-73. This paper, of which the Birds occupy pp. 27-65) records a few species observed in Assab by both collectors, as above, and many by Traversi alone, in Shoa. The total number is about 119; an addition of 22 to SalvadorPs list [cf. Zool. Ree. xxi, Aves) p. 28], of which 5 are new to Shoa. Poliospiza isabellina and Brady ornis traversi , at first supposed to be new, = P. tristriatci and Lioptilus cJiocolatinus respectively. & Manzella, A. Icouografia dell’ Avifauna Italica, ovvero tavole illustrati le specie di uccelli che trovansi in Italia con brevi descrizioni e note. Prato (Toscano) ; 1888, pts. Xxxviii-xliii, pagin. discont. [Of. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 12.] The species figured are Coccyzus erythropthalmus , G. americanus, Cala- ' modus schcenobcenus, Cisticola cursitans, Loxia curvirostra (pt. xxxviii), Cerohneia naumanni, Coccystea glandarius, Turdus sioainsoni , Dromolcea leucopyya , Emberiza leucocephala (pt. xxxix) ; Cerchneis vespertinus, Glaucidium passerinum, Pcecile borealis , Turdus pallusif Loxia pityo- psittacus (pt. xl) ; Circus swainsoni , Acredula rosea , A. caudata , Pcecile lugubris, Fringilla montifringilla (pt. xli); Cypselus melba, G. pallidus} Ghelidon cashmirie?isisj Cotile rupestris , C. obsoleta (pt. xlii) ; xE salon regulus} Circus cyaneus , C. cineraceus, Calcarius nivalis , Montifringilla nivalis (pt. xliii). GodmaK, F. D., & Salvin, O. Biologia Oeutrali-Americana ; or, Con- tributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. London ; 1888, 4to, Zoology, pt. lxxii ; Aves, vol. ii, pp. 1-40, pi. xxxvi. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 12.] This part contains the families Oxyrhamphidce-^-gQ nus Oxyrhamphus ; Tyrannidcb—^ge nera Copurus , Platyrhynchus, Rhynchocyclus, Todirostrum , Oncostoma , Lophotriccus, Orchilus , Colopterus , Leptotriccus , Pogonotriccus , Serphophaga, Mionectes, Leptopogon, Myiopagis [n. g., q.v.~\, Capsiempis, Ornithion , Tyrannulus , Tyranniscus, Elainea, Sublegatus, Legatus , Myio- zetetes. Figures are given of Tyrannulus semijlavus, Leptotriccus super- ciliaris , Elainea arenarum. [For remarks on the Tyrannidcc , see the family.] Godky, E. Elevages de 1887 a la Faisanderie de Galmanche (pres Caen). Bull. Soc. Acclim. 1888, pp. 49-57. Goeeing, A. Ein Ausflug auf dem ParanA Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 228-231 & 290-293, pi. iv. GorMley, M. H. [See Cypseloides (Cypselidw).] Goss, N. S. Additions to the Catalogue of Kansas Birds. Tr. Kansas Ac. x, pp. 28-31 & 77-80. THfi OEtfERAL SUBJECT, Aves ID [Goss, N. S.] New and Rare Birds found breeding on the San Pedro Martir Isle [Gulf of California], Auk, 1888, pp. 240-244, [See Sula gossi, S. brewsteri , n. spp. (Sulidce).] * [See also Pclecanus ( Pelecanidce ), Gymnostinops (Ictoridce) ] GoUld, J. [the late]. The Birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan Islands, including any new species that may be discovered in Australia. Pts. xxiv & xxv (concluding the work). London : 1888, fol., with title-pages, preface, introduction, table of contents, &c. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 13.] The letterpress is by R. B. Sharpe. The species figured are LopJiorhina minor, Podargns ocellatus, Tanysiptera microrhyncha , Gharmosyna stclla Lorius flavo-palliatus, Microdynamis parva, Lycocorax obiensis, Ephthianura crccca , Donacicola hunsleini , Melidectes emilii , Geocichla schistacea, Gym- nocrex plumbeiventris , JEltircedus mclanoccplialns (pt. xxiv) ; Harpyopsis novai- guinea, Baza gurneyi , Lorius tibialis , Nesocentor milo , llhecles aruensis , Ianthamas albigularis) CarpopJiaga subjlavescens , C. van-wyclcii , Piezorhynchus axillaris , P. medius (pt. xxv). Greene, W. T. Parrots in Captivity. Yol. IV. Pts. 29 & 30. London: 1888, 8vo. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 13.] Grieve, S. [See Alca (. Alcidce ).] Grundtvig, F. L. Meddelelser om Fuglene ved Shiocton i Bovina Outagamie Co., Wisconsin. 1881-83. Yid. Medd. 1887, pp. 305-390) map. On the occurrence, times of arrival, &c., of 183 species. Guillemard, F. H. H. Ornithological Notes of a Tour in Cyprus in 1887. With a Preface by Lord Lilford. Ibis, 1888, pp. 94-124, pi. ii. The writer visited most parts of the island, of which he gives a good description. The chief novelty obtained was the Parus Cypriotes [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 51] ; of this a figure is given, Gunn, T. E. Ornithological Notes from Norfolk and Suffolk. Zool. 1888, pp. 281-289. Gurney, J. II. [See Bligii, S. ; Scops ( Striges ), Polioaetus (^ Falconida ).] Gurney, J. H. [Jun.]. On the occasional Assumption of the Male Plumage by Female Birds. Ibis, 1888, pp. 226-230. A summary of our knowledge of the subject. — . Notes on the Isles of Scilly and the Manx Shearwaters ( Pujjinus anglorum). Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, pp. 447-454, cut. Ornithological Notes from Norfolk. Zool. 1888, pp. 81-86. [See Serinus ( Fringillidce).'] — — . Ornithological Notes from St. Leonards. T. c. pp. 332 & 333, Gyngell, W. [See Avser (Anatidaz).'] Av&s. AVES; Hacker, V. Untersuchungen iiber die Zeichnung der Vogelfederm Zool. Jahfb. iii, pp. 309-316^ pi. viii. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii* Aves, p. 21.] Hamilton, A. A List of the Native Birds of the Petane District, Hawke’s Bay, with Notes and Observations. Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1885 [xviii], pp. 123-128. Hamonville, d’ [Baron]. [See Alca ( Alcidai ), pi.] Hanf, B. Yogelleben auf dem Furtteiche und in seiner UmgebuDg in Jahre 1887. MT. Yer. Steierm. 1887, pp. 101-116. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 14.] Hardy, F. P. [See Alca ( Alcidce ).] Hargitt, E. [See PicidceJ] Harting, J. E. Wild-Fowl Decoys in Essex. Ess. Nat. 1888, pp. 159- 169, 3 cuts, map. . [See also Columbidce , Syrrhaptes ( Pteroclidce ) Rhynchotus ( Tinamidce ).] Hartlaub, G. Aus den Oruithologischen Tagebuchern Dr. Emin Pasclia’s. J. f. 0. 1888, pp. 1-4. [See Amblyospiza ( Ploceidce ), and cf. Zool. Reo. xxiv, Aves , p. 52.] 0 . Vogel. Aus Neumayer’s Auleit. z. wiss. Beobachtung. .auf Reisen. 2 Aufl. Berlin : 1888. . [See also SchWeinfurth, G.] Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. A Vertebrate Fauna of the Outer Hebrides. Edinburgh : 1888, 8vo, xciii & 279 pp., frontisp., 6 pis. (1 cold.), 6 maps (1 cold.), 4 cuts. This book is uuiform with the fauna of Sutherland, &c., published in 1887 \cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 15], and continues the series relating to Scotch districts. Pp. 14-169 treat of Birds, and give interesting accounts of the various species and their breeding. Six appendices com- plete the work. Helm, F. [See Meyer, A. B.] Herrera, A. L. Apuntes de Ornitologia. La Migracidn en el Valle de Mexico. Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 165-189. The second part is a list of the Birds of the above district, entitled “Apuntes para el Catalogo de las Aves inmigrantes y sedentarias del Valle de Mexico,” pp. 174-189. About 207 spp. Hodek, E. Aus Niederosterreioh. Zwkchen der Ybbs und Donau. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 82-84 & 96-100. Hoffman, A., & Baldamus, E. [List of Coburg Birds.] Erste Bericht Thier u. Pflanzenschutz-Yereins Coburg, 1888, Appendix. Homeyer, A. v. Ornithologische Studien und Mittheilungen aus dem Jahre 1886. Zeitschr. f. Orn. u. prak. Geflug. zu Stettin xi [1887] pp. 133 -136 & 149-153. [See also Syrrhaptes (Pteroclidce).] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 21 Hopkins, C. L. [See Cathartes ( Cathartidcu ).] Hubbard, Rose. Ornamental Waterfowl : a practical Manual on the acclimatization of the Swimming Birds, with description of a hundred and thirty species. London & Walsall : 1888, 16mo, ix & 209 pp, Hudson, W. H. [See Sclater, P. L.j Hume, A. O. The Birds of Manipur, Assam, Sylhet, and Cachar. Str. Feath. xi, pp. i-v & 1-353. When this paper was begun, in 1881, the first of these states formed the eastern boundary of our Asian Empire. The author wished, there- fore, to compare its avifauna with that of the extreme western point — Sindh — which he had already worked out. The species found in Manipur only are distinguished by different type, but reference is also made to those occurring in British Burma, as well as in the other provinces men- tioned in the title. Notes are added by J. R. Crtpps, who was employed as a collector in the district. .Hunt, H. W. The Coloration of Birds’ Eggs. Viet. Nat. iv [1888], pp. 189-195. IIurst, E. [Sea Cacomantis (Cucitlidce).] Irby, L. H. British Birds : Key List. London : 1888, 8vo, 58 pp. This useful work contains a concise description of each species which may fairly be considered British, though several American land-birds are omitted. The nomenclature and arrangement of the B. O. U. List has been followed in the main, while the status of each Bird is indicated by letters in brackets. IstvAntol, C. Madartani mogfigyelesok Pozsony vid<$k(Sn 1885-ben. Verb. Yer. Presburg, 1884-86, pp. 41-66. Apparently identical with the part of the “ Jahresbericht des Comitds fur Beob. in Oest.-Ungarn ” referring to Presburg. Jackson, F. J. [See Shelley, G. E.] J effries, J. A. Note on the Epidermal System of Birds. P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, pp. 358-360. An answer to E. G. Gardiner (Arch. mikr. Anat. xxiv, p. 289). — — . [See also Trochilus violajugulum , n. sp. ( Trochilidce ).] Jennings, A. H. List of Birds observed at New Providence, Bahama Islands, March-June, 1887. J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. vii, 63, p. 39. Jensen, 0. S. Undersogelser over Saedlegemerne hos Pattedyr, Fugle og Amphibier. Forh. Selsk. Chr. 1887, No. 11, 59 pp., 3 pis. On the spermatozoa of Mammals, Birds, and Amphibians. Jouy, P. L. [See Phalcicrocorax ( Plialacrocoracidce ).] Kadicii, II. v. Corrections of Errors in “ Hundert Tage im Hinter- lande.” [ Cf . Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 16.] MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 18 & 19. 0 . Wald-Fahrten, Wild- Wald- und Waidmannsbilder aus Oester- reichs Bergen. Neudamm : 1888, 8vo, 123 pp. • Apparently contains notes on Birds. AVES. 22 Ayes, ^Kalbermetten, L. Sumpfleben in Ungarn, Bosnien, und Slavonieu. N. Iilustr. (Wiener) Zeit. xv [1887], pp. 356-357, pi. Karlsbeuger, R. 0. Vulgiirnamen dor Vogel OborOstorroichs. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1888, pp. 27 & 28, 54, 66 & 67. °KAspar, P. R. K, Ornithologie moravsk6 (Zur Ornithologic Mahrens). Casop. Mus. Olom. (Zeitscbr. d. Olmtitzcr Mus.-Yer.) iv [1887], p. 80. Keller, F. 0. Dor Zug der Vogel. JB. Mus. Karnt. xix [1888], pp. 121-138. Kempen, C. van. Sur une Serie de Mammiferes et d’Oiseaux d’Europe pr^seutant des anomalies ou des varidtes de coloration. Bull. Soo. Z. Fr. 1888 [xiii], pp. 103-108. 62 species of Birds are noticed. Kingsley, J. S. [See Cope, E. D ] Kirk, T. W. Notes on the Birds of New Zealand. Ibis, 1888, pp. 42-46. The bird here recorded as Lobivanellus personcitus should be L. lobatus ; cf. t, c. p. 283. Knauer, F. K. Ornithologische Mittheilungen aus dem Wiener Viva- rium. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 129-132, 145 & 146, 160 & 161, 176 & 177. Knauthe, K. Die Vogel des Zobten. J. f. O. 1888, pp. 9-38. A list of 114 species from the hill-country of central Silesia, which contains nothing of great importance. [See Buteo ( Falconitlce ).] JCocii, A. Eine wcstliche Tour dem Pelikan ( Pelecanus erythrorhjnclius) zu lieb. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1888, pp. 93-96. A trip for general ornithological purposes, aud for a sight of the [Amorican] Pelican in especial. • . Zwei Monate in West Florida. T. c. pp. 1-4, 25 & 26. Koenig, A. Avifauna von Tunis. J. f. O. 1888, pp. 121-298. Pp. 121-139 contain an account of the author’s journey and of the country traversed, together with a preliminary sketch of the charac- teristic Birds of the country and a comparative list of the species found in Tunis and Algiers. Then follows the special part, which is replete with information of every description, the species being again compared with those of Algeria. Details are given of nests and eggs, measurements and coloration of specimens, range, status, &c. [See especially Alcemon margaritce} n. sp., pi. (Alaudidce), Lanius rufus , pi., Telephonus ( Laniulce ), Phcenicopterus ( Phcenicoplerid(e).\ Koenike, F. Ein Tausendfuss im Huhnerei. Abh. Ver. Brem. x [1888], p. 294. Roller, H. Naamlijst van in Nederland in den naturstaat waargenomen Vogels. Bijdr. Dierk. (Fees-nummer) 1888, No. 4, 80 pp. Kolthoff, G. [See Lagopus bonasioides (new hybrid), pi. (Tetraonidce).] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. . Aves 23 IC utter, F, Ueber die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung der Oologie, Ber, Ver. Cassel, 1886-88, pp. 67-85. Lataste, F. [See Striges (food),] Lawrence, G. N. [See Catharus berlepschi ( Turduhe ), Troglodytes tobagensis ( Troglodytidcc ), n. spp.] Legge, W. V. [See Acanthornis ( SylvUdat ).] Le Messurier, A. Game, Shore, and Water Birds of India. Calcutta & London : 1888, 8vo, xvi & 153 pp., 121 illustr. This is the third edition of a book which was originally privately printed in India (1874). Leverkuiin, P. Zweite vorlaufige Mittheilung die Entenkojen betief- fend. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 149 & 150. . Welche Vogel nennt der Koran ? Z. ges. Orn. 1887, pp. 413-424. . [See also Syrrhaptes ( Pteroclkhv ).] Likbe, K. T. Ornithologische Skizzen. xiv. Unsere Uferregenpfeifer (AEgialiiis minor , AE. hiaticula). Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 59-68 & 91-93, pis. ii & iii. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 17.] Liebermann, L. Embryochemische Untersuchungen. i. Weniger bekannte Bestandtheile des Hiihnereiee. Fett der Hiihnereier. Ueber Nuclein, it. Stoffwechsel des bebriitenden Eies bis zur volligen Entwickelung des Huhuchens. ill. Arbeiten zur speciellen chemie des Embryonalleibes. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. 1887-88, pp. 224-295., [Lord]. Notes on the Ornithology of Northamptonshire and Neighbourhood. Zool. 1888, pp. 456-466. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 18.} [See Syrrhaptes ( Pleroclidce ).] . Notes on the Birds of Northamptonshire. J. Northampt. Soc. v [1888], pp. 41-53 & 85-93. [Cf. Zool. Rec., as above.] . Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands. London : 1888, 8 vo, pts. vi-ix. Containing Parus palustris, P.^ceruleus, Motacilla sulphurea (2 pis.), AF.Jlava, M. raiit Ampelis garrulus , Passer domesticus , Emberiza melano- cephala, E. citrinella, E. cirlns , E. rustica (pt. vi), Turdus merula, Accentor collaris , Linota cannabina, Pastor roseus , Picus major, Upi'pa epops , Nycticorax griseus , Bolaurus stellaris, Tetrao tetrix , Scolopax rusticulat Puffinus griseus , Procellaria bulweri (pt. vii), Sitta ccesia, Motacilla alba , M. litgubris , Lanius excubitor , Fringilla ccelebs , Pyrrhula vidgaris , Alcedo ispida , Ardea cinerea , Anas boscas , A. crecca, Caccabis rttfa , Puffinus major (pt. viii), Daulias luscinia , Acrocephalus aquaticus, Locustella ncevia , Anthus pratensis, Oriolus galbula , Passer montanus , Picus major , Mcrops apiaster , Perdix cinerea , Lagopus mutus (3 pis.). The second plate of Picus major shews six heads of the bird, to illustrate the progress of change in coloration, in both sexes. Lindner, F. [See Tringa (Scolcpacidcc) .] 24 Aves. AYES, Link, J. A. Die Vogel der Hassberge und deren Umgebung. Eia Beitrag zur Yogelfauna Frankens. Ber. naturf. Ges. Bamberg, xiv, pp. 1-33. 181 species. Lister, J. J. On the Natural History of Christmas Island, iu tho Iudian Ocean. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 512-531, pis. xxvi (map)& xxvii. This paper, which gives an account of a ten days’ visit in H.M.S. * Egeria,’ consists of an introduction, a description of the physical features of the island, its geological history, vegetation, mammals, birds [pp. 517- 529], reptiles and crustaceans. It is very important, as showing the line of demarcation between the Indo-Malay and Austro-Malay subregions ; the land-birds having a decided affinity to those of the latter. [See Zosterops natalis (il leliphagidce), Collocalia natalis ( Cypselidce ), Clialco- phaps natalis (Columbidce), Urospizias natcilis ( Falconidce ), Ninox natalis (Striges), n. spp.] Littleboy, J. E. [tiie late]. Notes on Birds observed in Hertford- shire in 1887, and on the Birds frequenting the Tring Reservoirs. Tr. Hertf. Soc. 1888, pp. 76-88. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves) p. 18.] Llave, P. de la. [See Tetrao marmorata , T. cristata , T. guttata ( Tetraonidce ), n. spp.] Lloyd, W. What Birds indicate Proximity to Water, and at what Distance ? Auk, 1888, p. 119. [Communicated by C. H. Merriam.] Lorenz, L. Y. [See Pelzeln, A. v.] Lorenz, T. [See Phasianus persicus talischensis) P. colchicus seplen- trionalis ( Phasianidce ), n. spp.] °Loyassy, A. Adalekok magyarorszdp ornithologidjdhoz. (Beitrage zur Ornithologie Ungarns.) Math, term koz. xxii [1888], No. 5, pp. 213-240. 0 . Adaldkok Gomormegye maddr faundjduak ismeretdhez. (Beit- trage zur Kenntniss der Vogelfauna des Gomorer Comitates.) T. c. No. G, pp. 243-268. Lucas, F. A. Notes on the Osteology of the Thrushes, Mimince , and Wrens. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, ^pp. 173-180, pi. xxxvii, 3 cuts. The author’s object was to ascertain whether the Mimince should be referred to the family Troglodytidce — where they are found in recent American works — or whether they come nearer to the Turdidce. The characters on which he chiefly relies are the measurements and shape of the par 8 plana, the maxillo-palatines, the costal process, and the coracoid. On comparison, he finds that the lacrymal is of little taxonomic value, nor is the form of the vomer sufficiently constant to aid in the decision : this is also the case with th q pelvis and the ilia. The conclusions drawn are : (1) that, osteologically speaking, the Mimince have as much right to constitute a separate family as the Thrushes or Wrens, though it is doubtful whether the characters are of sufficient value to allow us to establish such a family ; (2) that they certainly should not be iucluded in the Troglodytidce. . Abnormalities in the Ribs of Birds. . Auk, 1888, pp. 329 & 330. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 25 [Lucas, F. A.] The Bird Rocks of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1887. T. c. pp. 129-135. Notices a great decrease in the Gannets, Murres, and Razorbills. . The Flight of Birds. Science, xi [1888], pp. 58 & 59. [See Allen, J. A., Coues, E., Newberry, J. S., Trowbrjdge, W. P. ; and cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 22, sub nom. Newberry, J. S.] 0 . The Home of the Great Auk. Pop. Sci. Monthly, Aug. 1888, pp. 456-4G4. . [See also Alca (Alcidw).] McIl wraith, K. C. [See Protonotaria (Mniotiltidce) .] Mackay, J. Y. The Development of the Branchial Arterial Arches in Birds, with special reference to the origin of the Subclavians and Carotids. Phil. Trans. [1888], clxxix (B), pp. 111-139, pis. xxii- xxv, 7 cuts. The author’s intention is to shew that Rathke’s views as to the develop- ment of the above parts are not applicable to Birds, as far as concerns the origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries. He thinks that writer was misled by confining his studies too closely to Mammals and Reptiles, and that perhaps, even in the case of Chelonian and Crocodilian Reptiles, the present theories will be found inadequate. His division of the subject is into : (1) Anatomy of the Larger Arteries in Birds ; (2) Scheme of Development according to Rathko ; (3) Development of the Subclavian and Carotid Artories, with description of Observations and summary of the Embryology of the same in the Bird ; (4) Comparative Anatomy of these arteries, with a detailed description of eaoh in different Vertebrata , and a Summary. Macpherson, H. A. Notes on the Birds of Cumberland^ Zool. 1888, pp. 328-331. Additional information. For former work, cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 24. [See Saxicola ( Sylviida ).] . [See also Serinus ( FringilUdce ), Puffinus {Procellariidce).'] , & A. H. On the Birds of the Isle of Eigg. Zool. 1888, pp. 412-419. The authors add several species to W. Evans’ list [cf. Zool. Rec. xxii, Aves , p. 9], while they reject 5. Magaud TyAuBUSSON, L. [See Ampelis ( Ampelidie ), and Laridcel\ Mall, F. P. The First Branchial Cleft of the Chick. J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. vii, 63, p. 38. . Development of the Eustachian Tube, Middle Ear, Tympanic Membrane, and Meatus of the Chick. Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. iv [1888], pp. 185-192, pis. xviii & xix. AYES. 26 Aves . Mann, T. J. Modern Falconry. Ess. Nat. 1888, pp. 209-217. Mansel-Pleydell, J. C. The Birds of Dorsetshire ; a Contribution to the Natural History of tho County. London and Dorchester : 1888, 8vo, xvi & 179 pp., 10 cuts aud frontisp. A useful county list, containing many notes of intorost, e.g., on tho Swannery at Abbotsbury, the Chough, the Dartford Warbler, the Harriers, &c. The bird recorded as Pujjinua obscurus should be P. griseus ; see R. B. Sharpe, Nature, xxxviii [1888], p. 125, and J. C. Mansel- Pleydell, Zool. 1888, p. 143. . Decoys and Swan Marks. P. Dorset Field Club, viii, pp. 1-8. Manzella, A. [See Giglioli, E. H.] Marcacci, A. De quelques anomalies obteuues dans les ceufs de poule en les soumettant au mouvement. Arch. Ital. Biol, ix, p. 58. Marey, E. J. Valeurs relatives des deuxcomposantes dela force deployee dans le coup d’ailo de l’oiseau, d^duites de la direction et de l’inser- tion des fibres du muscle “grand pectoral.” C.R. cvii [1888], pp. 549-551. Martin, H. The Protection of Native Birds. Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1885 [xviii], pp. 112-117. Martin, L. A mad&repiilds dltaldnos elmdlete. (Allgemeine Theorio des Yogelfluges.) Kolozsvari Orvos-term. tars. Ertes. pp. 211-21G. Mathew, M. A. Additions to the List of Somersetshire Birds. Zool. 1888, pp. 219-221. [See also Smith, Cecil.] Mazzarelli, G. F. Su di alcune gravi anomalie anatomofisiologicho, riscontratesi in un piccione domestico. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1888, pp. 20-24. Meiinert, E. Untersuchungen iiber das os pelvis der Vogel. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii [1887], pp. 212 & 213. Menzbier, M. A. Ornithologie du Turkestan et des pays adjacents. (Partie N. 0. de la Mongolie, steppes Kirghiz, contree Aralo- Caspienne, partie sup6rieure du bassin d’Oxus, Pamir.) Pt. i. Moscow : 1888, sm. fol., viii & 112 pp. ; with Atlas, pt. i, containing pis. iii, vi, vii, & x. [ Pariclce and Falconidce."] The title-page bears at the head the name of N. A. Severzoff, from whose notes the greater part of this work was drawn. Menzbier, M. CEuvres posthumes do Mr. le Dr. N. A. Severtzow. ii. Etudes sur les variations d’age des Aquilines pal&irctiques et leur valeur taxonomique (continued). N. Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc., xv [1888], p. 141-198. [ Of . Zool. Rec. xxii, Aves , p. 21.] 1, Aquila clirysaetos ; 2, A.nobilis ; 3, A. fulva , A.f. canadensis, A./, kamtschatica, Sev., A. f. japonica , Sov., A. f. atlanlica, Sev., A. /. homey eri, Sev., A. f. regalis , A. f. barthdemyi ; 4, A. daphnea . A table of measurements of the separate parts is added. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 27 Merriam, C. H. Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture [U.S.J, for the year 1887. Report of the Ornithologist and Mam- malogist. Washington : 1888, 870, pp. 399-456, 1 pi., cut [not Birds], Including (1) statement of work done ; (2) special reports [for which see Fisher, A. K.]. . [See also Euetlieia , Spizella ( Fringillidce ).] Merrill, J. C. Notes on the Birds of Fort Klamath, Oregon. Auk, 1888, pp. 139-146, 251-262, & 357-366, with [important] remarks by W. Brewster. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xvi, Aves, p. 19.] Admirable field-notes ou the Birds and their breeding, most of the specimens obtained being from the immediate neighbourhood of the fort [4250 ft.], where there are several very large marshes. [See jdEthyia (Anatidce), Bartramia (Scolopacidce).] Meyer, A. B. [See Syrrhaptes (Pteroclidce).']. , & Helm, F. hi. Jahresbericht (1887) der ornithologischen Beobachtungstationen im Konigreich Sachsen, nebst einem Anhange fiber das Yorkommon dos Steppenhuhns in Europa im Jahre 1888. Abh. u. Ber. Mus. Dresden, 1888-89. No. 1, iv & 124 pp. [Of. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 21.] Also in Z. ges. Orn. 1887, pp. 194-412. Middendorff, E. v. II. Ornithologischer Jahresbericht (1886) aus den Russischen Ostsee-Provinzen. Ornis, 1888, pp. 273-300. [ Cf 1 Zool. Reo. xxiv, Aves, p. 21.] Miller, G. S. [Junr.]. [See Pocecetes gramineus affinis, n. subsp. ( Fringillidce ).] Mitchell, F. S. [See Vanellus (Charadriidai) .] Montlezun, A. de. [See Anatidce).~] Muller, A. Zur Ornithologie des unteren Congo-Gebietes. Z. ges. Orn. 1887, pp. 425-434. 76 species are given as occurring in the above locality, of which 10 or 12 appear to be new to it. Tho collection concerned was made at Lan- dana, just north of tho Congo. Mutzel, — . [A double feather of a Parrot.] J. f. O. 1888, p. 100. Nancarrow, R. II. [See Acanthiza ( Sylviidce ).] Nelson. E. W. Report upon Natural History Collections made in Alaska between the years 1877 and 1881. Edited [Revised and brought up to date] by Henry W. Hensiiaw. [Being No. hi of Arctic Series of Publications issued in connection with the Signal Service, U.S. Army.] Washington: 1887, 4to, 337 pp., 21 pis. [Birds, pp. 21-226, pis. i-xii.] This important work consists of a narrative of Nelson’s explorations ; followed by a description of the fauna, in four parts, of which Birds constitute the first ; while a partial bibliography is appended. Interesting notes, some of great length, are given on many species ; as, for instance, 28 Aves. AVES. the various Geese, Sandpipers, Grouse, and Gulls: in fact, the district appears to be a paradise for Water-Birds of all sorts. Eskimo names are added in most cases. [For the plates see the families : also see Falco ( Falconidce ), Budgies (il futacillidce), and cf. Zool. Rec. xx & xxi, pp. 11 & ‘23.] Net .son, T. II. Ornithological Notes from Rcdcar. Zool. 1888, pp. 185-138. Newberry, J. S. The Flight of Birds. Science, xi [1888], pp. 9 & 10. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 22, and see Ali.en, J. A., Coues, E., Lucas, F. A., Trowbridge, W. P.] Newman, E. [See Christy, M.] Newton, A. Encycl. Brit. ed. 9. Yol. xxiii : Artt. tTanager [Tanagridce], tTapaculo [Pteroptocliidce, fig. of P. albicollis], Teal [Anatidaf], Tern [Sternidee], tThrush [Turduhe], tTinamou [Crypturi, fig. of Rlujn - chotus rufescens ], Titmouse [Par idee], tTody [Todidee, fig. of T. viridis], fToucan [ Rhamphastielce ], tTouraco [. Musopthagidce , fig. of T. albicristatus], Tree-creeper [Certhiielce], tTrogon [Trogonielee], Tropic-bird [ Phaethontidee ], tTrumpeter [ PsopTiiielce , fig. of P. leuco % plera ], tTurkey [Phasianidce], Turnstone [Charadriidce]. Vol. xxiv: Artt. f Vulture [ Sarcorhamphidcv = Catliartidce , auett., and Vulturid a?, fig. of Gypagus papa], Wagtail [Alotacillidce], t Warbler [Sylviidce and Mniotiltidce ], Waxwing [Ampelidce], Weaver-bird [Ploceidce], Wheatear [ Sylviidai ], Whitethroat [Sylviidce], Wigeon [Anatidce], Woodcock [Scolopacidai], tWoodpecker [Pic idee, fig. of Melanerpes formicivorus]. Wren [ Troglodytidee ], Wryneck [Picidce], fZosterops [Zosteropidee]. Those marked t are important. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 22.] . [See also Syrrliaptes ( Pteroclidee ).] Newton, A. & E. [Seo Zosterops ( Meliphagideu ).] Newton, E. Address to the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society. Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, pp. 537-547. Treating of the extermination of the rarer species of Birds and of the Birds of the Mascarene Islands, including the Seychelles, of which the first complete list published is appended (pp. 548-554). 54 are peculiar to the group, while 17 are extinct. [See Gallinula ( Rallidce ).] Nikolski, A. M. 0 faunye pozvonotschnikhe jivotnikhe dna balkhach- skoi kotlovini. Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. xix [1888], pp. 59-188. [Aves, pp. 96-150 ; 226 spp.] On the fauna of vertebrate animals in the Balkash Valleys (Central Asia). Noack, T. [See Dorries, F.] Norman, G. C. [See Coccystes ( Cuculidce ).] North, A. J. Notes on the Nidification of certain Australian Birds. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii, pp. 985-988. Platycercus barnardi, Psephotus heematog aster, Trichoglossas chloro - lepidotus , XenorhyncJms australis . Yl\E GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 29 fftoRTH, A. J.] Notes on the Nests and Eggs of Certain Australian Birds. Op. cit. iii [1888], pp. 146-149. [0/'. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, P-23.] Eopsaltria capito , Stictoptera annvlosa , JElurcedus maculosus , Phaps histrionic a. . A List of the Birds found in the County of Cumberland, New South Wales. T. c. pp. 1773-1780. . [See also llhipidura ( Muscicapidce ), M alurus (Timeliidce), Alcyone ( Alcedinidce ).] Oates, E. W. On the Birds of Bhamo, Upper Burmali. Ibis, 1888, pp. 70-73, pi. i. The writer has compared the specimens found by the Rangoon Museum collector with Count Salvadori’s list of those met with by L. Fea. He only discusses those new to that list — 34 species. [See Acridotheres, pi. (Sturnidcc).'] Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Second List of the Birds collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Solomon Archipelago. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 185— 204, pi. x. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 23.] This second consignment contains examples of 66 species, from Aola and Rovatu (Guadalcanar) and Rubiana, obtained between April and July, 1887. A list of native names is given by the collector, while, besides further specimens of rare Birds, five forms are new to scieuce. [See Nasiterna aolce ( Psittaci ), Myzomela sharp'd ( Meliphagidcc ), Phlogamas solomonensis ( Columbulce ), Ardeiralla woodfordi, Nycticorax mandibularis [Ardeidce), n. spp.] — . [See also Carpophaga everetti , n. sp., Treron ( Golumbidce ), Uuticilla (< Sylviidce).~] Olphe-Galliard, L. Contributions a la Faune Ornithologique de l’Europe Occidentale. 1888, 8vo. Pt. xxiii, 66 pp. [ Tenuirostres insessores ( Oriolidce ), Tenuirostres amhulatores ( Upupidce , Tichodro- madidcv ), Tenuirostres scansores ( Certhiidcc , Sittidcc )] ; Bordeaux & Berlin. Pt. xxiv [Scansores scansores (Picidce), Scansores insessores ( Cuculidce )], pt. xxv [Syndaclyli ( Alcedinidce , Meropidce, Coraciidie)~\ , pts. iii & iv [ Fuligulince , Anatince ] ; Lyon & Berlin : 96, 24, 109, 107 pp. respectively. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 23.] Two figures of heads of Somateria mollissima and S. dresSeri are repro- duced from “ Water Birds of N. America.” — — . Errata to Translation of Severzoff’s “ Faune des Yert^br^s du Turquestan. Los Oiseaux. [Of, Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 23.] Beilage zu Z. ges. Orn. 1887, Heft, iii & iv, 7 pp. Palacky, J. Die Yogelwelt Europas. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1888, pp. 127-129. Palmer, E. G. W. Note on Sympathy and Foster-Parentage among Birds. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], pp. 740 & 741. Palmer, W. [See Smith, H. M.] 30 Aves. AYES. Parker, T. J. On an “Index Collection” for small Zoological Museums, in the Form of a Genealogical Tree of the Animal Kingdom. Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1885, [xviii], pp. 73-78. . [See also Notornis (Rallidcu) , Apteryx ( Aptery gulie ).] Parker, W. K. On the Structure and Development of the Wing in the Common Fowl. Phil. Trans. [1888], clxxix (B), pp. 385-398, pis. lxii-lxv. [Received under the title of “ Morphology of Birds”] The author has worked out the structure of the carpus in the chick of seven days and older, finding that the “radiale” and “ulnare” show evidence of being compound structures, probably containing within themselves remnants of an “intermedium ” and a “centrale.” He has figured various stages in the development of the three oloments of the distal row of carpal elements, and has traced them up to their final vestigial rudiments in the co-ossified “ carpo metacarpus ” of the adult, verifying the results by comparison with other Birds. He has next traced the development of the three metacarpal bones, with their changes. Here he finds “ certain small cartilaginous elements,” which leave their traces in the full-grown wing. Lastly, ho has observed afresh the small distal phalanges in the Fowl and other Birds, and the rudimentary nails or claws of the second and third digits ; and has added a short revision of the structure of the wing in the liatitce. . On the Secondary Carpals, Metacarpals, and Digital Rays in the Wings of existing Carinate Birds. P. R. Soc. xliii, pp. 322-325. . On Remnants or Yestiges of Amphibian and Reptilian Structures found in the Skull of Birds, both Carinatce and Ratitce. T. c. pp. 397-402. . On the Vertebral Chain of Birds. T. c. pp. 465-482. • . On the presence of Claws in the Wings of the RatiUc. Ibis, 1888, pp. 124-128, 4 cuts. On the discovery of a small claw on the third digit of the wing in Rhea and Struthio, with comparison of the manus of Caeuarius , Dromceus) and Apteryx — tending to shew the archaic condition of that part. . Note on Long-Faced Birds. T. c. p. 217. Long-faced Wading Birds may be old forms, and long-faced Humming- Birds new. Patciioski, I. 0 faunye i florye okrestnostei g. Vladimira-Volinskngo. [On the fauna and flora of the neighbourhood of Vladimir-Volhyn- ski.] Zapiski Kiev. pp. 299-380. [Birds, pp. 307-311.] Peek, H. A Collection of British Birds at Rousdon. London : 1888j sm. 4to, 27 pp., 6 pis. Pelzeln, A. v., & Lorenz, L. v. Typen der ornithologischen Samm- lung des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. (iv Theil — Conclu- sion.) Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii, pp. 37-62. Perkins, H. J. Seven Months up the Puruni River [Demerara]. Timehri, ii, pp. 314-338.. A few notes on Birds are given. THE GENERAL subject. Aves Si PniLitri, R. A. Ornis der Wuste Atacama uud der Provinz Tarapacd [Chili]. Ornis, 1888, pp. 155-160. An introduction treating of the district, precedes a list of 80 species, Phillips, E. C. A Visit to the Bird [Cormorant] Rock (“Craig-y- Deryn”), Towyn, North Wales. Zool. 1888, pp. 380-382. Picaglia, L. Note ornitologiche. Atti (Rend. Mem.) Soc. Mod. Rend. [1887] (3) iii, p. 121. [6/. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 30.] , Mammiferi ed Uccelli raccolti durante il viaggio di circumnaviga- zione della R. Corvotta “ Vettor Pisani” negli anni 1882-85. T. c. pp, 21-22. 14 species of Birds. . Elenco degli Uccelli del Modenese. Op. cit. vii, pp. 145-211. The classification followed is that of Salvadori. Vernacular names are given, and the subject is divided into general and special parts. [See De-Carlinj, A.] Pietbcit, J. Herleituug und Aussprache der Wissenschaftlichon Namen in dem E. F. von Homeyer’schon Verzeichnisse der Vogel Deutsch- lands. Wien : 1888, 8vo, 57 pp. [ Cf \ Zool. Roc. xxii, Aves, p. 13.] Derivation of the Latin names of families, genera and species, with the German names added. . Die Vogel Taurus und Anthus des Plinius Secundus. Mouat. Schutze Vogel w. 1888, pp. 248-250. Plesice, T. Revision der Turkestanischen Ornis. Nach Sammlungen des verstorbenen Conservators Valerian Russo w. M6m. Ac. Petersb. xxxvi, No. 3, 58 pp. This list includes 419 species, of which Falco juggur, Loxia curvirostra , Lusciniola mclanopogon , L. neglecta, Acrocephalus stentoreus , Phyllo- scopus occipitalis , P. humii , Sylvia minuscula, S. allhea, Ruticilla meso- leuca, Saxicola fins chi, Pratincola caprata , Sturnus polloratzhii, Trochalo- pteron lineatum, Siphia ruficaucla, Ardea comata , Anas angustirostris, and Ilydrochelidon leucoptera are new to the region. Many nests and eggs were collected with the Birds, some of which are described in the text. Portis, A. Contribuzioni alia Ornitolitologia Italiana. Mem. Ac. Tor. xxxvi, pp. 361-384, 2 pis. [Omitted in Zool. Rec. xxii (1885).] 1. L’ornitolite di Monte Zuello. Palceogrus princeps , Portis. Tab. 1, figs. 1-4 (lower extremity of the tibia). 2. L’ornitolite miocenico di Ceva. Chenornis graculo'ides , Portis. Tab. 1, fig. 5 (slab with impressions of various parts). 3. L’ornitolite di Monte Bamboli. Anas lignitifila , Salvad. 4. L’ornitolite di Peschiera. Grus turf a, Portis. Tab. 2, figs. 1-13 (various parts). 5. Traccie di Uccelli. i. Le irapronte di penne del Bolca. ii. L’Orniticnite di Argentera. iii. Gli Orniticniti di Verrua (collina di Torino). O. taurinus , Portis. 6. Avanzi fossili oruitici anteriormente noti. 32 Aves. AVIJS. [Portis, A.] Contribuzioni alia Oruitolitologia Italiana. Op, cit: xxxviii, pp. 181-203; 1 pi. 1. Le ornitoliti di Sinigaglia. Totanus scarabellii , Portia, fig. 1 (leg). Fallas dubiu8, Portis, fig. 2 (sternum). Sitta senegalliensis , Portis, fig. 3 (head, right wing and part of left, part of body). Alauda gypsorum Portis, fig. 4 (vertebra) and extroinitios). Feathers of Oniitholithea pro- caccinti , Portis, figs. 5-8. 2. Le ornitoliti dell’ Anconitano. Feathers of Ornitholithes bosniashii , Portis, figs. 9 & 10. 3. Ornitoliti del Gabbro. Alaucla major , Portis, fig. 11 (part of femur, legbones). Tringa ( Ornithichnites ), Portis, fig. 12 (foot). Quills of OrnithoUihea gabbrensis, Portis, figs. 13-17. 4. Uccelli fossili di Licata. Conirostre indeterminato. Fig. 18 (wings, coracoid, scapula). 5. Uccelli fossili del Pliocene Toscano. Fuligula arelina , nob., F. sepulta , nob., Fulica ? sp. ( pisana , nob.), Numenius sp. ( plioccmas , nob.), Falco sp. ( pisanas , nob.), TJria ausonia, nob. 6. Uccelli sovrapliocenici di Palermo. 7. Uccelli della stazione preistorica o dosso di Castello nel Trentino. 8. Uccelli del Buco della Yolpe sopra Rovenna (Lago di Como). 9. Uccelli della Torbiera della Cataragna. 10. Uccelli di Breccie e depositi quaternari toscani. 11. Uccelli della Terramara del Castellaccio. 12. Uccelli della Yalle della Yibrata. [Cf. also Ornitotichnes argenterce , Portis (figured and described in 1879), Atti Ac. Tor. xv.] Price, W. W. [See Cardellina ( Mniotiltidoi ).] °Prjevalski, N. M. Retvertoye puteshestvije v tsentrailuoi Azii Ot Kiaktii na istoki joltoi rdki, izsledovaniye Sdvernoi okraiuii Tibeta, i put cherez Lob-nor pv basseinu Tarima. [A Fourth Journey into Central Asia, from Kiakhta to the Sources of the Yellow River, Exploration of the Northern Border-land of Tibet, and a Route vid Lob-nor along the Basin of the Tarim.] St. Petersburg: 1888, • 3 maps, 29 photos., 3 cuts. [Published by the Imp. Russ. Geograph. Soc.] Pryer, II. [tiie late], [See Collocalia (Cyp seUdcc).] Quelcii, J. J. A Collecting Trip on the Abary Creek [Demerura]. Timehri, ii, pp. 358-378. A few notes on Birds are included. Radde, G. Ornithologisches aus Transcaucasien. Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 97 & 98. Rae, J. Notes on some of the Birds and Mammals of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Territory, and of the Arctic Coast of America. J. L. S. xx [1888], pp. 136-145, and also Can. Rec. iii, pp. 125-136. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 33 Raeburn, H. The Summer Birds o£ Shetland, with Notes on their Distribution, Nesting, and Numbers. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1887-88, pp. 542-562. An interesting paper, though several districts appear to have been uuvisited, in consequence of which extraneous information has often been relied upon. Ram age, Gr. Notes on a Visit to Fernando Noronha. T. c. pp. 426-438. A few notes on the Birds are given, but no scientific names. °Ramo& y Cajal, S. Estructura de los centros ner/iosos de las Aves, Rev. trimestral de histol. normal y patolog. Ano I, No. 1, 1888, pp. 1 et seqq. [Review in Z. wiss. Mikr. v, pp. 373 & 374.] Ramsay, E. P. Tabular List of all the Australian Birds at present known to the Author, showing the Distribution of the species over tlio Continent of Australia and adjacent Islands. Sydney : 1888, 8vo, 38 pp., map. This work is tho forerunner of a systematic Index to the Australian avifauna. The author marks with an asterisk all species contained in the Australian Museum, and adds a list of others from Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. The present being a new edition, and very many specific names being altered and corrected, it should be consulted by all who are interested in the Birds of the region. Considerable changes having also taken place in the boundaries of the Colonies, the new map is of equal importance. [See Philemon occidentalis ( Meliphagidce ), Pachyccphalci occidentals (Laniidce), Ninox alharia ( Striges ), (Edicnemus longipes ( (Elic - nemidee), n. spp., Platycercus pennanti nigrescens ( Psittaci ), n. subsp.] . List of Birds collected at Derby, North-West Australia, by the late T. II. Boyer-Bower, Esq., with notes. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W, ii [1887], pp. 165-173. 152 species. — — . See also Philemon occidentalis ( Meliphagidce ), Gerygone thorpii , Piezorhynchus sericeus ( Muscicapidce ), n. spp., Onychoprionf Anous ( Laridce ), Sula (Sulidce).'] Ratzel, F. [See Schweinfurtii, G.] °Regalia, E. Unghie ai diti i e ii della Mano in Uccelli italiani. P.-v. Soc. Tosc. 1888, p. 86. Reiciienau, W. v. Bemerkungeu fiber das Vorkommen der Vogel von Mainz und Umgegend. Ornis, 1888, pp. 647-666. 199 species. Reiciienow, A. Die Begrenzung Zoogeographischer Regioneu vom ornithologischen Standpunkt. Zool. Jahrb. iii, pp. 671-704, pi. xxvi. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 31.] A full and clear discussion of the regions and of the Birds peculiar to each or common to several, with tables of distribution. The author recognizes as zones the [Palse- and Ne-] Arctic, the Western [N. and S. America, except Arctic part], the Eastern [Africa, except Madagascar, 1888. [vol. xxv.J c 7 34 Aves. .AYES. Europe and Asia (with islands), except Arctic part], the Southern [Australia, N. Zealand, N. Guinea, and neighbouring Is.], the Ant- arctic, and that of Madagascar. [Reichenow, A.] Handworterbucli der Zoologie, Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Bd. v. Breslau : 1888, 8vo, G40 pp. (Landschaf- Nervenleiste). Reid, S. G. Notes on the Birds of Teneriffe. Ibis, 1888, pp. 73-83. [Of. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves , p. 26.] The author’s list includes 71 species, with the native names of the majority. [See Lanins ( Lciniidce ).] Reischek, A. Observations on the Habits of New Zealand Birds, their Usefulness or Destructiveness to the Country. Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1885 [xviii], pp. 96-104. . Notes on the Habits of some New Zealand Birds. T. c. pp. 105-107. Reiser, O. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vogel Bosniens. J. f. O. 1888, pp. 38-58. A very full account of 23 of the less common Birds, seen during a tour, with descriptions of the plumage aud measurements of specimens, and an account of the nesting and routes of migration of several species. [See Picus (Picidce).] , Katalogdesbosnich-herzegowinischen Landes-Museum. Sarajevo : 1888. . Liste der bisher durch Belegstiicke fiir Bosnien und die Herze- gowina nachgewiesenen Vogel. MT. orn. Ver. Wien. 1888, p. 35. Richmond, 0. W. An Annotated List of Birds breeding in the district of Columbia. Auk, 1888, pp. 18-25 ; cf. t. c. p. 147 & 148. This is a mere catalogue of the species found near Washington, with very little information. Coues and Prentiss treat of the same part in their “Avifauna Columbiana ” [Zool. Rec. xxi, Aves , p. 10]. Ridgway, R. Catalogue of a Collection of Birds made by Mr. Chas. H. Townsend, on Islands in the Caribbean Sea and in Honduras. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 572-597. The localities whence the specimens came are Grand Cayman and Swan Islands, Caribbean Sea ; Ruatan Island, Truxillo, and Segovia River, Honduras. [See Dendrceca auricapillci ( Mniotiltidai)t Contopus vicinus ( Tyrannidce ), Tigrisoma excellens , Butorides saturatus ( Ardeidce)) Thamnophilus intermedius ( Formicariidce ), Engyptila vinaceiventris , Columba purpureotincta (Columbidce), Thalurctnia toivnsendi ( Trochilidce ), n. spp., Columbigallina passerina insularis ( Columbidce ), Genturns santa - cruzi pauper (Picidce), Porzana exilis vagans ( liallidce ), Colinus nigro - gulari8 segoviensis (Tetraonidce), Pitylus poliogaster scapularis ( Tana - gridce ), Sturnella magna inexpectata ( Icteridce ), n. subspp.] . [See also Psaltriparus santaritce, n. sp. ( Paridce ), Hemiura , n. g., Thryothorus herberti , T. oyapocensis , T. rufulbus castanonotus , Thryo- pMlus tcenioptera , Cyphorhinus griseolaleralis , Campylorliynchus ; ca8taneus, C. curvirostris , Microcerculus daulias (Troglodytidce), THE GENERAL SUBJECT. . Aves 35 Calharus berlepschi , C. fumosus, Mimus gracilis lencophccus, Har - porhynchus longiroslris scnnetli ( Turdidce ), n. spp. & subspp., Colo- pteryx inornatus, n. g. & sp., Onxithion nopaiam , Tyrannulus regulo'ides , n. spp. ( Tyrannidce ), Attila viridescens, n. sp., Tityra per sonata griseiceps , n. subsp. (Cotingidoe) , Dichrozona zononota, Rhegmatorhina gymnops , n. gg. & spp., Thamnophilus inornatus , Phlogopsis bowmani , n. spp., Heterocnemis ? hypoleuca, n. sp. ? (FV- micariidce), Dendrornis fraterculus , D. lawrenoii , D. 1. costaricensis, Dendrocolaptes obsoletus , n. spp. & subspp. ( Dendrocolaptidce ), Accipiter velox rujilatus, n. subsp. ( Falconidce ), Columba guaya - quilensis, Zenaida jessice , n. spp. ( Columbidce ), Acanthidops , ( Fringillidai ), Psittacula ( Psittaci\ (Estrelata ( Procellariidce ), Troglody tides. ] Ridley, H. N. A Visit to Fernando do Noronha. Zool. 1888, pp. 41-49. A very interesting paper on the Brazilian Penal Settlement, giving a description of the zoology as a whole. Amongst other Birds found there was a new species of the family Tyrannidce \Elainea ridleyana], q. v.f while the breeding habits of Candida and Zenaida . noronhee are noticeable. Robinson, W. Notes on some Albino Birds presented to the U. S. National Museum, with some Remarks on Albinism. P. U. S. Nat, Mus. 1888, pp. 413-41G. Roddy, H. J. [See Falconidce, Catharles (Calharlidw), Syrnium ( Striges ).] Rogeron, G. [See Anatidcc (fam. & Chloephaga).] Rossikoff, — . Migrants across the Caucasus [note taken from Cau* casus” newspaper]. Ed., Nature, xxxix, p. 86. Rovirosa, J. N. Apuntes para la Zoologia do Tabasco. Vertebrados observados en el territorio de Macuspana. Nat. Mex. vii, pp. 345-389. The Birds are contained in pp. 3G3-389. Not very many species are mentioned, but notes of considerable length are given. Saint Remy, G. Recherches sur la portion terminale du canal de l’ependjme chez les Vertebres. Month. Int. J. Anat. Phys. 1888, pp. 17- 38 & 49-63, pi. i. [ Aves , pp. 37-52 — Gallus , Anas, Columba.'] Salvadori, T. Catalogo di una Collezione di Uccelli dello Scioa fatta dal Dott. Vincenzo Ragazzi negli anni 1884, 1885, 1886. Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 185-326. [Also sep.] This long and important paper adds much information to the author’s former article on Antinori’s collection from the same district [cf. Zool. Rec. xxi, Aves , p. 28]. 385 species are now recognized in all, of which 57 are new to Shoa. The introductory portion treats of the labours of different collectors in the region, while the special part gives a very full synonomy, with descriptions and general notes. [See Cypselus shelleyi , C. myoptilus 86 Aves, AYES. ( Cypselidce ), Cinnyris ( Eleocerthia ) ragazzi, Ghalcomitra scioanci (Nectari- niidce ), Cisticola cinereola ( Timeliidce ), Fringillaria polioplcura , Serinus flavigula , $. reichenowi (Fr ingill idee), Estrelda nigrimentum , Urobrachia traversii ( Ploceidce ), u. spp.] [Salvadori, T.] Uccelli dello Scioa e doll’ Harar raccolti dal Dott. Vin- cenzo Ragazzi. Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 525-544. [Also sep.] This consignment adds 11 species more to the Birds of Shoa. The collection was made by Ragazzi, a little later than that described above (November, 1886 -February, 1887), while marching with King Menelek against Harar. [See Francolinus spilogaster , F. castaneicollis, n. spp. ( Phasianidce ), Lophotis ( Otididce ).] A map of the district is to be found with Ragazzi’s paper, “ Da Antolo ad Harar,” in [Mem.] Boll. Soc. Geogr. Ital., Jan. 1888. . On the Dates of Publication of Bonaparte’s “ Iconografia della Fauna Italica.” Ibis, 1888, pp. 320-325. The author gives a list of the species of Birds described and figured in the above work, and adds the respective dates of publication of the “ Fascicoli ” containing them, with that of the “ Introduzione.” [Also published as “Le date della pubblicazione della ‘Iconografia della Fauna Italica’ del Bonaparte, ed Indice delle specie illustrate in detta opera,” in Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, No. 48 (25 pp.).] . [See also Syrrhaptea ( Pteroclidce ), JEgialitis ( Charadriidcv ).] Salvin, O. A List of the Birds of the Islands of the Coast of Yucatan and of the Bay of Honduras. Ibis, 1888, pp. 241-265. The specimens mentioned in this paper were collected by G. F. Gaumer on the islands of Meco, Holbox, Mugeres, Cozumel, Ruatan, and Bonacca ; the author intends, in conclusion, to sketch the distribution of species over the district, which appears to be on one of the chief lines of migration. [See Pluenicothraupia insular is, n. sp. ( Tanagridm ), II ir undo ( Hirundinidce ), Dendrceca , Slants , Geothlypis ( MuioliltUhe ), Vireo (Vireonidoi), Oardinalis (Fringillidce).'] . [See also Procellariidce fam., and Godman, F. D.] °Sandor, L. Adalekok Magyaroszag Ornithologiaj&hoz. Vonatkozolag a Feszkelesi es Elterjed&i Viszonyokra. Math. term. koz. xxii [1887], pp. 213-240. ° . Adalekok gomormegye mad&rfaundjanak Ismeretdhez. T. c. pp. 241-268. Sanfelice, F. Spermatogenesi dei Vertebrati. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1888, pp. 42-98, pis. ii & iii. [Birds, pp. 66-70. Those noticed are Gallus bankiva , Ligurinus cbloris, Passer italice.'] Also in Arch. Ital. Biol, x, pp. 69-122 (as well as a translation into French). Sangalli, G. Questioni di teratologia. — Sull’origine dei mostri doppi. — Rara coalescenza di due vitelli entro un uovo di polio. — Idroencepha- locele anteriore per aderenza delle membrane dell’ uovo. — Reni suc- centuriati nei vitelli. Rend. 1st. Lombardo, xxi, pp. 650-662. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 3? Saunders, H. Ad Illustrated Manual of British Birds. Pts. i-ix. London : 1888, 8vo, pp. 1-360, cuts. In this work, w'hilo never losing sight of the necessary scientific accuracy, the author is careful to avoid statistical and other matter unlikely to be of wide interest. Each species is limited to two pages, while in a few cases only one is filled, without a figure ; the classification followed being, in the main, that of the B. O. U. list. The majority of the cuts are the same as in the 4th Ed. of “ Yarrell,” but others are added (with letterpress) of Saxicola isabellina , S. stapazina , S. desert i, Sylvia nisoria , Tichodroina muraria , Acanthyllis caudacuta , and Falco cenchvis ; while fresh illustrations of Circus rufus , Astur palumbarius^nd Falco ccsalon are substituted for the originals. . [See also Querquedula (Anatidcv).] Sciiiavuzzj, B. Materiali per un’ avifauna del Litorale austro-ungarico. Boll. Soc. Adr. x (1887) pp. 154-183. A continuation of tho subject from vol. vii of the above work, which will bo usoful in determining the range of specios in the Adriatic district. Schier, W. Die Verbreitung der movenartigen Vogel (Laridcc) in Bohmen. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1888, pp. 9 & 10. [ Cf Zool. Bee. xxiv, Aves , p. 29.] . Die Verbreitung der Dickschnabler ( Crassirostres ) in Bohmen. T. c. pp. 124 & 125. Schweinfurth, G., Ratzel, F., Felkin, R. W., & Hartlaub, G. Emin Pasha in Central Africa ; being a collection of his Letters and Journals. Translated by Mrs. R. W. Felkin. London : 1888, 8 vo, xviii & 547 pp., 2 portraits, map. [ Cf \ Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 14.] This work contains an interesting chapter on the Geography of Plants and Animals [reprinted from u Ausland, 1882,” and MT. Ver. Erdkunde zu Leipzig, 1887] pp. 390-407. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Oligomyodce , or the Families Tyrannidce, Oxyrhamphidce , Pipridce , Cotingidce , Phytotomidce , Philepittidoe , Pittidce , Xenicidce , and Eurylcemidce. Vol. xiv of the series. London : 1888, 8vo, xx & 495 pp., 26 pis., cuts. \_Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves , p. 34.] Owing in a great measure to the Salvin-Godman collection, the number of species recognized in this volume is even greater than in vol. xii [infra], being 665 as against 559. Keys are given to the subfamilies, as well as to the genera and species, where necessary ; while a large number of tho latter were originally described by the author. [See Ochthornis, Cceno- triccus ( Tyrannidce ), Coracopitta ( Piltidai ), n. gg., Chloropipo holochlora, n. sp. {Pipridce), Fmpidochanes salvini , n. sp., Euscarthmus , Tyranniscus , Elainea, Legatus , Myiozetetes, Pitangus, Megarhynchus, Myiobius , Myiarchus {Tyrannidce), Pipra, Machceropterus {Pipridce), Tityra { Cotingidce ), Pitta ( Pittidce ) ; and for plates, Agriornis , Tamioptera, Ochthodiceta, Ochthccca, 38 Aues . AYES. Platyrhynchus , Euscarthmus , Leptopogon, Tyranniscus , Elainea , Rhyncho - cyclus , Sirystes, Muscivorci , Gnipodectes, Myiobius (Tyrannidce), Ceratopipra, Heteropelma , Heterocercus (Pipridce), Uadroatomus , Pachyrhaniphus, Iodo- pleura ( Coting idee ).] [Sclater, P. L.] Notes on the Emperor Penguin ( Aptenodytes forsteri). Ibis, 1888, pp. 325-334, 4 cuts. [See 8pAen«scit/ce.] . [See also Sharpe, R. B., & Witiiington, F.] , & Hudson, W. H. Argentine Ornithology. A descriptive Cata- logue of the Birds of the Argentine Republic. Yol. i. London : 1888, 8vo, 208 pp., 10 pis. This volume contains the Passeres (19 Families) found in the above district, which is included in the Patagonian sub-region by Sclater. An important feature in the work is the Introduction [issued with vol. II in 1889], where we find the chief characteristics of the avifauna well and clearly described, with a table of over- or under-representation, as com- pared with the whole Neotropical region, and a special account of each family. The Argentine list comprises 434 species in all, 229 of them being Passerine ; and among these again the FrlngilUdce, Dendrocolaptidcc, and Tyrannidce predominate, especially the last. * 10 gonera are believed to be peculiar to the country. The scientific portion, &c., is entirely due to Sclater, Hudson being responsible for the personal observations. [See for plates Mimus ( Turdidce ), Ginclus ( Ginclidce ), Cyclorhis (Vireoniclce), Stephanophorus ( Tanagridce ), Saltatricula ( Fringillidce ), Molothorus ( Tcte - ridcG ), Tamioptera ( Tyrannidce ), Phytotoma ( Phytotomidce ), Ilomorus, Drymornis ( Dendrocolaptidte ).] For important corrections, see Phacello- domus and Furnarius cristatus , n. sp. ( Dendrocolaptidce ). Scott, W. E. D. On the Avifauna of Pinal County, with remarks on some Birds of Pima and Gila Counties, Arizona. Auk, 1888, pp. 29-36 & 159-1G8. [Q/*. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 30.] A continuation of aa interesting paper, with notes by J. A. Allen, which contains details of the nests and eggs, status of species, &c. [See Troglodytes ( Troglody tides) .] . Supplementary Notes from the Gulf Coast of Florida. T. c. pp. 183-188. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves , p. 30 ; aud see Cistothorus mariance , n. sp. (Troglody tides) } Buteo (Falconidce).'] . A Summary of Observations on the Birds of the Gulf Coast of Florida. T. c . pp. 373-379. Results of investigations extending from 1879 to 1888. Seeboiim, H. An Attempt to Diagnose the Suborders of the Great Gallino-Gralline Group of Birds by the aid of Osteological Charac- ters alone. Ibis, 1888, pp. 415-435. Though the osteological points upon which the author bases his con- clusions are far too numerous aud too complex to be reproduced here, THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 39 the following may be stated as the result obtained. We may separate* as a distinct order, the “ Great Gallino-Gralline ” group of Birds, and subdivide it into the following 10 suborders, under the two heads of Galline and Gralline, each suborder being related to the others according to its position : — (1) Galline : Crypturi , Gallince , Pterocletes, Columbce . (2) Gralline : Ilemipodii , Grallce, Tubinares , Gavio- Limicolce , Colymbo - Podicipes , Impennes. Of these, again, the Crypturi are more nearly allied to the Gallium than to any other group ; the Columbce are very intimately connected with the Pterocletes ; the Ilemipodii approach the Grallce and Gavicc closely ; the Alcidce coincide in certain points with the latter, rather than with the Colymbo- Podicipes ; while the Grallce are considered to include the Opisthocomidce, Mesitidce , Eurypygidce , Gruidce, RliinocJietidce , Psophiidce, Otididce , Pallidce, and Cariamidce , and are divided, after Garrod, into Schizorhinal and Holorhinal forms. [Seebohm, H.] Further Notes on the Birds of the Loo-choo [Liu-Kiu] Islands. T. c. pp. 232-236. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 30.] The author corrects several of his own identifications. See also Ilypsipetes ( Pycnonotidce ), Icoturus ( Timeliidce ), Passer ( Pringillidce ), Treron ( Columbidm ), for statements that 3 of Stejneger’s new species and his new genus [Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 38] will not hold good. . On the Birds observed by Dr. Bunge on his recent Visit to Great Liakoff Island. T. c. pp. 344-351. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 29, sub nom. Sciirenck ; and see Charad * rius ( Charadriidce ), Tringa ( Scolopacidce ), Lams (Lar idee).] . [See also Nncifraga (Corvidce), Sitta ( Sitiidce ), Merula ( Turdidcc), Phasianus ( Phasianidce ), Ibis ( Tlataleidce ), Vanellus ( Charadriidce ).] Seem ann, W. # Die Vogel der Stadt Osnabriick und ihrer Umgebung. JB. Ver. Osnabr. 1885-88, pp. 77-117. A catalogue of species, with notes on their status, breeding, &c. *Seidel, H. Natursanger. Leipzig: 1838, 8vo, 110 pis. Sennett, G. B. [See Peuccea rujiceps scotti , n. subsp., and genus ( Fringil - lidce), rsaltriparus lloydi , n. sp., Pams carolinensis agilis , n. subsp. ( Paridce ), Nyctidromus albicollis merrilli, n. subsp. ( Caprim u Igulce) , Rallus longirostris scotti, n. subsp., R. 1. caribbceus ( Rallidce ).] Seriziat, — . Etudes sur Tebessa et se3 Environs. Ch. vn. Ornitho- logie. Catalogue des Oiseaux de Tebessa. Bull. Ac. Hippone, xxii [1888], pp. 247-268. With short notes only. Severzoff, N. A. [the late]. [See Menzbier, M.] Sharp, D. Zoological Bibliography of the Lesser Antilles, Caribbee Islands, or Windward and Leeward Islands, West Indies (Tobago to Porto-Rico inclusive). Rep. Brit. Ass. 1888, pp. 438-464. This is an Appendix to the Report on the same subject, p. 3, supra. [Also separate.] 40 Aves. AYES. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes , or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes : Part m, containing the family Fringillidce ; vol. xii of the series. London : 1888, 8vo, 872 pp., 10 pis., cuts. [Cf. Zool. Roc. xxiii, Aves) p. 34.] The number of species (and examples of each) recorded in this volume (559) make it the bulkiest yet issued ; and even this might be increased if others were included which possibly belong to different families. Great additions have been made to the series in the Museum, by the presenta- tion of the Hume, Tweeddale, Salvin-Godman, and other collections ; while a consignment from Emin Pasha provides material for a large part of the Appendix. An attempt is made to distinguish the sub-families Coccothraustince , Fringillince , and Emberizince , by osteological characters alone ; though the author considers such divisions quite artificial, and that these sub-families are connected by numerous intermediate forms. Keys are given to the genera and species. [See Rhodospiza, Pscudochloris , Schistospiza , Rhodospingus, n. gg., Carpodacus roseipectus , Pyrrhospiza [punicea~] humii, Zonoirichia [Ecemophila'] whitii , Porphyrospiza pulchra, Poospiza boliviano, Peuccea [ruf ceps'], homoc?damys,Pseudochloris mendozce, Gcospiza difficilis, Gniraca [cyanea] argentina, Spermophila [ plumbea ] whitelyana , S. [p.] colombiana, S. [ cucullata ] polionota , S. albitorquis, S. [ lineola ] trinitatis , S. [/.] amazonica , Amaurospiza (equator ialis, A. axillaris, Fringilla maderensis , Chrysomitris sclateri , C. stejnegeri, C. [ictericci] boliviano , C. [/.] longirostris , Passer [clomesticus'\ griseigularis , P. yatii , Sycalis \_flaveola\ jamaicce , 3. taczanowskii, Phrygilus [ caniceps ] saturatus , Rhodospingu3 mentalis , n. sp. & subspp., Pyrrhula and Passer ; and for figures Coccothraustes , Spermophila , Chrysomitris , Montifringilla , Passer , Poliospiza, Serinus , Carpodacus , Emberiza , Paroar/a.] - On a Collection of Birds from the Island of Palawan. Ibis 1888, pp. 193-204, pis. iii & iv. An important paper, containing an account of the Birds collected by J. Whitehead, who has added GO species to the island’s list. [See Prioni- turus cyaneiceps ( Psittaci ), Baza leucopias ( Falconidie ), Syrnium white- headi, pi., Scops fuliginosa ( Striges ), Hyloterpe whiteheadi ( Laniidce ), Siphia erithacus , pi. (il/wsc/cqp^ce), Iole striaticeps ( Pycnonotidce ), Priono- chilus johannee, pi. ( Dicceidce ), n. spp.] . Further Descriptions of New Species of Birds discovered by Mr. John Whitehead on the Mountain of Kina Balu, North Borneo. T. c. pp. 383-396, pis. ix-xii. [ Cf ’ Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 32.] Just as in the former paper on the above region, attention was drawn to the connection between its avifauna and that of the Himalayas, so in that now under our notice considerable affinity is shewn to exist with that of Ceylon. Besides new genera and species of great importance, several others are noted as new to Borneo. [See Oreoctistes leucops, pi. Pycnonotidce ), Allocotops calvus, Androphilus accentor , pi., Chlorocliaris emilicc , pi. ( Thneliidce ), n. gg. & spp., Cissa jcjferyi ( Corvidce ), Rhinomyias gularis ( Mascicapidee ), Merula seebohmi ( Turdidce ), Cettia oreophila { Sylviidce ), Brachypteryx erythrogyna , pi., Corythocichla crassa ( Timeliidce ), THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 4l Megaleema pulcherrima, pi. ( Capitonidce ), Harpactes whitehead i , pi. ( Tro - gonidce, n. spp., Mmcicapula ( Muscicapidce ), Cryptolopha (Sylviidce), llierococcyx , Cucalus ( Cuculidce ), Carpophaga ( Columhidce ).] [Siiarpe, R. B.] List of a Collection of Birds made by Mr. L. Wray in the Main Range of Mountains of the Malay Peninsula, Perak. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 268-281, pi. xv. [(7/. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 36, and xxiv, Aves, p. 32.] In conjunction with former papers on the same subject, this list makes an important addition to our knowledge of the range of various Hima- layan and Sumatran species and those of Tenasserim, while assisting to determine the limits of the avifauna of the several districts. [See Peri - crocotus croceus , P. wrayi, and gen. ( Campophagidce ), Muscicapula wester - manni ( Muscicapidce ), Cryptolopha davisoni ( Sylviidce ), Gampsorhynchus saturation *, Melanocichla peninsular is, Siva sordidior , Cutia cervmicrissa ( Timeliidce ), Chrysophegma wrayi ( Picidce ), n. spp.] . Descriptions of some New Species of Birds from the Island of Guadalcanal’, in the Solomon Archipelago, discovered by Mr. 0. M. Woodford. T. c. pp. 182-185. [See Astur holomelas , A. woodfordi , A. shehee ( Falconidie ), Ninox granti ( Striges ), Graucalus holopolius, Edoliisoma erythropygium ( Campophagidce ), Pomarea erythrosticta ( Muscicapidce ), n. spp.; and c/. Zool. Rec. xxiv, /luc-s, p. 23.] . Notes on Specimens in the Hume Collection of Birds. No. vi On some Species of the Genus Digenea [(Muscicapidce) D. leucops, I), malayana , n. spp. (?.v.).] T. c. pp. 246 & 247. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 32.] . Birds in Nature. London : 1888, 4to, 78 pp., 39 pis., cuts. — — . [See also Gould, J. [the late], Sclater, P. L. ; Poliopsar colletti, n. g. & sp., P. cambodianus, Sturnus menzbieri , S. porphyronotus (Sturnidce), Geocichla aurata (Turdidce), Orthnocichla whiteheadi (Troglody tides), Phyller gates cinereicollis, Garrulax scliistochlamys, Turdinulus exul ( Timeliidce ), Zosterops clara ( Melip hagidee), Dendro - phila corallipes ( Sittidce ). Rhectes meridionalis and fam. (Laniidce), Accipiter biittiJcofcri ( Falconidce ), Scops lucice (Striges), n. spp., Calyptomena , pi. ( Eurylcemidce ).] , & Wyatt, C. W. A Monograph of the Hirundinidce , or Family of Swallows. London : 1888, 4to, pts. vii & viii, pagin. discont., 12 pis. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 33.] For plates see the family. There is no letterpress given with Ilirundo smithii, but the first of the promised maps to illustrate the distribution of each species is provided for 4 species of Psalidoprocne ( q.v .). Shelley, G. E. On the Hornbills of the Ethiopian Region. Ibis, 1888, pp. 47-70. The writer recognizes 5 genera, to which and to the species included he gives keys. The types of the former are stated, as well as the repositories of the specimens. [See Lophoceros damarensis, n. sp., Buceros ( Bucerotidce ).] 42 Aves. AYES. [Shelley, G. E.] List of Birds collected in Eastern Africa by Mr. Frederick J. Jackson, F.Z.S. With Notes and an Introduction by the Collector. T. c. pp. 287-307, pis. yi & vii. The localities visited were Lamu, Merereni, Tangani, Jipi, Mashund- wani, Manda Island (all within 300 miles of Zanzibar, to the north), and JCilima-njaro. The last named was approached by a new route, vid Yanga ; the 99 species from that district are placed in a separate list, while of 31 from the former region 4 only are common to the latter. [See Ploceus jacksoni, n. sp., Philetcerus , pis. ( Ploceklce ), Cinnyris ( Nectar - iniidce ), Telephonus ( Laniidce ).] . On a Collection of Birds made by Emin Pasha in Equatorial Africa. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 17-50, pi. iii. The collection horo described is composed of two parts, ouo being from the Wadelai district, the other from Tingasi and the Monbuttu country. Its especial importance lies in the fact that the species in the former portion are almost entirely N.E. African in character, while those in the latter are perfectly W. African ; whereby the limits of the two regions are well demonstrated. There are many interesting notes, and the pre- sent consignment adds many desiderata to the cabinets of the British Museum, and includes the types of the following species : — Indicator emini ( Indicatoridce ), pi., Spermospiza ncftcapilla, Ploceus castanops , n. spp., Lagonosticta, Habropyga ( Ploceklce ), Glareola emini , n. sp. ( Charadriidcc ), Salpornis (Certhiidce). Shufeldt, It. W. Contributions to the Comparative Osteology of Arctic and Sub- Arctic Water Birds. Pt. I. J. Anat. Phys. xxiii, pp. 1-39, pis. i-v. The author takes a3 a subject for consideration the skeleton of Alca ' tor da, summing up, in conclusion, its principal osteological characters. Throughout, comparisons are made with other Birds ; and supplementary notes are {idded on the skeleton of the Great Auk, with refereuce to two specimens exhumed by F. A. Lucas, in 1887. Some of the plates do not refer to the present portion of the work, while others are given before their places, - — Observations upon the Osteology of the Orders Tubinares and Steganopodes. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, pp. 253-315, 43 cuts. A still longer paper of the same description as the last, with illustrations of skeletons, whole or in part. It comprises in the first division ( Tubinares) : (1) skeleton of Oceanodroma furcatay with a brief summary of its osteo- logical characters ; (2) skeleton of Fulmarus glacialis rodgersi ; (3) points ' wherein the osteology of these two differ ; (4) notes upon a supposed skull of Pujfinus tenuirostris, &o. ; (5) observations upon the osteology of Diomedea albatrus. In the second division ( Steganopodes ) are included : (1) osteology of Sula bassana ; (2) the remainder of the skeleton of the trunk in the same j (3) of the appendicular skeleton ; (4) notes upon the skeleton of Phalacro corax urile\ (5) observations upon a skull of Pele canu9 fuscus. THE GENERAL SUI3JECT. Aves 48 °[Shufeldt, R. W.] Audubonian Sketches, i & 11. Audubon Mag. i* pp. 268-271 ; ii, pp. 1-6. . For important papers on anatomy, see Fringillidce , Icleridce, Pit idee, Anseres , Phasianidce , Pallidas , Charadriidcs , Scolopacidce. . [See also Lunda ( Alcida ?), Corvus ( Corvidcv) [anat.], and Stej- neger, L.] Sibley, W. K. Tuberculosis in Fowls. Tr. Pathol. Soc. Lond. 1888, 8 pp., pi. xxxix, 2 cuts. Simpson, A. N. The Ornithology of Arbroath. Scot. Nat. 1888, pp. 289-296 & 337-344. [See Saxicola ( Turdidcu ).] Sim roth, H. Zur Kenntniss del* Azorenfauna. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, pp. 179-234, pis. xiv & xv. Awes, pp. 184-201, with comparative tables of distribution; Smith, Cecil. Additions to the List of Somersetshire Birds [since 18G9]. Zool. 1888, pp. 174-176. [See Mathew, M. A.] . [See also Anser ( Anatidai).~\ Smith, H. M., & Palmer, ■ W. Additions to the Avifauna of Wash- ington and Yicinity. Auk, 1888, pp. 147 & 148. [See Dendrceca, Siunis ( Mniotiltidcn ), and Richmond, C. W.] Sousa, J. A. de. Enumeraijjlo das Aves conhecidas da ilha de S. Thom6 seguida la lista das que existem d’esta ilha no Museu de Lisboa. J. Sci. Lisb. 1888 [xlvii], pp. 151-159. [See Estrelda thomensis , n. sp. ( Ploceidce ), and cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, A res. p. 5.] . Aves de Angola da Explora^lo do Sr. Jose d’Anchieta. Op. cit. [xlviii], pp. 216-228. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 35.] 49 species, sent from Quindumbo with the collector’s notes. . [See also Monticola angolensis , n. sp. ( Turdidcu). Southwell, T. [See Syrrhaptes ( Pteroclidce ).] Stamati, G. Sur la presence d’une enveloppe adventice autour des excrements des oiseaux. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [xiii], pp. 187 & 188. What was before known for Batrachians is now proved for Birds. Steere, J. B. Observations made in the Central Philippines. Am. Nat. 1888, pp. 622-626 & 779-784. Nests of the edible Swift, &c. Stejneger, Ij. Further Contributions to the Hawaiian Avifauna. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, pp. 93-103. [ Cf . Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 35.] Notes on a fresh collection (Water Birds) from Y. Knudsen, chiefly from Kauai and Niihau, with native names, &c. [See Thyellodroma n. g .,Puffinu8 knudseni , n. sp. [?] ( Pr ocellar iidoe ), Anous ( Laridce ), Dafila , Anas ( Anatidce ).] 44 Aves. AYES. [Stejneger, L.] Review of Japanese Birds, vn. The Creepers [ Certhia familiaris and C. f. scandulaca]. Yin. The Nutcracker. Op. cit. 1887, pp. G06-611 ; 1888, pp. 425-432. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 35.] In the latter paper, the author differs from II. Seebohm [supra] in considering that the forms of this Bird cannot be callod “arctic” and “ temperate.” He agrees in recognising two subspecies, but wishes to use Brehm’s specific names for them. The Japanese Bird he finds to be the slender-billed N. macrorhynchus. • . [A reply to R. W. Shufeldt concerning the “ dermo-tensor patagii ” muscle ; cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves , p. 33.] Auk, 1888, pp. 120-123. . [See also Parus colletti , n. subsp. and genus, ( Paridce ), Picoides (Pic idee), Euryzona ( Rallidce ).] Stevenson, H. [the late]. [See Scolopax ( Scolopacidce ).] Storm, V. Ornithologiske Notitser. Nor. Selsk. Skr 1886-87. pp. 52-57. Emberiza miliaria , Nucifraga caryocatactes , Tetrao urogallus, Anser brachyrhynchus , Vidpanser rutilus , Colymbus adamsi. Sundman, G. Finska Fogel-agg. Tecknade af Gosta Sundman. (Eggs of Finnish Birds, drawn and coloured by G. S.) Helsingfors: 1888, oblong 4to, pts. viii & ix. Alaudidce , Ampelidce , Corvidce, Fringillidw , Oriolidce , Starnidw , Cypsel- idee , Caprimulgidce , Goraciidce , Cuculidce. The native name3 are given with the eggs, but there is still no text. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, P-39.] SundstrOm, C. R. Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Komitees der Koniglichen Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. I. Bill. Sv. Ak. Handl. xiii, No. 3, 181 pp. Contains a list of Swedish Birds, with German and Latin names, in addition to observations at various stations. Sutton, J. B. Rickets in Monkeys, Lions, Bears, and Birds. J. Comp. Med. 1888, pp. 1-29, 29 cuts. A skeleton of a rickety (?) Fowl is figured and described. Swierstra, K. N. Systematische naamlijst van gewerveldo Dieren ; voor de Diergaarde levend ingekomen van 1 Mei, 1838, tot 30 April, 1888. Bijdr. Dierk. (Fees-nummer) 1888, No. 3. Aves, pp. 30-90. Swinburne, J. An Ornithological Visit to the Ascrib Islands, Loch Snizort, Skye. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1887-88, pp. 402-407. Notes on a colony of Procellaria pelagica and others of Uria grylle. Taczanowski, L. Liste des Oiseaux observes depuis cinquante ans dans le Royaume de Pologne. Ornis, 1888, pp. 441-516. The species number 303, on which good notes are given, as might be expected from the author’s reputation. Still, it is unfortunate he should have used Thriponax for the generic name of the Rook, when he had himself adopted it for a species of Pious in 1887 ; cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 59. [See Syrrhaptes ( Pteroclidce ), Gallinago (Scolopaculce).] THU GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 45 [Taczanowskt, L.] Liste supplementaire dos Oiseaux reoueillis en Corde par M. Jean Kalinowski. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 450-469, 2 outs. [ Cf 1 Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 37.] This list is the outcome of a collection made between the middle of March 1887, and the end of January, 1888, and includes Birds from the country to the south of Seoul, as well as others met with on the return journey to Russian Mantchuria. The southern district was still poorer in vegetation and game than that near the capital ; nevertheless 42 species in all are added to the former lists, while tables of Birds noticed, but not obtained, are added. [See Haliaetus braniclcii , n. sp. ( Fcilconidce ), Otis ( Otididce ), Halcyon ( Alcedinidce ).] . [See also Emberiza jankowsJcii, a. sp. ( Fringillidce ), pi.] Taczanowskt, W. Spis ptakow Krolestwa Polokiego, obserwowanych w ciagu ortalnich tat piecdziesieciu. Pam. Fizjogr. viii [1888], pp. 331-376. Talsky, J. Die ornithologische Sammlung des Landesmuseums in Klagenfurt. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 6 & 7. List of species found there. . Die ornithologische Sammlung des stoiermarkischon landschaft- lichen Joanneums in Gratz. T. c. pp. 64 & 65. . Reiseerinnerung aus Steiermark und Karnthen. T. c. pp. 77, 78, & 100-106. Tegetmeier, W. B. [See Syrrliaptea (Pteroclidcs).] Thompson, C. H. Indian Hawks and Hawking. Ess. Nat. 1888, pp. 217-221. °Thurber, E. C. A List oE Birds of Morris County, New Jersey. True Democratic Banner [Newspaper] . Morristown, N. J. : Nov. 10, 17, 24, 1887. Toupet, — . [See Cornil, — .] Trail, J. W. H. [See Ttirdus ( Tnrdidce ).] Treacher, W. H. [See Lobiophasis ( Phasianidce ).] Tristram, H. B. The Polar Origin of Life, considered in its bearing on the Distribution and Migration of Birds. Part II. Ibis, 1888, pp. 204-216. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves , p. 38.] The author having stated his views on the general principles of migra- tion and distribution under five heads, takes for instances the families Trochilidce, Turdidce, and Hirundinidce, and deduces (1) that the present tropical species are those which migrated first from the Poles, before differentiation (and consoquont powor to withstand the climato) bogan ; (2) that, notwithstanding, wo find individual cases of hereditary disposi- tion to return northwards — generally for the purpose of breeding — even in these early migrants ; (3) that the later departures, being partially differentiated, took up their abodes wherever they found the climate suitable, but preserved the same tendency to return northwards to a still greater degree, if we except species which alter their range vertically instead ; (4) that very little, if any, evidence exists of a South-Polar 46 Aves * AYES. origin of Zawdf-birds, while Penguins and Petrels possibly did so originate; (5) that the migrations from the north followed four or five lines only, viz., the west coast of Europe and Africa ; the east coast of Asia, but branching from North China to Australia, and also to the Himalayas ; the west coast of America ; the east coast of America, as far only as the United States ; while some followed the Siberian rivers. [Tristram, H. B.] Notes on a small Collection of Birds from Newala, East Africa. T. c. pp. 2G5 & 266. Newala is between L. Nyassa and the coast, and this report extends our knowledge of the distribution of species. Trowbridge, W. P. A Discovery by C. C. Trowbridge regarding the purpose of the Emargination of the Primary Wing-feathers of certain Birds. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. vii [1887-88], pp. 19-21, cut. — — . The Mechanism of the Flight in Soaring Birds. T. c. pp. 75-78 & 80-87. - . The Flight of Birds. Science, xi [1888], p. 10. [See Allen, J. A., Coues, E., Lucas, F. A., Newberry, J. S. ; and cf. Zool. Bee. xxiv, Aves, p. 22.] *Trumbull, G. Names and Portraits of Birds which interest Gunners, with descriptions in language understanded of the People. New York : 1888, 8vo, viii & 222 pp , 61 cuts. Trutat, E. Faune ornithologique de P6kin. Bull. Soc. Toulouse, 1887, pp. 58-61. ■ The author describes two small collections in the Toulouse Museum, from MM. Constans and Soubeyran respectively. Tschusi zu Sciimidhoffen, Y. v. Neue Arten und formen des Ornis Austro-Hungarica, mit genauen Nachweisen und kritischen Bemer- kungen. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 63, 64, & 78-81. -. Die ornithologische Litoratur Oesterreich-Ungarn, 1887. T. c. pp. 111-115. [Cf. Zool. Bee. xxiii, Aves, p. 40.] . [See also Budytes ( Motacillidce ), Nucifraga (Corvid ce), Turdus ( Turdidce ), Pelecunus ( Pelecanidce ), Tetrao (Tetraonidce), Sterna ( Laridce ).] , & Dalla-Torre, K. V. iv. Jahresbericht (1885), des Comity’s fur ornithologische Beobachtungs-stationen in Oesterreich-Ungarn. Ornis, 1888, pp. 1-146, 161-272, & 321-368, [Cf. Zool. Bee. xxiv, Aves, p. 9.] This report shews an increase of three observers, as compared with the sixty-four of last year. The account of the literature is the same as in Z. ges. Orn. 1886 (by Tschusi, q. v.). & . v. Jahresbericht (1886), &c. Supplement to Ornis, 1888, xi & 346 pp. 65 observers. An index is given of the species mentioned [327], which doubles the value of the work, while notes from the “ Lights ” are to be found at the end. THE GENERAL .SUBJECT. ,'iws 47 Turner, L. M. Physical and Zoological Character of the Ungavh, District, Labrador. Tr. R. Soo. Canada, v [1888], Section iv, pp. 79-83. Reference is made to Birds on pp. 82 & 83. Ulm-Erbach [Freifrau]. Beobachtungen aussergewohnlicher Nist- platze einiger Yogelarten. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 88, 89, & 132-134. . [See also Falconidce.'] Vall on, G. Escursioni ornitologiche nella provincia del Friuli. Boll. Soc. Adr. x [1887], pp. 1-89. , • •) °Yandas, K. Prisp^vek K. orn. pomerum smo8ensk5’m. (Ein Beitrng zu den ornithologischen Yerhaltnissen voii Smecno.) Vesmuyxvi, pp. 102, 126, 150, & 174. Yian, J. Monographie des Poussins des Oiseaux d’Europe qui naissent vetus de duvet ( Ptilopccdcs , Sundval). M&n. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [i]. pp. 52-115. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves , p. 39.] Conclusion of the subject, with the Falconidcc , the Strige8, and a supple- ment to the Scolopacidce [ Limosa ]. . [See also Syrrhajptes ( Ptcroclidce ) ] Yirchow, H. Ueber die physikalisch zu erklarenden Erscheinungen, welche am Dotter des Hiihnereies bei der mikroskopischen Unter- suchung sichtbar werden. SB. Ak. Berlin, xxxvii [1888], pp. 977—981. Yooriiees, C. G. [See Helininthophila ( Mniotiltidai).~\ , Walker, Mary L. On the Form of the Quadrate Bone in Birds. Studies from Mus. of Zool., Univ. Coll: Dundee, i, No. 1 [1888] 18 pp., 33 cuts. The writer discusses the bone in (1) Ratitcc , (2) Chenomorphcc (3) Amphimorphce, (4) Pelargomorjihce, (5) Dysporomorphce , (6) Aetomorphce , (7) Psittacomorphce, (8) Coccygomorphce, (9) Celeomorphcc , (10) Coracd- morphcc, (11) Cecomorphce , (12) Spheniscomorphcc , (13) Charadriomorphce , (14) Gcranomorphcc , (15) Alcctoromorphcc , (16) Peris ter omorphiv, . (17) Odontornithes ; and draws attention to its groat variety, which may possibly be of taxonomic value. Wallis, H. M. Notes upon the Natural History of Arran More and “ the Rosses,” County Donegal. Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, pp. 463-470. Interesting notes on many scarce Birds. Walter, A. Sonderbare Nistplatze und Nistweisen. Monat. Schutzo Yogelw. 1888, pp. 194-214. Warren, R. Ornithological Notes from Mayo and Sligo. Zool. 1888, pp. 289-292. Washington, S. v. Mittheilungen uber einige Anomalien der Farbung krahenartiger Yogel aus dem Gebiete der steiermarkischen Ornis. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 46-48, & 61. t Varieties of Lycos monedula, Garrulus g land ar ius, Nucifraga caryo- catactes. . , . 48 Aues , AVE8. [Washington, S. v.] [See also Pelecanus ( Pelecanidce ).] Watson, J. The Ornithology of Skiddaw, Sea Fell, and Helvellyn. Naturalist, 1888, pp. 161—169. . Notes on the Birds of the Lake District. T. c. pp. 201 & 202. Wayne, A. T. [See Ionornis ( Rail idee ).] White, W. T. [See Xenorhynchus ( Ciconiidce ).] Whitehead, J. Notes on some Oriental Birds. Ibis, 1888, pp. 409-413. [See JEudynamis ( Guculidce ), Meg apod i us ( Megapodiidce ), Plains (Plotidce).] Williams, R. S. Upper Missouri River Birds. Auk, 1888, pp. 14-18. An account of an ornithological ramble on May 9th. Wilson, S. B. [See Chloridops Jcona , n. g. & sp. (Fringillida j).] Winge, 0. IV. Report on Birds in Denmark, 1886. Ornis, 1888, pp. 369-440, pi. i (map). [Q/“. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 39.] After the list of Lights and their keepers comes a general report, which includes — as last year — many notes on the breeding of Birds. Notes from the Lights conclude the paper, with the exception of a few “ errata” for 1884-85. [See Quevquedula ( Amtidce ).] °Wink, F. Deutschlands Vogel. Naturgeschichte sammtlicher Vogel der Heimat, nebst Anweisungen iibor die Pflego gofangener VOgel. Pt. I. Stuttgart: 1888, sm. 4to. Withington, F. On the Birds of Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. With notos by P. L. Sclater. Ibis, 1888, pp. 461-473. A list of 92 species, determined by Sclater, with ac3ouuts of the breeding and the eggs of many of them. A short description of the country is prefixed. [See Phacellodomus ( Dendrocolaptidce ).] Woodford, O. M. General Remarks on the Zoology of the Solomon Islands, and Notes on Brenchley’s Megapode. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 248-250. Wrathall, F. A. Birds of the Ayton [Yorksh.] District. Nat. Hist. J. 1888, pp. 1-5. Wray, L. [See Sharpe, R. B.] Wyatt, 0. W. [See Sharpe, R. B.] Young, 0. G. [See OpUthocomus, pi. ( Opislhocomidce ).] Zander, R. [See llhea ( Rheidce).~\ Zarudnoi, N. Dopolnitelnya zamyetki ke poznaniyu ornitologit- scheskoi fauni Orenburgskago Kraya. [Supplementary observations on our knowledge of the ornithological fauna of the Orenburg District.] Bull. Mosc. 1838, pp. 653-681. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves , p. 42.] This paper will be very useful to determine the meeting points of the Asiatic and the European avifauna. [See Syrrhaptes { Pteroclidce ), Hypolais icterina mollessom, n. subs^. (Sylciidce).\ THE GENERAL SUBJECT, PASSERES. Aves 49 Zeledon, J. C. Cat&logo de las Aves de Costa Rica ; con indicacion de las especies, localidades y mimero de ejemplares contenidos en la collecion del Museo Nacional. An. Mus. Costa Rica, i [1887, pub. 1888], pp. 103-134. 708 species are recognized, as against 692 in tlie list of Costa-Rican Birds in the U.S. National Museum. \_Cf. Zool. Rec, xxii, Aves, p. 34.] [See Aramides plumbeicollis, n. sp. ( Rallidce ),] CARINATE. PASSERES. AGROMYODI f OSCINES . Alaudid®. Fossil remains (new species) ; see Portis, A. The family may be termed Corydomorphce ; E. Coues, Auk, 1888, p. 207. Alcemon margaritce [£ ], n. sp., near A. duponti , Gabes, Tunis; A. Koenig, J. f. 0. 1888, pp. 228-232, pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2, Ampelid®. The family, sub voce tl Waxwing”; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiv. Ampelis garrulus , notes on its occurrence in the Department of the Somme, &c. ; L. Magaud d!Aubusson, Bull. Soc. Acclim. 1888, pp. 945-949, cuts : figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. vi. Campophagid®. Campophaga leucomelcena, its nidificati on ; R. D. Fitzgerald, Junr., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii, p. 971. Edoliisoma erythropygium [ $ $ ], Graucalus holopolius [ $ ], n. spp., Guadalcanal’, Solomon Archipelago ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 184 & 185. Pericrocotus croceus [ ? ], n. sp., Gunong Batu Putch, Perak ; P. wrayi [£ ?]> n* sp. (figured), Batang Padang Mts., Perak ; P. rubrolimbatus , P . pulcherrimus \cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 43], = P. Solaris and P. neglectus respectively : id. t. c. p. 269. Certhiid®. The family, sub voce “ Tree-Creeper ” ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii : see also Stejneger, L. 1888. [vol. xxv.] c 8 50 Aves. AYES. Certhia mexicana albescens, n. subsp,, Ciudad Durango, N.W. Mexico ; H. v. Berlepscii, Auk, 1888, p. 450. Salpomis emini [cf, Zool. Rec. xxi, Aves , p. 39] = S. salvadorii ; G. E. Siielley, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 37. ClNCLIDiE. Cinclus schulzi figured ; P. L. Sclater & W. H. Hudson, Argent. Orn, i, p. 11, pi. ii. Corvids. Tschusi zu Sciimidiioffen, Y. v. Die Yerbreitung und der Zug des Tannenhehers ( Nucifraga caryocatactes, L.), mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung seines Auftretens im Herbste und Winter 1885 und Bemerkungen uber seine beiden Varietaten : Nuc. car . pachyrhynchus und leptorhynchus , R. Bias. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, 1888, pp. 407-506, pi. xi [beaks]. Corvidce , winter roosting; C. L. Edwards, Am. J. Psychol. 1888, pp. 436-459 [and Zool. 1888, pp. 292-297, 334-345]. Cissa jefferyi, n. sp. [£ $ ], Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; R. B. Siiarfe [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 383 & 384. Corvus corax sinuatus, a firm osseous plate round the entrance of the optic nerve ; R. W. Siiufeldt, Auk, 1888, p. 329. Nucifraga caryocatactes , the Arctic form discussed ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, pp. 236-241. [See Stejneger, L., and cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, pp. 43 & 44.] Perisoreus canadensis fumifrons figured ; E. W. Nelson, Rep. Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 164, pi. xi. Diceeid^. Prionochilus plateni, n. sp. [£], Palawan I. ; W. Blasius, Braunschw. Anz. 1888, No. 37 (Feb. 12th), p. 335, and Ornis, 1888, p. 313. P. johannce, n. sp. [£], near P. xanthopygius, Pal&wan I. ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, pp. 201 & 202, pi. iv, fig. 1. W. Blasius says they are the same, and claims priority ; Ibis, 1888, p. 372. Fringillidji. The family generally, see Sharpe, R. B. Siiufeldt, R. W. The Osteology of Eabia melanocephala , with com- parative Notes upon the Skeletons of certain other Conirostral Birds, and of Tanagers. Auk, 1888, pp. 438-444, cut. Skulls and sterna of the above species and of Pipilo m. megalonyx are compared with each other and with those of Tanagers, with a view to determine their relationships generally. PASSERES. Aves 51 Acantliulops bairdi , £ ad. described ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, p. 196. Amaurospiza cequatorialis [<£$], Ecuador, A. axillaris [£], Brazil, n. spp. ; R. B. SiiARrE, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 157 & 158. Ammodramus australis , n. sp., Bahamas and Florida; C. J. Maynard, Am. Exch. and Mart and Household Jour., Feb. 5th, 1887, p. 69 [c/. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 20, and Auk, 1888, p. 398]. A maritimus peninsu Ice, S.W. Florida and Louisiana, A. m. sennctti , Corpus Christi, Texas, n. subspp.; J. A. Allen, Auk, 1888, pp. 284-287 & 426. A. sandwicliensis brunnescens, n. subsp., Valley of Mexico ; A. W. Butler, t. c. pp. 264-266. Baserinas , see Phceospiza , infra. Calcarius nivalis figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xliii. Cavdinalis virginianus [£ $], figured; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, pt. ii. C. v. saturalus, G. v. coccineus , C. v. yucatanieus [cf. Zool. Roo. xxii, Aves , p. 38, xxiv, Aves, p. 45], are doubt- ful subspecies ; 0. Salvin, Ibis,* 1888, p. 260. Carpodacus roseipectus [£ ?], n. sp., S. Mexico; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, p. 424. G. ambiguus figured ; id. t. c. pp. 428 & 429, pi. x. Chlorhlops Jcona [$], n. g. & sp., Kona, I. of Hawaii ; S. B. Wilson P.Z.S. 1888, p. 218. Chrysomitris sclateri f $ ? ], n. sp. [ = G. icierica pt.], Ecuador ; C. stejnegeri [£ ?], n. sp., [= C. xanthogastra, Scl. & Salv.], Bolivia ; C. \icterica~\ boliviano , Bolivia, C. [*'.] longirostris, Guiana, n. subspp. ; C. thibetana figured; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 200, 210, 220-221, 226-227, pi. iii. G. atrata [ $ ? ], C. europy - gialis [£ ?] figured; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, pts. i & ii. Coccothraustes humii figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, p. 40, pi. i. G. vespertina , its nest and eggs, from Arizona ; J. Swinburne, Auk, 1888, pp. 113 & 114 : from Yolo co., California; W. E. Bryant, Bull. Cal. Ac. Sci. ii [1887], pp. 449 & 450. Emberiza janJcowsJcii, n. sp., Sidemi, Ussuria ; L. Taczanowski, Ibis, 1888,pp. 317-319, pi. viii. E. godlewslcii figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, p. 542, pi. xii. E. leucocephala figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xxxix. E. melanocephala , E. citri- nella , E. cirlus, E. rustica figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. vi. E. rustica , its breeding habits in E. Siberia ; F. DOrries, J. f . O. 1888, p. 84. Euetheia canora , of Cuba, in Florida ; C. H. Merriam, Auk, 1888, p. 322. Fringilla maderensis, n. sp. [with subspp. F. moreleti and F. canariensis ], Madeira ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 175 & 176. F. cailebs figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. viii. F. montifringilla figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xii. Fringillaria poliopleura [£], n. sp., Sodd4, Shoa ; T. Salvadori, 52 Aves. AYES. Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 269-271. [Notes on allied species are added.] Geospiza difficilis [£ $], n. sp. [= G.fortis, auct., pt.], Abingdon and Charles Is., Galapagos Is. ; R. B. Siiarpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, p. 12. Guiraca [ cyanea ] argentina , n. subsp., Argentine Rep. ; id. t. c. p. 73. Htibia [see beginning of family]. Hcemophila mcleodi , n. sp. [£ $], near H. rufescens, El Carmen, Mexico ; H. cahooni , n. sp. [ $ $ ], Mts. near Oposura, Sonora, Mexico; W. Brewster, Auk, 1888, pp. 93 & 94. Linota cannabina figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. vii. Loxia curvirostra in the Hebrides; H. A. Macpiierson, Zool. 1888, pp. 348 & 349 : in Heligoland and at the Spurn in July ; J. Cordeaux, Naturalist, 1888, p. 224 : at Holderness in July; W. E. Clarke, ibid. ; at Yarmouth in July ; J. H. Gurney, Junr., t. c. p. 330: figured, with L. pityopsittacus ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pts. xxxviii-xl. L. c. minor , notes on its habits; W. H. Fisiier, J. Cinciun. Soc. x, pp. 203 & 204. Montifringilla nivalis figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xliii. M. blanfordi figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 264 & 265, pi. iv. Paroaria, heads of all spp. figured ; id. t. c. pi. xvi. P. cucidlata [£ and juv.] figured; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, pt. i. Passer yatii [£] n. sp., W. Afghanistan ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 322 & 323. P. [ domesticus ] griseigularis, n. subsp., Candahar ; id. t. c. p. 313. P. saturatus [c/. Zool. Rec. xxii, Aves} p. 38], = P. montanus , juv. ; id. t. c. pp. 825 & 826 ; H. Seeboiim, Ibis, 1888, p. 235. P. pyrrhonotus figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 316 & 317, pi. v. P. domesticus, P. montanus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pts. vi & ix : the former [ $ $ ] figured ; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, pt. ii. Peuccea , gen. ; P. rujiceps eremceca cancelled ; P. r. scotti , n. subsp., Arizona, New Mexico?, W. Texas?; G. B. Sennett, Auk, 1888, pp. 40-42 & 401. P. [ rujiceps ] homochlamys n. subsp. [= P. r. boucardi pt.], S. New Mexico and Arizona ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. ixii, pp. 713 & 714. The two subspp. said to be identical, the former having precedence; Ed. Nature, xxxvii, p. 351. P. ocstivalis bachmani, its nest and eggs, curious account of nesting habits ; C. E. Bendire, Auk, 1888, pp. 351-356. Plaeospiza thomensis [wrongly supposed to be n. g. & sp.], I. of St. Thomas, W. Africa [= Buserinus rujilatus, Hartl., r= Poliospiza rufi- brunnea , infra ] ; J. v. Barboza du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. 1888 [xlvii], pp. 148 & 149, cf p. 192. Phrygilus [ caniceps ] saturatus, n. subsp. [called P. bolivianus in Syst. Index], Bolivia ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, p. 785. Pocecetes gramineus affinis, n. subsp., Salem, Oregon ; G. S. Miller, Junr., Auk, 1888, pp. 404 & 405. Poliospiza rufbrunnea figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, PASSERES. Aves 53 p. 346, pi. vi. P. tristriata , curious specimen fro.n Shoa [P. isabellina, if distiuct] ; E. H. Giglioli, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 33 & 34 [c/. T. Salvador!, t. c. p. 188]. Poospiza boliviano, n. sp., Bolivia ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 634 & 635, pi. xiv. Porpliyrospiza pulchra [<£], n. sp., Brazil ; id. t. c. p. 625. Pseudochloris, n. g. [type, Sycalis prcitensis) ; P. mendozai [<£], n. sp., Mendoza, Argentine Rep. ; id. t. c. pp. 774 & 778. Pyrgilauda , in Zool. Rec. xxi, Aves, p. 47, xxiii, Aves, p. 44, & xxiv, Aves, p. 43, should be transferred from Alaudidce to Fringillidtc. Pyrrhospiza [ puniceci ] humii, n. subsp., interior of N.W. Himalayas ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, p. 433. Pyrrhula kurilensis [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 46] should be a sub* species of P. griseiventris ; id. t. c. p. 450, pi. xi. P. nipalensis [ £ $ ] figured ; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, pt. i. P. vul- garis figured ; Lord Ltlford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. viii. Rhodospingus , n. g. [type (figured) Coryphospingus cruentus], R. mentalis [£], n. sp., Puna I., Gulf of Guayaquil ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 808 & 809, pi. xv, figs. 1 & 2. Rhodospiza, n. g. [for Erythrospiza obsoleta ) ; id. t, c. p. 282. Saltatricula multicolor figured ; P. L. Sclater & W. H. Hudson, Argent. Orn. i, p. 61, pi. v. Schistospiza, n. g. [for Coryphospingus griseocrislatus'] ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 806 & 807. Serinus [ Crithagra ] burtoni , S. [C.] crocopygia, S. [O'.] leucoptera , figured j id. t. c. pp. 364-365, 360-361, & 361-362, pis. vii-ix. S.flavigula [5], n. sp., Ambokarra and Malca-ghebdu, Shoa ; S. reichenowi [<$$], n. sp., Cialalak&, Shoa ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 272 & 273. S. hortulanus said to have been taken at Great Yarmouth ; J. H. Gurney, Junr., Zool. 1888, p. 84. Spermophila [ plumbea ] whitelyana , Guiana, S. [^.] Columbiana , U. S Colombia, S. [ cucullata ] polionota , Brazil, n. subspp., S. albitorquis [<£], n. sp., Mexico, S. [lineold] trinitatis, Trinidad, St. Vincent, S. America, S. [/.] amazonica , Amazon district, n. subspp. ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 98, 99, 118, 120, & 133. S. palustris figured; id. t. c. pp. 112 & 113, pi. ii. S. parva, Lawr., is identical with S porophila moreleti (Bonap.) ; id. t. c. p. 124. Spizella arenacea, its breeding plumage, with evidence of its specific distinctness ; C. H. Merriam, Auk, 1888, p. 402. Sycalis [ flaveola ] jamaicce, n. subsp. [5. brasiliensis, Scl.], Jamaica ; S. taczanovjskii [£], n. sp., S. Peru and Ecuador; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xii, pp. 379 & 385. Zonotrichia whitii [£], n. sp. [= Z. strigiceps, White], Argentine Rep. ; id. t. c. pp. 608 & 609, pi. xiii. Hirundinid^. Nesting of Indian species; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, pp. 43-48. 54 Aves. AVES. Psalidoprocne petiti , P. albiceps , P. fuliginosa , P. nitens , Chelulon lagopus , Hirundo sclateri , IT. smith it, Atticora melanoleuca , .4. picata, Petrochelidun swainsoni , P. jluvicola , Stelgidopteryx rujicollis figured j R. B, Sharpe & C. W. Wyatt, Monogr. Hirund. pts. vii & viii. Psalidoprocne antinorii , P. pristoptera , P. nitens, P. holomclcena, map of distribution ; «7 de Yis, P. R. Soc. Quocnsl. v [1888], pp. 161 & 162. PASSERES. Aves 55 Ryloterpe plateni, n. sp. [<£], Palawan I. j W. Blasius, Braunschw. Anz. 1888, No. 52 (Mar. 1), p. 467, and Ornis, 1888, pp. 311 & 312. H. whiteheadi , n. sp. [ ? ], near H. grisola, , Palawan I. ; R. B. SliARrE, Ibis-, 1888, pp. 198-199. Wi Blasius says these are the same) and claims priority ; t. c. p. 372. Lanius raddii , n. sp., Kulkulais, Transcaspian district ; H. E. DresSeR [G. Radde], P. Z. S. 1888, p. 291. L \ algeriensis is the species in Tene- riffe, as predicted by Dresser & Sharpe ; S. G. Reid, Ibis, 1888, p. 75» L. excubitor figured ; Lord LilEORD, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pi. viii. L. rufus , figured, &c.; A. Koenig, J. f. O. 1888, pp. 180-187, pi. iii. Pachycephala occidenialis , n. sp. [= P. gutturalis pt.], W. Australia ; E. P. Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. Birds, p. 32. P. gilberti ?, notes on nest- ing ; K. H. Bennett, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii [1887], pp. 103 & 104. R[h]ectes meridionalis , n. sp., near R. uropygialis , Astrolabe Mts., Now Guinea (this may prove to be the male of R. brunneiceps) ; R. decipiens) R. cirroceplialus , R. rubiensis, R. dichrous , may be all synonymous ; R. analogue = R. aruensis , juv. ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 437. R . aruemis figured ; id. [»J. Gould], Birds Now Guinea, pt. xxv. Telephone erythropterusy notes ; A. Koenig, J. f. 0. 1888, pp. 1 76-178. T. jamesi, from Manda I., E. Africa : G. E. Siielley [F. J. Jackson], Ibis, 1888, p. 300. MeliPhagiile. Anthornis melanura figured [ ^ ? ] ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zea- land, pi. ix. Melidectes emilii figured ; R. B. SiiarpE [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Myzomela sharpii [<£], n. sp., Guadalcanar, Solomon Archipelago; W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 197, pi. x, fig. 3. Philemon occidental is, n. sp., near P. sordidus, Derby, N.W. Australia ; E. P. Ramsay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii, p. 676, and Tab. List Austral. Birds, p. 12 bis. Pogonornis cincta [ $ $ ] figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xi. Prosthemadera novce-zealandice [ad. and juv.] figured ; id. t. c. pi. x. Zosterops ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiv. Z. clara , n. sp., near Z. atrifrons, Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe [J. White- head], Ibis, 1888, p. 479. Z. natalis , n. sp., near Z. mysoriensis, Christmas I., Indian Ocean ; J. J. Lister, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 518-520, pi. xxvii Z. nehrkorni , n. sp. [ $ ], Great Sanghir I. [Celebes Sea] ; W. Blasius, Braunschw. Anz. 1888, No. 9 (Jan. 11th), p. 86, and Ornis, 1888, pp. 593 & 594, pi. iv, fig. 1. Z. ccerulescens figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. ix. Z. prcctermissa = Z. anjuanensis ; notes on Z. hovarum and Z. e-newtoni ; A. & E. Newton, Ibis, 1888, pp. 474-476. Mniotjltid.®. The family, sub voce “ Warbler ” ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiv. 56 Aues. AYES. Basileuterus godmani , n. sp., near B. culicivorus , Yeragua & Costa Rica ; H. v. Berlepsch, Auk, 1888, pp. 450 & 451. Cardellina rubrifrons nesting in S. Arizona (eggs new to science) ; W. W. Price, t. c. pp. 385 & 386. Dendrceca auricapillai n. sp. [ £ ?], I. of Grand Cayman, Caribbean Sea ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 572 & 573. D. cestiva sonorana , n. subsp., S. Arizona, W. Texas, W. Mexico ; W. Brewster, Auk, 1888, pp. 137-139. D. discolor , description of five nests and eggs ; E. B. Coues, t. c. pp. 405-408. D. hirtlandi new to Atlantic slope of U.S. ; H. M. Smith & W. Palmer, t. c. p. 148. D. petechia ruflvertex [c/. Zool. Rec. xxii, Aves , p. 40], D. petechia ; D. dominica albilora = D. dominica : O. Salvin, Ibis, 1888, pp. 247, 248, & 250. Geothlypis trichas occulentalis, from Yucatan, = G. trichas ; id. t. c. p. 252. Helminthophila laxorencii , a third specimen ; C. G. Vooriiees, Auk, 1888, p. 427. Protonotaria citrea, second Canadian specimen ; K. C. McIlwraith, t. c. p. 323. Siuruo noveboracensis in the Bay of Biscay ; H. R. Rabbets, Ibis, 1888, pp. 494 & 495. S. noveboracensis notabilis = S. noveboracensis ; O. Salvin, t. c. p. 252 : on Atlantic slope of U.S. ; H. M. Smith & W. Palmer, Auk, 1888, p. 148 ; L. M. Loomis, t. c. p. 324. Motacillidjw. The family pt., sub voce “Wagtail” ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, Vol. xxiv. Anthus pratensis figured; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. ix. Budytes melanocephalus , B. rail in Austro-Hungary ; Y. V. Tsciiusi zu Schmidiioffen, MT. om. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 79 & 80 \_cf. L. v. Lorenz, Reisebericht, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, ii [1887], Notizen, pp. 75 & 96. B. flavus leucostriatus , notes ; E. W. Nelson, Rep. Nat. Hist. Alaska, pp. 205-208. Motacilla sidphurea [£ ad. and juv. (summer), $ ? (winter)]; M. flava , M. raii , M. alba , M. lugubris figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pts. vi & viii. M. melanope , vast flocks in Ceylon ; S. Bligii, Ibis, 1888, p. 316. MuSCICAPIDiE. Cryptolopha, see Sylviidce. Digenea leucops , n. sp., Shillong [Hume coll.] and Karen-nee [Tweed- dale coll.] ; D. malayana [<£ ], n. sp., Mts. of Larut, Perak ; D. sub- moniliger described; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 246 & 247. [Anthipes revived as generic name for the two latter Birds and three allied species, "and revised key to species also given.] Gerygone thorpii} n. sp., Lord Howe’s I., Australia ; E. P. Ramsay, PASSERES. Aves 57 P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. ii, p. 677. G. flaviventris figured ; W. L. BulleRj Birds New Zealand, pi. xiv. Lioptilus chocolaliniis , curious specimen from Shoa [ Bradyornl traversii, if distinct] ; E. H. Giglioli, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 44 & 45 [c/. T. Salvadori, t. c. p. 188]. Muscicapa parva in Ireland ; R. M. Barrington, Zool. 1888, p. 391. Muscicapula westermanni [<£], n. sp., Gunong Ulu Batang Padang, Perak ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 270. M. hyperythra new to Borneo ; id. [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, p. 385. Piezorhynchus sericeus , n. sp., Santo, New Hebrides ; E. P. Ramsay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], pp. 1293 & 1294. P. axillaris , P. medius figured; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxv. Polioptila) see Sylviidre Pomarea erythrostida [ ? ], n. sp., Fauro, Solomon Archipelago ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 185, cf. p. 194. Rhinomyias gularis , n. sp. [ $ , $ juv.], Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo j id. [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 385 & 38G. Rhipidura preissi, notes on breeding ; A. J. North, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], pp. 414 & 415. Siphia ramsayi , n. sp. [ $ $ ]> [— S* elegans (Timm.), = Gyornin banyumas , Tweeddale], Palawan I. ; S. platence , n. sp. [£], Palawan I. ; W. Blasius, Braunschw. Anz. 1888, No. 52 (Mar. 1st), p. 467, and Ornis, 1888, pp. 308 & 310. S. erithacas , n. sp. [£ ?], Palawan I.; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 199, pi. iv, fig 2. The two latter said to be identical by W. Blasius, who claims priority; l. c. p. 372. Nectariniidjc. Chalcomitra scioana [^ ?], n. sp., Sciotalit, Mahal-Uonz and Lago Zwai, Shoa; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 247 & 248. Ginnyris [Eleocerthia ] ragazzii [ ? ], n. sp., Forest of Fekerie-ghem, Shoa ; id. ibid. C. n. sp. ? Liberia ; J. BOttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 72 & 73. C. albiventris and C. JcirJci breeding at Manda I., E_ Africa ; G. E. Shelley [F. J. Jackson], Ibis, 1888, p. 300. Oriolidac. JEluraidus melanocephalus figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds; New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Oriolus galbula figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. ix. Sphecotheres maxi liar is ^ its nidification ; R. D. Fitzgerald, Junr.^ P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii, p. 970. Paradis eid m. Lophorhina minor , Lycocorax obiensis figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J, Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. 58 AveSi AVES. Paradisea gulielmi and P. augustce -victor ice , n. spp., King William’s Land, New Guinea; J. Cabanis, J. f. O. 1888, p. 119. Farida. The family, sub voce “Titmouse”; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, yoI. xxiii. Acredula rosea , A. caudata figured; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xli. Cyanistes cyanus , its geographical distribution ; H. Schalow, J. f. O. 1888, p. 106. G. flavipectus [£ $ and juv.] figured; M. A. Menzbier, Orn. du Turkestan, pi. x. Parus carolinensis agilis , n. subsp., Texas ; G. B. Sennett, Auk, 1888, p. 46. P. [ borealis ] colletti , n. subsp., W. ? Norway ; L. Stej- NEGER, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, pp. 74 & 75. P. palustris , P. cris- tatus and allies ; id. t. c. pp. 71-76, 113, & 114. P. Cypriotes [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 51] figured ; F. H. H. Guillemard, Ibis, 1888, pp. 119 & 124, pi. ii. P. palustris, P. cceruleus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. vi. Pcecile borealis , P. lugubris figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pts. xl & xli. Psaltriparus lloydi , n. sp. [£ $ ad. and juv., nest and egg], Mts. of W. Texas ; G. B. Sennett, Auk, 1888, pp. 43 & 44. P. santaritui , n. sp. [ $ $ ], Santa Rita Mts., S. Arizona ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 697. P. plumbeus , nest and eggs (new to science) ; C. E. Bendire, t. c. pp. 557 & 558. Ploceid^;. The family, sub voce “ Weaver-bird” ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiv. Amblyospiza concolor, n. sp. [#], I. of St. Thomas, W. Africa ; J. V. Barboza du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. 1888 [xlviii], pp. 229 & 230. A. melanotis , plumage of $ $ , nest and eggs, &c. ; G. Hartlaub [Emin Pasha], J. f. 0. 1888, pp. 1-4. Donacicola liunsteini figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Pstrelda nigrimentum, n. sp., Farr6, Shoa ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, p. 281. JB. thomensis , n. sp., I. of St. Thomas, W. Africa ; J. A. de Sousa [arMoller], J. Sci. Lisb. 1888 [xlvii], p. 155. Habropyga tenerrima [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 52], = Pstrelda non- nula ; G. E. Shelley, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 31 & 32. Lagonosticta cenochroa , Hartl., L. melanogastva , Shelley, are both identical with L. rara (Antin.) ; id. t. c. p. 31. Munia oryzivora [ $ $ and juv.] figured ; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, &c., pt. i. Nigrita canicapilla from Liberia, should be N. emilice ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], p. 90 [cf. op. cit. viii, p. 261]. passeres. Aves 50 Philelcerus [ Nigrita ] cabanisi figured, from Kilimanjaro ; G. E. Shelley [F. J. Jackson], Ibis, 1888, p. 292, pi. vi. Plocepasser rufoscapulatus , n. sp. [ ], Kasinga R., S.W. Africa ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 238 & 239, pi. ix, fig. 2. Ploceus jaclcsoni, n. sp. [£], Kilimanjaro; G. E. Shelley [F. J. Jackson], Ibis, 1888, p. 293, pi. vii. P. caslanops [£ ? ], n. sp., locality not stated, Equat. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 35. Spermospiza ruficapilla [?], n. sp., Bellima, Equat. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 30. Textor dinemelli [<£], T. boehni [ $ ], T. panicivora [ $ ? ], T. albirostris [ ^ ? ] figured ; E. Bartlett, Monogr. Weaver-Birds and Finches, pts. i & ii. Urobrachia traversii [ Kma Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; id. t. c. pp. 392 & 393, pi. xi, fig. 1. Cisticola cinereola [ $ ], n. sp., Farre, Shoa ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 254 & 255. C. cursilans figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xxxviii. Corythocichla crassa , n. sp. [ $ ? ], Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 391 & 392. Cutia cervinicrissa [^ ?], n. sp., Gunong Batu Putch, Perak ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 276. Gampsorhynchus saturatior [ ? ], n. sp., Gunong Batu Putch, Perak ; id. t. c. pp. 273 & 274. Garrulax schistochlamys , n. sp., near G. palliatus, Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; id. Ibis, 1888, p. 479. Icoturus namiyei [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves , p. 53] is an Eriihacus ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, pp. 233 & 234. Malurus pulcherrimus , notes on breeding ; A. J. North, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], p. 415. Melanociclila peninsularis [ $ ], n. sp., Gunong Batu Putch, Perak ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 274. 02 Avea. AYES. Neociohla Jcelleni , n. sp. [£], near JV. g.dturalis, Umbella R., S.W. Africa ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 229 & 230, pi. ix, fig. 1. Phyllergates cinereicollis , n. sp., near P. cucullatus, Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 479. Siva sordidior, n.sp. [= S. sordida, Sharpe (nec Hume)], Batang Padang Mts., Perak ; id . P. Z. S. 1888, p. 276. Sphenceacus fulvus from Snares Is., N. Z. ; O. Finscii, Ibis, 1888, p. 308. Stiphrornis alboterminata, Reichenow, is an Anthreptes ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], p. 212. Turdinulus exul [£], n. sp., near T. roberti , Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 479. TKOGLODYTIDJ3. The family, sub voce “Wren”; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiv : osteology, see Lucas, F. A. Notes on some type specimens of American species in the Lafresnaye Collection [Boston] ; R. Ridgway, P. Bost. Soo. xxiii, pp. 383-388. Oampylorhynchus castaneus , n. sp., Guatemala and Honduras ; id. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 507. C. curvirostris , n. sp. (ex Lafr. MS.), “N. Granada ” ; id. P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, pp. 385 & 386. C. zonatus costaricensis , n. subsp., Parita, Costa Rica ; H. v. Berlepscii, Auk, 1888, pp. 449 & 450. C. brevirostris = C. zonatoides, juv. ; R. Ridgway, P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, p. 384. C. yalliceps = C. balteatus, Baird ; 0. pallesccns of Lafres- naye (collection ?) is not the bird usually so called ; C. pallescens , auct., is 0 . meg alopter us of Lafresnaye ; id. t. c. pp. 384 & 385. Cistothorus mariance} n. sp. [ $ $ ], near C. palustris} Tarpon Springs, Florida ; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, 1888, p. 188 : further specimens, Safelo I., Georgia ; W. Brewster, t. c. p. 432. Cypliorinus griseolateralis [???], n. sp., Diamantina Mts., Lower Amazon ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 518 & 519. Hcmiura , n. g., for TJropsilat Scl. & Salv. ; id. t. c. p. 511. Microcerculus daulias , n. sp., Costa Rica (Atlantic side) ; id. t. c. pp. 508 & 509. Orthnocichla whiteheadi [<£], n. sp., Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, pp. 478 & 479. Thryopliilus toenioptera , n.sp [£], Diamantina, Lowor Amazon; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 518. Thryothorus herberti [£, $ juv.], Diamantina, Lower Amazon, T. oyapocensis , Oyapoc, French Guiana, n. spp. ; id. t. c. pp. 516 & 517. T. rufalbus castanonotus, n. subsp., Nicaragua to Colombia ; id. t. c. p. 508, and P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, p. 386. T. fasciato-ventris , notes on subspecies ; T. ruficeps, Lafresnaye MS., = T. felix} Sclater ; id. P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, pp. 387 & 388. Troglodytes cahooni , n. sp. [ £ ], Mts. near Oposura, Sonora, Mexico ; W. Brewster, Auk, 1888, pp. 94 & 95. T. jobagensis, n. sp., near T. striatulus , I. of Tobago ; G. N. Lawrence, t. c. p. 404. T. aedon, its varieties discussed ; W. E. D. Scott & J. A. Allen, t. c. pp. 163 & 164. PASSERES. Aves 03. T. tecellata , Lafr. & D’Orb., = T. brunneicollis, Scl. ; R. Ridgway, P. Boat. Soo. xxiii, p. 388. TuRDIDiE. The family, sub voce “ Thrush” ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii : osteology, see Lucas, F. A. Cathcirus berlepschi , n. sp. [ $ ], W. Ecuador, Cayandeled ; G. N. Lawrence, P. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 503 : Ecuador and Peru ; R. Ridgway, t. c. p. 504. C. fumosas , n. sp. [ $ ], Costa Rica and Yeragua ; id. t. c. p. 505. Geocichla aurata , n. sp., near G. citrina, Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 478. G.princii, a second specimen, Libeiia ; J. Buttiicofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 77 & 78. G. schistacea figured; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Harporhynchus longirostris sennetti, n. subsp., S. Texas ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 506 & 507. Margarops montanus rufus, n. subsp., Dominica, W. I. ; C. B. Cory, Auk, 1888, p. 47. Merula seebohmi, n. sp. [<$, $ juv.], near M.javanica, Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 386 & 387. M. subalaris [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves , p. 58] is from Peru ; J. Caban is, J. f. O. 1888, p. 113. Mimince , see Lucas, F. A. [osteology as a guide to position]. M. gracilis leucophceus, n. subsp., Cozumel I., Yucatan ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 506. M. triurus figured ; P. L. Sclater & W. II. Hudson, Argent. Orn. i, pp. 8-11, pi. i. Monticola angolensis, n. sp. [ $ ? ], Caconda, Quando, Rio Quango, and Quindumbo, in Angola ; J. A. de Sousa, J. Sci. Lisb. 1888 [xlviii], pp. 233-235. Turdus merula figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. vii. T. pallasi figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xl. T. swainsoni new to Austro-Hungary (with the exception of an example mentioned in Bononi’s “Avifauna Tridentina” [cf. Zool. Rec. xxi, Aves, p. 6]) ; Y. v. Tscuusi zu Schmidiioffen, t. c. p. 79 : figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xxxix. T. torquatus and its geographical races ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, pp. 309- 312 : breeds in Orkney ; J. W. H. Trail, Scot. Nat. 1888, p. 344. VlREONIDJ). Berlepscii, H. y. On the Genus Cyclorhis , Swains. Ibis, 1888, pp. 83-92. The writer bases his remarks on Sclater’s paper on the above genus [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 58], with which he agrees in the main. He gives a clear exposition of his views, with a key to the species. Cyclorhis ochrocephala , C. altirostris figured ; P. L. Sclater & W. H. Hudson, Argent. Orn. i, pp. 23 & 24, pi. iii. Virco cinereus [cf. Zool. Rec. Xxii, Aves, p. 46] certainly = V. magister ; 64 Aves. AYES. 0. Salvin, Ibis, 1888, p. 254. V. solitarius alticola , its nest and eggs ; W, Brewster, Orn. & Ool. 1888, p. 113, and R. B. McLaughlin, ibid. OLIGOMYODI. CoTINQIDjE, The family, see Sclater, P. L. Attila viridescens, n. sp. [£], Diamantina Mt., Lower Amazon; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 522. Hadrostomus homochrous [ $ $ ] figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, pp. 334 & 335, pi. xxiv. Iodopleura leucopygia figured ; id. t. c. p. 393, pi. xxvi. PacJiyrJuimphus 8podiuru$ [£ $ ] figured ; id. t. c. pp. 341 & 342, pi. xxv. Tityra cay ana , first and second primaries figured ; T. personata = T. semifasciata ; T. fraseri = T. albitorques ; id. t. c. pp. 327, 330, & 332. T. personata griseiceps, n. subsp., W. Mexico ; R. Ridgway, Auk, 1888, p. 263. T. nigriceps , n.sp., Napo R., Ecuador ; J. A. Allen, t. c. pp. 287 & 288. EuRYLiEMIDJE. The family, see Sclater, P. L. Oalyptomena ivluteheadi figured, with notes on plumage of $ juv. ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 231, pi. v [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 41]. OxYRHAMPHIDiE, PHILEPITTID^ PflYTOTOMID^. The families, see Sclater, P. L. Phytotoma rutila [ $ ? ] figured ; P. L. Sclater & W. H. Hudson, Argent. Oru. i, p. 161, pi. viii. PlPRHLE. The family, see Sclater, P. L. Ceratopipra iracunda figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 288, pi. xix. Chloropipo holochlora , n. sp. [= Pipra cornuta , $ , Scl. & Salv.] , Colombia and Amazonia ; id. t. c. p. 287. Heterocercus aurantiivertex figured ; id. t. c. p. 325, pi. xxiii. lleteropelma wallacii , H. flavicapillum, H. igniceps , figured ; id. t. c. pp. 319, 321, & 322, pis. xx-xxii. Machceropterus deliciosusi secondaries figured ; id. t. c. p. 306. Pipra coracina = P. leucocilla ; id. t. c. p. 298. PlTTIDiE. The family, see Sclater, P. L. Pittce, new method of division ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 414. C oracopitta, n. g., for M elampitta\ id. t. c. p. 449. PASSERES. Aves 65 Tyrannic. Oh account of the important work done by P. L. Sclater and F. D. GodMan & 0. Salvin [q.v.] in this family, their views are giYen at some length below, with regard to various species. Agriornis pollens, A . insolens, A. solitaria figured ; P. L. SclatEr, Cab Birds Brit. Mus. xiY, pp. 7 & 8, pis. i-dii. Cocnotviccus, n. g. [for Todirostrum ( Serphophaga ) ruficeps~\ ; id. t. c. p. 86. Camptostoma flaviventre = Ornithion pusillum ; F. D. GodmAn & 0. Salvin, Biol. Ceutr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, V ol. ii, p. 31. Cnipodectes subbruneus figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus» xiv, p. 197, pi. xvi. Colopteryx inornatus, n. g. & sp. [ ? ], Diamantina, Lower Amazon ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 519 & 520. Contopus vicinus , n. sp. [£], near C. virens, Swan I., Caribbean Sea ; id. t. c. pp. 576 & 577. Elainea , see Myiopagis , infra. E. barbadensis, n. sp. [ £ ] , Barbadoes, W. I. ; C. B. Cory, Auk, 1888, p. 47. E. r idle y ana, n. sp. [ £ ], Fernando Noronhal.; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 107. E. arenarum (figured) must be removed to genus Sublegalus ; F. D. GodMan & 0. Salvin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, vol. ii, pp. 37 & 38, pi. xxxvi, fig. 3. E. semijlava, Lawr., = Capsiempis faveola ; E. subpagana , E. chiriquensis must be merged in E. pagana ; E. cinerescens, Ridgw., = E. inavtinica ; lid. t. c. pp. 29, 35, & 36. E. olivina figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 146, pi. xii. E. subpagana and E. semi • pagana must be considered as synonyms of E. pagana ; E. cristata, E. albivertex, and E. griseigularis of E. albiceps ; id. t. c. pp. 138 & 142. Empidochanes salvini , n. sp. [= F. pcecilurus?, Salv., Ibis, 1885, p. 298], Venezuela and Brit. Guiana ; id. t. c. p. 218. Empidonax cineritius , n. sp. [ ^ $ ], near E. difficilis , S. of Lower Cali- fornia ; W. Brewster, Auk, 1888, pp. 90 & 91. Euscarthmus apicalis \cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 42], = Ceratotriccus furcatus ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 85. E. russatus, E. impiger figured ; id. t. c. pp. 82 & 84. pi. ix. Legatus variegatus must be merged in L. albicollis ; F. D. Godman & O. Salvin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, vol. ii, p. 39, and P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 156. Leptopogon erythrops figured : id. t. c. p. 119, pi. x. Leptotriccus superciliaris figured ; F. D. Godman & 0. Salvin; Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, vol. ii, pp. 18 & 19, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2. Megavhynchus chrysogastev = M. pitangua ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 190. Mionectes assimilis should bo merged in M. oleaginous ; F. D. Godman & O. Salvin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, vol. ii, p. 23. Mitrephanes phceocercus tenuirostris , n. subsp., W. Mexico ; W. Brewster, Auk, 1888, p. 137. Muscivora occidental is, $ $ figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 194, pi. xv. Myiarchus ferox, note on synonymy ; id. t. c. p. 253. M. berlepschi, n. sp., near M. oberi, St. Kitts, W. I. ; C. B. Cory, Auk, 1888, p. 266. 1888. [vol. xxv.] c 9 66 Aves. AVES. Myiobius ridywayi , n. sp., near M. xantkopygus , Petropolis, Prov. Rio de Janeiro, S. Brazil ; H. v. Berlepsch, i. c. pp. 457 & 458. M. atvi- caadus should be a susbp. of M. barbatus ; M. Jlavicans , M. rorainae figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, pp. 200, 205, & 20(3, pis. xvii & xviii. Myiopagis, n. g. [type Elainea placens ] ; F. D. Godman & 0. Salyin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, vol, ii, p. 26. Myiozktetes texensis , If. marginatus must be merged in M. cayennensis ; iid. t. c. p. 40 : the former probably = M. similis\ P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 162. Octhcuca leucometopa, O. citrinifvons, O. pulcftella figured ; id. t. c. pp.21, 22, & 23, pis. vi & vii. Ochthodiceta fusco-rufits figured j id. t. c. p. 18. pi. v. Oclithorni8, n. g. [for Elainea ( Ochthcvca ) murina ] ; ul. t. c. p. 31. Ornithion napazum , n. sp. [ $ ], Diamantina, Lower Amazon j R. Ridg- WAY, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 520 & 521. Pitangus maximiliani should be a subsp. of P. sulphuralus ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 177. Platyrhynchus flavigularis , P. albigularis figured ; id. t. c. pp. 65-67, pi. viii. Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus figured ; id. t. c. pp. 167 & 168, pi. xiii. P. mesorhynchus, 11. griseimentalis should be merged in B. brevirostris ; B. flaco-olivacevs in B. sidphurescens ; F. D. Godman & O. Salvin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, vol. ii, pp. 8 & 10. Serphophaga grisea should be merged in S. cinerea ; iid. t. c. p. 20. Sirystes albocinereus figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, pp. 181 & 182, pi. xiv. Tcenioptcra holospodia figured ; id. t. c. p. 14, pi. iv. T. rubetra figured ; id. & W. H. Hudson, Argent. Orn. i, p. 120, pi. vii. Todirostnun superciliaris should be merged in T. schistaceiceps ; F. D. Godman & O. Salyin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves, yol. ii, p. 14. Tyranniscas cinereiceps , T. gracilipes figured; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiv, pp. 131-133, pi. xi. T. viridissimus = T. bolivianus ; id. t. c. pp. 134 & 135. 1'yrannulus reguloides , n. sp., Diamantiua, Lower Amazon ; R. Ridg- Way, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 521 & 522. T. semijlavus figured ; F. D. Godman & O. Salyin, Biol. Centr. Am. pt. lxxii, Aves , vol. ii, p. 32, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1. Xenicid;e. The family, see Sclater, P. L. Acanthidositta chloris [ $ $ ], Xenicus longipes, X. gilviventris figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xii. TRACHEOPHON ffl. Dendrocolaptid^. Dendrocolaptes obsoletus, m sp. [ $ ], Diamantina, Lower Amazon ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 527. PASSERS, PlCARLE* Aves 67 bendrornis fralerculus , n. sp. [ £ ], Diamantiua, Lower Amazon ; D. lawrencii , n. sp., Panama ; D. 1. costar icensis, n. subsp., Costa Rica and Nicaragua ; id. t. c. pp. 526-527, 509, 510, & 589. Drymornis bridges i figured ; P. L. Sclateu & W. H. Hudson, Argent* Orn. i, pp. 1 99 & 200, pi. x. Furnarius criatatus , n. sp., confounded with F. tricolor , Argentine Republic; H. Buiimeister, Ibis, 1888, p. 495. Homorus lophotes figured; P. L. Sclater & W. H. Hudson, Argent* Orn. i, pp. 195 & 196, pi. ix. Phacellodomus striaticollis , and not F. ruber , is the species found in the Argentine Republic ; P. L. Sceater, Ibis, 1888, p. 467. Synallaxis coryi , n. sp., Merida, Venezuela ; H. V. Berlepsch, Auk, 1888, pp. 458-460. Formicariidac. Diclirozona zononota , n. g. & sp., Diamantiua, Lover Amazon; R* Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 524. Ileterocnemis ? hypoleuca, n. sp. ? [?], Diamantina, Lower Amazon; id. t. c. p. 523. Myrmeciza boucardi, n. sp., = 3/. longipes, Scl. ( [nee auct.), Bogota, Colombia; M. sioainsoni , new specific name proposed for M. longipes , auct., as not agreeing with Vieillot’s description ; II. v. BerlepSch, Ibis, 1888, pp. 129 & 130. Phlogopsis bowmani, n. sp. [<£], Diamantiua Mt., Lower Amazon; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 524 & 525. Rhegmatorhina gymnops, u. g. & sp. [£ $], Diamantiua Mts., Lower Amazon ; id. t. c. pp. 525 & 526. Thamnophilus inornatus , n. sp. [ $ ], Diamantina Mt., Lower Amazon | T. intermedins , n. sp. [3 $ ], Honduras (Truxillo) ; id. t. c. pp. 522, 623, & 581. Pteroptochida:. The family, sub voce t£Tapaculo”; A. Newton, Eucycl. Brit. ed. 9, yoI. xxiii. Pteroptochus albicollis figured ; id. ibid. PICARLF. Picida?. The family, sub voce “Woodpecker,” “ Wryneck ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiv. Melanerpes formicivorus figured ; id. ibid. Hargitt, E. Notes on Woodpeckers. No. xiv. On the Genus Gecinus. Ibis, 1888, pp. 1-42 & 153-193. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 59.] 16 species are recognized, while keys to these and to the plumage of $ $ adult are given. See also below. 68 Aves, AV12S. Siiufeldt, R. W. Observations on the Pterylosis of certain Picidce . Auk, 1888, pp. 212-218, 4 cuts (5 figs.) [c/. p. 382]. The writer differs from Nitzsch in finding, as regards Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis , no vertical and apparently no temporal spaco destitute of contour-feathers on the head, while he notes a difference in the shape of the ventral tracts in various species, and the occurrence of post-ventral tracts in Dryobates. \_Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 34.] - — -. Notes on [the pterylosis and anatomy of TMelanerpes torauatus. T. c. pp. 319& 320. Ben dire, C. E. Notes on the Habits, Nests, and Eggs of the Genus . S phyrapicus, Baird. T. c. pp. 225-240. S. varius , S. v. nuchalis, S. ruber , S. thyrokleus. Oenturus santacruzi pauper , n. subsp., Honduras (Truxillo), Salvador ? ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 582 & 583. Chloropicus mentalis , C. miniatus should be referred to genus Chryso- pJdegma ; E. Hargitt, Ibis, 1888, p. 2. Chrysophlegma chlorolophus, C. chlorigaster , C. puniceus are to be referred to the genus Gecinus ; id. t. c. pp. 176-189. G. uirayi, n. sp. [ $ ]. Gunong Batu Putch, Perak ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 279 & 280. Gecinu8 tancolo (Gould), = Q. gueriui (Malh.) ; Q. zarudnoi , Mcnzbier, = G. squamatu8 ? ; G. xanthopygius , Rchb., = G. tslriolatus, Blyth ; E. Haro ITT, Ibis, 1888, pp. 11-14, 153-155, & 171-176. lynx, see above, sub voce Wryneck. Melanerpes , see above, sub voce Woodpecker. Picoides albidior fully diagnosed for the first time; L. Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, p. 168. Ficus lilfordi in Austro-Huugary (Dalmatia) ; Y. v. Tschusi zu ScHMiDiiOFFEN, MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, p. 64 ; cf. L. v. Lorenz, Verb. z.-b. Wien, 1888, p. 19 : in Bosnia ; 0. Reiser, J. f. 0. 1888, p. 45. P. major figured, with a second plate to illustrate the progress of chango in colouration of head in both sexes ; Lord Lilforii, Col. Fig. Br Birds, pts. vii & ix. Sphyrapicus , cf. supra. Trochiliixe. Agyrtria alleni, n. sp., Yungas, Bolivia ; D. G. Elliot, Auk, 1888, pp. 263 & 264. Thalurania townsendi , n. sp. [^ ?], Segovia R., Honduras; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, pp. 590 & 591. Trochilus violajugulum, n. sp., near T. anna and T. alexandri , Sta. Barbara, California ; J. A. Jeffries, Auk, 1888, pp. 168 & 169. Cyfselidj:. . Nesting of Indian species ; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, pp. 43-48. • PICARI2E. ; At‘es 69 Collocalia nalalis , n. sp., near C. neglecta , Christmas I., Indian Ocean ; J. J. Lister, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 520. C. nidijica , the nest re-asserted to be composed of an Alga (new evidence) ; H. Pryer, Auk, 1888, p. 335 : [0. fuciphaga ], an account of the nesting caves in N. Borneo ; D. I). Daly, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 108-1 1G : observations on the nest; J. B. Steere, Am. Nat. 1888, pp. G22-626 & 779-784. Cypseloides niger , description of nest and eggs ; Ivl. H. Gormley, Auk, 1888, pp. 424 & 425. Cypselus slielleyi [£], n. sp., Dembi, Shoa ; C. myopiilus [$ juv.], n. sp., Let-Marefia, Shoa ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 227-229. C. melba , G. pallidus figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pt. xlii. Dcndrochelidon coronata , nest figured ; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iii, No. 1. Caprimulgid^j. Chordeiles popetue chapman?, n. subsp., Florida to Teifcas ; E. Coues, Auk, 1888, p. 37. Nycitdroinus albicollis merrill? , n. subsp., S. Texas, N. Mexico ? ; G. B. SenneTt, t. c. pp. 44-46. Otophanes mcleodl , n. g. & sp. [ ? ], Province of Chihuahua, Mexico ; W. Brewster, t. c. pp. 88-90. Podargus ocellatus figured; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gouldl, Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Alcedinid;e. Alcedo ispida figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. viii. Alcyone pulchra, notes on nesting ; A. J. North, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. pp. 269 & 270. Halcyon pileatus, its nest and eggs described from Corea ; L. Taczan- owskt [J. Kalinowski], P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 462 & 463. II. vegans [ad. and juv.] figured^ W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xiii. Tanysiplera microrhyncha figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. BUCEROTID/E. Lophoceros damaremis , n. sp. [= Tochus ( Duceros ) erylhrorhi/nchus of Gurney & Sundev.], Damaraland ; Buccros nasutus var. diibius \cf. Zool. Rec. xxii, Aves) p. 49], = Lophoceros pallidirostris ; G. E. Shelley, Ibis, 1888, pp. 64-67. Upupid^e. Upupa epops figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. vii. 70 Aves. AYES. MeROPIDjE. Mevops apimter figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. ix. Todid^i. The family, sub voce “Tody”; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii. Todus viridis figured ; id. ibid. C/ORA CIIDJD. Goracias garrula said to have laid an egg in the nest of Columba pal innb us ; — . Hooke, J. f. 0. 1888, p. 107. Trogonidje. The family, sub voce “ Trogon ” ; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii. Harpactes whiteheadi , n. sp. [ $ $ ], Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; B. B. Sharpe [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 395 & 396, pi. xii. Rejamphastidje. The family sub voce “ Toucan ”j A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii. Megalama pulcherrima) n. sp. [ $ $ ], Kina Balu Mt., N. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 393 & 394, pi. xi, fig. 2. M. sub- sulphurea , not M. leucol(cmat is the Liberian bird (a correction) ; J. BCttucofer, Notes Lcyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 91 & 95 [cf, op. at. vii, p. 216, and viii, p. 263.] Indicator idje. Indicator emini [£], n. sp., Wadelai, Equat. Africa; G. E. Shelley, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 43, pi. iii. Cuculidj*:. Cacomantis insperatus1 a supposed egg ; G. Hurst, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], pp. 421 & 422. Chrysococcyx lucidus [ad. & juv.] figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xv. Coccystes} notes on the geographical distribution, 7 species being recog- nized, with 2 subspecies of C. jacobinusf viz., C. hypopinarius and (p. 407) 0. caroli, n. subsp., Danger R., Gaboon; G. C. Norman, Ibis, 1888, pp. 396-409. Gocciyzus erythropthalmuS) O. americanus , Coccystes glandarius figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. Ital. pts. xxxviii & xxxix. PICARD, PSITTACI. AvCS 71 Cuculus poliocephalus new to Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Whitehead], Ibis, 1888, pp. 394 & P.95. Eudynamis mindanensis sanghirensis , n. subsp., Great Sanghir I. [Celebes Sea] ; W. Blasius, Braunschw. Anz. 1888, No. 9 (Jan. lltb), p. 86, and Ornis, 1888, pp. 566-569. E. tciitensis [ad. & juv.] figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xiv. E. orientolis , notes ; young similar in colour to the male ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1888, pp. 409-41 1 Hierococcyx bocJci new to Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Whitehead], t. c . p. 394. Microdynamis parva figured ; id. [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Nesocentor milo figured; id. op. cit. pt. xxv. MuSOPHAQIDiE. The family, sub voce “Touraco”; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii. Turacus cilbicri status figured ; id. ibid. PSITTACI. Bignon, F. Recherches sur les cellules aeriennes cervico-cephaliques chez les Psiitacides. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [xiii], pp. 180 & 181. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Aves, p. 5.] The above apparatus is proved to exist, to different extents, in Ara militaris, Cacatua leadbeateri , G. alba, C. molluccensis, Chrysotis cestivus and Coracopsis rasa. Ridgway, R. Review of the Genus Psittacula. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 529-548. An exhaustive account, with a key to the species. [See below.] . Supplementary Remarks. Auk, 1888, pp. 460-462. Psittacula insularis [<£$], Tree Marias Is., W. Mexico ; P. exquisiia [£ $], Atlantic Coast of Columbia; P. deliciosa [<£ $ ], Diamantina Creek, Lower Amazon, n. spp. ; P. passerina vivid a, Bahia, P. ccelestis lucida, “ Colombia,” n. subspp. ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 541-542, 542-543, 545-546, 539, 538, respectively. Psittacula exquisita, Ridgw., = P. spengeli ; P. deliciosa , Ridgw., pos- sibly = P. cyanochlora (Natt. MS.) ; G. Hartlaub, Ibis, 1888/ pp. 493 & 494 ; R. Ridgway, Auk. 1888, p. 461. Charmosyna stellce figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Lorius flavo-palliatus figured ; id. ibid. L. tibialis figured; id. op. cit. pt. xxv. Nasiterna aolce [$ $], n. sp., Guadalcanal Solomon Archipelago; W. R. Ogtlvie-Grant, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 189, pi. x, figs. 1 & 2. 72 Aves. AYES. Nestor meridionalis (Kaka Parrot and var. “Kaka-Kura”), N. notabilis figured ; W. L. Duller, Birds New Zealand, pis. xvii & xviii. Platycercus auriceps, P. novce zealartdice , P. alpinus figured ; id. t. c. pi. xvi : abnormal coloration of the first ; T. W. Kirk, Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1885 [xviii] pp. 129-130. P. pennanti nigrescensi n. subsp., Bellenden- Ker Range, Queensland ; E. P. Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. Birds, pp. 34 & 35. * Prioniturus cyaneiceps) n. sp. [£], near P. discurus , Palawan I. ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 194. P. platence, n. sp. [£ ?], Palawan I. ; W. Blasius, Braunschw. Anz. 1888, No. 37 (Feb. 12th). p. 335, and Ornis, 1888, p. 305. Psittacula , cf. supra. String ops habroptilus figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xix. STRIGES. The order, see Fisher, A. Iv. Beddard, F. E. On the Classification of the Striges. Ibis, 1888, pp. 335-341, 7 cuts. Basing his remarks with respect to the pterylography and osteology on Nitzsch and A. Milne-Edwards, with whom he appears to agree entirely, the auihor of this paper gives several additional particulars to confirm the division of the Striges into Strigidce and Bubonidce. These consist of differences (1) in the prefrontal processes of the ethmoid (swollen in Strix ), (2) in the relative lengths of the phalanges of the 3rd digit (more equal in Bubo , &c.), (3) in the dissimilar method of division of the tensor patagii brevis , (4) in the incomplete structure of the syrinx and in the attachment of its intrinsic muscles. He agrees with Milne-Edwards in considering Fhotodilus to be a form intermediate between the two groups, its osteology being that of Bubo , its pterylosis that of Strix , while Ilelio- dilus comes nearer to the latter. Lataste, F. Analyse Zoologique de pelotes de rejections de Rapaces Nocturnes. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1888, p. 194. . Analyse Zoologique de Pelotes de rejections de Rapaces Noc- turnes. Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 471-518. On examining 20 “ lots,” no remains of Batrachians or Reptiles were found, and few of Insects or Birds, while those of Mammals composed nearly the whole. Gadeau de Kerville, H. Faut-il ddtruire nos Rapaces Nocturnes? Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1888, pp. 247-260. After consideration of the food of Owls and examination of their pellets, the writer would only allow one species to be destroyed — “Hibou Grand-Due.” Glaucidium} notes on the habits, nests, and eggs of 2 species and 2 sub- species in America ; C. E. Bendire, Auk, 1888, pp. 366-372. G. gnomci STRIGES, ACCIPITRES. Aves 73 Tioslcinsi, n. subsp., Lower California; W. Brewster, t. c. p. 136. G. passerinum figured ; E. H. GiGlioli & A. Manzella, Icon. Avif. ■Ital. pt. xl. Megascops aspersas [ Caribbean Sea ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 574 & 575. Engyptila vinaceiventris , n. sp. [£], Honduras (Truxillo) ; id. t. c. pp. 583 & 584. Goura , Australian ancestry (fo.-sils) ; C. W. deYis, P.R. Soc. Queensl. v [1888], pp. 127-131. These fossils are labelled Progura gallinacea. Ianthcenas albigularis figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds New Guinea, pt. xxv. Macropygia sanghirensis figured ; W. Blasius, Ornis, 1888, pp. 619-623, pi. iii [£ ? ? juv.]. Phlogamas solomonensis [£ ], n. sp. (or subsp. of P.johannae?), Guadal- canal Solomon Archipelago ; W. R. OgilyiE-Giiant, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 200. Treron nitska , notes ; id. Aun. N. H. (6) ii, p. 352. T. permagna [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Aves, p. 62], = T. formosa ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, pp. 235 & 236. Zenaida jessice, n. sp. [£], Diamantina, Lower Amazon ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 527 & 528. Z. noronhee, see Ridley, H. N. PtEROCLIDjE. SYRRHAPTES PARADOXUS. General . Tegetmeier, VV. B. Pallas’s Sand-Grouse ( Syrrhaptes paradoxus ) : its history, habits, food, aud migrations, with hints as to its utility, and a plea for its preservation. London : 1888, 8vo, 24 pp., 1 pi., 4 cuts. Clarke, W. E. Irruption of Pallas’s Sand-Grouse. Naturalist, 1888, p. 170. Harting, J. E. The Recent Immigration of Pallas’s Sand-Grouse. Life- Lore, 1888, pp. 25-27. A popular account, with no special records. Newton, A. On the Irruption of Syrrhaptes paradoxus. Rep. Br. Ass. 1888, p. 703. Meyer, A. 13. On the Reappearance of Pallas’s Sand-Grouse (Syr- rhaptes paradoxus) in Europe. Nature, xxxviii [1888], pp. 53-54, 77, & 342. The first article calls attention to occurrences between April 21st and May 7th ; the second and third continue the subject, with records from Central Europe betwoen April 22nd and May 16th and from Prance. 80 Av&s. AYES. [Meyer, A. B.] Note on the Bird’s occurrence in 1874-78, 1883, Op. cit. xxxix, p. 9. . [On Syrrhaptes paradoxus.'] Dresdner Journal, May 2nd, 1888. * . [On Syrrhaptes paradoxus.] Hugo’s Jagdzeit. pp. 292 et seq. , & Helm, F. Anhang zum iii Jahresbericht orn. Beob.-stat. Sachsen, pp. 117-124. Blasius, It. Skizze des Wanderzuges der Steppenhiihner (Fausthiihner), Syrrhaptes paradoxus , Pall., durch Europa i J. 1888. Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 373-377, pi. v. <:,Holtz, L. Ueber das Steppenhuhn, Tetrao paradoxus , Pall., = Syr- rhaptes pallasii, Temm., = Syrrhaptes paradoxus, 111., und dessen Einwanderung in Europa, nebst Beobachtungen iiber dasselbe ira Freileben und in der Gefangenschaft. Greifswald : 1888, 8vo, 31 pp. Scuaff, E. Ueber den diesjahrigen Wanderzug der Steppenhuhner. Zool. Gart. xxix [1888], p. 168. . Was haben wir yon der Einburgerung der Steppenhuhner zu erwarten. T. c. pp. 353-359. . [Further Notes.] SB. ges. Nat. 1888, pp. 104-106. Zur diesjahrigen Einwauderuug des Steppenhuhnes ; Edd., MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, p. 158. Riickjblick auf die diesjiihrige Einwanderung des Steppenhuhnes ; F. Knauer, t. c. pp. 141 & 142. Notes on Syrrhaptes paradoxus ; — . Goldfuss, Z. Naturw. (4) vii [1888], pp. 407, 408, 453, & 454; E. Hutu, MT. Yer. Frankfurt-a.-O. 1888, pp. 78-80. Die Einwanderung des Steppenhuhns {Syrrhaptes paradoxus) ; K. Buss, Gef. Welt, 1888, pp. 203, 204, & 215. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber das Ersclieiuen des Steppenhuhns ; id. t. c. pp. 215 & 216. Ueber die Einwanderung des Fausthuhns ; Edd. (from various sources), Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 170 & 171. Die zweite Einwanderung des Faust-oder Steppenhuhns ( Syrrhaptes paradoxus) ; F. Lindner, t. c. pp. 172-178. Nachtrag ; id. t. c. pp. 298 & 299 [and cf. p. 369]. Syrrhaptes paradoxus ; J. Pietscii, t. c. pp. 178-183. Nahrung der Steppenhuhner; Edd., Gef. Welt, p. 408 (ex Magdeburger Botan. Ver.). LeverkOhn, P. Litterarisches iiber das Steppenhuhn. Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 377-381. ’ This article contains, besides papers mentioned above, notices of the following nine : — Homeyer, A. v. Das Steppenhuhn ( Syrrhaptes paradoxus) zum zweiten Male in Europa. Zeitsch. fur Orn. und prakt. Gefliig. (Stettin) xii, No. 6, 8 pp. COLUMB^:. Aves 81 HAmEyer, A. v. Was raachen unsere Steppenhiihner jetzt? T. c. No. 7* p. 108. Ziemer, E. Ornitliologische Beobachtungen. No. 8. Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pp. 231-236. Struck, C. Ueber Steppen-oder Fausthiihner {Syrrhaptes paradoxus 111.) in Mecklenburg. Arch. Ver. Mecklenburg, xlii, pp, 175-183. Including Nachtrag 1 ; while Nachtrag 2 is by J. F. Soldat, t. c. pp. 183 & 184. Deyrolle, E. [i Syrrhaptes paradoxus in France, Belgium, Minorca.] La Nature, xxxii, pp. 197 & 198. In St. James’ Gazette, June 2nd, 1888, p. 15, “On some rare Bird Visitors ” ; also op. tit. Aug. 25th, 1888, p. 20. In Pall Mall Gazette, June 7th, 1888, p. 18, “The Invasion of the Sand-Grouse.” In The Times, June 6th, 1888, p. 5, “Pallas’s Sand-Grouse” [the Fonlden specimen, of. infra] . In Le Nat. 1888, p. 161, fig. “Le Syrrhapte paradoxal.” Picaglia, L. Sopra una recente ihvasione del Syrrhaptes paradoxus, 111. Atti Soc. Mod. Mem. (3) vii, pp. 119-121. Notes on Syrrhaptes paradoxus ; Y. Gasparint, Boll. del. Nat. 1888, pp. 83-85. Un Oiseau a observer ; R. Martin, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 147 & 148, pi. viii. Brusina, S. Ornitolozke biljezke za hrvatsku Faunu. Svezanj Prvi. No. 1. Syrrhaptes paradoxus, pp. 1-12. Syrrhaptes paradoxus , notes on ; N. Zarudnoi, Bull. Mosc. 1888 (pub. 1889), pp. 662 & 663. Great Britain. Harting, J. E. On the Re-appearance of Pallas’ Sand-Grouse in the British Islands. Zool. 1888, pp. 233 & 234. Noticing occurrences abroad, and those in Britain from May 18th to May 25th. Southwell, T. Notes on the Occurrence of Pallas’s Sand-Grouse in Norfolk. T. c. pp. 442-456. The author calls attention to an overlooked occurrence iu Norfolk, in 1876, and considers one case of breeding substantiated. Cordeaux, J. Notes on the Occurrence of Pallas’s Sand-Grouse in Lincolnshire [in 1863 and 1888]. T. c. pp. 419-423. No instances of nesting. ■. Notes on the Occurrence of Pallas’ Sand-Grouse in the Spurn District in the Spring of 1888. Naturalist, 1888, pp. 195-197. 1888. [yol. xxv.] o 10 82 Aves. -AYES. Macpherson, H. A, SancUGrouse iu N.AV. England. Tr. Cumberl. Westmorl. Ass. 1888, pp. 59-75. Chase, R. W. [Notes on Sand-G rouse.] Midi. Nat. 1888, pp. 186 & 187. Drummond-Hay, H. M. [Additional Notes on Orn. E. Scotland. Notes on Sand-Grouse.] Scot. Nat. 1888, pp. 348-350. Trail, J. W. H. Editorial Note on Sand-Grouse. T. c. p. 297. Abrahams, J. Das Steppenhuhn in Grossbritannien. Gef. Welt, 1888, p. 371. Jn Saturday Review, Sept. 8th, 1888, pp. 281-288, “Pallas’s Sand- Grouse.” Syrrhaptes paradoxus in Outer Hebrides ; J. W. P. Campbell-Orde, Ibis, 1888, p. 493. „ in Jersey, May 15tli ; H. E. Dresser, t. c, p. 375. „ at Loughborough, May 24th j C. S. Millard, ibid. „ in co. Down (Hillough) ; R. L. Patterson, ibid. „ at Wellington, Somerset ; W. A. Sanford, ibid. ., in Holderness ; R. P. Harper, Zool. 1888, pp. 234 & 235. „ at Norwich (Mousehold Heath) ; E. J. Eldrep, t. c. p. 235. „ in Noriliants (AVadenhoe) ; Lord Lilford, t. c. p. 462. „ in Fife; H. M. Drummond-Hay, t. c. p. 468. ,, in Warwickshire, Berks, and Oxou ; 0. Y. Aplin, t. c. pp. 468 & 469. „ in Scotland (general) ; W. Evans, t.c. pp. 262 & 263. „ at Anstruther, Fife ; J. Ross, t. c. pp. 263. ,, at Scarborough ; R. P. Harper, t. c. p. 263. „ near Newmarket ; AV. Mayd, t. c. p. 263. ,, at Downham ; J. G. Tuck, t. c. p. 263. „ at Southwold, Aldeburgh, Bury ; id. t. c. p. 263. ,, at Blake Hall, Essex ; A. F. Gates, t. c. p. 264. „ at Harwich ; M. A. Mathew, t. c. p. 264. ,, at Thanet ; H. S. D. Byron, t. c. p. 264. „ at Hayling I. ; W. Jeffery, t. c. p. 264. „ near Aldershot, New Forest, Bournemouth, and Dorset ; G. B. Corbin, t. c. pp. 264, 265, 388, & 389. „ at AVareham ; J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, t. c. p. 265. ,, in Isle of Man ; P. M. C. Kermode, t. c. p. 265, and T. H. Nelson, t.c. p. 300. „ in Cumberland ; H. A. Macpherson, t. c. p. 265. „ at Amblestoue, Pembr. ; M. A. Mathew, t. c. p. 265. COLUMB.K Avea 83 Syrrhaptes paradoxus at Cheltenham ; F. Day, t. c. pp. 265 & 266. „ at Steart I., Somersetsh. ; M. A. Mathew & Cecil Smith, t. c. p. 266. „ at Bridgewater, Somerset ; H. St. B. Goldsmith, t. c. p. 266. ,, at Hartland, Devon ; J. G. Ham ling, t. c. p. 266, ,, in Guernsey ; Cecil Smith, t. c. p. 266. ,, at Heligoland ; J. Cordeaux, t. c. p. 267. ,, near Redcar ; T. H. Nelson, t. c. pp. 298 & 299. „ at Withernsea (7) ; F. R. Fitzgerald, t. c. p. 299, „ at Nidderdale, &c. ; R. Fortune, ibid, at Bishop Auckland ; T. H. Nelson, ibid. „ in Northumberland ; J. Sutton, t. c. pp. 299 & 300. „ in Norfolk and Suffolk ; E. H. Butler, t. c. p. 300. „ at Durham and Winchester ; J. Sutton, ibid. „ in Down ; — Sheals, ibid. „ in Wexford ; R. T. Ussher, t. c. p. 301. „ at Yalencia (Spain) ; Lord Lilford, ibid. „ at Appledore, near Rye ; J. H. Gurney, Junr., t. c. p. 332. „ in Ireland ; R. F. Sciiarff, t. c. pp. 347 & 348. „ at Scarborough ; R. Fortune, t. c. p. 348. „ at Land’s End ; T. Cornish, t. c. p. 300. „ from Iloddesden, Herts (live specimen exhibited); P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 291 [and F. M. Campbell, Nature, xxxviii, p. 77]. „ from Foulden, Berwick-on-Tweed (live specimen exhibited); id. ibid . [and Nature, xxxviii, p. 132]. ,, from Tiree, Argyleshire (2 live specimens ex- hibited) ; id. t. c. p. 413. „ at Rothbury, Northumberland ; A. Newton, t. c. p. 113. „ in Durham, Isle of Man, and Cleveland ; T. H. Nelson, Naturalist, 1888, pp. 121 & 122. „ in Derbyshire and Notts ; F. B. Whitlock, t. c. p. 221. „ at Borobridge, Yorks ; E. P. Knubley, t. c. p. 222. „ at Wetwang-on-the-Wolds, Yorks ; E. M. Cole, t. c. p. 354. „ at Goxhill (Lincolnshire) ; J. W. Harrison, ibid. ,, at Flamborougii ; M. Bailey, t. c. p. 200. „ at Whitby ; T. Stephenson, ibid, [and p. 297]. ., at Pickering ; H. Prodiiam, ibid. „ at Nidderdale ; R. Paver-Crow, ibid. ,, in Essex; E. A. Fitcii, Ess. Nat. 1888, pp. 61, 62, & 271. 84 Aves AYES. Syrrhaptes paradoxus in Essex; W. Crouch, t. c. p. 63. „ at Clare, Suffolk ; J. E. Barnes, Field, 1888, p. 854. „ at Aldboro’ ; J. H. Salter, Nat. Hist. J. 1888, p. 224. „ at Fyvie (May 26th); G. Sim, Scot. Nat. 1888, p. 297, and W. Sym, Sci. Goss. 1888, p. 164. „ at Bexhill ; AY. E. AVindus, t. c. p. 188. „ at Hayling I., Hants ; AV. Jeffery, ibid. „ at Yatton, Somerset ; H. A. Francis, t. c. p. 236. ,, at Arbroath ; A. N. Simpson, Scot. Nat. 1888, pp. 339 & 340. For instances of breeding, cf. infra. The Continent . Cordeaux, J, Occurrence of Pallas’ Sand-Grouse at Heligoland. Naturalist, 1888, pp. 197 & 198. (From Gatke, in Letter.) Rosenberg, H. v. Das Sandhuhn in Holland. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, p. 150. Pfannenschmid, E, Das Steppenhuhn auf seiner AVanderung durch Ostfriesland. Monat, Schutze Vogelw. 1888, pp. 296 & 297. Martens, E. v. Syn'haptes paradoxus in Deutschland. SB. Ges. Nat. 1888, pp. 85-87. Struck, C. [See p. 81.] Altum, — . Zur Systematisohen Stellung des Steppenhuhns. Gef. Welt. 1888, pp. 351-353. Russ, K. Die Einburgerungsfahigkeit des Steppenhuhns. T. c. p. 319. . Zur naheren Kenntniss des Steppenhuhns. T. c. pp. 245 & 246. Home yer, A. v. [See p. 81.] Chernel, J. A pusztai talpas-tyiik ez idei megjelenese hazankban, Termes Kozlony, xx, pp. 449-457. CiierneliiAza, S. C. y. Zum lieurigen Erscheinen der Steppenhiihuer ( Syrrhaptes paradoxus, Pall.), in Ungarn. MT. orn. Yer. Wien, 1888, pp. 157 & 158. Editors. Einwanderung des Steppenhuhns ( Syrrhaptes paradoxus , Pall.). T. c. pp. 86 & 87. Talsky, J. Das Steppenhuhn und der Tannenheher im Jahre 1888 in Mahren. T. c. pp. 170 & 171. TaCZANOWSKI, L. [ Syrrhaptes paradoxus in Poland (from Liste des Oiseaux de Pologne).] Oruis, 1888, pp. 485 & 486. The first instance of the bird’s occurrence in Europe in 1888 is here noted. Meyer, A. B. Ueber das Yorkommen des Steppenhuhns in Bulgarien. Hugo’s Jagdzeit. 1888, pp. 685-68G. COLtIMteJ). Aves 85 Bure*vu, L. Sur les passages du Syrrliapte paradoxal (Syrt haptes para- doxus) dans l’ouest de la France. Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [1], pp. 245-252. Vian, J. Retour du Syrrliapte paradoxal en France. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [xiii], pp. 154-156. Ducloy, L. Migration de Syrrhaptes eu France. Bull. Soc. Acclim. 1888, p. 665. Salvadori, T. II Sirratte in Italia nella primavera del 1888. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii [1888], No. 47, 6 pp. . Altre Notizie intorno al Sirratte in Italia nel 1888. T. c. No. 52, 5 pp. Syrrhaptes paradoxus at Stock, Pilica R., near Warsaw ; L. Taczan- owski, Fly Leaf of Oruis, pt. 2, 1888. „ in Transylvania (April 27th) ; J. v. MadarAsz, Ibis, 1888, p. 375. „ in Listorland, S. Norway (May 12th); R. Col- lett, ibid. „ in Holland; F. E. Blaauw, ibid. [cf. The Times, May 23rd, 1888]. „ in Norway (Roraas, April) ; A. H. Cocks, Zool. 1888, p. 425. „ in Bornholm, Denmark, Sweden, Norway ; Ed., Nature, xxxviii, p. 132. ,, in Denmark ; J. S. Wood, Naturalist, 1888, p. 200. „ in Belgium; E. de Selys-Longciiamps, Bull. Ac. Belg. xv [1888], pp. 242-246. „ in Dept. Somme ; L. Magaud d’Aubusson, Bull. Soc. Acclim. 1888, pp. 666 & 667. „ at Dunkirk ; C. v. Kempen, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888[xiii], pp. 145 & 146 ; at Vian, pp. 154& 155. „ at Paunsdorf, Leipzig ; E. Rey, Fly Leaf of Ornis, pt. 2, 1888. „ in Upper Austria ; R. Karlsberger, Monat. Schutze Vogelw. 1888, p. 250. „ at Wurtzen; K. T. Liebe, t. c. p. 282. „ at Anklam; R. Tancre, MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1888, pp. 108 & 109, cut. „ at Borkum ; O. Hildebrandt, Gef. Welt, 1888, p. 407. „ in Norway ; K. Krogelbein, t. c. pp. 257 & 258. „ in Schleswig-Holstein ; K. Russ, t. c. pp. 235 & 236. „ in Juist I., Hanover ; id. t. c. pp. 247 & 248. „ in Pomerania (Wollin I.); id. t. c. pp. 309 & 310. „ at Dannewerk, near Sleswig ; id. Kieler Zeitung, Aug. 1888. 86 Aies. AVE9. Sgrrhaptes paradoxus at Albufera de Valencia (June); J. Arevalo, Rev. Cien. Madrid, xxii, pp. 373-376. „ at Mantua, L Picaglia, 11 Panaro, xxvii, No. 160. „ at Triesto ; A. Valle, Boll, del Nat. 1888, p. 105. ,, at Padua ; C. del Fiume, II Panaro, xxvii, No. 160. „ at Bellaria ; E. Gallarotti, ibid. „ at Cervarese ; D. Stefanoni, t. c. p. 156. ,, at Verona; — Dal Nero, t. c. p. 161. ,, at Brescia ; E. Mettica, ibid. „ in Provence ; P. Siepi, ibid. „ at Upsala, Gotaborg ; Norsk. Jaeger-og Fisker Tidsskrift, 1888, June-Aug. Reported Instances of Breeding. June. In Englaud ; A. B. Meyer & F. Helm, iii, Jahresb. Sachsen, p. 123. At Freia in Sleswig-Holstein (nest and eggs) ; iid. ibid. At Fohr I. (several pairs); iid. ibid. At Rodenkirchen, Oldenburg (nest and eggs) ; iid. ibid. In Sleswig-Holstein (several nests with 4-5 eggs); iid. ibid. In N. Holland (Schoorl and Terschelling I.) ; iid. p. 121. June 8th. At Schonebeck, Saxony (nest and eggs) ; iid. ibid. July 9th. At Wegeleben, near Halberstadt (nest and 4 young) ; iid. ibid. In E. Scotland (young found) ; H. M. Duummond-Hay, Scot. Nat. 1888, pp. 348-350. In Durham County ; S. L. Mosley, Zool. 1888, p. 318. In Norfolk ; E. A. Butler, Zool. 1888, p. 300. At Settle, in Yorkshire (nest and 3 eggs) ; J. Harding, Wesley Nat. 1888, p. 235. In Sylt ; H. Bunger, Monat. Schutze Vogelw. 1888, p. 369. In Germany ; K. T. Liebe, t. c. pp. 306 & 307. „ E. Sciiaff, Gef. Welt. 1888, p. 353. Nesting in General ; K. Russ, t. c. p. 236. GALLING. Tetraonid^. Colimis nigrogularis segoviensis , n. subsp., Segovia R., Honduras ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, pp. 593 & 594. Dendragapus canadensis , notes ; W. H. Fisher, J. Cincinn. Soc. x, pp. 205 & 206. Lagopus bonasioides $ (new hybrid) described at length ; G. Kolt- hoff, Bih. Sv. Ak. Haudl. xiii, No. 6, 7 pp., pi. L. lagopus [head], L. GALLIC M. Aves 8? rupestris nelsoni , figured ; E. W. Nelson, Rep. Nat. Hist. Alaska, pp. 131 & 138, pi. v, fig. 3 & pi. x. L. mutus [summer (pair), autumn, winter (pair)] figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. ix. Tetrao tetrix figured ; id. t. c. pt. vii. T. marmorata , T. cristata , T. guttata, n. spp., S. Mexico (Popocatepec), N. Mexico (Mezquital), and near S. Mexico respectively ; P. de la Llave, Nat. Mex. vii [1885-86], pp. 63-65. T. medius, probably f T. tetrix £ T. urogallus ; V. v. Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Ornis, 1888, pp. 517-526, pi. ii. Phasianjd.e. The family, see Godiiy, E. Siiufeldt, R. W. Observations upon the Morphology of Gallus banlciva of India. (Including a complete account of its skeleton.) J. Comp. Med., Oct. 1888, 34 pp., 30 figs. The subjects of investigation were two “ wild-shot ” Birds from J ubbul- pore [^ ? ] ; and while the results do not seem to differ essentially from those attained by other naturalists, they are of great interest, and are worked out fully and carefully. Agelastes mcleagrides, coloration re-described ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 98 & 99. Caccabis rufa figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. viii. Coturnix novce-zealandice [ $ $ ] figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xxiii. Francolinus spilogastcr [ £ ] n. sp., ITarar, E. Africa ; F. castaneicollie [ $ ] n. sp., Lake Ciar-Ciar, Slioa distriot ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 541 & 542. Lobiophasis bulweri , its range, with other details ; W. H. Treacher, Ibis, 1888, pp. 413-415. Mcleagris , sub voce “ Turkey”; A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. cd. 9, vol. xxiii. Pcrdix , see Duclos, G. P. cinerea figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. ix. P. Montana , Brisson [a note] ; L. Petit, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1888 [xiii] , p. 216. Phasianus per stem talischensis , Talisch, Lenkoran ; P. colcliicus septen * trionalis, N. of Caucasus; T. Lorenz, J. f. O. 1888, pp. 571 & 572. P. torquatus and its allies ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, pp. 312-316. P.vlangali , P. strauchi , P. shawi , P. ta.rimensis , note on synonymy, &c. ; P. satche- unensis = P. shawi ; id. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 267 & 415. [Gf. Zool. Rec. xxi, Aves , p. 63.] Cracid^i. Or tails, see Delaurier, A. Megapodiidjs. Megapodius brenchleyi , notes; C. M. Woodford, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 249 & 250. M. cumingi, nesting habits ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1888, pp. 411 & 412. 88 Aves. AYES. Turnicidjc. Turnix haynaldi , n. sp. [J $], Pal&wan I.; W. Blasius, Ornis, 1888, pp. 317 & 318. OPISTHOCOMI. Opisthocomida:. Opisthocomus cristatus, its habits, nesting, anatomy, and wing-forma- tion ; C. G. Young, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 169-174, pi. viii [anatomy of young and egg] : breeding habits, &c. ; — Quelch [a letter], Ibis, 1888, pp. 378 & 379. FULICARIiE. Rallid^j. Fossil remains (new species), see Portis, A. Shufeldt, R. W. Osteologyof P or zana Carolina. J. Comp. Med., July, 1888, 16 pp., 7 figs. The author treats — 1, of the Skull (3 figs.) ; 2, of the remainder of the Axial Skeleton (2 figs.) ; 3, of the Appendicular Skeleton. He then recapitulates the 17 chief characters. Parker, T. J. Notes on a Skeleton of Notornis , recently acquired by the Otago University Museum. Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1885 [xviii], Art. x, pp. 78-82. Found by R. Henry, near Lake Te Anau. Porphyriol reperta , Gallinula slrenuipes , Pulica prior , n. spp., from Post-tertiary deposits of Queensland ; C. W. PE Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], pp. 1283-1286, pis. xxxiv (figs. 7a, 76, 8a, 86) & xxxv (figs. 9a, 96). Aramides plumbeicollis, n. sp., Jimenez; J. 0. Zeledon, An. Mus. Costa Rica i [1887], p. 131 ; cf. op. cit. ii, p. 3. E ary zona euryzonoides , notes on the typo specimen, &c.j L. Stejneoek, P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, pp. 461-463. Gallinula , sp. indet., from St. Denys, North of Seychelles ; E. Newton, Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, p. 552. Gymnocrex plumbeiventris figured ; R. B. Sharpe [J. Gould], Birds .New Guinea, pt. xxiv. Ionornis martinica , its breeding habits, &c. ; A. T. Wayne, Auk, 1888, pp. 109 & 110. Notornis , cf. supra. N. mantelli figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xxxii. Ocydromua australis, 0. brachypterus, figured; id. t. c. pi. xxxv. 0. greyi , 0. fuse us } figured ; id. t. c. pi. xxxiv. Ortygometra tabuensis figured; id. t. c. pi. xxxiii. fulIcarI® — limicoi®. Aves 89 Porphyrio melanotus and var. figured ; id. t. c. pi. xxxi. Porzana, cf. supra. P. exilis vagans , n. subsp., Segovia R., Honduras ; R. Ridoway, P. U. S. Nat. Mils. 1887, p. 595. P. spiloptera [cf. Zool. Rec. xiv, Aves, p. 54], from Buenos Ayres, = Ballus salinasi, of Philippi, from Ohili ; Edd. [H. Burmeister], Ibis, 1888, p. 285. [The nest and eggs have now been obtained.] RalJus longirostris scotti, n. subsp., West Coast of Florida, I?. 1. caribbeeus , new to mainland of America ; G. B. Sennett, Auk, 1888, pp. 305, 306, & 319. R. pliilippensis figured ; W. L. Btjller. Birds New Zealand, pi. xxxiii. Heliornithtd®. Ileliornis senegalensis — does II. petersi differ P, notes on the 2 species ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. x [1888], pp. 103-105. ALECTORIDES. Gruid®. Fossil remains (new species), see Portis, A. PSOPHIID®. The family, sub voce “ Trumpeter A. Newton, Encycl. Brit. ed. 9, vol. xxiii. Psophia leucoptera figured ; id. ibid. Otidida:. Right scapula of a species of uncertain genus, from Post-tertiary deposits of Queensland ; C. W. de Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii [1888], pp. 1288-1290, pi. xxxv, fig. 12. Lophotis gindiana [ $ $ ], further notes ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxvi, pp. 543 & 544. Otis dybowskii , described for first time ; L. Taczanowski, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 456. LIMICOLiE. CEdicnemid.®. CEdicnemus longipes , n. sp. [= (E. grallarius) pt.], N;-W* Australia \ E. P. Ramsay, Tab. List Austral. Birds, p. 35. 90 Aves. AYES. Parridjl Elliot, D. G. Tko Jacankhe. Auk, 1888, pp. 288-305. As regards nomenclature, the author wishes to substitute Brisson’s generic title Jacana for Linnaeus’ Parra , and would therefore prefer a new specific name for P. jacana. He recognizes 5 genera (see Aphalus , n. g., infra), and 9 species, to both of which he gives a key. The body of the work consists of descriptions, account of distribution, and other usual details. Aphalus , n. g., type Parra capensis ; id. t. c. pp. 292 & 301. Parra gymnostoma, Wagl., = P. spinosa (Linn.) ; id. t. c. p. 297. AEgialitis asiatica , new to Italy ; T. Salvadori, Atti Acc. Tor. xxiii, pp. 44-48. AS. minor , AS. cantianus , figured ; K. T. Liebe, Monat. Schutze Yogelw. 1888, pis. ii & iii. Anarhynchus frontalis figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xxvi. Aphrha virgata , its affinities ; It. W. Siiufeldt, J. Morph, ii, pp. 311- 340, pi. xxv. Oharadrius hiaticula and 0. morinellus , east of the Yenesay (Gt. Liakoff I.) ; H. Seeboiim, Ibis, 1888, p. 347. C. obscurus , C. bicinctust figured ; W. L. Buller, Birds New Zealand, pi. xxv. Glareola emini [?], n. sp., Lado, Equat. Africa; G. E. Siielley, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 49. Hccniatopus frazari, n. sp. [ Zool. Rec. xxiv, Rept. p. 21.] L. Dollo, Bull. Soc. Bclg. Geol. ii, p. 300, having examined these fossils, pronounces them to be silicified masses of wood. 1888. [vol. xxv.] d 2 BBPTILIA AND BATRACH1A. 18 llept. Trachodon cantabrigiensis , n. sp., Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, p. 47. and Cat. Foss. Rept. i, p. 244, fig., Cambridge Greensand. Stegosaurus, Marsh. O. C. Marsh’s article on the Skull and Dermal Armour \cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, 'Rept. p. 20] is reprinted in Geol. Mag. (3) v% pp. 11-15, figs., pis. i-iii. Oeratops , n. g., type of a new family, Geratopsulce , allied to Stegosaurus ■,» but differing especially in the presence of a pair of large horns on the upper part of the head. G. montanus, n. sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxvi,\ p. 477, pi. xi, Cretaceous (Laramie Formation) of Montana. Is probably identical with Polyonax, Cope ; Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 1108. Priconodon crassus , n. g. & sp. : for a tooth of an herbivorous Dino- saur from the Potomac Formation ; Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxv, p. 93, figs. Ccelurus gracilisi n. sp., id. t. c. p. 94, Potomac Formation, North America. Ccelurus longicollis , Cope, and bauri, Cope, are described and referred to Tanystrophceus , v. Mey. ; Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxiv, pp. 221 & 226. Tanystrophceus willistoni , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 227, Trias, New Mexico. Ornithopsis hulkii, Seeley : maxilla and tooth figured by Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, pi. iii. Thecospondylus daviesi , n. sp., Seeley, t. c. p. 79, figs., Wealden of Brook, Isle of Wight. Allosaurus medius , n. sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxv, p. 93, Potomac Formation, North America. Massospoiidylus carinatus (Owen, nom. nud.), n. g. & sp. : for bones of . Theropoda from the Karoo system of Basutoland, S. Africa, which agree, at least generically, with others from the Maleri beds of India ; Lydek- ker, Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. xxi, p. 147, fig. Pleurocoelus , n. g., most nearly allied to Morosaurus , Marsh, for P. nanus, p. 90, figs., and altus , p. 92, n. spp. ; Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxv, figs., Potomac Formation, North America. EMYDOSAURIA. Alligator raississippiensis , Daud. : notes on the nest and eggs ; F. Clarke, Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 568-570, and Ann. N. II. (6) ii, pp. 509-511. Isselosaurus , n. g., for Grocodilus doduni , Cuv. (foss.) ; Filiiol, Mem. Soc. G<§ol. (3) v, p. 174. Goniopholis lucasii , n. sp. (foss.), Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 1107, Jurassic of Colorado. Oweniasuchus, n. n. for Brachydestes , Gw., nsc Cope, (foss.) ; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) ii, p. 506 (1885). Belodon buceros, Cope, p. 217, and scolopax , Cope, p. 221 : notes by Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxiv. The brain of Belodon buceros is described and figured, and compared with that of Alligator and Diadectes \ id. t. c. p. 219, pi. ii. Episcoposuurus , n. g., allied to Belodon, for E. horridus, n. sp. ; id. t. c. p. 213, Trias. New Mexico. CHELONIA. Bept, 19 , CHELONIA. Iunther, A. “ Tortoise.” Encycl. Brit, xxiii, pp. 455-460, figs. The following arrangement is adopted : — Subord. I. Athecas. Fam. Sphargidce. Subord. II. Testudinata. Series a. Oryptodira. Group, a. Digitata. Fams. Testudinidce , Platysternidce , Bacnido ?, Clielydridce , Staurotyp - idee, Cinosternidce , Pseudotrionychidce. Group^B. Pinnata. Fam. Chelonidce. Series b. Pleurodira. Fams. Chelydidcc, Pelomedimdce, Carettochelydidce, Miolaniidce. Subord. III. Trionyciioidea. Fam. Trionycliidce. G. Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 417-424, 592-597, & 736-740, has notes on the osteology of Chelonians, and proposes a revised nomenclature for the epidermal shields and bony plates of the shell. G. A. Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 452, fig., remarks on the sup- posed presence of ossa transversa in a Chelonian (j Hydraspis hilairii). The error is corrected ; op. cit. ii, p. 122. Dogiel, A. Ueber das Yerhalten der nervosen Elemente in der Retina der Ganoiden, Reptilien, Vogel und Saugetiere. Vorlaufige Mitthei- lung. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 133-143, figs. Chelonia , pp. 137 & 138. Mitsukurt, K. The Ectoblastic Origin of the Wolffian Duct in Chelonia. (Preliminary Notice.) Zool. Anz. xi, p. 111. E. H. Barbour, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxvi, pp. 227-230, pi. v, has bio- logical notes on a young Tortoise (Chrysemys pictci) with two heads. TRION YCHOIDEA. Trionyx , Geoffr. : notes on the American species, by Baur, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 1121 & 1122. Platypelis agassizii , n. n. for P.ferox , Ag., nec Schn. ; id. t. c. p. 1122. PLEURODIRA. G. Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 419-421, proposes the following classifica- tion of tho typical Pleurodira : — 1. Mesoplastralia. Fams. Pleurosternidce, S ter nothcer idee, Pelomedusidce. 2. Amesoplastralia. Fams. Pledochelydidcc, Chelydidce. 20 Rept. EEPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Criticisms by Boulenger,' Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 352-354. In a later note, Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 737-739, Baur modifies his arrangement, uniting the Sternothceridce and Pelomedusidce and separating the Podocnemididce. Boulenger, G. A. On the Characters of the Chelonian Families Pelomedusidce and Chelydidce. Aun. N. H. (6) i, pp. 346 & 347. Emydura albertisii , n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 449, S.E. New Guinea. Chelodina novce-guinece , n. sp., id. t. c . p. 450, S.E. New Guinea. Erymnochelys , n. n. for Dumerilia , Grand., nec Bocage ; Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 421. Miolania , Owen (foss.) : note by A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 85-89. M. oiveni , n. n. for the skull and tail-sheath referred by Owen to Megalania prisca ; id. t. c. p. 89. M. plat ijceps, Ow. : further notes, with figures of the skull and tail-sheath; Owen, Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 181-191, pis. xxxi-xxxvii. Proganochelys quenstedtii , Baur (foss.) : further notes by Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 417. CRYPTODIRA. P. Fischer, C.R. evii, pp. 458-460, remarks on the dermal ossifica- tions of the limbs of Testudo perpiniana) Deperet, as compared with the living species of Testudo. Testudo leithii , Gthr. : on the dermal ossifications of the fore limb ; Baur, Science, xi, p. 144. T. polyphemus , Daud., and berlandieri, Ag. : remarks by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 144 & 145. Manouria , Gray : Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 396, regards this genus as the typo of a distinct subfamily of Testudinidce , Manouriina , equivalent with the Testudinina , Emydina , and Terrapenina. Homopus signal us y Walb. : note by Boulenger, Ann. N. II. (6) ii, p. 136. H. femoralis , n. sp., id. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 251, pi. xiv, Cradock, S. Africa, Cinixys dorri, n. sp. (= belliana , Gray), Lataste, Le Nat. x, p. 104, figs., & p. 228, Upper Senegal. Cistudo ( Onychotria ) mcxicana , Gray, is regarded as a valid species by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 107. Emys orbicularis , L. : on its occurrence noar Moscow ; GreviS, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 54 : in Mecklenburg ; IC. Krause, Arch. Yer. Mecklcnb. xli, p. 222. Dermatemys , Gray : Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 394, discusses the syste- matic position of this genus, which should rank as a distinct family, near the Chelydridce. Cinosternum integrum , Leconte, uoticed and figured under the name of C. pennsylvanicum, by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 100, pi. xi, figs. 1-4. Chelone Tioffmanniy Gray (foss.): notes on the skull ; Ubagiis, Bull. Soc. Belg. Geol. ii, p. 383, figs., pis. x-xiii. Allopleuron, n. g., for Chelone hoffmannit Gray (foss.) ; Baur, Science, xi, p. 144. CHELONIA PLESIOSATJRIA. Rept. 21 Colpochclys, Garm. : notes by Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 423. Eiiclaitet, Copo (foss.) (== Lytoloma , Cope, Puppigerus , Cope, Glosso - chelys , Seeley, Pachyrhynchus, Dollo, Erquelinnesia, Dollo) : furthor notes by Dollo. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 261-267, figs., and Bull. Soc. Geol. Nord. xv, pp. 114-122. ATHECL®. Dermochelys, Blainv. : this name has priority; Baur, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 44. Psephophorus scaldii, Yan Ben., and rupeliensis , Van Ben. (foss.) : humerus figured, by Dollo, Bull. Mus. Belg. v, pi. iv. The paper on Psephophorus , noticed in the preceding report, is republished in the same volume, pp. 59-96. ICHTHYOSAURI^ . IjYDEKKER, R. Note on the Classification of the Ichthyopterygia . Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 309-314 & 453. Ophthalmosaurus cantabrigiensis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 312, Cambridge Greensand. E. Fraas describes and figures the fin of Ichthyosaurus quadriscissus, Qu., from an impression showing the shape and extent of the soft parts ; JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xliv, p. 280, pi. vii. Ichthyosaurus conybeari, n. sp., Lydekker, l. c., Lower Lias, England. I. maratlionensis , n. sp., R. Etheridge, Jun., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 405, pi. vii, “ Rolling Downs Formation,’5 Northern Queensland. I. ceramensis, n. sp., K. Martin, Samra. Geol. Mus. Leid. iv, p. 74, pi. x, Ceram. I. cornalianus, n. sp., Bassani, Atti Soc. Ital. xxix, p. 25 [1886], Trias cf Lombardy. PLESIOSAURIA. Seeley, H. G. On the Mode of Development of the Young in Plesio- saurus. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, p. 697. Lydekker, R. Notes on the Sauropterygia of the Oxford and Kirae- ridge Clays, mainly based on the Collection of Mr. Leeds at Eyebury. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 350-356, figs., & 453. Remarks by Cope, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 724-726. Plesiosaurus phillipsi , n. sp. (= P. carinatus , Phillips, nee Cuv.), Sauvage, Bull. Soc. g6ol. (3) xvi, p. 6£0, Upper Portlandian, Bucking- hamshire and Boulogne. On Plesiosaurus remains from the (l Rolling Downs Formation” of Northern Queensland; R. Etheridge, Jun., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 410, pi. viii. 22 Bejpt. REPTILIA AND BATRACH1A. RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. Dollo, L. Sur le Proatlas. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Anat. pp. 43,3-446. Criticisms ou J. Cornet’s note on tlio proatlas of Mammalia and II a t- ena 'punctata. Credner, H. Die Stegocephalen und Saurier aus dem Rothliegenden dcs Plauen’schen Grundes bei Dresden, vir. Theil. Z. Deutsch. Geol. . Ges. 1888, pp. 487-557, figs., pis. xxiv-xxvi. Palceohatteria longicaudata , n. g. & sp., Credner, l. c., for a Permo- Carboniferous Reptile showing affinities to, and, in fact, a connecting form between, the Ilatteriidce and the Stegocephala (especially Hijlonomus and Dendrerpeton). Typothorax coccinarum, Cope : notes by Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxiv, p. 210, pi. i. THEROMORPHA. Seeley, H. G. On the Anomodont Reptilia and their Allies. [Ab- stract.] P. R. Soc. xliv, pp. 381-388. The larger groups included in the Anomodont alliance are regarded as the Pareiasauria and Procolophonia ; Dicynodontia , Gennetothcria , and Pelycosauria ; the Theriodontia , Cotylosauria , and Placodontia are re- garded as coming under the same subclass, which at one end of the series exhibits characters which link Reptiles with Amphibians, and at the other end of the series link Reptiles with Mammals. On Pareiasaurus bombidens (Owen) and the Significance of its Affinities to Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 59-109, pis. xii-xxi. . On associated Bones of a small Anomodont Reptile, Keirognathus cordylus (Seeley), showing the relative dimensions of the anterior parts of the Skeleton, and Structure of the Fore-Limb and Shoulder- Girdle. T. c. pp. 487-501, figs., pis. lxxv & lxxvi. Dicynodon simocephalus , n. sp., Weithofer, Ann. Hofmus. Wien, iii, p. 1, pi. i, Karoo Formation, S. Africa. INGEBT2E SEDIS. Labyvinthodnn riitimeyeri , Wiedersh., is a Reptile; Zittel, JB. Mineral. 1888, ii, p. 257. BATRACHIA. Zittel, K. A. Handbuch der Palaeontologie. i. Palceozoologie. Bd. ill. Lief. 2. Amphibia , pp. 337-436. ECAUDATA. Bept . 23 Baur, G. Beitrago zur Morphogenie des Carpus und Tarsus dor Vorte- braten. i. Theil, Bairacliia. Jena: 1888, 8vo, 86 pp., 3 pis. Deals with the Batrachians, exclusive of the Ecaudata. In the intro- ductory part the author proposes the following classification, suggested to him by Cope : — Order i. Ganocepiiala. „ ii. Rhaciiitomi. „ hi. Embolomeri. „ IV. Stegocephali. „ v. Proteida. Fam. Froteidce. „ VI. Urodela. Fams. Cryptobranchidai , Sirenidce , Amphiumidie , Cceciliidce , Amblystomatince , Plethodontidce , DesmognathidiC , Salamandridai , P leurodelidce. „ vn. Anura. Cope, E. D. On the Relations of the Hyoid and Otic Elements of the Skeleton in the Batrachia. J. Morph, ii, pp. 297-310, pis. xxii-xxiv. Abstract in Am. Nat. 1888, p. 4G4. Maurer, F. Die Kiemon und ihre Gefasso bei auuron und urodelcn Amphibien, und die Umbildungen der beiden ersten Arterienbogen bei Teleostiern. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 175-222, figs., pis. ix & x. H^ron-Royer, — . Sur la presence d’une enveloppe adventive autour des feces chez les Batraciens. Bull. Soc. Zool. xiii, pp. 55-57, fig. Mayer, S. Zur Lehre von der Schilddriise und Thymus bei den Amphi- bien. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 97-103. °Schanz, F. Das Schicksal des Blastoporus bei den Amphibien. Inaug.- Diss. Jena : 1888, 8vo, 12 pp., 1 pi. T6r6k, L. Die Theilung der rothen Blutzellen bei Amphibien. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxi, pp. 603-613, pi. xxiii. Osborn, H. F. A Contribution to the Internal Structure of the Amphibian Brain. J. Morph, ii, pp. 51-96, pis. iv-vi. Dogiel, A. Ueber die nervosen Elemente in der Netzhaut der Amphi- bien und Vogel. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 342-347, figs. Suchetet, A. L’hybridite dans la Nature. Rev. Quest. Sci. xii, pp. 175-244. Batrachians, pp. 197-205. ECAUDATA. Lataste, F. Sur la Classification des Batraciens anoures, ii propos du syst&me de M. le Dr. R. Blanchard. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 236-240. Reply by R. Blanchard, t. c. pp. 358 & 359. Counter-reply by Lataste, t. c. pp. 540-542. Ecker, A. Die Anatomie des Frosches. Zweite Auflage. Erste Abth. Knochen und Muskellehre. Braunschweig : 1888, 8vo. 24 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Howes, G. B., & Ridewood, W. On the Caipus and Tarsus of the Anura. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 141-182, figs., pis. vii-ix. Howes, G. B. Note on the Azygos Veins in the Anurous Amphibia. T. c. pp. 122-1 2G, fig. The azygos (posterior cardinal) vein recently discovered by Hochstotter in Bombinatov may bo regarded as fairly distinctive of the Discoglosskhu , being found in Alytes and Discoglossus. The author has also found it in an individual example of liana temporaria. vLucowicz, C. yon. Versuche fiber die Anatomie des Froschherzens. Inaug.-Diss. Ilalle: 1888, 8vo, 29 pp. ® Jordan, P. Die Entwieklung der vorderen Extrcmitat der anuren Batrachier. Inaug.-Diss. Leipzig : 1883, 8vo, 55 pp. Schulze, F. E. Uebcr die innere Kiemen der Batrachierlavven. i. Mitt- heilung. Ueber. das Epitliel der Lippen, der Mundrachen-und Ivie- menhohle erwachsener Laiven von Pelobatcs fuscus. Abh. Ak. Berl. 1888, 59 pp., 4 pis. Remarks by O. Zaciiarias, Bit 1. Centralbl. viii, pp. 580-582. J. W. Spengel remarks that Goette was the first to notice the median spiraculum of the Bcmbinator- tadpole, and that to the median spiraculum corresponds a median anus, t j the sinistral spiraculum a dextral anus. Zool. Auz. xi, pp. 338 & 339. F. Lataste, in reply, points out that the discovery of the median spiraculum was made by Pontallie (1852), and that Goette’s generalisa- tions as to the correspondence of the position of the spiraculum with that of the anus has been -shown by Boulenger (1884) to bo incorrect. T. c. pp. 427 & 428. Ridewood, W. G. On an abnormal Genital System in a Male of the Common Frog. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 333-33G. Smirnow, A. Ueber Nervenendknauel in der Froschlunge. T. c. pp. 258-2G1, figs. H^ron-Royer, — , Essai sur la Transmission de la Coloration chez les Batraciens Anoures. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 205 & 20 G. KOppen, M. Zur Anatomie des Froschgehirns. Arch. Anat. Phys, 1888, Anat. pp. 1-34, pis. i-iii. Hij)RON-Royee, — . L’Accouplement du Bafo viridis et les phdnom^nes que prdsontent les cordons d'oeufs de cet Anoure durant Involution de l’embryon. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 2G-31, figs., & p. 84. Schultze, 0. Die Entwieklung der Keimblatter und der Chorda dorsalis von Rana fusoa. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 325-352, pis. xxviii & xxix. Roux, W. Ueber die Lagerung des Materials des Medullarrohres im gefurchten Froschei. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 697-704, figs. . Zur Frage der Axenbestimmung des Embryo im Froschei. Biol. Centralb. viii, pp. 399-413. ECAUDATA. Rept. 25 Ranid.®. G. A. Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 204-206, figs., distinguishes two groups among the Ranidce, according to the presence or absence of a supplementary phalanx between the ultimate and the (normally) pen- ultimate. Ranci L. : on the hibernation of R. temporaria and R. esculenta ;, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, p. 231. R. esculenta : L. Camerano, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, No. 36, records an anomalous tadpole, in which the fore limbs wero fully developed, whilst the hind limbs wero still in a rudimentary condition : on a case of anomalous fusion of the 8th and 9th vertebrae ; Heller, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 181 : a case of polymely noticed by F. Mazza, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 144, pi. i. R. esculenta , var. ridibunda , Pall. : notes on Transcaspian specimens by Bcettger, Zool. Jahrb. iii, p. 953, and Walter, t. c. p. 796: on specimens from Greece and Asia Minor; Bcett- ger, SB. Ak. Berlin, 1888, p. 145. On albino larvae of R. temporaria ; Fisciier-Sigwaut, Arch. Sci. nnt. (3) xix, pp. 350-352. R. arvalis , Nilas. : notes on specimens f rom Bruuswick ; Heller, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 177, fig. R. agilis , Thom., recorded from Hochberg, on the Main, by Leydig, Verh. Ges. Wiirzb. (2) xxii, p. 12. R. latastii , Blgr., recorded from Bosnia and Greece, by Bcettger, SB. Ak. Berlin, 1888, p. 148. R. mon- iezumce , Baird, and halecina , Kalm, described by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 136 & 137. R. trivittata, Hallow., = macrodactyla, Gthr., Bcettger, 26.-28. Ber. Offenb. Ver. p. 96. R. macroscelis , i, p. 345, New Guinea, leithii , ii, p. 506, Bombay, and himalayana , ii, p. 507, Darjeeling, n. spp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6). Micrixalus, n. g., standing in the same relation to liana as the typical Ixali to Rhacophorus , for Ixalus opisthorhodus , Gthr., and allies ; id. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 205. Cornufer johnstoni, n. sp., id. op. cit. 1887, p. 564, Cameroons. Rhacophorus cruciger) Blyth, is distinct from R. maculatus , Gray ; H. Nevill, Taprobanian, iii, p. 6. R. opisthodon , p. 105, and albilabrisf p. 105, pi. vi, fig. 1, n. spp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, Madagascar. Ixalus granulatus , n. sp., Bcettger, 26.-28. Ber. Offenb. Ver., p. 57, Siam. Rappia sordida, n. sp., J. G. Fischer, JB. Hamb. v, p. 10, Cameroons. Phyllobates, Bibr., is a Ranoid, closely allied to and intermediate between Ilylixalus , Espada, and Prostherapis, Cope ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 206. Dendrobatuxe. Dendrobates : Boulenger, Ann. N.H. (6) i, p. 454, & ii, p. 122, remarks that the nursing habits, recently noticed by Cope, were observed long ago by Wilder and by Kappler. Mantella baroni, n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 106, pi. vi, fig. 2, Madagascar. 2(3 11 ejpt. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Engystomatidj:. JRhinoderma darwini , D. & B. : notes on the gular brood-pouch of the male ; Howes, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 231—237, figs. Engy stoma leucostictum , n. sp., Boulenger, Anu. N. H. (G) i, p. 4 1G, Santa Catharina, Brazil. Callulops, n. g., intermediate between Callula and Xenobatrachus. Pupil erect ; tongue oblong, entire, slightly free behind and on the sides ; palatine bones forming an acute ridge across the palate, armed with a series of small teeth ; a cutaneous denticulated ridge across the palate, in front of the oesophagus ; tympanum distinct ; fingers and toes free, tips swollen into small disks ; outer metatarsals united; distal phalanges simple ; no precoracoids ; no omosternum ; sternum cartilaginous ; diapophyses of sacral vertebra feebly dilated. C. dories , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 345, New Guinea. Dyscophidjj. Platypelis pollicaris , n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 106, pi. vi, fig. 3, Madagascar. Cystignatuidj:. Ilylodes plicifera and ramagii , n. spp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (G) ii, p. 41, Iguarasse, Pernambuco. Leptognathus prognathus, n. sp., id. op. cit. i, p. 187, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Limnodynastes fletcheri , n. sp., id. op. cit. ii, p. 142, New South Wales. Crinia victoriana) n. sp., id. t. c. p. 142, Victoria. Bufonidjs. . Eupemphix nana} n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 187, Santa Catharina, Brazil. Bufo calamita, Laur., and B. viridis , Laur. : on the differential charac- ters ; Bedriaga, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, p. 220. B. virklis) Laur. : notes on Transcaspian specimens ; Walter, Zool. Jahrb. iii, p. 983 : found in France (Savoie) ; R. Blanchard, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, p. GG. B. inter - medius , Gthr. : on its mode of copulation; A. Duges, t. c. p. 73* B. speciosus, Gir., is distinct from B. compactilis , Wiegm. ; Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xix, p. 136. B. compactilis, Wgm., described by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 139. B. super ciliar is, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 565, Cameroons. • Rhinophrynus dorsalis , D. & B. : notes by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 156, pi. xv. HYL1D2E, Hyla ovata , Cope : notes by J. G. Fischer, JB. Hamb. v, p. 44. H. copii , Blgr., is identified with H. arenicolor} Cope, in Am. Nat. 1888, p. 80; ECAUDATA, CAUDATA. Rept. 27 remarks by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 189. II '. chinensis , Gthr., n. var. immaculata ; Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1888, p. 189, Shanghai. II. arborea , var .japonica, Schleg., figured by Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, pi. li, fig. 2. II. Stephen i, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 578, pi. li, fig. 1, Port Hamil- ton, Corea. H. bivittatci, p. 188, and catharince, p. 417, n. spp., id. Ann. N. II. (6) i, Santa Catharina, Brazil. Nototrema fissipes , n. sp., id. op. cit. ii, p. 42, pi. iii, Iguarasse, Per- nambuco. Pelobatid^. Scapkiopus solitarius, Holbr. : notes on habits; 0. W. Hargitt, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 535. Pelobates latifrons, n. sp. [= insubricus , Cornalia], Heron-Royer, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 85, 108, & 117, figs., North Italy. Regarded as identical with, or a mere variety of, P.fuscus , Laur. ; Boulenger, t. c. pp. 115 & 1GB ; Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 1888, No. 46 ; Wolterstorff, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 672. Discoolossid.e. Discoglossus auritus , n. sp., for the Algerian specimens, II^ron-Royer, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 205 & 220. Bombinator, Laur. : further notes on the synonymy and geographical distribution of the two European species, which should bear the names of B. igneus, Laur., and B. pacliypus , Fitz. ; Boulenger, t. c. pp. 173-176. DACTYLETHRIDA3. Xenopus Icevis , Daud. : note on a living specimen ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 563. CAUDATA. Barfurtii, D. Die Regeneration des Amphibienschwanzes. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 403-405. Flemming, W. Weitere Beobachtungen fiber die Entwicklung der Spermatosomen bei Salcimandra maculosa. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, pp. 71-97, pi. vii. Houssaye, F., & Bataillon, — . Formation de la gastrula, du m4so- blaste et do la chordo dorsale chez 1’ Axolotl. C.R. clvii, pp. 134- 136. Ciialande, J. La Fdcondation chez les Tritons. Bull. Soc. Toulouse, xxi, pp. xii-xiv. Observations on M'olge palmata. Molge strauchii , Stdr., described and figured by Steindaciiner, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, p. 69, pi. i. M. palmata , Selin. ( helvetica , Raz.): notes by Leydig, Verh. Ges. Wfirzb. (2) xxii, p. 191. M. sinensis , Gray : notes 28 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. by Bcettger, 26.-28. Ber. Offenb. Yer. p. 100. M. meridionalis , Cope : notes by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 24. Megalotriton filholi, n. g. & sp. (foss.), for vertebra and limb-bones from the Quercy phosphorites ; Zittel, Handb. Pal. iii, p. 420, fig. 410. Amblystoma carolime (= tigrinum , Green) and its branchiate form, Siredon edulis, Hern. : notes by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 140-143. Amphiuma means , L. : observations by O. ,P. Hay, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 315-321. The eggs are deposited in strings resembling a rosary, and the mother coils herself round the egg-mass. Proteus anguineus , Laur. : notes on the larva ; E. Zeller, Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 570-572. APODA. Siphonops hardy i , n. sp., Boulenger, Ana. N. H. (f>) i, p. 181, Rio Janeiro. STEGOCEPHALA. Zittel (cf. supra. , p. 22) arranges the members of this Order as fol- lows:— Subord. I. Lepospondyli. Fams. DrancJiiosauridce, Microsauria , Aistopoda. Subord. II. Temnospondyli. Subord. III. Stereospondyli. Fams. Gastrolepidoti} Labyrinthodonti. Cope, E. D. On the Shoulder-Girdle an 1 Extremities of Eryops. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. (2) xvi, pp. 362-367, pi. — . Eupelor durus , Copo : notes by Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxiv, p. 209. Pisces 1 PISCES. BY G. A. Boulenqer. GENERAL. Vaillant, L. Expeditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talhman pendant les ann6es 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Poissons. Parh : 1888, 4to, 406 pp., 28 pis. In this extensive work, following closely upon Gunther’s ‘ Challenger ’ repart, which could ouly be used by the author when the whole of the plates and part of the text had passed through the press, numerous dis- crepancies occur in the nomenclature as compared to that of the latter work ; but in an appendix, an attempt is made at bringing the two more in accordance. The names quoted in the systematic portion of the present Record are therefore, in many cases, those used in the appendix. The depths at which the specimens are supposed to have been obtained are given in metres. Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer * Blake.’ Boston and New York : 1888, 8vo, 2 vols. Also issued in Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiv & xv. Chapter xv (vol. ii, pp. 21-36, figs. 195-224) is devoted to Sketches of the Characteristic Deep-Sea types of Fishes, from notes by Goode & Bean. The figures are taken from these authors’ forthcoming Memoir. Sciiarff, R. F. Review of Dohrn’s Theories on the Origin of the Vertebrates. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) vi, pp. 14-38. Beard, J. The old Mouth and the new. A Study in Vertebrate Morphology. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 15-24. Gadow, II. On the Modifications of the First and Second Visceral Arches, with especial reference to the Homologies of the Auditory Ossicles. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 451-485, pis. lxxi-lxxiv. Lavocat, A. Appareil operculaire des Poissons. M£m. Ac. Toulouse (8) x, pp. 62-76. Steiner, J. Die Funktionen des Zentralnervensystemes und ihre Phylogenese. Zweite Abteilung : Die Fische. Braunschweig : 1888; abstr. in Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 524-531. 2 Pisces. PISCES. Bellonci, J. Ueber die centrale Endigung des Nervus opticus bei den Yertebraten. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 1-46, pis. i-viii. Fishes, pp. 13-16. Moreno, J. M. Sobro las Torminacionos norviosas poriftkicas on la Mucosa olfatoria do los Peces. An. Soc. Esp. xvii, pp. 305-309. Leypig, F. Nervcnendkorperchen in der Haut der Fische. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 40-44. Sanfelice, F. Spermatogenesi dei Yertebrati. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, ii, pp. 42-98, pis. i-iii. Fishes, pp. 79-83. Quatrefages, A. df,. Memoirc sur la Moustruositd double chez les Poissons. M&n. Cent. Soc. Pliilom. pp. 3-34, pis. vii & viii. Lo Bianco, S. Notizie biologiche riguardanti specialmente il periodo di maturita sessuale degli animali del golfo di Napoli. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 385-440. Fishes, pp. 427-440. Bouvier, E. L. Lc Mimetismo chez les Poissons. Le Nat. x, pp. 17-20, figs. Suchetet, A. L’hybriditti dans la Nature. Rev. Quest. Sci. xii, pp. 175-244. Fishes, pp. 188-197. K. Knauthe, Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 71-73 & 142-148, remarks on the endurance of Fish in pools the water of which has been completely frozen up. Cunningham, J. T. Preliminary Inquiries at Plymouth into tho Marino Fauna and tho Ova of Fishes. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i, pp. 194-201. Henshall, J. A. On some Peculiarities of the Ova of Fishes. J. Cin- cinn. Soc. xi, pp. 81-85. Sauvage, H. E. Sur la Nourriture de quelques Poissons marins. Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, pp. 673-677. Robertson, D. The Food of Fishes. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. (2) i, pp. 146-150. D. S. Jordan, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, pp. 480 & 481, remarks on certain generic names proposed by Rafinesque in his “ Analyse de la Nature,” in 1815. T. Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, No. 48, gives the dates of publication of the various (30) fascicles of Bonaparte’s Fauna Italica (1832-41). A new edition of G. Neumayer’s Anleitung zu wissenschaf tlichen Beobaclitungen auf Reisen (Berlin: 1880, 8vo) contains instructions on tho collecting aud preserving of Fishes, by A. Gunther, pp. 418-427. FAUN2E. Pisces 3 FAUNAE. Europe. Lilljeborg, W. Sveriges och Norges Fiskar. Upsala : 8vo. Part 5 (pp. 417-788), containing the conclusion of the Anacanthini and the Physostomous families Scombresocidcc , Esocidce, and Salmonidce, was issued in 1888. Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. A Vertebrate Fauna of the Outer Hebrides. Edinburgh : 1888, 8vo. Fishes, pp. 172-225. Gunther, A. Report ou the Fishes obtained by Mr. J. Murray in Deep Water on the North-West Coast of Scotland, between April, 1887, and March, 1888. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xv, pp. 205-220, pis. iii & iv. Smith, W. A. Observations on some West-Coast [Scottish] Fishes. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. (2) i, pp. 100-104. Sauvage, II. E. Catalogue des Poissons des c6tes du Boulonnais. Bull. • Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 142-145, and Bull. Sci. Nord. i, pp. 438-443. Giarh, A. Observations sur le Catalogue des Poissons du Boulonnais. Bull. Sci. Nord, i, pp. 444-460. Geisenheyner, L. Wirbelthierfauna von Krouznach. i. Theil. Fisehe, Amphibien, Reptilien. Wiss. Beilage z. Programm des k. Gymna- siums zu Kreuznach, 1888. \Cf. Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 95.] Osorio, B. Additamonto ao Catalogo dos Peixcs de Portugal. J. Sci. Lisb. xii, pp. 167-185. Cabrera, A. Ictiologia ib6rica. Memoria de los “ Peces del Mar de Andalucia” : autografo inedito. Rev. Cien. Madrid, xxii, 1887, pp. 141-189. A list, edited by M. Graells. Some 40 new specific names occur, but unaccompanied by proper descriptions. Palace-#, J. Ueber die Tiefseefische des westlichen Mittelmeeres. SB. bohm. Ges. 1887, pp. 329-333. De-Carlini, A. Vertebrati della Valtellina. AttiSoc.Ital.xxxi,pp. 17-90. Fishes, pp. 85-90. Warpaciiowski, N. Notiz fiber die in Russland vorkommenden Arten der Gattung Phoxinus. Mel. biol. xii, pp. 685-690, or Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. xxxii [1887], pp. 533-536. Asia. Herzenstein, S. Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N. M. Przewalski nach Contral-Asien unternommenen Reisen. Zoologischer Theil. Band iii. Abth. 2, Fisehe. Lief. 1. St. Petersburg : 1888, 4to, 91 pp., 8 pis. This first fascicle deals with the Cobiiidina (Nemachilun). Text in Russian and in German. 4 Pisces. PISCES. Nikolsky, A. M. On the Vertebrate Fauna of the Balkash District. [Russian text.] Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. xix (1887), pp. 59-188. Fishes, pp. 162-188. Gunther, A. Contribution to our Knowledge of the Fishes of the Yangtsze:Kiang. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 429-435. Boulenger, G. A. An Account of the Fishes obtained by Surgeon- Major A. S. G. Jayakar at Muscat, East Coast of Arabia. P. Z. S. 1887, pp. 653-667, pi. liv. Day, F. Supplement to the Fishes of India. London: 1888, 4to, pp. 779-816. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xv, Phcesy p. 5.] 64 species are added, many being described as new. . Observations on the Fishes of India. Part I. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 258-265. Synonymic notes and descriptions of new species. Gogorza y GonzAlez, J. Datos para la Fauna Filipiana. An. Soc. Esp. xvii, pp. 247-303. List of Fishes, pp. 281-303. Africa. Hilgendorf, F. Die Fische der Azoren. Arch. f. Nat. liv, pp. 205-213. . Fische aus dem Victoria-Nyanza, gesammelt von dem verstorbencn Dr. G. A. Fischer. SB. nat. Fr. 1883, pp. 75-78. Grandidier, A. Histoire physiq io, naturelle et politique, de Mada- gascar. Paris : 4to. Vol. xvi. Histoire naturelle du Poissons, par II. Sauvage. Only two fasicles of the Atlas (50 pis.) were issue 1 in 1888. America. Goode, G. B. American Fishes. A Popular Treatise upon the Game aud Food Fishes of North America, with especial Reference to Habits and Methods of Capture. New York; 1888, 8vo, 49G pp., and numerous illustrations. '"Harris, W. C. The Fishes of North America. New York : 1888, 8vo, 80 pis. Jordan, D. S. A Manual of the Vertebrate Animals of the Northern United States, including the district North and East of the Ozark Mountains, South of the Laurentian Hills, North of the Southern Boundary of Virginia, and East of the Missouri River ; inclusive of Marine Species. Fifth Edition, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. Chicago : 1888, 8vo, 375 pp. Fishes, pp. 8-173. FAUNAE, PALEONTOLOGICAL. PlSCG3 5 Eigenmann, C. H. & R. S. A List of the American Species of Gobiidce and Callionymidtc , with Notes on the Specimens contained in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge, Massachusetts. P. Cal. Ac. (2)i, pp. 51-78. Henshall, J. A. Contributions to the Ichthyology of Ohio. No. 1. J. Cincinn. Soc. xi, pp. 76-80. Bean, T. H. Report on the Fishes observed in Great Egg Harbour. Bay, New Jersey, during the summer of 1887. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, vii, pp. 129-154, pis. i-iii. Evermann, B. W., & Jenkins, O. P. Notos on Indiana Fishes. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, pp. 43-57. ^ Eigenmann, C. H. & R. S. Preliminary Notes on South American Nematogyiathi. I. P. Cal. Ac. (2) i, pp. 119-172. Vaillant, L. Mission scieutifique du Cap Horn, 1882-1883. Tome vi, Zoologie. Poissons. Paris : 1888, 4to, 35 pp., 4 pis. Australia. J. Douglas-Ogilby has compiled a list of the Fishes of New South Wales, with their principal synonyms, which is published as Appendix A, in the Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries for New South Wales, 1887. Douglas-Ogilby, J. On a small Zoological Collection from Norfolk Island. Fishes. P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 990-993. PALAEONTOLOGICAL. Zittel, K. A. Handbuch der Palaeontologie. i. Palaeozoologie. Bd. ill. Lief. 2. Pp. 257-337 conclude the account of the Fishes. Woodward, II. Guide to the Collection of fossil Fishes in the Depart- ment of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition. London : 1888, 8vo, 51 pp., woodcuts. Woodward, A. S. A Synopsis of the Vertebrate Fossils of the English Chalk. P. Geol. Ass. x, pp. 273-338, pi. i. Fishes, pp. 285-338. . A Comparison of the Cretaceous Fish-fauna of Mount Lebanon with that of the English Chalk. .Abstract of a Paper read at the 1888 Meeting of the British Association. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 354 & 355, imd Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 471 & 472. Traquair, R. II. Notes on the Nomenclature of the Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 507-517. Daimeries, D. Notes ichthyologiques (Systemes Landenien et Meersien). P.-v. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1888, pp. Ii, lii, & liv-lviii. A list of species. 1888. [vol. xxv.] d 3 6 Pisces. PISCES. Dollo, L., & Storms, R. Sur les T51dosteens du Rupelien. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 265-267. Bassani, F. Sui Fossili e sull’ eU degli Schisti bituminosi triasici di Besano in Lombardia. Communicazione preliminare. Atti Soc. Ital. xxix, pp. 15-72, 1886. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiii.] Koken, E. Neue Untersuchungen an tertiaren Fisch-Otolithen. Z. geol. Ges. 1888, pp. 274-305, pis. xvii-xix. On Fish-otolithes from the Lower Tertiary of North America. The following are described as new under the provisional term Otolithus : — 0. ( Carangidarum ) americanus , 0. ( Apogonidarum ) hospes , 0. ( Pagelli ) elegantulus, 0. ( Sparidarum ) insuetus , 0. ( Scicenidarurn ) radians . gemma , eporrectus , claybornensis, intermedius, similis , and decipiens, 0. ( Trachini ) Icevigatus. 0. ( Cottklarum ) sulcatus, 0. ( Triglce ) cor, 0. (Cepolai) comes, O. ( Mugilidarum ) debilis , 0. ( Gadidarum ) meyeri, elevatus , and mucro- natus, 0. ( Platessce ), sector, 0. (Solece) glaber, 0. ( Congeris ) brevior. Davis, J. W. On Fossil-Fish Remains from the Tertiary and Cretaceo- Tertiary Formations of New Zealand. Tr. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) iv, pp. 1-48, pis. i-vii. PALJnCHTHYES. Douglas-Ogilby, J. Catalogue of the Fishes in the Collection of the Australian Museum. Part i : Recent Palaeichthyan Fishes. Sydney : 1888, 8vo, 26 pp. A list of 109 species. ICHTHYOTOML The name Pleuracanthules is proposed for an Order or Subclass, repre- senting a group ancestral to and synthetic of the Plagiostomes, Chimsa- roids, Dipnoi, and Cartilaginous Ganoids ; to include Pleuracantlius, Ag. ; C. Brongniart, C.R. cvi, p. 1242. Pleuracanthus gaudryi, n. sp., id. ibid., and Le Nat. x, p. 178, fig., Coal- Measures of Commentry, France. Remarks by A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 422. Xenacanthus decheni , Goldf. (foss.) : note on tho pectoral fin, which bears considerable resemblance to that of Ceratodus ; A. Feitscd, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 113, fig. See Traquair, infra , p. 9. CHONDROPTERYGII. Garman, S. On the Lateral Canal System of the Selachia and Holo- cephala. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xvii, pp. 57-119, pis. i-liii. A comparative investigation of the canal system in the principal genera of Plagiostomes and Chimeeroids, from a morphological and systematic point of view. CHONDROPTERYGII. Pisces 7 Woodward, A. S. Palaeontological Contributions to Selachian Mor- phology. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 126-129, fig. On the lateral line of a Cretaceous species of Scylliidce, and on the pelvic cartilage of Cyclobalis. Fritsch, G. Ueber Bau und Bedeutung der Kaualsysteme unter der Haut der Selachier. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1888, pp. 273-306. Beard, J. A contribution to the morphology and development of the nervous system of Vertebrates. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 874-905. The cranial ganglia of Elasmobranchii, pp. 881-901. Kastschenko, N. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Selachierembryos. T. c. pp. 445-467. Wijhe, J. W. van. Ueber die Entwicklung des Exkretionssystemes und anderer Organe bei Selachiern. T. c. pp. 74-76. Ruckert, J. Ueber die Entstehung der Excretionsorgane bei Selachiern. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1888, Anat. pp. 205-278, pis. xiv-xvi. Wijhe, J. W. van. Bemerkung zu Dr. Rfickert’s Artikel fiber die Entstehung der Excretionsorgane bei Selachiern. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 539 & 540. Ruckert, J. Ueber die Entstehung der endothelialen Anlagen des Her- zens und der ersten Gefassstamme bei Selachier-Embryonen. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 385-399 & 417-430. Ziegler, H. E. Der Ursprung der mesenchymatischen Gewebe bei den Selachiern. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 378-400, pi. xiii. Mayer, P. Ueber Eigenthfimlichkeiten in den Kreislaufsorgan der Selachier. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 307-373, pis. xvi-xviii. On the circulation in the tail and vertical fins, and on the so-called tl Lymphgef asssystem.” Dohrn, A. Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbelthierkorpers. xiv. Uber die erste Anlage und Entwicklung der motorischen Rficken- marksnerven bei den Selachiern. T. c. pp. 441-462, pi. xiv. Kastschenko, N. Zur Frage fiber die Herkunft der Dotterkerne im Selachierei. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 253-257, pi. i. SELACHOIDEI. Carcharias hemiodon , M. & H. : on its occurrence on the Coast of South Australia ; A. Zietz, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 303. 0. glaucus , L. : on the occurrence of a tooth in the brick-earth of Crayford, Kent ; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 528. C. macrurus , Rams. & Ogilby : correction of a lapsus calami in the original description; Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1024. Galeocerdo aculeatus, n. sp. (foss.), Davis, Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, p. 8, pi. i, figs. 1-3, Tertiary, New Zealand. Lamna daviesii , n. sp. (foss.), R. Etheridge, Jus., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 159, “ Rolling Downs Formation,’’ Northern Queens* 8 Pisces. PISCES. land. L. huttoni , p. 15, pi. iii, fig. 1, incur va, p. 17, pi. iii, figs. 2-5, ensi- culata , p. 18, pi. iii, figs. 6 & 7, marginalis, p. 19, pi. iii, figs. 8-10, aUem - ata , p. 19, pi. iii, fig. 11, lanceoluta, p. 20, pi. iii, fig. 12, carinuta , p. 21, pi. iii, fig. 13, and hector i, p. 21, pi. iii, fig. 16, n. spp. (foss.), Davis, Tr. II. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, Tertiary, New Zealand. Oxyrhina haastii , p. 26, pi. iv, figs. 1-3, recta, p. 27, pi. v, fig. 14, enysii, p. 28, pi. v, figs. 17-20, acuminata , p. 29, pi. v, fig. 21, graniUs , p. 30, pi. v, figs. 15 & 16, fastigata, p. 30, pi. vi, figs. 1-3, suhvexa , p. 31, pi. vi, fig. 4, and lata, p. 32, pi. vi, fig. 5, n. spp. (foss.), id. t. c.} Tertiary, New Zealand. Otodus appendiculatus , Ag. (foss.) : note on a tooth from the “Rolling Downs Formation” of Northern Queensland ; R. Etheridge, Jun., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 158. Carcharias leucas , Benn., = Carcharodon rondeletii ; Douglas-Ogilby, P. Z.S. 1887, p. 615. Carcharodon rohustus , n. sp. (foss.), Davis, Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, p. 13, pi. i, fig. 7, Tertiary, New Zealand. Odontaspis americana, Mitch. : notes by Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 162. O. acuta , p. 22, pi. v, figs. 1 & 2, exigua, p. 23, pi. v, figs. 3-5, Icaikoraensis , p. 24, pi. v, figs. 6-10, and sulcata , p. 25, pi. v, figs. 11-13, n. spp. (foss.), Davis, t. c.} Tertiary, New Zealand. Notidanus marginalis, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 34, pi. vi, figs. 7 & 8, Ter- tiary, New Zealand. Scyllium chilense , Guich. : noticed and figured by Vaillant, Miss. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 10, pi. i, fig. 1. Scyllium P spinacipeUitum and acutidens , n. spp., id. Exp6d. Trav. & Talism. p. 60, pi. i, figs. 3 & 4, off Canary Is., 946-975 m. Pristiurus atlanticus , n. sp. (= ? P. melanostomus , Lowe), id. t. c. p. 59, pi. i, fig. 1, Capo Spartel, 540 m. Parascyllium collare , n. sp., Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1310, Port Jackson. Synechodus dubrisiensis , Mackie (foss.) : notes by A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 495, fig. Acrodus bicarinatus, n. sp. (foss.), Bassani, Atti Soc. Ital. xxix, p. 31 (1886), Trias, Lombardy. Leiacanihus (Hybodus) qdnii, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c., Trias, Lombardy. Asteracanthus , Ag. : notes on this fossil Selachian, the affinities of which are with Eybodus and Acrodus ; id. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 336-342, pi. xii. A. ornaiissimus , Ag., n. var. Jlettonensis , n. sp., id. ibid., Oxford Clay, Fletton, near Peterborough. Acanthias vulgaris, Risso : on the foetus ; Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr xiii, p. 219. A. lebruni , n. sp., Vaillant, Miss. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 13, pi. i, fig. 2, Cape Horn. Centrophorus squamosus, L , and var. dumerilii , Johns. : notes and figures by Vaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. p. 69, pis. ii, fig. 3, & iii, figs. 2 & 3. C. culceus, Lowe, id. t. c. p. 71, pi. iii, fig. 1. Scymnus acutus, n. sp. (foss.), for a tooth from the Upper Tertiary of New Zealand ; J. W. Davis, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 315. Centroscymnus ccelolepis . Boc. & Cap., described and figured by Vail- CHONDROPTERYGII. . Pisces 9 lant, t. c. p. 63, pi. ii, fig. 1. C. obscums , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 67, pi. ii, fig. 2, Coast of Soudan, 1400 m. Echinorhinus spinosus , L., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Yict. pi. cxliv. Nemacanthus tuberculatus , n. sp. (foss.), Bassani, Atti Soc. Ital. xxix, p. 30 (1886), Trias, Lombardy. It. H. Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 81-86 & 101-104, has notes on Carboniferous Selachii : Cladodus, Ag., and Ctenacanthus , A g., p. 81, Dicentrodus , n. g., for Cladodus bicnspidatus , Traq., p. 86, Tristy chius, Ag., p. 83, Ilelodus , Ag., p. 84, Cochliodontidne, p. 84, Callopristodas) n. g., for Ctcnopty chins pectinatus, Ag.,p. 85, Oracanlhus , Ag., p. 85, and Oracan - thus armigerus, n. sp., p. 86, Carboniferous Limestone of Ayrshire, Ano- dontacanthus, J. "YY. Davis, and Pleur acanthus, Ag., p. 101, Pristodus falcatas , Davis, p. 101, Pristicladodus , McCoy, p. 103, and Chondrenchelys problematical n. gg. & spp., p. 103, Eskdale beds. 13 AT O DEI. Ewart, J. C. On the Development of the Electric Organ of Raia batis. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 399-409, pis. lxvi &Jxvii j abstract, P. It. Soc. xliv, pp. 120 & 121. Description of the electric organs found in the Skate genus, with an account of the development of the electric organ of Raia batis. . On the Structure of the Electric Organ of Raia circular is. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 410-416, pi. lxviii ; abstract, P. R. Soc. xliv, pp. 213 & 214. . The Electric Organ7 of Raia radiata. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 539-552, pis. lxxix & lxxx ; abstract, P. R. Soc. xliv, pp. 308-310. Burdon Sanderson, J., & Gotcii, F. On the Electrical Organ of the Skate. J. Physiol, ix, pp. 137-166, figs. Gotcii, F. Further Observations on the Electro-motive Properties of the Electrical Organ of Torpedo marmorata. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 329-363, figs., pis. Ii & lii. Bois-Reymond, E. du. Bemerkungen fiber einige neuere Ycrsuche an Torpedo. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1888, pp. 531-554. Perenyi, J. Beitriige zur Entwickclung der Riickensaite (Chorda dorsalis) und der perichordalen Gebilde bei Torpedo marmorata. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. iv, pp. 214-216 (1887), & v, pp. 218-240, pis. i-iv. F. Hilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 109 & 110, has remarks on the histology of the teeth of Prislis. Amblypristis cheops, n. g. & sp , for toeth from the Eocene of Egypt, apparently allied to Pristis ; Dames, t. c. p. 106, fig. Dactylodus rossicus , n. sp. (foss.), A. v. Inostranzeff, Tr. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb. xix, Geol. p. 15, pi. — , Chalk, Gov. Olonetz. Raia fullonica , L., figured by Vaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. pi. iv, fig. 1. R. bracliyura , Gthr., noticed and figured by YaieRANT, JO Pisces. PISC1S. Miss. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 14, pi. ii, fig. 1. JR. scabra , n. n. for JR. rostrata, Casteln., nec Lac6p ; Douglas-Ogilby, Cat. Fish. Austr. Mus. i, p. 17. Trygon ensifer , n. sp. (foss ), Davis, Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, p. 37, pi. vi, figs. 13-15, Tertiary, New Zealand. Pteroplutea australis , Rams. & Ogilby, is not a valid species ; Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1024. Myliobatis} Cuv. : notes on the determination of the fossil teeth, with a revision of the English Eocene species ; A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 36-47, figs., pi. i. M. latidens, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 44, pi. i, figs. 1 1 & 12, Brackclsham Beds. Myliobatis plicatilis , p. 39, pi. vi, figs. 16-19, arcuatus, p. 40, pi. vi, figs. 20 & 21, and altus, p. 40, pi. vii, figs. 1 & 2, n. spp. (foss.), Davis, t. c., Tertiary, New Zealand. Ilhinoptera , Kuhl : note on an abnormal specimen of the dentition ; A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 281-283, fig. HOLOCEPHALA. Chimcera monstrosa , L. : young figured by Vaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. pi. iv, fig. 2. C. neglecta , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, Cat. Fish. Austr. Mus. i, p. 23, hab. — ? Elasmodectes} n. n. for Elasmognathus , E. T. Newton, nec Gray ; A. S. Woodward, P. Gcol. Ass. x, p. 301. Ccdovhynchus , Ag. The fossil spines upon which this genus was founded are dorsal spines of a cartilaginous fish, and are referred pro- visionally to the Chimseroids. Id. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 223-226. GANOIDEI. Dogiel, A. Ueber das Verhalten der nervosen Elemente in der Retina der Ganoiden, Reptilien, Vogel und Saugetiere. Vorliiufige Mit- theilung. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 133-143, figs. Dames, W. Die Ganoiden des Deutschen Muschelkalks. Pal. Abh. iv, Heft 2, 50 pp., 6 pis. PLACODERMI. Traquair, R. H. On the Structure and Classification of the Astcro- lepidui. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 485-504, pis. xvii & xviii. Deals with the genera Asteroids, Pterichthys, Bothriolepis , and Micro- brachius. Asterolepis , Eichw., Pterichthys , Ag., and JBothriolepisy Ag. (foss.) : notes by Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 508. Bothriolepis giganteus and obesus , n. spp., id. t. c. p. 510, Upper Old Red Sandstone, Scotland. Microbrachius dickii , n. g. & sp., id. t. c. p. 510, Lower Old Red Sand- stone, Caithness. Coccosteus, Ag. : notes by Traquair, t. c. p. 511. Ilomosteus miller i , n. sp., id. 1. c. GANOIDEI. Pisces 11 Sciiluter, C. Ueber Panzerfische aus dem rheinisch-westfialiscben Devon. Verb. Ver. Rheinl. xliv, Sitzunjsber. pp. 120-128. The following are described as new : — Geraspis, n. g., p. 120, for G. car hiatus, p. 120, Middle Devonian of Eifel, and C. hagenensis, p. 122, n. spp. Pteraspis rhenanus, n. sp., p. 125, Grauwacke, Rhenish Prussia. S 'caphaspis bonnensis , n. sp., p. 125, Lower Devonian, near Bonn. Drepanaspis gemiindenensis , n. sp., p. 126, Lower Devonian, Gemiinden. ACANTHODINI. Mesacanthus, n. g., for Acanthodes pusillus , Ag., peachii , Egert., and mitchelli , Egert. ; Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 511. Ghiracanlhus, Ag., and Diplacanthus , Ag. : notes by Traquair, t. c. p. 512. Rhadinacanthus , n. g., for Diplacanthus longispinus , Ag., id. 1. c. Ischnacanthus Powrie, is a valid genus ; id. 1. c. DIPNOI. Fritsch, A. Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permforma- tion Bohmens. Band n. Heft 3. (Pp. 66-92, pis. Ixxi-lxxx.) Die Lurchfische, Dipnoi, nebst Bemerkungen fiber Silurische und Devon- ische Lurchfische. Prague : 1888, 4 to. The following forms are described and figured : — Ctenodus obliquus , Hanc. & Atth. (= Ceratodus barrandei, Fritsch), p. 66, G. applanatus, Fritsch, p. 85, and C. trachylepis, n. sp., p. 85. Dipnoites perneri, n. g. & sp., for a cranial bone from the Upper Silurian of Prague, p. 86. Notes on Gompholepis panderi , Barr., p. 87, Palcedaphus insignis and devoniensis , Yan Ben. & De Kon., p. 88, Pliyllolepis concentricus, Ag., p. 89, and Archcconectcs pertusus, II. v. Mey., p. 90. Parker, W. N. Preliminary Note on the Anatomy and Physiology of Protopterus annectens. Nature, xxxix, pp. 19-21. Wiedersiieim, R. On the Torpid State of Protopterus. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, pp. 738-740. Translation of the paper noticed in the preceding Record (p. 12), where it was inadvertently referred to the heading Polypteroidei. Protopterus annectens, Ow. : notes on habits in confinement ; Ed. IIeckel, Le Nat. x, p. 233, figs. Lepidosiren paradoxa, Fitz. ; record of the discovery of another speci- men ; Giglioli, Nature, xxxviii, p. 102 ; Howes, t. c. p. 126. Dipterus macropterus, n. sp. (foss.), Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 508, Lower Old Red Sandstone, Caithness. 12 Pisces. riscES. CHONDROSTEI. QonoNOWiTSCJir, N. Das Gehirn und dio Cranialnorven von Acipewer ruthenus. Ein Boitrag zur Morphologie dcs Wirbelthierkopfes. Morph. JB. xiii, pp. 427-514, pis. xvii-xxiii. J. A. Ryder, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 059 & 000, has notos on tho develop- ment of Acipenser sturio. POLYPTEROIDEI. Notes on the HoloptycJiiidce, Rhomboclipterklce , and Saurodipterini ; Tiiaquair, Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 512-510. Thursius pholidotus , n. g. & sp., id. t. c. p. 510, Old Red Sandstone, Thurso. Reiss, O. M. Die Ccelacanthinen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der im Weissen Jura Bayerns vorkommenden Gattungen. Palaxmtogr. xxxv, pp. 1-94, pis. i-v. Tho following are the names of the new species : — Undina acutidens , p. 10, pi. i, figs. 1-0 & 8-24. Caccoderma gigas) p. 57, pi. iii, figs. 17-19. PYCNODONTOIDEI. Jaccard, A. Sur quelques especes nouvelles de Pycuodontes du Jura Neuchatelois. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel, xvi, pp. 41-44. LEPIDOSTEOIDEI. O. Reiss, SB. bayer. Ak. 1887, pp. 151-177, pis. i & ii, writes on the fossil genera lhlonostomus, Ag., and Aspidorltynclius , Ag.,. aud on their affinity to the living Lepidosteus. Colobodus varius, Giebel, p. 30, pi. iv, fig. 2, mcixinius, Quenst., p. 32, pis. ii, fig. 3, iii, fig. 2, & iv, fig. 1, chorsowensis , p. 37, pi. vi a, figs. 1-8, noticed and figured by Dames, t. c. G. frequens , n. sp., id, t. c. p. 20, pis. vi, fig. 1, & ii, figs. 4 & 5, Muschelkalk of Germany. Crenilepis sandbergi , n. g. & sp., for a fragment of scale from the Muschelkalk of Krainberg, Germany; id. t. c. p. 40, pi. v, fig. 3. Serrolepis suevicus , n. n., id. t. c. p. 41, pi. iii, figs. 4-8. Branco, W. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gattung Lepidotas. Abh. Geol. Specialkarte Preussen, vii, pp. 323-406, pis. i-vii [1887]. i. Die Lepidoten-Fauua des Wealden von Obernkirchen. ii. Lepidotus Jcoeneni, n. sp., und einige andere jurassische Arten. ill. Uebersicht fiber die Arten dcr Gattung Lepidotus. Lepidotus triasicus , n. sp., Bassani, Atti Soc. Ital. xxix (1886), p. 38, Trias, Lombardy. PhoUdopliorus barazzettii , p. 35, and besunensis , n. spp., id. t. c. Trias, Lombardy. Nothosomus bellottii, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 37, Trias, Lombardy. GANOIDEI, TELEOSTEI. Pisces 13 Ptycholepis barboi , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 38, Trias, Lombardy. Semionotus capensis , n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, p. 138, pi. vi, figs. 1-5, Sfcormberg Beds (Upper Karoo Series), S. Africa. 8. gibbus, n. sp., Bassani, t. o. p. 37, Tertiary, Lombardy. Gleithrolepis extom, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 141, pi. vi, figs. G & 7, Slormberg Beds, S. Africa. NcorJiombolepis excelsus, n. g. & sp. (foss ), id. P. Geol. Ass. x, p. 304, pi. i, fig. 1, Lower Chalk of Hailing, Kent. Ainblyurus , Ag. (foss.), = Dapedius , Ag. ; id. Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 356. Belonorhynchua , Bronn (foss.) : notes by A. S. Woodward, who regards this genus as bearing affinity with Belonostomus, forming a nearly related family, Belonorhynchidce , which is characterized ; t. c. pp. 354-356. BelonorJiynchus stoppanii , p. 34, intermedins, p. 34, and barazztlii, n. spp., Bassani, Atti Soc. Ital. xxix (1886), Tertiary, Lombardy. Traquair, R,. H. New Palceoniscidcv from the English Coal-Measures. No. II. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 251-254. Elonichthys binneyi, n. sp., p. 251, Stanton, Derbyshire. Gonatodus molyneuxi , n. sp., p. 252, Longton, Staffordshire. Rhadinichthys planti, n. sp., p. 253, Colleyhurst, Longton, and Burnley, Acrolepis wilsoni, n. sp., p. 254, Turnditch, Derbyshire. Gyrolepis agassizi, p. 7, pi. iii, fig. 1, ornatus , Giebel, p. 10, pi. i, fig. 2, and alberti, p. 13, pis. i, fig. 1, ii, fig. 1, & v, fig. 1, described and figured by Dames, t. c.. G. quenstedti , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 22, pi. v, fig. 2, Muschel- kalk, Biebersfeld, Germany. Chirolepis , Ag. : only ono species exists iu the British Old Rod Sand- stone ; Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 516. INCERTiE SEDIS. Onychodus anglicus , n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 500, fig. for an intermaudibular arch, or presymphysial bone from the Lower Old Red Sandstone Passage Beds, Ledbury, Herefordshire. TELEOSTEI. Maurer, F. Die Kiemen und 'ihre Gefasse bei anuren und urodelen Amphibien, und die Umbildungen der beiden ersten Arterieubogen bei Teleostiern. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 175-222, figs., pis. ix & x. Vaillant, L. Les ecailles du Chciunax pictus, Lowe, et du Centriscus scolopcix, Linnd. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 125-127. Emery, C. Das Leuchtorgan am Schwanze von Scopelus benoiti. Erwi- derung an Herrn Dr. R. von Londcufeld. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 228-230. Corning, H. K. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wundernetzbildungen in den Schwimmblasen der Teleostier. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 1-53, pis. i & ii. , 14 Pisces. PISCES. Chevrel, R. Sur le system© nerveux grand sympathiquo des poissons csseux. C.R. cvii, pp. 530 & 531. Auerbach, L. Die Lobi optici der Teleostier und die Vierhiigel der hoher organisirten Gehirne. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 373-393, pi. xvi. Bellonci, J. Ueber die centrale Endigung des Nervus opticus bei den Vertebraten. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 1— 4G, figs., pis. i-viii. Teleosteiy pp. 13-16. W. C. McIntosh, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 470, describes a post-larval Cottus from Scotland, contrasting it with Gadoids at a similar stage. Raffaele, F. Le uova galleggianti e le larve dei Teleostei nel golfo di Napoli. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 1-84, pis. i-v. Platner, G. Die erste Entwicklung befruchteter und parthenogenet- ischer Eier von Liparis dispar. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 521-524. Henneguy, L. F. Recherches sur le D^veloppement des Poissons osseux. Embryogenie de la Truite. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 413-502. Hoffmann, C. K. Ueber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der soge- nannten “freien ” Kerne in dem Nahrungsdotter bei den Knochen- fischen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 517-548, pi. xxxv. Reinhard, W. Entwicklung der Keimblatter, der Chorda und des Mitteldarmes bei den Cyprinoiden. Zool. Auz. xi, pp. 648-655, fig. The observations were made on Leuciscus erythrophthalmus. Gunn, R. M. On the Embryology of the Retina of Teleosteans. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 263-268. ACANTHOPTERY GII. T. Gill, Am. Nat. xxii, pp, 356-358, writos on the primary groups of the Mail-cheeked Fishes, which he arranges as follows : — Superfam. Scor PiEN oide a. Fams. Scorpccnidce, Synanceidce , llcxa - grammidai (= Chiridee ), Anoplopomidce. Superfam. Cottoidea. Fams. Hemitripteridce , Cottidce. Superfam. Trigloidea. Fams. Triglidce , Peristetiidce. Superfam. Dactylopteroidea. Fam. Dactylopteridce. PERCIDiE. Perea fluviatiliSy L. : on its migrations for the purpose of spawning ; Knauthe, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 186. Percarina} Nordm., and Benthophilus, Eichw. : notes by J. D. Kusnezoff, Tr. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb. xix, p. 189 (Russian). P. maeotica , n. sp., p. 202, Sea of Azov. Benthophilus macrocephalus, Pall., n. var. maeotica , p. 207, and B. monstrosusy n. sp., p. 208, Sea of Azov. Etheostoma ( Imostoma ) longimana, n. sp., Jordan, P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 179, James River, Virginia. ACANTHOPTERYGII. Pisces 15 Serranus striolatus , Playf., is regarded as a variety of S. altivelis , 0. & V.; Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 258. S. retouti , Blkr., = S. diacanthus , 0. & V., and S. grammicus , Day, = $. latifasciatus, Schleg. ; id. t. c. p. 259. S. praopercularis and gibbosus , n. spp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 654, Muscat, Arabia. Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 258, identifies the former with S. morrhua, C. & V., the latter with ? S. altivelis , C. & V. Lutjanus blaclcfordi, Goode & Bean : note on a young specimen j Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 512. Mesoprion garretti , Gtbr., = Lutjanus argentimaculatus , Forsk. ; Day, t. c. p. 260. Gramma loreto , Poey : note by Gill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 615. Dales auriga, 0. & Y., figured by Steindachner, SB. Ak. Wien, xevi, pi. i, fig. 2. Moronopsis sandvicensis, Stdr., described and figured ; id. t. c. p. 56, pi. i, fig. 1. Diagramma jayahari, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 656, Muscat, Arabia. Histiopterus elevatus , n. sp., Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1311, Port Jackson. Gerres altispinis , Gthr., = G. seti/er , Ham. Buch. ; Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 260. Chthamalopteryx, n. g., closely allied to Gerres , Cuv., with 17 dorsal and 17 anal soft rays, for Gerres melbourncnsis, Casteln. ; Douglas- Ogilby, op. cit . 1887, p. 616, fig. Synagris notatus , Day, = S. tamiojderus, 0. & Y. ; Day, t. c. p. 260. Apogon arafurai, Gthr., = A. ellioti, Day ; id. t. c. p. 260. A. maximust n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 655, Muscat, Arabia. A. thurstoni , n. sp., Day, Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 784, Madras. A. tickelii , n. n. for A. p)oecilopterus, Cant., nec C. Y. ; id. t. c. p. 785. A. norfolcensis , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 990, Norfolk I. Squamjpinnes. Choatodon obscurus , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 657, Muscat, Arabia. Mullio®. Mulloides zeylonicus, C. & Y., distinguished from M. jlavolineatus , Lacep. ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 638. Sparidje. Dichi8tius , n. n. for Dipterodon, Cuv., nec Lacdp. ; Gill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, p. 68. Sargus lcotschyi , Stdr., = S. capensis , Smith ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 658. S.laticonus, n. sp. (foss.), Davis, Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, p. 43, pi. vii, figs. 3-8, Tertiary, New Zealand. Pagrus ruber , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 658, Muscat, Arabia [= P. spinifer, Forsk.]. Pagellus affinis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 659, Arabia and Cape of Good Hope. 16 Pisces. PISCES. ScORPiENIDvE. Scorpcena ustulata , Lowe : notes by Bellotti, Atti Soc. Hal. xxxi, p. 213, pi. i va, fig. 1. Berycid.e. Trachichthys commensal of sea-anemones ; Sluiter, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 240. Scopelogadus , n. g., == Melamphaes, Gthr. ; Yaillant, Expdd. Trav. & Tulism. pp. 141 & 385. S. codes, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 143, pi. xxvi, fig. 6, Banc d’Arguin and Cape Yerde, 1C90-3655. Scijenid.e. Umlrina striata , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 660, Muscat, Arabia. Identified by Bay, op. cit. 1888, p. 260, with V. sinaata , Day. TeICHIURIDjE. Thyrsitops violaceus , n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 513, New England Coast, 125 faths. Carangid^. Caranx jayaJcari , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 661, Muscat, Arabia. Trachynotus copping eri, Gthr., = T. russellii, C. & Y. ; Day, op. cit. 1888, p. 260. Capros aper , Lacep. ; notes on the habits, by J. T. Cunningham, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i, p. 243. Dirctmus argenteus , Johus., described by Yaillant, Exp<$d. Trav. & Talism. p. 355. Cyttidas. Cyttus roseus , Lowe, described by Yaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. p. 349. Nomehle. Psenes guamensis , Gthr., = P.javanicus , C. & V. ; Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 260. CoRYPHiENIDiE. Brama rail, Bl., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Yict. pi. cxxxiii. ScQMBRIDjE. R. Storms, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 67-76, discusses the morphological significance of the adhesive disk of Pcheneis. He concludes that the A CANT ItOPTE RYG1 1. Pisces 17 lamella) of tho disk wero formed by the bases of the spinous rays, and that the spines proper were gradually reduced in size until disappearance; and that the disk was formed on the dorsal region, and then gradually shifted to its actual position. Remarks are made on Echeneis glaronensis , Wettst. (foss.), which probably represents an ancestral form of the living types. Placate , Cuv. T. Gill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, pp. 612-614, defines the character of his family Elacatidcc, the affinity of which to the Echeneididce is stated to be purely imaginary. E. Canada , L., external characters and skull figured, pi. xxxix. Albacora , n. n. for Thynnus , Cuv., nec Fabr., and Qenno , n. n. for Orcynus, Cuv., nec Raf. ; Jordan, P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 180, and Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 356. Dictyodus. Ow. (foss.), belongs to the Scombridce ; Dollo & Storms, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 265. Scomberodon, Van. Ben., = Cybiiim , iid. t. c. p. 267. Cybium commersonii , Lac., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet, pi. cliv : on a Sicilian specimen ; Doderlein, Nat. Sicil. vii, pp. 105 & 129. Pelamys schlegeli, n. sp., McCoy, op. cit. pi. civ, Port Philip Bay. Trachinid^i. W. N. Parker, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 859-367, figs., pi. xvii, describes the poison-organs of Trachinus ; also Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 468-470 & 873. J. ClllEVITZ, Anat. Anz. iii, p. 787, observes that Schmidt, in 1874, has also mentioned and described the poison-organs of Trachinus. Trachinus draco , L., and T. viperat C. & V., are distinct species ; Day, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 351 . Percis cylindrical n. sp., id ., P. Z. S. 1888, p. 260, Andaman Is. Cottoperca rosenbergii , Stdr., noticed and figured by Vaillant, Miss. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 28, pi. iv, fig. 1. Opisthognathus muscatensis, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 662, pi. liv, fig. 1, Muscat, Arabia. Notothenia macrocephala , Gthr., figured by Vaillant, Miss. Cap Horn, Poiss. pi. iii, fig. 2. IccsrEiDJJ. Acrotus , n. g., near Icosteus , Lock., but differing in the absence of ventrals and spiny tubercles along the lateral line and in having an emarginate caudal. A. willoughbyi , n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 631, Washington Territory. Batrachid^. Marcgravia, n. g., for Batrachus cryptocentrus, C. & V., grunniens, L., and allied species without foramen in the axil ; Jordan, P. U. S. Nat. “ Mus. ix, 1886, p. 546. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiii.] 18 Pisces. PISCES. Pediculati. Chaunax pictus , Lowe, described and figured by Vaillant, Exp<5d. Trav. & Talism. p. 343, pi. xxviii, fig. 1. COTTIDiE. Cottus lilljeborgu , Coll., described and figured, from the North-West Coast of Scotland, by Gunther, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xv, p. 207, pi. iv, fig. B. Cottunculus torvus , Goode (= thomsoni , Gthr.), described and figured by Vaillant, Exp6d. Trav. & Talism. p. 360, pi. xxviii, fig. 3. C. inermis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 365, pi. xxviii, fig. 2, Coast of Soudan and Banc d’Arguin, 930-1495 m. Trigla arabica , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 663, Muscat, Arabia. Triglops murrayi , n. sp., Gunther, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xv, p. 209, pi. iv, fig. a, North-West Coast of Scotland. Discoboli. Enantioliparis, n. g., Liparidibus persimilis, nisi impares pinnae continue sunt et radii inferiores liberi pectoralibus baud reperiuntur. E. pallidas, . n. sp., Vaillant, Miss. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 22, pi. -Iv, fig. 3, Orange Bay, IV Magellan Straits. Gymnolycodes, n. g. Body compressed, tapering, ensiform ; skin feebly adherent to the subjacent tissues, scaleless ; vertical fins confluent; pec- torals enveloped in the integument ; ventrals jugular ? ; jaws with fine teeth on several rows, arranged quincuncially ; vomer and palate tooth- less; branchial opening small, a little above the pectorals; Vaillant, Exp6d. Trav. & Talism. pp. 312 & 387. Q. edwardsi , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 313, pi. xxvi, fig. 3, Coast of Morocco, 1319 m. Gobiid^:. On the American species ; C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann, P. Cal. Ac. (2) i, pp. 51-78. Gobius punctatissimus, Can. : notes by G. B. Torossi, Bull. Soc. Ven.- Trent. iv, p. 105. G. jeffreysii , Gthr. : male figured by Gunther, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xv, pi. iii, fig. b. G. ater, n. sp., Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 219, pi. iva, fig. 2, Mediterranean. G. jayakari, n. sp., Bou- lenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 663, pi. liv, fig. 2, Muscat, Arabia (fresh waters). G. littoreus , n. sp., Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 261, Madras. G. thurstoni, n. sp., id. Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 793, Madras. G. lucretias , p. 57, Pearl I., Gulf of Panama, garmani. p. 61, West Indies, and hemigymnus , p. 66, West Indies, n. spp., C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann, t. c. Microgobius eulepis , n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 69, South Carolina. Barbulifer , n. g. Body entirely naked ; numerous barbels around the mouth and on the chin ; dorsal spines 7 ; otherwise as in Gobiosoma. B. papillosus, n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 70, Key West, Florida. ACANTHOPTERYGII. Pisces 19 Olevelandia , n. g. Body long and slender ; maxillary much produced, but not extending to the gill-opening ; mouth horizontal; dorsal spines 4, very weak ; minute cycloid scales ; for Gobiosoma longipinne , Stdr. : tid. t.c. p. 73. Gobiomorus, Lac6p., should supersede Valenciennea , Blkr. ; Gill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, p. 69. . Sicydium halei, n. sp., Day, Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 794, Ceylon. Eleotris acanthi , n. sp., Gunther, Ann.N. H. (6) i, p. 430, Yangtsekiang. E. ellioti , n. sp., Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 262, Madras. Callionymus bairdi , n. sp., .Jordan, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 501, Gulf of Mexico. G. calliurus , n. sp., C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann, t. c. p. 76, Key West, Florida. Cepolid,®. Cepola indica , n. sp., Day, Suppl. Fish, Ind. p. 796, Madras. BLENNIIDiE. Petrosvirtes striatus , n. sp., Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 262, Ceylon. Salarias symplocos , n. sp., HilgendoRF, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, p. 79, and Arch. f. Nat. liv, p. 209, pi. xiv, fig. a, Azores. S. leopardus, = S. brevis , Kner ; Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 264. S. sindensis and neilli, n. spp , id. t. c. p. 263, Sind. Acanthodinus indicus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 264, Madras. Cristiceps halei, n. sp., id. Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 799, fig., Ceylon. Tripterygium annulatum, ii, p. 1021, and striaticeps, iii, p. 419, n. spp., Ramsay & Douglas- Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2), Port Jackson. Zoarces viviparus , Cuv. : note on the reproduction, by Van Bambeke, Bull1. Ac. Belg. (3) xv, p. 92. A'therinid.e. Telragonums wilkinsonii , Macleay : nbte3 by Ramsay & Douglas- Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 9. MUGILID/K. Mugil lclunzingeri, n. n., for M. carinatus, Day, nec C. & V. ; Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 264. Trachystoma , n. g. Branchiostegals six ; pseudobranchise present ; no adipose eyelids ; vomer and palate furnished with distinct bands of villiform tooth ; jaws toothless ; scales rather small, finely ctenoid. T. multidens, n. sp., Douglas-Ooilby, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 614, New South Wales. Fistulariidj?. Aulostoma ? longipes , n. sp., Vaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. p. 340, pi. xxvii, fig. 4, Coast of Morocco, 1163 m. 20 Pisces. PISCES. GoBIESOCIDjE. Guitel, F. Recherches sur les Lepadogasters. Arch. Z. expdr. (2) vi, pp. 423-480, pis. xxiv & xxv. Anatomical notes on the French species, Lepadogaster gouanii , LactSp., bimaculatus , Flem., candollii , Risso, and wildenovii , Risso. Labyrinthici. Zograff, N. On the Construction aud Purpose of the so-called Laby- rinthine Apparatus of the Labyiinthic Fishes. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, pp. 601-512, pi. xli. TRACHYrTERIDiE. liegalecus banlcsi , Cuv., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Yict. pi. cxlv. Notacantri. VaillaNT, C.R. cvii, pp. 751-753, and Exp6d. Trav. & Talism. p. 322, discussing the systematic position of the Fishes of this family, expresses the opinion that they should be placed with the Ganoids. Notacanthus mcditerraneus , Phil. & Ver., p. 322, pi. xxvii, fig. 2, and rissoanus, Phil. & Ver., p. 335, pi. xxvii, fig. 1, described and figured, id. t. c. N. challengeri , n. n. for N. rissoanus , Gthr., nec Phil. & Ver. ; id. t. c. p. 388. INCERTJ3 sedis. Grammicolepis brachiusculus} Poey : notes on the skeleton ; Siiufeldt, J. Morph, ii, p. 271, figs. ACANTHOPTERYGII PHARYNGOGNATHI. PoMACERTRlDiE. Glypltidodon ( Parma ) hermani , Stdr., described and figured by Stein- dachner, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, p. 59, pi. iii. Labridje. Crenilabrus aurantiacv.s, Cocco, described by FacciolA, Nat. Sicil- viii, p. 22. Flatyglossus roseus, n. sp., Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 2G4, Sind. Novacula pavo, C. & V., noticed from Ceylon, by Haly, Taprobaniau, iii, p. 51. Curia variegata , Rams. & Ogilby, ■= aureoma cubitus, Bonn. ; Ramsay & Douglas Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N-SAV. (2) ii, p. 1024. C. lialei} n. sp., Day, Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 803, Ceylon. C. trimaculata, u. sp , Douglas- Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 992, Norfolk I. ACANTHOPTERYGII PIIARYNGOGNATHI, ANACANTHINI. Pisces 21 Labrichthys blcekeri , „Cant., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet, pi. cxxxiv. Eupetrichthys, n. g., between Labrichthys and Labr aides. Branchio- stegals six ; pseudobranchiae present ; body elongate and compressed ; gill-membranes attached to the isthmus ; preopercle entire ; jaws with a pair of curved canines anteriorly, and a lateral row of conical teeth"; posterior canine present ; dorsal fiu with 9 spines and 12 rays; anal with 3 spines and 11 rays ; veutral fins with an elongated ray ; scales cycloid, large ; opercle and cheek scaly ; lateral line continuous. Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 631. E. angustipes , n. sp., lid. t. c. p. 632, Port Jackson. Pscudoscarm madagascariensis , Stdr., p. 61, pi. ii, fig. 1, and knerii , Stdr., p. 64, pi. iv, fig. 1, described and figured by Stein dachner, SB. Ak. Wien, xevi. P. troschelii , Blkr., n. var. flavoguttata , id. t. c. p. 63, Kingsmill Is. Chromideb. Chromis nuchisquamvlatus and obliquidens , n. spp., IIilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, p. 76, Victoria Nyanza. II aplochromis, n. subg., for the latter species ; id. ibid. Paratilapia P retrodens , p. 76, cavifrons, p. 77, and longirostriSy p. 77, n. spp., id. t. c., Victoria Nyanza. Hemichromis voltcc , Stdr., described and figured by Steindachner, SB Ak. Wien, xevi, p. 60, pi. i, fig. 3. ANACANTHINL Lycodidje. Lycodcs macrops, Gthr., described and figured by Vaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. p. 306, pi. xxvi, fig. 2. L. albus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 309, pi. xxvi, fig. 1, Atlantic, 3975 m. L. latitans , Jen., figured by Vaxllant, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn. Poiss. pi. iii, fig. 1. Gadtdac. Gadus lascus, L., and G. minutus , L. : on their specific distinction \ Day, Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 151-154 ; M'Intosh, op. cit. ii, pp. 348-351 ; Day, t. c . pp. 387-389. G. esmarkii , Nilss. : recorded from the North- West Coast of Scotland, and figured by Gunther, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xv, p.*212, pi. iii, fig. a. Physiculus dalwigkii , Kaup, figured by Vaillant, Exp^d. Trav. & Talism. pi. xxv, fig. 3. BrosmiculuSy n. g. Body elongate ; a single dorsal and a single anal ; caudal distinct; ventrals narrow, formed of 5 rays ; teeth moderate, in two series in both jaws ; no palatine or vomerine teeth ; no barbel or pseudobranchiae : id. t. c. p. 292. D. imberbis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 293, pi. xxv, fig. 4, Cape Verde Is., 460 m. 1888. [vol. xxv.] n 4 22 Pisces . PISCES. Halargyreua brevipeaf n. sp., id. t. c. p. 295, pi. xxv, fig. 5, Coast of Morocco, 1319 m. . Merlangm argenteus, Guich., described by Vaillant, t. c. p. 302. Raniceps bifurcus, Art. : on its presence on the coast of Boulogne : Sauyage, Bull Soc. Zool. xiii, p. 229. Murcenolcpis orangiensis , n. sp., Vaillant, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 20, pi. iv, fig. 2, Orange Bay, Straits of Magellan. Sympodoichthys faaciutus , n. g. & sp„ for a larval form of uncertain affinities ; FacciolA, Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 169, Messina. OPHIDIID-E. Brotula jerdoni , n. sp., Day, Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 804, Madras. Dicrolene introniger , Goode & Bean, described and figured by Vaillant, Exp4d. Trav. & Talism. p. 258, pi. xxiii, fig. 2. Porogadus nudus , p. 262, pi. xxiv, fig. 2, and subarmalus, p. 265, pi. xxiv, fig. 3, n. spp., id. t. c ., Cape Verde, 2324-3200 m. Sirembo guentheri (= Mixonus laticeps , Gthr.), pp. 268 & 386, pi. xxiv, fig. 5, Cape Verde, 3200 m., meriostoma, p. 270, pi. xxiii, fig. 3, Banc d’Arguin and Cape Verde, 1230-1442 m., murcenolepis (= Diplacantho- porna brachysoma , Gthr.), pp. 273 & 386, pi. xxiii, fig. 4, Coast of Soudan, 410 m., microcephalus , p. 275, pi. xxiv, fig. 4, Cape Verde, 3200 m., and oncerocephalm , pp. 277 & 387, pi. xxiv, fig. 6, Cape Verde, 3200 m., n. spp., id. t. c. Bythites crassus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 279, pi. xxv, fig. 1, Atlantic, 4255 m. Alexeterion , n. g. Head short ; mandible projecting beyond the upper jaw ; mouth directed upwards ; fine teeth in both jaws, none on vomers or palatines ; eye rudimentary ; no barbel ; branchial opening widely cleft ; branchiostegal membrane free ; vent remote from the throat ; vertical fins confluent; pectorals distinct ; no ventrals. Id. t. c. p.282. A. parfaiti, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 283, pi. xxv, fig. 2, Atlantic, 5005 m. Pteridium atrum , Risso : notes by Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 222. Magrueid^:. Bathygadua melanobranchus , n. sp., Vaillant, Exp&l. Trav. & Talism. p. 206, pi. xviii, fig. 1, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan and Canaries, 834- 1590 m. Hymenocephalua itaUcu8} Gigl., p. 211, pi. xix, fig. 1, globicepa , Vaill., p. 214, pi. xx, fig. 1, and longijilis , p. 218, pi. xxiii, fig. 1, described and figured; id. t. c. II. dispar , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 221, pi. xxiv, fig. 1, Coast of Morocco, 1105 m. Cory phcenoide8 sublcevis , pp. 225 & 386, pi. xix, fig. 2, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan and Cape Verde Is., 140-2260 m., asperrimus , p. 229, pi. xviii, fig. 2, Coast of Morocco aud Azores, 1257-1590 m., and gigasi p. 232, pi. xx, fig. 2, Atlantic, 4165-4255 in., n. spp., id. t. c. Macruru8 scUrorhynchus , Val., p. 237, pi. xxii, fig. 2, cculorhyncJius , Risso, pi. xxv, fig, 3, trachyrhynchus , Risso, pi. xxi, fig, 2, and japonicu8} Sclileg., pi. xxi, fig. 1, figured ; id. t. c. M. guentheri , pp. 241 & 386, PHYSOSTOMI. . Pisces 23 pi. xxii, fig. 3, Coast of Morocco, 2115-2200 m., smiliophorus [= ? cequalis , Gthr.), p. 242, pi. xxii, fig. 1, Gulf of Gascogne, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan, and Cape Verde Is., 460-1319 m., and zaniophorus, p. 245, pi. xxii, fig. 4, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan, 830-1350 m., n. spp., id. t. c. Pleuronectidjs, Rhombus norvegicus , Gthr. : figured, and notes upon specimens from the N.W. Coast of Scotland ; Gunther, P. R’ Soc. Edinb. xv, p. 217, pi. iv, fig. c. Solea vulgaris , Quens.: on the reproductive organs; j. T. Cunningham, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i. p. 248. S. profundicola , n. sp., Vaillant, Exp6d. Trav. & Talism. p. 190, Coasts of Portugal and Soudan, 250-1290 m. W. C. McIntosh, Ann. N. II. (6) ii, p. 469, describes a post-larval Pleuronectoid ( Rhombus ?) from Scotland. PHYSOSTOMI, SlLURIDiE. C. II. & R. S. Eigenmann, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 647-649, remark on the modifications of the air-bladder in the American Siluroids. They find that Diplomystes differs from all other Cat-fishes in having a well- developed maxillary bone bearing a band of teeth and forming the sides of the jaw. The following American families are characterized : — Buno- cephalidce, Siluridce , Ilypophthalmidce , Bygidiidce , Argeid( e, Loricariidce , Callichthyidce. Notes on South American Siluroids, by C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann, P. Cal. Ac. (2) i, pp. 119-172. Silurus giants , L. : on a specimen with supernumerary ventral fin ; Warpachowski, Anat. Anz. iii, p. 379, fig. Pimelodina nasus) n. sp., C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann, P. Cal. Ac. (2) i, p. 120, Para. Luciopimelodus , n. g., for Piniclodus pati , Val., and platanus) Gthr. ; iid. t. c. p. 122. Pseudopimelodus acanthochirus , n. sp., iid. t. c.'p. 122, Brazil. Rhamdia obesa , p. 124 rpoe.yi, p. 127, tenella , p. 127, and eriat’cha, p. 129, n. spp., iid. t. c., Brazil. The latter species is made the type of a new subg. Rhamdella, p. 129. R. parryi , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 130, Mexico. Pimelodella , n. g., for Pimelodus cristatus) Mull. & Trosch., and allies j iid. t. c. p. 131. P. pectinifer, n. sp., iid. t. c , p. 132, Brazil. Sciadeoides, n. subg., for Sciades marmoratus , Gill ; iid. t. c. p. 136. Duopalatinus , n. g., for Platystoma emarginatum , C. & V. ; iid. 4. c. p. 136. Steindachneria , n. g., for Platystoma parahybap, , Stdr., and S. amblyurust n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 137, Brazil. Pseudoplaty stoma fasciatum} n. var. intermedium ; iid. t. c. p. 138, Brazil. Arius thatassinus , Riipp., and A. nasulus , C. & V. ; note by Boulenger, 24 Pisces. PISCES. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 665. A. commersonii , Lac£p. : on development and paternal care ; H. VON Ihering, Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 268. Tacky s: rus lentiginosus, p. 189, Panama, jordani, p. 142, Panama, longi- ccpkalus, p. 143, Panama, agassizii , p. 145, Rio Grande do Sul, and gulosi is, p. 146, Panama, n. spp., C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann, t. c. Ageneiosus alronasus , n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 149, loc. ?. Auchenipterus fordicei , n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 151, Brazil. Felichthys flacescens, n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 152, Rio San Francisco. . Trachy cor isles porosus , p. 154, and analis , p. 156, u. spp., iid. t. c ., Brazil. Hassar, n. subg., for Doras orestes , Stdr., and affinis, Stdr., iid. t. c. p. 158. Doras uranoscopus, p. 159, and spinosissimus , p. 161, n. spp., iid. t. c., Brazil. Synodontis a/ro-fischeri , n. sp., Hilgendorp, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, p. 77, Victoria Nyanza. Decapogon , n. g., for Gcdlichtlnjs adspersun , Stdr. ; C. H. & R. S. Eigen- mann, t. c. p. 165. Gorydoras hastatus , n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 166, Brazil. Plecostomus limosus, p. 167, Rio Grande do Sul, scabriceps , p. 168, Sao Matheos, seminadus , p. 169, Brazil ?, macrops , p. 170, Rio das Vellias, and vermicular is, p. 171, Brazil, n. spp., iid. t. c. Neoplecostomvs , n. subg., for Plecostomus mi crops, Stdr.; iid. t. c. p. 171. Bitcklandiuni diluvii , Konig (foss ). This is a Siluroid, and the earliest undoubted member of the family hitherto discovered ; A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 355, and Geol. Mag. (3) v, p. 471. ScOPELIDjE. Bathy8auru8 ferox , Gthr,, described and figured by Vaielant, Expdd, Trav. & Talism. p. 189, pi. x, fig. 1 (see p. 385). B. oblusirosiris , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 136, pis. x. fig. 2, & xiv, fig. 3, Cape Verde, 3655 m. Bathypterois dubhis, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 124, pis. ix, fig. 1, xii, fig. 4, xiv, fig. 4, xv, fig. 4, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan to Canaries and Azores, 834-1635 m. Scopelus elongatus , Costa : notes by Bkelotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 225. S. veranyi , n. sp., Moreau, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, p. 108, Nice. Aulopus agassizii , Bp., figured by Va I leant, t. c. pi. xii, fig. 3. Neoscopelus macrolepidotus, Johns., figured by Vaillant, Exped. Trav. & Talism. pi. ix, fig. 2. CyPRINIOE. Scaphiodon mii8catcnsi8, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 665, Muscat, Arabia. Diptychus kesslei'i, u. sp., Russki, Zool. Jahrb., iii, p. 796, pi. xxix, Tschirtschik R., trib. of the Syr-Daria, Central Asia. PHYSOSTOMI. Pisces 25 Gobio flavin tilis , Cuv. : notes on Silesian specimens ; Knauthe, Zool. xxix, pp 147 & 248. Pseudogobio product us, Ptrs., redescribed by Guntiier, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 431. P. maculatus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 432, Yangtsekiang. Rhinogohio cyUndricus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 432, Yangtsekiang. Crossochilus monticola, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 431, Yangtsekiang. Leucisrus agassizii , 0. & V., found in Western Silesia ; Knauthe,. Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 220. Phoninus stranchi, pp. 534 & 687. R. Irtysch, sabamjeun, pp. 535 & 087, E. Slope of the Ural, altus , pp. 335 & 688, Yenissei, subbecis, pp. 535 & 688, Lena, variabilis , pp. 536 & 689, Obi, aud huhUchiensis,pp. 536 & 689, Balkash Basiu, n. spp., WAurACnovvsKi, Bull. Petersb. xxxii [1887], and M01. Biol. xii. ** Rhodens amarus, Bl. : notes on the reproduction in captivity ; Rich- ters, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 42. Leucaspius delineatus, Heck., found in Western Silesia ; Knauthe, t. c pp. 73 & 188. Hemiadter , Blkr., and Ilemiculterella , Warp. ; Warpachowski’s paper noticed in the preceding Record [p. 27], is republished in M61. Biol, xii, pp. 691-708. Rohtee cunma , n. sp., Day, Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 807, Moulmeiu. Acanthonotus, n. g. (name preoccupied). Mouth arched; barbels absent, eyes without adipose lids ; dorsal fin rather short, commencing slightly anterior to the root of the ventral, its osseous ray being strong, serrated, and preceded at its base by a small forwardly-directed spiue ; anal short ; scales large, no enlarged row at base of anal fin ; lateral line complete and continued to opposite the centre of the base of the caudal. A . argenteus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 807, Tenasserim. Humaloptera flmbriata , n. sp., Gunther, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 433, Yangtsekiang. Misgurnus mizolepis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 431, Yangtsekiang. Nemachilus, v. Hass. The following species are described and figured by Herzenstein, Wiss. Result, der Przewalski Reisen : — N. stoliczfcie, Stdr., dorsonotatus , Kessl., robustus , Kessl., kungessanus , Kessl., 8trauchiif Kessl., dalaicm , Kessl., intermedins , Kessl., yarhandemis, Day, labiatns , Kessl , nasalis, Kessl., and microphthalmus , Kessl. New varr. : N. stolirzhe leptosoma, productus , crassicatida , and brevicauda , p. 23, N. dorsonotatus plagiognathus , p. 33, N. robustus brachypleru*, p. 40, N. kungessanus orientali* and elongatus , p. 44, N. strauchii transiens, p. 50, N. bombifrons incipiens , p. 73, N. yarkandensis longibarbus, brevibarbus, p. 78, and macropterus, p. 79, N. labiatus conjungens, p. 84. New species : iY. alticeps, p. 28, pi. vi, fig. 3, chondrostoma , p. 36, pi. iii, fig. 7, sclero- pterus , p. 54, pi. vi, fig. 1, siluroides , p. 62, pis. vii, fig. 1, & viii, fig. 10, stenurus, p. 64, pi. i, fig. 1, and bombifrons , p. 67, pis. ii, fig. 2, & iv, fig. 2. All from Central Asia. N. xanthi , n. sp., GOntiier, Ann. N. H (6) i, p. 433, Yangtsekiang. Lrftia , n. n. for Octonema, Herz., nec Mart. ; Herzenstein, Przewalski Reise, Fische, p. 3. 26 Pisces. PISCES. ChARACINIDAS. Elopomorphua orinocensis , Stdr., described and figured by Steindach- neb, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, p. 66, pi. ii, fig. 2. . Heteropygii. Typhlichthya subterraneus, Gir. : notes and figure by Girard, Le Nat. x, p. 107. SCOMBRESOCIDJE. Hemirhamphua intermedius, Cant., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet. pi, cxxxv, fig. 1. Scombreaox saurus , Bl., id. t. c. fig 2. ESOCIDAC. Esox luciu8 , L. : on its migrations for the purpose of spawning ; Knauthe, Zool. Gart. xxix, p. 186. Galaxiidas. Qalaxiaa indicus , n, sp., Day, Suppl. Fish. Ind. p. 808, fig., Bengal and Madras. Mormyridao. Mormyrw longibarbis, n. sp., Hilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, p. 78, Victoria Nyanza. StERNOPTYCHIDjE. Neostoma , n. g., allied to Gonostoma, Raf., but distinguished by the absence of scales ; Vaillant, Exp6d. Trav. & Talism. p. 96. N. bathy- philum , p. 96, pi. viii, fig. 1, and quadrioculatum , p. 99, pi. viii, fig. 2, n. spp., id. ibid., Atlantic, between Portugal and Cape Verde and the Azores, 950-4415 m. This genus should also include G ono stoma elonga- tum , Gthr., and G. gracile , Gthr. ; id. t. c. p. 385. Ichthyococcus o vat us, Cocco, figured by id. t. c. pi. xiv, fig. 2. Opisthoproctu8, n. g., allied to Ichthyococcus ; id. t. c. p. 105. O. 8oleatus, n. sp., p. 106, pi. xiii, fig. 1, Coast of Morocco, 2030 m. Maurolicus pennantii, C. & V.: on the so-called luminous organs ; E. Prince, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, p. 769. M. parvipinnis , n. sp., Vaillant, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Poiss. p. 17, pi. ii, fig. 3, Magellan Straits. Sternoptychides , n. g. Pseudobranchise present ; head and trunk much elevated and compressed, the latter passing gradually into the moderately long pedicle j the margin of the upper jaw formed by the intermaxillary and maxillary, each of which bears a row of long recurved teeth at a considerable distance from one another ; mandible with a similar row, one of which on either side is much more developed ; two series of phos- 1MIY80ST0MI. . Pisces 27 pit orescent spots along the lower side of the head, body, arid tail. 8. amabilia , n. sp., DouGLAS-OoitfeY, P. Linri. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1313, Lord Howe I. Stomiatille. Malacosteus choristodactylus , n. sp., Vaillant, Expdd. Trav. & Talism. p. 108, pi. viii, fig. 4, Coast of Morocco & Azores, 1400-2200 to. Eustomias , n. g., allied to Bathyophis , Gthr., and Echiostoma, Lowe, but differing in the absence of teeth on the palate ; id. t. c. J). 1 12. E. obscurusy u. sp., p. 113, pi. viii, fig. 3, Azores, 2792 m. SALMON1MC. Bean, T. H. Distribution and some Characters of the Salmonidce. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 306-314, figs. V. Fatio remarks on the North American Salmonoids introduced in Switzerland. Arch. Sci. Nat. (3) xix, pp. 369-375. Notes on two hybrid Salmonoids from Howietouu ; F, Day, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 3. Salmo salar , L. : on its presence in the sea in Norway ; Vaillant, Rev. Sci. Nat. Appl. xxxvi, p. Ill : on its recent appearance in the River Candre (Boulonnais) ; Giard, Bull. Sci. France, i, p. 392. 8. trutta , L., and S.fario , L. : on their distribution in Livonia ; A. BrUTTan, SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, pp. 237-242. S. namaycush, Walb. : on its occurrence iu British Columbia; Jordan, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, p. 58. 8. irideus , Gibb: notes by A. d’Audeville, Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, p. 1057, fig., & p. 1094. Salvelinus aureolusf n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, p. 628, Sunapu Lake, New Hampshire. Coregonus bezola , n. sp., Fatio, C.R. evi, p, 1541, and Arch. Sci. Natr (3) xix, p. 180, Lake Bourget, Savoy. Microstoma oblituin , Facciola: notes by Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 224, pi. iv a, fig. 3. Clupeida\ *Wenckedacii, K. F. De embryonale ontwikkeling van de ansjovisch ( Engraulis enchrasicholus). Amsterdam : 1887, 4to, 11 pp., 1 pi. Clupea harengu8, L. : notes on the migrations ; Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, pp. 509-518. C. pilchardus , Walb. : notes on the spawn, by J. T. Cunningham, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i, p. 247. C. sapidissima, Wils. : further notes on the osteology; Fanny Hitchcock, Ann. N. York Ac.iv, p. 114. C. arcuatay Jen., figured by Vaillant, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Poiss. pi. ii, fig. 2. Stratodus angTicus, n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, P. Geol. Ass. x, p. 314, pi. i, figs. 3& 4, Chalk of Glynde, Sussex. Osmeroide8 insignia , n. sp. (foss.), E. Delvaux & J. Ortlieu, Ann. Soc G6ol. Nord. xv, p. 60, pis. i & ii, Tertiary ( Argile Ypresienne), near Ath, Belgium. 28 Pisces. PISCES. AlEPOCEPHALIDJE. Alepocephalus rostratuSy Risso, described and figured by Vai leant, Exp6d. Tray. & Talism. p. 148, pis. xi, fig. i, & xii, fig. 5. A.macroptems, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 150, pl.xi, fig. 2, Coasts of Morocco & Soudan and Canaries, 865-2075 m. Bathytroctes homopterus (= rostratus , Gthr.), pp. 158 & 386, pi. xii, fig. 1, melanocephalus, p. 155, pi. xi, fig. 3, and attritus. p. 158, pi. xii, fig. 2, n. spp., id. t. c., Coasts of Morocco and Soudan to Azores, 1113-2600 m. Annmalopterm , n. g., perhaps allied to Xenodennichthys and Leptodema , but distinguished by an antero-dorsal adipose fold; id. t. c. pp. 160 & 386. A. pinguisy n. sp., p. 160, pi. xi, fig. 4, Coast of Morocco, 1400 m. Xenodennichthys socialis, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 162, pi. xiii, fig. 1, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan, 717-1350 m. Leptodermciy n. g., allied to Xenodennichthys , but with a much smaller mouth and unequally long dorsal and anal fins; id. t. c. p. 165. L. macropsy p. 166, pi. xiii, fig. 2, Coasts of Morocco and Soudan, 1163-2330 m. HaLOSAUUIDjE. Halosaurus macrochir} p. 171, pi xvi, fig. 2, and owenii, Johns., p. 175, pi. xv, fig. 1, described and figured by Vaillant, Exp^d. Trav. & Talism. H. johnsonianuSy p. 181, pi. xv, fig. 2, and phalannts. p. 185, pis. xv, fig. 3, & xvi, fig, 1, n. spp., id. t. c., Coasts of Morocco and Soudan to Canaries and Azores, 834-2220 m. MuEiENID^l. MOmus, K. Bericht fiber Untersuchungen des ZustandesderGeschlochts- drfisen -vyuiblicher und mannlicher Aale. Ffinfter Bericht dor Komm zur wiss. Untersuchung der deubchen Meere in Kiel [1887], pp. 129-134. Anguilla kieneriy Kaup ; notes by Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 226, pi. iv a, fig. 4. Conger vulgaris , Cuv. : notes on the breeding, by J. T. Cunningham, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i, p. 245. Congromurcena longicauda , n. sp., Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1022, Port Jackson. Nemichthy8 scolopaceay Rich., figured by Vaillant, Exp5d, Trav. & Talism. pi. vii, fig. 2. N. richardiy n. sp., id. t. c. pp. 93 & 385, pi. vii, fig. 1, Azores, 2995 m. Cyema atrum, Gthr., described and figured by Vaillant, t. c. p. 91, pi. vii, fig. 4. Eurypharynx, Vaill. The affinities of this fish are discussed by Vail- lant, t. c. p. 193, who provisionally maintains it under the Anacan- thini. E. pelecanoides, Vaill., described and figured; id. t. c, p. 189, pi. xvii, fig. 1. PHYSOSTOMI — CYCLOSTOMATA. Pisces 29 Synaphobranchus pinnatus , Gray, described and figured by Vaillant, c. p. 88, pi. vi, fig. 2. Myrus pachyrhynchus, n. sp., id. t.c. p. 81, pi. v, fig. 1, Coast of Morocco and Cape Verde is., 460-1435 m. Uroconger vicinus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 86, pi. vi, fig. 1, Coast of Soudan and Cape Verde Is., 633-1495 m. Nettastorna melanurum , Raf., figured by Vaillant, t. c. pi. v, fig. 2. N. probosddeum , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 84, pi. vii, fig. 3, Coast of Morocco, 2200 m. Ophichthys imberbis , Delar. : notes by Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, p. 227. LOPHOBRANOHII. Rollett, A. Ueber die Flossenmuskeln des Seepferdcbens ( Hippo - campus antiquorum) und fiber Muskelstruc.tur im Allgemeinen. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 233-266, pis. vii & viii. Smith, W. A. On the Development of Syngnathus acus. P. N. II. Soc. Glasg. (2) i, pp. 105-109, pi. i. PLECTOGNATHf. WiEDEUSHEiM, R. Ou the Degeneration of the Olfactory Organ of certain Fishes Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, pp. 736-738. Translation of the paper noticed in the preceding Record (p. 32). Thompson, D’Arcy W. On the Auditory Labyrinth of Orthagoriscus mola, L. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 93-96, figs. T. Gill, Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 828-830, has critical remarks on the fossil Scleroderms, and gives diagnoses of the 3 families into which he divides this group, viz. : Probalistidcc , Triacanthklce , and Balistidce. Batistes macrolepis, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 666, Muscat, Arabia. Protobalistum imperials. Mass, (foss.), described and figured by Zigno. Mem. Soc. Ital. (3) vi. No. 4, pls.° P. omboni , n. sp. id. t. c., Monte Bolca. Remarks on these fossil Fish, by Gill, Am. Nat. xxii, p. 446. Protacanthodes , n. g., for Protobalistum omboni , Zigno; id. t. c. p. 448. Monacanthns peronii , Holl., figured by McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet, pi. cxliii. Triodon bursarius , L. : notes by E. Andre, Le Nat. x, p. 264, figs. CYCLOSTOMATA. Doiikn, A. Studion zur Urgoschichto des Wirbelthiorkorpors. xiir, Ueber Nerven und Gefiisse bei A mmoccetes und Velromyzon planeri. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 233-306, pis. x-xv. Julin, C. Sur l’appareil vasculaire et le systeme nerveux peripherique de 1’ Ammoccetes. Repouse a M. lc Dr. Dohin. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 567 & 568. 30 Puces. PISCES. Whitwell, J. R. The Ephiphysis Cerebri in Petromyzon fluviatilis. J. Anat. Phys. xxii, pp. 502-504, pi. xviii. Pogojeff, L. Ueber die feinere Structur des G eruchsorganes des Neun- auges. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, pp. 1-14, pi. i. Beard, J. The Teeth of Myxinoid Fishes. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 169—172. Discovery of vestiges of true teeth within the horny cones, or so-called teeth, of Myxine and Bdellostoma. Goette, A. Ueber die Entwicklung von Petromyzon fluviatilis. Vor- laufige Mittheilung. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 160-163. BOiim, A. A. Ueber Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von Petromyzon planeri. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxii, pp. 613-670, pis. xxiv & xxv. Nansen, F. A Protandric Hermaphrodite ( Myxine glutinosa , L.) amongst the Vertebrates. Aarsber. Berg. Mus. f. 1887, No. vii, 29 pp. Myxine glutinosa is a protandic hermaphrodite; up to a body- length of 32-33 centim. it is a male, after that time it produces ova. There is no special breeding season for this Fish. LEPTOOARDII. Rohde, E. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber das Nervensystem von Amphioxus lanceolatus. Zool. Beitr. ii, pp. 169-211, pis. xv & xvi ; abstract in Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 190-196. Hatschek, B. Ueber den Schichtenbau von Amphioxus. Anat. Anz. iii, pp. 662-667, figs. INCERTiE SEDIS. Neweerry, J. S. On the Structure and Relations of Edestus) with a Description of a gigantic New Species. Ann. N. York Ac. iv, pp. 113-122. Discussion of the views hitherto held on the nature of these fossils, which are provisionally regarded as the post-dorsal spines of large cartila- ginous Fishes. Edestua giganteua , u. sp., p. 121, pi. vi, fig. 1, Coal Measures, Mason County, Illinois. Tun. 1 TUNICATA. BY Professor W. A. Herdman, D.Sc.* F.L.S. List of Publications. 1. Ciiun, C. Dio pelagische Thierwelt in grosseren Meerstiefen und ihre Beziehungen zu der Oberflaclienfauna. Naturforscher, xxi, Jahrg. No. 19, pp. 153-155. [N. g. Stegosoma (Append.).] 2. Giard, A. Sur les Nephromyces, genre nouveau de Champignons parasites du rein des Molgulidees. C.R. cvi, pp. 1180-1182. 3. Herdman, W. A. Note on the Specific Nomenclature of Salpa. P. Biol. Soc. Liverp. ii, pp. 133-136. 4. •. Report upon the Tunicata Collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘ Challenger,’ during the years 1873-76. Part III, 166 pp., 11 pis. Rep. Sci. Res. Chall. Exped., Zool. v, xxvii, pt. lxxvi. 5. Joliet, L. Etudes anat. et embryog^n. sur le Pyrosoma giganteum, suivies de recherches sur la faune de Bryozoaires de Roscoff et de Menton. Paris : 1888, 112 pp., 5 pis. 6. Lahille, F. Notes anatomiques et taxonomiques sur le genre Pyro- soma. Bull. Soc. Toulouse, April 4th, 1888, 3 pp. 7. . Contributions A l’6tude anatomique des Salpes. Op. cit. March 7th, 1888, 2 pp. 8. . Les Tuniciers sont-ils les anc§tres des Vertebres ? Op. cit. xxii, ' pp. xcii-xcvi. 9. Maurice, C. Etude monographique d’uno especo d’Ascidie com- posde ( Fragaroides aurantiacum n. sp.). Arch. Biol, viii, 2, pp. 205- 495, pis. xviA-xix. 10. Parona, C. Protisti parasiti nella Ciona inlestinalis , L., de Porto di Genova. CB. Bakt. Parasit. i Jalir., i Bd., No. 5, pp. 155. 11. Todaro, F. Sull’ omologia della branchia delle Salpe con quella degli altri Tunicati. Nota i. Atti R. Acc. Lincei, iv, pp. 437-444. 2 Tun. TUNIC AT A. Anajomy. Maurice (9) has given a most complete detailed account of the anatomy and histology of Fragaroides aurantiacum , a new Compound Ascidian closely allied to Fragarium elegans , Giard, which he found at Ville- franche. The colony owes its orange colour in part to the presence in great abundance of small parasitic A Igai ( Protococcus ), which are found in the test. As in many other Compound Ascidiaus, there is no colonial vascular system. The test cells act as phagocytes in removing the bodies of dead ascidiozooids. In the tailed larva the yoke is absorbed in the same way by the mesoblast cells (future blood corpuscles). The ascidio- zooids adhere to the test, not only at the branchial and atrial apei tures, but also along the lines of the longitudinal muscle bands, of which there are ten on each side. The atrial apertures open into ramified common cloacal cavities, and the atrial languets serve to keep these canals open. The branchial aperture has eight lobes. There are fourteen tentacles, of different sizes. Maurice considers the dorsal tubercle to be merely the orifice of the subneural gland. The branchial sac has thirteen to sixteen rows of stigmata on each side, with about thirty in each row. There are wide horizonal membranes and the usual dorsal languets. The transverse vessels of the branchial sac aro fused with the body wall, so as to divide the peribranchial cavity into a number of independent passages at the sides of the body, all communicating dorsally with the atrial cavity. There are muscles in the transverse vessels, as is the case in many other Com- pound as well as Simple Ascidians. An incubatory pouch is developed, as in Colellu and other forms, and the ova are introduced at its posterior end, so that the most advanced embryos are found anteriorly. The walls of the stomach are deeply channelled longitudinally. In connection with the nerve gangliou is found the posterior or visceral prolongation which is n >w being discovered in many species of Ascidians. Maurice is inclined to agree with Julin and others that the subneural gland is the homologue of the hypophysis cerebri, but he denies that it is either renal or mucous in function. The muscles are of a mesenchymatous nature, although Julin and E. van Beneden have shown that the Tunivata are enteroccelic. The post-abdomen contains the usual pericardiac and epicardiac tubes. In regard to the relations of these organs and the relations of the reproductive systems, Maurice supports Julin and Yan Beneden’s results. Most of the details in regard to the other parts of the body are similar to those already well-known in many other Compound Ascidians. Joliet (5) has left some unfinished studies in the anatomy of Pyrosoma giganteum. IIeudman (4, Appendix «) gives a description of the histology of the dorsal tubercle of a large unknown species of Asculia from Kerguelen Island. It consists of a large number of tubular glands, openiug by meaus of ciliated infundibula. It appears to represent the conjoined neural gland and dorsal tubercle of other A cidians in a very simple con- dition, and supports the view that these organs arc derived from a mucous gland. ANATOMY — PHYliOGENY. Tun, 3 A general account of the anatomy of Pyrosoma , Doliolum, Salpa, Octacnemus , and Appendicularia are given in the ‘ Challenger ’ Report, while detailed descriptions of some special points are found under the new species. Todaro (11 ) compares the two large branchial clefts of Salpa with the two stigmata of Appendicularia , and with the two primary stigmata of Ascidia. Physiology. Giard (2) lias found symbiotic fungi belonging to the Chytrulinew, and for which he has formed the new genus Nephromyces, living in the closed renal sac of some Molgulidce, at Wimereux. He finds distinct species of fungi in the Ascidians Molgula socialis, Aid., Litkonephrya eugyranda , Lac.-Duth., and Anurella roscovitana, Lac.-Duth. ; and he considers that these parasites are useful to their hosts by using up the excreted urinary products which otherwise might fill up the renal organ, which has no duct to the exterior. Parona (10) treats of the Protista parasitic iu Ciona intestinalis found at Genoa. Development. The late M. L. Joliet left an unfinished account of the structure and budding of Pyrosoma giganteum , which has now been published. He found that the subneural gland and its duct are derived, not from an invagination of the buccal cavity, but from the primitive neural vesicle. He believed the dorsal tubercle to be an olfactory organ. He discussed also, in another incomplete paper, the alternation of generations in Salpa and Pyrosoma , and defended Chamisso’s views against the objec- tions raised by Brooks. Geographical Distribution. The third and concluding part of the Report upon the ‘Challenger’ Tunicata contains an account of the geographical and bathymetrical distribution of the Thaliacea, the Panacea, and the Ascidice Salpiformes collected during the expedition. These lists show that the pelagic Tunicata are very widely distributed ; in fact, some species are seen to have a world-wide distribution, and no genus is restricted in its range to a particular ocean. The only undoubtedly deep-sea form is Octacnemus , which was probably fixed to the bottom. It was found at depths of 1070 and 21 GO faths. PHYLOGENY. Lahille (8) considers that the Tunicata are not the ancestors of the Vertebrata , but form a very distinct group. Herdman (4), at the conclusion of the ‘ Challenger ’ Report, gives a detailed account of the probable phylogeny of the genera of the Tunicata. The group is regarded as a degenerate offshoot from the Protochordata, 4 Tun. TUNIOATA. and the two most important conclusions arrived at in regard to its further history are : (i) Pyrosomti, although now a pelagic free-swimming organism, was derived from the fixed Compound Ascidians, to which it is related through Coslocormus huxleyi ; (n) the Ascidte Composite are a poly- phyletic group, being derived from the ancestral Simple Ascidians at three distinct points, and consequently the Compound Ascidians form three groups : (1) the Polystyelidce , (2) the Botryllidce, and (3) the remaining families, which are more nearly related to particular sets of Simple Ascidians than they are to one another. SYSTEMATIC. LARVAOEA . Herdman (4) gives a definition and a general account of the structure and history of the Appendiculariidce , with diagnoses of the four genera — Appendicular ia: Oilcopleura, Fritillaria , and Kowalevskia — and a record of the localities at which Appendicularians were found during the ‘ Chal- lenger’ expedition. No new species are described. Stegosoma} n. g., Chun (2). THALIACEA. A definition and a general account of the history, structure, and development of this order, and of the two suborders Cyclomyaria and Hcmimyaria , are given in the ‘Challenger’ Report. CYCLOMYARIA. Fam. Doliolidas. Doliolum tritonis , Herdman [formerly described as D. denticulatum , in Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. (5) xxxii, p. 93], (4) p. 47. • Doliolum affine, n. sp., id. ibid. Doliolum challenged , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 48. Doliolum krohni , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 49. HEMIMYARIA. Fam. Salpim:. The specific nomenclature of Salpa is discussed [Herdman (3)], aud it is suggested that the names of both the solitary and the aggregated forms be given — e. g., Salpa runcinata-fusifonnis , Chamisso-Cuvier. . Salpa sp. (?), n. sp., Herdman, (4) p. 62. Salpa musculosa , n. sp , id. t. c. p. 64. Salpa echinata , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 66. Salpa mollis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 68. S(dpa nitida , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 81. Salpa quadrata , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 84. HEMIMYARIA — ASCIDIiE SIMPLICES. Tun. 5 Fam. Octacnemidje, n. fam. This new family is formed by IIerdman, (4) p. 87, for the reception of Octacnemm bythius , Moseley. A second specimen of this remarkable form is described and figured ; Herdman, (4) p. 93. ASGIDIAGEA. Definition and subdivisions ; Herdman, (4) p. 11. ASCIDL® SALPIFORMES. A definition and a general account of the history and structure of the group is given in the ‘ Challenger ’ Report. Fam. Pyrosomatidas. Pyrosoma spinosum , n. sp., Herdman, (4) p. 29. Several undetermined and young specimens of Pyrosoma are also described, p. 31. ASCIDIJE COMPOSITE. Fam. Polyclinid,®. FrayaroidfiSy n. subgon., Maurice, (9) p. 225. Fracjaroidcs aurantiacum , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 225. ASCIDI2E SIMPLICES. Fam. AscidiiDjE. Abyssascidia vasculosa, n. sp., Herdman, (4) p. 151. Ascidia sp. (?), n. sp., id. t. c. p. 155. Fam. Cynthiidj:. i Sty da sericata , n. sp., Herdman, (4) p. 153. Moll. 1 MOLLDSCA. BY W. E. Hoyle, M.A., F.R.S.E. Adami, G. B. Novit& raalacologiche recenti. Bull. Soc. mal. Ital. xi, 1886, pp. 209-261, 4 pis. [For pp. 205-208, vide Zool. Rec. xxii, Moll p. 1.] Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the Blake. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiv, xv, pp. xxii, 314, & 220, 545 figs., and maps; also separately, with title — A Contribution to American Thalassography. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer “ Blake,” in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Boston, New York, & London : 1888, 8vo. Amans, P. C. Comparaisons de la locomotion aquatique. Ann. Sci. nat. (7) vi, pp. 1-164, pis. i-vi. [Mollusca, pp. 130-132.] Ancey, C. F. (1) Etude monographique sur le genre Pyraulopsis. Bull. Soc. mal. Fr. v, pp. 185-202. . (2) Nouvelles contributions malacologiques. — vn. Note sur l’6tat jeune de certains Ennea. vm. Mollusques nouveaux de l’extrGme Orient, ix. Catalogue raisonn6 des Mollusques N6o-Cal6doniens publies jusqu’fi ce jour, et compris par les auteurs dans les genres Hyalinia, Helix , Diplomphalus , etc. T. c. pp. 341-376. . (3) Description of New Genera or Subgenera of Helicidce. Conch. Exch. i, pp. 53, 54, & 64 ; op. cit. ii, pp. 22, 23, 38, & 39. . (4) [Rectifications of Nomenclature.] Op. cit. i, p. 54. . (5) A Catalogue of the Bulimini found in Central Asia. Op. cit. ii, pp. 5 & 6. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Moll. p. 1, Ancey (7).] * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicat e3 that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. t Indicates that though the Recorder has not seen the paper, an abstract has been obtained from some other source, which is usually indicated. 1888. [VOL. XXV.] I) 5 2 Moll MOLLUSCA. [Ancey, O. F.] (6) On the generic name of a remarkable Bivalve Shell found in the Congo. T. c. p. 22. . (7) Description of North American Shells. T. c. pp. 63, 64, 79, & 80. . (8) Mollusques du Haut-Tonkin (Recoltes do M. Yilledouy). Lo Nat. x, pp. 70-72, 83, 84, 92, & 93, 9 cuts. , (9) Note sur les Bulimes fran9ais. T. c. pp. 120 & 121. . (10) Descriptions de mollusques terrestres. T. c. pp. 188-190, 7 cuts, pp. 200 & 201, 2 cuts, pp. 215 & 216, 2 cuts. . (11) “Remarques sur ces especes” : in, Vignon ( vide p. 29, postea). Asiipord, C. (1) Another Yorkshire Locality for Vertigo angustior. Naturalist, 1888, p. 89. . (2) The Land and Fresh-water Mollusca round Christchurch. P. P. Hampsh. Field Club, i, pp. 40 & 41. \_Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Moll. p. 1.] Balasheva, M. O vliyanil vnyerhnel credui 1 prelmushchestvenno ob‘ema voduagho basselna na nyckotoruikh Iz cllznyakoo ; and title only in French, — De Piufluencedu milieu exterieur etprincipalement celle de la temperature de l’eau et de Pair sur les Planorbis vert. Zapiski Novoross. Obsch. Estestv. xii, pp. 21-28. Bather, F. A. (1) Shell-growth in Cephalopoda (Siphonopoda). Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 298-310, cut ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 397. — (2) Professor Blake and Shell-growth in Cephalopoda. T. c. pp. 421-427 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 559. Beauchamp, W. M. (1) Erosion of Fresh-water Shells (No. ii). Conch. Exch. i, p. 49. . (2) Notes on American Shells. Op. cit. ii, pp. 114 & 115. Beaudouin, J. Faune malacologique vivante de l’arrondissement de Chatillou-sur-Seine (Cote-d’Or). Bull. Soc. mal. Fr. v, pp. 377-423. Beecher, C. E. A method of preparing, for microscopical study, the raduloe of small species of Mollusca. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. iv, pp.7-1 2 ; also J. Micr. & Nat. Sci. (n.s.) i, pp. 89-92. Bergevin, E. de. Compte rendu de Pexcursion de Caudebec-en-Caux. Bull. Soc. Rouen (3) xxiv, pp. 123-131. Bergh, R. (1) Nudibranchien vom Meere der Insel Mauritius : in, C. Semper’s Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. n. Wiss. Result., ii Malacol. Untersuch. xvi, 1, pp. 755-814, pis. lxxvii-lxxxi. Wiesbaden : 1888, 4to. . (2) Beitrage zur Kenntniss du Aeolidiaden. IX. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 673-706, pis. xvi-xx. . (3) .Die Pleuroleuriden, eine Familie der nudibranchiaten Gastrao- poden. Zool. JB. iii, pp. 348-364, pis. xi & xii. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 3 Bernard, F. (1) Sur le manteau des Gasteropodes prosobranches et les organes qui en dependent. C.R. cvi, pp. 681-683 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 399. . (2) Recherches anatomiques sur la Valvatd piscinalis. C.R. cvii, pp. 191-194. Blake, J. F. Remarks on Shell-growth in Cephalopoda. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 376-380 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 559. Blanchard, R. (1) A propos des muscle's strips des Mollusques lamollibranches. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 48-55. . (2) Sur la structure dos muscles des Mollusques lamellibranches. T.c. pp. 74-81, 14 cuts; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 402 & 935 ; Rev. Sci. xli, p. 219. . (3) De la presence des muscles strips chez les Mollusques. C.R. cvi, pp. 425-427 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 402 ; CB. Physiol, ii, p. 249.] . (4) Sur les Muscles stries des mollusques. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 125-127. Blum, J. Einige Schnecken aus dem nordlichen Gebiete des Adria- tischen Meeres. Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, pp. 138-140. Boas, F. Die Mythologie der nordwest-amerikanischen Kustenvolker. Globus, liii, pp. 153-157 ; abstr., Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, pp. 58 & 59. Bgettger, 0. (1) Ueber einige neue oder bemerkenswerthe Land- schnecken aus Griechenland. Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, pp. 51-58. . (2) Diagnosen neuer Kaukasischen Arten. T. c. pp. 149-155. Bourguignat, J. R. Histoire des Helices campyleennes du groupe des Dinariques (olim Helix pouzolzi). Bull. Soc. mal. Fr. v, pp. 203-245, pis. ii-iv. Boutan, L. (1) Repouse & M. Pelseneer, Professor k l’lllcole normale de Gand. Lille : 1888, 8vo, 6 pp. [Polemical.] . (2) Contribution h l’^tude de la masse nerveux ventrale (cordons piilleaux visceraux) et de lacollerette de la fissurelle. Arch. Z. exp^r. (2) vi, pp. 375-421, pis. xxi-xxiii. Bouvier, E. L. (1) Observations anatomiques et syst£matiques sur quelques families de Mollusques Prosobranches Sterioglosses. Bulk Soc. mal. Fr. v, pp. 251-286, pis. v-vii [last not yet published]. . (2) Sur l’anatomie de l’Ampullaire. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, pp. 5-7. . (3) Sur les glandes salivaires annexes des Muricidds. T. c. pp. 118-125. . (4) Sur l’anatomie et les affinity zoologiques des Ampullaires. C.R. cvi, pp. 370-372 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 204. [Prelim, notice of (5).] . (5) Etude sur l’organisation des Ampullaires. Mem. Soc. Philom. Cent. pp. 63*-85°, pi. ix. Paris : 1888, 4to. 4 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Brancsik, K. (1) Einiges uber Helix fciustina Zgl. und deren Formen im Trencsiner Comitate, sowie iiber den Zusammenhang mit II. rossmussleri, Pfr. JB. mal. Ges. xiv, pp. 307-313, 3 cuts. ■. (2) Daudebardia rufa Drp. gezogen. Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, pp. 50 & 51. . (3) Eine neue Yarietat der Helix pomatia L. T. c. pp. 117 & 118. . (4) Nachtrage zur Conchylien -Fauna Bosniens. T. c. pp. 161-169. Braun, M. (1) Ueber zwei parasitischer Schnecken. CB. Bakt. Parasit. ii, pp. 415 & 416a. [Abstr. of Sarasin, cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Moll. p. 24.] 0 . (2) Zur Frage der Selbstbefrucbtung bei den Zwitterschnecken. Humboldt, viii, pp. 18-20. . (3) Ueber den Harnleiter bei Helix. Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, pp. 109-113. . (4) Ueber die Entwickluug des Harnleiters bei Helix pomatia , L. T. c. pp. 129-133. . (5) Zur Frage der Selbstbefruchtung bei Zwitterschnecken. T. c. pp. 146-148. Brazier, J. Mollusca : in, Report on a small Zoological Collection from Norfolk Island. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 993-1001. Bretonni^re, J. Perforations do roches calcaires par des escargots. C.R. cvii, pp. 566 & 567. Brock, J. (1) Ueber das sogenannte Yerrillsche Organ der Cephalo- poden. Nachr. Ges. Gotting. 1888, pp. 476-478. . (2) Ueber die sogenannten Augen von Tridacva und das Yor- kommen von Pseudochlorophyllkorpern im Gefasssystem der Mus- cheln. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 270-288, pi. xxii ; transl., Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 435-452 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 464 & 465. Brockmeier, H. Zur Fortpflanzung von Helix nemoralis und Ilel. hortensis) nach Beobachtungen in der Gefangenschaft. Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, pp. 113-116 & 158. tBROUSMiCHE, E. Aper£u g6n6ral de l’histoire naturelle du Tonkin. Excursions et reconnaissances, xiii, 1887, p. 162. Brooks, H. Preliminary Remarks on the Structure of the Funnel of Nautilus pompilius. P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, pp. 380-382, pis. i & ii. Bucquoy, E., Dautzenberg, P., & Dollfuss, G. Les Mollusques marins du Roussillon. II., ii. Fasc. xv, Pelecypoda , pp. 25-59, pis. vii-xi. Buissert, A. (1) Une fonction nouvelle des otocystes. Rev. Quest. Sci. xxiii, pp. 309-312. [Cf. Delage, Zool. Rec. xxiii, Moll. p. 9.] . (2) Des Lamellibranclies sans branchies. Op. cit. xxiv, pp. 323 & 324. [Abstr. of Pelseneer (12).] Call, R. E. (1) Descriptions of two new species of the genus Unio} from the Ozark region of Missouri. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887, x, pp. 498- 500, pis. xxvii & xxviii. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 5 [Call, R. E.] (2) On the Gross Anatomy of Campeloma. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 491-497, pi. vii, cuts. Caramagna, G. Catalog.) delle conchiglie Assabesi. Bull. Soc. mal. Ital. xiii, pp. 113-149, pi. viii. Carpenter, H. F. The Shell-Bearing Mollusca of Rhode Island. Chapters xxxvii-xliv. Conch. Exch. ii, pp. 2, 3, 18-20, 34-36, 46, 47, 61, 62, 77-79, 89, 90, 109, & 110. Carrieu, — . Note sur lo d<$veloppement des cellules ramifies du carti- lage des c^phalopodes et de leurs rapports avec certains 616ments des chondromes. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 577-579. Cermenati, M. Gli scritti malacologici di G. B. Adami. Nat. Sicil. vii, pp. 169-173. Ciiatin, J. (1) Sur les myelocytes des Invert^bres. C.R. cvii, pp. 504- 507 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 929. [Prelim, notice of (2).] . (2) Recherches sur les Myelocytes des Invert^bres. Mem, Soc. Philom. Cent. pp. 87°— 1 07°, pi. x. [Mollusca, pp. 100o-102^,.] Clessin, S. (1) Die Mollusken-Fauna Osterreich-Ungarns und dor Schweiz. Pt. 3. Nuremberg : 1888, 8vo, pp. 321-480, cuts. . (2) Gardita : completed in, Martini & Chemnitz, Conch. Cab. pts, 356 & 360, vol. x, 1, pp. 17-60, pis. vi-xiii. . (3) Chama : continued in, Martini & Chemnitz, op. cit. pts. 360, 362, 366, vol. viii, 5, pp. 1-16, pis. iii-x. . (4) Mytilacea : continued in, Martini & Chemnitz, op. cit. pt. 361, vol. viii, 3, pp. 125-132, pis. xxxiii & xxxiv. . (5) Solenacea : completed in, Martini & Chemnitz, op. cit. pts. 361, 362, 364, & 366, vol. xi, 3, pp. 17-96, pis. viii-xxv. -- — . (6) Binnenmollusken aus Siidbrasilien. Mal. Bl. x, pp. 165-174. . (7) Die Binnenmollusken von Neuseeland. T. c. pp. 175-183. [Reprint of Hutton, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xvi, xvii, 1884-85 ; cf. Zool. Rec. xxi, Moll. p. 6 ; xxii, p. 12.] . (8) Ueber zwei neue Lamellibranchiaten aus den postglacialen Schichteu Schonens. (Efv. Ak. Forh. xlv, pp. 339-342, cuts. Coates, H. The Natural History of Kinnoull Hill. vi. The Mollusca. P. Perthsh. Soc. i, 1886, pp. 247, 248, & 255. Cockerell, S. C. Concliological Notes from Picardy. J. of Conch, v, pp. 356 & 357. Cockerell, T. D. A. (1) The Gibraltar and Tangier Forms of Parma- cella. Conch. Exch. ii, pp. 67 & 68. . (2) [Rectification of Nomenclature.] T. c. p. 68. — — . (3) Helix raffrayi. J.of Conch, v, p. 261. . (4) On Agriolimax montanus in Colorado. T. c. pp. 358-360. . (5) Exhibition of, and notes upon, some Mollusca taken at Isle- worth, Middlesex. P. Z. S. 1887, pp. 362 & 363. . (6) Hyalina glabra var. bicolor . Sci. Goss, xxiv, p. 20. 6 Moll. MOLLUSCA. [Cockerell, T. D. A.] (7) Notes on Geographical Distribution. T. c. pp. 25, 26, 49, & 50. . (8) The Genus Claimlia . T. e. p. 114. . (9) The British Slugs. T. c. p. 115. . (10) Physa elliptica. T. c. p. 163. . (11) On the Distribution of Aquatic Forms. T.c. pp. 182-184. [Nothing new.] . (12) Mollusca in Colorado. T. c. p. 257. Collier, E. Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Cardiganshire. J. of Conch, v, pp. 353-355. Cooke, A. H. (1) Otina otis var. alba at Newquay. T. c. p. 316. . (2) On the Article Purpura in Tryon’s ‘ Manual of Couchology.’ T. c. pp. 321-329. . (3) Helix revelata at Newquay. T. c. p. 329. Cooper, J. G. West Coast Pulmonata : Fossil and Living (continued). Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2) i, pp. 11-25. \_Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Moll. P-7.] Cox, J. C. Contributions to Conchology, No. 1. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 1061-1064, pis. xx & xxi. Craven, A. E. Note sur Helix harpa, Say. J. de Conch, xxviii, pp. 101-103. Crosse, H. (1) Nouveau Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres de l’ile de San-ThomA T. c. pp. 12-30, pi. i, figs. 2 & 3. . (2) Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de Pile du Prince (C6te occidentale d’Afrique). T. c. pp. 296-305. - — . [See also Fischer, P.] Crosse, H., & Fischer, P. (1) Observations sur le Bulimus exaratus , Muller. T. c. pp. 11 & 12. . (2) Description d’un Cyclostoma inedit, provenant de Madagascar. T. c. pp. 100 & 101, pi. i, fig. 1. (3) Note sur les Cyclostomes des Antilles et description du nouveau genre Colobostylus. T. c. pp. 229-235. Cuj^not, L. Blood of Invertebrata. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 557. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Moll. pp. 7 & 35.] Da Costa, S. J. Helix revelata and Pupa umbilicata var. alba at New- quay. J. of Conch, v, p. 347. Dall, W. H. (1) Gasteropods and Lamellibranchs : in, Agassiz, Three Cruises of the ‘ Blake,’ pp. 62-75. [Cf. supra .] . (2) Lamellibranches sans branchies. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiiq pp. 207-209. • . (3) Correspondence. Conch. Exch. ii, pp. 9 & 10. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Moll . . 7 [Dall, W. H.] (4) Description of anew species of Ily a Una. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888, p. 214, cuts. . (5) Some American Conchologists (Annual Address). P. Biol. Soc. Washington, iv, pp. 95-134. Darbishire, R. D. Note on Shells of Argonauta argo. J. of Conch, v, pp. 371-373, pi. iii. Dollfus, G. F. (1) Une coquille remarquable des faluns de l’Anjou, Melongena cornuta , Agassiz sp. ( Pyrula ). Bull. Soc. Augers, xvii, pp. 25-56, pis. i-iv. . (2) Lcs plages du Croisic (rdcoltes zoologiques). ill. La presqu’ ile de Penbron. Feuill. Nat. xviii, pp. 93-97. . [See also Bucquoy.] Donald, J. Notes on the Land and Fresh-water Shells of Cumberland. Tr. Cumberl. Westmorl. Ass., No. xi, 1886, pp. 150 & 151. IDrogemuller, H. Die Fluss-Perlmuschel und die Wiederbelebung der deutseher Perlenfischerei. Circ. deutsch. Fisch. Yer. 1887, pp. 130-142. Drouet, H. Unionidce nouveauxou peuconnus. 5® article. J. de Conch, xxviii, pp. 103-11 1. Dubois, R. (1) Sur le role de la symbiose chez certains animaux marins lumineux. C.R. cvii, pp. 502-504. . (2) Sur la production de la lumiere chez le Pholas dactylus. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 451-453 ; abstr., CB. Physiol, ii, p.355. . (3) Mensuration par la m^thode graphique, des impressions lumi- neuses produites sur certains mollusques lamellibranches par des sources d’intensit^ et de longueurs d’onde differentes. T. c. pp. 714— 716; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 39&40. Dybowski, W. Die Gasteropoden-Fauna des Kaspischen Meeres. Nach der Sammlung des Akadeniikers K. E. von Baer. Mai. Bl. x, pp. 65-79, pis. i-iii. 0 Fagot, B. (1) Contribuciones a la Fauna malacologica de Aragon. Catalogo razonado de los Moluscos del Yalle de Essera. Cron. Cientif. 1888, 20 pp. * . (2) Contribuciones a la Fauna malacologica de Cataluila. Cata- logo razonado de los Moluscos del Yalle de Aran. T. c. 16 pp. Fausek', Y. A. K faunye Mollyuskov* syevernago Kavkaza [Molluscan Fauna of the Northern Caucasus], Ttudui St. Petersburg Nat., Zool. xix, Protok. pp. 62 & 63. Fenn, F. G. (1) Helix nemoralis monst. sinistrorsum. J. of Conch, v, p. 357. . (2) Helix nemoralis var. sinistrorsum. Sci. Goss, xxiv, p. 280. Fewkes, J. W. (1) On Arctic Characters of the Surface Fauna of the Bay of Fundy, and the Connection with a Theory of the Distribution of Floating Marine Life. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 601-612. . (2) The Sucker on the Fin of Pterotrachea. Zool. Auz. xi, pp. 64 & 65; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 205. 8 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Fischer, K. Die Flussperlenmuschel ( Unio margaritifer) im Regierungs- bezirk Trier. Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlv, pp. 292-294 ; abstr., j. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 376. Fischer, P. (1) Note sur la presence du genre Corambe Bergh, dans le bassin d’Arcachon (Gironde). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 215 & 216. - — . (2) Note sur un monstruositd du Triopa clavigera , Loven. J. de Conch, xxviii, pp. 131 & 132. . (3) Sur la classification du genre Lachesis , Risso. T. c. pp. 132- 136, 2 cuts. . (4) Curiosites bibliographiques. Manuel de Conchyliologie, exposant les caracteres des coquilles marines, fluviatiles et terrestres, et ceux des animaux qui les habitant, par M. de la Pylaie. Paris, 1826. T. c. pp. 269-273. . (5) Note sur Panimal du genre Cyclosurus , Morelet. T. c. pp. 293-296, pi. xiii. . (6) Note sur la structure interne de la coquille du Pupa Candida , Lamarck. T. c. pp. 316-320, pi. xiii. . [See also Crosse.] Fischer, P., & Crosse, II. Etudes sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, 10 : iu, Mission scientifique au Moxique et dans l’Amdrique centrale. Zool. vii, ii. Paris: 1888, 4to, pp. 129-176, pis. xliii-xlvi. FitzGerald, H. P. The Mollusca of North Hants. P. P. Hampsh. Field Club, ii, pp. 26-30. Fleischmann, A. Die Wasseraufnahme bei Mollusken. Biol. Centralbl. vii, pp. 713-717; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 563. Fol, H. (1) Sur la structure microscopique des muscles de3 Mollusques. C.R. cvi, pp. 306-308 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 199; An). Nat. xxii, p. 356. — — . (2) Sur la repartition du tissu musculaire strid chez divers Inverte- bres. T. c. pp. 1178-1180 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 714 & 715; CB. Physiol, ii, p. 175. Folin, L. de. (1) A propos du Rumina decollata (Mollusque Gastdro- pode). Le Nat. x, p. 79 ; abstr., Nachr. mal. Ges. xx, p. 120. — . (2) Observations sur V Helix quimperiaua. T. a. p. 174. . (3) Observations sur la Clausilia pauli , Mabille. T. c. pp. 250 & 251. . (4) Observations sur Y Helix constricta} Boubde. T. c. pp. 240 & 241, cut. . (5) Observations sur une espdce nouvelle d’Unio de France {Unio baudoni). T. c. pp. 273 & 274, 4 cuts. Foord, A. H. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W. Part i. Nauti- loulea. London : 1888, 8vo, xxxi & 344 pp., 5 cuts. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 9 Ford, J. (1) Helices in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia. Conch. Exch. ii, pp. 7 & 8. [Nothing new.] . (2) The Succinea obliqua, Say, of Fairmont Park, Philadelphia, with some remarks regarding the relationship of Succinea totteniana , Lea. T. c. pp. 23 & 24. . (3) The Freshwater Mollusks of Fairmont Park. T. c. pp. 39-41. . (4) Some Remarks on the Migration of Mollusks. T. c. pp. 71 & 72. . (5) Description of a new species of Ocinebra. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 188, cuts. Forel, F. A. Calcaire perfore par V Helix aspersa. Arch. Sci. nat. (3) xx, p. 576. Franzenau, A. Adal^kok a borsodmegyei Ap&tfalva kortiy^kdnek geo- logiajahoz. Term, fuzelek, xi, pp. 61-64 ; [and in German] — Daten zur Geologie der Umgebung von Ap&tfalva in comitat Borsod ; pp. 90-94. French, J. F. (1) Preliminary List of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca occurring in the Neighbourhood of Felstead, Essex. Ess. Nat. ii, pp. 1-3. . (2) (Additions and Corrections.) T. c. pp. 46 & 47. . (3) On the Alluvial and other Recent Deposits at Felstead, Essex. T. c. pp. 66-60. Furtado, A. Sur le Bulimus exaratus) Muller. J. de Conch, xxviii, pp. 5-10, pis. ii & iii. Gain, W. A. Respiration of Ancylus fluviatilis. J. of Conch, v, p. 331. Galeazzi, R. Des elements nerveux des muscles de fermeture ou adducteurs des bivalves. Arch. Ital. Biol, x, pp. 388-393, 1 pi. Galwey, [Miss] H. On the Marine Shells of Magilligan Strand, County Tyrone. J. of Conch, v, pp. 267-270. +Ganong, W. F. (1) On the Zoology of the Invertebrate Animals of Passamaquoddy Bay. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, iv, 1885, p. 87. . (2) The Marine Mollusca of New Brunswick. Op. cit. vi, 1887, pp. 17-61. Garnault, P. (1) Recherches anatomiques et histologiques sur le Cyclo- stoma elegans. Act. Soc. L. Bord. xli, pp. 129-158 ; also separately, Paris & Bordeaux : 1888, 8vo, 152 pp., 9 pis. ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 716 & 717. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Moll. pp. 9 & 30.] . (2) Recherches sur la structure et le d^veloppemeut de l’oeuf efc de son follicle chez les Chitonides. Arch. Z. exp£r. (2) vi, pp. 83-116, pis. vi & vii; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 933. 10 Moll. MOLLUSCA. [Garnault, P.] (3) Sur la structure des orgaue gdnitaux, l’ovogenese et les premiers stades de la fecondation chez 1’ Helix aspersa. C.R. cvi, pp. 675-678 ; abstr., Rev. Sci. xli, p. 315 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 398 & 399. . (4). Sur l’organisation do la Valvatu piscinulis. C.R. cvi, pp. 1813- 1815. . (5) Sur la structure des organes gduitaux, Povog^n^se et les premiers stades de la fecondation chez P Helix aspersa. C.R. Soc. L. Bord. 1888, pp. xviii-xxii. [Prelim, notice of (3).J . (6) Note sur Porgauisation de la Valvata piscinulis. T. c. pp. xxii-xxv. . (7) Un cas de castration parasitaire chez P Helix aspersa. T. c. pp. liv-lvii [lvii issued Jan. 1889]. . (8) Recti lication. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 623 & 624 ; C.R. Soc. L. Bord. 1888, p. xxvi. . (9) Sur les phenomenes de la fecondation chez P Helix aspersa et P Avion empiricorum. T . c. pp. 731-736 [to be continued]. Gehrs, C. Nachtrage zu meinem im 32. Jahresberichte veroffentlichten Yerzeichniss der hier vorkommenden Mollusken. J. Ber. Ges. Hannov. xxxiv-xxxvii, pp. 68 & 69. Giard, A. (1) La Castration parasitaire. Nouvelles recherches. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. (3) i, pp. 12-45. [ Mollusca , p. 44.] • . (2) Fragments biologiques. IX. Le Gulf-Stream sur les cotes du Pas-de-Calais et de la mer du Nord. T. c. pp. 296 & 297. . (3) Fragments biologiques. xn. Castration parasitaire probable chez les Pterolrachea. T. c. pp. 309 & 310. . (4) Le Laboratoiro do Wimereux en 1888. (Recherches fauui- ques.) T. c. pp. 492-513. Girard, A. Note sur les Helix catocyphia} Bourg., hyperplatcea , Servain, et pisana de Portugal. J. Sci. Lisb. xii, No. xlvii, pp. 160-166, pi. Godet, P. Mollusques du lac Tanganyika. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel, xvi, p. 298. [Nothing new.] Godwin- Austen, H. H. (1) Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of India, including South Arabia, Baluchistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Nopal, Burmah, Pegu, Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Ceylon, ami other Islands of the Indian Ocean. Part vi [text]. London: 1888, 8vo, pp. 207-257. — — . (2) Descriptions of new Land-Shells from the Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 55-59. . (3) On some Land-Mollusks from Burmah, with Descriptions of some new species. Part i. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 240-245. Goldeuss, — . (1) Helix liortensis in heidnischen Wohnstiitten. Z. naturw. Ixi, p. 213. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 11 [Goldfuss, — .] (2) Ueber gefalschte Conchylien auf die Philippinen. T. c. p. 430. . (3) Couchylien der Keller. T. c. pp. 628 & 629. °Graber, V. (1) Leitfaden der Zoologie. Leipzig : 1888, 8vo, iv & 240 pp. ). Leptulhyra carpeuteri, n. sp. ; PlJ.SBY, (1) p. 247. , GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION .. Moll. 53 13. Panamic Province. Panama. Pleurotoma ( Prillia ) cretata, n. sp. ; Smith, (4) p. 305. Central America. Chcetopleura dacrydigera , n. sp. ; Rociiebrune (4). 14. Peruvian Province. Iquique. Cardita paeteliana} n. sp. ; Clesrin, (2) p. 20. Chili. Modiota ovalis , n. sp. ; id. (4) p. 128. Tonicia fontaineiy n. sp. ; Rociiebrune (4). 15. Antarctic Province. Magellans St. Pleurotoma ( Surcula ) fuegiensis , n. sp. ; Smith, (4) p. 300. 1 7. Caribbean Province. \V. Indies. Area d'orbignyi, n. sp. ; KoBelt (13). Antilles. Several species from deep water ; Dall (3). Guadeloupe and Martinique. Melongena melongena , L. ; Dollfus. Jamaica. Pleurotoma ( Drillia ) coolcei , n. sp. ; Smith, (4) p. 308. Swan Is. Mitra fergusoni , Sowerby ; Dall, (3) p. 9. 18. Transatlantic Province. Florida. List of species dredged in shallow water; Simpson (1). Natica fordiana , n. sp. ; id. (5). A few other species ; id. (8). Bermuda. Few species recorded ; Jones. Triton swifti, Tryon ; Simpson (3). 4 new species ; Heilprin (2). Rhode Island. Catalogue brought up to 169 species, 1 new species ; Carpenter. Teredo , species from ; Westgate (1). “ Port du Roi George .” Chcetopleura biarmata , n. sp., Rociiebrune (4). Paleontology. Tentaculites , Conularia, Ilyolithes , and other palaeozoic forms, are not Pteropoda ; Pelseneer, (2) pp. 92-94. Notes on the distribution of the Pulmonata in time ; Simroth (6). Fossil Pneumonopoma ; Kobelt, (6) pp. 334-336. Helix semperiana , Crosse, of the mio-pliocene of N. Africa, is probably the ancestor of the recent II. candidissima, Drap. ; Thomas. Account of the Mollusca of the Caspian Sea, and their bearing upon its geological history ; Neciiav. Paludina diluviana found living on shores of Black Sea ; perhaps iden- tical with species described by Bgt. from the Lower Danube ; Neumayk. Number of fossil shells from Touraine, with their recent equivalents recorded; Dollfus (1). 54 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Criticisms regarding quaternary formations in N. Germany ; NehrinG (2). L.^nd and fresh-water shells from diluvium of Gottingen ; Koenen. List of land-shells from diluvial clay of Verenese-Thal and Kis-Piszko ; Franzenau. Pleistocene of Moravia ; Rzehak. List of 42 species from a raised beach in Devonshire ; Hunt. Fossils from near Turin ; Pollonera. . Several recent species fossil in loess of Iowa ; Webster. Two subfossil species from Sweden ; Clessin (8). Lists of Australian tertiary forms (many recent) ; Johnston. Historical Changes. Helix pomatia a comparatively late introduction iuto North Germany ; Martens (2, 7) : see also Nehring (1); Potonie. Crepidula fornicata adherent to American oysters transplanted to Cleethorpes ; Smith, A. Bithynia tentaculata , L., recently imported to America ; Ancey, (7) p. 80. Sudden appearance of Stenogyra octona , a West Indian form, in thousands, at New Caledonia ; Layard (2). Reappearance of shells after supposed absence ; Roberts (2). Use by Man. Oysters and Mussels. Oyster fisheries of Maryland ; Segrave. Keeping of oysters by preventing their opening; Williams, W. M. Larval oysters caught on glass slides for microscopical examination ; Jackson (2). Oyster beds of New Brunswick ; Winkley. Suggestions for mussel-culture at Cardross, Dumbarton ; Robertson. The cause of poisoning by eating mussels discussed, and referred to micro-organisms; Lustig. Pearls. Pearls of fresh-water mussels ; DrGgemuller. Possibility of culture of the mussels ; Schierholz, p. 34 [of sep. copy]. Composition of pearls ; Harley. The use of Pectew-shells by pilgrims, with notes on the origin of the custom, treated by Locard (5). Cyclophorus saturnus and C. fulginatus as delicacies in Tonkin ; Daut- zenberg & Hamonville, J. de Conch, xxvii, 1887, p. 221. Varieties of Cochlostyla artificially manufactured; Goldfuss (2). Sepia and shell of Trochus marmoratus objects of commerce ; Brous- MICHE. Gigantic Cephalopod in Eskimo mythology ; Boas. Helix hortensis and primitive man ; Goldfuss (1). CEPHALOPODA (OCTOPODA, DECAPODA). Moll. 55 CEPHALOPODA. The British Museum Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopoda contains an interesting discussion of the subdivisions of the Tetrabranchiata , of the order of succession of the principal types, and of the distribution of the Nauliloidea in space and time. The Nautiloidea include the following families : — Orthoceratidce , , Actinoceratidce , Gomphoceratidce , Ascoceratidce , ■ Poterioeeratidce , Gyrtoceratidee , Lituitidce , Trochoceratidce , Nautilidec , Bactritidce ; Fooitn. Remarks on the phylogeny of Cephalopods ; Hyatt. DlBRANCHIATA. OOTOPODA. AltaONAUTIDiE. Argonauta argo : description of shell believed to be exceptionally com- plete ; Darbishire. TREMOCTOPODID2E. Tremoctopus dbderleini , n. sp., Tokio ; Ortmann, p. 642, pi. xx. OCTOPODIDJU. Octopus Icagoshiniensis, p. 644, pi. xxi, fig. 2, 0. broclci} p. 645, pis. xxi, fig. 4, & xxii, fig. 1, d. spp., Japan; Ortmann. 0. chronmtusi n. sp., Bermuda ; Heilprin, (2) p. 324, pi. xvi, fig. 1. 0. harmandi , n. sp., Cochiu China ; Rochebrune, (3) p. 73. DEOAPODA . MYOPSIDA. Sepiolini. Inioteuthis japonica and I. morsei, Vll., redescribed, with figures of bectocotylised arms and suckers ; Ortmann, p. 647, pis. xxi, figs. 6 & 7, & xxii, figs. 2 & 3. Microteuthis , n. g. Mantle dorsally as in Bossia ; mantle fastening by knobs fitting into depressions ; fins reniform posterior to middle of body j gladius absent ; for M. paradoxa, n. sp., Kadysiama, Japan ; id. pp. 648 & 649, pi. xxii, fig. 4. Sepiarii. Sepia hoylei, p. 650, pis. xxii, fig. 5, & xxiii, fig. 1, $. tornsa, p. 652, pi. xxiii, fig. 2, S. tolcioensis, p. 653 * 1 xxiii, fig. 3, n. spp., Japan ; id. 56 Moll MOLLUBCA, Loliginei. Loligo tetradynamia , p. 659, pis. xxiii, fig, 4, & xxv, fig. 1, L.aspera, p. 661,, pi, xxv, fig, 3, n. spp.,, Japan ; id. (EGOPSIDA. Ommastrephini. Ommastrephes caroli, Furtado, identified with a specimen figured by old authors. Young of 0. pteropus probably often confounded with O lartramii ; Steenstrup. 0. gouldi , n. sp., from Victoria ; M‘Coy. Taonoteothi. It is proposed, on anatomical grounds, to abolish this family, and to place the subfamily Ghiroteuthklce under Ommastrephini , in close proxi- mity to Thysanoteuthis i Weiss,, pp. 91-93, FFEROPODA. The proposal of Boas to abolish this order is supported : the Thecoso - mata are placed in the Bulloid division of the Tectibranchia , and tho Gymnosomata in the Aplysioid section ; Pelseneer (2). Pteropods to be placed with the Euthyneura ; their propodium is the Gastropod sole, the epipodia are derivatives of it ; Grobben (2). Explanation of his views regarding the systematic relations of this, group ; Ihering. Statistics regarding geographical distribution ; Muntue, THECOSOMATA. The ‘ Challenger T Beport on this group gives a list of all the generic names (34) hitherto proposed for recent forms ; these are reduced to eight, disposed in three families ( Limacinidce , Gavoliniidce, and Oym- buliidce) according to the classification followed in the sequel; Pel- beneer (1). LlMACINIM). Limacinat Cuvier, with 10 species, some new ; Pelseneer, (1) p. 15. Peracli8, Forbes (emend.), with P. reticulata (d’Orb.), p, 34, pi. i, figs. 7 & 8, and P. bispinosa , n. sp., Mid- Atlantic, p. 36, pi. i, figs. 9 & 10 ; id. t. c , See also, id. (9). Agudina , Gould, is merely a Gastropod larva; id. (1) p. 37. Cavoliniidjc. Clio, L., with subgg. Creseis (4 species), Hyalocylix (1 species), Styliolct (1 species), and Clio , s. str. (7 species) ; id. t. c. pp. 42-47. G. poliia , n. sp., Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 60, pi. ii, figs. 4-6. FTEROPODA, GASTROPODA (fULMONATA). Moll. 57 Cuvierinciy Boas, with only 1 species ; id. t. c. p. 66. Cavolinia , Abildgaard, with 8 species ; id. t. c. pp. 69-76. Cleodora schtelei, n. sp., W. coast of Patagonia : Muntiie, p. 18, figs. 15-19, CyMBULIIDjE. Cymbidia, Peron & Lesueur, 2 species ; Pelseneer, (1) pp. 96-98. C. parvidentcita, n. sp., New Zealand ; id. t. c. p. 99, pi. ii, figs. 12 & 13. Cymbuliopsisy n. g., for C. ovata (Q. & G.) and C. calceola (YU.) ; id. t. c. p. 100. Glcbdy Forskal, with 3 species ; id. t.c. p. 101. GASTROPODA. PULMONATA. Distribution in time and space, and phylogenetic relationship discussed ; Simrotii (6) ; also id. (4). STYLOMMATOPHORA. GEOPHTLA. Agnatha. Testacellid.®. Ennea ( Dictphora ) Jcochiana, n. sp., Cebu ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 79. E. ( Iluttonella ) hidalgoi, n. sp., Bulacan, Philippines; id. t. c. p. 78, E. perakensisy Nevill, a young shell ; Ancey (2). Oleacina miilleriy n. sp., Haiti ; Maltzan (1), p. 179. Streptaxis thebawi , n. sp., Shan Hills; Godwin-Austen (3), p. 243. Testacella scutulum distinct from T. haliotidecty with detailed descrip- tion and records of British distribution ; Taylor (5). T. dubia, p. 2, pi. ii, figs. 4-6, T. subtrigona, p. 3, pi. ii, figs. 1-3, Turin, T. bar cinonen sidy p. 4, pi. ii, figs. 13-16, T. catalonica, p. 5, pi. ii, figs. 7-9 & 17, Barcelona, n. spp. ; Pollonera (2). Gnathophora. LlMACIDiE. Africarion ater, n. sp., Travancore and Tinnevelly Hills ; Godwin- Austen (1), p. 244, pi. lvii, figs. 1 & 2. Ariophanta weycrsij n. sp., Sumatra ; Smith, (5) p. 219, pi. ix, figs. 8-10. A. ( Hemiplecta ) hoodjongensiSy n. sp., Sumatra ; id. t. c. p. 218, pi. ix, fig. 7. Atoxon, ii. g., like Tricliotoxon ( vide m/m), but without darts ; for A. liildebrandti and A . schulzei , n. spp. (sine descr.) Ethiopian region ; SlMROTH, (5) p. 87. Austenia ? khyoungensis , A. ? erratica, n. spp., Shan Hills ; Godwin- . Austen, (3) p. 241. 58 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Bertia , n. g., for Nanina cambodgiensis, Reeve ; A ncey, (3) p. 53. [ Bertea used in Diptera .] Buettneria, n. g., a dart gland united with the penis ; for B. leuckarii , n. sp. (sine descr.) Ethiopian region ; Simroth (5) p. 87. Ohalepotaxis, n. g., for Nanina (?) infantilis , Gredler ; Ancey (3) p. 2 2. Estria, anatomy ; Poirier. Euplecta carinaria, n. sp., Manila ; MOllendorf, (6) p. 143. E. pin- goungcnsis , n. sp., Shan Hills ; Godwin-Austen, (3) p. 242. Girasia dalhousice , Chainba Hills, p. 224, pis. lxi, fig. 1, & lxii, fig. 4, G. pankabariensis, Darjeeling Hills, p.225, pi. lix, fig. 1, n. spp. ; id. (1). G. (Austenia) theobaldi , Chinab Valley, p. 236, pi. lii, fig. 5, G. (A.?) 8erahanensis , Sutlej Valley, p. 237, pi. lii, fig. 4, n. spp. ; id. t. c. G. ( Dekhania ) beddomei , n. sp., Travancore Hills, p. 243, pis. lviii, fig. 1, & lxii, fig. 7 ; id. t. c. G. ( Ibycus ) sikki?nensisi Sikkim, p. 239, pi. lix, fig. 2, G. (7.) cacharica, Cacbar Hills, p. 240, pis. lix, fig. 4, & lxii, fig. 5, n. spp. ; id. t. c. Helicavion ragazzii , Poll., 1887, figured ; Pollonera, (5) pi. ii, figs. 12-15. Hemiplecta velutina (Sow.), = 77. xanthotricha, Pfr. ; 77. hidalgoi , n. n., = 77. xanthotricha , Semp. 77. moerchii , Pfr., = 77. velutina , Hidalgo ; MOllendorff, (1) p. 119. 77. ? zimmayemis , n. sp., Siam ; Godwin- Austen (3), p. 241. 77. (Plectopylis) ponsonbyi, n. sp., Mandalay ; ?Y7 t. c. p. 243. Hemitrichia , n. subg. “ T. sat tenuis globosa vel depresse globosa, superne regulariter granulata, hirsuta vel cuticula velutina induta, subtus glabrata, valde niteus : ” for 77. velutina} Sow. (= xanthotricha , Pfr.), 77. moerchii , Pfr., and 4 other species; MOllendorff, (5) p. 81. 77. hidalgoi , n. sp., Manila ; s'd. 7 c. p. 85. Hyalinia ischnuscet Sardinia, p. 55, 77. tschapecki , Styria, 77. misella, Algeria, p. 56, 77. oxystoma , Algeria, p. 57, n. spp. ; Westeri.und. 77. inopinata , n. sp., Moravia and Bohemia ; Uuony (1). 77. rochebruni , n. sp., Gomera, Canaries ;, (2) p. 132. 77. sterlciij n. sp., N. America ; Dale (4). 77. iheringi} n. sp., Taguara, Brazil ; Oeessin, (6) p. 166. 77. ( Polita ) subsuturalis, II. (7\) oschtenica , n. spp., Caucasus ; Bcettger, (2) pp. 149 & 150. 77. ( Retinella ) difficilis , n. sp., Caucasus; Lamprocystis goniogyra , n. sp., Siquijor, Philippines ; Mollendorff, (6)p. 143. Limax polipiinctatus) n. n., = L. millipunctatus, var., Poll., Monte Castello ; Pollonera, (3) p. 2, pi. iii, fig. 5. L. queenslandicus, n. sp., with figures of teeth, &c. ; Hedley, p. 150. L. montanus and L. castaneus , Ingersoll, synonyms of L. campestris, Binney ; Cockerell, T. D. A. (4). Macrochlamys ? woodmasoni , Little Coco I., p. 209, pi. liii, fig. 2, M. ? latus, Khasi Hills, p. 209, pi. liii, fig 8, M. hepatizon, Habiang-Garo and Dafla Hills, p. 209, pi. liii, figs. 3 & 4, ilf. subpetasus , Dafla Hills, p. 210, pi. liii, fig. 6, n. spp. ; Godwin-Austen (1). M. fordiana , M. ? pseudau- lopis , M. perinconspicua, u. spp., Andaman I. ; id. (2) pp. 56 & 57. GASTROPODA (PULMONATA) . Moll. 59 M. battimalvensis , n. sp., Battemalve I. ; id. t. c. p. 58. M. apex, n. sp., Guangdung ; MOllendorff, (4) p. 39. M. subcarinata, n. sp., Bulacan, Philippines ; id. (5) p. 80. M. (Macroceras) fasciata, n. sp., Bulacan; id. ibid. Mariaella arayentensis, Semp., is a Vitrinopsis ; id. (l)p. 117. Mesolimax , n. g. Limaciform, foot with an oblique groove ; shell with a central nucleus as in Amalia. Generative organs as in Limax ; radula as in A griolimax and Malacolimax ; for M. brauni, u. sp., Asia Minor j Pollonera, (2) p. 8, pi. ii, figs. 19-23. Microcystina hochstetteri , n. sp., Nicobar Is.; Godwin-Austen, (2)p. 57. Nanina laurentiana , n. sp., Hoop6 ; Gredler, (1) p. 343. N.fellea, n. sp., China ; Heude, p. 240. N. blainvilleana and allied forms critically discussed ; MOllendorff, (1) p. 120. N. vitrinoides (Desh.), of Hidalgo (J. de Conch. 1887, p. 46), is a Macrochlamys ; id. t. c. p. 117. N. hum- phreysiana, Lea, var. complanata of Hidalgo (J. de Conch. 1887, p. 51), is Xesta mindanaensis , Semp. ; id. t. c. p. 122. N. atropos , Mafor ; Tap- tarone-Canefrt, p. 147. Paralimax multirugatus , n. sp., Caucasus; Bcettger, (2) p. 149. Parmacella valenciennesi , varr. of ; CockereDl, T. D. A. (1). Plianeroporus , n. g. ; vas deferens devoid of calcareous sac ; shell visible externally ; for P. reinhardti , n. sp. {sine descr .), Ethiopian region ; Simroth, (5) p. 88. Pcecilozonites , Boettger ( non Sandberger), re-defined, 4 species diagnosed and figured, none new ; Pilsbry (4). Rhysota nigrescens , n. sp., Manila ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 86. Sitala trochulus , n. sp., Shoa ; Pollonera, (1) and (5) p. 62, pis. ii, fig. 32, & iii, figs. 19-21. S. carnigera , Ramoi, p. 152, S. propinqua, Mount Arfak, p. 153 ; Tapparone-Canefri. Trichotoxon, n. g. ; penis part of the vas deferens ; two or three dart sacs, each with two permanent darts, provided with a bristly sheath of conchiolin ; for T. heynemanni , and T. martensi, n. spp., Ethiopian region ; Simroth, (5) p. 87. Urocyclus. African slugs not of this genus, as maintained by Fischer ; id. (3). Vitrina licatce , V. ragazzii , V. bianchii , V. giuliettii, V. martinii , V. antonellii , n. spp., Shoa ; Pollonera (1) : also with figures ; id. (5) pp. 56-60, pi. ii. Vitrinopsis , catalogue of known species (6) ; MOllendorff, (3) pp. 153-155. V. cebuana, n. sp., Cebu ; id. t. c. p. 152, pi. iv, fig. 10. Helicidjo. Acanthoptyx , n. g., for Helix acanthimda, Crosse, New Caledonia ; Ancey, (2) p. 370. Allognathus , n. sect. Pentatamice, jaw devoid of strong ribs; for II. grateloupi, Graells ; Pilsbry, (2) p. 149. Atlantica , n. g., for Helix semiplicata , Pfeiffer ; Ancey, (3) p. 54. Averellia , n. n. for Codospira , Ancey ( nec Hall) ; id. (4). Bathyaxis, n. g., for Goiliaxis layardi, Ad. & Angas ; id. op. cit. p. 39. 60 Moll. .• mollusca. u : Bermudia , n. g., for Helix bermudensis, Pfeiffer; id. op. cit . p. 53. Brazieria, n. g., for i/. velata, Hombr. & Jacq. ; kl. op. cit. p. 22 [c/. p. 72, 2?ostea]. Bulimus proclivis, u. sp., Rio Grande ; Martens, (5) p. 64. B. exaratus (Mull.) referred to Perideria , Shuttlew., on basis of anatomical characters ; Furtado. [Cf. p. 65, postea.'] B. ( Borus ) iheringi , n. sp., Taguara, Brazil ; Clessin, (6) p. 167. B. ( Rhinus ) koseritzi, n. sp., Brazil ; id. t. c. p. 168. Calostropha,n.g., for Helix raffrayi, Tapparone-Canefri; Ancey, (3)p.38. Cavicola , n. g., for Streptaxis (?) cavicola , Gredler ; «V7. t. c. p. 39. Charopu delta , Pfr., figured ; Hedley. Chlorcea geotrochus , n. sp , Morong, Philippines ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 89. Chryaodon,n. g.,for Helix auridens, Rang; Ancey, (3)p.54 [nom.prceocc.']. Cochlostyla mainitensis , C. luengoi , (7. codonensis, n. spp., Philippines ; Hidalgo, (2) pp. 310-312. G. hindei , u. sp., New Ireland ; Cox, p. 1063, pi. xxi, figs. 1 & 2. C. ( Callicochtias ) lignicolor, n. sp., Mindanao ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 100. C. ( Corasia ) ccendea , n. sp., Manila ; id. t. c. p. 97. C. ( Helicosstyla ) bcettgeriana} n. sp., Manila ; id. t. c. p. 101. Coliolus, n. sect, for Helix arfakiensis ; Tapparone-Canefri, p. 131. Cryatallopsis , n. g., for Helix hunteri and II. allasteri , Cox ; Ancey, (3) p. 22. Dorcasia schadenbergi , n. sp., Ilocos, Philippines ; MOllendorff, (6) p. 144. Entodina, n. g., for Helix reyrei , Sowerby ; Ancey, (3) p. 64. Eurystyla, n. g., for Helix cerina , Mor.,and 11. viridis , Desh.; op. cit. p. 39. [ Eurystylus already used in Hemiptera.~\ Hadra leonhardti , II. achmackeri , Quangtung, p. 42, //. granulifera } Hubei, /i. nua;, Formosa, p. 43, n. spp. ; MOllendorff (4). Helix. Tryon (2) continues his review of Helix [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, d/o/7. p. 58) as follows ; — vn. Helicella (secc. 2, Xerophila , with subsecc. Candidula , Lemniscia , Xeroleucu , Turricula , and Cochlicella\ 3, Ochthephila, with subsecc. Ochthephila) Geomitra , Heterostoma, Irus, Placentula ; 4, Actinella ; 5, Tectula ; 6, Cruspedaria ; 7, Discula ; 8, Gallina ; 9, Acw.s/a). Vlii. Plectotropis (secc. 1, Plectotropis, with subsec. Pseudiberus ; 2, Aegista ; 3, Trachia , with subsec. Angasella). ix, Arionta (secc. 1, Lysinoe, with subsecc. Helminthoglypta , Odontura , Leptarionta, Prati- cola, Micrarionta, Pcecilostola , Epiphragmophora, Eurycampta ; 2, Campylcea , with subsecc. Xerocampylcea, Fruticocampylcea, Eucam- pylcea , Tacheocampylcea , Pseudocampylcea , Ghilotrema ; 3, Arionta j 4, Eury stoma). Pilsbry (2) continues thus: — x. Pentatienia (secc. 1, Tachea ; 2, Ere- mina ; 3, Macularia ; 4, Allognathus , n. ; 5, Hemicycla ; 6, Plebicula ; 7, Leptaxis ; 8, Iberus ; 9, Pomatia. Palaearctic Species. Hetac faustina and H. rossmiissleri , distinct species; Brancsik (l). H. pomatia , var. lednicensis , u. ; h7. //. spinelliana, Poll. ; II. bilabiata, GASTROPODA (PULMONATA), Moll. 61 Olivi, referred to this ; Pollonera,(4) p. 12. H. Zmeccta, Olivi, redescribed, and made to include II. profuga , auctt. ; id. t. c. p. 13. H. constricta , notes on ; Folin (4). H. quimperiana , notes on ; id. (2). H. raff ray ana, n. n., = H. raffrayi , Bourg. (nec Tapp.-Can.) ; Cockerell, T. D. A. (3). II. segalaunica, p. 142, H. lentiaca , p. 152, n. spp.j Drome, France; Sayn. H. boxalli , Mindanao, H. cyclostremoides , M’tul, Marocco, n. spp. ; Sowerby, (1) pp. 211 & 212, pi. xi, figs. 13 & 14. . H. lobethana , n. sp., Oran ; Kobelt, (1) p. 46, pi. lxxxiv, figs. 468 & 469. II. subjo - beam, n. sp., Marocco ; id. t. c. p. 47, pi. Ixxxv, fig. 472. II. bailloni , n. sp., Oran ; id. t. c. p. 48, pi. Ixxxv, fig. 474. II. denansi , n. sp., hab. ? ; id. t. c. p. 50, pi. lxxxvi, fig. 477. II. ghazouana, n . sp., Nomours, N. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 50, pi. lxxxvi, fig. 478. II. ponsonbyi , Tangier, p. 57, H. ievniata , Mogador, p. 58, II. inversa , Mauritania, p. 59, II. Merit contina, Jericho, p. 60, H. barmeyana, Algeria, p. 61, II. eminens, Syra, p. 61, n. spp; Westerlund. II. barcinonensiana , type of a group including II. barcinonensis, Bgt., II pallnrcesica, n. sp., Id. salvana , n. sp., II. cM(e , n. sp., II. moresi , n. sp., and H. iberka , Ramb., all from Spain; Salvana (1). II. bolosi , n. sp., Olot, Spain; id. (2) p. 100. II. rufescens , Pennaut, critical study of group; n. spp. .II. ccelomphula (= II. ccelata, Charp., nec Studer), p. 352; II. ccelatinci (= Frutkicola rufescens , var. danubialis , pars , Clessin), p. 355; II. plebicola , p. 366; Locard (3). II. canina, n. sp., Liban, Nahr-el-Kelb ; Ancey, (10) p. 188, fig. II. caruance, n. sp., Malta ; Kobelt (10). II. garciai , p. 27, II. descliampsiana, p. 30, II. molliniana , p. 32, II. sciapMla (= H. bro- cardiance , Dutailly, sp. var.), p. 36, H. montigena (= II. revelierei , Kobelt, var.), p. 40, H. donata, p. 42, II. faucicola, p. 44, II. arusalcnsis, p. 47, n. spp., Corsica and Sardinia ; Hagenmuller. II. nicolisiana , p. 214, figs. 4-6, H. bonaldai , p. 216, figs. 7-9, N. Italy ; Adami. H. umbilicaris, Olivi, has priority over H. ammonis, Schmidt; Pollonera, (4) p. 11. H . dinarica, 18 species of the Alps, Dalmatia, &c., described in this series, in which the following names are new : — H. dinarica , p. 217, pi. ii, figs. 1-3, H. kuzmici , p. 219, pi. ii, figs. 4-6, II. pellanica , p. 222, pi. ii, figs. 7-9, II. montenegrina , p. 224, II. adriatica , p. 226, II. bosnica , p. 228, II. tchernag orica, p. 232, pi. iii, figs. 3 & 4, II. diocletiana , p. 234, H. sabljari , p. 237, pi. iv, figs, 1 & 2, II. horatii , p. 238, pi. iv, figs. 3 & 4, II. biagioi , p. 240, pi. iv, figs. 5 & 6, II. brenoica , p. 242, H. daniloi, p. 243 ; BourguigNat. II. faberiana} Setshuan, p. 39, ET. herziana , Hainan, p. 41, n. spp. ; MOllendorff (4). H. esau , II. Jacob , H. patungana , n. spp., Hoope ; Gredler, (1) pp. 346-348. H. Jicesitans, II. samarella , H. subcincta , H. subgriseola , //. perceruginosa , AT. mensalis , II. talifouensis , H. radulina , //. mimicula, II. subparasitica , n. spp., China ; Heude, pp. 237-240. //. ampMcora , Tonkin, II. mysta - y°9f,i China, p. 73, JJ. pantheia, China, II. vathelcti , Owari, Japan, H. merarcha , Halong, Tonkin, p. 74, ii. ilopica , H. melanotrica , Tonkin, p. 75, Il.dectica , II. bapMca , Tonkin, p. 76, n.spp.; MabilLe(I). IT. aglas- metay II. phryganophila, p. 132, //. nubivaga , ii. evergasta , p. 133, H. thoryna , //. id io try pa, II. hedeia , p. 134, II. helygaia , H . idryta , p. 135, ii. cardiobola , if. hedonica , pi 136, Teneriffe, H. tliespesia, p. 136, II. hedybia , p. 137, Canaries, II. ethclema, p. 137, Gran Canaria, IJ. perrieri , ET. cacoplasta , 62 Moll MOLLUSCA. H. callipona , p. 138, H. verneaui, p. 139, Teneriffe, if. psathyropsis , p. 139, if. empeda , p. 140, Gran Canaria, H. poirrieri , H. glyceia , p. 140, Teneriffe, IT. evergeta , p. 141, Gran Canaria, if. ephora , p. 141, Teneriffe, if. ganoda , p. 141, Gomera, if bathycoma , if. riprochi , p. 142, Gran Canaria, if. ophthalmorycha , p. 143, Canaries, if. carta, p. 143, Gran Canaria, ii. chersa, p. 144, Teneriffe, if thaumalea , p. 144, Lanzerote, if. hierophanta , p. 145, Teneriffe, ii. paivanopsis, p. 145, Gomera, if. themera , p. 145, Gran Canaria, if. crypsidoma , if. e»i- britha , p. 146, Gran Canaria, if. subgravida , if. everia, p. 147, Teneriffe, n. spp. ; e'd. (2) if. (Aciis/a) vagoina , n. sp.,' Hoope ; Gredler, (1) p. 349. if. (Aegista) virilis, if. (A.) laurentii , n. spp., Hoop6 ; id. t. c. pp. 350 & 351. H. ( Fruticotrochus ) sitalina, n. sp., Hoop6; id. J. c. p. 345. if. ( Hadra ) vulpis , n. sp., Hoonan ; aci £. c. p. 352. if. ( Macularia ) codringtoni, Desh., numerous local variations from Greece described ; Bcettger, (1) p. 51. if. ( Monacha ) remirugosa, n. sp., Marocco ; Kobelt, (1) p. 15, pi. xcv, fig. 529. if ( Plectotropis ) subconella, Quangtung, H. (P.) lofouana , Lofooshan, n. spp. ; MOllendorff, (4) pp. 40 & 41. if. ( Trichia ) chrysotricha, n. sp., Caucasus ; Bcettger, (2) p. 151. PalsBotropical Oriental species : — if. bulacanensis , n. sp., Philippines ; Hidalgo, (2) p. 310. if. scala- tella, n. sp., Manila ; Mollendorff, (6) p. 145. ii. arfakiensis , Mount Arfak, p. 131, if. rhynchonella , Giobi, p. 134 ; Tapparone-CanEfri. if. ( Microcystis ) subpatuloidea, n. sp., S. Andaman Is.; Godwin- Austen, (2) p. 58. if. ( Plectotropis ) visayana, n. sp., (= ii. winteriana , var. minor, Pfr.), Cebu ; MOllendorff, (3) p. 157. if. ( Trachia ) emensus , if. (f.) clarus, n. spp, Mandalay; Godwin- Austen, (3) p. 242. Nearctic species : — if. verrilli, n. sp., Mexico ; Ancey, (7) p. 63. ii. armigera , n. sp. ; i c. p. 64. if. commutanda, n. n. for Triodopsis harfordiana, Binney (ncc Helix harfordiana , Cooper) ; id. i c. p. 79. if. salmonensis , Tryon, 1887, has precedence of this; Pilsbry (1). ii. ( Mesodon ) kiowaemis , n. sp., Indian Territory ; Simpson, (9) p. 450. Kaliella pseudositala, n. sp., Cebu; MOllendorff, (3) p. 151, pi. iv, fig. 12. K. pusilla, n. sp., Manila ; id. (5) p 81. Lysinoe seriatiseta , n. sp., Cochin China ; Rochebrune, (3) p. 69. Mollendorjjia, u. g., for Helix trisinuaia , Mart., ii. hensunianus , Gredler, H. eastakeana [? eastlakeana], Mollendorff ; Ancey, (3) p. 64. Nesohia, n. g., for Bulimwt helerac, Q. & G.; o/> cit. p. 39. Obbina kochiana, n. sp., Cebu ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 88. GASTROPODA (PULMONATA). Moll. 63 Oligospira , n. g., for H. waltoni and II. sldnneri , Reeve ; Ancey, (3) p. 22. Ophiospila , n. g., for Helix Jcuhni , Pfeiffer, //. andicola , Pfeiffer, &c. ; . op. cit. p. 64. Patula aperta,x\. sp., Manila ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 89. Pilsbrya , n. n. for Pcecilostola, Ancey (woe auett.) ; Ancey, (4). Plectopylis villedaryi, n. sp., Tonkin ; (8) p. 71, fig. 2. Pleuroxia, n. n. for Angasella, type Helix cyrtopleura, Pfr. ; id. (3) p. 38. Pristiloma , n. n. for Pristina, Anc., 1886, = Ancey a, Pilsbry (wee Bgt.) ; id. (4). Ptychostylus, n. sect. Cochlostylce. “ T. globosa turbinata, multispira, anfractus sensim accrescentes, ultimus sat angustus, apertura coarctata, columella valde spiraliter torta, plico valida munita ” : for 0. cepoides (Lea) ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 74. [ Ptychostylis already used in Moll.] Rhysotina, n. g., for Helix welartschi, Mor., and H. hepatizon , Gould, ; Ancey, (3) p. 53. Rhyssotopsis, n. g., for Helix haughtoni, Benson ; id. t. e. p. 64. Sheldonia, n. g., for Helix trotteriana , Bens., II. phytostylos , Bens., and II. natalensis, Pfeiffer ; id. t. c. p. 53. Spkinderochila, n. g., for Helix filia , Mouss., and II. boissieri, Charp. ; id. t. c. p. 23. Tetrodontina, n. g., for Helix yantaiensis, H. tetrodon , and H. houaiensh ; id. t. c. p. 64. Thersites richmondiana, Pfr., figured ; Hedley. Traumatophora, n. g., for Helix triscalpta, v. Martens ; Ancey, (3) p. 54. Trichelix, n. g., for Helix liorrida , Pfeiffer ; id. t. c. p. 64. Trochomorpha rufa , Luzon, T. granulosa, Siquijor, n. spp. ; MOllen- dorff, (6) p. 144. T. borealis, n. sp., Setshuau ; id. (4) p. 39. T. morio , Giobi ; Tapfarone-Cankfri, p. 126 bis. T. rubens, n. sp., New Hebrides ; Hartman, (3) p. 251, pi. xiii, fig. 5. Xerophila antoniana, n. sp., Cape Verd Is. ; Roohebrune, (1) p. 31. Bulimulidji. Amphibulima imbricata, n. sp., Cochin China ; RochebrunE, (3) p. 72. Amphidromus perrieri , A. nigropilosus, and A. hemicyclus, n. spp., Cochin China ; id. t. c. pp. 71, 72, & 117. Bocourtia , n. g., for B. gymnmformis and B. fasciata , n. spp., Cochin China ; id. t. c. pp. 117 & 118. Partula auraniana, p. 250, pi. xiii, fig. 1, P. carnicolor, ibid., fig. 2, P fraterna, ibid., fig. 3, P. albescens, p. 251, fig. 4, n. spp., New Hebrides ; Hartman (3). CylindreludjM. Cylindrella strohmi , O.dohnii , u. spp., Haiti ; Maltzan, (1) p. 177. Macroceramus costatus, M. nitid dus, n. spp., Haiti ; id. t. c. p. 178. 64 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Pupid^:. Angustula , n. subg. Pupce, for P. venetzii, Charp., and P. milium , Gld. ; Steuki, (4) p. 378, pi. xlii, figs. 10-13. Buliminus aristidis , B. lecouffei , n. spp., Tunis; Ancey, (10) p. 189. B. daucopsis , B. imbricalus , J3. gossypinus , n. spp., China ; Heude, pp. 240 & 241. B. trivialis , B. transiens , B. hartmani , n. spp., China ; Ancey, (2) pp. 346-348. B. vigonii , sacconii, B. scioanus, B. meneliki , n. spp., Shoa ; Pollonera, (1) and (5) pp. 65-69, pi. iii. B. antinoriix Poll., 1887, redescribed with figures ; uf. $. c. p. 68, pi. iii, figs. 4-6. 2?. (Ena) krueperi , n. sp., Mt. Yeluchi, Greece; Bcettger, (1) p. 54. B. (Rachis) chalcedonicus , n. sp., Hoop6 ; Gredler, (1) p. 384. B. ( Subzebrinu8 ) alaicus, n. sp., Turkestan ; Kobelt, (1) p. 39, pi. c, fig. 579. Glausilia. Swiss and Austro-Hungarian forms described ; Clessin (1). C. laurce, n. sp., Apulia ; Adami, p. 223, figs. 10-12. C. paulix re- described with notes ; Folin (3). C. julii , p. 355, C. moschina, p. 358, 0. provisoria, p. 360, n. spp., Quangtung and Hoope ; Gredler (1). C. ptychodon , n. sp., China ? ; Ancey, (2) p. 353. C. lunatica , O. phyllo- stoma , £7. meroniana , C. pagnucciana , n. spp., China ; Heude, pp. 235-237. (7. ( Euxina ) climax, , n. sp., Batoum ; Bcettger, (2) p. 153. (7. (2£.) novorossica , n. sp., Caucasus ; Retowsky, p. 284. G. ( Hemiphccdusa ) hupecola , (7. (H.) cavicolat n. spp., Hoop6; Gredler, (1) pp. 359 & 360. G. ( Micropontica ) circassica, G. (M.) retowskii , n. spp., Caucasus ; Bcettger, (2) p. 154. C. ( Pseudonenia ) coccygea , n. sp., Iloopd ; Gredler, (1) p. 356. O. (P.) shanica , n. sp., Shan Hills; Godwin-Austen, (3) p. 244. (7. (Papillifera) parnassia, n. sp., Mt. Parnassus; Bcettger, (1) p. 54. Euxinastra , n.soct. of Glausilia , with deeply excavated clausilium, as in Clausiliastra, shell as in Euxina , and differing from Mantissa in absence of palatal fold; for G. ( E .) hamatat n. sp., Batoum; id. (2) p. 152. Funiculus , n. g. “ Spira subcylindrica, anfractibus vix obliquis, nume- rosis,subaequalibus for Buliminus delavayanus, Heude, and F. probatus, F. asbestinus, F. coriaceus, F. debiliSj and F. rudens , n. spp., China; Heude, pp. 241 & 242 [Nom. pneocc.]. Ilypselostoma luzonicum , n. sp., Manila ; MOllendorff, (6) p. 145. Petrceus chaudoensis, P. vignei , n. spp., Cochin China; Rochebrune, (3) p. 70. Pupa frumentum is the Turbo multidentatus of Olivi ; Pollonera, (4) p. 10. P. Candida referred to Euryptyxis , on the base of a dentiform fold on the columella ; Fischer (6). P. damarica , Damara, P glanvilliana , Cape Colony, n. spp. ; Ancey, (10) p. 200. Pupisoma philippinicum , n. sp., Manila ; MOllendorff, (5) p. 108. Vertigo tumida , West., reduced to var. of V. pusilla, Mull. ; Taylor (**). Notes on N. American forms ; Steuki (4). GASTROPODA (PULMONATA). Moll . G5 Stenogyridje. Achatina bayoli , n. sp., Assinie ; Morelet. Achatinella. Catalogue of the known species, arranged in the following sections : — A. Partulina , 21 spp., Bulimella , 25 spp., Achatinellastrum , 27 spp. (A nattii , n. sp., Sandwich Is., p. 34, pi. i, fig. 3), Eburnella , 9 spp., 15 spp., Perdicella , 5 spp., Newcombia , 6 spp., Labiella , 3 spp., Laminella , 16 spp., Amastra , 60 spp. (A. uniplicata , n. sp., Sandwich Is., p. 50, pi. i, fig. 7), Garinella , 2 n. spp. Leytachatina, 46 spp. (L. corn-scans, p. 52, pi. i, fig. 16, L. saccula , p. 55, pi. i, fig. 15, n. spp., Sand- wich Is.) ; Hartman, (2) pi. i, fig. 15. Amastra simularis , n. sp., Sand- wich Is. ; id (3) p. 252, pi. xiii, fig. 7. Atopocochlis , n. subg. of Perideris, for Bulimus exaratus (Mull.) ; Crosse & Fischer. Ccecilianella advena , n. sp., Damara ; Ancey, (10) p. 215. Ferussacia marginata, n. sp., Algeria ; Westerlund, p. 63. Homorus massonianus , n. sp., Sau Thom6; Crosse, (1) p. 22, pi. i, fig. 3. Limicolaria prcetexta, n. sp., Cameroons; Martens, (6) p. 148. Stenogyra quadrasi, S. semperi , n. spp., Philippines; Hidalgo, (1) pp. 35 & 36, pi. vi, figs. 2 & 3. Sncdnea obliqua , Say, conspecific with S. totteniana , Lea ; Ford (2). Veronicella chaudoensis , F. titanotona , F. bocourti , n. spp., Cochin China ; Rochebrune, (3) pp. 67, 68, & 117. Onchidella condoriana , n. sp., Cochin China ; Rochebrune, (3) p. 67. Onchidium harmandianum , n. sp., Cochin China ; «, with Phasianella (subgg. Phasianella , Tricolia , ChromotiSy Orthomesus), Alcyna , Subf. 2. Turbinince , with Turbo (subgg. Turbo, Callopoma , Ninella , Modelia, Ocana , Marmorostoma , Sarmalicxt 8, Prisogaster), Astra- Mum (subgg. Astralium , Lithopoma , Imperalot , Gnildfordia , Bolma , Cyclocantha, Uvanilla , GooJcia , Pomaulax, Pachypdmety, Leptothyra. Collonia , relations to Leptothyra discussed ; Pilsbry, (1) p. 246. C. gestroi, n. sp , Assab ; Caramagna, p. 132, pi. viii, fig. 10. This form referred to Leptothyra ; Pilsbry, (1) p. 262. Leptothyra carpenteri, n. sp., California ; id. £. c. p. 247, pi. xxxixa, figs. 26-29. L.folini, n. n.,= 2T. sanguineus , Folin ( prceocc .), Mauritius ; id* £. c. p. 252, pi. lvii, fig. 58. Orthomesus, n. subg. Phasianellce, radula with central tooth absent or rudimentary ; for P. variegata , Lmk., &c. ; id. £. c. p. 179. Phasianella deaniana , n. sp., Corisco, W. Africa ; id. £. c. p. 169, pi. lxiv, figs. 40-43. P. fordiana , n. sp., Singapore ; id. <. c. p. 173, pi. xl, fig. 5. P. peroni , Australia, P. inarchei , Philippines, n. spp. ; MabiLle, (1) P- 77. Pwr&o subcastaneus , n. sp., hab. ?; Pilsbry, (1) p. 204, pi. xlvi, figs. 10 & 11, P. heterocheilus , n. sp., hab. ? ; id. i. c. p. 209, pi. ixix, figs. 22 &23. Trochidaj. Pilsbry, (1) pp. 266-270, nommences his monograph with Subf. 1. Delphinulince, including only Delp)hinula (mbg. Angarbrn). 76 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Clanculus assabensis , n. sp., Assab ; Caramagna, p. 131, pi. viii, fig. 8. Euchelus delpretei , n. sp., Assab ; id. t. c. p. 131, pi. viii, fig. 9. Oibbula dorice , p. 127, pi. viii, fig. 3, G. pantanellii , p. 128, pi. viii, fig. 4, G. tapparonei , p. 129, pi. viii, fig. 5, G. isselii , p. 129, pi. viii, fig. 6, G. de gregorii , p. 130, pi. viii, fig. 7, n. spp., Assab ; id. t. c. Gibbulastra, n. g. ?, for Trochus divaricata, L. ; Monte rosato, p. 177. Minolta caifassii , n. sp., Assab ; id. t. c. p. 126, pi. viii, fig. 1. Trochus ( Gibbula ?) ponsonbyi, n. sp., Port Elizabeth; Sowerby, (1) p. 209, pi. xi, fig. 5. T. ( Ziziphinus ) exquisitus , n. sp., hab. ? ; id. t. c. p. 210, pi. xi, figs. 6 & 7. Liotjidac. Tryon, (1) p. 17, here includes Liotia (subgg. Liotina , Sccevola ?), Gruapedo stoma, and Crossostomu?. Cyclostrematidjj. Tryon, (1) pp. 14-16, here includes Cyclostrema (several sectt., subgg. Tharsis and Ganesa), Vitrinella , Teinostoma (subgg. Pseudorotella, Dis- copsis, Leucorhynckia, Microtheca Morchia p, Cirsonella P, Ilaplocochlias?, Cynisca ?). Cyclostrema archeri , n. sp., Singapore; Tryon, (1) p. 89, pi. xxxiii, figs. 84 & 85. G. verrilli , n. n., = 0. cingulatumi Vll. ( prceocc .) ; G. dun- keri , n. n., = C, cingulata , Dkr. (prceocc.) ; id. t. c. pp. 90 & 91. G. watsoni, n. n., = G. sulcata, Wats. ( nec A. Ad.) ; id. t. c. p. 94. C. ( Daronia ) subexcavata, n. n., = C. excavata, Wats. ( nec Carp.) ; id. t c. p. 99. G. (Tubiola) proximo , n. n., = G. ajinis, Vll. ( nec Jeffr.) ; id. t. c. p. 98. Vitrinella meneghinii , n. sp., Assab ; Caramagna, p. 127, pi. viii, fig. 2. HALIOTIDiE. Haliotis jousseaumi, n. sp., Lab. ? ; Mabille, (1) p. 81. DOCOGLOSSA. Acumidm. Scutellina fischeri, n. sp., Cape Verd Is. ; Rochebrune, (1) p. 29. Patellida;. Patella taslei , Britain and France, p. 78, P. ordinaria , Canaries, P. goudoti, Tangier, p. 79, P. teneriffce , Teneriffe and Madeira, P. servaini , N. France, p. 80, n. spp. ; Mabille (1). P. rangiana, n. sp., Cape Verd Is. ; Rochebrune, (l) p. 29. Patella8tra , n. g. ?, for Patella iusitanica, Gm. ; Monterosato, p. 165. HETEROPODA (POLYPT.ACOPHORA) . Moll 77 COCHLOSYRINGIA, n. subord. For Entocolax , n. g., for E. ludwigii, n. sp., endo-parasitic on M.yrio- trochus rinkii, from Beriug’s Sea. It is an acephalous tube, whose knob- like anterior end penetrates the body-wall of the host ; jaws, radula, circulatory, and respiratory organs are absent ; there is a rudimentary efferent duct, and the ova are liberated by tearing the wall of the ovary ; Voigt. FOLYPLAGOPEORA. ChITONIDJE. Acanthochites hamatus , p. 191, Algeria, A. tristis, A. turgidus, A.jucundus , p. 194, Australia, n. spp. ; Rochbrune (4). Acanthopleura vaillanti , Suez Canal, A.afra, Cape of Good Hope, p. 192, A. rawakiana, p, 195, New Guinea, A. balansce , p. 197, Australia and New Caledonia, n. spp. ; id. t. c. Choitopleura thoouarsiana , p. 191, Kamtskatka, C. dacrydigera, p. 193, Central America, 0. biarmata , p. 195, “Port du roi George,” n. spp. ; id. t. c. Cryptoconchus stewartianus , n. sp., New Zealand; id. t. c. p. 194. Cryptoplax montanoi, p. 190, Borneo, G. peroni, p. 193, Australia, C. caledonicus. G. hensteli, p. 196, G. unciferus , p. 197, New Caledonia, n. spp. ; id. t. c. Gymnoplax hamyi , G. insuloris, Cape Verd Is., n. spp.; id. (1) pp. 26 & 27. Lepidopleurus botta ;, n. sp., Red Sea ; id. (4) p. 192. Ornithochiton decipiens , n. sp., Cook’s Straits ; id. t. c. p. 196. Schizochiton polyoplitahnus \sic\ , n. sp., Philippines ; id. t. c. p. 191. Tonicia fontainei, n. sp., Chili ; id. t. c. p. 193. APLAGOPHORA. Neomenii dac. Dondersia ., n. g., violet in colour, with two kinds of spicules, blunt needle-shaped and scoop-shaped, the latter with the broad end directed outwards ; few layers of spicules in the thickness of the skin ; pedal fold triangular in section ; no dorso-terminal sensory papilla ; radula small and clearly defined, freely projecting into the lumen of the oesophagus ; two short latornlly-plncod salivary glands ; sovoral buccal glands arouud the oesophagus ; a strong commissure between the lateral and pedal nerve- cords • sublingual commissure not distinctly demonstrated; byssus-gland consisting of three contiguous lobes with free thick threads, for D. /es- tiva, n. sp. ; Naples : Hubreciit. Proneomcnia vagans and P. desiderata on rhizome of Posidonia , and P. aglaophenice on Aglaophenia myriophyllum , n. spp., shores of Provence ; Marion & Kowai.ewsky. 78 Moll. MOLLUSCA. SCAPHOPODA. Dentaliidje. Anatomy and relations ; Plate. PELECYPODA. Phylogeny ; Pelseneer (3) ; Sharp, see p. 41, antea. TETRABRANCHIA. OSTREACEA. Anomiidje. Anomia : monograph of French forms ; Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, & Dollfus. PECTINACEA. Spondylimj. Spondylus fauroti , n. sp., Red Sea; Jousseaume, p. 221. Limid^i. Lima smithi, Japan, L. concentrica, Hong Kong, n. spp. ; Sowerby, (1) p. 207, pi. xi, figs. 12 &. 20. Radula preferred to Lima as generic name, and family name altered to correspond ; Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, & Dollfus, p, 50. Pectin id^e. Pecten. The Martini-Chemnitz Monograph is completed, 257 species being recognized; the following are described for the first time — P. schmeltzii , Dkr., Fiji, p. 272, pi. lxxi, figs. 5 & 6, P. nigromaculatus , Dkr., Fiji, p. 273, pi. lxxi, figs. 7 & 8, P. sulphureus , Dkr., Fiji, p. 276, pi. lxxii, figs. 5 & 6; Kobelt (5). 35 French species enumerated, with full descriptions and notes ; the following regarded as new — P. anisopleurus = P. glaber , Reeve ( nec Linn.), p. 214, P. amphicyrtus = P. poly- morphu8f Cailliaud (nec Brown), p. 224 ; Locard (2). P. gladysice , P. hysginodes, hab. ?, P. guendolenre , Mauritius, P. hastingsii , P. psarus , Japan, P. valdecostatus , Hong Kong, n. spp. : Melvill (l). MYTILACEA. Mytilidjj. Dactylus fauroti , D. erythneensis, n. spp., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, pp. 217 & 218. PELECYPODA. Moll. 79 Limnoperna , n. g., for Mocliola siamiensis , Morelet, and L. lemeslei , n. sp., Cochin China ; Rochebrune, (3) pp. 102 & 104. Modiola : French forms of the genus revised, 11 species being admitted and the following described as new — M. mytiloides , p. 92, pi. i, fig. 2, M. ptcrotci , p. 95, fig. 3, M. brachytera, p. 116, fig. 9 ; Locard (4). M. ovalis, n. sp., Chili ; Clessin, (4) p. 128, pi. xxxiii, figs. 4i& 5. Mytilua irisans , n. sp., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, p. 215. ARC ACE A. Arcidje. Area amalice, n. sp., hab ? ; Kobelt (7), and (3) p. 26, pi. viii, figs. 1 & 2. A. ( Anomalocardia ) sphcerica , n. sp., hab. P ; id. t. c. p. 53, pi. xv, figs. 3 & 4. A. (4.) d'Orbignyi , n. sp., W. Indies ; id. (13). Cucullcea : 2 species recognized ; id. (3). Parallepipedum fauroti , n. sp., Aden ; Jousseaume, p. 214. Nuculidjj. Malletia angulata , n.sp., Bay of Bengal, 200fath.; Sowerby, (1) p.208, pi. xi, fig. 15. SUBMYTILACEA. Unionidac. Notes on British forms ; Roberts (4). Anodonta nefaria , A. nocturna , A. quadrangulala. pi. ix, fig. 1, A. ger- manica , A. visurgisina , pi. viii, fig. 3, A. modern , pi. ix, fig. 4 , A. eusomata, A. alstericaf n. spp., Hamburg; Servain, (2) pp. 325-337. A. baetica, n. sp., Seville ; Kobelt, (1) p. 57, pi. xc, fig. 498 ; also id. (8) p. 28. A. calderoni , n. sp., Andalusia ; id. t. c. p. 26. A. ambrosiana} p. 250, fig. 30, A. cobelliana, p. 252, fig. 31, A. slrobeliana , p. 255, A. zenii , p. 258, fig. 28, n. spp., N. Italy; Adami. A. brandti , Armenia, p. 108, A. formosa, A. tremula} France, p. 109, A. convexa, A. amnica , France, p. 110, n. spp. ; Drouet. A. laminata, n. sp., Cochin China ; Rochebrune, (3) p. 40. A. legumen , n. sp., Rio Grande; Martens, (5) p. 65. A. cygnea and A. anatina, merely varieties ; Webb: distinct species ; Roberts (5). Measurements of various species by Bourguignat criticized ; SchrO- der (2). Chelidonopsis, n. n. for Chclidonura} Rochebrune ( nee Adams) ; Ancey (6). Diplodon ludovicianum , n.sp., Cochin China; Rochebrune, (3) p. 43. Dysnomia pavonina , n. sp., Cochin China ; id. ibid. Harmandia , n. g., for H. somboriensisy n. sp., Cochin China ; id. t. c. pp. 45 & 46, pi. i. Pseudodon anodontinum , P. pierrei , P. mabilli , P. sulcatum , n. spp., Cochin China ; id. t. c. p. 41. 80 Moll . MOLLUSCA. Spatha pangallensis , n. sp., Senegal ; id. t. c. p. 33. JJnio baudoni , n. sp., France ; Folin (5). U. hamburgiensis, U. visurgi- 8inu8i U . peracutu8, pi. viii, fig. 1, V. hammoniensisy U. mulierum} pi. viii, fig. 2, U. anabcenus, pi. ix, figs. 2 & 3, n. spp., Hamburg; Servain, (2) pp. 315-324. U. hispalensis, n. sp., Seville ; Kobelt, (1) p. 53, pi. lxxxviii, fig. 492. U. baeticus, Seville ; id. t. c. p. 55, pi. lxxxix, fig. 495. U. ( hispcinus var.) sevillensis, n. sp., Seville ; id. t. c. p. 56, pi. lxxxix, fig. 496. Z7. calderoni, n. sp., Seville ; id. t. c. p. 57, pi. lxxxix, fig. 497 : see also for descriptions without figs., id. (8). U. gandiensis, Spain, p. 103, U. occidaneus , France, p. 104, U. plebeius, France, V . charpyi. Savoy, p. 105, U. crassulusy France, U. lacustris , Bourget, p. 106, U. suborbicularis, France, U. badiellus, Savoy, p. 107, n. spp. ; Drouet. U. bourguignati- anuSy p. 234, figs. 13 & 14, U. athesinus, p. 236, figs. 16 & 17, U. piccinelliiy p. 239, figs. 18 & 19, U. tommasiiy p. 241, figs. 20 & 21, U. cristophori, p. 242, figs. 24 & 25, U. gredleri , p. 245, fig. 22, U. ruffoniiy p. 248, figs. 26 & 27, n. spp., N. Italy ; Adami. U. traversii, n. sp., Shoa ; Pollo- NERA, (5) p. 85, pi. iii, figs. 14 & 15. U. bahoyiy U. dupontiy U. mandin- guorum, n. spp., Senegal ; Rochebrune, (2) pp. 33 & 34. U. inccqualis , U.jaculus, n. spp., Cochin China ; id. (3) p. 44. U. legrandiy n. sp., Tasmania; Petterd, (1) p. 22. U. Icoseritziy n. sp., R. Guahyba, Brazil; Olessin, (6) p. 172. U.fryami8, p. 113, pi. ii, fig. 1, U. websteriiy p. 113,' pi. ii, fig. 2, U. waltoni, p. 114, pi. ii, fig. 3, U. dorei , p. 115, pi. iii, fig. 1, U. averelliiy p. 115, pi. iii. fig. 3, U. nolani, p. 116, pi. iv, fig. 1, U. hinJc - leyiy p. 117, pi. iv, fig. 2, U. simpsoni , p. 117, pi. v, fig. 1, U. marshii, p. 118, pi. v, fig. 2, U. dailiiy p. 119, pi. vi, fig. 1, U. tryoniy p. 120, pi. vi, fig. 2, n. spp., Florida ; Wright, B. H. (2). U. orcuttii, Manatee River, W. coast of Florida, and Lake Miakka; Wrigiit, S. H., p. 60. U. ozarkemiSy Call, U. brsvicuhu , Call, Ozark region, Missouri ; Call (1). Carditid^. Cardita. 102 species are recognized in the Martini & Chemnitz Mono- graph ; the following are described as new : C. paeteliana, Iquiqui, p. 20, pi. vi, figs. 7 & 8, C. lamarcfcianuy hab. p, p. 20, pi. vi, figs. 1 & 2, C. reeveana (= G. sulcata, Reeve, partim ), hab. ?, p. 37, pi. v, figs. 6 & 7, C.picta (= C. radiata , Reeve, partim) hab. ?, p. 40, pi. xiii, fig. 8, C. oblonga, Zanzibar, p. 43, pi. viii, figs. 1 & 2, C. irregidaris, Ticao, p. 46, pi. x, figs. 1-3, C. philippinariim, Philippines, p. 46, pi. x, figs. 10 & 11, C. infiata, hab. ?, p. 47, pis. vii, figs. 6 & 7, & x, figs. 8 & 9, C. rubida, Australia, p. 47, pi. xi, figs. 9 & 10, C. pallida, Zanzibar, p. 48, pi. ix, figs. 1 & 2, C. incerta , hab. P, p. 48, pi. vii, figs. 4 & 5, G. albida , Malacca, p. 49, pi. vii, fig. 14, C. broderipi, Puerto-Caballo, p. 50, pi. xi, figs. 7 & 8, C. ovata, hab. ?, p. 52, pi. vi, figs. 12 & 13, C. subquadrata , hab. ?, p. 53, pi. xi, figs. 3 & 4, G. bruguieriana, hab. P, p. 54, pi. vi, figs. 5 & 6 ; Clessin (2). Prasina borbonica , Desli., described, figured, and referred to this family ; id. t. c. p. 55, pi. xiii, figs. 6 & 7. FEbECYPODA. Moll. 81 FjRYCINA cea. GaLEOM MIDAS. Lionelitctj n. g. : with regular shell, varnish-like epidermis, margins inclined rapidly towards each other and denticulate within ; for L. lionelita , n. sp., and Scintilla cumingii , Desh., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, p. 204. Scintilla oboclcensis, n. sp., Red Sea ; id. t. c. p. 202. Scinlillula , n. g. : oval and almost spherical, not gaping, with smooth margin and flattened apex ; for S. scintillulat n. sp., Red Sea ; id. t. c. p. 203. CARD1ACEA. Cardiidas. Trachycardium peregrinum,n. sp., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, p. 212. CHAM ACE A. Chamidae. Chama. 18 species described and figured, none new ; Clessin (3). CONCH ACE A. Veneridas. Cytherea mclina , n. sp., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, p. 206. C. (Cary a tin) hungerfordi , n. sp., Hong Kong ; Sowerby, (1) p. 212, pi. xi, fig. 4. Cyrenidj:. Pisidium piattii, n. sp., N. Italy ; Adami, p. 231. P. globulusf n. sp., Taguara, Brazil ; Clessin, (6) p. 173. P. dabncyi , redescribed ; Guerne, (1) p. 41. Sphcerium briandianum , n. sp., Hamburg ; Servain, (2) p. 310. Ungulinid^. Choristodon serricula, n. sp., Cochin China ; Rochebrune, (3) p. 48. SoLENIDAS. The Martini-Chemnitz monograph is completed, the following genera being included : — Cultellus, 20 species recognized ; Clessin (5). Pharella, 7 species recognized ; id. t. c. Machcera , 18 species recognized ; id. t. c. Solen. 50 species are recognized, and the following forms regarded as new : S. incerlus, Japan, p. 31, pi. xii, fig. 8, S. nitidus , Mexico, p. 34, 1888. [vol. xxv.] d 10 82 Moll. MOLLUSCA. pi. xiii, fig. 2, S. goreensis , W. Africa, p. 34, pi. xiii, fig. 4, 8. pictus , Aus- tralia (= & philippianus, Reeve, partim), p. 35, pi. xii, fig, 5, 8. dun- Jcerianu8} South Sea P, p. 35, pi. viii, fig. 5 ; id. t. c. Tagetys, 21 species described and figured, with 2 new species, T. dunJcerianuSj hab. ?, p. 82, pi. xxv, fig. 5, T. obtusatus , Malacca, p. 83, pi. xxv, fig. 6 ; id. t. c. MY ACE A. Mesobesmatjdje, Mesodesma savignyi , n. sp. (Descr. Egypte, pi. viii, fig. 5) ; Jousseaume, p. 206. Mactridjj. Mactra isthmia , M. fauroti , n. spp., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, pp. 199 & 200. ADESMACEA. Pholadid m. Pholadidea fauroti , n. sp., Red Sea ; Jousseaume, p. 196. SEP TIB BA NCIIIA . Pelecypoda , with modified gills (. securiforme , p. 15, 2). perorate, p. 16, 22. insigne , p. 16, 2>. tenerum , p. 17, 2). lenticulare , p. 17, 22. anaenum , p. 18, D. virginale , p. 20, Z>. canaliferum , p. 21, 2). normale , p. 21, J). avellana , p. 22, D. sitbfusiforme , p. 23, D. amygdaloides, p. 23, ID. finale, p. 24, 2). radiatum , p. 25, D. abbreviatum , p. 25, 22. pilula, p. 26, P. gemmula , p. 29, D . corrugatum, p. 29, D. vesi- culare, p. 30, Carboniferous of Belgium ; Koninck. Juvavella, n. g., for J-. swtfssz, n. sp., Alpine Trias ; Bittner, (1) p. 127. Nucleatulat n. g., for Rhynchonella retrocita, Suess ; *Y2. f. c. p. 126. Orthoidea liasina defended ; Friren, pp. 73-76. Terebratula papillosa , Marshall [c/1 Zool. Rec. xxiv, Brack, p. 5], = Terebratulina striata , d’Orb. ; Marshall (1). 21 prccpunctata , n. sp., Tonionalp ; Bittner, (3) p. 175. T. pantrioptycka, p. 78, T. aschaviensis, p. 81, 2’. rothplatzii , p. 84, T.fylgiceformis , p. 85, 2T. bentleyiformis , p. 87, Dogger of Hohen-Aschau ; Finkelstein. 21 styriaca , 2’. macresccns , 2\ hoernesi , n. spp., Tertiary, Vienna Basin ; Dreger, p. 187. 21. (?) inconstans , n. sp., Ohio ; Herrick, p. 24, pis. xi, fig. 18, & iii, figs. 8 & 9. Terebratulina karreri , n. sp., Vienna Tertiaries; Dreger, p. 190. TVaWAeinmi stelechoides , Dogger of Hohen-Aschau; Finkelstein, p. 91, MEGATHYRIDiE. v' Oistella transversa , n. n., Touraine (= Argiope transversa , D. & D^ 1886) ; Dollfus & Dautzenberg, p. 246, pi. xi, fig. 2. Cl interponens f n. sp., Tertiary, Vienna Basin ; Dreger, p. 186. Thecideid^. Thecidea acuminata , n. sp., Touraine ; Dollfus & Dautzenberg, p. 243, pi. xi, fig. 1. T. lotharingicum , n. sp., St. Julien-les-Metz ; Friren, p. 69. Pol 1 POLYZOA. BY William E. Hoyle, M.A., F.R.S.E. Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the Blake. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiv, xv, pp. xxii, 314, & 220, 545 figs, and maps ; also separately, with title — A • Contribution to American Thalassography. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer “Blake,’’ in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Boston, New York, & London : 1888, 8vo. Braem, F. Untersuchungen fiber die Bryozoen des sfissen Wassers. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 503-509 & 533-539 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 937 & 938. Cooper, W. F. Tabulated List of Fossils known to occur in the Waverly of Ohio. Bull. Denison Univ. iv, pp. 123-129. [ Polyzoa , pp. 129 & 130.] Ehlers, E. Au sujet du genre Delagia. Arch. Z. exper. (2) vi, pp. xlv, & xlvi. Etheridge, R. Fossils of the British Islands, stratigraphically and zoologically arranged. Vol. i. Palaeozoic. Oxford : 1888, 4to, viii & 4G8 pp. [Polyzoa, pp. 71-73, 147, 148, 245-250, 358, 359, 411, 412, 457, & 458.] Foerste, A. F. Sections of Fossils. Science, xi, p. 22. Freese, W. Anatomisch-histologische Uuntersuchung von Membrani - porapilosa, L., nebst einer Beschreibung der in der Ostsee gefundenen Bryozoen. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, 1 (i), pp. 1-42, 2 pis. ; also sepa- rately, ns Kiel. Inaug. Diss., Berlin : 1888, 8vo. ; abstr., J. R. Micr* Soc. 1889, pp. 47 & 48. Gautier, — , & Lambert, — . Notes pour servir h Phistoire du terrain de craie dans le sud-est du bassin anglo-parisien. Par M. A. Peron. Avec notes et descriptions d’Echinides nouveaux ou peu connus. Bull. Soc. Yonne, xli, pp. 145-366. Giard, A. Le Laboratoire de Wimereux en 1888 (Recherches fauniques). Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. pp. 492-513. 2 Pol POLYZOA. Guerne, J. de. Campagnes scientifiques du yacht mon^gasque L’Hiron- delle. Troisieme Ann^e 1887. Excursions zoologiques dans les lies de Fayal et de San Miguel (A^res). Paris : 1888, 8vo, 111 pp., 1 pi., 9 cuts. Hall, J. Description of new species of Fenestellidce of the Lower Helderberg, with explanations of plates illustrating species of the Hamilton Group described in the report of the State Geologist for 1886. 41 Ann. Rep. N. Y. Mus., pp. 391, &c. [unpaged], pis. viii-xv. Hall, J., & Simpson, G. B. Palaeontology of New York. vi. Corals and Bryozoa , containing descriptions and figures of species from the Lower Helderberg, Upper Helderberg, and Hamilton Groups : Albany : 1887, 4to, 298 pp., 66 pis. Harmer, S. Sur Cephalodiscus. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. i, pp. 272 & 273. [Review, cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Pol. p. 1.] Heape, W. Preliminary Report upon the Fauna and Flora of Plymouth Sound. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 153-193. [ Polyzoa , pp. 186 & 187.] Hincks, T. The Polyzoa of the St. Lawrence: a Study of Arctic Forms. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 214-227, pis xiv & xv. James, J. F. Sections of Fossils. Science, xi, p. 50. ^ Joliet, L. Etudes anatomiques et embryologiques sur le Pyrosoma giganteum, suivies de recherches sur la Faune des Bryozoaires de Roscoff et de Menton. Paris : 1888, 8vo, 116 pp., 5 pis. Joyeux-Laffuie, J. (1) Sur le Delagia chcetopteri, type d'un nouveau genre de Bryozoaires. C.R. cvi, pp. 620-623 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 403. [Prelim, notice of (2).] . (2) Description du Delagia chcetopteri (J. J.-L.), type d’un nouveau genre de bryozoaires. Arch. Z. exp<$r. (2) vi, pp. 135-154, pi. viii ; prelim, notice, C.R. cvi, pp. 620-623 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 403, 936 & 937. •. (3) Au sujet du genre Delagia. Arch. Z. exp6r. (2) vi, pp. xliv & xlv. Jullien, J. (1) Bryozoaires : in, Mission scientifique du Cap Horn, 1882-1883, vi, 92 pp., 15 pis. Paris : 1888, 4to. . (2) Sur la sortie et la rentrde du polypide dans les zooecies chez les Bryozoaires Cheilostomiens Monodermi^s. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 67 & 68 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 936. . (3) Sur la Cristatella muceclo. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 165 & 166 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 936. . (4) Sur quelques Bryozoaires d’eau douce. M6ra. Soc. Z. Fr, i, pp. 231-244. • (5) Du testicule chez la Lepralia figularis , Johnston, 1847, et des varies de cet organe chez les Bryozoaires en g6n6ral. T. c. pp. 270-273, pi. x. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Pol 3 [Jullien, J.] (6) Observations anatomiques stir les Cat^nicelles. T. i J. pp. 274-280, pi. xi. Kendall, P. F. The Pliocene Fossil Polyzoa. Tr. Manch. Micr. Soc. 1887, pp. 29-34. [Nothing new.] Keyes, C. R. On the Fauna of the Lower Coal Measures of Central Iowa. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 222-246, pi. xii. [Polyzoa, pp. 225 & 226.] Kirkpatrick, R. (1) Polyzoa of Mauritius. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 72-85, pis. vii-x. . (2) Polyzoa from Port Phillip. Op. cit. ii, pp. 12-21, pi. ii. . (3) Description of a New Species of Rctepora from Port Western, Victoria. T. c. p. 269, cut. Korotneff, A. Beitrage zur Spermatologie. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, pp. 334-341, pi. xix ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 566. Kraepelin,K. (1) Jahresbericht iiber die Bryozoen fur 1884 und 1885. Arch f. Nat. lii (3) 1886, pp. 231-262. [Issued 1888.] . (2) Bemerkung zu den Mittheilungen von F. Braem iiber Siiss- wasserbryozoen. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 646 & 647. Lo Bianco, S. Notizie biologiche riguardanti specialmente il periodo di maturity sessuale degli animali del golfo di Napoli. MT. z. Stat, Neap, viii, pp. 385-440. [ Polyzoa , pp. 406 & 407.] MacGillivray, P. Polyzoa : in, McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet., Dec. xvi, pis. 156-158 ; Dec. xvii, pis. 165-168. M'Intosh, W. C. Report on Phoronis buslcii, n. sp., dredged during the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, 1873-76. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-76. Vol. xxvii, part lxxv, 27 pp., 3 pis. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin : 1888, 4to. (Eiilert, D. P. Descriptions de quelques especes devoniennes du d^partement de la Mayenne. Bull. Soc. Angers, xvii, pp. 65-120, pis. vi-x. [Polyzoa, pp. 104- 109.] Pergens, E. Contributions a l’histoire des bryozoaires et des hydro- zoaires recents. Bull. Soc. mal. Belg. xxii, pp. lxxxv-xc ; also P.-v. Soc. Mal. Belg. xvi, pp. cii-cvii. *R einhard, W. W. Ocherk stroeniya e razvetiya pr...snovodnich mipanok [Sketch of the structure and development of the Fresh- water Bryozoa ]. Trudui KharkofE Univ. xv, pp. 207-310. Ridley, S. O. Note on Lophopus lendenfeldi. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 159 & 160. Saefftigen, A. Das Nervensvstem der phylactolaemen Siisswasser- Bryozoen. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 96-99 j abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 402 & 403. 4 Pol. POLYZOA. Shepheard, T. The Development of the Fresh-water Polyzoa. Sci. Goss, xxiv, pp. 107-109, & 139, cuts. [Popular, nothing new.] °STUCKENUKlta, A, (1) Koralli e Inshanke verkhnyago yarusa Sred- nerusskiigo Kammenougolnago ezvestnyaka [Corals and Polyzoa of the Upper Carboniferous Limestoue of Middle Russia], Protok. Kazan. Univ. (1880-87 ?), No. 92, 3 pp. • . (2) Authozoen und Bryozoen des oberen Mittelrussischen Koh- lenkalks. M6m. Comite Geol. v, 54 pp., 4 pis. [Russian, with Ger- man abstract.] Ulrich, E. 0. List of the Bryozoa of the Waverly Group in Ohio, Bull. Denison Univ. iv, pp. 61-96, pis. xiii & xiv. Vigelius, W. J. Zur Ontogenie der marinen Bryozoen. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 374-376, pi. xix j abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, . p. 936. Vine, G. R. (1) Notes on the Polyzoa of Caen and Ranville now preserved in the Northampton Museum. J. Northampt. Soc. v, pp. 1-24. . (2) Notes on the Polyzoa of the Wenlock Shales. Part I. P. Yorks. Geol. Polyt. Soc. ix, pp. 179-201, pi. xii, 1887. . (3) Note on the Palaeontology of the Wenlock Shales of Shrop- shire. T. c. pp. 224-248. . (4) Notes on Classifications of Cyclostomatous Polyzoa , old and new. T. c. pp. 346-362. [Nothing new.] Whitelegge, T. (1) Notes on some Australian Polyzoa. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 13-22. [ Cf . Zool. Rec. xxiv, Pol. p. 4.] . (2) Note on the Genus Lophopus. T. c. p. 62. . (3) Noto on a Species of Polyzoa ( Porina inveraa , Waters) from Port Jackson. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 680. Wierzejski, A. O mszywiolach ( Bryozoa ) Krajowych [Freshwater Polyzoa of Cracow]. Sprawozd. Kom. fizyjogr. xxi (2) pp. 95-110. Young, J. On the Structure of Fistulipora incrustans, Phill. ( F . minor , McCoy). Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 237-247. Zacii^rias, O. Abstr. of Kraepelin (1). [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Pol. p. 2.] Anon. Analytical Key to the Fresh-water Polyzoa. Am. Micr. J. ix, pp. 99-102. [Reprint, cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Pol. p. 4.] ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. A full description is given of the anatomy of a new Phoronis (P. buslcii ), 52 mm. long ; M‘Intosh. Membranipora pilo&a has been exhaustively examined, its external appearance aud internal structure are described, and three varieties characterised ; Freese. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Pol. 5 In Cristatella and Plumatella the cavity of the supra oesophageal ganglion is not completely surrounded by nervous elements, blit has endo- thelium on the oesophageal side. The contained fluid is in communication with the body-cavity, and does not coagulate under the influence of reagents. The distribution of the nerves is described ; Saefftigen. The colonies of Cristatella are unisexual ; the foot is not a true foot, but motion may take place either in the direction of its length or of its breadth; Jullien (3). The operculum not only serves to close the orifice of the zooecium, but also to close the cavity into which the compensatory water penetrates when the polypide is exserted ; Jullien (2). The conclusions of La Yalette St. George on spermatogenesis are in the main confirmed by researches on Alcyonella ; Korotneff. The formation of young buds is always connected with the presence of older ones ; the inner layer of the bud becomes ectoderm, the outer becomes the inner epithelium of the wall of the cystid, the cells of which give rise to muscles of integument and gut, retractor muscles and filaments connecting polypid and cystid. Different forms of colonies related to varying rapidity in budding. The statoblast forms a single primary individual, which forms a stock by gemmation. Spermatozoa develop not in the funiculus, but in the septa ; Braem. Criticism regarding question of priority ; Kraepelin (2). Investigations on the development of Bagula calathus confirm in the main Barrois’ results; the hypoblast does not seem to take part in the formation of the bud, as maintained by Ostrooumoff ; Vigelius. Some points in the terminology of Kraepelin (cf. Zool. Itec. xxiv, Pol. p. 2), and in his treatment of various genera, especially Frederkella , are criticised by J ullien (4). MS. of Desmarest and Lesueur explanatory of certain rare plates ; Pergens. Utility of sections in study of fossil forms maintained; Foerste. Reply ; James. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Wenloclc Beds. Catalogue of fauna ; Vine (3) : 1 newPolyzoon ; id. (2). France. New localities for various fresh-water species ; Jullien, (4) p. 244. Caen and Ranville. 33 Jurassic forms ; Vine (1). Roscoff and Mentone. Joliet. Cracow. Fresh- water species ; WierzeJski. Azores , Fayal. Plumatella repens ; Guerne, p. 29. Mauritius. Notes on numerous forms ; 21 new species, 2 new genera ; Kirkpatrick (1). Philippines. Plioronis busJcii , n. sp. ; M‘Intosh. Victoria. Many Celleporcc figured, 9 n. spp. ; MacGillivray. Port Western , Victoria. Retepora sinuosaf n. sp. ; Kirkpatrick (3). Port Phillip. Notes on several forms, 4 new species ; id. (2). 6 Pol. POLYZOA. Cape Horn . Elaborate account of Polyzoa collected by the French expedition ; many new genera and species ; Jullien (1). Deep water forms from American coast, with 23 figs. ; Agassiz, pp. 78-83.. Iowa. Several species from the Coal Measures ; Keyes. Ohio. List with 24 new species from Waverly formation ; Ulrich. Tabulated list ; Cooper. St. Lawrence. 4 new species, 1 new genus ; Hincks. CLASSIFICATION. Jullien (1) adopts the following arrangement of the group : — . „ ( Caduca. 1. Bryozoa lopiiopoda I _ t Perstita. 2. Bryozoa paludicellina. \ Utricalarina 3. Bryozoa ctenostomata 1 ) Haley onellina. 4. Bryozoa norodoniana. Monodermata Diplodermata f Tubulinata. 6. Bryozoa cyclostomata ) Fasciculinata. C Foraminata. VERMIFORMIA. Phoronis busJcii , n. sp., Philippines ; M‘Intosh. EUPOLYZOA. ENTOPROCTA. Pedicellinidj;. Barentsia major , n. sp., St. Lawrence ; Hincks, p. 226, pi. xv, fig. 2. Pedicellina hirsuta , P. australis, n. sp., Hoste I., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) p. 13. ECTOPROCTA . PHYLACTOLiEMATA. Plumatellidjc. Discovery of Lophopus lendenfeldi claimed; Whitelegge (2) ; see also Ridley. 5. Bryozoa ciieilostomata f Campilonemida. \ Orthonemida. ( Inovicellata. s Subovieellata. ( Superovicellata. ( Anopesiata. < Qpesiata V, Opesiulala. EUPOLYZOA. Pol 7 GYMNOLJEMATA. CYCLOSTOMA TA. TuBULTPORIDE. Bidiastophora torquata, n. sp., Port Phillip ; Kirkpatrick, (2) p. 15, pi. ii, fig. 2. Entalophora eschar aforma , n. sp. P, Buildowns, Salop, Wenlock, Beds ; Vine, (2) p. 193, pi. xii, figs. 21 & 22. Polypora impressa, n. sp., fossil, Ohio ; Ulrich, p. 72, pi. xiii, fig. 8. Heteroporide. Heteropora mceandrina , n. sp., Port Phillip ; Kirkpatrick, (2) p. 16, pi. ii, fig. 8. Rhombopora ohioensis, n. sp., fossil, Ohio, Ulrich, p. 90, pi. xiv, fig. 4. Idmoneide. Idmonea radicata, I. tortuosa, n. spp., Mauritius ; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 83, pis. ix, fig. 2, & x, fig. 2. CySTODICTYONIDE. Cystodictya zigzag , p. 81, pi. xiii, fig. 11, C. simulans , p. 81, pi. xiii, fig. 10, C. angusta , p. 82, pi. xiv, fig. 20 ; fossil, Ohio ; Ulrich. Horneride. Hornera spinigera , n. sp., Mauritius ; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 83, pi. x, fig. 1. Galeide, n. fam. Disporella,0 ray, incorrectly written Discoporella. D. spinulosa , n. sp., off Magellan’s Strait ; Jullien, (1) p. 83. D. venabulum, n. n., = Disco- porella grignonensis , Busk (nec Edwards) ; id. t. c. p. 84. Fenestellide. Fenestella herrickana , p. 63, pi. xiii, fig. 2, F. meekana , p. 64, pi. xiii, fig. 1, F.foliata , p. 67, pi. xiii, fig. 4, F. subfiexuosa , p. 68, pi. xiii, fig. 6, F. cavernosa , p. 69, pi. xiii, fig. 7, fossil, Ohio ; Ulrich. Fistulipora incrustans , Phill., described ; Young. Streblotrypa obliqua, p. 85, pi. xiv, fig. 9, S. hertzeri , p. 85, pi. xiv, fig. 8, 5. amplexa , p. 86, pi. xiv, fig. 13, S. multipora, p. 87, pi. xiv, fig. 11, 8. striata, p. 87, pi. xiv, fig. 12, S. regularise p. 88, pi. xiv, fig. 14, S. denticu- lata , p. 88, pi. xiv, figs. 18 & 19, fossil, Ohio ; Ulrich. Tectulipora , n. subg. ; Hall, expl. of pi. ix. 8 Pol. POLYZOA. CTENOSTOMATA. YalkeriidJe. Monaste3ia, n. g., for M. pertenuis , n, spk, Orange Bay; Jullien, (t) p. 15. Cylindrceciidj:. Cylindrcecium altum , n, sp., Port Phillip ; Kirkpatrick, (2) p. 19, pi. li, fig. 7. Delagiidj:, n. fam. Pelagia , n. g. : erect, with swellings, on each of which is a zooecium ; zooecia adherent, urceolate ; orifice snbterminal, oval ; on either side of it is a globular organ to which the name “ spherule ” is given ; this con- sists of a vesicle formed both of ectocyst and endocyst, enclosing a fluid ; tentacles, 12-14 ; gizzard present : for D. chcetopteri , n. sp., commensal in the tube of Chcetopterus valencinii ; Joyeux-Laffuie (1,2). Pelagia = Hypophorella , Ehlers ; Joyeux-Laffuie (3) ; Ehlers. Vesiculariid^. Amathia wilsoni, A. pinnata, u. spp., Port Phillip ; Kirkpatrick, (2) pp. 18 & 19, figs. 4 & 5. Bowerbanlcia francoram, B. habni , B. minutissima , n. spp., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) pp. 18-21. Buskia australis, n. sp., Orange Bay ; id. t. c. p. 22. CHEIL OS TOMA TA . .zEtEIDjE. JEtea fuegiensis , p. 23, pi. vii, fig. 7, AE. curta , jE. australis, p. 26, n. spp., Orange Bay ; Jullien (1). Cellularihle. Sempolellaria minuta , n. sp., Mauritius ; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 73, pi. ix, fig. 3. Bicellariidj?. Bugula hyadesi, n. sp., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) p. 71, pi. vii, figs. 4-6. Corynoporella, n. g. Stems slender, cells in single series, facing one way, dichotomous ; zocecia clavate, each cell springing from dorsal surface of the one beneath, attenuated below, tubular ; aperture at top, compara- tively short. Avicularia articulated, at one side of aperture; for C. tenuis , n. sp., St. Lawrence ; Hincks, p. 215, pi. xv, fig. 1. Piplacium, n. g. “Zonarium dichotomous. Zooecia in pairs back to back, each pair at right angles to those above aud below ; the pairs sepa- EUrOLY20A. Pol. 9 rated by short cylindrical corneous internodes ; orifice of cell with notch in lower border ” ; for D. simplex, n. sp., Mauritius; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 73, pi. vii, fig. 1. FLU8TR1D^E. Here are included : — Eucrateidce, Cellulariidce, Bi cellar iidee, Notamiidm, Flustridce, Membraniporidce , G emellariidce, and Farciminariadce of previous authors; Jullien, (1) p. 68. Carbasea ramosa , n. sp., Orange Bay ; id. t. c. p. 75, pi. iv, figs. 2-4. Diachoris hyadesi , D. maxilla , n. spp., Orange Bay ; id. t. c. p. 74, pis. vii, figs. 1-3, & xi, fig. 4. . Membraniporidac. Mcmbranipora defensa , M. marginalis, M. mauritiana) n. spp., Mauri- tius ; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 74, pis. viii, fig. 8, & vii, figs. 2 & 3. M. hyadesi , n. sp., Orange Bay ; Jullibn (1), p. 76, pis. vi, fig. 1, & viii, figs. 6 & 6. Cribrilinida*:. Membraniporella crassicosta , n. sp., St. Lawrence; Hincks, p. 216, pi. xiv, fig. 5. Opesiulid^, n. fam. Andreella , n. g., for Micropora uncifera , Busk ; Jullien, (1) p. 80, pis. iv, fig. 9, & xiv, figs. 1-3. Microporellidas. Stephanophora , n. g. “ Zooecia with semicircular orifice, lower margin straight, not dentate, without sinus ; peristome raised posteriorly ; from anterior margins of wall thus formed a process is given off on each side, uniting in front to form with posterior wall a tubular peristome, incom- plete below. From lower margin of peristome a broad branched process is given off, uniting with processes from other zooecia to form a secondary cribriform roof. Special pore wanting ” ; for S. cribrispinata , n. sp., Mauritius ; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 75, pi. x, fig. 5. PORINID,®. Anarthropora horrida , n. sp., Mauritius; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 76, pi. viii, fig. 2. Porina inversa , Waters, correction regarding the shape of the aperture ; W II ITELEGGB (3). 1888. [vol. xxv.] D 11 10 Pol. POLYZOA. Fenestrulinida*:, n. fam. Fenestrulina, n. g., for Cellepora malusii , Aud., and Lepralia personata , Busk; Jullien, (1) p. 37, pi. xv, figs. 1-3. F. hyades it n. sp., off Magel- lan’s Strait ; id. t. c. p. 44, pi. iv, fig. 7. lnversiula, n. g., for I. nutrix , n. sp., Beagle Channel ; id. t.c. p. 44, pi. iv, fig. 8. Reteporidas. Retepora tenuis , R. hincksii , n. spp., Mauritius ; Kirkpatrick, (l) p. 82, pi. vii, figs. 6 & 7. R. sinuosa, n. sp., Port Western ; id. (3). MyRIOZOIDA£. Schizoporella ampin , n. sp., Mauritius ; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 76, pi. vii, fig. 4. • Diazeuxidj:, n. fam. Diazeuxia, n. g., for Cellepora hyalina , L. ; Jullien, (1) p. 28. D. reticulans , n. n., = Lepralia hyalina var. discreta , Busk ; id. t. c. p. 33, pi. iv, fig. 5. Eschartdas. Annulosia , n. g., for A. australis , n. sp., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) p. 59, pis. i, fig. 5, & ix, figs. 3 & 4. Escharoides discus, n. sp., Mauritius; Kirkpatrick, (1) p. 82, pi. ix, fig. 6. Exochella , n. g., for Mucronella tricuspis, Hincks, and E. longirostris, n. sp., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) p. 55, pis. iii, figs. 1-4, & ix, fig. 2. Haswellia victoriensis , u. sp., Port' Phillip ; Kirkpatrick, (2) p. 14, pi. ii, fig. 1. Lepralia judex , L. mosaica, n. spp., Mauritius ; id. (1) pp. 76 & 77, pi. viii, figs. 4 & 6. L. collaris , n. sp., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) p. 57, pi. iii, fig. 7. Mucronella porelliformis , M. cothurnica , n. spp., Mauritius ; Kirk- patrick, (1) p. 81, pi. ix, figs. 1 & 5. Phylactella columnaris , n. sp., Mauritius; id. t.c. p. 79, pi. viii, fig. 3. Povella prohoscidea, n. sp., St. Lawrence ; Hincks, p. 223, pi. xiv, fig. 4. P. hyadesi , Orange Bay, P. maloninensis, Falkland Is., n. spp.; Jullien, (1 ) pp. 56 & 57, pi. iii, figs. 5 & 6. Smittia tabula , p. 79, pi. x, fig. 6, S. rostriformis, p. 80, pi. viii, fig. 7, S. latiavicidaria , p. 80, pi. x, fig. 3, S. murarmata , p. 80, pi. viii, fig. 5, n. spp., Mauritius; Kirkpatrick (1). S. monacha , S. sigillata , S. pur- purea, n. spp., Patagonia ; Jullien, (1) pp. 52-54, pi. ii, figs. 1-6. Boffonellidau, n. fam. Buffonella , n. g., for B. rimosa, n. sp., Orange Bay ; Jullien, (1) p. 47, pi. i, fig. 1. EUPOLYZOA. Pol. 11 Lacernidjj, n. fain. Lacerna , n. g., for L. hosteensis , n. sp., Hosto I., Orange Bay ; id. t. c. p. 48, pi. i, fig. 1. Phonicosia , n. g., for P. jousseaumci , n. sp., off Magellan’s Strait ; id. t. c. p. 51, pi. i, fig. 6. llOM AN C H E I N I DiE, D. fam. Romancheina , n. g., for R. martiali , n. sp., Beagle Channel; id. t. c. p. GO, fig. y, figs. 1 & 2. Arachnopushle, n. fam. Araclmopusia , n. g., for Cribrilina monoceros , Busk. ; id. £. e. p. 62, pi. iii, figs. 8 & 9. Osthimosidje, n. fam. Osthimosia , n. g., for 0. otopcta , p. G4, pi. i, fig. 3, 0. coexa, p. 65, pis. i, fig. 4, & xiii, figs. 1-4, n. spp., Orange Bay ; id. t. c. IIlPPOTHORID.®. Hippothora devonica , n. sp., France, Devonian ; CEiilert, p. 104, pi. x, fig. 2. Terebripora vetusta , n. sp., France, Devonian ; id. p. 108, pi. x, fig. 3. Celleporid^e. Ccllepora simplex , Port Phillip Heads, C. diadema , C. spicata , C. cidaris , pi. clxv, figs. 1-4, n. spp., G. verrucosa , C. foliata , G. prolifera) pi. clxvi, figs. 1,2, & 4, n. spp., Portland, C. lirata , (7. magnii'ostris} pi. clxvii, figs. 3 & 4, Port Phillip Heads ; MacGillivray. Incerive Sedis. Pinnotopora intermedia , p. 74, pi. xiv, fig. I, P. simulatrix , p. 75, pi. xiv, fig. 3, P . curvata , p. 76, pi. xiv, fig. 4, P. subangulata, p. 76, pi. xiv, fig. 2, P. minor, p. 77, pi. xiv, fig. 7, fossil, Ohio ; Ulrich. Tceniodictya interpolata. n. sp., fossil, Ohio ; Ulrich, p. 80, pi. xii, fig. 9. !p' Crust . 1 CRUSTACEA. BY Cecil Warburton, B.A. L— LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.* Agassiz, A. (1) Deep Sea Fauna in “The Cruises of the ‘Blake.’7* Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiv, p. 153. Pelagic Fauna on p. 171. . (2) Characteristic Deep Sea Types of Crustacea , in “ The Cruises of the ‘ Blake.’ " Op. cit. xv, p. 37, figs. 225-259. Amans, P. 0. Organes de la Locomotion aquatique. Ann. Sci. Nat. vi, No. 2. Barrojs, Tit. (1) Remarques sur le dimorphisme sexuel chez quelques Amphipodes du genre Moira. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 2, pp. 57-59. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 949.] . (2) Note preliminaire sur la faune carcinologique des Azores. Lille : 1888, 8vo, 14 pp. * . (3) Catalogue des Crustaces marins recueillis aux Azores durant les mois d’Aofit et Septembre, 1887. Lille: 1888, 8vo, 110 pp., 4 pis., & 8 figs, dans le texte. ..... Ill species ; 2 new species. . (4) Note sur l’histoire naturelle des Azores. — De l’adaptation de YOrchestia littorea A la vie terrestre. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 1, pp. 19-22. , & Moniez, R. Mat^riaux pour servir A l’^tude de la Faune des eaux douces des Azores, iv. Crustacea. Lille : 1888, 8vo, 12 pp. Bate, C. Spence. Report on the Crustacea Macrura collected by H.M.S. * Challenger’ during the years 1873-76. Rep. Zool. Chall, Exp. vol. xxiv, 1888. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation signifies that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1888. [VOL. XXV.] D 12 2 Crust. CRUSTACEA. Beddard, F. E. On the minute structure of the Eye in certain Cymo- thoidce. Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. xxxiii, pp. 443-452, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 730.] Bergendal, D. (1) t)ber abnorme Formen der ersten abdominalen Anhange beieinigen Krebsweibchen. Bih. Sv. .Ak. Handl. xiv (1888) iv, No. 3, 35 pp., 1 pi. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 53.] . (2) Mannliche Copulationsorgane am ersten abdominalen Somite einiger Krebsweibchen. GEfv. Ak. Forh. 45th Arg., No. 5, pp. 343-346. Lo Bianco. Notizie biologiche riguardanti specialmente il periodo di maturity sessuale degli animali del golfo di Napoli. [ Crustacea , p. 407.] MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, p. 377. Biedermann, W. Ueber die Innervation der Krebsscheere. SB. Ak. Wien, xcvii (1888), pp. 49-82, 4 pis. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 947.] Bonnier, Jul. (1) Sur les especes de Galathea des c6tes de France. C.R. cvi, No. 24, pp. 1686-1689. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) ii (July), pp. 123-125. . (2) Catalogue des Crustacea malacostrac^s recueillis dans la baie de Ooncarneau. . Sep., Paris (Doin): 1888, 8vo, 190 pp. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Orust.} Bonnier.] — . (3) Catalogue des Crustacea malacostrac^s de Concarneau (Suite). Bull. Sci. Nord. (2) x, No. 7, 1888, pp. 296-356. Rouvier, E. (1) Sur l’appareil circulatoire du Portunus puber. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) xii, No. 2, pp. 53-55. . (2) Sur l’appareil circulatoire de la Langouste ( Palinurus vulgaris) ct du Tourteau ( Platycarcinus pagurus). T. o. pp. 60-62. . (3) Sur la Circulation de l’Ecrevisso. C.R. Soo. Biol, v, p. 156. r . (4) Sur l’appareil circulatoire de l’Ecrevisse. Bull. Soo. Philom. (7) xii, No. 2, pp. 52 & 53. . (5) Sur l’appareil circulatoire des Ma'ia} Grapsus , S tenor hynchus, Pagurust &c. T. c. pp. 62-72. •< •. (6) Sur le syst&me nerveux des Crustacea d6capodes. Op. cit. No. 3, pp. 111-114. Bovallius, C. Contributions to a Monograph of Amphipoda Hyperidea. Part 1. Stockholm : 1887, 4to, 72 pp., 10 pis. *Brady, G. S. Notes on Entomostraca. Fifth Annual Report of the Fishery Board of Scotland : Appendix F, No. xi, pp. 328-330, 1 pi. Brook, G. Abstract of his paper on the Reproduction of lost parts in the Lobster. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 414 ; also in Am. Nat. xxii (May), p. 465. Canu, Eug. (1) Abstract of his paper on Aplostoma brevicauda. CB. Bakt. Parasit. 1 Jahrg., 1 Bd., No. 14, p. 426. list op publications. Gruht. 3 [Canu, Eug.] (2) Sur les Ilersiliidce , famille nouvelle de Cop^poded conimensaux. C.R. cvii, pp. 792 & 793. . (3) Les Copepodes libres marines du Bouloiinais. Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) i, Nos. 1 & 3, pp. 78-106. Cattaneo, G. (1) Sugli Amebociti” dei Crostacei. Boll, scient. x, No. 1, pp. 15-18. [Abstr. in Zool. Anz. xi (1888), pp. 452-455 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. (1888), p. 949; Arch: Ital. Biol, x, p. 267.] — . (2) Extract of his paper on the Structure of the Intestine of Decapoda. Arch. Ital. Biol. 1888, p. 254 ; also abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 729. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust., Cattaneo.] Ciievreux, E. (1) Sur quelques Crustac6s amphipodes recueillis aii± environs do Cherchell. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1888 (17® Session), pp; 343-353, 1 pi. * (2), & de Guerne, J. Sur un Amphipode nouveau ( Cyrtophium chclonophilum ), commensal de Thalassochelys caretta. C.R. cvi, No. 9, pp. 625-628. [Extr., Rev. Sci. (3) xli, No. 10, p. 315 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 416.] — . (3) Note sur la presence de YOrchestia chevreuxt (de Guerne), si T^neriffe ; description du male de cette espece, et remarques sur la locomotion de YOrchestia littorea (Montague). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii (1888), pp. 92-96, 6 figs. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc; 1888, p. 949.] . (4) Contribution & l’6tude de la distribution geographique des Amphipodes sur les c6tes de France. Bull. Soc. Etud. sci. Paris, 1888, pp. 12-23. ' ’ . (5) Sur quelques Crustac^s Amphipodes provenants d’un dragage de 1’Hirondelle au large de Lorient. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 2, pp. 39-42. Claus, C. (1) Bemerkungen uber marine Ostracoden aus den Familien der Cypridinen und Halocypriden. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, viii, pp. 149-154. . (2) Abstract of his paper on Apseudes and the Tanaidd. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 416. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust., Claus.] — — . (3) Abstract of his paper on Lerncedscus and the Philichthydaz. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, ii, p. 217. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust., Claus.] Cu^ not, M. L. Etudes sur le sang, son role et sa formation dans la s6rie auimale. 20 partie. Invert4br6s. Arch. Z. exp<$r. v (1888), pp. xliii-xlvii. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. (1888), p. 557.] *Daday, Eug. Crustacea Cladocera faunae hungaricse. Budapest; 1888, 4to, 4 pis. Dahl, F. Die Cytheriden der westlichen Ostsee. Z. Jahrb. Abth. f; Syst. 3 Bd., 4 Hft., pp. 597-638, 4 pis. [Sep., Habilitat-Schr, (Kiel).] 4 Crust . CRUSTACEA. Della Valle, A. Sopra le ghiandole glutinifere e sopra gli occhi degli Ampeliscidi del Golfo di Napoli. Nota (6 pp.). Extr. in Atti Soc. Mod, Mem. (3) vii, 1888. Dollfus, Ad. (1) Description d’une espkce nouvelle du genre Philoscia , P. Corsica. Bull. Soc. J^tud. Sci. Ann. ii (1888), 1 sem., pp. 10 & 11. . (2) Catalogue provisoire des esp&ces fran9aises d’Isopodes terrestres. T. c. Paris : 1888. . (3) Sur quelques Crustacds Isopodes du littoral des A9ores (3me Campagne de l’Hirondelle). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 1, p. 35. 5 species j 1 new species. *Ekov, K. N. Opyetye zaraseniya reshtou tzeklopov. [Infection of Cyclops by Nematodes.] Trudui Lab. Zool. Mus. Mosk. 1886, pp. 96-99. Eylmann, E. Beitrag zur Systematik der europaischen Daphniden. Ber. Freiburg Ges. ii, pp. 61-148, 3 pis. Fewkes, J. W. (1) A troublesome Parasite of a Brittle Starfish (Amphiura squamata). Nature, xxxvii, No. 951, pp. 274 & 275. * . (2) New Parasite of Amphiura. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 31-33. Fischer, P. Sur une monstruositd du crabe tourteau ( Platycarcinus pagurus). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 3, pp. 69-73. Gaubini, A. Abstract of his paper on the Structure of Cyprinidce. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, i, p. 36. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust., Garbinl] Gavino, C. Catalogo delle specie dei Crostacei raccolte nel viaggio di circumnavigazione della R. Corvetta Caracciolo. Roma (Spallanzani): 1888, 8vo, 8 pp. Geiiuchten, A. v. Structure intime de la cellule musculaire stride [ Astacus , &c.]. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1888, pp. 560-564. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 941.] Gerstaecker, A. Arthropoda (Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen). Leipeic & Heidelberg : 1888, 8 vo. Giard, A. (1) Sur la castration parasitaire des Eukyphotes des genres Paliemon et Ilippolyte. C.R. cvi, No. 7, pp. 502-505. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) i, No. 4, p. 314 ; abstr. in J, R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 414.] r . (2) La Castration parasitaire. (Nouvelles recherches). Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) 1887, i, Nos. 1-3, pp. 12-45. [Abstr. in MT. Ver. Frankfurt- a.-O., 6 Jahrg., No. 4, p. 92.] • . (3) Abstract of his paper on “ Parasites rhizocdphales.” CB. Bakt. Parasit. 1 Jahrg., 1 Bd., No. 14, p. 427. Giard, A., & Bonnier, J. (1) Sur quelques esp&ces nouvelles de Ceponicns. C.R. cvii, No. 1, p. 44. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) ii (August), pp. 192-194 ; abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 731.] LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Crust . 5 [Giard, A., & Bonnier, J.] (2) Sur deux nouveaux genres d’Epicarides. C.R. cvi, No. 4, pp. 304-306. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 234 ; abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 217.] The same authors on the same subject in Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) i, Ncs. 1-3, pp. 52-77, with 5 pis. — — & . (3) Contributions h. l’£tude des Bopyriens. Lille: 1887, 4to. [Notice in Ann. N. H. (1888) i, p. 51.] Giesbrecht, W. Elenco dei Copepodi Pelagici raccolti dal teneute di vasello Gaetano Chorchia, &c. Rend. dell. R. Ac. dei Liucei. iv, 2© serie, fasc. 9, pp. 284-287, fasc. 10, pp. 330-338. Giles, G. M. Notes on a Voyage of the * Investigator.’ J. A. S. B. lvii (1888), p. 220, 7 pis. 1 1 new species of Amphipoda. Gilson, G. Spermatogen&se des Arthropodes. La Cellule, iv (1888;, pp. 351-446, 1 pi. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. p. 940.] Gourret, P. (1) Abstract of his paper on the Podophthalmatous Crustacea of the Bay of Marseilles. Ann. N. II. (1888) i, p. 66. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust.'] . (2) Abstract of his paper on Parasitic Crustacea. CB. Bakt. Parasit. 1 Jahrg., 1 Bd., No. lj p. 335. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust.] ^De Gregorio, M. O. Nuovi Decapodi titonici. Nat. Sicil. iii, No 4, p. 134. Griffiths, A. B. Problematical organs of Invertebrata. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xiv (1887), p. 230. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 714.] Grimm, O. A. O faunye rakoobraznuich Caspiickavo tnorya [Crusta- cean fauna of the Caspian]. Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. ii, pt. 1, pp. 8 & 9. Groult, P. Histoire naturelle de la France. 15© partie. Acariens, Crustaces, Myriapodes. Avec figg. et 18 pis. Paris : 1888. De Guerne, J. (1) Remarques au sujet de V Orchestia chevreuxi et de l’adaptatiou des Amphipodes ii la vie terrestre. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 2, pp. 59-66, 8 figs. • . (2) Diagnoses de deux Diaptomus nouveaux d’Algerie. Op. cit. No. 6, pp. 160-162. r . (3) Sur la Dissemination des Organismes d’eau douce par les Palmipedes. CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1888, p. 339. References to Cladocera and Ostracoda. ■* , & Richard, J. Sur la distribution ggraphique du genre Diap- tomus. C.R. cvii, No. 1, pp. 47-50. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) ii (Aug.), p. 177 ; abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 731.] Hansen, H. J. Malacostraca marina Groenlandiae occidentalis. Kjoebenhavn: 1887, 8vo, 226 pp. [From Vid. Medd.] 6 Pru8t. CRUSTACEA. Hansson, 0. Aug. Om forekomsten af Limnadia lenticularis (Lin.) p& Nordkoster i norra Bohuslan. (Efv. Ak. F5rh. xlv, No. 3, pp. 215 & 216. He ape, W. Preliminary Report upon the Fauna and Flora of Plymouth Sound. Journ. of Marine Biol. Ass. No. 2 (August, 1888). Plymouth. Crustacea, pp. 170-178. Heilprin, A. Contribution^ to the Natural History of the Bermuda Islands. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 302-328. Including Crustacea — none new. Henderson, J. R. Report on Anomura collected by H.M.S. 1 Challenger * during the years 1873-76. Rep. Zool. Chall. Exp. vol. xxvii, 221 pp., 18 pis. Herdman, W. A. Marine Biology and the Electric Light. Nature, xxxviii (1888), p. 130. Crustacea taken off Liverpool. Herrick, F. H. (1) The habits, colour variation, and development of Aljpheus . J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. vii, No. 63, pp. 35-37. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 577.] — — . (2) The Abbreviated Metamorphosis of Aljpheus (n. sp.), and its relation to th? conditions of Life. J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. vii, No. 63, p. 34. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 414.] . (3) Abstract of his paper on the Sponge Shrimp A Ipheus. Am. Nat. xxii (March), p. 256. Hesse, — . Crustacds rares ou nouveaux des cdtes de France. 37 Art. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) v, Nos. 5-6, pp. 339-362. No new species in this number. Hickson, S. J. On a new species of the Genus Atya ( A . wichii) from Celebes. Ann. N. H. 1888, pp. 357-367, pis. xiii & xiv. Hilgendorf, F. Uber die Morphologic der Augenbohle von Gecarcinus und uber eine neue verwandte Gattung Mystacocarcinus. SB. nat. Fr. 1888, No. 2, pp. 26-29. Hudendorpp, A. Einige Bemerkungen zu Dr. Eylmann’s “ Boitrag zur Systematik der europaischen Daplmiden.” Zool. Anz. xi, No. 28, pp. 315-317. Imhof, O. E. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser Fauna der Yogesen. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 565. Jones, T. Rup. Notes on the Palaeozoic Bivalved ThUomostraca. No. xxv. On some Silurian Ostracoda from Gottland. 2 pis. Ann. N. H. (6) i (June), pp. 395-411, ii (Oct.), pp. 295-299. de Kervirle, H. G. Les Crustacds de la Normandie : espdces fluviales, stagnales et terrestres (lre liste). Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1888, pp. 133— 158 j also sep., Rouen : 1888, 8vo. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Crust. 7 Kingsley, J. S. (1) Something about Crabs. Am. Nat. *xii (1888), pp. 888-896. . (2) The Development of Crangon. T. c. p. 241. — (3) Development of the Compound Eye of Crangon . Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 34. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust.'] Kcehler, R. Recherches sur la Structure du Pedoncul# des Cirrhip&des. Rev. Biol. No. 2 (1888), pp. 41-55. °Korchagen, A. N. Fauna Moskovskex okfestnostee. I. Rakoob- zaznyeya. [Fauna of the neighbourhood of Moscow. I. Crustacea.] Trudui Lab. Zool. Mus. Moslt. lii, pt. 2. Lankester, E. R: The Coelom and the Vascular System of Mollusca and Arthropoda. Nature, xxxvii, p. 498. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 395.] Leidy, J. (1) Parasitic Crustacea. ( Lerneonema procera, n. sp.) P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 165. . (2) Note on Lepas fascicularis. T. c. p. 80. ». (3) Cirolana feasting on the Edible Crab ( Callinecles hastatus). T. c. p. 80. . (4) Habit of Cirolana concharum. T. c. pp. 124 & 125. . (5) A Crustacean Parasite of the Red Snapper ( Lutianus blach- fordii). [ Anchorella fasciculata ], with cut. T. c. pp. 138 & 139. . (6) Remarks on the Fauna of Beach Haven, N. J. [Including list of Crustacea ; none new.] T. c. p. 329. . (7) Parasites of the Rock Fish. T. jp. p. 166. The parasite was Ergasilius labracis. Lilljeborg, W. Description de deux esp&ces nouvelles de Biaptomns du nord de l’Europe. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 6, pp. 156-158. Lovett, Edw. Dromia vulgaris in Cornwall. Zool. (3) xii (Aug.)* pp. 312 & 313. Mackay, W. J. The Intercoxal Lobe of Certain Crayfishes. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, pp. 495-499, [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p.577.] *Maev, N. A. O Turkestanskom ryechnom rakye. [Crayfish of Tur- kestan rivers.] Trudui Lab. Zool. Mus. Mosk. 1886, p. 95. de Man, J. G . (1) Bericht fiber die im indischen Archipel von Dr. J. Brock gesammelten Decapoden u. Stomatopoden. Berlin (Nicolai) : 1888, 8vo, 17 pis. [From Arch. f. Nat. 5 Jahrg. pp. 215-600.] . (2) Report on Podophthalmatous Crustacea of the Mergul Archi- pelago. J. L. S. xxii, No. 136, pp. 1-64, 3 pis. Littoral Crustacea. 166 species ; 38 new to science. » (3) Report on the Podophthalmatous Crustacea of the IVtergui Archipelago. Pt. ii, 5 pis. ; pt. iii, 4 pis. ; pt. iv, 4 pis. J. L. S. xxii, Nos. 137-140, pp. 65, 129, 177, & 241. 30 new species ; n. g. Dioxippe. 8 Orust. CRUSTACEA. Marchal, P. Abstract of his paper on Excretion in Brachynrons Crustacea. J, It. Micr. Soc. 1888, ii, p. 216. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Omst.] Martens, H. v. Eine neue Gammaride. Note in S.B. nat. Fr. viir p. 128. Species not named. Meyer, O. Upper Tertiary Invertebrates from the West Side of Chesa- peke Bay. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 170. °Nasonoy, N. V. K’estorie razvetiya Rakovbraznyex Balanus e Artemia [Development]. Trudui Lab. Zool. Mas. Mosk. lii, pt. 1, 14 pp. Nordquist, O. (1) Ueber Moina bathycola (Vernet)* und die grossten Tiefen, in welchen Cladoceren gef uuden worden. Zool. Anz. No. 279, pp. 264 & 265. . (2) Die Calaniden Finnlands. Helsingfors : 1888, 8vo, 86 pp., 10 pis. ; also Bidr. Finl. Nat. xlvii (1887), pp. 191-275. 12 species ; 2 new species. . (3) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der inneren mannlichen Geschlechts- organe der Cypriden. Act. Soc. Fenn. xv, pp. 129-169, 6 pis. Nussbaum, M. Abstract of his paper on the First Changes in the Fecundated Ovum of Lepas. Ann. N. H. (6) i (Feb.), pp. 160-162 ; and J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, ii, p. 218. Osborn, H. L. Elementary histological Studies of the Crayfish, viji. Am. Micr. J. ix, No. 2, pp. 21-25, No. 4, pp. 65-68, 1 pi. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust. ] Osorio, B. Liste des Crustac^s des possessions Portuguaises d’Afrique occidentale dans les collections du Museum d'Histoire Naturello de Lisbonue. (Suite.) J. Sci. Lisb. (Jan.) 1888, pp. 186-191. [See Zool. Reo. xxiv, Crust.] Patten, W. The Eyes of Arthropods. J. Morph, ii (1888), pp. 97-190, 7 pis. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 938-940.] Pereyaslawzewa, Sophie. Etudes sur le ddveloppement des Amphi- podes. lre partie. Le developpement de Gammarus pcecilurus , Rthk. Bull. Mosc. 1888, No. 2, pp. 183-219, 4 pis. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 949.] Petit, L. Effets de la lesion des ganglions sus-cesophagiens chez le Crabe ( Carcinus mcenas). C.R. cvii, No. 4, p. 276. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 730.] Pfeffer, G. Die Krebse von Sud-Georgien nach der Ausbeute der Deutschen Station. 1882-83. JB. Hamb. 4 Jahrg., pp. 41-150, 7 pis. 13 species j 10 new species. Plateau, F. (1) Recherches exp^rimentales sur la vision chez les Arthropodes. Brussels: 1888, 8vo. (From M4m. Cour. 8vo, 1888.) ■ . (2) Palpiform organs in Crustacea. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xii (1888), pp. 537-552, 11 figs. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. (1888), p. 413.] LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Crust. 9 Pofpe, S. A. Diagnoses de deux especes nouvelles du genre Diaptomus , Westwood. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 6, p. 159. Pouchet, .G. Sur la Nature du Test des Arthropodes. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, pp. 685-688. , & Wertheimer, L. Sur les Glandes cutan^es chez l’Ecrevisse. T. c. pp. 169 & 170. Puciiner, F. Der Krebs und seine Zucht. (14 illustrations.) Wien (Gerold’s sohn in Comm.) : 1888, 8vo. Ratiibun, R. Descriptions of [four] new species of parasitic Copopods belonging to the genera Trebiner, Perissopus, and Lernuntliropus. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, pp. 559-571. Richard, J. (1) Note sur Moina bathycola. Zool. Anz. 11 Jahrg., No. 273, pp. 118 & 119. . (2) Cladoceres et Cop6podes non marins de la faune de France. Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, No. 3, pp. 57-70, No. 4, pp. 78-91. . (3) Abstract of his paper on Pelagic Fauna of Lakes in Auvergne. Ann. N. H. (1888) v, p. 63. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust.'] . (4) De la R^colte et de la Conservation des Entomostraces d’eau douce. Feuill. Nat. xvii. Riggio, G. Appunti di Carcinologia Siciliana. Sul Polycheles doder- leini. Nat. Sicil. iv, No. 5, pp. 99-104, No. 6, pp. 140-146, 1 pi. Ristori, G. Alcuni Crustacei del Mioceno medio italiano. Atti (Mem.) Soc. Tosc. ix, pp. 212-219. Robertson, D. A Contribution towards a Catalogue of the A mphipoda and Isopoda of the Firth of Clyde. P. N. £l. Soc. Glasg. ii (n.s.) pt. 1, pp. 9-100. 107 species of Amphipoda , 43 species of Isopoda ; none new. Rosenstadt, B. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Organisation von Asellus aquaticus und verwandten Isopoden. Biol. Centralbl. No. 15, p. 452. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 948.] Rosoll, A. Ueber zwei neue an Echinodermen lebende parasitische Copepoden. SB. Ak. Wien, xcvii, pp. 181-202, 2 pis. Sep., Wien (F. Tempsky) : 1888, 8vo. Rosseter, J. B. On the Male Generative Organs of Two Species of Cypris (C. cineria and 0 . minuta ). J. Micr. & Nat. Sci, i (n. s.) 1888, pp. 231-239, 2 pis. ^Rossijskaja, M. A. (1) K ’estorie razvetiem Orchestia littorea , Mont. [Development of 0. littorea.] Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. Zool. xix, Prot. pp. 58-60. * . (2) K’ embryologie Amphipoda. Loc. cit. pp. 108-111. . (3) Etudes sur le D6veloppement des Amphipodes. Part ii. Le D^veloppement d’Oi'chestia littorea. Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 561^-579* pis. xvi & xvii. 10 Crust. CRUSTACEA. ^Sars, G. O. (1) Additional Notes on Australian Cladocera , raised from Dried Mud. Christiana (J. Dybwad) : 1888, 8vo, 74 pp., 6 pis. [From Christ. Yid. Selsk. Forhdlgr. 1888.] 11 species ; 5 new species. . (2) Abstract of his Paper on ‘ Challenger * Phyllocarlda , in J. R. Micr. Soc. (1888) i, p. 36. 0Sciiimkewitsch, \V. M. (1) O Pantopoda, &o. [ Pantopoda collected by Prof. Chierchia during the Yoyage of the ‘Yettor Pisani’]. Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. Zool. xix, Prot. pp. 94-96. . (2) Nyckotoryex nabludeniya rad razvetiem Astacus lepto- dactylus. [Development of A. leptodactylus.] Trudui Lab. Zool. Mus. Mosk. 1886, pp. 176-180. Schmidt, E. Die neue Gammaride. SB. nat. Fr. ix, p. 179. Same species alluded to by Martens ( Qoplana ambulans ). Schmidt, F. B. Ob otkruitui ostatkov v’ Olenellus Cambriiskich otloz- heniach Estlandii. [Remains of Olenellus found in the Cambrian Strata of Gottland.] Trudui St. Petersburg Lab. ix, Geol. Prot. pp. v & vi. Schwarz, C. G. Ueber die sogeuannte “ Schleimdriise” der mann- lichen Cypriden. Ber. Freiburg Ges. iii, pp. 133-138, 2 pis. Sep.,. Freiberg (J. 0. H. Mohr.) : 1888, 8vo, 26 pp. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 131.] Seguenza, G. Gli Ostracodi del porto di Messina. (Suite.) Nat. Sicil. ii, No. 12, p. 284, iii, No. 2, p. 39, No. 3, p. 75, No. 4, p. 124, No. 5, p. 149, No. 6, p. 187, No. 9, pp. 253 & 262, No. 11, p. 319, iv, No. 2, p. 44, No. 4, p. 76, No. 5, p. 110, v, No. 3, p. 57. Semenovsky, A. W. K’ sestematek i morphologic ryekotoruich pryesnovodruich Gammarid. [On the systematic position and morphology of a freshwater Gammarid.] Trudui St. Petersburg Lab. 11 Bd., 1 Hft., Prot. pp. 43-51. le S^n^chal, R. Sur quelques pinces monstrueuses de Decapodes brachyures. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 5, pp. 123-125, figs. °Smith, Sidney J. Report on the Decapod Crustacea of the ‘Albatros’ Dredgings off the E. Coast of the United States, during the Summer and Autumn of 1884. U. S. Fish. Comm. Rep. for 1885, p. 605, 20 pis. 3 new species. Sosteric, D. Prilog poznavanju faune Slatkovodnih korepnjaka Hrvatske. Rad. jugoslav. akad. xcii, ix, pp. 103-214. Sowinskij, W. Ocherk faunui pryesnovodruich rakobraznuich iz okpestnostej g. Kiev, &c. [Sketch of the Fauna of the Freshwater Crustacea near Kiev, &c.] Zapiski Kiev, ix, pp. 225-298, 1 pi. Stamati, Gr. (1) Description d’un appareil permettant la conservation des 6crevisses en experience. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 6, p. 151. r . (2) Recherches sur le sue gastrique de l’Ecrevisse. C.R. Soc. Biol. v, pp. 16 & 17. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, THORACIPODA. Orust. 11 [Stamati, Or.] (3) Recherches sur la digestion chez l’Ecrevisse. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 6, pp. 146-151, figs. . (4) Parasitic Castration of the Crayfish. T. c. p. 188. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 947.] Stebbing, Th. R. R. Report on the Amphipoda collected by H.M.S. ‘ Challenger * during the years 1873-1876. Rep. Zool. Chall. Exp. vol. xxix, 1st & 2nd pts. & pis. Thompson, J. C. (1) A New Parasitic Copepod. Sci. Goss. (Feb.) 1888, p. 32, 4 figs. . (2) Copepoda of Madeira and the Canary Islands, with descriptions of [3] new genera and [6] species. J. L. S. xx, p. 145, 4 pis. Yignal, W. Sur 1* Endothelium de la Paroi interne des Yaissaux des Invertebr6s. (The Crab.) Trav. Lab. Histol. 1886-7, pp. 1-6, 2 figs. Vincent, G. Note sur deux Crustacfo brachyures nouveaux pour la faune du pays. P.-v. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1888, pp. v & vi. Walter, A. (1) Transkaspische Binnencrustaceen. Zool. Jahrb. iii, pp. 988-1014, 1 pi. I. Entomostraca : — A, Phyllopoda ; B, Gladocera ; c, Copepoda. . (2) Abstract of his paper on two new Trans-Caspian Branchiopod Crustacea. Anu. N. H. (6) i, p. 164. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Crust.'] Weismann, A., & Ischikawa, 0. Ueber die Befruchtungserscheinungen bei den Dauereiern von Daphniden. Biol. Oentralbl. viii, No. 14, p. 430. Zacharias, 0. Zur Fauna einiger norddeutscher Seen. Biol. Centralbl. viii, No. 17, p. 540. Zietz, A. Descriptions of [2] New Species of South Australian Crusta- ceans. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. 1887, pp. 298 & 299, 1 pi. II.— SYSTEMATIC. The general classification of article Crustacea in the Encyclopaedia Britannica has been followed. Subclass 1. THORACIPODA = MALACOSTRACA. General . Catalogue of Malacostraca from the Bay of Concarneau ; Bonnier (2,3). Marine Malacostraca of W. Greenland ; Hansen. 12 Grust. CRUSTACEA. Legion 1. PODOPHTIIALM IA. Order 1. DEOAPODA. General. * Albatross • Decapoda ; Smith, J. S. Nervous system of Decapoda ; Bouvier (G). Sub-order {a). BRACHYURA. Marchal. le S^n^chal : Abnormalities in Brachyura. Vincent. Riggio. Blood-system of the Crab ; Bouvier (3, 4). Kingsley (1). Puchner. Effects of ganglionic lesion in the Crab ; Petit. Cutaneous glands of Crab ; Pouchet. See Stamati for digestion and nature of the gastric Huid in the Crab. ' Circulatory system of Portunus puber ; Bouvier (1). An abnormality in Platycarcinus pagurus j Fischer. Hilgendorf. Actumnus elegans, n. sp., de Man, (2) p. 47. Heteropanope indica, n. sp., id. p. 53, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2. Pilumnus andcrsoni , n. sp., id. p. 59, pi. iii, figs. 5 & 6. Neptunus andersoni , n. sp., id. p. 70, pi. iv, figs. 3 & 4. ■ Goniosoma merguiense , n. sp., id. p. 82, pi. v, figs. 3 & 4. Telphusa callianira and T. carinifera , n. spp., id. pp. 96 & 100, pi. vi. Pinnotheres edwardsi , n. sp., id. p. 103, pi. vi, figs. 6-9. Xanthasia sp., id. p. 106, pi. vii, fig. 1. Macrophthalmus erato , n. sp., id. p. 125, pi. viii, figs. 12-14. Dotilla brevitarsis and D. intermedia , id. pp. 130 & 135, pi. ix. Dioxippe orientalis , n. g. & sp., id. p. 138, pi. ix, figs. 8-10. Pyxidognathus deianira , n. sp., id. p. 148, pi. x, figs. 4-6. Metaplax elegans and M. intermedins, n. spp., id. pp. 164 & 166, pi. xi. Sesarma melissa} S. andersoni, S. haswelli , S. edwardsi , S. polita , and S. krausi, n. spp., id, pp. 170-195, pis. xii-xiv. Clistocoeloma merguiensis , n. sp., id. p. 195, pi. xiii, fig. 10. Pseudophilyra melita , n. sp., id. p. 199. , Sub-order (ft). ANOMURA. Dromidia. Dromia ciliata , n. sp., Henderson, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 1. * Oryptodromia japonica , n. sp., id. p. 6, pi. i, fig. 2 : also C. nodulifera and C. incisa. Eudromia frontalis , n. g. & sp., id. p. 14, pi. i, fig. 7. THORACIPODA Crust. 13 JTomola orientalise, sp., id. p. 19, pi. ii, fig. 1. - Latreillopsis bispinosa , n. g. & sp., id. p. 22, pi. ii, fig. 3. Latreillia australiensis, n. sp., id. p. 24, pi. ii, fig. 4. Dromidia cranioides , n. sp., de Man, (2) p. 208, pi. xiv, figs. 6-8. Raninidea. Notopoides latus , n. g. & sp., Henderson, p. 29, pi. iii, fig. 1. Nolopus ovalis , n. sp., id. p. 31, pi. ii, fig. 6. Zanclifer caribensis , n. g. & sp., id. p. 34, pi. iii, fig. 2. Paouridea. Littoides murrayi , n. sp., Henderson, p. 43, pi. iv. Paralomis aculealus and P. formosus , n. spp., id. p. 45, pi. v. Diogenes guttatus , n. sp., id. p. 54, pi. vi, fig. 4. Pagurus de-armatus and P. similimanus, n. spp., id. p. 58, pis, v & vi. Eupagurus lacertosus, E. tristanensis , E. spinulentus, E. rubricates, E. occlusus, n. spp., id. pp. 63-70, pis. vi & vii. Anapagurus pusillus , n. sp., id. p. 73, pi. vii, fig. 7. Anapagurus australiensis , id. p. 74, pi. vii, fig. 8. Catapagurus australis , n. sp., id. p. 76, pi. viii, fig. 1. Paguristcs subpilosus , P. visor , P. kians, n. spp., id. pp. 77-79, pi. viii, figs. 2-4. Glaucottoe carinata , n, sp., id. p. 84, pi. ix, fig. 1. Parapagurus affinis, P. latimanus , P. gracilis , n. spp., id. pp. 90-92, pis. ix & x. Paguroides , n. g., id. p. 94, with n. spp., inarmatus , pi. x, fig. 6, piliferus, pi. ix, fig. 5, and limatulus , pi. x, fig. 6. Paguropsis typicus , n. g. & sp., id. p. 99, pi. x, fig. 4. Pylocteles spinosus, n. sp , id. p. 101, pi. xi, fig. 1. . Diogenes merguiensis, n. sp., de Man, (2) p. 228, pi. xv, figs. 4-6. Clibanarius padavensis and C. arethusa, n. spp., id. pp. 242-252, pi. xvi. Galatheidea. Petrolisthes unilobatus, n. sp., Henderson, p. 106, pi. xi, fig. ,3 ; P. serratus , pi. xi, fig. 2. Porcelland euphrosyne, n. sp., de Man, (2) p. 221, pi. xv, figs. 1-3. Porcellana robertsoni, n. sp., Henderson, p. Ill, pi. x, fig. 6. Munida incerta , n. sp., id. p. 130, pi. xiii, fig. 4. Uroptychus : new name for Diptychu *, M.-Ed. French species of Galalhea ; Bonnier (1). Sub-order (c). MACRURA. Claspers in female Crayfish ; Beroendal. Vascular system in certain Macrura ; Bouvier (2). Castration effected by parasites ; Giard. Intercoxal lobes of Crayfishes ; Mackay. Histology of Crayfish ; Osborn. . 14 Crust. • CRUSTACEA. Cheiroplatea cenobita , n. g. & sp., Bate, p. 12, pi. i. Callinassa occidentalis, n. sp., id. p. 29. Cheramus , n. g., with n. spp. oriental is and occidentalis ; id. pp. 30 & 32, pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2. Scallasis amboince , n. g. & sp., id. p. 34, pi. ii, fig. 3. Paraxius altus , n. g. & sp., id. p. 37, pl.v, fig. 1. Eiconaxius , n. g., with n. spp. acutifrons , kermadeci , and parvus ; erf. pp. 40, 43, & 44, pi. y, figs. 2-5. Ibbacus verdi , n. sp., erf. : also I. brevipes and /. alticrenatus ? pp. 58, 62, & 63, pis. vii, fig. 2, viii & ix, figs. 1 & 2. Arctus orientalis} A. iuberculatus , .4 . immaturus} A. pygmceus, n. spp., id. pp. 68, 70, 71, & 73, pis. ix, figs. 3, 4, & x. Panulirus angulatus, n. sp., id. p. 81. Pentacheles gracilis} n. sp., id. p. 146, pi. xvi, figs. 1 & 2. Nephropsis suhmij n. sp., id. p. 181, pis. xxiii, fig. 3, & xxiv, fig. 2. Nephrops thomsoni, n. sp., id. p. 185, pis. xxv & xxvi. Astacopsis paramattensis and A. Sydney ensis, n. spp., id. pp. 202 & 204, pi. xxvii. Penceus incisipes , P. anchoralis, P. philippensis, P. rectacutus, P. tenellus , n. spp., id. pp. 257, 258, 261, 266, & 270, pis. xxxi-xxxvi. Philonicus , n. g., with n. spp. mulleri and pectinatus j id. pp. 275 & 279, pis. xxxviii & xxxix. Artemesia longinaris , n. g. & sp., id. p. 281, pi. xl. Haliporus equalis , n. sp., id. p. 285, pi. xli, fig. 1. Sicyonia Icevis , n. sp., id. p. 298, pi. xliii, fig. 5. Peteinura gubernata , n. g. & sp., id. p. 324, pi. liii. Gennadas ivtermedius , n. sp., id. p. 343, pi. lviii, fig. 3. Platysacus crenatus , n. g. & sp., id. p. 363, pi. lxiii. Mastigopus suhmi , n. sp., id. p. 378, [pi. lxvi, fig. 2 : also M. spini- ventralis , p. 379, pi. lxvii, fig. 4. Sergestes intermedius} S. dorsispiralis , S. laterodentatus, S. ovatoculusy S . parvidens , S. longirostris) S.junceus, S. longispinus , S. penerinkii, S./erme- rinkii, S. longicollus, S. semiarmis , S. Iceviventralis , S. spiniventralis , >S. profundus , 3. ventridentatus , >S. utrinquedens , & dissimilis , n. spp., erf. pp 385, ei. pis. Ixxii-lxxvii. Sciacaris telsonis , n. g. & sp., p. 438, pi. lxxviii. Zoontocaris galathece) n. g. & sp., z’d. p. 474, pi. Ixxxv, fig. 3. Sestertius duplicentes , n. g. & sp., z'd. p. 477, pi. Ixxxv, fig. 5. Pontophilus gracilis , P. profundus , P.junceus , n. spp., erf. pp. 490 & 491, pis. lxxxvii & lxxxviii. Pontocaris , n. g., with n. spp. propensalata and pennata ; erf. pp. 496 & 499, pis. xc, figs. 2 & 3, & xci. Glyphocrangon granulosus , (7. podager, G. regalis, G. hasticauda, G. acuminata , (7. rimapes, n. spp., erf. pp. 507, 516, 517, 519, 522, & 523, pis. xcii-xciv. M&a processa , n. sp., erf. p. 527, pi. xcv. Athanas veloculusi n. sp., id. p. 529, pi. xcvi, fig. 1. Parathanas , n. g., with n. spp. decorticus and immaturus ; erf. pp. 530 & 532. Cheirothrix parvimanus, n. g. & sp., erf. p. 533, pi. xcvi, fig. 2. thoraOipoda. Orust. 15 Alpheus bermudensis, A. longimanus , A. prolificus, A. inttinsecus, n. 6pp., id. pp. 547, 551, 556, & 557, pis. xcviii-c. Betceus malleodigitus and B. microstylus , n.spp., id. pp. 565 & 566, pi. ci, figs. 5 & 6. • Paralpheus , n. g., erected from Alpheus diversimanits , M. Edw. ; id. p. 568, pi. cii. Synalpheus fulcatus, n. g. & sp., id. p. 574, pi. ciii. Platebema rugosum , ii. g. & sp., id. p. 579, pi. civ, fig. 2. Lair eutes planus and L. unidentatus , n. spp., id. pp. 584 & 586. Hippolyte bidcntatns and H. projecta , n. spp., id. pp. 591 & 594, pi. Cv. Spirontocaris spinus = Hippolyte spinas , Owen ; id-, p. 596, pis. cvi & cvii. Nauticaris , n. g., with n. spp. fnarionis , futilirostris and unirecedens\ id. pp. 603, 606, & 608, pis. cviii, cix, fig. 1, & cx, fig. i. Hetairus, n. g., including H. gaimardii (= Hippolyte gaimardii, M. Ed.) and two n. spp., tenuis and debilis\ id. pp. 611, 613, & 615, pi. cix, figs. 2-4. Chorismus tuberculatus , n. g. & sp., id. p. 617, pi. cx, fig. 2. Merhippolyte agidhasensis and M. orientalis, n. g. & spp., id. pp. 619 & 621, pi. cx, fig. 4. Amphiplectus depi'essus, n. g. & sp., id. p. 623, pi. cx, fig. 3. Heterocarpus dorsalis , H. alphonsi , II. gibbosus , and H. Icevigatus , n. spp., id. pp. 630 & 632. pis. cxi & cxii, figs. 1-4. Plesionika , n. g., with n. spp. uniproductat Semilcevis} and unidens * id. pp. 641, 644, & 648, pi. cxiii, figs. 1-4. Nothocaris rostricrescentis , N. spiniserratus, N. ocellus, and N. binoculus , n. g. & spp., id. pp. 653, 656, 657, & 663, pi. cxiv, figs. 1-3. Pandalus magnoculus> P.falcipes , and P. tnodestus, n. spp., id. pp^ 667, 668, & 670, pis. cxiv, fig. 4, & cxv, figs. 1 & 2. Dorodotes, n. g., with n. spp. rejlexus and Icevicarina ; id. pp. 678 & 680, pis. cxii, fig. 5, & cxvi, fig. 3. Thalassocaris dance and T. stimpsoni , n. spp., id. pp. 683 & 684, pi. Cxvii, figs. 1 & 2. Diaphoropus , n. g., with n. spp. versipellis and longidorsalis ; id. pp. 687 & 688, pi. cxvii, figs. 3 & 4. Kyptocaris stylofrontalis , n. g. & sp., id. p. 690, pi. cxxi, fig. 1. Atya serrata , n. sp., id. p. 699, pi. cxix, fig. 2 (fresh-water). Caricyphus , n. g., with n. spp. cornutus , serramarginis , gibberosus , turgidus) and angulatus ; id. pp. 712,714, & 716-718, pi. cxxi, figs. 2-6. Rhomaleocaris hamulus, n. g. & sp., id. p. 720, pi. cxxiii, fig. 2. Anebocaris quadroculus , n. g. & sp., id. p. 722, pi. cxxiii, fig. 1. Bentheocaris, n. g., with n. spp. exuens and stylorostratis ; id. pp. 724 & 726, pi. cxxiii, figs. 3 & 4. Acanthephyra longidens, A. medea, A. augusta , A. sicay A. acanthitelsonis, A. edwardsii , A. carinata, A. acutifrons, A. kingsleyi, A. brevirostratis, A. brachytelsonis , and A. approxima , n. spp., id. pp. 730-755, pis. cxxiv, figs. 3-6, cxxv & cxxvi. Systellaspis lanceocaudata , n. g. & sp., id. p. 758, pi. cxxiv, fig. 7. Oplophorus longirostris and 0. brevirostris, n. spp., id. pp. 765 & 766, pis. cxxii, fig. 3, & cxxvii, figs. 2 & 3. Campy lonotus, n. g., with n. spp. semistriatus, capensis , and vagans ; id. pp. 768, 773, & 775, pi. cxxviii, figs. 1-3. 16 Grunt. CRUSTACEA. Brachy carpus , n. g., with n. spp. savignyi and auclonini ; id. pp. 795 & 798, pi. cxxix, figs. 4 & 5. Nematocarcinus undulatipes, N. lanceopea , N. longirostria , N. proxi- mo, tus, N. altus , ^7. productus , i\7. tenuipea , N. parvidentatus, N. pauci- dentatua, N. tenuirostris , 2V. serratus, N. hiatus , 77. intermedins, n. spp., id. pp. 800-819, pis. cxxx-cxxxii. Stochasmus exilis , n. g. & sp., erf. p. 823, pi. cxxxii, fig. 14. Notostomus patentissimus , iV. murrayi, N. brevirostris , iV. longirostria , n. spp., erf. pp. 826, 829, 832, & 833, pis. cxxxiii-cxxxv. Tropiocaria , n. g., with n. spp. planipes and tenuipea ; id. pp. 834 & 835, pi. cxxxvi, figs. 1 & 2. Hymenodora duplex , 17. rostrata , 77. glauca , 77. mollicutis , n. spp., zd. pp. 843 & 846-848, pis. cxxxvi, figs. 3-5, & cxxxvii. Stylodaclylus discissipesi 8. orientalia , and >8. bimaxillaria, n. spp., ec?. pp. 851, 854, & 855, pi. cxxxviii. Leptochela serratorbita , n. sp., id. p. 859, pi. cxxxix, fig. 1. Pasiphcea cristata} P. arnplidens , P. acutifrons , n. spp., t MUurgina , n. g., vittata , h. sp., Noumea, p. 244 ; Simon (5) 12 Arachn. ARACHNIDA. Cluilius , n. g., near Clubiona, for Cl. elegans and chilensis, Nic , p. 220 ; id. (3). Strotarchus, n. g., near Clubiona , p. 210, nebulosus , n. sp., Presidio, p. 211 ; id. (2). Leptoctenus tenJcatei , n. sp., Surinam, p. 192, Hasselt (referred by author to the Lycosidce). Leptoctenus byrrhus , n. sp., Mexico, p. 210 ; Simon (2). Vulsor , n. g., bidens , n. sp., Mayotte, p. 233 ; id. (4). Viridasius, n. g., pulchripes , n. sp., Nossi Be, p. 233 ; id. . sp., Rio Janeiro, p. 101, pi. x, fig. 5 ; Canestrini (2). Gamasus giardi, n. sp., on Balanus balanoides , p. 753 ; Trouessart. . Holostaspia cordiger, n.sp., Rio-Apa, p. 195, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; Berlese (2). Pachylcelaps , n. g., pt. li, No. 10, id. (1) ; heros , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 196, pi. viii, fig. 2 ; athleticus, n. sp., Asuncion, p. 197, pi. viii, fig. 3; id. (2). Lidaps glabratus, n, sp., Rio-Apa, p. 198, pi. ix, fig. 4 j id. t. c. Hypoaspis coleoptratus , n. sp., Buenos Ayres, p. 198, pi. ix, fig. 5 ; id. t. c. Hypoaspis coffees , n. sp., Rio Janeiro, p. 102, pi. x, fig. 4 ; id. t. c. Celcenopsis , remarks on; ovata, n. sp., Asuncion, p. 199, pi. x, fig. 1; subincisa, n. sp., Buenos Ayres, p. 200, pi. x, fig. 2 ; lunulata, n. sp., Paraguay, Brazil, p. 201, pi. x, fig. 3; ambigua , n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 202, pi. xi, fig. 5 ; id. t. c. Euzercon , u. g., near Oelamopsis, balzani, n. sp., Rio-Apa, p, 203, pi. ix, fig. 2 ; id. t.c. Antennophorus caput-carabi, n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 205, pi. xi, fig. 2 j viduus, n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 206, pi. xi, fig. 3 ; id. t. c. Diplogynium , n. g., acuminatum , n. sp., Rio Janeiro, p. 101, pi. x, fig. 1 ; %d/. t.c., , Hetcrozercon, n. g., p. 206, degeneratus , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 207, pi. xi, fig. 1 ; id. t. c. Podolcelaps , n. g., near Lcelaps , p. 207, ambulacrus , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 208, pi. ix, fig. 3 ; id. t.c, Leiognathus bursa, n. sp., Buenos Ayres, p. 208, pi. ix, fig. 6 ; id. t. c. Uropoda carinata , n. sp., in moss, pt. 1, No. 9 ; id. (1). Ur opoda j 'estiva, n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 209, pi. xii, fig. 7 ; longiseta, n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 209, pi. xii, fig. 4 ; hypopoides, n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 210, pi. xii, fig. 9 ; pusilla , n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 210, pi. xii, fig. 3; elimata, n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 211 ; vulpina , n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 211, pi. xii, fig. 1; cribraria , n. sp., Asuncion, p. 212, pi. xii, fig. 8 ; id. (2). Uropoda clavipilis , n. sp., Rio Janeiro, p. 103, pi. x, fig. 3 ; bifilis , n.sp., Rio Janeiro, p. 104, pi. x, fig. 2 ; Canestrini (2). Discopoma modesta, n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 212, pi. xii, fig. 5 ; Berlese (2). Celceno truncata, n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 213, pi. xii, fig. 4; id. t. c. Uropodella, n. g., p. 214, laciniata, n. sp., Buenos Ayres, Rio-Apa, p. 214, pis. xii, fig 6, & xiii, fig. 10 ; id. t. c. Dinyclius inermis (Koch), on dunghills, pt. li, No. 8 ; id. (1). DinycJiella asperata , n. sp., pt. li, No. 9 ; id. t. c. Urosejus, n. g., pt. xlix, No. 8 ; acuminatus (Koch), pt, xlix, Nos. 3 & 4 ; id. t. c. Tyroglyphidad. Family characterized, p. 351 ; synopsis of genera, p. 354 ; Canestrini (1). Histiostoma, p. 354, muscarum (Schr.), p. 368, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2 ; iulorum (Koch), in putrefying substances, p. 730, pis. xxiv, fig. 1, & xxxi, fig. 1 ; pyllolrichum (Berl.), Padova, in rubbish, p. 372 ; fimetarum (Can. & Berl.), ACARIDEA. Arachh. 21 p. 373, pi. xxiv, fig. 2 ; feroniarum (Duf.), in rotting vegetable matter, p» 375 j id. t. g» Homopus , p. 354, sciurinus (Koch), p. 377 ; talpcs (Kr.), on the mole, p. 379, pJ. xxxv, fig. 3 ; id, t. c. Glyciphagus , p. 355, spinipes (Koch), decomposing animal matter, p. 381, pi. xxvii, fig. 1 ; domesticus (De Geer), p. 384 ; ornatus (Kram.), in moss, p. 385 ; intermedius (Can.), p. 386, pi. xxii, fig. 2; plumiger (Koch), in rubbish, p. 388, pi. xxviii, fig. i ; canestrini (Arm.), in rubbish, p. 389, pi. xxix, fig, 1 ; palmifer (F. & R.), in rubbish, p. 390, pi. xxvi, fig. 1 ; id. t. c. Glyciphagus palmifer (F. & R.), in dung, pt. li, No. 2 ; Berlese (1). Phycobius , p. 355, anonymus (Hall.), rotting substances, p. 392, pi. xxxv, fig. 1 ; Canestrini (1). Trickotarsus, p. 356, xylocopce (Donn.), on nest of Xylocopa violacea ; p. 394, pi. xxxvi, figs. 1-6 ; osmice (Duf.), p. 395 ; id. t.c. Histiogaster , p. 356, carpio (Kram.), in rotten fungi, p. 395, pi. xxxv, fig. 2 ; corticalis (Mich.), on bark, p. 397 ; id. t. c, Chortoglyphus , p. 356, nudus (Berl.), in hay, p. 398, pi. xxxiv, fig, 4 ; id. t.c. Aleurobius , p. 357, farince (De Geer), in flour, p. 399, pi. xxx, fig. 1 ; id. t. c. Tyroglyphus , p. 357, siro (Linn.), decomposing organic matter, p. 402, pi. xxxi, fig. 2 ; longior (Gerv.), p. 405, pi. xxxii, fig. 1 ; agilis (Can.), p. 408, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2 ; Tcrameri (Berl.), p. 410, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1 ; siculus (F. & R.), p. 412 ; minutus (Targ), p. 413 ; id. t. c. Tyroglyphus hrameri (Berl.), pt. xlix, No. 10 ; Berlese (1). Rhizoglyphus , p. 357, spinitarsus (Herm.), p. 413, pis. xxv, fig. 1, & xxxiii, fig. 1 ; Canestrini (1). TROMBIDIIDiE. Trombidium gymnopterorum (Linn.), n. var. brevitarsum , Mato-Grosso, Buenos Ayres, p. 177; perligerum , n. sp., Asuncion, p. 177, pi. v, fig. 3; mode8tum , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 178, pi. v, fig. 2 ; coarctatum , n. sp., Buenos Ayres, p. 179, pi. v, fig. 5 ; ophthalmicum , n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 179, pi. v, fig. 4 ; Berlese (2). Trombidium americanum , n. sp., Rio Janeiro, p. 100, pi. x, fig. 6 ; Canestrini (2). Trombella nothroides , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 180, pis. vi, fig. 2, & vii, figs. 6 & 7 ; Berlese (2). Bryobia (Koch) characterized, pt. 1, No. 10; speciosa (Koch), on plants, pt. li, No. i; id. (1). Rhyncholophus filipca , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 181, pi. vii, fig. 2 ; impectus , n. sp., Asuncion, Buenos Ayres, p. 182, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; gloriosus , n. sp., Asuncion, Buenos Ayres, p. 183, pi. v, fig. 1 ; pedestris , n. sp., Buenos Ayres, p. 183, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; calvescens , n. sp., Paraguay, Brazil, p. 184, pi. vi, fig. 3 ; id. (2). Rhyncholophus rubripes, n. sp., on Balanus balanoides, p. 754; Trouessart (3). 22 Arachn. APACHNJDA. Smaridia depilata, n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 185, pi. vi, fig. 4 ; Berlese (2). Raphignathus curtipilis J n. Bp., in moss, pt. 1, No. 4 ; id. (1). Cceculisoma , n. g., noar Rhyncholopkus ; tuberculatum , u. sp., Buenos Ayres, Asuncion, p. 186, pi. vi, fig. 1 ; id. (2). Scirus taurus (Kram.), in moss, pt. xlviii, No. 10, id. (1) ; n. var. bison , Mato-Grosso, p. 188, pi. vii, fig. 4 ; curtipalpis , n. sp., Buenos Ayres, p. 188, pi. vii, fig. 5 ; id. (2). Pseudocheylus, n. g., biscalatus , n. sp., Rio Apa, p. 189, pi. vii, fig. 3; id. t. c. Fupalus sanguineus , n. sp., on Balanus balanoides , p. 753 ; Trouessart (3). IxODIDiE. Amblyomma complanatum , n. sp., Rio-Apa, p. 191, pi. xiii, fig. 7 ; awo- nitens , n. sp , Rio-Apa, p. 192, pi. xiii, fig. 9 ; sculptum , n. sp., Mato-Grosso, p. 192, pi. xiii, fig. 8 ; Berlese (2). Ixodes reduvius (Chari.), on cattle, dogs, &c., pt. xlix, No. 6 ; id. (1), Ecemaphy sails micropla , n. sp., Paraguay, p. 104, pi. ix, fig. 3 ; Canes- TRINI (2). Ecemaphy salis marmorata, n. sp., pt. xlvii, No. 4; Berlese (1). Ripicephalus sanguineus (Latr.), on fox, pt. xlvii, No. 1 ; id. t. c. Argas rejlexus (Fabr.), on pigeons, pt. xlvii, No. 5 ; id. t. c. Eyalomma marginatum (Koch), syn. dentatum (Can. & Fan.), on wild boar, pt. xlvii, Nos. 2 & 3 ; id. t. c. Gonixodesy n. subg., rostralis , n. sp., Guanajuato, p. 129 ; Duges. Sarcoptidj:. Trouessart (1) describes the following : — Frey ana tarandus} n. sp., on IbiSy p. 333, pi. xxii, figs. 1 & 2 ; oblonga , n. sp., on Ibis hagedash, p. 334 ; marginata n. var. grandiloba, on llhynchops atra, p. 335, pi. xxii, figs. 3 & 4 ; manicata n. var. major , on Daption capensis, p. 336. Pterolichus grandis} n. sp., on Eydroch. fissipes , p. 337 ; simplex n. var. tyroglyphinuSy on Ey. leucoptera, p. 337 ; anomalus, n. sp., on Ibis carun- culata} p. 338 ; corystest n. sp., on Graculus carunculatus, p. 338 ; coccygei'y n. sp., on Aramus scolopaceus, p. 339 ; cornigery n. sp., on Psophia agami , p. 339, pi. xxii, fig. 5 ; naviculay n. sp., on MegapodiuSy p. 340. Pseudalloptes curtus (Trt.), on Megapodius, p. 341 ; quadratics (Trt.), on MegapodiuSy p. 341 ; thoracosathes, n. sp., on MegapodiuSy p. 342, pi. xxii, figs. 6 & 7 ; forficulay n. sp., on Ortalidia squamata , p. 343. Syringobia} n. g., chelopus , n. sp , on Totanus calidris , p. 344; tricalca - ratuSy n. sp., on Charadrius philippinuSy p. 345. Paralges deformiSy n. sp., on Schizorhis concolor , p. 346. Xoloptes minory n. sp., on Ortalidia squamata , p. 347 ; forcipatuSy n. sp., on Nothocercus sallcei , p. 348, pi. xxiii, fig. 4. Neumannia , n. g., p. 348, cheli/er , n. sp., on Nothocercus sallcei, p. 349, pi. xxiii, figs. 5 & 6. ACARIDEA. Ar acini * 23 Anasicudion, n. g., p. 349, landoisii (Buchh.), on Buoeros rhinoceros , p. 350, pi. xxiv, figs. 10 & 11. Dermoglyphus vermicidaris, n. sp., on Elcenea martinica, p. 351, pi. xxiii, fig. 3. Pteronyssus integer , n. sp., on Muscicapa griseola and Parus cristatus , p. 352, pi. xxiv, fig. 5 ; gracilipes , n. sp,, on Totanus calidris , p. 353 ; acres, n. sp., on Megapodius laperousei , p. 354. Mesalges , n. subg., p. 354, ahbreviatus (Buchh. )j on Buceros , p. 355 ; lyrurus , n. sp., on Buceros , p. 355; elephantopus , n. sp., on Buceros , p. 356, pi. xxiii, fig. 7 ; lyriodes , n. sp., on Dendrochelidon mystaceus , p. 357 ; spinosus, n. sp., on Buceros plicatus, p. 357, pi. xxiii, figs. 8 & 9 ; trucaticeps, n. sp., on Buceros rhinoceros , p. 358. Megninia effeminata , n. sp., on Mellirhophates leucostephus , p. 359, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-3 ; pappus , n. sp., on Manucodia atra, p. 359, pi. xxiv, fig. 4. Analges hoplophorus , n. sp., on Gracula robusta, p. 360. Protalges longitarsus, n. Sp., on Petazophora iolaia , p. 361 , pi. xxiv, fig. 7. Anallopies psophice, n. sp., on P sophia agami , p. 361 ; pallens , n; sp., on Porzana bailloni , p. 362, pi. xxiv, fig. 6. Xolalge8 described, p. 362 analginus (Trt.), on Toucans, p. 364 ; astacopodus , n. sp., on Chibia carbonaria , p. 364 ; spinosus, n. sp., on Todopsis cyanocepliala , p. 365. Allanalges bifoliatus , n. sp., on Megapodius freycineti , p. 366, pi. xxv, fig. 1. Pterocolus rotifer, n. sp., on Mellirhophates leucostephus, p. 366, pi. xxv, figs. 2 & 3. Alloptes corymbophorus, n. sp., on Ibis strictipennis, p. 367, pi. xxv, fig. 4 ; syringophorus, n. sp., on Manucodia atra, p. 368 ; lonchophorus , n. sp., on Mellirhophates leucostephus, p. 369 ; flaggellicaulus , n. sp., on Scolopax gallinago , p. 369. Pterodectes intermedius , n. sp., on Elcenea martinica , p. 369, pi. xxv, fig. 10 ; securidatus , n. sp., on Mellirhophates leucostephus , p. 370 ; reticulifer , n. sp., on Otocorys cornuta, p. 371, pi. xxv, figs. 6 & 7 ; pennifer, n. sp., on Notodela leucura , p. 371, pi. xxv, figs. 6 & 7. Criniscansor , n. g., criceti, n. sp., p. 234, pi. ii, figs. 1-3 ; Poppe. Cheyletus norneri, n. sp., on Sterna hirundo , p. 239, pi. ii, figs. 4 & 5 ; id. t. c._ Symbiotes avus (Tr.), on Passer, p. 134, fig. 1 ; Trouessart (2). Heteropsorus , n. g., pteroptopusy n. sp., on Emberiza , p. 137, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; id. t. c. Epidermoptes uncinatus (Rob. & Megn.), on Vidua paradisea, p. 141 ; bilobatus (Riv.), on fowls, p. 141 ; bifurcatus (Riv.), on fowls, p. 141 ; dermicola, n. var., on Passer, p. 144, pi. ii, figs. 4 & 6 ; cephalotes, n. sp., on Eulampis holosericeus , p. 145, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2 ; bihamatus, n. sp., on Porzana bailloni , p. 147, pi. iii, figs. 3 & 4 ; id. t. c. Pteroliclius ciconice (Can. & Berl.), on Oiconia alba, pt. xlix, No. 9 ; cultrifer (Rob. & Megn.), on Cypselus apus , pt. 1, No. 6 ; oblusus (Rob. & Megn.), n. var. curtus , on Coturnix saxatilis , No. 7 ; Berlese (1). A lloptes crassipes (Can.), on plovers, &c., pt. 1, No. 5 ; id. t. c. Myocoptes musculinus (Koch), on mice, pt. xlviii, No. 9 ; id. t. c. 24 Arachn . ARACHNIDA. Hydrachnid,®. Arrhenuni8 abbreviator, n. sp., Patavino, pt. li, No. 3 ; malleator , n. sp,f in ditches, Patavino, No. 4 ; buccinator (Mull.), Patavino, No. 5 ; Bek- lese (1) : affinis , n. sp., Karrasch-See, Koenike (1). Nescea furcata (Herm.), Veneto, pt. li, No, 6 ; Berlese (1) j uncata, n. sp. ; Koenike (2). Piona rufa (Koch), in ditches, Yeneto, No. 7 ; Berlese (1). , Eylais extenclem (Mull.), n. var. protendem, Buenos Ayres, p. 219 ; id. (2). Hydrackna globosa (de Geer) n. var. miliaria , p. 219 j id. t. c. NautaracTma asperrima , n. g. & sp., p. 64 ; Moniez. Halacarid^). Halacarus ctenopus (Gosse), on Lascea rubra , p. 754 ; inei'mis, n. sp., on Thuiaria thuiat p. 754 ; Trouessart (3). Rhombognathus, n. g., with Pachygnathus notops (Gosse), as type ; longirostrisT n. sp., on Lascea ruibi'a, p. 754 ; id. t. c. Copidognathus, n. g., p. 754, glyptodermar n. sp., p. 755 ; id. t. c. Leptopsali8 , n. g., longipes, n. sp., p. 755 ; id. t. c. Aletes, n. g., pascens, n. sp., p. 54, pi. iiy figs. 64 & 69 ; setosus, u. sp., p. 58, figs. 79 & 80 ; Loiimann. Halacarus murrayi , n. sp., p. 70, pi. ii, figs. 83 & 86 ; Jloridearumt n. sp., p. 72, pi. iii, figs. Ill & 115 ; balticus, n. sp.,p. 73, pi. iii, figs. 108 & 120 ; striatus, n. sp., p.74, fig. 117 ; spinipes , n. sp., p. 75, pi. iii, figs. 101 & 102 ; fabricii , n. sp., p. 79, pi. ii, figs. 81 & 82 ; loricatus, n. sp., p. 81 ; id. Leptognathus marinusi n. sp., p. 88, pi. iii, figs. 121 & 122 ; id. Agane, n. g., for Hal. parvus (Chilton) ; id. Palaeontology. Megameropsi8T n. g.„ of Trombidiidce , aquensis, n. sp., Aix, p. 435, pi. xx, fig. 1 ; Gourret. Pseudopachygnathus , n. g., of Trombidiidce, maculatus, n. sp., Aix, p, 437, pi. xx, fig. % •, id. PYGNOGONIDA. Sciumkewitscii, W. M. Ueber die von Prof, Chierchia wahrend der Erdumsegelung des Yettor Pisani gesammelten Pantopoden. Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersbg. Sect. Zool. xix, pp. 94-96 (printed in Russian). Saks, G. O. Pycnogonida borealia et arctica. Arch. f. math, og Naturv. xii, pp. 339-356. Pycnogonum crassirostre , n. sp., Norway, p. 340. Anoplodactylm typhlops , n. sp., Norway, p. 341. Pallene proclucta, n. sp., Norway, p. 342. PYCNOGONIDA — G IGANTOSTRACA. Ardchn. 25 Cordylochele , n. g., p. 343, type Pallene malleolata (Sars) ; lontjicolli n. sp., Lofoten la,, p. 344 ; brevicollis , n. sp., Vadsoe, p. 345. Nymphon microrliynchum , n. sp., p. 347 ; leptocheles , n. sp., Norway, p. 348 ; micronyx, n. sp., Matotschincharr, p. 350; longimanum, n. sp., p. 351. CJicetonymphon , n. g., for Nymphon hirtum (Fabr.) ; ' (Bell), sjnnosum (Goodsir) ; tenellum, u. sp., Finraarck, p. 353. Boreonympkon, n. g., for Nymphon rohustum (Bell), p. 354. TARDIGRADA. Plate, Ludwig, H. Beitrage zur. Naturgeschicbte der Tardigraden; Zool. Jahrb. iii, pp. 487-550, pis. xx-xxii. The first part of the paper treats of the anatomy and histology of the group ; the blood, alimentary, generative, excretory, muscular, and tiervous systems being discussed separately. Part ill deals with classification : — Table of genera, pp. 528 & 529. Echiniscus (C. Sch.), = Emydium (Doy.), p. 529; table of species, p. 530 ; hellermanni (Sch.), creplini (Sch.), spinulosus (Doy.), victor (Chr.), granulatus (Doy.), p. 531, filamentosus , n. sp., testudo (Doy.), muscicola , p. sp., aculeatus , n. sp., actomys (Sch.), hiunguis (Sch.), p. 532, similis , n. sp., p. 533 ; n. subg. Eschiniscoides, for sigismundi (Sch.), p, 533. Ly della (Duj.), p. 533 ; dujardini , p. 533* Macrobiotus , p. 533 ; table of species, p. 534 ; oberhauseri (Doy.), intermedins , n. sp., hufelandii (Sch.), p. 535, tetradactylus (Grf.), macronyx (Duj.), schultzei (Greef), tuberculatus} n. sp., p. 536. Doyerid, n. g. ; simplex , n. sp., p. 537. • Diphascon , u. g., p. 537 ; chilenensef n. sp., p. 538. Milnesium, p. 538 ; tardigradum (Doy.), alpigenum (Shr.), p. 538. The last part of the paper deals with the question as to the position to be assigned to this group in the animal kingdom. GIGANTOSTRAOA. Clarke, J. M. The Structure and Development of the Visual Area in the Trilobite, Phacops rana. Journ. Morph, ii, 1888, pp. 253-270. Foerste, A. E. Notes on Palaeozoic Fossils. Bull. Denison Univ. iii, pp. 117-137. Lichas halli , n. sp., p. 118, pi. xiii, fig. 4 ; tomentosus (Conrad), p. Ii8, pi. xiii, fig. 8 ; breviceps (Hall), pi. xiii, fig. 21. Phacops serratus, n. sp., p. 126, pi. xiii, fig. 1. Hall, J., & Clarke, J. M. Geological Survey of the States of New York. VII. Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung, and Catskill Groups. Albany & New York : 1888. An elaborate treatise on the Crustacea (including Trilobites, Eury- pterida, and Limulidce ) from the above deposits. All the species recorded 26 Arachn. ARAOHNIDA. are figured and described in full, with complete synonymy. The genera of Trilobites are characterised, with figures of typical species, pp. xxi- xlix ; the genus Protolimulus , on p. xlviii ; and Styloneurus ( Eurypterida ), on p. li. The following species of Trilobites described as new : — Brontem tullius , p. 12. Phacops cristata n. var. pipa, p. 18. Dalmanites ( Hausmannia, n. subg., p. 28), phacoptyx, p. 31 ; Coronura, n. subg., p. 33 ; comis , p. 41 ; barrisi, p. 48 ; Corycephalus , n. subg., p. 55; pygmceus, p. 56 ; anchiops n. var. sobrinus , p. 62. Acidaspis callicera , p. 69, romingeri, p. 71. Lichas hispidus , p. 77 ; hylceus , p. 81; contusus , p. 83; ( Ceratolichas , n. subg.) gryps, p. 84 ; dracon , p. 85. Dicranogmus ptyonui'us , p. 86. Pruetus curvimarginatus , p. 94 ; latimarginatus , p. 97 ; folliceps, p. 101 ; microgemmat p. 109 ; stenopyge, ovi/rons, p. 110 ; delphinulus, p. Ill ; tumidus, p. 113 ; jejunus , p. 124 ; nevadce , p. 129. Phaethonides arenicolus , p. 134 ; varicella , p. 135 ; gemmceus, p. 136 ; cyclurus , p. 137. Cyphaspis stephanophora} p. 142 ; diadema , hybrida, p. 144 ; craspedota , p. 148 ; ccelebs, p. 151. Herrick, C. L. The Geology of Licking County, Ohio. Pt. iv. The Subcarboniferous and Waverloy Groups. Bull. Denison Univ. iii, pp. 13-110. Phillipsia meramecensh (Shum.), p. 28, pi. xi, fig. 3 ; shumardi (Herr.), p. 29, pi. ii, fig. 22; precursor , n. sp., p. 29, pi. xii, fig. 1. Matthew, G. F. On Psammichnites and the early Trilobites of the Cambrian Rocks in Eastern Canada. Am. Geol. ii, pp. 1-9. Mitchell, J. On a new Trilobite from Bowning. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii, pp. 397-399 [pi. xvi, figs. 7-12, of vol. ii]. Acidaspis longispinis , n. sp., from the middle and upper Trilobite beds of Bowniug. Remel^, A. Richtigstellung einer auf die Phacopiden-Species Homalops altumii , Rem., beziiglichen Angabe. Z. geol. Ges. 1888, p. 586. Sampson, F. A. Notes on the Subcarboniferous Series at Sedalia, Mo., with descriptions of two New Species of Carboniferous Trilobites, by A. W. Yogdes. New York : 1888, 8vo. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. vii, p. 246. Phillipsia sampsoni, n. sp., Waverley Series, Sedalia, p. 3 (248). Grijfithides (?) sedaliensis , n. sp., Waverley Series, Sedalia, p. 4 (249). Stainier, X. Note sur un Trilobite nouveau et sur les Pentamerus des Calcaires d’Hum&^e. Ann. Soc. gdol. Belg. xiv, p. 75, Dechenella striata , n. sp. Yogdes, A. W. The Genera and Species of North American Car- boniferous Trilobites. Ann. N. York Ac. iv, pp. 69-105, pis. i-iii. ProetuSy p. 74. pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2 ; missouriensis (Shum.), syn. shumardi (Herrick), p. 75, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; longanensis (Hall), p. 78 ; peroccidens GIOANTOSTBACA. Arachn. 27 (Hall), p. 79 ; tennesseensis (Winch.), p. 80; trinucleatus (Herr.), p. 81, pi. ii, figs. 7-9; ellipticus (M. & W.), p. 82, pi. iii, fig. 3. Phillipsia , p. 83, pi. ii, figs. 4, 10 & 11 ; perannulala (Shum.), p. 84 ; cliftonensis (Shum.), p. 84 ; major (Shum.), p. 85, pi. iii, fig. 14 ; missou * riensis (Shum.), p. 8G, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2 ; meramecemis (Shum.), syn. howi (Bill.), vindobonensis (Hartt), p. 86, pi. iii, fig. 15 ; insignia (Winch.), p. 87 ; stevemoni (M.), p. 88, pi. iii, fig. 6 ; vindobonensis (Hartt), p. 89 ; doris (Hall), p. 90; rock/ordensis (Winch.), p. 91 ; howi (Bill.), p. 91 ; iuberculata (M. & W.), p. 92. Griffithides, p. 93, pi. iii, figs. 3, 5, G, & 12; portlockii (M. & W.), p. 93, pi. iii, fig. 9 ; bufo (M. & W.), p. 95, pi. iii, figs. 4, 5, & 10 ; scitula (M. & W.), p. 97, pi. iii, figs. 11, 12, & 13 ; singamohen&is (M. & W.), p. 99, pi. iii, figs. 7 & 8 ; gramdutus (Weth.), p. 101. Brachymctopus , p. 102, pi. ii, fig. 13 ; lodiensis^ p. 102. Walcott, C. D. Cambrian Fossils from Mount Stephen, North-West Territory of Canada. Am. J. Sci.(3) xxxvi, p. 161. Notes concerning the nomenclature of certain Trilobites recorded by Dr. Rominger from this Region. Wigand, G. Ueber die Trilobiten der Silurischen geschiebe in Mecklen- berg. Z. geol. Ges. 1888, p. 39. Phacops stokesi (M.-Edw.), syn. elegans (Sars), p. 40, pi. vi, fig. i ; downingice (Murch.), p. 41, pi. vi, figs. 2 & 3 ; dubius (Steinh.), p. 42, pi. vi, fig. 4 ; exilis (Eichw.), p. 43, pi. iv, fig. 5 ; panderi (F. Schm.), pi. vi, fig. 6 ; recurvus (Lin.), syn. Homalops altumii (Rem.) ; brogniarti (Brt.), p. 44, fig. 7 ; bucculenta (Sjogr.), p. 45, pi. vi, fig. 8 ; wrangeli (F. Schm.), p. 46, pi. vi, figs. 10 & 11 ; maxima , n. sp., p. 47, pi. vi, figs. 12 & 13 ; maerura (Sjogr.), p. 49, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; conicophthalma (Srs.), p. 51, pi. vii, fig. 2 ; toesenbergensis (F. Schm.), p. 52, pi. vii, fig. 3; eich- waldi (F. Schm.), pi. vii, fig. 4 ; tumida (Ang.), p. 53, pi. vii, fig. 5 ; marginata (F. Schm.), p. 54, pi. vii, fig. 6. Lichas illcenoides (Niesk.), p. 54, pi. vii, fig. 7, and p. 57, pi. vii, p. 8 ; holmi (F. Schm.), p. 58, pi. vii, fig. 9 ; tricuspidata (Beyr.), p. 59, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; proboscidea (Dam.), p. 64, pi. viii, figs. 2 & 3 ; pachyrliina (Dalm.), p. 65 ; dejiexa (Sjogr.), p. 66, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; cicatricosa (Lov.), p. 67, figs. 5 & 6 ; nasuta , n. sp., p. 69, fig. 7 ; gibba (Ang.), p. 70, fig. 8 ; illceniformis, n. sp., p. 71, fig. 9 ; triconica (Dam.), p. 72. Illcenus chiron (Holm.), p. 73, pi. ix, figs. 1 & 2 ; crassicauda (Wahl.), p. 74 ; parvulus (Holm.), p. 74, fig. 6 ; sinuatus (Holm.), p. 75, fig. 3 ; fallax (Holm.), fig. 9; linnarssoni (Holm.), p. 76, figs. 4 & 5 ; centrotus (Dalm.), p. 77, fig. 7 ; schmidti (Niesk.), p. 78 ; three unnamed species on pp. 78 & 79. Cheirurus exul (Beyr.), p. 80, pi. x, fig. 1 ; spimdosm (Niesk.), p. 81, fig. 2 ; pseudohemicranium (Knt.), p. 82, fig. 6; granulatus (Ang.), p. 83, fig. 7 ; tumidus (Ang.), p. 84, figs. 8 & 9 ; cephaloceros (Niesk.), p. 85, figs. 10 & 11 ; variolaris (Lin.), p. 86, fig. 12. Sphccrexochus mirus (Beyr.), p. 87, pi. x, fig. 13. Amphion fischeri (Eichw.), p. 87, pi. x, fig. 14. 28 Arachn. ARACHNIDA. Cybele bellatula (Dalm.), p. 88, pi. x, fig. 15 ; coronata (F. Schm.), p. 89, fig. 16 ; grewigki (F. Schm.), p. 89, fig. 17 ; worthi (Eichw.), p. 90, fig. 18. Encrinurm punctatus (Wahl.), p. 91, fig. 23 ; obtusus (Ang.), p. 92, fig. 24 ; lievis (Ang.), p. 92, fig. 25. Acidaspis mutica (Emmr.), p. 93, figs. 19 & 20 ; ovuta (Emmr.), p. 99, figs. 21 & 22. Woodward, H. On the Discovery of Trilobites in the Upper Green (Cambrian) Slates of the Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda, near Bangor. Q. J. Geol. Soc. 1888, pp. 74-78, pi. iv. [Abstract in Ann. N. H. (6)i,p. 60.] Conocoryphe viola , n. sp., with notes concerning its affinities with Paradoxides , Asaphus , Ogygia , Niobe , Angelina , and Olenus. . Note on Eurypterus from the Carboniferous. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 419-421. Notes on E. scabrosus (H. Woodw.), and a comparison between it and allied species, especially E. mansjieldi (Hall). E. wilsoni, n. sp., Coal- measures, Radstock, Somersetshire, described and figured. Myr. 1 MYRIOPODA. BY R. Innes Pocock. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, &c. Blanchard, M. R. [On the Phosphorescence of Geophilus]. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, p. 186. The author is of opinion that the luminous matter is either a liquid or mucilaginous substance which is easily spread by rubbing. Gazagnaire, J. La phosphorescence chez les Myriopodes. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii, pp. xciii-xcv. A preliminary notice of the following paper. . La phosphorescence chez les Myriopodes. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 182-186. The light-giving material appears to be contained in a cutaneous secretion from glandular organs, which are ventral in position. Heathcote, F. G. The post-embryonic development of Julus terrestris. Phil. Tr. clxxix, pp. 157-179. The development of the nervous system, heart, tracheae, and eye is described ; and some notes are given concerning the relationship of the Chilopods and Diplopods to Peripatus and the Archipolypoda. Kingsley, J. S. The Classification of the Myriopoda. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 1118-1121. Treats of the affinities between the Diplopoda, Chilopoda , and Ilexapoda. Prenant, O. Observations cytologiques sur les 616ments s6minaux de la Scolopendre. Bull. Soc. Nancy (2) ix, pp. xxx & xxxi ; also Cellule, iii, p. 415. Observations based upon Scolopendra morsitam and a species of Lithobius. Saint-R^my, G. Recherches sur le cerveau de l’Jule. C.R. cvi, pp. 618-620. A detailed account of the structure of the brain in Julus sabulosus and J. maritimus. 2 Myr. MYRIOPODA. [Saint-R^MY, G.] Sur la structure du cerveau chez le Scorpion et la Scolopendre. Bull. Soc. Nancy (2) ix, p. xxxi. On the structure of the brain of Scolopendra morsitans. Schaufler, B. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Chilopodcn. Anz. Ak. Wieu, 1888, v, pp. 44-46. Treats of the reproductive organs of Lilliobius , Cryptops , and Geophilus. Schulze, F. E. Lebende Tausendfiisse aus der Gattuug Spirostreptus. SB. uat. Fr. 1888, p. 110. TITLES OF FAUNISTIO AND SYSTEMATIC PAPERS. Beulese, A. Acari, Myriopoda, et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Pts. XLVi-Li. Padova: 1888. Bollman, C. H. (1) A Preliminary List of the Myriopoda of Arkansas, with Descriptions of New Species. Ent. Am. iv, pp. 1-8. . (2) Notes upon a Collection of Myriopoda from East Tennessee, with a Description of a New Genus and Six New Species. Ann. N. York Ac. iv, pp. 106-112. . (3) Descriptions of Fourteen New Species of North American Myriopods. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, pp. 617-627. * . (4) A preliminary List of the Myriopoda of Arkansas, Little liock. Little Rock, Ark. : 1888, 8vo [cf. Zool. Anz. xii, p. 155]. Karsch, F. (1) Zwei neue Myriopoden von Ecuador. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 29-31. ■ — . (2) Yerzeichnis der von Hern E. v. Oertzen in den Jahren 1884 u. 1885 in Greichenland und auf Kreta gesammelten Myriopoden. T. c. pp. 220-224. Latzel, R. Die vom k. k. oberartze Dr. Justyn Karl inski in Jahro 1887 in Bosnien, der Ilerzegowina, und in Novibazar gesammelten Myriopoden. Verb. z.-b. Wien, 1888, pp. 91-94. Pocock, R. I. (1) On the Genus Theatops. Ann. N. H. pp. 283-290. f — — . (2) Description of Scolopendra valida, Lucas, with notes on allied species. T. c. pp. 335-340. (3) Contributions to our Knowledge of the Myriopoda of Dominica. T. c. pp. 472-483. 9 species, 6 being new. . (4) On the Myriopoda, Arachnida , and Land Crustacea of Christ- mas Island. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 556-560. DISTRIBUTION, CHILOrODA. Myr. 3 DISTRIBUTION. Europe. Italy. Berlese. Greece and Crete. Karsch (2). Bosnia , Herzegovina , and Novibazar. Latzel. N. America. Indiana , &c. Bo elman (3). Arkansas. Bollman (1). East Tennessee. Bollman (2). Dominica. Pocock (3). Ecuador. Karsch (1). Christmas I. (Indian Ocean). Pocock (4). A species of Scolopendra recorded from the Canary Is., Bushire, and Socotra ; Pocock (2). CHILOPODA. Lithobiid;e. Lithobius grossipes (C. Koch) n. var. bosnensis ; validus (Mein.), var. punctulatus (C. Koch) ; spiniger , n. sp., Bosnia, p. 93 : Latzel. Lithobius ( Archi .) branneri , n. sp., p. 107 ; ccecus , n. sp., p. Ill ; similis, n. sp., p. 112, East Tennessee; Bollman (1): macrops , n. sp., Athens, Morea, p. 221 ; Karsch (2). Lithobius eigenmanni} n. sp., British Columbia, p. 625 ; atkinsoni , n. sp., Jackson County, p. 625 ; tyrannicusi n. sp , Indiana, p. 626 ; Bollman (3) : pinguis , n. sp., Little Rock, p. 7 ; celer , n. sp., Arkansas, p. 7 ; cedipes, n. sp., Little Rock, p. 8 ; id. ( 1). Lithobius forjicatus (Linn.), Italy, pt. xlvi, No. 9 ; borealis (Mein.), italy, pt. xlvii, No. 7 ; piceus (L. Koch), Lombardy, &c., No. 8 ; eximius (Mein.), Italy, No. 9 ; calcaratus (C. Koch), Italy, No. 10 ; pusillus (Latz.), Florence, pt. xlix, No. 1 ; audax (Mein.), Florence, No. 2 ; Berlese. S COLO PEN DRI DAL Scolopendra characterized, pt. xlvi, No. 10 ; dalmatica (C. Koch), Sardinia, Mediterranean Is., No. 3 ; clavipes (C. Koch), Italy, Sicily, No. 4 ; Berlese. Scolopendra valida (Lucas), from Canary Is., Bushire, and Socotra, described, p. 336 ; prasina (C. Koch), syn. nitida (Porath), p. 338 ; viridi - cornis (Newp.), syn. punctidens) variegata , cristata (Newport), p. 339 ; gigas (Leach), syn. giganlea (Newport), p. 339 ; synopsis of these 5 species, p. 340 ; Pocock (2) : alternans (Leach), syn. grayii, complanata , multi - spinata (Newport), Dominica, p. 472 ; id. (3). Otostigma cormocephalinum , n. sp., Dominica, p. 473, pi. xvi, fig. a ; Pocock (3). MYRIOPODA. 4 Myr . Otostigma kervillei , n. sp., Ecuador, p. 29 ; productum , n. sp., St. Thomas, p. 30 ; muticum, n. sp., Peru, p. 31 ; Karsch (1). Synopsis of Neotropical species of the genus, p. 30 ; id. t. c. Opisthemega erythrocephalum (C. Koch), Tergestino, pt. xlvi, No. 8 ; Berlese. Theatops (Newp.), syn, Opisthemega (Wood), characterized, p. 287 ; postica (Say), syn. postica (Newp., Wood), erassipes (Meinert), p. 289, pi. xvi, figs. 6—10 ; Pocock (1). Cryptops characterized, pt. xlvii, No. 6 ; Berlese. Cryptops hortensis , Leach, Christmas I, ; inermipes , n. sp., Christmas I., p. 556, fig. 1 ; Pocock (4). All the N. American so-called species of Cryptops are referable to hyalinus (Say); Bollman, (1) p. 6. Scolopocryptops meinerti , n. sp., ? syn. Sc. miersii (Meinert), Dominica, p. 474 ; Pocock (3). Geophilid^i. Chcrtechelyne vesuviana (Newp.), Italy, Sardinia, pt. xlvi, No. I ; Berlese. Himuntarium characterized, pt. xlviii, No. 5, gabrielis (Linn.), Italy, No. 6 ; id. Stigmatog aster characterized, pt. xlviii, No. 8, gracilis (Mein.), Italy, pt. xlvi, No. 7 ; id. Schendyla characterized, pt. xlviii, No. 4, nemorensis (0. Koch), Yeneto, pt. xlvi, No. 6 ; id. Geophilus condylogaster (Latz.), Florence, pt. xlviii, No. 7 ; id. Geophilus oweni, n. sp., Indiana, p. 623 ; calif orniensis, n. sp., California, p. 624 ; Bollman (3) : okolonce , n. sp., Okolona, p. 5 ; id. (1). Geophilus tenuitarsis , n. sp., Dominica, p. 475, pi. xvi c ; Pocock (3). Synopsis of some N. American species of Geophilus, p. 623 ; Bollman (3). Dignathodon mici'ocephalum (Lucas), Apulia, Sardinia, pt. xlvi, No. 5, Berlese. Linotcenia robusta (Mein.), Arkansas, p. 4 ; branneri , n. sp., Little Rock, p. 4 ; Bollman (1). Mecistocephalus castaneiceps (Haase), recorded from Christmas I., p. 558; Pocock (4). Scolioplanes characterized, pt. xlviii, No. 3, erassipes (C. Koch), Italy, pt. xlvi, No. 2 ; Berlese. f Scolioplanes gracilis, n. sp., East Tennessee, p. 110; Bollman (2). DIPLOPODA. PoLYDESMIDiE. Polydesmus testi , n. sp., Indiana, p. 619 ; branneri , n. sp., Tennessee, p. 620 ; Bollman (3) : minor , n. sp., Little Rock, p. 2 ; pinetorum , n. sp., Arkansas, p. 3 ; id. (1). Paradesmus dasys , n. sp., Baltimore, p. 619; id. (3). diplopoda. Myr. 5 Fontaria evides , n. sp , Tennessee, p. 621 ; rubromarginata, n. sp., Jack- son County, p. 622 ; montana , n. sp., Tennessee, p. 622 ; id. t. c. Strongylosoma semirugosum, n. sp., Dominica, p. 477 ; list of the American species of the genus, p. 478 ; Pocock (3). Cylindrodesmus , n. g., near Strongylosoma , hirsutus, n. sp., Christmas I., p. 559, fig. 2 ; id. (4). Sphceriodesmus pudicius, n. sp., Okolona, p. 3 ; Bollman (1). Chordeumid^;. Striaria , n. g., granulosa , n. sp., East Tennessee, p. 108 ; Bollman (2). Craspedosoma carinatum , n. sp., East Tennessee, p. 109 ; id. t. c. ; atro- lineatum , n. sp., British Columbia, p. 618 ; id. (3) ; flavidum , n. sp., Okolona, p. 2 ; id. (1). Craspedosoma mutabile (Latz.), Yeneto, pt. xlviii, No. 2 ; Berlese. J ULIDJ3. Julus podabrus n. var. bosnensis , Bosnia, p. 94 ; Latzel. Julus ( Typhloiulus ) chrysopygus , n. sp., Florence, pt. 1, No. 8 ; Berlese. Julus ( Mesoiulus ) vulnerarius , n. sp., Florence, pt. xlviii, No. 1 ; id. Paraiulus ectenes , n. sp., Orange County, p. 617 ; zonatus) n. sp., Washington, p. 618; Bollman (3). Spiro strejit us ( Nodopyge ) exocceti, n. sp., Christmas I., p.560 ; POCOCK (4); dominicanus, n. sp., Dominica, p. 478 ; id. (3). Spirobolus paraensis (Sauss.), Dominica, p. 479 ; dominica n. sp., Dominica, 481; Pocock (3); (Rhinocricus) spinipodex, n. sp., Ecuador, p. 29 ; Karsch (1). PROTRACHEATA. Bell, F. J. A Forgotten Species of Peripatus [ Peripatus quitensis , Schmarda]. Rep. Brit. Ass. lvii, pp. 769 & 770 ; 7joo\. (3) xii, p. 109. Fletcher, J. J. Note on some Living Specimens of Peripatus leuclcarti , Sanger. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iii, p. 872. Variation in colour pointed out. Niciiolls, H. A. A. Fauna and Flora of the Lesser Antilles. (On Peripatus of Dominica.) Nature, xxxviii, p. 566. Peripatus ( juliformis ?). Olliff, A. S. Note on a Specimen of Peripatus found at Cassilis, N.S.W. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii,p. 981. . Peripatus in New South Wales. Zool. (3) xii, p. 69. Occurrence of P. leuclcarti (Sanger) at Cassilis, New South Wales. 6 Myr. MYRIOPODA. Sclater, W. L. On the Early Stages of the Development of South American Species of Peripatus. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, pp. 348-303. An account of the early stages of development of a species of Peripatus from Demarara — Peripatus imthurmi , n. sp. Sheldon, L. Notes on the Anatomy of Peripatus capensis and Peripatus novce-zelandice. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, pp. 495-499. The differences between P. capensis , P. novce-zelandice , and P. edwardsii pointed out. . On the Development of Peripatus novce-zelandice. Op. cit. xxix, pp. 283-293. Early stages of the development of this species described, and a com- parison made between it and P. capensis. Sedgwick, A. The Development of the Cape Species of Peripatus. Op. cit. xxviii, pp. 373-396. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 409 & 410.] A description of the changes presented during the course of develop- ment from stage G. to birth. . A Monograph on the Species and Distribution of the Genus Peripatus (Guilding). Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, pp. 432-493, 12 pis. The genus characterized, p. 436 ; capensis , Table Mountain, p. 441, pis. xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, & xxxviii, figs. 27 & 28 ; balfouri , n. sp., Table Mountain, p. 450, pis. xxxvii, figs. 9 & 10, & xl, fig. 24 ; brevis (Blainv.), Table Mountain, p. 452 ; moseleyi , n. sp., Williamstown, p. 453, pi. xxxvii, fig. 8 ; novce-zelandice (Hutton), New Zealand, p. 456, pis. xxxvii, fig. 7, & xxxix, fig. 17 ; leuckarti (Sanger), Queensland, p. 463 ; edwardsii (Ernst. & Gaffron), Caracas, p. 467, pis. xxxvii, fig. 6, & xxxviii, figs. 12 & 13 ; demerara?iusi n. sp., Maccasseema, p. 474 ; trinidadensis (Kennel) and torquatus (Kennel), Trinidad, p. 477 ; juliformis (Guilding), St. Vincent, p. 478 ; chiliensis , n. sp., Chili, p. 479. The paper also contains remarks upon many doubtful species. Ins. 1 IN SECT A. By D. Sharp. The most important systematic works dealing with the Insects of the whole world are again, in 1888, to 'be found under Ortliopterci , viz., Brunner yon Wattenwyl (112), and Saussure (791, 792) ; the second of Do Saussure’s memoirs, besides describing a large number of new gonora and spccios, discusses somo points of mimicry and the musical apparatus of Orthoptera. Reuter’s (736) laborious work on the synonymy of Rhynchota is accompanied by a statement} of his opinions on some points of nomenclature. Faunistic works are again extensive. Skuse (841 ) has commenced a series of memoirs on the Diptera of Australia, a subject that has been hitherto greatly neglected : his work deserves special notice, not only for the reason mentioned, but also because he has, in due course, first taken in hand the minute Gall-flies [and Midges ; these are very numerous, and are mostly described as new. Scudder (820) has apparently determined to say all that may be said of general interest about the Butterflies of New England, and has thus included a considerable quantity of matter that would not have been misplaced in a book with less restricted faunistic limits. Godman & Salvin’s work on the Natural History of Central America (319) has made much progress in the order Coleopterci. Rostock & Kolbe’s tables for the determination of the Neuroptcra of Germany (778) will probably be found useful by other European Neuropterists. In Anatomy and Physiology some valuable works have appeared. Grassi, in his memoir (329) on Thysanura , discusses several points of importance and general interest, such as the phylogeny of Insecta , the classification of Ncuroptera , and whether the I'hymrmrajavQ primitive or degonerato Insects. Rath (712) and Ruland (786) treat of tho organs of sense, the latter giving particulars about the structures existing on the antennae, while Rath, in his investigations, includes also the trophi. Patten continues his studies of “eyes” by a memoir (662) on their development in the larva of Acilius ; and Plateau (674, 675, 676) has published an account of experiments made with the object of ascertaining what the functional powers of the optic organs really are. 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 1 2 Ins. INSECTA. Emery’s paper (230) on the trituratory or suction-crop of Ants deserves attention, as does also Cuccati’s (172) on the brain of a Fly. Fritze (289) deals with an interesting subject, viz., the condition of the alimentary canal in the perfect Insect of Ephemeridce ; and Graber (325), under the terms polypody and pantopody, speculates whether, in ancestral Insects, additional, or all of the, segments of the body were furnished with legs. Other important memoirs on embryological ques- tions are given by the same author (324), Henking (370), and Will (930). Papers by Deichmuller (178) and Oppeniieim (642) on the fossil Insects of the lithographic stone of Bavaria describe numerous additional forms, besides revising the systematic positions of some previously described by Germar and others. A new periodical of a useful and interesting character, serving as a sort of link between economic and general entomology, has been commenced in America under the title of Insect Life. ✓ The Recorder will feel greatly obliged by any omissions or important errors being pointed out to him, so that they may, as far as possible, be remedied in the next volume. Several new stations of economic entomo- logy have been, ho understands, established in the United States of North America, and some of them publish reports ; but these ho has not seen in any library to which he has access. I. —TITLES.* Abeille de Perrin. [See Heyden (374).] 1. Allard, E. Syuopsis des Galerucines h corselet sillonne transver- salement. lr° partie. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 305-332. [ Coleoptcra.~\ 2. . Diagnoses de Col&optercs nouveaux du genre Monolepta. Le Nat. (2) ii, pp. 260, 270, & 286. 3. Alpiieraki, S. Neue Lepidopteren. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 66-69. 4. Amans, P.-C. Comparaisons des organes de la locomotion aquatique. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) vi, pp. 1-192. Pp. 122-126 describe the leg of Dytiscus. 5. Andri£, Ed. Species des Hymenopth-es d’Europo ot d’Algdrie. hi. pp. 105-248, pis. iii-vii & xiv. These parts of the 3rd volume form the 27th and 30th fascicules of the work, and continue Spheyides. For the other parts published during 1888, see Marshall (555). 6. . Le nid du Lasias fuliginosus. Le Nat. (2) i, pp. 33-36, woodcuts. [Hymenoptera.~\ 7. . Les metamorphoses de V Otiorhynchus picipes. T. c. p. 65, woodcuts. [ Coleoptera.~\ * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. TITLES. Ins. 3 8. [Andr$, Ed.] Le3 metamorphoses de YEumolpus vilis. T. c. pp. 96-98, woodcuts. [Colcoptera.] 9. — . La mouche it scie du groseiller. Nematus ribesii. T. c. pp. 133 & 134, woodcuts. [ Hymenoptera .] 10. . Les nids des Megachiles. T. c. pp. 165 & 166, woodcuts. [Hymenoptera,'] 11. Antessanty, Gr. d\ Description d’un Lygeide nouveau de la Loire- infdrieure. Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 383. [ Rhynchota .] 12. ArOAR, E. A. Some observations on the Anatomy of Oicada septen- dccem , Linn. J. Trenton Soc. i, pp. 43-46. [ Rhynchota .] Describes the mechanism of the male genitalia. 13. Arnaud, — , & Brogniart, C. Sur une Cigale vesicante de la Chine et du Tonkin. C.R. cvi, pp. 607-609. 14. Arnold, N. Apum mohileviensium species parum cognitse vel imperfecte descriptro. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 202-206. [Hymeno- ptera.] 15. Asiimead, W. H. A proposed natural arrangement of the Ilymeno- pterous families. P. E. Soc. Wash. pp. 96-100. 16. . Descriptions of three new Eucharids from Florida, with a generic table of the Eucharince. Ent. Am. iii, pp. 186-188. [ Hymenoptera .] 17. . Descriptions of new Florida Chalcids belonging to the sub- family Encyrtince. Op. cit. iv, pp. 15-17. [ Hymenoptera .] 1 8. — — . A revised generic table of the Eurytominccy with descriptions of new species. Pt. i, t. c. pp. 41-43. [ Hymenoptera .] This table includes 1 1 new genera : the new species are to follow in another part. 19. * . A proposed classification of the Hemiptera. T. c. pp. 65-69. Analytical tables are given of the divisions of families ; and a “genea- logical tree ” of Insects. 20. . A revised generic table of the Chalcidince. T. c. pp. 87 & 88. [Hymenoptera.] No species are assigned to the two new genera. 21. . A generic synopsis of the Cicadidce. T. c. pp. 140 & 141. [Rhynchota.] 22. . Descriptions of some new genera and species of Canadian Proctotrupidce. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 48-55. [Hymenoptera.] 23. . An interesting new Chalcid from Canada. T. c. p. 65. [Hymenoptera.] 24. . Descriptions of some new North American Chalcididce. T. c. pp. 101-107. [Hymenoptera.] 25. . On the Chalcideous Tribe Chiropachidcs. T. c. pp. 172-176. [Hymenoptera.] 4 Ins. INSECTA. 26. [Ashmead, W. H.] Description of a new species of Orthesia from California. T. c. pp. 202-204. [Rhynchota.] 27. Atkinson, E. T. Note on the rice-juice sapper of Madras. P. A. S. B. 1887, pp. 4-7. [Rhynchota.] 28. . Notes on Indian Rhynchota : Heteroptera. No. 4, J. A. S. B. lvii, pt. 2, pp. 1-72 ; No. 5, t. c. pp. 118-184. 29. ° Augustin, C. H. Wegweiser fur Kafersammler. 2nd ed. Ham- burgh : 1886, 228 pp., figs. A book for beginners; cf. Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 115. 30. Aurivillius, C. Bidrag till kannedomen om vara solitara getingars lefuadssatt. (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1888, pp. 605-611. [ Hymenoptera .] 31. . Om Myggors forekomst i sala grufva. Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 97-101. [Dipt era.'] 32. . Arrhenophagus , ett nytt slagte bland Encyrtiderna. T. c. pp. 142-147, pi. i. [Hymenoptera.] 33. . Die Rrachyceriden-G attung Theates Fahr und ihre Arten. T. c. pp. 149-154. [Coleoptera.] 34. Autran, E., & Reuter, O.-M. Hemiptera Amurensia. Novas species descripsit O.-M. Reuter. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 199-202. 35. Baker, G. T. Descriptions of some now species of Lepidoptera from Algeria. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 117-121. 36. . Descriptions of some new species of Micro- Lepidoptera from Algeria. Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 254-256. 37. Ballion, E. Kurza Notizen liber einige russissche Blaps- Arten. ii. Artikel. Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 269-276. [Coleoptera.] 38. Baly, J. S. Yiaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regioni vicino. xm. List of the Hispidce , together with descriptions of some of the new species. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 653-666. [Coleoptera.] 39. . Descriptions of some genera and species of Galerucince. J. L. S. xx. pp. 156-188. [ Coleoptera .] 40. . Descriptions of three new Phytnphaga from the East. Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 85. [Coleoptera.] 41. Bancroft, J. An inquiry into the maize disease of the Caboolture district. P, R. Soc. Queensl. iii, pp. 108-111. [Lepidoptera.] 42. Barrett, C. G. Climatic and local variation in our Butterflies. Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 79-83. [Lepidoptera.] 43. Bartlett-Calvert, W. A new species of Cyclopides from Chili. T. c. p. 34. [Lepidoptera.] 44. Bates, H. W. On a collection of Coleoptera from Korea (Tribes Geodephaga , LamelUcornia, and Longicornia ), made by Mr. J. II. Leech, F.Z.S. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 367-380. 45. . On some new species of Coleoptera from Kiu-Kiang. T. c. 1888, pp. 380-383. TITLES. Ins. 5 46. [Bates, H. W.] Tropical African Coleoptera ; chiefly from the Zanzibar mainland. Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 200-203 & 237-242. . [See also Godman & Salvin (319).] 47. Latr. (sens, natur.), monographisch boarbeitet. Ann. Hof museum Wien, iii, pp. 161-194, pis. viii & ix. 270. Ferrari, P. M. Elenco dei Rincoti sardi cho si trovano nella colleziouo del Museo Civico di Gouova. Ann, Mus. Gonov. (2) vi, pp. 545-570. [ Rhynchota .] 271. Ficke, H. A1 pen wander ungen von Schmetterlingen. Soc. Ent. ii,p. 163. 272. Fielde, A. M. Notes on an aquatic Insect, or Insect-larva, having jointed dorsal appendages. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 129 & 130, pi. viii. No suggestion is made as to the name or affinities of the Insect. 273. . On an Insect-larva habitation. T. c. p. 176. TITLES. Ins . 19 274. Fisciier, — . Gharinotes richteri , nov. spec. B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 490. [Coleoptera.] . 275. . Drei neue Anthonomus. T. c. pp. 487-489. [ Ooleoptera .] 276. . Gasterocercus richteri , nov. spec. T. c. p. 154. [Coleoptera]. 277. Flach, C. Fiinf neue Trichopterygier. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 101-103. [Coleoptera.'] 278. Forties, S. A. On the present state of our, knowledge concerning contagious Insect diseases. Psyche, v, pp. 3-12. 279. . A new parasite of the Hessian Fly. T. c. pp. 39 & 40. [Hymenoptera.] 280. Forel, A. Appendices & raon memoire sur les sensations des Insectes. Rec. Z. Suisse, iv, pp. 516-522. Remarks on recent memoirs, and account of some fresh observations on Ants, with their eyes covered by pigment. 281. . Ameisen aus den Sporaden, den Cykladen, und Griechenland, gesammelt 1887 von Herrn v. Oertzen. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 255-265. [ Hymenoptera .] 282. Fowler, W. W. The Coleoptera of the British Islands. Parts xiv-xxiv. London : 1888. These parts include vol. ii, pp. 161-444, completing Staphylinidce} and vol. iii, pp. 1-160 ( Glavicomia ). 283. . Description of a new specios of the Coleopterous genus Languria, Notos Loyd. Mus. x, p. 159. 284. . Migration of Insects. Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 204 & 205. Brief particulars obtained from Mr. Cordeaux as to the appearance of Insects at lighthouses. 285. Fream, W. On the Hessian Fly, or American Wheat-midge, Cecidomyia destructor , and its appearance in Britain. Rep. Brit. Ass'. 1887, pp. 767 & 768. 286. French, G. H. Some new Noctuidce . Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 69-71. [Lepidoptera.] 287. Friedlaender, B. Eine Aberration von Argynnis paphia. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 491-494. [ Lepidoptera .] Advocates the use of Lepidoptera for purposes of experiments con- cerning heredity. 288. Friese, II. Die Schmarotzerbienen und ihre Wirthe. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 847-870. [Hymenoptera.] 289. Fritze, A. Ueber den Darmkanal der Ephemeriden. Ber. Freib. Ges. iv, pp. 5-24, pis. ii & iii. The alimentary canal in the perfect Insect — notwithstanding its brief life — is not rudimentary, but takes on altered functions. Noticed in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 206. 20 Ins. INSECTA. 290. Fromholz, C. Ueber Missbildungen bei Schmetterlingen besonders der Schmetterliugsfiiigel. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Insekten. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 225-232, pi. ii. [Lepidoptera.] 291. Fumouze, A. Sur 1* Fluechys sanguinea ( Cicada sanguinolenta, d’OHvior). O.R. cvi, pp. 759-7G2. [ Uhynchotu .] 292. Gadeau, H. de Kerville. L ' Aphelochirus cestivalis , Fab. ( Mini - ptdre Mt&roptere'). .Le Nat. (2) i, pp. 199 & 200, woodcut. 293. Gaiian, C. J. Descriptions of a new Genus and of some new Species of Longicorn Coleoptera of the Family Lamiidce , obtained by Mr. C. M. Woodford, in the Solomon Islands. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 190-193. 294* • On Longicorn Coleoptera of the Family Lamiidce. T. c. pp. 270-281, pi. xvi. 295. — * — . On new Longicorn Coleoptera from China. Op. cit. ii, pp. 59-67. 296. -■ v— . Descriptions of some Indian species of Longicorn Coleoptera. T. c, pp. 260-263. 297. . On new Lamiide Coleoptera belonging to the Monokammus Group. T. c. pp. 389-401. 298. . Description of a new species of the Longicorn Genus Cyrio- ci'ates. T. c. p. 450. [Coleoptera.] 299. . On the Coleoptera of Christmas Island. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 538-541. 20 species of almost as many genera. 300. . Notes on some types of North American Cerambycidce in the British Museum. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 299 & 300. [ Coleo- ptera.] Additional notes on the same subject are added by Horn. 301. Gallois, J. Catalogue des Coleopteres de Maine-et-Loire. Bull. Soc. Angers, xvii, pp. 269-328. Extends to Ilydrophilidce. 302. Ganglbauer, L. Ueber einige Pnonws-Arten. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 265-268. [ Coleoptera .] 303. . Ein neuer Drymochares aus dera Kaukasus. T. c. p. 398. [ Coleoptera .] 304. . Eine neue Phytcecia , Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, p. 376. [ Coleoptera .] 305. . Yon Herrn E. Konig in Turcmenien gesammelte Bupredulen und Oerambyciden. T. c. pp. 192-198. [ Coleoptera .j . [See also Heyden (375), and Oertzen (631).] 306. Gerstaecker, A. Weitere Beitnige zur Artenkenntniss der Neuropteru Megaloptera. MT. Yorpomm. xix, pp. 89-130. TITLES. Ins . 21 307. Gestro, R. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. iv. Nuove specie di Coleotteri. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 87-132. This is preceded by a brief account of Fea’s route, and some remarks on the Insects of other orders met with. 308. — vi. Nuove specie di Coleotteri. Decade in. T. c. pp. 171-184. 309. Giard, A. Sur le Silpha opaca , L.. insecte destructeur de la betterave. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 554-558. [Coleoptera.']. 310. ■. Nouvelles remarques sur le Silpha opaca , L. T. c. pp. . 615-618. 311. — — . Note sur deux types remarquables d’Entomophthor^es. T. c. pp. 783-787. Particulars as to the attacks of fungi on several species of Insects. 312. ■, Sur quelques Entomophthor^es. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. (3) i, pp. 298-309. 313. Gilson, G. Etude compare de la spermatog^nese chez les Arthro- podos. (Troisictne partie. — Conclusions.) La Cellule, iv, pp. 77-88, pi. xvi. 314. Girsciiner, E. Dipterologische Studien. (Beitrag zur Dipteren Fauna Thiiringens), pp. 97-100, pi., & pp. 225-234. Ent. Nachr. xiv. 315. Glaser, L. Zur Beobachtung der weissen Nacht Kerze als Schmetterliugsfalle. T. c. pp. 53-55. 316. . Einige erweiternde und berichtigende Nachtrage zu dem Catalogus Coleopterorum et Lepidopterorum. T. c. pp. 170-174. 317. . Ueber verschiedene hergebrachte Fehlernamen undFalscher- klarungen in der Lepidopterologie. T. c. pp. 136-143. 318. Gleissner, H. Beobachtungen an einigen Schmetterlingen inson- derheit an Bombyx pini. Soc. Ent. iii, p. 89, &c. [Lepidoptera.] Account of appearance and disappearance of some Lepidoptera near Berlin. 319. Gopman & Salvin. Biologia Centrali- America. Parts lxv-lxxii. London. The progress made with Insecta in 1888 has been as follows : — Lepidoptera JRhopalocera, by Godman & Salvin, vol. ii, pis. lvii & lviii. Coleoptera, vol. ii, pt. 1, pp. 97-256, pis. iii-vi : Silphidce , Oorylophidee , Trichopterygidce , Sphtcriidce , Scaphidiidcef by A. Matthews ; Histeridie , by G. Lewis ; Phalacridcc , by D. Sharp. Coleoptera , vol. ii, pt. 2 : Lamellicornia , by H. W. Bates, pp. 161-336, pis. ix-xvii. Coleoptera vol. iv, pt. 1 : Heteromera , by G. C. Champion, pp. 353- 476, pis. xv-xx, extending to Monomtnidce. Coleoptera , vol. vi, pt. 1 : Phytopkagat by M. Jacob y, pp. 585-625, pis. xxxiii-xxxv, and Supplement, pp. 1-80. 22 Ins. INSECTA. Coleoptera, vol. vii, by H. S. Gorham, pp. 49-112, pis. iii-vi : Erotylidce. Hymenoptera , by P. Cameron, vol. i, pp. 433-4G6, pis. xviii-xx ; vol.ii. pp. 1-32, pis. i & ii. Diptera , vol. ii, by F. M. van der Wulp, pp. 1-40, pis. i & ii. In notice issued with pt. lxxiii, the Editors state that, up to this part, the number of species of Insec ta examined and catalogued for the work reaches nearly 15,000; of these, upwards of 7500 have been described in the work for the first time, and a very large number of them have been figured. 320. Godman, F. D., & Salvin, O. New species of Butterflies collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford, in the Solomon Islands. Ann. N. H. (G) i, pp. 90-101. \Lepidoptera .] 321. & . New species of Butterflies collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford, in the Solomon Islands. T.c. pp. 209-214. [ Lepidoptera .] 322. Gorham, H. S. On Erotylidce of the Leyden Museum. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, pp. 129-151, pi. vii. [Coleoptera.] 323. . A new species of the Coleopterous family Endomychidce. T. c. p. 152. . [See also Godman & Salvin (319).] 324. Grader, V. Ueber die primare Segmentirung des Keimstreifs der Insekten. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 345-368, pis. xiv & xv. Describes the early development in several species, gives his views on the nature of the entoderm, the number of somites in the various parts of the body, &c. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 941. 325. . Ueber die Polypodie bei Insekten-Embryonen. Op. cit. xiii, pp. 586-615, pis. xxv & xxvi. Refers more particularly to Hydrophilus , Gryllotalpa} and Melolontha , and considers it most probable that the supplementary embryonal appendages were formerly true legs. Summary in J. R. Mici\ Soc. 1888, p. 568. 326. Graef, E. L. A new species of Hyparpax. Ent. Am. iv, p. 58. [Lepidoptem.'] 327. Graeser, L. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Lejndopteren-FnunsL des Amurlandes. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 33-153 & 309-414. A list of nearly 1000 species, with localities, seasons, and remarks, as well as descriptions of novelties ; preceded by an account of the localities visited and the species predominant therein. 328. Grandidier, A. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique, de Madagascar. Vol. xxii. Histoire naturelle des Coleopteres par M. Kunckel d’Herculais. Tome ii. Atlas. lrQ partie. Paris : 1887, 25 pis. The corresponding text "has not yet been received. TITLES. Ins. 23 329. Graski, B. Anatomia comparata dei Tisanuri e considerazioni generali sull* organizzazione dogli Insetti. Atti Acc. Rom. (4) iv, pp. 543-606, pis. i-v. [ Neuroptera .] Besides a number of details of structure, this discusses some philo- sophical points of considerable interest. 330. . Re e regine di sostituzione nel regno delle Termiti. . Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, pp, 139-147. [Neuroptera.'] 331. . Ersatzpaar bei den Termiten. Zool. Anz. xi* p. 63. [ Neuro - ptera.] 332. . Weitere Mitthoilungen iiber die Ersatz-Konige und Konig- innen im Reiche der Termiten. T. c. pp. 615-618. 333. . La Pulce del cane ( Pulex serraticeps , Gerv.) 6 l’ordinario ospit.e intermedio della Tamia cucumerina. Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, p. 66. 334. & Calandruccio, S. Ueber einen Echiuorhynchus, welcher auch in Menschen parasitirt und dessen Zwischenwirth ein Blaps ist, CB. Bakt. Parasit. iii, pp. 522-525. 335. Griffiths, A.B. On the Malpighian tubules of Libellula depresea, P. R. Soc. Ediub. xv, pp. 401-403. “In the mature Dragon-fly the Malpighian tubules function as true kidneys.” 336. . Researches on the problematical organs of the Invertebrata. Op. cit. xiv, pp. 230-237. - Relates to renal organs, salivary glands, and " liver.” 337. Griffiths, G. C. Experiments upon the color-relation between the pupae of Pieris rapes and their immediate surroundings, by George C. Griffiths ; described and summarised by W. White. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 247-267. [Lepidoptera.] Though carried out from an independent standpoint, these observations confirm Poulton’s conclusions. 338. Grill, C. Svampbilduingar hos Insekter. Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 19-27. 339. Grote, A. R. The origin of ornamentation in the Lepidoptera , Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 114-117. 340. . Characters of protection and defence in Insects. T. c. pp. 154-156. 341. . A chapter on the structure of Butterflies and Moths. Rep, E. Soc. Ont. xviii, pp. 72-82. Discusses briefly several interesting matters indirectly connected with Lepidopterology. 342. . The classification of the Bombycidce. Second paper, Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 166-170 ; third paper, t. c. pp. 181-185; fourth paper, t. c . pp. 221-225. [ Lepidoptera .] For some remarks on these papers, cf. Smith, t. c. pp. 236-238. 24 Ins+ INSECTA. 343. [Grote, A. R.] Some new Noctuidce. T. c. pp. 128-131. [Lepido- pteraJ] 344. Groult, P. Les larvos des Cottopttres. Le Nat. (2)i, pp. 108, 1 22? & 179, woodcuts. 345. Grouvelle, A. Viaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XI. Cucvjides. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 624-629. [ Coleoptera .] 346. . Nouvelles esp&ces d 'Uebnides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viiiy pp. 393-410, pis. vii & viii. [ Coleoptera 347. Grove, E. B. Striated muscle-fibre of the head of Harpalus cali- ginosusy Fab. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. iv, pp. 28-32. 348. Grum-Grshimailo, G. Nov® species et varietates Rhopalocerorum e Pamir. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 303-307. 349. Guillebeau, F. Notes pour servir h l’etude des Pselaphiens. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 203-220 & 368-380. [ Coleoptera .] 350. Gumppenberg, C. v. Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis. Zweiter Theil. N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. lii, pp. 125-255. Extends to the end of Eupithecia ( Eucosmince ). 861. . Boitrage zur Kenntniss dor Gattung Erebia, Dalm. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 365-393. \_Lepkloptera.] 352. Haase, E. Zur Kenntniss von Phengodes. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 145-167, pis. i & ii. [ Coleoptera .] Describes the sexes of a new species, the $ being completely larviform, and discusses the various luminous unidentified larvae of S. America. 353. . Tonausserung von Argiva. C.B. Iris, i, pp. 337 & 338. [Lepidoptera.] 354. . Dufteinrichtungen indisclier Schmetterlinge. Zool. Anz, xi, pp. 475-480. [ Lepidoptera.~\ 355. . Duftapparate indo-australischer Schmetterlinge. hi. Nach- trag und LJebersicht. C.B. Iris, i, pp. 281-336. [. Lepidoptera. ] Consists of three parts : I, particulars as to presumed scent-organs in many genera of Rhopalocera \ u, shorter notes as to some species of Heterocera ; hi, a classification of the organs by tabulation of the groups in which they occur. Summary, Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 347-350. 356. Hacker, L. Atome zur Biologie der Kafer. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 49-56. Coleoptera .] 357. Haij, B. Bidrag till kannedomen om Acrid iodeernas yttre mor- phologi sarskildt med hansyn till do skandinaviska formerna. Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xiii, Afd. iv, No. 9, pp. 1-14, pi. [ Orthoptera .] Discusses sternum, wings, secondary sexual characters, outer parts of organ of hearing, 358. . Chelidura albij)ennin , Meg., och Oh. acanthopygia , Geu., tvanne for sveriges fauna nya Forficidinci. Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 119-122. [ Orthoptera .] TITLES. Ins. 25 359. EJagen, H. A. Stray Notes on Myrmeleonidce. Part 4, Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 34-38, 57-60, 72-74, & 93-97 ; Part 5, t. c . pp. 185-191 & 204-211. [Neuroptera.] 360. . Monograph of the Ilemerobidce. Part II. P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, pp. 276-292. [Neuroptera.] Deals with the genus llicromus. 361. . Three species of Hemerobius from Chili. T. c. pp. 565 & 566. 362. . On the genus Sympetrum , Newman. Ent. Am. iv, pp. 31-34. [ Neuroptera .] 363. -. Unsere gegenwartige Kenntniss der Ephemeren. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 221-232. [ Neuroptera .] 364. Hamilton, J. Natural history notes on Coleoptera. No. 4. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 61-67. 365. . Catalogue of the Myrmophilous Coleoptera , with Bibliography and notes. T. c. pp. 161-166. Restricted to the N. American fauna. 366. Handlirsch, A. Die Bienengattung Nomioides , Schenck. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 395-405, pi. x. [ Uymenoptera,] 367. . Die Hummelsammlung des k. k. naturhistorischen Hof- museums. Ann. Hof museum Wien, iii, pp. 209-250, pi. x. [. Hymehoptera.] 368. . Monographic der mit Nysson und Bcmbex verwandten Grab- wespeu. ii. SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, Abt. I, pp. 219-311, pis. i & ii. [Hymenoptera .] 369. Heller, K. M. Die postembryonalen Entwicklungsstande des Dermestes peruvianus , Cast. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 157-160. [Coleoptera.] 370. Henking, H. Die ersten Entwicklungsvorgange im Fliegenei und freie Kernbildung. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 289-336, pis. xxiii-xxvi. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 573. 371. Hensciiel, G. Megachile villosa , ein biologischer Beitrag. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 321-323. [Hymenoptera.] 372. Henslow, G. The origin of floral structures through Insect and other agencies. International Scientific Series, vol. 63. London : 1888. Reviewed in Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 141. 373. IIeyden, L. von. Ueber die von L. Conradt aus dem Alai-Gebirge mitgebrachten Coleopteren. Beitrag xn. Mit Beitragen von J. Faust. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 39-44. 374. . Kafer vom Cilischen Taurus. T. c. pp. 68-71. [Coleoptera.] 375. . Neue und interessante Coleopteren aus Malatia in Mesopo- tamien : unter Mitwirkung der Ilerren L. Ganglbauer und Dr. G. Kraatz. T. c. pp. 72-78. 26 Ins. INSECTA. 376. [Heyden, L. von.] Coleopterologisch - synonymische Notizen. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 215 & 216. 377. , & Faust, J. Beitrage zur Klein-asiatischen Coleopteren- Fauna. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 45-47. 378. Heylaerts, F. J. M. Une Pay chide inddite de l’Afrique. C.R. Ent. Belg. xxxii, p. lix. [Lepidoptera.] 379. Noctuelle in^dite de l’ile de Sumatra. T. c. p. lxi. [ Lepido - ptera,.] 380. Hoffmann, A. Die Lepidopteren-Pmmo. der Moorgebiete des Ober- harzes. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 133-199. Relates to the moors in the upper part of the Hartz Mountains, at an elevation of about 800 metres. Gives particulars as to the locality, a list of 357 species, with remarks as to seasons, food-plants, peculiarities, &c., and concludes with some generalisations as to the peculiarities of the fauna. The Lepidoptera exhibit some melanism. 381. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Butaliden. T. c. pp. 335-347, pi. i. [ Lepidoptera.'] Describes and figures the sexual characters of eight species. 382. Holmijeiig, E. L. Sobre Apidos Nomadaa de la Ropublica argentina. Oontinuacion. An. Soc. Arg. xxvi, pp. 118-132. [Hymenoptera] 383. . Yiaje & Misiones. Las abejas sociales indigenas. Cap. xvi. Pp. 252-288. [ Hymenoptera .] 384. Holmgren, A. E. Ora vatteninsekter sasom formedlare af vissa mindre djurs ofverflyttniug till S. K. “ bryou ’’ eller vattengropar. Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp, 107 & 108. 385. Honrath, E. G. Neue Phopalocera. vn. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 247-252, pi. v. [ Lepidoptera^ 386. . Wenig bekannte Tagfalter. T. c. pp. 253 & 254. \_Lepido- ptera.'\ 387. . Einige Yarietiiten, Abnormitiiten, Monstrositaten, und Her- maphroditen von Lepidopteren. T. c. ppr 495-500, pi. vii. 388. . Kreuzungen zwischen verschiedenen Parnassius- Arten und deren muthmassliche Folgen. T. c. pp. 501-503. [ Lepidoptera .] 389. Hopffgarten, M. von. Agonum hirthleri} n. sp. Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 177. [ Ooleoptera.~\ 390. Hormuzaki, C. von. Beitrage zur Kaferfauna der Bucovina und Nordrumaniens. T. c. pp. 1-9, 21-31, 34-41, 67-77, 93-96, 105-110, 148-156, 161-169. [ Coleoptera .] 391. Horn, G. H. Review of the species of Pleocoma , with a discussion of its systematic position in the Scarabccidce. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 1-18, pis. i & ii. [ Coleoptera .] 392. — Pleocoma , Lee., its systematic position and indication of new species. Ent. Am. iii, pp. 233-235. [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins . 27 393. [Horn, G. H.] Descriptions of the larvae of Glyptus , Vlatypsylla , and Polyphylla. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 18-26. . [Coleoptera .] He agrees with Leconte in considering Vlatypsylla to be a Coleopterous Insect of the Clavicorn series, 394. . Miscellaneous Coleopterous studies. T. c. pp. 26-48. . [See also Gaiian (300) and Jacoby (413).] 395. Horvath, G. Un genre nouveau d ' Hemipteres du Brasil. Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. -75. 396. . Materiaux pour servir & l’etude des H6miptfaes de la faune pal&irctique. T. c. pp. 168-189. 397. . Uebersicht der europaischen Cymus- Arten. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 309 & 310. [ Rhynchota .] 398. Howard, L. O. A brief consideration of certain points in the morphology of the family Chalcididce. P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 65-74. [. Hymenoptera .] 399. . The Clialcid genus Rileya. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 191-195. \Hymenoptera.~\ This is not the samo as Rileya splendens , Ashmead. [Of. Ashmead, t. c. p. 229.] 400. — — . Further concerning external Spider-parasites. Ins. Life, i, p. 106, fig. 21. [ Hymenoptera.~\ 401. -. The Peach- twig Moth and its parasite. T. c. pp. 196 & 197. [ Hymenoptera .] 402. . The Chinch Bug : a general summary of its history, habits, enemies, and of the remedies and preventives to be used against it. Washington : 1888, 48 pp. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. No. 17. This is the same paper as that contained in Riley’s Report (ef. 754), but with a different pagination and without the plates. 403. Huguenin, G. Fauna insectorum Helvetige. Diptera. Family Tipulidce, Schiner. Schaffhausen : 1888, pp. 1-73. Published in connection with MT. schw. ent. Ges. The groups, genera, and species are tabulated in detail, and figures of the wings given. 3 new species are described without names. 404. Hulst, G. D. New species of Geometridce . No. 4. Ent. Am. iii, pp. 213-217. [Lepidoptera.] 495. . Notes on Gcometridai. No. 4. Op. cit. iv, pp. 49-51. \Lepidoptera.] 406. . New genera and species of Epipaschice and Phycitidce. T. c, pp. 113-118. [LepidopteraJ] 407. . The faunal limits of the United States. T. c. p. 70. 408. Inc n bald, P. Lasioptera cerealis , Lind. Ent. xxi, pp. 193-197, [Dipteral] 28 Ins. INSECTA. 409. Jacobsen, O. Lidfc om St. Hans-Ormenes Levemaade. Ent. Med. pp. 212-214. [ Coleoptera. ] 410. Jacoby, M. Descriptions of new or little-known species of Phyto- phagous Coleoptera from Africa and Madagascar. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 189-205, pi. vii. 411. . Some new species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Brazil (Colony Blumenau). Notes Leyd. Mus. x, pp. 153-160. 412. . Descriptions of new species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Kiu-Kiang (China). P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 339-351. 413. . Notes on some N. American species of Halticince (Group Monoplati). Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 302 & 303. [ Coleoptera .] Supplementary notes are added by Horn. . [See also Godman & Salvin (319).] 414. Jacquet, E. Nouvelle espece fran9aise de Gymnetron. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. xcvii, [ Coleoptera .] 415. . Nouveau genre de Curculionides frau9ais. T. c. pp. cxliii & cxliv. [ Coleoptera .] 416. Jakowlew, A. Quelques nouvelles especes des mouches a scie do l’empire Ruse. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 368-375. [ Hymenoptera .] 417. James, F. L. The unknown horn of Africa. London: 1888, pp. xiv & 322. This reproduces Butler’s paper and plate on “ from Somali- Land ” (1884). 418. Janson, O. E. On some species of Cetoniidce from the Loo Choo Islands. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 194-196. [Coleoptera.'] 419. . Description of a new Cetoniid. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 207. [Coleoptera.] 420. . Descriptions of new Cetoniidce. T. c. pp. 107-117. [Coleo- ptera.] 421. . On the male sex of Argyripa subfasciata, Rits., and descrip- tion of a new species of the Cetoniid genus Allorhina. T. c. pp. 118-120. [ Coleoptera .] 422. Joannis, L. de. Descriptions do genres nouvcaux et especes nouvelles de Lipidopteres. lre partie. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 271-274. 423. Jordan, K. Anatomie uud Biologie der Physapoda. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 541-620, pis. xxxvi-xxxviii. [Thysanoptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 203 & 204. 424. Jordan, R. C. R. Melanism in Birmingham and South Devon. Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 102 & 103. [Lepidoptera.] 425. Jourdain, S. Sur le Machilis maritima. C.R. cvi, pp. 623-625. [Neuroptera.] Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 408. TITLES. Ins. 29 42G. Jourdiieuille, C. Notes Lepidoptcrologiques. lere partie. Ann. Soc. Ent. Ft*. (G) viii, pp. 63-68. 427. Karsch, F. Die Meconemiden. Ein orthopterologischer Beitrag. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 159-162. 428. . Orthopterologische Beitrage. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 415-463, pi. iv. Chiefly devoted to a revision of the P h finer opterides of Africa and Madagascar. 429. . Wemenbornia, eine neue Orthopteren- (Phaneropteriden) Gattuug aus Deutsch-Westafrika. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 65-67. 430. . Zwei neue Mecopoda- Arten ( Orthoptera ). T. c. pp. 145-148. 431.. . Beitrage zu Bolivar’s Monografia de los Pirgomorfinos. T. c. pp. 328-335, 340-346, & 355-361. [Orthoptera.] 432. . Eine Stelzenwanze als Zerstorerin des Zuckerrohres auf Java. T. c. pp. 205-207. [Rhynchota.] 433. Kennel, J. von. Ueber eine Art Acentropus. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, pp. 297 & 298. [Lepidoptera.] 434. Kerremans, Ch. Essai monographique du genre Sternocera, Eschscholtz. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. 47-100, pi. i. [ Coleoptera .] 435. . Baprestides du mus£e de Calcutta. C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, pp, lxiii-lxix. [ Coleoptera .] 436. ^Kessler, H. F. Weite^e Beobachtungen und Untersuchuugen liber die Reblaus, Phylloxera vastatrix , Planchon. Cassel : 1888, 58 pp. Of. Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 188. 437. Kieffer, J. J. Ueber Gallmiicken und Muckengallen. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 95-114. [Dipteral] i. Beschreibungen neuer Gallmiicken Arten. n. Erganzungeu zur Beschreibung einiger schon bekannten Arten. hi. Ueber neue oder wenig bekannte Muckengallen deren Erzeuger noch unbekaunt sind. 438. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gallmiicken. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 200-205, 243-249, 262-268, & 310-314. [Diptera.] 439. Kirby, W. F. On the Insects (exclusive of Coleoptera and Lepido- ptera) of Christmas Island. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 546-555. . [See also Smith, H. G. (854).] 440. Kissling, H. Beitrage zur Insektenfauna der Umgebung von Tubingen I. Die bei Tubingen vorkommenden Wasserjungfern ( Odonaten ). JH. Yer. Wiirtt. xliv, pp. 209-231. [Near op ter a.] Descriptions of 31 species, and particulars of their occurrence. 441. KlapAlek, F. Untersuchungen iiber die Fauna der Gewasser Bohmens. I. Metamorphose der Trichopteren. Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5, pp. 1-64, illustrations. [ Neuroptera .] 30 Ins. INSJUCTA. 442. Kohl, F. K. Neue Hymenopteren in den Sammlungen de3 k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, hi. Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 133—136, pis. iii & iv. 443. . Zur Hymenopteren- fauna Tirols. T. c. pp. 719-734, pl.xxi. 444. . Die Orabroneu dor Section Thy reopus , Lop. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 543-590, pi. xiv. [ Uymenoptera .] 445. Kolbe, J. Die geographische Yerbreitung der Neuroptera und Pseudoneuroptera der Antillen, nebst einer Ubersicht uber die von Herrn Consul Krug auf Portoriko gesammelten Arten. Arch. f. Nat. liv, i, pp. 153-178, pi. xiii. 446. . Mittheilung uber den “Atlas der Thierverbreitung ” von Professor Dr. William Marshall, nebst Bemerkungen zu den uber die Insekten ( Goleopteren u. Lepidopteren) kandelnden Karten. Ent. Nacbr. xiv, pp. 124-128. 447. . Ueber lokale Abanderung weit verbreiteter Thiere. T. c. pp. 177-186. [Cf. Reitter, t. c. pp. 252-254.] 448. . Die Zerstorung der Lebbekalleen von Kairo durch Xystro- cera globosa , Oliv. T. c. pp. 241 & 242. [Coleoptera.'] 449. . Troctes silvarum, n. sp., cine im Freien lebende Vorwandto der Staublaus. T. c. pp. 234-236. [ Neuroptera .] 450. . Zur Naturgeschichte der Phryganeci grandis und andere Triehoptera. T. c. pp. 295-299. 451. . Afrikauische Coleoptera des koniglichen Museums fur Natur- kunde zu Berlin, i Theil. T. c. pp. 305-309. 452. . Zur Kenntniss von Insektenbohrgangen in fossilen Holzern. Z. deutsche geol. Ges. xl, pp. 131-137, pi. xi. [ Coleoptera .] I. Ein Stuck Braunkohlenholz aus einem Braunkohlenflotz bei Zschip. kau in der Nieder-Lausitz. n. Zwei Gegenstucke verkieselten Holzes aus einer Ablagerung des Senon bei Sahil Alma im Libanon. . [See also Rostock & Kolbe (778).] 453. Konow, F. W. Zwei neue Blattwespen-Arten. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1888, pp. 187-193. [. Uymenoptera .] 454. . Die Blattwespengattung Allantus , Jur. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 209-220. \_lIymenoptera.\ 455. Kowaiiz, F. Notizen zu den europaischen Arten der Dipteren- Gattung Gonia , Mg. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 1-18. 456. Kuaatz, G. P8eudolimn(eum eichoffi , eine neue doutsclio Art. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 365 & 366. [ Coleoptera .] 457. . Ueber die Gattung Cyphonotus , Fisch., und einige ihr ver- wandte neue russische Mclolonthiden-Genern. T. c. pp. 205-208. Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins. 31 458. [Kraatz, GL] Uober die siidamerikanische Gymnetis pantherina , Burm., und die mit ihr verwochseltcn und verwandten Arten, T. c. pp. 295-300, pi. v. [Coleoptera.] 459. . Porphyrobapta, nov. gen. T. c. p. 411. [ Coleoptera .] 460. . Eine neue Charadronota- Art, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die bekannten Arten. T. c. pp. 413 & 414. [Coleoptera^ 461. — : — . Pilinopyga , eiue neue Cetoniden- Cattung. T. c. p. 415. [ Coleoptera. ] 462. . Ueber Goliathus atlas Nickerl, und die Varietaten des Goliathas cacicus , Yoet. T. c. pp. 26P-272, pi. vi. [ Coleoptera .] 463. . Ueber die Tenebrioniden-G attungen Microdera, Esch., und Dardanea. T. c. p. 294. [ Coleoptera .] 464. . Zwei neue Blaps von Alai (Turkestan). T. c. pp. 195-197. [ Coleoptera .] 465. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Coleopteren- Fauna Koreas von H. J. Kolbo und Dr. L. v. Heyden kurz besprochen von. T. c. pp. 199-204. Critical remarks on Kolbe’s paper, with some synonymy. 466. . 1st Rhizophagus paralldolocollis wirklich ein Leichen- freund ? T. c. pp. 191 & 192. . [ Coleoptera .] Concludes that it is not. 467. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pachyrrhynchus- Arten. T. c. pp. 25-32. [Ooleoptera.] . [See also Heyden (375).] .468. Kraatz-Kosciilau, A. v. Die neuen Umtaufungen und Ausgra- bungen alter Namen und Beschreibungen der Ceroglossus- Gruppe. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 85—127. [ Coleoptera .] A discussion of synonymical points, which the Recorder has not attempted to summarize ; but pp. 124-127, give a list of the species and varieties. 469. Krassilstciiik, — ;. La production industrielle des parasites vdgdtaux pour la destruction des insectes nuisibles. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. (3) i, pp. 461-472. 470. Krauss, H. Orthoptera duo nova ex insula Lesina Dalmatian Wien, ent. Z. vii, pp. 117 & 118. 471. . Beitrage zur Ortliopteren- Kunde. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 567-576, pi. xv. 472. ICrieciibaumer, J. Neue Ichncumonhlen des Wiener Museums. Ann. Hof museum Wien, iii, pp. 23-36. [ Hymcnoptera .] 473. . Exetastes alpinus. Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 354. [ Hynienoptera .] 474. . IchneumonidenSiudiQn. 12, t. c. pp.' 9-16 ; 13, 14, 15, pp. 278-283. [Hymenoptcra. ] 475. . Pimpliden- Studien. 17-20, t. c. pp. 337-340. \TIynienoptera.) 32 Ins. INSECTA. 476. [Krieciibaumer, J.] Zur Kenntniss der Gattung Euceros. T. c. pp. 197-200. [Hym enoptera.] 477. Kronfeld, M. Zur Blumenstetigkeit der Bienen und Humraeln. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 785 & 786. [ Uymenoptera .] 478. °Kuiin, J. Ueber oiner noue Krankheit der Kiimmelpflanze. Berliner Tagblatt, 1887, ix, Nr. 45, p. 265. Particulars of attacks of Chlorops glabra , on Carum carui. Cf. Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 111. 479. Kunckel d’Herculais, J. Les Acridiens en Alg^rie. Le Stauro - notus maroccanus et ses depredations. La Nature, xvi, pp. 71-74 & 305-310. 480. . Distribution g^ographique des insectes Coleopteres ii Mada- gascar. Comparaison de sa faune avec celle des autres regions du globe. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xvi, pt. 2, pp. 680-692. . [See also Grandidier (328).] 481. Kusta, J. Neue fossile Arthropoden aus dem Noeggerathien- schiefer von Rakonitz. SB. bohm. Ges. 1885, pp. 592-597. A few remarks on Hexapods. 482. . O Blattine^z lupkov4ho uhli z Tremosne u Plzne. Op. cit. 1888, pp. 387-393. 483. Kuwert, A. Generaliibersicht der Philydrus- Arten Europas und der Mittelmeer-fauna. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 273-293. [Coleo- ptera .] 484. . Generalubersicht der Hydrtenen der europaischen Fauna. T. c. pp. 113-123. [ Coleoptera .] 485. . Uebersickt der Berosus- Arten Europas, der Mittelmeer- Fauna und der angronzenden Liinder. T. c. pp. 129-144. [Coleo- ptera.'] 486. . Coleotteri nuovi della Sicilia. Nat. Sicil. vii, pp. 234-236. 487. . Tre nuovi Coleotteri di Sicilia. Op. cit. viii, pp. 38 & 39. 488. Labonne, H. Note preliminaire sur l’Anatomie du labre chez les Coleopteres. Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, pp. 228-230, pi. vii. 489. Laboulbene A. Des origines de la soie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) v, pp. 869-876. 490. Lampa, S. Kan Musca pumilionis, Bierk., vara identisk med senaro forfattares lika beniimda art af sliigtet Oscinis ? Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 33-39. [Diptera.] 491. Leech, J. H. On the Lepidoptera of Japan and Corea. Part ii : Heterocera , Sect. i. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 580-655, pis. xxx-xxxii. 38 of 352 species are new. He considers that the Lepidopterous fauna of Japan is now fairly known, as out of 250 species captured by himself only 18 were new. Much synonymy is given in this paper, but is not reproduced in our systematic part, as the paper will be consulted by all interested in Eastern Lepidoptera. TITLES. Ins * 33 492. Lefevre, E. Voyage M. Emile Gounelle au Brasil. Eumolpides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 291-304. [ Coleoptera .] 493. . Diagnoses de quatre nouvelles especes d 'Eumolpides. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. lxxxi. [Coleoptera.] 494. Lemoine, V. Sur le cerveau du Phylloxera. J. Microgr. xii, pp. 150 & 151. 495. . L’anatomie du Phylloxera aile. T. c. pp. 282 & 283. 49G. . Evolution biologique d’un Hymenoptere parasite de YAspi- diotus du laurier roso. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 153 & 154. 497. . Sur le cerveau du Phylloxera . C.R. cvi, pp. 678-G80. 498. Let II I err Y, L. Liste des Ilemipteres recueillis ii Sumatra et dans l’ilo Nias par M. E. Modigliani. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 4G0-470. 499. . Description de quatre Ilomopteres nouveaux d’Irkputsk. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 252-254. [7 Ihyncliota.] 500. , & Carpentier. Le Perineum Jconowi , Leth. (spec. nov.). Bull. Soc. L. Nord. Fr. viii, p. 218. [ Ilymenoptera .] 501. Leveille, A. Viaggio di L. Fea in Birmauia e regioni vicine. ix. Troyositidce. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 605-608. [ Coleoptera .] 502. — — . Catalogue de la famille des Tcmnochilides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 429-448. [ Coleoptera .] Recognises 335 species. 503. . Descriptions de Tcmnochilides "nouveaux. T. c. pp. 411-428. [Coleoptera.'] 504. Lewis, G. Viaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xn. Histeridce. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 630-645. [ Coleoptera .] 505. . On the family Rhysodidce. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 76-85. [ Coleoptera .] Includes a catalogue of the known species. 506. . On the Mouth-organs of: two species of Rhysodidce. T. c. pp. 483 & 484, woodcuts. [ Coleoptera .] 507. . On new species of Formicarious Histeridce , and notes on others. T. c. pp. 144-155. [ Coleoptera .] Includes list of the species of Iletccrius and allied genera. 508. . Note on a species of A crops from Japan. Ent. xxi, p. 220. [ Coleoptera .] 509. . On the capture of a new species of Pyiho in Japan. T. c. pp. 108 & 109. [ Coleoptera .] 510. . Notes on the Japanese species of Silpha. T. c. pp. 7-10. [ Coleoptera .] 511. On the species of Cucujus found in Japan. Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 84. [Coleoptera.] . [See also Godman & Salvin (319).] 1888. [vol. xxv.] E 3 34 Ins. INSECTA. 512. Leydig, P. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des thierischen Eies im unbe- fruchteten Zustande. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Abth. Anat. pp. 287-432; pis. xi-xvii. Pp. 326-336 deal with eggs of Insects. 513. Lindeman, K. Dio schadlichsten Insekten des Tabak in Bess- arabian. Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 10-77. 514. . Cecidomyia heirochloce , eiue neue Gallmiicken-Art. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 50-52. [ Diptera .] Cf. Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 112. 515. . Ueber das Vorkommen der Hessenfliege an wildwachsenden Grasern. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 242 & 243. [Diptera.'} 516. Lintner^ J. A. Cut-worms. Bull. N. York Mus. No. 6, pp. 1-36. 517. . The white grub of the May beetle. T. c. pp. 4-31. [ Coleo - ptera.} 518. Lockwood, S. The larvae of the Stag-beetle, eating railroad ties. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. iv, pp. 147-149. 519. Loeb, J. Der Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Oxydationsvorgange in thierischo Organismon. Arch. gos. Phys. xlii, pp. 393-407. The observations were made on the pupae of Lepidopterct. Summary, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 157. 520. . Die Orientirung der Thiero gegen das Licht. (Thierischer Heliotropismus.) SB. Ges. Wiirzb. 1888, pp. 1-5. 521. . Die Orientirung der Thiere gegen die Schwerkraft der Erde. (Thierischo Geotropismus.) T. c. pp. 5-10. This and the preceding paper are chiefly entomological. 522. Loriferne & Poulain. Catalogue des CoUoptkres du departement de l’Yonne. (Deuxi^mo partie.) Bull. Soc. Yonne, xlii, sc. nat. pp. 39-118. 523. Low, F. Mittheilungen uber neue und bekannte Gecidomyiden. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 231-246. 1. Beschreibung neuer Artec. 11. Bemerkungen zu schon bekannten Arten. 111. Ueber einige Gallen, deren Erzeuger noch nicht bekannt sind. iv. My cophage Cecidomyiden-Larven. 524. . Norwegischo Phytopto- und Entomocecidien. T. c. pp. 537-548. The galls are mentioned under the headings of the names of the plants on which they were observed. 525. . Uebersicht der Psylliden von Oesterreich-Ungarn mit Ein- schluss von Bosnien und der Herzegowina nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. T. c . pp. 5-40. [Rhynchota.} 526. . Description d’une esp^ce nouvelle d ' Amblyrkina et tableau synoptique des esp^ces de ce genre de Psyllules. R6V. d’Ent. vii, pp. 381 & 382. [Rhynchota.'] TITLES. Ins. 35 527. Lubbock, J. Observations on Ants, Bees, and Wasps. Part xi, with two illustrations. J. L. S. (Zoology) xx, pp. 118-136. Reviews some recent discoveries on the senses and habits of theso Hijmenopterct , besides some fresh observations. Noticed in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 49 & 50. 528. . On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of Animals, with special reference to Insects. London : 1888, 292 pp. Intended for popular purposes, but some of the chapters contain new criticisms, observations on Fabre’s works, &c. 529. Lucas, H. Note sur le parasitisme du Myobia pumila , Dipthre de la Tribu des Tachinaires. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 102-104. 530. Lucas, T. P. Contribution to a knowledge of the genus Iodis. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 1263-1269. [ Lepidoptera.~\ 531. Luciani, L., & Piutti, A. Sui fenomeni respiratori della uova del Bombice del gelso. Nuove ricerche sperimentali. Bull. Ent. I till, xx, pp. 67-112, pi. xiv. 532. & . Sur les phenom6nes respiratoires des oeufs du Bombyx du mfirier. Arch. Ital. Biol, ix, pp. 319-358, pi. x. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 726. 533. Ludwig, F. Schimper, A. F. W., Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Pflanzen und Ameisen im tropischen Amerika. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 321-330. An account of Schimper’s work by Ludwig. The work is primarily botanical. 534. . Weitero untorsuchungen fiber Ameisenpflanzen. T. c. pp. 577-580. 535. Lugger, O. A new method of preserving transparent Aquatic Iusects for the microscope. P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 101 & 102. 536. -Lutz, K. G. Das Buch der Schmetterliuge. Stuttgart : 1888. Cf. Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 189. 537. Mabille, P. Lepidopteres. Miss. Soi. Cap Horn, vi, pp. 1-35, pis. i-iii. The descriptions have appeared elsewhere previously, in 1884 and 1885. 538. . Neuropteres. T. c. pp. 1-9, pi. 539. •. Descriptions de quelques Lepidopteres nouveaux. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. xlii, xliii, li, lviii, & lix. 540. . Lepidoptere nouveau de Madagascar. T. c. p. lxvii. 541. . Deux Lepidopteres nouveaux, de l’Afrique orientale. T. c. p. clxix. 542. . Diagnoses de Lepidopteres ( Ilesperides ) nouveaux. Le Nat. (2) ii, pp. 77, 99, 108, 146, 169, 180, 221, 242, 254, 265, & 275, woodcuts. 86 Ins, INSECTA. 543. MacFarland, J. A table of the species of Vespa found in the United States, with descriptions of two new species. Tr. Am. Ent. Soo. xv, pp. 297-299. [[Iymenoptera.] 544. Maoleay, W. The Insects of King’s Sound and its vicinity. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Pt. i, pp. 443-480 ; Pt. n, pp. 897-924 ; Pt. in, pp. 1227-1 2 4G. [ Coleoptera .] About 1000 species of Coleoptera , many of them new, were obtained by the collector, Mr. Froggatt ; 150 belonging to the family Carabidce. 545. . Notes on Mr. Froggatt’s collections made during the year 1887, in the vicinity of Derby, King’s Sound, N.W. Australia. Op. cit. ii, pp. 1017-1020. The fauna is typical Australian without admixture of Papuan forms. 54G. . Notes oil some Scaritidas from Queensland, with descriptions of two new species. T. c. pp. 972 & 973. [Coleoptera. ] 547. . Miscellanea entomologica. No. 5. The li Helceides” T. c. pp. 635-675. [i Coleoptera .] 548. Macloskie, G. The poison-apparatus of the Mosquito. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 884-888, woodcuts. [Dipteral] 549. °MacMillen, 0. Twenty-two common Insects of Nebraska. Bull. Agr. exp. stat. Nebraska, i, No. 2, Art. ii, pp. 1-101. In Ent. Am. iv, p. 56, this is said to relate to economy, and to contain but little that is original. 550. Magretti, P. La mouche a scie du rosier. Le Nat. (2) i, p. 107, woodcut. [Ilymenoptera.'j 551. Marlatt, C. L. Notes on a red cedar Saw-fly. Tr. Kansas Ac. x, pp. 80-82. [Hymenoptera.‘\ 552. . Notes on the oviposition of the Buffalo Tree-hopper. T. c. pp. 84 & 85, figs. Of. Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 110. 553. Marseul, S. de. L’Abeille, journal d’Entomologie. Paris : 1888, Nos. 325-336. These parts include contiuuation of the catalogue of Coleoptera of the Ancient World, pp. 385-504 ; translation of Gauglbauer’s Synopsis of CEdemerides ; translation of Reitter’s Bestimmung-Tabcllen of Pselapli- idee and Scydmcenidce ; continuation of de Marseul’s “ Monographic des Chrysomelkles ,” pp. 299-394 j and continuation of the lists of writings of entomologists. 554. . Deux esp&ces nouvelles du genre Macrosternus. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. ix. [ Coleoptera .] 555. Marshall, T. A. Species des Hymenoptdres d’Europe et d’Algtirie. IV, pp. 1-324, pis. i-v. This is a volume of Andre’s work. The pages at prosent published form fascicules 28, 29, 31, & 32. TITLES. Hns. 37 556. Martin, R. Hibernation do la Sympccmafusca. Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 53-57. [Neuroptera.] 557. . Les Lepidopteres du d^partement de l’lndre. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 26-56. Remarks on habits. Includes JRhopalocera , and commences Heterocerci. 558. Maskell, W. M. On\Henops brunneus, Hutton. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xx, pp. 106-108, pi. x. [ Diptcra .] Reproduced in Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 194-196. 559. 0 . An account of the Insects noxious to agriculture and plants in New Zealand : the Scale-Insects ( Goccididce ). New Zealand : 1887, 116 pp., 23 pis. Reviewed, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 262. 560. Mass a, C. Parto verginale nella Fphinx atropos. Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, pp. 64 & 65. 561. Masters, G. Catalogue of the kuown Coleoptcra of New Guinea, including the islands of New Ireland, New Britain, Duke of York, Aru, Mysol, Waigiou, Sat watty, Key, and Jobie. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 271-334 ( Cicindelidce to GEdemeridcv), and pp. 925-1002 ( Curcidionhlcc to Coccinellidoi). This catalogue extends to 2075 species. 562. Matas, R. A man-infesting Bot. Ins. Life, i, pp. 76-80. [Dipteral] 563. Mathew, G. F. Life-histories of Rhopalocera from the Australian region. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 137-188, pi. vi. [Lepidoptera.] Matthews, A. [See Godman & Salvin (319).] 564. Mayet, Y. Barbitistes berenguieri. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cxi. [ Orthoptera.] 565. Meade, R. H. Diplosis pyrivora , Riley, the Pear-gnat. Ent. xxi, pp. 123-131. [Liptera.]. 566. . Description of the Ash-cauliflower gnat. Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 77. [ Dipterci .] 567. . On two additional British species of Sarcophagidce , or Flesh- flies. T. c. pp. 27 & 28. [Dipt era.] 568. Medina, — . Description d’une nouvello especo d ' Ilymenopterc. Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 263. 569. . Harpiphorus calderoni , sp. nov. Act. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 117. [ Jlymenoptera .] 570. Meehan, T. Contributions to the life-historios of plants. No. n. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 274-283. Includes among other entomological points some observations on Pronuba. 571. Megnin, P. La faune des tombeaux. Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 261-264. Particulars as to the Insects supposed to frequent bodies buried ill coffins. See also La Nature, xvi, pp. 275 & 276, 38 Ins . INSECTA. 572. Meinert, F. En Spyflue, Lucilia nobilis , synltende hos Mennesket. Ent. Med. pp. 119-122. 573. . Catalogus Coleopteronm danicorum. Fam. Mycetophagidce , Dermestidce, Byrrhidce , Georyssidcv , Parnulce, Ileteroceridce , et Cisidcu. T. c. pp. 165-197. Fam. Staphylinidce , Pars I, c. pp. 215-246. 574. . Oin voro faunistiske Fortcgnelser. T. c. pp. 151-164. 575. . Scydmcemus-'Lurven. T. c. pp. 144-150, pi. i. [ Coleoptera .] 576. . Slaegten Metrocoris Mayr og dens “ forma prsematura” Halobatodes , B. White. T. c. pp. 140-144. [Rhynchota.] 577. . Carabus clathratus og Tachina pacta. T. c. pp. 114-118. 578. . Ein bischen Protest. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 111-113. [Dip ter a. Cf. Rasciike (711). . [See also Bergsoe, Y. (63).] 579. Merrifield, F. Report of progress in Pedigree Moth-breeding to Dec. 7th, 1887, with observations on some incidental points. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 123-136, pi. v. [Lepidoptera.\ Includes a tabular statement of the results, and information as to the causes interfering with or promotiog success in rearing Selcnia illunavia and illustraria. 580. Meyrick, E. On the Pyralidina of the Hawaiian Islands. T. c. pp. 209-246. ' [ Lepidoptera. ] 56 species are recorded, 47 of which are considered to be “ wholly endemic.” There are some considerations as to the derivation of this portion of the fauua. Many of the species described by Butler, in 1882, are referred by Meyrick to different genera. 581. . Supplement to a monograph of New Zealand Noctuina. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xx, pp. 44-47. [Lepidoptera.]. 582. . Notes on New Zealand Geometrina. T. c. pp. 47-62. [Lepido- piera .] 583. . Notes on New Zealand Pyralidina, T. c. pp. 62-73. [Lepido- ptera.'] 584. . Notes on New Zealand I'ortricidce. T. c. pp. 73-76. [Lepido- ptera.] 585. . Descriptions of New Zealand Tineina. T. c. pp. 77-106. [Lepidoptera.] 586. . Descriptions of New Australian Rhopalocera. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 827-834. 587. . Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. n. T. c. pp. 835-928. Deals with Geometridce and Acidaliadcc, which he now unites under the name “ Geometridce .” The new species are very numerous. In a supple- ment some new Arctiadcv and Zy garni dee arc described. TITLES. Ins. 39 588. [Meyrick, E.] Descriptions of Australian Micro-Lepidoptera. xiv. (Ecophoridcey continued. T. c. pp. 929-966. 64 new species. 589. Meunier, F. Eumenidai. Nat. Sicil. vii, pp. 150 & 151. \_Hymeno - ptera] Cf. Handlirscii, op. cit. viii, pp. 63-66, who strongly condemns these memoirs by Meunier. 590. . Megachillidce. Op. cit. vii, p. 152. [7 hymenoptera.] 591. . Tableau dichotomique des especes, varies Beiges du genre Pombus, Latr. T. c. pp. 173-175. [ Hymenoptera .] 592. -- — . Tableau dichotomique des especes varietes Beiges du genre Psithyrus , Lep. T. c. pp. 175 & 176. [ Hymenoptera .] 593. . Prodrome pour servir k la monographie des Especes, varies Beiges, du genro Bombus, Latr. T. c. pp. 195 & 245. [Hymenoptera.'] 594. . Description d’une nouvelle especo d’ Euminules du Brasil. T. c. p. 300. [Hymenoptera.'] 595. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de Sphegides du Brasil. T. c. pp. 301 & 302. [Hymenoptera.] 596. Michael, A. D. Parasitism. »J. Quek. Club (2) iii, pp. 208-224. 597. Migula, W. Die Yerbreitungsweise der Algen. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 514-517. By means of Water-beetles. 598. Mik, J. Dipterologische Miscelleu. vm-xiv. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 27, 94, 140, 181, 221, 299, & 327. 599. '. Ueber die Gallmiicke, deren Larve auf Lamium maculatum. L. Triebgallen erzeugt. T. c. pp. 32-38, pi. i. [Diptera.] 600. — — . Verbesserungen zu meinem “ Verzeichniss der Artennamen, welche in Schiner’s Fauna austriaca enthalten sind. T. c. pp. 57-64. [Diptera] 601. . Ueber oinigo von G. A. Olivior beschriebono Dipteren. T. c. pp. 91- 93. 602. . Ueber die .D/p/ercn-Gattung Allecostylus Schnabl uud uber die sogenannten Kreuzborsten bei Anthomyidcn-'W eibc\iQn. T. c. pp. 135-139. 603. . Zur Biologic von Ccratopogon , Meig., nebst Beschreibuug einer neuen Art dieser Gattung. T. c. pp. 183-192, pi. ii. [Diptera.] 604. . Yorlaufige Diagnose einer nouen Dipteren- Art. T. c. p. 243. 605. . Zur Biologie einiger Cecidomyiden. T. c. pp. 311-316, pi. iv. [Diptera.] 606. -. Antwort auf Herrn Dr. J. Sclmabl’s “Entgegnung” auf meine Kritik seiner “ Contributions k la faune dipt^rologique.” Ent. Nacbr. xiv, pp. 41-45. 40 Ins. INSECTA. 607. Minchin, E. A. Note on a new organ, and on the structure of the hypodermis in Periplaneta orientalis. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxix, pp. 229-233, pi. xxii. “ It is probable that it is a stink-gland.” 608. Mingazzini, P. Catalogo dei Culeotteri della Provincia di Roma appartonenti alia famiglia dei Carabici. Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, pp. 113-128. 609. Mocsary, A. Species sex novae generis Pepsis , Fab., e collectione Musaei bremensis. Abb. Ver. Brem. x, pp. 161-163. [ Hymenoptera .] 610. — — . Az idei saskajarasr61. Termes Kozlony, 1888, pp. 329-343. [Orthoptera.] 611. Moore, F. Descriptions of New Indian Lepidopterous Insects from the collection of the late Mr. W. S. Atkinson. Heterocera continued ( Pyrcilida Grambidce, Geometridce, Tortricidce , Tineidcr). Calcutta : 1888, pp. 199-299, pis. vi-viii. This third part completes the work, commenced in 1879 ; the second . part was published in 1882. There is an appendix of “additional species” of tho earlier families of Lepuloptera. 612. . Descriptions of new genera and species of Lepidoptera Heterocera , collected by Rev. J. II. Hocking, chiefly in the Kangra district, N.W. Himalaya. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 390-412. 613. Morawitz, F. Hymenoptera aculeata nova. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 224-302. 614. Morgan, A. C. F. Observations on Coccidce. No. 1, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 42-48 ; No. 2, t. c. pp. 118-120, pi. ii. 615. . Aspidiotus zonatus, Frauenfcld. Op. cit. xxiv, pp. 205-208. [ Rhynchota .] 616. Morton, K. J. On the oral apparatus of the larva of Wormaldia, a genus of Trichoptera. P. N. H. Soo. Glasg. (n. s.) ii, pp. 115-117, pi. ii. 617. . The larva and case of Ithytrichia lamellaris , Eaton, with references to other species of Hydroptilidce. Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 171-173, woodcuts. [ Neuroptcra.~\ 618. MosciiTiER, II.B. Bcitriigo zur Sclimettcrlings-Fauna dor Goldkiistc. Abh. Senck. Gcs. xv, pp. 49-100, plate. 619. . Botys retowshyi , n. sp. S. E. Z. xlix, p. 128. \_Lepidoptcra.~\ 620. Muhlen, von zur. Ueber hiesige Formiciden. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, pp. 327-333. [ Hymenoptera .] Some remarks on habits, as well as list of names. 621. MOller, F. Larven von Miickon und Haarfluglern mit zweierlei abwechselnd thiitigen Athemwerkzcugen. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 273- 277. [Neuroptera.~] . Die Eier der H°arflnglcr. T. c. pp. 259-261. [Keuroptcra.'] 622. TITLES. Ins, 41 ■Neumann, G. [See Trouessart & Neumann (887).] G‘23. Niceville, L. de. Description of a new Saiyrid from India. P. A. S. B. 1887, p. 147. [Lepidoptera.] 624. Nicolas, II. Etudes comparatives sur quelques Ilymenopteres du midi de la France. C.R. Ass. Sci. Fr. xvi, pt. 2, pp. 656-662. 625. . Etude sur quelques Pompilcs du midi de la France. Op. cit. xvii, pt. 2, pp. 329-335. [ Ilymcnoplera .] 626. Noll, F. C. Dor zweifarbige Speckkafer, Dermcstcs bicolor , als Feind dcr jungou Haustauben. Zool. Gart. xxix, pp. 307-309. 627. Novak, G. B. Primo cenno sulla Fauna dell’ isola Lesina in Dal- mazia. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 119-132. A list of 68 species of Orthoptera , with remarks on localities and habits. 628. Nusbaum, J. Die Entwicklung der Keimblatter bei Meloe pro- scarabccus, Marsh. Biol. Ccntralbl. viii, pp. 449-452, woodcuts. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1887, p. 942. 629. Obertiiur, C. fitudes d’entomologie. 12me livraison. Nouveaux Lepidoptercs d’Afrique et d’Amerique. Premiers 6tats de Lbpulo- pteres de la Reunion. Lepidopteres europ6ens et algeriens. Rennes : 1888, pp. ix & 46, pi. 7. In a preface the author reaffirms his opinion that priority belongs to the first illustrator, not to the first describer. 630. . Descriptions de trois especesnouvelles de L&pidoptfacs. Bull. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. xl-xlii. 631. Oertzen, E. v. Berichte fiber die von E. v. Oertzen im Jahre 1887, in Griechenland u. Klein-Asien gesammelten Coleopteren. Deutsche e. Z. pp. 369-397. i. Oliorhynclius- Arteu, von Stierlin, pp. 372-379. ii. Zwei neue griechische Apon-Arten, von Eppels- heim, pp. 380-382. hi. Oarabidce ( Oarabus , Procustcs) von L. Ganglbauer, pp. 383-397. 632. Olliff, A. S. Short Life-histories of nine Australian Lepidoptera. Ann. N. H. (6) i; pp. 357-362, pi. xx. 633. . On Rhopnlocera from the vicinity of Mt. Bellenden-Ker, Queensland. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 394-396. 634. . Report on a small zoological collection from Norfolk Island. Imccta. Op. cit. ii, pp. 1001-1014. He considers the fauna belongs to the Australian rather than to the New Zealand region. Several novelties are described. 635. . On a new Butterfly of the family Salyridce. T. c. pp. 976 & 977. [ Lepidoptera .] 636. . On two instances of colour variation in Butterflies. Op. cit. iii, pp. 1250-1252. [ Lepidoptera .] The Australian Pyrameis Jcershawi is the same as an aberration of P. cardui that occurs occasionally in Europe. 42 Ins, INSECTA. 637. Olliff, A. S., & Prince, H. On a new Pielus from the Blue Mountains. Op. cit. ii, p. 1015, pi. xxxix. \_Lepidoptera.~\ 638. Olivier, E. Nouvelle espece de Lampyride, recolt^e par M. L. Fea. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 429. [Coleoptera?] 639. . Esp5co nouvelle do Vesicant. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii p. lvi. [ Coleoptera .] 640. . Descriptions de deux esp£ces nouvelles de Lampyrides du Bresil. T. c. p. clxvii. [Coleoptera?] 641. . Etudes sur les Lampyrides. hi. Les genres c\ antenues flabellees. 2© partie. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 35-62, pi. i. [Coleoptera?^ 642. Oppenheim, P. Die Insectenwelt des lithographischen Schiefers in Bayern. Palaeontogr. xxxiv, pp. 215-217, pis. xxx & xxxi. Includes many new species in several orders. 643. Ormay, S. Coleoptera nova e Transsilvauia. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 165-168. 644. Ormerod, E. A. Report of observations of injurious Insects and common farm pests during the year 1888, with methods of preven- tion and remedy. Twelfth report. London : 1889. 645. . Annual Report for 1887 of the consulting Entomologist. J. R. Agric. Soc. (2) xxiv, pp. 289-296. 646. Osborn, II. The food habits of the Thripidce. Ins. Life, i, pp. 137-142. 647. Otto, A. Alpenwanderungen von Iusekten. Soc. Ent. iii, pp. 3, ** &c. 649. Oudemans, J. T. Do Ncdcrlundsoho Macrolepkloptcra. Bijd. Dierk. Fccst-Nummer, p. 13. A supplementary list of species and localities. 649. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Thysanura und Collembola. Bijdr. Dierk. xvi, pp. 147-227, pis. i-iii. An account of the anatomy of Machilis maritimai Latr., and a com- parison with other Thysanura and Collembola. 650. Packard, A. S. List of the Spiders, Myriopods, and Insects of Labrador. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 141-149. 651. . On the systematic position of the Mallophaga. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxiv, pp. 264-272, woodcuts. Referred to “ Platyptera ” as a distinct suborder. 652. 0 . Entomology for beginners ; for the use of young folks, fruit growers, farmers, and gardeners. New York : 1888, 367 pp. Reviewed in Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 140. 653. Pagenstecuer, A. Beitriigo zur Lepidopteren- fauna des Malay- ischen Archipels. (v.) Yerzeicbniss dor Schmetterlingo von Aniboina nebst Besclireibung neuer Arten. Wiesbaden : 1888, 133 pp. TITLES. Ins. 43 G54. Palumbo, A. Alcune note biologiche sull’ Eumenes pomiformis , Fab. Nat. Sicil. vii, pp. 162, 184, & 207. [ Ilymenoptera .] 655. Pandell^, L. Etudes sur les Muscides de France. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 258-362. [Dip ter a.] An extensive review of the external organization, made as a pre- liminary to synopses of the genera and species. 656. Pantel, R. P. J. Catalogue des Coleopteres carnassiers terrestres des environs d’Uclds avec les descriptions de quelques especes et variates nouvelles. An. Soc. Esp. xvii, pp. 193-245. Uclds is a village in New Oastille. 657. Parona, C. Note sulle Collembole e sui Tiscinuri. in e iv. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 78-86. [Neuroptera.] in. Nuova specie di Japyx del Guatemala. IV. Nuova specie di Smynthurus raccolta in Sardegna. 658. — . Res Ligusticro. vi. Collembole o Tisanuri finora ricontrate in Liguria. T. c. pp. 133-154, pis. i & ii. [Neuroptera.] 659. Pascoe, F. P. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Curculionidce, mostly Asiatic. Part v. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 409- 418. [Coleoptera.] 660. . On some new Longicorn Voleoptera. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 491-513, pi. xiv. New genera and species from various regions. 661. Patouillard, N. Note sur le genre Cordyceps , champignon para- site des insectes. Le Nat. (2) i, pp. 203 & 204, woodcuts. The different orders of Insects are attacked by different species of the fungus. 662. Patten, W. Studies on the eyes of Arthropods, ii. Eyes of Acilius. J. Morph, ii, pp. 97-176, pis. vii-xiii. Relates to the development of the eyes of the larva. A summary is ^given in J. R. Mioir.-;S5d.1^888, pp. 938-940. 663. °Peckham, G. W. Some observations on the special senses of Wasps. P. N. II. Soc. Wisconsin, 1887. Cf. Forel, Rec. Z. Suisse, iv, p. 517. 664. Peringuey, L. Descriptions of some new species of Coleoptera in the British Museum. Ann. N. II. (6) ii, pp. 219-223. 665. . Insects injurious to forest trees in South Africa. Tr. S. Afr. Phil. Soc. iv, pp. 15-25. 666. . A note on the Phylloxera vastatrix at the Cape. T. c. pp. 57-62. 667. . Second contribution to the South African Coleopterous fauna. T. c. pp. 67-195, pis. i-iv. 668. . Descriptions de deux especes . nouvelles du G. Brachycervs. C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. Ixxvii & Ixxviii. [Colcople a.] 44 Ins. INSECTA. 659. Petersen, W. Die Lepidopteren- Fauna des arktischen Gebietes von Europa und die Eiszeit. Beitr. Russ. Reiches (3) iv, pp. 1-142. A discussion on geographical distribution in Europe, with table of the distribution of Arctic Lepidoptera. 670. Philippi, F. Catalogo do los Coleopteros de Chile. An. Un. Chile, lxxi, pp. 1-190 (sep. copy). Includes 2254 species. Special localities are given, as well as refer- ences and synonymy. The introduction is translated into German ; Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 283-285. 671. Piaget, E. Quelques nouvelles Pfoticulines. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. 147-164, pis. iii & iv. [ Neuroptera .] 672. Piepers, M. C. Ueber die Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger Javan- ischen Papilioniden-HvLUipen. T. c. pp. 339-358, pis. vii & viii. [ Lepidoptera .] Piutti, A. [See Luciani (531, 532).] 673. °Planta, A. yon. Sur la patee nutritive des Abeilles. Zeit. f. Phys. Chemie, xii, p. 327. Summary in Arch. Z. exp6r. (2) vi, pp. xiii-xvi. 674. Plateau, F. Recherches experimentales sur la vision chez les Arthropodes (troisi&me partie). a. Vision chez les Chenilles, b. Role des ocelles frontaux chez les Insectes parfaits. Bull. Ac. Belg. xv, pp. 28-91. Parts 1 & 2 were devoted to vision in Hyriopoda [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Myr. p. 2] and Arachnida [cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Arachn. p. 1]. The per- ception of an object at a greater distance than £ to 2 centimetres — that is, about f to } of an inch— is very indistinct. [Cf. Tiebe (885).] 675. . Id. (quatrieme partie). Vision it l’aide des yeux composes. a. Resume anatomo-physiologique, B. Experiences comparatives sur les insectes et sur les vertebres. Mem. Cour. 8vo, xliii, pp. 3-91, pi. These experiments were made in a room lighted at one end, and by means of a sort of maze or labyrinth and moveable obstacles. 676. . Id. (cinqui&mo partie). a. Perception des mouvements chez les Insectes. B. Addition aux rochorchos sur le vol des Insectes aveugles. C. Resume general. Bull. Ac. Belg. xvi, pp. 395-457, pi. v. The compound eye, he concludes, does not give a definite perception of form, and is inferior, from the functional point of view, to that of Vertebrata. Perception of movement exists ; and, by the aid of a vivid sensibility to lights and shades, the Insect may be able to direct its movements. Noticed in J. R. Mier. Soc. 1889, p. 202. 677. Platneu, G. Die erste Entwicklung befruchteter und partheno- genetischer Eier von Lipuris dispar. Biol. Centrabl. viii, pp. 521-524. TITLES. Ins. 45 678. Poppius, A. Ueber das Fliigelgeader aer finnischen Dendro- metriden. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 17-28, pi. i. • [Lepidoptcra.] A discussion of wing-neuration in Geoinetridce in connection with Redtenbacher’s views. 679. Pouchet, G. Sur la nature du to3t des Arthropodes. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 685-688. Homologies of parts of the external skeleton of Arthropods have not so high a value as homologies of the vertebrate skeleton. 680. Poujade, G. A. Nouvelles especes de PUride, et de Noctuilide. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. xix & xx. [Lepidoptera.] Poulain, — . [See Loriferne & Poulain (522).] 681. Poulton, E. B. Further experiments upon the protective value of colour and markings in Insects. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, pp. 763-765. Relates to the paper recorded in Zeol. Rec, xxiv, Insecta, Titles (578). 682. . The secretion of pure aqueous formic acid by Lepidopterous larva for the purpose of defence. T. c. pp. 765 & 766. Includes analysis of the secretion, and particulars as to the rate of its production. 683. . Notes in 1887 upon Lepidopterous larvae, &c., including a complete account of the life-history of the larvae of Sphinx convolvuli and A glia tan. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 515-606, pis. xv-xvii. Contents : — 1. The ontogeny of Sphinx convolvuli. 2. The ontogeny of Aglia tau. 3. The natural position of the Sphingidce. 4. The cause and meaning of the Sphinx-like attitude. 5. The graphic method of representing the growth of lepidopterous larvae. 6. The means of defence adopted by the larva of Stauropus fagi. 7. The meaning of the black colour of the eggs of Paniscus ccplialotes. 8. The defensive value of “ Tussocks,” and the associated black intersegmental markings. 9. The meaning of the peculiar method of progression in the larvae of Cochlio- podidee. 10. The protective resemblances of the larvae of Geometra papilionaria. 11. A proof of the protective value of dimorphism in larvae. 12. The protective resemblance of the pupa of Apatura iris. 13. The defensive secretion of the larvae of Crccsus varus. 14. The geometric form, structure, and attitudes of the larva of E udidia mi. 15. The determination of sex in certain living lepidopterous larvae. Noticed in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 206. 684. ^'Preiss, P. Abbildungen ansehnlicher Vertreter der exotischen Nachtschmetterliuge. Coblenz. [ Lepidoptcra . Cf. Soc. Ent. iii, P- 61.] Prince, H. [See Olliff & Prince (637).] 685. Provancher, L. Petite faune entomologique du Canada. Cinquieme ordre. Les Hemiptercs, pp. 185-204. 686. . Additions a la faune hynienopterologique , pp. 273-440. This includes several new species from Trinidad. 46 Ins. INSECTA. 687. Pryer, H. Rhopalocera Nikonica. Part n. Yokohama : 1888, pp. 13-26, pis. iv-vi. 688. POngeler, R. Einige neuo europaischo Spanner. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 348-351. [Lepidoptera.] 689. Puton, A. lUmipteres nouveaux ou peu connus, et notes diverses. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 103-110. 690. . Un genre nouveau d 'H6mipteres et notes diverses. T. c. pp. 255-257. 691. . Descriptions de six esp^ces nouvelles d'Hdmiptdres. T. c. pp. 362-368. 692. . R6ponse aux critiques de M. le Dr. Bergroth, et aper9u sur la classification des lUmipteres de Schioedte. T. c. pp. 18-23. Includes some remarks on nomenclature. Bergroth makes further comments, t. c. p. 70. 693. — Description d’un Longicorne nouveau. T. c. p. 23. [ Coleo - ptera^\ 694. Quedenfeldt, G. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Koleopteren- Fauna von Central-Afrika nach den Ergebnissen der Lieutenant Wiss- manns’chen Kassai-Expedition 1883 bis 1886. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 155-219. Enumerates 229 species, many of them new. 695. . Verzeichniss der von Herrn Major A. D. von Mecliow in Angola und am Quango-Strom 1878-1881 ges immelten Curculioniden und Brenthiden. T. c. pp. 271-308, pi. vi. [Goleoptera. ] 696. . Zwei neue africauische Arten der Gattung Pseudotrochalus. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 194-196. [ Coleoptcra .] 697. Rabaud, E. La Cigalo : quelquos ligncs do l’histoiro des sciences. Le Nat. (2) i, pp. 204-206. Elementary. 698. . Les antennes des Lepidopteres . T. c. pp. 11 & 22, woodcuts. Elementary. 699. Radoszkowski, — . Etudes hymenopterologiques. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 315-337, pis. xii-xv. Consists of descriptions and figures of the male organs in several genera of Aculeata , and descriptions of new species. 700. ■. Faune Hymenopterologique Transcaspienne. T. c. pp. 338-349. 701. . Revision des armures copulatrices des mftles de la famille Pompilkhe. Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 462-493, pis. xii-xv. [ Hymcnc - ptera. ] Includes also descriptions of many now species. 702. Ragonot, E. L. Nouveaux genres et especes de Phycitidce et Galleriidce. Paris : 1888, 52 pp. [Lepidoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 47 703. [Ragonot, E. L.] Diagnoses of N. American Phyci tides and Galleriidce. Paris : December, 1887, 20 pp. [ Lepidoptera .] Being occupied with a monograph of this family, he publishes these preliminary diagnoses, as ho finds himself hampered by the descriptions being published by Hulst. The preface bears date December, 1887, and the memoir is no doubt anterior to that of Hulst (406) on the same subject. 704. . Descriptions do genres nouveaux et especes nouvelles de L&pidopt&res. Deuxieme partie. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 275-284. 705. -. Nouvelle espece de MicroUpidoptere. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. lxxxviii. 706. . Diagnoses de cinq especes nouvelles de Microlepidoptercs. T. c. pp. cxxxviii-cxl. 707. . Descriptions de six nouvelles especes d ’ Epipaschiidce du nord de l’Amerique. T. c. pp. cl-clii. [Lepidoptera.] 708. Ragusa, E. Coleotteri nuovi o poco couosciuti della Sicilia. (Con- tinued.) Nat. Sicil. viii, pp. 11 <& 36. 709. Ram6n Y Cajal, S. Observations sur la texture des fibres muscu- laires des pattes et des ailes des insectes. Intern. J. Anat. Hist, v, pp. 205-232 & 253-276, pis. xixTxxii. 710. RamIrez, J. Las semillas brincadoras. Apuntes relativos a la Garpocapsa saltitans y a las Euforbias en que vive. La Naturaleza (2) i, pp. 54-59, pi. vii, part. [Lepidoptera.] 711. Rasciike, W. Entgegnung auf Ilerrn Fr. Meinert’s Protest. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 562-564. [Diptera. ] Cf. Meineut (578). 712. Rath, O. von. Ueber die Hautsinnesorgane der Insekten. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 413-454, pis. xxx & xxxi. Refers to the antennse and palpi of Insects of most of the orders, and describes the nerve- endings as well as the modified hairs : the former are not sufficiently varied to throw any light on function. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 569. 713. Ratzer, A. Nachtrage zur Fauna coleopt. Helvetia. MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 20-42. A list of several hundred species. 714. Raulin & Sicard. De la sole du Bombyx mori dans l’interieur de Porganisme. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, x, pp. 319-324. 715. Redtenraciier, J. Ein Beitrag zur Eutwicklung des Flugelgeadors der Insecten. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 443-447. Throws some doubts on Adolph’s views, and considers the wing-veins as tracheoo in an altered condition. 716. Reed, E. 0. Catalogo de los Insectos Dipleros de Chile. An. Un. Chile, lxxiii, pp. v & 46 (sep. copy). Includes 716 species. INSECTA. 48 Ins. 717. Rees, J. van. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der inneren Metamorphose von Alusca vomitoria. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Abth. Anat. pp. 1-34, pis. i & ii. •718. Regimbart, M. Yiaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. x. Dytiscidce et Gyrinidce. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, pp. 603-623. [' Coleoptera .] 719. . Voyage de M. E. Simon an Venezuela. CoUopteres. Dyti- scidce et Gyrinidce. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 379-387. 720. . Descriptions de Dytiscides nouveaux de l’Amerique du Sud. T. c. pp. 388-392. [ Coleoptera .] 721. Regnard, P. Sur la qualit6 de l’air contenu dans los cocons do vers-ii-soie. C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 787 & 788. 722. Reitter, E. Uebor als Adjcctivum : gcbildcto Gattungsnamen. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 106-108. 723. . Einiges iiber den Werth mehrerer Coleopteren- Gattuugen und iiber deren Prioritats-Berechtigungen. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 97-109. 724. . Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzendeu Landern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen iiber bekannte Arten. Fiinfter Theil. T. c. pp. 417-432. 725. . Neue, von Herrn Lothar Hetschko um Blumenau im siid- lichen Brasilien gesammelte Pselaphiden. T. c. pp. 225-259. [ Coleo- ptera.] 726. . Ueber einige mit Pinielict nahe verwandte Coleopteren - Gattungen. T. c. pp. 329-331. [ Coleoptera .]. 727. . Coleopteren aus Circas4en, gcsammelt von Hans Ledor im Jahre 1887. Theil i-ix. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 19, &c. 728. . Coleoptorologische Notizen. xxviii-xxx. T. c. pp. 41, 104, & 133. 729. . Vier neue Coleopteren. T. c. pp. 68-71. 730. . Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-g attung Alexia , Steph., aus Europas und den angrenzenden Landern. T. c. pp. 322-326. 731. . Bostimmungs Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren : ent- haltend die Familieu Erotylidce und Cry ptophay kite. Verb. Ver. Briinn. xxvi, Abh. pp. 1-55. This was recorded in its separate form last year. 732. . Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gt&ttxing Phyllopertha, Kirby, aus Europa, den angrenzenden Landern Sibirien mit Central- Asien. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 289-294. 733. . Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit “ Ueber Pselaphiden und Scyd- mceniden des konigl. zoologischen Museums zu Berlin von Dr. Schaufuss.” B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 465-482. [ Coleoptera .] 734. Retowski, O. Beitrag zur Orthopteren- Kunde der Krim. Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 402-415. TITLES. Ins . 49 735. Reuter, E. Uber der “ Basalfleck ” auf-den Palpen der Schmetter- liuge. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 500-503. [Lepidoptera.~\ Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 943. 736. Reuter, 0. M. Revisio synonymica Heteropterorum palaearcticorum quae descripserunt auctores vetustiores (Linnaeus, 1758 — Latreille, 1806). I, Act. Soc. Fenn. xv, pp. 243-313; ii, t. c. pp. 443-812. [Rhynchota.'] This extensive synonymical work is prefaced by a discussion on nomenclature. 737. . Nya run om Myrornas omtvistado medlidando och hj/ilpsamhet. Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 55-90. Rtsamd in French, pp. 91-95. [ Flymcno - ptera.] Interesting observations on the habits and manners of Formica rufa. 738. . Calocoris coatee, n. sp. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 99 & 100. [Rhynchota .] 739. . Heteroptera nova in Graecia a Do. E. v. Oertzen lecta. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 223-228. [Rhynchota.] .740. — — . Hemiptera sinensia enumeravit ac novas species descripsit. T. c. pp. 63-69. 741. . Description d’une nouvelle espece du genre Dicyphus, Fieb., Reut. Notes sur quelques Capsides de la Dobroudja. T. c. pp. 61-63. [ Rhynchota .] 742. . Notes additionelles sur les H6mipteres-II6teropteres des environs de Gorice (Illyrie). T. c. pp. 57-69. 743. . Descriptio speciei novae sicilianae generis Plagiognathm ( Hemiptera , Capsidce). Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 236. 744. . Nya Tillagg till Professor Schiodtes “Fortegnelse over de i Danmark levende Taeger.” Ent. Med. p. 101. [ Rhynchota .] Includes synonymical and diagnostic remarks, as well as one new species. 745. . Nagra ord om Hydrometridernas ofvervintring. T. c. pp. 123 & 124. [ Rhynchota .] . [See also Autran (34).] 746. Rey, Cl. Description d’une espece d ' Homalien nouvelle. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cxix. [ Colcoptera .] 747. . Description d’une nouvelle espece d 'Aphodias de la faune fran9aise. T. c. p. cxc. \_Coleoptera.’]. 748. . Notes sur quelques Hemipteres et descriptions d’especes nouvelles ou peu connues. Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 91-103. 749. . Notes sur quelques TIemiptdres-Hdteropteres et descriptions d’especes nouvelles ou peu connues. T. c. pp. 189-198. 750. Richardson, N. M. Description of a species of Epischnia ( bank - siella ), new to science, from Portland. Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 63. \Lcpidopteva.’\ 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 4 50 Ins, INSECTA. 751. Riesen, A. Lepidopterologisohe Mittheilungen aus Ostpreussen. S. E. Z. xlixj pp. 233-238. These notes are chiefly of local interest. 752. Riggio, G. Appunti e note di ortotterologia siciliana. n. Sopra alcune specie critiche o nuove per la Sicilia ; Nat. Sicil. iii, pp. 95-110. in. Sopra una nuova specie di Gryllodes della Sicilia e considerazioni su questo genere ; t. c. pp. 110-113. IV. Sopra due Locustarii nuovi per la Sicilia ; t. c. pp. 308-311, and op. cit. iv, pp. 67-71. [ Orthoptera .] 753. , & De Stefani-Perez, T. Sopra alcuni Tmenotteri dell’ Isola di Ustica. Op. cit. vii, pp. 145-150. 754. Riley, C. Y. Report of the Entomologist for the year 1887. From the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture for the year 1887. Washington : 1888, pp. vi & 48—179, 8 pis. The most important of the contents are the Chinch-bug, by Howard (this has also been published in separate form with different paginatiou, if. Howard) ; the Codling-moth, also by Howard ; and a report on silk culture, by P. Walker. 755. . The Hessian Fly an imported Insect. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 121-128. 756. . Notes on N. American Psyllidce. P. Biol. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 67-79. [Rhynchota.] Seen by the Recorder only this year, though published iu 1885. 757. . The problem of the Hop-plant Louse ( Phorodon / tumuli ) in Europe and America. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, pp. 750-753. 758. . On the luminous larviform females in the Phengodini. T. c. p. 760. [ Coleoptera .] 759. . The parsnip Web-worm. Ins. Life, i, pp. 94-98, fig. 13. [Lepidoptera,.] 760. . Lady-bird parasite. T. c. pp. 101-104, figs. 14 & 15. 761. . Some recent entomological matters of international concern. T. c. pp. 126-137, figs. 24-33. Relates to Icerya purchasi , Cecidomyia destructor , and Phorodon humuli. 762. . The habits of Thalessa and Tremex. T. c. pp. 168-179, pi. i, and figs. 36-39. [Ilymenoptera.] 763. Riley & Howard. A Sandwich Island Sugar-cane borer, T. c. pp. 185-189, figs. 44 & 45. [Coleoptera^ 764. Ritsema, C. Description of a new species of the Buprestid genus Endelus, H. Deyr. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 175. [ Coleoptera .] 765. . Description of two new species of the Longicorn group Callichromini. T. c. pp. 193-197. [ Coleoptera .] 766. . On five new species and two insufficiently knowu species of the Longicorn genus Pachyteria. T. c. pp. 177-192. TITLES. Ins. 51 767. [R its EM A, C.] Description of a new species of the Longicorn geuu3 Bacchisa, Pasc. T. c. p. 253. [Coleoptcra.] 768. . Description of three new species of the Longicorn group Agniini. T. c. pp. 201-206. [Ooleoptera.] 7G9. . Lijst derentomologische Geschriften van Mr. J. W. van Lans- berge, gevolgd door eene opgane der daarin beschreven nieuwe geslachten, oudergeslachteu en soorten. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. 201-234. 770. ROber, J. Ueber die Berechtigung einiger Glaucopis- Arten. CB. Iris, i, pp. 338-340. [j Lepidoptera.) 771. . Zwei neuo Ornithopteren. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 369 & 370. [Lepidoptera.] . [See also Schatz & ROber (793).] 772. Roder, H. von. Ueber Dinera cristata , Mg., und verwandte Arten. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, pp. 227-233. [Dipteral] 773 . Ueber die Gattung IlamnicrscTimidtia , Schum. Z. Ent. Bresl. (2) xiii, pp. 1-3. [Diptera.] 774. . Dipterologische Beitrage. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 95 & 96. 775. . Bemerkungen zur Dipteren- Gattung Exoprosopa. T. c. pp. 97 & 98. 776. Rogenhofer, A. F. Pedoptila staudingeri , n. sp. SB. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. p. 61. [Lepidoptera.] Til. Roster, A. Gontributo alio studio dollo formo larvali dogli Odonati. Cenno iconografico dcllo larve-ninfo doi Caudobranchiati. Bull. Ent. Ital xx, pp. 159-170, pis. i-iv. [Neuroptcra.] 778. Rostock, M. Neuroptera germanica. Die Netzfliigler Deutschlauds, mit Beriicksichtigung auch einiger ausserdeutschen Arten nach der analytischen Methode unter Mitwirkung von H. Kolbe bearbeitet. J. Ber. Yer. Zwickau, 1887, pp. 1-198, pis. i-x. 779. Royston-Piggott. Notes on Villi on the scales of Butterflies and Moths. J. Quek. Club (2) iii, pp. 205-207. 780. Rudow, F. Einige neue Ichneumoniden. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 83-92, 120-124, & 129-136. [ Hymenoptera .) Severely criticized by Kriechbaumer, t. c. pp. 249-252. 781. . Einige Beobachtungen an Odonaten und Neuropteren. Soc. Ent. iii, pp. 124, &c. 782. Ruiil, F. Die Kennzeiclien der mannlichen und weiblichen Lepidopteren Puppen. Op. cit. ii, p. 185 ; iii, p. 5. 783. . Zur Kenntniss der Familie Psi/che (sic). Fortsetzung. Op. cit. ii, pp. 154, &c. ; iii, p. 11. [Lepidoptera.) 784. . Ueber den Misserfolg bei der Copula an Lepidopteren. T. c. p. 18. 785. . Zum Gertus Zygoma. T. c. pp. 50, &c. [Lepidoptera. ] 52 Ins. INSECTA. 786. Ruland, F. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der antennalen Sinnesorgane der Iusektea. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 602-628, pi. xxxvii. He considers the cones to be organs of smell, and he detected them in all Insects examined. A large part of the structures found on the antennae are taste-organs. The pore-platos are not modified hairs, but spocial organs dovotod to hearing. Thoro are no glandular structures on the antennae. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 723 & 724. 787. Salvin, O. A note on Ornithoptera victoria , Gray. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 116-119, pi. iv. [Lepidoptera.'] . [See also Godman & Salvin (319, &c.).] 788. Saolcy, F. Notice sur le genre Tetrix , Latr. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cxxxv. 789. Saunders, E. Notes on Dr. Hermann Mullers’ “ Fertilisation of Flowers.” Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 252-254. 790. . Index to Pauzer’s Fauna Insectorum Germanise. London : 1888, 48 pp. 791. Saussure, H. de. i. Synopsis de la Tribu des Sagiens , Orthopteres de la famille des Locustules. n. De quelques Orthopteres , Pam- phugiens du genre Xiphocera. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 127- 159, pi. v. 792. . Additamenta ad prodromum CEdipodiorum . Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, pp. 1-180, pi. ii. [Orthoptera.] This work includes a large number of new genera and species, a sketch of the geographical distribution, and a synoptical table of all the genera of the group. 793. Sciiatz, E., & ROber, J. Exotische Schmetterlinge. n. Theil, die Familien und Gattungen der Tagfalter systematisch und analyt- isch bearbeitet. Fiirth (Bavaria). [ Lepidoptera .] Part 4 has appeared in 1888 ; it treats of NymphaUdce. 794. Sciiaufuss, C. Catalogus synouymicus Pselapkidarum adliuc de- scriptarum. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp, 1-104. [Coleoptera.] 795. Sciiaufuss, L. W. Einige Kafer aus dem baltischen Bernsteine. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 266-270. [/ alceo-entomology.] 796. . Ein neuer ( Edichirus . Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 314. [ Coleoptera .] 797. SoriiLSKY, J. Systematisches Verzeichniss der Kafer Deutschlands, mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug ilirer geographischen Verbreitung. Zugleich ein Kafer-Yerzeichniss der Mark Brandenburg. Berlin : 1888, pp. vi & 159. 798. . Beitrag zur Kenntniss der deutschen Kiiferfauna. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 177-190. [ Coleoptera .] Descriptions of 119 named varieties, mostly of colour. They are not recorded in our “ Systematic” part. 799. . Beitrage zur K fife rfauna Deutschlands. ill. T. c. pp. 125-128. Remarks on characters and synonymy, as well as localities. TITLES. Ins. 53 800. [Schilsky, J.] Vierter Beitrag zur Kenutniss der deutschen Kafer- fauna. Die deutschen Aphodius- Yarietaten. T. c. pp. 305-321. [ Coleoptera .] 801. °Schimper, A. F. W. Die Wechselbeziehnngen zwischen Pflanzen und Ameisen im tropischen Amerika. Heft I. Jena : 95 pp., 3 pis. Cf. (533) & Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 269-271. 802. Sciilechtendal, D. von. Mittheilungen iiber die in der Samm- lung aufbewahrten Originale zu Germar’s : “ Insekten in Bernstein eingescblossen ” mit Rucksicht auf GiebePs “Fauna der Yorwelt.” Z. Naturw. xli, pp. 473-491. 803. . Ueber das Yoykommen von phytophagen Scblupfwespen. T. c. pp. 415-418. [Uymenoptera.] 804. Schmidt, J. Neue Histeriden. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 189-191. [Coleoptera.] 805. . Drei neue Iletcerius. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 236-239. [Coleo- ptera.] 806. . Bemerkung iiber zwei Histeriden. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, pp. 12 1 & 122. [Coleoptera.] 807. Sciimiedeknecht, O. Die europaischen Gattungen der Scblupf- wespenfamilie Pimplarice. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 419-444. [Hymenoptera.] 808. *. Monographische Bearbeitung der Gattung Pimpla. T. c. pp. 445-542. [ Ilymenoptera .] 809. Sciinabl, J. Contributions a la fauue dipt^rologique. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 378-486. Limited to Aricia. Includes new species, descriptions of other species not included in his “ Contributions,” and additional characters for some described already in the latter memoir. 810. . Quelques mots sur Futility de l’extirpation de Porgane copu- lateur dans la famille des Anthomyides pour la diagnostiqUe. T. c. pp. 181-186. [ 811. — — . Allceostylus , nov. gen. Anthomyidarum. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 49 & 82. [Dipteral] 812. . Hera, nov. gen. Anthomyidarum. T. c. pp. 113-120. [Dipterai\ 813. SchOnfeldt, H. von. Eine neue Donacia aus Japan. T. c. p. 33. [' Coleoptera. ] 814. . Stenelmis foveicollis ein neuer japanischer Kiifer. T. c. p. 1931 [Coleoptera.'] 815. . Cryptodactylus gracilis , n. sp., ein neuer japanischer Kiifer. T. c. p. 209. [Coleoptera.] 816. SCH0YEN, W. M. Supplement til H. Siebke’s Euumeratio Insect- orum Norvegicorum. Fasc. v. Pars. I ( Hymenoptera , Phytophaga et Aculeata). Forli. Selsk. Chr. 1887, No. 5, pp. 1-11. 54 Ins. INSECTA. 817. [SCH0YEN, W. M.] Yderligere Tillasg til Norges Lepidopter- fauna. Op. cit. No. 3, pp. 1-32. 818. . Fortegnolse over de i Norge hidtil observerede Neuroptera Planipennia og Pseudo- Neuroptera. Op. cit. No. 13, pp. 1-30. 819. Sciiwarz, E. A. The Insect Fauna of Semi-tropical Florida, with special regard to the Goleoptera. Ent. Am. iv, pp. 165-175. Particulars as to the existence of a West Indian flora and fauna in certain spots. 820. Scudder, S. H. The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada, with special reference to New Eugland. Cambridge, Mass. The work is to consist of twelve parts, of which two have been issued up to Dec., 1888, comprising 88 pp. of Introduction, and pp. 105-304 of the Systematic Part, and several plates and maps. The Introduction contaius : — I. The general structure of Butterflies. II. The modern classification of Butterflies historically considered, in. The physical features and faunistic divisions of New Eugland. The Systematic Part is varied by digressive essays, under the name of “ Excursus ” ; these at present published are : — I. The White Mountains of New Hampshire as a homo for Butterflies (pp. 127-134). ii. The clothing of Caterpillars (pp. 161-1G3). m. The general changes in a Butterfly’s life and form (pp. 178-180). iv. The eggs of Butterflies (pp. 190-192). v. The modes of suspension of Caterpillars (pp. 201-203). VI. The geographical distribution of Butterflies (pp. 211-213). vn. The ancestry of Butter- flies ; the primaeval form (pp. 235-240). vm. The means employed by Butterflies of the genus Basilarchia for the perpetuation of the species (pp. 260-266). In the Systematic Part he adopts a division iuto four families : Nymphalidce, Lycamidce , PapiUonkhe, and Hesperiului. Separate systematic tables are given, based on egg, young caterpillar, mature caterpillar, chrysalis, and imago. The references to the plates in our record are taken from the letterpress ; some of the figures have not yet appeared. Reviewed in Nature, xxxix, p. 193, by Elwes. 821. . The natural history of Anosia plexippus in New England. Psyche, v, pp. 62-66. [ Lepuloptera .] 822. . The means employed by Butterflies of the genus Basilarchia for the perpetuation of the species. T. c. pp. 79-85. [Lepuloptera.’] 823. . The arrangement of the New England species of Thanuos. T. c. pp. 86-88. [Lepuloptera.] 824. Seidlitz, G. Ueber unzulassige Gattungsnamen. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 39-41. Relates to the use of generic names formed from Latin, and the use of generio names as specific names. 825. . Zur Abwehr. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 168-172, 301, & 302. [Goleoptera.] Discusses, in opposition to Reitter, some points of nomenclature, &c., in Silphuhe and Scydnuenidce. TITLES. Ins. 55 826. [Seidlitz, G.] Fauna balfcica. [ Coleoptera .] Pp. xli-xlviii, Familien, pp. 17-80, Gattungen, and pp. 97-336, Arten, have appeared in 1888. A great many synonymical and critical observa- tions are given in the form of foot-notes. 827. . Fauna Transsylvanica. Die Kaefer Siebenbuergens. [CoUo- ptera. ] This is a reprint of the Fauna baltica, with the alterations necessitated by the differences in the two faunae. Lieferungen i and n have ap- peared in 1888, and are noticed at length in Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 221-224. 828. Selys-Longciiamps, E. de. Odonates recueillis aux ties Loo-Choo par feu M. Pryer. C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. xlviii-liii. [ Neuroptcra .] 829. . Catalogue raisonne des Orthopteres et des Neuropteres de Belgique. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. 103-203. Includes a sketch of the classification of Neuroptcra. The number of species of Orthoptera is 47 ; of Neuroptcra , 327. 830. SiSmenow, A. Notes, synonymiques et syst6matiques sur diversos especes du genre Carabus , L. Hor. Ent. Boss, xxii, pp. 207-212. [Coleoptera.] 831. . Notice sur les Chleniens de la region Transcaspienne. T. a. pp. 213-223. [ Coleoptera .] 832. . Vorlaufige Diagnosen zwei neuer Prionus- Arten. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 157 & 158. [Coleoptera ] 833. . Zwei neue Coleopteren aus Central- Asien . T. c. pp. 246-248. 834. Semper, G. Reisen in Archipol der Philippinen von Dr. C. Semper. Die Tagfalter. [Lepidoptera.] Part hi of the Butterflies has appeared in 1888, including pp. 87-134, and pis. xvii-xxiv. 835. Sharp, D. Descriptions of some new Coleoptera from Japan. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 242-245. 836. . The Staphylinidee of Japan. T. c. pp. 277-295, 369-387, & 451-464. [Coleoptera.] Preceded by some remarks on geographical distribution. Brings the number of species of the family from the Archipelago up to 467. . [See also Godman & Salvin (319).] 837. Shipley, A. E. Insects injurious to wheat. Encycl. Brit. 9th ed. xxiv, pp. 534-536. 838. . Diseases of vines. T. c. pp. 238-240. Relates chiefly to Phylloxera. 839. . Wasps. T. c. pp. 391-393. [Ilymenoptera.] Sicard. [See also Raulin (714).] 840. Signoret, — . Hcmipteres. Miss. sci. Cap Horn, vi, pp. 1-7. The two descriptions of new species appeared previously in Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1885. 56 Ins. INSEOTA. 841. Skuse, A. A. Diptera of Australia. Part I, pp. 17-145, pis. i ⅈ Part it, pp. 657-726, pi. xi ; Part in, pp. 1123-1222, pis. xxxi & xxxii. P. Linu. Soo. N.S.W. (2) iii. A very large number of new species are described, and a great deal of miscellaneous information is given, in order to render the work an intro- duction for the benefit of Australian Students. Part I relates to Ceci- domyiidce ; Part II to Sciaridce ; Part ill to Mycetophilidce. 842. Skuse, F. A. A. Notes on a new Dipterous Insect belonging to the family Cecidomyidce infesting grass ; also on two Hymenopterous Insects parasitic upon the former. Op. cit. ii, pp. 1071-1073/ 843. Simmons, W. J. A contribution to the study of the Mango Weevil. J. Ag. Soc. Ind. (n.s.) viii, pp. 261-277. [ Coleoptera .] 844. Sintenis, F. Ueber den Begrilf der Art. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, pp. 270-275. 845. . Die livlandischen Trypetinen , pp. 198-211 ; die 1. Tetano- cerinen, Ortalinen, Plcitystominen und Ulidinen, pp. 219-226'; die 1. Sapromyzinen , pp. 266-269 ; die 1. Tipuliden und Dixa , pp. 393-398. T. c. [Diptera.] 846. Sloane, T. G. A note on the Carenides, with descriptions of new spocies. P. Linn. Soc. N.SW. (2) iii, pp. 1101-1122. [ Coleoptera .] Tabulates the genera and subgenera, and describes 13 new species and 3 new subgenera. 847. Smith, T. F. On the structure of Butterfly and Moth Scales. J. Quek. Club (2) iii, pp. 199 & 200. 848. Smith, J. B. A monograph of the Sphingidce of America, north of Mexico. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 49-242, pis. iv-xiii. [ Lepido - ptera .] Noticed by Fernald, in Ent. Am. iv, pp. 177 & 178. 849. . An introduction to a classification of the N. American Lepido ptera . Ent. Am. iv, pp. 9-13, 27, & 28. Notes on the genera of Sesiidce , Thyrididce , Heterogynidce. 850. , List of the Sphingidce of temperate N. America. T. c, pp. 89-94. [ Lepkloptera .] 851. . Notes on Cydosia and Cerathosia. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, pp. 185-190. [ Lepidoptera .] 852. . New species of Oncocnemis. Ins. Life, i, pp. 18-21. [. Lepido- ptera.] 853. . Notes on Lachnosterna fusca , auct. T. c. pp. 180-185. [Ooleoptera.] 854. Smith, H. G., & Kirby, W. F. lihopalocera Exotica ; being illus- trations of new, rare, or unfigured species of Butterflies. Parts iii-vi. The species included in these parts have all been recently described elsewhere. TITLES. Ins. 57 855. Snellen, P. C. T. Bijdrage tot de kennis van do A ganaidea, Herrich‘Sch {tiller. ( Lepidoptera Ileterocera , Familie Lithosina.) Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. 109-146, pis. i & ii. 856. South, R. Distribution of Lepidoptera in the outer Hebrides, Orkney, and Shetland. Ent. xxi, pp. 28-30, 98, & 99. 857. . Lepidoptera of the outer Hebrides. T. c. pp. 25-27. 858. Spannert, A. Die wissenschaftlichen Benennungen der euro- paischen Grossschmetterlinge mit sammtlichen anerkannten Varie- taten und Aberrationen. Berlin : 1888, 239 pp. Purely etymological. 859. Speyer, A. Lepidopterologische Mittheilungen. S. E, Z. xlix, pp. 200-213. 860 Stainton, H. T. The Coleophora of the Potentilla, which was originally found by Mr. W. C. Boyd. Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 231. 861. . Nepticula serella, n. sp. T. c. p. 260. [ Lepidoptera .] 862. . Description of a new Nepticula from beech. Op. cit. xxv, p. 12. 863. Stand fuss, M. Alte und neue Agrotiden der europaischen Fauna. CB. Iris, i, pp. 211-219, pis. x & xi. [ Lepidoptera. ] 864. . Lepidopterologisches. B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 233-246, pi. iii. 865. Staudinger, O. Lcpidopteren der Insel Palawan. T. c. pp. 273-280. This part is devoted to Papilioninai. 866. . Neue Noctuiden des Amurgebietes. S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 245- 283. [Lepidoptera."] 867. — - — . Centralasiatische Lcpidopteren. T. c. pp. 1-65. Many new species and varieties of Noctuidce. 868. . Exotische Schmetterlinge. i Theil. Exotische Tagfalter. Fiirth (Bavaria). Pts. 20 and 21, completing this part of th9 work, have appeared in 1888. . STEFANI, T. DE. [FeWeDESTEFANI (182).] 869. Stein, P. Einige neue Anthomyiden- arten. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 289-292. [Diptera.] 870. . Die Tachininen und Anthomyinen der Umgegend Genthens. Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 211-219 & 370-379. [Diptera.] 871. Stie Jilin, (I. Boschrotbung obligor nouon europaischen Riissel- kiifer. MT. schw. ent. Gtes. viii, pp. 9-20. [ Coleoptera .] 872. . Beschreibung einiger neuon Kaferarten. T. c. pp. 48-61. [Coleoptera.] 873. . Uebersicht der in Europa und Syrien einheimischen Arten der Gattung Alopkus. T. c. pp. 64-68. [Coleoptera.] 58 Ins. 1NSECTA. 874. [Stierlin, G.] Ueber das Schicksal dei* von Hrn. Prof. Oswald Hoer bescbriebenen neuen Kaferarten. T. c. pp. 70-76. [ Coleo - ptera.\ Only of interest in connection with Heer’s works. 875. . Ueber Otiorrhynchus bicostatus und gemellatus. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 79 & 80. [ Goleoptera .] 876. — . Ueber einen neuen europaischeu Rfisselkafer. Soc. Ent. iii, p. 97. \Coleoptera^\ . [See also Oertzen (631).] 877. Suciietet, A. L’hybridite dans la Nature. Rev. Quest, sci. xxiv, pp. 175-244. Pp. 180-187 relate to hybridism amongst Insects. Swinhoe. [See Cotes (170).] 878. Taczanowski, L. Description d’une nouvelle espece de Carabe du sous-genre Coptolabrus. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 187 & 188. [Coleoptera.] 879. Targioni-Tozzetti, A. Cronaca entomologica dell’ anno 1887 e dei mesi di geuuaio e febbraio, 1888. Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, pp. 129-138. Relates to injurious Insects in Italy, and gives particulars as to the spread of Phylloxera. 880. — — & Berlese, A. Intorno ad alcuni iusetticidi, alle loro mesco- lanze ed alle attivita relative di quelli e di queste contro gli insetti. T. c. pp. 148-158. 9 / 881. Tciieng-Ki-Tong. La soie ct le ver it soio on Chine. La Nature, xvi, pp. 172-174 & 267-270. 882. Tiiaxter, R. The Entomophthorece of the United States. Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, pp. 133-201, pis. xiv-xxi. Besides descriptions of the fungi, this includes a list of numerous Insects attacked by them ; but specific names are rarely mentioned. 883. Thomson, C. G. Opuscula entomologica, edidit. Fasciculus xii. Lund: 1888, pp. 1185-1318. This fasciculus includes three memoirs, viz. : — xxxvi. Ofversigt af do i Sverige fauna arter af Ophion och Paniscus, pp. 1185-1201 [ tlymenoptera ]. xxxvii. Bidrag till Sveriges insect fauna, pp. 1202- 1265 [ Goleoptera , Orthoptera , Lepidoptera , Hymenoptera .] xxxviii. Forsok till gruppering af sliigtet Plectiscus , Grav., pp. 1266-1318. [Hy menop tera.~\ 884. . Notes Hymenopterologiques. Observations sur le genre Ichneumon et descriptions de nouvelles especes. No. ill. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 105-126. 885. Tiere, — . Plateau’s Versuche fiber das Sehvermogen der einfachen Augen von Schmetterlingsraupeu und von vollkommen Insekten. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 276-282. T11LES. Ins. 59 88G. Trail, J. W. H. The gall-making Diptera of Scotland. Scot. Nat. 1888, pp. 281-288, 809-328, & 373. The particulars are chiefly given under a botanical arrangement ; but there is also a list, pp. 378-380, of the Diptera making the galls. 887. Trouessart, — , & Neumann, G. Le Pou de l’otaire. Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 80, woodcuts. [ Ilhynchota (A noplura).] 888. Tryon, H. Notes on Queensland Ants. P. R. Soc. Queensl. ii, pp. 146-162. [Ilymenoptera.] 889. •. J udicial entomology, and on an unrecorded habit of White Ants. Op. cit. iv, pp. 119-123. [ Ncumptera .] 890. Tsciiitscherine, T. Insecta in itinere cl. N. Przewalskii in Asia centrali novissime lecta. v. Pterostichini. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 362-367. [Coleoptera.] 891. Tutt, J. W. Melanism in London Lepidoptera. Ent. xxi, pp. 247-249. 892. . Variation of certain Agrotidce. T. c. pp. 171-176 & 198-202. [Lepidoptera.] 893. . Contributions towards a list of the varieties of Noctmv occurring in the British Isles. T. c. pp. 44-52, 81-87, 99-102, 135-139, 151-155, 176-181, 206-209, 221-229, 252-254, 269-272, 305-313, pi. i. [ Lepidoptera .] 894. Uiiler, P. R. Preliminary survey of the Cicada’, a of the United States. Ent. Am. iv, pp. 21-23 & 81-85. [ Rhyncliota .] 895. Urecii, F. Bestimmungen der successiven Gewichtsabnahme der Winterpuppe von Pontia brassicce, und mecbanisch-physiologische Betrachtungen dariiber. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 205-212. 896. Verrall, G. H. A list of British Diptera. London : 1888, pp. 33 & 12. Includes nearly 3000 species. Part ii is a list of the species originally described from Britaiu, but probably unrecognizable unless from types. Part hi. List of reputed British Diptera. 897. . List of British Tipulidce , &c., with notes. Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 20-27 & 97-99. [Diptera.] Continued from last year. 898. Venus, C. E. Ueber Varietaten-Zucht. CB. Iris, i, pp. 209 & 210, [Lepidoptera.] An experiment in rearing larvae of Vanessa urticce under great sun- heat. 899. Voeltzkow, A. Vorlaufige Mittheilung fiber die Entwicklung im Ei von Musca vomitoria. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 235 & 236. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 572. 900. Waghtl, A. Vorlaufige Beschreibung einer neuen Gallmiicke. Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 205 & 206. [Diptera.] 60 Ins. INSECTA. 901. [Wachtl, A.] Em Lindenverwiister. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ersten Stande und der Lebensweise des Agrilus aiiricollis , Kies. T. c. pp. 293-297, pi. iii. [ Coleoptera .] 902. Waciitl, F. Tomicus austriacus , n. sp. MT. Niederosterr. Forst- vereines. 1887, 3, xxxi, p. 320. [ Coleoptera.] Cf. Wieu. ent. Z. vii, p. 114. 903. Walker, F. A. Oriental entomology. J. Viet. Inst, xxi, pp. 107-136. 904. Walker, J\ J. Carrion beetles attracted by Arum dracunculus. Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 33. 905. . A year’s Insect-hunting at Gibraltar. Op. cit. xxiv, pp. 175-184. Cf. also t. c. p. 232. 906. Wallengren, H. D. J. Skandinaviens vecklarefjarilar. Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 159-198. [Lepidoptera.] 907. Walsingiiam, Lord. Description of a new genus and species of Pyralidce, received from the Rev. J. H. Hocking, from the Kangra Valley, Punjaub. Tr. L. S. (2) v, pp. 47-52, pi. v. [ Lepidoptera .] 908. . Steps towards a revision of Chambers’s Index, with notes and descriptions of new species. Ins. Life, i, pp. 81-84, 113-117, & 145-150. [ Lepidoptera.\ 909. . On the variation of the apical veins in the genus Cerostoma , Latr., aud its allies. Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 153-156. [Lepidoptera.] 910. Warren, W. On Lepidoptera collected by Major Yerbury in Western India, in 1886 and 1887. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 292-338. 911. — — . Concerning some of Haworth’s types of British Micro- Lepuloptera. Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 5-8. 912. Wasmann, E. Beitrage zur Lebensweise der Gattungen Atemeles und Lomechusa. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. 245-328. [Coleoptera , Hymenoptera .] 913. Waterhouse, C. O. Memoir of George Robert Waterhouse. P. E. Soc. 1888, pp. lxx-lxxvi. 914. . On somo Ooleoptera from Eastern Equatorial Africa, received from Emin Pasha. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 86 & 87. 915. . New species of Lucanidce , Cetoniidcv , aud Buprestidai in the British Museum. Ann. N. II. (6) i, pp. 260-264. [ Coleoptera. ] 916. . Additional observations on the Tea-Bugs ( Helopeltis ) of Java. . Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 207. [ Bhynchota .] 917. . Aid to the identification of Insects. Part 29, pis. 177-180. Loudon : 1888. [ Lepidoptera , Coleoptera .] 918. Weed, C. M. Descriptions of some new or little known Micro- gasterince. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 294-297. [ Hymenoptera. ] TITLES. Ins. 61 919. [Weed, C. M.] Contribution to a knowledge of the autumn life- history of certain little known Apliididce. Psyche, v, pp. 123-134. 920. . On the Hymenopterons parasites of the Strawberry Leaf- roller, Phoxopteris comptana , Frol. Ent. Am. iv, pp. 149-152. 921. Weise, J. Ueber Coccinellen aus Afrika, hauptsachlich von Ilerrn Major v. Mechow gesammelt. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 81-96. [Coleoptera.] 922. . Ueber die Afrikanische Galeruciden-G&btung Pachytoma , Clk. T. c. pp. Ill & 112. [ Coleoptera .] 923. . Timarcha strophium. T. c. p. 124. [Coleoptera.] 924. . Cryptocephalus tardus , n. sp., vom Monte Rosa. T. c. p. 368. [Coleoptera A 925. — — . Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. Coleoptera. Sechster Band. Lief. 5, pp. 769-960. Berlin : 1888. Continues the descriptions of Ilalticuhe. 926. Westwood, J. 0. Notes on the life-history of various species of the Neuropterous geuus Ascalaphus. Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 1-12, pis. i & ii. 927. . List of diurnal Lepidoptera collected in Northern Celebes, by Dr. Hickson. T. c. pp. 467-475, pi. xii. White, W. [See Griffiths (337).] 928. Wielowieyski, H. Studyja nad komorka zwierzeca. Cze£c I. Badania nad jajkiem zwierzecem. Rozpraw Wydz. matem.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. xvi, pp. 126-220, pis. i--iii. A paper, entirely in the Polish language, on oogenesis in Insects. 929. Will, L. Entwicklungeschichte der viviparen Aphiden. Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 145-154. Observations on a variety of embryological points. 930. . Entwicklungeschichte der viviparen Aphiden. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Abth. Anat. pp. 201-286, pis. vi-x. Includes: — I. Kurze Uebersicht uber die Entstehung des Blastoderms. II. Die Entstehung der Keimblatter und der Embryonalhiillen. ill. Ver- gleichende Betrachtungen : (1) Ueber die Gastrula der Insecten ; (2) Ueber den Ursprung der Embryonalhiillen bei den Insecten. iv. Die Entstehung der Orgaue. v. Die Bedeutung des praoralen Abschnitts. There is also a bibliographical list. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 573. 931. Williston, S. W. Table of the families of Diptera. Tr. Kansas Ac. x, pp. 122-128. 932. . Diptera brasiliana, ab. II. H. Smith collecta. Part i. Stratio- myidue , Syrphidce. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 243—291. 933. . A new South American genus of Conopince. Canad. Eut. xx, pp. 10-12. [Diptera.] G2 Ins. INSEC'J’A. 934. [Williston, S. W.] Notes and descriptions of North American Tabanulce. Tr. Kansas Ac. x, pp. 129-142. [Diptera.'] 935. . Hilarimorpha and Apiocera. Psyche, v, pp. 99-102. 936. — - — . An Australian parasite of Icerya purchasi. Ins. Life, i, p. 21. [ Diptera .] 937. Wood-Mason, J. Report on some Insects destructive to the Castor-oil plant in the Bellary district. J. Ag. Soc. Ind. (n.s.) viii, pp. 83-87. 938. Woodward, H. On the discovery of the larval stage of a Cock- roach, Etoblattina peachii , from the coal-measures of Kilmauns, Ayrshire. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, p. G96. 939. Woodworth, 0. W. Synopsis of North American Cicadidce. Psyche, v, pp. 66 & 67. \_Rhynchota.'\ 940. Wright, W. G. Description of a new Ilemileuca. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 31-34. [Lepidoptera.~\ 941. Wulp, F. M. van der. Nieuwe Argentijnsche Diptera. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. 359-376, pis. ix & x. . [See also Godman & Salvin (319).] II.— ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. 1. General, Comparative, and External. Yalue of homologies of external skeleton in Arthropods , Pouch et (679). Anatomy, general and external, of Thysanura , Grassi (329) ; of Thy- sanoptera , Jordan (423) ; of Phylloxera , Lemoine (495). — External anatomy of Muscides , Pandell^ (655). — Integument of Thysanura , Oude- mans (648, pp. 164-173). Sternum, wings, secondary sexual characters of Acrkliidce , Haij (357). — External and internal structure of larvae of Trichoptera , Klapalek (441). — Organs of aquatic locomotion, Amans (4). Structure and development of wing-veins, Redtenbacher (715). Labrutn of Coleoptera, Labonne (488). —Duality of labrum, Ciiatin (141). Nature of the odorous glands of Lepkloptera) Haase (354). — Poison- glands of mosquito, Macloskie (548). — Stink-gland of Periplaneta orientalis , Minciiin (607). Mechanism of sting and nature of poison of ITymenoptera , Carlet (133). — Supplementary organ of sting of H ymenoptera, id. (134). Structure of the hypodermis in Periplaneta orientalis} Minciiin (607). — Structure of Lepidopterous scales, Smith (847), Royston-Piggott (779). Jointed dorsal appendages, Fielde (272). ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. Ins, G3 2. Nervous System, Organs op Sense, and Psychology. Nervous system and organs of sense of Thysanura , Grassi (3*29), Oudemans (648, pp. 174-179). Antennal structures and their functions, Ruland (786). — Sense- organs of antennae and trophi, Rath (712). — Structure and function of palpi of Lephloptera , Reuter (735). Eyes, Ciaccio (153) ; of Thysanura , Oudemans (648, pp. 180-183). — Ocelli of Machilis , Grassi (329, p. 603). — Development of eyes in larva of Aciliiis, Patten (662). — Sight, Plateau (674, 675, 676), Tiebe (885). External parts of organ of hearing of Acridiidce, Haij (357). Brain of Somomya erylhrocephala, Cuccati (172) ; of Phylloxera , Lemoine (494, 495). Senses and instinct, Lubbock (527, 528),Forel (280), Peckham (663), Sharp, P. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 1-lxix. — Psychological observations on Formica rufa , Reuter (737). — Colour-sense, sense of direction, sense of smell, recognition of friends, amongst ants, Lubbock (527). — Means of guidance, Putnam, P. Dost. Soc. xxiii, p. 465. — Harvesting ants, Tryon (888). — Ants covering their mounds with bright objects, Hay, Tr. Kansas Ac. x, p. 27. — Insects distinguishing colour, Cockerell (157). — Faulty instinct, Lugger, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 50. — Relations of position 6f Insects to light and gravity, Loeb (520, 521). 3. Muscular System. Of Thysanura , Grasst (329). — Histology of muscles of wings, Ciaccio (152) ; of muscles of legs and wings, Ram6n (709). — Notes on the head- muscles of Ilarpalus , Grove (347). 4. Organs and Function of Nutrition. Trophi, digestive system, salivary glands, Malpighian vessels of Thysanura , Oudemans (648, pp. 184-199). — Malpighian tubules, Griffiths (335). — Salivary glands, renal organs, and liver, id. (336). — Intestine and fat-body in Thysanura , Grassi (329). — Trituratory-crop of ants, Emery (230). — Alimentary canal of Ephemeridce , Fritze (289). — Acidity of fluids in digestive tube of Cantharis , Beauregard (48). — Liquid secreted by Timarcha pimelioules , Bono (87). 5. Circulation and Respiration. Circulatory system of Thysanura , Grassi (329), Oudemans (618, pp. 199-201). — Heart beat of Corydalis cornutus , Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 34. Respiratory system of Thysanura , Grassi (329), Oudemans (648, pp. 202-206). — Respiratory apparatus of larvae of Trichoptera , &c., Muller (621). — Mode of respiration of larva of Donacia, Dewitz (183). — Respiration of eggs of Bomhyx mori, Luciani & Piutti (531, 532). — 64 Ins. INSECTA, Air in cocoon of silkworms, Regnard (721).— Structure of terminal stigma in Hymenoptera , Carlet, C.R. (135). Influence of light on oxygenatiou, Loeb (519). 6. SEXQAL ORGANS AND EMBRYOLOGY. Sexual organs of Thysanura , Grassi (329), Oudemans (G48, pp. 207- 215.) Embryology, Bruce (111), Gbaber (324, 325) ; of Meloe , Nusbatjm (628) ; of viviparous Aphididce , Will (929, 930) ; of Musca , Butsciili (120); of Musca vomitoria, Voeltzkow (899). — First stages of develop- ment in egg of fly, Henking (370). — Embryology of parthenogenetic eggs of Liparis, Platner (677). — Development of entoderm in Blatta , Ciiolodkovsky (145). Oogenesis, Wielowieyski (928). — The structure and growth of the unfertilised egg, Leydig (512). Spermatogenesis, Gilson (313). Parthenogenesis, Massa (560) ; in Ocneria dispar , Bock (85). — Note on parthenogenesis in Bombyx mori , Verson, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 263, and Tichomiroff, pp. 342-344. Hermaphrodites, Becker (50), Mjk (598), Dittrich (192), Honratii (387). — Statistics as to hermaphroditism in Lepidoptera, Speyer, S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 201 & 202 ; of Lepidoptera, Honratii (387) ; of Gastropacha quercus, Bertkau, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlv, S. B. p. 67 ; of Apis mellijica, Lucas, p. lxxxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. 7. General Biology and Stray Notes. Parasitism, Michael (596). Histology of Musca vomitoria during metamorphosis, Rees (717). — Changes during pupation, Emerton (229).— Loss of woight in winter pupa of Pontia brassicce , Urecii (895). — Prolongation of pupation of Bombyx , Speyer (859). Formic acid in Lepidoptera , Poulton (682). Composition of nutritive paste of the bee, Planta (673). Sexual forms in Termitidce , Grassi (330, 331, 332). Influence of heat in producing varieties, Venus (898). Causation of seasonal dimorphism, Cockerell (156). — Dimorphism in larvae, Poulton (683). Ants and Aphididce, Bos (91). Ants and ants’ nest beetles, Wasmann (912). Plants and ants, Ludwig (533, 534), Schimper (801). Insects feigning death, Grote, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 120, Hamilton, t. c. p. 179, Webster, t. c. p. 199. Luminosity, Dittrich (193), Haase (352), Riley (758). Melanism, Weir, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1887, p. 40, also t. c. p. 73, Jordan (424) ; in Lepidoptera , Chapman, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 40 ; in London Lepidoptera , Tutt (891). Coloration of pupa and surroundings, White & Griffiths, P. E. Soc. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. Ins . 65 1888, pp. vi-x, and (337). — Colour in Lepidopterous larvae and in eggs of Paniscus ; Poulton (683). — Colour and environment, id. P. E. Soc. 1888, p. xxviii. — Origin of ornamentation in Lepidoptera , Grote (339). — Colouring-matter in Huechys sanguined, Fumouze (291). Mimicry, Tosquinet, address to Soc. Ent. Belg., C.R. ent. Belg, xxxii, pp. ciii-cx. — Resemblance between pupa of Adalias coresia, Hb., and Hemipteron, Weyers, t. c. p. xxvi. — Mimicry between Hymenoptera of different families, Handlirsch, SB. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 67-69. — Accidental resemblance, Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 112. — Note on mimicry among ants, Lubbock (527, p. 121) ; ants and seeds, id. t. c. p. 133. — Mimetic modifications of legs, &c., of EremoUites , Saussure (792, pp. 108-114). Protection, Grote (340) ; in Lepidopterous larvae, Poulton (683) ; by colour and markings, id. (681). Variation, Cockerell, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1887, pp. 95-107 ; in colour, Olliff (636). Phylogeny, Brauer (100), Grassi (329), Asilmead (19).— Polypody in Insect-embryo, G rarer (325). Origin of species, Eimer (228). Scent-organs of Lepidoptera , Haase (354, 355) ; of Herminia tarsi- pennalis , Meldola, Ess. Nat. ii. p. 113. Music of the Eremobiites , Saussure (792, pp. 114-119). Galls, Trail (886), Kieffer (437). — Galls of Gecidomyiidce, Mik (599), LOW (523) ; of Chilaspis nitida, Schlechtendal, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 245 ; of Norway, LOW (524). Insects and flowers : Insects attacking man ; Insects as food ; as inter- mediate hosts of parasites. [See Economic.] Hybridism, Suciietet (877). — Hybridization in Lepidoptera , Fallou (254). Monstrosities : Chretien (149) ; of Goleoptera and Eemiptera, Gadeau de Kerville, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. Ixxxii-lxxxiv ; in Melitcea minuta , Cockerell, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 93. — Deformities of wings in Lepidoptera, Fromholz (290). Diseases of Insects : Brogniart (109), Forbes (278), Giard (311, 312), Thaxter (882) ; of larva of Anthercea mylitta , Du Maine (213) ; of bees, McLain, in Riley Rep. 1887, pp. 171-175 ; of Blissus leucopterus, Howard, in Riley (754). — Note on Chinch-bug diseases, Forbes, Psyche, v, p. 110.— Parasitic fungi of Insects, Grill (388). — Gordyceps , fungus attacking Insects, Patouillard (661). — Bacteria- like bodies in eggs, Blochmann*(84). Migration, Fowler (284). Longevity of ants, Lubbock, J. L. S. xx, p. 133. Pimelia sp. living without food for 9 or 10 months, Robbe, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, p. Iv. Insects attracted by electric light, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. xxxvii. Stray notes : Carrion-beetles attracted by Arum dracunculus , Walker (904). — Diptera in mines, Aurivillius (31). — Insects in coffins, M^gnin (571). — Insect habitation, Fielde (273). — Water-beetles as distributors of Algce , Migula (597). 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 5 GO Ins. INSECTA. III.— FAUNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. The reference-numbers under each of the twelve regions are behoved to give a reference to every momoir containing a notice affecting the entomological Fauna of that region. But synonymical notes and changes of systematic position are only incompletely referred to. Insects at sea : Cordeaux, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. Ill ; Grapes. Ent. xxi, pp. 161 & 162. Miscellaneous remarks on the distribution of Coleoptera and Lepido- ptera, Kolbe (446). New species of which the country is unknown : Myelois grossipunc- tella, Rag., S alebria turpidella , Rag. 1. Arctic and Antarctic. Lepidoptera. Petersen (669), — Schoyen, “ Bombyx populi) L.t fra den arktiske region”; Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 142. 2. Insular (including New Zealand). Loo Choo Is., see East Asia. Hawaiian Is. ( Lepidoptera ), Meyrick (580) ; ( Rhynchota ) Blackburn (79). Tonga-Tahou ( Coleoptera ), LeveilliS (503). New Ireland, New Britain, Duke of York I. ( Coleoptera ), Masters (561). Fiji Is. ( Coleoptera ), Olivier (641). New Hebrides ( Lepidoptera ), Snellen (855). Marquesas and Fiji ( Lepidoptera ), Racjonot (702). New Pomerania ( Lepidoptera ), Honratii (385). Solomon Is : ( Coleoptera ), Gaiian (293) ; ( Lepidoptera ), Druoe (206, 207), Qodman & Salvin (320, 321), Salvin (787). Thursday I., Solomon Is. ( Lepidoptera ), Butler (113). Fiji Is. ( Lepidoptera ), Druce (205). New Caledonia, New Zealand, New Britain, Duke of York I., New Hanover, Fiji ( Orthoptera ), Brunner (112). Norfolk I. ( Insecta ), Olliff (634). New Caledonia ( Coleoptera ), Baly (39), Gaiian*(294) L^veilliI) (503), Pascoe (659). New Zealand: ( Insecta ), Hudson, Ent. xxi, pp. 267-269. — ( Coleoptera ) Colenso (158), Lewis (505). — ( Hymenoptera ) Cameron (128).— (Lejrido- ptera) Meyrick (581, 582, 583, 584, 585). — ( Diptera ) Ins. Life, i, p. 32. — ( Coccidce ) Maskell (559). Auckland Is. ( Anoplura ), Trouessart & Neumann (887). 3. Pal^arctic Region. (a.) The Region. Some Insects common to Europe and Colorado ; Cockerell, Ent. M. M, xxv, p. 67. FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 67 Coleoptera. Faitvel (261), Faust (259), Kuwert (483, 485), Reitter (724, 732) ; Sciimidt, Histeridce (804). Ilymenoptcra. Handlirscii (366, 367), Ja.kowlew (416), Kohl (442, 444), Konow (454); Kriechbaumer, Ichneumonidai (472); MorawiTz (613), Radoszkowski (699, 701). Lepidoptera. Christoph (151), Gumppenberg (350), Petersen (669), Ragonot (702). Rhynchota. Horvath (396), Puton (689, 691). Orthoptera. Brunner (1 12), Saussure (792). (b.J Collective Europe, Coleoptera. Fauvel, Rectifications au Catalogus Coleopterorum Europse et Caucasi (suite) ; Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 229-251.— Flach (277), Guille- beau (349), Heyden (376), Kuwert (484), Lewis (507), Matthews (319, p. 118), Puton (693), Reitter (729, 730), and Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 331, Seidlitz (826, 827), Stierlin (871, 872, 873), Wasmann (912), Weise (925). Hymenoptera. AndriS (5), Handlirscii (368), Kriechbaumer (474), Marshall (555), Rudow (780), SciimiedeKneckt (807, 808), Thomson (884). Lepidoptera. Olltff (636), Pungeler (688), ROhl (783), Standfuss (863). Diptera. Kieffer (437), ROder, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 21, Schnabl (809), Wachtl (900), Wulf, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. xxii, xxiii, & xcvi. Rhynchota. Horvath (397), LOw (525), Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 257, Reuter (744), Rey (748, 749). Orthoptera. Krauss (471). (c.) British Islands. Insecta. Additions to British Insect fauna in 1887 ; Adkin, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1887, pp. 18, &c.— Many localities of capture of British Insects reported in P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1887, passim. — Source of the Hessian-fly and its parasites ; Ormerod (645). — Hastings ; Bennett, Ent. M. xxv, p. 164.— Woking ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 131. — Wellington ; Rep. Wellington Coll. Soc. xix, p. 37. — Porritt, an ento- mological expedition to North Wales and the Isle of Man ; Naturalist, 1888, pp. 103-107.— List of notices on the Lepidoptera of the north of England, 1885-1887; Naturalist, 1888, pp. 58-78, and cf. also p. 110, t. c. ; id. Hymenoptera , 1884-1887, t. c. pp. 153-155 ; Coleoptera , 1884- 1887, t. c. pp. 203-210 ; Neuroptera, 1884-1887, t. c. pp. 285 & 286. Coleoptera. E. A. Waterhouse, novelty, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 133.— Fowler (282). — Aphodius melanostictus withdrawn ; Ellis, P. E. Soc. 1888, pp. xv-xviii. — Isle of Wight : Champion, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 133 ; Fowler, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 17 ; Grant, Ent. xxi, p. 92. — Hastings ; Bennett, Eut. M. M. xxiv, p. 233.— Kent ; Malings, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 133. — Mickleham ; Champion, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 134. — Berkhamstead ; Carrington, Ent. xxi, p. 213.— Oxford ; Fowler, P. E.Soc. 1888, p. xxxvii. — Burton-on-Trent ; Fowler, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 232. — Market 08 Ins. INSECTA. Weighton ; Bayford, Naturalist, 1888, p. 329. — Newnham-on-Severn ; Fowler, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 214. — Hartlepool ; Gardner, Naturalist ? 1888, p. 119, and Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 275. — Lincolnshire ; Tero, Ent. xxi, p. 213. — Liverpool; Ellis (226). — Ingleborough ; Carter, Natu- ralist, 1888, p. 245. — Lake District ; Carter, Naturalist, 1888, p. 246. — Northumberland ; Bolam, P. Berw. Club, xi, p. 558. — Wales : Llan- gollen; Wilding, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 37. — Scotland: Castle Douglas; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 37. — St. Kilda ; Sharp, P. E. Soc. 1888, p. xxvi. — Ireland : Coleoptera at Armagh in 1887 ; Johnson, Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 193-196, and xxv, p. 18. — Carlingford ; Johnson, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 139 & 140. Hymenoptera. Marshall, n. g. & spp. (555). — Cameron, novelty, P. Manch. Soc. xxvi, p. 52. — Cameron, novelty, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) i, p. 142. — Cameron, n. spp. (128). — Cameron, n. sp. (129). — Cameron, n. sp. (130).— Capron, novelties, n. spp. (132). — Enock, parasites of Hessian Fly, novelty, Ent. xxi, p. 202. — Perkins, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 128-130. — Worthing; Stewart, Ent. xxi, p. 321. — Lewis ; Jenner, Ent. xxi, p. 322. — Petersfield ; Bull, Ent. xxi, p. 235. — Chobham : Cameron, P. Manch. Soc. xxvi, p. 54. — London; Robinson, Ent. xxi, p. 283. — Berkhamstead ; Carrington, Ent. xxi, p. 214. — North Lincolnshire; George, Naturalist, 1888, p. 107. — Hartlepool ; Gardner, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 131. — Yorkshire ; Dobr£e, Naturalist, 1888, p. 51. — Scotland ; Cameron, P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. (n.s.) ii, pp. xii & xvi. — Ireland : Armagh; Johnson, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 132. Lepicloptera. Fletcher, Butalis laminella , novelty, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 15. — Richardson, n. sp. (750). — Stainton, n. sp. (860); id., n. sp. (861); id., n. sp. (862). — Warren, novelty, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 146. — Barrett, variation (42). — Tutt, varieties of Noctuce (893). — Hodgkinson, captures of Notodonta bicolai', Ent. xxi, p. 275. — Greene, claims of Clostera anachoreta, Ent. xxi, pp. 31-33. — Channel Is. ; Hawes, Ent. xxi, pp. 63 & 64, Walker, t. c. pp. 150 & 151.— Jordan, a week in Jorsoy, Ent- M. M. xxv, pp. 49-52.— Ponryu ; Mayne, Ent. xxi, p. 210. — Cornwall ; Vivian, Ent. xxi, pp. 56 & 59. — South Devon, notes on the Macro- Lepidoptera of ; Kane, Ent. xxi, pp. 34-36. — Avonwick ; Raynor, Ent. xxi, p. 92. — Bideford; Bray, Ent. xxi, p. 276. — Dawlish ; Auld, Ent. xxi, p. 258, Cook, t. c. p. 274. — Teignmouth ; Jordan, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 274. — Jordan, melanism in Birmingham and South Devon (424). — Dorsetshire : Cambridge (126) ; “ Butalis siccella ,” Bankes, P. Dorset Field Club, ix, pp. 118-122.— Blox worth ; Cambridge, Ent. xxi, p. 276. — Isle of Wight : Stevens, Ent. xxi, p. 229 ; Grant, Ent. xxi, p. 115 ; Stevens, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 91 ; Burney, l. c. — Hampshire, the Lcpido- ptera of; Hervey, P. Hampsb. Club/i, pp. 28-34, ii, pp. 19-21. — Christ- church ; Adye, Ent. xxi, p. 162. — Lymington ; Heseltine, Ent. xxi, p. 276. — Portland ; Barrett, Ent. M. 'M. xxv, p. 160. — New Forest ; Hodges, Ent. xxi, p. 229 ; Capper, Ent. xxi, p. 279, and Blaber, l. c. ; Walker, Ent. xxi, p. 282 ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 139. — Winchester ; Warner, Ent. xxi, p. 233. — Chichester ; Anderson, Ent. xxi, pt 276.— Eastbourne ; Adkin, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1887, pp. 82-86. — Deal : Tutt, Ent. xxi, p. 259; Meek, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. Ill; FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 69 Porritt & Tugwell, t. c. p. 112. — Ramsg parvus , laitus, d. 187, palustris , p. 188, n. spp., Australia ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x. Lecanomerus jlavocinctus , p. 188, obscurus, lindi, p, 189, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Harpalus caliginosus , Fab., stridulation of ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 62 ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 51 & 77 : muscle-fibres of hea,d ; Grove (347). //. perezii , Yuill., n. var. salinator ; Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 224. II. dcyrollei , Cast., note on ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 190. JI. smyrnensis , Asia Minor, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 69 ; CARABIlLE. Into. 91 II. ( Erpeinus ) ibericus, Uclds, p. 219, cesculanus, p. 223, Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xvii : n. spp. Ophonus cephalotes , Fairm., referred to Scybalicus ; Heyden, Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 215. 0. cunii, Fairm., full description ; Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 216. Ilarpalodema , n. g., p. 418, for II. lutescens,fausti , n. spp., Astraclian, p. 419 ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Acorius ghilianii n. var. salinarius ; Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 235. Gnathaphanus darwini , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 808, n. sp. Acupalpus ornatus , quadrimaculatus , p. 474, bimaculatus , p. 475, King’s Sound, MaclEay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Stenolophus suturalis, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 470, n. sp. Abacetus flavipes , quadratipennis , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. (2) iii, p. 480, n. spp. Drimostoma explanation , euglyptum , W. Africa, Bates, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 200, n. spp. Eucamptognathus fulyido-cinctus, Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 71, fig. 2, n. sp. Simodontus occidentalism King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 479, n. sp. Omaseus acutidens , Pekin, Fairmaire, p. cc, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; 0. stictopleurus , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 10, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; O. froggatti , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p.477 : n. spp, Pterostichus strenuus u. var. lectulus ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 87. P. etelkcBf Transsyl vania, Ormay, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 165 ; P.przcvml- slcyi , Tibet, p. 382, validipes, p. 364, Tbchitscherine, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii; P. hcesitatus, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 11, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii; P. crenulatus, p. 478, Icevigatus, p. 479, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Abax tantillus, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 12, Ann. Ent, Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Stobeus, n. g., near Pterostichus , for S. collucens , n. sp., Yunnan ; Fairmaire, p. 8, Anu. Ent. Belg. xxxii. Aurisma, n. g., near Platysma, for A. delavayi , n, sp., Yunnan ; Fair- maire, p. 9, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii. Steropus madidus , larva attacking earthworm ; Hughes, P. Oambr, Phil. Soc. vi, p. 245. S. licinoides, p. 10, scuticollis, p. 11, Yunnan, Fairmaire, Ann, Ent, Belg. xxxii, n. spp. Steropanus, n. g., near Steropus , for S. forticornis , n. sp., Yunnan Fairmaire, p. 10, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii. Pcecilus chlcenioules , sulcatulusj King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc, N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Pedius ineptus and siculus , synonymical note ; Bedel, p. 285, Ann. Soo, Ent. Fr. (6) viii. P. siculus, Lev., note on its characters and systematic position ; Belon, Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 71-74. Rhytisternus sulcatipes , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W, 92 Ins . COLEOPTEIU. (2) iii, p. 809 ; It. cingustulus, p. 477, limbatus , p. 478, Macleay, p. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Pseudohaptoderus , n subg., for P. ssemenovi , n. sp., Tibet ; Tschits- cherine, p. 366, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxii. Cratogaster sulcata, Blanch , = ( melas , Cast.) ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 809. C. occidentalis, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 475, n. sp. Zabrus gibbus, ravages ; Ormerod, Rep. xii, p. 43-48. A mara : table of the characters of the Netherlands species ; Everts (17). A. aulica n. var. circassica ; Reitter, p. 86, Wien. ent. Z. vii. A. lantoscana , France, Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 222 ; A. (Celia) sollicita, Spain, Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 236 : n. spp. Pristongchus chevrieri , Pekin, Fairmaire, p. civ, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. australis, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 811 : u. spp. Pristodactijla caucasica n var .femoralis ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 88. Thermoscelis insignis n, var. kamberskyi ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 89. Calathus gregarius , Say, destroys the eggs of Doryphora \Q-lineata ; Webster, in Riley Rep. 1887, p. 151. C. micropterus , mollis, &o., distin- guished by $ structures ; Sciulsky, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 125, C. punctibasis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cc ; C. stvigipennis , p. 12, nubilipennis, p. 13, Yunnan, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Agonum birthleri , Asia Minor, Hopffgarten, p. 177, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; A . dorsostriatum, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 13, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Platynus corsicus , Tourn., note on; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 216. Oli8thopus anomalus , Perris, referred to Badister ; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 215. Dyscolus ovipennis, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 14, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Patrobus microphthalmus , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 14, Ann. Eut. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Colpodes 8upcrlita , Kiu-Kiang, Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 383, n. sp. Omphreus morio n. var. beckianus ; Soc. Ent. iii, p. 89. Pogonus castaneipes, Pekin, Fairmaire, p. cc, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. approximana, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 112 : n. spp. Ilomaloderu dorsigera, figured and redescribed ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 18, pi. i, fig. 4. Trechus cantalicus , France, Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 221 ; T. iliac, Jischtensis, p. 83, alpigradus, p. 84, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii : n. spp. Anophthahuus circa ssicus, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 84, n. sp. Anillus explanatus , California, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 26, n. sp. CARABIDiE, HAJilPLTDAS, AND DYTISCIDAC. Ins. 93 PscudoMmnoiUm , n. g., p. 366, for P. cichoffi, n. sp,, Germany, p. 365 ; ICuaatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Bembidium fasciatum and allies, Fauvel’s remarks on their synonymy queried : Sciiilsky, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. B. biguttatum and allies dis- cussed at length ; Borre, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. lxxxiii-lxxxviii. B. proprium, dubium , p. 43, errans, ocellatum , p. 44, Australia, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x; B. ( Synechostictus ) lederi , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 82 ; B. ( Eudromus ) rufotibiellum^P^im, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 112 : n. spp. New genus in amber ; see Palmo-entomology. Tachys unilineatus , n. n. for T. unistriatus , Reitt.* nee Putz. ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 104. T. scutellaris var. atraia; Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, No. 2, p. 85. T. infuscatus , p. 38, similis, lindi , p. 39, adeluidce , uniformity p. 40, semi - striatus , flindersi , p. 41, captus , p. 42, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Haliplidas and Dytiscidj]. [Cf. Blackburn (76, 78), Costa (164), Regimbart (718, 719).] Dejean’s collection of Dytiscules and Gyrinides acquired by Obertiiur ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. clix. Haliplus obconicus, Venezuela, Regimbart, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. 381, n. sp. Canlhydrus festivus , Burma, Regimbart, p. 610, Aun. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; C. simoniy Venezuela, id. p. 383, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii; C. grammopleniSy Brazil, id. t. c. p. 390 : n. spp. IJydrocanthu8 waterhousei, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 65, n. sp. Laccophilus pellticidus, p. 610, rufiditSy p. 611, Burma, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. GenoV. (2) vi ; L. succineus, venezuelensis , p. 382, amcenus, p. 383, S. America, id. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; L. obertJiuri, plagiatuSy p. 388, intermedia, Amazons, brasiliensis , Brazil, p. 389, id. t. c. : n. spp. Uydrovatus fcrrugatns, Reg., = ( elevatus, Shp.) ; Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 612. 11. laccophibidesy Burma, Regimbart, /. c., n. sp. Bidessus gestroi , Rangoon, Regimbart, p. 613, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; B. alternatus, Venezuela, id. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; B. Surinam - ensis, Guiana, id. t. c. p. 390 : n. spp. Hydroporus bimaculatus, Duf., = (Jucundus , Perris, = dorsoplagiatusy Fairm.) ; Bedel, p. 285, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. II. numidictiSy n.n. for H. dorsoplagiatus, Seidl., ntc Fairm. ; id. t. c. p. 286. Hydroporiis fulviventrisy Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i^ No. 2, p. 85, n. sp. Ilypoporus elegans, Bhamo ; Regimbart, p. 615, Aun. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Ilyphydrus birmanicus , Bhamo, Regimbart, p. 614, Ann. Mus. Genov. 2) vi, n. sp. 94 Ins . COLEOPTERA. Platynectes princeps, Burma, R^gimbart, p. 616, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Copelatm fece, Burma, Rj£gimbart, p. 616, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; C. slmoni, p. 385, luridescens , p. 386, Venezuela, id. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; C. amazonkus , p. 391 ,formosu8) p. 392, Amazons, id. t. c . : n. spp. Dytiscus : notes on some species ; Ruiil, Soc. Ent. ii, p. 170 : structure of leg as an organ of aquatic locomotion ; Amans (4). D. marginalis, formation of egg; Leydig (512). AciliuSy development of eyes of larva ; Patten (662). Hydaticus incertus, Bhamo, R^gimbart, p. 617, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Graphoderes bilineatus , cinereus, zonatus7 characters of, discussed ; Everts, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, pp. lxxxiii & lxxxiv. G. fascia tocollis aud cinereuse variation of ; Hamilton, Canad. Eut. xx, p. 62. Cybister granulatus , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 812, n. sp. Gyrinidji. [Cf. Regimbart (718, 719), Quedenfeldt (694), Stierlin (872).] Dineutes kaiser i, Sinai, Stierlin, p. 48, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii; D. JcelaensiSy Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 159 : n. spp. Orectochilus corpulentus , $ described ; Regimbart, p. 619, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. 0. cardiophorus , p. 620, cordatust fees, p. 621, trianguliger, p. 622, Burma, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Gyretes S2llei} Lab,, note on; Regimbart, p. 387, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Hydrophilidj:. [0/. BergrOth (57), Blackburn (78), Fairmaire (243), Kuwert (483, 484, 485, 486, 487), Reitter (727).] Ilydrophilus picais, embryology ; Graber (325) : structure of labrum of ; Labonne, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 229, pi. vii, figs. 3 & 4 : histology of muscles of legs and wings of; Ramon (709). H. ovatus , structure of $ palpi ; Sciiwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 51 & 54. Sternolophus tenebricosusy Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 813, n. sp. Hydrobius macer , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 819, n. sp. Hydrobiomorphay n. g., p. 814, for H. bovilli , p. 816, tepperi , p. 817, n. spp., Australia ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Paracymorphvs globuloideSy Sicily, Kuwert, Nat. Sicil. viii, p. 39, n. sp. Paracymus schneideriy Caucasus, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 293, n. sp. Paranaccena , n. subg. of Paracymus , p. 820, for P. lindi} sublineatuSy n. spp., Australia, p. 821 ; Blackburn, P. Linu. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. MethydruSy n. subg. of Philydrus ; Rey, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxi, p. 253. HYDROPHILID.E. Ins> 95 Agraphilydrus , n. subg. of Philydrus, p. 280, with A. latus , nitiduloides, n. spp., Alexandria, p. 291 ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Philydrus : the species of Europe aud Mediterranean region tabulated ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 273-281. P. berolinensis, n. n. for grisescens , Kust. ; id. p. 278. P. fimbriatus , Melsh., var. noticed ; Hamilton, p. 63, Canad. Ent. xx. P. raguscv, Sicily, Kuwert, Nat. Sicil. viii, p. 38 ; P. hispanicus, Spain, p. 281, caspius , Asia Minor, p. 282, vultur , Russia mer., p. 283, segmenti- notatus , S.E. Europe, maculiapex , Egypt, p. 284, apicinotus , Bagdad, p. 285, sahlbergi , N. Russia, atricornis , Spain, p. 286, unguklebilis , Sarepta, p. 287, sternospina, Oontral Europe, p. 288, lederi , Lenkoran, ater, Egypt, p. 289, nitidulus, Syria, p. 290, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; P. land- gatus, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 823 : n. spp. Ilelochares mentinotus , Egypt, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 292, n. sp. Helobata, n. n. for Helopeltis , Horn, nec Sign. ; Bergroth, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 221. Volvulus punctatusy Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 839, n. sp. Berosus : the European species tabulated ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 130-139 : n. var. lineicollis ; Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, No. 9, p. 49. B. acutispinay Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 336, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; B. majusculus, p. 824, gravis , p. 826, decipiens, p. 827, duplopunctatus, p. 828, discolor , p. 829, flindersi , p. 831, simidansy p. 832, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. 8pp. Acanthoberosus, n. subg. of Berosus, p. 130, with A. aigyptiacus , p. 139, numidicus , p. 140, Africa, asiaticus , Bagdad, p. 141, lenlcoranus , Persia, Samarkand , Turkestan, p. X^lyfrontifovealus, Sarepta, schusteri , Hungary, p. 143, cethiops, Egypt, p. 144, n. spp. ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Laccobius leucaspis, Kies., = ( elongatus , Tourn.) ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 176. Embololimnebius baudii , angitsti conus, p. 234, laticonus , p. 235, Sicily, Kuwert, Nat. Sicil. vii, n. spp. Bolimnius, n. subg. of Limnebius ; Rey, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxi, p. 318. Hydrobalicus australis, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 823, n. sp. Hygrotophus nutans, Macl., note on ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 824. Hydrochus latitans, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 337, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; H. adelaidce , p. 832, regularis, p. 833, victoria p. 834, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Oclhebius velutinus , Fairm., = ( trisulcatus , Rey) ; Bedel, p. 286, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. 0. australis, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 835, n. sp. Gobalius , p. 24, Bothochius, p. 53, n. subgg. of Octhebius ; Rey, A.nn. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxii. Kyphohelophorus , Tricliohelophorus , p. 223, M egahelophorus, p. 226, 90 Ins, COLEOPTERA. Atrciclohelophorus, p. 227, n. subgg. of Helophorus ; Kuwert, Wieu. ent Z. v. Fahrea , n. g. for Helophorus sculpturatus , Boh. ; Bergroth, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 221. Taenhyclrcena, Phothydrcena , p. 114, Hoply drama , Holcohydrcena , p. 115, Sphuenhydrama , p. 118, Grammhydrcena , p. Ill), u. subgg. of Hydroma ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Hydrcena : the European species tabulated, with synonymy ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 112-120. II. dentipalpisy Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 143 ; i7. Jciesen- v)etterii Italy, p. 120, croaticay Croatia, p. 121, africanay N. Africa, p. 122, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; II. torrent* , Australia, Blackburn, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 836 : n. spp. Grammhydrcena stussineri, Bilboa, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 123, n. sp. Haenydra , p. 95, Hadrenya , p. 96, n. subgg. of Hydrcena ; Rey, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxii. Sphaenhydrcena caucasica , Caucasus, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 121, n. sp. Oyclonotum australe, Australia, Blackburn, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 839, n. sp. Gercyon agnotum , Sicily, Kuwert, Nat. Sicil. viii, p. 38 ; O./o.ssuw, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 840 : n. spp, Ercycon , n. subg. of Cercyon ; Rey, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxii, p. 129. Oerycon , n. subg. of Cercyon ; Rey, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxii, p. 156. Cheilocercyon , n. subg. of Cercyon ; Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 113, Arten. Paracercyon} n. g., for part of Cercyon ; Seidlitz, Fauna haltica, ed. 2, p. 23, Gattungen. PLATYPSYLLIDiE. Platypsylla castoria , larva described, pp. 23-26, figured, pi. iii, figs. 17-22 ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Staphylinid^e. ter. Blackburn (73, 74, 75, 76, 77), Costa (164), Eppelsiieim (232, 233, 234, 631), Fauvel (264), Fowler (282), Gestro (307), Queden- vjsldt (694), Reuter (724, 727), Rey (746), Sciiaufuss (795, 796), Sharp (836), Wasmann (912).] New geiius in amber ; see Palaeo-entomology. Aleocharides , Aleochara brevicornis, Taschkent, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 50 ; A. niponensis, p. 281, squalithorax , p.282, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii ; A. pelagi , p. 45, Iceta , occidentalism p. 46, insiynis , p. 47, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x : n. spp. Microglossa ( Crutarcea ) solshyi , Taschkent, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 49, n. sp. STAPHYLlNIDiE. Ins. 97 TT omnium Icevigata , longicornis, Japan, Sharp, p. 283, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Aspidohactrus , n. g., p. 283, for A. claviger , n. Bp., Japan, p. 284 ; Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Tkiasophila oxypodind , Japan, Sharp, p. 284, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Ocalea ruficollis , Greece, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 403, n. sp. Phlceodroma tricolor , Central Asia, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 50, n. sp. Oxypoda ( Dcrocala ) ulyxis, Zanto, Eppelsheim, Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, p. 407 ; 0. luridipennis, subrufa , hilaris , Japan, Sharp, p 285, Ann. N. H, (6) ii : n. spp. Euthorax rvficornis , Sol., = ( Campoporus elegantulus , Arrib.) ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 24. Oligonotus , Arrib., to be placed near Euthorax ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 24. Calodera dcsdemona, , Japan, Sharp, p. 286, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Porocallus , n. g., p. 286, for P. insignis , n. sp., Japan, p. 287 ; Sharp Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Saphocallus, n. g., p. 287, for 8. parviceps , n. sp., Japan, p. 268 ; Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Atemeles and Lomechusa : Wasmann gives an elaborate account of the habits of these ants’ nest beetles (912). Atemeles paradoxus and emarginatus , varieties noticed and their pro- thoraces figured ; Wasmann, (912) pp. 273-275 : emarginatus , larva described ; id. t. c. pp. 324-327. Atemeles sinuata, Japan, SiiARr, p. 288, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Myrmeeopora ( llyusa ) turanica , Turcomania, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 52, n. sp. Myrmedonia termiticola , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 110; M. optata, fugax , p. 289, particornis , p. 290, indiscreta , spreta , p. 291, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Astilbus alcinini , Taschkent, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 51, n. sp. Thamiarcea diffinis, Japan, Sharp, p. 292, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. TTomalota ( Anopleta ) congenita , p. 53, II. ( Meotica ) dissoluta, p. 54, praicox, p. 50, Central Asia, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; II. ( Aloconota ) subamescens, Mediterranean region, p. 404, II. ( Geostiba ) oertzeni , Greece, p. 405, id. t. c. ; H. niponensis , p. 292, lutulenta , oligolinula , p. 293, gyrophamula, p. 294, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii : n. spp. Thectura armata , Japan, Sharp, p. 294, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Falagria myrmecophila , Japan, Sharp, p. 294, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Ectolabrus, n. g., for E. laticollis , n. sp., Japan, Sharp, p. 370, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Autalia mfula, Japan, Sharp, p. 371, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Jlolitochara varipes , Japan, Sharp, p. 371, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. '^Leptusa piceata , Muls., = ( abdominalis , Motsch.) ; Kraatz, Deutsche 1888. [VOL. XXV.] E 7 98 Ins. COLEOPTERA. e. Z. xxxii, p. 333. L. angusta, Aube, n. varr., proximo , planiuacula ; Reitter, p. 145, Wien. ent. Z. vii. L. oertzeni , p. 401, asperata, p. 402, Greece, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; L. impressicollis, Japan, Sharp, p. 371, Ann. N. H. (6) ii : n. spp. Tackyuaida velox, Japan, Sharp, p.372, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Silusa areolata , p. 144, uniplicata , p. 145, Circassia, Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. vii ; S. rugosa., p. 372, rondo , punctipennis , p. 373, conferta , crassicomis , p. 374, lanuginosa , p. 375, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii : n. spp. Epipeda grceca, Morea, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 406 ; E. granigera , p. 375 ,fraterna, p. 376, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii : n. spp. Gyropkccna sapporensis , Japan, Sharp, p 376, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Myllcena lynchi , n. n. for parvicollis, Arrib., nec Kr. ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 24. M. japonica , Nagasaki, Sharp, p. 377, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n.sp. Protinodes, n. g. ( Oligotina ), p. 377, for P. puiiQticollis , n. sp., Japan ; Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. T achy por ides. Oonosoma fimbriatum , tibiale, p. 454, varicorne , armatum , p. 455, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii ; Conurus instabilis , S. Australia, Blackbprn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 3 : n. spp. Tacky por us pallidas, England, Fowler, Col. Brit, ii, p. 195 ; T. termi- nalis, p. 451, suuvis, oculatus , p. 452, orthogrammus , p. 453, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii : u. spp. Tachinus japonicus} p. 379, trifidus, bidens, p. 380, luridus , p. 381, nigri- nus, p. 382, sibiricus, p. 383, nigriceps , impunctatus, p. 384, diminutus , puncti- ventrh , p. 385, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Bolitobius principalis, daimio, p. 456, semiru/us , p. 457, cinctiventris , breviceps , p. 458, pallidiceps , simplex, felix , p. 459, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Mycetoporus monticola, Scotland, Fowler, Col. Brit, ii, p. 216; M. floralis , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. 1887, p. 3 ; M. convexus , discoidalis , p. 463 ,duplicatus, p. 464, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii : n. spp. Megacronus formosus, Gr., n. var. dimidiatus ; Reitter, p. 147, Wien, ent. Z. vii. M. prolongatus, p. 460, optatus, gracilis , p. 462, Japan, Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Staphylinides. Acylopkorus indignus , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 4, n. sp. ^ Ueterotkops taurus, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 4, n. sp. Quedhis ( Ediquus ) mulilalus , p. 58, Q. ( Sauridus ) cohccsus, p. 60, Central Asia, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; Q. inconspicuus, p. 5, ander8oni , tepperi , p. 6, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x; Q.ferox, S. Australia, id. t. c. p. 66 : n. spp. STAPHYLINIDJ5. Ins. 99 Xanthopygus oliveirce , Arrib., note on ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 24. Philonthus ebeninus , Grav., concinnus and dimidiatus , characters of ; Geriiardt, Z. Ent. Bresl. (2) xiii, pp. 7-9. P. ornatus , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 47, n. sp. Hesperus pulleinei , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 7, n. sp. Gafius occidentalism Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 48, n. sp. Ocypm ( Gocrius ) angustulus , Taschkent, ErrELSiiEiM, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 61, n. sp. Staphylinus cervinipennis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 159, n. sp. Leistotrophus , habits noticed ; Hacker, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 49. Leptacinus picticornis , filum , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 7, n. spp. Z. picticoynis , supra , = ( Xantholinus socius , Fauv.), but belongs to Leptacinus ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 190. Feeder ides. Cryptobium delicatulum , S. Australia, BlAckburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 9 ; C. varicorne, p. 68, adelaidce , delicatulum , p. 69, elegans , p. 70, Australia, id. t. c. : n. spp. Scimbalium minimum , Macedonia, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 408 ; &. agreste , p. 8, laitum, p. 9, S. Australia, Blackburn, £. c. : n. spp. Lathrobium : the “ forcipes ’’ of the European species described and figured, and the species tabulated thereon ; Czwalina, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 337-354. Tetartopeus, n. subg. of Lathrobium , for L. terminatum group; Czwalina, p. 349, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Lathrobium ( Glyptomerus ) cavicola and apenninum , Baudi, p. 355, L. quadratum , terminatum , nigrum , and punctulatum , p. 351, notes on, with distinctive characters ; Czwalina, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. L. hamatum , Caucasus, p. 343, ripicola (Kies, i 1.), Europe, p. 344, furcatum (Fauv. i. 1.), S.E. Europe, p. 346, eppelsheimii , without locality, pp. 341 & 348, L. ( Tetartopeus ) decipiens, Smyrna, p. 353, Czwalina, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; L. ( Lobathrium ) ludyi , Germany, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 175 ; Zr. ( Glyptomerus ) bosnicum , Bosnia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 420 ; L. adelaidce , S Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 8 ; Z. exiguum, Australia, t. c. p. 66 : n. spp. Scopceus microphthalmus , Mediterranean Region, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 409 ; S. latebricolaf Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 71 : n. spp. Lithocharis lindi , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 48, n. sp. Sciocharis (sub Lithocharis) exilis , Er., = (oAratulOy Arrib., and ? fragilis, Shp.) ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 25. 100 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Medon debilicornis, Woll., = ( Chlcecharis rufala, Arrib.) ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 25. Sunius fauveli , Taschkent, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 63 ; 8. cequalis , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 9 : n. spp. Nazeris pallidipes) Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 149, n. sp. Pcederus adelaidce, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 10, n. sp. Pinophilides and Stenides. Pinophilus erythrostomus, redescribed ; Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, No. 2, p. 86. P. latebricola , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 10, n. sp. (Edichirus quedenfeldti , Marocco, Sciiaufuss, p. 314, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; (E. andersoni , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 10 : n. spp. Stemi8 longipennis , Turcomania, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 64, n. sp. Oxytelides, Omaliides , and Phlceocharides. Bledius ahinini , Central Asia, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 65; B. adelaidce , Austi’alia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 49 ; B. caroli , p. 13, minax) injucundus, p. 14, S. Australia, id. t. c. : n. spp. Oxytelus affinis , fairmairei, habits of ; Geriiardt, Z. Ent. Bresl. (2) xiii, pp. 10-13. Trogophloeus paludicolat S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 49, n. sp. Homalium balassogloiy Central Asia, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 66 ; H. adelaidce , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 191 : n. spp. Anthoplwgus abbreviates n. var. famfer ; Reitter, p. 150, Wien. ent. Z. vii. Hypopycna subrugatai Hyeres, Rey, p. cxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Phlceocharis antipodum , Fauv., note on ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 191. PSBLAPHIDM. [Cf. Brendel (102, 103), Guillebeau (349), Marseul (553), PihiiN- guey (667), Reitter (725, 727, 733), Sciiaufuss (794).] ' Catalogue of the described species, with newr names for such as have been used a second time ; Sciiaufuss (794). Synopsis of genera of N. American Pselciphidce ; Brendel, Tr. St. Louis Ac. v, pp. 298-302. Critical remarks on Schaufuss’ descriptions of last year ; Reitter (733;. Hamotus, the species tabulated; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 230-233. II. injlatipalpis, p. 225, angasticollis , p. 226, appendicidatas , brevicornis, vidpinus , p. 227, gracilipes , p. 228, iivpvnctatas, p.229, Brazil, fascopilosust PSELAPHID2E. IflS . 101 S. America, centralis , Guatemala, p. 229, Reitter, Doutscho e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Phamisulus, n. g., near Ilamotus, p. 234, for P. hetschkoi , n. sp., Brazil, p. 235 ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Nenphamisus , n. g., for Phamisus hoiroris , Schauf. ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 234. Euphalepsus , the species tabulated ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 240. E. fuscocapillus , p. 236, hetschlcoi, hilineatus , longicornis , p. 237, puncti- collis , Icevicollis, p. 238, lotliari , punctatissimus , Icevissimus, p. 239, longiceps , p. 240, Blumenau, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii : n. spp. Phalepsus marelloides, Blumenau, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 242, n. sp. Aplodea valdiviensis , Bl., =. ( presses , Schauf.) ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 259. A Aerfa, pili/era, Brazil, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 243, n. spp. Tychus fournieri , p. 368, tuberculalas, p. 370, jacquelini , rufopictus, j). 371, colchicus, p. 372, mT/cr, p. 373, ibericus , corsicuS , p. 374, monili - cornis, p. 375, characters of ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii. 7*. olbiensis, p. 369, striola, p. 374, France, Guilleueau, Rev. d’Ent. vii, n. spp. Bythinus xambeui, p. 203, albeillei, p. 204, France, Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii ; B. tscherkessicus , p. 284, lederi , p. 285, with var. flnetuosus , p. 286, argiolus, p. 286, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii : n. spp. Pygoxyon bythiniforme , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 317, n. sp. Batrisus , the Brazilian species tabulated ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 244-248. R. ( SyrbatuH ) diver gens, p. 248, nasutus, antennator , bythinocerus , p. 249, hetshlcoi, p. 250, scitus, quadrioculatus , p. 251, marthce , solivagus, p. 252, curvispina, atricapillus , p. 253, soror, p. 254, R. ( Arthmius ) primarius , p. 254, melanocephalus , platy cents , p. 255, sublaminatus , edithce , bitubercu- latus , p. 256, hiatusus , minax , p. 257, patruclis , rostellatus , huinilior, adulator , lubricus , p. 258, dichrous, manifestus, p. 259, all from Blumenau, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Xybaris , Reitt., = ( Cylindrembolus , Shauf.) ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 259. Bryaxis rufa , Schm., cordata, , Schauf., and allies, synonymy discussed ; Reitter, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 470. R. Icevicollis , Aube, = ( Decarthron bipunctatum, Reitt.); Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 259. Verticinotus, n. g. (but published iu 1887 as Anchylarthron ), for Decarthron , part; Brendel, Tr. St. Louis Acad, v, p. 300, and Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, p. 261. Enplectus strix , Reitt., referred to Octomicrus ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p.259. E. nitidus, Fairm., nanus, Reich., revelieri , Saulcy, characters of discussed ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 220. E.reyi (Saulcy MS.) p. 214, sulciventris , France, corsicus, Corsica, p. 215, abeillei , p. 216, fairmairei, tholini , p. 218, fauveli, laticeps, p. 219, France, 102 Ins . COLEOPTERA. Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii ; E. puncticeps, Circassia, Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 318 ; n. spp. Conoplectus , n. g., for Euplectus canaliculatus , Lee. ; Brendel, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 263. Bibloporus , characters noticed, p. 204, bicolor , Denny, redoscribed, p. 205 ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii. B. pyrenceus, p. 206, mayeti , abeillei, p. 207, chamboveti , pp. 208 & 378, rey/, p. 209, France ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii, n. spp. Pseudoplectus, characters noticed; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 209. Bibloplectus : characters noticed, p. 210 ; species allied to minutissimus redescribed, pp. 211-213 ; 'affinis and obtusus noticed, p. 380 ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii. B. affinis, France, reitteri , Europe, p. 212, obtusus, Dalmatia, p. 213, delhermi , p. 379, aculeatus , p. 380, France, Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. vii, n. spp. Eurhexius , Sharp, = ( Bhexidius , Casey) ; Reitter, Dedtsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 264. Fustiger hetschhoi , Brazil, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 225, n. sp. Commatocerus capensis , majiusculus, S. Africa, PihiiNGUEY, p. 84, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Gommatocerodes , n. g., for C. raffrayi , n. sp., pi. i, fig. 3, Transvaal ; PihuNGUEY, p. 85, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Paussidj:. [Cf. Dohrn (197, 198), Gestro (307), P^RiifdUEY (667).] Raffray’s collection of Paussidcc acquired by Oberthur ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. clix. Paussus humboldti , West., = ( ayresi , Per.), germari, West., = {nova- culatus , Per.); Pi^ringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, rectifications, p. 191. P. adinventus, Bagamoyo, Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 393 ; P. rugiceps , p. 82, pi. i, fig. 4, propinquus , p. 83, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Lebioderus candezei, Borneo, Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 243, n. sp. SCYDMiENID.ZE. [Cf. Marseul (553), Meinert (575), Reitter (724, 727).] Scydmcenus sharpi , n. n. for Eumicrus subnudus , Sharp, nec Schaufuss ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 42. Scydmcenus and Eumicrus, ReittePs use of these erroneous ; Seidlitz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 301 & 302. Scydmcenus and Cyrtoscydmus , use of, note on ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 41. Scyrtoscydmus circassicus , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. p. 321 ; S. successor , Caucasus, id. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 421 : n. spp. Scydmcenus tarsatus , larva described and figured, with details ; Meinert (575). SCYDM^NIDJE, SILPHIDiE, AND SPH/ERIIDiE. In*. 103 Neuraphes imperialism saucius , p.319, vulcanu8} satyrus, p. 320, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Nanophthalmus, Motsch., characters for ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 318. Cephennium austriacum, Lower Austria, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 420, n. sp. SlLPHIDiE and SPHiERlIDiE. [Cf. Fairmaire (238, 239, 242, 252), Lewis (510), Matthews (319), PArinouey (667), Reitter (724, 727, 728).] Reittor’s nomonclaturo of genora animadverted on; Seidlitz (825). Necrophorus orientalise Motsch., note on ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 115. Ptomascopus (sub Necrophorus) plagiatus , Men., = ( i-maculatus , Kr., davidis , Fairm., plagiatipennis, Lew.) ; Lewis, Ent. xxi, p. 9. Silpha opaca destroying beet; Giard (309, 310) : injuries to mangold ; Ormerod, Rep. xii, pp. 91-96: dipterous parasite of noticed ; Bull. Ins. Agr. xiii, p. 116. 8. littoralis , structure of labrum of; Labonne, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 228, pi. vii, figs. 1 & 2. S. punctulata, 01., note on, PAringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 87 : notes on the 11 Japanese species ; Lewis, Ent. xxi, pp. 8 & 9. S. silvatica, p. 8, subrufa, nigrophnctata, p. 9, Japan, Lewis, Ent. xxi; S. metallescens , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 56, fig. 4; S. capicola , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 86, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; S. subcaudata, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 14, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; S. bituberosa , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 114 : n. spp. Peltis (Pliosphuga) atrata , L., n. var. rostrata ; Reitter, p. 153, Wien, ent. Z. vii. Necrodes biguitulus , Fairm., figured, pi. i, fig. 6 ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. Pteroloma sailed , Mexico, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), p. 97, pi. iii, fig. 11, n. sp. Nargus phceacus, Corfu, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 133, n. sp. Choleva obscuripcs, p. 151, C. ( Nargus ) ovata, p. 152, Circassia, Reitter,' Wien. ent. Z. vii ; V. jfhnbriata, Costa Rica, p. 98, pi. iii, fig. 10, scmipicea , Guatemala, p. 99, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1) : n. spp. Catops circassicus, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 152, n. sp. Bathyscia pumilio, Reitt., = ( murialdii , Balbi) ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 331. Attumbra femoralis , Araxes Valley, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p 421, n. sp. Catopomorphus angustus , Caucasus, p. 422, colchicus, funebris, Greece arenarius, Europe, p. 423, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Ptomaphagas , validity of this and the allied genera discussed, p. 100 nomenclature of Dendroxena aud other genera of Silphidce: Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 101-107. P.forticornis, Mexico, p. 100, pi. iii, fig. 9, Matthews, Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. 104 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Colon : the genus described ; 0. clavatum , Mann., described from Guatemala and figured, pi. iii, fig. 12 ; Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii(l). Agathidium circassicum, p. 154, filicorne , lederi , p. 155, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Sphceriidcc, affinities of discussed ; Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), p. 156. Sphcerius , Waltl, described at length ; Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), p. 157. S. tropicus , Guatemala, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), p. 157, n. sp. Eucinetus, cf. Dascillidce. Trichopterygid.® and Scaphidiidal [Cf. Flach (277), Matthews (319).] The Central American species are described at length, and additional characters given for some of the genera, by Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), pp. 126-156. Ptinella cliampionana , fig. 22, incerta , fig. 21, figured, pi. iii ; Biol Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Chumpionella nubigena figured, pi. iii, fig. 24 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii 0). Trichopteryx godmani figured, pi. iii, fig. 20 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii(l). T. rufildbris, Caucasus, Flach, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 103, n. sp. Plilium tropicum, Matth., figured, pi. iii, fig. 23 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). P. saldbergi, Finland, hopffgarteni , Croatia, p. 101, lederi , Lenkoran, oertzeni , Greece, p. 102, Flacii, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Throscidium invisibly Niet., figured, pi. iii, fig. 25 j Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Scaphidium mexicanum , Cast., var. figured (as S. rubicunduni), pi. iv, fig. 2 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). S. marginatum , Guatemala, p. 160, pi. iv, fig. 1, unicolor , p. 161, varia- bly pi. iv, figs. 3 & 4, p. 162, Centr. America, lineaticolle , Mexico, p. 163, pi. iv, fig. 5, transversale , Panama, fig. 6, atruin , Mexico, figs. 7 & 8, p. 164, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Cypariuni sallai, Mexico, p. 166, pi. iv, fig. 10, terminate , Centr. America, fig. 9 , championii Panama, fig. 11, p. 167, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Bceocera major , erichsoni , p. 169, punctipemis) p. 170, Centr. America, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Scaphisoma baltc.atum , Mexico, pi. iv, fig. 12, Icetum , Guatemala, p. 172, lunalumt Nicaragua, fig. 13, nebulosum, Guatemala, p. 173, thoracicum , Mexico, p. 174, guatemalense, p. 175, neotropicale , Centr. America, puncti- colle, breve, Panama, p. 176, punctatissimuni, Guatemala, longicolla, Mexico, p. 177, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (I), n. spp. TIMCHOPTERYCIIDiE, SCAPHIDIID^, AND HISTERID^I. InSi 105 Toxidium gammaroules , Lgc., figured, pi. iv, fig. 15 ; Biol. Centr. Atn. Col. ii (1). T. bifasciatum , Guatemala, pi. iv, fig. 14, punctatum , Mexico, p. 179, ovatum, p. 180, parvum , p. 181, Guatemala, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Histeridji. [Cf. Lewis (319, 504, 507), Marseul (554), P^ringuey (667), Sciimidt (804, 805, 806).] The habits of formicarious Histeridce ; Lewis, Ent. xxi, pp. 289-294. Phylluma plagigerum , Guatemala, pi. iv, fig. 16, facetum, Panama, figs. 17 & 17a, Lewis, p. 183, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Hololepta sternincisa , var. <$ , = (parvifossa, Mars.) ; Schmidt, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 122. II. indica , Er., = (batchiana, Mars.) ; Lewis, Ann- Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 631. II. canalicollis , p. 185, pi. iv, fig. 18 , placida, p. 186, Guatemala, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Liodcrma dorcoidcs , p. 187, pi. iv, fig. 20, subnitulum , p. 189, Mexico, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (l), n. spp. Macros ternus alluaudi , M. ? assinius, W. Africa, Marseul, p. ix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Apoblctcs connectens, Panama, pi. iv, fig. 21, p. 190, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1) ; A. gestroi , p. 632, marginicollis, p. 633, Burma, Lewis, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : n. spp. Platysoma columellarc , Guatemala, p. 190, pi. iv, figs. 22 & 23, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (l) ; P. macalatum , p. 633, doriai , arcuatum, p. 634, sulurale, cxortivum, p. 636, brcvistriatum , p. 637, Burma, Lewis, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : n. spp. Phelistcv cumanensis , pi. iv, figs. 24 & 25, panamensis) pi. v, fig. 2, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). P. godmani , Panama, pi. v, fig. 1, cxiniius, Nicaragua, fig. 3, p. 191, crenatus , Panama, fig. 6, uncistriatus , Guatemala, fig. 5, p. 192, canalis , Centr. America, p. 193, carinatus , Guatemala, fig. 4, p. 194, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Ilomalodes clavulus , Guatemala, Lewis, p. 197, pi. v, fig. 7, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. Mister leseleucij Mars., includes two species ; Schmidt, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 122. H. parallelus , Redt., = ( elongatus , Mars.) ; Lewis, p. 638, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. H. planiceps , genuce , Bhamo, Lewis, p. 639, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; //. konigi , Amurland, Schmidt, p. 189, Hor, Ent. Ross, xxii ; H. ciliatus , p. 199, pi. v, fig. 8, truncatisternum , fig. 14, p. 201 , patagiatus, fig. 13, politus , p. 202, Mexico, bullatus , Guatemala, fig. 10, nodatus , fig. 11, montivagus , fig. 12, Panama, p. 203, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1) : n. spp. Epierus frontalis , Kirsch, figured, pi. v, figs. 15 & 15a; Biol Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). E. patruelis, p. 205, pi. v, fig. 16, stilus, fig. 17, p. 207, dubius, Guate- mala, rufulusj Mexico, fig. 18, p. 208, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. 106 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Carcinops garbigliettii , Mars., figured, pi. v, fig. 24 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). G. multktriata , pi. v, fig. 19, punctinotum, fig. 25, Mexico, p. 209 ,/umosa, p. 211, %• 20, cavisternum, fig. 21, atrata , fig. 22, p. 212, eximia , fig. 23, p. 213, Guatemala, Lewis, Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Paromalu8 persimilk , annellu «, p. 641, /ea;, p. 642, Burma, Lewis, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; A verminosus, p. 214, selectus , notabilk, pi. vi, fig. 1, rogalis , fig. 2, Guatemala, pupillus, Mexico, p. 215, orZwa, Brit. Honduras, sobrinus , similis , fig. 3, p. 216,^6’aws, jejunus , p. 217, sincerus, Guatemala, injlatus, Brit. Honduras, fig. 4, p. 218, divaricatusy fig. 5, sulcatus , figs. 7 & 7a, Guatemala, sagillatus , Mexico, figs. 6 & 6a, p. 219, Lewis. Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. ii (1) : n. spp. Renia salvini , Mexico, p. 220, pi. vii, figs. 6 & 7, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. E uclasea, n. g., p. 220, for E.godmani , n. sp., Guatemala, p. 221, pi. vi, figs. 8 & 9 ; Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Saprinus atrocyaneus , Turcomania, Schmidt, p. 190, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; S. certus , orobitisy Burma, Lewis, p. 643, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2)vi ; S. solitarius , Mexico, p. 222, pi. vi, fig. 10, qucesitus , Guatemala, fig. 11, gemmenus, Centr. America, fig. 12, p. 225, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1) : n. spp. Trypanceus bombacis , $ noticed; Lewis, p. 644, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. T. torpedo , Lew., pi. vi, fig. 13, tuber cullfrom , Mars., fig. 17, figured; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). T. montivagus, Guatemala, p. 228, pi. vi, fig. 14, ampullaceus , Panama, fig. 15, bifidus, Centr. America, figs. 16 & 16 a, p. 229, columel laris, fig. 18, Guatemala, vulcaniust figs. 19 & 19a, aculeatus , fig. 20, Panama, p. 230, parallelm , figs. 21 & 22, angustatus , figs. 23 & 24, Guatemala, p. 231, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Teretriue few, Bhamo, Lewis, p. 644, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; T. longulus, Mexico, orbu8} Guatemala, Lewis, p. 232, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1) : n. spp. Teretrioeoma impresskternum, pi. vi, fig. 25, conigerum , pi. vii, figs. 2, 2a, b , Guatemala, immarginatum , Panama, pi. vii, fig. 1, p. 233, cavi- frons , figs. 3, 3a, b. paradoxumy figs. 4 & 4a, Mexico, p. 234, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Saulkter} n. g.°, p. 87, near Monoplius, for S. singular k, n. sp., S. Africa, p. 88, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Terapus mnizechi , Mars., figured, pi. vii, fig. 5 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (!)• Hetcerius, list of the species, p. 154 ; II. gratus)brunneipennk) plicicollis, optatu8t trktriatus, characters noticed, pp. 145 & 146 : Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. II. bonnairei , p. 23 G, g)olitust p.237, Algeria, fusculus, p. 238, Andalusia, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Sternocailk, n. g., p. 144, for a portion of Hetcerius (the characters of several known species being noticed), including also the following new On p. 87 this is called Murseulia, but in corrigenda it is changed as above. HISTERIDJi, PHALACRIDAi. Ins. 107 species: acutangulus , Tangier, p. 146, cancer , becfeli , p. 147, walheri , p. 149,/hZvms, p. 150, pectoralis, p. 152, Algeria, mauritanicus , Morocco, p. 153 ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Satrapes reitteri , Transcaucasus, Lewis, p. 153, Ann. N. H. (G) ii, n. sp; Onthophilus flohri, Mexico, Lewis, p. 235, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1)» n. sp. Homalopygus cequatus , Panama, Lewis, p. 236, pi. vii, fig. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. Cachexia , n. g., for 0. puberula , n. sp., Nicaragua, pi. vii, fig. 9 ; Lewis, p. 236, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Bacanius scalptus , Guatemala, Antilles, p. 237, pi. vii, fig. 10, ignobilis , Panama, fig. 11, hamatus , Guatemala, fig. 12, mexicanvs , Mexico, p. 238, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Abrceus indicus , Rangoon, Lewis, p. 645, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. AEletes, Horn, noticed and merged in Acritus ; Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), p. 239. Acritus liilum , p. 23$)fuligineusi pcculiaris , biparlitus , quadristriatus , pi. vii, fig. 13, p. 240, corpusculus, liliputianus , fig. 14, p. 241, Guatemala, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. Idolia aniennaia , Guatemala, pi. vii, fig. 15, scitula, Panama, fig. 16, Lewis, p. 242, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Murmidius irregularis , Reitt., figured, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). M. rectistriatus , Mexico, p. 243, pi. viii, fig. 2, Lewis, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. Mychocerus pilifer , Guatemala, Lewis, p. 244, pi. vii, figs. 17 & 18, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. Phalacrid^e. Notes on the classification of the family ; Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), pp. 244-246. Fhalacrus rujipcs, p. 246, obscurus , Mexico, gcrmanus , flavicornis, scutellaris, pi. vii, fig. 19, p. 247, lucidus , p.248, Guatemala, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Olibrus guatemalenus , Centr. America, vulgaris , Guatemala, p. 248, rubiginosus , teapensis, mexicanus} p. 249, Mexico, partitus , posticalis , Guatemala, p. 250, porrectus , submaculalusj p. 251, Centr. America, sub- strigosus, Guatemala, atomarius, microsternus , p. 252, latipes, p. 253, Panama, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Eustilbus , n. n. for Stilbus , Seid., including the following n. spp. : distinctus , gracilis , mollis, pi. vii, fig. 20, p. 254, cequalis , Guatemala, placidus , Mexico, p.255 ; Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Liophalacrus , u. g., p. 255, for L. bicolor , pi. vii, fig. 21, rotundus , Panama, n. spp., p. 256 ; Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Acylornus, n. g., p. 256, for A . aciculatus , n. sp., Central America, p. 257, pi. vii, fig. 22 ; Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). 108 Ins, COLEuPTERA. NlTiDULIDiE. [ Cf : Olliff (634), P^iringuey (667).] Notes on the synonymy of Seidlitz’s Fauna baltica, ed. 2 ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 255-258. Soronia tessellata , Capo Town, PiSringuey, p. 89, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Lasiodactylus calvus, Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1003, n. sp. Pocadius ferrugineas% n. varr. adustus , p. 175, thoracicus , p. 176 ; Beitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii. Tps fuciatus and allies, note on ; Caulfield, p. 198, Canad. Ent. xx. Rhizophag us parallelocollis frequenting corpses in coffins; Mi^GNiN,Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 262-264, and Fauvel, t. c, p. 280 : habits discussed ; Kraatz (466) and Fowler, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 276. Trogositidjs. [0/. Fairmaire (252), L^veille (501, 502, 503), Lewis (508).] Catalogue of the family : its composition, the name Trogosita rejected ; Leveill^, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 429-448. Alindria cyanicornis , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 56, fig. 5; A. cribrosicollis , Tenasserim, L^veill^, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 605; A, parullela , Laos, &c., id. p. 411, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Airora grouvellei, Colombia, LEveill^, p. 411, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Temnochila sulcisternum, Jamaica, jansoni , Minas Geraes, p. 412, olivicolor, Ecuador, variicolor , Colombia, p. 413, bedelit Venezuela, brevior , Colombia, p. 414, nigritarsis , Brazil, grouvellei} Centr. America, p. 415, salleij Yucatan, p. 416, parva, St. Domingo, hubbardi , Florida, p. 417, L^veilliI;, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Marnia , u. g., p. 417, for M. sipolisi , n. sp., Brazil, p. 418; Grouvelle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Tenebrioules fairmaire i, Tonga-Tabou, p. 418, fulvolineatus, Brazil, brunneus , Cayenue, circumcinctus , Yucatan, p. 419, reUteri, cordicollis , Brazil, p, 420, yucatanicus, dij)icilisi Yucatan, anceps , Mexico, p. 421, carbonarius , Cayenne, p. 422, incertus , latus (Chev.), harpaloides, p. 423, rufolimbatus> bonvouloiri , p. 424, Mexico, gounellei , S. America, scmieoillci , fenestratas , Mexico, p. 425, hutneralis, pumiltis, Colombia, p. 426, nigro- viridist Mexico, p. 427, LifcvEiLLiS, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Lepcrina cinciai New Caledonia, L^veille, p. 427, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Leptonyxa sedilloti, Colombia, Li^veille, p. 428, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Gymnochila angulicollis and sparsuta , Th., are one species : varia , Fab., = ( squamosa , Gray); Leveill^, p. cxciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Phanodesta cribraria , Bl., = ( picea , Germ., and cordaticollis, Reit.) ; TR0G0SITID2E — CUCUJIDiE. Ivs. 109 P. variegata , Germ., = (cosiipcnm's, Reit.) ; L^vetll^, p. ccvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Ostoma yvani , All., larva described ; Rey, p. xxxviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Acrops cicatricosa , Reitt., var. rugosa ; L^veill^, p. 606, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. A. fecc, Tenasserim, p. 606, birmanica , Bhamo, p. 607, L^veille, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; A. higonut , Japan, Lewis, Ent. xxi, p. 220 : n. epp. Nemosoma punctatum , Brazil, LitvEiLLit, p. 411, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Colyjdiim) and Rhysopid;e. [ Cf ; Blackburn (77), Lewis (505, 506), Reitter (727).] Colydiidcc includes Lathridiidce and Thorictidce , as well as Leiestes , Mycetcea , Litlwpliilus , and Murmidius ; Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 56, Gattungen. Tarphius liliputanus , Luc., and Algerian allies, synonymy of ; Bedel, p. 286, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Ditoma pulchra, p. 191, obscura, perforata, parva, p. 193, hilaris , p. 194, lineatocollis , p. 195, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Bothrideres variabilis , tibialis , p. 196, costatus , p. 197, Australia, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Cerylon grandicolle, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 176, n. sp. Rhysodidas : affinities and habits of the family discussed, pp. 76-78 ; catalogue of the species, pp. 84 & 85 ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Fgriglymmius , n. g., for E. comes , Japan, n. sp., and including Rhysodes s'.ilcatus , auct. ; Lewis, p. 79, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Rkysodes niponensis, trophi, p. 484, figs. 1-4, R. brouni , n. n. for ater- rimus , Broun, eminens , Broun, £ — ( orbitosus , Broun), arcuatum , Chev., = ( pensus , Broun), pp. 84 & 85 ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. R. crassiusculus, p. 80, sulcicollis , rostratus , p. 81, niponensis , Japan, lederi, Cau6assus, p. 82, Le^wis, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Clinidium veneficum , Japan, p. 83, trophi figured, p. 484 ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. CUCUJID/E. [Cf. Blackburn (77, 78), Grouvelle (345), Lewis (511), P^ringuey (667) ] Pasxandra transvaalensis , Africa, PIsringuey, p. 90, Tr. S. African Soc. iv, n. sp. llectarihrum corticinum , Zambesi, PiiiRiNGUEY, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc iv, p 91, n. sp. Cucujus opacus , Japan, Lewis, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 84, n. sp. Lcemophlceus carinicollis, incertus , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 627, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; L. difficilis , p. 840, lindi, p. 841, Australia, Black- burn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. 110 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Silvanus planatus and bidentatus queried as sexes of one species; Linell, Ent. Am. iii, p. 171. Cryptamorpha lindi , p. 198, olliffei , Victoria, p. 199, delicatula, p. 200, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x : n. spp. Psammcechu8 convexus , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 628, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Inopeplus, the species tabulated; Grouvelle, p. 626, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. I. bicolor , Tenasserim, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 625, n. sp. Cryptophagide, Lathridiide, and Mycetophagide. [Cf. Belon (55), Blackburn (77), Ragusa (708), Reitter (724, 727, 728).] Cryptophagus affinis , St., var. ? australis, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 201. C. corpulentus , p. 170, circassicus , p. 171, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii ; G. jakolewi, Siberia, p. 424, posticus, Banat, p. 425, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii : n. spp. Ilaplolophus faustii, n. n. for robustus , Reitt. ; Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 263, Arten. Atomaria linearis injurious to beet ; Bull. Ins. Agr. xiii, p. 118 : destroying mangold ; Fitch, Ess. Nat. ii, p. 255. A. cephennoides n. var. circ'assica; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 173. A. singularis , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 172, n. sp. Sternodea mild, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 173, n. sp. Spaniophainus Caucasians , Elisabethpol, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p 105, n. sp. Holoparamecus atomus , Sicily, Ragusa, Nat. Sicil. viii, p. 37, n. sp. Dasycerus grouvellei , California, Belon, p. xcviii, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n sp. Lathridius costatipennis, satelles, p. 202, semicostatus , nigromaculatus , p. 203, minor , apicalis, punctipennis, p. 204, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Atritomus irregularis, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. eut. Z. vii, p. 174, Thorictidj:, Dermesthle, Byrrhhle. [Cf. Fairmaire (239, 243), Heller (369), Peringuey (667).] Thorictus capensis , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 88, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Les Dermestides d’Europe et circa par E. Reitter, traduits de l’Allemand par Leprieur ; Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 384-413. Dermestes bicolor , F., injurious to pigeons ; Noll (626). D. vorax, note on; Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 57. D. peruvianus , Cast., descrip- tion of larva, with remarks on the larvae of the genus ; Heller, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 157-160, pi. iv. THORIOTIDiE, ETC. LUCANIDiE, Ins . Ill Anthrcnus afer , Capo Town, PitiUNGUEY, p. 90, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Iladrotoma variegata = (A itagenus siculus, Allard); Leprieur, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 400. Pachmys , n. n. for Brachmys , Fairm. ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 29. P. pubendus, figured, pi. i, fig. 7, and redescribed, p, 30. Limnichus tonkineus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 337, Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Parnid^, Georyssida:, Heterocerid^?. [Cf. Blackburn (77), Costa (164), Grouvelle (346), SciiOnfeldt (814), Sharp (835).] Parnus hirsutus , Livland, Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 126, Arten ; P. bicolor , sulcipennis . Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, p. 86 : n. spp. Helichus sinensis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 115, n. sp. Ehianm pubescens, pi. vii, fig. 1, coqucreli , fig. 2, S. America, Grou- velle, p. 396, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Pachyparnus , n. g., for P. tonkineus , n. sp., Tonkin ; Fairmaire, p. 338, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Cyllcepus gigas, pi. vii, fig. 3, p. 397, brasiliensis , fig. 4, sharpi, fig. 5, p. 398, reitteri , fig. 6, p. 399, S. America, Grouvelle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Heterelmis dubia , pi. vii, fig. 7, p. 399, Brazil, Grouvelle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Helmis gournellei , pi. vii, fig. 9, p. 400, ernilice , fig. 10, concolor , fig. 1 1 , p. 401, sulcata, fig. 12, p. 402, subsulcala, pi. viii, fig. 1 , granosa, fig. 2, p 403, flavipes, fig. 3, gibbosa , fig. 4, p. 404, rufomurginata , fig. 5, granata , fig. 6, p. 405, micros , fig. 7, pilula , fig. 8, p. 406, laevigata , fig. 9, p. 407, longipes , fig. 10, p. 408, Brazil, Grouvelle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Microdes tonkinus, Tonkin, Grouvelle, p. 409, pi. viii, fig. 12, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Elmomorphus , n. g., p. 242, for E. brevicornis) n. sp., Japan, p. 243 ; Sharp, Ann, N. H. (6) ii. Stenelmis foveicollis, Japan, SciiOnfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 193; <8. trisulcatus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 338, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. hcptehnis , n. g., p. 243, for L. gracilis, n. sp., Japan, p. 244 ; Sharp, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Georyssus canalifer , Japan, Sharp, p. 244, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Ileterocerus infimus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 339, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; Jl.Jlindersi, multimaculatus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 205, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x : n. spp. LuCANIDiE. [6/. Fairmaire (238, 242, 243), Gatian (299), Waterhouse (915).] Lucanus sp., larvae destroying railroad ties ; Lockwood (518). 112 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Hexarthrius davuhoni, India, Waterhouse, p. 2G0, Ann. N. II. (6) i, n. sp. Parmgus, n. g., for P. lister i, n. sp., Christmas I. ; C aii an, p. 539, P. Z.S. 1888. Dorcu8 tenuecostcituSy Pekin, Faiumaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 116; D. Ucvidorsis, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 15, Ann. Eut. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Nigidius oxyotus, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 339, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. ScarabjsiDjE. [Cf. Pates (44, 46, 319), Blackburn (74, 75, 77, 78), Blanchard (83) Borre (89), Brrnske (104), Delaby (179), Fairmaire (238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 249, 250, 251, 253), Gestro (307), Horn (391, 392, 393), Kraatz (457), Macleay (544), Olliff (634), P^ringuey (667), Quedenfeldt (694, 696), Reitter (724, 729, 732), Rey (747), Seidlitz (827), Smith (853), Waterhouse (914), also Cetoniini , p. 122.] Goprini. Scarabceus platynotus , p. 201, porosus , p. 202, E. Africa, Bates, Ent. M. M. xxiv ; S. candliculatuSy S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 177, Auu. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; S. rostratuSy S. Africa, Pekinguey, p. 92, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; Ateuchus sulcipcnnist Centr. Africa, Queden- feldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 161 : n. spp. PacJiysorna schinzU, S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 178, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. marginatum , p. 92, denticolle , p. 93, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Gymnopleurus modestu8,S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 9t, n. sp. Anachalcoa aurescens, p. 202, magnun, p. 203, E. Africa, Bates, Ent. M. M. xxiv ; Chalconotu8 marginatus , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 94, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Tessarodon variolosuSy King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 897, n. sp. Temnoplectron occidentale, lucidumy pygmeeum, King’s Sound, Macleay, p. 898, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n, spp. Cutharsius sabaius , Fab., = ( pithecius. Fab.) ; Waterhouse, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 86. C. sesostris (Dej.), Centr. Africa, Waterhouse, l. c., n. sp. Coptorhina nana , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 95, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Onitis caslelnaiidiy Har., figured, pi. i, fig. 9 ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Oniticellus semimetalliouSy Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 11, fig. 2, n. sp. Onthophagua solivaguSy Heyd., $ noticed ; Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 372. O. JcatualemiSy Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 164 ; O. lujendtCy pluto, p. 203, panopluSy p. 237, chrysopeSy co metes, dicella , crassulus, p. 238, epilampriiSy p. 239, Tropical Africa, Bates, Ent. M. M. SCARABA5ID.®. Ins. 113 xxiv ; 0. boschinntnus , p. 95, tar sains, p. 96, ebenus , haroldi , pi. i, figs. 5 & 8, p. 97, cupricollis , pi. i, fig. 7, obtusicollis , p. 98, biplagiatus, p. 99, suturalis, p. 100, P^ringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; 0. gonoderus} Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 17, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; 0. devexus, fissicepsy p. 899, integricepsy salebrosus , p. 900, bicornis, prcpinquus , p. 901, villosus , cruciger , minusculus , p. 902, rubescens , burner alls, acuticeps, p. 903, incanus, p. 904, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linu. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Diastello palpus acuminicollis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 162 ; D. quinquedens , p. 239, thomsoni , ebeninus , p. 240, monapo- 'ideSy p. 241, Tropical Africa, Bates, Ent. M. M. xxiv : n. spp. Phalops euplynes , Damaraland, Bates, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 241, n. sp. ^^iAph°dmSy synoptic tables of the species found in France ; Fauconnet & Marchal, Feuill. Nat. xviii, pp. 112, 121, & 135 : many named varie- ties ; Sciiilsky (800). A. pectoralis, France, Rey, p. cxc, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. ( Nialus ) bilimeckii , Switzerland, p. 149, schlumbergeri , Pyrenees, p. 150, Seidlitz, Faun, trails. (Alton); A. ( Acrossus ) inipressiusculusy Pekin, Fairmaire, p. cci, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Mendidius rufescens , Astrachan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 425, n. sp. Psammobius vulneratus , Muls.j = ( Pleurophorus ot'ipennis, Desb.) ; Bedel, p. 286, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Ammaicius semicaicus , p. 904, occidentaliSy elongatulus , rugicolliSy p. 905, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. ParammceciuSy n. subg. of Ammcecius ; Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 133, Arten. Orplmus oryctoidcsy Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 164, n. sp. Enoplotrupes barmanicus, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. Ill ; E. yunnanus, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 17, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Geotrupes foveatus , note on ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 333. G. armicrus , p. 17, bicolor, p. 18, Yunnan, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; G. ( Cnemotrupes ) ullceiy p. 106, G. ( Mclanotrvpes ) horniiy p. 107, N. America, Blanchard, Psyche, v : n. spp. MelanotrupeSy n. subg. of Geotrupes ; Blanchard, Psyche, v, p. 105. PeltotrupeSy n. subg. of Geotrupes ; Blanchard, Psyche, v, p. 105. Bolboceras globuliforme , Macl., rotundatum and rubescens , Hope, note on ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 845. B. tateiy p. 812, simpliciceps , p. 844, fcnestratum, p. 845, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linu. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii ; B. ingens , cornutuniy p. 906, hippopusy p. 907, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. ' ‘ On the position of the genus Pleocoma , Lee.; translation of Ger- stacker’s paper (1883) ; Ent. Am. iii, pp. 202-211. Pleocoma: systematic position discussed, the species described and figured ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 1-18 : also (392). P. riclcseclceri, p. 5, conjungehs , p. 7, ullceiy p. 9, N. America, Horn, t. c. also Ent. Am. iii, p. 234, u. spp. ~~~ 1888. [vol. xxv.J e 8 114 Ins . fOLEOPTERA. Trox dilaticollis , alutus , p. 907, asperatus, nodicollis , p. 908, asperrimvs, vitreomaculatus, p. 909, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Clceotus aphodioides, habits of ; Lugger, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 84. Liparochrus politulus, globuli/ormis , King’s Sound, Macleay, p. 910, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Melolonthini . Lepitrix pistrinarius (Dej.), S. Africa, P^ringuey, p. 100, Tr. S. Africau Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Puchy enema furinosa , p. 101, nigrolimbata , p. 102, S. Africa, Perin- guey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. S cdophysa vireseem, S. Africa, PihtiNGUEY, p. 103, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Hoplia elongata, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 165 ; H. ingrata , China, Fairmaire, p. 18, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; H. auro- tincta , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 340, Ann. Soc. Ent Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Phyllotocus occidentals , meyricki , W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 15, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr., n. spp. Serica muelleri, p. 165, disparicornis , p. 166, Centr. Africa, Queden- feldt, B. E. Z. xxxii ; S. piceorufa, vertically , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 118 : n. spp. Homaloplia rn/odorsata , China, Fairmaire, p. 19, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Trochalus corpulentus, p. 167, camaruensis, p. 168, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Pseiidotrochalus bohmi , Lake Tanganyika, p. 194, scxlineatus, W. A f rica, p. 195, Quedenfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Camenta brevicollis, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 169, n. sp. Mcechidius major , crenaticollis , p. 16, rugosipcs , p. 17, Australia, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x ; M. cavicepy , Australia, id., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p.846 ; M. fissiceps, froggatti, King’s Sound, Macleay, p. 911, t. c. : n. spp. Liparetrus phcenicopterus , Germ., characters of ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 18. L. badiu8 , lanaticolli8, p. 912, gugaticeps, p. 913, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii ; L. fimbriatus, p. 18, caviceps, p. 19, senex, gracilipea, p. 20, diver sus , p. 21, nigroumbratus , rothei, p. 22, analis, p. 23, insularis , simplex , p. 24, modestus , dispar , agrestis , p. 25, Icvtus, p. 26, macleayi, aureus , p. 27, bicolor , granulatus , p. 28, Australia, sedani , perplexu8t p. 50, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x : palmer- stoni , p. 847, posticalis, p. 848, juvensis , fallax, p. 849, Australia, Black- burn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Macleay ia, n. g., pp. 29 & 209, for M. singularis , p. 29, hybrida , p. 30, n. spp., W. Australia ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x. Scitala pallidula , Kiug’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 919, n. sp. SCAlfcABi'tClDj’TC. Ins. 115 Golpochila lestaceipennis, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 913, n. sp. Pachygastra , Germ., note on, with generic characters ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 207. Iletcronyx piceoniger , corpulent us , p. 914, rufopicem , froggatti , p. 915, capillatus , badius , subfuscus , p. 916, scutatus, transversicollis , p. 917, glaber , subvittatus, , parvulus , p. 918, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Macrosoma glacial e, figured, pi. i, fig. 8, Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. Oxychirus , n. g., Clavipalpidai ?, p. 174, for 0. semisericeus, Oentr. Africa, n. sp., p. 175, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Diplotaxis crinigera , Guatemala, corrosa , coriacea , p. 161, sinuaticeps , juquilensis, p. 162, atramentaria , arctifrons , p. 163, metallescens , hebes , p. 164, magna , boops, flavisetis , pi. ix, fig. 26, p. 165, contractor p. 166, Mexico, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Ghlccnobia, Bl., referred to Rlrizotrogince ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), p. 166. (7. rugrota , pi. x, fig. 1, scabripyga , latipcs , p. 167, bicallosa, Mexico, tumulosa , ccquata, Centr. America, p. 168, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Ghirodines, n. g., for (7. zuniUnsis , n. sp., Guatemala, pi. x, fig. 2 ; Bates, p. 169, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Listrochelus cavatus , micros , pi. x, fig. 4, p. 170, preesidii, fig. 5, scuticeps , p. 171, parilis, culminatus , maximus , fig. 6, p. 172, oblongulus , fig. 7, p. 173, Mexico, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Phytalus punctuliceps, Guatemala, p. Ylh,nubipcnnis, ambigenus, Mexico, p. 176, co metes, pi. x, fig. 8, p. 177, prolixus, Nicaragua, trichodes , p. 178, macrocerus , fig. 9, platyrhinus , fig. 10, p. 179, batillifer , fig. 11 ,hdgei, fig. 12, pentaphyllus, fig. 13, p. 180, seniculus , xanthocomus, fig. 14, p. 181, coides , bucephalus, fig. 15, mgrotus, p. 182, lineatus , fig. 16, stramineus. fig. 17, ciudadensis, p. 183, fissilabris, poculifer , p. 184, Mexico, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am.Col.ii (2) ; P.P latericostatus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 340, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Lachnosterna fusca . specific characters, pp. 180 & 182 ; £ and ? cha- racters, fig. 41 ; Smith, Ins. Life, i : larva habits, ravages, &c. ; Lintner (517). L. fusca , gibbosa. dates of appearance ; Westcott, Ent. Am. iv, pp. 154 & 155. L. cribricollis , Bl., pi. x, fig. 23, p. 189, ravida, Bl.,pl. xi, fig. 1, p. 191, testae eipennis, Bl., fig. 6, p. 195, rorulenta, Burm , fig. 7, p. 196, cinnamomea , Bl., fig. 8, p. 197, setifera, Burm., fig. 11, p. 198, rugipennis, Schauf., fig. 12, p. 201, rugulosa, Bl., fig. 15, p. 203, mexicana, fig. 20, p. 212, figured and noticed at length ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). L. grandis, p. 181, fig. 40, dubia , p. 183, fig. 42, arcuata , p. 183, fig. 43, N. America, Smith, Ins. Life, i ; L. diomphalia , Korea, Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 373 ; L. castaniella , pi. x, fig. 18, heteronycha, fig. 19, p. 186, tridens , Mexico, piceola, fig. 20, scabrifrons, fig. 21, Guatemala, p. 187, leonina , fig. 22, pubicauda, p. 188, dulcis, xanthe, p. 189, rugicollis (Sturm Cat.), fig. 24 , foveicollis, p. 190, punclulicollis, fig. 25, parvmpunctala , 116 Ins. .COLEOrTERA. . p. 191, dentex, anomaloides , pi. xi, fig. 2, p. 192, macrophylla , fig. 3, Mexico, dasypoda , fig. 4, Centr. America, p. 193, polyphylla , fig. 5, heterophylla, p. 194, Mexico, chiriquina , Panama, parvisetis, p. 196, sturmi, fig. 9, p. 197, gigantea, Centr. America, fig. 10, p. 198, crinalis, p. 199, 8etulorsi8 , Costa Rica, ti'ichia , Guatemala, p. 200, Ijssopyge , hemilissa , fig. 13, p. 201, 8chizorhina , fig. 14, Pauama, temipilis , Centr. America, scissa, p. 202, angulicollis , p. 203, Mexico, submetallica , Guatemala, euryaspis , p. 204, molopia , p. 205, fig. 16, segregans, diver tens, setipennis, p. 206, nigerrima , p. 207, fig. 17, cinodentata, p. 208, rubella, misteca , fig. 18, longipilosa, p. 209, brevidens , p. 210, microdon , porodera , Mexico, multipora, Guatemala, fig. 19, p. 211, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2) : n. spp. Ancylonycha carmelita, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 170, n. sp. Eugastra, Lee., note on the genus, p. 214, with figure of E. cribrosa , pi. xi, fig. 21 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Amphimallus tekkensis , Turcomauia, Bkenske, p. 355, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Rhizotrogus solstitialis the victim of Tiphia femorata ; Bergsoe (63). R. vulpinus, Gy 11., n. var. perskus ; Brenske, p. 359, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii. R. turcomanus, p. 356, ballioni, Turkestan, p. 357, Brenske, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; B. glabricollis, Turcomania, brenskei . Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 68 : n. spp. Lepidiota rothei , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 214, cf. also P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 853 ; L. darwini, p. 850, delicatula , p. 852, degener, p. 853, rufa, p. 854, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. AJelolontha , variation, form of pygidium , Delaby, Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, viii, pp. 325-331. M. vulgaris , embryology ; Graber (325). M. hippocastuni n. var. schiourzi , p. 362, habits of, and of M. vulgaris , p. 363 ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. Cryptotrogus, n. g., near Cyphonotus, for 0. weisei, n. sp., Asiatic Russia ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 206. Ochranoxia, n. g., for Anoxia semijlava, Kr. ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 208. Achranoxia, n. g., for Polyphylla kunigi, Brenske {infra) ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 208. Polyphylla decemlineata, Say, larva described ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 21. P. decemlineata, Say, fig. 22, petiti, Guer., fig. 23, ham - niondi, Lee., fig. 24, figured, pi. xi ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). P. koenigi. Turcomania, Brenske, p. 353, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii; P. mongola , p. xvi, chinensis , davidis , p. xvii, China, Fairmaire, C.R. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; n spp. Rhopcea magnicornis , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 210 ; R. castaneipennis , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 919 : u. spp. Sparmannia distincta, S. Africa, PduuNGUEY, p. 103, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. SCARAB/EID^. Ins * 117 Holophylla australis , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 212, n. sp. Trichinopus flavipennis, Waterk., figured, pi. i, fig. 10; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Phalangosoma tnechowi n. var. novemfoliatum ; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 171. Goniorrhinu , n. g., Pachypodidce , p. 171, for G. Jlaviceps, n. sp , Centr. Africa, p. 172 ; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Taphrocephala , n. g., Pachypodidce , p. 173, for 1\ polita, n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 174 ; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Rutelini . Anomalina note on the structure of the labrum in ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), p. 216. Phyllopertha villosella, Bl., referred to Anomala, p. 246, and figured, pi. xiii, fig. 19 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Table of the species of Phyllopertha ; Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 289-293. P. lederi , Turcomania, p 293, caucasicct , Aralych, puncticollis, N. China, p. 294, Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; P. tolucana , Mexico, Bates, p. 216, pi. xii, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii. (2) : n. spp. Anomala rufocuprea , Motsch., dubia , Ball., mongolica, Fald., notes on ; Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 373 & 374. A. inconstans , p. 225, pi. xii, fig. 14, gemella , Say, fig. 15, p. 226, irrorata , Bl., p. 230, fig. 22, cincta, Say, with n. var . polychalca, p. 236, cupricollis , Cliev., with n. var .coagidata, pi. xiii, fig. 8, p. 238, micans, Burm., fig. 20, p. 245, vidua , Newm., pi. xiv, figs. 1 & 2, rhizotrogoules, Bl., pi. xiii, fig. 22, p. 247, figured and discussed ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). A. russaticepsy S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 179, Anu. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. hilunata , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 341, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. Icevisulcata , p. 19, densestrigosdy punctigcra, trivirgata, p. 20, semi- castaneay p. 21, China, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; A. ( Para - spilota ) impicta, Korea, Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 374; A. discoidalisy p. 217, pi. xii. fig. 2, guatemalcnay fig. 3, chiriquinay p. 218, Centr. America, eulissa, Panama, fig. 4, compressicollisy Guatemala, fig. 5, p. 219, calligraphay fig. 6, retusicolliSy Panama, barbicollis, Guatemala, p. 220, cribriceps , fig. 7, Mexico, zapotensis, fig. 8, Guatemala, p. 221, histrionella, fig. 9, Mexico, Nicaragua, championi , fig. 10, Guatemala, p. 222, tolensisy ochrogastra, fig. 11, Panama, flavizonay Guatemala, p. 223, vercecrucis , Mexico, sejuncta,' Guatemala, Costa Rica, hopfneriy fig. 13, Mexico, p. 224, clievrolatiy Mexico, ruatanaf Honduras, p. 226, Jlavilla, fig. 18, decolor , mcgalopSy fig. 19, p. 227, Mexico, hisqndula, fig. 20, denticolliSy fig. 17, Guatemala, p. 228, polygona, trapezifera, Costa Rica, foruminosGy fig. 21, Centr. America, p. 230, atomoyrumma, fig. 23, Mexico, milleporay Guate- mala, p. 231, ochroptcray Centr. America, amphicoma , fig. 24, Panama, eucoma, Centr. America, p. 232, semitonsay fig. 25, Panama, sylphhy pi. xiii, fig. 1, Mexico, IctisicolliSy fig. 2, p. 233, doryphorinay fig. 3, Guatemala, chrysomelina, fig. 4, Panama, p. 234, sulcans, fig. 5, Nicaragua, rhodopCy fig. 6, Mexico, Costarica 3, Nicaragua, &c., p. 23b,forreri, fig. 7, semicincta , Mexico, variolata, p. 237, cnethopygay .Guatemala, p. 238, megalia , fig. 9, 118 Ins . COLEOPTERA. Honduras, p. 239, prcecellens , fig. 10, Nicaragua, plurisulcata , fig. 11, Guatemala, p. 240, granulipyga , Centr. America, fig. 12, vanpatteni , Costa Rica, marginicollis , fig. 13 (as valdecostata ), p. 241, nitescens , fig. 14, Mexico, calonota , fig. 15, Panama, p. 242, chlorotoides , specularis , fig. 16, chrysanthei fig. 17, p. 243, xiphostetha , Costa Rica, phosphora , fig. 18, Panama, p. 244, xantholea, Centr. America, p. 245, nutans, fig. 21, p. 246, castaneiceps, fig. 23, attenuata , fig. 25, p. 248, carinifrons , fig. 24, p. 249, Mexico, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2) : n. spp. A prosterna pygidialis, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 341, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Singhala callosa, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 343, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Mimela fusania, Korea, Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 375, n sp. Popilia crenatipennis, p. 176, violaceipennis , p. 177, Central Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii ; P. dilutipennis, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 342, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. dijjicilisi Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 119 ; P. atroccerulea , Korea, Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 376 : n. spp. Epectinaspis mexicana , Burm., fig. 3, moreletiana, Bl., fig. 7, figured, pi. xiv ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). E. picliptnniSy pi. xiv, fig. 4, p. 250, opacicollis, fig. 5, Mexico, chelifera, fig. 6, Panama, p. 251, ambigens, Brit. Hond., p. 252, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Strigoderma castor and pollux , Newm., united as sexes of one species, p. 256, figured, pi. xiv, fig. 13, orbicularis , Burm., fig. 14, p. 257, noticed and figured ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). S. intermedia , pi. xiv, fig. 8, p. 253, protea, p. 254, sailed , fig. 9, longi- collis , fig. 10, contructa , fig. 11, p. 255, physopleura , fig. 12, p. 256, f estiva, nigripennis, fig. 15, p. 257, Mexico, rutelina, fig. 16, Nicaragua, Panama, teapensis, fig. 17, tomentosa, fig. 18, p. 258, lampra, figs. 19 & 20, p. 259, costulipennis , p. 21, Mexico, auriventris, fig. 22, Nicaragua, p. 260, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n spp. Callirhinus metallescens, Bl., figured, pi. xiv, figs. 23 & 24, noticed, p. 261 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Dilophochila, n. g., for D. bolacoides , n. sp., Mexico, pi. xiv, fig. 25 ; Bates, p. 261, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Platyrutela, n. g., for P. cribrata, n. sp., Costa Rica, pi. xv, fig. 1 ; Bates, p. 262, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). 0 metis, Latr., merged in Lagochile ; Bates, p. 262, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Lagochile circumdata, pi. xv, fig. 2, chiriquina, fig. 3, Panama, Bates, p. 263, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Calomacraspis, n. g., for Macraspis, group 1, Burm., and including G. nigripennis , Ega, n. sp., p. 264, Bates, t. c. C. splendens, Burm., figs. 4 & 5, concinna, Bl., fig. 6, haroldi, Cand., fig. 7, figured, pi. xv : Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Antichira : the limits of the genus discussed, p. 265, rufonitida, Burm., pi. xv, fig. 9, catomeluma, Dolirn, fig. 8, figured ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). SCARABJJIDiE. Ins. J J 9 A. hirliventris , pi. xv, fig. 10, p. 266, iodiella , fig. 11, p. 267, Panama, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Plenomela, n. g., p. 267, for Antichira yratiosa , Shp., which is figured, pi. xv, fig. 12; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Tkyridium semicinctum , Panama, Bates, p, 268, pi. xv, fig. 13, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. sp. f Ghlorota terminata, fig. 14, cincticollis , fig. 16, figured, pi. xv ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). C. flavicollis , Panama, pi. xv, fig. 15, p. 269, belli , Nicaragua, fig. 17, p. 270, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Rutelisca, n. g., for R. jlohri , n. sp., Mexico, pi. xv, figs. 18 & 19; Bates, p, 270, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Rutela sperularis , Mexico, pi. xv, fig. 20, p. 21\,rviridiaurata, Costa Rica, p. 272, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Cnemida aterrima , Mexico, pi. xv, fig. 21, intermedia ■, Nicaragua, Bates, p. 272, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Parastasia sulcipennis , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 113, n. sp. Pelidnota belti , pi. xv, fig. 22, prolixa , Shp., fig. 24, notata , Bl., fig. 23, vircscens, Burm., pi. xvi, fig. 2, with n. varr. aurescens, fig. 5, jalapensis , fig. 4, chalcoptis, fig. 3, p. 274, strigosa, Bl., fig. 6, figured ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). P. costaricensis , Cache, pi. xvi, fig. 1, p. 274, cupritarsis , Panama, Colombia, p. 275, punctulata, Centr. America, fig. 7, p. 276, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii. (2), n. spp. Plufiiotis Victorina , pi. xvi, fig. 13, marginata , Wat., fig. 11, chrysargyrea , Sal., fig. 9, p. 279, aurora , Bouc., n. varr. chrysopedila, fig. 12, p. 277, psittacina , Sturm., p. 281, costata , Bl., figs. 14 & 15, adelaida , Hope, fig. 17, lecontei, Horn, fig. 19, noticed or figured ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii(2). P. argenteola, Colombia, p. 277, optima , Costa Rica, pi. xvi, fig. 10, chloreis , Mexico, fig. 16, p. 282, chalcothea, Costa Rica, fig. 8, p. 284, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Chrysina macropus n. var. mniszeclii\ Bates, p. 285, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Macropoides nietoi figured, pi. xvi, fig. 20 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). MacropnuSy Horn, merged in Macropoides ; Bates, p. 286, Biol. Centr: Am. Col. ii (2). Heterosternus rodriguezi , figured, pi. xvi, fig. 18 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Parisolea , n. g., for P. alba, fulva, pi. xvii, fig. 1, n. spp., Mexico; Bates, p. 288, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Cotalpa nigroccnea , Guatemala, pi. xvi, fig. 22, aurescens , Mexico, fig. 21, Bates, p. 289, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Parachrysina, n. g., for Chrysina truquii , Thoms. ; Bates, p. 289, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Byrsopolis lanigera, pi. xvii, fig. 2, chihuahua, , Mexico, Bates, p. 291, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. 120 Ins. COLE tPTEKA. Phatangogonia obesa, Burm., note on, p. 291, sperata, Shp., = ( stipes , Shp.), P- 292 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). P. lacordairei (= obesa, Lac., nec Burm.), Mexico, pi. xvii, fig. 3, p. 292, parilis, fig. 4, championi , fig. 5, Guatemala, p. 293, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Platycculia humemlis , Centr. America, pi. xvii, fig. 8, Bates, p. 293, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. sp. Panschizus , n. g., for P. pallidus, n. sp., W. Australia ; Blackburn, p. 51, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x. P. pallidus is possibly Anoplostethus opalinus , Br. ; id. t. c. p. 214. Spodochlamys cupreola , Panama, pi. xvii, fig. 10, p. 294, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. sp. Bolax magnus, Panama, pi. xvii, fig. 6, Jlaveolus, Nicaragua, fig. 7, Bates, p. 295, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Leucothyreus femoratus, Burm., figured, pi. xvii, fig. 9 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Dynastini. Aspulolea, n. g., for A. singularis , n. sp., Centr. America, pi. xvii, fig. 11 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), p. 296. Ancognatha humeraUs , Burm., figured, pi. xvii, figs. 13 & 14 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). A. cequata , pi. xvii, fig. 12, Icevigata, p. 297, quadri punctata, fig. 15, p. 298, Mexico, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Cycloccphala stictica , Burm., pi. xvii, fig. 17, p. 300, fuliginea , Burm., fig. 20, complanata , Burm., fig. 21, p. 302, lucida , Burm., pi. xviii, fig. 4, p. 307, mafaffa , Burm., fig. 6, picta , Burm., fig. 7, conspicua, Shp., fig. 8, proba , Shp., fig. 11, figured and noticed ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. »• (2), O. detecta , Mexico, pi. xvii, fig. 16, p. 300, microspila , fig. 18, Panama, fasciolata, fig. 19, p. 301, sororia, fig. 22, Centr. America, epistouialis, Guatemala, p. 303, coahuilie, Mexico, fig. 23, castaniella , Costa Rica, fig. 24, p. 304, curta , fig. 25, comata, pi. xviii, fig. 1, p. 305, guttata , fig. 2, Mexico, ovulum, Centr. and S. America, fig. 3, p. 306, amblyopsis , fig. 5, Centr. America, p. 307, gravis , Centr. and S. America, p. 308, a tripes, fig. 9, ligyrina , fig. 10, Nicaragua, p. 309, melane , nigerrima , fig. 12, Costa Rica, p. 310, ampliata , Nicaragua, p. 312, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Dyscinetus laivipunctatus , Centr. America, p. 311, f rater, pi. xviii, fig. 13, Mexico, p. 312, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. lleteronychus brevis , Centr. Africa, Quedeneeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 177 ; H. lucidus , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Euetheola , n. g., for lleteronychus humilis , Burm., figured, pi. xviii, fig. 14 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Podalgus nasutus , Burm., referred to Ligyrus, p. 317, and figured, pi. xviii, fig. 17 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Ligyrus rugiceps , Lee., injurious to corn ; Howard, Ins. Life, i, pp. 11-13. SCARABiftlDJi. Ins. 121 L. latifovea , pi. xviii, fig. 15, Centr. and S. America, p. 315, leevicollis , pi. xviii, fig. 16, Centr. America, p. 316, pygulialis, Yucatan, p. 317, sailed , fig. 18, Centr. America, p. 318, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Bothynus quadridens , Tasch., figured and noticed, pi. xviii, fig. 22, p. 319 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). B. simplicitarsis, p. 319, monstrosus , p. 320, Guatemala, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Novapus adelaidce , striatopunctulatus, Australia, BlackdurN, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 215, n. spp. Pcntodon australis , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 216, n. sp. Chdroplatys : Orizaba , Fairm., merged in this, p. 320; cultripes , Fairm., figured, pi. xviii, figs. 19 & 20 ; clunali s, Lee., = ( marginatus and sailed, Fairm.), p. 321 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). O. occidentalism King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 921 ; 0. lissus , Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1004 ; C. fairmairei, pi. xviii, figs. 23 & 24, Mexico, Bates, p. 321, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2) : n. spp. Pseud opimelopus , n. g., p. 217, for P. lindi, n. sp., Australia, p. 218, and including P. nothus, Burm. ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x. Pimelopus porcellus, Er., redescribed ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 220. P. crassus, p. 221, P. ? dubius , p. 222, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Palmerstonia , n. g. (Pimelopida:), p 855, for ll.bovilli , n. sp., Australia, p. 857 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Isodon picipennis, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 921, n. sp. Temnorhynchus raffrayi, Zanzibar, Fairmaire, Lc Nat. (2) i, p. 223, n.sp. Xyloryctes telephus and furcalus , figured, pi. xix, and noticed, pp. 323 & 324 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). X. lobicollis , pi. xviii, fig. 21, p. 323, corniger , teuthras , pi. xix, fig. 3, p. 324, thestalus , pi. xviii, fig. 25, p. 325, Centr. America, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Mcgaceras philoctetes, figured, pi. xix, fig.6. n. var. septenlrionis described, p. 325 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Ileterogoniphus chevrolati , figured, pi. xix, figs. 7, 8, & 9, n. var. eurytus described, p. 327 ; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Dcemonoplus mnizechi, Th., figured, pi. xix, figs. 10 & 11 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Enema pan, figs. 12 & 12a ( lupcrcus , Chev., being a var.), endymion , Ckov., fig. 13, figured, pi. xix; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Strategus julianus, figured, pi. xix, figs. 14 & 15, noticed, p. 330; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Podischnus agenor, pi. xix, figs. 16-19, tersander, pi. xx, figs. 1 & 2, figured, noticed, p.332; Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). Golofa pizarro, Hope, synonymy, variation figured and described, pi. xx, figs. 3-7, p. 333 ; imperialism figured, pi. xx, figs. 8-10, noticed, p. 334, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). 122 Ins. COLEOPTERA. G. costaricensis , Costa Rica, pi. xx, fig. 11, p. 334, champion* , Guatemala, pi. xx, figs. 12-14, imbellis , figs. 16 & 18, Costa Rica, p. 335, Bates, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2), n. spp. Dynastes hyllus, Cliev., figured, pi. xx, fig. 17 ; Bipl. Centr. Am. Col. ii (2). D. tityus , odour of ; Smith, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 54. Cavonus armatus , Shp.,= ( Coelothorax oberthueri , Ancey); Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 287. . 0. sharpi, sculpturatus , p. 223, parvus, p. 224, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x ; C. turritus , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 922 : n. spp. Neocavonus, n. g., p. 225, for N. niger , p. 225, N. ? occidentalis , p. 226, n. spp., Australia ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x. Corynophyllus andersoni, p. 227, modestus , p. 228, Australia, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Aneurystypus , n. g., for A.calvus , n. sp., Australia; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 230. Semanopterus subcequalis , Hope, redescribed ; Blackburn, Tr. R Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 231. S. angustatus , p. 232, minor , p. 233, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Cryptodus fairmairei , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 923, n. sp. Getoniini. [Cf. Bates (44, 46), Blackburn (78), Fairmaire (238, 243, 245,251), Gestro (307), Janson (418, 419, 420, 421), Kraatz (458, 459, 460, 461, 462), Macleay (544), PAiunguey (667), Quedenfeldt (694), Seidlitz (327), Waterhouse (915).] Qoliuthus cacicu8 , varieties of ; G. atlas and regius , characters of dis- cussed ; Kraatz, Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, pp. 269-272 ; numerous named varr. figured, pi. vi, figs. 1-8. Fornasinius vittatus , Masailand, Bates, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 241, n. sp. Atopocerus, n. n. for Westwoodia, Lap. ( nec Br.) ; Kraatz, Deutsche e, Z. xxxii, p. 360. Goliathopsis capreolas , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 118, n. sp. Ceratorrkina harrisi, Westw., variation noticed; Doiirn, S. E. Z. xlix, p, 363. G. ( Dcedyrorhina ) muculuria , Mamboia, Bates, Ent. M.M. xxiv, p. 242, n, sp. Ueterorrhina amcena, Hope, n. var. barmanica ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p, 99. Coryphocera versicolor , Jolo I., Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 207, #i. sp. Trigonophorus foveiceps , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Gonov. (2) vi, p, 1 14, n. sp. Rhomborrhina jlammea , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 115, n. sp. SCARAB.KID/K. Ins. 123 Genyodonta jaclcsoni , Masailand, Waterhouse, p. 261, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. sp. Smaragdesthes guerini, Senegal, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 107, n. sp. Heterophana fusco-costata , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 11, fig. 3, n. sp. Ilannatonotus frilscJiii, Kr., = ( Ischnostoma picta , Per.) ; P^RINGUEY, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, rectifications, p. 191. Macronotci sericea , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 116 ; M. ochraceipcs, flavosparsa (with 4 varr.), India, Waterhouse, p. 262, Ann. N. H. (6) i : n. spp. Clinteria malayensis , Wall., var. from Burma described ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 99. Discopeltis wissmanni , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 179, n. sp. Allorhina insignia, Chiriqui, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 119, n. sp. Argyripa subfasciala , Rits., £ described; Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 118, woodcuts. Gymnetis pantherina , Burm., should include pelochroma and lutulenta. Kitsch, mcleagris, Burm. ; G. schistacea , Burm., varr. = ( flaveola , Burm., and chontalensis , Jans.) ; some varieties of pantherina named : Kuaatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 295-300, pi. v, figs. 12-18. G. mediana , Brazil, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 299, n. sp. Stalagmopygvs , Kr., characters noted as trivial ; Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 109. Stalagmosoma baliola , Abyssinia, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 108, n. sp. Leucocclis franki , S.W. Africa, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p, 109, n. sp. Glycyphana cuprcola , Kr., note on ; Bates, P, Z. S. 1888, p. 376. G. louisce, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. xxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii 2 (fully described, p. 22, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii) : n. sp, Euryomia ( Glyciphana ) velulina, Natal, Peringuey, p. 103, Tr, S, African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Celidota splendens, figured, fig. 2, pi. clxxx ; Waterhouse, Aid. Pogonotarsus flavovirgulatus , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 32, fig. 2, n. sp. Cacochroa obscura , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 858, n. sp. Ilemipharis froggatti , King’s Sound, Macleay, P, Linn, Soc. N.S.W, (2) iii, p. 923, n. sp. Poly stigma vitticolle , King’s Souud, Macleay, P. Linn. Soo. N.S.W, (2) iii, p. 923, 11. sp. Cetonia Jloricola, Ilbst., habits of larva ; Hacker, Wien. Ent. Z. vil, p. 49. 0. seulensis, Kolbe, note on ; Bates, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 377. C. brevitarsis, seulensis , and allies, synonymy of ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 199-201. C. albohirta , Seidl., note on ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 365. C. ( Potosia ) sternohirta, France, Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 154 ; 124 Ins. COLEOPTERA. C. dclaoayi, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 21, Ann. Eut. Belg. xxxii ; C. letvisi , p. 194, pryeri , p. 195, Loo Choo Is., Janson, Ann. N. H. (6) i : n. spp. Poiphyrobupta, n. g., near Charadronota , for P. tigrina , n. sp , W. Africa, pi. v, fig. 6 ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 411. Charadronota quadrisignata n. var. vittatipennis, C. pectoralis, Bain., note on ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 414. C. curoata , Niger, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 110; C. quadrilunu- lata , W. Africa, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 413 : n. spp. Pilinopyga, n. g., for Diplognatha ornatipennis , Hope ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 415. Macroma oberthuri , Thibet, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 112, n. sp. Camochilus bifovcolatus, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 344, Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Agenius namaquensia , Per., and suturalis , Waterh., are one species ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, rectifications, p. 191. Trichoplus incisus, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 104, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Stegopterus lugubris , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 105, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Incala stampjlii , Liberia, Janson. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 113, n. sp. Polyplastus , n.g., p. 114, for P. amtrius , u. sp., Liberia, p. 115 ; Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. Gnorimus variabilis n var. hey deni ; Beckers, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 24. Valgus laligantii , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 343, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Buprestiimc. [D/. Blackburn (77, 78), Fairmaire (238, 242, 243, 244, 252), Gangl- bauer (305), Kerremans (434, 435), Macleay (544), Peringuey (G67), Quedeneeldt (G94), Heitter (724, 729), Bitsema (7G4), SchOnfeldt (815), Waciitl (90iy, Waterhouse (915).] Sternocera : monograph of the genus, recognising 28 valid species, and figuring dasypleura , Koll., feldsputhica, White, wahlbergi} Boh., cariosi - collis, Fairm., boucardi , Saund., syriaca , Saund., revoili , Fairm., orissa var. elUptica} Kerr., tricolor , Kerr. ; Kerremans, Aun. Ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. 47-100. S. boucardi , variation of ; Kraatz, Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, p. 41G, pi. v, figs. 19-23. S. gerstaeJeeri (= jischeri , Gers.), Africa, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Julodis rufolimbata, Damaralaud, Fairmaire, p. 179, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; J. modesta , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 106, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Chrysochroa rugicollis , variation ; Lucas, p. lxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii. 0. alternans, Loo Choo, Waterhouse, p. 261, Ann. N. H. (G) i, n. sp. Chrysodema sounder si, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1227, n. sp. Chalcophora yunnana , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 24, Ann. Ent. Belg. BUPRESTID.E. ■ Ins. 125 xxxii; Chalcophora (in corrigenda, but in text Acmaiodcra ?, and Chryso- vhroa in explanation of plate) fosmlata , S. Africa, p. 108, pi. ii, fig. 1, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Psiloptera subviolacea , p. 106, cuprea, p. 107, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Dicerca prolongata , Lee., divaricate. Say, cbscura , Fab., spreta , Gory, distinctive characters of ; Hamilton, pp. 64-66, Canad. Ent. xx. D. prolongata, Lee., habits ; Cockerell, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 232. D.plasoni , Armenia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 70, n. sp. Cceculus turcomanicus , Ki\, = ( fulvovillU , Reitt ) ; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z vii, p. 41. PtBcilonota dicc.rcoidcs , Wladiwostok, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 426 ; P. ( Lampra ) beaachenii , Soutay, Fairmaire, p. 346, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Lampra decipiens var. = ( mirijica , Muls.) ; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 216. Anthaxia uniformly purpurascens , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1220, n. spp. Philanthaxia andamana, Audaman Islands, Kerremans, p. lxvi, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Bubastes cylindricus, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1228, n. sp. Melobasis circumflexa, India, Kerremans, p. lxv, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii ; M. andersoni, p. 234, semistriata , p. 235, rothei , p. 236, soror, p. 237, sordida = ( obscura , Saund., ncc Macl ), meyrirhi, p. 238, puncticollis , p. 239, rotundicollis , p. 241, vittata , p. 242, intricata , p. 243, pretiom , p. 244, speciosa , p. 245, semisuturalis , M. ? thoracica., p. 246, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x ; M. lauta, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1228 : n. spp. Eurybia australis , Port Lincoln, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 247, n. sp. Anilara planifrons , Australia, Blackburn, t. c. p. 248, n. sp. Neocuris , Deyr., note on the generic characters ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Sac. S. Austr. x, p. 249. N. fairmairei, p. 249, pubesccns, p. 250, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x ; N. viridiaurea, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. (2) iii, p. 1229 : n. spp. Polycesta tonlcinea , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 345, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Polyctesis foveicollis, Cambodia, Fairmaire, p. 341, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Acmceodera lcbnigi, p. 193, caspica , p. 195, ballionis, p. 196, Turco- mania, Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; A. inornata,p. 107, gentilis , p. 108, S. Africa, PeringUey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; A. varii- color (Chev.), India, Kerremans, p. lxvi, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii ; A. yunnana , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 23, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Sphenoptera foveipennis, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii > p. 180, n. sp. 12G Ins. COLEOPTEllA, Chrysobothris incana , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1230, n. sp. Conebus amethyxtinus, habits ; Olivier, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 123 & 124. Oorcebus suhc, p. lxvii, circular is, p. lxviii, India, Kerremans, O.R. ent. Belg. xxxii; C. beauchenii, p. 34G, intricatus, semipurpureus, p. 317, Tonkin, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; 0. cequalipennis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 121 : n. spp. Neospades , n. g., for Gorccbus chrysopyyius , Germ. ; Blackburn, Tr. S. Austr. x, p. 251. N. lateralis, p. 860, simplex, p. 861, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Ethon maculatus, W. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S Austr. x, p. 250, n. sp. Cisseis nubeculosa, Germ., and M. chalcopteruin, Germ., are one species ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 252. C. obscura, p. 252, parva , p. 253, constricta , lindi, p. 254, occidentalis , p. 255, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x ; G. elongatula, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 862 ; G.fulgidi- collis , nigripennis, p. 1231, apicalis, purpureotincta , p. 1232, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Melybceus carinatus, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, p. 181, B. E. Z. xxxii ; J f. murinus , Andaman Is., Kerremans, p. lxviii, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Discodercs ochraceopictus , Madagascar, Fairmaire, LeNat. (2) i, p. 56, fig. 6, n. sp. Cryptodactylus gracilis, Japan, SciiOnfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 209, n. sp. Agrilus auricollis , Kies., metamorphoses and habits ; Waciitl, Wien, ent. Z. vii, pp. 293-297, pi. iii. A. amplicollis , p. lxviii, plieaticollis, p. lxix, India, Kerremans, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii ; A. splendidicollis , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 348, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A . obscuripennis, ventricosus, p. 120 , planipennis, p. 121, Pekin, id. Rev. d’Ent. vii : n. spp. Trachys hypocrita , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 349, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; T. davidis , tristis , p. 23, rufopubens , marginicollis , p. 24, China, id., Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; T. australis , nigra , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1233 : n. spp. Endelus weyersi, Sumatra, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 175, n.sp. Germarica , n. g. ( Trachydce ), for G. casuarime, n. sp., S. Australia ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 257. Aphanixticus occidentalis, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.SW. (2) iii, p. 1233, n. sp. Throscidj:, Monommiile, Eitcnemidje. [Of. Champion (319), Fairmaire (243).] Throscus , note on characters of the sexes; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 69. THR0SCIDA5, MONOMMHLE, EUCNEMID/K, ELATERIDjE. Ivs. 127 T. mediocris , p. 350, injimus , p. 351, Tonkin, Faiiimaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. ITyporhagus opuntice, figured, pi. xxi, fig. 22 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). IT. durangoensis , pi. xxi, fig. 23, Mexico, p. 473, emarginatus, fig. 24, Centr. America, p. 474, obliteratus , Panama, fig. 25, p. 475, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Aspathines, n. g. ( Monommidce ), p. 475, for A. ovatus, n. sp., Centr. America, pi. xxi, fig. 20, p. 476 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (t). Bonvouloir’s collection acquired by Obertiiur, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. clix. Elaterid^e. [Of. Buysson (121, 122), Candeze (131), Fairmaire (239, 241, 243), Macleay (544), Reftter (724, 727), Waterhouse (914).] Notes on the habits of larva? and the means of rearing them ; Buysson (121). Elateridm injurious to tobacco-plant in Bessarabia; Lindeman, Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 59 & 60. Adelocera tumulosa, Tenasserim, Candeze, p. 668, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Lacon inductus , defectus , p. 668, mixtus , p. 669, aceratus , acerbus , p. 670, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; L. froggatti , nigrescent , rubescens , p. 1234, incultus , rufopiceus , p. 1235, atricolor , lineatellus , subtilis, p. 1236, rubir.und.uhi8 , fovcicollis , p. 1237, maculosus , communist, alboguttatm , p. 1238, parmlus , fasciolutus , p. 1239, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Anthracalaus , n. g., for Alans westcrmanni, Cand.^and A. moricii, n.sp., Cochin China ; Fairmaire, p. 349, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Tetralobus cribricollis , Centr. Africa, Waterhouse, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 86 ; T. quadrifoveatus, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1240 : n. spp. Meristhus , validity of queried ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 64. Elius vcntralis, Tenasserim, Candeze, p. 673, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Melanthoules few, Bhamo, Candeze, p. 673, Anu. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Monocrepklius scutulatus , vagus , centralis , Burma, Candeze, p. 674, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; M. primus , p. 1240, secundus, tertius, p. 1241, quartus , quintus, sextus , p. 1242, septimus , octavus, p. 1243, nonus , decimus , p. 1244, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Heteroderes ornatus , Burma) Candeze, p. 675, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Elater lederi , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 426; E. longiusculus , cinnamomeus, inconspicuus , King’s Sound, Macleay, p. 1245, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. 128 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Anchastus nigridorsus , luctuosus, Burma, Candeze, p. G76, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Melanoxanthus ligatus, Cand., referred to Mcgapenthes ; Candeze, Anu. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 677. Megapenthes birmanku8} p. 677, lugubris , moderatus , p. 678, Burma, Candeze, Anu. Mus. Gonov. (2) vi, n. spp. Deromecus canalkulatus , figured, pi. i, fig. 9, and redescribed, p. 63 ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. CryptohypnUs dimidiatus , p. 1245, semifasciatus , p. 1246, King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Cardiophorus vagus , p. 679, pallidulus , addictus , fairmairei , p. 680, astutus , manuleatus, p. 681, vulneratus , malitiosus , p. 682, dorire} p. 683, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; 6'. froggatti , fasciolatus, quadrimaculatus , King’s Sound, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 1246 : n. spp. Melanotus alburnus , Tenasserim, Candeze, p. 684, Anu. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. scrutator , larva described; Lindeman, Bull. Mosc. i, p. 60. J. alpitms, Redt., varr. = (semirufus and cmeithorax, Desb.), subtruncatust Muls., = ( strictus , Reiche, and gratidini, Dosb.) ; A. nigeri var. scrutator , noticed : Buysson, p. lvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. A. hccmorrhoi- dalis n. var .ficculentus ; Buysson, p. 1, /. c. A. circumscriptus , Cand., var. —• ( austriacus , Desbr.) ; Buysson, p. 1, t. c. A. circassicus, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 180; A. fees, Tenasserim, Candeze, p. 684, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : u. spp. Logesius picipennis, Bach., u. var. adrastoides ; Reitter, p. 180, Wien, ent. Z. vii. Luminous larva) doubtfully ascribed to Fyrophorus , &c., discussed ; IIaase (352). lIemioUmcru8 gestroi , Burma, Candeze, p. 685, Ann. Mus. Gonov. (2) vi, n. sp. Penia birmanica , p. GS5}/uusta} luteai p. 686, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Gorymbites fuegensis} figureJ, pi. i, fig. 10, redescribed, p. 34; Fair- maire, Miss. Sci. Cap. Horn, vi. Pittoiiotus , Kies, (ined.), defined ; Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, Arten, p. 169. Allotrius sculpticollis, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 350, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, u. sp. Ludigenus minor , Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 687, n. sp. Ludius montandoni , Bucharest, Buysson, p. ccii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Agriotes sputator , fungoid disease of ; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) i, * p. 303: destroyed by Entomophthorce ; L. C., Bull. Soc. L. Nord. Fr. vii, p. 111. Agonischius fees , Tenasserim, Candeze, p. 688, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, u. sp. Silesis semicastaneus , p. 688, rufus, gestroi , p. 689, Burma, Candeze, Anu. Mus. Genov. (2) v’, n. spp. ELATERID.E — TELEPIIORIIMO (MALACODERMIDAi). Ins. 129 Ceroplastus , n. g., for Plastocerus, Schaura (nec Lee.) ; Seidlitz, Fauna balbica, ed. 2, p. 42, Gattungen. Plastocerus , Lee., = ( Octinodes , Cand.) : Seidlitz, Fauna baltica, ed. 2, p. 42, note. Dicronychus lamellicornis , Congo, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 255, n. sp. Cebrioniwr, Khipidocerid^, Dascillid.e. [Cf. Fairmaire (243), PiSringuey (GG7), Reitter (724).] Cebrio : note on habits ; Erdmann, Soc. Ent. ii, p. 180. Sandal us bowlccri, p. 109, marginatus, proximus, p. 110, distincius, p. Ill, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Eubrianax maculicollis , Cochin China, Fairmaire, p. 351, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Scirtes costulipennis , Tonkin, Fairmatre, p. 352, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Therius sumatrensis , Sumatra, Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cxci. Eucinetus strigosus, Irkutsk, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 423, n. sp. Telephorid^: (Malacodermidji). t Cf. Blackburn (77), Bourgeois (92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97), Fairmaire (238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 249, 252), Gestro (307), Haase (352), Heyden (374), Olivier (638, 640, 641), Reitter (724, 727), Riley (758).] Ly rides. Mctriorrhynchus miniatipennis , Hindostan, Bourgeois, p. xxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii; M. vittatus , meyriclci , Australia, Blackburn, p. 258, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x : n. spp. Cautires reflcxicollis , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 57, fig. 7, n. sp. Dictyoptera sanguined , L., copula of 1 $ and 5 £ ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 222. Ditoneces fabrei , Hindostan, Bourgeois, p. xxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Plateros sycoplmnta , Hanoi, Fairmaire, p. 352, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. aurifex , Ecuador, Bourgeois, p. clxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Lam/py rides. Astrciptor illuminator , Murray, and other unidentified luminous larvro discussed at length : Haase (352). Hyas sulcipemiis, Brazil, Olivier, p. clxvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. JEthra , descriptive notes on many species ; 2E. inexpectala , figured, pi. i, fig. 1 ; Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 35-43. sE. limbipennis , latreilleit p. 38, f estiva, jucunda , p. 39, decorata , p. 40, 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 9 130 Ins. COLEOPTEltA. elegantula , p. 41, Brazil, Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; jE. jucunda, Brazil, id. p. clxvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : u. spp. Vesta , table of the species; Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 43 & 44. Psilocladus : Cladocerus , Kirsch, merged in this ; Olivier, p. 45, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. P. grandis , p. 45, marginellus , capillatus , p. 4G, Brazil, Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. Lamprocera thoracica, Rio Janeiro, Olivier, p. 47, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Megaloplithalmus confusus , Amazons, Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. 48, n. sp. Luculota parvicollist fig. 3, sexguttata , fig. 2, perpusilla , fig. 4, figured, pi. i, positions of noticed, p. 49 ; Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Aspidosoma maculatum , de G , redescribed and figured, pi. i, fig. 5, p. 49 ; Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii. A. roseiventer , p. 50, perplexum, p. 51, Amazons, pallens , Paraguay, p. 52, buyssoniy Argentine Rep., pi. i, fig. 6, p. 53, Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Photinus frigidus , Cape Breton, p. 54, bergi, Uruguay, p. 55, atomarius , hab. ?, melanodactylusy Jamaica, p. 56, Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Diaphanes nntaticollisy Gaboon, Olivier, p. 57, pi. i, fig. 7, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Luciola tetrasticta, S. Africa, Fairmaire, p, 180, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; L. hirticeps , Tenasserim, Olivier, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 429 ; L. gigas, India, p. 58, pi. i, fig. 8, coarcticollis, Australia, pi. i, fig. 9, septemmaculata , Senegal, p. 59, hypocrita , Fiji Is., p. 60, Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Amydetes lucioloides, Brazil, p. 60, Jlavicollis , Uruguay, p. 62. Olivier, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Lampyris noctiluca , phosphorescence of eggs ; Laboulbene, p. cxxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, and Lucas, l. c. Phosphcenus hemipterus , $ noticed ; Bourgeois, p. lxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : note on ; Lucas, p. xlix, t. c. : habits ; Jacobsen (409). Rhagophthalmus tonkineus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 352, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; R. giganteus , Yunnan, id. p. 25, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Zarhipis , note on luminous females ; Riley (758). Telephorides. Phengodes , larva of ; Riley, P.E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 62 & 86. P. insignisj Ecuador, Bourgeois, p. clxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. hieronymiy Cordova, S. America, Haase, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 154- 161, pi. i, fig. 1 $ , figs. 2 & 3 $ , pi. ii, fig. 23, larva : n. spp. Podabrus exophthalmus , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 122, n. sp. Chauliognathus cardiaspis, Brazil, Bourgeois, p. clxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. TELEPI10RID2E ( MALA CODE RM1DA«) . Ins. 131 Fr. (6) viii ; C. instratus , Brazil, Bourgeois, p. cxc, t. c. ; C. domitus, Ecuador, Bourgeois, p. cci, t. c. : n. spp. Telephorus fuscus, L., habits noticed; Hacker, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 50. T. stigmati'us, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 123 ; T. proprius , p. 260, andersoni , vibex, pavxillus, p. 261, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x ; Cantharis metallica , Ecuador, Bourgeois, p. clxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Bagonycha melanura , fuugoid disease of ; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) i. p. 302. R. circassicola, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 207, n. sp. Haplous segmentarius, figured, pi. i, fig. 11, redescribed, p. 37 ; Fair- maire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. Ichthyurus mactdicollis, p. 119, dcnticornis , p. 121, oxyurus , p. 123, carinifrons , p. 125, quadrimaculatus , p. 126, Burma, gianellii, Darjeeling, p. 127, note, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Continuation of Faune gallorhenane by Bourgeois : pp. 157-172, con- sisting of Malthini part, have been published in connection with Rev. d’Ent. vii. Apodistrus lobicollis , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 208, n. sp. Malthodes castanicollis, p. 208, sulphuribasis, p. 209, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Malchinus bourgeois i, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. sp. Drilides. « Selasia pallida , Per., figured, pi. 2, fig. 4 ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Mclyrides. Laius conicicornis , p. 262, nodicornis, p. 263, distortus, p. 264, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Malachius fausti , $ described ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 427. M. dama , Smyrna, Abeille, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 70, n. sp. Hedybius eoronatus, Damaraland, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. 181, n. sp. Carphurus variiventris , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 353, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Dasytes cceruleus , Deg., notes on the structure of larva of ; Hacker, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 50-52. D. puncticollis, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 211, n. sp. HenicopuSj synopsis of the species of ; Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 5-34, pi. ii. II. baudii , Spain, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. 28, pi. ii, fig. 2, n. sp. Ilaplocnemus limbipennis, Kies., = ( rufomarginatus , Perr., marginatusy Rott., hoziorowiczi , Desbr., and xanthopus , Kies.) ; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 215. Cerallus pelcinensis , China, Fairmaire, p. cci, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. 132 Ins. COLEOPTEKA. Melyris testaceipes , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 182, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Clerjd/e. [Cf. Fairmaire (238, 242, 243, 244, 252), Quedenfeldt (694).] Tillus lewisii , Gorh., note on ; Fairmaire, Rev. d'Eut. vii, p. 123. Stenocylidrus novemguttatus , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. ^2) i, p. 71, fig. 3, n. sp. Pallenis semiflava , fig. 8, bipunctata , fig. 9, semigranosa , fig. 10, p. 57, Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, n. spp. Opilus vagedorsatus , S. Africa, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Dedana, n. g., near Opilo , for D. ru/odorsata , n. sp., China, Fairmaire, p. 26, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii. Tillicera multipartita , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 353, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Clerus ephippiger, Chev., note on ; Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 73. C. communimacula , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 124, n. sp. Eurymanthus pustidosus, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 182, n. sp. Enoplium balleatum) Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 354, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Opetiopalpus affinis, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 354, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Mutilloides albidofasciatus, Fairm., is Pcecilomorpha mutillariat Clk. ; Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 271. Ptinida:. [Of. Fairmaire (244), P^ringuey (667), Reitter (724).] Ptinus capicola7 sericanst p. 112, affinis, p. 113, S. Africa, PihuNGUEY, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Bruchus ( Pseudoptinus ) oertzeni, leucaspis , p. 428, B. ( Heteroptinus ) calcarifer , p. 429, B. ( Gynopterus ) subroseus , p. 430, Greece, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Gibbium scotias , note on ; Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 59 : local variation discussed ; Kolbe, t. c. 180-184 ; Reitter, t. c. pp. 252-254. Niptus hololeucus destructive in houses; Dubois, Bull. Soc. L. Nord. Fr. viii, p. 167. N . ( Niptodes ) lusitanus , Portugal, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 427, u. sp. Mezium echinatum, Capetown, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iy, p. 113, n. sp. BoSTRICHIDiE and GlOlDiE. [Cf. Blackburn (77), Fairmaire (244).] Sinoxylon rufobasale , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 179, Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. BOSTRICHIDA-;, CIOlDiE, AND TENEBRIONIDAS. Ins. 133 Apoleon , Gorh., is not Dy sides, Perty, Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 158. Ampliicerus bicaudatus, habits ; Hubbard, Ent. Am. iv, pp. 95 & 96. Lyctus costatus, p. 265, parallelocollis , p. 266, discedens, p. 267, Aus- tralia, Blackburn, Tr. It. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Cis australis, p. 267, cequalis, munitus , adelaidce, p. 268, setiferus , p.269, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. TENEBRIONtDiE. [0/ Ballion (37), Blackburn (77, 78), Champion (319), Fairmaire (238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 251, 252), Horn (394), Kraatz (463, 464), Lindeman (513), Macleay (547), Olliff (634), Pisringuey (667), Quedenfeldt (694), Reitter (724, 726, 727).] Zophosides, Adesmiides. Cardiosis f airmail'd, Walfish Bay, Peringuey, p. 114, pi. ii, fig. 5, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Anisosis damarensis , S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 115, n. sp. Adesmia unguicularis, Haag, = ( andersoni , Per.), paiva , Haag, = suldpygia , Per.), rugatipennis, Haag, = ( stenocaroides , Per.) ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, rectifications, p. 191. A. rugatipennis, fig. 8, unguicularis, fig. 9, figured ; id. t. c. pi. ii. A. tenuegranata, lobicollis, S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 183, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. (Onymachris) plana, p. 116, pi. ii, tig. 6, hottentota, p. 117, fig. 9, boschimana, fig. 7, bullata , p. 118, acideata, p. 119, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Stenocara compacta, Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 256 ; S. distincta, p. 120, velox , p. 121, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Metriopus perforatus, Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 257, n. sp. Tentyriides , agides, Cnjptochilides. Anatolica externecostata, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 125, n. sp. Microdera fausti , Kradnowodsk, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 294, n. sp. Hypsosoma rotundicolle , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 125, n. sp. Rozonia , n. g., near Rhytinota, for R. strigicollis, n. sp., S. Africa, Fair- maire, p. 184, Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Asphaltesthes impressipennis , S. Africa, p. 184, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Himatismus lineatopunctatus, sphenarioides , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 185, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr, (6) viii, n. spp. 134 Lis. COLEOPTERA. Cryptochile spinosa, S. Africa, P^ringuey, p. 121, pi. iii, fig. 1, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Nicandra , n. g., near Horatoma, for N. costulipennis , n. sp., S. Africa ; Fairmaire, p. 191, Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. (6) viii, ZopherideSj Eurychorides } Adelostomides , Stenosides. Zopherus mexicanus , cutting metal ; Devoe (184). Eury chora rotundipennis , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 191, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Geophanus plicicollis , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 192, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Stenosis fausti , Taschkent, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 430 ; S. pusillima, S. Africa, Fairmaire, Ti*. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 197 : n, spp. Dichillus sanguinipes , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 126, n sp. Scaurides, Blap tides. Scaurus striatus, vai\ sardous ; Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, No. 13, p. 13. ' Podocea , n. g. ( Scaurides ) p. 122, for P. granulosa, gracilis, p. 123, n. spp., S. Africa ; PihtiNCHJEY, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Blaps lusitanica , Hb., miliaria , Fisch., damascena , Fisch., clotzeri , Kar., gibbdy Cast., orientalis , Sol., cribrosa, Sol., grceca , proximo , emondi, Sol., polychresta, Forsk., sulcato , Fab., synonymy discussed at length ; Ballion, Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 269-276. B. plana, Sol., synonymical note ; Kraatz, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 67. B. kusteri , n. n. for lineata , Kiist., sard a, n. n. for sulcata , Kiist. ; Ballion, Bull. Mosc. p. 276. B. ominosa, M£u., synonymy, and sexual characters ; Kraatz, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 66. B. carbonaria , p. 197, B. ( Rhizoblaps ) eusoma , p. 195, Turkestan, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Hoplitohlaps, n. g., p. 26, for H. fallaciosa , n. sp., Yunnan, p. 27; Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii. AsidideSj PimeliideSj Molurides . Machla fuliginosa , S. Africa, Fairmaire, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc, iv, p. 197, n. sp. Asula maura , L., = ( silphoides , L.); Bedel, p. 286, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. A. stigmaticollis , S. Africa, Fairmaire, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 198, n. sp. Pisterotarsa, Motsch., note on ; Senac, p. Iv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : to be suppressed in favour of Sympiezocnemis, Solsky., it and Podhomala , Sol., are valid genera ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 329-331. Urielina, n. g., for Podhomala. nitida, Baudi ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 331 : validity queried ; Si&NAC, p. cciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. TENEBRIONIDAH. Ins . 135 Uriela , Reit., merged in Pimelia ; SiSnac, p. lv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Sympiezocnemis, note on ; Senac, pp. cciii & cciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Idricus, n. g., near Oncosomat for I. diabolicus , n. sp., S. Africa ; Fair- matre, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 199 : figured, pi. iii, fig. 3 ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. Dichtha acutecostata , Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 260, n. sp. Distretus seminitidus, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 184, n. sp. Psammodes egregius , Haag, figured, pi. iii, fig. 2; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. P. asperulipennis , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 193, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. pedator, p. 257 ; misolampoides , p. 258, cardiopterus , p. 259, Africa, id ., Notes Leyd. Mus. x : n. spp. Trachynotm regalis , fig. 4, bohemani , Haag, fig. 5, figured ; Peringuey, pi. iii, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv. T. rnfozonatus , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 194, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; T. sericeus , p. 124, angu8tus,attenuatii8, p. 125, vicinus, p.126, albulus , p. 127, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Tynthlobia, n. g., for T. quadricostata , n. sp., Africa ; Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 261. Sepidium transversum , Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 262, n. sp. Pedinides, Opcitrides. Platyscelis gages , Fisch., injurious to tobacco, metamorphoses ; Linde- man, Bull. Mosc. 1 888, pp. 56 & 57. P. provostii, Pekin, Fairmaire, p. cci, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Oncotus planiusculus, S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 194, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Platynotus pekinensis, China, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 127, n. sp. Opatrinus annamita , Coch n China, Fairmaire, p. 356, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Pedinus femoralisy injuries to tobacco, larva described, pp. 50-56 ; Lindeman, Bull. Mosc. 1888. Gonopus amplipennis, Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 263, n. sp. Glitobias inunarginatus, S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 195, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. AmomaUpus signaticollis, Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 204; A. qffinis , sculptaratus , p. 128, notaticollis, p. 129, S. Africa, PiSuinguey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Gcedius lindi , Adelaide, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 271, n. sp. Nemanes, n. g., for N. expansicollis , n. sp., S. Africa ; Fairmaire, p. 195, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. 136 Ins. OOLEOPTERA. Gcediomorpha, n. g., for 0. australis, n. sp., S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 272. Opatrum intermedium , its injuries to tobacco ; egg and larval stage discussed and described, pp. 19-49 j 0. pusillum , metamorphoses, p. 58 : Lindeman, Bull. Mosc. 1888. 0. sabulosum, L., var. distinctum, Villa, = ( grenieri , Perris, and melitense, Kust.) ; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 216. Hopatrum octocostatum, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 355, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; H. insulanum, Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1006 ; H. strangulatum, p. 128, hadroide , p. 129, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Eut. vii : n. spp. Opatroides ( Penthicus ) cribellatus, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 127, n. sp. Cyptus minor , Congo, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 264, n. sp. Trachyscelides, Diaperides , TJlomides. Scymena , Pasc., characters of the genus ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 269. 8. australis, Port Lincoln, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 270, u. sp. Platydema fossulata , Port Lincoln, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 273, n. sp. Ulomoides, n. g., for U. hu'meralis , n. sp., Australia ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 274. Lindia, n. g., near Hypophlceus, for L. angusta, n. sp., Australia ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 275. Hypophlceus : Nemosoma fasciatum. Fairm., is a Tenebrionide near this ; L^veill^:, p. ccvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Toxicum curvicorne, spretum , Australia, Blackburn, p. 276, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Ilelceides, Oossyphides. Pterohelcp-us insignis, p. 277, ater, p. 279, ovalis, p. 281, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, n. spp. Helceus , the generic characters, p. 635 ; the species described, pp. 636- 651 : Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii. H . brevicostatus , p. 865, horridus, p. 866, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii ; II. interioris , p. 639, pallidus , p. 640, derby - ensis , p. 648, Australia, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii : n. spp. Saragus : characters of, p. 653 ; divided into three sections, p. 654 ; Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii. S. convexicollis, blackburni, p. 656, catenulatus , p. 658, rudis , levicostatus, p. 659, opacipennis , p. 661, clathratus, crenulatus , p. 663, rugosipennis , p. 664, striatipennis, geminatus , p, 668, pascoei , p. 669, brunnipennis, p. 670, Jcevis, p. 671, Australia, Macleay, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii ; 8. incequalis , p. 867, lindi, p. 868, latus , p. 869, mediocris , p. 870, macleay i , p. 871, satelles, p. 872, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Saragodinus tuberculatus , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 873, n. sp. TENEBRIONID-flS. •Ins. 137 Endustomus parallelogrammus , Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 265, d. sp. Tenebrio aides, Heterotar sides, Gnodalonides. Nyctobates barbereti, I. of Tchousan, Fairmaire, p. 27, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; N. incequalis, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 358, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Eucyalesthus foveoseriatus , Cambodia, Fairmaire, p. 358, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Derosphcerus subcostulcitus, Cochin China, Fairmaire, p. 356, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Derostrophus , n. n. for Derosphcerius , Westw., p. 186, with D. castaneo- rufas , xanthopus, p. 187, rugifrons , stricticollis, p. 188, seriepunctatus , p. 189, n. spp., S. Africa; Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Afrinus , n. g., p. 189, for A. striolifrons , grandicornis, furcilabris, n. spp., S. Africa; Fairmaire, p. 190, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Meneristes (sub Tenebrio ) australis , Boisd., = ( lalicollis , Boisd.) ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 282. Catapiestus crenulicollis , Cambodia, Fairmaire, p. 357, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Etazeta , n. g., near JEdiatorix , p. 358, for E. ameicolor, n. sp., Tonkin, p. 359 ; Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Heterotarsus pustulifer, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 361, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Pseudolyprops beloniii E. India, Fairmaire, p. cxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Eucyrtus corinthius, Tonkin, p. 359, infimus , Hu6, p. 360, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Pseudeumolpus seriatoporus, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 361, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Callimaria , n. g., near Pseudoca maria, for C. ivipressipennis, n. sp., Madagascar ; Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 12, fig. 4. Helopides, Megacanthides, Amarygmides. , Stenomax ceneipennis, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 212, n. sp. llelops pehinensis, China, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 130 ; II. (Lam- pems ) asperipennis , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 362, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Hydromedion variegatum, Waterh., figured, pi. ii, fig. 1, and described, p. 45, Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. Parahelops puhcsccns, fig. 2, angulicollis, fig. 3, haversi, fig. 4, figured, pi. ii, and described, pp. 49-52 ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. Brachyhelops liahni , figured and redescribed ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 53, pi. ii, fig. 5. Astenochirus plkatulus, Transvaal, Fairmaire, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 198, n. sp. Amarygmus cupreofossus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 362, Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. tricolor, Sumatra, id. p. exei, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. 138 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Plesiophthalmus armicrus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 363, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Strongyliides. Strongylium conkicolle , Makl., pi. xiv, fig. 25, cribripes , fig. 24, ger- staecJceri, fig. 22 (variation noticed, p. 357), erninens, Makl., fig. 21, auratum , Cast., pi. xvi, fig. 2, aulicum , Makl., pi. xv, fig. 17, decoratum , fig. 18, cinctum , fig. 24, marginale , fig. 25, suturale , pi. xvi, fig. 5, ramosum , fig. 7, blamlum , fig. 8, impressicolle , fig. 9, variation noticed, p. 370, armatum, fig. 10, characters noticed, p, 371, subcostatum , fig. 15, noticed, p. 375, apicicorne, Makl., fig. 16, figured ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). &. sulcipectus, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 185 ; S. morosum, p. 363, serricorne, p. 364, Cochin China, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; S. costaricense , pi. xv,. fig. 10, p. 353, colombianum, Panama, fig. 11, p. 354, langurioides , Nicaragua, fig. 12, p. 355, ventrale , pi. xvi, fig. 1, p. 356, frontale, pi. xv, fig. 13, p. 357, Panama, belti , Nicaragua, p. 358, viriditinctum , Guatemala, pi. xvi, fig. 4, p. 359, atrum, pi. xv, fig. 14, p. 360, opatiperme , fig. 15, bivittatum , fig. 16, p. 361, Mexico, panamense , fig. 19, p. 363, Panama, nitidiceps , fig. 20, p. 364, varians} fig. 21, p. 365, misantlce , fig. 23, p. 367, curticorne , pi. xvi, fig. 6, p. 369, Mexico, oculatum , p. 371, brevipes) fig. 11, p. 372, Centr. America, grega- rium , fig. 12, Panama, erraticum , Nicaragua, p. 373, carinipenne , fig. 13, Panama, p. 374, punctipes , fig. 14, Guatemala, p. 375, fragile , fig. 17, Panama, p. 377, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1) : n. spp. Otocerus dilaticornis, pi. xvi, fig. 18, Panama, torolce, fig. 19, Guatemala, p.378, nicaraguensis , fig. 20, Chontales, p.379, interruptus) fig. 21, Panama, p. 380, hamatus , fig. 22, microps , fig. 23, Nicaragua, p. 381, impressipennis , fig. 24, Panama, p. 382, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Pseudotocerus , n. g., for P. attenuatus , n. sp., Nicaragua, pi. xvi, fig. 25, and including Stenochia longipes , Lucas ; Champion, p. 383, Biol. Centr. Am. Col iv (1). Aspklosternum violaceum, Congo, Fairmaire, Note* Leyd. Mus. x, p. 266, n. sp. Chanopterus, Boh., referred to Pythidce or Melandryidce ; Horn, Ent. Am. iv, p. 48. JEgialitidcc. AEgudites , Mann, trophi of ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 27, pi. iii, fig. 23. ClSTELIDAC. [0/ Champion (319), Fairmaire (241, 244), Quedenfeldt (694), Schaufuss (795).] New genus in amber; see Palseo-eutomology, p. 79. Champion tabulates the Central American genera, pp. 386 & 387, and in describing the species figures in many cases the male secondary sexual organs ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). CISTELID^:. Ins. 139 Cylindrolhorus, Sol., belongs to Gistelides and — (Oth electa, Paso.); Fairmaire, p. 196, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. C. bohemanii, Lake N’Gami, Fairmatre, p. 196, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; 0. rufulus , Africa, id ., Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 267 : n. spp. Dysgena subscabrosa, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 186, n. sp. Lobopoda gigdntea , pi. xvii, fig. 1, Mexico, p. 388, grandis, Nicaragua, p. 389, asperula, fig. 2, Mexico, acutangula , fig. 3, Centr. America, p. 390 tristis , Panama, fig. 4, p. 391, mexicana , fig. 5, Mexico, panamensis , fig. 6, p. 392. mucronata , fig. 7, Panama, apicalis , fig. 8, Guatemala, p. 393, atrata , fig. 9, Nicaragua, subparallela , fig. 10, p. 394, seriata , fig. 11, convexicollis , fig. 12, p. 395, oblonga , fig. 13, Mexico, puncticollis, fig. 14, Guatemala, p. 396, yucatanica , fig. 15, attemiata, fig. 16, Centr. America, p. 397, tropicalis , fig. 17, Panama, femoralis , fig. 18, Centr. America, p. 398, chontalensis , Nicaragua, simplex, fig. 22, Brit. Honduras, p. 399, opaca, fig. 23, Panama, opacicollis , Centr. America, hirta, Nicaragua, p. 400, sculpturata , fig. 20, Panama, Icedrollis, fig. 21, p. 401, proxima , pi. xviii, fig. \ , jalapensis , fig. 2, p. 402, panmla , fig. 3, Mexico, minuta, fig. 4, tenuicornis , fig. 5, p. 403, Panama, viridis , fig. 6, Centr. America, p. 404, foveata, fig. 7, ameotincla, Panama, pilosa, Mexico, p. 405, nitens, fig. 8, irazuensis , fig. 9, Costa Rica, p. 406, nitida , viridipennis , fig. 10, p. 407, ceneipennis , fig. 11, cariniventris, p. 408, Panama, obsoleta, fig. 13, Mexico, glabrata , fig. 14, Panama, p. 409, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Ternnes, n. g., for T. ccerulem, n. sp., Panama, pi. xviii, fig. 15, Cham- pion, p. 410, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Allecula cruralis, Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 267 ; A. ( Dietopsis ) longipennis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 186 ; A. castaneipennis , pi. xviii, fig. 16, Centr. and S. America, rugi- collis , fig. 17, Mexico, p. 412, vercepacis , fig. 18, ferox, fig. 19, Guatemala, p 413, gaumeri, fig. 20, pilipes, fig. 21, Mexico, belli , fig. 22, Nicaragua, p. 414, depressa, pi. xix. fig. 1, opacipennis , fig. 2, p. 415, angustata , fig. 3, laticeps , fig. 4, p. 416, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Alethia, n. g., p. 417, for the following n. spp., from Mexico : sailed, pi. xix, fig. 5, p. 417, longipennis , fig. 6, subnitida, fig. 7, azteca, fig. 8, p. 418, lepturoides, fig. 9, funerea, p. 419, Jwgei, fig. 10, p. 420 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Theatetes, n. g.,for T. basicornis , n. sp., Mexico, pi. xix, fig. 11 ; Cham- pion, p. 420, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Charisius, n. g., p. 421, for the following n. spp. from Mexico and Guatemala : fasciatus, pi. xix, figs. 12 & 13, p 421, zunilensis, fig. 14, inter stitialis, p. 422, salvini, fig. 15, p. 423 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Narses , n. g., p. 423, for N. subalatus , n. sp., Guatemala, pi. xix, fig. 15, p. 424 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Hymenorus occidentalis, pi. xix, fig. 17, N. America and Mexico, p. 425, brevicornis, fig. 18, durangoensis , Mexico, tarsalis, fig. 19, Guatemala, p. 426, oculatus, fig. 20, sordidus , fig. 22, Mexico and Guatemala, p. 427, pini, fig. 21, Guatemala, canaliculatus, p. 428, Jlohri , fig. 23, laticollis , 140 Ins . COLEOPTEllA. Mexico, grandicollis, N. America and Mexico, p. 429, segnis , Mexico, tibialis, fig, 24, Guatemala, p. 430, hispiduliis , pi. xx, fig. 1 ,/orreri, Mexico, p. 431, fovcivmtri8 , fig. 2, Guatemala, siniilis , fig. 5, p. 432, bad i us, fig. G, rufescens , p. 433, igualensis, longicollis , fig. 3, castaneus, p. 434, depressus , colonoides , fig. 4, brevipes , fig. 7, p. 435, torridus , Mexico, angustatus , emmenastoides , p. 43G, maritimus , Guatemala, p. 437, americanus , Centr. America, ruficollis , fig. 8, Mexico, p. 438, guatemalensis , fig. 9, Guate- mala, pallidus , p. 439, villosus , fig. 10, parvicollis , deplanatus , fig. 11, p. 440, corticarioides , p. 441, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am} Col. iv (1), n. spp. Polyidus , n. g., p. 441, for P. ineridionalis , n. sp. , Mexico and Guate- mala, pi. xx, fig. 13, p. 442 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Meries, n. g., for if. meridanus , pi. xx, fig. 12, p. 442, rotundatus , p. 443, n. spp., Mexico ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Menceceus, n. g., p. 443, for If. crassicornis, pi. xx, fig. 14, cequalis , fig. 15, Mexico, texanus, Texas, n. spp., p. 444; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Diopcenus , n. g., for Z). compressicornis, n. sp., Mexico, pi. xx, fig. 16; Champion, p. 445, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1) Pitholaus , n. g., for P. helopioides , n. sp., Guatemala, pi. xx, fig. 17 ; Champion, p. 446, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Phedius, n. g. for the following n. spp. ; P. chevrolati , p. 447, pi. xx, fig. 18, carbonarius , fig. 19, hidalgocnsis, p. 448, cyUndricollis , fig. 20, obovatus , p. 449, mexicanus, funestus, p. 450, Mexico ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Telesicles , n. g., p. 450, for P. cordatus, n. sp., Mexico, pi. xx, fig. 21, p. 451 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Gistela nigricornis, Centr. America, pi. xx, fig. 22, zunilensis , p. 452, cinerascens , Mexico, calula , p. 453, decepta , fig. 23, chiriquensis, fig. 24, Panama, p. 454, delitescens , fig. 25, occulta , fig. 26, p. 455, Guatemala, juquilai , alternans , pi. xxi, fig. 1, Mexico, p. 456, fragilicornis , fig. 2, Guatemala, p. 457, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Gonodera macro pthalnia, note on ; Reittep., p. 212, Wien. ent. Z. vii. Isomira obsoleta, pi. xxi, fig. 3, p. 457, subcenea , fig. 4, Mexico, evnnescens , Guatemala, p. 458, brevicollis, Mexico, p. 459, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (l), n. spp. Myretochares quadrimaciduta , n. var., schivarzi; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 431. Cteniopus gracillimus , Congo, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 268, n. sp. Erxias , n. g., for J57. violaceipennis , pi. xxi, fig. 5, Nicaragua, bicolor , Panama, n. spp. ; Champion, p. 460, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Prostenus panamensis, Bugaba, pi. xxi, fig. 6, Champion, p. 461, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Ly strong clius pili/crus, N. to S. America, pi. xxi, fig. 7, p. 462, pur pur ei- pmnis , fig. 8, Guatemala, scapularis , fig. 9, Centr. America, p. 463, Cham- pion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv. (1), n. spp. Xystropus fulgidus , pi. xxi, fig. 10 ,fallax, fig. 11, lebasi, Makl., fig. 12, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). CISTELIDJC — LAG RIID2E. Ins. 141 Cteisa pedinoidcs, Makl., figured, pi. xxi, fig. 13; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Othniidj: and Nilionid^e. [Cf. Champion (319), Horn (394).] Othnius , generic characters, p. 27, sexual characters, p. 28, pi. iii, fig. 24 ; guttulatus, Lee., is merely a name, l.c.: Horn, Tr. Am. Eut Soc. xv. O. mcxicanus , figured, pi. xxi, fig. 18 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). O. senecionis, pi. xxi, fig. 14, antennalix , fig. 15, p. 467, Mexico, multi- guttatus , fig. 16, intricatus , fig. 17, Guatemala, p. 468, sticticoptcrus , fig. 19, Mexico, p. 469, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1); n. spp. Nilio fulvopilosus, thomsoni, pi. xxi, fig. 20, chiriquensis , fig. xxi, Centr. America, Champion, p. 471, Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. iv (1) n. spp. Pythid^:. [Cf. Horn (394), Lewis (509), Reitter (727).] • Trimitomerus, n. g., p. 44, for T. riversii, n. sp., Arizona, p. 45 ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Pytho, characters of the N. American species; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 45 & 46. P. nivalis , Japan, Lewis, Ent. xxi, p. 109, n. sp. Salpingtis lecleri, Circassia, Reitter, p. 213, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. sp. MeLANDRYID/E. [Cf. Blackmjrn (77), Horn (394), Reitter (727).] Arrangement of discussed, atid ten subdivisions proposed ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 43 & 44. Eustrophus repandus, p. 33, arizonensis , p. 34, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Holostrophus , n. g., p. 36, for Eustrophus impressicollis , Lee., bifasciatus , Say, and H. discolor , n. sp., Virginia, p. 37 ; Horn, Tr. Am. Eut. Soc. xv. , Hypulus, Dirccea , Serropalpus , and Mystaxus, synonymy of discussed ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 39. II. (sub Phlocetrya) vaudoueri , Muls., = Dirccea fusca , Lee. ; Horn, t. c. p. 41. Hypulus bicinctus , p. 40, California, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 39, n. sp. Mallodrya, n. g., for M. subcenea , n. sp., Ohio, Horn, p. 42, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Orchesia, kambershyi , Circassia (with var. fuscofasciata ), Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, n. sp. Tcmnopalpus , n. g., for T. bicolor , n. sp., Port Lincoln ; Blacicrurn, p. 283, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x. Lagriid^e. [Cf. Fairmaire (243, 252), Horn (394), Quedenfeldt (694).] Lagriidce of N. America revised ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 28-32. 142 Ins . COLEOPTERA. Lagria vubida, Graells, = ( brevipilis , Desbr.) ; Bedel, p. 286, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. L. foveicollis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 187 ; L. ampla , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) 1, p. 71, fig. 4 : n. spp. Porrolagria ferruginea , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 188, n. sp. Statira pluripunctatay p. 29 1 opacicollis, p. 80, basalis, p. 31, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Lophophyllus , n. g., for L , costipennis , n. sp., Madagascar, fig. 5, Fair- maire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 71. Casnonidea terminata , Tonkin, atricapilla, Celebes, Fairmaire, p. 365, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. PEDILID2E, Anthicid^, Pyrochroid^e. [Cf. Costa (164), Horn (394), Reitter (724).] Xylophiius ( Olotelus ) atomus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, No. 13, p. 13, n. sp. Laferte’s collection of Anthicidce , acquired by Obertiiur, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. clix. Notoxus serrklens , Marocco, semipunctatus , Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 431, n. spp. Dendroides : characters of the N. American species ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 46-48. MoRDELLIDAO, RHIPIDOPHORIDJi:. Tomoxla bulentata and lineella queried as sexes of ono species ; Linell, Eut. Am. iii. p. 171. Mordellistena splendens, habits of ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 106. Anaspis : $ characters of A. rufa ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 76. lihipiphorus paradoxus , mode of finding in nest of Vespa vidgaris ; Delaby, Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, vii, pp. 198-204. Oantharid^j. [C/*. Fairmaire (241, 243, 244), Heyden (373), Olivier (639), Perin- guey (667).] Meloe : note on the synonymy of various European species and varie- ties ; Esciierich, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 241 & 242 : notes on habits ; Clerk, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 115, Cerva, t. c. p. 122. M. violaceusy formation of egg ; Leydig (512). M. pvoscarabceas, embryology of ; Nusbaum (628). M. conradti , Alai Mountains. Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 42, n. sp. Horta cephaloyona , Congo, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 269 ; H. hottentota , S. Africa, Pi^ringuey, p. 134, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Mylabris hmmacta , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 198, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; M. laccrata, p. 129, pi. iii, fig. 11, ganepina , fig. 10, p. 130, M. CANTH A RID.E — CURCULI0NID^3. Ins. 143 ( Ceroctis ) horana , fig. 9, dislincta , p. 131, M. ( Decaioma ) adamantina , fig. 7, contorta , fig. 5, p. 132, M. ( Coryna ) apicalis , p. 133, S. Africa* Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Eletica wahlbergi and verticalis are one species ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 135. E. posticalis , p. 135, nigriceps , cardinalis , p. 136, mwrens , p. 137, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Cantharis vesicatoria , digestion ; Beauregard (48). Lytta vesicatoria , L., vai\, = ( fluvovittata , Ball.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 133. Cantharis metasternalis , p. 269, laminicornis , p. 270, Africa, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x ; Lytta thibetana, Thibet, Olivier, p. lvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; L.jucunda , p. 137, notaticollis, p. 138, binotata , lugubris, p. 139, albolineata , mesembryanthemi , p. 140, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Zonitis geniculata, Congo, Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 271 ; Z. dollei, Tonkin, p. 366, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; 2T. apicalis , cribraria , p. 142 tflavipennisy ruficeps , p. 143, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Sitaris capcnsis , notaticollis , S. Africa, PihiiNGUEY, p. 141, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. (Edemeriile. [C/’. Fairmaire (242), Marseul (553).] Sparedrus davidis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 131, n. sp. ( Edemera podagraricc , incerta , and sericans) Muls., synonymical note ; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 216. analis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 131, n. sp. Curculionid;e. [Cy. Andrei (7), Aurivillitts (33), Bedel (53), Casey (137), Des- i’rociiers (181), Efpelsheim (631), Fairmaire (238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 251), Faust (259, 260, 373, 377), Fauvel (261), Fischer (275, 276), Jacquet (414, 415), Kraatz (467), Olliff (634), Ormay (643), Pascoe (659), Peringuey (664, 667, 668), Quedenfeldt (694, 695), Reitter (724, 727, 729), Simmons (843), Stierlin (631, 871, 872, 873, 875, 876), Thomson (883).] Hr achy derides, Otiorliynchides, Leptopsides. Blosyrus tuberculipennis , p. 144, fasciculosus, p. 145, S. Africa, P^rin- guey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; B. ccesicollis} p. 272, callosicollist ovatusy p. 273, signaticollis , p. 274, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii : n. spp. Maes, n. g., near Blosyrus , p. 28, for M. transversicollis, n. sp., Yunnan, p. 29 ; Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii. . Ilolonychus viriditinctus, Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 32, fig. 3, n. sp. Dactylorhinus tristis , Spain, Stierlin, p. 16, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. 144 Ins. COLEOPTEEA. Antarctobim hyadesi, p. 55, pi. ii, fig. 6, lacunosus , p. 5G, fig. 8, dissi mills, p. 57, fig. 7, figured and redescribed. Neliocarus danieli , Pyrenees, Stierlin, p. 15, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii j N. stussineri , Thessaly, id. t. c. p. 53 : n. spp. Strophosomu8 denticollis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 275, pi. vi, fig. 1, n. sp. Sciapkilua pallldeaquamoaua , Boyrout, Stierlin, p. 55, MT. schw. cut. Ges. viii, n. sp. Foucartia schwarzi, Corfu, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 71, n. sp. Stamoderes , n. g. ( Brachyderlni ), p. 236, for S. uniforniis , n. sp., Cali- fornia, p. 237 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Sitones : revision of the N. American species ; Casey, Ann.N. York Ac. iv, pp. 279-296. S. livulipes , Fahr., = ( hipponensis , Desb.) ; 5. virgatus, Fahr., = ( argentellus , Desb.) ; Bedel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 286 & 287. S. cylindrkolli8 n. var. molitor ; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 44. 8. extrusus , p. 282, varians , p. 283, margaritosus , procerus , p. 284, occi- dentalis , p. 285, eximius , p. 286, niontanvs , p. 287, nelulosus , alternans , p. 288, sordidus , p. 289, osculans , p. 290, prominens , p. 291, hispidiceps , angustulus , p. 292, explicitus , p. 293, apacheanus , p. 294, sparsus , p. 295, N. -America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, n. spp. Ischnotrachelus viridipallena , p. 276, elongatus , p. 277, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Ghcerodrys korbi , Amasia, Stierlin, p. 55, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Conoccetua gracilis, Greece, Stierlin, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 14; C. femoratus, Greece, £. c. p. 56 : n. spp. Polydrosus ( Metallites ) atomarius , 01., metamorphoses; Hacker, Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 52. -P. villosus, Spain, Stierlin, p. 14, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii; P. ( Eustolus ) virginalia, Alai mountains, Faust, Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, p. 43 ; P. (P.) ponticus, Amasia, erf. t. c. p. 46 ; P. (P.) starcki , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 261 : n. spp. Thylacites alaiensis, Alai mountains, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 42, n. sp. Piazomias tristi cuius, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 29, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; P. parumstriatus , breviusculus , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 132 : n. spp. Elissa, n. g. ( Tanymecini ), p. 271, for P. laticeps, Texas, constricta , Arizona, n. spp., p. 272 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Pseudelissa, n. g., p. 273, for P. cinerea, n. sp., Texas, p.274; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Eutinopus mus , Tschifu, Faust, S. E. Z. p. 285 ; P. pallidosparsus , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 135 : n. spp. Heteromias thibetanus , Thibet, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 285, n. sp. Ilyponieces confossus, China, Fairmaire, p. 29, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Sidcrodactylus armatipes , p. 145, simplicipes, humeralis , p. 146, S. Africa, Peuinguey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. CURCULIONID#:. Ius. 145 Anosius , n. g., near Iphisomus , for 0. angustulus , n. sp.. S. Africa, Fair- MAIRE, p. 199, Ann. Soc. Ent Fr. (6) viii. Dermatodes grisescens , viriditinctus , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 30, Ann. Eufc. Belg. xxxii, u. spp. Ischnomias nobilis , Faust, figured, pi. vi, fig. 2, noticed, p. 279; Que- DENFELDT, B. E. Z. XXXli. Orophiopsis , n. g. ( Cyphidas ), p. 279, for O.fausti , n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 280, pi. vi, fig. 3 ; Qijedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Eaphnlus cblnamotnim , New Guiuoa, Pasooe, p. 410, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Epicccrus temnus, sulcatm , N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 235, n. spp. Pachyrrhynchus , remarks on Behrens’ paper ; species of the gemmatus group, discussed ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 25-32. P. chevro- lati , Eyd., = ( cMoroliniatus , Waterli.) ; Baer, p. cxcii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii. V. iminarginatus , p. 28, cosrulans , p. 29, Jhwopunctatus, p. 30, purpureus , p. 31, Philippines, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Dial met us, Gerst., — ( Dicasticus , Pasc.) ; Fairmaire, p. clxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr (G) viii. Otiorhynchus picipes , metamorphoses ; Andr^ (7). 0. aurosquamulatus , Ret., redescribed, p. 232, brachialis , Boh., n. var. dentitibia , p. 234; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii. O. tenebricosus and fuscipes , note on ; Sciiilsky, Dentsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 127. 0. bicostatus and gemellatus , characters of ; Stierun, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 79. 0. concinnus, h. var. steppensis ; Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, p. 147. 0. subnudus , Greece, Stierlin, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 80 ; 0. brusince , Croatia, p. 9, or may i, Austria, p. 10, italicus , cornutus , Italy, p. 11, Stierlin, MT. schvv. ent. Ges. viii ; 0. longiusculus , Spain, p. 49, rhilends, Rhilo Dagh, punctifrons , Steiermark, p. 50, rugosogranulatus , Bosnia, ganglbaueri , Roumelia, p. 51, bosnicus, Bosnia, p. 52, Stierlin, J. c. ; 0. infensus , Crimea, p. 149, Jconigi , West Caucasus, p. 15J, nefandus, Crimea, p. 151, 0. ( Tournicria ) siewersi , Manglis, p. 152, 0. ( Aramnichus ) venalis , Dauria, p. 153, popovi , Kiaclita, p. 154, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; 0. lieinzli , p. 231, 0. ( Tournieria ) circassicus , p. 233, schamylianus , p. 234, Jcubancnsis , 0. ( Aramnichnus ) abagoensis , p. 235, impressiceps , p. 236, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii ; 0. {Tournieria') loevipennis, Crete, p. 373, magnicollis , Nikaria, p. 374, 0. ( Aranimicteus ) scabripes , Greece, p. 375, 1coracensis,carcelloides , p. 376, pretiosus , p. 377 , flavoguttatus, p. 378, Korax Mountains, crassicornis , Island of Samos, p. 378, Stierlin, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii : n. spp. Sciopithes significans , p. 255, brumalis , p. 256, arcuatus , angustulus , p. 257, setosus, p. 258, California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, n. spp. • Stenoptochus , n. g. ( Otiorliynchini ), p. 259, for $. inconstans , n. sp., California, p. 260, Casey, Ann N. York Ac. iv. Orthoptochus , n. g., for 0. squamiger , n. sp., California, p. 261, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Peritelodes , u. g. ( Otiorhynchini ), for P. oblectus , n. sp., California ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 262. 1888. [vol. xxv.] E 10 i*o Ins. COLEOPTERA. Peritelinus , n. g., for P. variejaths, n. sp., California ; Casey, Ann. N.York Ac. iv, p. 263. Geoderces puncticollis , Calif ortfia, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 264, u. sp. Geodercodes , n. g. ( Otiorhynchini ), p. 265, for G. latipennis , n. sp., Cali- fornia, p. 266 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Aragnomus hispidulus , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 266, n. sp. Thinoxenus nevadensis, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 267, n. sp. PanormiiSf n. g. ( Otiorhynchini ), p. 269, for P. setosus , n. sp., California, p. 270 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. 8. luminifer , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 191; S. quadrispinosus, p. 281, pi. vi, fig. 4, angulipennis, p. 282, pi. vi, fig. 5, Ceutr. Africa, id. t. c. : n. spp. Oyclomaurus syriacus , Beyroufc, Stierlin, p. 54, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Mylacus seidlitzit provisional new name for M. indutus, Seid. (? Omias indutus, Kies.) ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 333. M. kruperi, Greece, Stierlin, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 9, n. sp. Nastus fausti , p. 259, lederi , circassicus , p. 260, Circassia, R fitter, Wien, ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Platyomicus tuberosus , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 283 ; P. Icesipes, pp. 189 & 283, pi. vi, figs. 6 & 6a, cavicollis , p. 190, Centr. Africa, id. t. c. : n. spp. Periteli : the North American genera tabulated ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 268. Peritelus juniper i, Sardinia, p. ccv, grandis , Sicily, p. ccvi, Desbrociiers, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; P. sardous, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Nap. (2) i, No. 13, p. 14 ; n. spp. Meira sassariensh, seidlitzt, Sardinia, Desbrociiers, p. ccvi. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. ^ Omias indutus , Kies., = ( llolcorhinus metallicus , Desb.) ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 333. 0. circussicus , p. 262, georgicus> p. 263, Circassia, mingrelicus , p. 264, Mingrelia, Reitter, Wien. eut. Z. vii, n. spp. Burypeithes grcecus) Thessaly, Stierlin, p. 52, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Platytar us kubanensis , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 236, n. sp. Cathormiocsrus nodus and maritimus , characters of aud localities for ; Champion & Sharp, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 121-123. C. korbi, Spain, Stierlin, p. 15, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Pholicodes maculosus , Smyrna, Desbrociiers, p. ccv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Phyllobius croaticusf full characters of ; Stierlin, p. 42, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii. P. oblongm n. var. bi/ormis ; Reitter, p. 238, Wien. ent. Z. vii. P, saltuarius, Amasia, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 46 ; P. dr- CURCULIONIMS. Ins. 147 cassicus , p. 237, mediatus , p. 238, Circassia, R bitter, Wien, ent. Z. vii ; P. hungaricus , Hungary, Stierlin, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 97 ; P. Icrvperi * Greece, ophthalmicus*, Croatia, p. 12, ajfelbeclci, Hungary, fallax , Greece p. 13, «?. MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii : n. spp. Corigetus mandarinus, p. 367, limbalist , p. 368, Tonkin, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Arhines frcnatus, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 339, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Heteroptochus obesus , Pekin, Faust, S. E. Z xlix, p. 286, n. sp. Tropiphurus , revision of the genus, Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. vii, with obesus , p. 162, cucullatus , p. 163, Europe, n. spp. Ophryastes shufeldti , p. 238, sulcipennis , p. 239, N. Mexico, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, n. spp. Eupagoderes dunnianus , Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 240, n. sp. Sapotes, n. g. ( Ophryastini ), for $. punclicollb t, n. sp., Texas, Casey, Anu. N. York Ac. iv, p. 241. A motus, n. g. ( Ophryastini ), p. 243, for A. longisternus, p. 244, graciliorr p. 245, n. spp., California ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Rhigopsis scutellata , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 242, n. sp. Peritaxia perforata , Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 245, n. sp. Amnesia granulata , p. 248, tesselata, p. 249, sculptilis , p. 250, California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, n. spp. Nocheles vestitus , Nevada, Casey, Ann. N. Yrork Ac. iv, p. 251, n. sp. Miloderes , n. g. ( Ophryastini ), p. 252, for M. setosus , n. sp., California, p. 253, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv. Br achy cer ides. Brachycerus annulatus , Gerst., = ( cinnamomeus , Pasc.); ecldoni , Gyll., = ( suturalis , Pasc.) ; siellaris , 01., = ( capito , Pasc.) ; oblongus , Fahr., = ( faustii and precursor , Pasc.) ; sculpturatus , Fahr , = ( electilis , Pasc.) : Pascoe, P. E. Soc. 1888, p. xxv. B. humbanensis , p. 192, dorsomaculatus, p. 193, Centr. Africa, Queden- feldt, B. E. Z. xxxii ; B. variipictus, p. 284, pi. vi, fig. 7, cincticol/is , schalowi, p. 285, fen-ugatus, p. 286, carbunculus, p. 287, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, £. c. ; 2?. maculicollis , brachyceropsides , Natal, Peringuey, p. 222, Ann. N. H. (6) ii ; B. madecassus , Madagascar, p lxxvii, lafertei (Chev.), no locality, p. lxxviii, Peringuey, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii; B. jflavonotatus , p. 147, pi. iv, fig. 8, namaqva, fig. 6, p. 148, caviceps , fig. 2, schonherri, fig. 5, p. 149, cegrotus , fig. 4, p. 150, humeralis , aurilus (Schon.), fig. 3, p. 151, amabilis , p. 152, Tcarooensis , p. 153, transversefoveatus , albofasciatus , fig. 9, p. 154, varius , p. 155, mcestus , suturalis , fig. 1, p. 156, ebullinus (Schon.), p. 157, dispar , proletarius , p. 158, signatus , p. 159, boschimanus,foveolatus (Schon.), p. 160, nanus , inops , p. 161, ixodicoides , p. 162, deceptor , p. 163, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Theates, monograph of the genus, with figures of the epecies ; Auri- villius, Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 149-154, pi. ii. 148 Ins. COLEOPTERA. T. magus, S. Africa, Auriyillius, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 153, pi. ii, figs. 1—3 ; T. cristatus, p. 163, pi. iii, fig. 14, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. . Byrsopsides . Hoplitotrachelus foveiceps , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. *288, n. sp. Synthocus parvus , p. 164, quadripennis , wardeni , pi. iii, fig. 13, p. 165, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Spartecerus humeralis , p. 166, bi/asciatus, p. 167, mendax , p. 168, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Minyops plauicollis , Greece, Stierlin, p. 57, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Rhytirhinus hruperi , Greece, Stierlin, p. 17, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, u. sp. Gronops pygmeeus, Beyrout, Stierlin, p. 60, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Hipporhinides , Rhyparusomides, Cylindrorhinides, Molytides . Cyclomus plauicollis, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 172, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Ilipporhinus aurivilii, Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 171, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Eupages verrucellus , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 168, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Raraccerius rugicollis , p. 169, laticollisi tuberculosus, p. 170, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Dichotrachelus pygmeeus , Tyrol, Stierlin, p. 18, MT. schw. ent.' Ges. viii, n. sp. Siyphlus hruperi , Balkan, Stierlin, p. 18, MT. sickw. ent. Ges. viii, n sp. Adioristus sulcatus , figured and redescribed ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 58, pi. ii, fig. 9. Ocynoma rhysa , Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1007, n. sp. Pterotomus, n. g., Molytida j, p. 289, for P. moebiusi , n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 290 ; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Liosomus hopffyarteni, Transsyl vania, Stierlin, p. 19, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. , Meleus carrasicus , Desbr., grusinus , Reitt., p. 164, difficilis, Faust, p. 165, scJineideri , Tourn., p. 166, characters of ; Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxii. .1 1. elekesi , Transsylvania, Ormay, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 167 ; M. alternans , Circassia, Reitter, t. c. p. 265 ; if. Syria cits, Beyrout, Stierlin, p. 58, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii ; M. starchi , p. 161, dolosus, p. 162, Caucasus, causticus , Imeretia, p. 163 ; Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii : u. spp. Trachodes oblong us , elongutus , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z vii, p. 266, n. spp. CUUOULIONID^. Ins. 149 Scythropides, Hyper ides, Diabathrarides. Eagnathus elegans, Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 368, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Scythropus lateralis , p. 275, ferrugineus , p. 276, drier eus, crassicornis , p. 277, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac iv, n. spp. Alopkus , the European and Syrian species tabulated ; Stierlin, pp. 64-67, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii. A. hebrceus, Syria, p. 67, asturiensis , Spain, p. 68, Stierlin, MT. schw. ent Ges. viii, n. spp. ITypera gracilenta , Cap., = ( arcuata , Desb.) ; Bedel, p. xxxvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. II. damascena, Damascus, Stierlin, p. 58, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii ; H. circassicola , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 264 ; Phyto- nonius carinicollis, Austria, Stierlin, p. 17, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii : n. spp. Onychng'yntnus , n. g. (D/aha thrariidcc), p. 291, for 0. mechovn , n. sp., Ccntr. Africa, p. 292, pi. vi, figs. 9, a-d ; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Olecnrides. Epirrhynchus nigripes , Cape Town, P^ringuey, p. 173, Tr* S. Afriean Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Leucomigus Candida tus, Pall. = (albotessellatus, Fairm., = lucasi , Chevr.) ; Bedel, p. 287, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Cleonus raymondi , variation described ; Costa, p. 26, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8. C. ( Plagiographus ) nwntulbicus, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 26 ; C. quadrimaculatus, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 174, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; C. oculicentris, p. 293, ovulum , p. 294, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii ; C. vagesignatus , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 31, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Tetragonothorax badeni, Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 288, n. sp. Lixus macer, habits ; Riley, p. 33, P. E. Soc. Wash. i. L. perplcxus , Crimea, p. 157, salicornice , Derbent, p. 158, linnei, Turkestan, p. 159, anumus , Derbent, p. 161, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii; L. obliquenubilus, p.295, crinipes, p. 296, Centr. Africa, Queden- feldt, B. E. Z. xxxii : n. Rpp. Larinus sculptirollis , Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 31, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Cceloatethus syriacus , Beyrout, Stierlin, p. 59, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Hylobiides, Erirhinide <, Amalactides. Lepyrus ganglbaueri, Caucasus, Faust, p. 155, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Hylobius pipitzi , New Caledonia, distinctus , India, Pascoe, p. 410, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n spp. Endatus lielferi , Burma, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 292, n. sp. Nemopteryx1 n. g. ( Erirhinidce ), p. 289, for N. pic us, n. sp., Philippines, p. 290 ; Faust, S. E. Z. xlix. 150 Ins. COI.EOPTERA. Bagous conipertus , E. India, p. 291, nymphcece , Cej'lon, p, 292, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, n. spp. Brachybamus pipitzi , Rio Grande do Sul, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 293, n. sp. Bmplesis remissci, W. Australia, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 294, n. sp. Smicronyx kubanicus, Novorossisk, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 267, n. sp. Ctenovnerus : position should be near Nanophyes ; Faust, S. E, Z. xlix, p. 298, note. 0. tesseUatim , Cape Good Hope, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 298, n. sp. Amalactides , note on the composition of the group ; Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 295, note. Amulactus carbonarius , Cayenne, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 295, n. sp. Apio aides, Gybebides. Apion .dispar, Germ., hookeri , Kirb., sorbi , F., note on; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, pp. 172-174. A. genista, note on probable n. spp. mixed with this; Desbrochers, p. cxciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. A. subparallelum, distinctirostre , corsicum , Corsica, Desbrochers, p. cxciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. phocopus, p. 380, macrorrhynchum , p. 381, Greece, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; A. irkutense , Siberia, p. 174, fissile , Raddefka, p. 175, dauricum , Dauria, p. 176, Faust, Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; A. humevosum , Damaralund, Peringuey, p. 175, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. A plemonus, systematic position discussed ; Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 297. A. uurivilliif Damaralaud, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 296, n. sp. Attelabides , Rhinomacerldes. Attelabm atricornis var. obsidiamis ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 25. Apoderue ruficollia , Fab., and other spp., noticed ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 137. A. miniatus , Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 176, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Auletes emgei , Greece, Stierlin, p. 60, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii ; A. laticollis , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. iv, p. 233 : n. spp. Bhynchites longiceps , Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, p. 1203 ; H. foveipennifi) Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 136 ; 11. algoensia, p. 176, pi. iii, fig. 12, nigrolimbatus , p. 177, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Magdalinides t Balaninides , Anthonomides. Fossil presumed Curculiouid, allied to Magdalinus ; Kolbe (452). Piinelata} n. g. ( Balaninides ), for P. maculata , n. sp., India ; Pascoe, p. 411, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Balaninu8 hispanus, Spain, Stierlin, p. 19, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Anthonomus grilati , Bone, Desbrochers, p. ccv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) CURCULIONID.K. Ins. 151 viii ; A. krugii , p. 487, nigro-variegatus , annulipes, p. 488, Porto Rico, Fischer. B. E. Z. xxxii : n. spp. Coccotorus scutellaris , oviposition ; Bruner, Ins. Life, i, p. 89, fig. 12. Bradybatus abeillei, Cyprus, Desbrochers, p. ccv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Orchestes erythropus , Germ., = ( biplagiatu s, Desbr.) ; Bedel, and var. tricolor = ( jiavipes , Desbr.), p. 287, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (0) viii. 0. fagi, n. var. sanguinipenms ; Reitter, p. 271, Wien. ent. Z. vii. 0. ornata , N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 38, n. sp. Triyonocolides, Cory ssomer ides, Prionomeridcs . Megarrhinus infidus, p. 299, brachmancc , p. 300, Burma, bifasciatus , India or., p. 301, cingalensis , Ceylon, p. 302, Faust, S. E. Z- xlix, n. spp. Lamyrns sphadasmoides, Transvaal, Peringuey, Tr, S. African Phil. Soc. iv, p. 174, n. sp. Ochryomera fasciata, India or., p. 303, heteroclyta, China, p. 304, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, n. spp. Opseoscapha, n g. ( Priononierina ), p. 305, for 0. alternans , n. sp., Malacca, p. 306; Faust, S. E. Z. xlix. Odontobarbus, n. g. ( Prionomerincti ), p. 307, for 0. hodiernus} n. sp., Ceylon, p. 308 ; Faust, S. E. Z. xlix. Tychiides, Cionides. Tychius confusus , Desbr., carinicollis1 Tourn., raffrayi , Tourn., synonymy noticed ; Desbrochers, p. cxciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. T. disci- thorax , Desbr., and undulatus , Desb., referred to Pachytychius , and are one species ; T. longitubu8) Desb., = {raffrayi, Tourn.) : Bedel, p. 287, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Apeltarius , Desb., = ( Ectatotychius , Tourn.) ; Bedel, p. 287, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Sibynes velutifer , subellipticus , algericus , Desb., synonymy of ; Des- brochers, p. cxciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. S. subtriangidifer , Corsica, Desbrochers, p. cxciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Cionas scrophularice, cocoons; Brandicourt, Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, viii, pp. 313-315. C. caucasicus , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 270, n. sp. Gymnetrides, Alcidides, Ilaplonycides. Gymnclron veronica and beccabungce , validity of ; Sciiilsky, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 127. G. seriatim, France, Jacquet, p. xcvii, Bull. Soc. Eut. Fr. (6) viii ; G. tenuirostre, Beyrout, Stierlin, p. 59, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii : n. spp. Alcides carbonarius , Rangoon, obtusus, Sarawak, gallarius, Saylee, Pascoe, p. 412, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Zanies , n. g , p. 413, near Metatyges , for Z. Ihnbatus, n. sp., Madagascar, p. 414, woodcut ; Pascoe, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. 152 Ins. COLBOPTEUA. Cryptorhy nchldes. Ectatorbinus, list of the species of ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 168. Ithyporus margaritatus, Ceutr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 297, n. sp. Misynus , n. g. ( Ithyporince ), for N. dissimilis, n. sp., Niam-niam (Sumatra) ; Pascoe, p. 414, Ann. N. II. (6) ii. Desmidophorus lanosus , Madagascar, maculatus , Batchian, p. 415, funebris, Waigiou, morbosus, Siam, p. 416, Pascoe, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Psepholax pascoei , Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1008. n. sp. Ocludius serripes , Damaraland, PjhuNGUEY, p. 178, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Mecistocerus fasciatus , Centr. Africa, p. 298, hildebrandti, albocinctas , Madagascar, p. 299, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Poropterus afflictus , Saylee, basilicus , Kaioa, p. 417, irritus, Ceram, p. 418, Pascoe, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Pachyonyx mucoreus, Chev., n. var. macidiventris , Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 300. Acalles henoni, Algeria, Bedel, p. xxxvi, Bull Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. horridulus, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 268 : n. spp. Gasterocercus richteri , Porto Rico, Fischer, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 154, n. sp. Cryptorhynchus maugifera, ravages, &c. ; Simmons (843). Enteles victims , Australia, Faust, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 309, n. sp. Oe uthorhynchides, Baridiides. Coiliodes tener , Attica, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 432, n. sp. Allodactylus weisei , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 272, n. sp. Ceuthorhynchvs urticce and pullklicornis , characters of j Jacquet, p. cv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. C. brisouti , p. 167, bituberculatus , p. 168, sartus , p. 169, Turkestan, inclemens, Ussuri, p. 170, stachydis , Italy, &c. p. 171, abchasicus, Arabica Mts., p. 173, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. lihytidosomus filirostris , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 271, n. sp. Phytobius, notes on habits of ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 75. Baris timidus , Rossi, and nitens , Fab., identity discussed; Faust, pp. 177-180, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxii. B. squatnipes , Turkestan. Faust, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 43, n sp. Barisoma, n. g., near Baris, p. 309, for B. carbo, n. sp., Hongkong, p. 310; Faust, S. E. Z. xlix. Limnobaris scutellaris , p. 273, bedell, p. 274, Caucasus, Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Gamp y loscelidesi Galan drides. Amorbaius p cavicollis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, p. 301, pi. vi, fig. 10, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. sp. CURCULIONIDAC BRENTHIDjE. Ins. 153 Food-habits of N. American Calandridce ; Ins. Life, i, pp. 198 & 199. Aphiocephalus casianescens , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 12, n. sp. i Rhyncophorus quadrangulus , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 802, n. sp. Sphenophorus obscurus , descriptive note, metamorphoses, injuries to sugar-cane in the Sandwich Is. ; Riley & Howard (763). S. vitticollis , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 194; S. ( Calyptrix ) procerus , p. 303, S. politus , p. 304, nigro-plagiatus, p. 305, cruciatus , p. 306, Centr. Africa, id. t. c. : n. spp. Sitophilus impressicollis , reticulatus , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 307, n. spp. Calandra onjzce , L., its ravages in India ; Cotes (167). Cosso aides. Echinodes , n. g., for E. ravonxi , n. sp., France ; Jacquet, p. cxliv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Pentarthrum milling toni t nepcanianum, Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1009, n. spp. Cossonus strangulates , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 1 95, n. sp. Mesites subcylindrieus , habits of, = ( rvjipennis , Lee.) ; Lugger, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 36. Rhyncolus punctulatuSy Boh., habits, &c. ; Decaux, Feuill. Nat. xix, pp. 2-6. R. corticaliSj Boh., referred to Allomimus ; Sciiwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 44. SCOLYTIILE. Notes on some N. American species; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 45. Xylcborus ccelatus, note on habits ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 47. Tomicus austriacus , Austria, Wachtl (902), n. sp. Bostrychus chalcographus and typogrcqthus, periods of appearance; Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 364. Crypturgus pusillas destroying larches ; Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 271. Monarthrum mali} habits ; Sciiwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 48. Pityophthorus quercipercla , N. America, Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 56, n. sp. Brenthid.f. [Cf. Fairmaire (242), Kolbe (451), Quedenfeldt (695).] Orychodes sinensis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 138, n. Rp. Anisognathus mcchowi , figured, pi. vi, fig. 11; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. y IsognathuSf n. g., for Anisognathus mecliowi and anaticeps , Kolbe ; / Kolbe, p. 305, Ent. Nachr. xiv. Spafherinus eupsaloides, picturatus , p. 306, ophthalmicus, juvenilis, p. 307, longiceps , p. 308, W. Africa, Kolbe, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Pericordus latipes, figured, pi. vi, fig. 12; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. 154 Ins , COL EOF 1 ERA. AnTHOTRIBID^E, BrUCHULE. [Cf. Fairmaire (251).] Fossil, presumed Anthribid ; Kolbe (452). Tophoderes nubeculosus , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 32, n. sp. Tabulation of the Bruchi of France, extracted from Baudi’s revision, and translated by Abeille de Perrin, Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 77-90. Cekambycidas. [Cf. Bates (44), Blackburn (77), Fairmaire (238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 250, 251. 252), Fischer (274), Gaiian (293, 294, 295, 290, 297, 298, 299, 300), Ganglbauer (302, 303, 304, 305, 375, 031), Gestro (307), Heyden (375), Olliff (634), Ormay (643), Pascoe (660), PAringuey (667), Puton (693), Quedenfeldt (694), Reitter (728), Ritsema (765, 766, 767, 768), S^menow (832).] Prion ides. Cantharocnemis plicipennis , Tanganyika, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 223, n. sp. Prionas coriarius , monstrosity ; Krause, SB. nat. Fr. 1888, p. 145, woodcut. P. persicus , Redt., besicanus , Fairm., and schaufussi , Jak., synonymical note, &c. ; Ganglbauer, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 268. P. heydeni , p. 265, curticornis , p. 266, Turkestan, Ganglbauer, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii ; P. ( Psilopus ) brevis , P. (P. ?) tur/cestanicus , Turkestan, S^menow, p. 157, Wien. ent. Z. vii : n. spp. Cacosceles lacordaireiy Bates, = ( crassicornis , Per.) ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil Soc. iv, rectifications, p. 191. Toxeutes basilis , Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1010, n. sp. Syenne8isy n. g., near Monodesmus , p. 511, for S. dispar , u. sp., Brazil p. 512, pi. xiv, figs. 6 $ & 7 ? ; Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Ceramby aides. Drymochares starcJci , Caucasus, Ganglbauer, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 398, u. sp. Zamium crocatum , Natal, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 492, n. sp. Xystrocera globosa , ravages of, at Cairo ; B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 15 : see also Economic. X. promecoideSy Malacca, Pascoe, Tr. E Soc. 1888, p. 492 ; X. trivittata , p. 196, metallica, p. 197, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii : 4 n. spp. Zathecus batesiiy Ecuador, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 493, n. sp. Neocerambyx 8ordklus} Lao3, Pascoe, p. 491, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. sp. Cerambyx scopolii, note on habits ; Lucas, p. clxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii TrachylophuSy n. g., p. 59, near Mallambyx and Xoanodera, for T. sinensis , China, approximator , Java, n. spp , p. 60 ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) ii- CERAMBYC1D/K. Ins. 155 Stromatium crassipes , Cenfcr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 198, n. sp. Gnatholea pkicornis , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 200, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. n. sp. Atesta tatei , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 284, n. sp. Coptocercus fraternus, Yorke Peninsula, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 285, n. sp. Arrythmus pallimembris, Madagascar, Fatrmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 22, fig. 1, n. sp. Betbclium puncticolle , W. Australia, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 493, n. sp. Ceresium nigrum , Christmas I., Gahan, p. 540, P. Z. S. 1888 ; C. linei- geruni , Queensland, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 493 : m. spp. Icariotis . n. g, near Toxolus, for I. unicolor, p. 497, fulvicornis, scapu- laris , pi. xiv, fig. 4, p. 498, Madagascar, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc 1888, n. spp. Eccrixk, n. g., near Ant hribola, ior E. abdominalix, pi. xiv, Gg. 3, n. sp., Madagascar, Pascoe, p. 499, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Toxotus sligmatipennix , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 71, n. sp. Apheledcs, n. g. ( Toxothve ), p. 499, for A. velutinus, n. sp., Madagascar, pi. xiv, fig. 9, p. 500, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Antigenes , n. g. ( Toxotides ), for .4. fanebris , n. sp., pi. xiv, fig. 1, Madagascar ; Pascoe, p. 500, Tr. E. Soc. Logisticus latesulcatus . Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 71, fig. 6 ; L. sesquivittatus , Madagascar, id. op. cit . ii, p. 23, fig. 2 : n. spp. Tomobrachyta , n. g., for T. nigroplagiata , n. sp., Madagascar, Fair- maire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 72. Leptura nana and exigua , Newm., note on characters and variation of ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 301. Pidonia lurida n. var. ganglbaueri\ Ormay, p. 168, Wien. ent. Z. vii. Cortodera alpina n. var. starclci ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 280. Bimia bicolor var. = ( femoralis , Saund.) ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 28G. Callisphyri8 semicaligatus , Fairm., = ( schythei , Phil.), figured, pi. ii, fig. 10 ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 60. Necydalis major , L., habits ; LlBERlCH, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 76. Eroschema affine , Queensland, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 497, n. sp. Pempsamacra argentaia , Eclipse I., condita , Queensland, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 494, n. spp. Mecaspis simulatrix , dives , W. Africa, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 495, n. spp. Aphrodisium griffithi , Hope, = ( P achy ter ia zonopteroides , Fleut.) ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 198. A. albardce , Java, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 193, n. sp. Pachyteria bicolor , Parry, p. 180, affinis, Rits., p. 191, redescribed ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. P. superba , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus Genov. (2) vi, p. 128 ; P. borrei , Java, p. 178, pryeri , p. 183, hageni , p. 185, Borneo, evertsi , p. 187, ober- thuri, p. 190, Sumatra, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x : u. spp. 156 Ins. COLE 0 PTE RA. Callichroma ? davidis, Deyr., ia only a variation of bimcioulatum , White ; Gahan, p. 60, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. C. chrysog aster , Ceylon, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 195 ; C. carinicolle , p. 198, rugbolle, p. 199, parallelipenne , p. 200, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii : u. spp. Philematiuni capsnse, S. Africa, Peiunguey, p. 178, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Polyzonus scalaris, Paso., figured, fig. 7, pi. 180 ; Waterhouse, Aid. P. flavipennis, Zululand, Peiunguey, p. 179, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Promeces viridis , Paso., figured, fig. 5, pi. 180 ; Waterhouse, Aid. P. anratus , p. 495, longicoUis , aua terns, p. 496, S. Africa, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. p. 493, n. spp. Closteromerus reticoliis, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 200 ; 0. quadrinotatus , S. Africa, PARING UEY, p. 179, pi. 3, fig. 15, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv : n. spp. Euporus ignicollis , Pasc., figured, fig. 6, pi. 180 ; Waterhouse, Aid. Sympiezocera persica, Solsky, note on; Ganglbauer, p. 197, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxii. S. sinensis , China, Gahan, p. 61, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Callidiam violaceum, L., and its parasite, note ou ; ROder, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 219. C. ( Lioderes ) henschi , Herzegovina, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 23, n. sp. Cleroclytus semiru/us, Ktz., referred to Enderas , Lee. ; Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 41. Olytus latofasciatus, Motsch., and plebeius , F., note on ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 203. C. tenuicornis , p. 142, polyzonus, artemmee , p. 143, tsitoemis , p. 144, fuliginosus, p. 145, China, Fairmaiue, Rev. d’Ent. vii ; C. duo , moupin- ensis , p. 33, G - ( Xylotrechus ) magnicollis, p. 34, C. ( Clytanthus ) cuneatus , p. 35, China, Fairmaire, Anu. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Ghlidones lineolatus, Waterh., figured, fig. 4, pi. 180 ; Waterhouse, Aid. Stenosphenus notatus, 01., habits of ; Hamilton, p. 66, Canad. Ent. xx. Purpuricenus pratti , China, Gahan, p. 61, Ann. N. H. (6) ii [but P. sideriqer , Fairm., = ( prattii , Gahan) ; Fairmaire, p. civ, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii] ; P. globiger , sideriger, p. 139, petasi/er, p. 140, China, Fair- maire, Rev. d’Ent. vii : n. spp. Amarysius, n. g., p. 140, for A. dilatatus, n. sp., Pekiu, p. 141 ; Fair- maire, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Charinotcs richteri , Santa Catherina, Fischer, B. E Z. xxxii, p.490, n.sp. Apatophysis tomentosa , Gobi., = (toxotoides, Chevr., and Prionus obtusi- collis, Motsch.) ; Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, p. 193. Hornibius, n. n. for Hornius , Fairm., the insect figured and re-described ; Fairmaire, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, pp. 60 & 61, pi. ii, fig. 11. Lamiides. Importance of anterior coxal cavities in classification of ; Gahan, p. 279, note Ann. N. H. (6) i. CE RAMBYCIDJE . Iks. 157 X yloteles p)nttersoni, selwyni , Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1012, n. spp. Dorcadion blanchardi , Muls., note on ; Kriatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 75. AElhalodes, n. g., near Trachystola , for JE. verrucosus , n. sp., North China, pi. xvi, fig 1 ; Gahan, p. 270, Ann. N. H. (6) i. Stratioceros , Lac., = ( Cacoscapus , Th.) ; Gahan, p. 262, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Leprodera , form of prosternum, note on ; habitat of L. crucifera , Fab.; Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, p. 390. L. verrucosa , Pasc., = ( arista , Th.) ; id. t. c. p. 262. L. lecta, Siam, p. 389, imidiosa (Chev.), India, p. 391, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Epepeotes ( Leprodera ) spinosa , Th., = ( meridianus , Pasc.) ; Gahan, p. 400, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Epepeotes uncinatus , p. 271, albomaculatus , p. 272, N. India, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. spp. Arctolamia, n. g., near Epicedia, for A. villosa , n. sp., Burma ; Gestro, p. 129, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Pelavgoderus meleagris, Pasc., figured, fig. 3, pi. 180 ; Waterhouse, Aid. P. Jlavicornis , Nias I., Gaiian, p. 272, pi. xvi, fig. 3, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. sp. Paragnoma : the genus is not good ; P. acuminipennis , Blanch., and Pelargoderus rugosus , Waterh., synonymy noticed ; Gahan, p. 400, Ann* N. H. (6) ii. Dihammm spinipennis , New Caledonia, Gahan, p. 275, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. sp. Eryulus,- n. g., near Monochamus, for E. polyspilus, n. sp., Sumatra; Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 501, pi. xiv, fig. 10. Leuronotus , n. g., for L. sputulalus, n. sp., Solomon Is. ; Gahan, p. 190, Ann. N. II. (6) i. • Monohammus officinator, White, = ( Archidice quadrinotata, Th ), should be placed in Lamiomimus , Kolbe ; Gaiian, p. 400, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. M. beryllinus , Hope, = ( melanostictus , White), and is referable to Mela- nauster ; M. viridipennis , Chev., referred to Domitia, Th.; id. t. c. p. 401. M. desperatus , Th., = ( fredericus , White) ; id. t. c. p. 262 : referred to A gnoderus ; id. t. c. p. 401. M. marcipor, Newm , referred to Anammus . id. t. c. p 401. M. carissimus , Pasc., = ( Qielostcrna tessellatat White), it is a Ccelosterna ; id. op. cit. i, p. 277. M. rivulosus, E. Iudia, ciliatus , China, Gahan, p. 273, Ann. N. H. (6< i ; M. auratus9 bimaculatus , p. 269, amicator, griseatus , p. 261, ocellatus , p. 262, E. India, id. op. cit. ii ; M. modicus , Madras, p. 391, distinctus , Assam, p. 392, per plexus, N. India, vagus , Gaboon ?, p. 393, murinus , Senegal, plumbeus , Congo, p. 39 1, fulvisparsus , Congo, nyassensis , Nyassa, p. 395, id. t . c. ; M. albi spar sus , China, id. t c. p. 62 ; M. nativitatis , Christmas I., id. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 540 : n. spp. Psacothea : the genus defined ; P. ( Monohammus ) hilar is, Pasc., = (P. Diochares flavoguttata, Fairm.) ; Gahan, p. 400, Ann. N. H («) ii- 158 Ins. . COLEOPTERA. Haplohammus gppciosus, p. 274, socius , p' 275, China, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) i ; H. contemptus, China, id. op. ci(. ii, p. 62 : n. spp. Tceniotes scalaris var. azoricus, note on; Kolbe, Enfc. Nachr. xiv, p. 179. T. 8implex} America, p. 396, singulars , Ecuador, p. 397, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. spp. Deliathis buquetii var. mira, Chev., described; Gaiian, p. 398, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. D. batesi , Mexico, Gaiian, p. 398, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Cyriocrates waterhousei , Nias I., Gaiian, p. 276, pi. xvi, fig. 4, Ann. N. H. (6) i ; C. eleguns, Upper Burmah, id. op. cit. ii, p. 450 : u. spp. Alelanauster leechi , Kiu Kiang, Gahan, p. 63, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Aristobia angusti/rons , Siam, Gaiian, p. 276, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. sp. Coeloaterna (Lamia) pulchellator , Westw., generic position noticed ; 0. imitator , White, referred to Cyriocrates ; Gaiian, p. 277, Ann. N. H. (6) i. Eutceniopsis, n. g., for Ccelosterna trifasciella , White, nec Thomson ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 277. Goes tigrinus , De Geer, = ( Monohammus rotator , Fab.); Gaiian, p. 263, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Haplothrixy n. g., near Goesy p. 278, for H. simplex , n. sp., Siam, p. 279, pi. xvi, figs. 5 & 5a; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) i. Thermonotus) n. g., near Cereopsiu8} for T. nigripes , n. sp., India ; Gaiian, p. 399, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Agnoderus , Th., note on the sexual characters in ; Gaiian, p. 401, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Urcecha punctata , China, Gahan, p. 63, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Psaromaia renei, S. India, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 501, n. sp. Omocyrius jansoni, Borneo, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 201, n. sp. Peribasi8 albUpursa , Borneo, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 203, n. sp. Phar8alia ( Zygocera ) mortality Th., occurs twice in Munich Cat., also = (/*. albomaculata , Poll.) ; Gauan, p. 280, Ann. N. II. (6) i. P. alboplagiatUi Borneo, p. 279, pulchra , Siam, p. 280, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. spp. Marmaroglypha sumatrana , Serdang, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 206, n. sp. Batocera pulchellator , Westw., generic position queried, = ( Euoplia argenteomaculata , Auriv.) ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 198. Rosenbergia exigua) New Guinea, Gahan, p. 280, Ann. N. H. (6) i? n. sp. Orsulis ampliatus , Solomon Is., Gaiian, p. 191, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. sp. Anybostetha , n. g., Prosopocerulce, p. 201, for A. saperdoidesi n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 202 ; Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Zographus modestus , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 180, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Sternotomis (Lamia) oenea^ Parry, note on; Gaiian, p. 401, Ann. N. II. (6) ii. S. wissmanni, p. 203, S. ( Quimalanca ) niveipectus , p. 204, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E Z. xxxii, n. spp. CERAMBYCID.F. Ins, 159 PlagiornttHi, n.g., Tragocephalida ?, p. 205, for P. multinotatus , n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 206 ; Quedenfeldt, B. B. Z. xxxii. Ine&idd guttata , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 206, n. sp/ Mfiaphidopsis (JEutcenid) elegants , Waterh., referred to Ctelosterna ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 277. Spodotcenia spinicornis , S. Africa ; Peringuey, p. 182, pi. iii, fig. 16, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Zygocera (?) albovirgidata, Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 28, n. sp. Orica , n. g., Phrynetides , for Zygocera ?, albovirgata , Fairm. (supra) ; Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 511. Mallonia australis , Natal, Peringuey, p. 181, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Olenecamptus compressipes , Cambodia, Fairmaire, p. 870, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; 0. obsoletus , Pekin, id., Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 146 : n. spp. Heteroclytomorpha punctata , Solomon Is., Gaiian, p. 192, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. sp. Sormida , n. g., for Heteroclytomorpha , Lacord., nec Blanch. ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 193. Grynex , n. g. (Homoncea group), for G. lineatus , n. sp., S. India, pi. xiv, fig. 2 ; Pascoe, p. 502, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Enicodes Jichtelif Schr., note on ; Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1013, n. sp. Dysthaeta nccvia, Norfolk I., Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 1011, n. sp. Grammctichm ligatus , Labuan, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 503, n. sp. Ecyroschenia rugata , N’Gami, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 503, n. sp. Dichostates muelleri , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 207, n. sp. Hecyrida rufolineata , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 208, n. sp. Acroptycha, n. g., Niphonidas, p. 209, for A. spinifera , n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 210, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii. Praonetha perplexa, Christmas I., Gaiian, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 541, n. sp. Sthenias grisator, F., $ described : S. pascoeiy n. n. for grisator , Pasc., nec F. ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 272. Atybe nigritarsis , Madagascar, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 504, n. sp. Ropica cylindrical India, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 504, n. sp. Amblestlm geminus, Grahamstown, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 505, n. sp. Sophronica reducta , p. 508, S. Africa, amplipennisy Angola, oblonga , S. Africa, p. 506, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. spp. Corus, n. g., near Sophronica , p. 506, for C. anmdicornis , n. sp., S. Africa, p. 507 ; Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Pachypeza marginata, p. 507, teres , p. 508, Brazil, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. spp. 160 7n,\ ■ COLEOPfERA. Hippopsicon cribricolle, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 210, n. sp. ffippopsis tenucvittata. Cochin China, tonkinea , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 371, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Pseudocalamobius filiformis , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 14G, n. sp. ' Ceratogr aphis, n. n. for Graphisurus , Horn, nec Lee. ; Gaiian, p. 300, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Presumed fossil Astynomus ; Kolbe (452). Sparna macilenta, Ecuador, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 508, pi. xiv, fig. 5, n. sp. Saperda fayi , Bland, pp. 6-8, concolor, Lee., pp. 8 & 9, habits of j Hamilton, Cauad. Ent. xx. S. simulans , p. 64, brunnipes , p. 65, China ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, u. sp. Chrysaperda collaris , Ecuador, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc p. 509, n. sp. Mecas (sub Saperda) canu , Newm., = ( saturnina , Lee.) ; inomuta , Say, == ( cinerea , Newm., and senescens , Bates) : Gaiian, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 300 : cf. also Horn, t. c. p. 301. Glenida , n. g., p. 65, near Neoxantha, for G. sufusa and cyaneipennis, China, n. spp., p. 66 ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Bacchisa singularis, Sumatra, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus.x, p. 253, n. sp. Glenea celia, Sumatra, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 509, n. sp. Volumnia morosa , Angola, Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 510, n. sp. Phytuicia affinis, Har., n. van*. ; Reitter, p. 282, Wien. ent. Z. vii. P. hirsutula, Frohl., n. var. homoiesthes ; Ganglbauer p. 197, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii P. sareptana , S. Russia, Ganglbauer, p. 376, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; P. ( Goptosia ) heydeni , Mesopotamia, id. Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 76 : n. spp. Mallosia ruirubilis , Fald., = (ganglbuueri, Kr.) ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 77. M. tristis , Lenkoran, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 134, n. sp. Oberea holomntha, China, Fairmaire, p. 35, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; O. scutellaris, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 147 : n. spp. ‘ Nitocris rUbricollis, vittata , p. 183, maculicollis , capensis, p. 184, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. spp. Blepisanis buhemuni, Pasc., figured, fig. 8, pi. 180 ; Waterhouse, Aid. B. dorsuta, Zululand, Peringuey, p. 184, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Thycstes funebris , China, Gaiian, p. 67, Ann. N. II. (6) ii, n. sp. Ochrctsius, n. g., near sErenica , p. 510, for 0. sticticus , n. sp., Brazil, p. 511, pi. xiv, fig. 8 ; Pascoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Chrysomelid#’. [ Cf Allard (1, 2), AndriS (8), Baly (38, 39, 40), Bono (87), Costa (164), Dewitz (183), Fairmaire (238, 242, 243, 244, 252), Gestro (307, 308), Heyden (375), Jacoby (319, 410, 411, 412), Jacoby & Horn (413)j Lefevre (492, 493), Marseul (553), Peringuey (667), Quedenfeldt (694), SciiOnfeldt (813), Wkise (922, 923, 924, 925).] CHRYSOM ELIDift. Ins. 161 Bagrides, Donaoiide9, Criocerides, Megctlopidas. Sagra opaca, E. Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 189, pi. vii, fig. 7 ; S. muelleriana , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 211 ; S. leech Kiukiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 339 : n. spp. Auhtcoscelis candezei , figured and noticed, pi. xxxv, fig. 7, p. 2 ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), supp. A. tibialis , Guatemala, pi. xxxv, fig. 2, Aitye/, N. America and Mexico* fig. G, p. 3, variabilis , figs. 8 & 9, fulvipes , p. 4, sanguinea , fig. 10, cfon- fig. 5, femorata , figs. 3 & 4, p. 5, grandis , fig. 1, p. G, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp., n. spp. Donacutf respiration of larvre of ; Dewitz (183). D. cincticornis , Newm., figured, pi. xxxv, fig. 11 ; Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. vi (1), supp. D. Japan, SchOnfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 33, n. sp. Ilccmonia nigricornis, Kir., figured, pi. xxxv, fig. 12, = {flohri, Jac.), p. 8, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), supp. Lema dimidiaticornis, de Borre, figured, pi. xxxv, fig. 13, variation noticed, p. 13 ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), supp. L. longula , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 212 ; L . cribraria , p. 190, apicicornis , laticollis, pi. vii, fig. 1, p. 191, W. Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888 ; L. bimaculata, Andaman Is., Baly, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 85; L. dilutipes, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 149 ; L. nigrilabris, Brazil, Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 153 ; L. quadratic colliSf fabricii , Mexico, propinqua , Panama, p. 9, amabilis , p. 10, intersti- tialis, p. 11, fulvo-fasciata, pi. xxxv, fig. 19, p. 12, incerta , Mexico, p. 13, distincta , Guatemala, sexsignata , Mexico, apicicornis , fig. 14, p. 14, sexplagiata , fig. 15 & p. 15, obliterata, p. 16, Panama, bistriata , p. 17, nigvolineata , fig. 25, maculigem, fig. 17, Mexico, variabilis , p. 18, sex- lineata , fig. 22, p. 19, Guatemala, chiriquemis , fig. 18, Panama, p. 20, forreri, fig. 16, cganeo-fasciata , p. 21, strigipennis , p. 22, clarlci , fig. 21, ZW/u, fig. 23, p. 23, Mexico, stigmula, Costa Rica, regularis , Pauama, p. 24, brunnea, Mexico, immaculipennis , p. 25, modesla , Panama, intricata , Mexico, p. 26, rugifrons , Guatemala, p. 27, ancoralis , Panama, p. 28, laticollis, palmer i, Mexico, p. 29, insularis , fig. 20, incisa , fig. 24, Panama, p. 30, variegata, Guatemala, permutans, Centr. America, p. 31 , pardalina, jlavipennis, p. 33, planipcnnis , Mexico, approximately Guatemala, p. 34, cinctipennisj p. 35, yucatana , p. 36, Mexico, guatemalensis = ( pubens , Jac .olim,nec Lac.), p. 36, eremita, illigeri , p. 37, jalapemis, spectabilis, Mexico, sallcei, p. 38, foveipennis, p. 39, Centr. America, bisulcata , p. 40, brevicornis, p. 41, relucens, dilaticollis, p. 42, Mexico, ceneipennis , Guate- mala, cceruleo-plagiata, p. 43, fulvo-marginata, p. 44, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (l), supp. : n. spp. Crioceris asparagi, metamorphoses ; Lucas, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. c.xlv. : parasitism of Myobia pumila on ; Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 102-104 : its diffusion in N. America ; Ins. Life, i, p. 29. C. rugicollis , Borre, figured, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). C. melanopa , Fab., habits ; Berthelin, p. clvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. C. chinensis , triplagiata , Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 340 ; C. curvipes, nitidicollis , p. 45, Guatemala, champion i, Panama, p. 46, floliri , 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 11 162 Ins. COLEOPTEUA. pi. xxxvi, fig. 1, p. 47, rugipennis , fig. 2, p. 48, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp. : Sigrisma , n. g., p. 200, near Orioceris , for S. tuberifrons , u.sp., S. Africa, p. 201 ; Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii. Megascelis minuta , Mexico, p. 50, vitlatipennis , == (vittata, Jac. olim , nec Fab.), p. 51, spinipes , = ( slratiotica , Jac. olim, nec Lac.), p. 52, Guate- mala, curia , mexlcana , pi. xxxvi, fig. 4, p. 53, sallaii , vobusta , p. 54, tibialis, Mexico, collaris , p. 55, championi, Centr. America, quadrisiynata, Panama, p. 53, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp. : n. spp. Mastostethus saloini, figured, pi. xxxvi, fig. 5, noticod, p. 58 ; Jacoby, Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp. M. conlovensis , pi. xxxvi, fig. 7, p. 58, Mexico, gracilenta, fig. G, Panama, p. &9,femoratas, fig. 8, Guatemala, p. GO, moclestus , fig. 13, Mexico, pana- mensis, figs. 9 & 10, p. Gl, i mi tans, fig. 11, humeronotatus , fig. 12, p. G2, octomaculatus, fig. 14, p. G3, Panama, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp., n. spp. Mcgalopus violaceo-fasciatus , Panama, pi. xxxvi, fig. 15, p. G4, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), supp., n. sp. Clgthraxeloma and Temncispis, note on ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 202. Pcecilomorpha mutillaria, Clk., = (Mali lloules albulo/asciatus, F.) ; Fairmaire, Notes Loyd. Mu3. x, p. 271. ClythrUes, Cry ptoceplialul es , LamprosomiJes. Miopristis (J facrolenes) bella , Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 186, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Camptolenes opacula, S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 201, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Olytra humeralis, Schneid., sexpunctata, Scop., aurita, L , cases of described ; Hacker, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 53 & 54. G. lacerofasciata, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 213, n. sp. Lachncea pinguis, L. ( Camptolenes ), proxima, p. 187, lugubris, p. 188, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, u. sp. Titubcea sexnotata , with var. natalica, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 189, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv ; T. brevilineata , pi. xxxvi, fig. 18, hiigei, fig. 16, Mexico, p. 66, guatemalensis, Guatemala, villosa, fig. 17, Mexico, p. G7, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp. : n. spp. Labklostomis centromaculata, Gen., var. noticed ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 87. L. inddiosa, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 185, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. Gynandvophthalmn semiaurantiacu, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 150 ; G. subsignata, China, Fairmaire, p. 36, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; G. ruatariensis , Honduras, panamensis, Panama, Jacoby, p. G8, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp. : n. spp. Coptocephala bifasciata, KiuKiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 341, n. sp. Diapromorpha ( Peploptera ) zambeziana , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 189, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. iv, n. sp. CHRYSOMELJDiE. Ins. 163 Megaloslomis anachor&ta , La., fig. 23, amazona, Jac., fig. 24, figured, pi. xxxvi ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). M. metcillica, Pauama, pi. xxxvi, fig. 19, p. G9, affinis , Guatemala, p. 70, femorata, fig. 20, Mexico, p. 71, punctalissinia , fig. 22, Guatemala, fidvipes, fig. 21, Salvador, p. 72, vivid if asciata , Guatemala, p. 73, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), n. spp. Coscinoptera purpurea , Pauama, Jacoby, p. 74, pi. xxxvi, fig. 25, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp., n. sp. Euryscopa nigritarsis , Panama, pi. xxxvii, fig. 1, mexicam , fig. 2, p. 70, fulvilabris , villosa , fig. 3, p. 77, semistriata, fig. 4, longicollis , fig. 5, p. 73, fulcipcs , Mexico, regularis , fig. G, Guatemala, parvula , fig. 7, Mexico, p. 79, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) supp., n. spp. Cryplocephalas Jlavipes, F., egg described ; Hacker, Wien. cut. Z. vii, p. 54. C. alnicola, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 49 ; C. cquiseti , p. 27, cognatus , p. 28, Sardinia, *d. op. c?7. ii, No. 8 ; C. tardus, Monte Rosa, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 3G8 ; C. decastictus, Yunnau, Fairmaire, p. 3G, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; C. chinensis , Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 341 ; C. dkhrous , discoideus, p. 151, muscifer , nigroscriptus , p. 152, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii : n. spp. rachybrachus anoguttatus and leucurus, synonymical note ; Costa, Atli Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 87. Lamprosoma punctostriolatum, mi nut ul um , China, Fairmaire, p. 37, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Eumolpidcs. Agrianes suhcoslalus , Rio Grande do Sul, Lefevre, p. Ixxxi, Bull. Son. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Spintlierophyta lampros , Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p. 291, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Lepronota singularis , verrucosa , p. 292, cyanella , p. 293, Minas Geraes, Lefevre, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. Metaxyonycha minarum, Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p. 294, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. Prionodera pusilla , Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p. 294, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Colaspis intricata, p. 295, cribellata , brunnipes , p. 296, Minas Geraes, Lefevre, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. Campylocliira gounellei , Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p. 297, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. Podoxenus rujicollis , Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p. 297, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Entomochirus costulatus, Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p.298, Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Corysthca nigritanis , Minas Geraes, Lefevre, p. 298, Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Argoa cupreata, p. 299, rugulosa , p. 300, Minas Geraes, Lefevre, Anns Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. CQLEOPTERA. 164 his, Cellomius, n. g. ( Alyochroites ), for G. myochroiles , n. sp., Minas Geracs ; Lefevre, p. 300, Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Typophorus kirbyi varr. = (basalts, ruficollid, Baly, sanguinioollis , Lefv.) ; Lefevre, p. 301, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii. 2\ centromacidatus , enythropus , tavsalis, Brazil, LefiWue, p. 302, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. spp. Pavia gounellei , stigmida, macuUgera , Brazil, Lefevre, p. 303, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Nodostoma leeclii , China, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 344, n. sp. Sybriacits viridimicans , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 72, n. sp. Ileteraspis nitidissima, Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 345, n. sp. Eumolpus vitis , metamorphosis ; AndriS (8). Colasposoma episcopate , fig. 1, viridicolle , fig. 2, breviuscidum , fig. 3, Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 83 ; C*. foveipenne, p. 192, humerale, p. 193, Madagascar, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888 ; C. yunnanum , Fairmaire, p. 37, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Acrothiniam capricolle , Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 342, n. sp. Stethotes pallidipes , China, Fairmaire, p. 36, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Corynodes Iceviiisculus , E. India, Lefevre, p. lxxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii, n. sp. Chrysochus globicollis , Amur River, Lefevre, p. lxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Culaspoides chinensis , opaca, spinipes , Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S, 1888, p. 343 ; G. trigonomera , Brazil, Lefevre, p. 304, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; C. pusilla, Rio Grande do Sul, id., p. lxxxii, Bull. Soo. Ent. Fr. (G) viii : n. spp. Ohrysom elides, Ghrysomela varians, Schall., and violacea, Goeze, oviposition of; Hacker, Wien. cut. Z. vii, p. 55. G. seriatiporct , Fairm., = ( edoughevsis , Fairm.) ; Bedel, p. 287, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii. G.japana , Baly, variation noticed, p. 345, obscavo/asciata, Jac., is var. of virguta , Motsch., p. 346 ; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888. C. viridana n. var. cupreo-purpurea ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 49. C. prcecelsis , Rog., foodplants ; Hamilton, p. 6G, Canad. Ent. xx. C. ( Leptinotavsa ) modesta , Jac., metamorphoses ; Duges, La Naturaleza (2) i, pp. G3-65, pi. vii. C. foveo punctata, Yunnan, Fairmaire, p. 39, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; C. tonhinea , Tonkin, id. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) viii ; G. ( Polysticta ) mad a - gascariensis , Madagascar, p. 193, pi. vii, figs. G & 6a, Tr. E. Soc. 1888 : n. spp. Polysticta nigromacidata , Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 216, n. sp. Lina trermdce , embryology ; Graber (324). L. salicivorax, China, Fairmaire, p. 40, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Melasoma octodecimpunctata , Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 34G, n. sp. Timarcha pimsliodes, liquid secreted by; Bono (87). fcHRYSOMELIILE. Ins. 1 65 T. stropJuum , Spain, Weise, Doutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 124, n. sp. Enlomdscelis metallica , Sikkim, Baly, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 85, n. sp. Ovamela , n. g., near Stenomela and Phyllocharis , for 0. ornatipennis, n. sp., Madagascar, fig. 4, p. 83 ; Fairmaiue, Le Nat. (2) i. Chalcolampra viticis, China, Fairmatre, p. 39, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Johannica , n. n. for Diphyllocera , Westw. ( nee White) ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. x, p. 287. Gonioctena mannerheimi , Still, = ( suturella , Fairm.) ; Fatrmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 154. G. leseleuci , Marocco, p. 55, rossola , Taurus, p. 57, Marseul, L’Abeille, xxv, Mon. Chrys.j G. dicliroa, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 153 : n spp. Phytodecta flavipennis) tredecimmazulata, China, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 317, n. spp. Paropsidcs hieroglyphica and 12 -maculata, Gebl., note on ; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 318. V. nigrofasciatus, China, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 348 ; P. nigrosparsus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 373, Ann. Soc.VEut. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. llalticides. Cladocera jlaviceps, All., = ( nigripennis , Jac.), and limbala , All., -■= ( ttcinzibarica , Jac.) ; Fairmaire, p. cxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. C. nigripennis, p. 197, pi. vii, fig. 2, zanzibaricct , p. 198, Centr. Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. spp. Hippuriphila simplicipes , Kutsch., redescribed ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 110. Crepidoderci setosella, China, Fairmaire, p. 45, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, li. sp. Graptodera foliacea , Lee., life history ; Murtfeldt, Ins. Life, i, pp. 74 & 75. Systena bifasciata , Brazil, Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 155, n. sp. llaltica ( Graptodera ) modesta , Brazil, Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 154 ; II. saliceti, p. 835, carinthiaca, Carinthia, p. 811, fruticola, Europe, p. 842, palustris , N. Germany, p. 844, Weise, Ins. Deutsch. vi : n. spp. Phygasia , n. g., for P. Jielvola , Dalm. ; Weise, p. 850, Ins. Deutsch. vi. sEschrocnemis , n. g., for Batophila grceca, All. ; Weise, p. 855, Ins. Deutsch. vi. Phyllotreta rujicollis , Derbent, p. 859, sisymbrii , Caucasus, p. 860, seid - litzi, Rome, vilis, Greece, p. 861, nitidicollis , S. Italy, p. 863, "Weise, Ins. Deutsch. vi, n. spp. Aphthona suturella , Asia Minor, p. 890, sicelidis, Sicily, p. 892, melan - cholica , Asturias, punctatissima , Yallombrosa, p. 893, picipes , Caucasus, p. 894, microcephala, Syria, p. 896, czwalince , Konigsberg, p. 911, stussineri , Laibach, p. 918, Weise, Ins. Deutsch. vi, n. spp. Long itarsus ping uis, S. Europe, Weise, p. 935, Ins. Deutsch. vi, n. sp. Lactica haroldi , Brazil, Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 155, n. sp. 166 Ins, colEoptiSra. Phopalotoma tubercidata , Clk., figured, fig. 1, pi. 183 ; Waterhouse, Aid. Blepharida nigromaculata , p. 194, pi. vii, fig. 5, laterimaculata, p. 195, pi. vii, fig. 9, ornaticollis , p. 196, pi. vii, fig. 8, intermedia , p. 197, pi. vii, fig. 4, Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. spp. CEdionychis madagascariensis, Matanga, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 194, pi. vii, fig. 3, n. sp. Hamletia , Cr., must be used for Pachyonychis , Clark, and the place is iu CEdionychi ; Jacoby & Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, pp. 302 & 303. II. dimkliaticornis redescribed ; Horn, t. c. p. 304. Phcedromus water housei, note on; Jacoby, p. 303, and Horn, p. 304, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Psylliodes heydeni , Portugal, p. 785, frivaldszhyi , Hungary, p. 786, cwrulca , Spain, p. 789, erotica , Crete, p. 791, reitteri , Vionna, p. 792, lati- frons, Germany, p. 799, Weise, Ins. Deutsch. vi, n. spp. Galerucides, Use of cotyloid cavities in classification of ; Baly, J. L. S. xx, p. 156. Aulacophorites : synopsis of the genera and species ; Allard, pp. 305- 324, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Aulacophora ; tabulation of characters of A. analls and allies, with redescriptions ; Baly, J. L. S. xx, pp. 175-182. A. sternalis , S. Africa, Fairmairk, p. 202, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. Iiexaspilota , Madagascar, id. Le Nat. (2) i, p. 83, fig. 5 ; A. ivilsoni, Australia, perroudi , New Caledonia, p. 177, frontalis , Borneo, p. 181, bipartite, Flores, p. 183, olivieri , Australia, occipitalis , New Guinea, p. 184, Icevifrons, Java, p. 185, Baly, J. L. S. xx : n. spp. Paraulaca , n. g., for Aulacophora angulicollis , Motsch. ; Baly, p. 168, J. L. S. xx. Pscudocophora , notes on, with redcscriptions of the species ; Baly, J. L. S. xx, pp. 168-175; notes on the species of; Allard, pp. 324 & 325, Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. P. distincta, Borneo, erichsoni, Sumatra, p. 171, icallacei , Bouru ,/laveola, Andaman Is., p. 173, pectoralis , Assam, p. 174, perplexa , Philippines, p. 175, Baly, J. L. S. xx, n. spp. Asbecesta, Har., the species described ; Allard, pp. 325 & 326, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. II uplosomu, Jac., composition of the genus, with table of tho species ; Allard, pp. 326-328, Arm. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. II. corniculata , E. India, rostripennis , Celebes, p. 328, picifemora , Philip- pines, africana , Cameroons, p. 329, lungicornis , E. India, annamita , Aunara, p. 330, Allard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, ? n. spp. Malaxia : note on the genus, querying, as doubtfully distinct, Galc- rucella , Cr., Trirhabda , Chap., and Glyptolus , Jac. Allard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 331 & 332. M. alluaudi, nigricollis , W. Africa, aurolimbata , Natal, purpurea, China, Allard, p. 332, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, ? n. spp. Phyllobrotica (?) ornata , China, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 349, n. sp. Diabrotica \2-punctata , ravages in N. America ; Webster, in Riley Rep. 1887, p. 148. CHKYSOMELIDJl. Ins. 16? D. hrasiliensis, Brazil, Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 156, n. sp. Ilaliirhotius , n. g., near Malacosoma , p. 202, for II. africanus , n. sp,, Zanzibar, p. 203 ; Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Malacosoma deformicornis, p. 213, procerum, p. 214, nigriventre , p. 215, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. spp. AclJionca, Baly, characters and position of ; Ootheca scrricornis , Th., referred to it ; Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 198. A. variabilis , AV. Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 199, pi. vii, figs- 14 & 15, n. sp. Schcmatizella, n. g., for S. viridis, n. sp., Camcroons, pi. vii, fig. 11, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 203. Agctocera chincnsis, Kiangsi, Fairmaire, p. 43, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Oolhcca cyaneovitlata , Fairm., generic position queried ; Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 205. Aldrisma , n. g. ( Mimastrites ), for A. externecostata , n. sp., Pekin; Fairmaire, p. 156, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Cncorcnie rufocccrulca , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 374, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; C. femoralis , China, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 350 ; C\ cribratis - sinia , subcccrulesccns , p. 44, clc la iouchii, cariosipennis , p. 45, China, Fair- maire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii ; C. nigricornis , pi. xxxiv, fig. 9, p. 604, mexicana , fig. 10, & p. 605, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) : n. spp. AIalaxioidcs) n. g., near Apophylia , for M. grandicornis , n. sp., Pekin ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 155. Apophylia smaragdipennis) S. Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p» 204, pi. vii, fig. 13, n. sp. Mctacoryna , n. g., p. 605, for ilf. fiilvicollis , pi. xxxiii, fig. 3, p. 605, fulvipes , pi. xxxiv, fig. 11, Mexico, and guatcmalensis} Guatemala, p. 606, n. spp. ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Scclida viridis , Jac., fig. 12, clegansy Chap., fig. 15, figured, pi. xxxiv ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). S. automata, pi. xxxiv, fig. 13, glabrala , fig. 14, ragosa , pi. xxxiii, fig. 8, p. 607, mctallica , fig. 10, Mexico, bclla, Panama, fig. 9, p. 608, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Scelidopsis , n. g., for S. rufofemorata , Mexico, subcostata, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2, Panama, p. 609, guatemalensis, Guatemala, p. 610, n. spp. ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Chthoneis dilalicornis , Guatemala, pi. xxxiii, fig. 24, Jacoby, p. 611, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), n. sp. Miraces, n. g., for M. cvneipennis , n. sp., Guatemala, pi. xxxiv, fig. 16 ; Jacoby, p. 611, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Ilccatccus , n. g., for H. nigricollis , n. sp., Panama, ph xxxiii, fig. 23 ; Jacoby, p. 612, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (l). Elyces , n. g., p. 612, for the following new species : mgromaculatus, pi. xxxiii, fig. 5, quadrimaculatus , fig. 6, obscurovittatus , p. 613, Panama, nigripennis , Guatemala, p. 614; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi(l). Ma8urhts , n. g., p. G14, for the following n. spp. : violaccipcnnis , bifas- 168 Ins. COLEOrTliiU. ciatus, pi. xxxiv, fig. 17, Panama, flavicollis, Guatemala, p. 615 ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Ccrotoma sal vim, figured, pi. xxxiv, fig. 18, discussed, p. G17 ; Jacohy, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). C. c Ulatipes , Mexico, pi. xxxiv, fig. 19, p. 617, rogersi , Costa Rica, fig. 20 & p. 618, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), n. spp. Luperocnemus , n. g., for L. xanthoderus , n. sp., China ; Fairmaire, p. 43, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii. Malacorhinus sericeus , biplagiatus, pi. xxxiii, fig. 20, p. 585, basalts, Centr. America, sexpunctatus , fig. 21, Panama, p. 586, guatemalensis, apicalis , Guatemala, fulvicornis , Panama, p. 587, godmani, semifasciatus , Guatemala, tricolor , Brit. Honduras, p. 588, scutellatus , dilaticornis , fig. 22, p. 589, reticulatus, fig. 17, centromciculatus , Mexico, p. 590, Jacoby, Biol. Ceutr. Am. Col. vi (1), n. spp. Luperodcs nigripennis , Motsch., note on; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 350. L. brasiliensis , Blumenau, Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 156 ; L. apicalis , Guatemala, melanocephalus , biannularis , p. 591, apicicornis, dimidiaticornis , Panama, nigricornis, Guatemala, p. 592, fulvo-fasciatus , Mexico, humeralis , Guatemala, sailed, p. 593, impressicollis , Mexico, minutus , Panama, p. 594, metallicus, Guatemala, p. 595, Jacoby, Biol. Contr. Am. Col. vi (1) : n. spp. Luperus morrisoni, N. Sonora, p. 595, rugosus , p. 596, parvulus , su&- costatus, p.’ 597, subglabratus, punctellus , Mexico, albomarg hiatus , Guate- mala, p. 598, dissimilis, Mexico, modestus, Panama, p. 599, jlavofemoratus , Guatemala, p. 600, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), n. spp. Orestes , n. g., for O. flavicollis , n. sp., Centr. America, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4 ; Jacoby, p. 600, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (l). Metacycla marginata, Chap., figured, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1 & 2 ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Af. cceruleipennis . Mexico, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3, p. 601, robusta, Centr. America, fig. 4 & p. 602, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), n. spp. Platymorpha, n. g., p. 602, for P. variegata, n. sp., pi. xxxiv, fig. 5, Mexico and Guatemala, p. 603, and including Chthoneis smaragdipennis , Jac., pi. xxxiv, fig. 6 ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1). Pteleon , n. g., p. 603, for P. semicceruleus, n. sp., Mexico, pi. xxxiv, figs. 7 & 8, p. 604s ; Jacoby, Biol. Contr. Am. Col. vi (l). Galerucella -vageplicata , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 154, n. sp. Leptoxena, n. g., for L. eximea , n. sp., Andaman Is., Baly, p. 186, J. L. S. xx. Alphidia , Clk., = ( Hovalia , Fairm.) ; Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 205. Charidea, n. g., near Galerucella , p. 157, for Galeruca punctatostriata, Motsch., = ( multicostata , Jac.), and C. fortunei, n. sp., China, p. 158 ; Baly, J. L. S. xx. Platyxantha clypeata , Andaman Is., Baby, p. 158, J. L. S. xx, n. sp. JEnidea pallipes, Fabr., redcscribcd ; Baly, J. L. S. xx, p. 161. AEnidea cceruleipennis, Borneo, p. 159, jacobyi , Penang, &c., p. 160, Baly, J. L. S. xx, n. spp. OituYsoMELibJfi. 2ns. 169 Oynorla ocellala , Malacca, p. 161, apicipennis, facialis, Sarawak, p. 162, Baly, J. L. S. xx, n. spp. Mesodonta submetallica , Centr. Africa, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pi. vii, fig. 10, p. 200, n. sp. Pachytoma quedenfeldti , truncata , mechowi, W. Africa, Weise, Deutsche c. Z. xxxii, p. 112, u. spp. Adimonia (sub Qalerucella ) punctatostriala , Motsch., = ( multicostata , Jac.) ; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 351. A. pallidicollis, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 217, n. sp. Otacilus , n. g. ( Galcrucinaj ), p. 200, for O.fulous, n. sp., p. 201, Mada- gascar, Jacoby, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Spilocejdmhis, n. g. ( Qalerucinai ), p. 201, for S. viridipennis , n. sp., S. Africa, p. 202, pi. vii, fig. 12 ; Jacoby, Tr. E.Soc. 1888. Tropidophora tripartita , Th., = ( Physoma dohrni, Chap.) ; JACOBY, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 205. Mcnippus canellinus , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 374, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Galerucida tcnucfasciata, nigropicla, p. 40, nigrimsmbris , p. 41, China, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. spp. Monolcpta, characters of the genus and its allies, p. 163 ; M. hccmor- rhoidalis, F., p. 164, terminata, Guer., p. 166, rcdescribed : Baly, J. L. S. xx« M. tricolor , S. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 202, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fi*. (6) viii; M. bacri, fig. 1, puncticollis , fig. 2, p. 260, Philippines, niolnquensis , Halmahera, fig. 1, albivcntris , Madagascar, fig. 2, vulgaris , Zanzibar, fig. 3, p. 270, thomsoni , Old Calabar, clcgans , fig. 1, dichroa , fig. 2, Senegal, minima , India, fig. 3, p. 286, Allard, Le Nat. (2) ii ; M. cumingii , Philip- pines, foveicolliSy Batchian, p. 165, wallacei , Celebes, p. 166, verticalis , Malay Arch. p. 167, Baly, J. L. S. xx ; M. irazuensis , pi. xxxiv, fig. 21, Costa Rica, unipunctata , p. 619, bipunctata , Guatemala, elongata, Mexico, chiriquetisis, Panama, p. 620, subrug osa, imitans, fig. 22, Centr. America, p. 621, panamcnsis , fig. 23, Chiriqui, fulvomaculata, Mexico, triplagiatat Guatemala, p. 622, violacca , cccruleipennis, velutina, fig. 24, abdominalis , Mexico, p. 623, brunnea , championi , Panama, hondurensis , Honduras, p. 624, bipaitita) Panama, fig. 25, p. 625, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) : n. spp. Eustetha thoracica) Kiu Kiang, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 348 ; E. serri- cornis, p. 41, micans, puncticollis , p. 42, Moupin, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Laphris emarginataf Baly, $ noticed ; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 351. Hispides. Leptispa pijgmwa , Baly, habits j LEWIS, Ent. M.'M. xxv, p. 94. Callispa pallida , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 130 ; 0 . minor , Tenasserim, £. c. p. 175 ; C. /eee, Burma, Baly, p. 654, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : ii. spp. Gonophora masoni, Andaman Is., BALY, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 85 ; G. 1?0 Ins. OOLEOkTEltAk maculigera , Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 131 ; G. imma- culately p. 175, pulchella , p. 176, Burma, id. t. c. : n. spp. Flatypria digitata, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 178, n. sp. Ilispa femorata , Tonkin, Fairmaire, p. 376, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; II. discoidalis , abdominalis , p. 664, reticulata , p. 665, Burma, Baly, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; II. singularis , p. 179, albopilosa, p. 181, dclicatula , p. 182, fees, p. 183, Burma', Gestro, Aun. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : n. spp. Anisodera fraterna , p. 655, gestroi, p. 65 propinqua, p. 657 ,fccc, p. 658, Burma, Baly, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. JDownesia basalis, Bhamo, Baly, p. 662, Ann. Mus. Gencv. (2) vi, u. sp. Hunoia , n. g., near Doiunesia , for II. auberli, n. sp., Hanoi, Fairmaire, p. 375, Ann. Soc. Eat. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Monochirus mccslus , Bhamo, Baly, p. 662, Aun. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Ccelcenomenodera campestris , Madagascar, Fairmaire, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 72, fig. 8, n. sp. Gassiclidcs. Prioptera trabeata , China, Fairmaire, p. 46, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Cassida gibbosulai Mesopotamia, Kraatz, Deutsche c. Z. xxxii, p. 77 ; 0. nigrostriata , Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 157 : n. spp. Languriioe. [Cf. Fairmaire (243), Fowler (283), Quedenfeldt (694).] Languria mozardi, larval habits ; Webster, Ins. Life, i, p. 119, fig. 23. L. calcaroklesy Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 217 ; L. analiSy p. 376, c ereipennis , micantipennis , p. 377, Tonkin, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; L. vandcpolli, Queensland, Fowler, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 159 : n. spp. Erotylims. [Cf. Goriiam (319, 322), Quedenfeldt (694).] Encaustes hageni} p. 133, pi. vii, fig. 1, sulcata, p. 134, fig. 2, Sumatra, ceramensis, Ceram, p. 135, fig. 3, Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, n. spp. Micrencaustes metallica , p. 136, sexguttata, p. 137, pi. vii, fig. 4, Sumatra, eximia, Borneo, p. 138, fig. 51, Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, n. spp. Episcapha octopustulata, Gorh., referred to Micrencaustes ; Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 139. Episcaphula andamanensis , Andaman Is., p. 141, aruensis , Aru Is., p. 143, E. ? corallipes , pi. vii, fig. 7, Amboyna, p. 142, Goriiam, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, n. spp. Euzostria , n. g., p. 139, for E. aruensis , n. sp., Aru. Is., p. 140, pi. vii, fig. 6 ; Goriiam, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. EttOTtLtDJU. Ins. 171 Coptengis, characters of ; Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 140. Mycotretes maculalus, 01., pi. iv, fig. 1, pallidior, Cr., pi. ii, fig. 18, = ( mgrotinctVLS , Cr.), p. 52, bistrigatiis , Lac., var., pi. iii, fig. 11, sailed , pi. iv, fig. 2, illustris, Cr., pi. iii, fig. 15, pecari , Lac., figs. 18 & 19, lesueuri , pi. iii, fig. 20, fuscitarsis, Lac., fig. 25, figured, and other species noticed ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. M. inter stictus, Nicaragua, geminus, pi. iii, fig. 10, sexpunctatus , fig. 12, Panama, p. 50, normalis, teniotatas , fig. 13, Mexico, p. 51, spacliceits, figs. 16 & 17, Centr. America, p. 53, panamanus , fig. 14, Bugaba, sandicatus , p. 54, elegans, pl.iv, fig. 3, p. 55, Guatemala, Ubialis, Nicaragua, picto- piccus, Panama, p. 56, vitlatus, Guatemala, pi. iii, fig. 21, alternans , lacco- philhius , pi. iv, fig. 5, p. 57, bipunctatus , stramiiieus , luteolus , p. 58, Panama, cruentus , pi. iii, fig. 22, hirudo, Guatemala, p. 59, ccgrotus, Costa Rica, p. 60, consanguineus, Centr. America, pi. iii, fig. 23, beemalieus , Costa Rica, p. 61, incarnatus, Centr. America, rubidus , Guatemala, p. 62, com- dulinus, fig. 24, Centr. America, crudits, Mexico, p. 63, cribralus , Centr. America, nigripes , Guatemala, p. 64, noterinus , p. 65, planus , atricaudatus , pi. iv, fig. 4, melanotus, p. 06, cercyonoidcs , brevis, p. 67, liemaplerus Panama, rufipennis , epopterus , pi. iv, fig. 7, Mexico, oppositipunctum , fig. 6, Guatemala, p. 69, nigricollis, Mexico, badius , Guatemala, p. 71, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Mgcomystes , n. g., for J/. ferrugineus , n. sp., Mexico, pi. iv, fig. 8, Gorham, p. 71, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Paratriloma , n. g., p. 71, for the following n. spp. : dimidiata , Mexico, divisa , pi. iv, figs. 9-11, Centr. America, p. 72, caduca , fig. 12, vivida , Guatemala, p. 73; also Mycotretus triplacoides , Cr., and some other species ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. My cophthorus pauper cuius, Lac., figured, pi. iv, fig. 13, described, p. 74 ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Pseudolybas, n. g., for P. glaber, pi. iv, fig. 14, p. 74, vernicalus , p. 75, n. spp., Panama ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Lybas granatus , fig. 15, carbunculus, Lac., fig. 16, figured, pi. iv ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. L. inter punclatus, Mexico, anisotomoides , Panama, Gorham, p. 76, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Lybanodes , n. g., for L. castaneus , n. sp., Nicaragua, pi. iv, fig. 17 ; Gorham, p. 77, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Palceolybas dorsalis , Liberia, Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 144, pi. vii, fig. 8, n. sp. Amblyscelis , n. g., p. 144, for the African species of Amblyopus , and A. Icelleni, p. 145, pallidus, p. 146, W. Africa, n. spp. ; Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. Triplax marginata, Centr. Africa, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 218; P. /idgref, Mexico, championi , pi. iv, fig. 18, p. 78, mesomelas, Centr. Amorica, rediviva , Guatemala, fig. 19, p. 79; GoIiiiam, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii : n. spp. Tritoma , the characters of the genus noticed ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, p. 80. T. dorsalis , Panama, pi. iv, fig. 20, p. 80, Gorham, Biol. Centr. 172 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Am. Col. vii ; T. liber ianay Liberia, id. Notes Leyd. Mus. i, p. 1 46 : li. spp. Ilcematochiton , n. g., for II. elateroides, u. sp., Mexico, pi. v, fig. 4 ; Gorham, p. 81, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Scccother , n. g., for S. carbonarius , n. sp., Mexico, pi. v, fig. 5 j Gorham, p. 82, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Scaphengis, n. g., p. 82, for S.picipes , n. sp., Mexico, p. 83, pi. v, fig. 6 ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Coccimorphus emys , Lac., figured, pi. iv, fig. 21 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. JEgithus cardinalis , Chev., pi. iv, fig. 23, rujipennis , Or., fig. 24, meridion- alis , Or., fig. 25, note on its characters and synonymy, p. 87 ; jansoni, pi. v, fig. 1, figured ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. JE. melaspis , pi. iv, fig. 22, p. 85, politus , p. 86, Centr. America, dis- couleus , pi. v, fig. 2, p. 88, Costa Rica, hogei , Mexico, duplicatus , Centr. America, p. 89, strigicollis , dubius , Pauama, p. 90, stillatus , Mexico, micusy Guatemala, pi. v, fig. 3, p. 91, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. , Brachysphemis delinsatus , Lac., pi. v, figs. 7 & 8, catillifery Or., figs. 10 & 11, sedecim-maculatus , fig. 13, festivus , Lac., fig. 14, figured ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. B. pulchcr , pi. v, fig. 9, dileclus, Panama, p. 93, nuculu8y Mexico, cercusy Pauama, p. 94, cxiguenotatu,8y Centr. America, brevicolli8y p. 95, striati- penni8, pallidipcnni8y p. 96, Panama, jejunua , Mexico, conspicillatus , pi. y, fig. 12, Costa Rica, fulviventris, Guatemala, p. 97, scutellaris , Centr. Amerioa, p. 98, melanopus , Pauama, fragmentatus , pi. v, fig. 16, Guate- mala, p. 99, multiguttatus , Mexico, pi. v, fig. 15, p. 100, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Aulacochilus crucis-melittai , Sumatra, &c., Gorham, p. 150, pi. vii, fig. 11, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, n. sp. Erotylu8 leopardus , Lac., figs. 17-20, nicaraguce, Cr., fig. 21, figured, pi. v ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. E. nigronotatusy Panama, pi. vi, fig. 1, p. 102, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. sp. Cypherotylus debauvei , Dem., pi. vi, figs. 2 & 2 a, gibbosus , L., figs. 3 & 3a, elevutus. Fab., figs. 4 & 4 a, impressopunctatus , Cr., fig. 5, victims , ; Guer., pi. v, fig. 24, guatemalce , Cr., pi. vi, fig. 6, boisduvali , Chev., pi. v, fig. 23, figured ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. O, patellatu8y anthracinusy p. 104, Peru, costaricensisy Costa Rica, pi. vi, fig. vii, p. 105, gaumeriy Yucatan, fig. 8, p. 106, alutaceitSy fig. 10, fenes- tratus, pi. v, fig. 22, p. 107, aspemw , pi. vi, fig. 9, p. 108, Moxico, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Micrerotylus lunulatuSy 01., figured, pi. vi, fig. 13, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Zonarius cacicusy Lac., fig. 14 yjansoni} Cr., figs. 15 & 16, figured, pi. vi j Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Scaphidomorphus bosci , Guer., figured, pi. vi, fig. 11, Goriiam, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Prepopharus duponcheliy Chevr., figs. 17 & 18, xanlhomclas , Cr., fig. 12, figured, pi. vi ; Gorham, Biol. Centr* Am. Col. vii. EROTYLIDvE — COCCINELLIDiE. Ins. 173 P. *pilolu9y Panama, pi. vi, fig. 19, p. Ill, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. sp. Priotelus apiatus , Chevr., figured, pi. vi, fig. 20; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Tritomidea , Motsch., noticed, p. 129, and T. atrip) emits , p. 147 ; Gor- ham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. Pseudotritoma, n. g., p. 147, for Tritomidea (?) nigrocruciata, Crotch, and P.pulohra) Sumatra, n. sp., p. 148, pi. vii, fig. 9; Goriiam, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. Phoxogenys , n. g., p. 148, for P. miilleri , n. sp., Java, p. 149, pi. vii, fig. 10; Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. x. Endohychjd;e. [Cf Fairmaire (242, 243), Gorham (323), Ormay (G43), Reitter (724, 727, 730).] Slenotar8iis maculosus, Pekin, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 158, n. sp. Endomychus coccineus, n. var. biehli ; ReiTter, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 424. Panomcea samatrensis , E. Sumatra; Goriiam, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 152. Saula fuscicornis , Annam, Fairmaire, p. 378, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Ilybopterus plagiaticollis , Fairm., = ( Cymones shaipi , Gorh.) ; Fair- maire, p. clxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Alexia , table of the European species ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 322-320, with A. scymnoides , Euboea, p. 324, ? n. sp. A. reitteri , Transsylvania, Ormay, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 1GG ; A. circas- sica , lederij p. 1G9, clamboidest p. 170, Circassia, Reitter, Wien, ent, Z. vii : n. spp. Leiestes, cf. Colydiidic. OoCCINELLIDiE. [Of. Colenso (158), Costa (1G4), Weise (921).] Coccinella labilis, habits ; Morris, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 3G. 0. b-punclata} L., n. var. elberii ; Flach, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 298. C. novce-zealandice , N. Zealand, Colenso, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xx, p. 40, n. sp. Adalia rufescens , Muls., note on, with n. var. bifasciata ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 94. A. miniata , Congo, p. 95, pipitzi, Madagascar, p. 96, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Megilla maculata, parasite of ; Riley, Ius. Life, i, pp. 101-104, figs. 14 & 15. Cydonia lunata , F., varietal note : Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 87. Epilachna chrysomelina , F., murrayi , Cr., p. 81, kirta , Thunb., p. 83, chenoni, Muls., raptor , Cr., p. 84, varietal and synonymical remarks on ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii. E. villica , W. Africa, p. 82, dohrni , Madagascar, p. 85, tibialis , W. Africa, p. 8G, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, n. spp. 174 Ins. COLEOPTEEA. Curia decenpudulata, Ashanti, Weise, Deutsohe e. Z. xxxii, p. 87, n. sp. Ortalia , characters of; Weise, Doutsoho o. Z. xxxii, p, 92. 0. punctata) p. 89, oculata , p. 93, egena , p. 91, W. Africa, Weise, Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, n, spp. Platynapsis bimaculala , Quango, p. 92, rufipennis , Zanzibar, p. 93, Weise, Deutsche e. Z, xxxii, n. spp. Ohilocorua quadriguttatus, Natal, Weise, Deutsche o. Z. xxxii, p. 93, n. sp, Soymnus zigzag, Sardinia and Egypt, Costa, Alti Aoo. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 87, n. sp. Liihopliilus , cf. Colydii lev. CoRYLOPHIDiE. [(7/*. Matthews (319).] The characters of the family fully given ; divided into four tribes — Serkodcrinci , Saciina, Corylophina , Orthoperinu ; Matthews, Biol. Oentr. Am. Col. ii (1) pp. 102 & 103. JEnigmaticum , n. g., p. 104, for 2E. ptilioides , n. sp., Guatemala, p. 105, pi. iii, figs. 13 & 13a ; Matthews, Biol. Contr. Am. Col. ii (1). Ectinocephalus , u. g., p. 105, for 22. tropicus , n. sp., Guatemala, p. 10G, pi. iii, figs. 1G& IGa ; Matthews, Biol. Contr. Am. Col. ii (1). Conodes, n. g., p. 107, for C. conicus, n. sp., Guatemala, p. 108, pi. iii, figs. 17 & 17 a ; Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Saciuni incertum, Panama, lati/asciatum, p. 110, mexicanum, p. Ill, collare, Mexico, marginatum, p. 112, laticolle, p. 113, Guatemala, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (I), n. spp. Arthrolips dimidiatus , Panama, p. 114, ovatus, Mexico, p. 115, niger, Panama, hirsutus, Contr. Arnorioa, pi. iii, fig. 18, p. 11 G, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Scricoderus latus , Europe and Guatemala, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. sp. Microum, n. g., p. 118, for M. ovoforme, n. sp., Guatemala, p. 119 ; Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Corylophodes, jansoni, Nicaragua, champion i , pi. iii, figs. 19 & 19 a-c, p. 120, torquutus , castaneus, p. 121, Guatemala, orbicularis, Brit. Hond. p. 122, Matthews, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Orthoperi(8 ovalis , Mexico, nigricans, p. 123, ovatus, Guatemala, perpusillus, Moxico, p. 124, Matthews, Biol. Contr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Rhypobius guatemalensis , Guatemala, Matthews, p. 125, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. (3) i, u. sp. (b.) iiymenopteba. Classification ; Asiimead, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 90-100. Structure of terminal stigma ; C Ait let (195). —Structure of the leg in llymenoptera ; Cook ( 1 G2). AGULEATA . [ Of, Andre (5, 6, 10), Arnold (14), Aurivillius (30), Borries (90), Bos (91), Cameron (128, 319), Carlet (133, 134), Costa (164, 165, 166), Emery (230, 231), Forel (280, 281), Friese (288), Handlirscii (366, 367,368), Hensciiel (371), Holmherg (382, 383), ICirry (439), Kohl (442, 443, 444), Kronfeld (477), Lurrock (527), MacFarland (543), Meunier (589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595), MocsIry (609), Morawitz (613), Muiilen (620), Nicolas (624, 625), Palumro (654), Peckham (663), Provanciier (686), Radoszkowski (699, 700, 701), Reuter (737), Saunders (789), Sciiimper (801), Shipley (839), Tryon (888), Was- mann (912).] Mechanism of sting in Mellifera , aud nature of poison in “ Philanthus , Pompilus , &c.” ; Carlet (133). Supplementary part of sting ; uh (133). Apid.e. Nomada , list of species and their hosts; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 861-867. N. pulchra , Russia, Arnold, p. 202, pi. xi, figs. 4-7, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; N. palmeni , p. 253, hammarstrocmi, p. 254, ecarinata, p. 257, Siberia, fasciculata, Semipalatinsk, p. 259, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; N. Jlavipes, p. 426, rubra , p. 427, California, Provanciier, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Ej)eolus, list of species and their hosts ; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 859 & 860. E. mmutus , Orenburg, Radoszkowski, p. 336, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; E. pilosulus, Canada, Provanciier, p. 426, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Auimobates , Latr. : list of species an l their hosts ; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. p. 859. Phiarus abdominalis , Ev., habits of ; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. p. 859. Epeoloides ccecutiens, Fab., habits ; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abtb. p. 860. 176 Ins . HYMENOPTERA. Pasties maculatua and minutua , habits ; Fiuese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abtli. p. 860. Phileremnus punotatus and truneatus , habits ; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. p. 861. Blaates brecicornis , Pauz., habits ; Fiuese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. p. 861. Melecta, list of speoies and their hosts ; Fkiese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 867 & 868. Stelis , list of species and their hosts ; Fkiese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 855-857. S. leucostoma , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i p. 96, u. sp. OrocisUy hosts of the species ; Fiuese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, p. 868. C. biseriata , Siberia, Mokawitz, p. 252, Ilor. Eut. lioss. xxii, n. sp. Osmia atiunca and ccementaria , nests noticed ; Rudow, Soc.- Ent. iii, p. 106. 0. ru/ohirta , Lep., nest of ; id. t. c. p. 59. 0. fulviventris , nest noticed ; id. op. cit . ii, p. 156. 0. atriventris , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 95 ; 0. ( Ghalcosmia ) later efasciata , 0. ( Ctenosmia ) bihamata, Sardinia, Costa, op. cit. No. 13, p. 20 ; 0. melanota, p. 243, transcaspica, p. 245, Trans- caspian region, Mokawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; 0. spoliate t, p. 327, tarsata, p. 328, N. America, Pkovancher, Add. IJym. Queb. : n. spp. Macroceva morawitzi , Askhabad, Radoszkowski, p. 338, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Ccelioxyst list of species and their hosts; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 857 & 858. C. tenax , p. 118, laudabilis , p. 120, alacris , p. 122, litoralis, p. 124, missiomm, p. 126, angustivalva , p. 130, remissa, p. 131, Argentine Republic, Holmberg, An. Soc. Arg. xxvi, n. spp. Heriades maculatum , Vancouver, Pkovancher, p. 323, Add. Hym. Queb. ; II. alboscopatum , plenum , Canada, id. t. c. p. 425 : n. spp. Olielo stoma } Heriades y and GyrodomUy synonymical discussion; Thom- son, Opusc. ent. xii, pp. 1217 & 1218. O. maxillosumt L., nest noticed ; Rudow, Soc. Ent. ii, p. 155. Trypetes truncorum , nest noticed ; Rudow, Soc. Ent. ii, p. 155. Anthidium oblongatum , nests of ; Rudow,. Soc. Ent. iii, p. 49. A. rujispinum , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 96; A. melunostomum, peregrinumy Sardinia, id. op. cit. No. 13, p. 21 ; A. anguli - ventre , p. 248, puncticolle, p. 250, Transcaspian region, Mokawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii : n. spp. Megachile villosa , natural history notes on ; Henschel, Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 321-323. M. centunculariSy &c., nests of; Andre (10). M. schmiedehiechtiiy Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, p. 21 ; M. tectay Askhabad, Radoszkowski, p. 339, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; M. vancouveriensisy N. America, Provanciier, p. 424, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Pseudoosmia tibiodentata , Askhabad, Radoszkowski, p. 340, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. BioxySy list of species and their hosts; Fkiese, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. p. 853. aMd.e. Ins. lYl I), masta, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 96 ; D. albo- fasciata, Askhabad, Radoszkowski, p. 340, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii : n. spp. Nomiodes, monograph of the genus; Handlirscii. Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 395-405, pi. x. N. fallax , S. Europe, p. 401, pi. x, figs. 2 & 7, pulverosct, Turcomania, p. 404, fig. 1, rotundiceps , Egypt, p. 405, fig. 3, Handlirsch, Verh. z.-b. Wien, Xxxviii ; N. pa llida, Askhabad, Radoszkowski, p. 341, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii : n. spp. Melissodes festoncita , p. 300, lata, niyricornis, p. 302, N. America, Pro- VANCIIER, Add. Hym. Queb., n. spp. Tetralonia 7iietallescens, p. 233, pomcranscvi , p. 235, Transcaspiau region, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. Anthophora nudata , n. n. for Cerallna bidentata, Prov. ; Provancher, p. 336, Add. Hym. Queb. A. furcata , Pz., p. 10, A. parietina, F., p. 18, nests of ROdow, Soc. Ent. iii. A. pilipes and other species, habits in S. France; Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Sci. Fr. xvi, pt. 2, pp. 660 & 661. A. procera , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 97 -; .4. testaceipes , p. 225, suworzevi, p. 227, Semipalatiusk, turcomanica , Kiltit- schinar, p. 228, trochanterica, Askhabad, p. 230, vcslita , Turcomania, p. 232, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; A. subglobalosa, N. America, Provancher, p. 298, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Hylazus plumicornis, stngulosus , Sardinia, Costa, p. 19, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, n. spp. Xylocopa minuta , Lep., nests of; Rudow, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 49. X. violacea , habits ; Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Sci. Fr. xvi, pt. 2, pp. 657-660. Bombas : variability and distribution of ; Handlirscii, SB. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 34-36 : critical and synonym ical notes on the palsearetic species, pp. 211-225 ; on the species of the Oriental region, pp. 225-228 ; of the nearctic and neotropical regions, pp. 228-246 ; Handlirscii, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii : Radoszkowski (699) revises his previous descriptions of the male organs, makes some changes in the nomenclature of their parts, and figures those of several species : table of the Belgiau species and varieties ; Meunier (591) : prodroinus ; Meunier (593). B. sylvarum, L , nest and larvae noticed ; Lucas, p. clxxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. B. serrisquama , Semipalatinsk, Morawitz, p. 224, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; B. simulatilis , Erzeroum, p. 317, tricornis , p. 319, janlcowskii, p. 320, Wladiwostok, wolkonskii, Daghestan, p. 322, Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; B. flavipss, E. India, p. 225, dentatus , India ?, p. 227, mela- leucus, Oriental region, p. 228, haueri, Orizaba, p. 234, consanguineus , Vancouver I., steindachneri, Brazil and Mexico, p. 239, carbonarias , S. America, p.242, nearcticus , Brit. Columb., p. 243, dolichocephalic, brachy- ccphalas , Mexico, p. 244, Handlirscii, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii ; B. nigrocinctiis, California, Provancher, , p. 342, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Apalhus dorsalis , Ottawa, Provancher, p. 343, Add. Hym. Queb , n. sp. Psithyrus : list of the species, and notes on their hosts ; Friese, Zool. Jahrb. iii,Syst. Abth. p.855:. the species of noticed seriatim ; Handlirsch, 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 12 1?8 lna. HYMEXOPTliRA. Arm. Ilofmuseum Wien, iii, pp. 246-248 : table of the Belgian species, with P. campestris n. var. stefanii ; Meunier, Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 176 : descriptions of the Belgian species ; id. op. cil. viii, pp. 76-80. Melipona , TrUjona , Tetragona , habits, &g. j Holm hero (383). J/. trinidadensis , p. 344, paupera, p. 427, Triuidad, Provancher, Add. Hym. Queb., n. spp. Honeybee: diseases; control of reproduction; McLain, in Riley Rep. 1887, pp. 171-178. Sphecodcs ephippium and allies, nests noticed ; Rudow, Soc. Ent. ii, p 171. Policies marginata , ii, p. 156, daviesamts, Kb., iii, p. ‘JO, nests noticed ; Rudow, Soc. Eut. C. dorsalis, Turkestan, Morawitz, p. 212, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; C. hyalina , Ottawa, Provancher, p. 303, Add. Ilym. Queb. : n. spp. Ilalictus : structure of habitations of ; Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Sci. Fr. xvi, pt. 2, p. 662. H. quadristrigatus, metadatas , nests noticed ; Rudow, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 91. II. cinctipes , Ottawa, Puovancher, p. 316, Add. Ilym. Queb., n. sp. Andrcna afzcliclla and allies, characters and synonymy of ; Perkins, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 128-130. A. bimacidata , Kir., var. described ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 23. A. pnecox , $ with partly $ cha- racters; Dittrich (192). A. uromelana , hyalinella , Italy, Costa, Rond. Acc. Nap. (2) ii, p. 105 ; A. ehnbergi , p. 239, sibirica , p. 239, saldbergi, p. 241, Siberia, Morawitz, Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; A. laticepst d is tans , p. 307, lurticincta , p. 308, lineata , p. 309, vestita , p. 310, convexa , p. 311, simulata, macilcntu , p. 313, N. America, Provancher, Add. Hym. Queb. : u. spp. Augochlora striata, p. 317, obliqua, p. 318, N. America, Provancher, Add. Hym. Queb., n. spp. Calliopsis 4 -lineata, p. 319, inter rupta , p. 320, N. America, Provancher, Add. Hym. Queb., n. spp. Chelynia, n. g., for C. labiata , n. sp., Ottawa ; Provancher, p. 322, Add. Hym. Queb. Cilissa sibirlca , Minu3sinsk, Morawitz, p. 237, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Ma^ropis longilingua , Canada. Provancher, p. 424, Add Hym. Queb., n. sp. Nomia aureocincta , ? describjd ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 36. N. compacta, N. America, Provancher, p. 337, Add. Hym Queb., n. sp. Yes pi dm. Odynerus murarius , L., p. 608, bifaseiatasy L-, p. G10, habits; Auitl- VI Li. i us, CE£v. Ak. Forh. 1888. O. ( Leiunotus ) costec (Andre), Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 66 (n. sp. ?) ; O. sinuatofasciatus , Italy, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap (2) ii, p. 104 ; O. polyphemus, Christmas I., Kirrv, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 551 ; O. untillarum , Trinidad, Provancher, p. 420, Add. Hym. Queb. ; n. spp. ins. m CRABRoriibAc. Lionotus pubescens, Th., habits; Aurivillius, G3fv. Ak Furh. 1888, p. 607. Celonihs cremdalus, , p. 267, osseus , p. 268, Transcapian region, Mora- WITZ, Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. Jugurtia chlorotic a, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 270, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Monobia bicolor , N. America, Provancher, p. 420, Add. Hym. Queb., li. sp. Eumenes pomiformis , Fab., biological notes on ; Palumbo (654). E. tenuis , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 261, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; E. crucifera, California, impunctus, p. V2\,cinctas, jlavopectus, p. 422, Trinidad, Provancher, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Catilostenus , n. g. (presumably), p. 150, for C. nigroviolacea, n. sp. (P), Africa, p. 151 ; Meunier, Nat. Sicil. vii. Stellenigris, n. g. (presumably), for S. vandsveldii, n. sp. (?), Africa; Meunier, Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 152. E umenestiferus, n. g., with E. brasiliensis , u. sp., Brazil ; MEUNIER, p. 300, Nat. Sicil. vii. Pterochilus meridionalis, fully described, p. 5, figured, fig. 4; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 10. Polistes balder , Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1838, p. 552 ; P. anaheim - ensis, California, Provancher, p. 423, Add. Hym. Queb. : u. spp. Vespa, table of N. American species ; MacFarland, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 297. V. crabro, nest destroyed by .fox; Delaby, Bull. Soc. L. Nord. France, vii, pp. 201 & 202. V. bi striata, scelesta, N. America, MacFarland, p. 298, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv : n. spp. Crabronidj:. Sphegidcs. Nomenclature of parts of the male organs of Fossorcs diseussed ; Care RON, p. 2, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii. Andre (5) continues his descriptions of European and Algerian Sphcgida!, as far as the commencement of Philanthides. Ammophila fragilis , Sm., pi. i, fig. 5, p. 15, gracilis , Lep., fig. 7 & p. 16, varipes , Cress., fig. 17, p. 19, figured and noticed ; Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii. A. ( Psammophila ) alpina , Tyrol, Koiil, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 729 ; A. psilocera, Bucharan, p. 153, nigrohirta , Caucasus, p. 151, Kohl, Ycrb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii ; A. miliaris, pi. i, fig. 1, p. 3, gaumeri, pi. ii, fig. 2, Centr. Amerioa, p. 4, micans , iridipennis , p. 5, centralis , pi. i, fig. 12, p. 6, Guatemala, aureonotala , fig. 11, p. 1, Mexico, ceres, fig. 10, ccantho - ptera, fig. 4, p. 8, champion i, fig. 3, p. 9, Guatemala, striolata , Mexico, alticola , fig. 9 p. 90 ; T. pyymcea , Egypt, japonica , Japan, Kohl, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 141 ; T. ( Tanhysphcx ) helmsi, New Zealand, Cameron, p. 182, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) i : n. spp. Tacliysphcx dubias , Rad., p. 142, caucasicus and micans, Rad., p. 143, descriptive notes on ; Kohl, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. T. natter eri, Soudan, p. 144, melanarius , Caucasus, p. 145, syriams , Syria, p. 146, Koiil, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. spp. Nyssonides and Bembecides. Mimesa costas, n. n. for carbonaria , Costa, nec Smith ; Andre, Spec. • Hym. iii, p. 177. CRABRONIDJK. ItlS. .181 Harpactes transiens , described at length, p. 3, and figured, fig. 2 ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 10. II. leucurus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 0, p. 6 3, n. sp. Bothy nostcthus, Kohl, monograph of ; Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, Abtb. 1, pp. 221-229. B. nitons, Brazil, Handlirscii, SB. Ak, Wien, xcvi, Ablh. 1, p. 227, n. sp. Scapheutes , n. g , p. 229, for S. mocsaryi, n. sp., Brazil, p. 232 ; Band- LIRSCII, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, Abth. 1. t Alyson, monograph of ; Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi. pp. 235-25G. Didineis, monograph of ; Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, pp. 256- 271. D. wiistneiij Dalmatia, p. 263, pcinnonicci , p. 264, crassicornis, p. 266, Hungary ; Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, n. spp. Mellinus , monograph of ; Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, pp. 271-296. M. compactus , ? Austria, p. 284, obscurus , Korea, p. 288, pygmcevs , Orizaba, p. 289, Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, n. spp. J3ntomo8cricu8 , monograph of ; Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, pp. 296-304. E. concinnus, S.E. Europe, Handlirscii, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, p. 300, n. sp. Exeirus , monographed ; Handlirsch, SB. Ak. Wien, xcvi, pp. 304-308. Stizus villosus, described at length, p. 2, and figured, fig. 1 ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 10. S. dispar , p. 284, Iccenigi, p. 285, liistrio, p. 287, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Hor. Ent, Ross, xxii ; 8. lcomarovi , Russia, p. 332, pluscht- schewslcii , Astrakan, p. 333, Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii : n. spp. Iloplisas sulcifrons, $ described ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 91. Gorytes trichiosoma , New Zealand, Cameron, p. 180, Mem. Soc. Mancli. (4) i; G. ruficornis, p. 273, eximius, laticinctus , p. 274, N. America, Pro- vancher, Add. Hyrn. Queb. : n. spp. Bembex geneana is $ , mclanostoma $ oE one species, which is to be called geneana ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 53. Steniolia duplicate^ California, Provanciier, p. 414, Add. Hyrn. Queb., n. sp. Monedtda nigrifrons, p. 415, parata , p. 416, California, Provanciier, Add. Hym. Queb., n. spp. Fhilanthides. Cerceris emarginata, Pz., and rybensis, L., distinguished ; Koiil, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 727. O, eugenia, Schlett., and orientals , Mocs., distinguished as good species, and mocsaryi , n. u. proposed for the latter ; id. t. c. p. 139. C. opalipennis , p. 136, euryanthe , Caucasus, rhinoceros , Syria, p. 137, schlelteri , Taschkent, p. 138, Koiil, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii ; C. schlet- tereri, Taschkent, Radoszkowski, p. 335, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; C. c equalis , California, Provanciier, p. 417, Add. Hym. Qmb , n. spo. 182 Ins. HYMENOPTERA. Philanthus : Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, pp. 323-326, describes the male organs of several species. P. andalusiacus, Spain, Kohl, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 140 ; P. septralis (Duf.), Algeria, p. 323, sibiricus , Wladiwostok, p. 325, Radosz- kowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii; P. harringtoni , Ottawa, Provancher, p. 278, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Eucerceris insignis , California, Provancher, p. 418, Add. Hym. Queb , n. sp. Corynopus simplicipes , Turkestan, Moeawitz, p. 291, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Anthophilus hellmcumi , Eversra., redescribed, p. 326, and male organs figured ; Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxii. A. 14 punctatus, p. 289, elegans, p. 290, Semipalatiusk, Moeawitz, Hor, Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. Orabronides . Trypoxylon striatum , Ottawa, Peovanciikr, Add. Hym. Queb. p. 283, n. sp. Alepidaspis diphyllus, Costa, referred to Notoylossa and redescribed ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 92. Notoylossa frondiyera, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 92, n. sp. llhopulum yracile, Wesm., $ described ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 54. Ammoplanus , Gir., = ( Hoplocrabron , Dest.) ; Koiil, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 724. Diphlebus austriacus, Austria, Koiil, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 723, n. sp. Diodontus handUr scilii , Tyrolese Alps, Koiil, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 725, n. sp. Passaloocus abnormis , Carinthia, Kohl, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 726/ n. sp. Grossocerus bison , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 54, n. sp. Grabro ( Grossocerus ) ivesmaeliy habits noticed ; Pissot, p. cxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. C. nigritarsus , H. Sch., and other spp. noticed, pp. 720-722 ; G. Jcriechbaumeri, Kohl, $ described, p. 722 ; Kohl, Verh. z.-b. Wion, xxxviii. G. : monograph of tho section Tliyreopus ; id. Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. pp. 543-590, pi. xiv. 0. ( Tliyreopus ) thyreophoruSy N. America, p. 585, peltista , Mexico, p. 586, Koiil, Zool. Jahrb. iii, Syst. Abth. ; C. ( Lindenius ) cegyptius , Egypt, C. (Solenius) persicus, Schiraz, p. 134, schletteri , Tyrol, p. 135, id. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii ; C. corn , New Zealand, Cameron, p. 181, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) i ; C. niyer , Ottawa, Provancher, p. 419, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Thyreopus ingricus , Ingria, Morawitz, p.294, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; T. edongatus , N. America, Provancher, p. 293, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Blepharipus caspicus , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 292, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; B. niyricornis , N. America, Provancher, p. 291, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. CKABRONID-^. Ins. 183 Solcnius cepludotes, nest of ; RGdow, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 59. Oxybclus transcaspicus , Askhabad, Radoszkowski, p. 345, Ilor. Ent, Ross, xxii, n. sp. Hoplomerus Icevtpes , habits, metamorphoses ; Borries, Ent. Med. pp. 202-211. if. spinipss , L., habits; Aurivillius, G3fv. Alt. Forh. 1888, p. GOG. IT. signaticollis, p. 2G2, ( vstimcmdus , p. 264, Transoaspian region, Mora- witz, Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. Pompilides. Male organs described and figured; Radoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, pp. 462-493, pis. xii-xvi. Pompilus : generic characters, p. 4G4 ; male organs of several species described and figured, pp. 464-468, pi. xii, figs. 1-7 ; Radoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. P. viaticus , Latr., p. 330, jditmbeus, trivial} 3, v. d. L., p. 332, pectinipes, p. 334, habits; Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Sci. Fr. xvii, pt. 2. P, niger , Fabr., and cocoons, note on ; Brisciike, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, p. 95. P. plicatus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 93 ; P. retusus , luctigerus , p. 3 ), rubiginicollis , p. 31, Sardinia, Costa, op. cit. (2) ii, No. 8 ; P. alpivagus , Tyrol, Kohl, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 731 ; 1\ asiaticus, p. 274, truchmenus , p. 276, W. Asia, Morawitz. Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; P. galactojilerus, Caucasus, p. 147, ssriceomaculatus , Asia Minor, p. 148, castor, p>oilux, Tyrol, p. 150 (these two are the Planiccps latreillei , auct., p. 149), Kohl, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii; P. sidemiit Wladiwostok, p. 331, schlettereri, Caucasus, p. 332, Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; P. pcranccps , Andalusia, p. 4GG, binotatus, Taschkent, p. 4G7, sexnotatus (Eversm. i. 1.), Orenburg, Radoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888 ; P. tristis , p. 342, dcceptor , p. 343, Jcohlii , p.344, Askhabad, Radosz- kowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii : n. spp. Agenia punctum, F., fallax , Eversm., $ organs described ; Radosz- kowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 468, pi. xii. A. ( Pogonius ) ergtliropus , Attioa, Kohl, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 150, n. sp. Pogonius Jtircanus , F., £ organs ; Radoszkowski, Bull. Moso. 1838, p 468, pi. xiii. Ilomonotus rectanguhis , Charkov, p. 277, nasutus, Astrakan, p. 279, signativentris, p. 281, cyanopterus, p. 282, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. Aporus bicolor, Spin., nigritulus , Kl., $ organs described ; Radosz- kowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 469, pi. xiii. Cyphonyx Jlavicornis, Dahl., dorsalis , Lep., m ile organs described ; Radoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 470, pi. xiii. C. tuberculatus, Nepaul, Radoszkowski, l. c ., n. sp. Wesmaelinins albocalcaratus (Evers.), Caucasus, Siberia, caucasicus , Caucasus, p. 472, acgyptiacus, Egypt, p. 473, Radoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, n. spp. Ferreola, the species of named, pp. 473-477 ; Radoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1838. 184 Ins. HYMENOPIERA. F. syraensis, Syra, caucasicus , Caucasus, p. 474, rossica, Orenburg, p. 475, sirdariensis , Syr-Daria, Jcomarowii, Transcaspian region, p. 47G, Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, n. spp. . Pseudoferreola , n. g., p. 477, for P. striata , Andalusia, p. 478, incisa , Andalusia and Algeria, p. 479, n. spp. ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. Salius bicolor , sexpunctatus , F., binotatas , Lep., male organs described, p. 481, pi. xiv ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. costo, Caucasus, &c., Badoszkowski, p. 497, Bull. Mosc. 1888, u. sp. Priocnemioides , n. g., p. 482, for P. andalitsiensis, n. sp., Spain, p. 483, and Priocnemis fulvicornis , Cress, j flammipennis, Sm. ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. Priocnemis dahlbomi , Sich., variation of ; Costa, Bend. Acc. Nap. (2) ii, p. 108. P.perligerus , Costa, referred to Ceropales ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napuli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 40. Z5. ophthalmicus , Cost., variabilis , Bossi, bidecoratus} Cost., annulatus , Fab., fuscus, Fab., male organs described, pp. 484-48G, pis. xiv & xv ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. P. trifurcus, France, Badoszkowski, p. 485, Bull. Mosc. 1888; P. pogonioides , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 93 ; P. grossus , Sardinia, Costa, op. cit. (2) ii, No. 8, p. 29 : n. spp. Ceropaleoides , n. g., p. 48G, for Ceropales Jcomaroivii , Bad. ; Badosz- kowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. Jlemipepsis luteipennis, Dahlb., £ organs described ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 487, pi. xv. * Pepsis chrysobapta , Sm., pa», Mocs., marginata , Pal., grossa , F., malo organs described, pp. 488 & 489, pi. xv ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. P. cassiope, clotho, p. 161, Zara, spcngeli, p. 1G2, sichnanni , p. 1GB, Brazil, cassandra , Chili, p. 1G2, MocsAry, Abb. Yer. Brem. x, n. spp. Ceropales , family characters noticed, p. 489 ; 0. maculata , histrio, Fab,, male organs described, pp. 489 & 490, pl.xv ; Badoszkowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888. (7. maculata , Sicilian var, noticed ; Costa, Bend. Acc. Nap. (2) ii, p. 109. C. sibiricai Siberia, p. 490, mloleosewitzi , Caucasus, p. 491, Badosz- kowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888 ; C. altaica, Seraipalatinsk, Morawitz, p. 272, Hor. Ent. Boss, xxii : n. spp. ScoUides. Tiphia femora ta, larva, and Bhizotrogus solstitialis ; Bercsoe (63), i Scotia unifasciata} Cyr., in Scandinavia ; Soiioyen, Ent. Tidskr, ix, pp. 109-113. Pseudomeria tamerlanella , Sauss., = (Komarowia victoriosia , Bad.) ; Morawitz, p. 299, Hor. Ent. Boss. xxii. Meria albipes, p. 298, scalpturata , p. 299, nocturna, p. 301, Central Asia, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Boss, xxii, n. spp. Myzine erythrura , Costa,- $ described ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 94. Elis divesy p. 410, quadricincta, p. 411, California, Pkovanciikr, Add. Hym. Queb., n. sp. Dielis angidatay Askhabad, Morawitz, p. 296, Ilor. Ent. Boss, xxii, nsp. MUTILLID^, FORMICIDjE. Ins. 185 Mutillid.e. Dasylabris lcoenigi , Kiltytschynar, Radoszkowski, p. 348, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Apterogyna morawitzi , Askhabacl, Radoszkowski, p. 349, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. sp. Mutilla erythrocephala , auct., note on the species confounded under this name ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 254, M. subcomata, Wcsm., $ describod ; Radoszkowski, p. 347, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxii. M. h hpanica n. var. melanolepis ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 54. M. bison fully described, p. 4, figured fig. 3 ; Costa, op. cit. No. 10. M. parens , Cost., validity of ; Costa, op. cit. (2) ii, No. 7, p. 9, note. M. intermedia (Dest. ?), Sicily, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) ii, p. 104 (n. sp. ?) ; M. agusii , Sardinia, id. Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 55 ; M. laticeps , p. 345, Astrabad, transcaspica , p. 346, binio, p. 347, Askhabad, Radoszkowski. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii ; M. portschinslcii , Caucasus, p. 330, huschakewitzi, Wiernoje, p. 331, id. t. c. : n. spp. Pseudomutilla , n. g., p. 17, for P. sardiniensis , n. sp., Sardinia, p. 18, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13. Photopsis canadensis , Ottawa, Provancher, p. 410, Add. Hym. Queb., n. sp. Myrmosa ephippium , Jur., note on ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2)i, No. 9, p. 55. Formicid^. Structure of and function of trituratory-crop in many Ants, and phylo- genetic table based thereon ; Emery (230). The habits of Atemeles and Lomechusa , and their relations with various species of Ants discussed; Wasmann (912). Camponotus Iciesenwetteri , Rog., variation, races described, p. 260 ; C. libanicus , And., small worker, p. 261, gestroi , Em., race, creticus , p. 261, rabripes, Dr., numerous forms described, pp. 261-265 ; Forel, B. E. Z. xxxii. G. marginatus, Latr., var. hyalihipennis ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 56. C. pennsylvanicus, new parasite of ; Fox, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 100. C. melichloros} Christmas I., 'Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 551, n. sp. Mac Cook’s observations on the habits of Formica rufa and Atta fervens , in P. Ac. Phil., reprinted, pp. 189-192, Ann. N. H. (6) ii. Formica rufa, observations on the habits and manners of ; Reuter (737). F. sanguined, relation with its slaves ; LunnoCK, J. L. S. xx, p. 118. Dolichoderu8 borealis , Canada, Provancher, p. 408, Add. Hym. Queb., n. sp. Lobopelta australis , La Plata, Emery, p. 693, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Lasius fuliginosus, nest of ; Andre (6). L. niger, nest of ; Lubbock, J. L. S. xx, p. 136 and illustration : relations of with Aphis papaveris on Viciafaba ; Bos (91). Tapinoma erraticum, nest of ; Lubbock, J. L. S. xx, pp. 129 & 136. 186 Ins, hymknoptera. Proceratium europceum , For., forms of described ; Forel, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 258. Eciton spegazzinii, ang us ti node (= hetschhoi , Em., nec Mayr.), Argentine Rep., Emery, p. GDI, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, u. spp. Aphccnogaster splendida, Rog., race rugosa-feirugiuea , n. st. ; Forel, B. E. Z. xxxii.. p. 260. Pheidole sp. ?, habits in Queensland, descriptive note ; Tryon (888). P. triconstricta , For., n. var. nitidula ; Emery, p. 693, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Meranoplus , sp. ?, habits, descriptive note ; Tryon (888). Monomorium phantoms, Latr., noto on habits ; Bem.evoye, Bull. See. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. clxxvii-olxxx. Anochetus ghilianii, presumed $ ; Saunders, Ent. M. M, xxv, p. 01. TEREBRANTJA. [Cf. Ashmead (1G, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25), Auri villi us (32), Brauns (101), Brischke (105, 106, 107, 108), Buysson (123), Qameron (127, 128, 129, 319), Gapron (132), Costa (1G4, 1G5, 16G), Dalla Torre (175), Destefani (182), Forres (279), Howard (398, 399, 400, 401), Kriechbaumer (472, 473, 474, 475, 47G), Lemoine (496), Marshall (555), Provanciier (686), Riggio & De Stefani-Perez (753), Riley (762), Rudow (780, 781), Schlechtendaiil (803), Schmiedeknecht (807, 808), Thomson (883, 881), Weed (918, 920).] Chrysidid.e. Notozus nit id us, Aar., figured, pi. xx, figs. 3 & 3 a ; Biol. Centr. Am. Ilym. Cleptes abeillei and putoni, Buys., males described ; Buysson, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 13 Hedychrum scidptiventre , Algeria, pheenix, Syria, Buysson, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 2 ; TI. japonicum , p. 123, lewisi , p. 124, Japan, Cameron, P. Manch. Soc. xxvi : n. spp. Iledychridium roseam, Ros., n. var. cliloropyga ; nanum , Chevr., is also a var. of ; Buysson, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 12. II. monochroum, Marseilles, Buysson, p. 3. Rev. d’Ent. vii ; IT. guatc- malense , pi. xx, figs. 4 & 4a, miliare , figs. 5 & 5c/, Guatemala, Cameron, p. 459, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. : n. spp. Chrysis pruna , Grib., additional characters, p. 8, phryne , Ab., $ de- scribed, p. S, candens, Germ., full characters, p. 10, caruleiventris , Ab., $ described, p. 11, hydropica, Ab., ? , p. 12 , Buysson, Rev. d’Ent. vii. C. parvula, Fab., pi. xx, figs. 6 & Ga, cccndans, Fab., figs. 11 & 11c/, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. C. rag usee, Sicily, pp. 125 & 218, De Stefani, Nat. Sicil. vii; C. fulmi- natrix, p. 4, chloroprasis, p. 5, anceyi, p. 6, Algeria, Buysson, Rev. d’Ent. vii ; 0. jciponicus, Japan, p. 125, 2)ldchellus, Ceylon, p. 126, Cameron, P. Manch. Soc. xxvi ; G. ivexicana , pi. xx, figs. 10 & 10c/, p. 460, sonorensis, figs. 9 & 9a, Mexico, quadritubercidaUt, figs. 7 & la, CHBYSIDIJXE, ICHNBUMONlDiK. Ins. 187 Guatemala, p. 40 J , montezuma , Mexico, p. 463, panamensis, figs, 8 & 8a, p. 464, pilifrons, figs. 13 & 13a, proximo, figs. 12 & 12 a, p. 4G5, Panama, Cameron, /. c. : n, spp. Parnopes fulvicornis, Mexico, pi. xx, figs, t & la, p. 466, Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym., n. sp. Holopyga fervida n. var. fovcolcila ; De Stefant, Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 119. Slilbum calens, Fab., variation ; Cuisine, p. clvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr, (6) viii. Philoctetes omaloides, Algeria, Buysson, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 1, n. sp. Pyrin polystigma, Buyss., note on ; Buysson, p. 7, Rev. d’Eut. vii. Amisega, n. g., for A, cvprifrons, n. sp., Panama, pi. xx, figs, 2 & 2a; Cameron, p. 457, Biol, Centr. Am Hym. ICHNEUMONIDiE. Ichneimonides, On phytophagous species of; Schleciitendaiie (803). The numbers of the various orders from which Hymenoptcrous para- sites have been reared ; Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 104. The hosts of a few larger Ichneumons ; Ins. Life, i, p. 161, Ichneumonidce bred in N. America; Weed, Psyche, v, pp. 51-53. Notosemus dices , Seereseu, BuisciycE, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vi, Heft iv, p. 88, n. sp. Ichneumon : Thomson continues his classification and descriptions of the European species of this and allied genera (883). I. pulvinatus, $ described, p. 29, castanirentris and alpicola , notes on, p. 36 ; Kriech- raumer, Ann. Ilofmuseum Wien, iii. I. patricius, Hal., supplementary description ; Cameron, P. Manch. Soc. xxvi, p. 127. J. Icetepictus , Costa, referred to Platylabus ; I. calabrarius noticed ; Krieciibaumer, p. 210, Ent. Nachr. xiv. I. susjnciosus, extensorius , <£s described, pp. 9-16, cere- brosus , $ discussed, p. 278 , fulvicornis, Gr., sexes discussed, pp. 279-281, subannulatus, Gr., £ discussed, p. 282 ; id. t. c . I. const milis, Wesm., p. 1221, diversor , Wesm., £, = ( divergens , Holm.), bucculentus , Wesm., 8uspiciosus , Wesm., £ , = ( compuiatorius , Holmg.), p. 1223, mordax , Kriech., p. 1226, validicornis, Holmg., $ ?, p. 1227, divergens, Holm., p. 1229, exilicornis , Wesm., $ , noticed or described at length ; Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xii. I. digrammus^Gr ., $ described, p. 13, rujinus , sarcitorius , fusorius noticed, p. 14 ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7. I. ccdabra- rius, Costa, redescribed ; id. op. cit. No. 8, p. 31. I. instabilis reared from adult specimen of Ghionobas semidca ; Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 95. I. liocnemis , p. 1220, liypolius , p. 1226, trispilus , p. 1228, leucopeltis , p. 1230, cequicalcar, p. 1231, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xii ; I. mesosiilpnus , Germany, nudicoxa , Sweden, id. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. 107 ; I. helensis , Hela, Brisciike, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 58 ; I. coi'su* , Corsica, p. 23, cynthice , Austria, rogenhoferi, Engadine, p. 24, amphibolus, p. 26, leptostigmct , p. 27, Vienna, levis, Swis3 Alps, p. 28, spilo- merus , Hungary, p. 29, manni , Asia Minor, p. 30, Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii ; I. insignitus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) 188 Ins . HYMEN OPT ERA. i, No. 2, p. 99 ; I. castoldii, Sardinia, id. op. cit. ii, No. 7, p. 13 ; I. obso ? letorius , Sardinia, it?, op. cit. ii, No. 8, p. 32 ; I. saguenayensis , p. 35G, bimaculatus, p. 357, brevipennis , p. 428, N. America, Provanciier, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Patroclus ( Ichneumon ) venczuelenis, Venezuela, Cameron, P. Manch. Soc. xxvi, p. 128, n. sp. . Limerodes (Wesm.), note on; Thomson, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii p. 111. Apwleticus (Wesm.), characters of ; Thomson, p. 126, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. A. flammeolus , Wesm., $ described ; Brischke, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 105. A. sardous , hriechbaumeri , Sardinia, Costa, p. 22, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, n. spp. Trogus violaceus , Europe, from Papilio liospiton , Rudow, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 84 ; T. cyaneipennis , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 14 : n. spp. Amblyteles alternator , Tischb., and hcerelicus, Wesm., $ s described, p. 31, pseudonymus, Wesm., note on, p. 36; Krieciibaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii. A. longigena, p. 112, anurus, p. 114, truncicola , p. 115, linmophilus , stagnicola, p. 119, simplicidens , p. 120, Sweden, Thomson, Ann. Soc. Ent- Fr. (6) viii ; A. tauricus, S.E. Europe, Krieciibaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii, p. 32 ; A. violaceus, p. 8 fumipennis, S. Europe, dimidiati- ventris , Normandy, p. 85, varipes, Europe, fumipennis, p. 86, rufipes, drome - darius, p. 87, erythromerus , Mediterranean, palliventris, Normandy, p. 88, contristans , Thuringia, quadrimaculatus , Lombardy, p. 89, bellemilus , France, millions, p. 90, sulfur eopictus, Alps, erythropygus , Europe, p. 91, • ruficornis , Alps, p. 92, siculus, Palermo, p. 120, bipunclatus , flavopidus , Marseilles, p. 121, croceiventris , Portugal, p. 122, sexzonatus , Sicily, /u/L cinctus , Spain, p. 123, collaris, Normandy, p. 124, tristis, Portugal, p. 129, lotharingicus , Italy and France, zonatus , Normandy, p. 130, mauritanicus , Algiers, severus , S. Europe, p. 131, massiliensis , Marseilles, p. 132, bicolor , italicus, p. 133, laticeps , gynandromorphus, p. 134, S. Europe, triguttatus , bizonatus, Normandy, p. 135, Rudow, Ent. Nachr. xiv : n. spp. Pithotomus , n. g., p. 32, for P.rufiventris, u. sp., Turkey, p. 33 ; Kreich- Baumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii. Platylabus histrio , Wesm., descriptive note ; Brischke, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, p. 58. P. vibicarice , frustatce , Europe, Krieciibaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii, p. 34; P. concinnus , Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, p. 1235; P. opaculus , punctifrons , Sweden, Thomson, p. 124, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. . Amso&as platy stylus, parviceps , Europe, Thomson, p. 122, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Phceogenes aries, Seeresen, Brischke, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vi, Heft iv, p. 87 ; P. seefas, Vancouver, Provanciier, p. 358, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Dicielotus trochanteratus , Seeresen, Brischke, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vi, p. 87, n. sp. ICHNEUMONiDitt. Ins. 180 Coipognathus (?) magellansis, Gray Harbour, Cameron, P. Maucli. Soc. xxvi, p. 129, n. sp. IscJmus ridibunduSy proximus , Sardinia, COSTA, p. 23, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, n. spp. Oronotus thoracicusy Sardinia, Costa, p. 24, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, n. sp. Cryptides. Phyzclas fasciatus, West Prussia, BmscnKE, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 105, n. sp. Phygctdenon jlagitalor , Ross., variation noticed ; Costa, p. 15, Atti Acc, Napoli (2) ii, No. 7. P. flavipcs, p. 1238, stilpninus , p. 1239, armatuliis , p. 1240, ochrogaster , p. 1241, ripicola, p. 1242, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xii ; P. curticrus, N. America, Provancher, p. 360, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Leptocryptus Jlavipes, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. Eut. xii, p. 1243, n. sp. Stilpnus deplctnatus, Gr., figured pi. ii, fig. 9, noticed p. 50 ; P. S. Loud. E. Soc. 1887. S. chjiclens , Ottawa, Provancher, p. 359, Add. Hym. Queb , n. sp. Cryptus scutcllatus, Prov., to be called ornatux , Prov. ; Provancher, p. 360, Add. Hym. Queb. C. myrmecoleontis, Centr. Europe, Rudow, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 137 ; C. Jicematorius, Icucozoncitas, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 99 ; C. fuliginipennis, Sardinia, Costa, op. cit. No. 13, p. 24 ; C.nigri- coxus , spissicovnisy Jletcheri (but, p. 438, this is said to be calipterus , Say), N. America, Provancher, p. 361, Add. Hym. Qiieb. : n. spp. Gamhrus (Frst.), Oryptus (Gr.) maculalus, West Prussia, BrisciiivE, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 106, n. sp. Microcryptus pcctoralis, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, p. 1237, n. sp. MacrochasmuSy n. g., for JIT. alysiina, n. sp., Lapland ; Thomson, Opu c. ent. xii, p. 1279. Plectocryptus curvus, Gr., relations with Hoploimrua Icevipes ; Borries, Ent. Med., pp. 207-209. Mesostenus sericeus, Prov., referred to Mesoleptus ; Provancher, p. 362, Add. Hym, Queb. M. crassifemur , Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, p. 1237 ; M. cingu - latellusy Sardinia, Costa, p. 15, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii,No. 7 ; M. albifadesy Ottawa, Provancher, p. 362, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. Hemitcles cyclogaster var. described ; Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, p. 1246, II. bellicornis, p. 1243, notalicnis, p. 1244, clausus, p. 1245, ischnoceras , p. 1246, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii ; II. allnpalpis , Hela, Brisciiee, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 59 ; II. pygmccusy Dantzig, id. t. c . p. 10 ; II. hirtus , Switzerland, Brauns, MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 5 ; II. cbllinusf Sardinia, Costa, p. 24, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13 : n. spp. Pezomcichus piiosns, England, CaEron, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 217 ; P. niger , California, Provancher, p. 362, Add. Hym. Queb. : n. spp. 100 Ins. HYHENOPTEKA. OphioniJcs. Heteropelma datance , N. America, Riley, Ins. Life, i, p. 177 ; II. longipes, California, Provancher, p. 303, Add. Ilym. Queb. : n. spp. Anomalon sccerncndum , p. 17, posticum) p. 18, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7 ; A . fulvo-hirtuni , Amazons, Cameron, P. Mancli. Soc. xxvi, p. 132 : n. spp. Paniscus cephalotes , colour of eggs and its value ; Poulton, Tr. E. Soc. 1838, p. 588. P. lineolatus, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 100 ; P. melanurus, opaculus , ocellaris , p. 1199, dilcitatus , p. 1200, braclnjccrus , gracilipss, p. 1201, Sweden ; Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii : n. spp. Parabatus} n. g., p. 1194, for P.nigricarpus , latungula , p. 1190, cristatus, p. 1197, n. spp., Sweden, and including Paniscus virgatus , Gray. ; Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii. Campoplcx gracilis , Hela, Brischke, Schr. Gcs. Danz. (2) vii, p. 55; C. semifavus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 10D ; C. kriechbaumeri, Sardinia, id. t. c. No. 9, p. 50 : n. spp. Charops fuscipennis} California, Provancher, p. 305, Add. Ilym. Queb., n. sp. Limneria kriechbaumeri, Bridg., = ( Spudastica petiolaris, Th.); Bridgman, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 103. Cremastus pleurovittatus) Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 100; C. cook'd, N. America, Weed, Ent. Am. iv, p. 150 : n. spp. Podogaster striatus , Amazons, Cameron, P. Mancb. Soc. xxvi, p. 131, n. sp. Afcsochorus splendid ulus and pulitus , Gr., problematic females noticed ; Buischke, Scbr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 50. Af. tnmealus , Vancouvor, Provanciieii, p. 305, Add. Ilym. Queb., n. sp. Plectiscides : of N. Europe, revised by Thomson (883). Owing to tbo absence of references, it is difficult to say how many of the genera are proposed as new, especially as the previous genera of Foerstor are not included in Soudder’s list. Thomson also mentions several subgeneric names, which may be new, but are not notioed below. Porizon arthroleucus, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 19 ; P. albipes, califoniicum , N. America, PruVanchEr, p. 301, Add. Hym. Queb. ; n. spp. Allomacrus, n. g., p. 1281, for A. pimplarius , n. sp., Europe, p. 1282, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii. Symplecis facialis , Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent xii, p. 1280, n. sp. Dlapticus dentifer , p. 1288, crassulus} p. 1289, N. Europe, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, n. spp. Catomicrus , n. g., p. 1292, for C. trichopsi n. sp., Sweden, p. 1293 5 Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii. Plectiscus (A perileptus) obliguus , p. 1298, P. bistriatue , p. 1 290, subleres, p. 1300, eurgstigmaf p. 1301, curticauda, p. 1302, P. ( Dialipsis ) crassipes, p. 1304, j D. ( Proclitus ) longitarsis , p. 1300, heterocerus , p. 1307, Northern and Central Europo, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, n, spp. 1 C H N E U M ON ii) A) . Ills. 1 01 Megastylus pUicornis , p. 1312, pleural is, p. 1313, Europe, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, d. spp. Miomeris glabriventris , rcclaugulus , Europe, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii, p. 1317, u. spp. Emcosjdlus , St., characters of ; Thomson, p. 1187, Opusc. eut. xii. The Swedish species described, pp. 1188 & 1189. Ophion longiycna , clistans , p. 1191 , scutellaris , p. 1192, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. eut. xii ; O.dicliromoplerus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 17 : n. spp. Exetastcs alpinus , Swiss Alps, Krlecubaumer, Eut. Nachr. xiv, p. 354; E. scutellaris , Switzerland; Brauns, Mt. schw. ent. Ge?. viii; p. 7 : n. spp. Banchus polychromus , Vancouver, Provancher, p. 366, Add. Ilym. Quob., n. sp. Banchoides, n. g., for Banclwpsis , Kriechb., nec Rud. ; Dalla Torre, Wiou. out. Z. vii, p. 220. Euceribanckus maculipennis , genus and species fully described, p. 6 ; figured, fig. 5; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 10. Tryphonides. llellwigia obscura , Gr., g $ described ; Brauns, Mt. schw. eut. Ges. viii, p. 7. Perilissus fenelhe , cingulatus , Dantzig, Brisciike, Sehr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, Heft i, p. 9, n. spp. Mesoleius grandis , p. 1260, pulcherrimus, p. 1261, subroseus , p. 1262, liopleurus, longicentris , p. 1263, dorsatus , nigriscuta , p. 1264, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xii ; JJ/. tricoloripes , Sardiuia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 16; AT. bisignatus , Etna, # cuprea, Butl., sudiast Hew., adelina , Butl., figured, pi. xcii ; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. I. jlorus , jnanitay Colombia, fusius , Upp. Amazons, p. 258, calvtts, Chanchamayo, p. 259, pi. xcii, Staudinger, Exot. Schmett., n. spp. Callinna irene, Westw., figured, pi. cclix ; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. Anatole egaensis, Butl., theagesy Gr. & S., figured, pi. xcii; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. Echenais penthea, Cr., $ ? yaristus , Stoll., figured, pi. xcii ; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. Apodemia erostratus , Doubl., albinns, Feld., figured, pi. xcii ; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. Thisbe irencea , Cr., $ $ , figured ; Staudinger, pi. xcii, Exot. Schmett. Imelda glaucosmiaf Hew., figured, pi. xcii ; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. Nym.phidium gnosis , Boisd., prceclarum , Bates (as phyleus , Cr.), abaris , Cr., lycorias , Hew., var. germanus , S. & G., velabrum , S. & G., acherois , Boisd., lamis, Cr., lysimon , Stoll., ascolia, Hew., leucosia , Hb., var. ninias , Hew., mantas , Cr., figured, pi. xcii ; Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. .V. balbinus, licinias , Colombia, Staudinger, Exot. Schmett. p. 261, pi. xcii, n. spp. Catagrammina tapaja , Saund., p. Phemonois 5-caudata , habits of ; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 85. ^£GERlIDiE — SYNTOMID.E. Ins. 231 Thyris nevadcc , Ob., figured, pi. vii, fig. 4G ; Obertiiur, Etudos d’Ent. xii. P la ly thyris , note on the position and synonymy of the genus ; Grote, Ent. Am. iv, p. 73. Thia , n. g. ( Ileterogynidcc ), for T. extranea, n. sp., S. California ; Edwards, Eut. Am. iii, p. 181. Castniidje, Uraniid^, Agaristid^e. {Of. Druce (200, 207), Leech (491).] Ilecatesici fenestrata, Boisd., scent-apparatus in ; Haase, CB. Iris, i, p. 323. Alcides latona , Solomon Is., Druce, p. 241, Ann. N. II. (6) ii, figured P. Z. S. 1888, pi. xxix, fig. 5, n. sp. Pseudolypia walkeri , Mexico, Druce, p. 239, Ann. N. II. (6) ii, n. sp. Eiisemia siriella , Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 571, pi. xxix, fig. 1, n. sp. Seudrya venusta , Japan or Korea, Leecii, p. 014, pi. xxxi, fig. 2, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. ChALCOSIIDJD, PeRICOPJDjE, EuSCHEMIDiE, HlMANTOPTERIDiE. [O/. Butler (117), Druce (205, 200, 207, 208), Rogeniiofer (770).] Chcilcosia mhlamus , scent-apparatus in ; Haase, CB. Iris, i, p. 323. C. palcecirctica , Stgr., cf. Lithosiidcc. Doratopteryx plainly era,) Kilima-njaro, Butler, Ann. N. II. (0) i, p. 48, fig. 1, n. sp. Dianeura, n. g., p. 49, for D. goochii , Natal, p. 49, and jaclcsoni, Kilima- njaro, p. 50, n. spp. ; Butler, Ann. N. H. (0) i. Histia dolens , Celebes, Druce, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 02, n. sp. Ileteropan dolens , Fiji Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 220, pi. xiii, fig. 1, n. sp. Gnophoda vermiculata , G. & R., larva described ; Bruce, Ent. Am. iv, p. 24. Cclerena pmthea, Cr., scent-organ of ; Haase, CB. Iris, i, p. 328. Epicopeia simulans , Japan, Leecii, p. 611, pi. xxxi, fig. 1, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Satara woodford i, Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 570, pi. xxix, fig. G, n. sp. Bocirciza vacuna, Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 570, pi. xxix, fig. 7, n. sp. Milionia , n. sp., cf. Lithosiidcc. Pedoptila standing cri , W. Africa, Rogeniiofer, SB, z.-b, Wien, xxxviii, p. Gl, n. sp. Zyg.enid^b, Syntomid#:. {Cf. Baker (35), Dognin (196), Druce (207, 208), Graeser (327), Leech (491), Meyrick (587), Obertiiur (629), ROber (770), Ruiil (785), Warren (910).] 232 Ins . LEPIDOPTERA. Northia uhnivora} Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 107 ; N. tlirce , pi. xxx, fig. 8, cybele, fig. 9, Korea, Leech, p. 596, P. Z. S. 1888 ; n. spp. Inope pellucida, Wladiwostok, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 108, u. sp. Pryeria sinica , Moore, $ described ; Leech, p. 591, P. Z. S. 1888. Ino orana, Algeria, Baker, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 117, n. sp. Procris fusca , pi. xxx, fig. 6, nigra , fig. 7, Japan, Leech, p. 595, P. Z. S. 1888 ; P. amethystina , empyrea , W. Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 927 : n. spp. Zygcena, structure of scales is peculiar; Royston-Pigott, J. Quek. Club (2) iii, p. 205 : of Z. lonicera , minos , and ephialtes , specially noticed ; a’d. pp. 206 & 207 ; origin of the markings of Z.} and their variation ; Ruhl (785). Z. lonicerce , Esp., anatomical note on ; Brandt (99). Z. rubicundus , Hb., is a good species, male organs figured, p. 238 ; Stand- puss, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 236. Z. hilaris , Ochs., pi. vii, figs. 48a, b, c} and var. esoorialensis , fig. 48, figured and variations noticed, p. 23 ; fausta var. juncece , figured, pi. vii, figs. 49 & 49 a ; list of the Algerian species, with varietal remarks, pp. 24-27 ; Obertiiur, Etudes d’Ent. xii. Z. meliloti var. noticed ; Briggs, Ent. xxi, p. 232. Z. lavandulce , var. described ; Warburg, t. c. p. 211. Hybrids between different species of Zygcenidce ; Rogenhofer, SB. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 74. Zygcena and Ino, note on venation in ; Smith, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 1 ; MOsciiler, t. c. p. 17. Z. oberthuri , Sebdou, Baker, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 118, u. sp. Belemnia wluteleyi , British Guiana, Druce, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 62, n. sp. Eupyra splendens, Ecuador, Dognin, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 152, n. sp. Glancopis pagenstecheri , clubia} paula , polymena, L., var. butleri} notes on the characters of ; ROber, CB. Iris, i, pp. 338 & 339. Argyrocides minuta , Honduras, Druce, p. 240, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Automolis ( Plegapterxl ) syntomia , Plotz, redescribed, p. 72, figured, fig. 8 ; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv. Syntomis thelebus , F., variation described ; Leech, p. 593, P. Z. S. 1888. S. minor , India, Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 294, n. sp. Copidryas gloveri , habits and metamorphoses ; Ins. Life, i, pp. 104-10Gj figs. 16-20. Pompostola , cf. Arctiidce. Euchromia gemmata , But., figured, pi. iv, fig. 1, E. ccelipennis , Wlk., = {Glaucopis pagenstecJceri, Rob.), p. Ill, tenone, Butl., figured, pi. iv, fig. 2, crcusa, L , = ( Glaucopis dubiat Rob.), p. Ill, orientalis, But., figured, fig. 6, celebensiSf But., = ( G . butler i, Itob.), p. 114, laura, But., figured, fig. 8 ; Butler, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. E. lurlina , p. 110, Thursday I., mathewi, Solomon Is., p. Ill, pi. iv, fig. 3, fulvidci , p. 112, fig. 5, splendens , W. Africa, p. 113, pi. iv, fig. 4 , formosana, Formosa, p. 114, pi. iv, fig. 7, Butler, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. spp. Alacrocneme hesione , Panama, Druce, p. 239, Ann. N. II. (6) ii, n. sp. Mastigocera splendens , Bahamas, Druce, p. 240, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Antichloris rucitana, Honduras, Druce, p. 211, Ann.N. II. (6) ii, n. sp. ARCTIID-®. Ins. 283 Arctiidj;. [Cf. Alpiieraki (3), Butler (114, 115), Edwards (219), Honratii (387), Leech (491), Meyrick (587), Moore (612).] Structure of claws of Arctiidce ; Smith, Ent. Am. iii, p. 199. Arctiince , characters and classification of ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 168. Callimorpha , the number of the N. American species ; Hulst, Ent. Am. iii, p. 218. C. lecontei , confusa , habits ; Caulfield, p. 79, Canad. Ent. xx. Deiopeia pulchella , food-plant; Thomson, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 121. Termessci zonopluvies , Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 921, n. sp. Euchelia jacobece , cannibalism ; Lucas, p. cxxxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : fungoid disease of; Giard, C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, p. 786. Pleretes matronula , habits of larva; Weber, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 109. P. pactolicns, Centr. Africa, Butler, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 82, n. sp. Tompostola smaragdina , Kilima-njaro, Butler, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 97, n. sp. Nemeophila plantaginis , L., u. var. floccosa ; Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 115. Arctia caja, aberration ; Ent. xxi, p. 73, fig. A. hebe, L., var. sartha, Stgr., noticed, p. 497, figured, pi. vii, fig. 5, also dark var., p. 498, and figs. 6 & 7 ; A. villica, L., colour monstrosity, p. 498, pi. vii, fig. 8 ; Honratii, B. E. Z. xxxii. A. mendica, variation ; Porritt, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 39. A. brucci , Edw. ( in/rd ), notes on the larva of ; Bruce, Ent. Am. iii, p. 219. A. mongolica , Dschungor, haberkaueri , Sarafschan Valley, Aluiieraki, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 67; A. brucei, Colorado, p. 183, franconia (n. var.), White Mountains, remissa , Hudson’s Bay, p. 184, Edwards, Ent. Am. iii ; n. spp. Spilosoma glatignyi , Le G., = ( fulvo-hirta , Meyr.) ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 926. S. menthastri and mendica , varr. figured, P. S. Loud. E. Soc. 1887, pi. i, figs. 4-14 ; noticed, pp. 77 & 90. S. urliccc , var.; Briggs, Ent. xxi, p. 97, fig. S. fuliginosa, L., malformation of wings ; Fromiiolz, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 231, pi. ii, fig. 10. 8. bisecta, China and Japan, Leecii, p. 618, pi. xxxi, fig. 3, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Dionyckopus niveusf Men., variation noticed ; Leech, p. 620, P. Z. S. 1888. Icambosida dorsalis , India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 394, n. sp. Cerathosia tricolor , genus and species redescribed ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, pp. 189 & 190 : its position discussed, referred to Arctiidce ; id. Canad. Ent. xx, pp. 236-238 : note on, suggesting that it is Noc- tuidce ; Grote, Ent. Am. iv, p. 121 ; also Smith, t. c. p. 122. Challa quadrimaculata , India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 395, n. sp. Agrisius japonicus, Japan, p. 598, pi. xxx, fig. 10, Leech, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Halesidota tessellata, food-plants of; Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. iv, p. 76. 284 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. II, significant , Las Yegas, Edwards, Ent. Am. iii, p. 182, n. sp. Ecpantheria scribonia, Stoll, n. var, denudata ; Si.osson, Ent. Am. iii, p. 212. Spilarctia d alb erg ice, sagittifera , India, Moore, p. 394, P. Z. S 1888, n. spp. Sorocostia (sub Trihunta) biguttalis , Wile., = ( trigonota , Meyr.), p. 922 ; S. (sub Hypena ) albalis , Walk., = ( oetustella , Wlk., Ros.), p. 933 ; Tri- buntu scabralis , Walk., referred to Sorocostia , p. 932 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii. S. hesycha, p. 922, aenictis, tornolis, p. 923, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. See. N.S.W. (2) ii, n. spp. Symmetrodes sciocosma , n. n. for S. nitens , Meyr., ncc Wlk. ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 920. Tigrioides (sub Lithosia) nana, Wlk., = (L. nitens and remota , Meyr.) ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 920. LithcsiidjE and Hypsidj:. [Cf. Butler (115), Druce (205, 206), Leech (491), Moore (611, 612), Olliff (632), Pagenstecher (653), Smith (851), Snellen (855).] Nolince , position of ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 167. Lithosiime) characters of ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 168. Gydosia , characters of, referred to Arctiidce ; C. nobilitella , Cr., = (imi- tellat Stretch) ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi, pp. 185-188. CEonistis nigricosta , Japan, pi. xxx, fig. 11, p. 598, Leech, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Lithosia japonica} Japan, pi. xxx, fig. 12, comma, Korea, fig. 13, p. 600, Leech, P. Z. S. 1888, n. spp. Aliltochrista pulchra , mactatis, Butl., arc sexes of one species, variation noticed ; Leech, p. 601, P. Z. S. 1888. M. butleri, Japan, Leech, p. 603, pi. xxx, fig. 14, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Eugoa ? obscura , Japan, Leech, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 604, pi. xxx, fig. 15, n. sp. Siccia maculata , Japan, Leech, p. 605, pi. xxx, fig. 16, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Nola niinutalis , p. 607, pi. xxx, fig. 17, triangulalis , fig. 18, p. 608, Japan, Leech, P. Z. S. 1888, n. spp. Calligenia melitaula , Meyr., = ( Aliltochrista simulans, Butl.); Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 921. Lepista limbata, Kilima-ujaro, Butler, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 98, n. sp. Pentacitrotus vulneratus , Butl., noticed and $ described ; Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 295. Setina calamaria , India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 392, n. sp. jEmene inconstans, India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 393, n. sp. llceselia scripta, fraterna, angulata , India, Moore, p.393, P. Z. S. 1888 ; R. lativittaia , p. 286, inscripta, dentkulata , sikhima, p. 287, India, id. Desc. Ind. Lep. : n. spp. Stigmatophora micans, Brem., larva described ; Graeser, B. E Z. xxxii, p. 114. HYPSIDAC — LIPARIDJ3. Ins. 235 Alcssa nelcymma , Moore, = ( Chalcosia palomrctkd , Stgr.) ; Grabber, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 115. Meningocera tricolor , Amboyna, Pagenstecher, p. 34, Yerz. Lep. Amb., n. sp. Milionia pryeri, Loo Choo Is., Druce, Enfc. M. M. xxv, p. 62, n. sp. Aganaides, the subfamily revised, genera tabulated, and the species enumerated, with various notes ; Snellen (855). Aganais borbonica , Bdv., larva and pupa described and figured ; Ober- THUR, Etudes d’Ent. xii, p. 20, pi. iv, fig. 7. Hypsa nesophora , Meyr., larva and pupa noticed, p. 360, figured, pi. xx, figs. 4 & 4a; Olliff, Ann. N. H. (6) i. FI. ( Aganopis ) subfascia , Walk., figured, pi. i, fij. 1, described, p. 123 ; H. ( Aganais ) undulifera, Walk., fig. 2, II. celebensis , Hopff., fig. 3, strigivcnata , But]., pi. ii, fig. 1, Intacta , Walk., figs. 3 & 4, lanceolafa , Walk., fig. 5, figured, noticed at length, p. 141 ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi. II. agarista , New Hebrides, &c., p. 129, pi. i, fig. 4, huconota , Java, Sumatra, p. 135, pi. ii, figs. 2 & 2a, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi ; II. v'oodfordi , Fiji Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 221, pi. xiii, fig. 2 : n. spp. Clcis nmiaf Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 572, pi. xxix, fig. 2, n. sp. Nycteolid.e, Nyctemerid;e, Calliditlid^e. [Cf. Druce (206), Graeser (327), Moore (611, 612), MOschler (618).] Sarothripincc , position of the group ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 167. Sarrothripa , Gn., to be called Sarotricha , and referred to Arcliadcc , near Zia ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 924. S. exophila, Queensland, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 925, n. sp. Chionomera triangulifera , sanguinolenta, India, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 285, n. spp. Hylophila kraeffli , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 110, n. sp. * Chandica , n. g. ( Nycteolidcc ), for C. qnadripennis , n. sp., Darjiling; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 286. Tyana Jlatoides, India, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lop. p. 285, n. sp. Aninemopsyche gracilis , W. Africa, MOschler, fig. 1 & p. 73, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv, r*. sp. Nycthemera coleta , Or., scent-organ of $ ; Haasf, CB. Iris, i, p. 323. N. ap'cilis, Walk., figure 1, fig. 4, pi. 178 ; Waterhouse, Aid. N. horites , Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 573, n. sp. Leptosoma aolaensis, Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 573, n. sp. Deilemera albipuncta , Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 573, n. sp. Pterodecta anchora, India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 392, n. sp. Liparid;e. [Cf. Graeser (327), Leech (491), Mabtlle (537), Moore (612), MOschler (618), Pagenstecher (653), Warren (910).] Epicopeiaf cf. Euschcmidce, p. 231. 230 Ins . LEPIDOPTERA. Dasychirince , characters and composition of ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 169. Ilypochroma nyssiata , Feld., referred to Liparulai ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2)ii, p. 917. Ofcjyia antiqua , oviposition and egg, noticed ; Blackburn, P. Soc. Manch. xxvi, p. 53. 0. leucostigma , eversible glands of larva ; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 87. 0. thyellina , Butl., $ described ; Leech, p. 625, P. Z. S. 1888, pi. xxxi, figs. 7 & 7a. 0. zimmermanni , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 122, n. sp. Ocnogya Corsica var. albifascia ; Constant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. 161, pi. 4, fig. 1. Taroryyia clintonii , eversible glands of larva ; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 88. P. leucophcea and ohliquata , identity of ; id. 1. c. Aroa sulphurea, Plotz, figured, fig. 10 ; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv. A. discalis , Walk., figured, fig. 5, pi. 178 ; Waterhouse, Aid. Artaxa guttata , Walk , synonymy discussed ; Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 297. A. intensa , Butl., variation noticed ; Leech, p. 623, P. Z. S. 1888. A. pulverea, Japan and Korea, Leech, p. 623, pi. xxxi, fig. 5, P. Z. S. 1888 ; A. sulphur escensi India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 399 : n. spp. Charnidas aurantiacai India, Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 296, n. sp. Lachana, n. g., p. 397, for L. ladalcensis , n. sp., India, p. 398 ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1888. Procodeca umbrina, India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 398, n. sp. ? Lcelia unipunctata , sordida , W. Africa, Mosciiler, p. 74, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv, n. spp. Euproctis aurifrons, W. Africa, Mosciiler, p. 75 & fig. 3, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv ; E. abdominalis, India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 398 : n. spp. Ohccrotriche niphonis) Butl., variation described; Leech, p. 624, P, Z. S. 1888. C. staudiiigeri , Japan, Leech, p. 624, pi. xxxi, fig. 6, P. Z.S. 1888, n.sp. Liparis saliois , dispar , and chrysorrhcea , habits noticed ; Olivier, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, p. 210. L. salicis attracted in large numbers by electric light ; Jacobs, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, p. lviii : fungoid disease of ; Giard, C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, p. 787. Ocneria dispar t parthenogenesis of ; Bock (85) : development of parthenogenetic eggs in ; Platner (677) : profusion of at Algeciras ; Walker, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 65. O.furva , Japau, Leech, p. 631, pi. xxxi, fig. 10, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Dasyckira platyptera , figured and redescribed ; Mabille, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 9, pi. i, fig. 5. D. dalbergice , India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 399 ; D. grossa (Snell.), Amboyna, Pagenstecher, p. 37, Verz. Lep. Amb. : n. spp. Eudasychira , n. g., for E. quinquepunctata , n. sp., W. Africa, fig. 11 ; MOsciiler, p. 75, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv. Pseudonotodonta, n. g., p. 76, for P. virescens, n. sp., W. Africa, fig. 6, p. 77 ; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv. Lymantria aurora , Butl., pi. xxxi, fig. 9, dispar , L., variation in Japan, noticed ; Leech, pp. 629 & 630, P. Z. S. 1888. MPARIDjE — NOTOD0NTID2K. Ins. 237 L. albofascia , Japan, Leech, p. 629, pi. xxxi, fig. 8, P. Z. S. 1888 ; L. carnecolor , nigra, India, Moore, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 399 : n. spp. Somera cyanea , Japan or Korea, Leecii, p. 642, pi. xxxii, fig. 5, P. Z. S. 1888, n. sp. Icambosida , ersimilis , fratercida , p. 23G, Dar- jiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep , n. spp. Calicha , n. g. ( Boarmiidce ), for 0. retrahens , n. sp., Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 236. Menophra deficiens , fig. 23, torridaria, fig. 27, consplcuata , pallidaria , p.237, M.?vialis, p.238, fig. 9, pi. viii, Darjiling, Moore, Dose. Ind. Lep., n. spp. Hirasa, n. g., near Hemerophila , for Tephrosia scripturaria , Walk., and H. contubemalis, n. sp., E. India ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 238. Hemerophila creataria , Gn., scent-organ of $ ; Haase, CB. Iris, i, p. 328. H. grnmmi , Turkestan, Alpheeaki, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 69 ; H. paclcard- aria , California, Hurst, Ent. Am. iii, p. 217 : n. spp. Xyrklacma , n. g., for Hemerophila hemipteraria , Gn. ; Meyrick, p. 60, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xx. Eubyia quernaria , Ab. & Sm. ; pamulataria , Gr, and Synopsia phiga • laria, Gn., are varieties of this ; E. cupidaria, Gr., is probably the $ , and mexicanaria , Gr., is probably the same species ; Hurst, Ent. Am. iv, p. 50. Cleora semiclusaria , Walk., = ( pulchraria , Minot) ; Hurst, Ent. Am. iv, p. 50. C. conifera , duplexa, idceoides , p. 239, ochrifasciata , irrorata, p. 240, Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. ; C. 2ninctomacularia , atri/usciata , California, Hurst, Ent. Am. iii, p. 214 : n. spp. Zylobara and Paeudocoremia , Butl., merged in Boarmia\ Meytrick, p. 61, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xx. GEOMETRIC M. Ins. 253 Pseudocoremia variegata , p. 240, semialba , imbezilis , albifera , p. 241, Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep., n. spp. Detunda , Walk., and Epicasis , Meyr., merged in Declaim ; Meyrick, p. 62, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xx, Azelina , Gn., = ( Stratocleis , Meyr.); Meyrick, p. 62, Tr. N. Z. lust. xx. Aids iterata , Butl., and trikotaria , Feld., variation, &c., noticed ; Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 320. A. nudipennis , India, Warren, p. 320, P. Z. S. 1888 ; A. vagans , pi. viii, fig. 16, sikkima , p. 242, victim, p. 243, Darjiling, Moore, Dose. Ind. Lop. : n. spp. Darisa , n. g., near Boarmia , for D. maxima , n. sp., Darjiling ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 243. Astacuda , n. g., near Gatoria , p. 243, for /l. cineracea , ampla , n. spp., E. India, p. 244 ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. Catoria olivescens , Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 244, n. sp. Chogada fraterna, Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 245, n. sp. Burichura , n. g., near Chogada , for Boarmia imparata , Walk. ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 245. Amraica , n. g., Boarmiidce , for A. fortissima , n. sp., Darjiling, and including Boarmia ponderata , Feld. ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 245. Lassaba , n. g., Boarmiidce , for L. contaminata , n. sp., Darjiling ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 246. Teplirosia texanaria , fautaria, celataria , carnearia, p. 216, nevaclaria , p. 217, N. America, Hulst, Ent. Am. iii, n. spp. Gnophos nimbata , crassipunctata , Turkestan, AlpiiERAKI, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 68 ; (7. burmesteri , Wladiwostok, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 402 ; 6r. isometra , India, Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 321 ; (7. granitaria , p. 246, tephrosiaria , p. 247, E. India, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. : n. spp. Pingasia ntfofasciala, apkalis , p. 247, similis , p.248, Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep., n. spp. Hypochroma , the Australian species described and tabulated ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) ii, pp. 904-915. JT. lahayei , Ob., figured, pi. vii, fig. 50, distinguished from Pseudopterna coronillaria, p. 31 ; Ober- TitUR, Etudes d’Ent. xii. II. nyssiata , Feld., c/*. Liparidce. II. paratorna , p. 906, acanthina , p. 910, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, n. spp. Dinclica , n. g., for Hypochroma basiflavata and leopardinata , Moore ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 248. Psodos quadrisectaria , figured and redescribed ; Mabille, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 26, pi. iii, fig. 8. Exelis pyrolaria , Gn., = ( Lepiodes approximaria, Pack.); Hulst, Ent. Am. iv, p. 50. Epipristis , n. g., for E. oxycyma , n. sp., Queensland, and Fidonia rufo - nigraria , Wlk. ; Meyrick, P. Linu. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 916. Xandrames salahuti, Amboyna, PagensteciieR, p. 86, Verz. Lep. Amb., n. sp. Boarmia , note on some N. American species ; Holst, Ent. Am. iv, Ins. lifipiDor'i’EliA. p. 50, and Grote, t. c. p. 98. B. repandata , melanism in ; Poeritt, tint. M. M. xxv, p. 161. B. saturniaria) p. 398, lutamentaria , p. 401, Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii ; B. separaria , W. Africa, MOsciiler, p. 92, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv ; B. viridaria , p. 84, nigro/asciata , p. 85, Amboyna, Pagen- STECIIUR, Yorz. Lop. Amb. ; B. fur/uraria, atrolinearia^. 214, fuliginaria, fernaldaria , floridaria , wrightiaria, p. 215, B. p plumogeraria , p. 21G, N. America, Hulst, Ent. Am. iii : n. spp. Pachyodes pictaria , p. 248, ornataria , p. 249, E. India, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep., n. spp. The Australian Geometridcc and Acidalxadce united as one group, and the genera tabulated ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 835 & 836. Perixera porphyropis, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 837, n. sp. Holothalassis , H , note on the use of this generic name ; Speyer, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 208. Geometra papilionaria , the protective resemblances of the larva ; Poulton (683) : variety ; Speyer, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 208. G. diechmanni , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 384 ; G. tumuli - linea) biseriuta , Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 249 : n. spp. Chlorosea bistriaria) Pack., larva described; IIijlst, Ent. Am. iii, p. 193. 2'halassodes delicataria , W. Africa, MOsciller, p. 93, Abh. Senck. Ges. xv ; T. lunifera , E. India, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lop. p. 250 ; T. patara, Solomon Is., Deuce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 577 ; T. timoclca , Fiji Is., id. t. c. p. 227, pi. xiii, figs. 6 & 7 : n. spp. Phorodesma smaragdaria , habits and structure of larva ; White, P. E. Soc. 1888, p. xx. P. concinnata , Amboyna, Pagensteciier, p. 87, Verz. Lep. Amb., (n. sp. ?) ; P. tenuisaria , Wladiwostok, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 385 : n. spp. Agathia asterias , Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 899 ; A. P divaricata) E. India, Moore, Desc. Iud. Lep. p. 250, pi. viii, fig. 15 : n. spp. Iodis , Hb. : Meyrick includes in this Thalassodes, Vhorodesma , Chlovo - chroma , ChlorodeSy and Comibcena , and tabulates and describes the Austra- lian species ; P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, pp. 870-898. I. hypsithrona , p. 874, leucochordat stereota , p. 875, beryllina , oclu thaida, p. 877, pyropat halochlora , p. 878, melocrossa (= G. citrolimbaria , Wlk., nec Gn.), asemanta, p. 879, centrophylla, p. 880, argocnemis , mono - cyma , p. 883, ocyptera , p. 887, oxycentra , p. 888, rhodocosma, p. 889, exoterica , p. 891, iosticta, p. 893, crossota , p. 894, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S W. (2) ii ; I. glaucosa , p. 1263, angulata , subalpina , p. 1264, assimilis , bicolora , p. 1265, gracilis , marice , p. 1266, eucalypti} p. 1267, marginala, p. 1268, Australia, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii ; I. minutata , Solomon Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 577 : n. spp. Urolitha) n. g., for /ocfra bipuncti/era} Wlk. ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 865. (JteoMEvJPRtt)ii. Ins. 255 Anisodes lunulusa , E. India, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 250, pi. viii, fig. 8, n. sp. Argidava irrorata , Darjiliug, Moore, Dgsc. Ind. Lep. p. 251, u. sp. Eucrostis argocrana, Meyr., habits ; Lucas, Viet. Nat. v, p. 26. E. argocrana , p. 867, ioccntra , p. 868, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, n. spp. Comostola , n. g., for Eucrostis perlepidaria, Wlk. ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 869. Aplodes mimosaria , Gn., = (< coniferaria, Pack.); Hulst, Ent. Am. iv, p. 49. Thalera lacerataria , Wladiwostok, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 387, n. sp. Mecoceras nitocritaria , Cr., = ( peninsular ia, Gr.) ; Hulst, Ent. Am. iv, p. 50. Heliomystis , n. g., for H. electrica , n. sp., Australia ; Meyrick, P.Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 900. Crypsiphona , n. g., for C. melanosema , p. 901, amaura, p. 902, n. spp., Australia, and Ilypochroma occultaria , Don. ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii. Bardanes, n. g. ( Idaiuloi = Acidalida i, auct.), for B . plicata , n. sp., Darjiling, pi. viii, fig. 22 ; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 251. IJyria undulosata , Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 251, n. sp. Runeca, n. g. ( Idceidoe = Acidalida!, auct.), for R. ferrilineata, n. sp., Darjiling, pi. viii, fig. 13; Moore, Desc. Ind. Lep. p. 252. Asthena ochracea, India, Warren, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 321, n. sp. Eois parvularia , Texas, E. ? scintill alaria, Florida, Hulst, Ent. Am. iii, p. 213, n. sp. Idiodes apicata , Gn., -=z (Acidalia primaria, Wlk.) ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 917. Acidalia : the Australian species tabulated and described, pp. 843-863 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii. A. hepaticaria, Gn., var, = ( Gidaria erytlirata , Hulst) ; Hulst, Ent. Am. iv, p. 49. A. schistaccaria, Wlk., referred to Dichromodes ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii, p. 917. A. merlclaria , Ob., figured, pi. v, fig. 13 ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xii. A. calunetaria n. var. valesiaria\ Pungeler, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 350. A. dimidiata , Hfn., metamorphoses and variation described; Chretien, Le Nat. (2; ii, pp. 154-156. A. algeriensis , Sebdou, Baker, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 118 ; A. spissi- limbaria , Algeria, Mabille, p. lix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; A. cernea, Fiji Is., Druce, P. Z. S. 1888, pi. xiii, fig. 8 ; A. isomorpha, philocosma , p. 845, halmoia , alopecodes , p. 846, pachydetis, p. 847, pseliota, hypochra, p. 848, chloristis , p. 849, neoxesta, p. 850, liotis = (compensata, Wlk., 777 nec 724), p. 854, axiotis , p. 855, orthoscia, p. 861, megaloccntra, p. 862, epheia, p. 863, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) ii ; Id Amblyptilia cosmodactyla , Butl., referred to Platyptilia ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 240. Ptepophorus heterodactyl us, Haw., = ( teucrii , Green) ; Mason, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 162. Aciptilia hawaiensis , Butl., referred to Trichoptilus ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 239. Alucita sihkima , Darjiling, Moore, Desc. Iud. Lap. p. 282, n. sp. Ins. 279 (D.) BIFTERA. [ Cf Aurivillius (31), Becker (50, 51), Bering (54), Bergroth (58, 59, 60), Bigot (66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72), Brandt (99), Brisciike (108), BOtsciili (120), Costa (164), Cuccati (172), Girscmner (314), Henking (370), Huguenin (403), Inciirald (408), Kieffer (437, 438), Kirby (439), Kowarz (455), Lampa (490), Lindeman (514, 515), LOw (523, 524), Lucas (529), Macloskie (548), Maskell (558), Matas (562), Meade (565, 566, 567), Meinert (577, 578), Mik (598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606), Pandell^ (655), Rasciike (711), Rees (717), Riley (755, 761), Roder (772, 773, 774, 775), Schnabl (809, 810, 811, 812), Sintenis (845), Skuse (841, 842), Stein (869, 870), Trail (886), Verrall (896, 897), Yoeltzkow (899), Waciitl (900), Williston (931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936), Wulp (319, 941).] Table of the families; Williston (931). — Hermaphrodites; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 141 & 182. — Emendations to “ Verzeichniss der Artennamen, welche in Schiner’s Fauna austriaca enthalten sind ” ; Mik (600). Cecidomyiid^j. Miastor procax , p. 58, master si^ p. 59, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Cecidomyiidm, galls of on Silene nutans , L., Phyteuma michelii , Bertol., Lotus comiculatus, L., Polygonalum (Convallaria) multijlorum, L., described and figured ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 311-316, pi. iv. Cecidomyid mycophagous larva noticed; LOw, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 246. Cecidomyia destructor , notes on ; J. Micr. & Nat. Sci. (n.s.) i, pp. 12-16 : ravages in 1888 ; Ormerod, Rep. xii, pp. 48-52 : parasites, &o. ; Riley (761) : new parasite of ; Forbes (279) : parasites of in Britain ; Enock, Ent. xxi , p. 202 : occurrence of on Phlceum pratense and Triticum repens ; Lindeman, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 242 : remarks on in America; Riley, Ins. Life, i, pp. 107 & 108 : evidence as to its introduction to N. America dis- cussed ; Riley (V55) : in New Zealand ; Ins. Life, i, p. 32. C. nigra , Meig., note on ; Bloomfield, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 273. C. pilosellce, Binnie, p. 110, and rosarum , Hardy, p. Ill, descriptive notices of; Kieffer, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. C. affinis , Kieff., becJciana, Mik, p. 236, cir- cinans , Gir., euphorbia} , Lw., galii, Lw., galiicola, Lw., p. 237, salicis , Schrk., sonchi, Lw., violce, Lw., p. 238, notes on the insects and their galls ; LOw, t. c. C. genisticola , Lw., p. 312, galeobdolontis, Winn., raphanistri , salicarice , p. 313, and viscaria}, Kief., p. 314, notes on ; Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xiv. 280 Ins. DIPTERA. C. heirochloce , Poltawa, Lindeman, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 50 * C. lamiicola (with metamorphoses, &c., pp. 33-35), Salzburg, Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 35, pi. i ; G. thomasiana galls on Tilia parvifolia , p. 95, salicarice on Lythrum salicaria , p. 96, scabiosce on S. columbaria, L , taraxaci on T. officinale, Wigg., p. 98, thymi , p. 100, thymicola , p. 102, vicice on V. sepium , L., p. 105, Thuringia, lotharing ice, Bitsch, on Cerastiurn , p. 107, Kieffer, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii ; C. floriperda galls on Silene iiiflata, in Austria, p. 231, similis galls on Veronica scutellata , at Bitsch, p. 232, LOw, t. c. ; G. acercrispans, Germany, p. 266, compositarum, p. 310, genistcimtorquens, p. 311, Bitsch, Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; G. vitulans , difficilis, p. 63, regilla, p. 64, baccata, p. 65, nobilis , p. 66, gibbula , p. 67, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Gonioclema , n. subg. of Gecidomyia, p. 60, for G. pauxillula, n. sp., Australia, p. 61 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Necrophlebia , u. subg. of Gecidomyia , for N. volitans, n. sp., Australia ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W (2) iii, p. 111. Chastomera , n. subg. of Cecidomyia , for C. bella, n. sp., Australia; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 112. Golpodia indubitata , Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. sp. Asphqndylia hornigi, Wchtl., and verbasci, Wall., notes on ; LOw, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 239 & 240. A. helianthiglobulus described; Marten, Psyche, v, p. 102. A.prunorum, Europe, Waciitl, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 205 ; A. bitensis, Bitsch, Kieffer, p. 264, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; A. loewi, p. 108, rubicunda , p. 109, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Diplosis prcecox, Winn., p. 244, lonicerearum, Lw., p. 245, mosellana, Geh., = ( aurantiaca , Wag.), pp. 245-249, notes on ; Kieffer, Eut. Nachr. xiv. D. steini, note on the transverse vein in wing of ; LOw, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 239. D. pyrivora , Riley, habits, description, &c. ; Meade, Ent. xxi, pp. 123-131. D. fraxinella, England, Meade, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 77 ; D. pulsatilUe, p. 262, nasturtii, p. 263, Bitsch, Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; D. frirenii , from galls of D. ramicola , Rud., on Tilia grandifoliu , at Metz, id. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 109 ; I). auripes galls on Gallium mollugo, at Stutt- gart, p. 233, quinquenotata galls on Hemerocallis fulva, in Austria, p. 235, LOW, t. c. ; D. leptospermi , p. 68, plumbea , p. 69, con/inis, p. 70, brevipennis, p. 71, percita , scenica, p. 72, lucida , p. 73, paula , p. 74, abbreviata , aniens, p. 75, cceca, p. 76, probata, p. 77, vegrandis, p. 78, bombycina, p. 79, villosa, p. 80 ,faceta, p. 81, adusta, araneosa, p. 82, obsoleta, p. 83, montana, p. 84, condigna, fallax, p. 85, sulfurea, p. 86, parilis, bellula , p. 87, senilis, p. 88, rusticula, p. 89, furva, qucesita, p. 90, conspecta , p. 91, mollipes , p. 92, gilva, discedens, p. 93, erronea , p. 94, humilis, p. 95, scelestci, p. 96, macleayi, p. 97, dibapha, p. 98, frequens , p. 99, certa , p. 100, violacea, p. 101, saxatilis, p. 102, contigua , p. 103, negotiosa , p. 104, actiosa , p. 105, cineraria, p. 106, indotata, oreas, p. 107, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Lasioptera cerealis, descriptive note on the genus and species ; Inciiuald & Meade, Ent. xxi, pp. 193-197, woodcuts. CECIDOMYIIDiE, MY CETOPHILID JO. TflS. 281 L. mazier si, p, 127, mstatrix , p. 128, aurata , p. 129, nodosce , p. 130, miscella, corusca , p. 131, belvipes , p. 132, Australia, Skuse. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Epidosis erythromma , p. 200, lutescens, pp. 202 & 314, Bitsch, Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xiv : E. distenta, p. 115, magnifica , p. 116, gracilis , p. 117, opipara , conferta, p. 118, per exilis, p. 119, pallida, p. 120, macella, p. 121, exigua, p. 122, gibberosa , p. 123, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Asynapta pectoralis , Winn., note on ; Kieffer, p. 204, Ent. Nachr. xiv. A. citrina, Bitsch, Kieffer, p. 243, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; A. Jlammiila, p. 124, prisca , parietina, p. 125, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii : n. spp. Campylomyza perpallida , p. 134, ceratipennis, p. 135, persimilis, crocea , p. 136, subtilis , p. 137, vicina , p. 138, impexa , p. 139, pellax , p. 140, ampli- pennis, p. 142, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. MyCETOPHILID/E. The Australian species classified in accordance with the system of Winnertz ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 1123-1157. Ditomyia incerta, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 16, n. sp. Sciophila tristis, p. 13, pi. iii, fig. 2, calopus, fig. 3, p. 14, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, n. spp Boldina antarctica , p. 12, pi. iii, fig. 1, obscuriventris , p. 13, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, n. spp. B. antarctica , Big., referred to Glaphyroptera ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 141. Qnoriste, additional note on the species ; G. trilineata, Zett., ? = (bilineata, Zett.) ; ROder, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 96. Sciara macleayi, p. 673, sedula, p. 674, sororia , p. 675, finitima , p. 677, aimula , p. 678, luctifica, p. 680, frogatti, p. 681, p.682, dolosa,p. 683, fcstina, p. 684 , pernitkla, p. 685 , familiaris, p. 687, cavatica, p. 688 ,f estiva, p. 689, mcesta (sic), p. 691, aquila, p. 692, aadax , p. 693, vecors, p. 695, erratica, p. 696, approximata , p. 697, evanescens, p. 698, scitula, p. 699, brevifurca , p. 700, diversa, p. 701, minutela , p. 702, atratula, p. 704, luculenta , p. 106, fumipennis , p. 706, unica, p. 708, winnertzi, p. 709, monti- vaga, p. 710, ornatula , p. 711, amabilis, p. 712, lucidipennis, p. 714, nubicula, p. 715, speclabilis , p. 716, ignobilis, p. 717, infrequens , p. 719, notata , p. 720, pictipes, p. 721, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Trichosia mastersi, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 723, n. sp. Macrocera delicata , p. 1158, decorosa, p. 1159, mastersi, p. 1161, Aus- tralia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Ceroplatus mastersi, Australia, Skuse, p. 1164, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. sp. Heteropterna , n. g., p. 1129, and p. 1166, for H. macleayi , n. sp., Australia p. 1167 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. 282 Ins. DIPTERA. Platyura venusta, p. 1171 , fenestralis, p. 1172, schineri , p. 1174, conform is p. 1175, fulva , p. 1176, monticola, p. 1177, graphica , p. 1170, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n.spp. Peeudoplatyura , n. g., pp. 1130 & 1180, for P. dwa;, n. sp., Australia, p. 1182; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Antriadophila , n. g., pp. 1130 & 1183, for A. nubipennis, p. 1184, petulans , p. 1186, electilia , p. 1187, nigra, p. 1188, Australia, n. spp. ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Homaspia , n. g., pp. 1131 & 1191, for II. meridian a, n. sp., Australia, p. 1192; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Acrodicrania) u. g., pp. 1135 & 1194, for A. atricauda , p. 1195, setosi- cauda, p. 1196, fasciala, p. 1198, Australia, n. spp.; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Ateleia , n. g., pp. 1136 & 1201, for A. spadicithorax , n. sp., Australia, p. 1202; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Trizygia , n. g., pp. 1137 & 1204, for T. flavipes , n. sp., Australia, p. 1205; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Aphelomera , n. g., pp. 1137 & 1206, for A. sydneyensis, n. sp., Australia, p. 1207 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Trichonta vegeta) p. 1209, illcetabilis , p. 1210, Australia; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Mycetophila propria , Australia, Skuse, p. 1213, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. sp. Br achy dicrania, n. g., pp. 1143 & 1215, for B. pullicauda, p. 1216, picti- ventris , p. 1217, fumosa , p. 1218, abbreviata , p. 1219, n. spp., Australia; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. SiMULiiDiE and Bibionidj]. Simulium , sp., habits near New York ; Howard, Ins. Life, i, pp. 99 & 100. S. anthracinum, antarcticum , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 15, n. spp. Acanthocneinis castanipest Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 17, n. sp. Culicidjs and Chironomid^;. Culex sp., poison-glands of ; Macloskie (548). C. rufinus , Tuuis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 7, n. sp. Chironomus sp., occurring in mines ; Aurivillius (31). C. riparius , plumosus) fungoid disease of; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) i, p. 299. C. villosus, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 3, n. sp. Ceratopogon hippocastani , Austria (with life-history), Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 185, pi. ii, n. sp. Camptocladius niyripectus , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 2, pi. i, fig. 1, n. sp. Tanypue pilosus , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 2, n. sp. ORPHNEPHILIDvTC — TIPULIDJC. Ins. 283 Okphnephimd,e and Psychodidje, Orphnephila larvata, Tyrolese Alps, Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p.243, n sp. Psychoda diibia, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 4, n. sp. TlPULlDiE. Notes on collecting and setting of ; Verrall, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 98. The Tipulida of Switzerland monographed ; Huguenin (403). Dicranomyia affinis, Schum., = ( osten-saclceni , Westh.); Bergrotii, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 646. D. consimilis, Caffraria, Bergrotii, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 127 ; D. venusta , p. 193, vulgata, p. 194, Sitka, id. Wien. ent. Z. vii : n. spp. Orimarga virgoy Zett., = ( anomala , Mik) ; Bergrotii, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 646. Rhipidia ofra , Caffraria, Bergrotii, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 128, n. sp. Limnobia longicollis, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 8, pi. ii, fig. 2, n. sp. Elephantomyia wahlbergi , Caffraria, Bergrotii, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 129, n. sp. Erioptera peringueyi , p. 129, subaurea , p. 130, S. Africa, Bergroth, Ent. Tidskr. ix, n. spp. Podoneura, n. g., near Psiloconopa , for P. anthracogramma , n. sp., Cape Town ; Bergroth, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 133. Rhypholophus phryganop>terus,K.ol., and fuscipennis , Zett., distinguished; Bergroth, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 647. Molophiliis colonus , p. 195, falcatus , paulus, p. 196, Sitka, Bergrotii, Wieu. ent. Z. vii, n. spp. Gonomyia alboscutellata , Ros., = ( scutellata , Egg.) ; Bergrotii, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 647. G. spuria , Caffraria, Bergroth, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 134 ; G. galacto- ptera, Sitka, id. Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 196 : n. spp. Trcntepohlia , note on the genus, with table of the species ; Bergrotii, Ent. Tidskr. ix, pp. 136 & 137. T. exornala, S. Africa, Bergroth, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 135, n. sp. Limnophila bicolor , p. 648, and placida, Meig., p. 649, characters of noticed ; Bergroth, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. L. tctrasticta, p. 647 ,posthabita, p. 648, Laibach, Bergroth, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii ; L. fungi , Caffraria, id. Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 137 ; L. eutcmiata , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 9, pi. ii, fig. 3 ; n. spp. Pcecilostola jlavicauda , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 10, pi xi, fig. 4, n. sp. Tricyphona, Zett., and Amalopis , Hal., synonymy discussed ; Berg* roth, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 197. T. septentrionalis, Sitka, Bergrotii, p. 199, Wien. ent. Z. vii ; T. contraria, Salzburg, id. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 650 ; T. pusilla, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 10 : n. spp. 284 Ins . DIPTERA. Cladura fuscula, Lw., = (Gonoinyia pilipennis, Strobl) ; Mi k, Wien, eut. Z. vii, p. 30. Amalopis pyrenaica , Pyrenees, p. 97, claripennis , England, p. 98, Verrall, Ent. M. M. xxv, n. spp. Dicranota , 3 new species without names, from Switzerland, described ; Huguenin, Dipt. Helv. pp. 58 & 59. Tipula:' the British species tabulated with notes ; Verrall, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 22-27. T. truncorum , Meig., and winnertzii , Egg., distin- guished, p. 652 ; Bergroth, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. T. nubeculosa , Meig., and hortorum, L., T. ochracea , Meig., and lunata , L., synonymies discussed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 301. T. paludosa , Meig., fungoid disease of ; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) i, p. 305. T . alpium , p. 652, mikiana , p. 653, bklens, p. 654, Austria, Bergroth, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii : T. bonccspei , p. 138, jiomposa, p. 139, S. Africa, id. Ent. Tidskr. ix ; T. rufiroatris , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 5, pi. i, fig. 3 : n. spp. Holorusia , Loew, to be a group of Tipula ; Bergroth, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 139. Nephrotoma varineuru , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 4, n. sp. Ischuothrix , u. g., near Trichocera , for I. cetlierea , n. sp., Cape Horn, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 7. Pachyrrhina : table of the British species, and notes on their occur- rence, &c. ; Verrall, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 20 & 21. P. antennata , Wied., petiolata, Macq., tincta , Walk., sexes noticed ; Bergroth, p. 140, Eut. Tidskr. ix. P. wuljriana, N. California, Bergroth, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 200 j P. exceUior , British Columbia, id. t. c. p. 239 : n. spp. Doiichopezu sylvicola , Curt., habits, &c., noticed; Verrall, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 20. Ctenophora , characters of the British species ; Verrall, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 97. Stratiomyiid^:. Berris bellula, pulchella, Brazil, Williston, p. 245, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Hermetia illucens , L., p. 245, albitarsis , F., apicalis , Wied., p. 246, notes on ; Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. H. ceriogaster, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 246, n. sp. Chrysochloro , notes on problematic vespertiUo and castanea ; Willis- ton, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 248. Chiromyza, notes on 2 species from Brazil; Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 244. Merosargus gracilis , p. 249, f estiva , p. 250, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Eut. Soc. xv, n. spp. Dicranophora astuta , p. 250, affinis , p. 251, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Chrysonotus analis , Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 251, n. sp. STRATI0MYIIDA5 ASILID^. Ins . 285 Odontomyia ultifrons , p. 363, pi. ix, figs. 3 & 4, maculifrons, p. 364, nitidiceps , p. 365, Argentine Rep., Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. spp. Euryncura nasica , elegans , Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 252, n. spp. Nemotelus leucorhynchus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 61, n. sp. Promerisana , note on the characters ; Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 253.] P. cylindricornis , Brazil, Williston, Tr. Ain. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 253, n. sp. Myxosargus braueri , Brazil, Williston, p. 254, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. sp. Ghordonota nigra, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 255, n. sp. Tabanidac. N. American Tabanidce ; Williston (934). Chrysops cazcutiens , L., metamorphoses ; Beling, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 1. C. pertinax , p. 132, N. America, frazari , San Domingo, sequax , p. 133, pachycera , p. 134, N. America, Williston, Tr. Kansas Ac. x, n. spp. Pangonia lasiophihalma , Argentine Rep., p. 365, pi. ix, fig. 6, Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi ; P. fera, dives , N. America, Williston, Tr. Kansas Ac. x, p. 130, n. spp. Silvius pollinosus, note on ; Williston, Tr. Kansas Ac. x, p. 131. Tabanus sequax, comastes, p. 137, sodalis, fur, p. 139, fratellus, p. 140, pygmceus , N. America, parvulus, fenestra, San Domiugo, p. 141, Williston, Tr. Kansas Ac. x, n. spp. Leptidas, Leptis scolopacea , anatomical note on ; Brandt (99). Hilarimorpha, position discussed ; Williston, Psyche, v, p. 99. H. mikii , N. America, Williston, Psyche, v, p. 99, n. sp. Asilidac. Peculiar facets of the eyes of, described ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 181 & 182. Dioctria concinna, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 104 ; D. bigoti, Sardinia, id. op. cit. No. 9, p. 61 : n. spp. Stichopogon dziedzicki, validity of, discussed ; Schnabl, p. 100, Ent. Nachr. xiv. S. albofasciatus, M., = ( dziedzickii , Schnabl) ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. vii, pp. 31 & 182. Suropogon perlatus, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 62; 8. varians, Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 7 : n. spp. Laphria nigroccerulea, Christmas Is., Kirby, P.Z. S. 1888, p. 555, n. sp. Cerdistus (?) elegans , Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 8, n. sp. Stilopogon (sic) ? Seilopogon"j(olim) cequecinctus, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p-162, n. sp. 286 In*. DIPTERA. Midaidas and Nemestrinid^:. Apiocera , systematic position discussed ; Williston, Psyche, v, p. 100. Midas sardous , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 63, u. sp. Neinestrina fascifrona , Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 8, n. sp. Bombyliidjj. Exoprosopa grandis, Mg., pallasii, Wied., = ( dyonisii , Big , and Anthrax rhymnica , Eversm.), melcena , Lw,, rutila, Wied., with synonymy ; macro- ptera , Lw., E. ( Anthrax ) nemesis, F., (= A. nox , Walk.), notes on j Roger, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 97 & 98. E. rutila , Wied., redescribed ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 38. E. mayeti, Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 9 ; E. extensa , Argen- tine Rep. p. 367, pi, x, fig. 1, Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi : n. spp. Eucharimyia , n. g., for E. dives , n. sp., Ceylon ; Bigot, p. cxl, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Anthrax stenogastra , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 61, n. sp. Argyromceba sinuata , Fll., habits of; Buysson, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, p. 46. Lomatia , date of ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 299. Comastes bicolor, Argentine Rep., p. 366, pi. ix, figs. 7 & 8, Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Cyllenia Icevis , Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 9, n. sp. Psilocephala costata, p. 368, rubula , p. 369, Argentine Rep., Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. spp. Usia tceniolata, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 103, n. sp. Cyrtoaia pallipes , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 23, n. sp. THEREVIDiE and CyRTIDtE. Thereva bicinctella, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 104, n. sp. Philopota, Wied., = ( Oligoneura , Big.) ; Bigot, p. clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Henops brunneua , Hut., larva and habits, &c. ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xx, pp. 106-108, pi. x. Oncodes limbutus , Tuuis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. fig. 7, n. sp. Empidai;. Ocydromia nigripes , Zett., referred to Hybos ; Roder, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 96. O. elegans, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 21, pi. iii, fig. 5, n. sp. Sphicoaa (?) bicolovy Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 19, n. sp. EMPIDjE SYRPHIDfl). Ins. 287 Empis onthracina , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 19, n. sp. Ililara , the veil and its use ; Becker (51). II. quadrivittata, Meig., metamorphoses ; Beling, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 2. II. sartor , Gastein, Becker, p. 11, B. E. Z. xxxii ; H. magellanica , laticornis , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 20 : n. spp. Leptopeza rivosa, , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 21, n. sp. Heleodromia ochracea , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 22, pi. iii, fig. 4, n. sp. II. ochracea referred to Ililara , Meig. ; Bigot, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 109. Hemerodromyia ochracea referred to Hilara ; Bigot, p. xxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Platt/palpus major, Zett., metamorphoses; Beling, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 2. Chelipoda, Mcq., Thamnodromia, Mile, Lepidomyia , Big., synonymy dis- cussed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 299 & 327. Dolichopodid.e. Psilopodius hir tu lus, Haity, Bigot, p. xxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Psilopodinvs pallescens , carolinensis, occidentalis , N. America, pam- pcecilus , Haity, p. xxix, astequinus , Mexico, p. xxx, Bigot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Spatichira pulchrimana, N. America, Bigot, p. xxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Pcecilohotliru8 mexicanus, Mexico, Bigot, p. xxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Ilydrophorus rogenhoferi, Mik, borealis, Lw., bipunctatus, Lehm., the characters of ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 141 & 142. Medeterus insignis, Thuringia, Girschner, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 97, n. sp. Psilopus eximius , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 39 ; P. cilifarsis, Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 3G9, Tijdsohr. Ent. xxxi : u. spp. Saucropus cinereicollis, Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 370, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Chrysotus luctuosus, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 23, n. sp. Syrphimj. Callicera macquartii, Rond., note on characters of ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 38. Microdon mirabilis, p. 257, inermis , p. 258, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Trichopsomyia , n. g., p. 259, for T. polita, puella, tuberculata , p. 260, longicornis, p. 261, n, spp., Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Lepidostola pulchra, p. 261, similis, abdominalis, p. 262, Brazil, Willis- ton, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. 288 Ins. DIPTERA. Chrysogaster viduata , L., larva described ; Beling, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 3. Cheilosia fasciata , Egg., metamorphoses ; Beling, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 3. Melano8toma pmctulata , Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 375, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi ; M. longicornis , p. 263, scitulum, p. 264, Brazil, WiLLlSTON, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv : n.spp. Gatabomba and Lasiophticus , note on their identity ; Bigot, p. cxxvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Catabomba , 0. S., and Ischyrosyrphus , Big., synonymy of, discussed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 222. Leucozona leucorum n. var. nigripila ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 141. Syrphus lunulatus , Meig., problematic hermaphrodite ; Becker, Wien, ent. Z. vii, pp. 71—74. S. erraticus, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 264, n. sp. Ichyro syrphus, Big., note on ; Bigot, p. cxxvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Mesograpta polita , Say, the corn-feeding Syrphus fly, habits and meta- morphoses ; Ins. Life, i, pp. 5-8. Sphcerophoria nasuta , trilimbata , p. 253, S. ( Mesograpta ) quinquecincta , quinquemaculata , p. 254, Mexico, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Ocyptamus trigonus , Wied., = ( Baccha torva, Willist.) ; Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 265. Baccha stenogaster , p. 266, exigaa, p. 267, placiva, p. 269, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv ; B. tricincta, Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 376, pi. x, fig. 8, Tijdschr. Eut. xxxi : n. spp. Hammerschmicltia = ( Eugeniamyia , Willis.) ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 27 ; H. ferruginea, Schura., synonymy; ROdee, (773). Volucella bombylans , L., variation in colour of ; Mik, SB. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 63. V. merctriciaSy cemula, p. 272, prescutellark , persiinilis, p. 273, musta , mu8y p. 274, viridhy p. 275, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Apophysophora, n. g., p. 276, for Volucella hirtipes, Macq. et A. scutel- lata, n. sp., Brazil, p. 277 ; Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Eristalis congruus , Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 371, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi ; E. ochraceuSy p. 279, proccipuusy volaticus, p. 280, schistaceus, parvulus} p. 282, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv : n. spp. Bolicogina, Macq., is not distinct from Helophilus ; Bigot, p. 102, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii. Helophilus nigrotarsatus, Schin., metamorphoses ; Beling, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 4. H. hahniy Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 24, pi. iii, fig. 6, n. sp. Pteroptila cemula , Brazil, Williston, p. 283, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. sp. Pterallastes nubeculosusy Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 372, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Merodon trochantericus , p. 29, rubkliventrisy p. 30, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, n. spp. SYRPHIDi® — TACHINID2E. Ins. 289 Habromyia, n. g., for H. ccerulei thorax , n. sp., Brazil, Williston, p. 284, Tr. Am. Enfc. Soc. xv. Xylota genuine, , Brazil, Williston, p. 284, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. sp. Sterphus (sub Xylota) ccerulius , Rond., = ( antennalis , Phil.) ; Wil- liston, p. 285, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Ceriogaster , n. g., near Xylota , p. 285, for C. foscithorax , n. sp., Brazil, p. 286 ; Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. Eumerus crassitarsis , Sardinia, Costa, p. 30, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, n. sp. Spilomyia gmtiosa , Argentine Rep., p. 372, pi. x, figs. 6 & 7, Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Lepidostola, Mik, = ( Lepromyia , Willis.); Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 27. Lepidomyia ortalina , Argentine Rep., Wulp, p. 374, pi. x, figs. 2-4, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Ceria lynchii , sackenii , p. 287, mikii, p. 288, braucrii , roederii , p. 289, wulpii) p. 290, bigotii , p. 291, Brazil, Williston, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xv, n. spp. Exochila , Rond., 1857, non 1858, synonymy discussed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 27 & 28. Orthoprosopa nigra, Macq., larva and pupa noticed ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 423. Conopid.® and (Estriil®. Physocephala and Pleurocerina , characters noticed ; Williston, Canad. Ent. xx, p. 10. Tropidomyia, n. g. ( Conopulce ), for T. bimaculata , n. sp., Brazil; Williston, p. 11, Canad. Ent. xx. • Hypoderma bovis , additional information on ; Ormerod, Rep. xii, pp. 104-125. Dermatobia sp. attacking man in Spanish Honduras, Matas, Ins. Life, i, pp. 76-80. fig. 10 & 11. Tachinidjj. Synoptical table of the genera found in Central America; Wulp, pp. 5-7, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Phasia crassipennis, F., varieties described and synonymy detailed ; Girschner, Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 225-234. Acaulona , n. g. ( Phasince ), for A. costata , n. sp., Mexico, pi. iii, figs. 1, 1«, & 16 ; Wulp, p. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Alophora fenestrata, luctuosa , N. America, Bigot, p. 255, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Evibrissa americana, N. America, Bigot, p. 256, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Hystricia ambigua , Macq., pi. i, fig. 7, p. 13, soror, Will., fig. 9, p. 15, amcena , Macq., fig. 11, p. 16, figured and noticed ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. H. albiceps, Costa Rica, pi. i, fig. 6, infuscata, Mexico, p. 12, pollinosa, 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 19 290 Ins. DIPTEilA. Centr, America, fig. 8, p. 14, velutina , fig. 10, p. 15, micans , fig. 12, p. 16, Costa Rica, dorsalis , Centr. America, fig. 13, p. 17, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii ; //. fulvida , N. America (but suppressed as being testacea, Macq., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cvi), erythrina , Bahia, Bigot, p. 79, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Saundersia macula , Macq., pi. i, fig. 16, albomaculata , Jaenn. (sub Micropalpus ), fig. 17, p. 21, figured and described ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. S. ochripes, pi. i, fig. 14, p. 19, laticornis , fig. 15, p. 20, rufopilosa} fig. 18, p. 22, nigropilosa, Centr. America, unicolor , p. 23, rufitibia , Mexico, testacea , pi. ii, fig. 1, p. 24, cana , pi. ii, fig. 12, Costa Rica, bipartita} fig. 3, Mexico, p. 25, truncaticornis , pi. ii, fig. 4, Panama, p. 26, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Jurinia dichroma , pi. ii, fig. 5, p. 27, Mexico and Costa Rica, badii- ventris , fig. 6, Costa Rica, adusta, fig. 7, Mexico, p. 28, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii ; J. ? barbata , gonoides (but suppressed as being lateralis , Macq., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, p. cvi), Mexico, Bigot, p. 78, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Belvosia bi/asciata, Fab., fig. 8, leucophrys , Wied., fig. 9, figured, pi. ii, noticed, p. 30 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Echinomyia popeliif Portsch., note on ; Stein, p. 361, Ent. Nachr. xiv ; E. robusta} Wied., pi. ii, fig. 10, p. 32, analis , F.. fig 12, pilivenlris , Wulp, fig. 13, figured and noticed ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. E. flaviventris, pi. ii, fig. 11, p. 32, nigrocalyptrata , p. 33, dispar , fig 14, p. 34, Mexico, Wulp,‘ Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii ; E. Jlavopilosa, Java, rubrif rons, p. 81, cora, macrocera , p. 82, notata, p. 83, Mexico, Bigot, Anu. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii ; E. cinerascens , Mexico, Bigot, p. 256, t. c. ; E. tri- $ondylaf Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 104 : n. spp. Besseria melanura , Meig., = ( Wahlbergia dimidiata, Zett., Apostrophus anthophilus and suspectys, Lw , Melia forcipata , Big.) ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 302 & 303. Schirieria, Wulp, synonymy of, noticed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 300. S. rujicauda , Wulp, generic position noticed ; Bigot, p. clxxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Frontina ( Fabricia ) pacta attacking Carabus clathratus \ Meinert (577). F. rufostylata , p. 83, chrysopygata , Mexico, aurulenta, Brazil, p. 84, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Fabricia infumata , Mexico, p. 85, audicola , Chili, p. 86, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Gonia : the European species revised, described, and tabulated ; Kowarz, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 1-18. G. senilis , Will., note on ; Wood- worth, Psyche, v, p. 43. G. incerta, Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 10 ; G. mexicana} Durango, Wulp, p. 40, pi. ii, fig. 19, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii ; G. erythro- cera , Chili, Bigot, p. 86, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Trichophora , note on the characters; Wulp, p. 35, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. T. rufina , pi. ii, fig. 15, trisetosa , fig. 16, Costa Rica, p. 36, nitidifrons) TAOHINIDAS. Ins. 291 Mexico, p. 37, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii ; T. ? albocalyptYata, Quito, Bigot, p. 82, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Gymnomma , n. g., for G. nitidiventris , n. sp., Mexico, pi. v, fig. 17 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, p. 38. Nemochceta , n. g., p. 38, for N. dissimilis , n. sp., Costa Rica, p. 39, pi. v, fig. 18 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Exorista conjinis, F., $ described ; Stein, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 214. E. nemea, parasitic on Thyatira bath ; ROder, t. c. p. 221. E. ( Tachina ) pavonice, Zett., = ( T . grandis, Zett., aud S. saturnice, Rob.) ; id. Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 95. E. ornate, “ lndes,” melas , Tasmania, rufipalph, Mexico, p. 256, rufata , Mexico and Brazil, p. 257, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Myobia pumila , habits and parasitism ; Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, pp. 102-104. Uginiyia sericaria referred to Leskia ; Bigot, p. xxxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Dejeania pallipes , Macq , pi. i, fig. 1, p. 8, rutilioides , Jaen., fig. 3, corpulenta , Wied., fig. 4, p. 9, plumitarsis , Wulp, fig. 5, pi. 10, figured and noticed ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. D. atrata, Costa Rica, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, pi. i, fig. 2, p. 8 ; D. crocea , C. Good Hope, Bigot, p. 77, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : n. spp. Ghetolyga. erythropyga, nigriventris, dubia , Mexico, rufonotata, p. 257, nigrifacies , N. America, nigripalpis, flavolimbata , albopicta, occidentalism nitidiventris, p. 258, cenea, Mexico, rufopicta , N. America, p. 259, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Vegeeria coria, anthracina, Mexico, Bigot, p. 259, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Cestonia nigra , Mexico, Bigot, p. 259, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Macquartia atrifrons, Mexico, Bigot, p. 259, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Brachicoma macropogon , California, Bigot, p. 259, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Prosopea americana , Mexico, Bigot, p. 260, Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Rhinophora umbratica, note on habits and synonymy ; Roder, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 219. R. ( Tachina ) lepida, Mg., synonymical note on ; id. Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 253. Leucostoma ( enescens , Zett., and Tachina lepida , M., syuonymical note ; Stein, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 201. Tachina lepida, M., referred to Rhinophora , $ described ; ROder, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 95. T. rufostomata, N. America, Bigot, p. 260, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n.sp. Phorocera barbata, melanoceps , Mexico, parva, N. America, Bigot, p. 260, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Ceromasia quadrivittata, zonata , pictigaster , castanifrons, crysocephala (sic), p. 261, spinipes, abbreviata , p. 262, Mexico, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Viviana citrina, V. (?) rnfopygata , Mexico, Bigot, p. 262, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. 292 Ins D1PTEBA. Heteropterina spinosula , N. America, Bigot, p. 262, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Micropalpus nigrifrons , Mexico, Bigot, p. 263, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Masicera fulvipalpis, eucerata , N. America, fiavifacies, Mexico, Bigot, p. 263, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Tricoliga caloptera, fulvidapex, Mexico, Bigot, p. 263, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Blepharipeza and allies, descriptive and synonymical note ; Bigot, pp. 87-90, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. B. aurocaudata , Monte Video, andina, Chili, p. 90, monticola , inermis, p. 91 ,fulvipes, N. America, albifacies, Brazil, p. 92, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Ci'gptopalpus fluoiceps, N. America, p. 93, palliceps, Colombia, p. 94, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Epalpus lineolatus , p. 94, erythrostoma , ochricornis , p. 95, Chili, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Scopolia satanica, Mexico, Bigot, p. 254, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Stevenia pictipes , N. America, p. 254, pallidiventri s, flavocalyptrata, Mexico, p. 255, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Dexid^e and Sarcophagjd^. Deximorpha petiolala , Bonsd., redescribed and synonymy discussed ; ROder, SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, p. 229. D. grceca , Parnassus, ROder, SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, p. 230, n. sp. Doleschalla nigra, consobrina , p. 98, Moluccas, D. ? picta, p. 99, venosa , maculifera , p. 100, N. Guinea, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Cordylig aster fuscifascies, JavaP, Bigot, p. 101, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Binera cristata , synonymy discussed at length ; ROder, SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, pp. 227-232. Stilboinyia j ucunda, Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 555, n. sp. Prosena maculifera, obscura , curvirostris , Mexico, Bigot, p. 264, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Bhamphinina formidabilis, p. 264, major, anlhracina , Mexico, picta, rubricauda, Cuba, argentina , Buenos Ayres, p. 265, Bigot, Anu. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Bhychiodexia tincticornis, Mexico, spinosa, Haity, Bigot, p. 266, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Microphthalma calogaster, Mexico, Bigot, p. 266, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Myocera ruficornis, N. America, simplex , Mexico, Bigot, p. 266, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Tromodesia hcemorrhoidalis, Mexico, Bigot, p. 267, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Myostoma nigriceps, N. America, Bigot, p. 267, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. DEXJDAC, MUSCID.E. Ins. 293 Homodexia longicornis , vittigera , p. 267, jlavipes, spinosa , triangulifera , p. 268, Mexico, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Oplisa albifacies , nigrifacies , Mexico, Bigot, p. 268, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Pyrrosia ochracea , Mexico, Bigot, p. 268, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Megerlea rufocaudata , N. America, Bigot, p. 269, Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Morinia vmshingtoniana , N. America, Bigot, p. 269, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Morphomyia rufonotata , California, Bigot, p. 269, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Phorostoma appendiculaiay Mexico, melanogaster, New York, Bigot, p. 269, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Dexiosoma fumipennis , partita , Mexico, Bigot, p. 270, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Antliracomyia pallidicornis , Mexico, Bigot, p. 270, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Sarcophaga affintt, Fall., synonymical and biological notes on ; Waohtl, Wien. ent. Z. vii, pp. 277 & 278. S. fulvicauda, England, Meade, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 28, n. sp. Sarcophila wohlfartii in flesh of man, in Poland ; Brandt (98). I Muscidaj. Muscides , sensu latiore, review of external organisation of ; Pan dell e (655). Anatomical note on Muscides ; Brandt (99). Histology of muscles of Musca domestica and Calliphora vomitoria ; Ram6n (709). Jjucilia nobilis attacking man ; Meinert (572). Development in egg of fly ( Musca vomitoria and Lucilia caisar) ; Hen- king (870). Musca vomitoria , embryology of ; Voeltzkow (899), Butschli (120) : histology of metamorphosis ; Rees (717). Calliphora vomitoria , fungoid parasite of ; Giard, C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, pp. 784-786 : fungoid disease of; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord, p. 300: frequenting corpses in coffins; Megnin (571). Somomya erythrocephala , brain of ; Cuccati (172). Curtomura stabulans frequenting corpses in coffins ; MiSgnin (571). 0. hortorum, fungoid disease of ; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord (3) i, p. 301. Glossina morsitans, note on; Laboulbene, Rev. Sci. xli, p. 700: the injury of its bite noticed ; id. p. lxxxviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : note on its habits ; id. p. clviii, t. c. Hyadesimyia , n. g., p. 26, for H. clausa , p. 27, pi. iii, fig. 7, sarco- phagidea, p. 28, pi. iii, fig. 8, Cape Horn, n. spp. ; Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. 294 Ins . DIPTERA. ANTHOMYIIDiE, Use of male organs in limiting species, discussed ; Schnabl (810). Aricia : descriptions of known species not described in his “Contribu- tions,” pp. 427-446 ; additions to the descriptions of species previously described in the “ Contributions,” pp. 447-483 ; addenda to the synoptic table of the species of Aricia, pp. 483-486 ; Sciinabl, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii. A. nigripennis , Warsaw, p.378 t obscuratceformis, Dolmar, p. 383, vander- wulpi , Holland, p. 387, charcoviensis, S. Russia, p. 391, hybrida, Silesia, p. 396, girschneri , Germany, p. 401, jaroschewskii , S. Russia, p. 408, zugmayerice, Austria, p. 411, portschinskyi, W. Russia, p. 414, rossica , Charkow, p. 418, tiefii, Graefenberg, p. 420, steinii , Saxony, p. 423, Sciinabl, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxii, n. spp. Allceostylus, n. g., near Aricia, for A. sudeticus, n. sp., Silesia ; Sciinabl, pp. 49 & 82, Ent. Nachr. xiv : critical note on the genus ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. vii, pp. 135 & 136. Hera, n. g , p. 113, for H. mikii , Silesia, n. sp., p. 114, and including some known species ; Sciinabl, Ent. Nachr. xiv. Hydrotcea palcestrica, Mg., $ described ; Stein, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 292. H. eximia, Germany, Stein, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 289, n. sp. Hylen^ia coarctata} Fall., ravages of : Ormerod, Rep. xii, pp. 80-89. A nthomyia sp. frequenting corpses in coffins; M^gnin (571). A. ( Achanthiptera ) signata , West Prussia, Brischke, Schr. Ges. Danz. (2) vii, p. 107, n. sp. Chortophila nigrisquama , Germany, Stein, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 290, n. sp. Syllegoptera ocypterata , Meig., $ = ( curvinervis , Big.) ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 29. Homalomyia erythropsis , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 30, pi. iv, fig. 1, n. sp. Schcenomyza fenestrata, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 30, n. sp. HELOMYZIDAi, SciOMYZIDiE. Leria rufifrons , picticornis , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 35, n. spp. Ilelomyza veneris, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 34, pi. iv, fig. 2, n. sp. Scatophagidce and Sciomyzidce : suggestions for the classification of the two groups, with tabulation of maritime genera ; Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, pp. 31-33. Scatophaga merdaria , fungoid disease of ; Giard, Bull. Sci. Nord, p. 308. Actora cinerascens, pi. iv, fig. 4, A. (?) rufina, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 37, n. spp. Paractora, n. g., near Actora, p. 38, for P.fuegiana , n. sp.. Cape Horn, p. 39 ; Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. 0RTALID2E OSCINIDvE. his, 295 ORTALIDiE, TrYPETIMJ. Seoptera bibrans, L., habits of larva discussed; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. Vii, p. 94. Euphranta cotinexa, F., ==. ( Gephalio i caloptera , Big.); Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 30. Trypeta ludens, Loew., habits and metamorphoses ; Riley, Ins. Life, i, pp. 45-47, fig. 9. Sqrilographa abrotani, Bl., food of larva noticed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 140. Tephritis absinthii , F., p. 207, conjuncta , p. 209, variation ; Sintenis, SB. Ges. Dorp. viii. T. pallida, Oliv., note on ; Mik, Wien ent. Z. vii, p. 92. T. hordei, 01., referred to Ilydrellia ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 92. Ghcetostoma princeps, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, p. 63, n. sp. Loncileidje, Sapromyzim, Heteroneuridjh. Palloptera gutlipennis, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 36, pi. iv, fig. 3, n. sp. : but P. gutlipennis , Big., referred to Ephydridce , and probably to Scatella ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 141. Sapromyza quadrivittata, Lw., = ( quadrilineata , Strobl) ; Mik, Wien, eut. Z. vii, p. 221. Heteroneura alpina , Lw., and albimana, Mg., distinctive characters ; Girschner, p. 98, Eut. Nachr. xiv. Trigonometopus frontalis, M., redescribed ; Stein, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 202. EPHYDRIDiE, DrOSOPHILIDJS. Notiphila alboclavata, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 41, n. sp. Discomyza cimiciformis , Hal., habits and characters; Girschner, p. 99, Ent. Nachr. xiv. Pteremis nivalis , Hal., recorded from Cape Horn, p. 43, and figured, pi. iv, fig. 7 ; Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi. Ceroptera hirta, quadrinota, Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 41, n. spp. Gitona ? pruinosa, Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 10, n. sp. OSCINIMI. LestopTionus, n. g., for L. iceryce, n. sp., Adelaide (parasitic on leery a purchasi ) ; Williston, Ins. Life, i, p. 21, woodcut. . Musca pumilionis , Oliv., nec Bjerk., referred to Chlorops ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 92. Oscinis pumilionis, lengthy synonymical discussion ; Lampa (490). O. daviceps and nigra , Oliv., noticed; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 92. O.frit , ravages, &c. ; Ormerod, Rep. xii, pp. 34-42. 296 Ins . DIPTERA. Chlorops glabra :, M., attacks on Carum carui ; Kuhn (478). G. tami - o/ms and sp. p, eggs noticed ; Lampa, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 128. 0. fuscipennis, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 105, n. sp. JBurina ducalis , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 7, p. 24, n. sp. Agromyzid^b, Borboridjj. Agromyza diademata , Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 40, n. sp. Milichia P tamaricisf Tunis, Bigot, Exp. sci. Tun. Dipt. p. 10, n. sp. Borborus varipeSy Cape Horn, Bigot, Miss. Sci. Cap. Horn, vi, p. 42, n. sp. Limo&ma , Mcq. : to this belongs Leptocera nigra , Oliv. ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. vii, p. 92. PHORIDiE. Phora aterrima frequenting corpses in coffins j MiSgnin (571). HlPPOBOSCIDiE. Anatomical note on Pupipara ; Brandt (99). (APHANIPTERA.) Pulex serraticeps , Gerv., is intermediate host of Twnia cucumerina ; Grassi (333). Ins. 297 (e.) RHYNCHOTA. Schiodte’s classification discussed ; Puton (692). Fossil Rhynchota , cf. DeichmOller (178), Oppenheim (642). HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA. [Cf. Antessanty (11), Ashmead (19), Autran & Reuter (34), Atkinson (27, 28), Bergroth (61), Blackburn (79), Costa (164), Distant (185, 191), Fallou (256, 257, 258), Ferrari (269, 270), Gadeau (292), Horvath (395, 396, 397), Howard (402), Karsch (432), Kirby (439), Lethierry (498), Meinert (576), ProvanciiEr (685), Puton (689, 690, 691, 692), Reuter (736, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745), Rey (748, 749), Signoret (840), Waterhouse (916).] Complete synonymy of the old writers (1758-1806) on Ileteroptera ; Reuter (736). Classification : Ashmead (19) proposes the following new terms for subdivisions of Heteropterci , viz. — Qeodromica , Hydrodromica, Gymno- cerata , Oryptocerata. PENTATOMlDiE. JEclialia , notes on the Hawaiian species ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N S.W. (2) iii, p. 343. Asopus micans , N. Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 476, pi. xiii, fig. 6, n. sp. Megymenum pcqmensis, New Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 480, n. sp. Chrysocorh cques, Fab., n. var. nicobaricus ; Atkinson, P. A. S. B. 1887, p. 13. C. atriventris, p. 11, andamanensis , viridis , p. 12, India, Atkinson,- P. A. S. B. 1887, n. spp. Coptosoma assatnensis, Assam, Atkinson, P. A. S. B. 1886, p. 174, and J. A. S. B. lvi, p. 35, n. sp. Risibia , n. g., near Cnephosa , Jak.,' p. 168, for R. xanthodrila , n. sp., Siberia, p. 169 ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Podops ( Petalodcra ) tangint , Fab., rcdoscribed, p. 171, pi. i, fig. 2; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 171. Apodiphus hitegriceps , Osch., Turkestan, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 172, ? n. sp. Prionosonia villosum , N. America, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. p. 204, n. sp. Euschi8tus jugali8y N. America, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. .p. 204; 298 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. E. planicornis , truncatus , Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 36 : n. spp. Eusthenes touchei , China, Fallou, Le Nat. viii, p. 413, n. sp. Allocotus saycri , N. Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 477, pi. xiii, fig. 1, n. sp. Ecdicius , n. g., near Pcecilotoma , p. 477, for E. typicus , n. sp., New Guinea, p. 478, pi. xiii, fig. 3 ; Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Accarana, n. g., near Ectenus, for A. metallica , n. sp., New Guinea, pi. xiii, p. 4, fig. 478 ; Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Novatilla , n. g., near Afrania , p. 479, for N. fasdata, n. sp., New Guinea, pi. xiii, fig. 2, p. 480, and to include P. virgata , Dali. ; Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Vulsirea sipolisii, Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 36, n.sp. Peromatus unicolor. Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. viii, p. 36, n. sp. Edessa davidii , rufipes , signoreti, brunnipennis, Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 36, n. spp. Phimodera bufonia , Europe, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 362, n. sp. Eurygaster maura , var. gricescens ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 91. Sternodontus affinis, Westw., = (obtusus, Muls.) ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 186. Peribyssus, n. g., near Cydnus , p. 363, for P. scutellaris , n. sp., Algeria, p. 364 ; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Sehirms bicolor , L., n. var. delagrangei\ Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 256. 2EIia notata , S. France, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 92, n. sp. Eysarcoris ccneus , Scop., and allies, characters of ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 94. Peribalus sphacelatus , var. suboblongus ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 95. Brachynemci virens , Kl., = ( Pentatoma anabasis , Beck.) ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 187. Nezara viridula , L., n. var. aurantiaca ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 58. N. heegeri} Fieb., and millieri) Muls., characters of ; Hor- vath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 173, pi. i, figs. 3 & 4. N. amurcnsis , Siberia, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 200, n. sp. Eurydema decor aturn and cognatum, varr. of described ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 96. E. festivurn , L., var. = (decoration, H.-Sch.) ; Horvath, t. c. p. 187. Menida scotti , Jak., n. var. sinensis ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 64. Acanthosoma denticaudum, Jak., $ characters figured ; Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 202. Urostylis virescens , Amurland, Reuter, pp. 200 & 202, Rev. d’Ent. vii; U. setifcra , Nias I., Lethiery, p. 461, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Urochela falloui, Pekin, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 65, n. sp. Vrolabidina (sic) sinensis , Pekin, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 64, n. sp. COREIDiE. Midis falloui, Pekin, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 65, n. sp. Bothrostethus elevatus , Fieb., var. ? subinermis, Smyrna ; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 257. COREIDJl PYRRHOCORIDvE. hi?. 299 Corizus : characters of species of the subgen. Stictopleurus , Stal ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, pp. 96-99. C. subtomentosus ?, n. sp. ; Rey. Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 99. A1 egalotomus castaneus , Pekin, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 66, u. sp. Stenocephalus femoralis , p. 66, horvathi , p. 67, Pekin, Reuteii, Rev. d’Ent. vii, n. spp. Rhopalus ( yEschynteles ) angularis , Pekin, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 67, n. sp. Colobathristes saccharicida , Java, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 206, n. sp. Leptocorisa acuta, injuries to rice in India, varieties described ; Atkin- son, P. A. S. B. 1887, pp. 4-7. Pervda, n. g. ( Leptocorisaria ), for P. typica , n. sp., Rio Janeiro; Distant, p. x, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii. Curapira , n. g. ( Leptocorisaria ), for C. illustrata , n. sp., Rio Janeiro ; Distant, p. xi, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii. Mycillus, n. g., near Plectrocnemia, for M. explicatus , n. sp.,New Guinea, pi, xiii, fig. 11 ; Distant, p. 481, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Lygjdidjj and Pyrrhocorid/E. Lygceus marginatus , Jak., n. var. sinensis ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 68. L. festivus, Thbg., = ( saundersi , Mis., R.) ; Puton, t. c. p. 109. L. gibbicollis, Costa, more fully described ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 101. L. subrufescens, Christmas I. ; Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 553, n. sp. Nysius angustatus, Uhl., eggs described, &c. ; Osborn, in Riley Rep. 1887, p. 162. N. longicollis , p. 344, mauiensis , p. 345, whitei , p. 346, Hawaiian Is., Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii ; N. volxemi , St. Theresa, Distant, p. Ixxix, CR. ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Metrarga contracta , obscura , Hawaiian Is., Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Montaltus, n. g., near Graptostethus , for M. tricolor , n. sp., New Guinea, pi. xiii, fig. 9 ; Distant, p. 483, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. Gymus angustatus , mimicry in ; Duzee, Psyche, v, p. 27. O. simplex, Transcaucasus, obliquus , Europe, Horvath, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 310, n. spp. Oedancala dorsalis , mimicry in ; Duzee, Psyche, v, p. 27. Blissus leucopterus , note on ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 105 : history, distribution, ravages, life-history, food- plants, enemies, diseases, remedies and preventives, bibliography ; Howard, in Riley Rep. 1887, pp. 51-88, pis. i & iii. B. leucopterus , diseases of ; Forbes, Psyche, v, p. 110. B. dorice , Ferr., n. var. obscurus-, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 223. Geocoris chloroticus , Portugal, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 104, n. sp. Macropterna convexa var. conica ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 99. Bhyparochromus chiragra , F., characters of ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 100. Plinthisus bicolor , hab. ?, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 101, n. sp. 300 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Tropistethus holosericeus n. var. albidipennis ; Horvath, Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 1 73, pi. i, fig. 5. T. gentilis, Dalmatia. Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 174, pi. i, fig. 6, u. sp. Ischnocoris hemipterus , macropterous form ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 35. Liabaris , n. g., near Flomoscelis , for L. reuteri , u. sp., Brazil; Horvath, p. 75, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Stygnocoris fauslus, E. Europe, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 174, n. sp. Peritrechus ineridionalis , Put., var. fuscatus ; Ferrari, p. 557, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. P. ambiguus , Hungary, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 175. u. sp. Ilyalochilus mediterraneus, Sardinia, Ferrari, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 557, n. sp. Aphanus pini, L., var. intermedins ; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 104. Pachymerus ( Graptopeltus ) albomaculutus, Scott, note on ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 68. Emblethis denticollis u. var. anodon\ Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 176. Notoehilus obscurior , Austria, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 102 ; N. ( Thau - mastopus ) noviburgensis , France, Antessanty, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 383 : n. spp. Scolopostethu8 pictus and allies, characters of ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 148. Atractophora bipunctata, Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Antilochus bicolor , Nias I., Lethierry, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 463, n. sp. Dinia seriepunctatai Sumatra, Lethierry, p. 462, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Pyrrhocoris apterus , L., var. noticed ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 176. P. niger} Crete, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 223, n. sp. Dindynim nigellus , N. Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 483, n. sp. Dysdercus mesiostigma , pi. xiii, fig. 12, papuensis, p. 484, simplex , p. 485, N. Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, n. spp. Tingitidjj. Zosmenus silenes , Hungary, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p, 176, u. sp. Piesma quudrata and variabilis, n. varr. of described ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. yii, p. 180. Monanthia cucullifera, Sarepta, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 105 ; M. par- mata , Botafogo, Idricata, Entre Rios, Distant, p. lxxxiii, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii : n. spp. Acalypta hellenica, Greece, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 224, n. sp. Derepliysia brevicornis , Greece, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 224, n. sp. Galeathus multiseriatus, Greece, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 225, n. sp. Eurycera intermedia , Corsica, magnicornis , France, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 191, n. spp. Monosteira lobulifera, Greece, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 225, n. sp. ARADID*:, CAPSIDS. Ins . 301 ARADIDiE. Aradus scrbicus , Serbia, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 177 ; A. notatus, France, Rey, t. c. p. 192 : n. spp. Pictinus aurivillii , Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. vi, p. 247, recorded errone- ously last year as Aradus aurivillii. Brachyrhynchus bilobiceps , Sumatra, Lethierry, p. 464, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Neuroctenns, synopsis of the genus ; Bergroth, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxix, pp. 176-187. N. signoreti , Guinea, p. 176, nitidulm , Burma, p. 177, eons, p. 178, par, p. 179, Java, majusculus, Australia, p. 181, distanti , Mexico, rubiginosus, S. America, p. 184, Bergroth, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxix, n. spp. Ctenoneurus , n. g., for Neuroctenns hochstetteri , Mayr., and Mezira lifuana , Montr. ; Bergroth, p. 188, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxix. Capsids. Forty species of the family found in the Hawaiian Is. ; Blackburn (79). Teratodella anthocoroides, Reut., sexes described; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 198. Miris albopilosus, Sumatra, Lethierry, p. 464, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, u. sp. Lopus grceseri , Amurland, Autran & Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 201, n. sp. Calocoris putoni, Syria, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 180; C. tegularh , Algeria, Puton, t. c. p. 364 ; C. costa, Armenia, Reuter, Wien. ent. Z vii, p. 99 : n. spp. Allceonotus fulvipes , Scop., n. var. eeparandus ; Horvath, Rev. .d’Ent. vii, p. 179. Derceocoris trifasciatus , L., var., = ( annulatus , Germ.); Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 188. Lygus viscicola , Paris, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 365 ; L. rutilans, Tyrol, Horvath, t. c. p. 181 : n. spp. Capsus rutilus , H. S., var. described ; Ferrari, p. 566, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Eccritotarsus incusus , p. lxxxi, magnijicus , p. lxxxii,.S. America, Dis- tant, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n. spp. Liocoris glabratus, Entre Rios, Distant, p. Ixxxii, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. ?. Fundanius bicolor , Petropolis, Distant, p. Ixxxii, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Besthenia designata, majuscula, Brazil, Distant, p. lxxxi, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n. spp. Pilophorus angustulus , Greece, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 227, n. sp. S ystellonotus venustissimtis, fully described, p. 10, figured, pi. i, fig. 10 ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 10. RHYNCHOTA. 302 Ins. Myrmecominius pcederoules, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 59, n. sp. Halticus henschii , Illyria, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 58, n. sp. Dicypkus stuchydis , Europe, = ( Gapsus collaria , Flor., nec Fall.) ; Reuter, Ent. Medd. p. Ill; D. montandoni , Roumania, id. Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 62 : n. spp. Globiceps fuloicollis, Jak., J described ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 181. Orthotylus palustris, Illyria, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 59, n. sp. Euderon , n.g. ( Oncotylariu ), p. 106, for A’, martini , n. sp., Biskra, p. 107; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Amblytylus delicatus, Per., noticed and redescribed ; Saunders, Ent. M M. xxv, p. 78. Byrsoptera cylindricollis, Costa, J described ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 182. B. pontica, Tauria, Horvath, Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 182, n. sp. JPsallus ambiguus , Fall., var. = ( P ceciloscytus diversipes, Horv.) ; Hor- vath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 188. P. carduellus , Dalmatia, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 183 ; P. henschii, Illyria, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 59 : n. spp. Excentricus singularis, Tauria, tig. 8, oophorus , Asia Minor, fig. 10, pi. i, Horvath, p. 184, Rev. d’Ent. vii, n. spp. Plagiognathus tomentosus, Sicily, Reuter, Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 236, n. sp. Campylomma cerlzeni, Greece, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 228, n. sp. Sthenarus visci, Paris, Puton, Rev. d’Eut. vii, p. 366 ; S. carbonarius , Roumania, Horvath, t. c. p. 186 ; S. nigripilis , Greece, Reuter, t. c. p. 228 : n. spp. Paredrocoris pectoralis, Reut., $ described ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 186. Tuponia lethierryi n. var. doderi ; Ferrari, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 567. Ileleocoris (sub Naucoris ) minusculus, Walk., = ( tabidulus , St&l) ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 188. Helopeltis romundei , Java, Waterhouse, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 207, n. sp. CiMiciDao and Anthucorid^. Cryptostemma medium , S. France, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 195, n. sp. Henschiella, n. g. ( Ceratocombides ), p. 169, for H. pellucida , n. sp., Herzegovina, p. 170, pi. i, fig. 1 ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Temnostethus tibialis, Crete, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 226, n. sp. Montandoniella , n. g., near Ectemnus, p. 255, for M. dacica, n. sp., Buehare>t, p. 256 ; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Triphleps bvevicollis , France, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 196, n. sp. Brachystelus parvicornis, Cost , forma brach., = ( dubius , Reut.) ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 197. Termatophylum insigne , Reut., $ described ; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 106. Mgrmedobia distinguenda and coleoptrata, variation of; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 197. SALDIDA3 — N0T0NECTIDA5. Ins. 303 Saldid^j. Saida opacula , Zett., and marginella , Fieb., distinguished ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent; vii, p. 195. S. oahuensis , Hawaiian Is., Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, p. 353, n. sp. Acanthia variabilis, H.-Sch., n. var. connectens ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 179. A. melanoscela , Fieb, n. var. pallidipennis ; Reuter, t. c. p. 226. A. hirsuta , Illyria, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 60, n. sp. Emesidas, Reduviida:, and Nabid.®. Ploiariodes rubromaculata, p. 349, pulchra, p. 350, Hawaiian Is., Black- burn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Helonotocoris, n. n. for Helonotus , Uhler, nec A. & S., with H. modig- lianii , n. sp., Sumatra ; Letii jerry, p. 4G3, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. EctrychoUa costalis, Nias I., Letiiierry, p. 465, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; E nigriventris , China, Fallou, Le Nat. viii, p. 413 : n. spp. Paloptus bicolor , New Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 485, n. sp. Velinus geraesensis, pilipes, Brazil, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 68, n. spp. Debilia signoreti, Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Milyas annulipes , Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Hammatocerus quadrisignatus, Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Pa8ahuft sipolisii , Minas Geraes, Fallou, Le Nat. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Stenolemus novaki, Dalmatia, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 178, pi. i, fig. 7, n. sp. Oncocephalus simillimus, Amurland, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 201, n. sp. Centrosceliocorh desertus , Beck., == ( spinosas , Jak.) ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 188. Harpactor niger , H.-Sch., forma brachyptera ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 178. H. argenteolineatus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 102, n. sp. Coranus rugosicollis, Biskra, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 106, n. sp. Nabis rubritinctus , p. 351, oscillans , koelensis , p. 352, N. (?) curti- pennis , p. 353, Hawaiian Is., Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, n. spp. Hydrometrida:, Naucorid/e, Nepida:, and Notonectidjj. Hibernation of Hydrometridce ; Reuter (745), Aepophilus bonnairii , habits ; Keys, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 174. Velia major , Put., note on; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 194. Relations of Metrocoris and Ilalobalodes discussed ; Meinert (57 ). Aphelochirus cestivalis , Fab., habits, &c. ; Gadeau (292). Nepa, monograph of, Stal’s generic divisions being not adopted ; Ferrari, Ann. Hof museum Wien, iii, pp. 161-194, pis. viii & ix. 304 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. N. spinigera , Malacca, p. 175, rogenhoferi , Comores Is., rapax , Mada- gascar, p. 178, easoma , Calcutta, p. 179, steindachneri , Wadai, kohlii, Iud. or., Mexico ? ?, Africa P, p. 180, dubia, Trop. Asia, p. 181, dentata , India, ingens, Brazil?, archipelagi , p. 183, anonyma , Java, &c., p. 184, pfeiferioe , E. India, p. 187, p. 188, gredleri , p. 189, S. Africa, Ferrari, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, iii, n. spp. Ranatra annulipes , China, Fallou, LeNat. viii, p. 413, n. sp. Zuitha , oviposition ; Borner, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 34. Amsops varia, Fieb., = ( Notonccta nanuta , Walk.); Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 189. Notonecta cliinensis , Fokien, Fallou, Le Nat. viii, p. 413, n.sp. HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA. [cy. Ashmead (21), Costa (164), Distant (185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190), Edwards (215, 216, 217, 218), Ferrari (270), Fumouze (291), Horvath (396), Kirby (439), Lethierry (498, 499), Low (525, 526), Marlatt (552), Puton (689, 692), Riley (756), Uhler (894), Wood- worth (939) ; also Aphid idee and Coccidce.'] ClCADlDiE. The European and N. American genera tabulated ; Ashmead, Ent. Am. iv, pp. 140 & 141. Synopsis of North American Cicadidee ; Wood- worth, Psyche, v, pp. 67 & 68. Platypleura bcidia , Teuasserim, Distant, p 453, pi. iv, figs. 6a & b} Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Gaena tenebricosa , Burma, Distant, p. 454, pi. iv, figs. 2a & b , Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi; G. delinenda , Silhet, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) i, p. 291 : n. spp. Mogannia funebris , Stal, var. figured, pi. iv, figs, la&b ; Distant, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. M. dorice , Sarawak, Distant, p. 520, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n.sp. Dundubia majuscula , Celebes, Distant, Ann. Mus, Genov. (2) vi, p. 521 ; D. ceratci , Borneo, tavoyana , Tavoy, similis , Sikkim, id. p. 292, Ann. N. H. (6) i : n. spp. Huechys sanguinea , medical properties and colouring-matter of the abdomen, &c. ; Fumouze (291) : colouring-matter of; id. p. xxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii : its vesicating and other properties ; id. C.R. Ass. Sci. Fr. xvii, pi. i, p. 193. H. sanguinolenta , medical properties of ; Arnaud & Brogniant (13). H. sufusa , Java, Distant, p. 291, Ann. N. H. (6) i ; H. hcematicat Tenasserim, id. p. 454, pi. iv, figs. 5a & b , Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; II. pingenda , Sumatra, celebensis, Celebes, p. 519, chryselectra , Sarawak, p. 520, id. t. c. : n. spp. Tosena depicta , Borneo, Distant, p. 323, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Leptopsaltria picturata , Nilgiri Hills, andamanensis , Andaman Is., Distant, p. 370, Ann. N. H. (6) i, n. spp. CICADIDA5, FULGORIDA2. Ins. 305 Cosmopsaltria nigra , Philippines, p. 292, vmbrata , Sikkim, lauta, Borneo, p. 293, minahasa ?, Celebes, p. 294, silhetana, Silhet, jacoona , Johore, p. 295, Distant, Anu. N. H. (6) i; C. pigafettce , Ternate, id. p. 371, t. c. ; C. albostriata , Philippines, p. 324, op. cit. ii ; C. lutu- lenta, N. Guinea, gemina, Goram, p. 522, capitata , Aru Is., p. 523, id., Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : n. spp. Baeturia sandaracata , Burma, Distant, p. 458, pi. iv, figs. 4a & 5, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi ; B. beccarii , Sumatra, id. t. c. p. 524 : n. spp. Pomponia solilaria , Andaman Is., p. 295, obnubila , Simla, p. 296, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) i ; P. collina , E. India, p. 371, ransonneti , Ceylon, p. 372, id. t. c. ; P. scitula , Burma, id. p. 456, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi : n. spp. Cryptotympana limborgi , Tenasserim, Distant, p. 296, Anu. N. H. (6) i ; C. cpithesia, Borneo, id. p. 325, op. cit. ii : n. spp. Prasia princeps, Celebes, Distant, p. 325, Ann. N. H. (6) ii, n. sp. Cicada , archaeological considerations on ; Rabaud (697). C. septen- dccem , $ structures; Apgar (12) : season of appearance of ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 52. C '. elopurina , p. 207, pontianalca , p. 298, Borneo, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) i ; C. germana , Burma, id. p. 457, pi. iv, figs. 3 a & b, Ann. Mus Genov. (2) vi : n. spp. Karenia , n. g., p. 457, for K. ravida , n. sp., Burma, p. 458, Distant, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Platypedia, n. g., for Cicada areolata and putnami , Uhler, p. 23, and P. minor , n. sp., California, p. 81 ; Uhler, Ent. Am. iv. Prunasis venom , Texas, Uiiler, Ent. Am. iv, p. 82, n. sp. Proarna valvata , Arizona, Uiiler, Ent. Am. iv, p. 84, n. sp. Ceresa bubalus , notes on the oviposition of ; Marlatt, Tr. Kansas Ac. x, pp. 84 & 85. Tibicen amussitatus, Darjiling, acberi, p. 373, casyapce , Cashmere, reti- cula tus, Gilgit, p. 374, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) i ; T. tigrinus , Kulluur, id. p. 325, op cit. ii : n. spp. Tibicina luctuosa, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 102, n. sp. Gicadetta continuata , Quetta, literata , Cashmere, Distant, p. 375, Ann. N. H. (6) i : n. spp. Oxypleura calypso , Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 553, n. sp FuLGORlDiE. Orgerius conspersus , p. 107, albofasciatus , p. 108, Algeria, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii. Jlicania flavicostalis , ajjinis , p. 554, hyalina , p. 555, Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, n. spp. Meenoplus atrovenosust Nias I., Lethierry, p. 466, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Myrilla , n. g., near Polydictya , for M. obscura, n. sp., New Guinea, pi. xiii, fig. 8 ; Distant, p. 487, Tr. E. Soc. 1888. 1888. [vol. xxv.] e 20 306 Ins . RHYNCHOTA. Desudaba scylla, New Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 488, pi. xiii, Jig. 5, n. sp. . Phantia longiceps , Algeria, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 367, n. sp. Haplacha plagiata , Nias I., Lethierry, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 466, P. sp. Trirhacus formosissimus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 102, n. sp. Histeropterum areolatum , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 103, n. sp. Gixius : the British species tabulated, p. 101 ; G. scotti, n. n. for simplex, Scott, remotus , n. n. for similis , Scott, p. 100 ; Edwards, Ent. M. M. xxv. Dictyophara fuscistigma , Sumatra, p. 466, javana, Java, nigroapicata , Nias I., sanguinolenta , Sumatra, p. 467, Lethierry, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp Acuma tessellata, New Guinea, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pi. xiii, fig. 7, p. 488, n. sp. Stenocranus productus , Sumatra, Lethierry, p. 468, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. sp. Kelisiu putoni, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 59, n. sp. Liburnia punctulum, pallidula , and reyi , characters of ; Edwards, Eut. M. M. xxiv, p. 197, woodcuts. L. difficilis, discreta, England, Edwards, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 197, n, spp. Teltigometra sulphured , Muls., n. var. mendax ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 186. Cercopid^. Gercopis olivacea , Nias I., p. 468, cceruleicollis , Sumatra, p. 469, Lethierry, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Aphrophora similis , Irkutsk, Lethierry, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 252, n. sp. Membracida£. Centrotus pei'cheroni , Nias I., sinuatodorsum, Sumatra, p. 469, recti- dorsum , Nias I., p. 470, Lethierry, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, n. spp. Jassid^r. Jassidce : the British genera and speoios described and tabulated ; Edwards, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 32-78. Tettigonidce : the British genera and species described and tabulated ; Edwards, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 13-16. Tettigonia sayeri , n. n. for T. maculicollis , Wlk., nee Sign. ; Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, p. 488. Acocephalhlce : the British geuera and species described and tabulated ; Edwards, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 17-32. Aconura sibirica , Irkutsk, Lethierry, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 252, n. sp. . Limnotettix : synonymy discussed, should be replaced by Gicadula ; Woodworth, Psyche, v, pp. 75 & 76. JASSIDiE, APHIDIDjE. Ins. 307 Athysanus variegatus, Kbm., n. var. doderi ; Ferrari, p. 569, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. A. jakowleffi,, Irkutsk, Lethierry, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 253, n. sp. Deltocephalus acarifer , Irkutsk, Lethierry, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 253, n. sp. Typhlocybidm : the British genera and species described and tabulated ; Edwards, Tr. E. Soc. 1888, pp. 78-107. Typhlocyba hippocastani , avellance , p. 157, opaca, pruni , p. 158, England, Edwards, Ent. M. M. xxv, n. spp. PsYLLIDJE. Revision of the Psy Hulas of Austria-Hungary, with notes on food- plants, habits, &c. ; L6w (525). Lima limbata , Wag., var. = ( crefeldensis , Mink.) ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 60. Aphalara conspersa, Hungary, LOW, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, p. 31, n. sp. Psylla colorata , p. 32, intermedia , p. 33, Goritz, LOW, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. spp. Amblyrhina : table of species of; Loew, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 382. A. putonii , France, Loew, p. 381, Rev. d’Ent. vii, p. 381, n. sp. Trioza acutipennis, Zett., = ( femoralis , Flor., and alpestris , Low), p. 24 ; larva described, p. 39 ; LOW, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. T. versicolor, Hungary, p. 34, agrophila, Austria, p. 35, saxifragcet Styria, p. 36, tbomasii , Tyrol, p. 37, LOw, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n.spp. Calophya nigripennis, n. n. for rhois , Glover, nec LOw ; Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, ii, p. 69, note. Pachypsylla , n. g., p. 71, for Psylla venusta , O.-Sack., celtidis-mamma , Riley, which are redescribed, pp. 72 & 73, and P. ( Blastophysa ) c - gemma , n. sp., N. America ; Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, ii. Ceropsylla , n. g., Triozinas , for 0. sideroxyli , n. sp., N. America ; Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, ii. Rhinopsylla , n. g., Triozinas, p. 77, for R. schwarzii, n. sp., Florida, p. 78 ; Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, ii. APHIDIDiE. \_Cf. Bos (91), Carriere (136), Cholodkovsky (144), Lemoine (494, 495), Riley (757, 761), Shipley (838), Weed (919), Will (929).] Remarks on Oestlund’s Aphididceot Minnesota ; Buckton, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 94 & 95. Development in viviparous Aphididce ( Aphis pelargonii , saliceti , and rosce ) ; Will (929). Siphonophora rudbeckice , Fitch, metamorphosis ; Weed, Psyche, v, p. 127. Phorodon humuli , habits, figures ; Riley (761) ; and annual life- history, injuries, remedies ; id. (757) : notes on its habits and migrations ; id. Ins. Life, i, pp. 70-74. 308 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Bhopalosiphum maidis , habits and injuries to coni in N. America ; Webster, in Riley Rep. 1887, p. 148. Aphis cornifolice , Fitch, metamorphoses ; Weed, Psyche, v, p. 128. A. papaverisf relations of Lasiua niger with this, and its influence on Vicia faba\ Bos (91). A. malt , &o., parasitio disease of; Giard, C.R. Soc. Biol. (8) v, p. 783. Chaitophorus viminalis, Monell, metamorphosis; Weed, Psyche, v, p. 133. Callipterus discolor , Monell, metamorphosis ; Weed, Psyche, v, p. 131. Schizoneura cornicolat Walsh, metamorphosis ; Weed, Psyche, v, p. 129. Chermes abietis , L., development ; Cholodkovsky, Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 45-48. Phylloxera , biological sketch of ; Shipley (838). P. vastatrix , PI., biological observations ; Carriere (136) : metamorphosis, &c. ; id. t. c. : at the Cape ; P^ringuey (666). P. punctata , structure of brain ; Le- mqine, O.R. cvi, pp. 678-680, and (494) : anatomy of ; id. (495). Coccidjs and Aleurodidac. [Gf. Ashmead (26), Blanc (80), Douglas (202, 203, 204), Duges (212), Maskell (559), Morgan (614, 615), Riley (761).] Observations on the scales, and miscellaneous remarks on some genera ; Morgan (614). — Larvae of Lepidoptera feeding on Coccidce ; Douglas (204). Aspidiotus zonatus , sexes and mature female described ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 205-208, woodcut. Mytilaspis pomorum , note on ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 16 : some notes on its external structure ; Blanc (80). Vinsonia stellifera , Westw., descriptive and synonymical note on ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 152. Lecanium lauri , p. 57, bituber culatum, p. 59, descriptions of aud notes on ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv. L. clypeatumy Britain, on ferns in conservatories ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 58, n. sp. Physokermea hemicryphus , Dalm., occurrence of in Sweden ; Auri- ViLLius, Ent. Tidskr. ix, p. 124: its parasite ; id. t. c. p. 144. Dactylopius citri , Boisd., = (L. phyllococcus} Ashm., and D. destructor , Comst.) ; Ins. Life, i, p. 118. Pseudococcus ulicis, p. 88, woodcut, ulmiy p. 124, woodcut, England, Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, n. spp. Signoretia, n. n. for Westwoodia , Sign., nec Lap. ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 176. Bergrothia} n. n. for the above Signoretia j Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. xxxii, p. 360. Coccus agavium , at Kew, on Agave from N. America, Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 150, woodcut, u. sp. Icerya purchasi, figures, parasites, &c. ; Riley (761). Ortonia natalensis, Natal, Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 86, woodcut, n. sp. C0CC1D2E ANOPLURA. . Ins . 309 Llaveia axinus , Mexico, Duaks, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 160, pi. xv, figs, a & b , n. sp. Orthezia insignis , Dough, note on ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 208. O. edwardsii, California, Ashmead, p. 203, Canad. Ent. xx, n. sp. Alcurodes lonicercm , Walk., =. ( xylostei , Westh.) ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 31. A. ribium, England, Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxiv, p. 265, woodcut, n. sp. (ANOPLURA.) [Cf. Trouessart & Neumann (887).] Echinojphthirius microchir, Auckland Is. (on Phocarctos hooJceri ) ; Trou- essart, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 80, woodcut, n. sp. Phthirius inguinalzs , habitat, &c. ; J. Micr. & Nat. Sci. (n.s.) i, pp. 255 & 256. 310 Ins. (F). Nil UR 0 PTE BA. Classification of the order discussed j Selys, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, pp. 122-125. The validity of Brauer’s orders ; Brauer (100). Catalogue of Neuroptera of Belgium ; Selys (829). Fossil Neuroptera , cf. Oppenheim and Palreoentomology. Trichoptera. [Cf. Costa (164), KlapAlek (441), Kolbe (445, 450), Mabille (538), Morton (616, 617), Muller (621, 622), Rostock & Kolbe (778), Selys (829).] External and internal anatomy of larvae and pupae, and structure of cases; KlapAlek (441), pp. 1-13. Notes on oviposition ; MOller, Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 259-261. Phryganea grandis , natural history of ; Kolbe, Ent. Nachr. xiv' pp. 295-299. Particulars as to the egg-mass and young larvae of? Phryganea sp. ? ; id. SB. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 22-26. Limnophilus lunatus , Curt., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 14-17, fig. 5, Arch, naturw. landosforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Halesus auricollis , Piet., pp. 17-19, fig. 6, interpunctatus, Zett., pp. 20-22, fig. 7, metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. II. hyadesi, Orange Bay, Mabille, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 4, n. sp. Drusus trifidus , McLach., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 22-25, fig. 8, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Sericostoma personatum , Spence, metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 25-28, fig. 9, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. S. mac- lachlanianum more fully described ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 12. Silo nigricornis, Piet., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 28-31, fig. 10, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Lasiocephala basalis , Kol., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5, pp. 31-34, fig. 11 Odontocerum albicorne , Scop., metamorphoses; KlapAlek, pp. 35-37, fig. 12, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Leptocerus senilis, Burm., pp. 37-39, fig. 13, ateirimus, pp. 40-42, fig. 14, metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Mystacides longicornis, L., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 42-45, fig. 15, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. TRICHOPTERA, NEUROPTERA-PLANIPENNIA. Ins. 31 i Tricenodes bicolor, Curt., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 45-48, fig. 16, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Hydropsyche angustipennis, Curt., pp. 48-51, fig. 17, saxonica, McLacb., pp. 51-54, fig. 18, metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, Arch, naturw. landes- forsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Philopotamus montanus , larva, &c. ; Morton, Ent. M. M. xxv, pp. 89-91 : var. scoticus at Killarney, note on ; King, op. cit. xxiv, p. 214. Wormaldia occipitalis, Piet., trophi of larva ; Morton, P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. (n.s.) ii, p. 115, pi. ii. j Polyccniropus Jlavomaculatus , Piet., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 54-56, fig. 19, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Chimarrha albomaculata , Porto Rico, Kolbe, p. 175, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1, n. sp. Rhyacophilanubila, Zett., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 57-59, fig. 20, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Agapetus comatus , Piet., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, pp. 59-61, fig. 21, Arch, naturw. landesforsch. Bohmen, vi, No. 5. Macronema sp., notes on the breathing apparatus of this and of other Trichoptera ; MOller, Ent. Nachr. xiv, pp. 274-276. Ithytrichia lamellaris, cases, &c. ; Morton, Ent. M. M. xxiv, pp. 171-173. Orthotrichia angustella, case of ; Morton, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 93. Lagenopsyche , presumed case of, noticed ; Morton, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 16. Neuroptera-Planipennia. [Cf. Costa (164), Gerstakcker (306), Hagen (359, 360, 361), Kolbe (445), Rostock & Kolbe (778), Selys (829), Westwood (926).] Sialidce . Gorydalis asiatica, note on ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 133. Myrmeleonidce . Palpares gigas , Dalm., p. 94, caffer , Burm., p. 95, notes on ; Ger- staecker, MT. Vorpomm. xix. P. obsoletus , p. 95, ccgrotus , p. 98, W. Africa, Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix, n. spp. Stenares hycena, Dalm., note on $ ; Gerstaecker, p. 99, MT. Yorpomm. xix. Acanthaclisis (?) debilis, Lagos, Gerstaecker, p. 100, MT. Vorpomm. xix, n. sp. Glenurus mollis, Colombia, Gerstaecker, p. 101, MT. Vorpomm. xix, n. sp. Pericly8tus,n. g., near Glenurus , p. 103, for P. laceratus, p. 105, calli- peplus , p. 107, n. spp, Australia ; Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix. Formicaleo nubilus , Sierra Leone, Gerstaecker, p. 109, MT. Vorpomm. xix, n. sp. Myrmeleon illustris, Gerst., note on its characters ; . Gerstaecker, 312 In*. NEUROPTERA. p. Ill, MT. Vorpomm. xix. M. formicarius , L., habits and parasite ; Rudow, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 137. M. immaculatus , De G., pp. 188-191, mobilis , Hag., pp. 204-206, formicalynx , L., pp. 206-209, characters and synonymy, rusticus , Hag., described, p. 210 ; Hagen, Canad. Ent. xx. M. fulcipennis , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 89 ; M. scopi/er , Ceram, p. 110, timidus , Chiriqui, p. 112, Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix : n. spp. BrachynemuruSy n. g., p. 34, to include the following species of Myr - meleoriy which are redescribed, viz., longicaudus , Br., p. 35, nodulosus , Ramb., p. 36, versutust Walk., p. 37, abdominalis, Say, p. 57, peregrinus, Hag., p. 59, blandus, Hag., p. 72 ; and the following new species, carri- zonus, Texas, p. 93, sackeni, Texas, p. 94, longipalpis, California, p. 95 ; Hagen, Canad. Ent. xx. Dendroleon pantkerinum, Fab., p. 185, obaoletum , Say, p. 187, characters, &c., noticed ; Hagen, Canad. Ent. xx. Ascalaphidce. A&calaphus : the metamorphoses of the species discussed, with special reference to A. insimulanSy Walk., the larva and perfect insect being figured with details ; Westwood (926). A. expamus and radians , Gerst., note on their characters; Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix, pp. 92 & 93. Coi'dulecerw inquinatuSy Chiriqui, Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix, p. 89, n. sp. Colobopterus trivalis , Chiriqui, Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix, p. 90, n. sp. Puer (?) pardalisy Sierra Leone, Gerstaecker, p. 91, MT. Yorpomm. xix, n. sp. Mantispida). Anisoptera , Schneid., to be used in place of Trichoscelia , Westw. ; Gerstaecker, p. 117, note, MT. Yorpomm. xix. A.jocosa , p. 117, amcenuluy p. 119, Amazons, remipes} Bogota, p. 120, Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix, n. spp. Mantispa debilisy Amazons, p. 114, stenopteray N. Guinea, p. 115, Ger- staecker, MT. Vorpomm. xix, n. spp. Osmylidce. Sisyra iridipennis redoscribed ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 61. Uemerobiidce . Hemerobius signatus redescribed ; Hagen, P. Bost. Soc. xxiii, p. 565. H. impudicus , Brazil, p. 127, cixiiformis, Amazons, p. 128, Gerstaecker, MT. Vorpomm. xix, n. spp. Micromus : monograph of the genus ; Hagen (360). M. montunus , p. 279, variolosus , p. 284, N. America, cubanus , Cuba, p. 286, angustus, N. America, p. 287, insular is ^ Madagascar, p. 292, Hagen, P. Bost. Soc. xxiii; M. tessellatusy Blumenau, Gerstaecker, p. 129, MT. Vorpomm. xix : p. spp. NEUROPTERA- PLANIPENNIA, THYSANURA. Ins. 313 Megalomus psychodoides , marmoratipennis , Gay, referred to Hemerobius ; Hagen, P. Boat. Soc. xxiii, p. 566. Ohrysopidce. Chrysopa vulgaris , emergence from egg ; Olivier, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, p. 211. C. bifidilinea (= ypsilon , Costa, olim ), Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 52 ; C. 7crugiif Porto Rico, Kolbe, p. 173, pi. ix, fig. 2, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1 : n. spp. Protochrysopa, n. g., for Chrysopa insularis , Wlk. ; Kolbe, p. 174, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1. Apochrysa mirifica , Chiriqui, Gerstaecker, p. 122, MT. Yorpomm. xix, n. sp. Nothochrysa panchlora, , Brazil, Gerstaecker, p. 123, MT. Yorpomm. xix, n. sp. Leucochrysa p7atyptera , Brazil, p. 124, inquinata, p. 125, radiosa , p. 126, Peru, Gerstaecker, MT. Yorpomm. xix, n. spp. Pseudo-Neuropt e ra. Thysanura. [Cf. Grassi (329), Jourdain (425), Oudemans (649), Parona (657, 658).] Systematic position of Thysanura discussed ; also many points of comparative auatomy ; are the Thysanura primitive or degenerate ? Grassi (329). Smynthurus dodcrii , Sardinia, Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 84, woodcuts, n. sp. Tomocerus niveus, Jos., noticed, p. 139, pi. i, fig. 4 ; Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. T. doderii , Liguria, Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 139, pi. i, fig. 5, n. sp. Beclria albinos, Nic., n. var. bidcnticulata , Parona, p. 141, pi. i, fig. 6 ; Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Seira ferrarii, Genoa, Parona, p. 141, pi. i, fig. 7, Ann. Mus. (2) vi, n. sp. Anatomy of Maohilis maritima ; Oudemans (647) : note on structure of thorax, and abdomen and exsertile vesicles ; Jourdain (425). Achorutes armatns and Templetonia nitida frequenting corpses in coffins ; M^gnin (571). Japyx solifuguSy Hal., variation noticed ; Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 148. J. goliath , Guatemala, Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 80, wood- cuts, n. sp. Nicoletia phytophila, Gerv., p. 145, pi. ii, fig. 9, maggii, Grassi, pp. 146-r 148, pi. ii, fig. 10, notes on ; Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. 314 Ins. NEUROPTERA, Campodea staphylinus, Westw., var. noticed, p. 145, pi. i, fig. 8 ; Parona, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Lepisma minuta , Mull., noticed ; Parona, p. 150, pi. ii, figs. 11a & b , Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. Mallophaga. [Gf. Packard (651), Piaget (671).] Mallophaga i, systematic position of, discussed ; Packard (651). Docopihorus acuminatus , on Turacua purpureus , p. 147, pi. iii, fig. 1, sulcatus , on Ardea minuta , p. 148, fig. 2 } truncatus, on Aulacorhynchus rubrogularis , p. 150, fig. 3, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. spp. Nirmus grandicepsi on Penelipodes manillce , fig. 4, pi. iii, p. 150, laticeps , on Aulacorhynchus rubrogularis , fig. 5, p. 152, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. spp. Oncophorus major , on Ocydromus lafresnayanus , pi. iii, fig. 6, p. 153, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Goniocotes crassipes , on Tallegallus cuvieri, pi. iii, fig. 7, p. 154, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Lipeurus monilis , Nitzscb., figured, pi. iii, fig. 8, redescribed, p. 155 ; Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi. L. quadripustulatus , on Hydrornis maxima , pi. iii, fig. 9, p. 156, bicolort on Tantalus senegalensis , p. 157, pi. iv, fig. 1, rotundatus , on Podoa sene- galensis , p. 159, pi. iv, fig. 2, brevicepsf on Gamptolcemus cinereus , p. 160, pi. iv, fig. 3, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. spp. Menopon perale} note on ; Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 167. M. pachypuSy on Sterna hirundo , p. 161, pi. iv, fig. 4, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. sp. Colpocephalum eurygaster , on Leptoptilus argala , p. 162, pi. iv, fig. 5, iibiale , on Tantalus senegalensis , p. 163, pi. iv, fig. 6, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi, n. spp. Thysanoptera. [C/. Berg roth (62), Jordan (423), Osborn (646).] Anatomy of Physapoda (= Thysanoptera) \ Jordan (423). Thripidce, food of ; Osborn (646). Phlceothrips angusti/rons , Blumenau, Bergrotii, p. xxx, C.R. ent. Belg. xxxii, n. sp. Thrips tabaci , Lind., injuries to tobacco, development ; Lindeman, JJull. Mosc, pp. 61-75. TERMITJD2E. [C/. Grassi (330, 331, 332), Tryon (888).] Notes on the W hite Ant found on the Bahamas (probably Eutermes ripperti ) ; Maynard, Psyche, v, pp. 111-113. Eutermes fumipemm , Hag., habits ; Tryon, P. U. Soc. Queonsl. iv, p. 121. TERMITID2E — EPHEMERID/E. Ins. 315 Termes lucifugus and Calotermes Jlavicollis, relations of the sexes and various forms discussed ; Grassi (330). Calotermes flavicollis , sexual forms in ; Grassi, Zool. Anz. xi, p. 63. Pbocimj. [ Cf. '. Costa (164), Kolbe (449), Rostock & Kolbe (778), Selys (829).] Structural and systematic characters and classification ; Kolbe, JB. Yer. Zwickau, 1887, pp. 171-178. Troctes silvarum, Berlin, Kolbe, p. 234, Ent. Nachr. xiv, and JB. Yer. Zwickau, 1887, p. 192, n. sp. Neopsocus rhenanus , Germany, Kolbe, JB. Ver. Zwickau, 1887, p. 18, n. sp.° Bertkauia prisca , Germany, Kolbe, JB. Yer. Zwickau, 1887, p. 188, n. sp.° Cerobasis muraria , Germany, Kolbe, JB. Ver. Zwickau, 1887, p. 190, n. sp.° Ticliobia alternans , Westphalia, Kolbe, JB. Ver. Zwickau, 1887, p. 190, n. sp.0 Ccecilius abiedus, Jlavipennis, p. 16, redescribed; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13. Psochus funeruluSy redescribed ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, p. 16. Cyrlopsochus irroratus , redescribed; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13. PERLID2E. Ferla myrmidon , Cape Horn, Mabille, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, p. 6, pi., fig. 3, n. sp. Ephemeridjl [Cf. Costa (164), Eaton (214), Fritze (289), Hagen (363), Rostock & Kolbe (778), Selys (829).] Alimentary canal of ; Fritze (289). Synopsis of genera of British Ephemeridce ; Eaton (214). Palingenia longicauda , 01., fuliginosa , Boeb., sibirica , MacLach., notes on ; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix, pp. 221-225. Oligoneuria anomala and pallida , Hag., noticed ; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 225. Lachlania abnormis , $ character corrected ; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 226. Euthyplocia burmeisteri , note on ; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 226. Ccenis pygmcca , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) ii, No. 8, p. 28, n. sp. Campsurns (? dorsalis ), early stage noticed, p. 227, wappcei , Weyenb., descriptive note, p. 228, decoloratus, Hag., p. 229, nappii , Weyenb., p. 230, noticed ; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix. But cf. Zool. Itec. xix, Ins. p. 263. 316 Ins. NBUROPTERA. C. amazonicus, Hag., $ described; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 230 (? n. sp.). Polymitarcys virgo , 01., alba , Say, umbrata , Hag., australis , Hag., notes on ; Hagen, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 231. Odonata. [Cf. Costa (164), Griffiths (335), Hagen (362), Kissling (440), Kolbe (445), Mabille (538), Martin (556), Roster (777), Rostock (778), Rudow (781), Selys (828, 829).] Synopsis 6f the Odonata of France ; Martin, Feuill. Nat. xviii, pp. 31, 61, 99, 148, & 156. Odonata of Tubingen ; Kissling (440). Odonata of the Loo-Choo Is. ; Selys (828). Fossil Odonata ; DeiciimOller (178) : revising the Solenhofen forms with n. genu. {cf. Palaeoentomology). Libellulina. Hagen (362) discusses the claims of Synipetrum , Orthetvum , Platetrum , Leptetrum, Newman, and concludes they should not be adopted. Diplax, Charp., to be used in place of Sympetrum , Newm. ; Selys, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxii, p. 134. D. portorkana, Porto Rico, Kolbe, p. 168, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1, n. sp. Libellula quadrimaculala, migratory swarm of ; Pender, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. ,93. L. quadrimaculata , L., and fulva , Mull., varieties of ; Rudow, Soci Ent. iii, p. 124. L. depressa, malpighian tubes ; Griffiths (335) : histology of muscles ; Ramon (709). JEschnina. Gynacantha nervosa, Ramb., robusta, Er., gracilis , Burm., differential characters of ; Kolbe, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1, pp. 168-170. AEschna difinis , Ramb., figured and redescribed ; Mabille, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, p. 3, pi., fig. 1. Agrionina . Enallagma civile , Hg., described, p. 170 ; Kolbe, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1. E. krugii , Porto Rico, Kolbe, Arch. f. Nat. liv, 1, p. 171, u. sp. Oalopteryx hcemorrhoidalis , Y. d. L., and sp leadens, Har., earlier stages of ; Roster, Bull. ent. Ital. xx, pp. 162 & 163, pi. i. Lestes virulis , Y. d. L., virens , Charp., barbara, earlier stages of ; Roster, Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, pp. 164 & 165, pi. iii. Sympycna fusca , V. d. L., earlier stages of ; Roster, Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, p. 166, pi. ii : hibernation of ; Selys, p. xxvii, CR. ent. Belg. xxxii, and Martin, Rev. Sci. Bourb. i, pp. 53-57. Platycnemis pennipes , Pall., earlier stages of; Roster, Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, p. 167, pi. ii. Agrion viriduluni, paella, L., Undent , Sel., scitulum , Ramb., earlier stages of; Roster, Bull. Ent. Ital. xx, pp. 168 & 169, pi. iv. Ins. 317 (g.) orthoptera. [Cf. Bolivar (86), Bormans (86, 88), Brunner (112), Camboue: (125), Cazurro (139), Cosmovici (163), Costa (164), Doiirn (199, 200), Fernald (268), Haij (357, 358), Karsch (427, 428,429,430,431), Kirby (439), Krauss (470, 471), Mayet (564), Novak (627), Retowski (734), Riggio (752), Saulcy (788), Saussure (791, 792), Selys (829), Wood- ward (938).] The division o£ the order into four by Brauer discussed by Grassi (329, p. 551), and not accepted. Histology of muscles in Blatta , Acridium ; Ram6n (709). Complete list of Orthoptera of Spain and Portugal ; Cazurro (139) : of Belgium ; Selys (829). Fossil Orthoptera ; Deichmuller (178) and Oppenheim (642) : cf. Palseoentomology, p. 79. Forficulid;e. Forficula lesnei , Fin., note on ; Lesne, p. ccvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Diplatys macrocephala, Palisot, recorded from Burma; Bormans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 433. Auchenomus birmanus , Bhamo, Bormans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 436, n. sp. Chelisoche8 glaucopterus , Burma, Bormans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 441, n. sp. Anechura ( Forficula ) scabriuscula, Serv* = (F. brachyrota de Haan) ; Bormans, p. 444, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi. A. ancylura , Dohrn, n. var. ; Bormans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 445, A.feee , Burma, Bormans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vi, p. 445 ; A. elongata , Cuba, id., Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 120 : n. spp. Labidura nigricornis , Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 546, n. sp. Blattjr®. Fossil Blattid ; see Kusta (482) and Palfieoentomology, p. 80. Aphlebia trivittata , note on the type ; OostA, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 50. A. adusta , Fisch., redescribed, p. 568, and figured, pi. xv, figs. 1 a & b ; Krauss, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. A.polita, West Caucasus, p. 569, pi. xv, figs. 2 & 2 a, retowslcii, Crimea, p. 570, figs. 3 & 3 a, Krauss, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. spp. Ectobia germanica injurious to books and papers ; Ins. Life, 1, p. 68. B. germanica , development of entoderm ; Ciiolodkovsky (145). 318 Ins. OKTHOPTERA, Periplaneta americana injurious to books and papers ; Ins. Life, i, p. 68. P. orientalis , salivary glands and renal organs, and liver ; Griffiths (886) : stink-glands, aud structure of hypodermis ; Minchin (607). Bacteria-like bodies in eggs of P. oriental is and Blatta germanica ; Blochmann (84). Ischnoptera excisa) Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 124, n. sp. Polyzosteria diniuliata , p. 125, caraibea , p. 126, Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, n. spp. Epilampra inexicana, n. var. insularis ; Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 128. E. cubemis , Cuba, Bolivar, p. 127, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, n. sp. Plectoptera micans , Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 129, n.sp. Etoblattina peachii, larvaa ; Woodward (938). Nyctibora humeralis, Upp. Amazons, Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 129, n. sp. Gyna centurio , Cameroons, Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 129, n. sp. Panchlora najas , Upp. Amazons, Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 130, n. sp. Heterogamia saussurei , Taschkent, Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 131, n. sp. Homceogamia sinensis , Sauss., referred to Heterogamia , $ described ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix, p. 132. Mantim: and Piiasmatid;e. Ameles heldreichii Brun , var. noticed ; Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 405. Mantis carinata> Jassy ; Cosmovici, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, p. 172, n. sp. Clitumnus stilpnoidesf Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 547, n. sp. Phantasis saussurei , p. 136, lyrata , p. 137, Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, u. spp. Gaulonia poeyiy p. 137, triedrica , p. 138, Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, n. spp. Haplopus cubensis, Sauss., $ described ; Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 140. GRYLLIDiE. Grillon (sic) campestris , habits ; Sand, Le Nat. (2) ii, pp. 270 & 271. Gryllodes panteli, N. Castille, Cazurro, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 461 ; G. Irunneri, Sicily, Riggio, Nat. Sicil. vii, p. 1 10 : n. spp. Gryllomorphusfragosoi)'Bo\.,$ described ; Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 414, G. bolivari, Spain, Cazurro, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 463, n. sp. Mogoplistes novaki , Island of Lesina, Dalmatia, Krauss, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 118, n. sp. Phisis listeri, Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 547, n. sp. Cyrtoxiphus gundlaclu , p. 158, vittatus , poeyi , p. 159, Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. spp. Apithes irroratm, Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 161, n. sp. Orochh'us , n. g., for O. pilosus, n. sp., Cuba, and including Apithes krugi , Sauss. ; Bolivar, p. 162, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i. LOCUSTIDy’E. Ins. 319 LOGUSTIDiE. Platenia , n. g. {Pseudophyllidce), p. 353, for P. semialata , n. sp., Palawan, p. 354, pi. ii, fig. 4 ; Doiirn, S. E. Z. xlix. Panoploscelis , Scudder* discussed and redescribed, pp. 355-358, with description and figure of P. armata , Scud., p. 358, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix. Cheer oparnops, n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce ), p. 359, for C. hahneli , garleppi , platy thorax, fulvm , n. spp., Upp. Amazons, p. 360 ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix. Dicranostomus , h. g. ( Pseudophyllidce ), p. 361, for D. monoceroa, n. sp., Peru, p. 362, pi. ii, fig. 2 ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. xlix. Fcecilimon tauricus , Crimea, Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 408, n. sp. Barbitistes berenguieri , France, Mayet, p. cxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Isophia taurica , Brunn., £ described; Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 409. I. brunneri, Crimea, Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 410, n. sp. Odontura calaritana, synonymical note ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i* No. 2, p. 88. Leptophyes punctatissima, Bose., fungoid disease of; Giard, CR. Soc. Biol. (8) v, p. 787. Phaneropterides, table of the genera from Africa, Madagascar, and the Seychelles ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii, pp. 420-426. Weissenbornia, n. g. ( Phaneropteridce ), p. 65, for IF. preestantissima, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 66 ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xiv. Corycus jurinei , Sauss., $ described; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 415, woodcut. Pliyrama, n. g. (? Proch Hides or Mecopodides ), p. 416, for P. interjectum, n. sp., Madagascar, p. 417, pi. iv, figs. 1 & 1 a-d ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Peronura , n. g. ( Acrometopce ), p. 426, for P. clavigera , Mombasa, pi. iv, fig. 2, hildebrandtiana , Madagascar, fig. 3, n. spp., p. 427 ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii. Conchotopoda , Karsch, corrected characters ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 428. Plegmatoptera, n. g. {Acrometopce), for P. reticulata , n, sp., Tanganyika, pi. iv, fig. 4 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 429. Pantolepta , n. g. ( Acrometopce ), p. 422, forP. heteromorpha , n. sp., Mom- basa, pi. iv, figs. 5 & 5 a, b, p. 430 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Anisotochra, n. g. (Acrometopo’), p. 430, for A. gracilipes , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 431 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Arantia regina, Gaboon, p. 434, marmorata , Congo, excelsior , Sierra. Leone, p. 435, accrana , Accra, hydatinoptera , Benue, p. 436, retinervis , p. 437, simplicinervis, p. 438, Trop. Africa, Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. sppfc Paurce , new group of Phaneropterides for the following : — Paura , n. g., for P. biramosa , Usambara, pi. iv, fig. 6, p. 439, and reticu- losa , Mombasa, p. 44 ) & fig. 7, n. spp. ; Karsch, 13. E. Z. xxxii. Dapanera, n. g. ( Psyrce ), for D. genuteres, n. sp., Accra, Karscii, p. 441 B. E. Z. xxxii. 320 Ins. ORTHOPTERA. Gonatoxia , n. g. (Payrce), p. 441, for G. immaculata , Usambara, and maculata , Somaliland, u. spp., p. 442 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Zeuneria, n. g. ( Psyrce ), for Z. melanopeza , n. sp., Cameroons ; Kauscii, p. 443, B. E. Z. xxxii. Phlaurocentra} new group of Phaneropterides for the following two n. gg. Biittneria , n. g., p. 441, for B. maculiceps , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 445 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Phlaurocentrum , n. g., p. 445, for P. latevittatum , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 446 ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii. Ceedlcia afra , Benue, Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 446, n. sp. Encatoptee , new group for the following genus : — Eucatopta , n. g., p. 447, for E. heringi , n. sp., Madagascar, p. 448, pi. iv, tigs. 8 a, 5, c. ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii. Turpilia madagassa , Madagascar, Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 448, n, sp. Dioncomena saperba , E. Africa, Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 449, n. sp. Symetropleura africana, Br., $ described ; Karscii, p. 450, B. E. Z. xxxii. P. dirempta , Nossi-B<5, Karscii, p. 451, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. sp. Tylopah inhamata , Delagoa Bay, Karscii, p. 453, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. sp. Otiaphyme} u. group of PhaneropterideSy for the following genus : — Otiaphysa , n. g., p. 453, for 0. hebetata, n. sp., Usambara, p. 454, pi. iv, figs. 10 & 10a ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Euvycovypha brevipenniSy Madagascar, spinulosuy Africa, Karscii, p. 455, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Plungia gutlatipennhy Madagascar, cameratciy Cameroons, Karscii, p. 457, B. E. Z. xxxii, n. spp. Monteiroa, n. g. (A mbly coryphee), for M. latifrons , n. sp., Delagoa Bay ; Karsch, p. 458, B. E. Z. xxxii. Plangiopsis, n. g. ( Stelrodontia ), p. 459, for P. semiconchata , n. sp., Cameroons, p. 460 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Megotoessa, n. g. ( Stelrodontia ), p. 460, for M. insulana , n. sp., Mada- gascar, p. 461, pi. iv, fig. 11 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii. Cosmozoma , n. g .{Stelrodontia), for C. doenitzi,n. sp., Madagascar, pi. iv, fig. 12 ; Karsch, p. 461, B. E. Z. xxxii. Cyrtaepia scutata, Charp., stridulating organ described ; Krauss, pp. 574-576, pi. xv, figs. 5 a-c, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Amytta , n. g. ( Meconemidce ), p. 160, for A. pellucidciy n. sp., E. Africa, p 161; Karsch, Wien. ent. Z. vii. Eriolus, n. g., p. 150, for E. caraibeus, u. sp., Cuba, p. 151 ; Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Pr. i. Erechthis, u. g , for E. gundlachi , n. sp., Cuba ; Bolivar, p. 151, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i. Phlugis c.hryaopa , Cuba, p. 152, nemoptera, p. 153, mantiapa, p. 154, Amazons Valley, cephalotes, Brazil, p. 155, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, n. spp. LOCUSTIDiE. Ins . 321 Paradrymadusa galitzini, Crimea, Retowski, Bull. Mosc. i888, p. 411, n. sp. Pterolepis pedaia, Costa, note on characters of ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 13, p. 14. Antaxius capellei , Monserrat, Cazurro, Ann. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 459, n. sp. Ctenodecticus costulatus , Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 2, p. 87, n. sp. Thamnotrizon ponticus , Crimea, Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 412, n. sp. Platycleh umbilicata, Sardinia, Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, p. 15, n.sp. Mecopoda cyrtoscelis , Segaar Bay, p. 146, M. ( Eulhypoda ) unyuiculata , Usambara, p. 147, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Euyaster guyonii, spinulosus , and loricatus, characters of; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxii, p. 462. Sagiens : synopsis of ; Saussure (791). Saga serrata, Fab., note on the distribution of ; W acute, Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 65. S. brunneri, Asia Minor, p. 133, ledereri , p. 134, lucasii , p. 135, Syria, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. spp. Clonia tessellata , S. Africa, Saussure, p. 143, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Emptet'a, n. g., for Saga indica , Herbst ; Saussure, p. 148, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Hemisaga, n. g., p. 148, for H. hastata , n. sp., S. Africa, p. 149 ; Saus- sure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Peringueyella , n. g., p. 150, for P.jocosa} n. sp., S. Africa, p. 152, pi. 5, figs. 1 & 2, and including S. macrocephala , Schaum. J Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Xipliosaga , n. g., for S. lutea , Walk. ; Saussure, p. 154, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Microsaga , n. g., for S. parvula, Walk. ; Saussure, p. 154, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Stenopelmatidai : monograph of, with bibliographical list, discussion of the affinities and position and various structural points, pp. 247-252 ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Stenopelmatus longispina , p. 260, californicus , Vancouver, irregularis , N. America and Mexico, hydrocephalus, California, p. 261, vicinus , guateriialce , Guatemala, p. 262, Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, ii. spp. Bugajus, n. g , for Anostostoma toulohi, Sauss., which is figured, pi. v,. fig. 2 ; Brunner, p. 264, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Oryctopus , n. g., p. 266, for 0. bolivari , n. sp., Madras, p. 267, pi. v, fig. 4 ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Deinacrida ligata, New Zealand ; Brunner, p. 268, pi. 5, fig. 5, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. sp. Anostostoma opacurn , Queensland ; Brunner, p. 271, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. sp. Brachyporus} n. g., for B. jyersonatus, n. sp., Madagascar, pi. v, fig. 7 ; Brunner, p. 272, Verh. z. b. Wien, xxxviii. 1888. [vol. xxv.] E 21 322 Ins . OltTHOPTERA. Schcenobutes alatus , Ecuador, apterus, Guatemala, pi. vi, fig. 8a, p. 274, f rater , India?, p. 275, Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Carcinopsis , n. g., p.275, for the following n. spp. : unicolor , signata , New Caledonia, p.276, ornata , Madagascar, femoralis, p. 277,/uscu, p. 278, Natal, Brunner, Yerh. z.-b, Wien, xxxviii. n. g., for A. gracilis , n. sp., New Caledonia, pi. vi, fig. 10 ; Brunner, p. 278, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Gryllacropsis , n. g., for 6?. perturbans, n. sp., Madras, pi. vi, figs. 10 & 11 ; Brunner, p. 279, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Dyscapna , n. g., for D. atra, n. sp., Angola, pi. vi, fig. 11 ; Brunner, p. 279, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Borborothis , n. g., for B. opaca , n. sp., Cape, pi vi, fig. 12 ; Brunner, p. 280, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Trihoplophora , n. g., p. 280, for T. abnormis, n. sp., N. Australia, pi. vi, fig. 13, p. 281 ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Hypocophus , n. g., for II. fortior, n. sp., Madagascar, pi. vi, fig. 14 ; Brunner, p. 281, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Pherterus , n. g., for P. brasiliensis, n. sp., Brazil, and including Rhaphi- dophorus cubensis , de Haan ; Brunner, p. 282, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Apotetamenus , n. g., for A. amazonce, Upp. Amazons, pi. vi, fig. 16, and clipeatus, Brazil, n. spp. ; Brunner, p. 283, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Glaphyrosoma , n. g., p. 283, for Daihinia mexicana , Sauss., and G. gracile , n. sp., Mexico, pi. vi, fig. 17; Brunner, p. 284, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Magrettia, n. g., for M. abominata, Suakim, mutica , pi. vi, fig. 18, Ask- habad, n. spp. ; Brunner, p. 285, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Onosandrus crassipes , saussurei , p. 287, opacus , Cape, humilis , Mada- gascar, p. 288, Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. spp. Butleria , n. g., for Anostostoma alatum , Butl., pi. vii, fig. 21 ; Brunner, p. 289, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Mimnermus costulatus , Angola, Brunner, p. 290, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. sp. Platysiagon, n. g., for P. signatus , n. sp., W. Africa, pi. vii, fig. 23 ; Brunner, p. 292, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Rhaphidophora mutica , Java, crassicornis , Australia, p. 295, nigerrima , Amboyna, fee da, New Guinea, pi. vii, fig. 25, p. 296, fulva, Java, gracilis , Philippines, p. 297, deusta, E. India, p. 298, Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. spp. Diestrammena, n. g., p. 298, for D. unicolor , Wladiwostok, apicalis, Japan, n. spp., p. 299, and Rhaphulophorus marmoratus , de Haan ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Neonetus , n. g., for N. variegatus, n. sp., New Zealand, pi. vii, fig. 27 ; Brunner, p. 300, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Pachyrhamma, n. g., p. 301, for Hadencecus edwardsii, Scudd., and P. novaiseelandice , n. sp., N. Zealand, pi. vii, fig. 29, p. 302 ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Gammarotettix, n. g., p. 304, for G. californicus , n. sp., California, pi. vii, fig. 32, p. 305 ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. LOCUSTID^:. dm. 323 Ceuthophilus unispinosus, hodulosus , pi. vii, fig. 33a, Brunner, d. 308, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, n. spp. IJetero in alius, n. g., p. 310, for //. notabilis , pi. viii, fig. 35, spina , n. spp , Chili, p. 311 ; Brunner, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Gryllacridce : notes on the characters and arrangement of the group, with monograph of the genera and species ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 313-394, pis. viii & ix. Gryllacris rufo-varia , Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 548 ; G. cydnea , p. 326, magnified , p. 327, Australia, nigrata, Sumatra, p. 328, nigro-genicidata , Manilla, nigro-scutata , Batavia, p. 330, dimidiata , New Britain, p. 331, distincta , hab. P, p. 332, alternans , Puebla, with var. minor , from E. India, annulata , Ceylon, Assam, p. 333, vitiata , p. 334, abbreviata , atrata , India, chinensis , Hongkong, p. 335, Zeeto, p. 337, aliena, Zanzibar, hieroglyphica , Ceylon, deininuta , China, p. 338, defiorata, latifrons, India, p. 339, facifcr , Java?, castanea , Himalaya, reticulata , Ceylon, p. 340, falcata, E. Asia, parvula , Java, p. 341, inconspicua, Malay Archipelago, sexpunctata , Ceram, navicula, hab. ?, p. 342, spUria, Ceylon, Icevigata, p. 344, cruenta , p. 345, Upp. Amazons, mcesta , Philippines, p. 346, mcestis- sima, Moluccas, p. 347, superba , soror, Borneo, p. 348, picea, Comores Is., luctuosa , Sumatra, voluptaria , Celebes, p. 349, aithiops , Sumatra, excelsa , Duke of York I., p. 351, appendiculata , New Britain, p. 352, obscura , variabilis, pi. viii, fig. 40, lugubris , p. 353, Java, &c., junior , E. India, p. 354, athleta , Baeroe, p. 355, aurantiaca , Amboyna, New Britain, p. 356, punctata , Angola, conspersa , Madagascar, quadripunctata , Guinea, p. 357, atriceps, stigmata , Madagascar, infumata, Amboyna, p. 358, straminea , Adelaide, ligata, Now Britain, p. 359, debilis, Australia, p. 360, ferruginea, Fiji, exigua , New Caledonia, hyalina , gemina , p. 361, major , adoenta , Australia, africana , W. Africa, p. 362, sanguinolenta , Madagascar, abluta , San Salvador, picta, Costa Rica, p. 363, maculata , Chiriqui, haitensis , Haiti, wana, Natal, p. 364, fasciata, Fernando Po, nivea, Madras, p. 365, submutica, Zanzibar, p. 366, Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii: n. spp. Dibelona , n. g., for D. brasiliensis , Santo Paolo, p. 366, cubensis , Cuba, p. 367, n. spp., and including 6r. rubrinervosa , Serv. ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Hyperbama , u. g., p. 367, for H. virgo , Upp. Amazons, juvenis , Brazil, p. 368, ensifer , Pernambuco, p. 369, pi. ix, fig. 43 ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Paragryllacris , n. g., p. 369, for (7. combusta, Gerst., and the following new species from Australia: infuscata, callosa , p. 371, latelineolala, exserta, lobata , p. 372, modcsta , p. 373; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wieu, xxxviii. Neanias , n. g., p. 373, for A. lobatus, N. Guinea, Z. t\, pi. ix, fig. 45, squamosus , Ceylon, p. 374 ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Eremus, n. g., p. 374, for the following new species : nigrifrons, p. 375, India ?, rugosifrons, China, pi. ix, fig. 46, geniculatus , p. 376, atrotectus , India, spinulosus, Fiji I., p. 377, muelleri, Queensland, fusco-terminatus , China, p. 378, brevifalcatus, Africa, marginatus, Zambesi, p. 379, exiguus , 324 Ins. ORTHOPTERA. Madagascar, p. 380, and including Q. sphinx and glomerinus , Gerst. ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Neor(u8t h. g., p. 380, for N.jamaicensis , n. sp., Jamaica, p. 381, pi. ix, fig. 47, and G. car o linen sis, Gerst. ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. J Vpacra, n. g., p. 381, for B. cenea , pi. ix, fig. 48, modes ta, n. spp., Australia, p. 382 j Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Apotrechus, n. g., p. 383, for G. ambulans, Er., and A. unicolor , n. sp., Australia, p. 384, pi. ix, fig. 49; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Ametrus, n. g., p. 384, for A. tibialis , n. sp., Australia, p. 385, pi. ix, fig. 50 ; Brunner, Verh. z. b. Wien, xxxviii. Comicus, n. g., p. 386, for G. capensis , n. sp., Cape Good Hope, p. 387, pL ix, fig. 50; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii. Acridiims. External anatomy ; Haij (357). Cyrtacanthacris dispar ilis, Christmas Is., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 549, n. sp. Ochrilidia} Stal, = ( Brachycrotaphus , Krauss), and 0. tryxalicera , Fisch., Fr., = (B. steindachneri , Krauss), the position of the genus dis- cussed, &c. ; Krauss, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxviii, pp. 571 & 572. Parapleurus alliaceus , Germ., injurious in France; Giard, Le Nat. (2) ii, p. 203. • Stenobothrus : structure of the unfertilised egg ; Leydig (512). 8. variabilis, Fieb., embryology ; G rarer (324). S. grammicuSy Guadarrama, Cazurro, An. Soc. Esp. xvii, p. 457 ; S. saulcyii E. Pyrenees, Krauss, Verh. z.-b. Wien, p. 573, pi. xv, figs. 4, 4a, b ; S. lesinensh , I. of Lesina, Dalmatia, id. Wien. ent. Z. vii, p. 117 : n. spp. Orphula scudderi , Cuba, Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p. 142, n. sp. Stauronotu8 maroccanus in Algeria ; Kunckel (479) : egg-cases with parasites ; Lucas, p. cxciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. Epacromia rufostriata , Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 550, u. sp. • Primnia (?) orientalis , Christmas I., Kirby, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 549, n. sp. Revision of the Prodromus of (Edipodiens , with sketch of their geo- graphical distribution, and tables of the genera ; Saussure (792). Arphia ovaticeps, Colorado, Saussure, p. 165, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. TetramerotropiSy n. g., p. 25, for T. cruciata , n. sp., Australia, pi. ii, fig. 2, p. 26 ; Saussure, M6m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Ostracina , n. g., for 0. terrea , n. sp., S. Africa ; Saussure, p. 27, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Phrynotettix peruvianay Peru, Saussure, p. 30, pi. ii, fig. 8, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Brunnerellay n. g., for B. mirabilis , n. sp., Armenia, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; Saus- sure, p. 31, M&n. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Chlccbora grandidierit Madagascar, Saussure, p. 34, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. acridiiDjE; Ins. 32o Quiroguesia brullei n. var. blanchardiana ; Saussure, p. 35, M6m* Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. i Microscirtus (altered to Mioscirtus in errata, p. 175), n. g., for Scin - tharista wagneri , Ev., and venusta , Fieb. ; Saussure, p. 36, Menu Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Cosmorhyssa costata , S. Africa, Saussure, p; 37, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. (Edaleus ( Gastrimargus ) vitripennis , S. Africa, Saussure, p. 38, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1 ; (E. (Or.) dohrnianus , Transvaal, id. p. 166, t. c. : n. spp. Dittopternis cruciata , Australia, Saussure, p. 45, M6m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Heteropternis hyalina , Trop. Africa, Saussure, p. 47, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Pycnodictya citripennis, Sierra Leone, Saussure, p. 167, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. (Edipoda ledereri , Syria, Saussure, p. 61, MOm. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Trachyrrhncis , Saussure, = ( Mestobregma , Scud.); Saussure, p. 168, M6m. Soc. Phys. Gendv. xxx, No. 1. Meristopteryx , n. g., p. 52, for (Edipoda, rotundata, Walk., which is rede- scribed, p. 53, figured, pi. ii, fig. 3 ; Saussure, M6m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Tmetonota tuberculosa, verrucosa , p. 56, scabra , terrosa , p. 57, S. Africa, Saussure, M6m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. spp. Conozoa rebellis , California, p. C )1, rogenhoferi , Bagdad, p. 62, pi. ii, fig. 4, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. spp. Circotettix lobatus, N. America, Saussure, p. 65, pi. ii, fig. 5, Mdm. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Callirhipis , n. g., p. 66, for C. davidiana, n. sp., Mongolia, p. 67 ; Saus- sure, M£m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Acrotylus furcifer , S. Africa, Saussure, p. 69, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Charora , n. g. (possibly subg. of Egnatius ), for C. crassivenosa , n. sp., Caucasus; Saussure, p. 71, M&n. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Leptoscirtus , n. g., p. 72, for L. aviculus, Egypt, unguiculatus , Senegal, n. spp., p. 73 ; Saussure, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genii v. xxx, No. 1. Spiling onotus ccerulans , L., varr. noticed ; Retowski, Bull. Mosc. 1888, p. 406 : var. candidus ; Costa, Atti Acc. Napoli (2) i, No. 9, p. 50. S . bengalensis , India, nilolicus, Egypt, p. 80, branilianus, Brazil, p. 81, mongolicus, Mongolia, p. 82, japonicus , Japan, p. 84, intutus , Persia, p. 87, Saussure, M&n. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. spp. Leptopternis canescens, Egypt, Saussure, p. 89, M£m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Ileliastus guatemalce, Ceutr. America, Saussure, p. 91, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Phancrocerus, n. g., p. 96, for P. testudo , n. sp., Australia, p. 97, & pi. ii, fig. 9; Saussure, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. 32(5 Ins. ORTHOPTERA. Crypsicerus , n. g., for C. cubicus , n. sp., S. Africa ; Saussure, p. 100, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Lathiceru8i n. g., p. 102, for L. cimex, n. sp., S. Africa, p. 103 ; Saussuue, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Camnula pellucida , var. = ( Tragocephala obiona , Thos.) ; Cockerell, Ent. M. M. xxv, p. 164. Pachytylus migratorioides, Reich., var. capito is the “ Volala,” or locust, of Madagascar ; (Cambou^). Geographical distribution, mimicry, and music of Eremobiites ; Saus- suke, pp. 105-119, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Haplotropis , n. g., p. 125, for A. bnomeriana, n. sp., Amur River, p. 126 ; Saussure, M6m. Soc. Phys. Gen5v. xxx, No. 1. Eremobia clavellii) Luc., van*, described j Saussure, p. 131, Mem. Soc. Phys. Gen5v. xxx, No. 1. E.persa , Persia, p, 128, Saussure, M6m. Soc. Phys. Gen&v. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Eremopeza , n. n. for Eremoplana ; Saussuue, p. 133, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1. Eremocharis granulosa , Beloochistan, Saussure, p. 134, M6m. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Eremotettix , n. g., for E. walkeri) n. sp , S. Africa ; Saussure, p. 136, Mem. Soc. Phys. Gen&v. xxx, No. 1. Batrachornis peringueyi, p. 140, namaquensis, p. 141, S. Africa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. spp. Batrachotettix cantans , p. 145, peringueyi , p. 146, wliiti, p. 148, acutus , p. 151, S. Africa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. spp. Haldnutnellay n. g., for Ephippigera tschivavensis , Hald. j Saussure, p. 153, M6m. Soc. Phys. Gen6v. xxx, No. 1. Melhone fallax} S. Africa, Saussure, p. 158, Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxx, No. 1, n. sp. Enerenuu8, n. g., p. 160, for E. mutua , n. sp., S. Africa, p. 161 ; Saus- sure, M6m. Soc. Phys. Gen6v. xxx, No. 1. Ommexeclm macropterum} Blanch., = ( brunneri and Spathalium macro- pterum , Bol ) ; Karsch, p. 329, Ent. Nachr. xiv. Spathalium sommeri and serrulatum , Bol., referred to Graea ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 330. Graeai composition of the genus ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, p. 330. Atractomorpha rhodoptera (Hagenbach), p.332, angu8taf Java, aberrans , St. Salvador, p. 333, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Mestra celebesica , Celebes, p. 334, concolor} Salanga, p. 335, Karsch, Eut. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Pyrgomorpha picturata , St. Salvador, p. 340, explicata) New Guinea, p. 341, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Ochrophlebia prasinai O. Good Hope, pygmcea , Delagoa Bay, Karsch, p. 342, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. spp. Cawendia , n. g. ( Pyrgomorphidce ), p. 343, for 0. gramdatay p. 344, glabrata , p. 345, n. spp., Lake Tanganyika; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xiv. Phymateus madagassus , Madagascar, Karsch, p. 357, Eut. Nachr. xiv, n. sp. ACRIDIID.E. Ins. 327 Taphronota gabonica , Africa, Karscii, p. 358, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. sp. Pctasia impotcns , Usegna, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xiv, n. sp. Xiphocera bradyana , p. 156, pi. v, fig. 3, bolivariana , p. 158 & fig. 5, descriptions and figures ; Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii. X. peringueyi , S. Africa, p. 157, pi. v, fig. 4, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Mastax gundlachi, Scud., winged form described ; Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i, p! 141. Nichelius , n. g., near Osmilia , p. 144, for N. fuscopictus, n. sp , Cuba, p. 145 ; Bolivar, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. i. Caloptenus spretus, ravagos of ; Ins. Life, i, p. 30. Melanoplus spretus , angustipennis, and other locusts, habits noticed ; Brunner, in Riley Rep. 1887, pp. 167 & 168. Tetrix fcraussi , Germany, Saulcy, p. cxxxv, Bull. Soc. Etit. Fr. (6) viii, n. sp. Ech. ] ECHINODERMATA. BY Oswald H. Latter, B.A., Tutor of Keble College. I. — List of Publications. 1. Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer * Blake.’ Yol. n, cap. xix, Echinoderms. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xv, pp. 84-127, figs. 338-421. 2. Barrande, Joach. Echinodermes. Etudes locales et comparatives Extraits du Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme. Yol. vil. Prague : Waagen. 3. Barrois, J. Recherches sur le Ddveloppement de la Comatule. Rec. Z. Suisse, iv, pp. 545-651, pis. xxv-xxx. A complete account of tho development from the ovum. The author differs from previous writers in many poiuts, and comes to the conclu- sion that there is an almost absolute agreement with the development of other Echiuoderm larvae. Among the results obtained may be noted : (i) The oesophageal invagination is formed from a ventral fossa ; (ii) the long axis of the adult does not coincide with that of the larva ; (iii) the curvature of the young Pentacrinus is the ventral curvature of the embryo ; (iv) the peduncle is the praeoral lobe, and the peduncular cord is formed by a central axis of mesenchyme cells ; (v) the calyx represents the “body ” s.s. of other larvae ; (vi) the vestibular sac is epiblastic, and from it the oesophageal invagination is given off ; (vii) the 10 calcareous pieces arise simultaneously, and with a perfectly symmetrical arrange- ment ; (viii) abnormal cases occur where the larvae have failed to become attached, aud in such instances tho “ body ” is inserted in the side, and not on the summit of the praeoral lobe — i.e ., abnormalities resemble other normal Echinoderm larvae. 4. Barrois, Tii. Liste des Echinodermes recueillis aux A9ores durant les mois d’Aoftt et Septembre 1887. Rev. Biol. 1 Ann. No. 1, pp. 31-33 ; No. 2, pp. 69-75 ; No. 3, pp. 109-115. List of genera and species, with their general geographical distribu- tion. 1888. [yol. xxy.] f 1 2 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. 5. Beaciiler, Cii. S. Crinoid Beds at Crawfordsville, Indiana. Ain. Nat. xxi, No. 12, pp. 1106-1109. List of Crinoids at locality, and literature. 6. Bell, F. J. Descriptions of Four new Species of Ophiurids. P. Z. S. 1888, iii, pp. 281-284, pi. xvi. Diagnoses of Pectinura ramsayi , n. sp. [Port Jackson] ; P. capensis , n. sp. [Cape of Good Hope], intermediate between P. inf emails and P. heros ; Ophiopeza assitnilis , n. sp. [Port Jackson] ; Ophioglypha amphi- trites , n. sp. [Ecuador]. 7. — — . On the Echinodermata of the Sea of Bengal. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1888, p. 718. 8. . Notice of a remarkable Ophiurid from Brazil. Ann. N. H. (6) i, 1888, pp. 368-370. Immense length of arms relative to disc. Loss of upper surface of disc. Perhaps allied to genera Ophionema and Ophionephthys. Ophio- nephthys sesquipedalis (provisionally). 9. . Notes on Echinoderms collected at Port Philip by Mr. J. Bracebridge Wilson. Op.cit. ii, 1888, No. xi, pp. 401-407. Antedon ivilsoni, n. sp. Basicurva group, div. n, related to A. pusilla. A. incommoda , u. sp., does not fall into Carpenter’s groups. Possibly now spocies of Ophiothrix , Amblypneustes , Strong ylocentrotus, Molpadia , and Ilolothuria. 10. Bourne, G. C. (Edit.). List of Echinodermata fouud in Plymouth Sound, &c. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. Plym. ii, pp. 167 & 168. 11. Brock, J. Die Ophiuriden-fauna des indischen Archipels. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii (3), pp. 465-539. Diagnoses of all Ophiurids of district, including 3 new genera and 18 new species. List of all known Indo-Pacific Ophiurids, with their geo- graphical distribution. 12. Bury, H. The Early Stages in the Development of Antedon rosacea. Phil. Tr. clxxix, 1888, pp. 257-301, pis. xliii-xlvii. Agrees with Barrois’ orientation and main account, but differs some- what in respect to the body cavities. 13. Carpenter, P. H. On Crinoids and Blastoids. P. Geol. Ass. x (1), pp. 19-28, 1 woodcut. 14. — — . Report on the Crinoidea collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘ Challenger.’ Part u. — The Comatulce. Challenger Reports, xxvi, pp. i-ix & 1-339, pis. i-xxx. 3 new genera aud 90 new species. List of all known Coniatulce, with distribution, classification, &c. 15. Cotteau, G. Echinides nouveaux ou peu connus. Mem. Soc. Zool. Fr. i (3), pp 253-269, pis. viii & ix. Diagnoses of 2 new species of Salenia, 1 Cidaris , 1 Micropelth , 1 Heini- aster , 1 Parasalenia , 1 Laganum. For the most part from the Chalk. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Ech. 3 1G. [Cotteau, G.] Note sur la famille des Brissidees. Bull. Sue. Z. Fr. xii, pp. 553-565. An account of the Brissidea from the Eocenp of France. 17. . Echinides nouveaux ou peu connus. T. c. pp. 627-639, pis. ix & x. Description of Codiopsis regalis, n. sp., Arnaud ; Maretia aragonensis , n. sp., Cotteau ; Linthia aragonensis , n. sp., Cotteau ; Cy cluster gourdoni , n. sp., Cotteau ; Trachyaster (?) gourdoni , n. sp., Cotteau ; and definition of Microlampas, n. g. ( Cassidulidce ), allied to EcJunolampas , with n. sp. M. conicus. 18. . Echinides eocenes d’ Aragon (Espagne). C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1887 (pub. 1888), pt. 2, pp. 518-523. An account of the Tertiary Echinids from the Pyrenees, including descriptions of the following new genera and species : Macropneustes, n. sp., Linthia , n. sp., Maretia aragonensis, n. sp., L. aragonensis , Trachyaster gourdoni , n. sp., Cy cluster gourdoni, n. sp., Microsoma conica) n. g. & sp. (allied to Eclii nolamp as). 19. . Echinides doednes de la province d’ Alicante (Espagne). C.R* evii, No. 25, pp. 976-978. 4 new genera : Pygospatangus, Stornaporus (Brissidees fam.), Micro- lampas (Cassidulid^es fam.), Radiocyphus (Diadematidees fam.). Irre- gular Echinoids preponderant. Full account in Mem. Soc. Geol. 20. Cu^not, L. Etudes anatomiques et Morphologiques sur les Ophiures. Arch. Z. expdr. 1888, i, pp. 32-82, pis. iii-v. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc., Dec. 1888, pp. 958-960. The strands between the nerve-ring and digestive sac are composed solely of connective tissue fibrils and epithelial nuclei, with no trace of nerve elements, except in Euryalida. The muscle fibres described by Koehler in connection with the ambulacral vessels and Polian vesicles, are in reality connective tissue. The development of the sexual pro- ducts is described, and a phylogenetic tree suggested. 21. Doderlein, L. Echiriodermen von Ceylon. Bericht fiber die von den Herren Dres Sarasin gesammelten Asteroidea , Ophiuroidea , and Echinoidea. Zool. Jahrb. iii (Abth. f. Syst. Geog. Biol.), 1888, pp. 821-846, pis. xxxi-xxxiii. Description of the collection and diagnoses of the following new species : Disasterina ceylonica, Astropectea indicus, and A. tamilicus. 22. Dollo, L., & Buisseret, A. Sur quelques Palechinides. C. R. evi, No. 13, pp. 958-960. Diagnosis of new genus KonincJcocidaris (Lepidocentrid Perischo- echiuid) ; with K. cotteaui, n. sp. Notice of 2 new species of Lepido - centrida : L . duponti and L. gaudryi. Of 3 new species of Melonitidce : — Palcechinus : P. lovenii, P. agassizi , and P. carpenteri. All occur in Carboniferous Limestone of Belgium. 4 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. 23. Duncan, P. Martin. Note on the Echinoulea of the Cretaceous Series of the Lower Narbadd Valley, with remarks upon their Geological Age. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. xx, pp. 81-92, 1 pi. Description of, and remarks on, Cularis namadicus , n. sp., Orthopsis indicus , n. sp., and other species. 24. . On some points in the anatomy of the Tcmnoplcuridce. Ann. N. H. (6) i, 1888, pp. 109-131, pi. xi. Family Glyphostomala becomes suborder of Regulares. The modern Temnechinus must be separated from Temnopleurus. Unique characters of ambulacra of Microcyphus zigzag , Agass. 25. Eck, II. Ein monstroser Sphcerocrinus . Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlv, 1, pp. 110 & 111, 1 woodcut. 26. Fewkes, W. On the development of the calcareous plates of Aster las. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xvii, 1, pp. 1-52, pis. i-v. The first plates to originate are the terminals. The dorsocentral originates after the genitals, before any plates on the actinal hemisome. Genitals of Asterias are homologous with “basals” of Amphiura : 1st interbrachial (odontophore) with orals of Amphiura. Madreporic opening not in homologous plates in Asterias and Amphiura . 27. Fleisciimann, A. Die Entwicklung des Eics von Echinocardium cordatum. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, 1888, pp. 131-142, pi. xiv. Differs from Selenka, Bergh, and Greeff. “ Segmentation is equal with polar differentiation. ,} 28. Ganong, W. F. The Echinodermata of New Brunswick. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. vii, 1888, pp. 12-68, with pi. Bibliography and list of all known species of district, together with general, special, and bathymetrical distribution. 29. Gauthier, V. Types nouveaux d’Echinides Crdtaces. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1887 (pub. 1888), pt. 2, pp. 527-534, pi. xvi. Senouian of Algeria. Diagnoses of 2 now genera: Guettaria , n. g. (allied to Cardiaster , Forbes), G. angladei , n. sp. ; Entomaster, n. g. (allied to Cardiaster , Forbes), E. rousseli, n. sp. 30. Greppin, E. Description des Fossiles do la Grande Oolitho des Environs de Bale. Abh. schw. pal. Ges. xv (3) : Echinodermata , pp. 132-134. Provisional new species: Pentacrinus Basilecet n. sp. ? 31. Griffiths, A. B. Further researches on the Physiology of Inverte- brates. P. R. Soc. xliv, 270, pp. 325-327. The renal organs of the Asteridea. The five radial sacs of the stomach of Uraster contain uric acid. 32. IIamann, Otto. Vorlaufige Mitteilungen zur Morphologic der Crinoiden. Nachr. Ges. Gotting. 1888, 5, pp. 127-131. As regards the nervous system, the author supports Carpenter and Marshall, but is opposed to Jickeli, Perrier, and Vogt. The mesodermal oesophageal ring, with its branches, is phylogenetically a part of the epi- thelial nervous system which has come to lie in the connective tissue. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Ech. 5 33. Heilprin, A. Contributions to the Natural History of the Ber- muda Islands. P. Ac. iii : Echinodermata, pp. 309-318, pis. xiv & xv. Account of the species of the district, with diagnoses of the following new species : — Holothuria abbreviate,, Semperia bermndensis , Stichopus diaboli , S. xanthomela. 34. IIerouard, E. Les Holothuries de Roscoff et de Bauyuls-sur-mer. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1887 (pub. 1888), pt. 2, pp. 678-680. Blood vascular system of Colochirus lacazii , n. sp., is described. 35. Ives, J. E. On two new species of Starfishes. P. Ac. Pliilad. 1888, pt. 3, pp. 421-424. Diaguoses of Pterasler tesselatus, n. sp. (allied to P. pulvillus , Sars, and P. semireticulatus, Sars), and of Coronaster bispinosus , n. sp. (re- sembling 0. parfaitii , Perrier, but possesses two spines on each adam- bulacral plate). 36. Jickklt, Carl F. Vorlaufigo Mittheilungen fiber das Ncrvcn- system der Echinodermen. Zool. Anz. xi, No. 282, pp. 339-341. The nervous system of Astcrids consists of — (1) The ambulacral nervous system ; (2) the subepithelial plexus ; (3) the nerves of Lange ; (4) the intestinal nervous system. 37. Lambert, J. Note sur un uouveau genre d’Echinide de la Craie de l’Yonne. Bull. Soc. Yonne, xlii (i), pt. II, pp. 3-14. New genus, Gautheria , founded for reception of Gautheria (Cyphotsoma) radiatum. Discussion of the Cyphosomata. 38. Loriol, P. de. Sur les Echitiides Cr6tac6s du Portugal. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1887 (pub. 1888), pt. 2, pp. 515-517. All specimens are from between Lower Neocomian and Upper Ceno- maniau. Regular Echinoids predominate. 52 new species in all. The cretaceous fauna of Portugal tends to unite that of Europe with that of N. Africa. 39. Lovj&n, S. On the species of Echinoidea described by Linnaeus in his Work, Museum Ludovicno Ulrica). Bill. Sv. Ale. Handl. xiii, 4, No. 5, pp. 1-185, pis. i-ix. Contains a list of the species of Echinoidea described by Linnaeus, together with his original diaguoses, corrected and ameuded ; also refer- ences to other works of Linnaeus on the same subject, and subsequent alterations of more recent authors. 40. . On a recent form of the Echinoconidce. Op. cit. No. 11, pp. 1-25, pis. i & ii. Description of mutilated Pyyastrides relictus , n. g. & sp. 41. Ludwig, H. Die von Dr. J. Brock im Indischen Archipel gesatn- melten Holothurien. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. f. Syst. Geog. Biol.) iii, 1888, pp. 805-820, pi. xxx. Description of Dr. Brock’s collection and diagnoses of following new species : — A spidochirotte : Holothuria , n. sp. ? juv., H. sluiteri 6 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. (related to U . modesta , Ludw., and if. martensii, Semper), H. pyxoides , H. olivacea. Dendrochirotce : Phyllophorus broclci. Synaptidce : Chirodota amboinensis (related to (7. rigida). 42. [Ludwig, H.] Ophiopteron elegans , eine neue, wahrscheinlich schwim- mende Ophiuriden form. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, 3, pp. 459-464, pi. xxxv. Each arm-joint has a pair of fins, composed of thin transparent mem- brane. The spines on the dorsal side of the disc are modified by being prolonged into five or six processes distally, which are united by a thin membrane, the whole giving rise to a number of funnel-shaped structures, which together cause a velvety down. New genus Ophiopteron , most nearly allied to Ophiothrix. 43. Malagoli, M. Note paleontologiche sopra un Astrogononium ed una Chirodota del pliocene. Atti Mem. Soc. Mod. (3) vii, p. 69, pi. ii. Account of Astrogonium sp., and Chirodota elegans , n. sp. 44. Miller, S. A. A new genus of Crinoids from the Niagara group. Am. Geol. i, 5, p. 263. Diagnosis of Siphonocrinus , n. g., containing species S. (Glyptocrinus) nobilis and S. ( Eucalyptocrinus , Glyptocrinus , Hall) armosus. 45. NovAk, 0. Studieu an Echinodermeu der BOhmischen Kreide- formation. I. Die Irreguliiren Echinidender Cenoinanstufe. Abh. bohm. Ges. vii, ii, 2, pp. 1-47, pis. i-iii. Contains an elaborate review of the work of previous authors, and descriptions of the species of Irregular Echinoids of the formation, including two, as yet unnamed, new species of the family Echinoconidce , viz., Pygaster sp. (allied to P. truncatus ), and Echinoconus sp. (allied to E. subrotund US'). 46. Perrier, E. Sur la collection d’Etoiles de mer recueillie par la Commission scientifiquo du Cap Horn. C.R. cvi, No. 11, pp. 763-765. Establishes the following new genera: — Diplasterias, Asteroderma, Poraniopsis , Cr ibr aster, Lebrunaster , Asterodon. Poraniopsis is inter- mediate between Echinaster and Porania. Cribraster and Lebrunaster lead up to Ganeria. Asterodon must be removed from Goniasteridce and placed among the Archasteridce. It includes — Astrogonium singular e, Mull. & T roach. ; A. meridional Smith; Pentagonaster belli , Studer ; Calliderma grayi , Bell; and Asterodon pedicellaris , n. sp., and A. granu- losus, n. sp. Extraot in Bev. Sci. (3) xli, No. 12, p. 379 ; transl., Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 384-386. 47. Pom el, A. Notes d’Ecliinologie synonymique. Bull. Soc. G6ol. (3), xyi, 6, pp. 441-453. A protest against the erroneous use by Cotteau and others of the names Anisaster confusus , Pom. ; Plagiobrissus , Pom.; Hypsopatagus and Liopatagus, Pom. ; Echinospatagus, Breyn ; Schizaster, Agassiz. A new genus, Pliolanipas , is to be formed, to include the species previously described under Plesiolampas , Pom., that name being restricted to the LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Edl. 7 genus founded by Duncan & Sladen. Tiarella , Pom., claims precedence over Plesiodiadema , Duncan. An amended definition of Fibularidce is given, with a brief discussion on the Clypeastrids. 48. [Pomel, A.] Sur le Thagastea , nouveau genre d’Echinide eocene d’Alg^rie, et observations sur le groupe des Fibulariens. C.R. cvi, No. 5, pp. 373 & 374. Description of genus, and of Thagastea vwtterlei , n, sp. Echinocyami are to be separated from the Fihularia and included with the Scutellinia. Short account of Echhiolampas goujoni , n. sp., and of Opissaster thagast- e?isis} n. sp. 49. Koemer, F. Macraster, eine neue Spatangoiden-Gattung aus der Kreide von Texas. JB. Mineral. 1888, 1 Bd., 3 Hft., pp. 191-195, pi. vi. Most nearly related to Micraster and Epiaster. M. texanus , n. sp. 50. Rosoll, A. Uber zwei neue au Echinodermen lebende parasitische Copepoden. Ascomyzon comatulcc und Astericola clausii. SB. Ak. Wien, 97 Bd., 1 Abth., pp. 188-202, pis. i & ii. 51. Sarasin, P. &. F. Die Langsmuskeln und die Stewart’schen Organe der Echinothuriden. Zool. Anz. 1888, No. 273, pp. 115-117. 52. . Ueber die Niere der Seeigel. Op. cit. No. 277, pp. 217 & 218. 53. . Ergebnisse Naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon, 1884-1886. I, i, 1887. Die Augen und das Integument der Diadema- tiden, pp. 1-18, pis. i-iii. Ueber zwei Parasitische Schnecken, pp. 19—31, pis. iv & v. The “ocular plates” are devoid of pigment ; but there are numerous blue spots on the surface of the body, with a more or less definite arrangement. These spots have facetted corneas and pigmented crystal- line cones, but no sense-cells nor nervous connection. The blood vascular system is stated to be in open communication with the outer world. The authors describe a new species, Aslropyga freudenhergi. Two parasitic Molluscs, Stilifer lincldce , Thyca entoconcha , n. sp., were found on a Linclda. 54. . Ergebnisse Naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon, 1884-1886. I, ii, 1888. Knospenbildung bei Linclda multifora (Lamarck), pp. 73-78, pi. ix. 55. . Ergebnisse Naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon, 1884-1886. I, iii, 1888. Ueber die Auatomie der Echinothuriden und die Phylogenie der Echinodermen, pp. 83-154, pis. x-xvii. Complete description of Asthenosoma urens , n. sp., related to A. gruhei. Stewart’s organs are very largely developed, and probably of purely mechanical significance. Perrier’s “ ovoid gland” proves to be nephridial, the ureter opening through the madreporic perforations. There are numerous nephridial funnels opening into the coelom. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc., Dec. 1888, pp. 956-958, and in Zool. Anz. xi, 1888, p. 115. 8 Eck. ECHINODERMATA. 56. Schlumberger, — . Note sur les Holothurid6es da Calcaire grossier. Bull. Soc. G6ol. (3) xvi, 6, pp. 437-41-1, 14 woodcuts. Dosoriptiou of the plates of the following fossil forms : — Synapta eocctna , Sehl. (n. sp.); Ohirodota undulata , Schl. (n. sp.) ; Thyonidium , sp. ? ; Stueria , Schl. (n. g.), sole species, S. elegans , Sold. (n. sp.). 57. Semon, R. Die Entwicklung der Synapta digitata und ihre Bedeut- ung fiir die Phylogenie der Echinodermen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxii, i, ii, pp. 175-309, pis. vi-xii. An adoral band of cilia is present. The extent of the adoral band differs in the various groups of Echinoderniatu , and the “Pluteus arms ” are not to be considered as homologous throughout. The origin of the nervous system is described, the account of the histology being at variance with that of Metschnikoff. The larval nervous system forms the nerve- ring of the adult. All Echinoderm nervous systems are probably derived by precocious segregation from the ciliated bands. A full account of the history of the ccelomic sacs and water-vascular system is given. The homologies of the tentacular vessels, radial water- vascular canals, and pieces of the calcareous ring require to be reconsidered. The coelom does not extend into the tentacles. The plijdogeny of the Holotkuria aud of the Echinodermata generally is discussed. The Echinodermata are to bo derived from an ancestral form, “ Pentactcea” resembling the Pentactula larva of Synapta. The Echinoderm classes may be groupod — (1) Angio- chirota (Holothuroids) ; (2) Achirota (Echinoids) ; (3) Ctelomachirota (Crinoids, Ophiurids, and Asteroids). 58. Sluiter, 0. Ph. Die Evertebraten aus der Sammlung des Konig- lichen Naturwissenschaftlicher Vereins in Niederlaudisch Indicn in Batavia. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlvii, pp. 181-220, pis. i & ii. Echinoderms, pp. 184-220. List of species of district, with diagnoses of 12 new species. 59. Storm, V. Solaster echinatus, n. sp., illigemed Oversigt over de i Throndhjemsf jorden fundne Asteroider. Nor. Selsk. Skr. 188G— 1887, pp. 58-64, 1 pi. List of Asterids found in Throndhjems fjord, and diagnosis of Solaster echinatus , u. sp. 60. Toula, F. Ueber Aspidura raiblana , n. sp. SB. Ak. Wien, 96 Bd., 1 Abth. pp. 361-369, 1 pi. Contains list of Triassic Ophiurids. 61. Yojgt, Walter. Entocolax ludwigiie in neuer seltsamer Parasit aus einer Ifolothurie. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, 4, pp. 658-688, pis. xli-xliii. A Prosobranchiate Gastropod of the suborder Cocklosyringia , parasitic on a Holothurian. ? 62. Vuillemin, P. Cidaris grandumis , Goldf., dans lo Muscholkalk inferieur. Bull. Soc. Nancy (2) vi, 16, p. vi. The first Eohinoid reported from the Trias of France^ LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, SUBJECT-INDEX. JEJch. 9 63. Waciismuth, 0., & Springer, F. Crotalocrinus : its Structure and Zoological Position. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pt. 3, pp. 364-390, pis. xix & xx. Grotalocrinus and Enallocrinus are to be included in the same family, Crotalocrfoiidce , which is connected through Marsupiocrinus with the other Camarata. Diagnoses of Crolalocrinidee and its component genera are given. 64. . Discovery of the ventral surface of Taxocrinus and Ilaplo- crinus , and consequent modifications in the classification of the Crinoidea. T. c. pp. 337-363, pi. xviii. llaplocrinus possesses no “ central plate.’’ Anus lies within upper angle of triangular depression on the posterior plate, and is sometimes closed by numerous plates. The apparent “central” of many Platy- crinidce and Actinocrinidce is really the posterior oral thrust inwards by anal structures. The names Paheocrinoidea and Neocrinoidea must be laid aside. A new classification is suggested. A diagnosis is given of the Ichthjocrinklai . II. SUBJECT-INDEX TO LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Distribution. Throndhjems fjord, Storm. ‘ Challenger’ Stations, Carpenter (14). Azores, Barrois, Tii. Indian Archipelago, Brock, Lud- wig (41). Ceylon, Sarasin (53, 54, 55). Bengal Sea, Bell (7). Cape Horn, Perrier. Batavia, Sluiter. New Brunswick, Ganong. Amboina, Ludwig (41). Caribbean Sea, Loyi^n, S. (40). Bermuda, Heilprin. Morphology. General Anatomy. Holothuroidea , v. sub. Sluiter, Bell (9), Heilprin, IIiiirouard, Ludwig (41). Echinoidea, v. sub. Ives, Bell (9), Lov^n (40), Doderlein, Duncan (24), Loven (39). Crinoidea , Hamann, Bell (9), Carpenter (14). Ophiuroidca , Bell (9), DOderlein, Ludwig (42), Bell (8, 6), CuiSnot. Asteroidea , DOderlein, Storm, Perrier. Skeletal System. Hobthuroidea , Semon. Asteroidea , Fewkes. Crinoidea , Carpenter (14). Nervous System. Holothuroidea , Semon. Asteroidea , Jickeli. Crinoidea , Hamann. 10 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. Renal Organs. Echinoidea , Sarasin (52, 55). Asteroklea, Griffiths. Muscular and Stewart’s Organs. Echinoidea , Sarasin (51). Eyes and Integument. Echinoidea ( Diadematida ), Sarasin (53). Yascular System. Holothuroidea , H^rouard, Semon. Embryology. Holothuroidea , Semon. Crinoidea , Bury, Barrois, J. Echinoidea , Fleisciimann. Asterpidea , Fewkes. Physiology. Asteroidea, Griffiths. Phylogeny. Sarasin (55), Semon, Carpenter (15), Wachsmuth & Springer (64). Miscellanea. Parasitism — Voigt, Rosoll, Sarasin (53). Gemmation — Sarasin (54). Fossil Forms. Holothuroidea, Malagoli, Schlumberger. Ophiuroidea , Toula. • Asteroidea , Malagoli. Crinoidea , Beachler, Carpenter (13), Eck, Miller, Greppin, Wachsmuth & Springer (63, 64). Echinoidea, Cotteau (15, 16, 17, 18, 19), Duncan (23), Dollo & Buisseret, Gauthier, Lambert, Loriol, Novak, Roemer, Pom el (47, 48), Vuillemin. III. — CLASSIFICATION. Semon proposes the following groups : — I. Angiochirota = Holothuria : retain the primitive relation of the tentacular to the somatic region. ii. Achirota = Echinoids : tentacular region aborted, in. Ccelomachirota = Crinoids, Ophiurids, and Asteroids : the cadomic region has extended iuto the tentacular region. CLASSIFICATION, HOLOl HUROIDEA. Ech. 11 Wachsmutii & Springer (64) discard the terms Palceo - and Neo- crinoidea , and suggest as the classification of the Crinoidea : — 1. Camarata. 2. Inadunata. (a) Larviformia. (/3) Fistulata. 3. Articulatci. (a) Ichthyocrinidce. 4. Canaliculata (including most of the mesozoic and recent Crinoids). Carpenter (14) classifies as follows : — — — Class Crinoidea. Order Neocrinoidea. Family Comatulidoe (amended 1888, Carpenter). Genus i. Thaumatocrinus. Genus n. Atelecrinus. Genus ill. Hudiocrinus. Genus iv. Antedon. Baskurva group. A coda group. Eschrichti group. Tcnclla group. Milberti group. Spinifera group. Palmata group. Granulifera group. Savignyi group. Genus v. Actinometra (amended). Solaris group. Paucicirra group. Typica group. Echinoptcra group. Stelligera group. Valida group. Fimbriata group. Parvicirra group. Genus vi. Promachocrinus. IV. — SYSTEMATIC. HOLOTHU ROIDE A. Holothuria abbrevictta, n. sp., Heipprin. Holothuria oxurropa , n. sp., Sluiter. Holothuria, n. sp. ? juv., Ludwig (41). Holothuria sluiter i, n. sp., id. Holothuria pyxoides , n. sp., id. Holothuria olivacea, n. sp., id. Holothuria ?, Bell (9). Stichopus diaboli, n. sp., Heilprin. 12 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. Stichopus xanthomela, n. sp., id. Stichopus lewis, n. sp., Sluiter. Stichopus vastus, n. sp., id. Semperia bermudensis , n. sp.,]HEiLPRiN. Colochirus scandens, n. sp., Sluiter. Golochirus lacazii , n. sp., vascular system ; Mrouard. Thyone papillata, n. sp., Sluiter. Phyllophorus brocki , n. sp., Ludwig (41). Molpaclia ?, Bell (9). Haplodactyla punctata , n. sp., Sluiter. Stueria , n. g., (Cretaceous), Sciilumberger. Stueria elegans, n. sp., id. Chirodota amboinensis , n. sp., Ludwig (41). Chirodota elegans, n. sp. (Pliocene), Malagoli. Chirodota undulata, n. sp. (Cretaceous), Sciilumberger. Anapta subtilis , n. sp., Sluiter. Synapta striata, n. sp., id. Synapta lactea, n. sp., id. Synapta Jcallipeplos, n. sp., id. Synapta psara, n. sp., id. Synapta eoccena , n. sp., Sciilumberger. ECHINOIDEA. Asthenosoma urens, n. sp., Sarasin (55). A stropyga freudenbergi, n. sp., id. (58). lladiocyphus, n. g., Cotteau (19). Tenmopleurus separated from Teninechinus, Duncan (21). Cidaris namadicus , n. sp., id. (23). Cklaris lciliani , n. sp., Cotteau (15). Koninckocidaris , n. g., Dollo & Buisser-et. Koninckocidaris cotteaui, n. sp., iid. Palcechinus lovenei, u. sp., iid. Palcechinus agassizi , n. sp., lid. Palcechinus carpenter i, n. sp., iid. Salenia loveni , u. sp., Cotteau (15). Salenia lundgreni , n. sp., kl. Artliopsis indicus, n. sp., Duncan (23). Codiopsis regalis , n. sp., Cotteau (17). Maretia aragonensis, n. sp., id. (17 and 18). Macropneustes, n. sp. p, id. (18). Linthia aragonensis , id. (17 and 18). Linihia, n. sp. ?, id. (18). Gautheria, n. g., Lambert. Gautheria radiatum , n. sp., id. Guettaria, n. g., Gauthier. Guettariu angladei, n sp., id. Entomastcr , n. g.. id. ECIUNOIDEA, CRINOIDEA. Ech. 13 Pntomaster rousseli , n. sp., id. Tr achy aster g our doni, n. sp., Cotteau (17 and 18). Cyclaster gourdoni, n. sp., id. Pteraster tesselatus, n. sp., Ives. Coronaster bispinosvs, n. sp., id. Pygaster , n. sp. p, NovAk. Pygastrides, n. g., LoviSn (40). Pygastrides relictus , n. sp., id. FJchinoconus, u. sp. P, NovAk. Pygospatangus, n. g., Cotteau (10). Ilemiaster rigoneti , n. sp., id. (15). Opissaster thagastensis, n. sp., Pom el (48). Thagastea wetterlei, n. sp., id. Macraster , n. g., Roemer. Macraster texanus , id. Stomdpcrus , n. g., Cotteau (19). Microlampas , n. g., «77. (17 and 19) ; AT. conicas , n. sp. (17). Pliolmnpas , n. g., PoMEL (47). Plesiolampas, amended genus ; Fibularidcc , amended genus ; Fchinolampas , n. sp. P, ^7. (48). Microsoma , n. g., Cotteau (18). Microsoma conica, n. sp., Mic.ropeltis hunch eli, n. sp., ic/. (15). Parasalenia fontannesi , n. sp., ?'(/. Laganum Jcamarancnsc , n. sp., *77. Lcpidocentridus duponti, n. sp., Dollo & Buisseret. Lcpidoccnlridus gaudryi, n. sp., *777. Strongylocentrotus , n. sp. P, Bell (9). Amblypnenstes , n. sp. ?, Poraniopsis , n. g., Perrier. Cribraster, n. g., 7<7. Lebrnnaster , n. g., ?77. CRINOIDEA. Antedon ivilsoni, n. sp., Bell (9). Antedon incommoda , n. sp., id. Antedon fluctuans, n. sp., Carpenter (14). Antedon multiradiata , n. sp., «77. Antedon longicirra , u. sp., *77. Antedon valuta , n. sp., ?77. Antedon incerta , n. sp., «77. ylntedfow gracilis , n. sp., 7t7. Antedon lusitanica , n. sp., *W. J ntedon breviradia, n, sp., id. Antedon spinicirra , n. sp., ?77. Antedon acutiradia, n. sp., *77. yl ntedon bispinosa, n. sp., *77. 14 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. Antedon latipinna , n. sp., id. Antedon multispina , n. sp., id. Antedon echinata, n. sp., id. Antedon basicurva , ». sp., id. Antedon incisa, n. sp., id. Antedon tuberosa, n. sp., id. Antedon parvipinna, n sp., id. Antedon flexilis, n. sp., id. Antedon aculeata) n. sp., id. Antedon denticulata , n. sp., id. Antedon pusilla, u. sp., id. Antedon accela, n. sp., id. Antedon discoidea, n. sp., id. Antedon antarctica, n. sp., id. Antedon australis, n. sp., id. Antedon rhomboidea , n. sp., id. Antedon quadrata , n. sp., id. Antedon kystrix, u. sp., id. Antedon exigua , n. sp., id. Antedon alternata , n. sp., id. Antedon lineata , n. sp., id. Antedon remota , n. sp., id. Antedon longipinna , n. sp., id. Antedon tenuicirra, u. sp., id. Antedon loans, n. sp., id. Antedon hirsuta , n. sp., id. A ntedon angustipinna, n. sp., id. Antedon abyssorum , n. sp., id. Antedon abyssicola , n. sp., id. Antedon anceps , n. sp., (dimoiph of Savignyi), id. Antedon parvicirra, n. sp., id. Antedon inf or mis , n sp., id. Antedon balanoides, n. sp., id. Antedon quinquecostata, n. sp., id. Antedon lusitanica , u. sp., id. Antedon patula, n. sp., id. Antedon robusta, u. sp.$ id. Antedon compressa , n. sp., id. Antedon manca, n. sp., id. Antedon disciformis, n. sp., id. Antedon clemens , n. sp., id. Antedon marginata , n. sp., id. Antedon tuberculata, n. sp., id. A ntedon conjungeus, n. sp., id. Antedon similis , n. sp , id. Antedon occulta , n. sp., id. Antedon angusticalyx , n. sp., id. A ntedon inivqualis , u. sp., id. Antedon distincta , n. sp., id. CRINOIDEA, OPHIU ROIDEA. Ech. 15 Antedon multispina , n. sp., id. Antedon por recta, n. sp., id. Antedon angustiradia , n. sp., id. Antedon quinduplicava , u. sp., id. Actinometra , amended genus, Carpenter (14). Actinometra distincta, n. sp., id. Actinometra multibrachiata,n. sp., id. Actinometra maculata , 11. sp., id. Actinometra stelligera , n. sp., id. Actinometra elongata , n. sp., ^ Actinometra simplex , n. sp., irf. Actinometra valida , n. sp., Actinometra sertosa , n. sp., zW. Actinometra lineata , n. sp., Actinometra quad rata , n. sp., «’ Paramarphysa, 'Potamis , ' Protis , \Rhamphobrachium) (Polyehceta) ; As- f planchnopus ( Rotifera ) ; Haplodiscas (Cestoda) ; Prothelmins (Nema~* toda )] and 168 new species have been described. 1888. [VOL. XXV.] F 2 2 Verm. YERMES. II. — LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Aducco, V. La sostanza colorante rossa dell’ Eustrongylus gigas. Atti (Rend.) Acc, Rom. iv, pp. 187 & 213. Anon. Hydatids of the Brain. Brit. Med. J. 1888, ii, p. 442. ApAthy, S. (1) Analyse der ausseren Korperform der Hirudineen. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, p. 153. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 950. . (2) Systematische Streiflichter. i. Marine Hirudineen. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, I, i, p. 43. The characters of the Iihynchobdellidce and the Gnathobdellidai ; diagnoses of the genera Pontobdella and Calliobdella ; and characters of C. nigra, n. sp. — — . (3) Siisswasser-Hirudineen. Zool. Jahrb. iii, p. 725. A systematic essay on the fresh-water Leeches, with 1 n. sp., Glepsine concolor. Beddard, F. E. (1) Observations on an Annelid of the Genus uEolosoma. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 213. On JElosoma headleyi, n. sp., obtained in an English tank. The oil- globules are green and more abundant than in JE. variegatum. Many pairs of nephridia are present, and the first nephridium lies in the first setigerous segment. . (2) Report on Annelids from the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the British Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S. J. L. S. xxi, p. 256. With Eupompe indica , n. sp. (figs.), Chloeia merguiensis, n.sp. (figs.), JBranchiomma intermedium , n. sp. (figs.), and an account of structure of eyes in C. merguiensis. . (3) Further Notes on the Reproductive Organs of Eudrilus. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 643. There are two pairs of ovaries, enclosed in a muscular sheath con- tinuous with the oviduct, and the two oviducts of each side open opposite each other into the spermathecal duct. . (4) The Nephridia of Earthworms. Nature, xxxviii, p. 221. The nephridia of Perichceta and Megascolides support Lang’s view of the derivation of segmental organs of segmented Worms from the net- work in unsegmented Vermes. (5) On the Structure of Three New Species of Earthworms, with Remarks on certain points in the Morphology of the Oligochaita. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxix, p. 101. Acanthodrilus annectens , n. sp., from New Zealand. Deinodrilus benhami , n. g. & sp., from New Zealand. Typhceus gammii , n. sp., from Darjeeling. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm . 3 The structure and homologies of the so-called prostate glands are discussed. [Beddard, F. E.] (G) Preliminary Notes on the Anatomy of Perichceta. Zoo 1. Anz. 1888, p. 91. — (7) On the Reproductive Organs of Phreoryctes. Ann. N. H. 1888, vol. i, p. 387. There are two pairs of testes, and the four vasa deferentia open inde- pendently; there are no atria ; there are two pairs of ovaries and oviducts. . (8) Preliminary Note on the Mucous Gland of Urochceta. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 90. . (9) Worms. Encycl. Brit. 9th edition, 1888. An anatomical account of the Oligochceta , with many woodcuts. . (10) On certain points in the Structure of the Urochceta, E. P., and Dickogaster , n. g., with further Remarks on the Nephridia of Earth-worms. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxix, p. 235. Integument in Urochceta is non-vascular. The “mucous gland” of Perrier is nephridial, and has three funnels. The female generative organs are described. Dichogaster , n. g., is described, and the evolution of the various Oligochaete excretory systems from a general nephridial network is discussed. Ben eden, E. van. Fertilization and Segmentation in Ascaris megalo- ccphala. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 423. Abstract of paper in Bull. Ac. Belg. xiv (1887). Benham, W. B. (1) British Earthworms. Nature, xxxviii, p. 3l9. An Allurus from Hyde. . (2) Note on a New Earthworm. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 72. Brachydrilus , n. g., locality unknown, possesses two pairs of nephridia in each somite. Beranger-Feraud, L. J. B. Legions cliniques sur les Tsenias de Fhomme. Paris: 1888. Bergh, R. S. (1) Zur Bildungsgeschichte der Excretionsorgane bei Criodrilus. Arb. Inst. Wiirzb. viii, p. 223. The segmental organs from the somatic mesoblast and the successive nephridia are entirely separate in development. The terminal portion bores through the epiderm cells to the exterior. Then follows a discussion of the various theories of the origin of the excretory system in Annelids. There are in Criodrilus a pair of primitive larval excretory organs formed of hollowed cells. — . (2) Excretory Organs of Criodrilus. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 953. Abstract of paper in Arb. Inst. Wiirzb. 1888. Bieiiringer, J. Neuere Arbeiten iiber Anatomie u. Entwicklungs* geschichte der Trematoden. Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 230. No. i. Arbeiten zur Anatomie. 4 Verm. VERMES. Blanc, Henri. (1) Sur le syst&me excreteur des Oxyures. Arch, Sci. Nat. xx, p* 347. Each of the four excretory tubes opens into the body cavity by a non" ciliated aperture. Compared with segmental tubes of Annelids. . (2) Tcenia saginata et Bothriocephalus latus avec anneaux perfords Bull. &oc. Vaud. xxiv, p. 9. . (3) Sur le Tcenia saginata et Ie Bothriocephalus latus. Arch. Sci, Nat. xx, p. 347. • (4) Gysticerqne du Tcenia solium. T.c. p. 367. Extracted from the left eye of a patient. Blanchard, It. (1) Les ennemis de Pespfoe humaine. Rev. Sci. (rev. rose) 1888, p. 545. A popular lecture deals chiefly with Nematodes. . (2) L’Ankylostome duodenal et l’anemie des mineurs. Op. cit. xli, p. 701. Blanchard, P. Intestinal Worms in Cats. Am. Micr. J. 1888^, p.232. 24 Ascaris mystax , and several Tsenias (sp. undet.), removed from a cat, in Peacham, U.S. Bollinger, — . Ueber Oysticercus cellulosce im Gehirn. SB. Ges. Morph, iv, p. 45. Bos, J. Ritzema. (1) I/Anguillule de la Tige ( TylencTius devastatrix, Kuhn) et les maladies des Plantes dues a ce Nematode. Arch. Mus, Teyl. ser. ii, vol. iii, p. 162. A full account of the anatomy of the form, and a discussion of its systematic position and economical importance. A bibliography of Nematode embryology is given. . (2) Untersuchungen iibor Tylenchus devastatrix , Kuhn. Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 129. Part iv. — The plant-diseases caused by Tylenchus devastatrix. . (3) Untersuchungen uber Tylenchus devastatrix , Kuhn. T. c. p. 164. On Worms in onions. Bourne, A. G. The Vascular System of the Hirudinea. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 16. Criticism of Maurice Jaquet in the Naples Mittheilungen, vol. vi. Bourne, G. C. Kleinenberg on the Development of Lopadorhynchus. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxviii, p. 531. An abstract of Kleinenberg’s paper. Brandes, G. (1) Helminthologisches. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, p.247. Distomum claviforme , n. sp., from rectum of Tringa alpina. D. turgidum , n. sp., from small intestine of Buna. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. • Verm. 5 [Brandes, G.] (2) Ueber das Genus Uolostomum, Nitzsch. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 424. A preliminary note. The sucker on the concave side is dorsal, not ventral. Brandt, Ed> Zwei Falle von Tcenia cucumerina, Rud., beim Menschen. T. c. p. 481. This Tcenia found twice in human subjects, in a practice of fifteen years. Braun, M. (1) Ueber parasitische Schnurwurmer. OB. Bakt. Parasit. iii, pp. 16 & 36. A review of the parasitic Nemertines and Rhyncliocoela. . (2) Die Myzostomidce. Zusammenfassender Bericht. T. C. p. 183. Brunotti, C. Recherches sur la Structure do l’ceil chez un Branchi- omma. C.R. 1888, i, p. 301. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 219. The eyes on the branchial filaments are compound ; the author dis- tinguishes between outer dioptric and inner nervous structures. Burger, O. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Nervensystems der Nemer- tinen. Nachr. Ges. Gotting. 1888, p. 479. A preliminary note of results obtained about the nervous system of Indian and European Nemertines. Camerano, L. (1) Richerehe intorno al parassitismo ed al polimorfismo dei Gordii. Abstract in Am. Nat. xxii, p. 462. . (2) Gordius fece , n. sp. Ann. Mus. Genov. 1888, p. 168. . (3) Ricerche intorno alia Anatomia ed Istologia dei Gordii. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, No. 38. A preliminary note, with a genealogical tree of the Vermes. Carnoy, J. B. Polar Bodies in Ascaris. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 48. Abstract of paper in La Cellule. Chatin, J. (1) Des diverses Anguillules qui peuvent s’observer dans la Maladie Vermineuse de l’Oignon. C.R. 1888, i, p. 1431. Tylenchus putrifaciens, Pelodera strongyloides , Leptodera terricola, . (2) Des diverses Anguillules qui peuvent s’observer dans la Maladie Vermineuse de l’Oignon. J. Microgr. xii, p. 290. In diseased onions Tylenchus putrifaciens , Pelodera strongyloides , and Leptodera terricola may be found. The disease is caused by the Tylenchus , and the others penetrate only a very short distance into the bulb until it has been quite broken down by the ravages of its real enemy. 6 Verm. VEBMES. [Chatin, J.] (3) Sur la structure des teguments de YBeterodera schachtii et sur les modifications qu’ils presentent chez les femelles f4cond4es. C.R. 1888, ii, p. 139. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 738. • • (4) Sur la Maladie vermiculaire de POignon. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, p. 159. Collin, A. (1) Criodrilus lacuurriy Hoffm. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oligocliseten. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, p. 471. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 733. A full account of the anatomy of the form ; confirms Rosa as to the near relations of Criodrilus with the Lumh'ickhe. Cosmovici, L. C. Le system© nerveux de Cli6topteres ( Chcetojoterus valencinii). Rev. Sci. (rev. rose.) xli, p. 669. Cragin, F. W. First Contribution to Knowledge of Lower Invertebrata of Kansas. Bull. Washb. Coll. 1887, p. 8. Cunningham, J. T., & Ram age, G. A. The Polychceta sedentaria of the Firth of Forth. Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. xxxiii, p. 635. A monograph was intended, but the authors were unable to complote it. One new genus, Lipobranchius (p. 655). Danvsz, J. Recherches sur un Tcenia fen6tr& J. de PAnat. Phys. xxiv, p. 518. Perforations of varying extent occurred in a Tcenia saginata. A fatty deposit occurred under the cuticle, and the author suggests that this disease of the Tape- Worm prevented its resisting the action of digestion. Dimmock, G. A Sphcerulariadike Worm. Psyche, v, Nos. 141 & 142, p. 14. On Atractonema gibhosum , Leuckart. Devoletzky, R. Lateral Organs of Nemerteans. [Abstract.] J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 51. EhleRS, E. Report on the Annelids of the Dredging Expedition of the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer ‘ Blake.’ Mem. Mus. C. Z. xv, 60 pis. Many new species and 6 new genera, Fenwick, H. Bilharzial epicystitis. Brit. Med. J. 1888, i, p. 468. Ferguson, J. Epileptiform seizures caused by Oxyurides vermiculares in an adult. T , o, p. 1056. Fol, H. Sur la repartition du tissu musculaire stri6 chez divers In verte- bras. C.R. 1888, i, p. 1178. ChcetognatJia and some Annelids have striated muscles. Fraipont, J. Polygordius. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 225. Abstract of monograph xiv of Naples Station. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Verm . 7 Friedlander, B. (1) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Centralnervensystems von Lumbricus. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, p. 47. An elaborate anatomical and histological memoir. . (2) Ueber das Kriechen der Regenwiirmer. Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 363. Experiments on the relation of the nervous system to progression in Earthworms. Carman, H. On the Anatomy and Histology of a New Earthworm ( Diplocardia communis , n. g. & sp.). Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, p. 47. With a list of N. American Earthworms. van Gehuchten, A. Observations sur la v^sicule germinative et les globules polaires de VAscaris megalocephala. Tag. Deut. Nat. Yers. 1887, p. 250. Goeiilich, Gustav. Ueber die Genital- u. Segmental- Organe von Lumbricus terrestris. Zool. Beitr. ii, p. 133. To effect impregnation two acts of copulation are required and three Worms are concerned. Worm A passes spermatozoa into the sperma- thecae of Worm B ; then B, copulating with C, passes the spermatozoa into the oviducts of C. Grassi, B. (1) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Entwicklungscyclus von funf Parasiten des Hundes. [Taenia cucumerina (Goeze), Ascaris marginata (Rud.), Spiroptera sanguinolenta (Rud.), Filaria immitis (Leidy), und Hcematozoon (Lewis).] CB. Bakt. Parasit. iv, p. 609. . (2) Nachtrag zu meinem Aufsatze “ Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Entwick.,” &c. T. c. p. 776. . (3) Weiteres zur Frage der Asmm-Entwickelung. Op. cit. iii, p. 748. . (4) Tcenia favopunctata, Wein., Taenia leptocephala} Creplin, Taenia diminuta , Rud. Atti Acc. Tor. xxiii, p. 492. Reasons for regarding the three names as synonyms. — — , & Calandruccio, S. (1) Bandwiirmerentwickelung. OB. Bakt. Parasit, iii, p. 174. Experiment proving that Tcenia elliptica of the Dog may have Pulex serraticeps as intermediate host. & . (2) Ueber einen Echinorhynchus welcher auch im Menschen parasitirt und dessen Zwischenwirth ein Blaps ist. T. c. p. 521. Echinorhynchus unusually abundant in Mammalia in Sicily. E. ? n. sp. in small intestine of Dog. E. moniliformis , Bremsen, or E. n. sp., found in Mus decumanus and Myoxus quercinus, experimentally became adult in Man. & Rovelli, — . (1) La Bilharzia in Sicilia. Atti (Rend.) Acc. Rom. iv, p. 799. 8 Verm. VERMES. [Grassi, B., & Rovelli, — (2) Intorno alio sviluppo dei Cestodi. Nota preliminare. T. c. p. 700. Preliminary note on development of Tcenia elliptica. r*" — & . (3) Bandwiirmerentwickelung. OB. Bakt. Parasit. iii; p. 173. Results of experiments on development of Tcenia proglottidina and Bothriocephcilus latus. Grobben, C. Die Pericardialdriise der Chaetopoden Anneliden, nebst Bemerkuugen liber die perienteriscke Flikssigkeit derselben. SB. Ak. Wien, xcvii, p. 251. The appendages of the blood vessels in Polychaetes and Oligochaetes, coated with chloragogenous cells, are excretory organs of the body cavity. Guerne, J. de. Monographic note on the Rotifera of the Family Asplanclmidce. Ann. N. H. 1888, ii, p. 28. Translated from the Prince of Monaco’s “ Excursions Zoologiques dans les lies de Fayal et de San Miguel (Asores).” Genus Asplanchna, with 4 new species, genus Asplanchnopus , n. g., and genus Ascomorpha are described. Heape, Walter. Vermes in the Plymouth Sound. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. of United Kingdom, ii, p. 168. Heymann, J. F. Nerve endings in the Leech. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 957. Abstract of paper in Arch. Anat. Phys. 1888. Hood, John. Chats about Rotifers. Sci. Goss. Feb. 1888, p. 27. Horst, R. (1) Descriptions of Earthworms, iv. Accinthodrilus beddardi, n. sp. : a remarkable Earthworm from Liberia. Notes Loyd. Mus. x, p. 123. The “ penial ” setae possess a ridged cup with strong hooks ; there are, in addition, “ copulatory setae ” of peculiar structure. . (2) Anatomie von Ithinodrilus. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) i, afl. 3 & 4. -. (3) Mr. Cunningham on the “Cardiac Body” Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 135. Hughes, Prof. Exhibition of Steropus tnadidus and Earthworm. P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. vi, p. 245. The Worm had been seized near the posterior end by the larva, and appeared partially paralyzed, J., E. A new parasite in American Sheep. Field, 1888, p. 924. A Tcenia. Ijima, — . Some European Triclades. J. R. Mici Soc. 1888, p. 229. Abstract of paper in Journ. Coll. Tokyo, 1887. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 9 Imiiof, O. Ein nCues Mitglied der Tief see-fauna dor Sufis wasserbecken. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 48. A new genus, Vctrovermis, allied to Ctenodrilus. From St. Moritz. Joyeux-Laffuie, J. Sur le systeme nerveux du Ch^toptere. C.R. 1888, i, p. 148. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 225. Kennel, J. (1) Untersuchungen an neuen Turbellarien. Zool. Jahrb. iii, p. 447. On Planaria alpina , Dana, found in cold streams near Wurzburg. On P. aurita , n. sp., and P. fissipara , n. sp., from Trinidad ; with an account of asexual reproduction in the latter. The rods in Triclads and some Rhabdocceles cannot be homologised with the nettle-cells of Ccelen- terates. They lie, not in the epithelium, but in the sub-epithelial connective tissue, and are bodily discharged on pressure. An account of three Rhabdocoeles from Trinidad : Mesostoma ehrenbergii , Stenostoma bicaudatum , n. sp., and Prorhynchus applanatus , n. sp. . Die Ableitung zunachst der sog. einfachen Augcn der Arthro- poden, namlich dor “ Stemmata,” der Inficcten larven, Spinnen, Scorpioniden, &c., von Augen der Anneliden. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, p. 405. Knupffer, P. Beitrag zur Anatomie des Ausfuhrungsganges der weib- lichen Geschlechtsproducte einiger Acanthocephalen. Mem. Ac. Petersb. xxxvi, No. 12. lucludes a description of Echinorhynchw pseudo- segmcntatus , n. sp., from Spermophilus citillus. Koehler, R. Structure of Echinorhynclii. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 422. Abstract of paper in Zool. Anz. 1888. Kukenthal, W. Beobachtungen am Regenwurm. Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 80. From experiments on the Earthworm by feeding with carmine and indigo, author concluded that solid matter was not excreted by the nephridia. Kulagin, N. Zur Anatomie und Systematik der in Russland vorkom- menden Fam . Lumbricidce. Zool. Auz. 1888, p. 231. A preliminary note. Kultsciiitzky, N. (1) Die Befruchtungsvorgange bei Ascaris megalo- ccphala. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxi, p. 567. The polar bodies are formed by a true process of karyokinesis. The spermatozoon, during the formation of the polar bodies, decreases in size by losing not only its protoplasm, but some of its chromatin; so that the $ prouucleus is not formed of all the chromatin of the spermato- zoon. The author opposes Hertwig’s view of impregnation as the fusion 10 Verm. VERMES. of the pronuclei. He corroborates Van Beneden’s observation that the pronuclei do not fuse, and holds that impregnation is complete when the $ pronucleus is fully formed. [Kultschitzky, N.] (2) Ueber die Eireifuug u. die Befruchtungs- vorgiinge bei Ascaris marginata. Op. cit. xxxii, p. 671. The penetration of the spermatozoon into the ovum depends more on the ovum protoplasm than on the movements of the spermatozoon. The polar bodies are separated off by a true process of karyokinesis. . (3) Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung uber die Befruchtungsvorgange bei Ascaris megalocephala. SB. Ak. Berl. 1888, i, p. 17. Abstract of conclusions in above memoir. . (4) Fertilization of Ascaris. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 136. Abstract of paper in Arch. mikr. Anat. 1888. . (5) Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung uber die Befruchtungs- vorgange bei Ascaris megalocephala. Math, naturw. Mitt, and SB. Ak. Berl. 1888, p. 1. Kunstler, J. Sur de nouveaux vers remarquables. C.R. 1888, i, p. 553. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 428. Note on a uew Cestode and a Planarian (unnamed) found in Solen vagina ; and on a new Echinohothrium from the foot of the same animal. Lameere, A. Sur des (Eufs anormaux de VAscaris megalocephala. Bull. Ac. Belg. xv, p. 980. In two of the Worms the eggs did not assume the usual rounded form. They became pear-shaped, and, though most of them were unfertilised, exhibited at the narrow end a preparation for the entrance of the spermatozoon. Lee, A. Bolles. (1) La Spermatog^nese chez les Chetognathes. Cellule, iv, p. 107. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 227. — , (2) La Spermatogen&se chez les Nemertiens apropos d’une theorie de Sabatier. Rec, Z. Suisse, iv, p. 409. Controverts Sabatier’s views, Leidy, Jos, (1) Chcetopterus from Florida. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 73. Note on the external anatomy of C. pergamentaceus (Cuvier), from the mouth of the Manatu river. — . (2) Entozoa of the Terrapin. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 127. Echinorhynchus hamulatust Cucullanus microcephaly s, Amphisternum grande in the intestine; and Polystomum oblongum in the bladder; and LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 11 four specimens of Polystomum coronatum , n. sp., in throat and nose of the edible Terrapin. [Leidy, Jos.]. (3) Parasites of the Pickerel. T. c. p. 169. Taenia leptosoma, n. sp., found in Esox reticulatus. . (4) Parasites of the Rock Fish. T. c. p. 166. Distomum galactosomum , n. sp., found on the gills of Labrax lineatus. Also in the intestine of the same fish many specimens of Echinorhynchus proteus. . (6) Reputed Tape- worm in a Cucumber. T. c. p. 81. Smaller than, but resembling, T. crassicollis of the Cat : certainly merely accidentally associated with the cucumber. . (6) Trematodes of the Musk-rat. T. c. p. 126. Distomum echinatum and Amphistomum subtriquetrum , with a description of the Distomum. YON Linstow, O. (1) Report on the Entozoa collected by H.M.S. ‘ Challenger,’ during the years 1873-76. Challenger Report, xxiii, 1888. Nematoda : 1 new genus, 8 new species. Gestoda : 3 new Tcenias and 2 Tetrabothria. Two plates, several woodcuts. . (2) Helminthologisches. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, p. 235. Notes, anatomical and histological, on various Vermes, with Physaloptera prceputialis , n. sp., from Felis catus ; Trichocephalus campanula , n. sp., from F. catus domesticus, in Brazil ; Echinorhynchus dipsadis, n. sp. ; Cercaria terricola , n. sp. ; 0. terrestris , n. sp. Lutz, A. (1) Nachtrag zu meiner letzten Mittheilung fiber die Invasion von Taenia elliptica und Ascaris. CB. Bakt. Parasit, iii, p. 299. . (2) Klinisches fiber Parasiten des Menschen u. der Hausthiere T.c . Notes from medical practice in Brazil. Ascaris , sp., pp. 553 & 618 ; Oxyuris vermicularis, pp. 681, 713, & 745; Rhabdonema , p. 746; Doclimius anhylostoma , p. 747. . (3) Klinisches fiber Parasiten des Menschen u. der Hausthiere, T.c. Trichocephalus dispar , p. 777 ; Taenia , p. 778. ■. (4) Zur Frage der Uebertragung des menschlichen Spulwurmes, T. c. p. 425. . (5) Wei teres zur Frage der Uebertragung des menschlicheu Spulwurmes. T. c. p. 263. Experiments on development of egg of Ascaris. • . (6) Zur Frage der Uebertragung von Taenia elliptica. T, c. p. 487, Reply to Leuckhart. 12 Verm. VERMES. Marenzgller, E. v. Bericht fiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Systematik, Biologie u. geogr. Verbr. del* Platkelminthen (Cestoiden u. Trcmatodon), Chietoguathen, Gepbyreen, Anuulaten, Entoro- pneuston u. Rotatorien in 1885-87. Zool. Jahrb. iii, p. 1015. Megnin, P. D5veloppement et Propagation de YAscaris mystax, chez les tout jeunes Chiens. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, p. 655. An account of the direct development of this Worm in young Dogs. The eggs are obtained from the straw on which the litter lies, or from the abdomen of the mother, and the complete development takes place within the puppies. Meyer, E. Studien ueber den Korperbau der Anneliden. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, p. .462. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 222. Deals with the external form, larval and adult nephridia, gill-plates, parapodia, setae, ventral glands, tentacles, mouth, nervous system, and circulatory system of the Serpulacece and Hermellidce , and with the mor- phological conclusions drawn from the anatomical facts. 200 pp., 3 pis. Michel, A. De l’existence d’un veritable epiderme cellulaire chez les Ndmatodes et spcciahnent les Gordiens. C.R. 1888, ii, p. 1175. There is a cellular epidermis with a thick cuticle. Miciiaelsen, W. Die Oligochaeten von Sfid-Georgien. JB. Hamb. v, p. 55. Description, with figures, of 4 new species : Pachydrilus maximus , n. sp., P. georgianusf n. sp., Enchytrceus monochcetus , n. sp., Acanthodrilas georgianus , n. sp. Moniez, R. (1) Note sur le Lumbricus ( Photodrilus ) phosphor eus , Duges. Rev. Biol, i, p. 197. Several individuals found near Montpellier ; probably indigenous. . (2) Sur le Tcenia nana parasite de l’homrae et sur son Cysticerque suppose ( Cysticercus tenebrionis). C.R. 1888, i, p. 369. A criticism of Grassi’s identification of T. nana with T. murina. Monticelli, F. S. (1) Contribuzioni alio studio della fauna elmiuto- logica del golfo di Napoli. I. Richerohe sullo Scolex polymorphusi Rud! MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, p. 85. An elaborate anatomical and histological memoir. . (2) Intorno alio Scolex poly morphus} Rud. Nota preliminare. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, ii, p. 13. Scolex polymorphic is larva of Calliobothrium filicolle , not a larva common to genus Calliobothrium. Oehlert, D. P. Descriptions do quelques osp^ces D6vonionnes du d6partement de la Mayenne. Bull. Soc. Angers, xvii, p. 109. . With descriptions of 2 new species : Cornulites armoricanus, n. sp . and Spirorbis intermedia , n. sp. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 13 PAGENSTECITER, A. W firmer. Vermes. (Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen 4 Bd.) Leipzig: 0. F. Winter, 1888, 8 vo, Lief. 5/6 (pp. 145-208, 1 Bl. Erkl). PaciiingER, A. (1) A Botliriocephalus latus ideigleues gazdairol. Termes. Kozlony, 1888, p. 184 ; P6t-fiizetek (supplement). . (2) Negyedik kozlemduy b^kdink parasitaihoz s ujabb adatok a Trematod&k Bonez-ds ebettan&hoz. Orvos-termesz. Ertesito. 1888, p. 1. A memoir, anatomical and histological, on some Trematodes : Distoma clavigerum , D. cylindraceum , &c. Parona, Covo. Appunti storici di Elmintologia italiana a contribuito della corologia elmintologica umana. Milano : 1888, 8vo. (Extr. dalla Gazz. Med. Ital. Lomb., 21 pp.) Pouchet, M. Remarque sur la Dissemination des especes d’eau douce. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, p. 311. The wind transports Rotifers, Nematodes, &c., in a siate of desic- cation. Repiachoff, W. Noch eine an Nebalien lebende Turbellarie. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 141. Rosa, C. Lombrichi dello Scioa. Ann. Mus. Genov. Ser. 2 a vi or xxvi, p. 571. Teleudrilus , n. g. T. ragazzii , n. sp*, and Acanthodrilus scioanus, n. sp., both figured. Rosa, D. (1) Sulla struttura doll’ Jlormogasler Redii mihi. Riassunto* Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, No. 35. — — . (2) Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e Regioni vicine. y. Perichetidi. Ann. Mus. Genov. 1888, p. 155. Description, with figures, of Perionyx excavatus, Megaseolex artnatus , Perichceta fees, n. sp., and P. birmanica , n. sp. . (3) Nuova Classificazione dei terricoli (Lumbricidi sensu lato). Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, iii, No. 41. Rosa, H. Di un nuovo Lombrico italiano : Allobophora ' tellinii , n. sp. Op. cit. No. 44. Roule, L. (1) Sur la formation des feuillets blastodermiques et du coelome chez un Oligochsete limicole ( Enchylrceoides marioni , n. sp.). C.R. 1888, i, p. 1811. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 735. -. (2) Observations sur la genese et Involution des Feuillets Blastodermiques chez les Anndlides. Rev. Biol, i, p. 1. In Enchytrceoides , a planula with outer epiblast cells and inner mesendo- blast cells is formed. A cavity appears in the centre, and round it the hypoblast splits off. In the mesoblast, now left between the two layers, a scliizocoole appears. 14 Verm. VERMES. [Roule, L.] (3) Sur la structure liistologique d’un Oligochsete marin appartenant a un genre nouveau. C.R. 1888, i; p. 308. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 222. Pachydrilus enchytrceoides , Saint-Loup, is placed in a new genus Enchytrceoides , because of its simple circulatory system and lobate testes. Roussel, A. L’an^mie des mineurs et l’ankylostome duodenal. Rev. Sci. (rev. rose) xli, p. 635. Rousselet, C. On various Rotifers. Sci. Goss. Aug. 1888, p. 172. With a figure of $ Asplanchna myrmeleo. Rywosch, — . Die Geschlechtsverhaltnisse des Microstoma lineare. SB. Ges. Dorp, viii, p. 439. This Microstomum is in summer dioecious, in late summer her- maphrodite. Saint-Joseph, M. le Baron. Les Annelides Polychetes des Cotes de Dinard, Part n. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1888, v, p. 141. Continuation and conclusion of monograph. 1 new genus, Labro- rostratus , allied to Lumbriconereis , and 23 new species of the following genera and subgenera: — Drilonereis (1), Eteone (1), Eulalia (8), Euphrosyne (1), Harmothoe (4), Labrorostratus (1), Leptonereis (1), Lumbriconereis (2), Mystides (1), Paractius (1), Phyllodoce (2). Salensky, M. (1) Development of Annelids. Abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 218. . (2) Zur homologie der Seitenorgane der Nemertinen. Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 79. The Sarasin brothers have suggested a homology between the organs of smell in Lopadorhynchus and other Annelids, and the so-called cerebral tubes in the embryos of Helix waltonii. Salensky would extend the homology to the cerebral fissures of Nemertines. • Schmidt, F. Development of Generative Organs of Cestoda . J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 426. Abstract of paper in Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi. Schimkewitsch, Wladimir. Sur le Balanoglossus mereschowshii (Wagner). Arch. Z. exp6r. 1888, 2, p. xxiii ; Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 281. Only one collar-pore (the left) present. The notochord of Bateson is an undifferentiated preoral part of the alimentary canal. It is compared to a slightly altered Trochosphere. Seifert, O. Anlcylostomum duodenale. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 739. Abstract of paper in Yerh. Ges. Wiirzb. 1888. Sonsino, P. Notices Helminthologiques. Arch. Ital. Biol, x, p. 190. 1. Sur le Cycle vital d’un Nematode h6matozoaire du Chien ( Ft lari a immitis). 2. Rictularia plagiostoma et especes semblables. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 15 Soulier, A. Sur la formation du tube chez quelques Ann^lides tubi- coles. C.R. 1888, i, p. 505. In Myxicola and Branchiomma the mucous for the tube is not secreted by the tubiparous glands of Claparede, but by glands scattered irregularly over the surface of the body. Spencer, W. B. (1) The Nephridia of Earthworms. Nature, xxxviii, p. 197. A preliminary account of his results from anatomy of Megascolides. . (2) The Anatomy of Megascolides australis (the Giant Earthworm of Gippsland). Tr. R. Soc. Yict. i, pt. 1. A full account of the natural history and anatomy, with many plates, and a discussion of the relations of the nephridia in Hirudinea , Chceto - poda , and Platyhelminthes. Stokes, A. C. Observations sur les Chcetonotus et les Dasydytes. J. Microgr. xii, pp. 19 & 49. On Chcetonotus enormis, n. sp., C. acanthophorus , n. sp., and C. formosus, n. sp. On genus Dasydytes and D. saltitans, n. sp. Stolq, A. Monografie Ceskych Tubificidu. Abh. bohm. Ges. (7) ii. An anatomical and systematic memoir on the Tubijicidce , with plates. Lophochceta , n. g., with L. ignota, n. sp. Bothrioneuron , n. g,, with B. vejdovskyanum, n. sp. Stossich, M. (1) Brani di Elmintologia tergestina. Series iv. Boll. Soc. Adr. x, p. 90. With many figures of Trematods. . (2) Brani di Elmintologia tergestina. Series v. T. c. p. 185. Trematoda , Nematoda , &c., figures. Strubell, A. Structure and development of Heterodera schachtii. J. R.Micr.Boc. 1888, p.737. Abstracted from Leuckart & Chun’s Bibliotheca Zoologica, ii, 1888. Tuckermann, F. (1) An interesting specimen of Tcenia saginata . Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 94. 7£ inches in length, 1061 joints. . (2) Supplementary note on Tcenia saginata. T. c. p. 472. A larger Worm from the same patient; several of the proglottides peculiarly sculptured and wrinkled. Vejdovsky, Fr. Note sur le Pachydrilus subterraneus , n. sp. Rev. Biol, i, p. 121. Villot, A. Encore un mot sur le d6veloppement et la determination specifique des Gordiens adultes. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 70. Reply to Camerano’s claim of priority. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 228. 16 Verm. VERMES. Virchow, R. On Bilharzia hcematobia. Brit. Med. J. 1888, i, p. 1030. Common in Egypt, but can be expelled, even from urinary organs, by treatment. Voeltzkow, A. (1) Aspidogaster conchicola. Arb. Inst. Wiirzb. viii, p. 249. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 954. (2) Aspidogaster Imacoides. Arb. Inst. Wiirzb. viii, p. 290. Short anatomical description. Yuillemin, P. Sur un procede pour 6tudier le systeme vasculaire de la sangsue. Bull. Soc. Nancy, viii, fasc. 20. Walsjngiiam, Lord. The Gape-Worm of Fowls ( Sgngamus trachealis ). Nature, xxxviii, p. 324. An account of a paper in the Bulletin of Buffalo Soc. of Nat. Sciences, v, 2, in which it is shown that Lumbricus terrestris is the intermediate host. Weber, E. F. Notes sur quelques Rotateurs des environs de Gen&ve. Arch. Biol. 1888, p. 647. Contains an account of Floscularia campanulata , $ , ITydatina senta, Diglena catellina , and Bracliionus urceolaris , Several new species, and a short discussion of various anatomical points in the Botifera. Weldon, W. F. R. Haplodiscus piger} a new Pelagic Organism from the Bahamas. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxix, p. 1. Resembles Leptodiscus medusoides of R. Hertwig. Probably a free- living Cestode. Weltner, — . Die Planarien bei Berlin. S.B. nat. Fr. 1888, pp. 73 & 171. Wendt, A. Ueber den Bau von Gunda ulvce ( Planaria ulvce , Oersted). Arch. f. Nat. 1888, p. 253. An anatomical and histological memoir. Western, Geo. Botifera at Staines. Sci. Goss., Nov. 1888. With a figure of $ Asplanclina myrmeleo. Whitman, C. 0. Preparation of the Eggs of Ascaris megaloccphala. Am. Nat. 1888, p. 277. A summary of the methods employed. Willot, — .. Sur 1’ Ueterodera schachtii. C.R. 1888, ii, p. 507. Claims priority over Strubell in the question of destroying Ueterodera by a solution of sea-salt. Wir^n, A. Om circulations och digestions organen hos Annelider af familjerna Ampharetidcc , Terebellidce) och Amphictenidce. Sv. Ak. Handl. xxi, No. 7. list of publications— CHiETOPODA. Verm . 17 Zacii arias, 0. (1) Dio Befruchtung des thierischen Eies. Tag. Deut. Nat. Yers. 1887, p. 249. Criticises Yan Beneden’s account of impregnation in Ascaris megalo- cephala. *. (2) Land Planarien auf Pilzen. Biol. Gentralbl. viii, p. 542. Geodesmus {Fasciola) terrestris found on Agaricus deliciosus. . (3) Uebor die Verbreitung dor Turbellarion in Hochseen. Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 704. 14 Turbellarians found in a lake 11G8 mbtres above the sea-level. Zeller, E. Generative Apparatus of Diplozoon paradoxum. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 427. Abstract of paper in Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi. Zschokke, F. (1) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Yogeltsenien. CB. Bakt. Parasit. iii, pp. 2 & 41. Description of Tccnia argentina , n. sp., from Rhea amcricana. . (2) Ein weiteres Zwischcnwirth des Bothriocephalus lulus. Op. cit. iv, p. 417. Trutta lacustris is an intermediate host. III.— REFERENCES. SYSTEMATIC CLASSIFICATION. GASTEROTRICHA. Chcetonotu8 : C. enormis , n. sp., with pi., 0. acanthophoriis , n. sp., with pi., C. formosus , n. sp. ; Stokes. Dasydytes and D. saltitans, n. sp., Stokes. ENTEROPNEUSTA. Literature for 1885-87 ; Marenzeller. Balanoglossus mereschlcowskii , Schimkewitsch. CHiETOPODA. Literature for 1885-87 ; Marenzeller. Development ; Salensky (1). Eyes compared with Arthropod simple eyes ; Kennel (2). Discussion of excretory organs ; Bergh (1). Germinal layers ; Roule (1, 2). Nephridia ; Spencer (2). Pericardial glands ; Grobben. 1888. [vol. xxv.] f 3 1 8 Verm. VERMES. OlIGOCIUJTA. Anatomy ; Beddard (9). Acanthodrilus annectens, n. sp., id. (6). Acanthodrilus beddardi , n. sp., with description and pi. ; Horst (1). Acanthodrilus georgianus , n. sp., Michaelsen. Acanthodrilus scioanus , n. sp., with figs. ; 0. Rosa. 2Eolosoma headleyi, n. sp , with pi. and description ; Beddard (1). AEolosoma leidyit n. sp., Cragin. JEolosoma stohesii , n. sp., Cragin. Allolobophora tetlinii , n. sp., H. Rosa. Allurm in England ; Beniiam (1). Brachydrilus, n. g., id. (2). Criodrilus: development of the excretory organs ; presence of pro- visional excretory organs ; Bergh (1, 2). Criodrilus lacuumi Hoffm., anatomy ; Collin. Deinodrilus annectenst n. g. & sp., Beddard (5). Dero intermediusy n. sp., Cragin. Dichogaster , n. g. : anatomy ; excretory organs in earthworms generally, with a theory of their evolution ; Beddard (10). Diplocanlia communis , n. g. & sp., with figs. ; Carman. Enchytrceus monochcetus , n. sp., Miciiaelsen. Enchytrceoides marioni , n. g., = Pachydrilus encliytr cookies , Saint-Loup : nervous and excretory systems ; Roule (3). Eudrilus i genitalia ; Beddard (3). Hormogaster \ D. Rosa (1). Lumbricidce ; new classification ; id. (3). Lumbricm : nervous system ; Friedlander (1). Lumbricus i progression ; id. (2). Lumbricm (Photodrilus) phosphoreus, Dug&s ; Moniez (1). Lumbricus terrestris : genital glands and nephridia ; Goeiilicii. Lumbricus : attacked by larva of Steropus maclidus ; Hughes. Lumbricus ; experiments on excretion; Kukentiial. Lumbricidce ; Kulagin. Megaloscolex armatus ; D. Rosa (2). Megascolides : nephridia ; Spencer (1, 2). Megascolides australis : anatomy, with many figs. ; id. (2). Nephridia in Earthworms, their origin, &c. ; Beddard (4). Pachydrilus georgianuSy n. sp., Michaelsen. Pachydrilus maximus , n. sp., id. Pachydrilus subterraneus , n. sp., description with pi. : Vejdovsky. Perichceta : anatomy ; Beddard (6). Perichceta birmanicay n. sp., D. Rosa (2). Perichceta fece, n. sp., id. t. c. Perionyx excavatus ; id. t. c. Phreoryctes : genital organs ; Beddard (7). Structure and homologies of prostate glands (atria) ; id. (5). Bhinodrilm ; Horst (2). CMTOPODA. Verm . 19 Teleudrilus , n. g., T. ragazzii , n. sp., with figures ; 0. Rosa. Typhccus gammii , n. sp., Beddard (5). Tubificidas : anatomy and systematic, with Lophochocta, n. g., L. ignota , n. sp., and Bothrioneuron , n. g., with B. vejdovskyanum , n. sp. ; STOLg. Urochccta : mucous gland; Beddard (8) : Integument and nephridia : (10). Vetrov er mis, n. g., and V. hyalinus , n. sp. ; Imiiof. POLYCMTA. Amage tvnnida , n. sp., with figs. ; Eulers. Ammocharidoi : Ovoenia filiformis ; Cunningham. Ampharetidce : Ampkarete gracilis } with figs. : genus Melinna , ilf. cristata ; Cunningham. Ampharetidce : Wiren. Amphicteis nasata, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. A. procera, n. sp., with figs. ; Amphictenidge : Peciinaria belgica distinct from P. aurtcomas with figs.; Cunningham. Amphictenidai ; WlRi^N. Amphinome palladia n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Amphiro : A.johnsdni ; SaiNT-Joseph. Aphrodite : >4. aculeata ; ed. >4. acuminata , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. obtecta, n. sp., with figs. ; Aphroditacece : parasites of ; commensal with other Polychmtes; Saint- Joseph. Arabella : subgen. Maclovia , iBT. gigantea , with pi. ; Ariciidcc : characters of family, p. 642 ; Scoloplos armiger, with fig. ; Theodisca mammillata , with fig. ; Cunningham. Aracoda debilis , n. sp., with figs.; Ehlers. >4. multidenlata, n. sp., with figs. ; 2C?. Auchenoplax, n. g. : ^4. crinita , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Branchiomma : structure of eye ; Brunotti : formation of tube ; Soulier. Branchiomma bioculatum , n. sp., with figs.; Ehlers. B. intermedium, n. sp., figs. ; Beddard (2). B. lobiferum , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Branchiosyllis oculata , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Canephoridea subfamily : Terebellides strcemi ; Cunningham. Gapitellidce : Capitella fabricii, C. capitata, with figs. ; Notomastus latericius, with figs. ; id. Chcctopterus : nervous system ; Cosmovici. Chcetopterus pergamentaccus : external anatomy ; Leidy (1). Chcctopterus valencinii : nervous system ; JoYEUX-LAFFUiEi Chloeia euglochis, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Chloeia merguiensis , n. sp., figs. ; microscopy of the eyes; Beddard (2). Chlorhccmidcc : Trophonia plumosa, genus Flatelligera , F. ajjinis ; Cunningham. Cirratulidce : characters of family, p. 643 ; Cirralulus cirratus \ with figs., C. tentaculatus ; id. 20 Verm. VERMES. Cirratulidce : genus Ghcetozone, G. setosa , with fig. ; genus Dodecaceria , D. concharum , with fig. : id. Clymene cingulata, n. sp., with figs. ; Eulers. C. cm'ata, n. sp., with figs. ; id. Cornulites armoricanm , n. sp., with pi. ; Oehlert. Dasybranchus lunulatus, n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. Dasychone conspersa , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Dasychone serratibranchis ; Beddard (2). Diopatra fragosa, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. D. glutinatrix , n. sp., with figs. ; id. D. pourtalesii , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Drilonereis : D. rnacrocephala , n. sp., with pi., D. filum, with pi.; Saint- Joseph. Eriographulea : genus Myxicola, M. steenstrupi; Cunningham. Eteone: E. incisa , n. sp., with pi., E. follow, with pi. ; Saint-Joseph. Euarche , n. g. : E. tubifex, n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. Eulalia : E.viridis, with pi., E. claparedii , n. sp., with pi., E. pusilla, with pi., E. splendens , n. sp., with pi., E. punctifera, with pi., E. ornata, n. sp., with pi., E. trilineata, n. sp., with pi., E. rubigingsa , n. sp., E. pallida , JB7. fuscescensf n. sp., with pi., E. venustay n. sp., with pi., E. parva , n. sp., with pi., E. macroceros, with pi., E. limbata. Saint-Joseph. Eumenia glabra , n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. Eunice articulata} n. sp., with figs. ; id. E. antellensie , n. sp., with figs. ; id. E. conglomerans) n. sp., with figs. ; id. E. Jlorulana, with figs. ; id. E. fucata , n. sp., with figs. ; id. E. harasii , with pi. j Saint-Joseph. E. rubra, with figs.; Eiilers. E. tibianay with figs.; id. E.violacea-macidata, n. sp., with figs. ; id. Euphrosyne : E.foliosa, E. intermedia , n. sp., with pi. ; Saint-Joseph : E. triloba, n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. Eupompe indica, n. sp., figs. ; Beddard (2). Eurythoe alcyonia ; id. t. c. Filigrana huxleyi , n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. Glycera oxycephala , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Halosydna : H. gelatinosa , with pi. ; Saint-Joseph. Harmothoe : II. imbricata, with pi., H. impar , II. cceliaca, n. sp., with pi., H. maxillospinosa, u. sp., with pi. ; id. Harmathoe : H. macleoidi, with pi., H. areolata , with pi., H. spinifera, II. picta , n. sp., with pi., H. arenicolce , n. sp., with pi., II. reticulata , with pi.; id. Ilermadion : II. pellucklum, with pi. ; id. Ilermellidee : relations to other Annelids, with a genealogical tree ; Meyer. Hermellidce : structure, &c. ; id. t. c. Hermellidce: characters of family, p. 632 ; Sabellaria spinulosa, with figs.; Ammotrypane aulogastra, with fig. ; Ophelia limacina : Cunningham. Hermellidce: Eumenia crassa, with fig.; Lipobranchius , n. g., L. Jeffrey m (Eumenia Jeffrey m of McIntosh) : id. Hermione : H. hystrix ; Saint-Joseph. Hesione pnetexta, n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. II. vittigera , n. sp., with figs. ; id. CMTOPODA. Verm . 21 llyalinmeia : //. grubi, with pi.; Saint- Joseph. Ilyalopomatus langerhausi , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Hypsicomus circumspiciens , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Kefersteinia : K. cirrata, with pi. ; Saint- Joseph. Labrorostratus , n. g., L. parasiticus , n. sp., with pi. ; erf. Lacydonia : L. miranda ; erf. Lcetmatonice Jcinbergi, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Lagisca : P. extenuata, with pi.; Saint- Joseph. Lepidonotus : P. squamatus , P. pleiolepis , with pi. ; irf. Lopadorhynchus ; G. C. Bourne. Lumbriconereis : P. trugens , with pi., X. labrofimbriata , n. sp., with pi., L. paradoxa, n. sp., with pi. ; Saint-Joseph. P. bklens, n. sp., with figs. ; P. robusta , n. sp., with figs. ; L. floridana, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Lysidice : L. ninetta, with pi. ; Saint-Josepii. L. notata , n. sp., with figs. ; Eulers. Magalia : M. perarmata , with pi. ; Saint- JosEni. Magelonidfc : characters of family, p. G42 ; genus Magclona, M. papilli- cernis , with fig. ; Cunningham. Maldanidm : genus Nicomachc , N. lumbricalis ; genus Axiothia, A. catenata ; erf. Maldane cuculligera , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Marphysa : If. sanguinea , with pi., J/. bellii, M.fallax ; Saint-Joseph ilf. belli , with figs. ; Ehlers. Melinna parumdenta, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Micronereis : ilf. variegata ; Saint-Josepii. My slides : If. bidentata , with pi/, M.limbata, n. sp., with pi. ; ?rf. Myxicola : formation of tube ; Soulier. Nematonereis : N. unicornis \ Saint-Josepii. Nepthys inermis , n. sp., with figs. ; iV. squamosa , n. sp., with figs. ; *V. phyllocirra , n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Nereis articulata, n. sp., with figs. ; N. versipeduta , n. sp., with figs. ; erf. Nereis : subgen. Leptonereis , X. vaillanti , n. sp. 5 sitbgen. Leontis , L. dumeritii ; subgen. Lipephile) L. cultri/era , with pi., L. Jloridana, with pi.; subgen. Praxithea, P. irrorata, with pi. : Saint-Joseph. Subgen. Nereis sensu str., N. procera, with pi. ; erf. Nichomachella picta, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Nicidion brevis , n. sp., with figs. ; erf. Ninoe Jcinbergi, n. sp., with figs. ; erf. Notophyllium : iV. alatum, with pi. ; Saint-Josepii. Notopygos crinita , with figs. ; Ehlers. Oenone diphyllidia, with figs. ; erf. Onvphis gracilis , n. sp., with figs. ; erf. Ophiodromus : 0. flexuosus ; Saint-Josepii. Ophryotrocha : 0. puerilis , with pi. ; erf. Oxydromus : 0. propinquus ; e'rf. Paramarphysa , n. g. : P. longula, n. sp., with figs. ; Ehlers. Pectinaria pellticida, n. sp., with figs ; erf. 22 Verm. VERMES. Pholoe : P. synophthalmica , var. Dinardensis \ Saint- Josepii. Phyllodoce : P, laminosa , with pi., P. maculata , with pi., P. splendens , n. sp., with pi., P. macrophthalmata , with pi., P. rubiginosa , n. sp., with pi.; id. P.oculata, n. sp., with figs.; Eiilers. P. phyllocirra, n. sp., with figs. ; id. Paractius ; P, mutabilis, n. sp. ; Saint- Joseph. Placostegus incomptus , n. sp., with figs. ; Eulers. Polycirrince subfam. : Ereutho smitti ; Cunningham. Polynoe : P. scolopendrina , var, brevipalpa ; Saint- Joseph. Polynoe granulata , n. sp., with figs. ; Eulers. P. lactea, n. sp , with figs. ; id. P. polytricha , with figs, ; id. P. tceniata , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Pomatostegus stellatus , with figs. ; id. Pontogenia sericoma , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Potamis , n. g. : P. spathiferus , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Protis , n. g, : P. simplex , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Protula antennata , n. sp., with figs. ; erf. Phamphobrachium , n. g. : P. agassizii, n. sp., with figs. ; id. Phodine sima , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Subellidce : characters of family, p. 668 ; genus Sabella , &. pavonia, with figs., Laonome kroyeri ; genus Chone, 0. infund ibulif or mis ; genus Amphicora, A.fabricia : Cunningham. Serpulacew : structure, development, &c. ; Meyer, Serpididce : relations to other Annelids : id. /. c. Serpulidce : Serpula vermicularis ; genus Filigrana , P. implexa ; genus Pomatocerus , P. triqueta , with fig. ; Spirorbis borealis , &. lucidus : Cunningham. Sigalion pourtalesii, n. sp., with figs. ; Eulers. Spionidce : characters of family, p. 655 ; genus Ferine , P. coniocephala , with fig., iV. cirratulus ; genus $ colecolepis, S. vulgaris; genus 5pio, >8. seticornis ; genus heucodore , Jj. ciliata ; Cunningham. Spirorbis intermedia, n. sp., with pi. ; Oeiilert. Staurocephalus i S. rubrovittatus , with pi., & ciliatus, with pi., $. pallidus , with pi. ; Saint-Joseph. Sthenelais: S.idunce, with pi. ; id, &. simplex, n.sp., with figs. ; Eulers. Striation of muscles ; Fol. Stylarioides collarifer, n. sp., with figs. ; id. $. scutiger , n. sp., with figs.; id. Terebellida i : genus Thelepus , P. circinnata ; Cunningham. Terebellidai : Amphitrite johnstoni , with figs., J. cerrata , with figs.; Terebella danielsseni , with fig. ; genus Eunice, L, conchilega, with fig. ; Scione maculata ; id. Thelethusidce : characters of family, p. 648 ; genus Arenicola, A. marina , with figs. ; id. Terebellidce ; WiR^N. Terebella bruneo-comata, n. sp., with figs. ; Eiilers. T. cetrata , n. sp., with figs. ; id. T. reticulata, n. sp., with figs. ; id. P. turgidula , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Trypanosyllis vittigera, n. sp., with figs. ; id, Vermilia annulata, with figs. ; id. ARCHIANNELIDA ROTIFERA. Verm.: 23 ARCHIANNELIDA. Gordius fece, n. sp., Camerano (2). Gordiidce : anatomy, &c. ; id. (1, 3). Protoan?ielida3 : relations to other Vermes ; Camerano (3). , GEPHYREA. Literaturo for 1885-87 ; Marenzeller. HIRUDIN E A. Outer form, rings, somites, &c., with a genealogical tree of the Leeches ; ApAthy (1). Nephridia ; Spencer (2). Vascular system : A. G. Bourne. Calliobdella and C. nigra , n. sp. ; ApAthy (2). Clepsinidoe subfamily : genus Clepsine , C. marginata , p. 789, C. tenulata, p. 789, C. bioculataf p. 790, C. heteroclita and C. heteroclita striata) n. var., C. concolor , n. sp., C. sexoculata , p. 791 ; id. (3). Gnathobdellidce ; id. (2). Gnathobdellida} family : Nephelidce subfamily ; genus Nephelis , N. octoculata , p. 793 ; id. (3). Ilirudinidce subfamily : genus A ulastoma, A. gulo} p. 793; genus Hirudoi H. medicinalis, p. 794 ; id. (3). Pontobdella ; id. (2). Rhynchobdellidce family : l'chthyobdellidce subfamily; genus Piscicola , JP. geometra , p. 776, P. piscium , p. 776, P. linearis , p. 779, P. stellata , p. 779, P. respirans , p. 779; id. (2). ROTIFERA Literature for 1885-87 ; Marenzeller. Habitat, anatomy, &c. ; Weber. Anurea brevispina : description, with figs. ; id. Asplanchnidce : characters of genera aud species described, with Asplanchna imhoji, n. sp., A. herridcit n. sp., A. h'ameri , n. sp., A. girodit n. sp., Asplanchnopus , n. g. ; Guerne. Asplanchna myrmeleo , $ ; Rousselet. Asplanchna myrmeleo, £ ; Western. Brachionus urceolaris , $ & description, with figs., and excretory organs; Weber. Brachionus amphiceros , description ; id. 24 F&t'm. VERMES. Diglena catellina, $ & £ , description, with figs., nervous system, excretory system, &c. ; id. Ertemias tetrathrix ; Hood. Floscularia campanulata) ^ Sc $ ) with figs. ; Weber. Jlydatim senta , ? & $ , general anatomy, with figs. ; id. Limnias annulatus, L. granulosus , n. sp., with figs. ; id. Microcodon clavus : general anatomy, with figs. ; id. (Ecistes socialis, n. sp., with figs. ; id. Rotifer trisecatus , n. sp., general anatomy, with figs. ; id. Rotifer elongatus} n. sp., general anatomy, with figs. ; id. NEMERTEA. Homology of cerebral fissures ; Salensky (2). Lateral organs ; Devolitzky. Nervous system of various forms ; Burger. Spermatogenesis ; Lee (2). Parasitic Nemertines ; Braun (1). TREMATODA. Anatomy ; Biehringer. Amphistomum grande , in the Terrapin ; Leidy (2). Amphistomum subtriquetrum , in the Musk Rat j id. (6). Aspidogaster condiicola\ anatomy and development; Voeltzkow (1). Aspidogaster limacoides : description; id. (2). Bilharzia and Epicystitia ; Fenwick. Bilharzia hcematobia ; Virchow. Bilharzia in Sicily ; Grassi & Revelli (1). Cercaria terrestris , n. sp., from liver of Helix lens ; yon Linstow (2). Cercaria terricola , n. sp., from liver of Helix vermiculata ; id. t. c. Distomum acanthocephalum} with fig. ; Stossich. Distomum bacillar e, with fig. ; id. Distomum benedenii , with fig. ; id. Distomum claviforme) n. sp., with figs. ; Be Andes (1). Distomum clavigerum : anatomy and histology, with pis. ; Pachinger (2). Distomum eckinatum , in the Musk-rat ; Leidy (6). Distomum galactosomum , n. sp., with description ; id. (4). Distomum turgidum} n. sp., with figs. ; Brandes (1). Distomum pedicellatum, with fig. ; Stossicii (2). Gasterostomum minimum , with fig. ; Stossicii (2). Heterahis inflexa, with fig. ; id. t. c. Heterahis vesicular is ^ with fig. ; id. t. c. Tlolostomum: orientation; Brandes (2). Polystomum oblongum and P. coronatum , n. sp., in the Terrapin ; Leidy. UESTODA, TURBELLARIA. Verm. 25 CESTODA. A new Cestode and an Echinobolhrium from Solen vagina ; Kunstler. BothriocephaJus latus and Trutta lacustris ; Zschokke (2). Bothriocephalus rugosus , Rud. : habitat and general anatomy ; Yon Linstow (1). Cry stiver cus cellulosa in the brain ; Bollinger. Cysticercus of Tania solium ; Blanc (4)» Calliobothrium jfilicolle, larva of ; Monticelli (2). Haplodiscus piger, n. g. & sp. ; Weldon. Scolex polymorphus : list of synonyms, anatomy and histology, relations to Calliobothrium ; Monticelli (2). Tanien ; Lutz (3). Tcenia argeniinaf n. sp., Zschokke (1). Tania clavulus,n. sp. (figs.) ; von Linstow (1). Tania cucumerina in Man ; Brandt. Tania cucumerina ; Grassi (1, 2). Tania diomedia, n. sp. ; von Linstow (1). Tania echinococcus and Hydatids in brain ; Tania solium and Hydatids in brain : Leader. Tania elliptica ; Lutz (1). Tania elliptica ; id. (6). Tania elliptica ; Grassi & CalandrUccio (1). Tania elliptica' : development ; Grassi & Rovelli (2). Tania jflavopunctata, T. leptocejrhala, and T. diminuta, all synonyms ; Grassi (4). Tania increscensi n. sp. (figs.) ; von Linstow (1). Tania leplosoma , n. sp., with description ; Leidy (3). Tania nana ; Moniez (2). Tania proglottidina ; Bothriocephalus latus ; Grassi & Rovelli (3). The perforations in Tania saginata and Bothriocephalus latus ; Blanc (2). Tania saginata ; Tuckerman (1,2). Tania saginata , perforations in ; Danysz. Tania trichoglossi , n. sp. (P) (figs.) ; von Linstow (1). Tetrabothrium auriculatum , n. sp. (figs.) ; id. t. c. Tetrabothrium torulosum , n. sp. (figs.) ; id. t. c. TURBELLARIA. At high altitudes ; Zaciiarias (3). Relations to other groups ; Repiaciioff. Planarian from the intestine of Solen vagina ; Kunstler. Dendrocala : Planaria alpina , P. aurita , n. sp., P. jissipara , n. sp. ; Kennel (1). 26 Verm. VERMES. Planaria ; Weltner. Geodesmus terrestris found on mushrooms ; Zaciiarias (2). Gunda ulvce : anatomy, with pis.; Wendt. Microstomum linear e : hermaphrodite and $ & $ ; Rywoscii. Hhabdoccela : Mesostoma ehrenbergii ; Stenostoma bicaudatum , n. sp. ; Prorhynchus applanatus , n. sp. ; Kennel (1). CEUETOGNATHA. Literature for 1885-87 ; Marenzeller. Sagitta : spermatogenesis ; Lee (1). Chcetognatha : striatiou of muscles ; Fol. NEMATODA. A new classification of Nematodes suggested ; Bos (1). Agamonema engraulidisi with figs. ; Stossicii (2). Agamonema mulli , with figs. ; id. t. a. A nkylostoma and miners’ anemia j Roussel. Anhylostoma ; Blanchard (1, 2). Ascaris ; Lutz (2). Ascaris biloba , n. sp. (figs.) ; von Linstow (1). Ascaris diomcrfece, n. sp. (figs.) ; id. t. c. Ascaris lumbricoides ; Blanchard (1). Ascaris macruri, n. sp. (figs.); von Linstow (1). Ascaris macruroidei, n. sp. (woodcut) ; id, t. c. Ascaris marginata : development ; Grassi (I). Ascaris megalocephala ; abnormal eggs ; Lameere ; polar globules ; Van Gehuciiten : impregnation and maturation of ovum ; Zaciiarias (1), Kultschitzky (1-4). Ascaris mystax in cats ; F. Blanchard. Ascaris mystax : direct development within young dogs ; Megnin Ascaris simplex (figs.) ; von Linstow (l). Ascaris spiculigera (figs.) ; id. t. c. Cuculanus microcephalus in the Terrapin ; Leidy (2). JDochmius ; Lutz (2). JSustrongylus gigas : colouring matter ; Aducco. JPUaria ( Spiroptera ) oirrohamata , n. sp. (figs.) ; von Linstow (1). Pilaria Jlabellata , n. sp. (figs.) ; id , t. c. Filaria immitis ; Grassi (1), Sonsino. Filaria medinensis ; Blanchard (1). Filaria paradisece, n, sp., with figs. ; von Linstow (1). Gordius : anatomy and phylogenetic relations; Camekano (3). Gordius : structure of the epidermis ; Michel. Gordiidcc : Villot. Gordius fece , n, sp., Camerano (2). NEMATODA — SUBJECT-MATTER CLASSIFICATION. Verm. 27 Hcvmatozoon , Lewis ; GitASSi. Heterodera schacktii , integument ; Chatin (3). Lecanocephalus annulatus , with figs. ; Stossicii (2). Leptodera terricola in the onion ; Chatin (l 2, 4). Oxyuris causing epileptiform seizures ; Ferguson. Oxyuris ; Leitz (2) : excretory system; Bland (1). Pelodera strongyloldes and Leptodera terricola , probably terricolous , but associated with Tylenchus in onion bulbs; Chatin (1, 2). Pelodera strongyloides in the onion ; id. (1, 2, 5). Pkysaloptera prceputialis , u. sp., $ & £ ; von Linstow (2). Prothelmins profandissima, n. g. & sp., figs. ; id. (1). Pseudalius minor : characters of the genus and general anatomy, with figs. ; id. t. c. Bhabdonema ; Lotz (2). Ridularia cristata and R. plagiostoma : habitat, &c. ; Sonsino. Spiroptera sanguinolenta ; Grassi (t). Syngamus trachealis : Lumbricus its host ; Walsingiiam. Trichocephalus ; Blanchard (1), Lutz (2). T. campanula , n. sp., von Linstow (2). Tylenchus and plant diseases ; Bos (1). T. devastatrix, id. t. c. T. putrifaciens , id. (2, 5). ACANTHOCEPHALA. EcJiinorhyncJiu8 : E. dipsadis, n. sp., larva only ; von Linstow (2) i E. gigas , Grassi & Calandruccio : E. globulosus , £ genitalia ; Knupffer : E. hceruca1 $ genitalia; id. : E. hamulatus in the Terrapin ; Leidy (2) : E. moniliformis and E. n. sp. ? ; Grassi & Calandruccio (2): E. polymorphic, $ genitalia; Knupffer: E. proteus in Labrax lineatus ; Leidy (4) : E. pseudosegmentatus, n. sp., with figs., general anatomy, and $ genitalia ; Knupffer : E. strumosus , $ genitalia ; id. IY. — LIST OF REFERENCES. SUBJECT-MATTER CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL ANATOMY, DESCRIPTIONS, &c. Acanthodrilus ; C. Rosa: A. anneclens, Beddard ; A. beddardi, Horst (1). Annelids : organs of protection and locomotion ; Meyer, p. 601 * & id. (2). A renicola marina ; Cunningham. Acm ostoma ; Repiachoff.. uEolosoma ; Beddard (1). Aspidogaster conchicola; Voeltzkow (1) : A . limacoides ; id. ( 2). Balanoglossus mereschhowshii ; Schimkewitsch.. Brachydrilus ; Benham (2). Cestoda ; Kunstler (1). Choetopterus, pergamentaceus ; Leidy (1). Criodrilus lacuum ; Collin. Deino drilus benhami ; Beddard (5). Dichogaster damonis , n. g. ; id. (10), Diplocardia communis ; Garman. Distomum : D. claviformer Buandes 28 Verm. VERMES. (1) ; D. galactosomum , Leidy (4) ; D. turgidum , Brandes (t). Hermellidce : Parapodia, cirrhi, tentacles, gill-plates; Meyer, p. 483. Ilirudinea : external characters, with figs, and diagrams; ApAthy (1). lluplo - discus piger , n. g. ; Weldon. Oligochccta : Miciiaelsen,- Beddard (9). Pachydrilus subterraneus ; Vejdovsky. Perichoetidce ; D. Rosa (2). Physaloptera prceputiali8 ; VON Linstow (2). Planuvia : P. alpina , P. aurita, and P. Jissipara \ Kennel (1). Polychceta ; Beddard (2). Pofy- cAa^a sedendaria ; Cunningham. Prorhynchus applanatus ; Kennel (1) Pseudalius minor ; von Linstow (1). Rictularia plagiostoma ; Sonsino. Rhinodrilus ; Horst (2). Rotifera: rotatory organs; Weber. Scolex polymorphous ; Monticelli (1, 2). Serpulacece ; Meyer. Stenostoma bicaudatum ; Kennel (1). Taenia : T. Jlavopunctata, Grassi (4); T. leptosoma , Leidy (3). Teleudrilus ; Rosa (1). Trematoda ; Stossich (1,2). Trichocephalus ; von Linstow (2). Turhellaria ; Kunstler (1, 2). Typhceus gammii ; Beddard (5). Vetrovermis ; Imiiof. SPECIAL ANATOMY, &c. Alimentary Canal. Ampharetidce ; Wiri^n. Amphictenidai ; a’eZ. Aspidogaster conchicola ; Voeltzkow (1). Asplanchniclce ; Guerne. Oriodrilua lucuum ; Collin. Diplocardia communis ; Garman. Gunda ulvce ; Wendt. Megascolkles ; Spencer (2). Terebellidce; Wir^n. Tylenchus devastate ix\ Bos (1). Excretory Organs. Acanthodrilus multiporus ; Beddard (5). AEolosoma ; /c2. (1). Anne- lids : phylogeny of nephridia ; Meyer (1), Spencer (2). Arenicola marina ; Cunningham. Aspidogaster ; Voeltzkow (1). Griodrilus lacuum ; Collin. Deinodrilus ; Beddard (5). Dichogaster ; id. t. c. Diplocardia communis ; Garman. Earthworms ; Beddard (4, 10), Spencer (1, 2). Experiments on Earthworms ; Kukenthal. JEnchytrceoides marioni ; Roule (3). Gunda ulvce ; Wendt. Hermellidce : Meyer, (1) p. 463. Lumbricus ; Goehlicii. Megascolidea ; Beddard (4), Spencer (2). Oligochccta ; Miciiaelsen. Oxyuris ; Blanc (1). Perichceta ; Beddard (4). Pectinaria belgica ; Cunningham. Polychceta sedendaria \ id. Rotifera ; Weber. Scolex polymorphus ; Monticelli (1). Serpulacece ; Meyer, p. 463, with pis. Tcenia argentina ; Zschokke (1). Tubificidce ; Stol^. Tylenchus devastatrix ; Bos (I). Urochceta ; Beddard (10). Glands. Annelids : ventral glands ; Meyer, p. 509 : peritoneal glands and lymph cells ; «/. c. p. 579. Chcetopoda : pericardial glands ; Guobben- SUBJECT-MATTER CLASSIFICATION. Verm. 29 OligocJiceta : prostate glands ; Beddard (5). Perichccta : capsulogenous and salivary glands ; id. (6). UrocJiccta : mucous gland ; id. (8). Generative Organs. Acanthocephala ; Knupffer. Aspidogaster ; Yoeltzkow (1). Bothriocephalus rugosus ; von Linstow (1). Cirratulus cirratus ; Cun- ningham, p. 646. Criodrilus lacuum ; Collin. Dichogaster ; Beddard (10). Diplocardia ; Carman. Echinorhynchus pseudosegmen- tatus ; Knupffer. Eudrilus ; Beddard (3). Gunda ; Wendt. Lum- bricus; Goeiilich. Megascolides ; Spencer (2). Microstomum linear e ; Rywosch. OligocJiceta : prostate glands ; Beddard (5). OligocJiceta ; Miciiaelsen. Perichcetidce ; Rosa (2). Phreoryctes ; Beddard (7). Polychceta sedentaria ; Cunningham. Tamia argentina : spicules ; Zschokke (1). I'ubijicidce, with pis.; STOL9. Tylcnchus dcvastatrix ; Bos (1). Urochccta t ovaries and ducts ; Beddard (10). Integument and Muscular System. Annelids : striated muscle ; Fol. Branchiomma : formation of tube ; Soulier. Chcctognatha : striated muscle ; Fol. Criodrilus ; Collin. Diplocardia ; G arm an. Gordius ; Michel. Gordius fecc: cuticle, with woodcut; Camerano (2). Gunda ; Wendt. Iieterodera schachtii ; Chatin (3). Megascolides ; Spencer (2). Myxicola : formation of tube ; Soulier. Scolex polymorphic : muscles and suckers ; Monticelli (1). Taenia argentina ; Zschokke (1). Tubijicidce ; Stolq. Tylcnchus ; Bos (1). Urochccta : non- vascularity of integument ; Beddard (10). Nervous System. Aspidog aster : Voeltzkow (1). Chcetopterus ; Cosmovici, Joyeux- Laffuie. Criodrilus ; Collin. Diplocardia ; Garman. Enchy - trceoides ; Roule (3). Gunda ; Wendt. Ilermellidce ; Meyer, p. 537. Lunibricus ; Friedlander (1). Lumbricus : experiments on its relation to progression ; (2). Megascolides ; Spencer (2). Nemertines ; Burger. Oligochceta i brain, with pis. ; Michaelsen. Rotifera : Scolex polymorphic ; Monticelli (1). Serpulcccece ; Meyee, p. 537. Tcenia argentina ; Zschokke (1), Tubijicidce ; Si’OLg. Sense Organs. Annelida: eyes; Kennel (2). Aspidogaster ; Yoeltzkow (1). Branchiomma: eye; Brunotti. Chloeia : eyes; Beddard (2). Nemertea : cerebral clefts ; Salensky (2). 30 . Verm. VERMES. Vascular System. Ampharetidce ; Wir$n. Amphictenidce ; id. Cirratulus ; Cunningham, p.645. Criodrilus ; Collin. Diplocardla ; G arman. Hermellidce ; Meyer, p. 569. Hirudinea ; A. G. Bourne. Leech : method of investigation ; Vuillemin. Megascolides : Spencer (2). Serpnlacece ; Meyer, p. 569. Terebellidce ; Wiren. Trophonia plumosa ; Cun- ningham. Tubijiciclce ; STOLg. Histology. [See under “Integument,” “ Nervous System,” “ Sense Organs.”] Ampharetidce and Amphictenidce : digestive canal ; Wiri*:n. Diplo- cardia ; Garman. Terebellidce i digestive canal ; Wiri^N. Trematoda ; Paciiinger (2). Embryology. Annelida j Salensky (1). Annelida: germinal layers; Houle (2). Arenicola : eggs and larvae; Cunningham. Ascaris ; Grassi (1,2, 3), Lutz (4, 5) : method for eggs ; Whitman : polar bodies ; Carnoy : A. marginata\ Grassi (1, 2): maturation and impregnation of the ovum; Kultsciiitzky (2) : A. megalocephala , abnormal eggs and micropyle ; Lameere : impregnation of the ovum ; Zach arias (1) : maturation and fertilization of the ovum ; formation of polar bodies; meaning of impreg- nation ; Kultsciiitzky (1, 3, 4,5) : polar globules ; van Geiiuchten : A. mystax , development, with woodcuts of early stages; M^gnin. Aspi- dogaster conchicola ; Yoeltzkow (1). Bothriocephalus latus ; Grassi & Rovelli (3), Cercaria terricola, C. terrestris ; VON Linstow (2). Criodrilus ; excretory organs ; Bergh (1, 2). Cysticercus in human eye; Blanc (4). Echinorhynchus dipsadis : larva ; von Linstow (2). Enchy- trceoides marioni ; germinal layers and coelome ; Roule (1, 2). Filar ia immitis ; Grassi (1, 2), Sonsino. Hcematozoon \ Lewis, Grassi (1,2). Ilaplodiscus piger ; Weldon. Hermellidce : larval nephridia, gills, cirri, nervous system, &c. ; Meyer. Lopadorhynchus : larval organs, origin and nature of mesoblast ; G. C. Bourne. Nemertines : spermato- genesis; Lee (2). Planarians : asexual reproduction; Kennel (1). Scolex polymorphu8 ; Monticelli (2). Sagitta : spermatogenesis ; Lee (1) . Serpulacece : larval nephridia, mouth, gills, cirrhi, nervous system; Meyer. Spiroptera sanguinolenta ; Grassi (1,2). Syngamus ; Walsingham. Taenia , T. cucumerina ; Grassi (1, 2): T. elliptic a ; Grassi & Calandruccio (1), Grassi & Rovelli (3) : T. nana\ Moniez (2) : T. proglottidina ; Grassi & Rovelli (3). Terebellidce : larvae ; Cunningham. Tylenchus devastatrix : segmentation of ovum, formation of the layers ; Bos (1). Geographical Distribution, Faunal Lists, &c. Allurus\ Beniiam(I). Annelids; Beddard (2). Annulata ; Maren- zeller. A splanchnidce ; Guerne. Bihharzia ; Grassi & Rovelli (1 ). SUBJECT-MATTER CLASSIFICATION. Verm . 31 Chcetognatlia : Grassi & Calandruccio (2). Griodrilus ; Collin. Earthworms ; Garman. Enteropncusta ; Marenzeller. Gephyrea ; id. Gunda ; Wendt. Lumbricidcn ; Kulagin. Photodrilus phonphoreus ; Moniez (1). Nematodes : transportation by wind ; Pouciiet. Peri- chostidce ; Rosa (2). Planarians; Kennel, Weltner. PlatyJielminthes : Marenzeller. Polychceta ; Saint- Joseph, Cunningham. Rotiferci ; Weber, Marenzeller, Pouciiet. Toenia echinococcus \ Leader. Turbellaria ; Zacharias (2, 3). Vermes ; Cragin, Heape. .V Coel. I CHELENTERATA. BY William E. Hoyle, M.A., F.R.S.E. List of Publications, A. E. V. Poisonous Jelly-Fish. Science, xi, p. 146. [Nothing new.] Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the Blake. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiv,xv, pp. xxii, 314, 220, 545 figs., & maps ; also separately with title, — A Contri- bution to American Thalassography. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer “ Blake ” in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Boston, New York, and London : 1888, 8vo. Allman, G. J. Report on the Hydroida dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-76. Part n. — The 1'ubularince, Corymorphincc , Campanularince, Sertularince, and Thalamophora. Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, vol. xxm, part lxx, lxix & 90 pp., 39 pis., & map. London, Edin- burgh, & Dublin : 1888, 4to ; abstr., Am. Nat. xxii, p. 840. Bale, W. M. On some New and Rare Hydroida in the Australian Museum Collection. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii, pp. 745-749, pis. xii-xxi ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 71 & 72. Bedot, M. Sur YAgalma clausi , n. sp. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, pp. 73-91, pis. iii & iv ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 393 & 394. Bell, A. British Upper Tertiary Corals. Geol. Mag. (3) vt pp. 28 & 29. Bell, F. J. (1) Description of Xiphigorgia ridleyi. Ann. N. H, (6) ii, pp. 176 & 177, cuts. . (2) Note on the Large Size of Spicules of Acis orientalis. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 921 & 922. - . (3) Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of Gerianthus membranaceus in its tube. P. Z. S. 1888, p. 359. 1888. [vol. xxv.] f 4 3 .Peel CCELENTERATA. B^raneck, E. Iiltude sur les corpuscles marginaux des Actinies. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel, xvi, pp. 3-41, pi. i. Bergh, R. S. Bemaerkninger om Udviklingen af Lucernaria. Yid. Medd. 1888, pp. 214-220, 7 cuts. 1 Bernard, F. Le Polyparium ambulans (coelent6r6 nouveau). Le Nat. x, pp. 56-58 & 74-76, 8 cuts. BiStencourt, A. Les Hydraires du Pas-de- Calais. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. i, pp. 201-214. Blochmann, F., & Hilger, C. Ueber Gonactinia prolifera , Sars, eine durch Quertheilung sich vermehrende Actinie. Morph. JB. xiii, pp. 385-401, pis. xiv & xv ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 593 & 594. Bourne, G. C. (1) Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, pp. 414 & 415, xxxviii, p. 5. . (2) The Atoll of Diego Garcia and the Coral Formations of the Indian Ocean. P. R. Soc. xliii, pp. 440-461, pi. iv ; abstr., Nature, xxxvii, pp. 546-550. 3 rooks, W. K. (1) On a New Method of Multiplication in Hy droids. J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. vii, pp. 29 & 30 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, j pp. 433 & 434 ; Am. Nat. xxii, p. 355. . (2) The Life History of Epenthesis McCradyi (n. sp.). Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. iv, pp. 147-162, pis. xiii-xv; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 743 ; Nature, xxxviii, p, 356. ° . (3) The Growth of Jelly-Fish. Pop. Sci. Monthly, Sept, and Oct. 1888. [Abstract.] Burmeister, G. Noticias sobre las Hydromedusce Argentina. An. Soc. Arg. xxi, 1886, pp. 5 & 6. °Canavari, M. Idrozoi fossili di monte Tiriolo in Calabria, e dell’ isola di Capri. Atti. Soc. Tosc. P.-v. vi, pp. 197 & 198. Chun, C. (1) Die pelagische Thierwelt in grosseren Meerestiefen und Beziehungen zu der Oberflachenfauna. Bibl. Zool. Heft, i, 66 pp., 5 pis. j abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 558 & 559. . (2) Bericht iiber eine nach den Canarischen Inseln im Winter 1887-88 ausgefuhrte Reise. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1888, pp. 1141-1173 ; trans., Ann. N. H. (6) iii, pp. 214-246. f Colasanti, J. Das blaue Pigment der Hydromedusen. Unters. Nat. xiii, 6, pp. 471 et seqq. ; abstr., CB. Physiol, ii, pp. 10 & 11. Cox, C. F. Notes on the Thread-cells of certain Coelenterate Animals. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. iv, pp. 131-139, pi. xii. °Daday, J. E. v. Adatok a Balaton, &c. [Contributions to the Know- ledge of the Fauna of Lake Balaton. Protozoa , Ccclenterata , Vermes , Arthropoda'] Budapest : 1887, 8vo, 5 pp. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Coel. 3 Dairon, J. The Graptolites of the Moffat District. Tr. Dumfries Nat. Hist. Soc. 1886-87, pp. 52-57. Damon, W. E. Living Actinia, or Sea- Anemones. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. iv, pp. 171-173. [Popular.] Danielssen, D. C. Actinida of the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expe- dition. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1887, pp. 1-24, pis. i-iii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 230 & 231. •Darwin, C. Sulla struttura e distribuzione dei banchi di corallo e delle isole madreporiche. Transl. by G. & R. Canestrini. Turin : 1888, 8vo, 210 pp., 3 pis. °De Amicis, G. A. Ellipsactinie nei dintorno di Salerno. Atti. Soc. Tosc. P.-v. vi, p. 196. Dryer, C. R. Goral Formations. Nature, xxxviii, p. 6. Dubois, R. Sur le r61e de la symbiose chez certains animaux marins lumineux. C.R. cvii, pp. 502-504. Duncan, P. M. On Olyphastroca sexradiata , Lonsdale, sp. Ann. N. EL (6) i, p. 160. Du Plessis, G. Faune des Hydraires littoraux gymnoblastes observes k Villefranche-sur-Mer. Rec. Z. Suisse, iv, pp. 525-544. *Duregne, — -. (1) (Adamsia palliata, Bohadsch, du Golfe de Gascogne). Act. Soc. L. Bord. xl, C.R. p. xxviii, 1886. ■ . (2) ( Chitonactis richardi, Marion, au large d’Arcachon.) Ibid. Etheridge, R. Fossils of the British Islands, stratigraphically and zoologically arranged. Yol. 1. Palaeozoic. Oxford : 1888, 4to, viii & 468 pp. [ Ccelenterata , pp. 4-25, 137-141, 206-219, 353, 354, 391— 400, 428, 429, & 447.] ^Ewart, J. C. Directions for the Examination of Amoeba, Para - mcecium, Vorticella, Hydra, Lumbricus, Hirudo, Asterias , and Echinus. Edinburgh : 1888, 4to. Faurot, L. Rapport h M. le ministre de l’instruction publique sur une mission dans la mer Rouge et dans le golfe d’Aden. Arch. Z. exp6r. (2) vi, pp. 117-134, 2 cuts. Fewkes, J. W. (1) Are there Deep-Sea Medusae ? Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxv, pp. 166-179 ; Ann. N. H. (7) i, pp. 247-260 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 236. — — . (2) On a New Physophore, Plceophysa , and its relationships to the Siphonophores. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 317-322, pi. xvii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 592 & 593. . (3) Studies from the Newport Marine Laboratory, xix.— On certain Meduscc from New England. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiii, pp. 209- 240, pis. i-vi ; abstr., Am. Nat. xxii, p. 354 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 592 ; Nature, xxxviii, p. 137. . 4 Ocol. CCELENTERATA. [Fewkes, J. W-] (4) A new Mode of Life among Medusae. P. Boston Soc. xxiii, pp. 389-395; Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 362-368 ; Am. Micr. J. ix, pp. 207-209 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 591 & 592. — — . (5) On the Origin of the Present Form of the Bermudas. J. Boston Soc. xxiii, pp. 518-522. Fischer, P. (1) Description d’une nouvelle espece du genre Edwardsia, Quatrefages. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, pp. 22 & 23. . (2) Note sur des Scyphistomes de Meduse acraspede. T. c. pp. 96-99 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 965. ■ . (3) Actinue of Coasts of France. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 593. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Ccel. p. 3.] Foekste, A. F. Sections of Fossils. Science, xi, p. 22. Ford, S. W. Notes on Certain Fossils discovered within the City Limits of Quebec. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. vii, pp. 2-5. Fowler, G. H. (1) On a new Pennatula from the Bahamas. P. Z. fl. 1888, pp. 135-140, pi. vi, 3 cuts ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 593. -. (2) Two New Types of Actiniaria. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxix, pp. 143-152, pi. xv ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 70 & 71. . (3) On some new types of Madreporarian Structure. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887, pp. 759 & 760. ^Fraipont, J. Sur les affinitds des genres Favosites , F}mrnonsia) Pleuro- dictyum , et Michelinia , & l’occasion de la description d’une forme nouvelle de Favositide du calcaire carbouif ere sup^rieur. Ann. Soc. g6ol. Belg. 1888, 15 pp., 1 pi. Giard, A. (1) La Castration parasitaire. Nouvelles recherches. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. i, pp. 12-45. [Ccelenterata, p. 44.] . (2) Fragments biologiques. ix. Le Gulf* Stream sur les c6tes du Pas-de-Calais et de la mor du Nord. T. c. pp. 296 & 297. . (3) Op. cit. xiv. Sur uue Anthom6duse de la Manche, Rathkea octopunctata , Sars. T. c. pp. 317-319, pi. xxi. r — — . (4) Le Laboratoire de Wimereux en 1888. (Recherches fauniques.) T. c. pp. 492-513. cGirod, P. Recherches sur la Chlorophylle des Animaux. La matiere colorante de lTIydre verte. Trav. Lab. Zool. Girod, i, 18 pp. Greenwood, [Miss] J^. Digestion in Hydra. J. Physiol, ix, pp. 317- 344, pis. vi & vii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 395 & 396. Grieg, J. A. (1) Undersogelser over dyrelivet i de vestlandske fjorde. 1. Moster. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1887, 13 pp. \Oaelenterata) pp. ' 12 & 13.] . (2) To nye Cornularier fra den norske kyste. T.c. 18 pp., 2 pis. ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 230. Guppy, H. B. (1) Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, pp. 462 & 604. . (2) A Criticism of the Theory of Subsidence as explaining the Origin of Coral Reefs. Scot. Geogr. Mag. iv, pp. 121-137, map. list 6f publications. Gael. 5 [GuprY, H. B.] (3) Zur Bildung von Koralleninseln. Biol. Centralbi.- viii, pp. 23-26. [Abstr.] Haacke, W. (1) Zur Tektologie und Phylogenie des Korotneff’schen Anthozoengenus Polypariurri. Biol. Centralbi. vii, pp. 685-690, 6 cuts, viii, p. 31 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 594. . (2) Zu Herrn R. von Lendenfeld’s Besprechung meiner Arbeit iiber die Scypbomedusen des St. Vincent Golfes. T . c. pp. 357-359. IIaddon, A. 0. (1) Researches at the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland). — On Larval Actiniae parasitic on Uydromeduscc at St. Andrews. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 256-259, 6 cuts ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 965. - . (2) On two species of Actiniae from the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. J. Anderson. J. L. S. xxi, pp. 247-255, pis. xix & xx. Haeckel, E. (1) Report on the Siphonophorce collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, vol. xxvni, pt. lxxvii. London, Edinburgh, & Dublin : 1888, 4to, iii & 380 pp., 50 pis. . (2) System der Siphonophoren auf phylogenetischer Grundlage entworfen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxii, pp. 1-46; also separately, Jena : 1888, 8vo ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 741-743.- [Translated as introduction to (1).] Hall, J., & Simpson, G. B. Palaeontology of New York. vi. Corals and Bryozoct, containing descriptions and figures of species from the Lower Helderborg, Upper Helderborg, and Hamilton Groups. Albany : 1887, 4to, 298 pp., 6 pis. Heape, W. Preliminary Report upon the Fauna and Flora of Plymouth Sound. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 153-193. [ Ccelenterata , pp. 165-167.] *Heilprin, A. (1) The Animal Life on Our Sea-Shore. Philadelphia: 1888, 12mo. - — — . (2) Contributions to the Natural History of the Bermuda Islands. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 302-328, pis. xiv-xvi. [Ccelenterata, pp. 303- 309 ] Hertwig, R. Report on the Actiniaria dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Supplement. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, vol. xxvi, pt. Ixxiii. London, Edinburgh, & Dublin : 1888, 4to, 56 pp., 4 pis. Hickson, S. J. (1) Theories of Coral Reefs and Atolls. An Address delivered before Section D. of the British Association, at Bath, 1888. Oxford : 1888, 8vo, 16 pp. . (2) On the Sexual Cells and the early Stages in the Development of Millepora plicata. Phil. Trans. clxxixB, pp. 193-204, pis. ; prelim, notice, P. R. Soc. xliii, pp. 245-247 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 964 & 965. 6 Ooel. CCELENTERATA. Hinde, G. J. On the History and Characters of the Genus Septastrcra , D’Orbigny (1849), and the Identity of its Type-Species with that of Glyphastrcea, Duncan (1887). Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, pp. 200-227, pi. ix ; abstr., Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 382 & 383 ; Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 137 & 138. Hoyle, W. E. Report on the Biological Investigations carried on into the Waters to the West of Lewis, in July and August, 1887. Rep. Fish. Scotl. vi, pt. iii, pp. 215-222, pi. xv. Irvine, R. Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, pp. 461, 462, 509, 605, xxxviii, p. 54. Ishikawa, C. Ueber die Herkunft der weiblichen Geschlechtszellen bei Podocoryne cameay Sars. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 621-625, 6 cuts ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 231 & 232. James, J. F. Sections of Fossils. Science, xi, p. 50. James, U. P. & J. F. On the Monticuliporoid Corals of the Cincinnati group, with a Critical Revision of the Species. J. Cincinn. Soc. x, pp. 158-184, xi, pp. 15-47. Jungersen, H. F. E. (1) Om Bygningen og Udviklingen af Kolonien hos Pennatula phosphorea, L. Yid. Medd. 1888, pp. 154-181, pi. v. . (2) Ueber Bau und Entwickelung der Kolonie von Pennatula phosphorea , L. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 626-649, pi. xxxix ; abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 229 & 230. Keller, C. Die Wanderung der marinen Tbierwelt im Suezcanal. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 359-364 & 389-395. Keyes, C. R. On the Fauna of the Lower Coal Measures of Central Iowa. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 222-246, pi. xii. [ Ccelenterata , p. 225.] Kqby, F. Monographic des Polypiers jurassiques de la Suisse, vm. M£m. Soc. Pal. Suisse, xv, pp. 401-456, pis. cix-cxx. Koch, G. V. Ueber Flabellum. Morph. JB. xiv, pp. 329-344, pi. xiii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 963 & 964. Korotnev, A. (1) Contribution & l’^tude des Hydraires. Arch. Z. exp6r. (2) vi, pp. 21-31, pis. i & ii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 963. . (2) Opyet sravnlteluago Izucheniya. Ccelenterata ; Ch. 2, Myrio- thelay eya stroenie, razvltie I myestvo v slstemye ; Ch. 3, Hydra fuscat osobennostl glstologlcheskago stroeniya I razvltiya. [Account of the Comparative Anatomy of the Ccelenterata , pts. 2 & 3 ; Pt. 2, Myrio- ihela , its structure, development, and systematic position j Pt. 3, Hydra fusca , with especial reference to its histological structure and development.] Isvest. Mosc. Univ. xxxvii, No. 2, 63 pp., 5 pis., 1880. , (3) Cunoctantha und Gastrodes. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 650-657, pi. xl ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 232 & 233. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Ccel. 7 Krukenberg, C. F, W. (1) Neue Thatsachen fur eine vergleichende Physiologie der Phosphorescenzerscheinung bei Thieren und bei Pflanzen. Yergl. Physiol. Stud. (2) iv, 1887, pp. 77-141 ; abstr., CB. Physiol, i, pp. 689-691. i. Die physiologischen Eigenthiimlichkeiten des Leuchtvermogens bei Pteroides griseum , L., pp. 83-105. . (2) Op. cit. hi. Das Leuchten des Rothen Meeres. T. 6. pp. 101-147. — — . (3) Die Durchfluthung des Isthmus von Suez in chorologischer Beziehung. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner Reise vom Etang de Berre iiber Marseille und Triest nach Suakim und Massana. I. ii. Op. cit. v, pp. 1-156, 2 pis. ; also separately, Heidelberg ; 1888, 8vo. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. de. (1) Observations relatives k une Note r^cente de M. Yiguier “ Sur une nouveau type d’Alcyonaire.” O.R. cvii, p. 215. . (2) Sur les avantages de l’emploi de la lumi&re electrique dans les observations do Zoologie marine. T. c. pp. 718-720. Lendenfeld, R. v. (1) List of Errata in the Catalogue of the Australian Scyphomedusce and Hydromedusm. 7 pp., 1 pi. . (2) Der Character der australischen Colenteratenfauna. Biol. Centralbl. vii, pp. 641-646 ; abstr., Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 353-354. . (3) Neue Arbeiten iiber australische Polypomedusen. Op. cit. viii, pp. 218-220. [Notice, with remarks, of Haacke, cf. Zool. Red. xxiv, Ccel. p. 4.] . (4) Einige neuere Arbeiten iiber Madreporarien. T. c. pp. 274-* 276. [Abstr.] . (5) Studer’s Alcyonarien-System. T. c. pp. 312-314. [Abstr.] . (6) G. von Koch, Die Gorgoniden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. T. c. pp. 314-319. [Abstr.] . (7) Notes on Australian Coelenterates. Rep. Brit. Ass. lvi, 1887* pp. 709 & 710. . (8) Ueber Coelenteraten der Siidsee. vn. Die australischen rhizostomen Medusen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, pp. 201-324, pis. xviii- xxvii ; abstr,, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 67-70. Leuckart & Nitsciie. Zoologische Wandtafeln zum Gebranche an Universitaten und Schulen. PI. lxiv, Aurelia aurita. Kassel : 1888, pis., with 4to text. Lister, J. J. On Some Points in the Natural History of Fungia. Q. Jr Micr. Sci. xxix, pp. 359-363, 2 cuts ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 231. Llerena, J. Fisiografia y meteorologia de los mares del globo (con- tinuacion). An. Soc. Arg. xxv, pp. 5-288, xxvi, pp. 133-280 (continuard). 8 Gcel. CCELENTERATA. Lo Bianco, S. ‘ Nbtizie biologiche riguardanti specialmente il periodo di maturity sessuale degli animali del golfo di Napoli. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pp. 385-440. [Ccelenterata, pp. 386-393.] M‘Intosh, W. 0. Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland). — No. ix. 1. On Leseuria , a Ctenophore new to Britain. 5. On the appearance and disappear? ance of Lucemaria and other Forms. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 464-466, 471, & 472, cut ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 71. MacMunn, C. A. Further Observations on some of the Applications of the Spectroscope in Biology, with special reference to the presence of Chlorophyll in Animals. P. Birmingh. Phil. Soc. v, 1887, pp. 177— 218, pis. ix & x. Maltzan, H. v. Gorgonia jlabellum mit Ovula als Beispiel von Anpassung an die Farbe der Umgebung. SB. nat. Fr. 1888, p. 53. Marenzeller, E. v. Ueber einige japauische Turbinoliiden. Ann. Hofmus. Wien, iii, pp. 15-22 ; also separately, Vienna : 1888, 8vo. Marr, J. E., & Nicholson, H. A. The Stockdale Shales. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xliv, pp. 654-730, pi. xvi. Marshall, A. M., & Fowler, G. H. Report on the Pennatiilida dredged by H.M.S. “Porcupine.” Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. xxxiii, pp. 453-464, pis. xxxi & xxxii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 745: Marshall, W. Die Tiefsee und ihr Leben. Leipzig: 1888, 8vo, 343 pp., 4 pis., 114 cuts. Meyer, G. Die Korallen des Doggers von Elsass-Lothringen. Abh. geol. Spec.-Karte v. Els.-Lothr. iv, 5, 44 pp., 6 pis. Mitsikuri, K. Turning Hydra inside out : a Correction. Am. Nat. xxi, p. 773. Morris, C. Theories of the Formation of Coral Islands. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 419 & 420. Murray, J. “ Coral Formations.” Nature, xxxvii, pp. 414 & 438. Nicholson, H. A. (1) On the Structure and affinities of the Genus ParJceria , Carp. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 1-12, pi. iii, cut ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 237. ■ . (2) On certain anomalous Organisms which are concerned in the Formation of some of the Palaeozoic Limestones. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 15-24, 5 cuts. . (3) On the Detection of Mural Pores in thin Sections of the Favositidce. T. c. pp. 104-110, cut. . (4) On the Structure of Cleistoporai(Michelinia) geometrica, Edwards & Haime, sp. T. c. pp. 150-152, cut. Ortmann, A. Studien fiber Systematik und geographische Verbreitung der Steinkorallen. Zool. JB. iii, pp. 143-188, pi. vi. Pattison, S. R. On the Pedigree of the Coral Reefs of England. J. Tr. Viet. Inst, xxi, pp. 196-210. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. . Goal. 9 Pergens, E. Contributions & l’histoire des bryozoaires et des hydro- zoaires recents. Bull. Soc. mal. Belg. xxii, pp. lxxxv-*xc ; also P.-v. Soc. mal. Belg. xvi, pp. cii-cvii. Perrier, E. Le “ Polyparium ambulans .” La Nature, xvi, 2, pp. 5-7, 2 cuts. [Abstr. of Korotnev.] Pocta, P. Die Anthozoen der bohtniscken Kreideformation. Abh, bohm. Ges. (7) ii, 60 pp., 2 pis. ProchAzka, Y. J. Studien an den mahrichscheu Miocaenkorallen. SB. bohm. Ges. 1887, pp. 300-328, pis. i-iv. [Quelcii, J. J.] The Zoophytes. Timehri, n.s. ii, pp. 299-313. [Popular.] Rathbun, R. (1) Catalogue of the species of Corals belonging to the Genus Madrepora contained in the U. S. National Museum. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. x, 1887 (1888), pp. 10-19. . (2) Annotated Catalogue of the species of Porites and Synarceu. in the U. S. National Museum, with a description of a new species of Porites. T. c. pp. 354-366, pis. xv-xix. Reade, T. M. Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, pp. 488 & 535. Ridley, S. O. Report on the Alcyoniid and Gorgoniid Alcyonaria of the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. J. Anderson. J. L. S. xxi, pp. 223-247, pis. xvii & xviii. Ross, J. G. Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, p. 462, 584, & 585. Sharp, B. Ctenophores in Fresh Water. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, pp. 82 & 83 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 565 & 566. Sluiter, C. P. Ein merkwurdiger Fall von Mutualismus. Zool. Anz. xi, pp. 240-243 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 557. ^Stuckenberg, A. (1) Koralli e Inshanke verkhnyago yarusa Sredne- russkago Kammenougolnogo eznestnyaka. [Corals and Polyzoa of the Upper Carboniferous Limestone of Middle Russia.] Protok. Kazan. Univ. (1886-87 ?), No. 92, 3 pp. . (2) Anthozoen und Bryozoen des oberen Mittelrussischen Kohlen- kalks. M&n. Comity G6ol. v, 54 pp., 4 pis. [Russian, with German abstract.] Studer, T. (1) On some new Species of the Genus Spongodes , Less., from the Philippine Islands and the Japanese Seas. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 69-72. . (2) Sur la formation de l’axe chez une Cornularide ; la Telesto trichostemma , Dana. Yerh. Schweiz. Ges. 1888, p. 62. Suciietet, A. L’hybridit^ dans la nature. Rev. Quest. Sci. xxiv> pp. 175-244. [ Codenterata , p. 177.] Thery, A. Note sur une Physalie ( Physalia pelagicd) travee a Dun- kerque. Bull. Sci. Nord. (2) x, pp. 423-427; see also Bull. Soc. Acclim. (4) iv, pp. 162 et seqq. ; abstr., Rev. Tr. Sci. viii, p. 80. 10 Ocel C(ELENTERATA. Thomson, J. On a new Species of Diphyphyllum, and on a remarkable Form of the Genus Lithostrotion. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 317-323, 3 cuts. Tikhqmerov, A. A. (1) O svolkh zanyatiyakh na Neapolltanskol Zoologlcheskoil Stantsil po Istoril razvltiya Hydroidea I o praktl- chesklkh zanyatiyakh v GeideTbergskoI laboretoril [Results of the Naples Station on the development of Hydroidea, and on the practical results of the Heidelberg Laboratory]. Izvyestiya Imp. obs. Lyubet. Estest. Anthrop. I Etnograf. Moskva, 1, 1886, pp. 285- 288. . (2) K Istoril razvltiya gidroldov [On the development of the Hydroids], Isvest. Mosc. Univ. 1 (2), 69 pp., 2 pis., 1887; see also Trudui St. Petersburg Nat., Zool. xix, Protok, p. 58. Tight, W. G. A Note on a Peculiar Habit of Fresh-water Hydra. Bull. Denison Univ. iv, p. 131. Tomes, R. F. On Heterastrcea , a new Genus of Madreporaria from the Lower Lias. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 207-218, pi. vii. Turner, E. H. Kerona polyparum, parasite on Hydra fusca. Tr, Manch. Micr, Soc. 1887, pp. 34-36, pi. iii, figs. 2 & 3. Usov, M. M. Polypodium hydriforme, novaya forma pryesnovodnyech tselenterat [P. hydriforme, a new form of fresh-water Coelenterate]. Trudui Kazan Univ. xiv (6), 1885, 24 pp., 2 pis. Vagner, N. P. O Gldroidach i Meduzach Byelago Morya [The Hydroida and Aledusce of the White Sea]. Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. xi, 1880, Protok. pp. 194-201. Varigny, H. de (1) Bemerkungen fiber den Gewichtsverlust durch Nahrungsmangel bei Aurelia aurita. CB. Physiol, i, 1887, pp. 389 & 390. . (2) Beitrag zum Studium des Einflusses des sfissen Wassers auf die Seethiere. T. c. pp. 566-568. . (3) Notes sur l’action de l’eau douce, de la chaleur et de quelques poisons sur le Beroe ovatus. CR. Soc. Biol. (8) iv, 1887, pp. 61-63. VayssiIsre, A. Atlas d’anatomie compare des invertebrds. Fasc. 2 & 3. Paris : 1888, fol., 30 pis., with explanations. [Ccelenterata , pis. liv, lv, lvi, & lviii.] Viguier, 0. (1) Etudes sur les animaux inf<$rieurs de la baie d’ Alger. Arch. Z. exp&\ (2) vi, pp. 351-373, pis. xix & xx ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 393. • . (2) Sur un nouveau type d’Anthozoaire, la Fascicularia radicans, O. Vig. C.R. cvii, pp. 186 & 187 ; transl., Ann. N. H. (6) ii, pp. 198 & 199 ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 745. Vine, G. R. Note on the Palaeontology of the Wenlock Shales of Shrop- shire. P. Yorks. Geol. Polyt. Soc. ix, pp. 224-248. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, ANATOMY, ETC. Goel. 11 Vogt, C. (1) Des genres Arachnactis et Cerianthus. Arch. Biol, viii, pp. 1-41, pis. i-iii ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 743-746. t— — . (2) Bur un nouveau genre de M6dusaire sessile Lipkea ruspoliana, C. V. M6m. Inst. Genev. xvii, 53 pp., pis. x & xi. Walther, J. Die Korallenriffe der Sinaihalbinsel, geologische und biologische Beobachtungen. Abh. sachs. Ges. xiv, 10, pp. 439-506, 8 pis., map, 34 zincographs. Wentzel, J. Ueber fossile Hydrocorallinen ( Stromatopora et affin.) iiberhaupt, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der in den Unter- Permschichten, Middle Producturs-Limestone, der Salt-Range auftretenden Formen. Prague : 1888, 8vo, 26 pp., 4 pis. . (2) Ueber fossile Hydrocorallinen ( Stromatopora und ihre Ver- wandten) nebst eiuem Anhange. Lotos, ix, 1889, pp. 1-29, pis. i-iii [issued Nov., 1888]. Wharton, W. J. L. (1) Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, pp. 393- 395, 3 maps. . (2) Formations of Coral Reefs. Op. cit. xxxviii, pp. 568 & 669. White, C. A. On Hindeastrcea, a New Generic Form of Cretaceous Astrceidce. Geol. Mag. (3) v, pp. 362-364, cut. Wilson, E. B. Note on the Mechanism of the thread-cells in Hydra. Am. Micr. J. ix, pp. 79 & 80, pi. Wilson, H. V. (1) Abstract of Observations on the Development of Manicina areolata. J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. vii, pp. 31-33* 2 cuts ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 434 & 435 ; Am. Nat. xxii, p. 355. — — . (2) On the Development of Manicina areolata. J. Morph, ii, pp. 191-252, pis. xiv-xx ; abstr., J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 231 ; J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. viii, pp. 39 & 40. Wilson-Baker, D. Coral Formations. Nature, xxxvii, pp. 604 & 505. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. A full description is given of the anatomy of Agalma clausi , n. sp. The histology agrees in the main with that of Halistemma, as given by Korotnev ; among other features may be mentioned small red glands on the bracts, which expel a yellowish red colouring matter when the animal is captured. The tentacles have a terminal orifice ; Bedot. Detailed anatomy of Fenja mirabilis and AEgir frigidus ; Danielssen [c/. p. 32, postea]. Morphology of the Siphonophora ; Hjeckel (1, 2) [ vide infrh]. General account of Myriothela and Hydra fusca ; Korotnev (2). The anatomy of Lipkea , Vogt \cf. Zool. Rec. xxiii, Goal. p. 9], is described in full, with illustrations ; Vogt (2). Anatomical descriptions of new species indicated below, especially the curious genus Aulorchis , and many others; Hertwig. 12 Ooel. • CG2 LENT E RATA. A general sketch of recent contributions to the morphology of the Hydroida is given by Allman. The comparative anatomy of the Rhizostomata is exhaustively treated ; two new species are described in detail, and the systematic position of the group is discussed j Lendenfeld (8). Flabellum michelini and F. pavoninum are described anatomically, and some criticisms offered on the writings of Bourne & Fowler ; Koch. Madracis asperula forms a eoenenchymatous colony, with septa pro- jecting above the general surface, and is morphologically intermediate between Caryophyllia and Seriatopora ; Fowler (3). Amphihelia ramea has a canal system between the body-wall and corallum ; in Stephanophyllia formosissima the body-wall is supported only by the costae ; id. t. c. Iu Penpatula phosphorea all the polyps of one leaf are arranged in the same direction ; the two dorsal septa only are ectodermal in origin, and gonads never develope on them ; Jungersen. The morphology of Cunoctantha and the new form Gastrodes is dis- cussed ; the latter is the larval form of a Cunina ; Korotnev (3). On the basis of an anatomical examination by means of thin sections, Parkeria is placed amoDg Hydrozoa) intermediate between Hydrocoral- lina and the Hydractiniidce ; Nicholson (1). Presence of mural pores in Favositidce maintained ; id. (3). Thread-cells ; Cox ; Wilson, E. B. Large spicules of Acis orientalis , and possibility of the recognition of such as fossils ; Bell (2). Formation of the axis of Telesto trichostemma ; Studer (2). Remarks on spectrum of pigments from Anthea ; MacMunn. - Colouring matter of Hydra viridis ; Girod. Chemical characters of the pigment of Hydromedusa} ; Colasanti. In Velella and Porpita , about twice a minute, the lower surface is strongly pressed against the air chambers so as to expel their con- tents. These forms are thus Ccelenterata , which breathe air by traclieoa ; Chun (2). The process of ingestion in Hydra , and the minute anatomy of the digestive apparatus in different stages of the process ; Greenwood. Haacke’s observations on the Medusae of the Gulf of St. Vincent \cf. Zool. Rec. xxiv, Ccel. p. 4] are criticised , Lendenfeld (3). Reply ; Haacke (2). Specimens of Aurelia aurila lost from two-thirds to three-fourths of their weight by starvation for 150 days ; Varigny (1). Effect of poisons and of fresh water on Berce ovatus ; id. (3). In general those species which inhabit the shore can stand influence of fresh water better than those from deeper water ; id. (2). Pelagia noctiluca owes its phosphorescence to a luminous micro- organism {Bacterium pelagia) ; Dubois. The propagation of the phosphorescence of Pteroules is almost certainly a phenomenon of turgescence, and by no means due to nervous con- duction ; Krukenberg (1). A few data in some other phosphorescent Coelenterates ; id. (2). ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Coel. 13 The marginal corpuscles of Actinia are certainly not eyes, though they are most likely sensory ; this function being, however, subordinate to their use as offensive weapons ; B^raneck. Effect of the electric light on various species ; Lacaze-Duthiers (2). Specimens of Hydra retired under piece of bark, preparatory to sexual reproduction ; Tight. In Millepora plicata young sexual cells are found in the ectoderm of the coenosarcal canals ; the ova have a stalk, which can be broken and re- generated. The maturation of the ovum is described ; the segmentation is indistinct. The embryo assumes the form of a solid blastosphere, and in this stage migrates into the gastrozooid ; beyond this it was not traced. The origin of the sexual cells supports the view that the ectoderm of Hydrozoa is the original seat of the sexual cells; Hickson (2). In Myriothela the formation of the egg, and of the male elements, the fertilization and the earliest developmental changes are described ; Korotnev (1). Oonactinia prolifera (Sars) reproduces by transverse fission. Bud-like tentacles appear rather below the middle of the body and form two rings. Then an oral disc and oesophagus develope, and the upper part separates by a constriction. Some general observations on asexual reproduction of Actinians are added ; Blociimann & Hilger. Weisrnanu’s view of the origin of the female sexual products of the Hydromcdusce is confirmed in the case of Podocoryne ; Ishikawa. In Manicina areolata the endoderm is formed by delamination ; the supporting lamella is secreted by both endoderm and ectoderm ; the fifth and sixth pairs of mesenteries develope as stated by Lacaze-Duthiers. The mesenteric filaments are ectodermal. In conclusion, observations are given on the origin of the Anthossoa, which is regarded as having been pro- bably from a hydropolyp ancestry ; Wilson, H. Y. Statements as to the time of sexual maturity of various species ; Lo Bianco. List of Ccelenterata in which parasitic castration has been observed ; Giard(I). For a few remarks on records of hybridity, see Suchetet. Segmentation and formation of larva of Lucernaria described ; also an abnormal individual of L. octoradiata ; Bergii. In Epcnthesis mlcradyi the hydromedusa bears upon each of its four reproductive organs a number of Hy droid blastostyles, from which young Medusa are produced by budding. This life history is quite exceptional, the bodies carried on the reproductive organs being true blastostyles, so that there is a recapitulation of larval stages without sexual reproduction; Brooks (2). In PhyllorTiiza punctata the ephyra has eight, the next stage twenty- four, the next sixteen, and the adult eight marginal bodies. If the umbrella is injured, marginal bodies appear between the newly-formed flaps. Crambessa mosaica migrates up rivers to deposit its young. A new brown variety seems to have superseded the blue, except in Port Phillip. Freshwater Hydroids of Australia resemble those of Europe, though the marine forms differ widely; Lendenfeld (7). 14 Ccel. C(ELENTERATA. In youngest Fungias observed there is a stalk and vertical thecal walls ; 6 septa are larger than the rest, and have others intercalated between them ; the walls then spread out, and a disc is formed, which separates from the stalk by absorption across a plane in the top of the latter. The detached top leads a separate existence. The top of the stalk develops enlarged septa and a new mouth, so that a new disc is formed, which separates in the same manner as the old one ; Lister. Larvae, supposed to be those of Feachia hastata, described ; H addon (1). A young Pennatula, 7 mm. in length, is described, consisting only of the axial or terminal polyp, which has eight seizing arms, and is con- tained in a cup with eight processes. There are five buds, four lateral, one median ; the last has no tentacles, and is on the surface usually, but erroneously, called ventral. The early stages of Pennatula and Benilla are compared; Jungersen. Development of the Hydroida ; Tikhomerov. Arachnactis is not the larval form of Edwardsia. Both this genus and Cerianthue are bilateral throughout life. The primordial Anthozoon was a free-swimming bilateral animal, provided with an invaginated buccal tube, held in position by septa, producing eggs, not buds, and developing continuously. The fixed condition is secondary, and characterised gene- rally by asexual reproduction ; Vogt (1). A number of specimens of Scyphistoma , though kept under observation for ten days, showed no sign of strobilization ; several explanations are suggested ; Fischer (2). The development of a species of Oceania is described, in which occur buds, which, like egg-embryos, recapitulate the larval stage through which the parent has already passed. In this case the continuity of the germ- layers is unbroken ; Brooks (1). The species in various families are classed under the headings, having the value of subfamilies, Actinulipares , Planuliparee , and Medusipares ; Du Plessis. Note on the inversion of Hydra ; Mitsikuri. Protozoon parasite on Hydra ; Turner. Two cases of fish which live for protection among the tentacles of Anemones : Sluiter. Ovula acicularis , living on Qorgonia flabellum) resembles it closely in colour ; the same is the case with Pedicularia, which also lives on corals ; Maltzan. Utility of sections in study of fossil forms maintained; Foerste : reply ; James. MS. of Desmarest & Lesueur explanatory of certain rare plates ; Per- GENS, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The characteristic features of the different coral regions are discussed ; the general distribution of certain important genera is given, and a list of widely spread forms is added ; Ortmann, pp. 182-188. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Ccel. 15 Existence of deep-sea Medusa discussed and answered provisionally in the affirmative; Fewkes(I). Pelagic forms in deep-water ; Chun (1). General observations on distribution ; Llerena. Arctic Province, White Sea. Vagner. Planlcayon hyalinus , n. g. & sp., pp. 195 & 196. Boreal Province. New England. Medusa treated, with Hydrichthys mirus, n. g. & sp. ; Fewkes (3) Quebec. Some Graptolites recorded : Ford. N. Atlantic. AVgir, Fenja , n. gg. ; Danielssen. 2 new species ; Grieg (2). Moster. List, with notes ; id. (1). Celtic Province. British Isles. Catalogue of Palaeozoic fossils ; Etheridge. Some remarks on fossil corals ; Pattison. Far a Channel and Irish Coast. 8 species, 1 new genus ; Marshall & Fowler. West of Scotland. Several species recorded ; Hoyle. Loch Ftive. Cerianthus memhranaceus , 71 fath. ; Bell (3). Argyllshire. Diphyphyllum , n. sp. ; Thomson. St. Andrews. Occurrence of Leseuria vitrea, M.-Edw., and sudden appearance of Lucernaria ; MTntosh. Dumfriesshire. Lithostrotiony n. sp. ; Thomson. Moffat. Notes on Graptolites ; Dairon. Cumberland. Occurrence of few fossil corals, none new; Marr & Nicholson. Wenloch Shales. Vine. Stratford. Heterastraa n. g. & sp. ; Tomes. France. Vhysalia pelagica apparently carried by current from Gulf of Mexico; Th^ry. English Channel. BathJcea octopunctata, Sars ; Giard (3). Wimereux. Occurrence of a few species noted ; id. (4). Pas-de-Calais. 55 Hydroids, none new; B^tencourt. See also Giard (2). Cotes-du-Nord. Edwardsia lucifugat n. sp. ; Fischer (1). Continent of Europe. Bohemia. Anthozoa from chalk, with many new species ; Pocta. Moravia. Discussion of certain Miocene Corals, with 8 new species ; ProciiAzka. Lake Balaton. Dad ay. 16 Ccel. CCELENTERATA. Lusitanian Province. Bay of Biscay. Adamsia palliata ; Duregne. Villefranche. List of Hydroids, with notes ; Du Plessis. Algiers. Fascicularia , n. g. ; Viguier. Canary Is. Observations on Siphonophora , with several new species ; Chun (2). Azores. 10 Hydroids ; Allman. Mid. N. Atlantic. Cryptolaria diffusa , n. sp. ; id. South African Province. S. Atlantic. 17 Hydroids ; Allman. Cape of Good Hope. 10 Hydroids ; id. Kerguelen I. Halcampa kerguelensis, n. sp. ; Hertwig. 14 Hydroids ; Allman. Indo-Pacific Province . Bed Sea. List of corals; Galaxea, n. sp. ; Faurot. Suez Canal. The whole question of the migration through the Suez Canal is exhaustively treated, with lists of the species which are supposed to have passed through, and a discussion of each case ; Krukenberg (3). Criticisms on this work ; Keller. Mergui Archipelago. 13 species, 7 new; Ridley. Myriactis , n. g., Hormathia , n. sp. ; Haddon (2). East Indies. 17 Hydroids ; Allman. Philippines. Spongodes semperi^ n. sp. ; Studeu (1). A ctiniaria} 4 now species ; Hertwig. Pacific Ocean. 4 new species, Aulorchis , n. g., from deep water; id. Australo -Zeal anian Prov ince . Australian Seas. List of 12 Rhizostome Medusce, with 2 new species, 1 new genus ; Lendenfeld (8). General remarks on the fauna as regards Sponges and Coelenterates ; id. (2). 20 Hydroids; Allman. List of species (18 new species, Azygoplon , n. g.), with descriptions, notes, and figures ; Bale. New Zealand. Plumularia turgida , n. sp. ; id. Japanese Province. Japan. 4 Turbinoliids (2 new species) ; Marenzeller. Spongodes , 6 new species; Studer (1). Pacific Ocean. 5 Hydroids ; Allman. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, HYDROZOA. Coel. 17 Antarctic Province. Patagonia. Phellia spinifera , n. sp. ; Hertwig. 11 Hydroids; Allman. Patagonian Province. Off Monte Video. 2 new species ; Hertwig. Argentine Republic. Burmeister. Caribbean Province. West Indies. 6 Hydroids ; Allman. Bt. Thomas. Xiphigorgia ridleyi, n. sp. ; Bell, F. J. (1). Bahamas. Epenthesis mccradyi, n. sp. ; Brooks (2). Pennatula bellis- simay n. sp.; Fowler (1). Transatlantic Province. Deep sea forms from the American Coast discussed, with numerous figures of recently discovered forms ; Agassiz, pp. 128-156. New York. Fossils ; Hall & Simpson. . : . W. N. Atlantic. 2 Hydroids ; Allman. Iowa. Several species from the Coal Measures ; Keyes. Texas. Hindeastrea , n. g. ; White. Bermuda. List of species, none new ; Heilprin (2). 2 new species, Ilyanthopsis , n. g. ; Hertwig. Cincinnati. Revision of the Monticuliporidce ; James, U. P. & J. F. Nantucket. Mnemiopsis leidyi in fresh water ; Sharp. CTENOPHORA. Lobat^}. Bolina hydatina ; Ciiun, (1) p. 61. HYDROZOA. CRASPEDOTA. TRA Oil YMED USAS. CtJNANTHIDiE. Gastrodes, n. g., for G. parasiticum , n. sp., from the gelatinous tissue of Salpa fusiformis ; Korotnev, (3) p. 654, pi. xl, figs, i-5 Hydrichthys , n. g., for H. minis, n. sp., a hydroid colony infesting Seriola zonata, Cuv. From a leathery* basal plate arises a branching 1888. [vol. xxv.] p 5 18 Gcel. CQELENTERATA. naked colony with numerous Medusa buds. The hydranths have no tentacles, and the organism appears to be truly parasitic. The Medusce which are set free pass through a two-tentacled to a four-tentacled stage, but could not be reared further. The species resembles both Siphono- phora and Hydromedusce ; Fewkes, (3) pp. 224-232, pis. iv & v. HYDROIDA. The Hydroida are classified thus : — Suborder I. Gymnoblastea : Tubularince , Hydractinince , Cory morph- ines, Hydrolarince. „ ii. Calyptoblastea : Campanularince , Sertularince , Plumu - larince , Thalamophora. „ hi. Eleutheroblastea : Hydrince. „ IV. Hydrocorallia : Milleporince , Stylasterince. „ v. Monopsea : Trachomedusce , Narcomedusce. „ yi. Riiabdopiiora : Graptoloidea , Retioloidea. Allman, pp. lii & liii. GYMNOBLASTEA. Bougainvillidj:. Stylactis vermicola , n. sp., N. Pacific ; Allman, p. 2, pi. i, fig. 2. EuDENDRIDiE. Eudendrium vestitum, n. sp., Heard I. ; Allman, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 1. MoNOCAULiDiE, n. fam. Monocaulus imperator , Alim., 1885, fully described, with figuros ; Allman, p. 5, pi. iii, figs. 1-7. CALYPTOBLASTEA. CaMPANULARIDjE. Calamophor.a , n. g. : stolon creeping ; hydrothecae lageniform, inopercu- late, almost sessile ; gonangia oviform, subsessile ; for Q.parvula , n. sp., Bass St. ; Allman, pp. 28 & 29, pi. x, fig. 3. HYDROZOA. Cad. 19 Campanularia insignis , Bermuda, p. 19, pi. ix, figs. 1 & 2, C. tulipifera , Heard I., p. 20, pi. x, fig. 1, C. ptychocyathus , Bahia, ibid., pi. x, fig. 2, C. retroflexa , Honolulu, p. 21, pi. xi, fig. 1, C. chelonice, hab.?, p. 22, pi. xi, fig. 2, n. spp. ; id. t. c. Campanularia (?) sptinulosa , p. 756, pi. xii, figs. 5-7, C. (?) serrulata, p. 757, pi. xii, fig. 4, n. spp., Port Jackson ; Bale. Epenthesis maccradyi, n. sp., Nassau, Bahamas ; Brooks (2). Ilalisiphonia , n. g. : stolon monosi phonic ; hydrothecre inoperculate, entire margin ; wall not adnate to the hydrocuulus ; hydrantk with conical hypostome ; for 11. megalotheca, n. sp.; S. of Australia, 2600 fath. ; Allman, pp. 30 & 31, pi. xvi, fig. 1. llebella, n. g. : stolon creeping, monosi phonic ; hydrothecse cylindrical, margin entire, inoperculate ; for H. striata , n. sp., Magellan’s St. ; id. t. c. pp. 24 & 30, pi. xv, fig. 3. Hypanthea aggregata, Kerguelen, p. 26, pi. xiv, fig. 1, II. hemispherica t Falkland Is., p. 27, pi. xiv, fig. 2, n. spp. ; id. t. c. Obelia angulosa, n. sp., Paramatta River; Bale, p. 752, pi. xii, fig. 3. Thyroscyphus simplex , n. sp., Cape York ; Allman, p. 25, pi. xiii, figs. 1 & 2. Perisiphonidj;. Cryptolaria humilis, off Azores, 1000 fath., p. 39, pi. xviii, fig. 1, C. abyssicola , S. of Australia, 2600 fath., p. 40, pi. xviii, fig. 2, C. flabelluni, W. Indies, ibid., pi. xix, fig. 1, C. pulchella , Honolulu, ibid., pi. xix, fig. 2, C. cras8icaulis, off Ascension, p. 41, pi. xix, fig. 3, C. geniculata , Fiji, ibid., pi. xx, fig. 1, C. gracilis , N. Zealand, p. 42, pi. xx, fig. 2, C. diffusa , off Sierra Leone, 2500 fath., ibid., pi. xxi, fig. 1, n. spp. ; Allman. Lafoea scandens , n. sp., Port Jackson ; Bale, p. 758, pi. xiii, figs. 16-19. Lictorella , n. g. : hydrocaulus of an axial tube enveloped by peripheral tubes, but free distally ; hydro thecae cylindrical, pedunculate, inopercu- late, with entire margin ; walls never adnate to the hydrocaulus ; for L. halecioides, Alim., and L. cyathi/era, n. sp., New Hebrides; Allman, p. 36, pi. xi, fig. 3. Perisiphonia , n. g. : resembles Cryptolaria , but the hydrothecae have peduncles, and the axial tube never becomes free from the peripheral ones ; sarcode-bearing receptacles present ; for P. filicvda, Azores and Australia, p. 44, pi. xxii, figs. 1-4, P. pectinata , p. 45, pi. xxi, fig. 2, n. spp. ; id. Haleciime. Ilalecium arboreum, Kerguelen I., p. 10, pi. iv, figs. 1-3, H. telescopicum, Port Jackson, ibid., pi. v, fig. 1, II. flexile, Marion I. and Patagonia, p. 11, pi. v, fig 2, II. fastigiatum, Tristan da Cunha, p. 13, pi. xv, fig. 2, II. dichotomum , Cape of Good Hope, ibid., pi. vi, figs. 1-4, II. cymiforme, Patagonia, p. 15, pi. vii, figs. 1-5, n. spp. ; Allman. H. gracile, p. 759, pi. xiv, figs. 1-3, Port Stephens, Port Jackson, H. parvulum, p. 760, pi. xiv, figs. 4 & 5, Bondi Bay ; Bale. (20 Coel . C(E1YENTERATA. Diplocycithu8r. n. g. : hydro thecae replaced by hydrophores, each with an accessory cup at its base ; for D. dichotomus , n. sp., Cape York ; Allman, pp. 16 & 17, pi. viii, figs. 1-3/' Sertularidje.' Desmocyphus pectinatus , Bass St. and Bahia, p. 71, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1, D. gracilis, Bermuda, ibid., pi. xxxiv, fig. 2, D. obliquus , Cape York, p. 72, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3, D. acanthocarpus , Bahia, p. 73, pi. xxxv, fig. 2, n. spp. ; Allman. Dictyocladium , n. g. : hydrocaulus ramified, monosiphonic, branching in a single plane ; for D. dichotomum , n. sp., Bass St. ; id. pp. 76 & 77, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2. Ilypopyxis , n. g. : hydrothecae adnate, each with two minute cup-shaped basal appendages ; for II. labrosa , n. sp., Australia ; id. p. 74, pi. xxxv, fig. 1. Sertularella longitheea , p. 762, pi. xvi, figs. 5 & 6, Port Denison, S. variabilis , p. 764, pi. xv, figs. 5-9, Bondi, S. cylindrica , p. 765, pi. xvi, fig. 7, Port Jackson ; Bale. Sertularia jiliformis , Patagonia, p. 51, pi. xxiv, fig. 1, annulata, Port Jackson, p. 52, pi. xxiv, fig. 2, S. leiocarpa , Tristan da Cunha, pi. xxv, fig. 1, S. secunda , Kerguelen I., p. 53, pi. xxv, fig. 2, & clausa, off Monte Video, p. 54, pi. xxv, fig. 3, S. implexa , off Patagonia, ibid., pi. xxvi, fig. 1, S. laxa, Azores, p. 55, pi. xxvi, fig. 2, 6\ exscrta , Heard I., p. 56, pi. xxvii, fig. 1, echinocarpa , Kerguelen, p. 57, pi. xxviii, fig. 1, S. catena, W. Indies, p. 58, pi. xxviii, fig. 2, S. producta, Philippines, p. 59, pi. xxviii, fig. 3, S. cylindritheca,'B-dh\3i,ibid., pi. xxix, fig. 1, S. integritheca, Bahia, p. 60, pi. xxix, fig. 2, S. articulata, Kerguelen, p. 61, pi. xxix, fig. 3, n. spp. ; Allman. Sertularia geniculata, n. sp , Australia ; Bale, p. 768, pi. xvii, figs. 6-11. Staurotheca, n. g. : hydrothecae iu decussatiug pairs ; for S. dichotoma, n. sp., Marion Is. ; Allman, p. 76, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1. • Synthecium campylocarpum, p. 78, pi. xxxvii, fig. 1, S. alternans , p. 80, pi. xxxvii, fig. 2, n. spp , off Port Jackson ; id. I'hecocladium flabellum , n. sp., Cape of Good Hope j id. p. 81, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-4. Thuiaria pharmacopnla, Azores, p. 66, pi. xxxi, fig. 1, T. vineta, Flinders’ Passage, p. 68, pi. xxxii, fig. 2, T. hyalina, off Pernambuco, p. 69, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2, n. spp. ; id. T. sinuosa, n. sp., Port Molle ; Bale, p. 772, pi. xviii, figs. 9 & 10. GRAMMARIDA3. Grammaria stentor, Kerguelen, p. 48, pi. xxiii, fig. 1, G. magellanica, Falkland Is., ibid., pi. xxiii, fig. 2, G. insignis , p. 49, pi. xxiii, fig. 3, n. spp. ; Allman. Plumularidj;. Azygoplon, n. g., for Plumularia producta, Bale, Australia ; Bale, pp. 773 & 774, pi. xix, figs. 1-5. HYDROZOA. Ccel. 21 Plumularia turgida , p. 779, pi. xx, figs. 12 & 13, Lyttleton, N. Z., P. caliculata, p. 780, pi. xx, figs. 9 & 10, Bondi Bay, Port Jackson, P. alata, p. 782, pi. xix, figs. 6-10, hab. ?, P. aurita , p. 784, pi. xix, figs. 15-19, n. spp. ; id. Aglaophehidjg. Aglaophcnia sinuosa , p. 790, pi. xxi, figs. 1 & 2, Port Denison, A. macro- carpa , p. 791, pi. xxi, figs. 3 & 4, Port Jackson, A. phyllocarpa, p. 793, pi. xxi, figs. 9 & 10, Port Denison, A. (?) whiteleggei , p. 794, pi. xxi, fig. 8, hab. ? ; Bale. HYDROCORALLIA. Stromatoporidas. Ardnorluza, n. g. ; Wentzel, (2) p. 17. Circopora, n. g. ; id. t. c. p. 20. Disjectopom, n. g. ; id. t. c. p. 15. Irregulatoporci , n. g. ; id. ibid. Incertas sedis. Milcheldeania gregaria , n. sp., Carboniferous, Scotland ; Nicholson, (2) p. 17, figs. 1 & 2.* Solenopora ? filiformis, n. sp., Ardovician, Scotland ; id. t.c. p. 21, fig. 4. simoNornoRA. The * Challenger ’ Report is a complete monograph of this group. In the introduction the general morphology and special anatomy of the group are discussed ; a new view of their organisation, entitled the “ Medusome theory,” is propounded, in virtue of which the various parts of a colony may be “ either medusiform persons, or special organs of the same,” and this“ whether they bud out from a common basis on the stem, or arise in different positions, iu consequence of kinogenetic migration or dislocation.” The Siphonophorci are divided into two subclasses : the Disconanthcc , which are regarded as having been developed from Craspe- dotce; and the Siphonanthce, of which the Anthomedusce are considered to be the ancestors. There is an extensive bibliography, table of terminology, and a systematic list of the whole class ; Haeckel. Haeckel’s medusome theory criticised ; Ciiun (2). DISCONECTiE. DiscaliDjE, n. fam. Discalia , n. g., for D. medusina , n. sp., S. Pacific ; Haeckel, (1) pp. 45 & 46, pi. xlix, figs. 1-6. Disconalia , n. g., for D. gastroblastci , n. sp., S. Pacific ; id. t. c. p. 48, pi. xlix, figs. 7-12, pi. 1, figs. 1-10. 22 peel- COElilNTEKATA. * PoRPITI X)M. Porpalia , n. g., for P. prunella , d. sp., Tropical Pacific ; Z. c. pp. 57 & 58, pi. xlviii. Porpema, ti. g., for P. medusa^ n. sp., S. Atlantic ; id. t. c. pp. GO & bl, pi. xlvii. • Porpitafungia , n. sp., N. Pacific ; id. t. c. p. 67, pi. xlv. Porpitella} n. g., for P. pectanthis, n. sp., N. Pacific ; uZ. Z. c. pp. 63 & 64, pi. xlvi. VELELL1D.E. Armenista , n. g., = Velaria , Haeckel ( prceocc .) ; irf. Z. c. p. 83. A. *tg- inoides , n. sp., Tropical Atlantic ; ZtZ. Z. c. p. 84, pi. xliii. Rataria cristata , n. sp., Tropical Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 79, pi. xliv. CALYCONECTiE. Eudoxid^e. Aglaima gegenbauri , n. sp., Tropical Atlantic; Haeckel, (1) p. 119, pi. xl. Amphiroa carinai n. sp., Tropical Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 114, pi. xxxvi. Cuboides crystallus, n. sp., Tropical Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 112, pi. xlii. EudoxellUy n. g., probably only monogastric generation of Praya ; id. t. c. p. 108. Sphenoides obeliscus , n. sp., Canary Is. ; id. Z. c. p. 116, pi. xxxviii. ERSJHD2E. Er80ia compressa , n. sp., Tropical and Temperate Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 123, pi. xxxiv. Lilcea , n. g., for L. medusina , undescribed, probably cormidia of Lily- opsis , sp. ; id. t. c. p. 124. Monophyidac. Cymba crystallus , n. sp., Atlantic Ocean ; Haeckel, (1) p. 138, pis. xli & xlii (probably a stage in the development of Cuboides cry stallns, vide supra). Cynibonectes, n. g., for C. huxleyi, n. sp., Ceylon ; id. t. c. p. 124, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-12. Doramasia, n. g., for D. picta , n. sp., Canary Is. ; Chun (2). Halopyramis , n. g., for II. adamantina, u. sp., Canary Is. ; id. t. c. Mitrophyesy n. g., for M. peltifera, n. sp., Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 131, pi. xxviii. Monophyes princeps, n. sp., Indian Ocean ; id. t. c. p. 129, pi. xxvii, figs. 13 & 14. AI. brevitruncata , n. sp., Canary Is. ; CiiUN (2). HYDROZOA. Gael . 23 Djphyid®. Abyla carina , n. Rp., Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 156, pis. xxxv & xxxvi. Abylopsis , n. n. for Calpe , Q. & G. ( nec Treitschke) ; Chun (2). A. quincunx , n. sp., Canary Is. ; id. Bassia obeliscus, n. sp., N. Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 160, pis. xxxvii & xxxviii. Calpe gegenbauri , n. sp., Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 164, pis. xxxix & xl. Ceroiocymba , n. g., for 0. spectabilis , n. sp., Canary Is.; Chun (2). Diphyes s errata, n. sp., Canary Is. ; id. t. c. Diphyopsis, n. g., for D. conipresm , n. sp., Atlantic; Haeckel, (1) p. 153, pis. xxxiii & xxxiv. Epibulia inflata , E. monoica , n. spp., Canary Is. ; Chun (2). Praya galea , n. sp., Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 146, pis. xxxi & Kxxii. Amphicaryonid®, n. subf. Amphicaryon, n. g.,for A. acaule, n. sp., Canary Is. ; Ciiun (2). Desmophyid®, n. fam. Desmalia , n. g., for D. imbricata , n. sp., undescribed, Pacific and Indian Oceans ; Haeckel, (1) p. 168. Desmophyes, n. g., for D. annectens, n. sp., Indian Ocean ; id. t. c. pp. 169 & 170, pi. xxx. PoLYPHYIDiK. Hippopodius , early post-embryonic stage ; Chun (2). Polyphyes, n.g., for P. angulata, n. sp., Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) pp. 178 & 179, pi. xxix, figs. 1-8. Vogtia Jcollilceri, n. sp., S. Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 182, pi. xxix, figs. 9-14. Stephanophyidjs, n. fam. Stephanophyc8 , n. g., for S. superba , n. sp., Canary Is. ; Ciiun (2). PHYSONECTiE. Circalid.®, n. fam. Circalia , n. g., for C. stephanoma, n. sp., off Norway ; Haeckel, (1) p. 198, pi. xxi, figs. 1-4. Athorid®, h. fam. Athoralia, n.’g., for A. coronula , u. sp., undescribed, Ceylon ; id. t. c. p. 204. 24 Ocel. CCE LENT E K ATA . Athoria , n. g., for A. larvalis , n. sp., Ceylon ; id. t. c. pp. 201 & 202, pi. xxi, figs. 5-8. Apolemid^:. Dicymba , n. g., for D. diphyopsis , n. sp., Indian Ocean ; Haeckel, (l) pp. 209 & 210, pi. xviii, figs. 1-7. Agalmidjl Agalma eschscholtzii , n. sp., Ceylon; Haeckel, (1) p. 221, pi. xviii, figs. 8-17. A. clausi, n. sp., Villefranche, referred to Crystallodes, Hkl., in a postscript ; Bedot. Anthemodes ordinata , n. sp., Canary Is.; Haeckel, (1) p. 229, pis. xiv, & xv. Crystallodes vitrea, n. sp., Ceylon ; id. t. c. p. 222, pi. xvii. Lychnagalma , n. g., for L. vesicularia , n. sp., Ceylon ; id. t. c. pp. 234 & 235, pi. xvi. Nanomia cara} A. Ag., described with figures; Fewkes, (3) pp. 213— 223, pis. i-iii : referred to Cupulita ; Haeckel, (1) p. 367. FoRSKALIDjE. Forslcalia tholoides , n. sp., Canary Is. ; Haeckel, (l) p. 244, pis. viii-x. F. cuneatu , n. sp., Canary Is. ; Ciiun (2). Forsfcaliopsis, n. g., for F. magnifica , n. sp., undescribed, Indian Oceau ; Haeckel, (1) p. 247. Strobalia , n. g., for 8. conifera , n. sp., undescribed, Indian Ocean ; id. t. c. p. 242. Nectalidje, n. fam. Nectalia, n. g,, for N. loligo , n. sp., Canary Is. ; Haeckel, (1) pp. 251 & 252, pi. xiii. DlSCO LABI DiE. Discolabe quadriguta, n. sp., Ceylon; Haeckel, (1) p. 263, pis. xix& xx. ANTHOHlYSIDiE. Anthophysa darwinii , n. sp., S. Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 278, pi. xii, figs. 7-9. Athorybia ocellata , n. sp., Canary Is. ; id. t. c. p. 276, pi. xi, pi. xii, figs. 10-18. Melophysa, n. g., for M. melo (Q. & G.), St. of Gibraltar ; id. t. c. p. 274. HYDROZOA. Ccel. 25 Plcbophysidjs, n. fam. Plccophysa , n. g. : provided with a hood (= the modified nectostem), the stem reduced to a globular sac ; nectocalyces and hydrophyllia wanting ; for P. agassizii, n. sp., Atlantic, surface ; Fewkes (2). This organism is an Anthophysid, “ which has lost its bracts, and the pueumatophore of which, highly retracted, is embraced on the vertical side by the prominent cucullate nectostyle Haeckel, (1) p. 280. AUBONECTiE. StepbAlid;e, n. fam. Stephalia , n. g., for S. corona , n. sp., N. Atlantic aud Fesroe Channel ; Haeckel, (1) p. 297, pi. vii. Slephonalia , n. g., for S. bathyphysa, n. sp., S. Pacific ; id. t. c. p. 299, pi. vi. Rhodaltd^e, n. fam. Auralia , n. g., for A. profunda , n. sp., undescribed, Tropical Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) p. 301. 1 Viodalia, n. g., for R. miranda, n. sp., S. Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 302, pis. i-v. OYSTONECTAG. Cystalidte, n. fam. Cystalia, n. g., for C. monogastrica , n. sp., S. Pacific and Ceylon (== C. larvalis and C. challengeri of Haeckel, (2) p. 44) ; id. t. c. p. 316, pi. xxii, figs. 1-5. Rbizopbysim. Aurophysa, n. g., for A. ordinata) n. sp., undescribed, Ceylon ; Haeckel, (1) p. 323. Cannophysa , n. g., for C. murrayana, n. sp., Canary Is. ; id. t. c. p. 324, pi. xxiv. Linophysa, n. g., for Bhizophysa conifera , Studer ; id. t. c. p. 326. Nectophysa , n. g., for N. wyvillei, n. sp., Canary Is. ; id. t. c. pp 326 & 327, pi. xxiii. Pneumophysa , n. g., for P. gcgenbauri , n. sp., undescribed, Indian Ocean ; id. t. c. p. 328. Salacid2E, n. fam. Salacia, n. g., for S. polygastrica, n. sp., Tropical Atlantic ; Haeckel, (1) pp. 330 & 331, pi. xxv. 26 Gael. CCELENTERATA. EpiBULiDiE, n. fam. Epibulia ritteriana , n. sp., Ceylon; Haeckel, (1) p. 335, pi. xxii, figs. 6-8. PflYSALIDiE. Alophota giltschiana , n. sp., Canary Is. ; Haeckel, (1) p. 348, pi. xxvi, figs. 1-3. Arethusa , n. g.} for A. ckallengeri , n. sp., N. Atlantic; id. t. c. p. 349, pi. xxvi, figs. 4-8. Caravella , n. g., for G. gigantea (Boy.) & C. maxima , n. n. (= Medusa caravella , O. F. M.), Atlantic Ocean ; id. t. c. p. 351. ACRASPEDA. Ephyrtdjs. Nauphanta polaris, n. sp. ; Fewkes, (1) p. 173. Nauphantopsis, n. g. ; id. ibid. RHIZ0ST0MID2E. Phjllorhiza punctata , n. sp., Port Jackson ; Lendenfeld, (8) p. 223, pi. xviii, fig. 2. Sthenonidjc. Gallinema ornata, Verrill, described and figured ; Fewkes, (3) pp. 234- 236, pi. vi. Chaunostomidje. Pseudorhiza, n. g., for P.aurosa , n. sp., Port Phillip; Lendenfeld, (8) p. 218, pi. xviii, fig. 1. ANTHOZOA. ZO A NTH ARIA. MABUEPORARIA. APOROSA. TuRBINOLIDjE. Caryophyllia japonica, n. sp., Japan; Marenzeller, p. 16. G.gem- matay p. 322, pi. iv, fig. 1, G. Jcrejcii, pi. i, fig. 5, C. amieta, pi. 1, fig. 6, C. grandiformiSy pi. ii, fig. 6, n. spp., Miocene, Moravia ; ProciiAzka. Pseudocaninia , n. g., for ( Turbinolia conica , Fischer), P. trautscholdi and P. nana , n. spp., fossil ; Stuckenberg, (2) pp. 12-16. ANTHOZOA. Gcel. 27 Sphenotrochus boytonemis , n. sp., Coralline Crag, Britain ; Bell, A. Stephanotrochus spiniger, n. sp., Japan ; Marenzeller, p. 20. S. varians , n. sp., Miocene, Moravia ; ProchAzka, pis. i, fig. 3, & iv, fig. 6. Trochocyathus conoides , T. impar , n. spp., Miocene, Moravia ; id. t. c. p. 315, pi. ii, fig. 4 & 5. T. moravicus, n. sp. ; id. t , c. p. 322, pi. iv, fig. 4. OcULINIDiE. Placohelia , n. g., for P. rimosa , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Poota, p. 49, pi. ii, fig. 7. Synhellia reptans, n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; id. p. 50, pi. ii, fig. 8, cut 28. POCILLOPORID/E. Focilloporci. A series of 33 specimens of this genus, which form a complete series of transitional types, described ; Ortmann, pp. 162-165. AsTRiEIDiE. Amphiastrea gracilis , u. sp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Roby, p. 434. Aplosmilia thurmanni , n. sp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. p. 456. Astroccenia cribellum , n. sp., Cenomanian, Bohemia ; Pouta, p. 48. Cheilosmilia, n. g., for C . microstoma , n. sp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Roby, p. 420. Confusastrcea major , n. sp., Dogger, Alsace; Meyer, p. 35. Cryptoccenia obscura , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pouta, p. 46, pi. ii, fig. 4, cut 24. Epismilia elongata , p. 441, E. contorta , p. 442, E. irregularis, p. 442, E. injlata , p. 443, E. tenuis , p. 444, E. obesa , p. 445, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Roby. Galaxea anthojjhyllites, n. sp., Red Sea ; Faurot, p. 119. Glyphastrcea to be abandoned in favour of S eptastrcea ; Hinde. G. forbesi, Ed. & PI., = G. sexradiata (Lonsdale); Duncan. Goniastrcca sericea, n. sp., Fiji ; Ortmann, p. 173, pi. vi, fig. 7. Heterastrcea , n. g., for II. murchisoni (Wright), II. eveshami (Dune.), and II. bintonensis , n. sp., fossil, Stratford ; Tomes. Hindeastrcea , n. g., for H. discoidea, n. sp.. Cretaceous, Texas ; White. Isastrcea splendida , Bohemia, Chalk ; Pocta, p. 39, pi. ii, fig. 3. I. centrofossa , I. subgreenoughif I. decorata , n. spp., Dogger, Algace; Meyer, p. 27. Lingulosmilia , n. g., p. 421, for L. cornuta , p. 422, L. emarginata , p, 423, L. excavata , p. 424, L. vermicularis, p. 425, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Roby. Maiandrina delicatula , n. sp., Samoa; Ortmann, p. 171, pi. vi, fig. 6. Montlivaullia labechei, M. Ed. & Haime (2 n. varr. — cyclolitoides and numismalis, Dogger, Alsace ; Meyer, p. 9. Pachygyra Icnorri , n. sp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Roby, p. 454. 28 Gael. CCELENTERATA. Parasmilia pusilla , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pocta, p. 44, figs. 21 & 22. Phillipsastrcea rossica ; Stuckenberg, (2) p. 26. Pleurosmilia maxima , p. 445, P. incerta , p. 446, P. vesiculosa , p. 447, P. puinila , p. 448, P. bellis, p. 449, P. debilis , p. 450, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Koby. Pseudothecosmilia , n. g., for P. stalloniy p. 428, P.fromentelii p. 429, P. bruntrutanaJ p. 430, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. Rhipidogyra ruetimeyeri, p. 452, R. langi , p. 452, R. elegans , p. 453, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. Schizosmiliu , n. g., for S. excelsa , p. 435, 8. rollieri , p. 437, S . corallina , p. 437, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. Sclerosmiliaf n. g., for $. rugosa , p. 426, &. laufonensis} p. 427, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. Slylina vadosa , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pocta, p. 44, pi. ii, fig. 11, cut 23. Thecidiosmilia) n. g., p. 430, for T. valvata,- n. sp., p. 431, Jurassic. Switzerland ; Koby. FUNGIDA. PlESIOFONGIDJ]. Thamnastrcea aancti quentini , n. sp., Dogger, Alsace ; Meyer, p. 38. . Lophoseridj:. Gomoseris interrupta} n. sp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Koby, p. 407. Cyathoseris facilis , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pocta, p. 36, pi. ii, fig. 2. Plesioporitidje. Microsalenia desari , p. 401, M.jaccardi , p. 401, M. dubia, p. 402, M. cavernosa , p. 403, n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; Koby. Thamnarea ? granulosa , T. ? bacillarist n. spp., Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. p. 413. PERFORATA. Eupsammidje. Stephanophyllia celsa , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pocta, p. 30, pi. i, fig. 7. S. superstes) n. sp., Sagami Bay, Japan, 100-200 fath. ; Ortmann, p. 160, pi. vi, fig. 5. Madreporida. Goniopora parvistella. n. sp., Samoa, Tonga ; Ortmann, p. 158, pi. vi, fig. 3. Madrepora. Catalogue of species in U. S. Nat. Mus. ; Rathbun (1). M. brachyclados, n. sp., Fiji ; Ortmann, p. 149, pi. vi, fig. 1. ANTHOZOA. . Ooel. 29 Montipora stalagmites , Tahiti, p. 154, pi. vi, fig. 2, M. scabriculoides , Samoa, p. 155, n. spp. ; id. t. c. Turbinaria maxima, n. sp., Singapore ; id. t. c. p. 160, pi. vi, fig. 4. PORITJD/E. Cordilites , n. g., for C. cretosus (Reuss) ; Pocta, p. 23. Glenarea, n. g., for G. cretacea, n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; id. t. c. p. 25, figs. 9 & 10. Meandrarea greppini , u. sp., Jurassic, Switzerland; Koby, p. 410. Microsmilia , n. g., p. 414, for M. lnatheyi) n. sp., p. 418, Jurassic, Switzerland ; id. t. c. Porites branneri , n. sp., Parahybo do Norte, Pernambuco, and Bay of Bahia ; Rathbun, (2) p. 355. P. textilis , p. 27, pi. i, fig. 6, P. spissus , p. 28, pi. i, fig. 5, u. spp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pouta. RUGOSA. Diphyphyllum argyllii, n. sp., Boulder Clay, Argyllshire ; Thomson. Gshelia, n. g., for G. rossillieri ; Stuokenberg, (2) p. 24. Lithostrotion paradoxicum , n. sp., Carboniferous, Dumfriesshire ; Thomson. LophopJiyllum stschurowskii ; Stuokenberg, p. 9. Petalaxis Jcunthi ; id. t. c. p. 23. Rossophyllum , n. g., for R . novum , n. sp. ; id. t. c. p. 11. Zaphrentis nilcitini ; id. t. c. p. 8. Cleistopora redefined, with notes on structure ; Nicholson (4). Coral Islands. General statement of present state of question of origin of coral reefs ; Hickson (1). The strength and direction of currents appear to be the main agents affecting coral growth, though the carriage of food by them is of sub- sidiary importance ; “ the growth of corals on the periphery of a bank being in great excess of growth in its inward portions, is sufficient to explain the formation” of atolls and barrier reefs without Murray’s s >lutiou theory ; Bourne (2). The theory of subsidence dismissed as inadequate to account for the formation of coral reefs ; Guppy (2). Coral formations in progress of decay illustrated by the Bermudas ; Fewkes (5). Coral reefs of Red Sea described ; Walther, Faurot. Occurrence of a 14-fathom bank in mid-ocean ; Wharton (2). Florida Reefs. Detailed discussion with maps, sections, and figures of m my species ; Agassiz, pp. 52-92. For discussion of various points in the modern theories regarding the formation of coral reefs and islands, see Bourne (1), Dryer, Guppy, Irvine, Morris, Murray, Reade, Ross, Wharton, Wilson*Baker. 30 Gcal CCELENTERATA, ACTINIA RI A. Andrds’ classification is criticised, and the author’s previously-proposed arrangement maintained. The following disposition of the Hexactinice is proposed : — Tentacles - — * W t ei- cT 3 cr p CD P CL, <2* S' £ • CD ns CO ns CT 5’ o CO tr p p fj CD P1 p p P M P CD 8 c+- o p ct- o p cr 8 c+- _CD S' P CD aq aq 5* CTQ O p cr *r B O 2L, o B OQ P^ s CD CO o CD P P o cr p CO cr S- o g p cr cr CD Pi P e-t- CD P H p p p CD B p p CD •-J B p CO r3‘ cr 0 P 1 'O cr CD CO P P P CO ns E p C5 fe a CO B ns cT 3 s § to 3 a. £ 4 | I Ss* g* g* & & a ? a to to to to' ©* J g s C* © s S" a to a* a © OJ . a | © 1* a* a Sf* 1 1 s §r © I i I" to gp Co to E 1 s i ANTHOZOA. Gad. 81 HEX ACTINIA. CORALLIMORPHIDA). Corallimorphus obtectus , n. n., = C. rigulus, Hertwig, pars (nec Moseley) ; Hertwig, p. 9. Antheomorphidas. Ilyanthopsis, n. g, : u tentacles in several rows ; body-wall smooth ; body goblet-shaped, broadening upwards from the small pedal disc to the broad oral disc for J. longifolis , n. sp., Bermuda ; Hertwig, p. 13, pi. ii, fig. 2. Actinidas. Hormathia delicatula , n. sp., hab. ? ; Hertwig, p. 15, pis. ii, figs. 1 & 3, & iv, fig. 9. IT. andersoni , n. sp., Mergui Archipelago ; Haddon, p. 251, pi. xx. Sagartioe. Bathyactis, n. g. proposed for Ghitonactis richardi , Marion, and subse- quently revoked ; Dur^gne (2). [Vom. prceocc.] LlPONE MIDAS. Aulorchis , n. g. : generative organs modified into a tube perforating the oral disc ; gonidial grooves on both sides, drawn out into a long ear-like cone ; for A. paradoxa, n. sp., off Valparaiso ; Hertwig, p. 21, pi. i, figs. 9 & 10, pis. iii, figs. 2-6, & iv, figs. 1-6. Phialactidai, n. fam. IlexactinicB , in which the tentacles have degenerated into sphseridia. Phialactis , n. g., for P. neglecta , n. sp., Papiete ; goblet-shaped, sphseridia on the inside of the cup only ; a series of tongue-like ridges within the stomatodseum ; 23 pairs of mesenteries ; new ones arise just under the oi’al disc ; muscle of body-wall endodermal and circular, no sphincter ; Fowler (2). pHELLIDiE. Phcllia spinifera , n. sp., off Patagonia and S. Atlantic ; Hertwig, p. 24, pi. ii, figs. 8 & 9. Amphianthidas. Amphianthus ornatum , n. sp., off Bermuda, 1075 fath., and N. Pacific, 2300 and 2900 fath. ; Hertwig, p. 26, pi. i, fig. 8. 32 Coil. CCELENTERATA. Ilyanthidji. Halcampa kerguelensis , n. sp., Kerguelen I. ; Hertwig, p. 28, pi. ii, fig. 5. Halcampella maxima , n. sp., Philippines ; id. p. 29, Incert.® sedis. Myriactis, n. g. : endodermal muscles slight, strong mesenteric retractor ; tentacles numerous, long, subequal, polycyclic ; marginal row papilliform ; mesenteries numerous, complete, all with reproductive organs ; wall smooth below, with suckers above ; for M . tubicola, n. sp., Mergui Archipelago ; Haddon, p. 248, pi, xix. Folyparium is derived from an ordinary bilateral Anthozoan ; in, e.g ., a young Halcampa the aboral end becomes a broad basal disc, the ten- tacular wreath multiple, the breadth increases, mouth and oesophagus disappear, and the tentacles shorten and are perforated ; finally, suckers appear on the base ; Haacke (1). P. ambulans , general sketch of ; Bernard, Perrier. iEGIREiE, n. tribe. Actiniaria “with a perfect body-cavity (coelome) and a developed digestive apparatus, consisting of oesophagus, intestine, and anus,” for: — ^Egiridjc, n. fam. “ AEgirece , whose body is cylindrical, vermiform ; 12 single septa, with the coelome divided into 12 longitudinal chambers,” for : — JEgir, n. g. : “ The body elongate, cylindrical, with a mucous vaginal covering and 12 longitudinal ribs, botwcon which small suckers aro scattered. One cycle consisting of a few tentacles. In the posterior part of the iutestinal canal (rectum), immediately above the anus, 12 slender fissures communicatiug directly with the intestinal passage. 12 equally situated perfect septa. Endodermal circular muscles. Her- maphrodite for JE. frigidus, n. sp., N. Atlantic; Danielssen, p. 12, pis. ii, figs. 1, 5-11, & iii. Fenja, u. g. : “ The body cylindrical, elongate, furnished with 12 longitudinal grooves, between which 12 lougitudinal areas covered with suckers. A series of a few retractile tentacles. Anus. 12 perfect septa. 12 lougitudinal muscles, between which strongly prominent transversal muscles. 12 genital pores around the anus, outside the rectum. Mesodermal circular muscles. Hermaphrodite for F. mira- bilis, n. sp., N. Atlantic; id. p. 3, pis. i, figs. 1—14, & ii, figs. 2-4. PARACTINIiE. SlCYONIDJE. Siryoni8 elnngata, n. sp., N. Pacific, 2900 fath. ; Hertwig, p. 33. ANTHOZOA. Ocel. 33 EDWARDSIiE. Ehwardsidje. j Edv)ardsia lucifuga , n. sp., Cotes-du-Nord ; Fischer (1). ZOANTHEiE. ZOANTHIDiE. Epizoanthi8 thala.m0ph.ilu9 , off Valparaiso, 21G0 fath., p. 37, pis. i, fig. 8, & iv, figs. 7 & 8 ; E. stellarisi Philippines, p. 39, pi. i, fig. 4 ; E. elongatus , off Monte Video, p. 41, pi. i, fig. 2, n. spp. ; Hertwig. Bphenopus pedunculatus, n. sp., Philippines ; id. p. 49, pi. i, fig. 11. Stephanidiumt n. g., for S. schulzii, n. sp., Philippines ; Hertwig, p. 62, pis. i, fig. 14, & iii, figs. 1 & 7. THAUMACTINIiE, n. tribe. Thaumactis , n. g., for T. medusoides , n. sp., Papiete ; probably free, biconvex in form, 14 true tentacles round the stomatodseum, also pseudo- tentacles (hollow evaginations of the coelenteron) ; no siphonogiyplie ; musculature slightly developed, radial ectodermal ; 21 pairs of mesen- teries, one pair directive ; Fowler ( 2 ). ALOYONAUIA. ALCYONACEA. CoRNULARIDJE. Rhizoxenia alba, n. sp., N. Atlantic; Grieg, (2) p. 1, pi. i, figs. 1-34. S ympodium margaritaceum , n. sp., N. Atlantic ; id. t. c. p. 8, pi. i, figs. 35-43, pi. ii. Fascicularim, n. subfam. Fascicularia , n. g. : polyps situated independently upon the basal portion, which alone is furnished with spicules ; for F. radicans , n. sp., Algiers ; Viguier. F. radicans , C. Vig., = Paralcyonium edwardsii , Lac.- Duth. ; Lacaze-Duthiers (1). Alcyonidji. Lobophytum madreporoides, n. sp., Mergui Archipelago ; RiDLEY, p. 225, pi. xvii, figs. 7-11. 1888. [vol. xxv.] f 6 84 Cod. CGELENTE RATA. NEPHTHYIDiE. Neplithya cretacea, n. sp., Bohemia, fossil ; Pocta, p. 17, fig. 1. Spongodes semperi, Philippines, 8. glomerata , 8. punicea , 8. pumilio , S. rigida , S. coccinea, S. jlabellifera , Japan, n. spp. ; Studer (1). S. aurora , S. boletiformis, 8. nigrotincta , n. spp., Mergui Archipelago ; Ridley, pp. 228-231, pi. xvii, figs. 13-24. PENNATDLACEA. Pennatcjlidjd. Pennatula phosphora, n. var. Candida , Faeroe Channel ; Marshall & Fowler, p. 456, pis. xxxi, figs. 1 & 2, & xxxii, fig. 3. P. bellissima , u. sp., Bahamas ; Fowler (1). Protocaulid^e. Deutocaulony n. g. : “ autozooidea, singulatim orta, pennae laterales fiunt : calyx nullus: axis cylindratus ” : for D. hijstricis , n. sp., Faeroe Channel,- nearest ally from Japan; Marshall & Fowler, p. 461, pi. xxxii, figs. 8 & 9. GORGONACEA. SCLERAXONIA. Melitodid^j. Mopsella planiloca , n. sp., Mergui Archipelago ; Ridley, p. 244, pi. xviii, fig. 6. HOLAXONIA. ISIDJE. Isis miranda , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; Pocta, p. 19, fig. 3. 8tichobothrion eolidum , n. sp., Bohemia, Chalk ; id., p. 21, pi. i, fig. 1. Plexaurid^j. Plexaura indica , n. sp., Mergui Archipelago ; Ridley, p. 233, pi. xviii, figs. 1-5. Gorgonid^). Gorgonia oppositipinna , n. sp., Mergui Archipelago ; Ridley, p. 238, pi. xviii, figs. 7-11. Psammogorgia ? plexauroides , n. sp., Mergui Archipelago; id. t. c. p. 235, pi. xvii, figs. 1-6. Xiphigorgia ridleyi , n. sp., St. Thomas, W. I. ; Bell, F. J. (1). Spong. 1 SPONGE. • BY Oswald H. Latter, B.A., Tutor of Keble College. I.— LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.* 1. Agassiz, A. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘ Blake.’ Yol. 11. Sponges , cap. xxiii, pp. 170-180, figs. 520-545. [From Oscar Schmidt.] Bull. Mus. C. Z. xv, pp. 170-180. 2. Bidder, G. P. Note on the Physiology of Sponges. P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. vi, pt. 4, p. 183. In Leucandra aspera , Yosmaer, fed with carmine, the coloured par- ticles are found only in the collared cells. 3. Bourne, G. C. (Edit.). List of Pori/era found in Plymouth Sound, &c. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. Plym. ii, pp. 164 & 165. 4. Dawson, J. W. Preliminary Note on New Species of Sponges from the Quebec Group at Little M<$tis. Can. Rec. iii, 2, pp. 49-59, fig. 1. A brief notice of Protospongia tetranema, n."sp., Hyalostelia metissica , n. sp., and Cyathophycus quebecensis , n. sp. ; also a note on Cyatkophycus reticulatus (Walcott). 5. Dendy, Arthur. Studies on the Comparative Anatomy of Sponges. I. On the genera Ridleia , n. g., and Quasillina , Norman. Q. J. Micr* Sci. xxviii, pt. 4, pp. 513-529, pi. xlii. Diagnosis of new genus and R. oviformis , n. sp. This genus is inter- mediate between Quasillina and other Suberilidce. 6. . Studies on the Comparative Anatomy of Sponges. II. On the Anatomy and Histology of Stelospongus flabelliformis , Carter, with notes on the development. Op. cit. xxix, pt. 3, pp. 325-358, pis. xxx-xxxiii. The collars of choanocytes are united by a continuous membrane — “ Sollas’ membrane.” 7. Dunikowski, E. Ueber Permocarbon Schwamme von Spitzbergen. Sv. Ak. Handl. nf. 21 Bd., Hft. i, pp. 1-18, pis. i & ii. New Monactinellid genus Pemmatites , with 2 new species, non-sessile, and 2 new varieties. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. spongij:. 2 Spong. 8. Fiedler, Karl. Ueber Ei- und Samenbildung bei Spongilla fluvia- tilis. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvii, i, pp. 85-128, pis. xi & xii. The author opposes Gotte & Lendenfeld as to the formation of the egg follicle and ovum. A general discussion of spermatogenesis is appended. 9. Fristedt, K. Bidrag till Kannedomen om de ivid Sveriges vestra kust lefvande Spongice. Sv. Ak. Handl. n.f. 21 Bd., Heft i, 6, pp. 1-56, pis. i-iv. Description of 2 new genera, 7 new species, and 1 new variety. 10. Hinde, G. J. On some New Species of Vruguaya , Carter, with Remarks on the Genus. Ann. N. H. (6) ii, July, 1888, pp. 1-12, pi. iv. Describes the following new species: — Uruguay a repens , U. macandrewi (closely allied to U. coralloides , Bowerbk.), U pygmcea. The author dis- cusses the advisability of removing the forms included in the genus Uruguay a to Meyenia , Carter, on the ground of gemmules being present in the above-named new species. 11. — — . Notes on Sponges from the Quebec Group at M6tis and from the Utica Shale. Can. Rec. iii, 2, pp. 59-68. A more detailed account of the species described by Dawson {vide No. 4). 12. Geinitz, E. Receptaculitidce und andere Spongien der mecklenburg- ischen Silurgescheibe. Z. geol. Ges. xl, 1, pp. 17-23, 5 woodcuts. Genus Ischadites is to be joined with Receptaculites. 13. Katzer, F. Spongienschichten in mittelbohmischen Devon (Hercyn). SB. Ak. Wien, 97 Bd., 1 Abth. pp. 300-310, 1 pi, Acanthospongia bohemica, Katzer, n. sp. 14. Lendenfeld, R. v. F. E. Schultze’s * Challenger ’ Report iiber die Hexactinelliden. Biol. Ceutralbl. viii Bd., No. 2, pp. 46-53. Contains a brief criticism on the English translation of the original. 15. MacMunn, C. A. On the Chromatology of some British Sponges, j. Physiol, ix, pp. 1-25, pi. i. Chlorophyll is present in Sponges, and is built up synthetically by them. The function of the chlorophyll is probably to remove waste CO,, and then, by the influence of light rays, build up from CO, and HaO substances such as starch, glycogen, sugar, or fat. 16. Mills, H. A new Fresh-water Sponge ( Heteromeyenia radiospiculata, n. sp.). Ann. N. H. (6) i, No. 4, pp. 313 & 314. 17. Noll, F. C. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der Kieselschwamme. I. Desmacidon bosei, Noll, mit Hinweisen auf Craniella carnosa , Riippell, und Spongilla frugilis , Leidy. Abb. Senck. Ges. xv, 2, v pp. 5-58, pis. i-iii. Diagnosis of D. bosei , n. sp., with notes on development. Account of spicule formation. Anonyx spongivivus) n. sp., a parasitic Amphipod, infests the Sponge. list of publications. .Spong. 3 18. 0Polejaeff, N. Versuch eines naturlicher Systems der bekannten Spongien. St. Petersburg : 1885. 19. Potts, E. Biology of Fresh- water Sponges. Am. Micr. J. ix, 3, pp. 43-46, and 4, pp. 74-77. Reprint of the introduction to monograph in P. Ac. Philad. ii, 1887. 20. Priest, B. W. On some remarkable Spicules from the Oamaru Deposit. J. Quek. Club (2), iii, 22, July, 1888, pp. 254-256, pi. xix. 21. Schmidt, — . Sponge Fisheries. Method of artificial propagation at Gratz. Nature, xxxvii, p. 595. 22. Sollas, W. J. Report on the Tetractinellida collected by H.M.S. ‘ Challenger,’ during the years 1873-76. Challenger Reports, xxv, clxvi & 458 pp., 44 pis., and 1 map. Contains description of all known species ; 33 new genera and 73 new species are defined. An appendix on the Monaxonida is added, with diagnoses of 2 new genera and 5 new species. 23. . A contribution to the History of Flints. Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pt. i, pp. 1-5. 24. Topsent, E. Sur les gemmules de quelques Silicisponges marines. C.R. cvi, No. 18, pp. 1298-1300. The author describes gemmules found in Chalina oculata , C. gracilenta, Cliona vastifica , and Suberites ficus. Extract in Rev. Sci. xli, No. 19, pp. 603 & 604, and in Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 457 & 458. 25. . Notes Spongologiques. Arch. Z. exp4r. (2) vi, 3, pp. xxxiii^ xliii. Amended definition of genus Dendroryx , Gray. Description of D. luciensis , n. sp. The larval condition of Spongelia ( Dysidea ) fragilis exactly resembles that of S. pallescens. 26. . Etude de la Faune des Spongiaires de Luc (3rd list). Bull. Soc. L. Norm. pp. 330-335. 27. — — . Notes de Spongologie. T. c. pp. 34-41. 28. . Contribution & l’6tude de la distribution des Sponges de la Manche. T. c. pp. 71-73. 29. ** Contribution A l’6tude des Clionides. Paris : 1888. 30. Tunis, Sponge Fishery at. Report of Consul. Nature, xxxviii, p. 349. 31. Weltner, M. Ueber das Fortleben von Spongillen nach der Ausbildung von Scliwarmlarven. SB. nat. Fr. 1888, No. 2, pp. 18-22. 32. . On the survival of JSpongillce after the development of Swarm- larvse. Ann. N. H. (6) i, 1888, pp. 340-343. The author opposes Lieberkiihn, Metschnikoff, and Gotte on various points. SPONGIiE. 4 Spong . 33. W ierzejs&i, A. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Susswasaerschwamme. Verh. z.-b. Wien, 1888, pp. 529-536, pi. xii. Pott’s Spongilla novce-terrce appears to be an abnormal Meyenia (Ephy- datia ) mulleri , Lieberk. Other cases of abnormality in Meyenia and Euspongilla} and of variation in gemmules, are described. Other authors have described these as new species or varieties. II.— SUBJECT-INDEX TO LI8T OP PUBLICATIONS. Distribution. Plymouth Sound, Bourne. Arctic region, Sollas (22). Lusitanian region, id. t. c. Caribbean region, id. t. c. Brazilian region, id. t. c. Magellanic region, id. t. c. Patagonian region, id. t. c. S. African region, id. t. o. Indo-Pacific region, Sollas (22). S. Australian region, id. t. c. Kerguelian region, id. t. c. Sweden, Fristedt. Tunis (30). English Channel, Topsent (28). Ohio river, Mills. Morphology. General Anatomy ( v . sub.). Hinde (10, 11), Dawson, Dunikowski, Dendy (5, 6), Noll, Wierzejski, Mills, Sollas (22), Topsent (25). Spicules, &c. Noll, Priest, Sollas (22). Choanocytes. Sollas (22), Dendy (6), Bidder. Embryology. Fiedler, Topsent (24, 25), Sollas (22), Weltner (31, 32), Noll, Dendy (6). Physiology (v. sub.). Bidder, MacMunn, Fossil Forms ( v . sub.), Geinitz, Katzer, Dunikowski, Dawson, Hinde (10, 11). Miscellanea. Parasitism — Noll. Abnormality — Wierzejski. CLASSIFICATION. 8 pong. 5 III. — CLASSIFICATION. Sollas (22) gives tlie following classification : — Subkingdom. PARAZOA. Phylum. SPONG12E. Class I. MEGAMASTICTORA. Subclass. CALCAREA. Class II. MICROMASTICTORA. Subclass 1. MYXOSPONGIJE. Subclass 2. HEXACTINELLID^E. Subclass 3. DEMOSPONGLE. Tribe a. MONAXONIDA. Order i. Monaxona. Order n. Ceratosa. Tribe «. TE TRA CTINELLIDA . Order i. Choristida. Suborder 1. Sigmatophora. Family i. Tetillidce. Family ii. Samidce. Suborder 2. Astrophora. Demus a. Streptastrosa, n. n. Family i. Theneidce. Family ii. Pachastrellidce. Demus n. Euastrosa. Family i. Stelettidce. Appendix. Epipolasidce ?. Demus c. Sterrastrosa. Family i. Geodiidce. Family ii. Placospongidce. Suborder 3. Microsclerophora. Family i. Placinidce. Family ii. Corticida. Family iii. Thrombidce. Order n. Lithistida (0. Schmidt). Suborder 1. Hoploprora. Demus a. Trisenosa. Family i. Tetracladidm ( Tetracladina , Zittel). Family ii. Corallistidce ( Rhizomorina , Zittel). Family iii. Pleromidce- ( Megamorina , Zittel). Demus b. Rhabdosa. Family i. Neopeltidce. Family ii. Scleritodermidce. Family iii, Cladopeltidce. Suborder 2. Anoplia. Family i. A zoricidm (Rhizomorina, Zittel). Family ii. Anomocladidcti (Anomocladina, Zitt.). SP0NGI2E. 0 Spong. In the Appendix is given the following arrangement of the Honaxonida : — Order. JMonaxonida. Suborder 1. Asemopuora. Family i. Ilomor aphides. Suborder 2. Heniscophora. Family i. Heteroraphulce. Family ii. Desmacidonidce. Suborder 3. Spintuaropuoea . a. Homo sclera. Family i. Astropeplidce. D. Heterosclera. Demus 1. Oentrospinthara. Family i. Axinellidce. Family ii. Dory pier idee. Family iii. Tethyidce. Demus 2. Spiraspinthara. Family i. Scolopidce. Family ii. Suberitidce. Family iii. Spirastrellidce. I V.— S Y STEMATIC. HEXACTINELLIDA. Protospongia ietranema, n. sp., Hinde (11), Dawson (4). Hyalostelia metissica, n. sp., Hinde (11), Dawson (4). Oyathophycus quebecensis , n. sp., Hinde (11), Dawson (4). Ischadites to be united with Receptaculites^ Geinitz. DEMOSPONGIiE. Monaxonida. Uruguaya repens} n. sp., Hinde (10). Uniguaya macandrewi , n. sp., id. Uruguaya pygmcea, n. sp., id. Meyenia to include forms under Uruguaya ; id. Astropeplus, n. g., A. pulcher, n. sp. ; Sollas (22). Desmacidon bosei , n. sp., Noll. Stylopus , n; g., 8. coriaceus} n. sp., Fkistedt. Desmacella pumicea, n. sp., id. Desmacella peachii, var. stellifera) n. var., id. Ilastatus mamillaris , n. sp., id. Hastatus fragilis , n. sp., id. Hsperia foliata , n. sp., id. Chalina pulcherrima , n. sp., id. SYSTEMATIC. Spong.. 7> Vosmceria, n. g., V. Crustacea, n. sp. ; id. Ridleia , n. g., R. oviformis , n. sp. ; Dendy (5). Dendroryx : amended genus ; Topsent (25). Dendroryx luciensis , n. sp., id. Other species to be included in amended genus are : — Halichondria incrustans , H. irregularis , diclciei , pattersoni, robertsoni , scandens, nigricans , ingalli, pulchella, albida, thompsoni , Candida , isodyctia, hyndmanni , fimbriata, lurida, tumulosa, rugosa ; Iiymeniacidon dujardinii , armatura. Heteromeyenia radiospiculata, n. sp., Mills. Acanthospongia bohemica , n. sp., Katzer. Epallax callocyathus , n. sp., Sollas (22). Dorypleures , n. g., Z). dendyi , n. sp., *eZ Tethya japonica, n. sp., id. Scolopes moseleyi , n. sp., ieZ '~'Pemmatites, n. g., P. verrucosus, n. sp., P. articusi n. sp., P. macropora , n. var., P. latitube, n. var. ; Dunikowski. Tetraotinellida. Tetilla sandalina , n. sp., Sollas (22). Tetilla grandis , n. sp.j id. Tetilla grandis, var. alba, n. var., id. Tetilla coronida, n. sp., id. Tetilla ridleyi, n. n. ( dactyloidea , Ridley), id. Chrotella , n. g., id. Chrotella simplex, n. sp., id. Chrotella macellata , n. sp., id. Cinachyra, n. g., id. Cinachyra barbata , n. sp., id. Craniella carteri , n. sp., id. Craniella pulchra, n. sp., id. Craniella schmidtii, n. sp., id. Thenea delicata, n. sp., id. Tlienea wrightii , n. sp., id. . Thenea grayi, n.’sp., id. Thenea schmidtii , n. sp., id. Thenea wyvillii, n. sp., id. Thenea media , n. sp., id. Thenea, sp. ? (2), id. Pcecillastra , n. n. {Nor mania, Bowbk.), id. Pcecillastra schulzii , n. sp., id. Pcecillastra crassiuscula, n. sp., id. Pcecillastra laminaris , n. sp., id. Pcecillastra tenuilaminaris , n. sp., id. Sphinctrella cribrifera, n. sp.,Zd. Sphinctrella gracilis, n. sp., id. Sphinctrella ornatus , n. sp., id. Characella, n. g., id. Characella aspera, n. sp , id. 8 Spong. spong i.e. Characella agassizi \ n. sp., erf. Stceba, n. g., id. Stceba simplex (Garter), id. Triptolemus , n. g., id. Triptolemus cladosus , n. sp., id. Triptolemus intextus, n. sp., id. Nethea , n. g., id. Nethea nana (Carter), id. Calthropella, n. g., id. Galthropella simplex , n. sp., id. Myricistra subtilis , n. sp., id. Myriastra simplicifurca , n. sp., id. Myriastra clavosa, var. quadrata , n. var., id. Myriastra toxodonta , n, sp., erf. Pilochrota , n. g., erf, Pilochrota hceckeli, n. sp., erf. Pilochrota pachyclermata, n. sp., erf. Pilochrota gigas , n. sp., erf. Pilochrota tenuispicula , n. sp., erf. Pilochrota crassispicula, n. sp., erf. Pilochrota purpurea, var. longancora , n. var., erf. Pilochrota anancora , n. sp., erf. Pilochrota moseleyi , n. sp., erf. Pilochrota lendenfeldi, n. sp., erf. Astrella , n. g., erf. Astrella vosmaeri , n. sp., erf. Dragmastra , n. g. Dragmastra normani , n. sp., erf. Anthastra, n. g., erf. Anthastra pulchra, n. sp., erf. Anthastra communis , n. sp., erf. Anthastra parvispicula , n. sp., erf. Anthastra pyr if ormis, n. sp., erf. Anthastra ridleyi , n. sp., e’rf. Aurora, n. g., erf. ( Stelletta ) globostellata , erf. ^4 urora Stelletta ) reticulata , e‘rf. Stelletta phrissens, n. sp., erf. Disyringa , n. g., erf. Disyringa dissimilis (Ridley), erf. Stryphnus , n. g., erf. Stryphnus niger , n. sp., erf. Stryphnus rudis , n. sp., erf. Stryphnus unguiculus , n. sp., erf. Psammastra , n. g., erf. Psammastra murrayi , n. sp., erf. Ecionema nigrum , n. sp., erf. Ecionema rotundum , n. n. (£J. acervus , Ridley), erf. Amphius, n. g., erf. SYSTEMATIC. Spoil g. 9 A mphius huxleyi , n. sp., id. A Igol, n. g., id. Algol corticata ( Stellettinopsis corticata , Carter), ad. Aster opus , n. g. Asteropus simplex ( Stellettinopsis simplex , Carter), id. Asteropus annulatus ( Stellettinopsis annulata , Schmidt), *7?. Coppatias , n. g. Coppatias coriaceus { Stellettinopsis coriacea, Carter), a'd. Ooppatias tuberculatus { Stellettinopsis tuberculata , Carter), ad. Coppatias purpureus { Stellettinopsis purpurea , Carter), ad. Coppatias luteus { Stellettinopsis lutea, Carter), ad. Coppatias stellifera ( Amorpliina stelli/era , Carter, Stellettinopsis siellifera , Ridley), a'd. Coppatias carteri { Stellettinopsis carteri , Ridley), a'd. j Erylus formosust n. sp., a'd. Erylus carteri , n. sp., a'd. Erylus lendenfeldi , n. sp., erf. Caminus sphceroconia , n. sp., a'd. Pachymatisma normani , n. sp., a'd. Cydonium hirSutus, n. sp., a'd. Oydonium magellani , n. sp., ad. Cydonium glariosus, n. sp., id. Cydonium eosaster , n. sp., ad. Cydonium cooksoni , n. sp., ad. Cydonium berryi , n. sp., id. Cydonium japonicum, n. sp., a'd. Cydonium pleiades, n. sp., a’d. Cydonium normani , n. sp., ad. Isops, n. g., ad. Isops pachydermata, n. sp., ad. Placospongia intermedia , n. sp., ad. Antares, n. g., ad. Antares {Stellettinopsis) euastrum , Schmidt, ad. Thrombus, n. g., ad. Thrombus challengeri, n. sp., ad. Thrombus ( Corticium ) abyssi , Carter, a'd. Thrombus ornatus , n. sp., ad. Thrombus ( Corticium ) kittoni , Carter, ad. Calcabrina , n. g., ad. Calcabrina {Corticium) plicatum, Schmidt, ad. Corticella , n. g., id. Corticella {Corticium) stelligera , Schmidt, ad. Rhachella , n. g., ad. Rhachella {Samus) complicate , Carter, ad. Lithistida. Discodermia discifurca, n. sp., ad. Discodermia panopla, n. sp., ad. 10 Spong . S PONG L1C. Discodermia ornata , n. sp., id. Neosiphonia, n. g., id. Neosiphonia supevstes, n. sp., id. Corallistes thomasi, n. sp., id. Callipelta , n. g., id. Callipelta ornata, n. sp., id. Dcedalopelta , n. g., id. Dcedalopelta nodosa , Schmidt (Discodermia clavatella, var. nodosa , Schmidt). Pleroma, n. g., id. • Pleroma turbinatum , n. sp., id. Scleritoderma flabelliformis , n. sp., id. Siphonidium capitatum , n. sp., id. Sympyla , n. g., id. Sympyla ( Azorica ) cribriphora , Schmidt, id. .Azorica marginata , n. sp., id. .Azorica crassiuscula , n. sp., id. Tretolophus, n. g., id. Tretolophus paniceus, u. sp., id. / / PROTOZOA BY Cecil Warburton, B.A. I. — LIST OF PUBLICATIONS * Agassiz, A. (1) Review of Dr. Chun’s observations on Pelagic Animals at great depths. Am. J. Sci. xxxv (1888), pp. 420-424. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 558.] . (2) Deep sea fauna, in “ The Cruises of the * Blake.’ ” Bull. Mus. C. Z. xiv, p. 153. Pelagic fauna on p. 171. ■» (3) Characteristic deep sea types of Rhizopoda in “ The Cruises of the ‘ Blake.’ ” Op. cit. xv, p. 157, figs. 484-519. Anderson, H. H. Note on a Species of Anoplophrya. Sci. Goss. 1888, p. 38. Balbiani, G. Evolution des micro-organisms animaux et vdg(?taux parasites. (Suite.) J. Microgr. xii. Barrois, Th. Mat^riaux pour servir h l’^tude de la Faune des eaux douces des A^res. II & hi ( Rotifera and Protozoa). Lille : 1888, 8vo (12 pp.). Beddard, F. E. (1) Note on a new Gregarine. P. Z. S. 1888, pp. 355- 358, 1 fig. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 977.] — — . (2) Remarks on a Species of Coccidium infesting Perichceta. Ann. N. H. ii, pp. 433-439, 1 pi. Blanc, H. La Gromia brunnerii , un nouveau Foraminifere. Rec. Z. Suisse, iv, No. 4, pp. 497-513, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 598; also in Ann. Micrograph, p. 132.] Blanciiard, R. (1) Remarques sur le Mdgastome intestinal ( Lambia intestinalis , nom. nov). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, P. 1, pp. 18 & 19. . (2) Article, “ Hdmatozoaires ” in Diction, encycl. Sc. midic. pp. 43-73. [Abstr. by M. Braun in CB. Bakt. Parasit. 1 Jahrg., 2 Bd., No. 21, pp. 628 & 629.] * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. 2 ProL PROTOZOA. [Blanchard, R.] (3) Note pr61iminaire sur Monas dunali , flagelle qui cause la rubefaction des marais salants. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii, No. 6, pp. 153 & 154. Blochmann, F. Translation of his paper on “ Contributions to the knowledge of the reproduction of Euglypha alveolata” in the Morph. JB. 1887. Ann. N. H. (6) i, pp. 27-3C. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Trot. 6.] Bolivar, J. Vorticella parasitisch an den Kiemen von Astacus fluvia- tilis. An. Soo. Esp. xvii, Cuad. 2, pp. 60-63. Bovier-Lapierre, — . Nouvelles Observations sur les Peridiuiens appartenants au Genre Polykrikos. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, p. 579. Brady, H. B. (1) On some Foraminifera from the Abrolhos Bank. Tr. Z. S. xii, pp. 211-239, 8 pis. 124 species, 4 new species. . (2) Note on the so-called “ Soapstone ” of Fiji. Q. J. Geol. See. 1888, Febr., 10 pp., 1 pi. j also Nature, xxxvii, p. 142. . (3) Note on the Reproductive Condition of Orbitolites complanata var. laciniata. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 693-697, 1 pi. . (4) Note on some Silurian Lagence. Geol. Mag. v, pp. 481-484, i pi. de Bruyne, C. (1) Ueber eine neue Monadine, Endobiella bambekii . CB. Bakt. Parasit. iv (1888), pp. 1-5, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 972.] . (2) Contribution a l’6tude de la vacuole pulsatile. Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xv, No. 5, pp. 718-749, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 749, and in Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 80.] Burrows, H. W., Sherborn, — , Davies, C., and Bailey, G. The Foraminifera of the Red Chalk. J. R. Micr. Soc. iii, pp. 383-385. Butschli, 0. Protozoa. (Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordn. d. Thierreichs) Leipzig & Heidelberg : 1888, 8vo. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot. 12, and J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 597 & 967.] °Carter, Fred. B. Rhizopoda : their life-history and classification. Am. Micr. J. ix, No. 1, pp. 3-10. Carter, H. J. (1) On two new genera allied to Loftusia , 12 pp., 1 pi. Ann. N. H. 1888, p. 172. . (2) On the Organic and Inorganic Changes of Parkeria. Op. cit. ii (1888), pp. 45-55, 1 pi. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 757.] . . (3) On the nature of the Opaque Scarlet Spherules found in the Chambers and Canals of many fossilized Foraminifera. Ann. N. H. (6) i, No. 4, pp. 264-270. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 438.] . (4) Description of a large variety of Orbitolites mantelli, Curt., from the west bank of the Irrawadi. Ann. N. H. ii, pp. 342-348. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot . 3 Cattanf.0, G. (1) Su di un Infusorio ciliato, parassito del sangue del Carcinus mamas ( Anophrys maggii , n. sp.). Boll, scient. x, No. 1, pp. 11-15. [See Zool. Anz. 1888, p. 456 ; Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 131 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 972; Ann. N. H. 1888, ii, p. 427.] . (2) Note Sui Protozoi Lacustri. Boll, scient. x, pp. 90-100. Chun, C. Pelagic Animals at Great Depths, and their Relations to the Surface Fauna. Bibliotheca Zoologica, i. Cassel : 1888, 4to, pp. 1-66, 5 pis. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 558.] Clark, J. Ueber die Einfluss niederer Sauerstoffpressungen auf die Bewegungen des Protoplasmas. Ber. deut. bot. Ges. vi, pp. 273-280. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 971.] Crooksiiank, E. M. Abstract (German) of his Paper on Flagellated Protozoa in the Blood of ... . Animals. CB. Bakt. Parasit, 1 Jahrg., 2 Bd., p. 127. Daday, E. v. (1) Monographic der Familie der Tintinnodoen. MT. z. Stat. Noap. vii, pp. 473-591, 4 pis. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 436.] 29 new species. . (2) Systematische Uebersicht der Dinoflagellaten des Golfes von Neapel, mit Beschreibuug einer frei-schwimmenden Acinete und einer neuen Cercaria- Form aus demselben Golfe. Budapesth : 1888, 8vo, 24 pp., 1 pi. . (3) Organische Yerhaltnisse der Tintinnodeen. Budapesth : 1888, 8vo, 54 pp., 2 col. pis. (Hungarian). . (4) Egy szabadon fiszo Acineta a napolyi obolbol. Term, fuzetek, xi, No. 2, pp. 82 & 83, 1 fig. *Dangeard, P. A. The Cryptomonadce. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. xxxv (1888), pp. 127-130. Dawson, [Sir] J. W. Eozoon canadense. Geol. Mag. v, 1888, pp. 49-54, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, ii, p. 241.] Deecke, W. Die Foraminifereufauna im Aptien von Carniol (Basses Alpes). MT. Vorpomm., 19 Jahrg., pp. 40-44. Dreyer, F. Die Pylombildungen und entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Beziehung bei Radiolarien und bei Protisten iiberhaupt. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiii, pp. 77-214, 6 pis. Entz, G. (1) Ueber eine Nyctotherus-Art im Blute von Apus cancri- formis. Zool. Anz. xi (1888), pp. 618-620. . (2) Tanulmanyck a v£gl6nyek Kor^bol. Studien fiber Pro- tisten. (Hungarian and German.) Aladar Rozsahegyi. Budapesth: 1888, 4to. Fabre-Domergue. (1) Note sur la Familie des Urc^olaires (Iiifusoires cilies peritriches). C.R. Soc. Biol, v, pp. 238-241. 4 Prot. PROTOZOA. [Fabre-Domergue.] (2) Sur la Nature de certaines substances de Reserve Contenues dans le Protoplasma des Infusoires. Ann. Micro- graph. 1888, pp. 24-30, 7 figs. . (3) R£cherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les Infusoires Cili£s. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) v, Nos. 1 & 2, Art. 1, p. 1, Nos. 3 & 4, p. 129, 5 pis. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 751.] . (4) Sur l’organisation des Urceolaires. J. Anat. Phys. xxiii, p. 214. °Frankhauser, J. On Euglena. MT. Ges. Bern. 1888, p. xxiii. Garcin, A. S. Euglena. Morot’s Journ. de Bot. ii (1888), pp. 241-246. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 972.] Giard, A. Sur les genres Folliculina et P&brilla. Bull. Sci. Nord. (3) 1888, pp. 310-317, 1 pi. [See Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 130.] Gourret & Rceser. (1) Contribution h l’^tude des Protozoaires de la Corse. Arch. Biol, viii, Fasc. 1, pp. 139-204, 3 pis. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 755.] . (2) Description de deux Infusoires du Port do Bastia. J. Anat. Phys. xxiii (1888), p. 656. •Grassi, B. Morfologia e sistematica di alcuni protozoi parassiti. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei, 1888, 4to, Rendiconti, iv, Fasc. 1, pp. 5-12. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 975.] Grassi, B., & Schewiakoff, W. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Megastoma entericum. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 143-154, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 599, and in Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 80.] °Greef, R. Studien fiber Protozoen. SB. Ges. Marb. 1888, No. 3, pp. 90-158. Pp. 90-124, land Rhizopoda ; pp. 125-135, land Infusoria ; pp. 135—1 58? fresh-water Rhizopoda. Greenwood, [Miss] M. Digestion in Rhizopods. J. Physiol, viii, 1887, pp. 263 & 287. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, ii, p. 240 ; extr. in Rev. Sci. (3) xli, No. 3, p. 93.] Gruber, Aug. (1) Weiterer Beobachtungen an viel-kernigen Infusorien. Ber. Freiburg Ges. iii (1888), pp. 57-71, 2 pis.. [Abstr. iu Biol. Centralbl. viii, pp. 178 & 179, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 597 6 750.] . (2) Ueber einige Rhizopoden aus dem Genueser Hafen. (12 pp., 1 pi.). Mohr, Freiburg: 1888, 8vo. [Abstr. in Ber. Freiburg Ges. iv, pp. 34 & 44 ; also iu J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 757.] . (3) Enumerazione dei Protozoi raccolti nel porto di Genova. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) v, pp. 535-553. de Guerne, J. Sur la Dissemination des Organismes d'eau douce par les Palmipedes. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1888, p. 339. Reference to Rhizopoda. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Vrot. 5 Gulliver, G. Note on the Minute Structure of Pelomyxa, palustris. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 11 & 12. Harvey, F. L. Contribution to the Fresh-water Rhizopods. Am. Nat. xxii, Jan., pp. 71-74. Haeckel, E. Die Radiolarien. Eine Monographie. 3 und 4 Theil. Die Acantharia und Phceodaria. Berlin (G. Reimer) : 1888, with 12 and 30 pis. respectively of ‘ Challenger ’ Radiolaria. He ape, W. Preliminary Report upon the Fauna and Flora of Plymouth Sound. J. Marine Biol. Ass. No. ii (Aug., 1888), Protozoa, pp. 163 & 164. Henneguy, F. (1) Contribution & l’etude des Sarcosporidies. Note sur un parasite des muscles du Palcemon rectirostris. M6m. Soc. Philom. (Paris) pp. 163-171, figs. . (2) Influence de la Lumiere sur la Phosphorescence des Nocti- luques. C.R. Soc. Biol, v (1888), p. 707. Howchin, [Rev.] W. Additions to the Knowledge of the Carboniferous Foraminifera. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 533, 2 pis. (viii & ix). Imhof, 0. E. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser-fauna der Vogesen. Zool. Anz. No. 290 (1888), p. 565. cKellicott, D. S. The nature of Protozoa , and the lessons of these simplest animals, with an account of what has been done in America to elucidate the group. Am. Micr. J. ix, pp. 159-172. Kilian, W. Description g^ologique de la Montagne du Lure. (Occa- sional lists of Foraminifera.) Ann. Sci. Gdol. xx, Nos. 1 & 2. Krause, Arth. Ueber das Vorkommen von Foraminiferen in einein Jurageschiebe. SB. nat. Fr. No. 3, pp. 38 & 39. Kunstler, J. (1) Foraminifere nouveau. C.R. cvi, No. 11, pp. 769- 771. [Transl. in Ann. N. II. (6) i, No. 4, pp. 311-313 ; abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, pp. 437 & 438.] . (2) Diploeystis schneiderii. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, i, p. 68. See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot. 80.] . (3) Les £l£ments v<$sioulaires du protoplasme chez les Protozoaires. C.R. xxiv, pp. 1684-1686. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 748.] . (4) Sur nne methode de preparation des filaments tegumentaires des Flagelles. C.R. cvii, No. 2, pp. 138 & 139. Lemoine, — . Les etres infiniment petits et infiniment anciens. Ac. Nat. de Rheims. Rev. Sci. (3) xli, No. 1, p. 13. Leydig, F. Parasiten im Blute der Krebse. Zool. Anz. 11 Jahrg., No. 288, p. 516. Lindner, O. Ueber eine neue Gattung von Infusorien. [Abstr. in CB. Bakt. Parasit, 1 Jahrg., i, p. 204 ; and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1887.] Maggi, L. (1) Protistologia Medica. Classe : Lobosa. Boll, scient. x, p. 30. 1888. [vol. xxv.] v 7 6 Prot. PROTOZOA. [Maggi, L.] (2) Intorno ai Protozoi viventi sui Muschi delle pi ante. Rend. 1st. Lombardo, xxi, yi, pp. 300-311 (1 cold, pi.) ; also Arch. Ital. Biol, x, pp. 184-189. Malagoli, M. (1) II Calcare di Bismantova e i suoi fossili microscopici. Atti (Rend. Mem.) Soc. Mod. Mem. vii, pp. 110-118, 3 pis. . (2) Descrizione di alcuni Foraminiferi nuovi del Tortoniano di Montegibio. Op. cit. 1888, pp. 1-6, 2 pis. Mariani, E. (1) Foraminiferi delle Marne Plioceniche di Savona. Atti Soc. Ital. xxxi, pp. 91-128, 1 pi. . (2) Foraminiferi della Collina di S. Colombano Lodigiano. Rend. 1st. Lombardo, xxi, p. 496. Maskell, W. M. Fresh-water Infusoria of Wellington District, N Z. Ann. N. H. ii (1888), pp. 275 & 276. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888,. p. 972.] Maupas, E. (1) Sur la conjugaison des Vorticellides. O.R. cvi, pp. 1607-1610. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 752.] . (2) Recherches exp6rimentales sur la multiplication des Infusoires Cilies. Arch. Z. exper. vi, pp. 165-277, 4 pis. . (3) Abstract of his paper on the Conjugation of Paramoecium. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 65. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot. 90.] . (4) Abstract of his paper on the Conjugation of Infusoria , in the J. R. Micr. Soc. Am. Nat. xxii, pp. 255 & 256. -Meissner, M. Beitrage zur Ernahrungs-physiologie der Protozoen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 498-516 ; sep., Berlin : 1888, 8vo, 31 pp. [Abstr. in Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 548 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 749; Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 79.] MOijius, K. (1) Bruchstucke einer Infusorienfauna der Kieler Bucht. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, pp. 81-116, 4 pis. . . (2) Abstract of his paper on “ Direct division of nucleus in Euplotes harpa .” J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 436. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot. 93.] . (3). Review of his paper on “ Das Flaschentierchen, Follicula ampulla f by Zaciiarias. Biol. Centralbl. vii (1888) p. 721. [Also see J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 598.] Neijmayr, M. Abstract of his paper on the Relationships of Foramini - fera. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 66. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot.'] Netting, C. C. Description of a supposed new species of Acinetan ( Podophrya compressa). Am. Nat. xxii, Jan., pp. 13-17, 1 pi. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, iii, p. 438.] °Pantanelli, D, (1) Radiolarie dei diaspri. Atti (Mem.) Soc. Tosc. vi, pp. 11 & 12. . (2) Radiolarie mioceniche dell’ Apeuniuo. Atti Soc. Mod. Mem. iii, p. 125. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot . 7 Parona, C. Abstract of bis paper, “ Protisti parassiti nolla Ciona intesti- nalis , L., del porto di Genova.” CB. Bakt. Parasit, 1 Jahrg., i, p. 155. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot.'] Pearcey, F. G. Notes on the Foraminifera of the Faroe Channel and Wyville Thomson Ridge, with description of a new species oiHyper- amniina. Tr. N. II. Soc. Glasg. 1888, 1 pi. #Penard, E. Recherches sur le Gcratium macroceros, avec observations sur le Ceratiuni cornutum. Geneva (Privat) : 1888, 4to. Perroncito, [Prof.] E. (1) Ueber die Art der Yerbreitung des Cerco- monas intestinalis. CB. Bakt. Parasit. iv (1888), p. 220. . (2) Note sur l’enkystement du Megastome intestinal. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xiii (1), pp. 16-18. [Also Arch. Ital. Biol, ix (2), pp. 165-167 ; abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc, 1888, p. 439.] Pfeiffer, L. Abstract of his paper, “ Ein neuer Parasit des Pocken- processes aus der Gruppe der Sporozoen.” CB. Bakt. Parasit. 1 Jahrg., 2 Bd., pp. 126 & 127. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot. 101b.] Plate, L. Studien ueber Protozoen. Zool. Jahrb. abth. f. anat. u. ontog. 3 Bd., 1888, pp. 135-200, 3 pis. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. 1888, p. 431.] I. Die Gattung Acinctoides , n. g. Intermediar-Form zwischen den ciliaten Infusorien and den Acineten, pp. 135-143. II. Asellicola digitata , die “gefingerte Acinete” Stein’s, pp. 143-155. hi. Zwei neue Lagenophrys- Arten, pp. 155-167. iv. Epistylis simulans, n. sp., pp. 167-171. v. Heliochona sessilis , eine neue Vorticelline, p. 172. VI. Aegyria oliva , Cl. et Lach. VII. Bemerkuugen uber Noctiluca miliaris und das durch sie hervor- gerufen Meerleuchteu, pp. 174-180. vin. Die Copulation und die Conjugation von Paramecium putrinum , 4>p. 180-188. IX. Schlussbetrachtungen liber das Wesen der Copulation und der Conjugation, pp. 188-198. Pouch Et, G. De la multiplication provoqude et de la Forme des Nocti - luques. C.R. Soc. Biol, v, pp. 575 & 576. Rees, J. van. Denkbeelden over den mogenlijken oorsprong der sexueele voortplanting bij Protozoen. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Yer. (2) D 1, Afl. 3, 4 Versl., pp. ccix & ccx. Riiumbler, L. Die verschiedenen Cystenbildungen und die Entwick- lungsgeschichte der holotricheu Infusoriengattung Colpoda. 7. wiss. Zool. xlvi, pp. 549-601, 1 pi., and 1 woodcut. [See J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 970, and Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 44.] Richard, M. J. On the Pelagic Fauna of some Lakes in Auvergne. Ann. N. H. i (1888), p. 63. Riggi Gius. Protozoi e Protofiti. Dilferenze ed affinila. Nat. Sicil. i, No. 3, pp. 66-71 ; No. 4, pp. 76-82. 8 Prot. PROTOZOA. °Rust, — . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Radiolaricn aus Gesteinen der Kreide. Palaeontogr. xxxiv, pp. 181-214, 8 pis.; also sep., Stuttgart (Schweizerbart) : 1888, 4to. Ryder, J. A. On the resemblance of the primitive Foramini/era and of ovarian ova. P. Ac. Philad. 1888, p. 73. ^Rzeiiak, A. Die Foraminifereu des kieseligen Kalkes von Nieder- Hollabrunn, und des Melettmergels der Umgebung von Bruderuholf in Niederosterreich. Anu. Hofmuseum Wien, iii, pp. 257-270 ; also sep., Wien (A. Holder) : 1888, 8vo. Sacchi, M. Intorno ai Protisti dei Muschi ed ai loro Incistamento. Boll, scient. x, pp. 35-56. [Transl. in J. Microgr. xii, Nos. 11, 12, & 13.] Soil E w I akofp, W. Abstract of his paper on Karyokinesis in Euglg/dm ulveoluta. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, i, pp. 66-68. [See Zool. Rcc. xxiv, Prot. 110; also German abstract in Biol. Centralbl. viii, No. 9, p. 272.] Schlumberger, Ch. Note sur les Biloculina bulloides , d’Orb., et Bilo- culina ringens, Lamk., avec 1 pi. et figg. Bull. Soc. g£ol. (3) xv, No. 7, pp. 573-584. Schuberg, Aug. Die Protozoen des Wiederkauermagens. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. System, iii, pp. 365-418, 2 pis. [See Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 47, and J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 975-977.] Seguenza, G. Della Lingulopsis carlofor tennis. Nat. Sicil. iii, No. 4, pp. 135-137. Siierborn, Ch. Davies. (1) An “Instructive” Bibliography of the Foramini/era. Nature, xxxvii, No. 964, pp. 583 & 584. Founded on A. Woodward’s “ Bibliography of Foram.,” in 14 “Anu. Rep. Geogr. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minnesota,” in J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. 0 . (2) A Bibliography of the Foramini/era , Recent and Fossil, from 1565 to 1888, with notes explanatory of some of the rare and little- known publications. London : 1888, 8vo, vii & 152 pp. *Steinmann, G. Element© der Paliiontologie. Part i. Evertebrata ( Protozoa , Gastropoda ). Leipzig (Engelmann) : 1888, 8vo. Stokes, A. C. (1) Notices of New Infusoria Fagellata from American Fresh Waters. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 698-704, 1 pi. * . (2) A Preliminary Contribution towards a History of the Fr3sh- water In/usoria of the United States. J. Trenton Soc. No. 3, pp. 71-319, 13 pis. . (3) A generic Synopsis of the Sedentary Fresh-water Peritricha. Am. Micr. J. ix, Apr., pp. 59-64, 1 pi. . (4) Abstract of his Notices of new Fresh-water Infusoria. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pp. 65 & 66. [See Zool. Rec. xxiv, Prot.] V S'L’OLC, Antonin. Bicosonca vaciilans , n. sp. Ze studii o nxikroskopike fauue vod prazskych. SB. bohm. Ges. 1887, pp. 576-589, 1 pi. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, SYSTEMATIC. Prot. 9 Valltcntin, R. Psorospermium lucernarice. Zool. Anz. xi(1888), p. 622. Verworn, M. Biologische Protisten-Studieu. Z, wiss. Zool. xlvi, pt. 4, pp. 455-470, 1 pi., 3 woodcuts. [Absfcr. in Biol. Centrabl. viii, No. 17, p. 518 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 755 ; Ann. Micrograph, i, p. 80.] Walker, J, Die geographische Yerbreitung der Foraminiferen auf der Secca di Benda Palumna im Golfe von Neapel. MT. z. Stat. Neap, viii, pt. 2, pp. 377-384, 2 pis. WiERZEJSKT, A. Kleiner Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Psorospermium hcctlcelii. Zool. Anz. 11 Jahrg., No. 278, p. 230. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 598.] Wisniowski, Th. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Microfauna aus den ober- jurassischen Feuersteinknollen der Umgegend von Krakau. JB. geol. Reichsanst. xxxviii, p. 657, pis. xii & xiii. Radiolariay p. 680 ; Foraminiferay p. 692. Wyssotzkij, A. W. Mastigophora i Bhizopoda naidenny v Weissovom i Ryepnom ozerach. (. Mastigophora and Bhizopoda found in lakes Weissowo and Repnoi'e). Trudui St. Petersburg Nat. xxi, 1887, pp. 119-140, 2 pis. *Xavken, Y. Zakonye naslyedstvennoste v preinyenenie k. odnok- lyetnyem organezam. (Laws of heredity applied to unicellular organisms.) Zapiski Novoross. Obsch. Estestv. xii, pt. 1, pp. 237-258, 1 pi. Zacharias, O. (1) Uber Psorospermium hcecJcelii. Zool. Anz. 1 1 Jahrg., No. 270, p. 49. [Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) i (March), p. 233 ; abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1888, pt. ii, p. 240.] . (2) Ueber Pseudopodia und Geisseln. Biol. Centraibl. viii, No. 18, p. 548. II. — SYSTEMATIC, * ^ General. --\l Riggi, Rellicott, Kunstler, Lemoine, Maggi (2), Meissner, Greef, Gruber. Protozoa of Plymouth Sound ; Heape. Freshwater fauna of the Yosges ; Imhof. Pelagic fauna of the Auvergne lakes ; Richard. Protozoa iu the stomach of Ruminants ; Schuberg. Parasitic Protozoa ; Grassi. Protozoa of Corsica ; Gourret & Rceser (J). Protozoa of the Azores ; Barrois. Freshwater Protozoa ; Cattaneo (2). Au appendix to his paper, “ Sui Protisti del Lago di Como ” ; Boll. Sci. 1882 ; no n. spp. New Zealand fresh- water Infusoria ; Maskell. Yarious papers on Infusoria ; Madras. 10 Prut. PROTOZOA. Infusoria of Kiel Bay ; MObius. Fresh-water Infusoria ; Stokes (2). Entz gives an historico-critical review, of nearly 250 pp., on “ Pro- tista f Hungatian and German. Sacchi describes numerous species of Protista. Some are queried, but no new names are suggested. A. — GYMNOMYXA. General. Carter. Gruber (2). Mastipophora gymnomyxa ; Wyssotzkij. Fresh- water Rhizopoda ; Harvey. Many Protista described; Sacchi. Class 1. — PROTEOMYXA. Proteomyxa pallida , n. sp., Gruber (2). Lieberkiihnia biitschlii , n. sp., id. Ilaplococcus reticulatus) Zopf., proves to be nothing but Lycopodium spores; Biol. Centralbl. viii, p. 147. Class 3.— LOBOSA. Maggi (1). Amoeba rnonociliata , n. sp., Gourret & Rceser, p. 201, pi. xv, figs. 11 & 12. Amoeba anthyllion , n. sp., Maggi, p. 308, fig. 1. A moeba velifera, n. sp., id. p. 308, fig. 2. Hyalodiscus hyalinus , n. sp., id. p. 309, fig. 3. Arcella aureola , n. sp., id. p. 310, figs. 4 & 5. Euglypha zonata , n. sp., id. p. 310, fig. 7. Euglypha alveolata ; Blociimann. Endobiella bambekii , n. sp., de Bruyne. Class 6. — RETICULAR! A. General. Carboniferous Foraminifera ; Howciiin. Foraminifera from the Abrolhos Bank ; Brady (1). Foraminifera of the Basses- Alpes ; Deecke. Modenese Foraminifera ; Malagoli (2). Foraminifera of Savona ; Marian i. Faroe Foraminifera ; Pearcey. Austrian Foraminifera ; Rzeiiak. Recent and fossil Foraminifera ; Sherborn (Bibliography). Foraminifera of Carniola ; Deecke. Many doubtful species of Foraminifera described and figured in Wisniowski. GYMNOMYXA. Prof, n (a) Imperforata. Order Gromidea. Gromia brunnerii ; Blanc. Parkeria ; Carter (2). Order Miliolidea. Orbitolites mantelli ; Carter. Biloculina bulloides and B. ringens ; Sciilumberger. Order Lituolidea. Lituola rotunda , Tibalt, “ D ” Limestone, Howchin, p. 536, pi. viii, figs. 5 & 6. Webbina fimbriaia , Tibalt, “ D ” Limestone, id. p. 538, pi. viii, figs. 8 & 9. Endothyra conspicua , Tibalt, “ D ” Limestone, id. p. 540, pi. ix, fig. 12. Endothyra circuniplicata , Tibalt and Cowburn, id. p. 541, pi. viii, figs. 10 & 11. Btachna moriformis , Limestone, id. p. 543, pi. ix, figs. 19 & 20. The above forms, either new to science or hitherto unobserved in Palaeozoic rocks, were found in the north of England. The author has other Foraminiferous specimens, whose systematic position he has not yet definitely decided. ( b ) Perforata. Order Lagenidea. Patellina bradyana , Tibalt, “ D ” Limestone, Howchin, p. 544, pi. ix. Silurian Lagence ; Brady (4). Order Nummulinidea. Eozoon canadense ; Dawson. Miscellaneous. Frondicularia zinola, n. sp., Mariani, p. 113, pi. i, fig. 4. Marginulina dentalmiformis and M. marginata, u. spp., id. p. 113, pi. i, figs. 5 & 6. Uvigerina uncinata , n. sp., id. p. 119, pi. i, fig. 7. StoliczJciella theobaldi, n. g. & sp., from the Karacovam Range, Carter, (1) p. 172, pi. xiii, figs. 1-4. Millarella cantabrigiensis , n. g. & sp., Cambridge Greensand, id. p. 178, pi. xiii, figs. 6-8. These two genera are allied to Loftusia* Ehrenbergina bicornis , n. sp., Brady (2), Sphairodina ornata , n. sp., id. 12 Prot. PRO'TOZOA. Class 7.— RADIOLARIA. Dreyer establishes the new family Spiiasropylida (p. 87), with two sub-families ; — 1st subfam. Monostomida, with n. gg. Sphceropyle and Prunopyle. The n. spp. are : — S. hceckelii , p. 88, fig. 53. S. langii , p. 89, fig. 54. S. weissenborner , p. 90, fig. 55. 8. heteropora , p. 91, fig. 52. S. kukenthalii , p. 92, fig. 27. S. mespilus , p. 92, fig. 39. S. ovulum, p. 93, fig. 40. S. walteri , p. 93, fig. 28. P. pyr i/or mis, p. 94, fig. 19. P. haackii, p. 95, fig. 26. P. waltheri, p. 96, fig. 36. P. burbachii, p. 96, fig. 34, P. petrosa, p.97, fig. 38. P. craticulata , p. 98, fig. 35. P. semoni, p. 98, fig. 37. P. 8olicla, p. 99, fig. 29. P. monocystis, p. 99, fig. 23. P. antarctica , p. 100, fig. 75. 2nd subfam. Amphistomida, with n. g. StomatospJuera. The n. spp. are: — S. dinoceras, p. 102, fig. 76, and S. amphistoma , p. 102, fig. 30. Placopyle stomatophora , n. g. & sp., Dreyer, p. 104, fig. 10. For this animal he establishes a new subfamily, Phacopylidas. Ommatodiscus murrayi , and O. amphiacanthus, O. variabilis , O. bathy - bius, O. spiralis, O. ellipticus , 0. irregularis ; Dreyer, pp. 107-112, figs. 56-62. Stomatodiscus spiralis , n. sp., id. Spongopyle, n. g., with n. spp. S. circulans, S. oscidosa, S. setosa , S. ovata, S. elliptica , S. variabilis , S. stohrii, S. aspera\ Dreyer, pp. 118-123, figs. 64, &c. For this n. g. he establishes the new subfam. Spongopylida. Larcopyle biitschlii, n. g. & sp., id. p. 124, fig. 20. For this genus he establishes the new fam. Larcopyltda. Coronosphcera amphistoma , n. sp., id. p. 128, fig. 86. Haliomina darwinii, n. sp., id. Ellipsoxiphus solidus, n. sp., id. p. 129, fig. 20. Xiphatractus stahlii and X. umbilicatus, n. spp., id. p. 129. Spongotrochu8 antarcticus , n. sp., id. p. 131. Archicorys porostoma , n. sp., id. p. 132, fig. 77. Pantanelli. Radiolaria (Miocene, &c.). Fossil Radiolaria j Rust. ELeckel, in pts. 3 and 4 of his monograph, treats of the Acaniharia GYMNOMYXA, CORTICATA. Prot . 13 and Phceodaria of the ‘ Challenger * expedition. There are twelve and thirty plates respectively. Cenosphcera megapora , n. sp., Wisniowski, p. 683, pi. xiii, fig. 47. Cenellipsis subsphcnrica , n. sp., icl. p. 685, pi. xiii, fig. 51. Podobursa dunikowskii , n. g. & sp., id. p. 686, pi. xiii, fig. 54. Cyrtocalpis etruscorum , n. sp., id. p. 688, pi. xiii, fig. 56. Archicapsa riisti , n. sp., id. p. 688, pi. xiii, fig. 57. Podocapsa trigonia , n. sp., id. p. 688, pi. xiii, fig. 58. Tricolocapsa deform is , n. sp., id. p. 689, pi. xiii, fig. 59. B.— CORTICATA. Class 1.— SPOROZOA. A Sarcosporid from the muscle of Palcemon redirostris ; Leydig ; Henneguy (1). New Sporozoon ; Pfeiffer. (a) Gregarinidea. A gregarine from Perichcda ; Beddard (1). (b) CoCClDEA. A Coccidium infesting Pericliceta ; Beddard (2). llacmatozoaria\ Blanchard (2). Psorospermium lucernarice ; VaLlentin, R. P. hcccJcelii ; Wierzejski ; Zaciiarias. Class 2.— FLAGELLATA. American fresh-water Flagellata ; Stokes (1). (a) Lissoflagellata. Monas dunali ; Blanchard (3). Monadininm balbiatii , n. g. & sp., Fabre-Domergue, p. 35, figs. 43-50. Paramonas ovalis, u. sp., Gourret & Rceser, p. 198, pi. xv, figs. 8& 9. Dinomonas mediocanella and D. acuta , n. spp., id. p. 199, pi. xv. Mastigamceba fiexuosa , n. sp., Stokes, (1) p. 698, fig. 1. Petalomonas orbicularis , n. sp., id. p. 702, fig. 21. Sterromonas parvula, n. sp., id. p. 704, fig. 26. Endobella bambelcii , n. sp., DE Bruyne (1). Cercomonas truncata , C. heteropilum, 0. lapsa, C. undulansf 0. muta- bilis , n. spp., Stokes, (1) p. 699, figs. 10-12. Cercomonas intestinalis ; Perroncito. Hymenomonas fiava and H. fusiformis , n. spp., id. p. 703, figs. 23 & 24. Urceolus ovatus , n. sp., MObius, (1) p. 107, pi. ix, figs. 1-3. Heteromita granulifera , II. tremula} H. stagnalis) H. sphagni , II. nasuta, H. parvifilvm, n. spp. (America), Stokes, (1) p. 700, figs. 14-19. 14 Prot. PROTOZOA. Euglena ; Frankhauser : also Garcia, who believes Euglena to’te a vegetable — an Alga, fam. Siphonea , tribe Sciadiece. Tetramitus frondarius and T. truncata , n. spp., Stokes, (1) p. 701, figs. 20 & 21. Megastomum entericum , Grassi & Schewiakoff. Megastomim intestinale ; Perroncio. Atractonema pusilla, n. sp., Stokes, (1) p. 702, fig. 22. Diplomcistix dahlii , n. sp., MObius, (1) p. 109, pi. x, figs. 30 a-d. Hymenonema sphagni , n. g. & sp., Stokes, (1) p. 703. Zygoselmis obovata, n. sp., id. p. 703, fig. 23. Anisonema obliqua , u. sp., id. p. 704, fig. 27. Anisonema multicostatum , n. sp., MObius, (1) p. 108, pi. ix, figs. 4-8. Bicosaica vacillans , n. sp., Stolc. Lambia intestinalis , n. n., for Megastoma intestinale ; Blanchard (1). Grassi accepts Fische’s establishment of Grassia ranarum , in place of his Monere. He maintains his genus Parameciokles against Biitschli. See Dangeard on the Cryptomonidce. He considers Kunstler’s work inaccurate. (b) Choano-flagellata. Salpingoeca procera, n. sp., Mobius, (1) p. 105, pi. x. MonoAga sinuosa , n. sp., id. p. 106, pi. x. Trichonema gracile , n. sp. (Cilio-flagellate), id. p. 105, pi. x. Class 3. — DINOFLAGELLATA. Polikrikos and its species ; Bovier-Lapierre. Systematic review of Dinojiagellata of the Gulf of Naples j Daday (2). Ceratium macroceros and C. cornutum ; Penard. Class 4. — R YNCOFL AG E LL AT A. Noctiluca ; Henneguy (2), Pouchet. Eoctiluca miliaria ; Plate (7). Class 5. — CILIATA. Fabre-Domergue. Order Peritricha. Clypoleum , n. g., not closely allied to any known form ; Gouriiet & Rceser, (1) p. 169, pi. xiii, figs. 8-11. Leiotricha serpulariuniy n. g. & sp., Fabre-Domergue, (1) p. 240 ; id.} (4)p. 247, figs.' 9-18. Anhymenia , n. g., id. (1), id.t (4) p. 249. Cyclocyrrha ophyothricis , n. g. & sp. , id., (1) p. 240, id., (4) p. 252, figs; 27-29. CORTICATA. rroL 15 Trichodina bidentata , n. ap., id ., (1) p. 240, id ., (4) p. 253, fig; 30. Lagenophrys asselli and A. aperta , n. spp., Plate, (3) p. 155, pi. iii. Schyphidia scorpence, n. sp., Fabre-Domergue, (4) p. 258, fig. 41. Epistylis simulans , n. sp., Plate, (4) p. 1G7, pi. iv, figs. 41-45. Heniispeira asteriasi , n. g. & sp , Fabre-Domergue, (4) p. 255, figs. 31-33. Rhabdostyla arenicolce , n. sp., id., p. 257, figs, 34-40. Heliochona sessilis, n. sp., Plate, (5) p. 172, pi. iv, figs. 49-51. Vorticella ; Bolivar. Urceolaria ; Fabre-Domergue (1). Especially the genus Trichodina. Vorticellidcc ; Maupas (1). Rhabdostyla commensalis, n. sp., MObius, (l) p. 94, pi. vii. Sedentary Peritricha ; Stokes (3). Order Hypotricha. Chilodon auricula , n. sp., Corsica, Gourret & Rceser, p. 172, pi. xiv, figs. 4 & 5. Kerona ciliata , n. sp., Corsica, id. p. 178, pi. xiv, figs. 1-12. Holosticha coronata , n. sp., Corsica, id. p. 182, pi. xv, fig. 1. Amphisiella , n. g., allied to Amphisia ; id. p. 180, pi. xiv, fig. 9. Stytomethes fusiformis, n. sp., Corsica, id. p. 190, pi. xiv, fig 13. Psilotrix ovalis , n. g. & sp., Corsica, id. p. 192, pi. xv, fig. 2. Euplotes harpa ; Mobius (2). Stichotricha gracilis , S. saginata, S. horrida, n. spp., id., (1) p. 87, pi. vi, figs. 4- 6. JEgyra semilunaris , AE. cristata , and JE. compressa, n. spp., Corsica, Gourret & Rceser, p. 174, pi. xiii. AEgyra oliva ; Plate (6). Order Heterotricha. Folliculina abyssorum , F. limnoria , F. paranthura, F. violacea, n. spp., Giard, pi. xx. Pebrilla paguri, n. sp., id. pi. xx. Nyctoiherus hcematobius, n. sp., found in gill of Apus cancriformis ; Entz. Tintinnidium neapolitanum , n. sp., Daday, p. 524, pi. xix, fig. 32. Tintinnus fraknoii , T. angustatus , n. spp., id. pp. 528 & 531, pi. xviii, figs. 1 & 15. Ampliorella , n. g., with n. spp. striata, punctato striata, tuberculata, and norwegica, id. pp. 533-544, pi. xviii. Tintinnopsis vosmceri, T. davidoffi,, T. lobiancoi , T. cervicauda, T. chyzcri, T. infundibulum , T. lindeni , T. angulata , with several varieties ; id. pp. 549-561, pis. xix & xx. Undella, n. g., with n. spp. hyalina , dohrnii , and lachmanni ; id. pp. 564-568, pi. xviii. Codonella bornandi, n. sp., id. p. 569, pi. xix, fig. 22. 16 Prot . PROTOZOA. Cyttarocyclis brevicollis , C. laticolis , C. acuminata , C. treforti, and ng. 9 Coracopitta, Sclater , Ayes 64 Cordilites, Pocta , Coel. 29 Cordylochelo, Sam, Arachn. 25 Coronura, Hall & Clarke , Arachn. 26 Corticella, Sollas , Spong. 9 OoruSj Pascoe, Ins. 159 Corycephalus, Hall <& Clarke , Arachn. 26 Corynoporella, Hincks , Pol. 8 Cosmoconus, Foerster , Ins. 196 Cosmozoma, Karsch , Ins. 820 Craniella, (Ehlert, Brach. 5 Cremnodes, Foerster , Ins. 194 Crenilepis, Dames , Pisces 12 Cribraster, Perrier , Ech. 13 Criniscansor, Poppe , Arachn. 23 Crossobaraon, Bcettger, Rept. 7 Crypsicerus, Saussure , Ins. 326 Cryptotrogus, Kraatz , Ins. 116 Crypsiphoua, Meyrick , Ins. 255 Crystallopsis, Ancey , MolL 60 Otenacme, Foerster , Ins. 195 Ctenocalanus, Qiesbrecht , Crust. 22 Ctenochares, Foerster , Ins. 195 Ctenochira, Foerster , Ins. 194 Ctenoneurus, Bergroth , Ins. 301 Culcula, Moore, Ins. 257 Cumnoria, Seeley , Rept. 17 Ourupira, Distant , Ins. 298 Cyandra, Schatz , Ins. 214 Cyclocaris, Stebbing , Crust. 19 Cy cloeyrrha, Fabre-Domergue, Prot. 14 Cyclophiops, Boulenger, Rept. 13 Cylindrodesmus, PococJc, Myr. 5 Cymatophlebia, Deichmuller , Ins. 80 Cymbouectes, Hacelcel , Coel. 22 Cymbuliopsis, Pelseneer , Moll. 57 Cyrioctea, Simon , Arachn. 8 Cyrtophyllites, Oppenheim , Ins. 80 Cystalia, Haeckel , Coel. 25 Dabasa, Moore , Ins. 207 Daedalopelta, Sollas , Spong. 10 Daetora, Foerster , Ins. 194 Dahira, Moore, Ins. 229 Dai'ctes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Dapauera, Karsch, Ins. 319 Dapanus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Daria, Ragonot , Ins. 265 Darisa, Moore , Ins. 253 Dasarathra, Moore , Ins. 237 Daspletis, Foerster , Ins, 196 Dasyglenes, Ips. §00 Dasypyga, Ragonot, Ins. 265 Dasytricha, Schuberg, prot. 16 Docnpogon, Eigenmann, Pisces 24 1 1 Dedana, Fairmaire , Ins. 132 Deinodrilus, Beddard , Verm. 18 Delagia, Joyeuse-Laffuie , Pol. 8 Deleter, Foerster , Ins. 194 Deloglyptus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Delolytus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Delomerista, Foerster, Ins. 194 Dembea, Ragonot , Ins. 270 Demopheles, Foerster , Ins. 195 Dendragama, Doria , Rept. 8 Deomys, Thomas , Mamm. 40 Derostroplms, Fairmaire , Ins. 137 Desmalia, Haeckel, Coel. 23 Desraotylus, Marsh , Mamm. 54 Deutocaulou, Marshall & Fowler , Coel. 34 Diaborus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Diacritus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Diadegma, Foerster , Ins. 194 Diaglypta, Foerster , Ins. 195 Dialges, Foerster, Ins. 196 Dialipsis, Foerster, Ins. 194 Dianeura, Butler, Ins. 231 Diaparsis, Foerster, Ins. 193 Diaphoropus, Bate, Crust. 15 Diaschizaspis, Foerster, Ins. 195 Diatora, Foerster, Ins. 195 Diazeuxia, Jullien, Pol. 10 Dibolona, Brunner, Ins. 323 Diblastomorpha, Foerster , Ins. 194 Dicentrodus, Traquair, Pisces 9 Diceratops, Foerster, Ins. 194 Dichistius, (&7/, Pisces 15 Dichogaster, Beddard , Term. 18 Dichrozona, Ridgway, Aves 67 Dicolus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Dicranostomus, Dohrn, Ins. 319 Dicrocynodon, Osborn , Mamm. 63 Dictyocladium, Allman, Coel. 20 Dicymba, Haeckel, Ccel. 24 Diedrus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Diestrammena, Brunner, Ins. 322 Dilophochila, Bates , Ins. 118 Dimophora, Foerster, Ins. 194 Dindica, Moore , Ins. 253 Dinotomus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Dioctes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Diopcenus, Champion, Ins. 140 Dioratica, Foerster , Ins, 194 Dioxippe, De Man, Crust, 13 Dipba.sqon, Plate , Arachn. 25 Diphyopsis, Haeckel, Coql. 23 Dipl^sterias, Perrier, Ech, 16 Djplocardia, Gqrnsan, Verm, 18 Diplodnutia, Ashmeqd , Ins, 108 6 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Diploecium, Kirkpatrick, Pol. 8 Diplocyathus, Allman , Coel. 20 Diplogyniura, Berlese, Arachn. 20 Dipnoites, Fritsch , Pisces 1 1 Dirophanes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Discalia, Haeckel , Ccel. 21 Disconalia, Haeckel, Ccel. 21 Disjectopora, Wentzel, Coel. 21 Disyringa, Sollas, Spong. 8 Dithalama, Meyrick, Ins. 255 Ditrigona, Moore, Ins. 256 Diviana, Ragonot, Ins. 267 Dizemon, Foerster, Ins. 195 Dolichorrhinia, Ragonot, Ins. 268 Dolioctonus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Dolophron, Foerster , Ins. 194 Dondersia, Hubrecht, Moll. 77 Doramasia, Chun, Coel. 24 Dorodotes, Bate , Crust. 15 Dorypleures, Sollas, Spong. 7 Doyeria, Plate , Arachn. 25 Dragmastra, Sollas, Spong. 8 Dryapoides, Stebbing, Crust. 19 Duopalatinus, Eigenmann, Pisces 23 Dynamius, Hasselt, Arachn. 8 Dysautes, Foerster, Ins. 196 Dyscapna, Brunner , Ins. 322 Dyspetes, Foerster, Ins. 196 Dyspbylia, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Ecclinops, Foerster, Ins. 196 Eccresis, Pascoe, Ins. 155 Ecdicius, Distant, Ins. 297 Echinodes, Jacques, Ins. 153 Echthronomas, Foerster, Ins. 193 Ecpaglus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Ecphora, Foerster, Ins. 194 Ecporthetor, Foerster, Ins. 195 Ectinocephalus, Matthews, Ins. 174 Ectolabrus, Sharp, Ins. 97 Eczetesis, Foerster, Ins. 195 Eicomorpha, Staudinger, Ins. 244 Eioonaxius, Bate, Crust. 14 Elaposcheraa, Mocquard, Rept. 13 Elasmodectes, Smith - Woodward, Pisces 10 Elethyia, Ragonot, Ins. 269 Eleutherocercus, Koken, Mamm. 58 Elissa, Casey, Ins. 144 Elmomorphus, Sharp, Ins. Ill Elyces, Jacoby, Ins. 167 Emmalocera, Ragonot , Ins. 269 Emodesa, Moore, Ins. 256 Emptera, Saussure , Ins. 321 Enantioliparis, Vaillant , Pisces 18 Enchytraeoides, Route, Verm. 18 Encrates, Foerster , Ins. 195 Encyocrypta, Simon , Arachn. 12 Endasys, Foerster, Ins. 195 Endophthora, Meyrick, Ins. 274 Eneremius, Saussure, Ins. 326 Enizemum, Foerster, Ins. 194 Encecetis, Foerster, Ins. 196 Ensimus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Entocolax, Voigt, Moll. 77 Entodina, Ancey , Moll. 60 Entomaster, Gauthier, Ech. 12 Entomothele, Simon, Arachn. 12 Enty chides, Simon, Arachn. 12 Entypoma, Foerster, Ins. 194 Eoatypus, McCook, Arachn. 13 Eomystis, Meyrick, Ins. 276 Epachthes, Foerster, Ins. 196 Epacra, Brunner, Ins. 324 Eparces, Foerster , Ins. 195 Ephestiodes, Ragonot, Ins. 268 Epichilo, Ragonot, Ins. 271 Epiglymmius, Lewis, Ins. 109 Epilectus, Blackburn, Ins. 89 Epiphobus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Epiphthora, Meyrick, Ins. 276 Epipristis, Meyrick, Ins. 253 Episcoposaurus, Smith- Woodward , Kept. 18 Epistathmus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Epitomus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Epiurus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Erechthis, Bolivar, Ins. 320 Eremochila, Foerster, Ins. 194 Eremopeza, Saussure, Ins. 326 Eremotettix, Saussure, Ins. 326 Eremotylus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Eremus, Brunner, Ins. 323 Eresoides, Gourret , Arachn. 13 Eriborus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Eridolius, Foerster, Ins. 195 Eriglsea, Foerster, Ins. 196 Erigorgus, Foerster , Ins. 193 Eriolus, Bolivar, Ins. 320 Eriplanus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Eriplatys, Foerster, Ins. 195 Eripternus, Foerster, Ins. 1 94 Ernoctona , Foerster, Ins. 195 Erxias, Champion, Ins. 140 Eryalus, Pascoe, Ins. 157 Erycon, Rey, Ins. 96 Eryma, Foerster, Ins. 196 Erymnochelys, Baur, Rept. 20 Etazeta, Fairmaire, Ins. 137 Ethelurgus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Euarche, Ehlers, Verm. 20 Eucatopta, Karsch, Ins. 320 Eucharella, Giesbrecht , Crust. 22 Eucharimyia, Bigotx Ins. 286 INDEX T<0 NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 7 Euchasmus, Foerster , Ins. 1 95 Euclasea, Lewis, Ins. 106 Eudasychira, Moscliler , Ins. 236 Eudelus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Euderon, Pulon , Ins. 302 Eudoxella, HaecJcel, Coel. 22 Eudragana, Butler , Ins. 250 Eudromia, Henderson , Crust. 13 Euetheola, Bates, Ins. 120 Eugnomus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Eumegaspilus, Ashmead, Ins. 201 Eumouestiferus, Meunier , Ins. 179 Eupetrichthys, Ramsay & Bouglas- Ogilby , Pisces 21 Eupetaurus, Thomas, Mamm. 38 Eurygnathus, Blackburn, Ins. 89 Eurymera, Pfeffer, Crust. 19 Eurystyla, Ancey, Moll. 60 Eurvthmia, Bagonot , Ins. 268 Eusceliotes, Slabbing, Crust. 21 Eusiroides, Stebbing, Crust. 20 Eusterinx, Foerster, Ins. 194 Eustilbus, Sharp, Ins. 107 Eustomias, Vaillant, Pisces 27 Eutseniopsis, Gahan, Ins. 158 Eutomus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Eutrephosa, Gumppenberg , Ins. 259 Euxinastra, Bcettger, Moll. 64 Euzercon, Berlese, Arachn. 20 Euzostria, Gorham , Ins. 170 Exacrodus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Exochocentrus, Simon, Arachn. 6 Exedrium, Smith, Ins. 230 Exeristes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Exochella, Jullien, Pol. 10 Exolytus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Exomytceca, Meyriclc, Ins. 228 Eacalana, Bergli, Moll. 67 Fahrea, Bergroth, Ins. 96 Fascicularia ,\Lacaze-Duthiers, Coel. 33 Faurotis, Jousseaume, Moll. 71 Felderia, Semper, Ins. 214 Fenestruliua, Jullien, Pol. 10 Fenja, Danielssen, Coel. 32 Fenrisia, Bergh, Moll. 67 Forskaliopsis, Haeckel, Coel. 24 Fragaroides, Maurice , Tun. 5 Fufius, Simon, Arachn. 12 Funiculus, Heude, Moll. 64 Gaetanus, Giesbrecht, Crust. 22 Gambrus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Gamraarotettix, Brunner, Ins. 322 Gamoruna, Moore, Ins. 257 Gastrodes, Korotnev , Coel. 17 G astro plakaeis, Moscliler, Ins. 240 Gastroporus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Gausocentrus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Gautheria, Lambert, Ech. 12 Gemophaga, Foerster, Ins. 196 Genarches, Foerster, Ins. 195 Genophantis, Meyriclc, Ins. 269 Genysa, Simon, Arachn. 12 Geodercodes, Casey , Ins. 146 Geraesta, Simon, Arachn. 7 Germarica, Blackburn, Ins. 126 Germo, Jordan, Pisces 17 Geroeooormobius,//oZm6er^,Arachn. 16 Getulia, Bagonot, Ins. 267 Giardella, Canu , Crust. 23 Gibbulastra, Monterosato , Moll. 76 Giraudia, Foerster, Ins. 195 Glapliyrosoma, Brunner, Ins. 322 Glenarea, Pocta, Coel. 29 Glenida, Gahan, Ins. 160 Glossa, G our ret & Roser , Prot. 16 Glyphicnemis, Foerster, Ins. 1 95 Gnathochorisis, Foerster , Ins. 1 93 Gnesia, Foerster, Ins. 195 Gnotus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Gnypetomorpha, Foerster , Ins. 194 Gonatoxia, Karsch , Ins. 320 Gonioclema, Slcuse , Ins. 280 Gouiorrhina, Quedenfeldt , Ins. 117 Gonixodes, Duges, Arachn. 22 Gonolochus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Gonophonus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Gonotypus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Goya, Bagonot, Ins. 269 Grammhydraena, Kuwert, Ins. 96 Gryllacropsis, Brunner, Ins. 322 Gryllopagurus, Zietz, Crust. 16 Grynex, Pascoe , Ins. 159 Gshelia, Stuclcenberg, Coel. 29 Guettaria, Gauthier, Ech. 12 Gunopaches, Foerster , Ins. 194 Gymnolycodes, Vaillant, Pisces 18 Gymnomma, Wulp, Ins. 291 Gyrohypsoma, Staudinger, Ins. 247 Habromma, Foerster, Ins. 195 Habromyia, Williston , Ins. 289 Habronyx, Foerster, Ins. 193 Hadrenya, Bey, Ins. 96 Hadrodactylus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Hsematochiton, Gorham, Ins. 172 Haenhydra, Bey, Ins. 96 Haldmanella, Saussure, Ins. 326 Halirhotius, Jacoby, Ins. 167 Halisiphonia, Allman, Coel. 19 8 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Halometra, Oppenheim , Ins. 80 Halopyramis, Chun , Ccel. 22‘ Hanoia, Fairmaire , Ins. 170 Haplochromis, Hilgendorf ‘ Pisces 21 Haplodiscus, Weldon, Yerm. 26 Haplogale, Schlosser, Mamm. 33 Haplothrix, Gahan, Ins. 158 Haplotropis, Saussure, Ins. 326 Harmandia, Rochebrune , Moll. 79 Harpalodema, Reitter, Ins. 91 Harpinoides, Stebbing, Crust. 19 Hassar, Figenmann , Pisces 24 Hastina, Moore , Ins. 256 Hausmannia, Hall & Clarke , Arachn. 26 Haustorius, Stebbing, Crust. 21 Hebella, Allman , Ccel. 19 Hecataeus, Jacoby, Ins. 167 Hectarthropus, Bate , Crust. 16 Hedylus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Helcostizus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Helicoceras, Weithofer, Mamm. 51 Heliomystis, Meyrick, Ins. 255 Helobata, Bergroth , Ins. 95 Helouotocoris, Lethierry , Ins. 303 Hemiphanes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Hemiptilocera, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Hemisaga, Saussure , Ins. 321 Hemispeira, Fabre- Domergue, Moll. 16 Hemitrichia, Mbllendorff Moll. 58 Hemiura, Ridgway, Aves 62 Henschiella, Horvath, Ins. 302 Hera, Schnabl , Ins. 294 Hersiliodes, Canu , Crust. 23 Hetairus, Bate, Crust. 1 5 Heterastroea, Tomes , Ccel. 27 Heterocola, Foerster , Ins. 193 Heteromallus, Brunner , Ins. 323 Heteropsorus, Trouessart, Arachn.23 Heteropterna, Slcuse , Ins. 281 Heterotypus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Heterozercon, Berlese, Arachn. 20 Hidryta, Foerster , Ins. 195 Himerta, Foerster, Ins. 195 Hindeastraea, Tomes , Ccel. 27 Ilippodactylus, Cope , Mamm. 47 Hi rasa, Moore, Ins. 252 Hodostates, Foerster, Ins. 196 Holcohydraena, Kuwert, Ins. 96 Holmgrenia, Foerster , Ins. 196 Holocremnus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Holocrepis, Foerster, Ins. 195 tlolomeristus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Holostrophus. Horn, Ins. 141 Homalomma, Foerster, Ius. 195 Homaspis, Foerster, Ins. 195 Homaspis, Skuse, Ins. 282 Homely s, Foerster, Ins. 195 Homobia, Foerster , Ins. 196 Homoeographa, Ragonot, Ins. 266 Homotherus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Homotropus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Hoplferia, Staudinger, Ins. 221 Hoplitoblaps, Fairmaire, Ins. 134 Hoplitophrys, Foerster , Ins. 194 Hoplydraena, Kuwert, Ins. 96 Hormogaster, Rosa, Yerm. 18 Hornibius, Fairmaire , Ius. 156 Hornigia, Ragonot , Ins. 268 Horogenes, Foerster, Ins. 193 Hyadesomyia, Bigot, Ins. 293 Hyalospila, Ragonot , Ins. 265 Ilybophanes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Hybristcs, Foerster, Ins. 196 Hydaspia, Ragonot , Ins. 266 Hydrichthys, Fewkes, Coel. 17 Hydrobiomorpha, Blackburn, Ins. 94 Hymenonema, Stokes, Prot. 14 Hypambiys, Foerster, Ins. 196 Hypargyria, Ragonot, Ius. 264 Hyperallus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Ilyperbatus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Hyperbseua, Brunner, Ins. 323 Hypochilus, Marx, Arachn. 7 Hypocophus, Brunner, Ins. 322 Hypocryptus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Hypoctonus, Thorell , Arachn. 14 Hypoleptus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Hypomecus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Hypopyxis, A liman, Coel. 20 Hyposoter, Foerster, Ins. 193 Hypothereutes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Hypsipyla, Ragonot , Ins. 264 Hypsophila, Staudinger , Ins. 247 Icariotis, Pascoe, Ins. 155 Ichnaeops, Foerster , Ins. 195 Ictopus, Bate, Crust. 16 Idechthis, Foerster, Ius. 194 Idemum, Foerster, Ins. 195 Ideoroncus, Balzan, Arachn. 16 Idiogramma, Foerster, Ins. 194 Idiolispa, Foerster , Ins. 195 Idiostolis, Foerster, Ins. 195 Idioxenus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Idricus, Fairmaire, Ins. 135 Ilapinastes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Ilyanthopsis, Hertwig, Coel. 31 Inguromorpha, Edwards , Ins. 241 Inversiula, Jullien, Pol. 10 Ipoctonus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Irregulatopora, Wentzel, Coel. 21 Isadelphus, Foerster, Ins. 195 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 9 Isamiopsis, Moore, Ius. 207 Ischnobatis, Foerster , Ins. 193 Ischnoscopus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Ischnothrix, Bigot , Ins. 284 Ischnurgops, Foerster , Ins. 194 Ischyopteron, Oppenheim , Ins. 80 Ischyracis, Foerster , Ins. 194 Is Iromas, Foerster , Ins. 195 Iselix, Foerster , Ins. 195 Iseropus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Isochresta, Foerster , Ius. 1 95 Isodioeta, Foerster, Ins. 196 Isognathus, Kolbe, Ius. 153 Isonomeutis, Meyrich, Ins. 272 Isops, Sollas, Spong. 9 Isotima, Foerster, Ins. 195 Isselosaurus, Filhol, Kept. 18 Isurgus, Foerster , Ins. 193 Itamoplex, Foerster, Ins. 195 Itamus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Ithagenes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Itoplectis, Foerster, Ins. 194 Janarda, Moore, Ins. 257 Jobannica, Blackburn, Ins. 165 Juvatella, Bittner, Brach. 6 Kaltenbachia, Foerster, Ins. 195 Karenia, Distant, Ins. 305 Katona, Hulst , Ins. 260 Koninckocidaris, Dollo & Buisseret , Ecb. 12 Kyaraodes, T. B. Jones, Crust. 22 Kyphohelophorus, Kuwert , Ins. 95 Kyptocaris, Bate, Crust. 15 Labroctonus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Labrorostratus, St. Joseph, Verm. 21 Labrorychus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Labrossyta, Foerster, Ins. 196 Lacerna, Jullien, Pol. 11 Lachana, Moore, Ins. 236 Laepserus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Lagarotis, Foerster , Ins. 196 Lamachus, Foerster, Ius. 196 Lambia, Blanchard, Prot. 14 Lantanotherium, Filhol, Mamm. 34 Laodamia* Bagonot, Ins. 266 Laphyctes, Foerster, Ins. 193 Laphyroscopus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Larcopyle, Dreyer, Prot. 12 Lassaba, Moore, Ins. 253 Lathicerus, Saussure, Ins. 326 Lathi ponus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Lathrolestes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Lathrophagus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Lathroplex, Foerster, Ins. 194 Lathrostizus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Latreillopsis, Henderson, Crust. 13 Laufeia, Hasselt , Arachn. 8 Laurentia, Bagonot, Ins. 270 Lauricius, Simon, Arachn. 7 Lebrunaster, Perrier, Ech. 13 Lef ua, Ilerzenstein, Pisces 25 Leiometopon, Staudinger, Ins. 246 Leiotricha, Fabre-Domergue , Prot. 14 Leptelmis, Sharp, Ins. Ill Leptocalanus, Giesbrecht , Crust. 22 S, , - Leptoderma, Vaillant , Pisces 28 Leptodemas, Foerster, Ins. 195 Leptopsalis, Trouessart, Arachn. 24 Leptopygus, Foerster, Ins. 193 Leptosaces, Meyrich, Ins. 275 Leptoscirtus, Saussure, Ins. 325 Leptoxena, Baly, Ins. 168 Lestophonus, Williston , Ins. 295 Leuronotus, Gahan, Ins. 157 Liabaris, Horvath, Ins. 300 Lictorella, Allman, Ccel. 19 Lignyostola, Mabille, Ins. 226 Lilaea, Haeckel, Coel. 22 Limnoperna, Rochebrune, Moll. 79 Lindia, Blackburn , Ins. 136 Lingulosmilia, Koby, Coel. 27 Linophysa, Haeckel, Coel. 25 Lionelita, Jousseaume, Moll. 81 Liophalacrus, Shaip, Ins. 107 Liopsis, Foerster, Ins. 194 Li pobranchius, Cunningham, Verm. 20 Lipographis, Ragonot , Ins. 267 Listrota, Foerster, Ins. 196 Lodiana, Bagonot, Ins. 269 Loma, Hulst, Ins. 260 Lophochaeta, Stoic , Verm. 19 Lophophyllus, Fairmaire , Ins. 142 Luciopimelodus, Eigenmann, Pisces 23 Luconia, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Luperocnemus, Fairmaire, Ius. 168 Lybanodes, Gorham, Ins. 171 Lychnagalma, Haeckel, Ccel. 24 Lycoselene, Moschler , Ins. 249 Lycosoides, Gourret, Arachn. 13 Lymeon, Foerster, Ins. 195 Lymira, Ragonot, Ins. 270 Lysianax, Stebbing, Crust. 21 Lysibia, Foerster, Ins. 194 Lysiphragma, Meyrich, Ins. 274 10 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Mabillia, Ragonot , Ins. 264 Machairopus, Thompson, Crust. 23 Macleayia. Blackburn, Ins. 114 Macraster, Roemer , Eoh. 13 Macronadata, Moore , Ins. 238 Macrorrhinia, Ragonot , Ins. 268 Maes, Fairmaire, Ins. 143 Magrettia, Brunner, Ins. 322 Mahela, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Malaxioides, Fairmaire, Ins. 167 Maliarpha, Ragonot, Ins. 271 Mallobathra, Meyrick , Ins. 274 Mallodrya, Horn, Ins. 141 Mampava, Ragonot , Ins. 270 Mangala, Ragonot, Ins. 269 Marcgravia, Jordan , Pisces 17 Margelana, Staudinger, Ins. 244 Murnia, Grouvelle , Ins. 108 Maroussa, Beckham, Arachur. 11 Mart a, Ragonot, Ins. 271 Massospondylus, Lydekker , Rept. 18 Mastrus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Maitostigmus, Simon , Arachn. 7 Masurius, Jacoby, Ins. 167 Meandrusa, Moore , Ins. 207 Mecynocera, \ Thompson , Crust. 23 Medophron, Foerster, Ins. 195 Megahelophorus, Kuwert , Ins. 95 Megalotriton, Zittel, Rept. 28 Megameropsis, Gourret , Arachn. 24 Megaplectes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Megaspilidea, Ashmead , Ins. 201 Megotoessa, Karsch , Ins. 320 Melanotrupes, Blanchard, Ins. 113 Melitene, Ragonot, Ins. 265 Melophysa, Haeckel , Coel. 24 Menes, Champion, Ins, 140 Menoeceus, Champidn, Ins. 140 Menuthia, Ragonot, Ins. 270 Merhippolyte, Bate, Crust. 15 Meringopus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Meristopteryx, Saussure, Ins. 325 Mesacanthus, Traquair, Pisces 11 Mesalges, Trouessart, Arachn. 23 Mesoclistus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Mesolia, Ragonot, Ins. 269 Mesolimax, Pollonera, Moll. 59 Metacoelus, Foerster, Ins. 1 94 Metacoryna, Jacoby , Ins. 167 Metadontia, Ashmead, Ins. 198 Methydrus, Rey, Ins. 94 Metoponrhis, Staudinger , Ins. 248 Micandra, Staudinger , Ins. 225 Micrixalus, Boulenger , Rept. 25 Microbrachius, Traquair, Pisces 10 Microchasmus, Thomson , Ins. 189 Microlampas, Cotteau , Ech. 13 Microura, Matthews, Ins. 174 Micromonodon, Foerster, Ins. 195 Micronidia, Moore, Ins. 256 Micrope, Foerster, Ins. 195 Microplectron, Foerster, Ins. 195 Micro plex, Foerster , Ins. 194 Microsaga, Saussure , Ins. 321 Microsmilia, Koby, Ccel. 29 Microsoma, Cotteau, Ech. 13 Microthrix, Ragonot, Ins. 267 Microtorus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Microteuthis, Ortnuinn, Moll. 55 Millarella, Carter , Coel. 18 Miloderes, Casey , Ius. 147 Miomeris, Foerster , Ins. 194 Mioscirtus, Saussure, Ins. 325 Miraces, Jacoby, Ins. 167 Misynu®, Pascoe , Ins. 152 Mitrophyes, Haeckel, Coel. 22 Miturgina, Simon, Arachn. 11 Mnesidacus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Moerophora, Foerster, Ins. 194 Mollendorffia, Ancey, Moll. 62 Mona, Hulst, Ins. 269 Monadinium, Fabre - Domergue , Prot. 13 Mouastesia, J allien, Pol. 8 Montaltus, Distant, Ins. 299 Montandoniella, Puton, Ins. 302 Monteiron, Karsch , Ins. 320 Moridilla, Bergh, Moll. 67 Mossamedes, Simon , Arachn. 15 Muscidia, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Mycetocharoides, Schuu/uss, Ins. 79 Mycillus, Distant, Ins. 298 Mycomystes, Gorham , Ins. 171 Myiopagis, Godman Jb Salvin , Aves 66 Myriactis, Had don, Coel. 32 Myriarthrus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Myrilla, Distant, Ins. 305 Naetes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Namangana, Staudinger, Ins. 245 Namangana, Staudinger, Ins. 248 Narcopoea, Foerster, Ins. 196 Narses, Champion, Ins. 139 Nauphantopsis, Fewkes, Coel. 26 Nauticarus, Bate , Crust. 15 Nautarachna, Monies, Arachn. 24 Navasota, Ragonot , Ins. 271 Neales, Foerster, Ins. 196 Neanias, Brunner , Ins. 323 Necrophlebia, S/cuse, Ius. 280 Nectalia, Haeckel , Coel. 24 Nectophysa, Haeckel, Coel. 25 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 1J Neleges, Foerster, Ins. 196 Neleothymus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Neleophron, Foerster , Ins. 195 Nemanes, Fairmaire , Ins. 135 Nemochaeta, Wulp, Ins. 291 Nemopteryx, Faust , Ins. 149 Neocavonus, Blackburn , Ins. 122 Neonetus, Brunner , Ins. 322 Neophamisus, Reitter, Ins. 101 N eop 1 ectostomus, Eigenmann,V i sees 24 Neorhombolepis, Smith Woodward , Pisces 13 Neortus, Brunner , Ins. 324 Neoscaphus, Sloane , Ins. 89 Neospades, Blackburn , Ins. 126 Neosiphonia, Sollas , Spong. 10 Neostoma, Vaillant , Pisces 26 Neotypus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Nepiera, Foerster , Ins. 194 Nepiesta, Foerster , Ins. 194 Nerula, Mabille , Ins. 228 Nesobia, Ancey , Moll. 12 Nethea, Sollas , Spong. 8 Neumannia, Trouessart, Arachn. 22 Nicandra, Fairmaire, Ins. 134 Nichelius, Bolivar, Ins. 327 Noemon, Foerster . Ins. 196 Nothocaris, Pate, Crust. 15 Notomeris, Foerster, Ins. 195 Notophilus, Blackburn, Ins. 90 Notopoides, Henderson , Crust. 13 Notosemus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Novatilla, Distant , Ins. 297 Nucleatula, Bittner , Brach. 6 Nuneches, Foerster, Ins. 195 Nythobia, Foerster, Ins. 194 Nythophona, Foerster, Ius. 196 Nyxeophilus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Ocbraesius, Pascoe, Ins. 160 Ochranoxia, Kraatz , Ins. 116 Ochthornis, Sclater, Aves 66 Ocymorus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Odinophora, Foerster , Ins. 194 Odontobarbus, Faust, Ins. 151 Odontoneura, Foerster , Ins. 195 Odontopsis, Foerster, Ius. 193 Oediceroides, Stebbing, Crust. 20 Oetophorus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Oiesicampe, Foerster , Ins. 194 Olethrodotis, Foerster , Ius. 193 Oligochroa, Ragonot, Ins. 266 Oligoplectron, Foerster, Ins. 194 Oligospira, Ancey , Moll. 63 Omoborus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Omorgus, Foerster , Ins. 194 One'ista, Foerster , Ins. 196 Onesimoides, Stebbing , Crust. 19 Onychodectes, Cope, Mamm. 33 Onychogymnus, Quedenfeldt, Ins. 149 Oodeopus, Bate, Crust. 16 Ophioethiops, Brock, Ech. 16 Ophiopteron, Ludwig, Ech. 16 Ophiosphsera, Brock, Ech. 16 Ophiospila, Ancey , Moll. 63 Opidnus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Opisthoprootus, Vaillant, Pisces 26 Opisthostenus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Opseoscapha, Faust , Ins. 151 Orsetes, Jacoby , Ins. 168 Oreana, Hulst, Ins. 269 Oreoctistes, Sharpe , Aves 59 Orica, Pascoe , Ins. 159 Orochirus, Bolivar, Ins. 318 Orophiopsis, Quedenfeldt , Ins. 145 Orphania, Bate, Crust. 16 Orthizema, Foerster, Ins. 195 Ortholepis, Ragonot, Ins. 265 Orthomesus, Pilsbry, Moll. 75 Orthoptochus, Casey, Ins. 145 Oryctometopia, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Oryctopus, Brunner, Ins. 321 Osthimosia, Jullien, Pol. 11 Ostracina, Saussure, Ins. 324 Otacilus, Jacoby, Ins. 169 Otacustes, Foerster, Ins. 194 Otiaphysa, Karsch , Ins. 320 Otitochilus, Foerster , Ins. 196 Otlophorus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Otoblastus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Otophanes, Brewster, Aves 69 Ovamela, Fairmaire, Ins. 165 Owenia, Be Vis, Mamm. 61 Oweniasuchus, Smith - Woodward, Rept. 18 Oxychirus, Quedenfeldt, Ins. 115 Oxyrrhepis, Foerster , Ins. 194 Oxytaenia, Foerster, Ins. 195 Oxy torus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Pachmys, Fairmaire, Ins. Ill Pachycy nodon, Schlosser, Mamm. 31 Pachylaelaps, Berlese , Arachn. 20 Pachyrhamma, Brunner , Ins. 322 Pachyneuria, Mabille , Ins. 229 Pachypsilla, Riley, Ins. 307 Pachyparnus, Fairmaire , Ins. Ill Paguroides, Henderson, Crust. 13 Paguropsis, Henderson , Crust. 13 Palaeohatteria, Credner, Rept. 22. Paiasomanis, Forsyth- il/«/or,Mamm. 57 12 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENEUA. Palaeotapirus, Filhol, Mamm. 45 Paliscaphus, Shane, Ins. 89 Palmerstonia , Blackburn, Ins. 121 Pammachus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Pammicra, Foerster , Ins. 195 Panambus, Stebbing , Crust. 21 Panargyrops, Foerster, Ins. 195 Pannucha, Moore , Ins. 260 Panormus, Casey , Ins. 146 Panschizus, Blackburn , Ins. 120 Panteles, Foerster , Ins. 194 Panthalis, Cameron , Ins. 199 Pantoporthus, Foerster , Ins. 196 Pantolepta, Karsch , Ins. 319 Pantolispa, Foerster, Ins. 195 Pantorhiostes, Foerster , Ins. 196 Pantosporma, Meyrick , Ins. 277 Pantropa, Foerster , Ins. 194 Parabates, Foerster, Ins. 193 Parabatus, Thomson, Ins. 190 Parachrysina, Bates, Ins. 119 Paractora, Bigot , Ins. 294 Paracercyon, Seidlitz , Ins. 96 Paradryope, Stebbing, Crust. 19 Parsegus, Gahan, Ins. 112 Paragryllacris, Brunner, Ins. 323 Paralpheus, Bate, Crust. 15 Parainmoecius, Seidlitz, Ins. 113 Paramarphysa, Ehlers, Verm. 21 Paranacaena, Blackburn, Ins. 94 Paraphylax, Foerster, Ins. 195 Paraplesius, Foerster , 196 Parathanas, Bate , Crust. 15 Paratritoma, Gorham, Ins. 171 Paraulaca, Buly, Ins. 166 Paraxiuus, Bate, Crust. 14 Parbattia, Moore, Ins. 263 Parisolea, Bates, Ins. 119 Patania, Moore, Ins. 261 Patellastra, Monterosato, Moll. 76 Patna, Ragonot, Ins. 269 Paura, Karsch, Ins. 319 Pazala, Moore, Ins. 207 Pectinigeria, Ragonot , Ins. 270 Peetula, Moore, Ins. 251 Peltotrupes, Blanchard, Ins. 113 Pemmatiles, Dunikowski, Spoug. 7 Pemon, Foerster, Ins. 1 94 Peutacantha, Ashmead, Ins. 201 Peoria, Ragonot , Ins. 271 Peribyssus, Puton, Ins. 297 Periclystus, Gerstaecker , Ins. 311 Perilissus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Peringueyella, Saussure, Ins. 321 Perisiphonia, Allman, Ccel. 19 Perispuda, Foerster, Ins. 196 Peritelinus, Casey, Ins. 146 Peritelodes, Casey, Ins. 145 Peritaenius, Foerster , Ins. 195 Peronura, Karsch , Ins. 319 Perosis, Foerster , Ins. 194 Peruda, Distant, Ins. 298 Petaluma, Hulst , Ins. 269 Petauroides, Thomas, Mamm. 62 Peteinura, Bate, Crust. 14 Pezolochus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Pezoporus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Phaedroctonus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Phaenosemus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Phaestus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Phagesorus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Phalangillum, Gourret, Arachn. 16 Phamisulus, Reitter, Ins. 101 Phanerocerus, Saussure, Ins. 325 Phaneroporus, Simroth, Moll. 59 Phatnacra, Foerster , Ins, 195 Phedius, Champion, Ins. 140 Pherterus, Brunner , Ins. 322 Phialactis, Fowler, Coel. 31 Phidotriclia, Ragonot, Ins. 265 Philonicus, Bate, Crust. 14 Philonygmus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Philotherma, Albschler, Ins. 240 Philotymma, Foerster , Ins. 196 Phlaurocentrum, Karsch, Ins. 320 Phobetes, Foerster, Ins. 195 Phobocampe, Foerster, Ins. 194 Phoebophilus, Staudinger, Ins. 244 Phcenolobus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Phonicosia, Jullien, Pol. 11 Phorcorrh aphis, Stebbing , Crust. 21 Phothydraena, Kuwert , Ins. 96 Photodrilus, Moniez, Verm. 18 Photoscotosia, Warren, Ins. 259 Phoxocephalus, Stebbing, Crust. 21 Phoxogenys, Gorham, Ins. 173 Phradis, Foerster, Ins. 193 Phrudus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Phryxotrichus. Simon , Arachn. 12 Phthorima, Foerster, Ins. 194 Phtisica, Stebbing , Crust. 21 Phycilopsis, Ragonot, Ins. 265 Phygasia, Weise, Ins. 165 Phyrama, Karsch, Ins. 319 Phyrtus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Phyzelus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Picroscopus, Foerster , Ins. 195 Picrostigeus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Pilinopyga, Kraatz, Ins. 124 Pilochrota, Sollis , Spong. 8 Pilsbrya, Ancey, Moll. 63 Pima, Hulst, Ins. 268 Pimelata, Pascoe , Ins. 150 Pimelodella, Eigenmann, Pisces 23 Pitama, Moore, Ins. 262 Pitholaus, Champion , Ins. 140 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 13 Pith’otomus, Kreichbaumer , ins. 188 Placohelia, Pocta , Coel. 27 Piacopyle, Dreyer , Prot. 12. Plagiomus, Quedenfeldt , Ins. 159 Plangiopsis, Karsch , Ins. 320 Platamon, Stebbing , Crust. 19 Platebema, Bate, Crust. 15 Platenia, Dohrn , Ins. 319 Platyprosopos, Filhol , Marara. 52 Platyischnopus, Stebbing , Crust. 18 Platymorpha, Jacoby , Ins. 168 Platypedia, Ins. 305 Platyrutela, Bates, Ins. 118 Platysacus, Pate, Crust. 14 Platysiagon, Brunner , Ins. 322 Plegmatoptera, Karsch , Ins. 319 Pleroma, Sollas, Spong. 10 Plesignathus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Plesiocyon, Schlosser, Maram. 32 Plesiomraa, Foerster , Ins. 195 Plesionika, Bate, Crust. 15 Plesiophthalmus, Foerster , Ins. 194 Plestia, Mabille , Ins. 226 Pleurochila, Ragonot, Ins. 266 Pleurocoelus, Marsh , Rept. 18 Pleuroxia, Ancey, Moll. 63 Pliolampas, Pome l, Ech. 13 Plceophysa, FewJces , Cool. 25 Pneumophysa, Haeckel, Cool. 25 Podapolipus, Berlese, Arachn. 19 Podobursa, Wisniowski , Prot. 13 Podoces, PSringuey, Ins. 134 Podolaelaps, Berlese , Arachn. 20 Podoneura, Bergroth, Ins. 283 Poecillastra, Sollas , Spong. 7 Pogononeura, Ragonot , Ins. 266 Poliopsar, Sharpe, Aves, 59 Polyaulon, Foerster , Ins. 194 Polyaspis, Simon, Arachn. 12 Polyclistus, Foerster, Ins. 194 Polycinetis, Foerster, Ins. 195 Polygrapha, Schatz, Ins. 215 Polyidus, Champion , Ins. 140 Polyoncus, Foerster, Ins. 195 Polyphyes, Haeckel, Coel. 23 Polypystis, Foerster , Ins. 196 Polyplastus, Janson, Ins. 124 Polyrhembia, Foerster , Ins. 195 Polyrhysia, Foerster , Ins. 196 Poly torus, Foerster, Ins. 196 Polytrera, Foerster , Ins. 196 Polytribax, Foerster , Ins. 195 Pontocaris, Bate, Crust. 15 Popella, Richard , Crust. 23 Poraniopsis, Perrier, Ech. 13 Porocallus, Sharp, Ins. 97 Porpalia, Haeckel , Cool. 22 Porpema, Haeckel, Coel. 22 Porphyrobapta, Kraatz , Ins. 124 Porpitella, Haeckel , Cool. 22 Porpostoma, Mobius , Prot. 16 Potamis, Elder s, Verm. 22 Poujadia, Ragonot, Ins. 269 Pramadea, Moore, Ins. 261 Priconodon, Marsh , Rept. 18 Priocnemioides, Radoszkowski , Ins. 184 Priscillina, Stebbing, Crust. 21 Pristiloma, Ancey, Moll. 63 Probles, Foerster, Ins. 193 Probopyrus, Giard