THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD. — J. Ber. Ver. Zwickau — Jahresbericht des Yereins fur Naturkunde zu Zwickau. J. Ber. Westf. Ver. — Jahresbericht der zoologischen Sektion des Westfji- lischen provinzial-Yereins fur Wissenschaft und Kunst (Munster). J.Ber. Wetter. Ges— Jahresbericht der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde (Hanau). J. Ber. Wurtteriib. Ver. JIandelsgeogr. — Jahresbericht des Wfirttember- gischen Yereins fur Handelsgeographie (Stuttgart). J. Bomb. N. II. Soc. — The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (Phipson : Bombay). J. Brit. Dent. Ass. — Journal of the British Dental Association (London). J. Cincinn. Soc. — Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. J. Coll. Sci. Japan — Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan (Tokyo). J. Comp. Med. — Journal of Comparative Medicine and Surgery (Conklin & Porter : New York). ^ J. de Conch. — Journal de Conchyliologie (Crosse & Fischer : Paris). J. de VAnat. Plugs. — Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologic (Pouchet : Paris). J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. — Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (Raleigh, N.C.). Jen. Z. Nat. — Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft, herausgegeben von der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. J.f. 0. — Journal fur Ornithologie (Cabanis : Leipzig). JH. Ver. Liineb. — Jahreshefte des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins fiir das Fiirstenthum Lfineburg. xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. — Jahresheffce des Vereins far vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg (Stuttgart). J. Inst. Jamaica — Journal of the Institute of Jamaica (Kingston). J. L. S. — Journal of the Linnean Society ; Zoology (London). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association (London & Plymouth). J. Morph. — -Journal of Morphology (Whitman & Allis : Boston, U.S.A.). J. Microgr. — Journal de Micrographie (Pelletan : Paris). J. Micr. A) Mat. Sci Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science. (The Journal of the Postal Microscopical Society. A. Allen : London & Bath.) J. New Jersey N. H. Soc. — Journal of the New Jersey Natural History Society (Trenton). (Formerly J. Trenton Soc.) J. Northampt. Soc. — Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. — Journal of the New York Microscopical Society (New York). J. of Conch. — Journal [formerly Quarterly Journal] of Conchology (London). Johns Hoplc. Univ. Circ. — Johns Hopkins University Circulars (Balti- more). J. Physiol. — The Journal of Physiology (Foster et alii : Cambridge), J. Queh. Club — Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (London). J. R. Agric. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society (London). J. R. Asiat. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (London). J. R. Inst. Cornwall — Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (Truro). J. R. Micr. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society (London). J. R. Qeol. Soc. Ireland — Journal of the Royal Geological Sooiety of Ireland (London, Dublin, & Edinburgh). J. R. Soc. N. S. W. — J ournal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (Sydney). J. Sci. Lisb. — Jornal de Sciencias, &c., da Academia de Lisboa (Lisbon). J. Soc. Arts — Journal of the Society of Arts (London). J. Trenton Soc. — Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society (Trenton, N. J.). (Now J. New Jersey N. II. Soc.) J. Tr. Viet. Inst. — Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain (London). Jaarb. Univ. Leiden — Jaarboekder Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden (Leiden). Kansas Nat. — The Kansas City Naturalist (Kansas). (Formerly The Hosier Naturalist). * Kosmos — Kosmos: Zeitschrift fur einheitliche Weltanschauung auf Grund der Entwickelungslehre. Kosmos Lemberg — Kosmos : Lemberg. L'Ab. — L’Abeille (De Marseul : Paris). La Nature — La Nature, Revue des Sciences, &c. (Tissandier : Paris). LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. XIX Le Bot . — Le Botaniste (Dangeard : Paris). Le Nat. — Le Naturaliste (Deyrolle : Paris). Leopoldina — Leopoldina: Amtlichen Organ fur der k. Leopold-Carol. deutsch. Acad. Lewisham Ass. — Lewisham and Blackheath Scientific Association. Lioar Man. — Yn Lioar Manninagh. Published quarterly, for The Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Kermode : Ramsey). Lotos— Lotos, Jahrbuch fur Naturwissensclmft im Auftrage des Vereines ‘Lotos’ (Prague). Lunds Univ. Arsshrift. — Lunds Universitets Arsskrift. (Also Act. Lund.) Maandhl. Natuurw. — Maandblad voor Naturwetenschappen (Amsterdam). Madras Journ. — The Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Mai. BL— Malakozoologische Blatter (Clessin : Cassel). Math. Nat . Ber. TJng.— Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Be- richto aus Ungarn. Mit Untorstiitzung der Ungarischon Akad. d. Wiss. und der K. Ungar. naturwiss. Ges. herausgegeben von Baron R. Eotvos, &c. (Frohlich : Buda-Pest). Math, naturw. Mitt. — Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Mittheiluugen Tubingen (ed. Boklen). Math. term. JEh'tes. — Mathematikai ds termeszettudomanyi Ertesito (Gyula : Buda Pesth). Math. term. lcoz. — Mathematikai £s termeszettudomanyi kozlem^nyek (Buda-Pest). Med. Nat. — The Mediterranean Naturalist (Cooke : Malta). Med. World. — Med ical World. Med. Soc. JFercn.— Meddelanden a£ Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (Helsingfors). Mdl. hiol. — Melanges biologiques tires du Bulletin de l’Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersburg. Mem. Ac. Amiens — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts d’ Amiens (Amiens). Mem. Ac. Aix — Memoires de l’Acaddmie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts, et Belles-lettres d’Aix (Aix en Provence). Mem. Ac. Barcel. — Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias de Barcelona. Mem. Ac. Belg. — Memoires de l’Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux Arts de Belgique (Brussels). (Also Bull.) Mem. Acc. Bologn. — Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell Istituto di Bologna. Mdm. Ac. Caen — M6moires de l’Acad(5mie nationale des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres de Caen. (Formerly Bulletin.) Mem. Ac. Dijon — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Lettres de Dijon. Mdm. Ac. Lyon — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon (Lyon). Mem. Ac. Madrid — Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas, y Naturales de Madrid (Madrid). XX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Mim. Ac. Metz. — Mdmoires de PAcademie de Metz. Mem, Acc. Mod . — Memorie delle R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti in Modena. Mim. Ac. Montp. — M6moires de la Section des Sciences de l’Acaddmie dea Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Mim. Ac. P6tersb. (7) — Mdmoires de PAcaddmie imp^riale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 7me sdrie. Mini. Ac. Rouen— Precis analytique des travaux de 1* Academic des Scienoes, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Rouen (Rouen). Mini, Ac. Savoie — Memoires de PAcademie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Savoie (Chambdry). (Also Comptes Rendus.) Mini. Ac. Sci, — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences (Paris). Mem. Ac. Sci. Lisboa — Momorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Mem. Acc. Tor. — Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin). Mem. Ac. Toulouse — Mdmoires de PAcademie des Sciences, &c., de Tou- louse. Mem. Ac. Vaucluse — Memoires de PAcademie de Yaucluse (Avignon). Mem. Am. Ac. — Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Cambridge). (Also Proceedings.) Mem. Am. Ass. — Memoirs of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science (Salem). (Also Proceedings.) (Boston, U.S.A.) Mem. Boll. Soc. Geogr. Ital. — • Memorie (Bollettino) della Societa Geografica Italiana (Rome). Mem. Bost. Soc. — Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. (Also Proceedings.) Mem. California Acad. — Memoirs of the Californian Academy of Sciences (San Fraucisco). Mem. Cour. Ac. Belg. 4to. — Memoires Couronn^s et Memoires des Savants Etrangers publies par PAcademie Roy ale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique. Mini. Cour. Ac. Belg. 8vo. — Ibid. 8vo. Mim. Hist. Nat. Empire Chinois — Memoires concernant l’Histoire Naturelle de l’Empire Chinois par des p5res de la corapagnie de J6sus (Shanghai). Mim. Inst. Geniv. — Mdmoiresde PInstitut national Genevois (Geneva). Mem. 1st. Lomb.— Memorie del R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (Milan). Mem. 1st. Venet. — Memorie del R. Istituto Yeneto di Scienze, &c. (Yenice). Mim. Liige — Memoires de la Society royale des Sciences de Li£ge. Mem. Mus. C. Z. — Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College (Cambridge, U.S.A.). Mem. Nat. Ac. Sci. — Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences (Washington). Mim.-pris. Ac. Sci. — M6moires pr^sentes par divers savants a PAcademie des Sciences de PInstitut de France (Paris). Mem. Soc. Abbeville — Memoires de la Society d’emulation d’ Abbeville. LIST Of ABBREVIATIONS. XXI Mem. Soc. Angers — Mdmoires de la Societe nationale d’ Agriculture, Sciences, et Arts d’Angers (Angers). Mem. Soc. Aube — Memoires de la Societe academique d’Agriculture, des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres du departement de l’Aube (Troyes & Paris). Mem. Soc. Biol.—( See C.R.) Mem. Soc. Bord. — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux. Alim. Soc. Cannes — Memoires de la Soci^td des Sciences Naturelles ct Historiques des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Cannes et de l’Arron- dissement de Grasse (Cannes). Mem. Soc. Cherb. — Memoires de la Societe nationals des Sciences Natu- relles et Mathematiques de Cherbourg. Mem. Soc. Em. Lou bs. —Memoires de la Societe d’Emulation du Doubs (Besan9on). Mem. Soc. Geol. — Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France (Paris). Mem. Soc. Hainault — Memoires et publications de la Societe des Sciences, des Arts, et des Lettres du Hainault (Mons). Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de France. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. — Memorie della Societe Italiana di Scienze Naturali (Milan). Mem. Soc. Lille — Memoires de la- Societe de 1’ Agriculture et des Arts de Lille. Afim.Soc. L. N. Fr — Memoires de la Socidtd Linneenne du Nord de la Franco (Amiens). Mini. Soc. Maine et Loire— Memoires de la Soci<$td acaddmique de Maine et Loire (Angers). Mem. Soc. Manch. — Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (London). Mem. Soc. Neuchatel— Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Mem. Soc. Oise — Memoires de la Societe academique d’Archeolo des Sciences et Arts du departement de l’Oise. Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. — Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d’His- toire Naturelle de GenAve. Mem. Soc. Sadne — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Saone-et-Loire (Chalon-sur-Sadne). (Also Bulletin.) Mem. Soc. Seine & Oise — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles et Medicales de Seine et-Oise (Versailles). Mem. Soc. Zool. — Memoires de la Societe Zoologiquo de France (Paris). Mem. Univ. Tokio — Memoirs of tho Science Department, Tokio Daigaku (University of Tokio). Midden- Sumatra — Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en orderzoekingen des Sumatra-Expedite uitgerust door het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1877-1879, beschreven door de Leden der Expedite onder Toezicht van Prof. P. J. Veth. Partiv. Natuurlijike Historie (Brill : 1884, 8vo). Mid. Nat. — The Midland Naturalist (Badger & Hillhouse : London & Birmingham). XXII LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. Mon. MT. Ver. Franlcfurt-a.-O. — Abhandlungs und Monatliche Mittheil- ungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaf ten. Organ des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins des Regierungs-Bezirks, Frankfurt. (Huth : Berlin). (Now Helios .) Moult. Zool. Ital. — Monitoro Zoologico Italiano (Chiarugi & Fioalbi : Florence.) Month. Int. J. Anat. Ilist. — Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Paris, Leipsic, London). Month. P. Am. Ent. Soc. — Proceedings of the Monthly Meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia (issued with Tr. Am. Ent. Soc.). Morph. JB. — Morphologisches Jahrbuch : eine Zeitschrift fur Anatom ie und Entwickelungsgeschichte (Gegenbaur : Leipzig). MB. Alcad. Berlin — (See SB., &c.) MT. anthrop. Ges. Wien — Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesell- schaft in Wien (Vienna). MT. Aargau. nat. (res.— Mittheilungen der Aargauischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. MT. embr. Inst. Wien ( n.s .) — Mittheilungen aus dem embryologischen Institute der k. k. Universitiit in Wien. New series (Schenck : Vienna). MT. Ges. Bern — Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. MT. Ges. Ostasien’s — Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Yolkerkunde Ostasien’s (Yokohama). MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden — Mittheilungen aus dem k. mineralogisch- geologischen und prsehistorischen Museum in Dresden. MT. Munch, ent. Ver. — Mittheilungen der Miinchener entomologischen Vereins. MT. orn. Ver. Wien — Mittheilungen des ornithologischen Vereins in Wien (Vienna). MT. Osterlande — Mittheilungen aus dem Ostorlande (Altenburg). MT. Schw. ent. Ges. — Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft (Schaffhausen). (Also with French title.) MT. Thurgau. Ges. — Mittheilungen der Thurgauischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft (Frauenfeld). MT. Ung. geol. Anst. — Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der k. Un- garischen geologischen Anstalt (Buda-Pest). MT. Ver. Steierm. — Mittheilungon des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fttr Steiermark (Gratz). MT. Vorpomm. — Mittheilungen aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine von Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen (Griefswald). MT. z. Slat. Neap. — Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station inNeapel (Leipzig). N. Act. Ups. — Nova Acta R. Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis (Upsala). N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. — Nova Acta Academise Cses. Leopoldino- Carolinae Germaniae Naturae curiosorum (Leipzig). (Also Verhand - lungen der h. Leop. Carol, deutschen Acad. d. Naturf.) List Ot1 ABBRtl ViAl’IOlsf S . XX111 *iV. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna — Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali di Bologna. N. Arch. Mas. — Nouvelles Archives du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris). N. Dcnh. Schwr. Ges. — Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizer- ischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. (Also Nouveaux Mem. de la Soc. Ilelv. des Sciences Natarelles.) N. Mem. Soc. Helv.— Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles (Lausanne). N. Mdm. Soc. imp. Moscou— Nouveaux Memoires de la Society imp^riale des Naturalistes de Moscou. N. Saggi Acad. Padova — Nuovi Saggi della R. Accademia di Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Padova. N. Z. J. Sci.— The New Zealand Journal of Science (Dunedin). Nachr. Ges. Gotting. — Nachrichten von der k. Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften und der Georg Auguste Universitat zu Gottingen. Nachr. mal. Ges. — Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft (Frankfort). Nat. Canad. — Le Naturaliste Canadien (Provancher : Cap Rouge, Quebec). Nat. Hist. J. — The Natural History Journal and School Reporter (Lon- don and York). Nat. Hist. N. — Natural History Notes (Rowbotham : London). Nat.-Hist. Tr. North Durham — Natural-History Transactions of North- umberland, Durham, and Newcastle-on-Tyne (London & New- castle). Nat. Mex. — La Naturaleza (Mexico). Nat. Sicil. — II Naturalista Sioiliano : Gioruale delle Scienze Naturali (Ragusa : Palermo). °iVa£. Tids. — Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (Schiodte : Copenhagen). Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. — Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Iudie (Batavia). Nat. Notes — Nature Notes, The Selborne Society’s Magazine (Britten : London). Nat. Ver. Haarlem — Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappig der Wetenschappen te Haarlem (Haarlem). Nat. Ver. Utrecht — Natuurkundige Verhandelingen Provinciaal Utregtsch genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Utrecht). Hatur — Die Natur : Zeitung zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlichen Kenntniss und Naturauschauuug fiir Leser alle Stande. Organ des deutschen Humboldt- Verein (Muller : Halle). Naturalist — The Naturalist : Journal of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union, &c. A Monthly Journal of Natural History for North of Fngland (Roebuck & Clarke : London & Leeds). Nature — Nature (London). Naturforscher — Naturforscher ; Wochenblatt zur Verbreitung der Fort- schritte in den Naturwissenschaf ten (Sklarek : Berlin). Naturw. Wochenschr.— Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift (Potomid : Berlin). Naut. — The Nautilus (Pilsbry & Averell : Philadelphia). XXIV Llfct OF abbreviations. Nor. Selsk. Skr. — K. Norske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (Thrond- jhem). Notes Leyd. Mus. — Notes from the Royal Zoological Museum of tho Netherlands at Leyden (Jentink). Notizbl. Ver. Erdk. Darmstadt — Notizblatt des Yereins fur Erdkunde zu Darmstadt. Nouv. et faits — Nouvelles et faits divers (De Marseul : Paris). Nunq. Ot. — Nunquam otiosus (Schaufuss : Dresden). Nijt. Mag. Nature. — Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne (Danielssen et alii : Christiania). Occas. papers Calif. Ac. — Occasional papers of the Californian Academy of Sciencos (San Francisco). CEfv. Ak. Fork. — (Efversigt af k. Yetenskaps Akademiens Forhand- lingar (Stockholm). QJjfo. Finska Fork. — (Efversigt af Finska Yetenskaps Societetens Fcir- handlingar (Helsingfors). Onderz. Phys. Lab. Utrecht— Onderzoekingen gedaan en het physiolo- gisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Oni. & Ool. — Ornithologist & Oologist (Pawtucket, R. I.). Ornis — Ornis : Internationale Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Ornithologie (Blasius & Hayek : Yienna). Orvos-termesz. j&rtesito. — Orvos-termeszettudomanyi Ertesito (Kolozsvar = Klausenberg). Overs. Dan. Selsk . — Oversigt over detk. Danske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger (Copenhagen). P. Ac. Philad . — Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. P. Am. Ac.— -Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston). (Also Mem.) P. Am. Ass. — Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. (Also Mem.) P. Am. Micr. Soc. — Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists (Buffalo). P. Am. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, &c. (Philadelphia). (Also Trans.) P. A. S. B. — Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). P. Bath. N. II. Soc. — Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. P. Belf. Soc. — (See Report.) P. Biol. Soc. Washington — Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. P. Birmingh. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. P. Birmingh. Soc. — (See Report.) P. Bost. Soc. — Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History (Boston, U.S.A.) (Also Mem.) LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. XXV P. Bristol Soc. — Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. P, Cal. Ac. Sci. — Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences (San Francisco). (Also Trans, and Occas. Papers.) P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the Philosophical Society, Cam- bridge. (Also Trans.) P. Canad. Inst. — Proceedings of the Canadian Institute (Toronto). P. Chest. Soc. — Proceedings of the Chester Society of Natural Science. P. Colorado Soc. — Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society (Denver). P. Cottesw. Nat. F. C. — Proceedings of the Cottoswold Naturalists’ Field Club (Gloucester). P. Davenport Ac. — Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences (Davenport, Iowa). / P. Dorset Field Club — Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club (Sherborne). P. E. Soc. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. P. E. Soc. Wash. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. P. Folkestone Soc.— Proceedings of the Folkestone Natural History Society. P. Geol. Ass. — Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (London). P. Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club — Proceedings of the Holmesdale Natural History Club (London). P. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. — Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Sydney). P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. — Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society. P. Liverp. Field Club — Proceedings of the Liverpool Naturalists’ Field Club. P. Liverp. Soc. — Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. P. Nebraska Ass. — Proceedings of the Nebraska Association for the Advancement of Science. P. Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. — Proceedings of the Newport Natural History Society.. P. N. II. Soc. Glasg.— Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. P. N.-Scot. List. — Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova-Scotian Institute of Natural Science (Halifax, N.-S.). P. Phil. Soc. Glasg. — Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. — Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. P. Rochester Acad. — Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science (Rochester, N.Y.) P. R. Gcogr. Soc. — Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society (London). P. R. Inst. — Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (London). P. R. Irish Ac. — Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). P. R. Soc.— Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). 1890. [vol. xxvii.] b 3 XXVI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. P. R. Soc. Eclinb. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. (Also Trans.) P. R. Soc. Queensl. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland (Brisbane). P. R. Soc. Tasm. — Papers and Proceedings and Reports of the Royal Society of Tasmania (Hobarton). P. R. Soc. Viet.— Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (Mel- bourne). (Also Trans.) P. Soc. Manch. — (See Mem.) P. Somerset. Soc. — Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. New series (Taunton). P. Tr. Croydon Nat. Hist. Club — Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club (Croydon). P. U. S. Nat. Mas. — Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Washington). (Also Bull.) P.-v. Soc. Mai. Belg. — Proces-verbaux des seances de la Societe Malacolo- gique de Belgique (Brussels). P.-v. Soc. Tosc. — Processi verbali della Societii Toscana delle Scienze Naturali (Pisa). P. Warwick. Club — Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists’ and Archeologists’ Field Club (Warwick). P. Z. S. — Proceedings of the Zoological Society (London). (Also Trans.) Pal. Abh. — Palseontologische Abhandlungen (Dames & Kayser : Berlin). Palceontogr. — Palseontographica : Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vor- welt (Cassel). Pal. Ind. — Palseontologia Indica. (4to) Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India (Calcutta). Pal. Soc. — Monographs of the Paleontological Society. Pam. Akad. umiej. wydz. przyr. Krakau — Pamietnik Akademii Umiejetnosci w Krakowie. Wydzial matem. przyr (Cracow). Pam. Fizjogr. — Pamietnik Fizjograficzny (Warsaw). Papilio — Papilio : the Organ of the New York Entomological Club, devoted exclusively to Lepidoptera (H. Edwards : New York). Phil. Tr.— Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London). (Also Proc.) Preisschr. Jblonovsk. Qesells. Leipsig — Preisschriften gekront und herausgegeben von der furstlich Jablonovski’ schen Gesellschaft zu Leipsig. Prodr. Zool. Viet. — Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria (McCoy: Melbourne). Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan — Protokolui zasyedanii obshchestva estestvols- puitatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universltetye. Psyche — Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. Published by the Cambridge Entomological Club (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.). Puhl. Inst. Luxemb. — Publications de l’lnstitut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXV11 Q. J. Geol. Soc,— Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (London). Q. J. Micr. Sci. — Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (Lankester et alii : London). Rad Jugoslav, alcad. — Rad jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (Zagreb). [Transactions of the South Slav Academy of Science and Art.] Rec. Austral. Mus. — Records of the Australian Museum (Ramsay: Sydnoy). Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. — Records of the Geological Survey of India (Calcutta). Rec. Z. Suisse — Recueil Zoologique Suisse (Fol : Genova & Bfile). Rend. Acc. Nap. — Rendiconto dell’ Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Sezione della Societd reale di Napoli). * Rend . 1st. Bologn — Rendiconti delle sessioni della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell’ Istituto di Bologna. Rend. 1st. Lombardo — Rendiconti del R. Istituto Lombardo delle Scienze e Lettere (Milan). Rep. Austr. Ass. — Reports of the Australasian Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Rep. Austr. Zool. Soc. — Report of the South Australian Zoological and Acclimatization Society (Adelaide). Rep. Belfast Field Club — Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists’ Field Club. ®Rep. Birm. N. H. Soc. — Report [and Transactions] of the Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society. (Now in Mid. Nat.) Rep. Brighton Soc. — Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society (Brighton). Rep. Brit, Ass. — Report of the British Association for, the Advancement of Science. Rep. Cornell Urdu. Stat. — Report of the Department of Entomology of the Cornell University Experiment Station (Comstock : Ithaca, N.Y.). Rep. Cornwall Polytechn. — Reports of the Royal Polytechnical Society of Cornwall. Rep. Dep. Agric. & Rep. Ent. — Report of the Entomologist. From the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture (Washington). Rep. Dulwich Col. Soc. — Annual Report of the Dulwich College Science Society (Dulwich). Rep. E. Soc. Ont. — Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario. Rep. Fish. Scotl. — Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland (London, Edinburgh, & Dublin). Rep. Geol. Surv. Canada — Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey and Museum of Canada (Montreal). Rep. Ins. Illin. — Annual Report of the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois (Springfield). Rep. Ins. N. York — Annual Report of the Injurious and other Insects of New York (Lintner : Albany). Rep. Leicest. Soc. — (See TV.) xxviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Rep. Marlb. Coll. Soc. — Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society. Rep. N. Stafford F. Club — Report of the North Stafford Field Club. Rep. N. Y. Mus. — Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History (Albany). Rep. & P. Belfast N. H. Soc. — Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. Rep. Penzance Soc. — Report and Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Rep. Plym. Inst. — Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society (Plymouth). Rep. Rugby Soc. — Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society. Rep. Tv. Devon Ass. — Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, &c. (Plymouth). Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. — Report of the United States Entomological Commission (Washington). Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm. — Report of the Commissioner, United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries (Washington). Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. — Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (Washington). Rep. Wellington Soc. — Report of the Wellington College Natural Science Society (Wellington Coll.). Rep. Winchester Soc. — Report of the Winchester College Natural History Society (Winchester). Rep. W. Kent Soc. — Papers and Reports, &c., of the West Kent Natural History, Microscopical, and Photographic Society (Greenwich). Rep. Yorlcs. Phil. Soc. — Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philo- sophical Society. Rev. Arg. Hist. Nat. — Revista Argentina de Historia Natural. ( Ameghino : • Buenos Ayres.) Rev. JBjoL— Revue biologique du Nord de la France (Barrois, Hallez, Moniez : Lille). Rev. Cien. Madrid — Revista de los progresos de las Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales (Madrid). Rev. Cient. XJniv. Venezuela — Revista Cientifica mensual dela Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas). Rev. d'Ent. — Revue d’Entomologie, publie par la Society Franyaise d’Entomologie (Fauvel : Caen). Rev. gSn. Sci. — Revue gendrale des Sciences Pures et Appliquees (Olivier : Paris). Rev. mens. Ent. — Revue mensuelle d’Entomologie pure et appliqude (Doukhtourolf : St. Petersburg). Rev. Mus. la Plata — Revista del Museo de la Plata (Ameghino: la Plata). Rev. Quest. Sci. — Revue des Questions Scientifiques publiee par la Society scientifique de Bruxelles (Brussels). Rev. Sci. — Revue Scientifique de la France et de l’Etranger (Paris). LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. XXIX Rev. Sci. Bourb. — Revue Scientifique du Bourbonnais et du centre de la France (Olivier : Moulins). Rev. Sci. Nat. Oporto — Revista de Sciencas Naturaes e Socias (Severo & Peixoto : Porto). Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest. — Revue des Sciences Naturelles de l’Ouest (Paris). Rev. Sci. Nat. — Revue des Sciences Naturelles (Dubreuil : Paris). Rev. Soc. Porto— Revista da Societa de Instruceao de Porto (Oporto). Rev. Tierheilhunde — Revue fur Tierheilkunde und Tierzucht (Vienna). Rev. Tr. Sci. — Revue des Travaux Sciontifiques (Paris). Rev. Zool. — Revue Zoologique. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. — Rivista italiana di Scienze Naturali e Bollettino del Naturalista Collettore, Allevatore, Coltivatore (Brogi : Siena). Rochester Nat. — The Rochester Naturalist (Rochester). Rov. Lapoh — Rovartani Lapok [Entomological Leaves] (G. Horvath : Budapest). Rozpraw Wydz. matem.-przyr. Ahad. Umiej. — Rozprawy i Sprawozdania z posiedzen Wydzialu matemi-przyr. Akademii Umiejetnosci. [Trans- actions of the Academy of Sciences, Krakau.] S. E. Z.— Stettiner entomologische Zeitung (Dohrn : Stettin). Samm. Geol. Mus. Leid. — Sammlungen des Geologischen Reichmuseums in Leiden. Samm. naturw. Vortrdge — Sammlung naturwissenschaftlicher Vortrage (Huth : Berlin.) SB. Ah. Berlin — Sitzungsberichte der koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (formerly Bericht and Monatsbericht). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Ah. Wien — Sitzungsberichte der mathematischo-naturwissenschaft- lichen Classe der k. Akademie dor Wissenschaften (Vienna). (Also Denhschriften .) SB. Bayer. Ah. — Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Bohm. Ges. — Sitzungsberichte der k. Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). (Also Abhandl .) SB. Ges. Dorp. — Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Dorpat (Dragendorlf : Dorpat). (Also Schriften.) SB. Ges. Isis — Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der naturwissen- schaftlichen Gesellschaft ‘ Isis ’ (Dresden). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Ges. Konigsb. — Sitzungsberichte der k. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Preussen (Konigsberg). (See Sclir. Ges. Konigsb.) SB. Ges. Leipzig — Sitzungsberichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. SB. Ges. Marb. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. SB. Ges. Morph. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Morphologic und Physiologie in Miinchen (Munich). SB. Ges. Wiirzb. — Sitzungsberichte des physikalisch-mbdicinischen Gesell- schaft zu Wiirzburg. (Also Verb.) XXX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. SB. Jen. Cres.—Sitzungsbericlite der Jenaischen Gesellschaft fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaft (Jena). SB. nat. Fr. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. SB. niederrliein. Ges. — Sitzungsborichto dor nioderrhoinischcn Gesoll- schaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde (Bonn). (Published with Vevh. & CB. Ver. Blieinl.) SB. Soc. Erlangen — Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch- medicin ischen Societat zu Erlangen. SB. z.-b. Wien — Sitzungsberichte der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna). (Also Verb.) Schr. Ges. Banz. — Neueste Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Danzig. Schr. Ges. Konigsb. — Schriften der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesell- schaft zu Konigsberg in Preussen. Schr. gesammt. Naturw. Marburg — Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Befor- derung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Schr. Nat. ges. Dorpat. — Schriften herausgegeben von der Naturforscher- Gesellschaft bei der Universitiit Dorpat. (Also SB .) Schr. Nat. Ver. Schleswig — Sclirifton des naturwisscnschaftlichcn Voroins fur Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel). Schr. Ver. Ilarzes — Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichcn Vereins des Harzes in Wernigerode. Schr. TJniv. Kiel — Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel. Science — Science (Dali : Cambridge, Mass.). Sci. Goss.— Science Gossip (Taylor : London). Sci. Mem. — Scientific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army of India (Simpson : Calcutta). Science Obs. — Science Observer (Boston Scientific Society, U.S.A.). Sci. P. It. Dabl. Soc. — Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) — The Scientific Transactions of the Itoyal Dublin Society. Second Series. Scot. Nat. — The Scottish Naturalist (Clarke : Perth). Sem. Medic. — La Semaine Medicale. Smiths. Gontrib. Knowledge — Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge (Washington). Smiths. Misc. Coll. — Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington). Smiths. Report — Annual Report of the Board of Regents of tho Smith- sonian Institution, &c. (Washington). Soc. Ent. — Societas Entomologica. Soc. Agricole Pyren. -orient. — Societe Agricole Scientifique et Litteraire des Pyrenees-orientales (Perpignan). Soc. Sci. Vitry— Society des Sciences et Arts de Vitry la Francis (Arcis sur Aube). Sprawozd. Kom. fizyjogr. — Sprawozdanie Komisyi fizyjograflczn6j, &c. (Cracow). Stavanger Mus. — Stavanger Museums Aarsberetning. Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins TJniv,— Studies at the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). LTST OP ABBREVIATIONS. XXXI ®Stud. Micr. Sci. — Studies iu Microscopical Science (Cole : London). Stud. Mus . Dundee — Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College, Dundee (D’Arcy Thompson : Dundee). Sv. Ah. Ilandl. — K. Svenska Yetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (Stock- holm). Tag. Deut. Nat. Vers. — Tageblatt der Yersammlung deutscher Natur- forscher und Aertzte. Taprobanian — The Taprobanian (Nevill : Bombay). Tijdsclir. Ent. — Tijdschrift voor Eutomologio (The Haguo). Tijdschr. Ind. Vollcenhund — Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkuude, etc. (Braudes & Abendann, Batavia and the Hague). Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierlc. Ver. (2) — Tijdschrift van de . Nederlandsche Dierkundige Yereeniging (Leyden). Tijdsclir. Nederl. Ind. — Naturkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie (Batavia). Timehri — Timehri : being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana (Quelch : Demerara). Tcrmes Kbzlbny — Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony kiadja a k. magyar termeszett. Tarsulat (Budapest). Term, fuzeteh — Termeszetrajzi fiizetek : kiadja a magyar remzeti Museum (Journal of Zoology, &c., edited by Hungarian Museum at Buda- pesth). Tr. Albany Inst. — Transactions of the Albany Institute. (Formerly Proceedings also). Tr. Am. Phil. Sue. — Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, &c. (Philadelphia). (Also Proceedings'). Tr. A m. Ent. Soc. — Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia). Tr. A. S. Japan— Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan (Yoko- hama). Tr. Barron) Nat. Field Club — Transactions of^ the Barrow Naturalists Field Club. Tr. Camb. Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (Also Proceedings.) Tr. Cardiff Nat. Soc.— (See Rep. Tr. Cardiff Nat. Soc.) Tr. Qpnn. Ac. — Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences (New Haven). Tr. Cumberl. Westmorl. Ass. — Transactions of the Cumberland and West- moreland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science (Goodchild : Carlisle). Tr. Devon Ass.— (See Rep. Tr. Devon Ass.) Tr. Dumfries Nat. Hist. Soc. — Tho Transactions and Journal of Proceed- ings of the Dumfrios and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Dumfries). Tr. Edih. Geol . Soc. — Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological, Society. Tr. Edinb . Nat. Soc. — Transactions of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists’ and Microscopical Society. XXX11 LIST OE ABBREVIATIONS. Tr. Ess. Club — Ess. Nat. — Essex Naturalist : being the Journal, Transactions, and Proceedings of the Essex Field Club (Buckhurst Hill). Tr. E. Kent Nat. Ilist. Soc. — Transactions of the East Kent Natural History Society (Canterbury). Tr. E. Soc. — Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. ®Tr, Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Tr. Herif. Soc. — Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club (Watford). Tr. Kansas Ac. — Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (Topeka). Tr. Leicester Soc. — Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philo- sophical Society (Leicester). r Tr. L. S. — Transactions of the Linnean Society, London. (Also Journal.) Tr. L. S. New York — Transactions of the Linnean Society of New York. Tr. Leeds Nat. Club — Transactions of the Leeds Naturalists’ Club. Tr. Manch. Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. Tr. Manch. Micr. Soc. — Transactions of the Manchester Microscopical Society. Tr. Maryland Ac. Sci. — Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Sciences. Tr. Middlesex Soc. — Transactions of the Middlosox Natural History and Science Society. Tr. Newbury Club— Transactions of the Newbury District Field Club. Tr. Norm. Soc. — Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society (Norwich). Tr. Notts. Soc. — Transactions of the Nottingham Naturalists’ Society. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. — Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (New York). (Also Annals.) Tr. N. Z. Inst. — Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute (Wellington). Tr. Odont. Soc. — Transactions of the Odontological Society. Tr. Ottawa Nat. Club — Transactions of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club. Tr. (& P. Perthsh. /Soc.-— Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science (Perth). Tr. R. Irish Ac. — Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society (Cape Town). Tr. It. Soc. Canada — Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of -Canada (Montreal). Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. — Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. — Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (Adelaide). Tr. R. Soc. Viet. — Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. (Also Proceedings.) Tr. Shropshire Soc. — Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Shrewsbury and Oswestry). Tr. Soc. roy. Maur. — Transactions de la Society royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice (Mauritius). (Title formerly in English.) LIST Otf ALLEVIATIONS. iti XXX111 Tr. Stirling Soc . — Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Tr. St. Louis Acad. — Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. ®2V. Tyneside Club — Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field Club (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Tr. Wagner Inst.— Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Tr. Wisconsin Acad. — Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Lotters (Madison), (Also Bulletin.') , Tr. Woolhope Nat. — Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club (Hereford). Tr. Yorlcsli. Union — Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union (London & Leeds). Tr. Z. S. — Transactions of the Zoological Society (London). Tran. A c. Reims — Travaux de l’Academie nationale de Reims. Trav. Inst. Zool. Lille — Travaux le l’Institut Zoologique do Lille et de la Station maritime de Wimereux (Lille). Trav. Lab. Histol. — Travaux du Laboratoire d’Histologie du College de France, Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes (Ranvier : Paris). Trav. Soc. Univ. Kharkova — Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes a l’Universite imperiale de Kharkow. Trencsen term.' egy. — Trencsen megzei termeszettudomanyi egysiilet (Trencsin). Tromso Mas. Aarsh. — Tromso Museum’s Aarshefter. Trudui Kazan. TJniv. — Trudui obshchestva estestvoispuitateleT prl Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitetzi. Trudui Kliarkoff Univ. — Trudui obschtchestva ispytatelei prihody pre imp. Kharkovakom uuiversitet (Kharkoff). Trudui Russ. Est. — Trudui sezda rilsskich estestvoespytatelei. Trudui St. Petersburg Est. — Trudui sanct Petersburghskagho obshch- estva estestvolspuitatelei. (Called also Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de St. Petersburg.) Uebers. Arb. Schles. Ges. Breslau — Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Verhand- lungen des Schlesischen naturwisseuschaftlicheu Gesellschaft in Breslau. I Inters. iVa£.— Untersuchungen zur Naturlelire des Menschen und der Thiere (Moleschott : Giessen). Upsala Univ. Arsshrift — Upsala Universitets Arsskrift (Upsala). (Also Act. Upsala.) Vannin Lioar. — (Seo Lioar Man.) Verb. Ah. Amst. — Verhandelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen (Amsterdam). (Also JB.) Verb, anthrop . Ges.\ — Yerhandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gessellschaft (Berlin). Verb. Batav. Genoots. — Verhandelingen vanhet Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en wetenschappen (Batavia and The Hague). Xxxiv LIST 01? ABBREVIATIONS. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. — Verhandlungen der k.-k. geologiscken Reichsan- stalt (Vionna). (Also JB.) Verh. Oes. Basel — Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in . Basel (Bale). Verh. Ges. Wiirzb. — Verhandlungen der physikalisch - medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. (Also SB.) Verh. h. Leopold. Carol. Alcad. Naturf. — (See N. Act. Ac. Leop. Carol. Nat. cur.) Verh. naturw. Ver. Karlsruhe — Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins in Karlsruhe. Verh. schweiz. Naturf. Ges. — (See Act. Soc. Ilelv.) Verh. Siebenb. Ver. — Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbur- gischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften (Hermannstadt). Verh. Ver. Briinn. — Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins in Briinn. Verh. Ver. JEfamb. — Verhandlungen des Vereins fur naturvvissenschaft- liche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg. Verh. Ver. Heidelb. — Verhandlungen des naturliistorisch-medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. Verh. Ver'. Presburg — Verhandlungen des Vereins fur Natur- und Heil- kunde zu Presburg. Verh. Ver. Rheinl. — Vorhandlungon dos naturhistorischon Vereins dor preussischon Rlioinlaudo und Wostphalen (Bonn). (Also CB.) Verh. z.-b. Wien — Verhandlungen der kaisorlicheu-ktiniglichen zoologisch • botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna). (Also SB.) Versl. Ah. Amst. — Verslagen en Mededeelingen der k. Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). Verh.d. Ver. Santiago — Verhandlungen des Deutschen wissenschaftlicheu Vereines zu Santiago (Santiago, Chili). Viet. Nat. — Victorian Naturalist, The Journal and Magazine of the Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria (Melbourne). Vid. Medd. — Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Fore- ning (Copenhagen). Viert. Ges. Zurich — Vierteljahrschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich (Wolf : Zurich). Wesley Nat. — The Wesley Naturalist. Monthly Journal of the Wesley Scientific Society (Dallinger et alii : London). West Am. Scientist — The West American Scientist (San Diego). Wiedomosci z nauh przyrod. = Materialen zu dem Wissenschaften (Warsaw). Wien. ent. Z. — Wiener entomologische Zeitung (Vienna). Wilt. Mag. — The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (Devizes). Yorh. Phil . Soc. — Yorkshire Philosophical Society Annual Report (York). Young Nat. — The Young Naturalist (Morley ; Huddersfield). Z. Biol. — Zeitschrift filr Biologie (Miinchen). Z. Ent. Brest. — Zeitschrift fur Entomologie (Breslau). list oft Abbreviations. Z. Ferdinand. Tirol Vorarlberg — Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Yorarlberg (Innsbruck). Z.f. Ethnol. — Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie (Bastian & Hartmann : Berlin). Z.f. Thiermed. — Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin und vergleichende Patho- logic). Z. geol. Ges. — Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft (Berlin). Z. ges. Orn. — Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Ornithologie (Yon Madarasz : Budapest). Z. Naturw. — Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften. Original Abhand- lungen und Bericlite horausgegobon im Auftrago dor natunvisson- schaftlichen Yereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen (Brass : Halle-a-S.). Z. Orn. — Zeitschrift fiir Ornithologie und praktischen Geflug. Z. wiss. Geogr. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Geographie (Kettler : Lahr, in Baden). Z. wiss. Mi/cr. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroscopie und fiir mikroscopische Technik (Berens : Braunschweig). Z. wiss. Zool. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie (Kolliker & Ehlers : Leipzig). Zapishi Kiev. — Zapiski Kievskagho Obshcliestva Estestvolspuilatelei (Kieff). Zapislci Novoross. Obsch. Fstcstv. — Zapiski Novorossiskagho Obshchestva EstestvoispuitateleT (Odessa). Zoe — Zoe : A Biological Journal (San Francisco). Zool. — The Zoologist (Harting : London). Zool. Anz. — Zoologischor Anzeiger (Carus : Leipzig). Zool.Beitr. — Zoologische Beitrage (Breslau). Zool. Gart. — Der Zoologische Garten (Noll : Frankfort). Zool. Jahrb. — Zoologische Jahrbiicher (Spengel : Giessen). Zool. JB. — Zoologischer Jahresbericht (Mayer & Giesbrecht : Berlin). Zool. Mag. — The Zoological Magazine (Tokyo). Zool. Rec. — The Zoological Record (Beddard : London). An asterisk prefixed to a quotation signifies that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. CONTENTS. GENERAL SUBJECTS. By J. Page Text Books, General Works, Essays, &c 1 Theory of Evolution : General 9 Environment 15 Heredity 17 Arthur Thomson, M.A., F.R.S.E. Page Special Subjects : Cell and Protoplasm .... 19 Oogenesis 22 Spermatogenesis 26 Sex and Reproduction .... 27 MAMMALIA. By R. Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. Introduction 1 The General Subject 2 Faunas 19 Special Structures, Develop- ment, &c . 20 Special Work 21 Primates, 21 Chiroptora . 26 Insectivora 24 Carnivora .... Rodentia Ungulata . . . . Cetacea Sirenia Edentata .... Marsupialia . . . Multituberculata 26 31 39 47 50 50 50 50 AYES. By R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. Introduction 1 The General Subject 2 Ratitae 22 Rheiformes 22 Struthionif ormes 22 Casuariiformes 22 Apterygif ormes 23 Carinatae 23 Crypturif ormes 23 Galliformes 23 Columbiformes 25 Opisthocomiformos 26 Ralliformes 26 Heliornithiformes ...!.. 27 Hesperornithiformes 27 Podicipedidiformes 27 Colym biformes . 27 Procellariif ormes ;...... 27 Alciformes 28 Lariformes 28 Charadriiformes ....... 29 Gruif ormes . 31 Pelargif ormes 31 Phaenicopteriformes 32 Anseriformes 32 Pelecaniformes 33 Cathartidiformes 34 A.ccipitriformes 34 Striges 36 Coraciiformes 37 Trogones 39 Coccyges 40 Psittaciformes ......... 40 Scansores 41 Picif ormes 41 Eurylaemi 42 Menurae 43 Passeriformes 43 Passe res abnor males '. 64 xxxviii CONTENTS. REPTILIA and BATRACIIIA. By G. A. Boulenger. Page General 1 Fauna) 4 Palaeontological G Reptilia 7 Squamata 8 Lacertilia 8 Rhyptoglossa . *. 11 Pythonomorpha 12 Ophidia 12 Ornithosauria 17 Dinosauria 17 Emydosauria 18 PISCES. By G General 1 Faunae 5 Palaeontological 7 Elasraobranohii 9 Holocephali 11 Ostracodermi 11 Dipnoi 12 Ganoidei 13 Incertae Sedis 16 TUNICATA. By Prof List of Publications 1 Anatomy 2 Embryology 2 Physiology, Methods, &c. ... 4 Geographical Distribution ... 4 Page Chelonia 18 Icthyosauria 21 Plesiosauria 21 Thecodontia 21 Rhynchocephalia 21 Anomodontia 22 Batrachia 22 Ecaudata 23 Caudata 26 Apoda 27 Stegocephala 28 A. Boulenger. Teleostei 17 Acanthopterygii 18 A. Pharyngognathi 24 Anacanthini 25 Physostomi 28 Lophobranchii 34 Plectognathi 34 Cyclostomata 34 Leptocardii . . 35 W. A. Herdman, D.Sc. Systematic , 5 Ascidiacea 5 Ascidiae simplices 5 Ascidioo composites 6 Larvacea 6 MOLLUSCA. By P. Chalmers Mitciiell, B.A., F.Z.S. Introduction 1 List of Publications 2 References. Systematic Classi- fication 25 Cephalopoda 26 Octopoda 26 Decapoda . 26 Ammonea 27 Tetrabranchiata 28 Pteropoda 29 Gasteropoda Pulmonata .... 30 Gasteropoda Opisthobranchiata 39 „ Nucleobranchiata 41 „ Prosobranchiata . 42 Prosobranchiata Scutibranchiata 55 Polyplacophora 57 Aplacophora 57 Scaphopoda 57 Lamellibranchiata 58 References 64 Geographical Distribution . . . 67 Geological „ ... 70 BRACHIOPODA. By P. Chalmers Mitchell, B.A., F.Z.S. Introduction 1 List of Papers 1 References ; Systematic Classi- fication 4 Inarticulata 4 Articulata 4 References ; Subject Matter . 8 General Anatomy 8 Geographical Distribution ... 9 Geological „ .9 CONTENTS. XXXIX POLYZOA. By P. Chalmers Mitchell, B.A., F.Z.S. Page Introduction 1 List of Papers 1 References ; Systematic Classi- fication 4 Entoprocta 4 CRUSTACEA. By List of Publications 1 Systematic 12 Thoracipoda 12 Podophthalmia 12 Decapoda 12 Stomapoda 13 Edriophthalmia ' . . 13 Isopoda 13 Amphipoda 14 Gnathopoda 15 Branchiopoda 15 Page Ectoprocta 5 Yermiformia 9 References ; Subject Matter . 9 Geographical Distribution ... 10 Geological „ ... 10 eoil Warburton, B.A. Phyllopoda 15 Cladocera 15 Lophyropoda 15 Ostracoda 15 Copepoda 17 Anchoracephala 17 Cirrhipedia 17 Morphology 17 Physiology 21 Classification 21 Geographical Distribution ... 22 ARACHNID A. By R. Innes Pocock. Titles of Papers . Distribution i Araneae Pedipalpi Scorpiones .... SolpUgflQ Pscudoscorpiones 1 4 4 13 13 14 14 Opiliones . . . Palaeontology Acari Pentastomida Tardigrada . Pantopoda . . Gigantostraca MYRIOPODA. By R. Innes Pocock. Palaeontology . . . Protracheata . . . Titles of Papers 1 Chilopoda 2 Diplopoda 3 15 15 16 18 18 19 19 4 4 INSECTA. By D. Sharp. Introduction 1 Titles 2 Anatomy, Physiology, Biology 60 Faunistic and Palaeontology . . 65 Economic 93 Bibliography, Nomenclature, Biography . . . 95 Systematic 97 xl CONTENTS. Pago The General Sub- ject 97 Cicindelidae ... 97 Carabidae 98 Dytiscidae 103 Gyrinidas . . . . .104 Hydrophilidae . . 104 Platypsyllidae. . . 107 Staphylinidas ... 107 Pselaphidae .... 109 Paussidae 114 Scydmasnidaa ... 114 Silphidas 114 Histeridae 115 Phalacridae .... 116 Nitidulidae .... 116 Trogositidae ... 117 Colydiidae . . . . 118 Cucujidae .... 118 (a.) COLEOPTEItA. Page Cryptophagidae, Lathridiidae, ThorictidaB ... 119 Dermestidas .... 1 1 9 Byrrhidae 119 Parnidae 119 Heteroceridaa . . . 120 Lucanidas 120 Passalidae 120 Scarabaeidac .... 120 Buprestidas .... 128 Throscidaa .... 131 Eucnemidae .... 131 Elateridae 132 Rhipidoceridas, Dascillidae ... 134 Malacodermata . . 134 Oleridae 136 Bostrychidae,Ptin- idaa, Oioidae . . 137 Tenebrionidae . . 137 Page Cistelidaa 142 Melandryidao, Lagriidaa .... 142 Pedilidas, Anthic- idas,Xylophilidae 142 Mordellidae,Rhipi- dophoridae . . . 144 Cantharidae .... 144 CEdemeridae . . . . 146 Curculionidas ... 147 Scolytidae ..... 156 Brenthidae 157 Bruchidaa, An- thribidae . . Cerambycidas . Chrysomelidae Languriidas, Erotylidae . Endomychidae Coccinellidae . CorylophidaB . . 157 . 158 . 166 . 177 . 177 . 178 . 178 The General Sub- ject ....... 179 Aculeata Apidae 179 Yespidae .... 182 Crabronidae. . . 183 Mutillidae . . . 187 (b.) Hymenoptera. Aculeata Formicidas . . . 187 Terebrantia Chrysididae. . . 192 Ichneumonidaa . 192 Braconidae ... 198 Terebrantia Evaniidae, and Trigonalidae . 199 Chalcididaa . . . 199 Proctotrupidas . 200 Cynipidaa .... 201 Sessiliventres . . . 202 The General Sub- ject 204 Rhopalocera Papilionidae . . 204 .Pieridas 205 Danaidae . . . . 207 Acrasidae .... 208 Heliconiidas . . 209 Nymphalidae . . 209 Brassolidas and Morphidas . . 212 Satyridae .... 212 Elymniidae . . . 214 Erycinidae . . . 214 Lycasnidae . . . 215 Hesperidae . . . 222 Heterocera Sphingidae . . . 223 iEgeriidae . . . 224 (c.) Lepidoptera. Heterocera Castniidae, Ura- niidac, Aga- ristidae, Chal- cosiidas, Hi- mantopteridae 224 Zygasnidae . . . 226 Arctiidae .... 227 Melamer idae, Lithosiidae, Hypsidae . . . 229 N y ct eolidas, Nyctemeridas, Euschemidae . 231 Liparidas, Ana- pbidas .... 231 Psychidas .... 232 Notodontidae, Cnethocampidas 233 Limacodidas, Drepanulidae 234 Heterocera Saturniidas, Ce- ratocampidae, Bombycidas, Lasiocampidac 235 CossidaB,Hepial- idae 237 Cymatophoridae 238 Noctuidae .... 238 Deltoidae .... 248 Geometridae . . 250 Pyralidae, Phy- citidae, Sicu- lodidae, Epi- paschiid as, Crambidae . . 256 Tortricidae . . . 267 Tineidae .... 268 Pterophoridae & Alucitidae . . 271 CONTENTS. Xli Page The General Sub- ject ....... 272 Cecidomyiidae . . 272 Mycetophilidee . . 274 Simuliidae 274 Bibionidae 275 Blepharoceridae . 275 Culicidac .... * 275 Chironomidae . * . 275 Tipulidce . . . * . 275 Leptidae < 278 The General Sub- ject 291 Hemiptera — He- teroptera . . . 291 Pentatomidae t . 291 Coreidac' 295 Lygaeidae and Pyrrhocoridae 295 Tingitidae and Aradidae < . i 29G The General Sub- ject . ... i . . 307 Trichoptera . . . 307 Neuroptera-Plani- pennia . . . . . 307 The General Sub- ject 313 Forficulidae . i . . 313 (d.) Dipteha. Page Asilidae 278 Bombyliidae. . . . 278 Cyrtidae 278 Empidae 278 Dolichopodidae . . 278 Lonchopteridae . . 280 Syrphidae 280 (Estridae 280 Tachinidae, Musc- idac, Sarcophag- idao .»;.... 280 (e.) RhynChotA. (Hemiptera — He- teroptera) Gapsidae 296 Anthocoridm and Saldldae ... 298 Reduviidae, Na- bidae ..... 298 Hydrometridae ; 299 Hydrocorisae . . 299 (Hemiptera-— Ho- moptera) . . . 300 (f.) NEuroptera. Pseudo*Neuroptera307 THysanura and Collembola . 307 Mallophaga . . ; . 309 (g.) Orthoptera. Blattidae 313 Mantidae 314 Phasmatidae . . . 314 Page Anthomyiidae. . . 289 Ortalidae 289 Trypetidae 290 Epbydridae . . . . 290 Oscinidae 290 AgromyzidaB,Phy- tomyzidao,Phor- idae ....... 290 Pupipara 290 (Aphaniptera) . . 290 (Hemiptera — Ho- moptera) Cicadidae .... 300 Fulgoridae ... 301 Cercopidae . . . 302 Membracidae. . 302 Jassidae 303 Psyllidae .... 304 Aphididae . . . 304 Aleurodidae, Goccidae . . . 305 Termitidao, Embi idae* Thysano ptera 310 Psocidae ..... 310 Ephemeridae . . . 310 Odonata ..... 310 Gryllidae , .... 314 Locustidae .... 315 Acridiidae .... 317 ECHINODERMATA. By E; A. Minchin. Inttfoduetiou 1 List of Publications 2 Anatomy* Histology, &c. ... 11 Embryology . ; 17 Physiology. i 17 Biology. 18 Distribution 20 1890. [VOL. xxvtr.] Systematic . „ . . 20 Holethurioidea . . * 20 Echinoidea 21 Asteroidea. 22 Ophiuroidea; . ; . . 23 Crinoidea 24 B 4 xlii CONTENTS. VERMES. By P. Ciialmers Mitchell, B.A., F.Z.S. Page Introduction . . . ' . 1 List of Publications 2 References. Systematic Classi- fication 16 General 16 Rotifera 16 Nemertea 17 Acanthocephala 17 Nematoda 18 Enteropneusta 18 CCELENTERATA. List of Papers 1 Morphology 7 Reviews and Notices 12 Page Annelida 18 Chaetopoda 19 Gephyrea 20 Hirudinea . 21 Turbellaria 21 Cestoda 22 Trematoda 22 References. Subject Matter Classification 23 Geographical Distribution . . 26 By S. J. Hickson. Distribution 12 Systematic 13 Ilydrozoa 13 Anthozoa 16 SPONGIA3. By E. A. Minciiin, B.A. Introduction 1 List of Publications 2 Anatomy, Histology, &c. ... 9 Embryology 11 Physiology 13 Biology 13 Distribution 14 Methods of Preservation, &c. . 14 Systematic 14 Calcarea 14 Hexactinellida 14 Tetractinellida, &c 15 PROTOZOA. By Cecil Warburton, B.A. List of Publications 1 Systematic 8 Gymnomyxa 8 Corticata 10 Morphology and Life-History , 1 1 Physiology 12 Classification 13 Geographical Distribution . . 13 Index to Genera and Subgenera described as New, &c. Gen. Sub. 1 ZOOLOGICAL RECORD FOR 1890. GENERAL SUBJECTS.* BY J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., F.R.S.E. PLAN OF (a.) Text-Boors, General Works, &c., p. 1. (b) Theory of Evolution, 1. General, p. 9. 2. Environment, p^ 15. 3. Heredity, p. 17. RECORD. (c) Special Subjects. 1 . Cell and Protoplasm, p. 1 9. 2. Oogenesis, p. 22. 3. Spermatogenesis, p. 26. 4 i Sex and Reproduction, p. 27i (A.) text-books, general works, essays on GENERAL SUBJECTS; (1) Text-Books and General Works. °Arloing, S. Cours elementaire d’Anatomie gdn^rale et notions de Technique Histologique. (Revise et publie par. X; Lesbre.) Paris : 8vo, 454 ppi, 388 figsi . [See Chauveau, A.] ^BessoNjE. Le9ons d’Anatomie et de Physiologie ariimales. Paris: 8vo, pp. 1-208* 227 figs., & pp. 209-368, 171 figs. Boas, J. E. Y. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Jena : 8vo, viii & 578 pp., 378 figs. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the work referred to. 2 Gen. Sub. GEN E It A L SUBJECTS. Breiim’s Tierleben. Dritte, ganzlich nenbearbeitete Auflage von Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Bel. i & n, die Saiigethiere (unter Mitwirkung von W. Haacke). Leipzig : 8vo, xii & 708 pp., 19 pis., 149 figs., & xliv & 702 pp., 19 pis., about 130 figs. Bronn, H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Reptilia , by 0. K. Hoffmann ; Aves, by Hs. Gadow ; Mammalia , by W. Leche ; Arthropoda , by H. Gerst^cker ; Vermes , by M. Braun ; Echinodermata , by H. Lud- wig. Leipzig : 8vo. [See separate Records.] °Camerano, L. Note ad un corso annuale di anatomia e fisiologia cora- parate. Torino : 4to, 717 pp., 788 figs. Carus, J. Y. Prodromus faunae Mediterranean. Yol. n. Mollusca , Cephalopoda. Pars 2. Tunicata.. ( Stuttgart : 8vo, pp. 273-496. ''Chauveau, A. Traite d’anatomie coinparee des animaux domestiques. 4© edition, revue et augmentee avec la collaboration de S. Arloing. Paris : 8vo, 1064 pp., 455 figs. °Ellenberger, W. Handbuch der vergleichenden Histologie und Phy- siologic der Haussaugethiere. Bd. n. Theil i. Yergl. Physiologie. Berlin : 8vo, 15 & 877 pp., 82 figs. Fotiiergill, W. E. Zoological Types and Classification. Edinburgh : 8vo, 222 pp. Gaudry, A. Les Enchainements du Monde Animal dans les temps geologiques. Fossiles secondaires. Paris : 8vo, 523 pp., 403 figs. Heider, K. [See Korsciielt, E.] Hertwig, O. Lehrbuch der Entwickelungsgesehichtedes Menschen und der Wirbeltiere. Dritte, teilweise umgearbeitete Auflage. Jena : 8vo, xiii & 554 pp., 2 pis., 339 figs. Korschelt, E., & Heider, K. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicke- lungsgeschichte der Wirbellosen Thiere. Specieller Teil. 1 Lief. Jena : 8vo, xii & 308 pp., 225 figs. Leucicart, R., & Nitsche, H. Zoologische Wandtafeln zum Gebrauche an Universitaten und auf Schulen. Lief. 37, taf. lxxxiv & lxxxvii ; 38, taf. lxxxv & lxxxix ; 39, taf. lxxxvi & lxxxviii ; 40, taf. xc & xci. Kassel : fol. ®Matsonneuve, P. Zoologie, Anatomie et Physiologie animales. 3 edition. Paris : 8vo, 500 pp., 3 pis., 166 figs. °Micheletti, A. M. Elementi di Zoologia descrittiva. Torino : 8vo, 167 pp., 138 figs. Perrier, E. Traite de Zoologie. Fasc. i. Zoologie generale. Paris : 8vo, viii & 412 pp., 458 figs. c'Prenant, A. Elements d’Embryologie de lTIomme et des Yertebres. Livre i. Paris : 8vo, 32 & 470 pp., 230 figs., 4 pis. TEXT-BOOKS, GENERAL WORKS, ESSAYS, ETC. Gen. Sub. 3 cPoggio, E. de. Manuale de Zoologia comparata ed origine degli ani- mali domestici ad uso della quinta classe ginnasiali. Milano : 8vo, vii & 154 pp. Quain’s Elements of Anatomy. Edited by E. A. Schafer and G. D. Thane. Tenth Edition. Yol. I, Part i. Embryology. London : 8vo, 170 pp., 200 figs. Selenka, E. A Zoological Pocket-book ; or synopsis of animal classifi- cation, comprising definitions of the phyla, classos, and ordors, with explanatory remarks and tables. Trans, from 3rd German ed. by J. R. Ainsworth-Davis. London : 12mo, 236 pp. Tasciienbeeg, 0. Bibliotheca Zoologica. Verzeichniss der Schriften fiber Zoologie 1861-1880. 8 Lief. Leipzig : 8vo, Sign. 281-320, pp. 2291-2610. Vayssiere, A. Atlas d’Anatomie comparee deslnvertebres, Paris: 4to, 1888-90, 150 pp., 60 pis. Vogt, C., & Yung, E. Trait6 d’anatomie compare pratiquo. Paiis : 8vo, Tome ii or Lehrbuch der praktischen Yergleichenden Anatdmie : Braunschweig, 8vo. Lief 1, pp. 1-64, figs. 1-36 ; 2, pp. 65-128, figs. 37-60 ; 3, pp. 129-192, figs. 61-90 ; 4, pp. 193- 256, figs. 91-115; 5, pp. 257-320, figs. 116-137 ; 6, pp. 321-384, figs. 138-162. Yung, E. [See Vogt, C.] Zittel, K. A. von. Handbuch der Palmontologie. (Unter Mitwir- kung von A. Schonck.) Pahoo zoologie, 13d. m. Lief 4. Mfinchen & Leipzig : 8vo, pp. xii & 633-900, 160 figs. See llcptilia and Aves. . Palseontographica. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit. Hrsg. v. K. A. v. Zittel, uuter Mitwirkung von E. Beyrich, v. Fritsch, F. Roemer, W. Waagen, W. Branco. Bd. xxxvi & xxxvn. Stutt- gart : 4to, pp. 159-247, pis, xviii-xxxi ; pp. 1-32, pis. i-vi ; pp. 33- 116, pis. vii-xxi. Zittel, K. A. von, & Hausiiofer, K. Palaontologische Wandtafeln und Geologische Landschaften. Lief II. Kassel : 8 pp. text, Taf. 47-53. (2) Books and Essays on Natural History and Biology. Alix, E. L’Esprit de nos Betes. Paris : 8vo, pp. viii & 656, 125 figs. °Baranski, A. Thierproduction. i. Th. Naturgeschichte und Rassen- lehre der Hausthiere. Wien .- 8vo, 160 pp., figs. CsBlainville, D. de. Cuvier et Geoffroy St. Hilaire. Paris: 8vo, 6 & 446 pp., portrait. Buckley, A. B. Through Magic Glasses and other Lectures. Londou : 1890, 8 vo, xiv & 234 pp., 3 pis., and about 80 cuts. Some good popular Natural history. , 4 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. °Corsetti, A. La Intelligenza degli Animali bruti ; la Intelligenza, la Ragione, od i Dovori dell’ Uomo. Roma : 12mo, 598 pp. °Courmelles, Foveau de. Les Faculty mentales des Animaux. Paris : lGmo, vii & 352 pp., 31 figs. Dana, J. D. Corals and Coral Islands. 3rd Edition. New York : 8 vo, 440 pp., 16 pis., 80 figs. Darwin, Ch. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. ‘Beagle3 round the World, under the command of Captain Fitzroy. New Illustrated Edition, London : 8vo, 615 pp., 100 figs. °Dollo, L, Le Yol chez les Yertebres. Bruxelles ; 8vo, 138 pp. °Filhol, H, Des liens qui rattachent la Zoologie a la Paleontologie. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool, 1890, pp. 209-224. Girod, P, Les Soci^tes chez les Animaux. Paris: 12mo, 342 pp., 53 figs. *Goette, A- Thierkunde. Strasshurg : 8vo, vii & 239 pp., 65 figs. °Guyot, E, J^es Animaux de la Ferme. Paris ; 8vo, 344 pp,, illustr, Hamilton, E. The Riverside Naturalist. Notes on the various forms of life rpet \yith either in, on, or by the water, or its immediate vicinity. London : 8vo, pp. xyii & 402, illustr. °Hoefer, F. Histoire de la Zoologie, depuis les temps ies plus recules jusqu’a nos jours. Nouv. Edit, Paris ; 8vo, 416 pp. Hudson, C, T. The President’s Address on some Needless Difficulties in the Study of Natural History. J, R, Micr, Soc. 1890, pp. 129-141 ; Nature, xli, pp. 375-379. (Trans.) Rey. Sci. xlv, pp, 801-807. Lacaze-Dutijiers, H, de. De la yaleur relative de quelques Proced6s d’lnvestigation en Anatomie comparee. Arch. Z. exper. viii, pp. 617-686, 3 pis. Lankester, E. Ray. The Advancement of Science, Occasional Essays and Addresses, Lopdqn : 8vo, viii & 387 pp, 1. Degeneration : a chapter on Darwinism. 2. Biology and the State. 3. Pasteur and Hydrophobia. 4, Examinations. 5. Scientific Results of the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. 6. Centenarianism. 7. Parthenogenesis. 8. A Theory of Heredity. 9. The History and Scope of Zoology. Leitfaden fur das Aquarium 4er Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. 3 Auflage, 8vo, 92 pp., 167 figs. Combination qf the separately published atlas and text. Letquiineau, Cn. Biology. New Edition. London : 8vo, xi & 471 pp., 83 figs. ^Maestro, L. La Zoologia Omerica. Lo Spallanzani, xix, pp. 45-51. TEXT-BOOKS, GENERAL WORKS, ESSAYS, ETC. Gen. Sub. 5 Morgan, C. Lloyd. Animal Life and Intelligence. London : (1890-91), 8vo, xvi & 512 pp., 40 figs., 1 pi. The nature of animal life ; the process of life ; reproduction and development ; variation and natural selection ; heredity and the origin of variations ; organic evolution ; the senses of animals ; mental pro- cesses in man ; mental processes in animals ; their powers of perception and intelligence ; the feelings of animals ; their appetences and emotions ; animal activities ; habit and instinct ; mental evolution. °Pennetier, M. G. Scenes do la vie des Animaux. Paris: 4to, 188 pp., 18 pis. Poulton, E. B. The Colours of Animals: their meaning and use especially considered in the case of Insects. London : 8vo, xiii & 360 pp., 66 figs., 1 pi. *::\Ritzema-Bos, J. Thierische Schadlinge und Niitzlinge. Berlin : 8vo, xvi & 876 pp., 477 figs. Romanes, G. J. Primitive Natural History. Nineteenth Century, xxviii, pp. 297-308. Shields, G. O. The Big Game of North America : its habits, habitat, haunts, and characteristics ; how, when, and where to hunt it. (A composite work by numerous authors ; edited by G. 0. Shields.) London : 8vo, 581 pp., 27 pis., 14 figs. <:sSicard, H. Coup d’oeil historique sur la marche de la Zoologie, ses progress et ses tendances, discours de reception il PAcad6mie. Lyon : 8vo, 28 pp. M6m. Ac. Lyon, xxxi. °Yunci, E. Propos scientifiques. Paris: 8vo, 293 pp. Wright, E. P. Sur le progress de la Zoologie en Irlande, de 1863 a 1889. C R. Congres Internat. Zool. 1890, pp. 314-316. (3) Physiological. Ambronn, II. Cellulose-Reaction bei Arthropoden und Mollusken. MT. z. Stat. Neap, ix, pp. 475-482. Demoor, J. Recherches sur la Marche des Insectes et des Arachnides : etude experimentale d’Anatomie et de Physiologie comparees. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 567-608, 3 pis. Dubois, R. Nouvelles recherches sur la Production de la Lumiere par les Animaux et les Vegetaux. C.R. cxi, pp. 363-366. “ Luminosity is associated with the transformation of colloid proto- plasmic granulations into crystalloid granulations under the influence of a respiratory process.” . Sur la Perception des Radiations lumineuses par la peau, chez les Prot6es avougles des grottes de la Carniole. Op. cit. cx, pp. 358-36 1 . . Sur la Physiologie comparee des Sensations gustatives et tactiles. T. c. pp. 473-475. 6 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Durand, J. P. Qu’est-ce que la Physiologie generate. Rev. phil. xxx, pp. 449-465. Dutartre, A. Sur les Changements de Oouleur chez la Grenouille com- mune (liana esculenta). O.R, cxi, pp. 610 & 611. The change is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. °Encausse, G. Essai de Physiologie synthetique. Paris : 8vo, 134 pp. Fol, H. Observations sur la Vision sous-marine, faites dans la Mediter- ranee a l’aide du Scapbandre. C.R. cx, pp, 1079-1081. Garstang, W. [Foreign Substances attached to Crabs,] Letters to Nature, xli, pp. 417 & 418, 49P, & 538. [Cf. E. W. L. Holt, t. c, pp. * 463 & 464.] Hayem, G. Du Sang et de ses alterations anatomiques. Paris ; 8vo, xxvi & }035 pp,, 126 figs, Howell, W. H. The Life History of the formed elements of the Blood, especially the red blood porpuscles, J. Morph, iv, pp. 57-116, 1 pi. Lo Bianco, S. Metodi usati nella Stazione Zoologica per la conservazione degli animali marini, MT. z. Stat, Neap, jx, pp. 435-474. °Loeb, J. Untersuchungen zur physiologischen Morphologie der Thiere. I. Ppber Heteromorphose. Wurzburg ; 8vo, 80 pp., 1 pi., 3 figs, ^Marenzeller, E. v. Ueber Farbung und Zeichuung der Thiere. Schr. Ver, Verbr, nat, Kepntn, Wien, Bdl xxx, pp. 97-rl25. Separately, Wien ; Syo, 29 pp. ' ^Mervirle, V. La Lopomozione negli TJccelli, Rettili, e Pesci. Palermo : 12mo, 16 pp. °Meyer, H. y. Pie Ortsbewegung der Thiere, Hamburg; 8vo, 48 pp. Penard, E. La Chlorophylle dans le Regne Animal. Arch. Sci. Nat. xxiv, pp. 638-648. “ La chlorophylle de formation endogene manque absolument chez les animaux.’'’ Stearns, R. E. G. Instances of the effects of Musical Sounds on Animals. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 22r29, 123-130, & 236-t242. Steiner, J. Die Functionen des Centralnervensysteiqs der wii’bellosen Thiere. SB. Ak. Berlin, pp. 39-49, Toldt, K. Thierisches und pflanzljches Wachsthum, Wien ; 8vo, 31 pp. ( d) Morphological. Ayers, Hf Concerning Vertebrate Cephalogenesis, J, Morph, iv, pp. 221-245. Beaunis, H. L’Evolution du Systeme Nerveux. Paris; 8vo, 320 pp., 237 figs. Beard, J. Prof. Rabl and the mode of Development of the Vertebrate peripheral Nervous System. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 125-128. TEXT-BOOKS, GENERAL WORKS, ESSAYS, ETC. Gen. Sub. 7 Beraneck, E. L’CEil priinitif des Vertebres. Arch. Sci. Nat. xxiv, pp. 361-380, 1 pi. Blanchard, R. De la Nomenclature des etres organises. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. pp. 333-404. Doiirn, A, Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbeltierkorpers. xv. Neue Grundlage zur Beurteilung der Metamerie des Kopfes. MT. z. Stat. Neap, ix, pp. 330-434, 2 pis, . Bomorkungen fiber don nouoston Yorsuoh einor Losung dos Wir- beltierkopf-Problems. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 53-64 & 78-85. °Hamann, 0. Ueber die Eutstehung der Keimblatter. Ein Erkliirungs- versuch. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, vii, pp. 255-267 & 295-311, 1 pi. Houssay, F. Etudes d’Embryologie sur les Vertebres. Arch. Z. exper. viii, pp. 143-244, 5 pis. Lataste, F. Definition de Pespece biologique, Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 480-483. Leydig, F. Das Rarjetalorgan. Biol, Gentralbl. x, pp. 278-285. . Das Parietalorgan der Amphibien und Reptilien. Abh. Senck. ,Ges. xvi, pp. 441-551, 7 pis. McClure, C. F. W, The Segmentation of the Primitive Vertebrate Brain. J. Morph, iv, pp. 35-56, 1 pi. Minot, C. S. Morphology of the Blood Corpuscles. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 1020-1023. a. One-colled blood, i.c ., first stago in all vertobratos ; the blood con- tains only red cells with little protoplasm. B. Two-celled blood, having red and white cells ; the red cells have either a large coarsely granular nucleus (Ichthyopsida), or a smaller, darkly stainipg nucleus (Sauropsida, Mammalian embryos). c. Plastid blood, without red cells, but with white colls and red plas- tids ; only in adult Mammals. Minot, C, S. The Mesoderm and the Coelom of Vertebrates. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 877-898, 5 figs. Mobius, J£. TJeber die Bildung und Bedeutung der Gruppenbegriffe unserer Thiersysteme. SB. Ak. Berlin (1890) pp. 845-851. . Ueber die Principien der neozoologischen und palseozoolo- gischen Classification. SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 184-187. ''Perrier, E. Sur les Services que l’Embryologio pout rendre h la Classi- fication, C,R, Congres Internat. Zool. Paris : 1890, pp. 1 79-203. -Pfeffer, G. Die Bezeichnungen f fir die hoheren systematischen Kate- gorien ip. der Zoologie. Hamburg : 8vo, 10 pp. . Regies de la Nomenclature des etres organises adoptees par le Congres Internationa) de Zoologie. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 164-168. 8 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. °Retzius, G. Biologische Untersuchungen. . Stockholm & Leipzig Folio, 99 pp., 18 pis. Houle, L. - Rcmarquos sur l’Origine des Centres Nerveux chez les Ccelo- mates. Arch. Z. exp<5r. viii, pp. 83-100. Roux, W. Die Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, eine anato- mische Wissenschaft der Zukunft. Wiener Med. Presse. xxx, 1889, Nos. 50 & 51 ; separately : Wien, 8vo, 26 pp. Selenka, E. Das Stirnorgan der Wirbeltiere. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 323-326. Semon, R. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der Urniere in ihrem Verhaltnis zur Yorniere und Nebenniere und liber ihre Yerbindung mit dem Genitalsystem. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 4-55-482, 5 figs. Sutton, J. B. Erasmus Wilson Lectures on the Relation of Morpho- logy and Pathology. Lancet, 1890, pp. 335-338 : Brit. Med. J. 1890, pp. 350 & 351. *Wagner, Y. De la Nomenclature en Histologie. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. Paris : 1890, pp. 425-431. . De la Nomenclature eu Zoologie. T: c. pp. 431-434. (4) Faunistic. *Chun, C. Die pelagische Thierwelt in grossen Meerestiefen. Leipzig : 8vo, 19 pp. ELeckel, E. Plankton-Studien. Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber die Bedeutung und Zusammensetzung der pelagischen Fauna und Flora. Jena : 8vo, viii & 105 pp. Jen. Z. Nat. xxv, pp. 232-336. Hensen, Y. Einige Ergebnisse der Plankton Expedition der Humboldt Stiftung. SB. Ak. Berlin, pp. 243-253. Imhof, O. E. Die Fortschritte in der Erforschung der Thierwelt der Seen. Yer. schweiz. Naturf. Ges. Davos: 1890, pp. 157-170. Mitchell, P. C. A Graphic Formula to Express Geographical Distri- bution. P. Z. S. iv, pp. 607-609. Norman, A. M. The “ British Area” in Marine Zoology. Ann. N. H. v, pp. S45-353. °Pelseneer, P. L’Exploration zoologique des Mers profoudes. Bruxelles : 8vo, 75 pp., 16 figs. Pfeiffer, — . Ueber den Ursprung und die gegenseitigen Beziehungen der Fauna des Meeres uud des sfissen Wassers. Verh. Vers. deut. Naturf. u. ASrtzte. lxiii, pp. 124-126. Trouessart, E. L. La Geographie Zoologique. Paris : 16mo, 338 pp., 63 figs., 2 maps. Zaciiarias, O. Ueber ein interessantes Kapitel der Seenkunde. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 123-128. Origin of part of freshwater fauna by active or passive migration. THEORY OF EVOLUTION. Gen. Sub. 9 Zschokke, F. On the Fauna of Mountain-lakes. Zool. Anz. p. 37 ; (trans.) Ann. N. H. v, pp. 257 & 258. (5) Practical. °Allen, G. The Taxidermist’s Manual. New York : 12mo, 64 pp., illustr. °Bateman, G. C. Fresh- Water Aquaria, their Construction, Arrange- ment, and Management. London : 8vo, 316 pp., figs. °Boitari>& Makine. Nouveau Manuel complet du Naturalisto Pr6pa- rateur. Partie ii. Taxidermie, par Boitard. Nouvelle Edition, eutierement refondue et compile par Magne. Paris : 12mo, 12 & 420 pp., illustr. ^Boneval, R. Nouveau Guide pratique de Technique microscopique appliqu^e a l’Histologie et a l’Embryologie, suivi d’un Formulaire indiquant la composition des reactifs employes en Anatomie micro- scopique. Paris : 8vo, 226 pp., 21 figs. ’"’Cornevin, C. Traite de Zootechnie generale. Paris: 8vo, 1100 pp., 200 figs., 4 pis. Friedlander, B. Notizen zur Konservationstechnik pelagischer See- tiere. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 483-491. Lee, A. Bolles. The Microtomist’s Yademeoum, a Handbook of the Methods of Microscopic Anatomy. 2nd Edition. London : 8vo, pp. xiv & 413. VON Marenzeller, E. Der moderne Apparat zur Erforschung der Meerestiefen. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 207-226, 10 figs. °Marktanner-Turneretscher, G. Die Mikrophotographie als Hilfs- mittel naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Halle : 8vo, 7 & 344 pp., 2 pis., & 195 figs. Perrier, E. De l’Emploi de l’Eau de Mer artificielle pour la Conservation des Animaux Marins, et en parti culier des Huitres, dans des grands Aquariums. C.R. cx, pp. 1076-1079. *Ritzema-Bos, J. Thierische Schiidlinge und Niitzlinge fur Ackerbau, Viehzucht, Wald- und Gartenbau ; Lebensformen, Yorkommen, Einfluss und die Massregeln zu Yertilgung und Schutz. Praktisches Handbuch. Berlin : 8vo, xvi & 876 pp., 477 figs. (b.) theory of evolution. (1.) General. Baron, R. Varietes Zooteohniques: La Loi de Delboeuf. Bull, Sci. Fr, Belg. xxii, pp. 123-137. The law is stated as follows : — “ Du moment qu’une cause constante fait varier un type, dans une proportion aussi faible que l’on voudra, les variations finissent par lui disputer victorieusement la place,” 10 Gen. Sub . GENERAL SUBJECTS. Bateson, W. On some cases of abnormal Repetition of Parts in Animals. P. Z. S. lxxviii, pp. 579-588, 4 figs. Repetition in Crabs, Beetle, Crinoid, and Fishes. Bell, A. J. Why does Man Exist ? London : 8vo, 422 pp. Much physiological discussion, lacking in precision. ^Bernstein, J. Die mechanistische Tbeorie des Lebens, ihre Grund- lagen uud Erfolge. Braunschweig .- 8vo, 26 pp. Beyer, O. W. Der Giftapparat von Formica rufa , ein reduziertes Organ. Jen. Z. Nat. xxv, pp. 26-112, 2 pi. Interesting as a study in evolution. ^Blanchard, F. The Condition of Variation. Am. Micr. J. xi, pp. 135 & 136. c'Bosciietti, F. Darwin, Settegast (transformisti), Linneo, Sanson (non-transformisti) e le Leggi dell’ Creditarietil, studiate nelle loro fonti teorico pratiche, con nuove Ipotesi fisio-embriologiche (localizzazione cerebrale e evolution — “ definite or constitutional variations along grooves ol: change,” with corresponding limitation of natural selection mainly to its extinctive agency. Giard, A. . Le principe de Lamarck et l’Heredite des Modifications somatiques. Rev. Sci. xlvi, pp. 705-713. °Guldberg, G. Om Darwinismen og dens Riekkevidde. Christiania: 8vo, iv & 128 pp. Gulick, J. T. Intensive Segregation, or Divergence through Inde- pendent Transformation. J. L. Soc. xxiii, pp. 312-380. Segregation, that at first divides the species into sections with reference to some one endowment, is always tendiug to intensified segregation, in which the sections present differences in regard to an increasing number of endowments. Persistent differences are not all adaptational, for some have no relation to utility. Adaptational differences are not all advan- tageous. But no divergence can bo maintained without the prevention of interbreeding. . Divergent Evolution and the Darwinian Theory. Am. J. Sci. 1890, pp. 21-30 ; Aun. N. II. v, pp. 156-166. Segregation a necessary condition for the production of divergent species and races. The relation of Darwin’s conclusions to this theory. 12 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Gulicic, J. T.] The Inconsistencies of Utilitarianism as the exclusive Theory of Organic Evolution. Am. J. Sci. xl, pp. 1-14 ; Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 125-139. . The Preservation and Accumulation of Cross Infertility. Am. J. Sci. xl, pp. 437-442. . [On Isolation.] (Letter) Nature, xli, pp. 536 & 537 ; xlii, pp. 28, 29, 369, & 370. Ha acre, W. Ueber Metamerenbildung am Saugetierkleide. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 185-187. “ The fact that the metamerism of the Mammalian body extends with- out any purpose to the hairy coat, should be welcome at a time when ultra-Darwinians strive to explain the organism as a mosaic of selected variations.” [Q/’. Haacke, W. Ueber die systematische und morphologische Bedeu- tung bisher unbeachtet gebliebener Borsten am Saugetierkopfe. T. c. pp. 175-184.] IIerdman, W. A. Somo Experiments on Feeding Fishes with Nudi- branehs. Nature, xlii, pp. 201-203. Hyatt, A. S. Genesis of the Arietulai . Smiths. Contrib. Knowledge, xxvi, xi & 238 pp., 6 tables, 14 pis., 35 figs. “ Specialization has in all cases appeared to us to be due, not to natural selection, but to physical selection, or the production of suitable modifica- tions by the action of forces which changed in a similar way large numbers of the same species, perhaps nearly all the individuals in the same locality or same habitat, within a comparatively limited period of time.” “ Changes in the surroundings acted upon the plastic organism, inducing it to make efforts to accommodate itself to new conditions.” James, J. F. On Variation : with special reference to certain Palaeozoic Genera. Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 1071-1087. Jeffries, J. A. Lamarckism and Darwinism. P. Bost. Soc. xxv, pp. 42-48. °Korn, E. Ueber Fortbilding der Arten durch Naturtriebe und Domes- tikation. Inaug. Diss. Berlin : 8vo, 39 pp. Krapotkin, P. Mutual Aid among Animals. Nineteenth Cent, xxviii, pp. 337-354 & 699-719. Kukenthal, W. Ueber die Anpassung von Saiigethieren an das Leben ini Wasser. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 373-399. Lankester, E. Ray. The Advancement of Science. London : 8vo, viii & 387 pp. Degeneration, &c. . Letters to Nature : xlii, pp. 5 & 52. c‘Lendenfeld, R. V. Wie enstehen neue Arten von Thieren und Pttanzen ? Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 321-330. THEORY OP EVOLUTION. Gen. Sub. 13 LeUthardt, F. Ueber die Reduction der Fingerzahl bei Ungulaten. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 92-146, 23 pis. °McNeill, J. The Male Element the Originating Factor in the Develop- ment of Species. Psyche, v, pp. 269-272. Mauciial, P. Formation d’une espefce par le Parasitisme. Etude sur Sphecodes gibbus. Rev. Sci. xlv, pp. 199-204. Marshall, A. Milnes. Presidential Address. Section d. Biology. British Association, 1890. Nature, xlii, pp. 468-480 ; Rep. Brit. Ass. pp. 826-852. The relation between ontogeny and phylog^ny. Morgan, C. Lloyd. [See General.] . The Nature and Origin of Variations. Presidential Address. Rep. Proc. Bristol Soc. vi (1890-91), pp. 1-25. Morris, C. From Brute to Man. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 341-350. Man’s struggle for dominion over the brutes and his social habit were the conditions of early evolution. Mott, F. T. Organic Death. Mid. Nat. xiii, pp. 241-248. Nature, Letters to, by W. T. Thiselton Dyer (xli, pp. 247 & 248) ; Duke of Argyll (xli, pp. 294 & 295) ; W. T. Thiselton Dyer (xli, pp. 315 & 316) ; F. V. Dickson (xli, p. 316); Duke of Argyll (xli, pp. 366 & 367) ; R. Courtenay (xli, pp. 367 & 368) ; J. Cow- per (xli, p. 368) ; E. Ray Lankester ( q . v.) ; J. G. Romanes (i 2 . v .) ; F. H. Collins (xli, p. 559) ; R. Haig-Tiiomas (xli, p. 585) ; J. J. Murphy (xlii, pp. 5 & 6) ; W. A. Hollis (xlii, p. 6). OsnoRN, H. F. The palooontological Evidence for the Transmission of Acquired Characters. P. Am. Ass. xxxviii, pp. 273-276. Packard, A. S. Hints on the Evolution of the bristles, spines, and tubercles of certain Caterpillars, apparently resulting from a change from low-feeding to arboreal habits ; illustrated by the life- histories of some Notodontians. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 482-560, 2 pis., & 2 figs. The evolution of bristles, spines, and tubercles seems to be associated with a change from low-feeding to arboreal habits. Discussion of mimicry, arboreal segregation, &c. Distinction between primary and secondary factors in evolutiori. °Pascoe, F. P. The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species. London : 8vo, 130 pp. °Potoni]'4, II. Aufzahlung von Golehrton, die in der Zeit von Lamarck bis Darwin sich im Sinne der Descendenz-Theorie geaussert haben. Nat. Wochenschr. v, pp. 441-445. PoultON, E. B. The Colours of Animals, their meaning and use, espe- cially considered in the case of Iusects. London : 8vo, xiii & 360 pp., 1 pi., & 66 figs. 14 Gen Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Poulton, E. B.] Mimicry. Abstract of Lecture. Nature, xlii, pp. 557 & 558. Quatrefages, A. de. Les Theories Transformistes d’Owen etdeMivart. Rev. Sci. xlvi, pp. 33-39. . Theories Transformistes (Haeckel). J. des Savants, 1890, pp. 83- 96, 176-188, & 220-233. . Critiques et Addresses de Huxley. T. c. pp. 637-649 & 708-719. . Origine de l’Homme. Theorie de A. Russel Wallace. Rev. Sci. xlvi, pp. 225-233. ^Renooz, C. La Nouvelle Science. Livre 3. L’lWolution de l’Homme et des Animaux. 1 Partie. Les Mammif5res. Paris: 8vo, 261 pp. °ReybUrn, R. The Life-history of Micro-organisms, with its relation to the Theory of Evolution. Am. Micr. J. xi, pp. 131-134. ^Rohaut, C. A. Du Transformisme et de la Generation Spontauee, 4tnde «*uh* scientifique et philosophique. Paris : 8vo, xx & 148 pp. Romanes, G. J. Darwin’s Latest Critics. Nineteentn Cent, xxvii, pp. 823-832, — . Panmixia. Letters to Nature, xli, pp. 437-439, 51 1, 512, 584, & 585 ; xlii,pp. 79 & 80 ; xliii, pp. 127 & 128. - — . [“ Before and after Darwin.”] Summary of conclusions. Op. cit. xli, pp. 524 & 525. — . Weismann’s Theory of Heredity. Contemp. Rev. lvii, pp. 086- 699. °Rosa, D. La “Zoogenia” di F. C. Marmochi (1853). Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, vi, 9 pp. RYdEr, J. A. The Origin of Sex through Cumulative Integration, and the Relation of Sexuality to the Genesis of Species. F*. Am. Phil. Soc. tfxviii, pp. 109-159. cSohilde, J. Schach dem Darwinismus ! Studien eines Lepidoptero- logen. Berlin : 8vo, 360 pp. Sejt2, A. Allgemeine Biologie dor Schmetterlinge. Zool. Jalirb. v, pp. 281-343. Influence of climate and weather on Lepidoptera. An account is given of a restricted area of woodland in South Brazil, where the great majority of the insects were blue, although but a few miles off a red colour was dominant ; he argues that the facts could not be explained as due either to mimicry or to general protective resemblance. Sime, J. On the Modification of Organisms. London : 8vo, pp* vii & 164. Stirling, J. Hutchison. Philosophy and Theology. Edinburgh : 8 vo, pp. xvi & 407. Several chapters on Darwinism. *Tiiallwitz, J. Ueber Mimicry. SB. Gcs. Isis, 1890, 1, pp. 9-22. THEORY OF EVOLUTION. Gen. Sul). 15 Titchener, E. B., & Finn, 1?. Comparative Palatibility of Insects, &c. Nature, xlii, pp. 571 & 572. Verworn, M. Biologische Protisten-Studien. ii. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 443-468, 1 pi., 3 figs. Wallace, A. R. [Physiological Selection.] Letter to Nature, xliii, pp. 79-150. Weismann, A. Bemerkungen zu einigen Tages*Problemen. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 1-12 & 33-44 ; Nature, xli, pp. 317-323. Response to criticisms. The immortality of the Protozoa and of germ- cells is potential, cyclical, maintained by natural selection. The distinc- tion between “ ideal ” and “ real ” theories. The paternal and maternal reproductive elements are essentially alike. Fertilisation is merely a union of hereditary tendencies. Boveri has shown experimentally that a sperm-nucleus may replace an ovum-nucleus. Sexual reproduction has arisen by and for natural selection as the sole means by which individual variations can be combined in various proportions. Weldon, W. F. R. The Variations occurring in certain Decapod Crustacea : 1. Crangon vulgaris. P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 445-453. <(Werner, F. Untersuchungen fiber die Zeichnung der Schlangen. Wien : 8vo, 120 pp., 8 pis. ; Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 694-696. Windle, B. C. A. Investigations in Artificial Teratogeny. P. Birmingh. Soc. vii, pp. 220-232. Wolff, G. Beitriige zur Kritik dor Darwin’schen Lehre. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 449-472. An argument in favour of a theory of definite variations. (2) Environment. Allen, J. A. On Seasonal Variations in Color in Sciurus hudsonius. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 41-44. Driesch, H. Heliotropismus bei Hydroidpolypen. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 147-156, 3 figs. ‘ Errera, L. L’Aimant agit-il sur le Noyau en division ? Bull. R. Soc. Bot. Belg. xxix, pp. 17-24. °Fell,' G. E. The Influence of Electricity on Protoplasm. Am. Micr. J. xi, pp. 169-190. Frazer, P. The Persistence of Plant and Animal Life under changing conditions of Environment. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 517-529. Groom, T. T., & Loeb, J. Der Heliotropismus der Nauplien von Balanus perforatus und die periodischen Tiefenwanderungen pela- gischer Thiere. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 160-177 ; Nachttag, pp. 219 & 220. The periodical daily migrations of pelagic animals are heliotropic : positive in the faint evening light, negative in the strong morning light. 1890. [VOL. XXVIT.] B 5 16 Gen. Sub . GENERAL SUBJECTS. Greenwood, M. Action of Nicotiu on Invertebrates. J. Physiol, xi, pp. 573-605. Haycraft, J. Berry, & Carlier, E. W. Note on the Transformation of ciliated into stratified squamous Epithelium as a result of the application of Friction. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pp. 519-222, 1 pi. Hertwig, 0. Experimeutelle Studien am tierischen Ei, vor, wahrend, und nach der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 268-313, 3 pis. Ova of sea-urchins can survive a temperature of -2° or -3° C., but the fertilisation and segmentation are thereby much modified. Irvine, R., & Woodhead, G. Sims. Secretion of Carbonate of Lime by Animals. Part II. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvi, pp. 324-354. Irvine, R. [See Murray, J.] Kochs, W. Ueber eine wichtige Veranderung der Korperbeschaffenheit, welche der Mensch und die Saugetiere der gemassigten Zonen im heissen Klima erleiden. Biol. Central bl. x, pp. 289-295. Increase of water in the tissues. . Kann die Kontinuitat der Lebensvorgange zeitweilig vollig unter- brochen werden ? T. c. pp. 673-686. Loeb, J. Weitere Untersuchungen fiber den Heliotropismus der Thiere und seine Uebereinstimmung mit dem Heliotropismus der Pflanzen. (Heliotropische Krfimmungen bei Thieren.) Arch. ges. Phys. xlvii, pp. 391-416, 1 pi., 2 figs. Serpulids, Hydroid Polypes, etc., bend to the light. In some cases (Sertularia, Eudendrium , Serpula ) the heliotropic curvature is attained only by growth ; but Spirographis spallanzanii , with a mobile tube, bends as some plants do apart from growth. 0 . Der Heliotropismus der Thiere und seine Uebereinstimmung mit dem Heliotropismus der Pflanzen. Wfirzburg : 8vo, 118 pp. * . [See Groom, T. T.] Menard, Saint-Yves. L’Acclimation des Animaux et des Plantes. Rev. Sci. xlv, pp. 386-393. Murray, J., & Irvine, R. On Coral Reefs and other Carbonate of Lime Formations in Modern Seas. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, pp. 79-108 ; Nat. xlii, pp. 162-166. Problems of shell-making, &c. Plateau, F. Les Myriopodes marins et la resistance des Arthropodes & Respiration a&iene k la Submersion. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 236- 269. Ringer, S. Concerning Experiments to test the Influence of Lime, Sodium, and Potassium Salts on the Development of Ova and Growth of Tadpoles. J. Physiol, xi, pp. 79-84. Those lime salts most efficacious in sustaining function of cardiac tissue are those best adapted to sustain life and growth in ova and tadpoles. THEORY OP EVOLUTION. Gen. Sub. 17 Those in which the lime atom is least saturated by the acid are the most capable of sustaining function; Schneider, it. Neiie histologische Untersuchungen iiber die Eisenauf- nahme in den Korper des Proteus. SB. Ak. Berlin (1890), pp. 887- 897j 1 pi. M6re thaft Other subterranean aqfuatid organisms^ Proteus exhibits a capacity of absorbing iron; Schurmayerj C. B. Ueber den Einfluss ausserer Agentien auf einzellige Wesen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp; 402-470, i pi. SeItz, A; Allgemeine Biologie der Schmetterlinge. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 281-343. SzOzawInska, Y. Contribution h l’etude des Yeux de quelqiies Crustaces et recherches sur les Mouvements du Pigment granuleuX et des cellules pigmentaires sous l’lnfluenoe de la Lumiere et de l’Obscurite dans les Yeux des Crustaces et des Arachnides; Arch. Biol, x, pp. 523-567,' 2 pis. TMulli, L; La Pressione nell’ intorno dell’ Uovo di Polio e i suoi Effetti sullo Sviluppo. Atti e Rend. AtJc. med.-chir.- Perugia, ii, pp. i21— 134. Internal varnishing of the air-chamber prevents development* except in the first stages; The pressure is mfich affected, tiie respiration but a little; Other similar observations. The air-chamber regulates pressure, the surface of evaporation regulates temperature. WooDHiUD, G; Sims. [See Irvine, R.] Yerworn, M. Die polare Erregung der Protisten durch de'n galvanischefi Strofn (I^ortsotztlng); Arch. geS. Phys. xlvi* pp.- 267-303, 3 pis., 5 figs. DE Yries* H. Die iPflaftzen und Tiere in den dunklen Raumen der Rotterdamer Wasserleitung. Jena : 8vo* 73 pp., 1 pi., 5 figs. (3) Heredity. Arri!iat, L. Rdcents travaux sur l’H4r4ditA Rev. Philos. xxix* pp. 399-419. Ball, W. P. Are the Effects of Use and Disfise Inherited? An exami- nation of the view held by Spencer and Darwin. London : 8vO, xii & 156 pp.- van Bemmelen, J. F. De Erf elijkheid vah VerworVen Pigenschappeh; s’Gravenhage : 8vo, xiii & 279 pp. Reviewed* Biol. Oefttralbl. x, pp. 64 1-652 & 686-694. . A history beginning with Hippocrates and Aristotle* aiid ending with Weismann. The opinions of modern naturalists are classified according to the predominance of anthropological physiological, and pathological considerations. Brooks, Gal ton,- and softie Others have been overlooked in this record, which is, however, on the whole, very careful. 18 Gen. Sub . GENERAL SUBJECTS. Boschetti, F. [See Evolution.] Dupuy, E. De la Transmission Hdrdditaire de L6sions Acquises. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 445-448. Gadow, H. [See Evolution.] Grigg, W. C. Heredity as to Triplets. Brit. Med. J. 1890, p. 541. ^'Hutchinson, J. Notes on Heredity. Arch. Surgery, i, pp. 242-244. Israel, O. Angeborne Spalten des Ohrlappchens. Ein Beitrag zur Yererbungslehre. Arch. path. Anat. cxix, pp. 241-253, 7 figs. Lankester, E. Ray. [See General.] A Theory of Heredity. . [Inheritance of Acquired Characters, Panmixia, &c.] Letters to Nature, xli, pp. 415, 416, 486-488, 558, & 559. Mitchell, P. C. Dr. Collier’s Objections to Weismann’s Theory of Heredity. Mid. Nat. xiii, pp. 92-94. Morgan, C. Lloyd. [See General.] Osborn, H. F. The Palaeontological Evidence for the Transmission of Acquired Characters. Nature, xli, pp. 227 & 228. There is sufficient palaeontological evidence that acquired characters are transmitted. Ritter, R. [See Reproduction.] Early separation of pole-cells — destined to form the reproductive organs — in Chironomus. Spencer, H. The Inheritance of Acquired Characters. Letter to Nature, xli, pp. 414 & 415. . On Panmixia. Letter to Nature, xli, p. 511. Stone, H. On Weismann’s Theory of the Continuity of the Germ- plasm. Mid. Nat. xiii, pp. 174-178 & 205-210. Turner, W. L’Her6dit6. Rev. Sci. xlv, pp. 129-138. Trans, address Brit. Ass. 1889. Weismann, A. [Prof. Weismann’s Theory of Heredity.] Nature, xli, pp. 317-322. [See Evolution.] Windle, B. C. A. Teratological Evidence as to the Heredity of Acquired Conditions. J. L. S. xxiii, pp. 448-502. Blastogenic malformations are most distinctly hereditary. Undoubt- edly somatogenic malformations are non-hereditary. There are some doubtful cases. There are certain malformations which suggest the possibility that they may have been gradually acquired, and subsequently transmitted to descendants. . Investigations in Artificial Teratogeny. P. Birmingh. Phil. Soc. vii, pp. 220-232. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 19 (c.) SPECIAL SUBJECTS. (1.) Cell and Protoplasm . Altmann, R. Die Elementarorganismen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Zellen. Leipzig: 8vo, 145 pp., 21 pis., 2 figs. °ApAtiiy, S. Ueber die langsfibrillar-wabige Struktur und ueber Protoplasma-Strukturen im Allgemeinen. SB. Yer. Siebenbiirg Yer. xv, Heft 3. Auerbach, L. Zur Kenntnis der tierischen Zellen. i. Ueber zweierlei chromatophile Kernsubstanzen. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1890, pp. 735-749. Chromatin includes two kinds of substances, which stain in different ways and react differently to chemicals. The so-called achromatin con- sists for the most part of material belonging to one of the two chromatin substances. According to their staining affinities, the substances are called erythrophil and cyanophil. The former resembles the cell- substance more than the cyanophil does. Balbiani, E. G. Sur la Structure intime du Noyau du Loxophyllum meleagris. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 110-115 & 132-136, 9 figs. Ballowitz, E. Fibrillare Struktur und Contraktilitat. (Vortrag, iii, Congress Anat. Ges. Berlin, 1889.) Arch. ges. Phys. xlvi, pp. 433-464. Ballowitz, E. [See Spermatogenesis.] C!Bard, — . Influence specifique k distance des Elements Cellulaires les uns sur les autres. Arch. med. Exper. et d’anat. Pathol, ii, No. 3. Bataillon, E. Modifications nucleaires interessant le Nucl^ole et pouvant jeter quelque jour sur sa signification. C.R. cx, pp. 1217-1219. * . Etude prdliminaire sur la Cinese Nucldolaire dans PHistolyse chez les Amphibiens. Lyon : 8vo, 16 pp. ^Billroth, Th. Ueber die Einwirkung lebendes Pflanzen- und Tier- zellen auf einander. Eine biologische Skizze. Allg, Wien. Med. Ztg. xxxv, pp. 343 & 344. Wien : 8vo, 45 pp. ° Barrel, A. Note sur la Division Multiple du Noyau par Karyokinese. C.R. Soc. Biol, ii (1890) No. 2. Boveri, Tii. Zellen-Studien. Ueber das Yerhalten der chromatischen Kernsubstanz bei der Bildung der Richtungskorper und bei der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 314-401, 3 pis. . The same separately. Jena : 8vo. Butschli, O. Nachahmung von Protoplasma-Strukturen. Yerh. 62 Vers. deut. Nat. ; Biol. Centralbl. x. pp. 442-444. 20 Gen. Sub . GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Butscjili, 0.] Weitere Mitteilungen iiber die Struktur des Protoplasmas. Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. iv, pp. 490-512 ; Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 697-703. . Professor Biitschli’s experimental imitation of protoplasmic move- ment. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 99-103. °Chatin, J. La Cellule Nerveuse. l£tude d’JJistologie zoologique sur la forme dite My£lpcyte. Paris : 8vo, 66 pp., 1 pi. *Chavk;ne, M. W. Sur la Scission des Cellules organiqpes. Arcb. f. Math, og Natury. xiv, pp. 101-105. °Chun, O. Ueber die Bedeutung der direl^ten I£eputeilung. Schr. Ges. Konigsb. xxxi, 6 pp. °C.ox, C. F. Protoplasm and Ipfe, Ifew York ; 8yo, 67 pp, °DEipip, W. Ueber einep neper Eiweissrlieferpdep gestandteil des Prptoplasinas. Dorp, at : 8vo, 38 pp, Errera, L, L’Aimant agit-il spr le Noyau en division, Bull. R. Soc. Bot. Belg. xxix, pp. 17-24. Electro-magnetic currents seemed tq have no effect on dividing nuclei. °Fayqd, Y. Ueber die wahre Struktur des lebendigen Protqplasmas und der Zellmembrpn, Nat. Rundschau, v, pp. 81-84, Flemming, W, Ueber die Theilung von Pigrnenijzellen und Capillar- wandzellen. TJngleichzeitigkeit der Kerntheilqng und ^elltrennung. Arph. npkr. Anat, xxxv, pp. 275-286, 1 pi. Frommann, C, Ueber qeuere Erkliirungsversuclie der protoplasma- Stjromungen und iiber c}ie Schaumstrukturen Biitschli’s. Anat. Auz. pp. 648-653 & 661^672, 4 figs. The movements of fluids in the artificial cells ” made by Quincke and by Bfitschlj are in many ways different from those of living matter. For in the latter there may be co-existent streams in opposite directions, stoppage and reversal of the streaming also occur. The protoplasmic movements are retarded and stopped by cutting off the supply of oxygen, therefore they are obviously dependent on metabolism. There are many illustrations of vacuolated protoplasm ; often tlje structure is rather that of a broken than of a complete network. Frqmework aqd network may result from the modification of vacuoles with originally intact walls ; but in many cases ttyere is a genuine network. , Zelle. Real-Bncyklop. d. ges. Heilkunde, xxi, pp. 459-501, 19 figs. c'Gprassimoff, J. Einige Bemerkungen fiber d|e Fupl^tion des Zell- kprnes, Bull, Mosc. (n.s.) iv, pp. 548-554, Gilsqn, G, On Secreting Celjs. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1890, pp. 861 & 862. Al| t}m 9a3es of cellular secretion are reduced to two general processes : the regular filtration and the direct pouring out. Goopale, G. L, Some Recent Investigations relative to Cell-contents. P. Am. Ass. xxxviii, pp. 259-272, SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 21 Hansemann, D. Ueber asymmetrische Zelltheilung in Epithel von Krebsen und deren biologische Bedeutung. Arch. path. Anat. cxix, pp. 299-320, 1 pi. Hartog, M. M. The State in which the Water exists in Live Proto- plasm. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 441 & 442; Rep. Brit. Ass. 1889. (1) Live protoplasm is transparent, and of low refractivity (/*<1.38); (2) Dead protoplasm is opaque from optical heterogeneity ; (3) The trans- parency of dead protoplasm is restored by replacing the liquid that per- meates it by a medium of higher refractive index ; (4) The substance so permeated is solid and of high refractivity >1.53) ; (5) In death the solid substance forms a sort of reticulum too fine for resolution by our microscopes, the interstices of which are permeated by the watery liquid ; in life, the two are combined in the form of a viscid liquid ; hence death is essentially a phenomenon of precipitation. *Heitzmann, C. La Constitution reconnue par l’Etat d’uneseule espece d'Eiements ou Plastides. J. Microgr. xiv, pp. 262-270. *Henneguy, L. F. Nouvelles recherches sur la Division des Cellules embryonnaires chez les Yertebres. CR. Soc. Biol, ii, pp. 444-446. Hermann, F. Die Enstehung der karyokinetischen Spindelfigur. Miinchener med. Wochenschr. xxxvii, pp. 830-831. Hertwig, O. Yergleich der Ei- und Samenbildung bei Nematoden. -Eine Grundlage fur cellulare Streitfragen. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 1-138, 4 pis. . Experimentelle Studion am tierischen Ei vor, wahrend, und nach der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 268-313, 3 pis. Hofer, B. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber den Einfluss des Kerns auf das Protoplasma. T. c. pp. 105-176, 2 pis. Hoyer, H. Ueber ein ffir das Studium der “ direkten ’’ Kernteilung vorzfiglich geeignetes Objekt. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 26-29, 1 fig. Ova of Rhabdonema nigrovenosum. Kraft, H. Zur Physiologie des Flimmerepithels bei Wirbelthieren. Arch. ges. Phys. xlvii, pp. 196-235, 4 cuts. Leclercq, E. Contributions a l’dtude du Nebenkern ou Corpuscule Accessoire dans les Cellules. Bull. Ac. Belg. lx, pp. 137-148, cf. pp. 10-13. Leydig, F. Intra- und interzellulare Gange. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 392-396. °L0wit, M. Ueber Amitose (direkte Teilung). Centralbl. f. allg. Pathol, i, pp. 281-286. Marshall, C. F. Observations on the Structure and Distribution of Striped and Unstriped Muscle in the Animal Kingdom, and a Theory of Muscular Contraction. Mem. Biol. Owens Coll, iii, pp. 73-101, 1 pi. 22 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Marshall, C. F.] Further Observations on the Histology of Striped Muscle. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 65-82, 1 pi. °Matzdorfp, C. Zur Zellenlehre. Nat. Wochenschr. v, pp. 351-353. °Paladino, G. Gl* infinitamente piccoli o i trionfi della dottorna cellulare. Disc, inaug, Napoli : 4to, 25 pp. Pfeffer, W. Zur Kenntniss der Plasmahaut und der Yacuolen nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Aggregatzustand des Protoplasma und iiber osmotische Vorgange. Abh. Sachs. Ges. xvi, pp. 187-342, 1 pi. °Rabl, C. Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Zelle. Prag, med. Wochen- schrift, xv, p. 69 ; Wiener Kim. Wochenschrift, iii, p. 136. i:> . Bemerkungen iiber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Gewebe. Fortschritte d. Medicin, viii, pp. 81-87, Ranvier, L. Des Clasmatocytes. C.R. cx, pp. 165-169. A stage in the history of leucocytes. . Observation microscopique de la Contraction des Fibres Muscu- laires vivantes, lisses et strides, C.R. cx, pp. 613-617. v. Rath, 0. Ueber eine eigenartige polycentrische Anordnung des Chromatins, Zool. Anz. xiii, pp, 231-238, 1 fig. Rutherford, W. On the Structure and Contraction of Stripod Muscular Fibre of the Crab and Lobster. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, pp. 146-149. Burdon Sanderson, J. S, La Physiologie du Protoplasma. Rev. Sci. xlv, pp. 65-73. Translation of address at British Association, 1889. Sanfelice, F, Contributo alia conoscenza di alcune Forme Nucleari. Boll. Soc, Nat. Napoli, iv, pp. 21-25, 1 pi. Schurmayer, C. B, Ueber den Einfluss iiusserer Agentien auf einzellige Wesen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 402-470, 1 pi. Schultze, E, Ueber Zelltheilung. SB, Ges. Wiirzb. 1890, 4 pp. Turner, W, The Cell-Theory, Past and Present. J. Anat. Physiol, xxiv, pp. 253-287 ; Nature, xliii, pp, 10-15 & 31-37. Verson, E, Zur Biologie der Zelle. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 91 & 92, 6 figs. Verworn, M, Biologische Protisten-Studien. Z. wiss Zool. 1, pp. 443- 468, 1 pi., 3 figs. Woodhead, G. Sims, & Wood, G, E. Cartwright. The Physiology of the Cell Considered in relation to its Pathology. Edin. Med. J. xxxv, pp. 936-943, 1036-1048, & 1133-1147. (2.) Oogenesis. Boveri, Tii. Zellen-Studien. Ueber das Verhalten der chromatischen Kernsubstanz bei der Bildung der Richtungskorper und bei der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 314-401, 3 pis. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub . 23 [Boveri, Tii.] The same separately. Jena: 8vo. The several chromosomes may be traced throughout maturation. The chromosomes present in the division of the egg-cell are identical with those which the cell had at its formation. The elements emitted in the polar globules seem identical with those that remain in the egg. The nucleus is not a unity so much as a common house for a number of equivalent, mutually independent chromosomes. For every species the number of chromosomes is constant. The polar globules are rudimentary ova. When the second polar spindle is not removed, the number of chromosomes in such a (parthenogonetic) egg is the same as in a ferti- lized ovum. Chatin, J. Sur les Cellules initiales de l’Ovaire chez les Hydres d’eau douce. C.R. cx, pp. 414-416. What have been described as free nuclei are really minute cells. Cunningham, J. T. Reproduction and Development of Teleostean Fishes. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i, pp. 10-54, 6 pis. Eigenmann, C. H. On the Egg Membranes and Micropyle of some Osseous Fishes. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xix, pp. 129-155, 3 pis. Giard, A. Sur les Globules Polaires et les homologues de ces elements chez les Infusoires cilies. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 202-221. e'G6TTE, A. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Flussneunauges ( Petromyzon fluviatilis). Abh. z. Entwickelungsgesch. d. Tiere. Heft v, 4to, v & 95 pp., 9 pis. & figs. Grobben, C. Ueber Boveri’s Fund der Entwiokelung eines Organismus aus befruchteten Eifragmenten ohne Eikern. Yerh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xl, pp. 4 & 5. ^Gronroor, H. Ueber die Eifurchung bei den Tritonen. Helsingfors : 8vo, 60 pp., 2 pis. Guignard, L. Sur le Mode d’Union des Noyaux Sexuels dans l’acte de Fecondation. C.R. cx, pp. 726-728. * . Sur la Formation et la Diff^renciation des Elements Sexuels qui interviennent dans la Fecondation. J. Microgr. xiv, No. 6. Haecker, Y. Ueber die Reifungsvorgange bei Cyclops. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 551-558, 1 pi. Henking, H. Ueber Befruchtungsvorgange im Insektenei. Yerh. 62 Yers. deut. Nat. p. 264 ; Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 439 & 440. . Untersuchungen fiber die eysten Entwicklungsvorgange in den Eiern der Insekten. I. Das Ei von Pieris brassicce, L., nebst Bemerkungen fiber Samen und Samenbildung. Z. wiss. Zool. xlix, pp. 503-564, 3 pis. Henneguy, L. F. Nouvelles recherches sur la Division des Cellules embryonnaires chez les Vertebras. C.R. cxi, pp. 116 & 117. Attractive spheres and central corpuscles in the ova of the Trout. 24 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Hertwig, 0. Experimentelle Studien am tierischen Ei vor, wahrend, und nach der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 268-313, 3 pis. Delayed spawning of Echinus microtuber culutus and Strongylocentrotus lividus seemed to make the ova pathological. Some would not fertilize at all ; many were susceptible to multiple fertilization ; segmentation, if it began, was pathological. Influences of lowered temperature on segmenting ova. Ova of Strongylocentrotus may take up methyl blue pigment, and this can be seen in the blastula stage. Ova of starfishes may begin to segment without fertilization. Hertwig, O. Vergleich der Ei- und Samenbildung bei Nematoden. Eine Grundlage fur cellulare Streitfragen. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 1-138, 4 pis. The mother sperm-cell is the homologue of the immature ovum. During a prolonged resting-state, the nuclear substance in both is peculi- arly prepared for two successive cell -divisions. The homology holds true throughout. The two daughter-sperm-cells correspond to the ovum and the first polar body ; the four spermatozoa are equivalent to the ripe ovum, the second polar body, and the two spheres arising from the division of the first ; the polar bodies have the morphological rank of rudimentary egg-cells. They are abortive ova ; their production is com- parable to that of spermatozoa from a mother-sperm-cell ; their persist- ence is explained by the physiological importance of the reduction which they effect in the mass of the germinal vesicle. Hickson, S. J. On the Maturation of the Ovum, and the Early Stages in the Development of Allopora. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pp. 579-598, i pi. It seems probable that the “ trophodisc ” is not a reduced Medusa. The oosperm nucleus undergoes fragmentation. Ova and young embryos are found in the younger branches ; the sperm-morulae and sperms in the older branches. The ovum pushes out the endoderm and ectoderm of the canal in which it is formed, and makes for itself a diverticulum. Holl, M. Ueber die Reifung der Eizelle des Huhns. SB. Ak. Wien, xcix, pp. 309-370, 1 pi. The vitelline membrane or tunica adventitia, the follicular epithelium or membrana granulosa, and the membrana propria, all arise from the stroma of the ovary. The nucleus undergoes considerable changes during maturation. The zona radiata is a product of the cells of the membrana granulosa. Janosik, J. Bemerkungen fiber die Entwicklung des Genitalsystems. T. c. pp. 260-288, 1 pi. Kastschenko, N. Ueber den Reifungsprocess des Selachiereies. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 429-442, 1 pi. During maturation of ova in Pristiurus , Torpedo , and Scy Ilium, the polar globules are formed by karyomitotic division ; one is separated off in the ovary, and the other probably at the time of fertilisation. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 25 Kuppfer, C. Die Entwicklung von Petromyzon planeri. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 469-558, 6 pis. °LoEWENTHAL, N. Die Befruchtung, Reifung, und Teilung des Eies von Oxyurus ambigua. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, vii, pp. 341-874, 375-385, 2 pis., & pp. 469-514, 2 pis. Mark, E. L. Studies on Lepidosteus. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xix, pp. 1-127, 9 pis. Inter alia , observations on the egg-membranes, with a historical and critical review of the literature on the primary egg-membranes and the micropyle in fishes. Both egg-membranes are radially striated. There is a single micropyle, with a funnel and a capal. The granulosa of the mature ovarian ovum is a single layer, except at the funnel. The homo- logue of the zona radiata is found in representatives of all groups of fishes. It is produced by the ovurp. The evolution of the micropylar apparatus. McIntosh, W. C., & Prince, E. E. Development and Life-history of Teleostean Food- and other Fishes. Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. xxxv, pp. 665-946, 28 pis. Much in regard to the ova. Minot, C. S. The Concrescence Theory of the Vertebrate Embryo. "Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 501-516, 617-629, & 702-719, 22 figs. Morgan, T. H. The Origin of the TesLCells of Ascidians. J. Morph, iv, pp. 195-204, 1 pi. Paladino, G. I ponti intracellulari tra l’Uovo Ovarico e le Cellule Follicolari, o la Formazioue della ^ippa Pellpcida. Anat. Anz. pp. 254-259, 1 fig, *Petipierre, L. Ueber das Eindringen von Granulosazellen durch die Zona Pellucida njenschlicher Eier. Inaug. Diss. Bern : 8vo, 27 pp., 3 figs. Prince, E. E. [See McIntosh, W. C.] Ritter, R. Die Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane und des Darmes bei Chironomus. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 408-427, t pi. Rossi, U. Contribute* alia Matura,?ione dpUe Uova degli Amfibii. Anat. Anz. pp. 142 & 143, ° . Sulla Destruzione degli Spermatozoi negli organi genitali interni feminali del Mus musculus. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, vii, pp. 196-203. Salensky, W. Beitrage zur Embryonal-entwicklung der Pyrosomen. Zool. Jahrb. iv, pp. 424-477, 3 pis. A chapter on oogenesis. Schimkewitscii, W. Sur la Signification dos Cellules Vitellines choz los Trachytes. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 399-404, 2 figs. Tolger, B. Die Richtungskorperchen von Balanus. T. c. pp. Q07-609. 26 Gen. Sub. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Verson, E. Del grado di Sviluppo che sogliouo raggiungere le Uova non fecondate del Filugello. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 118-123. Waldeyer, W. De la Caryocinese et de ses relations avec le processus de la F&jondation. (Supplement traduit et annotd par Paul Garnault ) Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 88-122, 1 pi. Watase, S. Studies on Cephalopods. i. Cleavage of the Ovum. J. Morph, iv, pp. 247-302, 4 pis. ; cf. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. ix, pp. 53-56. The achromatin spindle is most important in karyokinesis. By it the chromatin of the spindle is divided among the daughter-cells. The whole phenomena may be connected in one continuous series of activities of the cytoplasmic asters upon the nucleus. (3) Spermatogenesis. Ballowitz, E. Untersuchungen fiber die Struktur der Spermatozoen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom feineren Bau der kontraktilen Elemente. Die Spermatozoen der Insekten. (i. Coleopteren.) Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 317-407, 4 pis. The contractile part of the spermatozoa, and especially the undulatory membrane or fringe, consists of or contains very fine fibrils. . Untersuchungen fiber die Struktur der Spermatozoen. Theil in. Fische, Amphibien und Reptilien. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 225-290, 2 pis. ° . Das Retzius’sche Endstfick der Saugetiere-Spermatozoen. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, vii, pp. 211-223, 1 pi. Cuccati, G. Spermatogenesi nelle Rana esculenta. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 344-346. CiHENKiNG, H. Ueber Reduktionsteilung der Chromosomen in den Samenzellen der Insekten. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, vii, pp. 243- 249. . [See Oogenesis.] Herrmann, G. Sur la Structure et le Ddveloppement des Spermatozoides chez les Ddcapodes. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 1-59, 4 pis., 15 figs. Leclercq, E. [See Cell.] The sperm-cells contain a chromatin nucleus and a Nebenkern corre- sponding to Boveri’s archoplasm. The latter is a constant element in cells. Sabatier, A. De la Spermatogenese chez les Locustides. C.R. cxi, pp. 797-799. The degeneration of the nucleus as such, the formation of the sperm- head from a protoplasmic vesicle invested internally with chromophilous granules. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 27 Whitman, C. 0. Spermatophores as a Means of Hypodermic Impreg- nation. J. Morph, iv, pp. 361-406, 1 pi. (4) Sex and Reproduction. Bateson, W. On some Cases of Abnormal Repetition of Parts in Animals. P. Z. S. iii, pp. 579-588, 4 cuts. Bonnier, J. Le Dimorphisme des Males chez les Crustaces Amphipodes. C.R. cxi, pp. 987-989. Bosciietti, F. [See Evolution.] Boulenger, G. A. Note on the Secondary Sexual Characters in the South- African Tortoises of the Genus Homopus. P. Z. S. lxxviii, p. 521. Canu, E. Sur le Dimorphisme Sexuel des Cop6podes Ascidicoles. C.R. cxi, pp. 757-759. Contejean, Cii. Sur l’Autotomie chez la Sauterelle et le Lezard. T. c. pp. 611-614. Cunningham, J. T. On Secondary Sexual Characters in the Genus Arnoglossus. P. Z. S. lxxviii, pp. 540-546. °Daday, E. von. Ein interessanter Fall der Heterogenesis bei den Raderthieren. Ber. Math. Nat. Ungarn, vii, pp. 140-156, 1 pi. In Asplanchna sieboldii the fertilised ova with thick membranes develop into tubular parthenogenetic females, which give rise to tubular and male-like females and to males. The tubular females, after copulation with males, lay fertilised ova with thick membranes. The male-like females give rise parthenogenetically to other male-like females, to tubular females, and to males. After copulating with the last, they lay fertilised ova. The heterogenesis is thus very complex. Harmer, S. F. On the Regeneration of Lost Parts in Polyzoa. Rep. Brit. Ass. (1890), pp. 862 & 863. Hartert, E. Ueber Oologie und ihre Bedeutung fur die Wissenschaft. Ber. Senck. Ges. (1890), pp. 37-49. Heape, W. Preliminary Note on the Transplantation and Growth of Mammalian Ova within a Uterine Foster-Mother. P. R. Soc. xlviii, pp. 457 & 458. It is possible to make use of the uterus of one variety of rabbit as a medium for the growth and cojnplete foetal development of fertilised ova of another variety of rabbit. Hertwig. [See Oogenesis.] Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 268-313, 3 pis. Confirming Greeff’s observation that the ova of starfishes ( Asterias 28 Gen. Sicb. general subjects. glacialis and Astropecten ) may begin to develop without fertilization. The blastula stage may be readied. It seemed as if a secpud nuclear division, but no second extrusion occurred during the maturation of these partheuogenetic ova. °Herz, — . Beitrag zur Frage iiber die Ydrausbestimmung des Gesch- lechts. Arch. f. Thierheilk. xvi, pp. 84-100. Fulton, T. W. The Proportional Numbers and Sizes of the Sexes among Sea Fishes. Rep. Fish; Scotl. viii, pp. 348-350. °GeissleR* A. Beitrage zur Frage der Geschlechtsverhaltnisse der Geboreilen. Zeitschrift. k. Sachs. Statistischen Bureau, xxxv, Heft 1 & 2. Report in Biol. Ceritralbl. i&, pp. 761 & 762. Gruber, A. Die Konjugation der Irifusorien. Biol. Ceritralbl. x, pp. 136-150, 1 fig. On the results of Maupas and R. Hertwig; Guitel, F. Sur les Differences Sexuelles du Lepcldogaster bimaculaius , Flem. C.R. cxi, pp. 759-761. JanoSiK, J. [See Oogenesis.] SB. Ak. Wien, xcix, pp. 260-288, 1 pL If all were developed that is implicit in the incipient reproductive organs in Mammals, the result would be hermaphrodite organs, with internal testes and ovaries surrounding them. The same is true of the fowl. The cellsj which form spermatozoa, are descended from those due to the primary proliferation of the germinal epithelium ; the cells from which ova are formed are ontogerietically yolinger. Klebs, G. Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatz : Zrir Physiologic! der Fortpflan- zung. Biol. Centralbl. ix, pp. 753-755 ; cf. t. c. pp. 609-617. KleiN, L Vergleichende Uritersuchungen fiber Morphologie rind Biologie der Fortpflanzung bei der Gattung Volvoft. Volvox Studieri. in. Ber. Freiburg Ges. v, pp. 1-92, 5 pis. Important in relation to genera problems. c‘Lameere, A. Etudes sur la Reproduction, i. A propos de la Matura- tion de i’OEuf Parth6nog6ndtique. II. Recherohes sur la Reduction Karyogamiqrie. Bruxelles : 8vo, pp. 88 & 78j 3 pis. Lankester, E. Ray. [See General.] Essay o'ri Farthenogeridsis. Malaquin, A. Sur la Reprddrictiori des Autolytes. O.F. cxi, pp. 989- 991. Maupas, E. Sur la Multiplication et la Fecondation de Vllyddtina senta , Ehr. T. c. pp. 310-314 & 505-507. The “ winter-eggs ” of Hydatina senta are the fertilised eggs. Copula- tion has no effect on those forms that are about to lay feiriale eggs. Each egg is predestined in the maternal ovary. There is, in this case, no advantage in cross-fertilisation. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Gen. Sub. 29 *[Maupas, E.] Le Rejeunissement Karyogamique chez les Cilies. J. Microgr. xiv, pp. 274-281. Meyer, A. B. Letter on the “ Evolution of Sex” in Birds. Nature, xli, p. 272. Nussbaum, M. Die Umstulpung der Polypen. Erklarung und Bedeu- tung dieses Yersuchs. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 111-120. Pembrey, M. S. Letter on the Evolution of Sex in Pigeons. Nature, xli, p. 199. Rath, 0. vom. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Diplopoden (Chilognathen). Ber. Freiburg Ges. v, pp. 1-28, 1 pi. Rhoads, S. N. Probable Causes of Polygamy among Birds. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 1024-1036. “ Sexual selection in favour of beauty of colour and form of secondary characters, whether voluntary or the results of man’s interference, is always accompanied by proportionate increase of sexual vigour. Such increase is a provision of nature to meet the excessive demands of con- sequent polygamous practices. Such prepotency being born, so to speak, of sexual selection, may be restrained by unfavourable climatic con- ditions, or inherent specific peculiarities in its tendency to produce such practices, while among species that are free from these limitations poly- gamy finds willing victims.” Ritter, R. Die Entwickelung der Geschlechtsorgane und des Darmes bei Chironomus. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 408-427, 1 pi. The reproductive organs arise from previously extruded pole-cells, as Metschnikoff suggested, and as Balbiani carefully described. Rosenstadt, B. Zur Frage nach deu Ursacben, welche die Zahl der Conceptionen beim Menschen in gewissen Monaten des Jahres regel- massig steigern. MT. embr. Inst. Wien. Heft ii (1890), pp. 75-97. “ The original physiological custom (inherited from Mammalian ances- tors) only to reproduce at certain seasous, is still expressed in the periodical increase in the number of conceptions.” Ryder, J. A. The Origin of Sex through Cumulative Integration, and the Relation of Sexuality to the Genesis of Species. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxviii, pp. 109-159. An important contribution to the theory of sex. Seeliger, 0. Bemerkungen zur Knospenentwicklung der Bryozoen. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 560-599, 2 pis., 1 cut. Brown-Si&quard, — . Nouveaux faits relatifs it l’Injection sous-cutan6e, chez l’Homme, d’un Liquide extrait de Testicules de Mammif^res. Arch. Phys. xxii, pp. 201-208. . Expose de faits nouveaux a, l’egard de lTnfluence d’un Liquide extrait des Testicules d’Animaux. T. c. pp. 443-455. 30 Gen. Sub . GENERAL SUBJECTS. [Brown-S^quard, — .] Remarques sur les effets produits sur la Femme par des Injections cutandes d’un Liquide retird d’Ovaires d’Animaux. T. c. pp. 456 & 457. . Nouveaux faits relatifs & 1’Influonce sur les Centres Nerveux do PHomrae d’un Liquide extrait de Testicules d’Animaux. T. c. pp. 641-648. WAgner, Fr. y. Zur Kenntniss der ungeschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung von Microstoma , nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber Theilung und Knospung im Thierreich. Zool. Jahrb. iv, pp. 349-423, 4 pis. Verson, E. Zur Parthenogenesis beim Seidenspinner. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 44 & 45. Zeller, E. Ueber die Befruchtung bei den Urodelen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlix, pp. 583-601, 3 figs. Mamm. 1 MAMMALIA. BY R. Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. The following table shows the number of new generic and specific names recorded for the year 1890 : — NEW GENERA. RECENT. FOSSIL. NEW SPECIES. RECENT. FOSSIL. 23 2 21 165 101 64 The extraordinary large number of now recent species is, to a con- siderable extent, due to the elevation to specific rank of a host of North American forms which would be regarded by most zoologists as varieties ; nearly 40 of the new species belong to this category. Of the new species which would be generally recognized,, a large number occur in the Bats, the Soricidce , Sciuridce , and Leporidce. In addition to the above, one new generic and one specific name have been proposed to replace two ineligible ones applied to recent forms ; and also the, generic name for a fossil one. Although a large amount of work has been done during the year, there is nothing to call for very especial mention ; the discovery of milk-teeth in Orycteropus is, however, an important one. Among the more important memoirs recorded, we may refer to the continuation of Buchner’s Monograph of the Mammals collected by Przewalski ; and also to that of the Lemuroids of Madagascar by Gran- didier & Milne-Edwards. Mivart’s handsome Monograph of the Canidce is also noteworthy, as well as the Monograph of the Myoxidce by Reuvens. The year has seen the completion of Schlosser’s important memoir on the Tertiary Mammals of Europe. Rodler & Weitiiofer have published an important contribution to our knowledge of the Pecora of the Maragha beds of Persia; Scott & Osborn' have done * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] C 1 2 Mamm. MAMMALIA. valuable work in reviewing and completing our knowledge of several groups of North American fossil Mammals ; and Filiiol has done good work on those of the French Miocene. I.— THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Allen, H. [See Vespertilionidcei Emballonuridce, and Phyllosto- matidce.'] Allen, J. A. List of Mammals collected by Mr. C. P, Streater in British Columbia, with Descriptions of two New Subspecies of Sciurus. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 161-168. Two new varieties of Sciurus are described. [See Sciuridce.'] . Notes on Collections of Mammals made in Central and Southern Mexico by Dr. A. C. Buller, with Descriptions of New Species of Vespertilio , Sciurust and Lepus. T. c. pp. 175-194. The total number of species noticed is 48, among which the following are new, viz. : 1 Vespertilio , 1 Sciurus , and 2 Lepus. [See Vespertilionidce , Sciuridce , and Leporidce .] °Almera, — , & Bofill, — . Descubrimiento de grandes Mamiferos fosiles en Cataluna. Cron, cient. x, 4 pp. 1887. [Omitted from Zoo). Rec. xxiv.] Amegiiino, F. [See Multituberculata.~\ Anon. Durata della Gestazione nei Mammiferi. Boll, scient. xi, pp. 106-110. [See Monit. Zool. Ital. i, pp. 94 & 95.] Gives the duration of pregnancy in a large number of species of Mammals. Baker, Sir S. W. Wild Beasts and their ways : Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. London : 8vo, 1890, 2 vols., illustrated. A sporting account of many of the larger Mammals of various countries. Ballowitz, E. [See Chiroptera. ] Bardeleren, K. Ueber die Hand- und Fuss-Muskeln der Saugetiere, besonders die des Praepollex (Prsehallux) und Postminimus. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 435-444. [See also t. c. p. 556.] This paper records further observations on the presence of rudiments of a prepollex, &c., in Mammals. There is a full description of the muscles attached to their rudiments ; the dissections which the author undertook for this purpose having also led him to a consideration of the homologies of certain palmar and plantar muscles, of which full details are given. [See also Dipodidce , and Emery & Carlsson.] Be hoard, F. E. [See Otariidce.'] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 3 Beevor, C. E. [See Primates and Hapalidce.] °Bianchi, S. Alcune Particolarita della Cariocinesi studiati negl’ Invilluppi Fetali dei Mammiferi. Parma ; 1889, 8vo, 12 pp. [See Monit. Zool. Ital. i, p. 14.] Based on observations of the foetal membranes of Mus musculus. Bieiiringer, J. [See Rodentia.] Blanford, W. P. [See Bovidce .] Boas, J. E. Y. [See Artiodactyla.] Bocage, J. V. Barboza du. Mammiferes d’Angola et du Congo. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, pp. 1-32, pi. i. The completion of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm. p. 4. Treats of the Rodentia (in which there is 1 new species of Sciurus , 1 of Gerbillus , and 2 of Mus)t Proboscidea , Hyracoidea , Perissodactyla , Artiodactyla , Sirenia , and Edentata. In an appendix a new species of Herpestes is described. [See Viverridce , Sciuridce, and Muridce . See also Spalacidce.] Bogdanov, A. [See Castor idee.'] Bouvier, E. L. [See Bovidce-.] Brezel, H. [See Carnivora.] Broom, R. On the Fate of the Quadrate in Mammals. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 409-411. After reviewing previous theories as to the representative of the Sauropsidan quadrate in Mammals, the author suggests that its true equivalent is to be found in the interarticular mandibular cartilage, for which the name “ quadrate cartilage ” is proposed if the author’s theory be confirmed. Buciiner, E. Die Siiugethiere der Ganssu-Expedition (1884-1887). M<$1. biol. xiii, pp. 143-164. [Cover of separate copies dated 1890, but the date Jan., 1891, at end of text.] A preliminary description of the Mammals collected in Kansu, N. W. China. Among the species recorded are Semnopithecus roxellance and AEluropus melanoleucus , both of which occur in the mountain-range between Kansu and Szechuen. Sciurus mcclellandi is referred to Tamias. A new species of Moschus is described, and the new name Gazella przewalsldi proposed. [See Sciuridce, Bovidce, and Cervidm. See also Rodentia.] Cacciamali, G. B. [See Proboscidea.] Calderon, S. [See RodentiaJ] Carazzi, D. La Grotta dei Colombi, all’ Isola Palmaria (Golfo di Spezia). Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, pp. 33 & 43. Gives a list of the species of Mammals represented in these deposits. 4 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Carlsson,A. Von den weichen Theilen der so-genannten Prapollexund Prahallux. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 117-124. Describes the muscles of the prehallux and prepollex in a number of Mammals. Ciaccio, G. V. Sur les Plaqnes Nerveuses Finales dans les Tendons des Vertebres. Arch. Ital. Biol, xiv, pp. 31-57, pis. i-vi. Further researches concerning the mode of terminations of nerves on tendons, pp. 32-40 being devoted to those of Mammals. Cockerell, T. D. A. Contributions towards a List of the Fauna and Flora of West Mountain Valley, Colorado. West. Am. Scientist, vii, pp. 7 & 8. This part gives a list of the Mammals, of which there are 23 species. Cocks, A. H. [See Cetacea.'] Cope, E. D. [See Canidce , Mustelidce , Cetacea , and Sirenia.] Crawsiiay, R. [See Bovidce.] Dattan, A. Ueber Tiger, Biiren, und Wildschweine des Ussuri- Gebietes. Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 289-296. The species recorded from the neighbourhood of the Usuri river, in Manchuria, are Fells tigris , Ursas arctos , U. tibetanus} and Sus scrofa. D’Orcet. [See Fquidce .] Depiiiret, C. Les Animaux Pliocenes du Roussillon. Mem. Soc Gdol. —Pal. i, Mem. No. 3, pp. 1-64, pis. iv-vii. The first two parts of a memoir describing the fossil Vertebrates of the Pliocene of Roussillon. The forms described include Dolichopithecus ruscinensis, Machcerodus cultridens , Fells ( Caracal ) brevirostris} Vic err a pepratxi , Vulpes donnezani , n. sp., Ursus ( Helarctos ) arvernensis, Felisf sp., Talpai sp., Hystrlx primigenia , Castor , sp., Sciu?'oides, sp., Mus donnezani , n. sp., Lophiomys pyrenuicus , n. sp., Cricetus angustldens , n. sp., Lagomys corsicanus , Lepus , sp., Ituscinomys europceus , n. g. & sp., Mastodon arvernensis. [See Cauldat and Mur Idee.] Dobson, J. E. [See Insectivora.] Dollo, L. [See Sirenia.] Donnezan, A. D^couverte de Nouveaux Fossiles au Serrat-d’en-Vaquer. Soc. Agricole Pyren.-orient. xxxi, pp. 137-143. Records the discovery of the Mammalian fossils from the neighbour- hood of Perpignan, which are described by C. Deperet in the memoir cited above. Dunn, — . [See Otariidce.] Duval, M. L’Ectoplacenta de la Souris et du Rat. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 567 & 568. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamin. 5 [Duval, M.] De la Couche Plasmodiale Endovasculaire du Placenta Maternal. T. c. pp. 605 & 606. [See also Rodcntia .] Emery, C. Zur Morphologie des Hand- und Fuss-skeletts. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 282-294, woodcuts. Contains observations on Bardeleben’s description of the prepollex of Pedetes , and concludes that ancestral Mammals had no free prepollex or prehallux. Fabrinj, E. [See Felidce. ] Fatio, V. [See Vespertilionidcc.'] Feilden, H. W. Notes on the Terrestrial Mammals of Barbadoes. Zool. (3) xiv, pp. 52-55. Ficalbi, E. Sulle Ossa Accessorie del Cranio dei Mammiferi e dell’ Uomo. Monit. Zool. Ital. i, pp. 119-135 & 144-153, woodcuts. Observations on accessory ossifications (Wurmian bones, etc.) in the crania of Mammals. Filiiol, H. Etudes sur les Mammiferes Fossiles des Sansan. Bibl. haut. etudes, xxxvi, art. i, 310 pp., 46 pis., and Ann. Sci. Geol. art. i, 320 pp., 46 pis. A descriptive review of all the known Mammals from the Middle Miocene of Sansan. The evidence for the identity of Macrotherium and Chalicotherium is fully detailed. [See Talpidce , Viverridce , Mustelidai , Castoridoc , and Cervidcc.'] . [See also Lemurulcc , Soricidcc , Greodonta , Anoplothcrikliv , and A nthracotheriidai.~\ Fle isc h mann, A. [See Rodcntia .] Forsyth-Major, C. J. L’Ossario di Olivola in Yal di Magra (Provincia di Massa Carrara). P.-v. Soc. Tosc. 1890, pp. 57-76. On a Pliocene Mammalian Fauna at Olivola. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 305-308. After discussing previous observations on the Mammalian fauna and geological age of the deposits at Olivola, the author considers that they are Pliocene, and of the approximate age of those of the Yal d’Arno. In the course of the notice reference is made to the Recorder’s determi- nation of Hyccna striata from the Red Crag and the Yal d’Arno, which is regarded as insufficiently proved. Palaioreas niontiscaroli , F. Maj., is identified with Aymard’s Antilope torticornis , which should, therefore, be called P. torticornis. Notes are given on Bos elatus , Croizet, which is identified with Leptobos strozzii , Rut., and referred to the latter genus, which is characterized by the absence of horns in the female. Frigerio, F. [See Hominid(v.\ Fusari, R., & Panasci, A. Sulle Terminazioui nervose e sulle Ghiari- dole siorose della Lingua dei Mammiferi. Atti Ac. Tor. xxv, pp. 835-857, pi. ix. [See also Monit. Zool. Ital. i, pp. 74 & 75.] A detailed memoir on the terminations of the nerves and the structure of the serous glands of the tongue of Mammals. • * • 6 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Gadow, H. Description of the Modifications of certain Organs which seem to be Illustrations of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters in Mammals and Birds. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. v, pp. 629-646, illustr. Pp. 639-641 treat of the larynx and sternum of Mycetes. Gaudry, A. Les Enchainements du Monde Animal dans les Temps Geologiques — Fossiles Secondaires. Paris : 8vo, 322 pp., illus. Pp. 279-291 are devoted to the Mesozoic Mammals. [See also Simiidce , Phocidcc , Equidce , and Anthracotheriidce. ] Gerstacker, A. [See Cetacea .] Gilpin, J. B. [See Cetacea.'] Grandidier, A. Histoire Physique, Naturelle, et Politique de Mada- gascar. Yol. x. Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, by A. Milne-Edwards & Grandidier. Tom. v. Atlas n. Paris : 4to, pis. 123-172. Contains plates illustrating the genus Lemur. Gray, R. W. [See Delphinulce.] Greve, C. [See Carnivora .] Gunther, A. [See Bovidce.] Haacke, W. Ueber die systematische und morphologische Bedeutung bisher unbeachtet gebliebener Borsten am Saugetierkopfe. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 175-184. Describes and discusses the morphological significance of the tufts and pencils of bristles on the heads and faces of Mammals, and gives formulae expressive of their relations and number in various groups. . Ueber Metamerenbildung am Saugetierkleide. T. c. pp. 185-187. Discusses the relationship of the vertical stripes found in various Mammals to the vertebree"and ribs, and proposes the term “ trichomerism ” to express this relationship. Hamburger, 0. Ueber die Entwickelung der Saugethierniere. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, pp. 15-51, pis. iii & iv. Helderman, W. D. [See Felidce.] Helm, F. [See Meyer.] Henry, A. [See JBovidce.] Herrera, A. L. Notas acerca de los Vertebrados del Valle de Mexico. Nat. Mex. i, pp. 299-342. Includes notes on the Mammals of Mexico. [See also Chiroptera.] Heude, P. Sur les Systemes Dentaires des Mammiferes. C.R. cx, pp. 1221-1223. A remarkable paper, proposing new terms for some of the types of teeth presented by the Ungulata and some other orders. Hill, E. S. [See Leporidce.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 7 Hociistetter, F. Ueber die urspriingliche Hauptschlagader der hin- teren Glied masse des Menschen und der Saugethiere, nebst Bemer- kungen ueber die Entwicklung der Endiiste der Aorta abdominalis. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 300-318, pi. xi. [See also Rodentia.] Hofmann, A. Ueber einige Saugethiere ausdeu Miocanen-schichten von Feisternitz bei Eibiswald in Steiermark. JB. geol. Reichsanst. xl, pp. 519-526, pi. iv. Describes remains of Amphicyon intermedim (pi.), Steneofiber jeegeri , and llyotherium meissiieri. Honegger, J. Vergleicheud-anatomische Untersuchungen ueber den Fornix und die zu ihm in Beziehung gebrachten Gebilde im Gehirn des Menschen und der Saugethiere. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, pp. 201-434, pis. x-xix. Horsley, Y. [See Primates.'] Hubreciit, A. L. W. [See Soricidcc.] Huet, P. Notes sur les Naissances obtenues & la Menagerie du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle dans le courant de ces Dernieres Annees. Bull. Soc. Acclim. xxxvii, pp. 873-884 & 930-939. Records the Mammals born in the Paris Zoological Gardens during the last few years. Humphreys, J. [See Windle.] Issel, A. Dei Fossili recentemente raccolti nella Caverna delle Fate (Finale). Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, pp. 5-15, woodcut. Mentions the Mammalian remains found, among which is a tooth of Squalodon quaternarium (figured). Jentink, F. A. On a Collection of Mammals from Billiton. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 149-154, pi. vii, figs. 11-14. The Mammals collected in the island of Billiton, between Borneo and Banka, comprise — 1 Tarskis , 1 Sciuropterm (new), 3 Sciurus, 1 Tupaia , 1 Rhino lophus , 1 Vesperugo (new), ,1 Vespertilio, and 1 Emballonura. [See Sciaridce and V espertilionidai,] . On Two very rare, nearly forgotten, and often misunderstood Mammals from the Malayan Archipelago. T. c. pp. 222-230, pi. ix, figs. 1-4. It is shown that Pithechirus melanurus is a true mouse, inhabiting Java and Sumatra, and has nothing to do with Ghiropodomys. Skull and teeth figured. The remainder of the paper refers to Tupaia dorsalis. [See also Weber, and Bovidce.] Kirby, W. F. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom for Young People. Part i. — Mammalia. London : 4to, 24 pp., illustrated. Kochs, W. Ueber eine wichtige Veranderung der Korperbeschaffenheit welche der Mensch und die Saugetiere der gemassigten in heissen Klima erleiden. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 290-295. 8 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Kollman, J. Handskelett und Hyperdaktylie. Yerh. Ges. Basel, viii, pp. 604-62G, pi. viii. The author concludes that the traces of a prepollex and prehallux observed in many Mammals are truly atavistic, and not pathological features. The term “ Theromorphism ” is suggested for theso rudiments when they occur in man. Kukenthal, W. Ueber die Anpassung von Saugethieren an das Leben im Wasser. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. v, pp. 373-399. The author traces the modifications induced in the structure of those Mammals which are of aquatic habits by this mode of life. It is con- sidered that all aquatic Mammals are derived from land forms, and that their full adaptation to an aquatic existence depends partly on the extent to which they are aquatic, and partly on the length of time since they have adopted this mode of life. Particular attention is directed to the Cetacea ; and it is held that their alleged direct descent from aquatic reptiles is totally untenable. The origin of “ hyperphalangism ” is accounted for by the development and subsequent separation of double epiphyses to the phalangeals. Attention is directed to the difference in the form of the pectoral limb in the Odontoceti and Mystacoceti ; and from the generalised type of carpus in the former it is argued that these two groups, are of dual origin, [See also Cetacea .] Kulczcki, W. [See Equidce. J Langkavel, B. [See Bovidce.] Lataste, F. [See Rodentia.'] Leche, W. [See Marsupialia.'] Leidy, J. [See Caviidce, Elephantidce , Equidce , and Rhinocerotidce.'] Lemoine, Y. Etude sur les Rapports des Mammiferes de la Faune Cernaysienne et des Mammiferes Cretaces d’Amerique. Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xviii, pp. 321-324, pi. iii ; also C.R. cx, pp. 480-482. The author points out the close resemblance between teeth from the Cernaysien beds of Rheims described by himself, and those from the Laramie Cretaceous described by Marsh. It is considered that some of those described by the latter, as Halodon and Didelphodon , are inseparable from Plesiadapis ; Cimolestes is approximated to Tricuspiodon ; some of the teeth described as Didelphodon , Pediomys , and Halodon , are com- pared with those of Adapisorex ; while others, such as Cimolomys , Cimo- lodon , and Tripriodon, are regarded as closely allied to Neoplagiaulax. . Sur PAge relatif des Mammiferes de Cernay, par rapport aux Yertebres du m£me groupe decouverts en Europe et en Amerique. T. c. pp. 219-223. Another paper on the same subject. . Considerations General es sur les Yertebres Fossiles des Environs de Reims, et specialement sur les Mammiferes de la Faune Cernay- sienne. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. 1889, pp. 233-279, woodcuts. A third contribution to the same subject. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. 3 f am/m. 9 Lenhoss^k, M. A. Gerinczveloi Idegek H&tulso Gyokereirol. (The Spinal- Cord and the Posterior Nerve-roots.) Ert. Term. Kor. xix, pt. 6, pp. 6 & 46, pi. i. Leuthardt, T. [See Ungulata.] Link, J. A. Die Saugethiere der Hassberge und deren Umgebung. Ber. naturf. Ges. Bamberg, xv, pp. 3-25. A review of the Mammalian fauna. Lydekker, R. [See Ilyamidce , Mustelidca , Ilycenodontidoe , Dovidce , and Cervidce.] Macdonald, T. F. [See Equidce.] MacIntyre, D. Hindu-Koh : Wanderings and Wild Sport on and beyond the Himalaya. Edinburgh & London : 1889, 8vo, 464 pp., illustrations. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxvi.] Contains a sporting account, with illustrations of many of the larger Himalayan Mammals. Figures of the horns of the three varieties of Capra falconeri are given on p. 223. Maggi, L. Fontanelle nello Scheletro Cefalico di alcuni Mammiferi. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxiii, pp. 439-461 & 580-608, pis. vi-xi. [See also Boll, scient. xii, pp. 61 & 62.] Describes and figures the cranial fontanelles in Apes, Pig, Sheep, Ox, &c. [See also Rodentia.] Maiin, R. [See 3 fur idee.'] Marsh, 0. C. Notice of New Tertiary Mammals. Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, pp. 523-525. Describes Mammalian remains from the Miocene of Dakota. Four new genera of Perissodactyla are founded ; and a new species of Hyopo- tamus is described. [See Anthracotheriidce, Titanotheriidce , Lophiodontidcc, and Lambdotheriidce.] Martin, K. [See Proboscidca.] Martin, P. [See Felidae.] Mayet, V. [See Castoridce.] Mearns, E. A. [See Rodentia.] Meek, A. [See Hystricidce.] Merriam, C. H. The North American Fauna (U.S. Department of Agriculture). No. 3. Results of a Biological Survey of the Sau Francisco Mountain Region and Desert of the Little, Colorado, Arizona, pp. 1-136, pis. i-xii, maps. This memoir (which also contains a section on Reptiles and Amphi- bians, by L. Stejueger) is a continuation of the paper quoted in Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm. p. 11. The Mammals described comprise a new species of Sorex , 1 species of Vesper uyo, 3 of Vespertilio, one of which is new ; 1 of Nyctinomus , 2 of Sci unis , 3 of Tamias , and a new variety of 10 Mamin. MAMMALIA. the same ; 3 of Spermophilus , of which one, as well as two varieties, are new ; 1 of Cynomys , 1 of Castor ; a new species and a new variety of Onychomys ; 3 species of Hesperomys , of which one, as well as a variety, are new ; 2 speqies of Arvicola , one of which is new ; 1 species of Neotoma, and 2 of Thomomys. The new generic term Dipodops is pro- posed for those Kangaroo Rats having five hind toes, and one new species is named. There are 3 species of Perognathus , of which one is new ; also 1 of Erethizon, 2 of Lepus) 1 of Cariacus, Antilocapra , Ovis} Felis, Lynx (new), Cams, Mephitis (new), Spilogale (new), Taxidea , Lutra) Bassaris , and 2 of Ursus. [See Soricidce , Vespertilionidce , Sciuridce , Muridce, Geomyidce , Felidce , a nd. Mustelidce .] [Merriam, C. H.] The North American Fauna. No. 4. Descriptions of Twenty-six New Species of North American Mammals, 55 pp., 3 pis. This fasciculus contains a revision of the genus Spilogale , with descriptions of six new species and one variety. 4 new species and one variety of Tainias. 3 new species of Evotomys, A new Mustela. A new Molossus, the first recorded from the United States. A new Cynomys. 1 new species and 2 varieties of Spermophilus. 3 new species of Dipodomys. 1 new variety of Geomys , and a new species of Hesperomys. [See Mustelidce, Sciuridce , Muridce, Geomyidce , and Emhallonuridce .] Meyer, A. B. [See Cercopithecidce, Sciuridce , and Muridce .] , & Helm, F. v. Jahresbericht (1889) der Ornithol. Beobach- tungstationen im Konigreich Sachsen. Dresden : 1890, 80 pp. Pages 70-72 contains a list of the Mammals of Saxony. Milne-Edwards, A. Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn, 1882-1883, vol. vi, Zoologie — Mammiferes, 32 pp., 8 pis. Paris : 1890, 4to. The species described include Felis geofroyi , Canis magellanicus , Conepatus humboldti (pis. i, viii), Lutra chilensis , Otaria jubata, Arcto - cephalus australis , Hesperomys ( Notiomys ) edwardsi (n. sp., pi. iii, fig. 1 ; pi. viii, fig. 1), H. coppingeri (pi. iv, fig. 2 ; pi. viii, fig. 2), II. longicau- datus (pi. iv, fig. 1), II. olivaceus (pi. v, fig. 1), II. xanthorhinus (pi. vi, fig. 1), II. longipilis (pi. v, fig. 2), II. xanthopygus (pi. vi, fig. 2), Mus magellanicus , Rhithrodon chinchilloides (pi. iii, fig. 2), and R. cuniculoides (pi. ii). [See Muridce. See also Grandidier, supra , p. G.] Minot, C. S. [See Rodentia .] Mivart, St. G. [See Canidce.~\ Montana, — . De la Dualite Anatomique et Fonctionnelle des Elements des Glandes Gastriques. Bull. Soc. Toulouse, xxxiii, pp. 97-121. A detailed series of observations made on the gastric glands of several of the larger Mammals, with deductions therefrom. Moroelli, E. [See Primates.'] THE GENERAL SUBJECT.1 Mamm. 11 Neiiring, A. Ueber Saugethiere der Philippinen, namentlich fiber Plilceomys. aiming i, Waterh., and Bubalus mindorensis. SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 101-108. After mentioning the eight species of Mammals hitherto recorded from the Philippines, describes a new species or variety of Phlceomys , and con- siders that Bubalus mindorensis connects the Anoa with the true Buffalos. [See Mur idee.] . Ueber Tundren und Steppen der Jetzt und Vorzeit, mit beson- derer Boriicksichtigung ihrer Fauna. Berlin : 1890, 8vo, 257 pp., and map. The first chapter describes the Tundras, or Arctic Steppes of the Old World, with a list of their fauna. Iu the second chapter the true Steppes of Russia and S.W. Siberia are treated of in a similar manner. In the third we have observations on the fauna and climate of the Glacial and Post-glacial epoch ; while the fourth treats of the former wide range of Lemmings in Europe. The evidence for the existence of a climate like that of the Steppes and Tundras in Middle Europe during the Post-glacial epoch is detailed iu the fifth and sixth chapters. The seventh gives a general summary of the author’s views. [See also Canidai aud Bovidce .] Newton, E. T. On some New Mammals from the Red and Norwich Crags. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 444-453, pi. xviii. This paper contains descriptions of Mammalian remains from the English Pliocene belonging to eight species, nearly all being new to the Crags, and four of them new to science. A low-crowned lower carnassial tooth from the Norwich Crag of Bramerton is referred to the genus Lutra , and named L. reevei. All the other specimens are from the nodule-bed at the base of the Suffolk Red Crag. The right ramus of a lower jaw, differing from the common Otter in having the hinder fangs of the premolars much larger than the front ones, and agreeing iu this particular with L. dubia , is referred to the latter species. A humerus of a Seal, most nearly resembling that of Phoca vitulina, but of smaller size aud more slender proportions, is named Phoca moori. Another Seal’s humerus, having a peculiarly triangular shaft, is thought to belong to Pho- canella minor of Van Beneden. A maxilla with three teeth, belonging to the genus Trogontherium, but of smaller size than T. cuvieri, is believed to represent another species, and is named T. minus. The ziphioid rostrum in the Ipswich Museum, which received the preoccupied MS. name of Mesoplodon floweri , is described as M. floris ; and another rostrum, characterized by being very short, with a deep boat-like anterior extremity, is named M. scaphoides. JElurus anglicus , hitherto known only by part of a lower jaw with the carnassial tooth, is now further illustrated by an upper molar. [See PhocidcCj Mustelidce , Castoridce , and Physeteridce. See also Mur idee.] Nussbaum, J. [See Rodentia.] 12 Mamm. MAMMALIA, O’R killy, J. P. [See Canidw.] Osborn, H. F. A Review of the Cernaysian Mammals. P. Am. Phil. Soc, 1890, pp. 51-62, woodcuts. The author endeavours to assign a definite position to the numorous Mammals described by Lemoine, from the Lower Eocene of Rheims. In noticing the general characters presented by this fauna, it is mentioned that the teeth are usually tritubercular, and that the astragalus is per- forated. The genera, Protoadapis and Plesiadapis are referred to the primitive Lemuroids. Schlosser’s reference of Adapisorex, Adapisori- culuSy Pleuraspidotherium , and Orthaspidotherium to the Insectivora is confirmed ; although the alleged relationship of the two latter to the Erinaceidce is disputed. In the Creodont Carnivora Hycenodictis is pro- visionally referred to the Mesonychidcc, while the tritubercular character of the molars of Arctocyon is pointed out for the first time. The paper concludes with a notice of Neoplagiaulax. . [See also Scott, W. B.] Otto, A. Sur Geschichte der iiltesten Haustiere. Breslau: 1890, 8vo, 78 pp. A history of the domestic Mammals of Europe, divided into two parts. The first part gives a resumi of previous works and theories on the sub- ject ; while in the second we have a detailed account of each particular species. Ou demans, A. 0. [See Cercopithecidcc.'] Oudemans, J. T. [See Chiromyidce.l °Paladino, G. Dei Primi Rapporti tra l’Embrione e l’Utero in Alcuni Mammiferi. Giorn. Assoc. Nat. Nap. i, pp. 1-15, pi., 1889. [See also Monit. Zool. Ital. i, p. 12.] Observations on the relations of the foetal and maternal elements of the placenta, as exemplified in Rodents. Panasci, A. [See Fusari.] Parker, W. K. [See Equidce.] Paterson, A. M. On the Fate of the Muscle-plate and the Develop- ment of the Spinal Nerves and Limb-Plexuses in Birds and Mammals. Stud. Biol. Lab. Owen’s Coll, ii, pp. 103-122, pis. vii & viii. [Reprinted from Q. J. Micr. Sci. 1887.] . The Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Mammals. P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 19-23. [Abstract.] It is concluded that the Mammalian sympathetic is mesoblastic, that it is formod out of the cellular tissue surrounding the embryonal aorta, and is at first entirely independent of the cerebro-spinal system. It is primarily uniform and unsegmented. Subsequently it becomes connected with certain spinal nerves by growths from the latter, and in con- sequence becomes gangliated in an irregular manner. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mai nm. 13 Pavlow, M. [See Equidce.] Pelzeln, A. v. Geschichte der Saugethier- und Yogel-Sammlung des k. k. naturhist. Hofmuseums. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, pp. 503-539. The first part gives the history of the more important specimens of Mammals in the Vienna Museum. Pfitzer, — . [See Canidce.] Pomel, A. [See Hippopotamidce. ] Pommerol, F. [See Equidce.] Pouchet, G. [See Cetacea.]1 Retterer, E. Sur l’Origine et 1’ Evolution de Region Ano-G6nitale des Mammiferes. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 126-151 & 153-216, pis. v-viii. . Du Developpement de la Region Anale des Mammiferes. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 51 & 54. . Du Developpement du Fourreau et de la Partie Libre de la Verge des Mammiferes Quadrupedes. T. c. pp. 551-654. . Sur la Developpement de la Portion Abdominal de la Verge des Mammiferes. T. c. pp. 606-608. . Note sur la Valeur Morphologique du Glaud des Mammiferes. Mem. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 107-114. [See also Cetacea .] Reuvens, C. L. [See Cercopithecidce and Myoxidce .] Ristori, G. [See Primates .] Robinson, A. On the Position and Peritoneal Relations of the Mam- malian Ovary. Stud. Biol. Lab. Owen’s Coll, ii, pp. 35-46, pi. iv. [Reprinted from J. Anat. Phys. 1887.] Rodler, A. [See Artiodactyla .] ROSE, O. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens der Wir- belthiere. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 27-96, pis. iv & v. Includes observations on the hearts of a large number of Mammals. Royer, A. [See Artiodactyla .] Rutimeyer, L. Uebersicht der eocanen Fauna von Egerkingen. Verh. Ges. Basel, ix, pp. 1-34, woodcuts. After giving a classified list of the known species from the Swiss Siderolitos, tho author procoods to discuss the relations of this fauna with the faunas of the American Tertiaries, in the course of which he describes a cutting-tooth under the name of Calamodon europceus. [See Tillodontia .] Rutland, J. [See Muridee .] Ryder, A. J. [See Soricidce.] 14 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Sacco, F. [See Balcenidce.] St. Loup, R. [See Bovidce.] Schacht, H. [See Carnivora.'] Sciilosser, M. Die Affen, Lemuren, Chiropteren, Insectivoren, Marsu- pialier, Creodonten, und Carnivoren der Europaischen Tertiars, &c. Part hi. Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. viii, pp. [1-106] 387-492. [Plates with preceding part.] The concluding part of the memoir noticed in Zool. Rec. xxv, Mamin. pp. 27 & 28. The first portion concludes the Carnivora ; while a supple- ment gives emendations of some of the determinations made in the two preceding parts, with mention of species described since they were issued. There is also a complete distributional list of all the known European Tertiary Mammals. The part devoted to the Carnivora commences with the characters of the existing Viverridce , in which it is concluded that Prionodon and Poiana are the direct descendants of Palceoprionodon. In the survey of extinct Yiverroids, one new species of the type genus is described, and V. minima, Filhol, is regarded as referable to this genus and not to Ilerpestes. The Ilerpestince are raised to the rank of a family. In the Procyonidce there is a notice of JElarus anglicus , and of the fossil American forms. In the Ifycenidce , the new genus Prohycena is proposed for udElurodon wheelerianus, Cope, which is regarded as an ancestral Hysenoid. It is considered that Hycenocyon is certainly not a Ganoid, but may be an Hymnoid. Hycena maculata and the fossil II. spelcea are regarded as distinct from II. crocuta. In the Felidce there is a long discussion as to the origin and relationships of the family, followed by a description of the fossil forms. The genus Didymictis, Cope, is regarded as the representative of the Creodonta Adaptiva — a group connecting the true Creodonts with the typical Carnivores. This portion of the memoir concludes with a survey of the extinct American Carnivores described by Marsh, most of which are considered to be identical with Creodonts previously named by Cope. Iu the supplement the relation of Ccenopi- thecus to Adapis is discussed, and it is considered that the jaw referred by Riitimeyer to Pelycodus probably belongs to the former. The jaw from the Bohnerz of Frohnstetten, previously referred by the author to Microchcerus , is made the type of the new genus Cryptopithecus , and is probably allied to Ilyopsodus. Microchcerus is transferred to the Lemuridce , and regarded as closely allied to Necrolemur. After some mention of additional fossil Insectivora and Chiroptera , the descriptive part concludes with references to Carnivores described since the earlier part of the text was in type, and with discussions on points of phylogeny, priority, &c. [See Ilyopsodontidce , Viverridce , and Canidce.] . Ueber die Modificationen des Extremists tenskelets bei den einzel- nen Saugetier-Stammen. Biol. Centralbl. ix, pp. 684-698 & 716-729. A critical discussion of the modifications in the skeleton of the limbs of Mammals, exclusive of the Edentata and Marsupialia. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 15 [Schlosser, M ] Die Differenzierurig des Saugetiergebisses. Op. cit. x, pp. 238-252 & 264-277, woodcuts. The first part treats ;of the evolution of the more complex forms of Mammaliau molars from the tritubercular type ; while the second is devoted to the modifications in the number and functions of the teeth in the various orders. . Ueber die Deutung des Milchgebisses der Saugetiere. T. c. pp. 81-92. Criticizos tho conclusions of 0. Thomas as to the homology of the teeth in various groups of Mammals, and especially disputes the view that the milk-dentition is a series superadded to the permanent one. It is also urged that the anterior cheek-teeth of Elephas are not milk but premolars. [For a criticism, see O. Thomas, p. 17.] Schulze, E. Yerzeichniss der Saugethiere von Sachsen, Anhalt, Braunschweig, Hannover, und Thiiringen. Z. Nat. lxiii, pp. 97-112. Sclater, P. L. [See Rhino ccrotidai and Bovidce.'] Sclater, W. L. [See Muridce , Dipodidce, and Artiodactyla. ] Scott, W. B. [See Cotylopidce.'] , & Osborn, H. F. Preliminary Account of the Fossil Mammals from the White River and Loup-Fork Formations, contained in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Part II. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xx, pp. 65-100, 3 pis., woodcuts. A valuable memoir, reviewing and completing the work done on the Carnivora, Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla ; the two first groups being described by Scott, and the third by Osborn. In the Carnivora , the first section is devoted to AElurodon, from which it is considered that Schlosser’s Prohyaena (misquoted Palhycena) is inseparable. In the Felidae a humerus is provisionally ascribed to a large species of Felis , under the name of F. maxima ; the reason for referring it to that genus rather than to Machcerodus ( Smilodon ), being the presence of an entepi- condylar foramen, which is absent in M. (S.) necator. In the Artiodactyla, Merychyas is shown to differ from other Creodonts by having the fdurth upper milk-molar with four crescents, like that of the Pecora , whereas in most other members of the family it is triangular, as in the Tragulina. The foot-structure is also of the “adaptive” type. Merycochcerus has a similar type of foot. Important observations are made on the skeletons and general structure of Blastomeryx and Cosoryx, which are shown to be true Ruminants, and are referred to the family Gelocidce. The former is shown to be closely allied to Palceomeryx , from which it is mainly dis- tinguished by the absence of the characteristic fold in the lower molars. It was probably an ancestor of the true American Deer. Cosoryx is regarded as very closely allied to Blastomeryx , but has a more hypsodont dentition and forked antlers, which were probably not deciduous, and covered with skin. Cope’s suggestion that Cosoryx may have given rise to Antilocapra is considered probable, since the forked horn-sheaths of 16 Mamm. MAMMALIA. the latter point to an original forking of the bony cores. In the Perissodactylaf Mesohippus is regarded as distinct from Anchitherium , which is made the type of a family. Among the Rhinocerotidce some observations are made on the foot-structure of Aceratherium, and on the homology of the component parts of the Rhinoceros molar. A restora- tion is given of the skeleton of one of those Upper Miocene Rhinoceroses described as Aphelops, and is shown to be remarkable for the length of the body and the shortness of the limbs, whereby it presents a marked contrast to the long-limbed Aceratherium of the Lower Miocene. The ordinal term Chalicotheroidea is adopted for Chalicotherium ; and Marsh’s Moropus is identified with that genus. Selenka, E. [See Primates.'] Selous, F. C. A Hunter’s Wanderings in Africa. 2nd Ed. London: 1890, 8vo, 455 pp., illustrated. Sherborn, C. D. [See Woodward.] Sherrington, C. S. On outlying Nerve-cells in the Mammalian Spinal Chord. P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 144-146. [Abstract.] Siepi, P. [See Chiroptera.] Southwell, T. [See Cetacea.] Spee, F. G. Die Verschiebungsbahn des Unterkiefers am Schadel. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, pp. 285-294, pi. xvi. The relationship of the mandible to the cranium illustrated in a large number of Mammals. Spitzka, E. C. [See Pinnipedia.]. Steel, J. H. [See Equidce and Bovidce.] Steeric, J. B. A List of the Birds and Mammals collected by the Steere Expedition to the Philippines. Ann Arbour, Michigan, 8vo, 30 pp. 22 species of Mammals are recorded, of which a Bubaline and two Squirrels are described as new. [See Sciuridce and Bovidce.] Stephens, F. Land Mammals of San Diego County, California. West Am. Scientist, vii, pp. 36-39. 62 species are mentioned. Sternberg, M. Ein bisher nicht beschriebener Canal im Keilbein des Menschen und mancher Saugethiere. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, pp. 304-331, pi. xvii. Describes a canal in the alisphenoid, for which the name canalis cranio - pharyngeris lateralis is proposed. Straiil, H. Untersuchungen ueber den Bau der Placenta. Der Bau der Hundeplacenta. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, pp. 186-203, pis. ix & x. . Die histologischen Veriinderungen der Uterusepithelium in der Raubthierplacenta. Op. cit. suppl. pp. 120-134, pis. vi & vii. [See also Talpidce.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 17 Suchetet, A. [See Ungulata .] Thomas, 0. On a Collection of Mammals from Central Yera Cruz, Mexico. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 71-76, pis. vi & vii. The collection includes 21 species. Anew variety of Sciurus and a new species of Lepus are described and figured. [See Sciuridce and Leporidce.] . On a Collection of Mammals obtained by Dr. Emin Pasha in Central and Eastern Africa. T. c. pp. 443-450, pi. xl, woodcut. The collection includes 33 species, among which is an example of the rare lihynchocyon petersi. An important correction is made in regard to the dental formula of the Macroscelididce ; a new variety of Sciurus pyrrhopus is described and figured. In the Spalacidce the new name Myoscalops is proposed, to replace the preoccupied term Heliophobius. [See Macroscelididce , Sciuridce , and Spalacidce.] . Remarks on Dr. Schlosser’s “ Ueber die Deutung des Milchge- bisses der Saugetiere.” Biol. Centraibl. x, pp. 216-219. A criticism of the paper quoted on page 15. The author denies that he has ever expressed any opinion as to the serial homology of the first cheek-tooth of the dog, and strongly insists that the anterior cheek-teeth of the elephant belong to the milk-dentition. [See also Sciuridce and Edentata.'] Thompson, D’Arcy W. [See Cetacea and Marsupialia.] Tornier, G. Die Phylogenese des terminalen Segmentes der Saugethier- Hintergleidmassen. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 401-483, pis. xvii & xviii. An elaborate memoir, continuing an early one, and treating in detail of the modifications of the ankle-joint in various groups of Mammals. Toula, F. Ueber Saugethierresten gesammelt bei Gelegenheit desBaues der Eisenbahn von Scutari nach Ismid im 1873. Anz. Ak. Wien, xxvii, pp. 112-114. A preliminary notice of a series of Manimalian remains collected in Turkey. The specimens come nearest to Mastodon pandionis , Elephas clifti , Rhinoceros hlanfordi , Iiipparion antilopinum , and Equus nomadicus. Tourneux, F. [See Felidce.] Trouessart, E. Les Mammif&res fossiles de la Republique Argentine. Le Nat. 1890, pp. 151, 152, 203-205, 213, 214, 271, & 272, woodcuts. Gives an illustrated summary of part of the great work of Ameghino [see Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm. p. 2] on the Mammals of Argentina ; and also some observations on the Multi tuber culata from tho paper by Ameghino quotod under that head. . Nouvelles Explorations des Gites fossilif&res de la Patagonie australe. Rev. Sci. xlvi, pp. 506 & 507. Publishes a letter from C. Ameghino giving the results of some of his recent discoveries of the Tertiary Mammals of Patagonia. It is stated that Protoxodon and allied forms have but three digits on the fore (as on 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] C 2 18 Mamm . mammalia. the hind) foot, and it is therefore presumed that the same holds good for the later Toxoclon. It is also shown that in P voter otherium the orbits were completely closed ; the feet were tridactyle, with an artiodactyle type of tarsus ; while in the dentition there were one pair of upper and two of lower incisors, the upper ones taking the form of canines, which were wanting. One new generic and several specific names are men- tioned, but these can scarcely be regarded as entitled to be quoted as such. True, F. W. [See Ungulatct , Bovidce, and Delphinidce.] Tuckermann, F. On the Gustatory Organs of some of the Mammalia. J. Morph, iv, pp. 151-193 ; and P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 470-482. Describes in detail the taste-organs of 29 species of Mammals, ranging from Marsupials to Monkeys. The paper concludes with some general remarks, fuller deductions being reserved for a future occasion. Tyrrell, J. B. Catalogue of the Mammalia of Canada, exclusive of the Cetacea. P. Canad. Inst, vii, pp. 66-91. Weber, M. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost- Indien. Leyden : 1890, 8vo, illustrated. Pp. 93-130 and pis. viii-xi are devoted to the Mammalia ; the Rodents, Insectivores, and Bats being described by F. A. Jentink, and the remaining forms by Weber. The latter writer (pp. 107 & 108) considers that the Monkey named Macacus ochreatus , Ogilby, is merely a variety of M. mauruSy Cuv., both varieties being found living together in Celebes, and the species being confined to that island. Jentink describes 1 new Sciurus , 1 MuSy 3 Crociduray and 1 Cerivoula. [See Sciuridce, Muridce, Soricidce, and Vesper tiUonidce.] Weithofer, K. A. [See Proboscidea and Artiodactyla.] White, T. [See Canidce.] Windle, B. C. A. [See Canidce .] Wincza, H. [See Artiodactyla']. Woldrich, J. N. Diluviale Europaisch-Nordasiatische Siiugethierfauna, und ihre Beziehungen zum Menschen. Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxv, No. 10 (1887), pp. 4 & 162. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] Gives a list of the known Pleistocene Mammals of Europe and Siberia, followod by a discussion as to the relation of Man to that epoch, and concluding by observations on its climate. -. Ueber die Diluviale Fauna der Hohlen bei Beraun in Bohmen. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. 1890, pp. 290-292. Wollemann, A. Einige Worter zur Entgegnung auf Nehring ; “ Ueber der Character der Quatarfauna von Thiede bei Braunschweig.” Yeih. Yer. Rheinl. (5) vi, pp. 1-16. A further contribution to the dispute as to the nature of the climate indicated by the Pleistocene Mammalian fauna of Brunswick. Woodiiead, G. S. [See Delphinidce.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT, FAUNAS. Mamin . 19 Woodward, A. S. [See Bovidai .] & Sherborn, C. D. A Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrata. London : 1890, 8vo, 396 pp. Pp. 311-394 are devoted to Mammals. Woodward, H. A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the Department of Geology and Palaeontology. Part i. Fossil Mammals and Birds. London 1890, 8vo, 96 pp., woodcuts. Wunderlich, L. [See Otariidce .] Zaroudno'i, N. Recherches Zoologiques dans le Contree Trans-Cas- pienne. Bull. Mosc. 1890, pp. 288-315. The Mammals recorded are : Rhinolophus , sp., Fells tigris, F. caracal , F. manul , Lutra vulgaris , Canis aureus , Spermophilus leptodactylus , Mus wagneri , Cervus maral , and Sus scrofa. Zichen, T. Zur Vergleichenden Anatomie der Hirnwindungen mit specieller Berucksichtigung der Gehirne von Ursus maritimus und Trichechus rosmarus . Anat. Anz. v, pp. 692-709, woodcuts. Observations on the homology and structure of the convolutions and sulci of the brain, with especial reference to the two species mentioned. Zsigmondy, O. [See Ilominidce.] II. — FAUNAS. A. — Recent. Europe. See Neiiring, p. 11; Link, p. 9 (Germany) ; Meyer & Helm, p. 10 (Saxony) ; Schulze, p. 15 (Saxony) ; Zaroudnoi, supra (Russia). Central Asia. See Buchner, p. 31. China. See Buchner, p. 3. Manchuria. See Dattan, p. 4. Africa. See Bocage, p. 3 (West) ; Thomas, p. 17 (East and Central). Malayana. See Jentink, p. 7 ; Weber, p. 18. Philippines. See Nehring, p. 11 ; SteerE, p. 16. N. America. See Allen, p. 2; Cockerell, p. 4 ; HerrerA, p. 6 ; Merriam, p. 9 ; Stephens, p. 16 ; Thomas, p. 17 ; Tyrrell, p. 18. W. Indies. See Feilden, p. 5. • B. — Fossil. Europe. See Newton, p. 11 (England) ; Depijret, p. 4 (France) ; Donnezan, p. 4 (France) ; Filhol, p. 5 (France) ; Lemoine, p. 8 (France) ; Almera & Bofill, p. 2 (Spain) ; Rutimeyer, p. 13 (Switzer- land) ; Carazzi, p. 3 (Italy) ; Forsyth-Major, p. 5 (Italy) ; Issel, p. 7 20 Mcimm. MAMMALIA. (Italy); Hofmann, p. 7 (Styria) ; Neiiring, p. 11; Schlosser, p. 14; Woldrich, p. 18; Toula, p. 17 (Turkey). North America. See Scott & Osborn, p. 15. South America. See Amegiiino, p. 50; Trouessart, p. 17. III. — SPECIAL STRUCTURES, DEVELOPMENT, &c. Abnormalities. Foot. — See Boas, Artiodactyla ; Pfitzner, Canidce. Skull. — See Frigeria, Hominidce. Teeth. — See Mivart, Canidce. Circulatory System. — See Hill, Leporidce ; Kulczycki, Equidce. Coloration. — See Allen, Sciuridce ; Haacke, p. 6. Dentition. — See Calderon, Rodentia \ Heude, p. 6; Maka, Muridce ; Mivart, Canidce ; Schlosser, p. 15; Thomas, p. 17; Windle & Humphreys, Canidce. Development & Embryology. — See Bianciii, p. 3 (foetal membranes) ; Bieiiringer, Rodentia (germinal membranes) ; Duval, p. 4, and Rodentia (placenta) ; Hamburger, p. G (kiduey) ; Hociistetter, Rodentia (arteries) ; IIubrecht, Soricidce (germinal layers) ; Leciie, Marsupicdia ; Martin, Felidce (retina) ; Minot, Rodentia (placenta) ; Nussbaum, Rodentia (placenta) ; Paladino, p. 12 (placenta, &c.) ; Paterson, p. 12 (nerves) ; Retterer, p. 13 (anal and urino-genital organs) ; Selenka, Primates ; Strahl, p. 1G, and Talpidce (placenta). Digestive System. — Boas, Artiodactyla (stomach) ; Montana, p. 10 (glands); Thompson, Marsupialia (viscera); Tourneux, Felidce (intes- tine), Tuckermann, p. 18 (gustatory organs) ; Woodiiead & Cray, Cetacea (stomach). Eye. — See Martin, Felidce ; Ryder, Soricidce. Larynx. — See Thompson, Cetacea. Morphology. — See Bardeleben, p. 2 (prepollex) ; Broom, p. 3 (quadrate) ; Carlsson, p. 4 (prepollex) ; Emery, p. 5 (manus and pes) ; Gadow, p. G ; Hociistetter, p. 7 (limbs) ; Kollman, p. 8 (manus) ; Leuthardt, Ungulata (foot) ; Maggi, p. 9 (cranial fontanelles) ; Schlosser, p. 15 (limb-skeleton) ; Tornier, p. 17 (ankle- joint). Muscles. — See Bardeleben, p. 2 , Carlsson, p. 4 ; Oudemans, Chiromyidce. Nerves, Brain, &c. — See Beevor, Hapalidce (brain) ; Bef.vor & Horsley, Primates ; Ciaccio, p. 4 ; Fusari & Panasce, p. 5 (tongue) ; Honegger, p. 7 (fornix) ; Lenhoss^k, p. 9 ; Paterson, p. 12 ; Sher- rington, p. 16 ; Spitzka, Pinnipedia (brain) ; Ziciien, p. 19 (cerebral convolutions). Osteology. — See Boas, p. 42 (Artiodactyle foot) ; Ficalbi, p. 5 (cranium) ; Kukenthal, Cetacea ; Leuthardt, Ungulata (foot) ; SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 21 Manigault, Ghinchillidce ; Sternberg, p. 16 (cranium) ; WinczA, Artiodactyla (clavicle) ; Windle & Humphreys, Canidce. Urino-genital Organs.— See Hamburger, p. 6 (kidney) ; Meek, Ilystricidce ; Retterek, p. 13, and Cetacea (penis) ; Robinson, p. 13 (ovary). Vascular System & Heart. — Hill, Leporidce (abnormal vein) ; Hochstetter, Rodentia (development of artery) ; Kulczycki, Equidce (abnormal artery) ; Rose, p. 13 (heart). IV.— SPECIAL WORK. ( Extinct genera and species are indicated by a j*.) \. —PRIMATES. ANTHROPOIDEA. Beevor, C. E., & Horsley, V. An Experimental Investigation into the Arrangement of the Excitable Fibres of the Internarial Capsule of the Bonnet Monkey ( Macacus sinicus). P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 21 & 22. [Abstract.] °Morsblli, E. Sulla Fossetta Vorraiana noi Primati. Atti Soc. Ligust. i, fasc. 2. [Soo Mouit. Zool. Ital. i, pp. 142 & 143.] Observations on the vermian fossa in the higher Apes ; the fossa so- called being one in the middle line of the basioccipital, first described by Albrecht. Ristori, G. Le Scimmie Fossili Italiane. Boll. Com. Geol. (3) i, pp. 178-199 & 226-237, pis. vii & viii. The first part describes and figures a number of remains of Oreopi- thecus from the Middle Miocene of Monte Bamboli. In discussing the affinities of the genus it is shown that while presenting a number of features, such as the length of the dental series, and the form and elonga- tion of the last molar, especially the lower one, with the Cercopithecidce , as represented by Cynocephalus and Semnopithecus ; yet there are many points of affinity with the Simiida >,. Some of the best marked of the latter points are the shortness of the face and rounding of the chin, the diagonal arrangement and tendency to separation of the tubercles of the molars, and the approximation in the shape of the premolars to the molars. It is concluded that the genus should probably be regarded as representing an ancestral type of the Simiida}. The second part of the paper treats of Semnopithecus monspessulanus ; while the third part is devoted to Macacus ( Inuus ) jlorentinus. This species was originally described as the type of the genus Aulaxinuus ; the later Macacus ausonianus, F. Major, being a synonym. 22 Mamin. MAMMALIA. Selenka, E. 7m r Entwicklung der Affen. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1890, pp. 1257-1262. A preliminary notice of the author’s researches on the development of several species of Apes. a, HOMlNIDiE. L. Frigerio, Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxiii, p. 609, describes and figures a human skull having a triple mastoid process. Zsigmondy, O. Ueber die Veranderungen des Zahnbogens bei der Zweiten Dentition. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, pp. 367-390, pis. xxi & xxii. Illustrates the change in form of the human jaw, with the development of the permanent dentition b. SlMUDAC. Gaudry, A. Le Dryopitheque. M&n. Soc. g6ol. — Pal. vol. i, art. 1, 11 pp., 1 pi. Also C.R. cx, pp. 373-376. Describes and figures a nearly complete mandible of JDryopithecus fontani, which shows that this Anthropoid is the most generalized type yet known, instead of being, as was previously supposed, the mo^t specialized. Figures of the mandibles of the Gorilla, Chimpanzee, and Man are given for comparison. C. CEKCOPITHECID2E. Oudemans, A. C. Ueber zwei seltene und eine neue Art Affen des Zoologischen Gartens in Haag, Holland. Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 266-269. Notices Macacus nemestrinus , var. leoninusi Cercopithecus erythrarchus , and a new species of the latter genus {infra). Reuvens, C. L. On Cercopithecus talapoin , Erxleben. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 41-46, pi. ii. Shows that the generic separation of this species as Miopithecus is not warranted. Figures skull and dentition. Cercopithecus aterrimus , n. sp., A. 0. Oudemans, t. c. 267 & 268, Stanley Falls. Cercopithecus wolf, n. sp., A. B. Meyer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiii, pp. 63 & 64, Central W. Africa. Macacus ochreatus is identified by Weber ( supra} p. 18) with M. maurus. Colobus ferrugineus figured by P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, pi. xlviii. •\Dolichopithecus ruscinemis described and figured by C. Dep^ret, supra , p. 4. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 23 d. Hapalidje. Bee vo r, C. E. On tho Course of the Fibres of the Cingulum and the Posterior Parts of the Corpus Callosum and of: the Fornix in the Marmoset Monkey [Hapale]. P. It. Soc. xlviii, pp, 271-273. [Abstract.] LEMUROIDEA. e. LiEMURIDiE. For illustrations of the Madagascar forms, see Giiandidier, supra , p. 16. iMicrochcerus transferred by Schlosser, t. c. (supra, p. 14), pp. 65 & 66, to this group. \Necrolemur parvulus , n. sp., H. Filhol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 39 & 40, woodcut, Quercy Phosphorites. /. Chiromyid.®. Oudemans, J. F. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chiromys madagascan- ensis. Verb. Ak. Amst. xxvii, art. 2, pp. 1-3, pis. i-iii. A description of the myology, neurology, &c , of Chiromys. g. Hyopsodontidji. 4t Cryptopithecus siderolithicus , n. g. & sp., M. Sciilosser, t. c. (supra, p. 14), p. 451, pi. iv, figs. 55, 60, 62, Bohnerz, Frohnstetten. 2. CHIROPTERA. Allen, J. A. Notes on a Small Collection of West Indian Bats, with description of an apparently New Species. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 169-173. Eight species are noticed, of which one Artibeus is new [see Phyllosto - matidai], Ballowitz, E. Ueber das Vorkommen des Miniopterus schreibersii, Natterer, in Deutschland, nebst einigen Bemerkungen ueber die Fortpflanzung Deutscher Chiropteren. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 531-536. Herrera, A. L. Nota adicional k los Queiropteros de Mexico. Nat. Mex. i, pp. 298 & 299. Gives the characters of 7 genera of Phyllostomatidai. Siepi, P. Liste des Chiropteres observes dans les D^partements des Bouches-du-Bhone et du Yar. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. 1889, pp. 52-58 24 Mamm. MAMMALIA. I. MEGACHIROPTERA. a, PteropodidvE. Allen, H. On the Distribution of the Colour-Marks iu the Pleropodidce . P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 12-30. A detailed comparison of the colorktion of the various species. Pteropua lanigera , n. sp., H. Allen, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxviii, pp. 70-72, Samoan Is, II. MICROCHIROPTERA. b. Vespertilionidj:. Vesperugo vordermarmi , n. sp., F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 152-154, Billiton (off Borneo). Atalapha scmota , n. sp., F. W. True, by H. Allen, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 173-175, Sandwich Is. Vespertilio melanorhinus , n, sp., C. H. Merriam, t. c. (supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 46 & 47, San Francisco. Vespertilio velifer, n. sp,, J. A'. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 177 & 178, Mexico. Vespertilio ueglectus , n. sp., V, Fatio, Aroh. Sci. Nat. xxiv, pp. 509-512, Switzerland. Ccrivoula weberi , n. sp,, F. A. Jentink, in Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. (supra, p, 18), pp. 129 & 130, pi, xi, Celebes. c, Emballonurioe. Nyctinomua europs , u. sp., H. Allen, P. U. S. Nat, Mus. xii, pp. 635- 638, Brazil. Nyctinomus orthotis, n. sp., Allen, t. c% pp. 638-640, Jamaica. Molossus californicus , n. sp., C. H. Merriam, f, c. (supra, p. 10), No. 4, pp. 31 & 32, California. d . Phyllostomatidjs. Oarollia oastanea, n. sp., H. Allen, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxviii, pp. 19-26, Costa Rica. This paper also has remarks on C. brevicauda and other geuera of th,e family, Macrotus bulleri , n, sp., H. Allen, t. c. pp. 72-74, Mexico, Artibeus coryi , n. sp., J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus, Nat. Hist, iii, p, 173, W, Indies, 3. XNSEGTIVORA . Dobson, G, E. Monograph of the Jnsectivora. Pt. m, fasc, i. London : 4to, pis. xxiii- xxviii. This fasciculus contains only plates and their description. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 25 a. TupaiidjE. Tupaia dorsalis , see Jentink, supra , p. 7. The name Galerix is substituted by Filhol, supra , p. 5, for Parasorex. b. Macroscelidim:. It is shown by O. Thomas (supra, p. 17) that there are four premolars and two molars in the genera of this family ; two species of Macroscelides having, however, a minute third lower molar. c. SORICIDJI. Dobson, G. E. A Synopsis of the Genera of the Family Soricidcc. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 49-51. In the dentition, the canine tooth is reckoned as the first premolar. The following genera are recognized and defined, viz. : — Sorex, Soricitlas, Blarina, Notiosorex, Crossopus , Myosorex , Orocidura , Diplomcsodon , Anurosorex , Chimarrogale, and Neqtogale. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Studies in Mammalian Embryology, II. The Development of the Germinal Layers in Sorex vulgaris. Q. J. Micr. Sci. (2) xxxi, pp. 499-562, pis. xxxvi-xlii. An elaborately detailed memoir, with critical and full biographical notices. Ryder, A. J. The Eye, Ocular Muscles, and Lachrymal Glands of the Shrew-mole (Blarina talpoides, Gray). P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxviii, pp. 16-18. Among other points, the writer directs particular attention to the slight attachment of the eye-ball, the ocular muscles apparently having no connection with the cranium. Sorex unguiculatus, n. sp., G. E. Dobson, Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 155 & 156, woodcut, Saghalien Is., and mouth of Amur River. Sorex monticolus , n. sp., C. H. Merriam, t. c. {supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 43 & 44, woodcut of dentition, San Francisco. Crocidura lasiura, n. sp., G. E. Dobson, Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 31-33, woodcut, Amur region. Crocidura nana , n. sp., Dobson, t. c. p. 225, Somali -land. Crocidura strauchi , n. sp., Dobson, t. c. pp. 225 & 226, Sudan. Crocidura macrodon, n. sp., Dobson, t. c. pp. 226 & 227, Africa. Crocidura grayi, n. sp., Dobson, op. cit. vi, pp. 494 & 495, Phillipines. Orocidura petersi, n. sp., Dobson, t. c. pp. 495 & 496, W. Africa. Crocidura martensi, n. sp., Dobson, t. c. p. 496, Cape of Good Hope. Crocidura pilosa, n. sp., Dobson, t. c. pp. 496 & 497, Transvaal. Crocidura weberi, n. sp., F. A. Jentink, in Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. (supra, p. 18), pp. 123 & 124, Sumatra. Crocidura oricntalis, n. sp., Jentink, t. c. p. 124, Java. 26 Mamm . MAMMALIA. Grocidura brevicaudata , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. pp. 124 & 125, Java. *f Necrosorex quercyi , n. g. & sp., H. Filiiol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 174 & 175, Quercy Phosphorites. d. Talpid^e. Strahl, H. Ueber den Bau der Placenta von Talpa europcea, und ueber . Placentardrusen. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 362-365. ^ iMyxomygale antiqua , n. g. & sp., H. Filhol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 176 & 177, Quercy Phosphorites. fMy[o]gale antiqua, n. sp., Filhol, Bibl. haut. etudes, xxxvi, 1, p. 26, Miocene, Sansan. t Talpa primceva, n. sp., Filhol, t. c. p. 35, ibid. 4. CARNIVORA. For the European Tertiary Viverridcc , Hycenidce , and Felidce , see Sciilosser, supra , p. 14. For placentation, see Straiil, supra , p. 16. Bri!:zol, H. Les Carnivores Americaines. Bull. Soc. Acclim. xxxvii, pp. 49-55. A brief semi-popular account of the American Carnivores. I. CARNIVORA VERA. Grev^:, C. Die Geographische Verbreitung der Hyaeniden und Caniden. Zool. Jahrb.-Abth. f. Syst. v, pp. 400-424, pis. xxxi-xxxiv. A detailed description of the distribution of the existing species of Canidce and Hycenulce , with explanatory maps. Sciiacht, H. Die Raubsaugetiere des Teutoburger Waldes. Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 166-171, 242-245, 304-309, & 357-363. A continuation of previous papers. Treats of Mustela martes , M. foina , M. putorius, and M. erminea. a. Felidae. Fabrini, E. I Machairodus {Meg anther eon) del Valdamo Superiore. Boll. Com. Geol. (3) i, pp. 121-144 & 161-176, pis. iv-vi. In this memoir on the remains of Machcerodus from the Val d’Arno, the author shows that two forms have been included under the name of M. cultridens. In that species the upper canine is long and narrow, with smooth fore-and-aft edges ; the smaller skulls described as M. megan- thereon would appear to be the female of this species. In another type, for which the name M. crenatidens is proposed, the upper canine is strongly serrated on both edges, and is comparatively short and broad ; the lateral surface of the mandible against which this tooth is applied SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 27 being likewise very broad. The mandible from the Forest-bed, described by Backhouse, is referred to this species. A third type — M. nest/anus — is distinguished by having only the posterior border of the upper canine serrated, and also by the long diastema between the third and fourth lower premolars. In the event of this species being regarded as generic- ally distinct, the name Homotherium is suggested. Helderman, W. D. De Tijger en het Bijgeloof. Tijdschr. Ind. Yolken- kund, xxxiv, pp. 170-175. Martin, P. Zur Entwickelung der Retina bei der Katze. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 551-556. Tourneux, F. Note sur l’lntestin Caudal chez l’Embryon de Chat. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 97-100. \Felis (?) maxima , n. sp., W. B. Scott, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xx, p. 79, fig. 4, Loup-Fork Beds, Kansas. Lynx baileyi, n. sp., C. H. Merrjam, t. c. (supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 79 & 80, pi. xi, Arizona. t Machazrodus crenatidens , n. sp., E. Fabrini, t. c. p. 161, Pliocene, Italy. iMachcerodus nestianus, n. sp., E. Fabrini, t. c. p. 172, ibid. b. Hy^NID,®. For* distribution, see C. Grev£, supra , p. 26. Emin Pasha, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 647 & 648, mentions the occurrence of a Hysona allied to or iden- tical with II. striata in the neighbourhood of Tabora, E. Africa. Lydekker, R. On the Occurrence of the Striped Hysena in the Tertiary of the Yal d’Arno. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 62-65, woodcut. Describes and figures part of a left maxilla, with the carnassial and portions of the adjacent teeth, from the deposits mentioned. C. VlVERRIDiE. t Viverra schlosseri, n. sp., H. Filiiol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 139-142, woodcuts, Quercy Phosphorites. t Viverra (P) simplicidens, n. sp., M. Schlosser, t. c. (supra, p. 14), pp. 391-393, pi. ix, fig. 10, Quercy Phosphorites. t Viverra macrorhyncha, n. sp., H. Filhol, Bibl. haut. etudes, xxxvi, 1, p. 123, Mid. Miocene, Sansau. Herpestes angolensis, n. sp., J. Y. B. du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, pp. 31 & 32, Angola. d. Canidas. For distribution, see C. Grev^, supra , p. 26. Bartlett, A. D. Observations on Wolves, Jackals, Dogs, and Foxes. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 46-48. 28 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Mivart, St. George. Dogs, Jackals, Wolves, and Foxes: a Mono- graph of the Canidce . London : 4to, pp. xxv & 216, illustrated. A handsome work, illustrated with coloured plates of all the existing species, and woodcuts of skulls, teeth, &c. 35 species are recognized ( Canis anthus being provisionally separated from C. aureus ), of which 30 are referred to Canis , 2 to Cyon, and 1 each to Icticyon , Lycaon , and Otocyon. . Notes on Canine Dental Abnormalities. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 376- 378, woodcut. . Notes on the Genus Cyon. T. c. pp. 88-92. The author concludes that there are but two species — C. javanicus and C. alpinus — their distinctive characters and numerous osteological measurements being given. . Oh the South American Canidce. T. c. pp. 98-113, woodcuts. The author calls attention to the difficulties iu the way of the correct discrimination of these animals, and to what appear to him to be the unsatisfactory character of some of Burmeister’s determinations and descriptions. Forms to which the names Canis fulvipes, griseusy pata- gonicus , entrerianus, gracilis , vetulus, and fulvicaudus had been assigned are declared to be quite insufficiently discriminated from C. azarce. On the other hand, two very marked species, or possibly varieties, are noted and distinguished under the appellations C. parvidens and C. urostictus , the type of each of which was in the British Museum, both the skin, and the skull extracted from it, in each case. Neiiring, A. Ueber Cyon alpinus fossilisy Nehring, nebst Beraerkungen iiber einige fossile Caniden. JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, pp. 34-52, pi. ii. Describes and figures part of a mandible from the Pleistocene of Heppenloch, Wiirtemberg, which is referred to a variety of this existing species. A recent ramus is figured, in which the first premolar is absent. It is considered that Lycorus nemestrianus , Bourguignat, is founded upon a mandible of Canis lupus in which the first premolar is wanting ; and that Cyon edwardsianus , of the same author, is based on a lower jaw of Canis pallipes in which the third molar is wanting. A preliminary notice of the substance of the paper is given in SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 19-21. O’Reilly, J. P. Notes on the History of the Irish Wolf-Dog. P. R. Irish Ac. (3) i, pp. 333-339. White, T. On the Wild Dogs of New Zealand. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, pp. 327-330. The author considers that the feral Maori Dogs indicate a peculiar breed quite distinct from any European one. Windle, B. C. A., & Humphreys, J. On some Cranial and Dental Characters of the Domestic Dog. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 5-29. An elaborate series of measurements of the skulls and teeth is given in various breeds of Dogs, aud the authors attempt a classification based on STECIAL WORK. Mamm. 29 the relative width of the skull. Observations are recorded on the torsion of the upper premolars in the short-skulled species, and instances noticed of the presence of supernumerary upper molars. Canis familiaris : Pfitzner, Tag. Deut. Nat. Vers, for 1889 (1890), notices a skeleton with abnormal foot structure. Cams lupus : E. Olivier, Rev. Sci. Bourb. iii, pp. 20 & 21, has notes on its melanism. Canis parvidens, n. sp. (or var.), St. G. Mivart, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 108, figs. 3 & 4, Brazil. Canis urostictus , n. sp. (or var.), Mivart, t. c. p. 112, figs. 5 & 6, ibid. Canis dingo : L. L^seble, Bull. Soc. Acclim. xxxvii, pp. 681-684, has notes on living specimens at Paris. Wulpes donnezani, n. sp., 0. Deperet, t. c. ( supra , p. 4), p. 28, Plio- cene, France. iAmphicyon intermedins , see Hofmann, supra , p. 7. t AElurodon compressus , n. sp., E. D. Cope, Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 1067 & 1068, Loup-Fork Miocene, Nebraska. Prohycena, n. g., M. Schlosser, t. c. ( supra, , p. 14), p. 25 ; type, yElurodon wheeler ianus, Cope. Referred by its founder to Hycenhlcc. Considered by Scott ( supra , p. 15) as inseparable from JElurodon ; the author being, however, misled into considering that it was 2E. scevus that Schlosser proposed to separate, and misquoting Prohycena as Palhycena. e. Ursid.®. Ursus tibetanus recorded by A. Dattan (suprd, p. 4) from Manchuria. /. MuSTELIDiE. Lydekker, R. On a New Species of Otter from the Lower Pliocene of Eppelsheim. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 3-5, woodcut. iLutra hessica , n. sp., Lydekker, l. c. fLutra reevei , n. sp., E. T. Newton, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p.446, pi. xviii, fig. 2, Norwich Crag. Conepatus humboldti , figured by Milne-Edwards, vide supra , p. 10. Mephitis estor , n. sp., C. H. Merriam, t. c. (supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 81 & 82, pi. x, Arizona. Spilogale gracilis , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 83 & 84, Arizona. Spilogale ringens, n. sp., Merriam, op. cit. No. 4 (p. 10), pp. 9 & 10, United States. Spilogale Indiana , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 10, Texas. Spilogale lucasana , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 11, California. Spilogale leucoparia, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 11 & 12, pi. i, figs. 4-6, Texas. Spilogale saxatilis , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 13, Utah. Spilogale phenax, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 13 & 14, pi. i, figs. 1-3, California. 30 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Spilogale phenax , n. var. latifrons , Merriam, t. c. p. 15, Oregon. Mustela caurina, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. ( supra , p. 10), No. 4, pp. 26-29, California. t Mustela leptorhyncha , n. sp., Filiiol, Bibl. haut. Etudes, xxxvi, 1, p. 105, ibid. ^ \Proputorius sansaniensis , n. g. & sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 112, ibid. Gulo luscus : L. Belding, Zoe, i, pp. 303 & 304, refers to its apparent occurrence in Canada. fStenogale robusta , n. sp., E. D. Cope, Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 950 & 951, Loup*Fork Miocene, Nebraska. HBrachypsalis 2>achycephalus, n. g. & sp., Cope, t. c. pp. 251 & 252, ibid. t Trochictis gaudryi, n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 91, Miocene, Sansan. g. PROCYONIDiE. t AElurus anglicus : an upper molar from the Red Crag, described and figured by E. T. Newton, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 451 & 452, pi. xviii, fig. 9. II. PINNIPEDIA. Gilpin, J. B. On the Seals of Nova Scotia. P. N.-Scot. Inst, iii, pp. 377-384. Popular notes on this subject. Spitzka, E. C. Zur Monographic Dr. Theodor’s ueber das Seehunds- gehirn. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 173-176 ; and Remarks on the Brain of the Seals : Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 115-122. Criticizes and condemns the views of Theodor [Zool Rec. xxv, Mamm. p. 28], and concludes that the brain of the Pinnipedia is essentially of the typical carnivorous type ; all its differences being due to the pre- ponderance of some parts, and the atrophy of others. h. OtartiDjE. Beddard, F. E. On the Structure of Hooker’s Sea Lion ( Arctocephalus hoolceri). Tr. Z. S. xii, pp. 369-380, pis. lxiv & lxv, woodcuts. Describes, with figures, the external characters, splachnology, and osteo- logy of this Seal. Concludes that if the genus Otaria be divided at all, there will be two genera — Otaria , containing only O. jubata (with its numerous synonyms), and Arctocephalus , with all the remaining members of the family. The diagnostic characters of the two genera are given on p. 379 of the memoir. ^Dunn, — . Investigation of the Fur Seal and other Fisheries of Alaska. Report from the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives. Washington : 1889, 8vo, illustrations. In addition to a description of the seal-fishery, there is a large amount oE information on the history and habits of Otaria ( Callorhinus ) ursina. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 31 Wunderlich, L. Die Seelowen im zoologischen Garten zu Koln. Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 1-6, 33-39, & 129-134. Notes on the Eared Seals in the Cologne Zoological Gardens. i. Phocid^j. Phoca grcenlandica : a mandibular ramus from a cave near Perigeux, described by A. Gaudry, C.R. cxi, pp. 351-353. Phoca vitulina : K. MOinus, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 94 & 95, has notes on its breeding on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein. ,+ Phoca moori , n. sp., E. T. Newton, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 446 & 447, pi. xviii, fig. 3, Red Crag. III. CREODONTA. Filhol, H. Etude du Skeleton du Cynolvyccnodon. Centenaire Mem. Soc. Philom. 1888, pp. 179-192, pis. xvii & xviii. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxv.] A description of the skull and limb-bones of the genus mentioned, with figures. j. HY^ENODONTIDiE. \PLyccnodon hidicus : it is shown by R. Lydekker, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 402 & 403, that certain teeth provisionally referred to this species are imporfect upper carnassials of Ampliicyon. 5. RODENTIA. Buchner, E. Wisseuschaftliche Resultate der von N. M. Przewalski nach Central- Asien unternommenen Reisen. Zoologischer Theil I. Saugethiere, pt. iv, pp. 137-184, pis. xvi-xx. [See Zool. Rec. xxvir Mamm. p. 30.] This part includes Rodents belonging to the families Muridce, Dipodidair and Lagomyidce. The species described are Siphneus fontanieri (pi. xv, figs. 12 & 13), Dipus sagitta, Alactaga saliens, A. a?i?iulata, Lagomys roylei (pi. xxiii, figs. 1 & 2), L. rutilus (pi. xx), L. erythotis , n. sp. (pis. xxi & xxiv, figs. 1-6), L. dauricus (pi. xxii, fig. 1, xxv, figs. 1-5), and L. mela- nostomus , n. sp. (pi. xxii, figs. 2 & 3). [See Lagomyidce .] Bieiiringer, J. Ueber die Umkehrung der Keimblatter bei den Nagetieren. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 403-414. Observations on the germinal membranes of Rodents in general, and more especially in Arvicola , Mus, and Cavia. Calderon, S. Consideraciones sobre la Denticion de los Roedores. Ann. Soc. Esp. xix, pp. 279-297. After discussing the peculiarities of the Rodent dentition, the author 32 Mamm. mammalia. compares it with that of other Mammals with a diprotodont dentition. Concludes by discussing the probable mode of origin of this type of dentition. Duval, M. Le Placenta des Rongeurs. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 1-48, pis. i & ii, and pp. 273-344 & 521-592, woodcuts. A continuation of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm. p. 28 ; the present part describing the placentation of the Rabbit, and concluding with an account of the inversion of the blastodermic membranes. Fleischmann, A. Die Stammesverwandschaft der Nager ( Rodentia ) mit der Beutelthieren ( Marsupialia ). SB. Ak. Berlin, 1890, pp. 299-305. [Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 289-291 (On the Relationship of the Rodentia to the Marsupialia).'] The author considers that Rodents may be directly derivable from Marsupials, urging that we may recognize, step by step, in the existing forms, the stages which render the transmission of long-inherited structures intelligible. It is added that in the author’s opinion there is also an intimate relationship between the Insectivora and Bats on the one hand, and the Polyprotodont Marsupials on the other. Hochstettek, F. Ueber die Entwicklung der A. [rteria] vertebralis , beim Kaniuchen, nebst Bemerk ungen ueber die Enstehung der Ansa vieussenii. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 572-586, pi. xxi. Lataste, F. Recherches de Zoo&hique sur les Mammiferes de l’Ordre des Rongeurs. ' Bordeaux : 1889, 8vo, 676 pp., 6 pis. * A reprint of the author’s papers, published in the Act. Soc. L. Bord., on the habits and physiology of various Rodents. MaGGI, L. Intorno al Canale Cranio Faringeo in alcuni Rosicanti. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxiii, p. 719, et seq., and pi. [Summarised in Boll, scient. xii, pp. 149 & 150.] Observations on certain cranial canals in the Hare, Rabbit, and Guinea Pig. Mearns, E. A. Description of supposed New Species and Subspecies of Mammals from Arizona. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 277-307. The new species are all Rodents, and comprise 1 Arvicola , 2 Dipodomys , 1 Cynomys , and 2 Lepus ; and the new varieties — 1 Sciurus, 1 Fiber , 2 Hesperomys , and 1 Sigmodon. [See Sciurklce, Muridce , and Geomyidce.] Minot, C. S. Die Placenta des Kaninchens. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 114-122. A summary of previous work on the placentation of the Rabbit, with a full account of the author’s own researches on the subject. Ncssuaum, J. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Placenta bei der Maus (weisse Varietat). Anat. Anz. v, pp. 233-236. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm . 33 a. SciURIDiE. Allen, J. A. A Review of some of the North American Ground- Squirrels of the genus Tamias. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 45-116. This paper is restricted to the forms included in the author’s previous works under Tamias asiaticus , and the one described by Merriam as T. macrorhabdotes. Nine of these forms have previously received separate varietal names ; the species minimus , quadrimaculatus , and macrorhabdotes bringing up the named forms to eleven in number. The author now pro- poses to rank these under twenty-four distinct names, to sixteen of which are assigned specific rank. The following new specific names are given, viz., umbrinus (p. 96), obscurus (p. 70), cinereicollis (p. 94), speciosus (p. 8 Q),frater (p. 88), amcenus (p. 90), and senex (p. 83) ; the five following varietal names are raised to specific rank, viz., quadrivittatus (p. 97), bulleri (p. 92), dorsalis (p. 68), merriami (p. 84), and townsendi (p. 72) ; while the new varietal names proposed are quadrivittatus neglectus (p. 106), qu. affinis (p. 103), qu. luteiventris (p. 101), qu. gracilis (p. 99), minimus consobrinus (p. 112), and m. pictus { p. 115). The typical T. asiaticus is regarded as exclusively Euro- Asiatic. . On Seasonal Variations in Colour in Sciurus hudsonianus. Bull. ^ Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 41-44. Shows that the black lateral line is a feature of the summer pelage, and that the seasonal change of coloration is due to a shedding of the hairs. Meyer, A. B. Description of a new Squirrel from the Philippine Islands. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 599-601. Eupetaurus cinereus : F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 143 & 144, pi. vii, figs. 1 & 2, records a specimen in the Leyden Museum, said to be from Tibet, with figures of the dentition. Sciuropterus platyurus , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. pp. 145-148, pi. vii, figs. 3-10, Sumatra. Sciuropterus vordermanni , n. sp., Jentink, t. c. pp. 150 & 151, pi. vii, fig. 15, Billiton (off Borneo). Sciurus cagsi , n. sp., A. B. Meyer, l. c., Philippines. Sciurus everetti , n. sp., O. Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 171 & 172, Borneo. Sciurus weberi , n. sp., F. A. Jentink, in Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. (supra, p. 18), p. 115, pis. viii & x, figs. 1-3, Celebes. Sciurus hudsonius, n. var. mogollonensis , E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 277-280, Arizona. . Sciurus niger , n. var. melanonotus , O. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 73 & 74, pi. vi, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Sciurus bayonii , n. sp., J. V. B. Du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, p. 3, Angola. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] c 3 34 Mamm, MAMMALIA. Sciurus mindanenm , n. sp., J. B. Steere, t. c. (supra, p. 16), p. 29, Philippines. Sciurus samaremis , n. sp., Steere, t. c. p. 30, ibid . Sciurus pyrrhopus, n. var. anerytlirus , 0. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 447 & 448, pi. xl, S. of Lake Albert Nyanza. Sciurus hudsonius, n. varr. Vancouver ensis and calif ornicus, J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, p. 165, Vancouver I. and California. Sciurus cervicalis , n. sp., Allen, t. c. pp. 183 & 185, Mexico. Tamias umbrinus , T. obscurus, T. cinereicollis , T. speciosus , T. f rater, T. amcenus, T. senex,n. spp., J. A. Allen, t. c. (supra, p. 33), North America; T. quadrivittatus , 1. bulleri, T. dorsalis , T. merriami , T. towns endi, previ- ously described as varieties, are raised by Allen, Z. c., to the rank of species. T. quadrivittatus neglectus , T. qu. ajjinis , T. luteiventris , T. #if. gracilis , T. minimus consobrinus , T. m. pictus, n. varr., J. A. Allen, Z. c. Tamias leucurus , n. var. cinnamoneus , C. H. Merriam, Z. c. {supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 51-53, San Francisco. Tamias castanurus, n. sp., T. chrysodirus , n. sp., T. cinerascens , n. sp., T. interpres , n. sp., T. minimus, n. var. melanurus, Merriam, op. cit. No. 4, (p. 10), pp. 17-22, United States. Tamias mcclellandi = Sciurus mcclellandi , Horsf. ; see E. Buchner, M61. biol. xiii, p. 155, Spermophilus nifescens , recorded from the Pleistocene of Bohemia, by A. Nehring, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 21-23. Spermophilus cryptospilotus, n. sp., C. H. Merriam, t. c. (supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 57 & 58, pi. ix, figs. 1-3, Arizona. Spermophilus pratensis, n. varr .pratensis and obsidianus, Merriam, t. c. pp. 55-57, Arizona. Spermophilus canescens, n. sp., Merriam, op. cit. No. 4, p. 38, Arizona. Spermophilus spilosoma, n. varr. macrospilotus and major, Merriam, t. c. pp. 38 & 39, Arizona and New Mexico. Spermophilus beldengi : notes on, by B. Langkavel, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 176-178. t Arctomys primigenia, recorded by J. N. Woldrick, Verh. Geol. Reich- sanst. 1890, p. 299, from Bohemia. Arctomys bobac, recorded from the Pleistocene of Bohemia, by A. Nehring, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 21-23. Cynomys leucurus, n. sp., C. H. Merriam, t. c. (supra, p. 10), No. 4, pp. 33-35, Wyoming. Cynomys arizonensis , n. sp., E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 305 & 306, Arizona. b. CASTORIDiE. Bogdanov, A. Note sur les Castors de la Russe Occidentale. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. 1889, pp. 63 & 64. Records Beavers from the river Svislotch, Government of Minsk, and also from the Dnieper. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 35 Mayet, V. Le Castor du Rhone. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. 1889, pp. 58-63. Considers that from 25 to 30 Beavers are killed annually in the Rhone basin. Castor fiber , E. L. Mitford, Zool. (3) xvi, pp. 177 & 178, refers to a specimen from the Rhone. t Trogontherium minus, n. sp., E. T. Newton, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 447 & 448, pi. xviii, figs. 5 & 6, Red Crag, t Steneofiber jcegeri , see Hofmann, suprd , p. 7. iStencofiber minimus , n. sp., Filiiol, Bibl. haut. dtudes, xxxvi, 1, p. 45, Miocene, Sansan. c. Myoxidjj. Reuvens, C. L. Die Myoxidce oder Schlafer. — Ein Beitrag ,zur Osteo- logie und Systematik der Nagethiere. Leyden : 1890, 4to, pp. 1-80, pis. i-iv. This memoir, illustrated with figures of skulls and dentition, is a detailed treatise on the external characters, dentition, and cranial osteo- logy of the Dormice. The author concludes that Eliomys , Graphiurus , Muscardinus , and Bifa should be regarded merely as subgenera of Myoxus, although the species are quoted under these several names. A detailed synopsis is given of all the species, 1 new species of Eliomys being described. Eliomys kelleni , n. sp., Reuvens, t. c. p. 35, W. Africa. d. Murids. For figures and descriptions of the M.uridce of S. America, see Milne- Edwards, supra, p. 10. Mahn, R. Bau und Entwicklung der Molaren bei Mus und Arvicola. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 652-685, pi. xxv. Shows the gradual acquisition of the complex characters of the adult molars of Arvicola in the teeth-germs, and compares this with the simpler teeth of Mus. Newton, E. T. On the occurrence of Lemmings and other Rodents in the Brick-Earth of the Thames Valley. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 452- 455, woodcut. Records remains of Arvicola amphibius, A. ratticeps, Cuniculus torquatus, and Myodcs lemmus. Sclater, W. L. Notes on some Indian Rats and Mice. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 522-539, pis. xliv & xlv. This paper has notes on all the Indian species of Muridce represented in the collection of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, and is illustrated with figures of skulls and teeth of several species. It is considered that Nesocia brachyura , Buchner, is probably identical with N. scullyi, Wood-Mason. 36 Mcimm. MAMMALIA. The paper concludes with a table of cranial measurements, and also of typo specimens preserved in the Indian Museum. Rutland, J. On the Habits of the New Zealand Bush-Rat ( Mus maorium ). Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, pp. 300-307. Gerbillus validus, n. sp., J. Y. B. DU Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, pp. 6 & 7, pi. i, fig. 1, Congo. Phlceomys pallidus , n. sp. (or var. of P. cumingi ), A.Nehring, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 105, Philippines. On pp. 153 & 154 of the same this form is definitely regarded only as a variety. Phlceomys cumingi : A. B. Meyer, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 195-200, has a notice of certain examples recently brought alive to Europe. It is con- cluded that there is no evidence for regarding the lighter-coloured form described by Nehring as P. pallidus as a distinct species. iCricetus angustidens , n. sp., C. Dep^ret, t. c. { supra , p. 4), p. 54, Pliocene, France. Hesperomys megalotis , n. sp , C. H. Merriam, op. cit. ( supra, p. 9), No. 3, pp. 63-65, pis. iii & iv, Arizona. , Hesperomys leucopus , n. var. rufinus , Merriam, t. c. pp. 64-66, pi. iii, Arizona. Hesperomys macropus , n. sp., Merriam, op. cit. No. 4 (p. 10), pp. 53 & 54, pi. iii, Florida. Hesperomys leucopus, n. var. arcticus, and n. var. deserticolus ; E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus^Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 285 & 286, Arizona. Hesperomys ( Notiomys ) edwardsi , n. sp. & subg., O. Thomas, in Milne- Edwards’ Mammiferes du Cap Horn (supra, p. 10), pp. 23-26, pis. iii, fig. 1, & viii, fig. 1, Santa Cruz. Onychomys fuliginosus , n. sp., C. H. Merriam, op. cit. No. 3, pp. 59-61, Arizona. Onychomys melanophrys, n. var. pallescens, Merriam, t. c. pp. 61-62, Arizona. Sigmodon hispidus , n. var. arizonce , E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 287-290, Arizona. Arvicola mogollonensis, n. sp., Mearns, t. c. pp. 283 & 284, Arizona. Arvicola { Mynomes ) alticoliis, n. sp., C. H. Merriam, op. cit. No. 3, pp. 67-69, pis. v & vi, Arizona. Evotomys galei , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. No. 4, pp. 23 & 24, pi. ii, fig. 3, Colorado. Evotomys occidentalis, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 25 & 26, pi. ii, fig. 1, Washington. Evotomys californicus, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 26, California. Fiber zibethicus , n. var. pallidus, E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 280-283, Montana. Siphneus fontanieri, figured by E. BOchner, t. c. {supra, p. 31), pi. xv, figs. 12 & 13. Mus wichmanni, n. sp., F. A. Jentink, in Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. {supra, p. 18), pp. 120 & 121, pis. ix & x, figs. 7-11, Flores. SPECIAL WORK. Mamvi. 37 Mus anchietce, n. sp., J. V. B. DU Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, pp. 11 & 12, pi. i, fig. 3, Angola. Mus angolensis, n. sp., Bocage, t. c. pp. 12 & 13, Angola. Mus poschiavanus. — Davatz, Arch. Sci. Nat. xxiv, p. 525, has obser- vations on this Swiss form, and its points of difference from M . musculus. A. Ortmann, Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 155-157, has a note on the same subject. iMus donnezani, n. sp., C. Deperet, t. c. (supra, p. 4), p. 50, Pliocene, France. . Pithechirus melanurus, see J entink, supra , p. 7. Lopliiomys pyrenaicus , n. 'g. & sp., 0. Deperet, t. c, (supra, p. 4), p. 53, Pliocene, France. [Generic name preoccupied. — R. L.] e. Spalacimj. Bocage, J. V. Barboza du. Les Rats-Taupes d’ Angola. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) iv, pp. 2G9-27G, woodcut. Gives the characters of the genus Georychus , and concludes that of the 10 named species only G. capensis and G. mechowi can be regarded as definitely established. ' Myoscalops, n. n., 0. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 448, to replace Helio- phobius, preoccupied. /. Geomyidjs. Geomys bursarius , n. var. lutescens, C. H. Merriam, t. c. (supra, p. 10), No. 4, p. 51, Nebraska. ^ Dipodops, n. g., Merriam, op. cit. No. 3 (p. 9), pp. 71 & 72 ; type Dipodomys agilis, Gambel. Dipodops longipes, n. sp., Merriam, t. c., Arizona. Dipodops ordi (Woodhouse), referred to this genus by Merriam, op. cit. No. 4, p. 45. Dipodomys ambiguus, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 42-45, Texas. Dipodomys spectabilis , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 46-48, Arizona. Dipodomys californicus , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 49, California. Dipodomys merriami, n. sp., E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 290 & 291, Arizona. Dipodomys chapmani, n. sp., Mearns, t. c. pp. 291-294, ibid. Perognathus fuliginosus, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 74, ibid. g. Dipodidac. Bardeleben, K. Hat der Praepollex von Pedetes einen Nagel oder nicht ? Anat. Anz. v, pp. 321 & 322. ' Discusses the question whether the prepollex of Pedetes is provided with a nail. 38 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Sclater, W. L. On a New Genus and Species of Rodents of the Family Dipodidce from Central Asia. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. G10-613, pi. 1, woodcut. The species described was probably obtained from Yarkand, and indicates a fourth genus of Dipodince , readily distinguished by cranial characters. JEucJioreutes nasoy n. g. & sp., W. L. Sclater, l. c. h. Hystriciml Meek, A. ( Note on the Female Organs of Erethizon dorsatus. Stud. Mus. Dundee, i, Art. xii, 1 p., and plate. Figures these organs in order to show the extremely primitive structure they present. i. Chinchillid.®. Manigault, G. E. Notes on the Osteology of Chinchilla lanigera. P. Elliott Soc. 1890, pp. 237-239, woodcuts. The peculiarities indicated are the presence of three sacral vertebrae, and of a semi-lunar ossification in the external auditory meatus. . The latter is regarded as representing part of the petrosal ; it occurs in Cavia and some other Hystricomorpha. j. Castoroididjl Castoroides ohiotnsis : the discovery of an almost complete skeleton at Richmond, Indianopolis, recorded by E. W. Claypole, Am. Geol. vi, p. 260, and by J. Moore, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 767. Ji, CAVlIDAi. t Hydrochcerus robustus : an incisor from the Ashley River, S. Carolina, provisionally referred to this species by J. Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 184 & 185. l. Lagomyidjl Lagomys erythotis , n. sp., E. BOcilner, t. c. ( supra , p. 31), pp. 165- 172, pis. xxi & xxiv, figs. 1-6, Central Asia. Lagomys melanostomus , n. sp., Buchner, t. c. pp. 176-184, pi. xxii, figs. 2 & 3. Lagomys roylei , L. rutilus , and L. dauricusy figured by Buchner, t. c. m. Leporidjl Hall, E. S. On a Case of the Occurrence of a Persistent Right Posterior Cardinal Vein in the Rabbit. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 577-579, woodcut. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 39 Lepus alleni, n. sp., E. A. Mearns, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp. 294-297, Arizona. Lepus melanotis , n. sp., Mearns, t. c. pp. 297-300, ibid. Lepus verce-crucis , n. sp., O. Thomas, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 74 & 75, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Lepus cinerascens , n. sp., J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, p. 159, S. California. Lepus sylvaticus, n*. var . floridanus, Allen, t. c. p. 160, South Florida ; and n. var. aziecus , Allen, t. c. p. 188, Mexico. Lepus insolitus, n. sp., Allen, t. c. p. 189, Mexico. Lepus truei, n; sp., Allen, t. c. pp. 192-194, Mexico. Incertas sedis. Ruscinomys europceus , n. g. & sp., C. Deperet, t. c. (supra, p. 4), p. 60, Pliocene, France. 6. UNGULATA. Leuthardt, F. Ueber die Reduction der Fingerzahl bei Ungulaten. Zool. Jahrb.-Abth. f. Syst. v, pp. 93-146, pis. i-xxiii. An elaborate memoir, illustrating the gradual reduction of the digits in the more specialized Ungulates, with a large number of figures of foot- structure. Suciietet, A. La Fable des Jumarts. M^m. Soc. Zool. iii, pp. 1-30. Discusses the alleged production of hybrids between Bos and Equus , and concludes that there is no foundation for the idea. True, F. W. Description of Two New Species of Mammals from Mt. Kilima-njaro, East Africa. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 227-229. Describes a new species of Cephalophus , and one of Dendrohyrax, the former obtained at a high altitude. [See Bovidce and Hyracidce.'] I. TILLODONTIA. a. CALAMODONTJDiE. t Calamodon europceus , n. sp., L. Rutimeyer, Verh. Gres. Basel, ix, p. 18, woodcut, Eocene, Switzerland. II. PROBOSCIDEA. b. Elephantidac. Brown, C. Gt. Elephant Catching in Mysore in November, 1889. London : 1890, 4to. A series of photographs, with brief descriptions. 40 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Cacciamoli, G. B. Gli Elefanti Fossili d’ Aquino. Bol. Soc. geol. Ital. ix, pp. 423-425. Describes, and figures a milk-molar referred to Elephas meridionalis or E. antiquus. Martin, K. Ueber neue Stegodon- Reste aus Java. Verh. Ak. Amst. xxviii, 14 pp., 3 pis. Describes and figures remains of Stegodont Elephants from the Pliocene of Java, referred to the new species Stegodon airaioana, and to S. trigono- cephalies and S. bomhifrons. Weitiioper, K. A. Die Fossilen Proboscidier der Arno-Thales in Toskana. Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. viii, pp. 107-240, pis. i-xv. An elaborate and finely illustrated memoir on the fossil Proboscideans of the Yal d’Arno. The species described are Mastodon arvernensis , Elephas meridionalis , E. lyrodon, E. antiquus , and E. primigenius. The second part of the memoir treats of certain features in the development of Elephants, and also of their phylogeny ; while the concluding section is devoted to the geological and geographical distribution of the group. t Elephas primigenius : Schaffausen, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. (5) vi, pp. 61-69, gives an account of ancient and modern discoveries of its remains in Siberia. Remains from Iowa recorded by E. H. Barbour, Science, xvi, p. 263. t Stegodon airawana , n. sp., K. Martin, t. c. p. 4, pis. i & ii, Pliocene, Java. f Mastodon rugosidens} n. sp., J. Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. 184, Ashley river, S. Carolina. III. HYRACOIDEA. c. Hyracid^. Dendrohyrax validust n. sp., F. W. True, t. c. ( suprdt p. 39), pp. 228 & 229, Kilima-njaro, E. Afrioa. IY. TOXODONTIA. For observations on the tridactylism of the fore-feet, see Trouessart, suprd} p. 17. Y. PERISSO DACTYL A. d . Lophiodontidal \iColodon luxatusf n. g. & sp., 0. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 524, Miocene, Dakota. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 41 e. Equimc. D’Orcet, — . Le Cheval a Travers les Ages. Bull. Soc. Acclim. xxxvii, pp. 1-12, 393-403, 505-517, 633-644, 825-835, 921-929, & 1118-1128, woodcuts. An account of the records of the early domestication of the Horse. The paper is not jret completed. Kulczycki, W. Abnorme Maschenbildung im Verlaufe der Arteria Collaterals Ulnaris beim Pferde. * Anat. Anz. v, pp. 679-682, woodcuts. Macdonald, T. F. Notes on the Hydrostatic Arrangements in the Horse’s Foot. P. Phil. Soc. Glasg. xxi, pp. 138-141, pi. v. Pommerol, F. Un Petit Cheval Quaternaire de la Limagne. Rev. Sci.. Bourb. iii, pp. 293-300, pis. ii & iv. Describes molars of a small species of Equus from superficial deposits in the Limagne, which are regarded as indicating a species allied to E. przewalslcii , for which the name E. lemanensis is suggested. Pavlow, M. [Madame]. Etudes sur l’Histoire Paleontologique des* Ongules : Pts. iv & v. Hipparion de la Russie, and Chevaux pleisto- cenes de la Russie. Bull. Mosc. 1889, pp. 83-146, pis. vii-ix. The fourth part of this memoir describes remains of Hipparion graciley and of a new species named If, (?) minus , from the Russian Pliocene and. Pleistocene. In the fifth part we have a description of fossil Russian Horses referable to Equus , with a summary of previous work. These are referred to E. caballusf E. fossilis, E. asinus , and E. stenonis. The paper concludes with observations on the phylogeny and distribution of the Equidce. Steel, J. H. Mules. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, pp. 252-260. Equus grevyi and burchelli : P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 412 & 414, woodcuts, describes and figures a flat skin from Somali-land referred to the former, and another from Masai-land assigned to the latter species.. [See also A. Milne-Edwards, t. c. p. 647.] t Equus lemanensis , n. sp., F. Pommerol, t. c. p. 300, Pleistocene, Limagne, France. t Hipparion : A. Gaudry, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xviii, pp. 189-191, has a note on the date and place of publication of the name, and on its right to stand in place of Hippotherium. \Hipparion (?) minus , n. sp., M. Pavlow, t. c. p. 93, Pliocene, Russia, t Hippotherium princeps , n. sp., J. Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 182 & 183, Tertiary, Florida. e. RhinocerotidjE. For the American fossil forms, and also the homology of the structure of the molars, see Scott & Osborn, p. 15. 42 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Gioli, G. Sopra alcuni resti di Rhinoceros etruscus , Falc., rinvenuti a Prata, presso Massa Marittima. Atti Soc. Tosc. vii, p. 56. Rhinoceros simus : P. L. Sclater, Nature, xlii, pp. 520 & 521, has a note, with figures, on the difference between the head of this species and that of R. bicornis. F. A. Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 241-245, records a stuffed specimen and a flat skin in the Leyden Museum. t Rhinoceros antiquitatis ( tichorhinus ) remains from Herotic, near Tischnowic, recorded by J. ProchAzka, Yerh. Geol. Reichsanst. 1890, pp. 107-109. t Rhinoceros longipes , n. sp., J. Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. 183, Pliocene, S. Carolina, /. Proterotheriidas. See Trooessart, supra, p. 17. g. Lambdotheriidas. J t Limnohyops, n. g., O. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 525 ; type, Palceosyops laticeps , Marsh, Miocene, Dakota. h. Chalicotheriidte. Identification of Moropus with C halicotherium by Scott & Osborn, supra, p. 15. See also Filhol, suprd, p. 5. i. Titanotheriidjl 1 \Diploclonu8 amplus , n. g. & sp., O. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 524, Miocene, Dakota. MTeleodus avus , n. g. & sp., Marsh, l. c. ibid. YI. ARTIODACTYLA. Boas, J. E. Y. Ein Fall von vollstiindiger Ausbildung des 2 und 5 Metacarpale beim Rind. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 530-533, woodcuts. Describes and figures the fore-foot of a Calf, with complete lateral metacarpals. The left foot shows an abnormal co-ossification of the second and third phalanges of the two middle digits. . Ueber den Metatarsus der Wiederkauer. T. c. pp. 525-529, woodcuts. , . Zur Morphologic des Magens der Cameliden und der Traguliden, Vind ueber die systematische Stellung letzerer Abtheilung. T. c. pp. 494-523, pi. xix, woodcuts. A comparison of the structure of the stomach of the Cameliden and Tragnlidce. The author concludes that the latter are rightly regarded as a distinct group of the Artiodactyla. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 43 Sclater, W. L. Notes oil Indian Horned Game. Calcutta : 1890, 16mo, 24 pp. A series of notes on Indian Pecora, reprinted from the Asian. Especial attention is paid to the largest duly authenticated dimensions attained by the horns and antlers of the various species. RodleR, A., & Weithofer, K. A. Die Wiederkauer der Fauna von Maragha. Denk. Ak. Wien, lvii, pp. 753-772, pis. i-vi. Preliminary notice in Anz. Ak. Wien, xxvii, pp. 154 & 155. An illustrated monograph of several new Ruminants from the Pliocene of Maragha, in Persia, with a list of the species previously described. Urmiatherium is referred to the Sivatheriidce. In the Girajjidce ( Camelo - pardalidce) the new genus Alcicephalus is described, which appears to connect Eelladotherium with the C ervidce. A new species of Gazella , as well as one of Antidorcas (?) and 1 of Tragelaphus (?), are described. The Pikermi species of Palceoryx , Helicopliora , Protragelaphus , and Trago- ceros are also recorded from Maragha. [See Giraffidcc and Bovidce.] Wincza, II. Ueber ein transitorisches Rudiment einer knochernden Clavicula bei Embryonen eines Ungulaten. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 647-651, pi. xxiv. Describes and figures a section of an embryo of the Sheep, showing rudiments of an ossified clavicle. j. Bovine. Blanford, W. T. On the Gaur ( Bos gaurus ) and its Allies. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 592-599, pi. xlix, woodcuts. Gives the distinctive characters of B. gaurus , B. frontalis , and B . sondaicus , with figures of the two former. Bouvier, E. L. L’Extermination du Bison Americain. Le Nat. 1890, pp 269-271, 285, & 286, woodcuts. An illustrated article based on Hornaday’s work noticed in Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm . p. 41. Buxton, E. N. Notes on the Wild Sheep and Mountain-Antelope of Algeria. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 361-363. Sporting notes on Ovis tragelaphus and Gazella Icevella . Crawshay, R. On the Antelopes of Nyassa-land. T. c. pp. 648-663, woodcut. The author treats more especially of the Antelopes met with west of the Lake. Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest is stated to be very generally distributed, and seven other Antelopes were plentiful. The Kudu, Sable. Antelope, and Black-tailed Gnu were seldom met with ; but exact locali-. ties were given where these Antelopes were to be found. In conclusion,, the author added that there were at least two other species of small Antelopes found in the hills, which hitherto he had not been able to, identify.. The skull/of Alcelaphus lichtensteini is figured. 44 Mamm. MAMMALIA. Gunther, A. Note on the Skull of the East African Reed-buck ( Cervi - capra bohor). T. c. pp. 604-607, woodcuts. Describes and figures the orbital region of the skulls of C. redunca and C. bohor. The question whether the S. African C. redunca is identical with the W. African form so named is loft opou. Henry, A. Notes on two Mountain- Antelopes of Central China. T. c. pp. 93 & 94. Notices two species of Nemorhcedus, one identical with Capricomis argyrochcetus of Heude, and the other referable to a species known as Kemas henryi , of the same writer. It is not known whether the latter name has been published. Jentink, F. A. On Strepsiceros leudu and S. imberbis. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 211-221, pi. ix, figs, c, g , h, l, n. Has notes on the horns and specific characters of these two forms. Langkayel, B. Wildschiife, Wildziegen, und Antilopen des Himalaya. Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 104-114. Notes on the Cavicorn Ruminants of the Himalaya, mainly based on Macintyre’s “ Hindu-Koh.” Antilope cervicapra ( bezoartica j is erroneously included as an Himalayan form. Lydekker, R. Recent Contributions to our Knowledge of Wild Sheep. Field, lxxvi, pp. 910 & 947. A semi-popular account of all the known species. St. Loup, R. Les Moutons Sauvages (Le Mouflon Kaschkar, ou Ovis poll). Le Nat. 1890, pp. 272-274, woodcut. An illustrated popular account of this Sheep. Steel, J. H. Indian Cattle. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, pp. 71-82. Woodward, A. S. Note on the Occurrence of the Saiga Antelope in the Pleistocene Deposits of the Thames Yalley. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 613-616, woodcut. Describes and figures a frontlet. Bos americanus : R. C. Auld, Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 787-796, has sugges- tions for preserving the breed without deterioration. On pp. 953-954 of the same notes are given on a skull exhumed at Syracuse, New York. Probubalus mindorensis , n. sp., J. B. Steere, t.c. {supra, p. 16), Philip- pines. See also A. Nehring, supra , p. 11, where this species is referred to Bubalus ; the latter writer has a further note in Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 448-451, where the species is regarded as a valid one. \Bos elatus: Leptobos strozzii identified with this species, which is referred to Leptobos, by C. J. Forsyth-Major {supra, p. 5). Capra falconer i: the horns of the three varieties figured by MacIntyre, vide supra , p. 9. Damalis senegalensis : notes on this species, with its synonymy and figures of the head and skull, given by P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 354-357, woodcuts. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 45 ' JEpyceros pelersi : head figured byP. L. Sclater; t. c. p. 460, woodcut. Cephalophus spac/ix , n sp., F. W. True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 227 & 228, Kilima-njaro, E. Africa. Tragelaphus spelcei : female figured by P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, pi. xlvii. Gazella przewalskii, n. n., E. Buchner, Mel. biol. xiii, p. 161, = G. cuvieri , Przewal. [ non Ogilby]. iGazella capricornis , n. sp., A. Rodler A. Weithofer, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvii, p. 767, Pliocene, Persia. t Antidorcas (?) antropatenes , n. sp., Rodler & Weithofer, t. c., ibid. t Tragelaphus (P) houtum-schindleri , n. sp., Rodler & Weithofer, t. c. p. 768, ibid. \Palceoreas torticornis (Aymard). Palceoreas montiscaroli identified by Forsyth-Major (supra, p. 5) with this species, which is for the first time referred to Palceoreas. Jc. GlRAFFIDiE. t Alcicephalus neumayri , n. g. & sp., A. Rodler & K. A. Weithofer, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvii, pp. 754 & 758, Pliocene, Persia. t Alcicephalus ccelophrys , n. sp., Rodler & Weithofer, t. c. p. 761 ,ibid. 1. Ceryidj]. For the American extinct genera Blastomeryx and Cosoryx , see Scott & Osborn, supra , p. 15. Roger, — . Ueber die Hi'rsche. CB. Yer. Regensb. 1887, pp. 50-93, pis. ii & iii. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxiv.] A review of the recent genera, and more important species, with notices of allied fossil forms. Cervus elaphus : abnormal antlers from Asia Minor referred to this species are described and' figured by R. Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 363- 365, pi. xxx. t Cervus giganteus ( euryceros ) : W. Dames, Z. geol. Ges. p. 171, records a skull from interglacial beds near Berlin. See also Z. Naturw. lxiii, pi 435. iCervus curvicornis , n. sp., H. Filhol, Bibl. haut. etudes, xxxvi, 1, p. 280, Miocene, Sansail. + Cervus dubius , n. sp., Filhol, t. c. p. 282, ibid. t Cervus nouleti, n. sp., Filiiol, t. c., ibid. f Cervus crassus , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 283, ibid. \Cervus larteti , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c., ibid. A Ices machlis and llangifer tarandus. The following paragraph is taken from ‘ The Times ’ of January 2, 1891 : — “ The total number of elk killed in Norway last year was 850, of which 515 were male and 335 female, and of the eleven provinces in which they were killed, northern Trondhjem 46 Mamm. MAMMALIA. contributed 303. The number of reindeer killed during the same period was 468, and 143 of them were killed in the province of Romsdale. The number of elk killed in Sweden during the same period was 1782, as against 2097 and 2178 in the two preceding years, and it has been remarked for some time that the number of elk in Sweden has been diminishing. Cciriacus antisiensis , note on, with figure, by E. Schaaf, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 226-234. Moschus sifanicus , n. sp., E. Buchner, Mel. biol. xiii, p. 162, Kansu, N. W. China. fPalceomeryx sctnsaniensis , n. sp., H. Filhol, t. c. p.255, Mid. Miocene, Sansan. t Palceomeryx minor , n. sp., Filiiol, t. c. p. 261, ibid. 'liMorphelaphus sansaniensis, n. g. & sp., Filhol, t. c. p. 262, ibid. H Strogulognathus , n. n., Filhol, t. c. p. 265, ibid., to replace Platy- prosopos, preoccupied [should be Strong ylognathus, R. L.]. J iPalceocervus sansaniensis , n. g. & sp., Filhol, t. c. p. 285, ibid. m. ANOPLOTIIERIIDiE. t fParadoxodon inermis , n. g. & sp., H. Filhol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 133 & 134, woodcut, Quercy Phosphorites. Provisionally placed in this family. t Xiphodontotherium primcevum : a note on its dentition by H. Filhol. t. c. pp. 178 & 179. U. COTYLOPIM. Scott, W. B. Beitrage zur Kentniss der Oreodontidce. Morph. JB, xvi, pp. 319-395, pis. xii-xvi, woodcuts. A detailed memoir on the skeletal anatomy of the various genera of this family, accompanied by figures of the skull and other parts of the skeleton. The various genera are arranged in three subfamilies, with the following characters : — I. Upper molars with five crescents .... Protoreoniince. II. Upper molars with four crescents. 1. Orbits closed, a lachrymal fossa, no diastema, all the pre- molars simpler than the molars, outer wall of upper molars flattened . Oreodontince. 2. Orbits open, no lachrymal fossa, a diastema, the last premolar molariform, outer wall of upper molars concave and inclined inwards Agriochcerince. See also Scott & Osborn, p. 15. o. Anthracotheriidj}. t Hyopotamus deflectus , n. sp., 0. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, pp. 524 & 525, Miocene, Dakota. SPECIAL WORK. Mamrn. 47 t Anthracotherium monsvialense : A. Gaudry, Bull. Soc. geol. (3) xviii, pp. 255-257, has a note on the specimen described under this name by Zigno [see Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm. p. 44], and concludes that the number of teeth in the jaw is not due to incorrect restoration. Instead, however, of the teeth being reckoned as i. 2, c. 1, p. 4, m. 4, he would class them as i. 3, c. 1, p. 4, m. 3; the last premolar (or P milk-molar) being molariform. 4 t Taumastognathus [? Thaumatognathus ] quercyi, n. g. & sp., H. Filhol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 34-38, Quercy Phosphorites. iCebochcerus minor : mandible from the Quercy Phosphorites described and figured by H. Filiiol, t. c. pp. 123-126, woodcuts. p. Suim:. Sus celebensis , var. philippensis : A. Neiiring, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 8-11, has notes on a lower jaw from the Philippines which may belong to this species. t Hyotherium meissneri, see Hofmann, supra , p. 7. q. Hippopotamime. Pomel, A. Sur les Hippopotames fossiles de l’Algerie. C.R. cx, pp. 1112-1117. Describes remains of Hippopotamus hipponensis, of an unnamed species, of a new species, and of H. amphibius. f Hippopotamus sirensis , n. sp., Pomel, t. c. p. 1114, Pleistocono, Algeria. 7. CETACEA. Cooks, A. H. The Finwhale Fishery off the Lapland Coast. Zool. (3) xvi, pp. 321-324. Cope, E. D. The Cetacea. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 600-616, pis. xx-xxii, woodcuts. A critical paper on the classification of the Cetacea, with especial reference to the North American fossil forms. The author considers that there are two distinct types of Zeuglodonts, for one of which the term Doryodon is adopted. The Squalodontidce are divided into Squalodon and Trirhizodon , according as to whether all the hinder cheek-teeth are two-rooted, or whether some of them have three roots. Several fossil American genera are referred to the Platanistidce, among which Agabelus is edentulous. The . term ' Anarnacus is adopted in place of Hyperoodon. The genus Physeterula , Yan Beneden, from the Antwerp Crag, is identified with Cogia. In the Balcenidce, Plesiocetus is regarded as distinct from Cetoiherium, on account of its elongated 48 Mamm. MAMMALIA. ■frontals and parietals ; and Eabalcena , Halibalcena , Balcemtla , and Balcenotus are identified with Palceocetus . The paper concludes with a synopsis of all the North American fossil species. Gerstacker, A. Das Skelet der Doglings ( Hyperoodon rostratus ) ; ein Beitrag zur Osteologie der Cetaceen, und zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelsaule. Leipsic : 1887, 4to, 175 pp., 2 pis. [Omitted from Zool. Bee. xxiv.] Kukenthal, W. Cetologische Notiz. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 709 & 710. Figures the manus of an embryo of Balcenoptera, in which there are rudiments of a digit occupying the position of the third of the typical pentadactylous manus ; thus indicating^ that it is this digit (and not, as generally considered, the pollex) which has disappeared in this and the allied genera. . Ueber die Hand deT Cetaceen (dritte Mitteilung). Op. cit. ii, pp. 44-52, woodcuts. Describes and figures the structure of the carpus and phalanges in several species. . Ueber Reste eines Hautpanzers bei Zahnwalen. Op. cit. v, pp. 237-240. Records tubercles in the skin of Neomeris and Phoccena spinipinnis , which are considered to be remnants of a dermal armour possessed by the terrestrial ancestors of the Cetacea. Pouchet, G., C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 686-688, has notes on the record of two Whales stranded in the 7th and 9th centuries. Retterer, E. Sur quelques States de Involution du Gland des Cdtac6s. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 653 & 654. Southwell, T. Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1889. Zool. (3) xvi, pp. 81-85. Thompson, D’Arcy W. On the Cetacean Larynx. Stud. Mus. Dundee, i, art. xi, pp. 1-8, woodcuts. It is shown that the so-called arytenoid cartilage of the Odontoceti was originally duplex, one part being the true arytenoid, and the other termed the supra-arytenoid. It is considered probable that a similar condition obtains in the My&tacoceti. a. Bal^nidtE. Sacco, F. Sopra una Mandibola di Balcenoptera dell* Astigiana. Atti Acc. Tor. xxv, pp. 612-618, pi. i rbis. Describes and figures part of the mandible of a species of Balsenop- teroid from the Pliocene of Astigiana, under the name of Balcenoptera ( Plesiocctus ) cortesi, n. var. portisi. Balcena biscayensis : G. Pouchet, C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 705-708, SPECIAL WORK. Mamm . 49 has remarks on photographs of two specimens stranded on the French coasts. iBalcenoptera ( Plesiocetus ) cortesi, n. var. portisi, Sacco, l. c., Pliocene, Italy. b. Zeuglodontidje. Thompson, D’Arcy W. On the Systematic Position of Zeuglodon. Stud. Mus. Dundee, i, art. ix, pp. 1-8, woodcuts. From the characters of the skull, teeth, vertebrae, and limb-bones, it is argued that the Zeuglodonts have nothing to do with the Cetacea, but are allied to the Carnivora Pinnipedia. . Faut-il associer les Zeuglodontes aux Cetaces? C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. 1889, pp. 225-232. Another contribution to the same subject. c. Physeterid.®. Pouchet, G., & Chaves, F. A. Des Formes ext^rieures du Cachalot. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 270-272, woodcut. Describes, with figures, photographs of the Cachalot, and states that the ordinary figures, in which the muzzle is abruptly truncated, are incorrect. Pouchet, G., & Beauregard, — . Sur un Echouement de Cachalot a ITsle de Rd. C.R. cx, pp. 722 & 723. Describes a stranded male specimen. d. DELPHINIDiE. True, F. W. Observations on the Life History of the Bottlenose Porpoise. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 197-203. Observations on specimens of Tursiops tursio captured at the fishery at Hatteras, N. Carolina. Dimensions are given, and the relative number of male and female individuals captured recorded. Woodhead, G. S., & Gray, R. W. On the Stomach of the Narwhal (Monodon monoceros). P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvi, pp. 792-807, pis. i-iv. A detailed anatomical and histological account. iMesoplodon floris , n. sp., E. T. Newton, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 448-450, pi. xviii, fig. 7, Red Crag. iMesoplodon scaphokles , n. sp., Newton, t. c., pp. 450 & 451, pi. xviii, fig. 8, ibid. d. SQUALODONTTD2E. iSqualodon quarternarium : a tooth from an Italian cave figured by A. Issel, Ann. Mus. Genov (2) ix, p. 10 ( vide supra , p. 7). 1890. [vol. xxvii.] c 4 50 Mamm. MAMMALTA. 8. SIRENIA. Cope, E. D. The Extinct Sirenia. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 697-702, pis. xxv & xxvi, woodcuts. A review of the fossil forms referred to the order. Dollo, L. Premiere Note sur les Sirdniens de Boom. Bull. Soc. Belg. Gdol. iii, pp. 415-421, woodcut. Describes Sirenian remains from the Miocene of Boom, which are referred to the Ualitheriklce, with the undermentioned name : — \l t Miosiren hoclci , n. g. & sp., Dollo, t. c. p. 420, Miocene, Boom, Belgium. 9. EDENTATA. Orycteeopodid.®. Thomas, 0. A Milk-Dentition in Orycteropus. P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 246-248, pi. viiio An extremely important paper, showing the presence of well-developed milk-teeth in the Aard-vark. Some observations on the affinities of the genus are given at the conclusion. 10. MAR SUPI ALIA. Leche, W. Zur Charakteristik der extra-uterinen Entwicklung der Beutelthiere. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 112-116. Shows that the circular sucking mouth of young Marsupials is a secondary character developed after their transference to the maternal pouch, the uterine foetuses having long and well-developed lips. Parker, W. K. On the Skull of Tarsipes rostratus. Stud. Mus. Dundee, i, art. vii, 5 pp., 1 pi. The aberrant nature of the skull as compared with that of other members of the Phalangericlce is noticed in detail. Thompson, D’Arcy W. Note on the Yiscera of Tarsipes. T. c. art. viii, pp. 7-9, woodcuts. A figure of the stomach is given, this organ differing from that of other Marsupials in being bilocular. The liver and tongue are also described and figured. XI. MULTITUBERCULATA. Ameghino, F. Los Plagiaulacideos Argentinos, etc. Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xi, pp. 143-201, woodcuts. The author describes (with figures) a number of Mammalian remains from the Tertiaries of Argentina and Patagonia, which are placed in the SPECIAL WORK* Mamm. 51 same group as the Plagiaulacidce ( Multituberculata ). Some of these have been previously named, while others are new. Several differences from the typical Multituberculata (such as a variation in the number of the teeth) are pointed out, but these are not considered of sufficient import- ance to separate them from the group, which is placed among the Diprotodont Marsupials. A general account is given of the typical Multituberculata. ( Vide infra.') Abderitidju. ^iDijrilus spegazzinii , n. g. & sp., F. Ameghino, t. c. pp. 153-155, figs. 5 & 6, Tertiary, Patagonia. Also figured by Trouessart ( vide supra, p. I?). tgif n. sp., Ameghino, t. c. p. 155, fig. 7, ibid, osborni, n. g. & sp., Ameghino, t. c. pp. 155 & 156, Tertiary, Argentina. t Epanorihus holmbergi, n. sp., Ameghino, t. c. p. 157, fig. 8, ibid. & f Tideus trisulcatus , n. g. & sp., Ameghino, t. c. p. 157, ibid. HDipilus be t Pichipilus Aves 1 AVES. BY R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. After a lapse of several years, the Recorder has been asked to Write the summary of the work done by Ornithologists in 1890. He trusts that this record may be found tolerably complete) but the enormous increase of periodical literature which has taken place Since he last attempted an Avian record, renders him fearful that, with all his researches, he may have missed some essays on Ornithology. He will) therefore, be grateful to any one who will inform him of any errors and omissions, that he may incorporate the papers in next year’s ‘Record.’ The order of Classification followed is that proposed in the Recorder’s * Review of Recent Classifications of Birds*’ Pal^arctic Region* See Backhouse, Brasilia, Dresser, Dubois, Dubaleu, Gadeau de Kerville, Giglioli, Givois, Graham, Harting, Helm, Keller, Koenig, Lilford, Matschie, Meyer, Middendorf, Montessus, Pleske, Radde, Reichenow, Romita, Schalow, Seebohm, Stevenson, Tristram, Tschusi, Walter, Zaroudnoi. Ethiopian Region. See Biittikofer, Hartlaub, Jameson, Newton, Reichenow, Sharpe, Shelley. Indian Region. See Barnes, Blasius, Elliot, Modigliani, Murray, Oates, Oustalet, Reid, Salvadori, Seebohm, Sharpe, Steere, Yorderman, Whitehead. Australian Region* Sefe Cairns, Campbell, De Yis, Goodwin, North, Ramsay, Salvadori, Sandager, Stejneger, Wilson, Woodford. NearCtic REGION. See Anthony, Beldihg, Bryant, Cbapmah, Cheric, Clarke, Keeler, Loomis, MearnS, Merriam, Nansen, Rives, Scott, Townsend* Neotropical Region. See Berlepsch, Cory, Godman, Herrera, Rikef, Salvin, Sharpe, Steiuen, Stone. Anatomy. See Beddard, Bignon, Codes, Piirbringer, GadoW, Parker, Paterson, Plateau, Roche, Shufeldt, Zehntner* * An asterisk prefixed td a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] C 5 2 Aces . AYES. Osteology. See Beddard, Coues, Lucas, Lydekker, Meyer, Parker, Shufeldt. Oology. See Hartert, Kutter, Nicholsky, North. Neossology. See Oates. Pterylograpiiy. See Blanchard, Keeler, Kirk, Parker, Pycraft, Sclater. Biography. See Dallas, Gurney, Hancock, Parker, Cecil Smith, Taczanowski, Wester man. Literature. See Chernel, Schalow, Tschusi zu Schmidhofen. THE GENERAL SUBJECT, With Titles of Separate Works and of the more Important Papers published in Proceedings of Societies, &c. Third Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor Flower (Chairman), Mr. D. Morris (Secretary), Mr. Cakruthers, Dr. Sclater, Mr. Thiselton-Dyer, Dr. Sharp, Mr. F. Du Cane Godman, Professor Newton, Dr. Gunther, and Colonel Feilden, appointed for the purpose of reporting on the present state of our knowledge of the Zoology and Botany of the West India Islands, and taking steps to investigate ascertained defi- ciencies in the Fauna and Flora. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1890, pp. 447-449. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxvi, Aves, p. 3.] Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor Newton, Mr. John Cordeaux (Secretary), Mr. J. A. Harvie-Brown, Mr. R. M. Barrington, Mr W. Eagle Clarke, and the Rev. E. P. Knubley, appointed to make a digest of Observations on Migration of Birds at Lighthouses and Lightvessels, which have been carried on from 1879 to 1887, inclusive, by the Migrations Committee of the British Association (with the consent of the Master and Elder Brethren of the Trinity House and the Commissioners of Northern and Irish Lights), and to report upon the same. T. c. p. 464. [Cf. Zool. Rec. xxvi, A ves, p. 3.] A. 0. U. Check-List of North American Birds. Second Supplement. Auk, 1890, pp. 60-66. Beobachtungen an Yogeln und Insekten. JB. forstl.-phanol. Stationen Deutschlands. IV. Jahrgang, 1888, pp. 81-114. Bibliography. Papers and Records published with respect to the Natural History and Physical Features of the North of England. Birds, 1888. Naturalist, 1890, pp. 177-198. Canadian Ornithological Bibliography. Tr. Cauad. Inst, i, pt. 1, pp. 60-64. Proceedings of the Ornithological Sub-section of the Biological Section of the Canadian Institute. T. c. pp. 40-60. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 3 Adams, C. F. [See Elliot, D* G.] Allen, J. A. To what extent is it profitable to recognize Geographical Forms among North American Birds ? Auk, 1890, pp. 1-9. . On the Maximilian Types of South American Birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Bull. Am* Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, pp* 209-276. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxvi*] . [See also Troglodytidce) Icteridce. ] Anthony, A. W. New Birds from Lower California and Mexico. Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 73-82. [ Perdicidce , Corvidce, Fringillidce , CertJiiidce , TurdidceJ] Applin, O* Y. [See Ballidce, Motacillidas .] Backhouse, I. A Handbook of European Birds for the use of Field Naturalists and Collectors. London : 8vo, 1890, pp. i-viii & 1-334. Bagg, E. [See Ralph, W, L.] Barker, D. W. On the Flight of Oceanic Birds. Nature, xliii, p. 223. [Of. also <1. R. Spears, U c. p. 318*] Barnes, H* E. Nesting in Western India. J, Bomb. N* H. Soc. v, pp. 1-19, 97-116, 315-337, with 3 pis. [Sylviidce, Zosteropidce , Diceidcu, ] Barrington, R* M. A List of Birds observed in Shetland, June, 1890* Zool. 1890, pp. 345-348. * [See also Stercorariidce.] BeckWith, W. E. Notes on Shropshire Birds. Tr* Shropshire Soc* (2) ii, pp. 303-318. [Of. Eool. Rec. xxvi, Avesf p. 6.] Beddard, F. E. Some problems relating to the Colours of Animals. Rep. Ealing Soc. 1889, pp. 53-56. . [See Cry ptur formes, Cathartidiformes , Striges, Podiccei Psophim.] Belding, L* Land Birds of the Pacific District. Calif* Acad. Soi., Oco. papers, pt* 2, pp. 1-274. . [See PurdidmJ] Bendire, C* E. [See Corrida; , Fringillidce.'] Berlepsch, H. von, & Leverkuhn, P* Sttidien tlbef eitiige Sii.], Alaudidce [g.w.] ; also the families Atrichiidce [#.v.] and Menurulce [g'.v.]. [Yol. xiii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 8vo, 1890, pp. i-xvi & 1-702, pis. i-xv. The Ornithological Work of J. S. Jameson. Natural History Appendix to the late J. S. Jameson’s “ Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition.” 8vo, 1890, pp. 392-422. [A quilince, Muscicapidce .] . On the Ornithology of Northern Borneo ; with Notes by John Whitehead. Ibis, 1890, pp. 1-24, 133-149, & 273-292, pis. iv & viii. \_Cf. Zool. Rec. xxvi, Aves, p. 33.] Concludes the paper, and gives a tabular comparison of the avifauna of Kinu Balu with that of the surrounding countries, marking the altitude of the species on the mountain itself. [ Diceidce , Zosteropidcet Perdicidce.'] - — •. On a Collection of Birds from Mount Penrisen, Sarawak. T. c. pp. 366-377. Several Kina Balu species are recorded from Penrisen. One is new (Muscicapidce). . See H. N. Ridley’s Notes on the Zoology of Fernando Noronha. Aves. J. L. S. xx, pp. 477-480. [ Vireonidce .] . [See also Accipitriformes , Coraciidce, Upupce.'] . [See also Wyatt, C. W.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 19 Shelley, G. E. On a Collection of Birds made by the late Mr. J. S. Jameson, on the Aruwhimi River, Upper Congo. Ibis, 1890, pp. 156-170, pi. v. 72 species mentioned ; 2 are new. [Turdidce , Diceidce.] Sherborn, C. Davies. [See Woodward, Smith.] Shick, C. S. Birds found breeding on Seven Mile Beach, New Jersey. Auk, vii, pp. 326-329. Shufeldt, R. W. Myology of the Raven ( Gorvus corax sinuatus ). A Guide to the Study of the Muscular System in Birds. 8vo, 1890, pp. i-xix & 1-343. . Contributions to the Comparative Osteology of Arctic and Sub- Arctic Birds. Part v. J. Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 89-116, pis. vi-viii. [Alciformes.] . Part vi. T. c. pp. 169-187, pis. xi & xii. [ Podicipedidiformes , Colymbiformes.] . Part vii. T \ c. pp. 643-566. [ Lariformes .] . Part vm. T. c. pp. 60-77. [Lariformes.'] . [See also Coccothraustince.] Shore, T. W., & Pickering, J. W. The Proamnion and Amnion in the Chick. J. Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 1-20, pi. i. Simon, E. [See Trochili .] Smith, Cecil, Memoir of the late. Zool. 1890, pp. 428-431. Smith, H. M. [See Embermnce.] Southwell, T. [See Stevenson, H.] Steere, J. B. A List of the Birds and Mammals collected by the Steere Expedition to the Philippines, with localities, and with brief preliminary descriptions of supposed new species. 8vo, 1890 (July 14), pp. 1-30. [See Psittaci , Accipitrince , Picince} Alcedinidce , Coccyges , Bucerotes , Campophagidce , Muscicapidce, Oriolidce, Timeliidce , Pycnonotidce , Turdidce, Zosteropidce , Meliphagidce, Diceidce , Nectar iniidce, Corvidae , Eurylcemu] Steinen, K. von der. Allgemeines iiber die Zoologische Statigkeit und Beobachtungen iiber das Leben der Robben und Yogel auf Sud- Georgien. Baud H of “ Die Deutsche Expeditionen und ihre Ergeb- nisse.” [Die Internationale Polarforschung.] Berlin : 1890, 8vo, pp. 194-279, with pis. Stejneger, L. Notes on a Third Collection of Birds made in Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, by Yaldemar Knudsen. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 377-386. [Sternince, Diceidce.] 20 Aves. AYES. Stephens, F. [See Vireonida ?.] Stevenson, H. [the late]. The Birds of Norfolk, with Remarks on their Habits, Migration, and Local Distribution. Continued by T. Southwell. Vol. hi. London and Norwich : 1890, 8vo, pp. i-xiv & 1-432, pis. i-v. Stolzmann, J. Ladislas Taczanowski — Biographie. Ornis, vi, pp. 160-162. Stone, W. On Birds collected in Yucatan and Southern Mexico. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 201-218. [See Emberizince!] . [See Striges .] Swinburne, J. [See Begulidce.] Taczanowski, L., Memoir of the late. [See Stolzmann, J.] Tegetmeier, W. B. On the principal Modern Breeds of the Domestic Fowl. Ibis, 1890, pp. 304-327. The author’s well known accomplishments as an authority on fowls render this an important article. Twenty woodcuts illustrate the paper. Thompson, D’Arcy W. Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College, Dundee, i, No. 10, pp. 1-15. [Hesperornithiformes.] Titchener, E. B. Pectination in Birds’ Claws. Nature, xliii, pp. 108, 104, & 248. [Cf. H. R. Davies, t. c. p. 368.] Townsend, C. H. Birds from the Coasts of Western North America and adjacent Islands, collected in 1888-89, with Descriptions of New Species. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 131-142. [Striges, Columbiformes , Troglodytidce , Emberizince , Alaudidce, Mnio- tiltidce , Procellariidce.] Tristram, H. B. On the Peculiarities of the Avifauna of the Canary Islands. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1889, p. 616. — - — . Notes on the Island of Palma, in the Canary Group. Ibis, 1890, pp. 67-76, pi. iii. Consists of field-notes, written with the observing powers which have characterised all this writer’s essays in the “Ibis” for thirty years. [See Fringillidce.\ Tschusi zu Schmidhofen, Y. Ritter von. Ornithologisches Jahrbuch, i, pp. 1-244. [ Tetraonidce , Sturnidce , Fringillidce.] & Chernel, S. Die Ornithologische Literatur Oesterreich-Un- garns (1889). T. c. pp. 217-224 & 228-240. . [See Dalle- Torre, K. v.] Ussher, R. J. On the Coast of Connaught. Zool. 1890, pp. 361-371. . [See Fringillidce.'] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Aves 21 Vallon, G. Excursioni Ornitologiche nel Frioli. (n Serie.) Boll. Soc. Adr. xii, pp. 59-127. Vian, J. [See Hirundinidce.~\ Vorderman, A. G. Tweede Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Ornithologie van Sumatra. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlix, pp. 38-70. . Les Oiseaux de Sumatra et leur presence dans les lies avoisinantes. T. c. pp. 381-442. . De Yogels van Billiton. Op. cit. 1, afl. 4, pp. 411-519. . [See Megapodii.'] Wagner, W. [See Nicholsky, A.] Waldo. [See Meade Waldo, E. G.] Walter, A. Ornithologische Ergebnisse der von der Bremer Geo- graphischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1889 veranstalteten Reise nach Ostspitzbergen (aus dessen binterlassenen Notizen bearbeitet von W. Kiikenthal). J. f. 0. 1890, pp. 233-255. Warren, R. Ornithological Notes from Mayo and Sligo. Zool. 1890, pp. 129-133. Weber, M. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Nederlandisch Ost- Indien. Band. I. Leiden : 1890, roy. 8vo, pp. 1-12 & 1-460, pis. i-xxv. Westerman, G. F., Memoir of the late. A. von Pelzeln, MT. orn. Ver. Wien, xiv, pp. 135 & 136. White, Gilbert. The Natural History of Selborne and the Naturalists’ Calendar. New edition, with notes by G. C. Davies. London : 1890, 8vo, pp. i-xviii & 1-470. Whitehead, J. Notes on the Birds of Palawan. Ibis, 1890, pp. 38-61, pi. ii. An interesting paper, giving the field-notes of the author’s sojourn in the island. [See Falconinas , Dicruridce.'] -. [See Sharpe, R. B.] Williams, R. S. [See Turdidce .] Wilson, S. B. On some of the Birds of the Sandwich Islands. Ibis, 1890, pp. 170- 196, pi. vi. Introductory notes on the avifauna of these interesting islands. Some excellent field notes are given. . Assisted by A. H. Evans. Aves Hawaiionses. The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. Part I., 4to, 1890. [ Turdidce, Dicceidce .] . [See Fringillidce.\ Winge, H. v. Report on Birds in Danmark, 1887. Ornis, vi, pp. 345-399. 22 Aves. AVES. Wintringham, W. H. Key to the present classification of British Birds. Grimsby : 1890, 8vo. Witchell, C. A. The Evolution of Bird Song. Zool. 1890, pp. 233- 246 & 283-288. Woodford, C. M. A Naturalist among the Head-Hunters. Being an account of three visits to the Solomon Islands, in the years 1886, 1887, and 1888. London: 1890, 8vo, pp. i-xii & 1-249, maps and pis. Woodward, A. Smith, & Sherborn, C. D. A Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrata. 1890, 8vo, pp. 1-22 & 1-320. Birds, pp. 301-310. Wyatt, C. W. [See Sharpe, R. B.] Zarudnoi, N. Ornitologhicheskaya Fauna oblasti Amu-dar I mezhder ghgh. Chardzhuem I Kelifom. Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc. 1890, pp. 1-41. [Sylviidce.] . Recherches Zoologiques dans la Contree Transcaspienne. T. c. pp. 288, &c. An appendix to the author’s previous ornithological lists occupies pp. 301-315. . Recherches Zoologiques dans la Contrde Transcaspienne. Appendix. T. c., part 4, pp. 748-842. [ Paridce , Pterocletes .] . [See Corvidae. 1 Zehntner, L. On the Development of the Feet of Cypselus melba. Ibis, 1890, pp. 196-200. [Cypselidce.] % THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Subclass RATITiE. Order RHEIFORMES. Rhea darwini in Tarapac^ (20' N. Lat.) ; P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 412. Order STRUTHIONIFORMES. Gadow, H. On the Stomach of the Ostrich. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 641-644, taf. xliii & xliv. Order CASUARIIFORMES. Casuarius australis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xv. APTE RYGIFORM ES — GALLIPORMES . Aves 23 Dromceus novae holla?idice, tracheal pouch ; H. Gadow, Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 636-638, taf. xliii & xliv. JEpyornis, description of an egg ; G. Capellini, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (4) x, pp. 3-22. Order APTERYGIFORMES. Parker, T. J. On the Anatomy and Development of Apteryx. Nature, xlii, p. 16 ; P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 454-459. Subclass CARINATiE. Order CRYPTURIFORMES. Calopezus , Ridgway, not to supersede Calodromas ; P. L. Sclater, Ibis, 1890, p. 265. Calodromas elegans : caeca described and figured ; compared with those of Nothura maculosa ; F. E. Beddard, t. c. pp. 61-66. Trachypelmus brasiliensis , notes on ; P. Mangelsdorff, MB. Deutsch. Ver. Schutze, 1890, pp. 155-165, pi. ii. Order GALLIFORMES. Suborder MEGAPODII. Megapodius sp. in the Kangean Is. ; A. G. Vorderman, Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlix, pp. 73-75. Suborder CRACES. ^ Salpizuza , nom. emend, pro “ Salpiza, Wagler ” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 301. Penelope superciliaris, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel- skel. pts. xiv & xv. Pipile jacutinga, skeleton figured ; id. t. c. pi. cxxxvii. Suborder PHASIANI. Family Phasianidji. * Lochmophasis, nom. emend, pro “ Gallophasis, Hodgs.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 298. Polyplectron napoleonis , from Palawan, has no playing grounds ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1890, p. 57. Family Tetraonid;e. Lagopus urogallo-albusi “ ein neuer Moorschreehuhn-Bastard ; ” J. A. Grieg, Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1889, No. 5, pp. 1-13, cum tab. Bonasia bonasia and B. sylvestris ; Y. Tschusi zu Schmidhofen, Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 161-163. 24 Aves. AYES. Family Perdicid.®. Pternistes humboldti and P. leucoparceus , Francolinus altumi and F. hildebrandti , remarks on ; A. Reichenow, J. f. 0. 1890, p. 77. Francolinus granti , P. hirhi , P. spilogaster , F. castaneicollis , notes on ; W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, 1890, pp. 345-347. P. shelleyi (S. E. Africa), and P. griseostriatus (Congo), n. spp. ; «7£. £. c. pp. 348 & 349, pis. x & xi. Bambusicola erythrophrys , n. sp., Mt. Kina Balu ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p. 139, pi. iv. Oreortyx pictus conjinis , nest and eggs ; A. W. Anthony, Zoe, 1890, p. 6. Lophortyx calif ornicus, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel- skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxvi, fig. 2. Compsortyx , nom . emend, pro “ Fxcalfactoria , Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 292. * Plectroperdix, nom. emend, pro “ Hepburnia , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 293. Coturnix pectoralis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig, 10. Family Numidid®. Numida sp. from Matabele Land : head figured ; P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 86 & 87, pi. xii. Family Meleagrid2E. Meleagris gallopavo osceola} n. subsp., Florida ; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, vii, p. 376, Suborder HEMIPODII. Turnix beccarii, Salvad., = T. maculosa ; W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, 1890, pp. 344 & 345 : is distinct; T. Salvadori, t . c. p. 130. T. melano- gaster, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig. 11. * Areortyx , nora. emend, pro “ Areoturnix, Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 290. Pedionomus torquatus , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig, 12. Suborder PTEROCLETES. Holtz, L. Ueber das Steppenhuhn, Syrrhaptes paradoxus , und dessen zweite Masseneinwanderung in Europa im Jahre 1888. Berlin : 1890, 8vo, pp. 1-78. Newton, A. On the Young of Pallas’s Sand Grouse {Syrrhaptes para- doxus). Ibis, 1890, pp. 196-200, pi, vii. . Ueber das junge des Pallas' schen Steppenhuhnes ( Syrrhaptes paradoxus ). In das Deutsche iibertragen von Dr. E. Schaff. J. f. O. 1890, pp. 159-165. GALLIFORMES, COLUMBIFORMES. Aves 25 Syrrhaptes paradoxus in Northumberland j J. Piiilipson, Nat. -Hist. Tr. North Durham, x, pp. 41 1-414. In Northern France ; M. Letellier, Bull. Soc. L. Norm. (4) iii, p. 191 : E. Deslongchamps, t. c. pp. 191-195, pi. ii. In Normandy ; H. Gadeau de Kerville, Bull. Soc. Rouen (3) xxv, pp. 359-361, cum tab. In Norway in 1888 ; R. Collett, Ornis, vi, pp. 155-159. In Denmark ; H. Winge, Yid. Medd. 1889, pp. 57-100. In Austria-Hungary ; Y. Tschusi zu Schmidhofen, MT. Yer. Steierm. xxvi, pp. 29-32. Pterocles exustus , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxvi, fig. 1. P. senegallus, P. coronatus , P.fasciatus , P. lichtensteini, P. exustus , P. alchata : heads figured : J. A. Murray, Avif. Brit. Ind. plate. P. arenaria , n. var. magnay Central Asia ; N. Zarudnoi, Bull. Soc. Phys. Mosc. 1889, p. 811. JPterygocys, nom. emend, pro li Pteroclurus, Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 288. Order COLUMBIFORMES. * Suborder COLUMB.E. Ramsay, R. G. Wardlaw. On the Columbine genus Macropygia , and its Allies. Ibis, 1890, pp. 214-246. Five groups of Macropygia are recognized with 26 species, Reinward- tcenas with 3 species, and Turaccena with 2 species. A* good tabular geographical list is given. Macropygia swinhoii , n. sp., Hainan ; id. t. c. p. 218. M. modiglianii figured ; E. Modigliani, Viagg. a Nias, taf. xiv. ' Coryphcenas, n. g., type C. crassirostris (Gould) ; R. G. Wardlaw Ramsay, Ibis, 1890, pp. 246 & 247. Golumba cenas breeding in Co. Antrim ; R. L. Praeger, Rep. Belfast Nat. Field Club (2) iii, p. 211. C. livia , under-mandibles figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, taf. cxxxix. C. bollei , egg figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. 0. 1890, taf. viii, fig. 12. Carpophaga consobrina figured ; E. Modigliani, Yiagg. a Nias, taf. xv. Ocypliaps lophotes , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiv, fig. 10. Turtur orientalis in Yorkshire ; j. Backhouse, Naturalist, 1890, p. 258 : H. Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 361. ^ Calotreron, nom. emend, pro “ Palumbcena, Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 275. * Tryzusa , nom. emend, pro “ Turturamas , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 276. ^ Ilaplcenas, nom. emend, pro “ Turaccena , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 278. •jCoccyzcenas , nom. emend, pro “ Reinwar dtoera, Bp.” ; id. ibid. Curotreron, nom. emend, pro “ Kurutreron} Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 280. ^ Terenotreron , nom. emend, pro “ Thouarsitreron , Bp.” ; id. ibid. ^ Phassa, nom. emend, pro “ Rhamphiculus , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 281. V Pcecilotreron , nom. emend, pro “ Sylphidcena, Bp.” ; id. ibid. AYES. 26 Aves. ^ Rhamphotreron, nom. emend, pro “ Toria , Hodgs.” ; id. t. c. p. 279. . y Leptopelia, nom. emend, pro “ Talpacotia, Bp.” id. t. c. p. 283. yJ Micropelia, nom. emend, pro “ Scardafella, Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 283. Zenaidura clarionensis, n. sp., Clarion I., Lower California ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 133. Chlorcen as plumbea bogotensis , n. subsp., Colombia ; H. v. Berlepscii & P. Leverkuhn, Ornis, vi, p. 32. Geotrygon martinica in Florida; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, 1890, p. 90. Suborder DIDI. Didus ineptus in a cavern in Mauritius : the occurrence disproved ; E. Newton, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 402 & 403. Order OPISTHOCOMIFORMES. Opisthocomus cristatus : notes on the morphology of the Hoatzin ; W. K. Parker, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 44-4G : habits, J. J. Quelcii, Ibis, 1890, pp. 327-335. Order RALLIFORMES. Family Rallid^j. ^ Lophophalaris, nom. emend, pro “ Lupha, Reichenb.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 317. Pisynolymnas, nom. emend, pro “ Erythra , Reichenb.” ; Sarotkrura , nom. emend, pro “ Corethrura , Reichenb., nec Gray ” : id. t. c. p. 319. vOrtygops , nom. emend, pro “ Coturnicops , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 320. ^ Erythrolimnas , nom. emend, pro “ Rufirallus , Bp. ; id. t. c. p. 320. J Galeolimnas, nom. emend, pro “ Mustelirallus, Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 320. Donacophilus, horn, emend, pro “ Laterirallus ” ; A. Reichenow, t. c. p. 320. v Ortygonax , n. g. (without diagnosis). Type, 0. rhytirhynchus (Y.) ; F. Heine, t. c. p. 321. •i Donacias , nom. emend, pro “ Lewinia , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 321. Porphyrio martiniem in Hampshire ; J. H. Gurney, Zoologist (3) xiv, pp. 74 & 75. P. umaragdinotM and P. ccerulem in Ireland ; A. G. More, t. c. pp. 24 & 25. lonornia martinica , use of claws on wings in nestlings ; R. W. Shu- feldt, Ibis, 1890, p. 128. Tribonyx ventralis, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvii, fig. 4. T. mortieri , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xix, fig. 4. Gallicrex cristatus in Guzerat ; H. Littledale, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, p. 416. Ocydromus sylvestris , nest described and egg figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Aust. Mus. i, p. 37, pi. i, fig. 3. Rallus aquaticus in Norfolk ; M. C. H. Bird, Zool. 1890, pp. 458-460. RALLIFORMES PROCELLARIIFORMES . Aves 27 ( / Calamodromas , nom. emend, pro “ Rougetius, Bp.” ; A. Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 322. Rallina tricolor , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig. 5. J Wrylhra quadristrigata , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xvi, fig. 7. Porzana maruetta , distribution in England ; O. V. Aplin, Zool. 1890, pp. 401-417 : in Norfolk ; M. C. H. Bird, Zool. 1890, pp. 458-460. P. pusilla (Pall.), an Eastern form of P. bailloni ; W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 80-82. P. coturniculus must be compared with. P. spilonota ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 309-311. Crex pratensis in Norfolk ; M. C. H. Bird, Zool. 1890, pp. 458-460 : figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiv. Podica belongs to the Heliornithidce ; F. E. Beddard, infra. Aramides ypecaha , figure of skeleton ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel- skel, pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxii. Order HELIORNITHIFORMES. Beddard, F. E. On the Anatomy of Podica senegalensis. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 425-443, pi. xxxix. Order HESPERORNITHIFORMES. Furbringer, M. Ueber die systematische Stellung der Hesperornithidce. MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutze, 1890, pp. 488-513. Ilesperornis : on its systematic position ; D’Arcy W. Thompson, Stud. Zool. Dundee, i, No. 10, pp. 1-15. [Gf. Shufeldt, Nature, xliii, p. 176 ; Helm, t. c. p. 369.] Order PODICIPEDIDIFORMES. For Osteology, see Shufeldt, R. W. ^ Colymbctes [preoccupied in Goleoptera ], nom. emend, pro “ Polioce- phalus , Selby” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 364. Order COLYMBIFORMES. For Osteology, see Shufeldt, R. W. Colymbus adamsi , distinctive characters from C. glacialis ; R. Ridg- way, Ibis, 1890, p. 129. Order PROCELLARIIFORMES. Family Diomedeidj]. Gadow, II. The stomach of the Tubinares. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 644 & 645, taf. xliv. Diomedea exulans , notes on nestling ; W. L. Buller, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, pp. 340-342. 28 Aves. AVE&. Family Procellaridjl Ossifraga gigantea, habits ; K. von den Steinen, MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutze, 1890, pp. 187-194. Puffinus gavia in California ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 87. P. zealandicus , n. sp., Mokohinou Is., New Zealand ; F. San- dager, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 291. P. griseus in California ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 87 : at Hastings ; W. Borrer, Zool. 1890, pp. 436 & 437. P. auricularis , n. sp., Clarion I. ; C. II. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 133 & 134. P. nugax} egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xxi, fig. 3. Fulmarus glacialis , its olfactory lobes ; A. Klinkowstrom, Biol. Foren. Fork. Stockh. iii, pp. 10 & 11. F. g. glupsischa in British Colum- bia; F. M. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, 1890, p. 130. ^ Zalias , nom. emend, pro “ Tkiellus , Reichenb.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 362. \ Oymatobolus , nom. emend, pro “ Majaqueus , Reichenb.’’ ; id. t. c. p. 363. Bulweria columbina , egg figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. O. 1890, pi. viii, fig. 11 : in the Sandwich Islands ; L. Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 378. PEstrelata mollis from Ilho de Baixo ; J. J. Dalgleisii, Ibis, 1890, p. 386. ZEstrelata hcesitata : its extinction in Dominica ; H. W. Feilden, Tr. Norfolk N. H. Soc. v, p. 24. AE. torquata in Wales ; J. E. Harting, Zool. 1890, pp. 454 & 455. Pagodroma nivea ( [novcegeorgica , n. subsp. ?), K. yon der Steinen, Deutsch. Exped. Int. Polarf. ii, pp. 250 & 251. Oceanodroma f areata in California ; T. S. Palmer, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 88. O. soeorroensis, n. sp., Socorro I. ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 134. Cymochorhea sp. : subfossil bones from Peru ; E. T. Newton, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 375 & 376. Procellaria pelagica and G . leucovrhoa do not breed in their first year ; H. A. Magtiierson, Naturalist, 1890, p. 48. Order ALCIFORMES. For Osteology, see Shufeldt, R. W. Alca impennis : notes on remains found in Funk I.; F. A. Lucas, Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1887-88, pp. 493-529, pis. lxxi-lxxiii. A. torda in North Carolina ; A. K. Fisher, Auk, vii, p. 203 : figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii. Order LARIFORMES. For Osteology, see Shufeldt, R. W. LARIFORMF.S, CHARA&RIIFORMES. Aves 29 Family Stercorarijda;. Stercorarius pomarinus in California ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 87. Lestris catarrhactes on Foula ; R. M. Barrington, Zool. 1890, pp. 297- 306. Family Larid^e. J Einalia, nom. emend, pro “ Laroides, Brehm.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358. 'JMelanolarus, nom. emend, pro “ Melagavia , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 359. Larus pacificus, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xx, fig. 1. Xema novce-hollandice , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xx, fig. 4. Subfam. Sterninae. ^ Pomatochelidon, nom. emend, pro “ Seena , Bp.’’ ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 355. Sylochelidon caspius, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xx, fig. 3. ' Sterna bergii , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xix, fig. 2. S. anglica , egg figured; id. t. c. pi. xvii, fig. 2. S. fuliginosa, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xxi, fig. 1. S. lunata , from Kauai, Sandwich Is. ; L. Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 379. Sternula sinensis , breeding in N. S. Wales ; A. J. North, Rec. Austr. Mus. i, p. 39, pi. i, fig. 1 (egg). Gygis Candida , egg figured ; id. Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xxi, fig. 4. Anous stolidus , eggs figured ; id. t. c. pi. xxi, fig. 2 : A. melanogenys , A. cinereus , figs. 5 & 6. Order CHARADRIIFORMES. Suborder CHARADRII. Family Hacmatopodid®. Hcematopus ostralegus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xii. H. unicolor , egg figured ; A. J. North, Notes and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xx, fig. 2. Family Charadriid^. Lobibyx , nom. emend, pro “ Lobivanellus) Reichenb.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 334. ^ Dilobus, nom. emend, pro “ Lobipluvia , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 335. ^ Jlyctoceryx, nom. emend, pro 11 Pluriorhynchus, Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 336. 30 Aves. AYES. Anarhynchus frontalis , notes on ; H. Gadow, Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 633- 635, taf. xliii. Charadrius pluvialis, figured ; Lord Lilford, Gol. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. G. morinellus in the Altvater Mountains ; E. C. F. Rzeiiak, MT. orn. Yer. Wien, xiv, pp. 134 & 135. Eudromias australis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig. 2. AEgialitis asiatica * in Norfolk ; T. Southwell, Zool. 1890, pp. 311 & 312. AE. monachus , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig. 1. AE. nigrifrons , fig. 4, AE. ruficapillus , fig. 6. Erythrogonys cinctus, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xvi, fig. 5. Sarciophorus pectoralis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xvii, fig. 6. Family Scolopacimc. See Reiciienow, A„ Himantopus melanop)terus, figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. H. leucocephalus} egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvii, fig. 3. * Rhimphalea [preoccupied in Lepidoptera'], nom. emend, pro “ Stiltia, Bp.”; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 338. Recurvirostra avocetta, figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. R. rubricollis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvii, fig. 1. 'tRhynchosimus, nom. emend, pro “ TereJcia, Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 326. AEgialodes , nom. emend, pro “ Gambetta , Kaup.” ; id. t . c. p. 327. Actia [preoccupied in Diptera ], nom. emend, pro “ Arquatella , Baird ” ; id. t. c. p. 329. Numenius phceopus , figure of skeleton ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel- skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxiii. Limosa uropygialis) in Italy ; G. Martorelli, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiii, pp. 21-40, taf. i. [Is L. rufa , Salvad., Ibis, 1891, p. 296.] Remarks on various species of Limosa ; G. Martorelli, l. c. Tringa canutus figured (2 pis.) ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii. T. maculata figured ; id. op. cit. pt. xiv. Machetes pugnaxf distribution in Lincolnshire ; J. Cordeaux, Zool. 1890, pp. 204-209. Totanus solitarius cinnamomeus , n. subsp., California ; W. Brewster, Auk, vii, pp. 377 & 378. Scolopax rusticula and S. gallinago, notes on plumage ; W. R. Ogilvie- Grant, Zool. 1890, pp. 161-164. Rhynchcea australis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig. 3. Strepsilas interpres figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiv. Lobipes hyperboreus , in Borneo ; A.. H. Everett, Ibis, 1890, p. 263. CHARADR11F0RMES PELARGIFORMES. Aves 31 Suborder GLAREOLiE. Glarcola grallaria , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi, xvi, fig. 9. Suborder PARRZE. Parra gallinacea , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs. Austr. B. pi. xvi, fig. 8. • Suborder CEDICNEMI. (Edicnemus grallarius , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xix, fig. 3. Suborder OTIDES. Compsotis , nom. emend, pro “ Afrotis , Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 325. Otis tetrax, in Norfolk ; T. Southwell, Zool. 1890, pp. 462 & 463. Order GRUIFORMES. Suborder GRUES. Grus communis figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii, G. virgo figured ; id. t. c. G. melitensis , n. sp. [fossil], from Malta ; R. Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 408 & 409, pi. xxxvi. Suborder PSOPHLE. Beddard, F. E. On the Structure of Psophia , and its Relation to other Birds. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 329-341. Suborder DICHOLOPHI. Chunga burmeisteri, the heart figured ; F. E. Beddard, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 144, fig. 2. Order PELARGIFORMES. Suborder ARDEiE. ^ Siryctes, n. g. (not diagnosed); type, S. cyanocephalus (Mol.); F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 309. ^ Hydranassa [already preoccupied in Birds], nom. emend, pro “ Demi- egre.Ua , Baird ” ; id. t. c. p. 306. J Glaucerodius, nom. emend, pro “ Florida , Baird ” ; id. t. c. p. 307. 32 Aves. AYES. ^ Doripomis, nom. emend, pvo “ Agamia, Reichenb.” ; id. t. c. p. 308. 4 Dupetor , nom. emend, pro “ Ardeiralla , Bp.” ; id. ibid. Florida ccerulea, its parasites ; J. Leidy, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. G3. Ardea pacifica , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xviii, fig. 2. Demiegretta sacra , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xviii, fig. 5. Ardea bubuleus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. Butorides virescens , in Cornwall ; M. A. Mathew, Zool. 1890, p. 105 ; J. E. Harting, t. c. pp. 181 & 182. Ardetta minuta , in Mecklenberg ; C. Struck, Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xliii, p. 256. Butorides macrorhyncha , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xviii, fig. 6. Nycticorax caledonicus , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xviii, fig. 1. Botaurus poicilopterus, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xviii, fig. 3. B. lenti- ginosus , vocal apparatus ; B. Torreu (translation), MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutze, 1890, pp. 62-73, pis. iii & iv. Suborder CICONII. Ciconia nigra , in the Scilly Isles ; J. E. Harting, Zool. 1890, p. 353. Suborder PLATALEiE. Family Plataleidje. 1 Mystrorhamphus, nom. emend, pro “ Ajaja , Reichenb.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 313. K Varnopis , nom. emend, pro “ Ilagedashia , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 314. Platalea leucorodia figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii : skulls figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxv. Family Ibjdid^. Ibis wthiopica , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxiv. Order PHiENICOPTERIFORMES. Phamicopterus ruber, notes on the species in Florida ; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, vii, pp. 221-226. Order ANSERIFORMES. Gadow, H. On the tracheal labyrinth of the Ducks. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 635 & 636. See Reichenow, A. Gygnus falconeri, bones from Malta ; R. Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 408 & 409, pi. xxxvi. ANSERIFORMES, PELECANIFORMES. Aves 33 ^ Pincas , nom. emend, pro “ Rufibrenta , Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 342. Anser hypcrbordus in Norway ; R. Collett, Orn, Jahrb. i, p. 37. ^ , nom. emend, pro “ Tcenidiestes , Reichenb.” ; id. t. c. p. 342. vGennaeochen, nom. emend, pro “ Radjah, Reichenb.” ; id. t. c. p. 343. JNettalopex , nom. emend, pro “ Casarcct, Bp.** ; id. t. c. p. 344. Adelonetta , nom. emend, pro il Punanetta, Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 346. J. llyonetta , nom. emend, pro “ Nyroca, Flem*”; id. t. c. p, 347. . / Melanonetta'i nom. emend, pro “ Melanitta, Bp.” (nec Melonetta) Sand.) ; id. t. c. p. 348. ^ Printer , n. g. (uo diagnosis). Type, P. brasilianus (Vieiil.) ; id. t. c. p. 350. Anas marmorata in Herzegovina ; O, Reiser, Verh. z.-b, Wien (1890), xl, p. 4 ; id ., Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 108 & 109, taf, i. A , circia figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. A. acuta figured ; id. t. c. A. strepera figured ; id. op. cit. pt. xv. A. castanea and A. gib- berifrons in Australia ; (4. A. Keaiitland, Yict. Nat. vii, pp. 43-46. Mareca penelope in Essex ; W. Russell, Zool. (3) xiv, pp. 62-69 : figured ; Lord LilforD, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv. Casarca rutila in confinement ; Huet, Le Nat. xii* pp. 107 & 108. Tadorna casarca , Querquedula falcata , hybrid, Wladivostok, E. Siberia j P. Li Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 1 : figured ; id. t. c. pi. i. Somateria dresseri , distribution and habits ; G. W. Mackay, Auk, vii, pp. 315-319. Fuligula rnarila figured ; LoRd LilFord, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv. F. nyroca figured ; id. op. cit. pt. xiv, F. ferina figured ; id. op. cit. pt. jdii. F. cristata figured ; id. t. c. : in Borneo ; A. H. Everett, Ibis, 1890, p. 263. Bernicla brenta in Essex \ W. Russell, Zool. (3) xiv, pp, 62-69. Order PELECANIFORMES. Suborder PHAETHONTES. Phaethon cbtheYeus in Lower California ; A. W, Anthony, Proe. Cal, Ac. Sci. (2) p. 86. P. rubricaudci, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. ph xix, fig. L Suborder SVLM. Abeltera, norm emend* pro “ Sula, Reichenb. ”j F, Heine, Noin end. Mus. Hein, p, 351. Sula bassana figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig* Br* Birds, pt* xiii. Suborder PRALACROCORACES. * Enygrothrefcs, nom, emend, pro “ Stictocarbo, Bp.” ; F Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 353. 1890. [vol. xxvn.] c 7 34 Aves. AYES. iCyripeus , nom. emend, pro “ Graculus , Reichenb.” ; id. t. c. p. 352. Phalacrocorax graculus croaticus , n. subsp., Croatia ; S. Brusina, Motr. Ptic. Soij. [Birds of Croatia] p. 72. Suborder PELECANI. Pelecanus californicus , nesting habits ; A. W. Anthony, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 83-85. P. molince , notes on ; A. B. Meyer, J. f. 0. 1890, pp. 165-167. P. onocrotalus, figure of skeleton ; id. Abbild. Vogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxxxi. Suborder FREGATI. Fregata aquila in California ; T. S. Palmer, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 88. Order CATHARTIDIFORMES. Mimogypes, a new name for the American Vultures ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, p. 203. [= Pseudogryphi, Forbes.] Sarcorhamphus gryphusy notes on anatomy ; F. E. Beddard, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 142-147. The syrinx figured (p. 146, fig. 3). Order ACCIPITRIFORMES. Matschie, P. Anleitung zum Bestimmen der deutschen Tagraubvogel. J. f. 0. 1890, pp. 89-93. Gives diagnoses of the German birds of prey. North, A. G. Descriptive Catalogue of Nests aud Eggs of Birds found breeding in Australia and Tasmania. 8vo, 1889. The eggs of the following species figured, pis. i-v : — Aquila audax , A. morphnoides, Haliaetus leucogaster , “ Astur ” radiatus, Circus gouldi, C. assimilis , Baza subcristata, Accipiter cirrhocephalus, Hieracidea orientalist Falco subniger , F. hypoleucus , F. melanogenys, Tinnunculus cenchroides , Elanus axillaris , Haliastur sphenurus , Lophoictinia isura , Milvus affinis, Pandion leucocephalus , Gypoictinia melanosternum. Ramsay, E. P. Supplement to the Catalogue of the Australian Accipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey, in the Collection of the Australian Museum at Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney : 1890, 8vo, j?p. 3-9. Family Vulturid^. Gyps fulvus, head figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cl. G. melitensis) n. sp. [fossil], from Malta ; R. Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 404-408, pis. xxxv & xxxvi. ACCIPITRIFORMES. Aves 35 Family Falconid^. Subfamily Polyborin^E. * Oronertes, nom. emend, pro “ Phalcobamus, Lafr.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus* Hein. p. 272. Subfamily AccipITRin^. Circus philippirtensis , n. sp., Mindanao, Guimaras, Logon ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 7 [= C. nieldnoleucus ? ]. Ci pygargus , breeding in Suffolk ; M. Ogilvie, Zool. (3) xiv, pp. 76 & 77. C. cerugi- nosus , ad. et juv., figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiv. Astur palumbarius, skeleton figured ; A. B. MEyEr, Abbild, Yogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxlviii. Accipiter [. Astur ] brevipes in Bosnia ; 0. ReiSEr, Yerh. z. b. Wien, xl, p. 4, 1890 ; id ., Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 105 & 106. A, grants n. sp., Madeira ; R. B. Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 483. A. biittilco/eri figured ; J. BOtti^ kofer, Reiseb. Liberia, ii, pi. xxx. Subfamily BEtEonin.E. Alcctromorphnus , nom. emend, pro “ Buteogattus, Less.*’; F. HEIne, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 271. Buteo harlani , a race of B. borealis ; R. Ridgway, Auk, vii, p. 205+ B. brachyurus and B . fuliginosus undoubtedly identical ; id. op< cit. 1890, p. 91. B. brachyurus , breeding in Florida ; C. J. Pennock, t c. pp. 56 & 57. B. augur , from the Kilimanjaro district; J. H. GurneY, Ibis, 1890, p. 126. B. lagopus figured ; Lord LilEord, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiv. Subfamily Aquiline. Gypaetus barbatus in the Carpathians ; E. von Czynk, Orn. Jahfb. i, pp. 45-55. XJroaitus brachialis , De YiS, P« R. Soc. Queensl. vi, p. 162, pi. x (1890). ^ Halinertus , nom. emend* pro “ Haliastur^ Selby’’; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 267. Spilornis panayensis , n. sp., Guimaras, Panay, Negros j J. B, Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 7. Haliaetus albicilla figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pts. xiii & xvi. ■i Tolmolestes, nom. emend, pro “ Spiziastur , Less.”; F. HEinE, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 270. Aquila chrysaetus , in California ; Taylor, H. R., Zoe, i, pp. 42-44. ^ ElasaS) nom. emend, pro “ Elanoules, Y.”; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 264. Machcerhamphus anderssoni , from Cameroons ; A. ReichenOW, J. f. O. 1890, p. 110. M. alcinus, on the Lawas River, N.W. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, App. Jameson’s Rear Column, p. 393. 36 Aves. AVES. Subfamily Falconing. Baza leucopais figured ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1890, pi. ii. Pernis apivorus figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avifaun. Ital. pt. xlvi. Microhierax chinemis , David, probably identical with M. melanoleucus ; H. Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 345. * Tolmerus , nom. emend, pro “ Chicqueray Bp.”; F. Hei^e, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 2G0. *1 Gennadas , nom. emend, pro “ Genncca) Kaup, nec Gennccus , Wagl”; id. t. c. p. 262. Falco peregrinus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii, 2 pis. ; K. .Til. Liebe, MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutze, 1890, pp. 365-370, pi. vii. F. cesalon figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. Hypotriorchis eleonorce figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xlvi. iHii • acospizias , nom. emend, pro “ Hieraspiza, Kaup.”; F. Heine & A. Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 253. Cerchneis tinnunculua cunariensis [Zool. Rec. xxvi, p. 65] figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. 0. 1890, pi. i. Falco tmnunculus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xvi. Order STRIGES. Matschie, P. Auleitung zum Bestimmen der deutschen Eulen. J. f. O. 1890, pp. 93 & 94. Gives diagnoses of all the German species of Owls. Ramsay, E. P. Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Musoum at Sydney, N.S.W. Part ii. Striycs. Sydney : 8vo, 1890, pp. 1-28. Stone, W. Catalogue of the Owls in the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 124-131. Bubo ignavus) skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxlvii ; in Bosnia, O. Reiser, MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutze, 1890, pp. 10 & 11 ; in South Hungary; G. Lindauer, Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 167-172. B. milesi = Otus abyssinicus, Gu4r. ; J. H. Gurney, Ibis, 1890, p. 262. B. lettii figured ; J. Buttikofer, Reiseb. Liberia, ii, pi. xxxi. J Scototheres, nom. emend, pro “ Lempijius , Bp/’ ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 249. Photodilus : its anatomy and osteology show that it is not allied to Strix , but belongs to the Bubonince ; skull, foot, and pelvis figured : F. E. Beddard, Ibis, 1890, pp. 293-304. Nyctea (i.e., ,Surnia) nisoria , notes on ; E. Hartert, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 100-102. Surnia funerea figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. ACC1PITRIF0RMES, STRIGES, CORACI) FORMES. Aves 37 Nyctea nivea, posterior aspect of skull figured ; F. E. Beddard, Ibis, 1890, p. 297. Spcotyto rohtrata , n. sp., Clarion I., Lower California ; C. H. Towns- end, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 133. Ninox booboolc, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vi, fig. 6. Strix parvissima of EllmaD, from New Zealand, if not a mythical species, was probably a small Spiloglaux novce-zealandicc ; W. W. Smith, Ibis, 1890, pp. 24-26. Ninox goodcnoviensis , n. sp., Goodenough I. ; C. W. DE Vis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 107. Glaucidium sigu (! !), a Cuban species, in Tenerilfe ; A. Kcenig, J. f. O. pp. 336-340. Utus vulgaris , its nest ; X. Raspail, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 130 & 131. 0. capensis , from Madagascar, is a distinguishable race ; J. H. Gurney, Ibis, 1890, p. 127. ^ Nyctimcnc [preoccupied in Mammalia ], nom. emend, pro “ Macabra, Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 252. JMesides, nom. emend, pro “ Meseidus, Hodgs.” ; id. ibid. ^ Tybo , nom. emend, pro “ Myrtha , Bp.” ; id. ibid. Syrnium nebulosum in captivity ; F. Rolles, Auk, vii, pp. 101-114. S. uralense figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xlvi. S. niasense figured ; E. Modigliani, Viagg. a Nias, taf. i, fig. 2. , , Nyctala tengmalmi figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xlvi. iStrix Jlammea figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiv. S. Candida, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vi, fig. 5. Order CORACIIFORMES. Seebohm, H. An Attempt to Diagnose the Subclass Coraciiformes, and the Orders, Suborders, and Families comprised therein. Ibis, 1890, pp. 200-205. Suborder STEATORNITHES. Steatornis caripensis , Range : full synonymy of the species ; P. L. Sclater, Ibis, 1890, pp. 335-339. Suborder PODARGI. Podargus strigoides , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vi, fig. 3. P. cuvieri , id. t. c. pi. vi, fig. 4. Suborder CORACEE. Sharpe, R. Bowdler. Notes on Specimens in the Hume Collection of Birds. No. 6. — On the Coraciidce of the Indian Region, with descriptions of some New Species. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 546-552. 38 Aves. AYES, Notes on the Racquet-tailed Rollers ; H. E. Dresser, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 350 & 351. Coracias weigsalli , n. sp., Newala, E. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 351. C. mosambicus , n. sp. [the species not being known from Mozambique], S. Africa ; H. E. Dresser, Ibis, 1890, p. 386. C. garrulus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii. Eurystomus Icetior , n. sp., S. India and Ceylon ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. p. 551. E. calonyx , nr sp,, ex. Hodgs. MSS., E. Siberia to Malaisia ; id. ibid. E. solomonensis, n, sp., Solomon Is, ; id. t. c. p. 552, E. pacificust egg figured ; A, JT. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiv, fig. 1. Suborder HALCYONES. The suborder diagnosed, containing the following families : — Todidce , Momotidce , Qoliidce , Alcediniidce ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, pp. 203 & 204. Family ^Alcedinid^e. Ceyx platence , n, sp„ Mindanao ; W. Blasius, J, f. O. 1890, p. 148. C. margarethce) n. sp., Sulu Is. and Mindanao ; id. t. c. p. 141. C. sulu- ensis) n. sp., Sulu Is. ; id. ibid. : also from Mindanao ; id. t. c. pp. 148 & 149. C, mindanensis, n. sp,, Mindanao ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 10, C. samarensis , n. sp,, Samar, Leyte ; id. ibid. C. bqsilanicus, n, sp., Basilan ; id. ibid, C. fluminicola , Samar and Leyte; id. ibid. G, bournsii , n. sp,, Basilan; id. ibid. O. malamaniy n, sp., “ Basilan M; id. t. c, p, 11. Halcyon alfredi , n, sp., Bongao I., Tawi-tawi Archipelago ; E, Ousta- ret, Le Nat. xii, pp. 62 & 63. Actinoules moseleyi , n. sp,, Negros ; J. B, Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 11. Dacelo gigas , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nest and Eggs Austr, B. pi. vi, fig. 1, D. leachii , egg figured ; id. t, c, pi. vi, fig. 2, Suborder BUCEROTES, The suborder diagnosed ; H, Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, p, 204. Buceros convexuSy skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxliii, Anorrhinus comatus in Borneo ; R, B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p. 16. A. galeatus , habits ; J, Whitehead, t. c. p. 17. Penelopides basilanica} n. sp., Basilan ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 13, P, samarensis , n. sp., Samar and Leyte ; id. ibid. P. mindorensis, n, sp,, Mindoro ; id, t. o. p, 12, Suborder UPUPAS. The diagnostic characters for the Order are the freedom of the hind plantar from the front plantar, and the junction of the feet of the CORACIIFORMES, TROGONES. Aves 39 coracoids by an outer with an inner episternal process ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, p. 34. Irrisor jacksoni, n. sp., Kikuyu, E. Africa ; B. B. Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 503. Suborder MEROPES. Merops apiaster nesting in Hesse ; K. Junghaus, J. f. 0. 1890, pp. 156 & 157. Suborder CAPRIMULGI. JEgotheles novce-hollandice , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiv, fig. 11. AE. loricc , n. sp., Rigo, S. E. New Guinea ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 564. j Eurostopodus guttatus , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xi, fig. 2. E. albigularis ; id. t. c. pi. xi, fig. 3. Phalamoptilus nuttalli nitidus breeding in Kansas ; N. S. Goss, Auk, vii, p. 286. Suborder CYPSELI. Zehntner, L. On the Development of the Feet of Cypselus melba. Ibis, 1890, pp. 196-200. Cypselus melba , popular notes on ; F. de Schaeck, Le Nat. xii, p. 234. C. qffinis in Liguria ; full synonymy given ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 551. Chatura gierrce , n. sp., Mombasa ; E. Oustalet, Le Nat. xii, p. 274. Acanthylis caudacuta figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. Suborder TROCHILI. Trochilus colubris , mode of feeding young ; W. Brewster, Auk, vii, pp. 206 & 207. Lampornis ellioti, n. sp., I. of Anegada, W. I. ; C. B. Cory, Auk, vii, p. 374. Eriocnemis aurea} n. sp., Colombia ; A. B. Meyer, t. c. p. 315. Lophornis insignibarbis, n. sp., Bogota ; E. Simon, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 17. Chcetocercus burmeisteri , note on ; H. Burmeister, Ibis, 1890, p. 384. Order TROGONES. The diagnostic characters of the Order Eeterodactyli are defined; II. Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, p. 37. Harpactes whiteheadi , habits; J. Whitehead, t. c. p. 2. II. orescius in Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. p. 3 : habits ; J. Whitehead, l. c. 40 Aves. AYES. Order COCCYGES. Cuculus canorus , habits ; A, Walter, MB. Deutsch. Ver. Schutze, 1890, pp. 468-474. Gacomantis flabelliformis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 7. Oxylophus glandarius figured ; Lord Lilforp, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. Lamprococcyx basalts , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 13. L. plagosus , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, figf 13. Hierococcyx nana , in Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p, 11. Scythrops novce-hollandice , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vii, fig. 3. Eudynamis mindanensis var, albomacidata, Sulu Is. ; W. Blasius, J. f. 0. 1890, p. 140. i Coccyzusa, nom. emend, pro “ Goccycua , Less.” ; F, Heine & A. Reichenow, Nomencl, Mus. Heiu, p. 203. Gentrococcyx mindorensis, n. sp., Mindoro ; J. B. Steere, List Birds 1 and Maram, Philipp, p. 12. Order PSITTACIFORMES. Cacatua leadbeateri , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiv, fig. 2. C. roseicapilla ; id, t. c. pi. xiv, fig. 3. Licmetis nasica , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiv, fig. 4. Eclectus roratus, $ pull, figured ; A. B. Meyer, Ibis, 1890, p, 26, pi. i. Ptistes erythr op terns, egg figured ; A- J, North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiv, fig, 5. Platycercus pennantiiy egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiv, fig. 6, P. barnardi ; id. t. c. pi. xiv, fig. 8. ^ PorphyrocephaluSy nom. emend, pro “ Purpureicephalus, Bp.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 241. Calopsitta fiovce-hollandice, egg figured ; A. J, North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiv, fig. 9. Trichoglossus novce-hollandice, egg figured ; id, t. c. pi, xiv, fig. 8. T. chlorolepidotus, egg figured ; id. t. c. fig. 12 : old birds and young figured ; L. Heck, MB, Deutsch. Yer, Schutze, 1890, pp. 462-468, pi. ix. Prioniturus dkcurus n, var. suluen&iSy Sulu Is. ; W. Blasius, J. f. O. 1890, p. 140. P. luconensisy n. sp., Luzon ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p, 6, P, mindorensis, n, sp., Mindoro ; id. t. c. p. 6. Cyclopsitta [cws] mindanensis, n. sp., Mindanao ; id. t. c. p. 6. Loriculus siguijorensis , n. sp., Siguijor ; id. t. c. p. 6. L. mindorensis , n. sp., Mindoro ; id. t. c. p. 6, L. worcesteri, n. sp., Samar, Leyte ; id. t. c. p. 6. Psittacus erithacus, popular notes on ; R. Saint-Loup, Le Nat. xii, pp. 197 & 198. Geoffroyius sudestiensis , n. sp., Sud-est I., Louisiade Archipelago ; C. W de Yis, Rep. Brit. N. Guin., App., p. 107. PS ITT AC IFO R M E S, SCANSORES, PICIEORMES. AveS 41 ^ Pionites , nom. emend, pro 11 Caica , Less.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 231. Chrysotis codigena , Scl., = C. dufresniana (Shaw); Salvadori, Ibis, 1890, pp. 367-370. (7. rhodocorythci, n. sp. (= C. dufresniana , auct., nec Shaw), from Brazil ; id. t. c. p. 370. Androglossa ochrocephala, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxli. Order SCANSORES. Suborder RHAMPIIASTIDES. 4 Dinorhamphus, nom. emend, pro “ Tucanus, Cass.”; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 228. hlachlostomus, nom. emend, pro “ Tucaius , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 228. ^ Ulocomus , nom. emend, pro “ Beauharnasius , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 229. ^ Rhagoborus , nom. emend, pro u Baillonius , Cass.” ; id. ibid. Rhamphastos dicolorus, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel- skel, pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxlii. Pteroglossus didymus , n. sp., Upper Amazonia ; P. L. Sci+ater, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 203, Suborder CAPITONES. ^ Geniates, nom. emend, pro “ Chotorea , Bp.”; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein, p, 225. ** A beltcrus, nom. emend, pro “ Eubucco , Bp.” ; id. t. c. p. 227. v Pogonitcs) nom. omend. pro li Buccanodon, Verr.” ; id. t. c , p. 226. Order FICIFORMES. Suborder PICI. Hargitt, E. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. [Vol. xviii of The Catalogue of Birds.] Scansores , con- taining the Family Picidce. 1890 : 8vo, pp. i-xvi, 1-598, pis. i-xv. Three subfamilies recognised : i. Picince (342 species) ; n. Picumnince (39 species); in. Iyngince (4 species). [Cf. Allen, Auk, 1891, pp. 92-95.] Family PiciiDiE. Subfamily Picince. Colaptes auratus, [supposed] change of habit causing change of struc- ture ; B. Sharp, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 347 & 348. Gecinus viridis figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. G. canus , skeleton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel-skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxl. Chloronerpes xanthochlorus figured ; E. Hargitt, ut supra , pi. i. G • godmani , n. sp., Mexico ; id. t. c. p. 83. 42 Aves . AYES. Iyngipicus nigrescens figured ; id. t. c. pi. v. I. picatus figured ; id. t. c, pi. vi, fig. 1. I. grandis figured ; id. t. c. pi. vi, fig. 2. Iyngipicus basilanicus , n. sp., Basilan ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 9. I. leytensis , n. sp., Leyte ; id. t. c. p. 9. Chrysophlegma wrayi figured ; E. Hargitt, t c. pi. ii. Melanerpes pulcher figured ; id. t. c. pi. iii. M. formidvorus aculeatus, n. subsp. ; E. A. Mearns, Auk, vii, pp. 249-251. Dendrocopus pyrrothorax figured ; E. Hargitt, t. c. pi. iv. D. major , in Ireland ; R. L. Patterson, Ibis, 1890, p. 130. D. major canadensis [Zool. Rec. xxvi, Aves, p. 58], figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. 0. 1890, taf. ii. Dendrobates jidelis [Zool. Rec. xxvi, Aves , p. 57], figured ; E. Hargitt, t. c. pi. vii. Mesopicus johnstoni (pi. ix), M. xantholophus (pi. vii) figured ; id. t. c. 4 Sapheopipo, n. g. Type, S. noguchii ; id. t. c. p. 378. Miglyptes infuscatus figured ; E. Modigliani, Yiagg. a Nias, taf. i, fig. 1. Celeus spectabilis figured ; E. Hargitt, ut supra , pi. x. Cerchneipicus occidentalis figured ; id. t. c. pi. xi. \J Crocomorphus , n. g. Type, C. jlavus (Mull.) ; id. t. c. p. 439. Chrysocolaptes samarensis , n. sp., Samar, Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 8. ^Microstictus, nom. emend, pro “ Lichtensteinipicus, Reich.” ; E. Hargitt, t. c. p. 489. Thriponax javensis , n. var. suluensis, Sulu Is. ; W. Blasius, J. f. O. 1890, p. 140. T. philippensis, n. sp., Guimaras, Masbate ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 8. T. mindorensis , n. sp., Mindoro ; id. t. c. p. 8. Picumnus fla.vifrons figured ; E. Hargitt, t. c. pi. xiv, figs. 1 & 2. P . wallacii figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiv, fig. 3. ^ Nesoctites, n. g. Type, N. micromegas ; id. t. c. p. 552. Sasia everetti, n. sp., N.W. Borneo ; id. t. c. p. 559, pi. xv. Subfamily Iyngin^e. The Wrynecks placed as a subfamily of the Indicatoridce ; F. Heine & A. Reiciienow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 196. Order EURYLiEMI. The diagnostic characters for the order are the JEgithognathous palate, the Galline plantars, and the nude oil-gland ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, p. 34. Sarcophanops samarensis, n. sp., Samar; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 23. Serilophus erythropygus, nom. emend, pro “ S. rubropygiu,s , Hodgs.” ; F. Heine & A. Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 158. MENUR®, PASSERIFORMES. Aves 43 Order MENURiE. Menura. The species described ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiii, pp. 661-663. Menura victories , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. x, figs. 1 & 2. M. albertiy M. superba ; id. t. c. pi. x, figs. 3 & 4. Order PASSERIFORMES. PASSERES. The diagnostic characters for the ordor are tho ZGgithognathous palate and the freedom of the hind plantar from the front plantars ; H. See- boiim, Ibis, 1890, p. 33. Section A. OSC1NES. Fam. Corvid jc. Shufeldt, R. W. The Myology of the Raven ( Corvus corax sinuatus). 1890, 8vo, pp. i-xix & 1-343. The Raven has been selected as an example for demonstrating the muscular anatomy of Birds. The book is profusely illustrated. Corvus tingitanus , eggs figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. O. 1890, taf. viii, fig. 10. C. coronoides, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vii, fig. 8. Corone australis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. vii, fig. 7. Corvus samarensis , n. sp., Samar ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 23. Nucifraga caryocatoctes} migration ; J. Cordeaux, Zool. 1890, pp. 432 & 433 : breeding in the Hartz Mountains ; L. W. Wiglesworth, t. c. p. 388. Picicorvus columbianus , breeding in Colorado ; C. E. Bendire, Auk, 1890, p. 92. Strepera cuneicaudata , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vii, fig. 1. 8. fuliginosa\ id. t. c. pi. vii, fig. 2. Pica caudata figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xii. Garrulus glandarius , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel- skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxlvi. Cyanocitta stelleri littoralis , not distinct from C. stellexi ; F. M« Chap-- man, Auk, 1890, p. 91. Aphelocoma [ californica ] hypoleuca , nest and eggs ; W, E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 24. A. californica obscura, n. subsp., San Pedro Mts., Lovrer California ; A. W. Anthony, PP- 75 & 76. Fregilus graculus) habits ; A. H. Malan, J. R. Inst. Cornwall, x, pp. 97-108. Podoces panderi, nests and habits ; N. Zarudnoi, Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc. 1 889, No. 3, pp. 455-465 : two nests figured ; id. t. c. taf. v. 44 Aves . AVES. Family Paradiseid^e. Goodwin, A. P. Notes on the Paradise-birds of British New Guinea. Ibis, 1890, pp. 150-156. Notes on the Paradiseidce met with during Sir William McGregor’s expedition to the Owen Stanley Range in S.E. New Guinea. Xanthomelus macgregorii , n. sp. ; A. P. Goodwin, t. c. p. 153. [= Cne- mophilus macgregorii , vide infra.] Family Ptilonorhynchtd2e. Ptilonorhynchus violaceus , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xi, fig. 6. Chlamydodera cerviniventris , egg figured ; id. t. c. fig. 4. C. macidata ; id. t. c. fig. 5. 'i Cnemophilus, n. g. Type, C. macgregorii, n. sp., Owen Stanley Mts. S.E. New Guinea; 0. W. De Vis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. pp. 115 & 116. Amblyornis macgregorice , n. sp., Owen Stanley Mts. S.E. New Guinea, id. t. c. App. pp. 113 & 115. A. musgravianus , n. sp., its nest figured ; A. P. Goodwin, t. c. pp. 153 & 154. A. subalaris, its nest figured ; id. t. c. p. 155. Family Sturnid.®. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. Sturnidce. 8vo, 1890, pp. 22-197, pis. i-viii. Two subfamilies recognized : Sturnince , with 39 genera and 147 species ; and Buphagince , with 1 genus and 2 species Sturnus vulgaris, in Ayrshire; D. Landsborough, P. N. H. Soc.Glasg. new ser. ii, pp. 208-211 : an intermediate form in Western Europe. R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, p. 29. S. menzbieri figured ; . id. t. c. pi. i. S. porphyronotus figured ; id. t. c. pi. ii. Spodiopsar cambodianus [Zool. Rec. xxvi, p. 50] figured ; id. t. c. pi. iii. S. burmanicus (fig. 1) and S. leucocephalus (fig. 2) figured ; id. t. c. pi. iv. Poliopsar [Spodiopsar] fuscogularis , n. sp., Karen Hills, British Burmah ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 364, Ibis, 1890, p. 130. Sturnopastor jalla (fig. 3), S. contra (fig. 1), and S. superciliaris, heads figured ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. pi. v. 4 Laceryzon , nom. emend, pro “ Gracupica , Less.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 109. AEthiopsar , n. g. Type, JE. fuscus ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. pp. 79 & 666. Pastor roseus , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel.-skel. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 45 pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxliv : in Bulgaria in 1890, a red-headed variety ; id. P. Z. S. 1890, p. 590 ; F. de Schaeck, Le Nat. xii, p. 205 : migration in Europe in 1890 ; Tschusi zu Schmidhofen, Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 65-70. Family Eulabetjd^. Mainatus , Less., 1827, is the older generic name for the Wattled Mynas ( Gracula , auct.) ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, p. 98. [This is a mistake, as Eulabes , Cuv., 1815, is older. Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i, p. 509.] Mainatus [potius Eulabes ] palawanensis , n. sp., Palawan ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, p. 114. Eulabes intermedia , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel.- skel. pts. xiv & xv, pi. cxlv. Gracula rdbusta figured ; E. Modigliani, Viagg. a Nias, taf. ii, fig. 2. \lEumathes, nom. emend, pro “ Mino, Less.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 110. Spreo jisclieri (Reichen.) is a Pholidauges ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. pp. 667 & 668. -r S. shelleyi , n. sp., Somali Land ; id. t. c. p. 190. Aplonis bmnnescens , n. sp., Savage Island ; id. Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, p. 132, pi. vi. A. inornata, n. sp., patriot ignota ; id. t. c. p. 135. [? = Aplorlis ulietensis , ex Turdus ulietensis, Cm. (ex Forster) ; cf. Sharpe, l. c .] Calornis cyrfina (Kittl.) probably not a Calornis at all ; id. t. c. p. 137. C. crassa, Sclater, from Timor Laut, is an Aplonis ; id. t. c. p. 134. C. kittlitzi is ffn Aplonis ; id. t. c. p. 136. C. altirostris figured ; E. Mog- digliani, Yiagg. a Nias, taf, ii, fig. 1. C. irwini (Hume) and C. affinis (A. Hay) not separable from C. chalybea (Horsf.), remarks on these races ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, p. 143. C. sulaensis} n. sp., Sula Islands ; id. t. c. p« 149. C. crassirostris , Walden, = C. obscura} Bp. ; JtfH. c. p. 149. Lamprotornis eytoni is probably distinct from L. caudatus ; id. t. c. p. 155. / Clialcopsar , nom. emend, pro il Megalopterus, A. Smith,” nec Boie; id. t. c. p. 158. V Hagiopsar , n. g. Type, H. tristramif Scl. ; id. t. c. p. 168. ^ Ileteropsar , n. g. Type, JET. acuticaudus ; id. t. c. p. 185. Lamprocolius splendidus (fig. 4), L. glaucovirens (fig. 2), L. lessoni (fig. 3), L. ignitus (fig. 1), heads figured ; id. t. c. pi. vii. L. purpufeus (fig. 1), L. sycobius (fig 3), L. chloropterus (fig. 2), L. chalcurus (fig. 4), L. purpureiceps (fig. 5), L. cupreocaudus (fig. 6), heads figured ; id. t. c. p 1. viii. L. porphyrurus, Hartl., = L. chalcurus ; id. t. c. p. 179. Family DiCRURiDiE. Dicruropsis guillemdrdi , Obi Is. ; T. Salvador!, Mem. R. Acad. (2) xi, p. 220. 46 Aves. Buchanga palawanensis , n. sp., Palawan ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1890, p. 47. Dicrurus leucogenys , var. salangensis ; A. Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 69, Salanga Is. D. leucopaceus [nom. nudum = D. leucogenys , Wald.] ; id. t. c. p. 69. Family Oriolidjj. Oriolus samarensis , n. sp., Samar ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 17. Mimeta affinis , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xi, fig. 12. Sphecotheres maxillaris , egg figured ; id. t. c. fig. 11. Family Icteric. Icterus bullocki in New England ; W. Brewster, Auk, 1890, p. 92. /. laltimore in Shetland; J. E. HaRting, Zool. 1890, p. 457. I. northropi} n. sp., Andros I., Bahamas ; J. A. Allen, Auk, vii, pp. 343-346. Scolecophagus carolinus in Lower California ; A. W. Anthony, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2) ii, p. 86. * Dolichonyx oryzivorus, its changes of plumage ; F. M. Chapman, Auk, vii, pp. 120-124 : winter distribution and migration ; id. op. cit. pp. 39-45. Family Ploceid.®. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [Vol, xiii of The Catalogue of Birds.] Ploceidce. 8vo, 1890, pp. 198-511, pis. ix-xv. The Viduince are the first Subfamily, with 43 genera and 218 species. The Ploceiince have 20 genera and 98 species. Subfamily Viduince. v Penthetriopsis , n. g. Type, P. macrura ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, p. 220. TJrobrachya hildebrandti, n. sp., Mombasa ; id. t. c. p. 225. U. zanzi- barica, Shelley, = U. phcenicea, Heugl.; id. t. c. p. 225. TJ. bocagii figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix. Pyromelana phcenicomera [potius xanthomera'] is scarcely separable from P. capensis ; id. t. c. p. 239. Quelea erythrops (fig. 1), Q. quelea (fig. 2), Q. intermedia (fig. 4), Q. cethiopica (fig. 5), Q. russi (fig. 6), heads figured ; id. t. c. pi. x. Spermestes rufodorsalis , Peters, = S. dorsalis, Cass. ; id. t. c. p. 263. S. scutata, Heugl., distinct from S. cucullata , Sw. ; id. t. c. p. 265. Amauresthes fringilloides , from Natal ; id. t. c. p. 268. Pytelia monteiri (Hartl.), Ilypargus niveiguttatus (Peters), and H. mar- PASSERIFORMES. Aves 47 gariiatus (Strickl.) referred to genus Lagonosticta ; id. t. c. pp. 273-275. L . brunneiceps , n. sp., E. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 277. L. polionata (fig. 2); L. congica , n. sp. (fig. 3), Upper Congo, L. jamesoni (fig. 1) figured ; id. t. c. pi. xi. L. landanai , n. sp., figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 1. 4 Stictospiza , n. g. Type, S.formosa, Lath. ; id. t. c. p. 287. Amadina marginalise n. sp., W. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 290. Zonogastris soudanensis , n. sp., N.E. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 298. Pytelia hypogrammica figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 2. Coccopygia kilimensis , n. sp., Mt. Kilmanjaro ; id. t. c. p. 307. Hijpochera amauropteryx , n. sp., S.E. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 309. Nigrita pinaronota , nom. emend, pro fusconota , Eraser, and dorso- fusca , Heine ; id. t. c. p. 318. Estrelda melpoda (Y.) is a Sporccginthus ; id. t. c. p. 325. Donacicola and Padda = Munia ; id. t. c. p. 326. Mama wallacii, n. sp., Lombock ; id. t. c. p. 339. M. punctulata and M. subundulala , dorsal feathers figured ; id. t. c. pp. 348 & 350. M. cabanisi, nom. emend, pro “ Uroloncha jagori, Cab.” (nee Munia jagori , Cab.] ; id. t. c. p. 353. Pytelia caniceps. Reichnb., is an Uroloncha ; id. t. c. p. 356. Uroloncha squamicollis , n. sp., China ; id. t. c. p. 359. Munia semistriata , Hume, M. fumigata , Walden, M. fuscans , Cass., M. tristissima , Wall., M. leucosticta , D’Albert and Salvad., M. pectoralis , Jerd., and M. kelaarti , Jerd., referred to the genus Uroloncha ; id. t. c. pp. 361-368. Uroloncha propinqua, n. sp., Celebes, Flores ; id. t. c. p. 368. U. can - tans , Gm., is an Aidemosyne ; id. t. c . p. 371. Erythrura forbesi , n. sp., Timor Laut ; id. t. c. p. 387. Estrilda angolensis (L.) distinct from E. phcenicotis , Swains. ; id. t. c. p. 402. Habropyga tenerrima , Hartl., not identical with H. nonnula (Reichen.), as stated by Capt. Shelley (P. Z. S. 1888, p. 31) ; G-. Hartlaub, Ibis, 1890, p. 263 ; A. Reiciienow, J. f. 0. 1890, p. 75. ^ Granatina, n. g. (ex. Bp.) ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. p. 403. Type, G. granatina. Subfamily Ploceiinle. Sharpia, Bocage, = Anaplectes, Reichenb. ; id. t. c. p. 411. v Heterhyphantes, n. g. Type, II. melanogaster, Shelley ; id. t. c. p. 414. Sitagra monacha , nom. emend, pro “ S. per sonata (auct. nec V.) ” ; id. t. c. p. 426. Ilyphantornis castanops (fig. J ), H. xanthopterus (fig. 2), II. aurantius (fig. 3), H. aureijlavus (fig. 4), II. bojeri (fig. 6) : heads figured; id. t. c. pi. xiii. E. jamesoni, n. sp., Mashona Land ; id. t. c. p. 447. II. castanei- cepsf n. sp., Taveta, E. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 448 : head figured, pi. xiii, fig. 5. H. shelleyi , n. sp. [= H. vitellinus , Sharpe, nec Licht., ex Africa merid.] ; id. t. c. p. 464. II. super ciliosus, $ figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiv. II. cucul - 48 Avcs. AYES. lata, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel-skeL pts. xiv & xy, pi. cxliv, fig. 1. Ploceus reichardi, distinct from P. vitellinus ; A. Reiciienow, J. f. 0. 1890, p. 75. Malinibus bartletti , n. sp., Gold Coast ; R. B. Sharpe, t* c. p. 479. J Nesacanthis, n. g. Type, N. eminentissima (Bp.) ; id. t. c. p. 483. Ploceus bay a, Blyth, is correct name for P. philippinusi auct. ex India ; id. t. c. p. 488. H. atrigula , Hodgs., correct name for P. baya , auct. nec Blyth ; id. t. c. p. 491. Spermospiza rubricapilla figured ; id. t. c. pi. xv. Family Tanagrid^e. Calliste tricolor figured ; P. Mangelsdorff, MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutge, 1890, pp. 374-386, pi. viii. Family C^erebidje. The southern range of the Family; P. L. Sclater, Ibis, 1890, p. 131. Family Drepanid;e. Hemignathus hanapepe and H. stejnegeri figured \ S. B. Wilson, Ibis, 1890, pi. vi, figs. 1 & 2. Acrulocercus nobilis and A. braccatus figured; S. B. Wilson & A. H. Evans, Av. Haw. pt. i. Vestiaria coccinia , various phases of plumage figured ; iid. t. c. Loxops jlammea figured ; iid. t. c. Oreomyza wilsoni, n. sp., Kauai, Sandwich Is. ; L. Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 386. Chrysoviitridops cceruleirostris figured ; S* B. WiLSON & A. H. Evans, Av. Haw. pt. it Family FringIllim. Poling, O. C. Notes on the Fringillidce of Western Illinois. Auk, vii, pp. 238-243. Subfamily CoccothrauStinae. Coccothraustes Vulgaris figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. C. vespertina , occurrences in various States of North America ; Auk, vii, pp. 209-211 : in Quebec ; F. B. Caulfield, Can. Rec. iv, pp. 109-111 : in captivity; R. W. SUufeldt, Auk, 1890, pp. 93-95. C. vespertina montanai in Arizona ; E. A. Mearns, Auk, vii, pp. 246-249. Fringilla killitzi, n. sp., Bonin Is. ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1890, p. 101. Guiraca rothschlldii , n. sp., British Guiana ; E. Bartlett, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 168 & 169. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 49 Subfamily Fringillin^e. Fringilla palmce figured; H. B. Tristram, Ibis, 1890, pi. iii. F. coerulescens [Zool. Rec. xxvi, p. 43], figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. 0. 1890, taf. vii. The priority of the author’s name over that of F. palmce, Tris- tram, demanded ; id. t. c. p. 479. F. tintillon maderensis , n. subsp., Madeira ; id. t. c. pp. 270-277 figured) taf. vi, fig. 1 [Is F. maderensis , Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xii, p. 175, 1888] : egg figured ; id. t. c. taf. viii, fig. 2. F. canariensis , $ $ figured ; id. t. c. taf. vi, figs. 1 & 2 : egg figured ; id. t. c. taf. viii, fig. 3. E. teydea} egg figured ; id. t. c. taf. viii, fig. 1. Carduelis elegans figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv. Fringilla spinus figured ; id. op. cit. pt. xiv. F. chloris figured; id. ibid. Chrysomitris spinus X Acanthis linaria ; Th. Lorenz, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 98-100. Spinus tristis pallidus , n. subsp., Arizona ; E. A. Mearns, Auk, vii, pp. 244-246. Fringilla linaria figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv : cause of variation in length of bill ; H. P. Pyciiaft, Tr. Leicester Soc. i, pt. vii, pp. 342 & 343. Fringilla rufescens and F. flavirostris figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiii. Leucosticte brandti , Bp., is a Fringillauda ; E. W. OAfES, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 248. Passer montanus in the North of England ; H. A. MacpHerson, Nat. 1890, pp. 92-94 ; F. B. Whitlock, t. c. pp. 155, 156, 319, & 320 ; J. W. Fawcett, t. c. pp. 277, 278, 353, & 354 ; J. Young, t. c. p. 354. ^ Pseudo struthus, n. g. Type, P. gongonensis , n. sp., Gongoni, E. Africa ; E. OusTALEdr, Le Nat. xii, p. 274. Fringilla serinus figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt, xvi. Serinus pectoralis , Murray, from Sind, = Crithagra ictera (V.) ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 233, note. ^Telespyza, n. g. Type, T. cantans , n. sp., Midway I., N. Pacific ; S. B, Wilson, Ibis, 1890, p. 341, pi. ix. Garpodacus mexicanus frontalis , development of young ; C. A. Keeler, Zoe, i, pp. 172-176, pi. vi. C. frontalis ruberrimus , nest and eggs ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 22 & 23. Pyrrhospiza humii, probably = P. punicea ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 211. Loxia curvirostra , nesting in Ireland ; R. J. Ussher, Zool. 1890, pp. 199-204. L. bifasciata, in Sussex ; H. Benson, t. c. p. 17 : in Europe in 1890, Tsciiusi ztj SchmidhofeN, Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 70-81 : notes on ; E. von Cz^nk, t. c. pp. 172-177 : on the beak of the Crossbills; H. Gadow, Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 630-633, taf. xliii. Pyrrhula erythrina figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xiv. Pinicola enucleator in England ; J. H. Gurney, Zool. 1890, pp. 125- 129 ; J. Whitaker, t. c. p. 464. Loxioides bailleui figured ; S. B. Wilson & A. H. Evans, Av. Haw. pt. 1. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] c 8 50 Aves. AYES. Subfamily Emberizin^e. Fringillaria major , distinct from F. orientalis ; A. Reiciienow, J. f. 0. 1890, pp. 76 & 77. Zonotrichia intermedia and Z. gambeli intergrade ; R. Ridgway, Auk, 1890, p. 96. Amphispiza belli cinerea , n. subsp., Lower California ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 136. Junco hyemalis thurberi , n. subsp., Los Angelos, California ; A. W. Anthony, Zoe, i, pp. 238 & 239. /. ridgwayi , n. sp., Arizona ; E. A. Mearns, Auk, vii, pp. 243 & 244. J. townsendi, n. sp., Lower California ; W. A. Anthony, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 76 & 77 : nest and eggs ; id. Zoe, 1890, pp. 5 & 6. Melospiza fasciata rivularis , nest and eggs ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 22 & 23. M. fasciata graminea , n. subsp., Sta Barbara I. ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 139. M. fasci- ata elemental, San Clemente I. ; id. t. c. p. 139. Passerella iliaca, in California ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 90. Pipilo maculatus , variations in the white in the tail-feathers ; W. Stone, N P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 215 & 216, with figs. P.fuscus mesoleucus and P. aberti , nest and eggs ; C. E. Bendire, Auk, 1890, pp. 22-29. Spiza americana, note on its disappearance from the District of Columbia ; Hugh M. Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 171 & 172. Family AlaudiDjE. Sharpe', R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [Yol. xiii of The Catalogue of Birds.] Family A laudidai. 8vo, 1890. Yol. xiii, pp. 512-671. Otocorys : the range of the different species of North America ; the various races described ; J. Dwight, Auk, vii, pp. 138-158, with a map. O. alpestris adusta , n. subsp., Arizona and Chihuahua ; id. t. c. pp. 148 & 149. O. alp. merrilli , n. subsp., Oregon ; id. t. c. pp. 153 & 154. O. alp. pallida , n. subsp., Lower California and Sonora ; id. t. c. pp. 154 & 155. Otocorys , key to the species ; id. t. c. pp. 156 & 157. O. bicornis , n. sp. (ex Hempr.), Palestine ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. p. 532. 0. pallida , n. sp. ( nec Dwight), Central Asia ; id. t. c. p. 533 [corrected to O. diluta ; id. t. c. p. 671]. O. alpestris pallida , n. subsp., Rio Colorado, Sonora ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 138. O. alp, insularis, n. subsp., San Clemente I. ; id. t. c. p. 140. O. alpestris figured ; Lord Lilpord, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. O. penicillata, in Bosnia; O. Reiser, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 3 ; id. Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 106-108. O. berlepschi , n. sp., hab. unknown ; E. Hartert, J. f. O. 1890, p. 103. Alannon desertorum (Stanl.), distinct from A. alaudipes (Desf.) ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiii, pp. 518 & 519. ^ Chersophilus,. n. g. Type, C. duponti ; id. t. c. p. 525. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 51 Melanocorypha leucoptera figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. Alauda arvensis and allies; R. B. SiiARrE, t. c. pp. 566-575. A. arvensis figured; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi. A. brachy- dactyla , at Great Yarmouth ; G. Smith, Zool. (3) xiv, p. 77. Alaudula is a distinct genus from Galandrella, and should contain the following species : A. pispoletta, A. bcetica , A. minor , A. cheelensis , A. raytal , A. adamsi , and A. leucophcea ; R. B. Sharpe, t.c. pp. 586-593. A. persica, n. sp., Persia ; id. t. c. p. 590. A. seebohmi , n. sp., Central Asia ; id. ibid. Mirafra secunda , n. sp., S. Australia ; id. t. c. p. 603. M. alopex , n. sp., Somali Land ; id. t. c. p. 617. JlJelioGorys , n. g. Type, H. modesta (Hengl.) ; id. t. c. p. 623. Megalophonus ftscheri, distinct from A lauda apiata, Y. ; A. ReichenoW, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 75 & 76. Galerita cristata : the different races ; id. t. c. pp. 625-633. G. thechlce , from Spain, distinct from G. cristata ; id. t.c. p. 633. Galerida ruppelli , n. sp., Abyssinia ; E. Hartert, j. f. 0. 1890, p. 102. Ammomanes algeriensis} n. sp., Algeria; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. p. 645. Family Motacillidjl Moiacilla melanope and M. alba, in Oxfordshire; O. V. Aplin, Zool. 1890, pp. 371-376. Budytes beema, in Italy ; Y. de Romita, Agg. Orn. Pugl. p. 9. B. nigricapillus, heads figured to show variation in yellow eyebrow, tav. i. Anthus trivialis , in Breconshire ; E. A. Swainson, Zool. (3) xiv, p. 73 : in North Wales ; J. Cordeaux, t. c. pp. 72 & 73. A. bertheloti, eggs figured ; A. Kcenig, J. f. O. 1890, tab. viii, fig. 7. A. obscurus, figured j Loud Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv. A. richardi, in Kent ; W. 0. Hammond, Zool. (3) xiv, p. 18. A. cockburnice , n. sp. [= A. sordidus, Sharpe, nec Rupp.], Nilghiris ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 305. Family Mniotiltidac. Geothlypis beldingi, nest and eggs ; W. E. Bryant, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 20 : young described ; id. t . c. p. 22. G. trichas ignota, n. sp., from Florida ; F. M. Chapman, Auk, 1890, pp. 9-14. Iielminthophila celata sordida} n. subsp., San Clemente I., California ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 139. II. bachmani , migration and habits in Florida; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, 1890, pp. 16 & 17. Dendrceca dominica , nesting in North Carolina ; C. S. Brim ley, op. cit. vii, pp. 323-326. 52 Aves . AYES. Family Certhiidjj., Tichodroma muraria figured; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. ,Br. Birds, pt. xv : popular notes on (cum fig.) ; F. de Sciiaeck, Le Nat. xii, pp. 125 & 126. Family Sittid^e. Sittidce , notes on the osteology of ; F. A. Lucas, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 337-345, pi. xxvii. Sitta carolinensis atlcinsii , n. subsp., Florida ; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, vii, pp. 118 & 119. 8. \_pygmced] leuconucha , n. subsp., S. Pedro Mts., Lower California ; A. W. Anthony, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 77 & 78. 8. ichiteheadi figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xlvi. Climacteris leucophcea , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 3. G. scandens , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 7. C. erythrops , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 11. G. melanura ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 12. Family Meliphaqid^e. Entomyza cyanotis , egg figured; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xii, fig. 1. Myzantha garrula , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 2. M. jlavigula ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 4. Philemon sordidus, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 3. P. philippinensis} n. sp., Samar ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 21. Acanthochcera carunculata , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xii, fig. 5. Anellobia mellivora, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 6. Melirrhophetes belfordi , n. sp., Owen Stanley Mts., S.E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. pp. Ill & 112. Meliphagci phrygia, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xii, fig. 8. Acanthogenys rufigularis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 10. Ptilotis JlavicolliSy egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 13. P. auricomis , P. penicillata , P. ckrysops ; id. t. c. pi. xii, figs. 14-16. P. lewinii, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 1. P. notata , P. leucotis ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, figs. 4 & 5. Lichmera austr alasiana, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 17. Meliornis sericea , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi, xii, fig. 19. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 20. Plectorhyncha lanceolata , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 2. Glyciphila fulvifrons , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 6. G. fasciata , G . modesta ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, figs. 9 & 10. Stigmatops omlaris , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 17. Melithreptus melanoceplialus , egg figured ; id. t. q. pi. xii, fig. 18. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 53 Myzomela. sanguinolenta , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 20. Prosthemadera novas zealandics figured ; A. Frenzel, MB. Deutsch. Yer. Schutze, 1890, pi. i. Family Nectariniidal AEthopyga andersoni , n. sp., Upper Burma; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 349. Ghalcoparia not a Sunbird, but a Liotrichine form, probably near Myzoi'nis ; id. t. c. p. 372. Nectarinia filiola , n. sp., Equatorial Africa ; G. Hartlaub, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 150 & 151 [= N. kilimensis , Shelley]. Cinnyris guimaracensis , n. sp., Guimaras ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 22. Araclinothera cores, n. sp., Mindanao; W. Blasius, J. f. O. 1890, p. 148. Family Diceidas. The family associated with the Nectariniidcs , on account of their serrated tomia ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 344. Dicosum monticola , £ $ figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, pi. viii, figs. 2 & 3. D. besti , n. sp., Siquijor ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 22. D. erythrorhynchus, nest and egg figured ; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, pi. Prionochilus samarensis , n. sp., Samar, Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 22. Parmoptila woodJiousei, Cass., does not belong to the Diceidcc but to the Timeliidas A. Reiciienow, J. f. O. 1890, p. 127. Prionochilus johannes, $ described ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1890, p. 54. Achmonorhynchus, n. g. Type, A. vincens (Sclater), from Ceylon ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 382. Pholidornis jamesoni, n. sp., from the Aruwhimi River ; G. E. Shelley, Ibis, 1890, p. 163, pi. v, fig. 1. Family Zosteropida;. Zosterops clara figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, pi. viii, fig. 3. Z. palpebrosa , nest and egg figured ; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, pi. Z. pallidipes, n. sp., Rossel I., Louisiade Archipelago ; C. W. De Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 112. Z. basilanica,n. sp., Basilan, Samar, Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 21. Z. demeryi and Z. obsoleta , n. spp., Liberia ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 202 & 203. Family Paridas. Par ides, notes on the osteology of ; F. A. Lucas, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 337-345, pi. xxvii. Parus cristatus , in England ; J. H. Gurney, Zool. 1890, pp. 210-213 : AVES. 54 J.ves . figured ; Lord Lilpord, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xvi, P. ombriosus , n. spM Hierro I., Canaries ; E. G. Meade-Waldo, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 103. P. ultramarinus and P. teneriffe figured ; A. Koenig, J. f. 0. 1890, tab. iv. P. amabilis , in Palawan ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1890, p. 52. P. palustris and P. borealis , vertical distribution ; F. de Sciiaeck, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 179. P. bocharensis , n. var, intermedius, Central Asia ; N. Zarudnoi, Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc. 1889, pp. 789 & 790. Auriparus flaviceps ornatusi n. subsp., hab. P ; W. E. Bryant, Zoe, i, pp. 149 & 150. Psaltriparus minimus calif ornicus , its nest, Berkeley, Cal. ; C. A. Keeler, t. c . p. 151. Sphenostoma cristata, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig. 5. Xerophila leucopsis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 14, Family Chanleid;e. Notes on the osteology of Ghamceidce ; F. A. Lucas, P. U, S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 337-345, pi, xxvii. Family Regulid/e. Regulus satelles [Zool. Rec. xxvi, Aves , p. 51, = R. teneriffce, Seeb.], fig. 1, and R. cristatus , fig. 2, figured ; A. Koenig, J. f. O, 1890, tab. v: eggs of both figured ; id. t. c. tab, viii, figs. 8 & 9. R. teneriffce , in Palma ; H. B. Tristram, Ibis, 1890, p. 73. R. calendula , breeding in Arizona ; J. Swinburne, Auk, 1890, pp. 97 & 98. Family LANiiDiE. Lanius major , notes on ; O. Y. Aplin, Zool. (3) xiv, pp. 27-29. L. minor figured ; Lord Lilpord, Col. Fig. Br, Birds, pt. xv. L. rutilus figured ; id. t. c. L. liomeyeri breeding in Siebenburgen ; J. VON Csat6, Orn. Jahrb. i, pp. 163-167. Strepera rosa-alba, n. sp., Sudest I., Louisiade Archipelago ; C. W. De Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p, 110. Gymnorhina tibicen , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. vii, figs. 4-6. G. organicum , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi, vii, fig. 9. Cracticus robustus , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 8. Hypocolius ampelinus figured ; P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 147, pi. XV. Struthidea cinereai egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig. 8. Oreoica cristata , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi, viii, fig. 6. Cochoa is a Thrush ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 158. Collyriocincla parvissima , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig, J. - C, harmonica ; id, t. c. pi. viii, figs. 2-4. C. dis- color, n. sp., Rossel I„ Louisiades ; C, W, De Yis Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 111. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 55 Pachycephala gilberti , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig. 10. P. olivacea ; id. t. c. pi. viii, fig. 11. P. guttu- ralis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii, fig. 9. P. rufiventris , P. melanura ; id. t. c. pi. xii, figs. 11 & 12. P. meyeri, n. sp., Mount Arfak ; T. Salvadori, Mem. R. Accad. Torino (2) xi, p. 230. Muscitrea grisola (Blyth), associated with Pachycephala by Dr. Gadow, is a Flycatcher ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 31. Hyloterpe homey eri , n. sp., Sulu Is. ; W. Blasius, J. f. O. 1890, p. 143. Falcunculus frontatus , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig. 9. Family Artamid^e. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. Artamidce. 8vo, 1890, pp. 1-21. 2 genera recognised, Artamus , with 17 species, and Pseudochelidon) with 1 species. Artamus hypoleucus, nom. emend, pro “ A. albiventris, Gould” [ nec Less.] ; R. B, Sharpe, t. c. p. 17. A. rnelanops , egg figured; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig. 13. A. sordidus ; id. t. c. pi. viii, fig. 14. Family Ampelidas. Ampelis cedrorum , in Mexico ; G. Desfontaines, Nat. Mex. (2) i, pp. 415-418. Family Vireonid,®. Vireo gracilirostris , n. sp., Fernando Noronha ; R. B. Sharpe, J. L. S. xx, p. 478. V. fiaviviridis , breeding in Costa Rica; G. K. Cherie, Auk, vii, pp. 329-331. V. olivaceus breeds in Western Mexico and Honduras ; 0. Salvin, Ibis, 1890, p. 84. V. vicinior californicus , n. subsp.; F. Stephens, Auk, vii, pp. 159 & 160. Family Sylviid.®. Sylvia nisoria , in Ireland ; A. G. More, Zool. 1890, p. 310. S. orphea figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv. S. nisoria figured ; id. t. c. Phylloscopus superciliosusy in the Scilly Is. ; J. H. Jenkinson, Ibis, 1890, p. 387. Acanthiza nana, egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 16. Sericornis frontalis , egg figured; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 16. S. citreogularis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 5. Lusciniola ( Herbivocula ) schwarzi figured ; Th. Pleske, Orn. Ross. 56 Aves. AYES. taf. iii, figs. 1 & 2. L. neglecta ; id. taf. iii. figs. 3 & 4. L. ( Dumeticola ) intermedia , figured ; id. taf. iii, fig. 5. Acrocephalus dumetorum , var. affinis ; N. Zarudnoi, Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc. 1890, pp. 25 & 26. Acrocephalus ( Calamodus ) bistrigiceps figured ; Tn. Pleske, Orn. Ross, taf. iii, fig. 6. Bradypterus alfredi , n. sp., Equatorial Africa ; G. Hartlaub, J. f. 0. 1890, p. 152. Amytis striatus , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. ix, fig. 10. Sphenura longirostris , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. viii, fig. 15. S. brachy- ptera ; id. t. c. pi. viii, fig. 16. Malurus , change of plumage in members of this genus ; id. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 505-509. M. callainus, egg figured ; id. Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 18. M. melanotus ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 19. Orthotomus sutorius, nest and eggs figured ; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, pi. i. O. panayensis , n. sp., Panay, O. samarensis , n. sp., Samar ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 20. Burnesia reichenowi n. sp., Equatorial Africa ; G. Hartlaub, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 151 & 152. Family Turdidaj. Belding, L. The Small Thrushes of California. [With Notes by W. E. Bryant.] Proc. Gal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 57-72. Notes on T. ustulatus} T. ustulatus siuainsoni , T. aonalaschJcce , T. aona~ laschkce auduboni , and T. sequoiensis \vide infra]. Cochoa belongs to the Turdidce ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 158. Qeocichla avensis (Gray) = O. interpres (Kuhl.) ; id. t. c. p. 138, note. G. macrorhyncha , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xi, fig. 1. Turdas merula , notes on habits ; H. P. Leonard, P. Bristol. Soc. (n.s.) vi, pp. 202-212. Turdus sequoiensis , n. sp., California ; L. Belding, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 18 & 19. T.fuscatus in Norway; R. Collett, Orn. Jahrb. i, p. 37. Merula migratoria} roosting habits in summer ; W. Brewster, Auk, vii, pp. 360-373. M. vanuensis , nom. emend, pro “ M. vitiensis , Layard” ; H. Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1890, p, 667. M. layardi) n. sp., Yiti Levu ; id. ibid. M. vinitincta, nests described and egg figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Austr. Mus. i, p. 36, pi. i, fig. 5. M. papuensis, n. sp., Owen Stanley Mts., S.E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 112. Copsychus adamsi , n. sp., Sandakan, N.E. Borneo ; D. G. Elliot, Auk, vii, p. 348 [=C. niger, Wardlaw Ramsay, R. B. S. in Nature, 1890, p. 647; D. G. Elliot, Auk, viii, p. 117]. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 57 Cossypha bartteloti , n. sp., Aruwhimi River ; G. E. Shelley, Ibis, 1890, p. 159, pi. v, fig. 2. Cittocincla melanura figured ; E. Modigliani, Viagg. a Nias, tav. v. C. cebuensis , n. sp., Cebu ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 20. Myiadestes townsendi wintering in Montana ; R. S. Williams, Auk, 1890, p. 98. Phceornis obscura figured ; S. B. Wilson & A. H. ISvans, Av. Haw, pt. i. Sialia mexicana anabelce , n. subsp. ; A. W. Anthony, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 79. Grandala is allied to the Redstarts ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 110. Erithacus superbus [Zool. Rec. xxvi, p. 50], figs. 1 & 2, and E. rubecula (Palma), fig. 3 ; A. Koenig, J. f. O. 1890, tab. iii : eggs of both figured ; id. t. c. tab. viii, figs. 4-6. E. rubecula in Palma ; H. B. Tristram, Ibis, 1890, p. 72. Tliamnoloca shelleyi and allies, with identification of Oenanthe nigra (V.) ; A. Reichenow, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 77 & 78. Pratincola emnice, n. sp., Equatorial Africa ; G. Hartlaub, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 152 & 153. P. robusta, Tristram, is a large race of P. sybilla , from Madagascar, and the Indian habitat is erroneous; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 68, note. Saxicola capistrata distinct from S. picata ; id. t. c. pp. 71-73. S. barnesi, ii. sp., Afghanistan ; id. t. c. p. 75. Family Cinclidj:. Cinclus aquaticus in Mecklenberg; C. Struck, Arch. Ver. Mecklenb. xliii, p. 254. Family Troglodytid.®. Troglodytes tanneri , n. sp., Clarion I. ; C. H. Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 133. T.furvus rex, n. subsp., Bolivia ; H. von Berlepsch & P. Leverkuhn, Ornis, vi, p. 6. Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis , n. sp., Rio Grande Talley, Texas ; G. B. Sennett, Auk, 1890, pp. 57-60. T. ludovicianus miamensis , notes on ; J. A. Allen, op. cit. vii, pp. 115-117. Family Mimid^e. Mimus arenaceus , n. sp., Bahia ; F. M. Chapman, Auk, vii, pp. 135 & 136. Family TimeliidvE. Eupetes macrocercus, new to Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p. 366. 58 Aves. AYES. Trochalopteron ningpoense , n. sp., Ningpo, China; A. David & E. Oustalet, Le Nat. xii, pp. 186 & 187. Dryonastes maesi , n. sp., Tonkin ; E. Oustalet, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 154-156. D. lugens , note on ; id. t. c. p. 156. D. germaini , n. sp., Cochin China; id. t. c. pp. 157-158. Malarias castanopterus, n. sp., Karen Hills, British Burmah ; T. Sal- vadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 363. Crateropus larvatus , n. sp., Madras ; E. Habtebt, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 154 & 155. Psophodes crepitans , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. viii, fig. 7. Cinclosoma punctatum, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xi, fig. 10. Grallina picata, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. viii, fig. 12. Pomatostomus temporalis , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 7. Orthonyx spaldingi , nest described and egg figured ; id. Bee. Austr. Mus. i, p. 32, pi. i, fig. 2. Pycnoptilus fioccosus , egg figured ; id. Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. ix, fig. 6. Pyrrholaunus brunneus , egg figured; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 15. Macrosphenus fluvicans , from the Aruwhimi River ; G. E. Shelley, Ibis, 1890, p. 160. A Trichocichla, n. g. Type, T. rnfa , n. sp., Yiti-Levu ; A. Reichenow, J. f . O. 1890, p. 489. Origma rubricata , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 8. Ephthianura albi/rons, egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 11. E. tricolor ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 12. Setaria samarensis, n. sp., Mindanao, Samar ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 16. Ptilocichla (?) basilanica, n. sp., Basilan, P. (?) mindanensis , n. sp., Mindanao ; id. t. c. p. 18. Ptilopyga mindanensis , n. sp., Mindanao ; W. Blasius, J. f. O. 1890, p. 146. Macronus mindanensis , n. sp., Mindanao, Samar, Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 17. Liothrix lutea (Scop.), from China, distinct from L. calipyga (Hodg.), off the Himalayas ; H. Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 343. Alcippe hueti, from China, is distinct from A. nipalensis ; id. t. c. p.343. Mixornis nigrocapitatus , n. sp., Samar and Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 17. Mixornis plateni, n. sp., Mindanao ; W. Blasius, J. f. O. 1890, p. 147. Suthora feae, n. sp., Karen Mts., British Burmah ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 363. Chalcoparia belongs to the Liotrichidce ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 372. Parmoptila, Cass., considered to belong to this family ; A. Reichenow, J. f. O. 1890, p. 127 [= Pholidornis ( Diceidce ).] PASSERIFORMES. Aves 59 Family Pycnonotid;e. Hemixus canipennis, n. sp., Foochow, China ; H. Seeboiim, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 343, pi. xxvii, fig. 1. H. castanonotus figured ; id. t. c. pi. xxvii, fig. 2. Iole guimaracensis , n. sp., Guimaras, Panay, Negros ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 19. I. mindorensis , n. sp., Mindoro ; id. t. c. p. 19. I. siquiorensis, n. sp. ; id. ibid. I. schmacJceri , n. sp., Mindoro ; E. Hartert, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 155 & 156 [= I. mindorensis , ut supra]. Pycnonotus nehrkorni, n. sp., Mindanao ; W. Blasius, J. f. 0. 1890, p. 147. Criniger haynaldi, n. sp., Sulu Is. ; id. t. c. p. 143. Poliolophus basilanicus, n. sp., Mindanao and Basilan ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 19. * Phacelias , nom. emend, pro “ Kelaartia , Blyth.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 67. Irena ellce, n. sp., Samar and Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 18. Family Campo phagid^e . Artamides mindorensis , n. sp., Mindoro ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 14. A. mindanensis , n. sp., Mindanao ; id. ibid. A. panayensis , n. sp., Guimaras, Panay, and Masbate ; id. ibid. Pteropodocys phasianella , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. ix, fig. 2. Graucalus hypoleucus , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 1. G. mentalis , G. melanops ; id. t. c. pi. ix, figs. 3 & 4. G. longicauda , n. sp , Owen Stanley Mts., S.E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Vis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 110. Edoliisoma nehrkorni , n. sp., Waigiou ; Salvadori, Agg. Orn. Pap. in Mem. R. Accad. Torino (2) xi, p. 217. E. panay ensis, n. sp., Guimaras and Panay ; J. B. Steere, List Birds aud Mamm. Philipp, p. 14. Pseudolalage minor , n. sp., Mindanao ; id. t. c. p. 15. Pericrocotus leytensis , n. sp., Leyte ; id. ibid. Family Muscicapimj, Siphia mandellii (Hume) = Alseonax muttui (Layard) ; E. W. Oates, t. c. p. 36. Muscicapa rujicauda, Swains., is an Alceonax ; id. ibid. Diaphorophyia jamesoni , n. sp., Yambuya, Aruwhimi River ; R. B. Sharpe, App. Jameson’s “Rear Column,” p. 414. Muscicapa parva , Bechst., and M. albicilla, Pall., belong to the genus Siphia ; E W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 9. M. parva, in Nor- folk ; F. M. Ogilvie, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 616 & 617 : figured ; Lord Lil- 60 Aves. AYES. ford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, pt. xv : breeding in Steiermark ; P. F. S . Bauer, Orn. Jahrb. i, pp . 1 1 2—117 ; in N. Bohemia ; F. Kralert, t.c pp. 157& 158. Erythrosterna sordida , Godw. Aust.= Cyornis hodgsoni (Yerr.) $ ; E.W. Oates, t. c. p. 16. Muscicapula mindanemis , n. sp., Mindanao ; W. Blasius, J. f. 0. 1890, pp. 147 & 148. Chasiempis sclateri , Ridgw., and G. ibidis, Stejn., = C. sandwichensis (6m.), all collected in Oahu I. by Prof. Behn ; H. v. Berlepsch & P. Leverkuhn, Ornis, vi, pp. 2-5, taf. 1, fig. 3. Heteromykis cinereifrons , nest described and egg figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Austr. Mus. i, pp. 37 & 38, pi. i, fig. 4. Pcecilodryas (?) sigillata, n. sp., Owen Stanley Mts., New Guinea ; C. W. de Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 109. Hypothymis samarensis, n. sp., Samar and Leyte ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 16. H. ceylonensis , Sharpe, = H. azurea (Bodd.), but H. tytleri (Beavan) from the Andamans, is distinct ; E. W. Oates, t. c. pp. 49 & 56. Cyanomyias helence , n. sp., Samar ; J. B. Steere, List Birds and Mamm. Philipp, p. 16. Todopsis Jcownldl , n. sp., Owen Stanley Mts., S.E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. pp. 109 & 110. Trochocercus nigromitratus distinct from T. nitens , Cass. ; A. Reiciie- Now, J. f. O. 1890, pp. 118 & 119. Rhipidura albicularis , n. sp., S.E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. p. 108. Terpsiphone insularis figured ; E. Modigliani, Yiagg. a Nias, taf. xi. T. nicobarica , n. sp., Andaman and Nicobar Is. ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 48. Cryptolopha montis, in Palawan (2000 feet) ; J. Whitehead, Ibis, 1890, p. 48. Arses orientalis, n. sp., Rigo, S.E. New Guinea; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 566. Piezorhynchus florencias , n. sp., Solomon Is. ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p. 206. Monarcha melanops , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. ix, fig. 9. Pomarea leucophthalmus, n. sp., Howla I., Solomons ; E. P. Ramsay, Rec. Austr. Mus. i, pp. 4 & 5. Cyornis : the genus contains, amongst other species, the following : — Muscitrea cyanea , Hume, Poliomyias hodgsoni (Yerr.), Muscicapula hyperythra (Blyth), Digenea leucomelanura , Hodgs., D. cerviniventris , Sharpe, Muscicapa superciliary Jerd., M. melanoleuca , Blyth, M. astigma, Hodgs., Muscicapula sapphira , Tickell ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, pp. 1 1-20. Niltava oatesi , Salvad., Muscicapa pallidipes (Jerd.), also belong to Cyornis ; id. t. c. pp. 20-22. Siphia is distinct from Cyornis ; id. t. c. p. 7. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 61 & everetti , n. sp., Mt. Penrisen, Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p. 366. S. vordermanni , n. sp., Java, S. elopurensis , n. sp., N.E. Borneo ; id. t. c. p. 206. Cyornis poliogenys , Brooks, and C. olivacea, Hume, belong to the genus A nlhipes ; E. W. Oates, t. c. pp. 33 & 34. Muscitrea grisola (Blyth) is allied to Anthipes ; id. t. c. p. 30. Family Hirundinid2E. Sharpe, R. B., & Wyatt, C. W. A Monograph of the Hirundinidce , or Family of Swallows. Pts. xiii & xiv. The species described and figured are Stelgidopteryx serripennis , Petroclielidon pyrrhonota, P. swainsoni X erythrogastra, P. spilodera , Cotile cincta , C. paludicola , Hirundo euchrysea , H. daurica, H. striolata , II. nipalensis, II. erythropygia , Ghelidon nipalensis , and Tachycineta albiventris. Hirundo rustica , notes on the plumage ; J. BOttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 198-206 : at sea ; H. E. Purey-Cust, Nature, xlii, p. 100 : curious nest; W. W. Fowler, op. cit. xliii, pp. 80 &,318; R. H. Read, t. c. p. 176 : rate of flight ; J. Vian, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 82 & 83. II. urbica, rate of flight ; X. Raspail, t. c. pp. 103-105. H. japonioa, T. & S., and H. substriolata, Hume, = H. striolata , Temm. ; E. W. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 281. H. intermedia , Hume, = II. daurica , Linn. ; id. t. c. p. 282. Cecropis arctivitta , Swinh., = II. nepalensis , Hodgs. ; id. t. c. p. 282. Callichelidon cyaneoviridis in Florida ; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, vii, p. 265. Petroclielidon fulva in Florida ; id. t. c. p. 264. P. nigrifrons , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xiii, fig. 14. Cheramceca leucosternum , egg figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii, fig. 15. Section B. OLIGOMYODAE. Family Tyrannid,®. Todirostrum cinereum , nesting habits; G. K. Cherie, Auk, vii, pp. 233-235. Elainea pagano , nest ; id. t. c. p. 235. Myiozetetes texensis , nest ; id. t. c. p. 235. Empido'nax pusillus and E. dijjicilis, nests and eggs ; H. R. Taylor, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 88 & 89. Myiarchus tyrannulus chlorepiscius) n. subsp., Matto Grosso ; II. v. Berlepsch & P. Leverkuhn, Ornis, vi, pp. 16 & 17. Family Piprid^c. Piprites griseiceps figured ; O. Salvin & F. D. Godman, Biol. Centr. Am., Aves , ii, pi. xli, fig. 3. 62 Aves. AYES. Chiromachceris aurantiaca figured ; iid. t. c. tab. xli, figs. 1 & 2. Heterocerous angosturce , n. sp., Angostura ; H. v. Berlepscii & P. LeverkDiin, Ornis, vi, p. 18. Family Cotingid^:. Tityra pelzelni , n. sp., Brazil ; O. Salvin & F. D. GodmAN, Biol. Centr. Am., Aves , ii, p. 120, note. T. buclcleyi , n. sp., E. Ecuador ; iid. t. c. p. 120, note. Platypsaris albiventris , from Southern Arizona ; W. W, Price, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 89. Pachyrhamphus cinereiventris figured ; 0. Salvin & F. D. Godman, Biol. Centr. Am., Aves , ii, pi. xliii, fig. 1. P. albogriseus , $ ? figured ; iid. t. c. pi. xliii, figs. 2 & 3. Carpodectus nitidus figured ; iid. t. c. pi. xlii. Family Pittiile. Pitta lor ice , n. sp., Su-a-u I., S.E. New Guinea ; T. SalvadorI, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 579. P. strepitans , egg figured ; A. J. North, Nests and Eggs Austr. B. pi. xi, fig. 7. P. simillima, P. macklotii ; id. t. c. pi. xi, figs. 8 & 9. Family DENDROCOLAPTimE. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [Yol. xv of The Catalogue of Birds.] Tracheophonce. 8vo, 1890. 5 subfamilies recognised : I. Furnariince (39 species) ; n. Synallaxinaz (101 species) ; hi, Philydorinct (67 species) ; iv. Sclerurince (6 copies) ; v. Dendrocolaptince (80 species). Elliot, D. G. A Study of the Genus Dendrornis and its Species. Auk, vii, pp. 160-189. 22 species recognised. Supplementary notes ; id. t. c. pp. 207 & 208. Subfamily FURNARiiNiE. Geositta crassirostris figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, p!.i. Furnarius torridus figured ; id. t. c. pi. ii. Subfamily Synallaxin^e. Synallaxis adusta figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, ph iii. S. [ lege Siptornis) p. 62] subcristuta figured ; id. t. c. pi. iv. S. cabanisi, n. sp., Peru ; H. v. Berlepsch & P. Leverkuiin, Ornis, vi, pp. 21 & 22. 8. heterocerca, n. sp., Argentine Republic ; iid. t. c. pp. 22-24. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 63 Subfamily PiiilydoriNcE. ^ Phacelodomus, nom. emend, pro “ Phacellodomus or Placellodomus , auct.” ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, p. 79. P. rufipennis figured ; id. t. c. pi. v. Automolus holostictus and A. rubidus figured ; id. t. c. pis. vi & vii. Philydor erythronotus and P. consobrinus figured ; id. t. c. pis. viii & ix. , Homorus galathece figured ; H. V. Berlepsch & P. LeveRkOhn, Ornis, vi, p. 24, taf. ii, fig. 1. Subfamily DendrocolaptiNcE. Dendrornis polysticta figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, pi. x. D. lineatocapilla, n. sp., Angostura ; H. v. Berlepsch & P. Leverkuhn, Ornis, vi, pp. 24 & 25, taf. i, fig. 1. Xiphocolaptes procurvus , Cab., described ; R. Ridgway, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 47. X albicollis (Licht.), described ; id. t. c. p. 48. Family Formic ariime. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [Yol. xv of The Catalogue of Birds.] Tracheophonce , Formicariidce. 8vo, 1890. The family is divided into 3 subfamilies : i. Thamnophilince (80 species) ; n. Formicariince (130 species) ; in. Grallariince (44 species). Subfamily Thamnophilince. Thamnophilus puncticeps , nom. emend, pro “ T. pollutust Scl. & Salv. (nec Licht.), ex Ecuador ” ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. p. 212. T. cethiops , $ ? figured ; id. t. c. pi. xi. T. nigriceps figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii. T. insignis figured ; id. t. c. pi. xiii. T. albinuchalis figured; id. t. c. pi. xiv. Subfamily FormicariincE. Myrmotlierula erylhrura , $ ? figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, pi. xv. M. inornaia , n. sp. ( ex Berlepsch MSS.), = M. unicolor , Salv. (nec M6netr.), Guiana and Colombia ; id. t. c. p. 243. M. behni , n. sp., Bogota ; H. v. Berlepsch & P. Leverkuhn, Ornis, vi, pp. 25 & 26, taE. i, fig. 2. Myrmeciza pelzelni, n. sp. (= M. ruficauda , Pelz., nec Neuwied), Cayenne and Lower Amazonia ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, p. 283. Ilypocnemis lepidonota , $ $ figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, pi. xvi. Subfamily GrallariiNcE. Gtallaria haplonota (pi. xvii), G. erythrotis (pi. xviii), G. rufocinerea (pi. xix), G. fulviventris (pi. xx), figured ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. 64 Aves . AVES. Mus. xv. G. nigrolineata , n. sp. (ex Berlepsch MSS.), Venezuela ; id. t. c. p. 321. G. haplonota , Scl., figured ; H. v. Berlepsch & P. Lever- kOiin, Ornis, vi, p. 27, taf. ii, fig. 2. G. imperator intercedens , n. subsp., Bahia ; iid. t. c. p. 27. 'I Cabobwmon, nom. emend, pro “ Pittaaoma , Cass.” ; F. Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 123. I Thcimnocliaria , n. g. Type, T. dignissima (Scl. & Salv.) ; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, p. 210. Family Conopophagid.®. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [Vol. xv of The Catalogue of Birds.] Tracheophonce , Conopophagidce [pp. 329-336]. 11 species admitted. Family Pteuoptochidjs. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [Vol. xv of The Catalogue of Birds.] Tracheophonai , Pteroptocliidai [pp. 337-352]. 21 species admitted. Lioscelis erythrceus , n. sp., W. Ecuador; P. L. Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xv, p. 345. PASSE RES ABNORMALES. The species of Atrichia described ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xiii, pp. 659-660. Rept. 1 REPTIL1A AND BATRACHIA. BY Gr. A. Boulenger. GENERAL.* Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Families of Vertebrata. Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 849-877. [Issued March, 1890.] Batrachians and Reptiles are classified as follows ; — Class Batrachia. Subclass I. Stegocephali. Order i. GanocephalL Fams. Trimerorliachidce, Archego- sauridce. ' Order n. RiiachiTomi. Fam. Eryopidce. Order in. EmboloMEri. Fam. Cricotidce. Order iv. MicROSAURi. Fams. Branchiosauridcey Hylonomidai , Molgophidce , Phlegthontiidce. Subclass II. Urodela. Order i. Proteida. Fam. Proteidcu. Order II. Pseudosauria. Fam. Cryptobranchidai, Ambly- stomidai, lhgnobiidai, Pletliodontidce , Thori- idce , DesmognathidWy Salamandridcey Pleurodelidce , A mphiumidce , Cceciliidm. Order ill. Trachystomata. Fam. Sirenidce. Subclass III. Salientia. Order. Anura. Suborder 1. Aglossa. Fams. Xenopidce, Pipidce. Suborder 2. Arcifera. Fams. Discoglossida , Bufonidce , Dendrophryniscidcc , Asterophrydidcc , Peln- dy tidal, Scaphiopidce , Hylidai , Cystignath- ‘ idai, Amphignathodontidce, Hemiphractidcu. Suborder 3. Gastrechmia. Fam. Hemisidce . * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] D 1 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Suborder 4. Fjrmisternia. Fams. Engystomidce, Phry- niscidai , Dendrobatuloi , Cophylidce , Zb/s- cophidaiy Colo8tethi(laiy Ranidas, Cerato- batrachidce. Class Monocondylia. Subclass I. Reptilia. Order i. Ichthyopterygia. Fams. Ichthyosaur idee, Mixo- sauridee. Order n. Testudinata. Suborder 1. ATHECiE. Fam. Dermochelydce. Suborder 2. Trionychoidea. Fam. Trionychid/ce. Suborder 3. Cryptodira. Fams. Chelomidccy Testudin - ulcEy Cinosternidcc , DermatemydklcCy Chely- dridcc, Baenidcc , Adocidce. Suborder 4. Pleurodira. . Fams. Pleurosternidaiy Sterno- theeridee , Pelomedusidce , Plesiochelydidcc , ChelydidcBy Carettochelydidoi. Order in. Tiieromora. Suborder 1. Placodontia. Fam. Placodontidcc. Suborder 2. Pkoganosauria. Fams. Mesosaurklait Pro - colophodontidoiy Paloiohatteruda}, Ilomceo- sauridaiy Proterosauridce , Rhynchosauruhc. Suborder 3. Parasuchia. Fams ..Relodontidce, Acto- sauridee. Suborder 4. Anomodontia. Fam. Dicynodontidai. Suborder 5. Pelycosauria. Fams. Clepsydropida Pariotichidce, Bolosauridce. Suborder G. Cotylosauria. Fams. Pariasauridce , Zb’a- dectidce. Order iv. Plesiosauria. Fam. Plesiosaurulce , Nothosauridce, Lariosauridas. Order v. Ornitiiosauria. Fams. Pteranodontidce, Ptero - dactylidce. Order vi. Dinosauria. Suborder 1. Saurischia. Fams. Cetiosauridce , Ccduridai , Megalosauridcc. Suborder 2. Ortiiopoda. Fams. Agathaumidce, Omo- sauridee, Scelidosauridte, Iguanodontidw. Order vn. Crogodilia. Fams. Crocodilida ?, Goniopholidce , Teleosauridce. Order vm. Riiynchocepiialia. Suborder 1. Sphenodontina. Fam . Splienodontidai. Suborder 2. Choristodera. Fam. Champsosauridcc. Order ix. Squamata. Suborder 1. Lacertilia. (For minor divisions, see Zool. Rec. xxiv, Rept. p. 7.) Suborder 2. Pythonomorpha. Fams. Plioplatecarphlce , Mosasauridce. GENERAL. Rept. 8 Suborder 3. Opitidia. Superfam. 1. Catodonta. Fam. Stenostomidce. Superfam. 2. Epanodonta. Fam. Typhlopidce. Superfam. 3. Tortricina. Fams. Tortricidce, Uro- peltidos. Superfam. 4. Asinea. Fams. Xenopeltidce, Pythonidce, Boidce, Charinidce, Acrochordidaz , Nothop- sidce , Colubridce. Superfam. 5. Proteroglypiia. Fams. Hydrophidce , Najidce , Elapidce , Dendraspididce. Superfam. 6. Solenoglypiia. Fams. Causidai, Atractaspididce , Viperidce, Crotalidm. Zittel, K. A. Handbuch der Palaeontologie. I. Abtheilung : Palseo- zoologie. hi. Band. 4. Lieferung. Munich and Leipzig : 1890, 8vo, pp. 633-900, woodcuts. This part concludes the account of the Reptilia. Steinmann, Gr., & DOderlein, L. Elemente der Palaeontologie. n. Halfte. Evertebrata (Schluss) und Yertebrata. Leipzig: 1890, 8vo, pp. 337-848, figs. Yertebrata by L. Doderlein. Batrachians and Reptiles, pp. 587-668. The Amphibia (Batrachia), Reptilia, and Mammalia are grouped together as Quadrupeda. The Saururce and Birds are regarded as orders of a class, Sauropsida, which contains the various orders of Reptilia. Lydekicer, R.. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). Part IV. Containing the Orders Anomodontia, Ecaudata , Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia ; and Supplement. London : 1890, 8vo, 295 pp., woodcuts. Rose, C. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens der Wirbelthiere. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 27-96, pis. iv & v. Leydig, F. Das Parietalorgan der Amphibien und Reptilien. Anato- misch-histologische Untersucbung. Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, pp. 441— 550, 7 pis. , . . After describing the parietal organ in Batrachians, Lacerta, Varanus , Anguis, Chalcides, and Spkenodon, and especially the two additional parietal “ eyes” in Anguis [discovered by M. Duval & Kalt, CR. Soc. Biol. (9) i, 1889, p. 85], the author sums up by stating that in his belief the question of the significance of this organ remains as obscure as ever ; a comparison with the ocelli of insects, although open to much criticism, appears to him not to be out of question. . Das Parietalorgan. Zweite vorlaufige Mittheilung. Biol. Cen- tralbl. x, pp. 278-285. Selenka, E. Das Stirnorgan der Wirbeltiere. 1. c. pp. 323-326. Born, G. Ueber das Schcitelauge. J. Ber. Schles. Ges. lxvii, pp. 14-17. 4 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACH1A. Dogiel, A. S. Methylenblautinktion der motorischen Nervenendigungen in den Muskeln der Amphibien und Beptilien. Arcb. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 305-320, pi. xvi. Vai leant, L. Les Collections d’herpdtologie et d’ichthyologie au Museum d’histoire naturelle. Bev. Sci. xlv, pp. 513-522. Werner, F. Ueber die geographische Yerbreitung einiger Beptilien. Verb. z.-b. Wien, xl, SB. pp. 37-39. F. Werner, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 335-341, has notes on North African Beptiles and Batrachians in captivity. FAUNAE. Europe. Purigen, B. Deutsehlands Amphibien und Beptilien. Magdeburg : 1890, 8 vo. Heft i, pp. 1-48, pi. v. Chelonia and introduction to Lacertilia. Wolterstorff, W. Ueber die Geographische Verbroitung dor Amphi- bien Deutsehlands, insbosondere Wurttembergs. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xlvi, pp. 125-134. / Meyer, A. B., & Helm, F. V. Jahresbericht fiber ornithologischcn Beobachtungstationen im Konigreich Sachsen, Anhang. Beptilien und Amphibien, pp. 72-74. Link, J. A. 'Kriechthiere und Lurche der Hassberge und deren Umge- bung. Ber. naturf. Ges. Bamberg, xv, pp. 26-35. Fatio, Y. Faunedes Yertebr^s de la Suisse. Vol. v. (Geneva : 1890.) A supplement of 13 pp. is devoted to the Beptiles and Batrachians. For a first supplement, cf. Zool. Bee. xix, Rept. p. 2. On the Snakes of the French Jura ; De Chaignon, Bull. Soc. Saone, iv, pp. 288-293. Bedriaga, J. de. Amphibiens et Beptiles recueillis en Portugal par M. Adolphe F. Moller. Coimbra : 1890, 8vo, 87 pp. Beprint from O Instituto, Bevista scientifica e litteraria, Coimbra, xxxvi-xxxviii. Mina-Palumbo, F. Bettili ed Anfibi Nebrodensi. Nat. Sicil. ix, pp. 91-95, 256-261, 279-283, & x, pp. 5-8. Continuation. (Cf. Zool. Bee. xxvi, Rept. p. 3.) Bcettger, O. Fortsetzung der Liste der bei Prevesa in Epirus gesam- melten Kriechtiere. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 299-301. Asta. Bcettger, O. Batrachier und Beptilien aus Kleinasien. Ber, Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 293-295. Zaroudnoi, N. Becherches Zoologiques dans la Contree Transcaspienne. Beptiles et Ampliibies. Bull. Mosc. 1890, pp. 288-298. FAUNjE. Rept. 5 Pfeffer, G. Die Fauna der Insel Jeretik, Port Wladimir, an der Murman-kiiste, nach den Sammlungen des Herrn Kapitan Horn. 1. Teil. Die Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische, Mollusken, Brachio- podon, Krebse, Pantopoden, and Eckinodermen. JB. Hamb. vii, pp. 63-96. Lacerta vivipara , Jacq., and Rana arvalis , Nilsson [no doubt R. tem- poraria is the frog collected, not R. arvalis. — Rec.], p. 74. Boulenger, G. A. A List of the Reptiles and Batrachians of Amoor- land. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 137-144, pi. ix. ['to the species mentioned should be added Trionyx chinensis , Wiegm. — Rec.] ■ . The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rep- tilia and Batrachia. London : 1890, 8vo, xviii, 541 pp., 142 figs. Weber, M. Reptilia from the Malay Archipelago, i. Sauria, Croco- ' dilidoi, Chelonia. M. Weber’s Zoologische Ergebnisse (Leyden : 1890), pp. 159-177, pi. xiv. On a collection made in Sumatra, Java, Flores, Celebes, and Saleyer. Lidth de Jeude, T. W. van. Reptilia from the Malay Archipelago. ii. Ophidia. T. c. pp. 178-192, pis. xv & xvi. A continuation of the above paper. Boulenger, G. A. List of the Reptiles, Batrachians, and Freshwater Fishes collected by Professor Moesch and Mr. Iversen in the district of Deli, Sumatra. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 31-40. Lidtii de Jeude, T. W. van. On a Collection of Snakes from Deli. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 17-27, pi. i. Remarks on the above paper by Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 32. . On a Collection of Reptiles from Nias. T. c. pp. 253-256. Mocquard, F. Recherches sur la Faune herpetologique des lies de Borneo et de Palawan. N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pp. 115-168, pis. vii-xi. Africa. Buttikofer, J. Reisebilder aus Liberia, n. Die Bewohner Liberia ’s.- Thierwelt. Leyden: 1890, 8 vo, 510 pp., figs., pis. The author has compiled a chapter on the herpetological fauna pp. 435-447. Matsciiie, P. Verzeichniss von Reptilien von Bismarckburg in Togo- lande. Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, pp. 612-618. . Ueber eine kleine Sammlung von Reptilien und Amphibien aus Sud-Afrika. T. c. pp. 605-611. From the Zoutpansberg district, Transvaal. Gunther, A. Tenth Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fauna of Madagascar. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 69-72, pi. vi. 6 Rept. REPTILIA AND BAT RAC HI A. America. Stejneger, L. Annotated List of Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Dr. C. Hart Morriam and Vernon Bailey on tho San Francisco Mountain Plateau and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona, with Descriptions of New Species. North American Fauna (U.S. Dept, of Agriculture), No. 3, pp. 103-118, pi. xii. Townsend, C. H. Reptiles from Clarion and Socorro Islands and the Gulf of California, with Description of a New Species. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 143 & 144. Bocourt, F. Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l’Am6riquo Centrale. 3® partie. Etudes sur les Reptiles et lcs Batraciens. Paris : 1890, folio, 12® livr., pp. 697-732, pis. xxv, xxvi, & xlviii-li. - Continuation of the Colubridce. Godman, F. D., & Salvin, 0. Biologia Centrali- Americana. Reptilia, by A. Gunther. Pp. 57-80, pis. xxvi-xxx, were issued in 1890. Herrera, A. L. Nota acerca de los Vertebrados del Valle de Mexico. Nat. Mex. (2) i, Reptiles, pp. 330-339, Batrachians, pp. 339 & 340. Ridley, H. N. Notes on the Zoology of Fernando Noronha. Reptilia, by G. A. Boulenger, J. L. S. xx, pp. 481 & 482. , Papuasia, Australia, and Polynesia. De Vis, C. W. Reptiles from New Guinea. P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) v, pp. 497-500. On Reptiles from the St. John River, New Guinea. Douglas- Ogilby, J. Report on a Zoological Collection from British New Guinea. Reptiles and Batrachians. Rec. Austral. Mus. i, pp. 89-101. . Report on a Zoological Collection from the Solomon Islands. Reptilia and Batrachia. T. c. pp. 5-7. Boulenger, G. A. Fourth Contribution to the Herpetology of the Solomon Islands. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 30 & 31, pi. ii. PALAEONTOLOGICAL. Gaudry, A. Les Enchainements du Monde animal dans les temps geologiques. Fossiles secondaires. Paris : 1890, 8vo, 322 pp., woodcuts. Reptiles and Batrachians, pp. 169-267. PALAEONTOLOGICAL, REPTILIA. Befit. 7 Woodward, A. S., & Sherborn. 0. D. A Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrata. London : 1890, 8vo, xxxv, 396 pp. Alphabetical list of the Reptiles and Batrachians, with synonyms and references, pp. 199-300. FeistMantEL, 0. Uebersichtliche Darstellung der geologisch-palaeonto- logischen Verhaltnisse Siid-Afrikas. I. Theil. Die Karoo-Formation und die dieselbe unterlagernden Schichten. Abb. Bohm. Ges. (7) iii (1889). A list of the Reptilia and Batrachia, with references, pp. 49-56. E. Wilson, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 364-366, gives a list of the type specimens of fossil Reptiles preserved in the Bristol Museum. REPTILIA. Brauns, D. Ein Beitrag zu der Stammesgeschichte der Sauropsiden. Leopoldina : 1890, pp. 147-152, 160-164, 186-188, & 201-203, woodcuts. i This careless compilation concludes with a classification of the Reptiles, to which, as based to a great extent on misrepresentations, mere allusion here will be sufficient. Bronn, H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. vi. Abth. iii. Reptilia, by C. K. Hoffmann. Lief. 67-69, pp. 2017-2089, pis. clxiii-clxx. ■ Concludes the account of the embryology. °TsCiian, A. Recherches sur Pextremitii ant^rieure des Oiseaux et des ' Reptiles. Geneva : 1889, 8vo, 63 pp. [Abstract in JB. Mineral. 1891, i, p. 145.] Butler, G. W. On the Subdivision of the Body-cavity in Lizards, - Crocodiles, and Birds. P. Z. S. 1889, pp. 452-474, pis. xlvi-xlix, . On the Relations of the l^it-bodies of the Sauropsida. T. c. pp. 602-613, pis. lix & lx. Deals principally with the relations of the Fat-bodies of Lizards and Crocodiles. W iedersheim, R. Ueber die Entwicklung des Urogenitalapparates bei Crocodilien und Schildkroten. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 410-464, figs., pis. xvi-xviii. [Abstract in Zool. Anz. v, pp. 337-344.] Chiarugi, G. Lo Sviluppo dei Nervi vago, accessorio, ipoglosso e primi cervicali nei Sauropsidi e nei Mammif eri. Atti (Mem.) Soc. Tosc. x, pp. 149-214, pis. xi & xii. Staderini, R. Sopra la distribuzione dei Nervi glosso-faringeo, vago e ipoglosso in alcuni Rettili ed Uccelli. Atti Acc. Fisiocr. Siena (4) i, pp. 585-597, figs. [1889]. 8 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. SQUAMATA. LACERTILIA. Boulenger, G. A. First Report on Additions to the Lizard Collection in the British Museum (Natural History). P. Z. S. 1800, pp. 77-86, pis. viii-xi. A list of the (93) species added since January, 1887, with descriptions of new genera and species. s Qppel, A. Ueber Vorderkopfsomiten und die Kopfhohle von Angitis fragilis. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 603-627, pi. xxx. Will, L. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gecko’s. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 592-600, figs. GeCKONIDAS. Saurodactylus , Fitz., is a valid genus ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 77. Gymnodactylus darmandcillei , n. sp., M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn p. 163, pi. xiv, fig. 1, Flores. G. balaensis, n. sp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, p. 144, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 125, pi. vii, fig. 1, Kina Baloo, Borneo. Agamura cruralis , Blanf., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 23. Hemidactylus gleadovii, Murray, figured by Boulenger, t. c. fig. 27. H. crasjiedotus, n. sp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, p. 145, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 126, pi. vii, fig. 2, North Borneo. Lygodac.tylus fischeri , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 80, pi, viii, fig. 1, Sierra Leone. Perochirus mestoni , n. sp., De Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1035, Queensland. Ptychozoon homaloccphalum , Cuv., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 31, Note on the eggs ; M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 165. J Platypholis, n. g., differing from Homopholis , Blgr., in the juxtaposed scales and the presence of praeanal pores ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 80. P. fasciatay n. sp., id. t. c, p, 81, pi. viii, fig. 2, Mombasa, E, Africa, EDBLEPHARIDAil. Eublepharis macutarius, Blyth, figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 33. Recorded from Transcaspia ; id. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 352. Agamic. Draco obscurus , Blgr., figured by Mocquard, N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pi. viii, fig. 1. squamata. Rept. 9 Gonyocephalus modestus , Mey., and dilophus , D. & B., redescribed by Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, pp. 90 & 92. J Pelturagonia, n. g., for P. cephalum, n. sp. ; Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, p. 144, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 130, pi. vii, fig. 4, Kina Baloo, Borneo. [= Japalura nigrilabris , Ptrs. — Rec.] Calotes cristatellus , Kuhl, notes on the eggs ; Mocquard, N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pp. 129 & 164, pi. vii, fig. 3. C. versicolor , Daud., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 42. A gama, micropholis, n. sp., Matschie, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, p. 607, Transvaal. Lophura amboinensis, Schloss., var. celebensis , Ptrs., notes by M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 167. Uromastix hardwickii, Gray, figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 45. Iguanidj:. G. A. Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 412-414, describes the dis- tinctive cranial characters of the Iguanoids allied to Iguana , viz. : Amblyrhynchus , Bell, Conoloplius , Fitz., Brachylophus, Wagl., Iguana , Laur., Metopoceros, Wagl , Gyclura , Harl., and Gtenosaura , Wiegm. Anolis salvini, Blgr., sailed , Gthr., tropidolepis , Blgr., ustus , Cope, godmani , Blgr., and crassulus , Cope, figured by Gunther, Biol. C. Am., Rept. pi. xxvii. A. panamensis, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 81, pi. viii, fig. 3, Panama. Basiliscus vittatus , Wgm., figured by Gunther, op. cit. pi. xxviii. Tropidurus albemarlensis, indefatigabilis, delanonis , duncanensis [— T. grayi , Bell], and abingdonii [= T. pacificus , Stdr.], n. spp., Baur, Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 478 & 479, Galapagos Is. Liocephalus bolivianus, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 82, pi. ix, Bolivia. Ctenosaura completa , Bocourt, figured by GOntiier, op. cit. pis. xxix & xxx. Crotaphytus baileyi, n. sp., Stejneger, N. Am. Faun. No. 3, p. 103, pi. xii, fig. 1, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, N. Mexico. C. silus, n. sp , id. t. c. p. 105, California and State of Washington. Uta stansburiana , B. & G., p. 106, ornata , B. & G., p. 107, and sym- metrica, Baird, p. 108 : notes by Stejneger, t. c. O. levis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 108, New Mexico. U. clarionensis , n. sp., Townsend, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 143, Clarion Is. Holbrookia maculala Jlavilenta, Cope* note by Stejneger, t. c. p. 109. Sceloporus omiltemanus, p. 66, Omilteme, Mexico, irazuensis. p. 67, Costa Rica, salvini , p. 68, Jalapa and Guatemala, rubriventris, p. 72, Omilteme, Mexico, jalapai , p. 74, Jalapa, pleurolepis , p. 74, Jalisco, Mexico, and tcapensis, p. 75, Teapa, Mexico, n. spp., Gunther, op. cit. S. clongatus, n. sp., Stejneger, t. c. p. Ill, Arizona. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. 10 JRept. Phvynosoma orbiculare , Hern. : anatomical and physiological notes by Herrera, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 332. P. hernandesi , Gir., p. 112, and ornatissima , Gir., p. 115, pi. xii, figs. 3 & 4 : notes by Stejneger, t. c. ZONURID.E. Zonurus vittifer , Reichen. : note by Matsciiie, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, p. GOG. Plutysaurus intermedins , n. sp., id. ibid., Transvaal. Chamcesaura dulactyla , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 82, pi. xi, fig. 1, S. Africa. Anguid^i. Barissia imbricata , Wgm. : notes by Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 183. B. levicollis, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 184, Mexican boundary of the United States. Ophisaurus gracilis , Gray, figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Kept, p. 159. Diploglossus lessonce , n. sp., Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 77, Brazil. Helodermatidjj. Shufeldt, R. W. Contributions to the Study of Helodcrmu suspectum. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 148-244, pis. xvi-xviii. Deals fully with the natural history and anatomy of this Lizard, and gives a complete bibliography. The author reserves his opinion on the systematic position of th q Ilelodermatidai. Heloderma suspectum , Cope : note on its habits ; Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxii, p. 60. Xantusiidj:. Xantusia riversiana , Cope, is from San Nicholas I., California ; J. J. Rivers, Am. Nat. xxiii, p.,1100 [1890]. J Cricolepis , n. n. for Gricosaura, Gundl. & Peters, nec Wagner ; Bou- lenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 83. Teiidj:. Cnemidophorus labialis, n. sp., Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 643, Lower California. ^ Echinosaura, n. g., near Neusticurus , D. & B. ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 82. E. horrida, n, sp., id. t. c. p. 83, pi. x, fig. 1, Ecuador. J Ptychoglossus, n. g., near A lopoglossus, . Blgr. ; id. t. c. p. 83. P. bilineatus , n. sp., id. t.p. p. 84, pi. x, fig. 2, Ecuador. SQUAMATA. Rept. ll Amphisb^nid^;. Amphisbcena ridleyi , n. sp., Boulenger, J. L. S. xx, p. 481, Fernando Noronha, Brazil. Lacertidjl Tachydromus amurensis, Peters, described by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 137. R. Klebs, Tag. Deut. Nat. Vers, lxii, p. 270, Biol. Centralbl. x, p. 448, and condensed translation in Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 486, refers a Lifcard inclosed in amber, obtained in East Prussia, to the American gcnuq Cnemidophorus (P). The Recorder, having examined the specimen, is able to state that the Lizard is a true Lacertoid, agreeing best with the African Nucras. SciNClD^E. Mabuia carinata , Schn., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 56. Lygosoma bicarinatum , Macl. (= albertisii, Ptrs. & Doria) : notes by Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 93. L. malayanum, Doria, p. 170, and sanctum , D. & B., p. 171, pi. xiv, fig. 4, redescribed by M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. L. striolatum , p. 172, pi. xiv, figs. 5 & 6, and florense , p. 173, pi. xiv, figs. 2 & 3, n. spp., id. t. c., Flores. L. tenuiculum and whiteheadi, n. spp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, p. 144, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pp. 133 & 134, pi. viii, figs. 2 & 3, North Borneo. L. maccoeyi , n. sp., Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 8, Brawlin, N. S. Wales. L. striato-fasciatum, n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, t. c. p. 5, Solomon Is. [== L. albofasciolatuin , Gthr. — Rec.]. L. atrogulare , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 94, British New Guinea. L. anomalopus, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 84, pi. xi, fig. 4, Pinang. L. devisiif n. n. for Heteropus lateralis , De Vis ; id. t. c. p. 79. Emoa pallidiceps and cuneiceps , n. spp., De Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 497 & 498, New Guinea. Jlomolepida englishi , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 499, !New Guinea [= Lygosoma muelleri , Schleg.— Rec.] . Ablepharus boutonii, Desj., n. v&v.furcata ; M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 174, Flores. A. boulengeri, n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 10, Brawliu, N. S. Wales. Miculia orientalis, n. sp., De Vis, P. R. Soc. Queensl. v [1888], p. 160, Queensland. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxv.] Tropidopliorus queens land ice, n. sp., id. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1034, Queensland. Scincus albifasciatus, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 85, pi. xi, fig. 5, Dakar, Senegambia. RHIPTOGLOSSA. Chamceleon damaranus} Blgr., liocephalus , Gray, and simoni , Bcettg. : notes by Matschie, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, pp. 608 & 613. C> roper i, 12 Rept. REPT1LIA AND BATRACHIA. n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 85, pi. viii, fig. 4, Kilifi, E. Africa. 0. willsii , n. sp., Gunther, Ann. N. H. (G) v, p. 71, pi. vi, Madagascar. PYTHONOMORPHA. Dollo, L. Premiere Note sur les Mosasauriens de Maestricht. M6m. Soc. Belg. Geol. iv, pp. 151^-169, pi. viii. Deals with Mosasaurus giganteus, Somm. (= M. boffmanni , Mant.) and Plioplaty carpus marsbii, Dollo, and with the phylogeny of Mosasaurians generally. The author is inclined to regard the European Mosasaurians as descended from the American, and these from the New Zealand forms. Baur, G. On the Characters and Systematic Position of the large Sea- Lizards, Mosasauridce. Science, xv, p. 262. The author regards the Mosasauridce as very closely related to the Varanidce , of which they simply represent highly specialized aquatic forms. They are united with the Varanidce and Helodermatidce into a group, for which the old name Platynota is revived. OPHIDIA. Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept., abandoning the primary division of Snakes into poisonous and non-poisonous, arranges the Ophidia in 9 families: — 1, Typhlopidce ; 2, Glauconiidce ; 3, Boidce ; 4, Ihjsiidce ; 5, Uropeltidce ; G, Xenopeltidce ; 7, Colubridce ; 8, Amblycephalidas ; 9, Viperidce. The Colubridce are divided into three parallel series : Aglypha , Opistlioglypha , and P voter oghypba. JagerskiOld, M. L. Notes sur le d^veloppement du Corps Pituitaire chez la Couleuvre. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 92-95, pi. iv. Sibley, W. K. On the Incubation of Snakes* Eggs. Nature, xliii, pp. 68-70. F. Werner, Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 233-238, remarks on variations in the lepidosis of Snakes of the genera Tropidonotus, Zamenisy and Vipera. Werner, F. Untersuchungen fiber die Zeichnung der Schlangen. Vienna : 1890, 8vo, 120 pp., 8 pis. Vidal, G. W. A List of the Venomous Snakes of North Kanara ; with remarks as to the imperfections of existing records of the distribu- tion of Snakes, and facts and statistics showing the influence of Echis carinata on the death-rate of the Bombay Presidency. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, pp. 64-71. On the food of Europeau harmless Suakes ; F. Werner, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 134-143. SQUAMATA. Rept> 13 Typhlofidas. Typhlops bqddomii , p. 237, Peninsula of Iudia, leucomelas, p. 237, Ceylon, jerdoni, p. 238, Khasi Hills, and oatesii , p. 238, Andaman Is., n. spp., Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Kept. T. thurstoni, n. sp., Bcettgek, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, p. 298, Nilgherries. Onychocephalus anchietce , Boc. : note on a specimen from the Trans- vaal ; Matschie, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, p. 608. Glauconiidao. • Glaucoma, Gray (== Stenostoma , Wagl., nec Latr.) : a key to the deter- mination of the African species ; Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (G) vi, p. 92. G. emini , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 91, Lake Victoria Nyanza. G. blanfordii , n. sp., id. Faun. Ind., Kept. p. 243, fig., Sind. BoiDA5. Python curtus , Ilubr. (= P. breitenstcini , Stdr.), figured, with notes on the synonymy ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1889, p. 432, pi. xlv. Morelia variegata, Gray, described by Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 96.. Charina, Gray : notes on the species of this genus ; Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 177. Gongylophis conicus, Schn., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Kept, fig. 75. Ilysiidal i Anomalochilus, n. g., allied to Cylindrophis , but differing in the absence of a mental groove and the number (4) of upper labials ; v. Lidth de Jeude, in M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 180. A. weberi, n. sp , id. t. c. p. 181, pi. xv, figs. 1-3, Sumatra. Uropeltidj:. SUyhura ocellata , Bedd., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 82. • J Pseudoplectrurus , n. g., for Silybura canarica , Bedd. ; id. op. cit. p. 270. . C/OLUBRIDiE. Aglypha. Calamaria virgulata , Boie : note by v. Lidtii de Jeude, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 254, G. sumatrana , Edeling, redescribed by Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 34. C. septentrionalis, n. sp., id. ibid., S. China. G. vermiformis , D. & B., n. var. sumatrana, v. Lidth de Jeude, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 18, Deli, Sumatra. C. bogorensis, p. 182, pi. xvi, figs. 6 & 7 [= G • modesta, D. & B., var. — Rec.], and variabilis , p. 183, pi. xvi, fig. 8 14 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. [= C. lumbricohlea , D. & B. — Rec.], n. spp., id. in M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn., Java. G. lateralis, n. sp., Mocquard, Le Nat, xii, p. 154, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 136, pi. viii, fig. 4, Kina Baloo, Borneo. \ Stilosoma, n. g. Body very slender, cylindrical and rigid ; tail short j head roundod on frontal outline, not distinct from body. Rostral pro- minent, but not curved ; no prefrontals, anteorbitals, or loreal. One nasal. Postfrontals and occipitals in contact with labials. Scales smooth. No scale pits. Anal entire. Teeth smooth. Palatal teeth present. S. extenuata, n. sp., A. E. Brown, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. 199, Florida. Trachischium guentheri, n. sp., Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 285, Sikkim. Elapoides annulatus , Sauvg., = Lycodon subcinctus, Boie ; id. P. Z. S, 1890, p. 34. Pseudoxyrhopus, Gthr. : this genus is redefined and comprises 5 species : P. microps, Gthr., P. heterurus, Jan, P. quinquelineatus , Gthr., P. imerince , Gthr. [= microps , Blgr.J, and P . punctatus, Ptrs. ; id. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 311, figs. Liophis imerince, n. sp., GOntiier, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 71, Madagascar [== Coronella microps , Blgr. — Rec.]. ^ Polyodontophis, n. n. for Enicognathus , D. & B., nec G. Gray ; Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 301. 1 Diadophis bipunctatus , n. sp., v. Lidtii de Jeude, in M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 184, pi. xvi, fig. 9, Sumatra. Ablabes periops, Gthr., n. var . prcefrontalis ; Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, p. 154, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 137, pi. ix, fig. 1, Kina Baloo, Borneo. [Is a distinct species. — Rec.] Coronella sayi, Holbr. : on its habits in captivity ; H. Lachmann, Zool. Gart. xxxi, p. 74. Simotes dennysi , Blanf., = S. catenifer , Stol., = S. labuanensis , Gthr., = S. trinotatus, D. & B., = S. purpurascens , Scbl. ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 34. S. purpurascens, Schl. : note by Lidth de Jeude, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 255. S. beddomii , n. sp., Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 314, Wynad, S. India. ' 'iPhyllorhynchus , n. g. [which the Recorder would regard as not separ- able from Lytorhynchus, Ptrs.], for P. browni, n. sp., Arizona, and Phimo- thyra decurtata , Cope ; Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 151, fig. Zamenis arenarius, n. sp., Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 329, Sind. Baacanion Jlaviventris, Say, p. 697, pi. xlviii, fig. 3, mentovarius, D. & B., p. 699, pi. xlv, fig. 6, oaxaca, Jan, p. 701, pi. xlviii, fig. 2, tceniatus, Hall., p. 703, pi. xlv, fig. 5, Jlage.lliformis, G atesb., p. 701, pi. xlviii, figs. 4 & 7, and lateralis , Hall., p. 706, pi. xlviii, fig. 6, described and figured by Bocourt, Miss. Sc. Mex., Rept. B. lineatus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 700, pi. xlviii, fig. 1, Mexico. Dvomicus fugiiivus , Donnd., p. 708, pi. 1, fig. 4, laureatus , Gthr., p. 710, pi. xlv, fig. 1, clavatus , Ptrs., p. 711, pi. xlv, fig. 2, ater, Cosse, p. 713, pi. 1, figs. 1 & 2, and putnami , Jan, p. 714, pi. 1, fig. 3, described and SQUAMATA. figured by Bocourt, Miss. Sc. Mex., Kept. D. baroni , Blgr:, = Ptyas infrasignatus , Gthr., = D. stumpjf ’, Bttg. ; Gunther, Ann. N. H. (6) Coluber hohenackeri , Strauch : notes by Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, p. 294. . Elaphis subradiatus, Schleg.: notes by v.Lidth de Jeude, in M.Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 184. Drymobius margaritiferus , Schleg., p. 716, pi. xlix, fig. 2, chloroticus , Cope, p. 718, pi. 1, fig. 7, boddcerti, p. 720, pi. li, fig. 5, Icevis, Fisch., p. 722, pi. li, fig. 6, pulcherrimus , Cope, p. 725, pi. xlix, fig. 3, cceruleus , Fisch., p. 727, pi. li, fig. 4, and pleii, D. & B., p. 728, pi. li, fig. 3, described and figured by Bocourt, t. c. D. margaritiferus , n. var. occidental is, p. 718, Guatemala, D. boddcerti , n. var. calif orniensis , p. 721, pi. li, fig. 1, Cali- fornia, and D. dorsalis, n. sp., p. 724, pi. li, fig. 2, Guatemala [= D. pleii , var. — Rec.], id. ibid. Dendrophidium dendrophis, Schleg., described and figured by Bocourt, t. c. p. 730, pi. xlix, fig. 4. Ilerpetodryas grandisquamis , Ptrs., described and figured ; id. t. c. p. 732, pi. xliii, fig. 5. Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 339. Tropidonotus , Kuhl : on the foods of the European species ; J. v. Fischer, Zool. Auz. xiii, p. 507. T. sirtalis , L. : B. Sharp, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. 149, describes the shedding of the skin. T. vibakari, Boie : note by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 139. T. stolatus , L., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 101. T. khasiensis , p. 344, Khasi Hills, parallelus , p. 345, Sikkim, Khasi Hills, Upper Burma, and Yunnan, and sancti-johannis, p. 350, Cashmere, n. spp., id. op. cit. T. maculatus , Edel., n. var. torquatus ; Mocquard, N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 139, Kina Baloo, Borneo [= T. chrysargus , Boie. — Rec.]. T. Jlavi- frons , Blgr., figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 2. Euto&nia nigrolateris , n. sp., A. E. Brown, P. Ac. Philad. 1889, p. 421, Arizona. i Pseudoxenodon , n. g., for Tropidonotus macrops , Blyth, and allies ; Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 340. 1 1I elicopsoides, n. g., for H. typicus, n. sp. ; Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, p. 154, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 141, pi. ix, fig. 3, Kina Baloo, Borneo. ^ Lepidognathus, n. g. [= Helicopsoides , Mocq.] ; v. Lidth de Jeude, in M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 186. L. rugosus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 187, pi. xvi, figs. 1-5, Sumatra. Chersydrus granulatus , Schn., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 104. , Psammophis brevirostris, Ptrs. : note by Matschie, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, p. 609. P. longifrons, n. sp., Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 366, Cuddapah Hills, S. India. v, p. 70. his, n. g., for Dendrophis caudolineatus , Gray ; Boulenger, Opisthoglypha. 1(3 Kept. REPTILIA AND BATRACH1A. Dryophis mycterizans , Daud., figured ; id. t. c. fig. 108. Hypsirhina blanfonlii , n. n., for II. maculata , Blanf., nec D. & B., id. t. c. p. 377. H. hageni , n. sp., v. Lidth de Jeude, Notes Leyd, Mus. xii, p. 20, pi. i, Deli, Sumatra. ^ Pscudoferania , n. g., differing from Ferania in having the scales in 21 rows, in having an extra shield on the head interposed between the pre- frontals, and in having two pre- and one post-occulars. P. macleayi , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 51, Herbert River, Queensland. ^Neospades, n. g., apparently related to Fordonia , Gray, but with a loreal shield and a divided nasal. N. Jcentii , n. sp., De Yis, P. R. Soc. Queensl. vi [1889], p. 238, Cambridge Gulf, N. W. Australia. Proteroglypha. Elaps trilineatus , D. & B.: note by v. Lidtii de Jeude, in M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 191, pi. xvi, fig. 10. E. sumatranus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 1Q0, Sumatra. Vermicellci bertholdi, Jan, described by Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i,p. 80. Bnichysoma triste , Gthr., redescribod by id. t. c, p. 97. Iloploceplmlus melanurus , Blgr., and woodfordii , Blgr., figured by Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2. H. elapoides , n. sp., id. t. c. p, 30, pi. ii, fig. 3, Florida I., Solomon Is. Naia tripudiansx Merr. : note on specimens from Sumatra ; id. t. c , p. 35. , Acanthophis Icevis , Mach, redescribed by Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 99. Hydrus platurus , L. : on a monstrous specimen with two pairs of nostrils ; Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, p. lxxiv. Enhydrina valalcadien , Boie, figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Jtept. p. 406. Amblycephalidas. Astenodipsas malaccana , Ptrs., figured by v. Lidtii de Jeude, in M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. pi. xv, figs. 4-6. VirERIDJE. Vipera ber us, L. : A. B. Meyer &. F. Helm publish reports on the distribution of the Viper in the kingdom of Saxony, as appendices to Jahresbericht fiber ornithologischen Beobachtungstationen im Konig- reich Sachsen, iv, 1889, pp. 148-150, & v, 1890, pp. 72-74. V. aspis , L. : on its occurrence in the Black Forest ; J. Blum, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 12 & 265. V. russellii, Shaw, figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 420. V. rhinoceros , Schleg., figured by Buttikofer, Reisebilder aus Liberia, ii, pi. xxxii. V. raddei , n. sp. [F. xanthina , Strauch, nec Gray], Bcettger, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 62, Armenia. ORNITHOSAURIA, DINOSAURLA. Rept. 17 Echis carinata , Schn., recorded from Togoland, W. Africa ; Matschie, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, p. 617. Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus , Gray, var. carinatus , Gray : note on a specimen from Sumatra ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 36. ORNIT HO S ATJBI A. Rhamphorhynclius jcssoni , n. sp., Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 429, figs., Oxford Clay of Huntingdonshire. DINOSAURIA. O. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 424, arranges the American Cretaceous Dinosaurs in the following orders and families : — Ord. Theropoda. Fam. 1. Dryptosaurklce. Ord. Ornitiiopoda. Fam. 2. Trachoclontida ?. Fam. 3. Claosauridce. Fam. 4. Ornithominiidai. Ord. Ceratopsia. Fam. 5. Ceratopsidce. Fam. 6. Nodosauridce. Criticisms by Baur, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 569. O. C. Marsh indicates additional special characters of his Ceratopsidce ; Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, pp. 83 & 418, pis. v-vii, and Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 1-5, pi. i: and, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 415, fig. 1, writes on the distinctive characters of his order Hallopoda. Iyuanodon , Mant. : R. Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 36-45, figs., describes various remains from the Wealden of England. Camptosaurus dispar , Marsh : note on the ilium ; S. W. Williston, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 472. Hadrosaurus breviceps, Marsh : note on the teeth ; Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 423, fig. Cope, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 905, suggests tho possi- bility of its identity with Diclonias pentagonus , Cope, v Claosaurus, n. g., for Hadrosaurus agilis) Marsh ; Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 423, fig. Hadrosaurus paucidens, Marsh, belongs probably to Ceratops ; id. t. c. p. 83. jTrachodon longiceps , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 422, Laramie formation, Wyoming. v Pteropelyx , n. g., for P. gracilipes , n. sp., displaying characters between the Hadrosauridce and Agathaumidce ; Cope, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 904 [issued March, 1890], Cow I., Montana. v Ornithomimus , n. g., type of a new family, Ornithomimidce , of Ornitiio- poda. 0. velox , n. sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 84, pi. i, Ceratops beds of Colorado. Megalosaurus dunkeri, Dames: on a metatarsus from the Wadhurst Clay, near Hastings ; Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 45, fig. n/ Barosaurus , n. g., for caudal vertebras resembling those of Diplodocus, 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] D 2 18 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. but without anterior projection to the chevrons. B. lentus , n. sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 85, fig., Atlantosaurus beds of Dakota. Pleurocoelus valdensis, Lyd. : remarks by Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 182, fig., pi. ix. Polyonax , Cope [= Triceratops , Marsh], and Monoclonius , Cope [= Ceratops , Marsh], are referred to the Agathaumidce , Monoclonius showing a post-pubis ; Cope, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 906 [issued March, 1890]. Triceratops serratus , p. 81, prorsus , p. 82, and sulcatus , p. 422, n. spp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, Laramie formation, Wyoming. R. Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 185, fig., describes a peculiar horn-like Dinosaurian bone from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. EMYDOSAURIA. Herrick, C. L. Notes upon the Brain of the Alligator. J. Cincinn. Soc. xii, pp. 129-162, pis. vii-xv. Killian, G. Die Ohrmuskeln des Krokodiles nebst vorliiufigen Bemerk- ungen fiber die Ilomologie des Musculus stapedius und des Stapes. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. G32-G5G, pi. xxxv. Crocodilus niloticus} Laur. : biological notes by Emin Pasha & F. Stuhlmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, p. 546. Notes on the oviposition ; A. Yoetzkow, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 190. H. N. Ridley, Nature, xlii, p. 457, reports the occurrence of a Crocodile [no doubt Crocodilus porosus~\ on Cocos I., Malay Archipelago ; and A. L. Caldwell, t. c. p. 463, records the fact of a living Crocodile [probably not an Alligator, as stated] being washed on shore in Barbadoes, in 1885. Tomistoma schlegetyi, S. Mull., recorded from Sumatra, by M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 176. Crocodilus calaritanus , Gennari (foss.), belongs to the genus Tomistoma ; Capellini, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei, Rend, vi, p. 149. Thoracosaurus neoccesariensis , Dekay (foss.) : A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 393, remarks that the type skull really possesses antorbital vacuities. B. Lundgren, JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, p. 275, records the discovery of a Gavial-liko, procoelous Crocodilian in the Senonian of Annctorp in Sweden. ^ SucJiodus , n. g., allied to Mctriorhynclius ; S. durobrivcnsis , n. sp. (foss.), for a mandible from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough ; Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 284, fig. Crocodilcemus jourdani , n. sp. (foss.), id. Cat. iv, p. 234, Kimeridgian, France. CHELONIA. StrauCH, A. Bemerkungen fiber die Schildkrotensammlung im zoolo- gischen Museum der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaf ten zu St. Petersburg. Mem. Ac. P<$tersb. (7) xxxviii, No. 2, 127 pp., 4 pis. An enumeration of all the specimens of Chelonians in the St. Peters- CHELONIA. Rept. 19 burg Museum, with critical notes and descriptions of new or imperfectly known species. The classification of Chelonians is discussed, the follow- ing arrangement being proposed : — Subord. I. Thecopiiora. Fam. 1, Testudinida (with two tribes, Chersemyda and Chelyda ) ; 2, Trionychida ; 3, Carcttochelyda ; 4, Cheloniida. Subord. II. Atiieca. Fam. 5, Spharyida. Smets, G. Les Classifications des Cheloniens. Ann. Soc. Brux. xiii, pp. 101-107. A review of the classifications hitherto proposed. Tho review con- cludes by suggesting the following arrangement, which is but a slight modification of the Recorder’s : — I. Atiieca. II. Trionycida. III. Cryptodira IV. Pleurodira. G. Baur, Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 530-535, writes on the classification of the Chelonians, which he divides into four suborders, viz. : Amphichelydia , Pleurodira , Cryptodira, Chilotce [= Trionychia]. Ficalbi, E. Osservazioni sulla istiologia della pelle dei Rettili Chelo- niani. Atti Acc. Fisiocr. Siena (4) i, 1889, pp. 39-88, pi. ii. Haycraft, J. B. Terminations of Nerves in the Nuclei of the Epithelial Cells of Tortoise-shell. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 5G3-569, pi. xliii. Mitsukuri, K. On the Foetal Membranes of Chelouia. Preliminary Communication. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 510-519. Researches based on Clenimys japonica , Gray, and Trionyx sinensis, Wiegm. Meiinert, E. Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklung des Beckengfirtels der Emys lutaria taurica. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 537-571, pi. xx. TRIONYCHOIDEA. Trionyx hurum , Gray, figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 5, T, phayrii, Theob., recorded from Sumatra, id., P. Z. S. 1890, p. 33, and from Java by M. Weber, Zool. Ergebn. p. 17G. T. vertebralis, n. sp. Straucii, MGm. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxviii, No. 2, p. 113, pi. iii, figs. 3 & 4, Gaboon. Pelochelys poliahovni , n. sp., id. t . c. p. 118, pi. iv, figs. 1-3, Foo Choo China [= P. cantoris , Gray. — Rec.]. r Chelouo'da. Chelydroida. Emydoida. Testudinida . 20 Rept, REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. PLEURODIRA. G. Baur, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 483, diagnoses the genera Podocnemis, Wagl., Peltocephalus , D. & B., and Erymnochelys, Baur. Sternothcerusy Bell : note on some young specimens from the Lower Congo ; Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, p. 171. Poclocnemis madagascariensis , Grand., figured by Straucjii, Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxviii, No. 2, pis. i, figs. 1-3, & iii, fig. 1. P. tracaxa, Spix : skull figured ; id. t. c. pis. ii, figs. 1-4, & iii, fig. 2. Hydraspis , Bell, and Rhinemysy Wagl. : remarks by Baur, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 484. Chelys boulengeri , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 9G8 [= C. fimbriatay Schn. — Rec.]. Chelodina rugosa, n. sp., Douglas-Ogilry, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 5G, pi. vii, Cape York [= C. oblonga , Gray. — Rec.]. GarettochelySy Rams. : G. Baur, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 1017 [1890], expresses his doubts as to the correctness of placing this genus among the Pleuroclira. Miolania platycepSy Ow. (foss.) : notes on romains from Lord IIowo Island, and from the Pliocono Deep Lead at Canadian, near Gulgong, N. S. Wales; R. Etheridge, Jun., Rec. Gool. Surv. N.S.W. i, p. 149, pis. xxv & xxvi. Cryptodiran affinities, with the entire external surface of the skull elabo- rately sculptured. G. ornatuSy n. sp. (foss.), Marsh, Am. Journ. (3) xl, p. 177, pi. vii, fig. 1, Upper Jurassic, Wyoming. Adocus punctatus, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 178, pi. vii, fig. 3, Cretaceous of New Jersey. Malacoclemmys geographica, Les., and M. lesueuriiy Gray : on the differences between the two species ; Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxii, p. 70, pi. ii. M. oculifera , p. 262, and Jcohnii , p. 2G3, n. spp., Baur, Science, xv, Louisiana and Florida. DirochelySy Ag., is held to be a valid genus by Baur, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 1099 [1890], who regards Emys blandingiiy Holbr., as its nearest ally. Cistudo portisii , p. 5, pis. i-v, and hunziy p. 13, pis. vi-ix, n. spp. (foss.), Golliez & Lugeon, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xvi [1889], No. 2, Molasse of Lausanne, Switzerland. [Probably belong to Ptychogaster, Pome! . — Rec.] Ptychogaster rotandiformis, n. sp. (foss.), lid. t. c. p. 18, pis. x-xiii, Molasse of Lausanne, Switzerland. Homopusy D. & B. : note on the secondary sexual characters ; Bou- lenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 521. Testndo, L. : G. Baur, Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 1039-1057 [1890], writes on the gigantic Tortoises of the Galapagos Islands. T. elegans , Schoepff, CRYPTODIRA. i, n. g., type of a new family, Glyptopsidce, apparently of . CHELONJA — RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. Itept. 21 figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Kept. fig. 6. T. galapagoensis, n. sp., for T. elephantopus, Jackson, nee Harl., and T. guentheri, n. sp., for T. elephantopus , Gthr., nec Harl. ; Baur, t. c. p. 1044. T. leberonensis, n. sp. (foss.), Deperet, C.R. cx, p. 915, Upper Miocene, Mt. Leberon, France. T. brontops, n. sp. (foss.), Marsh, Am. Journ. (3) xl, p. 179, pi. viii, Lower Miocene of Dakota. G. Baur, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 486, divides the recent Chcloniidce into four genera, viz., Chelonia , Brongn., Caretta , Ritg., Thalassochelys, Fitz. , and LcphloclicbjSy Fitz. Chelone imbricata , L., figured by Boulenger, Faun. Ind., Rept. fig. 16. iothyosauria. Ophthalmosaurus pleydelU , n. sp., Lydekker, Cat. iv, p. 268, figs. Kimeridgian, Dorsetshire. Gavialis mutinensis , n. sp. (foss.), Pantanelli, Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. viii, p. 43, = Ichthyosaurus campylodony Carter ; Capellini, Mem. 1st. Bologna (4) x, p. 1, pis. i & ii, and Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei, Rend, vi, p. 79. PLESIOSAURIA. Williston, S. W. Structure of the Plesiosaurian Skull. Science, xv, pp. 262 & 290. Pliosaurus ferox , Sauv. : on remains from the Oxford Clay of Peter- borough ; Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 49, pi. v. Cimoliosaurus portlandicus , Ow. : remarks by id. t. c. p. 47, fig. Capitosaurus silesiacus , n. sp., Kuniscii, Z. geol. Ges. xlii, p. 377, pi. xx, Muschelkalk of Silesia. E. Koken has notes on the skull, brain-case, and auditory organ of Nothosaurus ; SB. Nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 108-111. Anarosaurus , n. g., allied to Nothosaurus , H. v. M. A. pumilio, n. sp., Dames, Z. geol. Ges. xlii, p. 74, pi. i, Muschelkalk of Remkersleben, near Magdeburg. J Ditrochosaurus, n. g., allied to Mesosaurusi Gerv., D. capensis , n. sp., Gurich, Z. geol. Ges. xli, p. 641, pi. xxvii, Karroo formation. THECODONTIA. Zittel, Palaeontologie, iii, p. 644, proposes a new Suborder, Pseudo - suchia , intermediate between Parasuchia and Eusuchia , for A ctosaurus, Fraas, and allies. RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. G. B. Howes, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 357, figs., remarks on the proatlas and vomerine teeth of Sphenodon punqtatus , Gray. REPTILIA AND BATRACHTA. 22 Rept. Thomas, A. P. W. Preliminary Note on the Development of the Tuatera (Sphenodon punctatum). P. R. Soc. xlviii, pp. 152-15G. Champsosaurus , Cope : recorded from the Lower Eocene of Orp-le- Grand, Belgium, by Dollo, Bull. Soc. Belg. G6ol. iv, p. 55. Kadaliosaurus priscus, Credn. (foss.) : remarks by G. Baur, Am. J. Sci. (3) xxxix, p. 15G. AN OMODONTIA. It. Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1889, p. 572, pis. liv & lv, describes and figures some associated remains of a Theriodont from the Karroo System of the Cape. ftychosiagum , n. n, for Ptychognathus, Ow. nec Stimps. ; id. Cat. iv, p. 33, BATRACHIA. P. & F. Sarasin, summing up the results of their investigation of Ichthyophis [infra, p. 27], propose the following classification of the Batrachians : — Subclass I. Stegocepiiali s. Arciiasobatrachi. Subclass II. Neobatraciii. Order i. Urodela. Suborder 1. Salamandroidea ( Ichthyodece , Salamandridce). Suborder 2. Casciloidea ( Amphiumidce , Cccciliidcc). Order ii. Anura. Boulenger, G. A. Second Report on Additions to the Batrachian Collection in the Natural History Museum. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 323- 328, pis. xxv & xxvi. It is stated that as many as 1119 apparently valid species of Batrachians are known, viz. : 9G0 Ecaudata , 122 Caudata , and 37 Apoda. The British Museum possesses examples of G60 species of Ecaudata (6900 specimens), 85 species of Caudata (1340 specimens), and 29 of Apoda (15G specimens). A list of 80 species added since 188G is given, and several new species are described. IIowes, G. B. On the Intestinal Canal of the Ichthyopsida, with especial reference to its Arterial Supply and the Appendix Digiti- formis. J. L. S. xxiii, pp. 381-410, pis. i & ii. Strong, O. The Structure and Homologies of the Cranial Nerves of the Amphibia, as determined by their Peripheral Distribution and Internal Origin. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 598-607. Smirnow, A. Die Struktur der Nervenzellen im Sympatheticus der Amphibien. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 407-422, pis. xxiv & xxv. Auerbach, L. Ueber die Blutkorperchen der Batrachier. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 570-578. BATRACHIA, ECAUDATA. Rept . 23 Werner, F. Ueber die Veranderung der Hautfarbe bei europaischen Batrachiern. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 169-176. G. B. Howes, Zool. xiv, p. 281, remarks on the toxic properties of the Batrachian integument. Rossi, U. Contributo alia maturazione delle uova degli Anfibi. Com- municazione preliminare. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 142 & 143. Morgan, T. H. On the Amphibian Blastopore. Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. iv, pp. 355-377, pis. xl-xlii. Wiedersheim, R. Woitere Mittheilungen iiber die Entwicklungs- gcschichto des Schulter- und Beckengurtels. Amphibien. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 19-26, figs. Schcebel, E. Zur postembryonalen Entwicklung des Auges der Amphi- bien. Zool. Jahrb., Anat. iv, pp. 297-347, pis. xix-xxi. Sctiwink, F. Ueber die Entwickelung des Herzendothels der Amphibien. Anat. Anz. vt pp. 207-213. Maurer, F. Dio crste Anlago dor Milz und das ersto Auftreton von lymphatischen Zelleu bei Amphibien. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 203-208, figs. Mollier, S. Ueber die Entstehung des Yornierensystems bei Amphibien. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, An. pp. 209-235, pis. xi & xii. ECAUDATA. Emery, C. Zur Morphologie des Hand- und Fuss-skeletts. Yorfaufige Mittheilung. i. Carpus und Prsepollex der Anuren. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 283-288, figs. ; also Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei, Rend, vi, pp. 229-233, figs. The author is inclined to believe that the rudimentary digit of the Frog which is commonly called the pollex represents the prsepollex, and the outer finger represents the fourth and not the fifth digit. Coggi, A. Ueber die sog. Kalksackchen an den Spinalganglien des Frosches und ihre Beziehungen zum Ductus endolymphaticus. Yorlaufige Mittheilung. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 177 & 178. Gaule, J. Zahl und Yertheilung der markhaltigen Fasern im Frosch- riickenmark. Abh. Sachs. Ges. xv, pp. 737-780, 10 pis. Ranvier, L. Des 616ments musculaires et des elements 61astiques de la membrane retrolinguale de la Grenouille. C.R. cx, pp. 504-508. . De la membrane du sac lymphatique cesophagien de la Grenouille. Op. cit. cxi, pp. 863-865. Smith, W. R. A case of Hermaphroditism in a Common Frog ( Rana temporaria). J. Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 218 & 219, figs. Dutartre, A. Sur les changements de couleur chez la Grenouille com- mune (j Rana esculenta). C.R. cxi, pp. 610 & 611. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. 24 Rejpt. Latter, 0. H. Abnormal Reproductive Organs in liana temporaria. J. Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 369-372, pi. xvi. Ploetz, A. J. Die Vorgange in den Froschhoden unter dem Einfluss der Jahrzeit. Vergloich von liana temporaria und esculenta. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, Phys., Suppl. pp. 1-32, pis. i & ii. On the mode of embrace in the pairing tailless Batrachians ; Heron Royer, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 209. Siiurawlew, G. S. Ueberwintern der Frosche. Korr. Nat. Yer. Riga, xxxiii, pp. 38 & 39. Translated from the Russian Journ. Soc. Friends N. H., Moscow, 1890. Cuccati, G. Spermatogenesi nella Rana esculenta , Anat. Anz. v, pp. 344-346. Moriggia, A. Quelques experiences sur les tetards et sur les Grenouilles. Arch. Ital. Biol, xiv, pp. 142-148. NauEj.H. Ueber Bau und Entwicklung der Kiemen der Froschlarven. Z. Naturw. lxiii, pp. 129-176, pis. ii & iii. Bataillon, E. La d6gdndrescence rnusculaire dans la queue des larves d’Anoures et la Phagocyton. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 137-140. Erlanger, R. v. Ueber den Blastoporus der anuren Amphibien, sein Schicksal und seine Beziehungen zum bleibenden After. Zool. Jahrb., Anat. iv, pp. 239-256, pis. xv & xvi. Marshall, A. M., & Bles, E. J. The Development of the Kidneys and Fat-bodies of the Frog. Stud. Biol. Lab. Owen’s Coll, ii, pp. 133-158, pi. x. Giles, A. E. Development of the Fat-bodies of Rana temporaria. A Contribution to the History of the Pronephros. T. c. pp. 123-130, pi. ix. Reprint from Q. J. Micr. Sci. 1888. Marshall, A. M., & Bles, E. J. The Development of the Blood Vessels in the Frog. T. c. pp. 185-268, pis. xiii-xv. Villy, F. The Development of the ’Ear and Accessory Organs in the Common Frog. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pp. 523-550, pis. xxxiv & . xxxv, and Stud. Biol. Lab. Owen’s Coll, ii, pp. 159-184, pis. xi & xii. Ciiiarugi, G. Sui miotomi e sui nervi della testa posteriore e della regione prossimale del tronco negli embrioni degli Anfibi anuri. Monit. Zool. Ital. i, pp. 22-28 & 55-64. RANIDiE. Rana temper aria , L., arvalis , Nilss., and agilis , Thom. : on their occurrence in Hungary and Transylvania ; L. v. Merely, Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 445 & 611. R. temporaria , L. : remarks on alpine larvae by E. v. ECAUDATA. Rept. 25 Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 155. R. agilis , Thom., recorded from Linz on the Rhine, by Melsheimer, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. (5) vii, p. 82, and from Prague, Bohemia, by Wolterstorff, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 260. R. amurensis , Blgr., redescribed and figured by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 140, pi. ix, fig. 1. R. tigrina , Daud., figured ; id., Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 449. R. whiteheadi , Blgr., figured by Mocquard, N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pi. x, fig. 2. R. decorcita, pp. 155, 145, pi. x, fig. 1 [= R. luctuosa , Pfcrs. — Rec.], obsoleta, pp. 155, 147 [= R. signata , Gthr. — Rec.], and paradoxci , pp. 155, 148, pi. x, fig. 3 [= R. Jcuhlii , D. & B. — Rec.], n. spp., id. Le Nat. xii, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, Kina Baloo, Borneo. Rliacopliorus aculirostris, n. sp., id. Le Nat. xii, p. 163, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, p. 151, pi. xi, fig. 1, Kina Baloo, Borneo. R. colletti , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 36, Sumatra. Ixalus latopalmatus , Blgr., figured by Mocquard, N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pi. xi, fig. 2. I. nubilus , n. sp., id. Le Nat. xii, p. 163, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, pi. xi, fig. 3, Palawan [= Rana natatrix , Gthr. — Rec.]. Engystomatidjj. Plirynella pollicaris, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 37, Perak. Microhyla inornata , n. sp., id. ibid., Sumatra. Cacopus systoma, Schn., figured ; id., Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 496. GENYOPHRYNID2E. ^ Genyophryne , n. g., type of a new family of Firmisternia, characterized by absence of maxillary teeth and presence of mandibular teeth ; Bou- lenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 326. G. tliomsoni, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 327, pi. xxv, fig. 1, Sudest I., New Guinea. Cystignathid.®. Ceratophrys calcarata, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 327, pi. xxvi, Colombia. Paludicola fischeri, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 327, pi. xxv, fig. 2, Venezuela. * Phanerotis, n. g., near Cryptotis, Gthr., but ear distinct and vomerine teeth as in Limnodynastes ; id., P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 593. P. fetcheri, id. t. c. p. 593, N. S. Wales. Mitrolysis , n. g., for Chiroleptes alboguttatus , Gthr. ; Cope, Batr. N. Am. p. 312 [1889]. Bufonimj. Mariaciier, G. La riproduzione del Bufo viridis. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. ix, 1889, pp. 29-31. Bufo vulgaris , Laur. : note by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 141. B. inelanostictus , Schn., figured ; id., Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 506. B. lenti- ginosus woodhousii , Gir. : notes by Stejneger, N. Am. Faun. No. 3, p. 116, 26 Itept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. and by Cope, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 1204. B. jerboa , n. sp., Boulenqer, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 328, pi. xxv, fig. 3, Borneo. B.fuligineus , pp. 163, 158, pi. xi, fig. 5, and spinulifer , pp. 181, 160, pi. xi, fig. 6, n. spp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, North Borneo. B. panayanus , n. sp., Seoane, M6m. Soc. Zool. iii, p. 206, pi. vi, erroneously stated to bo from the Philippines [= B. gutturosus, Daud. — Rec.]. Nectopliryne misera, pp. 182, 161, pi. xi, fig. 7, and maculata , pp. 182, 162, pi. xi, fig. 8, n. spp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xii, and N. Arch. Mus. (3) ii, North Borneo. Hylidac. J Tyla versicolor , Daud. : notes on the habits ; Hjiiron Royer, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 205. II. arenicolor , Cope : note by Stejneger, N. Am. Faun. No. 3, p. 117. II. stepheni , Blgr. : note by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 142. H. macgregori , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 100, British New Guinea. PELOBATIDA5. Pelobates fuscus , Laur. : on very large tadpoles from Berlin ; Weltner, SB. Nat. Fr. 1890, p. 113. Pelodytes punctatus , Daud., recorded from Wimereux, Pas do Calais, by Giard, Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, p. 87. Discoglossidae. Discoglossus pictus , Otth. H^ron Royer writes on the habits and development, and on the characters which, according to him, differentiate D. pictus and D. auritus, Hdron . Royer ; Bull. Soc. Angers (2) xix, p. 45, pis. i & ii. On its acclimatisation in France (Touraine) ; id., Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. xv, p. 14. Bombinator orientalis, n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 143, pi. ix, fig., N. China, Corea, and Amoorland. Alytes obstetricans, Laur. : biological notes by Melsheimer, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. (5) vi, p. 58. Dactylethridj:. Xenopm hcvis , Daud. : notes on the habits and oviposition ; J. M. Leslie, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 69. OAUDATA. IIeideniiain, M. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Topographie und Histo- logie der Kloake und ihrer driisigen Adnexa bei den einheimischen Tritonen. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 173-274, pis. x-xiii. Rossi, U., & Vicarelli, G. Sulla struttura degli ovidutti dello Spelerpes fuscus e della Salamandrina perspicillata. Monit. Zool. Ital. i, pp. 222-225. CAUDATA, APODA. Kept. 27 Yaillant, L. Note sur la structure des teguments chez quelques Urodeles ( Molge vulgaris et Molge palmata). Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 137 & 138. Piiisalix, 0. Sur quelques points de la physiologie des glandes cutaneos de la Salamandre terrestre. CR. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 225-227. Schneider, R. Neue histologische Untersuchungen fiber die Eisenauf- nahme in den Korper des Proteus. SB. Ak. Berl. 1890, pp. 887-897, pi. iii. Zeller, E. Ueber die Befruchtung bei den Urodelen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlix, pp. 583-G01, figs. Also a rectification in Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 351. °Rossi, U. II nucleo nelle uova dello Spelerpes fuscus o Geotriton fuscus. Priraa nota. Giorn. medico lo Sperimentale (Florence), 1890. Abstract, Monit. Zool. Ital. i, p. 108. Wiedersiieim, R. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Sala- mandra atra. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 469-482, pi. xix. Houssay, F. Etudes d’Embryologie sur les Vertebres. L’Axolotl. Arch. Z. exper. (2) viii, pp. 143-244, pis. x-xiv. . Ordre d’apparition des fentes branchiales chez l’Axolotl. Fente branchiale auditive. CR. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 416-418. Wiedersiieim, R. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Proteus anguineus. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 121-140, pis. vi & vii. J. A. Ryder reports on a brood of larval Amphiuma ; Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 927 [1890]. Salamandra maculosa , Laur., and atra , Laur., figured by Durigen, Deutschl. Amph. u. Rept. pi. v, figs. 1-5. S. maculosa, Laur. : biological notes by Melsiieimer, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. (5) vi, p. 56. S. maculosa, n. var. molleri, Bedriaga, Amph. et Rept. Portug. p. 29, Portugal [= var. gallaica , Seoane. — Rec.]. Molge alpestris , Laur., figured by Durigen, op. cit. pi. v, figs. 6 & 7. M. strauchii , Stdr .,-=Neurergus crocatus, Cope ; Boulenger,P.Z. S. 1890, p.32. Tylototriton verrucosus , And., figured ; id. Faun. Ind., Rept. p. 514. Gyrinoplulus maculicaudus, n. sp., Cope, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 966, fig., Indiana. APODA. Sarasin, P. & F. Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon in den Jahrcn 1884-86. n. Heft 4. Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte und Anatomie der ceylonischen Blindwfihle, Ichthyophis glutinosus. Wiesbaden : 1890, 4to, pp. 153-263, pis. xv-xxiv. This part, which deals with the anatomy, the classification, and con- cludes with a complete index to the literature on the Apoda, completes the work. [Cf. Zool. Rec. Rept. xxiv, p. 33, and xxvi, p. 23.] 28 Rept. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. STEGOCEPHALA. Ammon, L. von. Die permischen Amphibien der Rheinpfalz. Munich : 1889, 4to, 119 pp., 5 pis. This work is prefaced by a bibliographical list of all the contributions to the knowledge of the Stegocephala. Credner, H. Die Stegocephalen und Saurier aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauen’schen Grundes bei Dresden, ix. Theil. Z. geol. Ges. xlii, pp. 240-277, pis. ix-xi. Deals with Hylonomus , Dawson, Petrobates, Credn., and Discosaurus , Credn. M. Loiiest, Bull. Soc. Belg. G6ol. 1888, p. cxx, records the discovery of Stegacephalous remains in the Upper Devonian nearModave, Belgium. Mastodonsaurus indicus , n. sp., Lydekker, Cat. iv, p. 145, Gondwanas, India. J Metoposaurus, n. n. for Metopias, II. v. Mey. nec Gory ; id. t. c. p. 152. * Orthopleurosauras , n. n. for Orthocosta, Fritsch ; id. t. c. p. 203. Dawsonia multidens , n. n. for D. poly dens, Fritsch ; id. t. c. p. 213. Branchiosaurus caducus , n. sp., v. Ammon, t. c. p. 81, pi. iv, fig. 1, & pi. v, figs. 9 & 10, Permian of Pfarrwald, near Heimkirchen. Maqromerium gumbeli , n. sp., v. Ammon, t. c. p. 94, pi. iv, fig. 2, Permian of Wolfstein. M. scoticum , n. sp., I/ydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 289, pi. xii, fig. 1, Lower Carboniferous of Gilmerton, near Edinburgh. Eryops oweni, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 291, pi. xii, figs. 2-4. Name changed to E. africanus , id. Cat. iv, p. 193, S. Africa. Loxomma allmanni, Huxley : on a series of vertebrae from the North- umberland Coal-field ; D. Embleton, Rep. Brit. Ass. lix, p. 580. ^ Platyoposaurus, n. n. for Platyops , Twelvetr., nec Newp. ; Lydekker, Cat. iv, p. 182. Pisces 1 PISCES. BY G. A. BoULENGEK. GENERAL* Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Families of Vertebrata. Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 849-877. [Issued March, 1890.] Fishes are arranged in the following manner : — Superclass I. Cepiiarociiorda. Class i. Aciiania. Ord. Leptocardii. Fam. Brancluostomklai. Superclass II. Craniata. Class i. Agnatiia. Subclass i. OstrAcodermi. Order i. Arriiina. Fams. Pteraspidce, Ceplialaspidai. Order ii. Diplorrhina. Fam. Mycteropidcc. Subclass ii. Marsipobranchii. Order i. Hyperotreti. Fams. Myxinida Bdellosto - midce. Order ii. Hyperoarti. Fam. Petromyzontidce. Class ii. Pisces. Subclass i. Holocephali. Ord. Ciiim^eroidei. Fam. Chima- ridai. Subclass ii. Dipnoi. Ord. Sirenoidei. Fams. Dipteridcv, Ceratodontidai , Lcpidosirenidai . Subclass hi. Elasmobranchii. Order i. Ichtiiyotomi. Fams. Xenacanthidcc , Clado - dontidce. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. 2 Pisces PISCES. Order ii. Selaciiii. Fams. Psammodontidce , Petalodon- tidce , Cochliodontldce , Cestraciontidce, Spina- cidce, Notidanidas , Lamnidce , Carchariulce , Squatinidce , Rhinobatidce , Pristiophoridcc, Pristidcc , Sqiiatinoraiidce, Raiidce, Try - gonidce , Myliobatklce . Subclass iv. Teleostomi. Superorder 1. Rhipidopterygia. Order i. Riiipidistia. Fam. Tristichopteridce. Order ii. Actinistia. Fam. Ccvlacanthidce. Superorder 2. Crossopterygia. Order i. Placodermi. Fams. Coccosteidcct Dinich- thyidcu . Order ii. IIaplistia. Fam. Phanerop leuridw. Order iii. Taxistia. Fams. Iloloptycliudcc, Osteolepi- didce. Order iv. Cladistia. Fam. Polypteridce . Superorder 3. Podopteiiygia. Ord. Chondrostei. Fams. Polyodoutldce, Acipenserklcc , Chon- drosteidce. Superorder 4. Acjtinopterygia. Tribe i. Physostomi. Order i. Lysopteri. Fam. Palceonlscidce. P/ Order ii. M^rospondyli. Fams. Sauropsklcc , Pycno- l dontklcB , Stylodontidce , Sphcerodontedce , Macro semiidcc. Order iii. Halecomorpiii. Fam. Amiidce. Order iv. Gynglymodi. Fam. Lepklosteklce. Order v. Isospondyli. Fams. Dapedidce , Lepidotidcc , Aspidorhynchkhc , Saurodontklce, Osteoglos- sidcc , Iletcrotidcc , Galaxiklcc , Clupekliet Chirocentridce, Salmonidce , Thymallklcc , Alepocephalidce , Gonorhynchklce , Saurklcv , Lutodiridce , Aulopidai , Elopklai , Albulkhu , llyodontidcc , Notopterklcv. Order vi. Actinociiiri. Fam. Pelecopteridce. Order vii. Plectospondyli. Fams. Characinidce) Ster- noptygidai , Cobitidce , Cyprinidce, Cato- stomklce. Order viii. Scypiiophori. Fams. Mormijridce, Gymnar- chklce. Order ix. Nematognatiii. Fams. Silurklce , Hypoph - thalmidcc , Aspredinidce. Order x. Haplomi. Fams. Esocklai, Stratodontidcc, Umbridce , Cyprinodontidce , Amblyopsidce. Order xi. Glanencheli. Fam. Gymnotidai. Order xii. Ichtiiyocephali. Fam. Monopteridce. GENERAL. Pisces 3 Order xiii. Holostomi. Fam. Symbranchidce. Order xiv. Enchelycephali. Fams. Nemich thy idee, Anguillidce , Congridce. Order xv. Colocephali. Fam. Murcenidce. Order xvi. Lyomeri. Fams. Saccopharyngidw , Eury- pharyngidee. Tribe ii. Physoclysti. Order xvii. Docopteri. Fam. Dorypteridcc. Order xviii. Opisthomi. Fams. Mastacembelidaiy Nota- canthidce. Order xix. Percesoces. Fams. Opheocephalidai , Mugi- lldce , AtherinidcSf Sphyramidce , Scombrc- socidai. Order xx. Hemibranchii. Fams. Pegasldce , Gasteros- teidccy Fistulariidce , Centrlscidce, Amphl- silidai , Dercetidas. Order xxi. LornoBRANCim. Fams. Solcnostoniidue, SyngnatJudcc, Hippocampidce . Order xxii. Discocepuali. Fam. Echencididce. Order xxiii. Pediculati. Fams. Antennariidce , Lophiidoi. Order xxiv. Heterosomata. Fam. Pleuroncctidcc. Order xxv. Plectognatiii. Fams. Trlacanthidce , Balls t idee , Telvodontidee, Biodontidce , Ostraciidce. Order xxvi. Percomorpiii. Fams. Opliidiidm , Gadidce , MacruridcVy Batrachidcc , Cyclopteridce , Acronuridce , Chcdodontldccy Scorpcenidaj} Cottidce, Blenniidai, Gobiidce , Platycepha- lidaiy Rha mp hocotti dee , A gonido3, Ileicro- gnathidce,Gerreidcv, Carangiclce , SHlaginidcc , Pristipomatidce, SciamideVySparidce, Percidaiy BerycideCy ScombridcBy Trichiuridccy Xyphia- dideCy OsphromcnidcVy Anabantidcc. Order xxvii. Pharyngognathi. Fams. Emblotocidai, Cichlidce , Labi'idce, Scar idee. Order xxviii. Craniomi. Fams. Triglidce, Bactylop- teridee. Steinmann, G., & DOderlein, L. Elemente der Paliiontologie. u. Halfte. E vertebra ta (Schluss) und Vertebrata. Leipzig : 1890, 8vo, pp. 337-848, figs. Vertebrata by L. DOderlein. Fishes, pp. 529-587. Beard, J. The inter-relationships of the Ichthyopsida : A Contribu- tion to the Morphology of Vertebrates. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 14G-159 & 179-188. Deals with the morphology of the pallial region of the fore-brain, the pronephros, the lung and swim-bladder, and sums up with a discussion of 4 Pisces. PISCES. the relationships of the various groups of fishes to one another. Amphi- oxus being left out, a scheme of the phylogeny of the fishes is given, and the following classification of the Ichthyopsida is proposed : — The development of lungs being the justification for the group Pneum- ichthyidce. Patten, W. On the origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 317-378, figs. Deals, among other points, with what the author takes to be Arachnid features in Pterichthys and allies. Remarks by A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 314-316. Cope, E. D. The Homologies of the Fins of Fishes. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 401-423, figs., pis. xiv-xviii. Schneider, A. Studien zur Systematik und zur vergleichenden Anatomie, Entwicklungsgeschichte und Histologie der Wirbelthiere. (Fragment.) Zool. Beitr. ii, pp. 268-270, pis. xxiii-xxvii. Five plates and their explanation, dealing with Fishes, published after the author’s death. Klaatsch, H. Zur Morphologic der Fischschuppen und zur Geschichto der Hartsubstanzgewebe. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 97-202 & 209-258, pis. vi-viii. On tho histological structure of the scales of Fishes, rocont and fossil, with views on the phylogenesis of the various types. Howes, G. B. On the Intestinal Canal of the Ichthyopsida, with especial reference to its Arterial Supply, and the Appendix Digiti- formis. J. L. S. xxiii, pp. 381-410, pis. i & ii. ROse, C. Beitriige zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens der Wir- belthiere. Morph. JB. xvi, pp. 27-96, pis. iv & v. Ciievrel, R. Sur l’anatomie du Systeme Nerveux grand sympathique des Elasmobranches et des Poissons osseux. Arch. Z. exper. v bis, No. 5, 196 pp., 3 pis. Laguesse, E. Recherches sur le D6veloppement de la Rate chez les Poissons. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 345-406 & 425-495, pis. x-xiii. Liebreich, O. Betrachtungen fiber die physikalische Eigenschaft der Schwimmblase der Fische. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, Phys., Suppl., pp. 142-161. . Ueber die physikalische Funktion der Schwimmblase bei Fischen. Op. cit. Phys. pp. 360-363. Ganodichthyidce Marsipobranchii. Ganoidei. Teleostei. Selachii Amphibia. FAUN/E. Pisces 5 Emery, C. Noclimals fiber die Leuchtorgane der Fische. Biol. Gentralbl. x, pp. 285 & 286. Seitz, A. Das Fliegen der Fische. Zool. Jahrb., Syst. v, pp. 361-372. Daiil, F. Die Bewegung der fliegenden Fische durch die Luft. T. c. pp. 679-688. Goode, G. B. The Colour of Fishes. Science, xv, pp. 211-213, figs. Girard, C. *Les Poissons vivipares de la C6te Amcricaine de l’Ocean pacifique. Lo Nat. xii, pp. 24, 25, 39, 61, & 62, figs. Vaillant, L. Les Collections d’herpetologie et d’ichthyologie au Museum d’histoire naturelle. Rev. Sci. xlv, pp. 513-522. Jordan, D. S. On the Fishes described in Muller’s supplemental volume to the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 48-50. F. Richters, Bor. Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 3-36, pis. i-iv, reports on somo old manuscripts and figures of Fishes in the possession of the Seuckenbergian Society. FAUNAE. Europe. Gunther, A. A Contribution to our Knowledge of British Pleuro- nectidao. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 40-44, pi. iii. Schulze, Erwin. Ueber die geographische Yerbreitungdcr Sfisswasser- fische von Mitteleuropa. Forsch. deutsch. Land. u. Volksk. v, pp. 69-84. Malard, A. E. Catalogue des Poissons des C6tes de la Manche dans les environs de Saint-Vaast. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 60-101. Hoek, P. P. C. The Fishes of the Zuiderzee. Tijdschr.Nederl. Dierk. Yer. (2) iii, pp. 38-79, pis. i-v. A translation of a chapter of a report published in the Verslag over den Staat der Nederl. Zeevischerijen over 1889. Sciiulze, Erwin. Fauna Piscium Germaniae. — Yerzeichniss der Fische der Stromgebiete der Donau, d$s Rheines, der Ems, Weser, Elbe, Oder, Weichsel, des Pregels und der Memel. J. Ber. Yer. Magde- burg, 1889, pp. 137-213. Fatio, Y. Faune des Yertebres de la Suisse. Yol. v. Histoire naturelle des Poissons. IIe partie. Physostomes (suite et fin), Anacanthiens, Chondrostiens, Cyclostomes. Geneva and Basle : 1890, 8vo, lxxx & 576 pp., 4 pis. This volume completes the account of the Fishes of Switzerland. Remarks on the fish-fauna of Switzerland, by Fatio, Bibl. univ. (3) xxiv, pp. 515-520. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] D 3 6 Pisces, PISCES. Walecki, A. Przyczynek do Fauny Ichtyjologiczn6j. Pam. Fizjogr. x, pp. 273-302. Contribution to the ichthyological Fauna of Poland. GoumtET, P. Nouvelle Contribution la Faune Pdlagique du Golfo do Marseille, i. Classe des Poissons. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 312-321. A list of 46 species. ^Giordano, D. Ittiologia del Golfo di Gaeta. Naples : 1890, 4to, 65 pp. Asia. Pfeffer, G. Die Fauna der Insel Jeretik, Port Wladimir, an der Murman-kiiste, nach den Sammlungen des Herrn Kapitan Horn. I. Teil. Die Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische, Mollusken, Brachio- poden, Krebse, Pantopoden, und Echinodermen. JB. Hamb. vii, pp. 63-96. Fishes, pp. 74-76. Alcock, A. Natural History Notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer * Investigator,’ Commander Alfred Carpenter commanding. No. 10 : List of the Pleuronectidce obtained in the Bay of Bengal in 1888 and 1889, with descriptions of new and rare species ; J. A. S. B. lviii [1889], pp. 279-295, pis. xvi-xviii. No. 12 : Descriptions of some new and rare species of Fishes from the Bay of Bengal, obtained during the season of 1888-89 ; t. c. pp. 296-305, pi. xxii. . Natural History Notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer, ‘ Investigator/ Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N., command- ing. No. 16 : On the Bathybial Fishes collected in the Bay of Bengal during the season 1889-90 ; Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 197-222, pis. viii & ix. No. 18 : On the Bathybial Fishes of the Arabian Sea, obtained during the season 1889-90 ; t. c. pp. 295-311. No. 20 : On some undescribed Shore-Fishes from the Bay of Bengal ; t. c. pp. 425-443. Vinciguerra, D. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. Pesci. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, pp. 129-234, pis. vii-xi. Boulenger, G. A. List of the R.eptiles, Batrachians, and Freshwater Fishes collected by Professor Moesch and Mr. Iversen in the district of Deli, Sumatra. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 31-40. Africa. Johnson, J. Y. On some new Species of Fishes from Madeira. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 452-459. Collett, R. Sur quelques Poissons rapportds de Mad&re par le Prince de Monaco. Bull. S. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 218-224. FAUNiE, PAL/EONTOLOGICAL. Pisces 7 Stassano, E. La Pesca sulle Spiagge atlantiche del Sahara. Annali di Agricoltura, 1890, 103 pp. Notes on some of the Fishes, by D. Vinciguerra, pp. 61-103. Buttjkofer, J. Reisebilder aus Liberia. II. Die Bewohner Liberia’s. — Thierwelt. Leyden : 1890, 8vo, 510 pp., figs., pis. Notes on the Fishes, pp. 447-453. America. Bean, T. H. New Fishes collected off the Coast of Alaska and the adjacent region southward. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 37-45. Gilbert, C. H. A preliminary Report on the Fishes collected by the steamer ‘ Albatross ’ on the Pacific Coast of North America during the year 1889, with descriptions of twelve new genera and ninety- two new species. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 49-126. Jordan, D. S. Report of Explorations made during 1888 in the Alle- ghany Region of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, and in Western Indiana, with an account of the Fishes found in each of the River Basins of those Regions. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, viii, pp. 97-173, pis. xiii-xv. [Recorded from a separate copy.] Henshall, J. A. Some Observations on Ohio Fishes. J. Cincinn. Soc. xii, pp. 114-125. McCormick, L. M. List of Fishes of Lorain County, Ohio. T. c. pp. 126-128. Jordan, D. S. The Fishes of the Yellowstone Park. Zoe, i, pp. 38-40. . Catalogue of Fishes collected at Port Castries, St. Lucia, by the Steamer ‘ Albatross,’ November, 1888. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 645-652. Ridley, H. N. Notes on the Zoology of Fernando Noronha. Pisces by G. A. Boulenger. J. L. S. xx, p. 483. Australia and Polynesia. Douglas-Ogilby, J. Report on a Zoological Collection from the Solo- mon Islands. Pisces. Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 7. Lucas, A. H. S. A Systematic Census of Indigenous Fish, hitherto recorded from Victorian Waters. P. R. Soc. Viet. (2) ii, pp. 15-47. . On some additions to the Fish Fauna of Victoria. T. c. p. 63. PALAEONTOLOGICAL. Gaudry, A. Les Enchainements du Monde animal dans les temps G4o- logiques. Fossiles secondaires. Paris : 1890, 8vo, 322 pp., woodcuts. Fishes, pp. 146-168. 8 Pisces. PISCES. Woodward, A. S., & Siierborn, C. D. A Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrata. London : 1890, 8vo, xxxv & 396 pp. Fishes, pp. 1-198. E. Wilson, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 3GG-369, gives a list of tho type specimens of fossil Fishes preserved in the Bristol Museum. Woodward, A. S. On some new Fishes from the English Wealden and Purbeck Beds, referable to the genera Oligopleurus , Strobilodus , and Mesoclon. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 34G-353, pis. xxviii & xxix. . A Synopsis of the Fossil Fishes of the English Lower Oolites. P. Geol. Ass. xi, pp. 285-306, figs., pi. iii. — — . Notes on some Ganoid Fishes from the English Lower Lias. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 430-436, pi. xvi. Palceoniscidce and Ccelacanthidce. Traquair, R. H. List of the Fossil Dipnoi and Ganoidei of Fife and the Lothians. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, pp. 385-400. The list is followed by notes on various known species and descriptions of several new ones. . Notice of New and Little Known Fish Remains from the Black- band Ironstone of Borough Lee, near Edinburgh. No. YI. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 249-252. ■ . On the Fossil Fishes found at Achanarras Quarry, Caithness. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 479-486, figs. . Observations on some Fossil Fishes from the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. T. c. pp. 491-494. . Notes on the Devonian Fishes of Scaumonac Bay and Campboll- town in Canada. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 15-22. Forir, H. Contributions a l’etude du Systeme Cr^tace de la Belgique. Troisieme note sur des Poissons et Crustaces nouveaux ou peu connus. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xvi, pp. 445-460, pi. xiv [1889]. Loiiest, M. Recherches sur les Poissons des Terrains paleozoiques dc Belgique. Poissons des Psammites du Condroz, Famennien Supe- rieur. Op. cit. xv, pp. 112-203, pis. i-xi [1888]. Pollini, C. Sopra alcuni avanzi di Pesci fossili terziari conservati ncl Museo Geologico della Regia Universita di Genova. Milan : 1889, 8vo, 96 pp., 1 pi. Roiion, J. Y. Die Jura-Fische von Ust-Balei in Ost-Sibirien. M6m. Ac. Petersb. xxxviii, No. 1, 15 pp., 2 pis. Newberry, J. S. Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and tho Connecticut Yalloy. Mon. U. S. Geol. Surv. xiv, 1888 [1889], 95 pp., 26 pis. Fishes, pp. 1-76, pis. i-xx. PALEONTOLOGICAL. PALJEICHTHYES. Pisces 9 [Newberry, J. S.] The Pala3ozoic Fishes of North America. Op. cit. xvi, 228 pp., woodcuts, 53 pis. Woodward, A. S. The Fossil Fishes of the Hawkesbury Series at Gos- ford. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. Palaeontology, No. 4, 1890, 55 pp., 10 pis. Sweet, G. On the Discovery of Fossil Fish in the Old Red Sandstone Rocks of the Mansfield District. P. R. Soc. Yict. (2) ii, pp. 1-14. Etheridge, R., Jun. Note on the Occurrence of Fish Remains in the Rocks of the Drummond Range, Central Queensland. Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. ii, pp. 71 & 72. McCoy’s Report on Palajontology for 1889, Ann. Rep. Sur. Mines, Victoria, p. 23, contains notes on a collection of Fishes from the Carbo- niferous strata at Broken River, near Mansfield, Victoria. PALEICHTHYES. ELASMOBRANCHII. ICHTH Y OTOMI. Feitsch, A. Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Bohmens. ii. Heft 4. Selachii ( Orthacanthus ). Prague : 1889, pp. 93-114, pis. lxxx b.-XG. III. Heft 1. Selachii (Pleuracanthus, Xena- canthus ). Prague : 1890, pp. 1-48, pis. xci-cii. . Ueber Pterygopodien permischer Haifische der Gattungeu Pleur- acanthus und Xenacanthus. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 318-320, fig. •. Preliminary Notes on the Palaeozoic Elasmobranchs, Pleuracanthus and Xenacanthus , from the Lower Permian of Bohemia. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 566. Orthacantlius Jcounoviensis , p. 107, pinguis, p. 109, and senclcenbergianus , p. 109, n. spp., Fritscii, Faun. Gask. ii, Permian of Bohemia. Pleuracanthus parallelus , p. 5, oralis, p. 13, oelbcrgensis, p. 15, and carinatus , p. 18, n. spp., id. op. cit. iii, Permian of Bohemia. Cladodus terrelli, p. 170, pi. xxvii, figs. 5-7, and tumidus, p. 172, figs. 8 & 9, n. spp., Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am., Carboniferous, Ohio. Phocbodus politus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 173, pi. xxvii, figs. 27 & 28, Carboni- ferous, Ohio. SELACHII. O. Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 47-57, figs., remarks on the position of the gill-clefts in the various groups of Selachians ; finds the classical division into Sharks and Rays unnatural ; and concludes that the Rays are a group of polyphyletic origin. 10 Pisces. PISCES. Virciiow, H. Uebor die Augengefusse der Selachier und die Verbiudung dersolbon mit den Kopfgofiisson. Arcb. Anat. Phys. 1890, Phys. pp. 1G9-173. ■ . Ueber die Spritzlochkieme der Selachier. T. c. pp. 177-182. Pilliet, A. Recherches sur la structure du Foie des S<$lacions. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 690-694. Schneider, A. Zur friihesten Entwickelung besonders der Muskeln der Elasmobranchier. Zool. Beitr. ii, pp. 251-266, pi. xxii. Kastschenko, N. Ueber den Reif ungsprocess des Selachiereies. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 428-442, pi. xvii. Alcocic, A. Natural History Notes from H. M.’s Indian Marine Survey Steamer ‘Investigator/ Commander Alfred Carpenter. No. 14: Observations on the Gestation of some Sharks and Rays. J. A. S. B. (2) lix, pp. 51-56, pi. i. Deals with Carcharias melanopterus , Zygoma blochii , Carcharias dussu- mieri , Trygon bleelceri , and Myliobatis nieuhoji. TECTOSPONDYLI. Fritscii, G. Die Elektrischon Fischo. Zwoite Abtlioilung : Dio Tor- pedineen. Leipzig : 1890, fob, 146 pp., woodcuts, 20 pis. . Ueber das numerische Verhaltniss der Ganglienzellen im Lobus electricus der Torpedineen zu ihren peripherischen Endorganen. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1890, Phys. pp. 183-186. Ewart, J. C. The Cranial Nerves of the Torpedo. Preliminary Note. P. R. Soc. xlvii, pp. 290 & 291. Doiirn, A. Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbelthierkorpers. xv. Neue Grundlagen zur Beurtheilung der Metamerie des Kopfes. MT. z. Stat. Neap, ix, pp. 330-434. Remarks based .on Torpedo inarmorata. Platt, Julia B. The Anterior Head-Cavities of Acantluas. Preliminary Notice. Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 239, fig. Howes, G. B. Variation in the Kidney of the Common Thornback (Raia clavata ) : its nature, range, and probable significance. J. Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 407-422, pi. xvii. Trygon thalassia fossilis , n. var. (fo3S.), Jaekel, Z. geol. Ges. xlii, p. 365, Molasse of Baltringen. SMazodus, n. g., for jaws of an Elasmobranch, perhaps allied to Psam- modus ; Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 178. M. kepleri , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 180, pi. xxi, figs. 1-3, Carboniferous, Ohio. Pristiophorus, M. & H. : oh the systematic position of this genus, and its affinity to the Spinacidce} and on its fossil remains ; Jaekel, Z. geol. Ges. xlii, p. 86, figs., pis. ii-v. P. suevicus} n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c . p. 116, Molasse of Baltringen. FAL/EICHTHYES — OSTRACODERMI. Pisces 11 Sclerorhynchus atavus , S. Woodw. (£oss.) : note on a fragment of tlie rostrum ; A. S. Woodward, P. Z. S. 1889, p. 449, fig. Antliodus arcuatus , n. sp. (foss.), Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 208, pi. xix, figs. 3 & 4, Carboniferous, Indiana. Ptychodus mammillaris , Ag., and polygyrus , A g. (foss.) : notes by A. S. Woodward, Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1889, pp. 39 & 40, pi. i, figs. 3-20. ASTEROSPONDYLI. Parker, T. J. On the Presence of a Sternum in Notidanus indicus. Nature, xliii, p. 142, fig. White, P. J. On the Skull and Visceral Skeleton of the Greenland Shark, Lcemargus microcephalus. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 259-261. Ewart, J. C. On the Spiracles of the Porbeagle Shark ( Lanina cornu- bica). J. Anat. Phys. xxiv, pp. 227-229. Davis, J. W. On the Dentition of Pleuroplax ( Pleurodus ), A. S. Woodw. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 291-294, pi. xiii. Chlamydoselache anguinea , Garm. : recorded from Madeira by Collett, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 219. Ilybodus vestitus, n. sp. (foss.), Fritsch, Faun. Gask. ii, p. 97, pi. lxxiii, fig. 14, Permian of Bohemia. Acanthodes affinis, Whiteaves, is referred to Mesacanthus, Traq., by Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 1G. i Goniodus, n. g. [name preoccupied, Agassiz, 1838], probably Elasmo- branch aud Cestraciont ; Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. G7. G. hertzeri , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 69, pi. xxvii, figs. 11-15, Huron Shale, Devonian, Ohio. HOLOCEPHALI. Rhynchodus greenei , n. sp. (foss.), Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 51, Hydraulic Limestone, Wisconsin. OSTRACODERMI. HETEROSTRA.CI. Cephalaspis campbelltonensis, Whiteaves : romarks by Traquatr, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 21. C. whiteavesi , n. sp., id. t. c,, Devonian of Canada. OSTEOSTRACI. Cephalaspis laticeps , n. sp., Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 16, Devonian of Canada. 12 Pisces. nscES. ANTIARCHA. Traquair, R. H. On the Structure and Classification of the Asterolepidce. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1888-80, pp. 23-4G, pis. i & ii (1889). n] Ilolonema , n. g., for Pterichthys rugosus , Clay pole ; Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 92. J Glyptaspis , n. g. ( Pterichthidarum ) ; id. t. c. p. 157. G. verrucosus , p. 158, pi. xiii, figs. 1 & 2, Carboniferous, N. America. Botliriolepis leidyi , p. Ill, pis. xviii, fig. 2, & xx, figs. 1-5, and minor , p. 112, pi. xx, figs. 6-8, n. spp., id. t. c., Carboniferous, Penn- sylvania. DIPNOI. SIRENOIDEI. Dipterus ( Ctenodus ) nelsoni , p. 80, figs. 19 & 20, Jiabelli/ormis, p. 90, fig. 21, levis, p. 90, figs. 22 & 23, minutus , p. 91, fig. 20, and radiatus , p. 119, fig. 33, n. spp. (foss.), Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. pi. xxvii, Car- boniferous, Pennsylvania. GanorJiynchus beecheri , n. sp. (foss.), id., Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 95, pi. xix, fig. 2, Carboniferous, N. America. Phaneropleuron, Huxl., belongs to the Dipnoi. Note on the dentition of P. curium , Whiteaves; Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 1, fig. Phaneropleuron curtum , Whiteaves : remarks by Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 15. Uronemus splendens , Traq. : remarks by id. t. c. p. 252. Ctenodus interruptus , Barkas : remarks by id. t. c. p. 249, and by A. S. Woodward, Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1889, p. 37, pi. i, fig. 2. C. wagneri , n. sp. (foss.), Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 172, pi. xxvii, fig. 30, Carboniferous, Ohio. C. tardus , n. sp. (foss.), Fritsch, Faun. Gask. ii, p. 93, pi. lxxx, b, Permian of Bohemia. 1 llemictenodus, n. g , for Ctenodus obliquus , Hanc. ,& Att. (foss.) ; Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 7 : remarks by Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 251. H. quinquecostatus, Traquair : notes; id. ibid. llemictenodus = Sagenodus , Ow. ; Traquair, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 393. i/ Gosfordia, n. g. (foss.), allied to Ceratodus , Ag. ; A. S. Woodward, Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal. No. 4, p. 4. G. truncata , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 5, pis. i & ii, figs. 1#& 2, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. R. Burckiiardt, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 158, has remarks on Protopterus annectens, and denies the caudal respiration. ARTHRODIRA. Traquair, R. H. Ilomosteus , Asmuss, compared with Coccosteus, Agassiz. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1888-89, pp. 47-57, pi. iii [1889]. OSTRACODERMI, GANOIDEI. Pisces 13 [Traquair, R. H.] Ou the Structure of Coccostcus dccipicns. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 125-136, pi. x, and P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1889-90, pp. 211-224, pi. xi. Coccostcus decipiens , Ag. : remarks by A. v. Kcenen, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 191; Traquair, t. c. p. 235 ; and A. v. Kcenen, JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, p. 198. 4 Phlyctccnius, n. g., for Coccosteus acadicus, Whiteaves ; Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, pp. 20 & 55. The name being preoccupied, is changed to Phlyctcenaspis ; id. t. c. p. 144. P. anglicus , n. sp., id. i. c. p. 58, pi. iii, fig. 3, Devonian of Herefordshire. , DinicTithys precursor , p. 51, pi. xli, gouldii , p. 150, pis. ix, fig. 1, & x, figs, i & ii, corrugatus , p. 151, pi. vii, fig. 3, intermedius, p. 152, pis. x, figs. 1 & 2, xlvii, figs. 1-4, & li & lii, and curtus , p. 156, pis. xlviii, fig. 3, & liii, figs. 1-3, n. spp., Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am., Carboniferous, Ohio. njT rachosteus, n. g., apparently near Aspidichtliys ; id. t. c. p. 166. T. clarhii, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 167, pi. xlii, figs. 1-8, Carboniferous, Ohio. Phyllolcpis delicatula , n. sp. id. t. c. p. 97, pi. xix, fig. 11, Carboniferous, Pennsylvania. P . undulatus and corneti, n. spp., Loiiest, Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xv, p. 157, pis. x & xi, Upper Devonian of Belgium. Iloloptyckius granulatus, p. 100, pi. xx, fig. 9, and tubcrcidatus, p. 101, pi. xix, fig. 14, hallii, p. 114, pi. xx, fig. 10, and radiatus , p. 115, pi. xx, figs. 12-14, n. spp. (foss.), Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am., Carboniferous, N. America. II. dewalguei , p. 134, figs., and injlexus, p. 141, figs., n. spp. (foss.), Loiiest, Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xv, Upper Devonian of Belgium. Glyptolepis quebecensis, Whiteaves : remarks by Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 16. G. bcncdeni and radians , n. sp. (foss.), Loiiest, Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xv, pp. 150 & 151, pis. ix & x, Upper Devonian of Belgium. Lamnodus minor, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 120, pi. vii, fig. 1, Upper Devonian of Belgium. * Sphenophor us, n. g. (foss.), for a clavicle probably indicating a Crossop- terygian Ganoid, having affinities with Holoptychius and Onychodus ; Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 91. S. lilleyi , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 92, pi. xx, fig. 15, Carboniferous, Pennsylvania. Cricodus and Dcndrodus , Ow. : romarks by Trautsciiold, Z. geol. Gos. xli, pp. 621-634, pis. xxiii-xxv. The author comes to the con- clusion that the genus Dcndrodus has to be dropped, and that the correct position of Cricodus may be in a separate family of Crossopterygians. Dendrodus iraquairi and briarti , n. spp. (foss.), Loiiest, Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xv, pp. 117 & 118, pi. viii, figs. 2, 3, & 5, Upper Devonian of Belgium. GANOIDEI. CROSSOPTERY GIL 14 Pisces. PISCES. Oricodus ? agassizii , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 120, pis. viii, fig. 1, & vii, fig. 4, Upper Devonian of Belgium. Strepsodus minor , n. sp. (foss.), Traquair, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 393, Lower Carboniferous, Pitcorthy, Scotland. Eusthenopteron foordii, Whiteaves : remarks by Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 17. Megalichthys Icevis , n. sp. (foss.), Traquair, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 394, Lower Carboniferous, Straiton, Scotland. Goelacanthus phillipsii, Ag. : remarks by J. W. Davis, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 159. Undina barroviensis , n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 435, pi. xvi, fig. 3, Lower Lias of Barrow-on-Soar, Leicestershire. ACTINOPTERYGrII. Virchow, H. Ueber Spritzlochkieme von Acipenser und ihre Verbin- dung mit den Kopfgefassen. Arch. An at. Phys. 1890, Phys. pp. 58G-588. i Mcsopoma , n. g. (foss.), for Canobius pulchcllus , Traq., politus , Traq., and Rhadinichthys macroccphalu8) Traq. ; Traquair, Ann. N. II. (G) vi, p. 493. -I Drydenius) n. g. (foss.), allied to Gonatodus, for D. insignis, n. sp. ; id. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 399, Lower Carboniferous, Loanhead, Scotland. Rhadinichthys Upturns ) Traq., — R. ornatissimus , Ag. ; R. geikiei , Traq., = R. carinatus, Ag. : Traquair, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 397. R. mcicrocephalus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 398, Lower Carboniferous, Pumpher- ston, Scotland. R. delicatulus , Traq., = R. geikieif Traq. ; Traquair, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 492. J Benedenichthys . n. n. for Benedenius , Traq., preoccupied ; id. t. c. p. 492. ^ Palceoniscinotus , n. g. (foss.), allied to Palceoniscus. P. czelcanowskii and P. irkutskensis , n. spp., Roiion, Mdm. Ac. Petersb. xxxviii, No. 1, p. 8, pis. i & ii, Jurassic of Ust-Balei, E. Siberia. Elonichthys ?icmoptcrus, Ag. : on the well-marked varieties ; Traquair, P. R. Soc. Ediub. xvii, p. 394. E. multistriatus , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 396, Lower Carboniferous, Gilmerton and Loanhead, Scotland. Acrolepis semigranulosus , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 398, Lower Carboni- ferous, Straiton, Scotland. Myriolepis latus, n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal., No. 4, p. 10, pi. iii, figs. 2 & 3, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Walos. Oxygnathus , Egert. : new diagnosis of the genus ; id. Ann. N. H. (G) v, p. 431. Centrolepis asper , Egert. : noticed and figured by id. t. c. p. 430, pi. xvi, fig. 1. Coccolepis liassicus, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 433, pi. xvi, fig. 2, Lower Lias of Lyme Regis. GANOIDEI. Pisces 15 ^ Apateolepis , n. g. (foss.), Palceoniscidarum , id. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal., No. 4, p. 12. A. australis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 13, pi. iv, figs. 1-4, Trias, Gosford, N. S. )Vales. Actinophorus, n. g. (foss.), Palceoniscidarum ? ; Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. 174. A. clarJcii, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 175, pi. xlix, fig. 1, Carboniferous, Ohio. Eurynotus microlepidotus , n. sp. (foss.), Traquair, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 400, Lower Carboniferous, Loanhead, Scotland. Mesolepis tuberculatus and rhombus , n. spp. (foss), id. Ann. N. H. (G) vi, p. 493, Lower Carboniferous, Glencartholm, Eskdale, Scotland. Cheirodus crassus, n. sp. (foss.), Traquair, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, p. 400, Lower Carboniferous, Abden, Scotland. Belonorhynchus gigas , p. 23, pis. ix, figs. 1 & 2, & x, figs. 1 & 2, and gracilis , p. 27, pis. viii, fig. 5, ix, figs 3 & 4, & x, figs. 3 & 4, n. spp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Mem. Geol. Surv. N. S. W., Pal., No. 4, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. Dictyopygc symmetrica , p. 17, pi. iv, figs. 5 & G, illustrans , p. 18, pi. iv, figs. 7-9, and robusta, p. 20, pi. iii, figs. 4 & 5, n. spp. (foss.), id. t. c., Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. Catopterus minor , p. 57, pi. xvii, figs. 1-4, and ornatus , p. 58, pi. xviii, fig. 3, n. spp. (foss.), Newberry, Mon. U. S. Geol. Surv. xiv, Trias of Connecticut. Acentrophorus chicopensis , n. sp. (foss.), Newberry, Mori. U. S. Geol. Surv. xiv, p. 69, pi. xix, figs. 3 & 4, Trias of Massachusetts. Ischypterus micropterus , p. 31, pis. iv, figs. 1 & 2, & xii, fig. 2, robustus, p. 36, pi. vi, fig. 1, elegans , p. 37, pis. vii, fig. 2, x, fig. 1, & xiv, figs. 1 & 2, alatus, p. 37, pi. viii, figs. 1 & 2, modestus, p. 38, pi. ix, figs. 1 & 3, lenti- cularis, p. 39, pi. x, figs. 2 & 3, lineatus, p. 40, pi. xi, figs. 1 & 2, braunii , p. 43, pis. xii, fig. 3, & xiii, figs. 1 & 2, minutus , p. 48, pi. xiii, fig. 5, and gigas, p. 49, pi. xiv, fig. 3, n. spp. (foss.), id. t. c., Trias of New Jersey and Connecticut. Semionotus australis , p. 31, pi. vi, fig. 2, and tenuis, p. 31, pi. vi, fig. 3, n. spp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Mem. Geol. Surv. N. S. W., Pal., No. 4, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. * Pristisomus, n. g. (foss.) Semionotidarum ; id. t. c. p. 32. P. gracilis , p. 33, pis. v, fig. 1, vi, fig. 1, & viii, fig. 1, latus, p. 35, pi. v, figs. 2 & 4, and crassus , p. 36, pi. v, figs. 5-7, n. spp., id. t. c., Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. Cleithrolepis altus, n. sp. ? (foss.), id. t. c. p. 42, pi. viii, fig. 4, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. Lepidotus sibiricu's, n. sp. (foss.), Roiion, Mem. Ac. Petersb. xxxviii, No. 1, p. 9, pis. i & ii, Jurassic of Ust-Balei, E. Siberia. Pliolidopliorus maaclci , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 10, pi. i, figs. 7 & 10, Jurassic of Ust-Balei, E. Siberia. P. gregarius, n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Mom. Geol. Surv. N. S. W., Pal., No. 4, p. 44, pi. vi, figs. 6-10, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. Peltopleurus (?) dubius , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 47, pi. vi, figs. 4 & 5, Trias, Gosford, N. S. Wales. 16 Pisces. PISCES. Strobilodus purbeckensis, n. sp. (foss.), id. P. Z. S. 1800, p. 350, pi. xxix, fig. 4, Purbeck, Swanago. Eurycormus grandis , A. S. Woodw. : description of the head ; id. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 289, pi. x, figs. 1-8. AspidorhyncJius crassus, n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Proc. Geol. Ass. xi, p. 296, pi. iii, figs. 11-15, Lower Oolite, Stonesfield. Leptolepis disjectus, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 295, pi. iii, figs. 16-19, Lower Oolite, Stonesfield. Mesodon daviesi , n. sp. (foss.), id. P. Z. S. 1890, p. 351, pi. xxviii, fig. 5, Purbeck, Swanage. M. damoni , n. sp. (foss.), id. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 158, Portland Oolite, Weymouth. M. biserialis , fig. 20, discoides, fig. 32, and teuuidens [ latidens, err ore ], fig. 29, n. spp., id., Proc. Geol. Ass. xi, p. 300, pi. iii, Oolite, England. ^ Scaphodus , n. g. [= Mesodon ] ; S. lieteromorplins , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 301, pi. iii, figs. 33-35, Stonesfield. ^ Anomoedus, Forir. This genus, allied to Mesodon and Coelodus , is characterized, and the type species, A. fraiponti , Forir, described and figured ; Forir, Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xvi, p. 445, pi. xiv, fig. 1. Pycnodus cretaceus , Ag., is also referred to this genus. Oligopleurus vecteusis , u. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 346, pis. xxviii, figs. 1-4, & xxix, figs. 1 & 2, Wealdon, Isle of Wight. Coccodus lindstroemi , n. sp. (foss.), J. W. Davis, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, p. 565, pi. xxii, Chalk of Hakel, Mount Lebanon. Leedsichthys problematicus, A. S. Woodw. : note on the gill-rakers ; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 292, pi. x, figs. 9 & 10. Opsigonus gracilis , n. sp. (foss.), Rohon, Mem. Ac. Petersb. xxxviii, No. 1, p. 11, pi. i, fig. 6, Jurassic of Ust-Balei, E. Siberia. \] Baleiichthys, n. g. (foss.) ( Hornocerci ), for B. graciosa, and B. lata , n. spp.; id. t. c. pp. 13 & 14, pis. i, fig. 8, & ii, fig. 14, Jurassic of Ust-Balei, E. Siberia. INCERTiE SEDIS. O. Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 117-131, writes on fossil fin-spines ^ and ichthyodorulites, and proposes the new nanm TracJiyacanthidui for Gampsacanthus , St. John & Worth., and allies. Ctenacanthus randelli , p. 105, clarlcii , p. 168, pi. xxvi, figs. 2 & 3, angustus, p. 181, lettonii , p. 202, pi. xxvi, fig. 1, and cylindricus, p. 202, pi. xxvi, fig. 1, n. spp., Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am., Carboniferous, N. America. Asteroptychius elegans, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 176, pi. xxv, fig. 4, Lower Carboniferous, Michigan. Physonemus stellatus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 200, pi. xxi, fig. 12, Carboniferous, Indiana. Gyracanthus sherwoodi , p. 119, pi. xviii, fig. 4, and inornatus, p. 177, pi. xxiii, fig. 5, n. spp., id. t. c ., Carboniferous of N. America. GANOIDEI, TELEOSTEI. Pisces 1 7 Gyracanthus rectus , n. sp., Traquair, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 417, Lower Carboniferous, Scotland. G. incurvus , n. sp., for a Selachian ichthyo- dorulite from the Devonian of Canada ; id. Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 21. vPalccospondylus gunnii , n. g. & sp., id. t . c. p. 485, fig., Old Red Sand- stone, Caithness. vlleter acanthus, n. g., for C. wrigliti , Newb., and II. politus , n. sp. ; Newberry, Pal. Fishes N. Am. p. G5, Cement Beds, Hamilton age, Wisconsin. Callognathus, n. g., id. t. c. p. 69 ; C. regular is, p. 70, pi. xxvii, fig. 18, serratus, p. 70, pi. xxvii, figs. 16 & 17, and ortoni , p. 71, pi. xix, fig. 1, n. spp., Devonian of Ohio. Stethacanthus, n. g., id. t. c. p. 198. S. tumidus, p. 129, pi. xxv, figs. 1 & 2, and marginatus, n. spp., id. t. c. pi. x^x, fig. 9, Carboniferous, Indiana and Ohio. * Pcntagonolepis, n. g., for Ganoid scales of obscure affinities ; Loiiest, Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. xv, p. 159. P. Jconindci, n. sp., id, t. c. p. 161, pi. xi, figs. 1-8, Upper Devonian of Belgium. TELEOSTEI. S0RENSEN, W. Om Forbeninger i Svommeblaeren, Pleura og Aortas Yaeg og Sammensmeltning deraf med Hvirvels0jlen ssorlig hos Siluroi- derne, samt de saakaldte Weberske Knoglers Morfologi. — Sur les ossifications do la paroi de la vessie natatoire, de la plevre et de l’aorte, et leur fusion avec la colonne vertebrale, surtout chez les Siluroi'des, et sur la morphologie des ossicules de Weber. Yid. Selsk. Skr. (6) vi, pp. 67-152, pis. i-iii. [With French resume. ] Bridge, T. W. On the Structure and Function of the Air-Bladder in certain Fishes. P. Birmiugh. Phil. Soc. vii, pp. 144-187. McIntosh, W. C. On the Larval and Post-Larval Stages of the Sole and other Food-Fishes. [Abstract.] Rep. Brit. Ass. lix, p. 618. Ryder, J. A. The Continuity of the Primary Matrix of the Scales and the Actinotrichia of Teleosts. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 489-491. Wjedersiieim, R. Weitere Mittheilungen fiber die Entwicklungs- geschichte des Schulter- und Beckengfirtels. Toleostier. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 13-19, figs. Raffaele, F. Sullo spostamento postembrionale della cavity addominale nei Teleostei. MT. z. Stat. Neap, ix, pp. 305-329, pis. xii & xiii. Holt, E. W. L. Observations upon the Development of the Toleostean Brain, with especial reference to that of Clupea harengus. Zool. Jahrb., Anat. iv, pp. 478-500, pis. xxix-xxxi. 18 Pisces . PISCES. ACANTHOPTERYGII. PeRCIDJE. >/ Epitrcichys, n. subg., for Perea fluviatilis , L. ; Erwin Schulze, J. Bor. Yer. Magdeburg, 1889, p. 209. Etheostoma tippecanoe , n. sp., Jordan & Evermann, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 3, fig. 1, Indiana. Centropristis investigatoris , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 199, off Madras coast, 98-102 fath. Anthias mundulus , n. sp., Johnson, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 452, Madeira. Serranus cequidens , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 61, Pacific coast of N. America. Brephostoma , Alcock, is now referred to the Percidce , near Pomatomus , Risso ; Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 201. B. carpenteri , Alcock, figured ; t. c. pi. ix, fig. 4. ^ Parascombrops, n. g., allied to Scombrops, but dorsal with 9 spines, and preoperculum with a double serrated edge. A. pellucidus, n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 296, pi. xxii, fig. 1, Bay of Bengal. Pronotogrammus eos, n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 62, Pacific coast of N. America. Squamipinnes. Chelmo rostratus , L. : note on young specimens, by Vaillant, C.R. cxi, p. 756. Holacanthus clarionensis , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 72, Pacific coast of N. America. Sparidje. Pagrus, Cuv. : on a subfossil skull from Melbourne ; Dames, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 162, fig. Scorpjenidjl Sebastes serrulatus and muciparus, n. spp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 298, pi. xxii, figs. 2 & 3, Bay of Bengal. Scorpcena (Sebastoplus) sierra , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 82, Pacific coast of N. America. Sebastodes (?) rosce , n. sp. (foss.), Eigenmann, Zoe, i, p. 16, fig., Tertiary, Port Harford, California. Sebastichthys goodei (= Sebastodes goodei, Eigenm.), p. 75, alutusy p. 76, rupestris} p. 76, zacentrus , p. 77, saxicola , p. 78, diploproa , p. 79, aurora , p. 80, introniger , p. 81, and sinensis, p. 81, n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America. TELEOSTBI. Pisces 19 Sebastolobus alascanus , n. sp., Bean, t. c. p. 44, Alaska. Minous inermis , n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. Ivin, p. 299, pi. xxii, fig. 4, Bay of Bengal. M. coccineus , n. sp., id., Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 428, off Ganjam coast. Hemitripterus marmoratus , n. sp., Bean, P. U, S. Nat. Mus, xiii, p. 43, Alaska. BeRYCIDjE. Melampliaes lugubris, p. 59, and cristiceps, p. GO, n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 60, Pacific coast of N. America. SciiENIDJ;. Micropogon megalops , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 64, Pacific coast of N. America. Scicena ophiceps, n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 300, Bay of Bengal. Corvida sanctce-lucice , n. sp., Jordan, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 649, St. Lucia, W. Indies. Cynoscion macdonaldi , n. sp., Gilbert, op.cit. xiii, p. 64, Pacific coast of N. America. Carangidj;. Tracliurus mclanosaurus , Cooco, described by FacciolA, Nat. Sioil. ix, p. 234. J Bathyseriola, n. g. : body oblong and compressed, covered with small deciduous cycloid scales. Lateral line apparently unarmed. First dorsal fin continuous, with rather feeble spines ; the second and the anal much more developed and without finlets. Anal spines approximated to and continuous with the rest of the fin. Ventral with a continuous mem- branous attachment to the abdomen. Cleft of mouth narrow ; villiform teeth in the jaws only. Preopercular border entire. Seven branchio- stegals. Pseudobranchiae. Pyloric appendages numerous. No air- bladder. Vertebrae 10/14. B. cyanea , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 202, off the coast of Madras, 98-102 fath. Anomalops palpcbratus , Bodd., redescribed by Douglas-Ogilby, Bee. Austral. Mus. i, p. 69. ScOMBRIDiE. Thynnus thynnus , L. , recordod fossil from the Forost bod of Cromor ; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. (3) vii, p. 264. T. scaldisiensis , Storms (?) : on the evidence of a fossil Tunny in the Coralline Crag of England ; A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 294. 20 Pisces . PISCES. TRACIIINIDiE. Uranoscopus crassiceps , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (G) vi, p. 205, off the coast of Madras, 98-102 fath. Aphritis bassii, Casteln., redescribed by Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 67. ^ Ponerodon, u. g. Body elongate, naked. Eyes lateral. Two separate dorsal fins, of which the second is much the longer, and equal, opposite, and similar to the anal ; ventrals thoracic ; pectoral rays branched. Cleft of mouth extremely wide ; jaws distensible and armed with canine teeth, as are also the palatines. Gill-openings very wide, the gill- membranes united anteriorly ; praeoperculum with a (small) spine at its angle; seven branchiostegals ; pseudobranchiae. Lateral line single, un- interrupted. Abdominal cavity enormous. No air-bladder. No pyloric caeca. No anal papilla. Vertebrae 14/24. P. vastator , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (G) vi, p. 203, pi. ix, fig. 5, off Madras coast, 690-920 fath. ICOSTEID2E. Bathymaster hypoplectus , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 97, Pacific coast of N. America. PSYCHROLUTIDJE. Psychrolutes zebra , n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 43, Alaska. Pediculati. Guitel, F. Sur la Ligue LatGrale de la Baudroie ( Lophius piscatorius ). C.R. cx, pp. 50-52. Lophius indicus , n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 302, Bay of Bengal. ^ Par oneirodes, n. g. (?), differing from Oneirodes , Liitk., in possessing a secoud cephalic instead of a true dorsal spine. P. glomerosus , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. II. (G) vi, p. 20G, pi. ix, fig. G, off Madras coast, 12G0 fath. Pterophryne histrio , L. : mimicry of the environment in this fish ; J. E. Ives, P. Ac. Philad. 1889, p. 344. Halieutcea spongiosa, n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 124, Pacific coast of N. America. COTTID/E. J ourdan, E. Structure histologique des Barbillons et des Rayons libres du Peristedion cataphr actum. Arch. Z. exper. (2) viii, pp. 603-6 1G, pi. xxxii. Cottus uncinatus , Reinh., recorded from the Pleistocene of Ottawa, Canada, by Dawson, Can. Rec. iv, p. 86. TELEOSTEI. Pisces 21 Icelus scutiger and euryops, n. spp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 41, Alaska. Icelinus cavifrons , p. 83, filamcntosus , p. 85, tenuis , p. 86, Jimbriatus , p. 87, and oculatus , p. 87, n. spp., Gilbert, £. c. Pacific coast of N. America. jDasycottus, n. g., allied to Cottunculus. D. setigerf n. sp., Bean, t. c. p. 42, Alaska. ^ Malacottus, n. g., allied to Cottunculus. M. zonurus, id. t. c. p. 43, Alaska. . Radulinus, n. g. ( Cottiddrum ). Spinous dorsal short, soft dorsal and anal very long { branchiostegal membranes broadly united, posteriorly free from isthmus ; no slit behind last gill ; broad bands of cardiform teeth on jaws, a single series on vomer, none on palatines ; preopercle with two short, simple spiries ; ventrals I, 3 ; body very slender ; sides armed with a series of large, keeled, spinous plates along lateral line ; similar plates on head. R. aspretlus, n. sp., Gilbert, t. c. p. 88, Pacific coast of N. America: Trigla hemisticld , Schleg.: note oil specimens from the Bay of Bengal ; Alcock, Ann. N. II. (6) vi* p. 207. Lepidotrigla spiloptera , Gthr:, n. var; longipinnis , id. t. c. p. 429, off Gan jam coast. Prionotus alepis, n: sp., id. Jt A. S. B. lviii, p. 303, pi. xxii, fig. 5, Bay of Bengal. 1 Synckirus, n. g., type of a new subfamily, Synchirince. Yentral fins thoracic, but romoto from the gill-opening, and consisting of a rudimont- ary spine and several rays ; with {f short and well-developed spinous dorsal, which is separated by a deep' notch from the soft portion ; the spines slender ; the branchial apertures T^ide and the gill-membrane free from the isthmus ; gills 3|, apparently with no slit behind the last ; pectoral fins continuous around the breast, the rays supported all round by actinosts ; the genital papilla of males capable of being received into a pit in front of the anal fin. Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus: xii, p. 641, and Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 119. $. gilli, n. sp., id. t; c. p. 642, Barclay Sound, British Columbia. Cataphracti. Calderwood, W. L: On the Swimming Bladder and Flying Powers of Dactylopterus volitans : P. R. $oc. Edinb. xvii, pp. 132-138, pi. Dactylopterus, Lacep; : notes on the characteristics of the Dactylopte- roidea, and figure of D. volitans , L. ; Gill,- P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 243, pi. xix. v Bathyagonus, il. g. ( Agonidarum ). Spinous dorsal developed; lower jaw the longer ; plates of body spinous ; gill-membranes united to the isthmus, not forming a fold across it ; teeth well-developed on jaws, vomer, and palatines ; pectorals not notched, the upper rays the longest, the lower becoming regularly shortened ; bones of head thin and yielding, 1890. [vol. xxyii.] d 4 22 Pisces. PISCES. the system of mucous canals very strongly developed. B. nigripinnis , n. sp., Gilbert, t. c. p. 89, Pacific coast of N. America. ^ XenochiruSy n. g. ( Agonidarum ). Spinous dorsal present ; jaws equal, or the upper the longest ; plates of body spinous ; gill-membranes united to the isthmus, the posterior edge sometimes forming a very narrow free fold across the throat ; teeth well developed on jaws, vomer, and pala- tines ; pectorals divided by a deep notch into two portions, the lower composed of greatly thickened rays, which are simple and frequently longer than those of upper lobe ; a series of small spines on eyeball above pupil ; id. t. c. p. 90. X. triacanthus , p. 91, pentacanthus, p. 91, latifrons , p. 92, n. spp., id. t. c., Pacific coast of N. America. Discoboli. Guitel, F. Sur le Nerf Lateral des Cyclopterides. C.R. cxi, pp. 536-539. Liparis vulgaris , Flem. : on its occurrence on the Irish Coast ; R. Sciiarff, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) vi, p. 448. Paraliparis rosaceus, n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 93, Pacific coast of N. America. Careproctiis spectrum , n.sp., Bean, t. c. p. 40, Alaska. Gobiidji. Holt, E. W. L. On the Ova of Gobius. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 34-40, pi. ii. Gobius fallax , n. sp., Sarato, Gazette de Nice, No. 16, 1889, = G. bucchi- chiit Stdr. ; Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 506. G. zebra and dalliy n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 73, Pacific coast of N. America. G. cometes , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 208, pi. viii, fig. 2, off Madras coast, 98-102 fath. Apocryptes batoides , Day, = A. batoy Ham. Buch. ; Vinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 175. Gillichthys y-cauda , Jenk. & Everm., pi. ii, fig. 5, and G. mirabilis , Cooper, pi. iii, fig. 15, figured by Eigenmann, Zoe, i. G. y-cauda , Jenk. & Everm., recorded from San Diego, California, by Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 363. Glevelandia, Eigenm., is distinct from Gillichthys , Cooper ; Eigen- mann, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 917 [1890]. C. longipinna , Stdr., figured by Eigenmann, Zoe, i, pi. ii, fig. 4. Typhlogobius calif orniensis, Stdr. : notes on habits and development, and figure of the fish ; id. t . c. p. 66, pi. iii, figs. 1-14 ; Rosa Smith Eigenmann, t. c. p. 181. Callionymus carebares,. n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 209, pi. viii, off Madras coast, 98-102 fath. Amblyopus arctocephalus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 432, off Mahanaddi Delta, Bay of Bengal. TELEOSTEI. Pisces 23 Cepolim:. Cepola , L. : on its dorsal spines ; Hilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 14. Trichonotiml Tceniolabrus cyclogrdptus, n. sp., ALCOCKj Ann. N. H. (6) vi; p. 430, fig., Ganjam boast. Blenniieue. Salarias syrhptocos , Hilg’,, = Blennius galerila , Ii. ; HlLGiiNbORF, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 15. Centronotus guiiellus, L. : on the young stages ; W. C. McIntosh, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 182. Zoarces vioiparus , L i : on deformed young specimens ; E; W. ti. Holt, op. cit. Vf pi 256; Labrosomus cremnobatesj n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p; 100, Pacific coast of N. America. Daciyloscdpus lundiidus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 99, Pacific coast of N. America. iGillellusj n. g., intermediate betweeri Daciyloscdpus arid Mytiodaynus ; id. t. c. p. 98. G. semicinctus , p. 98, and arenicola , p. 99, n. spp., id. t. c., Pacific coast of N. America. ^ Cryptotremaj n. g., allied td Labrosoniusj for G. c drallinunt, n. sp. j id. t. c. p. 101, Pacific coast of N. America. ^Piedtobranchus, n. g. Teeth conic, on jaws, Vomer, and palatiries,* sdme of them canine-like ; body scaly ; lateral line obsolete, its course indicated by a lighter streak o’n middle of sides ; gill slits hbt continued far for- wards, the membranes broadly united, wholly free from isthmus ; dorsal of spines only ; anal with two spines ; ventral with one spine and ttiree well-developed rays ; lower pectoral rays longest, as in Leptoclinitsi F. evides, n. sp., id. t-. c. p. 102, Pacific coast of N. America. v Lucioblennius, n. g. Body very elongate, wholly naked ; gill membfanes broadly united, free from isthmus ; dorsal fin single, extending alo'ng the entire back, its anterior half spinous ; ventrals in front of pectorals, I, 2 ; first two anal rays spinous ; last rays of dorsal and anal joined to caudal ; teeth conic, not movable, in jaws and on vomer and dn palatines. L: alepidotuSj n. sp., id. t. c. p. 103, Pacific coast of N. America. ^Porodlinus, n. g. ; P. ro thro chi, n. sp.j Bean, l. c. p; 40, Alaska. GoBiEsociDi:. $obiesox pimtiger, p. 94, funebris , p. 95, huvrieralii , p. 9*5, eigenmanni , p. 96, and papillifer , p. 96, n. spp., Gilbert, P. if; S. Nat. Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America. Lepado faster, Gouan : notes on the British species, by G. Brook, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1888-89, p. 161, pi. vii. L. microcephalus, n. sp. [•— ? 24 Pisces. PISCES. L. couchii , S. Kent], id. t. c. p. 166, pi. vii, figs. 1-4 (1889), West coast of Scotland. L. bimaculatus , Flem. : on the sexual differences ; Guitel, C.R. cxi, p. 759. Ophiocephaljdjd. Opluocephalus apus , Canestrini, = Channa orientalis , Bl. ; Vinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 183. LoPHOTIDAL Lophotes fiski, n. sp., Gunther, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 244, pis. xix & xx, S. Africa. Trachypterida;. T. Gill, Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 481, remarks on the characters of the Ribbon Pishes, for which group he uses the name Tceniosomi , proposed by him in 1887, and which he divides into two families : Trachypteridce and Reg alec idee. Meek, A. On the Structure of TracTiypterus arcticus (the Northern Ribbon-Fish). Stud. Mus. Dundee, i, No. 6, 24 pp., 2 pis. Notacanthi. A new order, Heteromqri , is instituted by Gill, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 1016 (1890), for these Fishes. ACANTHOPTERYGII PHARYNGOGNATHI. Lab rid ac. Thalassoma virens , p. 68, grammaticum , p. 68, and socorroense, p. 69, n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America. Micro spathodon cinereus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 71, Pacific coast of N. America. ^Calotomus , n. g., allied to Cryptotomus, for C. xenodon , n. sp. ; id. t. c. p. 70, Pacific coast of N. America. Ilalichceres sellifer , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 67, Pacific coast of N. America. Julis noronhana, n. sp., Boulenger, J. L. S. xx, p. 483, Fernando Noronha, Brazil. Pseudojulis adastus , p. 66, melanotis , p. 66, and inornatus, p. 67, n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat, Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America. Embiotocidac. Eigenmann, C. H. The Development of Micrometrus aggregatus , one of the Viviparous Surf -Perches. Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 923-927 [issued March, 1890]. TELEOSTEI. Pisces 25 ANACANTHINI. LiYCODIDjE. Lycodes brevipes , n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 38, Alaska. L. porifer, n. sp., Gilbert, t. c. p. 104, Pacific coast of N. America. I/ycodopsis crotalinus , p. 105, and crassilabris, p. 106, n. spp., id. t. c., Pacific coast of N. America. ✓ Aprodon , n. g., differing from Lycodes only in dentition, the teeth being present in a single strong series on the palatines, but none on the vomer ; id. t. c. p. 106. A. corteziana , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 107, Pacific coast of N. America. Lycodapus , n. g. Body naked ; ventrals wanting ; vertical fins united around the tail ; gill openings wide, continued forwards under the throat; gill membranes anteriorly narrowly united, loosely joined to the isthmus by a fold of lax skin ; branchiostegals, six ; no pseudobranchiae ; gills, four ; a wide slit behind inner arch ; gill-rakers developed ; teeth prosent in jaws, on vomer and palatines, none of them enlarged ; vent remote from the throat : id. t. c. p. 107. L. Jierasfer, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 108, Pacific coast of N. America. Maynea pusilla and brunnea, n. spp., Bean, t. c. p. 39, Alaska. Bothrocara, n. g., resembling Maynea , but the vomer and palate tooth- less ; id. t. c. p. 38. B. mollis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 39, Alaska. Gadidjj. Tiiesen, J. Bidrag til tarmkanalens histologi og physiologi hos Torsken ( Gadus morrhua ). Arch. f. math, og Naturv. xl, pp. 220-231, pi. A contribution to the histology and physiology of the intestinal tract of the Cod. Physiculus rastrelliger , p. 113, and nematopus, p. 114, n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America. Motella cimbria, L., and M. mustela , L. : notos on the larval stages ; G, Brook, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1888-89, p. 156, pi. vi [1889]. Raniceps raninus , L. : notes on the osteology ; Gill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 235, pi. xviii. ' Antimora microlepisy n. sp., Bean, t. c. p. 38, Alaska. Onus , Risso : synopsis of the species ; Collett, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 109. 0. guttatus , p. 105, Azores, and biscayensis, p. 107, Bay of Biscay and Cape Finistere, n. spp., id. t. c. Leucopsarion , Hilg. : further notes by Hilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 16. Ophidiid.®. Dmematichthys piger , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 432, Great Coco I., Andaman Archipelago. 26 Pisces. PISCES. Neobythites pterotus, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 210, off Madras coast, 1310 fath. N. stelliferoides , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 112, Pacific coast of N. America. Gatcetyx rubrirostris , n. sp., id. t. c. p. Ill, Pacific coast of N. America. Leptophidium par dale, p. 108, microlepis, p. 109, stigmatitisum, p. 109, and emmelas , p. 110, n. spp., id. t. c ., Pacific coast of N. America. Otophidium galeoides , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 110, Pacifio coast of N. America. ^ Monomitopus , n. g., like Sirembo , Blkr., but with rudimentary pseudo- branchiae, for Sirembo nigripinnis , Alcock ; Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 297. Paradicrolene vaillanti , n. n, for Dicrolene introniger, Yaill., nee Goode & Bean ; id. ibid. n! Dermatorus, n. g., allied to Porogadus , Goode & Bean, and Bathyonus , Gthr. Body oompressed, with long tapering tail. Head with well- developed muciparous cavities and spiniferous bones. Snout depressed, with jaws conterminous in front. Eye of moderate size. Mouth very wide; villiform teeth in bands in the jaws and palatines, few and scattered on the vomer. No barbel, Gill-openings very wide ; eight branchiostegals ; four gills ; well-developed gill-rakers. Pseudobranchiae quite rudimentary. Scales small, deciduous. Lateral line indistinct. Yentral fins contiguous ; each consists of a simple filament. No pyloric caeca. D. trichiurus} n. sp., kl. t. c. p. 298, Arabian Sea, 1000 fath, Macrijrid^. Maa'urus hosJcyniiy p, 214, off Madras coast, 1310 fath., hextiiy p. 299, Arabian Sea, 1000 fath., and woodmasoni , p. 301, Arabian Sea, 100Q fath., n. spp., Alcock, Ann. N. JL (0) vi. M. ( CoelorJiynchus ) scaphopsis , p. 115, M. (M.) stelgidolepisy p. 116, and M. ( Lionurus ) liolepis , p. 117, n, spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America, Ghalinura serrula , n. sp., BE4N, t. c. p. 37, Alaska. Pleurqnectidji. Cunningham, J. T. A Treatise on the Common Sole ( Solea vulgaris ), considered both as an Organism and as a Commodity. Prepared for the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Ply- mouth : 1890, 4to, 147 pp., 18 pis, Hippoglossus grigorjewi ? n. sp,, IJerzenstein, Mel. biol, xiii, p. 134, Japan. Hippo glossina bollmami , n. $p., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 122, Pacific coast of N. America. J Lioglossina, n. g., differing from Hippoglossina by the cycloid scales, and from Xystreurys by the uniform fine teeth. L. teivophthahnus , n. sp., id. t. c p. 122, Pacific coast of N. America. TELEOSTEI. Pisces 27 Rhombus maximus , Cuv. : on an anomalous specimen ; Filhol, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, p. 54, fig. R. ligusticus , n. sp. (foss.), Pollini, Sopra alcuni Pesci fossili terziari, p. 92 (Milan : 1889), Tertiary, Santa Giustina, Liguria. Arnoglossus lophotes , Gthr., and A. grohmanni , Bp. : note on their distinctive characters, with figures ; Gunther, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 40, pi. iii. Remarks on the same species by J. T. Cunningham, t. c. p. 540, fig., who regards A. lophotes as the male of A. laterna. A . macrolophus, n. sp., Alcocic, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 280, pi. xviii, fig. 2, Bay of Bengal. A. polylepis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 290, pi. xvi, fig. 1, E. coast of Ceylon. A. brevirictis , n. sp., id. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 433, off Ganjam coast. Rliomboidiclithys azureus , n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 283, pi. xvi, fig. 3, Bay of Bengal. R. valde-rostratus , n. sp., id. Ann. N. H. (G) vi, p. 435, Ceylon. J Psettylis, n. g., allied to Rhomboidichthys ? Body subcircular. Jaws and dentition symmetrical ; mouth very small, the length of the maxilla being loss than ono-fourth that of the head ; tooth minute, in tho jaws only. Eyes on tho loft sido, separated by a broad concave space. Tho dorsal fin commences on the snout ; its rays and those of the anal simple. No scales. Lateral line with a sharp or faint curve above the pectoral. id. t. c. p. 436. P. pellucida and ocellata, n, spp., id. t. c. p. 437, figs., Bay of Bengal. Platophrys tceniopterus, n. sp,, Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 118, Pacific coast of N. America. Citharichthys xanthostigma and fragilis , n. spp., id. t. c, p. 120, Pacific coast of N. America. Ancylopsetta dendritica, n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 121, Pacific coast of N. America. Brachypleura xanthosticta , n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 281, pi. lvii, fig. 3, Bay of Bengal. Samaris cristatus , Gray, described and figured by id. t. c. p. 291, pi. xvii, fig. 4. Lccops guentheri , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 438, Bay of Bengal. Scianectes macrophthalmus, Alcock : description amended by id., Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 216. Pleuronectes scutifer, Stdr., 1870, = Platessa bicolorata , Bazil, 1855 ; Herzenstein, Mel. biol. xiii, p. 133. P. obscurus , p. 127, and japonicus , p. 130, n. spp., id. t. c., Mantchuria and Japan. Solea vulgaris and Pleuronectes cynoglossus j remarks on postlarval young specimens ; W. S. Green, Nature, xiii, p. 520, & xliii, p. 56 ; J. T. Cunningham, t. c. xliii, p. 104. Solea lascaris , Risso (= S. aurantiaca, Gthr.), and S. scriba , Yal. (= S. lascaris , Gthr., nec Risso) : on their synonymy ; Gunther, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 44. S. oculus , n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 285, pi. xviii, fig. 3, Bay of Bengal. S. cyanea, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 439, Bay of Bengal. Synaptura altipinnis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 441, off Yizagapatam coast. 28 Pisces . PISCES. Cynoglossus carpenteri , p. 287, pi. xviii, fig. 1, and intermedius, p. 288, n. spp., id. t. c., Bay of Bengal. C. versicolor , off Orissa coast, and prcecisuSy off Gan jam coast, n. spp., id. t. c. p. 442. C. lathy biusf n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 123, Pacific coast of N. America. Aphoristia gilesii , p. 293, pi. xvii, fig. 2, and wood-masoni , . p. 294, pi. xvii, fig. 1, n. spp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, Bay of Bengal, 193— 490 fath. ^ Scianectes, n. g. Jaws and dentition equal on both sides ; dorsal fin commencing before the eye, on the snout ; body pyriform and delicate ; mouth small, the length of the maxillary being less than one third of the length of the head ; teeth minute, in a single series in both jaws ; vomerine teeth ; eyes on the left side and close together ; all the rays of the vertical fins simple, elongated, weak, and filamentous 5 scales minute, membranous, and deciduous ; lateral line with a curve above the pectoral ; gill-mem- branes united at the throat ; gill-rakers distant and short. S. lophoptera , n. sp., id. t. c, p. 284, Bay of Bengal. S. tyaoropfytfialmus, n. spf, id. t. c. p. 292, pi. xvi, fig, 4, S.W. of Akyab, 100 fatfi. PHYSOSTOMI, SlfiURIM. / Eigenmann, 0, H. & R. S. A Revision of the South American Nema- tognatkiy or Cat-Fishes. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, i, 508 pp. The American Siluroids are referred to five families -.—Bunooephalidce, Diplomystidce , Siluridcet Hypophthalmidce, iPygididce. This classification Tfas proposed in a paper pubjis^ed previously, viz. : ^ Eigenm4NNj C. H. The Eyolutjon of the Cat-Fishes. Zoe, i, pp, 10-15. Diplomystes is raised to family r^nk on acoount of its dentiferous maxillary, Silurus; glynis, L. : on an albino ; Hi^gendorf, SB. nat.' Fr. 1890, p. 17. S. ( Parasjlurus ) aiistotelis (A g. MS.), n. sp., Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxii, p. 50, j^carnania, Greece. Macrones , Dqm. : synopsis of the Burmese species ; Yinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix? p. 89. Ml rufescem, p. 226, pi. vii, fig. 2, and dayi} p. 230, pi. vii, fig. 3, n. sppr, id. t. c., Burma, Liocassis moeschii, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 39, Sumatra. Ictalurus dugesi} Bean : note on the poison apparatus ; Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) i, p. 405, pi. xxvii. Olyra, McCl. : synopsis of the (3) species ; Yinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 68. O. elongata, Gthr., figured by id. t. c. pi. vii, fig. 1. Exostoma, Blyth : synopsis of the species ; id. t. c. p. 260. E. macrop- TELEOSTEI. Pisces 29 terum , p. 253, pi. viii, fig. 5, and fece, p. 256, pi. viii, fig. 6, n. spp., id. t. c., Upper Burma. Glyptothorax dorsalis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 246, pi. vii, fig. 4, Upper Burma. Arges, 0. & Y. : synopsis of the species, by Boulenger, P. Z. S..1890, p. 450. A. taczanowsld, fig. 1, Peruvian Andes, and A. whymperi, fig. 2, Andes of Ecuador, n. spp., id. t. c. p. 451, pi. xli. ScOPELIDiE. Scopelus langerhansi , p. 454, schmetzi, p. 456, and pusillusy p. 457, n. spp., Johnson, P. Z. S. 1890, Madeira. S. pterotus , p. 217, 98-102 fath., and pyrsobolus , p. 218, pi. viii, fig. 3, 690-920 fath., n. spp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, off Madras coast. J Scopelogenys, n. g., apparently nearly allied to Scopelus , Gthr., and to Nanobrachium , Gthr. Head and body compressed. Eye small. Mouth vory wide ; the maxilla dilated bohind. Acute villiform teeth, in bauds uncovered by the lips in the jaws, and in the palatines and vomer. Gill- openings very wide ; gill-covers complete. Pseudobranchise rudimentary. Dorsal fin near the middle of the body, short ; an adipose dorsal. Anal fin short. Caudal forked. Pectorals well developed. Yentrals with eight rays. [Scales, if present, very deciduous.] No air-bladder. Pyloric caeca present in moderate number ; id. t. c. p. 302. S. tristis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 303, Arabia Sea, 1000 fath. Myctophum nonnochir, p. $1, mexicanum , p. 51, and protoculus, p. 52, n. spp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, Pacific coast of N. America. Synodus lacertinus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 55, Pacific coast of N. America. Cyprinimi. K. Knauthe, Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 56 & 57, remarks on the breeding habits of Phoxinus leevis, Leucaspius delineatus , and Cobitis barbatula in Silesia. ^ Protocatostomus , n. g., for P. constable i, n. sp. (foss.) = ? Notogeneus osculus , Cope; Whitfield, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat, Hist, iii, p. 117, pi. iv, Eocene of Wyoming. Discognathus imberbis , n. sp., Vinciguerra, Anp. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 149, pi. ix, fig. 7, Karennee Hills. ^ Scaphiodonichthys, n. g., allied to Capoeta , C. & V. ; id. t. c. p. 281. S. burmanicus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 285, p}. xi, fig. 11, Burma. Barbus petenyiy Heok.,' recorded from Silesia by Knauthe, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 720. B. hampaloides , n! sp., Yinciguerra, Aun. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 298, pi. ix, fig. 8, Tenasserim. Matsya argentea , Day, =* Barbus altus, Gthr.; Yinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 289. Alburnus charusini, n. sp., Herzenstein, M41. biol. xiii, p. 136, fig., Malyi-Usen river, Central Asia. 30 Pisces. PISCES. \) Metallites, n. subg., for Leuciscus rutilus , L. ; Erwin Schulze, J. Ber. Yer. Magdeburg, 1889, p. 194. Leucaspius delinecitus , Sieb., recorded from Linz on the Rhine, by Melsiieimer, Verh. Yer. Rheinl. (5) vii, p. 83. Osteobrama fece, n. sp., Yinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 311, pi. x, fig. 10, Upper Burma. Barilius barnoides , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 307, pi. ix, fig. 9, Upper Burma. Nemachilus huschakewitschi, n. sp., Herzenstejn, M51. biol. xiii, p. 139, Marzelan and Andidshan, Central- Asia. Ilomalopteridce. ' The Homalopterina are regarded by Yinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 192, as deserving to rank as a family. ilelgia, n. g., for Ilomaloptera bilineata , Blyth, and II. modesta , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 330, Tenasserim ; both are figured, pi. xi, figs. 12 & 13. W. Dames, JB. Min. 1890, ii, p. 143, regards the teeth described as Mammalian by Marsh, under the name of Platacodon , as Cyprinoid pharyngeal teeth, Characinidje. AnostamuSy Gron. : synopsis of the species by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxii, pp, 15-23. A. proximuSy p. 19, varius , p. 19, nitens, p, 20, dissimilisy p. 22, Brazil, and platen , p. 23, La Plata, n. spp., id. t. c. G aster opelecus pectorosus and fasciatus , n. spp., id. t. c. p. 9, Brazil. ^ HenochiluSy n. g., near Tetragonopterus and Scissor. H. wheatlandi} n. sp., id. t. c. p. 49, pi. i, Brazil. Ghalcinus, C, & Y. : on the specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass., id. t. c. pp. 1-7, C. guentheri , p. 4, San Francisco river, and^c^ws, p. 5, Jutahy, Brazil, n. spp., id. t. c. Cynopotamus, C. & Y. : notes on the various species ; id. t, c. pp. 11-14. C. biserialjSy n. sp., id. t. c. p. 14, Brazil. CYPRINODONTIDiE. Cyprinodon danfordii, u. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N, H, (6) vi, p. 169, Asia Minor. IlaplocJiilus hartiiy n. sp., id. t. c. p. 170, Trinidad. ScOMBRESOCIDJb Exocoetus xenopterus, n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat, Mus. xiii, p. 58, Pacific coast of N. America, SAURODONTIDiE. Protosphyrcenay Leidy (foss.) : remarks on this genus, and description and figure of a skull of P. nitida, Cope ; J. Felix, Z. geol. Ges. xiii, p. 278, pis. xii-xiv. I TELEOSTEI. Pisces 31 Mormyridji. Mormyrus mento,n. sp., Botjlenger, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 193, Gaboon. Stern oPTYCHimE. Ghauliodus macouni , n. sp., Bean, P. CJ. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 44, Alaska. Gonostoma maderense, n. sp., Johnson, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 458, Madeira. Stomiated^i. Idiacanthus antrostonms , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 54, Pacifio coast of N. America. * Thaumastomias , n. g., allied to Malacosteus , Ayres. Body elongate, compressed, scaleless, with the vent not far distant from the caudal fin. Head compressed, with the cranium small, the snout short, and the cleft of the mouth exceedingly wide. A long elastic muscular band passing from the hyoid bone to the inner aspect of the mandibular symphysis. Teeth acute, unequal, in single series in premaxillas, maxillae, mandibles, and palatines; none on the tongue. Eye moderate. Gill-covers rudi- mentary. One dorsal fin opposite to the anal, situated in the posterior fourth of the body, near the caudal. No pectoral fins. Yentral fins situated in the anterior half of the body. Gill-openings very wide. No air-bladder. T, atrox , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N, H. (6) vi, p. 220, pi. viii, fig, 7, olf Madras coRst, 1310 fath. SAhMONIDiE. J. Kunstler, C.R. cxi, p. 695, has remarks on the Salmon of Norway. Salmo quinnat, Rioh. : on specimens obtained on the South coast of France ; Marion & Guitel, op. cit. cx, p. 1311. S. macrostiyma , A. Dum.: Note on the occurrence of the trout in Algeria, with figure of the fish ; A. Bertiioule, Bull. Soc. Acclim. xxxvii, p. 1182. S. oarpio , L. : note by E. de Betta, Atti 1st. Yenet. (7) i, p. 803. S. my kiss macdonaldi , ji. subsp., Jordan '& Evermann, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 453, Twin Jjakes, Colorado. ^ Epitomynis, n. n, for Iiucho and Salvelinus , Gthr. ; Erwin Schulze, J. Ber. Yer. Magdeburg, 1889, p. 174. Ooregonus , Art. ; Fatio, Faun. Yert. Suisse, v, deals very fully with the forms inhabiting Switzerland, and proposes the following new names for species or subspecies not clearly recognized before, or as sub- stitutes for names which are regarded as unsuitable : caruleus , p. 115, dolosus , p. 123, confusus , p. 132, alpinus , p. 140, nobilis , p. 146, compactus , p. 150, annectus, p. 155, balleoides , p. 158, nusslini , p. 169, .albellus^-p. 179, feritus , p. 185, bondella , p. 188, asperi, p. 199, murcnnoidesx p. 203, dispar , p. 215, schinzi, p. 219, helveticus, p. 222, and duplex , p. 252. C. exiguus bondella figured ; id. t. c. pi. i. 32 Pisces. PISCES. Argentina sialis , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 56, Pacific coast of N. America. \> Leuroglossus , n. g., allied to Argentina , for L. stilbius, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 57, Pacific coast of N. America. Bathylagus pacificus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 55, Pacific coast of N. America. CliUPElDiE. Holt, E. W. L. Some Stages in the Development of the Brain of Clupea harengus. Abstract. P. R. Soc. xlvji, pp. 199-202. G. Pouciiet, J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 620-629, publishes a report of observations relating to the biology of the Sardine on the French coast in 1889. Clupea pilcharduSj Walb. : note on specimens with the number of scales abnormally increased ; Bateson, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 586. Etrumeus acuminatus , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p, 56, Pacific coast of N. America. Engraulis enchrasicholus , L. : on its occurrence in Scottish Waters ; J. C. Ewart, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1889-90, p. 333. ALEPOCEPHALIDiE. Bathytroctes stomias , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 53, Pacific coast of N. America. B. squamosus , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 303, Arabian Sea, 740 fath. ^ Narcetes , n. g., closely allied to Bathytroctes , Gthr. Head naked. Body rather elongate, compressed, covered with scales of moderate size. Eye rather small. Mouth wide ; maxilla extending beyond the vertical through the middle of the orbit. Fine teeth in premaxillao, maxillae, mandible, palatines, and vomer, those in the premaxillae and mandible pluriserial ; no teeth on the tongue. Gill-openings wide ; gill-covers complete ; seven branchiostegals ; four gills, with narrow laminae ; gill- rakers long. Pseudobranchiae present. No adipose dorsal fin. Caudal forked. Pyloric caeca in moderate numbers. Ovaries with an oviduct. N. erimelas , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 305, Arabian Sea, 740 fath. Aulastomatomorpha} n. g. Head naked, Body elongate, covered with minute hardly imbricate scales. Anterior bones of the head produced into a long tube terminating in a narrow mouth. Margin of the upper jaw formed equally by the premaxillae and maxillae. Uniserial teeth, in the jaws only. Eye large. Gill-cover apparently complete. Gill- opening wide below, contracted above, and not surpassing the level of the pectoral fin ; four gills with narrow laminae. Pseudobranchiae almost rudimentary. Dorsal fin belonging to the caudal portion of the body ; no adipose dorsal. Anal fin very long. Caudal forked. Pyloric caeca few, small. No air-bladder. A. phospheropst n. sp., id. t. c. p. 307, Arabian Sea, 1000 fath. Bathyonus glutinosisf n. sp., id. t. c., p. 211, off Madras coast, 1310 fath. Tauredophidium, n. g., allied to A canthonusy Gthr. Head large and TELEOSTEI. Pisces 33 thick, armed on the opercles with strong spines ; body compressed. Snout broad, not overhanging the large mouth. Eyes, none. No barbel. Yilliform teeth in the jaws, vomer, and palate. Gill-membranes rather broadly united ; four gills ; eight branchiostegals ; no pseudobranchige. Small deciduous scales on body and head ; lateral lines indistinguishable. Vertical fins confluent ; pectorals entire ; ventrals widely separated, each consisting of two filaments. Id. t. c. p. 212. T. hextii, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 213, pi. viii, fig. 1, off Madras coast, 1310 fath. Halosauridj:. T. Gill, Am. Nat. xxiii, p. 1015 (1890), proposes to raise this family to the rank of an order, under the name of Lyopomi. Halosaurus hosJcynii, n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 309, Arabian Sea, 1000 fath. MuR*ENID.E. Gill, T. The Osteological Characters of the Family Anguillidcc. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, pp. 157-160. . The Osteological Characters of the Family Synaphobranchidcc. T. c. pp. 161-164. . The Osteological Characters of the Family Muramidce. T. c. pp. 165-170. . Osteological Characteristics of the Family Murcenesocidce. T. c. pp. 231-234. . The Osteological Characteristics of the Family Simenchelyidce . T. c. pp. 239-242. Neoconger vei'miformis, n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus* xiii, p. 57, Pacific coast of N. America. Ophichthys nothochir , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 58, Pacific coast of N. America. Labichthys gillif n, sp., Bean, t. c. p. 45, Alaska, v Bathymyrus, n. g. Branchial openiugs in the pharynx wide slits ; tail1 longer than the trunk ; heart situated immediately behind the gills ; muscular and osseous systems well-developed; gill openings separated by an interspace ; nostrils labial ; tongue not entirely free ; end of tail sur- rounded by the fin, pectorals well-developed ; dorsal fin commencing immediately behind the gill-opening ; teeth in the jaws uniserial ; inter- maxillary forming the end of the snout. B. echinorhynchus , n. sp., Alcock, J. A. S. B. lviii, p. 305, pi. xxii, fig. 6, Bay of Bengal. ^ Promyllantor, n. g., allied to Congromurcena. Body stout, with the' muscular and osseous systems well developed. Tail about as along as the trunk. Muciferous cavities of the head well developed. Eye rather' small. Cleft of the mouth narrow, not extending behind the middle of the eye. Villiform teeth, in broad bands in the jaws and in a broad con- fluent patch on the palate* Tongue free. Nostrils lateral. Gill-openings 34 Pisces. PISCES, widely separate ; four gills with wide clefts. No scales. Pectoral and vertical fins well developed, the latter confluent. The dorsal begins some distance behind the occiput. P. purpureas, n. sp., id. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 310, Arabian Sea, 1000 fath. A. Voeltzkow, ZoqI. Anz. xiii, p. 314, remarks on a gravid female Murcena from Zanzibar. LOPHOBRA.NCHIL Syngnathus altirostris , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral, Mus. i, p. 55, Moreton Bay and Clarence River. Ichthyocampus tryoni , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 5G, Moreton Bay. PLECTOGNATHI. Batistes vetula, L. : on a specimen taken at Wood’s Holl, Massachusetts ; Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxii, p. 53. Melichthys bispinosus , n. sp., Gilbert, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiii, p. 125, Pacific coast of N. America. Tetrodon aurantius , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, pp. 81 & 101, N. S. Wales. Orthagoriscus mold, L. : on a young specimen from the coast of Florida ; Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 365, fig. : on a large specimen from the Dutch coast ; v. Lidtii de Jeude* Notes Leyd;Mus. xii, p. 189, pi. viii. CYCLOSTOMATA. Gaskell, W. II. On the Origin of Vertebrates from a Crustacean-like Ancestor. Qk J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 379-444, pis. xxv-xxviii. Chapter i. The evidence given by the Central Nervous System and Pineal Eyes of the Ammoccetes of Petromyzon planeri. Retzius, G. Biologische Untersuchungen. Neue Folge. i. Stockholm: 1890, fol. 4. Ein s. g. Caudalherz bei Myxine glutinosa ; pp. 94-96, pi. xviii; fig. 1. 5. Ueber die Ganglienzellen der Cerebrospinalganglien und fiber subcu- tane Ganglienzellen bei Myxine glutinosa ; pp. 97-99, pi. xviii, figs; 2-44. Nestler, K. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwicklurigsgeschichte von Petromyzon planeri. Arch. f. Nat. lvi, 1, pp; 81-112, pis. Vi & vii. Preliminary communication in Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 11 & 12. Spencer, W. B. The Pineal Eye of Mordacia niordax. P. R. Soc. Viet (2) ii, pp. 102-105, fig. Klinckowstrom, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Verlaufes der Darm- und Lebervenen bei Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 62-67. CYCLOSTOMATA. LEPTOCARDII. Pisces 35 Kaensciie, C. 0. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Metamorphose des Ammoccetes branchialis in Petromyzon. Zool. Beitr. ii, pp. 219-250, pis. xviii-xxi. Goette, F. Abhandlungen zur Entwickluugsgeschichte der Tiere. Y. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Flussneunauges ( Petromyzon fluviatilis). Erster Theil. Hamburg & Leipzig : 1890, 4to, 95 pp., 9 pis. Kupffer, C. Die Entwicklung von Petromyzon planeri. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 469-558, pis. xxvii-xxxii. Retzius, G. Ueber Zellentheilung bei Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 80-91, pi. iii. Petromyzon japonicus, Mart. : notes by Hilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1890, p. 12. LEPTOCARDII. Ayers, H. Contribution to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Head. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 504-506. Deals chiefly with Amphioxus. Spengel, J. W. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kiemcn des Amphioxus. Zool. Jahrb. Anat. iv, pp. 257-296, pis. xvii & xviii. Weiss, F. E. Excretory Tubules in Amphioxus lanceolatus. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 489-497, pis. xxxiv & xxxv. Kohl, C. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Sinnesorgane des Amphioxus lanceolatus. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 182-185. Lankester, E. R., & Willey, A. The Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 445-466, pis. xxix-xxxii. Willey, A. On the Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus. P. R. Soc. xlviii, pp. 80-89. i Tun. 1 TUNICATA. BY Professor W. A. Herdhan, D.Sc* LIST OP PUBLICATIONS* 1. Brooks, W. K. On the relationship between Saljjct and Pyrosoma. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. v, 9, No. 80, p. 53. 2. Carus, J. V* Prodromus Faunas Mediterranese, &c. Stuttgart i Vol. ii, pt. ii, pp. 463-496. 3* Chun, C. Die Pelagische Thierwelt in grbssen Tiefen* Yerhh d* Gesell. Deut. Naturf. &c. Bremen ; 1890. 4. DAvIdoff, M. v. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Distdplia magnildrtia, Della Yalle, einer 2usammengesetzten Ascidie* 11. Abschnitt, Allgemeine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Keimblatter. MT. at. Stat. Neap* ix, Ht* 4, pp. 533-651, pis. xviii-xxiv. 5. HaEckEl, E. Plankton-Studien, vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Bedeutung und Zusammensetzung der Pelagischen Fauna und Flora. Jena : 1890, pp. 53-55. &c. 6. HensEn, V* Einige Ergebnisse der Plankton-expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. SB. Ak. Berlin, 13 Mar. 1890, pp. 243-253. 7* IIeRdMaN, W. A. On the genus Ecteinascidla and its relations ; with descriptions of two new species, and a Glassification of the family Claiieliniclai . Tr. Biol. Soc. Liverp. Y, pp* 144-163, pis* vi & vii* 8. LahIlle, FerNand. Recherches sur les Tuniciers des Cdtes de France* Toulouse : 1890, pp. 1-330. 9. Lo Bianco, S. Metodi usati nella Staziione Zoologica per la conser- vazioue degli auimali marini. MT. z. Stat* Neap* ix, Ht. 3, pp. 470-473. 10. Morgan, T* H. The Origin of the' Test^Cells of Ascidians. J. Morph, iv, No. 2, pp. 195-204, pi. viii. 1890. [vol. xxyii.] d 5 2 Tun. TUNICATA. 11. Salensky, W. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pyrosoma. Biol. Centralbl. x, No. 8, Juno 1, 1800, pp. 225-233. . 12. . Beitriige zur Embryonalentwicklung der Pyrosomen. Zool. Jahrb. iv (Abth. f. Auat. and Ontog.), lit. 3, pp. 424-477, pis. xxvi-xxviii. 13. Sluiter, C. Ph. Die Evertebraten aus der Sammlung des Konig- lichen naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins in Niederlandisch Indien in Batavia. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. 1, 1890, pp. 329-348, 2 pis. 14. Swainson, G. Appendicularia with its “ Haus.” Internat. J. Micr. & Nat. Sci. iv, pp. 10-19. 15. Wagner, N. C. Uber das Nervensystem der Tunicaten. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 425 & 426. ANATOMY. In his work on the French Tunicata (8), Lahille gives a description of the anatomy and histology of Pegea ( Salpa ) con/cederata , of Pyrosoma , and of some of the Compound Ascidians. He gives a good account of the structure of the rudimentary gill of Salpa , and compares it with the branchial sac of Ascidians, showing that it is formed of a single oblique row of partially-developed stigmata. He introduces convenient formulae for giving in brief the branchial characters of the species of Doliolum. He regards the circular muscle-bands of Salpa and Doliolum as being homologous with the sphincter muscles of a Compound Ascidian, such as Aplidium. He finds that in the Didemnidce the two primitive lateral atrial involutions do not meet dorsally, but remain closed at their inner ends, and are replaced functionally by a median dorsal cloacal invagination. Sluiter (13) and Herdman (7) describe the details of structure of some new species of Simple Ascidians. EMBRYOLOGY. Davidoff, in this second part (4) of his elaborate memoir on the deve- lopment of Distaplia magnilarva , gives a very detailed account of the segmentation and gastrujation, the origin and development of the meso- derm, the formation of the endoderm, and of the notochord, and the development of the nervous system in the embryo of this typical Com- pound Ascidian. Lahille (8) gives good figures of the tailed larvae of many of the genera of Compound Ascidians. Morgan (10) now gives a fuller account of his investigations on the origin of the test-cells of the Ascidian embryo (see last year’s Record, Tun. 3). In his results he agrees fully with Yan Beneden and Julin, and is diametrically opposed to Davidoff. He derives the test-cells entirely EMBRYOLOGY. Tun. 3 from follicular cells. He worked with various forms of Simple Ascidians, especially species of Cynthia and Clavelina. There are two periods in the development of Pyrosoma — (1) the con- version of the fertilized ovum into the cyathozooid ; (2) the formation of the first four Ascidiozooids by budding. Salensky' (11, 12) tries to clear up especially two points not dealt with by Huxley and Kowalevsky: 1. The part played in the development of the cyathozooid by the inner follicle cells, which are now called “ kalymocytes.” 2. The origin and changes of the mesoderm. The kalymocytes are the “test cells ” of ordinary Ascidians. They are follicle cells which have separated from the follicle wall and have wandered to the surface of the yolk. They are pyriform to begin with, but those that migrate into the yolk become amoeboid. After passing through the yolk, some of them help to form the wall of the mesenteron. During the mesoblastic segmentation some of the kalymocytes aggregate themselves round the upper (protoplasmic) pole of the embryo, and get botwoon, and even into, the blastomeres. They are easily distinguished from the blastomeres by their size and pyriform shape, and their vacuo- lated protoplasm for some time ; but in the end these two sets of cells become exactly alike, and take an equal part in the formation of the cyathozooid. Therefore we have in Pyrosoma non -fertilised elements, the kalymocytes, uniting with the blastomeres, the derivatives of the fertilized ovum, and becoming formative elements. In Salpa, , Salensky has shown that the kalymocytes play the most important part in development, while the blastomeres are of secondary importance. Investigations into the development of Compound Asci- dians show that it is in that group that the beginning of that remarkable new function of the kalymocytes is to be found. The kalymocytes of the Compound Ascidians take as yet no actual part in the formation of the embryo, but otherwise they behave towards the blastomeres in the same way that the kalymocytes of Pyrosoma do. They penetrate between the blastomeres, and remain there for some time, though taking no part in the development of the embryo. In regard to the germ-layers and mesoderm, the blastomeres first differentiate into an epiblast layer (which afterwards gives rise to the atrial tubes and the nervous system), and a lower meso-endodermal mass which afterwards splits into a many-layered mesoderm and a one-layered endoderm. The ccelomic spaces appear as several lacuna-like cavities, which eventually convert the mesoderm into two coelomic sacs, lying one at each side of the longitudinal axis of the germinal disc. These sacs open into the enteric cavity between the germinal disc and the upper surface of the yolk. The relations between these cavities are the same as those described by Yan Beneden and Julin. There is a median longi- tudinal ridge projecting into the upper wall of the enteric cavity and traversed by a canal, which is probably the representative of the noto- chord. This is a transitory structure and only lasts a short time. The coelomic sacs of Pyrosoma have at first many layered walls, while in 4 Tan. TUNICATA. Ascidians they are one-layered and epithelium-like; but in Pyrosoma they become oue-layered later on. The left coelomic sac increases greatly in size and forms a large cavity, while the right sac loses its cavity and forms a solid mass of cells which are afterwards dispersed through the body of the cyathozooid. The large left coelomic sac subdivides into two parts, a proximal axial part under the endostyle, which gives rise to muscles, elseoblast, reproductive organs, &c., and a distal' portion which becomes the pericardial tube and the heart. The chief conclusions are : — 1. The ovum of Pyrosoma is meroblastic. 2. The embryo (cyathozooid) is formed from both fertilized (blasto- rueres) and unfertilized (kalymocytes) elements. 3. The blastomeres first divide into ectoderm and meso-endoderm, then the latter divides into multilaminar mesoderm and unilarninar endoderm. 4. The mesoderm first appears in form of two typical coelomic sacs, of which one alone undergoes further development. 5. The ectoderm forms the nerve ganglion, as a thickening, and two pericardial cavities, as invaginations, which grow forwards and back- wards, and later unite with the independent cloacal aperture. PHYSIOLOGY, METHODS, &c. Sluiter (13) describes seven out of the thirty-six species of Simple Ascidians he finds in the Java seas as living free in mud and able to move about. In his paper (7) on the methods used at the Naples Zoological Station for the preservation of marine animals, Lo Bianco devotes three pages to the Tunicata , and gives an account of the reagents and mode of treat- ment found to give the best results with the various genera. Laiiille (8) specially recommends for Compound Ascidians paralysing them when fully expanded in sea-water with chlorohydrate of cocaine, fixing with glacial acetic acid, and then preserving in various strengths of alcohol. He has some interesting observations and experiments on the alternation in the contraction of the heart and course of the circulation in living Tunicata. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Sluiter (13) describes thirty-six species of Simple Ascidians from the neighbourhood of Java. They belong to eight genera, and ten of the species are new to science. Herdman (7) discusses the distribution of the species of Ecteinascidia. Laiiille (8) gives information in regard to the geographical dis- tribution of the French Tunicata , and especially the Ascidian fauna of Banyuls-sur-Mer, where, besides many Simple and Compound Ascidians, the following pelagic forms are found : — Cyclosalpa pinnata} Salpa GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMATIC. Tim. 5 maxima , Pegea confcederata, Thalia democratica , Pyrosoma elegans , Doliolum mulleri , and Z). ehrenbergi. Hceckel (5) discusses briefly the pelagic Tunicata which enter into the formation of “ Plankton.” SYSTEMATIC. Lahille (8) elaborates in detail, with full descriptions of most of the groups, the system of classification which he had announced in previous papers (see this Record for 1887, Tun. 3). His scheme is as follows : — - Classes. Orders. Atremata - Archipneusta Hemitremata Syringobranchiata Suborders. J KowalevsJciadce - 1 Appendicular iadce Didemniadce - - AplousobranchiataX \Polycliniadce - - £ f Cioniadcc - - - Eutremata Phlebobranchiata ' Stolidobranchiata ^ Ascidiadce - Cynthiadce- - - Molguliadce - - Families. KowalevsJcidce. Appendicularidce. Salpidce. Octacnemidcc. Doliolidce. Pyrosomidce. Didemnidce. Distomida). Polyclinidce. Aplididce. Cionidce. A scidiidce. Corellidce. Corynascididce. Botryllidce. Styelidce. Cynthiidce. Eugyridce. Molgulidce. He discusses the classificatory position of most of the French Tunicata, and the anatomical and specific characters of some of the groups, espe- cially of the Compound Ascidians. He does not deal in detail with the Appendicularidce , the Cynthiidce, and the Molgulidce, and some of the smaller groups. ASCIDIACEA. ASCIDIiE SIMPLICES. Fam. Cynthiidce. Cynthia jacatrensis, n. sp., Sluiter, (13) p 331. Styela perforata , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 334. Styela traustedti, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 336. 0 Tun. TUNIC ATA. Styela psoloessa , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 337. Styela aurita , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 338. Styela argentata, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 340. Styela olitoria , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 341. Fam. AscidiidyTj. Ascidia decemplex , n. sp., Sluiter, (13) p. 343. Ascidia translucida , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 344. [This name is preoccupied, and must be changed,] Ascidia archaia , n. sp,, id. t. c. p, 346, Fam. Cxavelinidjj. A dichotomizing table, showing the diagnostic characters of the genera and species of this family, is given by Herdman (7). * Bhopalopsisy n, g., Herdman (7), p. 148, formed for the reception of the two ‘ Challenger ’ species formerly known as Ecteinascidia crassa and E.fusca. Perophora banyulensis, n. sp., Lahille, (8) p. 283. Perophoropsis herdmani, n. sp., id. t. c, p. 286. Clavelina nana, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 185. Ecteinascidia thurstoni , n. sp., Herdman, (7) p. 151. Ecteinascidia moorei, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 155. Rhopalona cerberiana, n. sp,, Lahille, (8) p. 266. ASCIDIA COMPOSITE. Laiiille does good service in unravelling the synonymy of some of the French Compound Ascidians, such as the species of Leptoclinum. Fam. DlDEMNIDiE. Didemnum fallaxi n. sp., Lahille, (8) p. 80. Didemnum graphicum, n, sp., id. t. c , p. 82, Fam. PoLYCLINIDiE, Glossophorum hiimile , n. sp., Laiiille, (8) p. 204. Aplklium griseum , n. sp., id. t. c. p, 215. Aplidium cceruleumt n. sp., id. t. c. p. 215. MorchelliopsiSf n, subg. of Circinalium ; id. t. c. p. 237. ^ Morchelliopsis pleyberianus , n. sp,, id. t , c. p. 237. [According to synonymy given, should be M. punctum, Giard.] LARVACEA. ^ Oikomicron mikrateton , n. g. & sp., Swainson, (14) p. 18. Moll 1 MOLLUSCA. BY P. Chalmers Mitchell, B.A., F.Z.S. I — Introduction, p. 1. II. — List of Publications, p. 2. III. — References ; Systematic Classification, p. 25. IY. — References ; Subject-matter Classification, p. 64. I.— INTRODUCTION. This year again most of the work is systematic. 14 new living genera and 24 now fossil genora have boon recorded, and 433 now species and 431 new fossil species. In the systematic index the extinct species are distin- guished by a dagger prefixed. Among the more important' papers may be mentioned the following: — Bernard has an elaborate study of the palleal sense-organs, and Perrier a monograph on the kidney of Prosobranchiata. Whitelegge writes on the oyster disease in New South Wales. KowaLevsky & Marion have published a most valuable monograph on the Aplacophora. J ACKSON has an interesting theory of pelecypod phylogeny, and Giard of the relations between Annelida, Mollusca, and other Invertebrata. In Gulick’s paper on divergent evolution, and Hyatt’s on the genesis of the Arietidcey is much bearing on general morphological theory. Cephalopoda : Todaropsis , new genus ; Huddlestonia , new fossil genus. Gasteropoda Pulmonata : Atoxon, Buettneria , Phaneropus , Trichotoxoni Lconardia , new genera ; Acroria , new fossil genus. Gasteropoda Opisthohranchiata : Phialodoris , new genus. Gasteropoda Nucleohranchiata : Eoatlanta , now fossil genus. Gasteropoda Prosobranchiata : Nassopsis , P seudogibbula , Blaesospiraf Xenopoma , Sabinella , Clydonochilus , new genera ; Amblydcrurn , Latiro- fusus , Streptochetus , Suessionia, Trachelochetus , Morionassa, Fulguroficus , Ischnodactylus , Alocaxis , Oi'thochetus , Tryponaxis, Pseudonerinea, Aizyella, new fossil genera. 2 Moll MOLLUSCA. Aplacophorct : Lepidomenia , new genus. Lamellibrancliiata : Ischyriodonta , Whitella , MoJcattamia, Anodon- topleura , Cryptocaulial Petalodontia, Stenopleura , Simacia , new fossil genera. II. — LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.* Adams, L. E. (1) Deep Limpet “ Scars.” Naturalist, 1890, p, 335. . (2) Derbyshire from a Conchological point of view, J. of Conch. vi, pp. 243-249. . (3) Helix lamellata at Stafford. T. c. p. 254. . (4) Zonites glaber , var. viridula at Penistone. T. c. p, 265. . (5) A few Notes on the Eastern Counties, T. c. p. 277. Ambronn, H. Cellulose-Reaction bei Arthropoden und Mollusken. MT. z. Stat. Neap, ix, pp. 475-478. Cellulose found in Sepia , Loligo , the radula of Helix , &c, Anon. Les Mollusques de la Proviuce de Quebec. Nat. Canad, xix, pp. 184-189 & 203-205. Auclair, M. Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles de l’Allier, Rev. Sci. Bourb. 1890, pp. 9-19, 157-163, 181-190, 232-242, & 256-263, pi. i, and an alphabetical table, pp. 263 & 264. Supplement, pp. 277-280. Baker, F. 0. On the Modifications of the Apex in Murex. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 66-69, with woodcuts. Ballii!, E. (1) Note sur une Coquille ( Helix nemoralis, L.) & peristome anomal. Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1890, i, pp. 17 & 18. . (2) Sur une Coquille scalaroide de V Helix nemoralis , T. c. p. 33. Barrois, T. Le Stylet Cristallin des Lamellibranches. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 209-229, 299-311, & 351-356, pis. iii-v. Bastide, E. F. H, Formes Nouvelles d’ Ammonites, do Bdlemnites, et de Crioceras. C.R. Ass. Fr, Sqi. 1889, ii, pp. 462-466, pis, xi & xii, 4 woodcuts. Beecher, C. E. On the Lingual Dentition and Systematic Position of Pyrgula. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. vi, pp. 1-4, pi. xxi. Beishausen, L. Ueber einige Lamellibranchiaten des rheinischen Unterdevons. JB. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. 1889, pp. 212-236, pis. iv & v. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll . 3 Bellardi, L. Molluschi dei Terreni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Mem. Acc, Tor. xl, pp. 295-361, 2 pis. Part vi, Volutidce , Marginellidce , Colunibellidce, by Sacco. Bergh, R. (1) Die Nudibranchien des Sunda-Meeres. Reisen in Archipel der Philippinen von Dr. C. Semper. Th. n. Wissenschaft- liche Resultate, Bd. II. Malacologische Untersuchungen von R.Bergh. Pp. 873-991, & lxxxv-lxxxix. Phialodoris, n. g. of Dorididce , and many new species. . (2) Report on the results of Dredging, under the supervision of A. Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1887 & 1888), and in the Caribbean Sea (1879 & 1880) by the U.S. Survey Steamer ‘ Blake,’ Lieut.-Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U.S.N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U.S.N., commanding. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xix, pp, 155-181, pis. i-iii. With several new species. Bernard, F. (1) Recherches sur les Organes Palleaux des Gasteropodes Prosobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. ix, pp. 89-396, pis, v-xv. Organ of Spengel, pp. 139-263. In the Bullidce, Aplysiidos, and the Diotocardce there is a branchial ganglion innervating the gill and a portion of the mantle more and more feeble as one rises in the scale of the Prosobranchiata. In all the types save the Fissurellidce it sends fibres to the epithelium. In the Neritidce , Tecturidce, and Valvatidce there is no longer a branchial ganglion well differentiated, and in the Monotocardidce there is no trace of it. Structure of the gill, pp. 265-296 ; mucous glands, pp. 296-340 ; general conclusions, pp. 340-396. (2) Recherches sur Valvata piscinalis. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 252-361, pis. xii-xx. An elaborate monograph on the anatomy and development. Bigot, A. Notes sur quelques Pelecypodes des Gres Siluriens de l’ouest de la France, Bull. Soc, Geol, xvii, pp. 790-801, pis. xxii & xxiii. With several new species. Binney, W. G. A Third Supplement to the Fifth Volume of the Terrestrial Air-breathing Molluscs of the United States and the adjacent territories. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xix, pp. 183-226, pis. i-xi, and many woodcuts. Bittner, A. Eine Triadische Conularia. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. 1890, p. 1777, with woodcut, BlanCkEniiorn, M. (1) Ptoropodon-Resto aus dor oboren Kreido Nord- Syriens uud aus dem Ilessichen Oligociin. Z. geol. Gos. xli, pp. 593-602, pi. xxii. Several new species. 4 Moll. MOLLUSCA. [Blanckeniiorn, M.] (2) Das Eocan in Syrien. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung Nord-syriens. T. c. xlii, pp. 318-359, pis. xvii-xix. Mollusca, pp. 351-359, with several new species. . (3) Das marine Miocan in Syrien. Donk. Ak. Wien, lvii, pp. 591-670, 4 woodcuts. Many lists of shells. Boettger, 0. (1) Verzeiohniss der Yon Herrn E. von Oertzen aus Griechenland und aus Kleinasien mitgebrachter Yertreter der Land- schnecken Gattung Clausilia , Drp. Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, pp. 32-68, i pi. . (2) Zur Kenntniss d,er Land- u. Susswasser Mollusken von Nossi- BA ii. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 81-137. . (3) Zur Mollusken-Fauna russischen Gouvernements Perm und des Gebietes siid-ostlich von Orenburg, ii. T. c. pp. 161-173. . (4) Ad. StrubelPs Konchylien aus Java. i. .Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 137-173, pis. v & vi. Freshwater forms, pp. 137-164 ; brackish and sea- water forms, pp. 165-173. Borciierding, Fr. Yier Wochen in Nassau a. d. Lahn. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp/65-81. , Bourguignat, J. R. Histoire Malacologique du Lac Tanganyika, Afrique Equatoriale. Ann. Sci. Nat. x, pp. 1-267, pis. i-xvii. Bourne, G. C. Report of a Trawling Cruise in H.M.S. ‘ Research/ off the S.W. Coast of Ireland. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, pp. 306-323. Mollusca , pp. 312-315. . (2) The Generative Organs of the Oyster. T. c. pp. 268-280, pis. xxii & xxiii. Boxtry, E. de. Observations sur quelques Scalidce du Bassin de Paris et description d’une Espece Nouvelle. J. de Conch, xxx, pp. 139-142. Gyroscala stueri , n. sp., p. 142. . (2) Etude critique des Scalidce Miocenes et Pliocenes d’ltalie. Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital. xv, p. 160. Boutan, L. Le Syst&me Nerveux du Parmophorus ( Scutum ) dans ses rapports avec le Manteau, la Collerette (M'anteau inferieur) et le Pied. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 449-478, pis. viii & ix. Brazier, J. Mollusca Trawled off Merimbula, New South Wales. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iv, pp. 747-750. Buckman, S. S. A Monograph on the Inferior Oolite Ammonites of the British Islands. Pal. Soc. xliv, pp. 225-256, pis. xxxvii-xliv.. Huddlestonia) n. g. Bucquoy, M. Mollusques terrestres du Roussillon. Bull. Soc. Nancy, x, fasc. 24, pp. 56-93, 3 pis. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 5 Burrows, T. F. Re-discovery of Helix fusca and H. lamellata in North Staffordshire. J. of Conch, vi, p. 254. Buxbaum, Gebruder. Das Wachsen der Anodonten (Teichmuscheln). Zool. Gart. xxxi, pp. 16-18. On the rate of growth of Anodons. Byne, L. St. G. Adeorbis subcarinatus at Teignmouth, S. Devon. J. of Conch, vi, p. 164. Calvin, S. Some New Species of Paleozoic Fossils. Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, pp. 173-181, 3 pis. Canefri, C. T. Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e Regioni vicini. xviii. Molluschi terrestri e d’Acqua dolce. Ann. Mus. Genov, vii, pp. 295-359, pis. vii-ix. Leonardia , n. g. of Veronicellidce , and several new species. Caruana-Gatto, A. Beschreibung einer neuen Alexia. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, p. 210. A. hobelti , n. sp., from Marsa-Scirooca. Cockerell, T. D. A. (1) The British Naturalists’ Catalogue of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the British Isles, with all the named varieties. London (Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.): 1890, 19 pp. . (2) The American Mollusca. Sci. Goss. 1890, p. 114. Zonites carolinensis , n. sp., from America. . (3) The Variation and Abnormal Development of the Mollusca. T. c. pp. 4 & 5. . (4) Notes on Slugs, chiefly in the Collection at the British Museum. Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 277-288. With a table of species relations. T. c. pp. 380-390. Several new species. . (5) Colorado Mollusca. J. of Conch, vi, p. 175. . (6) Critical Notes on some Land and Freshwater Mollusca. T. c. pp. 255-259. . (7) A List of Mollusca of Colorado. Naut. iii, p. 99. Land Mollusca. Collin, A., & Kobelt, W. Bericht ueber die wissenschaftlichen Leist- ungen im Gebiete der Malakologie wahrend des Jahres 1887. Arch, f. Nat. 1888, ii, pp. 257-330. Collinge, W. E. (1) On the Position of the Dart-Sao in Helix rufescens. Zool. 1890, p. 276. Has a double bi-lobed sac ; two lobes on each side of the vagina ; the darts are so small that the animal cannot use them. It is suggested that the darts in Helix are retrograde organs of defence. . (2) Observations on Vitrina pellucida. T. c. pp. 467 & 468. Notes on the habits and distribution. 6 Moll MOLLIISCA. [Collinge, W. E.] (3) Note on a Tumour in Anodonta cygncea. J. Anat. Phys. xxv, p. 154. ■. (4) Description of a New Variety of Limax flavus, Linn. Zool. 1890, p. 145. Var. lineolata , from Banbury. , (5) The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Ingleton, Clapham, and District. Naturalist, 1890, pp. 109-114. — — (6) Arion subfuscus , Drap., at Ingleton. T. c. p. 198. — . (7) Additions to the Malham List of Mollusea. T. c. p. 335. . (8) Helix piscina in Oxfordshire. Sci. Goss. 1890, p. 97. Cooper, J. G. Freshwater Mollusca of San Francisco County. Zoe, i, pp. 196 & 197. Cox, J. C. Descriptions of two New Species of Australian Mollusca. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iv, pp. 658-660, pi. xix. Cossmann, M. Catalogue illustre des Coquilles Fossiles de l’Eocene des Environs de Paris. Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg. xxiv, pp. 3-381, pis. i-xii. Aizyella, n. g., p. 3 ; type, Phasianella perawalensis : Orthochetus , n. g., p. 59 ; type, Cerithium leufroyi : A locaxis, n. g., p. 59 ; type, Cerithium cyliridraceum : Try panaxis, n. g., p. 60; type, Cerithium umbilicatum : Ischnodactylus, n. g., p. 83 ( Chenopidce ) : Suessionia , n. g. of Buccinidce, p. 157 : Streptochetus, n. g. of Fasciolar idee, p. 170 : Latirofusus, n. g. of Fasciolar idee, p. 175 : Trachelochetus, n. g. of Cassidce , p. 250 : Ambly- acrum, n. g. of Corvidae, p. 291 : Eoatlanta , n. g. of Atlanticlce , p. 297 : Acroria, n. g of Gadiniidee, p. 380 : and many new species. Crawsiiaw, C. The Money Cowry on the Coast of Cumberland. Naturalist, 1890, p. 324. Crosse, H. (1) Faune Malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de Pile de la Trinity (Antilles). J. de Conch. (3) xxx, pp. 35-65. . (2) Faune Malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de Tile de Cuba. T. c. pp. 173-335. Blaesospira, n. g. ; type, Cyclostoma echinus , Wright, p. 281. Xeno- poma, n. g. ; type, Choanopoma hystrix, Wright, p. 282. Crosse & Fischer. (1) Mollusques marins de la Baie d’Halong (Tonkin). T. c. xxx, pp. 14-19. & . (2) Diagnoses Ampullarium novarum Guatemala et republic® Mexican® incolarum. T. c. pp. 110-114. ■ & . (3) Note sur l’Epiderme hispide des jeunes Ampullaria. T. c. pp. 114 & 115, pi. iii. & . (4) Note compldmentaire sur le Natica funiculata, Recluz de l’Annam. T. c. p. 119. & — — . (5) Note sur 1 1 Helix sepulcralis de Ferussac et sur quelques especes voisins du groupe des Ampelita. T. c. pp. 122- 129. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 7 CROUCH, W. On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca collected in Wan- stead and the neighbouring districts in the Becontree Hundred of Essex. Tr. Ess. Club, iv, pp. 202-211. Cu^not, L. (1) Le Sang et la Glande Lymphatique des Aplysies. C.R. cx, pp. 724 & 725. . (2) Sur la Glande de l’Oreillette du Paludina vivipara et la Glande Nephridienne du Murex brandaris. T. c. pp. 1275-1277. Cundall, J. W. Tenby Shells. J. of Conch, vi, p. 250. Dall, W. H. (1) Contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida, with special reference to the Miocene Silex Beds of Tampa and the Plio- ceue Beds of the Caloosahatchie River. Tr. Wagner Inst, iii, pp. 1-178, 12 pis., & index. Part i. Pulmonate Opisthobranchiate and Orthodont Gastropods, with 87 new species. . (2) Preliminary Report on the Collection of. Mollusca and Brachiopoda obtained in 1887-88. vn. Scientific Results of Explo- rations by the U.S. Fish. Commission Steamer * Albatross.’ P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 219-362, pis. v-xiv. Pelecypoda, pp. 232-297 ; Scaphopoda , pp. 293-295 ; Gastropoda , p. 295. (3) Deep Sea Mollusks and the Conditions under which they Exist. P. Biol. Soc. Washington, v, pp. 1-22. . (4) Noto Crcpklula glauca) Say. Naut. iii, p. 98. . (5) On a New Species of Tylodina. T. c. p. 121. T. americana , n. sp. Dautzenberg, P. Mollusques recueillis au Congo par M. E. Dtlpont entre l’embouchure du fleuve et le confluent du Kassai. Bull. Ac. Belg. xx, pp. 566-579, pis. i-iii. , Pseudogibbula , n. g. of Littorinidce. Davis, J. P. A. Report of the Yorkshire Marine Zoology Committee. Naturalist, 1890, pp. 3 & 4. Delap, A. H. Helix lamellata in Ireland. Sci. Goss. 1890, p. 262. Douvill^, H. Sur la Classification des Ceratiles de la Craie. Bull. Soc. G£ol. xviii, pp. 275-297, with several woodcuts. Dupont, E. Sur les Mollusques vivants et post pliocenes recueillis au cours d’un voyage au Congo in 1887. Bull. Ac. Belg. xx, pp. 559-566. Ebert, Herr. Ueber Pectunculopsis moguntina, u. subg. & sp. SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 25 & 26, woodcut. Evans, W. Clausilia rugosa and Balea peftfersa in Haddingtonshire. J. of Conch, vi, p. 176. 8 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Etheridge, R. Descriptions of Upper Silurian Fossils from the Lily Dale Limestones, Upper Yara District, Victoria. Rep. Aus. Mus. i, pp. 60-67. Mollusca , pp. 62-67, with new species. Eudes-Deslongchamps. Rapport sur les Fossiles de la Collection Sarry. Bull. Soc. L. Norm. (4) iii, pp. 75 & 92-167, pi. i. A report on a collection of fossils from the Oxford and Kimmeridge Clays near Trouville. Faure, C. Note Malacologique. Soc. Agricole Pyren.-orient. xxxi, pp. 175-177. On the presence of Acmefusca in the Pyrt'm^es-Orientales. 1 Falloon, B. J. (1) Pupa ringens in Pembrokeshire. J. of Conch, vi, p. 264. . (2) Otina otis , var. Candida , in Pembrokeshire. T. c. p. 265. Felix, J. Versteinerungen aus der mexicanischen Jura- und Kreide- Formation. Palaeontogr. xxxvii, pp. 140-199, pis. xxii-xxx. Mollusca , pp. 163-172 & 176-189, with many new species, and Anodonto- pleura , n. g. Fierke, F. W. Notes on the Discovery of Limncea glutinosa near Hull. J. of Conch, vi, pp. 251-253. Fischer, P. (1 & 2) Observations sur les Genres Mycetopus et Solenaia. J. de Conch, xxx, pp. i— 14 & 93-96. • . (3) Note sur la Faune Conchyliologique terrestre et fluviatile de l’lle d’Hainan (Chine). T. c. pp. 96-100. A list of the species, with notes. • . (4) Description d’un Nouveau Genre de Gastropodes marins. T. c. pp. 115-118. Clydonochilus , n. g. of Trochidce. C. mariei , n. sp., from Mayote (Comoros Archipelago). . (5) Note sur le Genre A mmonoceras, Lamarck. T. c. pp. 130-138. . (6) Observations sur la Synonomie et l’Habitat du Gastropteron rubrum , Rafinesque. T. c. pp. 349-353. . (7) Diagnoses d’Especes Nouvelles recueillis, a l’etat subfossile, dans le Sahara, pres de El Goleah. T. c. pp. 374-376. Fischer, P., & Bouvier, E. L. Sur l’Organization des Gasteropodes Prosobranches senestres ( Neptunea contraria , Linn<$). C.R. cx, pp. 419-414. Foerste, A. F. Notes on Clinton Group Fossils, with special refer- ence to collections from Indiana, Tennessee, and Georgia. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 263-355, pis. iv-ix. With many new species. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 9 Foord, A. H. (1) Notes on the Palaeontology of Western Australia. Geol. Mag. 1890, pp. 145-155, pis. vi & vii. Mollusca , pp. 154 & 155. — - — . (2) A Revision of the Group of Nautilus elegans , Sowerby. T. c. pp. 542-552, with woodcuts. Foord, A! H., & Crick, G. C. (1) On the Muscular Impressions of some Species of Carboniferous and Jurassic Nautiloids compared with those of the Recent Nautilus. Ann. N. H. v, pp. 220-224, woodcuts. & . (2) Descriptions of New and Imperfectly Described Species of Jurassic Nautili contained in the British Museum (Natural History). T. c. pp. 265-291, woodcuts. & . (3) Descriptions of some New and Imperfectly Defined Species of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary Nautili contained in the British Museum (Natural History). T. c. pp. 388-409, woodcuts. Foord, A. H., & Woodward, H. Notes on the Fossils of Western Australia. Introduction by Dr. Woodward. Descriptions of Fossils from the Kimberley District, Western Australia. Geol. Mag. 1890, pp. 97-105, pis. iv & v. Pteropoda , p. 98. Cephalopoda , pp. 102 & 104. Lamellibranchiata , pp. 103 & 104. Gasteropoda , p. 104. Ford, J. (1) Description of a New Species of Helix. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. 188. . (2) Description of a New Species of Anctus. Naut. x, p. 81. A. pilsbryi, n. sp. Fowler, G. H. Notes on Oyster Culture. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, pp. 257-267, pi. xxi. Notes on oyster farming in Holland, and on recent legislation relating to oyster culture in England. French, S. On the Occurrence of Cyclostoma elegans in a living state at Felstead. Tr. Ess. Club, iv, pp. 92-94. Friedel, E. (1) Tauben als Schnecken-Vertilger. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, p. 195. . (2) Neue Fundstellen von Lithoglyphus naticoides. T. c. p. 196. Gain, W. A. Avion ater , Colour of Eggs and Young. Sci. Goss. 1890, p. 45. Garnault, P. (1) La Castration Parasitaire chez Helix aspersa. Bull. Sci, Fr. Belg. xx, pp. 137-141, pi. ii. -. (2) Les Organes Reproducteurs de la Valva ta piscinalis. Op. cit. xxii, pp. 496-507, pi. xxvi. Garstang, W. A Complete List of the Opisthobranchiate Mollusca found at Plymouth, with further observations on their Morphology, Colours, and Natural History. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, pp. 399-457, pis. xxvii & xxviii. 10 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Giard, A. Sur la Parent6 des Annelidcs et des Mollusques. C.It. cx, pp. 90-93. Suggests a Phylum Gymnotoca :=“ Gioli, G. s Fossili della Oolite inferiore di San Vigil io e di Monte Grappo. Mem. Soc. Tosc. x, pp. 3-18, pi. i. Girard, A. A. Nota sobre os Cephalopodes de Portugal. J. ScL Lisb. (2 series) i, pp. 200-205. With a list of the Cephalopods of Portugal, and Todaropsis, n. g., "T. veranyi , n. sp. Godwin-Austen, H. £f. On supposed New Species of Land Mollusca from Borneo, belonging to the Genera Opisthostoma and Dip - loinmcitina. Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 244-24G, pi. vii. Gourret, Paul, Nouvelle contribution h. la Faune p61agique du Golfe de Marseille. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 311-325. Mollusca , pp. 321-324, with a table of zones of distribution of Cuttle-fish. Granger, A. Les Molltisques du Littoral de l’Herault. Bull. Soc. Beziers, viii, pp. 7-20 ; ix, pp. 9-18 ; x, pp. 6-19 ; xi, pp. 6-17. Gredler, V. (1) Zur Conchylien-Fauna von China, xv . Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 33-40. . (2) Zur Conchylien-Fauna von China, xvi. T. c. pp. 145-^154. . (3) Eine neue Tyroler Pupa. Tt c. p. 41. . (4) Kleiner Sammelbericht aus Welschtirol. T. c. p. 154. Grobben, C. Die Pericardial-Dr iise der Gastropoden. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, ix, pp. 35-56, pi. i. Gulick, J. T. Lessons in the Theory of Divergent Evolution, drawn from the distribution of the Land Shells of the Sandwich Islands. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 166 & 167. Hartman, W. D. Description of NeW Species of Shells, P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 284-288, pi. iii. Haug, E. Note sur le Peristome du Phyltocerds mediterraneum. Bull. Soc. G6ol. xviii, pp. 328-334, pi. iv. Hedley, C. (1) Note ou Vaginula Leydigi and V. Hedleyi , from Bris- bane ; and on Synonomy of Queensland ica, Hedley. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. v, p. 879. Limax queenslandica , Hedley, = Agriolimax laevis , Muller, and possibly = L. rarotonganuSy Heyn. ( 1. Mollusca. 2. Annelida. 3. Brachiopoda. 4. Giliata, Rotifera, Gasterotricha , Bryozoa. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 11 [Hedley, C.] (2) On the Structure and Systematic Position of Cysto- pelta. T. c. pp. 44-46, pi. i. Suggests that it is an aberrant form of Helicarion. Heilprin, A. (1) The Eocene Mollusca of the State of Texas. P. Ac, Philad. 1890, pp. 393-406, pi. xi. . (2) The Geology and Palaeontology of the Cretaceous Deposits of Mexico. T. c. pp. 445-469, pis. xii-xiv. No new species. Heimburg, H. von. Diagnose einer neuen Helix. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, p. 191. II. aggiei, n. sp., from Solomon Islands. Hemphill, H. (1) Descriptions of New Varieties of North American Land Shells. Naut. iii, pp. 133-135. . (2) An American Anadenus. Op. clt. iv, p. 2. A. coclcerelli, n. sp., California. . (3) New Varieties of Patula strigosa . T. c . pp. 15-18. Henchman, Annie P. The Origin and Development of the Central Nervous System in Limg,x maxipius . Bull. Mus. C. Z. xx, pp. 1 69— 208, pis. i-x, woodcuts. Herdman, W. A. On the Structure and Functions of the Cerata or dorsal Papillae in some Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Q. J. Micr. Soc. xxxi, pp. 41—63, pis. vi-x. All the forms of cerata are probably epipodial processes. By their varied shapes and colours they give to the animals appearances which are in some cases protective and mimetic, and in others conspicuous and warning, as is best suited to their individual surroundings and mode of life. & Clubb, J. A. Third Report upon the Nudibranchiata of the L. M. B. C. District. P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. iv, pp. 131-169, pis. vi-ix. Hoernes, R. Ueber die Pleurotomen des Wiener Tertiar-Beckens. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. 1890, pp. 178-181. Huddleston, W. H. Further Notes on some Mollusca from West Australia. Geol. Mag, 1890, pp. 241-246, pi. ix. Mesozoic fossils ; several new species. Hudson, B. Mollusca collected at Kildale-in*Cleveland. Naturalist, 1890, p. 271. Hyatt, A. Genesis of the Arietidai. Smiths. Contrib. Knowledge, xxvi, 250 pp., 14 pis. Preface on Morphogenesis and Evolution. Chap. I. On Progression, Retrogression, Acceleration. Chap. n. A Genealogy. Chap/m. Genesis of Characteristics. Chap. iv. Geological and Faunal Relations. Chap. v. (pp. 120-221). Descriptions of Genera and Species. 1890. [vol. xxvn.] d G 12 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Ingold, E. G-. List, of Land and Freshwater Mollusca occurring in the neighbourhood of Bishops Stortford. Tr. Ess. Club, iv, pp. 215-217. Jackson, R. T. (1) Phylogeny of the Pelecypoda. The Aviculidce and their Allies. Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, No. vii, pp. 277-400, pis. xxiii-xxx, many woodcuts. * ■. (2) Studies of Pelecypoda. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 1132-1142, woodcuts. Abstract of paper in Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, pp. 277-400. James, Joseph F. On Variation, with Special Reference to certain Palaeozoic Genera. Am. Nat. 1889, pp. 1071-1087. Contains many references to Mollusca. The essay points to wide- spread evidence for variation, and suggests that the disappearance of a genus may often be due to its breaking up into new genera, through the specialization of characters incipient in the original genus. Jenkins, A. J. (1) Distribution and Habits of the British Uydrobice. Sci. Goss. 1890, pp. 103-106, woodcuts. . (2) Physa acuta (Drp.) in Scotland. J. of Conch, vi, p. 270. Ihering, H. von. (1) 1st Planorbis links oder rechts gewunden? Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 43-46. . (2) Ein vermeintliches Mollusk ( Entocolax ). T. c. p.46. — — -. (3) Revision der von Spix in Brasilien gesammelten Najaden. Arch. f. Nat. 1890, i, pp. 115-170, pi. ix. Johnson, C. W. An Annotated List of the Shells of St. Augustine, Flor. Naut. iii, pp. 103 & 114 ; iv, p. 4. Marine shells. Jones, T. Rupert. (1) On some Small Bivalve Shells from the Karoo Formation, South Africa. Geol. Mag. 1890, pp. 409 & 410, wood- cuts. Lamellibranchs resembling Cyrena and Cyclas. 1 . (2) On some Fossils from Central Africa. T. c. pp. 553-558, woodcuts. Shells resembling Iridince. Jordan, H. K. On the Species and Varieties of the Genus Fusus , which inhabit the Seas surrounding the British Isles. J. of Conch, vi, pp. 225-244. Joubin, L. Recherches sur l’Appareil Respiratoire des Nautiles. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 409-428, pi. vii. Jourdan, E. Etude Anatomique sur le Siplionostoma diplochcetos , Otto. Ann. Mus. Marseille, iii, pp. 1-76, pis. i-iv. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Moll 13 Jourdain, M. Des Communications de la Cavit6 du Corps et de l’Appareil Circulatoire des Mollusques avec l*Ext6rieur. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1889, ii, pp. 589 & 590. JOssen, E. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Klaus-Schichten in den Nordalpen. JB. geol, Reichsanst. xl, p. 381, &c., 2 pis. Two neW species of Perisphinctes. Kew, H. W. The Faculty of Homing in Gastropods, Naturalist, 1890, pp. 307-318. Keyes, CUarles R. (1) Review of the Progress of American Inverte- brate Palaeontology for the year 1889. Am, Nat. 1890, pp. 131-138. . (2) Generic Relations of Platyceras and CapuluS. Am. Geol. 1890, vi, pp. 6-9. A list of species formerly belohging to Platyceras should be referred to CapuluH. . (3) Synopsis of American Carbonic CalyptrcUidce. F. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 150-181, pi. ii. . (4) Certain Forms of Straparotlus from South-eastern Iowa. Am. Geol. 1890, v, pp. 193-197, 1 ph . (5) The Naticoid Genus Strophostylus. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 1111-1117, pi. xxxii. Kingsley, J. S. Record of American Zoology. Op. cit. 1890 pp. 351 & 357. Mollusca , pp. 354 & 355. Klika, B, Mekkysi okoli nOvobydzobskeno. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, i, pp. 87-99. Apparently a new locality for laihPshells. CtfeCh only. Kobelt, W. Eine neue Cerithidea. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, p. 60. Cerithidea rollei , n. sp., from China. Kowalevsky, A. O., & Marion, A. F. Contributions a l’Histoire des Solenogastres ou Aplacophores. Ann. Mus. Marseille, iii, pp. 1-76, pis. i-vii. Lepidomenidi n. g. Several new species of Proneomehia . Lankester, E. Ray. Mollusca. Reprint from the Encyd. Brit., Zool. articles. London (A. & C. Black) : 1891. BetEllier, A. (1) Recherches sUr la Fourpre produite pat le Purpura lapillus. Arch. Z. exper. viii, pp. 361-408, pi. xxi. Purple is produced by a band of epithelium cells near the edge of the mantle. At the breeding season vast quantities of PuVpUra gather together ; probably they are brought together by Volatile products of strong odour liberated when the purple is formed. — — . (2) Recherches sur la Pourpre produite par le Purpura lapillus. C.R. cx, pp. 307-309. 14 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Levy, Max. Zoochemische Untersu chung der Mitteldarmdruse (Leber) von Helix pomatia. Z . Biol, xxvii, pp. 398-414. Leicester, A. Report on the Land Mollusca of Puffin Island. P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. iv, pp. 87-90. Lienenklaus, E. Die Ober-Oligocan-Fauna des Doberges. J. Ber. Ver. Osnabr. viii, pp. 43-174, 2 pis. < Mollusca , pp. 58-134. Locard, A. (1) Les Huitres et les Mollusques comestibles. Paris (Bailli^re et Fils) : 1890, 97 figs. A new volume of the “ Bibliotheque Scientifique Contemporaine.” The first chapter gives a good popular account of Molluscs ; then come chapters on oyster and mussel growing, and on cockles, snails, and other edible Molluscs ; chaps, v & vi are on the domestication and the accli- matization of Molluscs ; chap, vii on the enemies and diseases of shell- fish ; and chap, viii on their use as food. The illustrations are good and pertinent. • . (2) Catalogue des Especes Fran9aises appartenant aux Genres Pseuclanodonta et Anodonta. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxvi, pp. 50-285. With alphabetical index. Loens, H. (1) Zum Formen-Kreis des Avion subfuscus , Drap. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 155-161. . (2) Tauben als Schnecken-Ausrotter. T. c. p. 193. Loriol, P. de, & Koby, E. Etudes sur les Mollusques des Couches Coralligenes inferieures du Jura Bernois. Part i. Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xvi, pp. 1-79, 9 pis. Part n. Op. cit. xvii, pp. 81-174, 9 pis. McCreery, J. M. Note on some of the Causes of Extinction of Species. Am. Geol. 1890, v, pp. 100-104. Causes usually a large number of small bionomic conditions. M’ Alpine, D. Continued Observations on the Progression and Rota- tion of Bivalve Molluscs and of detached ciliated Portions of them. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvi, pp. 725-743, 2 pis. MTntosii, W. C. Notes from the St. Andrew’s Marine Laboratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland). No. x. 3. On a Heteropod (Atlanta) in British Waters. Ann. N. H. v, pp. 47 & 48, pi. viii. Maltzan, H. von. Zwei neue Pw^a-Formen. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, p. 48. Marshall, J. T. (1) Further Notes on British Hydrobice. J. of Conch, vi, pp. 224 & 225. • . (2) Dredging off Connemara. T. c. p. 250. . (3) New British Marine Shells. T. c. pp. 260-264. On Eulima ephamilla and E. latipes (possibly E. distorta ), both from England. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 15 [Marshall, J. T.] (4) Guernsey Dredging. T. c. p. 280. Marshall, W. B. Beaks of Unionidce inhabiting the vicinity of Albany, N.Y. Bull. New York Mus. Nat. Hist, ii, No. 9, pp. 169-189, 1 pi. Martens, E. von. (1) Eine neue Landschnecke aus Tripoli. SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 79 & 80. A new Helix. . (2) Einige Landschnecke aus Pondo-Land. T. c. pp. 85-88. . (3) Die Landschnecken von Tripolis. T. c. pp. 131 & 132. . (4) Ueber das Vorkommen von Helix obvia in Nord- Deutschland. T. c. pp. 132-138. Maurer, F. Palaeontologische Studien im Gebiet des rheinischen Devon. JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, pp. 201-248. With many lists of fossils. Mayer-Eymar, C. (1) Mokattamia , Molluscorum Pelecypodorum genus novum e familia Crassatcllidium. Viert. Ges. Zurich, xxxiv, pp. 395 & 396. . (2) La Faune miraculeuse du Londinien d’Appenzell. Op. cit. xxxv, pp. 167-176. With lists of shells. • . (3) Aliae Ostreae novae quatuor, a Schweinfurth in agris AEgyptiae nummuliticis inventae. T. c. pp. 177-179. . (4) Diagnoses specierum novarum ex Agris Helvetiae nummuli- ticis. T. c. pp. 179-181. . (5) Diagnoses Ostrearum novarum ex Agris iEgyptiae nummuli- ticis. T. c. pp. 289-299. Maze, H. Supplement au Catalogue revise des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la Guadeloupe et de ses dependances, J. de Conch, xxx, pp. 19-34. Mazzarelli, G. F. (1) Sul valore fisiologico della Yescicola di Swam- merdam delle Aplysice (Tasca Copulatrice di Meckel). Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 391-399. A list of various contents found in pouch of Swammerdam is given ; the conclusion is come to that this structure is a pouch where the sperm gets rid of impurities. . (2) Nachricht ueber eine neue Art von Aplysia ( A . lobiancoi). Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, p. 42. . (3) Richerche sulla Morfologia e Fisiologia dell’Apparate Ripro- duttore nelle Aplysice del Golfo di Napoli. Rend. Acc. Nap. 1890, pp. 295 & 296. . (4) Ricerche sulla Ghiandola del Bohadsch nelle Aplysiidce (ghiandola opalina del Vayssiere). Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, iv, pp. 29-33. On a small gland near the genital aperture. 16 Moll, MOLLUSCA. Men^gaux, A. Sur l’Endothelium dans les Branchies des Pelecypodes. Bull. Soc. Philom, ii, p. 47. Melvill, J. C. British Pioneers in recent Conchological Science. J. of Conch, vi, pp, 190-223, Melvill, J. C., & Ponsonby, J. H, Descriptions of Four-New Species of Terrestrial Mollusca from South Africa, with Observations on Helix huttonice (Bens.). Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 466 & 467, Mieg, M., Blejcher, & Fliche, --, Contribution a i’etude du Terrain Tertiare d’ Alsace et des environs de Mulhouse. Bull. Soc. Gdol. xviii, pp. 392-416, pi. vi. Milne, J. G. Coptributions towards a List of Irish Mollusca. J. of Conch, vi, pp, 167-175, MOllendorff, 0. F. von. (1) Die Landschnecken-Fauna der Insel Cebu. Ber. Senck. Ges, 1890, pp, 189-292, pis, vii-ix, Aulacospira , n, subg. vel. g. of Hygromiidce, p. 224, and many new species. . (2) Beitrage japr Moljuskepfaupa der Philippinen, vn. Mono- graphic der Gattung Hemitrichia , v. Moll. Nachr. mal, Ges. 1890, pp. 173-191. . (3) Diagnosep neuer Landschnecken Yon den Philippinen. T. c. pp. 190-209, Montagu, Lord, of Beaulieu, Letter op Oyster Culture, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, pp. 282-285. Monterosato, M, di. Conchiglie delle profupdita del jnare di Palermo. Nat. Sicil. ix, pp, 140-151 & 157-166. Sabmella, p. g., pp. 181-191. Morelet, A, Coquilles Nouvelles ou peu copnues de l’Afrique 6qua- toriale. J, de Conch, xxx, pp. 65-70, pi, i, Morlet, Lt Contribution h la Faupe Malacologique du Cambodge et du Siam. T, c. pp, 119-112, pi. iii. On Paludina at/ierioana (= Paludomus conicus) and Amphidromus rhombostomus , Musson, G. T, On the Naturalized Forms of Land and Freshwater Mollusca in Australia, P, Liun, Soc. N.S.W. v, pp. 883-896. Naegele, G. Zwei ueue Syriscbe Arten. T. c. pp, 140-144. Leucochroa adanensis , n. sp,, and Hyalinia ( Polita ) berytensis , n. sp. Naegele, G., & Bcettger, O. Zwei neue Syrische Clausilien. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 137-140. Clausilia dupouxij n. sp., and C. standing eri, n. sp. Naumann, E., & Neumayr, M. Zur Geologic und Palaontologie von Japan. Denk. Ak. Wien, lvii, pp. 1-42, 5 pis. With figures of fossils. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 17 Nelson, W. Mollusca near Spofforth, Yorkshire. Naturalist, 1890, p. 44. Nelson, W., & Roebuck, W. D. Mollusca noted at Bretton Park Excursion. T. c. p. 225. Neumayr, M. Ueber neuere Versteinerungsfunde auf Madagascar. JB. Mineral. 1890, i, pp. 1-9. A review of Madagascar fossils. The canal-bearing JBelemnites of the Upper Jura and lower chalk are divided into Asoluti , with canal on the siphonal side, but not reaching the upper edge of the rostrum ; Canali- culati) caual on siphonal side, reaching to the upper end of the rostrum ; JSotocoali , canal on the anti-siphonal side. Nikitin, S. Ueber Parabelknoten bei den Ammoniten. JB. Mineral. 1890, i, pp. 188-190. Norman, Rev. A. M. (1) Revision of British Mollusca. Ann. N. H. v, pp. 452-484 ; vi, pp. 60-91, & 327-342. . (2) Addondum to G. 0. Bourno’s Report on Irish Oruiso. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, pp. 322 & 323. On a Solarium new in British waters, and a new Leptothyra. Oehlekt, D. P. Sur le Devonien des environs d’ Angers. Bull. Soc. G£ol. xvii, pp. 742-791, pis. xviii-xxi. With several new species. Oppeniieim, P. (1) Beitrage zur Geologie der Insel Capri und der Halb-Iusel Sorrent. Z. geol. Ges. xli, pp. 442-490, pis. xviii-xx. With several new species. . (2) Die Land- und Siisswasserschnecken der Yicentiner Eocan- Bildungen. Denk. Ak. Wien, lvii, pp. 113-150, 5 pis. Helix : Dentellocarollus , n. subg., Prothelidomus, n. subg., and many new species. Packard, A. S. Palaeontological Notes, hi. Recent Discovery of Annelides, and the supposed Track of a Gasteropod Mollusc in the Carboniferous Shales of Rhode Island. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 214 & 215. Pantanelli, D. Buccmidce : Purpuridce e Olividce. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xv, pp. 7-17. From the Upper Miocene of Montegibio. Parona, C. F. i. Fossili del Lias inferiore di Saltrio in Lombardia. Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiii, pp. 69-103, pis. i-iii. Mollusca , pp. 76-102, with several new species. Pavlow, A. (1) Le Neocomien des montagnes de Worobiewo. Bull. Mosc. 1890, pp. 173-186, pi. vi. . (2) Etudes sur les couches Jurassiques et Cretac^os de la Russie. Op. cit. 1889, pp. 61-1221, 3 pis. Several new species of Olcostephanus. 18 Moll . MOLLUSCA. Pelseneer, P. (1) Sur la Conformation primitive du Rein des PdhScy- podes. C.R. cxi, pp. 583-585. . (2) Sur l’identite de Composition du Systeme Nerveux central des P61<5cypoda et des autres Mollusques. T. c. pp. 245 & 246. ■ . (3) Sur le quatrieme Orifice Palleal des Pdlecypodes., pp. 154-156. . (4) Deux nouveaux Pel6cypodes hermaphrodites. T. c. pp. 1081 — - 1083. Lyonsiella and Poromya. . (5) Sur l’lilpipodium des Mollusques. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 138-157, pis. vi & vii. i . (6) Sur le Pied de Chitonellus et des Aplacophora. T. c. pp. 489 & 490, woodcuts. . (7) Sur la Nature pedieuse des Bras de C^phalopodes. Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg. xxiv, pp. 382-384, woodcut. . (8) Sur le Manteau de Scutum (= Parmophorus ). T. c. pp. 385- 388, woodcut. . (9) Sur la Perception des Mouvements chez les Cephalopodes. Ann. Soc. Mai. Ital. xxiv, Bull de Seances, p. cxx. Perrier, Remy. Recherches sur l’Anatomie et l’Histologie du Rein des Gasteropodes Prosobranchies. Ann. Sci. Nat. viii, pp. 61-315, pis. v-xiii. In the primitive form the urinary organ of Prosobranchiata consists of a pair of symmetrical organs, as in the Acephala. The symmetry is always broken down, but in different ways. Conclusions, pp. 268-275. Application to Classification, pp. 275-282. Comparison with other Mol- lusca , pp. 282-303. Perrier, E. Sur l’Organization des Collections de Malacologie au Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, C.R. cx, pp. 1144-1147. Pfeffer, E. (1) Die Fauna der Insel Jeretik, Port Wladimir, an der Murman-Kuste, uach den Sammlungen des Herrn Kapitan Horn. JB. Hamb. vii, pp. 63-96. Mollusca, pp. 76-83 ; with a table, pp. 90-91, •. (2) Die Windungsverhaltnisse der Schale von Planorbis. T. c. pp. 107-192, plate. Pfeffer, P. A. Steirische Gastropoden in den naturhistorischen Museen der Sternwarte zu Kremsmunster. MT, ver. Steierm. 1890, pp. 348-361. Pilsbry, H. A. (1) New and little known American Molluscs, hi. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 296-302, pi. v. . (2) Trochidce , New and Old. T. c, pp. 343 & 344, woodcuts. . (3) A New American Bulimulus. Naut. iii, p. 122. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 19 [Pilsbry, H. A.] (4) Two New Species of U. S. Landshells. Op. cit. iv, p. 3. Zonites shimekii , n. sp. , and Pupa syngenes, n. sp., p. 3. . (5) Preliminary Notices of New Amnicolidce. Op. cit . x, pp. 52 & 53; id. p. 63. A. sheldoni , n. sp., and A. lustrica , n. sp., N. America. Bytliinella hemphilli, n. sp. . (G) A New Species of Nanina. Op. cit. iv, pp. 64-66. N. ruschenbergeri , n. sp., with figs , Lin-Kin Isles. . (7) New and little-known American Molluscs. No. n. P. Ac. Philad. 1889, pp. 411-416, pi. xii. . (8) On the Anatomy of JEvope caffra. Op. cit. 1890, pp. 41-43, pi. i. . (9) Note on a Southern Pupa. T. c. pp. 44 & 45, pi. i. . (10) Note on a New Bulimulus. T. c. p. 63. — — . (11) Description of a New Japanese Scalpellum. T. c. pp. 441— 443, woodcut. . (12) New East Indian Land-Shells. T. c. pp. 186 & 187, wood- cut. . (13) Note on Ilelix albolabris. T. c. p. 282, with woodcut of teeth and genitalia. Plate, L. Vorlaufige Mittheilung ueber den Bau der Daudebardia rufa , Fer. SB. ges. Mark 1890, pp. 1-5. Pocta, F. 0 Rudistech Yyrmrele eeledi Mlzu z ceskeno kridoveno utvaru. Abh. Bohm. Ges., ser. vii, Bd. iii, No. 2, pp. 1-92, 6 pis., and woodcuts. On the Rudistes from the Bohemian Chalk. In Czech ; but on pp. 79-92 is a German abstract, and a description of the new species and figs, in German. Stenopleura , n. g., Simacia , n. g., Cryptaulia , n. g., Petalodontia , n. g. Pollonera, C. (1) Intorno a due Limacidi dell’ Algeria. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 74, 4 pp. On Malacolimax v ay mondianus and M. brondelianus. . (2) A proposito degli Avion del Portogallo. Op. cit. No. 80, 7 pp. A reply to Simroth [Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mollusca, p. 29, Simuoth (4)]. On the nomenclature of various species of Avion and of Limax. . (3) Appunti di Malacologia. v. Un Limacide nuovo per PItalia. Op. cit. No. 25, 3 pp. On the presence in Italy of Amalia gvacilis, with a list of synonyms. • . (4) Appunti di Malacologia. vi. Una nuova stazione del Limax covsicus. Op. cit. No. 75, 2 pp. On L. covsicus , var. ciminensis. 20 Moll . MOLLUSCA. [Pollonera, C.] (5) Sulla Testacella maugei di Francia. Op. cit. No. 79, 2 pp. Comparison with T. haliotidea. (G) Sulle forme del' gruppo della Campy laici dngulata. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xv, pp. 49-75, pis. i-iii. With a table of the affinities. . (7) Recensement des Arionidcc de la Region Paldarctique. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 87, pp. 1-42. Pruvot, G. Sur le pretendu Appareil Circulatoire et les Organes Gdnitaux des Neomeni6es. C.R. cxi, pp. 59-G2. Quelcii, J. J. Mollusca of British Guiana. Timehri, xvii, pp. 37-4G. Rankin, W. M. Ueber das Bojanus’sche Organ der Teichmuschel ( Ano - donta cygncea , Lam.). Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 227-267, pis. vi & vii. On the structure and relation of this organ. Raeymaekers, D. Note sur la Yariete “ Unicarinata ’’ nobis, observee chez le “ Littorina httoria ” (male). Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg. xxiv, Bull, des Stances, pp. xxxvi-xxxix, woodcut. Rawitz, B. (1) Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung von J. Thiele, ‘‘ Ueber Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie und das Nervensystem der Mollusken.” Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 361-364. Maintains against Tiiiele the connection of the sense organs of the mantle edge with the visceral ganglia. . (2) Der Mantelrand der Acephalen. ii. Teil. Arcacea , Mytilacea , Unionacea. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 549-631, pis. xxi-xxiv. RemelIs, A. Ueber einige Glossophoren aus Untersilur-Geschieben des Nord-deutschen Diluviums. Z. Geol. Ges. xli, pp. 762-770, pi. xxx. Ridley, H. N. Notes on the Zoology of Fernando Noronha. J. L. S. xx, pp. 473-570, pi. xxx. - Mollusca , by E. A. Smith, pp. 483-503, pi. ix, with many new species. Robert, E. Observations sur la Reproduction des Aplysies. (Note preliminaire.) Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 449-468, woodcuts. Roberts, G. Trent Shells. Naturalist, 1890, p. 94. Roebuck, W. D. (1) Possible occurrence of Bulimus acutus in Cumber- land. T. c. p. 44. . (2) Clausilia rolphii at Well Yale, near Alford. T. c. p. 198. . (3) Conchological Field-notes from Upper Swaledale. T . c . pp. 229-233. . (4) Conchology of Malham. T. c. pp. 263-267. . (5) The Neglected Counties of Ireland. J. of Conch, vi, pp. 282-286. Land-shells. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 21 Rome, W. The threatened Destruction of the Essex Oyster Culture. Tr. Ess. Club, iv, pp. 41-50. See also note, id. p. 125. Roper, E. W. A New American Fisidium. Naut. iv, p. 85. P. idahoeiise, n. sp. Ross, L. B. (1) Shells in Mr. Mortimer’s Collection at Driffield. Naturalist, 1890, p. 209. . (2) Species noted at Lowthorpe and Driffield. T. c. pp. 206 & 207. Sacco, F. (1) I Molluschi dei Terreni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte viil. Galeodoliidce , Doliidce , Ficulidce , Naticidai. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 86, pp. 21-43. With many tables of species relations. Fulgurqficus , n. g., and Fusoficula , Tectonatica , Sigaretotrema , Ampullonatica , Euspirocrommium , n. subg., and 16 n. spp. . (2) I Molluschi dei Terreni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte vn, IJarpidce e Cassidhlce . Mem. Acc. Tor. xl, pp. 469-556, 2 pis. Morionassa , n. g., p. 538 ; M. amplectens, n. sp., p. 539. . (3) I Molluschi dei Terreni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte vn. Harpidas e Cassididce. Boll. Mus. Zool Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 82, 20 pp. Many tables given. Galeodocassis, n. subg. ; Echinophoria, n. subg. of Cassis ; Galeodosconsia , n. subg. ; Morionassa , n. subg. of Morio . Many new species and varieties. Saint- Loup, — . Observations sur laMatiere Colorante dans l’organisme de PAplysie. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 116 & 117. Scharff, R. F. Avion minimus (Simroth), a British Slug, J. of Conch, vi, p. 267. Schepman, M. M. Description of a New Species of Oliva . Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 196. SciirOder, R. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der oberitalienischen Mollusken- Fauna. Schr. Ver, Harzes, iii, pp. 25-43 ; v, pp. 37-43. Schulze, F. E. Ueber den Bau und die Bedeutung des sogennanten Krystallstieles der Lamellibranchiaten. SB. nat. Fr. 1890, pp. 42 & 43. Schmacher, R., & Bcettger, O, Neue Materialien zur Characteristik und geographischen Yerbreitung chinesischer und japauischer Binneu-Conchylien. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 1-33 & 113-136, pis. i & ii. SffliiALER, N. S. On the occurrence of Fossils of the Cretaceous ago on " the Island of Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xvi, pp. 89-97, pis. i & ii. 22 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Semper, K. Neuer Bericht ueber die im Juni 1890 erhaltenen lebenden Achatinen aus Zanzibar. SB. Ges. Wiirzb. 1890, p. 72. Siialer, N. S., & Foerste, A. F. Preliminary Description of North Attleborough Fossils. T. c. pp. 27-41, pis. i & ii. With many new species. Sharp, B. Note on Variations in Bulimus exilis. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, p. 148. Shimek, B. A New Species of Freshwater Mollusk. Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, pp. 214 & 215. Siemiradzici, J. V. (1) Kritische Bemerkungen ueber neue oder wenig bekannte Ammoniten aus dem Braunen Jura von Popielanz in Lithauen. JB. Mineral. 1890, i, pp. 169-176. List and notes on fossils ; 3 new species of Cosmoceras. . (2) Ueber den Oberen-Jura in Polen und dessen Cephalopoden- Fauna. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. 1890, pp. 279-282. ■. (3) Zur Stammesgeschichte ober-jurassischer Ammoniten. JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, pp. 75-87. Simroth, H. (1) Ueber einige Aetherien aus den Congofallen. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 662-664. On Shells from the Congo, specially modified by life in a swift stream. . (2) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Nacktschnecken. N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv, pp. 1-91, pis. i-iv Trichotoxon , n. g., Atoxon , n. g., Buettneria , n. g., Phaneropus, n. g. . (3) Die von Herrn E. von Oertzen in Griechenland gesammelten Nacktschnecken. Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, pp. 1-26, 1 pi. Smith, E. A. (1) Note on Hydrobia jenkinsi. Tr. Ess. Club, iv, pp. 212-214, woodcut. . (2) A Reply to Mr. J. T. Marshall’s “ Further Notes on British Hydrobice” J. of Conch, vi, pp. 244-247. . (3) A List of Shells from the Tizard Bank, Chiua Sea. T. c. pp. 265-267. . (4) On a New Genus and some New Species of Shells from Lake Tanganyika. Op. cit. vi, pp. 93-96. Nassopsis , n. g., for Paramelonia nassa var. grandis. . (5) List of Land- and Fresh-water Species, collected by Dr. Emin Pasha in Central Africa, with Descriptions of New Species. T. c. pp. 146-168, pis. v & vi. . (6) A List of the Species of Achatina from South Africa, with a Description of a New Species. T. c. pp. 390-394. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll. 23 [Smith, E. A.] (7) Report on the Marine Molluscan Fauna of the Island of St. Helena. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 247-317, pis. xxi-xxiv. With tables of distribution, with many new species. . (8) On the Marine Molluscs of Ascension Island. T. c. pp. 317-322. & Woodward, B. B. On the Nomenclature of the Oral Folds in the Shells of Clausilia. Ann. N. H. v, pp. 209-213, pi. xIa, figs. 1-4, and a special chart. Somerville, A. Isocardia cor , L., in the West of Scotland. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, pp. 42-46, pi. i. Sowerby, G. B. Descriptions of 13 New Species of Land-shells, with a note on Bulimus fulminans. P. Z. S. 1889, pp. 577-582, pi. lvi. Standen, R. (1) Notes on the Occurrence of Acme lineata in Lancashire and Cheshire. J. of Conch, vi, pp. 161-164. . (2) Sinistral Helix nemoralis in Lancashire. T. c. p. 175. (3) Helix aspersa , Monst. Sinistrorsum, in Lancashire. T. c. p. 176. Stein, G. A. Beitrage zur Mollusken-Fauna Graubiinden’s. J. Ber. Ges. Graub. xxxiii, pp. 3-34. Sterki, Y. (1) Notes on some Northern Pupidce , with description of a new species. Naut. iii, pp. 117-119, 123, & 135; iv, pp. 9 & 27, pi. i. — — . (2) New forms of American Pupidce. Op. cit. iv, pp. 18 & 19. . (3) A new Pupa. T. c. p. 44. P. Clementina , n. sp., from California. . (4) On new forms of Vertigo. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 31-35. With 4 new species. Stutz, U. Das Keuper-Becken am Vierwaldstatter See. JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, pp. 99-140. With many lists of fossils. Succardi, R. Richerche Anatomiche sull’Apparato Digoronte dcllo Aplysise del golfo di Napoli. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, iv, pp. 5-14, pis. i & ii. Chiefly on the radula and intestine. Sykes, E. R. Assiminea littorina at Weymouth. J. of Conch, vi, p. 166. Taylor, J. W. (1) Helix pisana var. tenuis , a new variety from Tenby. T. c. p. 281. . (2) Variation of Limncea peregra. T. c. p. 284. Thiele, J. Erwiederung. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 559 & 560. Reply to Rawitz’ criticism. Toldo, G. Muricidce , Tritoniidce e Fasciolariidce del Miocene Superiore di Montegibio. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. 1890, pp. 18-24. 24 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Toucas, M. A. Etude de la Faune des Couches Tithoniques de l’Ar- d&che. Bull. Soc. G6ol. xviii, pp. 5G0-629, pis. xiii-xviii. Toula, F. Geologische Untersuchungen im ostlichen Balkan und in den angrenzenden Gebieten. Denk. Ak. Wien, lvii, pp. 323-400, 7 plates. Trinchese, S. Richerche anatomiche sulla Forestia mirabilis (Ti\). Mem. Acc. Bologn. x, pp. 57-62, plate, Tschapeck, H. Ueber das Auftreten der Alinda biplicata und ihres Fonnenkreises in Niederosterreich. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1890, pp. 49-60. Ulicny, Jos. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Molluskenfauna von Mahren. Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii, pp. 37-53, Ulrich, E. 0. (1) New Lamellibranchiata. No. I. Containing Descrip- tions of New Species of Modiolopsis. Am. Geol. v, pp. 270-284, woodcuts. . (2) New Lamellibranchiata. No. il. On Two New Genera and Six New Species. Op . cit. vi, pp. 173-181, woodcuts. Ischyrodonta , n. g., Whitella , n. g. . (3) New Lamellibranchiata. No. Hi. Descriptions of New Species with remarks on others. T. c. pp. 382-389, woodcuts. Vayssiere, A. Recherches zoologiques et anatomiqUes sur les Mollusques Opisthobranches du Golfe de Marseille. 2me Partie. Nudibranches et Ascoglosses. Ann. Mus. Marseillej iii, pp. 1-160, pis. i-vii. Many new species. Waltiiisr, J. Ueber eine Kohlen-Kalk Fauna aus dor /Egyptisch- Arabischen Wiiste. Z. Geol. Ges. xlii, pp. 419-449, pi. xxiii-xxviii. Mollusca , pp. 437-441. Several new species. Waters, A. H. Notes on Marine Mollusca in Captivity. 1890, p. 108. Westerlund, A. C. (1) Fauna der in der Paleearktischen Region lebenden Binnen-Conchylien. i. Supplement. Berlin (Friedlander) : 1890, 168 pp. . (2) Index. “ Allgemeines Register der Fauna der in der Palae- arktischen Region lebenden Binnen-Conchylien,” Berlin (Fried- lander) : 1890, 128 pp. . (3) Katalog der in der Palaearktischen Region lebenden Binnen- Conchylien. Suppl. HI. Berlin (Friedlander) : 1890. Whitelegge, T. (1) Report on the Worm Disease affecting the Oysters on the Coast of New South Wales. Rec, Austral. Mus, i, pp. 41-55, pis, iii-vi. An account of the ravages caused by Polydora (Leucodore') ciliala. The young worms do not bore through the shells of the oyster, but as free-swimming larvas are carried inside the oyster by inhalent currents. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Moll . 25 The remedies are : 1, removal to fresh water, which kills the parasite but is sometimes fatal to the oyster ; 2, careful drying of the affected oysters. [Whitelegge, T.] (2) List of the Marine and Freshwater Inverte- brate Fauna of Port Jackson and the neighbourhood. P. R. Soc. N.S.W. xxiii, pp. 163-230. Mollusca , pp. 234-282. Wiiiteaves, J. F. Descriptions of eight New Species of Fossils from the Cambrian and Silurian Rocks of Manitoba. Tr. R. Soc. Canada (3) vii, sect. 4, pp. 75-83, pis. xii-xvii. 1 Gasteropod, 7 Cephalopods. Whitfield, R. P. Observations on the Fauna of the Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont, with Descriptions of a few New Species. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pp. 25-46, 3 pis. Williams, J. W. (1) Note on the Morphology of the Gonads in Helix ( Macularia ) punctata , Muller. Mid. Nat. 1890, pp. 19-21, . (2) Cystic Condition of the Gonads in Helix aspcrsa. T. c. p. 165. . (3) The Colouring and Banding in Land and Freshwater Snails. Sci. Goss. 1890, pp. 179, 233, 241, 262, & 274. . (4) Variation in the Mollusca. T. c. p. 42. . (5) The New Hydrobice. T. c. pp. 131 & 132, Wilson, J. B. On some New Species of Marine Mollusca , P. R. Soc. Viet, ii, pp. 64^-67. Wilson, E. Fossil Types in the Bristol Museum. Geol. Mag. 1890, pp. 363-372, 411-416, 414, & 415. Mollusca , pp. 369-372, 411, & 412. Woiiltmann, Dr. Em Beitrag zu den Muschelbergen, Sambaquis, an der Ostkiiste Braziliens. Z. Naturwr. 1890, pp. 305-312. With two views of the shell hills, a list of the species found in them, and the evidence for the formation of the hills by human agency. Yates, G. L. A new Locality for Helix ayresiana. West Am. Scientist, vii, p. 8. Middle Anacapa Island. Yokoyama, MatajiRo. Versteinerungen aus der japanischen Kreide. Palseontogr. xxxvi, pp. 159-202, pis. xviii-xxv. With many new species and tables. Ill— REFERENCES. SYSTEMATIC CLASSIFICATION.0 GENERAL. Malacology : review of literature for 1887 ; Collin & Kobelt. Mollusca ; Lankester. Fossil forms are indicated by a dagger (f ) . 26 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Mollusca, American ; Cockerell (5). Revision of British Mollusca ; Norman (1). Mollusca : list of British forms ; Cockerell (1). List of British Mollusca ; id. Mollusca , list from Malh am, Yorkshire ; Collinge (7). Mollusca obtained off S.W. coast of Ireland ; Bourne (1). Land Molluscs of Puffin I. ; Leicester. Mollusca of the Congo ; Dupont ; Dautzenberg. Mollusca of Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. tShells from beds of Madagascar ; Neumayr. Mollusca from Lake Tanganyika, with figs. ; Bourguignat. Mollusca in captivity : Waters. Edible Mollusca ; Locard (1). t Mollusca : fossil forms from Japan ; Naumann & Neumayr. Mollusca : parentage ; Giard. Mollusca : communication of the body-cavity and circulatory system with the exterior ; Jourdain. Mollusca : epipodium, with figs. : Pelseneer (5). Mollusca : sense organs of the mantle ; Rawitz (1) ; Tiiiele. Mollusca : variation ; Williams (4) ; Cockerell (3). CEPHALOPODA. General . Cephalopods : arm; Pelseneer (7). f Cephalopoda : types of fossil specimens in Bristol Museum ; Wilson, (2) pp. 369 & 414. tCephalopods of Upper Jura of Poland ; Siemiradzki (2). CEPHALOPODA DIBRAN CHI ATA. OCTOPODA. t Fimbria semireticxdata, n. sp., p. 97, pi. iii, fig. 5 ; Parona. * Todaropsis , n. g., T. veranyi , n. sp., from Portugal ; Girard. DECAPODA. Belemnitid,e. t Belemnites : new forms ; Bastide. t Belemnites josepliina \ n. sp., p. 4G5, with woodcuts ; id. t Belemnites : classification of Upper Jurassic and Lower Chalk forms ; Neumayr, p. 8. t Belemnites of inferior Tithonique Beds ; Toucas. CEPHALOPODA AMMONEA. Moll. 27 CEPHALOPODA AMMONEA. General. iAptychus columbi , n. sp., p. 188, pi. xxviii, fig. 11 ; Felix. t Ammonites from Upper Jurassic : genealogy of, with tables ; Siemi- radzki (3). t Ammonites : new forms ; Bastide. t Ammonites : structure ; Nikitin. GoNIATITIDjE. iGoniatites from W. Australia, p. 102, pi. v, figs. 4- & 5 ; Foord (1). Lytoceratid^e. iPhylloceras ezoense, n. sp., p. 178, pi. xix, figs. 2a, b , c ; Yokoyama. tP. kudernatschi ; Hauer, p. 387, fig. 1, pi. ii. tP. flabellum , p. 388, fig. 2, pi. ii ; JuSsen , iPhylloceras mediterraneum : peristome ; HAug. STEPHANOCERATID.E. t Ancyloceras rasyradl , n. sp., p. 338, pi. i, fig. 8 ; Toula. iA. xelliuae , n. sp., p. 189, pi. xxviii, fig. 19 ; Felix. t Anisoceras haradanum, n. sp., p. 182, pi. xx, fig. 5. iA. subquadrat urn, n. sp., p. 182, pi. xx, fig. 4. iA. subundulatum, n. sp., p. 183, pi. xx, figs. 6, 7, & 7a] Yokoyama. iAspidoceras insigne, n. sp., p. 82, pi. xvii ; WiiitEaves. iBaculites heberti , n. sp., p. 181 ; Mayer-EyMar (4). iCosmoceras , n. sp. j Siemiradzki (1) p. 171. C. lithuanicum , n. sp. ; id. p. 172. C. grewingki , n. sp. ; id. p. 173. iCrioceras edouardi, n. sp., from Cretaceous, p. 462, pi. xi ; Bastide. iC. mathewsi , pi. vi, figs. 2a, b ; Pavlow (1). tU. suessi , n. sp., p. 338, pi. ii. fig. 1 ; 0., n. sp., pi. iii, fig. 1, p. 338, pi. iii, fig. 2, p. 338 ; Toula. illoplites otomitli , n. sp., p. 182, pi. xxviii, fig. 4 ; iH. tlachiacensis, n. sp., p. 184, pi. xxviii, fig. 5 ; iH. tenochi, n. sp., p. 186, pi. xxviii, pi. xxix, fig. 1 ; iH. xipei , n. sp., p. 187, pi. xxviii, fig. 6 ; iH. castilloi , n. sp., p. 182, pi. xxxviii, fig. 8 ; Felix. iOlcostephanus blalci , n. sp., p. 115, pi. ii, figs. 4 & 5. tO. swindonensis , n. sp., p. 116, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; iO. stenomphalus, n. sp., p. 117, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 10 ; Pavlow (2). +0. disco falcatus, pi. vi, figs. 1 a, b ; +0. decheni, pi. vi, fig. 3 ; id. (1). tO. zirJccli, n. sp., p. 182, pi. xxix, fig. 2 ; Felix. iPerisphinctes dunikowskii , n. sp., pp. 77 & 78 ; Siemiradzki (3). iP. gevreyi, n. sp., p. 583, pi. xiv, fig. 5 ; tP. pouzinensis, n. sp., p. 584, pi. xiv, 1890. [vol. xxvii.] d 7 28 Moll. MOLLUSCA. fig. 6, p. 598, pi. xvi, fig. 3 ; Toucas. t P. ybbsensis,n. sp., p. 394, pi. ii, fig. 4 ; fP. seminudus, n. sp., p. 396, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; Jussen. t Ptychoceras pseudo -gaultinum, n. sp., p. 181, pi. xx, figs. 1, 2, 2a, & 3 ; Yokoyama. t Stephanocevas paucicostatus , n. sp., p. 180, pi. xxvii, figs. 17 & 17a; Felix. Ammonitidad. t Ammonites bathildce , n. sp., p. 464, pi. xii, from Cretaceous ; Bastide. t A. fontinalis, n. sp., p. 241, pi. ix, fig. 1 ; Huddleston. fArietidce : genesis, system, &c. ; Hyatt. YDumortieria prisca, n. sp., p. 236, pi. xxxvii, figs. 9-11 ; Buckman. ^ \ Huddlestonia , n. g., p. 225 ; id. Ceratitid^.- f Ammonites : classification of Ceratites of Chalk ; Douvilli'c. CEPHALOPODA TETRABRANCHIATA. i NAUTILIDiE, t Cyrtoceras manitobense) n. sp., p. 80, pi. xiii, figs. 3 & 4, pi. xv, fig. 4 ; White aves. t Discites from W. Australia ; Foord (1). f Nautilus clausus, p. 285, fig. 14 ; fN. perinflatus , n. sp., p. 286, fig. 15 ; fN. smithi, n. sp., p. 287, fig. 16 ; +A. burtonensis , n. sp., p. 288, fig. 17 ; t N. calloviensis , p. 290, fig. 18 ; Foord & Crick (2). fN. elegans , p. 547, fig. 1 ; fN. elegantoides, p. 549, fig. 2 ; fN. atlas , p. 550 ; t N. pseudoelegans) p. 551, fig. 3 ; Foord (2). fN. elegans : revision of group ; id. fN. hun- stantonensis , n. sp., p. 401, figs. 4 & 5 ; fN. triangularis , p. 403 ; fN. liba- noticus , n. sp., p. 404, fig. 6 ; fN. bayfieldi) n. sp., p. 405, fig. 7 ; fN. (Hercoglossa) danicus , p. 407, fig. 8 ; fN. ( II .) cassini anus, n. sp., p. 409, fig. 9 ; fN. lineolatus , n. sp., p. 393 ; +A. (^T.) aganiticus, p. 394, fig. 1 ; fN. (H.) franconicus, p. 395, fig. 2 ; fN. ( H .) portlandicus , n. sp., p. 397, fig. 3 ; Foord & Crick (3). fN. ornatus , n. sp., p. 273, fig. 7 ; fN. lineatus , p. 275, fig. 8 ; t N. pseudolineatus, n. sp., p. 277, fig. 9 ; fN. glaber, n. sp., p. 279, fig. 10 ; fN. obesus , p. 279, fig. 11 ; fN. inornatus , p. 281, fig. 12 ; fN. multiseptatus , n. sp., p. 283, fig. 13 ; iid. (2). fN. simillimus, n. sp., p. 267, fig. 1 ; fN. jourdani , p. 267, fig. 2 ; fN. terebratus, p. 269, fig. 3 ; fN. robustus , n. sp., p. 271, fig. 5 ; fN. fischeranus , n. sp., p. 272, fig. 5 ; iid. (2). CEPHALOPODA TETRABRANCHIATA, PTEROPODA. Moll. 29 t Nautilus , n. sp., with fig., Jurassic ; Foord & Crick (1). Nautilus poly gonalis: muscular impressions, with fig. ; iid. (1). Nautilus: respiratory organs, with figs. ; Joubin. f Oncoceras magnum , n. sp., p. 79, pi. xv, fig. 1 ; t 0. gibbosum , n. sp., p. 80, pi. xv, figs. 2 & 3 ; Wiiiteaves. t Orthoceras, p. 102, pi. iv, fig. 3 ; Foord (1). f Orthoceras , from W. Australia ; id. (1). t Orthoceras ( Actinoceras ) daytonensis , n. sp., p. 286, pi. viii, fig. 6 ; 1 0. {A.) youngi, n. sp., p. 284, pi. viii, fig. 3 ; +0. (A.) latanummulatus, n. sp., p. 285, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; 1 0. (A.) turgidanummulatus , n. sp., p. 285, pi. viii, fig. 7 ; Foerste. 1 0. ( Cycloceras ) novacarlislensis , n. sp., p. 281, pi. v, fig. 25, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; id. 1 0. ( Euorthoceras ?) ignotum , n. sp., p. 279, pi. vii, fig. 4 ; 1 0. ( E . p) rhythmoides, n. sp., p. 279, pi. viii, fig. 5 ; tO. ( E . P) hanoverensis , n. sp., p. 280, pi. vi, fig. 6 : id. (1). t Orthoceras ( [Kionoceras ) crawfordi , n. sp., p. 284, pi. V, fig. 26 ; id. (1). t Poterioceras nobile , n. sp., p. 77, pi. xiv, fig. 1 j t P. apertum , n. sp., pi. xiv, figs. 2-4 ; White aves. t Solenocheilus latiseptatus) with fig., muscular impressions ; Foord & Crick (1). t Trochoceras Me charlesi) n. sp., p. 81, pi. xvi ; Wiiiteaves. PTEROPODA. General . j Pteropoda from Cambrian of W. Australia ; Foord (1). Fteropods from St. Helena : Smith (7). t Salterella curvatus , n. sp., p. 34, pi. ii, fig. 27 ; SHaler & Foerste. t Tentaculiles cretaceus) n» sp., p. 600, pi. xxii, figs. 8 & 9 ; Blancken- iiorN (1). Conulariidje. t Conutaria sp., p. 774, pi. xix, fig. 6 ; Oehlert. t Conutaria triadica, n. sp., from Trias, near Vienna ; BITtner. OavolinIid^}. t Balantidium Jlabetliforme, n. sp., p. 598, pi. xiii, figs. 1 & 16 ; t B. amphoroides) n. sp., p. 598, pi. xxii, fig. 2 ; BlanckeNiiorn (1). Waginella labiata , n. sp., p. 598, pi. xxii, figs. 3a & 36 ; +F. rotundata , n. sp.. p. 599, pi. xxii, figs. 4a & 46 ; id. (1). 30 Moll MOLLUSCA. Hyolithidjl ■fHyolithus acutus , p. 767, pi. xxx, from the Under Silurian ; RemelA f II. quadricostatus , n. sp., p. 31, pl.ii, fig. 15 ; Siialer & Foerste. GASTEROPODA. General. Gastropods : faculty of homing ; Kew. Gasteropoda : pericardial gland, with figs. ; Grobben. Gasteropoda Prosobranchiata : structure ; Fischer & Bouvier. j- Gasteropoda : type fossils in Bristol Museum, pp. 369-371 & 414 ; Wilson, E. f Gasteropoda : track of a Gastropod Mollusc in the Carboniferous pf Rhode I. ; Packard. GASTEROPODA PULMONATA. TESTACELLID2E. Aerope beyrichi , n. sp., p. 85, from Pondoland ; Martens (2). Aerope caffra : anatomy, with figs. ; Pilsbry (8). t Ammonoceras (Lamarck) ; Fischer (5). Daudebardia rufa : anatomy : Plate. Cystopelta : anatomy ; suggested affinity with Helicarion ; Hedley (2). Ennea cenigmaticay n. sp., p. 164, pi. vii, fig. 11; ^7. soror, n. sp., p. 164, pi. vi, fig. 12; E. subhyalina , n. sp., p. 165, pi. vi, fig. 13 ; E. subftavescens , n. sp., p. 165, pi. vi, fig. 14 ; E. amicta , n. sp., p. 165, pi. vi, fig. 15; E. lendix , n. sp., p. 166, pi. vi, fig. 16 ; E. microstoma , n. sp., p. 166, pi. vi, fig. 17 ; E. peculiaris , n. sp., p. 167, pi. vi, fig. 18 : from S. Africa ; Smith (6). E. ( Diaphora ) eutracliela , n. sp., p. 192, pi. vii, fig. 3 ; E. ( D .) devians , n. sp., p. 193, pi. vii, fig. 4, from Cebu ; MOllendorff (1). E. hanningtoniy n. sp., p. 161, pi. vi, fig. 4 ; E. newtoni, n. sp., p. 161, pi. vi, fig. 5 ; E. fortidentata , n. sp., p. 162, pi. vi, fig. 6 ; E. consanguinea, n. sp., p. 162, pi. vi, 'fig. 7 ; E. curvilamella, n. sp., p. 163, pi. vi, fig. 8 ; E. consociata , n. sp., p. 163, pi. vi, fig. 9 ; E. cequidentata, n. sp., p. 163, pi. vi, fig. 10 : from S. Africa ; Smith (6). Gibbus ( Gonidomus ) breviculus , n. sp., p. 161, pi. vi, fig. 3, from S. Africa ; id. (6). Glandina : catalogue of Cuba forms, pp. 173-179 ; Crosse (2). Streptaxis mamboiensis , n. sp., p. 110, pi. vi, fig. 1 ; S. ordinarius, n. sp., p. 160, pi. vi, figs. 2 & 2 a : from S. Africa ; Smith (6). GASTEROPODA PULMONATA. Moll. 31 Streptostele horei, n. sp., p. 95 ; S. simplex , n. sp., p. 96 : Central Africa ; Smith (5). Streptostyla from Cuba : list, p. 179 ; Crosse (2). Testacella maugei compared with T. haliotidea ; Pollonera (5). XiIMACIDAC. Amalia gracilis in Italy ; Pollonera (3). A. pallidula , n. subsp. ; Cockerell (4). Agriolimax oertzeni, n. sp., p. 17, figs. 3, 11, 12, & 13, Greece ; Simrotii (3) . Notes on slugs, with Agriolimax costaricensis, n. subsp., p. 279, and Amalia pallidula, n. subsp., p. 286 ; Cockerell (4). JAtoxon, n. g. ; A. hildebrandti, n. sp., p. 58, pi. iii, fig. 14 ; A. schulzei, n. sp., p. 58, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 15 ; id. (2). Bensonia radulella , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 199 ; B. carinata, n. sp., id., p. 200 ; B. lima , n. sp., id., p. 200 ; Mollendorff (3). •. Buetlneria, n. g. ; B. leuckharti , n. sp., p. 59, pi. iii, figs. 3, 7, & 16 ; id. (2). Dendrolimax greeffi, n. sp., p. 60, pi. iv, figs. 1 & 2 ; id. (2). Euplecta (Pareuplecta) marginata, n. sp., p. 302, pi. vii, fig. 7, from I. of Cebu ; id. (1). Euplecta Jcochiana, n. sp., from Philippines, p. 199 ; id. (3). Helicarion adolfi , n. sp., p. 138, pi. v, figs. 1 & la-c, from Java ; Bcettger (4). Helicarion (. Austenia ) fees, n. sp., p. 313, pi. ix, figs. 1 & 7, from Bir- mania ; Canefri. Helix ( Trochonanina) pretoriensis, n. sp., p. 469, from S. Africa ; Mel- VILL & PONSONBY. Ilemitrichia, from Philippines ; MOllendorff (2). Hyalimax andamanicus, n. var. punctulatus , p. 389, Britain ; Cocke- rell (4). Hyalinia ( Polita ) berysensis, n. sp., from Syria ; Naegele. H. cal- deronii , n. sp., p. 115 ; II. sevillensis, n. sp., p. 115 ; Westerlund (1). II. lasti , n. sp., p. 150, pi. v, figs. 1 & la ; H. eminiana, n. sp., p. 150, pi. v, fig. 2 ; H. hanningtoni, n. sp., p. 151 ; H. depressia, n. sp., p. 151, from S. Africa ; Smith (6). Hyalinia from Cebu, pp. 180 & 181 ; Crosse (2). Kaliella javana, n. sp., p. 142, pi. v, figs. 4 & 4 a-b, from Java ; Bosttger (4) . Lamprocystis badia , n. sp., p. 206, pi. vii, fig. 8 ; L. imitatrix, n. sp., p. 207, pi. vii, fig. 9, 1. of Cebu ; MOllendorff (1). Limacella confusa , n. sp., p. 384 ; L. formosensis, n. subsp., p. 384 ; L. cliinensis , n. sp., p. 386, British Isles ; Cockerell (4). Limax cellarius, L. subalpinus , L. dacampi, L. corsicus : nomenclature ; Pollonera (2). L. corsicus, var. Ciminensis, from Corsica ; id. (4). L. jlavus, n. var., from Banbury ; Collinge (4). L. maximus : origin and development of nervous system ; Henchman. L. queenslandica , Hedley, 32 Moll. MOLLUSCA. — Agriolimax laevis , Muller, and possibly L. rarotongan us, Hey n., from Brisbane; Hedley (1). Macrochlamys Jcochi , n. sp., p. 201, pi. vii, fig. 6, I. of Cebu ; MOllen- DORFF (1). Macrocyclis from Cuba, p. 180 ; Crosse (2). Malacolimax brondelianus , M. raymondianus : general anatomy, from Algeria ; Pollonera (1). t Nanina ( Omphaloptyx ), n. sp., p. 123, pi. ii, figs. 12 & 126 ; fN. eurydice , p. sp., p. 122, pi. iii, figs. 8 & 9 ; + N. ( Discus ) patellina, n. sp,, p. 123, pi. ii, figs. 17 & .176 ; Oppenheim (2). . Nanina ruschenbergeri, n. sp., p. 186, with figs., from East India ; Pilsbry (12). N. ruschenbergeri , n. sp., Lin-Kin Is. ; id. (6). ^ Phaneropus, n. g., P. reinhardtl , n. sp., p. 61, pi. iii, figs. 2, 4, & 17 ; Simroth (2), ' Sitala bandongensis, n. sp., p, 141, pi. v, figs. 3 & 3 a-b, from I. of Java ; Bcbttger (4). S. trifilaris , n. sp., from China, p. 33; Gredler (1). * Tricliotoxon , n. g., T. heynemanni , n. sp., p. 54, pi. iii, figs. 6, 8, 10-13 ; Simroth (2). Trochonanina mamboinensis , n. sp., p. 151, pi. v, fig. 3 ; T. episcopalis, n. sp., p. 152, pi. v, fig. 4, from S. Africa ; Smith (6). T. multicar inata, n. sp., p. 141, pi. v, figs. 2 & 2a-c, from Java ; Bcettger (4). Vitrina birmanica , n. sp., p. 317, from Birmania ; Canefri. V. cingu- lata , n. sp., p. 466 ; V. zonamydra , n. sp., p. 467, S. Africa ; V. huttonice , n. vars. rufofilosa, meridionalis, and alvicolat pp. 467 & 468, S. Africa ; MELVILL & PONSONBY. Vitrina pellucida : notes on habits ; Collinge (2). Vitrina : species with many figs. ; anatomy ; Simroth (2). Vitroconus glaber , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 201 ; V. saturalisf n. sp., p. 201, from Philippines ; MOllendorff (3). V. quadrasi , n. sp., p. 196, pi. vii, fig. 5, from Cebu ; id. (1). Zonites carolinensis , n. sp., from Colorado; Cockerell (5). Z. simpsoni, n. sp., p. 412, pi. xii, figs. 8, 9, & 10 ; Z. selenitoides, n. sp., p. 413, pi. xii, figs. 13, 14, & 15, America ; Pilsbry (7). Z. shimekii , n. sp., p. 297, pi. v, figs. 9-11, America ; id. (1, 4). Z. glaber at Penistone ; Adams (4). Revision of Paloearctic forms ; Pollonera (7), Helicim:, Amphidromus rhombostomus, Siam ; Morlet. Anadenus cockerelli , n. sp., California ; Hemphill (2). Arion ater : colour of eggs and young ; Gain. Arion minimus (a British Slug) ; Scharff. Arion pascalianus , A.* piscatus, A. molleri : nomenclature ; Pollo- nera (2). A. subfuscus ; Loens : at Ingleton ; Collinge. Bulimus acutus in Cumberland ; Roebuck (1). Bulimus fulminans (Nyst.) : note on ; Sowerby. GASTEROPODA PULMONATA. Moll . 33 Bulimus super striatus, n. sp., p. 578, pi. lvi, fig. 9 ; B. salteri , n. sp., p. 578, pi. lvi, fig. 4 ; Sowerby. Bulimus ( Tomigerus ) ramagei, n. sp., p. 500, pi. xxx, fig. 8, from Fer- nando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. Campylcea cingulata , Stnder, and its varieties ; Pollonera (6). Ghloritis leytensis, n. sp., from Philippines, p. 203 ; Mollen- dorff (3). Cochlostyla saranganica , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 204 ; C. erythro- spira , n. sp., id. p. 204 ; C. Icobelti, n. sp., id. p. 205 ; C. schadenbergi , n. sp., id. p. 205 ; C. amalice, n. sp., id. p. 206 : from Philippines ; id. (3). \siDentcllo caracolus, n. sp. & subg. of Helix , p. 118 ; f H. (D.) antigone , n. sp., p. 119, pi. i, figs. 7 a-c ; Oppenheim (2). Geomalacus tournieri, n. sp., p. 38 ; Pollonera (7). Helicidce from China and Japan ; Schmacker & Bcettger. Helix from Cuba : list, pp. 182-200 ; Crosse (2). Helix ( Aegista ) Icobensis , n. sp., Japan, p. 135 ; Schmacker & Bcettger. Helix aggiei , n. sp., Solomon Is. ; Heimburg. Helix nlbolabris var. maritima, with woodcut of teeth and genitalia ; PlLSBRY (13). Helix aiiinodata, n. sp., from China, p. 36 ; Gredler (1). Helix aspersa: cystic gonads ; Williams (1). Helix aspersa : parasitic castration ; Garnault (1). Helix ayresiana, new locality, Anacapo I. ; Yates. f Helix ( Chlorcea ) proserpina , n. sp., p. 121, pi. i, figs. 8 a & 8 a-d ; Oppenheim (2). Helix ( Gorasia ) woodfordii , n. sp., p. 578, pi. lvi, fig. 6 ; Sowerby. Helix fusca in Staffordshire ; Burrows. Helix ( Geotrochus ) horderi, n. sp., p. 577, pi. lvi, fig. 1 ; Sowerby. Helix ( Ilemitrochus ) streatori , n. sp., p. 413, pi. xv, fig. l,from America ; PlLSBRY (7). Helix lamellata in Ireland ; Delap. Helix lamellata at Stafford ; Adams (3). Helix lamellata in Staffordshire ; Burrows. t Helix latebrosa , n. sp., p. 8, pi. i, figs. 8 & 8a ; iH. instrumosa , n. sp., p. 9, pi. i, figs. 7 & 86 ; t H. crusta , n. sp., p. 9, pi. i, figs. 4, 4a, 46, 6c , & 6/; ill. diespiter , n. sp.; p. 10, pi. i, figs. 1 & la; fH. direpta , n. sp., p. 10, pi. i, figs. 7a & 76 ; -fH. haruspica , n. sp., p. 11, pi. i, figs. 7c & 7d ; -fH. adamnis , n. sp., p. 12, pi. i, figs: 5 & 5a ; Dall (1). Helix (Macularia) punctata : gonad ; Williams (1). Helix mitchelliana : extinction in Ohio ; McCreery. Helix nemoralis with abnormal peristome; Ball£ (1). Helix obvia in N. Germany ; Martens (4). Helix ( Ophiogyra ) quinquelirata, p. 500, pi. xxx, figs. 7 & 7c, from Fer- nando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. f Helix ( Patula ) recurrecta, n. sp., p. 123, pi. ii, figs. 13 & 136 ; Oppenheim (2). 34 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Helix {Pella) crawfordi, n. sp., p. 469, from S. Africa ; Melvill & Ponsonby. Helix pisana in Oxfordshire ; Collinge (1). Helix pisana var. tenuis , Tenby ; Taylor (1). Helix ( Planispira ) deaniana , n. sp., p. 188, from New Guinea ; Ford (1). Helix pomatia : physiological chemistry ; Levy. Helix quedenfeldti , n. sp., from Sicily ; Martens (1). Helix rufescens : dart sac ; Collinge (1) Helix sepulcralis from F6russac ; Crosse & Fischer (5). Helix ( Xerophila ) bibcenensis, n. sp., p. 26 ; H. hodnce, n. sp., p. 26 ; H. mitidjana, n. sp., p. 26 ; H . micropristis , n. sp., p. 27 ; H. agona, n.sp., p. 27 ; II. cyclostremokles , n. sp., p. 28 ; H. apiculiformiSy n. sp., p. 28 ; H. (X.) bousqueti, n. sp,, p. 131 ; H. fabriesi , n. sp., p. 133 ; H. tenui- sculpta, n. sp., p. 134 ; Westerlund (1), Leucochroa adanensis , n. sp., from Syria ; Naegele. Mesodon major, n. sp., with woodcut, p. 190, U. S. A. ; Binney. Obbina platyzona, n. sp., from Philippines, p. 203 ; MOllendorff (3). ^ f Prothelklomus, n. subg., f TI. (P.) vicentina , n. sp., p, 121, pi. i, figs, a-c ; Oppeniieim (3), Patula from Cuba, p. 181 ; Crosse (2). Patula p aliens, n. sp., from China, p. 35 ; Gredler (1). Snails : colouring and banding ; Williams (3). t Trigonostoma sujthomasfce, n. sp., p. 44, pi. ii, fig. 3 ; Dall (1). Trochomoipha bcettgeri, n. sp., from Philippines, p. 201 ; T. stenogyra , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 202 ; MOllendorff (3). T. concolor , n. sp., p. 143, pi. v, figs. 6 & 6a-c ; T. strubelli , n. sp., p. 143, pi, v, figs. 5 a-c, from Java; Bcettger (4). T. godeti , n. sp., p. 578, pi. lvi, fig. 10 ; Sowerby. T. pulcherrima , p. 288, pi. iii, fig. 13, from Philadelphia ; Hartman, Okthalicidj;. Liguus from Cuba, p. 201 ; Crosse (2). Orihalicus from Cuba, p, 201 ; id. (2). BuLIMULIDjE. Anctus pilsbryi, n. sp, ; Ford (2). Bulimulus from Cuba, p. 200 ; Crosse (2). t Bulimulus eocanus, n. sp., p. 124, pi. ii, figs. 1-4 ; B. mavcellanus , n. sp., p. 124, pi. ii, figs. 5 & 5 a. B. { Plectostylus ?) deperditus , n. sp., p. 125, pi. iii, figs. 11 & 11a ; Oppenheim (2). B. ragsdalei , n. sp. ; Pilsbry (10). B. ragsdalei , p. 296, pi. v, fig. 3, America ; Pilsbry (1). Bulimus exit is : variations ; Sharp. Bulimus {. Bulimulus ) ridleyi, n. sp., p. 501, pi. xxx, fig. 9, Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. GASTEROPODA PULMONATA. Moll. 35 CYLiNDRELLIDAK. t Cylindrella Jloridana , n. sp., p. 13, pi. i, fig. 6a; Dall (1). Cylindrella from Cuba, list, pp. 209-243 ; C. ellioti, diagnosis, p. 212 ; Crosse (2). Macroceramus from Cuba, pp. 202-209 ; id. (2). Pineria from Cuba, p. 202 ; id. (2). Buliminidal Bulimus bernieri , n. sp., p. 284, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; B. ruga , n. sp., p. 284, pi. iii, fig. 1 : from Philadelphia ; Hartman. Bulimus ( Buliminus P) gomezi, n. sp., p. 580, pi. lvi, fig. 8 ; B. ( Buli - minus ?) hanningtoni , n. sp., p. 580, pi. lvi, fig. 7 ; id. B. (B.) subolivaceus, n. sp., p. 156, S. Africa ; Smith (6). Bulimus ( Gerastus ) emini, n. sp., p. 154, pi. v, fig. 8; B. ( C .) kidetensis , n. sp., p. 155, pi. v, fig. 9 ; B. (O. ?) uniplicatus , p. 155, pi. v, fig. 10 ; B. ((?.?) introversus , n. sp., p. 155, pi. v, fig. 11 : B. ( C .) mamboinensis , n. sp., p. 153, pi. v, fig. 7 ; B. ((7.) lasti , n. sp., p. 154, pi. v, fig. 8 : S. Africa ; Smith (5). Bulimus (Hapalus) subvirescens , n. sp., p. 156, pi. v, fig. 13 ; B. ( H .) dis- parilis , n. sp., p. 156, pi. v, fig. 13 ; B. ( H .) associatus, n. sp., p. 157, pi. v, fig. 14 : S. Africa ; Smith (6). Bulimus ( Rhacliis ) usagaricus , p. 152, pi. v, fig. 5 ; B. (72.) quadricingu- latus, n. sp., p. 153, pi. v, fig. 6 : from S. Africa ; Smith (6). Partula kubaryi , n. sp., p. 284, pi. iii, fig. 3, from Philadelphia ; Hart- man. f P. vicentina , n. sp., p. 125, pi. ii, figs. 10 & 105 ; Oppeniieim (3). PlJPIDAC. Alinda biplicata in Austria ; Tschapeck. Clausilia almae , n. sp., p. 54, fig. 7 ; C. chelidromia , n. sp., p. 55, fig. 8; Greece ; Bcettger (1). +0. depertita , n. sp., p. 128, pi. iv, fig. 8 ; f O. nerinea , n. sp., p. 128, pi. v, figs. 8-8c ; Oppeniieim (2). C. dupouxi , n. sp., and O. staudingeri, n. sp., from Syria ; Naegele & Bcettger. C. infantilis , n. sp., from China, p. 37 ; Gredler (1). C. proteus , n. sp., p. 49 ; C. freytagi , n. sp., p. 39, fig. 2 ; C. certzeni , n. sp., p. 42, fig. 3 ; C. eumeuSf n. sp., p. 47, fig. 4 ; C. dorica , n. sp., p. 51, fig. 6 : from Greece ; Bcettger (1). G. rolpliii at Well Yale; Roebuck (2). 0. species from Greece; Bcettger (1). C. sporadica, n. sp., p. 58, fig. 9, from Greece ; id. ( 1). Clausilia : nomenclature of the oral folds in shell ; Smith & Wood- ward. t Clausilia ( Acrotoma ) marcellana, n. sp., p. 128, pi. v, figs. 6 & 6b ; Oppenheim (2). f Clausilia (Disjunctaria) exarata , n. sp., p. 127, pi. iv, figs. 9-95 ; id. (2). Clausilia (Euphcedusa) crobylodes , n. sp., China, p. 114 ; C. (JE.) parietaria , n. sp., from China, p. 18 ; Sciimacker & Bcettger. 36 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Clausilia ( Hemiphcedusa ) ringens , n. sp., China, p. 23 ; C. (H.) stricti- labris, n. sp., China, p. 25 ; 0. ( Formosana ) albopapillata , n. sp., China, p. 21 ; G. ( Garnieria ) schombergi, n. sp., China, p. 27 ; iid. f Clausilia ( Oospira ) pugniellensis , n. sp., p. 127, pi. iv, figs. 6 & 7; Oppeniieim (2). f Clausilia ( Phcedusa ) inexpleta , n. sp., p. 128, pi. v, figs. 1 & la ; id. (2). \ Clausilia ( Phcedusa ) silenus, n. sp., p. 129, pi. v, figs. 2-2a & 4-4 a; fC. ( Emarginaria ) exsecrata, n. sp., p. 129, pi. v, figs. 5 -5cZ; Oppen- heim (2). Clausilia ( Pseudonenia ) salacana , n. sp., p. 149, pi. vi, figs. 2 & 2a-5, from Java ; Bcettger (4). Pseudobalea from Cuba, p. 243 ; Crosse (2). Pupa : 2 new forms ; Maltzan. P. from Cuba, p. 250 ; id. (2). Pupa calamitosa, n. sp., p. 411, pi. xii, figs. 16 & 17 ; P. sterhiana , n. sp., p. 412, pi. xii, figs. 2 & 3, America ; Pilsbry (7). P. holzingeri, Sterki, p. 414, pi. xii, figs. 4-7, America; id. (7). P. hordeacella , n. sp., pi. i, figs, g-h, America; id. (9). P. solitaria , n. sp., p. 501, pi. xxx, figs. 10 & 10a, from Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. P. syngenes , n. sp., p. 296, pi. v, figs. 1 & 2, America ; Pilsbry (1). P.dalliana, n.sp., America, p. 19 ; Sterki (2). P. hemphilli , n. sp., America, p. 27 ; id. (1). P. syngenes , n. sp., U. S. A.; Pilsbry (4). P. Clementina , n. sp., Califor- nia ; Sterki (3). P. pilsbry ana, n. sp., Arizona, p. 123 ; id. (1). P. ( Ver- tigo) eggeri, n. sp., from Tyrol ; Gredler (3). P. ringens , in Pembroke- shire; Falloon (1). f Pupa ( Paracraticula ) umbra, n.sp., p. 126, pi. iii, figs. 10-105 ; Oppen- iieim (2). -\Strophia anodonta, n. sp., p. 13, pi. i, figs. 8c & 8d ; Dall (1). f Strophia floridana, p. 13, pi. i, fig. 6 ; id. (1). Strophia from Cuba, p. 252 ; Crosse (2). Vertigo callosa , n. sp., p. 31 ; V. binneyana , n. sp., p. 33 ; V. oscariana , n. sp., p. 33 ; V. rugosulaf n. sp., p. 34 : America ; Sterki (4). Vertigo from Cuba, p. 281 ; Crosse (2). Stenogyridji. Achatince from Zanzibar ; Semper. Achatina : list of species from S. Africa, and A. burnupi, n. sp., p. 393 ; Smith (6). Achatina barriana , n. sp., p. 579, pi. 1 vi, fig. 2 ; A. smithi, n. sp., p. 579, pi. lvi, fig. 3 ; A. linterae, n. sp., p. 580, pi. lvi, fig. 11 ; Sowerby. Cionella (from Crone), p. 250 ; Crosse (2). Cionella subsaccata, n. sp., p. 48 ; C. tenella , n. sp., p. 48 ; C. wester - lundiana, n. sp., p. 49 ; Westerlund (1). Qcostilbia from Cuba, p. 250 ; Crosse (2). Clandinella from Cuba, p. 248 ; id. (2). Glessula cornea, n. sp., p. 148, pi. v, figs. 9 & 9a, from Java ; Bcettger U). GASTEROPODA PULMONATA. Moll. 37 Limicolaria guinaica , n. sp., Equatorial Africa, p. 66, pi. i, fig, 2 \ L. vignoniana , Equatorial Africa, p. 65 ; Morelet. Melaniella from Cuba, p. 249 ; Crosse (2). Obeliscus sanctoe-helence , n. sp., p. 275, pi. xxiii, fig. 17 ; 0. (a Syrnola) pumilio , n. sp., p. 275, pi. xxii, fig. 3 ; Smith (8). * Opeas from Cuba, p. 245 ; Crosse (2). Stenogyra from Cuba, p. 244 ; id. (2). Stenogyra (Opeas) stenostoma, n. sp., p. 160, pi. v, fig. 20, from S. Africa ; Smith (6). Stenogyra ( Subalina ) subcarinifera , n. sp., p. 157, pi. v, fig. 15 ; S. (S.) mamboiensis , n. sp., p. 158, pi. v, fig. 16 ; S. (S.) usagarica , p. 158, pi. v, fig. 17 ; S. (S.) lasti, p. 158, pl.v, fig. 18 ; S. (S.) emini, p. 159, pi. v, fig. 19 ; S. ( S .) intermedia , n. sp., Taylor, from S. Africa ; id. (6). S. sowerbyana , n. sp., Equatorial Africa, p. 67 ; Morelet. Spiraxis from Cuba, p. 248 ; Crosse (2). Subalina from Cuba, p. 247 ; id. (2). SuCCINEIDiE. Succinea from Cuba, p. 255 ; Crosse (2). Succinea goleahensis} n. sp., sub-fossil from Sahara ; Fischer (6). Athoracophorid m . Athoracophoridoe ; species with figs ; Simroth (2). Vaginulule. y Leonardia , n. g. ; L. nevilliana , n. sp., p. 332, pi. viii, figs. l-3e, pi. vii, figs. 1-5, from Burmah ; Canefri. Vaginula from Cuba, p. 257 ; Crosse (2). Vaginula andersoniana , n. sp., p. 338, pi. vii, figs. 6 & 7 ; V. proxirna, n. sp., p. 338, pi. vii, figs. 8 & 9, from Burmah ; Canefri, Vag inulus scMvclyai , n. sp., p. 297, pi. v, figs. 6-8, America ; Pirsbry, (1). OnCJDIIDaE. Oncidium pallidipes, n. sp., p. 329, from Burmah; Canefri. Auriculid^e. Alexia Tcobelti , n. sp., from Marsa-Scirocco ; Caruano-G-atto. Blauneria from Cuba, p. 259 ; Crosse (2). Leuconia from Cuba, p. 260 ; id. (2). Melampus from Cuba, p. 258 ; id. (2). -38 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Pedipes from Cuba, p. 259 ; Crosse (2). Plecotrema from Cuba, p. 259 ; id. (2). Otinid^. Otina otis, var. Candida , in Pembrokeshire ; Falloon (2). Limnaeidj:. I Ancylus from Cuba, p. 262 ; Crosse (2). Ancylus obliquus, n. sp., p. 214, pi. iii, fig. 5a, 5, c , Iowa ; Siiimek. A. smithi , n. sp., p. 658, pi. xix, figs. 1-3, from Australia ; Cox. Bulinus (I sid or a) dybowsJcii , n. sp., sub-fossil from the Sahara, p. 375 ; Fischer (6). Gundlachia from Cuba, p. 262 ; Crosse (2). Limncea from Cuba, p. 260; id. (2). Limncea peregra : variation ; Taylor (2). Limncea saharica , n. sp., sub-fossil from the Sahara, p. 375 ; Fischer (6). L. glutinosa , near Hull; Fierke. Planorbis : shell coils ; Pfeffer (2). Planorbis : winding of shell; Iiiering (1). Planorbis cegyptiacus , n. sp., p. 84 ; Westerlund (1). *j* P. conanti , n. sp., p. 20, pi. 10, figs. 1 & la ; Dall (1). fP. dissioni , n. sp., p. 21, pi. x, figs. 2 & 2a; id. P. monceti , n. sp., p. 18, Lake Tanganyika ; Bour- GUIGNAT. P. noronhensis, n. sp., p. 502, pi. xxx, figs. 11 & 115, from Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley, f P. tressinensis , n. sp., p. 130, pi. ii, figs. 18-1 8c ; Opfeniieim (2). f P. wilcoxii, n. sp., p. 4, pi. i, figs. 6 & Gd ; Dall (1). Planorbis from Cuba, p. 260; Crosse (2). Physidte. Aplecta from Cuba, p. 263 ; Crosse (2). f Physa meigsii , n. sp., p. 22, pi. 10, fig. 12 ; Dall (1). Physa from Cuba, p. 263 ; Crosse (2). Physa acuta in Scotland ; Jenkins (2). Gadiniid^s. \Acroria , n. g., p. 324, Eocene ; Cossmann. SlPHONARIIDAC. Siphonaria picta var. p, p. 497, pi. xxx, figs. 4 & 45, Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. GASTEROPODA OP1STHOI3RANUHIATA. Moll. 39 GASTEROPODA OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. General. Opisthobranchiata : list of Plymouth forms ; Garstang. OPISTHOBRANCHIATA NUDIBRANCHIATA. General. Cerata ; Herdman & Clubb. Structure and functions of the Cerata ; Herdman. Nudibranchiata of Liverpool district ; Herdman & Clubb. Nudibranchs of Gulf of Marseilles : zoology and anatomy ; table of their relations, p. 19 ; Vayssiere. Nudibranchiata of Sunda Sea ; Bergii (1). Doridopsidac. Doriopsis broclcii, n. sp., p. 967, pi. lxxxv, fig. 1 ; D. bataviensis , n. sp., p. 968, pi. lxxxv, fig. 2 ; D. apicalis , n. sp., pi. lxxxviii, fig. 25, from Philippines ; Bergh (1). Doridid,®. Casclla rufomarginata , n. sp., p. 943, pi. lxxxv, fig. 10, pi. lxxxix, figs. 25-28, from Philippines ; Bergii (1). Ceratosoma ornatum, n. sp., p. 946, pi. lxxxix, figs. 29-31, from Philip- pines ; id. (1). Chromodoris hilaris , n. sp., p. 935, pi. lxxxvi, fig. 4, pi. lxxxvii, figs. 11- 15 ; C. mariana , n. sp., p. 937, pi. lxxxviii, figs. 1 & 2, pi. lxxxix, figs. 18- 22, from Philippines ; G.sannio , n. sp., p. 939, pi. lxxxvi, fig. 3, pi. lxxxvii, figs. 1-9, from Philippines ; id. (1). 0. scabriuscula, n. sp., p. 160, pi. i, figs. 11-19 ; C. punctilucens, n. sp., p. 162, pi. i, figs. 4-10 ; C. sycilla , n. sp., p. 165, pi. iii, figs. 3-13, Mexico ; id. (2). G. sycilla , n. sp., pi. lxxxix, figs. 3-11, from Philippines ; id. (1). Discodoris amboinensis) n. sp., p. 895, pi. lxxxvii, figs. 23-27, from Philip- pines; id. (1). Phlegmodoris ? anceps, n. sp., p. 169, pi, i, figs. 20-26, pi. ii, fig. 6, Mexico ; id. (2). \/phialodoris, n. g. ; P. podotria. n. sp., p. 908, pi. lxxxvii, figs. 34-43, Philippiues ; id. (1). Sphccrodoris Icevis , n. sp., p. 925, pi. lxxxviii, figs. 3-12, Philippines ; id. (1). Thordisa carinata , n. sp., p. 903, pi. lxxxviii, figs. 13-18, Philippines ; id. (1). 40 Moll . MOLLUSCA. POLYCERIM. Goniodoris : habits, migration, &c. ; Garstang. Lamellidoris (P) graeffii, n. sp., p. 987, pi. lxxxvi, figs. 9 & 10, pi. lxxxviii, figs. 21-24, from Philippines ; Bergh (1). Nembrotha gratiosa , n. sp., p. 177, pi. ii, figs. 1-5, pi. iii, figs. 1-4, Mexico ; id. (2). N. gratiosa, n. sp., p. 981, pi. lxxxix, figs. 39-45, Philip- pines ; id. (1). Plocamopherus amboinensis , n, sp., p. 951 ; P. indicus , p. 954, pi. lxxxix, figs. 33-38, Philippines ; id. (1). PHYLLIDIIDiE. Phyllidiopsis papilligerct, ii. sp., p. 176, pi. ii, figs. 7-14, Mexico : id. (2). Tethyidjs. Tethys leporina, p. 156, pi. i, figs. 1-3: anatomy, Mexico ; Bergii (2). Tethymelibidce. Melibe ocellata , n. sp., p. 882, Philippines ; id. (1). Tritoniimi. Mariona arborescens , n. sp., p. 891, pi. lxxxviii, figs. 31^39 ; Bergh (1). Dendronotihe. Coryphillidce. Hero blanchardi, u. sp., p. 89, Marseilles ; Vayssiere. Lomanotidce. Lomdnotus : habits ; Garstang. ^Eolidiid^. Acanthopsole qaatrefagesi , n. sp., p. 42, Marseilles ; VaySsi&re. Amphorina alberti , var. Leopardini, n. sp., p. 60, Marseilles ; id. Facelina marioni , n. sp., p. 49, Marseilles ; id. Forestia mirabilh : anatomy, with figs. ; Trinchese. Hernia berghii, n. sp., p. 52, Marseilles ; Vayssiere. OPISTHOBRANCHIATA TECTIBRAtfCHIATA. Act^onidjj. ■fActceon or Avellana) from W. Australia, p. 243, pi. ix, fig. 4 ; Huddle- ston. Actceon curtulus , n. sp., p. 296; A. perconicus , n. sp., p. 296, pi. xii, fig. 7, U. S. A. ; Dall (2). Actceon semisculptus , n. sp., p. 298, pi. xxiv, fig. 8, Ascension ; Smith (8). GASTEROPODA OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 41 fActceonina burensis , n. sp., p. 7, pi. 1, fig. 2 ; "fA. greppini, n. sp., p. 8, pi. 1, figs. 6 & 7 ; Loriol (1). f Acteonina ursicina, n. sp., p. 167, pi. xviii, fig. 10 ; f A. greppini , n. sp., p. 168, pi. xviii, figs. 9 & 9 b ; Loriol (2). f Cylindrites mites , n. sp., p. 10, pi. 1, fig. 9 ; id . (1). Leucotina minuta , n. sp., p. 298, pi. xxiv, fig. 9, Asceusion I. ; Smith (8). Tornatinidal -j* Utriculus vaginatus , n. sp., p. 16 ; Dall (1). ScAPHANDRIDAL Cylichna atlantica, n. sp., p. 297, pi. xxiv, fig. 10, Ascension ; G. remissa, n. sp., p. 312, pi. xxiv, fig. 20, Ascension ; Smith (8). Scaphander interruptus, n. sp., p. 297, pi. xii, fig. 12; Dall (2). ApLYSHDAL Aplysiidce : the gland of Bohadsch ; Mazzarelli (3), Aplysiidce : digestive system ; Succardi. Aplysiidce : notes on colour ; Garstang. Aplysia : blood and lymphatic gland ; Cuenot (1). Aplysia : colouring matter ; Saint-Loup. Aplysia : pouch of Swammerdam ; Mazzarelli (1), Aplysia : reproduction ; Robert. Reproductive system ; Mazzarelli (1). Aplysia lobiancoi , n. sp. ; id. (2). Ringuiculidje. f Ringicula fioridana , p. 14, pi. iii, fig. 8 ; f B. guppyi , p. 14, pi, iii, fig. 7 ; Dall (1). OXYNOEID,®, Lobiger wilsoni , n. sp., p. 66, Australia ; Wilson, J. B. U MBRELLIDiE. Tylodina americana, n. sp. ; Dall (5). Umbrella corticalis, n. sp., p. 66, Australia ; Wilson, J. B. GASTEROPODA NUCLEOBRANOHIATA. ATLAN TIDAL Jf Atlanta from British waters, with plate ; M’Intosii. f EoatJanta, n. g., p. 297, Eocene ; Cossmann. 42 Mull. MOLLUSCA. GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. General. Prosobranchiata: excretory apparatus ; Pekrier, R. : mantle and its organs ; Bernard (1) : mucous glands ; id , (1) : structure of gills ; id. (1). PROSOBRANCHIATA PECTINIBRANCHIATA. CoNIDJj. fAmblyacrum , n. g., p. 291 (Eocene) ; Cossmann. J Calliotectum , n. subg., C. vernicosum , n. sp., p. 304, pi. v, fig. 8 ; Dall (2). •\Co7ius crusiamiSy n. sp., p. 25, pi. v, fig. 12 ; id. (1). •\Cythara terminula, n. sp., p. 38, pi. ii, fig. 5 ; id. (1). ■\Daphnella cingulata , n. sp., p. 38, pi. ii, fig. 3 ;f D. modesta , n. sp., p. 39, pi. ii, fig. 4 ; id. (1). •fDrillia newmani , n. sp., p. 29, pi. iv, figs. 5 & 5a ; f D. acurugata, n. sp., p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 12 ; f D. acucincta , n. sp., p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 11 ; -\D . sedilia, n. sp., p. 33, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; f D. podagrina, n. sp., p. 33, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; f D. piscatory n. sp., p. 34, pi. ii, fig. 10; f D. edilia , n. sp., p. 35, pi. iii, fig. 9 ; f D. bigemma, n. sp., p. 35, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; id. (1). f Glyphostoma watsoni , n. sp., p. 40, pi. ii, fig. 7 ; id. (1). f Mitromorpha cincta, n. sp., p. 95, pi. iii, fig. 6 ; f M. pygmcea, p. 95, pi. x, fig. 3 ; id. (1). iPleurotomidce of Tertiary Basin of Vienna ; Hcerner. f Pleurotoma albida, p. 28, pi. iv, figs. 8 & 8a ; P. exulans , n. sp., p. 302, pi. 5, fig. 7, U. S. A. ; Dall (1). P. leucosyrinx goodei , n. sp., p. 300, pi. vi, fig. 1 ; P. persimilis, n. sp., p. 301, pi. vi, fig. 3 : U. S. A. ; id. (2). Pleurotoma ( Clavus ) amanda , p. 255, pi. xxi, fig. 1 ; P. (O'.) prolong ata, n. sp., p. 255, pi. xxiii, fig. 1 ; P. (C.) albobaltiata, n. sp., p. 255, pi. xxi, fig. 2 : Ascension I. ; Smith (8). Pleurotoma ( Glatharella ) multigranosa, n. sp., p. 258, pi. xxi, fig. 6; P. (C. P) usta , n. sp., p. 258, pi. xxiii, fig. 4: Ascension I. ; Smith (8). Pleurotoma ( Mangilia ) atlantica , n. sp., p. 307, pi. xxiv, fig. 11, Ascen- sion I. ; Smith (8). f Pleurotomella chariessa , var. pistillata , p. 41, pi. iii, fig. 3 ; Dall (1). Pleurotomella cingulata , n. sp., p. 306, pi. vi, fig. 2 ; P. argeta , n. sp., p. 307, pi. vi, fig. 5; P. ( Gymnobela ) agonia , n. sp., p. 307, pi. vi, fig. 4 ; P. suffusa , n. sp., p. 308, pi. xii, fig. 10 : U. S. A. ; Dall (2). \fTrachelochetus, n. g., p. 250 (Eocene) ; Cossmann. C/ANCELLARIIDiE. t Cancellaria conradiana, n. sp., p. 42, pi. iii, fig. 13 ; Dall (1). GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 43 OLIVID2E. AAncillaria ancilleps , n. sp., p. 406, pi. xi, fig. 4 ; Heilprin (1). t A. shepardi , n. sp., p. 46, pi. iv, fig. 4; Dale (1). t Oliva semmelinki, n, sp. ; Schepman. t Olivella lata n, sp., p. 45, pi. iv, fig. 8 b ; Dall (1). Harpid^e. t Harpidce i Tertiary forms from Piemonte and Liguria ; Sacco (3). Marginellidje. iMarginellidce : revision of known fossil forms, pp. 56 & 57 ; Dall (1). t Marginella ballista , n. sp., p. 47, pi. iv, fig. 6 ; DalL (1). M. ( Vol - varia) consanguine^ , n. sp., p. 266, pi. xxiii, fig. 11 ; M. atomus , n. sp., Ascension I., p. 267, pi. xxiii, fig. 13 ; Smith (8). til/. precursor , n. sp., p. 47, pi. V, fig. 4 ; fM. florid ana , n. sp., p. 49, pi. v, fig. 5 ; til/, willcoxiana , n. sp., p. 50, pi. v, fig. 7 ; til/, aurora, n. sp., p. 61, pi. vi, fig. 4 a ; til/. denticulata , p. 51, pi. v, fig. 8 ; til/, faunula , n. sp., p. 63, pi. iv, fig. 96 ; til/, elegaiitula, n. sp., p. 54, pi. iv, fig. 7 ; til/, newrnani, n. sp., p. 54, pi. iv, fig. 8 ; til/, styria , p. 54, pi. v, fig. 1 ; til/, gratfida, n. sp., p. 65, pi. v, fig. 3 ; til/, arniantuta , n. sp., p. 56, pi. v, fig. 9 ; DalL (1). VoLUTTDiE. t Qymba stlbg. Eucymba, p. 81, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; Dall (1)* \ Eucymba ocaland^ p* 89, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; id. (1). iLapparia, p. 79, pi. vi, fig. 6 ; id. (1). d t Liopeplum, n. n. for Lioderma , Conrad, p. 73, pi. vi, figs. 12 & 12 a ; Dall. t L. spillmani, n. sp., p. 82, pi. vi, fig. 12 ; t L. subjugosum, p. 83, pi, vi, fig. 12a ; id. (1). t Lyria putchelld , p. 84, pi. iv, fig 3 ; \L. costata , p. 85, pL Vi, fig. 2 ; id. (1). t Pei'plicaria perplexa, ii. sp., p. 90, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; id. (1). t Scaphella, various species, pp. 86^-89, pis. vi & vii ; id. (1). iVoliitidce *. development of fossil forms, pp. 57-72 ; id. (1). iVolutilitJies, p. 74, pi. vi, figs. 1, 3, & 4 ; id. (1). Wolutilithes subgg. Volutocorbis, Athleta , and Volutopupa, pp. 75 & 76 ; id. (1). Wolutilithes subg. Caricella , p« 78, pL vi, figs. 9--11, & pi. vii, fig. 3; tF. precursor , p, 84, pi. vi, fig. 1 ; id> (1). F. philippiana, n. sp., p. 313, pi. ix, fig. 4 ; id , (2). MltRlfcJi. t Gonomitra intermedia , n. sp., p. 316, pi. v, fig. 3 ; t(7. staminea, p. 94, pi. iv, fig. 12 ; Dall (1). 1890. [vol. xxvil] d 8 4 4 Moll. HOLLUSCA. \ Mitra holmesii, n. sp., p. 92, pi. iii, fig. 11 ; t M. willcoxii , n. sp., p. 93, pi. iii, fig. 10 ; id. (1). Mitra ( Turrimla ) innotabilis , Ascension I., p. 265, pi. xxiii, fig. 9 ; Smith (8). Mitra ( Thala ) pleurotomoides , Ascension I., n. sp., pi. xxiii, fig. 10 ; id. (8). Mitra ( Pusia ) sanctce-helence, n. sp., p. 265, pi. xxii, fig. 7 ; id. (7). Mitra (Gancilla) turtoniy n. sp., p. 265, pi. xxii, fig. 1 ; id. (7). Fasciolariimb. t Clavella (Fusus) penrosei, n. sp., p. 405, pi. xi, fig. 1 ; Heilprin (1). t Fasciolar iidcR from Upper Miocene ; Toldo. Fusus : British species ; Jordan. t Fusus ballista, n. sp., p. 127, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; Dall (1). t Fusus (?) quinquespinus , n. sp., p. 128; id. (1). t Fusus ( Chrysodomus ?) nexilisy n. sp., p. 128, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; id. (1). iiLatirofu8U8 , n. g., p. 175 (Eocene) ; Cossmann. t Latirus callimorphus, n. sp., p. 107, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; \L. rugatus , n. sp., p. 107, pi. viii, figs. 6 & 7 ; t L. hypsipettus , n. sp., p. 108, pi. x, fig. 5 ; t L. tessellatus, n. sp., p. 108, pi. x, fig. 8a; Dall (1). \Mazzalina costata, n. sp., p. 106, allied to Fasciolaria ; id. (1). t Mesorhytis costatus , n. sp., p. 317, pi. v, fig. 5 ; id. (2). Pseudofusus giglioliiy Palermo, n. sp., p. 182 ; Monterosato. iSolenosteira inornata , n. sp., p. 123; *j ’S.menegeana, n. sp., p. 122, pi. ix, fig. 4 ; Dall (1). 4 + Streptochetus, n. g., p. 170 (Eocene) ; Cossmann. TuRBINELLIDjE. t Fulgur, var. sp., pp. 109-117 ; Dall (1). iFulgur planidatum , n. sp., p. 114 : t F. stellatum) n. sp., p. 114, pi. iv, fig. 9 ; +i^. echinatum , n. sp., p. 117, pi. ix, fig. 2 ; id. (1). iMelongena sculptura , n. sp., p. 118, pi. viii, fig. 3 ; t M. sculptura var. turricula , p. 119, pi. viii, fig. 3 ; id. ( 1). t Turbinella chipola?ia, n. sp., p. 97, pi. x, fig. 7 ; t T. scolymoides, n. sp., p. 98, pi. iii, figs. 2 & 5 ; id. (1). Buccinid^. t JBuccinidce, of Upper Miocene ; Pantanelli. Buccitriton scalatumt n. sp., p. 405, pi. xi, fig. 5 ; Heilprin (1). B. viridum , n. sp., p. 370, pi. vi, fig. 4 ; Dall (2). Cantharus ( Tritonidea ) albozonatus, p. 260, pi. xxi, fig. 9 ; C. ( T .) con- sanguineus , n. sp., p. 210, pi. xxi, fig. 10 ; C. ( T .) Icevis, n. sp., p. 261, pi. xxi, fig. 11, from St. Helena ; Smith (7). Chrysodomus amiantus , n. sp., p. 321, pi. v, fig. 10 ; C. griseus , n. sp., GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 45 p. 322, pi. v, fig. 6 ; C. aphelus , n. sp., p. 323, pi. vi, fig. 7 ; C. ( Sipho ) testudinis , n. sp., p. 324 ; Dall (2). Neptunea contraria : structure ; Fischer & Bouvier. t Pisania, subg. Tritonidea pauper, n. sp., p. 129, pi. iv, fig. 8c ; Dall (1). * iSuessonia, n. g., p. 157 (Eocene) ; Cossmann. Nassidje. t Nassa bidentata , p. 133, pi. ix, fig. 9; +iV. lapenotierei , n. sp., p. 133, pi. ix, fig. 8 ; tiV. calovsaensis, n. sp., p. 134, pi. ix, fig. 7 ; Dall (1). N. ringicula, n. sp., p. 185, from Palermo ; Monterosato. N. townsendi , n. sp., p. 326, pi. xii, fig. 4 ; Dall (2). t Nassa controversa , nom emen. = N. pulchra, Bell, from Upper Miocene, p. 9 ; fiV. velutina , Doderlin, ined. sp., p. 11 ; Pantanelli. * Nassopsis , n. g., N. nassa var. grandis , from Central Africa ; Smith (4). COLUMBELLIDAD. t Anachis camix, n. sp., p. 136, pi. xii, fig. 3 ; f A. ithotoma , n. sp., p. 136, pi. xii, fig. 6 ; Dall (1). Columbella ( Mitrella ) sanetoe-helence , n. sp., p. 262, pi. xxi, fig. 12 ; Smith (7). G. permodesta, n. sp., p. 327, pi. v, fig. 4 ; Dall (2). Columbella ( Mitrella ) proscriptaf p. 308, pi. xxiv, fig. 17 ; Smith (7). Muricid^. t Eupleura miocenica , n. sp., p. 146, pi. xii, fig. 9 ; Dall (1). Lachesis helence, n. sp., p. 260, pi. xxi, fig. 8 ; Smith (7). Murex ( Chicoreus ) leeanus, n. sp., p. 329, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; Dall (2). f Mur ex micromeris , n. sp., p. 141, pi. xii, fig. 12 ; Dall (1). Murex ( Ocinebra ) patruelis , n. sp., p. 259, pi. xxiii, fig. 6 ; M. (0.) alboangulatus, n. sp., p. 259, pi. xxi, fig. 7 ; M. (0.) sanctce-helence , n. sp., p. 259, pi. xxiii, fig. 5 ; Smith (7). Murex : modification of the shell ; Baker. iMuricidee from Upper Miocene ; Toldo. t Purpuridce of Upper Miocene ; Pantanelli. Purpura lapillus : purple ; Letellier (2). Purpura lapillus : formation and use of purple ; id. (1). t Rapana tampaensis , n. sp., p. 155 ; Dall (1). f Typhis linguiferus , n. sp., p. 152, pi. xii, fig. 7 ; id. (1). CoRALLIOrHILIDJE. Coralliophila erythrostoma , n. sp., p. 264, pi. xxiii, fig. 7 ; C. atlantica, n. sp., p. 264, pi. xxiii, fig. 8, from St. Helena ; Smith (7). t C. magna, n. sp., p. 155, pi. ii, figs. 11 & 12 ; iC. lepidota, n. sp., p. 156, pi. ix, fig. 3 ; Dall (1). 46 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Tritonid^e. Triton ridleyi, n. sp., p. 489, pi. xxx, fig. 1 ; Smith, vide Ridley. T. turtoni , n. sp., p. 268, pi. xxi, figs. 13 & 13a, from St. Helena ; Smith (7). YTriionidas , from Upper Miocene ; Toldo. CoLUMBELLTNIDjE. t Petersia microstoma , n. sp., p. 13, pi. i, fig. 16; Loriol (1). Cassididas. Cassididce : Tertiary forms from Piemonte and Liguria ; Sacco (3). t Cassis, subg. Phalium ; f P. gloriosum} n. sp., p. 161 ; f P. aldrichit n. sp., p. 162 ; Dale (1). f Cassis mamillaris , n. var. appenninica , nummulitiphila , pedemontana ; Sacco (3) p. 4. fC. postmamillaris , n. sp. ; id. var. volutilithoides ; id. (3) pp. 4 & 5 f Cassis : Gateodocassis , n. subg. ; f G. anceps, n. sp., p. 5 ; fG. sub- harpiformis , n. sp., p. 5 ; id. (3) pp. 5 & 6. f Cassis , subg. Semicassis : fS. miolcevigata , n. sp., id. var .miostriata, id. var. miogloboides , id. var. tubercidata, id. var. transiens , p. 8 ; +& Icevigata var. pliosulcata , id. var. pliogigantea , p. 8; t$. subsulcosa var. pede- montana , p. 8 ; Sacco (3). t Cassis, n. subg/ Echinophoria : f E. isselii , n. sp., p. 9 ; f E. aequinodosa , var. depressa , id. var. italica ; ~\E. rondeletii var. appenninica , var. taurU nensis , p. 9 ; fi?. pliorondeletii , n. sp., p. 10 ; variabilis var. costata , var. basicostata , var. transiens , var. unocincta , var. bicincta , var. quatuor- cincta, p. 10 ; f E. intermedia , var. subvariabilis , var. mioeleganst var. stazzanensis, var. tricincta , var. quinquecincta} var. subtriseriata , p. 10 ; fl?. hoernesiy n. sp., p. 11 ; «'d. (3). iGaleodea postcoronata , n. sp. ; f G. miocristata , n. sp., var. canali- culata ; (3) p. 13. tCr. taurinensis , n. sp., var* subtriangulata, var. quinquecingulata , var. globosofasciata , var. globosotuberculata , pp. 13 & 14. ft?, sconsioides , n. sp., ftr. tauroperculea , n. sp., f Cr. deformis} n. sp., f(7. turbinata , n. sp., f G. tauroscalarata , n. sp., f 6r. tauropyrulata} n. sp., f G. tauroglobosa , n. sp., f6r. tauropomum , n. sp., itZ. var. langarumy fG. globosostazzannensis, n. sp., fG. oblongoubana , n. sp. ; (3) pp. 14 & 15. t Morio, subg. Galeodea : f G. ecliinophora var. initialis} p. 11 ; id. var. mioturrita} id. var. miocostulata , erf. var. rovasindce , erf. var. miotriseriata , erf. var. mioquinqueseriatay id. var. destonensis , erf. var. transiens, id. var. placentina , id. var. pliotriseriata , erf. var. pliobiseriata , p. 13 ; erf. var. subtyrrhena, id. var .ipseudotyrrhena, p. 1 1 ; erf. (3). f Morio, n. subgr Galeodosconsia ; f G. striatula, var. subottonangiensis , p. 17 ; erf. (3). y titforeo, n. subg. Morionassa ; f il/. amplectens , n. sp.,p. 18 ; erf. (3). GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 47 Margovoluta bellardii, n. sp., p. 20 ; id. (3). t Oniscia, subg. Oniscidia\ f 0. cytliara , var. cassinellensis , id. var. pleuri- costata , pp. 18 & 19 ; \0. appenninica , n. sp. ; f 0. postcyathara, u. sp. ; tO. verrucosa , var. costilatissima, p. 19 ; Sacco (3). iOuiscia, subg. Oithara P Doltidje. ■\Doliidce : list of species ; Sacco (1). t Eudolium antiquum , n. sp., p. 22; f E. steplianiophorumi n. var. mio- transiens , n. var. gigantula , n. var. recurvicauda} n. var. pliotransiens , n. var. tricingulata , n. var. quatuorcingulataf n. var. alternituberculata , n. var. pluricingulata , n. var. acutituberculata, pp. 22 & 23 ; +22. fasci- atuniy n. var. prcecedens, n. var. pluricostata , n. var. stazzanensis, p. 23 ; Eudolium: table of relations of species, p. 23 ; f22. fasciatum , n. sp., p. 22, n. var. supratuberculifera , n. var. unituberculifera , n. var. per- costata : Sacco ( 1 ). Ficula : table of species relations ; Sacco (1). + Ficula condita, n. vars. araneifonniSy laxecostata , pseudo geometr a , agassizi, proreticulata , anteficoides , p. 25 ; +2^. oligoficoides , n. sp., p. 25 ; +2^. oligoreticidata , n. sp., p. 26 ; f2^. reticulata , n. vars. geometroideSy stricticostata ; fF. pliocingulata, n. sp. ; +2^. ficoideSy n. var. colligenSy p. 25 ; +22. geometr ay n. vars. spiralata , taurinensis , berillay p. 25, id. n. vars. pseudoreticulatay p. 26 ; Sacco (1). * iFulguroJicus, n. g., p. 27 ; f 22. burdigalensisy n. var. quinquecingulata ; table of species of Fulguroficus ; Sacco (1). ^Fusoficula, n. subg., p. 26 ; f22 appenninicay n. sp. ; id. (1). \Galeodoliidas : list of species ; id. (1). f Malea orbiculata, id. n. var. pliobidenta , id. n. var. giganteodentatay id. n. var. parvodentata , id. n. var. stazzanensis. f M. proorbiculata , n. sp. Malea : table of species, relations ; id. (1) p. 24. Cypr^id^e. +Liet of Tertiary species, p. 25 ; Sacco (1). + Cyprcea heilprinii, n. sp., p. 166, pi. ii, figs. 2 & 2 a ; +0. wilcoxi, n. sp., p. 166, pi. v, figs. 12 b & 12 c ; Dall (1). C. irvineancBy n. sp., p. 659, pi. xix, figs. 7-9 ; Cox. C. moneta on the coast of Cumberland ; Crawshaw. + Ovula ( Transovula ) multicarinata, n. sp., p. 164, pi. x, figs. 10 & 11 ; Dall (1). Strombidje. j-Bostellaria, subg. Orthaulax ; fO.gabbiy n. sp., p. 170, pi. xii, figs. 5, 5a, & 56 ; Dall (1). iBostellaria, subg. Bimella ; f B. smithii, n. sp., p. 172, pi. x, figs. 4 & 6 ; id. (1). ■fStrombus albireptanus, n. sp., p. 174, pi. xii, figs. 2 & 10 ; +& aldrichi, n. sp., p. 175, pi. xii, figs. 1 & 4 ; +S. chipolanay n. sp., p. 175, pi. iv, fig. 1 ; id. (!)• 48 Moll MOLLUSCA. ClJENOPODIDiE. AAlaria or Anchura sp. P from West Australia, p. 242, pi. ix, fig. 2 ; Huddleston. t Alaria alba , n. sp., p. 77, pi. ii, figs. 10-14 ; Loriol & Koby. AChenopus greppini, n. sp., p. 169, pi. xxviii, fig. 11 ; iid. ADiarthema matheyi, n. sp., p. 24, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; iid. Vt Ischnodactylus, n. g., p. 83, Eocene ; Cossmann. Cerithiidjs. t Alocaxis, n. g., type Cerithium cylindraceum (Eocene), p. 60 ; Coss- mann. t Brachytrema Icobyi , n. sp., p. 20, pi. ii, figs. 6 & 7 ; Loriol & Koby. ACeritella greppini , n. sp., p. 76, pi. ix, figs. 17-20 ; f G. elata, n. sp., p. 78, pi. ix. figs. 20-22 ; f C. matheyi , n. sp., p. 79, pi. ix, fig. 24 ; iid. Cerithklea rollei, n. sp., from China ; Kobelt. A Cerithium cegir , n. sp., p. 171, pi. xviii, fig. 13 ; f C. matheyi , n. sp., p. 172, pi. xviii, fig. 14 ; *(*C'. thoro, n. sp., p. 173, pi. xviii, fig. 15 ; id. (2). tC. sirena, n. sp., p. 460, pi. xx, figs. 7 & 8 ; Oiteniieim (1). f C. texanum , n. sp., pi. xi, fig. 2, p. 404 ; Heilprin (1). AC. ursicinum , n. sp., p. 66, pi. ix, figs. 3-5 ; fC. Icobyi, n. sp., p. 69, pi. ix, fig. 10 ; f C. ymir, n. sp., p. 70, pi. ix, fig. 11 ; f C. blauense , n. sp., p. 71, pi. ix, fig. 16 ; Loriol & Koby. f Ditretus belus, n. sp., p. 170, pi. xviii, fig. 2 ; AD. thurmanni, n. sp., p. 75, pi. viii, figs. 18-22 ; iid. Vt Orthochetus, n. g., type t Cerithium levfroyi (Eocene), p. 59 ; Cossmann. Triforis atlantica , n. sp., p. 292, pi. xxi, fig. 26 ; T. recta, n. sp., p. 292, pi. xxiv, fig. 3 ; T. bathyraphe , n. sp., p. 292, pi. xxiv, fig. 4, from St. Helena ; Smith (7). * f Trypanaxis, n. g., type t Cerithium umbilicatum , p. 60, Eocene; Cossmann. Nerineiile. ANerinea ( Itieria ) biconus , n. sp., p. 459, pi. xix, figs. 4-6, 13 & 14 ; f N. (Diptyxis?) biplicata, n. sp., p. 460 ; Oppeniieim (1). ANerinea boncourtensis, n. sp., p. 40, pi. vi, fig. 9; fJV. Icobyi , n. sp., p. 35, pi. iv, fig. 4 ; f N. gressleyi, n. sp., p. 44, pi. v, fig. 6 ; f N. gagnebini, n. sp., p. 36, pi. v, figs. 1-12 ; fN. episcopalis, n. sp., p. 68, pi. vii, figs. 8-11 ; AN. greppini , n. sp.. p. 56, pi. vii, figs. 12 & 13 ; tJV. flora, n. sp., p. 57, pi. v, fig. 7 ; fN. cybele , n. sp., p. 58, pi. vii, fig. 7 ; Loriol & Koby. AN. titania, n. sp., p. 169, pi. xxv, fig. 3, pi. xxvi, fig. 3 ; AN. euphyes , n. sp., p. 170, pi. xxvi, fig. 11 ; AN. ( Ptygmatis ) loculata, n. sp., p. 170, pi. xxv, fig. 6, pi. xxvi, fig. 8 ; Felix. Nerincea : various species, with figs, from Cretaceous of Mexico ; Heilprin (2). GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANOHIATA. Moll. 49 ^IfPseudonerinea, n. g. ; tP. blauensis , n. sp., p. 81, pi. x, figs. 1-5 ; tP. gracilis , n. sp., p. 82, pi. x, figs. 6 & 7 ; Loriol & Koby. + Ptygmatis ? mira, bills , n. sp., p. 30, pi. iii, fig. 14 ; iid. Turritellidjj. t Turritella wadana , n. sp., p. 198, pi. xxv, figs. 9a, b, 10, & 11 ; Yoko- yama. P SE UDOME LAN IIDiE . \ Macrocliilina aperta, n. sp., p. 441, pi. xxvii, fig. 21 ; Waltiier. t Oonia daphne , n. sp., p. 87, pi. xi, fig. 6 ; Loriol & Koby. t Pseudomelania Icobyi , n. sp., p. 85, pi. xi, fig; \ ; tP. inconspicua, n. sp., p. 86, pi. xi, figs. 2-5 ; Loriol & Koby. Melaniid,®. Melania ( Melanoides ) reevei, n. var. regularise p. 300, from Burmah ; Canefri. M. (M.) subcancellata, n. sp., from Java, p. 151, pi. vi, figs. 4 & 4 a ; Bcettger (4). M. rossiteri, n. sp., p. 287, pi. iii, fig. 1,2 ; M. rubri- cata , n. sp., p. 285, pi. iii, fig. 4 ; Hartman. Melania from Cuba, p. 265 ; Crosse (2). f Melanopsis vicentina , n. sp., p. 135, pi. iv, figs. 1 & 16 ; fM. amphora, n. sp., p. 136, pi. v, figs. 2 & 26 ; Oppenheim (2). Pleurocerid^b. Goniobasis crandalli, p. 301, pi. v, figs. 4 & 5 ; Pilsbry (1). LiTTORINIDjE. t Ilolopea grandisj n. sp., p. 177, pi. iii, figs, la, 6 ; Calvin. Lacuna pumilia , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 285, pi. xxiii, fig. 31 ; Smith (7). Littorina helence , n. sp., p. 283, pi. xxi, fig. 19 ; Smith (7). L. littoria var. unicarinata ; Raeymaekers. L. trachi/ormis var., p. 491, pi. xxx, fig. 2, from Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. ■* Pseudogibbula , n. g. : P. duponti , n. sp., p. 570, pi. i, figs. 2-6, from Congo ; Dautzenberg. Fossarid^b. Fossarus ( Couthonyia ) dentifer , n. sp., p. 285, pi. xxiii, fig. 32 ; F. ( C .) Iceviusculus , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 285, pi. xxiii, fig. 33 ; Smith (7). 50 Moll MOLLUSCA. SOLARJIDA*:. Benthonella (Dali, 1889) : B. gaza , p. 338, pi. xi, fig. 5 ; Dall (2). iEcculiomphalus triangulus , n. sp., p. 29, pi. i, figs. 5-9 ; Whitfield. Euomphalus ?, p. 104, pi. iv, fig. 9 ; Foord. j-Euomphalus perlcinsi, n. sp., p. 30, pi. i, figs. 10-14 ; Whitfield. Solarium mediterraneum , new from British waters ; Norman (2). S. ordinarium , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 281, pi. xxi, figs. 17-1 lb ; Smith (7). Litiopid#:. Diala fuscopicta, n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 286, pi, xxi, fig. 20 ; Smith (7). RlSSOlJDJJ, Alvania disparilis , n, sp., p. 146 ; Monterosato. Barlecia congenita , n. sp., St. Helena, p. 290, pi. xxi, fig. 25 ; B.wallichi , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 311, pi. xxiv, fig. 19 ; Smith (7). Riasoa cala, n. sp., p, 288, pi. xxi, fig. 21 ; R. ephamella, n. sp., p. 288, pi. xxi, fig. 22 ; R. glypta , n. sp., p. 288, pi. xxiii, fig. 39 ; R. eritima , n. sp., p. 289, pi, xxiii, fig. 40 ; R. agapeta , n. sp., p. 289, pi. xxi, fig. 23 ; R. compsa , n. sp., p, 28Q, pi. xxiii, fig. 41 ; R. wallichi , n. sp., p. 289, pi. xxi, fig. 24 ; R. perfects, n, sp., p, 290, pi. xxiii, fig. 42 ; R, varicifera , n. sp., p. 290, pi. xxiv, figs. 1 <£: la ; R. pseustesy n. sp., p. 290, pi. xxiv, fig. 2 : from St. Helena ; id. (7). R- platia , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 309, pi, xxiv, fig. 13 ; R, atomus , n. sp., p. 309, pi. xxiv, fig. 14 ; R. vaga, n. sp., p. 309, pi. xxiv, fig, 15 ; R, simulans, p. 310, pi. xxiv, fig. 16 ; R. ordinaria , n. sp., p. 310, pi. xxiv, fig. 17 ; R. cequa , n. sp., p. 310, pi. xxiv, fig. 18 ; id. (7). fRissoina greppini , n. sp., p. 89, pi. xi, fig, 8 ; Loriol (2). R. melissi , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 286, pi. xxiii, fig. 34 ; R. turoni , n. sp., p. 286, pi. xxiii, fig. 35 ; R. decipiens, n. sp., p. 287, pi. xxiii, fig. 36 ; R. congenita , n. sp., p. 287, pi, xxiii, fig. 37 ; R. helencet n, sp,, p, 287, pi. xxiii, fig. 38 ; Smith (7). Hydro biiile. Amnicola amerioa , nr sp,, A. lustrica, n. sp,, ^4, sjieldoni , n. sp. ; Pilsdry (5). Bythinella hemphillii n . sp. ; id, (5). Hydrobia jenkinsi, with woodcut ; Smith (1), Hydrobice : criticism on new forms; Williams (5). Hydrobice : British forms ; Smith (2). Hydrobice : notes on British forms.; Marshall (1). Hydrobice : distribution and habits of British forms ; Jenkins (1). Lithoglyphus naticoides ; habitat ; Friedel. Prosostherda mcellenclorffi, n. sp., China, p. 126 ; Schmacker& Bgsttger. Pyrgula : dentition and position ; Beecher. Syrnolopsis ( Anceya ) giraudi var., Central Africa ; Smith (5). GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 51 Paludinid^e. Paludina from Cuba, p. 264 ; Crosse (2). Paludina kmeriana , from Siam ; Morlet. Yalvatid^j. Valvata piscinalis : anatomy and development ; Bernard (2). Valvata piscinalis : genitalia, with figs. ; G arnault (2). Ampullariidj;. Ampullaria belizensis , n. sp. (Belize), p. 110 ; A. yucatanensis , n. sp. (Mexico), p. 110 ; A. innexa , n. sp. (Mexico), p. Ill ; A. occlusa% n. sp. (Guatemala), p. Ill ; A. lemniscata, , n. sp. (Belize), p. 112 ; A. monacha , n. sp. (Mexico), p. 113 ; A. erogata , n. sp. (Mexico), p. 113; A. eumicra , n. sp. (Mexico), p. 113 ; Crosse & Fischer (2). A mpullaria : epidermis ; iid. (3). Ampullaria from Cuba, p. 263 ; Crosse (2). Cyclophoridje. t Cardiostoma dentiferum , n. sp., p. 135, pi. iv, figs. 5 & 5 b; Oppen- IIEIM (2). j-Coptochilus sandbergeri , n. sp., p. 133, pi. ii, figs. 9 & 9a ; id. (2). iCraspedotropis resurrecta , n. sp., p. 133, pi. ii, figs. 14 & 14c ; id. (2). t Cyatliopoma eocanum , n. sp., p. 135, pi. ii, figs. 16 & 16c; Opfeniieim(2). Cyclotus difficillimus , n. sp., Liishan, p. 119 ; Schmacker & Bcettger. C. leytensis , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 206 ; McJllendorff (3). Diplommatina aldrichii , n. sp., from Borneo, p. 246, pi. vii, fig. 3 ; Godwin-Austen. Diplopoma from Cuba, p. 301 ; Crosse (2). Ditropis quadrasi, n. sp., from Philippines, p. 207 ; Mollendorff (3). Lagocheilus grande , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 207 ; L. stenomphalum i, n. sp., id. p. 208 ; L. bifimbrialum , n. sp., id. p. 208 ; MOllendorff (3). L. longipilum , n. sp., p. 159, pi. vi, figs. 9 & 9a, 5, from Java ; Biettger (4). Leptopoma woodfordi, n. sp., p. 581, pi. lvi, fig. 13 ; Sowerby. Neocyplotus, from Cuba, p. 268 ; Crosse (2). Opisthostoma pulchella , n. sp., from Borneo, p. 245, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; O. ho8ei, n. sp., p. 246, pi. vii, fig. 2 ; Godwin-Austen. Palaina morongensisf n. sp., from Philippines ; P. porrectay n. sp., p. 209 ; Mollendorff (3). Pterocyclus sluiteri , n. sp., from Java, p. 161, pi. vi. figs. 10 & 10a, b ; Bcettger (4). Pupina ( Eupupina ) bipalatalis, n. sp., from Java, p. 156, pi. vi, figs. 6 & 6a, b ; P. ( E .) sucinacia , n. sp., p. 157, pi. vi, figs. 7 & 7 a, 6 ; P. ( E .) treabi, n. sp., p. 157, pi. vi, figs. 8 & 8a, b ; Bcettger (4). Pupina nana , n. sp., from Philippines, p. 209 ; Mollendorff (3). 52 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Cyclostomatid^e. Adamsiella from Cuba, p. 280 ; Crosse (2). 1 Blcesospira, n. g., from Cuba, p. 280 ; id. (2). Choanopoma from Cuba, p. 269 ; id. (2). Chondropoma from Cuba, p. 288 ; id. (2). t Chondropoma styx, n. sp., p. 134, pi. iii, figs. 2 & 2b ; Oppeniieim (2). Cistula from Cuba, p. 285 ; Crosse (2). Colobostylus from Cuba, p. 302 ; id. (2). Ctenopoma from Cuba, p. 274 ; id. (2). Cyclostoma elegans alive in Essex ; French. Cyclostoma lianningtoni, n. sp., p. 581, pi. lvi, fig. 5 ; Sowerby. \ Cyclostoma ( Colobostylus ) marccllanum) u. sp., p. 133, pi. iii, figs. 4-4c ; Oppenheim (2). + Cyclotopsis vicentina , n. sp., p. 131, pi. iii, figs. 5-5 g ; id. (2). Licina from Cuba, p. 269 ; Crosse (2). Otopoma ? cvquatorium , n. sp., Equatorial Africa, p. 68 ; 0. anaglyptum , n. sp., Equator, Africa, p. 69 ; Morelet. Tropidophora nigrotamiata , n. sp., from Nossi Be, p. 94 ; Bcettger (2). Tudor a from Cuba, p. 300 ; Crosse (2). * Xenopoma , n. g., from Cuba, p. 282 ; id. (2). AciCULIDiE. Acmefusca in the Pyreuees-Orientales ; Faure. Truncatellidje. Truncatella from Cuba, p. 303 ; Crosse (2). CaPULIDjE. t Calyptrceidce from American carboniferous; synopsis ; Keyes (3). t Capidus anmdatus, n. sp., p. 200, pi. xxv, fig. 17a, b ; Yoko- yama. fC. cassklarius , n. sp., p. 177, pi. xviii, figs. 10a, b & 11a, 5; id. f C. occidens (Walcott), f O. paralius (W. & W.), f C. cyrtolites (McC.), f C. jissurella (Hall), fO. latus (Keyes), fC. quincyensis (McC.), f C. acutirostris (Hall), f C. spinigerus (Worth), f C. formosus (K^yes), f O. biserialis (Hall), f C. equilaterus (Hall), *J* C. infundibulum (M. & W.), ■\C. obliquus (Keyes), f C. tribulosus (White), f C. chesterensis (M. & W.), *|* C. parvus (Swallow), were formerly erroneously referred to Platyceras ; Keyes (2). fC. sulcatinus, n. sp., p. 175, pi. ii, figs, 12a & b ; id. (3). Crepidula glauca ; Dall (4). t Platyceras and Capulus : generic relations ; Keyes (2). Strophostylus , g. ; Keyes (5). Naticid,e. ■\ Ampullina ; Cernina, subg. : table of relations of species of Cernina and Globularia ; Sacco, (1) p. 41. GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 53 f Ampullina. Crommium subg. : f C. ferrugineum , n. vars. italica , rugo- soides , acuminatoides ; Sacco, (1) p. 41. Table of species relations of Crommium ; id. (1) p. 42. \ Ampullina. Euspirocrommium n. subg. : t E. elongatum , n. var. degensis ; id. (1) p. 42. Table of species ; id. p. 42. t Ampullina. Globularia, subg. : fO. gibberosa, n. vars. appenninica, globoides , postspatula , oviformis ; Sacco (1). t Cryptostoma, subg. of Sigaretus : t C. sigaretoides , n. sp., \C. striatum , n. vars. striolatissima , circumdepressa, perelliptica, p. 39 ; id. (1). Table of species relations of Cryptostoma , Sigaretus , &c., p. 40 ; id. (1). f Megatylotus subg.: ~\M. crassatinus , n. var. rotundula ; id. p. 43. Table of relations of Natica species ; id. p. 30. t Natica dumblei, n. sp., p. 404, pi. xi, fig. 3; Heilprin (1). iN. epiglo- pardalis , n. sp. ; Sacco, (1) p. 29. iN. epiglottina , n. vars. taurinia , pseudoepiglottina , millepunctatoides , basipicta , pliocarinata ; id. + N. mille- punctata , n. vars. miocontorta, tauropicta , miopunctatissima, pliotertonensis, epigloafuniculata , subfuniculosa , tigrina , magnocunctata , pliomaculata , fulguropunctata, epiglottinoformis ; id. (1) pp. 28 & 29. +AT. (Lunatia) omecatti , n. sp., p. 169, pi. xxv, figs. 1 & la ; Felix. turtoni , n. sp., St. Helena, p. 269, pi. xxi, figs. 14 & 14a ; iV. sanctce-helence, n. sp., p. 270, pi. xxi, fig. 16 ; Smith (7). iV. verdati , n. sp., p. 96, pi. xii, figs. 4 & 5 ; fiV. ursicina, n. sp., p. 97, pi. xii, fig. 6 ; f j^. blauenensis , n. sp., p. 98, pi. xii, figs. 7-9 ; Loriol (2). t N. virguloides , n. sp. ; fN. liemiclausa , n. var. exturbinoides ; +iV. pulcliella , n. var. astensis ; table of species relations, p. 32 ; Sacco (1). Natica funiculata from Annam ; Crosse & Fischer (4). tJV. infelix , n. sp., p. 27 ; + N. infelix n. var. sasselliana ; Sacco (1). iN. javaschovi , n. sp., p. 339, pi. v, fig. 1 ; Toula. \Natica ( Ampullina ) mihielensis, p. 91, pi. xi, fig. 11, = Nerita des- hayesea buvignies ; N. euryta , n. sp., p. 94, pi. xi, figs. 16 & 17 ; N. matheyi , n. sp., p. 94, pi. xii, fig. 1 ; N. antharis , n. sp., p. 95, pi. xii, figs. 2 & 3 ; Loriol & Koby. i Natica ( Lunatia ) ezoensis, n. sp., p. 207, pi. xxv, figs. 19a & b\ Yokoyama. t Naticina : f N. catena , n. vars. prohelicina , ampullinoides , cyclostomoides, varians, probonomensis, helicina , sigaretornata ; Sacco, (1) p. 30. iNeverita , subg. : -f N. josephinia, u. vars. antiqua, priscodepressa, clauso- depressa , clausoelata, poliniceoides, pliospiralata, pp. 34 & 35 ; Sacco (1). tTable of species of Neverita , p. 35 ; id. iPayraudeautia, subg. : f P. intricata, ri. var. miocenica , p. 33 ; id. (1). Table of species relations ; id. \Polinices , subg. : P. turbino-appenninica , n. sp., p. 35 ; +P. mamillaris , n. var. prcenuntia ; tP. submamillaris, n. vars. mioinfata, mioaperta , mio- clausa , pp. 35 & 36 ; tP. miocolligens , n. sp., id. n. var. t pseudomamilla ; tP. vertomamilla , n. sp. ; tP. proredempta , n. sp., n. vars. isubnati- coules , \tauromamilla ; f P. redempta , n. var. vertoconvexa ; +P. redemto- aurantia , n. sp. ; Sacco (1) p. 36. 54 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Species relations of Polinices , p. 37 ; id. (1). fSigaretus. ^ Ampidlonatica , n. subg., p. 40 ; id. ( 1). t Sigaretus. * Sigaretotrema, n. subg. : f S. michaucli, n. vars. clausula , eunaticinoules , pseudoaquensis , p. 38 ; f S. aquensis , n. vars. prcscedens , perinflata , longotriangula , patula , conicolonga , tauroinflata, p. 38 ; oligopolitus , n. sp., p. 38 ; f $. concavus, n. var. postuquensis ; f>S. crypto- stomoides} n. sp., n. var. colligens ; id. (1). HTectonatica , n. subg. of Natica, p. 33 ; Sacco (1). AdEORBJIDvE. Adeorbis sincera, n. sp., p. 338, pi. xii, fig. 2 : Dall (3). Adeorbis subcarinatus at Teignmouth ; Byne. ScALARIIDiE. Aclis angulata , n. sp., St. Helena, p. 280, pi. xxiii, fig. 28 ; A. simillima1 n. sp., p. 280, pi. xxiii, fig. 29 ; A. didyma, n. sp , p.‘ 281, pi. xxiii, fig. 30 ; Smith (7). iGyroscala stueri , n. sp. ; Boury (1). Scalidce of Italian Miocene and Pliocene ; Boury (2). iScala. Opalia , subg. : f 0. de bouryi , n. sp., p. 158 ; Dall (1). t Scalaria hosinoi , n. sp., p. 85, pi. i, fig. la-c ; Lienen klaus. S. mellissi , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 273, pi. xxiii, fig. 13 : S. sanctce- helenai , n. sp., p. 274, pi. xxiii, fig. 14 ; S. commoda , n. sp., p. 274, pi. xxiii, fig. 15 ; S. atomus , n. sp., pi. xxiii, fig. 16 ; Smith (7). EuLIMIDiE. Amaurella canaliculata} n. sp., St. Helena, p. 280, pi. xxiii, fig. 27 ; Smith (7). Eulima ephamilla and E. latipes , from England ; Marshall (3). E. fuscescens, n. sp., p. 278, pi. xxiii, fig. 24 ; E. atlantica, n. sp., p. 278, pi. xxiii, fig. 25 ; E. germana , n. sp., p. 279, pi. xxiii, fig. 26 ; E. ( Subu - laria) fuscopunctata , n. sp., p. 280, pi. xxi, fig. 18, from St. Helena ; Smith (7). iNiso ( Vetotuba ) brazieri , n. sp., p. 62, pi. viii, figs. 4 & 5, pi. ix, figs. 2 & 3 ; Etheridge. ^ Sabinella , n. g., allied to Eulima, p. 1 60, from Palermo ; Monterosato. PYRAMIDELLID2E. Odostomia glaphyra , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 278, pi. xxiii, fig. 23 ; Smith (7). Turbonilla haroldi, n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 275, pi. xxiii, fig. 18 ; T. assimilans , n. sp., p. 276, pi. xxiii, fig. 19 ; P. truncatelloides, n. sp., p. 276, pi. xxiii, fig. 20 ; T. brachia , n. sp., p. 276, pi. xxiii, fig. 21 ; T. ( Dunkeria ) eritima , n. sp., p. 276, pi. xxiii, fig. 22 ; Smith (7). Turbonilla (?) terebriformis , n. sp., p. 95, Central Africa ; id. (5). PROSOBRANCHIATA SCUTTBRANCHIATA. Moll. 55 PROSOBRANCHIATA SCUTI BRAN CHIAT A. Proserpjnidac. Proserpina from Cuba, p. 305 ; Crosse (2). HELrCINIOE. Alcadia from Cuba, p. 324 ; Crosse (2). Eutrochatclla from Cuba, p. 306 ; id. (2). Helicina albescens , n. sp., p. 285, pi. iii, fig. 5 ; H. hyalina , n. sp., p. 285, pi. iii, fig. 6 ; II. virido-colare, n. sp., p. 285, pi. iii, fig. 7 ; Hartman. II. dentoni, n. sp., p. 186 ; Pilsbry (12). II. hakodadiensis, n. sp., p. 286, pi. iii, fig. 8 ; H. dominice?icis, n. sp., p. 286, pi. iii, fig. 9 ; H. bito>niata} n. sp., p. 286, pi. iii, fig. 10 ; H. garretiana} n. spk, p. 286, pi. iii, fig. 11 ; Hartman. Helicina from Cuba, p. 311 ; Crosse (2). Neritidas. iNerita thurmanni , n. sp., p. 102, pi. xiii, figs. 12 & 13; t N. constricta , p. 105, pi. xiii, figs. 17 & 18 ; f N. ponderosa , p. 106, pi. xii, fig. 19 ; f N. doris , p. 108, pi. xiii, figs. 7 & 8 ; tJV. reticulata , p. Ill, pi. xiii, fig. 1 ; Loriol & Koby. Neritina from Cuba, p. 326 ; Crosse (2). Neritina stumpffi, n. sp., from Nossi-B^, p. 99 ; BcettgeR (2). Macluritidac. \Maclurea manitobensis, n. sp., p. 75, pis. xii & xiii, figs. 1 & 2 ; White- aves. Neritopsidas. \Nalicopsis desertorum , u. sp., p. 441, pi. xxvii, fig. 22 { WalTJIER. Turbinime. iAizyella , n. g. Type, f Phasianella herouvalensis (Eocene), p. 3 ; Coss- MANN. t Cyclonema (?) australis , n. sp., p. 63, pi. ix, figs. 4 & 5; Etheridge. Leptotliyra bournei, n. sp., p. 203, from Ireland ; Norman (2). iOriostoma northi , n. sp., p. 64, pi. ix, figs. 6 & 7 ; Etheridge. Turbo ( Colonia ) admissus , p. 294, pi. xxii, fig. 4, St. Helena ; T. (C.) incertus , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 311, pi. xxiv, figs. 21 & 21a ; Smith (7). \Turbo ursicinus , n. sp., p. 118,pl.xiv, fig. 10 ; t T. gerontes, n.sp., p. 124, pi. xv, fig. 6 ; Loriol & Koby. + Turbo from W. Australia, p. 243, pi. ix, fig. 3 ; Huddleston. 56 Moll . MOLLUSCA. Trochidji. Calliostoma platinum , n. sp., p. 343, pi. vii, fig. 2 ; C. ridensis , n. sp., p. 345, pi. xii, fig. 5 ; Dall (2). * Clydonochilus, n. g. : G. mariei , n. sp., from Comoros Archipelago ; Fischer (4). Euchelus alabastrum , p. 344, with woodcut ; Pilsbry (2). Gibbula tantilla , n. sp., p. 144, from Palermo ; Monterosato. ^ Halistylus , n. subg., II. columna , n. sp., p. 341, pi. ix, fig. 7 ; Dall (2). Jujubinus ? lieviusculus , n. sp., p. 145, from Palermo ; Monterosato. Monodonta labio var. granulata, fig. 1 ; Pilsbry (2). t Photinula P trochoides , n. sp., p. 613 ; Blanckeniiorn (3). Solariella oxybasis , n. sp., p. 352, pi. xii, fig. 6 ; S. actinophora , p. 353, pi. xii, figs. 8 & 11 ; Dall (2). + Trochus ( Scalcetrochus ) lindstrdmi} n. sp., pi. viii, figs. 1 & 2; Etheridge. Turcicula macdonaldi , n. sp., p. 368, pi. vii, fig. 7 ; Dall (2). Delphinulid^:. t DelpTiinula matheyi, n. sp., p. 146, pi. xvii, fig. 1 ; Loriol & Koby. Liotia arenula , n. sp., St. Helena, p. 294, pi. xxiv, fig. 6 ; L. admira- bilis , p. 245, pi. xxiv, fig. 7 ; Smith (7). t Straparollus lativolvis , n. sp., p. 178, pi. i, fig. 1, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; +$. bicarinatus, n. sp., p. 179, pi. iii, figs. 2 a & b ; tricarinatus , n. sp., p. 179, pi. ii, figs. 2 a & b ] Calvin. f Straparollus : various forms ; relations between Straparollus and Euomphalus ; McCreery. Cyclostrematidjic. Teinostoma ? abnorme, n. sp., p. 293, pi. xxiv, fig. 5 ; Smith (7). CoCCULINIDiE. Cocculina pocillum} n. sp., p. 340 ; Dall (2). Pleurotomariid^j. t Ditremaria depressa, n. sp., p. 9, pi. i, fig. 9 ; Gioli. ID. thurmanni, n. sp., p. 163, pi. xviii, figs. 5 & 6 ; Loriol & Koby. iEuomphalopterus subalatus var. conoidea} n. sp., p. 772, pi. xix, fig. 5 ; Oehlert (1). MIelicotoma similis, n. sp., p. 31, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2 ; Whitfield. t Pleurotomaria ?, p. 104, pi. iv, figs. 10 & 10a ; Foord. PROSOBRANCHTATA SCUTIBRANCHIATA APLACOPHORA. Moll. 57 t Pleurotomaria ( Rhaphistoma ) attleborensis , n. sp., p. 30, pi. ii, fig. 11 ; Shale r & Foerste. t Pleurotomaria difficilis , n. sp.. p. 33, figs. 15 & 16; Whitfield. Scissurella jucunda, n. sp., from St; Helena, p. 311, pi. xxiv, figs. 22 & 22a ; Smith (7). Bellerophontid;e. t Bellerophon carinatus , n. sp., p. 439, pi. xxvii, fig. 20 ; B. antonii, n. sp., p. 440, pi. xxvii, fig. 19; Waltiier. B. decussatus from W. Australia; Foord. t Bucania perornata , n. sp., p. 180, pi. iii, figs. 3a & b ; f B. cyclostoma, n. sp., p. 181, pi. i, figs. 2 a & b ; Calvin. t Gyrtolites youngi , n. sp., p. 289, pi. vi, fig. 7; Foerste. Fissurellidte. t Emarginula boslschei , n. sp., p. 92, pi. i, figs. 2a & b ; Lienenklaus. iFissurella kobyi , n. sp., p. 153, pi. xvii, fig. 7 ; Loriol & Koby. Parmophorus ( Scutum ) : nervous system ; Boutan. Scutum : mantle edge ; Pelseneer (8). Acm^ld^. Acmcca noronhensis, n. sp., p. 495, pi. xxx, figs. 3 & 3a, Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. ' t Palceacmcea barroisi, n. sp., p. 774, pi. xix, figs. 3 & 3 a ; Oehlert (1). Patellid^i. iHelcion thurmanni , n. sp., p. 155, pi. xvii, fig. 13 ; Loriol & Koby. t Patella matheyi, n. sp., p. 155, pi. xvii, figs. 14-16 ; iid. POLYPLACOPHORA. Chiton ( Ischnochiton ) caribbceorum , p. 496, pi. xxx, figs. 5 & 5a, Fernando Noronha ; Smith, vide Ridley. Chitonellus : structure of foot ; Pelseneer (6). APLACOPHORA. Chcetoderma: histology; Wiren (2). Chcetoderma nitidulum : anatomy ; id. (1). 58 Moll. MOLLUSCA. ^ Lepidomenia hystrix , n. g. & sp., p. 2, pis. i & ii ; Kowalevsicy & Marion. Memoir on ; iid. Neomenians : organs of circulation ; Pruvot (2). Proneomenidce : P. vagans, n. sp., pis. iii-v, general anatomy ; P. desi- derata, n. sp., pi. v ; P. aglaophenice, n. sp., pi. vi ; P. gorgonophila, pi. vii ; Kowalevsicy & Marion. SCAPHOPODA. DentalJim:. Cadulus albicornatus, n. sp., p. 295, pi. ix, fig. 8, from TT. S. A. ; Dale (2). Dentalium megathyris , n. sp., p. 293. pi. ix, fig. 1, from U. S. A. ; id. (2). LAMELLIBRANCHIATA, General. Cristalline style : Barrois. Pelecypoda : Jackson (2). Pelecypoda : ancestral kidney ; Pelseneer (1). Pelecypoda : endothelium of the gills ; Meni<:gaux. . Hermaphrodite forms : Pelseneer (4). Nervous system ; id. (2). Palleal apertures ; id. (3). Phylogeny ; Jackson (1). From Silurian of S.W. France ; Bigot, Type fossils in Bristol Museum, pp. 371, 372, 411, 412, & 414 j Wilson (2)- tShells resembling Iridince ; f/. oblonga, n. sp., p. 557 ; Jones (2). OSTR2EID2E. t Exogyra ptychodes, n. sp., p. 176, pi. xxvii, figs, 4& 4a ; fPJ. spiralis , n. sp,, p. 177; f E> subplicifera , n. sp., p. 177, pi. xxvii, figs. 6 & 7 ; Felix. Gryphcea , p. 317 ; Jackson (1). Gryphaia mexicana , n. sp., p. 179, pi. xxvii, figs, 30 &. 30a ; Felix. Ostrea : development, p. 294 ; Jackson (1). iOstrea {Gryphcea) deiclcei , n. sp., p. 179 ; +0. claihrata , n. sp., p. 180 ; Mayer-Eymar (4). t Ostrea {Alectryonia) frondiformis, n. sp, ; 1 0. (A,) lenzi, n. sp., p. 289 ; tO. (A.) sapphonis , n. sp., p. 290 ; tO. cegyptiaca , n. sp., p. 290 ; tO. ascher- soni , n. sp. ; t O. fiuctuosa, n. sp., p. 291 ; Mayer-Eymar (5). LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Moll. 59 \ Ostrea ( Exogyra ) haueri, n. sp., p. 340, pi. v, fig. 3 ; Toula. t Ostrea livingstoni , n. sp. ; 1 0. queruniana , n. sp., p. 297 ; 1 0. ismaeli, n. sp. ; tO. caillaudi, n. sp., p. 293; tO. protracta , n. sp. ; tO. Stanley n. sp., p. 294 ; tO. regalis , n. sp. ; tO. ramosa, n. sp., p. 295 ; Mayer- Eymar (5). tO. ventilabrulum , n. sp. ; tO. restans , n. sp., p. 296 ; tO. flabelluliformis , n. sp. ; tO. aviola , n. sp., p. 297 ; tO. sororcula, n. sp. ; tO. tihana , n. sp., p. 298 ; id. (5). t Ostrea (Alectryonia) pterygota, n. sp. ; tO. (A.) janigena, n. sp., p. 177; t O.junkeri, n. sp., p. 178 ; tO. velum , n. sp., p. 179 , id. (4). Oyster-culture ; Fowler ; Lord Montagu. Oyster-disease caused by Polydora\ nature and remedies; Wiiite- legge (1). Oyster : generative organs ; BouRne (2), Anomiidas* Anomia : anatomy, p, 354 ; Jackson (1). DlMYIDJ), t Dimya subrotundct, n, sp., p, 163, pi. Xxv, figs. 9 & 9a j Felix. LlMlO^E; f Lima cornatuticosta , ii. sp., p, 178, pi. xxvii, figs. 1, la, 3, 3a, & 5 ; Felix. t L. valmarianrm , n. sp., p. 80, pi. ii, fig. 4 ; f L. stabilei , m sp., p. 80, pi. ii, fig. 5 ; PaRONa. t.L. vigilii , n. sp., p. 16, pi. i, figs. 15 & 15a ; Gioli. Pecttnidas, fAvicuiopecien cegypticuSj n. sp., p. 437, pi. xxiv, fig. 11 ; WaltheR; tvl. tenuicollisi p. 103, pL v, fig. 9 j Foord* t Pecten, sp. from W. Australia, p. 244, pi. ix, fig. 5 ; Huddleston. t Pecten sp., p, 174, pi. xviii, figs. 1 & 2 ; YokoyamA; Pecten: shell, p. 342 ; Jackson (1). Pecten : anatomy aud habit, p. 333 ; id. (1). Pecten atlanticus, n. sp;, p. 306, pi. xxii, figs. 9-96 j Pi { Janira ) turtoni, n. sp., p. 306, pi. xxii, figs. 10 & 10a: from St. Helena; Smith (7). tP. {Neithea) frilhi , n. sp., p. 180 ; Mayer-Eymar (4). t Pecten livoniani , n. sp., p. 351, pi. xix, figs, la & b ) P. quinquepartitus , n. sp., p. 352, pi. xii, figs. 2 & 3 ; Blanckenhorn (2). t Pecten subalpinusj n. sp., p. 84, pi. i, figs. 13 & 14 ; Parona. t Pecten syriacus, n. sp,, p, 611 ; Blanckenhorn (3). AtlCULID^J. Aviculidce : genealogical table, p. 390 ; Jackson (1). t Avicula haracUe , n. sp., p. 199, pi. xxv, figs. 12a & 6 ; Yokoyama. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] d 9 60 Moll. MOLLUSCA. flnoceramus naumanni, n. sp., p. 174, pi. xviii, figs. 3, 4 a, b} & 5 ; +/. sp., id. figs. 6, la & b ; id. 1 1. montezumce , n. sp., p. 180, pi. xxviii, figs. 9 & 10 ; Felix. t Margarita funiculata, n.sp., p. 197, pi. xx, figs. 13a, b,c,&d ; Yokoyama. t Pinna australis , n. sp., p. 244, pi. ix, fig. 6 ; Huddleston. t Posidonomya cretucea, n. sp., p. 180, pi. xxviii, fig. 12 b ; Felix. Mytilacea : anatomy and histology of mantle border ; Rawitz (2). Crenella pura, n. sp., p. 314, pi. xxiv, fig. 26, from St. Helena ; Smith (7). t Modiola, n. sp., p. 245, pi. ix, fig. 8 ; Huddleston. t Modiola vomer , n. sp., p. 89, pi. ii, fig. 8 ; Parona. ARCIDiE. Arcacea : anatomy of the mantle-edge ; Rawitz (2). Area sanctce-helence , n. sp., p. 305, pi. xxii, figs. 8 & 8b ; Smith (7). t Nuculina dobergensis , n. sp., p. 121 ; Lienenklaus. ^ Pectunculopsis, n. subg. of Pectunculus ; P. moguntina , n. sp., with fig.; Ebert. NuCULIDiE. Cadomia bergeroni) n. sp., p. 798, pi. xxiii, fig. 4 ; Bigot. fCucullella affinis , n. sp., p. 217, pi. iv, fig. 8 ; Beisiiausen. Leda cestrota, n. sp., p. 255, pi. xiii, fig. 7 ; L.platessa , n. sp., p. 256 ; L. pontonia, n. sp., p. 257, pi. xiii, figs. 5 & 6 ; Dall (2). Malletia goniura , n. sp., p. 251, pi. x, fig. 10 ; M. ( Tindaria ?) oeolata , n. sp., p. 252 ; M. (T.) agathida , n. sp., p. 252, pi. xiii, fig. 10 ; M. ( T .) acinula , n. sp., pi. xiii, fig. 4; M. ( T .) virens , n. sp., p. 254, pi. xiii, fig. 3 ; id. (2). Nucula callicredemna, n. sp., p. 258, pi. xiii, fig. 9, from U. S. A. ; Dall (2). fN.jpicturata , n. sp., p. 194, pi. xxv, figs. 1 & 2a, b ; fN. milneit n. sp., p. 195, pi. xxii, figs. 2 a-c & 3 ; t N. poronaica , n. sp., p. 195, pi. xxv, fig. 3a-c ; Yokoyama. f Palceoneilo, n. sp., p. 28, pi. iv, fig. 5; Beishausen. Yoldia scapania , n. sp., p. 254, pi. xiii, fig. 6 ; Dall (2). M0DI0L0PSID.dE. t Cypricardites grandis , n. sp., p. 387, fig. 19 ; Ulrich (3). flschyriodonta , n. g., allied to Modiolopsis ; f J. truncata, n. sp., p. 174, figs. ; f I. elongata , n. sp., p. 175, fig. 12 ; id. (2). f Modiolopsis alata , n. sp., p. 280, fig. 8 ; f M. parva, n. sp., p. 281, fig. 9; f M. angustata, n. sp., p. 283, fig. 10 ; id. (1). f M. munieri, n. sp., p. 794, pis. xxii, fig. 7, & xxiii, fig. 1 ; fjlf. (?) ntorieri, p. 795, pi. xxii, LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Moll. 61 fig. 4 ; Bigot, f M. oblcnga , n. sp., p.222, fig. 1 ; fAT. subparallela , n. sp., p. 273, fig. 2 ; M. milleri , n. sp., p. 274, fig. 3 ; Ulrich (1). f M. oviformis , n. sp., p. 276, fig. 4; \ M . simulatrix, n. sp., p. 277, fig. 5 ; M. pulchella , n. sp., p. 278, fig. 6 ; f AT. subtruncata , n. sp., p 279, fig. 7 ; id. tf. c. f M. prima , p. 793, pis. xxii, fig. 1, & xxiii, fig. 2 ; Bigot. t Modiomorpha retundata , n. sp., p. 212, pi. iv, figs. 1, la, & 2 ; Beisiiausen. n. gen., allied to Cypricardites , f TF. obliquata, n. sp., p. 177, fig. 13 ; j* W. umbonata , n. sp., p. 179, fig. 14 ; f W. compressa , n. sp., p. 180, fig. 15 ; Ulricii (2). fTF. scofieldi, Ulrich, p. 382, fig. 16 ; f W. truncata , n. sp., p. 385, fig. 17 ; f W. subovata, n. sp., p. 386, fig. 18 ; id. (3) Trigoniid^:. t Schizodus symmetricus, n. sp. ; Calvin. t&. peregrinus, n. sp., p. 220, pi. iv, figs. 7 a, lb, & 11 ; Beisiiausen. '+ Trigonia sologureni, n. sp., p. 179, pi. xxvii, fig. 2 & 2o ; Felix. Unionidji. Anodonta : key to the determination of South American forms, p. 157 ; Ihering (3). Anodonta : description of new species, p. 149, from France ; LocaRD. Anodonta cygncea : organ of Bojanus ; anatomy ; Rankin. Anodonta cygncea i tumour ; OoLlings (3). Anodonta of France : catalogue ; Locard. Anodon : rate of growth ; Buxbaum. Anodonta hertwigii, n. sp., p. 150, pi. ix, fig. 7, from Brazil ; Ihering (2). Columba spixii , n. sp., p. 135, pi. ix, fig. 4, from Brazil ; IhEring (3). Table of species of Columba) p. 141 ; id. (3). Mycetopus : distribution and species (S. America and Asia) ; Fischer (1). Pseudanodonta of France : catalogue ; Locard. Pseudanodonta : descriptions of new species, pp. 130-1 48, from France ; Locard. Unionacea ; anatomy and histology of mantle edge ; Rawitz (2). Unionidce : beaks, with figs. ; Marshall (5). Unionidcu from Birmania ; U. feaz, n. sp., p. 340 ; Z7. haungdarauicusi n. sp., p. 341 ; U. dolichorhynchus, n. sp., p. 348 ; U . protensus , n. sp., p. 349 ; U. pulcher , n. sp., p. 350 ; U. pulcher, various varieties, pp. 350 & 351 ; IJi gianelliif n. sp., p. 353 ; U. redqngulari s, n. sp., p. 354 ; Canefri. TJ. stagnorum, n. sp., p. 577, pi. i, figs. 7-10, from Congo ; Daut- ZENBERG. Unionidce from Brazil : revision ; Ihering (3). Unio from Cuba, p. 328 ; Crosse (2). 62 Moll. MOLLUSCA. ^Etheriid^]. Aetheria nidus hirundinis, n. sp. ; SlMROTH (1). CaRDINIIO®. t Cardinia rugosa , n. sp., p. 94, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; Parona. CaRDITIDjE. iCardita aintabensis, n. sp., p. 354, pi. xix, figs. 4-7; Blanckenhorn (2). t Venericardia compressa, n. sp., p. 196, pi. xxv, figs. 4a, b ; Yokoyama. ASTARTIDiE. t Asturte microphytes , n. sp., p. 179, pi. xxvii, fig. 31 ; Felix, til. prce- obliqua , n. sp., p. 95, pi. ii, fig. 10 ; Parona. t Cypricardella elongata , n. sp., p. 226, pi. iv, figs. 3-4a ; t C. subovata, n. sp., p. 227, pi. iv, figs. 9 & 9 a ; Beishausen. CRASSATELLIDiE. t Crassatella Icagaharensis, n. sp., p. 200, pi. xxv, figs. 14, 15a, 5, & 16a, 5; Yokoyama. +(7. texana, n. sp., p. 406, pi. xi, fig. 6 ; Heilprin (1). f Mokattamia} n. g. ; Mayer-Eymar (1). Erycinime. Kellia crassiuscula , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 313, pi. xxiv, fig. 23 ; K. atlantica, n. sp., p. 313, pi. xxiv, fig. 24 ; Smith (7). K. rostellata , n. sp., p. 64 ; Wilson (1). Montacuta semiradiata , n. sp., p. 65 ; id. (1). M. subtriajigularis, p. 313, pi. xxiv, fig. 25 ; Smith (7). CARDIID2E. t Cardium acutum, n. sp., p. 355, pi. xix, fig. 11 ; Blanckenhorn (2). t(7. cymotomon) n. sp., p. 168, pi. xxvi, figs. 9 & 10 ; Felix. Monopleurimc. Jt Anodontopleura, n. g., allied to Monopleura ; t^4. speciosa, n. sp., p. 167, pi. xxvi, figs. 1 & 2 ; Felix. f Monopleura cumulus , n. sp., p. 80, pi. v, fig. 22a, b ; Pocta. f Monopleura tulce , n. sp., p. 164, pi. xxv, figs. 2 & 12, pi. xxvi, figs. 4-7 ; ■ \M . otomitliy n. sp., p. 165, pi. xxv, figs. 5, 13, 14, & 14a ; f M. votanit n. sp., p. 166, pi. xxv, figs. 4 & 4a ; Felix. t "J* StenopleurUy n. g. : -fS.pileus, n. sp., pi. v, figs. 19 & 20 ; Pocta. ’’•fiS imacia, n. g., p. 81 ; id. Caprinidac. ■fCaprina striata , n. sp., p. 84, pi. vi, fig. 1 ; fO. incerta , n. sp., p. 84, pi. vi, fig. 3 ; Pocta. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Moll. 63 f Caprimula incerta , n. sp., p. 85, pi. vi, fig. 11 ; Pocta. iCaprotina caudiculata, n. sp., p. 83, pi. vi, figs. 4 a, b ; t C. sinuata , n. sp., p. 83, pi. ii, fig. 21, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; fC.perplexa, n. sp., p. 83, pi. ii, figs. 5-8, pi. iii, figs, la, b ; fC. umbonata , n. sp., p. 83, pi. v, fig. 24 ; t(7. sodalis, n. sp., p. 84, pi. ii, figs. 2-4; f C. pleuroidea, n. sp., p. 84, pi. v, figs. 17a, b ; f G. stimulus , n. sp., p. 82, pi. ii, figs. 19a, b, & 20; f(7. de- formis , n. sp., p. 82, pi. vi, fig. 17 ; f C. vadosa, n. sp., p. 83, pi. ii, fig. 18a, b, pi. v, fig. 28a, b ; f(7. aculeata, n. sp., p. 83, pi. ii. fig. 9a, b , & 10a, b ; id. i t Cryptaulia, n. g. : f C. triangulum, n. sp., p. 84, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; C. para- doxa, n. sp., p. 84, pi. iv, fig. 18 ; f C. perlonga , n. sp., p. 84, pi. iv, figs. 1-4; id. RADIOLITIDiE. ^ \ Petalodontia , n. g. : fP. crassodentata , n. sp., p. 86, pi. v, fig. 6 ; P. foliodentata, n. sp., p. 86, pi. iii, fig. 4, pi. v, figs. 1-3; fP. aculeodentatci, n. sp., p. 86, pi. v, fig. 18a, b ; Pocta. f Radiolites sanctce-burbarcn , n. sp., p. 85, pi. i, figs. 4-8, pi. ii, figs. 14-16 ; fP. humilior , n. sp., p. 86, pi. i, figs. 2 & 3 ; id. Cyprinim:. Basterotia oblonga, n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 303, pi. xxii, figs. 5 & 5a ; Smith (7). Callocardia albida , n. sp., p. 208 ; Dall (2). Isocardia cor , with figs. ; Somerville. Pachydomiml f Pachydornus carinatus from W. Australia ; Foord (1). VENERIDyE. t Cytherea cyprinceformis , n. sp., p. 105, pi. i, figs. 3a-c ; 1 0. condentata , n. sp., p. 106, pi. i, fig. 4 a-d ; Lienenklaus. C. eucymata , u. sp., p. 271, pi. xiii, fig. 11 ; Dall (2). f Tapes ezoensis , n. sp., p. 197, pi. xxv, figs. 6a, 5, 7, & 8 ; Yokoyama. f Venus koeneni , n. sp., p. 107, pi. ii, fig. la-c ; Lienenklaus. Cyrenid.®. f C.yrena and Cyclas-VikQ shells from S. AJrica ; Jones (2). Cyrena from Cuba, p. 327 ; Crosse (2). f Cyrena (?) sorachiensis , n. sp., p. 201, pi. xxv, fig. 18a-c ; Yokoyama. j 'Fischeria lenzi , n. sp., from Postpliocene, p. 578, pi. iii, figs. 3-8 ; Dautzenberg. ■\Galateia duponti , n. sp., from Postpliocene, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2; f G. tuclceyi , n. sp., p. 573, pi. ii, figs. 1-6 ; id. Pisidium idahoense , n. sp., U. S. A. ; Roper. Pisidium from Cuba, p. 327 ; Crosse (2). Sphcerium from Cuba, p. 327 ; id. (2). Sphcerium montanum , n. sp., p. 356, from Birmania ; Canefri. 64 Moll . MOLLUSCA. Cyrenellidj:. Cyrenella from Cuba, p. 328 ; Crosse (2). UNGULINIDiE. Cryptodon fuegiensis , n. sp., p. 262, pi. xiv, fig. 2 ; Dall (2). LuCINIDiE. Lucina inconspicua , n. sp., from St. Helena, p. 304, pi. xxii, fig. 6 ; L. ( Lodakia ) compacta , n. sp., p. 304, pi. xxii, fig. 7 ; Smith (7). t Lucina par onaiensis, n. sp., p. 196, pi. xxv, fig. 5 a-c ; Yokoyama. Tellinimj. Oymatoica occidentalism n. sp., p. 272, pi. x, fig. 11 ; C. orientalis} n. sp., p. 273, pi. x, fig. 12 ; Dall (2). CtJSPIDARIIDiE. Cuspidaria (?) monosteira , n. sp., p. 281, pi. viii, fig. 5; G. ( Lugonia ) chilensis , n. sp., p. 282, pi. xiii, fig. 13 ; Dall (2). Verticordiim. Verticordia perplicata, n. sp., p. 278, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; Dall (2). Arcomyid^e. f Goniomya vacelcii , n. sp., p. 12, pi. i, fig. 12; Gioli. + G. verbana, n. sp., p. 102, pi. iii, fig. 11 ; Parona. \Pleuromya saltriensis , n. sp., p. 101, pi, iii, fig. 10 ; id. ANATINIDvE. Poromya cymata , n. sp., p. 289, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; P. microdonta , n. sp., p. 290, pi. viii, fig. 6 ; Dall (2). t Thracia bellardiy n. sp,, p. 355, pi. xvii, fig. 11 ; Blanckenhorn (2). \T. primula} n. sp., p. 245, pi. ix, fig. 7 ; Huddleston. Gramm YsiiDiE. t Grammy sia beyrichi , n. sp., p. 230, pi. iv, figs. 6a & b ; Beisiiausen. IY. — REFERENCES, SUBJECT-MATTER CLASSIFI- CATION. GENERAL ANATOMY. Mollusca ; Lankester. Cephalopod ; arm ; Pelseneer (7). Nudi- branchiata , with figs. ; Bergii (2) ; Yayssi^re (2). Aerope caffra ; Pilsbry (8). Anomia ; Jackson (1). Chaetoderma nitidulum ; Wiren. Cystopeltat with figs.; Hedley. Daudebardia rufa ; Plate. Forestia mirabilis ; Trinchese. Helix rufescens : dart-sac ; Collinge (1). Iso- GENERAL ANATOMY. Moll. 65 cardia cor , with figs. ; Somerville. Lepidomenia , u. g. of Neomenid.ce ; Kowalevsky & Marion. Malacolimax ; Pollonera (1). Neptunia ; Fischer & Bouvier. Pecten ; Jackson (1). Proneomenia , with figs. ; Kowalevsky & Marion. Scalpellum from Japan, with figs. ; Pilsbry (2). Siphonostoma diplochaeta, with figs. ; Jourdan. Slugs ; Simroth (3). Valvata piscinalis, with figs. ; Bernard (2). Vitrina , with figs. ; Simroth (2). Muscular System, &c. Muscular impressions on shells of fossil Nautiloids ; Foord & Crick (1). Mantle, Accphala ; Rawitz (2). Scutum ; Pelseneer (8). Cerata in Nudibrancliiata ; Herdman. Epipodium in Mollusca : ana- tomy, with figs ; Pelseneer (5). Foot in Chitonellus\ id. (6). Shell. Malacology : arrangement of Museum specimens ; Perrier (E.). Ceratites of chalk, with figs. ; Douville. Clausilia : nomenclature of oral folds ; Smith & Woodward. Exogyra and Gryphcea; Jackson (1). Mur ex : modifications of the apex ; Baker. Ostrea ; Jackson (1). Pecten , p. 342 ; id. (1). Phylloceras : peristome, with figs. ; Haug. Shell coils in Planorbis ; Pfeffer (2). Beaks of Unionidce ; Mar- shall (5). Glands, &c. Pericardial glands of Gasteropoda ; Grobben. Mucous glands in Prosobranchiata ; Bernard (1). Glands in Mnrex brandaris and Paludina vivipara ; Cuenot. Epithelium which produces the purple in Purpura lapillus ; Letellier (1). Histology. Endothelium of gills in Pelecypoda ; ' Men^gaux. Epidermis of Ampullaria ; Crosse & Fischer (3). Digestive System. Aplysiidce ; Succardi. Valvata piscinalis ; Barnard (2). Radula in Aplysice , with tables of teeth measurement ; Garstang. Teeth of Pyrgula ; Beecher. Respiration and Circulation. Communication between circulatory system aud exterior; Jourdain. Neomenia\ Pruvot. Nautilus ; Joubin. Endothelium of gills ; MeNiS- gaux. Gills in Prosobranchiata ; Bernard (1). Nervous System and Sense Organs. Pelecypoda ; Pelseneer (2). Acephala, with figs. ; Rawitz (2). Development in Limax ; Henchman. Parmop hor ms, with figs. ; Boutan. Valvata piscinalis, with figs. ; Bernard (2). 66 Moll. MOLLUSCA. Sense Organs. Acephala , with figs.; Rawitz (2). Molluscan mantle; id. (1) & Thiele. Eyes on mantle border of Acephala ; Rawitz (2). Organ of Spengel in Prosobranchiata ; Bernard (1). Excretory Organs. Ancestral form in Pelecypoda\ Pelseneer (1). Apparatus in Proso- branchiata ; Perrier (R.). Organ of Bojanus in Anodonta ; Rankin. Nephridia of Chcetoderma ; Wiren. Genitalia. Hermaphrodite Pelecypoda ; Pelseneer (4). Aplysiidce ; Mazza- relli (2). Gland of Bohadsch ; id. (3). Aplysia ; Robert. Aplysia : use of pouch of Swammerdam; Mazarelli (l). Chcetoderma ; Wiren. Helix albolabris , with woodcut ; Pilsbry (13). H. aspersa : parasitic castration ; Garnault (1). H. punctata ; Williams (1). Oyster ; Bourne (2). Valvata piscinalis ; Garnault (2), Bernard (2). EMBRYOLOGY. Breeding of Achatina from Zanzibar ; Semper. Limax maxi nuts, Nervous system; Henchman. Ostrea ; Jackson (1). Valvata pisci- nalis} with Qgs. ; Bernard (2). MORPHOLOGY. Discussion on Evolution, Morphogeny, Progression, &c. ; Hyatt. PHYLOGENY. Mollusca i Jackson (1). Relation of Mollusca to other groups ; Giard. Table of Nudibrapchs ; Vayssiere. Pelecypoda ; Jackson (1). BIONOMICS. Deep-sea Mollusca ; Dall (2 & 3). Marine Mollusca in captivity ; Waters. Diseases and enemies of Molluscs ; Locard, (l)chap. 5. Phy- siological influences affecting the culture of Molluscs; id. (1) chap. 5. Habits of Carbonic Calyptrscans ; Keyes (3). Habits of British Hydro- bice ; Jenkins (1). Habits of Pecten ; Jackson (1). Habits of Vitrina pellucida\ Collinge (1). Causes of extinction of species : extinction of Helix mitchelliana ; McCreery. Experiments on the taste of fish for Mollusca ; Herdman & Chub. Homing in Gasteropods ; Kew. Oyster disease caused by Polydora : nature and remedies ; Wiiitelegge (1). Oyster culture in Essex : threatened destruction ; Rome. Migration and habits of Goniodoris ; Garstang. Use of purple. in Purpura lapillus ; Letellier (1). Influence of strong water currents on an HAtheria ; Simroth (1). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 67 PHYSIOLOGY. Aplysia : blood and lymphatic gland ; Cu^iNOT (1). Cellulose in Mol- lusca ; Ambronn. Colour of Aplysiidce ; Garstang. Colouring matter of Aplysia ; Saint-Loup. Colour in Avion ater ; Gain. Purple of Purpura lapillus : nature and use ; Letellier (1 & 2). Colouring and banding in Snails; Williams (3). Chemistry of the mid-gut in Helix pomatia; Levy. Ciliary motion in gills and palps of Bivalves ; M’Alpine. Function of cerata of Nudibranchs; Herdman, TERATOLOGY. Tumour in Anodonta ; Collinge (3). Helix aspersa : parasitic castra- tion ; Garnault (1). H. aspersa : cystic gonads ; Williams (1). H. nemoralis , abnormal peristome ; Balle (1). VARIATION. Variation in Mollusca ; Cockerell (3), Williams (4). Species varia- tion ; Foerste. Variation in Mollusca , &c. ; James. Aplysia : radula ; Garstang. Limncea peregra ; Taylor, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Land and Fresh- Water Mollusca. Fauna of mountain lakes ; Zschokke. I.— PALiEARCTIC REGION. Arionidcey with index; Pollonera (7). Shells ; Westerlund (1 & 3). 1 . Septentrional Region. British Isles. — British Hydrobice ; Jenkins (1). Scotland: Physa acuta ; Jenkins (2). Haddingtonshire : Clausilia rugosa and Balea powersia ; Evans. Ireland : Mollusca ; Milne : shells ; Roebuck (5) : Helix lamellata ; Delap. Cumberland: Bulimus acutus ; Roebuck (1). Penistone: Zonites glaber ; Adams (4). Lancashire: Acme lineata , Helix aspersa , and H. lamellata ; Standen (1, 2, & 3). Puffin I. : land Mollusca ; Leicester. Pembrokeshire : Pupa ringens ; Fal- loon (1). Weymouth : Assiminea littorina ; Sykes. Derbyshire : shells ; Adams (2). Staffordshire : Helix fusca and H. lamellata ; Bur- rows. Oxfordshire : H. pisana ; Collinge (8) : Limax Jlavus , n. var., in Banbury ; id. (4). Eastern counties : shells ; Adams (5). Yorkshire : Losvthorpe and Driffield, shells ; Ross (1) : Limncea glutinosa near Hull ; Fierke : Mollusca noted at Bretton Park ; Nelson & Roebuck : Drif- field, shells ; Ross (2) : Ingleton, Clapham, aud district, land and fresh- water Mollusca ; Collinge (5) : Ingleton, presence of Avion subfuscus ; id. (6) : Kildale-in- Cleveland, Mollusca ; Hudson : Malham, Mollusca ; 68 Moll. MOLLUSC A. Roebuck (4), Collinge (7): Spofforth, Mollusca ; Nelson; Upper Swaledale, Mollusca ; Roebuck (3). Essex : land and freshwater Mollusca ; Crouch : Ingold, living Cyclostoma elegans ; French. Lin- colnshire : Glausilia rolphii at Well Yale ; Roebuck (2) : Trent shells ; Roberts. France. — Catalogue of Pseudanodonta and Anodonta ; Locard. Pyrenees Orientales: Acme fusca ; Faure. Roussillon : land Molluscs ; Bucquoy. Allier : land and freshwater shells ; Auclair. Germany. — Presence of Helix obvia ; Martens (4). Nassau : shells ; Borcherding. Graubiinden : Mollusca ; Stein. Austria. — Maehren : Mollusca ; UlicnY Bohemia. — Land shells ; Klika. Tyrol— New Pupa ; Gredler (3). Russia. — Perm. : Mollusca ; Bcettger (3). 2. Cir cum- Mediterranean Region . Tripolis. — Land Snails ; Martens (3). Styria. — Gastropods ; Pfeffer, P. Italy. — Mollusca ; Schrceder. Greece. — Clausilia species; Bcettger (1). Land Snails; Simrotii (2). Syria. — New shells ; Naegele & Bcettger, Naegele. 4. Chmese Region. Land shells ; Gredler (1). Hainan I. — Land and freshwater shells ; Fischer (2). China and Japan. — Land shells; Schmacker & Bcettger. II. — PAL2EOTROPICAL AFRICAN ZONE. Slugs from Africa ; Simrotii (2). Sahara. — New subfossil land and freshwater shells : Fischer (5). Central Africa. List of shells collected by Emin P^sha ; Smith (6). Land shells from Pondo-land ; Martens (2). Equatorial Africa. — Land shells ; Morelet. Lake Tanganyika. — Shells ; Bourguignat. Congo. — Mollusca ; Dupont, Dautzenberg. Couth Africa . Terrestrial Mollusca ; Melyill & Ponsonby. Achatina , list of species ; Smith (7). Malagasy Region. Nossi-BA — Land and freshwater Mollusca ; Bcettger (2). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 69 III. — PALiEOTROPICAL ORIENTAL ZONE. East India.— New land shells ; Pilsbry (12). Camboge and Siam. — Shells ; Morelet. Borneo. — 3 new species of land shells ; Godwin- Austen. Philippines. — Ilemitrichia ; MOllendorff (2). New land shells ; id. (3). Java. — Freshwater and brackish Mollusca ; Bcettger (4). IV.— AUSTRALIAN ZONE. N. S. Wales. — Mollusca of land and freshwater ; Musson. * Wide range of Agriolimax Icevis ; Hedley (1). Vaginula leydigi and V. hedleyi ; id. (1). New Zealand. — Slugs ; Simroth (2). Sandwich Is.— Land shells ; Gulick. VI.— NEOTROPICAL ZONE. Antilles. — Terrestrial and fluviatile shells ; Crosse (2). Cuba. — Land and freshwater shells, with an account of the characters of the fauna, p. 329 ; Crosse (2). British Guiana. — Mollusca ; Quelch. Brazil. — Revision of the Unionidce ; Iiiering (3). VII.— NEARCTIC ZONE. America. — Mollusca ; Cockerell (2). New and little known Mol- lusca ; Pilsbry (7). United States. — Air-breathing Mollusca ; Binney. Colorado. — Mollusca list ; Cockerell (7). San Francisco. — Freshwater Molluscs ; Cooper. Florida. — Shells ; Johnson. Guatemala and Mexico. — New species of Ampullaria ; Crosse & Fischer (2). Quebec. — Mollusca ; Anon. Marine Mollusca. Cumberland Coast. — Cyprcea moneta ; Crawsiiaw. Liverpool District. — Nudibranchs ; Herdman & Chubb. Plymouth. — Opistliobranchiata ; Garstang. Tenby. — Shells ; Cundall. Yorkshire. — Marine Mollusca ; Davis. S.W. Coast of Ireland. — Mollusca ; Bourne (1). 70 Moll . MOLLUSCA. Gulf of Marseilles. — Mullusca ; Gourret. Nudibranchiates ; Yayssiere. Coast of Herault. — Mollusca ; Granger. Portugal. — Cephalopoda ; Girard. Palermo. — Deep sea Molluscs ; Monterosato. Ascension I. — Marine Mollusca ; Smith (9). St. Helena. — Mariue Mollusca ; id. (8). Port Wladimir, on the Murman Coast. — Mollusca ; Pfeffer, E. (1). Tonkin. — Marine Mollusca ; Crosse & Fischer (1). Tizaro Bank, China. — Shells ; Smith (3). Sunda Sea. — Nudibranchiata ; Bergh*(1). Java. — Mariue Mollusca ; Bcettger (4). Shells found in the shell-hills on the coast of Brazil ; Wohltmann. Australia. — Marine Mollusca ; Wilson (1). New Mollusca ; Cox. Merimbula, N. S. Wales. — List of Mollusca trawled ; Brazier. Port Jackson, N. S Wales.— List of Mollusca ; White legge. GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION. TERTIARY. Beds of Piedmont and Liguria : Mollusca ; Sacco, Bellardi. Mollusca of Piedmont ; Sacco (2). Alsace : lists of fossils ; Mieg, Bleiciier, & Fliche. New and imperfectly defined Nautili ; Foord & Crick (3). Post-Pliocene : CoDgo shells ; Dautzenberg. Pliocene of Italy : Scalidce ; Boury (2). Oligocene : Mollusca of Doberges ; Lienenklaus. Miocene of Italy : Scalidce ; Boury (2). Marine Miocene of Syria: fossils ; Blanckenhorn (3). Upper Miocene of Montegibio: Muricidce , Tritonidce,2m& FasciolaruUe ; Toldo : Buccinidce, Purpuridce , and Olividce ; Panpa NELLI. Tertiary basin of Vienna ; Pleurotomidai ; Hoernes. Eocene : land and freshwater snails ; Oppeniieim (2). Eocene of Texas : Mollusca ; Heilprin (1). Eocene : Paris shells ; Cossmann. Eocene of Syria : fossils ; Blanckenhorn (2). SECONDARY. Mezozoic fossils from W. Australia ; Huddleston. Cretaceous. Nautili , new or imperfectly defined ; Foord & Crick (3). Cretaceous fossils of Japan, with many new species ; Yokoyama. GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION. Moll . 7 L Bohemian Rudistes ; Pocta. List of Cretaceous fossils of Massachusets, with figs. ; Siialer (1). Cretaceous fossils of Mexico ; Heilprin (2), Felix. Upper Cretaceous of Syria : Pteropods ; Blanciceniiorn (1). Neocomian fossils of Wororiewo ; Pavlow (1). Shells from Madagascar ; Neumayr. Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic : Russian and English fossils compared ; Pavlow (2). Jurassic. Nautili : new and imperfectly described species; Foord & Crick (2, 3). Fossils from the Couches Tithoniques de l’Ardeche ; Toucas. Jurassic of Mexico : fossils ; Felix. Notes on fossils from Popielany in Lithuania ; Siemiradzki (1). Upper Jurassic : shells from Madagascar ; Neumayr. Cephalopods of Poland ; Siemiradzki (2). Coralline Oolite ; Molluscs; Loriol (T, 2). Inferior Oolite : Molluscs ; Gioli : Ammonites ; Buckman. Lower Lias : shells from Lombardy ; Parona. Trjassic. Estherim : Jones (1). Trias of Vienna : a new Cornularia ; Bittner. PRIMARY. Carboniferous. Carboniferous Limestone of Arabia ; Waltiier. Carboniferous of America : Calyptrcridaz ; Keyes (3), Carboniferous of W. Australia : Lamellibranchs, Gastropods, and Cephalopods ; Foord. Devonian. Devonian fossils of Angers ; Oehlert. List of Devonian fossils from Rhinelands ; MaurEr. Devonian Cephalopods ; Foord. Devonian Lamellibranchs ; Beishausen. Silurian. Silurian Lamellibranchs ; Bigot. Upper Silurian of Victoria, Australia: list of fossils ; Etheridge. Hyolithes acutus ; RemelA Cambrian and Silurian of Manitoba : 8 new fossils ; Wiiiteaves. Cambrian. Pteropods of W. Australia ; Foord. 1 Brack. BRACHIOPODA. BY P. Chalmers Mitchell, B.A., F.ZE Man, p. 61, pi. iii. Sesarma bataviana and S. barbimana , n. spp., id. pp. 101-107, pi. vi. Sub-order (b.) MACRURA. Hippolyte antarctica , n. sp., Pfeffer, (3) p. 51. H. stewarti, n. sp., G. Thomson', (1) p. 259, pi. xiii. H. ponapensis , n. sp., Ortmann, p. 502, Latreutes laminirostris , L. acicularis , n. spp., id. p. 506. iHetairocaris , n. g., orientalis, n. sp., DE Man, p. 120, pi. vi. Peneus crucifer, n. sp., Ortmann, p. 451, pi. xxxvi. * Fossil forms are indicated by a dagger (f).. THOllACIPODA. Crust . 13 Ortmann establishes three new families, Rhyncliocinetidce , Gnaiho- phyllidce , and Hymenoceridce , p. 459. V TIemicaridina , n. g., to receive Caridina desmarestii , Millet ; Ortmann, p. 464. Goralliocaris incequalis, n. sp., « pis. viii & ix. ^ Microniscus, n. g., Vnonocellatus , n. sp. ; Dollfus, (1) p. ?. [Changed 'to Oligoniscus ; id. (2).] Order 4. AMPHIPODA. General. Hansen’s Prinassws nordensTcioldii is probably Norman’s Ilellerici coalita^ Which Chevreux has renamed Guertiea ; Stebbing-. Eriopis, identified With NipharguS by Boeck, was reinstated by Wrzes- niowski. The generic name Eriopis was, hoWeVer, preoccupied^ sG J Eriopisa is suggested. Id. The gefius Orthopalame is cancelled, Hoeck having found that his 0. ierschellingii — Norman’s Microprotopus maculatus. Id. Dryope , Sp. Bate, = Unciola , Say ; id. Allorchestes georgianus , n. sp., Pfeffer, (3) p. 7 1, pi. i. Metopa sarsii, n. sp., id. p. 84, pis. ii & iii. Anonyx zschauii, A. femoratus, n. spp., id. p. 87, pi-, ii. .Bovallia , n. g., gigantea, n. sp., id. p. 95, pi. i. * Eurymera, n. g., monticulosa, n. sp., id. p. 103, ph i, Stebbingia , n. g., gregaria, n. sp., id. p. 110, pi. ii* ' Calliopus georgianus, n. sp., id. p. 116, pi. ii. ■Megamcera miersii , n. sp., id. p. 121, pi. iii. iLeucothoe antarctica , n. sp., id. p. 128, pi, ii, Podocerus ingens , n. sp ., id. p. 131, pi, iii. • ;• Eaprellina mayeri, n. sp., id. p. 137, pi. iii. Sirnorhynchotusstebbingi, n. sp., Bovallius, (1) p. 50. Dorycephalus , n. g., id. p. 75 (to include 2 spp. described as Leptocotis). Streetsia carinata , n. sp., id . p. 87, pis. iii & iv. ^Cranocephalus, n. g., goesi, n. sp., id. p. 94, pi. iv. * Stebbingella, n. g., tMeli, n. sp., id. p, 101, pi. v. Xiphocephalidce , n. fam., id. p. 114. _^Xiphocephalu8 lilljeborgi, n. sp.> id. p. 131, pi. vii. * Metaprotella , n. g., with n. spp. If. excentrica and M. problematical Mayer, p. 24. \Dentella , n. g., with n. spp, D. calif omica and D. venenosa , id. p. 27. * Paradentella, n. g., bulentata , n. sp., id. p. 29. ^ Tritella , n. g., pilimana, n. sp., id. p. 30. J Pseudceginella, n. g., = AEginella, Stebbing ; id. p. 37. i Parmpalpus , n. g., Zmea, n. sp., zVZ. p. 38. TH0RAC1P0DA. GNATHOPODA. Crust. 15 vllemicegina , n. g., minuta , n. sp., id. p. 40. ’■'Paracaprclla , n. g.,pusilla , n. sp., id. p. 41. Caprella rapax, C. telarpax , C. hirsuta, C. mitis , C. etiimia , (7. dCantho- g aster, C. rhopalochir , C. drepanochir , C. bispinosa , C. gracillima , (7. irregularis , (7. simplex , (7. subinermis, C. decipiens, (7. monoceros, n. spp., id. pp. 76-87. w Liropus , n. g., with n. spp. L. elongatus and jL. minimus ; p. 89-. Podalirius minutus , n. sp., erf. p. 93. Hippomedon propinquus , n. sp., Sars, (2) p. 57, pi. xxi. Orchomene amblyops , n. sp., p. 65, pi. xxv. 0. grimaldii , ii; sp.> Chevreux (1). 0. hauseni, n. sp., Meinert, p. 153, pi. i. Ilyperia dubia , n. sp., G-. Thomson, p. 263. Lepidepecreum mirabile, n. sp., Meinert, p. 153, pi. i. Tryphosa erosa , T. serra, n. spp., id. p. 155, pi. i. Harpinia antennaria, n> sp., id. p. 160. ^ Chimceropsis danica , n. g. & sp., id. p. 167. Cheirocratus drecliselii , n, sp., eW. p. 170. Sub-class 2. GNATHOPODA = ENTOMOSTRACA. Legion 1. BUA NCHIOPODA . Order 1. PHYLLOPODA. Btancliippus ( Chirocephalus ) cervicornis , n. sp., Weltner. f Ceratiocaris pusilla , n. sp., Etheridge. From the Silurian rocks of N. Brunswick, where it is very °hundant. Order 2. OLADOCEUA. 1 Daphnia schmaclceri , n. sp., Poppe & Richard, (1) p. 74. i7. dentatd j n. sp., Matile, p. 117, figs. 3 & 4. Bosmina japonica, n. sp., Poppe & Richard, p. 76. Ceriodaphnia setosa , n. sp., Matile, p. 128, fig. 17. Macrothrix borysthenica , n. sp., id. p. 166, fig* 50. Legion 2. LOPEYROFODA . Order 3. OSTRACODA. f Primitia humilior , fP. morgani , fP. ulrichi , fP. whitfieldi, it. spp.j Jones, (1) pp. 5-10, pi. iv. fP. clarkei , fP. walcotti, fp; billingsiis n. spp., id. (3) pp. 535, 543, & 547. 16 Crust . CRUSTACEA. 'fEntomia rhomboidea , n. sp., id. (1) p. 10. j E. richteri , id., (2) p. 821. "fStrepula sigmoidalis , n. sp., id. (1) p. 11. f $. plantar is, id., (3) p. 540. 'f Isochilena lineata , f/. (?) fabacea , n. spp., s'd., (1) p. 21, pi. ii. f Leperditia claypolei , n. sp., id., (1) p. 25, pi. iii. f L. frontalis, n. sp., id., (3) p. 547. *j 'Xestolebris wrigJitii, n. sp., id., (1) p. 28, pi. iv. X. gracilis , n. sp., Brady, (2) p. 508. ■\Beyrichia hallii , n. sp., Jones, (1) p. 15. f B. subquadtata , f B. holmo- dini , j* B. diffusa , n. spp., id. (3) pp. 537 & 546, pi. xx. f Bollia bilobata , f B. hindei, f B. semilunata , n. spp., id. (3) pp. 540 & <548. , f Octonaria linnarssoni, n. sp., id., p. 541. r -j- Ulrichia n. g., conradi n. sp., id. p. 544. j ’Bythocypris (?) lindstroemi and f B. (?) obtusa , n. spp., uL p. 548. "\Buirdia anticostiensis, n. sp., id. p. 548. B. truncata, B. nodulifera , n. spp., Brady, (2) p. 494, pis. i & ii. ■j* Macrocypris (?) subcylindrica , n. sp., Jones, (3) p. 549. j* Polycope sublenticularis , n. sp., id. p. 550. Pontocypris gracilis , n. sp., Brady, (2) p. 491, pi. i. Anchistrocheles fumata, n. sp., id. p. 497. Cythere crenata, C. ochracea , C. injlata , C. caudata, C. scotti , C. cuneolus, C. torticollis, C. deltoides , C. infundibulata, C. labiata, C. ichthyoderma, ■O. quadriserialis , n. spp., id., pp. 497-504, pi. ii. Limnicythere fijiensis , n. sp., id. p. 505. Cytheridea Jlavescens , C. consobrina , n. spp., id. p. 506. Loxoconcha gracilis , n. sp., id., p. 506. Cytherura marcida , C. entomon , C. scutellata , n. spp., id. p. 508, pi, iii. Cytheropteron coccoides, C. rude, C. longicaudatum, C , guttatum , C. (?) trilobites, n. spp., id. p. 510. Paradoxostoma ovatum , P.novce-caledonice , P. retnsum, n . spp., «W. p. 512. Philomedes vellicata, n. sp., id., p. 513, Pleoschisma, n. g., with n. spp., P. robusta , P. inorokles , P. reticulata , ie?. p. 513. Asterope cylindrica, A. australis , n. spp., ec?. p. 515, pi. iv. ^ Btreptoleberis n. g., crenulata n. sp., p. 515, pi. iv* Sarsiella sculpta, S. simplex , rudis, S.foveata, n. spp*, id. p. 516, Cytherella (?) tumida , n. sp., id. p. 518. Ptalooypris dubia , n. sp., Muller, (2) p. 269, pi. xxviii. Conchoecia striata, C. cuneata , C. oblonga, C. variabilis, C. roduntata, C. caudata , n. spp., id. p. 270. ^ Buconchcecia n. g., chierchii n. sp., id. p. 277, pi. xxviii. 'fCyphaspis acanthina, n. sp., CoiGNU. j* Gurtonotus antiquus , n. sp., Ristori. Cypridinu hilgendorffi, n. sp., Muller, (1) p. 228, pis. xxv-xxvii. ^ Pyrocypris , n, g., with n. spp. chierchice, rivilli, mollis, punctata , ameri- cana, japonica , id. p. 230. Philomedes japonica, P. sordida, n. spp., id. p. 236, pis. xxv-xxvii. Asterope brevis, A. americana, A. hilgendorffi, A.fusca,n. spp., id. p. 239. GNATHOPODA, MORPHOLOGY. Crust. 1 7 Older 4. COPEPODA. Canu (3). Diaptomus lovcni, n. sp., de Guerne & Richard, (1) p. 177. D. allu- ardi , n. sp., iid. (2). Sapphir n. g., rostratus n. sp., Car, p. 268, pi. xiv. Dahl observes that Lazar has redescribed Brady’s sp. Gonyopsyllus rostratus under the title of “ Sapphir , a new Copepod from Trieste.” IJersiliodes canuehsis , n. sp., Bourne, (2) p. 379, pi. xxv. . BoecJcella , n. g., de Guerne & Richard, (3) p. 151 (to include Diapto- mus brasiliensis , Lubbock, and Bosclcia triasticulata, G. M. Thomson). Monstrilla longispinosa , n. sp., Bourne (3). Bradya edwardsii , n. sp., Richard (1). dSchniackeria forbesi , n. g. & sp., Poppe & Richard (2). Lepeoptheirus huttoni , n. sp., Thomson, (2) p. 354, pis. xxviii & xxix. Dinematura hamiltoni , n. sp., id. p. 357, pi. xxv ; also D. neo-zealanica , n. sp., and D. carcharodonti, n. sp., id. Lernanthropus percis, n. sp., id. p. 366, pl.xxvii. Penella histiophori , n. sp., id. p. 368, pi. xxviii. Lernea lotellce, n. sp., id. p. 369, pi. xxviii. Lesteira 7croyerif n. sp., id. p. 370, pi. xxviii. Chondr acanthus chilomycteri , C. genypteri , C. lotellai, n. spp., id. p. 371, pi. xxviii. Lernceopoda mustcli, n. sp., id. p. 373, pi. xxviii. Brachiella parker it n. sp., id. p. 374, pi. xxviii. Legion 3. ANCHORACEPIIALA. Order 5. CIRRHIPEDIA. 'i Dmdrogaster astericola , n. g. & sp., Knipowitscii. See also Yan Ben eden. III.— MORPHOLOGY. General. Mayer deals with the Morphology of the Caprellidce on pp. 104-151 of his monograph. Bonnier (1) discusses the dimorphism of the males of Orchestia littorea and Bathyporeia pilosa. Blanc has described two forms of 0. littorea} of which Bonnier shows only one — that with swollen moropodito and carpopodito on the seventh peroiopod — to be functionally sexual. Bonnier believes that the form described by Spence Bate as Bathy- poreia robertsoni is the sexually mature male of B. pilosa , which is an J 890. [vol. xxvii.] e 2 18 Crust. CRUSTACEA. immature male form. B. pelagica , Spence Bate, must be considered as the female of the same species. Bouvier (5, G) compares the structure of Dromia with that of more normal Brachyura , with special reference to the vascular system. Pouchet (1) has found females of Dias longiremis infested throughout almost all the spaces of the body by parasitic masses of granular proto- plasm which, when passed out at the anus, develop into active biflagellate forms. Sars (1) gives a minute account, with anatomical drawings of the larval stages, of the following species of the Crangonidce : — Crangon vulgaris, C. allmanni. Cheraphilus echinulatus , C. nanus. Pontophilus spinosus, P. norvegicus. Sabinea septemcarinata. Sclerocrangon boreas. Habits . Newly-hatched Nauplii of Balanus seek the light, or are positively heliotropic, when the light is subdued. If the light is strong, they become negatively heliotropic. Both ends of the spectrum are effective, but the violet rays exercise the stronger influence. The tendency towards migration is not inherent, since it does not take place while the light is constant. These facts serve to explain the daily migration, to and from the surface, of pelagic fauna. Groom & Loeb. Thompson (1) finds the use of the electric light very valuable in drawing rare species of minute Crustaceans from their retreats. See also Sterry, Hargitt, Herdmann, Holt, Weiss. Sense Organs . An examination of the eyes of Cambarus setosus, a blind Crayfish from the caves of Missouri, and of C. pellucidus , from the Mammoth Cave, establishes the presence of an optic ganglion and nerve in both species. C. pellucidus presents more distinct retinal traces. Parker, S. H. (2). Beddard (1) continues his researches on the structure of the eye of Isopoda. [See Zool. Rec. xxv, Crust. , Beddard.] The type now discussed is Arcturus. The shallow water forms {A. furcatus , A. ameri- canus, A. studeri ) have clear and transparent lenses. In some of the deep water forms an opacity in the lens is apparent. In others the lens is reduced in size and altered in shape. The retinula cells are small, a pos- sible indication of degeneration, while the rhabdom is relatively large in the deep sea forms. Respiratory Organs and Appendages. Bouvier (1) finds that the blood distributed by the a ntennary arteries to the carapace of Becapoda does not pass to the gills, but is returned MORPHOLOGY. Crust. 19 direct to the pericardium. As in Mysis forms, the membrane of the carapace is used as a respiratory organ. This organ permits land-crabs to live long out of the water. Andrews has experimented upon crabs, with a view to investigating their power of throwing off limbs. The action has its reflex nervous centre in the thoracic mass. Autotomy always occurs at a fixed spot — in the second joint of the appendage. This spot may correspond to the second joint of Macrura , as the second and third segments of the macruran appendage are fused in Bracliyura. There is a definite plane of rupture, with a modification of the exoskeleton and an internal mem- branous septum. Excretory Organs. Marchal (1) has some new observations on the green glands of the Crayfish. The septa of the saccule are so arranged that its cavity has a racemose form, the two main lobes being separated by a large median septum. The green substance is a plexus of anastomosing canals giving off diverticula which end in ampullae. With regard to the white sub- stance, Wassiliew’s views are maintained, as against those of Szigethy and Rawitz. Marchal describes the excretory organs of various decapod forms : Carcinus (1), Homarus , Palcemon , Pagurus, Galathea, Stenorhyncus (2), Palinurus , Gebia , and Crangon (3). Marchal (4) considers: — (1) That the operculum of the excretory orifice of Bracliyura is homologous with the first joint of the antennae of Macrura. (2) The basilar peduncle of the antenna consists funda- mentally of five joints in both groups. (3) The exopodite exists in a rudimentary form in many types ( e.g Galathea ), where it is generally considered to be absent. Alimentary System. Costes discusses the glands connected with the alimentary canal of Decapoda. He finds in some forms, but not in Macrura , a gland hitherto undescribed, at the anterior part of the sternal plastron. It is analogous to the intestinal glands, but its cells are filled with numerous spherical globules. The external opening of the gland is either on the sternal plate, or just in front of the first maxillipede. Generation and Development. Herrmann has studied the spermatoblasts of Decapoda. He obtained satisfactory results by placing the contents of the testicles in a drop of blood-serum from the animal, and exposing them to the vapour of strong osmic acid. The male ovule is described, and its division by karyokinesis into spermatoblasts, which, again, develope into spermatozoids. The forms peculiar to various decapod types are described. 20 Crust . CRUSTACEA. ILecker observes four stages in the egg of Cyclops immediately pre- vious to fertilization : — (a.) There is a single large macronucleus or two smaller macronuclei, much vacuolated. Near by there are two small faintly coloured micronuclei. There are eight pairs of parallel threads scattered throughout the egg. (b.) The nuclear-membrane has dis- appeared. The macronucleus is diminished in size, but the micronuclei are still present. The threads have arranged themselves in four pairs at either pole, (c.) Eight rod-like chromosomes, apparently derived from the threads observed in a. and b., are seen in the membraneless nucleus. Near the nucleus an isolated mass of protoplasm appears, (d.) A distinct spiudle-shaped figure is formed, four of the chromosomes moving off towards either pole. Solger has observed the formation of both polar bodies in the case of numerous eggs of Balanus improvisus. The phenomena are similar to those described by Nussbaum as occurring in the case of Pollicipes. Leichmann opposes Rosenstadt’s view that the oviposition of Asellina exactly resembles that of Ouiscus. The genital orifices do not disappear at the ecdysis which follows fertilization, but are hidden by brood- lamellae. Fertilization takes place in the ovary, the middle part of the oviduct previously swelling to form a receptaculum seminis. Parker (1) deals with the minute structure and development of the eye of the lobster. With regard to the general type of structure, he dis- agrees with the views of Patten, Reichenbach, and Kingsley, and con- siders that the retina is formed from a thickened portion of the hypoder- mis which undergoes no involution. Whatever involution takes place probably concerns the optic ganglion alone. Lebedinski describes the development of the crab Eriphya spinifrons as far as the zocea stage. A thick germinal disc appears, which gives rise to all three layers. Two new independent thickenings in front of the disc form the cephalic lobes and give rise to the brain, eyes, etc. The subsequent changes in the disc and the cephalic lobes are dealt with in detail. The first appearance and later structure of the heart are described. The rudiments of segmental organs appear shortly before the zooea stage, and resemble homologous structure in Annelids and Mollusca. Herrick has investigated the development of Homcirus , and finds it to resemble strongly that of Alpheus, except in the earlier stages. The pyramid structure of the yolk is not observable. Protoplasm migrates from the centre to the periphery. Gastrulation commences with a small patch of cells at one side of the egg, which contains a circular depression — the blastopore. The naupliar appendages appear nearly simultaneously. The endoblast is established at a late stage, when eight or ten pairs of appendages are visible. Canu (l) finds, in opposition to the views of Claus and Della Yalle, that the Copepod genus Enlerocola is without mandibles. These append- ages are lost during the passage from the last nauplian to the first cvclo- poid stage. In the female, the second cyclopoid stage is that at which the parasite seeks its host, thereafter to become stationary. This is not the MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, CLASSIFICATION. Gmst. 21 case with the male, which more approaches the semi- parasitic form of Notodelphys. Canu (2) briefly discusses the stages of the development of the Noto- delphydcc and the Enterocolidce parasitic on Ascidians. The female appa- ratus of the Malacostraca is normally double, though fusion has taken place in most of the Decapoda. Of this gropp the Peneidce are the most primitive. Among the Brachyura vagina and receptaculum seminis are present, correlated with an intromittent organ iu the male. The female organs of various types are described in detail. Canu (1). IV.— PHYSIOLOGY. Blanchard (1) has investigated the colouring matter of the bright red Diaptomus bacillifer. It was obtained iu the form of a powder which, on exposure to air, gradually faded to a brick red, then to yellow, and finally to white, even when kept in the dark. Its behaviour under reagents strongly resembled that of Carotine. For the occurrence of cellulose in Arthropoda , see Ambronn (1). Rutherford discusses the microscopical appearances of the striped muscle of the crab and lobster. He maintains, in opposition to Melland and Gehuchten, that the sarcous matter essentially consists of contractile fibrils, with an interstitial substance between them. The protoplasm of the fibrils appears homogeneous, but it really forms a network with fluid in its interstices. Of the alternate segments of the fibrils, “ Bowman’s elements ” are the longest and the only really con- tractile. Their appearance and behaviour during contraction are minutely described. The metallic brilliancy of the Sapphirinidai is due to interference resulting from their films. The colours are not those of a grating. Beneath the chitinous investment there is a layer of crystals, which probably increase the intensity of the colours by furnishing a strongly reflecting surface. Ambronn (2). V.— CLASSIFICATION. Hansen discusses the characteristics of the Cirolana-Cymothoa group, which he divides, chiefly on the basis of their mouth structure, into the six following families : Cirolanidce, Corallanidai. Alcironidm , Bary- brotidoj, AEgidcc, and Cymothoidcc. The characteristics of each family are briefly given, and the Cymothoidce are then dealt with in detail. Bovallius (1) publishes a monograph on the Oxycephalids. A his- torical introduction, with a useful bibliography, is followed by a discussion of the systematic position of the group. On the basis of the shape, point of fixture, and flagellum of the first pair of antennae, he divides the Ilyperidca into — I, Rzcticorma ; n, Filicornia ; III, Curvicornia. The last 22 Crust. CRUSTACEA. group includes the Platyscelidce , Phorcidce , and Oxycephalidce of Spence Bate. Bovallius divides it into eight families, including the Oxycephalidce. These are defined as having the telson coalesced with the last ural seg- ment, and the seventh pair of pereiopoda complete, and not transformed. Bourne (3) considers Monstrilla to be a free-swimming and not a parasitic form. It may be an ephemeral reproducing form, with a pre- daceous larva, but the young forms taken by Norman scarcely support this view. The Monstrillidce may be classed as a subfamily of the Corycceidce. The genus Monstrilla is re-defined, and six species recognized. . VI. — GrEO GRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. General. Mayer deals with the geographical distribution of the Caprellidce on pp. 94-103 of his monograph. The distribution of freshwater Calanidec is discussed by de Guerne & Richard (4). Imiiof, 0. E. (3) enumerates 29 species and 4 varieties of the genus Bosmina. Only two of the species are extra-European, B. rnacrorhynca from Egypt, and B. striata from N. America. De Guerne & Richard exhibit, by means of a map and a tabulated list, the distribution of 77 species of freshwater Calanidce. Only one (Diaptomus) of the ten genera appears to be cosmopolitan. Six genera have been found in the northern hemisphere only. The Calanidce of the north seas are able to bear great cold, and much alteration in the saltness of the water. This seems particularly to have been the case with Biap- tomus. The freshwater are derived from the marine forms. British Isles. Crustacea taken off the S.W. of Ireland ; Bourne (1). Surface collections from the N. Sea, and from the W. of Scotland ; id. (2). Brachyura from Cornwall ; Cornish. Palaeozoic Ostracoda from Wales and Ireland ; Jones (1)1 Some Crustacea from the Forth ; Scott. Copepoda from Liverpool Bay ; Thompson, J. C. European. Pelagic Crustacea from the G. of Marseilles ; Gourret. Terrestrial Isopocla of Marseilles ; Aubert, &c. JDecapoda from the G. of Naples ; Cano (2). Epicarklce from the G. of Naples ; Giard & Bonnier (2). Copepoda from the neighbourhood of Boulogne ; Canu (3). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Crust. 23 French Isopoda ; Dollfus (3). Swiss forms of Diaptomus ; Imiiof (4). Ostracoda (palaeozoic) from France and the Bosphorus ; Jones (3). Crustacea from Mayenne ; LabbiL Cladocera from Moscow ; Matile. Malacostraca from Kanonbad ; Meinert. Entomostraca from Belle Isle, &c. ; Richard. Crustacea of Norway ; Sars (2). Imiiof (1) concludes his account of the pelagic fauna of the mountain lakes of Carinthia. The most uniformly distributed of the Cladocera is Daphnella brachyura , which is only absent in three lakes. Bosmina was represented in sixteen lakes, Daphnia in twelve. Several other Cladocera occurred more rarely, but most of them are really littoral or ground- living, rather than pelagic. The pelagic Copepoda of the Carinthian lakes comprise species of Cyclops and Diaptomus. African and Asiatic. Algerian Crustacea ; Blanchard & Richard. A new Diaptomus from the Congo ; de Guerne & Richard. Entomostraca from Japan and China. Leptodora from Japan ; Fritze. Crustacea from the China Sea ; Pocock (l). Nearctic. N. American Crayfishes ; Faxon. Palaeozoic Ostracoda from N. America, &c. ; Jones (1, 3). Amphipoda from S. Georgia ; Pfeffer (3). ^ N. American palaeozoic Crustacea ; Vogdes. Australasian and Oceanic. Ostracoda from the South Sea Islands ; Brady (2). New Zealand Crustacea ; Thomson, G. M. Freshwater Crayfish from New Zealand ; Chilton. Marine and freshwater Crustacea from Port Jackson ; WiiitelegGE. Arachn. 1 ARACHNIDA. by R. INNES PoCOCKi TITLES OF PAPERS* On Anatom^ Physiology, etc., of Arachnida (s.s.) ( Acari excepted) . Bartels, M. Das Nest einer Yogelspinnen-Art aus Stendal (Nataly Sudost- Africa). SB. Ges. Berl. 1890* pp. 24 & 25. . Ueber die Eierzahl bei Heteropoda sp; aus Natal. T. c. pp; 23 & 24. JBoys, C. Y; Notes on the Habits of some COmmdrl English Spiders; Nature, xliii, pp. 40 & 41. Cambridge, F. O. P; On the Presence of sL Tarsal Comb in Spiders of the Family Theridiidcb. J. Micr; Sc Nat. Sci. July* 1890* pp. 1-11* 2 cuts. Faussek, W; A. Mat6riaux pour servir a l’Embryologie de Phdlarlgium. Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersburg, i, No. 8, pp. 350-352. LauRert* P. (1) Note sur les Organes Lyriformes des ArachnideS; Buli. Soc; Philom. (8) ii, p. 47. — — ; (2) Note sur la Structure Aiiatomique du Peigne des SCorpioiis et des Paquettes CoxalOs des Galdodeis; T. c. p. 57. . (3) Note sur le Mouvement des Membrea et des Poils Articuhjs chez les Arthropodes. T. c . p» ll8. - . (4) Observations nouvelles sur le Mouvement des Membrds et des Poils Tactiles des Arachnides. C.R; Soc. Philom; (8) ii, p; 15; GReve, C. Beobachtungen an einer lebenden Yogelspinne ( Mygale sp.). Zodl. JB. v* pt. 1, pp. 179-183; Henking, H. Die Wolfspinne hnd ihre EicOcon. Eine bidlogische Studie; T. c. pp; 185-210. Ki^hInouye, E. On the Deveioprtient of Araneina. J; Coll. Sci; Japan, iv, pp; 55-58. Laurie, M. The Embryology Of the Scorpion ( Euscorpins italicus). Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 105-141, pis. xiii-xviii; * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] E 3 ARACHNIDA. 2 Arachn. Lucas, H. (1) [On the Eggs of Galeodes.'] Bull. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. lvii & lviii. . (2) Sur la F6condite du Genre du Scorpion. T. c. p. xlvi. McCook, H. C. American Spiders and their Spinning Work : a Natural History of the Orb-Weaving Spiders of the United States, with special regard to their Industry and Habits. Vol. II. Philadelphia : 1890. Patten, W. On the Origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 317-378, pis. xxiii & xxiv. Peckham, G. W. & E. G. Additional Observations on Sexual Selec- tion in Spiders of the Family Attidce , with some Remarks on Mr. Wallace’s Theory of Sexual Ornamentation. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wis- consin, 1890, pp. 117-151. Polj^jaieff, N. Sur la Phylogenie des Araneina. R^ponse a M. W. Wagner. Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersburg, i, No. 8, p. 363. Sciiimkewitscii, W. R^ponse M. W. Wagner. T. c. pp. 413-417. Tarnani, J. Etude sur l’Anatomie des Thelyphonides. T. c. pp. 212-219. Wagner, W. (1) R6ponse M. Schimkewitsch h propos de son Etude Critique sur les “ Recherches sur les Araneina .” T. c. pp. 322-325. . (2) Untersuchungen iiber Araneina. Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Peters- burg, xxi, liv. i, No. 3, pp. 1-239, pis. i & ii. Warburton, C. The Spinning Apparatus of Geometric Spiders. Q. J. Micr. Sci. pp. 29-39, pi. v. Titles of Faunistic and Systematic Papers of Arachnida (Acari excepted). Balzan, L. Revisione dei Pseudoscorpioni del bacino dei fiumi Parang e Paraguay nelP America meridionale. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix (1890), pp. 401-451, pis. xiii-xvii. Birula, A. (1) Zur Kenntniss der Russischen Galeodiden. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 204-209. * . (2) Materialen zur Fauna der Solpugen Russlands. Arb. Lab. z. Kab. Petersb. 1890, No. 2. Cambridge, O. P. On the British Species of Phalangidea , or Harvest- Men. P. Dorset Field Club, 1890, pp. 161-216, 5 pis. Heyden, L. Verzeichnis der Arachniden, welche die Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaf t in der letzen Zeit erhielt. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, pp. 131-136. Keyserling, E. Die Arachniden Australiens nach der Natur beschrieben u. abgebildet. Pt. 37. Niirnberg (Bauer & Raspe) : 1890. Lendl, A. Descriptiones Araneidarum trium minus cognitarum. Term, fiizetek, xiii, pt. i, pp. 8-11, ph i. TITLES OF PAPERS. Arachn. 3 Marx, G. (1) Catalogue of the Described Aranece of Temperate North America. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 497-594. . (2) On a New Species of Spider of the Genus Dinopis , from the Southern United States. P. Ac. Philad. 1889, pp. 341-343. Pocock, R. I. (1) A Revision of the Genera of Scorpions of the Family But/iidai, with Descriptions of some S. African Species. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 114-141, 2 pis. . (2) Report upon a Small Collection of Scorpions (and Centipedes) sent from Madras by Mr. Edgar Thurston, &c. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 236-244. . (3) Description of a New Genus and Species of Scorpion belong- ing to the Group Jurini. T. c. pp. 250-252. . (4) Description of Two New Species of Scorpions brought by Emin Pasha from the Inland Parts of East Africa. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 98-101. Scudder, S. H. Illustrations of the Carboniferous Arachnida of North America, of the Orders Anthracomarti and Pedipalpi. Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, pp. 444-455. Simon, E. (1) Etude sur les Arachnides de 1’ Yemen. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 77-124. . (2) Etude sur les Arachnides recueillis par M. L. von Hohnel . . . dans l’Afrique orientale equatoriale en 1887-1888. T.c. pp. 125-130. . (3) Arachnides recueillis aux lies Mariannes par M. A. Marche. T. c. pp. 131-136. Tarnani, J. Ueber die Thclyplioniden aus den Sammlungen einiger Russischer Museen. Hor, Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp, 511-539. Tiiorell, T. (1) Studi sui Ragni Malesi e Papuani. Pt. iv. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) viii, 1889—1890, pp. 1-419. . (2) Aracnidi di Nias e di Sumatra raccolti nel 1886 dal Sig. E. Modigliani. Op. cit. x, pp. 5^106. . (3) Diagnoses Aranearum aliquot novarum in Indo-Malesia invent- arum. T. c. pp. 132-172. . (4) Aracnidi di Pinang raccolti nel 1889 dai signori L. Loria e L. Fea. T. c. pp. 269-383. Wagner, W. [A new Tarantula ] Lycosa opifex. Bull. Congr. Nat. Petersb. (Zool.) viii, pp. 33-38 ; also Bull. Mosc. 1890, No. 4, pp. 626- 632, pi. xvi. Weed, C. M. (1) A new Harvest Spider. Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 1102- 1104. . (2) The Black Harvest Spider. T. c. xxiv, pp. 683-685. . (3) A new Phalangium. T. c. pp. 783-785. . (4) The Long-legged Harvest Spider. T. c. pp. 866 & 867. . (5) The Harvest Spiders of North America. T. c. pp. 914-918. 4 Arac/m. ARACHNIDA. DISTRIBUTION. Pal iE arctic Region. Britain. Cambridge ( Opiliones ). Russia. Birula ( Solpugce ). Hungary. Lendl ( Tetragnathidce ). Germany , Crete, Tenerijfe. Heyden (Aran ecu). Arabia. Simon (1) ( Arachnida ). Ethiopian Region. Simon (2) ( Arachnida ). Pocock (1, 4) ( Scorpiones ). Oriental Region. India, Pocock (2, 3) ( Scorpiones ). Malaysia and Papua. Tiiorell (1, 3) (Aranece). Sumatra and Nias. Tiiorell (2) ( Arachnida ). Penang. Tiiorell (4) {Arachnida) . Australian Region. Marianne Is. Simon (3). Oahu , Sydney , Peak Downs. Keyserling (Aranece). Ne arctic Region. Marx (1, 2) (Aranece). Weed (1-5) ( Opiliones ). Sc udder (Carboniferous Arachnida). Neotropical Region. Balzan (Pseudo scorpiones). ARANECE. Epeirhle. Gastracantha, notes on the genus and allied genera and subgenera, pp. 44-46 ; Thorell (1). Gastracantha mengei , Keys., syn. malayensis , Sim., Borneo, Sumatra, &c.} pp. 46 & 47 ; fornicata (Fabr.), Java, Borneo, &c., pp. 47—5.1 ; bubula , n. var., Sumatra, pp. 49 & 51; vittata, Thor., Java, Sumatra, Borneo, &c., pp. 51-53 ; montana , n. sp., Singalang, pp. 53-55 ; devia , Sim., syn. harpax , Cambr., Sarawak, pp. 56 & 57 ; butleri, Thor., ? syn. annulipes , Gieb., Celebes, p. 57 ; leucomelcena (Dol.), Sumatra, Java, pp. 58-61 ; cuspidata , C. Koch, Java, pp. 61 & 62 ; brevispina (Dol.), with syns., Java, Sumatra, pp. 63-65 ; id. (1): schweinfurthi , n. sp., Meuatha (Arabia), p. 100 ; lepida , Cambr., Massana, p. 100; Simon (1). Plectana arcuata (Fabr.), Borneo, Sumatra, &c., pp. 65-68; blackwallii , Keys., Borneo, Sumatra, pp. 68-70 ; hasseltii (C. Koch), with syns., Java, Sumatra, pp. 70-75 ; Thorell (1). Paraplectana maritata , Cambr., syn. nigroanalis , Hasselt, Samatra, p. 76 ; id. (1). ARANEdS. Arachn. 5 Stanneoclavis latronum, n. sp., pp. 133 & 134, Agrigan and Grani ; Simon (3). Gcerostris paradoxa (Dol.), ? syn. mitralis, Vins., Java, pp. 77 & 78 ; Tiiorell (1). Cyrtarachne perspicillata (Dol.), Java, Sumatra, pp. 78 & 79 ; Icevis , Thor., Celebes, pp. 79-81 ; lepida, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 80-82 ; id. ( 1) : coccinella, n. sp., Nias, pp. 27-34 ; id. (2). Poltys elevatus , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 82-87 ; columnani , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 87-90 ; id. (1) : pygmceus, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 29-32 ; id. (2). Argiope catenulata (Dol.), syn. opulenta , Thor., stellata , Stol., Java, Sumatra, pp. 90-92 ; chelifera (Hass.), Sumatra, pp. 92-94 ; cemula (Walck.), Java, &c., p. 94 ; versicolor (Dol.), Java, Sumatra, pp. 95-98 ; pumila, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 99 & 100 ; id. (1) : clarki , Blckw., Djebel Milhan (Arabia), p. 101 ; nigripes , n. sp., Agaos (Ethiopia), p. 101 ; Simon (1). Gea {Ebcca') subai'mata,n.sp., Sarawak, Java, &c., pp. 101-104 ; decorala , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 104-107 ; guttata , n. sp. , Sumatra, pp. 107-109 ; Thorell (1). 1 Enetira , n. g., pp. 109 & 110, type moluccensis (Dol.) ; forbesii , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 111-115 ; id. (1). Cyrtophora acalyphoides, Sim., Aden, p. 102 ; Simon (1). ^ Cnodalia , n. g., pp. 115 & 116 ; harpax , u. sp., Sumatra, pp. 116-120 ; Tiiorell (1). Epeira gonida , n. var. virens, Java, p. 120; virguncula, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 121 & 122 ; caistata, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 122-125 ; de haanii , Dol., syn. spectabilis, Dol., kandarensis, Thor., Sumatra, Celebes, &c., pp. 1 25— 127 ; diazoma , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 127-130 ; origena , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 130-135 ; nephileodesy n. sp., ? Java, pp. 136 & 137 ; prospiciens , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 138-143 ; soronis , ? syn. triangula , Hass., Sumatra, pp. 143-146 ; punctigera, Dol., Java, Celebes, &c., pp. 147 & 148 ; pullata , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 148-150 ; theisii , Walck, Java, India, &c., pp. 150 & 151 ; inusta , L. Koch, syn. weyersii, Sim., Sumatra, pp. 151-154 ; prasia , n. sp., Java, pp. 154-156 ; herbea, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 156-158 ; pupula , n. sp., loc. ?, pp. 159-161 ; seriata , Thor., Java, pp. 161-164 ; petax , n.sp., loc. V, pp. 164-167; laglaizei, Sim., n. var. ecaudata , Sumatra, pp. 167 & 168; centrodeSy n.sp., Sumatra, pp. 169-173; spathura, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 173-175; anseripeSy Walck, Indo-Malaysia, pp. 175 & 176 ; caligata , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 176-179 ; id. (1) : hemicrcera , n. sp., Penang, pp. 301- 304; id. (4) : suedicola , n. sp., Cheikh Othman (Arabia), p. 103 ; nautica , L. Koch, Aden, pp. 103 & 104 ; modesta , n. sp., Aden, pp. 104 & 105; Simon (1) : bertlcaui, n. sp., p. 233, pi. xxi, fig. 1 ; Keyserling. Milonia , n. g., pp. 179 & 180, brevipes , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 180-183 ; tri/asciata, n. sp., Java, pp. 183-187 ; Tiiorell (1). Nephilengys malabarensis , Walck, n. var. annulipes , Sumatra, Java, pp. 188 & 189 ; id. (1). Nephila schweiufurthi , n. sp., Djebel Milhan, p. 105 ; Simon (1). 6 Arachn. ARACHNIDA. Larinia diluta (Thor.), syn. Lipocrea diluta , Thor., Nias, Sumatra, pp. 24-26 ; Tiiorell (2). ^ Callinethis, n. g., for C. grata (Guer.), type fastuosa , Thor., auro-cincta , Thor, (sub Meta), pp. 191-193 ; erf. (1) ; supcrba , n. sp., Nias, pp. 15-18 ; (2). Argyroepeira hasseltii, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 194-196 ; nigro-vittata (Dol.), Sumatra, pp. 196-198 ; argentina (Hass.), Sumatra, pp. 199 & 200 ; id. (1) : n. var. nigriceps , Pinang, p. 297 ; id. (4) ; scalaris , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 200-204 ; stictopyga , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 204-206 ; gemmea (Hass.), Sumatra, pp. 206 & 207 ; id. (1): quadrifasciata, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 18-21 ; emertonii , n. sp., Nias, pp. 22-24 ; id. ( 2). 1 'JOrsinome , n. g., p. 208, type vethii (Hass.), Sumatra, pp. 209-214 ; id. (1). Tetragnathid^. Tetragnatha fronto , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 214-217 ; hesseltii , n. sp., Celebes, pp. 217-221 ; mandibu lata , Walck, Java, pp. 221-223 ; Thorell (1) : nigrita , Lendl, Hungary, pp. 9 & 10, figs. 6-8 ; Lendl. Eucta lutescem , Lendl, Hungary, pp. 8 & 9, pi. i, figs. 1-5 ; id. : javana , n. sp., Java, pp. 336-338 ; Thorell (1). Eugnatha picta, Lendl, Hungary, pp. 10 & 11, pi. i, figs. 9-11 ; Lendl. v Limoxera , n. g., pp. 223 & 224, lineatai n. sp., loc. ?, pp. 224-227 ; gracillima , n. sp., Sumatra, pp, 227-230 ; marginata, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 230-232 ; Tiiorell (1) ; chauliodus , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 292-295 ; id. (4). |/ Mitoscelis, n. g., pp, 232-233, aculeata, n. sp., Java, pp. 233-235 ; id. (4). Uloboridj]. Uloborus trifasciatus, n. sp., Nias, pp. 12-14 ; Tiiorell (2): punctiventris, n. sp., Aden, p. 84 ; Simon (1) : pantherinus , n.sp., Sydney, p. 234, pi. xxi, fig. 2 ; Keyserling, Ckyptotheliml Cryptoihele sundaica , n, sp., Pinang, pp. 305-308 ; Thorell (4) : marchei , n. sp., Guam, p. 132 ; doreyana, n. sp., New Guinea, p. 132 ; Simon (3). CEcobiid^e. CEcobiun petronius, n, sp., Aden, p. 85 ; Simon (1). Miagrammophx®. Miagrammopes caudata , n. sp., Peak Downs, pp. 253 & 254, pi. xxiii, fig. 5 ; Keyserling. ARANEjE. At acini. 7 Theridiid m. Phoroncidia aciculata, Thor., Celebes, p. 240 ; hexacantha , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 240-243 ; lygouna (Walck.), syn. acrosomoides, Hass., Sumatra, pp. 243-247 ; Thorell (1). Argyrodes sumatranus, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 247-250 : miniaceus (Dol.), pp. 247 & 248 (in note) ; Thorell (1) : incisifrons , n. sp., Bowen, pp. 246 & 247, pi. xxii, figs. 5 & 6 ; Keyserling. Linyphia becarii, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 250-254 ; phyllopliora , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 254-256 ; id. t. c. Thwaitesia argentcita, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 256-259; id. t. c. Chrysso (?) quadrata , Cambr., Sumatra, pp. 259-262 ; alearia, n. sp., Java, pp. 262 & 263 ; id. t. c. T/ieridium trigonicum, n. sp., Sumatra, Java, pp. 263-265 ; oxyurum, n. sp., Java, pp. 266 & 267 ; biseriatim , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 267-270 ; tepidariorum, C. Koch, Sumatra, pp. 270 & 271 ; rufipes, Luc., Sumatra, pp. 271-273 ; zonulatum, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 273-275 ; decem-maculatum, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 275-277 ; ludekingii , n. sp., Java, pp. 277-279 ; Thorell (1) : incanescens , n. sp., Aden, p. 97 ; dialeucon, n. sp., Aden, pp. 97 & 98 ; fruticum, n. sp., Aden, p. 99 ; Simon (1) : convexum , n. sp., Peak Downs, &c., pp. 241 & 242, pi. xxii, fig. 1 ; properum , n. sp., Sydney, pp. 242 & 243, pi. xxii, fig. 2 ; extrilidum, n. sp., Sydney, pp. 244 & 245, pi. xxii, fig. 3 ; gigantipes , n. sp., Middle Harbour, pp. 245 & 246, pi. xxii, fig. 4 ; Keyserling. ** Helvidia, n. g., pp. 279 & 280, scabricula , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 280-283 ; Thorell (1). Lasceola pulicaria, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 283-285 ; picta, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 285-287 ; id. t. c. ^ Stethopoma, n. g., pp. 288 & 289 ; cingulatum , n. sp., Java, Sumatra, pp. 289-293 ; id. t. c. * Ozaleus, n. g., pp. 293 & 294, tarandus , n. sp., ? loc. ; id. t. c. Lathrodectus hystrix , n. sp., Aden, p. 99 ; geometricus , C. Koch, Aden, pp. 99 & 100 ; Simon (1). Ulesanis sextuberculata , n. sp., Gayndah, pp. 235 & 236, pi. xxii, fig. 3 ; Keyserling. Wirada rotunda, n. sp., Peak Downs, pp. 236 & 237, pi. xxi, fig. 4 ; id. Ariamnes colubrinus , n. sp., Peak Downs, pp. 237-239, pi. xxi, fig. 5 ; id. ^ Tobesoa , n. g., p. 241, theridioides, n. sp., Sydney, &c., pp. 240 & 241, pi. xxi, fig. 6 ; id. Euryopis elegans , n. sp., Peak Downs, pp. 249 & 250, pi. xxiii, fig. 1 ; id. Lathys alba, n. sp., Sydney, pp. 250 & 251, pi. xxiii, fig. 2 ; maculata , n. sp., p. 251, pi. xxiii, fig. 3 ; id. Episinus australis , n. sp., Peak Downs, pp. 251-253, pi. xxiii, fig. 1 ; id. PiIOLCIDjE. Pholcus gracillimus, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 298 & 299 ; Thorell (1). Artcma pristina , n. sp., Aden, pp. 93 & 94 ; Simon (1). 8 Arachn. ARACHNIDA. jsmeringopus, n. g., p. 94, lineiventris , n. sp., Aden, p. 95 ; Simon (1). * Ninetis, n. g., pp. 95 & 96, subtilissima , n. sp., Aden, p. 96 ; id. (1). SCYTODIDAl. Scytodes marmorata , L. Koch, Sumatra, &c., pp. 300 & 3Q1 ; Tiiorell (1). Dictis venustdy n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 301-304 ; id. (1) : arabica, n. sp., Cheikli Othm^n (Arabia), pp. 88 & 89 ; perimensis, n. sp., Perim I., pp. 123 & 124 ; Simon (1). P^JjpiM [o] IDAS. [New fam., pp. 304-308 ; Thorell (1).] Phcedima picea , n. sp., Sumatra, pp, 305-310 ; nigra, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 310-312 ; armata, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 313-315 ; Tiiorell (1). * Peramciy n. £*., pp. 315 & 316 ; pallida , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 316-318 ; id. (1). SpARASSJDJL Spariolenus tcer\iatus} n. sp., Nias, pp. 44-47 ; Tiiorell (2). Heteropoda ve^atoria (Linn.), Nias, pp. 47 & 48 ; ipodigliani , n. sp., Nias, pp. 48-53 ; id. (2) : debilis, Thor. ; gracilipes , Thor.; sumatrana , Thor., n. var. montana ; signalia , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 144 & 145 ; obtusa , Thor., Borneo, p. 146 ; id. (3) : furra, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 319-322 ; nebulosa , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 322-325 ; imbecilla , n. n. for debilis , Thor., and lepto- scelisy n n. for grqcilipes , Thor., p. 325 ; id. (4). Palistes melanichnys , n. sp., Nias, pp. 53-56 ; id. (2) : incanusr n. sp., Borneo, p. 146 ; id. (3) : hohneli , n. sp., Kilimanjaro, p, 120 ; Simon (2). Sarotes acolastus} n. sp., Nias, pp. 56-60 ; Tiioreli* (2) : feroxy Thor., loc. ?, p. 147 ; id. (3). Holconia becarii , Thor., Sumatra, p. 147 ; id. (3). Libania scabrieula , Thor., Java, n. var. sulcata , Sumatra ; Icevis, Thor., Sumatra, p. 148 ; arinqulata, Thor. ; armillatay Thor., Sumatra, p. 149 ; id. (3). Dolothymus pqlljduSy Thor., Sumatra, p. 150 ; id. (3). Angceus rhombifer , Thor., Sumatra, p. 150 ; id. (3). Theleticopis modestay n. sp., Pinang, pp. 329-332 ; id. (4). Thomisidac. Camaricus fornicatus , Thor., Sumatra, p. 60 ; Thorell (2). Daradius callidus , n.sp., Nias, pp. 61-63 ; id . (2) : javanus , Thor., Java, p. 151 ; perspicillatus , Thor., Borneo, p. 152 ; id. (3). Phrynarachne decipiens (Forbes), Nias, pp. 63 & 64 ; id. (2). Musceus potitus, Thor., Sumatra, pp. 150 & 151 ; id. (3). . Trnurus eques , Thor., Java, p. 151 ; id. (3) : loriaz , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 333-336 ; id. (4). ARANEJiE. Arachn. 9 Misumena dierythra , Thor., Singapore, p. 152 ; id. (3). Narcceus picinus , Thor., Java, p. 152 ; id. (3). Tharpyna varica, Thor., Java, p. 153; id. (3). Iledana perspicax , Thor., Sumatra ; ocellata , Thor., Sumatra, Java, p. 153 ; id. (3). Talaus elegans (Thor.), Sumatra ; nanus (Thor.), Java, p. 154; id. (3). Zametopias speculator , Thor., Sumatra, p. 154 ; id. (3). Palaiphatus pseudorchestes, Thor., Sumatra, p. 155 ; id, (3). Thomisus daradioides, n. sp., Djebel-Milhau, p. 106 ; telricus, n. sp., Cheikh Othman, pp. 106 & 107 ; Simon (1). Xysticus helophilus , n. sp., Aden, p. 108 ; id. (1). Thanatus plumosus , n. sp., Aden, p. 109; id. (1). Stephanopis barbipes, n. sp., Cape York, pp. 254 & 255, pi. xxiii, fig. 6 ; ' Keyserling. Dicea iyisularis, u. sp., Oahu, pp. 261-263, pi, xxiv, fig. 3 ; id, Arcyid^e, Arcys , pp. 255 & 256 ; cornutus, L.K., Sydney, pp. 256 & 257, pi. xxiii, fig. 7 ; alatus , n. sp., Sydney, pp. 257 & 258 ; lancearius , W., pp. 258 & 259, Sydney, pi. xxiii, fig. 9 ; olavatus , n, sp., pp, 259-261, pi. xxiv, figs. 1 & 2 ; Keyserling. Oonopim:. Gamasomorpha hyperion, n. sp., Aden, p. 88 ; Simon (1). Ctenimi, Acanthoctenus variatus , n. sp., Nias, pp. 34-38; Tiiorell (2): dimicatus , Thor., Sumatra, p. 134 ; Icetus, Thor., Borneo, pp, 134 & 135 ; id. (3). Ctenus pulvinatus , Thor., Borneo, p. 133 ; bicostatus , Thor., Borneo, p. 134 ; id. (3) : fungifer , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 309-312 ; id. (4). Lycos idm, JDolomedes lepidus , Thor., Sumatra, p. 135 ; Tiiorell (3). Trochosa inops, Thor,, Sumatra, p. 135 ; id. (3). Tarantula fragilis, Thor., Sumatra, p. 136 ; id. (3). Pardosa marchei, n, sp., Guam, pp. 134 & 135 ; Simon (3). Lycosa sumatrana, Thor., p. 136 ; pinangensis, Thor., Pinang ; vagula, Thor., Sumatra, Javp,, p. 137 ; rabulana, Thor., Sumatra ; iphnochcera , Thor., Sumatra, p. 138 ; Tiiorell (3) : oaliuensis , n. sp., Oahu, pp. 267- 269, pi. xxiv, fig. 8 ; Keyserling: opifex , n. sp., pp. 33-38, with figs. ; Wagner (2). Lycosella tenera, Thor., Sumatra, bisulcata , n. var., p. 139 ; minuta , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 139 & 140 ; Tiiorell (3). Passiena spinicrus, Thor., Pinang, p. 140; id. (3). V Lysania , n. g., p. 312, type pygmcea, n sp., Pinang, pp. 313-315 ; id. (4). 10 Arachn. ARACHNIDA. • Oxyopes birmanicus , Thor., Nias, pp. 38 & 39; javanus , Thor., syn. lineatipes , Sim., Sumatra, p. 39 ; auratus , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 39-4*2 ; pupulus , n. sp., Nias, pp. 42-44 ; Thorell (2) : javanus , Thor., Java, Sumatra, &c., p. 140 ; annulipes , Thor., Sumatra ; providens , Thor., Sumatra, p. 141 ; setipes , Thor., Borneo ; ( Tapponia ) obtusus, Thor., Sumatra ; fronto, Thor., Sumatra, p. 142 ; lati/rons, Thor., Sumatra, p. 143; id. (3) : imbellis , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 316-318 ; erf. (4) : rutilius, n. sp., Cheikh Othman, p. 114 ; pigmentutus , n. sp., Aden, pp. 114 & 115 j Simon (1). Peucetia fasciiventris, u. sp., Djebel-Milhan, p. 113 ; id. (1). Attidje. Synemosyna prcelonga , n. sp., Nias, pp. 64-68 ; Thorell (2) : capito (Thor.), loc. ?, pp. 155 ; debilis. Thor., Java, p. 155 ; id. (3). Ilarmockirus nervosus, Thor., Sumatra, p. 68 ; malaceensis , Sim., pp. 68 & 69 ; id. (2). ^ Stichius , n. g., pp. 69 & 70, type albomaculatus , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 70- 73 ; (2) • Toxeus mandibidariSj Thor., loc. ?, p. 156 ; id, (3). Pseudicius asoroticus , n. sp., Cheikh Othman, pp. 116 & 117; Simon (1). Mogrus precinctus , n. sp., Aden, pp. 117 & 118 ; v-album, n. sp., Aden, pp. 118 & 119 ; id. (1). Phlegra chrysops , n. sp., Aden, p. 119 ; id. (1). Heliophanus lucipeta , n. sp., Aden, pp. 119 & 120 ; id. (1). Saltirus formosus , Thor., Sumatra, p. 156 ; pecterosus, Thor., n. var. sternodes , Sumatra, p. 157 ; alticeps , Thor., Java, pp. 157 & 158 ; lepto- gnathus , Thor., Java, p. 158 ; id. (3): tristis, Sim., Aden, pp. 115 & 116 ; id. (1). Bianor balms , Thor., Nias, p. 73 ; Thorell (2) ; leucostictus , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 158 & 159 ; incitatus , Thor., Java, Sumatra, p. 159; id. (3). Homalultus rnordax , Thor., Java, p. 159 ; nobilis, Thor., Celebes, p. 160 ; id. (3). . Holoplatys pianissimo (Koch), n. var. occidentalis , Nias, p. 74; id. (2). Marptusa nannodes , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 160 & 161 ; id. (3). Bavia kians , Thor., Sumatra ; decorata , Thor., Sumatra, p. 161 ; id. (3). Thiania jucunda, n. sp., Nias, pp. 75-79 ; demissa, Thor., Sumatra, p. 79 (in note) ; id. (2) : formosissima , Thor., Borneo, pp. 161 & 162 ; sinuata , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 336-340 ; (4). Linus subvexus , n. sp., Nias, pp. 79-82 ; (2). Chrusilla delicata, Thor.. Sumatra, p. 162 ; dorice, Thor., Sumatra, pp. 162 & 163 ; id. (3). Sinnamora glaucochira , Thor., Sumatra, p. 163 ; id. (3). McRvia alternans (C. Koch), Sumatra, p. 83 ; id. (2) : persecta, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 340-343 ; id. (4) : gemmans , Thor., Sumatra ; marxii, Thor., Java, p. 163 ; cypria , Thor., Sumatra, p. 164 ; id. (3). ARAN K AS. Arachn. 1 1 Cyrba algerina (Luc ), syn. Stasippus increnatus, Thor., &c., Sumatra, pp. 83 & 84 ; id. (2). Gelotia frenata , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 164 & 165 ; bimaculata, Thor., Borneo, p. 165 ; id. (3). Cocalus rimipalpis , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 165 & 166 ; id. (3). Euophrys giebeltii , Thor., Java, p. 166; id. (3): JculczynsJcii , n. sp. Pinang, pp. 343-347 ; id. (4). Orceria heyserlingii , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 166 & 167 ; eucola, Thor., Sumatra, p. 167 ; id. (3). Plexippus gansapatus , Thor., Sumatra, pp. 167 & 168 ; id. (3). Viciria terebrifera , Thor., Sumatra, p. 168 ; id. (3). Bathippus macilentus, Thor., Sumatra, pp. 168 & 169; id. (3). ^ Echcclus , n. g., p. 347, type concinnus , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 348-352 ; id. (4). Ilasarius elisabethce, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 85-88 ; sannio , Thor., syn. coronatus, Sim., Sumatra, Pinang ; id. (2) : scylax, Thor., Sumatra ; workmanni , Thor., Sumatra, p. 169 ; coprea , Thor. ; sobarus , Thor., Sumatra, p. 170; dispalans, Thor., Java, p. 170; mccookii , Thor., Java, p. 171 ; id. (3). Nicylla sundevallii, Thor., Sumatra, pp. 171 & 172 ; id. (3). Ergane signatdy n. sp., Oahu, pp. 263-265, pi. xxiv, fig. 5 ; Keyserling. Menemerus albocinctus , n. sp., Nicobar, pp. 265-267, pi. xxiv, fig. 7 ; id. Hersiliimi. Chalinura (Dalm.). syn. Rhadine, Sim., sumatrana, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 319-322 ; Thorell (1). Ilersilia sumati'anu, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 8-11 ; id. (2). DlCTYNIDjE. V Badumna, n. g., pp. 322 & 323, hirsuta , n. sp., Java, pp. 323-327 ; exilis, n. sp., Java, pp. 327-330 ; Thorell (1). Dictyna sexnotata , n. sp., Aden, p. 86 ; suedicola , n. sp., Aden, pp. 86 & 87 ; Simon (1). Zodariid/e. Storena melanognatha, Hass., Sumatra, pp. 320 & 321 ; vittata, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 331-335 ; sobria, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 335-337 ; hilaris , n. sp., Java, pp. 338-340 ; procera , n. sp., loc. ?, pp. 340-344 ; Thorele (1). Zodarium acrium , n. sp., Aden, pp. 92 & 93 ; Simon (1). Prodidomidje, Prodidomus aurantiacus, n. sp., Aden, p. 89 ; nigellus , n. sp„ Cheikh Othman, pp. 89-90 ; Simon (1). Cyca[o]imj. [New fam. for genus Cycais ; Tiiorell, pp. 344 & 345.] 12 Arctchn. ARACHNIDA. PlNOPIDJJ. Binopis fipinoswy n. sp., Florida, pp. 341-343, pi. xi ; Marx (2) : bubalus , n. sp., Kilimanjaro, pp. 126 & 127 ; Simon (2). Drassid^e. (Edignaiha scrobiculata , Thor., Java ?, pp. 345- 349 ; Thorell (1). Corinnomma mcereus, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 349-352 ; id. (1). Agrceca inquinata , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 352-355 ; id. (1). Tephlea seniilimbata , n. sp., Aden, pp. 91 & 92 ; Simon (1). Brassus brachytheles , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 356-358 ; russulus , n. sp., Java, pp. 308-362 ; Tiiorell (1). Prosthesima sarawahensis , n. sp., Sarawak; pp. 362-364 ; id. (1). ^ Astratea , n. g., pp. 364 & 365, insignis , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 365-368 ; id. (1). Eutittha , Thor., p. 368, montana , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 368-372 ; longipes, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 372-374 ; id. (1). Clubiona melanosticta , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 374-378 ; versicolor , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 378-380; id. (1). Chiracanthium debile , n. sp., Aden. p. Ill ; Simon (1). Mioaria todilla , Sim., Cheikh Otkman, pp. 109 & 110 ; troi lulus , n. sp., Cheikh Othman, p. 110 ; id. (1). Matidia tenera , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 380-383, id. (1) ; trinotata , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 288-290 ; id. (4). iTeutamus , n. g., p. 280, type politus} n. sp., Pinang, pp. 281-284 ; id. (4). ^ Sphingius , n. g., p. 284, type thecatus , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 285-288 ; id. (4). Zimi-;r[o]id^. [New fam., for Zimiris , Sim., pp. 383 & 384 ; Tiiorell (1).] Zimiris mamillana , n. sp., loc. ?, pp. 384-387 ; id. (1). Dysheridj:. Ariadne snellemanni (Hass.), Sumatra, pp. 387-391 ; Tiiorell (1). ^ lmogala , n. g., p. 269, scarabcea , n. sp., Sydney, pp. 270 & 271, pi. xxiv, fig. 9 ; Keyserling. Xestaspis parmata. n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 391-394 ; Tiiorell (1). Theraphosiile. Selenocosmia javanensis (Walck.), n. var. sumatrana , Sumatra, pp. 394- 397 ; dorice , n. sp., Sarawak, pp. 397-399 ; Thorell (1). ^ Rhianus , n. g., p. 276, type atratus , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 277-280; id. (4). Avicularia holmbergii , n. sp., loc. P, pp. 399-402 ; id. (1). Idiops yemenensis , n. sp., Arabia, p. 83 ; Simon (1) : cornpactiis , Gerst., Mombassa, p. 126 ; id. (2). PEDIPALPI, SCORPIONES. Arachn. 13 Chcvtopelma adenensis, n. sp., Adeu, p. 84 ; Simon (1). Pisenor hohneli , n. sp., Kilimanjaro, p. 125 : id. (2). Conothele cambridgii , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 402-406 ; Thorell (1). Cyrtauchenius montanus , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 406 & 407 ; id. (1). Diplura maculata , n. sp., Java, pp. 409-414 ; id. (1). Atypus javanus, n. sp., Java, pp. 413-416 ; id. (1). Calommata sundaica (Dol.), Java, pp. 416-419 ; id. (1). PEDIPALPI. Phryniscus telekii, n. sp., E. Africa, p. 129 ; Simon (2). Thelyplionus brasilianus , Koch, Brazil, pp. 512-515, pi. iii, fig. 7 ; manillanus , Koch, syn. philippensis, Butl., Philippines, pp. 516-519, fig. 4 ; amurensis , Tarn., Amur, pp. 519-523, fig. 3 ; strachii. Tarn., Philippines, pp. 523-526, fig. 5 ; maximus, Tarn., Brazil, pp. 526-529, fig. 6 ; caudatus (Linn.), Haiti, pp. 529-533 ; Tarnani Hypoctonus proboscideus (Butl.), Ceylon, pp. 533-536, fig. 9 ; id. SCORPIONES. Lepreus , Thor., p. 117, carinatus, n. sp., S. Africa, pp. 129 & 130, pi. xiv, fig. 3 \fischeri, Karsch, n. var. nigrimanus, Mombassa, pp. 130 & 131, pi. xiv, fig. 2 ; Pocock (1). Uroplectes , Pet., syn. Tityus, Thor., pp. 118 & 119, insignis , n. sp., Table Mnt., pp. 132-134, pi. xiii, fig. 4 ; formosus , n. sp., Natal, pp. 134 & 135, pi. xiii, fig. 3 ; Jiavoviridis , Pet., Lake Nyassa, p. 135, pi. xiv, fig. 5 ; id. t. c. Isometrus, Ehrb., syn. Phassus , Thor., and Androcottus , Karsch, pp. 119 & 120 ; id. (1). Isometroides , Keys., p. 120 ; id. (1). Centrums , Ehrb., syn. Rhopalurus, Thor., p£. 120 & 121 ; id. (1). Butheolus, Sim., syn. Orthodactylus , Karsch, pp. 121 & 122 ; melanurus, Kessler, syn. schneideri. L. Koch, p. 121 ; Pocock (1). Rkoptrurus, Karsch, syn. Odonturus and Baby curus, Karsch, p. 122 ; lcirlci, n. sp., W. Africa, pp. 137 & 138, pi. xiv, fig. 1 ; jachsoni, n. sp., Taveita (Kilima Njaro), pp. 138 & 139, pi. xiii, fig. 1 ; baroni , n. sp., Mada- gascar, pp. 140 & 141, p. xiii, fig. 2 ; id. (1). , Grosphus , Sim , to include limbatus, piceus, and lobidens (Pocock), p. 123 ; id. (1). yParabutkus , n. subg. of Buthus > type P. liosoma, Ehrb., pp. 124 & 125 ; id. (1). Buthus, Leach, syn. Androctonus '( Leiurus ), Ehrb., pp. 125 & 126 ; id. (1) : martensu , Karsch, syn. gramniurus , Thor., Madras, pp. 236 & 237 ; id. (2) : eminii, n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, pp. 98-100, pi. i, fig. 2 ; id- (4). Prionurus , Ehrb., syu. Androctonus, Thor., pp. 126 & 127 ; id. (1). Synopsis of the genera of Buthidce, with hypothetical pedigree, pp. 127 & 128 ; id. (1). 14 Arachn. ARACHNIDA. Palamnceus liophysa , Thor., Nias, pp. 90-94, figs. 1-4 ; Thorell (2). Scorpio swammerdami , Simon, syn. asper, Thor., Jcochii , Karsch, luci- dipes, Simon, Madras, pp. 237-241 ; Pocock (2) : viatoris , n. sp.,E. Africa, pp. 100 & 101, pi. i, fig. 1 ; id. (4). Hormurus hevicepa, n. sp., Madras, Anamallai Hills, pp. 242-244, pi. xii, fig. 1 ; Pocock (2). Uromachus, n. g., p. 250, pictus , n. sp., Silhet, pp. 250-252, pi. xi b, fig. 1 ; id. (3). SOLPUGiE. Galcodcs caspius , n. sp., Turcoman, p. 205 ; lehmanni , n. sp., Kasno- wodsk, pp. 205 & 20G ; ater , n. sp., near Aschkabad, p. 206 ; savignyi (Sim.), Tschinas, &c., p. 206 ; pallidas , n. sp., Tiflis, pp. 206 & 207 ; Birula (1). Karschia mastigophora , n. sp., Tiflis, Kars, pp. 207-209 ; id. (1). PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Cheiridium corticum , n. sp., Rio Apa, Resistencia, pp. 410 & 411, pi. xiii, fig. 1 ; Balzan. Chelifer persulcatus , n. sp., Aden, p. 120 ; Simon (1) : cervusi n. sp., Matto- Grosso, pp. 412-414, pi. xiii, fig. 2 ; argcntinus , Thor., Asuncion, &c., pp. 414 & 415, pi. xiii, fig. 3 ; communis , n. sp., Rio Apa, &c., pp. 416 & 417, pi. xiii, fig. 4 ; nidificator , n. sp., Asuncion, pp. 417 & 418, pi. xiii, fig. 5 ; robustus , n. sp., Matto-Grosso, pp. 418-420, pi. xiii, fig. 6 ; brevifemoratus, n. sp., Asuncion, pp. 420 & 421, pi. xiii, fig. 7 ; crassimanus, n. sp., Matto- Grosso, &c., pp. 421-423, pi. xiii, fig. 8 ; rudis , n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 423 & 424, pi. xiii, fig. 9 ; germainii, n. sp., Matto-Grosso, pp. 424-426, pi. xiv, fig. 10 ; exilimanus, n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 426 & 427, pi. xiv, fig. 11 ; foliosus , n. sp., Asuncion, pp. 427 & 428, pi. xiv, fig. 12 ; segmentidentatus, n. sp., Asuncion, pp. 429-431, pi. xv, fig. 13 ; canestrinii , n. sp., Re- sistencia, pp. 430 & 431, pi. xv, fig. 14 ; rufus , n. sp., Asuncion, pp. 431 & 432, pi. xv, fig. 15 ; longichelifer , n. sp., Asuncion, &c., pp. 433 & 434, pi. xv, fig. 16 ; Balzan : balzanii, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 352-355 ; lucens , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 355-357 ; Thorell (4). Olpium oxydactylum , n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 435 & 436, pi. xvi, fig. 17 ; ramicolat n. sp., Asuncion, pp. 436 & 437, pi. xvi, fig. 18 ; elegans, n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 437 & 438, pi. xvi, fig. 10 ; crassichelatum, n. sp., Matto- Grosso, p. 39, pi. xvi, fig. 20 ; brevrfemoratum, n. sp., Rio Apa, p. 440, pi. xvi, fig. 21 ; Balzan. O. bi-impressum , n. sp., Aden, p. 121 ; arabicam , n. sp., Aden, p. 121 ; Simon (1). Garypus cuyabanus , n. sp., Matto-Grosso, pp. 41 & 42, pi. xvi, fig. 22 ; Balzan. J Ideoroncus, n. g., p. 443, pallidus , n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 444 &445, pi. xvii, fig. 23 ; id. lioncus chthoniiformis , n. sp., Resistencia, pp. 445 & 446, pi. xvii, fig. 24 ; id. 0P1L10NES, PALAEONTOLOGY. Arachn. 15 Chthonius parvidentatus, n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 447 & 448, pi. xvii, fig. 25 ; hirsutus , n. sp., Matto-Grosso, pp. 448 & 449, pi. xvii, fig. 26 ; curvidigi- tatus , n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 449 & 450, pi. xvii, fig. 27 ; id. » Tridenchthonias, n. g., p. 450, parvulus, n. sp., Rio Apa, pp. 450 & 451, pi. xvii, fig. 28 ; id. OPILIONES. Gagrella niasensis, n. sp., Nias, pp. 95-97 ; Thorell (2). Oligolophus ohionensis, n. sp., Ohio, p. 1103, pi. xlii, figs. 1 & 2 ; pictus , Wood, fig. 3 ; Weed (1). Phalangium nigrum, Say, is referable to the genus Astrobunus , described, pp. 684 & 685, pi. xxiv, figs. 1 & 2 ; id. (2). Phalangium longipalpis, n. sp., Arkansas, pp. 783-785, pi. xxvii, figs. 1- 3 ; id. (3). Liobunum longipalpis. n. sp., Illinois, pp. 866 & 867, pi. xxix, fig. 1 ; id • (4). y^Forbesium,, n. g., p. formosum (Wood), pi. xxx, figs. 1 & 2 ; hiemale , n. sp., p. 916, pi. xxxi ; id. (5). Biantes fuscipes, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 357-359 ; Thorell (4). E pedanus pinangensis, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 359-363 ; id. (4). ^ Podoctis , n. g., pp. 363 & 364, type armatissimus , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 364-367 ; id. (4). Bupares granulatus, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 368-371 ; id. (4). ^ Tithceus , n. g., p. 371, type Icevigatus, n. sp., Pinaug, pp. 371-374 ; id. (4). ^ Babrius, n. g., p. 98, type murcidus, n. sp., Nias, pp. 98-102 ; id. (2). Oncopus fees , n. sp., Pinang, pp. 375-377 ; id. (4). * Gnomulus, n. g., p. 378, type rostratus , u. sp., Pinang, pp. 378-381 ; id. (4). 4. Nothippus , n. g., pp. 102 & 103, type limbatus , n. sp., pp. 103-106 ; id. (2). v Miopsalis , n. g., p. 381, type pulicaria , n. sp., pp. 381-383, Pinang ; id. (4). PALAEONTOLOGY. Scudder characterises the following Orders, Families, Genera, and Species: — ANTHRACOMARTI, p. 444. POLYCHERID^E, p. 444. Pohgchera, p. 444, punctulata, Scud., p. 444, pi. xxxix, figs. 2 & 6. Archetarboid^e, p. 445. Geraplirynus , p. 445, carbonarius , p. 446, pi. xl, figs. 1, 9, 10, 12. ^ Geratarbus, n. g., p. 447, lacoei , n. sp., p. 448, pi. xl, fig. 11 ; scabrum, n. sp., p. 448, pi. xxxix, fig. 5. 16 Arackn. ARACHNIDA. Architarbus , p. 449 * elnngatum , n. sp., p. 449, pi. xl, fig. 4. * Kustarachne , n. g., p. 450, tenuipes , n. sp., p. 450, pi. xl, fig. 7. Anthracomartus , p. 451, trilobitus, Scud., p. 451, pi. xxxix, figs. 7-10 ; pustulatusi Scud., p. 452, pi. xl, figs. 5 & 8. ' PEDIPALPI, p. 453. GeralInurIdA:, p; 453. ^ Grceophonus, n. g.j p< 453, cafbonariils, Scud;, p. 454, pi; xl, figs. 2, 3, 6; Geralinutai pp. 454 & 455, carbonaria , Scud., p. 455, pi. xxxix, figs. 1-4. ACARL BerlesEj A; Acari, Myriapodci , et Scorpionbs hucusque iii Italia reperta; Pt. lvii. Padova : 1890. Oanestrini, G. Intorno alia metamorfosi degli Ixodini; Bull. Soc; Yen.-Trent. iv, pp. 243 & 244. Fockeu, H. (1) tfotes sui* les Acarocedidiens; i. Phytoptdcecidiens du Marronnier produits pd,r le Phytoptus hippocastdnum, n; sp. Ret; Biol, iii, pp. 56-63, figs. 1-3. (2) Notes sur les Acarocecidiens. n. Phytoptocecidiens de VAlnits glutino8a. description de deux Phytoptus nduveaux. T. c. pp. 104- 113. KoEnIkE, F. (1) Ein neudr Bivalven Parasit. Zool. Anz; xiii} pp. 138- 140. — — . (2) Eine Wassermilbe als Schneckenschmarotzer. T; pp. 364 & 365. . (3) Siidamericanische auf Muschelthiereii schmarotzende Atax- species. T. c. pp. 424-427. KEameU, P. Zur Ehtwickliing der Hydrachnideh. T. c. pp. 427 & 428; Leidy* J; (1) Remarks on Ticks. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 278-281. . (2) Ilypoderas in the Little Blue Heron. T. c. p. 63. LrioN, N; Note sur Vlxodes ricinus. Zool. An2. xiii, pp; 341 & 342. Moniez, R. (1) Acariens et Insectes marins des c6tes du Boulonnaise. Rev. Biol, ii (1890), pp. 149-159 & 186-198. . (2) Note sur un Pontarachne de Banyuls-sur-Mer ( Pontarachne lacazei). T. c. pp. 358-361. . (3) Acariens observes en France (1st list); Op. cit. iiiy pp. 24-33. . (4) Disparipes bombi $ Mich. T. c. p. 116. Michael, A. D. On a Collection of Acarina formed in Algeria. P;Z S. 1890, iii, pp. 414-425. acari. Arachn. 17 Nalepa, Alf. (1) Ueber neue Gallmilben. Anz. Ak. Wien. 1890, p. 2. New species mentioned, but not described. . (2) Zur Systematik der Gallmilben. SB; Ak. Wien, xcix, pp. 40-69 . (3) Neue Phytoptideu; Anz: Ak. Wien (1890) xx, pp. 212 & 213. Riley, C. V.* & Marlatt, C. L; The Clover Mite. Ins. Life, iii, pp. 42-52. Riley, C. Y. The Six- Spotted Mite of the Orange. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agric; 1889, pp. 340-345. TROUESSARTj E. Recherche et recolte des Acdrieils. C.R. Congr. Inter- nal Zool. 1889, pp. 164-175. Trouessart, E., & Neumann, G; Un type nouveau des Sarcoptides plumicoles le Chirodis'cus amplexans. Bull. Scient. xxii, pp. 392-398. Topsent* E., & Trouessart, E. Sur un nouveau genre d’Acarien sauteuse. C.R. cxi, pp; 891 & 892. Oribatime. Notaspis burroitisii , n; sp4, Algeria* pp. 418 & 419, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-4 ; cequalis, n. sp., Algiers* p. 419, fig. 5 ; glabra, n. sp., Algiers, pp. 419 & 420 ; Michael. Damxus patelloidcs , n. sp., Algiers, pp. 420 & 421, pi. xxxviii, fig. 3 ; phalangioides , n. sp;, Blidah* pp. 421 & 422, pi. xxxviii, fig. 1 ; Jlagellifer , n. sp., Teniet-el-Ahd* p. 422, pi. xXxviii, fig. 2 ; id. Eremceus jhnbriatus * n. sp., Algiers, pp. 422 & 423* pi. xxxvii, fig. 6 ; id. Tegeocranus characterised, pt. lvii, No. 5 ; Berlese; HoPLO PIDiE. Cceculus spatulifer , n. sp., Algiers, pp. 423-425, pi; xxxvii, fig. 7 ; Michael. TyrOgLyphid.®. M Saproglyphus, m g.* neglectus * ri; sp., pt. lvii, No. 6; Berlese. HistiogasUr corticalis (Mich.)* Italy, pt. lvii, No. 7 ; id. ? Michaelia characterised* pt. lvii* No. 8 ; id. ? Scirus capreolus , n. sp., pt. lvii* No. 9 ; id. ? Alicu8 characterised, pt. lvii, No. 10 ; id. TROMBIDIIDiE. j Nanorchestes , n. g., amphibius , n. sp., pp. 891 & 892; Topsent & Trouessart. 1890. [vol. xxvii.J e 4 18 Arachn . ARACHNIDA. SaRCOPTIDjE. ^ Ckirodiscus , n. g., amplexans , n. sp., pp. 392-398 ; Trouessart & Neumann. Hydrachnid^e. A tax procurvipes, n. sp., Guahyba, pp. 425 & 426; perforatus , n. sp., Guahyba, p. 426; rugosus , n. sp., Guahyba, p. 426 ; jheringi} n. sp., S. America, p. 427 ; Koenike (3) : aculeatus, n. sp., Europe ; id. (1) : ampullaria , n. sp., Europe ; id. (2). P II YTOPTID2E, Phytoptus diver sipunctatus, n. sp., p. 41, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2 ; popnli, n. sp., pp. 43 & 44, pi. ii, figs. 3 & 4; lcewi) n. sp., pp. 44-46, pi. i, figs. 3 & 4 ; tilire, n. sp., pp. 46 & 47, pi. ii, figs. 1 <& 2 ; fraxinicola , n. sp , pp. 48-50, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2 ; pyri , n. sp., pp. 50 & 51, pi. iv, figs. 1 & 2 ; tristriatus , n. sp., pp. 51-53, pi. v, figs. 3 & 4 ; similis , n. sp., pp. 53 & 54, pi. vi, figs. 2 & 3 ; plilceocoptus , n. sp., pp. 54 & 55, pi. vi, figs. 4 & 5 ; padi , n. sp., pp. 55-57, pi. v, fig. 5. pi. vi, fig. 1 ; vitis, Lard., pp. 57 & 58, pi. vii, figs. 1 & 2 ; drabce , n. sp., pp. 58 & 59, pi. v, figs. 1 & 2 ; ulmi , n. sp., pp. 59 & 60, pi. vii, figs. 3 & 4 ; Nalepa (2) : Jiippocastanum , n. sp., pp. 56-63, figs. 1-3 ; Fockeu (1) : brevitarsus , n. sp., p. 109, fig. 3 ; nalepai , n. sp., p. 112, fig. 5 : id. (2). Phyllocoptes minutus , n. sp., pp. 60 & 61, pi. iii, figs. 3 & 4 ; galeatus , n. sp., pp. 61 & 62, pi. i, figs. 5 & 6 ; schlechtendali , n. sp., pp. 62 & 63, pi. iv, figs. 3 & 4; reticulatus , n. sp., pp. 64 & 65, pi. iv, figs. 5 & 6 ; Nalepa (2). ^ TegonotuSj n. g., serratus, n. sp., p. 213 ; id. (3). PENTASTOMIDA. Parona, C. Sopra due specie de genere Pentastomum , Pud. (P. crocidurcet n. sp., eP. gracile , Dies.). Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix (xxix) pp. 69-78. Pentastomum crocidurce, n. sp., from Crocidura fuliginosa , pp. 71 & 72, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 4 ; gracile , Dies., pp. 72-74, pi. iii, figs. 5 & 8. Spencer, W. Baldwin. On the Presence of a Pentastomum Parasitic in the Lung of the Copper-head Snake ( Hoplocephalus superbus ). P. R. Soc. Viet, i (1889), pp. 110 & 111. , TARDIGRADA. Rywosch, D. Einige Beobachtungen an Tardigraden. SB. Ges. Dorp, ix, pp. 89-92. PANTOPODA, GIGANTOSTRACA. Arachn . 19 PANTOPODA. Topsent, E. Notice concernant les Pantopodes de Luc. Bull. Soc. L. Norm. (4) iii, pp. 60-63. Morgan, T. H. A Preliminary Note on the Embryology of the Pycno- gonides. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. ix, pp. 59-61. Ortmann, A. Bericht uber die von Herrn. Dr. Doderlein in Japan gesammelten Pycnogoniden. Zool. JB. v, pp. 157 & 168, pi. xxiv. Nymplion japonicum, n. sp., Kagoshima, pp. 158 & 159, fig. 1. Ascorliynchus cryptopygius, n. sp., Sajami, pp. 159 & 160, fig. 2 ; glabrokles, n. sp., Kagoshima, pp. 160 & 161, fig. 3; ramipes, Bohm., Sajami, pp. 161 & 162, fig. 4 ; bicornis , n. sp., Tokio, pp. 162 & 163. Parazetes ? pubescens , n. sp., Kadsiyama, pp. 163 & 164, fig. 5. AEbelia echinata, n. var .japonica, Kadsiyama, pp. 164 & 165, fig. 6. Pallene longiceps , Bohm., Kadsiyama, pp. 165 & 166, fig. 7. Phoxichilidium gesliens , n. sp., Kadsiyama, p. 166, fig. 8. Pycnogonum litorale var. tenue , Sajami, p. 167. GIGANTOSTRACA. Bergeron, J. (1) [On the Presence of Encrinurus at Cabrieres.] Bull. Soc. G6ol. xvii, p. 466 (1889). . (2) Sur une forme nouvelle de trilobite de la famille des Caly- menidie (genre Calymenella). Op. cit. xviii, pp. 365-371, pi. v. Etheridge, R. [June.]. On the Identity of Bronteus partschi, De Koninck {non Barrande), from the Upper Silurian Rocks of N.S. Wales. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. v, pp. 501-504. Bronteus jenJcinsi, n. sp., pp. 502-504, pi. xviii. Foerste, A. W. Notes on Clinton Group Fossils, with Special Refer- ence to Collections from Indiana, Tennessee, and Georgia. P. Bost. Soc. Notes on the following : — Calymene blumenbaclii var. vogdesi , Foerste, pp. 265-267 ; rostrata, Yogdes, p. 267. Illcenus ambiguus , Foerste, pp. 267 & 268 ; ioxus, Hall, pi. v, fig. 20, p. 268. Phacops pidchellus, Foerste, pp. 268 & 269, pi. vi, figs. 20 & 21. Encrinurus punctatus , Wahl., pp. 269-272. Lichas boltoni var. occidentals, Hall, p. 272. Cyphaspis clintoni , n. sp., p. 272, pi. vi, fig. 22. Oehlert, P. D. Sur le Devonien des environs d’Angers. Bull. Soc. Geol. xvii, pp. 742-791. The following Trilobites described as new species : — Proetus rondeaui , p. 756, pi. xviii, fig. 5. 20 Arachn. ARACHNJDA. Dechenella incerta, p. 757, pi. xix, fig. 1, pi. xviii, fig. 9. Cryphina andeganensis , p. 578, pi. xviii, fig. 8. Dalmanites galloisi , p. 763, pi. xviii, fig. 6. Goldius galloisi , p. 764, pi. xviii, fig. 2. Calymene reperta , p. 766, pi. xviii. Pompecki, J. F. Die Trilobiten-Fauna der ost-und west-preussischen Diluvialgeschiebe. Beitr. Nat. Preuss. Konigsberg, No. 7, pp. 1—98, 6 pis. (1890). The following species described as new Phacops prussica, p. 18, pi. i, fig. 28. Clieirurus dubiua , p. 31, pi. ii, figs. 7 & 17. Amphion prisons, p. 35, pi. ii, fig. 19. Lichas gageli, p. 44, pi. ii, fig. 33 ; media, p. 47, pi. ii, fig. 25 ; branconis, p. 48, pi. ii, fig. 26 ; lindstromi, p. 52, pi. v, fig. 10. Proetus distinctus, p. 55, pi. vi. fig. 23. Cyphaspis parvula, p. §7, pi, vi, fig. 25. Illcenus comes, p. 66, pi. iii, fig, 19 ; bisulcatuq, p. 67, pi. iii, fig. 18; nuculus, p. 69, pi. vi, fig. 34. Asaphus ocidosus , p. 75, pi. iv, figs. 1-4 ; branconis, p. 78, pi. v, fig. 3 ; steinhardti, p. 79, pi. v, fig. I ; ornatus, p. 80, pi. vi, figs. 3-6 ; obtusus, p. 81, pi. iv, figs. 8 & 9. Holometopns gracilis, p. 86, pi. v, fig. 8, ; Icevis, fig. 9 ; radiatus , p. 87, pi. iv, fig. 16. Remopleurides j,entzscJ\i , p. 87, pi. i, fig. 31. Viallanes, H. Sur la structure des centres nerveux du Limule ( Limu - lus polyphemus). O.R,. cxi, pp. 831-833. Vogdes, A. W. A Catalogue of the N. 4n}eriq^n Palgeozoic Crustacea confined to the NonrTrilobitic Genera, and Species. Ann. N. York Ac. v (1889). Xiphosura and Merostomata , pp. 1 & 2. Whitfield, R. P. Observations qn tfye Fauna of the Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont, with Descriptions of a few New Species. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iii, pt. i, pp. 25-39. J JBolbocephalus, n. g., pp. 36 & 37, truncatus, n. sp., pp. 37 & 38, pi. ii, figs. 6-8. Bathyurus ( Bathyurellus ) glandicephalus , n. sp., pp. 38 & 39, pi. ii, figs. 9-13. Myr. 1 MYRIOPODA. BY R. Innes Pocock. TITLES OF PAPERS, &c. Balbiani, E. G. Etudes anatomiques et histologiques sur le Tube Digestif des Gryptops. Arch. Z. exper. (2) viii, pp. 1-82. Berlese, A. Acari , Myriopoda, et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Pt. Ivii. Padova : 1890. Biellooussow, N. F. Note sur la structure histologique de l’Appareil Digestif des Myriapodes. Trav. Soc. Univ. Kharkow, xxiii, pp. 303-321. Daday, E. Myriopoda extranea Mussei nationalis Hungarise. Term, fiizetek, xii, pp. 114-156, 2 pis. Forbes, S. A. Note on the Feeding Habit of Cermtia forceps , Raf. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 81 & 82. Gazagnaire, J. La Phosphorescence chez les Myriapodes de la famille des Geophilidcc. Epoque et conditions physiologiques de l’apparition de la Phosphorescence. M6m. Soc. Zool. iii, pp. 136-146. #IIerbst, C. Anatomische Untersuchungen an Scutigera coleoptrata ; ein Beitrag zur Yergleichenden Anatomie des Articulaten. Inaug. Diss. Jena : 1889. Latzel, R. Deuxieme addenda a la faune des Myriapodes de la Normandie, &c. Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1889, pp. 363-367. Plateau, F. Les Myriapodes marins et la Resistance des Arthropodes a Respiration Adrienne h la submersion. J. Anat. Phys. Paris, xxvi, pp. 236-269. Pocock, R. I. (1) Contributions to our Knowledge of the Chilopoda,, of Liguria. Ann. Mus. Genov. (3) ix (xxix), pp. 59-68. . (2) Three New Species of Zephrov\ia from the Oriental Regiop, T. c. pp. 79-84, 3 cuts. . (3) Description of a New Species of Polyde$mus from Liguria. Op. cit. (2) x (xxx), pp. 399 & 400. . (4) Report upon a Small Collection of (Scorpions and) Centipedes sent from Madras by Mr. Edgar Thurston, of the Government Cen- tral Museum. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 244-249. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. 2 Myr. MYRIOPODA. [Pocock, R. I.] (5) A Short Account of a Small Collection of Myrio- poda obtained by Mr. Edward Whymper in the Andes of Ecuador. Op. cit. vi, pp. 141-146. . (6) Myriopoda in Notes on the Zoology of Fernando Noronha. J. L. S. xx, pp. 526-529. . (7) On the Myriopoda of Burma. Report upon the Oniscomorpha obtained by Sig. L. Fea and Mr. E. W. Oates. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 384-395. Scudder, S. H. Ne\fr Carboniferous Myriopoda from Illinois. Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, pp. 417-442. Wheeler, W. M. Hydrocyanic Acid secreted by Polydesmus virginiensis. Psyche, v, p. 442, CHILOPODA. LiTHOBIID^J. Lithobius fasciatus , Newp., syn. grossipes , C. Koch, Liguria, p. 61 ; melanopSy Newp., syn. glabratus , C. Koch, Liguria, p. 62 ; castaneus , Newp., syn. eximius , Mein., Liguria, p. 63 ; dorice , n. sp., Liguria, p. 63 ; Pocock (1): carinipes , n. sp., California, p. 153, pi. v, fig. 31 ; californicus , n. sp., California, p. 153 ; Daday : leptopus, Latz., Italy, pt. Ivii, No. 2 ; impressus, C. Koch, Italy, Sardinia, No. 3 ; Berlese. ScOLOPENDRIDiE. Otostigma sjslendens, n. sp., pp. 245 & 246 ; morsitans, n. sp., p. 246; nudum , n. sp., p. 247, pi. xii, fig. 3 ; riificeps , n. sp., pp. 247 & 248, pi. xii, fig. 2, Madras ; Pocock (4) : scabricauda (Ilumb. & Sauss.), syn. appen- diculatum, Porath, Ecuador, p- 142 ; id. (5). Cryptops anomolans , Newp., syn. punctatus, C. Koch, Liguria, p. 68 ; id. (1). Scolopocryptops mexicanus , Humb. & Sauss., syn. miersii , Mein., meinerti , Pocock, Ecuador, pp. 142 & 143 ; id. (5). Newportia dentata , n. sp., Chimborazo, pp. 143 & 144 ; monticola , n. sp., Chimborazo, pp. 144 & 145 ; id. (5). Geophilidj:. Geophilus ridleyiy n. sp., Fernando Noronha, pp. 526 & 527 ; Pocock (6) : carpophagus , Leach, syn. sodalis, Mein., condylogaster, Latz., Liguria, p. 64 ; aleator , n. sp., Monaco, p. 65 ; id. (1) : aragonicust n. sp., Spain, p. 145, pi. v, figs. 28-30 & 34 ; unguiculatus, n. sp., Patras, p. 146, pi. v, figs. 32 & 33 ; Daday : electricus , Linn., Italy, pt. Ivii, No. 4 ; Berlese. Ilimantarium gestri, n. sp., Liguria, pp. 67 & 68 ; Pocock (1) : striatum , n. sp., Madras, pp. 248 & 249, pi. xii, fig. 4 ; id. (4) : rugulosum , C. K., Italy, pt. Ivii, No. 1 ; Berlese. D1PL0P0DA. Myr. 3 DIPLOPODA. GLOMERIDiE. Zephronia doricef n. sp., Kachin Hills (Bhamo), Burma, pp. 79 & 80, fig. 1 ; Pocock (2), and p. 11, id. (7) : fees, n. sp., Teinzo, Kachin Cauri (Burma), pp. 81 & 82, fig. 2 ; id. (1), and pp. 385 & 394, id. (7) : clivi- cola, n. sp., Meteleo (Burma), pp. 386 & 387, fig. 1 ; formosa, n. sp., Meteleo, &c., pp. 387 & 388, fig. 2 ; seniilcevis , n. sp., S. Tenasserim, pp. 388 & 389, fig. 3 ; gestri , n. sp., Mt. Mooleyit (Burma), pp. 390 & 391, fig. 4 ; comotti, n. sp., Minhla, pp. 391 & 392, fig. 5; crepitans, n. sp., Rangoon, pp. 392 & 393, fig. 6 ; id. (7) : carinata, n. sp., Mt. Kina Balu (Borneo), pp. 81 & 82, fig. 3 ; id. (2): tatusiceformis , n. sp., Sumatra, p. 141 ; Daday. Glomeris marginata (Villers), lucida , n. var., Normandy, p. 367 ; Latzel. V PoLYDESMIDiE. Stenonia rufipes (0. Koch), Ecuador, p. 145 ; Pocock (5) : fusca, C. Koch, Borneo, p. 138 ; Daday. Euryurus jflavocarinatus, n. sp., Mexico, p. 137 ; id. Paradesmus Jiavocarinaius , n. sp., Siam, pp. 136 & 137 ; id. Polydesmus laurce , n. sp., Busalla (Liguria), pp. 399 & 400 ; Pocock (3): grcecus, n. sp., Morea, p. 139, pi. v, fig. 24 : nanus , C. Koch, Corfu, pp. 139 & 140, pi. v, fig. 21 ; mediterraneus , n. sp., Servia, p. 140, pi. v, figs. 25-27 ; Daday. '*Para.doxosomatid^e. (New fam., p. 133, Daday.) ^ Trachydesmus , n. g., p. 134, simonii , n. sp., Corfu, p. 134, pi. v, figs. 7, 8, 10, & 18 ; Daday. Paradoxosoma , n. g., p. 135, granulatum, n. sp., Corfu, p. 135, pi. v, figs. 19, 20, 22, & 23 ; id. LySIOPETALIDvE. Lysiopelalum trifasciatum, n. sp., Corfu, p. 131 ; unicolor , n. sp., Corfu, pp. 131 & 132 ; unilineatum , n. sp., Corfu, p. 132, pi. v, fig. 9 ; longicorne , n. sp., Corfu, p. 133, pi. v, fig. 6 ; Daday. J ULIDjE. Julus hermani, n. sp., Corfu, p. 121, pi. iv, figs. 12 & 13 ; f uscofasciatus , n. sp., Patras, pp. 121 & 122, pi. iv, figs. 16 & 17 ; fuscifrons , n. sp., Patras, p. 122, pi. iv, figs. 14 & 15 ; acutesquanmtus , n. sp., Italy, pp. 122 & 123 ; Daday. Spirostreptus puerillus , n. sp., Transvaal, p. 124, pi. v, figs. 1-5 ; triline- atus, n. sp., Borneo, p. 125 ; maculatus , n. sp., Sumatra ; unicolor , n. sp., Sumatra, p. 126 ; gracilis , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 126 & 127 ; trisulcatus , n. sp., Panama, p. 127 ; politius,n. sp., E. Indies, pp. 127 & 128 ; falciferus , Karsch, syn. indus, Tomosv., Borneo, p. 128 ; Jlavomarginatus , n. sp., Borneo, pp. 128 & 129 ; id. 4 Myr. MYRIOPODA. Spirobolus noronhensis , n. sp., Fernando Noronha, pp. 528 & 529 ; Pocock (6) : ferrugineus, n. sp., Panama, p. 130 ; hayedusm , n. sp., Panama, p. 130 ; Dad ay. Alloporus transvalicuSy n. sp., Transvaal, p. 123, pi. iv, figs. 19-22 ; id. PALAEONTOLOGY. Scudder characterises the following Orders, Families, Genera, and Species : — Orders PROTOSYNGN ATHA, CHILOPODA, and ARCHIPOLY- PODA, p. 417. CHILOPODA, p. 417. Gerascutigeridae, n. fam., p. 418. ^ Latzelia , n. g., pp. 418 & 419, primordial™ , n. sp., p. 419, pi. xxxviii, fig. 3. Eoscolopendridae, n. fam., p. 419. Eileticus , p. 420, anthracinus, Scud., p. 420, pi. xxxviii, fig. 5 ; cequalis , n. sp., p. 421, pi. xxxviii, figs. 6-9. i Palenarthrus , n. g., p. 421, impressus, n. sp., pi. xxxviii, fig. 4. * Ilyodes, n. g., p. 422, divisa , n. sp., pi. xxxviii, fig. 1 ; elongata , n. sp., p. 428, pi. xxviii, fig. 2. ARCHIPOLYPODA, p. 423. Etjphoberidas, p. 424. Acantherpestes major , Scud., p. 424 ; incequalis , n. sp., pp. 424 & 425, pi. xxxiii, figs. 2-4. Euphoberia) table of species, p. 426 ; hystricosa , n. sp., p. 426, pi. xxxiii, figs. 1 & 3 ; armigera , M. & W., p. 427, granosa) Scud., pp. 427 & 428, pi. xxxiv, figs. 5 & 6, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2 ; carri, Scud., p. 429 ; cuspidata} n. sp., p. 429, pi. xxxiv, figs. 3-7 ; spinulosa} n. sp., p. 430, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1, pi. xxxv, figs. 1, 4, & 5, pi. xxxvi, figs. 7 & 8 ; simplex , n. sp., p. 432, pi. xxxv, figs. 2, 6, & 7 ; tracta , n. sp., pp. 433 & 435, pi. xxxvi, figs. 1 & 4-6 ; anguilla , Scud., p. 435, pi. xxxvi, fig. 3. ArciiiulIdje, p. 436. Archiulus glonieratus , m sp., pp. 436 & 437, pi. xxxvii* figs. 2 & 3 ; sp. ?, p. 437, pi. xXxvii, fig. 1. Xylobius , p. 437, frustulentus , m sp., p. 438, pi. xxxvii, figs. 4-6 ; mazonicus , n. sp., p. 439, pi. xxxvii, figs. 7-11. PROTR ACH EAT A. Dendy, A. Observations on the Australian Species of Peripatus. P. R. Soc. Yict. ii (1890) pp. 50-62. Fletcher, J. J. Additional Notes on Peripatus leuclcarti. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. v, pp. 469-486. [Abstr. in Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 352.] Prenant, A. Note sur les 616meints seminaux d’un Peripatus. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 169-174, pi. iv. Ins. 1 INSECTA. By D. Sharf. The number of titles is this year 927, as against 949 in 1889* The classification of the Coleopterous family Pselaphidce has beeil remodelled by It affray (631), who finds that we are acquainted at present with about 274 genera ; 43 only being the number comprised in the Munich Catalogue of the year 1868. Ragonot (634) has commenced the publication of a similar work on the Pyralidai^ a group of Lepido- ptera , in which the increase of genera .will apparently be equally great* Beauregard has produced a comprehensive work on the ( Jantharidce (37), treating of the anatomy* biology, and taxonomy of the group, and in fact wanting only the characters of the species to be a monograph of the family. In Diptera , the work of Brauer & Bergenstamm (82) is noteworthy ; in it some 50 families and about 130 new genera are proposed for a portion of the Muscidce acalyptratcc, and these chiefly European ; tbe work being confined to the species extant in the Museum at Vienna* We are indebted to the regretted E. T. Atkinson for a complete catalogue (19) of the Capsidce of the world, and to Kirby (428) for a similar useful list of the Odonata. Moschler (558) has published a descriptive list of the Lepidoptera of the Island of PortOrico ; a large proportion of the 622 species it includes being considered new* Skuse has not only continued the publication of his “ Diptera of Australia” (791), but has also found a supplement (792) to the parts published during the last two or three years necessary. The Insecta in Godman & Salvin's Biologia Centrali- Americana (317) have made tbe usual amount of progress. Oudemans (586) has given us one of our first glimpses of the Thysanura of the tropics. Meinert (521) has described an apterous Dipteron , and Leon (481) an insect that he considers intermediate between Diptera and Hemiptera. Lowne has commenced the publication of his monographic work (492) on Calliphora erythrocephaluf and Graber (321) has continued his researches in Insect embryology. Another of the important volumes issued by the United States Ento- mological Commission has appeared during 1890 ; it is by Packard (588), 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] F 1 2 Ins. INSEOTA. and gives a very large amount of information about the metamorphoses and habits of North American insects of various orders. The same author’s paper (590) on the spines of Lepidopterous larvae is of consider- able interest. Weinland’s (899) memoir on the balancers of Diptera is of importance from an anatomical point of view, though it still leaves much doubt as to the function of the highly perfect structures he describes. Oaklet (117) points out that in the Hymenoptera that merely paralyse their prey by stinging, both the sting and the poison are different from what they are in those that kill their prey. Seitz’s sketches (765, 767) of Lepidopterous life in South America contain much suggestive matter. Scudder has published an important work (754) on the Tertiary Fossil Insects of North America, describing a large number of new forms. He gives an account of the Insect remains found at Florissant ; an extremely rich fauna must have existed there, no less than 50 species of ants having been already discovered at this spot. His large volume treats, however, of only a portion of the Insect remains that have been found at Floris- sant, the butterflies of the locality being dealt with in a separate paper (755). It should be noticed that this author attempts, for the first time, to determine the age of a deposit from the Insect remains contained in it. It may be mentioned, as another point of interest in the extensive palaeo-entomological portion of the record for this year, that Brogniart (91) has called attention to the former existence of Insects with wing- like appendages on the prothorax. The large number of new genera that have been proposed in Entomo- logy during recent years being unaccompanied by any corresponding development of Catalogue work, it follows as a necessary consequence, that the systematic arrangement of geuera in this record becomes more and more impracticable. In the present year the Recorder has adopted an alphabetical sequence for the genera of each group, in the hope that on the whole this will prove preferable to an imperfect systematic arrangement. I.— TITLES* 1. Abeille de Perrin, E. Etudes sur les Malachides. Malachides d’Europe et circa. Malachides d’Abyssinie. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 35- 55. [Coleoptera.\ *• 2. . Malachides d’Europe et pays voisins. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 181-260, 331-420, & 567-680. [ Coleoptera .] 3. . Descriptions do deux nouvelles esp6ces de Malachiides. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, pp. 89 & 90. [ Coleoptera .] * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. TITLES. Ins. 3 4. Aitken, E. H. Parasitic flies. J. Bomb. Soc. v, p. 420. [Lepido- ptera.~\ Relative to the spines of caterpillars as protection against parasites. . [See also Davidson & Aitken (162).] 5. Allard, E. Yoyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d’Assinie. Chrysomelides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 555-558. [Coleoptera.] 6. . Troisieme note sur les Galerucides. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. lxx-xciii. [Coleoptera.] 7. ALPHihiAKY, S. De l’olf action chez les Ldpidoptfres. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. xcvii-c. 8. Andris, Ed. Species des Ilymdnopteres d’Europe et d’Alg^rie. Fasc. 36 & 37. Chiefly devoted to the continuation of the Braconidce by Marshall. 9. Andri^, Ern. Materiaux pour servir & la faune Myrmdcologique do Sierra-Leone. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 311-327. [Hymenoptera.] 10. Apfelbecic, Y. Ein neuer Geotrupes aus Bosnien. Soc. Ent. iv, p. 167. [Coleoptera.] 11. Arculeo, E. La luce negli insetti. Nat. Sicil. x, pp. 40-62. 12. Ashmead, W. H. Descriptions of new Ichneumonidee in the collec- tion of the U. S. National Museum. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 387- 451. [ Hymenoptera .] 13. . On the Hymenoptera of Colorado ; Descriptions of new species, Notes and a list of the species found in the State. Bulletin No. 1 of the Colorado Biological Association, pp, 1-47. Washington : 1890. 14. . An Anomalous Chalcid « P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 234-236. [. Hymenoptera .] 15. . Remarks on the Clialcid genus Halidea. T. c. pp. 264 & 265. [Hymenoptera. ] 16. . The Corn Delphacid , Delphax maidis. Psyche, v, pp. 321 & 322. [. Rhynchota .] 17. Atkinson, E. T. Catalogue of the Insecta of the Oriental Region. No. 1. Order Coleoptera. Family Cicindelidce. J. A. S. B. lviii, Part li, Natural Science, Supp. pp. 1-24. 18. . Catalogue of the Insecta of the Oriental Region. No. 2. Order Coleoptera. Family Carahidce. Op. cit. lix, Part n, Supp., pp. 1-126. 19. . Catalogue of the Insecta. Order Rhynchota. Family Capsidai. Op. cit. lviii, Part n, Natural Science, Supp., pp. 25-199. Includes the Capsidce of the whole world. . Index to the first five papers on Indian Rhynchota , completing the family Pentatomidce. T. c. II, pp. 441-448. 20. 4 Ins. INSECTA. 21. [Atkinson,- E. T.] Bhynchota. Notes on Indian economic ento- mology. Ind. Mus. Notes, i, pp. 175-190. 22. Aurivillitjs, 0. Neue Kiifer aus Afrika. Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 203- 205. [ Coleoptera.] 23. Austaut, J. L. Notice sur deux Smerinthus nouveaux de la cOte septentrionale de l’Afrique. Le Nat. xii, p. 190. [Lepidoptera.] 24. Ballowitz, E. Untersuchungen iiber die Struktur der Spermato- zoen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom feineren Bau der kontrak- tilen Elemente. Die Spermatozoen der Insekten. I. Coleopteren. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 317-407, pis. xii-xv. ‘ Gives the results of an examination of upwards of 100 species. Sum- mary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 181. 25. Ball^, E. Catalogue descriptif des Galles observes aux environs de Yire (Calvados). Bull. Soc. Rouen, xxv, pp. 415-437. 26. Ballion, E. Einiges aus meinen Notizblattern. Soc. Ent. v, pp. 25, &c. [ Coleoptera .] 27. Baly, J. S. On the South American species of Diabrotica. Part I. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 1-86. [ Coleoptera .] Deals with the 160 species that form the first section of the genus ; those that have not been previously well described are characterised at full length. Some synonymy is given that is Hot reproduced in our pages. 28. . Descriptions of two new genera and of some uncharacterized species of Galerucmce. Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 12-14. [ Coleoptera .] 29. Bassett, H. F. New species of North American Cynipidce. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 59-92. [Hymenoptera.] 30. Bates, H. W. Additions to the Cicindelidce fauna of Mexico, with remarks on some of the previously-recorded species. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 493-510, pi. xvi. [Coleoptera.'] 31. •. Coleoptera collected by Mr. Pratt on the Upper Yangtsze and on the borders of Thibet. Ent. xxiii, pp. 209-213 & 244-247. 32. . On some Coleopterous Insects collected by Mr. W. Bonny in the Aruwimi Yalley. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 479-492. 33. ■. On some Carabidce from Burma collected by M. L. Fea. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 100-111. [Coleoptera.] . [See also Jameson (405).] 34. Bateson, W. On some cases of abnormal repetition of parts in animals. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 579-588. [Coleoptera.] One of the cases is entomological. 35. Baudi, F. Mylabridum seu Bruchidum recensioni a Flaminio Baudi conscriptae addenda. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 337-347. [Coleoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 5 36. [Baudi, F.] Supplemento alia Rassegna dei Milabridi ( Bruchidi ). Nat. Sicil. ix, pp. 205-215. [Coleoptera.] 37. Beauregard, H. Les Insectes Yesicants. Paris : 1890, 8vo, pp. xv & 554, pis. xix. [ Coleoptera .] In five parts : 1, Anatomy ; 2, Physiology and Pharmacology ; 3, Zoo- logy and Development ; 4, Classification ; 5, Catalogue of the species. The title page says there are thirty-four plates, but they are lettered only as nineteen ; fifteen, however, being of double size. Brauer gives note in reference to this paper in Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 276 & 278, on the number of stadia in metamorphosis, and on some personal points ; and is replied to by Beauregard, in C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 608-612. 39. Becker, T. Altes und Neues aus Tirol und Salzburg. Ein diptero- logischer Beitrag. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 65-70. 40. . Einige Bemerkungen zu Herrn. J. M. F. Bigot’s Classificirung der Empiden. T. c. pp. 32-35. [Diptera.] 41. Bedel, L. Trois Coleopteres nouveaux. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. cxxxv & cxxxvi. 42. Be hr, H. H. Entomological Contributions. Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, pp. 91-96. [ Lepidoptera .] 43. Belon, M. J. Contribution l’Etude du genre Anopiomerus , Th. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (n. s.) xxxvi, pp. 291-304. [ Coleoptera .] 44. . Description d’un Longicorne exotique. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. ix. [ Coleoptera .] Bergenstamm, J. E. [See Brauer & Bergenstamm (82).] 45. Bergrotii, E. Commentarius de Aradidis in Burma et Tenasserim a L. Fea collectis. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 730-739, pi. xii. [Rhynchota.] 46. . Nouvelle espece palearctique du genre Coptosoma , Lap. Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 355. [Rhynchota.] 47. . Deux Reduviides nouveaux paldarctiques. T. c. pp. 56 & 57. [. Rhynchota .] 48. Bergsoe, Y. Jagttagelser over den almindelige og den sortrandede Oldenborres Udbredelse og Biologi samlede paa en Undersogelsrejse i Forsommeren 1887. Ent. Med. ii, pp. 121-127. [ Coleoptera .] 49. Berlese, A. Matoriali per uu Catalogo dei Tentredinei italiani. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 206-237, and xxii, pp. 144-202. [ Hymenoptera .] [See also Targioni-Tozzetti (843).] 50. Betham, J. A. The Butterflies of the Central Provinces. J. Bomb- Soc. v, pp. 19-28, &c. [ Lepidoptera .] Notes on collecting, &c., in India, with observations on mimicry, &c. 6 Ins. INSECTA. 51. Beutenmuller, W. Descriptions of some new North American Moths. Psyche, v, pp. 299 & 300. \_Lcpidoptera.\ 52. Beyer, 0. W. Dor Giftapparat von Formica rufa , oin reduziertes Organ. Jen. Z. Nat. xxv, pp. 2G-112, pis. iii & iv. Includes an account of the development of the sting in Apis, Vespa , and Myrmica. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 339. 53. Bezzi, M. Note sopra alcuni insetti epizoi. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 30-37. [ Aphaniptera , Mallophaga.~\ 54. Bidenkap, 0. En for Yidenskaben ny Dipter. Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 199. 55. Bigot, J. M. F. Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 36® partie. xlv. Dolichopodi. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 261-296. 56. — — . New species of Indian Dipter a. Ind. Mus. Notes, i, pp. 191 & 192. 57. . A new species of Dipter a in the collections of the Indian Museum. J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, p. 265. 58. Blackburn, T. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with descriptions of new species. Part iv. P. Linn. Soc, N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 661-706. Part Y. Appendix, t. c. pp. 1217-1246. [Coleoptera.] 59. . Revision of the genera Colpochila (including Ilaplonycha ), Sericesthis , and their allies, with descriptions of new species. Part I. Op. cit. v, pp. 517-552. [ Coleoptera .] 60. . Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new species. Part iv. Op. cit. iv, pp. 707-746. Part v, t. c. pp. 1247-1276, 61. . Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new species. Part vi. Op. cit. v, pp. 147-155. 62. . Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Part vii. T. c. pp. 303-366, 63. . Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Part vm, T. c. pp. 553-592. 64. . Further notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species, vi. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, pp. 132-148. 65. — — . Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new genera and species, vn. Op. cit , xiii, pp. 82-93. 66 . — — -. Further notes on Australian Coleoptera. vm. T. c. pp. 121-160. 67. Blanc, L. Sur la Coloration de la Soie par les aliments. C.R. cxi, pp. 280 & 281. 68. Blatcii, W. Gr. A new species of Neuraphes. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 93. [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins. 7 69. Bloomfield, E. N. The Lepidoptera of Suffolk. St. Leonards-on- Sea : 1890, 60 pp. 70. Bolivar, J. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. Orthopteres. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 137-146. 71. . Ortopteros de Africa del Museo de Lisboa. Continuacion. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, pp. 150-173 & 211-232. 72. . Diagnosis de Ortopteros nuevos. An. Soc. Esp. xix, pp. 299-333, pi. i. 73. Bonsdorff, A. von. Uber die Ableitung der Sculpturverhaltnisse bei den Deckfliigeln der Coleopteren. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 342-346. 74. Borries, H. Om Hvepselarver som Ektoparasiter paa frit omstrej- fende Edderkopper. Ent. Med. ii, pp. 151-161. [ Hymenoptera .] 75. Bos, H. Een vijand van het suikerriet, Apogonia destructor , n. sp. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 311, et seq ., pis. xiii & xiv. \_Coleoptera. ] 76. Bourgeois, J. Lycides nouveaux ou peu connus du Mus6e civique de Genes. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 288-292. [ Coleoptera .] 77. . Contributions a la faune Indo-Chinoise. Rhipidoceridce , Dascillidce, Malacodermidce. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 161-176. [ Coleoptera .] 78. Bramson, K. L. Die Tagfalter ( Rhopalocera ) Europas und des Caucasus analytiscb bearbeitet. Kiew : 1890, 150 pp., pi. i. 79. Brandt, E. K. On the Anatomy of Sesia tipuliformis and Trochilium apiforme, L. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 185-190. \_Lepidoptera.\ Translated from the Russian by W. F. Kirby. 80. Brauer, F. Ueber die Verbindungsglieder zwischen den orthor- raphen und cyclorraphen Dipteren und solche zwischen Syrpliiden und Muscarien. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 273-275. 81. . Ueber die Festellung des Wohnthieres der Hypoderma lineata, Villers, durch Dr. Adam Handlirsch und andere Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen an Oestriden. Nach hinterbliebenen Notizen und mit Beigabe einer kurzen Biographie. T. c. pp. 509-516, portrait. 82. Brauer, F., & Bergenstamm, J. E. Die Zweifliigler des kaiser- lichen Museums zu Wien. iv. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Muscaria Schizometopa (exclusive Anthomyidce) Pars. 1. Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, pp. 69-180, pis. i-xi. [ Diptera .] This work is in tabular form, and proposes a large number of new groups and new gonera ; the plates are confined to figures of the head in profile. About 48 new species are diagnosed ; a few genera are estab- lished without a described species. Noticed by Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 155 & 159 ; and Williston, Ent. News, i, p. 77. 83. Breignet, — . Tortrix labatiana , n. sp. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890’ p. cxlii. [Lepidoptera. ] 8 Ins, IN SECT A. 84, Brendel, E., & Wickham, H. F, The Pselaphidce of North America. Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, pp. 216-304, pis. vi^ix, and ii, pp. 1-84, pis, x^xii. [Coleoptera.] 36 genera and about 175 species are described herein, 85, Buenske, E. Die Ai’ten der Gattupg Trmlonta , Mujs, Wien. ont. Z. ix, pp. 81-86. [ Coleoptera.'] 86, — . — . Ueber die Gattung Granida und Beschreibung einer neuen Polyphylla. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 107-199. [ Coleoptera ,] 87, — — . Diagnoses neuer Melolonthiden aus Ecuador und Madagascar. Soc, Ent, v, p. 34- [ Coleoptera ,] 88, , Eine ueue Cfirysomela aus Italien, Ent, Nachr, xvi, p. 14. [ Chvysomela .] 89, Brjdgman, J. B, Notes on ffynienoptera in the Neighbourhood of Norwich ; and ou the genus Glypta , Gr. Tr. Norf. Soc. v, pp, 61-72. 00, . Glypta cicatricosa , G,flavipes £ , and G . rubicundq, , n. sp., new to Britain, Ent. M, M- (2) i, p, 208, [Hymenoptera .] 91. Brogniajit, C, Note sur quelques insectes fossiles du terrain houillier qui pr6sentent au prothorax dos appendices aliformes, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, pp. 154-159, pis. i & ii. 92. . Nouvelle espece de Cerambycide. Bull. Soc. Ent, Fr, 1890, p. cxxi. [ Coleoptera ,] 93. . Nouvelle espece de hooustide. T. c, p. clxxiii. [ Qrthoptera .] 94. — . Description de quelques pongicornes nouveaux. T . C. pp. clxxxiii-clxxxv. [ Coleoptera ,] 95. Broun, T. Notes on a collection of Pselaphidce from the neighbour- hood of Clevedon, Southern Wairoa. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, pp. 230- 233. [Coleoptera.] 96. Browne, E. T, On Srnyntfruruq aquaticus. J. Quels;. Club (2) iv, pp. 62-64, pi. v. Bruner, L. [See Riley (687).] 97. Brunner, 0. v. Wattenwyl. Monographic der Proscopiden. Verh. z.rb. Wien, xl, pp, 87-124, pis. iii-w. [ Orthoptera .] 98. Bruyant, C, Los Eouruais de la France ceutrale. Paris ; 1890, 60 pp., 4 pis. [Hymenoptera.'] Reprinted from Rev. Sci. Bourb. 99. Buckton, G. B. Monograph of the British Cicada} or Tettigidai. Yol. i, pp. lxxviii & 133, 38 pis. [ Rhynchota .] Reviewed in Nature, June 19, 1890. 100. Bugnjon, E. Reoherohes sur le Developpement postembryonnaire, l’Anatomie et les Moeurs de YEncyrtus fuscicollis.. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, pp, 435, &c., pis. xx & xxi. [ Hymenoptera .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pp. 339, TITLES. Ins. 9 101. Butler, A. G. Further notes on the synonymy of the genera of Noctuites. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 653-691. [ Lepidoptera .] 102. . Notes on the Genus Dyschorista , Led., a small Group of Moths allied to Orthosia. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 96 & 97. [ Lepido - ptera.] 103. . Notes made during the present year on the Acceptance or Rejection of Insects by Birds. T. c. pp. 324-327. 104. Buysson, H. du. Description de deux especes d’J&laterides. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clvii. [ Coleoptera .] 105. Buysson, R. du. Trois diagnoses inedites de Chrysis. T. c. pp. cxxxiii & cxxxiv. [ Hymenoptera.] • . [See also Magretti (504).] 106. Cajal, S. R. Coloration par la methode de Golgi des trachees et des nerfs dans les muscles des ailes des insectes. Z. wiss. Mikr. vii, pp. 332-342, pi. ii. 107. Calvert, P. P. Notes on some North American Odonata, with descriptions of three new species. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 33-40, pi. v. 108. Calvert, W. Bartlett. Descripcion de algunos nuevos Lepido- pteros de Chile. Santiago : 1890, 8vo, 16 pp., 1 pi. 109. Cameron, P. A Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymeno- ptera. Yol. ill, 274 pp., 17 pis. This volume iucludes Cepliidcc , Siricidce , Oryssidai , and parasitic Cynip- idve ; the gall-making Cynipidce remaining to be dealt with in the fourth volume. 1 10. . A decade of new Ilymenoptera. Mem. Soc. Manoh. (4) ii, pp. 11-19. 111. . Hymenoptera orientalis ; or, Contributions to a Knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Part 1, t. c. pp. 91-152. Part 2, op. cit. iii, pp. 239-285, pis. ix & x. 112. . On the British Species of Allotrince, with descriptions of other new species of parasitic Cynipidce. Op. cit. ii, pp. 53-69. [ Hymenoptera .] . [See also Godman & Salvin (317).] 113. Candezk, E. Alaus platteeuwi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. lxxvi. [Coleoptera.] 114. . Note sur les Elaterides de Chota-Nagpore. T. c. p. cxlvi-clvi. [ Coleoptera .] 115. . Description d’une nouvelle espece d }Elateride du genre Chalcolepidius. T. c. p. clxxxiv. [Coleoptera.] 116. . Description d’une espece nouvello d ’hlaMride. Notes Leyd, Mus. xii, p. 246. [Coleoptera.] 10 Ins . INSECTA. 117. Carlet, G. M6moire sur le Yenin ©t PAiguillon de l’Abeille. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) ix, pp. 1-17, pi. i. [ Ilymenoptera. ] 118. . Sur les Organes Secreteurs et la secretion de la Cire chez l’Abeille. C.R. cx, pp. 361-863. 119. Carpentier, L. Sur les collections d’lnsectes nuisibles et utiles. Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, ix, pp. 197-204. 120. Carriere, J. Zur Embryonal-entwicklung der Mauerbiene Chali- codoma muraria, Fab. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 69-71. [ Ilymenoptera .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 322. 121. . Die Entwicklung der Mauerbiene ( Chalicodoma muraria , Fab.) im Ei. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, pp. 141-165, pis. viii & viiia. [. Hymenoptera.'] 122. Casey, T. L. Coleopterological notices, n. Ann. N. York Ac. v, pp. 307-504, pi. iv. This relates chiefly to Tenebrionidai , but some new Clavicorns and a dissertation on the classification of that group are included. A name is proposed for a Termitophilous species of Thysanura. 123. Champion, G. C. On the Jleteromerous Coleoptera collected by Mr. W. Bonny in the Aruwimi Valley. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 637-646, pi. lvi. 124. . Some remarks on the genus Xylophilus, with descriptions of two species from Japan. Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 264-269. [Coleo- ptera.'] 125. . On a new genus of Anthicidce from tropical South America. T. c. pp. 292 & 293. [ Coleoptera .] 126. . On a new species of Tomoderus from Japan. T. c. p. 325. [ Coleoptera.~) [See also Godman & Salvin (317).] 127. Chapman, T. A. The genus Acronycta and its allies. Ent. Rec. i, pp. 1-4, &c., pis. i & ii. \_Lepidoptera.~\ 128. ~. Notes on Hybocampa milhauseri. Ent. xxiii, pp. 91-94. [Lepidoptera.] Includes notice of an instrument for escaping from the cocoon. 129. Ciiolodkovsky, N. Zur Biologic und Systematik der Gattung Chernies , L. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 386-420. [. Aphididce .] 130. . Etude biologique et systematique sur le genre Chernies. Rev. Sci. Nat. Pet. i, pp. 304-311 & 335. \Rhynchota.'] 131. . Zur Embryologie von Blatta germanica. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 137 & 138. 132. Christoph, H. T. Die Lepidopteren des Achal-Tekke-Gebietes. Verh. Ver. Brunn. xxvii, pp. 3-36. A catalogue of names only. TITLES. Ins. 11 133. Cobelli, R. Una nuova specie di Tentredinuli. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 159. [ Hymenoptera .] 134. . Gli Apidi pronubi della Brassica oleracea, L. T. c. pp. 161— 164. [ Hymenoptera .] 135. Cockerell, T. D. A. Trypeta bigelovice, n. sp. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 324. [Dipteral 136. . Notes on some species of Gall-gnats (Cecidomyice). Ent. xxiii, pp. 278-802. [ Diptera.] 137. . The evolution of Insect-galls. T. c. pp. 73-76. 138. . The evolution of metallic Colours in Insects. Ent. News, i, pp. 3-6. 139. . What are the uses of bright Colours in Hymenoptera ? T. c. pp. 65-68. 140. Constant, A. Descriptions de Microlepidopteres nouveaux ou peu connus. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 5-16, pi. i. 141. Conte jean, C. Sur la respiration de la Sauterelle. C.R. cxi, pp. 361-363. [Orthoptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 715. 142. . Sur l’Autotomie chez la Sauterelle et le Ldzard. T. c. pp. 61 1 & 612. \Orthoptera.~\ Causes that lead to the detachment of hind-legs. 143. Cook, A. J. Aphidius granariaphis , n. sp. Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 125. [Hymenoptera.] 144. . Teaching entomology. Ins. Life, iii, pp. 107-112. 145. Coquillett, D. W. New Coccids from California and one of their Chalcid parasites. West. Am. Scientist, vii, pp. 43-45. [Rhynchota , Hymenoptera .] 146. . The Dipterous parasite of Diabrotica soror. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 233-235. [See also Riley (687).] 147. Costa, A. Miscellanea entomologica ; Memoria terza. Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, pp. 171-174. [ Hymenoptera , Orthoptera .] Consists of preliminary diagnoses. 148. . Diagnosi di nuovi Artropodi della Sardegna. Bull. Ent. Ital, xxii, pp. 111-121. A reproduction of this author’s “ Memorio v e vi sulla Geofauna Sarda.” 149. Coste, F. H. P. Contributions to the Chemistry of insect colours. Ent. xviii, pp. 128-132, &c., &c. Experiments with chemical reagents on the wings of Lepidoptera. 150. Cotes, E. C. Note on Locusts in India. J. Bomb. Soc. v, pp. 86-92. 12 Ins. INSECTA. 151. [Cotes, E. C.] Second note on Locusts in India. T. c. pp. 184-188. 152. . Miscellaneous notes. Ind. Mus. Notes, i, pp. 195-213. These notes relate to Economic Entomology. 153. . Silkworms in India. T. c. pp. 129-173, pis. viii-xi. [Lepidoptera.] 154. Coville, F. Y. Notes on Bumble-Bees. P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 197-202. [Hymenoptera.] Cresson, E. T. [See Hamilton (347).]. 155. Croissandeau, J. Nouvelle espece de Scydmcenidce. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clvi. [ Coleoptera .] [See also Reitter & Croissandeau (670).] 156. Crosa, F. Di un modo di conservare le Larve dei Lepidotteri col loro colore. Bol. Mus. Tor. v, No. 85. 157. Crowley, P. On some new species of African diurnal Lepidoptera. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1890, pp. 551-556, pis. xvii & xviii. 158. Cu ill not, L. Le Sang des Meloe et le role de la Cantharidino dans la biologie des CoUoptdres vesicants. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 126-128. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pp. 34 & 340. 159. ^Daguin, A. Les Insectes au point de vue alimentaire. Paris: 1890, 18mo, 32 pp. Cf. Le Nat. xii, p. 158. 160. Daniel, K. & J. Sechs neue Nebrien aus der Alpen. Yersuch einer natiirlichen Eintheilung der im Alpengebiet vorkommenden Arten dieser Gattung. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 113-141. [Coleoptera.] 161. — — . TacTiycellus oreophilus) eine der montanen Region angeho- rende, neue, deutsche Art. T. c. p. 209. [ Coleoptera .] 162. Davidson, J., & Aitken, E. H. Notes on the Larvae and Pupae of some of the Butterflies of the Bombay Presidency. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. pp. 260-278 & 349-375, pis. a-f. [ Lepidoptera .] 163. Demoor, J. Recherches exp6rimentales sur la locomotion des Arthropodes. C.R. cxi, pp. 839 & 840. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 31. 164. Desbrochkrs des Loges, T. Description de Curculionides et de Brenthidea inedits faisant partie des collections du Musee Indien de Calcutta. J. A. S. B. lix, pt. ii, pp. 211-223. [ Coleoptera .] 165. . Diagnoses de vingt-cinq especes inedites du genre Zygops. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. lxxx, &c. [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins. 18 1GG. Dewitz, H. Einige Beobachtungen betreflrend das geschlossene. Tracheensystem beim Insecten-larven. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 500-504 & 525-531. Relates to the question of open or closed stigmata in the larvae of Odonata. 167. . Haben die Jugendstadien der Libellen and Ephemeriden ein geschlossenes Tracheensystem oder nicht ? Leopoldina, xxvi, pp. 211 & 212. [ Neuroptera .] 168. Dietz, W. G. Notes on the species of Dendroctonus of boreal America. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 27-32. [ Coleoptera.~\ 1G9. Disque, H. Biologische Notizen uber einige Microlepidopteren- Raupen. S. E. Z. li, pp. 56-59 & 85-88. 170. Distant, W. L. Ethiopian Rhynchota in the collection of the Brussels Museum. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pt. i, pp. li— lx. 171. . Descriptions of Chinese species of the Homopterous family Cicadidce. Ent. xxiii, pp. 90 & 91. \_Rhynchota.'] 172. . Descriptions of some new species of Chinese Rhynchota T. c. pp. 159 & 160. 173. . Description of a new genus of Oriental Cicadidce. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 166 & 167. [ Rhjnchota .] 174. . Description of a new genus of the Homopterous family Cicadidce. T. c. pp. 234 & 235. [ Rhynchota .] 175. . Report on a collection of Rhynchota made at Yambuya on the River Aruwimi by Mr. W. Bonny, of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition under Mr. H. M. Stanley. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 473-479. [See also Godman & Salvin (317).] 176. Dixey, A. On the phylogenetic significance of the wing-markings in certain genera of the Nymphalidce. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1890, pp. 89- 129, pis. i-iii. [ Lepidoptera .] Relates specially to Vanessa and its immediate allies, and to Argynnis. 177. Dognin, P. Diagnoses de Lepidopt&res nouveaux. Le Nat. xxii, pp. 10, &c., &c. 178. Don un, C. A. Paussus silcoranus. S. E. Z. li, p. 82. {Coleoptera.'] 179. . Madagascarisches. T. c. pp. 195-198. [ Coleoptera .] 180. Doiikn, II. Zwei noue Paussiden. T. c. p. 1. [ Coleoptera .] 181. Dokhtouroff, W. Faune Coleopterologique Aralo-Caspienne. xme partie. Meloides et Cantharides ( Mylabrides ). Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 121-192, pi. ii. This is to be the thirteenth part, when the series is complete. At present it is the second parti 14 Ins. INSECTA. 182. DOnitz, — . Die Feinde der Schmetterlinge. SB. Nat. Fr. 1889, pp. 185 & 18G. Points out that protection during the larval stage is more necessary than in the perfect state ; and that Ichneumons are not guided by sight in their attacks. 183. Douglas, J. W. Notes on some British and Exotic Coccidce. No. 15, pp. 79-81 ; No. 16, pp. 153-155 ; No. 17, pp. 238-240 ; No. 18, pp. 318 & 319. Eut. M. M. (2) i. [ Rhynchota .] 184. Druce, H. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera-IIeterocera from Central and South America. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 493-520, pis. xlii & xliii. 185. . Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera from Central America. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 213-218. 186. * . Descriptions of four new species of Castnia from South America, in the collection of H. Druce. Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 69 & 70. [LepidopteraJ] . [See also Godman & Salvin (317), and Jameson (405).] 187. Druce, H. H. Descriptions of twelve new species of Lyccenidce from West Africa, and one from the Solomon Islands, in the collec- tion of H. Druce. Ann. N. II. (6) v, pp. 24-30. \ Lepidoptera.'] 188. . Descriptions of seven new species of Thecla. Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 151 & 152. [ Lepidoptera.] 189. . Descriptions of two new species of Enplcea from the South Sea Islands. T. c. p. 320. [ Lepidoptera .] 190. Dubois, R. Sur la secretion de la Soie chez le Bomhyx mori. C.R. cxi, p. 206. 191. Dudley, P. H. The Termites of the Isthmus of Panama. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. vi, pp. 102-110. [ Neuroptera .] 192. Duges, E. Nota segunda sobre la clasificaci6n de los Meloideos de la republica Mexicana. An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, pp. 6-11. \_Coleo- ptera .] 193. . Sinopsis de los Meloideos de la republica Mexicana. T. c. pp. 34-40 & 49-144. [ Coleoptera .] 194. Dumont, G. Description d’une nouvelle esp&ce d ’J&lateridce du genre Dicronychus. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. cxli. [ Coleoptera .] 195. . Description d’une nouvelle espece d’lblaieride du genre Adia - phorus. T. c. p. clxxxv. [ Coleoptera .] 196. Duurloo, H. P. En ny Artaf Slasgten Hadenai Tr. Ent. Med. ii, pp. 85-87. [ Lepidoptera .] 197. Duvivier, A. Liste des Coleopteres phytophages recueillis par M. le Dr. Platteeuw dans l’ile de Sumatra. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. xxxii- xxxvii. TITLES. Ins. 15 198. [Duvivier, A.] Description de quelques especes nouvelles de la tribu de llispides. T. c. pp. xxxvii-xl. [ Coleoptera .] 199. . Descriptions de quatre especes nouvelles de la famille des Chrysomelides. T. c. pp. cxlii -cxlvi. [ Coleoptera .] 200. . Diagnoses de quelques Coleopteres nouveaux du Congo. T. c. pp. cxciv-cxcvii. 201. . Note sur les Coleopteres rapportes du Congo par M. M. le Capit. Bia, Leon Cloetens, Fern, de Meuse, Joseph Duvivier et lo Lieut. Paul Lemarinel. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, pp. 1-43. 202. Duzee, E. P. van. New North American Homoptera. Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 110-112. [ Rliynchota .] 203. . Synonymy of the Homoptera described by Say, Harris, & Fitch. Psyche, v, pp. 387-391. 204. . Review of the North American species of Bythoscopus. Ent. Am. vi. pp. 221-229. [ Rliynchota.'] 205. — — New California Homoptera. T. c. pp. 35-38, 49-52, 77-80, & 91-96. [ Rhynchota .] 206. . Description of two Jassids from the Cranberry bogs of New Jersey. T. c. pp. 133 & 134. [ Rhynchota .] 207. Dyar, II. G. The number of molts of Lepidopterous larvae. Psyche, v, pp. 420-422. , 208. . A new form of Centra from California. Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 253. [Lepidoptera.] 209. Eckstein, K. Zur Biologie der Gattuug Lyda, Fab. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. v, pp. 425-436, pi. xxxv. [ Hymenoptera. ] 210. . Zur Biologie der Gattung Chermes , L. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 86-90. [Rhynchota.] 211. Edwards, H. Some apparently new Noctuidce in the collection of the British Museum. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 114 & 115. [Lepidoptera.] 212. Edwards, Jas. On an additional aid to the determination of certain British Gyrinidce. Ent. xxiii, pp. 105-109. [ Coleojjtera. ] . [See also Saunders & Edwards (724).] 213. Edwards, W. H. The Butterflies of North America, with coloured drawings and descriptions. Third series. Pts. viii-x. [ Lepidoptera .] 214. . Description of a new species of Argynnis from Canada. Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 113. [ Lepidoptera .] 215. . Description of a new species of Melitcea from Southern Cali- fornia. T. c. p. 21. [ Lepidoptera .] 216. . Notes on “A revision of the genus Argynnis ,” by H. J. Elwes. T. c. pp. 81-93. [Lepidoptera.'] Cf. Elwes, t. c. pp. 150-152. 16 Ins. 1NSECTA. 217. [Edwards, W. H.] On certain statements in Scudder’s Butterflies of New England. T. c. pp. 61-67. [Lepidoptera.) 218. Elwes, H. J. On some Moths allied to Himantopterus. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 329-338, pi. x. [ Lepidoptera .] 219. . On some new Moths from India. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 378-401, pis. xxxii-xxxiv. [ Lepidoptera .] . [See also Snellen (818).] 220. Emery, C. Due nuovi apparecchi per studi entomologici. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 85-92. A measuring instrument and a lamp. 221. . Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. Formicides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 55-76. [ Ilyrnenoptera .] 222. . Intorno ad alcune Formiche della Fatina Palearctica. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 439-443. [ Hymenoptera .] 223. . Formiche di Birmania e del Tenasserim raccolte da Leonardo Fea. (1885-87.) T. c. pp. 485-520, pis. x & xi. [ Hymenoptera .] 224. . Alcune considerazioni sulla Fauna mirmecologica dell’ Africa. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 69-75. [ Hymenoptera .] 225. . Studii sulle Formiche della Fauna Neotropica. Op> cit. xxii, pp. 38-40, pis. v-ix. [ Hymenoptera .] 226. Eppelsheim, — . Neue Staphylinen aus den Raukasusliindern. Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 161. [ Coleoptera .] 227. . Drei neue osterreichische. Staphylinen. T. c. pp. 205-209. [Coleoptera. ] 228. . Neue Staphylinen aus den Kaukasuslandern. T. c. pp. 217— 229. [ Coleoptera .] 229. . Staphylinidarurn species novae, a Domino Bomford in India orientali collectae. T. c. pp. 273-280. [ Coleoptera .] 230. Eppelsheim, F. MicrolepidopterologischeBeobachtungen. S. E. Z. li, pp. 53-56. 231. Esciierich, K. Meloulen- studien. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 23 & 24. [ Coleoptera .] 232. . Revision der behaarten Meloe- Arten der alten Welt. T. c. pp. 87-96. [ 233. . Bemerkungen iiber Meloe algiricus , nov. spec. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 283. [ Coleoptera .] 234. Etheridge, R., & Olliff, A. S. The Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. Mem. Geol. Surv. N. S. W. : Palaeon- tology, No. 7, 14 pp., 2 pis. 235. Everts, E. Tabellarisch overzicht der in Nederland waargenomen JBenibidioni. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 1-21. [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins . 17 236. [Everts, E.] Quelques remarques & sujet d’une 4tude de Mr. David Sharp sur la structure du prosternum dans les Rhynchophorides. T. c. pp. 349-353, pi. xiv. [ Coleoptera .] 237. Failla-Tedaldi, L. Contribuzione alia Fauna Lepidotterologica della Sicilia. Desciizione di alcune nuove specie. Nat. Sicil. x, pp. 25-31. 238. Fairmaire, L. Note supplemental sur les Coleopteres d’Obock. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 547-554. 239. . Diagnoses de CoUopteres Madecasses. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. ccii & cciii. . [See also Lebrun, Fairmaire & Mabille (476).] 240. Fallou, G. Diagnoses d ' Etorriopteres nouveaux. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 351-354. [j Rhynchdta;] 241. Faust, J. Beitrage zur Kenntrtiss der Coleopieren-Rnxma. Siidwest- Sibiriens. Yer^eichniss der atff einer Reise in dem Minusinkischen Kreise und denbt angren^enden Theil del* Moftgolei von den Herren K. Ehnberg uud R. Hammarstrom gesammelten CurcUlioniden .- CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, pp. 53-106. 242. . Beitrag zur Ke'nntniss der Gattung Psalidium, III. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 281-310. [ Coleoptera. ] 243. . Insecta, a 01. G. N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. xv. Curcidionidm. T. c. pp. 421-476. [Coleoptera.] 244. . Beschreibung rieuer Riissfelkiifer aus China. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 257-263. [Coleoptera.'] 245. . Das Yaterland der Gattung Ehdaliscus1 Kirsch, und ein neuer Yertreter dieser Gattung. T. c. pp. 264-266. [Coleoptera.] 246. . Russelkafer aiis den Mittelirfeer-Landern. T. c. pp. 321- 336. [Coleoptera.] 247. . Russelkafer von S. Asien und den Sundairiseln. S.-E. Z; li, pp . 65-8 1 . [ Coleop ter a/] 248. . Neue Russelkafer aller Lander. T. c. pp.- 165-194. [Coleo- ptera.] 249. . Efte Gattung Sciaphilus , Sch. T .- c. pp. 247-252. [ Coleo- ptera.] 250. Fauvel, A. Sipalia laticornis , nov.- sp. . Rev; d’Ent.- ix, p. 184. v [Coleoptera.] 251. - . Deux Leptotyphlus nouveaux de Nice. T. c. p. 356. [Coleo- ptera.] 252. Favre, E. Falune des CoUopteres dii Yalais et des regions limi- trophes, avec introduction par Ed.- Bugnion. N. Defck. schw. Ges. xxxi, pp. xliv & 448. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] f 2 18 Ins. 1NSECTA. 253. Fernald, H. T. Studies on Thysanuran Anatomy. (Preliminary communication.) J. Hopk. Univ. Circ. No. 80, pp. 62 & 63. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 452. 254. Rectal glands in Coleoptera. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 100 & 101 , pis. iv & v. 255. Ficalbi, E. Sul preteso Parassitismo delle Larve di Culex pipiens. Mon. Z. Ital. i, pp. 219-222. [Diptera.') 256. . Sul preteso Parassitismo delle Larve di Culex pipiens. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 227-230. [Diptera.'] 257. . Notizie preventive sulle Zanzare italiane. iii, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 86-92; jv, t, c. pp. 93 & 94; v, pp. 95-100 ; vi, pp. 124-131 ; vii, op. cit. xxii, pp. 81-84. [Diptera.] 258. Finot, A. Faune de la France. Insectes Orthopteres ; Thysanoures et Orthopteres proprement dits. Paris : 8vo, 1890, 322 pp., 13 pis. 259. Flacii, C. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren. Familie Phalacridce. Yerli, Yer. Briinn. xxvii, pp. 54-78. 260. * , Ueber zwei fossile Silphiden {Coleoptera) aus den Phosphoriten von Caylux. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 105-109. 261. Eine neue Glycyphana aus Sumatra. T. c. p. 273. [ Coleo- ptera.] 262. . Zwei neue Glycyphana- Arten aus NemBritannien. T. c. p. 275. [ Coleoptera .] 263. . Dichotrachelus kimakowiczi , eine neue Art aus Siebenbiirgen. Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 36. [ Coleoptera .] 264. . Ischioplites mollendorjfi , n. sp., aus Matupi Bismarck- Archipel. T. c. pp. 238-240. [ Coleoptera .] 265. Fleischer, A. Ein entomologischer Ausflug von Briinn an die Grenze von Siebenbiirgen. Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii, pp. 81-94. [' Coleoptera .] 266. Fletcher, J. Annual address of J. Fletcher, President of the Entomological Club, of the A. A. A. S. 1889. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 1-8. Relates to economic entomology in North America. 267. Fleutiaux, E. Note sur les Cicind&lides du Chota-Nagpore. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. clxviii-clxx. [ Coleoptera .] 268. Focke, W. O., & Lemmermann, E. Uber das Sehvermogen der Insekten. Abh. Yer. Brem. xi, pp. 439-143. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 710. 269. Fockeu, H. Observations sur la Galle du Sinapis arvensis d5ter- minee par le Ceuthorhynchus contractus , Marsch. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 261-269. 270. . Note sur la Galle de VHormomyia faqi, Hart. T. c. pp. 369- 379. [Diptera.] TITLES. Ins. 19 271. FoltUES, S. A. The American Plum-borer, “ Euzophera semi - funeralis , Walk.” Psyche, v, pp. 295-299. [Lepidopterai] 272. ForEl, A. Norwegische Ameisen und Driisenkifct als Material zum Nestbau der Ameisen. MT. schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 229-233. [Ily nienopterai] 273. . Un Parasite de la Myrmecia forficata , Fabr. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. viii-x. [Ily nienopterai] 274. . Fourmis de Thnisie et de l’Algerie orientale r^coltdes et d^crites par. 7. c. pp. lxi-lxxtL [. Hymenoptera .] 275. . JEnictus-i'yphlatta d^couverte de M. Wroughton. Nouveaux genres de Formicides. T. c; pp. cii-cxii. [Hymenoptera.] 276. . Une nouvelle Fourmi. Le Nat. xii, p; 217. [ Hymenoptera i] 277. Fowler, W.- W. On a new species belonging to the genus Lan- guria. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 107.- [ ColeOpterai] 278. . The Co'leoptera of the' British Islands. Pts. 37-48. 279. Fox, W. J. Description of three new species of Hymenoptera. Ent. News, i,- pp. 106 & 107. 280. . Three ne# Species of Aculeate Hymenoptera . 7. c. pp. 137 & 138. FranceschInI, F. [See TargiOni To^zetti (844)’.] 281. French, G. H. Some hew Colorado Mo'ths.- Canad. Ent. ±xii, pp. 44-47. [Lepidopterai] 282. . Some new Moths. 7. c. pp.- 133-135. [Lepidopterai] 283. Frenzel, J. Die Saftentleeruug bei Schmetterlirigen natih deren Ausschliipfen. Zool Anz. xiii, pp. 579 & 580. 284. Fritze, A. Zur Fauna von Central Japan. I. Saisondimorphis- mus bei JapanisChen Schntetterlingert. Zool. Anz. xiii,- pp. 12 & 13. [Lepidoplera .} 285. FrivaldSzky,- J. Ctiteoptera in expeditione D. Comitis Belm Sz^chenyi in China, praecipue boreali, a dominis Gustavo Kreitner et Ludovico Loczy anno 1879, collecta. Term!, fiizetek, xii, pp.- 197-210. 286. Froggatt, W. W. Notes on the life-history of certain Saw-flies (Genus Perga ) with description O’f a new species. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 283-28^8. [Hymenoptera.] 287. . Descriptions of a new genus and two tiew specie^ of fenthre- diriidce. 7. c: pp. 487-490. [Hymenoptera.] 288'. Fyles, T. W. Gelechia galleedlplapappi , n.- sp’. Cariad. Eht. xxii, p. 248. '[Lepidopterai] 289. Gadeah de Kervil-le,- H. Experiences terato’g6niques sur dif- ferences especes d’lnsectes. Le Nat. xii, p. 114. 20 Ins. INSECTA. 290. Gaiian, C. J. On new longicornia from Africa and Madagascar. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 297-328, pi. ix. [Coleoptera.] 291. . Descriptions of new species of Longicornia from India and Ceylon. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 48-66, pi. vii. [Coleoptera.] 292. -. Notes on some West Indian Longicorn Coleoptera , with Descriptions of new Genera and Species. Op. cit. vi, pp. 23-33. 293. . Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the Group Cerambycince, with Descriptions of new Genera and Species. T. c. pp. 247-261. 294. •. On new Longicorn Coleoptera from Madagascar. T. c. pp. 458-465. 295. . A new species of the Longicorn genus Pachyteria , Serv. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 161. [Coleoptera.] . [See also Waterhouse & Gahan (894).] 296. Ganglbauer, L. Carahus (Limnocarabus) stygius, n.sp, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 117. [Coleoptera.] 297. . Insecta a Cl. G. N. Potauin in China et in Mongolia novis- sime lecta. VII. Buprestidce, (Edemeridce, Cerambycidce. llor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 21-85. [Coleoptera.] 298. Gehuchten, A. van. Recherches histologiques sur PAppareil Digestif de la Larve de la Ptychoptera contaminata. Premiere partie. Etude du revetement Epithelial et recherches sur la sEcrEtion. Cellule, vi, pp. 185-289, pis. i-vi. [Diptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 183. 299. Gercke, G. Yorlaufige Nachricht liber die Fliegen Siid-Georgiens, nach der Ausbeuteder Deutsche Station 1882-83. JB. Hamb. Anst. vi, pp. 153 & 154. [Diptera.] 300. Gestro, R. Yiaggio ad Assab, nel Mar Rosso, dei Signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. avviso “ Esploratore ” dal 16 Novembre, 1879, al 26 Febbraio, 1880. iv. Coleotteri. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 5-72. 301. . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xv. Primo studio delle Cicindele. T. c. pp. 77-91. [Coleoptera.] 302. . Sopra alcune Cetonie dell’isola Nias e della costa occidentale di Sumatra raccolte dal Dott. Elio Modigliani. T. c. pp. 93-99. [Coleoptera.] 303. Giard, A. Sur quelques types remarquables de Champignons Ento- mophytes. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xx, pp. 197-224, pis. iii-v. 304. Giglio-Tos, E. Diaguosi di alcune nuove specie di Ditteri. Atti Acc. Tor. xxv, pp. 457-461. 305. . Diagnosi di Ditteri nuovi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. x, pp. 120, &c. TITLES. Ins. 21 306. [Giglio-Tos, E.] Diagnosi di alcune nuove species di Ditteri. Boll. Mus. Tor. v, No. 78. 307. . Nuove specie di Ditteri del Museo Zoologico di Torino. Op. cit. No. 84. 308. Gillette, C. P. New Cynipidce. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 21-25. [jE lymenopteraJ] 309. . Oviposition of Anomalon sp. Ent. News, i, p. 139. \IIymeno- ptera.~\ 310. . A new ' Cecidomyid infesting Box-elder. Psyche, v, p. 392. \JDiptera.~\ 311. Gilson, G. Recherches sur les cellules s6cr6tantes. i. La Soie et les appareils s^ricigenes. I. Lepidopteres. Cellule, vi, pp. 117-182, pis. i-iii. 312. . The seeretion of Silk by the Silkworm. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1889, p. 628. 313. Glaser, L. Ueber Dimorphie und Mimetik bei den Schmetter- lingen. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 212-218. \Lepidoptera.\ 314. . Mittheilungen aus dem Insektenleben dieses Sommerhalb- jahrs. T. c. pp. 250-254. 315. Goding, F. W. A new Orthopter from Tennessee. Ent. Am. vi, p. 13. 316. ■. A new Apple pest. Ent. News, i, p. 123. 317. Godman, F. D., & Salvin, O. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Pts. Ixxxii-xc. The entomological contents of these parts are as follows : — Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera , by F, D. Godman & O. Salvin, vol. ii, pp. 185-240, pis. lxv-lxx ; Enantia to Papilio. Lepidoptera. Heterocera, by H. Diiuce, pp. 345-440, pis. xxxi-xxxiv : Homoptera to Hormisa . Coleoptera , vol. ii, pt. 1 : Nitidulidce , by D. Sharp, pp. 305-336, pi. x. Yol. ii, pt. 2 : Lamellicornia, by H. W. Bates. Index, Introduction, and list of plates. Yol. iii, pt. 1 : Throscidce , Eucnemidce , by G. H. Horn, pp. 193-257, pis. ix & x. Vol. iv, pt. 2 : Heteromera , by G. C. Champion, pp. 121— 256, pis. vi-x : Ditylus—Pentaria. Vol. iv, pt. 3 : Rhynchophora , by D. Sharp, pp. 41-80, pis. ii & iii : Eugnamptus to Apion. Yol. vi, pt. 1 : Phytophaga , by M. Jacoby. Supple- ment, pp. 169-232, pi. xl : Chlamys to Fidia. Vol. vii : Endomychidre , by H. S. Goriiam, pp. 129-144, pi. vii : Epopterus to Rhymbus. 22 Ins. INSECTA. Hymnoptera , vol. ii, by P. Cameron, pp. 65-128, pis. v-vii ; Astata Cerceris. Rhynchota. Heteroptera , by W. L. Distant, pp. 329-352, pis. xxxi & xxxii. Diptera , vol. ii, by F. M. van der Wulp, pp. 57-208, pis. iii & iv. [Godman, F. D., & Salvin, 0.] [See also Jameson (405).] 318. Gorham, H. S. Notes on the species of the families Lycidce and Lampyridce , contained in the Imperial Museum of Calcutta, with descriptions of new species, and a list of the species at present described from India. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1890, pp. 541-550. [ Coleoptera .] ' 319. . A new species of the Erotylid genus Episcapha. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 47. [ Coleoptera .] [See also Godman & Salvin (317).] 32Q. Graber, Y. Bemerkungen zu Dr. K. Heider’s Abhandlung iiber die Embryonaleutwicklung von Hydrophilus piceus , L. Zool. Anz. xii, pp. 287-289. 321. — rr-. Yergleichende Studien iiber die Erqbryologie der Insecten und insbesondere der Jtfusciden. Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, pp. 257-314, pis. i-x. 322. Grabber, If Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lepidopteren-Famm des Amurlandes, {V. B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 71-84. 323. s?Grassi, B. Intorno al gen. Embia. Bull. mens. Acc. Gioen. 1889, fasc. ix ; cf. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, p. 249. \Neuroptera.'] 324. Grassi, B., & Rovelli, G. I progenitori dei Miriapodi e degli Insetti. — Memoria vi. II sistema dei Tisanuri fondato sopratutto sullo studio dei Tisanuri italiani. Nat. Sicil. ix, pp. 25, &c. Also published separately, pp. 1 -64, 2 pis. 325. Grote, A. R. North American Lepidoptera. Revised Check List of the North American Noctuidce. Part 1. Thyatirince-Noctuince . Bremen : 1890, 52 pp. Includes many notes and observations. Criticism by Smith, Ent. News, i, pp. 99 & 100. Groum-Grshimailo. [See Romanoff (712).] 326. Grouvelle, A. Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxm. Nitidulides. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, pp. 120-126. [ Coleoptera .] 327. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de Cucujides appartenant au Musee civique de Genes. T. c. p. 127. [ Coleoptera .] 328. . Description d’un Nitidulide nouveau de Sumatra. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 15. [ Coleoptera .] 329. . Deux diagnoses. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xcii. \_Coleo- piera7\ TITLES. Ins. 23 330. [Grouvelle, A.] Deux especes nouvelles de Parnidds. T. c. p. cxlvi. [ Goleoptera .] 331. . Diagnoses de trois Helmis nouveaux. T. c. p. ccxii. \Coleo- pteraj] 332. Guillebeau, F. Description de deux Coleopteres nouveaux. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 32 & 33. 333. . Note sur les Silvanus du groupe du surinamensis. T. c. pp. 220-224. [ColeopteraJ] 334. . Garabide nouveau. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xv. [ Coleo - ptera.~\ 335. - — Description d’une nouvelle espeCe du genre Bagous. T. c. p. lxxiv. [Coleoptera.'] 336. GumPpenberg, C. V. Systeraa Gdometrarum zonaa temperatioris septentrionalis. NoVa Acta A 278, pis. iii & iv. [Coleoptera.] 379. -. A revision of the Sphceridiini inhabiting boreal America. T , c. pp. 279-314, pi. ix. [Coleoptera.] 380. , Some notes on Areeqschizm. T. c . pp. 339-343. [Coleoptera.] - — . [See also Godman & Salvin (317) and Rivers (704).] 26 Inn. INSECTA. •381. Horvath, G-. Synopsis des Nysius paldarctiques. Rev. cl’Ent. ix, pp. 185-191. [Rhynchota.~\ 382. Howard, L. 0. Note on the hairy eyes of some Hymenoptera. P. E. Soc. Wash. pp. 195 & 19o. .383. . Two Spider-egg parasites. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 269-271. [. Hymenoptera .] .384. . A North American Axima and its habits. T. c. pp. 365-367. [ Hymenoptera .] .385. . A new and remarkable Encyrtid: is it parasitic ? Op. cit. iii. pp. 145-148. [ Hymenoptera .] . [See also Riley & Howard (695, 696).] .386. Hudson, G, Y. Eristalis tenax and Musca vomitoria in New Zea- land. ,Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, pp. 187 & 188. [Diptera.~\ ,387. . An entomological tour on the Table-land of Mount Arthur. T. c. pp. 179-186. :388. — — . The Wattle-blight (leery a purchasi ) in Tasmania and its natural enemies. T. c. pp. 176-178. [ Coccidcej\ 389. Hulst, Gr. D. The Phycitklm of North America, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 93-228, pis. vi-viii, [Lepidoptera.] 390. Hurst, C. II. The pupal stage of Culex : an inaugural discussion for the degree of Ph.D. in the University of Leipsic. Stud. Ow. Coll, ii, pp. 47-71, pi. v. \_Diptera.'] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 714. 391. Jackson, W. H. Note on the sexual apertures of the Lepidopteran chrysalis. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 45-47. 392. . Studies in the morphology of the Lepidoptera. Part I. Tr. L. S. (2) v, pp. 145-186, pis. xv-xix. Relates to indications of sex in the pupa, and to development of the female sexual organs. 393. Jacobs & Tosquinet. Catalogue des Ichneumonides de la Belgique appartenant au groupe des Tryphonules. Ann, Ent. Belg. xxxiv, pp. 44-135. [ Hymenoptera .] 394. Jacoby, M. List of the Phytophagous Ooleoptera obtained by Signor L. Fea at Burmah and Tenasserim, with descriptions of the new species. Ann. Mus. Genov, (2) vii, pp, 147—237. 395. . List of the Phytophagous Coleoptera collected by Signor Modigliani at Nias and Sumatra, with descriptions of the new species. T. c. pp, 278-287, pi. iv. 39(j. . Descriptions of new species of Phytophagous Coleoptera received by Mr. J. II. Leech from Chang Yang, China. Ent. xxiii, pp. 84-89 & 114-118, pis. i & ii. TITLES. Ins. 27 397. [Jacoby, M.] Descriptions of two new species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from the East. T. c. pp. 253 & 254. 398. . Descriptions of some new species of South American Hal- ticidce, of the group (Edipodes . Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 45-47 & 67-69,. [ Coleoptera.] . [See also Godman & Salvin (317).] 399. Jakowleff, B. E. Zur Hemqjteren-F&una, Russlands und der angrenzenden Lander. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 311-348. 400. . Insecta in itinere Cl. N. Przewalskii in Asia centrali novis- sime lecta. xvi. Ilemiptera-IIeteroptera. T. c. pp. 235-243. 401. — — . Insecta a Cl. G. N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissimo lecta. X. Coleoptera {N eodorcadion and Compsodorcadion). T. c. pp. 244-253. 402. . Insecta a Cl. G. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. xi. Coleoptera ( Cymindis , Pseudopelta , Lethrus ). T. c. pp. 254-261. 403. . Insecta a Cl. G. N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novis- sime lecta. xvii. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. T. c. pp. 540-560. 404. . Notiz fiber Lethrus. T. c. pp. 561-569. [ Coleoptera .] 405. Jameson, J. S. The Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition. London: 1890. There is a Natural History Appendix ; the entomology by Bates, pp. 423-425 ; Simpson, pp. 424 & 425 ; Godman & Salvin, pp. 426-445 ; Druce, pp. 446-452. 406. Jammes, L. Etudes sur les organes appendiculaires du Forjicula auricularia} L. Bull. Soc, Toulouse, xxiii, pp. 166-175. [ Orthoptera .] 407. Janson, O. E. Descriptions of two new species of Asiatic Cetoniidce , Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp, 127-129. [ Coleoptera .] 408. Jarochewsky, W. A. Description de quelques especes du genre Rhyssa, Grh., de la Faune du gouvernoment de Kharkow. Trudui Kharkolf Univ. xxiii, pp. 323-404. \_Hymenoptera.~\ 409. Karscii, F. Afrikanische Fulgoriden. B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 57-70, pi. ii. [ Rhynchota.'] 410. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Singci/caden Afrika’s und Mada- gaskar’s. T. c . pp. 85-130, pis. iii & iv. [ Rhynchota .] 411. . Ueber die Singcicaden-gattung Perissoneura, Dist. Ent, Nachr. xvi, pp. 190-192. [ Rhynchota .] 412. . Ueber Lihellulinen der Sammlung des Herrn Dr. Heinrich Dohrn. S. E. Z. li, pp. 295-298. [ Neuroptera .] 413. . Pcntathemis membranulatay eine neue australische Libellulklo. mit fiinfseitiger Cellula Cardinalis. Ent, Nachr. xvi, p. 33. [ Neuro «. pteraJ] 28 Ins. IN SECT A. 414. [Karsch, F.] Ueber Gomphiden. T. c. pp. 370-382. [. Neuroptera .] 415. . Neue westafrikanische durch Herrn Premierlieutenant Morgen von Kribi eingesendete Orthopteren. T. c. pp. 257-276. 416. . Ueber die von Herrn Dr. R. Biittner in Westafrika gesam- melten Tettigiden- Arten. T. c. pp. 17-27. \_Orthoptera.~\ 417. . Orthopterologische Mittheilungen. 4. Ueber Phaneropteriden. T. c. pp. 57-62. 418. . Verzeiehniss der von Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss auf der Barombi- Station in Deutsch- Westafrika, 1890, gesammelten Locustodeen aus den Familien der Phaneropteriden , MeJconemiden, und GryllaJcriden. T. c. pp. 353-369. [ Orthoptera .] 419. Kerremans. C. Especes inedites du genre Stigmodera , Esch. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pi. xi-xlviii. \Goleoptera^\ 420. — . Note sur les Chrysobothrides. T [. c. pp. cxxxiii-cxl. [ Coleo - ptera.~\ 421. . Description d’une nouvelle espeee de Stigmoddride. T. c. p. cxl. \_Coleoptera.'\ 422. . Note sur les Buprestides du Chota-Nagpore. T. c. [ Coleoptera .] 423. Kieffer, J. J. Ueber lothringische Gallmucken. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 197-206. \_Diptera.~\ 424. . Die Gallmucken des Hornklees. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 29-31. \JDiptera.~] 425. *. Die Gallmucken des Besenginsters. T. e. pp. 133-136. [Dipteral] 426. . Ueber Gallon und Gallmucken aus Bliithenkopfen verschie- dener Compositen. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 27-32 & 36-38. [ Diptera .] 427. . Die Gallmucken der T7Z«a-arten. T. c. pp. 193-197. [ Diptera .] 428. Kirby, W. F. A synonymic Catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata , or Dragonflies : with an appendix of fossil species. London : 1890, pp. ix & 202. Reviewed by Selys, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. clvii-clxiii. 429. . On the employment of the names proposed for genera of Orthoptera previous to 1840. P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 556-597. Great confusion in the use of many names is displayed, and the author considers that some genera will require renaming, but refrains from doing this at present. 430. . Description of a new species of Dragon-fly,- Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 112 & 113. [ Neuroptera .] TITLES. Ins. 29 431. [Kirby, W. F.] Descriptions of new Species of African Lyccenidce , chiefly from the collections of Dr. Staudinger and Mr. Henley Grose Smith. Op. cit. vi, pp. 261-274. [Lepidoptera.] 432. . The Butterflies and Moths of Africa. J. Tr. Yict. Inst. xxiii, pp. 225-236. [Lepidoptera.] . [See also Brandt (79) and Smith & Kirby (802).] 433. Klapalek, F. Nachtrage zum Yerzeichniss der Trichopteren Bohmens. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, pp. 176-196. [Neuroptera.] This includes descriptions of two new species entirely in the Bohemian language. 434. . Die Metamorphose-Stadien der Oxyethira costalis , Curt.- T. c. pp. 204-208, pi. ix. [Neuroptera.] Brief summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 340. 435. Klebs, R. Ueber die Fauna des Bernsteins. Tag. Deut. Nat.-Yers.- lxii, pp. 268-^271. Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) viy pp. 486-491. 436. Koebele, A. Report of a trip to Australia made under the direc-- tion of the entomologist, to investigate the natural enemies of the Fluted Scale. U. S. Dept, of Agr., DiY. of Ent., Bull. No. 21, 32 pp.,. woodcuts. . [See also Riley (687).] 437. Kohl, F. F. Zur Kenntniss der Pemphredonen. Ann. Hof museum1 Wien, v, pp. 49-65. [Hymenoptera.] 438. . Die Hymenopteren-g ruppe der Sphecinen. i. Monographic' der nat iii lichen Gattung Sphex , Linne (sens. lat.). T. c. pp. 77-194 & 317-461, pis. viii-xii. 439. Konow, F. W. Tenthredinidce europce. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp.- 225-255. [ Hymenoptera .] Consists of a sketch of classification, tabulation of genera, and cata- logue of species. 440. . Tableaux analytique et syst^matique du genre Tenthredopsi$T< Costa. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 63-80. [Hymenoptera,.'] 441. . Neue palaarctische Blattwespen. Wien.- ent. Z-. ht, 8-1^3.- [Hymenoptera.'] 442. . Die mannlicheu Wespen. Soc. Ent. iV, pp. '151, 152, &c. [Hymenoptera.] 443. Kraatz, G. Drei neue Lomapteridce. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 31 & 32. [Coleoptera.] 444. . Oirrhospila und Melinospila , zwei neute Macronotiden ( Ceto - w’dew)-Gattungen. T. c. pp. 277-280. [Coleoptera.] 30 Ins. INSECTA. 445. [Kraatz, G.] Zwei nordafrikanische Melolonthiden-Gnttungen. T. c. pp. 349-352. [ Coleoptera .] 446. . Ueber die Yarietaten 'von Pachnoda cibyssinica , Kr., und rubromaculata , Hope. T. c. pp. 396 & 397. [Coleoptera.] 447. . Brachagenius , nov. gen. Trichiadarum. T. c. pp. 399 & 400. [ Coleoptera .] 448. 0Krassilstchik, — . Note sur la symbiose de Pucerons avec des Bacteries. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1889, p. 465. Cf. Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 15. 449. Krauss, H. Beitrag zur Kenntniss westafrikanische Orthopteren. Zool. Jakrb. Abth. f. Syst; v, pp. 344-360, pi. xxx. Limited to the genus Corycus , Sauss. 450. — r—. Die Duftdriise deu Aphlebia bivittata Brulld ( Blattidce ) von Teneriffa. Zool. Anz. xiii,' pp. 584-587. 451. . Erklarung der Orthopteren- Tafeln J. G. Savigny’s in der “ Description de TEgypte.” Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 227-272. 452. Krieciibaumer, J. Ichneumoniden-StuAxen. ii. Neue Ichneu- moniden des Wiener Museums. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, pp. 479-491. [Hymenoptera.] 453. . Zwei neue Tryphoniden- Gattungen. MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 207-210. [ Hymenoptera .] 454. . Neue Schlupfwespen aus der Schweiz. T. c. p. 235. [Hymenoptera.] 455. . Ueber das Praepariren der Hymenopteren. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 1-9. 456. . Ichneumonulen- Studien. T. c. pp. 151-155, 181-185, 199-204, & 348-351. [Hymenoptera.] 457. . Neue Schlupfwespen aus Nord- und Mittel- Deutschland. T. c. pp. 289-297. [Hymenoptera.] 458. KrOnpeld, — . Ueber die kiinstliche Besiedelung einer Pflanze mit AmeisenL Tag. Deut. Nat. Yers. lxii, p. 262. Ants are not a protection against Halticidce. 459j KrulIkovski, A. Opuit Katalogha cheshuekruiluikh Kazanskoi gubernil. Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890, pp. 200-251, pi. viii. [Lepidoptera.] Entirely in Russian. 460. Kulagin, N. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Platygaster intri- cator , L. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 418-424. [Hymenoptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 713. 461. Kunckel d’Herculais, J. M^canisme physiologique de TEclosion, des Mues et de la Metamorphose chez les insectes Orthopteres de la f&miile des Acridides. C.R. cx, pp. 657 .& 659. Nummary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 321. TITLES. Ins . 31 462. [Kuncicel d’Herculais, J.] Les Parasites des Acridiens. De- veloppement et Hypermetamorphose des Mylabres. C.R. See. BioL (9) ii, pp. 583 & 584. [ Coleoptera .] 463. Kusnetzov, J. Les Diptera lumineux. Etude critique. Rev. Sci.- Nat. Pet. i, pp. 167-171. In the Russian language. 464. Kuthy, D. Ceulliorhynchus paszlavszlcyi, n. sp'. Term, fiizetek, xiii,, p. 7. [Coleoptera.] 465. Kuwert, A. Einige neue Passaliden. Deutsehe e. Z. 1890,- 97-104. [ Coleoptera .] 466. . Bestimmungstabelle der Parniden Europas, der Mittel- meerfauna, sowie der angrenzenden Gebiete. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl,. pp. 15-54. [Coleoptera.] 467. . Bestimmungstabelle dor Jleteroceren Europas' und der- angrezenden Gebiete, soweit dieselben bislier bekanntwurden.- rl. c. pp. 517-548. [ Coleoptera .] 468. . Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Hydrophiliden Europas, West- asiens und Nordafrikas. Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, pp. ,1-121 & 159- 328. [> Coleoptera .] 469. Lameere, A. Sur l’unite d’origine du type Arthropode. C.R. Ent.- Belg. 1890, pp. exxv & xxvi. An observation on the embryology of Blatta. 470. . Communication pr^limiuaire sur la metamerisation de’ l’lusecte. Bull. Soc, Belg. Micr. xvii. pp. 2-9. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 33. 471. . Un type nouveau de Prionide souterrain. C.R. Ent. Belg.- 1890, pp. exxi & exxii. [ Coleoptera .] 472. . Note sur quelques Spherionides. T. c. pp. clxx-clxxiii. [Coleoptera,] 473. . Note sur les Trictenotomides, les Prionides, et les Cerambyr cides du Chota-Nagpore. T. c. pp. ccx-ccxiv. [Coleoptera.'] 474. Lampa, S. Annu en Myggart funnen i SalaGrufvor. Ent. Tidskr.- xi, pp. 89-94. [Diptera.] 475. ^Langhoffer, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Mundtheile der' Dipteren. Jena : 1888, 32 pp. Cf. Wien, ent Z. ix, p. 158. 476. Lebrun, E., Fairmaire, L., & Mabille, P. Recherches sur les* Iusectes recueillis pendant la mission chargee d’observer a Santa-- Cruz de Patagonie le passage de Yenus. N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, pp. 97-‘ 159, pis. ix-xi. [i Coleoptera , Lepidoptera.] 477. Leech, J. H. New species of Lepidoptera from China. Ent. xxiiir pp. 26-50, 81-83, & 109-114. 32 Ins . INSECTA. 478. [Leech, J. H.] New species of Rhopalocera from China. T. c . pp. 187-192. [Lepidoptera.] 479. Lefevre, E. Descriptions de Coleopteres nouveaux de la famille des Eumolpules. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 181-188. 480. . Note sur trois especes d ' Eumolpidce. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) x, p. lvii. [ Coleoptera .] Lemmermann, E. [See Focke & Lemmermann (268).] 481. Leon, N. Jlemidiptera haeckelii. Jen. Z. Nat. xviii, pp. 13-16, pi. i. [Rhynchota ?] The describer considers it intermediate between Diptera and Ilemiptera. The figure quite resembles a bug. It was received “ to- gether with a number of Halobates brought back from Ceylon.” 482. ° ■, Disposition anatomique des Organes de Succion chez les Hydrocores et les Gdocores. Bull. Soc. Med. Nat. Jassy. 1888. Cf. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, p. 258. 483. Lethierry, L. Yoyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. Hemipteres , Homopteres. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 147-160. 484. L^veilli^, A. Description d’un Temnochilide nouveau. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cvii. [ Coleoptera .] 485. . Diagnose d’un Temnochilide nouveau. T. c. p. clxxxiii. [Coleoptera.] 486. Lewis, G. On Histeridce collected in Cochin China by M. Delau- nay. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 106. [ Coleoptera.] 487. Loens, II. Zur Psocidenfauna Westfalens. S. E. Z. li, pp. 5-7. [Neuroptera.] 488. . Albinismus bei Psocus sexpunctatus , L. Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 49. [ Neuroptera.~\ 489. — Gefliigelte Pyrrhocoris apterus und ahnliche Erscheinungen bei Psociden. T. c. pp. 10-12. [Rhynchota, Neuroptera.] 490; Lovendal, E. A. Oplysninger til Hr. C. Y. Prytz’s Anmeldelse af Tontici Danic.i. Ent. Med. ii, pp. 128-150. [Coleoptera.'] Cf. Prytz, t. c. pp. 185 & 186. 491. . Phlceophthorusrhododactylus}M.VLr8h. Biologiske Iagttagelser. T. c. pp. 196-205. [Coleoptera.] 492. Lowne, B. T. Anatomy, Physiology, Morphology, and Develop- ment of the Blowfly {Calliphora erythrocephala). Parti. London: 1890, 8vo< The work is tci be completed in 5 parts ; the present one includes 98 pp; Reviewed in Nature, Nov. 27, 1890, p. 77. 493. Lucas, T. P. Description of a new species of Iodis, with remarks on Pielus imperialism Olliff. P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) iv, pp. 603 & 601. [Lepidoptera.] TITLES. Ins, 33 494. [Lucas, T. P.J On Queensland and other Australian Macro- Lepidoptera , with localities and descriptions of new species. T. c. pp. 1065-1099. 495. Lugger, 0. On the migrations of the milkweed Butterfly. P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 256-258. \_Lepidoptera.~\ Maassbn, P. [See Weymer & Maassen (911).] 496. Mabille, P. Voyage de M. Gh. Alluaud dans le territoire d’Assinie en juillet et aoftt 1886. Lepidopteres , avec des notes sur quelques autres especes d’Afrique. Ann. Soc. Ent; Fr.- (6) x* pp. 17-51. 497. . Descriptions de quatre Lepidopteres nouveaUx. T. c. pp. 52-54. 498. . Note sur les Phalcena euphemia , Cr. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. cxxii-cxxivj \_Lepidoptera.'] 499. . Notes lepidopterologiques-. T. c. pp. cxlvi-cxlviii. 500. *. Artaxa charriUtanti , n. Sp. T. 6. p. c’civ. \_Lepidoptera.~\ 501. . tsmeuc brussduxij n. sp. T. c. p. ccxxi. [Lepidopierd .] Mabille. [See also Lebrun, Fairmaire & Mabille (476).] 502. MabIlIe,- P .,' & VuiLLOTj — . Novitates Lepidopterologicce .- Fasc. i & ii. Paris: 1890, 15 pp., 2 pis. 503. MacLachlai^, R. Two species of Psodidce rtew' to Britain. Ent. M. M. (2) i,- p. 269. [ Neuroptera .] 504. Magretti, P. Imenotteri di Siria^ raccolti dall* avvtt)f Augusto Medan&, cOn descrizione di alcdne specie miove. Ami: Mua. Genov. (2) ix, pp. 522-548. 505. Manders, N. A catalogue of the Rhopalocerous Lepidoptera col- lected in the Shan States/ with notes oil the country and Climate. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp.- 511-539: . 506. Marchal, C. Coup d’ceil sur le Mimetisnie chez les thsectes. Bull. Soc. Saone, iv, pp. 238-247. 507. . Ddnombrement d’une eolonie d’lnSectes. T. c. p. 237. \J)ipterai'\ , It is calculated that a sivarmof Ciilex sp. distributed over a space of 166 hectares, consisted of 4,980,000,000 individuals. 508. MarchAl, P. Formation d’une espece par le Parasitisme. Etude sur le Sphecodes gibbus. Rev. Sci. xlv, pp. 199-204. \JEty merioptera. ] 509. — — . L’Acide urique et la fonction renale chez les Inve’rtebrCs Mem. £>oc. Zo’ol. Pr. iii, pp. 31-87. [Insectes, pp. 61-77.] 510. Martin, L. axis Sumatra. B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 1—10. A collector’s notes. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] f 3 INSECTA. 34 Ins. 511. Maskell, — . On some species of Psyllklce in New Zealand. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, pp. 157-170, pis. x-xii. [ Rhynchota .] 512. . On some Aleurodidce from New Zealand and Fiji. T. c. pp. 170-176, pi. xiii. [ Rhynchota .] 513. . Further notes on Coccidce , with descriptions of new species from Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand. T. c. pp. 133-156, pis. iv-ix. 514. . On a new Australian Coccid. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 280-282, pi. xv. 515. . How do Ooccids produce cavities in plants? Ent, M. M. (2) i, pp. 277-280. 516. Matthews, A. Yier neue europaische Coleoptcren- Arten aus der Familie der Corylophidce. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp.|151 & 152. 517. Mayer, P. Ueber die Keimblaschen der Fliege. Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 367. Relates to Lowne’s recently expressed opinion about “ gum glands.” 518. °Mayet, Y. Les Insectes de la Yigne. Montpellier : 1890. The Prix Dollfuss has been awarded to the author of this work. Cf. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxviii. 519. . Description d’un Opatrum nouveau. Op. cit. 1890, p. civ, [Coleoptera.] 520. Mayr, G. Insecta in itinere Cl. Przewalskii in Asia Centrali novis- sime lecta. xvn. Formiciden aus Tibet. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 278-280. [Hymenoptera.] 521. Meinert, F. AEnigmatias blattoides , Dipteron novum apterum. Ent. Med. ii, pp. 212-226, pi. iv. 522. . Ugimyia-liSLYven og dens Leie i Silkeormen. T. c. pp. 162— 184, pi. iii. [Diptera.] 523. — — . How does the Ugimyia-\&rv& imbed itself in the Silkworm ? Ann. Nat. Hist. (6) v, pp. 103-112. [ Diptera .] 524. . Larvae Lucilice sp. in orbita Bufonis vulgaris. Ent. Med. ii. pp. 89-96. [Diptera.] 525. . Lidt om Indsamling af Larver. T. c. pp. 187-195. 526. . Catalogus Coleopterorum, Danicorum. Fam. Staphylinidce , Pars ii. T. c. pp. 227-257. '527. . Pliilornis molesta , en paa Fugle snyltende Tachinarie. Yid. Medd. 1889, pp. 304-317, pi. vi. [Diptera.] The larva of a fly living in young birds in Brazil. 528. Merrifield, F. Systematic temperature experiments on some Lepidoptera) in all their stages. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 131-159, pis. iv & v. Experiments as to the effects of abnormal temperature on the vitality in various stages, and on colour of the perfect insect. TITLES. Ins . 35 529. Mrunier, F. Description d’une espece nouvelle ou peu connue de Bomb us d’Ecuador. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, p. 66. [Hymenoptera.] 530. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de Stelidce de l’Afrique occidentale. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, p. 115. [ Hymenoptera .] 531. . Description d’une espece nouvelle de Ceratine. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cci. [Hymenoptera.] o 532. Meves, J. Alfabetiskt register till Entomologisk Tidskrift Arg. 1-10. Stockholm : 1890, 66 pp. 533. Meyrick, E. On the classification of th q Pyralidina of the Euro- pean fauna. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 429-492. [Lepidoptera.] 534. . Descriptions of Australian Lepidoptera. Part i. Xyloryctidce. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, pp. 23-8L 535. . Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. hi. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 1117-1216, This part includes ILepialidce and Monocteniadce. 536. . Descriptions of Additional Australian Pyralidina. T. c. pp. 1105-1116. [ Lepidoptera .] 537. . Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera . Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii, pp. 204-220. 538. Mik, J. Ugimyia scricarice , Rond., der Parasit des japanischen Seiden-spinners. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp.- 309-316. [DipteraJ] 539. . Ueber Toxotrypana curvicauda, Gerst., und Mihimyia furci- fera , Big. (Ein dipterologischer Beitrag.) T. c. pp. 251-254. 540. . Drei Cecidomyiden-Oallen aus Tirol. T. c. pp. 233-238, pis. i & ii. \_Diptera.~\ 541. — — . Dipterologische Miscellen. T. c. pp, 153-158. 542. . Ueber die Dipterologischen Referate in den Jahrgangen 1882 bis inclusive 1890 der Wiener Entomologischen Zeitung. T. c. pp. 281-308. 543. Minchin, E. A. Further observations on the dorsal gland in the abdomen of Periplaneta and its allies. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 41-44.- Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 173. 544. Miskin, W. H. A revision of the Australian species of Euplcea , with synonymic notes and descriptions of new species. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 1037-1046. [ Lepidoptera .] 545. . Descriptions of hitherto undescribed Australian Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocera ) principally Lycainidce. Op. cit. v, pp. 29-43. 546. . A revision of the Australian genus Ogyris , with description of a new species. T. c. pp. 23-28. \Lepidoptera.~\ 36 Ins. INSECTA. 547. MocsAry, A. Additamentum primum ad monographiam Chrysidi- darum orbis terrarum universi. Term, fiizetek, xiii, pp. 45-66. [Hymenoptera. *j 548. Moniez, R. Notes sur les Thysanoures. n. Sur nn Ochorutes qui s’attaque aux champignons de couche. Rev. Biol, ii, p. 365. in. Sur quelques especes nodvelles ou peu connues, recolt^es au Groisic. T. c. pp. 429-433. iv & V. Op. cit. hi, pp. 64, &c. 549. . Acariens et Inseetes marins des cdtes du Boulonnais. Op. cit. ii, pp. 321, &c., &c. [ Thysanura. ] 550. Montandon, A.-L. IHmipteres IHUrop tires palenvctique&nouveimx. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 174-180. 551. Moore. F. Lepidoptera indica. London : 1890. Parts 1-5 of this work, including pp. 1-^112 and pis. i-xl, bear the date 1890. 552. . On some Indian Psychidce. J, A. S. B. lix, pt. ii, pp. 262- 264. [ Lepidoptera .] 553. Morawitz, A. Entomologische Beitrage. Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii, pp. 33-82. \_Coleoptera.~] 1. Zwei neue centralasiatische Carabus- Arten. 2. Zur Synonymie einiger Caraben. 554. Morawitz, F. Insecta a Cl. G. N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. xiv. Hymenoptera aculeata. ill. Apidce. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 349-385. 555. . Hymenoptera fossoria Transcaspica nova, T. c. pp. 570-64*5. 556. Morgan, A. C. F. Observations on Coccidce. No. 6, pp. 42-45 ; No. 8, pp. 226-230. Ent. M. M. [ Rhynchota ,] There is no No. 7. 557. Morton, K. J. Notes on the metamorphoses of British Lepto- ceridce. No. 1, p. 127 ; No. 2, p. 181 ; No. 3, p. 231. Op cit. (2) i. [ Trichoptera.~\ 558. MOschler, H. B. Die Lepidopteren- Fauna der Insel Portorico. Zum Druck vorbereitet durch M. Saalmiiller. Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, pp. 69-360, 1 pi. A great many new species and new genera are described ; most of the latter without any more indication of their affinities than is afforded by their position in the list. Descriptions are given of a considerable number of species that have been previously only imperfectly described. 559. Moult, Le. Le parasite du Hanneton. C.R. cxi, p. 653. 560. Mukerji Nitya Gopal. Genesi del Baco da seta. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 203-226. Opines that the northern part of Bengal was the original home of the silkworm. TITLES. Ins . 37 561. Murtfeldt, M. E. An interesting Tineid. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 303- 305. [Lepidoptera.] . [See also Riley (687).] 562. Neumoegen, B. New beauties from near and afar. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 61-64. [j Lepidoptera.] 563. . New species of Arctians. T. c. p. 173. [Lepidoptera.] 564. Ne vinson, B. G. Description of a new species of the genus Phanceus. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 315. [ Coleoptera.] 565. Nic^ville, L. de. The Butterflies of India, Burmah, and Ceylon. A descriptive handbook of all the known species of Rhopalocerous Lepidoptera inhabiting that region, with notices of allied species occurring in the neighbouring countries along the border. Yol. III. Calcutta : 1890, pp. xii & 503, pis. xxv-xxix, and frontispiece. This volume is entirely devoted to Lycamidce. 566. . On new and little known butterflies from the Indian region, with descriptions of three new genera of Hesperiidce. J. Bomb. Soc. v, pp. 199-225, pis. d & e. [ Lepidoptera .] 567. . Description of a new Morphid butterfly from North-Eastern India. T. c. p. 131, pi. c. [Lepidoptera.'] 568. . A butterfly destructive to fruit. Ind. Mus. Notes, i, pp. 193 & 194. [ Lepidoptera .] 569. Nicicerl, 0. Sphyrorrhina charon : eine neue Goliathiden-Qattxmg und Art. S. E. Z. li, pp. 13-15, pi. [ Coleoptera .] 570. Nonfried, A. F. Einige neue Lamellicornier aus Kashmir und China. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 89 & 90. [ Coleoptera .] 571. , Neue exotische Coleopteren. S. E. Z. li, pp. 15-20. 572. . Coleopterorum species novae. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 76-78. 573. Nusbaum, J. Studya nad Morfologija zweierzat. Przyczynek do embryologii maika ( Meloe proscarabceus , Marsh). Kosmos Lemberg, xv, pp. 17-47, &c., pis. i-vii. Entirely in the Polish language. 574. — - — . Zur Frage der Riickenbildung bei den Insekten-embryonen. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 110-114. Account of another mode of dorsal growth in Meloe . Summary J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 710. 575. Obertiiuii, C. Etudes d’entomologie. Treizieme livraison. Lepi- dopteres des iles Comores, d’Alg&ie et du Thibet. 50 pp., 10 pis. 576. . Description d’uue Mathania nouvelle.' Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xx. [ Lepidoptera .] 577. . Communications interessant la Faune fra^aise des LSpido - pteres. T. c. pp. clxxxvi-clxxxviii. 38 Ins. INSECTA. 578. Ockler, A„ Das Krallenglied am Insektenfuss. Em Beitrag zur Kenntniss von dessen Bau und Funktion. Arch. f. Nat. lvi, i, pp. 222-262, pis. xii & xiii. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 33. 579. Olliff, A. S. New species of Lampyridce, including a notice of the Mt. Wilson Fire fly. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 643-653. [ Coleoptera .] 580. . Contributions towards a knowledge of the Coleoptera of Australia. Op. cit. v, pp. 5-11. 58}. , Stray notes on Lepidoptera. T. c. pp. 515 & 516. 582. > On Rhopalocera from Mt. Kosciusko, New South Wales. Op. cit. iv, pp. 619-624. [Lepidoptera.'] 583. . Additions to the Insect-fauna of Lord Howe Island, and descriptions of two new Australian Coleoptera. Rec. Austr. Mus. i, pp. 72-76, pi. xr 584. • On a species of Moth ( Epicrocis terebrans) destructive to red Cedar and other timber trees in New South Wales. T, c. pp, 32-35, pi, ii, [Lepidoptera,] , [See also Etheridge & Olliff (234).] 585. Ormerod, E. British Farm, Forest, Orchard, and Garden pests. Second Edition. London : 1890, Reviewed Nature, Oct. 23, 1890, pp. 609-612. Osborn, H, [See Riley (687).] 586. Oudemans, J. T, 4pterygota des Indischen Archipels, in Weber. Zool. Ergeb. i, pp. 73-91, pis. vi & vii, [ Thysanura .] 587. Pabst, — i. Yergleichung der Macrolepidopteren- Fauna von Chem- nitz mit der des Leip^iger Gebietes, Deutsche e, Z. Lep. iii, pp. 95-127. 588. Packard, A. S. Fifth report of the United States Entomological Commission, being a revised arid enlarged edition of Bulletin No. 7 on Insects injurious to forest and shade trees, Washington : 1890, pp. viii& 957, 40 pis. This important work is chiefly devoted to descriptions of the various stages of Insects, and accounts of their habits : an enormous number of species are noticed ; the arrangement is phytologioal, The only new species described are a Lygus , by Uhler, and some Psyllidce , by Riley. 589. . La distribution des Organes du Gout dans les Insectes. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xviii, 2, pp. 592 & 594. TITLES. las. 39 590. [Packard, A. S.] Hints on the evolution of the bristles, spines, and tubercles of certain Caterpillars, apparently resulting from a change from low-feeding to arboreal habits ; illustrated by the life- histories of some Notodontians. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 494-561, pis. iii & iv. [Lepidoptera.-] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 711. 591. . The life-history of Drepana drcuata, with remarks on certain structural features of the larva, and on the supposed dimorphism of Drepana arcuata and Dryopteris rosea. T. c. pp. 482-493. [Lephlo- ptera .] 592. . Notes on the early stages of two Sphingidce. Psyche, v, pp. 396-401. \_Lcpidoptera.\ 593. Pagenstecher, A. Beitrage zur Lepidopteren- Fauna des Malayis- chen Archipels. vi. Ueber Schmetterlinge von Ost-Java. JB. Nass. Yer. xliii, pp. 95-110. 594. . Heteroceren der Insel Palawan. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, pp. 1-33. \Lepidoptera.'\ 595. Pankratii, 0. Das Auge der Raupen und Phryganidenlarven. Z. wiss. Zool. xlix, pp. 690-708, pis. xxxiv & xxxv. He disagrees with many of Landois’ observations, and says these eyes are simple eyes, not compound ocelli. The caterpillar used was Gastro- pacha rubi. The Trichopterous insect is not named. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 450. 596. Pantel, P. J. Notes Orthopt&rologiques. An. Soc. esp. xix, pp. 335-422, pis. iii & iv. I. Revision monographique du genre Gryllo- morplia , Fieb. II. Les Phasmides d’Europe et des pays limitrophes. iii. Les Orthopt&res des environs d’Ucles. 597. Patten, W. Is the Ommatidium a Hair-bearing Sense Bud? Anat. Anz. v, pp. 353-359. Summary J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891 , p. 32. 598. Pedasciienco, D. Sur la formation de la bandelette germinative chez Notonecta glauea. Rev. Sci. Nat. Pet. i, pp. 358-362. 599. Perez, J. Hermann Muller et la coloration de l’appareil collecteur des Abeilles. Mem. Soc. Bord. (3) v, pp. 239-249. [ Hymenoptera .] He considers, from an examination of 500 species, that Muller’s views on this point are erroneous. 600. . Sur la Faune apidologique dti sud-ouest de la France. C.R. cxi, pp. 991-993. Remarks on geographical distribution. 601. . Catalogue des IVtelliferes du sud-ouest. Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, pp. 133-192. \Hy?nenoptera.'] Preceded by a discussion on the geographical distribution of bees. 40 Ins. INSECTA. 602. °Petersen, W. Fauna baltica. Die Schmetterlingo der Ostsee- provinzon Russlands. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet. Reval : 1890. Cf. Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 240. 603. 0 . Die Lepidopteren Fauna des arktischep GejbiQtesyon Europa und die Eiszeit. St. Petersburg : 1887. Summary, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 248. 6 04. Piaget, E. Quelques Pidiculines nouvelles. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 223-259, pis. viii-x. [ Mallophaga .] 605. — rr. Nirmus assimilis, n. sp. P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xxiii. [ Mallo - phaga ..] 6Q6- Pic, IVf. Description d’pn Longicorne nouveau. Bull. Spc. En£. Fr. 1890, pf xci. [ Coleaptera .] 607, . Description d’un Longicorne nouveau. T. c. p. ecxi. [ Coleo - j ptera. 608. Piers, H. Barva of May Beetle with parasitical fungus. P. N. §cot. lust, yii, pp. 273-37$. 60$. Plateau, F. L09 Myriopodes marips et la resistance des Arthro- podes h. respiration aerienne a la submersion. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 236-269. Pp. 242-r269 give a list of Insects that frequent the shores and suffer submersion. 610. . Erreurs oommises par des Guepes et resultant de leur vision confuse. Le Nat. xii, p. 188. fill. . Gli organi odoran^i dei I^epidotteri della regiqne Indo- Australiana, secondo gli §tudii del Dqtt. Ericl) Efaase. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 138-143. A translation from C.R. Soc. Ept. Belg. fij.2. Poll, J. R. H. N. van i>e. Descriptiops qf two new Paussidce from the Malay Islands. No^es Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 1-4. [ Ooleoptera.] 613. -zr-: On new or little-kno'vyn Batoceridce. T. c. pp. 5-7. \J2oleo- pier a 614. —rrr. pn a new Longicorn froip ]\Iada^ascar. T. c. p. 8. [Ooleo- ptera.] 615. , ppspppfion of a new Qqliatfiid from the CanjeFoons. T. c. p. 131. 616. . Twq new species of the Longicorn Genus Aphrodjsium , Thoms. T, c, pp. 155-157. [ Ooleoptera .] 617. . Contributions a la Faune entomologique de l’Afriqpe ceqtrale. C.R. Ent. Belg, 1890, pp. xciv-xcvi. [Ooleoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 41 618. Poulton, E. B. The Colours of Animals ; their Meaning and Use especially considered in the case of Insects. London : 1890, Inter- national scientific series, vol. lxviii. The contents of this volume have been in large part forestalled by papers that have appeared in various journals ; the most novel part is the discussion of variable protective resemblance. 619. . The external morphology of the Lepidopterous Pupa: its relation to that of the other stages, and to the origin and history of metamorphosis. Parts i-iii. Tr. L. S. (2) v, pp. 187-212, pis. xx & . xxi. Parts iv & v, t. c. pp. 245-263, pis. xxvi & xxvii. 620. Provancher, L. Petite Faune entomologique du Canada. Cin- quieme ordre, Les Hemipteres , pp. 295-354. Completing the volume. 621. . Un naturaliste aux lies de la Madeleine. Nat. Canad. xix, pp. 189-248. \Hymenoptera.] 622. . Des Insectes comme aliment. T. c. pp. 114-127, 623. Puton, A. Une douzaine d’ Hemipteres nouveaux et notes diverses. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 227-236. 624. Quedenfeldt, G-. Eine neue Buprestide aus Qstafrika, B. Ej. Z. xxxv, p. 135. [ Coleoptera.\ 625. , Eine neue Cetonide aus Ostafrika. T. c. p. 136. [ Coleoptera .] 626. -. Diagnosen zwoier neuen TenebrionidenrAvten a,us Tripolita- nien. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 63 & 64. [ Coleoptera.'] 627. . Pelecium drakei , n. sp., aus der Coleopterenrl^Yibas der Stomiden. T. c. p. 302. 628. Quedenfeldt, M. Aids schweinfurtlii , n. sp. B.E.Z. xxxv, p. 139. \_Coleoptera.] 629. Radoszkowski, 0. Hymenopteres de Koree. Uor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 229-232. 630. . Hymenopteres recoltes sur le mont Ararat. I. c. pp, 502-510. 631. Raffray, A. Etude sqr les Pselaphides. Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 1-28, &c., &c. [Coleoptera.] The number of species described has increased from 450 in the year 1868 to upwards of 1800, and the genera to more than 250. These latter are tabulated, the morphology and distribution sketched, and a now classification proposed, 632. . Voyage de M, E. Simon au Venezuela. Pselaphides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 297-330, pi. vi. [ Coleoptera .] 633. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de Pselaphidce. Bull. Soo, Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cciv. [ Coleoptera .] 42 Ins . INSECTA. 634. Ragonot, E. L. Essai sur la classification des Pyralites. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 435-546, pis. vii & viii. [Lepidoptera.] 635. . Description do trois nouveaux genres et d’une esp^ce de Phycites do PAmeriquo septentrionale. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) x, pp. vii & viii. [Lepidoptera.] 636. . Notes sur les Pyralites . T. c. pp. xcii & xciii. [Lepidoptera.] 637. . Diagnoses de quelques nouvelles especes de Phycites. T. c. pp. cix & cx. [ Lepidoptera .] 638. . Diagnoses d’especes nouvelles de Phycites. T. c. pp. ccxiii & ccxiv. [ Lepidoptera .] 639. Raspail, X. Sur la destruction des oeufs du Liparis dispar par un Acarien. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 94 & 95. [ Lepidoptera .] 640. . Note sur la Mouche parasite des plantes potageres du genre Allium. T. c. pp. 147 & 148. [ Diptera .] 641. Ratzer, — . Lepidopterologische Nachlese. MT. Scliw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 220-229. 642. °Redtenbaciier, J. Die Dermapteren und Orthopteren des Erzher- zogtkumes Oesterroich, mit Borucksichtigung einiger Arton aus benachbarten Landern. Vienna : 1889, 66 pp., 1 pi. Cf. Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 39. 643. Regime art, — . Enumeration des Ilaliplidce, Dytiscidce , et Gyrinidx , recueillis par M. le Prof. L. Balzan dans l’Amdrique meridionale, et description de quelques autres especes voisines. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 256-267. [ Coleoptera ,] 644. Reitter, E. Coleopterologische Ergebnisse der im Jahre 1886 und 1887 in Transcaspien von Dr. G. Radde, Dr, A. Walter, und A. Koncbin ausgefubrten Expedition. Verb. Ver. Briinn. xxvii, pp. 95-133. Some of tbe descriptions are by Weise. 645. . Drei neue Silphiden aus Italien. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 293 & 294. [ Coleoptera .] 646. . Nene analytische Uebersicht der bekannten Arten der Coleo- ^^•m-Gattung Omophlns. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 33-52. 647. . Analytische Revision der Coleopteren-G&ttung Amphicoma. T. c. pp. 53-64. 648. . Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Landern, und Sibiriem, mit Bemerkungen liber bekannte Arten. Neunter Theil, pp. 145-164 ; Zehnter Theil, pp. 165-176 ; Elfter Theil, pp. 385-396. T. c. 649. . Uebersicht der bekannten Meleus- Arten aus Europa. T. c. pp. 94-96. [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins . 43 650. [Reitter, E.] Analytische Uebersicht der bekannten Lethrus- Arten. T. c. pp. 288-295. [Coleoptera.'] 651. . Revision der Arten der Coleopteren-Q&kixnig Iioplia , 111., aus der palaearctischen Fauna. T. c. pp. 375-383. 652. . Coleopterologische Notizen. xxxiv-xxxix. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 13, &c. 653. . Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren- Gattung Polyphylla , Harr., aus der paliiarctischen Region. T. c. pp. 21 & 22. 654. . Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Q&iixmg Anoxia , Lap., aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern. T. c. pp. 105-107. 655. . Zusatze und Erganzungen zu meiner Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren- Gattung Anoxia , Lap., aus Europa und den angren- zenden Landern. T. c. pp. 173-176. 656. . Eine neue behaarte Meloe- Art aus Turkestan. T. c. p. 152. [Coleoptera,] 657. . Beschreibungen neuer Coleopteren aus Europa, dem Kaukasus, Russich-Armenien und Turkestan. T. c. pp. 189-198. 658. . Uebersicht der mir bekannten Mallosia- Arten. T. c. pp. 241 & 242. [ Coleoptera .] 659. . Uebersicht der mir bekannten Cartodere- Arten aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern. T. c. pp. 243-246. [ Coleoptera .] 660. . Ueber die mit Toxotus meridianus, Panz., verwandten CoZeo- pteren- Arten. T. c, pp. 249 & 250. 661. . Ueber Silvanus surinamensis , L., und Yerwandte. T. c, p. 255. [ Coleoptera.] 662. . Uebersicht der Cteniopus- Arten aus Europa und den angren- zenden Landern. T, c. pp. 256-258. [ Coleoptera .] 663. . Uebersicht der bekannten Hymenoplia- Arten. T. c. pp. 259- 263. [ Coleoptera .] 664. . Rovision der Arten der Coleopteren-Q afctung Triodontai Muls., aus der palaearctischen Fauna. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 65-69. 665. . Eine neue mit Athous verwandte Elateriden-G&ttxmg aus russisch Armenien. T, c. p. 247. [ Coleoptera .] 666. . Uebersicht der bekannten Arten der Coleopteren- Gattung Athous aus dem Kaukasus. T. c. pp. 241-247. 667. . Ein nouor Athous aus Montenegro. T . c. p. 249. [Coleoptera. ] 668. . Uebersicht der trispinosen Sphenoptera- Arten aus Europa und dem Kaukasus. T.c. pp. 276-282. [ Coleoptera .] 669. . Uebersicht der mir bekannten Arten der Coleopteren- Gattung Acmceodera , Esch., aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern. T. c, pp. 337-347. 44 Ins. INSECTA. 670. Reitter, E., & Croissandeau, F. Conspectus Scydmcenidarum quas Lotharius Hetscbko in Brasilia meridionali prope Blumonau collegit. Nat. Sicil. ix, pp. 216-220. [ Coleoptera.] . [See also Heyden (361).] 671. Reuter, 0. M. Capsidce sicilianae novae et minus cognitae. Nat. Sicil. x, pp. 1-4. [. Bhynchota .] 672. . Description d’un Lygeide nouveau. Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 192. [ Rhynchota .] 673. . Capsidce novae e Rossia meridionali descriptae. T. c. pp. 246-248. [Rhynchota^] 674. Adnotationes Hemipterologicce. T. c. pp. 248-254. 675. . Capsidce novae ex Afripa boreali. T. c. p. 255. [ Rhynchota .] 676. . Notes sur quelques Hemipteres de Madere. T. c. pp. 260-262. 677. . Conspectus specierum generis Hustha. T. c. pp. 262-264. [ Rhynchota .] 678. . Ad cognitionem Nabidarum. T. c. pp. 289-309. [ Rhynchota .] 679. Rey, C. Observations sur quelques Il&mipteres et descriptions d’ospdces nou voiles ou pou connuos. T . c. pp. 29-31. 680. . Note sur le genre Phaleria. T. c. pp. 327-329. [ Coleoptera .] 681. Ribbe, C. Einige Beobacbtungen iiber die Lebensweise von Ornithoptera. Deutsche e. Z. Lep, iii, pp. 37-44. [Lepidoptera.] 682. Richardson, N. M. Description of a Gelechia ( portlandicella) new to science from Portland. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 29. [Lepicloptera.\ 683. ^ Description of a Nepticula .( auromarginella ) new to science from near Weymouth. T. c. p. 30. [Lepidoptera.] 684. Richter, — . Zwei neue Buprestiden aus dem malaischen Archipel. B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 133 & 134. [ Coleoptera .] 685. Richter, P. Agestrata lata, n. sp. T. c. p. 138. [Coleoptera.] 686. Riley, C, V. Report of the Entomologist for the year 1889. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Rep, 1889, pp. 331-360, 6 pis. 687.. . Reports of observations and experiments in the practical work of the division made under the direction of the Entomologist. U. S. Dept., of Agr., Div. of Ent., Bulletin No. 22. Contents : Coquillett, D. W., Report on various methods for destroying the Red Scale of California. Osborn, H., Report on insects of the season in Java. Webster, F. M., Report on observations upon insects affecting grains. Murtfeldt, M. E., Entomological notes from Missouri for the season 1889. Koebele, A., Report on California insects. Bruner, L., Report on Nebraska insects. TITLES. Ins. 45 688. [Riley, C. V.] The insectivorous habits of the English Sparrow. Bull. No. 1 U. S. Dept, of Agr., Div. Ec. Ornith. & Mamtn. pp. 111-133. Concludes that Passer domesticus is very injurious to agriculture. 689. . Note on the importation and colonisation of Parasites and other natural Enemies of Insects injurious to Vegetation. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1889, pp. 640 & 641. 690. . Platypsyllus : Egg and ultimate Larva. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 27-30. [ Coleoptera .] 691. . Some insect pests of the household, ill. The true Clothes- moths. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 211-215. iv. Cockroaches, pp. 266-269. 692. . An Australian Ilymenopterous Parasite of the Fluted Scale. T. c. pp. 248 & 249. 693. . The insect collection of a large Museum. T. c. pp. 342-346. 694. — — . The Rose-chafer. T. c. pp. 295-301. [ Coleoptera."] [See also Packard (588).] 695. Riley & Howard. Some of the bred Parasitic Hymenoptera in the National Collection. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 348-353 ; iii, pp. 15^18, & 151-158. The insects from which they were bred are mentioned. 696. & . Some new Iceryas. Op. cit. iii, pp. 92-106. [Coccidce.] 697. Rippon, H. F. leones Ornitliopterorum : a monograph of the Rhopalocerous genus Ornitlioptera , or bird-wing butterflies. Parts I & ii. London : 1890. 698. Ritsema, C. A new African Myodites- species. Notes Leyd. Mus. x, p. 12. [ Coleoptera .] ♦ 699. . . Description of three new species of Malayan Longicornia. T. c. pp. 135-139. [' Coleoptera .] 700. . On some species of the genus Pachyteria from the old collec- tion of Thomson. T. c. pp. 163-173. [ Coleoptera .] 701. . Three new Malayan Longicorn Coleoptera ^ T. c. pp. 247-252. 702. Ritter, E. Die Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane und des Darmes bei Chironomus. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp/ 408-427, pi. xvi. Summary in J. R. Micr.- Soc. 1891, p. 183. 703. Rivers, J. J. Habits in the life-history of Pleocoma behrensii. Zoe, i, pp. 24-26. [ Coleoptera .] 704. . Description of a new Cychrus. Ent. Am. vi, p. 71. [ Coleo- ptera.] Horn adds description of a second species. 705. . Three new species of Coleoptera. T. c. p. 111. 4G Ins. INSECTA. 706. Robertson, C. New North American bees of the genera Halictus and Prosopis. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 315-318. [ Hymenoptera .] 707. Roder, Y. v. Zwei neue nordamerikanische JDipteren. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 230 & 232. 708. Rodzianko, B. H. Sur les Odonates des gouvernements de Poltawa et de Kharkow. Trudui Kharkolf Univ. xxii, pp. 209-224. 709. . Notes sur les Orthopteres. T. c. pp. 257-264, pi. ii. 710. Roelofs, W. Description d’une espece nouvelle du genre Ectato- rhinus. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 207. [Coleoptera.'] 711. . Description de deux especes nouvelles du genre Poteriophorus. T. c. pp. 238 & 239. [ Coleoptera .] 712. Romanoff, N. M. Memoires sur les Lepidopteres. Tome iv. St. Petersburg : 1890, pp. xvii & 577, 21 pis., and map. This volume is entirely by Gr. Groum-Grshimailo, and has a second title, “ Le Pamir et sa faune L6pidopt6rologique.” 713. Rousseau, E. Essai sur les Malacodernies do Bolgiquo. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, pp. 136-182. \_Coleoptera.~\ Rovelli. [See Grassi & Rovelli (324).] 714. Rubsaamen, E. H. Die Gallmiicken und Gallen des Siegerlandes. Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii, pp. 18-58, pis. i-iii. [Diptera.] 715. . ' Beschreibung einer an Sanguisorba officinalis aufgefundenen Miickengalle und der aus dieser Guile gezogenen Miicken. Wien, ent. Z. ix, pp. 25-28. [Diptera.] 716. -. Cecidomyia pseudococcus t Th. Imago und Puppe. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 307-310, pi. vi. [ Diptera.~\ [Cf. Thomas (849).] • 717. Sabatier, A. De la Spermatog6nese chez les Locustides. C.R. cxi, pp. 797-799. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 36. 718. Sajo, K. A marokkoi saska Magyarorsz&gon. Termes Koz. xxii, pp. 225-256. [ Orthoptera .] This memoir, in the Hungarian language, apparently relates to the habits of Stauronotus maroccanus. Salvin, O. [See Godman & Salvin (317, 405).] 719. Sandberg, G. Et tilfalde af Coleopterlvcrvers tilhold i Tarmkanalen hos et menueske. Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 76-80. Larvae of Agrypnus murinus supposed to have remained two years in stomach of a child. 720. Saulcy, F. de. Description d’un nouveau Scydmenide fra^ais. Bull. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxxiv. [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins. 47 721. Saunders, E. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera ( Aculeata ), Perth : 1890, 8 pp. 722. . On the Tongues of the British Anthopliila. J. L. S. xxiii, pp. 410-432, pis. iii-x. [Hymenoptera.] 723. . Aculeate Hymenoptera collected by J. J. Walker, Esq., at Gibraltar and in North Africa. Part i, pp. 201-205 ; pt. ii, pp. 289- 291. Ent. M. M. (2) i. 724. Saunders, E., & Edwards, J. Catalogue of British Ilemiptera : Heieroptera by Edward Saunders ; Homoptera by Jas. Edwards. Perth : 1890, 16 pp. 725. Schaffer, C. Ueber die Bauchdriisen der Raupen. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 9-11. [ Lepidoptera .] 726. Schaufuss, C. Ein neuer Pselapliid. Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 139. [ Coleoptera .] 727. Schaufuss, L. W. System-Schema der Pselaphiden , ein Blick in die Yorzeit, in die Gegeuwart und in die Zukunft. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 101-162, pis. ii-vi. [ Coleoptera .] Chiefly occupied with species found in amber on the coasts of the Baltic sea : these are much more numerous than the species at present living there. 728. . Eine Staphylinen-gattung aus dem baltischen Bernsteine. Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 69. [ Coleoptera .] 729. . Zwei neue Wasserkafer-Arten. T. c. p. 62. [ Coleoptera .] 730. Sciiaus, W., J r. New species of Mexican Lepidoptera. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 18-20 & 45-47. 731. . Description of Eterusia urania , n. sp. Ent. Am. vi, p. 39. [Lepidoptera.] 732. Schevyrew, I. Liste des espece du genre Scolytus de la collection de l’Academie Imperiale des sciences de St. Petersbourg. Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii, pp. 469-471. [ Coleoptera .] 733. Schilde, J. . Schach dem Darwinismus. Berlin : 1890, 360 pp. A criticism of the theoretical views of some entomological Darwinians. The work forms vol. xxxiv of B. E. Z., though it is not so stated on the title-page. 734. Schimkewitsch, W. Sur la signification de Cellules Vitellines chez les Tractates. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 399-404. Relates to the development of the mesenteric cavity. 735. Schletterer, A. Die Bienen-Gattung Dasypodat Latr. B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 11-56, pi. i. [ Hymenoptera .] 736. . Die Gruppe der Hymenopteren- Gattungen Leucospis, Fab., Polistomorpha , Westw., und Marres , Wlk. T. c. pp. 141-302, pis. v & vi. 48 Ins. INSECTA. 737. [Sciiletterer, A.] Apklarum species novae descriptse. Ent. Nachr xvi, pp. 225-238. [Hymenoptera. ] 738. Schmidt, J/ Neue und bekannte Histeriden aus dem euro- paischen und asiatischen Russland. Hor. Enti Ross, xxiv, pp. 1-20. [ColeopteraJ] 739. ■. Descrizioiie di una nuova specie di Histeridce. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 112. [ Coleoptera .] 740. . Neue Histeriden. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 39-46 & 50-57. [ Coleoptera .] 741. . Neun neue Saprinus aus der Gruppe des metallescens und rufipes. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 81-87. [ Coleoptera .] 742. Schmiedeknecut, 0. Dio Gatfcungon und Arton der Cryptinen revidirt und tabellarisch zusatnmengestellt. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 81-88, 97-107, 113-123, 129-135, & 145-150. SJIymenoptera .] 743. Sohnabl, J. Eiii merkwurdiger Dipteren-ZiwitiQV. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 177-181. 744. . Addition h mes travaux sur le genre Aricia , s. lat. Hor. Ent. Ross; xxiv, pp. 263-277. [. Diptera .] 745. . Characteres essentiales nonnullorum generum subgenerumque Anthomyidarum . T. c. pp. 493-50 L \Diptera.~\ 746. Schneider, J. Sparre. Oversigt over de i Norges arktiske region hidtil fudne Coleoptera. Tromso Mus. Aarsh. xi, pp. 81-184, & xii, pp/ 2-90. 747. ^Schoch, G. Anleitung zum Aniegen und Ordnen einer Insekten- sammlung fur Anfanger in der Entomologie nebst systematischen Katalog der hadfigsten Insekten Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Zurich : 1889, 8vo, 96 pp. 748. . Fauna insectorum Helvetia)1. Diptera. Die Familien der Fliegen und die Genera und Species der Waffenfliegen, Bremsen, Schwebflicgen, und Raubfliegen.- Schaff hausen : 1890. Issued in connection with MT. Schw. ontj Ges. 749. SchOnfeldt, H. von. Ein Beitrag zur Coleopteren- fauna der Liu- Kiu Inseln. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 168-175. 750. Schwarz, E. A. Notes on the comparative Vitality of Insects in cold water. P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 208-215. 751. . On the Coleoptera common to North America and other countries. T. c. pp. 182-194. 752. . Myrmecophilous Coleoptera found in temperate North America. T. c. pp. 237-247. 753. Scott, A. W. Australian Lepidoptera. Sydney : 1890, vol. ii, pt. 1. Edited and revised by A. Sidney Olliff & Helena Forde. TITLES, Ins. 49 754. ScuddEr, S. H. The Fossil Insects of North America, with notes on some European species. In two volumes. Yol. I. The Pre- tertiary Insects ; 455 pp., 35 pis. Yol. n. The Tertiary Insects ; 663 pp., 28 pis. New York : 4to, 1890. The first volume is a reprint of papers that have appeared elsewhere, but the second is new, and contains an account of Insects found at Floris- sant, with descriptions of a great many new species and genera. The forms found at Florissant of the orders Coleoptera , Diptera , Lepidoptera , and Hymenoptera , are not here worked out. 755. — — . The Fossil Butterflies of Florissant. Rep, U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i, pp. 433-472, pis. lii & liii. [Lepidoptera.~\ 756. — -. New types of Cookroaches from the Carboniferous Deposits of the United States. Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, pp. 401-415, pis. xxxi & xxxii. [ Ortlioptera .] 757. . The Insects of the Triassic Beds at Fairplay, Colorado. T. c. pp. 457-472, pis. xli & xlii. Mostly Blattidce , but also a few Homoptera . 758. . Remains of Coleoptera in the Interglacial clays of Scarboro’, Ontario. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 467 & 468, 759. . Physiognomy of the American Tertiary Ilemiptera. T. c. pp. 562-579. 760. . The work of a decade upon Fossil Insects. Psyche, v, pp. 287-295. 761. . Some genera of QHdipodidce rescued from the Tryxalidce. T. c. pp. 431-442. \_Ort1ioptera.~\ 762. . Diary of a hibernating Butterfly. T. c. pp. 330-332. [ Lepi - doptera. ] Euvanessa antiopa. 763. Seidlitz, G. Fauna baltica. Die Kaefer der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. Lief, v, Gatt., pp. 129-160 ; Arten, pp. 513-608. Lief, vi, .Fam., pp. xlix-lvi ; Gatt., pp. 161-192. Arten u. Register, pp. 609- 818. [ Coleoptera.] These parts complete the work. The index is a remarkably full and good one : and its preparation delayed the appearance of the 6th Lieferung until the early part of 1891. 764. . Fauna transsylvanica, Die Kaefer Siebenbiirgens. Lief, v & vi, pp. xlix-lvi, 129-192, & 545-914. \Coleoptera.~\ A reprint of the Fauna baltica, with the requisite alterations in the tables. 1890. [YOL. XXVII.] ¥ 4 50 Ins. INSECTA, 765. Seitz, A. Allgemeine Biologie der Scbmetterlinge. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. v, pp. 281-343. [ Lepidoptera .] Relates to geographical distribution and the means of dispersal ; and the influence of climatic conditions on the biology of Lepicloptera. Brief summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 712. 766. . Ein Sammeltag in Hong-Kong. S. E. Z. li, pp. 119-126. [Lepidoptera.'] 767. — — . Die Schmetterlingswelt des Monte Corcovado. T. c. pp. 2-5, 28-35, 89-99, & 258-266. [LepidopteraJ] Includes interesting observations on the habits of Butterflies, and on resemblances between different insects. 768. Selys-Longchamfs, E. de. Causeries Odonatologiques. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. No. 1, pp. cxv-cxx; No. 2, pp. clvii-clxiv. No. 2 includes a review of Kirby’s Catalogue of Odonata. 769. . Odonates de Sumatra comprenant les especes recueillies a Pulo Nias par M. le Dr. E. Modigliani. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 444-484. [ Neuroptera .] 770. Semenow, A. Diagnoses Coleopterorum novorum ex Asia centrali et orientali. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 193-226. 771. . Ueber die Gattungen Adoretus , Cast., und Pseudadoretus , m. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 1-7. [ Coleoptera .] 772. Semper, E. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen von Dr. C. Semper. Die Tagfalter. Lief. 5, pp. 175-238, pis. b & xxxiii-xxxviii. [ Lepidoptera .] 773. Senator, H. Living Fly Larvae in the Stomach and Mouth. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 717. 774. Senna, A. Contribuzioni alio studio dei Brentidi. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 101-109. [Coleoptera. ] 775. . Nozze tra Farfalle. Op. cit. xxii, pp. 108-110. [ Lepidoptera .] 776. Severin, G. Description d’une nouvelle espece du genre Platy- necteSy Regt. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xcvii. [ Coleoptera .] 777. . Liste des CoUopteres aquatiques recueillis par M. le Dr. Platteuew aux lies de Sumatra et de Borneo. T. c. pp. xcvii & xcviii. 778. . Note sur les Hydrocanthares du Chota-Nagpore. T. c. pp. clxxxvi-cxciv. [ Coleoptera .] 779. Sharp, D. On some aquatic Coleoptera from Ceylon. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 339-359. 780. . On the structure of the terminal segment in some male Hemiptera. T. c. pp. 399-427, pis. xii-xiv. 781. . A new genus and two new species of Australian Lamelli- corns. Ins. Life, ii, p. 302. [ Coleoptera .] . [See also Godman & Salvin (317).] TITLES. Ins. 51 782. Si-taupe, E, M. On a Collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr. Edmund Reynolds on the Rivers Tocantins and Araguaya and in the province of Goyaz, Brazil. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 552-577, pi. xlvi. 783. . Descriptions of new species of East African Butterflies. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 335 & 336. [ Lepidoptera .] 784. . Further descriptions of Butterflies and Moths collected by Mr. F. J. Jackson in Eastern Africa. T. c. pp. 440-443. [Lepido- ptera.'] 785. . On some new Species of African Lyccenidce in the Collection of Philip Crowley, Esq. Op. cit . vi, pp. 103-106. [Lepidoptera.] 786. . Descriptions of some new Species of African Butterflies in the Collection of Captain G. E. Shelley. T. c. pp. 346-349. [Lepido- ptera.] SiMrsoN, H. W. [See Jameson (405).] 787. SiNtEniS, F. Eine neue Agromyzine) Phytomyza ursulat n. sp. Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 103. [Diptera.] 788. . Tanzende Miicken. SB. Ges. Dorp, x, pp. 58-62. [Diptera.] 789. Skinner, H. A new Pamphila. Ent. Am. vi, p. 138. [Lepidoptera.] 790. . Notes on Butterflies found at Cape May, N. J., with descrip tion of a new species of Pamphila. Ent. News, i, pp. 6-9. [Lepido- ptera.] 791. SkusE, F. A. A. Diptera of Australia. Part vn. The Tipulidce brevipalpi. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 757-892, pis. xxi-xxiv. Part vm. The Tipulidce longipalpi. Op. cit. (2) v, pp, 53-139, pis. iv-vi. Reviewed by BergRotii, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 122 & 123. 792. . Diptera of Australia. Nematocera. Supplement I, T. c. pp. 372-412, pi. xvi. Supplement n. T. c. pp. 595-640, pi. xix. Commences supplementary descriptions, with observations on parts already treated. 793. Sloane, T. G. Studies in Australian Entomology. No. n. Six new species of Carabidce. P. Linn. Soc, N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 1288- 1296. [Coleoptera.] 794. . Studies in Australian Entomology. No. Hi. On Promecodorus and closely allied genera. Op. cit. V, pp. 189-242. [Coleoptera.] 795. . Studies in Australian Entomology. No. iv. New genera and species of Carabidce. T. c. pp. 641-653. [Coleoptera.] 796. . Report on a Zoological Collection from British New Guinea. Part II. Coleoptera ( Cicindelidce , Carabidce, Buprestidce), Rec. Austr. Mus. i, pp. 102-104. 797. Smith, E. F. The black peach Aphis. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 101-103 & 201-208. [ Rhynchota .] 52 Ins. INSECTA. 798. Smith, H. G. A list of the Butterflies collected by Mr. William Bonny on the journey with Mr. Stanley from Yambuya on the Aruwimi River through the great Forest of Central Africa : with descriptions of nine new species. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 463-473. [ Lepidoptera .] 799. . Descriptions of two new species of Acrcea from Mombasa. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 167 & 168. [ Lepidoptera .] 800. . Descriptions of three new species of Butterflies from New Ireland, captured by the Rev. H. H. Ricard, in the Collection of H. Grose-Smith. T. c. pp. 170 & 171. [ Lepidoptera .] 801. . Description of a new Papilio from the West Coast of Africa. T. c. p. 224. [Lepidoptera.'] 802. Smith, H. G., & Kirby, W. F. Rhopalocera exotica. Pts. xi-xiv. 803. Smith, J. B. A contribution toward a knowledge of the mouth- parts of the Diptera. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 319-339. 804. . Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuidce of temperate North America ; Revision of some Tceniocampid genera. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 455-496, pis. xxii & xxiii. [ Lepidoptera .] 805. — — . Contribution toward a monograph of the Insects of the Lepidopterous family Noctuidce , of temperate North America. Revision of the species of the genus Agrotis. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 237 pp., 5 pis. Agrotis is dissolved into several genera, the primary division being whether the fore-tibiae are spiuose or not. 806. . Descriptions of some new species of Agrotis. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 41—51. [Lepidoptera.'] 807. . A new species of Feralia. Ent. Am. vi, p. 26. [ Lepidoptera .] 808. „ A new species of Oncocnemis. T. c. p. 30. [Lepidoptera.] 809. . A new species of Agrotis. T. c. p. 76. [Lepidoptera.] 810. . A new species of Botis. T. c. p. 88. [. Lepidoptera .] 811. . New species of Tceniocampini. T. c. pp. 121-125. [Lepidoptera.] 812. . A new species of Plagiomicus. T. c. p. 139. [Lepidoptera.] 813. . A new Bombycia. T. c. p. 179. [Lepidoptera.] 814. . A new Morrisonia. T. c. p. 212. [Lepidoptera.] 815. . A new Copipanolis. T. c. p. 220. [Lepidoptera.] 816. . Notes on the structure and history of Ucematobia serrata. Psyche, v, pp. 343-347. [Diptera.] 817. . Notes on some Aphid structures. [Rhynchota.] T. c. pp. 409-114. TITLES. Ins. 53 818. Snellen, P. C. T. A catalogue of the Pyralidina of Sikkim collected by Henry J. Elwes and the late Otto M oiler, with notes by H. J. Elwes. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 557-647, pis. xix & xx. [Lepidoptera.] Includes 253 species. The plates deserve special commendation. 819. . Papilio van de polli, n. sp. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 22-26. [j Lepidoptera.] 620. — . Evplcea g elder i, n. sp. T. c. p. 98. [Lepidoptera^] 821. . Aanteekening over de beide inlandische ,en over drie Javaansche soorten van het genus Hypenodes Gruen. T. c. pp. 163-179, pi. vii. [ Lepidoptera ,] 822. . Lijst van Lepidoptera op Sumatra verzameld door den heer H, B. van Rhijn, T. c. pp. 215-222. 823. . Aanteekeningen over de Lepidoptera van het eiland Tanah- Djampea bij Celebes. T. c. pp, 267-278, pi. xi. 824. . Aanteekeningen over de Lepidoptera van het eiland Belitoeng (Billiton). T. c. pp. 279-310, pi. xii. 825. South, R. Additions to the British List of Deltoids, Pyralides , and Crambi, since 1859. Ent. xxiii, pp. 269-278, 297-305, & 327-337, pis. iii & iv. [ Lepidoptera .] 826. Spuler, A. Zur Phylogenie der einheimischen Apatura- Arten. S. E. Z. li, pp. 267-280, pi. iB. [ Lepidoptera .] 827. Stainton, H. T. Description of the Micropteryx of the hazel (M. kaltenbachii). Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 31. [Lepidoptera.] 828. . Description of Tinagma betulce, n. sp. T. c. p. 264. [ Lepido- ptera.] 829. Standfuss, M. Eine neue Orthosia aus dem siidlichen Frankreich. MT. Schw. ent. Gres, viii, p. 233. [ Lepidoptera .] 830. Starck, A. Coleoptera nova imperii rossici. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 71-75. 831. Stefanowska, M. La disposition histologique du Pigment dans les Yeux des Arthropodes sous l’influence de la lumiere directe et de l’obscurite complete. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, pp. 151, et seq., pis. viii & ix. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 709. 832. Stierlin, — . Bemerkungen uber Curculioniden. MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 162-166. [ Coleoptera .] 833. . Bemerkungen uber Coleoptern und Beschreibung neuer Arten. T. c. pp. 240-247. 834. . Sammelnotiz. T. c. pp. 250-252. [ Coleoptera .] 835. Stein, P. Zwei neue Dipteren. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 108 & 109. 836. . Ein echter Dipteren- Zwitter. T. c. pp. 129 & 130. 54 Ins. INSECTA. 837. St. John, J. S. Larva collecting and breeding : a handbook to the Larvae of the British Macro- Lepidoptera and their Food-Plants, both in nature and confinement. London : 1890, 165 pp. Arranged under two headings : larvae and food-plants ; food-plants and larvae. 838. Swiniioe, C. The Moths of Burma. Tr. E. Soc, 1890, pp. 161— 296, pis. vi-viii, [ Lepidoptera .] This paper includes a large amount of synonymy, relating chiefly to species described by Walker. This synonymy is not noticed in our “ systematic ” part. A few of the descriptions have been supplied by Mr. Warren and by Lord Walsingham. 839. -. New species of Indian Butterflies. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 353-365. [. Lepidoptera .] 840. . Descriptions of three new species of Lyccenidce. T. c. pp. 449-451. [ Lepidoptera .] 841. Sz^pligeti, G. Adatok a gubacsok elterjed6s6nek ismeretehez kulonos tekintettel Budapest korny6k6re. Term, fiizetek, xiii, pp. 12-25 & 40-44. A list of galls of Buda-Pest arranged in accordance with the plants they are found on. 842. Targioni-Tozzetti, A. Considerazioni sull* annata entomologica 1889, seeondo le osservazioni della R. stazione di Entomologia agraria di Firenze. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 110-113. 843. Targioni-Tozzetti, & Berlese, A. Esperienze tentate per dis- truggere Cocciniglie e altri insetti sulle parti aeree delle piante con miscele emulsive a base di solfuro, di carbonio o di petrolio. T. c. pp. 132-140. 844. Targioni-Tozzetti, A., & Franceschini, F. La nuova Cocci- niglia dei Gelsi. T. c . pp. 57-68, pi. i. [ Coccidce .] 845. Teioh, C. A, Baltische Lepidopteren-Fsmna. Arb. Yer. Riga (n.s), vi, pp. ix & 152. 846. Teplouchow, T. Tomicus judeichii , Kirsch. Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890, pp. 252-268, pi. ix. [ Coleoptera .] 847. Tepper, J, G. O. Description of a new genus and species of Locustidce. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, pp. 21-23. [ Orthoptera.\ 848. Thallwitz, J. Ueber Mimicry. Abh. Ges. Isis, 1890, pp. 9-22. 849. Thomas, Fr. Larve und Lebensweise der Cecidomyia pseudococcus , n. sp. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 301-306, pi. vi. [ Diptera .] Cf. Rubsaamen (716). TITLES. Ins. 55 850. Thomson, C. G. Opuscula entomologica. Fasciculus xiv, pp. 1441- 1534. Lund : 1890. The contents are : xlii, Cremastus och narstaende genera ; xliii, Ofver- sigt af arterna inom slagtet Bassus , Fab. ; xliv, Bidrag till Sveriges insect fauna. 851. Titchener, E. B., & Finn, F. Comparative palatability of Insects, &c. Nature, Oct. 9th, 1890, pp. 571 & 572. Tosquinet, — . [See Jacobs & Tosquinet (393).] 852. Trail, J. W. H. Scottish galls. Scot. Nat. 1890, pp. 226-232. 853. Tutt, J. W. Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera. Ent. Rec. i, pp. 5-7, &c. 854. Uhagon, S. de. Ensayo sobre las especies espafiolas del grupo Cholevce. An. Soc. esp. xix, pp. 15-96. \Coleoptera^\ Uhler. [See Packard (588).] 855. Urecii, E. Contribution h l’Ontog6nie des Insectes. Arch. Sci. Nat. xxiv, p. 526. A brief note bearing on the colours of Lepidoptera. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 180. 856. . Chemisch-analytische Untersuchungen an lebenden Raupen, Puppen und Schmetterlingen und an ihren Secreten. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 254-260, 272-280, 309-314, & 334-341. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 450. 857. Uzel, H. Monographic der Thysanuren Bohmens. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, pp. 3-82, pis. i & ii. This is entirely in the Bohemian language, with the exception of Latin diagnoses of the new species. 858. Vayssiere, A. Monographie Zoologique et Anatomique du genre Prosopistoma , Latr. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) ix, pp. 19-87, pis. ii-v. \_Neuroptera.'] Dovoted to the larva ; a second part, dealing with the imago, is to follow. 859. Verhoeff, C. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen nymenopteren-Fa.uim. Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 321-336 ; Zusatze, t. c. pp. 382-386. 860. Verrall, G. H. Critical notes on Diptera. Ent. xxiii, pp. 150-154. 861. Yerson, E. Hautdrusensystem bei Bombyciden. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 118 & 119. 862. . Di una serie di nuovi Organi Escretori scoperti nell Filugello. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 3-29, pis. i-iv. [ Lepidoptera .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 712. 863. . Der Schmetterlingsflugel und die sog. Imaginalscheibe der- selbe. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 116 & 117. 56 Ins . IN8ECTA. 864. [Verson, E.] Chemisch analytische Untersuchungen an lebenden Raupen, Puppen, und Schmetterlingen. T. c. p. 558. Relates to Urech’s paper -. suprd. 865. -. Zur Parthenogenesis beim Seidenspinner. T. c. p. 44. Relates to the alleged influence of electricity on unfertilised eggs. 866. Del grado di sviluppo che sogliono raggiungere le Uova non fecondate del Filugello. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 118-123. [ Lepido - ptera .] 867. Viallanes, H. Sur quelques points de l’histoire du Developpe- ment embryounaire de la Mante religieuse. ( Mantis religiosa.) Communication preliminaire. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 479-488. 868. Vitale, F, Studii sull’ entomologia Messinese. Nota 1 a. Gli Apion. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 141-156. Noti 2 a. I Cleonidi. Op. cit. xxii, pp. 122-137. [Coleoptera.] 869. Vosseler, J. Die Stinkdriisen der Forficuliden. Aroh. mikr. Anat. xxx vi, pp. 565-578. [OrthopteraT] Summary in J. R. Micr, Soc. 1891, p. 184. Vuillot. [See Mabille & Vuillot (502). 870. Wackerzapp, 0. Die Fauna des Simplon-Gebiets. S. E. Z. li, pp. 211-228. 871. . Ueber den Simplon zum Monte Rosa. T. c , pp. 137-163. [Lepidoptera.] 872. Walker, F. A. On Colours in Nature J. Viet. Inst, xxiii, pp. 81-108. Contains remarks on the colours of butterflies. 873. Walker, J. J. Notes on Lepidoptera from the Straits of Gib- raltar, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 361-391. 874. Wallengren, H. D. J. Forteckning ofver Trichoptera cequipal - pina som hittills blif vit funna pa Skandinaviska halfon. Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 1-17. Includes remarks on some doubtful Linmean species of Trichoptera. 875. Walsingham, Lord. President’s Address. P. E. Soc. 1890, pp. xlviii-lx. ' 876. — — . Steps towards a revision of Chambers’ index, with notes and descriptions of new species. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 284-286 & 322-325. [Lepidoptera.] 877. - — Notes on the genus Argyresthia, Hb., with descriptions of new species. Op. cit. iii, pp. 117-119. [Lepidoptera.] . [See also Swiniioe (838).] 878. Ward, R. Notes on Scale and other Parasitical Insects. Timehri, (n. s.) iv, pp. 302-311. [ Coccidce .] TITLES. Ins. 57 879. Warren, W. Descriptions of some new Genera of Pyralidce. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 474-479. [Lepidoptera.] . [See also Swinhoe (838).] 880. Wasmann, E. Yergleicliende Studien uber Ameisengaste und Termitengaste. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. ^7-97 & 262-266. Discusses the relations of the ants and their guests, some of the pecu- liar structures found in the latter, the different groups of ants’-nest beetles, and the resemblances in form and colour between the ants and guests. Summary by Dohrn in S. E. Z. li, pp. 99-106. 881. . Einige neue Hermaphroditen von Myrmica scabrinodis , und Icevinodis. S. E. Z. li, pp. 298 & 299. [Hymenoptera.] 882. . Ueber die verschiedenen Zwischenformen von Weibchen und Arbeiterinnen bei Ameisen. T. c. pp. 300-309. [Hymenoptera.] 883. . Verzeichniss der von Dr. August Forel in Siid-Tunesien und Ost-Algerien gesammelten Ameisen-Gaste. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 297-304. 884. . Neue myrmecophile Staphyliniden aus Brasilien. T , c. 1890, pp. 305-318. [ Coleoptera .] 885. . Apteranillus foreli , n. sp. T. c. pp. 318-320. [Coleoptera.'] 886. Watase, S. On the morphology of the Compound Eyes of Arthro- pods. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 143-157, pi v. Reproduced from Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. iv. 887. Waterhouse, C. O. Aid to the identification of Insects., Pt. xxxi, p. 29, pis. clxxxv-clxxxix. This includes a systematic catalogue of the species, and an alpha- betical list of the genera figured in vol. ii. The further publication of the work is for the present suspended. 888. . Descriptions of new Pectinicorn Coleoptera . Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 33-39. 889. . Descriptions of two new Central American Buprestidai. T. c. pp. 218 & 219. [Coleoptera.] 890. . New Scarabceidce in the British Museum. T . c. pp. 365-373. [ Coleoptera .] 891. . Further descriptions of new Coleoptera of the Family Scara- bceidte in the British Museum. T. c. pp. 409-413. 892. . On .some Eastern Equatorial African Coleoptera collected by Emin Pasha, with descriptions of two new Longicornia. Ann. N. II. (6) vi, pp. 107 & 108. 893. . Descriptions of new species of Pedaria , with observations on allied Scarabceidce. T. c . pp. 374-380. [Coleoptera.] 58 Ins . INSECTA. 894. Waterhouse, C. 0., & Gaiian, C. J. Observations on some Coleoptera from the Bonin Islands. Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 169. Webster, F. M. [See Riley (687).] 895. Weed, C. M. Notes on some Illinois Microgasters ; with descrip- tions of new species. Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, pp. 1-8. [ Hymeno - ptera.] 896. . On the Parasites of the lesser Apple leaf -roller, Teras minuta. T.c. pp. 39-44. [Hymenoptera.] 897. . Fourth contribution to a knowledge of the Life-history of certain little-known Plant Lice ( Aphidulce). Bull. Ohio. Exp. Station, Tech. ser. i, pp. 111-120, pis. iii-vii. 898. . Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. (2) iii, No. 8, pp. 225-240. 899. Weinland, J. Ueber die Schwinger (Halteren) der Dipteren. Z. wiss. Zool. li, pp. 55-166, pis. vii-xi. Gives a good historical account, full anatomical details, and discusses at length the functions of the balancers. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc, 1891, p. 35. 900. Weise, J. Insecta a Cl. G.N. Potanin in China ot in Mongolia novissime lecta. xvi. Chrysomelidce et Coccinellidce. Appendix. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 477-491. [ Coleoptera .] 901. . Einige neue Coccinelliden. Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 21 & 22. [ Coleoptera .] 902. . Xenomela fausti , n. sp. T.c. p. 23. [ Coleoptera .] 903. •. Crepulodera norica, T.c. p. 24. [ Coleoptera .] 904. . Malthodes liegeli, n. sp. T.c. p. 348. [Coleoptera.'] 905. . Bekannte und neue Halticiden. Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 111- 116. [ Coleoptera .] . [See also Heyden (360), and Reitter (644).] 906. Wesenberg-Lund, C. Traek af Linne’s Vaegge-Bi’s ( Anthophora parietina , Fab.) Biologi og Anatomi. Ent. Med. ii, pp. 99-120, pi. ii. [Hymenoptera.] 907. Westwood, J. O. Notes on certain species of Cetoniidce of the section Goliathides. Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. . 393-398, pi. xi. [Coleoptera.] 908. . On a species of Aphideous Insects infesting the bread-fruit trees in Ceylon. T. c. pp. 649-651, pi. xxi. [Bhynchota.] 909. Weymer, G. Exotische Lepidopteren , v. S, E. Z. li, pp. 280-293. 910. ■. Norasuma richteri , n. sp. Deutsche e. Z., Lep. iii, p. 34. [Lepuloptera.] TITLES. Ins . 59 911. Weymer, G., & Maassen, P, Lepidopteren gesammelt auf einer Reise durch Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brasilien, Argentinien, und Bolivien in deu Jahren 1868-1877 von Alphous Stiibel. Mit 9 colorirten Tafeln. Berlin : 1890, pp. vi & 182. Consists of local lists, and descriptions of 197 novelties. 912. Wheeler, W. M. Ueber ein eigenthiimliches Organ im Locusti- denembryo. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 475-480. A prseoral process that afterwards disappears. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc, 1890, p. 716. 913. . Note on the Oviposition and Embryonic Development of Xiphidium ensiferum. Ins. Life, ii, pp. 222-225. 914. . Descriptions of some new North American Dolichopodida i. Psyche, v, pp. 337-343, 355-362, & 373-378. [Diptera.'] 915. . The supposed Bot-Fly parasite of the Box-Turtle. T. c. p, 403. [j Diptera.] 916. Wickham, H. F. Remarks on some Western Tenebrionidce. Ent. Am. vi, pp. 83-88. [Coleoptera.~\ Relates to the habits of North American species. . [See also Brendel & Wickham (84).] 917. W ielowie jski, H. v. Contribution a l’histoire des Organes Lumi- neux chez les Insectes. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 166-172. A contradiction of Dubois’ views. 918 °Wilhelm, H. Ueber Oscinis pusilla, Meig., die Haferfliege, und die Mittel zu ihrer Bekampfung. Teschen : 1889, 40 pp. Cf, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 43. 919. Wilkins, A. Les Cicindeles Touraniennes. Etude faunistique et zoo-geographique. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 86-119, pi. i, and map. [ Coleoptera .] 920. . Proposition d’une nouvelle methode pour preserver les col- lections d’lnsectes contre les attaques de leurs ennemis. T. c. p 233. 921. Wistinghausen, C. v. Ueber Tracheen-endigungen in den Seric- terien der Raupen. Z. wiss. Zool. xlix, pp. 565-582, pi. xxvii. The tracheal capillaries terminate by anastomoses with other termina- tions, so that the tracheal system is a closed one. 922. °Witlaczil, E. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Reblausfrage. Mitth. sect. f. Naturkunde des Oesterreich Touristen-Club. Vienna : 1890, ii, pp. 41-45. Cf. Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 216. 923. Wood, J. H. Nepticula torminalis , a species new to science. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 209. [LepidcpteraJ] 60 Ins. INSECTA. 924. Wood-Mason, J. Description of a new Genus and Species \Pary- menopus davisoni ) of Mantodea , from the Oriental region. Ann. N. II. (6) v, p. 437. \Orthoptera^\ 925. . Description of Tricenncorypha dohertii , the type of a new Genus and Species of Mantodea. T. c. p. 439. [Orthoptcra.] 926. . On a Viviparous Caddis -fly. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 139-141. [NeuropteraJ] 927. Woodworth, C. W. Jassidce of Illinois. Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, pp. 9-33. [ Bhynchota .] Wulp, Van der. [See Godman & Salvin (317).] II. — ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. 1. General, Comparative, and External. Anatomy of Anurida maritima and Lepisma saccharinai Fernald (253). — General anatomy of Vesicant Coleoptera} Beauregard (37). — Anatomy and development of the Blowfly, Lowne (492). — Anatomy of Culex in the pupal stage, Hurst (390). — Anatomy of Sesia tip u liformis and Trochilium apiforme , Brandt (79). — External and internal anatomy of the larva of Prosopistoma , Vayssiere (858). — The lepidopterous wing in the larval stage, and its so-called imaginal discs, Verson (863). — Anatomy and development of larva of Encyrtus , Bugnion (100). — Serial order of buccal pieces ; composition of the head ; homology of the appendages ; Lameere (469). Structure of antennae, legs and spiracles of Homopterous Bhynchota , Hansen (350). — Structure of antennae of Aphulidce, Smith (817). — Anatomy and homologies of the mouth parts of Diptera , Smith (803). — Anatomy of mouth of Diptera , Langiioffer (475). — Structure of mouth of Hcematobia , Smith (816). — Structure of mouth of Bhynchota , LfiON (482). — The tongues of British bees described and figured ; Saunders (722).— Anatomy of the balancers of Diptera , Weinland (899). — Struc- ture and function of the claw-joint of foot, Ookler (578). — Structure and development of sting in aculeate Uymenoptera , Beyer (52). — Anatomy of sting of bee, Carlet (117). — Structure of the terminal segment in Hemiptera , Sharp (780). — External anatomy of Lepi- dopterous pupa, Poulton (619). — Silk-producing structures in Lepi- doptera, Gilson (311, 312). — Organs of secretion of wax in the bee, Carlet (118). — Scent-organs in Lepidoptera, Hofmann (370).— Stink- glands of Forficulidce , Vosseler (869).— Dorsal gland in Periplaneta , Minciiin (543). — Scent-glauds of Aphlebia bioittata . Krauss (450). — Ventral glands in caterpillars, Schaffer (725).— Integumentary glands of silkworm, Verson (861). ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. LlS. 61 2. Nervous System, Organs of Sense and Psychology. The eyes of the larvse of Lepidoptera and Trichoptera , Pankrath (595). — Disposition of the pigment of eyes in light and darkuess, Stefanowska (831). — Structure and origin of the ommatidium, Patten (597). — Sense of sight, Plateau (610). — Hairy eyes in Hymenoptera , Howard (382). Morphology of eyes, Watase (886) — Sight, Focke & Lemmer- mann (268). Sense of smell, discussion on, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. cliii, &c. ; in Lepidoptera , Alpheraky (7) ; in Pleocoma , Rivers (703). Sense of taste, Packard (589). Nervous shock causing detachment of legs of Orthoptera , Conte- jean (142). 3. Muscular System. Nothing. 4. Organs and Function of Nutrition. Histology of alimentary canal of Ptyclioptera ( Diptera ), Gehuciiten (298). — New excretory organs (cutaneous) in silkworm, Verson (862). — Rectal glands in Coleoptera , Fernald (254). — Elimination of urea and urates, Marciial (509). — The fluid ejected by newly-emerged Lepi- doptera, Frenzf.l (283). — Quantitative research on respiratory and excretory matters in Lepidoptera , Ureoh (856) & Verson (864). 5. Circulation and Respiration. Terminations of tracheae and nerves in muscles, Cajal (106). — Res- piration of Orthoptera , Contejean (141). — The condition aDd function of the stigmata in larvae of Odonata, Dewitz (166). — On the question of the closed condition of the tracheal system in the early stages of Odonata and Ephemeridce , Dewitz (167). — Terminations of tracheal capillaries, Wistinghausen (921). — Stigmata of Ugimyia larva, Mei- nert (522). 6. Sexual Organs and Embryology. Ovaries of Anthophora parietina, Wesenberg-Lund (906). — External sexual organs of $ Butalis, Hofmann (371). — Cryptus samice, structure of ovipositor, Riederer, J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. vi, pp. 99-101, pi. xxv. — Malo structures in Pcntatomidoc, SiiARr (780). Histology of eggshell of Pliy Ilium, IIenneguy (355). Indications of sex in the chrysalis of Lepidoptera , Jackson (391, 392) ; also Fernald, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 47. — Post-embryonal development of female sexual organs, Jackson (392). Embryology of Hydrophilus piceus} Heider (353). — Remarks on Heider’s embryology of Hydrophilus, Graber (320), reply by Heider 62 Ins. INSECTA. (354). — Embryology of Platygaster intricator , Kulagin (4G0) ; of Melo'd proscarabceusy Nusbaum (573). — Of Muscidce , Calliphora , and Lucilia , Graber (321) : the subjects discussed are, differentiation of the blasto- derm ; formation of the layer of the intestinal glands ; median and lateral gastrulation, ptychoblast ; the commencements of the proctodreum and of the stomodaeum ; the formation of the mesenteron, and the rudi- ments of the intestinal glands ; comparison of the rudiments of the intes- tinal glands of Muscidce with those of other insects ; the development of the central nervous , system ; the embryonal rudiments of the imaginal discs. — Embryology of Chalicodoma muraria , Carriere (120, 121) ; of Blatta genmnica , Cholodkovsky (131). — Development of head of Phyllodromia germanica , Lameere (4G9). — Formation of the dorsal parts in Meloe , Nusbaum (573). — Development of mesenteric cavity, Schimke- WITSCII (734). — Development of the sexual organs and alimentary canal in Chironomus , Ritter (702). — ■ Early stage of Notonecta glauca , P^da- schenco (598). — Development of nervous system of Mantis , Viallanes (8G7). — A praeoral process in Xiphidium ensiferum , Wheeler (912). — Xiphidium ensiferum , embryological note, Wheeler (913). — Origin of the sexual gland of £ Phyllodromia , Heymons (368). “Gum-glands” of Calliphora , Mayer (517). Electricity and parthenogenetic eggs, Verson (865). — Development of unfertilised eggs of silkworm, Verson (866). Structure and movements of spermatozoa of Coleoptera, Ballowitz (24). — Spermatogenesis in Locustulce , Sabatier (717). Viviparous Caddis-fly, Wood-Mason (926). — Polyandry in a wasp, Ent. Am. vi, p. 33. Intermediate forms between females and workers in ants, Wasmann (882). Hermaphroditism : Heymons (368) ; in ancestral insects, Heymons (368). — Hermaphrodites of Myrmica , Wasmann (881) ; of Catocala cara, Krebs, Soc. Ent. v, p. 25 ; of Trichiura cratcegi} Jackson, Ent. xxiii, p. 345 ; of Spilogaster duplicata , Sciinabl (743) ; of Hydrotcea meteorica , Stein (836). 7. General Biology and Stray Notes. Insects in mines, Lampa ( MlP).—Lepidoptera in a cavern, Demaison, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xov.— Insects on snow, Thomas, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 308. — Insects at light, Ent. xxiii, pp. 61, et passim. — Dytiscus rnarginalis in gas-water, Hall, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 110. Resistance of insects to the effects of submersion in water, Plateau (609) ; Schwarz (750). Long pupal periods in Lepicloptera , Rowley, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 123. Occasional abundance of Lepidoptera in New Zealand, Smith, Ent. xxiii, pp. 305 & 307. Myrmecophilous and Termitophilous insects, Wasmann (880). — Ants’ nest beetles, Wasmann (883, 884). — Myrmecophilous Coleoptera in N. America, Schwarz (752). ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. Ins. 63 Larvae travelling northwards, Slosson, Ent. Am. vi, p. 8. — Walking of insects, Demoor (163). Life-cycles of Chernies , Cholodkovsky (129). Metamorphosis of half-fed larvae, Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 20. Loss of weight during the pupal condition of Lepidoptera, Urecii (856). Luminosity in insects, A.rculeo (11). — Luminosity, its nature, Wielo- wiejski (917). — The cheapest form of light, Ins. Life, iii, p. 90. Swarming and migration, discussion, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 206 & 207. — Migrations of Danais archippus, Lugger (495). — Geographical distribu- tion and physical conditions ; influence of climate on Lepidoptera , Seitz (765). Male of Lepidoptera longer in pupa than female, Merrifield (528). — Effects of temperature on vigour and vitality of Lepidoptera , Merri- field (528). — Viviparous Caddis-fly, Wood-Mason (926). — Mode of hardening of silk of Bombyx mori3 Dubois (190). — Mode of exit from cocoon of Hyhocampa milhauseri , Chapman (128). Variation : Local variability in Heliconius, Seitz, S. E. Z. li, p. 92. — Geographical variation, Skinner, Ent. News, i, p. 85. — Similar variation in specimens of Epinephele tithonus , Craske, Ent. xxiii, p. 6. — Percentage of variable specimens as to abdominal setae in Nebria , Daniel, Deutsche E. Z. 1890, p. 130, note. — Heredity in var. heydeni of Onorimus variabilis , Beckers, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 144. — Sports in venation, Cordlev, Ent. News, i, p. 88. — Aberration of neuration and colour in Papilio thoas , Godman, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. ii. — Variation in neuration of Elis villosa , Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 291. — Variation of wing-neuration in Biptera , Meijere, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. cxii. — Variation of Spilosoma lubricipeda, Kallenbacii, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. cxxiv. — Zygcena Jilipendulce, melanic var., Goss, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 247. — Many notes on colour variation in British Lepidoptera are to be found in Ent. Record i, under the heading “ variation.” Seasonal dimorphism, Packard (591). Colour: Cockerell (138, 139); Urech (855); Walker (872). — Colour of the collecting apparatus in bees, P^rez (599). — Albiuism in Psocus sexpunctatus , Loens (488). — Structural causes of colour in Coleoptera, Beauregard (37) pp. 3-9. — Chemistry of insects-colours, Cockerell, Ent. xxiii, p. 206. — Experiments with chemical reagents on the colours of Lepidoptera , Coste (149). — Effects of temperature on colour of Lepidoptera , Merrifield (528). — Effects of cold on Grapta interroga- tionis, figured and discussed, Edwards (213). — Changes in colour of Lepidoptera caused by temperature,, discussion, P. E. Soc. 1890, pp. xl-xlii. — Colour of silk, as supposed to be influenced by that of food, Blanc (67). — Melanism in London Lepidoptera , Tutt, Tugwell, P. S. Lond. Ent. Soc. 1888-89, pp. 44-45. — Melanism in Lepidoptera of Breda, Hey- laerts, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. xxxvii & xxxviii. — Colour and protec- tion : Advantage of brilliant colour, melanism, &c., Walsingiiam, P. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 1, «fec. — Colours, mimicry, protection, &c., Poulton (618). Teratology: Bateson (34); Harrington, Canad. Ent xxii, p. 124; G4 Ins. INSECTA. in Carahis catenulatus , Lloyd, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xxxi ; Carabus arvensis , LanceleviSe, Bull. Soc. Elbeuf. 1888, p. 54. — Prosternal deficiency in Temnochila qucidricolUs , Sharp, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. x. — Sur uu cas d’anomalie de Chrysomela lamina , Wagner, Rev. Sci. Nat. Pet. 1890, pp. 102 & 58. — Abnormality in Meloe p>roscarabceus , Esciierich, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 23. — Epinephele janira, teratology, Sykes, Ent. xxiii, p. 259. — Production of deformities, Gadeau (289). Mimicry : Betham (50) ; March al (506) ; Poulton, Nature, Oct. 2, 1890, p. 557 ; Thallwitz (848) ; Seitz (767) ; between species of one genus, id. t. c. p. 97 ; of different orders, pp. 261, &c. — Resemblance between ants’-nest beetles of different families and resemblances in form and colour between ants and their guests, Wasmann (880). — Resemblance between larva of Platypsyllus and Mallophaga , Riley, Ins. Life, ii, p. 201. — Mimicry in Cetoniulce , Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 277. — Resem- blances between ants and spiders, Simon, in Emery (221). — Triple resem- blance, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xii. — Dimorphism and mimicry, Glaser (313). Protection : DOnitz (182) ; by spines, Aitken (4). — Colour of chry- salids and environment of Pieris napi , Weir, P. S. Lond. Ent. Soc. 1888-89, pp. 156 & 157. — Protection of plants by ants, Kronfield (458). — Protective power of Cantharidine , CuiIinot (158). — Origin and function of the liquid ejected by Meloe , CuIsnot (158). Insects eaten by birds, Butler (103). — Insects as food for birds, Titciiener & Finn (851). — Grasshopper escaping from sparrows, Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 253. Hybridism in Tceniocampa stabilis and gothica , Lowrey, P. S. Lond. Ent. Soc. 1888-89, p. 52. Entomophytes, Giard (303). Origin of species: — Review of Moritz Wagner’s die Entstehung der Arten durcli raumlicho Sonderung, MI'. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 171-182. — Origin of parasitism, Marciial (508). — Evolution of clothing and armature in Lepidopterous larvae, Packard (590). — Absence of crossing in similar Lepidoptera, Seitz, S. E. Z. li, p. 94. — Phylogeny of Apatura , Spuler (826). — Phylogeny of Vanessa and Argynnis , Dixey (176). — Criticism of Darwinian views, Schilde (733). Galls : Ball^i (25) ; Bassett (29) ; Fockeu, Rev. Biol, iii, pp. 37-39 ; Kieffer (424, 426, 427) ; Rubsaamen (714, 715) ; SziSpligeti (841) ; Trail (852) ; of Cecidomyklce , Mik (540) ; Harker (351). — Galls of Psyllidce , Riley, in Fifth Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. pp. 615-621 ; of Saro- thamnus scoparius , Kieffer (425). — Galls, minute structure, Fockeu (269) . — Structure and development of gall of Hormomyia fagi, Fockeu (270) . — Evolution of galls, Cockerell (137). — Origin of galls by natural selection, discussion, Nature, pp. 344, &c. Insects and flowers ; insects attacking man ; edible insects. [See Economic.] FAUN1STIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 65 Itl— FAUNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. The reference numbers are intended to give a reference to every memoir containing a notice affecting the entomological fauna of each of the twelve regions here made use of. But synonymical notes and changes of systematic position are not included in these references. Insects at sea : off Colombo, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xxxix ; Gulf of Mexico, Ins. Life ii, p. 379. Insects common to Europe and N. America : Coleoptera , Fairmaire, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 151 ; Lepidoptera , Lugger, Ins. Life ii. p. 23G. 1. Arctic and Antarctic. Coleoptera , Arctic Norway, Schneider (746). Lepidoptera , Petersen (603). 2. Insular (including New Zealand). Iceland : Insects captured in 1889, Mason, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 198- 200. — Walker, P. E. Soc. 1890, pp. xxvi & xxx. — List of insects taken in the Faroe and Westmann Is. and in Iceland, 1890, Walker, Ent. xxiii, pp. 374-378. — Faroe Is., Walker, Ent. xxiii, p. 95.— Westmann Is., Walker, Ent. xxiii, pp. 314-316. Azores ( RhyncJiota ), Horvath (381). Madeira ( Rhynchota ), ReutEr (676). Canary Is. ( Insecta ), Simony, Yerh. z.-b. Wien xl, SB. p. 9. Tenerife, Koenig, Yerh. Ver. Rheinl. xlvii, pp. 22-27 ; ( Orthoptera ), Krauss, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 177. Liu Kiu Is. ( Coleoptera ), Brenske (86) ; SciIOnfeldt (749). Bonin Is. ( Coleoptera ), Waterhouse & Gahan (894). Louisiade and d’Entrecasteaux Is. ( Insecta ), Thomson, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1889, p. 615. New Britain ( Coleoptera ), Flach (262) ; ( Hymenoptera ), KOhl (438) ; ( Rhynchota ), Fallou (240). New Britain and Solomon Is. ( Lepidoptera ), Smith & Kirby (802). Solomon Is. ( Coleoptera ), Waterhouse (888) ; ( Lepidoptera ), Druce (187). Bismarck Archipelago ( Coleoptera ), Flach (264). N. Ireland ( Coleoptera ), Allard (6) ; {Lepidoptera') , Smith (800). Fiji Is. ( Lepidoptera ), MabIlle (502) ; ( Coccidce ), Maskell (512, 513). Tahiti and Cook Is. ( Lepidoptera ), Druce (189). Duke of York Is. ( Coleoptera ), Gahan (293). Lord Howe Is. ( Coleoptera ), Olliff (583) ; ( Diptera ), Skuse (791), p. 872. New Caledonia (Diptera), Bigot (55). 1890. [yol. xxvii.] f 5 6 6 Ins. INSECTA. New Zealand ( Insecta ), Hudson (387), and Ent. xxiii, p. 19 ; Maskell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 17. — Mount Arthur, Hudson, Ent. xxiii, pp. 8-12, & 52-55 ; ( Coleoptera ) Broun (95) ; ( Hymenoptera ), Cameron (110) ; ( Lepidoptera ), Meyrick (537); ( Diptera ), Brauer & Bergenstamm (82); ( Rhynchota ), Maskell (512), Reuter (672); ( Psyllidce ), Maskell (511) ; ( Coccidce ), Maskell (513). Falkland Is. ( Coleoptera ), Allard (6). S. Georgia {Diptera), Gercke (299). I. of Visaya ( Coleoptera ), Allard (6). 3. Palacarctic Region. (a.) The Region. Coleoptera. Abeille (2, 3), Baudi (35, 36), Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 214 ; Kuwert (466, 467, 468), Matthews (516), Reitter (646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 657, 659, 662, 663, 664, 669), Scheyyrew (732), Stierlin (832, 833), Weise (905). Hymenoptera. Emery (222), Handlirscii (349), Koiil (438), Konow (439), Krieciibaumer (452), MocsAry (547), Schmiedekneciit (742), Thomson (850). Lepidoptera. Gumppenberg (336), Ragonot (634). Diptera. Brauer & Bergenstamm (82). Rhynchota. Horvath (381), Montandon (550), Puton (623), Reuter (674). — Notes geographiques sur les Het6ropteres palearctiques, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 237-245. (b.) Collective Europe. Coleoptera. Rectifications au Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae et Caucasi, Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 330-344. — Uiiagon (854). Hymenoptera. Koiil (437). — Catalogue of European Tenihredinidce , Konow (439). — Krieciibaumer (456). Lepidoptera. Meyrick (533), Stainton (827). — Analytical tables of the Rhopalocera of Europe and Caucasus, Bramson (78). (c.) British Islands. Additions, &c. Insecta. Additions to the British list and changes in nomenclature, Tutt & Cockerell, Ent. Rec. i, pp. 151, &c. Coleoptera. Blatch, n. sp. (68). — Kuwert, n. sp. (467). — Blandford, novelty, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 104. — Fowler, novelty, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 145, and id. ibid. p. 309. Hymenoptera. Bridgman, n. sp., novelties (90). — Bridgman, n. spp. (89). — Cameron, n. spp. (112). — Billups, novelties, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xi. — Cameron, novelties, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 313. — Saunders, novelty, Ent. FAUNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Ins. 67 M. M. (2) i, p. 101. — Monograph of Phytophagous Tlymenoptera, vol. iii, Cameron (109). — Catalogue of Aculeata , Saunders (721). Lepidoptera. Barrett, novelties, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xi, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 49 & 112.— Griffith, novelty, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. viii, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 156. — Hawes, novelty, Ent. xxiii, p. 3. — Hodgkin- son, novelties, Ent. xxiii, p. 119. — Meldola, novelty?, P. E. Soc. 1890, p.xxv. — Richardson, n.spp. (682,683). — South, novelty, Ent. xxiii, p.287, pi. iii, fig. 6. — Stainton, n. spp. (827, 828).— Wood, novelty, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 88. — 'Wood, n. sp. (923).— Additions since 1859, South (825). Diptera. Verrall, uovelties, critical notes on JDiptera, Ent. xxiii, pp. 150-154. — Brunetti, novelties, Ent. xxiii, pp. 122-126. — Dale, novelty, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 109.— British Platypezidcu , Dale, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 107. Rhynchota. Buckton, n. sp. (99).— Douglas, n. spp. (183). — Edwards, novelty, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 236.— Saunders, novelty, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 206. — Catalogue, Saunders & Edwards (724). Neuropterci. MacLaciilan, n. sp., novelty (503). Orthoptera. Synopsis of British Orthoptera concluded, Shaw, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 56, &c. Local Lists. Insecta. Scilly Is., Dale, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 328. — Hampshire and Dorset, Dale, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 24.— Middlesex, Cockerell, Ent. Rec. i, pp. 114-116 ; A preliminary list of the Insect fauna of Middlesex, Cockerell, Ent. xxiii, pp. 368 & 369. — -Essex, Woodford, Oldham, Essex Nat. iv, p. 137. — Wickenfen, Porritt, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 216. — Shetland, Dale, Ent. xxiii, p. 293. Coleoptcra. Devonshire, Fowler, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 110. — Plymouth, Keut, Mickleham, Norfolk, Ramsey, Essex, Walker, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 83. — Dorset, Dale, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 244. — Swanage, Goodman, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 271.— Romney, Lowe, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 85. — New Forest : Blandford, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 220 ; Wood, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 272. — Hastings, Bennett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 159, and t. c. p. 219. — Camber, Bennett, Ent. xxiii, pp. 50 & 51. — Box Hill, Hall, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 160. — Shiere, Bennett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 160.— Chatham, Keys, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 220. — Cobhara Park, WalkEr, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 9, and Malings, t. c. p. 272. — Tottenham, Milton, Ent. xxiii, p. 20. — Oxford, Fowler, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 85 —Cambridge, Hort, Ent. xxiii, p. 262.— Swalfham Prior, Tottenham, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 83. — Norfolk, Edwards, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. 19, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 64- 66.— East Norfolk, Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 326. — Blatcii on the Coleoptera found in a small mossy bank at Knowle, Warwickshire, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 35-37. — Cannock Chase, Blatch, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 159. — Ludlow and Bewdley, Blatch, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 190. — Castle- Douglas, Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 160 & 219. — Aviemore. Lloyd, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 327. — Ireland, Johnson, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1888-89, pp. 77-81 & 179-183, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 295. — North of Ireland, 68 Ins. INSECTA. Johnson, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 84. — Kerry, Fowler, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 271. Hymenoptera. Devon, Still, Ent. xxiii, p. 320. — Plymouth, Briggs, Ent. xxiii, p. 264. — Deal, Hall, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 141. — Dover, Per- kins, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 111. — Maidstone, Fkisby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 82. — Bristol, Francis, P. Bristol Soc. vi, pp. 213-216. — Yarmouth, Knights, Ent. xxiii, p. 384. — Durham, South, Ent. xxiii, p. 292. Lepidoptera. Jersey, Luff, Ent. xxiii, p. 98. — Lundy I., Walker, Ent. xxiii, p. 140. — Devonshire, Bloomfield, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 49. — S. Devon, Jager, Ent. Bee. i, p. 153, and Hollis, t.c. p. 154. — Dartmoor, Still, Ent. xxiii, pp. 14 & 15. — Axminster, Nesbitt, Ent. xxiii, p. 262. — Plym Yalley, Briggs, Ent. xxiii, p. 264. — Dartmouth, Owen, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 328. — Dorset, Pickard-Cambridge, Ent. xxiii, p. 101. — Yeovil, Parmiter, Ent. xxiii, p. 263. — Bloxworth, Dorset, Stainton, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 192. — I. of Purbeck, Bankes, Ent. M. M. (2) i,p. 193. — Portland, Dorset, Richardson, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 257. — The Lepidoptera of Hamp- shire : Pt. IV, Pterophorina , P. Hampshire Cl. iv, pp. 64 & 65. — Contribu- tions to the entomology of the Portsmouth district, Pearce, Ent. xxiii, pp. 227-231. — Portsmouth, Pearce, Ent. xxiii, p. 201. — Lyndhurst, Hol- land, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 87. — New Forest, Alderson, Ent. xxiii, p. 258; Blagg, Ent. xxiii, p. 320 ; Froiiawk, Ent. xxiii, p. 68 ; Jackson, Ent. xxiii, p. 379 ; Nicholson, Ent. xxiii, p. 21. — Ringwood, Fowler, Ent. xxiii, p. 381. — Chichester, Anderson, Ent. xxiii, p. 291. — Haslemere, Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 137. — Eastbourne, Clarke, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 327. — Brighton, McArthur, Ent. xxiii, p. 259. — Isle of Thanet, Willson, Ent. xxiii, p. 139. — Chatham, Mathew, Ent. xxiii, p.344. — Tunbridge Wells, Beeching, Ent. xxiii, p. 344.— Tilgate Forest, Tug- well, Ent. xxiii, p. 255.— Hampstead, Hill, Ent. xxiii, p. 261. — Shep- herd’s Bush, Ince, Ent. xxiii, p. 261. — Reading, Holland, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 87, and Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 255. — Sandhurst, Bacon, Ent. xxiii, p. 264. — Newbury, Kimber, Ent. xxiii, p. 140, and Ent. Rec. i, p. 46. — Caversham, Clarke, Ent. xxiii, p. 263. — Rickmansworth, South, Ent. xxiii, p. 291. — Chesham, South, Ent. xxiii, p. 257. — Bristol, Prideaux, Ent. xxiii, p. 201. — Taunton, Farrant, Ent. xxiii, p. 100. — Cottswolds, Goss, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 214. — Marlborough, Meyrick, Rep. Marlb. Coll, xxxviii, pp. 70-80.— Ramsbury, Meyrick, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 271. — Wye Valley, Vaughan, Ent. Rec. i, p. 179. — Monmouthshire, Patten, Ent. xxiii, p. 69. — Monmouth, Palmer, Ent. xxiii, p. 346. — Essex, Fitch, Essex Nat. iv, pp. 188-190 ; Spiller, Ent. xxiii, p. 56. — Epping Forest, Bayne, Ent. Rec. i, p. 249.— Rotherham, Young, Ent. xxiii, p. 68. — Sherwood, Hall, Ent. xxiii, p. 322. — Upware, Cambs., Hill, Ent. xxiii, p. 319.— Suffolk : Bloomfield (69) ; Gerrard, Ent. xxiii, p. 171. — Aldeburgh, Sheldon, Ent. Rec. i, p. 21. — Brantham, Buckell, Ent. Rec. i, p. 21.— Tuddenham, Christy, Ent. xxiii, p. 348. — Norfolk, Barrett & Cruttwell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 193.— Notes on the Rhopalo- cera of West Norfolk, Smith, Ent. xxiii, pp. 355-361.— Lancashire, Goulty, Ent. xxiii, p. 385. — ’"'The Lepidopterous fauna of Lancashire FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 69 and Cheshire, Ellis, cf. Ent. xxiii, p. 268. — Manchester, Crabtree, Ent. xxiii, p. 203. — Cannock Chase, Freer, Ent. xxiii, p. 378. — Chester, Arkle, Ent. xxiii, pp. 61-65. — I. of Man, Jager, Ent. Rec. i, p. 181 ; Clarke, Yu Lioar Man. i, pp. 92 & 158. — Alford, Mason, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 256. — Durham, South, Ent. xxiii, p. 380. — Alnmouth, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 292. — Wales, Arkle, Ent. xxiii, pp. 361-367. — Barmouth, Chamberlain, Ent. xxiii, p. 262. — Llanrwst, Pearson, Ent. xxiii, p. 319. — Roxburghshire, Elliot, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 215. — Aberdeen and Kin- cardineshire, Esson, Ent. xxiii, pp. 168 -170. — Deiopeia pulchella taken near Aberdeen in 1840 ; Scot. Nat. 1890, p. 262. — Howth, Hart, Ent. Rec. i, p. 154. — Armagh, Johnson, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 140 & 214. — Donegal, Hart, Ent. xxiii, p. 262. Diptera . Remarks on collecting Diptera, with notes on the Diptera of Epping Forest, Brunetti & Verrall, Essex Nat. iv, pp. 85-92. — Birmingham and Wyre Forest. Bradley, Ent. xxiii, p. 171. Rhynchota. Dover, Hall, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 81. — Deal, Piffard, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 221. — Gomshall, Butler, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 297. Neuroptera. Dunster, McLaciilan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 287. — Exmoor, id. t. c. p. 316. — New Forest, id. t. c. p. 271. — Hunstanton, Porritt, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 24.— Durham : Mitchell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 90 ; Henderson, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 111. — Deepdale, McLachlan, Ent. M. M. (2) p. 52. — York, Porritt, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 304.— Pen- maenmawr, Porritt, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 161.— Unst, King, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 178. (d.) North Europe and Siberia [see also (a.) and (b.)]. Insecta. Sweden, Thomson (850). — Norway, Schoyen, Bidrag til Kundskaben ota Norges Ilemipter-og Orthopter- Fauna, Forh. Selsk. Chr. 1889, No. 5. Notes on the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocera ) of Norway, Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 72-78, including list of Rhopalocera of Norway by Schoyen, pp. 77 & 78.— Additions to the Finland fauna, 1884-1889, Reuter, Eut. Tidskr. xi, pp. 113-130. Hymenoptera. Forel (272). Lepidoptera. Scandinavia, Andersson, Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 81-87. — Norway, Schoyen, Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 195-198. — Christiania, Schneider, Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 131-138. — Jamtland, Holmgren (374). — Schoyen, further notes on Dr. Jordan’s observations on Norwegian Lepidoptera, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 32-34. — Baltic: Petersen (602); Teicii (845). Zweiter Nachtrag zum neuen Yerzeichniss der in Estland, Livland, Curland, und auf Oesel bisher aufgesfundenen Schmetterliuge, Sintenis, Arch. Nat. Liv. x, pp. 253-256. — Siberia, Graeser (322). Diptera. Bidenkap (54). — Norway, Supplement til H. Siebke’s Enu- meratio Insectorum Norvegicorum, Fasc. iv ( Diptera ), Schoyen Forh. 70 Ins. 1NSECTA. Selsk. Chr. 1889, No. 12.— Dorpat, Sintenis (787). — Sintenis, SB. Ges. Dorp, ix, pp. 49-58. Neuroptera. Scandinavian Trichoptera , Wallengren (874). (e.) Central and Eastern Europe [see also (a.) and (b.)]. Insecta. Bonn, Bertkau, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlv, p. 69 kb. — Verzeich- niss der im Jahre 1888 als neu beschriebenen recenten Insectenarten Deutschlands, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 71-76.— Thuringia, Thomas, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 305-311. — Simplon, Wackerzapp (870). — Pitz and Oetzthal, Escherich, Soc. Ent. v, pp. 34 & 42. Coleoptera. Denmark : Nye dansker Biller, Sciilick, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 267-279 ; Meinert (526). — Baltic, Seidlitz (763). — Netherlands, Everts (235) and Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. xxvi. — Mat^riaux pour la faune entomologique de Flandres 4e Centurie, Borre, Rev. Biol, iii, pp. 1-20, &c.— Materiaux pour la faune entomologique du Brabant, Coleo- pteres, cinquieme centurie, Borre, Bull. Soc. L. Brux. xvi, pp. 41-72. — Belgium : Annotations aux listes de CoUopteres carnassiers indigenes, Borre, C.R. Ent, Belg. 1890, pp, ccxiv & ccxv ; Coucke, G.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. ccix ; Lameere, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. cxxiii ; Rousseau, (713) and C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pf clvj ; Borre, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. Ixxvii & c,— Germany : Beitrage zur deutschen Kaferfauna, Sciiilsky, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 177-199 ; Nachtrage zum Verzeichniss der Kafer Deutschlands aus der karntnerischen Fauna, Liegel, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 205-208 ; Gerhardt, Sammelbericht pro 1889, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 200-203 ; Daniel (161) ; Weise (903), — Rostock, Heyden, Deutsche e, Z. 1890, p, 211, — Weimar, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 285 & 286. — Schwarzwald, Stierlin (834). — Die Coleopterenfauna von Soest ; Verhoeff, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii, pp. 1-17.— Cranz, Riesen, S. E. Z. li, p. 199. — Silesia, Gerhardt, Z. Ent. Bresl. (n.s.) xv, pp. 19 & 20, also pp. 285-348 of continuation of Letzner’s Catalogue — Kafer Graubundens, Bilias, JB. Ges. Graubunden, xxxiii, Beilage. — =Alps, Daniel (160). — Valais, Favre (252).— Poland ( Pselaphidce and Seydmcenidce), Oster- loff, Pam. Fizjogr. ix, pp. 249-273. — Siebenburgen : Flaoii (263) ; Fleischer (265) ; Seidlitz (764) ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 30. — Styria, Guillebeau (332). — Klagenfurt, Weise (904). — Austria, Eppel- SIIEIM (227).— Hungary, Kuthy (464)— Sarepta, Escherich (231). Hymenoptera. Krieoiibaumer (457)— Belgium, Jacobs & Tosquinet (393). — Switzerland i Kriechbaumer (453, 454) ; Bestimmungstabelle der schweizerischen Arten des Grabwespengattung Cerceris , Steck, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 167-171 ; Frey-Gessner, Bovibus, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii. pp. 183-194 ; additions to and corrections in list of Swiss Chrysididce , FrbYtGessner, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 156-162. — Germany, Verhoeff (859).— Graz, Formicidce , Hoffer (369).— Valle di Fiemme, Cobelli (133).— Russia, Jarociiewsky (408). Lepidoptera. Denmark : Nye danske Sommerfugle, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 283-286 ; Duurloo (196). — Netherlands, Breda, Heylaerts, Tijdschr. FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. ItlS. 71 Ent. xxxiii, pp. xxxv-xxxvii. — Belgium, Hippert, pp. cxxiii & cxxvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and t c. pp. clxiv, cxcvii, & ccxv. — Rhine, DiSQuri (169). — Rhiue and Palatinate, Baker, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 237. — Griin- stadt, Eppelsheim (230). — Die Grosschuppenfliigler der Umgegend von Chemnitz und ihre Entwicklungsgeschichte. II Teil. Noctuce (zweite Halfte). Ber. Ges. Chemn. xi, pp. 3-37. — Chemnitz and Leipzig com- pared ; Pabst (587). — East Prussia, Riesen, S. E. Z. li, pp. 199-202. — Simplon, Macugnaga, Wackerzapp (871). — Switzerland : Standen, Ent. xxiii, p. GO ; Ratzer (G41). — Kasan, Krulikovsici (459). Diptera. Kieffer (427). — Denmark, Meinert (521). — Germany: Kieffer (424, 425, 42G) ; Rubsaamen (714, 715); Stein (835).— Berlin, Diptcroloyischc Sammelorgobuisse, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 156-159. — Bitsch, Kieffer (423). — Ohrdruf, Thomas (849). — Switzerland, Schoch (748). — Tyrol: Becker (39) ; Mik (540). Rhynchota. Denmark : Nye danske Tmger, Schlick, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 280-282. — Netherlands, Fokker, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. xxxii. — Die Hemipleren und Cilcadinen der Umgegend Bambergs, Funk, Ber. Ges. Bamberg, xv, pp. 126-142. — Hungary, Douglas (183). — S. Russia, Reuter (673). Neuroptera. Zur Psocideniaxina, Westfalens, Loens (487) — Switzer- land, Schoch, MT. Schw. ent Ges. viii. p. 211 ; Notizen liber schweizer- ische N europteren, Ris, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 194-207.- -Bohemia, KlapAlek (433). — Thysanura , Uzel (857). — Yorlaufiges Verzeichniss der bohmischen Trichopteren , SB. bohm. Ges. 1890, pp. 69-86. — Kharkov, Rodzianko (708). Orthoptera. Austria, Redtenbaciier (642). (f.) France [see also (a.), (b.), and (g.)] . Insecta. Marchal, Bull. Soc. Saone et Loire, iv, pp. 234-237. — Normandy, Leech, Ent. xxiii, pp. 288-290, and Two days collecting in Normandy, Ent. xxiii, pp. 223-227. — Bordeaux, Brown, CR. Soc. L. Bord. pp. xc-xciii. Coleoptera. Guillebeau (334, 335) ; Saulcy (720). — Seine, Decaux, Odier, Soc. Ent. 1890, p. ccxiv ; Ciieron, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clix. — Paris Basin, Odier, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. xcv & xcvi. — Eure, Regimbart, t. c. 1890, p. ccxx. — Dept, de la Somme, Delaby, Bull. Soc. L. Nord. France, ix, pp. 212-218; Carpentier, t. c. pp. 278-281. — Allier, Grandjean, Rev. Sci. Bourb. ii, p. 14. — Catalogue desColeopteres de Maine-et-Loire, 3^me part, Gallois, Bull. Soc. Angers, xix, pp. 123- 167. — Sa6ne-et-Loire, Marchal, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cix. — Alpes- maritimes, Pic, Regimbart, Bull. Fr. 1890, p. ccxx. Hymenoptera. Forel (276). — Les Fourmis de la France centrale, Bruyant (98). — South-west of France, PihiEZ (600, 601). Lepidoptera. Breignet (83) ; Oberthur (577) ; Standfuss (829) ; Dupont, Bull. Soc. Elbeuf. 1889, p. 48. — Addenda 5 lafaune des Ldpido- pteres de la Seine-inferieure, Liiotte, Bull. Soc. Rouen, xxvi, pp. 65-70. 72 Ins. INSECTA. — Medoc, Breignet, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1800, p. cxix. — Mont-Dore, Grivois, Rev. Sci. Bourb. ii, p. 14. — Digne, Niciioll, Ent. xxiii, pp. 78 & 79; and Jones, Notes on the Lepkloptera of Digne, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 280-283. Rhynchota. Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 236 ; Rey (679).— S.W. France, Marquet, Bull. Soc. Toulouse, xxiii, pp. 73-82. Thysanura. Moniez (548). Orthoptera. Finot (258). — Eure, Brogniart, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. lxxvi & lxxvii. (g) Southern Europe and Mediterranean Basin [see also (a.), (b.),and(f.)]. N. Africa : Ancey, Soc. Ent. v, pp. 41, &c. ; Wasmann (883). — Spain, Medina, Act. Soo. Esp. xix, pp. 105 & 106.— Mount Friuli, Italy, Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 93-107. Coleoptera. Abeille (1) ; Brenske (85) ; Buysson (104) ; Faust (242, 246) ; Fauvel (250) ; Flacii (259) ; Halbiierr (345) ; Queden- feldt (628) ; Reitter (646, 654, 655, 661, 663, 667) ; Schmidt (741). — Nice, Fauvel (25). — Corsica, Rey (680). — Spain, Sainz, Act. Soc. Esp. xix, pp. 107-110.— Malaga, Medina, Act. Soc. Esp. xix, p. 46. — Sicily, Vitale, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 31. — Italy : Brenske (88) ; Reitter (645). — Messina, Vitale (868), — Island of Lesina, Reitter (653).— Contribuzione alia fauna Trentina dei Coleotteri, Bertolini, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 157-'205, — Bosnia, Apfelbeck (10). — N. Africa : Heyden (358) ; Wasmann (885),— Algeria : Bedel (41) ; Escherich (233) ; Pic (606), — Tripolis, Quedenfeldt (626),-=*Tunis, Mayet (519). — Egypt, Gestro, Ann. Mus, Genov. (2) yii, pp, 14 & 15. — Asia Minor : Heyden (361) ; Reitter (660).— Palestine : Gcillebeau (333) ; Pic (607), Hymenoptera. Cameron (110) ; Costa (147) ; Sciiletterer (735). —Cordova, Medina, Act. Soc. Esp. xix, p. 114. — Italy, Berlese (49).— Gibraltar and N, Africa, Saunders (724). — N, Africa, Forel (274). — Algeria, Buysson (105), — Ghadames, Forel (276). — Syria, Magretti (504). — Armenia, Costa (147), — Ararat, Radoszkowski (630). Lepidoptera , Constant (140) ; Heylaerts (366) ; Walker (873). — Sierra Nevada, Voigt, S. E. Z. li, pp. 21-27. — Sicily; Calberla, Nat. Sicil. ix, pp, 42-49 ; Ragusa, t. c. p. 87 ; Failla-Tedaldi (237). — Rome, Calberla, Deutsche e. Z., Lep. iii, pp, 47-94.— Aggiunte alia parte prima del saggio di un Catologo dei Lepidotteri dTtalia, Curo, Bull. Ent. Ital, xxi, pp. 76-85. — Die Schmetterlinge des Lavantthales, viii Nachtrag. HOfner, JB. Mus. Karat, xxi, pp. 269-277. — N. Africa, Austaut (23).— Algeria : Mabille (500) ; Ragonot (637) ; Oberthur (575). Diptera. Italy : Ficalbi (257) ; Giglio-Tos (304, 305. 306, 307). Rhynchota. Douglas (183) ; 'Reuter (671, 678).— Portugal ( Coccidcc ), FAUNTSTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Ins. 73 Morgan (556).— N. Africa, Be rgrotii (46) ; Reuter (675).— Asia Minor, Reuter (677). Orthoptera. Pantel (596). — Spain, Medina, Act. Soc. Esp. xix, pp. 14-17. — Egypt, Krauss (451). (h.) Caucasus and Western Asia- [see also (a.) and (b.)]. Insecta. Red Sea, Walker, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 258 & 284. Coleoptera. Caucasus : Eppelsheim (226, 228) ; Ganglbauer (296) ; Reitter (658, 662, 665, 666) ; Starck (830). — West and Central Asia : B allion (26) ; Dokhtouroff (181) ; Escherich (232) ; Heyden (360) ; Jakowleff (404) ; Morawitz (553) ; Reitter (644, 656) ; Schmidt (738) ; Semenow (770, 771) ; Weise (900, 902) ; Wilkins (919). — Persia, Waterhouse (890).— Aden, Lef^vre (480). — Red Sea, Gestro (300). — Island of Camaran, Fairmaire (238). Ilymenoptera. Caucasus, Sciiletterer (737). — Transcaspian region, Morawitz (555).— Tibet, Mayr (520). — Red Sea, Formicidce , Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 10. Lepidoptera. Christoph (132) ; Romanoff (712). Rhyncliota. Bergroth (47) ; Jakowleff (399, 400) ; Reuter (678). — Red Sea, Letiiierry, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 6. 4. Africa '(Ethiopian Region). For Arabia and Red Sea, see 3 (h.). Insecta. Jameson (405). Coleoptera. Abeille, Abyssinia (1) ; Allard (5, 6) ; Aurivillius (22) ; Bates (32) ; Brenske (85) ; Champion (123) ; Doiirn, Congo, S. E. Z. li, p. 245 ; Dumont (194) ; Duvivier (199, 200, 201) ; Fairmaire (238) ; Faust (248) ; Gaiian (290, 293) ; Gestro, Assab (300) ; Grou- velle (331) ; Kerremans (420) ; Kraatz (446, 447) ; Kuwert (465) ; Lefevre (479) ; Nickerl (569) ; Poll (615, 617) ; Quedenfeldt (624, 625) ; Ritsema (698) ; Schaufuss (729) ; Schmidt (740, 741) ; Water- house (888, 890, 892, 893) ; Westwood (907). Ilymenoptera. Andre (9) ; Emery (224) ; Forel (275) ; Handlirscii (349) ; Kohl (438) ; Kriechbaumer (452) ; Mocsary (547) ; Meunier (530, 531). Lepidoptera. Crowley (157) ; Druce (187) : Heylaerts (366, 367) ; Holland (372, 373) ; Kirby (431, 432) ; Mabille (496, 497, 498, 501) ; Mabille & Yuillot (502) ; Ragonot (634) ; Sharpe (783, 784, 785, 786) ; Smith (798, 799, 801) ; Smith & Kirby (802). Jfiptera. Bigot (55); Brauer & Bergenstamm (82). Rhynchota. Distant (170, 175) ; Karscii (409, 410). Neuroptera. Karscii (412, 414) ; Selys (769). Orthoptera. Bolivar (71, 72) ; Costa (147) ; Karscii (415, 416, 417, 418) ; Krauss (449). 74 Ins. 1NSECTA. , 5. Madagascar. Coleoptera. Brenske (87) ; Dohrn (178, 179, 180) ; Fairmaire (239) ; Faust (248) ; Gahan (290, 294) ; Grouvelle (327, 329) ; Kuwert (465) ; Poll (614) ; Raffray (631) ; Schaufuss (726). Lepidoptera. Crqwley (157) ; Mabille (497, 499) ; id., Comoro Is. (496) ; Oberthur, Comoro Is. (575) ; Ragonot (634). Diptera. Brauer & Bergenstamm (82). Ithynchota. Fallou (240) ; Karsch (409, 410). Neuroptera. Karscii (415). Orthoptera. Bolivar (72). 6. Tropical and Eastern Asia, with Japan. For Arabia and Red Sea, see 3 (h.). Insecta. Eine entomologische Excursion auf Ceylon, Seitz, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 161-168. — Colombo, Walker, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 284-286. — I. of Jeretik, Port Wladimir, Pfeffer, JB. Hamb. vii, p. 96. Coleoptera. Allard (6) ; Atkinson, Catalogues of Cicindelidce and Carabidce of tlie Oriental region (17, 18), Baly (28), Bates (33) ; id., China and Thibet (31), Bourgeois (77) ; Brogniart, Laos (92) ; id., Cochin China (94) ; Candeze, India (114) ; Champion, Japan (124, 126) ; Desbrocuers, India (164) ; Dumont, India (195) ; Duvivier, India (199) ; Eppelsheim, India (229), Faust (247) ; id., India (245) ; id., China (244) ; id., China and Mongolia (243) ; id., S.-W. Siberia and Mongolia (241) ; Fleutiaux, India (267) ; Fowler, Malacca (277) ; Frivaldszky, N. China (285), Gahan (293) ; id., India and Ceylon (291); Ganglbauer, China and Mongolia (297); Gestro, Burma (301) ; Gorham, India (318) ; Grouvelle, Burma (326) ; Jacoby, Burma (394) ; id., China (396) ; id., China and Kashmir (397) ; Jakowleff, China and Mongolia (401, 402) ; Janson (407) ; Kerre- mans, India (422) ; L^veili^, Cochin China (484) ; Lewis, Cochin China (486) ; Nonfiiied (571, 572) ; id., Kashmir and China (570) ; Poll, Himalaya (616), Raffray (631), Ritsema (700) ; Roelofs, Perak (710) ; Schmidt, Japan (740), Semenow (770) ; Severin, India (778) ; Sharp, Ceylon (779), Waterhouse (888, 891) ; Waterhouse, India (890) ; Weise, China and Mongolia (900). Hymenoptera. Cameron (110, 111); Emery, Burma (223); Forel, India (275) ; Morawitz, China and Mongolia (554) ; Radoszkowski, Korea (629). Lepidoptera. Betiiam, India (50) ; Elwes, India (218, 219) ; Hey- laerts, India (362, 363) ; Leech, China (477, 478) ; Manders, Shan States (505); id., Mooltan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 14-17 ; Moore, E. India (551, 552) ; Nic^ville, India (565, 566, 567) ; list of Chin-Lushai butterflies, Nic^ville, J. Bomb. Soc. v, pp. 295-298 ; second list of Chin-Lushai butterflies, id. t. c. pp. 382-388 ; Oberthur, Thibet (575) ; FAUN1ST1C AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 75 Ragonot (634, 638) ; Schaus, Assam (731) ; Seitz, Hong-Kong (766) ; Snellen, Sikkim (818) ; Swiniioe, India (839, 840) ; id., Burma (838) ; Watson, Madras, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, pp. 265-269 ; a preliminary list of the butterflies of Mysore, Watson, J. Bomb. Soc. v, pp. 28-37. Diptera. Bigot (55, 56, 57) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm (82). Rhynchota. Bergroth (45) ; Distant (171, 172, 173, 174) ; Fallou (240) ; Jakowleff (399, 403) ; Leon (481) ; Westwood ( Aphididai ), (908). Neuroptera. India, Wood-Mason (926). Orthoptera. Bolivar, Japan (72) ; Wood-Mason (924, 925). 7. Asiatic Archipelago, including Papua. Insecta. Olivier, Tosquinet, Robbe, Borneo and Sumatra, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. xxx-xxxii. Coleoptera. Allard (6) ; Bos, JavR (75) ; Bourgeois (76) ; Candeze, Borneo (113) ; id., Java (116) ; Duvivier (197) and C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xcix ; id., Philippines (199) ; id., Borneo, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. xx & xxi ; Faust (247 & 248); Flach, Sumatra (261) ; Gahan, Borneo (293) ; id., Nias I. (295) ; Gestro, Sumatra and Nias (302) ; Gorham, Sumatra (319) ; Grouvelle, Sumatra (328) ; Heylaerts (365) ; Jacoby, Nias and Sumatra (395) ; Kerremans, Borneo (420) ; Kraatz, Java (444) ; id ., N. Guinea (443) ; Kuwert, Philippines (465) ; Lefevre (479) ; Poll (612, 613) ; Richter (684, 685) ; Ritsema (699, 701); id., West Sumatra, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 29-40; Roelofs, Sumatra (710, 711) ; Senna (774) ; Severin (777) ; Sloane, N. Guinea (796) ; Waterhouse (888) ; Weise (901). Hymenoptera. Kohl (438) ; Mocsary (547). Lepidoptera. Honrath, Sumbawa (375) ; Martin, Sumatra (510) ; Pagenstecher, Java (593) ; id., Palawan (594) ; Semper, Philippines (772) ; Snellen (822) ; id., Java (819, 821) ; id., Billiton (or Belitoeng) (824) ; id., Tanah-Djampea, (820, 823) and Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. xxx ; Weymer, Celebes (910). Diptera. Bigot (55). Rhynchota. Karscii, New Guinea (411). Neuroptera. Kirby (430) ; Selys, Odonata, Sumatra (769); Oude- mans, Thysanura (586). Orthoptera. Bolivar (72) ; Brogniart, Borneo (93) ; Karscii (417). 8. Australia and Tasmania. Insecta. Helms, Mount Kosciusko, Rec. Austr. Mus. i, pp. 11-16 ; Koebele (436) ; Tepper, list of named insects in the South Australian Museum, Adelaide, series 1 & 2. Coleoptera. Allard (6) ; Blackburn (58-66) ; Bourgeois (76) ; Kerremans (421); Kraatz (443) ; Olliff (579, 580, 583); Schmidt (740) ; Sharp (781) ; Sloane (793, 791, 795). 76 Ins. 1NSECTA. Hymenoptera. Froggatt (286, 287) ; Koiil (438) ; Riley (692). Lep/doptera. Lucas (493, 494) ; Meyrick (534, 535, 536) ; Misicin (544, 545, 546) ; Olliff (581, 582, 584) ; Scott (753). Diptera. Bigot (55) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm (82) ; Skuse (791, 792). Rliynchota. Maskell, Coccidce (513, 514). Neuroptera. Karsch, Odonata (413). Orthoptera. Tepper (847). 9. North America. Insecta. Coquillett (145) ; Godman & Salvin (317)-; Moffat, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 60 ; Packard (588). — ^Catalogue of the Insects of New Jersey, Smith, Rep. Geol. Trenton, ii, if. Ins. Life, iii, p. 133. — Madeleine Is., Provanciier (621). — Longport, N.J., Hamilton, Ent. News, i, p. 142. — Colorado, Cockerell, Ent. xxiii, p. 19 : and Notes on the insect fauna of high altitudes in Custer County, Colorado ; Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 37-39, 55-60, & 76. — Fossil, Scudder (754-757). Coleoptera. Coleoptera common to N. America and other countries, Schwarz (751). — Brendel & Wickham (84) ; Casey (122) ; Dietz (168) ; Gaiian (292) ; Hamilton, Ent. News, i, p. 13 ; Horn (376, 377, 378, 379, 380), and Ent. News, i, pp. 9 & 53-55 ; Raffray (631) ; Rivers (704, 705) ; Schmidt (740) ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 267 ; Wickham (916) — A month on Vancouver Island; id. Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 169-172. — Oregon, id. Ent. News, i, pp. 33-35. — On the lists of Coleo- ptera published by the geological survey of Canada, 1842-1888 ; Har- rington, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 135-140. &c. — New Jersey, LiEBECK,Ent. News, i, p. 158. — New Mexico, Wickham, Ent. News, i, p. 89. — Synopsis of Cerambycidce , continued, Leng, Ent. Am. vi, p. 9, &c. Hymenoptera. Ashmead (12, 13, 14, 15) ; Bassett (29) ; Cockerell, Ent. xxiii, p. 282 ; Cook (143) ; Ckesson & Hamilton (347) ; Fox (279, 280) ; Gillette (308) ; Handlirscii (349) ; Harrington, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 40 ; Howard (383, 384) ; Koiil (437, 438) ; Krieciibaumer (452); Riley & Howard (695) ; Robertson (706) ; Tenthredinidce collected at Ottawa, Harrington, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 23-25 ; Weed (895, 896). — New Jersey, Fox, Ent. News, i, pp, 83 & 84. — Florida, Fox, Ent. News, i, p. 93. Lepidoptera. Behr (42) ; Beutenmuller (51) ; Butler (102) ; Dyar (208), and Ent. News, i, p. 105 ; Edwards, H. (211) ; Edwards, W. H. (213, 214, 215); French (281, 282), and Ent. News, i, p. 153 ; Fyles (288) ; Gumppenberg (336) ; Phycitidce, Hulst (389) ; Murt- feldt (561) ; Neumoegen (562, 563) ; Ragonot (634, 635), and Ent. Am. vi, p. 64; Skinner (789, 790) ; Smith (804-815) ; Smyth, Psyche, v, p. 347 ; Walsingiiam (876, 877). — The butterflies of Laggan, N.W.T. Account of certain species inhabiting the Rocky Mountains in latitude 51° 25', Bean, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 94-99. — New Hampshire, Slosson, Ent. News, i, p. 17. — Nebraska, Taylor, Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 1024-1030. — FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins . 77 Philadelphia, Skinner, Ent. News, i, p. 19. — Florida, Slosson, Ent. News, i, pp. 81-83, 101, & 102. — Colorado, Bruce, Cauad. Ent. xxii, p. 67. — California, Behrens, Zoe, i, p. 60. — Yosemite, Behr, Zoe, i, pp. 177-179. — Lower California, Behr, Zoe, i, pp. 246 & 247. — Grote, Check-list of Cymatophoridce and Nocluidce (325). — Revision of Scopelo- soma, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 146-153. Diptera. Bigot (55) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm (82) ; Cockerell (135, 136) ; Coquillett (146) ; Gillette (310) ; Roder (707) ; Wheeler (914).— Washington, Townsend, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 254. Rhynchota . Ashmead (16) ; Duzee (202, 203, 204, 205, 206) ; Gillette, Ent. News, i, p. 26 ; Provancher (620) ; Riley & Howard (696) ; Smith (797) ; Woodworth (927). Neuroptera. Calvert (107), and Ent. News, i, pp. 73 & 74 ; Hagen (339). — List of the Odonata taken at Manchester, Wadsworth, Ent. News, i, pp. 36, 37, & 55-57. — Virginia, Calvert, Ent. News, i, p. 22. Ortlioptera. Goding (315) ; Scudder (761). 10. Central America, including Mexico. Insecta. Godman & Salvin (317). Coleoptera. Baly (27); Bates (30) ; Candeze (115) ; Casey (122) ; Croissandeau (155) ; Duges (192, 193) ; Kuwert (465); Leveille (485) ; Nonfried (571, 572) ; Severin (776) ; Waterhouse (889) ; Weise (901). Ilymenopteva. Bassett (29); Cameron (110); Emery (221, 225); Handlirscii (349) ; Howard (385) ; Kohl (437, 438) ; Mocsary (547). Lepidoptera. Druce (184, 185) ; MOsciiler (558) ; Neumoegen (562); Ragonot (634) ; Schaus (730) ; Weymer (909). Diptera. Bigot (55) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm (82) ; Giglio-Tos (305, 307). Rhynchota. B erg ROTH, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xviii ; Fallou (240); Riley & Howard, Coccidai (696). Neuroptera. Termites of Panama, Dudley (191). Ortlioptera. Scudder (761). 11. Antilles. Coleoptera . Allard (6) ; Gaiian (292) ; R affray (633). Ilymenoptera. Emery, St. Thomas (225) ; Koiil (438). Lepidoptera. Druce (184) ; Moschler (558) ; Neumoegen, Cuba (562). Diptera. Bigot (55) ; Mik (539). Rhynchota. Riley & Howard, Coccidai (696). Ortlioptera. Bolivar, Cuba (72). 78 Ins. INSECTA. 12. South America. Coleoptem. Baly (27) ; Belon (44) ; Brenske (87) ; Champion (125) ; Desbrochers (165) ; Duviyier (198, 199) ; Lebrun & Fairmaire, Patagonia (476) ; Faust (248) ; Gaiian (292) ; Godman & Salvin (317) ; Grouyelle (330) ; Jacoby (398) ; Kuwert (465) ; Lameere (471, 472) ; Nevinson (564) ; Nonfried (571) ; Pelseneer, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. clxxiv-clxxvi ; Qtjedenfeldt (627); Raffray (631, 632); Regimbart (643); Reitter & Croissandeau (670); Schmidt (739, 740) ; Senna (774) ; Wasmann (883, p. 302, 884); Waterhouse (891). Hymenoptera. Cameron, Trinidad (112) ; Emery (221) ; Koiil (437, 438) ; Krieciibaumer (452) ; Meunier (529) ; MocsAry (547); Sciilet- terer (737). Lepidoptera. Butler (102) ; Calvert, Chili (108) ; Dognin (177) ; Druce (184, 186, 188) ; Haiinel (343) ; Heylaerts (364) ; Mabille, Patagonia (476) ; MOschler (558) ; Obertiiur (576) ; Ragonot (634) ; Seitz (767) ; Sharpe (782); Weymer (909); Weymer & Maassen (911). Diptera. Bigot (55) ; Brauer &Bergenstamm (82); Meinert (527). Bhynchota. Fallou (240) ; Letiiierry (483) ; Reuter (678). Neuroptera. Karsch (412). Orthoptera. Bolivar (70, 72) ; Brunner (97); Scudder (761). Pal&o-entomology. [ Cf '. Brogniart (91), Etheridge & Olliff (234), Flach (260), Kirby (428), Klebs (435), Sciiaufuss (727, 728), Scudder (754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760).] Notes on the fossil insects of Aix ; Nicolas, C.R. Ass. sci. Fr. xviii, pp. 424-432. Notes on Pal seo- entomology during the last ten years; Scudder (760). Account of the number of insects found in Amber ; Klebs (435). List of fossil Odonuta ; Kirby (428). COLEOPTERA. Caral>idfje. ^ Neothanes , n. g., near Carabus , for Cychrus testeus , Sc., Scudder, p. 535, pi. vii, figs. 32, 39, n. sp. Elaphrus irregidaris , Clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 534, pi. i, fig. 36, n. sp. Loricera ? lirfosa, Clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 533, pi. i, fig. 32, d. sp. Bembidium glaciatum , pi. i, fig. 40, fragmentum , fig. 45, Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 532, n. spp. Patrobus gelatus , Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins p. 530, pi. i, fig. 48, n. sp. PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 79 Ptcrostichus abrogatus, p. 525, pi. i, fig. 39, dormitans , figs. 49, 55, dcsti- tutus, fig. 44, p. 526, fractus, figs. 29 & 30, destructus, fig. 46, p. 527, Inter- glacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Diplocliila ? henshawi , Florissant, Scudder. Tert. Ins. p. 523, pi. xxviii, fig. 9, n. sp. Platynus casus , p. 519, pi. i, fig. 42, hindei, fig. 54, halli , fig. 41, p. 520, dissipatus, fig. 37, desuetus, figs. 43, 51, 58, p. 521, harttii , fig. 31, Inter- glacial clays of Ontario, census, Wyoming, pi. vii, fig. 34, p. 522, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Hydrophilidce. Ilydrobius conjixus , Wyoming, SCUDDER, Tert. Ins. p. 511, pi. vii, fig. 25, n. sp. Hydrochus amictus , Interglacial clays of Ontario, p. 515, pi. i, fig. 47, relictus , Wyoraiug, p. 516, pi. viii, fig. 11, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Ilelophorus rigescens, Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 516, pi. i, fig. 53, n. sp. Staphylinidce. Ilomalola recisa, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 509, pi. viii, fig. 14, n. sp. {■Staphy Unites, n. g., for S. obsoletum , Sc. ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 510, pi. viii, fig. 32. Quedius chamberlini, pi. xvi, fig. 8, breweri , fig. 4, Florissant, Scudder, p. 508, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Lathrobium inter glaciale, Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 506, pi. i, fig. 38, u. sp. Oxyporus stiriacus , Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 505, pi. i, fig. 36, n. sp. Bledius glaciatus , Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, p. 505, pi. i, fig. 35, n. sp. Pseudolesteva , n. g., for P. insinuans, n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic ; Sceiaufuss, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 69. PselaphidcB. j Greys, n. g., for G. conciliator , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic ; Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxiii, p. 113. Tychus radians, p. 114, avus, p. 116, in Amber from the Baltic, Schau- fuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. Bryaxis glabrella, p. 117, veterum , p. 120, in Amber from the Baltic, Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. V Barybaxis, n. g., p. 121, for B. lata , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic, p. 122, Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. Bytliinus tenuipes , p. 123 , foveopunctatus, p. 124, iypicus, p. 125, caviceps , p. 127, in Amber from the Baltic, Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. ^ Mon ijx, u. g., for M. spiculatus , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic ; Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 129. 80 las. INSECTA, * Deuterotyrus, n. g., for D. redivivus , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic ; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 131. V Hagnometopias, n. g., p. 133, for H. pater y n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic, p. 134 ; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. Batrisus pristinuSy p. 134, antiquus , p. 136, in Amber from the Baltic, Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. ^ Gymbalizon , n. g., p. 137, for C. tyroidesy n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic, p. 138 ; Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. Tyrus electricus in Amber from the Baltic, Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 139, n. sp. ^ Gteuistodes , n. g., p. 141, for C. claviger , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic, p. 142, pi. v, fig. 17 ; Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. DuntiscanuSy n. g., p. 142, for D. costalis, n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic, p. 143 ; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. J PammigeSy n. g., for P. spectrurriy n. sp., pi. v, fig. 19, in Amber from the Baltic ; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 144. \ PantobatrisuSy u. g., for P. cursor , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 145. d Nugaculus, n. g., p. 147, for N. calcitranSy n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic, p. 148 ; Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. 4 Nugatory n. g., for N. stricticolliSy n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic ; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 149. Euplectus lentiferusy p. 152, quadrifoveolatus, p. 154, mozarti , p. 155, in Amber from the Baltic, Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. i HetereuplectiiSy n. g., for H. retrorsus , n. sp., in Amber from the Baltic ; Schaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 156. Faronus porrectus , tritomicrus} in Amber from the Baltic ; Sciiaufuss, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 158. Silphidce. • Ptomascopus aveyronensis, Tertiary Beds in S. France, Flacii, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p 106, n. sp. ^ Palccosilpliayii.g.y p. 106, for P.fraasii} n, sp., Tertiary Beds in S. France, p. 107 ; Flacii, Deutsche e. Z. 1890. Gucujidce. Parandrita vestltay Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 501, pi. vii, fig. 41, n. sp. Byrrkidce. Nosodendron tritavuniy Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 499, pi. vii, fig. 36, n. sp. Scarabceidce. JEgialia rupta, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 489, pi. viii, fig. 19, n. sp. PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 81 Buprestidce. ^ Mesostigmodera, n. g., for M. typica, n. sp.. Lower Mesozoic of Australia ; Etheridge & Olliff, Mem. Geol. Surv. JST.S.W., Pal. vii, p. 9, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. Lampyridce . ^Palceolycus, n. g., for L . problematicus , n. sp., Upper Tertiary in Aus- tralia; Etheridge & Olliff, Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal. vii, p. 11, pi. i, figs. 10-14. Rhipidophorid ce . 1 Viipiphorus gciJciei , Florissant, ScOdder, Tert. Ins, p. 482, pi. xxvii, fig. 1, n. sp. Gurculionidce. Anthonomus soporus , Wyoming, SCUddeR, Tert. Ins. p. 472, pi. viii, fig. 16, n. sp. Listronotus muratus , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 474, pi. viii, fig. 23, n. sp. Tanymecw seculorum , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 476, pi. viii, fig. 22, n. sp. Sitones grandcovus , Sc., referred to Eugnamptus and figured ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 481, pi. viii, fig. 20. Scoly tides. IIylaste8 P squalidens , Interglacial clays of Toronto, SCUDDER, Tert. Ins. p. 468, pi. i, figs. 23-25, n. sp. Antho tribidoe. Choragus fictilis , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 465, pi. viii, fig. 9, n. sp. Hormiscus partitus , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 467, pi. viii, fig. 17, n. sp. Chrysomelidce. Donacia stiria , fig. 28, pompatica , figs. 33 & 34, Interglacial clays of Ontario, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 486, pi. i, n. spp. Hymenoptera. Aculeata. Didineis solidescen8i Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 620, pi. x, fig. 30, n. sp. Ichneumonidce . * Lithotorus, n. g. Ichneumonides , for L . cressoni, n. sp., Wyoming, pi. x, fig. xxi ; Scudder, p. 609, Tert. Ins. Rhyssa juvenis , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 609, pi. fig. 19, n. sp. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] f 6 x, 82 Ins. INSECTA. Glypta transversalis , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Jns. p. 613, pi. x, fig. 25, n. sp. Eclytus lutatus , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 614, pi. x, fig. 24, n. sp. Tenthredinidce . Taxonus nortoni , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 604, pi. x, figs. 26 & 27, n. sp. Lepidoptera. Rliopalocera. Prodry as persephone, Sc., figured and described ; Scudder, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii. pt. i, pp. 441-448, pi. lii, figs. 1-10. Jjupiteria , n. g. near Junonia , p. 448, for J. charon , n. sp.. Tertiary deposits of Florissant, p. 450, pi. lii, figs. 14 & 15 ; Scudder, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i. Ijithopsyche , n. g. near Hypanartia, p. 452, for L. styx} n. sp., Tertiary deposits of Florissant, p. 454, pi. lii, figs. 11, 16, & 17 ; Scudder, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. 1. s J Nymphalites, n. g. Nymphalidce , for N. obscurum, n. sp., Tertiary deposits of Florissant ; Scudder, p. 457, pi. liii, figs. 10-13, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i. d A panthesis, n. g. near Anelia, p. 459, for A. leuce , n. sp., Tertiary deposits of Florissant, p. 461, pi. lii, figs. 12 & 13 ; Scudder, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. 1. v' Prolibythea. n. g., p. 461, for P. vagabunda, n. sp., Tertiary deposits of Florissant, p. 465, pi. liii, figs. 4-9 ; Scudder, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i. ' Stolopsyche, n. g. ( Pieridi ), p. 467, for S. libytheoides , n. sp., Tertiary deposits of Florissant, p. 468, pi. liii, figs. 1-3 ; Scudder, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i. Tineidai. Psecadia mortaella , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 603, pi. xv, figs. 12 & 17, n. sp. Diptera. Sciopkila hyattii , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 597, pi. x, fig. 6, n. sp. Anaclinia , sp. p, figured and noticed ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 597, pi. ix, fig. 12. Boletina umbratica , p. 593, pi. x, fig. 3, paludivaga , fig. 7, p. 594, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Bymosia strangulata , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 590, pi. x, fig. 2, n. sp. Anate.lla tacita , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 589, pi. x, fig. 13, n. sp. PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 83 Sciara scopuli , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. -588, pi. x, fig. 16, n. sp. Plecia pealei, shales at Twin Creek, p. 585, pi. iv, figs. 2, 3, 10, 11, & 12, dejecta, Wyoming, p. 586, pi. x, fig. 17, Scudder, Tert. Ins, n. spp. Culex damnatorum , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 582, pi. x, fig 14, n. sp. Chironomus sepias , Wyoming, Scudder, p. 578, pi. x, fig. 8, Tert. Ins. ; C. venerabilis, Tertiary formations in Australia, Etheridge & Olliff, Mem. G'eol. Surv. N. S. W., Pal. vii, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 2 : n. spp. Tipula spoliata, p. 577, pi. x, fig. 4, sepulchri, fig. 1, & p. 578, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. ^ Lithophysa, n. g. Beridina, , for L. tumulta , n. sp., Wyoming, pi. ix, fig. 31 ; Scudder, p. 566, Tert. Ins. ^ A sarcomyia, n. g. Beridina , for A. cadaver, n. sp., Wyoming ; Scudder, p. 567, pi. ix, fig. 17, Tert. Ins. Psilota tabidosa, Wyoming, ScUddEr, Tert. Ins. p. 561, pi. ix, fig. 9. n. sp. Khynchota. Statistics, generalisations, and comparisons as to the N. American and European Tertiary Ilemiplera ; Scudder (759). Pentatomidce . 1 Stenopelta, n. g. Cydnula, for AEJthus punctulatus , Sc. ; ScUddek, Tert. Ins. p. 437. * Procydnus, n. g. Cydnida, p. 438, for the following n. spp. from Flo- rissant : pronus , p. 439, pi. Xxviii, fig. 5, devictus, fig. 4, divexus , p. 440, quietus , reliquus, p. 441, vesperus , fig. 15, eatoni , p. 442 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Necrocydnus, n. g. Cydnida, p. 443, for the following n. spp.: vulcanius , Florissant, p. 444, gosiutensis) Wyoming, pi. vii, fig. 22, torpens, p. 445, styyius, amyzonus , pi. xxviii, fig. 16, p. 446, senior, solidatus, pi. xxviii, fig. 13, p. 447, revectus , p.448, Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ius. > iThlibomenus , n. g. Cydnida , p. 448, for T. petreus, parvus , pi. xix, fig. 23, p. 449, perennatus, limosus, pi. xxviii, fig. 12, p. 450, macer, p. 451, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ius. ^ Discostoma, n. n. for Lobostoma , Am.-Serv., with figure of a fossil species, pi. xxii, fig. 6 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. 1 Teleoschistus , n. g. Pentatomida, p. 454, for T. rigoratus , pi. xxviii, fig. 14, p. 456, placatus, fig. 3, p. 457, n. spp., Florissant, and Euschistus antiquus , Sc., which is figured pi. ii, figs. 17-19 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. 'i Thnetoschistus , n. g. Pentatomida , p. 457, for T. revulsus , n. sp., Flo- rissant, pi. xxviii, fig. 6, p. 458 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. * Poteschistus , n. g. Pentatomida , for P. obnubilus, n. sp., Florissant, pi. xxviii, fig. 18, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 458. 'I Cacoschistus, n. g. Pentatomida , for C. ma.ceriatus, pi. xxviii, fig. 2, n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 459. , 84 Ins. INSECTA. V Matceoschistus, n. g. Pentatomida , p. 459, for M. limigenus, n. sp., Flo- rissant, p. 460 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. V Polioschistus, n. g. Pentatomida , p. 460, for P. ligatus, pi. xxviii, fig. 7, lapidarius , fig. 10, n. spp., Florissant, p. 461 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. * Pentatomites, n. g. Pentatomida , p. 461, for P. foliarum, n. sp., Flo- rissant, pi. xxviii, fig. 1, p. 462 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Tiroschistus, n. g. Pentatomida , p. 462, for T. indurescens, n. sp., Floris- sant, pi. xxii, fig. 4, p. 463 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ I'hlimmoschistus , n. g. Pentatomida , for P. gravidatus , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xxviii, figs. 11 & 19, p. 463 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Mecocephala, sp. from Florissant, Iiead figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 8 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Goreidce . Anasa priscoputida , p. 412, pi. xxiv, fig, 4, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 412, n. sp. Achrestocoris , n. g. Coreina , for 4. cinerarias , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xxii, fig. 1 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 413. i Phthinocoris, n. g. Coreina « for P. colligatus , pi. xxii, fig. 3, p. 414, lethargicus) pi. xxvi, fig. 17, & pi. xxvii, fig. 17, languidas , pi. xxvii, fig. 6, p. 415, petrceus, p. 416, Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. > iPiezocoris , n. g. Coreina , p. 416, for P. peritus , pi. xxv, fig. 15, com- pactilis, P. ? peremptus , pi. xxvi, fig. 14, p. 417, n. spp., Florissant; Scudder, Tert. Ins. , A Cacalydus , n. g. Alydince , for (7. lapsus , pi. xxv, fig. 12, p. 419, exstir- patus , fig. 3, p. 420, n. spp. ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Cydamus robustus , Florissant, p. 420, pi. xxvi, fig. 3, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. sp. t /Parodarmistus, n. g. Alydince, p. 421, for the following n. spp. from Florissant : ahscissus , caducus , collisus , pi. xxv, fig. 13, p. 422, defectus , exanimatus , p. 423, inhibitus, p. 424 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Protenor imbecillis , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 424, pi. xxvi, fig. 8, n. sp. Tenor , n. g. Coreidce , for T. speluncce , n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 425. ^ Etirocoris, n. g. Coreidce , p. 425, for E. inf ernalis, n. sp., Florissant, p. 426, pi. xxvi, fig. 16 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Rhepocoris, n. g. Coreidce , p. ,426, for the following n. spp. from Floris- sant : prcetectus , macrescens, prcevalens, pi. xxv, figs. 4, 6, 7, 9, 10. 11, 14, & 16, & pi. xxvi, fig. 11, p. 427 , propinquans, pi. xxv, fig. 1,& pi. xxvi, fig. 13, p. 428, minima , p. 429 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. * Orthriocorisa, n. g. Coreidce , p.429, for 0. longipes, n. sp., Florissant, p. 430, pi. xxvi, fig. 1 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. slleeria, n. g. P seudopldceina, p. 430, for II. gulosa , pi. xxvii, figs. 5, 12, & 18, & pi. xxviii, fig. 17, p. 431, lapidosa, pi. xxvii, figs. 3 & 19, feed a, p. 432, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 85 Corizus celatus , pi. xxvii, fig. 15, abditivus , pi. xxv, fig. 5, & pi. xxvi, fig. 4, p. 433, somnurnus , p. 434, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. • Pyrrhocoridce. Dysdercus cinctus, pi. xxiv, figs. 11, 13, & 14, unicolor, Florissant, Scud- der, Tert. Ins. p. 410, n. spp. Lygcpidce. Lygieus stabilities, p. 376, pi. xxii, fig. 10, & pi. xxiv, fig. 16, obsolescens , pi. xxiv, fig. 15, fceculentus, p. 377, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Nysius vinctus , vecula, pi. xxii, fig. 7, p. 378, tritus , pi. xxiii, fig. 20, terraj, fig. 31, p. 379, stratus , pi. xxiii, figs. 14 & 27, & pi. xxv, figs. 2 & 8, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Geocoris infernorum , Florissant, Scudder, p. 381, pi. xxiii, figs. 17 & 26, n. sp. 1 Procrophius, n. g. Oxycarenina , p. 381, for P. communis , pi. xxiii, figs. 12, 18, 28, & 29, & pi. xxiv, fig. 1, costalis , pi. xxiii, fig. 8, p. 382, languens , p. 383, pi. xxiii, fig. 23, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Ligyrocoris exsuctus , Florissant, Scudder, p. 385, pi. xxiv, fig. 5, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Stenopamera, n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce, p. 385, for S. tenebrosa , pi. xxiii, figs. 16 & 24, subterrea , fig. 7, n. spp., Florissant, p. 386 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. y) Catopamera , n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce , for (7. augheyi , pi. xxvii, fig. 7, bradleyi , pi. xxvi, fig. 12, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, p. 387, Tert. Ins. ^ Phrudopamera, n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce, for P.wilsoni, pi. xxvii, figs. 9 & 16, p. 388, chittendeni, pi. xxvi, figs. 7 & 9, p. 389, n. spp., Floris- sant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. /Lithocoris , n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce , for Z». evulsus , n. sp., Florissant, p. 391 ; Scuddek, Tert. Ins. ^ Cophocoris , n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce , for (7. tenebricosus , n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 391. * Eucorites, n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce , for 17. serescens , n. sp., Floris- sant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 392. / Procoris , n. g., p. 392, Myodocharia , Lygceidce , for P. sanctcejohannisy beclileri , pi. xxvii, fig. 4, n. spp., Florissant, p. 393 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. v'Cte^eacoris, n. g. Myodocharia , Lygceidce , . for (7. primigenus , n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 394. Trapezonotus exterminatus , p. 395, pi. xxii, fig. 9, & pi. xxiii, figs. 11, 22, & 25, stygialis, pi. xxvii, fig. 11, p. 396 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Linncea , n. g. Rhyparochromaria , p. 396, for the following n. spp. from Florissant : holmesii , pi. xxiii, fig. 10, putnami , fig. 4, p. 397, abolita, car- cerata , pi. xxiii, fig. 2, p. 398, evoluta , fig. 21, gravida , fig. 19, p. 39 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. 86 Ins. INSKCTA. Rhyparocliromus verrillii , Florissant, Scudder, p. 400, pi. xxiii, figs. 15 & 30, Tert. Ins., n. sp. i Tiromerus, n. g. Rhyparochromaria , Lygceidce , p. 401, for T. torpef actus, tabijtuus , n. spp., Florissant, p. 402 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. OLithochromus, n. g. Rhyparochromaria , Lygceidce , p. 402, for L. gardneri , pi. xxvi, fig, 10, & pi. xxvii, fig, 8, obstrictus , p. 403, mortuarius , pi. xxvi, fi". 2, extraneus , fig. 6, p. 404, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Coptochromus, n. g, Rhyparochromaria, Lygceidce, for C. manium, n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 405. V Prolygceus , n. g. Rhyparochromaria, Lygceidce, p. 405, for P. inundatus, n. sp,, Florissant, p. 406, pi. xxvii, fig. 13 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Necrochromus , n. g. Rhyparochromaria , Lygceidce, p, 406, for N. coche- relli, pi. xxvii, fig. 10, labatus , fig. 14, saxijicus , n. spp., Florissant, p. 407 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Exitelus , n. g. Rhyparochromaria , Lygceidce , for E. exsanguis, n. sp., Florissant, pi. xxvii, fig, 2 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 408, J Cryptochromus , n. g. Rhyparochromaria , Lygceidce , for C. Icetatus, n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 409, Capsidce. Closterocoris elegans, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 363, pi. xxiv, fig, 7, n. sp. Carmelus gravatus, fig. 10, sepositus , fig. 6, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p, 364, pi, xxiv, n, spp, Fuscus ? fcecatus, ^Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 365, pi. xxii, fig. 5, n. sp. Pcecilocapsus fremontii , p. 365, pi. xxiv, fig. 3, veterandm s, fig. 9, p. 366, eternosus, tabidus, p. 367, fig, 8, ostentus , p. 368, fig. 2, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Cupsus obsolefactus , pi. xxiii, fig. 13, p. 368, lacus, p. 369, pi. xxii, fig. 2, Florissant, Scudder, Tert; Ins., n. spp. lAporema, n. g. Capsidce, p. 369, for A. prcestrictum, n. sp., Florissant, p. 370, pi. xx, fig. 4 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Hadronema cinerescens , Florissant, Scudder, p. 370, pi. xxiv, fig. 12, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Cholula triguttata , Wyoming, Scudder, p, 389, pi. vii, fig. 21, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Tingitidce. Piesma ? rotunda, Florissant, Scudder, p. 358, pi. xxiii, fig. 6, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Monanthia veterna , Florissant, Scudder, p. 359, pi. xxiii, figs. 5 & 9, Tert. Ins., n. sp. ^ Eotingis, n. g. Tingididce, p. 359, for E. antennata, n. sp., Florissant, p. 360, pi. xxiii, figs. 1 & 3 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Reduviidce. J Eothes , n. g. Acanthaspidina , Reduviidce, for F. elegans , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xxvi, fig. 5 ; Scudder, p. 355, Tert. Ins. PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 87 ^ Tagalodes , n. g. Saicina, Reduviidce , p. 356, for 7\ inermis , n. sp., Florissant, p. 357, pi. xxvi, fig. 15 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Hydrobatidce, Veliidce, Galgulidce , Notonectidce, Corisidce. Metrobates ceternalis , Florissant, Scudder, p. 353, pi. xxii, fig. 15, Tert. Ins., n. sp. ^ Telmatrechus , n. g. Hydrobatidce , p. 351, for T. parallelus, n. sp., Wyom- ing, p. 353, pi. iv, fig. 1, and Hygrotrechus stall , Sc. ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ Stenov>elia, n. g. Veliidce. p. 349, for &. nigra, n. sp., Florissant, p. 350, pi. xxii, figs. 8 & 14; Scudder, Tert. Ins. i Palceovelia, n. g. Veliidce , for P. spinosa , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xxii, fig. 13; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 349. * '/ Necygonus, n. g. Galgulidce , p. 347, for N. rotundatus , n. sp., Wyoming, p. 348, pi. vii, fig. 8 ; Scudder. Tert. Ins. Notonecta emersoni, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 346, pi. xxii, fig. 11, n. sp. JProsigara , u. g., p. 343, for P. jlabellum , n. sp., Florissant, p. 344, pi. xxii, fig. 12 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Corisca vanduzeei, p. 344, pi. xxii, fig. 17, immersa , p. 345, fig. 16, Floris- sant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Cicadidce. Cicada ? lowei , Lower Mesozoic in Australia, Etheridge & Olliff, Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal. vii, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 1, n. sp. Fulgoridce. 1 Nyctophylax , n. g., near Enchophora , for N. uhleri, p.279, pi. xix, fig. 11, vigil, fig. 8, p. 280, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Lystra ? leei, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert,. Ins. p. 283, pi. vii, fig. 2, n. sp. Fidgora populata, Wyoming, pi. vii, fig. 16, p. 284, obticescens, Floris- sant, pi. xix, fig. 1, p. 285, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Dictyophara bouvei, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 286, pi. xxi, fig. 16, n. sp. Cixius ? proavus , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ius. p. 287, pi. xix, fig. 14, n. sp. Oliarus ? lutensis, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 288, pi. vii, fig. 18, n. sp. 4 Diaplegma, n. g. Cixiides, p. 288, for the following n. spp. from Floris- sant : haldemani , p. 289, veterascens, abductum , pi. xv, fig. 8, p. 290, venerabile , occultorum , p. 291, ruinosum , obdormitum, p. 292 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. sp. ^ Oliarites , n. g. Cixiides , for Mnemosyne terrentula , Sc., which is figured, pi. vii, fig. 17 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 293. ^ Florissantia, n. g. Cixiides , p. 293, for F. elegans , n. sp., Florissant, p. 294, pi. xix, fig. 12 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Elidiptera regulciris, Florissant ; Scudder, p. 297, pi. xix, fig. 13, Tert. Ins., n. sp. 88 Ins. 1NSECTA. ^ Hammapteryxy n. g. Ricaniides, for H. reticulata , n. sp., Wyoming ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 298, pi. vi, fig. 34. Lithopm elongata , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 301, pi. vi, fig. 28, n, sp. ' ^Ficarasites , n. g. Flatides, for F. stigrhatioum , n. sp., Wyoming, pi. vi, fig. 20 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 301. Cercopidce. ^ Cercopites, n. g,, for C. umbratilis , p. 316, pi. vii, fig. 9, calliscens} p. 317, pi. vi, fig, 32, n. spp., Wyoming ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Cercopis astricta , Wyoming, p. 318, pi. vii, fig. 15, suffocata , Florissant, p. 319, pi, xix, figs, 2 & 3, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. V Cercopyllis, n. g. Cercopidce , for C. justicire , pi. xlii, fig. 6, delicatula , fig. 11, p. 471, adolescens, fig. 12, p. 472, n. spp., Triassic Beds in Colorado; Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv. / Locritest n. g., for L. copei, p. 323, pi. xxi, fig. 19, whitei , fig. 17, p. 324, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. iii. Pelecphora, n. gf, p. 324, for the following n, spp. ; P. maoulata, p. 326, pi, xx, figs. 10 & 17, patefaota , Wyoming, pi. vii, fig. 7 ,,marvinei, pi. xx, figs. 11—13, pi. xxi, figs. 9 & 12, p. 327, communis , pi. xx, figs. 3, 20; & 21, p. 328, praivalens , pi. xx, fig. 1, pi. xxi, fig. 2, inornata , pi. xx, fig. 15, p. 329, Florissant ; Scupdee, Tert. Ins. * Lithecphoray n, g., p. 329, for L. setigera} pi. xx, fig. 22, diaphanay pi. xxi, fig. 13, p. 330, unicolor , pi. xxi, figs. 4, 5, 11, & 14, murata , figs. 3 & 8, p. 331, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. * Prinecphora, n, g., for P. balteatay n, sp., Florissant, pi, xx, fig. 14 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins., p. 332. SPalaphrodes, n. g., p. 333, for P. cincta , pl'.xx, fig. 16, & pi. xxi, fig. 15, p, 334, obscura , pi. xxi, fig. 18, irregularis , pi. xx, figs. 2 & 18, pi. xxi, figs. 6 & 7, p. 335, obliqua} pi, xxi, fig. 10, transversat p. 336, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Clastoptera comstochiy Florissant, Scudder, Tert, Ins. p. 338, pi. xix, fig. 22, n. sp, Jassidce. Tettigonia priscomarginatax Wyoming, p, 302, pi. vii, fig. 4 , priscotincta, pi. xix, fig. 9, Florissant, priscovariegata , Wyoming, p. 303, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Agallia lewisii , p. 305, pi. xix, figs. 7 & 21, jlacoida, fig. 18, instabilis , pi. xxi, fig. 1, p. 306, abstructa , p. 307, pi. xix, fig. 5, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Gypona cinercia , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 308, pi. xix, fig. 4, n. sp. Jassus ? latebrce , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 308, pi. xx, fig. 19, n. sp. Thamnotettix mutilata , pi. vii, fig. 6, gannettii , pi. vi, fig. 33, & pi. vii, PALAEONTOLOGY. Ins. 89 fig. 5, p. 309, Wyoming, fundi, Florissant, p. 310, pi. xix, fig. 20, Scuddek, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Ciccidula saxosa, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 310, pi. vi, fig. 23, n. sp. Acocephalus callosus, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 311, pi. xix, fig. 15, n. sp. v Jassopsis, n. g., near Thamnotettix , for J. evidens , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xix, fig. 16 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 312. Ccelidia wyomingemis , Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 313, pi. iv, fig. 8, n. sp. d Docimus , n. g., for D. psylloides , n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 314, pi. xix, figs. 6 & 17. Psyllidce. v Necropsylla , n. g. Aphalarinaz , for N. rigida, n. sp., Florissant, pi. xii, figs. 11 & 21 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 276. v / Catopsylla , n. g., Psyllince , for C. prima , n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 277. A'phididce. Anconatus bucktoni , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 272, n. sp. Pterostigma nigrum , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 275, n. sp. ^ Caianeura , n. g., for C. absens , rileyi, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 245. Archilachnus mudgei , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 247, n. sp. * Geranchon , n. g., for G. davisii , n. sp., Florissant, and Lachnus petrorum, Se. ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 248. ^ SbencqyJiis, n. g., p. 250, for Lachnus quesneli , Sc., and S. uhleri , p. 252, lassa, p. 253, n. spp., Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. ' Aphantaphis, n. g., p. 253, for A. exsuca , n. sp., Florissaftt, p. 254 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Siphonoplioroides rajinesquei, p. 256, propinqua , p. 257, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. V Lithaphis, n. g., p. 257, for L. diluta , n. sp., Florissant, p. 258 ; Scud- der, Tert. Ins. ^ Tetraphis, n. g., p. 258, for Siphonophoroides simplex , Buck., and T. ivalshii, n.sp., Florissant, p. 260 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. v/ Aphidopsis , n. g., p. 260, for the following n. spp. from Florissant : subterna , p. 261, hargeri , p. 262, lutaria , p. 263, margarum , pi. xviii, fig. 8, dalli , p. 264, emaciata , p. 265 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. v Oryctaphis , n. g. for 0. recondita , pi. xviii, fig. 14, p. 266, lesueurii , p. 267, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. ^ SycJwobrochus, n. g. for & revivescens , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xviii, fig. 6 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 268. y Amalancon , n. g. Schizoneurince for A. lutosus} n. sp., Florissant, pi. xviii, fig. 13 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 270. 90 Ins. insecta. Coccidce. Monophlebus simplex , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 242, n. sp. Neuroptera. Trichoptera. Hydropsyche marcens , Florissant, Scuddek, Tert. Ins. p. 180, pi. xv, fig. 7, n. sp. Polycentropus exesus , p. 181, P. ? eviratus, p. 182, pi. xiii, fig. 7, Floris- sant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. J Derobrochus, n. g. ( Hydropsy chided), p. 182, for D. abstractus , ccenulentus , p. 183, ceternus, commoratus, p. 184, marcidus , p. 185, pi. xv, fig. 2, craterce, p. 186, pi. xiii, fig. 13, & pi. xv, fig. 4, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. « Litobrochus , n. g. (Hydropsy chiclee), for L. externatus , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xv, fig. 10 ; Scudder, p. 186, Tert. Ins. J Lpptobrochiis, n. g. (Hydropsy chided) for L. luteus, n. sp., Florissant, pi. xv, figs. 1 & 3 ; Scudder, p. 187, Tert. Ins. ^ Mesobrochus , n. g. (Hydropsy chided) for M. lethceus, pi. xv, fig. 11, p. 188, imbecillus, fig. 13, p. 189, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. v Paladicella, n. g. (Hydropsy chided) for P. eruptionus , n. sp., Florissant, p. 189, pi. xv, fig. 14, n. sp. Tinodes ? paludigena , Florissant, Scudder, p. 190, pi. xv, fig. 9, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Setodes portionedes , p. 191, pi. xv, fig. 15, abbreviata , p. 192, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Inst., n. spp. Limnophilus soporatus , Florissant, Scudder, p. 193, pi. xv, fig. 5, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Jndusia culculosa , p. 194, pi. iv, fig. 4, Wyoming, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Neuronia evanescensy Florissant, Scudder, p. 196, pi. xiii, fig. 3, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Phryganea labefacta, Florissant, p. 197, pi. xiii, fig. 5, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. sp. v Limnopsyche , n. g. (Phryganides) , p. 198, for L. di&persa , n. sp., Floris- sant, p. 199, pi. xiii, fig. 2, Scudder, Tert. Ins. Planipennia. Panorpa rigida , Florissant, Scudder, p. 176, Tert. Ins. Baphidia tranquilla, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 154, pi. xiv, fig. 2, n. sp. Inoiellia veterana , p. 156, pi. xiv, fig. 1, somnolenta , p. 157, fig. 12, tumulatay p. 158, fig. 15, eventa , p. 160, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. v Paltcochrysa , n. g. Chrysopidte for P. stricta , n. sp., Florissant, pi. xiv, figs. 13 & 14 ; Scudder, p. 166, Tert. Ins. Tribochrysa , n. g. Chrysopida ;, p. 168, for T. vetuscula, p. 170, pi. xiv, PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 91 fig. 9, firmata , p. 172, figs. 6, 7, 10, & 11, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Osmylus requietus , Florissant, Scuddeli, Tert. Ins. p. 162, pi. xiv, figs. 3 & 8, n. sp. Psocidce. ^ Paropsocus, n. g., p. 117, for P. disjunctus, n. sp., Florissant, p. 118, pi. v, fig. 51 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Ephemeridce. Ephemera tabifica , p. 120, immobilis, p. 121, pi. xii, fig. 5, macilenta, figs. 4 & 10, pumicosa , figs. 7, 15, & 16, p. 122, interempta, p. 123 exsucca , p. 124, pi. xii, fig. 9, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. ; E. culleni, Tertiary forma- tions of Australia, Etheridge & Olliff, Mem. Geol. Surv. N. S. W., Pal. vii, p. 8, pi. i, figs. 3-9 : n. spp. Odonata. vLitliagrion, n. g., p. 134, for L. hyalinum , p. 135, pi. xiii, fig. 4, umbratnm , p. 136, figs. .12 & 14, n. spp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Agrion maseescens, p. 138, pi. xiii, figs. 8 & 9, exsularisy p. 139, fig. 6, telluris , p. 140, fig. 10, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. AEschna solida, p. 143, pi. xiii, fig. 1, AE. ( Basiceschna ) separata , p. 144, fig. 15, AE. larvata , p. 145, fig. 11, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., n. spp. Thysanura. Lepisma platymera , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 102, pi. xii, fig. 18, n. sp. / Ballostoma , new suborder for Planocephalus aselloides, Sc. ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 94. Orthoptera. Forficulidce. \J Labiduromma, n. g., p. 203, for the following n. spp. from ^Floris- sant : avia, p. 205, pi. xvi, figs. 5, 22, 3, 11, & 23, bormansi, fig. 1, p. 206, mortale, figs. 2, 6, 20, p. 207, comnuxtum , p. 208, pi. xvi, figs. 10 & 17, gilberti, fig. 14, p. 211, exsulatum, fig. 12, p. 212, infernum , fig. 7, labeus , figs. 13, 16, & 9, p. 214 ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Blattidcm. Etoblattina occidentalis, Carboniferous deposits in N. America, Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 410, pi. xxxii, fig. 4 ; E. persistens, Triassic beds in Colorado, Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 459, pi. xii, fig. 7, & pi. xiii, figs. 10 & 19 : n. spp. Anthracoblattina triassica, Triassic beds in Colorado, ScUDDERj Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 464, pi. xii, fig. 9, n. sp. 92 Ins. INSECTA. Mylacridce , table of genera of ; Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 401. Promylacris testudo, p. 403, pi. xxxii, fig. 6, riyula , p. 401, pi. xxxi. fig. 6, Carboniferous deposits in N. America, Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, n. spp. Paromylacris ampla, Carboniferous deposits of N. America, Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 408, pi. xxxi, fig. 7, n. sp. Lithomylacris pauperata , Carboniferous deposits in N. America, Scud- der, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 409. pi. xxxii, fig. 5, n. sp. Archimylacris paucinervis , Carboniferous deposits in N. America, Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. iv, p. 411, pi. xxxi, fig. 5, n. sp. Paralatindia saussurei , Wyoming, Scudder, p. 216, Tert. Ins. iii, n. sp. Zetobora brunneri , Florissant, Scudder, p. 217, pi. xvii, fig. 12, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Palceomantidce. Palceomantidce , n. fam. of Orthoptera, p. 155, for Lithomantis carbonaria , Woodw., and L. woodivardi, n. sp., pi. i, Commeutry ; BrogniaRT, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii. . Protophasmidce. ^ Scudderici, n. g., near Haplophlebium , for S.spinosct, pi. ii, fig. 1, lobata , figs. 2 & 3, n. spp., Commentry ; Brogniart, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) ii, p. 158. Phasmidce. Agathemera reclusa , Florissant, Scudder, p. 219, pi. xvii, fig. 11, Tert. Ins., n. sp. Gryllidce. \ Pronemobius , n. g., p. 234, for P. induratus , p. 235, pi. vi, fig. 18, smithii , p. 236, fig. 22, n. sp., Wyoming ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. Locustidce . Cymatomera maculata, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins., p. 230, pi. xvii, fig. 7, n. sp. Orchelimiun placidum , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 231, pi. xvii, figs. 16, 18, & 19, n. sp. Locusta silens , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 232, pi. xvii, figs. 9 & 10, n. sp. Gryllacris cineris , Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p.233, pi. xvii, fig. 17, n. sp. Acridiidce. \ Tyrbula , n. g. Truxalidce , for T. multispinosa , Wyoming, pi. xvii, fig. 13, p. 221, russellii, figs. 1-4, p. 221, Florissant, n. spp. ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. iii. Gomplwcerus abstrusus, Florissant, Scudder, p. 223, pi. xvii, fig. 6, Tert. Ins., n. sp. ECONOMIC. Ins. 93 V. Nauthacia , n. g. (Edipodulce , for JV. torpida, n. sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins., p. 224. (Edipoda prcefocata, Florissant, Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 225, pi. xvii, fig. 5, n. sp. 4Taphacris, n. g. Eremobidw , for T. reliquata,n . sp., Florissant ; Scudder, Tert. Ins. p. 226, pi. xii, figs. 8 & 19. IV. — ECONOMIC. Reports : Fletcher (266) ; Insects injurious to forest trees, Packard (588) ; Riley (686, 687) ; Targioni-Tozzetti (842) ; Report of the Phylloxera Commission, Cape of Good Hope, 1890 : Capetown, 1890, 140 pp. W eed : Plum Curculio experiments ; remedies for striped cucumber beetle ; the rhubarb Curculio ; the clover stem borer ; in Bull. Ohio Exp. Station (2) iii, No. 8. Locusts in India, Cotes (150, 151). — For a large number of notes bearing on economic entomology, and not recorded below, see Insect Life. Manual of injurious insects ; Henschel (356) ; Ormerod (585). The insectivorous habits of the English sparrow; Riley (688). — Destruction of insects on foliage ; Targioni-Tozzetti & Berlese (843). — Importation of parasites; Riley (689). List of papers on economic entomology in Italy, in Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 269-273, and xxii, pp. 263-272. — Various Indian notes, Cotes (152). — Household insect pest in N. America ; Riley (691). Gastropacha pini and Liparis monacha , ravages in Germany ; Buxbaum, Zool. Gaft, xxxi, p. 282 — Liparis dispar, eggs destroyed by an Acarus ; Raspail (639).*— Destruction of Melolontha by vegetable parasite ; Moult (559). — Insects of the vine ; Mayet (518). — Emphytus tener injurious to the vine; Olivier, C.R. xc, p. 1220, Rev. Sci. Bourb. iii, p. 141, and Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxxviii. — Insect injury to barrel staves ; Blandford, Kew Bull. No. 45, p. 181. — Injuries to beams by Anobium tessellatum ; P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xviii. — Beetles destructive to rice crops in Burma; Shipley, Kew Bull. No. 25, p. 13.- -Wheat pest (( Ecophora temperatella') in Cyprus Shipley, Kew Bull. No. 30, p. 133 — Agromyza ni gripes destructive to Lucern ; Decaux, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. ccvi. — Lyda nemoralis injurious to cherries ; Hue, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clxxxix. — Mode of destroying locusts in Algeria ; Kunckel, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. clxxv, &c. — Apogonia injurious to sugar cane in Java ; Bos (75). Insects noxious to cotton in Egypt ; Insect Life, iii, pp. 66-68.— Destruction of Culex by oil ; Lesne, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cxl. — Notes on scale insects in Demerara ; Ward (878). — Destruction of Phlccosinus by parasites ; Decaux, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cxli. — Species of Apate attacking vines in the Mediterranean region ; Laboul- bene, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxxvi. — Epicrocis terebrans injurious to timber iu Australia ; Olliff (584). — Injuries to oranges in Malta ; 94 Ins. INSECTA. P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xx. — A peach pest in Bermuda ( Geratitis capitata) ; Ins. Life, iii, pp. 5 & 80. — Notes on some insects injurious in Holland ; Heylaerts, Tijdschr. Ent. xxiii, p. xxiv. — Bupalus piniarius, its ravages in Sweden; Holmerz, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 101. — Aphis persicceniger, ravages of; Smith (797). — Paehyrrhina sp. destroying young wheat; Webster, Ins. Life, iii, p. 12. — 'Ravages of Macrodactylus subspinosus ; Riley (694). — leery a purchasi in Australia ; Koebele (436). — Sudden spread of Sitones hispidulus in N. America ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 248. — Dipteron destructive to Allium ; Raspail (640). — Stray notes ou injurious insects in semitropical Florida ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 221-225. — Ugimyia) notes on; Meinert (522, 523). — Notes on Indian silk-moths ; Cotes (153). — Oscinis pusilla and its ravages ; Wil- helm (918). — Butterfly injurious to fruit ; NictiviLLE (568). — Injurious Indian Rhynrhota ; Atkinson (21). — A Psocid injurious in houses ; Bert- katj, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii, SB., p. 63. — Injuries of Byiurus ; Thomas* Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 310. — Leiosomus cribruin , Sch., injurious to violets ; Thomas, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 309. — Phylloxera at Chiswick ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 246. — leery a purchasi in New Zealand ; Mask ell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 17. — Ephippigera crucigera injurious to vines; Schoch, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 236. — New apple pest ; Goding (316). — Dry ops and Macronychus destroying wooden water-pipes ; Psyche, v, p. 364. — Otiorhynchus sulcatus injurious in greenhouses ; Hagen, Psyche, v, p. 333. — Delphax injurious to corn ; Ashmead (16) — Life-history of the plum- borer ; Forbes (271). — Larva destroyed by fungus; Piers (608). — Dipterous larva in orbit of Bufo vulgaris ; Meinert (524). — Sums expended in Prussia to control forest insects ; Ent. Am. vi, p. 40. Collections of economic entomology ; Carpentier (119). Insects and Flowers : Eristalis tenax and chrysanthemums ; Hamilton (346); Rogeniiofer, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, p. 67, SB. — Bees and Flowers ; Cobelli (134). Insects attacking man : Reduvius personatus ; Frey-Gessner, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 152. Pretended attacks of larva of Culex on man ; Ficalbi (255, 256). — Diptera attacking man ; Senator (773). — Larvae of Eristalis ; P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 264. — Hypoderma sp. in the human body ; Ins. Life, ii, p. 238. — Larvae of Agrypnus murinus in stomach ; Sandberg (719).’ Insects as food: Daguin (159); Provanciier (622). — Locusts in Madagascar ; Cambou]£, Ins. Life, iii, p. 66. Collections: Arrangement of collections; Schoch (747).— Arrange- ment of museum collections ; Riley, Ins. Life, ii, pp. 342-346. — Collec- tions of economic entomology; Carpentier (119). — Preparation of Hymenoptera for collections ; Kriechbaumer (455), and J BERING, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 347. — Denuding wings of Lepidoptera ; Waterhouse, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 158. — Modes of killing Lepidoptera ; Ent. Rec. i, pp. Ill, &c. — Mode of setting Lepidoptera ; Fenn, Ent. Rec. i, pp. 253-256. — Preparation and preservation of Orthoptera\ Finot (258). — Preservation of larvae; Meinert (525). — Preservation of Lepidopterous larvae with BIBLIOGRAPHY, NOMENCLATURE, BIOGRAPHY. In* \ 95 their colours ; Crosa (156) — Preparing larvae for collections ; PiSQuti, S. E. Z. li, pp. 50-53. — Form of cabinet for butterflies ; Martindale, Ent. News, i, p. 126. — Locality labels for Britain ; South, Ent. xxiii, p. 171. — Mode of excluding Anthreni from boxes; Wilkins (920). — Measuring instrument and lamp ; Emery (220). Collecting-bottle ; Thedenius, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 95. — A successful moth-trap ; Christy, Ent. xxiii, pp. 231-234. — Signoret’s collection acquired by the Vienna Museum ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 193. — Frey’s col- lection acquired by British Museum ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 158. V.— BIBLIOGRAPHY, NOMENCLATURE, BIOGRAPHY. 1. Bibliography. — List of the writings of C. V. Riley ; HenshaW (357). — Explanation of the figures of Savigny’s Description de l’Egypte ; Krauss (451). — -Additions and corrections to Scudder’s Nomenclator Zoologicus ; Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 258. — Scudder’s Butterflies of New England reviewed by Speyer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 283-288. — List of the writings of B. D. Walsh ; Hensiiaw (357). — The dates of appearance of the fascicules of Vollenhoven’s Pinacographia ; Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 98. — The date of Zeller’s Grambidce ; Fernald, Ent. Am. vi, p. 112; Meyrick, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. Ill ; Stainton, t. c. p. 112. — Summary of Dipterological papers in vols. i-ix of Wien. ent. Z., op. cit. ix, pp. 281-308. — Alphabetical Index to Ent. Tidskr. i-x ; Meves (532). 2. Nomenclature. — Discussion on, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 153-156. — Die eutomologiscbe Nomenklatur ; Kolbe, S. E. Z. li, pp. 126-136. — Regies de la nomenclature des 6tres organises adoptees par le Congres international de la Zoologie ; Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 164-168, and Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 36-41. — On priority ; Selys, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. clix. — On the formation and gender of generic names ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, pp. 307 & 308. — Trinomial system ; South, Ent. xxiii, pp. 148-150. 3. Biographical. E. T. Atkinson ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 329 ; by Berg- roth, Rev. d'Eut. ix, p. 310. — J. S. Baly ; Ent. xxiii, p. 197, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 142.. — F, Bond ; Ent. xxiii, p. 97. — Arthur Bliss ; Ent. xxiii, p. 104. — J. B. L. Buquet, by Leprieur, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 429-434.— W. Clayton ; Ent. xxiii, p. 268. — W. S. Dallas ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 194. — Eugene Desmarest ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 1 17.— Dr. Hermann Dewitz ; Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 296, and Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 159. — Wladimir Dokhtouroff ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xc. — W. B. Farr ; Ent. xxiii, p 208. — Heinrich Frey ; by II. T. S., Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 113-117 ; by 0. Hoffmann, S. E. Z. li, pp. 40-44 ; with list of his writings, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 211-216. — GMiin ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 26. — Christian Theodor Glitz ; S. E. Z. li, pp. 8-10. — Dr. A. Grenier; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, cxxxix ; by de Bonvouloir, with portrait, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 563-566. — Dr. Adalbert Grzegorzek ; Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 160. — Lebenskizze des Dr. Paul Hahnel, by Staudinger, Deutsche e Z. Lep. iii. pp. 128-132. — C. G. Hall ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 305, and Ent. 96 Ins. INSECTA. xxiii, p. 328. — Dr. Adam Handlirsch ; by Brauer (81), with portrait. — Dr. R. 0. Jordan ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 196, and Ent. xxiii, p. 238. — Dr. F. Krauss ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cliii. — Karl Letzner ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xc, and by J. Gerhardt, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 28.— Dr. Franz Loew, with portrait and bibliographic list, Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 49-61 ; Dr. Franz Loew, by Rogeniiofer ; Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 165-167 ; also Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 25.— W. R. McNab ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 26. — L’Abb6 S, A. de Marseul ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 163 ; by Perraudiere, with portrait, and list of writings, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 421-428. — P. Maassen ; Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 273. — Otto von Meske ; Ent. Am. vi, p. 180. — Dr. Maximilian Nowicki ; Wieu. ent. Z. ix, p. 272. — Louis Reiche ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxxxviii ; by Brisout de Barneville, with portrait, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, pp. 559-562 ; Eut. M. M. (2) i, p. 163. — Saalmiiller ; Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 272— Dr. L. W. Schaufuss ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cxxxviii, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 248. — C. E. Yenus ; Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 218. — Prof. G-, Waga ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. ccxi. — Dr. B. Weissenborn ; Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 218. — Owen S. Wilson ; Ent. xxiii, p. 352, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 305. — Zelleriana, by C. A. Doiirn ; S. E. Z. li, pp. 236-243. COLEOPTERA. Ins. 97 VL— 'SYSTEMATIC. N.B. — The reference-numbers collected under the headings of tile various groups refer to “ Titles,” and are intended to give a complete list of all memoirs containing anything of importance in connection with the group* (a.) COLEOPTERA. Neuration of elytra ; Bonsdorff (73). Food plants and food-habits of some N. American Coleoptera } Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash* i, p. 231. Myrmecophilous Coleoptera of N. America ; SciIwarz (752). — Ooleo - ptera common to N. America and other countries ; Schwarz (751). Coleoptera of interglacial clays ; SCudder (758). — ‘Fossil Coleoptera , see Palaeo-entomology. , Structure of spermatozoa ; BalloWItz (24)* ClCINDELlD.E. [ Cf Aticinson (17), Bates (30, 31), FlEuTIaux (267), Gestro (301), RivErS (705), Wilkins (919). Catalogue of Cicindelidce of the Oriental region ; Atkinson (17)* Amblychild baroni, Arizona ; Rivers, Ent. Am. vi, p. Ill, n, sp. Cicindela : notes on the origin and distribution of the species of Turkestan ; Wilkins (919). C. decipiens and elegans , Fisch*, synonymy and characters discussed at length by Seidlitz, Wien. ent. Z. lx, p. 149, and Kraatz, t. c* p* 185. (7. seidlitzi and decipiens , note on synonymy of ; KraatZ, Deutsche e. Z* 1890, p. 287. C. japanensiss var* noticed ; Bates, Ent* xxiii, p. 209. (7* obsoleta n. var. santaclarce, p. 493, viatica n. var. nigrilabis) p. 495 , punctulata n. var. cliihuahuce , p. 500, dugesi n. var. calo- micra , p. 501, rufiventris , nomenclature noticed and variation described, p. 502, Jlavopunctata n* var. chiapana , p. 505 ; Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. C. burmei8teri , variation discussed ; Kraatz, Doutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 281’, pi. ii (2), figs. 1-8* C. atrata , Pall., Varieties dosoribod ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 367. C. maura) L*, Varietal and synonymic note ; Kraatz, Ent* Nacbr, xvi, p. 135. (7. campestris , varietal note ; Srnka, t. c. p. 249. (7. gallica ;, varietal note ; BEutiiin, t. c. p. 36. C. maura , varietal note; id. t. c. p. 71. (7* gallica , p. 89 , soluta, p. 90 , paludosa, p. 91, littoralis, p. 93, variations described ; id. t. c. C. flexuosa , varietal 1890. [vol. xxvn.] f 7 98 Ins. COLEOPTERA. note ; id. t. c. p. 137. C. Jischeri, varietal note ; id. t. c. p. 207. C. sylva- tica , p. 210, atrata , p. 211, undata , p. 212, varietal notes ; id. t. c. C. agnata (Chaud.), p. clxviii, cardoni , p. clxix, E. India, Fleutiaux, CR. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; C. andersonii} p. 83, spinolce , p. 85,/ece, p. 88, Upp. Burma, davisonii , Tenassorim, p. 89, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; C. thalestris , pi. xvi, fig. 1, scotina , p. 494, melania, p. 495, ritteri, fig. 2, plurigemmata , fig. 3, p. 496, rugatilis — ( semicircularis , Bates, nee Kl.), p. 497, prcecisa, p. 498, fig. 4, guerrerensis , p. 499, fig. 5, speculans, p. 500, fig. 6, deliciola , p. 502, fig. 7, nebuligera , p. 504, fig. 8, sinaloce, p. 505, euryscopa, fig. 9, p. 506, psilogramma , fig. 10, p. 507, leuedno'e , fig. 11, p. 508, debilis, p. 509, fig. 12, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Carabid^E. [Cf. Atkinson (18), Bates (31, 32, 33, 405), Blackburn (60, 62, 63, 64, 65), Daniel (160, 161), Everts (235), Fairmaire (476), Gangl- bauer (296), Gestro (300), Guillebeau (334), Heyden (360), Jakow- leff (402), Morawitz (553), Quedenfeldt (627), Reitter (644, 648, 657), Rivers (704, 705), SchOnfeldt (749), Scudder (754), Semenow (770), Sloane (793, 794, 795, 796).] Catalogue of the Carabidcn of Oriental region ; Atkinson (18). Abacetus and Drimostoma, note on, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 723-726. A. simplex crenulatus , S. Australia, p. 726, macleayi = (jlavipes, Macl.), p. 727, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv ; A. bisignatus, p. 105, amplicollis , p. 106, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : n. spp. Acrogenys australis , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, p. 132, n. sp. Acupalpus morganensis, Australia, Blackburn, p. 556, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Adotela atronitens , p. 235, australis, p. 236, frenchi , p. 240, Australia, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Agonum atratumi dahli , synonymy of ; Ganglbauer, Soc. Ent. iv, p. 159. Anophthalmu8 suturalis and dalmatinus, characters of noticed ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 101. Anoplogenius rutilans , Burma, Bates, p. 103, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. sp. Antisphodrus lederi referred to Pristonychus ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 101. A. bicolor , Ordubad, Reitter, p. 165, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. sp. Bembidiini : tabulation of the Netherlands species ; Everts, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 1-21. Bembidium multisulcatum} n. n. for sulcipenne , Reit., nec Sahl. ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 14. B. ( Peryphus ) macrophthalmum , Armenia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, CARABIDiE. Ins. 99 p. 189 ; B. antarcticum , Patagonia, Fairmaire, p. 107, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i : n, spp. Brachinns caligatus, Bhamo, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 109, n. sp. Calathus pluriseriatus , Putz., = ( obscuripennis , Reit.) ; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 101. Carabi : definition of the group 0. procustogenici, and its divisions, with remarks on the value of the abdominal setse ; Morawitz, Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii, pp. 68-82. Carabus clathratus, note on its varieties, in which is included C. stygius , Gangl., and with n. varr. jansoni and multipunctatus ; Kraatz, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 187. 0. stygius , Gangl., distinctive character; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 266. C. auronitens, varieties noticed ; Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 239 & 240. C. hortensis) n. var. durclcianus ; Ganglbauer, Soc. Ent. iv, p. 151. C. tientei and protenes, noticed; Bates, Ent. xxiii, p. 210. C. lusitanicus , antiquus , schaumi , hellwigi) pp. 37-42, leptopus) gougeleti , pp. 43-46, brevis , helluo , pp. 47 & 48, complanatus, p. 48, Idtus , trabuccarius , &c., pp. 48^-56, synonymy and variation discussed ; Morawitz, Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii. C. {Pseudo Procrustes') sauleyi , durvillei, &c., synonymy dis- cussed at length ; Morawitz, t. c. p. 53. C. prattianus , p. 210, mecynodes, vigilax , p. 211, China, Bates, Ent. xxiii; C. {Cratocephalus) pupulus , p. 33, (7. ( Tribax ) eous , p. 34, Tasch- kont, Morawitz, Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii ; C. {Limnocarabus) stygius , Talysch, Ganglbauer, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 117 : n. spp. Carenochirus , Solsky, see Ditomus. Carenum ( Calliscapterus ) habitans , Centr. Australia, p. 1290, (7. lepidum) p. 1291, vicinutn , p. 1292, Fowler’s Bay, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Casnonia aliona , Pasc., ( angustioollis , Macl.), SloanE, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 644. G. riverince, Australia, SloanE, p. 643, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Ceroglossus buqueti n. var. inexspectatus, p. 252, gloriosus var. temucensis, p. 257, var. mochce, p. 254, described ; Kraatz-Koschlau, S. E. Z. li. Cerotalis dmabilis) Queensland, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) V, p. 228, n. sp. Ghlamius aruwimius , Cent. Africa, Bates, P. Z, S. 1890, p. 481, n. sp. Clivina bovillce , p. 717, cequalis , p. 718, dorsalis , hoops , p. 719, adelaidoe , p. 720, tuber culifrons, S. Australia, vjildi, Centr. Australia, p. 721, debilis} S. Australia, p. 722, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Craspcdophbru8 bonnyi , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 480, n.sp. Cychrus starchy characters of ; Starck, p. 227, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Cychrus ( Brennus ) oreophilusi California, RiVEks, Ent. Am. vi, p. Ill ; C.fuchsianu8) California, Rivers, Ent. Am. vi, p. 71 ; (7. merhelii , Idaho, Horn, l. c. : n. spp. Cymindis semenowi, Mongolia, p. 254, potanini, Kanssu, p. 255, distigma , Amdo, p. 256, im.itatoria , Kanssu, p. 257, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross. 100 Ins. COLEOPTERA. xxiv ; C. {Menas) walteri, Transcaspian region, Reitter, p. 96, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii : n. spp. Deltomerus : table of the Caucasian species ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 383. Diabaticus tumidiceps , p. 134, minor , p. 135, Port Lincoln, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, n. spp. Ditomus = ( Carenochirus , Solsky) and titanus , S., = ( rugifrons , Reitt.), Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 119. Drimostoma helmsi , Australia, Sloane, p. 647, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Dromius crudeliSy Newm., redescribed and referred to Phlceocarabus ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 710. Drypta ccneipennis , Bhamo, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 109, n. sp. Dyschirius halophiluSy n. n. for rufipeSy Fvl., nee Dej. ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 34. D. torrensensis, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 82, n. sp. ■lEctroma , n. g. near Sarothrocrepis , for Dromius tridens , Newm., and other species ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 710. Epicosmus fece , Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 101, n. sp. Euryscaphus obesuSy Macl., == ( ferox , Sloane), minor , Macl., = ( are - narius , SI.) ; Sloane, p. 642, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. E. titanus , Centr. Australia, Sloane, p. 1288, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv ; E. ebeninus} W. Australia, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 641 : n. spp. { Feanus, n. g. Anchomenince , p. 107, for F. spinipennis , n. sp., Bhamo ; p. 108, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Glycia circumducta , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 166 ; G. grandinellai Transcaspian region, Semenow, p. 194, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Graphipterus : notes on characters and synonymy of G . serrator and luctuosus ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 76. G. heydeniy = ( luctuosus , Guer., nec Dej.), N. Africa, Kraatz, p. 77, t. c., n. sp. Harpalus vicarius , Har., variation of ; Bates, Ent. xxiii, p. 212. H. convexiusculus , Macl., systematic position noticed ; Blackburn, p. 557, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Harpalodema amaroides , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 385, n. sp. Eelluo insigniSy Darling River, Sloane, p. 642, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. J Laccocenus, n. g. near Moriomorphus, p. 644, for L. ambiguus , n. sp., Australia ; Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. \! LamprophonuSy n. g. near Notiobza , p. 101, for L. lucens , n. sp., Burma, p. 102 ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. . CARABIDA3. Ins. 101 Lecanomerus flavocinctus, Blkn., and insidiosus, Chaud., noticed ; Black- burn, p. 1250, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Leptopodus , Chaud., characters of ; Blackburn, p. 730, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Lestignathus minor , Port Lincoln, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 740, n. sp. Liodaptus, n. g. near Daptus , for L. birmanus, n. sp., Burma ; Bates, p. 102, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Lionychus beccarii , Arabia, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 24, n. sp. Loxandrus , the Australian members of noticed ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 731. L. birmanus , Bhamo, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 106, n. sp. v Loxogmus , n. g., p. 651, near Ceneus, for L. obscurus} n. sp., Australia, p. 652 ; Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Metabletus obliquesignatus , Solsky, note on ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 265. *^M icroferonia, n. g. near Loxandrus , p. 738, for M. adelaidce, n. sp., S. Australia, p. 739, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Microtyphlus rialensis , Pyrenees, Guillebeau, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xv, n. sp. Nebria delphinensis, p. 119, fontinalis, p. 121, rhcetica , p. 122, gracilis, p. 125, lombarda, p. 128, diaphana, p. 130, Alps, Daniel, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. Notonomus arthuri , p. 1294, lateralis , p. 1295, Blue Mountains, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Notophilus, Blkn., characters supplemented ; Blackburn, p. 1250, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. vNuridius , n. g. Pterostichini , for N. fortis, n. sp., Australia ; Sloane, p. 649, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Ophonus pleuralis , Reitt., synonymical note ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 14. Orthogonius duplicatus and alternans, distinctive characters ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 110. Pelecium drakei , Matto Grosse, Quedenfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 302, n. sp. Peronomerus insularis, Liu Kiu Is., Schonfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 168, n. sp. Philophloeus eucalypti , Germ., redescribed, p. 713, fuscipennis , Germ., planus , Chaud., noticed, p. 714; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. P. opaciceps, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 714 ; P. occidental is, W. Australia, id. op. cit. v, p. 553 : n. spp. Philoscaphu8 duboulayi, Quoonsland, Blackburn, p. 554, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Phlceocarabus unimaculatus, p. 708, umbratus , p. 709, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. 102 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Phorticosomus robustus , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 135, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii ; P. randalli , S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 722 : n. spp. Physolesthus pallidus , S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2^ iv, p. 1250, n. sp. ' Pirantillus, n. g., near Colpodes, p. 108, for P. fern, n. sp., Tenasserim, p. 109 ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Platynus papuensis, New Guinea, Sloane, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 103 ; P. murrayensis , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 741 : u. spp. Platythorax ( Carenum ) transversicollis, Chaud., redescribed ; Black- burn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 716. Plectes biebersteini , Men., = ( agnatus , Gangl.) ; P.fossiger and steveni noticed ; Rost, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 256. P. starcki and reitteri , n. varr. of, described : Starck, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 75. P. imperator , p. 71, basilianus , p. 73, Caucasus, Starck, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Promecoderus , revision of ; Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 189-225. P. 2>acificu8, p. 206, nigellus , p. 211, comes , p. 214, p. 218, insignis, p. 222, blachburni , p. 223, distinctus , p. 224, Australia, Sloane, t. c., n. spp. Pseudolimnceum inustum , habitat ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 211. P. circassicum , Utsch-Dere, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 189, n. sp. Pseudozcena tenebrosa , New Guinea, Sloane, Reo. Austral. Mus. i, p. 102, n. sp. Pterostichus microphthalmus and spinicollis} distinctive characters noticed ; RELTTER,Wien. ent. Z.ix, p. 266. P. ( Pseudoderus ) rufo-piceus , Turkestan, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 357 ; P. (?) prattii, China, Bates, Ent. xxiii, p. 212 : n. spp. Rhytisternus bovilli , Australia, Blackburn, p. 730, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Scirothrocrepis saavis , Port Lincoln, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 711, n. sp. Scarites heydeni} Turkestan, Semenow, p. 193, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Scolyptus obscuripes , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1247, n. sp. Silp>homorpha amabilis , Cast., descriptive note ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1246. Simodontus , notes on the species of ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 732-734. S. murrayensis , S. Australia, Blackburn, t. c. p. 737, n. sp. Stenolophus cyanellus , p. 103, gonidius, p. 104, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; S. ccemleus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 555, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. CARABIDiE, DYTISCID.®. Ins. 103 Tachycellm oreophilus, Carinthia, Daniel, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 210, n. sp. Tefflus jamesoni , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 481, and in Jameson, Story Rear Column, p. 423, n. sp. Thermoscelis dobretsbergeri , Russian Armenia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 385, n. sp. Trechus utschderensis , Circassia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 165, n. sp. Triainogenius arabicus , Yemen, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 20, n. sp. Tribax : application of the name ; Morawitz, Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii, p. 35. Trigonothops plagiata and others, variation noticed ; Blackburn, p. 82, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii. Trigonotoma lewisii , note on, with n. var. bhamoensis ; Bates, p. 105, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Xanthophcea loweri , S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 304, n. sp. Dytiscidjs. \_Cf. Regimbart (643), Severin (776, 777, 778), Sharp (779).] Agabus bipustulatus , p. 266, chalconotus , p. 269, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Rov. d’Ent. ix. I)ides8U8 bufo, gentilis , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 344, n. spp. Gcmthydriis obscuripennis, p. 257, crassicornis , p. 258, balzani, sexnotatus, p. 259, Jlavopictus, p. 260, infuscatus , p. 261, grammopterus , flavolineatus , p. 262, S. America, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Cybister wehnckianus, = ( Dytiscus extenuans , Wlk.), note on ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 348. C. ellipticus and explanatus , distinctive cha- racters ; Ricksecker, Zoe, i, p. 304. G. cardoni , E. India, Severin, p. cxciii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Eretes helvolus and succinctus , Klug, characters noted ; Leprieur, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 80. Graphoderes vittatus , Fab., var. ? noticed ; SchOnfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 169. Hydaticus zonatus and cinereus , differential characters ; Thomson, p. 1527, Opusc. Ent. xiv. H. platteeuwi, Sumatra, Severin, p. xcvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Ilydrocoptus subvittulus , Motsch., described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 340. Hydroporus inefficiens , Wlk., referred to Laccophilus , and described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 341. Ilydrovalus cardoni , E. India, Severin, p. clxxxix, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; H. sinister, Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 343 : n. spp< Hyphoporus elevatus , $ noticed ; Severin, p. cxci. C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. 104 Ins. COLEOPTERA. i H. bengalen8is} E. India, Severin, l. c. ; II. pugnator , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 345 : n. spp. Hyphydrus : table of the characters of the European species ; Leprieujr, Bull. Soo. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxvii. II. indicus , $ described ; Sharp, Tr.’ E, Soc. 1890, p, 345. Hyphydrus renardi , E, India, Seyerin, p. cxci, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n, sp, Laccophilus parvulus , Aub6, = ( orientalis , Aubd, and ohtusus , Shp.) ; Severin, p. clxxxviii, C.R. Ent, Belg. 1890. L. balzani , p, 263, obliquatus , p, 264, nubilUs , p. 265, augustus , p. 266, S. America, R^gimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; L. anlicatus , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 341 : n. spp. Macrodytes marginalis and circumcinctus, differential characters ; Thomson, p. 1526, Opusc, Ent. xiv. Nepto&lernus taprobanicus , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 342, n. sp. ‘ Platynectes rodriguezi , Guatemala, Severin, p. xcvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Rhcintu8 taprobanicus , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 346, n. sp. GYRINIDiE. [Cf. Edwards (212), R^gimbart (643), Sciiaufuss (727)]. Dineutes olivaceus , p. 62, jikelii, p. 63, Abyssinia, Sciiaufuss, Ent. Nachr, xvi, n. spp. Gyrinus : the characters of the British species ; Edwards, Ent. xxiii, pp. 105-109, woodcuts. Hydrophilidji. (Cf. Blackburn (60, 62), Frivaldszky (285), Guillebeau (332), Horn (377, 378, 379), Kuwert (468), Reitter (648), Scudder (754), Semenow (770), Sharp (779).] Amphiops simplex , pedestris , p. 354, mirabilis , p. 355, Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Anaccena , Paracymus , and allies, characters discussed ; Horn, p. 261, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. V A rmostus, n. g., near Oosternum, p. 358, for A. optatus, n. sp., Ceylon ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. JBerosus decrescenSy Wlk., redescribed ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 353. B. spinosus and guttalis , supplementary note ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 80. B. rubiginosus , p. 318, Jcruperi , p, 320, Syria, Kuwert, Verh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. spp. Cercyon vicinale , Wlk., = ( nigriceps , Motsch., and atriceps , Gemm.) ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 357. C. lencoranus, p. 320, paradoxus , Russia, p. 321, agnotusy Sicily, p. 322, HYbROPHILlDiE. Ins. 105 Kuwert, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii ; C. uniformis , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 357 ; C. indistinctus, p. 297, Jioridanus , p. 303, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Crenipliilus , Motsch., in this should be merged Crenitis , Bed. ; Horn, p. 261, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. G. moratus , monticola, p. 271, degener , p. 273, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. I i Crephelochares, n. subg. of Helochares ; Kuwert, p. 38, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. O. livornicus , Italy, Kuwert, p. 327, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. sp. V Crepilimnebius, n. subg. of Limnebius ; Kuwert, p. 105, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. C. tibialis , N. Africa, Kuwert, p. 314, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. sp. Cryptopleurum americanum, Ohio, Horn, p. 312, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. sp. Cyclonotum simplex , Shp., = ( Hydrobius stultus , Wlk.) ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Cymbiodyta , Bed., should include Hydrocombus , Shp. ; Horn, p. 240, Tr. Am'. Ent. Soc. xvii. C. morata , New Mexico, p. 256, blanchardi , N. America, p. 258, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Dactylo sternum , characters discussed ; Horn, p. 282, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. D. advectum , Florida, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 284, n. sp. Embololimnebius, n. subg. of Limnebius ; Kuwert, p. 91, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii. E. crassipes , Holland, baudi , angusticonus , p. 310, laticonus, p. 311, Sicily, Kuwert, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. spp. \lEnochroides, n. g., for E. decorus, n. sp., Portugal; Kuwert, p.327, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. J Epicercyon, n. n. for Cerycon , Bey ; Kuwert, p. 168, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. Epimetopus Jlavidulus, Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 355, n. sp. JGraphelochares, n. subg. of Helochares ; Kuwert, p. 38, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. Helochares : cf. Grephelochares, Graphelochares. Helochares nigritulus} Sicily, Kuwert, Nat. Sicil. ix, p. 8, and Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, p. 34 ; H. minutissimus, Syria, Kuwert, p. 304, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii ; H. taprobanicusy p. 351, anchoralis , lentusi densus , p. 352, Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Henicocerus halbherri, Tyrol, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 145, n. sp. ° Helocombus , n. g., type Philydrus bifidus , Lee. ; Horn, p. 259, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. Helophorus brevitarsis, Bosnia, Kuwert, Yerh. Ver. Briinn. xxviii, p. 191, n. sp. 106 Ins, COLEOPTERA. J Helocharimorphus, n. g., p. 306, for II. sharpi , n. sp., Egypt, p. 307, Kuwert, Verh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. Hydrcena perparvula , Bosnia, Kuwert, p. 303 ; II. parvicollis, Thes- saly, p. 326, Kuwert, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii : n. spp. Hydrobaticus clypeatus , S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 305, n. sp. Hydrobiomorpha helence , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 741, n. sp. Hydrobius arcticus , N. Europe, Kuwert, p. 304, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii ; H. minimus , p. 348, evanescens , H. ( Anaccena ) advena , p. 349, Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Hydrophilus piceusy embryology ; Heider, (353). H. ganssuensis , China, Semenow, p. 194, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Laccobius albipes , Bosnia, p. 82, eximius , p. 314, singularis, p. 315, minimus , Egypt, sternocrinis , Syria, p. 316, signatus , Spain, prcecipuus , Egypt, p. 317, Kuwert, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii ; L. rectus , Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 353 : n. spp. Limnebius , cf. Crepilimnebius , Embololimnebius, Odontolimnebius, Tricho- limnebius. L. rubropiceus , Caucasus, p. 312, dissimilis , St. Remo, p. 313, Kuwert, Verh. Yer. Briinu. xxviii ; L. stagnalis, Styria, Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 33 : n. spp. Megasternumi = {P achy sternum, Motsch.) ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 358. M. caucasicum, Caucasus, p. 323, calabricum , Sicily, p. 324, Kuwert, Verh. Ver. Briinn. xxviii ; M. punctulatum, Louisiana, Horn, p. 309, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Octhebius : monograph of the N. American species ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 17, &c. O. haberfelneri, Austrian Alps, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 385, n. sp. if Odontolimnebius , n. subg. of Limnebius ; Kuwert, p. 96, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. 0. adjunctus , N. Africa, Kuwert, p. 312, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxviii, n. sp. Pachysternum sibiricum , Siberia, p. 324, pusillum , Russia, p. 325, Kuwert, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. spp. Paraberosus nigriceps, Mesopotamia, melanocephalus , Arabia, Kuwert, p. 319, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. spp. / Paracymorphus, n. g. forP. globuloides , n. sp., Sicily ; Kuwert, p. 307, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. r Paracymus caucasicus , Asia Minor, Kuwert, p. 307, Verh. Ver. Briinn. xxviii, n. sp. v Pernelus , n. g. for Cercyon costatus , Lee. ; Horn, p. 309, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. * Phcenotypus, n. g. ( Cyclonoti ) for Cyclonotum palmarum , Schwarz; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 285. HYDROPHILID^E, PLATYPS YLLI DzE, STAPHYLINIDiE. LlS. 107 Philydrus : Horn revises the genera and species of N. America allied to ; Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, pp. 237-278. P. escuriens , Wlk., = ( Pylo - philus nigriceps , Motsch.) ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 350. Philydrus Mesopotamia}, Mesopotamia, p. 60, flavus , Portugal, p. 305, ragusce , Sicily, p. 306, Kuwert, Verh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii ; P. iteratus , p. 349, fragilis , p. 340, abnormalis , p. 341, Ceylon, Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 ; P. calif ornicus, p. 248, hamiltoni, p. 249, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. JPi ' otosternum , n. g. near Dactylosternum, for P.atomarium, n.sp., Ceylon ; Sharp, p. 356, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Sphccridiini of N. America revised; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 279. Sphceridium quinquemaculatum , Fab., = ( tricolor , Wlk.) ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 357. S. chinense, Jenking, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 198, n. sp. ^ Tricholimnebius , n. subg. of Limnebius ; Kuwert, p. 88, Verh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii. T. barbifer , Holland, Kuwert, p. 308, Verh. Yer. Briinn. xxviii, n. sp. PLATYPS YLLI DJI. Platypsyllus : ultimate larva described ; Riley, Ent. Am. vi, p. 27, woodcuts, and Horn, t. c. p. 55. Staphylinime. [Cf. Eppelsheim (226, 227, 228, 229), Fauvel (250, 251), Gestro (300), Meinert (526), Reitter (648, 657), Scudder (754), Wasmann (880, 883, 884, 885).] Remarks on ants’-nest Staphylinidce ; Wasmann (880). For new genus in amber, see Paheo-entomology. Aleochara ( Ceranota ) adusta , Caucasus, p. 163, A. ( C .) consors , Cauca- sus, p. 217, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z., n. spp. Anthobium starclci , Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 190, n. sp. Apteranillus foreli, N. Africa, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 390, pi. ii, fig. 1, n. sp. Astilbus memnonius and tristis, note on ; W'asmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 300. Atemeles emarginatus , larva, habits ; Wasmann, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 262-265. A theta (Pessobia) callicerina , p. 219, A. ( Microdota ) filicornis, p. 221, Caucasus, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix ; A. ( Eomalota ) armeniaca, Caucasus, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 165 : n. spp. Bolitochara obliqua , Er., n. var. caucasica ; Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 161. Cafius ragazzii , Red Sea, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 32, n. sp. Cephaloplectus , note on ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 316. 108 Ins. COLEOPTERA. : Cryptobium nigrobadium, Nagpore, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 278, n. sp. Drusilla bomfordi, Simla, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 273, n. sp. JEcitophila , n. g., near Myrmedonia , for E. omnivor a, n. sp., Rio de Janeiro, pi. ii, fig. 5 ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 314. Geodromicus constricticollis , Caucasus, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 172 ; G. antennatus , Circassia, Reitter, t. c. p. 189 : n. spp. Homalota clancula , characters of sexes ; Blatch, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 159. H. truncata redescribed; Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 203. Ischnopoda subcenea , Caucasus, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 164, n. sp. Leptotyphlus cribratus, grouvellei, Nice, Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. p. 356, n. spp. Leptusa venusta} Hoch., redescribed ; Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 161. L. ludyi , p. 205, L. ( Sipalia ) granulicauda, p. 206, Austria, Eppel- siieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 206, n. spp. Liogluta funesta, Caucasus, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 218, n. sp. Lomechusa strumosa : habits of larva and its relation to ants ; W as- mann, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 93-96. J Mesotrochus, n. g., near Holotroclius , for M. paradoxus, n. sp., Blume- nau, pi. ii, fig. 7, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 18.90, p. 317. Myrmedonia armifrons , p. 274, hauseri , p. 275, Nagpore, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix ; M. eppelsheimii , p. 306, diabolica , p. 308, pi. ii, fig. 3, crinosa , granulata, p. 309, rugulosa, dispar , p. 310, Blumenau, gemmatar Rio Grande do Sul, p. 311, pi. ii, fig. 4, badariottii , Rio de Janeiro, p. 312, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 : n. spp. Ocypus oleus and tenebricosus , distinctive characters and synonymy ; Otto, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 62. 0. cethiopst larva described ; Xambeu, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 181. \ (Edichirus dimidiatus , Nagpore, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 280, n. sp. Oxysoma aleocharina , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 166, n. sp. Oxytelus elegans, Denmark, Meinert, Ent. Med. ii, p. 257, n. sp. Paiderus syriacus , Reit., and mesopotamicus , Epp., are one species ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 14. Philonthus convalescens, Simla, p. 276, cliens) Nagpore, p. 277, Eppel- sheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Pinophilus bomfordi , Nagpore, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 279, n. sp. Quedius tristis, pupa described ; Lesne, p. 179, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Q. ( Ediquus ) heterodoxus , Bohemia, p. 208, Q. ( Microsaurus ) mixtus, Lenkoran, p. 222, scutellaris , Tunis, p. 224, Eppelsiieim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Ins. 109 STAPHY LIN IDAS, PSELAPHIDiE. Scimbalium indicum , Nagpore, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 278, n. sp. Sipalia laticornis , E. Pyrenees, Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 184 (larva, Xambeu, t. c. p. 183) : n. sp. Staphylinus arrosus , Caucasus, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 169, n. sp. Stenus suramensis , n. var. confrater , Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 227. Stenus coarcticollis , p. 170, denticulatus , p. 225, ignotm, p. 226, Caucasus, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Sunius setulosus , N. Africa, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 304, n. sp. ' Tachinus laciniatus, p. 166, lederi, p. 168, Caucasus, Eppelsheim, Wien, ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Trogophlceus ( Carpalineus ) pilosellus, p. 228, T. ( Tasnosoma ) apicalis, p. 229, Caucasus, Eppelsheim, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Xenocephalus schuppii , Rio Grande do Sul, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 315, pi. ii, fig. 6, n. sp. PsELAPHm®. [Cf Blackburn (64), Brendel & Wickham (84), Broun (95), Guillebeau (332), Halbiierr (345), Heyden (361), Raeeray (631,632, 633), Reitter (648, 657), Schaufuss (726, 727), Wasmann (880).] System of classification ; Schaufuss (727). For descriptions of new genera and species found in amber on the coasts of the Baltic, see Palseo- entomology, p. 79. Revision of the family, with morphological sketch, new classification and tabulation of the genera ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. This includes many synonymical and other observations which it would be superfluous to reproduce in detail here, as the work must be consulted by all students. Only the new generic names and the new species are noticed below ; the latter are limited to the species serving as types of the new genera. Abryxist n. g., for Bryaxis dcnticornis , subcarinata , and separabilis, Schf. ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 119 (c/. Byraxis , infra). Achilia , n. n. for Byraxis , Raffr., nec Reitt. ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 212. AdroceruSy n. g., p. 131, for A. cavicornis, n. sp., Brazil, p. 208, pi. ii, fig. 50 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. t Adrogaster , n. g., p. 94, for A. longipennis, n. sp., Rio Grande, p. 195, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ; Amana , n. g., p. 109, for A. crassicornisy n. sp., Singapore, p. 203, pi. ii, fig. 28; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. 1/ Anaclavigcr, n. g. ( Clavigerides ), p. 163, for A. sinuaticollis, n. sp., Singa- pore, p. 216, pi. iii, fig. 21 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ AnarmodiuSy n. g., for Trichonyx gibbus, Schf. ; Raffray, p. 103, Rev. d’Ent. ix. 110 Ins. COI/eoptera. A. bifoveatus , Venezuela, Raffray, p. 307, Ann. Soo. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. * A nops, n. g., near Amaurops , for A. amblyopqnica, n. sp., Pennsylvania ; Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, p. 80. \J Apharinodes, n. g., p. 136, for A. squamosa , n. sp., Singapore, p. 210, pi. ii, fig. 40 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Apharus armipes , Venezuela, Raffray, p. 318, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. v ApoplectuSj n. g., p. 96, for Euplectus crassipes} Raffr. ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. i Arachis , n. g., for Batrisomorpha crassicornis , Raff. ; Raffray, p. 117, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Arhytodes oberthuri , pi. vi, fig. 9, p. 327, margaritaceus , fig. 11, p. 328, rubripennis , fig. 12, p. 329, Venezuela, Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. JArticerodes, n. g., p. 164, for Articerus syriacus, Saulcy 5 Raffray, p. 164, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Articerus asper , Adelaide, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, p. 138, n. sp. ^ JBarada , n. g., p. 314, for B. mucronatai pi. vi, fig. 8, n. sp., Venezuela ; Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. M Batrisodema, n. g., p. 109, for B. tuberculata , n. sp., Singapore, p. 200, pi. ii, fig. 11 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Batrisus furcatus, Pennsylvania, Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, p. 82 ; B. elevatus , pi. vi, fig. 6, lamellatusf p. 308, longipennis , p. 309, Venezuela, Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. ^ Brabaxys , n. g., for Bryaxis fonensis , siamensis, Schf . ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 119. Bryaxis narentina, Herzegovina, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 191 ; B. valtda , p. 273, elegans , p. 276, bicolor , p. 294, N. America, Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i; B. ( Beichenbachia ) callosa , p. 311, aubeana , estebanensis , p. 312, Venezuela, Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; B. munroi , p. 231, forjiculida , p. 232, foveatissima , p. 233, New Zealand, Broun, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii : n. spp. Byraxis , Reitt., = ( Abryxis , Raffr.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 212. Bythinus baudueri , latebrosus, blandus, note on, Croissandeau, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287. B. baudueri , latebrosus , blandus , distinctions of ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 16. R. lagari, Lagarina Valley, Halbiierr (345) ; B. amasice , Asia Minor, p. 373, schneideri, San Remo, p. 386, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 :n. spp. Centrophthalmus communis , Madagascar, Sciiaufuss, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 139, n. sp. Cercocerus germaini , Matto Grosso, Raffray, p. 213, pi. iii, fig. 9, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. 1 Ceroderma , n. g., p. 108, for C. asperata , n. sp., Pulo-Penang, p. 127 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Clavigeridce : remarks on structure and habits ; Wasmann (880). PSELAPHIDiE. Ins. 1 1 1 Claviger araxidis , Ordubad, Eeitter, p. 190, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. sp. 'J Commatocerojjsis, n. g., for Commatocerus madagascariensis , Raff. ; Raff ray, p 164, Rev. d’Ent. ix. iCratna, n. g., p. 109, for C. torticornis , n. sp., Singapore, p. 202, pi. ii, fig. 10 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Cryptorhinula longiclava, Brazil, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 205, pi. ii, fig. 32 ; C. longiceps, Venezuela, id., p. 313, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. 'ICtenisis, n. g., for Ctenistes cequinoctialis , Aub., and Desimia dispar, Shp. ; Raffray, p. 141, Rev. d’Ent. ix. xsCtenisomorphus , n. g., for Ctenistes major, Raff. ; Raffray, p. 140, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Ctenistes adelaidce , p. 136, tenebricosus , p. 137, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, n. spp. Cyathiger impar, Singapore, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 209, pi. ii, fig. 46, n. sp. Dalmodes ensipes , Venezuela, Raffray, p. 316, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. J Dalmoplectus, n. g., for Dalmodes rybaxoides, Reitt. ; Raffray, p. 96, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Dcearthron discolor , New Mexico, Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, p. 265, n. sp. 'i Didimoprora , n. g., for Tyrus victories, King ; Raffray, p. 148, Rev. d’Ent. ix. vDubatrisus, n. subg. of Batrisus , Raffray, p. 110, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Euphalepsus rugipes , p. 309, cruralis, pi. 6, fig. 7, p. 310, Venezuela, Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. ^ Euplectopsis, n. g., for Trichonyx microcephalus, Reitt. ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 46. Eurhexius crassicornis, Venezuela, Raffray, p. 306, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. SFustigeropsis, n. g., for Commatocerus peringueyi, Raff.; Raffray, p. 164, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Globa brevicornis, Venezuela, Raffray, p. 314, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Goniacerus anophthalmus, Brazil, Raffray, p. 207, pi. ii, fig. 49, Rev. d’Ent. ix; G perforatus , Venezuela, id., p. 317, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.(6) x : n. spp. Goniastes westwoodi, Brazil, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 209, pi. ii, fig. 51, n. sp. Hamotus crassipalpus, p. 320, soror, cavipalpus , p. 321, vesiculifcr , p. 322, inflatus, p. 323, II. ( Hamatoides ) reich'ei, flavopilosus, p. 325, Vene- zuela, Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. J Jubomorphus, n. g. Faronini , for J. simoni , pi. vi, fig. 2, n. sp., Vene- zuela, Raffray, p. 299, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Jubus caviventris, p. 301, abbreviatus, p. 302, punctulatus, Icetus, p. 303, Venezuela, Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. 112 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Lasinus manclarinus , Tonkin, Raffray, p. 212, pi. iii, fig. 16, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. ^ Machcerodes, n. g., for Tychus bythinoides , and Bythinus carinatus , Brend.; Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, p. 252. tMactciy n. g., pp. 85 & 87, for M. constricta , n. sp., Brazil, p. 193 ; Raf- fray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Mastiger brevicornis, Singapore, R affray, p. 216, pi. iii, fig. 22, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. v/ Mesoplatus, n. g., for Batrisus barbatus , King ; Raffray, p. 103, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ; Mina , n. g., p. 108, for M. elegans , n. sp., Singapore, p. 200, pi. ii, fig. 15, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Mitracepliala , n. g., p. 104, for M. longipennis , n. sp., Brazil, p. 198, pi. ii, fig. 8, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. , ^ Neodalmus} n. g., Eugjlectini, for N. carinatus , pi. 6, fig. 4, n. sp., Vene- zuela ; Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ^ Obricala, n. g., p. 117, for Batrisomorpha foveicollis, Raffr. ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. */ Oxyomera , n. g., p. 109, for 0. denticollis , n. sp/, Singapore, p. 203, pi. ii, fig. 16 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ PalimboluSy n. g., for Tyrus mirandusy Slip. ; Raffray, p. 149, Rev. d’Ent. ix. v Patranus , n. g., for Tychus politus , Schf. j Raffray, p. 118, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Pedinopsis, n. g., for Euplectus major , Raffr. ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 96. JPhalespoides, n. g., p. Ill, for two nondescript species from Brazil; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Phthartomicrus pubescens , Singapore, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 194, pi. ii, fig. 4, n. sp. ^ PhtegnomuSy n. g., p. 104, for P. oberthuri , n. sp., Amazons, p. 198, pi. ii, fig. 7 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. IPhysa , n. g., for Bryaxis infiato.y Shp. ; Raffray, p. 118, Rev. d’Ent. ix. * ProbatrisuSy n. subg. of Batrisus ; Raffray, p. 110, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^Prophilus, n. g., p. 94, for P. minutus, n. sp., Singapore, p. 195, pi. ii, fig. 14 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. 1 ProplectuSy n. g., p. 104, for P. decipienSy n. sp., California, p. 197 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix;. ^ ProrhexiuSy n. g., p. 103, for P. sylvaticus , n. sp., N. America, p. 197 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Pselaphomorphus longiceps , Brazil, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 193, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; P. microphthalmusy pi. vi, fig. 1, muticuSy Venezuela, Raffray, p. 298, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. ^ Pselaphophusy n. subg of Pselaphus ; Raffray, p. 137, Rev. d’Ent. ix. JpseldphoxySj n. subg. of Pselaphus ; Raffray, p. 137, Rev. d’Ent. ix. PSELAPHIDiE. I Ins. 113 ^ Pselaptrichus , n. g., near Machcerites, for P. tuberculipalpus, n. sp., Cali- fornia, pi. vii, fig. 24 ; Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa* i. Pselaptus calcaratusi Venezuela, RaEfrAy, p. 3l5, Ann* Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. Up. 'Pseudaphtitrindi n. g for Filiger primd, Reitt. ; RaffraY, p. 134, Rev. d’Ent. ix. * PneudohamotuS) n. g., p. 14$, for P. inflaiipalpus , n. sf)., Brazil, p. 213, pi. iii, fig. 6 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. {. Pseudophdnias , n. g«, p. 150, for P. malaiarius , n. sp., Pulo Penang, p. 214, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. JPseudotyrus, n. g«, p. 146, for P. corticalis , h. sp., Singapore, p. 215, pi. iii, fig. 18 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. 'jPteracmes, n. g., p. 95, for P. schaufussi , n. sp., Chili, p. 196, pi. ii, fig. 25 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. i:x. Rabyfcis, h. subg. of Bryaxis , p. 119, with B. (R<) stl'ioldta, n. sp., Madagascar, p. 205, RaFfray, Rev, d’Ent. ix. Raphitreus dentimanus , Annam, Raffray, p. 211, pi. iii, fig. 3, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. ' ^Reitteronymus , n. g., for Trichonyx longicollis , Reitt. ; Raffray, p. 104, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Rhexinia , n. g., p. 103, for B. angulata) n. sp., New Grenada, p. 196, pi. iii, fig. 35 \ Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Sathyte6 vespertinus , Pulo Penang, Raffray, Rev. d’Ent* ix, p. 204, n. sp. J Sebaga, n. g., Faroniniy for S. centralis , pi. vi, fig. 3, n. sp., Venezuela; Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Sognorus heydeni) Asia Minor, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1889, p. 373, n. sp. ^ Tanypleurus, n. g., p. 127, for T. malaianus , n. sp., Singapore, p. 206, pi. ii, fig. 45 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. i TrabisuS) n. subg. of Batrisus ; Raffray, p. 110, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Trichonomorphus , n. g., p. 109, for T. ursinusf n. sp., Pulo Penang, p. 201, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Trimiomorphus , n. g., p. 93, for T. elongatus , n. sp., Singapore, p. 194, pi. ii, fig. 12 ; Raffray, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Trimioplectus , n. g., for part of Euplectus , With T. obsoletus , n. sp., Iowa, pis. xi, fig. 105, & xii, fig. 123 ; Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii. Trimiopsis fleutiauxi, Guadeloupe, Raffray, p. cciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. * Trimium raffi'ayi , Adelsberg, GuillebeaU, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 32, n. sp. Tychus fournicYi — {olbiensis) ; GuRleIjeau, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 33. Tyrus mucrondtus n. var. costatus { FLeisOher, p. 86. Tyrus elongatus , Arizoua, Brendel, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, p. 239, pi. vi, fig. 21, n. sp. *Xerhius, n. g., near Rhexius , p. 305, for X cordicollis , pi. vi, fig. 5, n. sp., Venezuela ; Raffray, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. 1800. [vol. xxvu.] f 8 114 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Paussid^e. ' [ Cf : Dohrn (178, 180), Poll (612).] Remarks on structures and relations to Ants ; Wassmann (880). Merismoderus hamaticornisy Sumatra, Poll, Notes Leyd, Mus. xii, p. 1, n. sp. Paussus smithi , concolor , and la/ertei, notes on ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. li, p. 246. P. elaphus , dama , p. 1, sikoranusy p. 82, Madagascar, Dohrn, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Platyrhopalus macrophyllus , Java, Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 3, n. sp. SCYDMiENIDiE. [Cf. Blatch (68), Croissandeau (155), Halbherr (345), Reitter (648), Reitter & Croissandeau (670), Saulcy (720).] Cephennium ( Geodytes ) theryanum , Algeria, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 387, n. sp. Ohevrolatia grouvellei , Mexico, Croissandeau, p. clvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Euconnus ( Tetramelus ) longulus , Lagarina Valley ; Halbherr (345) ; E. providus, ovipennis , pacliyscelis , abnormis , latipennis, fugitor, fimidus, p. 216, excedens , eumicriformis , lepidus , pauper , incompletus , lothari , hetschkoi , permodicusi p. 217, permixtus , vestitus , contractus , constrictust eques , clanculus , carinangulusy p. 218, subcompressus , pinguiculus, aridulust depressusf spatulus , arionisy tritomus , gibbiumy exul , minimus y Jimbriatulus, p. 219, Brazil, Reitter & Croissandeau, Nat. Sicil. ix : n. spp. Eudesis , characters of ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 387. N. sulcipennis , Algeria, Reitter, Z. c. ; E. adela , Pyrenees, Saulcy, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxxiv : n. spp. Eomoconnus armipesy Brazil, Reitter & Croissandeau, Nat. Sicil. ix, p. 220, n. sp. Neuraphes delphinusy georgicus , described, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 146. AT. coronatus , Sahl., = ( conifer , Fauv.), Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 102. N.felicicey Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 145; N.plani- fron8y England, Blatcii, Eat. M. M. (2) i, p. 93 : n. spp. Scydmcenu8 ( Eumicrus ) dilatatu8y longicornis , denticomis , angustusy Brazil, Reitter & Croissandeau, p. 220, Nat. Sicil. ix, n. spp. SlLPHIM. [C^. Fleischer (265), Halbherr (345), Heyden (360), Jakowlefp (402), Reitter (645, 648, 657), Uhagon (854).]. Fossil Silphidcey Flach (260), and palaeo-entomology, p. 80. Bathyscia likanensisy Croatia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 191 ; B. liguricay robiati , Italy, Reitter, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 293 : n. spp. SILFHID2E, HISTERIDJJ. Ins. 115 Blitophaga calva , Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 357, n. sp. Catops fulvus, Genoa, Reitter, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 294 ; C. ruthenusy Bukowina, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 146 : n. spp. Catopsimorphus brevicoUis and rougeti , distinctions of ; Fauvel, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 346. Choleva spinipennis , Germany, .Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 167 ; C. biharica ;, Centr. Europe, Fleischer, p. 87, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii : n. spp. Liodes and Anisotoma , note on the application of the names ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 120. Liodes humeralis and axillaris , distinctions of ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 224. L. montana, Lagarina Yalley, Halbiierr (345) ; L. imeretina , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 388 ; L. cyrtusula , Lower Austria, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. p. 192 : n. spp. Pseudopelta pilosa , Amdo, JakoWlefF, p. 258, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Ptomaphagus marginicollis and allies, synonymical note ; FaUvel, p. 347, Rev. d’Ent. ix. P. rosenhaueri , S. Spain, UhaGON, An. Soc. Esp. xix, p. 44, n. sp. HiSTERIDjE. [Cf. Casey (122), Lewis (486), Reitter (648), Schmidt (738, 739, 740, 741).] 4 BotroduSy n. g. ( Murmidiini ), p. 319, for B. estriatusy n. sp., Texas, p. 320 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v. ✓ DendrophilopsiSy n. g. for Hister pusio, Men. ; Schmidt, p. 11, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Epierus delaunayi, Cambodia, Lewis, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 106 ; E . ( Stictostix ) biseriatus, Australia, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 39 : n. spp. Hister distans , Fisch. = ( dauricus, Mars., atramentariuSy SufE.), p. 6, planuluSy Men., = ( lacoy Mars.), p. 9 , peyroniy characters and synonymy noticed, p. 9 ; Schmidt, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. H. solshyiy p. 5, loevifossa, p. 7, Turkestan, Schmidt, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. ^ LapethuSy n. g. {Murmidiini) , p. 317, for L. discretus, n. sp., California, p. 318, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Monoplius pinguis, Lew., = {Saulister singularisy Pering.) ; LEWIS, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 106. Murmidiini referred to Oolydiidce ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 309. Onthophilus caucasicus, Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 389, n. sp. Pelorurus formosus , Abyssinia, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 41, n. sp. Phelister balzaniiy Argentine Rep., Schmidt, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 112, n. sp. 116 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Platysoma hageni , confucii ; synonymy discussed, p. 13, sundce , charac- ters of, p. 14 ; Schmidt, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 14. P. theryana , Algeria, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 168, n. sp. Saprinus ornatus , Er., fasciolatus , Gebl., osiris , Mars., synonymy dis- cussed, p. 13 ; nitidulus, Fab., variation, p. 14 ; sparsutus , Solsky., = ( brunnensis , Fleisch.), biterrensis , Mars., validity maintained, p. 15 ; Schmidt, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. strigicollis , p. 17, akinini , p. 19, Kirghisia, Schmidt, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; S. funereus, Haifa, hilaris, Egypt, p. 82, japhonis , Jaffa, pretiosus , Abyssinia, p. 83, ceneovirens , Somali-land, p. 84, suspectus , Egypt, p. 85, palcestinensis , Nazarus, baudii , Cyprus, p. 86, splendidulus , Senegal, p. 87, Schmidt, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 ; <8. purpuricollis, Angola, hamatus , p. 42, disnexus , p. 43, arcipygus , p. 44, parenthesis , Brazil, auctus, Amazons* p. 45, latimanusy Brazil, p. 50, sulcatulus , California, p. 51, lewisii , p. 52, subceneus , p. 53, Japan, acridens , Zanzibar, p. 54, varians , China, Japan, p. 55, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xvi : n. spp. Satrapes sartorii and reitteri} distinctive characters of ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 13. Tribalus rubriculus, Abyssinia, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 40, n. sp. Phalacrim. , [C/. Flach (259).] Phalacrus f rater, Caucasus, Flach, p. 78, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii, n. sp. Olibrus reitteri , Croatia, fallax , Austria, p. 71, dohrni , Turkestan, p. 74, Flach, Yerh. Ver. Briinn. xxvii, n. spp. NlTIDULIDJ!. [cy. Grouvelle (326, 328), Reitter (648, 657), Sharp (317).] JEthina argus , Tenasserim, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 125, n. sp. Amphicrossns plagiatus , Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. .125, n. sp. Aarc/ra /ea?, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 122, n. sp. J Cacconia, 'n. g. near Soronia , for C. obscura , n. sp., Mexico, pi. x, fig. 19 ; Sharp, p. 324, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Camptodes ( Eucamptodes ) principalis , Mexico, p. 327, champiom , Guatemala, formosus, Central America, pi. x, fig. 20, p. 328, gaumeri , fig. 21, p. 330, cinctipennis, Guatemala, godmani, Panama, p. 331, divisus , Centr. and S. America, flohri, Mexico, p. 332, politus , Guatemala, nigri- clava , fig. 22, Centr. and S. America, decipiens , Panama, p. 333, aberrans , fig. 23, Mexico, p. 334, O. jucundus , solitarius , fig. 24, p. 335, Gua- temala, melanopterus , Mexico, p. 336, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am* Col. ii (1), u. spp. NITIDU LILLE, TROGOSITIDJ:. Ins. 117 Garpophilus fece, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 120, n. sp. Cryptarcha dubia , Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 126, n. sp. Cybocephalus obliquestriatus, Buda-Pest, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 146, n. sp. j Epurcea Integra figured, pi. x, fig. 1 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). E. mexicana , torticollis , pi. ix, fig. 25, Mexico, p. 307, soror , p. 308, alticola , prolixa, pi. x, fig. 2, Guatemala, p. 308, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. J Eucamptodes , n. subg. of Camptodes, for C. illustris , Chev., &c. ; Sharp, p. 327, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Haptoncura , Reitt., merged in Haptoncus , p. 305, H luteolus figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). H. dubitabilis , Tenasserim, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 121, n. sp. Idcethina humeralis} Tenasserim, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 124, n. sp. Ischcena : table of characters of the species, with I. angustata, n. var. peninsularis ; Grouvelle, p. 123, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix. Lobiopa retusa, Nicaragua, pi. x, fig. 16, p. 321, cassidoides , simulatrix , fig. 17, p. 322, discedens , fig. 18, p. 323, Central America, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Meligethes ocneus , habits of larva ; Bos, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. cxiii. • Perilopa deplanata, punctigera) pi. x, fig. 14, p. 319, placida , fig. 15, p. 320, Panama, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. Platychora lebasi figured, pi. x, fig. 11 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). Prometopia porcina , pi. x, fig. 8, cequalis , fig. 9, rauca , p. 316, soro - nioides , pi. x, fig. 10, p. 317, Central America ; Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. ^ Pseudoplatychora, n. g. for P. convexiuscula , n. sp., Sumatra ; Grou- velle, p. 15, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii : cf. Ritsema, t. c. p. 31, who sinks the genus as being Atarphia, Reitt. Psilotus atratus figured, pi. x, fig. 12 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1). P. mimetes , Panama, Sharp, pi. x, fig. 13, p. 318, t. c., n. sp. j Rhizophagus protensus , Armenia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 192, n. sp. Stelidota pallens , pi. x, fig. 3, solitaria , p. 311, ovalis, fig. 4, stictica , p. 312, bugabensis) fig. 5, p. 313, fortis , clavigerai chontalensis , p. 314, championi , fig. 6, extranea , fig. 7, p. 315, Central America, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. ii (1), n. spp. TrOGOSITIDjE. [Cf. Casey (122), Leveill^ (484, 485).] Acrops gambeyi, Cochin China, L^veille, p. cvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. 118 Ins. COLEOPTERA, V Lycoptis , n. g., p. 311 (where it is placed in Oolydiidce , but at page 494 is transferred to Trogositidce ), for L, villosa , n. sp., S, Carolina, p. 312 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Serrotibia , r/. Colydiidce. A Temnochilodes , n. g. for I*, dugesi , n. sp., Mexico ; L^veill^, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clxxxiii. Thymalus fulgidus , larva described ; Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. vi, p. 57. C/OLYDIID2E. [Gf. Bedel (41), Casey (122), Reitter (652).] Agelandia merlcliana , Constantinople, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 210, n. sp. Cerylon californicum , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ao. v, p. 316, n. sp. Lasconotus pertenuis, p. 313, nucleatus, p. 314, apicalis , California, con- cavus , New Mexico, p. 315, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. ^Megataphrus, n. g., forming a new subfamily, Megataphrini , p. 309, for M. tenuicornis, n. sp., California, p. 310 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Orthocerus ( Sarrotrium ) f unicornis , Oran, Bedel, p. cxxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Philothermus , Aub6, = ( Ectomicrus , Shp.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z, ix, p. 264. Serrotibia , Reitt., = ( Paralindria , Oil.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 264. CuCUJIDiE. [Of. Casey (122), Grouvelle (326, 329), Guillebeau (333), Reitter (661), Scudder (754).] Classification of the family discussed, Colydiince , Monotomince , Rhysso - dince} Lyctince being included ; Casey, p. 496, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Ilopliota atratay Madagascar, Grouvelle, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xcii, n. sp. Lcemophlceu8 juniperiy larva described ; Grouvelle, p. cxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Narthecius simulator, p. 322, California, breviceps , p. 323, Florida, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. ^ Planismus, n. g., Silvanince, p. 500, for P. floridanus, n. sp., Florida, p. 501, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Silvanus, characters of surinamensis and allies ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent ix, pp. 220-223. S. abeillei , Palestine, Guillebeau, t. c. p. 222 ; S. fauveli , Syria, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 256 : n. spp. Telephanus armatus , Madagascar, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 127, n. sp. CRYPTOPHAGIDiE — PARNIDAC. Ins . 119 CRYPT0PHAGID2E, IiATHRIDUD,®, ThORICTIMJ. [Of. Fleischer (265), Heyden (360), Reitter (648, 652), Wasmann (883).] Oamoscelis fleischeri , Centr. Europe, Reitter, p. 88, Yerh. Yer. Briinu. xxvii, n. sp. Cryptophagus hauseri , Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 358, n. sp. Cartodere elegantula, Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 147, n. sp. Coluocera attce, Kr., notes on habits ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 302. C. ecitonis, Rio de Janeiro, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 302, n. sp. Merophysia striatella , Crimea, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 388, n. sp. Thorictus seriesetosus , habits ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 301. Dermestidjj. [Cf- Gestro (300), Heyden (360).] Antlirenus pulchellus , Aden, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 37, n. sp. Aprogramme ( Megatoma ) maculosa , ? noticed ; Reitter, Wien. ont. Z. ix, p. 15. Byturus , habits ; Thomas, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 310. Dermestes , note on larvae of ; Heller, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 209. Psacus attagenoides , noticed ; Poll, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. xxvii. Telopes duplex , Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 359, n. sp. BYRRHIDJ3. [Cf. Blackburn (64), Halbherr (345), Reitter (648), Scudder (754).] Byrrlius torrensensist S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 138, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, n. sp. Curimus circassicus , Amuco, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 168, n. sp. Syncalypta alpina , Lagarina Yalley, Halbherr (345), n. sp. PARNIDAC. [Cf. Grouvelle (330, 331), Kuwert (466).] Analytical tables of the European P amides ; Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 14, &c. Elmis : distinctive notes for some European species ; Flach, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 214. E. rufiventri8, p. 23, lepidoptcrus} p. 24, E. Europe, Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. 120 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Wien, xl; H. capensis, incerta , georyssoides, Cape Good Hope, Grou- velle, p. ccxii, Bull. Soc. Ent, Fr. 1890 : n. spp, Esolus angustatus and carpetanus, note on ; Flach, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 214. E. nicariaiy Nicaria, carpetanus , Spain, p. 25, czwalincc} Croatia, dossowi, Pyrenees, brevis, Sardinia, politus, Spain, p. 26, huenowl , Hungary, per- parvulus, Spain, p. 27, Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. Lareynia : note on the presumed species ; Flacii, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 215. L. interrupta, S. Europe, longicollis , p. 28, croatica , rioloides , E. Europe, p. 29, syriaca , Syria, p. 30, Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. Limnius formosus, Pyrenees, p. 19, cegyptiaous , Egypt, p. 20, Kuwert, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. Parnoides, n. g., pp. 17 & 53, for P. peotinicomis, n. sp,, Portugal, p. 53 ; Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. Parmis intermedins, S. Europe, Kuwert, p. 39, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl ; P, ovatus, paralleluSy Brazil, Grouvelle, p. cxlvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 : n. spp. Riolus erichsoni, sodalis, nitens, note on characters of ; Flach, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 214. R. seidlitzi , S. France, sauteri , Corsica, steineri , Spain, p. 32, erichsoni , lentzi, mulsanti, Centr. Europe, p. 33, Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. Stenelmis apfelbeki , Bosnia, Kuwert, p. 36, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n; sp. Heterocerim). [Cf. Horn (376), Kuwert (467).] Heterocerus : monograph of the N. American species ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 1. Table of the European and Mediterranean species of Heterocerus ; Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 517-548. Heterocerus dentifasciatusy Spain, &c., damryi , Corsica, p. 542, hey deni, Turkestan, apfelbeki , Dalmatia, p. 543, Kuwert, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl ; H. gemmatus , p. 9, schwarzi, p. 11, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc.1 xvii : nf spp. ^ Taenheterocerus, n. subg:, p. 528, for many species of Heterocerus , including the following new spp. : nebulosus , Turkestan, suloatus , p. 544, mendax, coxcepilus , Spain, panormitanus , Sicily, p. 545, ragusce , Sicily, britannicuSy Britain, p. 546, similis , Croatia, siculus, Sicily, p. 547, oblongulusy Croatia, p. 548, Kuwert, Yerji. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. LucANinas. [Cf. Duvivier (201), Waterhouse (888).] jEgus rcepstorffiy Andaman Is., curtisii, Sumatra, p. 36, parry i, Borneo, p. 37, woodfordiy Solomon Is., p. 38, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v , n. spp. LUCAN ID.® — SCARAB® ID®. Ins . 121 Dorcus parallelopipedus, larva and pupa ; Planet, Le. Nat. xii. p. 156. Eurytrachelus elaphus , Herbst, synonymy and habitat ; Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 28. Lucanus elaphus , Herbst, synonymical note ; Albers, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 88. Lucanus laminifer , Assam, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 33, figured, Aid, pi. clxxxvi, figs. 4 & 5, n. sp. Metopodontus occipitalis and asteriscus distinguished ; Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p, 35. M. rcepstorjji , Andaman Is., Waterhouse, l. c., n. sp. Nigidius albersi , Congo, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xixiv, p. 6 ; N. divergens , Lake Nyassa, p. 38, welwitschii, Angola, p. 39, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v : n. spp. Odontolabis loiuei , priodont form, sommeri , teledont form, noticed ; Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 159 & 160. Prosopoccelus hanningtoni , E. Africa, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 34, n. sp. Passalid®. \_Cf. Kuwert (465).] Passalidce : Kaup’s classification discussed ; Kuwert, Soc. Ent. v, p. 1. Oiceronius paucipundus, p. 101, schrcederi , p. 102, Madagascar, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. Erionomus studti , Madagascar, Kuwert, p. 103, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. sp. Passalus Stanley i, Congo, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 99, n. sp. Paxilloides , n. g., p. 97, for P. schmidti , p. 97, philippinensis , p, 98, Philippines, n. spp. ; Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. 1890. Veturius sinuatocollis, Costa Rica, p. 99, similior , S. America, p. 100, pumilio , Brazil, p. 102, gabonis , Africa, p. 103, Kuwert, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. Scarab® id®. [ Cf . Apfelbeck (10), Bates (31, 32), Bergsoe (48), Blackburn (58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66), Bos (75), Brenske (85, 86, 87), Fair- maire (238), Frivaldszky (285), Heyden (358, 360), Jakowleff (402, 404), Kraatz (445), Nevinson (564), Nonfried (570, 571, 572), Olliff (580), Reitter (644, 647, 648, 650, 651, 653, 654, 655, 657, 663, 664), Riley (694), Rivers (703), Schonfeldt (749), Scudder (754), Semenow (770, 771), Sharp (781), Waterhouse (890, 891, 893), and Cetoniini , p. 126.] Goprini and Glaphyrini. Abrognathus , n. subg. of Lethrus, for L. tuber culifrons, Ball. ; Jakow- leff, p. 563, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Ammoecius elevatusf metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 61. Aphengium seminudum , Bates, referred to Bdelyrus , Waterhouse, p. 379, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. 122 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Amphicoma : tabulation of the species, with a large number of new named varieties ; Reitter (647). A. diadema, Amasia, p. 58, pulchra, dilutipennis , p. 62, hybrida , p. 64, Syria and Asia Minor, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n.spp. Aphodius bispinifrons , Armenia, &c. ; Reitter, p. 103, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii ; A. harpagonis , Syria, p. 147, planicollis , Caucasus, p. 390, id ., Deutsche e. Z. 1890 : n. spp. Bolboceras richardsce , S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 159, n. sp. Coptodactyla baileyi , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 1251, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2), iv, n. sp. Geotrupes ( Phelotrupes ) corrugatus , N. China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 198 ; G. ( Thorectes ) brancsiki , Bosnia, Apfelbeck, Soc. Ent. iv, p. 167 : n. spp. Glaphyrus turkestanicus , Turkestan, Semenow, p. 196, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Gymnopleurus calcar , celebicus , dubius , note on ; Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 410. (r. ccerulescens , n. var. centralis ; Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 482. G. plicatulus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 547, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x; G. thelwalli , Lake Nyassa, p. 367, bocandei , Senegambia, p. 368, signaticollis , Nubia, reichei, Abyssinia, p. 369, jacksoni , E. Africa, delagorguei , Port Natal, p. 370, inconspicuuSj p. 371, subtilis , E. India, diffinis, Senegam- bia, p. 372, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v ; G. Jiomei , India, Zam, Corea, p. 410, assamensis, India, brahminus} China, p. 411, Water- house, t. c. : n. spp. ' Heteroplistodus, n. subg. of Lethrus , for L. (5r.) furcatus , n. sp., Turkestan ; Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Lethru8} cf. also A brognathus and Heteroplistodus. L. cicatricosus , Askhabad, Reitter, p. 104, Yerh. Ver. Briinn. xxvii ; L. conformis , N. China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 199 ; L. bispinus , Turkestan, p. 259, potanini , Mongolia ? p. 261, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; L. elephas , Turkey, p. 290, persicus , Astrabad, p. 291, schaumii, Roumelia, raymgndi, Asia Minor, p. 293, tenuidenst Turkestan, p. 294, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 : n. spp. , Megathopa virens , Har., var. ? described ; Waterhouse, p. 412, Ann. N. H. (6) v. M. cupreicolliSf Peru, p. 412, ceneicollis , Brazil, p. 413, Waterhouse, t. c., n. spp. Onthophagus tripolitanus , Tripolis, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 72 ; O. lineatus , pseudo-caccobiusf Askhabad, Reitter, p. 102, Yerh. Yer. Briinn. xxvii : n. spp. Pedaria nigra} cylindrical notes on ; Waterhouse, p. 377, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. P. tuberculigera , Senegambia, p. 374, taylori , Mombas, p. 375 , jacksoni, Arusha, p. 37 6, criberrima, Old Calabar, p. 377, alternans , puncticollisf S. Africa, p. 378, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, n. spp. SCARAB iEIDiE. Ins . 123 Phanceus ebeninus , French Guiana, Nevinson, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 315, n. sp. Pleocoma behrensiiy habits, Rivers, Zoe, i, p. 24, and Ent. Am. vi, p. 70. Rhyssemus geminatus , Turkestan, meridionalis , S. Europe, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 391, n. spp. Scarabceus reichei , Cape Good Hope, p. 365, anderseni , Lake Nyassa, wilsoni , Persia, p. 366, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spp. Sebasteos poggeiy Congo, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 367, n. sp. Thorectes fausti , Astrabad, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 193, n. sp. Uroxys rodriguezi , Borre, referred to Chceridium ; Waterhouse, p. 380, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Melolonthini and Euchirini. Amphimallus assimilis , varieties noticed; Brenske, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 13. Ancistrosoma vittigerum , Er., and flavovittatum , Bl., distinctive charac- ters ; Brenske, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 138. A. baui , Nicaragua, Nonfried, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 76 (c/. Brenske, t. c. p. 137), n. sp. ^ Anodontonyx, n. g., near Scitala, for A. vigilans , p. 302, harti , p. 303, n. spp., Australia ; Sharp, Ins. Life, ii. Anoxia detrita , Fairm., referred to Cyphonotus ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 100. A. scutellaris , var. tunisia , is not detrita , Fairm. ; Brenske, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 137. Table of characters of the species ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 105 & 173. A. meridionalis , S. Europe, p. 105, maculiventris , Syria, p. 106, pasiphaet Crete, p. 107, suturalis , p. 174, hirta , p. 175, Greece, hraatziy Asia Minor, p. 175, Reitter, Z. c., n. spp. Apogonia punctata , indica , India, destructor , Java, p. 336 (metamor- phoses of latter, pis. xiii & xiv), Bos, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. Ceraspis ruhli , hleinei , Ecuador, Brenske, Soc. Ent. v, p. 34, n. spp. Clavipalpus blanchardi , note on antennoo of ; Heller, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 204. Colpochila , revision of ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 517, &c. C. fortis, p. 522, carinata , laminata , p. 523, dubia , p. 524, p. 525, punctiventris , p. 526, solida , p. 527, bicolor , p. 528, deceptor , p. 529, chella, p. 530, funerea , sinuaticollis , p. 531, pygmcea , p. 533, fraterna , p. 536, gracilis , p. 537, setosa, gibbosicollis , p. 538, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Cyphonotus = ( Microphylla , Kr.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 265. Euchirides : notes on the group ; Poll, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. cxvi- cxx. Eucheirus parryi , var. noticed ; Bates, Ent. xxiii, p. 244. JEuranoxia, n. g., near Aw figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pL clxxxv, fig. 8. Taurhina niveus , n. var. cyanescens , Kraatz* Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 218. T. dannfelti) Congo, Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p, 204, n. sp. Trichius , characters for distinction of the European species, separating abdominalis , Men., from gallicus , Heer ; Reitter, Wein. ent. Z. ix, p. 144. Tropinota turanicai spinifrons , Turkestan, ReittEr, p. 107, Yerh. Ver. .Briinn. xxvii, n. spp. Valgus modiglianiiy Sumatra, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 98, n. sp. Xenoloba speciosa , figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi* clxxxv, fig. 7. . Buprestimr [Cf. Bedel (41), Blackburn (60, 61, 62, 66), Duvivier (200), Fair- maire (238), Ganglbauer (297), Kerremans (419, 420, 421, 422), Quedenfeldt (624), Reitter (652, 657, 668, 669), Richter (684) Scudder (754), Semenow (770), Waterhouse (889, 894).] BUPRESTID2E. Ins. 129 Acmceodera : table of characters of Palmarctic species j Reitter, Ent* Nachr. xvi, pp. 337-347. A. irrorata , Kulek, p. 33B, rufo-guttata, N. Persia, biseriata) Taurus, p. 340, lateralis , Marocco, cuprinuta , Turcomania, p. 341 , pellitula) Araxes Valley, circassica , Circassia, p. 342, adamantina , Turcomania, p. 343, cyaniventris , subcyaneai p. 344, fulvinceva , p* 345, Araxes Valley, rejleod- angula , Syria, re/leximargoi Crimea, p. 346, Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xvi, n. spp. Actenodes schmidti , E. Africa, QUedeNfelDT, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 135, n. sp. Agrilus ti'ansversesulcatus. Tiflis, RFitter, Wien* ent. Z. ix, p. 195 ; A* nubeculosus , Obock, FaiRmaire, p. 548, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; A. smaragdifrons, p* 29, bidentulus , plagiatus , p. 31, cerosus , p. 33, Kanssu, gracilicornis , Sze-tschuan, p. 35, Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent* Ross* xxiv : n. spp. Anthaxia edithce , Ordubad, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 194 ; At pota* nina , Sze-tschuan, GanglbaueR, p. 23, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Aphanisticus Jcrugeri, Rits., larva noticed; RitsEma, Tijdschr* Ent* xxxiii, p. xxii. Astrceus meyricki , W. Australia, p* 1256, major , p. 1257, teppeti , p. 1258, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn* Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Belionota nigrocingulata , Borneo, Kerremans, p. cxxxv, C.R. Ent* Belg* 1890, n. sp. Callopistus quedenfeldti, Malay Archipelago, Richter, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 133, n* sp. Chalcophora superba and other species, habits in Queensland ; Barnard, Ent. xxiii, pp. 179-181. Ctjaponica n. var. oshimana ; SchonFeLdt, Ent, Nachr. xvi, p. 172. G. pedifera , Queensland, Blackburn, P* Linn. Soc. N*S*W. (2) v, p. 307, n* sp. Chrysobothrides, notes on the composition of the genera of ; Kerre- mans, C.R* Ent, Belg. 1890, p. cxxxiii, &c* Ghrysochroa buguetif variety described ; Kerremans, p. cci, C.R* Ent* Belg. 1890. C. waterhousei , E* India, Kerremans, l. c. ; C. holstii) Bonin Is., Water- house, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p* 169 ; n. spp. Chrysodema viridi-impressa , Borneo, Richter, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 134, n. sp. Cisseis adspersat E. India, Kerremans, p. cciv, C.R, Ent* Belg* 1890, n. sp* Corcebus gentilis , E, India, Kerremans, p, ccv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; Ct aculcatus) Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 24, Hor* Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. (Melibceus) reitteri) Transcaspian region, Semenow, p* 212, Hor. Ent. Ross* xxiv ; n* spp. Cryptodactylus nigricarts , E. India, Kerremans, p. ccvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp* Cylindromorphus spinipennis) Oran, Bedel, p. cxxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. 1890. [vol* xxvii.] f 9 130 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Discoderes pulchellus, Cast., referred to Cryptodcictylus ; Kerremans, p. ccvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. D. proximus, E. India, Kerremans, p. ccvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Melobasis , synonymical notes ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 146. M. thomsoni = ( purpureosignata, Th.), Australia, Blackburn, l. c., n. sp. Neocuris viridiaurea , varietal note, Blackburn, p. 152, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Pslloptera kassaiensis , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, fully described Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 16, n. sp. ^ Pseudactenodes, n. g. ( Chrysobothrides ), for P. iris, n. sp., E. Africa; Kerremans, p. cxxxvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Pseudactenodes (sub Actenodes) smithi , Qued., = (iris, Ker.) ; Kerre- mans, p. clxviii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Sambus kanssuensis, Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 27, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Sphenoptera : table of the characters of the trispinous Palaearctic species ; Reitter (668). S.artemisice , n. var. molitor ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 170. Sphenoptera prosternalis, Caucasus, walteri, Turcomania, p. 279, sancta, p. 280, hispidula, Ordubad, astrachanica , Astrachan, p. 281, araxidis , Ordubad, p. 282, Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xvi ; S. cupriventris, cyaniceps, E. India, Kerremans, p. cciii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Sternocera chrysis, n. var. singularis, Kerremans, C.R. Ent. Belg. p. xix. Stigmodera parryi, Hope, = ( fusca. , Saund.), p. xli, andersoni , n. vars. terminalis , inermis , p. xlv ; Kerremans, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. S. picea, W. Australia, p. xl, fallaciosa, Victoria, p. xli, tasmanica , Tas- mania, fascigera, p. xlii, laportei (= castelnaudi, Thoms., nec Saund.), p. xlii, trispinosa , sigma, p. xliii, cordifer , obsepta , colligens, p. xliv, apicalis , litigiosa, p. xlv, fraterna (= distinguenda, Thoms., nec Saund.), rubro - cincta, p. xlvi, alacris, atroccendea, p. xlvii, disjecta, ccelestis , nanula, Australia, Kerremans, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890; S. prcecellens, N. S. Wales, id. t.c. p. cxl ; S. kerremansi, = {apicalis, Ker.), p. 147, stil lata, — ( ccelestis , Ker.), marmorea , p. 148, Australia, lcarattce , Kangaroo I., p. 149, jubata , Tasmania, frenchi , p. 150, wimmerce , p. 151, victoriensis, p. 152, Victoria, eremita , W. Australia, p. 153, pallidipennis , S. Australia, p. 154, daw - soniensis, p. 156, guttaticollis , Queensland, cincta , = ( rubrocincta , Ker.), Australia, p. 157, guttata , S. Australia, p. 158, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii : n. spp. Thrincopyge marginata, Mexico, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 218, n. sp. Toxoscelus purpureomicans, E. India, Kerremans, p. ccv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Trachys Jccenigi, Circassia, splendidula , Ordubad, Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 146 ; T. apicata , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcv, C.R. Ent. Belg. BUPRESTIDiE — EUCNEMEM3, Ins. 131 1890, fully described Ami. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 17 ; T. ( Habroloma ) aurea, Transcaspian region, SemEnoW, p. 212, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; T. liliputana , ceneocupra, bicolor , p. ccviii, nigricans , p. ccix, E. India, Kerremans, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Trypanidius flohri, Mexico, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 219, n. sp. Throscjd.®. [Cf. Horn (317).] ^ Aulonothroscus, n. g., p. 208, for a part of Throscus, and for A. gradatus , fraternus , n. spp., Guatemala, p. 209 ; Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Drapetes niger , Bony., figured, pi. X, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). D. aterrimus, Nicaragua, p. 200, cingulatus , Panama, pi. x, fig. 4, semi - cinctus, Mexico, p. 202, tccniolatus , Panama, pi. x, fig. 5, quadrimaculatus , Centr. America, quadrinotatus , Brit. Honduras, p. 204, punctulatus, Panama, fig. 3, marginicollis , GuaterUala, p. 205, hcemorrhoidalis, Panama, pi. x, fig. 2, ovalisy Centr. America, pusillus , Guatemala, p. 206, Horn, t. c.y n. spp. Lissomus ti'apezoideusy Guatemala, pi. X, fig. 7, pilarius , fig. 6, p. 196, inopinatusy p. 197, Centr. America, Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. Throscus auciusy p. 207, trivialisy p. 208, Panama, Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. EuCNEMIDiE. \Cf. Horn (317).] The genera of Central America tabulated ; Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), pp. 210-213. , ^ AdelorhaguSy n. g., near Microrhagus, p. 264, for A. lateralis , n. sp., Panama, pi. x, fig. 24, p. 255 ; Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Adelothyreus comes , Centr. America, Horn, p. 254, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Ctadus maxillaris , maxilla described and figured ; Horn, pp. 231 & 232, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Diapodius bicolory Nicaragua, Horn, p. 244, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. vDiphytaxis , n. g., near j Fornax, p. 239, for D. excavata, n. sp., Guate- mala, pi. x, fig. 18, p. 240 ; Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Dromceolus variegatus, Bony., figured, pi. x, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). D. mcerens, Panama, senilis , Guatemala, p. 219, properue , Panama, ornatulus, Nicaragua, pi. x, fig. 11, p. 220, tripartitus , Guatemala, fig. 12, pusio , p. 221, suturalis, vanus, p. 222, Mexico, tetricus, Guatemala, p. 223, Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. COLEOPTERA. 132 Ins. ^Dyscolotaxia, n. g., near Fornax , p. 238, for D. championi , n. sp., Panama, pi. x, fig. 17, p. 239 ; Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). v Fmathion intrusus , Nicaragua, Horn, p. 241, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Entomophthalmus asper , Panama, Horn, p. 246, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. jEurachis , n. g., p. 224, for E. elegans , n. sp., Nicaragua, pi. x, fig. 14, p. 225 ; Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Gastraulacus cavifrons, Nicaragua, Horn, p. 215, pi. x, fig. 9, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Farsus oblitus , Centr. America, Horn, p. 253, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Fornax atripennis, Guatemala, pi. x, fig. 15, p. 227, castaneipennist p. 228, sceleratus , Panama, truncatus, Nicaragua, fig. 16, p. 229, adjectus , carinifrons , Centr. America, p. 230, insitus, Panama, p. 231, Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. * Henecosoma, n. g. (near Hypoccelus ), for H. discicolle, n. sp., Centr. America, pi. x, fig. 20 ; Horn, p. 240, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Idiotarsus estriatus, Nicaragua, Horn, p. 215, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Isorhipis vagans, Guatemala, holosericea, Panama, pi. x, fig. 8, Horn, p. 214, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. Microrhagus sepositus, repandus , p. 248, intrusus, frcenatus, pi. x, fig. 22, rujiceps , p. 249, marcidus, protractus, maculicollis , p. 250, elatus, insidiosus, pi. x, fig. 23, p. 251, thoracicus , p. 252, Centr. America, Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. 4 Phcenobolus , n. g. (near Anabolus ), for P. bicolor , n. sp., Centr. America, pi. x, fig. 13 ; Horn, p. 224, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Phlegon viduus, Centr. America, Horn, p. 244, pi. x, fig. 21, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Plesiofornax pectoralis, Panama, p. 234, paganus, Guatemala, longi- cornis, p. 235, inutilis, glandifer, opaculus, p. 236, imperitus, badius , Panama, elongatus, p. 237, puellus, p. 238, Guatemala, Horn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. spp. Pcscilochrus fr actus , Nicaragua, Horn, p. 216, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. Stethon eirans , Horn, referred to Pcecilochrus ; Horn, p. 216, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1). Thylacosternus donatus, Mexico, Horn, p. 257, pi. x, fig. 25, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. / Trigonopleurus alienus, Panama, Horn, p. 243, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iii (1), n. sp. ELATERID2E. [Of. Blackburn (60, 62, 63, 65), Buysson (104), Candeze (113, 114, 115, 116), Dumont (194, 195), Reitter (648, 665, 666, 667), Scudder (754), W ielowiejski (917).] fJLATERIDAl. Ins . 133 Adiaphorus punctatus, E. India, Dumont, p. clxxxv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Agonischius finitimus , cardoni , E. India, Candeze, p. clvi, CJ.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. Agriotes desbrochersi, Algeria, Buysson, p. clvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; A. Icoltzei , East Siberia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 147 : n. spp. Agrgpnus murinus , larvae in stomach of a child ; Sandberg (719). A. renardi, E. India, Candeze, p. cxlviii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Alaus platteeuwi, Borneo, p. lxxvi, cardoni , E. India, p. cl, Candeze, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890; A. darwini, Australia, Blackburn, p. 1259, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2), iv : n. spp. Aphanobius longithoraxf Wied., = ( cylindricus , Cand.) ; Candeze, p. civ, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Athous 8piniger) Cand., = ( Harminius castaneus, Fairm.) ; Buysson, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxi. A. circumductus , Men., = ( aelphinus , Reiche, and $ lavergnei , Reiche), vittatus var. impallens = ( murinus , Reiche), brevicornis, Desb., = ( corsicus , Reiche), agnatus , Reiche, = (fallax, $ , Desbr.), castanescens var. == ( peragalloi , Reiche) ; Buysson, pp. cl xxi & clxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. A. transcaucasicus , Stierl., referred to Megapenthes ; Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 247. A. dasycerus, Turkey, Buysson, p. clvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; A. gigas , Montenegro, Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 249 ; A. filicollis , Odessa, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 147 ; A. menetriesi , p. 243 ,fausti, nigri- tulus , p. 244, vulpeculus , marginicollis, p. 245, daghestanicus , utschdercnsis , p. 246, mingrelicus , p. 247, Caucasus, Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xvi : n. spp. Cardiophorus hcematomus, n. var. tunisius ; Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 73. C. umbraculatus , rubicundus , p. cliii, madidus, anceps, p. cliv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. Chalcolepidius pistorius , Honduras, Candeze, p. clxxxv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Corymbites monticola , Horn, = {gracilis, Cand.), p, 54, inflatus , Say, and crassus , are sexes of one species, p. 55 ; Horn, Ent. News, i. C. nigricornis , Panz., varietal note ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 237. Diacanthus sphcerothorax , Germany, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 265, h. sp. Dicrony chus candezei , Soudan, Dumont, p. cxli,C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. E later pomonas n. var. gerardi, Candeze, p. cxx, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. 'J Elathous , n. g., near Athous , p. 247, for E. buyssoni , Ordubad, candezei , Crimea, p. 248, n. spp. ; Reitter, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Heteroderes spinosus, E. India, Candeze, p. cli, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. ^ Homceolacon , n. g., near Lacon, p. 90, for El. gracilis , n. sp., Australia, p. 91 ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii. Lacon variatus , melancholicus , p. cxlviii, lustratus , p. cxlix, succinctus, p. cl, E. India, Candeze, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. 134‘ Ins . OOLEOPTERA. Macromalocera affirm, p. 562, si'nuaticollis , p. 563, Australia, Black- burn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Megapenthes limbalis is $ granulosus , of one species ; Horn, p. 55, Ent. News, i. M. mcestus , E. India, Candeze, p. clii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Melanotus rufipes, larva ; Planet, Le Nat. xii, p. 74. Melanoxanthus nigrosignatus , Java, Candeze, p. 246, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii ; M. dorsatus , oarbunculus , E. India, Candeze, p. clii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. MonocrepkUus,angu8tipes} W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 561, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Pristilophu8 , note on, treating it as a valid genus ; Candeze, p. civ, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. ^ Pseudolacon , n. g., near Lacon, p. 89, for P. rufus , n. sp., N.W. Australia, p. 90 ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii. Sericosomu8 incongruus, Lee., = ( Serious behrensi , Cand.) ; Horn, p. 54, Ent. News, i. Tetralobus fortnumi and manglesi , Hope, characters of ; Blackburn, p. 139, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii. T. thoracicus , W. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 309, n. sp. RHIPIDOCERID2E, Dascilliix®. [Cf. Bourgeois (77).] Callirhipis marmorea , $ described ; Bourgeois, p. 161, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Scirtes bicolor , fossulifer , p. 162, albomaculatus , cassidioides , p. 163, Indo-Chinese Penins., Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Malacodermata. [Cf. Abeille (1, 2, 3), Bourgeois (76, 77), Gorham (318), Heyden (358, 360), Olliff (579), Reitter (644, 648, 657), Rousseau (713), Weise (904).] Monograph of the Malachides of Europe and the Mediterranean, with an account of structure, distribution, habits, metamorphosis, and new classification ; Abeille (2). Tables of the genera and species of Malacodermidce of Belgium ; Rous- seau, Ann. Ent. Belg, xxxiv, pp, 136-182. Anihocomus apalochroides , Astrabad, Abeille, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 89 ; A . pupillatus, Syria, dux , Afghanistan, Abeille, Rev. d’Erit. ix, p. 44 : n. spp. Apalochrus flavioornis, Utskamenogorsk, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 50, n. sp. / Atele8todes} n. subg, of Atelestus ; Abeille, p. 207, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. MALACODERMATA. Ins. 135 Attains uniformis , p. 567, reitteri, p. 582, Morocco, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; A. ( Mixis ) argus , p. 51, eros, adonis , histrio , p. 52, narcissus , cupido , apollo , p. 53, .4. grandis, p. 54, Abyssinia, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix ; A. erinaceus , Astrabad, p. 45, lutatus, Egypt, p. 46, Abeille, £. c. : n. spp. 'i A typhella, n. g. ( Lampyrince ), p. 645, for A. lychnus , p. 647, scintillans , p. 650 ,Jlammans, p. 651, n. spp., Australia ; Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv : c/1. also £. c. p. 1298, for description of female. Axinotarsus violaceus , Marocco, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 44, n. sp. 4 Brachemys , n. n., provisionally suggested to replace Atelestus , Er. ; Abeille, p. 206, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. i ICallotrauglops , n. g., for a part of Troglops , auct. ; Abeille, p. 220, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Calochromus chalybeus, N. Guinea, p. 288, fig. 1, ornaticollis , p. 291, 8umatrcnsis , p. 292, Sumatra, Bourgeois, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. • Cantharis martini , Cambodia, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 173, n. sp. Carphurus homalioides, Cambodia, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 175, n. sp. Cephaloncus, West., = ( Embrocerus , Peyr.) ; Abeille, p. 210, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Colotes uhagoni, Badajoz, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 49 ; C. ance'yiy simius, Abyssinia, Abeille, t. c. p. 54 : n. spp. Cyrtosus ( Malachius ) schneiderit reitteri , Caucasus, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. p. 35, n. spp. Danacacea retowskii , Crimea, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 195, n. sp. Dasytes obscurus, metamorphoses; Xambeu, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 271. Dasytiscus longipilis , pilipes , Transcaspian region, Reitter, p. Ill, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii ; D. hauseri , p. 360, analis, p. 361, Turkestan, id., Deutsche e. Z. 1890 : n. spp. Diaphanes planus, E. India, Gorham, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 547, n. sp. Ebceus basipes , Turcomania, Abeille, p. 383, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; E. tripictus , Kischlak, p. 47, luctuosus , Caucasus, senaci , Turkey, p. 48, id ., Rev. d’Ent. ix : n. spp. Haplocnemus russicus , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 148, n. sp. lydaspes, n. g., p. 171, near Selasia , for H. fairmairei , n. sp., Cochin China, p. 172 ; Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Hypebceus gestroi , Persia sep., Abeille, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 90, n. sp. Laius fasciatus , Cambodia, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 174 ; L. ? aurantiacus , Abyssinia, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 55 n. spp. Lampyris olivieriana , Turkestan, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 359, n. sp. Luoiola timida , sexes described ; Bourgeois, p. 169, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. 136 Ins. COLBOPTERA. L. brahmina , p. 169, delauneyi , p. 170, Cochin China, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; L . pudica , Queensland, Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 652 : n. spp. Lycus ( Lycostomus ) longicollis , p. 164, conf rater , perraudieri , p. 165, Cochin China, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Lyponia waterhousei, E. India, Gorham, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 543, n. sp. Malachius abdominalis, Fab., = ( marginicollis , Luc.) ; Bedel, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p, lxxxii, M. bipustulatusi larva figured ; Andr£, Le Nat. xii, p. 31. M. marginellus, pupa described, p, 199, figured, pi. iv, fig. 1 ; Ciiobaut, Ann, Soc. Ent, Fr. (6) x. M. versicolor , n. var. viridi- basis; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 172. M. turanicus , p. 109, rubromarginatus, p. 110, Turkestan, Reitter, Verb. Ver. Briinn, xxvii ; M. cervioomis, truncaticornis , Syria, p. 36, basalis, Caucasus, p. 37, dama , Smyrna, p. 38, turcmenicus, Turcomania, p. 39, rubromarginatus , Turkestan, oxysf Asia Minor, p. 40, illusus , Adalia, p. 41, ibex, Transcaucasus, elaphusy Greeoe, p, 42, melanorhynchus , Caucasus, p. 43, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix : n. spp. Malthodes liegelif Klagenfurt, Weise, Deutsohe e. Z. 1890, p. 348, n. sp. Melyris ruficrusy Fairm., = ( amalice , Heyd.) ; Heyden, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 7. ^ Microjulist us, n. g., near Dasytisous, p, 111, for M. fulvus, n. sp., Tur- kestan, p. 112 ; Reitter, Verh. Ver, Briinn, xxvii. Napachys multicolory Turcomania, Reitter, p, 109, Verh. Ver. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Pelochrus scutellariSy Algeria, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 46, n. sp. Plateros fuscicomis, Andaman Is., Goriiam, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 544, n. sp. Prionocerus cceruleipennis = ( forticornis, brevicornis, Schf.), sexual characters ; Bourgeois, p. 176, Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. (6) x. Pyractomena borealis, light of ; Cockerell, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1888- 1889, p. 132. Silis Jlssangula, Cochin China, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 173, n, sp. Troglops canaliculatus , Algeria, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. lx, p. 49, n. sp. Zygia reitteri, Tripolis, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 73, n. sp. Clerid^e. [ Gf, : Blackburn (66), Fairm aire (239).] Notes on the habits of many N. American species ; Chittenden, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 154 & 155. Natalis hirta , W. Australia, p. 122, spinicornis, S. Australia, lugubriSy p. 123, constricta , Centr. Australia, inconspicua , p. 124, fasciatay p. 125, longicollis , p. 126, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, n. spp. CLERIDJE — TENEBRIONIMG. Ins. 137 Stenocylidvus dispart Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. ccii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Trichodes apiariuSt habits ; Boise, Bull. Soc. Eat. Fr. (6) x, p. xxxv. Bostrychid^i, Ptinid^ Cioid^. [Cf. Bedel (41), Blackburn (60), Casey (122), Reitter (644, 648, 657).] Apate lindi , Port Lincoln, Blackburn, p. 1263, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Cioidce , systematic position of discussed ; Casey, p. 498, Ann. N. York Ac. y. Lyctus, systematic position discussed ; Casey, p. 495, Ann. N. York Ac. v : tabulation of the N. American species ; id. t. c. p. 324. Rhizoperta dilatata , Turkestan, Reitter, p. 112, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Lasioderma serricornet habits noticed ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 225. Ochina ( Cittobium ) numidica , Algeria, Bedel, p. cxxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Pseudoptinus niJdtanus, characters of ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 15. P. austriacus, Yienna, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 391, n. sp. Ptinodcs cristatus, California, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 323, n. sp. Xestobium austriacumt Lunz, p. 392, circassicumy Utsch-Der6, p. 393, nitida, Crete, antennalis , caucasica , Araxes Valley, p. 394, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. Xyletinus flavipes n. var. fulvicollisy Ordubad ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 196. Xylopertha mystica , p. 1264, vidua , p. 1265, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Tenebrionid;e. [Cf. Blackburn (60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65), Casey (122), Champion (123), Dohrn (179), Fairmaire (238), Frivaldszky (285), Gestro (300), Heyden (358, 360, 361), Horn (380), Mayet (519), Quedenfeldt (626, 628), Reitter (644, 648), Rey (680), Semenow (770), Wickham (916).] The habits and localities of many N. American species; Wickham (916). Adelium occidentale , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 574, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Adelostoma (jrandicolhy Camaran Is., Fairmaire, p. 554, Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Adelphinus, Fairm., position and characters noticed ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 150. A . ordubadensis, with var. fulvo-vittatus, Araxes Valley, Reitter, l. c.f n. sp. Aids schweinfurthiy Egypt, Quedenfeldt, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 139 ; A. 138 Ins. COLEOPTERA. ( Solskia ) grombczewskii , Kundshut, Semenow, p. 221, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Amarygmus tardus, p. 1271, uniformis , p. 1272, Queensland, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Anatolica planata , p. 203, polita, gravidula , p. 204, loczyi , suavis , p. 205, N. China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, n. spp. Aphanotus parallel us, Arizona, Casey, p. 483, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. sp. Arceoschizus , characters of the species ; Horn, pp. 340-343, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. A. fimbriatus, Arizona, simplex , Texas, p. 369, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v ; A. decipiens, Arizona, Horn, p. 342, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Argoporis alutacea , Arizona, nitida , Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 406, n. spp. J Argyrophana, n. g., near Platyope , Pimeliidarum , p. 222, for A. deserti , n. sp., Transcaspian region, p. 224; Semenow, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Arthrodeis lateripunctatus , Camaran Is., Fairmaire, p. 553, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Asida nigroopaca , Tripolis, Quedenfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 64 ; A. angustula , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 370 : n. spp. Asphena, n. g., Epitragides , for A. komarowi , n. sp., Transcaspian region ; Semenow, p. 218, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Asphena , Sem., merged in Sphenaria ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 15. Blapstini , tabulation of the genera of ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 409. Blapstinus , monograph of the N. American species ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, pp. 416-462. Br sordidus , Lee., referred to Trichoton and redescribed ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 410. B. alutaceus = ( opacus , Lee.), p. 423, dispar , p. 424, Florida, fuscus , Texas, p. 427, validus , California, p. 429, sonorce , Mexico, p. 431, castaneus, Texas, p. 432, histricus , California, p. 433, oregonensis, p. 435, m#er, p. 436, cribricollis, p. 437, Arizona, fuliginosus , p. 438, rufipes , p. 439, California, crassicornis, Nevada, p. 440, elongatus , California, p. 441, gregalis , Colo- rado, p. 442, lepidus , Texas, p. 444, cequalia , p. 445, funebris , p. 446, parallelus , p. 448, inquisitus , p. 449, California, intermixtus , Arizona, p. 451, brunneus , Texas, p. 453, hesperius , Oregon, p. 454, hospes , Wyo- ming, p. 455, arenarius, p. 457, debilis , p. 458, Texas, humilis , Florida, p. 459, hydropicus , Arizona, p. 4Q1, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Bolitophagus and allied N. American genera, characters of ; Casey, p. 486, Ann. N. York Ac. v. R. serrifrons , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 172, n. sp. Catomus antonice , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 172, n. sp. Chalcopterus superbus , p. 309, interioris , p. 311, S. Australia, Black- burn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Chilometopon pallidum, Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 367, n. sp. * Colposcythis, n. g., near Colposcelis, p. 113, for C. walteri , n. sp., Turkestan, p. 114 ; Reitter, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii. tenebrionidj:. Ins. 139 v Colpospliena, n. subg. of Sphcnaria ; Semenow, p. 217, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. ^ Conibiosoma, n. g. for Conibius elongatus , Horn ; Casey, p. 476, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Conibius guadalupensis , Guadalupe I., p. 470, uniformis, Arizona, p.‘471, alternatus, p. 473, crassipes, p. 475, California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. \ Coniontellus , n. g. ( Coniontini ), p. 388, for C. inflatus , subglaber , n. spp., N. America, p. 389, and Ooniontis obesus, Lee. ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. Y. Coniontis incequalis , p. 375, punctipes , elongata , p. 380, California, alutacea , Nevada, p. 383, montana, p. 384, pallidicornis , genitiva, p. 385, parallela, p. 386, parviceps , California, setosus , Idaho, p. 387, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Cratidus fuscipilosus} S. California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 407, n. sp. * Cybotus , n. g., for Blapstinus estriatus) Lee. ; Casey, p. 481, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Delognatha insignis , Madagascar, Dohrn, S. E. Z. li, p. 196, n. sp. Diaperis boleti , n. varr. described; Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 78. Dilamus fausti, Askhabad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 150, n. sp. Eleates explanatus , Oregon, Casey, p. 486, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. sp. Eleodes porcatus , Arizona, p. 396, cuneaticollis , p. 397, estriatus, p. 398, tarsalis, California, tenuipes , Texas, p. 399, subcylindricus , Arizona, p. 400, prominens , elegans, p. 401, California, brunnipes , Idaho, p. 402, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Embaphion laminatum , Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 403, n. sp. Emmenastus marginatus} Lower California, p. 351, angustus, Arizona, p. 352, piceus , California, p. 353, discretus , p. 354, conicicollis , p. 355, Arizona, fallax, N. Mexico, p. 361, thoracicus , California, nitidus , Arizona, p. 362, crassicornis, California, p. 363, coarcticollis , New Mexico, p. 364, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Epitragini , notes on classification of ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 328. Epitragus fusi/ormisf Arizona, p. 365, gracilis , Mexico, p. 366, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Eulabis crassicornis , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 404, . n. sp. Eurycalus quedenfeldti , Tripolis, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 75, n. sp. > j Eurymctopon, characters of the N. American specios ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 331-347. E. congener , Texas, p. 333, perforatum , p. 334, fusculutn , p. 335, Arizona, cylindricum , California, p. 337, politum , Texas, p. 338, longipenne , New Mexico, p. 339, histricum, p. 340, muricatulum, p. 341, Arizona, discors) p. 342, Texas, debile , Arizona, p. 343, crassulumf Texas, p. 344, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. 140 Lis. COLBOPTEEA. Eutagenia turcomanica , Tscherwach, Reitter, p. 116, Verh. Ver. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Faustia siningensis , N. China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 210 ; F. seriepunctata , Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 362 : n. spp. Helceus elongatus, Eucla, Blackburn, p. 1267, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Helops striatus , metamorphoses ; Planet, Le Nat. xii, p. 17. H. pyrenceus , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Le Nat. xii, p. 279. H. ovipennis , California, p. 487, guadalupensis , Guadalupe I., p. 488, callosa , New Mexico, p. 489, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Hidrosis elongatula, Tripolis, Quedenfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 63. Hypocilibe and Onosterrhus , characters noticed ; Blackburn, p. 564, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. H. major , p. 565, Iceta, p. 567, rotundata , p. 568, sculpturata, p. 569, lugubris, p. 570, inconspicua, p. 572, Australia, Blackburn, t. c., n. spp. JHypsosoma mongolica , Men., = ( Anatolica extrema , Reitt.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 119. Iphthimus Icevissimus , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 408, n. sp. Lachnogya squamosa, .Men., to be placed near Lichenum ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 100. Lama parvidens , p. 373, horbi , p. 374, Asia Minor, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. Lepispilus rotundicollis, Central Australia, Blackburn, p. 140, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, n. sp. Leptodopsis insignis, Haag, = ( turkestanica , Sem.) ; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 15. L. turkestanica , Mursa-rabat, Semenow, p. 219, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Mecysmus laticollis , p. 463, tenuis , p. 465, parvulus , advena, p. 466, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Micrantereus rugulosus and gerstaeckeri, distinctive characters ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 59. ^ Microblemma, n. g. Tentyriides, near Platamodes , for if. simplex , n. sp., Transcaspian region ; Semenow, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, p. 213. Notibius substriatus , p. 479, laticeps , p. 480, California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Ocnera raddeana , Turkestan, Reitter, p. 116, Verh. Ver. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Oochrotus unicolor, note on ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p.296. Opatrum thalense, Tunis, Mayet, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. civ, n. sp. Fhaleria : characters and synonymy of the European species ; Rey, p. 327, Rev. d’Ent. ix. P. insulana , Corsica, Rey, p. 329, t. c. ; P. gracilipes, Texas, Casey, p. 484, Ann. N. York Ac. v : n. spp. TENEBRIONID,®. Ins. 141 Platydema excavata and parvula , characters of ; Casey, p. 485, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Platyope gobiensis , N. China, Frivaldszky, T^rm. fiizetek, xii, p. 207, n. sp. Prosodes angulata, Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 361 ; P. Jcrei inert, N. China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 206 : n. spp. ^ Pseudoccedius, n. g. near Ccedius , for P. squamosus, n. sp., N. W. Aus- tralia ; Blackburn, p. 91, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii. Pterocoma ganglbaueri , Turkestan, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 362 ; P. vittata , reitteri , p. 208, loczyi, obesa , p. 209, N. China, Fri- valdszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, n. spp. Ptcrohelceus mucus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 1266, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv ; P. gcminatus, S. Australia, id. op. cit. (2) v, p. 153 : n. spp. Saragus rugosus , Boisd., noticed ; Blackburn, p. 1269, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Scleropatrum turanicum , Turcomania, tuberculatum , Thibet, tuberculi- ferum , striatogranulatum , N. China, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 149, n. spp. Sphenaria Icomarowi, rubripes, Turkestan, Reitter, p. 115, Verh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii ; S. tomentosa, obtusa , p. 214, vestita , p. 215, S. ( Colposphena ) breviceps , p. 216, Transcaspian region, Semenow, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. 1 Sterces, n. g., Cnodalonides , p. 640, for S. resplendens , Centr. Africa, pi. lvi, figs. 3 a-c, p. 641, and violaceipennis , p. 640, Lagos, n. spp., Cham- pion, P. Z. S. 1890. 'I Sternoplax, n. subg. of Trigonoscelis , for T. ( S .) szeclienyii , N. China, n. sp. ; Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 207. Slrongylium atroviolaceum , p.641, pi. lvi, fig. 5, auronitens, p. 642, fig. 6, Centr. Africa, Champion, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Styrus clatliratus , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 573, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. TaraxideSf Wat., = ( Discliidus , Kolbe) ; Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 326. T. gibbipenntSj p. 637, pi. lvi, fig. 1, pictus, p. 638, fig. 2, Centr. Africa, Champion, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. ^ Telabis, n. subg. of Eurymetopon ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 330. Tenebrionince (subfam.), the classification of the groups; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, pp. 390-394. ^ Trichosaragus , n. g., ? near Saragus, p. 1270, for T. pilosellus, Yorke Peninsula, n. sp., p. 1271 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Trigonoscelis Jcraatzi , N. China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xii, p. 206, n. sp. Triorophus lecontei , Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, pp. 327 & 502, n. sp. Ulus fimbriatus , p. 413, maritimus , elongatulus , p. 414, Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 414, n. spp. 142 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Xanthothopeia aruwimensis , Centr. Africa, Champion, p. 643, pi. lvi, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Zopherus mexictinus eating through metal ; Roth, Soc. Ent. v, p. 93. Z. induratus , California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. v, p. 367, n. sp. ClSTELIDiE. [Cf. Reitter (646, 662).] Cteniopus persimilis , Ordubad, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 258, n. sp. " Heliosthrcema, n. subg. of Omophlus ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 36. Omophlus, Podonta , and Cteniopus characterized ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 119. Omophlus, tabulation of the species ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 33-52. ^ Omophlina , n. subg. of Omophlus ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 35. Omophlus ( Omophlina ) pubifer, Turkestan, podontoides, Persia, heydeni, Namangan, p.35,0. ( Heliosthrcema ) griseolineatux, Marocco, 0. (Helio- taurus) rufithorax, Andalusia, p. 36, oberthuri , Algeria, goedeli, Syria, p. 38, confusus, Algeria, O. ( Megischia ) curvimanus, Cyprus, p. 40, O. adalice, Asia Minor, p. 41, agrapha , Greece, p. 42, pruinosus, Caucasus, p. 45, tibialis, Syria, obscurus , Araxes Valley, p. 46, latipleuris , Erzeroum, p. 47, basicornis, Syria, p. 48, nasreddini , ganglbaueri , Persia, p. 51, O. ( Heliotaurus ) corallinus , Tripolis, p. 51, gasthrcemoides, quedenfeldti, parvi- collis, Marocco, p. 52,. Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. v Proctenius, n. subg. of Cteniopus, for C. granatensis , Ros. ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 256. J Steneryx , n. g., for Cistela dejeani, Fald. ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 256. Melandryid^e, Lagriid^. \_Cf. Eairmaire (239), Reitter (648).] Eucinetomorphus , Per., = ( Lederia , Reitt.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 102. Eucinetomorphus and Lederia distinguished ; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 211. Lagria melichari , Tyrol, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 173, n. sp. Lagrioida, F. & G., referred to Melandryidce ; Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 121. Lophophyllus rugicollis , Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. cciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. PeDILIDJE, ANTHICIDiE, XyLOPHILIDJE. [Cf. Blackburn (62), Champion (124, 125, 126, 317), Reitter (644, 648).] PEDIUD2E XYL0PHIL1MS. Ins. 143 1 Anaplopus, n. g., Pedilidce, p. 311, for A. tuberculatus, n. sp., N. S. Wales, p. 313 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Anthicus dromedarius, pi. x, fig. 4, quinquemaculatus , fig. 6, concinnus, %• 7, invalidus , fig. 14 (redescribed, p. 235), spinicollis , fig. 17, striato- punctatus , fig. 18, quadriplagiatus , fig. 19, vicinus = ( Icetus , Laf.), fig. 23, quadrilunatus , fig. 25, figured ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). A> turanicus, p. 118, biplicatulus, p. 119, Askhabad,- Reitter, Verh. Ver, Briinn, xxvii ; A. paralleliceps , Ordubad, subcereus, Algeria, p. 151, meloiformis, Marocco, p. 152, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 ; A. bituber - culatus , p. 224, pi. x, fig. 2, clavicornis , fig. 3, p. 225, punctatissimus , septemnotatus , fig. 5, p. 227, pulchellus, fig. 8, p. 229 , foveiventris , fig. 9, crassicornis , p. 230 ,dilatipes, fig. 10, occidentalis, p. 231, aterrimus, p. 232, punctipennis , fig. 11, asphaltinus, fig. 12, p. 233, bactrianus , fig. 13, tumidi- collis, p. 234, concolor, fig. 15, festivus , p. 236, isthmicus, fig. 16, p. 237, varicornis , p. 239, exiguus, fig. 20, dilaticollis , basimacula , fig. 21, pauxil- lusy fig. 22, p. 241, macrocephalus , fig. 24, lutescens , p. 244, lecontei , fig. 26, currax , p. 246, tetrops, fig. 27, minusculus, p. 247, teapensis, fig. 28 ,foederatus, p. 249, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp. Bactrocerus fasciculatus , Guatemala, Champion, p. 194, pi. ix, figs. 5 & 6, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. sp. Eury genius mexicanus, pi. ix, fig. 1, p. 191, lanuginosus, fig. 3, crinitus, p. 192, horridus , uniformis , fig. 4, p. 193, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. spp. Formicomus gracilipes , Centr. America, Champion, p. 220, pi. x, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. sp. t Holcopyge, n. g., Anthicidce , p. 292, for if. pallidicornis , Colombia, p. 292, meridionalis , Caracas, p. 293, n. spp., Champion, Ent. M. M. (2)i- Macratria gigas , Mars., referred to Stereopalpus, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), p. 195, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 189. M. princeps , pi. ix, fig. 7, p. 196, canescens, p. 197, incana, fig. 8, p. 198, tropicalis, p. 199, parallela, fig. 10, nitidiceps, rujifrons , p. 200 , guatemdlena, crassicornis , p. 201, obsoleta , fig. 11, p. 202, nigricornis, fig. 12, p. 203, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. spp. Mecynotarsus sexnotatus, Guatemala, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am, Col. iv (2), p. 215, pi. ix, fig. 25, n. sp. Notoxus bipunctatus, Chev., = ( krugi , Qued.) ; Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 189, and Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), p. 204. N. ruficollis, pi. ix, fig. 13, atripennis, p. 205, impressus, fig. 14, eximius , fig. 15, p. 206, opacus, fig. 16, ventralis , fig. 17, p. 207, fraternus , p. 208, truncatipennis, p. 209, crucifer , fig. 18, acuminatus, fig. 19, p. 210, hirsutus, fig. 20, mexicanus , fig. 22, cristatus, fig. 23, p. 213, pueblensis , fig. 24, p. 214, Centr. America, Champion, t. c., n. spp. Pedilidce treated as a subfamily of Anthicidce ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), p. 190. Scraptia brunnea and dimidiata, Mars., referred to Microtonus , Lee.; Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 294. 144 Ins . COLEOPTERA. Tomoderus clavipes , Japan, Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 325; T. excavatus , pi. ix, fig. 26, canaliculatus , p. 216, complanatus , munilicornis , p. 217, brevicornis, fig. 27, p. 218, exiguus, brevis , p. 219, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp. Xylophilidce : this family adopted, and its characters noticed ; Cham- pion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), p. 166, and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 265. Xylophilus , the subgenera of, noticed ; Champiqn, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), p. 167 : notes on and subgenera ; id. Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 265. X distortus, p. 267, japonicus , p. 268, Japan, Champion, Ent. M. M. (2) i ; X. flabellatus, p. 168, pi. viii, fig. 1, ramosus , p. 169, sticticus, fig. 2, amulce , fig. 3, p. 170, trifasciatus , fig. 4, p. 171, breviramus , figs. 5 & 6, p. 172, lacertosus,fig. 7, forticornis, fig. 8, p. 173, humeralis , fig. 9, p. 174, curvipes , fig. 10, jlavitar sis, fig. 11, p. 175, v-notatus, fig. 12, p. 176, laticeps , •atricolor , p. 177 , funereus, fiavicornis , p. 178, quadrisignatus, fig. 13, cincti- pennis , p. 179, chiriquensis, fig. 14, cequinoctialis, fig. 15, p. 180, sexmacu- latus , fig. 16, p. 181, fragilis, fig. 17, bicolor , fig. 18, p. 182, unifasciatus , fig. 19, inflatus, fig. 20, p. 183, laticollis, corticarioides , p. 184, sericeus, fig. 21, femoralis , fig. 22, p. 185, argentatus , fig. 23, p. 186, singularis, fig. 24, suturalis, fig. 25, p. 187, anthicoides , fig. 26, p. 188, stigmosus , fig. 27, p. 189, tantillus, fig. 28, p. 190, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) ; n. spp. MORDELLIDiE, RHIPIDOPHORIM2. [ Cf 1 Champion (317), Ritsema (698), Scudder (754).] Diclidia undata, Guatemala, Champion, p. 250, pi. xi, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. sp. Myodites buttihoferi, Liberia, Ritsema, p. 12, Notes Leyd. Mus. x, n.sp. Pentaria canescens , p. 252, Jlavipes, brunneipennis, brevicornis , p. 253, bicincta, trisignata , pi. xi, fig. 2, p. 254, quadriguttata, figs. 3 & 4, uni - fasciata , fig. 5, p. 255, decolor, angustata, p. 256, Centr, America, Champion, Biol, Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. spp. Cantharidj:. [Cf. Aurivillius (22), Beauregard (37), Blackburn (64), Champion (123), CuriNOT (158), Dokhtouroff (181), Duges (192, 193), Duvivier (200), Escherich (231, 232, 233), Kunckel (462), Reitter (644, 656, 657).] Anatomy, biology, classification, with characters of the genera and catalogue of the species ; Beauregard (37). Cantharis ( Lytta ;) roborowslcyi figured ; Dokhtouroff, pi. i, fig. 10, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. C. atrovirens , p. 104, angidicollis , p. 105, alemani , bipartitaf p. 106, Mexico, Duges, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, n. spp. Cerocoma scovitzi , n. varr. rufiventris, lateralis ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 173 & 174. Cissites africana, Congo, Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 203, n. sp. CANTHARULE. Ins. 145 Eletica bidolor , Centr. Africa* OhAmpion, p. 645, pi. Ivi, fig. 8, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Epicauta ledontei , n. n. for JE7. dichrOa , Lee. ; HeydEn, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 99. E. cuprosola , p. 62, intermedia {— nigritarsis , Chev.), p. 68, subatra , p. 72, jimenezi, p. 73, Zeom, p. 74, media , p. 82, subrubra, mixta « p. 83, canoiy p. 86, potosina , p. 89, apicalis , p. 90, Mexico, DugeS, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, n. spp. Gnathium atrum , p. 113, Jlavumf p. 107, Mexico, Duges, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, n. spp. Hapalus IcomaroiPi , p. 184, pi. ii, fig. 69, intermedius , p. 185, fig. 68, Turcomania, DokiitourofE, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Henous mexicanus , Tulancingo, Duges, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, p. 37, n. sp. Leonia riteyl, described in Spanish and figured ; DEgeS, An* Mus. Michoacan, ii, pp. 1-5. Li/dus pygmwus, Turcomania, DoktitOuroff, p. 180, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Macrobasis eincto-thorax , p. 56, flavenss humeralis , p. 58, belier i, p. 113, Mexico, Duges, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, n. spp. Megatrachelus and Stenodefa, characters of ; ESCHERICH, Soc. Ent. v, p. 105. Mylabris) metamorphosis ; KEncRel, C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) ii, pp. 583 & 584. M. schreibersi , metamorphoses ; Kunckel, p. clxxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Er. 1890. Meloe : systematic revision of the pubescent species of the old world ; Esciierich, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 87, &c. : embryology of ; Nusbaum (673) i blood, function and origin of the liquid ejected ; CEenot (158). M. autumnalis and cyaneus , metamorphoses; Beauregard, Ins. Yes. pp. 449-454. M. brevicollis V arr. =± (splendensi Esch puncticollis, Motsch., and ? corvinus, Mars.) ; M. luctuosus , Br., noticed ; Escherich, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 284. M. brevicollis , Pz., =j ( splendcns , Esch.), reitteri , characters of ; id., Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 23. M '. algiricus , Lambessa, EScHERich, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 283 ; M. trapezicollis , Transcaspian region, Dokiitouroff, p. 129, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; M. turkestanicus, Alexander Mts., Escherich, Wiett. ent. Z. ix, p. 95 ; M. griseopuberulus, Turkestan, Reitter, t. c. p. 152 $ n. spp. Nemognata rufa , p. Ill, tarasca) p. 112, Mexico, DugeS, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii, n. spp. Ehampholyssa komarowi, Transcaspian region, Reitter, p. 119, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. * Sitaromorpha , n. g., near Si tar is i for 8. willcinsi , n. sp., Turkestan, DokhtoEroFf, p. 190, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Zonabris przewalskyi figured ; DokiiYoEroff, pi. i, figs. 11 & 12, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Z. beckeri , Sarepta ; Escherich, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 24 ; Z. mar - garitha p. 120, cyaneovaria , komarowi , p. 121, Turkestan, Reitter, Verh. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] f 10 146 Ins. COLEOPTEHA. Yer. Briinn, xxvii ; Z. posticalis, p. 136, steppensis, p. 137, Iconigi, p. 143, Jieydeniana , p. 145, 14 -maculata, p. 150, reitteri , p. 157, tenuepunctata , p. 165, Jcouschakiewitschi , p. 167, turlcestanica , p. 168, W. Asia, Dokiitouroff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; Z. ( Mylabris ) Stanley ana , Z. ( Oeroctis ) congoana , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxov, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, pp. 21 & 22 : n. spp. Zonitis A-punctata , n. var. korbi ; Escherich, p. 24, Wien. ent. Z. ix. Z. aiidersoni , p. 142, brevicornis , p. 143, rustica , p. 145, murrayi , p. 146, gloriosa , p. 147, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii ; Z. flohri , p. 110, fulva , nigro-maculata , p. Ill, Mexico, Duges, An. Mus. Michoacan, ii : n. spp. CEdemeridj:. [(^. Champion (317), Ganglbauer (297), Heyden (360), Reitter (648).] Anoncodes femorata, Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 38, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Asclera maculicollis , Kanssu, p. 42, obsoleta, Shansi, p. 43, Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Copidita 2)anamensis) pi. vii, fig. 2, scabrosa , p. 145, trifoveata , fig. 3, maculicollis , fig. 4, p. 146, palpalis, p. 147, apicalis , fig. 5, parvula} fig. 6, p. 148, nigripennis) fig. 7, p. 149, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), u. spp. •J Diplectroides, n. g., p. 126, for D. longicornis , p. 126, pi. vi, fig. 5, flavicolUs , p. 127, fig. 6, n. spp., Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Diplectrus nigripes , p. 122, pi. vi, fig. 1, armatus , Nicaragua, annuli- cornis, p. 123, pi. vi, fig. 2, Centr. America, giganteus , Costa Rica, p. 124, fig. 3, concolor , Panama, nitidicollis) fig. 4, Costa Rica, p. 125, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. v (2), n. spp. Ditylus basalisf Guatemala, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) p. 121, pi. v, fig. 25, n. sp. CEdemera jucunda , Turkestan, Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 363, n. sp. Oxacis : notes on the genus and its allies, referring to it species placed hitherto in other genera, and merging in it Hypasclera , Kirsch ; H. schistacea, K., figured, pi. vii, fig. 21, described, p. 162 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) pp. 149 & 150. O. femoralis , pi. vii, fig. 8, podagrica , p. 151, hblosericea, fig. 9, p. 152, mandibularis , fig. 10, p. 153, litoralis , fig. 11, limbata , p. 154, teapensis , fig. 12, p. 155, pictipennis , fig. 13, bilineatay fig. 14, pilosa , fig. 15, p. 156, tropicaliSj nitidicollis , fig. 16, p. 157, angustata , lineatula, fig. 17, p. 158, plumbea , p. 160, rugicollis) coahuilce , trimaculata , fig. 20, p. 161, minuta , dugesiy fig. 22, p. 163, variegata , fig. 23, p. 164, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), n. spp. S Piras, n. g. (near Probosca ), p. 164, for P. nasalis} pi. vii, fig. 24, cedemeridas, curculionid.®. Ins. 147 bicolor, fig. 25, p. 1G5, n. spp ., Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Probosca acuminata, Amasia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 152, n. sp. ISisenes, n. g., p. 130, for the following n. spp. from Centr. America, viz. : cyanipennis , p. 131, pi. vi, fig. 9, hoops, fig. 10, varians, fig. 11, p. 132, suffusus, fig. 12, p. 133, parasiloides, fig. 13, vittatipcnnis , fig. 14, p. 134, rubricollis , fig. 15, p. 135 ,sinanjce, fig. 16, telephoroides, p. 136, viridipennis, tcstaccipes, fig. 17, p. 137, puncticollis , foveatus, fig. 18, thoracicus, p. 138, lineatocollis , fig. 19, p. 139, eximius, figs. 20 & 21, dilaticornis , fig. 22, p. 140, suturalis, fig. 23, lyciformis, fig. 24, p. 141, mimetes, fig. 25, per- sonatus, fig. 26, p. 142, and from the Amazons Valley S. ac.utellaris , p. 143 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Stenaxis nigripes , Kanssu, GaNglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, p. 44, n. sp. M Vasaces, n. g. (near Xanthochroa), p. 127, for V. ceneipennis , Mexico, p. 128, pi. vi, fig. 7, sordidus , costatus, fig. 8, Guatemala, p. 129, n. spp. ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Vodomarus , n. g. (near (Edernera ), for V. quadrifoveolatus , n. sp., Centr. America, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; Champion, p. 143, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Xanthochroa potanini , Sze-tschuan, p. 36, semenovn , Kanssu, p. 37, Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Curculionidjj. [Cf. Blackburn (62, 63, 65), Desbrociiers (164, 165), Duvivier (200), Everts (236), Fairmaire (476), Faust (241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249), Flach (263), Gestro (300), Guillebeau (335), Hamilton (348), Kutiiy (464), Reitter (644, 648, 649, 657), Roelofs (710, 711), Scudder (754), Sharp (317), Simpson (405), Stierlin (832, 833).] The number of described species and genera ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 116. Structure of prosternum discussed, with figures ; Everts (236). On the food-habits of North American Rhynchophora ; Beutenmuller, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 200-203 & 258-261. Notes on the habits of many North American species ; Chittenden, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 167-172. Acalles korbi, Andalusia, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 242 ; A. Jcruperi, Greece, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 324 : n. spp. Acantholophus franklinensis, Australia, Blackburn, p. 92, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii ; A. niveovittatus, W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 576, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. Agestra punctulata , Adelaide, Blackburn, p. 584, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Alcides biai, Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 24, n. sp. Allocory nines, n. subfam., near Rhynchitincc, p. 45, for the following n. g. 148 Ins . COLEOPTERA. . V Allocorynus, n. g., for A. mollis, n. sp., Mexico, pi. ii, fig. 18 ; Sharp, p. 46, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (3). Alophus pacatus, Amdo, Faust, p. 444, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv ; A. malclini , Mongolia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 70 : n. spp. Amblyrhinus viridanus , Cochin China, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 74, n. sp. Amomphus setulifer , Morocco, Reitter, p. 157, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. sp. < Anar ciar thrum, n. g., Erirhinides , p. 354, for A. virkle , n. sp., Australia, p. 355 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. ° Anorthorrhinus, n. g., Erirhinides, p. 327, for A. pictipes, n. sp., S. Australia, p. 328 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Anthonomus , characters of the British species ; Fowler, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 309-313. A. terreus , varr. described ; Faust, pp. 91 & 92, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii. Antyllis alternata , p. 345, bella , p. 587, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. Apion , notes on habits and food-plants in Italy ; Yitale, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 141-156. A. rufirostre n. var. destefanii ; id. t. e. p. 148. A. tubiferum , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 273, Rev. d’Ent. ix. A. meditabundum, p. 104, amphibolum , p. 105, ynarum , p. 106, Siberia and Mongolia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii ; A. strobilanthi, Sikkim, Desbrochers, p. 215, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2 : the following n. spp. are described from Centr. America, viz. : A . spretissimum, prceditum, p. 48, dissimilipes, nitidirostre , p. 49, erythropterum, pi. iii, fig. 2, cegrotum, fig. 3, guatemalenum , p. 50, acupunctatum, stabile , p. 51, glyphicum , tabogense, championi, fig. 4, p. 52, davidis , derasum, p. 53 , panamense, pauper, p. 54, tantillum, lassum , p. 55, mediocre, hystriculum, p. 66, gracilirostre , pi. ii, fig. 22, punctulirostre , colon , pi. iii, fig. 5, p. 57, laminatum, fig. 6, vetus- tum, p. 58, constricticolle, pi. ii, fig. 21, heterogeneum , pi. iii, fig. 7, p. 59, seriatum, fig. 8, quercicola, p. 60, spectator, fuscimanum, p. 61, altum, longi- nianum, fig. 9, p. 62, oscillator , acarinum, p. 64, conicicolle, picturatum, fig. 11, cretacei colie, pi. ii, fig. 25, p. 65, matricum , basirostre, pi. iii, fig. 12, p. 66, calcaratipes , pi. ii, fig. 20 (as calcaratum ), scydmcenoides, pi. iii, fig. 13, p. 67, subrufum, hastifer, p. 68 , poeticum, fig. 14, rufinulum , pi. ii, fig. 24, p. 69, vinosum , chiriquense, relictum, p. 70, maceratum , pulchripes , p. 71, epicum , errabundum , p. 72, solitarium , filipes, pleuriticum , pi. iii, fig. 15, p. 73, fraudulentum, pallitarse, fig. 16, p. 74, germanum, disparatum, p. 75, subauratum , fig. 17, teapense , p. 76, sanctifelicis , fig. 19, pedestre , p. 77 , rugirostre, auctum, nodicorne, fig. 18, p. 78 , pacificum, ferrugineum p. 79, laterale , longicolle, p. 80, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (3), n. spp. Apoclerus coryli , n. var. fidus , p. 421, rujiventris, Roel., erythrogaster, Voll., nitens , Roel., cyanopterus , Motsch., synonymy discussed, pp. 422-424 ; Faust, Bor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. A. hurneralis , n. var. ater ; id., S. E. Z. li, p. 166. A. ludyi, Goritz, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 174; A. apicalis, China and Japan, Faust, t. c. p. 257 ; A. dimidiatus , p. 421, Sze-tschuan, potanini , Ganssu, p. 423, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; A. flaviceps , eURCULIONlD^E. Ins. 149 Sikkim, Desbrochers, p. 213, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2 ; A. ( Cygnotrachelus ) wallacei , Celebes, Faust, S. E. Z. li. p. 166 : n. spp. iApterocolus, n. g., near Pterocolus , p. 44, for A. gravidus , n. sp., Mexico, pi. ii, fig. 17, p. 45 ; Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (3). Argoptochus virens, Siberia, Faust, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 68, n. sp. Attelabus mutus, Ganssu, Faust, p. 425, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Anlelobius nudus , Panama, rostralis , pi. ii, fig. 14, p. 42, aflinis, Guatemala, optatus , Panama, fig. 15, p. 43, Sharp, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (3), n. spp. Bagous leprieuri , France, Guillebeau, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. Ixxiv ; B. subruber , Thessaly, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 161 : n. spp. Balaninus : food habits of the N. American species ; Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 1-8. B. hispanus , Spain, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 246 ; B. transversalis , p. 261, haroldi , p. 262, China, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 : n. spp. Baris Iciesenwetteri , Greece, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 326; B. sibirica , Siberia, Faust, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 102 ; B. longi- collis , Ganssu, Faust, p. 473, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Bothynodercs carinicollis, Gyll., = ( cognatus , angulicollisf Chev.) ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 111. B. securus , Amdo, Faust, p. 462, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Brachyaspistes subfasciatus , Sikkim, Desbrochers, p. 212, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, n. sp. Byctiscus congener , motschulslcyi, variation noticed ; Faust, p. 429, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Celebia nobilis} p. 178, boisduvali , p. 179, frontalis , p. 180, Celebes, Faust, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Cercidocerus chevrolati , Java, p. 78, distinetus , Darjeeling, p. 79, Faust, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Ceuthorhynchidius lunatus} Reitt., referred to Oxyonyx ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 115. C. bellus, p. 161, lunatus, p. 162, Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 162, n. spp. Ceuthorhynehus signatus and allies, characters of ; Faust, pp. 100-102, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxii. C. hcemorrhoidalisy Motsch., noticed ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 116. C. paszlavslcyi, Hungary, Kuthy, Term, fiizetek, xiii, p. 7 ; O. flam - tarsis , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 163 ; C. testatus, Amdo, Faust, p. 472, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Cliccrodrys elegans, Asia Minor, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 336, n. sp. Chloropholm orichalceus, Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 184, n. sp. Chrysoloplius spectabilis , variation of ; Smith, Ent. xxiii, p. 137. Cionus indicus , Dam-Dim, Desbrochers, p. 216, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, n. sp. 3 50 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Cleonidee : note on winged and apterous species ; Grandjean, Rev. Sci. Bourb. ii, p. 13. Cleonus lagopuSy Fhrs., position noticed, = ( obliquatus , irroratus , M6n.), anxius = ( basigranatus , Fairm.) ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, pp. Ill & 112. C. bicarinatus , Gebl., noticed and referred to Pleurocleonus ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 1 14. C. ( Cyphocleonus ) Tcorbi , Andalusia, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 242, n. sp. Coccotorus scutellaris and prunicida figured ; Ins. Life, ii, p. 259. J Codiopus , n. subg. of Psalidium ; Faust, p. 293, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Ccelostethus fausti , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 159, n. sp. J Colpothorax, n. g., p. cxxix, note, for Zygops undulata , n. sp., Amazons, p. cxxix ; Desbrochers, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Conocephalus guerini , nomenclature noticed ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. li, p. 83. Conocostus grcecus redescribed ; Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 162. C. calabricus, Calabria, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 330, n. sp. Conorhynchus dissimulatus, = ( cretaceus , Redt.); Faust, p. 112, S. E. Z. li. C. nigrivittis , Pall., = (plumb eicollis, Chev.), conirostriSy Gebl., = ( bartelsi , Fhrs.) ; id. t. c. p. 113. . C. candidulus , W. Asia, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 113, n. sp. P. Corigetus papuamis, Sumatra, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 73, n. sp. Cratosomus dohrniy Cauca Yalley, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 192, n. sp. Cydmcea obscuray p. 339, diversa, invalida, p. 340, Australia, lineata} Kangaroo I., p. 584, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Cylcis formicariuSy Fab., = turcipemiisy Boh.), brunneus , $ , = ( angas - tatusy Lab. & Imh.) ; Desbrochers, p. 215, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2. C. submetallicusy E. India, Desbrochers, p. 214, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, n. sp. CyphiceruSy Schon., should include PtochidiuSy Motsch., and Canoixus , Roel. ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 66. C. nepalensis , Nepal, p. 65, appendicinus, Philippines, rusticanus , Celebes, p. 68, decoratuSy Cochin China, p. 69, bimaculatus , p. 70, deprecabiliSy p. 71, Burma, schonfeldti , N. China, p. 72, Faust, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Deracanthus faldermanni , validity of ; Faust, p. 446, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. D. potaniniy Gaussu, p.446, pallasi, p. 448, semenovi , p. 449, Mongolia, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. DerelobuSy n. g., Strang aliodinorum, p. 456, for D. apogceuSy n. sp., Ganssu, p. 457 ; Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. DermatodeSy characters of the genera allied to ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 173. Desiantha nigra , major , p. 321, sericea, p. 322, maculata , p. 323, assi- miliSy p. 324, obscuray p. 325, parva , p. 326, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Dialeptopus validus , p. 577, lugubris , p. 578, obsoletus , p. 579, lindensisy p. 580, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. CURCULIONIDiE. Ins . 151 Dichotrachelus IcimaJcowiczi, Siebenburgen, Flach, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 36, n. sp. Dicomada rufa, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) V, p. 586, n. sp. Diglossotrox , characters discussed ; Faust, p. 432, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. D. mannerheimi (Pop.), Ordoss, Faust, p. 432, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Dorms fasciculatus n. var. rostratus ; Faust, p. 461, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Dorytomus bajulus, Siberia, Faust, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 90, n. sp. Dyschoenium, n. g. (no position assigned, probably Erirhinides ), for D. flavum , n. sp., S. Australia ; Blackburn, p. 346, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Dysostines crawfordi , p. 314, ventralis, p. 315, pilosus , p. 317, puncti- ventris , p. 319, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Echinocnemus subcylindricus referred to Pachytychius ; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 146. E. subcylindricus , Askhabad, Reitter, p. 126, Verh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Ectatorlunus alatus , Sumatra, Roelofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 207, n. sp. Elytrocheilus, n. g., Celeuthetinarum , p. 182, for E. helence, n. sp., N. Guinea, p. 183 ; Faust, S. E. Z. li. Emplesis notata , p. 332, gravis , p. 333, munda, p. 334, assimilis , p. 335, albosignata, umbrosa , p. 336, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. * Empolis , n. g., Erirhinides , near Aoplocnemis , p. 342, for E. angustatus , n. sp., S. Australia, p. 343 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Endaliscus shalitzkyi = ( Endalus helferi, Faust), the locality is India ; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 264. E. Jcirschi , E. India, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 265, n. sp. Endymia effusa , Aru Is., Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 190, n. sp. Ephimeropus , species described by R. in 1888, referred to Hydronomus\ Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 146. E. feneslratus , flaveolus , Askhabad, syriacusy Syria, Reitter, p. 125, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii, n. spp. Epicalus , Motsch., characters of; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 263. Epiphaneus jucundus, Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 156, n. sp. Episomus quatuornotatus , E. India, Desbrochers, p. 212, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, n. sp. Esamus cylindricollis , Turkestan, Reitter, p. 123, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Eugnamptus germanus , Guatemala, picticollis , Mexico, Sharp, p. 41, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (3), n. spp. Eutinopus irrisus} Ganssu, Faust, p. 434, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Geranorhinus mongolicusy Mongolia, Faust, p. 470, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. 152 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Glaucopela varipes , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 592, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Gronops syriacus , Caiffa, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Gos. viii, p. 247 ; G. semenov i , Ganssu, Faust, p. 459, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Heilipus fimbriatus , Pasc., = ( anchoralis , Kirsch) ; Thallwitz, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xiii. SHeliophilus , n. g., for part of Sciaphilus ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 249. Heteromias clavipes , Ganssu, Faust, p. 438, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Heteroptochus temperans , p. 451, subsignatus , p. 452, fciber , p. 453, Ganssu, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Homceonychus lepidus , Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 169, n. sp. Hypera noscibilis , Ganssu, Faust, p. 460, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; H. sinuaticollis , Mongolia, Faust, CEf v. Finska Forh . xxxii, p. 73 ; H. amasi - ensis, Amasia, Faust, Deutsche e. Z, 1890, p. 328 : n. spp. Hylobius abietis , its ravages in Prussia; Ent. Am. vi, p. 40. Ileomus bohemanni, Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 189, n. sp. Ischnomias donkieri , Sierra Leone, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 173, n. sp. Laogenia dohrni, Philippines, p. 80, dispar, Ind. or., p. 81, Faust, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Larinus arsus , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Le Nat. xii, p. 262. L. brenskei, Greeco, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 324 ; L. depressi - rostris , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z, 1890, p. 158 ; L. potanini , p. 467, rivalis , p. 469, Ganssu, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; L. lilipuU anus , China, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 259 : n. spp. ^Lechrioderus, n. g., Barynotini , p. 442, for L. imbellus, n. sp., Ganssu, p. 443 ; Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Leiosomus cribrum, Sch., habits ; Thomas, Ent. Nachr, xvi, p. 309. Lepyrus ganglbaueri , Faust, habitat of ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 145. L. dorsalis, Hungary, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 395, n. sp. Leucodrusus pauper , Hungary, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 244, n. sp. ^ Lispotherium , n. g., Apioninarum , for L. hildebrandti, n, sp., Mada- gascar ; Faust, p. 194, S. E. Z. li. Lissotarsus (sub Baridius ) alboguttatus , Bris., = ( balassogloi , Faust) ; Faust, Deutsche e, Z. 1890, p. 335. A. badetli , Biskra, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 334, n. sp. Listroderes caudipidatus, Patagonia, Fairmaire, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 131, n. sp, Lithinus nigrocristatus, resemblance to twigs ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. li, p. 198. Lixus vibexy Ball,, ==p ( denudatus , Zub., Jcarelini , Boh.) ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 111. L. vibex n. var. pallasi ; Faust, p. 467, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. L. concavus, Say, metamorphoses ; Weed, p. 232, Bull. Ohio Exp. Station (2) hi. L. rectirostris, Biskra, Faust, Deutsohe e. Z. 1890, p. 334 ; L. mala - tianus, Malatia, Faust, t. c. p. 327 ; L. tigrinus, Ordubad, Reitter, t. c. p. 160 ; L. turanicus, Askhabad, Reitter, p. 121, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, CURCULIONID/E. Ins. 153 xxvii ; L. isselii , Assab, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 64 ; L titu- bans, p. 187, encaustns , p. 188, Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. li ; L. fair- mairei, China, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 260 : n. spp. Lyterius ebena , Colombia, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 193, n. sp. Macrotarsus chinensis, Pekin, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 258 ; M. validirostris , mongolicus , Mongolia, Faust, p. 72, GEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii : n. spp. ^ Mar mar ochclus, n. g., near Ectatorhinus , for M. atJcinsoni , n. sp., Anda- man Is., Desbrociiers, p. 217, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2. Mecinus janthinus, habits ; Decaux, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxxviii. M. andalusicus , Spain, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 331, n. sp. Meleus brevipennis , Hungary, p. 94, ncgoianus , Siebenbiirgen, setosus , Bosnia, p. 95, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. Meriphus raucus , p. 590, lineatus , p. 591, S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Mesagroicus grcccus , Greece, Stierlin, p. 165, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 165, n. sp. Microlarinus diecki, Andalusia, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. Ill, n. sp. Misophrice variabilis , argentata , p. 348, submetallica, p. 349, oblonga , p. 350, munda, setulosa, p. 351, squamosa , p. 352, parallela , p. 353, Aus- tralia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Myllocerus chrysideus, Pasc., referred to Cypkicerus ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 66. M. dolirni , China, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 262, n. sp. Nanophycs fausti , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 161 ; N. ( Corimalia ) alicnus , Mongolia, Faust, Q3fv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 103 ; W. ((7.) chinensis , Ganssu, p. 474, W. mongolicus , exiguus , p. 475, Mongolia, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Niphades tubericollis , Ganssu, Faust, p. 469, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Notaris distans, Amdo, Faust, p. 470, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. ^ Oclitar thrum, n. g., Cyphinarum , for 0. speciosum , n. sp., Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 171. Ocladius sapeti , Assab, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 66, n. sp. Odosyllis intricata , Philippines, Faust, p. 75, S, E. Z. li, n. sp. Olanqca , generic characters, Blackburn, p. 588, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. O. maculata, Adelaide, Blackburn, p. 589, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v ; O. Iceta , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 345, t. c. : n. spp, Otiorhynchus cribricollis , habits in Australia; Koebele, Bull. Dep. Agric. Eut. xxi, p. 12. O. sulcatus in New Zealand ; Kingsley, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 338. 0. ( Arammichnus ) strcbloffi, n. var. tcnuimanus ; Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 64. O. collectivus , p. 153, sparsiridis , p. 154, Asturias, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890 ; O. halbherri , M. Baldo, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 243 ; O. corallipes , Bosnia, O. ( Arammichnus ) latifrons , Syria, p. 164, luganensis , Lugano, p. 165, Stierlin, £. c. ; O. ( Cryphiphorus ) nuncius , 154 Ins . COLEOPTERA. p. 321, 0. ( Tournieria ) lubriculus , p. 322, erroneus , p. 323, Greece, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890; O. perdurus, hebes, Circassia, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 196 ; 0. ( Arammichnus ) beatus , Mongolia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 65 : n. spp. Oxyopisthen pygidiale, Aruwimi River, Simpson in Jameson Story Rear Column, p. 425, n. sp. Pachycerus costulatus, China, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 258, n. sp. PctcJiyrrhynchus chlorites , Chev., = ( rutilans , Behr.), congestus , Pasc., = ( luteoguttatus , Chev.), gemmatus, Wat., = ( ignipes , Chev.), lorquini , Chev., = (fflivopunctatus, Kr.) ; Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 88. ^ Paophilus , n. g., near Sciaphilus, for 5. afflatus , Boh., &c.; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 249. ^Parazygops , n. g., p. cxxix, for Zygops, luctuosus , n. sp., Cayenne, p. cxxviii ; Desbrociiers, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Perissops maculosus, p. 75, sobrinus, p. 76, N. Guinea, Faust, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Phacephorus turbatus , Amdo, p. 440, decipiens, Ganssu, pp. 441, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Phyllobius piliferus , fceculentus, canus , characters noticed, p. 109, P. calcaratus n. var. schilskyi, p. 1110, Faust, S. E. Z. li. P. lindemanni, characters of ; Faust, QGfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 66. P. romanus , Italy, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 330 ; P. pallidipes , Caucasus, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 154 ; P. sahlbergi , Siberia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 67 : n. spp. Phytonomus obedienst Ganssu, Faust, p. 461, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; P. distinctus, p. 74, imparilist p. 75, Mongolia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii : n. spp. Piazomias faldermanni , p. 435, imitator , p. 437, Ganssu, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Plagiographus fasiculosus, Andalusia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 158, n. sp. Platyomus mollis , Paraguay, Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 175, n. sp. Pleurocleonus, sollicitus , Gyll., = ( sexmaculatusy Fahrs.), P. obliteratust characters noticed ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p, 115. Polydrusuh korbi , Andalusia, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 241, n. sp. Polyphrades satelles , W. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 575, n. sp. Poteriophorus vandepolli , Sumatra, p. 238, sellatus , Perak, p. 239, Roe- lofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, n. spp. Psalidium , revision of ; Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, pp. 281, &c. P. neglectum , Amasia, p. 295, redtenbacheri , p. 297, senectum , p. 298, strenuum , p. 299, difficile, p. 300, Syria, frivaldszkyi , Thessaly, p. 303, cow- cinnum , Salonica, p. 306, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Pseudocleonus dauricus, Gebl., = ( obsoletus , Gyll.) ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 115. P. panderi , Fisch., note on ; Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 89. CURCULI0NJD2E. Ins . 155 Pscudomcira neapolitana , Naples, Faust, Deutsche e.Z. 1890, p. 329, h. sp. Pterocolus auricollis , Panama, pi. ii, fig. 16, grossus , Mexico, ShaRp, p. 44, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (3), n. spp. Ptochus indemnis, Ganssu, Faust, p. 431, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. ^ Reitteria , n. g., near Laparocerus , for Sciaphilus claviceps , Reitter ; Faust, p. 250, S. E. Z. li. Rhamphus australis , distinguendus, S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 93, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, n. spp. Rhina lineata , Andaman Is., Desbrochers, p. 218, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, m sp. 4 Rhinodontus, n. g., Synirmorum, for R. ignarus , n. sp., Ganssu ; Faust, p. 455, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Rhinoscapha and Celebia , differential characters ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 180. R. tricolor , p. 175, richteri, p. 176, New Guinea, vana, Bangkei, p. 177, Faust, t. c., n. spp. Rhynchites emgei , ? described ; Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 165. R. trojanus and rectirostris noticed ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 115. R. ceneo-niger ; p. 426, pelliceus , p. 427, China, Faust, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; R. flavirostris, E. India, Desbrochers, p. 213, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2 : n. spp. Rhytidosomus filirostris , Reitt., referred to Ceuthorhynchus ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 115. R. weisei, Siberia, Faust, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 98, n. sp. Rhytirhinus martini , Oran, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 333 ; R. cruciatus , Morocco, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 245 : n. spp. Scleropterus verecundus , Siberia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 99, n. sp. Sciaphilus , Chiloneus , and allied genera discussed ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, pp. 247-252. Sciaphilus claviceps , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 155 (c/. Reitteria , supra), n. sp. Sibinia syriaca , Syria, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 328, n. sp. Sitones hispidulus, spreading of in N.- America ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 248. Sitona onerosa, Siberia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii, p. 71 ; S. pallidicornis, Biskra, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 332 ; S. prceambulaf Ganssu, Faust, p. 445, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Stephanocleonus fossulatus, n. var. connexus ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 114. S. potanini , Ganssu, Faust, p. 465, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv; S. setinasus , p. 76, opportunus, p. 78, jucundus, p. 80, eruditus, p. 82, hammarstromi, p. 83, vagabundus, p. 85, sahlbergi , p. 86, ehnbergi, p. 87, Siberia and Mongolia, Faust, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxii : n. spp. Stigmatrachelus isabellinus , n. var. subfasciatus ; Faust, S. E. Z. li, p. 167. S fusco-signatkis , p. 167, setulosus, p. 169, Madagascar, Faust, S. E. Z. li : n. spp. 156 Ins . ‘ COLEOPTERA. Stolatus horridus , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 159, n. sp. Stomodes kruperi , Greece, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 823, n. sp. Strophomorphus fausti, Armenia, p. 155, pholicoides, Ordubad, p. 156, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, n. spp. \ Symbothynus , n. g. ( Erirhinides ), p. 582, for S. squalidus , n. sp., S. Aus- tralia, p. 583, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. * Synaptocephalus, n. g., Tanyrhynchinarum, p. 185, for S. kolbei , n. sp., Zanzibar, p. 186 ; Faust, S. E. Z. li. Synolobus modestus , Ganssu, Faust, p. 450, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Tanymecus obsoletus , n. n. for fausti , R., Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 146 ; T. excursor , Ganssu, Faust, p. 439, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; T. fausti , Askhabad, Reitter, p. 122, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii : n. spp. Trachyphlceus elephas, Corfu, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 394 ; T. stierlini (no locality), Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 166 ; T. sordidus, Ganssu, Faust, p. 430, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Tychius reichei , Corfu, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 325 ; T. irregu- laris, S. Russia, rusticus , p. 93, irritans , p. 94, oberti , p. 95, Siberia, Faust, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxii : n. spp. J Xenostes, n. g. ( Lithinidce), for X. jamesoni , n. sp., Aruwimi River ; Simpson, in Jameson Story Rear Column, p. 424. Zygops argenteiventris , reticulata , Amazons, consanguinea} Cayenne, interrupto-lineata , p. lxxx, anchorifera , lacrymosa, angustula , muricatay pluriguttata , p. lxxxi, Amazons, centromaculata , Cayenne, murina , p. cxi, inermis , tricolor , Amazons, Zatfro, Cayenne, biguttata , Brazil, p. cxii, 4 -maculatay p. cxxvi, tripartita , nebulosa, minuta , vinitort p. cxxvii, breviSy mixta , marmoreus, Cayenne, p. cxxviii, Desbrociiers, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1891, n. spp. ScOLYTIDiE. [(y. Dietz (168), Loyendal (490, 491), Reitter (644, 648), Sciievyrew (732), Scudder (754), Teplouciiow (846).] Synonymical remarks on Danish Tomicides ; Lovendal, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 206-211. Chramesus icorice, Lee., larva and burrows of ; Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 53, cuts. Crypturgus flum, Turkestan, Reitter, p. 126, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii, n. sp. Dendroctonus, the N. American species monographed ; Dietz, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 27, &c. D. approximatus, New Mexico, Dietz, p. 31, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, , n. sp. Hylesinus bicolor, metamorphoses, Decaux, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxxv. H. piniperda breeding in Larix europcea ; Somerville, P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, pp. 255 & 256. SCOLYTID/E BRUCHIDiE. Ins. 157 Ilypothenemus eruditus , dissimilis , erectus , hispidulus , note on ; Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 54. Lymantor , characters of ; Dryocoetes aceris, eichoffi, nitidicollis referred to it ; L. coryli — ( sepicola , Low.) : Reuter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 175. L. sepicola , full description with figure; Lovendal, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 69 & 70, pi. i, figs. 1 a, 5. Phloeophagus, habits of ; Chittenden, Ent. Am. vi, p. 99. Phlmophthorus rhododactylus) habits and larva ; L0VENDAL, Ent. Med.ii, pp. 196-205. Scolytus and Phlceosinus , note on the coupling of ; Decaux, p. cxxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Scolytus ensifer , habits ; Decaux, p. cxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. S. fasciatus , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 395 ; S. ven- trosus, Siberia, unispinosus , Tiflis, Schevyrew, Bull. Ac. Pet. xxxiii, p. 470 : n. spp. Stenoscelis brevis , habits of ; Chittenden, Ent. Am. vi, p. 99. Thamnurgus varipes, habits noticed ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 13. Tomicus judeichii, habits, characters of sexes, &c. ; Teplouchow, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890, pp. 252 & 268, pi. ix. T. elongatuSy Denmark, Lovendal, Ent. Med. ii, p. 61, n. sp. Trypodendron signatum perforating barrel staves ; Blandford, Kew Bull. No. 45, pp. 181-186, woodcuts. Xyleborus dispar and pyriy identity of and food of larva discussed ; Ins. Life, ii, p. 279. BuENTHIDiE. \_Cf. Desbrociiers (164), Senna (774).] Achrionota setigeraf Celebes, Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. Xxi, p. 102, n. sp. Acratus propinquus, Amazons, Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, p. 108, n. sp. A prostoma , Guer., referred to the group Clavicornia ; Desbrociiers, p. 221, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2. Arrhenodes elegans , n. var. sexvittatus , Senna, p. 104, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi. Brenthus anchorago, varietal note ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, p. 107. Clceoderes mexicanuSy n. var. tristis ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. p. 107. Megacerus quatuordentuluSy Andaman Is., DesbrochErs, p. 219, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, n. sp. Miolispu ceylonicay Ceylon, Desbrociiers, p. 222, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, n. sp. * PseudocyphagonuSy n. g., near CyphagonuSy p. 221, for P. squamigery n. sp., Andaman Is., p. 222 ; Desbrociiers, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2. Trachelkus aureopilosus) Amazons, Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. p. 105, n. sp. Bruch idj;, Anthribidji. [ Cf . BaUdi (35, 36), Olliff (583), Scudder (754).] Addendum to Baudi’s monograph of European Bruchidce ; Baudi (35); supplement, id. (36). \ 158 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Caryoborus lacerdce , emergence in England ; Sharp, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xiv. ^ Metadoticus , n. g., Anthribidce, Phlceophilides , for M. pestilens , n. sp., Melbourne ; Olliff, p. 75, Rec. Austral. Mus. i. Mylabris rubiginosa , Desbr., £ = ( lamellicornis , Baudi) ; Baudi, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, pp. 339. M. caliginosa , Hamburg, Baudi, Nat. Sicil. ix, p. 211, ? n. sp. ; if. bythmoceraixO rdubad, Reitteu, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 197, n. sp. TJrodon scaber , Syria, Baudi, p. 345, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, and Nat. Sicil. ix, p. 213, n. sp. Cerambycimj. [ Cf '. Aurivillius (22), Belon (43, 44), Blackburn (60, 66), Casey (122), Brogniart (92, 94), Duviyier (200), Fairmaire (238), Flacii (264), Gahan (290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 894), Ganglbauer (297), Gestro (300), Jakowleff (401), Lameere (471, 472, 473), Nonfried (571), Olliff (580, 583), Pic (606, 607), Poll (613, 614, 616), Reitter (658, 659, 660), Ritsema (699, 700, 701), Rivers (705), SchOnfeldt (749), Semenow (770), Starck (830), Waterhouse (892).] A canthoderes clavipes , n. var. lucidus ; Starck, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 71. Acmceops lisa , Washington, Leng, Ent. Am. vi, p. 108, n. sp. 4 AEolesthes, n. g., p. 250, for some species of Pachydissus and Neo- cerambyx , with AE. ampliata, Duke of York Is., p. 253, perplexa, Siam, p. 254, sinensis, China, p. 255, n. spp. ; Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. AErenia trigonia figured ; Waticrhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 4. Allogaster unicolor , Africa, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 300, n. sp. Alphitopola janus , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 489 ; A. octo- maculata, vitticollis , p. 316, pascoei , p. 317, pi. ix, fig. 4, L. Nyassa, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Amphistylus, n. g., near Spalacopsis , for S. pauli, Fairm. ; Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 325. Anaglyptus kanssuensis , Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 71, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Anastetha raripila figured; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 7. Ancylistes bellus, Madagascar, Gaiian, Ann. N. II. (6) vi, p. 465, n. sp. ^ Anceme, n. g. ( Monodesmirue ), for Oeme nig vita, Chev. ; Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 299. Anoplistes mongolicus , Mongolia, Ganglbauer, p. 75, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Anoplognathus punctulatus , Queensland, Olliff, Rec. Austral. Mus. xi, p. 72, pi. x, fig. 8, n. sp. Anoplomerus, revision of the genus, with descriptions ; Belon, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (n.s.) xxxvi, pp. 291-304. A. buqueti, Brazil, Belon, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. ix, n. sp. Aphrodisium planicolle , p. 155, cribricolle , p. 157, Sikkim, Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, n. spp. CEEAMBYCID2E. Ins. 159 Apiogaster similis, Nyassa, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 310, n. sp. Aromia moschata , metamorphoses ; Planet, Le Nat. xii, p. 97. Arrhythmus punctatus , Madagascar, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 461 , n. sp. Artelida pernobilis, Madagascar, Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 8, n. sp. Atossa bipartita , Borneo, Ritsema, p. 250, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, n. sp. •iBangalia, n. g., Prosopoceridarum, p. cxcvi, for B. stiriaca n. sp., Old Calabar, p. cxcvii, Duvivier, C.R. Eut. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, pp. 34-36. Batocera woodlarJciana , note on ; Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 7. B. inconspicua , New Guinea, Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 5 ; B.polli , Ceylon, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 55, pi. vii, fig. 2 : n. spp. Belodera genet , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 277, Rev. d’Eut. ix. B. densevestita , E. Africa, Fairmaire, p. 352, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Biasmia guttata , figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 3. V feubalotragus , n. subg. of Ischioplites , for 1. mollendorjii , n. sp., Bismarck Archipelago ; Flach, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 239, pi. iii, figs. 1-6. Cacia signata , Ceylon, Gaiian, Ann. Nat. Hist. (6) v, p. 56, n. sp. Calamobius filum, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 280, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Callichroma barbiventris , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 486 ; C. fuligineum, Abyssinia, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 308 : n. spp. Gallidium campestris , Fald., referred to Hesperophanes ; Ganglbauer, p. 65, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. C. glabratum , Charp., metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 274, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Callipogon linwinei n. var. Jcraatzi, n. sp. (sic), Ecuador ; Nonfried, S. E. Z. li, p. 19. Cantharocnemus obocldanus , Africa, Fairmaire, p. 549, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Cartallum ebnlinum, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 58. Cartodera , table of characters of species of ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 243-246. C. circassica , umbripennis , p. 245, colchica, p. 246, Caucasus, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. iCedemon , u. g., p. 462, near Phymasterna, for C. tristis, n. sp., Mada- gascar, p. 463 ; Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Ccresium procerum, Lord Howe I.,Olliff, Rec. Austral. Mus. p. 74, pl.x, fig. 3 ; C. rufum , E. India, Lameere, p. ccxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; G. simile, Bonin Is., Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 169 : n. spp. Cereopsius apicalis, referred to Thermonotus ; Ritsema, p. 248, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii. Ceroplesis elegans, Yemen, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 70 ; C. signata , E. Africa, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 108 : n. spp. Charicsthcs aruwimia, Contr. Africa, p. 489, Icetmima, W. Africa, p. 490, Bates, P.Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Ghrysaperda collaris , figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 8. 160 Ins. •COLEOPTERA. Cladopalpus hageni , note on sexual distinctions and systematic position ; Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 141. Cleonice vestita , Th., = ( sericatus , Pasc.), Gaiian, p. 247, Ann. N. H (6) vi. CleroclytUs, cf. Euderces , infra. Closterus longiramis> Madagascar, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p» 458 ; C. oculatus , p. 297, serraticornis , p. 298, Madagascar, Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Clytanthus acanthocerus , Kanssu, p. 68, obliteratus , Mongolia, p. 70, Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Clylus oontractifrons , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 487 ; C. quadraticollis , Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 6G, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. formicoides , fundbris , E. India, Lameere, p. ccxii, O.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; C. ( Clytantus ) madoni, Palestine, Pic, p. ccxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 : n. spp. Ccelodon : note on the genus ; C. cinereum) Serv., = ( Hamaticherus servus , White) ; Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 248. Coloborhombus auricomus, Java, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 247, n. sp. Compsod oread ion tibiale , Lake Issyk-kull, p. 250, cephalotes , Lake Balkhach, p. 252, JakowleFf, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Compsomera nigricollis) Mamboia, Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 305, n. sp. Coptops quadrimaculata , Nilghiri Hills, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 57, pi. vii, fig. 3, n. sp. d Coscinesthes, n. g., Monoliammides , near Eutwniopsis , for C. porosa, n. sp., China ; Bates, Ent. xxiii, pp. 246 & 247. Cylindrepomus virgatus , Himalaya, Gahan, p. 61, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. sp. Cyriocrates zonator} Thoms., referred to Melanauster ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 180. JDemcnassa diehotoma , Newm., = ( Zygocera macleayi , Pasc.) ; Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 131. Diadelia xfasciatai Madagascar, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 465, n. sp. Dichostates ? bimaculatus , Centr. Africa, Bates, p. 491, P. Z. S. 1890 ; D. coquereli , Africa, Fairmaire, p. 552, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Vidymocantha nigra , W. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 130, n. sp. Disterna and Zygocera , notes on characters of ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 154. Docus , n. g., near Planodema, p. 321, for D. femoratus, n. sp., Masai- land, p. 322, pi. ix, fig. 7 ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. ^ Dolichaspis , n. g., near Mecaspis , for D. scutellata , n. sp., Angola ; Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 306. Dolichoprosopus maculatus , note on variation ; Poll, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 140. CERAM13YCIDA£. Ins. 161 Domitia cenea and viridipennis , characters of noticed ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 328. Dorcaschema nigrum , Say, habits ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 239. Dorycera demeusei , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 26, n. sp. Elciphidion mutaturn , Cuba, Florida, Gahan, p. 32, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, n. sp. \l Elasmostoma, n. g., Dorcadionince , p. 73, for E. insulana, n. sp., Lord Howe I. ; Olliff, Rec. Austral. Mus. i, p. 74, pi. x, fig. 7. Elateropsis , note on, suggesting that the white-striped forms are females of the glossy forms : E. fuliqinosa, Fab., = ( subpunctata , Chev.): GaiiaN, pp. 28 & 29, Ann. N. II. (6) vi. E. punctata, Cuba, p. 27, rugosa. hab. P, p. 28, scabrosa, = ( fuliginosa , Chev., nec Fab.), p. 29, reticulata , p. 30, Cuba, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, n. spp. Emphrccus , position noticed ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 313. Enispia ? cleroides , N. India, Gahan, pi. vii, fig. 7, p. 63, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. sp. Enneaphyllus rossi , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 127, n. sp. Ergates neomexicanus, N. America, Casey, p. 491, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. sp. Erythrestes bouringii figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 1. Euderces , Lee., = ( Cleroclytus , Kr.) ; Ganglbauer, p. 72, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Eumimetes joliannce , Johanna I., Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 322 ; E. albisparsus, Madagascar, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 464 : n. spp. Eunidia simplex , Nilghiri Hills, Gahan, p. 64, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. sp. Euporus strangulatus n. var . purpureipes ; Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 487. Eurybatus inexpectatus , Java, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 135, n. sp. Exocentrm occidcntalis, Cliov., roforrod to Suinelis, Th. ; Gajian, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 39. E.josephi , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 38, n. sp. Gaurotes adelpha, Sze-tschuan, Ganglbauer, p. 47, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. ^ Gaurotina, n. g., near Gaurotes , p. 49, for G. superba , n. sp., Kanssu, p. 50 ; Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. ^ Geoprionus, n. g. ( Meroscelisides , near Rhodocharis ), p. exxi, for G. syntheticus , n. sp., Rio Janeiro, p. cxxii ; Lameere, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Glaucytes basalis , Madagascar, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 462, n. sp. Gnatholea simplex, N. India, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 53, n. sp. Ilaplohammus nanus , Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 81, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. v Hurmosternus , n. g., near Elateropsis , p. 30, for H. anthr acinus, n. sp., Cuba, p. 31 ; Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] F 11 162 Ins. COLEOPTERA. / Hercodera , n. g., near A testa, for H. fasciata, n. sp., Masai-land, pi. ix, fig. 1 ; Gahan, p. 302, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Hesthesis acutipennis figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 5. Heterog aster semifemoratum, Chev., referred to Paroeme , Aur. ; Gaiian, p, 301, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. ^ Hexarrhopala, n. g., near Apiogaster, p. 308, for H. apicalis, n. sp., Nyassa, p. 309, pi. ix, figs. 3 & 3 a ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. 4 Hormathus, n. g., near Ibidion , p. 32, for H. cinctellus, n. sp., St. Domingo, p. 33; Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. , J Hypargyra, n. g., near Ionthodes, p. 303, for H. cribripennis, n. sp., Mamboia, p. 304, pi, ix, fig. 2 ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Hypatium splendidum , Mpwapwa, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 306, n. sp. Idactus spinipennis , Abyssinia, p. 311, ellioti , Madagascar, maculiconiis , E. Africa, p. 312, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. *Imerinus , n. g,, near Phlyctcenodes , for I. granullferus, n. sp., Mada- gascar ; Gaiian, p, 460, Ann. N. H, (6) vi. Jschioplites , see Bubalotragus, * Ischnorrhabda, n. g., near Exilia, p. 61, for I. macilenta, n. sp., Sze- tschuan, p. 63 ; Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. ^Ischnostrangalis, n. subg, of Leptura, p. 55, for L. (/,) semenowi , n. sp., Sze-tschuan, p. 53 ; Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent, Ross. xxiv. Isse punctata figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 2. ^ Kunbir, n. g., Cleomeninarum , for K. telephoroides , n. sp., E. India ; Lameere, p. ccxiii, C,R, Eat. Belg. 1890. Lasiopezus rufodorsatus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 551, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp, ' Leptura virens, n. var. fusco-pubens ; Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 164. L. tenuis, n. var. signaticornis ; Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, p. 52. L. ( Vadonia ) atramentaria , Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 59, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n, sp, Mallocera oblita, p. clxxii, lacordairei, p. olxxiii, Brazil, Lameere, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. Mallodon bituber culatum, Beauv., queried as $ of maxillosum , Dr. ; Gaiian, p. 24, Ann. N. H, (6) vi. Mallosia, table of characters of the European species ; Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 241. M. hermince , p. 241, angelicce, p. 242, Caucasus, Reitter, t. c., n. spp. Massicus fryi , Borneo, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 260, n. sp. Mastododera nodicollis and lateralis, distinctions of ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. li, p. 196. M. ? simplicicollis, Madagascar, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 462, n. sp. Mecaspis mapanjce, Cameroons, femorata. Sierra Leone, Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xii, p. 205 ; M. mim , Sierra Leone, Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 305 : n. spp. Melanauster nobilis , Kanssu, Ganglbauer, p. 82, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. CERAMBYCJDiE. Ins . 163 ^ Metobrium , n. g. ( Obriince ), for Obriacum elegans , Fairm. ; Gahan, Tr E. Soc. 1890, p. 303. Microtragus assimilis , p. 741, albidus, p. 742, maculatus , p. 743, Aus- tralia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Mispila obscura, Nilghiri Hills, Gahan, p. 62, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. sp. Monohammus cestheticus, p. 8, artius, p. 9, Queensland, Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. ^Mo rimospasma , n. g., near Oricethus , p. 78, for M. paradoxum , n. sp., Kanssu, p. 80 ; Ganglbauer, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Necydalis sericella , Sze-tschuan, Ganglbauer, p. 46, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; IV. barbarce , California, Rivers, Ent. Am. vi, p. 112 : n. spp. Neocerambyx cantori , Hope, referred to Cerambyx ; Gahan, p. 249, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Neodorcadion potanini, Ordos, p. 245, intermedium , Gobi, p. 246, maururn , p. 247 , argali, p. 249, Mongolia, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Noemia apicicornis , Sumatra, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 136, n. sp. Nothophysis barnardi, Queensland, Olliff, P* Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Nupserha kirJci , E. Africa, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 326, n. sp. Nyphasia fuscipennis , Bombay, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 53, n. sp. Oberea infantula , Kanssu, GanglbAuer, p. 83, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Obriaccum manzonii, Yemen, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 68, n. sp. Oeax , note on ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 313. Pachydissus similis, E. India, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 52 ; P. boops , p. 128, tatei, p. 129, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii : n. sppi Pachystola mimica , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 490, n. sp. Pachyteria and allies, supplement to the list of species of ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 175. P. calumniata , E. India, p. 166, diversipes , p. 170, similis , p. 171, Cochin China, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii ; P. niassensis , Nias I., Gaiian, t. c. p. 161 : n. spp. Paraclytus , Bates, validity and components discussed ; Ganglbauer, p. 71, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; P. (sub Callidium ) sexguttatum , Ad., = (caucasicus, Motsch.) ; Ganglbauer, p. 71, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. s Para strang alis, n. subg. of Leptura , for L. (P.) potanini, n. sp., Kanssu ; Ganglbauer, p. 57, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Paristemia calabarica, Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 488, n. sp. Parosme verrucifer , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 485, n. sp. vPavieia, n. g., near jdEgoidius , p. clxxxiv, for P. superba, n. sp., Siam, p. clxxxv ; Brogniart, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. i Pemptolasius, n. g. near Ectatosia , p. 64, for P. humeralis, n. sp., Dar- jeeling, pi. vii, fig. 8, p. 65, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v. Phccdinus schaufussi , Colombia, Nonfried, S. E. Z. li, p. 20, n. sp. 164 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Pharsalia proximo,, Ceylon, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 55, n. sp. Phemone cordiger , Sumatra, Ritsema, p. 137, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, n. sp. Philagathes cinctus , Thibet, Lameere, p. ccxiii, C.R, Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Philematium nitidipenne , Nyassa, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc, 1890, p. 307, n, sp. Phryneta verrucosa, Dr., = ( melanoptera , Th.) ; Gaiian, p. 33, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Phymasterna maculifrons , Madagascar, obscura, Angola, Gahan, Tr, E. Soc. 189Q, p. 3J.8, n. spp. Phymatodes juglandis, California, Leng, Ent. Am. vi, p. 214, n. sp. PJiytcecia griseipes , Algeria, Pic, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xci ; P. basalts, Natal, Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 327 : n. spp. Pidonia picta, Kanssu, Ganglbaueii, p. 51, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n.sp. Plagionotus ; table of the characters of species of j Reitter, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 212. Plq,nodes luctuosus figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 9. Platyomopsis frenchi , W. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 132, n. sp. ^ Plectroscupus, n. g. near Temnoscelis , p. 319, for P. bimaculatus , n. sp., Old Calabar, p. 320, pi. iy, fig. 5, Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Ploccederus ferrugineus , L., = (nitidus, White); Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p, 51. P. fucatus , Th., spinicornis , Fab., consocius, Paso., obesus, Gah., notes on ; id. op. cit. (6) vi, pp. 258 & 259. P. emini , Trop. Africa, Waterhouse, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 107, pi, i, fig. 3 ; P. obesus (Dup.), E. India, Gahan, op. cit. (6) v, p, 51 ; P. lym- phaticus , E. India, L*ameere, p. cc^, C.R, Ent, Belg. 1890 ; P. basalts, p. 255, gabonicus, p. 256, melancholicus, W. Africa, purpuripemds, Natal, p. 257, Gahan, Ann, N, H. (6) vi i n, spp. Pogonochcerus scittellaris and ovalis, synonymy discussed ; Guillebeau, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. liv. Polyarthron tschitscherini, Turkestan, Semenow, p. 225, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Polyzonus democraticus, E. India, Lameere, p. ccxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Prinobius ceneipennis, $ described ; Gaiian, Ann, N. H. (6) v, p. 50. Prosopocera antennata , W. Africa, p. 313, aspersa, Cape of Good Hope, p. 314, cornif rons, Senegal, dejeani , Natal, p. 315, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Prosternodes scutellatus, p. 25, dominicensis (Chev.), p. 26, St. Domingo, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, n. spp. Psathyrus longipennis, Madagascar, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 321, n. sp. Purpuricenus wachanrui, vars. described; Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p.79. P. axillaris and humeralis, distinctions of ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 238. CERAMBYCID.K. Ins. 1 65 Rhagium sycophdnta , var. latefasciatum ; Muller, Z. Ent. Bresl. (n.s.), xv, pi 21* Rhaphipodus subopacus, Nilghiri Rills, p. 48, taprobanicus , Ceylon, p. 49, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spp. Rhaphurha prceusta, Ei India, Lameere, p; ceiii, C;R: Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Rhodopis piperdta, Nilghiri Hills, p. 59, alboplagiata , pi. vii, fig. 5, albo- maculata , N; India, p. 60* Gahan, Ann. N. H; (6) v, n. spp. Rhytipliora rosei, N. S. Wales, Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W; (2) v, p. 10, n. sp. Rosalia lameerei, Laos, Brogniart, Bull. Soc. Ent; Fr. 1890, p. cxxi, figured Le Nat. xii, p. 163, n; sp; Salcutitala * n. g., Disteniiadum , p. ccxiii, for & Icaliddscc , h. sp;, E. India, p. ccxiv ; Lameere, GIL Ent; Belg. 1890; Solenoptera : synonymical notes on S. bilineata , Fab., subdanaliculata. White, canaliculatd , Fab., asleria , Buq< ; GahAn, p. 26, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, S. intermedia , Colombia, Gaiian, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 27, n. sp. Sobarus poggei, $ described ; Bates, P. Zi S. 1890, p. 484; ^ Soridus, m g1;, for Xylorrhiza biapicata, Chev. ; Gahan, Tr. E; Soc. 1890, p. 324. Spherion paucispinum , p. clxx, diabolicum , p. clxxi, detritum, p; clxxii, Brazil, Lameere, C.R; Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. 1 Stathmodera, n. g., Ptei'ocoptince, for 8. lineata , p. 324, pi. ix, fig; 8, aureicornis, p< 325* Sierra Leone, m spp.; Gahan* Tr. E. Soc. 1890; Stenodontes chevrolati , Cuba, GAiian, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 23, n. sp. Stenosoma apicalis , Madagascar, Gahan, Ann; N. H. (6) vi, p. 464, n. sp. Sthenias albicollis, pi. vii, fig. 6, p. 61, India, maculiceps , Ceylon, p. 62, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spps Stibara suturalis, E. India, Gahan* p. 65, Ann. N. H. (6) v, ri. sp; ^ Stixis , n. g;, near Velteda} p. 310, for & punctata , m sp., E. Africa, p. 311 ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Stizocerd armata , Sorv., synonymical noth ; LaMeeRe, p. dlxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Symphyletes modestusi S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Aiistr. xiii, p. 131, n. sp. Taurotagus gristus , Guhr., note on ; Gahan, Ann. H. (6) vi, p. 248. T. subauratus , Abyssinia, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 247 ; T. brevi- pennis, Sierra Leone, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 301 : n. spp. Tereticus antenna.lis , Madagascar, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 459, ri. sp. Thermonotus pasteuri , Nias I., RitsEMa, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 248, n; sp. Thylaclus insignisy W. Africa, Gahan, p. 320, pL ix, fig. 6, Tr.- E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. T. simulans , dorsdlis, pL vii* fig; 4, N; India, Gahan, p. 58j Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spp. Tithoes arabicus , male described ; Fairmaire, p. 550, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. 166 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Toxotus : table of characters of the Palaearctic species ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 249. Tragocephala lemarineli , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 32, n. sp. Tragosomci spiculum , New Mexico, pilosicornis, California, Casey, p. 492, Ann. N. York Ac. v, n. spp. Tritocosma atricilla , Newm., = ( digglesi , Pasc.), Blackburn, p. 1273, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. T. digglesii figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxviii, fig. 6. Vesperus strepens , larva described ; Mayet, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clxxxix. Volumnia leucomelcena , Centr. Africa, Bates, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 492, n. sp. Xoanodera regularis , N. India, Gaiian, Ann. N. II. (6) v, p. 52, n. sp. Xylotrechus hampsoni , Nilghiri Hills, Gaiian, Ann. N. II. (6) v, p. 54, pi. vii, fig. 1, n. sp. Xystrocera chalybeata , Nyassa, Gaiian, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 299, n. sp. Zatrephns spinosus, Singapore, p. clxxxiii, nebulosus , Saigon, p. clxxxiv, Brogniart, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. spp. Zonopterus flcivitarsis , varietal note ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 174. Chrysomelidji. \Cf. Allard (5, 6), Ballion (26), Baly (27, 28), Blackburn (60, 61, 62, 66), Brenske (88), Duvivier (197, 198, 199, 2Q0), Fairmaire (238, 239), Graber (321), Heyden (360), Jacoby (317, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398), Lefevre (479, 480), Reitter (644, 648, 657), Schneider (746), Scudder (754), Stierlin (834), Weise (900, 902, 903, 905).] Notes on the habits of many N. American species ; Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 175-178. Abirus globicollis , Banka I., Lef&vre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 183, n. sp. Acrocrypta variabilis , Philippines, Duvivier, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. cxliv, n. sp. Acrothinium violaceum , Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 180, n. sp. Adorium japonicum , n. var. cceruleum ; SchOnfeldt, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 173. ^ Adoxinia , n. g., between Adoxus and Pseudocolaspis, for A. apinipes , n. sp.. Turcomania ; Reitter, p. 128, Verh. Yer. Brunn, xxvii. ZEdionychis assinica, W. Africa, Allard, p. 557, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Aenidea apicalis , Nias I., Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 286, pi. iv, fig. 12, n. sp. , ZEthonea murrayi , Baly, = ( 'variabilis , Jac.) ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 14. CHRYSOMELIDAt!. Ins. 167 Agbalus puncticollis , p. 205, hogei, Mexico, tenebrosus, Panama, p. 206, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1), Supp. n. spp. Alethaxius semiviridis , p. 225, pubicollis , p. 226, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Allochroma fruhstorferi , St. Catharina, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 45, n. sp. Amplipalpa lata , S. America, Duvivier, p. xxxix, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. {/ Anidania, n. g., near Adoxius , p. 127, for A . rubripe s, n. sp., Askhabad, p. 128 ; ReittEr, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii. Anidania (sub Pseudocolaspis ) luctuosa , Solsky, = ( rubripes , Reitt.) ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 14. Antipha puncticollis , p. 221, concolor , p. 222, birmanica , p. 223, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; A. nigrofasciata , pi. ii, fig. 6, bipartita) fig. 5, p. 196, A . ? elongata, p. 197, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii ; A. vari- pennis , pi. ii, fig. 7 , flaviventris) China, Jacoby, p. 214, Ent. xxiii : n. spp. Aoria chinensis , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 114, n. sp. \/ Aphilenia, n. g., near Tomyris , p. 129, for A. interrupta , ornata , n. spp., Turkestan, p. 130 ; Weise, Verh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii. Aphthona attica , Greece, Weise, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 113 ; A. varipes , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 161 ; A. ferruginea , convexa, W. Africa, Allard, p. 557, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. ^ Aphthonella , n. g., near Aphthonoides, p. 204, for A. bhamoensis , n. sp., Burma, p. 205 ; Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Argopus Icevipennis, Jac., figured ; Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pi. iv, fig. 6. A. indicus, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 194, n. sp. Asbecesta violacea , Cuba, Allard, p. lxxxvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. lAt eratocerus , n. g., near Calomela , for A. intricatus , n. sp., N. S. Wales ; Blackburn, p. 357, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Aulacophora analis , Web., var. = ( australis , Blkn.) ; Blackburn, p. 1273, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. A. olivieri , Baly, t= (i australis , Blk.) ; Blackburn, p. 359, P, Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. A. richmondensis , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 360 ; A. bivittata , New Ireland, Allard, p. lxxxix, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Aulexis tibialis , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. p. 167, n. sp. Bonesia balyi, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 206, n. sp. J Brachyphora, n. g., Galerucincc , near Zermyla , for B. nigrovittata , n. sp., China, pi. ii, fig. 12 ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 195, Callipepla viridipennis, Moreton Bay, Allard, p. lxxxv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Calomela eyrei, S. Australia, p. 155, flavescens, N. S. Wales, p. 358, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Candezea (sub Monolepta ) irregularis , Rits., = ( tnconstans , Duv.) ; Duvivier, p. xxxvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. 168 Ins. COLEOPTERA. C. fece , Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 233 ; C. sculpta , Queensland, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 365 : n. spp. Cassida undecimpunctata , n. var. undecimguttata ; Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 265. C elevata, Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 175 ; C. suberosa, Transcaspian region, Weise, p. 132, Verh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii ; C. conici - collis, Mongolia, Weise, p. 487, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. ( Chelysida ) nitidula, Turkestan, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 367 : n. spp. Cephaloleia ornatci , p. xxxvii, balyi , p. xxxviii, S. America, Duvivier, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. Cerotrus , == (Anicera) ; Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 237. 0. apicalis , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 236, n. sp. Chaitocnema longula , Caucasus, Weise, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. Ill ; G. sub - costata, Burma, J acoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 203 ; C. gestroi , Nias I., id. t. c. p. 283 : n. spp. * Chalcoides : forcipes of numerous species figured ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii, figs. 23-29. C. aurata} var., = ( nigricoxis , All.) ; Weise, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 111. C. picipes, Weise, note on ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 162. Chalcolampra rustica , W. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, n. sp. 4 Chalcolema, n. g. ( Crioceridce , ?), p. 84, for C. foveicollis , n. sp., China, p. 85, pi. i, fig. 1 ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii. Chalcomela sloanei , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 356, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Chalcophuna euiarginata, Guatemala, nigritarsis , Panama, p. 229, quadri- costata , Guatemala, brevicollis, p. 230, dimidiaticornis , p. 231, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Chalcoplacis fulvitarsis , Panama, p. 188, mexicanus , Acapulco, p. 189, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Gharidea , Baly, = ( Allophyla , Weise), and C. fortunei , = (A. aurora ) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 216. Charistena bangalana , Congo, Duvivier, p. cxcvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, and Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 42 ; C. bergi , Buenos Ayres, id. p. xl, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Chloropterus lefevrei, Ordubad, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 198, n. sp. Choris pubicollis, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 216, pi. xl, fig. 20, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. Chrysochares asiatica , n. var. virens ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 366. Ghrysodina cyanipennis , Mexico, p. 184, fulvicornis , p. 185, nanay Mexico, pusilla, Panama, p. 186, vicinai Mexico, atroviolacea , Panama, p. 187, C. (?) granulatar Mexico, p. 188, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Chrysolampra curvipes , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 161, n. sp. CHRYSOMELIM. Ins. 169 Chrysomela , food-plants of species of, in France ; Puton, Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 113 & 349. G. lichenis , n. var. hopffgarteni ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 30. C. reuleauxi , Naples, Brenske, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 14 ; C. fuscipes, Chingan, saccarum, Turkestan, Weise, p. 479, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. turanica , Turcomania, Reitter, p. 131, Yerh. Yer. Briinn, xxvii ; C. bella , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 253 : n. spp. Chthoneis suturalis, Duv., = ( suiuralis , All.), bivittata , Baly, = (uni- vittata, All.) ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 14. Cleorina fulvipes, Celebes, Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 186; C. lefevrei. China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 116 : n. spp. Clytra atraphaxidis , n. var .punctata ; Weise, p. 477, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. Ccelcenomenodera femorata , tristicula , coccinea, Madagascar, Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cciii, n. spp. Colaspis impressa var., = ( laticollis , Jac.), compta , Lef., = ( godrnani , Jac.) ; Jacoby, p. 222, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp. C. sculjda, Panama, p. 223, subcenea, Guatemala, inconspicua, Panama and S. America, yucatana, Temax, p. 224, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Colaspoides igneicollis, fece, p. 185, Icevicollis , p. 186, pallid ula , p. 187, Tenasserim and Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; C \ venusta , ciliatipes , Sumatra, Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 188 ; C. lefevrei , Nias Is., Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 280 : n. spp. Colasposorna transversicolle , p. 176, multipunctatumi p. 177, capitatum , p. 178, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Coptocephala gebleri, n. var. ruficeps ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 363. Corynodes schwaneri, Borneo, 'Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 187 ; C. bengalensie , E. India, Duvivier, p. cxliii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; C. ? fulvicollis , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 183 : n. spp. Gneoranc elegans var. = ( violaceipennis var.), fulvicollis = ( crassicornis , Fairm.) ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 14. C. femoralis , Jac., = (de la touchi, Fairm.) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 193. G. fulvicornis , Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 209 ; C. apicicornis , p. 166, abdominalis, p. 167, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii : n. spp. Coytiera costata , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 215, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. Crepidodera : forcipes of transversa , impressa, ferruginea figured j Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii, figs. 18-20. C. obscuritarsis , Motsch., note on ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 162. C. norica , Laibach, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 24; C. Icevicollis , bivittata, p. 555, viridimicans , p. 556, W. Africa, Allard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Crioceris seminigra, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 153, n. sp. GryptocephaJm adustus, Turkestan, Weise, Deutsche e, Z. 1890, p. 364 ; 170 Ins. COLEOPTERA. C. monilis , Mongolia, Weise, p. 478, Hor. Ent. Ross. Xxiv ; G. rectipennis , nigrolimbatus , pi. i, fig. 6, p. 87, festivus, fig. 4, flavopictus , fig. 5, p. 88, discoidalis, p. 89, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii ; (7, birmanicus , p. 159, uni- fasciatns, p. 161, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; C. herre - mansi, Zanzibar, DtrviviER, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. cxlii : n. spp. Cynorta melanocepliala , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 220, n. sp. Demotina balyi, Tenasserim, Jacoby, p. 168, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. sp. Derocrepis rufipes , sodalis, forcipes figured ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii, figs. 16 & 17. Diabrotica: a number of new names- proposed for species incorrectly named by Baly ; Gaiian, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xliii. D. 12 -punctata, larva described ; Webster, Ins. Life, iii, p. 150. D. testaceicollis , p. 9, mediofasciata , bisecta , p. 14, Amazons, decaspila , p. 16, adornata, p. 17, Cayenne, ianihe , Ecuador, p. 18, octopustulata = ( latevittata , Baly, olim ), Amazons, rugulipennis , Colombia, p. 19, fowleri, bilineata , Brazil, p. 20, piceo-picta , Upper Amazons, p. 25, confiuenta , Ecuador, p. 26, pauperata , Bahia, p. 27, germari, Colombia, p. 29, reedii , Bahia, p. 33, transversa , St. Catharine, p. 34, Jcraatzi , p. 35, gothami , p. 37, Ecuador, luteopustulata , p. 43, curvipustulata, p. 44, Colombia, apicipennis , atrosignata , p. 46, sedata , p. 48, Brazil, simulata , p. 50, proximans , Amazons, brevicornis , Cayenne, p. 51, analis , p. 52, weisei , p. 53, Brazil, facialis, Colombia, soroensis, p. 54, brevivittata , Cayenne, cavicollis , p. 55, kirbyi , p. 57, Brazil, trifoveolata , Amazons, p. 58, piceo-signata , p. 61, meyeri, Brazil, diversicornis, Upper Amazons, p. 63, rugidosa, Brazil, p. 64, nigroscutata — ( scutellata , B., olim), Brazil, p. 65, reitteri, Colombia, p. 66, 8ubjnarginata , p. 67, emorsitans) p. 68, Brazil, nigrostriata , p. 69, prasino- marginata , p. 71, Colombia, oculata , piccomarginata, Brazil, p. 72, piceo- limbata , Upper Amazons, p. 73, scho,ufussii Bolivia, p. 74, flavofulva , Cayenne, p. 75, fulvescens, Peru, atricepsi Bogota, p. 76, lutescens , Brazil, p. 77, asignata , p. 78, tibialis , Cayenne, fulveola , Amazons, p. 79, lescens , p. 80, bartleti , Upper Amazons, fauveli , Brazil, p. 81, atriscutata , Amazons, p. 82, crenulata , Ecuador, p. 83, chloris% Upper Amazons, p. 84, diversicolor , Ecuador, p. 86, Baly, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Diorhabda rybalcowi , Mongolia, Weise, p. 484, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; Z>. brevicornis , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 214 : n. spp. Diorycius nigripennis , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 89 ; D. variabilis , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 114 : n. spp. Disonycha collaris , Fab., habits and metamorphoses ; Murtfeldt, p. 76, Bull. Dep. Agr. Ent. xxii. Donacia aquatica , L., metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 283, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Z). longicorniSy China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 84, pi. i, fig. 2, n. sp. Dorydea (?) indica, p. 231, basalis , p. 232, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Doryida , Baly, characters emended ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 12. Z). nigripennis , tar salis, Siam, Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 12 ; D.Jtava, CHRYSOMELtDiE. Ins. 171 Nepal, ferruginea , Philippines, Allard, p. xciii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Emathea violaceipennis , Burma, BalY, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 12, n. sp. Enneamera apicalis , Burma, JACOBY, Ann. Mus. GenoV. (2) vii, p. 200, n. sp. Entomoscelis adonidis , larva described ; Lesne, p. 177, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Ephyrcea exigua, istlimica , pi. xl, fig. 19, Panama, Jacoby, p. 214, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Epilrix pubescens, atropce, forcipes figured ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii, figs. 21 & 22. E. pubescens, variation noticed ; Weise, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 111. Eryxia grandis , gracilipes, Aden, Lefevre, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. lvii, n. spp. Eucycla varipes, Jac., referred to Splicer oderma , Jacoby, p. 193, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Euphrytus pallipesi intermedius, p. 207, varipennis , p. 208, fulvicornis , umbrosus , varicornis, pallidus, pi. xl, fig. 13, p. 209, nigritarsis, elongatus , fig. 14, humeralis , fig. 15, p. 210, apicicornis, fig. 16, E. (?) semirugosus, p. 211, rugosus , fig. 17, p. 212, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Eustetha nigropunctata , Fairm., note on, with figure ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 193, pi. ii, fig. 4. Fidia tibialis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 232, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. Galeruca (Adimonia) griseo-villosay p. 165, G. chinensis , p. 166, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Galerucella , forcipes of numerous species figured; WeisE, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii, figs. 8-15. G. sericella, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 553, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; G. melancholica , Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 213 ; G. inarginicollis, N. Guinea, Allard, p. xci, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Galerucida nigrimembris , Fairm., referred to Galerucella ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 217. Gastroulea analis , Bosnia, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 396, n. sp. Gynaiidrophthalma Icevicollis, fulveola, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 86 ; G. divisa , p. 156, sexmaculata , p. 157, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : n. spp. IJaltica ignita, 111., varietal note ; Hamilton, Canad.. Ent. xxii, p. 242. H. (Graptodera) foveicollis, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 190, n. sp. Ilapalotrius fulvicollis , Amazons, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 67, n. sp. * Haplosomoides, n. g., near L laplosoma, for Rliaphidopalpa serena, Boh., and Pseudocophora plicata, All. ; Duvivier, p. xxxiv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Haplosonyx sumatrce , Web., characters of sexes ; Duvivier, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xxxvi. 172 Ins . COLEOPTERA. II. sublcevicollis, Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 219, n. sp. Ilespera sericea , Weise, characters, p. 162, figure, pi. i> fig< 11 ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii. Heteraspis hauseri , Turkestan, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 365 ; II. quadrifasciata , p. 171, clypeatayvariegata , p. 172, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; II. igneipennis , Timor, LeeiWre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 182 : n. spp. Homophyla surinamensis) Gansee, Duvivier, p. cxlvi, C*R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. ^ Iloplostines , n. g., Sermylites , for H. viridipennis , n. sp.j N. S. Wales ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 361. Hyphusis fern, p. 196, Umbatipennis , unicolor , p. 197, femoralis , p. 198, Burma, Jacoby, Anu. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Imo'lia nigrofasciata figured, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pi. iv, fig. 7. Ischyrolampra pancimensis , Tol6, Jacoby, p. 204, pi. xl, fig. 12, Biol. Centri Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. Lamprosoma bugabense , Panama, p. 173, imituns , p. 174, aureolhnbatum , Mexico, p. 175, dubiosum , Pauama, femoratum , p. p. 177, Mexico, ovulum , Guatemala, pusillum, Panama, intermedium , Mexico, p. 178, chiriquense, opacicolley p. 179, angustatum , Panama, constrictum , unicolor , Guatemala, pk 180, aterrimurn , Nicaragua, atro-violaceum , Panama, p. 181, vercepacis , Guatemala, punctifrons , Panama, p. 182, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Lamprosphcerus submetallicus, Panama, variabilis , Guatemala, p. 191, semipurpureu. s*, Panama, plumbeus , Mexico, p. 192, Jacoby1, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Aema hoffmannseygi , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 285, Rev. d’Ent. ix. L. chinensis , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 85 ; L. rugifrons, p. 151, semifulva , p. 152, Burma, modiglianii , Nias I., p. 278, pi. iv, fig. 1, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : n spp. Leptarthra dohrni, Baly, = ( grandipennis , Fairm.) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 194. L. intermedia , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 194, n. sp. Lina , embryology of ; Graber (321). Liroetes leechi)fulvipennis) pi. ii, fig. 2, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 215, n. spp. Lochmcea birmanica , Bhamo, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 215, n. sp. Longitarsus linncei , n. var. scrutator ; Weise, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 115. L. pubescens, Swanetia, p. 114, truncatellus, Athens, emarginatus , Syria, p. 115, brachypterus , Araxes Yalley, p. 116, Weise, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n.spp. Luperocnemus , Fairm., characters of, referred to Halticince ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 161. Luperodes praiustus, sexual distinctions ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 163. Z,. biparti tus, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 163 ; L. duodecim-maculataf piceicollis, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 212 : n. spp. CEKYSOMELID^. Ins. 173 Luperus capito , Weise, var. described ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 165. L. rhenanus , Laufenburg, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 251 ; L. pratti , p. 164, biplagiatus, p. 165, pi. ii, fig. 10, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii ; L. marginalise Falkland Is., Allard, p. xci, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Lypesthes ater , Motsch,, = ( Talmonus farinosus , Fairm.) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 115. Malacosoma jlavipes and luteicollis , notes on ; Ballion, Soc. Ent. v, p. 25. Malaxia alluaudi , W. Africa, Allard, p. 558, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Malegia turlcestanica, Dhisak, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 198, n. sp. Melasoma maculicollis , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 117, n. sp. Melitonoma indica, affine, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 158, n. spp. Menippus dimidiaticornis , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 218 ; Jf. elegans, p. 362, quadrinotatus , p. 363, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. Mesodonta lurida, Sierra Leone, Allard, p. xc, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Metaxyonycha hirsuta , pi. xl, fig. 22, p. 217, panamensis , fig. 23, Panama, variolosa , Mexico, p. 218, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Metriotes metallicus , Ecuador, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Mimastrites , tabulation of the genera ; Allard, p. Ixxxvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Mimastra = ( Brachita , All.) ; Allard, p. lxxx, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Characters of Mimastra , with tabulation of the species ; Allard, pp. lxxxii-lxxxiv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. M. gracilicornis , p. 210, polita , p. 211, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; M. platteeuwi, Sumatra, Duvivier, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xxxiii : n. spp. Monolepta maculosa , E. India, Allard, p. xcii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; M. lecclii , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 216 ; M. clypeata , p. 225, multi- maculata , p. 226, oriental is, p. 227, albofasciata modesta , p. 228, Jlavo- fasciata, p. 229, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; M. rosea , p. 364, nigricornis, p. 365, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. Morphosphcesa (sic) impunctata , island of Visaya, Allard, p. lxxxix, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. ^ Nephus , n. g., near Nodostoma , p. 165, for N. femoratus, n. sp., Burma, p. 166 ; Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Neorupilia stirlingi , Adelaide, Blackburn, p. 1274, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. iNiasia, n. g. ( Galerucidos ), for N. diffiormis , n. sp., Nias I., pi. iv, fig. 9, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. 174 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Noda thoracica, Jac., referred to Spintherophyta , and is the same as S. cyanea , Lef. ; Jacoby, p. 193, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp. Nodaimitans , opacicollis , Mexico, p. 194, chontalensis, Nicaragua, p. 195, sinuata elongata, p. 196, fulvicornis , basalis , p. 197, placida, metallica , p. 198, plumbea , Mexico, parvula, Panama, p. 199, cyanella , acutangula , p. 200, Mexico, hondurensis, Rio Sarstoon, obliterata , Mexico, p. 201, ovata, Panama, bella, p. 202, congregata , p. 203, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. Nodostoma lenkorana, Caspian Sea, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 164 ; N. orientate^ pi. i, fig. 7, gibbosuni , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 115 ; AT. biplagiaturn , p. 162, nigrofasciatum , p. 163, subcostatum , p. 164, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : n. spp. Nonarthra nigriceps , Weiso, figure pi. ii, fig. 1, variation p. 163; Jacory, Ent. xxiii. Ochralea divisa , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 230, n. sp. Octogonotes apicicornis , Brazil, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 46, n. sp. (Edionychis birmanica , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 199, n. sp. O'ides sexvittata, Duv., = ( quinquelineata , Jac.) ; Duvivier, p. xxxvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Oomorphus mexicanus , Mexico, hirtipes , Panama, Jacoby, p. 183, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. lOrthcea , n. g. (group 16, Chp.), for O. vlridipennis , n. sp., Tenasserim, p. 202, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Pagria ceneicollis, Java, Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 181, n. sp. Paracadmus luctuosus, Chp., = ( lucifugus , Baly) ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 135. P. maculatuSy Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 135, n. sp. Paropsides maculicollis , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 118, n. sp. Paropsis gibbosa , S. Australia, insularis, Kangaroo I., p. 139, nitidissima , p. 140, meyricJci (hemisphcerica , Chp., var. ?), p. 141, mimula , Australia, confusa, Kangaroo I., p. 142, aznea, p. 143, frog gatti, p. 145, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, n. spp. Peribleptus metallicus , Bogota, p. 45, ecuadoriensis , Ecuador, p. 46, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, n. spp. Phcedon ( Sternoplatys ) longulus , Turkestan, Weise, p. 480, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Phcedra chapuisi , p. 189, abdominalis , Panama, brevicornis , Nicaragua, p. 190, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. ^ Phola , n. g., near Prasocuris , for P. keyserlingi, n. sp., Sze-tschuan ; Weise, p. 482, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Phyllobrotica,, note on its composition ; Allard, \ p. lxxxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. P. elegans} Kr., = ( trimaculata , Ball.) ; Kraatz, Soc. Ent. v, p. 45, but Ballion demurs, t. c. p. 129. P. trimaculata , Tiflis, Ballion, Soc. Ent. iii, p. 33, n. sp. CHRYSOMELIDiE. Ins. 175 Phyllodecta : forcipes of numerous species figured ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii (iii) figs. 1-7. Phyllodecta polaris , Arctic Norway, Schneider, Tromso, Mus. Aarsh. xii, p. 73 ; P. multipunctata , China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 118 : n. spp. Phyllotreta : forcipes of numerous species figured ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. i, figs. 17-25. P. denticornis , fucata , S. Russia, Weise, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 112 ; P. australis , S. Australia, Blackburn, ; Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, p. 146 : n. spp. Phytodecta 13-maculata , Jac., = ( Paropsides nigrosparsus , Fairm.) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 118. P. chrysomeloides , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 189 ; P . flavo-plagiata, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 117, pi. i, fig. 8 : n. spp. Phytorus assimilis, p. 184, pallidus , p. 185, Borneo, Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, n. spp. Plagiodera marginipennis , Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 188, n. sp. Platyxantha gracilis , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 234, n. sp. Polyoptilus gracilis , robustus, S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 134, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr, xiii, n. spp. Prasyptera basalis , fasciata , Borneo, Allard, p. xci, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. Prionodera limbata, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 219, pi. xl, fig. 24, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. Prionopleura erudita, p. 136, suturalis , p. 137, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xiii, n. spp. Promecosoma Jlohri, pi. xl, fig. 25, p. 219, suturale, p. 220, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. spp. V Pseudochoris, n. g. ( Iphimeince , near Euphrytus ), for P. fulvicollisy n. sp., Mexico, pi. xl, fig. 18; Jacoby, p. 213, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp. Pseudocolaspis sarvadensis , Solsky, referred to Adoxinia , Reitt. ; Reitter, p. 14, Wien. ent. Z. ix. P. insigniSy p. 182, lansbergi , p. 183, Somali-land, Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, n. spp. Pseudocopliora flavescens , Baly, = ( flava , Allard) ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2)i,p. 14. P. birmanicay Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 208, n. sp. Pseudodera bifasciata , Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 200, n. sp. Psylliodes ( Semicnema ) parallela, Turkestan, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 366, n. sp. Pyropida sumptuosa, Baly, var. figured ; Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pi. iv, fig. 3. 176 Ins. COLEOPTERA. Rhabdoptera picipes, prcetextata, notes on; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 241. Rhabdopterus fulvus , Panama, Jacoby, p. 227, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. Rhembastus Jiavidus , W. Africa, LEF&vnE, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 180, n. sp. Rhinotmetus nigrolimbatus, Brazil, J acoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 67, n. sp. Rhyparida bimaculata, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 174; R. armata , Sumatra, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 281 : n. spp. S agra brevipes , Tenasserim, p. 148, multipunctata , Burma, p. 149, Jacoby, Aun. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Sastrokles birmanica , Bhamo, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 217, n. sp. Sebaethe cinctipennis, Liu Kiu Is., Weise, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 174; S. africana , Assinia, Allard, p. 557, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. S epharia frontalis, Kashmir, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 254, n. sp.. Solenia ( Euphyma ) indica, Tenasserim, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 235, n. sp. Sphceroderma piceicollis, Burma, p. 191, biplagiata, Tenasserim, p. 192, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Sphcerophysa (?) piceicollis , Burma, Jacoby, p. 195, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. sp. Sphenoraia cyanea , India, Allard, p. xcii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; S. duodecimmaculata, Burma, Jacoby, p. 219, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; S. cupreata, China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 193 : n. spp. Spintherophyta violacea, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 204, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp., n. sp. ^ Stethidea, n. g. ( Galerucince ), type Doryida balyi, Duv. ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 13. Stethotes fulvilabriSy N. Guinea, longimana, Waigiou, Lefevre, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 186, u. spp. Strobiderus cequatorialiSy Sierra Leone, Allard, p. xcii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. ^ Taphinellciy n.g. ( Galerucince ), for T. nigripennis , n. sp., Burma; Jacoby, p. 224, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. T. longicorniSy China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 194, n. sp. Temnaspis humeraliSy China, Jacoby, Ent. xxiii, p. 86, pi. i, fig. 3 ; T. nigripennis, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 155 : n. spp. ATherses, n. g. ( Iphimeinai , near Euphrytus ), for T. nigricollis , p. 21 2; ochripes, p. 213, n. spp., Mexico ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am, Col. vi (1) Supp. 4 Thootee, n.g. (near Xanthonia ), p. 231, for T. glabratus, n. sp., Mexico, p. 23 ; Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1) Supp. Thrasygoeus maculicollis, Brazil, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 68, n. sp. Thy amis ( Longitarsus ) nigripes , nervosa, W. Africa, Allard, p. 556, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. ' Timarcha inter stitialis, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Le Nat. xii, p. 193. CHRYS0MELID2E — ENDOMYCHIDiE. Ins. 177 * Trichidea , n. g.,, near Strobiderus and Syoplia , p. 13, for T. bowringii, Hong Kong, p. 13, mouhoti, Siam, p. 14, n. spp. ; Baly, Ent. M. M. (2) 1. Trirhabda tomentosa , larva described ; BeuTenmuller, Canad. Ent* xxii, p. 36. Tymnes metasternalis , chrysis , notes on ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 239 & 240. Xenomela fausti , Tschaar-tasch, WeIsE, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 23, n.sp. Xiphispa centrolineata, lugubris, Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. cciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Zeteticus bifasciatus, Peru, Jacoby, Ent. M. M. (2) 1, p. 47, n. sp. LANGDRIJDiE, ErOTYLIILE. [Cf. Fowler (277), Gorham (319), Reitter (648).] Coptengis sheppardi and pascoii , colour variation in ; GoRiiAM, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 130. Episcapha xanthopustulata , Sumatra, Gorham, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 47, n. sp. Languria mozardi, life-history ; Weed, Bull. Ohio Exp. Station (2) iii, p. 235. L. mozardi and gracilis, habits of larvae ; Chittenden, Ins. Life, ii, p. 346. L. ochripennis , Malacca, Fowler, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 107, n. sp. Megalodacnc fasciata, larva described; BeuTenmuller, p. 317, Psyche, v. Orestia arcuata, forceps figured ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 287, pi. ii, fig. 30. Triplax carpathica , Carpathians, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 388, n. sp. EnDOMYCHIDjE. [Cf. Blackburn (62), Gorham (317), Reitter (648).] Alexia algirica , Philippeville, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 167, n. sp. Ephebus piceus, Guatemala, pi. viii, fig. 1, p. 131, chontalesianus , Nicara- gua, fig. 2, p. 132, Gorham, Biol. Cent. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Epopterus ocellatus var. figured, pi. vii, fig. 19, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. E. comptus , pi. vii, fig. 20, scalaris, fig. 21, Nicaragua, p. 130, pantherinus, Panama, fig. 22, p. 131, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Mycella clavicornis, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 366, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. Rhymbus limbatus , figured, pi. viii, fig. 12 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. R. piceus, Panama, pi. viii, fig. 13, p. 143, fibulatus , Mexico, vestitus , Panama, p. 144, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Stenotarsus circumdatus, pi. vii, fig. 25, globosus , pi. viii, fig. 6, angus - tulus, pi. vii, fig. 23, claviger, pi. viii, fig, 10, maculicollis , fig. 11, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] F 12 178 las. COLEOPTERA. S. cordatus , pi. viii, fig. 4, p. 134, nigricans , p. 135, discipennis , fig. 5, Guatemala, thoracicus, p. 13G, tarsalis , p. 137, Mexico, oblongulus , Guate- mala, fig. 7, panamanus , fig. 8, p. 138, cuprivestis , Panama, lemnisctitus , Guatemala, p. 139, smithi , Mexico, fig. 9, p. 140, exiguus, Guatemala, p. 141, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. J Systcechea, n. g. (near Stenotarsus ), p. 132, for 8. cyanoptera , pi. vii, fig. 24, championi , pi. viii, fig. 3, n. spp., Panama, p. 133 ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. CoCCINELLIDiR. [C/*. Blackburn (60, 64), Fairmaire (476), Beitter (648), Semenow (770), Weise (900, 901).] Chilocorus baileyi , Australia, Blackburn, p. 1275, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Coccidula conferta, Paskau, lithophiloides , Ordubad, Reitter, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 176, n. sp. Coccinella nova- zealandica figured; Koebele, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxi, p. 25. Cr elegantula , Mongolia, Weise, p. 487, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Epilachna discincta , Honduras, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890,' p. 21, n. sp. Eriopis latepicta , Patagonia, Fairmaire, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 135, n. sp. Hyperaspis erythrocephala , Fab., referred to Oxynychus, Lee. ; Weise, p. 489, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Ithone degenerata , Kundshut, Semenow, p. 226, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. JNitetay n. g., near Sticholotis, p. 21, for N. \i-punctata , Manilla, 12 -punc- tata, Borneo, p. 22 : Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1890. Novius ruber , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, p. 148, n. sp. Oxynychus alexandree , Mongolia, Weise, p. 488, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Rhizobius ventralisi Er., = ( Scymnus restitutor , Shp.); Koebele, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxi, p. 14, note. Scymnus (Putins) mongolicus, p. 490, Mongolia, S. obsoletus , Amdo, p. 491, Weise, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Vedalia cardinalis , habits in Australia ; Koebele, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxi. CORYLOPHIDiE. [Cf. Matthews (516).] Corylophus reitteri , Corfu, Matthews, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 151, n. sp. Rhypobius obtusus , Sicily, Matthews, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 152, n'. sp. Sacium marseulii , France, Matthews, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 151, n. sp. Sericoderu8 brevicomis , Europe ?, Matthews, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 151, n. sp. Ins. 179 (b.) hymenoptera. Remarks on Fourcroy’s and Geoffrey’s nomenclature of Hymenoptera ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 141. New signs for distinguishing the sexes proposed by Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 97. Fossil Hymenoptera ; Scudder (754). Preparation of Hymenoptera ; Kriechbaumer (455); Note on hairy eyes ; Howard (382). AOULEATA. [Cf. Andr£ (8, 9), Ashmead (13), Beyer (52), Borries (74), Bruyant (98), Cameron (110, 111, 317), Carlet (117, 118), Carried (120, 121), Cockerell (139), Coville (154), Fmery (221', 222, 223, 224, 225), Forel (272, 274, 275, 276), Fox (279, 280), Handli&sch (349), Harter (352) , Hoffer (369), Kohl (437, 438), Konow (439), Magretti (504), Marchal (508), Mayr (520), MeunieU (529, 530, 531), MoraWitz (554, 555), PIsrez (599, 600, 601), Radoszkowski (629, 630), Robertson (706), Saunders (721, 722, 723), Sciiletterer (735, 737), Scudder (754), Verhoeff (859), Wasmann (881, 882), Wesenberg-Lund (906);] Development of sting ; Beyer (52). Catalogue of British Hymenoptera Aculeata ; SAunders (721); APID2E. GeographiOal distribution of bees ; P]£rez (601). Geographical distri- bution of bees of S.W. France ; F$rez (600). Statistics, &c., as to colour of collecting-apparaths of bees ; P^rez (599). Agapostemon coeruleus , Colorado, Ashmead, Bulb Col. Ass, i, p. 7, n. sp. Andrtna, tongue described and figured; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 418, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. A: trimnterana var:, = (rosce, Pz.) ; Perkins, Ent. M; M; (2) i, p; 206. A. meliloti , salicis, pp. 322 & 384, denticornis , p. 323 ,fischeri, pp. 324 & 384, Germany, pectoraloides} p. 384, germanica , p. 385, Crefeld, Verhoeff, Ent. Nachrj xvi, n. spp. Anthidium : tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 425, ph viii, figs. 5-7.- A. orizabai, n. m for atriventre, Sm., indescriptum, n. n. for cdgnatum, Sm., Dalla-Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 139; A. breviusculutn, S.W, France, P6rez, p. 190, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv; A. atriceps, Kanssu, 180 Ins. HYMENOPTRRA. Morawitz, p. 373, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; A. mandibular e, p. 230, funereum , p. 231, Chili, Schletterer, Ent. Nachr. xvi : n. spp. Anthophora : tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii , p. 428, pi. ix, figs. 7-9. A. parietina : nests, biology, anatomy ; Wesen- berg-Lund, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 99-120, pi. ii. A. potanini, Kanssu, p. 353, mongolica , S. Mongolia, p. 354, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; A. grisea , Chili, Schletterer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 234 : n. spp. Apathus elatus and Bombus , their relations ; Coville, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 200. Apis : structure of sting and poison glands, secretion of wax ; Carlet (117, 118) : tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 430, pi. x, figs. 7 & 8. Bombus , tongue figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, pi. x, figs. 4-6. Bombus, habits of species of ; Coville (154). B. lapidarius , &c., habits, food of larvae; Harter (352). B. calidus, p. 503, melanurus , p. 504, portschinsJcyi , p. 505, male characters of ; Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. B. pennsylvanicus and americanormiy characters of ; Apathus elatus is $ of latter ; Robertson, Ent. News, i, pp. 39-41. B. agrorum , varia- bilis , mucidus var. mollis , pomorum , var. elegans , alticola , rajellus , pygmceus , characters and variation of in Switzerland ; Frey-Gessner, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 183-194. B. columbicus , n. n. for jlavifronsy Sm. ; trinominatus ' n. n. for modes tus, Sm. ; secundus , n. n. for montivagus , Sm. 1879, nee Sm. 1878 ; radosz- Icomlcyiy n. n. for perplexus, Rad. ; chinensisf n. n. for rufocinctus , Mor. ; japonicus, n. n. for terminaliSy Sm. 1873, nec Sm. 1870 ; emilice, n. n. for thoracicuSy Rad; Dalla-Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 139. B. araraticus} Mount Ararat, Radoszkowski, p. 502, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; B. halinow- skiiy Korea, Radoszkowski, p. 229, t. c. ; B. pyrosomay p. 349 ,potaniniy p. 350, UnguariuSy p. 351, Kanssu, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; B. ecuadorius, Ecuador, Meunier, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, p. 66 : n. spp. Calliopsis citripeSy Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 5, n. sp. Ceratina flavopicta , Kanssu. Morawitz, p. 356, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. congoensis, Africa, Meunier, p. cci, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 : n. spp. Chalicodoma murariay embryology of ; Carrtere (120, 121). Chelostomay tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 426, pi. vii, figs. 1-3. C. incertum, S.W . France, P^rez, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, p. 189 ; C. orientals, Araxes Yalley, Schletterer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 236 : n. spp. Cilissa, tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 419, pi. iv, figs. 4-6. G. albihirttty p. 5, nigrihirtay erythrog aster , trizonata, p. 6, Colorado, Asiimead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. spp. CcelioxySy tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 424, pi. vi, figs. 4-6. C. latefasciatUy $ described ; Morawitz, p. 374, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. APIDiE. Ins. 181 C. pergandei , Chili, Sciiletterer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 225 ; C, dolichos , Florida, Fox, Ent. News, i, p. 107 : n. spp. Colletes , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 415, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2. 0 . daviesana, n. var. signata ; Yerhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 334. Crocisa crassicornis , Mongolia, Morawitz, p. 369, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Dasypoda, the genus and species described at length ; Sciiletterer, B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 11-56. D. discincta = ( eutoni , Saund.) ; id. t. c. p. 41. Dasypoda , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 420, pi. v, figs. 1-3. D. frieseana , Balkan penins., p. 42, thomsoni , Europe, p. 52, longigena , Asia Minor, p. 55, Schletterer, t. c. ; D. mlokosewitzi, Mount Ararat, Radoszkowski, p. 506, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Dufourea , tongue described ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 421. D. metallica, Sze-tschuan, Morawitz, p. 359, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Epeolus , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 423, pi. vii, figs. 7 & 8. Eucera , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, pi. ix, figs. 1-3. E. ( Tetralonia ) placens, Chili, Sciiletterer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 233, n. sp. Halictoides clavicrus , Mongolia, p. 360, montanus , Sze-tschuan, p. 361, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Halictus , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 418, pi. iii, figs. 9-11 . H. rubicundus , habits ; Francis, P. Bristol Soc. vi, p. 213. H. rhenanus, Germany, Veriioeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 325 ; H. upin- ensis , Kanssu, p. 363, nodicornis, Mongolia, p. 364, resplendens, p. 365, olivaceus, p. 366, Kanssu, laticeps, Sze-tschuan, p. 367, conjluens. Kanssu, p. 368, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; H. forbesii, pectinatus , p. 315, nelumbonis , 4 -maculatus, gracilis , p. 316, palustris, cressonii, albipennis , p. 317, tegularis , p. 318, N. America, Robertson, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Heriades rubicola, S. W. France, Perez, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, p. 190, n. sp. Hylceus mongolicus} p. 376, potanini , p. 378, viduus, p. 380, Mongolia, indistinctus, p. 382, nigrocallosus , p. 383, medialis, p. 384, Sze-tschuan, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Macropis, tongue described and figured; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 419, pi. iv, figs. 7-9. Mcgachilc} tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, pi. viii, figs. 1 & 2. M. buyssoni , p. 190, pyramma, deceptoria , p. 192, S. W. France, Perez, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv ; M. koreensis , Korea, Radoszkowski, p. 230, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; M. mongolica , Ta-wan, Morawitz, p. 372, t. c. ; M. erinacea, p. 227, gasperinii , p. 228^ Chili, Schletterer, Ent. Nachr. xvi : n. spp. 182 Ins. HYMENOPTERA. Nomada , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 422, pi. vi, figs. 1-3. / N. hirsuta , Germany, Veriioeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 326, n. sp. Osmia , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 426, pi. vii, figs. 4-6 : period of appearance in Algeria and in France ; Nicolas, CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. xviii, 1, p. 314, and 2, pp. 564-570. Osmia medance , Damascus, p. 541, dorice , p. 542, Lebanon, Magretti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix ; 0. chinensis , Kanssu, Morawitz, p. 371, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Panurginus nitidulus, p. 357, picipes, p. 358, Sze-tschuan, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Panurgus , tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 420, pi. v, figs. 4-6. P. ru/ocinctus , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 4, n. sp. Parevaspis erythros , W. Africa, Meunier, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, p. 115, n. sp. Prosopis, tongue described and figured; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 416, pi. iii, figs. 3-5. P. damascenai Syria, Magretti, 4nR- Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 537 ; P. nelumbonis, N. America, Robertson, Tr, Am. Ent, Soc. xvii, p. 318 : n. spp. PsithyruSy tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p. 430, pi. x, figs. 1-3, Rophites, tongue described ; Saunders, J. L. S. xxiii, p, 421. J Sabulicola, n. g. £ Acutilinguce ), pp. 328 & 386, for S. cirsii , n. sp., Nor- derney I., p. 329 ; Veriioeff, Ept, Nachr. xvi. Saropoda , tongue figured ; Saucers, J. L. S. xxiii, pi. ix, figs. 4-6. Sphecodes, tongue described and figured ; Saunders, J, L. S. xxiii, p. 417, pi. iii, figs. 6-8. S. gjbbus, habits, &c. ; Marchal (508). Stelis japonica , Japan, Cameron, p. 19, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, n. sp. Xylooopq, frontqlis, n. var, quadrigiapulata ; Meunier, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, p. 64. V|lSPipiE. Odynems crassicornis, habits; Lanceley^E, Bull. Soc. Elbeuf. 1889, p. 50. O, parietuniy varietal note ; Veriioeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 334. O. kalinowskii, Korea, Radoszkowski, p. 231, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Polybia sp., nest noticed ; Lucas, p. xcvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Rhynchium seuli , Korea, Radoszkowski, p. 231, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Ve8pa} notes on the male characters of the European species ; Konow, Soc. Ent. iv, p. 151, &c. V. crabro, colossal nest of ; Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 18. CRABRONIDJS. Ins. 183 Crabronid.®. Ammophila occipitalis , p. 583, ruficollis , p. 586, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Hor. Bnt. Ross, xxiv ; A. buddha , p. 94, orientalis , p. 96, vischu, p. 98, hirticeps, p. 99, violaceipermis, p. 100, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii : n. spp. Ammoplanus (?) columbianus, N. America, Kohl, p. 61, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, v, n. sp. Anthophilus desertorum , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 607, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Aphilanthops quadrinotatus , Colorado, Asiimead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 7 ; A. marginipennis, pi. vii, fig. 1, p. 105, punctifrons, fig. 2, p. 106, Mexico, Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii : n. spp. Aporus lugubris , Bonn, Verhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 327 & 382, n. sp. Astata maculif roiis, p. 149, argenteofacialis, nigricans, p. 151, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii ; A. albovillosa, Guatemala, p. 65, pi. v, fig. 3, apicipennis , fig. 1, p. 66, tinctipennis , p. 67, Jcohli , fig. 2, p. 68, alpestris , fig. 4, p. 69, Mexico, Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii : n. spp. Bembex multipicta , pi. vi, fig. 18, $ organ, fig. 17, description, p. 100, monodonta , figs. 20 & 2a, nubilipennis , fig. 19, figured ; Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii. Bembidula, monograph of ; Handlirsch, SB. Ak. Wien, xcviii, pp. 473r-503- B. discisa, pi. vi, figs. 12 & 13, p. 95, variegata, fig. 14, p. 96, burmeisteri , fig. 15, p. 96, redescribed ; Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii. B. micans , S. Brazil, p. 477, odontophora, Peru, p. 482, diodonta , Mexico, p. 484, mendica, Argentine Rep., p. 490, viduata, Huastec, p. 491, insidi- atrix, p. 494, capnoptera , p. 497, fodiens , p. 499, N. America, burmeisteri , p. 500^ America, Handlirsch,, SB. Ak- Wien, xcviii, n. spp. Cemonus unicolor , F., habits, &c. ; Brogniart, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xciv, and Laboulbene, t. c. p. cv. Cerceris : numerous synonymical and bibliographical notes in supple- ment to Schletterer’s monograph ; Dalla-Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 199-202 & 204. G. ddchroa , n. n. for bicolor y Cresson ; smithii, n. n. for bicornuta, Sm., nec Guerin ; nevadensis, n. n. for elegans, Cresson, nec Evers. ; provancheri, n. n. for insignis, Prov., nec K.; Dalla-Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, pp. 199-201 & 204. G. binodis. noticed, p. 107, figured, pi. vii, fig. 3, tolteca, fig. 4, p. 109, maximiliani, fig. 6, p. Ill, otomia, fig. 10, mexicana , fig. 12, hnastecce, fig. 13, semipctiolata, fig. 14, p. 118, subpctio- lata, fig. 18, p. 120, imperialis, fig. 21, p. 122, esau, pi. viii, fig. 1, p. 124, acolhua, fig. 2, azteca, tepaneca , fig. 6, p. 125, bicornuta , fig. 8, figures of and notes on ; Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii. C. deserticola, p. 593, cavicornis, p. 596, antennata, p. 598, furcata, p. 600, unidentata, p. 601, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. rothneyi, p. 251, pi. x, fig. 3, pulchra, p. 253, fig. 5, vischnu, 1 84 Ins. HYMENOPTERA. p. 254, fig. 7, tristis , p. 255, fig. 7, wrougbtoni , p. 258, fig. 9, dentata , p. 260, fig. 19, sulphured , fig. 11, tetradonta , fig. 12, p. 261, pentadonta, p. 262, fig. 13, nebulosaf p. 265, fig. 15, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) iii ; C. montezuma , p, 108, strigosa, pi. vii, fig. 5, p 110, aureofacialis , p. 112, geniculata} pi. vii, fig. 7, feralis, p. 113, Mexico, chiriquensist Panama, pi. vii, fig. 8, p. 114, Jlavomaculata, Costa Rica, fig. 9, p. 115, flavida, Mexico, p. 116, marginata , Costa Rica, fig. 11, p. 117, obsoleta , fig. 15, p. 118, montivaga , fig. 16, smithiana , fig. 17, p. 119, truncata , fig. 19, p. 121, curvicornis , pi. viii, fig. 3, hebes , fig. 4, p. 124, erythropoda , fig. 7, p. 126, trichiosoma , p. 127, Mexico, pilosa , Guatemala, fig. 9, p. 128, Cameron, Biol, Centr. Am, Hym. ii : n. spp. Geropales , habits noticed ; Perez, p. cix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Chalybion cceruleum , habits ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 254. Chlorion semenowi , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 570, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Grabro mesopleuralis , p. 613, pallid icornis} p. 614, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiy ; C. odontophora , p. 271, pi. x, fig. 20, orientalis , p. 272, ardens , p. 273, nanus , p. 274, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) iii : n. spp. Dielis araratica, Mount Ararat, Radoszkowski, p. 507, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Diodontus handlirschii , Tyrol, Kohl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 58, n. sp. D. rujicornis , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 612, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. JElis villosa, sexual variation in neuration ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p.291. Gastrosericus wroughtoni , rothneyi , E. India, Cameron, p. 147, Mem. Socf Manch. (4) ii, n. spp. Gorytes bipunctatus , pi. v, fig. 11, fuscus, fig. 10, spilopterus , fig. 16, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am, Hym. ii. G. amatorius , Sm., redescribed ; Cameron, p. 240, pi, ix, fig. 15, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) iii. G. handlirschii , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 610, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; G., championi, Guatemala, p. 72, maculipennis , Panama, pi. v, fig. 12, p. 73, punctifronsy fig. 13, p. 74, fasciatipennis} fig. 14, p. 75, mexi- canus, fig. 15, p, 76, montanus) fig. 17, p. 77, handlirschii fig. 18, p. 78 ,fusoi- pennis, fig. 19, p. 79, Mexico, balteatus, Guatemala, fig. 20, p. 80, alticola} fig, 21, p. 81, alpestris, fig. 22, p. 83, centralis , pi. vi, fig. 1, p. 84, Mexioo, Cameron, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii : n. spp. liomogambrus major , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 591, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Iloplisus foveolata, Florida, Fox, Ent. News, i, p. 106, n. sp. Larra : Larrada rufipes , prismatica , glabratay Smith, referred to this ; Cameron, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 314. L. fuscipennis , p. 126, nigriventris , p. 127, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, n. spp. CRABRONIDiE. Ins. 185 Liris nigripennis, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, p. 131, n. sp. Mellinus pygmceus figured, pi. v, fig. 5, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii. M. alpestris , Mexico, Cameron, pi. v, fig. 6, p. 85, Biol. Centr. Am. Hym. ii, n. sp. Meria brevicauda , p. 628, immatura , p. 630, Transcaspian region, Mora witz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Methoca picipes , Transcaspian region, Mora witz, p. 632, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Miscoplius metallicus, Bonn, Verhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 327 & 383 ; M. americanus, New Jersey, Fox, Ent. News, 1, p. 138 : n. spp. Monedula : monograph of ; Handlirsch, SB. Ak. Wien, xcix, pp. 77- 166. M. heros figured, pi. vi, fig. 21, redescribed, p. 98, surinamensis figured, fig. 23, signata, fig. 22, punctata, fig. 24, p. 139, vicinus, p. 140, basalis , p. 142, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, n. spp. Trachypus , Kl., = ( Philanthocephalus , Cam.) ; Cameron, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 314. Tripoxylon buddha, p. 119, tinctipennis , p. 121, canaliculatum , p. 122, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, n. spp. Mutillid^:. Apierogtyna lateritia, p. 642, vespertina, p. 643, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Mutilla halensis , Fab., $ described ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 289. M. araratica, Mount Ararat, Radoszkowsri, p. 507, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; M. rugiceps, p. 633, bisignata, p. 634, schlettereri , p. 636, quinque- dentata , p. 638, radoszlcowshyi , p. 640, Transcaspian region, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Myrmosa obscuripes, Tourn., note on ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i* p. 290. Phytopsis cressoni , New Jersey, Fox, Ent. News, i, p. 138, n. sp. Formicid^:. Plants and ants ; Kronfeld (458). Nests of several species of ants noticed ; Forel, MT. Schw;. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 231-233. Notes on African ants ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. pp. 69-75. 188 Ins. HYMENOPTEKA. The ants of Central France ; Bruyant (98). AEnictus = ( Typhlatta, Sm.) ; Forel, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. cii. AE. wroughtonii , Poona, Forel, p. ciii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; AE.fece, p. 486, fuscus , p. 487, Burma, D. ( Typhlopone) breviceps , Tenasserim, p. 488, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : n. spp. Amblyopone emeryi , Gibraltar and Tangier ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 203, n. sp. Anochetus emarginatus, F., n. varr. I'ugosus, p. 63, striatuluSy p. 64 ; Emery, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. A. rudis , Burma, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 499 ; A. ( Steno - myrmex) simoni, Venezuela, Emery, p. 64, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Aphcenogaster subterranea , Latr., characters and varieties noticed ; Forel, p. lxx, C.ll. Ent. Belg. 1890. A. testaceopilosa , varr. described ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 204, woodcuts. A . phalangium , p. 47, pi. v, figs. 6 & 7, araneoides , p. 48, fig. 8, Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii ; A. ( Ischnomyrmex ) fecey Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 503, pi. xi, fig. 26 : n. spp. Atta antarctica, swarming of ; Hudson, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 23. Atta ( Acromyrmex ) landolti , habits and characters noticed ; Emery, p. 66, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. A. ( Acromyrmex ) balzani , Paraguay, Emery, p. 67, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Botliroponera talpa , Sierra Leone, Andr6, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 316 ; B. insularis = ( rufipes , Mayr), Java, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 495, n. spp. Camponotas bituberculatus , female described, p. 311 ; compressiscapus , workers, p. 312 ; AndrIs, Rev. d’Ent. ix. C.rubripes , n. var. dulcis , n. st. subnudus , p. 511, micans, n. st. paria , p. 513; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. C. rubripeSy n. st. alii, p. lxi, atlantiSy p. xliii, oasium , p. lxv, and varieties noticed ; Forel, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. C. universitatiSy Montpellier^ Forel, Le Nat. xii, p. 218 ; C. auriventriSy p. 514, holosericeus, p. 515, C. ( Colobopsis ) leonardi — ( pubescens , Mayr), p. 515, pi. xi, figs. 22 & 23, saundersi , p. 516, Burma, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; C. rectangularhy alfaroiy p. 57, mucronatusy p. 58, Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii : n. spp. Cardiocondyla eleganst n. var. ulianini ; Emery, p. 441, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Carebara lignatay Westw., redescribed; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 505. Cataulacus pygmccuSy p. 325, huberi , p. 326, Sierra Leone, AndriS, Rev. d’Ent. ix ; C. muticuSy Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 507 : n. spp. Centromyrmex = ( Spalacomyrmex} Em.) ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 40. G. alfaroiy Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 40, n. sp. Gerapachys sulcinodisy Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 493, n. sp. FORMIC I DiE. Ins. L89 Cremastogaster (sub Formica ) platygnatha, Rog., = (mandibularis, And.) ; Andri*:, p. 323, Rev. d’Eut. ix. C. inermis , n. var. lucidus ; Forel, Le Nat. xii, p. 218. C. brunneipennis , Sierra Leone, Andrei, p. 323, Rev. d'Ent. ix ; C. lon- gispina , Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 53, n. sp. Cryptocerus , descriptive and synonymical notes on various species, pp. 72-76, gibbosus r. biguttatus , n. st., p. 73, pi. ix, figs. 3 a-c, cordatus, Sm., r. multispinus , n. st., p. 75, pi. ix, fig. 5 ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii. C. minutus , F., = ( volxemi . Era., and quadrimaculatus , Kl.) ; Emery, p. 68, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. C. cristatus, p. 72, pi. ix, figs. 2 a-cl, alfaroi , p. 76, Costa Rica, Emery, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Diacamma , generic characters of $ ; Emery, p. 496, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. D. longitudinale , Cochin China, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. sp. Dolichoderus quadripunctatus , race sibiricus) n. st. ; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 442. D. ajffinis , p. 508, pi. xi, fig. 20,/eee, fig. 21, with r .fuscus, n. st., p. 509, Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : D. debilis, Venezuela, gagates , Para, Emery, p. 69, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Eciton spininode , p. 38, alfaroi, p. 39, Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, n. spp.. Ectatomma tuberculatum , n. var. puncligerum ; Emery, p. 56, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. E. ( Stictoponera ) bicolor , p. 493, costatum, p. 494, Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; E. ( Holcoponera ?) bispinosum , Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 40 : n. spp. ^ Emery ia, n. g., near Cardiocondyla , p. cx, for E. wroughtonii , n. sp., Poona, p. cxi ; Forel, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Epitritus emmce , St. Thomas, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pi. viii, fig. 6, p. 70, n. sp. Formica , observations on forms between female and worker ; Was- MANN, S. E. Z. li, p. 306. F. rufa , sting structure and development ; Beyer (52). Glyptomyrmex uncinatus , Mayr, sexes described ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 70. Ilarpegnathus Venator , Sm., characters noticed ; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 494. ^ Huberia , n. g., for Tetramorium striatum , Sm. ; Forel, p. cv, C.R. Ent. ,Bolg. 1890. Iridomyrmex iniquus , n. var. nigellus ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii. Leptogenys pubiceps , Venezuela, punctaticeps , Costa Rica, Emery, p. 62, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Leptothorax obscurior , n. var. tebessce , n. st., p. lxxiv ; L . nigrita, $ described, p. lxxv ; Forel, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. L. delaparti , Algeria, Forel, p. lxxii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. 190 Ins . HYMENOPTEKA. Liomyrmex aurianus , Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 504, n. sp. Lobopelta pusilla , Costa Rica, Emery, p. 43, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, n. sp. Megalomyrmex foreli , Costa Rica, p. 46, pi. v, fig. 3, staudingeri , latreillei, Peru, p. 47, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, n. spp. Meranoplus Iceviventris , Tenasserim, Emery, p. 506, pi. x, fig. 16, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. sp. \lMessor , n. subg. of Aphxnogaster, for A. barbarus , L., and arenarius , F.; Forel, p. lxix, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Monomorium barbatuium , $ described ; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 441. M. andrei , Gibraltar, Saunders, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 204, n. sp. Myrmecina striata , Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 500, n. sp. Myrmelachista ( Decamera ) schumanni , Colombia, Emery, p. 70, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Myrmica scabrinodis , Icevinodis, hermaphrodites described, p. 298 ; M. Icevinodis and ruginodis, abnormal form of worker described, p. 308 ; Wasmann, S. E. Z. li. M. tibetana , Tibet, Mayr, p. 279, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; M. ritce , p. 501, pi. xi, fig. 27, margaritce, p. 502, Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov., (2) vii : n. spp. Myrmicaria exigua , Sierra Leone, Andr$, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 320, n. sp. Mystrium Camilla i, Burma, Emery, p. 491, pi. x, figs. 1-3, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. sp. Odontomachus hcematodes r. erythrocephalus , n. st., p. 44, var. ?, micro- cephalus , p. 45, pi. v, fig. 1 ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii. CEcophylla brevinodis , Sierra Leone, Andr$, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 313, n. sp. * Ophthalmopone, n. g., near Megaloponera , p. cxi, for 0. berthoudi , n. sp., S. Africa, p. cxii ; Forel, C.R* Ent. Belg. 1890. Oxyopomyrmex saulcyi , E. Pyrenees, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 440, n. sp. Paehycondyla : synoptical table of the characters of the females and workers ; Emery, pp. 71-74, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. P. fuscoatra , n. var. transversa ; Emery, p. 58, t. c., and Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 42. P. ambigua , Sierra Leone, Andre, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 316 ; P. rostrata , Venezuela, Emery, p. 59, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; P. oberthuri , Para, p. 74, striatinodis , gagatina, Costa Rica, procidua , Cayenne, p. 75, Emery, t. c. : n. spp. Pheulole jordanica , characters noticed ; EmeRy, Ann* Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 442. P. absurda , For., figured and described, p. 48, pi. v, figs. 9, 10, & 11, radowszkowskii , r. mill tar is, n. st., p. 49, biconstricta , Mayr, rr. bicolor , n. st. rubicunda , n. st., p. 50 , subarmata, Mayr, pi. v, figs. 12 & 13, p. 51, described ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii. P. occipitalis , Sierra Leone, Andr6, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 321 ; P. jiorii , Costa Rica, p. 51, cornutula , Paraguay, p. 52, pi. v, figs. 14 & 15, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii : n. spp. FOftMICIDJE. Ins. 191 Platythyrea occidental is, Sierra Leone,, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 315 ; P . incerta , Venezuela, Emery, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 56 : n. spp. Polyergus rufescens , forms of workers and female described ; Was- mann, S. E. Z. li, p. 302. Polyrhdcis halidaifi , rastrata , p. 517, selefte , p. 518, pi. xi, figs. 18 & 19, Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii ; P. curta, Sierra Leone, ANDftri, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 312 : n. spp. Ponera guineensis, Sierra Leone, Andr$, Rev d’Ent. ix, p. 318 ; P. rubi- ginosa , Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p.498 ; P.nitidula , Costa Rica, id ., p. 43, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii ; P. leveillei , distinguenda, Venezuela, id. p. 61, Ann. Sob. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Pseudomyrma , revision of pp. 59-66, gracilis , n. st., squamifera , p. 60 ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii. P. mutilloides , Bahia, p. 61, pi. v, fig. 23, nigropilosa , fig. 24, kunckeli , pi. vi, fig. 5, p. 62, belli, p. 63, pi. vii, fig. 1, spinicola , pi. vi, fig. 2, nigro- cincta, fig. 3, p. 64, subtilissima , fig. 7, p. 65, Costa Rica, denticollis , Para- guay, pi. v, fig. 26, p. 66, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii : n. spp. ^ Psalidomyrmex , n. g., near Delonopelta , Mayr, p. 313, for P . foveolatus, n. sp., Sierra Leone, p. 314 ; Andris, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Rhopaloihrix simoni , Venezuela, Emery, p. 67, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. • Sima mocquerysi , Sierra Leone, Andr$, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 319 ; S. sub - tilis, Burma, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 500, pi. xi, figs. 24 & 25 : n. spp. Solenopsis orbulo'idcn, Sierra Leone, Andri£, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 321 ; S. succinea , Costa Rica, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 52 : n. spp. ^ Spalacomyrmex, n. g., Poneridce, near Myopopone , p. 489, for S. fece, n. sp., Burma, p. 491, pi. x, figs. 11-15 ; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Strongylognathus christophi , Sarepta, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 439, n. sp. Strumigenys smithi. For., n. var., incequalis, p. 67, pi. vii, fig. 3, membra- nifera, Em., r., simillima , n. st., p. 69, pi. viii, fig. 5 Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii. S. unispinulosa , Costa Rica, p. 67, pi. vii, fig. 5, rogeri, p. 68, pi. vii, fig. 6, eggersi, fig. 9, p. 69, St. Thomas, Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii : n. spp. Temnothorax, Mayr, merged in Leptothorax ; ForeI/# p. Ixxii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Tetramorium nitidum , swarming of ; Smith, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 321. Trapeziopelta amblyops, % described ; Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. mgiypiioinrix, n. g., near Tetramorium , p. evi, for T. u)alshi, n. sp., E. India, p. evii ; Forel, C.R. Eut. Belg. 1890. ^ Trigonogaster , n. g., near Pheulole, p. cviii, for P. recurvispinosus , n. sp., Poona, p. cix ; Forel, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Typhlomyrmex rogenhoferi , r. robustus, n. st. ; Emery, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 40. 192 Ins, EYMENOPTERA. Yollenhovia Icevithorax , Tenasserim, Emery, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 501, n. sp. TERfiBRANTIA. [Cf. ANnuit (8), Asiimead (12, 13, 14, 15), Bassett (29), BoRries (74), Bridgman (89, 90), Bugnion (100), Buysson (105), Cameron (109, 110, 112), Cook (143), Coquillett (145), Costa (147), Cresson (347), Gillette (308, 309), Howard (383, 384, 385), Jacobs & Tosquinet (393), Jarochewsky (408), Kriectibaumer (452, 453, 454, 456, 457), Kulagin (460), Magretti . (504), MocsAry (547), Provanciier (621), Riley (692), Riley & Howard (695), Sciiletterer (736), Sciimiede- knecht (742), Scudder (754), Thomson (850), Verhoeff (859), Weed (895, 896).] Chrysididji. Adelphince , n. subfam., p. 45, for the following n. g., viz. : — )Adelphe) n. g., for A. mexicana , n.sp., Orizaba ; Mocsary, p. 46, Term, fiizetek, xiii. Chrysis zuleica , p. cxxxiii, gazagnairei, cylindrosoma , p. cxxxiv, Algeria, Buysson, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; C. araratica, sardarica, Mount Ararat, Radoszkowski, p. 509, Hor. Ent Ross, xxiv ; C. magrettii , Syria, Buys- son, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 533 ; C. ( Holochrysis ) naila , Smyrna, p. 53, cyanophris , C. Good Hope, p. 54, C. ( Gonochrysis ) chaloites, S. Russia, C. ( Trichrysis ) triangulifera , S. America, p. 55, C. ( Tetrachrysis ) confluens , p. 56, scutellala, p. 57, maculata , p. 58, plagiata, striata , p. 59, oxygona , p. 60, crcesus , p. 61, C. Good Hope, valesiana, p. 62, Switzerland, C. ( Hexachrysis ) porphyrophana,peringuezi , p. 64, C. Good Hope, Mocsary, Term, fiizetek, xiii, n. spp. Cleptes consimilis , Buys., $ = ( chyzeri , Mocs.) ; MocsAry, p. 47, Term, fiizetek, xiii. C. femoralis , Asia Minor, p. 47, scutellaris , Europe, p. 48, MocsAry, Term, fiizetek, xiii, n. spp. Ellampus araraticus , Mount Ararat, Radoszkowski, p. 508, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; E. medana ?, p. 531, magrettii, p. 532, Syria, Buysson, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix ; E, ( Notozus ) obesus, Turcomania, p. 48, spinipes} Mongolia, montanus) Armenia, p. 49, E. schulthessi} S. Russia, p. 50, MocsAry, Term, fiizetek, xiii : n. spp.' * Holophris , n. subg. of Ellampus , for E. (H.) marginellus, n. sp., Sumatra; Mocsary, p. 51, Term, fiizetek, xiii. Holopyga ( Hedychridium ) sulcata , C. Good Hope, p 52, caspica, W. Asia, p. 53, Mocsary, Term, fiizetek, xiii, n. spp. Spintharis mocsaryi , Mount Ararat, Radoszkowski, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, p. 508, n. sp. ICRNEUMONIDiE. Lists of parasitic Hymenoptera , and the species from which they were bred ; Riley & Howard (695) ; Billups, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1888-89* ICHNEUMON IDiE. Ins . 193 pp. 90-96. List of the parasites of Ocneria dispar ; Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, ii, p. 210. List of 63 parasites of Cheimatobia brumata , Ins. Life, iii, p. 76. Adelognathus texanus , N. America, Asumead, p. 442, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. AEthalodes , n. g., Tryphonides, p* 207, for AG. seminiger , p. 208, meso- melas, p. 209, n. spp., Switzerland : Kriechbaumer, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii. Agrypon puparum , boreale , N. America, AsiimEad, p. 424, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. Amblyteles binotatus , Munich, KrieciIbauMer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p* 350 ; A, contractus , Alaska, cookii, Michigan, Ashmead, p. 392, P. U. S. Nat* Mus. xii : n. spp. Anomalon sp., oviposition of ; Gillette, p. 139, Ent. News, i* A.fiavi- frons , Gr*, •= ( cerinops , Gr.), ruficorne , Gr., = ( gliscens , Hart.), Dallas Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 140. A. xanthopsis, eureka , simile , California, ASiimEad, p. 423, P. U. S. Nat, Mus. xii, n. spp* Apceleticus brevicornis , Munich, p. 203, Kriechbaumer, Ent* Nachr. xvi, n. sp* ( Apechoneura , n. g., Pimplides , p. 485, for JRhyssa terminaliSj Brull6, and A..longicauda , p* 486, brevicauda, p. 487, n. spp., Brazil ; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v. A tradodes politus , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p* 23, n* sp. Bassus , revision of the genera allied to ; Thomson, Opusc* Ent. xiv, pp. 1459-1525. B. varicoxa, p. 1468, deletus , p. 1471, N. Europe, Thomson, Opusc* Ent. xiv ; B. syrphicola , orbitalis , p* 439, xanthopsis , euurce , California, virgin i* ensis , Yirginia, p. 440, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat, Mus. xii ; n* spp. Brachycentrus fasciatus , Texas, Ashmead, p. 413, P. U. S. Nat. Mus* xii, n. sp. JBremia , n. g*, Tryphonides , p. 209, for B. pulchella) n. sp., Switzerland, p 210 ; Kriechbaumer, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii. Campoplex texanus , N. America, Ashmead, p. 427, P* U. S. Nat Mus* xii, n. sp. Casinaria texana , N. America, Ashmead, p* 427, P* U. S. Nat. Mus. xii j C. americana , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 22 : n. spp. Gatalytus pallipes , N. America, Ashmead, p. 419, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Catoglyptus antilopey $ described ; Jacobs & Tosquinet, Ann* Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 54. Char op 8 annulipcs1 Missouri, Asiimead, p» 425, P* U. S* Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Chorinaius Jlavifrons , Wisconsin, Asiimead, p. 444, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Clistopyga pulchripida , pleuralis , N. America, Ashmead, p. 448, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. 1890. [vol. xxvi i. J F 13 194 Ins. HYMENOPTERA. Coleocentrus texanus , N. America, Ash mead, p. 444, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Colpognathus euryptychice, p. 395, annulicornis , p. 396, N. America, Asiimead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Cremastus schamobiu s, p. 1446, macrostigma , p. 1448, guttifer , p. 1449, subnasutus , p. 1450, radialis , p. 1453, laiviusculus , crassicornis , p. 1454, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xiv ; 6T. forbesi , N. America, Weed, Bull. Jilin. Lab. N. H. iii, p. 42 : n. spp. Cremnodes californicus, Los Angeles, Ashmead, p. 420, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Crypturus texanus, p. 413, albomaculatus , p. 414, N. America, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Cryptini : revision of the European genera and species, with tabular characters ; Schmiedeknecht, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 81, &c. Cryptus rubricator , Pz., = ( minutorius , Fab., and minor , Thunb.), con- strictor, Fab., being a var. ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 140. C. migrator , Gr., n. var. intermedius ; Verhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 332. C. samice, Pack., ovipositor of ; Riederer, J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. vi, pp. 99-101, pi. xxv. C. violaceipennis , coloradensis , p. 408, leucopus , alamedensis, p. 409, monticola , texensis, p. 410, armatus , nigripennis , hirtifrons , californicus , p. 411,/m,w#mews, brevicauda, nebrasJcensis, p. 412, N. America, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. 1 Demophorus, n. g., near Cremastus , for D. arenicola , p. 1457, annellatus , p. 1458, n. spp., Sweden ; Thomson, Opusc. ent. xiv. vi Diphyes , n. g. (Ichneumonidarum) , for D. tricolor , n. sp., Tegernsee ; ICriechbaumer, p. 184, Ent. Nachr. xvi. N* Dolichops elephus , n. g., near Atractodes, for D. cockerelli , n. sp., Colorado ; Ashmead, p. 23, Bull. Col. Ass. i. J Dyseidopus, n. g., Pimplides , p. 489, for Z). sericeus , n. sp., Brazil, p. 490; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v. Ephialtes violaceus , $ described ; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 488. Epimecis fasciata , Br., $ described ; Kriechbaumer, p. 490, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v. E. heteropus , Brazil, Kriechbaumer, p. 491, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, n. sp. Erhticus minutus , erythrog aster, apicalis, p. 388, basilaris, cinctus , bino- tatus, p. 389, Wisconsin, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. Euceros pruinosus , Gr., = ( crassicornis , Gr.) ; Dalla Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 139. Exephanes (?) ccelebs , Sonderburg, Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 289, n. sp. Exochilum texanum, N. America, Ashmead, p. 426, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Exoc'hus rufigaster , Texas, Ashmead, p. 443, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. n. sp. ICHNEUM0NID2E. Ins. 195 Exolytus gelechice , California, Asiimead, p. 397, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Glypta : tabular characters of the British species, with list of their hosts ; Bridgman, Tr. Norw. Soc. v, pp. 66-72. G. cicatricosay flavipes , 9 9 described ; Bridgman, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 208. G. rubicundcL) p. 70 (and Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 209), annulata , p. 71, Britain, Bridgman, Tr. Norw. Soc. v ; G . tricincta , N. America, Pro- vancher, Nat. Canad. xix, p. 248 ; G. leucozonala, xaniliozonata , N. America, Asiimead, p. 449, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii : n. spp. Hemiteles stigmatus , cincticornisy p. 21, alticolay p. 22, Colorado, Arh- mead, Bull. Col. Ass. i ; II. belfragei , melitcece, p. 399, coleophorce, varie- galus, nigriceps, p. 400, gracilarice, bucculatriciSy hydrophilus , p. 401, annulatus , columbianus , rileyi , p. 402, bicornutus , annulicornis , albiscapus , p. 403, mellicornis , hemerobii, texanus , virginiensis, p. 404, rubricornis, townsendi , syrphicola , p. 405 ypallidus, p. 406, N. America, Asiimead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. Herpestomus plutellce, N. America, Ashmead, p. 396, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. * Homoporus, n. g., p. 1488, for a part of Bassus auct., and including the following n. spp., viz., brevitarsis, p. 1495, caudatus, p. 1499, piincti- ventrisy p. 1500, nigricornisy p. 1506, brevioornis , p. 1507, incisus , p. 1511, longiventris, p. 1514, crcissicrus , megaspiSy p. 1516, xcinthaspis, p. 1518, hygrobius, p. 1524, N. and Centr. Europe, Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xiv. Hoplismenus cornixy Steiermark, Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 481, n. sp. Ichneumon aries , Kr., $ described, p. 151 ; bucculentuSy $ noticed, p. 181 ; immisericorsy Tischb., note on, p. 182 ; I tenuicornis and Platy- labus nigcr, Wesm., discussed, p. 199 ; alboguttatuSy 9 > varietal note, p. 349 ; Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi. I. illuminator ms, 9 = ( zonalis , Gr.) ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 140. I. pulvinatuSy n. var. ; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, p. 480. I. eury cerus , p. 1528, corjitziy p. 1530, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xiv ; 1. wustneii, p. 290, oviventris, p. 291, hercynicuSy p. 292, lunuligery p. 293, basiglyptusy p. 294, Germany, Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi ; I. ophiusaiy p. 479, cinxice , p. 480, Tienna, id. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v ; I. b-albatusy Switzerland, id. MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 235 ; /. crassi - gena , Munich, p. 152, puerulus , Tegernsee, p. 182, id. Ent. Nachr. xvi ; I. magdalensis, N. America, Provancher, Nat. Canad. xix, p. 248 ; I. xanthopsiSy xanthogr animus, p. 390, fulvopictus, leucopsis, p. 391, N. America, Asiimead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii ; n. spp. Ischnidiuniy n. n. for Ischnogaster {infra) ; Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 351. Ischnocerus montanus , Colorado, Asiimead, p. 418, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. V Ischnogaster , n. g. {Ichneumon ides pneustici ), p. 153, for I. albibucca , n. sp., Munich, p. 154 ; Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi (c/1 Ischni- dium ). 196 Ins. HYMENQPTERA. Ischnus americanus , Kansas, Asiimead, p. 394, P. U. S. Nat. Mus, xii, n. sp. Ischyrocnemis Carolina , N. America, Asiimead, p. 443, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Lampronota puritana, N. America, Asiimead, p. 450, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Limneria : table of the N. American species ; Ashmead, pp. 428-430, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. L. eurycreontis figured ; Ins. Life, ii, p. 328. L. elegans , teratis , N. America, Weed, p. 40, Bull. Blin, Lab. N, H. iii ; L. melanocoxa , p. 430, nigricincta , nolce , erythropus, brachyura , p. 431, ferrugineipes, occidentalism gelechice , p. 432, solenobice , euurcv , sessilis , p. 433, erythrogaster , pattoni , eurycreontis , p. 434, consimilis, peraffinis, belfragei , pterophorce , p. 435, flavicincta , cedemasice, eureka , p. 436, salicicola, cupressi, noctuce , p. 437, N. America, Asiimead, P. U. S« Nat, Mus. xii : n. spp. Liogaster longidusf N. Germany, Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 297, n. sp. Lissonota ducalis, decorata , Armenia, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 174, n. spp. Meniscus scapularis , $ described ; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 483. Mesochorus anthr acinus, Austria, from larva of Lobophora appensata , Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 484, n. sp. Mesoleptus varicornis , p. 7 6,xanthostomus} p. 81, males described ; Jacobs & Tosquinet, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv. Mesolius periscelius, Germany, Kriechbaumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 294, n. sp. Mesostenus erythrogaster , leucopus , p. 406, leucocoxa , p. 407, N. Amerioa, Asiimead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. Metopius xanthostigma , terminalis , N. America, Asiimead, p. 438, P. U, S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. Nematomicrus coloradensis,N . America, Ashmead, p. 395, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Nematopodius orbitalis , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 21, Bull. Col. Ass. i ; N. texanus, N. America, Ashmead, p. 414, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii : n. spp. Nototrachys annulicornis , Texas, Asiimead, p. 422, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. v Opisorhyssa , n. g., for O.flavopicta , n. sp., N. America, Kriechbaumer, p. 488, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v. Orthocentrus leucopsis, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 24 ; O. calif ornicus, N. America, Ashmead, p. 442, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii : n. spp. Orthopelma bedellice , p. 415, erythropa , minutum , bimaculatum , p. 416, occidentale , roscecola , calif 'or nicum, p. 417, coloradense , diastrophi, p. 418, N. America, Asiimead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. Panargyrops (sub Cryptus) claviger , Tasch., = (ater, Brischke) ; Schmiedekneciit, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 150. ICHNEUMONIDvE. Ins. 197 Paniscus lineatus , Vienna, from Cidaria corticata , Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 484 ; P. texanus , nigripectus , Texas, Ashmead, p. 425, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii : n. spp. Perilissus dubius (Wesm.), Belgium, Jacobs & Tosquinet, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, p. 66. n. sp. Pezolochus bucculatricis, Washington, Ashmead, p. 420, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii ; P. atratus , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 22 : n. spp. Pezomachus flavocinctus , caMfornicus , alasJccnsis, N. America, Ashmead, p. 421, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Phceogenes imbellis , Wesm., = ( subtilicornis , Gr.) ; Dalla Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 140. P. gelechice , p. 392, missouriensis , hemiteloides, p. 393, ruficornis , mvnti- vagus , p. 394, N. America, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. J Phthorimus , n. g., for Bassus compressus , Desv. ; Thomson, p. 1474, Opusc. Ent. xiv. Phygadeuon ater , p.20, laticinctus, p. 21, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. spp. Phytodietus vetulus and chrysostomus, Gr., are sexes, the latter name to be used ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 139. Pimpla ruficollis , Gr., characters of ; concors, $ $ ; stramentaria , $ , described ; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 483. P. macu- lata , Fab., = ( scanica , Vill.) ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 139. P. triangularis , Bonn, Verhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 331 & 386 ; P. grapholitha ?, N. America, Cresson, Ent. News, i, p. 50 ; P. minuta , N. America, Weed, Bull, lllin. Lab. N. H. iii, p. 41 ; P. sexcincta , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 24, Bull. Col. Ass. i ; P. yukonensis , pteropkori , gossypiiy pp. 445, xantliothoraXy aplopappi , p. 446, euuraiy lithocolletidiSy p. 447, N. America, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus xii : n. spp. Platylabus albinus , Gr., = ( errabundus , Gr.); Dalla Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. l4o. P. auriculatus , Tegernsee, p. 200, lariciatce, Arolsen, p. 202, Kriech- baumer, Ent. Nachr. xvi ; P. fornicatus, Vienna, Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 482 : n. spp. Plectocryptus scansor , Sweden, Thomson, p. 1532, Opusc. Ent. xiv, n. sp. Polyspliincta as external parasites ; Borries (74). P. rujigaster, Texas, Ashmead, p. 447, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Prionopoda scutellata, Washington, Ashmead, p. 441, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Pristomerus pallidus, Dalmatia, Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xiv, p. 1456, n. sp. * Promethus , n. g., p. 1475, for a part of Bassus , auct., with P. nigri- ventris , p. 1476, Sweden, melanaspis , Munich, p. 1477, albicoxa, Europe, p. 1479, laiicarpus , Sweden, p. 1481, n. spp. ; Thomson, Opusc. Ent. xiv. Pycnocryptus corcyreus , Corfu, Sciimiedeknecht, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 123, n. sp. Pyracmon pectoralis , Austria, from larvae of Anthaxia quadripunctata ; Kriechbaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 484, n. sp. 198 Ins . HYMENOPTERA. Rhcestus punctatus, Sweden, Thomson, p. 1533, Opusc. Ent. xiv, n. sp. Rhyssa insignis , Russia, Jarochewsky, Trudui Kharkoff Univ. xxiii, p. 369, n. sp. ^ Rhyssonota , n. g., Pimplides , for R. tristis , n. sp., Brazil ; Kriecii- baumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 489. Schizoloma confusa , S. Carolina, Ashmead, p. 426, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Sphecophaga vesparum , habits ; Bignell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 192. Stilpnus texanus , N. America, Ashmead, p. 397, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Thalessa P histrio , $ described ; Krieciibaumer, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, p. 487. Thersilochus montanus , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 23, Bull, Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Thyreodon texanus , N. America, Ashmead, p. 422, P, U. S, Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Trematopygus P cultriformis , Nebraska, Ashmead, p. 441, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. sp. Tryphonides : catalogue of 303 Belgian species, with descriptions of varieties and sexes ; Jacobs & Tosquinet, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxiv, pp. 44 & 45. Xylonomus rileyi , pulclier , Missouri, p, 450, floridanus , Florida, p. 451, Ashmead, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, n. spp. * Zootrephus , n. g., for Bassus holmgreni and rufiventris ; Thomson, p.^1486, Opusc. Ent. xiv. BrACONIDjE. Adelura montana , ampla , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 19, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. spp. Apanteles lcevicepsi monticola, Colorado, Ashmead, p. 17, Bull. Col. Ass. i ; A. sarrothripce , ornigis, p. 6, crambi , p. 8, Illinois, Weed, Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii : n, spp. Aphidius granariaphis , N. America, Cook, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 125 ; A. montanus , atropetiolatus , Colorado, Ashmead, p, 20, Bull. Cob Ass. i : n. spp. Ccenophanes atrata, Colorado, Ashmead, p. 16, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Chelonus atripes, p. 16, aculeatus , p. 17, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. spp. Clinocentrus americanus , N. America, Weed, Bull. Illin. Lab. N, H. iii, p. 43, n. sp. Ccelinius nigripes , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 19, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Eubadizon basilaret N. America, Provancher, Nat. Canad. xix, p. 248, n. sp. Homophyla atricoxalis , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 18, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Hormius americanus , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 16, n. sp. ° Microbracon, n, g., for part of Bracon, with M. sulcifrons , n. sp., Colo- rado ; Ashmead, p. 15, Bull. Col.' Ass. i. BRACONIDiE CHALClDIDiE. Ins . 199 Microplitis mamestrce , N. America, Weed, Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, p. 2, n. sp. Pentapleura alticola , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 18, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Praon coloradensis , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 20, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Sigalplius curculionis and canadensis , notes on ; Gillette, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 114. Tracliyusa americana , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 18, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Evaniid2E and Trigonalid^j. Gasteruption schlettereri , Damascus, Magretti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) ix, p. 529, n. sp. Trigonalys hahnii, Spin., note on; JarOCHEWSKY, Trudui Kharkoff Univ. xxii, pp. 133-143. Chalcidid^:. Some remarks on S. American Chalcididce ; Asiimead, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 218. Axima zabriskei , New York, Howard, Ins. Life, ii, p. 366, woodcuts, n. sp. Blastothrix yuccas, , California, Coquillett, West Am. Scientist, vii, p. 44, n. sp. Dipara latipennis , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 26, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Encyrtus fuscicollis, larval history and anatomy ; BuGNlON (100). Entcdon amyclas reared from Ncpticula gei ; Dale, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 162. , Euryischia lestophoni noticed and figured ; Koebele, Rep. Bull, xxi, p. 17. Eurytoma bigelovice , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass, i, p. 25, n. sp. Ilabrocytus • obscuripes, Colorado, Ashmead, p. 27, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Ilalidea schwarzi} Virginia, Asiimead, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p.265, n.sp. Homalotylus bifasiatus , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 28, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. ^ Hoplocrepis, n. g. ( Eulophince or Elachistince) , p. 235, for H. albi- clavus , n. sp., Florida, p. 236 ; Ashmead, P. E. Soc. Wash. i. Isosoma orchidearum in N. America ; Ins. Life, ii, p. 250. Leucospis: monograph of ; Schletterer (736). L. tricarinata, W. Africa, p. 221, procera , Java, p. 228, malaica, p. 230, micrura, p. 231, Amboyna, morawitzi, Australia, p. 237, amaurop- tera, Celebes, p. 242, macrodon, Malay Archipelago, p. 244, funerea, Amboyna, p. 247, rileyi, Mexico, p. 254, latifrons , Yucatan, p. 259, dis- tinguendaf p. 269 ,propinqua, p. 277, Brazil, Schletterer, B. E. Z. xxxv, n. spp. Megastigmus nigrovaricgatus , Colorado, Asiimead, p. 26, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. 200 Ins. HYMENOPTERA. Monodontomerus rnontivagus , Colorado, Asiimead, p. 25, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. J Op/ielosia, n. g. near Dilophog aster, for 0. crawfordi , n. sp., S, Australia, on leery a ; Riley, Ins. Life, ii,.p, 249, woodcut. Polistomorpha : described and treated as distinct genus ; Soiilettereu, B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 292-298. Rliopalicus coloradensis , Colorado, Ashmead, pf 27, Bull, Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Stibula montana , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 24, Bull, Col. Ass. i, n.sp. Syntomaspis lazulella , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 26, Bull. Qol. Ass. i, n. sp. iTanaostigma, n. g., near Tetracnemus, p. 147, for T. courseticv, Mexico, n. sp., p. 148, woodcut ; Howard, Ins. Life, iii. Torymus rudbecJcice , Colorado, Asiimead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p, 26, n. sp. PROCTOTRUPIDiE. vl Acoloides , n. g. ( Scelioninte ), p. 269, for A. saitidis, n. sp,, N. America, p. 270 ; Howard, Ins. Life, ii. JBceus americanus, N. America, Howard, Ins. Life, ii, p. 270 (cf.t c. p. 359, where this is said to be Trichasius clavatus , Prov.), n. sp, \Belyta zetterstedtli , n. n. for afflnis, Zett. ; Dalla Torre, Wien, ent, Z. ix, p. 97, B. monilicornis , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 12, n. sp, Betyla , n. g,, Belytidce, p. 12, for B.fulva, n. sp,, New Zealand, p, 13, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii. Callirrhytis forsteri, n, n. for hartigii , Forst. ; Dalla Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 97. Ceraphron ultimus , n. n. for tenuicornis , Thoms. ; thomsoni, n, n, for fiavipes , Thoms. ; Dalla Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 97. Cosrnocoma Tiowardi , n. n. for elegansx How, ; Dalla Torre, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 97. Diapria walheri, n. n. for apicalis , Wlk. ; motschulsJcyi, n. n. for longi- cornis , Motsch. ; taprobanica , n. n. for nigricornis, Motsch. ; Dalla Torre, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 97. Ectadius pallipes, p. 9, riigrifemur , p. 10, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. spp. Epyris brevipennis, Gibraltar, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, p. 11 ; E. monticola , Colorado, Asiimead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p, 8 : n. spp. Ismarus atropeliolatus , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 11, n. sp. Isocybus nigrielavus , Colorado, Ashmead, p. 10, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. ^ Malvina, n. g. {Belytidce), for M. punctata , n. sp., New Zealand; Cameron, p. 13, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii. Miota glabra, Colorado, Asiimead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 12, n. sp. Momenta nigripes, Colorado, Asiimead, p. 9, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Platygaster intricator , development of ; Kulagin (460). PROCTOTRUPIDiE, CYN1PID2E. Ins. 201 Psilomma color adense, Colorado, Ashmead, p. 11, Bull. Col. Ass. i, n. sp. Synopeas inermis, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 10, n. sp. Zelotypa coloradensis , Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 12, n. sp. The British parasitic Cynipidce monographed ; Cameron (109). Acraspis niger , N. America, Gillette, Ent. Am. vi, p. 23 ; A. macro- carpoc, p. 84, politus , p. 85, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xxyii : n. spp. ZEgilips , note on its characters and position ; Cameron, p. 54, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii. Allotria dolichocera, Britain, p. 56, collina, filicornis, p. 57 , perplexa, p. 58, crassa, p. 59, Scotland, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii ; A. megaptera, Scotland, Cameron, Mon. Brit. Phyt. Hym. iii, p. 239, pi. xv, fig. 7 : n. spp. Amphibolips caroliniensis , p. 85, pulmeri , p. 86, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Andricus ( Callirhytis ) pulchra, p. 73, pusulatoides, reticulata , p. 74, ruginosus, p. 75, saccularius, seminosus , p. 76, pilula, p. 77, N. America, A. ? mexicana, Guadalajara, p. 78, A. ( Callirhytis ) clarkei, p. 79, A. speciosus, A. ? indistinctus , p. 81, howertoni , p. 82, maxwelli, p. 83, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Aulax hieracii var. = ( graminis , Cam.) ; A . papaveris var. = (minor, Htg.) ; Cameron, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 313. A. podagra}, p. 91, tumidus, p. 92, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Cynips ramuli , rearing the sexes of ; Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 100. Diastrophus (?) aphidivorus, England, Cameron, p. 67, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii ; D. fusiformans, Colorado, Ashmead, p. 13, Bull. Col. Ass. i : n. spp. Dryophanta liber aecellulce, N. America, Gillette, Ent. Am. vi, p. 24 ; D. clarkei , pumiliventris , p. 69, eburneus, p. 70* similis, corrugis, p. 71, pedunculata, p. 72, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Eucoila scotica, p. 65, fortinervis, p. 66, proxima, p. 67, Britain, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii ; E. rufiventris , Trinidad, p. 68, claripennis, mexicana, p. 14, marginicollis, Mexico, p. 15, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii : n. spp. Figites coloradensis , West Cliff, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 13, n. sp. Gronotoma gracilicornis , Mexico, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, p. 15, n. sp. Holcaspis duricoraria , p. 64, corallinus , canescens , p. 66, sileri, p. 67,, perniciosus, p. 68, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Kleditoma longipennis, p. 59, elegans, truncata , p. 60, Scotland, marshalliy p. 61 , filicornis, longicornis, p. 62, gracilicornis , p. 63, England, affinis, Scotland, p. 64, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, n. spp. 202 Ins. HYMENOPTERA. Neuroterus flav'qm, p. 21, vernus , p. 22, N. America, Gillette, Ent. Am. vi ; N. favosus , p. 87, pallidus , p. 88, pallipes, politus , p. 89, howertoni , p. 90, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Rhodites multispinosa, N. America, Gillette, Ent. Am. vi, p. 25 ; R. rosccfolii, p. 13, fusiformans , p. 14, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i ; R. lenti- cularis , p. 59, tumulus , p. 60, variabilis, p. 61, utahensis , p. 62, nebulosus , p. 63, N. America, Bassett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Trybliographa crassicornis , Scotland, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) ii, p. 64, n. sp. SESSILIVEN TRES. [Cf. Ashmead (13), Berlese (49), Cameron (109), Cobelli (133), Costa (147), Eckstein (209), Froggatt (286, 287), Konow (439, 440, 441), Magretti (504), Radoszkowski (629), Scudder (754).] Catalogue and classification of the Tenthrediniclce of Europe ; Konow (439). The British Cephidcc , Siricidce, and Oryssidcc monographed ; Cameron (109). Allantus lederi , p. 10, discolor , Caucasus, bonensis , Algeria, p. 11, Konow, Wien. ent. Z. ix ; A. violaceipennis , Armenia, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 174 : n. spp. Amauronematus , n. g., for Nematus fallax and allies ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 237. Arge soror, Europe, Konow, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 8, n. sp. Blenuocavipa lugubripennisy candidipes, Greece, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 173, n. spp. Cephus pyg menus, note on ; Harrington, Ins. Life, ii, p. 286. Cimbex americana, metamorphoses; Webster, Ins. Life, ii, pp. 227-230, woodcuts. Cludius isomera , Har., larva described ; Murtfeldt, p. 78, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxii. Dineura pallida, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 15, n. sp. Dolerus unicolor , $ .-= ( arvensis , Say) ; Gillette, Ent. News, i, p. 94. D. rosti, Austria, croaticus, Croatia, analis , Carinthia, p. 9, corruscans, Europe, p. 10, Konow, Wien. ent. Z. ix, n. spp. Emphytus tener, habits ; Andr6 & Lesne, p. evi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. E. leucostomus, Greece, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 172, n. sp. ^ Encarsioneura , n. g., for Macrophya sturmi ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 240. Eriocampa alabastripes, Greece, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 173, n. sp. 'J Eriocampoides , n. g., for part of Eriocampa ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 239. Harpiphorus maculatus, Nort., note on ; Harrington, Ins. Life, ii, p. 227. H. varianus, Nort., note on characters and metamorphoses ; Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, ii, pp. 239-243, woodcuts. SESSILIVENTRES. Ins . 203 " Ilolcocneme , n. g., near Croesus ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 238, Hylotoma schmiedeknechtii , Greece, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 172 ; H. cyanura , Armenia, Costa, 2. c. p. 174 ; H. anceps, assimilis, Korea, Radoszkowski, p. 232, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. JLaurentia, n. g., for L. craverii, n. sp., Piedmont; Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 173. / Loderus, n. g., near Dolerus ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 240. ' Lyda pratensis , observations on the life-history and metamorphoses ; Eckstein (209). v iygceonematus , n. g., for part of Nematus ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p.238. Macrophya bertolinii , Yalle di Fiemme, Cobelli, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl„ p. 159, n. sp. Mesa salicis, Colorado, Ashmead, Bull. Col. Ass. i, p. 15, n. sp. * Micronematus , n. g., for part of Nematus ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 239. Monostegia ignota , notes on ; Mally, Ins. Life, iii, pp. 9-12. Nematus hololeucopus , biannulatus, Jilicorhis, Greece, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 172, n. spp. ^jP achy nematus, n. g., for part of Nematus ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 238. Perga , brief notes on life-histories of some species ; Froggatt, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, pp. 283-288. P. chalybea ;, S. Australia, Froggatt, p. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 285, n. sp. Pontania , Costa, characters of ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 237. ’ Fhilomastix, n. g., near Pterygophorus , p. 487, for P.nancarrowi , p. 488, glabra , p. 489, n. spp., Australia ; Froggatt, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, Pristiphora , Latr., characters of ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 238., Pseudodineura = ( Pelmatopus , Htg.) ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 240. Pteronus , Jur., characters of ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 237. Pterygophorus cinctus , Kl., larvae and habits ; Froggatt, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 654. Rhadinocercca reitteri , Austria, Konow, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 8, n. sp. Sciapteryx soror, Europe, Konow, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 12, n. sp. ^ Scolioneura, n. g., for part of Blennocampa ; Konow, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 239. Tenthredopsis : tabulation of the species, with synonymical notes, descriptions of varieties, catalogue of the species, based on an examina- tion of the male characters ; Konow, Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 63-80. Tenthredopsis parvula, Germany, austriaca , Austria, p. 72, ornatria J, f estiva , Caucasus, p. 73, arrogans , Hungary, dubia , Germany, p, 74, fene- strata, Europe, /ran/a, Thuringia, puncticollis, S. France, p. 76, discrepans ^ Caucasus, p. 77, Konow, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n, spp. 204 his. (c.) L PIPIT) OP TER A. External anatomy of pupa ; Poulton (619). — Marks of sex in pupa ; Jackson (391). — Development in pupa of $ sexual organs; id. (392). — Larval spines and bristles ; Packard (590). — Preservation of larvae, with their colours ; Crosa (156). — Silk-producing structures ; Gilson (311). — The British Macro-Lejo^o^terathathibernate in the perfect state ; Jordan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 185-189. RHOPALOCERA. [Cf. Beiir (42), Betiiam (50), Bramson (78), Crowley (157), Davidson & Aitken (162), Dixey (176), Deuce (187, 188, 189), Edwards (213, 214, 215, 216, £17), Fritze (284), Glaser (313) Godman & Salvin (317, 405), Graeser (322), Groum-Grsiiimailo (712), Hahnel (343), Hofmann (370), Holland (372, 373), Honrath (375), Kirby (431), Krulikovsky (459), Leecii (477, 478), Lucas (494), Mabille (476, 496, 501), Mabille & Vuillot (502),Manders (505),Miskin (544, 545, 546), Moore (551), MOschlbr (558), Niceville (565, 566, 567, 568), Oberthur (575, 576), Olliff (582), Pagenstecher (593), Ratzer (641), Ribbe (681), Rippon (697), Sciiaus (730), Scudder (755, 762), Seitz (766, 767), Semper (772), Senna (775), Sharpe (782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 405), Skinner, (789,790), Smith (798, 799,800, 801), Smith & Kirby (802), Snellen (819, 820, 822, 823, 824), Spuler (826), Swiniioe (839, 840), Wackerzapp (871), Walker (873), Weymer (909), Weymer & Maassen (911).] Fossil butterflies, with list of known species ; Scudder (755). PapilioniDj®. Hypermnestra hellos , var. described ; Groum-Grsiiimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 141. Ornithoptera haliphron , var. bauermanni , larva and pupa noticed, pp. 37 & 38 ; priamus , var. aruana , p. 40, crcesus , larva and pupa figured, pi. i, figs. 1-3 ; Ribbe, Deutsche e. Z., Lep. iii. O. pompeus , n. var, holzi ; Pagenstecher, JB. nass. Yer. xliii, p. 108. O. ( Priamusptera ) urvilliana , crcesus , O. ( Pompeusptera ) hippolytus , O. richmondia , O. (Pompeopiera) plateni, O. ( Trogonoptera ) brooheana , figured and described ; Rippon, leones Ornithopt. Papilla : the arrangement of the species and the sexual characters dis- cussed ; Godman & Salvin, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhop.ii, pp. 188-190. The following insects are figured in the same vol., besides many details of sexual characters, viz. : — P. childrence , pi. lxv, fig. 1, sadyattes , fig. 4, alopius , figs. 10 & 11, numitor , pi. lxvi, figs. 1-3, copance, figs. 4-6, corbis , PAPlhlONIDiE, PIERID/E. Ins. 205 BgSv 7 & 8, orsua , figs. 9 & 10, belesis , pi. lxvii, figs. 3 & 4> guaco , fig. 1, eridamcis , fig. 10, orabilis , fig. 14, lacandones, figs. 11 & 12, salvini , pi. lxviii, fig. 3, calliste , figs. 1 & 2, neosilaus , figs. 8 & 9, xanticles , figs. 10 & 11, fenochionis, figs. 13 & 14, pallas , pi. lxix, figs. 5 & 6, ornythion , figs. 7 & 8, pandion , pi. lxx, figs. 6 & 7, rogeri , figs. 8 & 9, birchalli , pL Ixxi, figs. 8 & 9, electryon, pi. lxxii, figs. 1 & 2, syedra , figs. 4 & 5. P. tm'eZ, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Papilio, vii, laarchus , op. c*£. viii, prospero , op. c«'f. ix, figured. P. humbloti , pi. i, figs. 1 & 2, echerioides , Trim., pi. ii, fig. 6, figured ; ObertiiuRj Etudes d’Ent. xiii. P. pilumnus figured ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am., 3rd ser. ; Papilio, ii. P. doson, figs. 2 & 2a, nomius , figs. 1 & la, pi. E, p. 364, liomedon , pi. d, figs. 1-3, p. 367, larvae and pupae figured ; Davidson & AitkEn, J. Bomb. Soc. v. P. oxynius , larva described ; Gtjndlach, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 131. P. machaon , var. burdigalensis , noticed ; Breignet, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cxliii. P* podalirius, n. var. podalirinus , p. 37, pi. ix, fig. 99 ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. P. peranthus , n. var. intermedius ; Snellen, p. 275, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. P. levassori , Comoro Is., Oberthur, p. 10, pi. ii, fig. 5, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; P. harpagon , Gaboon, Smith, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 224 ; P. sisenna, Mozambique, Mabille, p. 29, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; P. van de polli , Java, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 22 ; P. neumoegeni, Sumbawa, Honrath, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 127 ; P. sciron, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 192 j P. plinius, Peru, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 125, pi. i, fig. 1 ; P. mycalc , Panama, Colombia, p. 199, pi. lxv, figs. 12 & 13, procas , Mexico, figs, 15 & 16, p. 203, belephantes, Mexico aud Honduras, pi. lxvii, fig. 16, p. 208, pharax, Brit. Honduras, fig. 8, p. 211, epidaurus , Centr. America, pi. lxix, figs. 1 & 2, p. 224, tolus , Mexico, pi. lxx, figs. 1-4, p. 228, tolmides , Panama, fig. 5, p. 229, phanostratus, polycharmus , pi. lxx, fig. 10, Mexico, p. 232, zalates, pi. lxx, figs. 1 & 2, p. 233, cephalus, figs. 4 & 5, p. 235, Panama, GodmaN & Salvin, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhop. ii : n. spp. Parnassius: the distribution aud origin of the Asiatic species, the nature of the ? pouch, some pouches figured, pi. A, the characters of species and varieties discussed, pp. 142-213 ; the following figured — princeps , Gr.-Gr., pi. i, fig. 2 a, 6, romanovi , Gr.-Gr., fig. la-c, charltonius , pi. ii, fig. la-c, delphius, varr. cardinal , fig. 2a-d) hunza , pi. x, fig. la, 6, simo , pi. xxi, fig. 3a-c ; GroUM-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. P. delius , variation noticed ; Ratzer, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 223. P. delphius , n. var. stenosemus ; HonRath, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 127. P. felderi , n. var. atrata ; Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 71. P. smintheus , n. var. nanus ; Neumoegen, Ent. Am. vi, p. 61. * Trogonoptera, n. subg. of Ornithoptera ; Riiton, leones Ornithopt. PlERIDiE. Aporia procris, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 191, n. sp. Appias olferna} p. 358, E. India, irvinii , p. 359, Burma, retexta , p. 360, Bombay, Swiniioe, Aun. N. II. (6) v, n. spp. 206 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Belenoh sylvander , Central Africa, Smith, P. Z. S. 1800, p, 464, n. sp. Callosune alberta , E. India, SwiNitOE, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 356, n. sp. Catopsilia pyranthey noticed, p. 121 ; C. philea, &c., habits noticed, p.95; Seitz, S. E. Z. li. C. rhadia , Bdv., £ described ; MabillE, p. 28, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Colias : essay on the species, their varieties, classification, and distri- bution, Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, pp. 232-353 ; the follow- ing figured — C. marcopolo, pi. xi, figs. 1-3, sieversi , pi. iii, fig. 3, eogene, pi. v, fig. 1, staudingeri , var. pamira) pi. iv, fig. 2, regia , pi. v, fig. 3, alpherahii , pi. iii, fig. 2, christophi) pi. iv, fig. 1, romanovi , pi. v, fig. 2, wislcotti , var. separata , pi. iv, fig. 3 ; the following new varieties named and described — C. erate n. var. hyaleo'ides} p. 321, sieversi varr . erythas, elissa , cana} pp. 332 & 333, thisoa var. aeolkles} p. 346, wislcotti var. leuca, p» 349, var. leucotheme , p. 351, var. seres , p. 353 ; Geoum-GtRSIiimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. C. euxanthei Feld.,= ( Scalidoneura hermina, Butl.), figured, pi. iii, fig. 17, noticed, p. 72 ; WeYmer, in Stubel Reise. C. elis, habits and variation ; Bean, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 96-99. C. ersclioffi,, note on ; Austaut, Le Nat. xii, p. 94. C. palceno n. var. illgneri ; Ruhl, Soc. Ent. v, p. 89. C. hyale , var. figured; Ribbe, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 45, pi. ii, fig. 1. Delias diaphana , Semp., pi. xxxiv, figs. 3-6, themis, Hew., fig. 1, hypa- rete , varr., pi. xxxvi, larva, pupa, pi. B, fig. 8, heningia, varr., pi. ,xxxv, figured ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. D. patrua , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 46 ; D. baracasa, p. 230, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2, ottonia) p. 235, figs. 7-9, Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v : n. spp. Dismorphia discolor ia, Colombia, Weymer, S. E. Z. li, p. 292, n. sp. Elodina unibratica , figs. 1 & 2, primularis , figs. 6 & 7, andropis , figs. 8 & 9, signata , fig. 12, figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Papilionidae, Pierinae, Elodina, i. E. citrinaris , p. 1, New Britain, figs. 4 & 5, argypheus , Solomon Is., figs. 10 & 11, p. 3, Smith & Kirby, t. c., n. spp. Enantia euryope , figs. 12 & 13, oreas , figs. 17 & 18, deione , figs. 5-7, figured, pi. lx (as Leptalis ) ; Biol. Centr. Am. Rhop. ii. Eucheira, Westw., = (. Neophasia , Behr) ; Behr, P. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 92. Euchloe cardamines , variation in Britain ; Weir, P. S. Lond. E. Soc. 1888-9, p. 40. Euterpe Jlisa , H.-S., referred to Archonias , synonymy noticed ; Weymer, in Stubel Reise, p. 73. Huphina boisduvaliana , pis. xxxvii, fig. 12, & xxxviii. fig. 1, n. var. semperi , pis. xxxvii, fig. 13, & xxxviii, fig. 2, n. var. balbagona} pis. xxxvii, figs. 14 & 15, & xxxviii, fig. 3, olga, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-11, figured ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. II. liquula, E. India, Swinhoe, p. 361, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. sp. Ixias alana, E. India, lena, Andaman Is., Swinhoe, p. 357, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spp. PIERIDiE. DANAID2E. Ins. 207 Leucophasia gig anted , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 45, n. sp. Mathania esther , Peru, Oberthur, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxi, n. sp. Mylothris subfusa , Cameroons, Crowley, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 551, pi, xviii, figs. £ & 4, n. sp. Phulia nymphula , n. var. illimani ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 125, pi. iv, fig. 12. P. nysias , Bolivia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 125, pi. iv, fig. 11, n. sp. Pieris tadjika , Gr.-Gr., pi. vi, figs. 3a, 5, ochsenheimeri , Stgr., pi. xiv, figs, la, 6, shawii , Bates, pi. x, figs. 2a, 5, figured ; P. leucodice , n. var. illumina , described, p. 227 ; Groum-Grsiiimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. P. ngaziya , pis. i, figs. 3 & 4, & iv, figs. 17 & 18, humbloti , pi. ii, fig. 7, figured ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. P. suadella, Feld., sexual and generic characters noticed ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 48. P. penthica, Roll., note on sexes and on stamnata, Luc. ; Weymer, t. c. p. 63. P. glyciria , note on ; Sietz, S. E. Z. li, p. 120. P. rapes, food plant of ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 250. P. rapce n. var. similis, p. 210, napi n. var. intermedia , p. 211, pi. viii; Krulikovski, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890. P. nero , var. and synonymy noticed ; Snellen, p. 273, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. P. panda , God., varietal and synonymic note ; Snellen, p. 302, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. P. sylvarum , W. Africa, p. 27, pi. ii, fig. 1, rubricosta , Mozambique, p. 28, Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; P. delavayi, p. 37, pi. ix, fig. 97, martineti , p. 38, fig. 98, Yunnan, Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; P. ober- thuri, p. 46, lotis , cisseis , p. 192, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii ; P. sincera, Ecuador, p. 123, pi. iii, fig. 19, orthodice , Bolivia, p. 124, pi. iii, fig. 20, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Pinaeopteryx vdgropunctata , E. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 336; figured, Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxix, fig. 4 : n. sp. Pontia alcesta , Cr., varietal note ; Mabille, p. 27, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ^ Pseudopier is, n. g., for Dismorphia nehemia ; Godman & Salvin, p. 187, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhop. ii. Teracolus bifasciatus, jacksoni, E. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 336, figured, Waterhouse, Aid, pi. 189; T. eliza (figured, Water- house, Aid, pi. clxxxix), laura , E. Africa, Sharpe, t. c. p. 441 : n. spp. Terias tominia) fig. 2, alitha , fig. 3, figured ; Snellen, pi. xi, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. T. lisa, oviposition ; Skinner, Ent. News, i, p. 8. Danaimj. Asthipa rotundata , figs. 1 & 2, clinias, fig. 3, timorica , fig. 4, garamantis, figs. 5 & 6, figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidae, Danainae, Asthipa, i. A. clinias , p. 170, rotundata , p. 171, New Ireland, Smith, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spp. if Badacara. , n. g., for Banais nilgiriensis , Moore ; Moore, Lep. Ind. i, p. 65. 208 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Ceratinia latilimbata , pi. ii, fig. 8, trimaculatai fig. 9, Colombia, Wey- mer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 105, n. spp. Dunais archippus , migrations of ; Lugger (495). D. chrysipjms , synonymy ; Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 142. D>juventa , melissa, abigar , local varr. noticed ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. 2G8 & 269. Dircenna abendrothi , Hopff., referred to Ithomia , figured, pi. ii, fig. 10, noticed, p. 79 ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise. Euplceince , descriptions and figures of the Indian, with account of meta- morphosis, distribution, &c. ; Moore (551). Euplcea yelderi, Tanah-Djampea, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 98 ; E. misenus , p. 1039, hippias, p. 1040, dardanus , p. 1041, crithon , p. 1042, boreas , p. 1043, amyous , p. 1044, euclus, p. 1045, N. Australia, Miskin, P*. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv ; E. ( Nipara ) walJceri , Tahiti, unicolor , Cook Is., Druce, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 320 ; n. spp. He.stia blanchardii , note on synonymy and variation ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 267. H. kanarensis, E. India, Moore, Lep. Ind. i, p. 21, pi. ii, fig. 2, n. sp. Hymenitis pitfheis , Colombia, p. 106, pi. ii, fig. 3, ortygia , Ecuador, p. 107, fig. 4, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, n. spp. Ithomia susiana, Feld., referred to A thesis; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 26. Nebroda lobengula) Matabele Land, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 346, n. sp. Tronga nicevillei , E. India, p. 77, pi. xx, fig. la-c, heylaertsii , Sumatra, p. 79, Moore, Lep. Ind. i, n. spp. AciLEIDiE. Acrcea ranavalona , pi. v, figs. 25-30 (var. manandaza , figs. 23 & 24), p. 11, dammii, pi. iii, figs. 11-16, p. 12, igati , pi. iv, fig. 22, p. 13, figured and noticed ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. A, aciphay Hew., ? described ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 21. A. diceus n. var. aurantia , p. 112, pi. iii, fig. 2, stratonice n. var. carica , p. 113, fig. 6 ; Weymer, t. c. A. anteas , variation noticed ; Seitz, S. E. Z. Ii, p. 91. A. vuillotii figured and described ; Mabille, Nov. Lep. p. 10, pi. ii, fig. 1. A. iturina, p. 465, vesperalis , p. 466, Centr. Africa, Smith, P. Z. S. 1890 ; A. crystallina, p. 167, uvui, p. 168, Mombasa, Smith, Ann. N. H. (6) v ; A. pseudeuryta (Staud. i. 1.), p. 429, dejana, = ( circeisi Sm., nec Dr.), p. 431, Congo, Godman & Salvin, in Jameson Story Rear Column ; A. rosaria, p. 113, pi. iii, fig. 3, segesta , pi. iii, fig. 1, edulis , pi. ii, fig. 11, p. 114, Huamboya, theogonia , pi. ii, fig. 13, Colombia, thespias^ fig* 12, Peru, p. 115, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Alcenajohanna, E. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H, (6) v, p. 442, n. sp. Planema jaclcsoni, E. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 335 ; figured, Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxix, fig. 1 s n. sp. Telchinia alicia , E. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 442, n. sp. HELIC0NIIDJ3, NYMPHALID2E. Ins . 209 Heliconiidj;. Eueides cognata , = ( thales , var., Hew.), Colombia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 27, n. sp. ■Heliconius, local variation of some species noticed ; Seitz, S. E. Z. 11, pp. 92 & 93. H. erato, synonymy discussed ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 13. H. clytia n. var. colon ; Weymer, S. E. Z. li, p. 291. H. marius , Colombia, pi. ii, fig. 1, euphrasius, pi. ii, fig. 2, p. 116, Colombia, congener , p. 117, fig.' 5, contiguous , p. 118, fig. 6, Ecuador, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise; H. ennius, Amazons, p. 283, lenceus, Canea Yalley, p. 284, lyrcceus , Peru (?), p. 286, mceon , hab. ?, p. 287, discomacu - latus , Honduras, p. 289, lucretius , RioNigro, obscurus , Cauca Yalley, p. 290, Weymer, S. E. Z. li, n. spp. Leucothyris disperse Yungas, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 106, pi. ii, fig. 7, n. sp. Melincea mneme n. var. mediatrix ; Weymer, S. E. Z. li, p. 282. M. strigilis, hab. ?, Weymer, S. E. Z. li, p. 280, n. sp. NYMPHALIDiE. Notes on the habits of some Brazilian species; Seitz, S. E. Z. li, pp. 31-35. Adolias ( Tanaecia ) vordermani , Billiton, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 293, pi. xii, fig. 1, n. sp. Ancea strymon , Ecuador, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 120, pi. iii, fig. 11, n. sp. Apatura , phylogeny of species of ; Spuler (826). A. fasciola, p. 33, pallas, p. 191, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Araschnia davidis, figured, pi. ix, fig. 102 ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. Argynnis : notes on Elwes’ revision of the genus ; Edwards, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 81-93, and Elwes, t. c. pp. 150-152 : notes on the N. American species, with reference to Elwes’ revision ; Rivers, Psyche, v, pp. 328 & 329 : phylogenetic discussion on some species of ; Dixey (176). A. bellona, melanic var. ; Schmitt, Ent. Am. vi, p. 70. A. pales , var. generator , figured, pi. xii, fig. 4 ; Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. A . selene , var; figured ; Ribbe, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 46, pi. ii, fig. 7. A. paphia , var. valesina , discussed ; Tutt, Ent. Rec. i, pp. 29-31. A. nevadensis, halcy one, aphrodite, figured, with larvae ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am. 3rd ser., Argynnis, v ; alcestis, metamorphoses figured, id. Argynnis , vi ; adiante and atossa, figured, id. Argynnis , viii. A. calippe , double brooded; Beiir, Zoo, i, p. 211. A. cybele , var. carpenterii, metamor- phoses figured ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am. 3rd ser., Argynnis, xi. A. zenobia , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 188 ; A. alberta, Canada, Edwards, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 113 ; A. sobrina, Bolivia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 118, pi. iii, fig. 15 : n. spp. Athyma punctata , disjuncta, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 33, n. sp. 1890. [vol. xxvli.] f 14 210 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Cethosia mahratta , larva and pupa figured, p. 270, pi. B, figs. 1 & 1 a, Davidson & Aitken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Cirrhochroa thais , = ( relata , Nic6v.), Davidson & Aitken, p. 273, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Charaxes hadrianus , Ward, = ( gabonica , Crowl.) ; Crowley, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xxxviii. C. nichetes, lasti , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidce, Charaxes , iv. C. fabius, figs. 3 & 3 a, imjia, figs. 4 & 4a, larvae and pupae figured, pi. a, p. 278, Davidson & Aitken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. C. gabonica , Gaboon, Crowley, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1890, p. 553, pi. xvii, fig. 3, n. sp. Cymotho'e herminia , haimodia , crowleyi , preussi , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidce , Cymothoe , i. C. marginata , Sierra Leone, Crowley, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p.552, pi. xvii, fig. 1 ; C. bonneyi , p. 470, ochreata , p. 471, Centr. Africa, Smith, P. Z. S. 1890; C. theodosia (Staud.), Aruwimi river, Godman & Salvin, in Jameson Story Rear Column, p. 438 (n. sp. ?) ; C. aralus, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 22, pi. ii, fig. 8, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Cynthia saloma , larva and pupa figured, p. 270, pi. B, figs. 2 & 2 a \ Davidson & Aitken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Doleschallia rickardii New Ireland, Smith, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 171, n. sp. Eresia nauplius, L,, and polina, Hew., note ou ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 81. E. leucophcea = ( letitia , Hew., Exot. Butt, iv, Eresia , pi. ix), Colombia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 54, n. sp. Ergolis ariadne , larva and pupa figured ; Davidson & Aitken, p. 269, pi. c, J. Bomb. N. II. Soc. v. Euphcedra ccerulescens , Centr. Africa, Smith, p. 469, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Eurema sulla, Ecuador, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 123, pi. iii, fig. 16, d. sp. Euripus japonicus n. var. chinensis , Leech, xxiii, p. 32, n. sp. Eurytela velleda , Zanzibar, Mabille, p. 19, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Euthalia balarama , appiades , sedeva , synonymical note ; Swiniioe, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xi. E elicius, Burma, Nic^ville, p. 205, pi. d, fig. 8, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v ; E. khasiana, rangoonensis, p. 354, laudabilis , p. 355, E. India, SwiN- hoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v : n. spp. Euxanthe wakefieldii , tiberius , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Euxanthe , i. Grapta inten'ogationis , metamorphoses and specimens modified by cold, figured and described ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am., Grapta , i. G. gigantea, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 189, n. sp. Helcyra snperba , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 189, n. sp. Hestina Carolines , Sumatra, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 218 ; NYMPHALID2E. Ins, 211 II. nigrivena , p. 31, viridis , oberthuri , p. 32, China, Leecii, Ent. xxiii : n. spp. Hypolimnas misippus, mimetic resemblances ; Betham, p. 282, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. II. stanleyi , p. 467, bartelotti, p. 468, Centr. Africa, Smith, P. Z. S. 1890; H. limbata , Madagascar, Crowley, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 552, pi. xvii, fig. 2 : n. sp. Junonia almana , asterie , relations noticed; Seitz, S. E. Z. li, p. 125. J. lavinia n. var. basifusca ; Weymee, in Stiibel Reise, p. 120, pi. iii, fig. 7. Limenitis pratti , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 34, n. sp. Melitcea saxatilis varr. fergana, pi. xii, fig. 3, maracandica, fig. 2, M. acrceina, pi. viii, fig. 2 ,pamira = ( expressa , Gr.-Gr.), p. 434, pi. xii, fig. 1, minerva n. var. palamedes , p. 436, pi. x, fig. 7, figured ; Groum-Grshi- maYlo, in Rom. Mem. iv. M. aurinia, varr. figured ; Ribbe, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 45, pi. ii, figs. 4 & 5. M. aurinia n. var. dubia , p. 234, pi. viii, fig. F, obscurata, p. 235, fig. c, pJmbe n. var. tatara , p. 236, pi. viii, fig. G ; Krulikovski, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890. M. taylori , food-plant ; Danby, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 122. Melitcea augusta, S. California, Edwards, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 21, n. sp. Neptis tliisbe , n. varr. themis , thetis ; Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 35. N. aceris, var. noticed ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 270. N.jamesoni, Congo Valley, Godman & S alvin, in Jameson Story Rear Column, p. 436 ; N. quintilla, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 21, pi. ii, fig. 7, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; N. comorarum, pi. ii, figs. 9 a, 6, mayottensisj figs. 10a, b , Comoro Is., Obertiiur, p. 14, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; N. nycteus , Sikkim, NicAvtlle, p. 203, pi. d, fig. 7, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v ; N. hesione, p. 34, antilope, p. 35, cydippe , beroe, p. 36, aspasia, antigone , p. 37, arachne , p. 38, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii : n. spp. Parthenos virens , larva and pupa figured, p. 274, pi. B, figs. 3 & 3a ; Davidson & Aitken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Philognoma violinitens , Accra, Crowley, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pi. xviii, fig. 1, n. sp. Phyciodes ianthe = {her a, Hb., = E. texana, Edw., = amcrdis , Hew.) ; Skinner, p. 52, Ent. News, i. P. hondana, Colombia, p. 119, pi. iii, fig. 5,Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, n. sp. Pseudacrcea apaturoides n. var. comorana ; Oberthur, p. 14, pi. ii, fig. 8, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. P. uhelda , Zanzibar, serena , Comores Is., Mabille, p. 20, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Pyrameis itea , figs. 1-4, kershawi, metamorphoses figured ; McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet. pi. cxcviii. $ alamis chorimene , ethyra , referred to Precis ; Mabille, p. 19, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Sephisa princeps = {cauta, Leech), n. var. albimacula ; Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 190. Vanessa: phylogenetic discussion on some species of; Dixey (176). V. c-album n. var. undina , p. 424, pi. xvii, fig. 1 ; V. urticce n. var. nixa, 212 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. p. 426 ; Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. V. urticce , L., var. figured ; Ribbe, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 46, pi. ii, fig. 6. V. atalanta , L., var. figured ; Ribbe, t. c. p. 45, pi. ii, fig. 3. V. antiopa, habits during hibernation ; Scudder, Psyche, v, pp. 330-332 : variation in California ; Skinner, Ent. News, i, p. 85. V. levana: V. burejama , Brem., is a seasonal form of ; Fritze, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 13. V. calif omica, swarm- ing of ; Hopkins, Ins. Life, ii, p. 355. V. limenitoides , Tse-kou, Oberthur, p. 39, pi. ix, fig. 96, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, n. sp. Brassolidjj and Morphine. Notes on the habits of some Brazilian species ; Seitz, S. E.Z. Ii, p. 29. Caligo agamemnon , Huamboya, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. Ill, pi. i, fig. 3, n. sp. Clerome cerope, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 31, n. sp. Discophora tullia, larva described ; Manders, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 519. Morpho rhetenor, var. helena , described ; St au dinger, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 107. M. helence , $ figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidce , Morphines , Morpho, i. Stichophthalma nurinissa , Bhutan, NiciiviLLE, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, p. 131, pi. C, n. sp. SaTYRIDJ]. Amphidecta reynoldsi , Brazil, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 567, pi. xlvi, fig. 1, n. sp. CalUrebia albipuncta , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 31, n. sp. Chionobas antarcticus , Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 142, pi. x, figs. 5 & 6, n. sp. Ccenonympha arcania , varieties discussed ; Wackerzapp, S. E. Z. Ii, pp. 147-149. Corades laminata, n. var. tripunctata, pi. i. fig. 9, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 111. Debis luteofasciata , fig. 108, , albolineata , fig. Ill, andersoni , fig. 109, figured, pi. x ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. Epinephele haberhaueri , pi. xvii, fig. 6, pulchella , fig. 3, naubidensis, fig. 5, cadusina, var. Iceta, fig. 4, figured and described ; Groum-Grsiii- mailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. E. tithonus , var. noticed ; Craske, Ent. xxiii, p. 16. Erebia ccecilia , Bdv., gorge , and gorgone) notes on ; Oberthur, p. clxxxvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. E. ceto , n. var. obscura ; Ratzer, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 222. E. meta, pi. xiii, fig. 2, hades , fig. 3, jordanat fig. 4, n. var. icelos , fig. 46, c, mongolica , pi. xiv, fig. 3, radians , pi. xiii, fig. 1, figured ; Groum-GrsiiimaIlo, in Rom. Mem. iv. E. epi- psodea, with var. brucei , the metamorphoses figured ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am., 3rd ser., Erebia, iii. SATYRIDvE. Ins. 213 E. christi , Simplon, Ratzer, MT. Scliw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 220 ; E. ruri- cola} rurigena, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 187 ; E. patagonica, Punta Arenas, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 142, pi. x, figs. 3 & 4 : n. spp. Euptychia butleri (= ashna , Butl., nec Hew.), habitat not mentioned ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 61, n. sp. Ilcteronympha affinis, Victoria, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1065, n. sp. Idiomorphus nanodes , Centr. Africa, Smith, p. 472, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Lethe occulta , p. 26, cyrene, trimacula , p. 27, nigrifascia , labyrinthea , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Lymanopoda huilana , pi. i, fig. 5, altis, pi. iii, fig. 8, Colombia and Ecua- dor, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 109, n. spp. Mclanargia parce , pi. vii, fig. 16, n. var. persa , p. 442, pi. vii, fig. la, var. lucida, pi. viii, fig. 1, figured ; Groum-Grshimailo in Rom. Mem. iv. M. halimede , n. var. montana , Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 26. Melanites ampa, E. India, Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 353, n. sp. Mycalesis oculatissima figured, pi. x, fig. 104, Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. M. mandata , larva figured; Davidson & Aitken, p. 267, pi. a, figs. 1 & la, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. M. turpilius , p. 43, pi. ix, fig. 101, styppax , fig. 110, p. 44, Mou-pin, Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; M. modestus, Queensland, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 29 : n. spp. Neope bhima, $ described ; Manders, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1890, p. 518. N. ramosa, romanovi, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 29, n. spp. Neosatyrus boisduvali, = ( hahni , Mab.) ; Berg, p. clxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. ( Ends hora figured ; Groum-Grshimailo, pi. xx, fig. 1, Rom. Mem. iv. Pararge manzorum figured, pi. ix, fig. 100, dumetorum, n. var., nemorum , fig. 103, Oberthur, p. 42, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. P. megeera, L., coupling described ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 109. P. catena , p. 30, preeusta , p. 188, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Pedaliodes pheedra, n. var. melaleuca, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 41. P. gortyna , pi. iii, fig. 14, p. 109, reissi , pi. i, fig. 4, Colombia, aZ6o- punctata, pi. iii, fig. 9, Peru, p. 110, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, n. spp. v Pseudomaniola , n. g. near Maniola, p. 107, for P. euripides, Colombia, p. 108, pi. iii, fig. 10, eleates, Bolivia, fig. 12 & p. 108, n. spp., Weymer in Stiibel Reise. Ragadia crito, Bhutan, Nic^ville, p. 199, pi. D, figs. 1 & 2, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. sp. Satyrodes canthus (with var.), metamorphoses figured ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am., 3rd ser., Satyrodes , i. Satyrus staudingeri , pi. xvi, fig. la, b, n. var. gultschcnsis, pi. xiv, fig. 4, p. 459, sieversi, var. sartha , fig. 5, boloricus, fig. 6, abramovi , pi. xvii, fig. 2 wilJcinsi, pi. xv, fig. 5 , josephi, fig. 4, pamirus, fig. 6, stulta, fig. 2, stheno, fig. 3, figured and described ; Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. S. janira, n. var. lactea, Girod, Rev. Sci. Bourb. ii, p. 130, woodcut. S. peg ala , varieties figured ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am., 3rd ser., 214 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Satyrus , i. S. hermione , L., coupling described ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 108. S. leechiy p. 473, pi. xv, fig. 3a, b (as huebneri ), intermedins , p. 480, pi. xv, fig. 7, Central Asia, GiiouM-GiisuiMAiLO in Bom. Mem. iv ; S. maculosa , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 30 ; & merlina , pi. x, fig. 105, sybillina , fig. 106, China, Oberthur, p. 40, Etudes d’Ent. xiii : n. spp. • Theope eupolis , bacenis, Mexico, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 19, n. spp. Xenica orichcra , Meyr., note on ; Olliff, P. Linn. Soe. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 620. X. correce , Mt. Kosciusko, Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 621, n. sp. Zethera sagitta , China, Leecii, Ent. xxiii, p. 26, n. sp. Elymniidjj. Dyctis dcedalion , Burma, NicriviLLE, p. 202, pi. D, fig. 4, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. sp. Elymnias caudata , larva and pupa figured ; Davidson & Aitken , p. 268, pi. a, figs. 2 & 2a, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. E. chelensis , Khasi Hills, NicIsville, p. 200, pi. D, fig. 3, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. sp. ERYCINID2E. Anatole middletoni} Brazil, Sharpe, p. 574, pi. xlvi, figs. 8 & 9, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Bceotis johannce , Brazil, Siiarpe, p. 573, pi. xlvi, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Curia melicerta , Mexico, Sciiaus, Ent. Am, vi, p. 18, n. sp. ^Dichora, n. g., for Libythea labdaca , Westw. ; Scudder, p. 470, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i. Diorhina arthuriana , Brazil, Sharpe, p. 572, pi. xlvi, figs. 4 & 5, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. J Dodona maculosa , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 44, n. sp. Eurybia halimede , n. var. albiseriata, Weymer, in Stubel Reise, p. 88. Hypatus : the genus maintained and defined ; Scudder, p. 462, Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. viii, pt. i. Isapis falcist Colombia, Weymer, in Stubel Reise, p. 121, pi. iv, fig. 10, n. sp. Lasaia sessilis , Mexico, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 19, n. sp. Libythea carinentaf habits noticed, Seitz, S. E. Z. li, p. 2. L. libera , Burma, NicriviLLE, p. 207, pi. d, fig. 6, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. sp. Lymnas isabellce , Brazil, Siiarpe, p. 571, pi. xlvi, fig. 3, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Mesene clarissa , Brazil, Sharpe, p. 573, pi. xlvi, fig. 6, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. ER.YCINID.aC. LYCaCNID^]. Ins. 215 Mesosemia bella , Brazil, Sharpe, p. 569, pi. xlvi, fig. 2, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Nemeobius lucina, note on egg and young larvae ; Chapman, Ent. M. M. (2) i, P- 243. Polyccena tamerlana figured, pi. x, fig. 6, n. var. temir described, p. 420 ; Groum-Grshimailo, in Rem. Mem. iv. Siseme pseudopallas , Peru, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 121, pi. iv, fig. 13, d. sp. LYoaENiDas. Acesina aberrant figured, pi. xxv, figs. 142 & 143 ; NicriviLLE, Butt. Ind. iii. Allotinus multistrigatus , figs. 157 & 158, nivalis , fig. 159, pi. xxvi, figured ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. A. similis , Cameroons, Kirby, Ann. Nat. H. (6) vi, p. 262, n. sp. Amblypodia anita figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 191 ; Nici^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. A. ganessa , n. var. seminigra ; Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 44. . A. angulata, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 44; A. horsfieldi , p. 106, amazona , p. 107, Java, Pagenstecher, JB. nass. Yet. xliii ; A. eupolis , p. 42, cyronthe , p. 43, Cape York, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. • Aphncemorpha , n. g., for Aphnceus orcas and hutchinsonii , Trim. ; Nice- ViLLE, p. 347, Butt. Ind. iii. 1 Aphnceus rulcma , fig. 145, pi. xxv, sani , fig. 146, ruTcmini , fig. 147, figured ; Nic^ville, Bntt. Ind. iii. A . ilogo, p. 429, argenteola , crustaria, p. 430, argyrocyclus, p. 431, W. Africa, Holland, Psyche, v ; A. chalybeatus, Sierra Leone, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 105, figured Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pi. xviii, fig. 7 ; A. zaffra , Himalaya, NicfeviLLE, p. 366, pi. xxviii, fig. 217, Butt. Ind. iii : n. spp. V Araotes (“ n. g.,” but established by Doherty last year, cf. Zool. Rec. xxvi, Ins. p. 225), for Myrina lapithis, Moore, figured pi. xxix, fig. 237 ; Nic^ville, p. 446, Butt. Ind. iii. A. perrhcebis , Philippines, Semper, p. 220, pi. xxxiii, fig. 21, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. sp. Arhopala bicolor a, Rob., pi. xxxiii, fig. 18, phcenops , Feld., fig. 16, adatha, Hew., fig. 17, figured ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. A. staudingeri, p. 195, trioncea , p. 198, anamuta , p. 203, davaona , p. 204, Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp ii, v ; A. viridissima , Burma, Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 449 ; A. adorea) p. 238, frontispiece, fig. 139, raj)lc8ii , p. 248, agrata , p. 251, fig. 137, davisoni , p. 280, fig. 135, E. India, NiciIiville, Butt. Ind. iii : n. spp. v Arrhenothrix , n. g., p. 336, for A. penicilligera, n. sp., E. India, pi. xxviii, fig. 214, p. 337, Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. t'Aslauga, n. g., for A. marginalis , n. sp., Sierra Leone; Kirby, p. 261, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. 216 Ins. LEPIDOPTEKA. , Azanus gamra figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 176, Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Bindahara areca , Feld., pi. xxix, fig. 242, thesmia , fig. 229, figured ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. B. scceva , Hew., $ described and figured, p. 210, pi. E, fig. 7 ; cinesoides , Nic., $ figured and described, p. 211, pi. e, fig. 8 ; Nic^ville, J. Bomb. N. II. Soc. v. Camena ctesia figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 215, Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Castalius airavati , figured, frontispiece, fig. 133 ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. C. monrosi , Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 187, pi. xxxiii, fig. 14, n. sp. Catapcecilmti gracilis , figured, pi. xxxiii, figs. 19 & 20 ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. Oatochrysops pandava , figs. 187 & 188, pi. xxvii, figured ; NicriviLLE, Butt. Ind. iii. C. vapanda , Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 187, pi. xxxiii, fig. 13, n. sp. * Chcetoprocta, n. g., p. 311, for Dipsas odata, Hew., which is figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 204 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. C. odata , Hew., eggs, larva, and habits noticed ; Niceville, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 87. ■ Char ana, n. g., for Myrina mandarinus , Hew. (figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 222) ; Niceville, p. 401, Butt. Ind. iii. - Cheritra jaffra , figured, pi. xxix, fig. 226 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. G. cenea , Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 215, n. sp. Cheritrella truncipennis , figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 223 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Chilades laius , figured, pi. xxvi, figs. 168 & 169 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Chliaria kina, figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 211 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Chrysophanus aurifer, synonymy and description ; Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 31. 0. caspius var. transiens, figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 206 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. C. erinus , figured, pi. xii ; Scott, Austr. Lep. ii. C. mandersi , Shan States, Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 531 ; G. susanus , Biluchistan, Niceville, p. 322, Butt. Ind. iii ; C. cenea , Queensland, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 33 : n. spp. Curetis, the species considered to be only two, p. 285, 0. phcedrus, figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 201 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. C. nicobarica , Nicobar Is., Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 451, n. sp. Cyaniris transpectus, figured, pi. xxvi, figs. 170 & 171 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. C. cyanescens, Nicobar Is., Niceville, p. 103, frontispiece, fig. 129, Butt. Ind. iii, n. sp. Danis syrius, Queensland, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 34, n. sp. Deudorix ccendea, W. Africa, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 28, n. sp. lyc^nhwe. Ins . 217 Dipsas minerva , p. 40, comes , melpomene , p. 41, thespis , p. 42, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. \Drina , n. g., for Myrina donina, Hew. (figured, pi. xxix, fig. 235) ; Niceville, p. 442, Butt. Ind. iii. Hurbania gerda , Cameroons, Kirby, p. 265, Ann. N. H. (6) vi ; D. Knondo , oshera, ashira , p. 428, olombo , p. 429, W. Africa, Holland, Psyche, v : n. spp. i Eooxylides, n. g., for Oxylides tharus , Hb. (figured, pi. xxix, fig. ,231) ; Niceville, p. 432, Butt. Ind. iii. Epitola pinodcs, W. Africa, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 24 ; E. badura, staudingeri, p. 271, zelica , henleyi , p. 272, catuna , doleta, p. 273, perdita , E. ? barombiensis , p. 274, Trop. Africa, Kirby, op. c?£. vi ; E. crowleyi, Sierra Leone, Sharpe, i. c. p. 106, figured Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pi. xvii, figs. 6 & 7 ; E. subfulvida, p. 423, purpurascens , goodi, cercenoides , p. 424, benitensis , umbratilis, p. 425, W. Africa, Holland, Psyche, v : n. spp. Euaspa milionia , figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 203 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. ^Euliphyra , n. g., for E. mirifica , n. sp., W. Africa, and Liphyra leu- cyania , Hew. ; Holland, p. 423, Psyche, v. Everes argiades , figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 180 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. jE. kala, E. India, Niceville, p. 139, pi. xxvi, fig. 181, Butt. Ind. iii, n. sp. Gerydus boisduvali , Moore, figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 155 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. G. gopara, Perak, Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii, p. 25 ; ? described, p. 208, figured, pi. E, figs. 1 & 2, J. Bomb. Soc. v : n. sp. Ilolocliila assimilis, figured, pi. xii ; Scott, Austr. Lep. ii. H. androdus , Cape York, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 41, n. sp. Horaga rana , pi. xxv, fig. 149, albimacula, fig. 148, figured ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. II. camiguina, bilineata , Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 216, n. spp. Hypolyccena nilgirica , figured, frontispiece, figs. 123 & 124 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. H. tharrytas , larva and pupa figured ; Semper, pi. b, fig. 3, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. II. liara , Jcadislcos, W. Africa, Druce, p. 27, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. spp. ^ Hypothecla, n. g., for Hypolyccena astyla, Feld. ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 204. Ialmenus itonus , Cape York, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 41, n. sp. Ilcrda viridipunctata , Sikkim, Niceville, p. 329, pi. xxviii, fig. 207, Butt. Ind. iii, n. sp. Iolaus mcnas , p. 29, lulcabas , pancperata , iaspis, p. 30, W. Africa, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v ; I. luculentus, p. 38, contractus, p. 39, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii : n. spp. Iraota timoleon figured, pi. xxvii, figs. 192 & 193 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. I. lazarena , Feld., figured ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii. v, pi. xxxiii, fig. 15. 218 Ins» LEPIDOPTERA. Jamides nicobaricus , figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 186 ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Lachnocnema exiguus, W. Africa, Holland, Psyche, v, p. 426, n. sp. Lampides astraptes , pi. xxxiii, figs. 5-7, suidas , figs. 11 & 12, cleodus , figs. 9 & 10, celeno , fig. 8, figured ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. L. alsulus , figured ; Scott, pi. xii, Austr. Lep. L. pura , figured, frontis- piece, p. 132 ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. L. marahata , Perak, Niceville, p. 174, Butt. Ind. iii, n. sp. Larinopoda peuceda, figs. 5 & 6, albula, figs. 3 & 4, enrema, figs. 7 & 8, figured ; Kirby & Smith, Rhop. ex. Lyccenidce (African), pi. ix. L. perfragilis , campimus , W. Africa, Holland, p. 427, Psyche, v ; L. sylpha, opaca, Cameroons, Kirby, p. 266, Ann. N. H. (6) vi ; L. aspidos , W. Africa, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 25 : n. spp. Liptena alluaudi, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 23, pi. ii, fig. 2, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; L. acrceoides, fervida , figs. 1-3, p. 39, echo , figs. 4 & 5, p. 40, W. Africa, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. African Lyccenidce, pi. x : n. spp. Logania marmorata, figured, frontispiece, fig. 128 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. • Lucia lucanusy synonymy and description ; Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W, (2) v, p. 30. Lyccena : Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, describes and dis- cusses the Central- Asian species, pp. 366-419, and figures the following — L. alaina,\A. viii, fig. 7, elvira — ( oberthuriy Gr.-Gr.), pi. vii, fig. 4, p. 369, roxane , pi. vii, fig. 3, eversmanni , pi. vii, fig. 2, rutilans, pi. vii, fig. 7, iriSy fig. 8, sieversi var. haberhaueri, pi. vii, fig. 6, bellona, pi. xv, fig. 1, devonica, pi. viii, fig. 4, pancegides var. alaica, pi. viii, fig. 8, tengstroemit n. var. carbonaria , fig. 9, p. 388, pheretes var. lehannsy pi. x, fig. 4, phere- tiades var. pheretulusy pi. viii, fig. 5, venuSy pi. viii, fig. 3, magnifica , pi. ix, fig. 1, Jcogistana , pi. viii, fig. 6, phyllis var. phyllideSy pi. ix, fig. 6, poseidon var. poseidonoides, pi. ix, fig. 5, hindermanni var. melania , fig. 3, actis var. actinides, pi. ix, fig. 4, dagmara , pi. ix, fig. 2, persephatta var. minuta , pi. x, fig. 3, chrysopis (as omphissa , Moore), pi. x, fig. 5, charybdis, pi. ix, fig. 7, gigantea, fig. 8, figured in Rom. Mem. iv. L. bavius w&v.fatma , figured, pi. vii, figs. 50 & 51, described, p. 19 ; Obertiiur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. L. osiasy Rob., synonymical note ; Snellen, p. 298, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. L. lineata , Murray, $ described ; Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 35. L. aratus n. var. djampeana ; Snellen, p. 271, pi. xi, fig. 1, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. L. icarus n. var. casanensis ; Krulikovski, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890, p. 223, pi. viii, fig. e. L. loewiit figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 167 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. L. comyntas, swarming of ; Marlatt, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 206. L. alexis , coupling described ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 110. L. hylas , hermaphrodite figured ; Ribbe, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 45, pi. ii, fig. 2. L. moneta, p. 23, pi. ii, fig. 4, fulvimacula , fig. 5, semilimbata, fig. 3, ornata , fig. 6, p. 24, podorina, serrula , Senegal, p. 25, Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; L.phiala , p. 366, pi. xxi, fig. 4,dschagataiyp. 370, tomyris , LYCiENIDiE. Ins. 219 p. 377, pi. vii, fig. 5, hunza , p. 397, pi. xv, fig. 2, Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv ; L. arcana , nebulosa, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 43 ; L. canescens , Tasmania, mackayensis , Mackay, p. 35, nigra , Cardwell, p. 36 , gracilis , sulpitius , Queensland, p. 37, mathewi , Sidney, hobartensis , Tasmania, p. 38, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v; L. attenuata , Queensland, Lucas, op. cit. iv, p. 1066 ; L. pelorias, p. 121, pi. iv, fig. 2, ludicra , fig. 3, titicaca, fig. 6, p. 122, Bolivia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise ; L. patago, Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 144, pi. x, figs. 1 & 2 : n. spp. lyccenina , figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 178 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. L. lithas , W. Africa, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 24 ; L. voltcr. , Africa, Sharpe, op. cit. vi,p. 105, figured, Tr.E.Soc. 1890, pi. xviii, fig. 6 ; L. turneri , Cape York, p. 39, tasmanicus) Tasmania, p. 40, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. MaJiathala ameria , figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 200 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. ^ Maneca , n. g., for Pratapa bhotea , Moore (figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 216) ; Niceville, p. 344, Butt. Ind. iii. Megisba malaya, figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 165 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Mimacrcca apicalis, p. 41, figs. 6 & 7, charmian , p. 42, figs. 8 & 9, Cameroons, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. African Lyccenidce , pi. x, n. spp. * Mota , n. g., for Myrina massyla , Hew. (figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 210) ; Niceville, p. 345, Butt. Ind. iii. Nacaduba pavana , fig. 182, viola , fig. 183, coelestis, fig. 184, pi. xxvi, ardates, fig. 185, pi. xxvii, figured ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. N. hcrriana , pi. xxxiii, fig. 3, azui'eus, figs. 1 & 2, figured ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. N. smaragdina , Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 178, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4, n. sp. *! Neolycama , n. g., for Lyccena sinensis , Alph. ; Niceville, p. 64, Butt. Ind. iii. Ncopithecops zalmora , Butl., figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 162 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Niplianda cymbia , figured, frontispiece, figs. 130 & 131 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Ogyris : revision of the Australian species ; Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 23. O. barnardi , Queensland, Miskin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 27, n. sp. ^ Orthomiella , n. g., p. 125, for Chilades ? pontis , Elwes (figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 177) ; Niceville Butt. Ind. iii. Paragerydus horsjieldi, figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 156 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Pliytala dais , Db., $ described ; Holland, p. 425, Psyche, v. Pithecops hylax , figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 161 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind.' iii. P. steircma , Solomon Is., Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 25, n. sp. 220 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Polyommatus solsJcyii var. fulminans, pi. vi, fig. 4, alpherahii, pi. xiv, fig. 2, sultan , pi. vi, fig. 6, sarthus , pi. vi, fig. 5, dimorphus , pi. vi, fig. 7, figured ; Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. Poritia pleurata, figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 1G0 ; NicAville, Butt. Ind. iii. Pratapa plateni , p. 20G, P. ? manata , p. 208, Philippines, Semper, Ueisen Philipp, ii, v, n. spp. Pseudaletis trifasciata , Sierra Leone, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6)vi, p. 103; figured, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pi. xviii, fig. 8 : n. sp. Pseuderesia helena , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. African Lyccenidce , pi. ix, figs. 1 & 2. P. zoraida , W. Africa, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. African Lyccenidce , figs. 9-12, p. 36 ; P. o-rubrum , p. 425, latruncularia, despecta , p. 426, W. Africa, Holland, Psyche, v. P. cellularis , p. 262, paucipunctata, turbata, p. 263, similis, debora , p. 264, dinora , p. 265, Cameroons, Kirby, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, : n. spp. Rapala deliochus , Hew., $ described, p. 212, figured, pi. E, fig. 6 ; NicriviLLE, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. R. phranga, Hew., pi. xxxiii, fig. 22, alcetas , figs. 23 & 24, figured, alcetas n. var. alcetina , p. 225 ; Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. R. scintilla , Sikkim, NiciSyille, p. 461, Butt. Ind. iii, £ described, p. 212, figured, pi. E, fig. 5, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v ; R. repercussa , purpurea, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 42 ; R. damona , Andaman Is., Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 450 ; R. nemana , Philippines, Semper, p. 223, Reisen Philipp, ii, v : n. spp. " Ritra , n. g., for Sithon aurea , Druce ; Nic^ville, p. 411, Butt. Ind. iii. Satsuma chalybeia , p. 43 ,pratti, p. 44, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Sinthusa virgo , figured, frontispiece, fig. 134 ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Spalgis epius , figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 163 ; Nici^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. S. lemolea) p. 26, pilos, p. 27, W. Africa, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v ; S. s-signata , W. Africa, Holland, p. 426, Psyche, v ; S. latimarginata, Sene- gambia, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 347 : n. spp. ^ Suasa , n. g., for Myrina lisides, Hew. (figured pi. xxviii, fig. 220) ; Nicri- ville, p. 386, Butt. Ind. iii. Surendra quercetorum figured, pi. xxvii, figs. 194 & 195, Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Tajuria maculata , pi. xxviii, fig. 219, donatana , pi. xxv, fig. 154, istroidea , fig. 153, figured ; Nici^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. T. illurgioideSf Sikkim, p.375, pi. xxviii, fig. 218, Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii ; T. vergara , Philippines, Semper, p. 210, Reisen Philipp, ii, v : n. spp. Talicada nyseus , Gu6r., figured, pi. xxvi, fig. 179 ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Tar aka , n. g., near Spalgis, p. 57, for Miletus hamada, Druce, and T. mahanetra, n. sp., Perak, p. 59 ; NicriviLLE, Butt. Ind. iii. Tarucus venosus figured, pi. xxvii, fiff. 189 ; Nic^ville, Butt. Ind. iii. Teriomima leucostola, xanthostola , xanthis, W. Africa, Holland, p. 429, LYCiENIDiE. Ins. 221 Psyclie, v ; T. decipiens, p. 268, delicatula, serena, p. 269, modesta , Cor- delia, p. 270, dubia , p. 271, Trop. Africa, Kirby, Ann. N. H. (6) vi : n. spp. Thaduka multicaudata figured, pi. xxvii, fig. 196 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Thamala miniata figured, pi. xxviii, figs. 212 & 213 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Tlieda : notes on habits of some Brazilian species ; Seitz, S. E. Z. li, pp. 3-5. T. sassanides figured, pi. xxvii, p. 202 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. T. w-album, n. var. butlerowi ; Krulikovski, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1890, p. 216. T. rubi, var. noticed ; Breignet, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxix. T. arata} seasonal dimorphism in ; Fritze, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 13. T. roboris, metamorphoses ; Chretien, Le Nat. xii, p. 102. T. sassanides , Koll., = ( mirabilis , Ersch.) ; Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 354. T. elwesi , p. 39, ornata , rubicundula , p. 40, ccelestis, p. 191, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii ; T. ion, eronos, stiktos, p. 151, teleontes , stigmatos, cydonia , lemnos, p. 152, Interior of Colombia, Druce, Ent. M. M. (2) i ; T. oribata , Bolivia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 123, pi. iv, fig. 8 : n. spp. Thestor fedtschenskoi, n. var., alpina , Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 357, Ticherra acte, wet-season form figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 225 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Tingra lavinia , laura, p. 267 ,fatima, p. 268, Trop. Africa, Kirby, Ann. N. II. (6) vi, n. spp. » Una , n. g., for Zizera ? usta , Dist. ; Niceville, p. 51, Butt. Ind. iii. Virachola isocrates, habits ; Niceville, Ind. Mus. Notes, i, p. 193. * Yasoda, n. g., for Loxura tripunctata, Hew. (figured, pi. xxix, figs. 233 6 234) ; Niceville, p. 438, Butt. Ind. iii. 'Zarona , n. g., p. 34, with Z. zanella , Burma, p. 35, bradamante, Siam, p. 36, n. spp. ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. Z. pharygoides, Malay Penins., Niceville, p. 208, pi. E, fig. 3, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. sp. 7 Zeltus, n. g., for P. etolus , Fab. (figured, pi. xxviii, fig. 221) ; Nicri- ville, p. 399, Butt. Ind. iii. Zephyrus khasia, E. India, Niceville, p. 301, Butt. Ind. iii : $ described, p. 210, pi. E, fig. 4, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v : n. sp. Zeritis leonina, fallax, p. 104, latijimbriata , p. 105, Sierra Leone, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi (figured, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, figs. 4-6, pi. xviii) : n. spp. Zesius chrysomallus , figured, pi. xxviii, figs. 208 & 209 ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. * Zinaspa , n. g., for Surendra todara and Rapala distorta (pi. xxix, fig. 239) ; Niceville, p. 451, Butt. Ind. iii. Zizera malia , fig. 172, lysimon , fig. 173, gaika , fig. 174, otis , fig. 175, figured, pi. xxvi ; Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii. 222 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA Hesperiidjl Abaratha ransonetti , larva and pupa figured, pi. F, figs. 1 & 1 a, p. 374 ; Davidson & Attken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. sj Aeromac/ius,' n. g., for a part of Thanaos ; NiciWille, p. 214, J. Bomb. N. II. Soc. v. Antigonns jamesoni, Trop. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 348, n. sp. Baoris siJclcima, E. India, Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 362, n. sp. Carterocephalus biseriatus , Bolivia, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 128, pi. iv, fig. 7, n sp. Carystus evander, Sierra Leone, pi. iii, fig. 4, thersander , Mozambique, fig. 5, Mabille, p. 30, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Celcqnorrliinus corner tus, Kliasi Hills, p. 222, pi. E, fig. 12, cacus, Ran- goon, p. 223, fig. 11, Niceville, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. spp. \Ctenoptilum , n. g. ; type, Achlyodes vasava , Moore, p. 220, with C. multiguttata , n. sp., Burma, p. 221, pi. e, fig. 10 ; Niceville, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Cyclopides chinemis , p. 48, nanus , p. 49, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Erycide8 urania described ; Aaron, Ent. News, i, p. 23. E. batabano , Lef., metamorphoses ; Dyar, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 211. Eudamus hesus described ; Aaron, Ent. News, i, p. 25. E. stylites , figs. 2 & 3, undidatuSj figs. 4 & 5, virescens , figs. 6 & 7, pi., figured and described, pp. 11—1 5 ; Mabille, Nov. Lep. Halpe submacula , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 48, n. sp. Hesperia micacea , pi. iv, fig. 5 , fulvangula, fig. 1, Ecuador, p. 126, Jcirschiy fig. 4, biforis , fig. 9, Colombia, p. 127, Weymer, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Hesperilla muniongat p. 623, monticolce, p. 624, Mount Kosciusko, Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. lsmene brussauxi, Congo, Mabille, p. ccxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Isoteinon lapis , Burma, Niceville, p. 213, pi. e, fig. 9, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, n. sp. Leucochitonea umvulensis, Trop. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 348, n. sp. Matapa ariay larva and pupa figured, pi. f, figs. 3 & 3 a ; Davidson & Aitken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. I Odontoptilum , n. g. ; type, Achlyodes sura , Moore ; Niceville, p. 217 J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Pamphila rega , fig. 6, heterochrus, fig. 7, xylosy fig. 8, figured pi. 3 ; Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. P. ormuzd figured, pi. xviii, fig. 5 ; Groum-Grsiii- mailo, in Rom. Mem. iv. P. panoquin, early stages ; Skinner, p. 8,Ent.v News, i. P. niurga , Caffraria, Mabille, p. 31, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; P. virgata , p. 47, maga , similis , p. 48, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii ; P. aaronit New Jersey, Skinner, p. 6, Ent. News, i ; P. slossonce , Florida, Skinner, Ent. Am. vi, p. 138 : n. spp. HESPERIID2E — SPHINGIDfll. Ins. 223 Pardaleodes festus, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 33, pi. iii, fig. 2, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Parnarci astigmata , Nilgiri Hills, Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 363 ; P. watsonii , Upper Burma, Niceville, p. 223, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v : n» spp. Plesioneura proximo, figured, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. P. grandis , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 47, n. sp. Proteides Gappronnieri , Plotz, figured, pi. iii, fig. 3 ; noticed, p. 33 ; Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. P. shelleyi, Trop. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. II. (6) vi, p. 349 ; P. mar - garitata , p. 155, tricolor , laterculus , p. 156, W. Africa, Holland, . Ent. News, i : n. spp. Pterogospidea diversai China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 46, n. sp. Pyrgus proteus n. var. prometheus , p. 499, pi. xviii, fig. 1, nobilis , fig. 3, antonia var. gigantea, fig. 2, alpina n. var. darwazica , p. 502, pi. xxi, fig. 5, poggei, larva, fig. 4, lutulentus, pi. xxi, fig. 6, p. 504, figured and described ; Groum-GrshimaYlo, in Rom. Mem. iv. P. spio , L., figured, pi. iii, fig. 9 ; Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Pyrrliopygc telassa , Hew., varietal note ; Weymer, in Stiibel Reise, p. 64. Sapcea, Plotz, note on its characters and composition ; Mabille, p. 31, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. S. elegantula, leucogaster, Sierra Leone, Mabille, p. 32, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Suastus hipunclus , Nilgiri Hills, Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 364, n. sp. Tagiades atticus, larva and pupa figured, pi. F, figs. 5 & 5 a, p. 373 ; Davidson & Aitken, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v. Teligonus Zara, Nicobar I., Swinhoe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 365, n. sp. HETEROCERA. Correlation of largo antonnro of male Lcpuloplcra with small powors of flight in $ ; Alpiij^raky (7). SPHINGIDJJ. [ Cf \ Austaut (23), Druce (185), French (282), Leech (477), Olliff (581), Packard (592), Schaus (730).] Note on the larval ornamentation of the N. American Sphingidce ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 15. Ampelopliaga myron , life-history ; Packard, Psyche, v, p. 400. Calliomma germen , Mexico, Sciiaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 20, n. sp. Cautethia grotei , Edw., noticed ; Skinner, p. 52, Ent. News, i. Coequosa triangidaris figured, pi. x ; Scott, Austr. Lep. ii. Cressonia juglandis , n. var. hyperbola ; Slosson, Ent. Am. vi, p; 59. Deidamia inscriptum , life-history ; Packard, Psyche, v. pp. 397-399. 224 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Dilophonota edwardsii and ello, preparatory stages ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 141-146. JEnyo lugubris, synonymy discussed ; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 106. Enyo tcedium , p. 19, riscus , p. 20, Mexico, Sciiaus, Ent. Am. vi, n. spp. Hemaris staudingeri, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 81 ; H. brucei, Colorado, French, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 134 : n. spp. Macroglossa ducalis figured, pi. xviii, fig. 6, Rom. Mem. iv. Macrosila edwardsi , Australia, Olliff, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 516, n. sp. Oryba imperialism Panama, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 213, n. sp. Pergesa mexicana, Paso de San Juan, Sciiaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 20, n. sp. Smerinthus astylus , larva noticed ; Jones, Ent. News, i, p. 21. S. Icindermanni , n. var. orbata ; Groum-Gr8IIIMa!lo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 512. S. atlanticus, with var. cestivalis , Marocco, Austaut, Le Nat. xii, p. 190, n. sp. ^Egeriih®. [Cf. Brandt (79), Failla-Tedaldi (237), Groum-Grsiiimailo (712), Mabille (496), Obertiiur (575), Swiniioe (838).] AEgeria rangoonensis , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 165, n. sp. Melittia iridisquama , W. Africa, Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 34 ; M. notabilis , p. 168, pi. vi, fig. 1 , pellecta, fig. 2, congruens, fig. 4, p. 169, M. (?) volatilis,fig. 3, p. 170, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Pramila minuta , Burma, Swinhoe, p. 171, pi. vi, fig. 5, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. Sciapteron noblei, p. 166, jucunda , p. 167, gracilis , p. 168, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Sesia ceiformis figured, pi. xviii, fig. 8, Rom. Mem. iv. 8. lahayei , pi. viii, fig. 91, euglossceformis , fig. 90, ceria3formis} figs. 93 & 94, figured ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. 8. staudingeri , Sicily, Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 28, pi. i, fig. 1 ; 8 fiavida , p. 24, pi. viii, fig. 95, agues , p. 26, fig. 92, N. Africa, Ober- thur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; S. senilis, Central Asia, Groum-Gbshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 515, pi. xviii, fig. 7 : n. spp. Castniidje, Uraniid2e, Agaristid^:, Chalcosiid^ Himantopteridjc. [Cf. Druce (186), Elwes (218, 219), Leech (477), Mabille (497,498), Mosciiler (558), Pagenstecher (594), Sciiaus (730, 731), Snellen (824), Swinhoe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911).] Agarista noQtuiformis , Portorico, MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 112, n. sp. CASTNI1ILE — HIMANTOPTERIMJ. Ins . 225 Atossa nelcinna , synonymy, Variation, and neuratidn noticed ; Elwes, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 380, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1. A. moorei, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2, nagaensis, fig. 3, E. India, Elwes, p. 382, P. Z. S. 1890 ; A. nelcymna , n. var. chinensis , Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 83, n. sp. (sic) : n. spp. Campylotes histrionicus , Variation, p. 383, n. var. altissima , p. 384, pi. xxxiii, fig. 1, C. desgodinsi , n. var. splendida , fig. 3, p. 384 ; Elwes, P. Z. S. 1890. C. sihkhncmis , E. India, ElWeS, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 384, pi. xxxiii, fig. 3 ; C. pratti, China, LeEciI, Ent. xxiii, p. 109 : n. spp. Castniidce : notes on the habits of some Brazilian species ; Seitz, S. E. Z. li, pp. 258-260. Castnia amalthea , Brazil, pelopia, Colombia, p. 69, pellonia, melessus , Up. Amazons, p. 70, DrUCE, Ent. M. M. (2) i, n. spp. Chalcosia imitans , Butl., var. described ; PagenSteciier, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 5. C. analis , Billiton, Snellen, p. 307, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. sp. Codane neoterica , Rangoon, SwIniioE, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 177, n. sp. Composia olympia , noticed and figured ; French, Ent. News, i, p. 153. Coronis abbreviates , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 129, n. sp. Cyclosia ? ochrea , Naga Hills, Elwes, p. 385, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4, P. Z. 8. 1890, n. sp. JDoratopteryXy note on the genus and species ; Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 334 & 335. Elcysma dohertyi , Naga Hills, Elwes, p. 386, pi. xxxiv, fig. 4, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Eterusia urania , Assam, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 39, n. sp. Eusemia novemmaculatd, Caffraria, MabiLlE, p. 54, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; E. eoa , mozambica , nigridorsa , p. cxxiii, xanthopyga , p. cxxiv (no locality mentioned, but it is probably Africa), MabillE, Bull. Soc. Eut. Fr. 1890 ; F. vithoroides , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 110 : n. spp. Ilcrpa subliyalina n. var. priniulina ; Elwes, p. 382, P. Z. S. 1890. Himantopteridce : the position of the family, the Validity of the genera discussed ; Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 329-332. Ilimantopterus ?, vel Thymara dohertyi , Naga Hills, Elwes, p. 332, pi. x, figs. 1-7, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. Pais (?) illuminata , Bolivia, Maassen, in Sttibel Reise, p. 129, pi. iv, fig. 20, u. sp. Pedoptila nemopteridia , standing eri, notes on ; ElWeS, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pp. 335 & 336. P. staudingeri , Rog., figured and described ; Mabille, Nov. Lep. p. 4, pi. i, fig. 1. Retina ? flavicosta , E. India, ElwEs, p. 386, pi. Xxxii, fig. 1,( P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Semioptila’ torta, noticed and neiiration figured ; Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 337. Soritia P molleri , Sikkim, ElWeS, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 385, pi. xxxii, fig. 13, n. sp. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] f 15 226 Ins. LEPJDOPTERA. Seudyra dissimilis , Mandalay, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 174 ; S. subalba, mandarina , flavida , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 110 : n. spp. Tascina metallica , Palawan, Pagenstecpier, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 3, n. sp. Thymara zaida , figs. 8 & 10, caudata, figs. 9 & 11, figured, pl.x, noticed, p. 333 ; Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. ZyGjENIDjE. [ Cf Dognin (177), Druce (184), Elwes (219), Groum-Grshimailo (712), Heylaerts (364, 365), Leech (477), Lucas (494), Mabille (496), MOsciiler (558), Neumoegen (562), Obertiiur (575), Swiniioe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911). Artona sihlcimensis , pi. xxxii, fig. 17, zebra , fig. 11, postalba , fig. 16, Sikkim, Elwes, p. 379, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Charidia similis, Brazil, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xv, n. sp. Chloropsinus elongatus, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 91, n. sp. Gydosia and Gnophcela , systematic position noticed ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 19. Dasy sphinx (?) leuce , Colombia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 129, pi. iv, lig. 18, n. sp. Dinia laudamia, Colombia, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 494, n. sp. JEupyra gigantea , Colombia, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 493, n. sp. Glaucopides : cases of mimicry in this family noticed ; Seitz, S. E. Z. li, pp. 260, &c. Glaucopis pelidne , Sierra Leone, Mabille, p. 35, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Hcematerion dycladioides , Brazil, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xiv, n. sp. j Histicea boliviana, Bolivia, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 493, n. sp. . Horama jalapensis, Mexico, Neumoegen, Ent. Am. vi, p. 63, n. sp. Homceocera rodriguezi , Guatemala, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 494, n. sp. Hydrusa angustipenna , Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1087, n. sp. ^ Ira, n. g. ( Syntomidce ), p. 63, for I. gundlachiana , n. sp., Cuba, p. 64 ; Neumoegen, Ent. Am. vi. Laimocligris laitifica , Bolivia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 129, pi. iv, fig. 19 ; L. quinquepunctata , p. xiii, nigripesi p. xiv, Brazil, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Lycomorpha fumata , Portorico, MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 114, n. sp. Macrocnema alesa, Bolivia, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 493, n. sp. Phauda pratti, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 81, u. sp. Pseudocharis translucida, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 91, n. sp. Scepsis edwardsiiy metamorphoses ; Dyar, Ins. Life, ii, p. 361. Sontia aliena, Colombia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 130, pi. iv, fig. 26, n. sp. ZYGjENIILE, ARCTIIDCE. Ins. 227 Syntomeida epilais , metamorphoses ; Dyar, Ins. Life, ii, p. 360. Syntomis parvipuncta , curtiplaga , interniplaga , Congo, Mabille, p. 35, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; S. volans , Burma, Swinhoe, p. 173, pi. vi, fig. 6, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 ; S. clarernontii , Java, Heylaerts, C.R. ent. Belg. 1890, p. xvi : n. spp. Thyretes melinoSy W. Africa, MaBille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 37, n. sp. Trichura aliaria , Amazons, Drtjce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 494, n. sp. Zygoma : the following are figured by ObERTHUR, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, and noticed, pp. 19-24— zuleima, pi. viii, fig. 81, loyselis , figs. 76-80, favonia , figs. 74, 75, & 82-89, seriziati, figs. 71-73, marcuna, pi. vii, fig. 58, algira , figs. 59-62, felix, figs. 57 & 63-70, orana) figs. 52-56. Z. sogdiana var. separata , larva figured, pi. xix, fig. 2, described, p. 521 ; Z. kawringi , pi. xviii, fig. 9, figured ; Rom. Mem. iv. Z. hissariensis , Central Asia, p. 520, pi. xix, fig. 1, Groum-GrsHimailo, Rom. Mem. iv, n. sp. Arctiidas. [Cf. Dognin (177), Druce (184), French (281, 282), Groum*Grshi- mailo (712), Heylaerts (365), Lucas (494), Neumoegen (562, 563), Oberthur (575), Swinhoe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911).] Preliminary catalogue of the Arctiidce of temperate North America, with notes by Smith, continued in Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 9, &c. Catalogue of the< Arctiidce of temperate North America, with notes, a synopsis of genera, and plate of neuration, pp. 233-236, &c, ; SmiTii, Canad. Ent. xxii. Arachnis picta , metamorphoses ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, p. 73. A. zuni , N. Mexico, NeumoEgen, Ent. Am. vi, p. 173, n. sp. Arctia intercalaris , pi. xix, fig. 3, glaphyra n. var. gratiosa, pi. xix, fig. 5, p. 533, figured and described ; Rom. Mem. iv. Arctia pallida, note on; Skinner, Ent. News, i, p. 51. A. docta, pre- paratory stages j Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 117. A. rupicola , Central Asia, Groum-GrsiiiMailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 535, pi. xix, fig. 6 ; A. brunnea , Sumatra, Heylaerts, C.R. ent. Belg. 1890,' p. xxix ; A. dieckii, British Columbia, Neumoegen, Ent. Am. vi, p. 62 ; A. favorita , Colorado, id. t. c. p. 173; A. rodrigueziy Guatemala, Druce, p. 498, P. Z. S. 1890 : n. spp. Automolis latania , Colombia, Druce, p. 495, pi. xlii, fig. 2, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Charidea amata , Colombia, Druce, p. 494, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Ghelonia bieti n. var . pratti\ LEecii, Ent. xxiii, p. 111. C. oberthuri figured, pi. vii, figs. 47 & 48 ; Oberthur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. Crocota rosa , N. America, French, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 133, n. sp. Dionychopus rubidus, China, LeEcii, Ent. xxiii, p. Ill, n. sp. Erchia latera , Ecuador, Druce, p. 496, pi. xiii, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Euarctia proserpina figured, Rom. Mem. iv, pi. xix, figs. 7a-c ; described p. 530. ' 228 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Euchcetes conspicua , Colorado, Neijmoegen, Ent. Am. vi, p. 173 ; E. nivea , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 131, pi. iv, fig. 28 : n. spp. Euhalisidota agelia , Mexico, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 214, n. sp. Eulepia cribrum , food-plants ; Baker & Goss, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 298. Halisidota caryce , list of food-plants ;.Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. vi, p. 16. H. tessellaris, Hb., var. = ( cinctipes , Grt.); MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 115. H. occidentalis, p. 46, subalpina , p. 47, Colorado, French, Canad. Ent. xxii ; R. labaca, Mexico, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 214, n. spp. Reliura lelex, Ecuador, Druce, p. 495, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Ilypeuthyna numida , N. Africa, Obertiiur, p. 27, pi. vi, fig. 41, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, n. sp. Idalus citrina, p. 495, pi. xlii, fig. 4, lemba, larissa , fig. 5, Amazons, lavinia , fig. 6, British Guiana, Druce, P. Z. S. 1899, n. spp. Lophocampa erebella , Ecuador, pi. iv, fig. 29, L. ( Phcegoptera ) conspicua , Peru, fig. 31, Maassen, in Stiibol Boise, p. 131, n. spp. Nemeophila hospita, variation noticed ; Ratzer, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 223. Neritos orbicularis , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 131, pi. iv, fig. 17, n. sp. Numenes disparilis n. var. separata ; Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 1 12. Ocnogyna diva = ( Arctia haberhaueri , Alph.), p. 536, figured, pi. xx, fig. 1 ; Rom. Mem. iv. Opharus gigas , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 176, n. sp. Phcegoptera lerica , Ecuador, leda, alsay Dominica, laudia , Trinidad, almopia , Antioquia, p. 497, ambrosia, Antioquia, p. 498, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Phragmatobia modesta, Bolivia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 131, pi. iv, fig. 30, n. sp. Purius plectoides , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 131, pi. v, fig. 2, n. sp. Sallcea lacipea , Guatemala, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 215, n. sp. Scoliacma iridescens, cervina , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1068, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Seirarctia echo, life-history ; Packard, Psyche, v, pp. 351-353 : larval habits ; Slosson, Ent. Am. vi, p. 8. Spilosoma lubricipeda, L., varietal note ; Kallenbacli, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. cxxiv. S. fuliginosa , in N. America ; Lugger, Ins. Life, ii, p. 236. S. brisbanensis, p. 1084, quinquefascia , p. 1085, Australia, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Tigriodes splendens , p. 1068, transcripta, pulverulenta , p. 1069, Queens- land, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Tinolius zingha, Burma, Swinhoe, p. 185, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. MELAMERID.E, LITHOSIID^E. Ins. 229 Melamerim:, Lithosiid^e, Hypsidjl [Qf. Dognin (177), Druce (184, 185), Elwes (219), Leech (477), Lucas (494), Mabille (496), MOschler (558), Oberthur(575), Schaus (730), Swinhoe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911).] Anestia inquinata, Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1083, n. sp. Areva amoureli , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 128, n. sp. Bizone : revision of the genus, with observations on synonymy and characters ; Elwes, P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 389-401. B. fasciola, China, plateni, North Celebes, p. 391 , puer, E. India, p. 392, pL xxxii, fig. 8, ariadne, pratti , China, p. 394, dohertyi , p. 394, fig. 4, molleri , siklcimensis, pi. xxxii, figs. 5 & 6, p. 395, Candida (Feld.), figs. 2 & 3, p. 396, E. India, harterli, Assam, p. 398, Elwes, P. Z. S. 1890 ; B. cruenta , China, Leech, Ent.xxiii, p. 49 : n. spp. Brunia repleta, fragilis, intersecta , Queensland, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1070, n. sp. / Cephalospargeta, n. g., Lithosiidce, p. 119, for C. elongata , n. sp., Porto- rico, p. 120 ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Chiriphe anguliscripta , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1079, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Clelea nigroviridis, Naga Hills, Elwes, p. 380, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Comarchis equidistans , p. 1080, gradata, p. 1081, irregularis , obliquata , p. 1082, lunata , p. 1083, Australia, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Cymopsis albipes , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 130, pi. iv, fig. 23, n. sp. Delpliyre pallida , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 118, n. sp. Devara lassippa, Colombia, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 499, pi. xlii, fig. 13, n. sp. Fudule bada, Mexico, Druce, Ann. N. II. (6) v, p. 215, n. sp. Flavinia jalapoe, Mexico, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 45 ; F. alcidamea, Centr. and S. America, p. 498, lemonia, Ecuador, p. 499, pi. xlii, fig. 8, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890 : n. spp. Gnophria limpida , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 117, n. sp. Hectobrocha multilinea , subnigra , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1072, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv : n. spp. IJemonia dulcicula , Rangoon, Swinhoe, p. 183, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. Ilypsa sippia , Plotz, characters of ; Mabille, p. 37, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Josia austria, Peru, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 130, pi. iv, fig. 21, n. sp. Kathal semifusca , Sikkim, Elwes, p. 388, pi. xxxii, fig. 9, P. Z. S. 1890 ; K. moorei, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 81 : n. spp. Lithosia imparcpunctata , Comoro Is. ?, Obertiiur, p. 15, pi. iv, figs. 19 230 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. & 20, Etudes d’Ent. xiii; L.? anomala, Himalaya, Elwes, p. 388, pi. xxxii, fig. 14, P. Z. S. 1890 ; L. lenta , p. 81, costipuncta , p. 82, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii ; L. unicolor , Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1071 ; L. argentea , pi. iv, fig. 25, molybdcenalis, fig. 24, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 130 : n. spp. Lyclene simplifascia , E. India, Elwes, p. 389, pi. xxxii, fig. 19, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Mieza galactina , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 131, pi. iv, fig. 27, n. sp. Microgiton larissay latona , alea, Ecuador, Druce, p. 499, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Miltochrista , rivalis, rufa , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 82, n. spp. Mosoda bancrofti , p. 1077, veuusta , lineata , p. 1078, Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Nola sexmaculata , larva described ; Dyar, Ins. Life, iii, p. 61. N. portoricensis , Cuba and Portorico, MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 118, n. sp. Nuclaria ? dudgeoni , Darjeeling, Elwes, p. 388, pi. xxxii, fig. 10, P. Z. S. 1 1890, n. sp. ^ Paniasis , n. g., Melameridce , for P. aleopetra , n. sp., Colombia ; Druce, p. 500, pi. xlii, fig. 9, P. Z. S. 1890. J Paraxia , n. g., p. 120, resembling Sarrothripa, for P. chamcdeon , n. sp., Portorico, p. 121 ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Pentadtrotus ceneus , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 83, n. sp. Roeselia fragilis, Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 184, n. sp. Sarothrocei'as ( Noctuidce ) referred to Sypsidce ; cf. Noctuidce. Sarotricha demiota , p. 1074 , punctata, p. 1075, Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Scaiodora rava, Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1079, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Setina P punctata , E. India, Elwes, p. 389, pi. xxxii, fig. 18, P. Z. S. 1890 ; S. unipunctata, rubricans , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 82 : n. spp. Sinna, cf. Noctuidce. Sorocostia mesozona , p. 1075, argentea, interspersa , p. 1076, Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. * Stepola, n. g. near Nola, for S. bistriga, n. sp., Portorico; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 119. Tegulata fimbriata , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 81, n. sp. Thallarcha phalarota, Meyr., $ = (pheedropa, Meyr.) ; Lucas, p. 1080, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. T. aurantiacea, Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1080, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. sp. Thirmida dimidiata, Wlk.,' figured, pi. xlii, fig. 11, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890. T. superba , Upp. Amazons, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 498, pi. xlii, fig. 10, n. sp. Thrypticodes xyloglypta , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1073, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. NYCTEOLID.E — ANAPHID/E. Ins. 231 NyCTEOLID^, NyCTEMERIDyE, BuSCHEMIDJl. [Cf. Druce (405), Elwes (219), French (282), Heylaerts (365), Ober- thur (575), Snellen (823), Swinhoe (838).] Chionomera pulchella , .Himalaya, Elwes, p. 387, pi. xxxii, fig. 15, P. Z. S. 1890, n.sp. Euschema ludifica , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 202, n. sp. Hylophila magnified, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 83, n. sp. Nydemera pallescens, Comoro Is. ; Obertiiur, p. 15, pi. iv, fig. 21, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; N. vollenhovii, Flores, &c., Snellen, p. 276, pi. xi, fig. 4, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii; N. sumatrensis, tritoides, Sumatra, Heylaerts, p. xvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Pitthea agenoria , Congo, Druce, in Jameson Story Rear Column, p. 451, n. sp. Tyana superba, Moore, systematic position discussod ; Snellen, Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, p. 177. LlPARIDiE, AnAPHIDjE. [Cf. Beutenmuller (51), Dognin (177), Druce (184), Groum- Grshima'i'lo (712), Leech (477), Lucas (494), Mabille (496, 500), Mabille & Vuillot (502), Pagenstecher (594), Raspail (639), Sharpe (784), Weymer & Maassen (911 ).] Artaxa charmetanti, Algeria, Mabille, p. cciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; A. montis , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. Ill : n. spp. Birnara nubila, Butl., figured, Tidschr. Ent. xxxiii, pi. xii, fig. 3. Carama jaromillo, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 73, n. sp. Chelepteryx collesi , Gray, metamophoses figured ; McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Viet. pi. cxcvii. 4 Ccenostegia, n. g. ( Cnethocampides , n. fam.), for Boinbyx rhadama, and diego, Coq., and the following n. spp. from Madagascar, viz., barrel and fiavens ; Mabille, pp. cxlvi & cxlvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Crinola flamcollis, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. Ill, n. sp. Dasychira ( Dasorgyia ) selenophora figured (as D. pumila ) ; Rom. Mem. iv, pi. xix, fig. 4. D.fidjiensis, Fiji Is., Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. pi. i, fig. 2, p. 5, n. sp. Genussa altaba , Ecuador, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 500 ; G. albifascia, Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 132, pi. v, fig. 3 : n. spp. Gyncepliora pluto, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. Ill, n. sp. Hebcna ? bicolor, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 132, pi. v, fig. 1, n. sp. ^ Ileteranaphe , n. g. ( Anaphidce ), p. 442, for II. jaclcsoni, n. sp., E. Africa, p. 443 ; Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v. Ilylemera luteipes , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 38, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Jana mandarina, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 112, n. sp. 232 Ins P LEPIDOrTBRA. Leucoma macrocera, E. Africa, Sharpe, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 443 ; L. pasaleuca, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 132, pi. v, fig. 9, n. spp. Liparis dispar , eggs destroyed by an Acarus ; Raspail, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 94. L. auriflua, nature of the colouring-matter of its cocoon ; Frenzel, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 580, Melanothrix alternans, Palawan, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 13, n. sp. Ocneria dispar , its parasites and occurrence in N, America ; Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p, 264 : habits and list of parasites of ; Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, ii, pp. 208-211. ^ Orgyia tristis} Central Asia, Groum-Grsiiimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 554, pi. xx, fig. 6 ; O.prisca , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. Ill j 0. inor- nata , Florida, BeutenmOller, p. 300, Psyche, v : n. spp. Porthesia ( Euphrostis ) collucens , Brisbane, Lucas, P, Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1090, n. sp, Teara barnardi , p. 1088, argentosa, p. 1089, protrahens, p, 1090, Queens- land, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc, N.S,W. (2) iv, n, spp. PSYCHIDAS. [Cf. Heylaerts (3G2, 363, 366, 367), Mabille (497), Meyrick (537), Moore (552), Weymer & Maassen (911).] Acanthopsyche ( Amicta ) grummi figured, pi. xx, figs. 9a-/; Rom. Mem. iv. Babula , n. g., for B. grotei , n. sp., Calcutta ; Moore, p. 262, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2. Bijugis sikkimensis, E. India, Heylaerts, C,R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xi, n. sp. Chalia staudingeri figured ; Rom. Mem. iv, p. 551. C.emilice , Mozambique, Heylaerts, p. clxxx, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; C. elwesi , E. India, Heylaerts, t. c. p. x : n. spp. Eumeta junodi, Natal, Heylaerts, p. cxxx, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Kophene weyersi , noticed as distinct from Perina bipars ; Heylaerts, C,R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xii, K. moorei , E. India, p. xi, snelleni) Assam, p. xii, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. ^ Moffatia, n. g., p.263, for M. plumioauda, n. sp,, Himalaya, p.264; Moore, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2, Monda rogenhoferi , p. clxxxi, major , p. clxxxii, E. Africa, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg, 1890, n. spp. CEceticus saclavus , Madagascar, Mabille, p. 52, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Perina bipars , Wlk., referred to Chalia ; Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xii. Psyche calberlce , Pyrenees and Tyrol, Heylaerts, p. cxxxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; P. ? nebulella, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 132, pi. v, fig. 8 : n. spp. NOTODONTIDiE, CN ETHOCAMPI DM. Ins. 233 ^ Rasicpta , n. g., for R. albescens, n. sp., Calcutta ; Moore, p. 2G3, J. A. S. B. lix, pt. 2. Notodontiwe, Cnethocampiix®. [Cf. Behr (42), Beutenmuller (51), Chapman (128), Dognin (177), Druce (184), Dyar (208\ Elwes (219), French (282), Graeser (322), Mabille (499), Packard (590), Pagensteciier (594), Schaus (730), Swiniioe (838).] Anodonta fa'scis, Jalapa, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 47, n. sp. Apatelodes lorrefacta, life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 520. Apatelodes, n. sp., cf. Saturniidce , &c. Cecrita ( Eeterocampa ) guttivitta , Wlk., life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 544. Ceira junctura, figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxvii, fig. 4. Celeia sikhima, auritracta , figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxvii, figs. 1 & 2. Cerura borealis , p. 553, occidentalis, p. 555, cinerea, p. 556, life-histories ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv. C. multiscripta , metamorphoses ; Dyar, Psyche, v, p. 393 : pupa noticed ; Chapman, Ent. xxiii, p. 203. C. pra- sana figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxvii, fig. 3. C. vinula, larva and birds ; Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 326. C. cinereoides , California, Dyar, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 253, n. var. or Yp- i Cnethocampa and Camostegia , [n. g. Liparidce , supra ] to be a distinct family, Cnethocampides ; Mabille, p. cxlvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Cnethocampa , n. sp., cf. Dry ocampa, Saturniidce , &c. Dasylophia anguina , life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 529. Datana : characters and table of the N. American species ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 127-132. D. integerrima , life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 518. D. palmii , preparatory stages ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, p. 181. D. avgusii , preparatory stages ; BeutenmOller, t. c. p. 219. D. major , drexelii , life-histories ; Dyar, Psyche, v, pp. 414-420. D. con- tracta , preparatory stages ; Beutenmuller, Ent. News, i, p. 144. D. calif ornica (Riley), California, Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, p. 127 ; D. modesta , Florida, palmii , Pennsylvania, Beutenmuller, p. 299, Psyche, v : n. spp. Dicranura platea, Jalapa, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 46, n. sp. Diloba cceruleocephala , food plant, Butler, Ent. xxiii, p. 263. JDrymonia dodoncea, food -plants ; Jeffrey, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p 256. Edema albifrons , metamorphoses ; Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. vi, p. 75: life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p.526. E. lanassa , p. 509, alata, p. 510, Panama, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Hemiceras lissa,ania, Ecuador, p. 511, losa , Trinidad, levana , Ecuador, p. 512, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, u. spp. Heterocampa pulverea, mature larva, p. 549, unicolor , life-history, p. 550 234 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. marthesice , life-history, p. 551, Packard, P. Bost, Soc. xxiv. H, subrotata, preparatory stages ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, p. 209. H. gamarra , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 128, n. sp. Hybocampa milhauseri, notes on metamorphoses ; Chapman (128). Hyperceschra annulata, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 189, n. sp. Ichthyura inclusa , Hb., partial life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 516. Janassa lignicolor , life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 542. Lirimiris veltini , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 128, n. sp. Lochmceus manteo) life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 546. Natada lutea , Palawan, Pagensteciier, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 14, n. sp. Nerice bidentata , larva described ; Dyar, Ins. Life, iii, p. 62. Notodonta stragula , mature larva noticed ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 525. N. P gigantea , E. India, Elwes, p. 399, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. CEdemasia concinna , life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 532. CE ? alcimede , S. & Centr. America, Druce, p. 510, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Phalera amphissa, British Guiana, Druce, p. 509, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Pheosia rimosa , partial life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 523. P. costalis figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxvii, fig. 5. Platycerura gigantea , N. America, French, p. 134, Canad. Ent. xxii, n. sp. Pygcera troglodyta , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 72, n. sp. Rosema sciritis, Ecuador, simois, Argentine Rep., Druce, p. 511, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Schizura ipomece, Db., life-history ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, p. 535, pi. iv : larva described ; Dyar, Ins. Life, iii, p. 62. S. leptinoides , pre- paratory stages ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, p. 230. Limacodidas, Drepanulime. [Cf. Dognin (177), Druce (184, 185), Heylaerts (365), Leech (477), Mabille (497), Packard (591), Sciiaus (730), Swinhoe (838).] Cania ? minutissima, Rangoon, Swinhoe, p. 195, pi. vi, fig. 11, Tr. E. Soc, 1890, n. sp. Dalcera leberna, Ecuador, ampela , Bolivia, p. 505, laxta , Ecuador, p. 506, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Drepana arcuata , larval ontogeny and seasonal dimorphism ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 482-489. D. hamula referred to Dryopteris ; Packard, t. c. p. 484. D. parvula, p. 112, acuminata , bidens , flavilinea} p. 113, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, n. spp. Dryopteris rosea, larva described, seasonal dimorphism ; Packard, P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 490-493. Echedorus infernalis, Jalapa, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 46, n. sp. Heterogenea obliqua, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 83, n. sp. LIMACODIDiE — LASIOCAMPID2E. Ins. 235 Limacodes inferma, Burma, SwiNHOR, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 194, n.sp. Miresa fumifera , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 195, pi. vi, fig. 13 ; M. sanguineo-maculata , p. xxvii, nigriplaga , p. xxviii, Sumatra, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 ; M. ? amisena, Ecuador, Druce, p. 506, P. Z. S. 1890 : n. spp. Monema ocellata, figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxvii, fig. 6. Narosa lacteola, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 193, n. sp. Oxy tenia ? ecuadorensis, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 50 (c/. also Oxy- tenus , Lasiocampidce ), n. sp. Pamea pallida , pi. v, fig. 4, excisa , fig. 5, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 133, n. spp. Parasa affinis, p. 52, humilis , p. 53, Madagascar, Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; P. mirza, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 192 : n. spp. lParnia, n. g., near Parasa , for P. cambouei , n. sp., Madagascar; Mabille, p. liii, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Perola lacipea, Mexico, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 218, n. sp. Perophora inscita, Mexico, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 46, n. sp. Phobetron pithecium, mode of moulting ; Dyar, Ent. News, i, p. 160. •iProneca , n. g. Limacodidai, p. 193, for P. fola, n. sp., Burma, p. 194, pi. vi, fig. 8 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. 'iScytalopteryx, n. n. for Phyllopteryxy Snell, (habits of S. elongata , noticed) ; Ritsema, p. 260, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. Semyra agemytha , Mexico, Druce, p. 218, Ann. N. H. (6) v, n. sp. Setora neutra , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 195 ; S. divisa, China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 83 : n. spp. Susica ? ceppkica, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 192, n. sp. Thosea lutea , Sumatra, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xxix, n.sp, Varina ornata, sexes noticed ; Slosson, Ent. Am. vi, p. 136. Saturniid2e, Ceratocampim:, Bombycidji), Lasiocampid^. [Cf. Beiir (42), Cotes (153), Dognin (177), Druce (184, 185, 186, 405), French (281), Leech (477), Lucas (494), Neumoegen (562), Obertiiur (575), Schaus (730), Swinhoe (838), Weymer (910), Weymer & Maassen (911).] Notes on silk-producing and other Bombyces ; Wailly, Ent. xxiii, pp. 119-122. Anthercea thespisf China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 112 ; A. intermedia , Queensland, Lucas, p. 1091, P< Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv : n. spp. Anthocroca lebethra, amphea, amycla , Ecuador, Druce, p. 507, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Apatelodes anava , Ecuador, Druce, p. 504, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Arsenura richardsoni , Mexico, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 217, n. sp. Asthenidia buclcleyi, p. 507, amphira , p. 508, Ecuador, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Automeris jivaros, Zamora, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 10, n. sp. 236 Ins. LEPIDOPTFRA. Bombyx mori , cutaneous excretory organs ; Verson (861) : develop- ment of unfertilised eggs ; Verson (865) : its original country ; Mukerji (560). B. arbusculce noticed ; Fallou, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xlvii. B. philopalus, fig. 34, staudingeri, $ , fig. 37, figured, pi. vi, Obertiiur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. B. callunce , early stages of ; Young, Ent. xxiii, p.259. B. vallantini , p. 28, pi. vi, fig. 33, datini, p. 29, figs. 31 & 32, lutea , figs. 35 & 36, brunnea, fig. 39, p. 29, N. Africa, Obertiiur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, n. spp. Buncea jamesoni, Congo, Druce, in Jameson Story Rear Column, p. 448, n. sp. Carthara amisena , Ecuador, Druce, p. 506, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Cosculia fibra , Mexico, Sciiaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 45, n. sp. Coloradia lepta , Paraguay, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 501, n. sp. Crateronyx sardanapalus figured, pi. xx, fig. 8 ; Rom. Memr iv. Cricula burmana , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 198, n. sp. Dirphia laverna , pi. xliii, fig. 1, latemedia , Ecuador, Druce, p. 501, P. Z. S. 1890 ; D. nata , pi. v, fig. 12, famula , fig. 14, erythropus , fig. 10, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 134 : n. spp. Draconipteris gigantea , Ecuador, Druce, p. 502, pi. xliii, fig. 4, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Dryocampa riversii , California, Beiir, P. Cal. Ac. Sci. (2) ii, p. 94, n. sp. D. riversii referred to Cnethocampa ; Be hr, Zoe, i, p. 106. Eacles leona, Paraguay, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 500, n. sp. JEriogaster aleriat Ecuador, Druce, p. 503, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Gastropacha modulata , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 197, pi. vi, fig. 18, n. sp. Hemileuca maia , larva noticed ; Packard, p. 327, Psyche v. Ilydrias deformis , Mexico, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 45 ; H. nebulosa, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 135, pi. v, fig. 13 ; H. amathuria , lascoria , pi. xiii, fig. 12, laudia, p. 503, ampira, fig. 14, amida , fig. 15, lecca, p. 504, Ecuador, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890 : n. spp. Hyperchiria nyctimena^alk., larva noticed ; Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 50. Lasiocampa demissa, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 135, pi. v, fig. 15, n. sp. Lebedg, lineata , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 135, pi. v, fig. 11, n. sp. Lenodora semihyalina , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 196, pi. vi, figs. 10 & 16, n. sp. Norasuma richteri , Celebes, Weymer, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 34, pi. i, figs. 4 & 5, n. sp. Ocha macerra , Mexico, Schaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 45, n. sp. CEcelostera amoria , Ecuador, Druce, p. 505, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Oxytenus laverna, Ecuador, Druce, p. 502, pi. xliii, fig. 5, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Platysamia cecropia, sexual difference in cocoons ; Skinner, Ent. News, i, p. 19. C0SSIDA5, REPIALIDiE. Ins, 237 Prismoptera aminula , S.E. Brazil, DriIce, p. 506, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Pseudohazis eglanterina , life-history ; Packard, p. 325, Psyche, v. Samia cynthia, preparatory stages ; Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. vi, p. 216. Saturnia io, variation, habits of larva ; Hinckley, Psyche, v, p. 318. S. pavonia, food plant ; Winkley, Ent. xxiii, p. 261. S. olivacea, Thibet, Oberthur, p. 44, ph x, fig. 107, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; S . oberthuri , China, Leech, Ent. xxiii, p. 49 ; S. medea, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 133, pi. v, fig. 7 : n. spp. Sphingicampa bisecta n. var. nebulosa ; Neumoegen, Ent. Am. vi, p. 63. Tolype velleda , metamorphoses ; French, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 255. T. distincta , Colorado, French, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 45, n. sp. OoSSIDAD, HEPIALID2E. [Cy. Druce (184), French (281), Groum-Grshimailo (712), Hey- laerts (365), Meyrick (535, 537), Schaus (730), Swinhoe (838), Teich (845), Weymer & Maassen (911).] The Australian Hejnalidce revised ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, pp. 1117-1136. Arbela ? dea, Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 199, pi. vi, fig. 7, n. sp. Charagia eximia figured, pi. xi ; Scott, Austr. Lep. ii. Cossus cadambce , tessellatus , figured ; Waterhouse, Aid, pi. clxxxvii, figs. 7 & 8. C. brucei , Colorado, French, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 44 ; C. amundasa , Ecuador, Druce, p. 508, pi. xlii, fig. 16, P. Z. S. 1890 : n. spp. Endagria nionticola , Central Asia, Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 544, p. xx, fig. 5, n. sp. *Hectomanes, n. g., Hepialidce , for Fraus , Wlk., p. 1125, with H. noserodes, p. 1126, polyspila , p. 1127, n. spp., Australia; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. llepialua paropus , momus , pi. xliii, fig. 3, p. 608, metellus, fig. 2, p. 509, Ecuador, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Holcocerus sericeus, Central Asia, Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 541, pi. xx, fig. 3, n. sp. Langsdorjia marmorata] Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 136, pi. iv, fig. 15, n. sp. * Perissectis, n. g., for Hepialus australasice, Don. ; Meyrick, p. 1119, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. P hassus basirei , Mexico, Sciiaus, Ent. Am. vi, p. 46, n. sp. Phragmataicia cincrea , Baltic, Teicii, Arb. Yer. Riga (n.s.) vi, p. 19 ; P. furia , Centr. Asia, Groum-Grshimailo, in Rom. Mem. iv, p. 542, pi. xx, fig. 4 : n. spp. Pielus hyalinatus , Schaffer, = ( imperialis , Olliff) ; Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 604, but cf. Olliff, t. c. pp. 641 & 642. Porina niphtulias , Australia, p. 1122, sphragidias, p. 1123, Tasmania, 238 Ins. LEPJDOPTERA. , Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv ; P. dinodes) New Zealand, id. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 206 : n. spp. 4 Saalmulleria, n. g., for Cossus stumpjii , Saal. ; Mabille, p. cxlviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. * Squamura , n. g. ( Cossidce ), for S. maculata , n. sp., Java ; Heylaerts, p. xxvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. \Trictena , n. g., for Cossus labyrinthicus , Don. ; Meyrick, p. 1135, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Triodia monticola , p. 136, pi. iv, fig. 14, lucicola , p. 137, fig. 16, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, n. spp. Zelotypia stacy i, Scott, referred to Leto, lib. ; Meyrick, p. 1133, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Zeuzera pyrina, Fab., early stages of; MaCiiesney, Ent. Am. vi, p. 31, woodcuts. Z. oblita, Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 198, pi. vi, fig. 9, n. sp. CyMATOPHORIDjE. [ Cf \ Dognin (177), Grote (325), Smith (813).] Bonibycia Candida , Florida, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 179, n. sp. Thyatira batis, L., var. described and figured ; Reuter, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 201. T. trimaculata , n. varr. chinensis , p. 113, albomaculata , p. 114, Leech, Ent. xxiii. T. staphyla , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 155, n. sp. ■ Noctuidac. [Cf. Butler (101, 102), Chapman (127), Dognin (177), Druce (184, 317), Duurloo (196), Edwards (211), Elwes (219), Failla-Tedaldi (237), Graeser (322), Grote (325), Heylaerts (365), Lucas (494), Mabille (476, 496), Mabille & Vuillot (502), MOsciiler (558), Ober- thur (575, 577), Pagenstecher (593, 594), Smith (804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 811, 812, 814, 815), Standfuss (829), Swiniioe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911).] For extensive synonyms of species of Noctuidce and remarks on genera, &c., see Butler (101). Abagrotis , n. g. for part of Agrotis ; Smith, p. 49, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. Acantholipes maculifera, Mab., redescribed and figured ; Mabille, Nov. Lep. p. 7, pi. 1, fig. 5. Achcea quadrilunata, Java, Pagenstecher, JB. nassau Ver. xliii, p. 109 ; A. schausi, Mexico, Druce, p. 380, pi. xxxii, fig. 5, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i : n. spp. Acontia , its composition discussed ; MOsciiler, p. 153, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. A. chloromelana, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 39, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; N0CTU1D/E. Ins. 239 A. splendcns , Panama, Druce, p. 516, P. Z. S. 1890 ; A. mixta , p. 154, uni- punctata, p. 155, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi : n. spp. Acronycta : the genus discussed, classified, and divided, with remarks on and figures of the earlier stages ; Chapman, Ent. Rec. pp. 1, &c., pis. i, ii, & v. See Bisulcia , Cuspidia, Viminia. Acronycta prccclara , Amurland’, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 74 ; A. jucunda, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 137, pi. vi, fig. 24 : n. spp. , Adclphagrotis, n. g., for p&rt of Agrotis ; Smith, p. 38, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. Agrotis, and allied genera, monograph of the N. American species; Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. A. tritici and cursoria, varietal note ; South, Ent. xxiii, pp. 145-148. A. ashioorthii , notes on ; Gardner, Ent. xxiii, p. 5. A. pexa , Berg, = ( ingoufi , Mab.), pesronii, Gn., = (digramma, Mab.) ; Berg, pp. clxix & clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. A. spina , habits ; Lendenfeld, Zool. Gart. xxxi, p. 240. A. aurulenta, p. 215, ingenicnlata, p. 216, N. America, Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38 ; A. abnormis, erratica, p. 41, planifrons , p. 42, congrua , inelegans , p. 43, clemens , p. 44, satiens, insertans, p. 45, cogitans , p. 46, atomaris , remota , p. 47, annulipes, p. 48, murdocJci , quinquelinea , p. 49, incallida , lutulenta, p. 50, alticola , p. 51, basiflava , p. 52, rena, p. 53, spec- tanda, p. 54, nostra, p. 55 ,/urtivus, p. 56, infelix , p. 57, N. America, Smith, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii ; A. atristrigata, British Columbia, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 76; A. lamptera, p. 513, A. P limenia, p. 514, Guatemala, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890 ; A . interposita, pi. vi, fig. 19, bistrigata , fig. 13, p. 142, prccstans, fig. 16, Colombia, trisignata , fig. 21, obscurella, fig. 20, p. 143, extincta, fig. 23, interrupta, fig. 25, unicolor a, fig. 27, plectina, fig. 28, Ecuador, p. 144, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise ; A. ingoujii, pi. x, fig. 9, digramma, pi. xi, fig. 2, p. 146, dianthoecice, pi. x, fig. 8, p. 147, aethes, pi. x, fig. 7, p. 149, Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i : n. spp. Alamis rufomixta, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 41, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Aletia ? erigida, Burma, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 221, n. sp. Anarta agonax , Mexico, Druce, p. 515, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. ^ Anateinoma, n. g., placed next Thalpochares , p. 169, for A. affabilis , n. sp., Portorico, p. 170, pi., fig. 14 ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Annaphila casta , Oregon, Edwards, Ent. Am. vi, p. 114, n. sp. Anomis prccrupta , Portorico, MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 173, n. sp. Anophia oligomelas, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 43, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; A. longinquua, p. 233, undara , p. 234, Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Apamea ophiogramma and leucostigma, variation in Britain ; Tutt, Ent. xxiii, pp. 12 & 13. A. lehr uni, Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 150, pi. x, fig. 10, n. sp. Aramuna lulosa, Rangoon, Swiniioe, p. 225, pi. vii, fig. 11, n. sp. 240 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Arasada lycaugesaria , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 232, n. sp. Ardisura grandis , Mexico, Druce, p. 516, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Argidia calus , Guen., t= ( mbruhra , Feld.) ; Druce, p. 398, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. A . subnebulosa Ecuador, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 151, pi. vii, fig. 6, n. sp. Arsiloncha roseana , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 220, pi. vi, fig. 17, n. sp. Athyrma trispila,'W. Africa, p. 45, subangularis , Mayotte, p. 46, Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Axylia abstracta , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 221, pi. vii, fig. 13 ; A. buceplialina, Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 151, pi. xi, fig. 30 : n. spp. Bagada diffisa , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 224, pi. vii, fig. 17, n. sp. Baniana significans , $ = ( bifida , H. S.) ; MOschler, p. 200, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Barathra , Hb., = ( Copimamestra , Grt.) ; Mamestra brassicce referred to it ; Smith, p. 457, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. Bendis magdalia , Gn., fully described ; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 206. B. cezica, cemylia, pi, xxxii, fig. 8, Panama, cenaria , Mexico, fig. 6, Bruce, p. 378, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. spp. jBisulcia, n. subg. of Acronycta ; Chapman, p. 28, Ent. Rec. i. Bolina : notes on the, variation, synonymy, and characters of contorta , le.ucomelana , fasciolaris , januaris , nigrescens , rectifasda , russaris ; MOSCii- ler, pp. 185-193, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. B. nebulom , Colombia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 149, pi, vii, fig. 13, n. sp. Brujas circe figured, pi. xxxi, fig. 11, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. Bryophila impar , note on characters of ; Farren, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 303. B. conjectural is, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 222, pi. vii, fig. 10, n. sp. Calliergea divisa, 11. S., fully described; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 138. C. recondita , Portorico, MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 140, n. sp. Callopistria carrioni , Ecuador, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 155 ; C. agyra. p. 517, langia , p. 518, Panama, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890 ; n. spp. Calophasia bicolor , Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 153, pi. xi, fig. 8, n. sp. Calymnia penicillata, Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 75, n. sp. Capnodes fubularis, Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 257 ; C. lara , Panama, p. 414, pi. xxxiii, fig. 23, laranda , Centr. America, p. 415, alceste, fig. 24, alcinoe , fig. 25, lappa , fig. 26, p. 417, C. (?) argina , fig. 27, p. 418, Panama, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i ; C. astyla , p. 215, NOCTUIDiE. Ins. 241 prisca , priscilla, p. 216, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; C. maculifera , Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 152, pi. vii, fig. 17 : n. spp. Caradrina calberlce , Sicily, Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 29 ; C . alana, Panama, DruCe, p. 513, P. Z. S. 1890 ; C. promiscua , Portorico, MoschlIer, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 144 ; C. tolima , pi. vi, fig. 15, C. ? dubitata , fig. 22, Colombia, p. 141, C. mertdica, fig. 17, bilineata , fig. 18, Ecuador, p. 142, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Carneades atristrigata , p. 150, misturata (Morr.), p; 156, neomexicana , p. 218, teleboa , lineifrons , p. 219, pedalis , p. 220, xyliniformis , conjuncta , p. 221, j oerturbata, p. 222, N. America, SmItii, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38, n; spp. Carthara reissi , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 132* pi. v, fig. 6, n. sp. Catephia melanis , W. Africa, Mabille* p. 43, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Catocala electilis figtlred, pi. xXxi, fig. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Hetdr. i; (7. frdxini, larva described ; Porritt, Ent; M. M. (2) i, p. 125. C. ixion , MexicOj Druce, p. 360, pi. xxxi, fig. 2, Biol. Centr. Am. Hetef. 1, n. sp. J Cecharismena, n. g4, placed near Thalpochares , p. 164, for I. nectared , p; 165, cara, p. 166, n. spp., Portorico ; MOschler* Abh. Senck; Ges.xvL Celoena ? lilacina , Panama, Druce, p. 512, P. Z. S; 1890, n. sp; Chamina (?) lamponia , Panama, Druce, p. 422, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Chasmina dlcidamea , Guatemala, Druce, P. Z. S; 1890, p. 512, n. sp. JChorizagrotis , n. g., for part of Agrotis ; SmitIi, p. 98, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. NO; 38; Cleophana jubatai Gabes, ObeRtiiur, p< 31, pi. vi, fig; 40, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, n. sp. Cletthora mirabilis , bilinea, Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Sod. 1890, p. 237, n. spp. Camipeta dimidiata , Butl., figured, pi. xx£i, fig. 10, Biol; Centr. Am. Heter. i. C. ceolia , Central America, Druc#, t. c. p. 350, pL xxxi, fig. 9 ; C. zeno- bina, p. 148, pi. vii, fig. 5, ocellata, p. 149, fig* 9, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise 1 n. spp. ^ Collomena , n. g., position doubtful, for C. elota , m sp., Portorico, pi., fig. 17 ; Moschler, p. 145, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Copipanolis stigma , Florida, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p; 220, n. Sp. Cosmia laoripa, Panama, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 514, n. sp. Crymodes exulis, Icelandic varr. noticed ; Walker, P; E. Soc; 1890, p. xxxiii. \Cuspidia , n. subg; of Acronycta ; Chapman, Ent; Rec. i* p. 27. Daxata multifasciata , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E; Soc. 1890, p. 256, pi. vii, fig. 14, m sp. Lecalea infusa * Wlk.* fully described < MOschLeIi, p. 203, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. 1890. [vol. xxvn.] f 16 242 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Declana Jloccosa, life-history; Hudson, Ent. xxiii, p. 241. Dianthoscia carpophaga and capsophila, identity of ; Blandford, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 89 ; South, Ent. xxiii, p. 132. D. magellana, Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 152, n. sp. Diastema , F. & It., described ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 161. D. flavicapilla, Antilles and S. America, MOschler, p. 162, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Diatenes merulina , Madagascar, Mabille, p. 42, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Dyomyx juno , Portorico, MOschler, p. 197, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Dyschorista , synonymical observations ; Butler, p. 96, Ann. N. H. (C) vi. D. crenulata, N. America, lanaris , Brazil, Butler, p. 97, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, n. spp. Egnasia igneola , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 254, n. sp. Emmelia variegata , Portorico, MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 156, n. sp. ^ Encalypta, n. g., position doubtful, p. 147, for E. schildei , n. sp.', Porto- rico, p. 148, pi., fig. 23 ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Ephyrodes similis , pi. xxxiii, fig. 17, Icena, fig. 18, Centr. America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, p. 409, n. spp. Epidromia pannosa, Gn., = ( rotundata , H. S.) ; Moschler, p. 211, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Episema liispana, pi. vi, fig. 42, with var. albida , fig. 43, figured ; Ober- thur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. E. datini, N. Africa, Oberthur, p. 30, pi. vi, fig. 38, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, n. sp. Eriopus elegantulus} H. S., full description ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 132. Euclidia annexa , Oregon, Edwards, Ent. Am. vi, p. 115, n. sp. \! Eueretagrotis, n. g., for part of Agrotis ; Smith, p. 47, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. * Eulaphygma , n. g., for a part of Laphygma ; Butler, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 668. Euperia nagaloa, Fiji Is.; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. p. 8, pi. i, fig. 7. Eurkipia rosea , Congo, Mabille, Nov. Lep. p. 6, pi. i, fig. 4, n. sp. Eustrotiini , notes on the N. American ; Grote, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 161-165. Exophila flexuaris , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 40, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Feltia pectinicornis, p. 114, longidens , p. 217, N. America, Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38, n. spp. Feralia major , Washington, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 26, n. sp. Focilla recurva figured, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. F. (?) laba , 392, pi. xxxiii. fig. 3, labecia , fig. 4, Guatemala, maxima , NOCTUIDiE. Ins. 243 fig. 5, p. 393, agava, fig. 6, Panama, loccena, lala) fig. 7, p. 394, Guatemala, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. spp. Freilla , n. g. ( Tliermesiidce , near Ephyrodes), for F. variabilis, pi. xxxiii, fig. 19, humeralis , fig. 20, n. spp., Centr. America ; Druce, p. 410, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. Galapha ageta, Centr. America, Druce, p. 396, pi. xxxiii, fig. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Glcea spadicea and vaccinii , larvae of ; Chapman, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 86. Gonitis brunnea , Moore, referred to Rusicada , $ described, p. 230 ; figured, pi. viii, fig. 2 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. G. virida , Java, Heylaerts, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, p. xxx, n. sp. Gortyna nitela , larva described; Blake, Ent. News, i, p. 136. Hadena chalcedonia,. Hb., = ( Alibama mutata, Moschl.) ; MOschler, p. 127, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. II. trita , pupula, referred to Perigea, cha- racters of allies ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 134. II. engelhartii , Jutland, Duurloo, Ent. Med. ii, p. 86 ; H. disgrega, p. 128, ligata , p. 130, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; H. juvenilis , pi. vi, fig. 30, ignitincta , fig. 26, Ecuador, p. 145, nun , pi. vii, fig. 7, albisignata , fig. 11, Bolivia, p. 146, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Ilamodes unilinea, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 243, n. sp. )/lIaplostola, n. g., placed before Mesostrota , p. 163,, for H. aphelioides , n. sp., Portorico, p. 163 ; Moschler, Abh Senck. Ges. xvi. Hecatera Iceta, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 145, pi. vi, fig. 29, n. sp. Helia lampetia, Panama, Druce, p. 403, pi. xxxiii, fig. 11, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Heliophobus hispidus , varietal note ; Richardson, Ent. xxiii, p. 60 : larva described ; Brown, Ent. Rec. i, p. 43. Heliothis variabilis) W. Africa, Mabille, p. 39, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. J Hemicephalis, n. g., for Glottula characteria) Wlk. ; Moschler, p. 174, Abh. Seuck. Ges. xvi. Ilemiceras carmelita, Colombia, pi. vii, fig. 4, postiea , Ecuador, fig. 3, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 148 ; cf. also Notodontidce : n. spp. Ilerrichia cervina , N. America, Edwards, Ent. Am. vi, p. 114, n. sp. J Heteromorpha, n. g., near Orrhodia , for H. ragusce , n. sp., Sicily, pi. i, fig. 6 ; Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 30. Homoptera fictilis , Gn., = {guadalupensis, Gn.) ; MOschler, p. 205, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. H. amata , Panama, Druce, p. 345, pi. xxxi, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Ilypoetra occularia , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 246, pi. viii, fig. 4, n. sp. Ilypenaria augusta, variation and numerous synonj’ms noticed ; Druce, p. 420, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. H. (?) umbrigens , Panama, Druce, p. 421, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. ; 244 Ins. LEP1D0PTERA. Ingura elegans , p. 170, vittata , p. 171, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Isogona ceolia , Centr. America, Druce, p. 390, pi. xxxiii, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. iKrugia , n. g., placed next Mesostrota, p. 163, for K. operta , n. sp., Portorico, p. 164, MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Laphygma angustipennis n. var. divida ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 124. ^ Leianopher a, n. g., near Gortyna , for L. transfossa, n. sp., Portorico, pi., fig. 16 ; MOschler, p. 136, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Lepidodes (?) cenyra . Panama, Druce, p. 348, pi. xxxi, fig. 6, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Letis vultura , p. 370, pi. xxxii, figs. 1 & 2, orcynia , p. 371, figs. 4 & 7, Centr. America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i ; L. caligula , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 150, pi. vii, fig. 10 : n. spp. Leucania cornmoides , Gn., = ( secta , H. S.) ; Mosciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 141. L. albivenata , p. 217, pi. vii, fig. 7, subnitens , p. 218, fig. 1, nefasta , homopterana , fig. 12, p. 219, basilinea, p. 220, fig. 6, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 ; L. aureola , p. 1097, fumata , p. 1098, Brisbane, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv ; L. senescens, p. 142, clarescens, p. 143, Porto- rico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; L. strigata , p. 137, pi. vi, fig. 5, arcupunctata , fig. 1, Jcirschi , fig. 2, lineolata , fig. 4, lucentia , fig. 12, p. 138, badia , fig. 6, p. 139, Ecuador, bilinea, fig. 9, p. 139, Bolivia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise : n. spp. Ijuperina ( Hadena ) stipata, Morr., habits of larva ; Webster, p. 47, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxii. Lygniodes plateni, Palawan, Pagensteciier, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 18, n. sp. Magusa apicimacula, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 147, pi. vii, fig. 2, n. sp. Mamestra parvula var. = ( distributa , Moschl.) ; Moschler, p. 135, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. M. brassicce var. straminea ; Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 30. M. confusa , larva described ; Dyar, Ins. Life, iii, p. 63. M. lorea , larva described; Beutenmuller, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 16. M. renati, Pyrenees, Obertiiur, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. clxxxvii ; M. calographa , p. 140, pi. vi, fig. 8, imitata, fig. 31, Ecuador, scripta , fig. 14, Bolivia, p. 141, Maassen, in Stubel Reise : n. spp. Marmorinia curviluna , Centr. America, Druce, p. 411, pi. xxxiii, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Massala larina , Guatemala, Druce, p. 413, pi. xxxiii, fig. 22, t.c., n. sp. Mecyna polygonalis , habits in New Zealand ; Smith, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 51 ; Meyrick, t. c. p. 87 ; Smith, t. c. p. 218. M. deprivalis , habits in New Zealand ; Smith, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 218. Melipotis imparallela, fig. 13, marmoraris , fig. 15, figured, pi. xxxi, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. N0CTUID2E. Ins. 245 Mesostrota imprimata, Portorico, Moschler, p. 163, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Metalectra agathia, Centr. America, pi. xxxiii, fig. 12, aglaia, p. 404, lacerta, lineata , Mexico, lampea , Costa Rica, M. (?) agilaria , Guatemala, p. 405, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. spp. * Metapopneumata , n. g. (position not mentioned), for M. rogenhoferi , n. sp., Portorico ; Moschler, p. 159, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Metopoceras maritima , Sicily, Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 31, pi. i, fig. 8, n. sp. Moma cquatoria figured and described ; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. p. 6, pi. i, fig. 3. M. hicroglyphera , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 137, pi. v, fig. 17, n. sp. Morrisonia rileyana, Florida, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 212, n. sp. Nagadeba ianthina , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 255, n. sp. Nonagrla lineosa , p. 139, pi. vi, fig. 3, monilis , p. 140, fig. 10, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, n. spp. Oncocnemis extremis, British Columbia, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 30, n. sp. Ophideres princeps, Guen., = ( henacus , Plotz) ; Mabille, p. 44, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. 0. salaminia, Cr., figured, pi. xi, Scott, Austr. Lep. ii. 0. serpentifera figured, pi. xxxi, fig. 14, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. Ophisma ablunaris n. var. hilaris ; Moschler, p. 202, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. 0. ceolida, Panama, Druce, p. 380, pi. xxxii, fig. 9, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Ophiusa orthcea , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 44, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Orsa (?) agola, Panama, Druce, p. 423, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Orthogramma (?) lamida, Centr. America, p. 399, pi. xxxiii, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Orthosia witzenmanni , Basses Alpes, Standfuss, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 233 ; 0. purilinea, Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, p. 152 : n. spp. Orthosoma valdiviesoi, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 193, n. sp. Pachnobia ferruginoides , N. America ; Smith, p. 56, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38, n. sp. Palindia variabilis, p. 194, hebe, p. 195, dewitzii , p. 196, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Penicillaria subrubens , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 40, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; P. cuprea, Portorico and Surinam ; Moschler, p. 179, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi : n. spp. Peosina numeria, Dr., fully described ; Moschler, p. 207, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Peridroma tenuescens , Nebraska, Smith, p. 73, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38, n. sp. Perigea agnonia , Centr. and S. America, Druce, p. 513, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. 246 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. J Perigonica, n. g., near Tamiocampa , p. 123, for P. angulata , California, fulminansy Colorado, p. 124, n. spp.; Smith, Ent. Am. vi. Phospkila cexonia , Panama, Druce, p. 349, pi. xxxi, fig. 7, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Phurys enervis , Rangoon, Swiniioe, p. 231, pi. viii, fig. 8, n. sp. Placodes decolor , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 147, pi. vii, fig. 8, n. sp. Plagiomimicus triplagiatus , Mexico, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p. 139, n. sp. v Platagr otis, n. g., for part of Agrotis ; Smith, p. 43, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. 1 Pleurasympieza , n. g., position doubtful, p. 146, for P. smithii, n. sp., Portorico, p. 147, pi., fig. 18; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Plusia rogationis , Gn., = {pertusa, Mosch.) ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 181. P. moneta , notes on distribution ; Fallou, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. ccxii. P. calif ornica, preparatory stages ; Dyar, Ent. Am. vi, p. 14. P. iotay food-plants ; South, Ent. xxiii, p. 204. Plusia sica , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 77 ; P. anday Guatemala, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 518 : n. spp. Plusiodes ? laronia} p. 518, agenoria , alesia, p. 520, Centr. and S. America, laodamia , Mexico, p. 520, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Poaphila erubescens , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 150, pi. vii, fig. 12, n. sp. Polia humilis , Bl., probably = {Agrotis dianthcecice , Mab.) ; Berg, p. clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. P. ? lorina, Mexico, ameria , Guatemala, Druce, p. 515, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Polydesma exarata , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 42, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Polyphcenis nona , Portorico, M6sciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 131, n sp. ^ Porosagrotis , n. g., for part of Agrotis , p. 123, with P. dcedalus , n. sp., N. America, Smith, p. 217, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. Prodenia pulchella, H. S., = ( exquisita , Mosch.), p. 125, testaceoides , Gn,, redescribed, p. 126; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. P. uncifera, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 140, pi. vi, fig. 11 , n. sp. Prometopus, Gn., referred to Cymatophoridce , P. inassueta , Gn., = (Bryophila dorsivaria , Wlk.) ; Butler, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 653. P. eguigureni, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 176, n. sp. ^ Pseudepunda, n. g., for Epunda bicolor , Moore ; Butler, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 672. 4 Pseudocalpe, n. g., placed next Penicillariay for genus ? tristriga , H. S. ; Moschler, p. 179, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. ^ PseudohemiceraSy n. g., placed near Eurhipia} for P, Jcrugii , n.sp., Porto- rico ; Moschler, p. 176, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Pseudophia tungusay Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 78, n. sp. Ramphia albizona and evinga treated as sexes of one species ; Druce, p. 368, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. NOCTUIDjE. Ins. 247 R. daemon, Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 149, pi. vii, fig. 15, n. sp. Remigia diffluens , variation and synonymy noticed ; Druce, p. 388, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. 'tRhizagrotis, n. g., for part of Agrotis ; Smith, p. 103, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. Rhosologia porrecta figured, pi. xxxii, fig. 11, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. v Rhynchagrotis, n. g., for part of Agrotis , including R. distracta , n. sp., N. America, p. 36 ; Smith, p. 13, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. Sa/ia amia , Panama, Druce, p. 347, pi. xxxi, fig. 5, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Sarothroceras alluaudi figured and described ; Mabille, Nov. Lep. p. 4, pi. i, fig. 6 : referred to Hypsidce ; id. p. 37, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Scopelosoma , revision of the N. American species ; Smith, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 146-153. Scotogramma phoca , Mosch., = (AT. promulsa, Morr.) ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, p. 463. Selenis portoricensis, Portorico, Moschler, p. 214, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; S. agarrha , pi. xxxiii, fig. 13, agna , fig. 14, p. 407, lacia , fig. 15, laonome , fig. 16, p. 408, Centr. America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i ; S. vittata. Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 151, pi. vii, fig. 18 : n.spp. Selepa curiosa , Rangoon, Swiniioe, p. 236, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. 4 Setagrotis, n. g., for part of Agrotis , Smith, p. 59, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. ' Sinna dohertyi, Naga Hills, Elwes, p. 400, pi. xxxiii, fig. 5, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Spcdotis uniformis , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 226, n. sp. Stilbia anomala, var. or n. sp. ?, described, Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 29, pi. i, fig. 3. Syllectra lucifer , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 210, n. sp. Symitha punctata, Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 236, pi. vii, fig. 15, n. sp. Sympis agnita, Panama, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, p. 398, pi. xxxiii, fig. 9, n. sp. v Synvaleria, n. g., for Valeria jaspidea , Vill. ; Butler, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 672. Sypna cexonia , Mexico, Druce, p. 367, pi. xxxii, fig. 3, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Tceniocampa and allied N. American genera, revision of, with figs, of the male characters ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii, pp. 455-496, pis. xxii & xxiii. T. modifica , Morr., = ( consopita , Grt .), p. 480, alia and incerta dis- tinguished, p.487 ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. T. opima, notes bn ; Arkle, Ent. xxiii, p. 307. T. carminata , Colorado, p. 121, curtica, addenda, California, p. 122, venata , N. York, p. 123, Edwards, Ent. Am. vi, n. spp. 248 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Tarache bcetica, optiva , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 224, n. spp. Tautobriga euspila , Wlk., = (. Amphigonia erythropus, Feld.) ; Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, p.395. Thalera chlorosaria , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxy, p. 81, n. sp, Thalpochares rosea , n. var. schernhammeri , Ruhl, Soc. JSnt. v, p. 34. T. albipectus, grapholithoides , p. 167, putnami, p. 168, basalts , p, 169, Portorico, MOschler, Al)h. Senck. Ges. xvi ; T. laronia , p. 516, lagorey p. 517, Centr. America, Druce, P, Z. S. 1890 ; T. partitella, Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 147, pi. ix, fig. 27 : n. spp. Thermesia gemina, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p, 151, pi. vii, fig. 14, n. sp. Thysania tiasa , Costa Rica, Druce, p. 374, pi. ^xxii, fig. 10, Biol, Centr, Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Toxocampa limosa n. var. nigricostata ; Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p, 80. T. lupina} Amurland, Graeser, B. E, Z. xxxy, p. 79, n. sp. ''vToxonprucha, n. g., near Hypogramma , for T. amoena , n. sp., Portorico, pi., fig. 1 ; Mosciiler, p. 198, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Tngonodes hemidelta, Zanzibar, Mabille, p. 46, Ann. Soo. Ent, Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Vespola cceruleifera figured, pi. xxxi, fig. 12, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter, i. 'I Viminia , n. subg. of Acronycta ; Chapman, Ent. Rec. i, p, 26. Xanthia giloago var. described ; Failla-Tedaldi, Nat. Sicil, x, p, 29. X alala , p. 514, alcandra} p. 515, Mexico, Druce, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Xanthoptem laphyra,, Ceutr. America, Druce, p. 517, P. %. S. 1890 ; X. tripuncta , Portorico, Mosciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 158 ; n, spp. Xylina violascens , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p, 146, pi, vii, fig. 1, n. sp, Xylis setipes, Gn„ fully (^scribed ; Mosciiler, Abh. Senck, Ges. xvi, p, 202. Xylophasia offuscata, Berg, = ( Galophasia bicolor , Mab.) ; Berg, p. clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Ypsia lineatat Centr. America, Druce, p. 346, Biol. Centr. Ana. Heter. i, n. sp. Zethes mopsa , compactilis , pi. vii, fig. 16, p. 251 , palliolata, pi, viii, fig. 10, p. 252, umbvifera , exigualis , pj. vii, fig, 8, p. 253, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp, Deltoid m, [Cf. Druce (317), Mosghler (558), Snellen (821), South (825), Swinhoe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911).] n Aglaonice, n. g., p. 226, for A. snelleni , n. sp., Portorico, p.227 ; Mosch- ler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Anagoa limatalis , nigromaculalis) p. 218, placidalis , p. 219, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Apphadana plana , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 261, n. sp. DELTOIDS. Ins. 249 / Armana,n , g. ( Remigiidce ), for A. nigrcericta , n. sp., Burma, pi. viii, fjg, 1 ; Swinhoe, p. 250, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Bertula agrestis , p. 262, ethnica , pi. viii, fig. 1, factitia, analis , fig. 5, p. 263, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Bleptina subjecta , Portorico, Moschler, p. 226, Abh. Senck. Gres, xvi, n, sp. Bocana nigella, Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 265, n. sp. Dyrzela bosca , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 266, n. sp. Gustiana libitina , p. 425, pi. xxxv, fig. 1, limcea , fig. 2, p. 426, Mexico, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. spp. Hadenia ignicoma, Rangoon, Swinhoe, p. 264, pi. viii, fig. 12, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. Jlipoepa ? opacaria, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 264, pi. viii, fig. 3, n. sp. ^ Ilormoschista , n. g., for H. pagenstecheri , n. sp., Portorico, pi., fig. 3 ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 221. Hypena manalis , pi. xxxiv, fig. 5, pilosalis , fig. 6, vetustalis , fig. 23, dispunctalis, fig, 24, securalis , fig. 25, pacificalis , fig. 26, exceptalis, pi. xxxv, fig. 6 yjo.ctatalis, fig, 21, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. H. invenustalis , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 260 ; H. con- ditalis , p. 222, Portorico, cervinalis, p. 223, Jamaica, vinculalis , p. 224, incertalis , p. 225, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; H. francis- calis, p. 152, pi. vii, fig. 20, amicalis, p. 153, fig. 19, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise ; H. andraca , pi. xxxiv, fig. 7, lua, fig. 8, p. 428, variabilis , figs. 9-20, livia, fig. 21, anemosa , fig. 22, p. 429, lanassa , fig. 27, p. 430, andria , pi. xxxv, fig. 4, levana , fig. 5, andrapana , fig. 7, lebonia , fig. 8, ammonia , fig. 9, p. 432, ancara , fig. 10, lipara , fig. 11, p. 433, androna , fig. 12, anicina , fig. 13, p. 434, leuctra , fig. 14, Zoaw, fig. 15, anda, fig. 16, ZoZ/ia, fig. 17, p. 435, locusta , fig. 18, muscosa , fig. 19, //. ( ?)angitia , fig. 20> p. 436, Centr. America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i : n. spp. Hypenodes costcestrigalis and tcenialis, figured, pi. vii, with larva of latter described with full synonymy, pp. 163-177 ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent.xxxiii. II. pudicalis, pi. vii, fig. 9, minimalis , fig. 10, p. 178, obliqualis , fig. 11, p. 179, Java, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii : n. spp. Lophoditta , n. g., p. 230, near Physula , for L. perspicillaris , n. sp., Portorico, p. 231, and Physula tuberculata , H. S. ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. rPjophophora, n. g., near Clanyma , p. 227, for L. clanymoides , n. sp., Antilles, p. 228, pi., fig. 4 ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Macrodes leyna , Panama, Druce, p. 424, pi. xxxiv, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Mastigophora demissalis, Portorico, Moschler, p. 233, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. ^ Alelallata, n. g., p. 219, for M. variabilis , n. sp., Antilles and Centr. America, p. 220 ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. * Metina , n. g., near Hypena , for Bleptina hirtipalpis, Wlk. ; Druce, p. 437, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. 250 Ins. LEP1DOPTERA. Oglasa costipannosa , Burma, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 2G6, n. sp. '* Ogoas , n. g. ( Hypenidce ), for 0. albipuncta , n. sp., Guatemala, pi. xxxv, fig. 24 ; Druce, p. 439, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. " Phlyctaina, n. g., near Aristaria , p. 228, for P. irrigualis , n. sp., Porto- rico, p. 229 ; MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Physula peclcii, Portorico, MOschler, p. 232, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Pseudoglossa modesta , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 261, n. sp. Pterhemia ameriola , Panama, Druce, p. 426, pi. xxxv, fig. 3, Bipl. Centr. Am. Heter. i, n. sp. Rivula pusilla^P ovtovico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 234, n. sp. ^ Scelescepon, n. g., for >8. mutatalis , n. sp., Portorico ; Moschler, p. 230, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Simplicia (?) monacha , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 153, pi. vii, fig. 16, n. sp. 4 Sisputa , n. g., for S. gracilis , n. sp., Antilles and S. America, pi., fig. 10 ; MOschler, p. 222, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. ^ Sotigena , n. g., near IIypenay p. 437, for S. notndontoides , pi. xxxv, fig. 22, dulcis , fig. 23, n. spp., Mexico, p. 438 ; Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. ^Tomyris , n. g. ( Hypenidce ), for T. nigropmicta, n. sp., Centr. America, pi. xxxv, fig. 25 ; Druce, p. 440, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. i. ZanclogncUha invenustua , Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pi. viii, fig. 9, n. sp. Z. oculatalis , Portorico, Moschler, p. 225, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Geometrim. \Cf. Calvert (108), Dognin (177), Graeser (322), Gumppenberg (336), Lucas (493, 494), Mabille (476, 496), Merrifield (528), Mey- rick (535, 537), Moschler (558), Oberthur (575), Pagenstecher (594), Ratzer (641), Snellen (822;, Swiniioe (838), Weymer & Maassen (911).] List of Geometridce of the Campagna, Rome, with many descriptions of varieties ; Calberla, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, pp. 47-94. Abraxas perampla, Burma, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 211, n. sp. Acidalia amcenaria , Sumatra, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p. 222 ; A. tortuosaria, flavomarginata, opulentaria , p.237, ojfendata , p. 238, Porto- rico, Moschler, Abb- Senck. Ges. xvi ; A. quinquelineata , p. 10, nigro- marginata, p. 19, adela , p. 38, jerana , p. 73, Zamora, concolaria, Loja, p. 19, Dognin, Le Nat. xii : n. spp. Anger ona figlina , Burma, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 205, pi. vii, fig. 5, n. sp. Anisodes rapistriaria , Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 210, pi. vii, fig. 9, n. sp. vy Apallacta, n. g., placed next Syllexis , p. 241, for A . pyrrhularia , n. sp., Portorico, p. 242 ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. GEOMETRIC®. Ins. 251 lArgia, n. subg. of A cidalia ; Gumppenberg, p. 492, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv. Aspilates chordota , Melbourne, Meyrick, p. 1196, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. - (2) iv ; A.? niveipennaria , Bolivia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 162, pi. ix, fig. 16 : n. spp. Azelina jimenezaria , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 193 ; A. griseata, Colombia, p. 156, pi. viii, fig. 7, tabitha , Ecuador, fig. 8, p. 157, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Biston hirtaria , habits noticed ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 157. Boarmia crassestrigata n. var. discreparata ; Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 82. ' . B. pjiantomaria , Amurland, Graeser, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 83 ; B. basilaria , W. Africa, obsitaria , Africa, p. 47, vionogrammaria, Zanzibar, p. 48, Mabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; B. hilararia , Portorico, Moschler, p. 266, Abh. Senck. Ges, xvi ; B. tristaria , p. 157, pi. viii, fig. 9, commo- taria, fig. 10, Ecuador, reissi , fig. 13, Peru, p. 158, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise ; B. astrapia, N,ew Zealand, Meyrick, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 218 : n. spp. \Bryodis , n. g., for Lobophora viretata, auct. ; Gumppenberg, p. 463, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv. Caberodes snellenaria , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 38, n. sp. Carsia unifoirmata , Berg., = ( Synneuria virgellata, Mab.) ; Berg, p. clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Celerena palavmiica , Palawan, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 31, n. sp. 4 Cerasympiasta, n. g., placed before Erosia , p. 260, for C. marsitata, p. 261, sanata, p. 262, n. spp., Portorico ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Chcerodes ? umbrosa , Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 203, n. sp. Johartographa , n. g., for Lygris . Hb. pt. ; Gumppenberg, p. 310, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv. Cheimatobia brumata , note on habits and winged female ; CiiRib’lKN, Le Nat. xii, p. 126 : list of 63 parasites of ; Ins. Life, iii, p. 76. Chrysocestis Jimbriaria, Cr., fully described ; Moschler, p. 244, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Cidaria truncata and immanata , synonymy and variation of ; South, P. S. Lond. Ent. Soc. 1888-89, pp. 145-148. C. immanata , variation in Iceland ; Walker, Ent. xxiii, p. 66. C. soldaria , turati , kollararia , lo&taria , noticed ; Ratzer, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 226. C. deltoidata, larva noticed ; Meyrick, p. 220, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. C. vallantinaria , B6ne, Oberthur, p. 31, pi. vii, fig. 49, Etudes d’Ent. xiii ; C. vinaceata, chloronotata , Portorico, Moschler, p. 273, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; C. cerasii , Colombia, pi. ix, fig. 5, maculataria , Bolivia, fig. 7, vireonaria , fig. 9, p. l&6,famularia , fig. 12, passerata , fig. 14, nubilaria , fig. 11, kirschi , fig. 10, p. 167, persectata , fig. 13, Ecuador, anguliferata , Bolivia, fig. 15, p. 168, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. 252 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. Cimicodes nebidata , Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 154, pi. viii, fig. 2, n. sp. , Cnemodes perletaria , p. 240, malejidaria , p. 241, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Seuck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Collix illcevigata, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 163, pi. viii, fig. 26, n. sp. , Corycia sulphurata , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 161, pi. viii, fig. 18, n. sp. Dichromodes anelictis , p. 1172, odontias , p. 1173, compsotis , p. 1174, paratacta , p. 1176, liospoda , p. 1178, orthotis , p. 1180, pcecilotis, p. 1181, ioneura , steropias , p. 1182, orectis, p. 1183, euscia , p. 1185, ophiucha , p. 1186, ischnota , p. 1189, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Digonis philippii. Chili, Calvert, Nuev. Lep. p. 10, pi., fig. 1, n. sp. Drepanodes ephyrata , Gn., = ( absconditata , Wlk.) ; Moschler, p. 253, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. J Earophila , n. g., for Scotosia , Steph. ; Gumppenberg, p. 457, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv. Ellopia aurantiata , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 156, pi. viii, fig. 3, n. sp. Endropia polychroaria, convexaria , Congo, Mabille, p. 48, Ann. Soc'. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; 2?. imitatci, Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 155, pi. viii, fig. 19 : n. spp. Ennomos autumnuria, effects of temperature on colour and vitality of, Merrifield (528). Vi Epicaste , n. g., for Eupithecia fenestrata , Mill. ; Gumppenberg, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv, p. 480. Epidesmia oxyderces , Sydney, Meyrick, p. 1165, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Epimecis ? medince , Chili, Calvert, Nuev. Lep. p. 11, pi., fig. 3, n. sp. Epione exaridaria , Amurland, Graeser, B. E.Z. xxxv, p. 82, n. sp. Epirrhyta parisignata , n. n. for parinotata , Packd. ; Gumppenberg, p. 380, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv. Erosia ineptaria, excludaria, p. 262, obvallataria, p. 263, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Eubolia malvata , van*, figured, pi. vii, figs. 45 & 46, noticed, p. 32 ; Obertiiur, Etudes d’Ent. xiii. E. datinana, Ref, Oberthur, p. 32, pi. vi, fig. 44, Etudes d’Ent. xiii, n. sp. Eulepidotus paradoxata) Gn., and allies, characters discussed ; Mosch- ler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Eupithecia dodoneata , food-plant ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 215. E. idalia, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 73 ; E. affinitata} pi. viii, fig. 25, cidariata , fig. 23, Colombia, adspersata , fig. 24, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 163, n. spp. Euschemidce , cf. anted , p. 231. Fidonia vinosa , Zamora, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 19 ; F. argentilinearia , GEOMETRIES. •Ins. 253 pi. viii, fig. 17, auripunctaria , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 161, n. spp. Fulgurodes (?) diaphanata , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 162, pi. viii, fig. 28, n. sp. Geometra attendaria, Portorico, MOschler, Abh. Seuck. Ges. xvi, p. 243, n. sp. Gynopteryx rubedinaria , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 46, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Hemioplisis amcenaria , Palawan, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 28, n . sp. Hyperetis pullaria, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 58, n. sp. Hyperytlira lala , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 205, n. sp. Hypochroma viridkata , p. 1094, maculata , p. 1095, turneri, p. 1096, Queensland ; Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Hypographa hiracopis, p. 1211, atmosciaf p. 1213, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Icterodes sparsa , n. n. for I. conspersa, Butl. (111. Lep. Het. vii) ; Butler, Ent. xxiii, p. 316. Idiodes aspilataria , Palawan, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 25, n. sp. Iodis illidgei , Brisbane, p. 603, speciosa , Queensland, p. 1094, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. d Leptostales, n. g., near Acidalia , p. 238, for L. oblinataria, devolutaria , prcepeditaria , matuataria, p. 239, tumidaria , insutaria , p. 240, n. spp., Por- torico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. \i Leucochesias, n. g., for L. mesargyrata. n. sp., Patagonia, pi. xi, fig. 4 ; Mabille, p. 158, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i. Lignyoptera monticolata, Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 163, pi. viii, fig. 27, n. sp. *Limonophila, n. g., for Ortholitha , Hb., Gumppenberg, p. 435, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv. Lobophora polycommala , habit of larva; Webb, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 49. Lycauges annularia , Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 214, pi. vii, fig. 18, n. sp. Lyyrk hyroglyphicata , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 165, pi. ix, fig. 8, n. sp. Lyrccea alectoraria , hemipteraria , larvae described ; Meyrick, p. 220, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. Macaria radiata , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 161, pi. viii, fig. 20, n. sp. Melinodes bobaria , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 58, n. sp. Mesotype albilinearia , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 168, pi. viii, fig. 22, n. sp. Metrocampa (?) sulphuraria , Colombia, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 156, pi. viii, fig. 5, n. sp. 254 Ins. LEPIDOPTE UA. Microgoma dositheata , Gn., = ( Sabulodes arenulata , Snell.) ; Moschler, pi 251, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Micronia sparsaria , Wlk., figured, pi. vii, fig. 3, noticed, p. 215 ; SwiN- HOE, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. VMicroniodes , n. g. (placed after Phorodesma) for M. amanda, n. sp., Ecuador, pi. viii, fig. 21, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 160. Monocteniadce , n. n. for CEnochromidcey the characters and phylogeny discussed, the Australian species described; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.SiW. (2) iv, pp. 1136-1216. u Moschler ia, n. g., placed next Ur apteryx y p. 252, for M. hulstii , n. sp., Portorico, p. 253, MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. . ^ Nearcha, n. g. ( Monocteniadce ), p. 1152, for some species of Panagra and Tephrina , and the following n. spp. from Australia, Staurotist p. 1153, paraptila} p. 1156, atyla, p. 1157 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. NiS.W. (2) iv. Nedusia excavatay Portorico and Surinam, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 244, n. sp. Nephodia (?) monacharia, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 162, pi. v, fig. 16, n. sp. . *Nolera , n. g. (P Macarides) for JEndropia paclcardi , Dew., and zerenariay Mab., = ( nachtigalliy Dew.) ; Mabille, p. 50, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. * CEJnone , n. g. {Monocteniadce) , p. 1194, for (E . Solaris , lunaris , n. spp., Tasmania, p. 1195 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Oporabia ? arenosa, Chili, Calvert, Nuev. Lep. p. 9, n. sp. Oxydia duciata , Ecuador, p. 154, pi. vii, fig. 22, geminata , Peru, p. 155, fig. 21, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, n. spp. Panagra : for synonymy, and reference of many of Walker’s species to other genera, see Monocteniadce Monograph of Australian, by Meyrick. Panagra idea , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 211, pi. vii, fig. 2, n. sp. Pero rectisectaria , variation described ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 249. Phibalapteryx partitaria , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 165, pi. ix, fig. 4, n. sp. Phorodesma latimarginaria, Peru, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 160, pi. viii, fig. 12, n. sp. J Pleuroprucha, n. g., placed next Acidalia , for P . molitariay n. sp., Porto- rico ; Moschler, p. 238, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Polla rufolinearia} Palawan, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iii, p. 28, n. sp. Problepsis clemens , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1093, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Psodos bentelii , Switzerland, Ratzer, MT. Schw.^ent. Ges. viii, p. 224; P. gemina , pi. viii, fig. 14, splenclens, fig. 15, delicatula , fig. 16, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 169 ; n. spp. Racheospila confundaria , p. 242, anomalaria, p.243, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. GE0METR1D/E. Ins. 255 Rheumatoptera sagittifcra , Europe, Gumppenberg, p. 292, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. liv, n. sp. ?. Rumia inquietaria, Ecuador, MaasseN, in Stubel Reise, p. 155, pi. vii, fig. 23, n. sp. Sabulodes rusticata , Ecuador, pi. viii, fig. 1, combustaria, Colombia, fig. 4, p. 153, confusata , Peru, fig. 6, p. 154, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, n. spp. Salpis albipunctaria , p. 155, pi. xi, fig. 6, scodionaita , fig. 5, p. 156, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, n. spp. ^ Satraparchis, n. g. ( Monocteniadce ), for Panagra bijugala, Wlk. ; Mey- rick, p. 1158, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Scordylia brunonaria , Ecuador, pi. viii, fig. 29, preciosa, Peru, pi. ix, fig. 2, subangulata, Bolivia, fig. 1, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 164, n. spp. Scotopteryx ? graphicus , Chili, Calvert, Nuev. Lep. p. 12, n. sp. Scotosia flavolimbaria ;, Colombia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 165, pi. ix, fig. 6, n. sp. Selenia illustraria , effects of temperature on colour and vitality of; Merrifield (528). Semiocosma plalyptera, larva noticed ; Meyrick, p. 220, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii. Semiothisa bisignata , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Siona triangularia , Chili, Calvert, Nuev. Lep. p. 8, n. sp. Spargania prcecurraria , Portorico, Moschler, p. 269, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Syllexis intamiataria , Portorico, Moschler, p. 241, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Syngria reticularia , ramosaria , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 256, n. spp. J Taxeotis, n. g. ( Monocteniadce ), p. 1140, for some species of Panagra and the following n. spp. from Australia : endela , stereospila, p. 1142, oraula , p. 1143, isomeris, p. 1144, anthracopa , p. 1145, delogramma, p. 1146, epigypsa , p. 1149, isophanes , p. 1150, philodora , p. 1151 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Tephrina incequivirgaria , W. Africa, Mabille, p. 49, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Terenodes anreocapitaria, Portorico, Moschler, p. 274, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Tetrads ianthinus , Chili, Calvert, Nuev. Lep. p. 7, n. sp. Thalassodes virescentaria , Bolivia, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 160, pi. viii, fig. 11, n. sp. ^ Thyrinteina , n. g., for — quadricostaria, II. S. ; Moschler, p. 268, Abh. Sonck. Ges. xvi. Thysanopyga apidtruncaria , H. S., = ( Cimicodes illectata , Mosch.); Moschler, p. 260, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Timandra burmana , Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 214, n. sp. Triphosa directaria , Patagonia, Mabille, N. Arch. Mus. (3) i, n. sp. Trochiodes melaleucatay Ecuador, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 169, pi. ix, fig. 3, n. sp. 256 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. ' 'Xenomusa , n. g. ( Monocteniadce ), for X. monoda , n. sp., Melbourne ; Meyrick, p. 1198, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, Zerene tricoloraria , Zanzibar, MabilLe, p. 50, Ann. Soc. Eat. Fr. (6) x, n. sp Zonosoma punctaria, varr. described and figured ; ReutER, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 202. Z. delectabiliaria , Portorico, MoSCHLER, p. 236, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. PYRALID2E, PHYCJTIDiE, SlCULODlDAC, EPIFASCHIIDiE, CRAMBli>2E. [■ Cf \ DisQuf: (169), Eppelsiieim (230), Forbes (271), Hulst (389), Lucas (494), Mabille (496), Meyrick (533, 536), Mosciiler (558), Olliff (584), Ragonot (634, 635, 636, 637, 638), Smith (810), Snellen (818), South (825), Swinhoe (838), Teicii (845), Warren (879), Wey- mer & Maassen (911).] Classification of the Tribe Pyralidina , admitting 2 families, vifc., Pyral- idce and Crambidce, the former with 12, the latter with 13, subfamilies ; this work includes much synonymy, which it would be superfluous to reproduce in detail below ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc; Ent. Fr. (6) X, pp. 435, Ac. The Pyralidina of the European fauna classified, the genera-i-82 in number — fully described, and the species referred to them catalogued. Eight families adopted, viz., Pyraustidce, Musiotimiclce , Pyralididce , Phy- citidce, Galleriadce , Crambidce , P ter ophor idee, and Orneodidce ; Epipaschiidce being merged in Pyralididce ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. J A callis, n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), for A.fernaldi, n. sp., California ; Rago- not, p. 540, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. AcentropU8 niveas , habits and larva noticed ; DiSQuri, Sj E. Z. li, pp. 57-59. Acharana otreusalis , Wlk., = ( Botys ? tridentalis , Sn.) ; SnelleK, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 594. Acrobasis sodalella, larva noticed ; Eppelsiieim, S. E* Z. li, p. 54. A. nigrosignella , p. 123, comptoniella , betulella, p. 125, hebescella f gulo- sella , p. 126, N. America, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Acrodegmia, n. g., Chrysaugince , p. 472, for A. pselaphialis , n. sp., Surinam, p. 473 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. (6) x. \ A cropentias, n. g., for Sparagmia obtusalis, Christ. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 470. ^ Acropteryx, n. g. ( Chrysaugince ), p. 469, for A. herbacealis , n. sp., Chiriqui, p. 470 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. . Acrospila concordalis , gastralis , distinctive characters ; Mosciiler, p. 294, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. A. ? phellinoidalis, Colombia, Maassen^ in Stiibel Reise, p. 170,- pi. ix, fig. 26, n. sp. 4 Acutia , n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p. 539, for A » falciferalis, n. sp., Petro- polis, p. 540 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. PYRALID^E, PHYCITIDiE, ETC. Ins. 257 ^ Adcnopteryx , n. g. ( Chrysauginai ), p. 507, for A. conchyliatalis , n. sp., Algeria, p. 508 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6) x. Agathodes (?) dubitalis , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 170, pi. ix, fig. 21, n. sp. Agrotera neriioralis , larva noticed ; Heylaerts, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, p'. xxiv. / Alpheias, n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p. 543, for baccalis , gitonalis , n. spp., Sonora, p. 544 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. AlpheraJcaia , n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), for Paraponyx obnubilalis , Chv. ; Ragonot, p. xcii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. t lAmestria, n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p. 545, for A. oculiferalis, n. sp., Texas, p. 546 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) X. V| Anisothrix, n. g. ( Chrysauginai)) p. 478, for .4. adustalis , n. sp., Chancha- mayo, p. 478 ; Ragonot. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. r Anthophilopsis , n. g. ( Pyraustirm ), for moeschler i, Chr., and baphialis , Led. ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 449. ^ Aplomastix, n. g. ; type, Asopia moninalis, Wlk. ; Warren, p.478, Ann. N. H. (6)vi. VAr^a, n. g. ( Chrysaugina ?), p. 483, for A. diaphanalis , n. sp., Goya, p. 484; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Ar£a epicoenalis , p. 536, N. America, bichordalis, Pernambuco, encaus- talis, Petropolis, p. 537, Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Asciodes titubalis , Portorico, Moschler, p. 303, pi., fig. 6, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Asopia y'laucinalis, larva noticed.; DisquiIi, S. E. Z. li, p. 85. A. subreseclalis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. sp. i Atascosa^ n. g,, near Poujadia , for A. bicolorella, floscella , n. spp., Texas ; Hulst, p. 210, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. Auxomitia mirificalis, Led., this genus and species sunk as being a var. of Filodes fulvodor salts ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 602. Balanotis arctandalis , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 1098 (is probably a var. of didy malts, Wlk., p. 1099), P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Botys silhetalis , Gn., var. ±= ( Porphyritis sikldma , Moore), SnElLEn, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 572 ; iopasalis , Wlk., = ( Botyodes leopardalis , Moore), ELWeS, p. 586, t. c. B. arbiter, Butl., referred to Pagyda ; Snellen, t, c. p. 615. B. tristrialis , Br., referred to Hedylepta ; Snellen, t. c. p. 619. B. fissalis , larva described ; Beutenmuller, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 16. B. crocealis, food-plant ; Breignet, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxxiv. B. triyonalis, W. Africa, Mabille, p. 51, Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr, (6) X ; B. prcepandalis, p. 573 ,, plumbocilialis, p. 576, rubellalis , coaotalis, p. 577, ailsonialis , p. 578, subaYgentalis , p. 579, octonalis , p. 581, coanostolalis , p. 582, restrictalis , p. 584, angustalis , p. 585, demeter, p, 586, onustalis , p. 587, credulalis , attemplalis , p. 590, Sikkim, SnellEn, Tr. E. Soc, 1890 ; B. nelumbialis , N, America, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, p, 88, woodcuts; B. citri- nalis, oculatalis , p. 282, pertentalist pi., fig. 7, albifrontalis , p. 284, principaloides , placendalis, viscendalis , p. 285, intricatalis , p. 286, evincalis , concinnalis , p. 287, fortificalis , secernalis , p. 288, flammeolalis, p. 289, 1890. [vol. xxvii.J v 17 258 Ins. LEPIDOPTEEA. Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; B. rhodophillalis , pi. ix, fig. 20, impeditalis , fig. 22. perlalis , fig. 23, p. 169, Ecuador, helvolalis, Bolivia, fig. 26, p. 170, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise : n. spp. Bradina ? pionealis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 624, n. sp. Calamochruus brevipalpis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 599, n. sp. J Callasopia , n. g., near Asopia, for C. rosealis , n. sp., Portorico, MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 275. i Callinaias , n. g. ( Hydrocampides ), p. 286, for C. gracilentalis , n. sp., Rangoon, p. 287, pi. viii, fig. 6, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. jCanarsia , n. g., typo Nepliopteryx ulmiarrosorella , Clem. ; Hulst, p. 179, Tr. Am. Eut. Soc. xvii. Cataclysta vestigialis, Snell., referred to Paraponyx ; MOsciiler, p. 318, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. C. sumptuosalis, miralis, Portorico, MOschler, p. 319, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. >j Catacteniza, n. g., near Conchylodes , p. 313, for G. euvexalis, n. sp., Por- torico, p. 314, pi., fig. 13 ; MOsciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. J Cataonia, n. g. ( Pyraustinaz ), for C. monocerialis} n. sp., Asia Minor ; Ragonot, p. 450, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Cayuga bistriatella , California ; Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 209, n. sp. v Centropseusiis , n. g., near Hypotia , p. 1105, for C. astrapora, n. sp., Sydney, p. 1106 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Ceratoclasis metatalis , Portorico, MOsciiler, p. 307, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Chabula , Moore, = ( Fleterocnephes , Led.) ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 616. Chalcoela discedalis , Portorico, MOsciiler, p. 320, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. J Chalinitis , n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p. 528, for C. olealis , n. sp., N. America, p. 529 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Chilo p ambiguellusy Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 642, pi. xx, fig. 4, n. sp. Circobotys ? phycidalis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 599, n. sp. Cliniodes semilunalis , Portorico, MOschler, p. 297, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Gnaphalocrocis perpersalis , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 293, n. sp. J Cotloma , n. g. ( Pyralididce ), p. 276, for C. tortricalis , n. sp., Portorico, p. 277, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Conchylodes paucipunctalis , p. 633, pi. xix, fig. 2, C. ? marginalis, p. 635, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Conogethes hccmactalw , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p.592, n. sp. Cordylopeza ccnochroalis , Merida, Ragonot, p. 509, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Ins. 259 PYRALIM, PHYCITIDiE, ETC. J Crambostenia , n. g., p. 292, near Cirrhocrista, for C. angustifimbrialis , n. sp., p. 293, and C. acciusalis , Wlk. ; Warren, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Crambus latellus , p. 644, dividellm, p. 645, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 ; C. detomatellus , p. 322, discludellus , gestatellus , p. 323, Porto- rico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi ; (7. psychellus , Ecuador, pi. ix, fig. 24, angustalatellus, Bolivia, fig. 28, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 171 : n. spp. V Critonia , n. g. ( Anerastini ), near Lodiana, for (7. subconcinnella , n. sp., Burma ; Ragonot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. ccxiv. Crocidophora ? Jlavicinctalis, p. 595, flavicilialis , p. 596, pi. xx, fig. 5, lutusalis, p. 597, amcenalis, p. 598, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. 'Z Crossophora, n. g., placed after Ceratoclasis , for (7. miscellalis , n. sp., Portorico ; Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 308. \Cyclocena, n. g., near Microthyris, for (7. gestatalis , n. sp., Portorico, pi., fig. 20 ; Moschler, p. 309, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Cydalima elwesialis, N. India, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 607, pi. xix, fig. 1, n. sp. > iDannemora , n. g., near Peoria , for D. edentella, n. sp., Florida ; Hulst, p. 212, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. Wasycnemia , n. g. ( Chrysaugince ), p. 489, for A depressalis , n. sp., Peru, p. 490 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Desmia viduatalis, Portorico, Moschler, p. 311, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Deuterollyta infectalis, p. 279 , rag 07ioti, p. 280, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. J Diaphantania , n. g., placed near Spilomela, for D. conspicualis , n. sp., Portorico ; Moschler, p. 314, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. Diasemia inabsconsalis} Portorico, Moschler, p. 305, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. lUchogama krugiiy pi., fig. 2, amabilis , p. 296, fernaldi, bergii , p. 297, Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Diplotyla exuvialis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 627, n. sp. J Donacaula , n. g., near Scheenobius, for mucronella} Schiff. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 466. Ebulea dichroma, Moore, referred to Calamochrous ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 599. Eclipsiodes (sub Botys ) pangialis, Feld., = ( Pyralis caprealis, Moore) ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 571. E. marmaropa , New South Wales, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1111, n. sp. Elasmopalpus melanellus, p. 157 , floridellus, p. 158, Florida, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Endolricha fiammealis = ( Dollita similata, Moore) ; Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 569. E. serratalis, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 570 ; E. vino - 260 Ins. LEPIDOPTEllA. lentalis, Senegal, p. 525, fuscobasalis , E. India, p. 526, Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (G) x : n. spp. J Endotrichodes, n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p. 521, for E. pei'ustalis, n. sp., Shanghai, p. 522 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Epliestia interpunctella and Jcuhniella noticed as oufc species ; Patton, Ins. Life, iii, p. 158 ; cf. Riley, t. c. p. 134. E. Jcuhniella in N. America ; Fletcher, Canad. Ent. xxii, pp. 41-44: in Canada; Bell, Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 200-204. E. nigrella , Texas, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 200, n. sp. Epicrocis terebrans , N.S. Wales, Olliff, Rec. Austr. Mus. i, p. 32, pi. ii, n. sp. ^ Episemnia, n. g. ( Chrysatigince ), p. 481, for E. subauritalis , n. sp., Brazil ?, p. 482, and Semnia josialis, Feld. & Rog. ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ^ Epitamyra , n. g., for Tamyra albomaculalis and minusculalis , Mosch. ; Ragonot, p. 503, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. OErioptycha , n. g. (Chrysaugince)i p. 496, for E. umbrivittalis, n. sp., San- tarem, p. 497 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Eschata per Candida, Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 293, n. sp. Etiella rubribasella, Florida, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 170, n. sp. Euclasta torquillalis, Portorico, Mosciiler, p. 302, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Eudorea dubitalis , habits of larva ; Maciiin, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 22. * Euexippe, n. g. ( Endo trick i ince) , p. 538, for E. bistrialis , n. sp., Pernam- buco, p. 539 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. 1 Eurycraspeda, n. g. ( Steniides ), p.284, for E.burmanalis , Burma, n. sp., p. 285, pi. vii, fig. 19, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Eurycreon collucidalist Portorico ; Mosciiler, p. 290, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Eurypta atridorsalis, Espirito Santo, Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 481, n. sp. Euzophera semifuneralis — ( impletella , Zell., — Stenoptycha pallulellai Hulst), p. 298, life-history, p. 295 ; Forbes, Psyche, v. E. ostricolorella , p. 175, franconiella , p. 177, N. America, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. spp. Filodes octomaculalis , Moore, = ( Uhagoba bimaculata , Moore), referred to Botys ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 589. F. sexpunctalis, p. 603, pi. xx, fig. 6, F. ? st?'iolalis} p. 604, Sikkim ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. Galleria cereana , habits ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 19, and Bald- ing, t. c. p. 157. Girtexta} n. g. ( Hydrocampules) , p. 285, for G. argentuosalis , n. sp., Burma, p. 286 ; Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Glyphodes mkrota , Brisbane, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 1108, n. sp. J Glyptocera, n. g. ( Phycites ; type, Eph. consobrinella , Z.) ; Ragonot, p. 7, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Ins. 261 PY RALIDiEj PHYCIT1D/E, ETC. Gonocausta ? vestigialis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 628, n. sp. Ilapalia P albicostalis , pi. viii, fig. 14, II. cascalis, pi. viii, fig. 18, p. 271, perbonalis , fig. 17, p. 272, Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. \i Haritalodes , n. g. ; type, Botys multilinealis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 476, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Heliades, n. g. ( Endotrichiinoi ), for Pempelia mulleolella , Hulst ; Rago- not, p. 534, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. # Hemiscopisj n. g. ; type, Scopula suffasalis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 475, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Heosphora virginella , p. 1115, chloro gramma , p. 1116, Queensland, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Heterocnephes reniferalis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 616, n. sp. Ileterographis tenuigranella, costistrigella , Biskra, Ragonot, p. cxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; II. umbrilimbella , E. India, Ragonot, p. ccxiii, t. c. : n. spp. Hileithia ductalisy Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 292, n. sp. Homceosoma cretacella , larva noticed ; Eppelsiieim, S. E. Z. li, p. 54. Ilomophysa dolatalis , Portorico, Moschler, p. 321, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. 1/1 Homosassa , n. g. ; type, Ephestia ella , Hulst ; Hulst, p. 214, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. \ Iloterodes cinerealis, Moore, genus queried, Snellen ; sexes noticed, Elwes, p. 606, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Hydrocampa colonalis, Brem., referred to Musiotima ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 469. H. pulchralis, Moore, referred to Botys as a subgenus ; Snellen, t. c. p. 583. H. sacadusalis, Wlk., redescribed as Hydreuretis sacadalis ; Meyrick, p. 1110, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. H. simplalis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 638 ; H.palliola- talis, Rangoon, Swinhoe, t. c. p. 287 ; II. nitidalis , Ecuador, Maassen, in Stiibel Reise, p. 171, pl.ix, fig. 25 : n. spp. ^ Hypocosmia, n. g. ( Ghrysaugince ), p. 504, for II . definitalisy n. sp., Ceylon, p. 505 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. I Ilypographia , n. g. ( Phycitidce ), for H. uncinatella , n. sp., Lambessa ; Ragonot, p. xc, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. V Ilypogryphia, n. n. for Hypographia , Rag. ; Ragonot, p. cxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. / Imerina, n. g. (j Endotrichiince), for I. mabillalis , n. sp. ?, Madagascar ; Ragonot, p. 530, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. dLaitilia, n. g. {Phy cites) ; type, DaJcruma coccidivora , Comst. ; Ragonot, p. viii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. */ Laodamia , n. g., near Salebria ; type, Pemp. fcecella , Z. ; Ragonot, p. vii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. \J Lepidogma, n. g., near Ilypotia, for tamaricialis, Mn. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 472. 262 Ins. LEPIDOPTERA. ^ Leucocraspeila) n. g. ; type, Botys illectalis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 475, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Lineodes triangulalis , metagrammalis , Portorico, Mosciiler, p. 305, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. spp. Lipocosma hebescalis , Portorico, Mosciiler, p. 31G, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. 4 Lophopleura, n. g. ( Chrysaugina ;), for L. xanthotcenialis , n. sp., Amazons ; Ragonot, p. 506, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. * Loxoscia, n. g. ; type, Botys scinisalis, Wlk.; Warren, p.476, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. v Macrotheca , n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p. 544, for M. inter albicalis, n. sp., Sonora, p. 545 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Y Manhatta , n. n. to replace Hornigia , Rag. ; Hulst, p. 196, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. Margaronia nigropunctalis , Br., quinquepunctalis , Boisd., neomera, Butl., note on characters of ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 610. M. fallacialisj Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 609, n. sp. Haricota, n. g. ; type, Ragonotia lativella} Rag. ; Hulst, p. 205, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. Megasis atrella , Colorado, Hulst, p. 166, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. sp. Meroptera canescentella , Texas, Hulst, p. 149, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. sp. * Microstega, n. g., near Fyrausta , for pandalis , Hb. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 450. Microthyris prolongalis, Gn., = ( sectalis , Gn.) ; Mosciiler, p. 309, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. * Mimorista , n. g. ; type, Samea botydalis , Gn. ; Warren, p. 476, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. ^ Mineola , n. g. ( Phycitidce ), for a part of Acrobasis ; type, indiginella , Z.; Hulst, p. 126, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. SMnesixena, n. g., near Hypotia. , for Seven previously described species ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 472. ^ Moodna , n. g., p. 193, near JEphestia ,. for M. pelviculella, n. sp., New York, p. 194 ; Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii. Myelois grossipunctellay Rag., habitat of ; Ragonot, Ent. Am. vi, p. 64. M. nivosella , Algeria, Ragonot, p. cix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; M. immundella, Texas, p. 117, obnujjsella, N. America, p. 118, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Nephopteryx gilvibasella} Texas, Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 145, n. sp. Nosophora albiguttalis, Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 273, pi. viii, fig. 16, n. sp. Nyctegretis achatinella , larva noticed ; Disque, S. E. Z. li, p. 85. iOcresia, n. g. (Chrysaugince), p. 485, for 0. bisinualis, n. sp., Petropolis, p. 486 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Oligostigma saturatalis, p. 639, papulalis, p. 640, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. PYKALIDJ:, PHYCITIDjE, ETC. Ins. 263 Omiodes, = ( Charema , Moore) ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 619. 0. palliventralis, Sikkim, Snellen, p. 620, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 ; 0. insolu- talis, Portorico, MOschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 301, n. spp. Omphisa repetitalis , Sikkim, SnellEn, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 621, pi. xix^ fig. 6, n. sp. ^ Ophias, n. g. (Endotrichiince), p. 517, for A. albiundalis , n. sp., Pernam- buco, p. 518 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Opisthedeicta, n. g. ; type, Oligostigma poritialis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 478, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. ^ Opsibotys, n. g., for Botys , auct. : Warren, p. 474, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Orobena implicitalis , Portorico, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 292, n. sp. ^ Orphanostigma, n. g. ; type, Asopia ? abruptalis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 478, Ann. N. II. (6) vi. ^Orthospila , n. g. ; type, Zcbronia plutusalis, Wlk.; Warren, p. 477, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Oryba conspicualis, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 562, n. sp. l/ Oryctopleura, n. g. ( Chrysaugince ), p.495, for 0. arcuatalis , n. sp., Brazil, p. 496, Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ^ Pachymorphus , n. g. ( Crambidce ), for P. subductellus , n. sp., Portorico ; Moschler, p. 324, Abh . Senck. Ges. xvi. Pachyzancla mellealis , Burma, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 282, n. sp. Pagyda lustralis , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 615 ; P. rubri- catalis, Rangoon, Swiniioe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 282 : n. spp. Paliga leucanalis , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 276, pi. viii, fig. 15, n. sp. /Palmitia, n. g., for Ilypotia massilialis, Dup. ; Ragonot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. xciii. , Pannucha vicinalis, p. 567, pi. xix, fig. 2, asopialis, dimidialis , p. 568, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. */ Paracymoriza, n. g. ; type, Oligostigma vagalisf'Wlk. ; Warren, p. 479, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Paraponyx rugosalis , Portorico, MoSChler, p. 318, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. ^ Parasamera, n. g. ; type, Locastra cuproviridalis , Moore ; Warren, p. 474, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. ^ Parasopia , n. g., near Asopia , p. 275, for P. dissimilalis , n. sp., Portorico, p. 276, Moschler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. ^ P.aratalanta , n. g., near Omiodes , for ussurialis and heterogenalis , Brem.; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 440. Paravetta flexuosa , Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p.558, n. sp. ^ Pardomima, n. g. ; type, Botys amyntus, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 477, Ann. N. II. (6) vi. */ Pelasgis , n. g. ( Chrysaugince ), for P. hypogryphalis) n. sp., Petropolis ; Ragonot, p. 487, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. 264 Ins. LEPIDOPTEBA. Pempelia petrella , Z., =z ( Trachonitis drectalis, Wlk.) ; Ragonot, Ent. Am. vi, p. 64. ^ Penestola, n. g., placed next Ommatospila , for P. prceficalis, n. sp., Portorico and Surinam ; MOsoiiler, p. 316, Abh. Sonok. Ges. xvi, v Peuthesilea, n. g. ( Chrysaugincs ), for P. sacculalis , n, sp., N, America ? Ragonot, p. 493, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Perseis , n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), for Asop/a culiculalis , Hulst ; Ragonot, p. 538, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Phacellura elegans. p. 299, infernalis , p. 300, Portorico, Moschler, Abh, Senck. Ges. xvi ; P. terminalis , pi. ix, fig. 17, grisealis , fig. 18, Ecuador, Maassen, in Stubel Reise, p. 170 : n. spp. Phalangiodes rivulalis , Sikkim, Snellen, p. 637, pi. xx, fig, 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n, sp. ^ Phcedropsis, n. g, ; type, A sopia ohromalis , Gn, ; Warren, p. 476, Ann. N. II. (6) vi, Phyci tides : Hulst gives a monograph of the N. American species, with tables, and a systematic catalogue ; two subfamilies, Phycitince and Peoriince, based on the genitalia, are adopted : Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. pp. 93, &c. Phycis rubifasciella\ larva described ; Beutenmuller, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 16. P. dilutellaf Hb., = ( adornatella , Tr., and subornatella , Dup.) ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 20. Piesmopoda steniella , Burma, Ragonot, p. ccxiii, Bull. Soc, Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Pinipestis albovittella) New Mexico, Hulst, p, 138, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. sp. Pionea nobilis) Moore, referred to Botys j Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p, 575. Pitama lativitta , Moore, referred to Margaronia ; Sneulen, Tr, E. Soc. 1890, p. 611. * Pleuroptya , n, g., near Notarcha , for aurantiacalis , F. R. ; Meyrick, p, 443, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Pramadea denticulata, Moore, referred to Coptobasis ; Snellen, Tr. E. ^oc. 1890, p. 627. P. carbatinalis , Rangoon, Swinhoe, Tr. E, Soc. 1890, pi. viii, fig, 13, n, sp. Pristophora nigrigranella, Biskra, Ragonot, p, cx, Bull, Soc, Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. v Prochoristis , n, g,, near Cybolomia , for rupicapralisi Ld., capparklis, Christ., simplicialis, Brem. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 458. v Protonoceras, n. g. ; type, Botys tropicalisi Wlk. ; Warren, p. 475, Ann. 7 N. H, (6) vi. Psammotis pulveralis, larva noticed ; DisquIs, S. E. Z. li, p. 57. ^ Psectrodes, n. g. ( Ohrysaugince ), for P. herminialis , n. sp., Brazil; Ragonot, p. 488, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr, (6) x. i Pseudanalthes, n. g. ; type, Botys idyalis, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 477, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. PYRALIM, PHYC1TID2E, ETC. Ins. 265 Pygospila tyres , Cr., sexual distinctions noticed ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 617. Pyralis pictalis, note on locality of ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 138 & 243. P. angulifascia , Moore, referred to Cledeobia and redescribed ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 561. 'PyraustodeSj n. g. ( Chrysaugince ), p. 484, for P. f lavicostalis , n. sp., Brazil, p. 485 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Raqonotia sagnnella , Colorado, Hulst, p. 205, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. sp, ’ Rhectothiyris , n. g., for Samea ? gratiosalis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 474, Ann. N. H. (6) vi. Rhodophcea duplicella , Burma, Ragonot, p. ccxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. \) Saccopleura, n. g. ( Chrysaugince ), p. 502, for S.catocalis, n.sp., Chiriqui, p, 503 ; Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Salbia prceformatalis , Portorico, Moschler, p. 291, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. Salebria contatella , p. 16, celtclla, p. 17, larvae described ; Beuten- muller, Canad. Ent. xxii. S. cirtensis, numidella , N. Africa, Ragonot, p. cx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; S. semiobscurella , p. 151, celtidella , p. 155, N. America ; Hulst, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Samea conjunctalis , Portorico, Moschler, p. 290, Abh. Senok. Ges. xvi, n. sp. ^ Satanastra, n. g., for Conchylodes argyria, Butl. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 442. ^ Schistoneura, n. g. ( Endotrichiince ), p.527, for S. flavitinctalis, n.sp., Colombia, p. 528, Ragonot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. * Sciorista , n. g. ; type, Botys signatalis, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 475, Ann. N. II. (6) vi. Scirpophaga longicornis , Portorico, Moschler, p. 321, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, n. sp. y Sclerocona , n. g., near Phlyctamia , for acutella, Ev. ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 445. Scoparia ambigualis, var. = ( atomalis ), p. 7, angustea, broods of, p. 8 ; Bankes, Ent. M. M. (2) 1. S. mercurella and cratcegella, characters of ; id. t. c. pp. 98 & 210. S. basistrigalis and ambigualis , characters dis- cussed ; Porritt, t. c. p, 88. S. signella , p. 72, tceniatella, p. 73, Baltic, Teich, Arb. Ver. Riga (n.s.) vi (? n. spp. or varr. of S. ambigualis ) ; S. pulveralis , p. 570, medinella , p. 571, Sikkim, Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890 : n. spp. Scopocera variegata , Moore, referred to Cerasphora ; Snellen, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 569. ^ Seneca , n. g., for Cateremna turnidulella, Rag. ; Hulst, p. 177, Tr. Am, Ent. Soc. xvii. v Sisyracera , n. g., for Leucinodes ? preciosalis, Mosch. ; Moschler, p. 313, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi. 266 Ins. LEP1D0PTERA. ^ Somatania, n. g., placed next Omiodes , for S. pellucklalis, n. sp., Porto- rico, pl.} fig. 22 ; Mosciiler, p. 301, Abli. Senck. Ges. xvi. Stathia gaudiella , N. America, Hulst, p. 216, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, n. sp. Staudingeria fractifasciella , Biskra, Ragonot, p. cxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, n. sp. Stemmatophora merged in Pyralis, Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 476. S. tactilis, denticulata , pi. viii, fig. 7, Burma, Swinhoe, p. 290, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, n. spp. ^ Sthenobcea , n. g. ( EndotricJmnce ), for S. abnormalis , n. sp., Ecuador ; Ragonot, Am. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 541. Striglina scallula , n. var., immaculata ; Mosciiler, Abh. Senck. Ges. xvi, p. 123. Sybrida inordinata , cit. ix, pp. 281-308. For a new insect supposed to be intermediate between Diptera and Ilemiptera , cf. Rhynchota and Leon (481). CeOIDOMyiid^. Galls of Gecidomyiidce , notes on ; Harker (351). Cecidomyid galls on Phyteuma hemisphcericum, VerOnicd mxdtilis , and Campanula rotundifolia , figured and described ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. ix, pp. 233-238, pis. i & ii. Aspliondylia rnihii , note on ; KIefEeR, Wien, ent, Z* i£, p. 31. CECID0MYIIDJ2. Ins. 273 A. melanopus , Germany, Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 31, n. sp. Campylomyza grandiuscula , Sydney, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 388, n. sp. Cecidomyia bryonice , p. 203, raphanistri , strobi, p. 204, descriptive notes ; trifolii , viscarice, habits, &c., p. 206 ; Kieffer, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. C. rigidce , O.-S., p. 278, salicis-batatas , Walsh, p. 279, salicis-brassicoides, p. 280, descriptive notes oft ; Cockerell, Ent. Xxiii. G. buxi, habits ; Decaux, Bull. Soc. Ent. Er. 1890, p. lxviii. G. rosaria , Low, noticed ; MeiJeRe, Tijdschr. Ent. p. xxvii. 0. syngenesice , Lw., redescribed ; Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 29. G. psciidococcus, Ohrdruf, Thomas & Rubsaamen, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 301-310, pi. vi, and t. c. p. 65, SB. ; G.florum , Bitsch, Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 37 ; 0. flosculorum , p. 200, iteobia, p. 201, Bitsch, id. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl ; G. sanguisorbce , p. 26, peinei , p. 27, Germany, Rub- saamen, Wien. ent. Z. ix ; G. lathyricola, p. 26, lathyrina , p. 28, Germany, id. Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii ; C. acacice-longifolice, p. 374 , nubilipennis, p. 375, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v ; 0. negundinis , N. America, Gillette, p. 392, Psyche, v ; C. bigelovice , Colorado, Cockerell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 109 ; C. f rater, p. 280, alticola, p. 281, Colorado, id. Ent. xxiii : n. spp. Clinorrhyncha chrysanthemi, Lw., redescribed ; Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 30. Dip)losis scoparii and pulsatillce, habits noticed ; Kieffer, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 203. D. liriodendri , habits, Ins. Life, ii, p. 362. D. barbichi , galls on Lotus in Germany, Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 29 ; D.dryophila , p. 197, ruderalis , p. 198, Bitsch, Kieffer, Yerh.z.-b, Wien, xl ; D. tiliarum, p. 193, pallescens, p. 196, Centr. Europe, Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xvi ; D. pulchripes, p. 133, anthonoma , p. 135, Bitsch, in galls on Sarotham- nus, Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. ix ; D. incana,p. 20, quercina, p. 21, Germany, Rubsaamen, Verh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii ; D , frenelce, p. 377, albulipennis , p. 378, helmsi , p. 379, eucalypti , p. 381, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. Epidosis helveola , Germany, Rubsaamen, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii, p. 18 ; E. grandipennis, Sydney, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 384 : n. spp. Hormomyia rubra , Bitsch, Kieffer, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p, 199 ; H. palearum, Bitsch, Kieffer, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 28 ; if. omalanthi, N. S. Wales, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 383 : n. spp. Lasioptera sarothamni , Bitsch, Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 136 ; L. virgata, p. 386, wildi , p. 387, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2), v : n. spp. Lestremia sydncyensis , Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 389, n. sp. Schizomiyia galiorum, note on habits; Kieffer, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 202. Spaniocera australis , N. S. Wales, Skuse, p. 385, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] f 18 274 Ins. DIPTERA. Mycetophtlidjj. Acrodicrania angustifurc a) Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 616, n. sp. Br achy dicrania fascipennis , Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 628, n. sp. Ceroplatus pentophthalmus , Italy, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Tor. No. 84, pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2, and Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat. x, p. 142, n. sp. JClastobasis , n. g., near Leia, p. 617, for C. tryoni , n. sp., Queensland, p. 619, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. \IDelopsis , n. g., near Mycetophila , p. 623, for I), flavipennis, n. sp., Aus- ralia, p. 624 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Ditomyia pallida , Turin, zonatay mexicana) Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Tor. No. 84, and pp. 142 & 143, Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat. x, n. spp. Dynatosoma sydneyensis, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 627, n. sp. Heteropterna affinis, N. S. Wales, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 601, n. sp. ^ Lygistorrhina , n. g., p. 598, for L. insignis , n. sp., N. S. Wales, p. 600 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Mycetophila nigriventris , Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 622, n. sp. Neoempheria signifera , N. S. Wales, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 611, n. sp. Platyura minima , Italy, Giglio-Tos, Biv. Ital. Sci. Nat. x, p. 143 ; P. contingens , p. 602, gracilis , p. 603, richmondensis , p. 604, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v : n. spp. Sceptonia ornatithorax , Sydney, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 621, n. sp. Sciara recondita, p. 390, tryoni , p. 391, tepperi, p. 393, promiscuay p. 394, contermina , p. 395, flavicoxis , p. 396, exposita , p. 397, adjuncta , p. 398, marginata , p. 399 yinfixay p. 400, consanguinea} p. 401, serenipennis , p. 402, conjunctaf p. 403, prcecellens , p. 404, crassicornis , p. 407, helmsi, p. 408, exsequialis , p. 409, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Sciophila mccoyi) p. 606, pictithorax , p. 607, richmondensis , p. 608, humeralis , p. 609, sylvicolaf p. 610, Australia ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2)v, n. spp. * Stenojdiragma, n. n. for IIomaspis) Sk., nec Forst., with S. picticornis, p. 613, hirtipennis , p. 614, n. spp., Australia ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. 1 Synplasta , n. g., near Brachydicrania, p. 629, for 8. annuliventris , n. sp., p. 630, Australia ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Zygoneura maculipennis , Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 411, n. sp. Simuliidj:. Simulium ornatipes, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.(2)v, p.632, n.sp. BIBI0N1D2E — TIPULIDjE, Ins. 275 Bibionux®. Bibio albipennis , note on its times of appearance ; Townsend, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 260. B. anglicus, nomenclatorial note ; Roder, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 313. Dilophus serotinus , time of appearance \ Townsend, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 262. D . graciosus, Dharmsala, Bigot, p. 265, J. A. S. B* lix, pt. 2 ; D. varipes , p. 635, lecticollis, p- 637, Australia, SKUSE, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v ; n. spp. Scatopse riehmondensis, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 639, n, sp. Blepharoceridj:. ^Agathon, n. g., p. 230, for A. elegantulus, n. sp., California, p.232; RodEr, Wien. ent. Z. ix. CuLICIIX®. Culex sp., anatomy of pupa described ; Hurst (390). C» argyropus , swarm of; SMITH, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 320. G. spathipalpis , Rond., described at length ; Ficalbi, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 86-^92. C . pipienst the supposed intestinal parasitism of larva ; Ficalbi (255, 256). C. modest us, p. 93, elegans , p. 95, pliytophcigus , p. 126, Italy, FIcaLBI, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi ; C. impudicus , Sardinia, id . op. cit. xxii, p. 81 s n.spp. Chiron OMlDiE. Chironomus , oviposition, embryology ; RittEr (702) : notes on a halo* philous species ; Moniez, Rev. Biol, ii, p. 404-408. Tanypus steinenii , South Georgia Is., Geroke, JB. Hamb. Aust. vi, p. 153, n. sp. Tipulid^]. ^ Acracantha, n. g., Tipulina , p. 109, for A. sydneyensis , p. Ill, monticola , p. 112, inornata, p. 113, n. spp., Australia, SkuSe, P. Linn. Soo. N.S.W. (2) v. Amalopis nigritarsis , Sydney, Skuse, p. 888, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. 'i Amphineuru8) n. subg. of Rhypholophus ; Skuse, p. 800, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Bittacomorplia sacJcenii , California, RodEr, Wien. ent. Z, ix, p. 230, n. sp. Chionea araneoides , abundant occurrence of ; Thomas, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 306. ^ Clytocosmus , n. g. ( Ctenophorina ), p. 74, for C. helmsi , n. sp., Australia, p. 76, pi. iv, fig. 5 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. 27.6 Ins. DIPT FRA. Dicranomyia punctipennis, p. 761, saxatilis, p. 762, helms, i, p. 703, obscura, p. 764, marina , p. 765, remota, p. 766, dorsalis , p. 767, obscuripennis , p. 768, auripemiis , p. 709, zonata , incisuralis , p. 770, viridiventris , cuneata , p. 772, annulipes , p. 773, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Dolichopeza annulipes , p. 61 , niveitarsis, p. 62, monticola , p. 63, planidigi- talis , longifurca, pi. iv, fig. 1, p. 65, breviftirca , p. 66, varipes, fig. 2, p. 67, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Erioptera ochracea, Australia, Skuse, p. 819, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Geranomyia picta, p. 778, G. ( Triphana ) lutulenta , p. 779, annulata , (7. ( Tetraphana ) /wsca, p. 780, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Gonomyia leucophcea , Sydney, Skuse, p. 826, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Gnophomyia (sub Limnobia ) fascipennis , Tli., = ( cordialis , O.-S.) ; Skuse, p. 824, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Gynoplistia obscurivena , p 867, westwoodi , p. 871, Australia, howensisf Lord Howe I., p. 872, bimaculata , p. 875, flavipennis , p. 877, macquarti — (i cyanea , Macq.), p. 881, viridithorax} p. 882, chalybeia , p. 884, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. J Eabromastix , n. g., Tipulina , p. 93, for iJ. cinerascens , p. 94, ornatipesf p. 95, n. spp., Australia, and Tipula remota , Wlk. ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Holorusia conspicabilis , Queensland, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, 120, n. sp. >/ Ischnotoma, n. g., Tipulina , for Tip. serricornis, rubriventris, Macq., and Ptilogyna par, Wlk. ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 114. JLechria, n. g., near Gonomyia , p. 830, for L. singularis, n. sp., Australia, p. 831, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. sLeiponeura, n. g., near Antocha , O.-S., p. 795, for L. gracilis , p. 796, brevivena , p. 797, n. spp., Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Leptotarsus scutellaris , p. 107, trivittata, p. 108, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Limnobia microcephala , Thoms., referred to Trimicra ; Skuse, p. 822, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. J5. bulentata , Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 782, n. sp. Limnophila leucophceata , p. 840, obscuripennis , p. 841, disposita) aureola , p. 843, ocellata, p. 845, rostrifera , p. 846, imitatrix, p. 847, antiqua , p. 849, interventa , p. 850, inordinata , p. 851, Inctuosa , p. 854, levidensis , p. 855, lawsonensis , p. 856, australasice , p. 858, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Macromastix helmsi , p. 132, mastersi , p. 133, constricta, p. 134, obscuri- rostris , p. 135, humilis, p. 136, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. spp. Molophilus ruficollis , p. 804, femoratus, helmsi , p. 805, notatipennis, p. 806, T1PULIDJS. Ins. 277 froggatti , p. 807, montivagus , gracilis , p. 808, annulipes, p. 809, fiavonotatus, p. 810, translucens , canus, p. 811, pulchripes, p. 812, pervagatus , lucidipennis , p. 813, longicornis, p. 814, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Orimarga australis , p. 793, inornata , p. 794, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Pachyrrhina sp., habits in Indiana ; Webster, Ins. Life, iii, p. 12. P. australasice, Queensland, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 126, n. sp. ^ Phymatop sis, n. g., Tipulina, p. 97, for P. nigrirostris, n. sp., Sydney, p. 98 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. ^Platyphasia, n. g. ( Tipulina ), p. 84, for P. princeps, n. sp., Australia, p. 85 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. * Plusiomyia, n. g. ( Tipulina ), p. 86, for P. olliffi p. 89, spectabilis , p. 90, lineata, p. 91, inornata , p. 92, n. spp., Australia, and including Pedicia gracilis , Wlk. ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v. Ptychoptera contaminata , alimentary canal of ; Gehuchten (298). \ Rhabdomastix , n. g., near Gonomyia , p. 828, for R. osten-sackeni, n. sp., Australia, p. 829 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Rhamphidia communis, p. 788, fulvithorax , p. 789, venusta, p. 790, nivei- tarsis, p. 791, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Rhypholophus ( Amphineurus ) umbraticus , p. 801, maculosus , p. 802, Australia, Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. spp. Tanypremnd fastidiosa , Australia, Skuse, p. 69, pi. iv, fig. 3, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, n. sp. drTasiocera, n. g., near Molophilus , p. 815, for T. tenuicornis , p. 816, gracilis, p. 817, n. spp., Australia ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. > Tetraphana , n. subg. of Geranomyia ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, p. 778. Teucholabis meridiana , Australia, Skuse, p. 798, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. 4 Thrypticomyia, n. g., near Dicranomyia , p. 774, for T. aureipennis, n. sp., Sydney, p. 775 ; Skuse, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Tipula subserricornis , Zett., is Prionocera turcica , F., not T. serricornis , Zett. ; Mik, Wien. eut. Z. ix, p. 154. T. novarce, swarm of. ; Smith, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 321. Trentepohlia, notes on the genus and species; Skuse, pp. 831-833, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. T. austral asice, Queensland, Skuse, p. 834, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. Trichoccra maculipcnnis found in mines ; notes on the habits and char- acters of tho Swodish Trkhoccrai ; Lampa, Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 89-94. TripJiana , n. subg. of Geranomyia ; Skuse, p. 777, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv. Trocholoba australis , Sydney, Skuse, p. 784, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iv, n. sp. 278 Ins. DIPTERA. Leptid®. Atherix unicolor , Curt., and Ttiolina wodzicJcii , Frfld., are synonymous ; Verrall, Ent. xxiii, p. 153. Hilarimorpha is a Leptid ; Osten-Sacken, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 303. Leptis funebris , M., characters of ; Becker, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 65. Ptiolina (sub JEurytion) paradoxa , Jann., = ( wodzichii , Frn.) ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 154. Asilid®. Asilus fasciatus , Fab., note on ; ROder, Ent. Naohr. xvi, p. 109, Ommatius (sub Asilus) chinensis , Fab,, = {A. jlavescens , Fab.) ; Roger, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 89, Bombyliip®. Anthrax hjpomelas , larval habits ; Ins, Life, ii, pp, 353 & 354, wood- cuts. A. sp. parasitic on Agrotis her ills ; Webster, p. 44, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxii. Cyrtid®, Acrocera sp. parasitic on spiders, noticed and figured ; Emerton, Psyche, v, p. 404. Empid®. Rhamphomyia dispar , Curt., and Ocydromia glabricula , Fin., are synony- mous ; Verrall, Ent. xxiii, p. 153. R. setigera, Saxony, Stein, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 108, n. sp. Symballophthalmus and Phoneutisca , distinctive characters ; Becker, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 35. Tachista ornatipes , Tyrol, Becker, Wien, ent. Z. ix, p. 69, n. sp. Tachydromia mikii , Qastein, Becker, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p, 67, n. sp. Dolichopodid®. Dolichopodidce : new classification of, with tables of genera in analytical form, suppressing many names and proposing others ; Bigot (55). J Amblypsilopusi n. g. ; type, Psilopus psittacinus, Lw. ; Bigot, p. 269, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. \» Aphantotimus} n. g., p. 375, for A. willistoni, fraterculus, n. spp , Wis- consin , p. 376 ; Wheeler, Ps/che, v, v CalyxochcetuSy n. g. ; type, Sympicnus notatus , Lw. ; Bigot, p. 282, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Chrysotimus pusiOy $ described ; Wheeler, p. 374, Psyche, v. DOL1CHOPODID-35. Ins. 279 Chrysotus femoratus , Chili, rostratus , Ceylon, Bigot, p. 295, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x ; C. wisconsinensis , p. 356, pratincola , choricus , p. 357, N. America, Wheeler, Psyche, v : n. spp. Diaphorus satrapa , p. 359, palpiger , rauterbergi , p. 360, N. America, Wheeler, Psyche, v, n. spp. Dolichopus albiciliatus , incongruus , p. 338, flagellitenens, p. 339, henshawi, p.340, germanus , p. 341, N. America, Wheeler, Psyche, v, n. spp. ti JEudasypus, n. g. ; type, Psilopus senegalensis , Macq. ; Bigot, p.268, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. */ Gymnoceromyia , n. g., for (7. andicola , n. sp., Chili ; Bigot, p. 293, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Gymnopternus poenitens, Wisconsin, Wheeler, p. 355, Psyche, v, n. sp. Hydrophorus philombrius, Wisconsin, Wheeler, p. 378, Psyche, v ; H. infuscalus, Chili, Bigot, p. 294, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. Mesorhaga torquata , Ceylon, Bigot, p. 294, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Neurigona picticornis, New Caledonia, Bigot, p. 293, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6") x, n. sp. * Oariopherus, n. g. ; type, Psilopus tuberculicornis , Macq. ; Bigot, p. 270, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. '/Paragymnopternus, n. g., for part of Gymnopternus ; Bigot, p. 281, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ^ Peloropeodes, n. g., p. 373, for P. salax , n. sp., Wisconsin, p. 374, Wheeler, Psyche, v. P codes dichromatu8) Chili, Bigot, p. 295, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Pcccilobothru8 mexicanus , redescribed ; Bigot, p. 294, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. " Psilopodinus , n. g., near Psilopus , p. 289, for the following n. spp., viz. : polychroma , Haity, p. 289, gemma , Java, p. 290, dialithus , Celebes, p. 291, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Psilopus lacteitarsis , Becker, is distinct from lesinensis , Mik ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 157. P. costcc , n. n. for eximius , Costa, nec Wlk. ; id. t. c. p. 158. P. cetereus, Ternate, p. 283, setipes, Indian Archipelago, armipesy Bahia, p. 284, trichosoma , Brazil, angulosus) Australia, armillatus , Ceylon, p. 285, appendiculatus, Burma, p. 286, fuscopennatus , Borneo, albilimbatus , W. Africa, p. 287, noumeanus , New Caledonia, chromatipes , New Guinea, p. 288, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Spathichira, n. g., for S. pulchrimanus , n. sp., N. America ; Bigot, p. 292, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. *Spathiopsilopus, n. g., for S. papuasinus, n. sp., New Guinea; Bigot, p. 283, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ' Spathitarsusy n. g. ; type, Dolichopus discipe8y Ahr. ; Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 276. Xyphandrium discolor , Chili, Bigot, p. 292, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. 280 Ins. DIPTERA. Lonchopterimj. Lonchoptera scutellata , Saxony, Stein, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 109, n. sp. Syrphidje. Eristalis tenax, habits noticed ; Ent. Am. vi, p. 126 : habits in N. America ; Hamilton (346) : in New Zealand ; Hudson, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 187, and Smith, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 240. Bipizella biguttata , Curt., and flavitarsis , Mg., are synonymous; Yer- rall, Ent. xxiii, p. 153. Volucella bombylans , its two varr. ; Blathwayt, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 109. (Estridji. Hypoderma bovis attacking man : Calandruccio, Atti Acc. Gioen. (4) ii, p. 135 : larval habits ; Curtice, Ins. Life, ii, p. 207. H. lineata , notes or ; Brauer, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 509-515. Tachinid2e, Muscidje, and Sarcopeagidji. Embryology of Muscidce ; Graber (321). A Anisia , n. g., p. 186, for the following new species, viz. : inflexa , p. 188, rubripes, cineraria , p. 189, pallidipalpis, fulvipennis, pi. iv, fig. 15, ruficoxa , p. 190 , pulicaria, neglecta, p. 191, stolida , trifilata , cegrota , p. 192, intrusay signata, nigellaf p. 193, candicans} congerens, p. 194, morionella , pullata , inepta , p. 195, accedens , peregrina , p. 196, fatua , nigrithorax , obscurifrons , p. 197, aberrans , macropterai p. 198, mucoreay conspersa, p. 199, niveo- marginata , umbrina , opaca , p. 200, gagatina , nigrocincta , remissa , p. 201, approximata , palposa , p. 202, cilia ta, ophthalmica , similist p. 203, misella, infima , p. 204, all from Mexico ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Baumhaueria discrepans , Mexico ; Wulp, p. 115, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. sp. Brachycoma laticeps , a/m, p. 92, foveata , pi. iii, fig. 12, robusta , p. 93, ruficauda , trifida , p. 94, pygmcaa , biseriata , pallidula , p. 95, sublucens , tilipalpis , p. 96, fimbriata , irregularis , p. 97, nigripalpis , barbatula , p. 98, incompta , longicornis , p. 99, striatella , cineracea , p. 100, spuria , p. 101, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Calliphora erythrocephala , anatomy and development ; Lowne (492). ^ Celatoriat n. g., near Baumhaueria , for (7. crawii, n. sp., N. America, on Diabrotica soror ; Coquillett, p. 235, Ins. Life, ii. \Cenosomay n. g., p. 166, for (7. signifera , n, sp., Mexico, p. 167, pi. iv, fig. 13 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. • (7/z'sta muscceformis, Mexico, Wulp, p. 207, pi. iv, fig. 18, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. sp. Cnephalia onusta , pi. iii, fig. 4, obesula , fig. 3, p. 46, ochriventrisi p. 47, Me?/ico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. TAOHINIDJC, MUSClDvE, ETC. Ins. 281 * Crossocosmia, n. g., for Ugimyia sericarice , Rond. ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 313. Degeeria nigrocostalis, pi. iv, fig. 10, nitidiuscula , p. 151, basalis, hyalini- pennis, p. 152, nigricans , magnicornis , compressa , pi. iv, fig. 9, p. 153, Mexico, monochroma, leucocycla, p. 154, nervosa , albomarginata , longipes , p. 155, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. ^ Didyma, n. g., near Degeeria , p. 156, for the following n. spp. from Mexico, viz., mcesta, nigricolor , ambulatrix , p. 158, otiosa , basilaris, p. 159, modesta , exigua , p. 160, timida , vagabunda, prompla, p. 161 , pullula, albo- micans, p. 162, inconspicua , commixta, p. 163, fuliginipennis , validinervis , p. 164, pavida, volucris, p. 165, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. V Distichona, n. g., for D. varm, n. sp., Mexico, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; Wulp, p. 44, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Echinomyia magna, p. 457, bellardii , p. 458, rondanii, p. 459, autum- nalis, p. 460, Italy, Giglio-Tos, Atti Acc. Tor. xxv, and Boll. Mus. Tor. No. 78 : n. spp. Exorista (sub Masipoda) geminata , Br. & Berg., = ( latimana, Wulp) ; Wulp, Tijdschr. Eut. xxxiii, p. cxxix. E. obscurata , p. 62, unicolor , ochracea , p. 63, cceruleiventris , ordinaria , brevis, p. 64, Mexico, elongata , Costa Rica, hispida, p. 65, rubricornis , latevittata, p. 66, tricolor, pi. iii, 6g. 9, latimana, fig., 10, p. 67, consobrina, sororcula, p. 68, fla.virostris, fig. 7, interstincta , p. 69, trivittata, nigricauda , angustata , p. 70, exilis, ignobilis, p. 71, humilis, rnaura , p. 72, glabricula, tenuipalpis, p. 73 , flavicans, griseomicans, p. 74, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Fabricia nigripalpis, N. Italy, Giglio-Tos, Atti Acc. Tor. xxv, p. 460, and Boll. Mus. Tor. No. 78, n. sp. Gonia foersteri, note on ; Siebeck, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 206. Ilcematobia, structure of mouth, &c. ; Smith, Psyche, v, pp. 343-347. Hypostena leucop>hcea, p. 141, blandita , pi. iv, fig. 4, concinna', p. 142, elegans , obumbrata, p. 143, pilosa, fig. 7, umbripennis, p. 144, melaleuca , fig. 6, cylindriventris, p. 145, quadristriata , fig. 5, tubinata, strigosa, p. 146, Mexico , flavocalyptrata, fig. 8, deplanata, p. 147, Costa Rica, immunda , minima , Mexico, albocingulata , Costa Rica, p. 148, subtilis, nubilosa , p. 149, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Labidigaster furcata , Mexico, Wulp, p. 131, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii,, n. sp. / Lasiona, n. g., near Exorista, p. 127, for L. multisetosa, n. sp., Costa Rica, p. 128, pi. iii, fig. 20 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Leucostoma gravipes, Mexico, Wulp, p. 207, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. sp. Lucilia sp., larva in orbit of Bufo vulgaris described ; Meinert, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 89-96, woodcuts. . Macquartia setiventris , p. 129, pi. iii, fig. 21, acuminata , venusta , versi- color, p. 130, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Masicera luctuosa, strigata , p. 105, sodalis, abdominalis, tantilla , p. 106> inquinata , impedita , p. 107, pumila, picta, pi. iii, fig. 13, p. 108, bistrigata , 282 Ins. DIPTERA. normula , p. 109, fraudulenta, pili seta, subpilosa , p. 110, trichoneura , p. 1 1 1 y flavescens , bilineata , cztrZa, p. 112, dejecta , sordida , p. 113, calcarata , p. 114, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Meigenia albidula , pi. iii, fig. 6, jlaviventris, p. 59, gratiosa, p. GO, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Oentr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Metopia perpendicular is, Mexico, Wulp, p. 115, pi. iii, fig. 18, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. sp. Miltogramma trilineata, fulvicornis, erythrura, p. 89, sarcophagina , p. 90, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Musca vomitoria in New Zealand ; Hudson, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 188. M. alliorum , habits, &c. ; Raspail, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 147 (n. sp. ?). Myobia : Dexia diadema , Wied., figured, pi. iv, fig. 2, described and referred to this genus ; Wulp, p. 137, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. M. flavicurnis , pi. iv, fig. 1, succincta , p. 133, grata , scurra , p. 134, lepida, argenticeps , p. 135, opima, angulata , p. 136, longipalpis , p. 138, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. t Myothyria , n. g., for If. trichosoma) majorina , degeerioidest n. spp., Centr. America, Wulp, p. 208, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. ^ Mystacella , n. g., near Nemorcea} p. 51, for Jlf. rubriventris, p. 52, Zw^w- 5m, violacea , p. 53, lineata, p. 54, solita, adjuncta , p. 55, tessellata, postera, p. bGifuscicostalis, pi. iii, fig. 5, Jlavifrons, fig. 27, subcyanea , setulosa , p. 58, n. spp., Mexico ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Nemorcea variegata, obscurellay p. 48 ,forreri, p. 49, pi. ii, fig. 21 1 smithii intermedia , p. 50, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Neoptera , n. g., p. 165, for N. rufa, n. sp., Mexico, p. 166, pi. iv, fig. 11 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. ^ Philornis , n. g., for P. molesta , n. sp. (larva living on young birds in Brazil) ; Meinert, Yid. Medd. 1889, pp. 304-317, pi. vi. Phorocera tenebricosa, Mexico, nigrita , pi. iii, fig. 11, Costa Rica, p. 77, carbonaria} parvula , p. 78, atriceps , rufilabris , p. 79, xanthura, fulviceps , p. 80, nigrifrons, cinerea, p. 81, cylindrata, immaculata , p. 82, jlavicauda , muscaria , p. 83, sobrina, setigera , macra , p. 84, appendiculata , scutellaris , p. 85, linearis , p. 86, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. Plagia setifrons , p. 101, americana} pi. iii, fig. 19, rigidirostris , p. 102, incognita , p. 103, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. it Poly g aster, n. g., for P. egregia, n. sp., Mexico, pi. iv, fig. 3, Wulp, p. 139, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. ^ Prospherysa , n. g., near Phorocera , p. 116, for the following n. spp. from Mexico, viz. : cemulans , p. 117, pi. iii, fig. 14, ochricauda , trifasciata, p. 118, ingloria , comosa , p. 119, contigua , crebra , p. 120, rufifrons , w'Zis, albifacies, p. 121, macilenta, apicalis , p. 122, rectinervis, minuta , fig. 16, p. 123, serotina, parvipalpis , fig. 15, balteata , p. 124, plagioides , p. 125 ; Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Rhinophora laivigata, Mexico, Wulp, p. 205, pi. iv, fig. 17, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. sp. Rhynchista (sub Macquartia) monticola, Egg., and prolixa , Meig., distinguished, the former = {longipes, Rond.); MiK,Wien. ent. Z. ix,p. 156. tachinidjE, muscid.®, etc. Ins. 283 Sarcophaga clathrata, hcemorrhoa , biological note on ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 153. Sarcophaga , sp. reared from bot-fly-like larvae in the box- turtle ; Wheeler (915). Siphona futilis , p. 125, diluta , p. 126, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. spp. J Sphcerina , n. g., near Clytia , for S. nitidula, n. sp., Mexico, pi. iv, fig. 16 ; Wulp, p. 205, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. \l Telothyria, n. g., near Mystacella and Dr achy coma, p. 167, for the fol- lowing n. spp., viz. : nubecula , adscripta , p. 170, disgrega , relicta , p. 171, rufo-striata , jhnbricrura , p. 172, connexa, burner alis, liamata, p. 173, pollens , forticula, p. 174, trifurca , rasilis, p. 175, vaciva , dissepta , recon - p. 176, comata, curva , lugens , p. 177, costalis, rava, p. 178, slriolata, fasciata , p. 179, ochrifrons , murina, assimulata, p. 180, remota, sublineata, p. 181, ovata, cupreiventris, pi. iv, fig. 14, placida , p. 182, illucens, argenti- frons , p. 183, occulta , carinata , vicina , p. 184, refuga, pacata, p. 185, all from Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. ii. Tr«a;a obsoleta, p. 87, differcns, p. 88, Mexico, Wulp, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, ii, n. sp. Ugimyia : habits and structure of larva discussed ; Meinert (522, 523), and Ent. Med. ii, p. 162 [c/*. also Oossocosmies]. The following are the new genera and species contained in Brauer & Bergenstamm’s work, arranged in the order thereof : — vDexodes , n. g., Masiceratidce , for spectabilis , Meig. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 87, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Chrysotachina , n. g., Masiceratidce , for 7\ rheinwarti , Wied. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 161, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Megalocliceta , n. g., Masiceratidce , p. 87, for ilf. eggeri, n. sp., Europe, p. 164 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. JParaexorista , n. g., Masiceratidce , for chelonice , Rdi. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 87, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Hemimasicera , n. g., Masiceratidce , for ferruginea , Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 87, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Pexopsis, n. g., Masiceratidce , for tibialis , Mg. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 88, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. » Pelmatomyia , n. g., Masiceratidce , for Exorista phalcenaria, Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 88, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. V Bavaria, n. g., Masiceratidce, p. 88, for B. mirabilis, n. sp., Bavaria, p. 164 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Lophyromyia, n. g., Masiceratidce , p. 89, for D. clausa, n. sp., Europe, & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. n. g., Masiceratidce , p. 89 ; type, solivaga, Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Ptychomyia , n. g., Phoroceratidce, for selecta, Mg. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, p. 89. 1 Pentamyia, n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 90, for P. parva , n. sp., Europe, p. 164, Brauer & Bergenstamm, Depk. Ak. Wien, lvi. p. 164, Brauer ^Thely cony chia, 284 Ins. DIPTERA. ^Prosopocles, n. g., Phoroceratidce , for fug ax, Rdi. ; Brauer &. Bergen- stamm, p. 90, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Staurochceta , n. g., Phoroceratidce, for gracilis , Egg. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 90, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ’ Paraphorocera, n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 90, for P. tincta , n. sp., Europe, p. 165, Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. i (Paraerynnia, n. g.. Phoroceratidce, for vihrissata , Rdi.; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 91, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. d Amphichceta , n. g., Phoroceratidce , for hicincta , Mg. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 91, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Tritochceta, n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 92, for T. prosopoides, n. sp., Europe, p. 165 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. * Pseudoperichceta, n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 92, for P. major, n. sp. (not described) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. iCeratochceta , n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 92, for C. prima , n. sp., Austria, p. 165; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Pseud ophoroc era, n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 92, for P. setigera , n. sp., Europe, p. 165 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v Hypochceta, n. g., Phoroceratidce , for longicornis , Schin. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 93, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Myiopharus , n. g., Phoroceratidce , for ilf. metopia, n. sp., Mexico ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 161, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Diplostichus , n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 93, for D. tenthredinum , n. sp., Europe, p. 165 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. i Leptochceta , n. g., Phoroceratidce , p. 95, for L. ptilopareia, n. sp., Europe, p. 165 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. xt Podomyia, n. g., Blepharipoda, for Eurygaster setosa, Dol. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 96, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v/ Blepharipoda, n. g., for scutellata, R. D. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 96, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v Masipoda, n. g., Blepharipoda , for M. geminata , n. sp., Mexico; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 162, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v Argyrophylax , n. g., Blepharipoda , for T. albincisa, Wd. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 163, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. \Trixomorpha, n. g., Blepharipoda , for T. indica (Wied.), n. sp. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 163, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Crypsina, n. g., Blepharipoda , for C. prima , n. sp., Australia, not described ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 97, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. >1 Sisyropa . n. g., Blepharipoda, for thermophila , Wd. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 163, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Willistonia, n. g., Willistoniidce, for esuriens , F. Wd. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 97, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Goniophana , n. g., Willistoniidce , for Gonia heterocera , Mcq. : Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 97, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Eutachina, n. g., Eutachinidee, for larvar-um , Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 98, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. TACHINIDiE, MUSCIDiR, ETC. Ins, 285 \I Chaitotachina , n. g., Eutachinidce, for rustica , Fall. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 98, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. / Lomatacantha , n. n. for Lomachantha, Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 98, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Stomatomyia , n. g., Bhinometopiidce, for filipalpis , Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 98, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Chcetomera, n. g., Germariidce , p. 99, for C. fumipennis , n. sp., Austria, p. 165 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. { A tractochceta, n. g., Germariidce, for A. grcnca, n. sp. (not described) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 100, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Dolichocolon, n. g., Germariidce , p. 100, for D. paradoxum, n. sp., Dal- matia, p. 165 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. V Pseudogonia , n. g., Goniidce , for cinerascens , Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 100, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Onychogonia, n. g., Goniidce , for interrupta, Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 100, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^Ptilopareia, n. g., Plagiidce , for marginata, Meig. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 101, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. •J Gymnopareia, n. g., Thryptoceratidoe (cf. Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 155), for crassicornis , Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 103, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^Trichopareia, n. g., Thryptoceratidoe {cf. MlR, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 155), for seria , Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 103, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. \/ Admontia, n. g., Thryptoceratidoe, p. 104, for A. podomyia, n. sp., S. E. Europe, p. 166 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. * TJrophylla , n. g., Thryptoceratidoe , p. 104, for Z7. leptotricha, n. sp., Austria, p. 166, and hemichceta, Sicily, p. 104 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wrien, lvi. V 'Discochceta , n. g., Thryptoceratidoe , for muscaria, Fll. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 104, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Ptychoneura, n. g., Thryptoceratidoe, for Tachina rvfitarsis , Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 104, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, A Arrhinomyia, n. g., Thryptoceratidoe ; type, separata, Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 105, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. I Blepharomyia, n. g., Thryptoceratidoe , for amplicornis, Zett. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 105, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 4 Stauferia , n. g., Thryptoceratidoe , p. 105, for S. diaphana, n. sp., Austria, p. 166, Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. '/ Anachoetopsis , n. g., Thryptoceratidoe , for ocypterina, Zett. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, p. 106. ^ Amedoria, n. g., forming the group Amedoriidce, for medorina, Schin. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 106, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Thelymorpha , n. g., Bauriiheriidcc, for vertiginosa , Fall. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, p. 107. nf Thrixion , n. g., Baumheriidce, for aherrans, Schin. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 286 Ins. D1PTERA. ^Macroprosopa, n. g., Lowiidce , for atrata , Fall. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. dEpolia, n. g., Miltogrammidce , p. 113, for E. velox , n. sp., E. Africa, p. 166, Brauer & Bergenstamm, Detik. Ak. Wien, lvi. V Ilesperomyia , n. g., Miltogrammidce , p. 114, for //. erythrocera , n. sp., Texas, not described ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Eumetopia, n. g. (cf. Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 155), Miltogrammidce , for fastuosa, Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, p. 114. iBrachymera , n. g., Paramacronychiidce , for letochce , Mik ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 116, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 4 Rhaphiochceta , n. g., Paramacronychiidce , for breviseta , Zett.j Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 116, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 11 Par amacrony chia,, n. g., Paramacronychiidce , for flavipalpis , Girsch. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 116, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. / Pachyophthalmus , n. g., Paramacronychiidce , for eignatus , Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 117, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ' Pododexia, n. g., Macronychiidce , p. 117, for P. arachna, n. sp., Mada- gascar, p. 166; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Macrometopa, n. g., Macronychiidce , p. 117, for Jf. mexicana , n. sp., Mexico, p. 166 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. A Angiorhina, n. g., Macronychiidce , for F. crudelis, Wied ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 163, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. yj Dolichodexia, n. g., Dexiidce , p. 118, for £>. rufipee, n. sp., Amasia, p. 167 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. s! Homalostoma , n. g., Dexiidce, for forte, Bdi.; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 118, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. \i A tropidomyia, n. g., Dexiidce , for parvula , Port. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 118, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Clinoneura, n. g., Dexiidce , for £). rubriventris, Mcq. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 119, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. * Sardiocera, n. g., Dexiidce , p. 119, for & valida , n. sp., N. America, p. 167 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Tropidomyia , n. g., Dexiidce , p. 119, for T. macronychia , n. sp., Syria, p. 167; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^Ptilodexia , n. g., Dexiidce , p. 119, for P. carolinensis , n. sp., N. America, p. 167 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Myiomima , n. g., Dexiidce , p. 119, for M. sarcophagina, n. sp., Centr. America, p. 167 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Hystrisiphona pseudohystricia, Mexico, Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 167, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, n. sp. dEudexia , n. g., Dexiidce , p. 120, for P. goliath , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 167 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. d Gymnobasis, n. g., Dexiidce, for microcera, Bdi. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 120, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Peyritschia, n. g., Sarcophagidce , for nigricornis , Egg. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 121, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. TACHINID/E, MUSCIMI, ETC. Ins. 287 Tapinomyia , n. g., Sarcophagidce , p. 121, for T. piliseta , n. sp., Austria, p. 168, Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 1 Bhinomorinia, n. g., Sarcophagidce , for sarcophagina , Schin. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 123, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Ptilozeuxia, n. g., Sarcophagidce, for brevicornis , Egg. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 123, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Wohlfahrtia , n. g., Sarcophagidce, for magnified , 8., &c. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 123, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. / Angiometopa , n. g., Sarcophagidce , for ruralis , Ell. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. .123, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Engyops macronyx , Europe, Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 168, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, n. sp. v II eter onychia, n. g., Sarcophagidce , p. 124, for //. chcetoneura , n. sp., Austria, p. 168 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 'Z Sarcophilodes , n. g., Sarcophagidce , for 8. pusilla , Wied. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 164, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Stomatodexia, n. g., Paradexiidce , for cotliurnata , Wd. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 125, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. \/ Chcetogyne , n. g., Paradexiidce , for vex'ans , Wd. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 125, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^P seudoformosia, n. g., Paradexiidce ; type, Formosia obscuripennis , Big., litt. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 126, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. \JMochlosoma , n. g., Paradexiidce , p. 126, for i!/. validum (Say), n. sp., N. America and Mexico, p. 168 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 'ij Rhynchodincra, n. g., Paradexiidce , p. 126, for /£. cinerascens , n. sp., Sicily, p. 168 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Paraprosena, n. g., Paradexiidce , p. 127, for P. waltlii , n. sp., Spain, p. 169 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. Dexides , n. g., Pseudodexiidce, p. 128, for D. eggeri , n. sp., Europe, p. 169; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. r Micr onychia, n. g., Polideidae , for punctum coll., Winth. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 131, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Bombyliomyia, n. g., Ilystriciidce , p. 131, for fiavipalpis, Mcq. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. * Tropidopsis , n. g., Hystriciidce, for pyrrha&pis , Wd. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 132, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. d Hexamera, n. g., Hystriciidce , p. 132, for H. orientalis, n. sp., New Zealand, p. 169 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. |// Jurinella , n. g., Hystriciidce , for cceruleonigra , Mcq. ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm, p. 132, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Pseudohystricia, n. g., Hystriciidce , for ambigua , Mcq%; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 132, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v Homceonychia, n. g., Micropalpidce ; type, lithosiophaga , Rdi. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 133, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v Plagiopsis , n. g., Pyrrhosiidce , for soror, Egg. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 134, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 288 Ins . DIPTERA, '* Arthrochcetti, n. g., PyrrJiosiidce , p. 134, for -4. demoticoides , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 169 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. tRhinotachina , n. g., PyrrJiosiidce , for sybarite iy Mg. ; Brauer & Ber- GENSTAMM, p. 136, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. *1 Ilystrichoneura, n. g., PyrrJiosiidce^ for frontata , Schin. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 135, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^Pseudolowia , n. g., PyrrJiosiidce , for sycophanta, S. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 136, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. CWa ignota, Europe, Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 169, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi, n. sp. ^ Pseudomint ho, n. g., PseudomintJioiclce, p. 136, for P. brevipennis , n. sp., Amasia, p. 169 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wieu, lvi. JMinthodes, n. g., Pseudo minthoidee, p. 136, for M. pictipennis, n. sp., Brussa, p. 170 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. VVieD, lvi. v Actinochceta , n. g., Minthoidee, p. 137, for A. Columbia i, n. sp., Venezuela, p. 170 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak.. Wien, lvi. ^ Myiomintho , n. g., Myiominthoidce , for M. eluta, n. sp., Venezuela, not described ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 138, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ PseudoredtenbacJieria , n. g., Myiominthoidce , for brasiliensis, Schin. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 138, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J A tylo stoma, n. g., Peteinidce, for tricolor , Mik. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 138, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Paralophosia, n. g., Ocypteridce , for Tt imbuta , Wied, ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 164, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v BesJcia, n. g., Ocypteridce , p. 139, for B. cornuta , n. sp., Brazil, p. 170 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. j Argyromima , n. g., Ocypteridce , p. 140, for A. mirabilisf n. sp., S. America, p. 170 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ Clara, n. g., Schineriidce, p. 141, for C. dimicliata , n. sp., E. India?, p. 171; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. i ^ Paraph ania, n. g., Schineriidce, for PJiania diabolusf S. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 141, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. 4 Gymnophania , n. g., Phaniidce, p. 143, for G. nigripennis, n. sp., Tyrol, p. 170 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. sj Cercomyia, n. g., Phaniida’., for curvicauda, Fall. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 143, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. iLabiclogyne , n. g., Phaniidce ; typo, forcipata , Mg., with L. granclis , n. sp., Austria ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 144, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. [phaniomyia, n. subg. of Labidogyne, for biguttata, Mg. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 144, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. vAnurogyna , n. g., Anurogynidce, for A. dispar, n. sp., Austria; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 145, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ^ (Estrophasia, n. g., CEstrophasiidce, p. 145, for (E. clausa, Colorado, aperta, S. America, n. spp., p. 146 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. J Phasiopteryx , n. g., CEstropJiasiidce , for P. bilimeJcii , n. sp., Mexico ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 147, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ANTHOMYIIMS, ORTALID2E. Ins. 289 \i Bibiomima , n. g., Phasiidcc , for B. handlirschi , n. sp., Brazil ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 148, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. * Androphand, n. g., Phdsiidce, p. 149, for A. grandis (Schin.), n. sp., Austria, p. 171 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. * Paramenia , n. g., Ameniidce , p. 151, for P. semiauriceps , n. sp., New Zealand, p. 171 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. v/ Chrysopasta, n. g., Roderiidce , p. 152, for C. versicolor , n. sp., New Holland, p. 171 j Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. diopsis) n. g., Rhynchormjidce , p. 153, for I. prasina (Lw.), n. sp., Egypt, p. 171 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. l/ Idiella , n. g. ( Rhiniidai ), for Idia mandarina , Wd. ; Brauer & Bergen- stamm, p. 154, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. i Reinwardtia, n. g., Muscidce , p. 158, for JB. tachinina , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 171 ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lvi. ANTHOMYIIDiE. Note on characters of subfamilies ; Verrall, Ent. xxiii, p. 153. Allceostylus and subgenera defined ; Schnabl, p. 496, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. Antlioniyia dignotaf Scandinavia, Bidenkap, Ent. Tidskr. xi, p. 199, n. sp. Aricia : its characters and subgenera; Schnabl, pp. 493-495, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Caricea , notes on ; Schnabl, pp. 263, &c., Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Hera , defined ; Schnabl, p. 497, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Hydrotcea similis, Meade, = ( eximia , Stein) ; Stein, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 35. Hylemyia criniventi'is, Zett., p. 299, penicillaris, Rond., p. 300, cardui , Meade, p. 301, brunnescens , Zett., p. 302, distinguished and described ; Stein, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Limnopliora , its characters and subgenera ; Schnabl, pp. 495 & 496, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Spilogaster duplicata , hermaphrodite described ; Schnabl, Wien. ent. Z. ix, pp. 177-181. Trichopticus and subgenera defined ; Schnabl, p. 497, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. Ortalim?. Pyrgotincn : the composition of the group discussed ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 249. Rivellia persicce, E. India, Bigot, Ind. Mus. Notes, i, p. 192, n. sp. Toxolrypana = ( Mikimyia , Big.), and T. curvicauda , Gerst., = (M. furci/era, Big.) : the genus should be placed in Trypetidce ; Mik, Wien, ent. Z. ix, pp. 249-254. 1890. [VOL. XXVII. J F 19 290 Ins. DIPTERA. Trypetidje. Note on ovipositor of ; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 263. Ceratitis capitata, habits and life-history in Bermuda ; Ins. Life, iii, pp. 5-8 & 80, woodcuts. Toxotrypana , Gerst., referred to this family ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 253. Trypeta bigelovice , Colorado, Cockerell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 324, n. sp. EPHYDRIDiE. llythea spilota , supposed migration ^Scudder, Psyche, v, p. 402. Octhera , Berg., changed to Ochtherus ; Bergrotij, Psyche, v, p. cxix. Pterennis nivalis , Rond., noticed; Gercke, JB. Ilamb. Austr. vi, p. 154. Teichomyza fusca , notes on in Stuttgart ; Hofmann, JH. Yer. Wiirtt. xlvi, p. 239. OsCINIDJL Oscinis pusilla, natural history, ravages, &c. ; Wilhelm (918). AGROMYZID2E, PHYTOMYZIDiE, PflORIDAS. Agromyza nigripesi habits and ravages ; Decaux, p. ccvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Conicera atra , larva attacking corpse ; Webster, Ins. Life, ii, pp. 356- 358. Plnora cleghorni, E. India, Bigot, p. 191, Ind. Mus. Notes, i, n. sp. Phytomiza obscurella , habits of larva ; Dognin, Le Nat. xii, p. 85. P. ursula , Dorpat, Sintenis, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 103, n. sp. ^ AEnigmutias , n. g., for AE. blattoides , n. sp., Denmark ; Meinert, Ent. Med. ii, pp. 212-226, pi. iv. The position of this insect appears very problematical : it is myrmecophilous. PuPIPARA. Braula cceca , noticed, p. 216, figured, pi. iv ; Meinert, Ent. Med. ii : it possesses eyes, habits ; Boise, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. cc. Ornithomyia turdi, Latr., and allies, distinctive characters and synonymy; Roder, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 311. (APHANIPTERA.) Habits of an uncertain species in Florida ; Johnson, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, pp. 203-205. Ceratophyllus talpcs and other species, habits ; Dale, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 161. Pulex tuberculaticeps on Ursus arctos in Yaltellina ; Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 30, n. sp. Ins. 291 (e.) bhtnceota. [Cf. Atkinson (19, 20, 21), Bergroth (45, 46, 47), Distant (170, 172, 175, 317), Goding (316)^ Horvath (381), Jakowleff (399, 400, 403), Leon (481, 482), Loens (489), Montandon (550), Packard (588), P^de- sciienco (598), Puton (624), Reuter (671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678), Rey (679), Saunders (724), Scudder (754), Sharp (780).] Bergroth dissents from some of the changes of names of species effected by Reuter in the Rev. Syn. Het. Pal., and gives a list of the names that should be rejected ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, pp. lxv & lxvi. # Catalogue of British Hemiptcra ; Saunders & Edwards (724). Fossil Heteroptera ; Scudder (754, 759). Hemidiptera haechelii , n. g. & sp., ? Ceylon, ? maritime, LioN, Jen. Z. Nat. xviii, pp. 13-16, pi. i. (Supposed to be intermediate between Diptera and Hemiptera.) The Recorder has failed to trace a genus of the name following ; it is not stated to what order the insect described belongs, so that even the reference to Rhynchota is not certain *. / Empoasca birdii, Illinois, Goding, p. 123, Ent. News, i, n. sp. Pentatomidj:. Structure of the $ terminal segment and nomenclature of the parts ; Sharp (780). Agrcecus griseus , figured, pi. xxxi, fig. 8 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. Arocera schumanni , Mexico, pi. xxxi, fig. 17, p. 336, altivola, fig. 18, chiriquensis , pi. xxx, fig. 19, Panama, jalapensis , fig. 18, Mexico, p. 337, Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. spp. Aspavia ingens , Centr. Africa, Distant, p. 475, P. Z. S. 1890 ; A. ccela- tata , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890 : n. spp. Aspongopus xanthopterus , remipes , sepulcralis, variation and synonymy noticed ; Distant, p. lviii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. A. obscurus , $ char- acters described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 404. A. cyclopeltus , cruralis , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lviii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. spp. Atelocera malleata , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. Iv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. 292 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Banana stigmosa , Panama, Distant, p. 340, pi. xxx, fig. 24, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Basicryptus bohndorffi, Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lviii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Boea costaricensis , Costa Rica, Distant, p. 338, pi. xxx, fig. 23, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Brachyplatys spp. ?, male characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 414, pi. xiv, figs. 26 & 27. Brachystethus parvus , Panama, Distant, p. 342, pi. xxxi, fig. 23, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Calulea baro , male characters described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 414. Calliphara obscura , $ characters described and figured ; Sharp, p. 412, pi. xiv, fig. 25, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Cantao ocellata, male characters described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 411. Capnoda batesoni, Turkestan, Jakowleff, p. 324, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Cappcea taprobanensis , male characters described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 409. Carbula bohndorffi , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lvi, C.R. Ent. Bolg. 1890, n. sp. Carridophthalmus sexspinosus, Assm., referred to Allocotus, Mayr, and redescribed ; Bergroth, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 132. Catacanthus incamatus, male characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, pi. xiii, fig. 20, p. 411. JCeratocranum , n. n. for Ceratocephala , Jak. ; Reuter, p. 248, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Chlorochroa , Stal, = ( Pitedia , Reut.) ; Bergroth, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxvi. C. montivaga , Panama, Distant, p. 333, pi. xxxi, fig. 13, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Chlorocoris rufopictus figured, pi. xxxi, fig. 15 ; noticed, p. 334 ; Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. C. usitatus , Guatemala, pi. xxx, fig. 20, hebetatus , Mexico, pi. xxxi, fig. 16, Distant, p. 335, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. spp. Coptosoina semifiavum , Sze-tschuan, Jakowleff, p. 541, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; C. tripolitanum , N. Africa, Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 355 : n. spp. Gyclogastridea eguatoria , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lvii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Dalpada oculata, male characters described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 408. Dichelops bicolor , Panama, Distant, p. 332, pi. xxxi, fig. 12, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Diploxys niamensisy Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lvi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Edessa tauriformis , pi. xxx, fig. 25, pictiventris, pi. xxxii, fig. 3, fusci- HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA. Ins . 293 spina , fig. 10, junix, var. fig. 13, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. E. rufomarginatat cornuta , male characters described and figured ; &harp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 410, pi. xii, figs. 6 & 7, pi. xiii, figs. 8, 9, & 15. E. intorta , pi. xxxii, fig. 2, bulbacea, fig. 4, Panama, p. 343, gentilitia , fig. 5, tribuaria , fig. 6, Mexico, bugabensis , fig. 7, p. 344, projecta, fig. 8, Panama, pennata. , Guatemala, fig. 9, p. 345, jansoni , Nicaragua, fig. 11, prcefracta , Guatemala, fig. 12, p. 346, metata, Panama, fig. 14, p. 347, celsa, fig. 15, expolita , fig. 16, polymita , fig. 17, p. 348, Panama, indigena , Mexico, fig. 18, caldaria , fig. 19, Panama, p. 349, densata, pi. xxxi, fig. 24, abdita , pi. xxxii, fig. 20, p. 350, picata% pi. xxxi, fig. 25, p. 351, Mexico, Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. spp. Elasmostethus rufescens , Sze-tschuan, Jakowleff, p. 548, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Eurostus grosses, male characters described ; Sharp, Tr. E . Soc. 1890, p. 404. Eusarcoris potanini , China, Jakowleff, p. 542, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Euschistus zopilotensis, pi. xxxi, fig. 9, p. 330, capitatus, fig. 10, tea- pensisy fig. 11, p. 331, Mexico, Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. spp. Eusthenes eurytus, p. 402, pratti , p. 403, pi. xii, fig. 4, $ characters described ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. E. pratti, China, Distant, Ent. xxiii, p. 160, n. sp. Gcllia rugulosa , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lx, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Glypsus erubescens, Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Gonopsis maura , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lx, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Lobostoma : this name to be replaced by Discostoma (cf. Palaeon- tology, p. 83). Mecosoma florida, Niam-Niam, Distant, p. liv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Megarhynchus UmatuSy $ characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 406, pi. xiii, fig. 18. V/Mimula, n. g., near Dolycoris, p. 320, for M. nigritay p. 321, maureriy p. 322, n. spp., Ferghana; Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Mozena gaumeri, Mexico, Distant, p. 352, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Mustha : synopsis of the species ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 262. M. longispinis, Asia Minor, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 264, n. sp. Neoglypsus opulentus, China, Distant, Ent. xxiii, p. 159, n. sp. , sp., p. 406, pi. xiii, figs. 11 & 12, viridulay fig. 16, 7narginata} fig. 17, p. 408, male characters described ; Sharp. Tr. E. Soc. 1890. N. brevicepSy Transcaucasus, Jakowleff, p. 323, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; N. orbiculata , Centr. Africa, Distant, p. 476, P. Z. S. 1890 ; N. rubri- 294 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. pennis , Sze-tschuan, Jakowleff, p. 544, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; N. can- dens , pi. xxxi, fig. 19, majuscula , fig. 20, Mexico, scutellata , fig. 21, pana- mensis, pi. xxxii, fig. 1, Panama, Distant, p. 339, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. : n. spp. Pallantia macida figured, pi. xxx, fig. 22 ; Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. Peribalus ovatuSy Siberia, Jakowleff, p. 319, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; P. capitatus, Centr. Asia, Jakowleff, p. 236, t. c. : n. spp. ✓Per ipkima, n. g., near Polyphima , p. 312, for P. batesoni , n. sp., Turkes- tan, p. 314, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxiv. Pharypia pulchella, male characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 410, pi. xiii, fig. 13. Phimodera collina, Irkuktsk, Jakowleff, p. 317, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Piezodorus martiniy Caucasus, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 227 ; P. tinctuSy Panama, Distant, p. 341, pi. xxxi, fig. 22, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. : n. spp. Piezosternum subulatum} male characters described and figured, pi. xiii, fig. 10, p. 404 ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. Platy nopus silvaticus, Contr. Africa, Distant, p. 475, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Pcecilochroma lata} male characters described and figured, pi. xiv, figs. 21 & 22, hardioicJciy p. 413, fig. 23 ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 412. Polyphima hcenigiy Transcaspian region, Jakowleff, p. 315, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Prionochilus, Dali : Lelia , Wlk., to be used in place of this ; Reuter, p. 248, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Procilia bonnyiy Centr. Africa, Distant, p. 474, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Psacasta transcaspica , Askhabad, Jakowleff, p. 311, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Rubiconia peltatay Amdo, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, p. 543, n. sp. Sandehana, n. g. (Phyllocephalince, near Basicryptus), for S. labiosay n. sp., Niam-Niam ; Distant, p. lix, CR. Ent. Belg. 1890. Schismatops gelei, Congo, Distant, p. lx, CR. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Stilida indecoray Stal, male characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 409, pi. xii, fig. 5. Taricha nitens , male characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 415, pi. xiv, fig. 28. Tesseratoma nigripes, p. 401, pi. xii, fig. 2, papillosa, fig. 3, malaya, fig. 1, p. 402, male characters described and figured ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1890. T. nemorivaga, p. 476, indicta, p. 477, Centr. Africa, Distant, P. Z. S. 1890, n. spp. Thyanta maculata figured, pi. xxx, fig. 21, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. Trichopepla dubia , Mexico, Distant, p. 333, pi. xxxi, fig. 14, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. COREIDiE, LYGiEIDiE^ ETC. Ins. 295 ^ Trochiscocoris, n. n. for Trochiscus , Jak. ; Reuter, p.249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Tropicoris illuminatus, China, Distant, Ent. xxiii, p. 159, n. sp. Urostylus pallescens , p. 545, musivus, p. 547, Ganssu, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Veterna mimica, Niajn-Niam, Distant, p. lv, CR. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. Zangis niamensis , Niam-Niam, Distant, p. lvii, CR. Ent. Belg. 1890, n. sp. CoRElDiE. Agraphopus mongolicus, Central Asia, Jakowleff, p. 237, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Alydus calcaratus var. hirsutus , Kol., = ( stratus , Motsch.) ; Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Haploprocta semenovi, Gobi, Jakowleff, p. 550, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Phyllomorpha algirica and lacerata distinctive characters ; Reuter, p. 249, Rov. d’Ent. ix. Protenor belfragei = ( Tetrarrhinus quebecensis, Prov.) ; Bergroth, Ent. Am. vi, p. 217. Syromastes potanini , China, Jakowleff, p. 551, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. LiYGJlIDiE and PYRRHOCORID2E. I* Anorthus, n. subg. of Nysius ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 190. A rocatus fasciatus, Transbaikal, Jakowleff, p.328, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Brachyplax palliata , Costa, = ( linearis , Scott) ; Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ' Hycanistellus , n. n., for Bycanistes, Stal, Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Dieuches armipes} Fab., = ( ragusce , Put.) ; Puton, p. 234, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Biomphalus annuliccrnis , Transbaikal, Jakowleff, p. 332, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Ernblethis parvus , p. 174, angustus , p. 175, Algeria, Montan don, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. spp. ^Esuridea, n. g., near Hyalochilus} Fieb., p. 260, for E. maculata, n. sp., Madeira, p. 261 ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Geocoris albipennis and ater , distinctive characters ; Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. G. turhestanicus , Turkestan, Jakowleff, p. 329, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; G. tuberculifrons, p. 554, variabilis, p. 555, Mongolia, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv : n. spp. Gonianotus barbarus, N. Africa, Montan don, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 178, n. sp. Heterogaster affinis, n. var. rubricatus ; Puton, p. 228, Rev. d’Ent. ix. 296 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Hyalocoris longicollis , Transcaspian region, Jakowleff, p. 332, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Lygceus belogolowi , China, Jakowleff, p. 327, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; L. teraphoides , Sze-tschuan, id. p. 552, t. c. : n. spp. Macropterna ornata , Transcaspian region, Jakowleff, p. 331, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Nysius : catalogue, tabulation, and synonymy of the palsearctic species ; Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. ix, pp. 185-191. N. stalianus, Europe and Mediterranean reg., &c., p. 189, N. ( Anorthus ) atlantidum , Azores, p. 190, Horvath, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. spp. Oxycarenus hyalinipennis , Costa, = ( Gymus cincticornis , Wlk.) ; Puton, p. 234, Rev. d’Ent. ix. vParesuris1 n.g. ( Letheearia ), for P. helmsi , n. sp., New Zealand ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 192. Piezoscelis punctata , Luc., = ( putoni , Reut.) ; Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Pyrrhocoris apterus , winged and intermediate forms noticed ; Loens, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 10. Scolopostethns abdominalis% Sze-tschuan, Jakowleff, p. 557, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Taphropeltus hamidatua , Th., = ( obscurior , Rey) ; Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. TingitiDjE and Auadidjs. Aradus nemtsckinowi , p.334, morio , p. 336, Amurland, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; A. abnormis, p. 730, candidatus , p. 732, Tenasserim, Bergroth, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii : n. spp. Artabanus athinsoni) p. 734, breviscutum, p. 735, Tenasserim, Bergroth, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Brachyrrhynchus triangulus , p. 736, feanus , p. 737, montanus , p. 738, Tenasserim, Bergroth, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. Monanthia platyoma, Fieb., characters noticed ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 250. M. cardui n. var. maderensis ; Reuter, p. 262, Rev. d’Ent. ix. M. ( Catoplatm ) fulvicomis , Askhabad, Jakowleff, p. 334, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Serenthia Iccta and femoralis , forms and characters noticed ; Reuter, p. 249, Rev. d’Ent. ix. V Odonia , n. g., for Aradus truncatus , Wlk. ; Bergroth, p. 733, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Capsids. Catalogue of the family, with references and localities ; Atkinson (19). A paper on N. American Capsidce, with descriptions of new species, in Tr. Maryland Ac. Sci. 1890, pp. 73-88, has not been seen by the Recorder. Cf. Ent. News, i, p. 113. CAPSIDS. Ins. 297 Agalliastes fulvicornis, Mongolia, Jakowleff, p.348, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Anapus longicornis , Jak., = ( Labops arenarius , Horv.) ; Reuter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Brachycoleus triangularis , Goeze, bimaculatus , Ramb., &c., synonymy noticed ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. JBrachytropis pilosa , Gentr. Asia, Jakowleff, p. 243, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Calocoris clavicornis , Ganssu, Jakowleff, p. 558, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Camptobrochis pallidus, Egypt, Reuter, p. 255, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. \l Campy lognathus , n. g., near Asciodema , p. 258, for C. nigrigenis , n. sp., Algeria, p. 259 ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Capsus ater , Irkutsk, p. 344, quadrimaculatus , Transcaucasus, p. 345, nebulosus , E. Siberia, p. 346, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. spp. Cytorrhinus parviceps , Egypt, Reuter, p. 258, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Merceocoris fiavilinea , Costa, redescribed ; Reuter, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 2. * Dimorphocoris , n. g., for a part of Labops ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 253. D. gracilis , Ramb., = ( Orthocephalus signatus , Fieb.) ; Reuter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Diplacus, Stal, to be replaced by Myrmecophyes, Fieb. ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Ethelastia, Reut., position near Phylus suggested ; Reuter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Jlalticus luteicollis , Panz., = (bicolor , Germ.); H. hcnschi and pusillus, distinctive characters ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Hyoidea horvathi , Algeria, Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 178, n. sp. Irbisia, Reut., systematic position noticed ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 253. Lcemocoris costce , Egypt, Reuter, p. 257, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. v'/ Lamprella , n. g., for Labops punctatipennis, Reut. ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 253. Lopus gothicus n. var. marginalis ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 29. Lygus fuscus, Egypt, Reuter, p. 255, Rev. d’Ent. ix ; L. monachus , N. America, Uhler, Fifth Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. p. 421 : n. spp. Macrocoleus ( Amblytylus ) lunula , Fieb., redescribed ; krueperi, n. var. described ; Reuter, p. 4, Nat. Sicil. x. M. ragusce , Sicily, Reuter, p. 3, Nat. Sicil. x, n. sp. / Megalocoleus , n. n. for Macrocoleus, Fieb. ; Reuter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Mimocoris coarctatus , M. & R., = ( Myrmecomimus pcederoides , Costa) ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Nasocoris platycranoides, Algeria, Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 179, n. sp. Orthocephalus proserpince, M. & R., = (coracinus, Fieb.) ; mutabilis , Fall., = (C. stygialis, M. & R.) ; Reuter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. 298 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. J * Pachytomella, n. n. for Pachytoma, Costa ; Reuter, p. 253, Rev. d’Ent. ix. P. passerinii, Costa, = (minor, Costa) ; Reuter, p. 254, t. c.. Piezocranum simulans and Orthocephalus punctatipennis , distinctive characters ; Reuter, p. 253, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Pithanus ragusce, Sicily, Reuter, Nat. Sicil. x, p. 1, n. sp. Plagiogncithus albipennis , Fall., = ( Phytocoris betuleti , Hahn) ; Reu- ter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Plagiorrhamma concolor , Caucasus, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 246, n. sp. ^ Platyporus, n. g., near Euryopocoris , p. 246, for P. dorsalis , Transcau- casus, p. 247 ; Reuter, Rev d’Ent. ix. Platypsallus , Sahib., characters and position noticed ; Reuter, 253, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Psallus ancorifer var. fuscinervis = ( puberylus , Mont.), limbatellus , Put., systematic characters noticed ; Reuter, p. 254, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ^ Saundersiella, n. n. for Saundersia , Reut. ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. J Schcenocoris , n. g., for Labops flavomarginatus, Costa; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 253. ^ Sartetellus , n. g., for Labops brcvipennis , Reut. ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 253. Systellonotus albofasciatus, Luc., = ( 'micelii , Fer.) ; unifasciatus , Fieb., = ( venustissimus , Costa) ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. S. putoni, Tunis, Reuter, p. 256, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Strongylocoris obscurus , Ramb., = ( Capsus obesus , M. & R., and Sti- phrosoma livida , Fieb.) ; Reuter, p. 253, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Tuponia brevicornis , Sarepta, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 248, n. sp. Anthocorim; and Saldid^e. Acanthia amcena, Reut., redescribed, p. 250 ; distinctions of A. salta- toria and pallipes, laticollis, Reut., and palusfris, D. & S., are varr. of the latter ; pilosella, Th., and arenicola , Scholz, characters of, p. 251 ; Reu- ter, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Ectemnus magnicornis , Tauria, Jakowleff, p. 344, Ilor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Leptopus assouanensis, Costa, = ( niloticus , Reut.) ; Puton, p. 234, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Microphysa abeillei , Hydros, Puton, p. 229, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Montandoniella dacica, Put., = ( Ectemnus magnicornis , Jak., supra) ; Reuter, p. 252, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Saida suturalis , Amurland, Jakowleff, p. 342, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv ; S. roborowskii , Central Asia, Jakowleff, p. 242, t. c. : n. spp. Reduyiid^:, Nabimj. Acanthonabis , n. subg. of Nabis\ Reuter, p. 305, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Alleeorrhynchus gussfeldtii , Stein, — puerilis, Stal ; Reuter, p. 291, Rev. d’Ent. ix. REDUVIID2E — HYDROCORISiE. Ins. 299 Arachnocoris , Scott, noticed as forming a subfamily ; Reuter, p. 292, Rev. d’Ent. ix. JCallistodema , u. n. for Callidema , Jak. ; Reuter, p. 250, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Centroscelicoris, systematic position of ; Reuter, p. 250, Rev. d’Ent. ix. C. przewalslcii , Centr. Asia, Jakowleff,p. 239, Hor. Ent. Ross.xxiv, n. sp. Coranus arenaceus, Wlk., characters of ; Puton, p. 235, Rev. d’Ent. ix. C. lativentris , Schansi, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, p. 559, n. sp, ^Ralonabis, n. subg. of Nabis ; Reuter, p. 304, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Harpactor analis , p. 340, flavolimbatus , p. 341, Transcaucasus, Jakow- leff, Hor. Ent. Ross.xxiv ; R. rubricoxa , Persia, Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. xii, p. 56 : n. spp. RJoplistoscelis , n. subg. of Nabis ; Reuter, p. 295, Rev. d’Ent. ix. ilasiomerus , n. subg. of Nabis ; Reuter, p. 305, Rev. d'Ent. ix. Mecistocoris , Reut., systematic position of ; Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 250. Nabis propinquus , Reut., = ( vicarius , Reut.), roseipennis , Reut., = ( punctipes , Reut.) ; Reuter, p. 308, Rev. d’Ent. ix. N. punctatissimus, Centr. Asia, Jakowleff, p. 240, Hor. Ent. Ross. Xxiv ; N. ( Aptus ) maracandicus, p. 302, curvipennella , Turkestan, hotten- totta , Caffraria, p. 303, N. {Acanthonabis) spinicrus , Brazil, p. 305, N. per- similis, Biskra, p. 308, Reuter, Rev. d’Ent. ix : n. spp. Nagusta simonis , Cairo, Puton, p. 228, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Oncocephalus jakowlejfi, Armenia, Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 56, n. sp. Opsicoetus tenuicornis , Transcaspian region, Jakowleff, p. 338, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Phorticus parvulus, Marocco, Reuter, p. 290, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Polytoxus , Spin., to be used in place of Acanthothorax , Costa ; Reuter, p. 250, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Prostemma krueperi, Stein, macropterous form described ; Reuter, p. 289, Rev. d’Ent. ix. P.jiavum , characters of ; Reuter, p. 291, Rev. d’Ent. ix. P. lugubris , Amurland, Jakowleff, p. 338, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Beduvius yambuyas , Centr. Africa, Distant, p. 478, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. Santosia luteola, Centr. Africa, Distant, p. 478, P. Z. S. 1890, n. sp. * Scelotrichia, n. subg. of Prostemma ; Reuter, p. 291, Rev. d’Ent. ix. J Stenonabis, n. subg. of Nabis ; Reuter, p. 306, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Hydrometkid^e. Aepopliilus bonnairii , habits ; Keys, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 247. Gerris cegyptiaca , Suez, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 228, n. sp. Rydrometra jankowshiiy E. Siberia, Jakowleff, p.337, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv, n. sp. Hydrocoris^e. Corixa atomaria , n. var. conglomerata ; Rey, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 29. G. infuscata , Portugal, Rey, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 30 ; C. algirica, Oran, Puton, p. 230, Rev. d’Ent. ix : n. spp. 300 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Notonecta glauca , embryology ; P^daschenco (598). v Ochthera , n. n., in place of Pelogonus , Reut., = Octherus, auct ; Berg- ROTH, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890, p. lxvi. Sigara distans , France, Key, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 31, n. sp. HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA. [ Qf. Asiimead (16), Buckton (99), Distant (171, 172, 173, 174), Duzee (203, 204, 205, 206), Edwards (724), Fallou (240), Hansen (350), Karsch (409, 410, 411), Letiiierry (483), Maskell (511), Provancher (620), Puton (624), Riley (588), Woodworth (927), also Aphidid^e and Coccid^e.] New genera and species are described by Uiiler in a paper in the Tr. Maryland Ac. Sci. 1888-1889, not seen by the Recorder. Cf. Ent. News, i, p. 61. Synonymical list of Homopterci described by Say, Harris, and Fitch ; Duzee, Psycho, v, pp. 387-391. Structural characters in antennae, legs, spiracles, &c., described, and classification of the early groups discussed; Hansen, Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 19-76, pis. i & ii. Fossil 1 lomoptera ; Scudder (754, 757, 759). ClCADIDiE. A ngamiana, n. g., near Polyneura , p. 234, for A. cetherea, n. sp., Naga Hills, p. 235 ; Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) v. Callipsaltria nigra, Cape Good Hope, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 115, n. sp. Cicada septendecim , notes on in 1889 ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 230. C. leechi , sinensis, China, Distant, Ent. xxiii, p. 90, n. spp. Karenia ccdatata, China, Distant, Ent. xxiii, p. 91, n. sp. ^ Lacetas , n. g. ( Tibicenince j, for L. annulicornis, n. sp., Accra ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 113. v/ Ligymolpa , n. g. ( Tibicenince ), for L. madegassa , n. sp., Madagascar ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 122. Malagasia , Dist., = ( Epora , Stal) ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 122. M. distanti , Madagascar, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 123, n. sp. Melampsalta tunisiaca, Tunis, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 125, n. sp. ^ Musoda , n. g. ( Tibicenince ), for M. Jtavida, n. sp., W. Africa ; Karsch, p. 128, B. E. Z. xxxv. ''Paectira, n. g., p. 127 ( Tibicenince ), forP. dulcis , n. sp., Zanzibar, p. 128 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv. Perissoneura paradoxa, Port Moresby, p. 191, acutipennis , Thursday I. p. 192, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, n. spp. Platypleura : Pycna , Am., Oxypleura , Am., Pcecilopsaltria, Stal, merged in this ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 87 ; the African species monographed, pp. 88-105. CJCADIDjE, FULGORIDiE. Ins . 301 Platypleura antiopa , Madagascar, p. 88, membranacea , C. Good Hope, horizontalis , p. 92, clypealis , p. 93, confusa , p. 95, limbalis , p. 96, limpida , p. 97, Trop. Africa, rudis, Madagascar, laticeps , Senegal, p. 98, Asrfu, Trausvaal, p. 100, bornbifrons , Zanzibar, p. 102, radiata , virescens , p. 104, plagiata , p. 105, Trop. Africa, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, n. spp. Quintilia , note on its composition, with classification and notes on species ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 116-121. Q. vitripcnnis, conspersa, p. 1 1 8, frontalis, p. 119, S. Africa, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, n. spp. Stagira segmentaria , Caffraria, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 127, n. sp. * Talainga, n. g., near Gcnana , p. 166, for T. binghami , n. sp., Burma, p. 167 ; Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) v. Tibicenince , classification and tabulation of the African genera of ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxv, pp. 108-112. Tympanoterpes gigas recorded from Madagascar, p. 107, and figured, pi. iv, fig. 12 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv. FulgoridjE. / Anecphora, n. g. ( Fulgorince , near Aphana ), for A. aurantiaca, n. sp., Sierra Leone ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 63. Aphana basiflava , Congo, Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 62, pi. ii, fig. 5, n. sp. Arceopus conspersinervis , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 151, n. sp. Asiraca insignicornis , Venezuela, Lethierry, p. 150, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. f Aulop horus, n. g. ( Flatince ), for A. canaliculo.tus, n. sp., Delagoa Bay ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 69. J Conoprosthius, n. g. ( Flatince ), p. 68, for C. limbipunctatus , n. sp., Trop. Africa, p. 69 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv. Conosimus ochaninei , Turkestan, Puton, p. 232, JEtev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Cyarda granulata, Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 150, n. sp. Dascalia lurula , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 148, n. sp. Delphax bifasciata , Canada, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. p. 337 ; D. niaidis, Florida, Ashmead, Psyche, v, p. 323 : n. spp. 4 Dichoneura, n. g., near Delphax , p. 151, for D. simoni , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 152 ; Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Dictyophora anatina, Algeria, Puton, p. 231, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. \J Euryprosthius , n. g. (Flatince, near Ormenes ), for E. latifrons , n. sp., Madagascar ; Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 67. Flata crassivenosa, pi. ii, fig. 7, nigritarsis , Trop. Africa, Karscii, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 65, n. spp. j Frutis sinensis, N. China, Distant, Ent. xxiii, p. 160, n. sp. Ilyalesthes basalts, Venezuela, Lethierry, p. 149, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. 302 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Hysteropterum apterum , Fab., = ( limbatum, Costa) ; Puton, p. 234, Rev. d’Ent. ix. H. corniculatum , Herzegovina, Puton, p. 232, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Issus ovifrons , Derbent, p. 232, jahowleffi , Shabrud, p. 233, Puton, Rev. d’Ent. ix ; I. longulus , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 149 : n. spp. Ityrcea wissmanni , Centr. Africa, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 65, pi. ii, fig. 6, n. sp. Latois bicoloripes , Madagascar, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 68, n. sp. s/ Metoponitys , n. g. ( Fury hr achy dince, near Olonia), p. 59, for M. morgeni , p. 60, rudimentarius , p. 61, pi. ii, fig. 3, n. spp., Trop. Africa ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv. ^ Paranoias , n. g. (Fla time), for P. trivirgatus , n. sp., Trop. Africa ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 66. V Paropioxys , n. g. ( Eurybrachy dince , near Loxocephala} Schaum), p. 57, for P. opulentus , pi. ii, fig. 2, sublimis , fig. 1, p. 58 , fortunutus, p. 59, Trop. Africa, n. spp. ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv. ^ Phcedolus, n. g. ( Flatince ), p. 67, for P. quadripunctatus , n. sp., Mada- gascar, p. 68 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv. Phantia viridula and viridipennis , distinctive characters ; Puton, p. 230, Rev. d’Ent. ix. Pintalia discoidalis , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 148, n. sp. Pyrops clavaticeps , Loango, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxv, p. 62, pi. ii, fig. 4, n. sp. Ricania vitripennis , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 147, n. sp. Cercopimj. Aphrophora cribrata, Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 152, n. sp. Tomaspis equestris , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 152, n. sp. MEMBRACID2E. Acatalis fiaviventris , retrofasciata, Venezuela, Lethierry, p. 154, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Carynota , Fitch, its validity asserted ; Duzee, Psyche, v, p. 391. Gyphonia furcispina , Venezuela, Lethierry, p. 155, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Ennya rufo-maculata , Ecuador, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 353, n. sp. Gargara davidi , Pekin, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 354, n. sp. Heliria gounellei , Bahia, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 354, n. sp. Heteronotus trinodosus , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 154, n. sp. MEMBRACULE, JASSIDiE. Ins. 303 Hyphinoe marginalis, Guatemala, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 353, n. sp. Nicomia inermis , retrospinosa, Venezuela, Lethierry, p. 155, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Oxygonia fasciata , Ecuador, Fallou, p. 353, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. sp. Sphongophorus brunneus , Brazil, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, p. 354, n. sp. Tolania cristata , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 155, n. sp. Jassid^c. Notes on the habits and ravages of various species in N. America ; Osborn, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxii, pp. 20-32. Agallia limbata , Fieb., = ( dimorpha , Low) ; Puton, p. 234, Rev. d’Ent. ix. A. oculata , California, van Duzee, Ent., p. 38 ; A. major , Vene- zuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 156 : n. spp. Allygus inscriptus, California, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi, p. 92, n. sp. Athysanus striatulus , Fall, ? described ; van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi, p. 134, woodcut. Bythoscopus pruni, Canada, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. p. 290, n. sp. ? ; B. distinctus , p. 225, cognatus , p. 226, N. America, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi : n. spp. Deltocephalus chlamidatus , superbus , Canada, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. p. 339 ; D. coquilletti , p. 95, minutus , p. 96, California, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi : n. spp. Erythroneura mali, Canada, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. p. 298, n. sp. Gypona bipunctulata , p. 30, nigra , albimarginata , p. 31, bimaculata, p. 32, Illinois, Woodworth, Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, n. spp. Idiocerus nubilus , England, Buckton, Mon. Brit. Cic. p. 118, pi. xxxv, fig. 4 ; I. cratcegi, Canada, Duzee, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 110 : n. spp. Jassus lactipennis , California, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi, p. 49, n. sp. Macropsis pubipennis, Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 156, n. sp. Monecphora limbata , Mexico, m.arginata , Madagascar, rujicollis , rufo- maculata , Ecuador, p. 351, rugosa; Madagascar, p. 352, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. spp. Pediopsis nubila, California, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi, p. 37 ; P. tristis , Iowa, Duzee, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 249 : n. spp. Platymetopius frontalis, N. America, Duzee, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 112 ; P. elegans , California, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi, p. 94 : n. spp. Scaphoideus scalaris, California, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi, p. 51, n. sp. Sphenorhina sipolisi , Brazil, bicolor, New Britain, p. 352, humeralis, Madagascar, p. 353, Fallou, Rev. d’Ent. ix, n. spp. Tettigonia similis , Illinois, Woodworth, Bull. Illin. Lal^. N. H. iii, p. 25 ; T. atrovirens, p. 157, novemnotata , injlatoseta , Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x : n. spp. 304 Ins . RHYNCHOTA. Thamnotettix lurida , Iowa, van Duzee, Canad. Ent. xxii, p.250 ; T. atro- punctata , p. 91, limbata , p. 92, California, T.fitchii , New Jersey, p. 133, T. suborned , coquilletti , p. 77, geminata, p. 79, jlavocapitata , p. 80, Cali- fornia, van Duzee, Ent. Am. vi ; T. alter ninervis^ Venezuela, Lethierry, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 160 : n. spp. Typhlonyba unica, Canada, Provancher, Faune Can. Hem. p. 340, n. sp. PsYLLIDiE. Fossil Psyllidce ; Scudder (754). Dirapkia quadricomis} p. 306, sanguined , p. 307, Canada, Provanciier, Faune Can. Hem., n. spp. Livia saltatrix , bifasciata , Canada, Provanciier, Faune Can. Hem., p. 307, n. spp. Pachypsylla celtidis-vesicidum, celtidis-astericus , p. 618, celtidis-umbilicus , p. 619, celtidispubescens , p. 620, celtidis- globulus, celtidis-cucurbita, p. 621, N. America, Riley, in 5th Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm., n. spp. Psylla recticeps, Canada, Provanciier, Faune Can. Hem. p. 305, n. sp. Rkinocola eucalypti , p. 160, pi. x, figs. 3-16, fuchsice , p. 162, pi. xii, figs. 13-25, New Zealand, Mask ell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, n. spp. Trioza pellucida , p. 164, pi. xi, panada , p. 167, pi. xii, figs. 1-12, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, n. spp. Aphidid^]. [ Cf \ Cholodkovsky (129, 130), Eckstein (210), Krarsilstchik (448), Smith (797), Smith (817), Weed (897), Westwood (908).] Notes on the minute structure of antennae, &c. ; Smith, Psyche, v, pp. 409-414, woodcuts. Aphididce infested by Bacilli ; Krassilstchik (448). Fossil Aphididce ; Scudder (754). Aphis dianthi , excessive abundance near Manchester ; Cameron, Mem. Manch. Soc. (4) ii, p. 9. A. persicceniger , N. America, Smith, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 101 & 201, n. sp. Chermes, biological notes on; Cholodkovsky (129, 130). C. abietis, pp. 392-399, strobilobius — ( coccineus , Ratz. part., = lapponicus , Choi.), pp. 399-407, coccineus, Ratz. part., pp. 408-412, sibiricus, pp. 413-419, life-histories, cycles and migrations ; Cholodkovsky, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxiv. C. strobilobius , viridis , geniculatus , corticalis, notes on life- histories of ; Eckstein, Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 86-90. C. sibiricus, Cholodkovsky, Rev. Sci. Nat. Pet. i, p. 310, n. sp. ? [c/. Zool. Rec. xxvi, Ins. p. 298]. Lachnus strobi, dentatus , pisni, forms of, described, pp. 116-118, figured pis. vi & vii ; Weed, Bull. Ohio Exp. Stat. Tech. ser. i. Melanoxanthus salicti , forms described and figured, pp. 113 & 114, pi. iv, figs. 1-4, salicis, p. 115, pi. v, figs. 1-3 ; Weed, Bull. Ohio Exp. Stat. Tech. ser. i. APHIDIDJ3 — COCCIDiE. Ins. 305 Myzus cerasi , L., forms of, described and figured ; Weed, pp. 111-113, pi. iii, figs. 1-5, Bull. Ohio Exp. Stat. Tech. ser. i. Pemphigus alni , Canada, Provanciier, Faune Can. Hem. p. 320, n. sp. Schizoneura corni , observations on, concluding that it, S. venusta , Pass., panicola , Thos., Eriosoma fungicola and cornicola , Walsh, are all one species ; Osborn, pp. 32-40, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxii. Siphonophora avence, Fab., notes on it and its parasites ; Webster, pp. 64-72, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxii, and Riley, Rep. 1889, pp. 348-355, pis. i & vi. S. artocarpi , Ceylon, Westwood, Tr. E. Soc. 1890, p. 649, pi. xxi, n. sp. Aleurodidjj, Coccidje. [ Cf Douglas (183), Hudson (388), Koebele (436), Masicell (512, 513, 514, 515), Morgan (556), Riley & Howard (696), Targioni- Tozzetti & Franceschini (844), Ward (878).] Note on habits of Coccidce ; Maskell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 277. Fossil Coccidce ; Scudder (754). Aleurodes sacchari , Fiji Is., p. 171, pi. xiii, figs. 1-10, papillifer , figs. 11-17, asplenii , figs. 18-20, p. 173, melicyti , fig. 21-24, p. 174, fagi} figs. 25 & 26, simplex , fig. 27, p. 175, New Zealand, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, n. spp. Aspuliotus aurantii , rossi, &c., noticed ; Koebele, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxi, pp. 10 & 11. Chionaspis dysoxyli} food plants and apterous male noticed j Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. Coelostoma australe , Sydney, Maskell, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) v, p. 280, pi. xv ; C. assimile , New Zealand, Maskell, p. 153, pi. ix, figs. 19-24, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii : n. spp. / Crossotosoma , n. g., for C. cegyptiacum, Alexandria, n. sp. ; Douglas, p. 79, Ent. M. M. (2) i. Crossotosoma is not distinct from Icerya ; Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, iii, p. 97. \) Cryptococcus) n. g., next Xylococcus for Coccus fagi , Baer. ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 155. Biaspis , synonymical and biological notes on D. ostreceformis and other species ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 42-44. D. pentagona described and figured ; Targioni-Tozzetti & Franceschini, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxi, pp. 58-66, pi. i. B. zamice , on Zamia villosa} in a conservatory at Oporto ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 44, n. sp. Bactylopius ephedrccf California, Coquillett, Wost Am. Scientist, vii, p. 43 ; B. cocotis , Fiji Is., p. 149, pi. iv, fig. 16-24, arecce , pi. viii, figs. 1-6, aurilanatus , p. 151, figs. 7-18, ohtectus , p. 152, pi. vi, figs. 12-21, New Zea- land, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii : n. spp. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] p 20 306 Ins. RHYNCHOTA. Eriococcus raithbyi , New Zealand, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 145, pi. ix, figs. 1-18, n. sp. Gossyparia and Eriococcus , generic distinctions discussed ; Maskell, p. 146, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. G. cavellii , New Zealand, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 147, pi. vii, figs. 13-22, n. sp. Icerya, monograph of ; Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, iii, pp. 92-106. I. purchasi , observations on, in Australia ; Koebele (436) : in Tas- mania, association with ants and destruction by Goccinella , sp. ; Hudson, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 176 : destruction of in Zew Zealand ; Maskell, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 17. I. ros(cf Florida, p. 93, montserratensis , W. India, pp. 99-101, palmeriy Mexico, p. 104, Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, iii, n. spp. Lecanium fuscum , descriptive note ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 318. L. robiniarvuiiy Hungary, Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 318 ; L. chiri- molice, Fiji Is,, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, p. 137, pi. iv, figs. 5-15 : n. spp. Monophlcebus cravfiordi noticed and figured ; Koebele (436), pp. 20 & 21. Mytilaspis linearis , p. 226, buxi , pinnceformis, p. 229, ficus , p. 230, descriptive and synonymical notes on ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. (2) i. M. grisea , p. 133, pi. iv, fig. 1, pallens , p. 134, figs. 2-4 ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, n. spp. Pseudococcus aceris , adult $ described; Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 153. P. quercus on Quercus robur at Hereford ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 154 ; P. yucccey California, Coquillett, West Am. Scientist, vii, p. 44 : n. spp. . Pulvinaria ribesice, notes on, with description of ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 238. Rhizococcus totarce, p. 142, pi. vi, figs. 1-11, pulchellus , p. 143, pi. vii, figs. 1-5, macidatus, p. 144, pi. vii, figs. 6-12, New Zealand, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxii, n. spp. ^ Solenophora, n. g., Acanthococcidcc , for S. fagi , pi. v, figs. 1-18, p. 139 ; corokiaiy p. 141, pi. v, figs. 19-24, n. spp., New Zealand ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. Ins. 307 (F). neuroptera. Closure of the tracheal system in the early stages discussed ; Dewitz (166, 167). Trichoptera. [Cf. KlapAlek (433, 434), Morton (557), Scudder (754), Wallen- gren (874), Wood-Mason (926).] Wallengren’s classification and synonymy of Scandinavian Trichoptera noticed ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 212-214. Fossil Trichoptera ; Scudder (754). Bercea maurus , metamorphoses ; Morton, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 231, woodcuts. Berceodes minuta , L., metamorphoses ; Morton, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 233, woodcuts. Hydroptila maclachlaniy Bohemia, KlapAlek, p. 177, SB. Ak. Wien, 1890, n. sp. Tinodes wameri and aureola , metamorphoses ; Morton, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 38-42, woodcuts. Molanna angustata , larva and case ; Morton, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 128— 131, woodcuts. Notanatolica vivipara , E. India (a viviparous species) ; Wood-Mason, Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 139-141, woodcut, n. sp. Odontocerum albicorne} metamorphoses ; Morton, Ent. M. M. (2) i, pp. 181-184, woodcuts. Oxyetliira costalis, Curt., metamorphoses ; KlapAlek, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, pp. 204-208, pi. ix. O.frici , Bohemia, KlapAlek, p. 182, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, n. sp. Phryganea flavilatera) L., and other Linnsean names discussed ; Wallen- gren, Ent. Tidskr. xi, pp. 10-17. Neuroptera-Planipennia. New fossil forms ; Scudder (754). PSEUDO-NEUROPTERA. Thysanura and Collembola. [Cf. Casey (122), Fernald (253), Grassi & Rovelli (324), Moniez (548, 549), Oudemans (586), Uzel (857).] 308 Ins. NEUROPTERA. Classification of the Thysanura proper, adopting two groups, Ento- trophi and Ectotrophi , and four families, Campodeadce , Japygidce , Machil- idce , Lepismatidce ; Grassi & Rovelli (324). Note on the habits of marine Thysanura ; Moniez (549). Fossil Thysanura ; Scudder (754). Achorutes socialis , p. 69, sigillatus , p. 70, Bohemia, Uzel, SB. Bohm. G$s. 1890 ; A. crassus,^ Sumatra, Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i, p. 90 : n. spp. Anura forth; Java, Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i, p. 91, n. sp. Anurida maritima , anatomy of ; Fernald (253). Cyphodeirus albinos, habits ; Moniez, Rev. Biol, iii, p. 64. Entomobry a dorsalis, p. 60, pi. i, fig. 6, puncteola, p. 61, pi. i, fig. 5, Bohemia, Uzel, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890 ; E.Jlorensis , Flores, p. 86, pi. vii, fig. 15, longicornis , Java, fig. 14, p. 87, Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i : n. spp. Gastrotheus , n. g., indicating a new family of Thysanura , with G. termitarius for type ; Casey, p. 503, Ann. N. York Ac. v. Isotoma pulchella, Croisic, Moniez, Rev. Biol, ii, p, 431 ; I. palliceps, pi. ii, figs. 1-3, voraginum, Bohemia, Uzel, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, p. 65 : n. spp. Japyx indicus , Malay Arch., Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i, p. 77, pi. vi, figs. 3-5, n. sp. J Lepidocampa, n. g. ( Campodeidce ), for L. weberi , n. sp., Malay Arch. ; Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i, p. 76, pi. vii, figs. 6-13. Lepidocyrtus neglectus , Croisic, Moniez, Rev. Biol, ii, p. 430 ; L . para- doxus, p. 50, fucatus, p. 52, Bohemia, Uzel, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890; L. variabilis, p. 84, javanicus , p. 85, Java, Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i : n. spp. Lepisma sacxharina , anatomy of; Fernald (253). L. aurea , Duf., note on ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 300. L. cincta, p. 80, pi. vi, fig. 1, nigra, p. 82, pi. vi, fig. 2, Java, Oude- mans, in Weber Ergeb. i, n. spp. Lipura tuberculata , France, Moniez, Rev. Biol, iii, pp. 66 & 67, n. sp. Macrotoma montana , Sumatra, Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i, p. 84, n. sp. Orchesella alticola , Bohemia, Uzel, p. 45, pi. i, fig. 4, SB. Bohm. Ges., n. sp. Sira trouessarti , Croisic, Moniez, Rev. Biol, ii, p. 429 ; S. annulicornis , Java, p. 87, sumatrana , Sumatra, p. 88, Oudemans, in Weber Ergeb. i : n. spp. Smynthurus aquaticus , notes on ; Browne, J. Quek. Club (2) iv, pp. 62- 64, pi. v. S. rex, pi. i, fig. 2, frontalis , fig. 3, p. 37, Bohemia, Uzel, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, n. spp. - Thermobia , n. n. for Thermophila, Gr. ; Lepisma domestica, Pack. , re- ferred to it ; Bergroth, Ent. Am. vi, p. 233. MALLOPHAGA. Ins. 309 Thermophila furnorum , Rov., note on its characters ; Oudemans, Nat. Sicil. ix, pp. 253-255. Xenylla longispina , Bohemia, Uzel, p, 71, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, n. sp. Mallophaga. [Cf. Bezzi (53), Piaget (604, 605).] Mallophaga adhering to a fly parasitic on birds ; Sharp, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xxx. Colpoccphalum temporale on Macroglossus aterrimus , p. 252, pi. x, fig. 6 ; pungens on Calorais panaycnsis , p. 253, fig. 7 ; patellatum on Numenius arquatus, p. 254, fig. 8 ; ciliatum on Tetraogallus cuvieri, p. 256, fig. 9 ; nanum on Larus canus , p. 257, fig. 10 ; pachypus on Prionites brasiliensis , p. 258, fig. 11 ; Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. Docophorus piageti = ( bisignatus , Piag., nec N. & G.), on Ara macao, Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, pp. 33-36 ; D. duplicatus on Ceryla rudis, p. 223, pi. viii, fig. 1 ; paraboliceps on Menura lyra , p. 224, fig. 2 ; hamato- fasciatus on Penelopides manilla, p. 225, fig. 3; Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii : n. spp. Goniocotes haplogonus , Nitzch, figured, pi. ix, fig. 1, described p. 236 ; Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii. G. pallidiflavus on MegacepJialum maleo , Piaget, p. 235, pi. viii, fig. 11, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. sp. Goniodc8 suborbiculatus on Goura victoria j, Piaget, p. 237, pi. ix, fig. 2, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. sp. Lipcurus porrectm on Buceros bicomis , p. 239, pi. ix, fig. 3 ; latifasciatus on Megapodium freycineti} p. 240, fig. 4 ; tsade on Megacephalum calao, p. 241, fig. 5 ; breviceps on Diomedea exulans , p. 243, fig. 6 ; gracilentus on Ibis rubra) p. 244, fig. 7 ; saturatior on Tochus erythrorhynchus , p. 246, pi. x, fig. 1 ; unguiculatus on Herodias novce hollandice , p. 247, fig. 2, Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. Menopon affine on Diomedea exulans , p. 248, pi. x, fig. 3 ; circinalum on Stercorarius pomarinus, p. 249, fig. iv ; popellus on Podoa senegalensist p. 251, fig. 5 ; Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. Nirmus assimilis on JEgialitis asiatica in Norfolk, Piaget, P. E. Soc. 1890, p. xxiii ; N. albescens on Sarcorhamphus gryphus, p. 226, pi. viii, fig. 4 ; trinoton on Macrocercus macaof p. 227, fig. 5 ; temporalis on Buceros manillensis , p. 228, fig. 6 ; immaculatus on CEdicnemus crepitans , p. 230, fig. 7 ; semicingulatus on Strepsilas collar is, p. 231, fig. 8 ; casta - neus on Sula piscatrix, p. 232, fig. 9; Piaget, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii : n. spp. Nitzchia pulicare, its period of development ; Osborn, Ins. Life, iii, p. 115. Oncophorus turbinatus on Mycteria senegalensis) Piaget, p. 233, pi. viii, fig. 10, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, n. spp. Trichodectes sp. found on Erinaceus europceus ; Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxii, p. 36. 810 Ins. NEUROPTERA. Termitid2e, Embiidj;, Thysanoptera. Thysanoptera^ structure of the head and mouth ; Garman, Canad. Ent. xxii, p. 215. Termites of Panama ; Dudley (191). Embia , systematic position discussed ; Grassi (323). PsOCIDjE. [Cf. Loens (487, 488, 489), MacLachlan (503).] Dimorphism in females of several genera and species noticed ; Loens, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 11. Fossil Psocidce ; Scudder (754). Amphigerontia , note on characters of ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 288. Elipsocus consimilis , England, MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 269, n. sp. Psocus quadrimaculatus, Latr., = ( mbnebulosas , Steph.) ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. (2) i, p. 287. P. sexpunctatus , albinism in ; Loens, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 49. Psyllipsocus ramburii , injurious in houses ; Bertkau, Verh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvii, p. 64. Fossil Ephemeridce ; Scudder (754). Hexagenia albivitta , Wlk., bilineata , Say, limbata , Piet., notes on ; Hagen, S. E. Z. li, pp. 11-13. Prosopistoma foliaceum) anatomy of larva, with some notes on P. varie- gatum ; Yayssi£:re (858). Odonata. [Cf. Calvert (107), Hagen (339, 340, 341, 342), Karsch (412, 413, 414), Kirby (428, 430), Rodzianko (708), Selys (768, 769).] Synonymic catalogue of Odonata ; Kirby (428). Catalogue of the Sumatran Odonata , with remarks on characters, descriptions of some imperfectly known species, and other observations ; Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, pp. 444, &c. Notes on the oviposition of some species of Libellula and Platythemis ; Beutenmuller, Ent. Am. vi, pp. 165 & 166. Notes on swarms of Libellula quadrimaculata ] Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. xviii-xxii. Fossil Odonata ; Scudder (754). The paper recorded, Zool. Rec. xxvi, Ins. Titles 91, Borre, alphabetical list of specific names of Libellulince appeared in M6m. Li6ge, xvi, Mem. 4. Acanthagyna) n. n., to replace Gynacantha) Selys, nee Ramb. ; Kirby, Cat. p. 94. ODONATA. Ins. 311 sEschna sitchensis , septentrionaMs, redescribed ; Hagen, Psyche, v, pp. 353 & 354. sEshna, sEschna, Gomphus , synonymical discussion ; Gomphus to be retained ; Selys, p. clxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Agrion to be used for Calopteryx , auct. ; Kirby, Cat. p. 96. Aino, n. g.t == (Na?mophya, Kirby, nec Ramb.), for A.pnella , n. sp., Malay Arch. ? ; Kirby, Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 113. Amphicnemis ecormcta, Sumatra, Seta’s, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 482, n. sp. Anax , characters and synonymy of the N. American species ; Hagen, Psyche, v, pp. 303-307. I'Archibasis, n. n., to replace Stenobasis , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 150. \j Caconeura „ n. n., to replace Alloneura , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 134. / Ccenoneura , n. n., to replace Neoneura , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 136. Calopteryx , notes on the species of ; Selys, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890, pp. cxvi-cxviii. Celithemis , notes on the N. American species ; Hagen, Psyche, v, pp. 383 & 384. iCceliccia , n. n., to replace Trichocnemis , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 128. JCeenagrion , n. n., to replace Agrion (Fab.), Leach, Kirby, Cat. p. 148, but the name to be suppressed ; Selys, p. clxii, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. i JCopera , n. n., to replace Psilocnemis, Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 129. Cordulia lintneri redescribed, appendages figured ; Hagen, p. 371, pi. i, figs. 10-17. ^Devadatta, n. n., to replace Tetraneura, Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 111. Diastatomma to be used in place of Longchampia) Kirby ; Selys, p. clxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Diplax rubicundula , madida, Jlavicosta, redescribed ; Hagen, pp. 385 & 386, Psyche, v. i Epitheca walshii} $ described ; Calvert, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 33. E. yamaskanensis and obsoletaf described and distinguished ; Hagen, pp. 367-371, Psyche, v. Gomphides : notes on the classification, with tabular characters of the genera, and some species of Africa and Madagascar ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 370 & 382. Gomphus , Leach, auct., to be called AEshna ; Kirby, Cat. p. 64. Lepthemis graviday N. America, Calvert, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 35, n. sp. Leucorhinia hudsonica , Sel., = ( hageni , Calvert) ; Calvert, Ent. News, i, p. 73. L. frigida) borealis , p. 231, glacialis , p. 234, N. America, Hagen, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii ; L. hageni , Nova Scotia, p. 36, proxima (Hagen), p. 38, N. America, Calvert, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii : n. spp. Libellula incesta redescribed ; Hagen, p. 384, Psyche, v : $ described ; Calvert, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvii, p. 34. Lindenia to be used instead of Vanderia} Kirby ; Selys, p. clxi, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. 312 Ins . NEUROPTERA. ^ Longchampia , n. n., to replace Diastatomma, Barm. ; Kirby, Cat. p. 76. Mecistogaster lucretia , Dr., and marchali , Ramb., synonymical note ; Selys, pp. cxix and clxiv, C.R. Ent. Belg. 1890. Micrathyria hemimelcena , Sarayacu, Karscii, S. E. Z. li, p. 296, n. sp. VMicrodiplax, n. subg. of Brachydiplax , p. 457, for M. delicatula , n. sp.{ Sumatra, p. 459 ; Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. * Micronympha , n. n., to replace Ischnura , Charp. ; Kirby, p. 140. / Neurogomphus , n. g., for A", fuscifrons , n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 380. ^ Oligoceschna, Selys, n. subg., AEshnince, p. 470, for 0. modiglianii , n. sp., Nias I., p. 471 ; Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. Onychogomphus lacustris , Tanganyika, p. 377, madegassus, Madagascar, abnormis , Cameroons, p. 378, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, n. spp. JPentathemis, n. g. ( Corduliince ), p. 33, for P. membranulata , n. sp., Torres Straits, p. 34, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. ^Philoganga, n. n., to replace Anisoneura , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 111. ^ Podogomphus, n. g., for P. spinosus , n. sp., W. Africa ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 381. M Pseudophcea , n. n., to replace Euphcea , Ramb. ; Kirby, Cat. p. 109. Phyothemis fulgens , p. 450, curiosa , p. 451, Sumatra, Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, n. spp. ^ Steropoides , n. n., for Sterope , Heer ; Kirby, Cat. p. 176. I Teinobasis , n. n., to replace Telebasis , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 157. Thermochoria , Kirby, characters of ; Karsch, S. E. Z. li, p. 295. ^ TJmma , n. n., to replace C7m, Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 100. ^ Vanderia , n. n., to replace Lindenia , Selys ; Kirby, Cat. p. 78. ^ ZonothrasySf n. g., near Sympetrum , Newm., for Z, partitus , n. sp. ; Benud j Karscii, p. 297, S. E. Z. li. d Zorcena) n. n., to replace Thecaphora , Selys; Kirby, Cat. p. 79. Zyxomma atlanticum) W. Africa, Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii, p. 449>, n. sp. Ins. 313 (g.) OBTEOPTEEA. * [Cy. Bolivar (70, 71, 72), Brongniart (91, 93), Brunner (97), Conte- jean (141, 142), Costa (147), Cotes (150, 151), Finot (258), Goding (315), Haase (338), Haij (344), Henneguy(355), Jammes (406), Karsch (415, 416, 417, 418), Kirby (429), Krauss (449, 450, 451), Kunckel (461, 462), Lameere (469), Minchin (543), Pantel (596), Rodzianko (708), Sabatier (717), Sajo (718),Scudder (754, 756, 757, 761), Tepper (847), Yiallanes (867), Yosseler (869), Wasmann (883), Wheeler (912, 913), Wood-Mason (924, 925).] New family of fossil Orthoptera , see Brongniart (91), and Palaeoento- mology, p. 92. FORFICULIDiE. Bibliographic revision of names of genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 558 & 559. Fossil Forficulidce ; Scudder (754). The stink-glands of Forficulidce described ; Yosseler (869). BLATTID2E. Bibliographic revision of the names of genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 560-563.. Fossil Blattidce ; Scudder (754, 756, 757). Blatta sp., parts of the mouth in ; Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash. p. 216. B. germanica , dorsal gland of ; Minchin (543). Derocalymma brunneriana} C. Good Hope, Costa, Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) iv, p. 174, n. sp. Homalopteryx capucina , $ described ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. 137. Ochrophlebia ? savignyi , Egypt, Krauss, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 26 1-; figured in Savigny Descr. de l’Egypte Orthop. pi. vi, fig. 15s : n. sp. Panchlora brazzee , Congo, Bolivar, p. 303, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Periplaneta orientalis and americana, dorsal gland of ; Minchin (543). P. savignyi , Egypt. Krauss, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 242, figured in Savigny Descr. de l’Egypte Orthop. pi. i, fig. 13, n. sp. Phyllodromia germanica in N. America ; Riley, Ins. Life, ii, p. 267. Stilopyga nitida , Philippines, Bolivar, p. 302, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. 314 Ins . ORTHOPTERA. Temnopteryx dimidiatipes , Philippines, p. 300, pi. i, fig. 1, brachyptera, N. Africa, p. 301, fig. 2, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. spp. Thyrsocera linealicollis , Sumatra, Bolivar, p. 302, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. MANTIDiE. Ootheca of a Madagascar species noticed ; Lucas, p. cxxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890. Bibliographic revision of the names of genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 564-569. ^ Blepharodes, n. g., Empusides , p. 305, for B. candelarius , n. sp., Moga- dixo, p. 306, pi. i, fig. 4 ; Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Compsomantis iumidiceps , Philippines, Bolivar, p. 303, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Harpax ocellata in confinement, notes on ; Thomson, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 95. * Otomantis , n. g., near Acromantisf p. 304, for 0. scutigera , n. sp., Louren9o Marques, p. 305, pi. i, fig. 3 ; Bolivar, An. Soo. Esp. xix. 'tParymenopus, n. g., near J lymenopus, for P. davisoni , n. sp., Singapore ; Wood-Mason, p. 437, Ann. N. H. (6) v. ^ Triamocorypha , n. g,, near Oxypilus, p. 439, for P. dohertii , n. sp., Perak, p. 440, pi. xviiB ; Wood Mason, Ann. N. H. (6) v. Phasmatidjl Bibliographic revision of the names of genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 569-574. Fossil Phasmatidce ; Scudder (754). Revision of the Phasmides of Europe and neighbouring countries; Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xix, pp. 371-422. Bacillus algericus, Oran, Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xix, p. 394, n. sp. (? = gallicus var.). Diapheromera femorata in confinement ; Thomson, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 96. v Leptynia , n. g., p. 385, for L. attenuata) n. sp., Iberia, p. 402, pi. iv, figs. 20, &c., and Bacillus hispanicus , Bolivar ; Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Obrimus quadratipes , Philippines, Bolivar, p. 307, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Phyllium crurifolium, minute structure of egg-shell ; Henneguy (355). Pygirhynchus iphiclus} Westw., referred to Caulonia ; Bolivar, p. 138, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. Tisamenus cervicornis, p. 307, pi. 1, fig. 5, asper , p. 308, Philippines, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. spp. Gryllidje. Bibliographic revision of the names of genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 574-577. GRYLLIDiEj LOCUSTIDjE. Ins, 315 Fossil Gryllidce ; Scudder (754). Br achy try pus megacephalus, Serv., habits described ; Forel, MT. Scliw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 247-250. B. politus , Ceutr. Africa, Bolivar, p. 328, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Gryllomorplia , revision of ; Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xix, pp. 335-370. G. Jcruperi , Greece, p. 362, pi. iii, fig. 4, uclensis , Spain, p. 364, figs. 5a, 6, Pantel, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. spp. Laranda annulata , Brazil, Bolivar, p. 331, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Myrmecophila salomonis , N. Africa, Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1890, p. 303, n. sp. dNemobiopsis, n. g., near Pentacenthrus , p. 329, for N. gundlachi , n. sp., Cuba, p. 330, pi. i, fig. 10 ; Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Phceophyllacris semialata , angolensis , Angola, Bolivar, p. 231, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. spp. rfPosus, n . g., near Homccogryllus , for P. mictiformis, n. sp., Madagascar ; Bolivar, p. 332, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Xenogryllus, n. g., near Eneopterus , for X. eneopleroides , n. sp., Trop. Africa ; Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 232. Locustidjc. Bibliographic revision of the names of genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. It. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp. 577-586. Fossil Locustidce ; Scudder (754). ^Acilacris, n. g., Meconemides , near Cyrtaspis , p. 219, for A. tridens , Angola, p. 220, n. sp. ; Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i. Amytta and allies, corrected characters ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 264. A. occidentalism W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 264 ; A. mutil- lata} W. Africa, Karsch, t. c. p. 367 : n. spp. Arantia latifolia, p. 356, orthocnemis , p. 357, leptociiemis, p. 358, W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, n. spp. Borborothis brunneri, Angola, Bolivar, p. 227, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. sp. J Catoptropteryx, n. g. ( Ephippithytce ), p. 361, for C. guttatipes , n. sp., W. Africa ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Ccedicia punctulata} W. Africa, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 260, n. sp. J Ceratopompa, n. g. (Phaneropteridce, near Zulpha ), p. 57, for C. festivat n. sp., Java, p. 58 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. \iChondrodera} n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce, near Cymatomera), . p. 266, for C. notatipes , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 267 ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi. ^ Cloanthella, n. g., near Conocephalus , for O. c/ypeato, n. sp., Trop. Africa ; Bolivar, p. 226, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i. Conocephalus lineatipes, Angola, Bolivar, p. 225, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. sp. Corycus , Sauss. : systematic position, habitat, stridulation, &c., dis- cussed ; Krauss, Zool. Jahrb. Abtb. f. Syst. v, pp. 344, &c. C. abruptus , Gaboon, p. 354, pi. xxx, fig. 2, Icarschi , fig. 8, prcemorsus, 316 Ins. ORTHOPTERA. fig. 4, p. 355, Cameroons, greeffi, p. 356, figs. 5, 5a-j, islands off the coast of Guinea, Kraubs, Zool. Jahrb. v ; C. paradoxus, Trop. Africa, Bolivar, p. 220, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i : n. spp. Dapanerci irregularis , W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 258, n. sp. Decticus , respiration of : dotachment of hind legs by shock ; Contejean (141, 142). D. japonicus, Yezo, Bolivar, p. 327, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. iDithela, n. g. ( Pyrrhicice ), p. 354, for D. rectiloba, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 355, fig. 1 ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi. ^ Drepanophyllum , n. g. ( Otiaphysce), p. 358, for D. marmoratum, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 360, fig. 2 ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Ephippigera crucigera and vitium, synonymy queried, habits of former ; Schocii, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 236-238. Eurycorypha ornatipes , p. 260, canaliculata, p. 261, W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, n. spp. Gryllacris barombica , W. Africa, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 368, n.-sp. > ! Habrocomes , n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce ) : Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 275. Jllectoria , n. g.,near Phaneroptera and Phylloptera , p. 21, for II. pontoni, n. sp., S. Australia, p. 22 ; Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii. / Ivensia , n. g., near Parclalota , for I. uncinata , n. sp., Quango ; Bolivar, p. 218, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i. Lagarodes , n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce ) ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 272. ^Lanista, n. g., for Conocephalus annulicornis , Wlk. ; Bolivar, p. 223, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i. 'Z Lichenochrus , n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce , near Pleminia ), p. 268, for L. eras- sines , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 269 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. * Liocentrum, n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce ) ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 272 (no species). JMataeus , n. g. (. Pseudophyllidce , near Mustias ), p. 264, for M. granuli- collis, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 265 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Megalodon blanchardit Borneo, Brogniart, p. clxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1890 ; described and figured, Le Nat. xii, p. 287 : n. sp. Mimetica simoni, Venezuela, Bolivar, p. 142, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. sp. Mimnermus cepbalotes , Africa, Bolivar, p. 228, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. sp. v Morgeniat n. g. ( Phaneropteridce ), p, 261, for M. hamuligera , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 263, figs. 3 & 4 ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi. ^ Mormotus , n. g. (Pseudophyllidce, near Meroncidius ), p. 269, for M. nigri- spinosus , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 270 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Morsimus serraticollis, Waigiou, Bolivar, p. 325, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Mustius bocagei , Africa, Bolivar, p. 221, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. sp. v Nastoiiotus , n. g., near Cocconotus , p. 143, for N. tarsatus, n. sp., Vene- zuela, p. 144 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. ■ Opisthodicrus , n. g. ( Pseudophyllidce ) ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 272. ^ Pantecphylus , n. g. (Pseudophyllidce) ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 274. Plangia nebulosa , n. sp., W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 366, n. sp. LOCUSTIDiE, ACRIDIIDAI. Ins. 317 Platycleis bonneti, Japan, Bolivar, p. 326, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Pcecilimon sp., notes on ; Rodzianko, Trudui Kharkoff Univ. xxii, pp. 260, &c. ^ Polyglochin, n. g. ( Pseudophyllidw ) ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 275. Pomatonota dregii , Burm., = ( Stiljpnothorax loricatus , Piet.) ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 59. Poreuomcna africana , $ noticed ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 262. P. tenuipes , W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 363, n. sp. ^Premsia , n. g. ( Preussics ), near Symmctroplcura , p. 364, for P. lobatipcs , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 365, fig. 4 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Pseudopliyllida ?, table of the characters of the African genera ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, pp. 271-276. Pyrgocorypha hastata , Africa ?, Bolivar, p. 222, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. sp. Rhaphidophora baeri , Manilla, Bolivar, p. 328, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Saga serrata, absence of males in ; Rodzianko, Rev. Sci. Nat. Pet. i, r Stenampyx , n. g. ( Pseud ojrfiy llidce ) ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 273. \Tetraconcha , n. g. ( Phaneropterides , near Otiaphysa ), p. 61, for T.fene- strata , n. sp., Cameroons, p. 62 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xvi. ‘ Typophylluvi ( Tovaria ) chlorophyllum , slccifolium , p. 139, T. geminum , p. 140, cinnamum , p. 141, Venezuela, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, n. spp. Zeujieria , structure and systematic position discussed ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 60. Xiphidium ensiferum) oviposition and embnrology ; Wheeler, Ins. Life, ii, p. 222. Bibliographic revision of the genera proposed previous to 1840 ; Kirby, P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pp, 586-593. Note on the stridulating area of the male and the marginal line of the female ; Haij, Wien. ent. Z. ix, p. 18. Fossil Acridiidce ; Scudder (754). m, n. g. ( Cladonotai , near Xerophyllum ), p. 21, for A. undu • latum , n. sp., W. Africa, p. 22 ; Karsch, Eut. Nachr. xvi. Acridium prasinum, W. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 160, n. sp. \J Acridodcresy n. g., near Coptacra , for A. crassus , n. sp., W. Africa; Bolivar, p. 163, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i. * Acrocara , n. g., p. 436, for Pedioscirtetes pulchella, Bruner, and A tnaculipenne, n. sp., Mexico, p. 437 ; Scudder, Psyche, v. Acrolophitime, new group of Truxalidce ; Scudder, p. 432, Psyche, v. Acrolophiius , Thom., recharacterised ; Scudder, p. 435, Psyche, v. pp. 317-320. J Tovaria , n. subg. of Typophyllum ; Bolivar, p. 141, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x. AcRimiDA'. 318 Ins. ORTHOPTERA. ^ . Anchotatus , n. g., Proscopides , p. 110, for .4. peruvianus , fig. 8, subapterus > n. spp., Upp. Amazons, p. Ill ; Brunner, Yorh. zI'-E^Wien, xl. Antliermus violaceus, p. 156, grammicus , cephalicus, p. 157, vittatus , p. 158, Portuguese Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. spp. ^ Apioscclis , n. g., Proscopides, p. 99, for it. gracilis , p. 99, fig. 3, verrucosa , Upp. Amazons, columbica , Colombia, p. 100, compacta, Santa Fe de Bogota, p. 101, n. spp. ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. Arcyptera carvalhoi, E. Africa, Bolivar, p. 3X6, An. Soc. Esp. xix,n. sp. Astroma compaction , fig. 12, p. 120, granulosum , foliatum , p. 121, Chili, Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. ^ Bocagella, n. g., p. 161, near Teratodes and Goptacra , for J3. lanuginosa , n. sp., W. Africa ; Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i. Bolivarella acuminata , W. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 155, n. sp. Caloptenus obesus , cicatricosus , p. 170, vittatus, nigrovariegalus , p. 171, calcaratus, angusticeps , p. 172, Trop. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. spp. Camoensia insignis , characters of $ ; Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 153. ' JCataloipus , n. subg. of Euprepocnemis , for AJ. (U.) oberthuri , n.sp., Centr. Africa, pi. i, fig. 9 ; Bolivar, p. 321, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Catantops digitatus , cephalotes , W. Africa, Bolivar, p. 166, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. spp. Cephalocoema multispinosa , Porto Allegre, p. 116, teretiuscula , Matto Grosso, p. 117, lineata, Mendoza, fig. 11, p. 118, Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. Choroetypus curtithorax, W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 258, n. sp. Chrotogonu8 blanchardi , Egypt, Krauss, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 257 ; figured in Savigny Desc. de l’Egypte Orthopt. pi. vi, fig. 2t : n. sp. >1 Comacris, n. g., near Buronia, p. 312, for C. sansibaricus, n. sp., E. Africa, p. 313, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix. ^ Compsacris, n. g., near Orphula, p. 314, for C. pulcher, n. sp., Peru, p. 315; Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Coptacra annulipes, Philippines, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix, p. 320, n. sp. Coptotettix annulipes , W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 25, n. sp. t/ Corynorliynchus , n. g., p. 101, for Proscopia radula and hispida , spinosus , Kl., and C. hispid-ulus , latirostris , n. spp., Bahia, p. 103 ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. Coscineuta cicatricosa , Amazons, Bolivar, p. 323, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Dissosteira ( (Edipoda ) Carolina , habits ; Townsend, P. E. Soc. Wash, i, p. 266. Buronia fracta, p. 260, savigny i, p. 259, and figured in Savigny Desc. de l’Egypte Orthopt. pi. vi, fig. 9,1, Egypt, Krauss, Yerh. z.-b.Wien. xl, p. 259 ; D.virgula, p. 310, gerstaeclcerii, p. 311, tricarinata , p. 312, W. Africa, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix : n. spp. ACRID1ID2E. Ins. 319 Elceochlora fruhstorferi , Santa Catharina, Bolivar, p. 318, An. Soc* Esp. xix, n. sp. *Epigrypa , n. g., Proscopides , for E. variegata, Santa Fe de Bogota, p. 112, curvicollis , Guayaquil, p. 113, fig. 9a, b, n. spp. ; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl. "JEpistaurus, n. g., near Coptacra , for E. crucigerus , signatus , n. spp., W. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 164. Euryphymus adspersus , E. Africa, Bolivar, p. 320, pi. i, fig. 8, An. Soc. Esp. xix ; E. brachyp tents, p. 167, sigmoidalis , eremobioides , p. 168, tri- costatus, slolidus , p. 169, Trop. Africa, id. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i : n.spp. Gonyacantha lanceolata , Trop. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 215, n. sp. iGymnes, n. g. ( Acrolophitince ), for Cr. punctatus , n. sp., California ; Scudder, p. 440, Psyche, v. Gymnobothrus oberthuri , Unyanyembe, Bolivar, p. 315, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Ileteropternis ? saoignyi, Egypt, Krauss, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, p. 262, figured in Savigny Desc. del’Egypte Orthopt. pi. vi, fig. 16, 1, n. sp. Ilippacris pkticornis , Upper Amazons, Scudder, p. 441, Psyche, v, n. sp. vj Hippodes, n. g. ( Cladonotce , near Diotarus , Stal), for H.vicarius , n. sp., W. Africa ; Karsch, Ent. Nacbr. xvi, p. 24. ffypsceus cequaliSy W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 257, n. sp. , Ischnacrida monteiroi , p. 214, kraussii , p. 215, Trop. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. spp. Mastusia spectabilis , Amazons, Bolivar, p. 325, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Mesops filum , Trop. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) 1, p. 216, n. sp. ^ Odontomelus , n. g., for Opomala brachyptera , Gerst. ; Bolivar, p. 309, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Pantelia (sub Cladonotus ) liorrenda , Wlk., = ( cristulata , Bol.) ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 27. P. uncinala , Trop. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 217, n. sp. Parasphena nigropicta , W. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 150, n. sp. Paratettix simoni , Venezuela, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p, 138, n. sp. Pedioscirtetes, Th., characters of ; Scudder, p. 438, Psyche, v. ^ Peruvia , n. g., for Machcerocera nigromarginata, Sc. ; Scudder, p. 439, Psyche, v. Pezotettix fauriei , Japan, Bolivar, p. 322, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Phleoba lata , Madagascar, Bolivar, p. 310, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Phlcconotus Itumilis , Gerst., and Tettix jit gala , Wlk., noticed ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 26. Prionacris ccerulescens , Amazons, Bolivar, p. 319, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. 320 Ins. ORTHOPTERA. ^ Prosarthria, n. g., Proscopides , for P. teretirostris, n. sp., S. America, pi. iii, fig. 1; Brunner, p. 93, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. Proscopides, monograph of, with 8 new genera ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 87, &c. Proscopia latirostris , ingens , p. 9G, soror , pyramidalis , p. 98, Upp. Amazons, Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, n. spp. Stauronotus maroccanus, metamorphosis; Kunckel, C.R. cx, p. 657 : mode of escape from egg-case ; Kunckel, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) x, p. xxxvii : habits ; Sajo, Term. Kozl. xxii, pp. 225-256. Stenocrobylus fumosus, Angola, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p 166, n. sp. Stctheophyma doranii , Tennessee, Goding, Ent. Am. vi, p. 13, n. sp. ^ Stiphra , n. g., p. 107, for Proscopia gibbosa , Guer., and lobata , fig. 6, tuberculata , n. spp., Brazil, p. 108 ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. ^ Sygrus , n. g., near Pamphagus, for S. sepositus, n. sp., Angola, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 156. i Taxiar chits, n. g., Proscopides , p. 109, for T. superbus , n. sp., Upper Amazons, p. 110, fig. 7; Brunner, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl. Tetanorhynchus, n. g., p. 104, for Proscopia punctata, Kl., and the fol- lowing new species : — sublccvis , p. 105, fig. 5, propinguns , incertus, p. 106, longirostris , Brazil, angustirostris , Argentine Rep., p. 107 ; Brunner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl. Tetratcenia nitidula , Amazons, Bolivar, p. 324, An. Soc. Esp. xix, n. sp. Tettix bipunctata, notes on ; Rodzianko, Trudui Kharkoff Univ. xxii, pp. 257, &c. \Toxopterus, n. g., near Orpkula and Gomphocerus, p. 313, for T. minialus , n. sp., Peru, p. 314 ; Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix. Tristria discoidalis , p. 212, angolensis, p. 213, Trop. Africa, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, n. spp. Tropidonoius laufferi, Peru, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. xix, p. 317, n. sp. ^ Trypophyllum , n. g. ( Cladonotce , near Xerophyllum ), p. 22, for T. glabri- frons, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 23 ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi. Xerophyllum , Bol., and X.fuscum , Bol., discussed ; Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 19. X galeatum, W. Africa, Karscii, Ent. Nachr. xvi, p. 20, n. sp. Xiphocera saussurei , Quango, Bolivar, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, p. 153, n. sp. Ech. 1 ECHINODERMATA. BY E. A. Minohin. I. — Introduction. II. — List of Publications, p. 2. III. — Anatomy, Histology, &c., IY.— Embryology, p. 17. [p.ll. Y. — Physiology, p. 17. VI. — Biology, p. 18. VII. — Distribution, p. 20. VIII. — Systematic, p. 20. I. — INTROD tJ CTION. The number of papers this year is somewhat large, and there are amongst them some important additions to our knowledge of Echinoderms. In morphology the most important contributions are those of Cu^NOT (1, 2) and Sturtz ; besides which must be mentioned the observations of Carpenter (2) on the Cystidea , Bell (1) on the anatomy of Phormo- soma , and Fewkes (3) on the brachial skeleton of starfish. In the sole embryological paper of the year, Semon (1) corrects his former state- ments as to the origin of the preoral ciliated band of the Bipinnaria larva. Cu^not (1) gives a number of physiological facts, while Ludwig (2) decides the much disputed question of the currents through the stone* canal and madreporite. Very interesting observations as to the habits and mode of life of Echinoderms are to be found in the works of CuiNOT (1), Fewkes (2), and Prouiio (1, 2). The principal systematic works are those of Cotteau, Lampert, Sciilumberger, and Sturtz. Perhaps the most interesting novelty is the new living stalked Crinoid, belonging to the family Apiocrinidce , described by Agassiz. In palae- ontology must be mentioned the works of Bather, Cotteau, Gaudry, Sciilumberger, Sennes, and Sturtz. Cuenot (1) describes in a very detailed manner the anatomy and histology of Asteroidea , and his statements as to the blood-vascular system are specially noteworthy, as giving a very different conception from that given by the well-known works of Ludwig and Hamann. Of considerable morphological and phylogenetic, as well as systematic and paleontological interest, is Sturtz’s new group of the Ophioencrin- asterice, as also many of his discoveries in the anatomy of paleozoic Asteroids and Ophiuroids. Thus his statement, that in all paleozoic Ophiuroids oral shields are wanting, would, if found universally true, be 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] G 1 2 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. not without bearing on the question whether these oral shields are homo- logous with the oral plates of Crinoids, as often supposed. Finally, attention must be drawn to the statement of Cui&NOT (2) as to the existence of an antambulacral nervous system in other Echinodcrms besides Crinoids. II. — LIST OF PUBLICATIONS .* Agassiz, Alex. (1) Notice of Calamocrinus diomedece , a new stalked Crinoid from the Galapagos, dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer ‘Albatross/ Lieut.-Commander G. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Commanding. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xx, No. 6 (Dec. 1890), pp. 165-167. 0 . (2) Ueber einen neuen Tiefsee-Crinoiden aus der Familie der Apiocriniden. JB. Mineral. (1890), Bd. i, Heft i, pp. 94 & 95. Calamocrinus diomedece. Anon. U. S. Fish Commission. Anthozoa and Echinodermata of the Gulf Stream Slope of the New England Coast. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 278 (Feb., 1890), pp. 183-186. Bateson, William. On some Cases of Abnormal Repetition of Parts in Animals. P. Z. S. 1890, pt. iii, pp. 579-588 (4 woodcuts). [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 6, No. 79, p. 704.] An abnormal Antedon rosacea , pp. 584-586, figs. 4a & b ; a description of it by Dr. P. H. Carpenter, pp. 584-586. [ Vide infra , Anatomy, &c.] Bather, F. A. (1) British Fossil Crinoids. I. & ii. Ann. N. H. (6) v (1890), pp. 307-334, 373-388, 485, & 486, pis. xiv & xv. [Abstr. in A R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, No. 76, p. 334.] I. Historical introduction, ii. Classification of the Inadunata Fistulata. Terminology, pp. 312-315. Differential characters, pp. 315-331 & 373-376. Principles of classification, pp. 376 & 377. Geological history, pp. 377-382, with a table of the distribution of the Fistulata. Classification : a genea- logical tree, followed by a classification of the Fistulata. Corrigenda, pp. 485 & 486 [vide infra, Systematic]. . (2) British Fossil Crinoids. ill. Thenar ocrinus callipygus , n. g. & sp., Wenlock Limestone. Ann. N. H. (6) vi (1890), pp. 222-235, pi. x. . (3) The Natural History of the Crinoidea. Proc. London Amateur Sci. Soc. i, Nos. 1 & 2, July, 1890, pp. 32 & 33. An account of their habits and relations to their environment (abstract). Bell, F. J. (1) Report of a Deep-Sea Trawling Cruise off the S.W. Coast of Ireland, under the direction of the Rev. W. Spotswood Green, M.A., F.R.G.S. Echinodermata. Ann. N. H. (6) iv (1889), pp. 432-445, pis. xviii & xix. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 1, No. 74, pp. 44 & 45.] Antedon phalangium, J. Muller, from 250 fath. Astropecten irregularis , * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Ech. 3 Penn, from 250, 500, and 1000 fath. Astrogonium greeni, n. sp., from 1000 fath. Asterias rubens, L., from 100 fath. Phormosoma placenta , Wyv.-Th., from 1000 fath. Holothuria aspera, n. sp., from 1000 fath. [ Vide infra , Anatomy and Systematic.] [Bell, F. J.] (2) Notes on the Echinoderms collected by Mr. Bourne in Deep Water olf the South-West of Ireland, in H.M.S. 1 Research.’ J* Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, No. 3, pp. 324-327. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, No. 77, p. 464.] Stichaster roseus , O. F. M., from 200 fath. Asterias rubens , L., from 200 fath. Asterias glacialis , O. F. M., from 90 fath. Spatangus pur- pureus , O. F. M., from 200, 400, 217, 90, & 70 fath. Note appended by Bourne on Pentagonaster subspinosus , Perrier, = Nymphaster protentus , Sladen, with description by Sladen. • . (3) Is Asterias tenuispina a British Species ? Ann. N. H. (6) vi (1890), pp. 424, et seq. [ Vide sub Norman.] . (4) On the Generic Name of Asterias sanguinolenta) O. F. Muller. T. c. pp. 472, et seq. Commonly called Cribella ; called LincJcia by Agassiz. Henricia) Gray, has the priority, and the name Cribella must be dropped. Lo Bianco, S. Metodi usati nella Stazione Zoologica per la Conser- vazione degli Animali Marini. MT. z. Stat. Neap, ix, Heft iii, pp. 435, et seq. Echinoderms, p. 458. Abstr. by Playfair McMurricii, in Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 285 (Sept., 1890), pp. 856-865 ; Echinoderms, p. 862. Bourne, G. C. Note on Three Specimens of Asterids. See Bell (2). Bkoan, R. Exhibit of Rotula rumphii , from Sierra Leone. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. ii (n.s.), pt. 2, 1890, p. xxxiv. Camerano, Loz. Osservazioni intorno al Dimorfismo Sessuale degli Echinodermi. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 91. Carpenter, P. H. (1) On Certain Points in the Anatomical Nomen- clature of Echinoderms. Ann. N. H. (6) vi (1890), pp. 1, et seq • [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, No. 78, p. 610.] The points discussed are : (1) the use of the word “water tube,” which should be used for the rudiment of the stone canal in the larva ; (2) centrodorsal and dorsocentral ; (3) basals and Under*basals — the “ para- basals” of dicyclic Crinoids are the true basals, the plates below the radials are the under- basals, or “ infrabasals ” (Zittel) ; (4) radial plates — the plates called second and third radials in Crinoids belong really to the arms ; (5) the use of the term “ axillary ” ; (6) interambulacrals and adambulacrals. . (2) Notes on the Morphology and Anatomy of the Cystidea. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1890, p. 821. [ Vide infra , Anatomy, &c.] 4 JEch. ECHINODERMATA. [Carpenter, P. H.] (3) Comatulcc of Mergui Archipelago. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 1, No. 74, p. 45. [Abstr. of paper in J. L. S. xxi (1889), pp. 304-316, 2 pis.] . (4) Description of Abnormal Antedon rosacea. See Bateson. . (5) The Early Stages in the Development of Antedon rosacea. J. wiss. Mikr. vii, 1890, p. 499. An account of the methods used by Bury in preserving Antedon larvm, as published in his paper in the Phil. Tr. clxxix. (Wrongly attributed to Dr. P. H. Carpenter.) Cotteau, G. (1) Description de trois Echinides vivants recueillis par le Dr. J. Julien sur les C6tes de Guin6e (Liberia). Congr^s Inter- national de Zoologie ; Comptes Rendus des Stances, Paris, 1889, pp. 281-292, pis. ii-v. Bhabdobrissus julieni , n. g. & sp., from Cape Palmas, 20 metres. Schizaster edwardsi , n. sp., Port Victoria, Cape Palmas. Echinolampas blanchardi , n. sp., Garraway, Cape Palmas. . (2) Sur les Echinides cretac^s du Mexique. C.R. cx, No. 12 (24 Mars, 1891), p. 621. 6 species, 3 as yot peculiar to Mexico, and 2 new [vide Cotteau (4)]. . (3) Echinides recueillis dans la province d’Aragon (Espagne) par M. Maurice Gourdon. Bull. Soc. G6ol. xviii (1890) No. 3, pp. 178- 182. 32 species of 22 genera. 6 species from the Cretaceous, 2 of them new {Micr aster gourdoni, Coraster margaritce) ; 26 from the Eocene, 5 new ( Maretia aragonensis , Holcopneustes gourdoni , Cyclaster gourdoni, Leiosoma gourdoni , Micropsis frossardi). . (4) Notes sur quelques Echinides du terrain Cretac6 du Mexique. T. c. pp. 292-299, pis. i & ii. 2 new species described [vide infra , Systematic]. Cu^not, L. (1) Contributions a l’Etude Anatomique des Asterides. Arch. Z. exp<$r, v bis , suppl. (1887-1890), Mem. ii. [Vide infra , Anatomy, &c,, Physiology and Biology.] . (2) Le Systeme Nerveux Enterocoelien des Echinodermes. C.R. cxi, No. 22 (ler Decembre, 1890), p. 836. [Vide infra , Anatomy, &c.] . (3) Sur le Systeme Madreporique des Echinodermes. Zool. Anz. xiii (1890), No. 337, pp. 315-318. Replies to Hartog’s complaints of misquotation, &c., and gives reasons against considering the madreporic system as a left nephridium. [Vide infra Anatomy, &c. ; vide also Ludwig (2).] [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, No. 78, p. 611.] Dalla Torre, v. Fauna von Helgoland. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl.-Heft ii, 1889. Gives a list of Echinoids, Asteroids, and Ophiuroids occurring there. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Ech. 5 Duncan, P. M. Revision of Genera and Great Groups of Echinoidea. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 2, No. 75, p. 188. [Abstr. of paper in J. L. S. xxiii (1889) pp. 1-311.] Duncan, P. M., & Sladen, W. Percy. Echinoidea of Mergui Archi- pelago. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 1, No. 74, p. 45. [Abstr. of paper in J. L. S. xxi (1889) pp. 316-319.] Fewkes, J. W. (1) ,Ou a New Parasite of Ampkiura squamata. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 31-33. [ Vide infra , Biology.] . (2) On Excavations made by Sea Urchins. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 277 (Jan., 1890) pp. 1-21, pis. i & ii. [An abstract by W. C. M. in Ann. N. H. (6) v (1890), p. 416 ; also in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt.3, No. 76, p. 336. [Vide infra , Biology.] . (3) On the Serial Relationship of the Ambulacral and Adambu- lacral Calcareous Plates of the Starfishes. P. Bost. Soc. xxiv, pp. 96- 1*17, with 1 fig. [ Vide infra , Anatomy, &c.] Filiiol, H. Des Liens qui rattachent la Zoqlogie ii la Palaeontologie. Congres International de Zoologie ; Comptes Reiidus des Seances Paris, 1889, pp. 209-224. Discovery of recent Echinothuridce and their relations to fossil forms discussed (pp. 215 & 216). Questions to be solved by Palaeontology (Origin of Crinoids and their relations, pp. 223 & 224). Forstrand, Carl. Metoder for preparering och konservering af Hafsdjur samt nagra biologiska iakttagelser fram Bermudas Korall- fauna. Biol. Foren. ii, Haft 8 (1890) pp. 108-111. Occurrence of Gidaris trihuloides, Echinometra subangularis, Hipponoe esculenta, and Diadema setosa (p. 111). "Gaudry, — . Les Enchainements du Monde Animal dans les temps geologiques fossiles secondaires. Paris : 1890. Echinoderms, pp. 49-74. For a resumS, see Arch. Z. exp6r. 1890, (2nd ser.), viii, pt. 2, p. xxiv (Notes and Revue, vii) ; for an illustrated review by M. Boule, see Le Nat. (2nd ser.), 15th July, 1890, No. 81, pp. 165-167. ^Gauthier, — . Description des Echinides recueillis par M. Thomas en Tunisie. Bull. Soc. G6ol. xviii (1890) No. 2, pp. 136-144. 106 species collected. 4 only below the Cenomanian, 37 belonging to the Cenomanian, 9 Turonian, 46 Senonian, 11 Eocene, and 2 Miocene. 4 new genera. [ Vide infra , Systematic.] Greenwood, M. On the Action of Nicotin upon certain Invertebrates. J. Physiol, xi (1890), pp. 573-605. Experiments on Asteridea, Ophiuridea , and Crinoidea, pp. 590-597 & 604. [Vide infra , Physiology.] 6 Ech. ECH1N0DE U MATA. Gregory, J. W. Rhynchopygus woodi, Forbes sp., from the English Pliocene. Geol. Mag. vii (1890), pp. 300-303, 1 fig. [Abstr. in J.R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, No. 78, p. 612.] [Vide infra , Systematic.] Hartog, M. M. On the Madreporic Systems of Echinoderms. Zool. Anz. xiii, 1890, No. 330, pp. 136 & 137. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, No. 76, p. 337.] Complains that M. Cu6not, in his “ Etudes Anatomiques sur les Ophiures,” had first ignored, and then misquoted, his note at the British Association, at Manchester, on the madreporic system of Echinodermata. Hensen, — . Das Plankton der Ostlichen Ostsee, v. Larven von Muscheln, Schnecken, Sagitten, und Wurm - larven, Oikopleura , und Larven von Ophioglypha. Ber. Komm. wiss. Unters. deutsch, Meere, vii, 2, pp. 115 & 116. Occurrence of larva of Ophioglypha, p. 116. HihtouARD, M. E. French Holothurians. J. R. Micr, Soc. 1890,.pt. 3, No. 76, pp. 335 & 336. [Abstr. of paper in Arch. Z. exp6r. vii, 1889, pp. 535-704, 8 pis.] Hertwig, O. Experimentelle Studien am tierischen Ei vor, wahrend, und nach der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 268, et seq ., taf. viii-x. Eggs experimented on : Strongylocentrotus lividus , Echinus microtuber- culatus , Sphcerechinus granularis , Asterias glacialis , and Aslropecten sp. Chapter I. Over-ripeness of the ova, and the phenomena occasioned by it. Chapter II. Relation of the sexual products to cold. Chapter III. Staiuing the living cell substance with methyl blue. Chapter IV. Par- thenogenesis in Starfish. [See below, Anatomy, &c.] Ives, J. E. Echinoderms from the Northern Coast of Yucatan and the Harbour of Vera Cruz. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pt. ii (April-Septem- ber), pp. 317-340, pi. viii. From Yucatan — Holothuria heilprini , n. sp., H. silamensis , n. sp., H. nitida , n. sp., Toxopneustes variegatus , Lam., Echinaster braziliensis , M. & Tr., Luidia alternata, Say. From Yera Cruz — Diadema setosum , Gray, Echinornetra subangularis , Lesko, Mellila pentapora , Gmelin, Thy raster serpentarius , M. & Tr., Astropecten arliculatus) Say, Ophiura cinerea, M. & Tr., Ophiothrix angidata , Say. [ Vide infra , Systematic.] Janet, A. Note sur un Echinocorys carinatus, presentant neuf pores genitaux. Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xviii, No. 2, pp. 158-160, with fig. [ Vide infra , Anatomy.] John, Georg. Ueber bohrende Seeigel. Arch. f. Nat. i, Heft 3, 1889, pp. 268-302, pi. xv. [See Zool. Rec. 1889, Echinoderms, p. 7.] Criticism and review by Simroth in Z. Naturw. lxiii, Heft 1 & 2, p. 224. [Abstr. in Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 279, March, 1890, p. 280.] LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Ech. 7 Julien, A. Resultats generaux d’une 6tude d’ensemble du Carbonifere marin du Plateau central. C.R. cx,No. 13, p. 736. Archceocidaris nerei, Munst., A. urii , Flem., Palceechinus gigas , McCoy, P. lacazei , n. sp., Me, Ionites gaudryi , n. sp. Julin, Ch. Culture of the Larvae of Ascidians, Worms, Echinoderms, &c. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 288, Dec. 1890, pp. 1217 & 1218. [Extracted from a letter from Dr. Ch. Julin to Dr. Minot, dated Sept. 3rd, 1889.] Keyes, C. R. (1) Genesis of the Actinocrinidce. Op. cit. No. 279, March, 1890, pp. 243-254, pis. vii-ix. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, No. 76, pp. 334 & 335.] Introduction (pp. 243 & 244) ; Geological Distribution (p. 244, pi. vii); Greatest development in Carboniferous, but it is evident that a large proportion of the genera date further back than actual observation shows ; Elements of Classification (pp. 244 & 245) ; General Morpho- logical Changes (pp. 245 & 246) ; Generic Considerations (pp. 246-248) ; Geologic Development (pp. 248 & 249) ; Generic Relationships (pp. 249- 253) ; Summary (pp. 253 & 254). \Vide infra, Biology.] . (2) Synopsis of American Calyptrceidce. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pt. ii, pp. 150-181, pi. ii. Connection between Galyptrceidce and Crinoidea, pp. 153-159, pi. ii, figs. 7, 8, 10, & 13a. . (3) The Echinodermata of the Carboniferous. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 284 (August, 1890), p. 767. [Abstr. of paper, Am. J. Sci., Sept., 1889 ; seeZool. Rec. xxvi, Echinodermata , p. 7.] . (4) Review of the Progress of American Invertebrate Palaeonto- logy for the year 1889. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 278 (Feb., 1890), pp. 131-138. Echinoderms included. Kingsley, J. S. Record of American Zoology. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 285 (Sept., 1890), pp. 811-816, Echinoderms, p. 813 ; and op. cit., No. 280 (April, 1890), pp. 351-357, Echinoderms, p. 353. KiMrowiTSCH, L. Dendvogaster astericola, nov. gen. et sp., une nouvelle form des Cirripedes Ascothoracides parasite dans la cavite du corps chez Solaster et Echinaster. Rev. Sci. Nat. publ. par la Soc. des Nat. & St. Petersbourg (Owsjannikow), 1890, No. 8, pp. 353-357 & 374. Lambert, J. Observations sur quelques Hemicidaris (suite). Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xviii, No. 3, pp. 161-164, 3 figs. Some specimens with the anal plates preserved. Lambert, K. (1) Ilolothuroidea of tho‘ Gazelle.’ J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 1, No. 74, p. 46. [Notice of paper in SB. Ak. Berlin, 1889, pp. 524-526. ° . (2) Yerzeichniss der wahrend der Reise S.M.S. ‘Gazelle’ gesam- melten Holothurien. Forschungsreise S.M.S. ‘Gazelle/ Bd. 4, pp. 301-309. 37 species, 6 new. 8 Ech. ECHINODERMATA, Ludwig, H. (1) Bemerkungen iiber einige Ceylonesische Echinodermen. SB. niederrhein. Ges. (7th July, 1890), pp. 98-105. A collection of 15 species of Echinoderms made by Dr. Driesch and Dr. Herbst, of which G are new to Ceylon, viz. : — Thyone rosacea , Semp., Holothuria vagabunda , Sel., Ophiopeza fallax, Pet., Amphiura sp. (juv. ?), Ophiocnida sexradia, Dune., Ophiothrix ciliaris , M. & Tr. In addition, the collection contained some indeterminable specimens of a Cucumaria sp. and Colochirus sp. [Vide infra , Systematic, Anatomy, &c.]’ . (2) Ueber die Function der Madreporen platte und des Steincanals der Echinodermen. Zool. Anz. xiii (1890), No. 339, pp. 377-379. [ Vide infra. Physiology.] [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, No. 78, p. 611.] . (3) Echinodermata. J. B. Micr. Soc, 1890, pt. 2, No. 75, p. 188, & pt. 5, No. 78, p. G10. Abstract of Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreich’s, ii, 3. Echinodermata , pp. 129-240, pis, vi-xii. [See Zool. Iiec. xxvi, Echino- dermata, p. 8 ] Lutken, Ch. Nogle temmelig uventede Forgelser af den norske Havfauna. Yid. Medd. 1889 (pub. 1890) pp. 308-362. The additions are Goniaster acutus, Heller (which is identical with G. placentceformis ), Gonodactylus chiragra , &c. Marchal, Paul. L’Acide Urique et la fonction renale chez les Inver- tebr£s. Mem. Soc. Zool. iii, pt. 1, 1889, pp. 33-87. Sponges, Coelenterates, and Echinoderms, pp. 42 & 43. A resume of previous researches given. No new observation on Echinoderms. Marenzeller, E. v. (1) Deutsche Benennungen fur Poriferen, Coelen- teraten, Echinodermen, und Wiirmer. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, Qrt. ii, 1890, pp. 177-184. Echinoderms, pp. 181 & 182. Marenzeller, E. v. (2) & Grobben, C. Yorlaufiger Bericht iiber die zoologischen Arbeiten. Anz. Ak. Wien, 1890, No. xix, pp. 207-210. Brisinga mediterranea, Perrier, in depths from 680-1770 m. lat. 35° 56' 0" N., long. 20° 54' 50" E. Marshall, A. Milnes. The Shapes and Sizes of Animals. Tr. Mancli. Micr. Soc, 1889, pp. 1-24. Discusses radial symmetry of Echinodermata , pp. 12-24. McCoy, F. Echinodermata of Victoria. Prodr. Zool. Yict. xx, pi. cc, pp. 371-375. ' [ Vide infra, Systematic.] Norman, A. M. Is Asterias tenuispina a British Species ? Ann. N. H. (6) vi (1890), pp. 502, et seq. No ! cNeumayr, M. Ueber Palceechinus , Typhlechinus , und die Echino- thuriden. JB. Mineral. 1890, Bd. i, Heft 1, pp. 84-87. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Edl. 9 Pfeffer, Georg. Die Fauna der Insel Jeretik, Port Wladimir, an der Murman-Kiiste, nach den Sammlungen des Herrn Kapitan Horn. JB. Hamb. vii, 1889. Echinoderms, p. 33. Prouho, H. (1) Du r61e des Pedicillaires Gemmiformes chez les Oursins. C.R. cxi, No. 1 (7th July, 1890), p. 62; Arch, Z. exp6r. 1890, viii, 2nd ser.. No. 4, p. xlii (Notes et Revue, xiii). [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, No. 78, p. 611.] [Vide infra , Biology.] / . (2) Du sens de l’Odorat chez les Etoiles de Mer. C.R. cx, No. 25 (June 23rd, 1890), pp. 1343-1346. [Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, No. 78, p. 612.] [Vide infra , Biology and Physiology.] Ramsay, E. P. (1) Report on a Zoological Collection from the Solomon Islands. Rec. Austral. Mus. i, No. 1, pp. 1-7. 1 Echinoderm, Archaster typicus, M. & Tr. . (2) Specimens obtained in a dredging trip in Port Jackson, Saturday, 30th May, 1890. Op. cit. No. 4, pp. 84-88. 1 Crinoid ( Antedon pumila, Bell), 5 Ophiurids, 4 Asterids, 4 Echinids, 3 Holothurians. Sabatier, Armand. La Station Zoologique de Cette. Congres Inter- national de Zoologie ; Comptes Rendus des Seances, Paris, 1889, pp. 115-126. A description of the fauna. Strongylocentrotus lividus, Ophiothrix alopecurus , Amphiura squamata , and Antedon rosacea abundant, p. 117. Sauvage, H. E. De la presence du Crihella oculata dansle Pas- de-Calais. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, Nos. 4 & 5 (April and May, 1890), p. 198. Schlumberger, — . Seconde Note sur les Holothurid6es fossiles du Calcaire Grossier. Bull. Soc. Geol. xviii (1890), No. 3, pp. 191, etseq. Corrects errors in his former note (9th March, 1888), and gives descriptions of a number of new species, together with those des- cribed in his former note. In the Eocene of Paris there are 11 species of Apoda and at least 14 of Pedata. [Vide infra , Systematic.] Semon, R. (1) Zur Morphologie der bilateralen Wimperschnure der Echinodermenlarven. Jen. Z. Nat. xxv, Heft 1, pp. 16, et seq. taf. ii. [Vide infra , Embryology.] Semon, R. (2) & Ludwig, H. New Formation of Disc in broken arm of an Ophiurid. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 1, No. 74, p. 46. Abstract of papers by 'Semon in Jen. Z. Nat. xxiii (1889), pp. 585-594, 1 pi., and Ludwig in Zool. Anz. xii (1889), pp. 454-457. [Seb Zool. Rec. xxvi.] *Sennes, J. Echinides Cretans des Pyrenees Occidentals. S4r. n. Bull. Soc. G6ol. (3) xvii, No. 3, pp. 804-824, 4 pis. 7 new species ; 2 new genera —Gibbaster, Galeaster. 10 Ech. ECH INODE RMATA. Simrotii, — . [Vide John.] S laden, W. P. (1) Description of Nymphaster protentus. [Vide mb Bell (2).] . (2) Asteroidea of Mergui Archipelago. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 1, No. 74, p. 46. [Abstr. of paper in J. L. S. xxi (1889), pp. 319— 330, 1 pi.] . (3) Report on the A steroidea collected by H.M.S. ‘ Challenger ’ during the years 1873-1876. Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 278 (Feb. 1890), pp. 160 & 161. Abstract and criticism of the ‘ Challenger’ Report, vol. xxx (1889). Sluiter, C. Ph. (1) Ueber die Entstehung der Korallenriffe in der Javaseo und Brantweinbai, und iiber noue Korallenbilduug bei Kra- katau. Biol. Centralbl. ix, No. 24 (15th Feb., 1890), pp. 737-753. Holothuria squamifera , Semper, living in the mud of the Bay of Batavia, between the two coral islands Enkhuizen and Leiden, p. 742. Temnopleurus , and numerous Ophiuroids and small Synaptidce abundant in young coral reefs, p. 742. ■. (2) Die Evertebraten aus der Sammlung des koniglichen uatur- wissenschaftlichen Yereins in Niederlandischen Indien in Batavia. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlviii (1889), pp. 285-313. A list of Echinoids and Asteroids, with the locality, depth, and nature of the surroundings in which each species lives. 3 new ^.steroids. [ Vide infra , Systematic.] . (3) Nachtragliches iiber die Echinodermen-Fauna des Java-Meeres. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlix (1890), ser. 8, deel x, pp. 105-110, 1 pi. Holothurians and Echinoids. 3 new species of the former. [Vide infra, Systematic.] Somerville, Alex. Dredging off Portincross, Ayrshire. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. ii, (n. s.), pt. ii (1890), pp. 189-193. Brissus lyrifer , Forbes, obtained, p. 193. Sturtz, B. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss paloeozoisclier Seesterne. Palaeontogr. xxvi. Lief. 4-6 (March, 1890), pp. 203-247, taf. xxvi-xxxi. 1. Literature and Introduction (pp. 203-205). 2. Completion and Correction of Palaeozoic Asterids already known (pp. 205-225). 3. Descriptions of new Asterids from Bundenbach ; (a) Stellerids, (5) Ophiurids (pp. 225-233). 4. General part (pp. 233-244). [Vide infra, Anatomy, &c., Biology, and Systematic.] Swainson, G. Among the Sea Urchins. Part I. J. Micr. & Nat. Sci. (n.s.)iii, No. 1 (Jan. 1890), pp. 9-18, pi. i, 2 woodcuts. Part n. Op. cit. No. 4 (Oct. 1890), pp. 260-268, pi. xviii, 3 woodcuts. A popular article ; nothing new. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS, ANATOMY, ETC. Ech. 11 Toucas, — . Etude de la Faune des Couches Tithoniques de l’Ardeche. Bull. Soc. Geol. xviii (1890), Nos. 7 & 8, pp. 560-629, pis. xiii & xviii. Distribution of a number of Crinoids and Echinoids. Yceltzkow, A. Entovalva mirabilis , eine schmarotzende Muschel aus dem Darm einer Holothurie. Zool. Jahrb. v (Abth. f. Syst. Geogr. und Biol, der Thiere), Heft 4, p. 619, taf. xlii. [ Vide infra, , Biology.] Welscii, — . (1) Terrains Jurassiquos dans les environs de Tiaret, Freuda, et Saida. Bull. Soc. Geol. xviii (1890), No. 6, pp. 428-440. Distribution of a number of Echinoids and Crinoids. . (2) Les terrains Cretaces du Seresson occidental et de Lihon (fin). Op. cit. No. 7, pp. 497-510. Distribution of a number of Echinoids. Wiii'telegge, Th. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the neighbourhood. J. R. Soc. N.S.W. xxiii, pt. ii (1889), pp. 163-323. Echinoderms, pp. 197-206. [ Vide infra, Systematic.] III.— ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYLOGENY. Bateson & Carpenter describe an abnormal specimen of Antedon rosacea , in which two arms, after being continued normally for a certain distance, break up into several secondary arms. These two abnormal arms are symmetrically placed with regard to the mouth and anus. Bell (1) finds that in Phormosoma placenta , Wyv.-Th., the organs of Stewart may be present in a rudimentary condition, or may be absent. He could find no trace of their presence in P. bursarium or P. tenue. He also finds the longitudinal muscles described by Sarasin entirely absent in Phormosoma , and very feebly developed in Asthenosoma pellucidum. He points out that these facts militate against the statements which the Sarasins based on the anatomy of Asthenosoma urens, as to the characteristics of the Echinothuridce. Camerano has observations on sexual dimorphism in Echinoderms. According to Carpenter (2), in many Cystids the plates of the calyx are as regular as in Crinoids. Many forms are dicyclic and hexamerous. Echinoencrinus has infrabasals, basals, radials, and interradials, which are perhaps homologous with the deltoids of Blastoids. In some genera the mouth is protected by five oral plates, that on the anal side being the largest, as in many Palaeocrinoids. The “ hydrophores palmds ” of Barrande were rightly interpreted by Noumayr as the remains of subtegrainal ambulacra, and they were not at the dorsal pole. Where there was no genital pore the anus may have subserved genital func- tions. Many armoured forms of Psolidce (Holothurians) have much 12 Eoh. ECRINODERMATA. resemblance to Cystidea. The fourth opening near the peristome of Aristocystites , may have been nephridial, as perhaps also, on account of its position, the third opening in Echinoencrinus. Cu^not (1) describes the anatomy and histology of the Asterids. Connective tissue (pp. 3-5). Calcareous tissue (p.6). Muscle fibres (p. G): never striated in any way, and never in communication with the cells of the ectoderm, as Hamann supposed. Yellow bodies (p. 7), probably vegetable cells, occur commonly in sections, especially of the ovoid gland. Integument (pp. 7, et seq.) with three layers: peritoneal epithelium (inner- most layer) (p. 8) ; external epithelium (outermost layer) (pp. 8, et. seq.') consists of indifferent cells, with two kinds of glandular cells, mucous cells, and “ cellules mfiriformes.” Colours of starfish due to a pigment contained in the cells of the ectoderm. Between the bases of the ecto- derm cells is a fibrous layer, the superficial nerve plexus. Fibrous dermis (middle layer) (p. 11). Between the dermis and the peritoneal epithe- lium is a muscular layer. In Echinaster sepositus there are true dermal glands (pp. 11, etseq .), the secretion of which i3 similar to that of the “ cellules muriformes.” Skeleton and musculature (pp. 13 & 14) ; the name, “ soutien interradiaire,” is proposed for the plate, termed odonto- phore by Yiguier. Lymphatic gills (pp. 14 & 17) : the circular lacune at the base is not a portion of the “ schizocoele ” (Hamann), but is a closed space. Yibratile radioles (p. 17) : these are cylindrical rods, supported by a calcareous network in the interior, and covered by columnar ciliated epithelium ; they occur on the lateral faces of the marginal plates in Luidia and Astropecten. Pedicillariae (pp. 18, et seq.) : Licidia ciliaris has both tridactyle and didactyle forms ; the former in specimens from Roscoff, the latter in specimens from Banyuls. Asterina gibbosa has pedicillariae scarcely differentiated from groups of spines, showing that there is no absolute distinction between these two kind of organs. The pedicillariae of Asterias glcicialis are then described in detail : (1)“ Cross” pedicillariae (pp. 20-22) ; (2) “Straight” pedicillariae (pp. 22 & 23) ; (3) Tridactyle pedicillariae (p. 23). ' In the development of the pedicillariae (p. 24) the valves appear first, theft the basal piece ; the “ cross ” pedicillariae run through a transitory “ straight ” stage. Digestive tract (pp. 31, et seq.) : there are two kinds of glandular cells in the epithelium — mucous and granular. Hamann’s flask- shaped cells do not exist. Nervous system (pp. 44, et seq.): nerve-ring and cords alike formed of an epithelium with elongated filamentous cells, between which are found the nervous elements, consisting of fibres and cells. The nerve-cells are only bipolar ; the multipolar cells, often described, belong to the connective tissue. Sense organs (pp. 52, et seq.) : there is no communication between the epithelial cells and the nervous layer, as Hamann described. The tentacle at the tip of the arm is a tactile organ, and some of the tube feet nearest to it are also modified for touch. Eye (pp. 55, et seq.). Blood (pp. 63, et seq.) : all the internal fluids, whether of the body cavity, blood-vascular, or water-vascular system, have the same composition. This internal medium consists of a liquid (sea water) containing sus- ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYLOGENY. Ech. 13 pended amoeboid corpuscles, of one kind only, which contain a substance allied to haemoglobin, termed “ haemoxanthin ” by the author. The corpuscles originate from lymphatic glands ; these are the ovoid gland for the vascular system and body cavity, and Tiedemann’s bodies and the Polian vesicles for the water- vascular system. All these lymphatic glands consist of a connective tissue stroma supporting cells, which multiply rapidly and wander away as amoeboid corpuscles. Ambu- lacral apparatus (pp. 73, et seq.). Tiedemann’s bodies (p. 75). Polian vesicles (p. 76). Stone canal (p. 77): most of the pores of the madre- porite open into the stone canal, the remainder into the peripheral cavity belonging to the blood-vascular system. Modifications of the water- vascular system in different groups (p. 78). Blood-vascular system (p. 86) (= perihoemal system of Ludwig, vide infra) : the oral ring opens into the body cavity in each interradius. In each arm there are a radial, two marginal, and as many transverse vessels as there are feet on each side. The radial and marginal vessels send vessels to the feet. The marginal vessel also sends off a vessel opposite each tube foot, which opens into the body cavity of the arm, between the ambulacral and adambulacral pieces. The oral ring sinus and the radial sinuses are alike divided in half by a septum. In one interradius a large sinus rises from the ring sinus towards the aboral face, the “ axial ” or “ glandular sinus,” containing the stone canal and ovoid gland. The ovoid gland consists of lymphatic tissue, and has a prolongation which hangs free in the body cavity, but has no connection with the stomach, as Hamann supposed. The axial sinus communicates with the exterior by some of the madroporic tubules. Genital vascular apparatus (p. 94) : in the young Astropecten there is, at first, no aboral blood ring. Then the axial sinus sends out on each side a prolongation containing a process from the ovoid gland — the genital rachis. These processes grow round the aboral face of the animal, forming the aboral blood ring, containing the annular genital rachis. From the ring arise in each interradius two outgrowths, into which the genital rachis is prolonged, and from the prolongations of the geuital rachis sprout the ten gonads. The genital ducts arise as ingrowths of the ectoderm. The portion of the genital rachis not used to form gonads forms lymphatic tissue, like that of the ovoid gland, supplying the genital vascular apparatus with corpuscles. All that the author describes as blood sinuses are, in Ludwig’s termino- logy, “ peribmmal spaces,” and be finds that Ludwig’s “ blood-vascular system ” has no existence as such. Ludwig’s “ radial blood-vessel ” is a series of lymphatic spaces in the septum of the radial blood-vessel proper ; his oral blood ring in the annular buccal septum does not exist ; his aboral blood ring and genital vessels are lymphatic organs produced from the genital rachis. Modifications of the blood- vascular system in different groups (pp. 100, et seq.). The blood-vascular system of Echinoderms is derived from the general body cavity, but is homologous with that of other Echinoderms. Sexual Reproduction (p. 113). Gonads of different families described 14 Ech. ' ECHINODERMATA. (pp. 114, et seq .). Evolution of sexual elements (pp. 120, et. seq.) : after the spermatozoon is set free, its nucleolus travels to the periphery, pro- jects, and is cast out. The ovum has no follicle, and its zona radiata is secreted by its own activity. The sexual cells originate from the same primitive cells as blood corpuscles. Successive hermaphroditism in Asterina gibbosa (pp. 126 & 127). Asexual reproduction (p. 128): two methods — (1) by median division, as in Asterina wega ; (2) by radial division, as in LincJciadce, where the arms fall off, and each arm buds a new body, while the old body buds new arms. The author concludes his observations by arranging the Asterids he has studied in what appears to him to be their natural order (p. 131). He finds nothing in the anatomy of Asterids to support Perrier’s view that each starfish is a colony of six individuals, a central nutrient and five radial reproductive animals. CuisNOT (2) finds that the aboral nervous system of Crinoids is not an isolated formation, but that analogous, if not homologous, structures occur in Urchins, Ophiurids, and Asterids. In Asterids each arm is traversed on its aboral side by a strong muscular band ; these bands con- verge to the centre to form a star-shaped figure. Over these bands there is a great thickening, of nervous nature, of the peritoneal epithelium. The histology of these thickenings is quite similar to that of the ambu- lacral nervous system. No connection was found between this enterocoelic nervous system and the superficial nerve plexus. In the same category with the enterocoelic nervous system in Crinoids and Asteroids must be placed the genital nervous ring found by Prouho in Echinus acutus and Strongylocentrotus lividus , and occurring also in Arbacia pustulosa and Echinodiscus biforis. In Ophiurids there is a nerve ring placed exactly like that of Urchins, in the aboral ring which goes from the axial sinus to the genital organs. It perhaps communicates with the peripheral branches of the ectodermal nervous system, but it appears to be of mesodermic origin, developed at the base of the enterocoelic epithelium. Cu^not (3) disputes Hartog’s theory that the madreporic system represents a left nephridium : (1) for embryological reasons ; (2) because colouring matters injected into the body cavity do not escape by it, but by simple osmosis from the feet or lymphatic gills, and there is practically no communication between the body cavity and the exterior by the madreporite, from a physiological point of view ; (3) because the communication between the body cavity aud the exterior is frequently secondarily obliterated anatomically ; and (4) because Hartog’s experi- ments are not conclusive as to the presence of an outward current. The experiments of Perrier, Prouho, and Cuenot showed that no currents existed at all. [Vide Ludwig (2).] Fewkes (3) describes and figures a single stage in the development of Asterina gibbosa , slightly older than the oldest stage described by Ludwig, Asterina being selected as a type of the Asterice adambulacrarice , and also because pentagonal, and therefore nearer to the Echinoids than the stellate genera. A comparison is instituted between this form and ANATOMY, HISTOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYLOGENY. Ecll. 15 the mouth plates of the young Asterias , and it is concluded that there is no difference in the way the mouth parts of a typical representative of the group of starfishes known as Asterice ambulacrarice and Asterice adambulacrarice form in the development of the two groups, but that they are built on essentially the same plan, and the division of starfishes into' those with ambulacral and those with adambulacral mouths is not found in nature. The author supposes that the arm of a starfish is made up of somites or segments, and that, typically in Echinoderms, the calcification of each somite may be thought to sur- round the water-tube of the arm. This theoretical ring of calcification is most closely reproduced in its typical form in the plates surrounding the mouth, in both starfish and sea urchins. The ambulacrals and adam- bulacrals of a starfish are portions of the annular calcification of suc- cessive somites, and are serially homologous. In the ambulacrals the external part of the somite is aborted, while in the adambulacrals both the external and internal parts are missing, only the lateral portions remaining. In sea urchins the plates corresponding to the ambulacrals of a starfish are lost, appearing only round the mouth as the auriculae. On the other hand, plates corresponding to the adambulacrals of a starfish remain, and meet below the water- vascular system, to form the so-called ambulacrals of the sea urchiu. The marginals of starfish, which are most developed in pentagonal types, become the interambulacrals. Incidentally the author notices that Palmipes lays its eggs in long yellow strings (footnote, p. 102). The author passes on to discuss the primary spines of Echinoderms. In the young stages of many Echino- derms the animal is often provided with embryonic spines, relatively much larger, and of a different nature to those of the adult. Thus the young Asterias is provided with large spatulate spines, which the author compares to the modified fin-like spines of Ophiopteron , and which he believes may have been primitively swimming organs. There are two distinct kinds of spines in Asteroids, those which are simply outgrowths from a calcareous plate, and those produced from separate calcifications and afterwards articulated to a plate. To the latter category belong the embryonic spines of Asterias. Similar spatulate spines are found in the young Arbacia , which the author has frequently taken pelagic after absorption of the pluteus, though he has not actually seen it use its spines for swimming. He believes that this larval Arbacia represents an ances- tral form ( Archiarbacia ), from which Echinoids and starfish have sprung, with a disc-like body, and marginal flappers supported by a calcareous axis, the organism resembling an Ephyra , except for the calcification. In many young Ophiurids, on the other hand, the embryonic spines are hooked. These spines are permanent in the adult Ophiobrachion and Astrophyton. In Ophiurids also there are two kinds of spines, the ordinary straight spines of the adambulacral side plates, and the em- bryonic hooked spines, both kinds movable. It is left an open question whether these embryonic hooked spines are homologous with the spatu- late embryonic spines of Asterias. 16M. ECHINODERMATA. Hertwig describes the behaviour of the nucleus during the maturation of parthenogenetic ova of Asterias and Astropecten. After the first polar body is formed, a second nuclear spindle is formed beneath it, leading to a second division of the nucleus. Instead, however, of a second polar body being formed, the two halves of the nucleus travel to the centre of the ovum, and fuse to form a first segmentation nucleus, which soon com- mences to divide and the ovum to segment. Janet describes a specimen of E chinocorys carinatus , in which three of the four genital plates have two pores each, the fourth plate three. Ludwig (1) observes that Ophiocnida sexradia , Dune., can increase by transverse division like Ophiactis virena (Sars), Liitken. According to Sturtz, the five oral shields of recent Ophiuroids are always wanting in pahnozoic forms, in which respect the recent Aatro- phiura permira, Sladen, with only one oral shield present as the madre- porite, is perhaps intermediate between palaeozoic and recent forms. The oral angle shields, lateral oral shields, jaws, jaw-plates, and oral papillae are normally developed in palaeozoic forms, but the radial shields have never been observed in any of them. The arm skeleton of palaeozoic Ophiuroids shows various stages of development : — (1) In Ophioencrinasterice the hard parts were enveloped in a soft skin ; ventral and dorsal shields were wanting ; the vertebrae seen from below consist of unconnected alter- nating halves, and the ambulacral pores are either in the vertebrae or between these and the lateral shields : (2) in Ophiura lymani the dorsal shields are wanting ; the inner arm skeleton consists of rod-like bodies, but those of each pair are opposite to one another and fixed at the ends ; (3) forms such as Furcaster, &c., which resemble (4), but in which ventral shields are doubtfully present ; (4) palaeozoic Ophiu- rids similar to recent forms, but without dorsal shields ; the ambu- lacral vertebrae are normal. Radial and oral shields wanting. The author supports Ludwig in homologizing the vertebrae of Ophiurids, and not their ventral shields, with the ambulacrals of Stellerids, since in the oldest Ophiurids the halves of the vertebrae are disconnected and often alternating, while the ventral shields are often wanting. In several Encrinasterice , as well as in some palaeozoic Stelleridce verce , the madreporite is on the ventral surface, while in other Encri- nasterice it is dorsal, as in recent forms. The mouth structure of palae- ozoic starfish seems to be similar to that of recent forms. Encri- nasterice with alternating ambulacral plates are to be distinguished from Stelleridce with the ambulacral plates of each pair opposite to one another ; but, apart from this peculiarity, the Encrinasterice stand as close to recent Stelleridce as do the palaeozoic Stelleridce verce. The author looks upon the Cystidea as ancestors of the Asteroidea) through such forms as Edrioaster , Agelacrinus, and Uemicystites. He con- siders the third opening of many Cystids to have been perhaps that of the stone canal. If an originally spherical or oval Cystid spreads out to a flat or disc-shaped form, with the three openings on the upper side, we get a transitional form like Agelacrinus. At the same time the external hard EMBRYOLOGY. PHYSIOLOGY. Ech. 17 parts of the lower part of the body become replaced by a soft membrane, as the author has found to be the case in Agelacrinus and Hemicystites , by applying the method of thin sections. The author institutes a detailed comparison of the structure of his transitional Cystid genera with Aste- roids, and concludes that they might be grouped either with Asteroids or Cystids. The ancestor of Asteroids was sessile. IV. — EMBRYOLOGY. \ Semon (1) finds that the preoral band of starfish larvae is not pro- duced from the adoral band, as he formerly stated (Entwickelung der Synapta digitata ; see Zool. Rec. xxv, Echinoderms, p. 8) ; but is nipped off from a continuous postoral band, and its connection with the adoral band is secondary : hence the preoral area in Auricularia and Bipinnaria are homologous. All Echinoderm larva have a circumoral and an adoral band, of cilia. The Echinoderm Dipleurula cannot be compared with a Trochosphere ; its circumoral ciliated band is without a homologue in other larvae, and has been probably independently acquired. Although the Bipinnaria passes through an Auricularia stage, no trace of the nerve streaks of the latter were found, though they are probably present. V. — PHYSIOLOGY. Cu^ not (1) finds that the “ cellule mftriformes ” in the epidermis of Asterids secrete little vesicles, which appear to be venemous, and act as defensive organs. The dermal glands of Echinaster sepositus produce a similar secretion. The function of the vibratile radioles in Luidia and Astropecten is to direct currents of water to the lymphatic gills. The func- tion of the pedicillarise is purely defensive, to keep off parasites [ vide Biology, infra]. In feeding, nutritious substancos never enter the radial or stomachal coeca of starfish. The function of the anus is very limited, and waste matters are often ejected from the mouth. The granular cells of the digestive tract secrete an important digestive ferment. The stomach of a starfish is evaginated by compression of the ccelomic fluid, and drawn in again by the muscles of the mesenteries. In the nervous system of starfish, the radial cords serve each as the co-ordinating centres of their respective arms, while the oral ring acts as the co-ordinating centre for all the arms. The function of respiration is carried on by the hsemoxanthin of the blood corpuscles, acting similarly to haemoglobin. Excretory matters pass into the body cavity and escape by osmosis through the lymphatic gills ; there are no organs of excretion. The pro- ducts of digestion also pass into the body cavity by osmosis ; they are then probably taken up by the amoeboid corpuscles and stored up in a form similar to albumen, to be distributed to the tissues. The stone canal of Asterids has no current either inwards or outwards. It appears 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] 0 2 18 JEch. ECHINODERMATA. to be quite functionless in the adult. The Polian vesicles are lymphatic glands, and contract in order to send the blood corpuscles they produce into the water- vascular system. The blood-vascular system has no cur- rents in definite directions, but the liquid is simply kopt in motion by the cilia of the epithelium. It serves for the nutrition of the organs it traverses. Greenwood describes the action of nicotin upon Asterids, Ophiurids, and Crinoids. In the two latter groups the paralyzing action of nicotin is preceded by a phase of stimulation. Ludwig (2) contradicts the statements of Hartog as to there being an outward current from the madreporite of Echinoderms. As the result of experiments on Holoihuria tubulosa , S tichopus regalis , Sphcerechinus granu- laris , Asterina gibbosa and pancerii , Antedon rosacea , and on Auricularice , he finds that the current is always from without inwards, both in the pore canals of the madreporite, the calyx pores of Antedon , the dorsal pore of Auricularia , and in the stone canal. Prouho (2) finds that the sense of smell in starfishes is localized in the anterior non-locomotory tube feet of each arm, situated just behind the ocular plate. He proposes for these feet, or tentacles, the name “ palps.” [Cf. Biology, infra.] VI. — BIOLOGY. Bather (3) gives an account of the habits of Crinoids and their rela- tion to their environment. Cu^not (1) describes the method in which a starfish uses its pedicillarise for defence. A worm falling on the skin is seized and held by them, assisted by the spines. At the same time, the glandular cells of the skin pour out their poisonous excretion. The animal is held till it is dead. There is a relation between the abundance of pedicillariae in specimens of a given species from different localities and the richness of the fauna ; and the species with pedicillariae in the ambulacral groove never have commensal worms in this part. The most vulnerable parts of the body are the lymphatic glands ; in Astropecten these are protected by the paxillae, which act like the pedicillariae in seizing animals. Another method of defence in starfish is autotomy. The author describes the method in which starfish feed (pp. 40, et seq.). Fewkes (1) describes a Crustacean parasitic in the brood cavities of Amphiura squamata. It causes the ovaries of the Amphiura to degene- rate into an amorphous mass, in which no ova were recognisable, and the brood cavities become filled with the eggs and young of the Crustacean. Fewkes (2) describes the manner in which Strongylocentrotus drobachi- ensis , on the coast of Grand Manan, makes excavations in solid rock. The excavations are effected by the teeth and spines, combined with motions of the animal produced by waves and tide. The object is pri- marily protection, but secondarily a sufficient amount of water is retained in this way to cover the animal at half-tide. The coralline accompanying BIOLOGY. Ech. 19 the urchin, generally found at the rim of the excavation, takes no part in the formation of the recess, though its presence may be necessary to the urchin. Sea-urchins appear to play some part in the formation of the pot-holes with a central style in which they are found at Biarritz, France, though they are assisted by the movements of stones under the action of tides and waves. According to Keyes (1), the study of the Actinocrinidce (for example, Batocrinus , JDorycrinus , and Dichocrinus) shows that at times in the phylogenetic history of a group variations appear to go on with broad and rapid strides, and the organisms survive through rapidly changing physical conditions. When the changes of environment became too rapid, the forms either ceased to exist or retrograded, and became depauperate and extinct. Actinocrinus and others show that variation ftiay go on in one part without affecting another. The Actinocrinidce show a tendency during their existence to increase the distal extent of the rays by branching, by lateral expansion of the arms, or by radial exten- sion of the calyx radials. Keyes (2) describes the relations between Calyptrceidce and Crinoids. KinpowitscH describes a Cirripede parasitic in the body cavity of Solaster and Echinaster , Prouho (1) finds the function of the gemmiform pedicillarise of urchins is to repel the attacks of starfish. When a Strongylocent?'otus lividus is attacked by an Asterias glacialis , as soon as it feels the contact of the tube feet of the starfish the little spines round the part attacked lie down flat, thus unmasking the gemmiform pedicillarise, which are seen with their jaws widely open. The moment a tube foot touches one of them it is bitten, and the bite seems to cause the starfish sharp pain, since it at once withdraws. The head of the pedicillaria remains attached to the bitten tube foot ; hence, after a time the urchins are unable to keep off the starfish, if the latter continue to attack them. If the urchin is pricked with a needle, or otherwise irritated, the movements of the spines are quite different from those performed when attacked by a starfish. In the first case they are all inclined towards the point of attack. Prouiio (2) describes a number of experiments, proving that starfish (Asterias glacialis) in seeking their prey are not guided at all by sight, but by the sense of smell, localized in the non-locomotory tube feet which are situated behind the ocular plate. Sturtz believes that no palaeozoic Ophiuroid can be referred to any recent form inhabiting the shore, and that all palaeozoic forms inhabited either deep sea or moderate depths. His investigations give no support to the view that the littoral fauna is older than that of the deep sea. Yceltzkow describes a parasitic bivalve occurring in a species of Synapta. It lives in the oesophagus, and is visible externally as a whitish grey body, which moves without changing its place. The young animals enter their host by the mouth. In addition a parasitic snail occurs in the Synapta , both fixed to the wall of the stomach and creeping about on the exterior. 20 Ech. ECH INODE RMATA. VII. — DISTRIBUTION IN SPACE AND TIME. Bather (1) : geological distribution of Fistulate Crinoids, with a table, pp. 377-382. Bell (1, 2). Cotteau (1, 2, 3) : Echinoids. Cu^not, (1) p. 134: Asterids. v. Dalla Torre: Echinoids, Asteroids, and Ophi- uroids of Helgoland. Forstrand : Echinoids of Bermuda Coral Reefs. Gauthier : Fossil Echinoids. Ives. Julien: Fossil Echinoids. Lud- wig (1): Echinoderms new to Ceylon. Lutken. v. Marenzeller (2). Norman : Asterias tenuispina not British. Pfeffer. Ramsay (1, 2). Sabatier. Sauvage. Sciilumberger : Eocene Holothurians of Paris. Sennes : Cretaceous Echinids of the West Pyrenees. Sluiter (1, 2, 3) : Echinoderms of the Java Sea. Somerville. Sturtz : palaeozoic Asteroids and Ophiuroids. Toucas : fossil Crinoids and Echinoids. Welsch (1) : Jurassic Echinoids and Crinoids. Welsch (2) : Cretaceous Echinoids. White legge : Echinoderms of Port Jackson. VIII. — SYSTEMATIC. HOLOTHURIOIDEA. Chirodota undulata , Schlumberger, to be Theelia undulata , p. 197, figs. 13 & 14 ; C. Icevigata, n. sp., p. 196, fig. 11 ; C. curriculum , n. sp., p. 197, fig. 12 ; Schlumberger. Gucumaria inconspicua, Bell, to be united with Thyone rosacea , Semper ; vide Ludwig (1). Ilolothuria aspera , n. sp., p. 455, pi. xviii, fig. 3 ; Bell (2). H. heilprini , n. sp., p. 318, pi. viii, figs. 1-6 ; IT. silamensis , n. sp., p. 320, pi. viii, figs. 7-9 ; H. nitida, n. sp., p. 322, pi. viii, figs. 10-18 ; Ives. IT. lamperti , n. sp., p. 106, figs. 1-3 ; Sluiter (3). Myriotrochus opercularis , n. sp., Schlumberger, p. 199, figs. 18 & 19. Myriotrochus eleganSy for Stueria elegans , Schlumberger ; 'Schlum- berger, pp. 198 & 199, figs 15-17. Phyllophorus perspicillum, Selenka : the question raised by Thdel (‘ Challenger ’ Reports), as to whether this form belongs to the genus Phyllophorus or the genus Orcula , is decided by Whitelegge in favour of the former genus. Priscopedatusy n. g., Schlumberger, for P. irregularis , n. sp., p. 199, figs. 20 & 21, P. marginatuSy n. sp., p. 200, fig. 22, P. normani, n. sp., p. 200, figs. 23 & 24, P. pyramidaliSy n. sp., p. 201, figs. 25-29, P. propinquus , n. sp., p. 201, fig. 30, P. multiforiSy n. sp., p. 202, figs. 31 & 32, P. anceps , n. sp., p. 202, fig. 33, P. coi-olla, n. sp., pp. 202 & 203, fig. 34, P. eiffeli , n. sp., p. 203, figs. 35-37, P. echinatuSy n. sp., p. 203, fig. .38, P. crassus} n. sp., p. 204, fig. 39, P. incequalis. n. sp., p. 204, fig. 40, P. aspergillumy n. sp., p. 205, figs, 41 & 42, P. cnbellum , n. sp., p. 205, fig. 43 ; Schlum- berger. HOLOTHURTOIDEA, ECH INOIDEA. Ech. 21 Slueria elegans , Schlumberger, to be Myriotrochus elegans ; id. pp. 198 & 199, figs. 15-17. Synapta eocena, Schlumberger, redescribed, p. 193, figs. 1-5 ; S. stueri , n. sp., p. 194, fig. 6 ; S. renifera , n. sp., p. 194, fig. 7 ; S. circularis, n. sp., , p. 195, fig. 8 ; S. Icevigata , n. sp., p. 195, fig. 9 ; S. truncata, n. sp., p. 196, fig. 10; Schlumberger. S. ludwigii , n. sp., p. 108, figs. 4-9 ; S. rodea , n. sp., p 108, figs. 10-14 ; Sluiter (3). Theelia undulata , for Chirodota undulata , Schlumberger, p. 197, figs. 13 & 14 ; Schlumberger. Thyone rosacea , Semper : with it are to be united Thyone sargassi , Lampert, and Cucumaria inconspicua ; Ludwig (1). Vide also Lampert (2) for new species of Holothurians. ECHINOIDEA. Adelopneustes} n. g., Gauthier. Coraster margaritce, n. sp., Cotteau (3). Cyclaster gourdoni , n. sp., id. (3). Echinarachnius woodi, Forbes, belongs to the genus Rliynchopygus ; Gregory. Echinolampas blanchardi, n.sp.,pp. 288-292, pi. v, figs. 1-12, Cotteau (1). JE Inallaster mexicanus, n. sp., pp. 296-298, pi. ii, id, (4). i H olcopneustes gourdoni , n. g. & sp., id. (3). Holectypus castilloi , n. sp., pp. 295 & 296, pi i, id. (4). j Hypopygurus, n. g., Gauthier. Leiosoma gourdoni , n. sp., Cotteau (3). Maretia aragonensis, n. sp., id. (3). Melonites gaudryi , n. sp., p. 736, Julien. Micraster gourdoni , n. sp., Cotteau (3). Micropsis frossardi, n. sp., id. (3). >/ Opisopneustes, n. g., Gauthier. ^ Or thechinus, n. g., id. j Palceechinus lacazei , n. sp., p. 736, Julien. ^ Rhabdobrissus julieni , n. g. & sp., pp. 281-285, pis. ii, figs. 1-4, & iiiy figs. 1-6, Cotteau (1). Rhgnchopygus woodi) Gregory, = Echinarachnius woodi} Forbes. Schizaster edwardsi , n. sp., pp. 286-288, pis. iii, figs. 7-12, & iv, figs. 1-12, Cotteau (1). Vide also Gauthier, Neumayr, and Sennes. ASTEROIDEA. Sturtz gives the following classification of palaeozoic Stelleridce (pp. 245-247) : — I. Suborder. Encrinasterhe. Family. Palcebrisingidce. Loriolaster , Sturtz, Cheiroptaster , Sturtz. Family. Palcechinasteridce. Palasteriscus) Sturtz. 22 Ech. EOHINODERMA.TA. Family, Palcegoniasteridce. Aspidosoma, Goldfuss, Palceaster , Hall. Family. Palasterinidce. Palasterina , McCoy. Encrinasterice of uncertain position : Aspidosoma , J. Muller ; Urasterella , comprising Schoenaster, Meek & Worthen ; Ptilonastei *, Hall, Palceocoma , Bdellacoma , and Bhopalo - coma , Salter. II. Suborder. Stellerid^e ver^e. Family. Palceaster oidea. Palasteracanthion, Stiirtz. Family. PalcelincJciadoe (?). Boemeraster , Stiirtz, and perhaps Lepidaster , Forbes. Family. Palcechinasteridce. Echinasterella , Stiirtz. Family. Palcegoniasteridce. Xenaster margaritatus, Simonowitsch. Family. Palceastropectinidce. Astropecten , Stiirtz. Of uncertain position : Xenaster simplex , Simonowitsch ; Ccelaster} Sandberger ; Archasterias) Miiller ; wisterias auct. ; Palceostella and Medusaster , Stiirtz. Asterina calcar , Lam., restr. Gray, described, pp. 371 & 372, pi. cc, fig. 1 ; .d. gunniy Gray, described, pp. 372 & 373, pi. cc, fig. 2; McCoy. Astrogonium greeni , n. sp., p. 433, pi. xix, fig. 4, Bell (2). Astropecten squamosus , n. sp., pp. 309 & 310 ; A. pusillus, n. sp., p. 311 ; A. macer, n. sp., pp. 311 & 312 ; Sluiter (2). J Cheiroptaster giganteus , n. g. & sp., pp. 228 & 229, taf. xxix, fig. 33, taf. xxx, fig. 32 ; Sturtz. '•Echinasterella sladeni , n. g. & sp., p. 225, taf. xxviii, figs. 26, 26a, & 27, id. Goniaster acutus , Heller, identical with Goniaster placentceformis ; Lutken. Henricia , Gray, has the priority over Crihella , for Asterias sanguinolenta , O.F.M. ; Bell (4). Lepidaster grayij Forbes, redescribed, pp. 222 & 223, taf. xxviii, figs. 19 & 20 ; Sturtz. Loriolaster mirahilis , Stiirtz, redescribed, pp. 208-210, taf. xxvi, figs. 3 h & 4a ; id. V Medusaster rhenanus} n. g. & sp., pp. 229 & 230, taf. xxxi, figs. 34 & 35 ; Nymphaster protentus, Sladen; for description vide Bell (2). Palceodiscus ferox , Salter, redescribed, pp. 220-222, taf. xxvi, fig. 16 ; Sturtz. < Palceostella solida, n. g. & sp., pp. 230 & 231, taf. xxxi, figs. 42 & 43, id. Palasterina follmanni , n. sp., pp. 226-228, taf. xxix, figs. 29, 30, 30a, 31, & 31 a ; id. Palasteriscus devonicus , Stiirtz, redescribed, pp. 223-225, taf. xxviii, figs. 23, 23a, & 23 b ; id. Pentagonaster ( Tosia ) aurata , Gray, described, pp. 373-375, pi. cc, fig. 3 ; McCoy. Boemeraster asperula , Stiirtz, redescribed, p. 220 ; Sturtz. 0PHIUR01DEA, CRINOIDEA. Ech. 23 Tliyraster , n. g., for Echinasler serpentarius , M. & Tr. ; Ives. Tropidaster, Stiirtz, redescribed, pp. 205-208 ; Sturtz. Urasterella, McCoy, redescribed, pp. 219 & 220 ; id. Xenaster margaritatus, Simonowitsch, redescribed, p. 223 ; id. OPHIDROIDEA. Sturtz gives the following classification of palaeozoic Ophiuroids (pp. 245-247):— I. Suborder. Euryalid^e. Eucladia , Woodward, Ony chaster, Meek & Worthen, and perhaps Ilelianthaster rhenanus, Roemer, emend., Sturtz. II. Suborder. OrmuREAS. 1. Family. Ophioencr master ice. Protaster, Forbes, &c. ; Tceniaster , Billings ; Eugaster , Hall ; Palceophiura , Sturtz ; Bundenbachia , Sturtz. 2. Family. Palceamphiuridce ( Protophiurece ). 1st Group. Ophiura lymani, Sturtz. 2nd Group. Protaster , Salter ; Furcaster, Sturtz ; Ophiura zitteli , Sturtz. 3rd Group. Ophiura ( Ophioscolex ) primigenia, Sturtz ; Ophiura decheni, Sturtz. Bundenbachia beneclcei , Stiirtz, redescribed, pp. 216 & 217 ; Sturtz. Furcaster palceozoicus , Sturtz, redescribed, pp. 214 & 215, taf. xxxi, figs. 40 & 40a ; id. Helianthaster rhenanus , Roemer, emend. Sturtz, redescribed, pp. 218 & 219, taf. xxvi, figs. 14a, 15, 15a, taf. xxvii, fig. 14 ; id. Ophiura primigenia , Sturtz, redescribed, pp. 210 & 211, taf. xxvi, figs. 6, 6a, & 7 ; O. decheni , Sturtz (= Eoluidia decheni ), redescribed, pp. 211-213, taf. xxvi, figs. 10, 10a, & 11 ; O. zitteli , Sturtz (= Palastropecten zitteli ), redescribed, pp. 213 & 214, taf. xxvi, figs. 12 & 13 ; StOrtz. Ophiurina lymani , n. sp., p. 232, taf. xxxi, figs. 36, 36a, & 37 ; id. Palceophiura solida , n. sp., p. 233, taf. xxxi, figs. 38, 38a, & 39 ; id. Protaster miltoni , Salter, redescribed, pp. 215 & 216 ; P. brisingoides , Gregory, redescribed, pp. 217 & 218 ; id. CRINOIDEA. Bather (1) gives the following classification of the Inadunata Fistulata : — (?) Family Hybocrinidce. Hybocrinus, Hoplocrinus, Bcerocrinus. Group a. — 1. Heterocrinidce. 2. Calceocrinidce. 3. Catillocrmidce. 24 Ech. ECHINODERMATA. Group b. — 1, Dendrocrinidee. Series 1. Dendrocrinites. Series 2. Scaphocr inites. 2. Carabocrinidce. 3. Euspirocrinidce. 4. Decadocrinidce. Series 1. JBotryocr inites. Series 2. Scytalecrinites. Series 3. Graphiocrinites. Series 4. a. Eriocrinites. b. Encrinites. Series 5. Cromyocrinites. 5. Cyathocrinidce. Series 1. Cyathocrinites. Series 2. Codiacrinites. Series 3. Actiradiocrinites. 6. Belemnocrinidce. Incertce Sedis — Edriocrinus. Antedon piimila, Bell, description corrected by Whitelegge. Calamocrinus diomedece , n. g. & sp., pp. 165-167, Agassiz (1). Thenar ocrinus callipygus , n. g. & sp., Batiier (2). Verm. 1 VERMES. BY P. Chalmers Mitchell, B.A., F.Z.S. I. — Introduction, p. 1. II.— List of Titles, p. 2. III. — References. Systematic Classification, p. 16. IY.— References. Subject-matter Classification, p. 23. I. — INTRODUCTION. Again this year there is a very large amount of Morphological and Zoological work on this large group. There is a valuable monograph by Boehmig on Turbellarians, and by Joyeux-Laffuie on Chcetopterus. Benham has begun an attempt to classify the Earthworms, a group on which a very large amount of work has been published by different authors in recent years. Burger has an important contribution to our knowledge of the structure of the Nemertiues. IIamann gives a number of very suggestive reasons for bringing together the Nematoda and the Acantliocephala. Sciiimkewitsch has summed up the results of his recent researches on Balanoglossus, and gives an interesting division of Coelomata , based on the nervous system. Wilson has an important paper on the mesoblast of Annelids, and Bergh on Annelid embryology. Meyer treats of Annelid descent. 19 new genera and 148 new species have been described : — Rotifera : Acantliodactylus , new genus, and 21 new species. Nemertea: Poliopsis and Prosadenophorus, new genera, and 24 new species. Acanthocephala: 4newspecie8. Nematoda: 13 new species. Oligoch^eta : Anisochceta , Bilimba , Callidrilus, Chcetobranchus , Deodrilus, Digitibranchus , Diporo- clioeta , Eudriloides , Heliodrilus , Hoplochceta , Nemertodrilus, Polyto- rentus, Pygmceodrilus , Siphonog aster, Stuhlmannia, new genera, and 38 new 2 Verm. VERMES. 6pecies. Polych^eta : 2 new species. Gephyrea : 1 new species. Hiru- din ea : 2 new species. Turbellaria : Microplana, new genus and 28 new species. Cestoda : 6 new species. Trematoda : Vallisia , new genus and 9 new species. II.— LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Anderson, H. H. Notes on Indian Rotifers. J. A. S. B. lviii, pp. 345- 358, pis. xix-xxi. Many new species. Andrewes, E. A. Notes on the Body-cavity Liquid of Sipunculus gouldiiy Pourtales. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. ix, p. 65. ApAtiiy, Stepan. (1) Die Lang’schen leeren Ringe, besonders bei Hirudo medicinalis. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 320-322. [Postscript to above, Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 351.] In Lang’s text-book the author has overlooked Apdthy’s discovery that there are sense-papillae on all the rings of the leech. . (2) A Pioczafdldk Kiilso Alaktanarol. Ert. Term. Kor. xix, 3, 84 pp., 4 pis. On the external morphology of the leeches. In Magyar only. Barrois, J. Quelques mots ou sujet de ma nouvelle conception de TOrganisme Gestode. Rev. Biol, ii, p. 199. Bavay, M. Sur la Presence du Bothriocephalus latus a Madagascar. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, p. 134. Beddard, F. E. (1) On the Structure of a Species of Earthworm belonging to the genus Diachceta. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 159-173, pi. xx. . (2) On the Structure of a new Genus of Oligochceta , “ Deodrilus” and on the Presence of Anal Nephridia in Acanthodrilus. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 467-488, pis. xxxiii & xxxiiia. . (3) Preliminary Note upon lleliodrilus , a new genus of Eudrilidce. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 627-629. — — . (4) Preliminary Note on a new Earthworm belonging to the family Eudrilidce. T. c. pp. 561-563. Description of a new genus allied to Stuhlmannia. . (5) Contributions to the Natural History of an Annelid of the genus Dero . P. Z. S. 1889, pp. 440-444, with woodcuts. Supports the affinity of Dero with Nais , and describes the genitalia. . (6) Observations upon an American species of Perichceta , and upon other Members of the Genus. Op. cit. 1890, pp. 52-69, pis. iv & v. Account of Perichceta indica. Revision of Perichcetidce with Biporo- chceta , Anisochceta and Hoplochceta , new genera. An account of the spermathecse and nephridia in Perichceta , and descriptions of new species. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm . 3 [Beddard, F. E.] (7) Observations upon the Structure of a Genus of Oligochceta, belonging to the Limicoiine section. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xvii, pp. 5-7. Notes on Moniligaster. . (8) On the Homology between the Genital Ducts and the Nephri- dia in the Oligochceta. P. R. Soc. xlviii, No. 295, pp. 452-455. In Acanthodrilus multiporus the genital funnels and a portion at least of the ducts are formed out of nephridia. . (9) On the Anatomy, Histology, and Affinities of Phreoryctes. Tr. R. Soc. Edinb. xxxv, pp. 629-640, 1 pi. Benham, W. B. (1) “ Atrium ” or “ Prostate.” Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 368- 372, with woodcuts. Holds, against Beddard, that the “ prostates,” so-called, of many Earth- worms are not to be homologized with the “ atria ” of Tubificidce. . (2) The Genera Trigaster and Benhamia. Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 414-417. A comparison of the characters of these genera. -. (3) An Attempt to Classify Earthworms. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 201-315, with zincographs. Outlines of the Classification : — Subclass I. Naidomorpha. Order 1. Naidina. Families. I. Aphanoneura ; II. Naididce ; m. Chceto gas tr idee ; and the genus Ctenodrilus. Small worms of relatively few somites. Blood uncoloured. Male genital pores in front of somite vii, or in this somite. Asexual as well as sexual reproduction occurs. The anterior few somites of the body are frequently different from the following somites, or the prostomium is pigmented and ciliated. Eye-spots are frequently present. Subclass II. Lumbricomorpiia. Reproduction only by sexual process. No “ cephalization.’’ Somites behind the peristomium all similar, and setae are similar throughout the body, except in special regions, e.g.t on clitellum. Male genital pores behind somite vii. No eye-spots. Order 1. Microdrili. “ I/umbricomorpha minora .” These are the “ Water- worms.” Order in- cludes Yejdovsky’s Families — Discodrilidce , Enchytrceidce, Tubijlcidce} Phreoryctidce , and Lumbriculidce. Order 2. Megadrili. “ Lumbricomorpiia major a.” The Earthworms. Branch 1. Plectonephrica. Families. Typhceidce, Acantliodrilidce , Perichcetidce . Branch 2. Meganephrica. Families. Moniligastridce , Eudrilidce , Perionycidce , Geoscole- cidce, Bhinodrilidce. 4 Verm. VERMES. Bergendal, D. Studien ueber nordische Turbellarien und Nemertinen. CEfv. Ak. Forh. 1890, pp. 323-328. A preliminary note. A new Triclad. Bergh, It. S. (l)Die Schichtenbildung im Keimstreifen der Blutegel. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 658-660. . (2) Neue Beitrage zur Embryologie der Regenwiirmer. T. c. pp. 186-190. A preliminary notice. The author criticizes many of E. B. Wilson’s conclusions. He strongly supports the view he published in 1885, that in Annelids the mesoderm and ectoderm are closely bound together, so that the mosoderm must bo taken as of ectodermal origin. . (3) Neue Beitrage zur Embryologie der Anneliden. I. Zur Entwicklung und Differenziruug des Keimstreifens von Lumbricus. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 469-526, pis. xix-xxi. An elaborate paper on the germinal layers in Lumbricus. Blanchard, It. (1) Anomalie des Organes G&ritaux chez un Taenia, saginata , Goeze. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 166-168, with woodcut. . (2) Anomalie des Organes Gdnitaux chez un Taenia saginata , Goeze. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 403-404. An abnormality due to the fusion of two or more segments. Boehmig, L. Untersuchungen ueber Rhabdocoele Turbellarien. n. Pla- giostomina und Cylindrostomina, Graff. Z. wiss. Zool. ii, pp. 167-479, pis. xii-xxi, 21 woodcuts. An elaborate monograph on the Bhabdoccela. Anatomy, pp. 171-346. Special descriptive part, pp. 346-464. Systematic, pp. 464-470. Plagiostomina 1. Genus Plagiostoma. Plagiostomina without a tentacle at anterior end. 2. Vorticeros. Plagiostomina with two tentacles at the cephalic end of the body. A llostomina. 1. Alio stoma. A llostomina vwith a "circular furrow, with long cilia about the brain. 2. Enterostoma. Allostomina without special cilia or furrow. Cylindrostomina. 1. Cylindro stoma. Cylindrostomina , with cylindrical forwardly-directed pharynx. The small penis is similarly directed ; the atrium runs beneath the gullet, and both form a short common external opening. list op publications. Verm. 5 2. Monosphorum, n. g. Cylindrostomina with a common opening for pharynx and genitalia towards the posterior end of the body. Penis is directed towards the anterior, the pharynx towards the posterior extremity. Bolsius, H. S. J. Recherches sur la Structure des Organes Segmentaires des Hirudinees. Cellule, v, pp. 569-430, 3 pis. & index. In all the leeches the cavities of the nephridia are intracellular, except the vesicle at the inferior end. A full account of the histology of the nephridia in Hirudo, Aulastomum, Nephelis, and Clepsine , is given. Bourne, A. G-. (1) Botifera. Reprint from the Encycl. Brit. Zool. articles. London (A. & 0. Black) : 1891. * . (2) On Chcetobranchus, a new genus of Oligochaetous Chcetopoda. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 83-89, pi. xii. Each of the anterior segments, from the second segment backwards, bears a pair of dorso-laterally directed processes, which include some or all of the setae in the dorsal bundle. The worm is a Naid. Bourne, G. C. Report of a Trawling Cruise in H.M.S. ‘Research ’ off the S.W. Coast of Ireland. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) i, pp. 306-323. Vermes, p. 317. Braun, M. (1) Ueber Temnocephala. CB. Bakt. Parasit. vii, pp. 84-90 & 125-128. A review of our knowledge of Temnocephala. . (2) Notiz uber Auswanderung von Distomen. T. c. p.568. A number of examples of Distomum cylindraceum left the frogs by the nostrils ; they all died in a few hours, and their eggs sank to the bottom of the vessel. . (3) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Korperbedeckung ektopara- sitischor Tromatodon. T. c. pp. 594-597. * Buchanan, F. Hekaterobranchus shrubsolii , a new Genus and Species of the Family Spionidas. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi, pp. 175-200, pis. xxi & xxii. An account of the anatomy of this form. In a postscript it is stated to be probably not a new genus, but a new species of S treblospio, Werster. Burger, 0. (1) Untersuchungen ueber die Anatomie und Histologie der Nemertinen nebst Beitriige zur Systematik. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 1-279, pis. i-x, many woodcuts. An elaborate anatomical and histological study on the Nemertines. Systematic part, pp. 6-31, with tables of the genera and species ; descrip- tion of 18 new species, and Prosadenophorus , new genus. Anatomical and histological part, pp. 32-248. Conclusions, pp. 248-260. 6 Verm . VERMES. [Burger, 0.] (2) Summary of Researches into the Anatomy and His- tology of the Nemertines, with Contributions to their Classification. Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 394-409. A translation of Burger (1). Camerano, L. (1) Primi Momenti della Evoluzione dei Gordii. Mem. Acc. Tor. xl, pp. 1-19, 2 pis. On the early stages of the development of Gordius. ■ . (2) Nuove osservazioni intorno ai Gordii Italiani. III. Gordii di Sardegna. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 83, 2 pp. Gordii from Sardinia. Cerfontaine, Paul. Recherches sur le Syst&me Cutan6 et sur le Syst&me Musculaire du Lombric terrestre. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 327- 428, pis. xi-xiv (also in Mem. Cour. Ac. Belg. 4to, t. lii, 108 pp., 4 pis., andipreliminary account ;in Bull. Ac. Belg. xviii, pp. 604-619). An important memoir on the anatomy and histology of the skin and muscles. Chatin, J. (1) Presence de YHeteraJcis maculosa chez le Faisan. Bull. Soc. Philom. ii, p. 26. , . (2) Sur l’Enkystement pr6mature de YHeterodera schachtii. T. c. pp. 26-28. . (3) Le Mouton peut-il propager V Heterodera schachtii ? C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 17 & 18. The sheep is apparently unable to aid the dissemination of this beet- root enemy. Claus, C. On the Morphology and Phylogeny of the Organization of the Cestoda. Ann. N. H. v, pp. 416-429. Translation of memoir cited in Zool. Rec. 1889. Cobb, N. A. (1) Arabian Nematodes. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. v, pp. 449-467. Describes a formula to be used in describing Nematoda , e.g. : — Pharynx. Nerve-ring. ^gck^ Vulva. Anus. Lengths ... 1* 8*2 17*3 52* 93*3 -1-77. Diameters . . *9 1'5 1'6 1*7 *8 Pharynx. Nerve-ring. ^gck^ Vulva. Anus. 1*77, the number to the right, represents the length of the Nematode in millimetres. All the other numbers are percentages of the length. The upper numbers give, in percentages of the total length, the distances from the anterior end to the bottom of the pharynx, to the centre of the nerve-ring, to the posterior end of the oesophagus, to the vulva, and to the anus. The numbers on the lower side of the line similarly relate to the diameters of the animal at these points. Several species are described, some new, and their formulae are given. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 7 [Cobb, N. A.] (2) Oxyuris Larvae hatched in the Human Stomach under abnormal conditions. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. v, pp. 168-185, pi. viii. As the result of experiments concludes that this parasite normally hatches on introduction to the human stomach, but a certain amount of the development may go on outside the host, as is usual in parasitic Nematoda. Observations on the structure of the adult and the larva are given. Crety, C. (1) Contribuzione all’ anatomia del Sistema Muscolare e Nervoso del Dibotliriorhynchus benedenii , Crety ( Tetrarhynchus tenuis , van Beneden). Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, iv, pp. 39-44. A preliminary note on the muscular and nervous system. . (2) Sopra alcuni Cisticerchi di una Foca ( Monachus albiventer , Gray). T. c. pp. 106-108. CuitNOT, M. L. Formation des Produits G6nitaux paries Glandes Lym- phatiques (invert6br6s). C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1889, ii, pp. 581-586. Annelids and Gephyreans, pp. 583 & 584. Concludes that the lymphatic cells develope into ova and spermatozoa. Daday, E. (1) Ein interessanter Fall der Heterogenesis bei den Radertieren. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. vii, pp. 140-156, pi. i. A splanchna sieboldii. . (2) A N&polyi obol Rotatoriai. Ert. Term. Kor. xix, 7, 52 pp. 2 pis. On Rotifers, with many new species. In Magyar only. Dawson, Sir J. W: On Burrows and Tracks of Invertebrate Animals in Palaeozoic Rocks, and other Markings. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 595-698, with many woodcuts. Sabellarites , n. g., p. 605. Combination of worm-tracks with ripple- marks and shrinkage cracks, pp. 610-612. . (2) Notes on a Fossil Fish and Marine Worm found in the Pleisto- cene Nodules of Green’s Creek on the Ottawa. Can. Rec. iv, pp. 86-88. The worm is a Nereis. Dendy, A. The Anatomy of an Australian Land-Planarian. Tr. R. Soc. Yict. ii, pp. 50-94, pis. vii-x. On Geoplana spenceri , n. sp. An account of the habits, anatomy, aud histology. Dewitz, Joh. Bericht ueber die Rotatorien-Literatur der Jahre 1887 und 1888. Arch. f. Nat. 1888, ii, pp. 43-62. Erlanger, R. v. Der Geschlechtsapparat der Tania echinococcus. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 555-559, pi. xxiv. Etheridge, R. On the Occurrence of the Genus Turrilepas and Annelid Jaws in the Upper Silurian (P Wenlock) Rocks of New S. Wales. Geol. Mag. 1890, pp. 337-340, pi. xi. 3 new species of Annelids, from jaws. 8 Verm. VERMES. Fiorentini, A. Suir Ossiuride vivipara ( Oxyuris vivipara, Probstmayer)t Boll, scient. xii, pp. 21-25, with pi. Fletcher, J. J. Notes on Australian Earthworms, vi. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. iv, pp. 986-1019. Many new species. Forbes, S. A. (1) An American Terrestrial Leech. Am. Nat. 1890, pp. 646-649. On Semiscolex terrestris , n. sp., from Illinois. Feeds on Earthworms, which it swallows entire. . (2) On an American Earthworm of the Family Phreoryctidce. Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, pp. 106-118, pis. vi-viii. Anatomy of Phreoryctes emissarius , n. sp. s — — . (3) An American Terrestrial Leech. T. c. pp. 118-122. On Semiscolex terrestris , n. sp. Giard, A. Sur la parents des Annelides et des Mollusques. C.R. cx, pp. 90-93. Suggests a phylum Gymnotoca. 1. Mollusca. 2. Annelida. 3. Brachiopoda. 4. Giliata , incl. Rotifer a, Gasterotricha , and Bryozoa. Gymnotoca Graff, L. Planarians. Reprint from Encycl. Brit. Zool. articles. London (A. & C. Black) : 1891. Grassi, B., & Calandruccio, S. Ueber Ilcematozoon lewisi. Entwick- lungscyklus einer Filaria (F. recondita, Grassi) des Hundes. C.B. Bakt. Parasit. vii, pp. 18-26, with woodcuts. Hallez, P. Catalogue des Turbellari6s (Rhabdocoelides et Dendro- coelides) du Nord de la France et de la Cote Boulonnaise raccoltes jusqu’ a ce jour. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 160-163, 200-206, 227-234, 312- 320, & 393-402. Hamann, O. (1) Die Lemnisken der Nematoden. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 210-212. The lemnisci of Echinorhynchi have homologues in Nematoda. . (2) Monographie der Acanthocephalen (Echinorhynchen). Ihre Entwicklungsgeschichte, Histogenie, u. Anatomie. Jen. Z. Nat. xxv, pp. 113-231, pis. v-xiv. Embryology, segmentation, &c., pp. 117-124. Larval forms, pp. 124- 131. Anatomy, etc., of adult, pp. 132-202. The lemnisci are compared to the ampullae of starfish. They act as part of the force-pump appa- ratus for ejecting the proboscis, and as a reservoir for the fluid of the lacunar system when the proboscis is withdrawn. Systematic and bio- logical part, pp. 202-215, with 2 new species. General part, pp. 215-221. Echinorhynchus claviceps is a paidogenetic form. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 9 Harmer, S. F. On Living Specimens of a Land Planarian found in Cambridge. P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. vii, p. 83. j Rhynchodemus terrestris . Hertwig, 0. Yergleich der EL und Samenbildung bei Nematoden. Eine Grundlage fur cellulare Streitfragen. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 1-138, pis. i-iv. Horst, R. Descriptions of Earthworms. Notes Leyd. Mus. xii, pp. 231-237, pi. x. Two new Perichcetce. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Nemertines. Reprint from the Encycl. Brit. Zool. articles. London (A. & C. Black) : 1891. Imhof, O. E. (1) Notizen ueber die pelagische Thierwelt der Seen in Karnthen und in der Krain. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 261-263, 347-349, & 372-377. List of pelagic fauna, including Rotifers, of these lakes. . (2) Notiz ueber das Yorkommen von Pedalion mirurn , Hudson. T. c. pp. 609-611. Account of its occurrence. Ives, J. E. On Arenicola cristata and its allies. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 73 & 74. Jammes, J. Sur la Constitution Histologique de quelques Nematodes du genre Ascaris. C.R. cxi, pp. 65 & 66. Joubin, L. (1) Recherches sur les Turbellaries des C6tes de France (Nemertes). Arch. Z. exp6r. viii, pp. 461-602, pis. xxv-xxxi. An account of the occurrence and distribution. Systematic, with descriptions of species. Poliopsis , n. g., of Palceonemertince. . (2) Recherches sur la Faune des Turbellaries des Cotes de France. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1889, ii, pp. 520-579. Jourdan, E. Sur un Tissu Epithelial Fibrillaire des Annelides. C.R. cxi, pp. 825 & 826. Joyeux-Laffuie. Etude monographique du Chetoptfcre ( Chcetoptcrus variopedatus , Renies) suivie d’une Revision des esp£ces du genre Chcetopterus. Arch. Z. exp4r. viii, pp. 245-360, pis. xv-xx. An elaborate monograph. Kellicott, D. S. A New Rotiferon. P. Am. Micr. Soc. xi, pp. 32 & 33, with woodcut. Cephalosiphon furcillatus , n. sp. Kingsley, J. S. Record of American Zoology. Am. Nat. 1890, pp. 351— 357. Vermes, p. 354. Kulagin, N. Zur Anatomie der in Russland vorkommenden Regen - wiirmer. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 404-406. Additions to paper in Zool. Anz. 1888. 1890, [vol. xxvii.] g 3 10 Verm. VERMES. Leidy, J. Notices of Entozoa. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 410-418. With many new species. Levinsen, G. M. R. Om to nye Regnormslsegter fra iEgypten. Yid. Medd. 1889, pp. 318-322, pi. vii. On two new earthworms from Egypt : Siphonogaster cegyptiacusy n. g. & sp., and Digitibranchus niloticus , n. g. & sp. Lindenfeld, H., & Pietruszynski, J. Przyczynek do Fauny Pijawek Krajowych ( Hirudinea ). Pam. Fizjogr. ix, pp. 237-248, pi. viii ; op. cit. x, pp. 399-437, pi. xiv, and woodcuts. On Polish leeches. In Polish only. Several new varieties ' and a new Clepsine. Lindner, Dr. Ueber Biologie und hvgienische Bedeutung der in Essig lebenden Fadenwiirmer oder Nematoden ( Anguillula aceti, Ehrenbg., A. oxophila, Schneider). Ber. Yer. Cassel, xxxvi & xxxvii, pp. 41-45. Linstow, Dr. v. (1) Grus viridirostris getodtet durch den Parasitismus von Syngamus sclerostomum, Molin. CB. Bakt. Parasit. viii, pp. 259-261, with woodcuts. . (2) Ueber Allantonema und Diplogaster. T.c. pp. 489-493, with woodcuts. . (3) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Yogel-Tsenien, nebst Bemerkungen ueber neue u. bekannte Helminthen. Arch. f. Nat. 1890, i, pp. 171- 188, pi. x. . (4) Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung des Distomum cylindra- ceumy Zed. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, pp. 173-191, pis. vii & viii. Loeb, J. Weitere Untersuchungen ueber don Heliotropismue dor Thiere und seine Uebereinstimmung mit den Heliotropismus der Pflanzon. Arch. ges. Phys. xlvii, pp. 391-416, pi. ix. Pp. 393-403 are on Heliotropism in Spirographis spallanzanii. Loennberg, E. Ueber Amphiptyches Wagener oder Gyrocotyle urna (Grube et Wagener), Diesing. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 55-61. A preliminary note. Loman, J. C. C. . Ueber neue Land-Planarien von den Sunda-Inseln. Zool. Ergebnisse .einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien yon Max Weber. Leiden : 1890. Yerlag von Brill. Heft. l,pp. 131-158, pis. xii & xiii. Many new species, and an account of the anatomy. Lord, J. E. Notes on the Genus Distyla. Tr. Manch. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 40-43, 1 pi. Malaquin, A. Les Ann61ides Polychetes des C6tes du Boulonnais. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 175-185, 275-285, 380-392, & 435-439 (with a new species of Procerastea) ; op. cit. iii, pp. 97-105. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm. 11 Mark, E. L. Trichina in Swine. From the 28th Annual Report Mass. State Board of Health for 1888, pp. 113-134. Tabular statistics of the trichinous hogs found at Boston and Chicago are given. It is suggested that the source of infection is sometimes trichinous rats, but more often offal containing pieces of trichinous flesh. MaupaS, E. (1) Sur la Multiplication et la F^condation de VHydatina senta . J. Microgr. 1890, pp. 242-245. — — . (2) Sur la Multiplication et la Fdcondation de VHydatina senta. C.R. cx, pp. 310-312. Meyer, E. (1) Die Abstammung der Anneliden. Der Ursprung der Metamerie und die Beteutung des Mesoderms. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 296-308. * . (2) Annelid Descent. Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 1143-1166. Translation of paper in Biol. CB. Miciiaelsen, W. (1) Die Lumbriciden Norddeutschlands. JB. Hamb. vii, pp. 1-19. Several new species and a synoptic table (p. 18). ~ — . (2) Beschreibung der von Herrn Dr. Franz Stuhlmann im Miind- ungsgebiet des Sambesi gesammelten Terricolen. T. c. pp. 21-50, 4 pis. Pygmceodrilus , n. g., Eudriloides , n. g., Nemertodrilus , n. g., Callidrilus, n. g., Polytoreutus , n. g., Stuhlmannia , n. g., and many new species. . (3) Die Lumbriciden Mecklenburg’s. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xliv, pp. 48-54. With Allolobophora studiosai n. sp. . (4) Oligochgeten des Naturhistorisohen Museums in Hamburg, ill. JB. Hamb. vii, pp. 51-62. M’Intosh, W. C. Notes from the St. Andrew’s Marine Laboratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland), No. xn. I. Preliminary note on the occurrence of Pelagic Annelids and Clisetognaths in St. Andrew’s Bay throughout the year. Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 174^=182, 1 woodcut. Moniez, R. (1) Sur les Constructions d’un Yer de Terre, VEnterion rubeltumf Hoffm. Rev. Biol, ii, pp. 207 & 208. . (2) Sur un Parasite ( Distoma acutum, F. S. Lkt.), qui vit dans l’Os Ethmoide et dans les Sinus Frontaux du Putois. T. c. p. 243. . (3) Sur la Larve du Taenia grinialdii , n. sp., parasite du Dauphin. T. c. pp. 243-245. . (4) Sur les Differences Exterieurs que pen vent presenter les Nema- tobothrium , a propos d’une esp&ce nouvelle N. guernei. C.R. cxi, pp. 833-836. 1 2 Verm. VERMES. Monticelli, F. S. (1) Di una Forma Teratologica di Bothriocephalus microcephalus , Rud. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, iv, pp. 128-130, with woodcuts. A bifurcated form. . (2) Note Elmintologiche. T. c. pp. 189-208, taf. viii, with wood- cuts. Contains — Trematoda : — I. Nota preliminare sul genere Acanthocotyle , Montic. II. Breve descrizione del Pseudocotyle minor , n. sp. in. Alcune considerazioni sul Tetraonchus torpedinis , Chatin. iv. Appunti critici su di una specie del genere Exacotyle , Blainv. Cestoda : — i. Di due forme di Dibothridce del Centrolophus pompilius. II. Intorno ad un Cestodo del Polypterus bichir. ill. Sul Pyramidoccplialus anthrocaphalus, Rud. IV. Di una nuova specie del genere Diplocotyle , Krabbe, D. rudolphi , n. sp. . (3) Alcune considerazioni biologiche sul genere Gyrocotyle. Atti Soc. Ital. xxxii, pp. 327-329. . (4) Elenco degli Elminti studiati a Wimereux nella primavera del 1889. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 417-444, pi. xxii. MrAzek, Al. 0 cysticerkoidech nasich Korysu sladkovodnich. PrispS- vek k. biologii a morfologii cestodu. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, i, pp. 226-248, 2 pis. On the cysticercus of Tania fasciata , from Cyclops agilis , and of Tania coronula from Cypris ovum and C. compressa. Czech only. Neumann, M. E. Sur l’Homologie de la Tete des Cestodes. Bull. Soc. Toulouse, xxiii, pp. 82-97. Supports against recent criticisms the homology of the Cysticercus with the head of the Cestode. Ostertag, R. Ueber eine peue Strongylus- Art im Labmagen des Rindes. CB. Bakt. Parasit. viii, pp. 457-460. S. convolutus , n. sp. Parona, C. Elmintologia italiana : Bibliografia, Sistematica e Storia. Boll, scient. xi, pp. 113-119, xii, pp. 29-32, 63, 64, 96, & 150-152. Parona, A., & Perugia, C. Nuove Osservazioni sull’ Amphibdella torpedinis , Chatin. Ann. Mus. Genov, ix, pp. 363-367, with woodcut. Perugia, A., & Parona, E. Di alcuni Trematodi Ectoparassiti di Pesci adriatice. T. c. pp. 16-32, pis. i & ii. Vallisia , n. g. Petr, F. Yifmci ( Rotatoria ) vysociny ceskomoravskA SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, ii, pp. 215-225, with woodcuts. On Rotifers from the highlands of Bohemia. In Czech only. One new species. Piiisalix, C. Sur un Ndmatode nouveau Parasite du Poumon chcz lo Dauphin. Filaria semi-inclusa , n. sp. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 661- 664, with a woodcut. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Verm, 13 Pintner, Til. Neue Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Bandwurmkorpers. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, ix, pp. 57-83, 2 pis. II. Copulation in Cestoda , pp. 1—1.7. III. On the female genitalia of Tetrabothria. Ralliet, A. Une Experience propre a 6tablir le mode d’ Alimentation du Distome H<3patique. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 88-91. . (2) Sur le pretendu Monostoma leporis , Kuhn. T. c. pp. 132 & 133. Certainly a Cysticercus. Ridley, H. N. Notes on the Zoology of Fernando Noronha. J. L. S. xx, pp. 473-503. Benham, W. B., Oligocficeta, pp. 560-563. Notes on worms belonging to the genus Urochceta. Rosa, D. (1) I Lombrichi raccolti nell’ isola Nias dal Signor E. Modig- liani e descritti dal Dott. Daniele Rosa, Assistente al R. Musco Zoologico di Torino. Ann. Mus. Genov, vii, pp. 125-136. With a new Perichceta. . (2) I Lombrichi della spedizione Antarctica italiana del 1882. T. c. pp. 137-146. . (3) Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea, in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxv. Moniligastridi, Geoscolicidi , ed Eudrilidi (12). Op. cit. ix, pp. 368-400, pi. xii. Desmog aster, n. g. of Moniligastridcc ; Dilimba , n. g. of Geoscoleeidce ; and several new species. Roule, L . Sur le Developpement des Feuillets Blastodermiques chez les Gephyreens tubicoles. C.R. cx, pp. 1147-1149. Saint-Remy, G. (1) Sur une espece nouvelle de Polystomien du genre Onchocotyle , Dies. Rev. Biol, iii, pp. 41-43. 0. prenanti , n. sp. . (2) Recherches sur la structure des Organes G^nitaux du Caryo- pliyllccus mutabilis , Rud. Op. cit. ii, pp. 249-260, woodcut. Sangalli, G. Note Elmintologiche. Cisti da Echinococco del Rene sinistro di straordinario grandezza. Pseudostrongili nel Rene sinistro d’altro uomo adulto. Rend. 1st. Lombardo, xxiii, pp. 270-280. Sciiimkewitsch, Wladimir. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der Organ-Systeme der Enteropneusten. Anat. Anz. v, pp. 29-32. A rdsumd of his already published conclusions of the relations between Enter opneusta, Echinodermata, and Chordata. Following the nervous system, he divides all Bilateralia into : — Gastroneura : Ganglion in head and two ventral chords. Tetraneura ( Mollusca ) : Ganglion in head, and two ventral and two lateral chords. 14 Verm. VERMES. Cycloneura ( Echinodermata ) : No head ganglion ; oesophageal ring and five radial branches. Notoneura ( Enteropneusta and Chordata) : No head ganglion, but with dorsal nerve tube. Shipley, A. E. (1) On Phymosoma varians. Q. J. Micr. Soc. xxxi, pp. 1-27, pis. i-iv. An account of the anatomy. Author supports the relationship of Phoronis with the unarmed Gephyreans, through Phymosoma. . (2) On a New Species of Phymosoma , P. Cambr. Phil. Soo, vii, pp. 77 & 78. Phymosoma weldonii , n. sp., from the Bahamas. Sonsino, P. Richerche sugli Ematozoi del Cane e sul ciclo vitale della Tcenia cucumerina. Mem. Soc, Tosc. x, pp. 20-65, 1 pi. Spencer, W. B. The Anatomy of Amphiptyches urna (Grube & Wagener). Tr. R. Soc. Viet, ii, pp, 138-151, pis. xi-xiii. Spencer, T. On a new Rotifer. J. Quek, Club, iv, p. 59, pi, v, Polyarthra fusiformis, n. sp., Hayes Common. Stedman, J. M. Researches on the Anatomy of Amphistomum fahaceum , Diesing. P. Am. Micr. Soc. xi, pp. 85-100, pis. i-iii, Stossich, M. (1) II Genere Trichosoma , Rudolphi. Lavoro mono- graphico. Boll. Soc. Adr. xii, pp. 3-38. A monograph on the systematic of this form, an index of species, and a list of the animals in which they occur is given. — . (2) Brani di Elmintologia Tergestina, Serie SettimO. T. c. pp. 39-47, pi. xvi. . (3) Elminti Veneti raoqolti dal Dr. Alessandro Conti de Ninni. T. c . pp. 50-56. Tessin, G. Rotatorien der Umgebung von Rostock. Arch. Ver, Meck- lenb. xliii, pp. 133-174, pis. i & ii. Acanthodactylus , n. g. of Macrodaotylea. Vallentin, R. Some Remarks on the Anatomy of Stepharioceras eichomii . Ann. N. H. v, pp. 1-11, pis, i & ii, A considerable number of interesting observations on the anatomy and development, Vejdovsky, F. (1) Note sur une nouvelle Planaire terrestre ( Micro - plana humicola , n. g. & sp.) suivie d’une liste des Dendrocoeles observes jusqu’^i present en Boheme. Rev, Biol, ii, pp. 129-148, pis. ii & iii. — - — . (2) 0 embryon&lndm v^voji olvojeat. SB, Bohm. Ges. 1890, i, pp. 100-118, 1 pi. On double embryoes ; chiefly worms. Czech only. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Verm . 15 [Vejdovsky, F.] (3) Pfispevky k nance o v^voji srdce annulatuv. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1890, ii, pp. 154-164, 1 pi. On the development of the bloodvessels in Annulata. Czech only. Wagner, F. v. Zur Kenntniss der ungeschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung von Microstoma , nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen ueber Theilung und Knospung im Thierreich. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. fur Anatomie, iv, pp. 350-423, pis. xxii-xxv. Watson, A. T. The tube-building habits of Terebella litloralis. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 685-689, pi. xiv. Weber, Max. Ueber Temnocephala , Blanchard. Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien. Leiden : 1890, Yerlag von Brill. Heft 1, pp. 1-29, pis. i-iii. Western, G. (1) Note on Asplanclma amphora. J. Quek. Club, iv, pp. 65 & 66, pi. vi. . (2) Notes on Philodina macrostila and Rotifer citrinus. T. c. pp. 87-91, pi. viii. Wiiitelegge, T. (1) Report on the Worm Disease affecting the Oysters on the Coast of New South Wales. Rep. Aus. Mus. i, pp. 41-55, pis. iii-vi. An account of the ravages caused by Polydora ( Leucodora ) ciliata. The young worms do not bore through the shell of the oyster, but, as free- swimming larvae, are carried inside the oyster by the inhalent currents. The remedies are — (1) removal to fresh water, which kills the parasite, but is sometimes fatal to the oyster ; (2) careful drying of the oysters. . (2) List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the neighbourhood. J. R. Soc. N.S.W. xxiii, pp. 163-330. Vermes , pp. 206-212. Wilson, E. B. The Origin of the Mesobla^t-bands in Annelids. J. Morph, iv, pp. 205-219, woodcuts. Work done chiefly on Nereis limbata and N. megalops. In them the mesoblast arises from a ventral plate, and is apparently ectoblastic, as in Lopadorhynchus. - But in reality all the ventral plate is segregated at the anterior end from two pro-teloblasts homologous with those in Clepsine. One of these teloblasts gives rise to the anterior part of the ventral plate, and is the origin of the mesoblast ; the other gives rise to the posterior part, from which come the neural plates, setaa sacs, &c. In this way the discrepancies of Lopadorhynchus come into relation with the usual telo- blasts of Annelid development. 16 Verm . VERMES. Zschokke, F. (1) Ueber Bothriocephalen-Larven in Trutta salar. CB. Bakt. Parasit. vii, pp. 393-S96 & 435-439, woodcuts. • . (2) Faunistische Studien an Gebirgsseen. Yerh. Ges. Basel, ix, pp. 1-62. . (3) Erster Beitrag zur Parasiten- Fauna von Trutta salar. Op. cit. viii, pp. 761-793, pi. ix. III.— REFERENCES. SYSTEMATIC CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL. Vermes , Italian Bibliography ; Parona. Vermes from off S.W. Coasjb of Ireland ; Bourne, G. C. Fossil Vermes : Sabellarites, n. g. ; S. trentonensis, pp. 605-607, figs. 11 & 12 ; tracks from Silurian of Canada ; worm-trails and ripple-marks ; Dawson (1). ROTIFERA. Account of the group ; Bourne, A. G. (1). Review of literature from 1887-1888 ; Dewitz. Botifera from India ; Anderson. List from Rostock ; Tessin. Pelagic Botifera of Carinthian Lakes ; Imiiof (1). AcanthodactyluSj n. g. of Macrodactylea j A. tigris , = Diurella iigris ; Tessin. Actinurus ovatus , n. sp., p. 351, pi. xx, figs. 6 & 6a ; Anderson. Asplanchna amphora , description, with figs. ; Western (1). A. sieboldii : heterogenesis ; Daday (1). Bothriocerca longicauda , n. sp., p. 20, pi. ii, fig. 14 ; id. (2). Brachionus longipes , n. sp., p. 357, pi. xxi, fig. 12 ; B. bidentata , n. sp. p. 357, pi. xxi, fig. 13 ; Anderson. Cephalosiphon furcillatus) n. sp., Kellicott. Colurus rotundatus , n. sp., p. 24, pi. i, figs. 23-26, & pi. ii, figs. 3-7 ; 0. truncatus , n. sp., p. 25, pi. i, figs. 16 & 30, & pi. ii, figs. 17-19 ; Daday (2). Distyla) with figs. ; Lord. Diurella marina , n. sp., p. 16, pi. i, figs. 2, 3, 9, & 10 ; D. brevidaetyla , n. sp., p. 19, pi. ii, fig. 13 ; Daday (2). Floscularia tenuilobata , n. sp., p. 346, pi. xix ; Anderson. Furcularia neapolitana , n. sp., p. 14, pi. i, figs. 2, 6, 12, 22, 33, & 34, Daday (2). Hydatina senta : multiplication and impregnation; Maupas (1,2). Monommata grandist n. sp., p. 152, fig. 12, Tessin. R0T1EERA, NEMERTEA, ACANTHOCEPHALA. Verm. 17 Metopidia torquata , n. sp., p.356, pi. xxi, figs. 9&9 a; M. angulata, n. sp., p. 356, pi. xxi, fig. 10 ; Anderson. Oechistes stephanion , n. sp., p. 347, pi. xx, fig. 2, id. Pedalion minor : distribution ; Imhof (2). Placiognatha gracilis , n. sp., p. 150, fig. 10, Tessin. Polyartlira fusiformis , n. sp., pi. v, Spencer, T. Pterodina intermedia , n. sp., p. 356, pi. xxi, fig. 11, Anderson. Ptilodina hirsuta, pi. xx, fig. 4, Anderson. P. macrostyla : description, with figs.; Western (2). Rattulus antilopceus , n. sp., with woodcut, p. 221, Petr. Rotifer citrinus : description, with figs. ; Western (2) ; R. mento , n. sp., p. 350, pi. xx, figs. 5 & ha ; Anderson. Salpina , sp., pi. xxi, figs. 8 & 8a, id. Stephanoceras eichornii : remarks on anatomy, with figs. ; Vallentin. Stephanops dichthaspis, n. sp., p. 353, pi. xx, fig. 7, Anderson. NEMERTEA. General account ; Hubrecht. Nemertea from coast of France : anatomy, with many figs. ; Joubin (1). Nemertea : systematic and anatomy ; Burger. Amphiporus vittatus, n. sp., p. 570, Joubin (1). A. amboiensis , n. sp., p. 26, Burger. Garinella banyulensis, n. sp., p. 488, pi. xxv, fig. 1 ; C. aragoi , n. sp., p. 494, pi. xxvii, fig. 2 ; Joubin (1). Cerebratulus albovittatus (Stimps.), Burger, syn. Mechilia albovittatus , p. 11, fig. 1 ; c. psittacinus , n. sp., p. 13, fig. 2 ; C. glaucus, Burger, syn. Nemertes collaris? (Schmrd.), p. 15, fig. 3 ; C. galbanus , n. sp., p. 16, fig. 4; C. tigrinus , n. sp., p. 16, fig. 5 ; C. spadix, n. sp., p. 17, fig. 6 ; C. pullus, n. sp., p. 18 ; C. lateus , n. sp., p. 19 ; O. rubens , n. sp., p. 20, fig. 7 ; C. aurostri- atus , n. sp., p. 21, fig. 8 ; C. coloratus, n. sp., p. 22, fig. 9 ; Burger. Drepanopliorus latus , n. sp., p. 27, figs. 12, 13, & 13a ; D. cerinus, n. sp. ; id. Eupolia broclcii, n. sp., p. 22, fig. 10 ; E. marmorata, n. sp., p. 24, fig. 11 ; E. ascophora, n. sp., p. 24 ; id. Nemertes duossi , n. sp., p. 587, pi. xxv, fig. 10, Joubin (1;. *Poliopsis, n. g. of Palceonemer tines ; P. lacazei, n. sp., p. 521, pi. xxv, figs. 3 & 4 ; id. ^ Prosadenophorus , n. g., p. 29 ; P. arenarius , n. sp., p. 30 ; P. badio- vagatus, n. sp., p. 31, fig. 14 ; P. janthinus , n. sp., p. 31, figs. 15 & 15a ; P. oleaginns, n. sp., p. 32 ; id. ' Tetrastemma m,arionis , n. sp., p. 581 ; T. rustica, n. sp., p. 583 ; Joubin (1). ACANTHOCEPHALA. Monograph of the group ; Hamann (2). Systematic, pp. 203-215 ; id. (2). 18 Verm. VERMES. Echinorhynclms claviceps : paedogenesis ; id. (1). E. Unstowi , n. sp.r pp. 207 & 208 ; E. lutzii , n. sp., p. 208 ; id. (2). E. paucihamatus, n. sp., Leidy. E. tamian/ormis , n. sp., p. 179, fig. 4, Linstqw (3). NEMATODA. Existence of lemnisci : relations with Acanthoccphala ; Hamann (1). Formation of ovum and spermatozoa ; Hertwig. Formula for describing Nematodes ; Cobb (1). Nematoda from Arabia ; id. (1). Allantonema , Linstow (2). Angio8tomum nigrovenosum , Rud., p. 185, figs, xviii-xx ; id. (3). Anguillula aceti : biology ; Lindner. Ascaris : histology ; Jammes. A. gracillima , n. sp., p. 184, fig. 18, Linstow (3). A. diacis , n. sp., p. 411, Leidy. Atractis ( Ascaris ) opeatura , n. sp., p. 411, id. Dacnitis globosa , Duj., p. 183, figs, xii-xvii ; Linstow (3). Desmodora nudicapitata , n. sp., Cobb (1). Diplogaster , Linstow (2). Filaria hyalina , n. sp., p. 182, fig. 9, id. (3). F.primana, n. sp., p. 410, Leidy. F. semi-inclusa, n. sp., Phisalix. Gordius : early stages ; Camerano (1). Hcematozoon lewisi , Grassi & Calandruccio. Heterodera schachtii not transmitted by sheep ; Ciiatin (3). Prema- ture encystment, id. (2). Heterakis maculosa in the pheasant ; id. (1). Hypodontolaimus arabicus , n. sp., Cobb (1). Oxysoma terdentatum , n. sp., p. 182, figs, x & xi, Linstow (3). Oxyuris vermicularis : life-history, anatomy, development, with figs. ; Cobb (2). 0. vivipara : anatomy, with figs. ; Fiorentini. Spilophora ceylonensis , n. sp., Cobb (1). Strongylus cotivolutus, n. sp., Ostertag. Syngamus sclerostomum , Linstow (1). Trichince in American hogs ; Mark. Trichosoma, Rud. : monograph ; Stossicii (1). T. spinulosum, n.sp., p. 185, Linstow (3). T. tenuissimum , n. sp., p. 417, Leidy. ENTEROPNEUSTA. SCHIMKEWITSCH. ANNELIDA. Parentage, Giard. Descent, Meyer. Formation of Gonads in lymphatic tissuo ; Cujjjnot. Epithelial tissue ; Jourdan (2). Origin of metamerism and meaning of the mesoderm ; Meyer. Annelida, ch^topoda. Verm. 19 Development of blood-vessels ; Yejdovsky (3). Origin of mesoblast ; Wilson, Bergh (2). Pelagic Annelida in St. Andrew’s Bay ; M’Intosh. Annelid tracks in Carboniferous sbales of Rhode I. ; Dawson (1). Fossil Annelida : Eunicites mitchelli, n. sp. ; Arabellites bourningensis , n. sp. ; (Enonites hebes , n. sp. ; Etheridge. CH^ETOPODA. I. Oligocmta. Attempt to classify Earthworms ; Benham (3). Homology between genital duct and nephridia ; Beddard (8). Homologies between atria and prostates ; Beniiam (1). Points in Earthworm anatomy ; Kulagin. Earthworms from Australia ; Fletcher. Acanthodrilus macleayi, n. sp., p. 999, Fletcher. A. georgianus, Mich., p. 57, Micpiaelsen (4). Acanthodrilus'. anal nephridia ; Beddard (2). Allolobophora : A. georgii, n. sp., p. 53, Michaelsen (4) A. limicola, n. sp., p. 10 ; A. hermanni , n. sp., p. 13 ; id. (1). A. studiosa , n. sp., id. (3). Allurus dubius, n. sp., p. 7 ; A. hercynius , n. sp., p. 7 ; id. (1). V Anisochceta , n. g. of Perichcetidce ; Beddard (6). \/Bilimba, n. g. ; B. papillata, n. sp., p. 386 ; Rosa (3). Benhamia : characters of genus ; Benham (2). B. affinis , n. sp., p. 29, pi. iv, fig. 19 ; Michaelsen (2). B. godeffroyi, n. sp., p. 55 ; id. (4). B. stuhlmanni , n. sp., p. 25, pi. i, figs. 5-9 ; id. (2). ^ Callidrilus , n. g. ; C. scrobifer , n. sp., pi. iii, fig. 16, pi. iv, fig. 18 ; id. (2). Chcetobranchus , n. g. ; C. semperi , n. sp. ; Bourne, A. G. (2). Cryptodrilus fasciatus , n. sp., p. 988 ; G. semicinctus , n. sp., p. 997 ; C. simulans , n. sp. ; C. smithi, n. sp., p. 992 ; C. tryoni, n. sp., p. 994; C. saccarius} n. var. montanus, p. 1011; id. n. var. robustusy p. 1012 ; Fletcher. V JDeodrilus , n. g., Ceylon ; D.jacJcsoni , n. sp. ; Beddard (2). Dero : genitalia ; id. (5). J Desmogaster, n. g. ; D. doricey n. sp., p. 369 ; Rosa (3). JDiachceta : anatomy and relations to Urochceta ; Beddard (6). ^ Digitibranchus, n. g. ; D. cegyptiacus, n. sp. ; Levinsen. ” Biporochceta) n. g. of Perichcetidce ; Beddard (6). Enterion rubellum : tubes; Moniez (1). Eudrilidce : chyle pouches, p. 45 ; Michaelsen (2). New genus from Africa ; Beddard (4). u Eudriloides , n. g. ; E. parvus, n. sp., p. 35, pi. i, figs. 1 & ii ; E. gyp- satus , n. sp., p. 43, from Zanzibar ; Michaelsen (2). ' ^ Heliodr ilus, n. g. from Lagos ; Beddard (3). * Hoplochceta, n. g. of Perichcetidce, id. (6). 20 Verm. VERMES. Lumbricidce of N. Germany ; Miciiaelsen (1). Lumbricus: germinal layers; Bergh (3). L. agricola : anatomy and histology of skin and muscles ; Cerfontaine. Mandane bovei , n. sp., p. 143 ; Rosa (2). Moniligaster : notes ; Beddard (7). M. beddardi , n. sp., p. 379, Rosa (3). uNemertodrilus, n. g. ; N. griseus, n. sp., p. 37, pi. ii, fig. 11, pi. iii, fig. 17, pi. iv, figs. 21 & 22 ; Michaelsen (2). Perichceta : subdivisions ; Beddard (6). P. indica : colour, anatomy ; id. (6). P. ringeana, n. sp., p. 60, Miciiaelsen (4). P. modiglianii , n.sp., p. 134, Rosa (1). P. biserialis , p. 63 ; P. forbesi , n. sp., p. 65 ; P. vaillanti , n. sp., p. 66 ; Beddard (6). P. macquariensis, n. sp., p. 1000 ; P. ? terrce-regince, n. sp., p. 1002 ; P.fecunda, n. var., p. 1007 ; Fletcher. P. vordermanniy n. sp., p. 231, pi. x, figs. 1-3 ; P. sluiteri, n. sp., p. 234 ; Horst. Phreoryctes : anatomy, histology, and affinities ; Beddard (9). P. emissariusy n. sp. ; Forbes (2). ^ Poly tor eutus, n. g. ; P. cceruleuSy n. sp., p. 44, Michaelsen (2). ^ Pygmceodrilus, n. g. ; P. quilimanensisy n. sp., p. 32 ; id. (2). ^ Siphonogaster , n. g. ; S. cegyptiacuSy n. sp., Levinsen. * Stuhlmannia, n. g. ; S. variabiliSy n. sp., p. 44, Miciiaelsen (2). Trigaster : characters ; Benham (2). Typhaius Icevis, n. sp., p. 388 ; T.foveatusy n. sp., p. 389 ; Rosa (3). Urochasta from Fernando Noronha ; Ben ham, vide Ridley. II. PoLYCHiETA. List from the coast of the Boulonnais ; Malaquin. Arenicola cristata and its allies ; Ives. Ghcetopterus : revision of species, p. 345 ; C. variopedatus , Renier : mono- graph ; Joyeux-Laffuie. HekaterobranchuSy n. g. ; II. shrubsoliiy n. sp., anatomy, with figs. ; after- wards referred to Streblospio , Webster ; Buchanan. Poly dor a ( Leucodora ) ciliata causing an oyster disease ; Wiiitelegge (!)• Procerastea , n. sp., Malaquin. Spirographis spalanzanii : heliotropism ; Loeb. Terebella littoralis : tube-building habits ; Watson. GEPHYREA. Development, Roule. Formation of Gonads in lymphatic system ; CuiSnot. Phymosoma varians , with figs. ; Shipley (1). P. weldonii , n. sp., from the Bahamas ; id. (2). Sipunculus gouldii : liquid of the body cavity ; Andrewes. HIRUDIN EA, TURBELLARIA. Verm. 21 HIRUDIN E A. External morphology ; Apathy (2). Polish leeches ; Lindenfeld & Pietruszynski. Aulastomum : nephridia ; Bolsius. Clepsine : nephridia ; Bolsius. C. polonica , n. sp., p. 423 ; Linden- feld & Pietruszynski. Hirudo : nephridia : Bolsius : germinal layers; Bergii (1) : distribu- tion of sense-organs ; ApAthy (1). Nephelis : histology of nephridia ; Bolsius. Semiscolex terrestris, n. sp., Forbes (1). TURBELLARIA. Planarians ; Graff. List of Bohemian forms ; Vejdovsky (1). List of N. France forms ; Hallez. Turbellarians from the coast of France ; Joubin (2). Land- PZancma from Sunda ; Loman. Anatomy of Land-Planarians ; id. Bipalium ephippium , n. sp., p. 139, pi. xii, fig. 1 a-e ; B. sexcinctum , n. sp., p. 140, pi. xii, fig. 2 ; B. quadricinctum, n. sp., p. 140, pi. xii, fig. 3 ; B. nigri- lumbe , n. sp., p. 140, pi. xii, fig. 4 ; B. claviforme , n. sp., p. 141, pi. xii, fig. 5 ; B. weberi , n. sp., p. 141, pi. xii, fig. 6 ; B. kuhlii , n. sp., p. 142, pi. xii, fig. 7 ; B. hasseltii , n. sp., pi. xii, fig. 8 ; B. gracilis , n. sp., p. 142, pi. xii, fig. 9 ; B. dubium , n. sp., p. 142, pi. xii, fig. 10 ; LoMan. Cylindrostoma blotter mannii, pp. 447-457 ; C. quadrioculatum , pp. 457- 464 ; Boeiimig. Geoplana nasuta , n. sp., p. 133, pi. xii, fig. 11 ; G. sondaica , n. sp., p. 133, pi. xii, fig. 13 ; Loman. G. spenceri , n. sp., anatomy ; Dendy. * Microplana, n. g. ; M. humicola, n. sp., with figs. ; Vejdovsky (1). Microstoma : asexual reproduction ; Wagner. Monoophorum , Boehm., M. striatum , n. n. for Enterostoma striatum , v. Graff ; Boeiimig, pp. 435-447. Plagiostoma girardi , v. Graff., var. maj., pp. 347-359 ; P. girardi, var. min., n. var., pp. 359 & 360 ; P. sulphureum. pp. 360-369 ; P. reticulatum , v. Graff, pp. 370-379 ; P* siphonophorum , v. Graff, pp. 379-386; P. macu - latum, v. Graff, pp. 386-396 ; P. bimaculatum , v. Graff, pp. 396-406 ; P. dioicum , v. Graff, pp. 407-412 ; P. lemani , v. Graff, pp. 412-421 : Boeiimig. Rhynchodemus megalophthalmus , n. sp., p. 135, pi. xiii, fig. 15 ; R. nematoides, n. sp., p. 135, pi. xii, fig. 17 ; Loman. R. terrestris alive in Cambridge ; Harmer. Vorticeros : V. auriculatum, v. Graff, Boeiimig, pp. 421-435. Uteroporus vulgaris , n. sp., p. 323, Bergendal. 22 Verm . VERMES. CESTODA, Morphology ; Barrois. Homology of the head ; NeUmanN. Copulation ; Pintner. Morphology and phylogeny ; ClaUs. Cestode from Polypterus bichir ; MontiCElli (2). Cestodes of Monachus albiventer ; Crety (2). Cestodes from Wimereux ; Monticelli (4). Bothriocephalus larvae in Trutta salar ; Zschokke (1, 3). B. micro - cephalus : abnormality; Monticelli (1). Caryophyllams mutabilis : genitalia ; Saint Remy (2). Dibothrulcc from Centrolophus pompiliua ; Monticelli (2). Dibothriorhynchus benedenii : muscular and nervous systems ; Crety (1). Diplocotyle rudolphi , n. sp., Monticelli (2). Diplostomum coritidis , n. sp., LiN3TOW (3). Echinococcus of large size from a human kidney ; Sangalli. Nematobothrium guernii , n. sp., Moniez (4). Phyllobothrium inchoatum} n. sp., Leidy. Pyramidocephalus antho cephalus, Monticelli (2). Spiropterina inflata , n. sp., p. 180, figs. 5-8; Linstow (3). Tcenia cucumerina : life-history ; Sonsino. T. decipiens , p. 178 ; T. crassiscolex , n. sp., p. 178; Linstow (3). T. echinococcus : genitalia; Erlanger. T. fasciata and T. coronula: cysticerci ; MrAzek. T.gri- maldii larva ; MonieE (3). T. mediocanellaia ! pathological anatomy, with fig. ; Linstow (3). T. nematosoma , n. sp., Leidy. T. saginata : abnormal genitalia : Blanchard. Tetrabothria : female genitalia ; Pintner. Tetrarhynchus tenuis : muscular and nervous systems ; Crety (1). TREMATODA. Ectoparasitic Trematodes ; Perugia & Parona. Outer surface ; Braun (3). Acanthocotyle , MotfTlCELLi (2). Amphibdella torpedinis , Parona & Perugia. Amphiptyches , Wagener, Loennberg. A. urna: anatomy; W. B. Spencer. Amphistomum fabaceum : anatomy; Stedman. Cercaria platyura , n. sp., Leidy. Distomidce : migration from host ; Braun (2). Distoma acutum, Moniez (2). D. antarum , n. sp. ; D. gastrocolum , n. sp. ; D. ischuum , n. sp. ; D. lasicum , n. sp. ; D. trapezium , n. sp. ; Leidy. D. cylindraceum : structure and development ; Linstow (4). D. hepaticum : nutrition ; Raillet. D. miescheri , n. sp., with figs. ; Zsciiokke (3). Exacotyle , Monticelli (2). Gyrocotyle ; id. (3). TREMATODA — GENERAL ANATOMY. Verm. 23 Monocotyle myliobatis : description, with figs. ; PERUGIA & Parona. Monostoma leporis : existence denied ; Raillet. Onchocotyle prenanti, n. sp., Saint-Remy (1). Pseudocotyle minor , n. sp., Monticelli (2). Temnocephala ; Braun (1), Weber. Tetraonchus torpedinis , Monticelli (2). Tristomum pelamydis : description, with figs. ; Perugia & Parona. ^ Vallisia , n. g. ; V. striata , n. sp., p. 21, pi. i, figs. 8 & 9, pi. ii, figs. 10 & 11 ; iid. IV.— REFERENCES : SUBJECT - MATTER CLASSIFICATION. BIOLOGY AND BIONOMICS : STRAY NOTES. Chfp.topterus : habits and luminosity, p. 245 ; J OYEUX-Laffuie. Habits of Australian Land-Planarians ; Dendy. Distoma : nutrition ; Raillet : migration ; Braun (2). Ileterodera schachtii not disseminated by sheep ; CiiatIN (3). Polydora the cause of an oyster disease ; WiiiteleggE (1). Tubes of Enterion rubellum *, Moniez (1). Ileliotropism in Spirographis ; Loeb. Commensalism in Chcetopterus , pp. 335-338 ; Joyeux-Laffuie. Psedogenesis in j Echinorhynchus, p. 219 ; Hamann (2). Teratology. Bothriocephalus , Monticelli (1). Abnormal genitalia due to fusion of segments in Tcenia ; Blanchard. Various Annelids; Vejdovsky (2). Supposed intercalary growth of segments in Diachceta ; Beddard (1). Phylogeny. Relation of Annelids and Rotifers to other groups ; Giard. Rela- tion of Earthworms to other groups ; Beniiam (3). Clestoda, Claus. Morphology. Cestoda : Barrois, Claus. Chcetopterus , Joyeux-Laffuie. Meta- merism in Annelids ; Meyer. External morphology of leeches ; ApIthy (2). Histology. i Ascaris , Jammes. Cell-division in Acanthocephala, p. 216; Hamann (2). Lumbricus : skin and muscles ; CerFONTAINE. GENERAL ANATOMY. Amphiptyches urna, Spencer, W. B. Amphistomum , StedmaN. 24 Verm. VERMES. Asplancha amphora , Western (1). Cestoda : homology of head ; Neumann. Chcetobranchus , Bourne, A. G-. (2). Chcetopterus , Joyeux-Laffuie. Deodrilus , Beddard (2). Diachazta , (1). Distomum cylindraceum , Linstow (4). Earthworms, Kulagin. Eudrilidce , Beddard (3, 4). Geoplana spenceri , Dendy. HeJcaterobranchus , Buchanan. Heliodrilus , Beddard (3). Nemertines ; Hubrecht,- Joubin (1). Oxyuris , Fiore ntini. Perichceta , Beddard (6), Horst. Phreoryctes emissarius , Forbes (2). P. smithii , Beddard (9). Phymosoma varians , Shipley (1). P. weldonii , id. (2). Planarians ; Graff, Loman. Rotifera ; Bourne, A. G. (1), Western (1, 2), Tessin, Yallentin. Semiscolex terresti’is , Forbes (3). Tamias of birds ; Linstow (3). Trematodes, Perugia & Parona. Temnocephala ; Braun (1), Weber. Integument. Acanthocephala : function of lemnisci, pp. 132-151 ; IIamann (2) Lumbricus , Cerfontaine. Nematoda : existence of lemnisci ; Hamann (1). Setae in Perichceta ; Beddard (6). Phymosoma, Shipley (1, 2). Rhabdocoda : epithelium, pigment, &c. ; Boeiimig. Stephanoceras : Yallentin. Terebella : tube-building ; Watson. Muscles and Body-Cavity. Acanthocephala , Hamann (2). Acanthocephala : proboscis, sheath muscles, &c. ; id. (2). Anopla , Enopla , Burger. Cestodes ; Crety (1). Lumbricus : histology ; Cerfontaine. Sipunculus : body cavity liquid ; Andrewes. Stephanoceras eichornii ; Yallentin. GENERAL ANATOMY. Verm . 25 Vascular System. Annulata : development ; Vejdovsky (3). Anopla , p. 82 ; Enopla , p. 205 ; Burger. Chcetopterus , pp. 311-318 ; Joyeux-Laffuie. Alimentary Canal. Anopla , p. 63 ; Enopla , p. 185; Burger. Chaitopterus, p. 305 ; Joyeux-Laffuie. Eudrilidai : chyle-pouches ; Michaelsen (2). j Rhabdocoela, p. 216 ; Boeiimig. . Nervous System. Acanthocephala , p. 175 ; Hamann (2). Gercbratulus, p. 96 ; Eupolia , p. 138 ; Enopla , p. 208 ; BOroer. Cestodes ; Crety (1). Chcetopterus , p. 283 ; J oyeux-Laffuie. Phymosoma ; Shipley (1,2). Rliabdoccela , p. 247 ; Boehmig. Temnocephala ; Weber. Cephalic pits in Nemertines , pp. 155 & 235 ; Burger. Sense-organs : Chcetopterus , p. 301 ; Joyeux-Laffuie. Hirudo ; ApAthy (1). Rliabdoccela , p. 259 ; Boehmig. Stephanoceras : eyes ; Vallentin. Enteropneusta ; Sciiimkewitsch. Excretory Organs. Acanthodrilus : anal nephridia ; Beddard (2). Anopla , p. 90 ; Enopla , p. 205 ; Burger. Chcetopterus , p. 321 ; Joyeux-Laffuie. Hirudinea : histology of nephridia ; Bolsius. Qligochceta : homology between genital ducts and nephridia ; Bed- dard (8). Perichceta : nephridia ; id. (6), Phymosoma , Shipley (1,2). Rliabdoccela , p. 240; Boehmig. Temnocephala , Weber. Reproductive Organs. Formation of Gonads in lymphatic system ; Cuisnot. Acanthocephala , pp. 185-202 ; Hamann (2). Cary ophy llcr.ns mutabilis , Saint-Remy (2). 1890. [VOL. XXVII.] G 4 26 Verm. VERMES. Cestoda : copulation ; Pintner. Chatobranchus : fissiparous reproduction ; Bourne, A. G. (2). Chcetoptenis, p. 318 ; J oyeux-Laffuie. Dero, with figs. ; Beddard (5). Nemer tines, Burger. Oligochata : homology of ducts and nephridia ; Beddard (8). Homo logies of atria and prostates ; Benham (1). Perichata, Horst. Rhabdocala , Boehmig. Tania echinococcus, Erlanger. Temnocephala , Weber. Tetrabothria, Pintner. Embryology. Annulata ; blood-vessels ; Yejdovsky (3). Annelida : mesoderm ; Meyer, Wilson, Bergh (2). Acanthocephala, Hamann (2). A canthodrilus multiporus, Beddard (8). Bothriocephalus : larva, with woodcuts ; Zsciiokke (1). Larval Cestodes in trout ; id. (2). Distomum cylindraceum, Linstow (4). Echinorhynchus : various species ; Hamann (2). Gephyrea, Roule. Gordius : early stages ; Camerano (1). Ilydatina senta, Maupas. Leech : germinal layers ; Bergh (1). Lnmbricus : germinal layers ; id. (3). Nematoda : formation of ova and spermatozoa ; Hertwig. Oxyuris vermicularis, Cobb (2). Stephanoceras eichornii, Vallentin. Tania cucumerina, Sonsino. Tanias : cysticerci in Cyclops and Cypris ; Mrazek. T. grimaldii : larva ; Moniez (3). Temnocephala, Weber. Teratological development; Vejdovsky (2). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Fauna of mountain lakes ; Zschokke (2). Pedalion mirum, Imiiof (2). Europe. — Land-Planarian at Cambridge ; Harmer. Pelagic Annelids and Chatognatha of St. Andrew’s Bay ; MTntosii. Vermes of S.W. of Ireland ; Bourne, G. C. Coast of France : Turbellaria ; Joubin (2) : Nemertines ; id. (1). N. France Coast : Turbellarians ; Hallez. Boulon- nais Coast : Polychata ; Malaquin. Wimereux : faunal list ; Monti- CELLi (4). Rostock : Rotifers ; Tessin. Mecklenberg: Earthworms; GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Verm. 27 ' Miciiaelsen (3). N. Germany : Lumbricidce ; id. (1). Carinthian Lakes : Rotifera ; Imiiof (1). Poland : leeches ; Lindenfeld & Piet- ruszynski. Bohemia: Rotifera ; Petr: Planariaus; Vejdovsky (1). India. — Rotifera ; Anderson. Sumatra. — Isle of Nias : Earthworms ; Rosa (1). Egypt. — 2 new Earthworms ; Levinsen. Arabia. — Nematoda ; Cobb (1). Zanzibar. — Earthworms ; Michaelsen (2). Zambesi. — Earthworms ; id. Madagascar. — Bothriocephalus latus ; Bavay. Australia. — Earthworms ; Fletcher. Port Jackson, N. S. Wales. — Vermes ; Wiiitelegge (2). Antarctic Worms ; Rosa (2). Fernando Noronha. — Earthworms ; Benham, vide Ridley. Bermudas. — A Diachceta ; Beddard (1). Coel. 1 CCELENTERATA. BY Dr. Sydney J. Hickson. I.— List of Papers, p. 1. I III. — Reviews and Notices, p. 12. II. — Morphology, p. 7. | IV. — Distribution, p. 12. Y. — Systematic, p. 13. , I.— LIST OF PAPERS. 1. Agassiz, A. On the rate of Growth of Corals. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xx, pp. 61-64, 4 pis. Notice in Nature, xliii, p. 65. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 1, p. 51. 2. BaSsEtt-Smith, P. W. Report on the Corals from the Tizard and Macclesfield Banks, China Sea. Ann. N. H. vi, pp. 353-374 & 443- 458, 3 pis. Abstr. in J.R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 1, p. 51. 3. . Drowned Atolls. Nature, xlii, p. 222. - — . [ Vide Moore, U. W.] 4. Bell, F. J. Contributions to our Knowledge Of the Antipatharian Corals. P. Z. S. 1890, p. 361. 5. Beneden, E. van. Les Anthozoaires pelagiques recueilles par M. le Prof. Hensen dans son expedition du Plankton, i. Une Larve voisine de la Larve de Semper. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 485-522, 1 pi. Communi- cation pr^liminaire in Bull. Ac. Belg. xx, pp. 55-99, 1 pi. 6. Beranece. Etudes sur les Corpuscles Marginaux des Actinies. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel, xvi, pp. 1-39, pi. i. 7. Bigelow, R. P. Notes on the Physiology of Cardvella maxima. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. ix, No. 80, pp. 61 & 62. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, p. 467. 8. . The Marginal Sense Organs in the Pelagidce. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. ix, No. 80, pp. 65-67. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, pp. 466 & 467. 2 Goel. CCELENTERATA. 9. Bonney, T. G. Coral Beefs : Fossil and Recent. Nature, xlii, pp. 53 & 148. 10. Bourne, G. C. Notes on the Hydroids of Plymouth. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i (n.s.), pp. 391-398, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 1, p. 53. 11. . Report of a Cruise in H.M.S. 1 Research,’ off the South-West Coast of Ireland. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. i (n.s.), Anthozoa, p. 318, Hydrozoa , p. 319. 12. BOttger, L. Geschichtliche Darstellung unsere Kenntnisse nnd Meinungen von den Korallenbauten. Z. Natiirw. lxiii, pp. 241-304. 13. Boveri, Th. Zellen Studien. Ueber das Verhalten der Chroma- tischen Kernsubstanz bei der Bildung der Richtungskorper nnd bei der Befruchtung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv (Tiara, pp. 339-342, Ccel. p. 352). 14. Brauer, A. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hydra. Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 457. 15. Chatin, J. Sur les cellules initiales de l’Ovaire chez les Hydres d’eau douce. C.R. cx, No. 8, pp. 414-416. 16. Claus, C. Ueber die Entwickelung der Cotylorhiza u. verwandter Scyphomedusen. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, stz. 4, pp. 54 & 55. 17. . Ueber die Entwickelung des Scyphostoma von Cotylorhiza aurelia und Chrysaora sowie iiber die systematische Stellung der Scyphomedusen. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, ix, Heft 1, pp. 85-128, 3 pis. Separately published by A. Holder, Wien, 1890. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 2, p. 203. 18. Dana, J. D. Corals and Coral Islands. New Edition. New York (Dodd, Mead, & Co.) : 1890, 8vo, 440 pp. 19. Danielssen, D. C. Actinida (Norske Nordhavs-Exped. xix). Christiania : 1890, 4to, 184 pp., 25 pi., 1 map. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, pp. 464-466. Review in Nature, xlii, pp. 367 & 368. 20. Darwin, C. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, with a Critical Introduction by J. W. Judd. London : 1890. 21. Dixon, A. F., & G. Y. Note on Tealia tuberculata and T. crassi- cornis. Ann.,N. H. v, pp. 66-69. 22. Driesch, H. Die Stockbildung bei den Hydroidpolpen und ihre theoretische Bedeutung. Biol. Centralbl. ii, No. 1, pp. 14-21. 23. . Tektonische Studien an Hydroidpolypen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, Heft 1, pp. 189-226. [ Vide Zool. Rec. 1889.] Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 6, p. 729. 24. •. Heliotropismus bei Hydroidpolypen. Zool. JB. v, pp. 147-156. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, p. 470. 25. . Die Tektonik von Vlumularia catliarina. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 660- 662. LIST OP PAPERS. Coel. 3 26. Faurot, L. Sur la disposition des Cloisons chez la Peachia hastata. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, No. 1, pp. 21 & 22 ; No. 2, pp. 23 & 24. 27. . Sur la disposition des Cloisons M6sent6roides chez la Peachia hastata. C.R. cx, No. 1, pp. 52-54. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 2, p. 189. 28. . Developpement de VHalcampa chrysantellum d’apres la dis- position des Cloisons. C.R. cx, No. 5, pp. 249-251. 29. Fewkes, J. W. Report on the Medusce collected by the U. S. Fish. Commission Steamer ‘ Albatross ’ in the Region of the Gulf Stream, in 1885-1886. Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm, xiv, 1886, pp. 513-536, 1 pi. 30. Fowler, G. H. The Anatomy of Madreporaria. Part v. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pt. 4, pp. 405-419, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, p. 339. 31. . Notes on the Hydroid Phase of Limnocodium sowerhyi. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pt. 4, pp. 507-514, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, pp. 341 & 342. 32. Frecii, F. Die Korallenfauna der Trias. Paheontogr. xxxvii, lief, i-iv, pp. 1-116, taf. i-xxi. 33. — — . Ueber die Korallenfaunen der nordalpinen Trias. JB. geol. Reichsanst. 1889, xxxix, 4 Heft, pp. 489-496. 34. Guppy, H. B. The Coral Reefs of the Java Sea and its Vicinity. Nature, xli, No. 1057, p. 300. 35. Haddon, A. C. , The Affinities of Heliopora ccerulea. Op. cit. xlii, p. 463. 36. . Report on the A cornice dredged off the S.W. Coast of Ireland. P. R. Irish Ac. (3) i, p. 370-374. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, p. 612. 37. Haeckel, E. Plankton Studien. Jena (Fischer). Ccelenterata of the Plankton, pp. 40-44. 38. Hardy, A. E. G. Out of the Depths. National Review, February, 1890. 39. Hasse, C. Fossile Alcyonarien. JB. Mineral. 1890, ii, 1 Heft, pp. 59-65, 1 pi. Heider, K. [ Vide Korschelt.] 40. Heilprin, A. The Corals and Coral Reefs of the Western Waters of the Gulf of Mexico. P. Ac. Philad. 1890, pp. 303-316, 2 maps. 41. Hickson, S. J. The Affinities of Heliopora ccerulea. Nature, xlii, p. 370. 42. . On the Maturation of the Ovum and the Early Stages in the Development of Allopora. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pt. 4, pp. 579-598, 1 pi., 2 woodcuts. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, p. 340. 4 Gcel. CCELENTERATA. 43. [Hickson, S. J.] On the Male Gonangia of Allopora and Distichopora. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1890, p. 864. 44. . On the Meaning of the Ampullae in Millepora murrayi. T. c. pp. 8G3 & 864 ; Nature, xlii, p. 579. 45. ■. Preliminary Report on a Collection of Alcyonaria and Zoan- tharia from Port Phillip. P. R. Soc. Yict. 1890, pp. 136-140. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 1, p. 51. 46. Hinde, G. J. Notes on the Palaeontology of Western Australia. 2. Corals and Polyzoci. Geol. Mag. vii, 1890, pp. 194-204, 2 pis. Corals, pp. 194-199. 47. Holm, G. Gotlands Graptolither. Bih. Sv. Alt. Handl. xvi, afd. iv, pp. 1-34, 2 pis. Irvine, R. [Vide Murray, J.] 48. J deckel, H. O. Ueber das Alter des sogen. Graptolithen Gesteins mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der in demselben enthaltenen Graptolithen. Z. geol. Ges. 1889, pp. 653-716. 49. Kennel, J. yon. Ueber eine Siisswassermeduse ( Halmmiises lacus- triSy n. g. & sp.). SB. Ges. Dorp. ix. Heft 2, pp. 282-288. 50. Kirkpatrick, R. Report upon the Ilydrozoa and Polyzoa collected by P. W. Bassett- Smith, Esq., Surgeon, R.N., during the Survey of the Tizard and Macclesfield Banks in the China Sea by H.M.S. ‘Rambler,’ Commander W. Y. Moore. Ann. N. H. (6) v, Jan., pp. 11-24, 3 pis. Hydrozoa, pp. 11-15, pi. iii. 51. Koby, F. Monographic des Polypiers Jurassiques de la Suisse. 9e partie. Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xvi, pp. 457-577, 10 pis. 52. Koch, G. von. Kleinere Mittheilungen fiber Anthozoen. Morph. JB. xvi, (1) Heft 2, pp. 396-400, 2 figs., (2) Heft 3, pp. 534-536, 4 figs., (3) Heft 4, pp. 686-688, 3 figs, in text. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 1, pp. 51 & 52. 53. — — . Die systematische Stellung von Sympodium coralloides . Zool. Jahrb. v, 1 Heft, pp. 76-92. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, p. 466. 54. . Ueber das Skelett der Steinkorallen. Tag. Deut. Nat. Yers. lxii, p. 265. 55. Korschelt, E., & Heider, K. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der Wirbellosen Thiere. Jena : (Fischer) 1890. Cnidaria , pp. 18-85 ; Ctenopkora, pp. 86-102. 56. Langenbeck, R. Die Theorieen fiber die Entstehung der Korallen- inseln und Korallenriffe. Leipsig (Engelman) : 8vo, 190 pp., with 5 figs, in the text. 57. Lendenfeld, R. von. Die Koralleninseln der Sinai-halbinseln (by J. Walther). Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 200-205. [ Vide Zool. Rec. 1888.] LIST OF PAPERS. Coel 5 58. [Lendenfeld, R. von:] Neuere Arbeiten liber Anthozoen. Op. cit. ix, No. 24, pp. 755-759. 59. . Neuere Arbeiten liber Hydromedusen und Anthozoen. Op. cit. x, No. 23, p. 711-721 ; No. 24, pp. 744-754. 50. . Neuere Arbeiten iiber Polypen und Medusen. T. c. pp. 525-550. 61. . Yerdauung bei Hydra (by M. Greenwood). T. c. pp. 209-213. [ Vide Zool. Rec. 1888.] 62. . Hertwig’s Supplement to ‘Challenger’ Actinia z. T. c. pp. 213-215. 63. . Coral Reefs : Fossil and Recent. Nature, xlii, pp. 29-31, 100, & 148. 64. Lo Bianco, S., & Mayer, P. Spongicola and Navsithoe. Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 687. 65. Loman, J. C. C. Composite Coenosarcal Tubes of Hydroids. [ Vide Zool. Rec. xxvi.] Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, p. 341. 66. Marenzeller, E. v. Deutsche Benennungen fur Poriferen Coelenteraten, Echinodermen und Wiirmer. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 177-184. Mayer, P. [ Vide Lo Bianco, S.] 67. McIntosh, W. C. Notes from St. Andrew’s Marine Laboratory. No. x. Ann. N. H. (6) v, Jan.-April. 3 papers. (1) On abnormal Hydromedusen , p. 40; (2) On the occurrence of Ctenophores through- out the year, p. 43 ; (3) On the occurrence of Hydromeduscc and Scypho medusae throughout the year, p. 296 ; (4) On Arachnactis , p. 306. 68. McMurricii, J. P. Contributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa. I. The Structure of Cerianthus americanus. J. Morph, iv, pp. 131-150, 2 pis. 69. Mitchell, P. C. Thelaceros rliizophorce , n. g. & sp., an Actinian from Celebes. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxx, pt. 4, pp. 551-563, 1 pi. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, p. 339. 70. Moore, W. TL, & Bassett- Smith, P. W. Reports of the Results of an Examination of the Slopes and Zoological Conditions of the Tizard and Macclesfield Banks. Hydrographic Department, Admiralty. 71. Murray, J., & Irvine, R. Coral Reefs and other Carbonate of Lime Formations in Modern Seas. Nature, xlii, No. 1076, pp. 162-166. 72. Nicholson, A. H. Notes on the Palaeontology of Western Aus- tralia. (1) Stromatoporoidea. Geol. Mag. vii, 1890, p. 193. 73. Nussbaum, M. Die Umstiilpung der Polypen. Erklarung und Bedeutung dieses Yersuchs. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxv, 1 Heft, pp. 111-120. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, p. 343. 6 Gcel. CCELENTE RATA. 74. Ortmann, A. Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der Naturgeschicthe der Anthozoen in den Jahren 1883 a. 1884. Arch. f. Nat. liii, Bd. 3, Heft 3, pp. 219-237 ; im Jahre 1885, pp. 238-246. Auch in Ber. ii. d. wiss. Leistungen in d. Naturgesch. d. nied. Thiere, iii. 75. . Bericht iiber die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Anthozoen in den Jahren 1886 u. 1887. Arch. f. Nat. liv, Bd. 2, Heft 3, pp. 149-165. 76. . Die Morphologie des Skelettes der Steinkorallen in Beziehung zur Koloniebildung. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, Heft 2, pp. 278-316, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 5, pp. 612-614. 77. Roiiertson, D. On the Local Distribution of Pennatula phosphorea, Virgularia mirabilis , and Pavonaria quadrangularis. Tr. Glasg. Nat. Hist. Soc. ii, p. 211. 78. Saville-Kent, W. The Zoological Affinities of Heliopora ccerulea. Nature, xlii, pp. 340 & 341. 79. Schimkewitsch, W. [Sketch of the present position of the question of the Development of the Hydrozoa.~\ Rev. Sc. Nat. Soc. Nat. St. Petersburg, i, No. 1, pp. 31-35 ; No. 3, pp. 122-148 ; No. 4, pp. 171— 176 ; No. 5, pp. 220-256. In Russian. 80. Schneider, K. C. Histologie von Hydra fusca mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Nervensystems der Hydropolypen. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxv, 3 Heft, pp. 321-379, 3 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, pp. 468-470. 81. Studer, Th. Note preliminaire sur les Alcyonaires provenant des campagnes du yacht l’Hirondelle, 1886, 1887, 1888. Part 1. Gorgonacece , in M6m. Soc. Zool. iii, pt. 4, pp. 551-559. 82. Spencer, W. B. A new family of Hydroidea , together with a description of the structure of a new species of Plumularia. Tr. R. Soc. Yict. 1890, pp. 121-140, 7 pis. 83. Thurston, E. On the habits of Virgularia. P. Z. S. 1890, p. 462. 84. . Notes on the Pearland Shank Fisheries and Marine Fauna of the Gulf of Manaar. Madras Government Press, 1890. 85. Tornquist, S. L. Undersokningar ofver Siljansomradets Grapto- liten. Lunds Univ. Arsskrift. xxvi, pp. 1-33, 2 pis. 86. Turneretsciier, M. Die Hydroiden des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, v, No. 2, pp. 195-286, 5 pis. 87. Vaniioffen, D. E. Jahresbericht fur 1884-1887 uber die Coelente- raten mit Ausschluss der Spongien und Anthozoen. Arch. f. Nat. liv, Bd. 2, Heft 3, pp. 82-148. 88. Viguier, C. Etudes sur les Animaux Inferieurs de la baie d’ Alger. Arch. Z. exper. viii, 1890, pp. 101-142, 3 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, p. 467. Goel. 7 LIST OF PAPERS, MORPHOLOGY. 89. Wagner, J. Recherches sur l’Orgamsation de Monobrachium para- siticum. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 273-810, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 1, pp. 52 & 53. 90. Webster, C. L. Description of a New Genus of Corals ( Macgeea ) from the Devonian Rocks of Iowa. Am. Nat. xxiii, pp. 710-712. 91. Weismann, A. Bemerkungen zu Ischikawa’s Umkehrungsver- suchen an Hydra. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxvi, 4 Heft, pp. 627-638. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1891, pt. 2, pp. 203 & 204. 92. Wentzel, J. Ueber fossile Hydrocorallinen ( Stromatopora und ihre Yerwandten). Lotos, ix, pp. 1-24, 3 pis. 93. Wharton, W. J. L. (1) Coral Reefs : Fossil and Recent. Nature, xlii, p. 81 ; (2) p. 172. . (3) Drowned Atolls. T. c. p. 222. 94. Wilson, H. Y. On a new Actinia, Hoplophoria coralligens. Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. iv, No. 6, pp. 379-387, pi. xliii. Abstr. in J. R. Micr, Soc. 1890, pt. 3, p. 338. 95. Zacharias, O. Ueber neuere Umkehrungsversuche an Hydra [ISCHIKAWA, vide Zool. Rec. 1889.] Biol. Centralbl. x, No. 3, pp. 92-95. Humboldt (Dammer) : 9 Jhrg., 5 Heft, pp. 174 & 175. 96. . Ueber ein interessantes Kapitel der Seenkunde. Biol. Centralbl. x : Codentcrata in fresh water, p. 124. U.— MORPHOLOGY. General. A concise and well illustrated account of the developmental history of the Ccdenterata will be found in the first part of Korsciielt & Heider’s text book (55). Yon Marenzeller (66) gives a very useful list of the popular German names of many of the genera of Ccelenterata. Hydro zoa. Brauer (14), in a preliminary note on the development of Hydra aurantiaca , states that the polar bodies are normally formed on the side of the egg turned away from the parent before the ectoderm sheath is ruptured. The molecules in the polar bodies are not yelk spherules, but nuclear fragments. A blastula is formed by total and regular segraenta* tion of the ovum. The blastoccel is formed at the stage with eight seg- ments. The endoderm is formed by mixed delamination. The ectodermic sheath is not lost on the formation of the ectoderm of the embryo. The eggshell is a cuticular structure. Nussbaum (73), and Weismann (91) discuss Ischikawa’s investigations on the artificial introversion of Hydra [ vide Zool. Rec. 1889]. 8 Gcel. CCELENTERATA. Schneider (80) gives an account, illustrated by numerous figures, of a detailed investigation of the histological structure of Hydra fusca. He describes the nerve-cells and nerve-fibrils found in the ectoderm, and considers that the epitlielio-muscular cells should no longer be termed “ neuro-muscular ” cells, since the nerve cells and fibrils probably perform the same functions as the nervous tissues of other Metazoa. Although an organic connection between the nerve-fibrils aud nematocysts has not yet been demonstrated, it seems probable on physiological grounds that such a connection does exist. Important details concerning the minute struc- ture of the three different kinds of nematocysts and of the endoderm are given. In Tubularia larynx and Eudendrium ramosum a system of ganglion cells and nerve-fibrils was found, answering in structure and position to those of Hydra. Boveri (13) finds two polar bodies are protruded from the ovum of Tiara (sp. P). Chatin (15) denies the existence of free nuclei in the ovary of Hydra. Each nucleus is surrounded by a delicate layer of protoplasm, Driescii (22) continues the account of his investigations on the forma- tion of the hydroid colonies, He finds (25) that in Sertularella polyzonias, the stolons produced in unfavourable positions are at first positively, and — after the production of daughter-stolons — negatively, heliotropic. McIntosh (67, 1) describes some Medusae that are apparently abnormal forms of Thamantias melanops. The reproductive bands form a conspicu- ous cross over the disc. There is no mouth and no manubrium. Fowler (31) found two specimens of the hydroid polyp of Limnocodium sowerbyi throwing off Medusae. The bud of a new hydroid polyp differs from the parent only in the uniform cubic shape of the ectoderm cells, in the absence of a mouth, of nematocysts, and of the little mass of cells probably answering to the “ Glockenkern ” that is present in the parent, and in the non-differentiation of the endoderm into two regions. The medusa, in the only specimen examined, was found at the apex of the polyp. At the apex, the ectoderm grows inwards to form a solid plug of cells, which probably represents the praeumbral lid, and a somewhat globular mass of more vacuolated cells, which forms the sub-umbrella cavity. These two masses of cells represent probably the “ Glockenkern.” Hickson (42) describes the lenticular mass of cells that supports the large telolecithal egg of Allopora , and proposes that it should be called the “ trophodisc.” The trophodisc is formed by the folding of one wall of a ccenosarcal canal that contains an ovum. It rapidly becomes more and more complicated as the ovum enlarges. Soon after the ovum is fertilized, the trophodisc atrophies. The ovum does not undergo a pro- cess of segmentation. The germinal vesicle, after fertilisation has taken place, fragments, and the ectoderm is formed by a process similar to free- cell formation. The embryo escapes from the colony as a solid planula. Hickson (44), in a preliminary note . on the meaning of the ampullae of Millepora murrayi, states that they are occupied by modified dactylozooids MORPHOLOGY. Goel. 9 bearing the male sexual products. The same author gives a preliminary , note (43) on the male gonangia of Allopora and Distichopora. (A more complete description, with illustrations of these structures, has been pub- lished in the Q. J. Micr. Sci. 1891.) Viguier (88) gives an elaborate account of the remarkable Hydro- medusan Tetraplatia volitcins, and asserts that it is impossible to give it its proper position in classification until the whole of its life-history is known. Bigelow (8) fiuds that in Pelagia, Chrysaora , and Dactylometra , with increased complexity in the general characters, there is, both phylogenetic- ally and ontogenetically, an increase in the complexity of the marginal organs, but the steps in the ontogeny are not strictly identical with the conditions at the corresponding points in the phylogeny of the species. The same author (7), in describing some physiological experiments on Caravella , states that there was no rhythm observed in the contractions of the tentacles, but the cormidia contracted at the rate of eight con- tractions a minute. Exposure to unfavourable conditions causes the appendages to become detached, even while still alive. The cormidia may be cut into small pieces, and each piece retain its vitality. The food consists of small fish. Claus (16, 17) fiuds that the embryonal development of Cotylorhiza, up to the gastrula stage, takes place within the egg-membrane. There is no irregular immigration of cells into the blastula cavity, which is formed by invagination. The young Scyphostoma forms the proboscis very early, and before the formation of the four perradial tentacles. In distinction to Hydroid polyps, the young Scyphostoma is characterised not only by the ectodermal nature of the proboscis, but also by the production of four diverticula of the stomach and an even number of tamiolae. The four septal muscles originate by the immigration of ectoderm cell-knobs from the peristom, and come secondarily into relation with the tseniolse. The multiplication by stabilisation is a form of “ alternation of genera- tions.” Wagner (89) gives some further details of the structure of the interest- ing Hydrozoon, Monobrachium parasiticum. In the centre, the colony is almost entirely composed of sexual individuals ; between the centre and the periphery these are mixed with hydranths, and at the periphery itself there are some special forms called pseudo-nematophores. The pseudo-nematophores represent probably the spiral zooids of Podocoryne and Hydractinia. The ectoderm shows signs of degeneration due to parasitism; in the absence of a sub-epithelium there is an absence of nervous system and an almost complete want of differentiation of the cells. The endoderm of the tentacles shows a condition intermediate between that of solid and hollow tentacles. The Keimstatte is the hydrorhiza. The sexual cells pass along the endoderm to the ventral ectoderm of the radial canals. This is, then, one of the rare cases of the migration of the sexual cells in a form with a fully developed medusa. Lo Bianco & Paul Mayer (64) announce that they have been able to 10 God. CCELENTERATA. prove that Metschinkoff ’s view that Nausithoe is a stage in the life-history of Stephanoscy phus mirabilis, Allm.,= Spongicola Jistularis , F. E. Schultze, is true. This is of great importance, as it places beyond doubt the fact that Spongicola belongs not to the Ilydroidea , but to the Acalephce. Spencer (82) describes the remarkable new hydroid Clathrozoon, and proposes that it should be placed in a new family, Hydrocera tinidce. The family, by a combination of remarkable characters, seems to be distinct from any known family of Hydroids. Anthozoa. ZOANTHARIA. Danielssen’s important monograph (19) contains a full description of several new families, genera, and species, of Sea Anemones. Of special interest is the full description of the genera Fenja and Aegir , illustrated by numerous figures. Faurot (26, 27) states that there are ten distinct pairs of mesenterial septa in Peachia hastata. Twelve are large, eight are small and not attached to the stomodseum, and there are two pairs of directive septa. The septa of the third order are sterile. The same author (28) describes the order of development of the septa of Ilalcampa chrysantellum. The smaller septa, twelve in number, are all sterile. The curious larva described by Van Beneden (5) probably belongs to the Zoanthince. The general form of the body is characterised by con- siderable elongation, by the existence of six well- developed sarcosepta, the total absence of any trace of tentacles round the mouth, and princi- pally by the presence of a median vibratile fringe. Beraneck (6) remarks that the marginal corpuscles of the Actinice are not eyes, but batteries of nematocysts. McMtjrrich (68) describes the structure of Cerianthus americanus. The largest specimens were 20 cm. long, and 1.5 to 2 cm. in diameter at the middle. Twenty-three out of a total of ninety-two mesenteries are well developed. The ventral directives are very short, and hardly extend below the level of the lower opening of the stomodseum. There are four grades of mesen- teries. Three grades are gonophoric, the fourth is not. The specimen described was female, and showed no signs of being hermaphrodite. The endodermal musculature of the mesenteries consists of a flat layer on each side of the mesogloea. No mesenterial stomata were found. Fowler (30) describes the anatomy of Duncania , which he finds to be a true Madreporarian, differing in no point of importance from the ordinary type. He gives a good figure of the soft parts of a species of Madrepora , and describes the anatomy of Galaxea esperi , Heteropsammia multilobata, and Bathyactis symmetrica. Agassiz examined (1) four specimens of corals taken in 1888 from the cable between Havanna and Key West, that was laid in 1881, in six to seven fathoms of water. The specimens were in average thickness about MORPHOLOGY. God. 11 inches, and they must have attained this size in less than seven years. The species were Orbicella annularis (two specimens), Manicina arcolatay and Isophyllia dipsacea. Bell (4) gives a preliminary note on two Antipatharians, Qerardia savalia and Antipathes robillardi. Von Koch (54) gives a demonstration of the relation between the hard and soft parts of Flabettum , Galaxea, and other corals. The same author (52, 1) remarks that in Astroides calicularis the tentacles are greatly con- tracted and withdrawn during retraction. They are surrounded by an annular rim of the body-wall, but occasionally a portion of the basal part of the tentacles telescopically protects them. In a note (52, 2) on septal budding in Madreporaria , Von Koch asserts that this phenomenon does occur in Madreporaria , notwithstanding Neumayr’s assertion to the contrary. There is also a note (52, 3) on the true and false synapticulee of Fungia. Ortmann (76) gives a systematic account of the skeleton, and mode of gemmation in several species of corals. Alcyonaria. Von Koch (52, 1) gives a note on the terminal polype and siphono- zoid of Fennatula and Fteroides , and remarks that in Rkizoxenia rosea a partial invagination of the base of the tentacle takes place during retraction. The same author (53) remarks that Sympodium coralloides is a true Alcyonid adapted to live on a Gorgonia stem ; he proposes to change the name to Alcyonium coralloides. Thurston (83, 84) and Gathorne Hardy (37) give some notes on the habits of Virgularia. Saville Kent (78) considers that it is possible that Heliopora ccerulea may be a tubicolous Annelid. Hickson (41) and Haddon(35) maintain that Heliopora is undoubtedly an Alcyonarian. Hasse (39) describes two species of fossil corals from the Middle Lias of Gotha that he considers to be fossil Alcyonaria, possibly allied to Duva and Drifa. Coral Reef Problems. BOttger (12) gives a historical account of our knowledge of coral reefs and islands, and an elaborate list of books and papers referring to the subject. Langenjbeck’s important work (56) contains full discussions of many of the most important problems concerning the formation of coral reefs and islands. It contains an elaborate discussion of the supposed coral reef origin of the Dolomites. Von Lendenfeld (63, 1), in giving a general support to the Dar- 12 God. CCELENTERATA. winian theory of coral reefs, maintains that the Dolomites afford an instance of fossil reefs that have been formed during subsidence. Wharton (93, 1), in referring to Yon Lendenf eld’s letter, asks where in modern seas there are to be found atolls rising 10,000 feet from the sea bottom ; and points out (2), in further reply to Yon Lendenfeld, that neither Keeling, Diego Garcia, nor Bermudas are certainly instances of this. He further asks if anyone can explain, on the subsidence theory, why atolls have usually such shallow lagoons. Wharton (93, 3) and Basset-Smith (3) agree that “ drowned atoll '* is not a good term to apply to the Macclesfield bank. Moore & Basset Smith (70) give an account, illustrated by some excellent charts and sections, of the Macclesfield and Tizard banks in the China Sea. Murray & Irvine (71) give an elaborate account of the carbonate of lime formations in modern seas. Heilprin (49) points out that coral reefs do occur in the western waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They belong to that group recognized by Darwin as being built upon shoals and beds of sediment. They give no evidence in favour of or against the subsidence theory. III.— REVIEWS AND NOTICES. Guppy (34) gives an account of Sluiter’s researches on the coral reefs of the Java seas. Yon Lendenfeld (57) reviews W alther’s book on the corals of the Sinai peninsula. Yon Lendenfeld (58, 59, 60), Ortmann (74, 75), and YanhOffen (87) review the recent literature on Ccelenterata. Yon Lendenfeld also gives special notices of (61) Miss Greenwood’s paper on the Digestion of Hydra , and (62) Hert wig’s Supplement to 1 Challenger ’ Actiniae. Schimkewitsch (79) gives, in Russian, a critical review of recent papers on the development of the Hydrozoa. IV. — DISTRIBUTION. 1. General. Haeckel (37) describes the Coelenterata of the Plankton. 2. European Waters. Bourne describes a collection of Hydroids (10) from the neighbourhood of Plymouth, and (11) from the South-west coast of Ireland. Haddon (36) describes a collection of Actinice from the South-west coast of Ireland. Danielssen (19) describes a collection of Sea Anemones made in the North German ocean. DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMATIC. Ooel. 13 Robertson (77) found Pennatula and Virgularia in the Clyde sea area, but not Pavonaria . Pavonarid occurs in 10-12 fathoms, off Oban. McIntosh (67) refers to the existence of Ctenophores and certain Hydromedusce and Scyphomedusce , at all seasons of the year, in Scottish waters. 3. American Waters. Fewkes (29) describes a collection of Medusae made by the naturalists of the ‘ Albatross i in the Gulf Stream. von Kennel (49) describes a new freshwater Medusa from the West Indies. 4. Azores. Studer (81) describes a number of Gorgoniafis Collected by the Prince of Monaco, principally in the neighbourhood of the Azores. 5. Australian Waters. Spencer (82) reports upon some Hydroidea, and Hickson (45) upon some Anthozoa , from Victoria. 6. Malay Archipelago. Mitchell (69) reports upon a new Sea Anemone from North Celebes. Y. SYSTEMATIC, HYDBOZOA. HYDROIDEA. CALYPTOBLASTEA. Hydroceratinid^e, new family, Spencer (82), Bydrophytoii com sisting of a mass of entwined hydrorhiza, with a skeleton in the form of anastomosing chitinous tubes ; the surface is studded with tubular hydro- thecae, into which the hydranths can be completely retracted. Hydranths sessile, and connected with more than one hydrorhizal tube, clavifoi'm, with a single vertical filiform tentacle. Defensive zooids present, with a solid endodermal axis and nematocysts borne at the distal end, ^ Glathro- zoon wihoni , n. g. & sp., near Port Phillip Heads, Victoria, p, 123, {llaloikema, n, g., family Hdleciidae, Stems erect, simple or sparingly branched, ringed, Hydrothecfle pedicellate, hydranths large, nomretractile. Bourne (10). II. lankesterii , Plymouth, p, 395. Marktanner TuRnereTscher (86) describes the following new species Campanularia chinensis , Tschifu, p. 204. G. thyroscyphiformis , Cebu, p. 206. C. borealis , Deevie Bay, p. 206. C. integriformis , Trieste, p. 206, 1890. [vol. xxvii.] a 5 14 Coel. CCELENTERATA. Obelici chinensis, Yellow Sea, p. 210. 0. aruensis , Aru Is., p. 210. Thyroscyphus vitiensis , Yiti Is., p. 210. Hypanthia atlantica , 60° S.} 38° W., p. 211. Ilalmphonia dumosa , Rovigno, p. 212. Hebella cylindrata , Rovigno, p. 214. H. contorta , Singapore, p. 215. Clytia elongata, Auckland, p. 215. Sertularella novarce , St. Paul, p. 226. S. annulata , Kiaraa, p. 227. S. cirboriformis , Indian Ocean, p. 228. Sertularia Tinttoni , New Zealand, p. 233. Pasythia philippina , Cebu. p. 234. Symplectoscyphus australis , Australia, p. 235. Dynamena tubuliformis, Dschidda, p. 238. Z). mediterranean p. 242. ^ Calyptothuiaria, n. g. This genus stands between Sertularella and Thuiaria ; with the former it has relations in its much folded perisarc, with the latter in the arrangement of the hydrothecse. C. clarJcii, Indian Ocean, p. 243. G. magellanica) Magellan Straits, p. 344. J Monopoma , n. g. This genus has relations to the genus Abietinaria , but differs'from it in the possession of an operculum. M. variabilis , Yellow Sea, p. 246. Plumularia hians} Naples, p. 253. P. californica} Puget Sound, p. 255. P. ventriculiformis, Rovigno, p. 256. P. leichtenstemii} Rovigno, p. 257. \Acladia , n. g., allied to Antenella , but differs from it in unjointed stem and numerous longitudinally striated stalked hydrothecse. A. africana, Algoa, p. 261. Aglaophenia tubiformisy Rovigno, p. 269. A. helleri , Rovigno, Naples, p. 271. A. roretzii , Japan, p. 261. A. balii , p. 272, Red Sea. Halicornaria fiabellata , Red Sea, p. 278. Spencer (82) describes Plumularia procumbens} Port Phillip, Victoria, p. 130. G YMNOBL ASTE A. Eudendrium novce-zealandice , Auckland, p. 201, Turneretscher (86). HYDROCORALLINZE. Wentzel (92) describes the following fossil corals, which he believes to be Hydrocorallines, from the Sub-Permian : — Family Tubiferj:. ^ Irregulalopora , n. g. Calyx is section irregularly formed. Trabeculse are present in the broader canals of the meshes of the coenosarc. I. undulata , Bilote, p. 15. ^ Disjectopora, n. g. Calyces diverging from the middle to the outer surface of the stock, dispersedly arranged, provided with tabulae. Out- side the ccenosarcal mesh work there are present broad and smaller serpentine canals. J). millaiformis, Morah, p. 16. HYDROZOA. Cod. 15 Family Ccenostromtd;e. Arduorliiza , n. g. Astrorhiza with radial tube springing obliquely from the central canal. Central canal centrally placed in the middle of the stock. A. pyramidata, Chidroo, p. 17. Wentzel arranges these families in the following manner : — Archistylasteridce. Milleporidce. Tubiferaz (Archihydrocorallinaz of Moseley). Ccenoslromidce. \ Stromatoporidce. Heterastridium pachy sty lum) FRECtt, (32) p. 97. • • Family Lamellate. Of uncertain position, but probably belonging to Hydrocorallince. Lamellce concentric, separated by interlaminar spaces or bound together by sharp septa. Lamellae and septal walls perforated. Circopora , n. g. C. multitubulosa) Morah, p] 20. C. faverlata) Morah, p. 20. Wentzel (92). SIPHONOPHORA . y/ Pleuropliysa, n. g., FeWkes (29), destitute of nectocalyces and hydro- phyllia. The axis is thick, and all the appendages arise from one side of the stem. P. insignis , Gulf Stream, p. 517. ACRASPEDA. ^ Halmonises, n. g., von KeNnEl (49). Without marginal knobs, cirrhi, or marginal vesicles. Sixteen to eighteen tentacles, with swollen bases and a simple pigment ring on the outer side. Yelum thin, but broad. Manu- brium quadrangular, without oral-lappets. Four radial canals, with gonads. 2-2£ mm. in diameter. H. Iacu9trisy fresh water lagoon, W. Indies. Graptolitidj;. Holm (47) describes Dictyonema cervicorne , P. abnorme, Retiolites geinitzianus . ToRNQtJiST (85) describes Clonograptus robustus, Tetragraptus curvatus , Didymograptus gracilis , D. decens, Climacograptus internexus , Diplograptus bellulus. 16 Ccel. CCELENTERATA. . ANTHOZOA. AGTINIARIA. Hexactiniai (Hertwig). Danielssen (19) describes the following yjKorenia , n. g. The pedal disc is lanceolately expanded, embraces nearly completely a thin cylindrical foreign body (the stem of Bathycrinus). Tbe body oblong, strongly* ribbed, and furnished with hollow papillae. The oral disc exposed. Many perfect septa. Mesodermal circular muscles. Few tentacles, placed in several series. K. margaritacea, p. 1, 1085-1333 fathoms. J Kylhulrosactis , n. g. The pedal disc round, with thick undulating margin. The body cylindrical, smooth, with fine longitudinal stripes, suckers, and cinclides. Oral disc round, radiate. The tentacles retractile, long, not numerous, and in few series. Circular muscles distinctly endo- dermal. The principal and secondary septa perfect, but sterile. Numerous tertiary and quaternary imperfect septa, carrying reproductive organs and acontia. K. elegans , p. 4, 127 fathoms. Paractid^e (Hertwig). J Kadosactis , n. g. The pedal disc round, discoidally expanded. The body shaped like an urn, with broad transverse folds, and a prominent constriction immediately above the pedal disc ; on its exterior surface a great multitude of minute suckers. The tentacles in few series, short and retractile. Numerous perfect septa. Mesodermal circular muscles. K. rosea , p. 8, 1215 fathoms. K. hyalina , p. 11, 146-416 fathoms. New Family 1$ideractid.2E. Actiniaria with numerous perfect septa. Few series of short, non- retractile tentacles, of which the innermost contains eight mesodermal circular muscles. 4 Sideractis , n. g. The pedal disc broad, furnished with extremely fine longitudinal stripes. The body smooth, with fine longitudinal furrows. The tentacles non-retractile in few series. The first inner series contains eight tentacles. Sixteen pairs of perfect septa. Mesodermal circular muscles. S. glacialis, p. 14, 263 fathoms. Sagartida:, i Stelidiactis , n. g. The pedal disc membrauaceously expanded, enclasps thin round objects (branches of Mopsea borealis). The body forms a round pillar, is longitudinally ribbed and furnished with cinclides. The oral disc covered by the margin of the body. The tentacles short) retrac- ANTHOZOA. God. 17 tile, not numerous, placed in one or two series. Six pairs of perfect septa. Mesodermal circular muscles. S. mopsice , p. 17, 90 fathoms. S. tubularice, p. 19, 155 fathoms. / A Uantactis, n. g. The pedal disc embracing large objects, such as Nep- tunia curta , with a thick margin, bent inwards. The column cylindrical, folded transversally, 'has a free, erect superior margin (parapet) and scat- tered cinclides. The tentacles not numerous, short, retractile, in a few series. Six perfect sterile septa. No acontia. Prominent mesodermal circular muscles. Hermaphroditic. A. parasitica , p. 20, 525 fathoms. / Anihosactis , n. g. Pedal disc round, with thick margin, the column cylindrical, wall membranous, smooth, with longitudinal folds and cinclides. The oral disc round. The tentacles retractile, about uniform in size, short, few in number, in few series. Mesodermal circular muscles. Six pairs of completely sterile septa. No acontia. A. jan mayeni , p. 24, ? loc. Sagartia repens , p, 27, 147 fathoms. S. splendens , p. 33, Sognefjord. Calliactis lcr0yeri , p. 36, 109 & 60 fathoms. Family Bunodid^e. Bunodes abyssorum , p. 39, 127 & 672 fathoms. Family Tealidj:. ^Tealiopsis, n. g. The pedal disc round, with indented margiu. The body cylindrical, covered with a tough integument encrusted with grains of sand and fragments of shells ; inside of this, on the integument proper, a multitude of distinct suckers, placed in longitudinal series. The oral disc folded. The tentacles retractile, placed in few series. Prominent endodermal circular muscles. Numerous perfect septa. T. polarisy p. 45, 223 fathoms. New Family Madoniactid2e. Hexactinice , with few principal septa, acontia, and a prominent endo- dermal circular muscular system. v Madoniactis , n. g. The pedal disc round, a little wider than the body. The latter is cylindrical, about the same in height as in breadth, smooth, furnished with dispersed cinclides. Parapet and fossa. The tentacles in several series, retractile, short. Both the tentacles and the oral disc covered by the margin of the body. Six pairs of perfect septa, sterile. Acontia. The circular muscles distinctly endodermal. M. lofotensis , p. 47, 90 fathoms. Family Phellidj:. Phellia flexibilis,p. 51, 566 fathoms. P. margaritacea, p. 54, 1110-1333 fathoms. P. arctica , p. 57, 191 fathoms. P. crassa , p. 60, 191 fathoms. 18 Cce l. CGELENTERATA. P. bathybia, p. 64, 1163 fathoms. P. norvegica, p. 67, 127 fathoms. P. violacea, p. 70, 1287 fathoms. P. spitzbergensis , p. 74, 260 fathoms. \Z Kodiodes , n. g. The body encrusted, piriform, with a long bare stem terminating in a pedal disc. Two series, containing a few retractile tentacles. Twelve pairs of septa, of which six pairs perfect. Suckers on the encrusted portion of the body. No siphonoglyphe. Mesodermal annular muscles. Acontia. K. pedunculata , p. 77, 1081 fathoms. Cactosoma. The body claviform, with an encrusted covering, the uppermost part bare. Distinct pedal disc. The surface of the body furnished with suckers. Two series of retractile tentacles. Six pairs of perfect septa, of which two pairs are directive septa, all of them carrying mesenterial filaments and reproductive organs. Six pairs of imperfect sterile septa. Two siphonoglyphes. Mesodermal circular muscles. C. abys8orum , p. 82, 457 fathoms. New Family ^ndvakiadas. Hexactiniaz elongated, seated loose in the sand, without any real pedal disc, the greater part of the body encrusted ; the uppermost base part of the body, the oral disc and the tentaoles completely retractile ; few septa. Andvakia , n. g. Andvaldadce with six pairs of perfect, sterile septa ; six pairs of imperfect, almost rudimentary, septa, carrying acontia and reproductive organs ; strongly developed endodermal circular muscles. Cinclides. A. mirabilis , p. 86, Sognefjord, 100-150 fathoms. Subfamily Halcampid^e. ^ Halcanvpoides, n. g. The body elongate, cylindrical, terminating conically in a round caudal aperture, and furnished with a thin encrusted sheath. One tentacular series. Six pairs of perfect septa, carrying mesenterial filaments and reproductive organs. Distinct endodermal circular muscles. The stomodaeum divided longitudinally. PL. abyssorum , p. 93, 457 & 620 fathoms. Tribe EDWARDSIiE. v Family Edwardsinje. J Edwcirdsioides , n. g. The body cylindrical, vermiform, furnished with eight longitudinal furrows, and intervals closely occupied by suckers. The scapus has a thin, transparent covering. The capitulum bare with a series of marginal retractile tentacles. The physa small and non- retractile. Eight septa. The ciroular muscles endodermal. Herma- phrodite. E. vitrea, p. 100, 457 fathoms. Edwardsia andresi , p. 106, 263 fathoms. E.fusca , p. 112, 148 fathoms. E. costa ta , p. 115, 263 fathoms) ANTHOZOA. Ccel. 19 ZOANTHIDA3. 1 New Family Mardoellid;e. Zoanthidce forming colonies, which, by means of a common rounded basal part, live freely in or upon sand without attachment. V Mardoella, n. g. Mardoellidce with firm, encrusted integument ; endo- dermal circular muscles. Macrosepta perfect, carrying reproductive organs and mesenterial filaments. Microsepta imperfect, sterile. A siphonoglyphe . Dioecious. M. erdmanni , p. 117, 191-870 fathoms. Epizoanthus arborescens , p. 126, 135 fathoms. E. glacialis, p. 129, 457, & 620 fathoms. E. roseus , p. 134, 620 fathoms. CERIANTHEiE. Cerianthus vogti , p. 137, 498 fathoms. C. abyssorum , p. 143, 634 fathoms. Tribe AEGIRE2E. Actinida with a perfect body cavity (coelom), and a developed digestive apparatus consisting of oesophagus, intestine, and anus. The two genera, Fenj a and Aegir, belonging to this family were described two years ago [vide Zool. Rec. 1888], but in this monograph of Danielssen’s they are more fully described and beautifully illustrated. New family Thelaceridj:. Mitchell (69). This family belongs to the Corallimorphidai, and is defined as follows : — Hexactinice without a sphincter, cinclides, or acontia, with numerous accessory rudimentary tentacles, so that more than one tentacle com- municates with a radial chamber, with the normal tentacles covered by small, compound, hollow protuberances. The accessory tentacle rudi- mentary. * Thelaceros rhizophorce , n. g. & sp., North Celebes, shallow water. Antheams (?). / Iloplophoria , n. g., Wilson (94). This anemone is distinguished by the presence of four large, conspicuous, finger-like organs just below the circlet of tentacles, provided with battorios of nematocysts. They are diverti- cula of the spaces included between mesenteries of the second order. They are probably homologous with the marginal sacs of Actinia mesem- bryanthemum. Further characters are, that six pairs of mesenteries are complete and only four of them bear generative organs. H. coralligens , found in a hole half-inch deep, in a piece of Asteroid coral, on fringing reef of the Bahamas. X 20 poel. CCE1LENTERATA. MAD REPOR ARIA. Basset-Smith (2) describes the following new species from the Maccles- field and Tizard bank in the China Sea: — Stylophora guentheri , Macolosfield, 22 & 32 fathoms, p. 3G2. Seriatopora imbricata , Tizard, \ fathom, p. 363. 8. compacts, Tizard, 5| fathoms, p. 364. S. tenuis, Tizard, 6 fathoms, p, 365. 8. armata , Tizard, 7 fathoms, p. 365. Galaxea cequalis, Tizard, 6 fathoms, p. 368, Symphyllia labyrinthica, Tizard, 5 fathoms, p. 369. Pavonia pretiosa , Tizard, 27 fathoms, p. 444, P, ramosa, Macclesfield, 26 fathoms, p. 445, Montipora porosa , Macclesfield, 35 fathoms, p. 451. Madrepora dendrum , Macclesfield and Tizard, 20 & 27 fathoms, p, 452. M. compressa , Tizard, 5 fathoms, p. 452. M. fragilis , Tizard, 27 fathoms, pi 455. M. ramblerl , Macclesfield, 26 fathoms, p. 455, Alveopora tizardi, Tizard, 27 fathoms, p. 458. Koby (51) brings to a conclusion his great monograph on the Jurassic corals of Switzerland, and adds the following new species Pendvohelia ursicina , p. 457. P sammohelia fromenteli, p. 458, PLeteroccenia rutimeyeri, p. 460, PL. merlani , p. 461. Stylina lorioli, p. 462. Diploccenia ursicina , p. 464. Dt decemradiata, p. 465. Cryptoccenia tenuistriata , p. 465. C. bomnomii , p. 467. C. delemontana, p. 468, Convexastraea scjiardti, p. 469, C. alveolafa , p, 47Q, C. gillieronii p. 470, Cyathophora thurmanni, p, 472, Cladophyllift tenuis , p, 474. Dermosmilia suberassa , p. 475, Dx alpina, p. 470, D. simplex, p, 476, D. pusilla , p, 477, BarypJiyllia rauracjna , p. 478. Diploria ooralllna, p, 479. Latimceandra bonanomii , p. 481. L. fvingeliana, p, 482, Cborisastrcea etalloni, p. 483, Isastrcea suloata, p. 485. Leptophyllia lobata, p. 485. Thamnastrcea thurmanni, p. 488. T. stutzl, p. 489. Microsolena verdati, p. 489, Fkech (32) gives the following new genera and speoies of fossil corals from the Trias. [A preliminary account of some of these is given by the same author in (33)] : — Thecosmilia norica , p. 9. T.fenestrata= Glamophyllia fenestrata, Reuss, p. 9. T. charlyana, p. 11. TP. cyathophylloides , p. 12. T. bavarica, p. 18. T . rofanica , p. 18. ANTHOZOA. Coel 21 Rliabdophyllia delicatula , p. 19. , Isastrcea austriaca, p. 23. I. oligocystis , p. 24. I. norica , p. 25. i. encystis , p. 26. Phylloccenia incrassata, p. 30. P. grandissima,' p. 31. P. kokeni} p. 32. Stylina norica , p. 33. Asiroccenia waltheri, p. 34. A. ohmanni, p. 34. A. hexactis, p. 35, Stephanoccenia juvavica, p. 38. Montivaltia norica — M. cupuliformis , p. 39. M.fritschi, p. 40. M. marmorea, p. 41. M. gosaviensis, p. 41. ^ Stylophyllopsis, n. g. Simple or slightly-branched. Approximately similar to Montivaltia in transverse section, and Stylophyllum in longitu- dinal section. S. polyactis, p. 48. S. zitteli, p. 49. S. rudis, p. 50. S. ccespitosa , p. 52. S. mojsvari, p. 52. S. lindstromi, p. 53. Stylophyllum paradoxum , p. 54. S. tenuispinum , p. 55. S. pygmccum , p. 56. S. polyacanthum, p, 57. Subgenus Mceandrostylis. S. (M.) irre - gulare1 p. 58. Thamnastrcca norica , p. 63. Subfamily Astr^eomorphin^e. ^ Procyclolite8, n. g. Consisting of single, or, more seldom, two fused individuals. Calyx deep. Inner structure somewhat similar to Cyclolites , but the septa soon coalesce into compact lamellae. The number of pores that remain open is very small. 0. triadicus, p. 64. Spongiomorphid.e, n. fam. ' Spongiomorpha , n. g. A peculiar genus that is distinguished from A8trccomorpha by the almost complete degeneration of the radial septa. S. acyclica , p. 77. S. minor , p. 78. Subgenus Heptastylopsis. H. gibbosa} p. 75. II. ramosay p, 76, Heptastylis stromatoporoides, p. 73. Stromatomorpha sty lifer a, p. 79. RUGOSA. Frecii (32) describes the following new genera and species i — Oyathaxonim:. New subfamily Gigantostylince. Septa rudimentary. The elongated pali occupy the greater part of the calyx, Septal groove absent. No trace of endothecal structures, v/ Gigantostylia epigonus , n, g. & sp., p. 82. Zaphrentidj;, ^ Pinacophyllum, n. g. Septa short or medium in length, irregularly alternate, always toothed at the upper margin. Multiplication takes place by regular dichotomy. P. parallelum , p. 86. P. annulatum = Fletcheria annulata( Reuss), == Amplexus reussi (Freeh), p. 87. 22 Gcel. CCELENTERATA. Goccophyllum acanthophorum , p. 89. Hinde (46) describes, from Western Australia : — Cyathophyllum virgatum , Devonian?, p. 194. ^ Plerophyllum , n. g. Simple conical, turbinate, or sub -cylindrical corals, with deep calyces. Five prominently developed septa, which reach nearly to the centre of the calyx, the other septa sub-equal. The outer surface exhibits either shallow annulations or longitudinal striae, or, more rarely, spinous projections. P. australe , Carboniferous, p. 196. P. sul- catum, Carboniferous, p. 197. Pachypora tumida , Devonian. ^ Webster (90) describes the new genus Macgeea, from the Devonian of Iowa. Solitary cylindrical compressed cup-shaped cells, 5-47 mm. in length. Calyx H-18 mm. in diameter. Slightly curved ; extremely irregular ; evidence of attachment. Allied to Pachyphylluni. M. solitaria = Pachyphyllum solitarium. M. parva , p. 711 . M. culmulaf p. 712. ALGYONARIA. Hasse (39) describes 2 species of fossil Alcyonarians (?) : — Alcyonaria langenhani and A . hexabranchia , allied to Ceriopora striata of Goldfuss. Stolonifera. Hickson (45) describes Clavularia australiensis , p. 157, C.ramosa , p. 157, and O.Jlava , p. 140, from Victoria, Australia. Gorgonimj. Studer (81) describes : — >/ Chelidonisis , n. g. This genus has close relations with the Ceratoisidince} more particularly Sclerisis , but the spicules are analogous with those of a true Isis. C. aurantiaca, Azores, 454 metros, p. 553. Acanthogorgia truncata , N. of Spain, 240 metres, p. 555. A. verrilli , 46° N., 49° E., 1267 metres, p. 555. A. horrida , N. Spain, 300 metres, p. 555. Muriceides furcata , Azores, 454 metres, p. 556. Clematissa sceptrum} Azores, 1135 metres, p. 556. Eunicella dubia, Azores, p. 557. Verrucella guernei , Azores, 318-354 metres, p. 559. Pennatulid^i. Prographularia , n. g., Frech (32). Similar to Graphularia , but the surface is covered with strong longitudinal stripes, and connected by two symmetrically placed deep furrows. P. triadica , p. 90. 8-pong, 1 SPONGIiE. BY E. A. Minchin, B.A. INTRODUCTION. The amount of Sponge literature for this year is not very large, but contains some valuable additions to our knowledge of this group . Fore- most amongst them may be mentioned the works of Maas on the development of Spongilla, and Topsent (6),* on the structure, system, and biology of the Clionidce and Renierince. Other papers of importance are : for anatomy and morphology, Dendy (2), on Sollas’s membrane and the phylogeny of the Keratosa , and Fol, on the oft-discussed “ filaments ” of Hircinia; for embryology, Yosmaer (1), on the development of a Silicosponge, and Dendy (3), on the pseudogastrula stage of a Sycon ; while the statements of Yves Delage as to the structure of the larva of Esperella are very remarkable. Works of systematic importance are : Dendy (1), von Lendenfeld (10), PoSta, Topsent (1, 2, 6), and Weber. Maas shows that the larva of Spongilla does not throw off its ectoderm, as supposed by GOtte, but that its ectoderm passes continu- ously into that of the adult, while Yosmaer makes the same observation on the larva of Myxilla sp. Other interesting points which may be noted in the development of Spongilla are : the morula stage ; the curiously modified gastrulation ; the closure of the blastopore ; the free swimming larva, with all the structure of the adult Sponge, but without openings, the formation of which in a mechanical manner constitutes the metamor- phosis ; the fixation by the pole of the blastopore ; and the derivation of the excurrent system and the chambers from the archenteron, while the inhalent system is derived from the ectoderm. * This work was published in 1888, but the volume of the Arch. Z. expdr. in which it appeared did not reach English libraries until 1890, and the Zoological Record of 1888 contained merely the bare name of the paper, the Recorder not having been able to see it. Hence I have included it in this year. — E. AJ M. 2 Spong. SPONGLE. Topsent’s statement [Topsent (6)], that the contractile cells in siliceous Sponges are the flattened ectoderm and endoderra, while the mesoderm forms only the connective tissue and the amoeboid digestive cells, is very striking, and if confirmed would furnish a comment on the classification of the Coslentera given by von Lendenfeld (7) into Mesodcrmalia (Sponges), with mesodermal organs, and Epithelaria ( Cnidaria ), with epithelial organs. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS * Anon. Notizie Sulla Pesca delle Spugne nei Banchi di Lampedusa. Minister© della Marina. Tipografia Bencini, Home and Florence, 1890. [ Cf . Zool. Gart. xxxi, No. 1 (Jan., 1890), p. 28; Nature, xli, p. 284.] ' An account of the Sponge banks, and of the method of fishing and preparing the Sponges. Berthoule, Am^dee. Les Lacs d’ Auvergne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. xxxvii, No. 1, Jan. 5th, 1890, pp. 13-27. Eusponqilla lacustris> Yejdovsky, abundant in Lake Pavin (p. 25) : described by Paul Girod, Travaux du Laboratoire de Zoologie, 1877-78, i, pp. 1, et seq. Methods for the Preservation of Marine Organisms employed at the Naples Zoological Station. . [Abstract by Playfair McMurrich of the paper by Lo Bianco.] Am. Nat. xxiv, No. 285 (Sept., 1890), pp. 856-865. Sponges, p. 860. Chatin, J. Contribution k l’6tude du Noyeau chez les Spongiaires. C.R. cxi, No. 23 (8th Dec., 1890), p. 889. [ Vide infra , Anatomy, &c.] Dalla Torre, Y. Fauna der Insel Helgoland. Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. ii, 1889. The following Sponges occur : — Calcarea : Sycandra ciliata , Leucandra nivea , Ascandra complicata. Silicea, &c. : Vioa celata , Halichondria reticulata , H. aspera , Halisarca lobularis , H. dujardini. Delage, Yves. Sur le Developpement des Eponges Silicieuses et l’homologation des feuillets chez les Spongiaires. C.R. cx, No. 12, p. 654. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, No. 76, p. 344. [Vide infra , Embryology.] Dendy, Arthur. (1) Observations on the West Indian Chalinine Sponges, with Descriptions of New Species. Tr. Z. S. xii, pt. 10 (April, 1890), pp. 349-368, pis. Iviii-lxiii. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, No. 76, p. 344. Following species described: PachycTialina variabilis , n. sp., Nassau, * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Spong. 3 Bahamas; Siphonochalina spiculosa , n. sp., Turk’s I., Bahamas; S. pro- oumbens , Carter, West Indies, Grenada ; S. ceratosa , n. sp., Nassau, Bahamas; Spinosella sororia , Duch. & Mich., West Indies ; S. sororia n. var. dilatata, Bahamas ; S. sororia n. var. fruticosa ; S. sororia n. var. elongata ; S. plicifera , Duch. & Mich., Bahamas ; S. maxima , n. sp., Jamaica ; S. velata, n. sp., Bahamas. [ Vide infra.'] [Dendy, Arthur.] (2) Some Old and New Questions concerning Sponges. Zool. Anz. xiii (1890), No. 325, pp. 14-17. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 3, No. 76, p. 343. The questions at issue are : (1) “ Sollas’s membrane ” ; (2) the true name of Stelospongus flabelliformis, Carter ; (3) the relationship between Homorhaphidai and Ceratosa. [ Vide infra.] . (3) On the Pseudogastrula Stage in the Development of Calca- reous Sponges. P. R. Soc. Yict. Nov. 14th, 1889 (1890), pp. 93-101, pi. la. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, No. 77, p. 470. \Vide infra.] Faurot, L. La peche des Eponges dans le Golfe de Gabes. Rev. Sci. xlv, No. 14, pp. 428-431. Fgl, H. Sur l’Anatomie des Eponges Cornees du genre Hircinia et sur un genre nouveau. C.R. cx, No. 23, p. 1209. Transl. in Ann. N. H. (6) 1890, p. 172, et seq. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pt. 4, No. 77, p. 470. [ Vide infra.] Anthastra mammilliformis , Sollas. Anthastra parvispicula , Sollas. Anthastra pulchra, Sollas. Anthastra pyriformis, Sollas. Anthastra ridleyi} Sollas. Anthastra vosmceri, Sollas. Astrella anceps, Sollas. Astrella pumex, Sollas. ' Aurora globostellata , Sollas. Awrora reticulata , Sollas. Collingsia schmidtii , Gray. Bragmastra normaniy Sollas. Ecionema cdactura , Bwk. Myriastra ? Anthastra, ? tethyopsis Sollas. Myriastra clavosa , Sollas. Together with numerous species < Ridley, Sollas, Carter, and Marenzel Myriastra clavosa var. quadrata , Sollas. Myriastra crassicula , Sollas. Myriastra simplicifurca , Sollas. Myriastra simplicissima , Sollas. Myriastra subtilis, Sollas. Myriastra toxodonta , Sollas. Pilochrota anancora , Sollas. Pilochrota cingalensis, Sollas. Pilochrota crassispicula , Sollas. Pilochrota fibrosa , Sollas. Pilochrota gigas , Sollas. Pilochrota haeckelii , Sollas. Pilochrota lactea , Sollas. Pilochrota lendenfeldii , Sollas. Pilochrota mosleyi, Sollas. Pilochrota pachydermata, Sollas. Pilochrota purpurea var. longan- cora, Sollas. Pilochrota tenuispicula} Sollas. Tethya schmidtii , Bwk. Stelletta, described by Schmidt, 16 Sjpong. SPONGLE. Stryphnus , Sollas, emend. Vosmaer (2), to include Stelletta mucronata , O. S. ^ Tethyspira , n. g., Topsent, (3) pp. 195-197, for Tethea spinosa, Bwk. v Thorecta , Yon Lndfld., see Dendy (2) and Yon Lendenfeld (2). **Yvesia, n. g., Topsent. (1) p. 29, for Ilalichondria albula , Bwk., &c/e- r*7Za dura, Hansen, S. arctica, Hansen, and 8 new species [ vide infra]. Yon Lendenfeld (10) gives a diagnosis of the genus Stelletta and its characteristics. Topsent (6) gives definitions of the genera Dendoryx , Amorphina, and Reniera (pp. 120 & 121). He divides the genus Cliona into Euclionce and Paraclionce. In the former the three kinds of spicules, or as many of them as may be present, retain their typical form ; in the latter, one of them is modified in form. (6) New, emended, or redescribed species. Amorphina connexa , ? n. sp., an Amorphina angulata typica ; Topsent, (6) pp. 144 & 145, pi. vi, fig. 15. The author concludes that: (1) either there is a single species, Amorphina angulata , of which Bowerbank’s two species ( Ilalichondria angulata and H. couchii ) are varieties ; or, (2) there are three distinct species — Amorphina angulata , A. couchii , and A. connexa , n. sp. Amphilectus incrustans, Johnston; for description of spiculation and skeleton, see Hanitscii, p. 205. Artemisina transiens, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 66. Axinella mammillata , n. sp., Hanitscii, pp. 209-212, pi. x, figs. 3-5. Biemma grimaldii, n. sp., Topsent, (1) p. 32. Biemma chevreuxii, n. sp., id. (1) p. 32. Biemma dantzenbergi, n. sp., id. (1) p. 32. Chalina gracilenta, Bwk., and C. montagui , Johnstou ; for descriptions of spiculation and skeleton, see Hanitscii, pp. 200 & 201. Characella sollasii, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 70. Clathria seriata , J ohnston ; for description of skeleton and spiculation see Hanitsch, p. 207. Cliona carpenteri , Hancock; for description see Topsent, (6) p. 77, pi. vii, fig. 4. Cliona celata, Grant ; for full description see Topsent, (6) pp. 18-44, pi. vii, fig. 1, &c. For description of spicules and skeleton, see Hanitscii, pp. 217 & 218, pi. xi, fig. 2, and pi. xii. Cliona euryphylle, n. sp., Topsent, (6) p. 82, pi. vii, fig. 5 ; perhaps identical with Euryphylle latens , Duch. & Mich. ; loc. cit. p. 90. Cliona gracilis , Hancock ; for description see Topsent, (6) p. 77. Cliona labyrinthica, Hancock ; for description see Topsent, (6) p. 79. Cliona leseurei, n. sp., Topsent, (6) p. 80, pi. vii, fig. 8. Cliona lobata, Hancock ; for description see Topsent, (6) pp. 57-59, pi. vii, fig. 2. Cliona michelini, n. sp., Topsent, (6) p. 79, pi. vii, fig. 7. Cliona millepunctata , Hancock ; for description see Topsent, (6) p. 78. Cliona quadrata, Hancock; for description see Topsent, (6) pp. 78 & 79. SYSTEMATIC. Spong. 17 Cliona thoosina , n, sp., Topsent, (6) p. 80, pi. vii, fig. 6. Cliona vastifica, Hancock, emend. Topsent, (G) pp. 46-57, pi. vii, fig. 3 ; to include C. vastifica , Hancock, and C. norlhumbrica, Hancock. Cliona gorgonoides, Hancock, and Cliona linearis , Sollas, to be classed as varieties of Cliona celata , Grant, see Topsent, (6) p. 76. Dendoryx pectinata, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 66. Desmacella aberrans , n. sp., id. (2) p. 67. j Epallax incrustans , n. sp., id. (2) p. 68. Ephydatia Jluviatilis, auct., and E. mulleri, Lieberkiihn ; for description see Sovinsky. Erylus nummulifer , n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 70. Esperella Jloreum, Bwk.; for description of spiculation and skeleton see Hanitsch, pp. 202 & 203. Esperiopsis columnata, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 67. Esperiopsis polymorpha, n. sp., id. (2) p. 67. Esperiopsis prcedita, n. sp., id. (2) p. 67. Euspongilla lacmtris , auct. for description soo Sovinsky. Forcepia versatilis , n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 66. Gellius macrosigma , n. sp., id. (2) p. 65. I lalichondria leuconoides, n. sp., id. (2) p. 65. Halisarca rubra , n. sp., Hanitsch, pp. 196 & 197, pi. x, figs. 1 & 2. Ilymedesmia zetlandica, Bwk. ; for description see Topsent, (6) pp. 142 & 143. Hymerapliia minax , n. sp., id. (6) pp. 141 & 142, pi. vi, fig. 17. Ilymeraphia tuberosocapitata , n. sp., id. (2) p. 68. - Joyeuxia viridisy n. g. & sp., id. (1) p. 29. Kaliapsis permollis , n. g. & sp., id. (4) pp. 294-296, with woodcut. Latrunculia insignis , n. sp., id. (2) p. 69. Myxilla pecqueryi, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 67. Pachastrella debilis, n. sp., id. (2) p. 70. Pachychalina variabilis , u. sp., Dendy, (1) p. 353, pi. lviii, fig. 3, pi. lx, fig- 2. PhaJcellia hirondellei , n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 65. Plumohalichondria atrasanguinea, Bwk.; for description of skeleton and spiculation see Hanitsch, pp. 209 & 210. Plumohalichondria dendyi, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 68. Pytheas atra, n. g. & sp., id. (1) p. 31. Papliiodesma, aculeatum, n. sp.,«d. (6) p. 152, pi. vi, fig. 14. Raspailia. Topsent (4) finds that R. viminalis , O. S., is not identical with L. ventilabrum , Bwk., as supposed by Hanitsch, or with R. hispida, Bwk., as supposed by Schmidt ; but that the three species are quite dis- tinct. Further, that R. fascicularis , Bwk., is quite distinct from R. stelli - geray O. S., with which Oscar Schmidt had identified it. But R. stelligera , O. S., is identical with R. stuposa , Montague. Bowerbank confounded under R. stuposa , two quite distinct Sponges, viz., R. stuposa , Mont., and R. rigida, Mont. The latter name must be resuscitated for the Sponge 18 Spong. SPONGIiE. termed R. stelligera , 0. S., by Hanitsch. The author gives the following list of species : — R. stuposa , Mont., = Dictyocylindrus stuposus , Bwk. ; R. rigida , Mont., = R. stelligera, Hanitsch; R. fascicular is, Bwk. ( Dictyocylindrus fascicularis , Bwk.) ; R. ventilabrum , Bwk. ( Dictyocylindrus ventilabrum , Bwk.), = R.viminalis , Hanitsch ; 7?. hispida, Mont. ( Dictyocylindrus his- pidus , Bwk.) ; 72. viminalis, 0. S. Raspailia ( Syringella ) falcifera , n. sp., Topsent, (6)p. 152, pi. vi, fig. 14. Reniera filholi, n. sp., eVf. (2) p. 65. Reniera ingalli , Bwk. ; for description of skeleton and spiculation see Hanitsch, p. 199. Reniera viscosa , n. sp., Topsent, (6) p. 149. Rhabdercemia guernei , n. g. & sp., id. (1) p. 28. Rhaxella perforata , n. g. & sp., Hinde. Sarcomus georgi, n. g. &• sp., Fol, p. 1209. Seiriola compacta , Hanitsch ; for redescription see Hanitsch, pp. 221- 227, pi. xiii, figs. 1-4. It turns out to be a Stellettid, which was incrusted by a Suberites, and belongs to the subfamily Sanidasterince of the Stellettidce. Siphonochalina ceratosa, n. sp., Dendy, (1) pp. 356 & 357, pi. lviii, figs. 1, la, & pi. lxii, fig. 2. Siphonochalina procumbens, Carter ; for description see id. (1) p. 355, pi. lviii, fig. 4, & pi. lxii, fig. 1. Siphonochalina spiculosa , n. sp., id. (1) p. 354, pi. lviii, figs. 2, 2a, & pi. lxii, fig. 3. Spanioplon fertilis, n. g. & sp., Topsent, (1) p. 31. Spinosella plicif era, Duch. & Mich.; for description see Dendy, (1) p. 363, pi. lviii, fig. 5, & pi. lx, fig. 1. Spinosella maxima, n. sp., id. (1) p. 365, pi. lxi. Spinosella sororia, Duch. & Mich. ; for description see id. (1) p. 360, pi. lviii, fig. 7, & pi. lix, fig. 1. Spinosella sororia, Duch. & Mich. — (a) n. var. dilatata, Dendy, (1) p. 361, pi. lviii, fig. 6, & pi. lxiii, fig. 2. (b) n. var . fruticosa, id. (1) p. 361, pi. lix, fig. 3. (c) n. var. elongata, id. (1) p. 362, pi. lxiii, fig. 1. Spinosella velata , n. sp., id. (1) p. 366, pi. lix, fig. 2. Spirastrella aculeata, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 69. Spongilla fragilis, Leidy ; for description see Sovinsky. Stelletta : — Yon Lendenpeld (10) gives full descriptions of the following species : — 1. S. grubei, O. S., under which is included S. grubei , O. S., S. collingsii , ' (Bwk.), Sollas, Tethya schmidtii, Bwk., Collingsia sarneensis, Gray, Stelletta anceps , O. S. ( Astrella anceps, Sollas). 2. S. dorsigera , O. S. (. Astrella dorsigera, Sollas), including Stelletta grubei, Marenzeller. systematic. Spon g. 19 3. S. boglicii , 0. S., including S. grubei , Marenzeller, Ecionema coac - tfwra, Bwk. 4. S. pumex, 0. S. (Astrella pumex, Sollas). 5. S. hispida, Buccich. The author gives a diagnosis of the Adriatic species. Vosmaer (2) agrees with Marenzeller as to the specific identity of Stelletta dorsigera , O. S., with S. grubei , 0. S., and of S. boglicii with S. anceps. S. mucronata , 0. S., may be identical with S. carbonaria , 0. S. ; but, in any case, it does not belong to the genus Stelletta , but to the genus Stryphnus, Sollas. Suberites domuncula , Ndo. ; for description of skeleton and spiculation see Hanitsch, p. 215. Suberotelites demonstrans, n. sp., Topsent, (2) p. 69. Tetilla truncata, n. sp. id. (2) p. 70. Thoom armata , n. sp., id. (6) pp. 89 & 90. Thoosa hancoclci , n. sp., id. (6) p. 89. Thoom radiata , n. sp., id. (6) pp. 89 & 90 (applied to one of the forms termed T. bulbosa by Hancock). Trachyx hystrix, n. sp. , id. (2) p. 69. Tragosia fibrosa, n. sp., id. (2) p. 65. Trochospongilla erinaceus , Ehrenberg ; for description see So VINSKY. Yvesia guernei , n. sp., Topsent, (1) p. 30. Yvesia pedunculata, n. sp. (1) p. 30. Yvesia rulleyi , n. sp., id. (1) p. 30. Yvesia hanseni , n. sp., id. (1) p. 30. Yvesia pertusa , n. sp., id. (1) p. 31. Yvesia richardi, n. sp., id. (1) p. 31. Yvesia fallax , n. sp., id. (1) p. 31. See also Pocta for descriptions of 26 species of fossil Sponges, 7 of which are new, and Weber for descriptions of 4 new species of Spongillidce. Frot. 1 PROTOZOA. BY Cecil Warburton, B.A. I.— LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.* Balbiani, E. G. (1) Sur la Structure intime du noyau du Loxo- phyllum meleagris. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 110-115 & 132-136, 9 figs. Abstr. in Arch. Z. exper. (2) viii, p. xv, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 345. . (2) Recherches exp^rimentales sur la m^rotome des Infusoires cili6s. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, pp. 1-71. . (3) Etude sur le Loxode. Ann. Micrograph, ii, pp. 401-431, 1 pi. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 615. Beddard, F. E. Abstract of his paper on a new Sporozoon parasitic in Perichceta. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 52. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Beddard (1).] Bergii, R. S. Abstract of his paper on the nuclei of Urostyla. T. c. p. 345. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Bergh.] Borgert, A. Ueber den Bau von Distephanus ( Dictyocha ) speculum , Ehrbg. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 227-231. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. i890, p. 471. Brady, H. B. (1) Note on a new type of Foraminifera , of the Family Chilostomellidce. [ Seabrookia , n. g., pellucida n. sp.] J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 567-571, 4 figs. , & Parker, W. K. On some Foraminifera from the Abrolhos Bank. Tr. Z. S. xii, pp. 211-239, 8 pis. 124 species, 4 new. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation signifies that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 2 Prot. PROTOZOA. de Bruyne, C. Monadines et Chytridiac^es, parasites des Algues du Golfe de Naples. Arch. Biol, x, pp. 43-104, 3 pis. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 189Q, p. 616. Burrows, II. W., Siieuhorn, C. D., & Bailey, G. The Foraminifcra of the Red Chalk of Yorkshire, Norfolk, and Lincolnshire. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 549-566, 4 pis. 4 t new species. / ^BuscaleonI & Demateis. Sul Trichomonas intestinalis. Giorn. R. Accad. Med. Torino, liii, pp. 57-62. Butschli, 0. (1) Ueber zwei interessante Ciliatenformen. [ Hastatella , n. g., radians , n. sp. Actinobolus radians .] Tag. Deut. Nat. Vers, pp. 265 & 266. . (2) Weitere Mittheilungen uber die Structur des Protoplasmas. Verh. Ver. Heidelb. iv, pp. 490-502. The structure illustrated by reference to various Protozoan forms. 0 . (3) t)ber den Bau der Bacterien und verwandten Organismen. Leipzig : 1890, 8vo, 1 pi. Calvin/ S. Note on some Gigantic Specimens of Actinosphcerium eichornii. Am. Nat. xxiv, p. 964. Largest specimen measured had a diameter of 1.36 mm. Ciiatin, J. Analysis of Maupas’ paper, “Le rajeunissement karyo- gamique chez les Cili^s.” J. Microgr. xiv, pp. 274-281. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Maupas (1).] Dangeard, P. A. (1) Ophridium versatile et ses Zoochlorellce. Le Botaniste (2) i, pp. 1-14, 2 pis. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 615. The Zoochlorellce are true A Igce of the Protococcacece. - . (2) Observations sur les Acinetines. Le Botaniste (2) i, pp. 14-29. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 615. . (3) Notes sur les Flagellates. Le Botaniste (2) i, pp. 29-33. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 615. Flagella are homologous with Pseudopodia . . (4) Les Cryptomonadines et les Eugl&nes. Le Botaniste, i, pp. 1-38. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 615. Danilewski, B. (1) German version of his work on the Parasites of the Blood of Birds and Tortoises. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 396-403. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Danilewski.] . (2) Abstract of his papers on Parasites of the Blood of Birds and Tortoises. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 731. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot.] Dervieux, E. La Gristellaria galea, Fichtel e Moll. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, v, No. 81, 6 pp., 1 pi. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot. 3 Dreyer, F. (1) Die Tripoli von Caltanisetta. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 471-548, 6 pis. Radiolaria from Sicily, many new. ° . (2) Die Theorie der Biokrystallisation im Allgemeinen und die Skelett-bildungen deu Polycystinen im Besonderen. Jena, B. Engau : 1890, 8vo, 40 pp. Eismond, J. P. (1) ZurFrage fiber den Sangmechanismus bei Suctorien. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 721-723. See also Biol. Centralbl. x, p. 504. ' . (2) Eine einfache Untersuchungsmethode fiir lebende Infusorien. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 723 & 724. . (3) Ueber die Entwicklung der Saugrohren von De?idrocometes paradoxus. Biol. Centralbl. x, p. 505. . (4) Ueber die Structur des Peristoms bei Vorticellinen. T. c. p. 255. Erlanger, R. v. Zur Kenntniss einiger Infusorien. Z. wiss. Zool. xlix, pp. 649-662, 1 pi. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 466. 1 new species ; new genus Ilastatelia. Fabre-Domergue, — . (1) Sur le Systeme Vasculaire Contractile des Infusoires cilies. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, p. 391. . (2) Sur quelques particularity d’organisation du Trachelius ovum. T.c. p.685. . (3) MatEriaux pour servir <\ l’histoire des Infusoires cilies, I. Ann. Micrograph, iii, pp. 49-61. Fenoglio, I. Entero-colite par Amoeba} coli. Arch. Ital. Biol, xiv, pp. 63-71. Fiorentini, A. (1) Intorno ai Protisti dello Stomaco dei Bovini. Pavia : 1889, 4to, 27 pp., 6 pis. [See Boll, scient. xi, pp. , 87— 91 .j| 10 new species. . (2) Intorno ai Protisti dell* Intestino degli Equini. Boll, scient. xii, pp. 7-17 & 51-60, 2 pis. 4 new species ; new genera Spirodinium , Triadinium. 8 new species ; new genera Didesmis, Paraisotricha. . (3) Sur les Protistes de l’Estomac des BovidEs. J. Microgr. xiv, pp. 23, 79, & 178, 3 pis. Franzenau, A. Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des Mergels nebendem Buda- Eorser-Weg. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. vii, pp. 61-90. Several new species. Giard, A. (1) Sur les Globules Polaires et les homologues de ces Ele- ments chez les Infusoires ciliEs. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxii, pp. 202- 221, 5 figs. 1890. [vol. xxvii.] G 7 4 Prot. PROTOZOA. Gorosciiankin, — . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morphologie und Systematik der Chlamydomonadeu. Bull. Mosc. 1 890, pp. 498-524, 2 pis. Grassi, B., & Feletti, R. (1) Aucora sui Parassiti Malarici degli Uccelli. Boll. mens. Accad. Gioiena, Catania, Fasc. xiv ; also CB. Bakt. Parasit. vii, pp. 396-401. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 732. , & . (2) Di un’ Ameba che si trova in vita libera e che pote- rebbe rapportarsi ai Parassiti Malarici. Boll. mens. Accad. Gioiena, Catania, Fasc. xiv; also CB. Bakt. Parasit. vii, pp. 430-435. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 732. Gruber, A. Die Conjugation der Infusorien. Biol. Centralbl. x, pp. 136-150. Hague, E. Les Coccidies dans les Cancers epithdliaux. CR. Soc. Biol. 1890, p. 637. Halkyard, E. Recent Foraminifera of Jersey. Tr. Manch. Micr. Soc. 1889, pp. 55-72, 2 pis. Hartog, M. M. Monadina parasitic on Saprolegnice. Ann, of Bot. iv, pp. 337-346. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 732, Pseudospora (?) Unatedtii , n. sp. Henneguy, L. F. (1) Sur une Infusoire h^tdrotriche Fabrea salina , n. sp. Ann. Micrograph, iii, pp. 118-136. . ' (2) Contributions & l’etude de la Faune des Marais Salants. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 625-627. Henscher, J. Zur Naturgeschichte der Alpenseen. Ber. St. Gall. Ges. 1888-89, pp. 371-391. A few Protozoa on p. 391. Hinde, G. J. Notes on Radiolaria from the Lower Palaeozoic Rocks (Llandeilo-Caradoc) of the South of Scotland. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 40-59, 2 pis. 23 new species. Hosius, A. Ueber die Yerbreitung des Mitteloligocens westlich von der Westfalischen Kreideformation und nordlich vender Weserkette Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlvi, pp. 51-95. Containing lists of Foraminifera ; none new. Howciiin, W. The Foraminifera of the Older Tertiary of Australia. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xii, pp. 1-21, 1 pi. Imhof, O. E. (1) Notizen iiber die pelagische Thierwelt der Seen in Karnthen und in der Krain. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 261, 347, & 372. . (2) Notizen uber die pelagische Thiere aus einem Teiche in Galizien. Zool. Anz. xiii, p. 284. Including Ceratium hirundiuella and Codonella cratera. • . (3) Das Flagellatengenus Dinobryon. Zool. Anz. xiii, pp. 483-488. — — . (4) Quelques repr^sentants de la Faune Pelagique des bassins d’eau douce. Aich. Sci. Nat. xxiv, p. 522. LIST Otf PUBLICATIONS. Prot. 5 Issel, A. Radiolaires fossiles contenus dans les cristaux d’albite. C.R. cx, pp. 420-424. Leclercq, E. Les micro-organismes intermediaires aux deux regnes. Bull. Soc. Belg. Micr. xvi, pp. 70-131. Mainland, G. E. Note on Actinosphazrium eichornii. J. Quek. Club (2) iv, 25, p. 1. Martin, K. Eine neue Orbitolina von Santander (0. andrccci , n. sp.). Neuo Jakresb. f. Miner. Geol. Palaoont. 1890, i, pp. 58—64, 1 pi. °Messea, A. Primo contributo alio studio dell’ ambiente ill rapporto alia vita degli Infusori ciliati. Richerche sperinientali. Lo Spallan- zani (2) xviii, pp. 174-183. Meunier, S. Recherches chimiques sur les tests fossiles de Forami- niferes de Mollusques et de Crustaces. C.R. cx, pp. 597-599; Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 487. Mingazzini, P. (1) Ricerche sulle Didymophyidm. Atti (Rend.) Acc. Rom. (4) v, pp. 365-3G8. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 195 & 347. . (2) La Parentula dei Coccidi colle Gregarine. Boll. Soc. Nat. . Napoli, iv, pp. 151-159, 7 woodcuts. . (3) Sullo sviluppo dei Myxosporidi. T. c. pp. 160-164. MOnius, K* Yerzeichnis der Rhizopoden der Kieler Bucht. Arch. f. Nat. 56 Jahrg. pp. 113-116. None new. Muller, E. Ein Fund von Cercomonas intestinalis im Jejunum des Menschen. Biol. Foren. ii, pp. 42-54, 1 pi. - ’ ^Overton, E. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattung Volvox. Cassel : 1890, 8vo, 39 pp., 4 pis. Paneth, J. Ueber dem Yerhalten von Infusorien gegen Wasserstoffsuper- oxyd. Biol. Centralbl. x, p. 95. Pearcey, F. G. Notes on the Fomminifera of the Faroe Channel and Wyville Thomson Ridge, with a description of a new species of Hyperammina. Tr. Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc. ii, p. 163. Penard, E. (1) Die Heliozoen der Umgegend von Wiesbaden. JB. Nass. Ver. xliii, pp. 39-66, 2 pis. . (2) Ueber einige neue oder wenig bekannte Protozoen. T. c. pp. 73-91, 1 pi. . (3) fitudos sur les Rhizopodes d’eau douce. Geneva : H. Georg. 1890, 4to, 11 pis. ; Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. xxxi, No. 2. 49 new species. . (4) Abstract of his Notes on certain ffcliozoa. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 193. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Frot Penard (1).] 6 Prot. PROTOZOA. [Penard, E.] (5) Abstract of his Studies of Freshwater Ileliozoa. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, pp. 50 & 346. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Penard (2).] ■ . (6) Translation of his notes on some Heliozoa. Ann. N. H. (6) v, pp. 144-155 ; Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 193. [See Zool. , Rec. xxvi, Prot., Penard.] Pfeiffer, L. Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger. Jena : G. Fischer, 1890, 8vo, 100 pp., 1 pi., 34 figures in the text. Pouchet, G. (1) Sur uU Flagelld parasite visc&ral des Cop6podes. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, p. 312. , — ■ — . (2) Contribution a l’histoire des Noctiluques. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 104-125, 1 pi. . (3) Abstract of his paper on the Cytoplasm and Nucleus in Noctilucce. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 52. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, • Prot., Pouchet.] Railliet, A., & Lucet, A. Observations sur quelques Coccidies intesti- nales. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, p. GG0. Rousselet, 0. Amphileptus Jlagellatus , n. sp. J. Quek. Club, iv (1890), p. 114. Sacchi, M. I Protozoi terricoli, Nota preventiva. Boll, scient. xi, pp. 65-68 ; also J. Microgr. xiv, pp. 107-109. [See also J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 344.] Schlumberger, C. (1) Note sur V Adelosina polygona. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 139-146, 10 figs. . (2) Note sur un Foraminifere nouveau de la cote occidentale d’Afrique. [Julienella, n. g. ; fcetida , n. sp.] Mem. Soc. Zool. Fr. iii, pp. 211-213. Schuberg, A. (1) Zur Kenntniss des Stentor cceruleus. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Anat. iv, pp. 197-238, 1 pi. . (2) Abstract of his paper on the Genus Gonchophthirus. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 193. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Schuberg.] Sciiurmayer, C. B. Ueber den Einfluss iiusserer Agentien auf einzellige Wesen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxiv, pp. 402-470, 1 pi. Schutt, F. Colouring matter of Peridinece. Ber. deutsch. Bot. Ges. viii, pp. 9-32. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 473. Siierborn, C. D. Notes on the Foraminifera with especial reference to variation in the Test, together with collected information as to their sex and reproduction. P. Tr. Croydon Nat. Hist. Club, pt. 3, p. 133. Simmons, W. J. Translation of his paper (into French) on Infusoria parasitic in White Ants. J, Microgr. xiv, pp. 302-306. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Simmons (1).] LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot. 7 Stummer, R. v. Ueber Conjugation der Infusorien. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xl, pp. 31-36. Thelohan, P. (1) Sur deux nouvelles especes de Coccidies parasites de TEpinoche et de la Sardine. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, p. 345 ; also C.R. cx, pp. 1214-1216. Abstr. J. Microgr. xiv, p. 239 ; Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 194 ; J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 616. . (2) Recherches sur le d^Veloppement des spores chez les Myxo- sporidies. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1890, pp. 602-604. . (3) Sur la constitution des spores des Myxosporidies. C.R. cix, pp. 919-922. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 194. ■. (4) Contributions kl’dtude des Myxosporidies. Ann. Micrograph, ii (1890), pp. 193-213. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 346. . (5) Nouvelles recherches sur les spores des Myxosporidies. (Struc- ture et d<$veloppement.) C.R. cxi, pp. 692-695. Verworn, M. Biologische Protisten-Studien. n. Z. wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 443-468, 1 pi., woodcuts. [See Zool. Rec. xxv, Prot., Yerworn.] Vincent, II. Les Psorospermies dans l’lilpithelioma pavimenteux. Ann. Micrograph, iii, pp. 105-117. Visart, O. (1) Richerche sull’ Euglena sanguinea di Ehrenberg. Atti Soc. Tosc. vii, p. 43. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 732. . (2) Contribuzione alio studio dei Flagellati. Atti Soc. Tosc. vii, pp. 92-99, 3 figs. Wagner, W. Ob Infuzoriyakh v Polostnoi zhllkosti nyekotor'ikh zvy£zlchat‘ikh chervei. (Infusorians in the general body cavity of Gephyreans.) Yyestnlk, &c., St. Petersb. i, pp. 5-13. Wagner, N. P. Ueber Rhizopoden-ahnliche Parasiten. Biol. Centralbl. x, p. 424. Wahrlicii, W. Abstract of his paper on an Anatomical Peculiarity in Vampyrella . J. R. Micr. Soc. 1890, p. 194. [See Zool. Rec. xxvi, Prot., Wahrlich.] Wethered, E. On the occurrence of the genus Girvanella in Oolitic Rocks, and Remarks on Oolitic structure. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlvi, pp. 270-283, 1 pi. Abstr. in Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 256. Wiiitelegge, T. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and Neighbourhood. J. R. Soc. N. S.W. xxiii, pp. 163-323. Protozoa : Marine, pp. 171-178 ; Freshwater, pp. 296-305. Wierzejski, A. Note preliminaire sur le Blanchardia cypricola , n. g. & sp. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, pp. 192-198, 6 figs. Woodward, A. Synopsis of the Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey. I. Review of Previous Investigations. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. vi, pp. 45-55. 8 Pro! PROTOZOA. Wright, J. Deep-sea Trawling off the S.W. Coast of Ireland. Additional Foraminifera. Ann. N. H. (6) v, p. 124. A few additions to the previous list given in Anri. N. H. 1889, pp. 447-449. Zschokke, F. Faunistische Studien an Gebirgseen. Verh. Ges. Basel, ix, pp. 1-62. An amplification of his Beitrag (see Zool. B,ec. xxvi, Prot ., Zschokke). The results are given in a tabulated form on pp. 52-59. II. — SYSTEMATIC. A. — GYMNOMYXA. Class 1. — PROTEOMYXA. Pseudospora (?) lindstedtii, n. sp., Hartog. Vampyrella incolor , n. sp., de Bruyne, p. 83, pi. v. V. radiosa , V. agilis, n. spp., Penard, (3) p. 121, pi. i. Gloidium granuliferum , n. sp., id. p. 122. Olpidium bryopsidis , n. sp., de Bruyne, p. 85, pi. v. Class 3. — LOBOSA! Amoeba luteola , A. nndosa , A. geminata , A. striata- , A. spatula , A. cirri - /era, A. gracilis , n. spp., Penard, (3) pp. 125-132, pi. ii, A. vestita, n. sp., id. p. 192. A. umbulacralis , n. sp., id. (2) p. 75. Cochlipodium granulatum , C. obscurum, u. spp., id. (3) p. 134, pi. iii. Difflugia saxicola , D. elegans , D. bicornist D. platy stoma, D. avellana , D. fallax, D. lucida , D. lanceolata , D. bacillifera, n. spp., id. pp. 138-148, pis. iii & iv. Gentropyxis laevigata , n. sp., id. p. 151, pi. v. Arcella microstoma , A. catinus, A. gibbosa , A. polypora, n, spp., id. pp. 154-156, pis. v & vi. Nebela longicollis, N. lageniformist N. tubulosaf N. galeata , N. bigibbosa , N. dentistoma, N. militaris, n. spp., id. pp. 159-164, pis. vi & vii. Ileleopora rosea , II. sylvatica , n. spp., id. p. 166, pi. vii. Cryptodifflugia oviformisy n. sp., id. p. 168. Pseudodifflugia hemisphcerica , n. sp., id. p. 169. Plagiophrys gracilis, n. sp., id. p. 173, pi. viii. Assulina scandinavica, A. minor, n. spp., id. p. 176, pi. ix. Euglypha filifera, E. heterospina , n. spp., id. p. 179, pi. ix. Sphenoderia Jissirostris , S. dentata, n. spp., id. p. 184, pi. x. Trinema spinosum , T. complanatum, T. linear e , n. spp., id. p. 186, pis. x & xi. Corythion pulchellum, n. sp., id. p. 189. , Czenkowskia flava and C. altenuata, n. spp., Wagner. SYSTEMATIC. Prot . 9 Class 5. — HELIOZOA. Ciliophrys hyalina , n. sp., Penard, (1) p. 49, figs. 1-^3. Actinolophus capitatus , n. sp., id. p. 54, fig. 11. Ileterophrys tenella, n. sp., id. p. 56, figs. 13 & 14. Acanthocyslis myriospina , n. sp., id. p. 61, figs. 30-32. ^Diplocystis, n. g., with n. sp. gracilis, id. p. 63. * Artodiscus, n. g., with n. sp. saltans , id. p. 64. Class 6. — RETICULARIA. Cassidulina inexculta, n. sp., Franzenau, p. 66, pi. iii. Nodosaria callidula , N. commemorabile, N. egregia , N. facile , n. spp., id. p. 70, pi. iii. Cristellaria spoliata , n. sp., id. p. 76, pi. iv. Sagrina clavata , n. sp., id. p. 78, pi. iv. Anomalina obtenebrata , n. sp., id. p. 83, pi. iv. Rotalia abstrusa, n. sp., id. p. 85, pi. iv. Articulina multilocularis, n. sp., Brady & Parker, p. 215, pi. xl. Truncatulina mundula , n. sp., iid. p. 228, pi. xlv. Nonionina exponens , n. sp., iid. p. 230, pi. xliii. Spiroloculina papyracea, n. sp., Burrows, Sherborn, & Bailey, p. 551, pi. viii. S. tateana, n. sp., Howchin, p. 3, figs. 4 & 5. Miliolina excisa , n. sp., Brady & Parker, p. 215, pi. xl. M. angular is, n. sp., Howchin, p. 2, figs. 1-3. Ilauerina intermedia, n. sp., id. p. 4, fig. 6. Discorbina cruciformis , n. sp., id. p. 12, figs. 13 & 14. Orbitoides stellaia, n. sp., id. p. 17, figs. 9-11. ^ Jullienella, n. g.,fostida , n. sp., Sciilumberger, (2) p. 213, pi. vii. Orbitolina andrceci , n. sp., Martin. ^ Seabrookia, n. g., pellucida, n. sp., Brady, (1) p. 570. Ilyperammina palmiformis, n. sp., Pearcey. Class . 7.-RADIOLARIA. Pharyngosphcera sicula, n. sp., Dreyer, (1) p.475. Garposphcera waltheri, n. sp., id. p. 476. Thecosphcera zittelli , n. sp., id. p. 477. Haliomma hystrix , n. sp., id. p. 478. H. vetustum, H. cornutum, n. spp., Hinde, p. 51. Prunopyle longiseta, n. sp., Dreyer, (1) p. 480. Stylodictya! armata, n. sp., id. p. 481. Spongophacus stohrii, S. siculus , n. spp., id. p. 491. Dictyocoryne ovata , D. triangulum, n. spp., id. p. 495. Ommatodiscus periclilamydium, n. sp., id. p. 498. jS pongopyle caltanisettcp , n. sp., id. p. 506. 10 Trot. PROTOZOA. Spirema giltschii , n. Bp., id. p. 509. Larcopyle driescldi , L. spongiosa , L. herbstii , n. spp., p. 510. Dictyocephalus riisti , n. sp., «VZ. p. 516. Dictyomitra caltanisettce, n. sp., Zc?. p. 517. Spongoplegma priscum, n. sp., Hinde, p. 48, pi. iii. ^ Diploplegma n. g., cinctum n. sp., id. p. 48. . Staurodoras gracilis , n. sp., id. p. 49, pi. iv. * Stauroplegma n. g., with n. spp. brevispina, compressum, barbatum , and diffusum , id. p. 50, pis. iii & iv. Acanthosphcera antiqua , n. sp., id. p. 51. ^ Dory sphcera n. g., with n. spp. reticulata , nucula , and Zaaja, ZcZ. p. 53. 1. Doryplegma n. g., with n. spp. nasutum and gracile , ZcZ. p. 53. ADorydictyum n. g., simplex n. sp., id. p. 54. ^ Triposphcera n. g., with n. spp. peachii , hastata, densa, and armata, id. p. 55. Sphcerozoum priscum , p. 57, &. patulum , n. spp., t<2. p. 57. B. — CORTICATA. Class 1.— SPOROZOA. Blanchardia n. g., cypricola n. sp., Wierzejski. Coccidium gasterostei, n. sp., Tii^holan, (1) p. 1214 : parasitic on Gasterosteas aculedtus. C. sardinice , n. sp., id. p. 1216 : parasitic in testicles of sardines. Class 2.— FLAGELLATA. Paranema granulifera , n. sp., Penard, (2) p. 80. Petalomonas quadrilineata , n. sp., id. p. 82. ^ Pteridomonas n. g., with n. sp. P. pulex , id. p. 85. Dinobryon bavaricum , n. sp., Imhof, (5) p. 523. D. biitschlii , n. sp., id. Gymnococcus cladophorce , G. licomophorce, n. spp., DE Bruyne, pp. 59-71. Asphelidium lacerans , n. sp., id. p. 74, pi. v. Class 5. — CILIATA. V Fabrea salina , n. g. & sp. (intermediate between Bursaria and Stent or), Henneguy (1). Glenodinium sociale : provisional name for a Peridinian probably undescribed ; id ., (2) p. 627. •I Spirodinium equi , n. g. & sp., Piorentini, p. 15. ^ Triadinium caudatum , n. g. & sp., id. p. 16. . Amphileptus flagellatus , n. sp., Rousselet. Didesmis , n. g., with n. spp. D. ovalis and J). quadrata , Fiorentini, (2) p. 51. SYSTEMATIC, MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY. Prot . 11 ^ Paraisothricha , n. g., with n. spp. P. colpoidea , P. oblonga , P. ovalis , P. triangularis, P. ampulla, P. incisa, id. p. 53. / Diplodinium, n. g., Fiorentini, (1) p. 87, n. spp., D. vortex , D. maggii , D. bursa , Z). dentatum , D. denticolatum, D. ecaUdatum, D. rostratum, Di, cattanei , ee?. D. uncinatum , B. unifasciculatum ; id. (2) pp. 11 & 12. Entodinium rostratum, n. sp., ie?. p. 89. P. valvatum, id. (2) p. 13. Butschlia lanceolata , n. sp., id. p. 89. ^ Hastatella radians, n. g. & sp., Erlanger, p. 65, pi. xxix. See also Butschli, (1) p. 265. Class 6. — ACINETARIA. TrichopTiyra angulata, n. sp., Dangeard (2). III.— MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY. General. Pouciiet (2) treats of the structure, duration of life, and artificial feeding (with white of egg) of Noctiluca. Penard (3) publishes a monograph on the freshwater Rhizopoda . A full account of their structure and life-phenomena is followed by a sys- tematic portion, which includes the description of many new species. Hartog describes a Monadine parisitic in Saprolegniece and discusses its relation to organisms previously observed by Lindstedt, Pringsheim, and Zopf. The mastigopod stage had not been observed by those bota- nists. The zoospores always appear in the evening, about nine o’clock. They soon penetrate the hyphae, piercing the wall with a long pseudo- podium. A “ Heliozooid ” form is then assumed. The changes induced in infested hyphae are described. The pseudopodia next are retracted, and the body becomes spherical, giving the “ zoocyst ” stage. The nuclei subdivide, and then the protoplasm breaks up into zoospores. One of these bores through the cyst wall, and the others follow through the same hole. It never attacks green algae as Pseudospora parasitica does. Balbiani (1) has studied the nucleus of Loxophyllum meleagris. It consists of twenty or more distinct segments or joints inclosed in a com- mon enveloping membrane. The segments each contain one or more convoluted nuclear cords, and a granular intermediate substance. The cords are finely striated. Pouciiet (1) has found granular protoplasmic masses parasitic in the females of Copepods, which when passed out at the anus develop into* Peridinoan like biflagellate forms. Grassi & Feletti believe that malaria is due to amoebiform parasitic Rluzopoda. Ordinary malaria seems to be caused by the genus Hcemamaiba malarias, while Laverania malarias seems to be responsible for an irregular form of the disease. The observed flagellate forms are probably the results of degeneration. 12 Prot. PROTOZOA. Contractile Vacuole . From his researches on various Infusoria , Fabre-Domergue (1) con- cludes (1) The contractile vacuole is only the reservoir for a system of canals which perforate the ectoplasm. (2) It may be considered as a dilatation of a contractile channel. It may be single, or represented by a variable number of dilatations along the course of the channel. (3) It may be entirely absent, as in Opalina , but the system of con- tractile tubes always exists, and is the essential part of the arrangement. Reproduction. Giard (1) follows Maupas in finding homologues of the polar bodies of Metazoa in the reproductive processes of Infusorians. The homology is most marked in the group Ciliata, where the conjugating forms are frequently quite different. Maupas’ figures are used and his deductions extended. Pouchet (2) discusses the reproduction of Noctiluca. Gruber discusses the phenomena of conjugation among various Ciliate types, and criticises the views of Hertwig and Maupas. Yerworn discusses the structure and reproduction of Difflugia lobo- stoma. ThiSlohan (2) has studied the Myxosporidia , and arrives at the follow- ing results : — (1) Th6 nucleus divides by karyokinesis. (2) The polar capsules are formed at the expense of small masses of plasma which are differentiated in the sporoblast and possess a nucleus. (3) The plasmic mass of the spore is derived from another portion of the sporoblast. It contains tAvo nuclei, and often a vacuole whose contents are stained red- brown by iodine. See also Stummer. IV.— PHYSIOLOGY. Sciiutt obtained throe distinct pigments from the chromatophores of the Peridiniece. The first, which he names “ phycopyrrin,” differs from- chlorophyll chiefly in its solubility in water ; the second he terms “ peri- dinin” ; and the third is either identical with or closely related to chlorophyll. The pigment of Euglena sangainea is closely related to and is perhaps a derivative of chlorophyll. Its formation seems to be connected with the intensity of the sun’s rays. Cohn has named it “ hoematochromin.” Visart. Pouchet (2) discusses the effect of reagents on Noctiluca . Schurmayer has an exhaustive paper on the effect of reagents upon Protozoa. After discussing the influence of heat and cold upon these PHYSIOLOGY — GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Prot. 13 organisms, he details the effects of strychnin, antipyrin, cocain, anti- f ebrin, and chloralhydrate, exhibiting the results in each case in a tabular form. Meunier finds nitrogenous matter in nummulitic rocks from Biarritz, which he therefore considers to contain an organic basis comparable to carbonaceous combustibles of vegetable origin. The tentacles of Suctoria do not, as Hertwig supposes, play an active part in absorbing the prey. They are passive in the operation, and often remain quite motionless. The protoplasm of the body furnishes the real motive power, which is connected with the action of the contractile vacuoles. These are now known to be excretory in function. Their pumping motion induces a stream towards the interior of the animal, and is the real cause of suction. Eismond (1). See also Paneth. V.— CLASSIFICATION. Borgert proposes to establish a special order of the Mastigopliora to receive the Dictgochidce. These forms are clearly separated from the Radiolaria by the absence of pseudopodia, and the occurrence of conjuga- tion. A flagellum is present, but the siliceous skeleton distinguishes the group from other Flagellata. The name Silicoflagellata is suggested. Hertwig and Haeckel are mistaken in considering their tests isolated skeletal parts of Phceodaria. They are independent organisms. YI. — GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. For Monadina from the G. of Naples, see de Bruyne. Burrows treats of the red chalk Foraminifera from certain English localities. For Scotch palaeozoic Radiolaria see Hinde. For Sicilian, Dreyer (1). Franzenau gives an account of some Hungarian Foraminifera . For deep-sea Foraminifera from the Irish coast, see Wright. Halkyard gives a list of 127 species and varieties of Foraminifera collected at Jersey. 35 genera and 8 families are represented. The Rotalidai appear to be most numerous. Certain common British species, e.g.y Orbulina universa, are entirely absent. Immof (1) concludes his list of the pelagic fauna of the mountain lakes of Carinthia. The Flagellata are represented by 3 species. Dinobnjon divergens in six lakes, D. elongatum in two, and D. biitschlii in one. They were found in colonies, but not at the time of observation (July, August, and September) in such colossal numbers as always occur in spring and early summer. The Dinoflagellata were represented by Cera - 14 Prot. PROTOZOA. tium hirundinella and species of' Peridinium. Among the Suctoria, Podo- phrya cyclopum was found in Lake Yeldes. Imhof, 0. E. (4) enumerates 10 hitherto known species of Dinobryon. Their geographical distribution is as follows : — Germany. — D. sertularia, D. divergens , D. elongatum , D. sociale , D. bavaricum. Russia. — D. sertularia , D. divergens , D. elongatum. Gulf of Finland. — D. sociale , D. sertularia , D. divergens. Sweden. — D. elongatum in the Harbour of Stockholm. Austria. — D. sertularia , D. sociale , D. divergens , D. elongatum , D. butschlii. Italy. — £). sociale , divergens , -D. elongatum , D. petiolatum. Switzerland. — D. sociale , D. sertularia , JD. divergens , D. elongatum , D. cylindricum. The genus was only observed in two French lakes in Savoy. Pearcey gives a complete list of the Foraminifera hitherto found in the Faroe Channel. 180 species have been collected from the “warm,” and 120 from the “ cold ” area. See also Hensciier, Henneguy, Hosius,1 Woodward, Howchin, MObius, and Penard. INDEX TO GENERA. AND SUBGENERA RECORDED AS NEW IN THIS VOLUME, INCLUDING NEW NAMES FOB GENERA ALREADY CHARACTERIZED. N.B. — A few genera omitted from the last volume are included in this Index. Abagrotis, Smith , Ins. 238 Abeltera, Heine , Aves 33 Abelterus, Heine , Aves 41 Abrognathus, Jakowleff, Ins. 121 Abryxis, Raff ray. Ins. 109 Acallis, Ragonot , Ins. 256 Acamptogorgia, Wright and Studer , Goel. (1889) 23 Acanthagjna, Kirby, Ins. 310 Acanthodactylus, Tessin, Verm. 16 Acanthoisis, Wright and Studer , Coel. (1889) 21 Acanthonabis, Reuter, Ins. 298 Acentvomchthys, Eigenmann, Pisces (188,9) 22 Achilia, Reitter, Ins. 109 Achmonorhynchus, Oates, Aves 53 Achrestocoris, Scudder , Ins. 84 Acilacris, Bolivar , Ins. 315 Acladia, Turner etscher, Coel. 14 Acmophyllum, Karsch , Ins. 317 Acoloides, Howard , Ins. 200 Acracantha, Skuse, Ins. 275 Acridoderes, Bolivar, Ins. 317 Acrocara, Scudder, Ins. 317 Acrodegmia, Ragonot, Ins. 256 Acropentias, Meyrick, Ins. 256 Acropteryx, Ragonot, Ins. 256 Acroria, Cossmann, Moll. 38 Actia, Heme, Aves 30 Actinochaeta, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 288 Actiuophorus, Newberry, Pisces 15 1 Acutia, Ragonot , Ins. 256 Adelonetta///em0, Aves 33 Adelopneustes, Gauthier, Ech., 21 Adelorhagus, Horn, Ins. 131 Adelphagrotis, Smith, Ins. 239 Adelpbe, Mocsdry, Ins. 192 Adenopteryx, Ragonot, Ins. 257 Admontia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 285 Adoxinia, Reitter, Ins. 166 Adrocerus, Raff ray, Ins. 109 Adrogaster, Raff ray, Ins. 109 iEgialodes, Heine, Aves 30 iEnigma tias, Meinert, Ins. 290 iEolesthes, Gahan, Ins. 158 Aeromachus, Nicdville, Ins. 222 iEthalodes, Kriechbaumer, Ins. 193 iEthiopsar, Sharpe, Aves 44 Agathon, Roder , Ins. 275 Agelosus, Sharp , Ins. (18^9) 98 Aglaonice, Moschler, Ins. 248 Aino, Kirby, Ins. 311 Aizyella, Cossmann, Moll. 55 Alcicephalus, Rodler and Weitliofer, Mamm. 43 Alcirona, Hansen , Crust. 14 Alectromorphnus, Heine , Aves 35 Allantactis, Banielssen , Coel. 17 Allocorynus, Sharp, Ins. 148 Alocaxis, Cossmann, Moll. 48 Alpheias, Ragonot, Ins. 257 Alpherakaia, Ragonot, Ins. 257 Amal ancon, Scudder, Ins. 89 Amana, Raffray, Ins. 109 Amauronematus, Konow, Ins. 202 Amblyacrum, Cossmann, Moll. 42 Amblypsilopus, Bigot, Ins. 278 Amedoria , Brauer and Bergenstamm , Ins. 285 Amestriu, Ragonot, Ins. 257 Amphichrota, Brauer and Bergen * stamm , Ins. 284 Ainphilaphis, Wright and Studer, Cool. (1.889) 21 Ampbineurus, Skuse, Ins. 275 Amphistylus, Gahan , Ins. 158 Ampullouatica, Sacco, Moll. 54 2 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Anachaetopsis, Brauer and Bergen- stamrn , Ins. 285 Anaclaviger, Raffray, Ins. 109 Anaplopus, Blackburn , Ins. 143 Anarciarthrurn, Blackburn , Ins. 148 Auarmodius, llaffray, Ins. 109 Anarnacus, Cope, Maram. 47 Anarosaurus, Dames, Rept. 21 Anateinoma, Moschler , Ins. 239 Anchotatus, Brunner , Ins. 318 Androphana, Brauer and Bergeii- stamm , Ins. 289 Andvakia, Danielssen, Coel. 18 Anecphora, Karsch, Ins. 301 Angamiana, Distant, Ins. 300 Angiometopa, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 287 Angiorhina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Anidania, Reitter, Ins. 167 Anisia, Wulp, Ins. 280 Anisochoeta, Beddard, Verm. 19 Anisothrix, Ragonot , Ins. 257 Auodontonyx, Sharp, Ins. 123 Anodontopleura, Felix , Moll. 62 Anoeme, Qalian, Ins. 158 Anomalochilus, Lidth de Jeude , Rept. 13 Anomoedus, Forir, Pisces 16 Anops, Brendel, Ins. 110 Anorthorrhinus, Blackburn , Ins. 148 Anorthus, Horvath, Ins. 295 Anthomuricea, Wright and Sluder , Coel. (1^9) 22 Anthophilopsis, Ragonot , Ins. 257 Anthosactis, Danielssen , Coel. 17 Antipathella, Brook , Coel. (1^889) Annrogyna, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Apallacta, Moschler, Ins. 250 Apanthesis, S< udder, Ins. 82 Apateolepis, Woodward, Pisces 1 5 Apechoneura, Kriechbaumer , Ins. 193 Aphanipathes, Brook, Coel. (1889) 16 Aphantaphis, Scudder, Ins. 89 Aphantotimus, Wheeler, Ins. 278 Apharinodes, Raffray, Ins. 110 Aphidopsis, Scudder, Ins. 89 Aphilenia, Weise, Ins. 167 Aphuaemorpha, Niceville, Ins. 215 Apkthonella, Jacoby , Ins. 167 * Apinoglossa, Moschler, Ins. 267 . Apioscelis, Brunner . Ins. 318 Aplomastix, Warren, Ins. 257 Apoplectus, Raffray , Ins. 110 Aporema, Scudder, Ins. 86 Aprodon, Gilbert, Pisces 25 Apterocolus, Sharp, Ins. 149 Ai-ackis^ity^ra?/, Ins. 110 Arastes, Nic&ville, Ins. 215 Archibasis, Kirby, Ins. 311 Arduorhiza, Wentzel , Coel. 15 Area, Ragonot, Ins. 257 Areortyx, Heine, Av§s 24 Argia, Gumppenberg, Ins. 251 Argyromina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Argyrophana, Semenow, Ins. 138 Argyrophylax, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 284 Armana, Swinhoe , Ins. 249 Armostus, Sharp, Ins. 104 Arrhenothrix, Niceville, Ins. 215 Arrhinomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 285 Arthrochseta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Articerodes, Raffray, Ins. 110 Artodiscua, Penard, Prot. 9 Asarcomyia, Scudder , Ins. 83 Aslauga, Kirby, Ins. 215 Aspheua, Semenow , Ins. 138 A^tratea, Thorell , Arachn. 12 Atascosa, Hulst, Ins. 257 Atelestodes, Abeille, Ins. 134 Ateratocerus, Blackburn , Ins. 167 Atoxon, Simroth, Moll. 31 Atractochseta, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 285 Atractyloides, Fewkes, Coel. (18,89) 14 Atropidomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Atylostoma, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Atyphella, Olliff, Ins. 135 Aulas tomatomorpha, A Icock, Tisces 32 Aulonothroscus. Horn, Ins. 131 Aulophorus, Karsch, Ins. 301 Babrius, Thorell, Arachn. 15 Babula, Moore , Ins. 232 Badacara, Moore , Ins. 207 Badomna, Thorell, Arachn. 11 Baleiichthys, Rohon , Pisces 16 Ballostoma, Scudder , Ins. 91 Bangalia, Duvivier, Ins. 159 Barada, Raffray, Ins. 110 Barosaurus, Marsh, Rept. 17 Barybaxis, Schaufuss, Ins. 79 Bathyugonus, Gilbert , Pisces 21 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 3 Bathymyrus, A Iconic, Pisces 33 Bathypathes, Brook , Coel. (1889) 17 Bathyseriola, AlcocJc , Pisces 19 Batrisodema, Raff ray, Ins. 110 < Bavaria, Brauer and Bergemtamm , Ins. 283 Benedenichthys, Traquair , Pisces H Beskia, Brauer and Bergemtamm , Ins. 288 Botyla, Cameron , Ins. 200. Bibiomima, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 289 Bilimba, Rosa, Term. 19 Bisulcia, Chapman , Ins. 240 Blaesospira, Crosse, Moll. 52 Blanchardia, Wierzejslci, Prot. 10 Blepharipoda, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 284 Blepharodes, Bolivar , Ins. 314 Blepharomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 285 Bocagella, Bolivar , Ins. 318 Bceckella, de Guerne and Richard, Crust. 17 Bolbocephalus, Whitfield , Arachn. 20 Bombyliomyia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 287 Bothrocara, Bean. Pisces 25: Botrodus, Casey , Ins. 115 Bovallia, Pfeffer, Crust. 14 Brabaxys, Raffray, Ins. 110 ' - Brachagenius, Kraatz, Ins. 127 Brachemys, Aheille, Ins. 135 Brachymera, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 286 Brachyphora, Jacoby, Ins. 167 Brachypsalis, Cope, Mamm. 30 Branconia, Gag el, Brach. 5 Bremia, Kriechbaumer, Ins. 193 Briantia, Barrois , Coel. (18§9) 19 Bryodis, Gumppenberg , Ins. 251 Bubalotragus, Flach, Ins. 159 Buettneria, Simroth, Moll. 31 Bunodella, Pfeffer , Coel. (1§§9) 15 Bycanistellus, Reuter, Ins. 295 Cabobaemon, Heine , Aves 64 Cacalydus, Scudder, Ins. 81 Cacconia, Sharp, Ins. 116 Caconeura, Kirby , Ins. 311 Cacoschistus, Scudder, Ins. 83 Ctcnonoura, Kirby , Ins. 311 Calamocrinus, Agassiz, Ech. 24 Calamodromas, Reichenow , Aves 27 Callasopla, Moschler, Ins. 258 Callidrilus, Michaelsen , Verm. 19 Oallina'ias, Svnnhoe, Ins. 258 Callinethis, Thnrell, Arachn. 6 Calliotectum, Dali , Moll. 42 Callistephanus, Wright and Studcr , Coel. (JL££9) 23 Callistodema, Reuter, Ins. 299 Callognathus, Newberry , Pisces 17 \ Callotrau glops, Aheille, Ins. 135 Calotomus, Gilbert, Pisces 24 Calotreron, Heine, Aves 25 Calypterinus, Wriqht and Sluder , Coel. (1^89-) 21 Calyptotlluiaria, Turner etscher, Coel. 14 Calyxochsetus, Bigot, Ins. 278 ' Campyiognathus, Reuter, Ins. 297 Canarsia, Hulst , Ins. 258 Catacteniza, Moschler , Ins. 25^ Cataloipus, Bolivar, Ins. 318 Cataneura, Scudder, Ins. 89 • Cataonia, Ragonot, Ins. 258 ‘ - Catopamera, Scudder, Ius. 85 Catopsylla, Scudder, Ins. 89 ► Catoptropteryx, Karsch , Ius. 315 ' Brunner, Ins. 319 Episemnia, Ragonot, In3. 260 Epistaurus, Bolivar, Ins. 319 Epitamyra, Ragonot , Ius. 260 Epitomynis, Schulze, Pisces 31 Epitrachys, Schulze, Pisces 18 Epolia, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ius. 286 Eriocatnpoides, Konow, Ins. 202 • Eriopisa, Stebbing, Crust. 14 G 8 6 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Erioptycha, Ragonot , Ins. 2G0 Erythrolimnas, Heine , Aves 2G Esuridea, Reuter , Ins. 295 Etirocoris, Scudder , Ins. 84 Euarne, Moschler, Ins. 2G9 Eubatrisus, Raffray, Ins. Ill Eucalathis, Fischer and Oehlert , Brach. 8 Eucamptodes, Sharp , Ins. 117 Euchoreutes, Sclater , Mamm. 38 Euconchoecia, Muller , Crust. 16 Eucorites, Scudder , Ins. 85 Eudasypus, Bigot, Ins. 279 Eudexia, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 286 Eudriloides, Michaelsen, Yerm. 19 Eueretagrotis, Smith , Ins. 242 .Euexippe, Ragonot , Ins. 260 Eugerda, Meinert, Crust. 13 Eulaphygma, Butler, Ins. 242 Euliphyra, Holland, Ins. 217 Eumathes, Heine , Aves 45 * Eumetopia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Euplectopsis, Raffray , Ins. Ill . Eurachis, J/oto, Ins. 132 Euranoxia, Semenow, Ins. 123 Eurycraspeda, Swinhoe , Ins. 260 Eurymera, Pfeffer , Crust. 14 Euryprosthius, Karsch , Ins. 301 Euspirocrommium, Sacco , Moll. 53 Eutachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 284 Eutyctus, Semenow , Ins. 126 Exitelus, Scudder, Ins. 86 Fabrea, Henneguy, Prot. 10 Farlowella,E%ercm,a/m, Pisces(ljB89) Feanus, Bates, Ins. 100 Felicia, Rochebrune and Mabille, Moll. (1^89) 70 ■ Ficarasites, Scudder, Ins. 88 Florissantia, Scudder, Ins. 87 Forbesium, IFeed, Arachn. 15 Freilla, JDruce, Ins. 243 Fulguroficus, Sacco, Moll. 47 Fusoficula, Sacco, Moll. 47 ■ Fustigeropsis, Raffray, Ins. Ill Galeaster, Sennes, Ech. 9 Galeodocassis, Sacco, Moll. 46 Galeodosconsia. Sacco , Moll. 46 Galeolimnas, Heine, Aves 26 Gastrotheus, Casey, Ins. 308 Gaurotina, Ganglbauer, Ins. 161 Geniates, Heine, Aves 41 Gennadas, Heine, Aves 36 Gennaeochen, Heine, Aves 33 Gonyophryno, Boulenger, Rept. 25 Geoprionus, Lameere, Ins. 161 Geralycosa, Kusta, Arachn. (18*39) 18 Geranchon, Scudder , Ins. 89 Geratarbus, Scudder, Arachn. 15 Gibbaster, Sennes, Ech. 9 Gigantostylis, Freeh, Coel. 21 Gillellus, Gilbert , Pisces 23 Girtexta, Swinhoe, Ins. 260 Glaucerodius, Heine , Aves 31 Glyptaspis, JS’ewberry, Pisces 12 Glyptocera, Ragonot, Ins. 260 Glyptops, Marsh, Rept. 20 Gnomulus, Thorell , Arachn. 15 Goniodus, Newberry, Pisces 11 Goniophana, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 284 Gosfordia, Woodward, Pisces 12 Grseophonus, Scudder , Arachn. 16 Grananoxia, Brenshe, Ins. 124 Granatina, Sharpe, Aves 47 Graphelochares, Kuwert, Ins. 1 05 Grevys, Schaufuss , Ins. 79 . Gymnes, Scudder, Ins. 319 Gymnobasis, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 . Gymnoceromyia, Bigot, Ins. 279 Gymnopareia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 285 Gymnophania, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Gypsocheres, MeyricTc, Ins. 271 Habrocomes, Karsch , Ins. 316 Habromastix, Skuse, Ins. 276 Hagiopsar, Sharpe, Aves 45 Hagnometopias, Schaufuss, Ius. 80 Halcaanpoides, Danielssen , Coel. 18 Haliacris, Pfeffer , Crust. 13 , Halinertus, Heine, Aves 35 Halistylus, Ball, Moll. 56 Halmonises, von Kennel, Coel. 15 Haloikema, Bourne, Coel. 13 Halonabis, Reuter , Ins. 299 Hammapteryx, Scudder, Ins. 88 Haplaenas, Heine, Aves 25 Haplosoma, Semenow, Ins. 126 Haplosomoides, Duvivier , Ins. 171 Haplostola, Moschler, Ins. 243 Haritalodes, Warren , Ins. 261 Harmosternus, Gahan , Ins. 161 Hastatella, Erlang er, Prot. 1 1 Hectomanes, Meyrick, Ins. 237 Hectoria, Tepper, Ins. 316 Heeria. Scudder, Ins. 84 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SCBGENERA. 7 Hekaterobranchus, Buchanan, Verm. 20 Ilelgia, Vinciguerra, Pisces 30 Heliades, Ragonot, Ins. 261 Helicopsoides, Mocquard, Kept. 15 Heliocorys, Sharpe, Ayes 51 Heliodrilus, Beddard, Verm. 19 Heliophilus, Faust, Ins. 152 Heliosthraema, Reitter, Ins. 142 Helocharimorphus, Kuwert , Ins. 106 Ilelocombus, Horn, Ins. 105 Helvidia, Thor ell, Arachn. 7 Hemisegina, Bovallius, Crust. 15 Ilemicaridina, Ortmann, Crust. 13 Hemicephalis, Mdschler, Ins. 243 Hemictenodus, Jaekel , Pisces 12 Hemidiptera, Leon, Ins. 291 Hemimasicera, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 283 Hemiscopis, Warren, Ins. 261 Henecosoma, Horn, Ins. 132 Henochilus, Garman, Pisces 30 Hercodera, Gahan , Ins. 162 Hesperomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Hetairocaris, de Man, Crust. 12 Heteracanthus, Newberry , Pisces 17 Heteranaphe, Sharpe , Ins. 231 Iletereuplectus, Schaufuss, Ins. 80 lletorhyphantes, Sharpe , Aves 47 Heteromorpha, Failla-Tedaldi, Ins. 243 Ilotoronychia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 287 Ileteroplistodus, Jakowleff, Ins. 122 Iteteropsar, Sharpe, Aves 45 Hexamera, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 287 Hexarrhopala, Gahan, Ins. 162 Hippodes, Karsch, Ins. 319 Hiracospizias, Heine and Reichenow, Aves 36 Hisonotus, Eigenmann , Pisces (1^89) 23 Holcocneme, Konow, Ins. 203 Holcopneustes, Cotteau , Ech. 21 Ilolcopyge, Champion > Ins. 143 Holonema, Newberry, Pisces 12 Holophris, Mocsdry, Ins. 192 Homalostoma, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Homoeolacon, Blackburn, Ins. 133 Jlomceonychia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 287 Homoporus, Thomson, Ins. 195 Homosassa, Hulst, Ins. 261 ’ llomotherium, Fabrini, Mamra. 27 Hoplistoscelis, Reuter , Ins. 299 Hoplochaeta, Beddard, Verm. 19 Hoplocrepis, Ashmead, Ins. 199 Hoplophoria, Wilson, Coel. 19 IIoplostin6s, Blackburn, Ins. 172 Horrnathus, Gahan, Ins. 162 Hormoschista, Mdschler . Ins. 249 Huberia, For el, Ins. 189 Huddlestonia, Buckman , Moll. 28 Hyatella, Lendenfeld, Spong. (1889) 15 ^ Hydaspes, Bourgeois, Ins. 135 Hydranassa, Heine, Aves 31 Hyetoceryx, Heine, Aves 29 Hylexetastes, Sclater, Aves (18g2l) Hypargyra, Gahan, Ins. 162 Hypertricha, Meyrick , Ins. 269 Hypocbseta, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 284 Ilypocosmia, Ragonot, Ins. 261 Ilypocytis, Ortmann, Pol. 5 Hypographia, Ragonot, Ins. 261 Hypogryphia, Ragonot, Ins. 261 liypopygurus, Gauthier, Ech. 21 Hypothecla, Semper, Ins. 217 Hystrichoneura, Brauer and Ber- genstamm , Ins. 288 Ideoroncus, Balzan, Arachn. 14 Idiella, Brauer and Bergenstamm , Ins. 289 Idiopsis, Braver and Bergenstamm, Ins 289 Ilyodes, Scudder, Myr. 4 llyonetta, Heine, Aves 33 Imerina, Ragonot, Ins. 261 Imerinus, Gahan, Ins. 162 Imogala, Keyserling, Arachn. 12 Ira, Neumoegen , Ins. 226 Irregulatopora, Wentzel, Coel. 14 Ischnodactylus, Cossmann, Moll. 48 Ischnogaster, Kriechbaumer, Ins. 195 Ischnorrhabda, Ganglbauer, Ins. 162 Ischnostrangalis, Ganglbauer, Ins. 162 Ischnotoma, Skuse, Ins. 276 Ischyriodonta, Ulrich, Moll. 60 Ivensia, Bolivar, Ins. 316 Jassopsis, Scudder , Ins. 89 Joyeuxia, Topsent, Spong. 15 Jubomorphus, Raff ray, Ins. Ill Jullienella, Schlumberger, Prot. 9 Jupiteria, Scudder , Ins. 82 Jurinella, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 287 8 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Kadosactis, Danielssen , Ccel. 1G Kaliapsis, Tojmnt , Spong. 15 Kerooides, Wright and Studer , Ccel. (i m u Kodiodes, Daniels sen, Ccel. 18 Korenia, Danielssen, Coel. 16 Krugia, Moschler, Ius. 244 Kunbir, Lameere , Ins. 162 . Kunthia, Schliiter, Ccel. (1889) 19 Kustarachne, Scudder, Arachn. 16 Kylindrosactis, Danielssen, Cool. 16 Labidogyne, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 288 Labiduromma, Scudder , Ins. 91 Laccocenus, Sloane, Ins. 100 Laceryzon , Heine, Aves 44 Lacetas, Karsch, Ins. 300 Lmtilia, Bagonot, Ins. 261 Lagarodes, Karsch, Ins. 316 Lamprella, Reuter, Ins. 297 Lamprophonus, Bates, Ins. 100 Lanista, Bolivar, Ins. 316 Lanocira, Hansen, Crust. 14 Laodamia, Bagonot, Ins. 26 1 Lapethus, Casey, Ins. 115 Lasiomerus, Reuter, Ins. 299 ' Lasiona, Wulp, Ins. 281 Latirofusus, Cossmann, Moll. 44 Latzelia, Scudder, Myr. 4 Laurentia, Costa, Ins. 203 Lechria, Skuse, Ins. 276 Lechrioderus, Faust, Ins. 152 Leianophera, Moschler, Ins. 244 Leiponeura, Skuse, Ins. 276 Leonardia, Canefri, Moll. 37 Lepidocampa, Oudemans, Ins. 308 Lepidogma, Meyrick, Ins. 261 Lepidognathus, Lidth de Jeude, Kept. 15 Lepidomenia, Kowalevslcy and Marion, Moll. 58 Leptobrochus, Scudder , Ins. 90 Leptocbmta, Brauer and Bergen- stamrn , Ins. 284 Leptopelia, Heine, Aves 26 Leptostales, Moschler, Ins. 253 Leptynia, Pantel, Ins. 314 Leucochesias, Mabille, Ins. 253 Leucocraspeda, Warren, Ins. 262 Leuroglossus, Gilbert, Pisces 32 Lichenaula, Meyrick, Ins. 269 Lichenochrus, Karsch, Ins. 316 Ligymolpa, Karsch , Ins. 300 Limuohyops, Marsh, Mamm, 42 ' Limnophyes, Sclater, Aves(l^£l9) 55 Limnopsyche, Scudder, Ins. 90 Limonophila, Gumppenberg, Ins. 253 Limoxcna, Tliorell, Arachn. 6 Lingulodisciua, Whitfield, Brach. 4 Linnaea, Scudder, Ins. 85 Liocentrum, Karsch , Ins. 316 Liodaptus, Bates, Inn. 101 , Lioglossina, Gilbert, Pisces 26 ' Liopeplum, Dali, Moll. 43 Liropus, Bovallius , Crust. 15 Lispotherium, Faust, Ins. 152 Litbagrion, Scudder, Ins. 91 Lithaphis, Scudder, Ins. 89 Lithecpbora, Scudder, Ins. 88 Lithochromus, Scudder , Ins. 86 Lithocoris, Scudder, Ins. 85 Lithophysa, Scudder , Ins. 83 Lithopsyche, Scudder, Ins. 82 Lithotorus, Scudder, Ins. 81 Litobrochusx Scudder, Ins. 90 Lobibyx, Heine, Aves 29 Loborhiza, Vanhoffen , Coel. (18&9) 15 ^ ' Lochmophasis, Heine, Aves 23 Locrites, Scudder, Ins. 88 Loderus, Konow , Ins. 203 Lomatacantha, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 285 Longchampia, Kirby, Ins. 312 Lopbiomys, Deperet , Mamm. 37 Lophoditta, Moschler, Ins. 249 Lophophalaris, Heine, Aves 26 Lophopbora, Moschler, Ins. 249 Lophopleura, Ragonot , Ins. 26 2 Lophyromyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. '283 Loxogmus, Sloane , Ins. 101 Loxoscia,. Warren, Ins. 262 Lucioblennius, Gilbert, Pisces 23 Lycodapus, Gilbert, Pisces 25 Lycoptis, Casey, Ins. 118 Lygaeonematus, Konow, Ins. 203 Lygistorrhina, Skuse, Ius. 274 Lysania, Tliorell, Arachn. 9 Macgeea, Webster, Coel. 22 Machterodes, Brendel, Ins. 112 Machlostomus, Heine, Aves 41 Macrometopa, Brauer and Bergen- stamrn, Ins. 286 Macroprosopa, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Macrotheca, Ragonot, Ins. 262 Macta, Raffray, Ius. 112 Madoniactis, Danielssen , Coel. 17 Malacottus, Bean, Pisces 21 Malvina, Cameron, Ins. 200 Maneca, Nic&vi/le , Ins. 219 Mauhatta, Hu 1st , Ins. 262 Mardoella, Danielssen , Coel. 19 INDEX TO NEW QENEltA AND SUBGENERA. 9 Maricota, Hulst , Ins. 262 Marmarochelus, Desbrochers , Ins. 153 Masipoda, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 284 Matoeoschistus, Scudder, Ins. 84 Mataeus, Karsch , Ins. 316 Mazodus, Newberry , Pisces 10 Mcdusaster, Sturtz , Eoh. 22 Megalochanta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 283 Megaloco leus, Reuter, Ins. 297 Mcgataphrus, Casey , Ins. 118 Melanolarus, Heine , Aves 29 Melanonetta, Heine , Aves 33 Melinospila, Kraatz , Ins. 128 Mosides, Heine , Aves 37 Mesobrochus, Scudder, Ins. 90 Mesophyllum, Barrois , Coel. (1889) 19 ' ’ Mesoplatus, Raff ray, Ins. 112 Mesopoma, Traquair, Pisces 14 Mesostigmodera, Etheridge and OUiff, Ins. 81 Mesotrochus, Wasmann, Ins. 108 Messor, Forel, Ins. 1 90 ; Metadoticus, OUiff, Ins. 158 Metalcyonium, Ffeffer, Coel. (1,8,89) 20 Metadata, Mdschler,' Ins. 249 Metallites, Schulze, Pisces 30 Metapopneumata, Mdschler, Ins. 245 Metaprotella, Bovallius, Crust. 14 Motina, Druce, Ins. 249 Metobrium, Gahan, Ins. 163 Metoponitys, Karsdi, Ins. 302 Metoposaurus, Lydehker, Rept. 28 Metoscelis, Thorell, Arachn. 6 Microblemma, Semenov), Ins. 140 Microbracon, Ashmead, Ins. 198 Microcampa, Few Ices , Coel. (J^89) 14 Microdiplax, Selys, Ins. 312 Microferonia, Blackburn, Ins. 101 Microjulistus, Ueitter , Ins. 136 Micronematus, Konow, Ins. 203 Microniodes, Maassen, Ins. 254 Microniscus, Bollfus , Crust. 14 Micronychia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 287 Micronympha, Kirby, Ins. 312 Micropolia, Heine , Aves 26 Microphylla, Kraatz, Ins. 124 Microplana, Vejdovslcy, Verm. 21 Microstega, Meyriclc, Ins. 262 Microstictus, Hargitt, Aves 42 Mimorista, Warren , Ins. 262 Mimula, Jahowleff , Ins. 293 Mina, Ilaffray, Ins. 112 Mineola, Hulst, Ins. 262 - Minthodes, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Miopsalis, Thorell , Arachn. 15 MiPsiren, Dollo, Mamm. 50 Mitracephala, Raff ray, Ins. 112 Mitrolysis, Cope , Rept. 25 Miuroglanis, Eigenmann, Pisces (18$>J23 Mneraatidium, Ritsema, Ins. (1889) 117 ~«v Mnesixena, Meyriclc, Ins. 262 Mochlosoma, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 287 Moffatia, Moore, Ins. 232 Monomitopus, Alcoclc, Pisces 26 Monopoma, Turner etscher, Coel. 14 Monoposthia, von Linstow , Verm. (1^JL25 Monyx, Schaufuss, Ins. 79 Moodna, Hulst, Ins. 262 Morchelliopsis, Lahille, Tun. 6 Morgenia, Karsch , Ins. 316 Morimospasma, Ganglbauer, Ins. 163 Morionassa, Sacco, Moll. 46 Mormotus, Karsch, Ins. 316 Morphelaphus, Filhol, Mamm. 46 Moschleria, Mdschler, Ins. 254 Mota, Niceville, Ins. 219 Muriceides, Wright and Sluder, Coel. (1889) 22 Musoda, Karsch, Ins. 300 Myiomima, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Myiomintho, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 288 Myiopharus, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 284 Myoscalops, Thomas, Mamm. 37 Myothyria, Wulp, Ins. 282 Mystacella, Wulp, Ins. 282 Mystrorhamphus, Heme, Aves 32 Myxomygale, Filhol , Mamm. 26 Nanorchestes, Topsent and Troues- sart, Arachn. 17 Narcetes, Alcoclc , Pisces 32 Nassopsis, Smith , Moll. 45 Nastonotus, Bolivar, Ins. 316 Nauthacia, Scudder, Ins. 93 ISoarcha, Meyriclc, Ins. 254 Necrochromus, Scudder, Ins. 86 Necrocydnus, Scudder, Ins. 83 Necropsy Ua, Scudder , Ins. 89 Necrosorex, Filhol, Mamm. 26 Necygonus, Scudder, Ins. 87 Netnertodrilus, Michaelsen, Verm. 20 10 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Nemobiopsis, Bolivar , Ins. 315 Nemuroglams, Eigenmann , Pisces (im>22 NeodaTmus, Raffray, Ins. 112. Neolieteronyx, Blackburn, Ins. 124 Neolarra, Ashmead, Ins. 185 Neolepidiola, Blackburn , Ins. 124 Neolycaena, Niceville, Ins. 219 Neoptera, Widp, Ins. 282 Neospades, de Via, Kept. 16 Neothanes, Scudder , Ins. 78 Nephus, Jacoby , Ins. 173 Nesacanthis, Sharpe , Aves 48 Nesoctites, Hargitt, Aves 42 Nettalopex, Heine , Aves 33 Neurogomphus, Karsch , Ins. 312 Niasia, Jacoby , Ins. 173 Ninetis, Simon, Arachn. 8 Niteta, Weise, Ins. 178 Notasellus, Pfeffer , Crust. 13 Notera, Mabille , Ins. 254 Nothippus, Thorell , Arachn. 15 Notiomys, Thomas , Mamm. 36 Notosara, Meyriclc , Ins. 270 Nugaculus, Schaufuss , Ins. 80 Nugator, Schaufuss , Ins. 80 Nuridius, Sloane , Ins. 101 Nyctimene, Heine , Aves 37 Nyctophylax, Scudder , Ins. 87 Nymphalites, Scudder, Ins. 82 Oariopberus, Bigot, InS. 279 Obricala, Raff ray, Ins. 112 ^ Ochtarthrum, Faust, Ins. 153 Ochthera, Bergroth , Ins. 300 Ochtherus, Bergroth, Ins. 290 Ocresia, Ragonot, Ins. 262 Odonia, Bergroth , Ins. 296 Odontolimnebius, Kuwert, Ins. 106 Odontomelus, Bolivar , Ins. 319 Odontoptilum, Niceville, Ins. 222 CEnone, Meyriclc , Ins. 254 (Estrophasia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 288 Ogoas, Bruce , Ins. 250 Oikomicron, Swainson, Tun. 6 Oiiarites, Scudder, Ins. 87 Oligose^chna, Selys, Ins. 312 Omophlina, Reitter, Ins. 142 Ouychogonia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 285 Ophelosia, Riley, Ins. 200 Ophias, Ragonot, Ins. 263 Ophthalmopoue, Forel, Ins. 190 Opisopneustes, Gauthier, Ech. 21 Opisorhyssa, Kriechbaumer , . Ins. 196 Opisthedeicta, Warren, Ins. 263 Opisthodicrus, Karsch , Ins 316 Opsibotys, Warren, Ins. 263 Ornithomimus, Marsh, Kept. 17 Oronertes, Heine, Aves 35 Orphanostigma, Warren, Ins. 263 Orsinome, Thorell, Arachn. 6 Orthsea, Jacoby, Ins. 174 Ortliecbinus, Gauthier, Ech. 21 Orthochetus, Gossmann, Moll. 48 Orthomiella, Niceville, Ins. 219 Orthopleurosaurus, Lydckker, llept. 28 Orthospila, Warren , Ins. 263 Ortkriocorisa, Scudder, Ins. 84 Ortygops, Heine, Aves 26 Oryctaphis, Scudder, Ins. 89 Oryctopleura, Ragonot , Ins. 263 Othnonius, Olliff , Ins. 124 O toman tis, Bolivar, Ins. 314 Ortygonax, Heine, Aves 26 Oxyomera, Raffray, Ins. 112 ' Oxyropsis, Eigenmann, Pisces (1^9) 23 Ozaleus, Thorell, Arachn. 7 •' Pachymorphus, Mbschler, Ins. 263 Pachynematus, Konow, Ins. 203 Pachyophthalmus, Brauer and Ber- genstamm , Ins. 286 Pachytomella, Reuter , Ins. 298 Paectira, Karsch, Ins. 300 Paladicella, Scudder, Ins. 90 Palaeocervus, Filhol, Mamm. 46 Palaeochrysa, Scudder, Ins. 90 Palaeolycus, Etheridge and Olliff, Ius. 81 Palaeoniscinotus, Rohon, Pisces 14 Palseosilpha, F/ach, Ius. 80 Palaeospondylus, Traquair , Pisces 17 Palaeostella, Stiirtz, Ech. 22 Palasovelia, Scudder, Ins. 87 Palaphrodes, Scudder , Ins. 88 Palenarthrus, Scudder , Myr. 4 Paliinbolus, Raffray, Ins. 112 Palmitia, Ragonot, Ins. 263 Pammiges, Schaufuss, Ins. 80 .Panaque, Eigenmann , Pisces (1430) 23 Paniasis, Bruce, Ins. 230 Pautecphylus, Karsch, Ins. 316 Pantobatrisus, Schaufuss, Ins. 80 Paophilus, Faust, Ins. 154 Parabuthus, Pocock , Arachn. 13 Paracaprella, Borallius, Crust. 15 Paracymoriza, Warren, Ins: 263 Paracymorphus, Kuwert, Ins. 106 Paradentella, B&vallius-, Crust. 14 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 11 Paradicrolene, Alcock, Pisces 26 Pararloxodon, Filhol, Mamm. 46 Paradoxomys, Ameghino , Mamm. (1889) 33 Paraaoxosoma, Baday, Myr. 3 Paraerynnia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 284 Paraexorista, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 283 Paragymnopternus, Bigot, Ins. 279 Paraisothricha, Fiorentini, Prot. 11 Paralophosia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 288 Paramacronychia, Brauer and Ber- genstamm, Ins. 286 Paramenia, Brauer and Bergeti- stamm, Ins. 289 Paranephthya, Wright and Studer , Ccel. Q§£9) 20 Parauotus, Karsch , Ins. 302 Parantipathes, BrooJc, Coel. p.8)39) Paraphania, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Parapbellia, Haddon, Coel. (1889) 16 ^ ■ Paraphorocera, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 284 Paraprosena, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 287 Parasamera, Warren, Ins. 263 Parascombrops, Alcock, Pisces, 18 Parasopia, Mdschler, Ins. 263 Parastrangalis, Ganglbauer, Ins. 3.63 Paratalanta, Meyriclc , Ins. 263 Paraxia, Mdschler, Ins. 230 Parazygops, Desbrochers, Ins. 164 Pardomima, Warren, Ins. 263 Paresuris, Reuter, Ins. 296 Parnia, Mabille, Ins. 235 Parnoides, Kuwert, Ins. 120 Parnopis, Heine, Aves 32 Parodarmistus, Scudder , Ins. 84 Paroneirodes, Alcock, Pisces 20 Paropioxys, Karsch , Ins. 302 Paropsocus, Scudder, Ins. 91 Parotocinclus, Eigenmann, Pisces (1889) 23 Parvipalpus, BovaUius, Crust. 11 Parymenopus, Wood-Mason , Ins. 314 Patranus, Raff ray, Ins. 112 Pavieia, Brogniart , Ins. 163 Paxilloides, Kuwert, Ius. 121 Pectunculopsis, Ebert, Moll. 60 Pediuopsis, Raff ray. Ins. 112 Pelasgis, Ragonot, Ins. 263 Pelecphora, Scudder, Ius. 88 ' Pelmatomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 283 Peloropeodes, Wheeler, Ins. 279 Pelturagonia, Mocquard, Kept. 9 Pemelus, Horn, Ins. 106 Pemptolasius, Gahan, Ins. 163 Penestola, Mdschler, Ins. 264 Pentagonolepis, Lohest, Pisces 17 Pentamyia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 283 Pentathemis, Karsch , Ins. 312 Pentatomites, Scudder, Ins. 84 Penthesilea, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Penthetriopsis, Sharpe , Aves 46 Perama, Thorell , Arachn. 8 Perigonica, Smith, Ins. 246 Periphima, Jalcowleff , Ins. 294 Perissectis, Meyriclc, Ins. 237 Perseis, Ragonot, Ins. 264 Peru via, Scudder , Ins. 319 Petalodontia, Pocta , Moll. 63 Pexicnemidia, Mb chler, Ins. 270 Pexopsis, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 283 Peyritscbia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 286 Phacelias, Heine, Aves 59 Phacelodomus, Sclater, Aves 63 Pbaedolus, Karsch , Ins. 302 Phaedropsis, Warren, Ins. 264 Phaenobolus, Horn. Ins. 132 Phaenotypus, Horn , Ins. 106 Phalespoides, Raffray , Ins. 112 Pbaneropus, Simroth, Moll. 32 Pbanerotis, Boulenger, Kept. 25 Phaniomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Phasiopteryx, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 288 Pbassa, Heine , Aves 25 Phialodoris, Bergh, Moll. 39 Philanthocephalus, Cameron , Ins. 186 Philoganga, Kirby , Ins. 312 Philomastix, Froggatt. Ins. 203 Philornis, Meinert, Ins. 282 Pblyctaenius, Traquair, Pisces 13 Pblyctaina, Mdschler, Ins. 250 Phola, Weise, Ins. 174 Pbrudopamera, Scudder, Ins. 85 Phteguomus, Raffray, Ins. 112 Phthinocoris, Scudder, Ins. 84 Phthonerodes, Meyriclc, Ins. 270 Phtborimus, Thomson, Ins. 197 Phylliocephala, Blackburn, Ins. 126 Phyllorhynchus, Stejneger, Rept. 14 Pbylomictis, Meyrick, Ins. 270 12 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Phymatopsis, Skuse, Ins. 277 Physa, Raff ray, Ins. 112 - Phyxioschema, Simon , Arachn. .am) i3 Pichipuus, Ameghino , Maram, 51 Piezocoris, Scudder , Ins. 81 Pilostibes, Meyrick , Ins. 270 Pinacophyllum, Freeh , Coel. 21 Pionites, Heine , Aves 41 Pirantillus, Bates , Ins. 102 Piras, Champion, Ins. 146 ' Pisynolymnas, Heine , Aves 26 r Placogorgia, Wright and Studer , Coel. (1£89) 22 Plagiopsis, %tBrauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 287 Planismus, Casey , Ins. 118 Platagrotis, Smith , Ins. 246 Platycaulos, Wright and Studer , Coel. 23 Platyoposaurus, Lydekker , Rept. 28 Platyphasia, Skuse, Ins. 277 Platypholis, Boulenger , Rept. 8 Piatyporus, Reuter , Ins. 298 Plectobranchus, Gilbert , Pisces 23 Plectophila, Meyrick , Ins. 270 Plectroperdix, Heine , Aves 24 Plectroscapus, Gahan, Ins. 164 Plerophyllum, Freeh , Coel. 22 Pleurasympieza, Moschler , Ins. 246 " Pleurophysa, Fewlces , Coel. 15 Pleuroprucha, Moschler , Ins. 254 Pleuroptya, Meyrick , Ins. 264 Plexauroides, JPW 73 „ . . . . (1869-72) .... 10 4 0 .... 13 12 0 Vol. VIII., „ 82 „ .... (1872-74) .... 9 8 3 .... 12 11 0 Vol. IX., „ 99 „ . . . . (1875-77) .... 12 1 6 .... 16 2 0 Vol. X., „ 95 „ .... (1877-79) .... 10 0 3 .... 13 7 0 Index, Vols. I.-X (1833-79) .... 0 7 6 .... 0 10 0 Vol. XI., containing 97 Plates . . (1880-85) .... 9 12 0 .... 12 16 0 Vol. XII., „ 65 „ (1886-90) ..... 5 8 0 .... 7 4 0 Vol. XIII., Pt.l „ 6 „ .. (Jan. 1891).... 0 15 9 .... 1 1 0 yy yy Pt.2 „ 6 „ .. (Apr. 1891).... 0 15 9 .... 1 1 0 yy yy Pt.3 „ 6 „ .. (Oct. 1891).... 0 18 0 .... 1 4 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE OF SCIENCE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8vo. 2 vols. Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. Part I. 1830-31. I vol. 8vo . ... 4s. 6d. .. 6s. t „ II. 1832. „ 4 s.6d. . . 6s. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8vo. 15 vols. and Index. (First Series.) Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. Price to Price to the Fellows. Public Part I. 1833. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6d. . . 6s.f Part IX. 1841. 1 vol.8vo. 4s. 6d. . . 6s. f II. 1834. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. „ x. 1842; yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. III. 1835. yy 4s. 6 d. . . 6s. „ XI. 1843. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. f IV. 1836 yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. „ XII. 1844. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. V. 1837. y y 4s. 6d. . . 6s. „ XIII. 1845. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. VI. 1838. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. „ XIV. 1846. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s.t VII. 1839. yy 4 s. 6c?. . . 6s. f „ XV. 1847. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. t VIII. 1840. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. f Index 1830- -1847. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. 8vo. 13 vols. and Index. (Second Series.] Letterpress only. With Plates coloured. Part Price to Price to the , • i Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. Fellows. Public. • i ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. t XVI. 1848. 1 vol. 8vo. 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 0 8 .. 1 7 6t XVII. 1819. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. .... .... 1 0 8 .. 1 7 6f XVIII. 1850. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 8 6 .. 1 18 Of XIX. 1851. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 0 15 9 .. 1 1 ot XX. 1852. yy 4s. 6d. 6s .... 0 15 9 .. 1 1 Of XXI. 1853. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 0 18 0 .. 1 4 0 XXII. 1854. yy 4s. 6d. 6s ' .... 0 19 6 .. 1 6 Of XXIII. 1855. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 8 6 .. 1 18 Of XXIV. 1856. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 0 8 .. 1 7 6f XXV. 1857. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 0 8 .. 1 7 6+ XXVI. 1858. yy 4s. 6rf. . . 6s .... 1 11 6 .. 2 2 Of XXVII. 1859. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 11 6 2 2 Of XXVI 11. 1860. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s .... 1 11 6 ! . 2 2 0*| lex 1848-1860. yy 4 s. 6d. . . 6s. * Ko perfect copies in stock. t Out of print. 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Letterpress only. With Plates uncolourecl. With Plates coloured. Price to Price to the Price to Price to the Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. Fellows. Public. Fellows. Public. 1861 . 4s. 6d. . . .. 6s. ... ... 9s. ... 12s. .... .. 33s. 9c?. .... 45s. 1862 . 4s. 6c?. . . . . 6s. ... ...9s. . . . 12s .... 45s.f 1863 . 4s. 6d. . . . . 6s. ... ...9s. ... 12s .... 45s. 1864 . 4s. 6d. .. . . 6s*... ...9s. ... 12s.t.... 1865 . 4s. 6c?. . . . 6s. . . . ...9s. .... 12s . . 33s. 9c?. .... 45s. 1866 . 4s. 6d. . .. 6s*... ...9s. ... 12s.f . . . . .. 33s. 9c?. 1867. ...9s. ... 12s.*.... .... 45s. 1868 . ...9s. . ... 12s .... 45s 1869. ... 9s. . ... 12s .... 45s. 18/0. ... 9s. . ... 12s .. 33s. 9c?. .... 45s. Index, 1861-1870 ... 4s. 6c?. . . . . 6s. 1871 . ... 9s. . ... 1 2s.* . . . . . . 33s. 9c?. .... 45s. 1872 . ... 9s. . ... 12s.*.... .... 45s. 1873 . .... 12s .... 45s. t 1874 . . ... 12s.f . . . . ... 36s. .... 48s.t 1875 . . ... 9s. . ... 12s. ... ... 36s. .... 48s. 1H7<) . .... 9s. .... 12s. ... .... 48s.t 1877 . .... 12s. ... .... 48s. 1878 . . ... 9s. .... 12s. ... . .. 36s. .... 48s. 1879 . . ... 9s. .... 12s. .;. ... 36s. .... 48s. 1880 . . ... 9s. .... 12s. ... ... 36s. .... 48s. Index, 1871-1880 # , . . . . 4s. 6d. .... 6s. 1881 .... 9s. 12s. ... 48s * 1882. .... 12s. ... ... 36s. .... 48s. 1883 . .... 9s. .... 12s. ... . .. 36s. .... 48s. 1884 12s. . . . . . . 36s. .... 48s. 1885 . .... 9s. .... 12s. ... . . . 36s. .... 48s* 1886 . .... 9s. .... 12s. ... .... 48s.t 1887 . .... 9s. .... 12s. ... .... 48s.t 1888 . 1889 . .9s. 12s. . . . . . . 36s. 48s. .... 9s. .... 12s. ... ... 36s. .... 48s. 1890 . .... 12s. ... ... 36s. .... 48s. * No perfect copies in stock. t Out of print. PROCEEDINGS of the GENERAL MEETINGS for SCIENTIFIC BUSINESS of the ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. 9s. 0 d 1 2s. 9s. 0 d 12s. 9s. 0 c? 12s. LISTS OF THE ANIMALS IN THE SOCIETY’S GARDENS. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (First Edition.) 8vo. 1862. Price Is. 6c?. List of Yertebratcd Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Second Edition.) 8vo. 1863. Price Is. 6c?. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Third Edition.) 8vo. 1865. Price Is. 6c?. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Fourth Edition.) 8vo. 1866. Price Is. 6c?. 1891, part 1 (Jan. & Feb.) 1891, „ 2 (Mar. & Apr.) 1891, „ 3 (May & June) 4 Revised List of the Verteb rated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Fifth Edition.) 8vo. 1872. Price 2s. Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. — Supplement, containing Additions received in 1872, 1873, and 1874. 8vo. 1875. Price Is. List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Sixth Edition.) Cloth. 8vo. 1877. Price 3s. Qd. List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Seventh Edition.) Cloth. 8vo. 1879. Price 3s. 6cL List of the Vertobratod Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. — First Supplement, con- taining Additions received in 1879. 8vo. 1880. Price Is. 6d. List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Eighth Edition.) Cloth, 8vo. 1883. Price 3s. 6cL The Zoological Record. The Zoological Record for the years 1864-1885. Twenty-two volumes. Price £5 10s. The Zoological Record for 1886 ; being Volume the Twenty-third of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. Cloth, 8vo. 1887. Price 10s., Net. The Zoological Record for 1887 ; being Volume the Twenty-fourth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. Cloth, 8vo. 1888. Price 10s., Net. The Zoological Record for 1888; being Volume the Twenty-fifth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. Cloth, 8vo. 1890. Price 10s., Net. The Zoological Record for 1889, being Volume tho Twenty-sixth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to tho Zoological Society of London. Cloth, 8vo. 1890. Price 30s. The Zoological Record for 1890, being Volume the Twent)'-seventh of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. Cloth, 8vo. 1892. Price 30s. Catalogue of the Library of the Zoological Society of London. (Fourth Edition.) Cloth, 8vo. 1887. Price 4s. These publications may be obtained pt the Society’s Office (3 mover Square , Tfr.), at Messrs. 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